UNIVERSITY OF ASfRONOMY UBRARV JEr %i bris L5 BR AR Y OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY FACiFJC 241 H YDEOD YN AMIC S . Sonton: C. J. CLAY AND SONS, CAMBRIDGE UNIVEKSITY PEESS WAREHOUSE, AVE MARIA LANE. ©laggoto: 263, ARGYLE STREET. ILetpjig : F. A. BROCKHAUS. fo lorfc : MACMILLAN AND CO. HYDRODYNAMICS BY HORACE LAMB, M.A., F.R.S. PBOFESSOB OF MATHEMATICS IN THE OWENS COLLEGE, VICTORIA UNIVERSITY, MANCHESTER ; FORMERLY FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. CAMBRIDGE : AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 1895 [All Rights reserved.] ASffiONOMY LIBRARY Cambridge: PRINTED BY J. & C. F. CLAY, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. ASTRONOMY PREFACE. rilHIS book may be regarded as a second edition of a " Treatise -•- on the Mathematical Theory of the Motion of Fluids," published in 1879, but the additions and alterations are so ex tensive that it has been thought proper to make a change in the title. I have attempted to frame a connected account of the principal theorems and methods of the science, and of such of the more important applications as admit of being presented within a moderate compass. It is hoped that all investigations of funda mental importance will be found to have been given with sufficient detail, but in matters of secondary or illustrative interest I have often condensed the argument, or merely stated results, leaving the full working out to the reader. In making a selection of the subjects to be treated I have been guided by considerations of physical interest. Long analytical investigations, leading to results which cannot be interpreted, have as far as possible been avoided. Considerable but, it is hoped, not excessive space has been devoted to the theory of waves of various kinds, and to the subject of viscosity. On the other hand, some readers may be disappointed to find that the theory of isolated vortices is still given much in the form in which it was. left by the earlier researches of von Helrnholtz and Lord Kelvin, and that little reference is made to the subsequent investigations of J. J. Thomson, W. M. Hicks, and others, in this field. The omission has been made with reluctance, and can be justified only on the ground that the investigations in question L. b M6772O1 VI PREFACE. derive most of their interest from their bearing on kinetic theories of matter, which seem to lie outside the province of a treatise like the present. I have ventured, in one important particular, to make a serious innovation in the established notation of the subject, by reversing the sign of the velocity -potential. This step has been taken not without hesitation, and was only finally decided upon when I found that it had the countenance of friends whose judgment I could trust ; but the physical interpretation of the function, and the far-reaching analogy with the magnetic potential, are both so much improved by the change that its adoption appeared to be, sooner or later, inevitable. I have endeavoured, throughout the book, to attribute to their proper authors the more important steps in the development of the subject. That this is not always an easy matter is shewn by the fact that it has occasionally been found necessary to modify references given in the former treatise, and generally accepted as correct. I trust, therefore, that any errors of ascription which remain will be viewed with indulgence. It may be well, moreover, to warn the reader, once for all, that I have allowed myself a free hand in dealing with the materials at my disposal, and that the reference in the footnote must not always be taken to imply that the method of the original author has been closely followed in the text. I will confess, indeed, that my ambition has been not merely to produce a text-book giving a faithful record of the present state of the science, with its achievements and its imperfections, but, if possible, to carry it a step further here and there, and at all events by the due coordina tion of results already obtained to lighten in some degree the labours of future investigators. I shall be glad if I have at least succeeded in conveying to my readers some of the fascination which the subject has exerted on so long a line of distinguished writers. In the present subject, perhaps more than in any other depart ment of mathematical physics, there is room for Poinsot's warning PREFACE. Vll " Gardens nous de croire qu'une science soit faite quand on 1'a reduite a des formules analytiques." I have endeavoured to make the analytical results as intelligible as possible, by numerical illustrations, which it is hoped will be found correct, and by the insertion of a number of diagrams of stream-lines and other curves, drawn to scale, and reduced by photography. Some of these cases have, of course, been figured by previous writers, but many are new, and in every instance the curves have been calculated and drawn independently for the purposes of this work. I am much indebted to various friends who have kindly taken an interest in the book, and have helped in various ways, but who would not care to be specially named. I cannot refrain, however, from expressing my obligations to those who have shared in the tedious labour of reading the proof sheets. Mr H. M. Taylor has increased the debt I was under in respect of the former treatise by giving me the benefit, so long as he was able, of his vigilant criticism. On his enforced retirement his place was kindly taken by Mr R. F. Gwyther, whose care has enabled me to correct many errors. Mr J. Larmor has read the book throughout, and has freely placed his great knowledge of the subject at my disposal ; I owe to him many valuable suggestions. Finally, I have had the advantage, in the revision of the last chapter, of Mr A. E. H. Love's special acquaintance with the problems there treated. Notwithstanding so much friendly help I cannot hope to have escaped numerous errors, in addition to the few which have been detected. I shall esteem myself fortunate if those which remain should prove to relate merely to points of detail and not of principle. In any case I shall be glad to have my attention called to them. HORACE LAMB. May, 1895. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. THE EQUATIONS OF MOTION. ART. PAGE I, 2. Fundamental property of a fluid . . . . . . 1 3-8. 'Eulerian' form of the equations of motion. Dynamical equations, equation of continuity . . . . . 3 9. Physical equations . . 7 10. Surface-conditions . . . . . . . . . 8 II. Equation of energy . . . .10 12. Impulsive generation of motion . . . ' . . . 12 13, 14. 'Lagrangian' forms of the dynamical equations, and of the equation of continuity 14 15. Weber's Transformation . . 15 16, 17. Extension of the Lagrangian notation. Comparison of the two forms . 16 CHAPTER II. INTEGRATION OF THE EQUATIONS IN SPECIAL CASES. 18. Velocity-potential. Lagrange's theorem 18 19, 20. Physical meaning of <£. Geometrical properties . . .19 21. Integration of the equations when a velocity-potential exists ; pressure-equation . . . . . . . .21 22-24. Steady motion. Deduction of the pressure-equation from the principle of energy. Limit to the velocity . . 22 25. Efflux of liquids ; vena contracta 26 26. Efflux of gases 28 27-30. Examples of rotating fluid : uniform rotation ; Kankine's ' com bined vortex ' ; electro-magnetic rotation .... 29 CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. IRROTATIONAL MOTION. ART. PAGE 31. Analysis of the motion of a fluid element .... 33 32, 33. ' Flow ' and « Circulation.' Stokes' Theorem .... 35 34. Constancy of circulation in a moving circuit . . . .38 35, 36. Irrotational motion in simply-connected spaces ; <£ single- valued 39 37-39. Case of an incompressible fluid ; tubes of flow. <£ cannot be a maximum or minimum. Mean value of 0 over a spherical surface . .40 40, 41. Conditions of determinateness of . . . . .44 42-46. Green's theorem. Dynamical interpretation. Formula for kinetic energy. Lord Kelvin's theorem of minimum energy. . . . . . . . ^ . . . 47 47-51. Multiply-connected regions. Irrotational motion ; cyclic constants .......... 53 52. Conditions of determinateness for the motion of an incom pressible fluid in a cyclic region 58 53-55. Lord Kelvin's extension of Green's theorem ; dynamical in terpretation. Energy of an irrotationally moving liquid in a cyclic space 60 56-58. ' Sources ' and ' sinks.' Double-sources. Surface-distributions of simple and double sources ...... 63 CHAPTER IV. MOTION OF A LIQUID IN TWO DIMENSIONS. 59. Stream-function. . . . . ... . .69 60, 61. Irrotational motion. Kinetic energy . . . . .71 62. Connection with the theory of the complex variable. Con jugate functions . . .73 63, 64. Simple types of motion, acyclic and cyclic .... 78 65. Inverse formulae. Examples . . . . . . .81 67-70. General formulae ; Fourier's method. Motion of a cylinder, without and with circulation of the fluid round it . 84 71. Inverse methods. Motion due to translation of a solid. Elliptic cylinder. Flow past an oblique lamina ; couple- resultant of fluid pressures 91 72. Motion due to a rotating solid. Rotating prismatic vessel ; cases where the section is an ellipse, a triangle, or a circular sector. Rotating elliptic cylinder in infinite liquid 95 CONTENTS. XI ART. 73-80. 81. Discontinuous motions. Investigations of von Helmholtz and Kiruhlioft*. Applications to Borda's mouth-piece, the vena contracta, the impact of a stream on a lamina. , Bobyleff's problem ....... Flow in a curved stratum . 100 114 CHAPTER V. IRROTATIONAL MOTION OF A LIQUID: PROBLEMS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. 82,83. Spherical harmonics ; Maxwell's theory ; poles. . . 117 84. Transformation of the equation v20 = 0to polar coordinates. 120 85, 86. Zonal harmonics. Hypergeometric series. Legendre's functions. Velocity-potential of a double-source. Functions of the second kind . . . . .121 87. Tesseral and sectorial harmonics . . . . . 125 88. Conjugate property of surface harmonics ; expansions . 127 89. 90. Hydrodynamical applications. Impulsive pressure over a sphere. Prescribed normal velocity over a sphere. Energy 127 91, 92. Motion of a sphere in an infinite liquid. The effect of the fluid is on the inertia of the sphere. Sphere in a liquid with a concentric spherical boundary . 130 93-96. Stokes' stream-function. General formula) for stream- function. Stream-lines of a sphere. Image of double- source in a sphere. Rankine's method . . .133 97, 98. Motion of two spheres in a liquid ; kinematic formulae . 139 99. Sphere in cyclic region 143 100-103. Ellipsoidal harmonics for ovary ellipsoid. Motion of a liquid due to an ovary ellipsoid (translation and rotation) 145 104-106. Ellipsoidal harmonics for planetary ellipsoid. Flow through a circular aperture. Motion of fluid due to a planet ary ellipsoid (translation and rotation). Stream-lines of a circular disk . . . . . . . .150 107. Motion of fluid in ellipsoidal case (unequal axes) . . 155 108. General expression of v20 = 0 in orthogonal coordinates . 156 109. Confocal quadrics ; ellipsoidal coordinates .... 158 110-112. Motion of fluid due to a varying ellipsoidal boundary . 159 Flow through an elliptic aperture. Translation and rota tion of an ellipsoid. 113. References to other researches . 166 Xll CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. ON THE MOTION OF SOLIDS THROUGH A LIQUID: DYNAMICAL THEORY. ART. PAGE 114, 115. Determination of <£ for the acyclic motion due to a single solid in an infinite liquid ; kinematical formulae . 167 116. Theory of the ' impulse ' 169 117-120. Dynamical equations relative to moving axes. Expression for the energy; coefficients of inertia. Formulae for 'impulse.' Reciprocal formulae. Impulsive pressures of fluid on solid . 170 121. Equations of motion. Components of fluid pressure on moving solid. Three directions of permanent transla tion. Stability . . .. »/ . > . -^ . ., 176 122. Steady motions. Case where the 'impulse' reduces to a couple ....•; . . . . . . 178 123. Simplification of the expression for the energy in certain cases . . . 181 124-126. Motion of a solid of revolution with its axis in one plane ; stability. Stability increased by rotation about axis. Steady motion of a solid of revolution . . .184 127. Motion of an 'isotropic helicoid' 191 128. Motion of a hollow body filled with liquid . . .192 129-131. Motion of a perforated solid, when there is cyclic motion through the apertures. Meaning of 'impulse' in this case. Steady motion of a ring ; stability . . 192 132, 133. Equations of motion in generalized coordinates; Hamil- tonian principle. Derivation of Lagrange's equations 197 134. Application to Hydrodynamics 201 135, 136. Motion of a sphere near a plane boundary. Motion of two spheres in the line of centres .... 205 137. Modification of Lagrange's equations in the case of cyclic motion 207 138, 139. Alternative investigation ; flux-coordinates. Equations of motion of a 'gyrostatic system' 211 140. Motion of a sphere in a cyclic region . . . .217 141. Pressures on solids held at rest. Cases of thin cores, and tubes. Comparison with electro-magnetic pheno mena 218 CONTENTS. Xlll CHAPTER VII. VORTEX MOTION. ART. PAGE 142. ' Vortex-lines ' and ' vortex- filaments '; kinematical proper ties 222 143. Persistence of vortices 224 144-146. Conditions of determinateness of vortex-motion. Deter mination of motion in terms of expansion and rotation. Electro-magnetic analogy 227 147, 148. Case of a single isolated vortex. Velocity-potential due to a vortex . 231 149. 'Vortex-sheets' 234 150-153. 'Impulse' and energy of a vortex system. . . . 236 154, 155. Rectilinear vortices. Special Problems .... 243 156. Vortex- pair; 'impulse' and energy. Kirchhoff's form of the theory .248 157,158. Stability of a cylindrical vortex. Kirchhoff's elliptic vortex 250 159. Vortices in a curved stratum of fluid . . . . 253 160,161. Circular vortices; energy and 'impulse.' Stream-function 254 162. Isolated vortex-ring. Stream-lines. Velocity of transla tion 257 163. Mutual influence of vortex-rings. Image of a vortex in a sphere 260 164. General conditions for steady motion of a fluid. Examples. Hill's spherical vortex . . . . . . .262 CHAPTER VIII. TIDAL WAVES. 165. Introduction. Recapitulation of the general theory of small oscillations 266 166-170. Waves in canal of uniform section. Equations of motion. Integration and interpretation. Wave- velocity. Mo tion in terms of initial circumstances. Physical meaning of the various approximations . . .271 171. Energy of a wave-system. In progressive waves it is half potential and half kinetic 278 172. Artifice of steady motion 279 173. Superposition of waves. Reflection 280 174-176. Effect of disturbing forces. Free and forced oscillations in a canal of finite length . . . . . .281 177. Canal theory of the tides. Disturbing potential . . 286 XIV CONTENTS. ART. PAGE 178, 179. Tides in equatorial canal, and in a canal parallel to equator ; semi-diurnal tides . . . . . . 287 180. Canal coincident with a meridian ; change of mean level ; fortnightly tide 290 181, 182. Waves in a canal of variable section. General laws of Green and Lord Rayleigh. Problems of simple- harmonic oscillations in a variable canal. Exaggera tion of tides in shallow seas and estuaries . . 291 183, 184. Waves of finite amplitude. Change of type. Tides of the second order 297 185. Wave-propagation in two horizontal dimensions. Equa tions of motion and of continuity .... 301 186. Oscillations of a rectangular sheet of water . . . 303 187. 188. Circular sheet of uniform depth ; free and forced oscilla tions ; Bessel's Functions 304 189. Circular sheet of variable depth . . . . . 312 190-193. Sheet of water covering a symmetrical globe ; free and forced oscillations. Effect of the mutual attraction of the particles of water. Case of an ocean limited by meridians or parallels ; transition to plane pro blem 314 194-198. Equations of motion relative to rotating axes. Adaptation to case of infinitely small relative motions. Free oscillations ; ' ordinary ' and * secular ' stability. Forced oscillations . . . . . . . . .322 199, 200. Application to Hydrodynamics. Tidal oscillations of a rotating sheet of water. Plane sheet of water ; general equations . . . . . . . .331 201-205. Examples : long straight canal ; circular sheet ; circular basin of variable depth 334 206-208. Tidal oscillations on a rotating globe. General equations. Case of small ellipticity. Adaptation to simple- harmonic motion 343 209-211. Tides of long period. Integration of the equations. Numerical results 348 212. Diurnal tides. Evanescence of diurnal tide in a^spherical ocean of uniform depth . . . . . 355 213, 214. Semi-diurnal tides. Special law of depth. Laplace's solution for uniform depth ; numerical results . . 356 215. Stability of the ocean 362 APPENDIX : On Tide-generating Forces 364 CONTENTS. XV CHAPTER IX. SURFACE WAVES. ART. 1'AOE 216. Statement of problem. Surface- conditions . . . 370 217. Application to canal of unlimited length. Standing waves. Motion of particles . . . . • -.-.-• .« 372 218. Progressive waves. Wave- velocity. Elliptic orbits of particles. Numerical tables. . . . . . 374 219. Energy of wave-system . . . . . . . 378 220. General solution in terms of initial circumstances . . 379 221. Group-velocity. Wave-resistance ^ , . . . 381 222. Artifice of steady motion. Stationary undulations . . 384 223-225. Oscillations of the common surface of two liquids, or of two currents. Instability .. 385 226-229. Surface disturbance of a stream. Effect of a simple- harmonic application of pressure. Effect of a line of pressure. Effect of a pressure-point. Ship-waves. Case of finite depth 393 230. Effect of inequalities in the bed of a stream . . . 407 231-235. Waves of finite amplitude. Stokes' wave of permanent type. Momentum. Gerstner's rotational waves. Solitary wave. Connection with general dynamical theory . . . . . . . . . 409 236. Standing waves in limited masses of water. Case of uniform depth . . . « . . . . 424 237, 238. Standing waves with variable depth. Oscillations across a canal of triangular section. Approximate determina tion of longest period for the case of semicircular section 426 239, 240. General theory of waves in uniform canal. Special pro blems ; triangular section 429 241-243. Gravitational oscillations of a liquid globe. Method of energy. Ocean of uniform depth .... 436 244. Capillarity; surface-condition . . . . » • 442 245. Capillary waves on the common surface of two liquids . 443 246. 247. Waves due to joint action of gravity and cohesion. Mini mum wave-velocity. Group-velocity. Waves on the common boundary of two currents ; stability . . 445 248-250. Surface disturbance of a stream. Simple-harmonic dis tribution of pressure. Effect of a local pressure. Waves and ripples. Fish-line problem . . . 450 251, 252. Vibrations of a cylindrical jet. Instability of a jet for varicose disturbance 457 253. Vibrations of a spherical globule, and of a bubble . . 461 XVI CONTENTS. CHAPTER X. WAVES OF EXPANSION. ART. PAGE 254. Coefficient of cubic elasticity 464 255-258. Plane waves. Velocity of sound in liquids and gases ; Laplace's theory. Energy of plane waves . . . 464 259-262. Waves of finite amplitude. Condition for permanency of type. Change of type in progressive waves. In vestigations of Riemann, Earnshaw, and Rankine. Question as to the possibility of waves of discon tinuity . . . 470 263, 264. Spherical waves. Determination of motion in terms of initial conditions 477 265. General equation of sound-waves. Poisson's integral . 480 266. Simple-harmonic vibrations. Case of symmetry ; radial vibrations in a spherical envelope ; simple source of sound 483 267-270. General solution in spherical harmonics. Vibrations of air in spherical envelope. Waves in a spherical sheet of air. Waves propagated outwards from a spherical surface. Ball-pendulum ; correction for inertia, and dissipation-coefficient 484 271, 272. Isothermal oscillations of an atmosphere of variable density. Plane waves . . . . . . .491 273, 274. Atmospheric tides. References to further researches . 494 CHAPTER XI. VISCOSITY. 275, 276. General theory of dissipative forces. One degree of free dom. Periodic imposed force. Retardation or accele ration of phase 496 277. Application to tides in equatorial canal. Tidal friction . 499 278, 279. General theory resumed. Several degrees of freedom. Frictional and gyrostatic terms. Dissipation-function. Oscillations of a dissipative system about a con figuration of absolute equilibrium .... 503 280. Effect of gyrostatic terms. Two degrees of freedom ; disturbance of long period ...... 506 281-283. Viscosity of fluids. Specification of stress. Formulae of transformation 508 CONTENTS. XV11 ART. PAGE 284. Hypothesis that the stresses are linear functions of the rates of strain. Coefficient of viscosity . . . 511 285. Boundary conditions. Question as to slipping of a fluid over a solid 514 286. General equations of motion of a viscous fluid. Inter pretation 'j ;. 514 287. Dissipation of energy by viscosity. Expressions for the dissipation-function 517 288-290. Problems of steady motion. Flow of a viscous liquid through a crevice, and through a tube of circular section ; Poiseuille's laws. Question as to slipping. Eesults for other forms of section . . . . . 519 291, 292. Steady rotation of a cylinder. Rotation of a sphere . 523 293-295. Motion of a viscous fluid when inertia is neglected. General solution in spherical harmonics. Steady motion of a sphere ; resistance ; terminal velocity. Limitations to the solution . . . . . . 526 296. Steady motion of an ellipsoid . . . \. . . 534 297. General theorems of von Helmholtz and Korteweg . . 536 298-300. Periodic laminar motion. Oscillating plane. Periodic tidal force 538 301, 302. Effect of viscosity on water-waves. Method of dissipation- function. Direct method 544 303. Effect of surface-forces. Generation and maintenance of waves by wind . . . . . . . . 549 304. Calming effect of oil on water-waves ..... 552 305-309. Periodic motion with a spherical boundary. General solution in spherical harmonics. Applications. Decay of motion in a spherical vessel. Torsional oscillations of a shell containing liquid. Effect of viscosity on the vibrations of a liquid globe. Torsional oscillations of a sphere surrounded by liquid. Oscillations of a ball-pendulum ........ 555 310. Effect of viscosity on sound-waves ..... 570 311-312. Instability of linear flow when the velocities exceed certain limits. Law of resistance in pipes. Reynolds' ex periments. Skin-resistance of ships. References to theoretical investigations 572 XV111 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XII. EQUILIBRIUM OF ROTATING MASSES OF LIQUID. ART. PAGE 313-316. Formulae relating to attraction of ellipsoids. Maclaurin's and Jacobi's ellipsoids. References to other forms of equilibrium . 580 31 7. Motion of a liquid mass with a varying ellipsoidal surface. Finite oscillations about the spherical form. Case of rotation ......... 589 318. Various problems relating to the motion of a liquid ellipsoid with invariable axes 592 319. 320. Ordinary and Secular stability. Stability of Maclaurin's ellipsoid. References 594 LIST OF AUTHORS CITED 599 INDEX 602 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. Page 109, equation (10). Lord Kelvin maintains that the type of motion here contemplated, with a surface of discontinuity, and a mass of ' dead water ' in the rear of the lamina, has no resemblance to anything which occurs in actual fluids ; and that the only legitimate application of the methods of von Helmholtz and Kirchhoff is to the case of free surfaces, as of a jet. Nature, 1. 1. , pp. 524, 549, 573, 597 (1894). Page 111, line 20, for a = 0 read a = 90°. ,, 132, equation (4), dele u2. ,, 156, equation (3), footnote. The author is informed that this solution was current in Cambridge at a somewhat earlier date, and is due to Dr Ferrers. Page 305, footnote. To the list of works here cited must now be added : Gray and Mathews, A Treatise on Bessel Functions and their Applications to Physics, London, 1895. Page 376, line 22, for (g\!2irf read (S*?/X)*. ,, 381, line 10. Reference should be made to Scott Russell, Brit. Ass. Rep., 1844, p. 369. Page 386, equation (2). Attention has recently been called to some obser vations of Benjamin Franklin (in a letter dated 1762) on the behaviour of surfaces of separation of oil and water (Complete Works, 2nd ed., London, n. d., t. ii., p. 142). The phenomena depend for their explanation on the fact that the natural periods of oscillation of the surface of separation of two liquids of nearly equal density are very long compared with those of a free surface of similar extent. Page 423, line 16, for the minimum condition above given read the con dition that 8 ( V - T0) = 0, or 5 (V + K) = 0. Page 449, footnote, for Art. 302 read Art. 303. „ 482, line 16, for 0 read 0. ,, 487, footnote. The solution of the equation (1) of Art. 266 in spherical harmonics dates from Laplace, " Sur la diminution de la dur6e du jour, par le refroidissement de la Terre," Conn, des Terns pour VAn 1823, p. 245 (1820). Page 491. Dele lines 9—18 and footnote. HYDBODYNAMICS. CHAPTER I. THE EQUATIONS OF MOTION. 1. THE following investigations proceed on the assumption that the matter with which we deal may be treated as practically continuous and homogeneous in structure ; i. e. we assume that the properties of the smallest portions into which we can conceive it to be divided are the same as those of the substance in bulk. The fundamental property of a fluid is that it cannot be in equilibrium in a state of stress such that the mutual action between two adjacent parts is oblique to the common surface. This property is the basis of Hydrostatics, and is verified by the complete agreement of the deductions of that science with ex periment. Very slight observation is enough, however, to convince us that oblique stresses may exist in fluids in motion. Let us suppose for instance that a vessel in the form of a circular cylinder, containing water (or other liquid), is made to rotate about its axis, which is vertical. If the motion of the vessel be uniform, the fluid is soon found to be rotating with the vessel as one solid body. If the vessel be now brought to rest, the motion of the fluid continues for some time, but gradually subsides, and at length ceases altogether ; and it is found that during this process the portions of fluid which are further from the axis lag behind those which are nearer, and have their motion more rapidly checked. These phenomena point to the existence of mutual actions between contiguous elements which are partly tangential to the common surface. For if the mutual action were everywhere wholly normal, it is obvious that the moment of momentum, about the axis of the vessel, of any portion of fluid L. 1 2 THE EQUATIONS OF MOTION. [CHAP. I bounded by a surface of revolution about this axis, would be constant. We infer, moreover, that these tangential stresses are not called into play so long as the fluid moves as a solid body, but only whilst a change of shape of some portion of the mass is going on, and that their tendency is to oppose this change of shape. 2. It is usual, however, in the first instance to neglect the tangential stresses altogether. Their effect is in many practical cases small, and independently of this, it is convenient to divide the not inconsiderable difficulties of our subject by investigating first the effects of purely normal stress. The further consideration of the laws of tangential stress is accordingly deferred till Chapter XL If the stress exerted across any small plane area situate at a point P of the fluid be wholly normal, its intensity (per unit area) is the same for all aspects of the plane. The following proof of this theorem is given here for purposes of reference. Through P draw three straight lines PA, PB, PC mutually at right angles, and let a plane whose direction- cosines relatively to these lines are I, m, n, passing infinitely close to P, meet them in A, B, C. Let p, p1} p2, p3 denote the intensities of the stresses* across the faces ABC, PBG, PGA, PAB, respectively, of the tetrahedron PABC. If A be the area of the first-mentioned face, the areas of the others are in order /A, wA, r&A. Hence if we form the equation of motion of the tetrahedron parallel to PA we have PI . ZA = pi . A, where we have omitted the terms which express the rate of change of momentum, and the component of the extraneous forces, because they are ultimately proportional to the mass of the tetrahedron, and therefore of the third order of small linear quantities, whilst the terms retained are of the second. We have then, ultimately, p=pi, and similarly p=p2 = ps, which proves the theorem. * Reckoned positive when pressures, negative when tensions. Most fluids are, however, incapable under ordinary conditions of supporting more than an ex ceedingly slight degree of tension, so that p is nearly always positive. 1-4] EULERIAN EQUATIONS. 3 3. The equations of motion of a fluid have been obtained in two different forms, corresponding to the two ways in which the problem of determining the motion of a fluid mass, acted on by given forces and subject to given conditions, may be viewed. We may either regard as the object of our investigations a knowledge of the velocity, the pressure, and the density, at all points of space occupied by the fluid, for all instants; or we may seek to determine the history of any particle. The equations obtained on these two plans are conveniently designated, as by German mathematicians, the ' Eulerian ' and the ' Lagrangian ' forms of the hydrokinetic equations, although both forms are in reality due to Elder*. The Eulerian Equations. 4. Let u, v, w be the components, parallel to the co-ordinate axes, of the velocity at the point (x, y, z) at the time t. These quantities are then functions of the independent variables x, yy z, t. For any particular value of t they express the motion at that instant at all points of space occupied by the fluid; whilst for particular values of x, y, z they give the history of what goes on at a particular place. We shall suppose, for the most part, not only that u, v, w are finite and continuous functions of x} y, z, but that their space- derivatives of the first order (du/dx, dv/dx, dw/dx, &c.) are everywhere finite f; we shall understand by the term 'continuous motion,' a motion subject to these restrictions. Cases of excep tion, if they present themselves, will require separate examination. In continuous motion, as thus defined, the relative velocity of * "Principes ge"neraux du mouvement des fluides." Hist, de I'Acad. de Berlin, 1755. " De principiis motus fluidorum." Novi Comm. Acad. Petrop. t. xiv. p. 1 (1759). Lagrange gave three investigations of the equations of motion ; first, incidentally, in connection with the principle of Least Action, in the Miscellanea Taurinensia, t. ii., (1760), Oeuvres, Paris, 1867-92, t. i.; secondly in his " Memoire sur la Theorie du Mouvement des Fluides ", Nouv. mem. de VAcad. de Berlin, 1781, Oeuvres, t. iv.; and thirdly in the Mecanique Analytique. In this last exposition he starts with the second form of the equations (Art. 13, below), but translates them at once into the ' Eulerian ' notation. t It is important to bear in mind, with a view to some later developments under the head of Vortex Motion, that these derivatives need not be assumed to be continuous. 1—2 4 THE EQUATIONS OF MOTION. [CHAP. I any two neighbouring particles P, P will always be infinitely small, so that the line PP' will always remain of the same order of magnitude. It follows that if we imagine a small closed surface to be drawn, surrounding P, and suppose it to move with the fluid, it will always enclose the same matter. And any surface whatever, which moves with the fluid, completely and permanently separates the matter on the two sides of it. 5. The values of ut v, w for successive values of t give as it were a series of pictures of consecutive stages of the motion, in which however there is no immediate means of tracing the identity of any one particle. To calculate the rate at which any function F (x, y, z, t) varies for a moving particle, we remark that at the time t + St the particle which was originally in the position (a?, y, z) is in the position (x -f u$t, y + v$t, z 4- iu$t), so that the corresponding value F (x + uSt, y + vSt, z + wSt, t + St) . doc dy dz at If, after Stokes, we introduce the symbol D/Dt to denote a differentiation following the motion of the fluid, the new value of F is also expressed by F + DF/Dt . St, whence DF dF dF dF dF -jI -j -J- -J- ............... (1). dt dx dy dz 6. To form the dynamical equations, let p be the pressure, p the density, X, Y, Z the components of the extraneous forces per unit mass, at the point (x, y, z) at the time t. Let us take an element having its centre at (x, y, z), and its edges &p, by, Sz parallel to the rectangular co-ordinate axes. The rate at which the ^-component of the momentum of this element is increasing is pSac&ySzDu/Dt', and this must be equal to the ^-component of the forces acting on the element. Of these the extraneous forces give p&x&ySzX. The pressure on the yz-f&ce which is nearest the origin will be ultimately (p — \dp\dx . Sac) §y§z*, * It is easily seen, by Taylor's theorem, that the mean pressure over any face of the element dxdySz may be taken to be equal to the pressure at the centre of that face. 4-7] EQUATION OF CONTINUITY. 5 that on the opposite face (p + ^dp/dx . Sx) SySz. The difference of these gives a resultant — dp/dx. SxtySz in the direction of ^-positive. The pressures on the remaining faces are perpendicular to x. We have then p§x§y§z^- = pSxtySz X — — BxBySz. Substituting the value of Du/Dt from (1), and writing down the symmetrical equations, we have (2). 7. To these dynamical equations we must join, in the first place, a certain kinematical relation between u, v, w, p, obtained as follows. If v be the volume of a moving element, we have, on account of the constancy of mass, du di* dv du U dx dv du v -j--f dy dv du W ~dz~ dv I dp ^ pdx' F_i* di dw ~dt~* dx dw U —j r dx V dy dw fl-jT + dy ° dz~~ dw W~dz~ pdy' Z--^ p dz' To calculate the value of 1/v.Dv/Dt, let the element in question be that which at time t fills the rectangular space &pfy£* having one corner P at (x, y, z), and the edges PL, PM, PN (say) parallel to the co-ordinate axes. At time t + &t the same element will form an oblique parallelepiped, and since the velocities of the particle L relative to the particle P are du/dx . &», dv/dx . Sx, dw/dx.Bx, the projections of the edge PL become, after the time &, /-i du *.\ * dv ~ 5. dw ~ s 1 -h -5- dn &r, -j-St. So?, 3- Bt . &r, V dx J dx dx respectively. To the first order in &t, the length of this edge is now , , du 2.\ * 1 + -j- o< I ox, dx J 0 THE EQUATIONS OF MOTION. [CHAP. I and similarly for the remaining edges. Since the angles of the parallelepiped differ infinitely little from right angles, the volume is still given, to the first order in St, by the product of the three edges, i.e. we have Dv .,, f, /du dv dw = \1 + (f+f+^nt ( \d% dy dz) 1 Z)v du dv dw Hence (1) becomes Dp (du dv dw\ -7^7 -r p -; -- h j -- r~j- I — U .................. (o). Dt r \dx dy dz) This is called the ' equation of continuity.' rp, . du dv dw The expression -7- + -y- + -^- c?^1 c?y c?5 which, as we have seen, measures the rate of increase of volume of the fluid at the point (x, y, z\ is conveniently called the 'expansion' at that point. 8. Another, and now more usual, method of obtaining the above equation is, instead of following the motion of a fluid element, to fix the attention on an element Sxby&z of space, and to calculate the change produced in the included mass by the flow across the boundary. If the centre of the element be at (#, y, z), the amount of matter which per unit time enters it across the i/^-face nearest the origin is and the amount which leaves it by the opposite face is The two faces together give a gain per unit time. Calculating in the same way the effect of the flow 7-9] PHYSICAL EQUATIONS. 7 across the remaining faces, we have for the total gain of mass, per unit time, in the space SxSySz, the formula id. pu d.pv d. pw\ ~ 5, 5. - —f- + —£- + — f— &%&*. \ dx dy dz J Since the quantity of matter in any region can vary only in consequence of the flow across the boundary, this must be equal to whence we get the equation of continuity in the form dj> d^u djn d^ = () ..... dt doc dy dz 9. It remains to put in evidence the physical properties of the fluid, so far as these affect the quantities which occur in our equations. In an ' incompressible ' fluid, or liquid, we have Dp/Dt - 0, in which case the equation of continuity takes the simple form ^ + J + ^=0 ........................ (1). dx dy dz It is not assumed here that the fluid is of uniform density, though this is of course by far the most important case. If we wished to take account of the slight compressibility of actual liquids, we should have a relation of the form p = K(p-p0)/p0 ........................ (2), or p/p0 = l+p/K ........................... (3), where tc denotes what is called the ' elasticity of volume.' In the case of a gas whose temperature is uniform and constant we have the ' isothermal ' relation where p0, p0 are any pair of corresponding values for the tempera ture in question. In most cases of motion of gases, however, the temperature is not constant, but rises and falls, for each element, as the gas is compressed or rarefied. When the changes are so rapid that we can ignore the gain or loss of heat by an element due to conduction and radiation, we have the 'adiabatic' relation 8 THE EQUATIONS OF MOTION. [CHAP. I where p0 and p0 are any pair of corresponding values for the element considered. The constant 7 is the ratio of the two specific heats of the gas; for atmospheric air, and some other gases, its value is 1*408. 10. At the boundaries (if any) of the fluid, the equation of continuity is replaced by a special surface-condition. Thus at a fixed boundary, the velocity of the fluid perpendicular to the surface must be zero, i.e. if I, m, n be the direction-cosines of the normal, lu + mv + nw = 0 (1). Again at a surface of discontinuity, i.e. a surface at which the values of u, v, w change abruptly as we pass from one side to the other, we must have I (X - u.2) + m(vl — v2) + n(w1-w.2) = 0 (2), where the suffixes are used to distinguish the values on the two sides. The same relation must hold at the common surface of a fluid and a moving solid. The general surface-condition, of which these are particular cases, is that if F(xy y, z, t) = 0 be the equation of a bounding surface, we must have at every point of it DF/Dt = 0 (3). The velocity relative to the surface of a particle lying in it must be wholly tangential (or zero), for otherwise we should have a finite flow of fluid across it. It follows that the instantaneous rate of variation of F for a surface-particle must be zero. A fuller proof, given by Lord Kelvin*, is as follows. To find the rate of motion (v) of the surface F(x, y, z, t) = 0, normal to itself, we write where I, in, n are the direction-cosines of the normal at (x, y, z), whence dF dF ndF\ dF^Q dx H dy n dz ) dt dF dF dF _ Since 6, m, n = -j- , -j- , -7- , -r *f» c?« dy a* :; (W. Thomson) "Notes on Hydrodynamics," Camb. and Dub. Math. Journ. Feb. 1818. Mathematical and Physical Papers, Cambridge, 1882..., t. i., p. 83. 9-10] SURFACE-CONDITION. P where R = dxj \dy 1 d^ this gives v = ~~Ti ~di ........................... *• At every point of the surface we must have i> = lu+ mv + mu, which leads, on substitution of the above values of I, m, n, to the equation (3). The partial differential equation (3) is also satisfied by any surface moving with the fluid. This follows at once from the meaning of the operator DjDt. A question arises as to whether the converse necessarily holds ; i. e. whether a moving surface whose equation ^=0 satisfies (3) will always consist of the same particles. Considering any such surface, let us fix our attention on a particle P situate on it at time t. The equation (3) expresses that the rate at which P is separating from the surface is at this instant zero ; and it is easily seen that if the motion be continuous (according to the definition of Art. 4), the normal velocity, relative to the moving surface F, of a particle at an infinitesimal distance £ from it is of the order £, viz. it is equal to G£ where G is finite. Hence the equation of motion of the particle P relative to the surface may be written This shews that log £ increases at a finite rate, and since it is negative infinite to begin with (when £=0), it remains so throughout, i.e. £ remains zero for the particle P. The same result follows from the nature of the solution of dF dF dF dF , ,.. lfc+^ + ^ + ^=0 ........................... (1)' considered as a partial differential equation in F*. The subsidiary system of ordinary differential equations is , dx dii dz ,..» dt = — = ^- = — .............................. (11), u v w in which a, y, z are regarded as functions of the independent variable t. These are evidently the equations to find the paths of the particles, and their integrals may be supposed put in the forms where the arbitrary constants a, 6, c are any three quantities serving to identify a particle; for instance they may be the initial co-ordinates. The general solution of (i) is then found by elimination of a, 6, c between (iii) and F=+(a,b,c) ................................. (iv), where \^ is an arbitrary function. This shews that a particle once in the surface F=0 remains in it throughout the motion. * Lagrange, Oeuvres, t. iv., p. 706. 10 THE EQUATIONS OF MOTION. [CHAP. I Equation of Energy. 11. In most cases which we shall have occasion to consider the extraneous forces have a potential ; viz. we have cm cm , z = c, % = 0. 16. It is to be remarked that the quantities a, b, c need not be restricted to mean the initial co-ordinates of a particle ; they may be any three quantities which serve to identify a particle, and which vary continuously from one particle to another. If we thus generalize the meanings of a, b, c, the form of the dynamical equations of Art. 13 is not altered ; to find the form which the equation of continuity assumes, let x0, yQi ZQ now denote the initial co-ordinates of the particle to which a, b, c refer. The initial volume of the parallelepiped, whose centre is at * H. Weber, " Ueber eine Transformation der hydrodynamischen Gleichungen ", Crelle, t. Ixviii. (1868). 15-17] COMPARISON OF METHODS. 17 (#o, 2/o, #0) and whose edges correspond to variations Set, &b, &c of the parameters, a, b, c, is i a (a, 6, c) so that we have d (x, y, z) _ rf(fl?0, y0> z0) m pd(a,b,c)~po d(a,b,c) or, for an incompressible fluid, d (x, y, z) d(a;Qty0) z0) , d(a,b,c) d(a,b,c) 17. If we compare the two forms of the fundamental equations to which we have been led, we notice that the Eulerian equations of motion are linear and of the first order, whilst the Lagrangian equations are of the second order, and also contain products of differential coefficients. In Weber's transfor mation the latter are replaced by a system of equations of the first order, and of the second degree. The Eulerian equation of continuity is also much simpler than the Lagrangian, especially in the case of liquids. In these respects, therefore, the Eulerian forms of the equations possess great ad vantages. Again, the form in which the solution of the Eulerian equations appears corresponds, in many cases, more nearly to what we wish to know as to the motion of a fluid, our object being, in general, to gain a knowledge of the state of motion of the fluid mass at any instant, rather than to trace the career of individual particles. On the other hand, whenever the fluid is bounded by a moving surface, the Lagrangian method possesses certain theoretical advantages. In the Eulerian method the functions u, v, w have no existence beyond this surface, and hence the range of values of #, y, z for which these functions exist varies in consequence of the motion which is itself the subject of investigation. In the other method, on the contrary, the range of the independent variables «, 6, c is given once for all by the initial conditions'*. The difficulty, however, of integrating the Lagrangian equations has hitherto prevented their application except in certain very special cases. Accordingly in this treatise we deal almost exclusively with the Eulerian forms. The simplification and integration of these in certain cases form the subject of the following chapter. * H. Weber, I.e. CHAPTER II. INTEGRATION OF THE EQUATIONS IN SPECIAL CASES. 18. IN a large and important class of cases the component velocities u, v, w can be expressed in terms of a single function , as follows : d(f> dd> dd> ,,x u = — f't v = — -71-, w = — f (1). dv' dy' dz Such a function is called a 'velocity-potential/ from its analogy with the potential function which occurs in the theories of Attractions, Electrostatics, &c. The general theory of the velocity-potential is reserved for the next chapter; but we give at once a proof of the following important theorem : If a velocity-potential exist, at any one instant, for any finite portion of a perfect fluid in motion under the action of forces which have a potential, then, provided the density of the fluid be either constant or a function of the pressure only, a velocity-potential exists for the same portion of the fluid at all instants before or after*. In the equations of Art. 15, let the instant at which the * Lagrange, " Me'moire sur la Th6orie du Mouvement des Fluides," Nouv. mim. de VAcad. de Berlin, 1781 ; Oeuvres, t. iv. p. 714. The argument is repro duced in the Mecanique Anatytique. Lagrange's statement and proof were alike imperfect ; the first rigorous demon stration is due to Cauchy, " Memoire sur la Th6orie des Ondes," Mem. de VAcad. roy. des Sciences, t. i. (1827) ; Oeuvres Completes, Paris, 1882..., lre Se"rie, t. i. p. 38 ; the date of the memoir is 1815. Another proof is given by Stokes, Camb. Trans, t. viii. (1845) (see also Math, and Pliys. Papers, Cambridge, 1880..., t. i. pp. 106, 158, and t. ii. p. 36), together with an excellent historical and critical account of the whole matter, 18-19] VELOCITY-POTENTIAL. 19 velocity-potential $0 exists be taken as the origin of time ; we have then u0da + v0db + w0dc = — c£0, throughout the portion of the mass in question. Multiplying the equations (2) of Art. 15 in order by da, db, dc, and adding, we get ffi^X~*~ dt ^ ^~dt^Z~ (u^a + Vodb + wodc) = - dx, or, in the ' Eulerian ' notation, udoc -f vdy + wdz = — d ((/>0 + %) = — c&£, say. Since the upper limit of t in Art. 15 (1) may be positive or negative, this proves the theorem. It is to be particularly noticed that this continued existence of a velocity-potential is predicated, not of regions of space, but of portions of matter. A portion of matter for which a velocity-potential exists moves about and carries this property with it, but the part of space which it originally occupied may, in the course of time, come to be occupied by matter which did riot originally possess the property, and which therefore cannot have acquired it. The class of cases in which a velocity-potential exists in cludes all those where the motion has originated from rest under the action of forces of the kind here supposed ; for then we have, initially, u0da + v0db + w0dc = 0, or <£>0 = const. The restrictions under which the above theorem has been proved must be carefully remembered. It is assumed not only that the external forces X, F, Z, estimated at per unit mass, have a potential, but that the density p is either uniform or a function of p only. The latter condition is violated for example, in the case of the convection currents generated by the unequal application of heat to a fluid ; and again, in the wave-motion of a hetero geneous but incompressible fluid arranged originally in horizontal layers of equal density. Another important case of exception is that of * electro-magnetic rotations.' 19. A comparison of the formulae (1) with the equations (2) of Art. 12 leads to a simple physical interpretation of 0. Any actual state of motion of a liquid, for which a (single-valued) velocity-potential exists, could be produced instantaneously from rest 2—2 20 INTEGRATION OF THE EQUATIONS IN SPECIAL CASES. [CHAP. II by the application of a properly chosen system of impulsive pressures. This is evident from the equations cited, which shew, moreover, that = tr/p + const. ; so that w = p 4- C gives the requisite sys tem. In the same way ^ = — p(f> + C gives the system of impulsive pressures which would completely stop the motion. The occur rence of an arbitrary constant in these expressions shews, what is otherwise evident, that a pressure uniform throughout a liquid mass produces no effect on its motion. In the case of a gas, may be interpreted as the potential of the external impulsive forces by which the actual motion at any instant could be produced instantaneously from rest. A state of motion for which a velocity-potential does not exist cannot be generated or destroyed by the action of impulsive pressures, or of extraneous impulsive forces having a potential. 20. The existence of a velocity-potential indicates, besides, certain kinematical properties of the motion. A 'line of motion' or 'stream-line'* is defined to be a line drawn from point to point, so that its direction is everywhere that of the motion of the fluid. The differential equations of the system of such lines are dx = dy==dz U V W " " \ /' The relations (1) shew that when a velocity-potential exists the lines of motion are everywhere perpendicular to a system of sur faces, viz. the ' equipotential ' surfaces <£ = const. Again, if from the point (x, y, z) we draw a linear element Ss in the direction (I, m, ri), the velocity resolved in this direction is lu + mv + nw, or _ d dx d$dy d(f> dz , . , _ d(/> dx ds dy ds dz ds ' ds ' The velocity in any direction is therefore equal to the rate of decrease of in that direction. Taking 8s in the direction of the normal to the surface = const, we see that if a series of such surfaces be drawn corresponding to * Some writers prefer to restrict the use of the term ' stream-line ' to the case of steady motion, as defined in Art. 22. 19-21] VELOCITY-POTENTIAL. 21 equidistant values of , the common difference being infinitely small, the velocity at any point will be inversely proportional to the distance between two consecutive surfaces in the neighbourhood of the point. Hence, if any equipotential surface intersect itself, the velocity is zero at the intersection. The intersection of two distinct equipotential surfaces would imply an infinite velocity. 21. Under the circumstances stated in Art. 18, the equations of motion are at once integrable throughout that portion of the fluid mass for which a velocity-potential exists. For in virtue of the relations dv _dw dw __ du du _ dv dz ~ dy ' dx dz ' dy dx' which are implied in (1), the equations of Art. 6 may be written d26 du dv dw d£l 1 dp s s -T-^ t + u^- + Vj- + w-j-=- j --- f» fee., &c. dxdt dx dx dx dx p dx These have the integral where q denotes the resultant velocity (u2 + v2 + w2)*, and F (t) is an arbitrary function of t. It is often convenient to suppose this arbitrary function to be incorporated in the value of di. In one particular case, viz. where a short cylindrical tube, projecting inwards, is attached to the orifice, the assumption above made is sufficiently exact, and the consequent value £ for the coefficient then agrees with experiment. The reasoning is easily modified so as to take account of gravity (or other conservative forces). We have only to substitute for P the excess of the static pressure at the level of the orifice over the pressure outside. The difference of level between the orifice and the ' vena contracta ' is here neglected *. * The above theory is due to Borda (Mem. de VAcad. des Sciences, 1766), who also made experiments with the special form of mouth-piece referred to, and found SJS' = 1'942. It was re-discovered by Hanlon, Proc. Land. Math. Soc. t. iii. p. 4, (1869) ; the question is further elucidated in a note appended to this paper by Maxwell. See also Froude and J. Thomson, Proc. Glasgow Phil. Soc. t. x., (1876). 28 INTEGRATION OF THE EQUATIONS IN SPECIAL CASES. [CHAP. II Efflux of Oases. 26. We consider next the efflux of a gas, supposed to flow through a small orifice from a vessel in which the pressure is PQ and density p0 into a space where the pressure is plt We assume that the motion has become steady, and that the expansion takes place according to the adiabatic law. If the ratio PQ/PI of the pressures inside and outside the vessel do not exceed a certain limit, to be indicated presently, the flow will take place in much the same manner as in the case of a liquid, and the rate of discharge may be found by putting p =PI in Art. 24 (9), and multiplying the resulting value of q by the area >S" of the vena contracta. This gives for the rate of discharge of mass <«•• It is plain, however, that there must be a limit to the applicability of this result; for otherwise we should be led to the paradoxical conclusion that when £>! = (), i.e. the discharge is into a vacuum, the flow of matter is nil. The elucidation of this point is due to Prof. Osborne Reynolds f. It is easily found by means of Art. 24 (8), that qp is a maximum, i.e. the section of an elementary stream is a minimum, when q/2 = dp/dp, that is, the velocity of the stream is equal to the velocity of sound in gas of the pressure and density which prevail there. On the adiabatic hypothesis this gives, by Art. 24 (10), 2 and therefore, since c2 oc py \ p ( 2 \y^l p ( 2 \v-i or, if y= 1-408, p = -634Po, j? = '527^0 ........................... (iv). If p± be less than this value, the stream after passing the point in question, widens out again, until it is lost at a distance in the eddies due to viscosity. The minimum sections of the elementary streams will be situate in the neighbourhood of the orifice, and their sum S may be called the virtual area of the latter. The velocity of efflux, as found from (ii), is The rate of discharge is then =qpS, where q and p have the values just * A result equivalent to this was given by de Saint Venant and Wantzel, Journ. de VEcole Polyt., t. xvi., p. 92 (1839). t " On the Flow of Gases," Proc. Manch. Lit. and Phil. Soc., Nov. 17, 1885 ; Phil. Mag., March, 1876. A similar explanation was given by Hugoniot, Comptes Rendus, June 28, July 26, and Dec. 13, 1886. I have attempted, above, to condense the reasoning of these writers. 26-28] EFFLUX OF GASES. 29 found, and is therefore approximately independent* of the external pressure pl so long as this falls below -527jD0. The physical reason of this is (as pointed out by Reynolds) that, so long as the velocity at any point exceeds the velocity of sound under the conditions which obtain there, no change of pressure can be propagated backwards beyond this point so as to affect the motion further up the stream. These conclusions appear to be in good agreement with experimental results. Under similar circumstances as to pressure, the velocities of efflux of different gases are (so far as y can be assumed to have the same value for each) proportional to the corresponding velocities of sound. Hence (as we shall see in Chap, x.) the velocity of efflux will vary inversely, and the rate of discharge of mass will vary directly, as the square root of the density f. Rotating Liquid. 27. Let us next take the case of a mass of liquid rotating, under the action of gravity only, with constant and uniform angular velocity co about the axis of z, supposed drawn vertically upwards. By hypothesis, u = — coy, v = cox, w = 0, X = 0, F=0, Z=-g. The equation of continuity is satisfied identically, and the dynamical equations of Art. 6 become 1 dp 1 dp A 1 dp ,,< _ 0,2^, = _ _ ^ -tfy = ---f, 0 = - - -£ - a . . ..(1). pdx pdy* pdz These have the common integral ^ = %co2(a)2 + y*)-gz + const ............. (2). The free surface, p = const., is therefore a paraboloid of revolution about the axis of z, having its concavity upwards, and its latus rectum = 0. dv du 0 Since ^ --- ;- = 2o>, dx dy a velocity-potential does not exist. A motion of this kind could not therefore be generated in a ' perfect ' fluid, i.e. in one unable to sustain tangential stress. 28. Instead of supposing the angular velocity co to be uni form, let us suppose it to be a function of the distance r from the * The magnitude of the ratio pjp1 will of course have some influence on the arrangement of the streams, and consequently on the value of S. t Cf. Graham, Phil. Trans., 1846. 30 INTEGRATION OF THE EQUATIONS IN SPECIAL CASES. [CHAP. II axis, and let us inquire what form must be assigned to this function in order that a velocity-potential may exist for the motion. We find dv du dco -; --- ^-=20) + r-r- , dx dy dr and in order that this may vanish we must have o>r2 = //,, a constant. The velocity at any point is then = /tt/r, so that the equation (2) of Art. 22 becomes 2 = const. -i£ ...................... (1), if no extraneous forces act. To find the value of < we have - _ dr~ rd6~ r' whence (/> = - p6 + const. = — fi tan"1 - 4- const .......... (2). x We have here an instance of a ' cyclic ' function. A function is said to be ' single-valued ' throughout any region of space when we can assign to every point of that region a definite value of the function in such a way that these values shall form a continuous system. This is not possible with the function (2) ; for the value of (/>, if it vary continuously, changes by -'2-TTyu, as the point to which it refers describes a complete circuit round the origin. The general theory of cyclic velocity-potentials will be given in the next chapter. If gravity act, and if the axis of z be vertical, we must add to (1) the term — gz. The form of the free surface is therefore that generated by the revolution of the hyperbolic curve a?z = const. about the axis of z. By properly fitting together the two preceding solutions we obtain the case of Rankine's 'combined vortex.' Thus the motion being everywhere in coaxial circles, let us suppose the velocity to be equal to wr from r = 0 to r = a, and to wa?/r for r > a. The corresponding forms of the free surface are then given by 28-29] ROTATING FLUID. 31 these being continuous when r = a. The depth of the central depression below the general level of the surface is therefore 29. To illustrate, by way of contrast, the case of external forces not having a potential, let us suppose that a mass of liquid filling a right circular cylinder moves from rest under the action of the forces the axis of z being that of the cylinder. If we assume u— - a>y, v = (a.v, w = 0, where « is a function of t only, these values satisfy the equation of continuity and the boundary conditions. The dynamical equations become da) n I dp --- - dt da> n Ax + By J pdx* I dv Differentiating the first of these with respect to y, and the second with respect to x and subtracting, we eliminate p, and find .(ii). The fluid therefore rotates as a whole about the axis of z with constantly accelerated angular velocity, except in the particular case when B = B. To find p, we substitute the value of dw/dt in (i) and integrate ; we thus get where 2/3 32 INTEGRATION OF THE EQUATIONS IN SPECIAL CASES. [CHAP. II 30. As a final example, we will take one suggested by the theory of 'electro-magnetic rotations.' If an electric current be made to pass radially from an axial wire, through a conducting liquid (e.g. a solution of CuS04), to the walls of a metallic containing cylinder, in a uniform magnetic field, the external forces will be of the type Assuming u= -to?/, v = o>.r, w = 0, where o> is a function of r and t only, we find d<0 2 _ \lX Eliminating p, we obtain 2dt+rdrdt = °' The solution of this is where F and / denote arbitrary functions. Since o) = 0 when t = Q, we have and therefore ^oo-^(o) x where X is a function of t which vanishes for £ = 0. Substituting in (i), and integrating, we find Since p is essentially a single-valued function, we must have d\/dt=n, or \ = fj.t. Hence the fluid rotates with an angular velocity which varies inversely as the square of the distance from the axis, and increases con stantly with the time. * If C denote the total flux of electricity outwards, per unit length of the axis, and 7 the component of the magnetic force parallel to the axis, we have /*= 7(7/2717). For the history of such experiments see Wiedemann, Lehre v. d. Elektricitat , t. iii. p. 163. The above case is specially simple, in that the forces X, Y, Z, have a potential (ft = - /j. tan"1 y/x), though a ' cyclic ' one. As a rule, in electro -magnetic rotations, the mechanical forces X, Y, Z have not a potential at all. CHAPTER III. IEROTATIONAL MOTION. 31. THE present chapter is devoted mainly to an exposition of some general theorems relating to the kinds of motion already considered in Arts. 18 — 21; viz. those in which udx + vdy + wdz is an exact differential throughout a finite mass of fluid. It is convenient to begin with the following analysis, due to Stokes*, of the motion of a fluid element in the most general case. The component velocities at the point (x, y, z) being u, v, w, the relative velocities at an infinitely near point (x + x, y + y, z + z) are If we write du du = -7- x+ -y- y - dx dy dv dv du f dv dx dy dw dw = —. x +-7— y - dx dy h dz*' dw l~^z- du -,-, dx 7 dv 0=-j- dy du dw dw dv H/U/M/ \AJVU\ i du dw 1 (dv du\ = i [ — - + -— 1 2 \dx d) dy — dy equations (1) may be written u = ax + hy +gz + rfL — fy, v = hx + by +fz + Jx - f z, w = tfx + fy H- cz (2). * "On the Theories of the Internal Friction of Fluids in Motion, Phil. Trans., t. viii. (1845) ; Math, and Pliys. Papers, t. i., p. 80. 34 IRROTATIONAL MOTION. [CHAP. Ill Hence the motion of a small element having the point (x, y, z) for its centre may be conceived as made up of three parts. The first part, whose components are u, v, w, is a motion of translation of the element as a whole. The second part, expressed by the first three terms on the right-hand sides of the equations (2), is a motion such that every point is moving in the direction of the normal to that quadric of the system ax2 + 6y2 + cz2 + 2/yz + 2#zx + 2/ixy = const (3), on which it lies. If we refer these quadrics to their principal axes, the corresponding parts of the velocities parallel to these axes will be u' = aV, v' = 6'y', w' = c'z' (4), if a'x'2 + 6'y'2 + c'z/2 = const. is what (3) becomes by the transformation. The formulae (4) express that the length of every line in the element parallel to x' is being elongated at the (positive or negative) rate a, whilst lines parallel to y' and z' are being similarly elongated at the rates b' and c' respectively. Such a motion is called one of pure strain and the principal axes of the quadrics (3) are called the axes of the strain. The last two terms on the right-hand sides of the equations (2) express a rotation of the element as a whole about an instan taneous axis; the component angular velocities of the rotation being £ rj, £ This analysis may be illustrated by the so-called 'laminar' motion of a liquid in which u = 2py, v=0, w = 0, so that a, b, c, /, g, |, ,7 = 0, h = p, £=-/*. If A represent a rectangular fluid element bounded by planes parallel to the co-ordinate planes, then B represents the change produced in this in a short time by the strain, and C that due to the strain plus the rotation. 31-32] RELATIVE MOTION IN A FLUID ELEMENT. 35 It is easily seen that the above resolution of the motion is unique. If we assume that the motion relative to the point (x, y, z) can be made up of a strain and a rotation in which the axes and coefficients of the strain and the axis and angular velocity of the rotation are arbitrary, then calculating the relative velocities u, v, w, we get expressions similar to those on the right- hand sides of (2), but with arbitrary values of a, b, c,f, g, h, f, 77, f. Equating coefficients of x, y, z, however, we find that a, b, c, &c. must have respectively the same values as before. Hence the direc tions of the axes of the strain, the rates of extension or contraction along them, and the axis and the angular velocity of rotation, at any point of the fluid, depend only on the state of relative motion at that point, and not on the position of the axes of reference. When throughout a finite portion of a fluid mass we have f , 77, f all zero, the relative motion of any element of that portion consists of a pure strain only, and is called ' irrotational/ 32. The value of the integral f(udx + vdy + wdz), [f dx dy dz\ 7 or I (u -j- + v -/- + w -y- }ds, J\ds ds ds J taken along any line ABCD, is called* the 'flow' of the fluid from A to D along that line. We shall denote it for shortness by I (ABCD). If A and D coincide, so that the line forms a closed curve, or circuit, the value of the integral is called the 'circulation' in that circuit. We denote it by I (ABC A). If in either case the inte gration be taken in the opposite direction, the signs of dx/ds, dy/ds, dzjds will be reversed, so that we have I(AD) = -I(DA), and I (ABC A) = - I (ACBA). It is also plain that / (ABCD) = I (AB) + / (BC) + / (CD). Let us calculate the circulation in an infinitely small circuit surrounding the point (x, y, z). If (x + x, y + y, z + z) be a point on the circuit, we have, by Art. 31 (2), uox + vdy + wdz = Jd (ax2 + 6y2 + cz2 + 2/yz + 2#zx + 2/zxy) + ? (ydz - zdy) + 77 (zdx - xdz) + f (xdy - ydx). . .(I). * Sir W. Thomson, "On Vortex Motion." Edin. Trans., t. xxv. (1869). 3—2 36 IRROTATIONAL MOTION. [CHAP. Ill Hence, integrating round a small closed circuit, f(udx + vdy + vrdz) = ZI(jd* - zdy) + 7?/(zdx - xdz) + £/(xdy - jdx). . .(2). The coefficients of f , ?;, f in this expression are double the pro jections of the area of the circuit on the co-ordinate planes, these projections being reckoned positive or negative according to the direction of the integrations. In order to have a clear under standing on this point, we shall in this book suppose that the axes of co-ordinates form a right-handed system ; thus if the axes of x and y point E. and N. respectively, that of z will point ver tically upwards*. Now let &S be the area of the circuit, and let I, m, n be . the direction-cosines of the normal to &S drawn in the direction which is related to that in which the circulation round the circuit is estimated, in the manner typified by a right-handed screwf. The formula (2) then shews that the circulation in the circuit is given by 2(J£*tiwf+n{>«8 ....(3), or, twice the product of the area of the circuit into the component angular velocity of the fluid about the normal. 33. Any finite surface may be divided, by a double series of lines crossing ft, into infinitely small elements. The sum of the circulations round the boundaries of these elements, taken all in the same sense, is equal to the circulation round the origi nal boundary of the surface (supposed for the moment to consist of a single closed curve). For, in the sum in question, the flow along each side common to two elements comes in twice, once for each element, but with opposite signs, and therefore disap- * Maxwell, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., t. iii., pp. 279, 280. t See Maxwell, Electricity and Magnetism, Oxford, 1873, Art. 23. 32-33] CIRCULATION. 37 pears from the result. There remain then only the flows along those sides which are parts of the original boundary ; whence the truth of the above statement. Expressing this analytically we have, by (3), j(udx + vdy + wdz) = 2 // (1% + mrj + n£) dS (4), or, substituting the values of f, 77, f from Art. 31, j(udx + vdy + wdz) fdw dv\ fdu dw\ fdv du\] ia /rx* -J--T- )+m \j---j~ )+n(j--j- nds (5) ; \dy dzj \dz dscj \dx dyj) where the single-integral is taken along the bounding curve, and the double-integral over the surface. In these formula the quantities I, m, n are the direction-cosines of the normal drawn always on one side of the surface, which we may term the positive side ; the direction of integration in the second member is then that in which a man walking on the surface, on the positive side of it, and close to the edge, must proceed so as to have the surface always on his left hand. The theorem (4) or (5) may evidently be extended to a surface whose boundary consists of two or more closed curves, provided the integration in the first member be taken round each of these in the proper direction, according to the rule iust given. -//I- Thus, if the surface-integral in (5) extend over the shaded portion of the annexed figure, the directions in which the circulations in the several parts of the boundary are to be taken are shewn by * This theorem is attributed by Maxwell to Stokes, Smith's Prize Examination Papers for 1854. The first published proof appears to have been given by Hankel, Zur allgem. Theorie der Beweguny der Fliissigkeiten, Gottingen, 1861, p. 35. That given above is due to Lord Kelvin, I.e. ante p. 35. See also Thomson and Tait, Natu ral Philosophy, Art. 190 (j), and Maxwell, Electricity and Magnetism, Art. 24. 38 IRROTATIONAL MOTION. [CHAP. Ill the arrows, the positive side of the surface being that which faces the reader. The value of the surface-integral taken over a closed surface is zero. It should be noticed that (5) is a theorem of pure mathe matics, and is true whatever functions u, v, w may be of x, y, z, provided only they be continuous over the surface*. 34. The rest of this chapter is devoted to a study of the kinematical properties of irrotational motion in general, as defined by the equations f=o, 77=0, r=o. The existence and properties of the velocity-potential in the various cases that may arise will appear as consequences of this definition. The physical importance of the subject rests on the fact that if the motion of any portion of a fluid mass be irrotational at any one instant it will under certain very general conditions continue to be irrotational. Practically, as will be seen, this has already been established by Lagrange's theorem, proved in Art. 18, but the importance of the matter warrants a repetition of the investi gation, in the Eulerian notation, in the form originally given by Lord Kelvin -f\ Consider first any terminated line AB drawn in the fluid, and suppose every point of this line to move always with the velocity of the fluid at that point. Let us calculate the rate at which the flow along this line, from A to B, is increasing. If Sx, Sy, §z be the projections on the co-ordinate axes of an element of the line, D Diis DSx we have Dt(u^ = ^Dt^ ^U^t ' Now DSxjDt, the rate at which 8x is increasing in consequence of the motion of the fluid, is equal to the difference of the velocities parallel to x at its two ends, i.e. to &u ; and the value of DujDt is given in Art. 6. Hence, and by similar considerations, we find, if p be a function of p only, and if the extraneous forces X, Y, Z have a potential H, -r\ £ y- (uSas + v8y + wBz) = — — — SH + uSu + v$v + wSw. -L/ij p * It is not necessary that their differential coefficients should be continuous, t I.e. ante p. 35. 33-35] CIRCULATION. 39 Integrating along the line, from A to B, we get ~r\ rB r dr) ~~\ -B -jr- I (udx + vdij + wdz) = — I — — O + ^q2\ (1), UtJA L -> P _U or, the rate at which the flow from A to B is increasing is equal to the excess of the value which —fdp/p — £l + ^q2 has at B over that which it has at A. This theorem comprehends the whole of the dynamics of a perfect fluid. For instance, equations (2) of Art. 15 may be derived from it by taking as the line AB the in finitely short line whose projections were originally 8a, 86, Sc, and equating separately to zero the coefficients of these in finitesimals. If H be single-valued, the expression within brackets on the right-hand side of (1) is a single-valued function of a, y, z. Hence if the integration on the left-hand be taken round a closed curve, so that B coincides with A, we have •gr I (udx + vdy + wdz) = 0 (2), or, the circulation in any circuit moving with the fluid does not alter with the time. It follows that if the motion of any portion of a fluid mass be initially irrotational it will always retain this property ; for other wise the circulation in every infinitely small circuit would not continue to be zero, as it is initially, by virtue of Art. 33 (4). 35. Considering now any region occupied by irrotationally- moving fluid, we see from Art. 33 (4) that the circulation is zero in every circuit which can be filled up by a continuous surface lying wholly in the region, or which is in other words capable of being contracted to a point without passing out of the region. Such a circuit is said to be ' reducible.' Again, let us consider two paths ACB, ADB, connecting two points A, B of the region, and such that either may by con tinuous variation be made to coincide with the other, without ever passing out of the region. Such paths are called ' mutually reconcileable.' Since the circuit AGED A is reducible, we have I (ACB DA) = 0, or since I(BDA) = - 1 (ADB), i.e. the flow is the same along any two reconcileable paths. 40 IRROTATIONAL MOTION. [CHAP. Ill A region such that all paths joining any two points of it are mutually reconcileable is said to be ' simply-connected.' Such a region is that enclosed within a sphere, or that included between two concentric spheres. In what follows, as far as Art. 46, we con template only simply-connected regions. 36. The irrotational motion of a fluid within a simply-con nected region is characterized by the existence of a single-valued velocity-potential. Let us denote by — the flow to a variable point P from some fixed point A} viz. rp = — I (udx 4- vdy + wdz) (1). J A The value of $ has been shewn to be independent of the path along which the integration is effected, provided it lie wholly within the region. Hence is a single- valued function of the position of P ; let us suppose it expressed in terms of the co ordinates (#, y, z) of that point. By displacing P through an infinitely short space parallel to each of the axes of co-ordinates in succession, we find dcf) d(f) d ,_. i.e. (f> is a velocity-potential, according to the definition of Art. 18. The substitution of any other point B for A, as the lower limit in (1), simply adds an arbitrary constant to the value of <£, viz. the flow from A to B. The original definition of <£ in Art. 18, and the physical interpretation in Art. 1 9, alike leave the function indeter minate to the extent of an additive constant. As we follow the course of any line of motion the value of continually decreases ; hence in a simply-connected region the lines of motion cannot form closed curves. 37. The function <£ with which we have here to do is, together with its first differential coefficients, by the nature of the case, finite, continuous, and single-valued at all points of the region considered. In the case of incompressible fluids, which we now proceed to consider more particularly, must also satisfy the equation of continuity, (5) of Art. 21, or as we shall in future write it, for shortness, V24> = o (i), 35-37] VELOCITY-POTENTIAL. 41 at every point of the region. Hence <£ is now subject to mathe matical conditions identical with those satisfied by the potential of masses attracting or repelling according to the law of the inverse square of the distance, at all points external to such masses ; so that many of the results proved in the theories of Attractions, Electrostatics, Magnetism, and the Steady Flow of Heat, have also a hydrodynamical application. We proceed to develope those which are most important from this point of view. In any case of motion of an incompressible fluid the surface- integral of the normal velocity taken over any surface, open or closed, is conveniently called the 'flux' across that surface. It is of course equal to the volume of fluid crossing the surface per unit time. When the motion is irrotational, the flux is given by d(j> 7C/ 7 ao, dn where SS is an element of the surface, and Bn an element of the normal to it, drawn in the proper direction. In any region , occupied wholly by liquid, the total flux across the boundary /'is / ^" • J\ 3 &t /•£, £v zero, i.e. ' ^ the element Sn of the normal being drawn always on one side (say inwards), and the integration extending over the whole boundary. This may be regarded as a generalized form of the equation of continuity (1). The lines of motion drawn through the various points of an infinitesimal circuit define a tube, which may be called a tube of flow. The product of the velocity (q) into the cross-section ( cannot be a maximum or minimum at a point in the interior of the fluid ; for, if it were, we should have d^/dn everywhere positive, or everywhere negative, over a small closed surface surrounding the point in question. Either of these suppositions is inconsistent with (2). Further, the absolute value of the velocity cannot be a maximum at a point in the interior of the fluid. For let the axis of x be taken parallel to the direction of the velocity at any point P. The equa tion (1), and therefore also the equation (2), is satisfied if we write d(f>/dx for (f>. The above argument then shews that d

/dx has a numerically greater value, and therefore a fortiori, for which is numerically greater than dcfr/dx, i.e. the velocity of the fluid at some neighbouring point is greater than at P*. On the other hand, the velocity may be a minimum at some point of the fluid. The simplest case is that of a zero velocity ; see, for example, the figure of Art. 69, below. 39. Let us apply (2) to the boundary of a finite spherical portion of the liquid. If r denote the distance of any point from the centre of the sphere, Stzr the elementary solid angle subtended at the centre by an element 88 of the surface, we have dcj)/dn = — dfyjdr, and BS = r*Svr. Omitting the factor r2, (2) becomes !!' .. dr or dr Since l/4tir.ff$dar or l/4?rr2 .// dS measures the mean value of $ over the surface of the sphere, (3) shews that this mean value is independent of the radius. It is therefore the same for any sphere, concentric with the former one, which can be made to coincide * This theorem was enunciated, in another connection, by Lord Kelvin, Phil. May., Oct. 1850; Reprint of Papers on Electrostatics, tfc., London, 1872, Art. 665. The above demonstration is due to Kirchhoff, Vorlesnngen iiber mathematische Pliysik, Mechanik, Leipzig, 1876, p. 186. For another proof see Art. 44 below. 38-39] FLUX ACROSS A SPHERICAL SURFACE. 43 with it by gradual variation of the radius, without ever passing out of the region occupied by the irrotationally moving liquid. We may therefore suppose the sphere contracted to a point, and so obtain a simple proof of the theorem, first given by Gauss in his memoir* on the theory of Attractions, that the mean value of (f> over any spherical surface throughout the interior of which (1) is satisfied, is equal to its value at the centre. The theorem, proved in Art. 38, that (f> cannot be a maximum or a minimum at a point in the interior of the fluid, is an obvious consequence of the above. The above proof appears to be due, in principle, to Frost f. Another demonstration, somewhat different in form, has been given by Lord RayleighJ. The equation (1), being linear, will be satisfied by the arithmetic mean of any number of separate solutions ^, <£2, <£3,.... Let us suppose an infinite number of systems of rectangular axes to be arranged uniformly about any point P as origin, and let 3,,.. will be a function of r, the distance from P, only. Expressing that in the motion (if any) represented by $, the flux across any spherical surface which can be contracted to a point, without passing out of the region occupied by the fluid, would be zero, we have ' dr~ or 0 = const. Again, let us suppose that the region occupied by the irrota- tionally moving fluid is 'periphractic/§ i.e. that it is limited internally by one or more closed surfaces, and let us apply (2) to the space included between one (or more) of these internal boundaries, and a spherical surface completely enclosing it and lying wholly in the fluid. If 4>7rM denote the total flux into this region, across the internal boundary, we find, with the same notation as before, jjdr^311 * " Allgemeine Lehrsiitze, u. s. w.," Eesultate aus den Beobachtungen des mag~ netischen Vereins, 1839 ; Werke, Gottingen, 1870—80, t. v., p. 199. t Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, t. xii. (1873). £ Messenger of Mathematics, t. vii., p. 69 (1878). § See Maxwell, Electricity and Magnetism, Arts. 18, 22. A region is said to be ' aperiphractic ' when every closed surface drawn in it can be contracted to a point without passing out of the region. 44 IRROTATIONAL MOTION. [CHAP. Ill the surface-integral extending over the sphere only. This may be written 1 d , M j That is, the mean value of (/> over any spherical surface drawn under the above-mentioned conditions is equal to M/r + C, where r is the radius, M an absolute constant, and C a quantity which is independent of the radius but may vary with the position of the centre *. If however the original region throughout which the irrotational motion holds be unlimited externally, and if the first derivative (and therefore all the higher derivatives) of (f> vanish at infinity, then G is the same for all spherical surfaces enclosing the whole of the internal boundaries. For if such a sphere be displaced parallel to #-f, without alteration of size, the rate at which C varies in consequence of this displacement is, by (4), equal to the mean value of d(f)/dx over the surface. Since d$/dx vanishes at infinity, we can by taking the sphere large enough make the latter mean value as small as we please. Hence C is not altered by a displace ment of the centre of the sphere parallel to x. In the same way we see that G is not altered by a displacement parallel to y or z ; i.e. it is absolutely constant. If the internal boundaries of the region considered be such that the total flux across them is zero, e.g. if they be the surfaces of solids, or of portions of incompressible fluid whose motion is rotational, we have M = 0, so that the mean value of <£ over any spherical surface enclosing them all is the same. 40. (a) If be constant over the boundary of any simply- connected region occupied by liquid moving irrotationally, it has the same constant value throughout the interior of that region. For if not constant it would necessarily have a maximum or a minimum value at some point of the region. * It is understood, of course, that the spherical surfaces to which this statement applies are reconcileable with one another, in a sense analogous to that of Art. 35. f Kirchhoff, Mechanik, p. 191. 39-40] CONDITIONS OF DETERMINATENESS. 45 Otherwise : we have seen in Arts. 36, 37 that the lines of motion cannot begin or end at any point of the region, and that they cannot form closed curves lying wholly within it. They must therefore traverse the region, beginning and ending on its bound ary. In our case however this is impossible, for such a line always proceeds from places where <£ is greater to places where it is less. Hence there can be no motion, i.e. _ - - ^~' 3y ' Tz~ and therefore is constant and equal to its value at the boundary. (ft) Again, if d(f)/dn be zero at every point of the boundary of such a region as is above described, $ will be constant throughout the interior. For the condition d(f>/dn = 0 expresses that no lines of motion enter or leave the region, but that they are all contained within it. This is however, as we have seen, inconsistent with the other conditions which the lines must conform to. Hence, as before, there can be no motion, and is constant. This theorem may be otherwise stated as follows : no con- j tinuous irrotational motion of a liquid can take place in a 1 simply-connected region bounded entirely by fixed rigid walls. (7) Again, let the boundary of the region considered consist partly of surfaces S over which has a given constant value, and partly of other surfaces 5) over which d

, or the value of the inward normal velocity — d/dn, is prescribed at all points of the boundary, or (again) when the value of /dn over the remainder. For if fa, <£.2 be the velocity-potentials of two motions each of which satisfies the prescribed boundary- conditions, in any one of these cases, the function 1 — 2 satisfies the condition (a) or (ft) or (7) of the present Article, and must therefore be constant throughout the region. 46 IRROTATIONAL MOTION. [CHAP. Ill 41. A class of cases of great importance, but not strictly in cluded in the scope of the foregoing theorems, occurs when the region occupied by the irrotationally moving liquid extends to infinity, but is bounded internally by one or more closed surfaces. We assume, for the present, that this region is simply-connected, and that <£ is therefore single- valued. If $ be constant over the internal boundary of the region, and tend everywhere to the same constant value at an infinite distance from the internal boundary, it is constant throughout the region. For otherwise <£ would be a maximum or a minimum at some point. We infer, exactly as in Art. 40, that if <£ be given arbitrarily over the internal boundary, and have a given constant value at infinity, its value is everywhere determinate. Of more importance in our present subject is the theorem that, if the normal velocity be zero at every point of the internal boundary, and if the fluid be at rest at infinity, then is every where constant. We cannot however infer this at once from the proof of the corresponding theorem in Art. 40. It is true that we may suppose the region limited externally by an infinitely large surface at every point of which d/dn is infinitely small ; but it is conceivable that the integral ffd^/dn . dS, taken over a portion of this surface, might still be finite, in which case the investigation referred to would fail. We proceed therefore as follows. Since the velocity tends to the limit zero at an infinite distance from the internal boundary ($, say), it must be possible to draw a closed surface S, completely enclosing 8, beyond which the velocity is everywhere less than a certain value e, which value may, by making 2 large enough, be made as small as we please. Now in any direction from 8 let us take a point P at such a distance beyond 2 that the solid angle which S subtends at it is infinitely small ; and with P as centre let us describe two spheres, one just excluding, the other just including 8. We shall prove that the mean value of <£ over each of these spheres is, within an infinitely small amount, the same. For if Q, Q' be points of these spheres on a common radius PQQ', then if Q, Q' fall within S the corresponding values of may differ by a finite amount ; but since the portion of either spherical surface which falls within 2 is an infinitely small fraction of the whole, no finite difference 41-42] REGION EXTENDING TO INFINITY. 47 in the mean values can arise from this cause. On the other hand, when Q, Q' fall without 2, the corresponding values of <£ cannot differ by so much as e . QQ', for e is by definition a superior limit to the rate of variation of 0. Hence, the mean values of (/> over the two spherical surfaces must differ by less than e . QQ'. Since QQ' is finite, whilst e may by taking 2 large enough be made as small as we please, the difference of the mean values may, by taking P sufficiently distant, be made infinitely small. Now we have seen in Art. 39, that the mean value of over the inner sphere is equal to its value at P, and that the mean value over the outer sphere is (since M = 0) equal to a constant quantity C. Hence, ultimately, the value of cf> at infinity tends everywhere to the constant value C. The same result holds even if the normal velocity be not zero over the internal boundary; for in the theorem of Art. 39 M is divided by r, which is in our case infinite. It follows that if dfyfdn = 0 at all points of the internal boundary, and if the fluid be at rest at infinity, it must be every where at rest. For no lines of motion can begin or end on the internal boundary. Hence such lines, if they existed, must come from an infinite distance, traverse the region occupied by the fluid, and pass off again to infinity ; i.e. they must form infinitely long courses between places where (/> has, within an infinitely small amount, the same value C, which is impossible. The theorem that, if the fluid be at rest at infinity, the motion is determinate when the value of —d(f>/dn is given over the in ternal boundary, follows by the same argument as in Art. 40. Greens Theorem. 42. In treatises on Electrostatics, &c., many important pro perties of the potential are usually proved by means of a certain theorem due to Green. Of these the most important from our present point of view have already been given; but as the theorem in question leads, amongst other things, to a useful expression for the kinetic energy in any case of irrotational motion, some account of it will properly find a place here. Let U, V, W be any three functions which are finite, con tinuous, and single- valued at all points of a connected region 48 IRROTATIONAL MOTION. [CHAP. Ill completely bounded by one or more closed surfaces 8', let SS be an element of any one of these surfaces, and I, m, n the direction- cosines of the normals to it drawn inwards. We shall prove in the first place that where the triple-integral is taken throughout the region, and the double-integral over its boundary. If we conceive a series of surfaces drawn so as to divide the region into any number of separate parts, the integral Jf(lU+mV+nW)dS .................. (2), taken over the original boundary, is equal to the sum of the similar integrals each taken over the whole boundary of one of these parts. For, for every element So- of a dividing surface, we have, in the integrals corresponding to the parts lying on the two sides of this surface, elements (IU + mV+nW)S, V(f), wtf), respectively, where u, v, w satisfy the relation du dv dw _ _ dx dy dz ~ throughout the region, and make lu + mv + nw = 0 over the boundary. We find The function $ is here merely restricted to be finite, single- valued, and continuous, and to have its first differential coefficients finite, throughout the region. 43. Now let $, ' be any two functions which, together with their first derivatives, are finite, continuous, and single-valued throughout the region considered ; and let us put ir.V.F.*tf,::i¥..#*. r dx ^ dy r dz respectively, so that Substituting in (1) we find +|f+ff>** (5) 50 IRROTATIONAL MOTION. [CHAP. Ill By interchanging d' d d'\ 777 \\ -j dS=- I I j2- j + -J^-T^+T^ - J- \dxdydz JJ^ dn JJJ\dx dx dy dy dz dz ) -Jf!'V*dxdydz ..................... (6). Equations (5) and (6) together constitute Green's theorem*. 44. If $, ' = <£, and let be the velocity- potential of a liquid. We obtain [[[ \ /cty\a (d\* , fd\*\j , , ff .} J ] ^ dn To interpret this we multiply both sides by ^ p. Then on the right-hand side — d^>/dn denotes the normal velocity of the fluid inwards, whilst p is, by Art. 19, the impulsive pres sure necessary to generate the motion. It is a proposition in Dynamics J that the work done by an impulse is measured by the product of the impulse into half the sum of the initial and final velocities, resolved in the direction of the impulse, of the point to which it is applied. Hence the right-hand side of (3), when modified as described, expresses the work done by the system of impulsive pressures which, applied to the surface S, would generate the actual motion; whilst the left-hand side gives the kinetic energy of this motion. The formula asserts that * G. Green, Essay on Electricity and Magnetism, Nottingham, 1828, Art. 3. Mathematical Papers (ed. Ferrers), Cambridge, 1871, p. 23. t Thomson and Tait, Natural Philosophy, Art. 313, equation (11). I Thomson and Tait, Natural Philosophy, Art. 308. 43-45] KINETIC ENERGY. 51 these two quantities are equal. Hence if T denote the total kinetic energy of the liquid, we have the very important result -j^dS (4). If in (3), in place of , we write d\ 7 ~ -T- (-=-*- dS dx dn dx 1 was shewn in Art. 39 to tend at an 45-47] CYCLIC REGIONS. 53 infinite distance from 8. Now the whole region occupied by the fluid may be supposed made up of tubes of flow, each of which must pass either from one point of the internal boundary to another, or from that boundary to infinity. Hence the value of the integral JJ dn ' taken over any surface, open or closed, finite or infinite, drawn within the region, must be finite. Hence ultimately, when 2) is taken infinitely large and infinitely distant all round from 8, the second term of (9) vanishes, and we have j)/77 I / / JL S~1\ M^P 7 r/ /-I f\\ 21 = — O 11(9 — 0) -r^ttO (lv), JJ an where the integration extends over the internal boundary only. If the total flux across the internal boundary be zero, we have Jids-o, .. dn so that (10) becomes simply. On Multiply-connected Regions. 47. Before discussing the properties of irrotational motion in multiply-connected regions we must examine more in detail the nature and classification of such regions. In the following synopsis of this branch of the geometry of position we recapitulate for the sake of completeness one or two definitions already given. We consider any connected region of space, enclosed by bound aries. A region is 'connected' when it is possible to pass from any one point of it to any other by an infinity of paths, each of which lies wholly in the region. Any two such paths, or any two circuits, which can by continu ous variation be made to coincide without ever passing out of the region, are said to be ' mutually reconcileable.' Any circuit which can be contracted to a point without passing out of the region is said to be ' reducible.' Two reconcileable paths, combined, form a reducible circuit. If two paths or two circuits be reconcileable, it 54 IRROTATIONAL MOTION. [CHAP. Ill must be possible to connect them by a continuous surface, which lies wholly within the region, and of which they form the complete boundary ; and conversely. It is further convenient to distinguish between 'simple' and 'multiple' irreducible circuits. A 'multiple' circuit is one which can by continuous variation be made to appear, in whole or in part, as the repetition of another circuit a certain number of times. A 'simple' circuit is one with which this is not possible. A 'barrier/ or 'diaphragm,' is a surface drawn across the region, and limited by the line or lines in which it meets the boundary. Hence a barrier is necessarily a connected surface, and cannot consist of two or more detached portions. A 'simply-connected' region is one such that all paths joining any two points of it are reconcileable, or such that all circuits drawn within it are reducible. A 'doubly-connected' region is one such that two irreconcileable paths, and no more, can be drawn between any two points A, B of it; viz. any other path joining AB is reconcileable with one of these, or with a combination of the two taken each a certain number of times. In other words, the region is such that one (simple) irreducible circuit can be drawn in it, whilst all other circuits are either reconcileable with this (repeated, if necessary), or are reducible. As an example of a doubly-connected region we may take that enclosed by the surface of an anchor-ring, or that external to such a ring and extending to infinity. Generally, a region such that n irreconcileable paths, and no more, can be drawn between any two points of it, or such that n — 1 (simple) irreducible and irreconcileable circuits, and no more, can be drawn in it, is said to be ' n-ply-connected.' The shaded portion of the figure on p. 37 is a triply-con nected space of two dimensions. It may be shewn that the above definition of an /^-ply-connected space is self-consistent. In such simple cases as n — 2, n = 3, this is sufficiently evident without demonstration. 48. Let us suppose, now, that we have an ?i-ply-connected region, with n — 1 simple independent irreducible circuits drawn in it. It is possible to draw a barrier meeting any one of these 47-49] CYCLIC REGIONS. 55 circuits in one point only, and not meeting any of the n — 2 remaining circuits. A barrier drawn in this manner does not destroy the continuity of the region, for the interrupted circuit remains as a path leading round from one side to the other. The order of connection of the region is however diminished by unity ; for every circuit drawn in the modified region must be reconcileable with one or more of the n — 2 circuits riot met by the barrier. A second barrier, drawn in the same manner, will reduce the order of connection again by one, and so on ; so that by drawing n — I barriers we can reduce the region to a simply-connected one. A simply-connected region is divided by a barrier into two separate parts ; for otherwise it would be possible to pass from a point on one side the barrier to an adjacent point on the other side by a path lying wholly within the region, which path would in the original region form an irreducible circuit. Hence in an n-ply- connected region it is possible to draw u — 1 barriers, and no more, without destroying the continuity of the region. This property is sometimes adopted as the definition of an n-ply-connected space. Irrotational Motion in Multiply-connected Spaces. 49. The circulation is the same in any two reconcileable circuits AEG A, A'B'C'A' drawn in a region occupied by fluid moving irrotationally. For the two circuits may be connected by a continuous surface lying wholly within the region ; and if we apply the theorem of Art. 33 to this surface, we have, remembering the rule as to the direction of integration round the boundary, / (ABC A) + 1 (A'C'B'A') = 0, or / (ABCA) = I (A'B'C'A'}. If a circuit ABC A be reconcileable with two or more circuits A'B'C'A', A"B"C"A", &c., combined, we can connect all these circuits by a continuous surface which lies wholly within the region, and of which they form the complete boundary. Hence / (ABCA) + 1 (A'C'B'A') + 1 (A"C"B"A") + &c. = 0, or / (ABCA) = I (A'B'C'A') + 1 (A"B"C"A") + &c. ; i.e. the circulation in any circuit is equal to the sum of the 56 . IRROTATIONAL MOTION. [CHAP. Ill circulations in the several members of any set of circuits with which it is reconcileable. Let the order of connection of the region be ^ + 1, so that n independent simple irreducible circuits a1} a^, can be drawn in it; and let the circulations in these be tcl} K^,...Kn, respectively. The sign of any K will of course depend on the direction of integration round the corresponding circuit ; let the direction in which K is estimated be called the positive direction in the circuit. The value of the circulation in any other circuit can now be found at once. For the given circuit is necessarily reconcileable with some combination of the circuits alt a2,; say with «j taken pl times, a2 taken p.2 times and so on, where of course any p is negative when the corresponding circuit is taken in the negative direction. The required circulation then is p1/c1+pzK,i+...+pnien (1). Since any two paths joining two points A, B of the region together form a circuit, it follows that the values of the flow in the two paths differ by a quantity of the form (1), where, of course, in particular cases some or all of the p's may be zero. 50. Let us denote by — <£ the flow to a variable point P from a fixed point A, viz. rp $ = — 1 (udx + vdy + wdz) (2). J A. So long as the path of integration from A to P is not specified, is indeterminate to the extent of a quantity of the form (1). If however n barriers be drawn in the manner explained in Art. 48, so as to reduce the region to a simply-connected one, and if the path of integration in (2) be restricted to lie within the region as thus modified (i.e. it is not to cross any of the barriers), then becomes a single-valued function, as in Art. 36. It is continuous throughout the modified region, but its values at two adjacent points on opposite sides of a barrier differ by + K. To derive the value of (f> when the integration is taken along any path in the unmodified region we must subtract the quantity (1), where any p denotes the number of times this path crosses the corresponding barrier. A crossing in the positive direction of the circuits interrupted by the barrier is here counted as positive, a crossing in the opposite direction as negative. 49-51] VELOCITY-POTENTIALS IN CYCLIC REGIONS. 5*7 By displacing P through an infinitely short space parallel to each of the co-ordinate axes in succession, we find d6 dd> d(j) u = — ^ir) 0 = — y- , w = --f- ; dx dy dz so that satisfies the definition of a velocity-potential (Art. 18). It is now however a many- valued or cyclic function ; i. e. it is not possible to assign to every point of the original region a unique and definite value of $, such values forming a continuous system. On the contrary, whenever P describes an irreducible circuit, will not, in general, return to its original value, but will differ from it by a quantity of the form (1). The quantities Klt /c2,...fcn, which specify the amounts by which <£ decreases as P describes the several independent circuits of the region, may be called the ' cyclic con stants ' of . It is an immediate consequence of the ' circulation-theorem' of Art. 34 that under the conditions there presupposed the cyclic constants do not alter with the time. The necessity for these conditions is exemplified in the problem of Art. 30, where the potential of the extraneous forces is itself a cyclic function. The foregoing theory may be illustrated by the case of Art. 28 (2), where the region (as limited by the exclusion of the origin, where the formula would give an infinite velocity) is doubly-connected ; since we can connect any two points A, B of it by two irre- concileable paths passing on opposite sides of the axis of z, e.g. ACB, ADB in the figure. The portion of the plane zx for which x is positive may be taken as a barrier, and the region is thus made simply-connected. The circulation in any circuit meeting this barrier once only, e.g. in ACBDA, is j^ p/r. rd0, or 2?r/i. That in any circuit not meeting the barrier is zero. In the modified region 0 may be put equal to a single- valued function, viz. —pdt but its value on the positive side of the barrier is zero, that at an adjacent point on the negative side is -2w/i. More complex illustrations of irrotational motion in multiply-connected spaces will present themselves in the next chapter. 51. Before proceeding further we may briefly indicate a some what different method of presenting the above theory. Starting from the existence of a velocity-potential as the characteristic of the class of motions which we propose to study, and adopting the second 58 IRROTATIONAL MOTION. [CHAP. Ill definition of an n + I -ply-connected region, indicated in Art. 48, we remark that in a simply-connected region every equipotential surface must either be a closed surface, or else form a barrier dividing the region into two separate parts. Hence, supposing the whole system of such surfaces drawn, we see that if a closed curve cross any given equipotential surface once it must cross it again, and in the opposite direction. Hence, corresponding to any element of the curve, included between two consecutive equipotential surfaces, we have a second element such that the flow along it, being equal to the difference between the corresponding values of $, is equal and opposite to that along the former ; so that the circulation in the whole circuit is zero. If however the region be multiply-connected, an equipotential surface may form a barrier without dividing it into two separate parts. Let as many such surfaces be drawn as it is possible to draw without destroying the continuity of the region. The number of these cannot, by definition, be greater than n. Every other equipotential surface which is not closed will be reconcileable (in an obvious sense) with one or more of these barriers. A curve drawn from one side of a barrier round to the other, without meeting any of the remaining barriers, will cross every equipotential surface reconcileable with the first barrier an odd number of times, and every other equipotential surface an even number of times. Hence the circulation in the circuit thus formed will not vanish, and <£ will be a cyclic function. In the method adopted above we have based the whole theory on the equations dw dv _ du dw _ dv du dy dz ' dz dx ' dx dy " and have deduced the existence and properties of the velocity -potential in the various cases as necessary consequences of these. In fact, Arts. 35, 36, and 49, 50 may be regarded as a treatise on the integration of this system of differential equations. The integration of (i), when we have, on the right-hand side, instead of zero, known functions of ^, y, 2, will be treated in Chapter vn. 52. Proceeding now, as in Art. 37, to the particular case of an incompressible fluid, we remark that whether be cyclic or not, its first derivatives djdx, dfyjdy, d^/dz, and therefore all the higher derivatives, are essentially single-valued functions, so that c/> will still satisfy the equation of continuity v^ = o (i), or the equivalent form where the surface-integration extends over the whole boundary of any portion of the fluid. 51-52] MULTIPLE CONNECTIVITY. 59 The theorem (a) of Art. 40, viz. that $ must be constant throughout the interior of any region at every point of which (1) is satisfied, if it be constant over the boundary, still holds when the region is multiply-connected. For c/>, being constant over the boundary, is necessarily single-valued. The remaining theorems of Art. 40, being based on the assump tion that the stream-lines cannot form closed curves, will require modification. We must introduce the additional condition that the circulation is to be zero in each circuit of the region. Removing this restriction, we have the theorem that the irrotational motion of a liquid occupying an n-ply-connected region is determinate when the normal velocity at every point of the boundary is prescribed, as well as the values of the circulations in each of the n independent and irreducible circuits which can be drawn in the region. For if $lt = fa — 2 is a single-valued function which satisfies (1) at every point of the region, and makes d(f>/d)i = 0 at every point of the boundary. Hence by Art. 40, (f> is constant, and the motions determined by ! and itself. To remove this indeterminateness, let the barriers neces sary to reduce the region to a simply-connected one be drawn, as explained in Art. 48. We may now suppose (f> to be continuous and single-valued throughout the region thus modified; and the equation referred to will then hold, provided the two sides of each barrier be reckoned as part of the boundary of the region, and therefore included in the surface-integral on the left-hand side. Let So-j be an element of one of the barriers, /cx the cyclic constant corresponding to that barrier, dfy'jdn the rate of variation of <£' in the positive direction of the normal to So^. Since, in the parts of the surface-integral due to the two sides of 8 on the positive side exceeds that on the negative side by KI} we get finally for the element of the integral due to 8al) the value ^d^/dn.B^. Hence Art. 43 (5) becomes, in the altered circumstances, - l d^ + Ki AT, + &c. dn JJ dn + d$ d'\ dx dx dx dy dy dz dz ) . ............ (1); where the surface-integrations indicated on the left-hand side extend, the first over the original boundary of the region only, and the rest over the several barriers. The coefficient of any K is evidently minus the total flux across the corresponding barrier, in a motion of which $' is the velocity-potential. The values of in the first and last terms of the equation are to be assigned in the manner indicated in Art. 50. 53-54] EXTENSION OF GREEN'S THEOREM. 61 If (/>' also be a cyclic function, having the cyclic constants AC/, #3', &c., then Art. 43 (6) becomes in the same way ++ dx dy dy dz dz (2). Eqiiations (1) and (2) together constitute Lord Kelvin's extension of Green's theorem. 54. Tf 0, $' are both velocity-potentials of a liquid, we have V*(t> = 0, V2<£'=:0 ..................... (3), and therefore To obtain a physical interpretation of this theorem it is necessary to explain in the first place a method, imagined by Lord Kelvin, of generating any given cyclic irrotational motion of a liquid in a multiply-connected space. Let us suppose the fluid to be enclosed in a perfectly smooth and flexible membrane occupying the position of the boundary. Further, let n barriers be drawn, as in Art. 48, so as to convert the region into a simply-connected one, and let their places be occupied by similar membranes, infinitely thin, and destitute of inertia. The fluid being initially at rest, let each element of the first-mentioned membrane be suddenly moved inwards with the given (positive or negative) normal velocity — d/dn, whilst uniform impulsive pres sures Kip, K2p,...Knp are simultaneously applied to the negative sides of the respective barrier-membranes. The motion generated will be characterized by the following properties. It will be irrotational, being generated from rest; the normal velocity at every point of the original boundary will have the prescribed value ; the values of the impulsive pressure at two adjacent points on opposite sides of a membrane will differ by the corresponding 62 IRROTATIONAL MOTION. [CHAP. Ill value of Kp, and the values of the velocity-potential will therefore differ by the corresponding value of tc ; finally, the motion on one side of a barrier will be continuous with that on the other. To prove the last statement we remark, first, that the velocities normal to the barrier at two adjacent points on opposite sides of it are the same, being each equal to the normal velocity of the adjacent portion of the membrane. Again, if P, Q be two consecu tive points on a barrier, and if the corresponding values of be on the positive side 'p, qt we have and therefore Q — p = 'Q — ',,, ». *., if PQ = &, d' — , and suppose <£ to be the velocity- potential of an incompressible fluid, we find The last member of this formula has a simple interpretation in terms of the artificial method of generating cyclic irrotational motion just explained. The first term has already been recognized as equal to twice the work done by the impulsive pressure p(f) applied to every part of the original boundary of the fluid. Again, p^ is the impulsive pressure applied, in the positive direction, to the in finitely thin massless membrane by which the place of the first barrier was supposed to be occupied ; so that the expression dA. -^ rfo-, -*// 54-56] ENERGY IN CYCLIC REGIONS. 63 denotes the work done by the impulsive forces applied to that membrane ; and so on. Hence (5) expresses the fact that the energy of the motion is equal to the work done by the whole system of impulsive forces by which we may suppose it generated. In applying (5) to the case where the fluid extends to infinity and is at rest there, we may replace the first term of the third member by -C)dS ..................... (6), where the integration extends over the internal boundary only. The proof is the same as in Art. 46. When the total flux across this boundary is zero, this reduces to f(^d "'jJfaK The minimum theorem of Lord Kelvin, given in Art. 45, may now be extended as follows : The irrotational motion of a liquid in a multiply-connected region has less kinetic energy than any other motion consistent with the same normal motion of the boundary and the same value of the total flux through each of the several independent channels of the region. The proof is left to the reader. Sources and Sinks. 56. The analogy with the theories of Electrostatics, the Steady Flow of Heat, &c., may be carried further by means of the conception of sources and sinks. A c simple source ' is a point from which fluid is imagined to flow out uniformly in all directions. If the total flux outwards across a small closed surface surrounding the point be 4nrin*, then m is called the ' strength ' of the source. A negative source is called a ' sink.' The continued existence of a source or a sink would postulate of course a continual creation or annihilation of fluid at the point in question. * The factor 4?r is introduced to keep up the analogy referred to. 64 IRROTATIONAL MOTION. [CHAP. Ill The velocity-potential at any point P, due to a simple source, in a liquid at rest at infinity, is $ = m/r (1), where r denotes the distance of P from the source. For this gives a radial flow from the point, and if 8S, = r^vr, be an element of a spherical surface having its centre at the surface, we have -^- dS = 47nft, dr a constant, so that the equation of continuity is satisfied, and the flux outwards has the value appropriate to the strength of the source. A combination of two equal and opposite sources + m', at a distance 8s apart, where, in the limit, 8s is taken to be infinitely small, and mf infinitely great, but so that the product m'8s is finite and equal to p (say), is called a ' double source ' of strength /A, and the line 8s, considered as drawn in the direction from — m' to + m', is called its axis. To find the velocity-potential at any point (x, y, z) due to a double source ft situate at (#', y', z'\ and having its axis in the direction (I, m, n), we remark that, / being any continuous function, f(af + 18s, y' + m8s, z' + n8s) -f(x, y', z') ultimately. Hence, putting /(a/, y', z) = m'/r, where r = {(x - xj + (y- yj + (z - /)'}*, ni /, d d d\ I we find = ^l- + m- + n^- ............... (2), d d d\l — + m-r +n-j- - ............... (3), dx dy dz) r where, in the latter form, S- denotes the angle which the line r, considered as drawn from (x, y', z) to (x, y, z}, makes with the axis (I, m, n). We' might proceed, in a similar manner (see Art. 83), to build up sources of higher degrees of complexity, but the above is sufficient for our immediate purpose. 56-57] SOURCES AND SINKS. 65 Finally, we may imagine simple or double sources, instead of existing at isolated points, to be distributed continuously over lines, surfaces, or volumes. 57. We can now prove that any continuous acyclic irro- tational motion of a liquid mass may be regarded as due to a certain distribution of simple and double sources over the boundary. This depends on the theorem, proved in Art. 44, that if <£>, <£' be any two functions which satisfy V2c/> = 0, V-(/>' = 0, and are finite, continuous, and single- valued throughout any region, then where the integration extends over the whole boundary. In the present application, we take c/> to be the velocity-potential of the motion in question, and put ' = 1/r, the reciprocal of the distance of any point of the fluid from a fixed point P. We will first suppose that P is in the space occupied by the fluid. Since ' then becomes infinite at P, it is necessary to ex clude this point from the region to which the formula (5) applies ; this may be done by describing a small spherical surface about P as centre. If we now suppose 82 to refer to this surface, and 8$ to the original boundary, the formula gives //*£©«+//**©* At the surface 2 we have d/dn (l/r) = — 1/r2; hence if we put 82 = r^dix, and finally make r = 0, the first integral on the left- hand becomes = — 4rirP, where p denotes the value of <£ at P, whilst the first integral on the right vanishes. Hence l [/•,£(!)« ......... (7). ?r J j r dn \r J This gives the value of <£ at any point P of the fluid in terms of the values of <£ and dfyjdn at the boundary. Comparing with the formula? (1) and (2) we see that the first term is the velocity- L. 66 IRROTATIONAL MOTION. [CHAP. Ill potential due to a surface distribution of simple sources, with a density — 1/4-Tr . d(f>/dn per unit area, whilst the second term is the velocity-potential of a distribution of double sources, with axes normal to the surface, the density being 1/4-Tr . <£. When the fluid extends to infinity and is at rest there, the surface-integrals in (7) may, on a certain understanding, be taken to refer to the internal boundary alone. To see this, we may take as external boundary an infinite sphere having the point P as centre. The corresponding part of the first integral in (7) vanishes, whilst that of the second is equal to G, the constant value to which, as we have seen in Art. 41, (f> tends at infinity. It is convenient, for facility of statement, to suppose (7=0; this is legitimate since we may always add an arbitrary con stant to <£. When the point P is external to the fluid, <£' is finite through out the original region, and the formula (5) gives at once o ds + ds ......... (8), 47rJJ r dn 4t7rJJ ^ dn\rj where, again, in the case of a liquid extending to infinity, and at rest there, the terms due to the infinite part of the boundary may be omitted. 58. The distribution expressed by (7) can, further, be re placed by one of simple sources only, or of double sources only, over the boundary. Let be the velocity-potential of the fluid occupying a certain region, and let (/>' now denote the velocity-potential of any possible acyclic irrotational motion through the rest of infinite space, with the condition that , or <£', as the case may be, vanishes at infinity. Then, if the point P be internal to the first region, and therefore external to the second, we have 47rJJ r dn 4m ]] ^ dn (9), o , 4?r Jj r dn 4-TrJJ ^ dn where $n, &n denote elements of the normal to dS, drawn inwards 57-58] SURFACE-DISTRIBUTIONS. 6 "7 to the first and second regions respectively, so that d/dn' = — d/dn. By addition, we have dn J 4?r J J^ ' dn The function ' will be determined by the surface-values of ' or d(j>'/dri, which are as yet at our disposal. Let us in the first place make (/>'= . The tangential velocities on the two sides of the boundary are then continuous, but the normal velocities are discontinuous. To assist the ideas, we may imagine a fluid to fill infinite space, and to be divided into two portions by an infinitely thin vacuous sheet within which an impulsive pressure p$> is applied, so as to generate the given motion from rest. The last term of (10) disappears, so that Mr8 (11)> that is, the motion (on either side) is that due to a surface-distri bution of simple sources, of density 1 (d$ d'\* 4-7T \dn dn J Secondly, we may suppose that dfi/dn = d/dn. This gives continuous normal velocity, but discontinuous tangential velocity, over the original boundary. The motion may in this case be imagined to be generated by giving the prescribed normal velocity - d(f>/dn to every point of an infinitely thin membrane coincident in position with the boundary. The first term of (10) now vanishes, and we have shewing that the motion on either side may be conceived as due to a surface-distribution of double sources, with density It is obvious that cyclic irrotational motion of a liquid cannot be re produced by any arrangement of simple sources. It is easily seen, however, that it may be represented by a certain distribution of double sources over * This investigation was first given by Green, from the point of view of Electro statics ; I.e. ante p. 50. 5—2 68 IRROTATIONAL MOTION. [CHAP. Ill the boundary, together with a uniform distribution of double sources over each of the barriers necessary to render the region occupied by the fluid simply- Connected. In fact, with the same notation as in Art. 53, we find //<*- »i © *+£ Hi © ^ H where $ is the single- valued velocity-potential which obtains in the modified region, and $' is the velocity-potential of the acyclic motion which is generated in the external space when the proper normal velocity - d$/dn is given to each element dS of a membrane coincident in position with the original boundary. Another mode of representing the irrotational motion of a liquid, whether cyclic or not, will present itself in the chapter on Vortex Motion. CHAPTER IV. MOTION OF A LIQUID IN TWO DIMENSIONS. 59. IF the velocities u, v be functions of x, y only, whilst w is zero, the motion takes place in a series of planes parallel to xy, and is the same in each of these planes. The investigation of the motion of a liquid under these circumstances is characterized by certain analytical peculiarities; and the solutions of several pro blems of great interest are readily obtained. Since the whole motion is known when we know that in the plane 2 = 0, we may confine our attention to that plane. When we speak of points and lines drawn in it, we shall understand them to represent respectively the straight lines parallel to the axis of 2, and the cylindrical surfaces having their generating lines parallel to the axis of 2, of which they are the traces. By the flux across any curve we shall understand the volume of fluid which in unit time crosses that portion of the cylindrical surface, having the curve as base, which is included between the planes z = 0, z = 1. Let A, P be any two points in the plane xy. The flux across any two lines joining AP is the same, provided they can be reconciled without passing out of the region occupied by the moving liquid ; for otherwise the space included between these two lines would be gaining or losing matter. Hence if A be fixed, and P variable, the flux across any line AP is a function of the position of P. Let -^ be this function ; more precisely, let ^r denote the flux across AP from right to left, as regards an observer placed on the curve, and looking along it from A in the direction of P. Analytically, if I, m be the direction-cosines of the 70 MOTION OF A LIQUID IN TWO DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. IV normal (drawn to the left) to any element Ss of the curve, we have rP = 1 (lu + mv)ds (1). J A If the region occupied by the liquid be aperiphractic (see p. 43), ty is necessarily a single-valued function, but in periphractic regions the value of ty may depend on the nature of the path AP. For spaces of two dimensions, however, periphraxy and multiple- connectivity become the same thing, so that the properties of ^, when it is a many-valued function, in relation to the nature of the region occupied by the moving liquid, may be inferred from Art. 50, where we have discussed the same question with regard to $. The cyclic constants of ty, when the region is peri phractic, are the values of the flux across the closed curves forming the several parts of the internal boundary. A change, say from A to B, of the point from which >/r is reckoned has merely the effect of adding a constant, viz. the flux across a line BA, to the value of ^ ; so that we may, if we please, regard ty as indeterminate to the extent of an additive constant. If P move about in such a manner that the value of ^ does not alter, it will trace out a curve such that no fluid anywhere crosses it, i.e. a stream-line. Hence the curves ^ = const, are the stream-lines, and i/r is called the ' stream-function.' If P receive an infinitesimal displacement PQ (= %) parallel to y, the increment of A/T is the flux across PQ from right to left, i.e. &\/r = — u. PQ, or u — ** ........................... (2). dy Again, displacing P parallel to xt we find in the same way The existence of a function ty related to u and v in this manner might also have been inferred from the form which the equation of continuity takes in this case, viz. J' + ^ = () ....... (4), dx dy 59-60] STREAM-FUNCTION. 71 which is the analytical condition that udy — vdx should be an exact differential*. The foregoing considerations apply whether the motion be rotational or irrotational. The formulse for the component angular velocities, given in Art. 31, become f=o, 77=0, r»tiVi V fi *Y so that in irrotational motion we have $H|r c£2-\/r ... ~d^+w= (> 60. In what follows we confine ourselves to the case of irrotational motion, which is, as we have already seen, character ized by the existence, in addition, of a velocity-potential , connected with u, v by the relations u = -^ v--^ m dx' dy" and, since we are considering the motion of incompressible fluids only, satisfying the equation of continuity dtf+~df = The theory of the function $, and the relation between its properties and the nature of the two-dimensional space through which the irrotational motion holds, may be readily inferred from the corresponding theorems in three dimensions proved in the last chapter. The alterations, whether of enunciation or of proof, which are requisite to adapt these to the case of two dimensions are for the most part purely verbal. An exception, which we will briefly examine, occurs however in the case of the theorem of Art. 39 and of those which depend on it. If 8s be an element of the boundary of any portion of the plane xy which is occupied wholly by moving liquid, and if 8n be an element of the normal to 8s drawn inwards, we have, by Art. 37, * The function ^ was first introduced in this way by Lagrange, Nouv. mem. de VAccid. de Berlin, 1781 ; Oeuvres, t. iv., p. 720. The kinematical interpretation is due to Rankine, 72 MOTION OF A LIQUID IN TWO DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. IV the integration extending round the whole boundary. If this boundary be a circle, and if r, 6 be polar co-ordinates referred to the centre P of this circle as origin, the last equation may be written - or 1 ft* Hence the integral ^- I 2n J o i.e. the mean- value of $ over a circle of centre P, and radius r, is independent of the value of r, and therefore remains unaltered when r is diminished without limit, in which case it becomes the value of <£ at P. If the region occupied by the fluid be periphractic, and if we apply (i) to the space enclosed between one of the internal boundaries and a circle with centre P and radius r surrounding this boundary, and lying wholly in the fluid, we have /"27T /~7/4> .(ii); where the integration in the first member extends over the circle only, and £TT M denotes the flux into the region across the internal boundary. Hence d 1 •**,, M V; which gives on integration i.e. the mean value of over a circle with centre P and radius r is equal to - M log r + 6'y, where C is independent of r but may vary with the position of P. This formula holds of course only so far as the circle embraces the same internal boundary, and lies itself wholly in the fluid. If the region be unlimited externally, and if the circle embrace the whole of the internal boundaries, and if further the velocity be everywhere zero at infinity, then C is an absolute constant ; as is seen by reasoning similar to that of Art. 41. It may then be shewn that the value of 0 at a very great distance r from the internal boundary tends to the value - J/log r + C. In the particular case of M=0 the limit to which <£ tends at infinity is finite; in all other cases it is infinite, and of the opposite sign to M. We infer, as before, that there is only one single- valued function $ which 1° satisfies the equation (2) at every point of the plane xy external to a given system of closed curves, 2° makes the value of d

_ dty d(f) _ d^r , . doc dy ' dy dx ' ' These are the conditions that (fr + iifr, where i stands for V~l> should be a function of the ' complex ' variable x + iy. For if * This subject has been treated very fully by C. Neumann, Ueber das logarith- misclie und Newton'sche Potential, Leipzig, 1877. 74 MOTION OF A LIQUID IN TWO DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. IV ) ..................... (2), we have ^(<£ + fy) = if (x + iy) = i -jt( + ty) ...... (3), whence, equating separately the real and the imaginary parts, we obtain (1). Hence any assumption of the form (2) gives a possible case of irrotational motion. The curves (f> = const, are the curves of equal velocity-potential, and the curves ty = const, are the stream-lines. Since, by (].), d(t> djr d(f> dty _ dx dx dy dy we see that these two systems of curves cut one another at right angles, as already proved. Since the relations (1) are unaltered when we write — ty for , and for -v/r, we may, if we choose, look upon the curves *fr = const, as the equipotential curves, and the curves <£ = const, as the stream-lines ; so that every assumption of the kind indicated gives us two possible cases of irrotational motion. For shortness, we shall through the rest of this Chapter follow the usual notation of the Theory of Functions, and write z = x+iy .............................. (4), W = + l'\fr ........................... (5). At the present date the reader may be assumed to be in possession of at all events the elements of the theory referred to*. We may, however, briefly recall a few fundamental points which are of special importance in the hydro- dynamical applications of the subject. The complex variable x + iy may be represented, after Argand and Gauss, by a vector drawn from the origin to the point (&', y). The result of adding two complex expressions is represented by the geometric sum of the corre sponding vectors. Regarded as a multiplying operator, a complex expression a + ib has the effect of increasing the length of a vector in the ratio r : 1, and of simultaneously turning it through an angle 6, where r = (a2 + 62)*, and The fundamental property of & function of a complex variable is that it has a definite differential coefficient with respect to that variable. If 0, \//- denote any functions whatever of x and y, then corresponding to every value of x-\-iy there must be one or more definite values of (f) + i\^; but the ratio of the differential of this function to that of x-\-iy^ viz. * See, for example, Forsyth, Ttieory of Function*, Cambridge, 1898, cc. i., ii. 62] COMPLEX VARIABLE. 75 depends in general on the ratio 8x : §y. The condition that it should be the same for all values of this ratio is j^j ay dy which is equivalent to (1) above. This property may therefore be taken, after Kiemann, as the definition of a function of the complex variable x+iy\ viz. such a function must have, for every assigned value of the variable, not only a definite value or system of values, but also for each of these values a definite differential coefficient. The advantage of this definition is that it is quite independent of the existence of an analytical expression for the function. Now, w being any function of st we have, corresponding to any point P of the plane xy (which we may call the plane of the variable z), one or more definite values of w. Let us choose any one of these, and denote it by a point P' of which 0, >//• are the rectangular co-ordinates in a second plane (the plane of the function w). If P trace out any curve in the plane of z, P' will trace out a corresponding curve in the plane of w. By mapping out the correspondence between the positions of P and P', we may exhibit graphically all the properties of the function w. Let now Q be a point infinitely near to P, and let Q' be the corresponding point infinitely near to P'. We may denote PQ by §z, PQ' by 8w. The vector P'Q' may be obtained from the vector PQ by multiplying it by the differential coefficient dw/dz, whose value is by definition dependent only on the position of P, and not on the direction of the element dz or PQ. The effect of this operator dw/dz is to increase the length of PQ in some definite ratio, and to turn it through some definite angle. Hence, in the transition from the plane of z to that of w, all the infinitesimal vectors drawn from the point P have their lengths altered in the same ratio, and are turned through the same angle. Any angle in the plane of z is therefore equal to the corresponding angle in the plane of w, and any infinitely small figure in the one plane is similar to the corresponding figure in the other. In other words, corresponding figures in the planes of z and w are similar in their infinitely small parts. For instance, in the plane of w the straight lines 0 = const., ^ = const., where the constants have assigned to them a series of values in arithmetical progression, the common difference being infinitesimal and the same in each case, form two systems of straight lines at right angles, dividing the plane into infinitely small squares. Hence in the plane xy the corresponding curves = const., \js = const., the values of the constants being assigned as before, cut one another at right angles (as has already been proved otherwise) and divide the plane into a series of infinitely small squares. Conversely, if $, \//> be any two functions of #, y such that the curves 0=we, \//- = ?if, where € is infinitesimal, and m, n are any integers, divide the plane xy into elementary squares, it is evident geometrically that dx _ dy dx _ dy d$=±d$' djr^+df' If we take the upper signs, these are the conditions that x+iy should be a 76 MOTION OF A LIQUID IN TWO DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. IV function of (f> + i\js. The case of the lower signs is reduced to this by re versing the sign of -v/r. Hence the equation (2) contains the complete solution of the problem of orthomorphic projection from one plane to another*. The similarity of corresponding infinitely small portions of the planes w and z breaks down at points where the differential coefficient dwldz is zero or infinite. Since j-sMs .............................. » the corresponding value of the velocity, in the hydrodynamical application, is zero or infinite. A 'uniform' or 'single-valued' function is one which returns to its original value whenever the representative point completes a closed circuit in the plane xy. All other functions are said to be ' multiform,' or ' many- valued.' A simple case of a multiform function is that of A If we put s=x + iy = r (cos 0 + *' sin 0), we have z* = Hence when P describes a closed circuit surrounding the origin, 6 increases by 2?r, and the function £5 does not return to its former value, the sign being reversed. A repetition of the circuit restores the original value. A point (such as the origin in this example), at which two or more values of the function coincide, is called a 'branch-point.' In the hydrodynamical application ' branch-points ' cannot occur in the interior of the space occupied by the fluid. They may however occur on the boundary, since the function will then be uniform throughout the region considered. Many-valued functions of another kind, which may conveniently be distinguished as ' cyclic,' present themselves, in the Theory of Functions, as integrals with a variable upper limit. It is easily shewn that the value of the integral taken round the boundary of any portion of the plane xy throughout which / (z), and its derivative /' (z\ are finite, is zero. This follows from the two- dimensional form of Stokes's Theorem, proved in Art. 33, viz. the restrictions as to the values of P, Q being as there stated. If we put P=f (z\ Q = if (z\ the result follows, since Hence the value of the integral (iii), taken from a fixed point A to a variable point P, is the same for all paths which can be reconciled with one another without crossing points for which the above conditions are violated. * Lagrange, " Sur la construction des cartes geographiques," Nouv. mem. de VAcad. de Berlin, 1779 ; Oeuvres, t. iv., p. 636. 62] COMPLEX VARIABLE. 77 Points of the plane xy at which the conditions in question break down may be isolated by drawing a small closed curve round each. The rest of the plane is a multiply-connected region, and the value of the integral from ^1 to P becomes a cyclic function of the position of P, as in Art. 50. In the hydrodynamical applications, the integral (iii), considered as a function of the upper limit, is taken to be equal to = const, are a system of rectangular hyperbolas having the axes of co-ordinates as their principal axes, and the curves -\Jr = const, are a similar system, having the co ordinate axes as asymptotes. The lines 6 = 0, 0 — \ IT are parts of the same stream-line ty = 0, so that we may take the positive parts of the axes of #, y as fixed boundaries, and thus obtain the case of a fluid in motion in the angle between two perpendicular walls. 3°. If n = — 1, we get two systems of circles touching the axes of co-ordinates at the origin. Since now

= Aracos—) ^ = Arasm — ............... (3). The component velocities along and perpendicular to r, are A IT a"1 ^ JJ A TT a'1 • 1*6 — A-r cos — , and A -r sin — ; a a a a and are therefore zero, finite, or infinite at the origin, according as a. is less than, equal to, or greater than TT. 64. We take next some cases of cyclic functions. 1°. The assumption W= — /JL\OgZ ........................... (1) gives <£ = -^logr, ^ = -^0 ..................... (2). The velocity at a distance r from the origin is fi/r'} this point must therefore be isolated by drawing a small closed curve round it. If we take the radii 6 — const, as the stream-lines we get the case of a (two-dimensional) source at the origin. (See Art. 60.) If the circles r = const, be taken as stream-lines we get the case of Art. 28 ; the motion is now cyclic, the circulation in any circuit embracing the origin being 2 7r/i. C£ J ~/ 2°. Let us take * (3). If we denote by r1} r2 the distances of any point in the plane xy from the points (+ a, 0), and by 0lt 62, the angles which these distances make with positive direction of the axis of #, we have z — a = r^ty z 4- a = r2e^2, whence = -//,logn/r2, ->|r = - /z (6^ - 02) ............ (4). The curves = const., ty — const, form two orthogonal systems of ' coaxal ' circles. 80 MOTION OF A LIQUID IN TWO DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. IV Either of these systems may be taken as the equipotential curves, and the other system will then form the stream-lines. In either case the velocity at the points (+ a, 0) will be infinite. If these points be accordingly isolated by drawing closed curves round them, the rest of the plane xy becomes a triply-connected region. If the circles 01 — 02 = const, be taken as the stream-lines we have the case of a source and a sink, of equal intensities, situate at the points (± a, 0). If a is diminished indefinitely, whilst fia remains finite, we reproduce the assumption of Art. 63, 3°, which therefore corresponds to the case of a double line-source at the origin. (See the first diagram of Art. 68.) If, on the other hand, we take the circles r^rz — const, as the stream-lines we get a case of cyclic motion, viz. the circulation in any circuit embracing the first (only) of the above points is STT/J,, that in a circuit embracing the second is — ZTT/JL ; whilst that in a circuit embracing both is zero. This example will have additional interest for us when we come to treat of ' Rectilinear Vortices.' 64-65] INVERSE FORMULA. 81 65. If w be a function of z, it follows at once from the defini tion of Art. 62 that z is a function of w. The latter form of assumption is sometimes more convenient analytically than the former. The relations (1) of Art. 62 are then replaced by dxdy dx dy d dr} d^ dw dd> .dty Also since -= - = —?~ + i — I- dz dx dx , dz \ \ in .v we have dw u — iv q \q q. where q is the resultant velocity at (x, y). Hence if we write and imagine the properties of the function f to be exhibited graphically in the manner already explained, the vector drawn from the origin to any point in the plane of f will agree in direction with, and be in magnitude the reciprocal of, the velocity at the corresponding point of the plane of z. Again, since l/q is the modulus of dzjdw, i.e. of dx/d(f> + idyjd<}>, we have which may, by (1), be put into the equivalent forms f W. \ttyy wcp u^ n^r uy> The last formula, viz. simply expresses the fact that corresponding elementary areas in the planes of z and w are in the ratio of the square of the modulus of dz/dw to unity. I, 6 82 MOTION OF A LIQUID IN TWO DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. IV 66. The following examples of this are important. 1°. Assume z = ccoshw (1), or x = c cosh cos 1 y = c sinh (/> sin - The curves $ = const, are the ellipses __ -| and the curves >/r = const, are the hyperbolas (2). (3), a?" c2 cos2 c'2 sin2 = 1 these conies having the common foci (± c, 0). Since at the foci we have 0 = 0, ty = HTT, n being some integer, we see by (2) o£~the preceding Art. that the velocity there is infinite. If the hyperbolas be taken as the stream-lines, the portions of the axis of a; which lie outside the points (+ c, 0) may be taken as rigid boundaries. We obtain in this manner the case 66] SPECIAL CASES. 83 of a liquid flowing from one side to the other of a thin plane partition, through an aperture of breadth 2c ; the velocity at the edges is however infinite. If the ellipses be taken as the stream-lines we get the case of a liquid circulating round an elliptic cylinder, or, as an extreme case, round a rigid lamina whose section is the line joining the foci (± e, 0). At an infinite distance from the origin (/> is infinite, of the order log r, where r is the radius vector ; and the velocity is infinitely small of the order 1/r. 2°. Let z = w + ew ................. < ......... (5), X = (f) + 6* COS l/r, y = ty -f 6* sill i/r ............ (6). Or The stream-line i/r = 0 coincides with the axis of x. Again the portion of the line y=rrr between x = — GO and x = — 1, considered as a line bent back on itself, forms the stream-line i|r = TT ; viz. as $ decreases from -f- oo through 0 to — oo , x increases from — oc to — 1 and then decreases to — oo again. Similarly for the stream line i|r = — TJ-. 6—2 84 MOTION OF A LIQUID IN TWO DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. IV Since f = — dz\dw = — 1 — e* cos i/r — ie* sin -$-, it appears that for large negative values of <£ the velocity is in the direction of ^-negative, and equal to unity, whilst for large positive values it is zero. The above formulae therefore express the motion of a liquid flowing into a canal bounded by two thin parallel walls from an open space. At the ends of the walls we have (f> = 0, ty = ± TT, and therefore f = 0, i.e. the velocity is infinite. The direction of the flow will be reversed if we change the sign of w in (5). The forms of the stream-lines, drawn, as in all similar cases in this chapter, for equidistant values of ty, are shewn in the figure*. 67. A very general formula for the functions <£, ^ may be obtained as follows. It may be shewn that if a function f (z) be finite, continuous, and single- valued, and have its first derivative finite, at all points of a space included between two concentric circles about the origin, its value at any point of this space can be expanded in the form f(z) = AQ + A1z + Ass? + ... -f B^-1 + B,z~2 + (1). If the above conditions be satisfied at all points within a circle having the origin as centre, we retain only the ascending series ; if at all points without such a circle, the descending series, with the addition of the constant A0, is sufficient. If the conditions be fulfilled for all points of the plane xy without exception, f(z) can be no other than a constant A0. Putting f(z) = + fy, introducing polar co-ordinates, and writing the complex constants An> Bn> in the forms Pn + iQn, Rn + iSn , respectively, we obtain 0 = P0+ T,rn(Pn cos n0 - Qn sin n&) + ^r~n(Encos nO+ 8nsmnO)\ ^ = Q0+ 2>w(Qw cos n& + Pn sin nd) + ^r~n(Sn cosn0-Rnsmn0)) (2). These formula? are convenient in treating problems where we have the value of $, or of d/dn, given over the circular boun daries. This value may be expanded for each boundary in a series of sines and cosines of multiples of 6, by Fourier's theorem. The series thus found must be equivalent to those obtained from (2); whence, equating separately coefficients of sin n6 and cos 116, we obtain four systems of linear equations to determine Pn, Qn, Rn, Sn. * This example was given by von Helmholtz, Perl. Monatsber., April 23, 1868; Phil Mag., Nov. 1868; Ges. Abh., t. i., p. 154. 66-68] GENERAL FORMULAE. 85 68. As an example let us take the case of an infinitely long circular cylinder of radius a moving with velocity u perpendicular to its length, in an infinite mass of liquid which is at rest at infinity. Let the origin be taken in the axis of the cylinder, and the axes of x, y in a plane perpendicular to its length. Further let the axis of x be in the direction of the velocity u. The motion, having originated from rest, will necessarily be irrotational, and <£ will be single-valued. Also, since fd

/dn is given at every point of the internal boundary of the fluid, viz. — -~ = u cos 6, for r — a ..................... (3), CLi and since the fluid is at rest at infinity, the problem is determinate, by Art. 41. These conditions give Pn = 0, Qn= 0, and u cos 0 = ^ narn~l (Rn cos nO + 8n sin nO), which can be satisfied only by making Rt = ua2, and all the other coefficients zero. The complete solution is therefore (f>= -- cos 0, -\/r = -- — sin 0 ............... (4). The stream-lines ^r = const, are circles, as shewn on the next page. The kinetic energy of the liquid is given by the formula (2) of Art. 61, viz. sauV P*cos2 6 d6 = m'u2 ......... (5), Jo if m', = 7ra2p, be the mass of fluid displaced by unit length of the cylinder. This result shews that the whole effect of the presence of the fluid may be represented by an addition m' to the inertia of the cylinder. Thus, in the case of rectilinear motion, if we have an extraneous force X acting on the cylinder, the equation of energy gives (imu2 + im'u-) = Xu, or (m + no-X ..................... (6), where m represents the mass of the cylinder. 86 MOTION OF A LIQUID IN TWO DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. IV Writing this in the form du v , du mdt=x-m^' we learn that the pressure of the fluid is equivalent to a force — m' du/dt in the direction of motion. This vanishes when u is constant. The above result may of course be verified by direct calculation. The pressure is given by the formula where we have omitted the term due to the extraneous forces (if any) acting on the fluid, the effect of which can be found by the rules of Hydrostatics. The term dfyjdt here expresses the rate at which 0 is increasing at a fixed point of space, whereas the value of in (4) is referred to an origin which is in motion with the velocity u. In consequence of this the value of r for any fixed point is increasing at the rate — u cos 0, and that of 6 at the rate U/r . sin Q. Hence we must put d du. a2 .. d(f> u sin 6 d$ dn a2 u*a2 -j-= -j- - COS 0 - U COS 0 -~ + - -£=-77 COS0+-.. COS 20. dt dt r dr r dd dt r r2 68-69] MOTION OF A CIRCULAR CYLINDER. 87 Since, also, £2 = U2a4/r4, the pressure at any point of the cylindrical surface The resultant force on unit length of the cylinder is evidently parallel to the initial line 6 = 0 ; to find its amount we multiply by - add . cos 6 and integrate with respect to & between the limits 0_ and TT. The result is _. — m'dvi/dt, as before. If in the above example we impress on the fluid and the cylinder a velocity — u we have the case of a current flowing with the general velocity u past a fixed cylindrical obstacle. Adding to K/2ira, there is a point of zero velocity in the fluid. The stream-line system has the same configuration in all cases, the only effect of a change in the value of u being to alter the scale, relative to the diameter of the cylinder. To calculate the effect of the fluid pressures on the cylinder when moving in any manner we write where % is the angle which the direction of motion makes with the axis of x. In the formula for the pressure [Art. 68 (i)] we must put, for r=a, and ^2 The resultant force on the cylinder is found to be made up of a component in the direction of motion, and a component .................................... (v), at right angles, where m.' = npa2 as before. Hence if P, Q denote the components of the extraneous forces, if any, in the directions of the tangent and the normal to the path, respectively, the equations of motion of the cylinder are (vi). If there be no extraneous forces, u is constant, and writing where R is the radius of curvature of the path, we find (vii). The path is therefore a circle, described in the direction of the cyclic motion*. * Lord Rayleigh, " On the Irregular Flight of a Tennis Ball," Megs, of Math., t. vii. (1878); Greeiihill, ibid., t. ix., p. 113 (1880). 90 MOTION OF A LIQUID IN TWO DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. IV If X, y be the rectangular co-ordinates of the axis of the cylinder, the equations (vi) are equivalent to ')x=-*py+.n Kp± + rJ" where Jf, Y are the components of the extraneous forces. To find the effect of a constant force, we may put , F=0 ........................... (ix). The solution then is X = a + a cos (nt + e), g> provided n = Kp/(m + m') .................................... (xi). This shews that the path is a trochoid, described with a mean velocity g'/n perpendicular to x*. It is remarkable that the cylinder has on the whole no progressive motion in the direction of the extraneous force. 70. The formula (1) of Art. 67, as amended by the addition of the term A log zt may readily be generalized so as to apply to any case of irrotational motion in a region with circular boundaries, one of which encloses all the rest. In fact, corresponding to each internal boundary we have a series of the form where c, = a + ib say, refers to the centre, and the coefficients A, Alt A2} ... are in general complex quantities. The difficulty however of determining these coefficients so as to satisfy given boundary conditions is now so great as to render this method of very limited application. Indeed the determination of the irrotational motion of a liquid subject to given boundary conditions is a problem whose exact solution can be effected by direct processes in only a very few cases f. Most of the cases for which we know the solution have * Greenhill, I.e. t A very powerful method of transformation, applicable to cases where the boundaries of the fluid consist of fixed plane walls, has however been deve loped by Schwarz (" Ueber einige Abbildungsaufgaben," Crelle, t. Ixx., Gesam- melte Abhandlungen, Berlin, 1890, t. ii., p. 65), Christoffel (" Sul problema delle temperature stazionarie e la rappresentazione di una data superficie," Annali di Matematica, Serie n., t. i. , p. 89), and Kirchhoff (" Zur Theorie des Conden- sators," Berl. Monatsber., March 15, 1877; Ges. Abh., p. 101). Many of the solutions which can be thus obtained are of great interest in the mathematically cognate subjects of Electrostatics, Heat-Conduction, &c. See for example, J. J. Thomson, Recent Researches in Electricity and Magnetism, Oxford, 1893, c. iii. 69-71] INDIRECT METHODS. 91 been obtained by an inverse process ; viz. instead of trying to find a solution of the equation V2<£ = 0 or V2-\Jr = 0, satisfying given boundary conditions, we take some known solution of the differen tial equations and enquire what boundary conditions it can be made to satisfy. Examples of this method have already been given in Arts. 63, 64, and we may carry it further in the following two important cases of the general problem in two dimensions. 71. CASE I. The boundary of the fluid consists of a rigid cylindrical surface which is in motion with velocity u in a direction perpendicular to its length. Let us take as axis of x the direction of this velocity u, and let Bs be an element of the section of the surface by the plane xy. Then at all points of this section the velocity of the fluid in the direction of the normal, which is denoted by d-fr/ds, must be equal to the velocity of the boundary normal to itself, or — udyjds. Integrating along the section, we have T/T = — My + const (1). If we take any admissible form of i/r, this equation defines a system of curves each of which would by its motion parallel to x give rise to the stream-lines ^r = const. * We give a few examples. 1°. If we choose for ^r the form — uy, (1) is satisfied identically for all forms of the boundary. Hence the fluid contained within a' cylinder of any shape which has a motion of translation only may move as a solid body. If, further, the cylindrical space occupied by the fluid be simply-connected, this is the only kind of motion possible. This is otherwise evident from Art. 40 ; for the motion of the fluid and the solid as one mass evidently satisfies all the conditions, and is therefore the only solution which the problem admits of. 2°. Let -v/r = A jr . sin 6 ; then (1) becomes A sin 6 = - u r sin 6 + const (2). In this system of curves is included a circle of radius a, provided * Cf. Kankine, "On Plane Water-Lines in Two Dimensions," Phil. Trans., 1864, where the method is applied to obtain curves resembling the lines of ships. 92 MOTION OF A LIQUID IN TWO DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. IV A /a = - ua. Hence the motion produced in an infinite mass of liquid by a circular cylinder moving through it with velocity u perpendicular to its length, is given by 11 r/2 * = -— sintf (3), which agrees with Art. 68. 3°. Let us introduce the elliptic co-ordinates f, rj, connected with x, y by the relation x + iy = c cosh (f + iy) (4), or X — G cosh f cos rj, y = c sinh f sin rj j (cf. Art. 66), where f may be supposed to range from 0 to oo , and rj from 0 to 2-7T. If we now put 0 + ty = (V-tf+*,) ........................ (6), where G is some real constant, we have i|r = - Ce~t sin rj ........................ (7), so that (1) becomes Ce~% sin 77 = uc sinh {• sin T; 4- const. In this system of curves is included the ellipse whose parameter fo is determined by If a, b be the semi-axes of this ellipse we have , 6 = csinhf0, xl. r» 7. so that (7 = - r = u6 a — 6 Hence the formula fsin7; .................. (8) gives the motion of an infinite mass of liquid produced by an elliptic cylinder of semi-axes a, b, moving parallel to the greater axis with velocity u. That the above formulae make the velocity zero at infinity appears from the consideration that, when f is large, S% and S?/ are of the same order as e^Sf or etBrj, so that d^r/dx, d-^rfdy are of the order e~2^ or 1/r2, ultimately, where r denotes the distance of any point from the axis of the cylinder. If the motion of the cylinder were parallel to the minor axis the formula would be 71] TRANSLATION OF A CYLINDER. 93 The stream-lines are in each case the same for all confucal elliptic forms of the cylinder, so that the formulae hold even when the section reduces to the straight line joining the foci. In this case (9) becomes A|T = vc e~£ cos ?; (10), which would give the motion produced by an infinitely long lamina of breadth 2c moving ' broadside on ' in an infinite mass of liquid. Since however this solution makes the velocity infinite at the edges, it is subject to the practical limitation already indicated in several instances*. * This investigation was given in the Quart. Journ. of Math., i. xiv. (1875). Results equivalent to (8), (9) had however been obtained, in a different manner, by Beltrami, " Sui principii fondamentali dell' idrodinamica razionale," Mem. dell' Accad. delle Scienze di Bologna, 1873, p. 394. 94 MOTION OF A LIQUID IN TWO DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. IV The kinetic energy of the fluid is given by 2T= p Ud^ J o ........................ (11), where b is the half-breadth of the cylinder perpendicular to the direction of motion. If the units of length and time be properly chosen we may write £f% whence f*^(i+ These formula) are convenient for tracing the curves 0 = const., ^ = const., which are figured on the preceding page. By superposition of the results (8) and (9) we obtain, for the case of an elliptic cylinder having a motion of translation whose components are u, V, ^= - (^T£ V e~^ (u6 sin 77 - va cos 7?) ..................... (i). To find the motion relative to the cylinder we must add to this the expression vy - vx — c (u sinh £ sin rj - v cosh £ cos q) ............... (ii). For example, the stream-function for a current impinging at an angle of 45° on a plane lamina whose edges are at x=±c is V^= - -TO 9oc sintl £ (cos *) ~ sin ri ........................ ("*)» where q0 is the velocity at infinity. This immediately verifies, for it makes •^• = 0 for £ = 0, and gives for £=oo. The stream-lines for this case are shewn in the annexed figure (turned through 45° for convenience). This will serve to illustrate some results to be obtained later in Chap, vi, 71-72] RELATIVE STREAM-LINES. 95 If we trace the course of the stream-line ^ = 0 from <£=+oc to <£ = - oo , we find that it consists in the first place of the hyperbolic arc TJ^^TT, meeting the lamina at right angles ; it then divides into two portions, following the faces of the lamina, which finally re-unite and are continued as the hyperbolic arc 17 = |- IT. The points where the hyperbolic arcs abut on the lamina are points of zero velocity, and therefore of maximum pressure. It is plain that the fluid pressures on the lamina are equivalent to a couple tending to set it broad side on to the stream ; and it is easily found that the moment of this couple, per unit length, is ^irpq^c2'. Compare Art. 121. 72. CASE II. The boundary of the fluid consists of a rigid cylindrical surface rotating with angular velocity w about an axis parallel to its length. Taking the origin in the axis of rotation, and the axes of x, y in a perpendicular plane, then, with the same notation as before, d-fy/ds will be equal to the normal component of the velocity of the boundary, or d^lr dr 7 = wr -j- , ds ds if r denote the radius vector from the origin. Integrating we have, at all points of the boundary, i/r = £o> r2 + const ......................... (1 ). If we assume any possible form of ty, this will give us the equation of a series of curves, each of which would, by rotation round the origin, produce the system of stream-lines determined by t- As examples we may take the following : 1°. If we assume <^=Ar*co$20=.A(x°-y*) .................. (2), the equation (1) becomes (iw - A)x* + (Jo) + A) yz=C, which, for any given value of A, represents a system of similar conies. That this system may include the ellipse a? y1 _ ^~*>aa1' we must have (Jo> — A) a2 = (\u> + A)^, a2 - b2 4 -*••:?**.• Hence f = k"> • (^ - f) ............... (3), 96 MOTION OF A LIQUID IN TWO DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. IV gives the motion of a liquid contained within a hollow elliptic cylinder whose semi-axes are a, b, produced by the rotation of the cylinder about its axis with angular velocity o>. The arrangement of the stream-lines ty = const, is given in the figure on p. 99. The corresponding formula for (f> is The kinetic energy of the fluid, per unit length of the cylinder, is given by ( dy) j -dxdy = 1 -^- «» x ^«6 . . .(5). This is less than if the fluid were to rotate with the boundary, as one rigid mass, in the ratio of /a2 -fry U«+&v to unity. We have here an illustration of Lord Kelvin's minimum theorem, proved in Art. 45. 2°. Let us assume i/r = Ar3 cos 30 = A (x3 — 3xy-\ The equation (1) of the boundary then becomes A (x3 — 3#2/2) — \w (a? + 7/2) = C (6). We may choose the constants so that the straight line x = a shall form part of the boundary. The conditions for this are Aa3 - i = 0. Substituting the values of A, C hence derived in (6), we have x3 — a3 — Sxy~ -\- 3a (a? — a~ + 2/2) = 0. Dividing out by x — a, we get or x + 2a = + \/3 . y. The rest of the boundary consists therefore of two straight lines passing through the point (— 2a, 0), and inclined at angles of 30° to the axis of x. 72] ROTATION OF A CYLINDER. 97 We have thus obtained the formulae for the motion of the fluid contained within a vessel in the form of an equilateral prism, when the latter is rotating with angular velocity w about an axis parallel to its length arid passing through the centre of its section ; viz. we have ^ = - J - ?•» cos 30, (/> = £-r3sin3<9 ............ (7), Ct (t where 2 /v/3a is the length of a side of the prism. The problem of fluid motion in a rotating cylindrical case is to a certain extent mathematically identical with that of the torsion of a uniform rod or bar*. The above examples are mere adaptations of two of de Saint- Tenant's solutions of the latter problem. 3°. In the case of a liquid contained in a rotating cylinder whose section is a circular sector of radius a and angle 2a, the axis of rotation passing through the centre, we may assume COS 26 /?A(2«+l,7r/2a ^0 c^ + 2^+1 (a) C°S (2U + l) 2S- • -<8>' the middle radius being taken as initial line. For this makes ty = ^cor2 for 6= ± a, and the constants A^n+i can be determined by Fourier's method so as to make -x/r = Jwa2 for r = a. We find w + 1)7r_4a - (^Fl)^ + (IT-n^+lSI ......... (9). The conjugate expression for <£ is sin 26 . /r\(2n+Diry2« . 7J-0 0 /r (a where A2n+l has the value (9). The kinetic energy is given by a (11), * See Thomson and Tait, Natural Philosophy, Art. 704, et seq. t This problem was first solved by Stokes, "On the Critical Values of the Sums of Periodic Series," Camb. Trans., t. viii. (1847), Math. andPhys. Papers, t. i., p. 305. See also papers by Hicks and Greenhill, Mess, of Math., t. viii., pp. 42, 89, and t. x., p. 83. L. 7 98 MOTION OF A LIQUID IN TWO DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. IV where <£a denotes the value of <£ for 0 = a, the value of cUf>/dn being zero over the circular part of the boundary. The case of the semicircle a = JTT will be of use to us later. We then have l 2 2n-I and therefore 191 -j USIA/ ^ JU _L ^ X )aT(lT = Z 7; ~fT ^rt T — c* T^T "T ^ _ 7T2 1 " 7T Hence* 2 x iwpw'a2 ...... (13). This is less than if the fluid were solidified, in the ratio of "6212 to 1. See Art. 45. 4°. With the same notation of elliptic coordinates as in Art. 71, 3°, let us assume (j>+i^ = Cie-^+ir» ..................... (14). Since #2 + yz — £c2 (cosh 2f + cos 2?;), the equation (1) becomes Ce~^ cos 2?; — Jwc2 (cosh 2f + cos 2??) = const. This system of curves includes the ellipse whose parameter is £0, provided or, using the values of a, b already given, a = Jo,(a + 6)2, so that -^ = J&> (a + b)~ e~^ cos 2?;, "| ^ = J«B(a + 6)ae-2*sin2i7. J At a great distance from the origin the velocity is of the order 1/Y". * Greenhill, I c, 72] ELLIPTIC CYLINDER. 90 The above formulae therefore give the motion of an infinite mass of liquid, otherwise at rest, produced by the rotation of an elliptic cylinder about its axis with angular velocity &>*. The diagram shews the stream-lines both inside arid outside a rigid elliptical cylindrical case rotating about its axis. The kinetic energy of the external fluid is given by 0* ........................... (16). It is remarkable that this is the same for all confocal elliptic forms of the section of the cylinder. Combining these results with those of Arts. 66, 71 we find that if an elliptic cylinder be moving with velocities u, v parallel to the principal axes of its cross-section, and rotating with angular velocity o>, and if (further) the fluid be circulating irrotationally round it, the cyclic constant being K, then the stream-function relative to the aforesaid axes is (Mb sin TJ - va cos^+Jco (a + b}*e~^ cos 2r) + £- £. * Quart. Journ. Math., t. xiv. (1875) ; see also Beltrami, 1. c. ante p. 93. 7—2 100 MOTION OF A LIQUID IN TWO DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. IV Discontinuous Motions. 73. We have, in the preceding pages, had several instances of the flow of a liquid round a sharp projecting edge, and it appeared in each case that the velocity there was infinite. This is indeed a necessary consequence of the assumed irrotational character of the motion, whether the fluid be incompressible or not, as may be seen by considering the configuration of the equipotential surfaces (which meet the boundary at right angles) in the immediate neighbourhood. The occurrence of infinite values of the velocity may be avoided by supposing the edge to be slightly rounded, but even then the velocity near the edge will much exceed that which obtains at a distance great in comparison with the radius of curvature. In order that the motion of a fluid may conform to such conditions, it is necessary that the pressure at a distance should greatly exceed that at the edge. This excess of pressure is demanded by the inertia of the fluid, which cannot be guided round a sharp curve, in opposition to centrifugal force, except by a distribution of pressure increasing with a very rapid gradient outwards. Hence unless the pressure at a distance be very great, the maintenance of the motion in question would require a negative pressure at the corner, such as fluids under ordinary conditions are unable to sustain. To put the matter in as definite a form as possible, let us imagine the following case. Let us suppose that a straight tube, whose length is large compared with the diameter, is fixed in the middle of a large closed vessel filled with frictionless liquid, and that this tube contains, at a distance from the ends, a sliding plug, or piston, P, which can be moved in any required manner by extraneous forces applied to it. The thickness of the walls of the tube is supposed to be small in comparison with the diameter; and the edges, at the two ends, to be rounded off, so that there are no sharp angles. Let us further suppose that at some point of the walls of the vessel there is a lateral tube, with a piston Q, by means of which the pressure in the interior can be adjusted at will. 73] DISCONTINUOUS MOTIONS. 101 Everything being at rest to begin with, let a slowly increasing velocity be communicated to the plug P, so that (for simplicity) the motion at any instant may be regarded as approximately steady. At first, provided a sufficient force be applied to Q, a continuous motion of the kind indicated in the diagram on p. 83 will be produced in the fluid, there being in fact only one type of motion consistent with the conditions of the question. As the acceleration of the piston P proceeds, the pressure on Q may become enormous, even with very moderate velocities of P, and if Q be allowed to yield, an annular cavity will be formed at each end of the tube. The further course of the motion in such a case has not yet been worked out from a theoretical stand-point. In actual liquids the problem is modified by viscosity, which prevents any slipping of the fluid immediately in contact with the tube, and must further exercise a considerable influence on such rapid differential motions of the fluid as are here in question. As a matter of fact, the observed motions of fluids are often found to deviate very widely from the types shewn in our dia grams. In such a case as we have just described, the fluid issuing from the mouth of the tube does not immediately spread out in all directions, but forms, at all events for some distance, a more or sb compact stream, bounded on all sides by fluid nearly at rest. 102 MOTION OF A LIQUID IN TWO DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. IV A familiar instance is the smoke-laden stream of gas issuing from a chimney. 74. Leaving aside the question of the manner in which the motion is established, von Helmholtz* and Kirchhofff have endeavoured to construct types of steady motion of a frictionless liquid, in two dimensions, which shall resemble more closely what is observed in such cases as we have referred to. In the problems to be considered, there is either a free surface or (what comes to the same thing) a surface of discontinuity along which the moving liquid is in contact with other fluid at rest. In either case, the physical condition to be satisfied at this surface is that the pressure must be the same at all points of it ; this implies, in virtue of the steady motion, and in the absence of extraneous forces, that the velocity must also be uniform along this surface. The most general method we possess of treating problems of this class is based on the properties of the function % introduced in Art. 65. In the cases we shall discuss, the moving fluid is supposed bounded by stream-lines which consist partly of straight walls, and partly of lines along which the resultant velocity (q) is constant. For convenience, we may in the first instance suppose the units of length and time to be so adjusted that this constant velocity is equal to unity. Then in the plane of the function £ the lines for which q = 1 are represented by arcs of a circle of unit radius, having the origin as centre, and the straight walls (since the direction of the flow along each is constant) by radial lines drawn outwards from the circumference. The points where these lines meet the circle correspond to the points where the bounding stream-lines change their character. Consider, next, the function log f. In the plane of this function the circular arcs for which q = I become transformed into portions of the imaginary axis, and the radial lines into lines parallel to the real axis. It remains then to frame an assumption of the form log?=/(M;) such that the now rectilinear boundaries shall correspond, in the * I. c. ante p. 24. t "Zur Theorie freier Fliissigkeitsstrahlen," Crelle, t. Ixx. (1869), Ges. Abh., p. 416; see also Mechanik, cc. xxi., xxii. Considerable additions to the subject have been recently made by Michell, "On the Theory of Free Stream Lines,'1 Phil. Trans., A., 1890. 73-75] DISCONTINUOUS MOTIONS. 103 plane of w, to straight lines i/r = constant. There are further conditions of correspondence between special points, one on the boundary, and one in the interior, of each area, which render the problem determinate. These will be specified, so far as is neces sary, as occasion arises. The problem thus presented is a particular case of that solved by Schwarz, in the paper already cited. His method consists in the conformal representation of each area in turn on a half-plane*; we shall find that, in such simple cases as we shall have occasion to consider, this can be effected by the successive use of transformations already studied, and figured, in these pages. When the correspondence between the planes of f and w has been established, the connection between z and w is to be found, by integration, from the relation dzjdw = — f. The arbitrary con stant which appears in the result is due to the arbitrary position of the origin in the plane of z. 75. We take first the case of fluid escaping from a large vessel by a straight canal projecting in wards "f. This is the two- dimensional form of Borda's mouthpiece, referred to in Art. 25. -I' A -I' A' X' The figure shews the forms of the boundaries in the planes of * See Forsyth, Theory of Functions, c. xx. t This problem was first solved by von Helmholtz, /. c. ante p. 24. 104 MOTION OF A LIQUID IN TWO DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. IV z, f, w, and of two subsidiary variables z1} z.2*. A reference to the diagram on p. 77 will shew that the relation zl = xl + iy, = log f ( 1 ) transforms the boundaries in the plane of £ into the axis of #, from (oo , 0) to the origin, the axis of yl from the origin to (0, — 2?r), and the line y1 — — 27r from (0, - 2?r) to (oo , - 2?r), respectively. If we now put 22 = #2 + iy* = cosh fa (2), these boundaries become the portions of the axis of #2 for which #2 > 1, 1 > #2 > — 3, and a?2 < — 1, respectively ; see Art. 66, 1°. It remains to transform the figure so that the positive and negative portions of the axis of xz shall correspond respectively to the two bounding stream-lines, and that the point z2=Q (marked / in the figure) shall correspond to w — — oo . All these conditions are satis fied by the assumption w = log*2 (3), (see Art. 62), provided the two bounding stream -lines be taken to be ty = 0, T/T =• — TT respectively. In other words the final breadth of the stream (where q-=l) is taken to be equal to TT. This is equivalent to imposing a further relation between the units of length and time, in addition to that already adopted in Art. 74, so that these units are now, in any given case, determinate. An arbitrary constant might be added to (3) ; the equation, as it stands, makes the edge A of the canal correspond to w = 0. Eliminating zlt z.2, we get f* + f~* = 2ew, whence, finally, ? = - 1 + 2^ + 2^(^-1)* (4). The free portion of the stream-line \/r = 0 is that for which f is complex and therefore < 0. To trace its form we remark that along it we have — dty/ds = q = 1, and therefore <£>=• — $, the arc being measured from the edge of the canal. Also f = dx/ds + idy/ds. Hence das/ds = - 1 + 2e~26', dy/ds = - 2e~s (1 - e~-s)* (5), or, integrating, x = 1 - s - e~-s, y = -\TT +e~s(l- e~-s)* + sin"1 e~s . . . (6), the constants of integration being so chosen as to make the origin of (as, y) coincide with the point A of the first figure. For s = oo , * The heavy lines represent rigid boundaries, and the fine continuous lines the free surfaces. Corresponding points in the various figures are indicated by the same letters. 75-76] BOKDA'S MOUTHPIECE. 105 we have y = — JTT, which shews that, on our scale, the total breadth of the canal is 2?r. The coefficient of contraction is therefore J, in accordance with Borda's theory. If we put docjds = cos 0, and therefore s = log sec %0, we get # = sin2 10 -log sec J0, y = -%0 + ±sin0 (7), by means of which the curve in question is easily traced. Line of Symmetry. 76. The solution for the case of fluid issuing from a large vessel by an aperture in a plane wall is analytically very similar. The successive steps of the transformation, viz. ^1 = logf, #3 = cosh #! , w = log£, (1), Z,-loff 5 A T A -I' ] 06 MOTION OF A LIQUID IN TWO DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. IV are sufficiently illustrated by the figures. We thus get or ? = ew + (eaw-l)* (2). For the free stream-line starting from the edge A of the aperture we have t|r — 0, < 0, whence dxjds = e~-\ dyfds = — (1 — e~*M) or x=l-e~s, y = (l-e-M)*-i1°gi — ?r the origin being taken at the point A. If we put dx/ds = cos 6, these may be written •x = 2 sin- ^0, y = sin 6 — log tan ( J TT -f i 0) (o). Line of Symmetry. When 5 = x , we have &• = 1 ; and therefore, since on our scale the final breadth of the stream is TT, the total width of the aperture is represented by TT+ 2; i.e. the coefficient of contraction is 7T/(7T + 2), ='611. * This example was given by Kirchhoff (I.e.'], and discussed more fully by Lord Rayleigh, " Notes on Hydrodynamics," Phil. May., December 187G. 76-77] VENA CONTRACTA. 107 77. The next example is of importance in the theory of the resistance of fluids. We suppose that a steady stream impinges directly on a fixed plane lamina, behind which is a region of dead water bounded on each side by a surface of discontinuity. The middle stream-line, after meeting the lamina at right angles, branches off into two parts, which follow the lamina to the edges, and thence the surfaces of discontinuity. Let this be the line -\/r = 0, and let us further suppose that at the point of divergence we have <£ = 0. The forms of the boundaries in the planes of zt f, w are shewn in the figures. The region occupied i by the moving fluid corresponds to the whole of the plane of w, which must be regarded however as bounded internally by the two sides of the line ^ = 0, (f> < 0. As in Art. 76, the transformations zl = log f, z» = cosh # give us as boundaries the segments of the axis y.2 = 0 made by the points a?2= + 1. The further assumption *-- «•' (2), converts these into segments of the negative portion of the axis 2/3 = 0, taken twice. The boundaries now correspond to those of the plane w, except that to w = Q corresponds £3 = oo, and con versely. The transformation is therefore completed by putting w = zrl (3). Hence, finally, f= ( - I)' + ( - I - 1)* (4). 1 08 MOTION OF A LIQUID IN TWO DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. IV For i/r = 0, and 0>', For the free portion A I of the stream-line, we have (f> < — 1, and therefore, putting $ = — 1 — s, Hence, taking the origin at the centre of the lamina, x = ITT + 2 (1 + *)*, y = [5 (1+ «)}* - log {** + (1 + * or, putting s — tan2 ^, ^ = ITT + 2 sec 0, y = tan 0 sec 6 - log tan (JTT + J0) (7). Line of Symmetry. The excess of pressure at any point on the anterior face of the lamina is, by Art. 24 (7), the constant being chosen so as to make this vanish at the surface of discontinuity. To find the resulting force on the lamina we 77-78] RESISTANCE OF A LAMINA. 109 must multiply by dx and integrate between the proper limits. Thus since, at the face of the lamina, we find (9). This result has been obtained on the supposition of special units of length and time, or (if we choose so to regard the matter) of a special value (unity) of the general stream-velocity, and a special value (4 + IT) of the breadth of the lamina. It is evident from Art. 24 (7), and from the obvious geometrical similarity of the motion in all cases, that the resultant pressure (P0, say) will vary directly as the square of the general velocity of the stream, and as the breadth of the Jamina, so that for an arbitrary velocity q0, and an arbitrary breadth I, the above result becomes P»= ^—-pqjl (10)*, or •{ ' " 78. If the stream be oblique to the lamina, making an angle a, say, with its plane, the problem is altered in the manner indicated in the figures. / ^ The first two steps of the transformation are the same as before, viz. * Kirchhoff, 1. c. ante p. 102 ; Lord Rayleigh, " On the Resistance of Fluids," Phil. Mag., Dec. 1876. 110 MOTION OF A LIQUID IN TWO DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. IV and we note that for the point I which represents the parts of the stream-line \I/ = Q for which <£= ±oc , we now have £= e~* (7r~a), zl = - (IT - a) ?', z.2 = - COS a. The remaining step is then given by + COSa)2=--, leading to Along the surface of the lamina we have \^ = 0 and £ real, so that the corresponding values of <£ range between the limits given by ( - — )— V W cosa= ±1. The resultant pressure is to be found as in Art. 77 from the formula -^ rf 1 1 — /3 cos a If we put — - cos a= -- — , 05 0-cosa ' the limits of /3 are ±1, and the above expression becomes The relation between A- and /3 for any point of the lamina is given by -^4 j (1 - 13 cos « + sin « (! - sin the origin being chosen so that x shall have equal and opposite values when j3= ±1, i.e. it is taken at the centre of the lamina. The breadth is therefore, on the scale of our formulae, 4+rrsina (iV). sin a We infer from (ii) and (iv) that the resultant pressure (P0) on a lamina of breadth I, inclined at an angle a to the general direction of a stream of velocity £0, will be * The solution was carried thus far by Kirchhoff (Crelle, I. c. ) ; the subsequent discussion is taken substantially from the paper by Lord Rayleigh. 78] RESISTANCE OF A LAMINA. Ill To find the centre of pressure we take moments about the origin. Thus the remaining terms under the integral sign being odd functions of /3 and therefore contributing nothing to the final result. The value of the last integral is |TT, so that the moment 3 cos a smda P X t • A ' 4 sin4 a The first factor represents the total pressure ; the abscissa x of the centre of pressure is therefore given by the second, or in terms of the breadth, (vi). This shews that the point in question is on the up-stream side of the centre. As a decreases from ^n to 0, x increases from 0 to ^l. Hence if the lamina be free to turn about an axis in its plane coincident with the medial line, or parallel to this line at a distance of not more than ^ of the breadth, the stable position will be that in which it is broadside on to the stream. In the following table, derived from Lord Rayleigh's paper, the column I gives the excess of pressure on the anterior face, in terms of its value when a = 0; whilst columns II and III give respectively the distances of the centre of pressure, and of the point where the stream divides, from the middle point of the lamina, expressed as fractions of the total breadth. a I II III 90° 1-000 •000 •000 70° •965 •037 •232 50° •854 •075 •402 30° •641 •117 •483 20° •481 •139 •496 10° •273 •163 •500 The results contained in column I are in good agreement with some experiments by Vince (Phil. Trans. 1798). 112 MOTION OF A LIQUID IN TWO DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. IV 79. An interesting variation of the problem of Art. 77 has been discussed by Bobyleff*. A stream is supposed to impinge symmetrically on a bent lamina whose section consists of two equal straight lines forming an angle. If 2a be the angle, measured on the down-stream side, the boundaries of the plane of £ can be transformed, so as to have the same shape as in the Art. cited, by the assumption f-CTs provided C and n be determined so as to make £' = 1 when £=--e~l(*"~a\ and (' = - l when £= e~{ (^+al . This gives The problem is thus reduced to the former case, viz. we have Hence for \^ = 0, and 0>$> — 1, we have, putting 0= — 0' as before, q The subsequent integrations are facilitated by putting q = t^\ whence 4t /! i Frvn1 .l^-in Thus We have here used the formulae P r* J -A +9*--*+*£i+j* where Since q = d'/ds, where 8s is an element of a stream-line, the breadth of either half of the lamina is given by (iii), viz. it is 1+?-"+^ * Journal of the Russian Physico -Chemical Society, t. xiii. (1881) ; Wiedemann's Bciblntter, t. vi., p. 103. 79] BOBYLEFF S PROBLEM. 113 The definite integral which occurs in this expression can be calculated from the formula Tx+J*(i-i*)-i*(i-i*) (vi)> i: where *(£)» = d/dt.\ogU(t)9 is the function introduced and tabulated by Gauss* The normal pressure on either half is, by the method of Art. 77, rifl* •dt sin ^nrr 2a2 ^ ' ?r sin a ' The resultant pressure in the direction of the stream is therefore 4a2 Hence, for any arbitrary velocity qQ of the stream, and any breadth b of either half of the lamina, the resultant pressure is .(viii), where L stands for the numerical quantity (v). For a = £TT, we have L — 2 + 577, leading to the same result as in Art. 77(10). In the following table, taken (with a slight modification) from Bobyleff's paper, the second column gives the ratio P/P0 of the resultant pressure to a PIP, Pjpq^bsina P/P0 sin a 10° •039 •199 •227 20° •140 •359 •409 30° •278 •489 •555 40° •433 •593 •674 45° •512 •637 •724 50° •589 •677 •769 60° •733 •745 •846 70° •854 •800 •909 80° •945 •844 •959 90° 1-000 •879 1-000 100° 1-016 •907 1-031 110° •995 •931 1-059 120° •935 •950 1-079 130° •840 •964 1-096 135° •780 •970 1-103 140° •713 •975 1-109 150° •559 •984 1-119 160° •385 •990 1-126 170° •197 •996 1-132 * " Disquisitiones generates circa seriem infinitam," Werke, Gottingen, 1870—77, t. iii., p. 161. L. 8 MOTION OF A LIQUID IN TWO DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. IV that experienced by a plane strip of the same area. This ratio is a maximum when a = 100°, about, the lamina being then concave on the up-stream side. In the third column the ratio of P to the distance (26 sin a) between the edges of the lamina is compared with ^PSo2- For values of a nearly equal to 180°, this ratio tends to the value unity, as we should expect, since the fluid within the acute angle is then nearly at rest, and the pressure-excess therefore practically equal to |p^02- The last column gives the ratio of the resultant pressure to that experienced by a plane strip of breadth 26 sin a. 80. One remark, applicable to several of the foregoing investigations, ought not to be omitted here. It will appear at a later stage in our subject that surfaces of discontinuity are, as a rule, highly unstable. This instability may, however, be mitigated by viscosity ; moreover it is possible, as urged by Lord Rayleigh, that in any case it may not seriously affect the character of the motion within some distance of the points on the rigid boundary at which the surfaces in question have their origin. Flow in a Curved Stratum. 81. The theory developed in Arts. 59, 60, may be readily extended to the two-dimensional motion of a curved stratum of liquid, whose thickness is small compared with the radii of curvature. This question has been discussed, from the point of view of electric conduction, by Boltzmann*, Kirchhofff, T6pler§, and others. As in Art. 59, we take a fixed point A, and a variable point P, on the surface defining the form of the stratum, and denote by -fy the flux across any curve AP drawn on this surface. Then ty is a function of the position of P, and by displacing P in any direction through a small distance 8s, we find that the flux across the element Bs is given by d^r/ds . 8,9. The velocity perpendicular to this element will be ty/h&s, where h is the thickness of the stratum, not assumed as yet to be uniform. If, further, the motion be irrotational, we shall have in addition a velocity-potential (/>, and the equipotential curves <£ = const, will cut the stream-lines ty = const, at right angles. * Wiener Sitzungsberichte, t. lii., p. 214 (1865). t Berl. Monatsler., July 19, 1875 ; Gen. Abh., p. 56. § Pogg. Ann., t. clx., p. 375 (1877). 79-81] FLOW IN A CURVED STRATUM. 115 In the case of uniform thickness, to which we now proceed, it is convenient to write ^ for -fr/h, so that the velocity perpendicular to an element &s is now given indifferently by d-^/ds and dcfr/dn, Sn being an element drawn at right angles to 8s in the proper direction. The further relations are then exactly as in the plane problem ; in particular the curves <£ = const., ty = const., drawn for a series of values in arithmetic progression, the common difference being infinitely small and the same in each case, will divide the surface into elementary squares. For, by the orthogonal property, the elementary spaces in question are rectangles, and if 8^, 8s2 be elements of a stream-line and an equipotential line, respectively, forming the sides of one of these rectangles, we have d^jr/ds2 = d/dsl) whence Bs1 = Ss.2, since by construction S^ = 8<£. Any problem of irrotational motion in a curved stratum (of uniform thickness) is therefore reduced by orthomorphic projection to the corresponding problem in piano. Thus for a spherical surface we may use, among an infinity of other methods, that of stereographic projection. As a simple example of this, we may take the case of a stratum of uniform depth covering the surface of a sphere with the exception of two circular islands (which may be of any size and in any relative position). It is evident that the only (two-dimensional) irrotational motion which can take place in the doubly-connected space occupied by the fluid is one in which the fluid circulates in opposite directions round the two islands, the cyclic constant being the same in each case. Since circles project into circles, the plane problem is that solved in Art. 64, 2°, viz. the stream-lines are a system of coaxal circles with real 'limiting points' (A, B, say), and the equipotential lines are the orthogonal system passing through A, B. Returning to the sphere, it follows from well-known theorems of stereographic pro jection that the stream-lines (including the contours of the two islands) are the circles in which the surface is cut by a system of planes passing through a fixed line, viz. the intersection of the tangent planes at the points corresponding to A and B, whilst the equipotential lines are the circles in which the sphere is cut by planes passing through these points*. * This example is given by Kirchhoff, in the electrical interpretation, the problem considered being the distribution of current in a uniform spherical conducting sheet, the electrodes being situate at any two points A, B of the surface. 8—2 116 MOTION OF A LIQUID IN TWO DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. IV In any case of transformation by orthomorphic projection, whether the motion be irrotational or not, the velocity (dtyjdn) is transformed in the inverse ratio of a linear element, and therefore the kinetic energies of the portions of the fluid occupying corre sponding areas are equal (provided, of course, the density and the thickness be the same). In the same way the circulation (fd^/dn.ds) in any circuit is unaltered by projection. CHAPTER V. IRROTATIONAL MOTION OF A LIQUID : PROBLEMS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. 82. OF the methods available for obtaining solutions of the equation V24> = 0 .............................. (1), in three dimensions, the most important is that of Spherical Harmonics. This is especially suitable when the boundary condi tions have relation to spherical or nearly spherical surfaces. For a full account of this method we must refer to the special treatises*, but as the subject is very extensive, and has been treated from different points of view, it may be worth while to give a slight sketch, without formal proofs, or with mere indica tions of proofs, of such parts of it as are most important for our present purpose. It is easily seen that since the operator V2 is homogeneous with respect to #, y, z> the part of which is of any specified algebraic degree must satisfy (1) separately. Any such homo geneous solution of (1) is called a 'solid harmonic' of the algebraic degree in question. If <£n be a solid harmonic of degree n, then if we write (2), * Todhunter, Functions of Laplace, &c.y Cambridge, 1875. Ferrers, Spherical Harmonics, Cambridge, 1877. Heine, Handbiich tier Knyelfunctionen, 2nd ed., Berlin, 1878. Thomson and Tait, Natural Philosophy, 2nd ed., Cambridge, 1879, t. i., pp. 171—218. For the history of the subject see Todhunter, History of the Theories of Attrac tion, <#c., Cambridge, 1873, t. ii. 118 PROBLEMS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. V Sn will be a function of the direction (only) in which the point (x, y, z) lies with respect to the origin ; in other words, a function of the position of the point in which the radius vector meets a unit sphere described with the origin as centre. It is therefore called a ' surface-harmonic ' of order n. To any solid harmonic (j>n of degree n corresponds another of degree —n—I, obtained by division by r2n+l; i.e. = r~zn~l^>n is also a solution of (1). Thus, corresponding to any surface har monic Sn, we have the two solid harmonics rnSn and r~n~l8n. 83. The most important case is when n is integral, and when the surface-harmonic Sn is further restricted to be finite over the unit sphere. In the form in which the theory (for this case) is presented by Thomson and Tait, and by Maxwell*, the primary solution of (1) is -* = A/r (3). This represents as we have seen (Art. 56) the velocity-potential due to a point-source at the origin. Since (1) is still satisfied when , z = r sin 6 sin &>. The simplest way of effecting the transformation is to apply the theorem of Art. 37 (2) to the surface of a volume-element r$0 . r sin #£&> . 8r. Thus the difference of flux across the two faces perpendicular to r is -.. dr \dr Similarly for the two faces perpendicular to the meridian (&>= const.) we find d d() ... and for the two faces perpendicular to a parallel of latitude (6 = const.) sin 6da) Hence, by addition, . a d ! ^d6\ d ( . ad ,tv sin 0 -y- (r 2 ^- + -77; I sm 0 -£ + -. — 7, -^ = 0 . . .(1). dr \ dr) dB \ dOJ sm 0 da? This might of course have been derived from Art. 82 (1) by the usual method of change of independent variables. If we now assume that is homogeneous, of degree ?i, and put we obtain 1 d / . ~dSn\ 1 d~Sn d d0 n\ 1 d~Sn }+ sin"* «^ which is the general differential equation of spherical surface- harmonics. Since the product n (n + 1) is unchanged in value when we write — n — 1 for n, it appears that 0 = r-n-i£n will also be a solution of (1), as already stated. * " Th^orie de 1'attraction des sph6roides et de la figure des planetes," Mem. de VAcad. roy. des Sciences, 1782; Oeuvres Completes, Paris, 1878..., t. x., p. 341 ; Mecanique Celeste, Livre 2mc, c. ii. 84-85] SPHERICAL HARMONICS. 121 85. In the case of symmetry about the axis of x, the term d2Sn/dco2 disappears, and putting cos 6 = p, we get the differential equation of 'zonal' harmonics*. This equation, containing only terms of two different dimensions in //,, is adapted for integration by series. We thus obtain ;i = ^{1_'H^^ + (»-2l»(» + lK» + 3)^_^J The series which here present themselves are of the kind called ' hypergeometric ' ; viz. if we write, after Gauss -f*, ..... we have Sn = AF(- £n, i + in, 1 ^) + ^^(J- - f/i, 1 + \n, f , A62)...(4). The series (3) is of course essentially convergent when x lies between 0 and 1 ; but when ^=1 it is convergent if, and only if y-a-/3>0. In this case we have F(n 8 ^ n 1 (a' ^ ^' 1)= where n (z) is in Gauss's notation the equivalent of Euler's r (£+!)• The degree of divergence of the series (3) when y-a-/3<0, as x approaches the value 1, is given by the theorem F(o, fty, ^ = (1-^—^^(7-0, y-8, y, x) * So called by Thomson and Tait, because the nodal lines (Sn = 0) divide the unit sphere into parallel belts. t I.e. ante p. 113. £ Forsyth, Differential Equations, London, 1885, c. vi. 122 PROBLEMS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. V Since the latter series will now be convergent when # = 1, we see that #(****) becomes divergent as (1 — x}^~a'~^ ; more precisely, for values of x infinitely nearly equal to unity, we have * (to PI y,*) ultimately. For the critical case where y - a - 8 =0, we may have recourse to the formula ^ (a, fty, X)-— (a+1, which, with (ii), gives in the case supposed y, *)-(l~.«)r? . ^(y-a, y-0, The last factor is now convergent when x=\, so that ^(o, 8, y, a;) is ultimately divergent as log (! — #)• More precisely we have, for values of x near this limit, 86. Of the two series which occur in the general expression Art. 85 (2) of a zonal harmonic, the former terminates when n is an even, and the latter when n is an odd integer. For other values of n both series are essentially convergent for values of /u, between + 1, but since in each case we have 7 — a — /3 = 0, they diverge at the limits fi=±l, becoming infinite as log(l — //r). It follows that the terminating series corresponding to integral values of n are the only zonal surface-harmonics which are finite over the unit sphere. If we reverse the series we find that both these cases (n even, and n odd,) are included in the formula 1-8-6-<2»-1> 2.4.(2n-l)(2)l-3) * For n even this corresponds to A = ( - )£n ' — ~J - , B = 0 ; whilst for n 2i • 4 . . . 7Z- odd we have 4 = 0, B = ( - )*<»-i> ''^ • See Heine. *• [- » PP- 12> 147- 85-86] ZONAL HARMONICS. 123 where the constant factor has been adjusted so as to make Pn fa) = 1 for //, = !. The formula may also be written 1 rJn p<^=^-vn ............... <2>* The series (1) may otherwise be obtained by development of Art. 83 (6), which in the case of the zonal harmonic assumes the form As particular cases of (2) we have The function Pn(p} was first introduced into analysis by Legendref as the coefficient of hn in the expansion of (1 - 2ph + h*)-*. The connection of this with our present point of view is that if be the velocity-potential of a unit source on the axis of x at a distance c from the origin, we have, on Legendre's definition, for values of r less than c, 0 = (C3 _ 2/icr + r2)~i Each term in this expansion must separately satisfy V20 = 0, and therefore the coefficient Pn must be a solution of Art. 85 (1). Since Pn is obviously finite for all values of /it, and becomes equal to unity for /* = 1, it must be identical with (1). For values of r greater than c, the corresponding expansion is * The functions P1,P.2,...P7 have been tabulated by Glaisher, for values of /j. at intervals of -01, Brit. Ass. Reports, 1879. + " Sur 1'attraction des spheroides homogenes," Mem. des Savans Etrangers, t. x., 1785. 124 PROBLEMS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. V We can hence deduce expressions, which will be useful to us later, for the velocity-potential due to a double-source of unit strength, situate on the axis of a? at a distance c from the origin, and having its axis pointing from the origin. This is evidently equal to dcfr/dc, where has either of the above forms; so that the required potential is, for r < c, and for r > c, The remaining solution of Art. 85 (1), in the case of n integral, can be put into the more compact form* where This function Qn (yu,) is sometimes called the zonal harmonic ' of the second kind.' Thus - 3/t) log } + £- 2 4 n * This is equivalent to Art. 84 (4) with, for n even, A = 0, B = ( - )i» — ."' ; 1 . o. ..(/I — 1; whilst for n odd we have ^^(-)^(«+D2- tl'"^n~1- , B = 0. See Heine, t. i., pp. 141, 147. 86-87] TESSERAL HARMONICS. 125 87. When we abandon the restriction as to symmetry about the axis of x, we may suppose 8n, if a finite and single-valued function of &>, to be expanded in a series of terms varying as cos so) and sin sw respectively. If this expansion is to apply to the whole sphere (i.e. from o> = 0 to o> = 2?r), we may further (by Fourier's theorem) suppose the values of s to be integral. The differential equation satisfied by any such term is If we put this takes the form which is suitable for integration by series. We thus obtain (n-s-2)(n-s)(n+s+l)(n+s+3) 4 M 1.2.3,4.5 _ "-" the factor cos sa> or sin sea being for the moment omitted. In the hypergeometric notation this may be written J5- iw, 1 + J* + iw, f , p?)} ...... (3). These expressions converge when p? < 1, but since in each case we have the series become infinite as (1 — p?}~8 at the limits //,= + 1, unless they terminate*. The former series terminates when n— s is an even, and the latter when it is an odd integer. By reversing the * Lord Rayleigh, Theory of Sound, London, 1877, Art. 338. 126 PROBLEMS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. V series we can express both these finite solutions by the single formula ----- 4 2 . 4 . (2n - 1) (2n - 3) On comparison with Art. 86 (1) we find that .(4). That this is a solution of (1) may of course be verified indepen dently. Collecting our results we learn that a surface-harmonic which is finite over the unit sphere is necessarily of integral order, and is further expressible, if n denote the order, in the form Sn = A0Pn O) + 2SS^(AS cos 50) + Bs sin sa>) Tn* (/a)... (6), containing 2n + 1 arbitrary constants. The terms of this involving , we have, as particular cases of this theorem, f Pm(M)<^ = 0 (2), 0 (3), and I Tm* (LL) . Tn* (/x) dp = 0 (4), J -i provided m, n are unequal. For m — n, it may be shewn that •i 9 Finally, we may quote the theorem that any arbitrary function of the position of a point on the unit sphere can be expanded in a series of surface-harmonics, obtained by giving n all integral values from 0 to oo , in Art. 87 (6). The formulae (5) and (6) are useful in determining the coefficients in this expansion. For the analytical proof of the theorem we must refer to the special treatises ; the physical grounds for assuming the possibility of this and other similar expansions will appear, incidentally, in connection with various problems. 89. As a first application of the foregoing theory let us suppose that an arbitrary distribution of impulsive pressure is applied to the surface of a spherical mass of fluid initially at rest. * Ferrers, p. 86. 128 PROBLEMS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. V This is equivalent to prescribing an arbitrary value of over the surface ; the value of <£ in the interior is thence determinate, by Art. 40. To find it, we may suppose the given surface value to be expanded, in accordance with the theorem quoted in Art. 88, in a series of surface-harmonics of integral order, thus 0 = S0 + S1 + flf3+...+ Sn + .................. (1). The required value is then =0, and assumes the prescribed form (1) when r — a, the radius of the sphere. The corresponding solution for the case of a prescribed value of (f> over the surface of a spherical cavity in an infinite mass of liquid initially at rest is evidently a a* a3 an+l „ Combining these two results we get the case of an infinite mass of fluid whose continuity is interrupted by an infinitely thin vacuous stratum, of spherical form, within which an arbitrary impulsive pressure is applied. The values (2) and (3) of are of course continuous at the stratum, but the values of the normal velocity are discontinuous, viz. we have, for the internal fluid, and for the external fluid g = -2(» + !)«„/«. The motion, whether internal or external, is therefore that due to a distribution of simple sources with surface-density ....................... 4?r ' a over the sphere. See Art. 58. 90. Let us next suppose that, instead of the impulsive pressure, it is the normal velocity which is prescribed over the spherical surface; thus ............... (l), 89-90] SPHERICAL BOUNDARY. 129 the term of zero order being necessarily absent, since we must have on account of the constancy of volume of the included mass. The value of for the internal space is of the form MSn + ......... (3), for this is finite and continuous, and satisfies V2<£ = 0, and the constants can be determined so as to make d(f>/dr assume the given surface-value (1); viz. we have nAnan~l = \. The required solution is therefore The corresponding solution for the external space is found in like manner to be The two solutions, taken together, give the motion produced in an infinite mass of liquid which is divided into two portions by a thin spherical membrane, when a prescribed normal velocity is given to every point of the membrane, subject to the condition (2). The value of cf> changes from a£Sn/n to — aZSn/(n +1), as we cross the membrane, so that the tangential velocity is now discontinuous. The motion, whether inside or outside, is that due to a double-sheet of density See Art. 58. The kinetic energy of the internal fluid is given by the formula (4) of Art. 44, viz. *r ............ (6), the parts of the integral which involve products of surface- harmonics of different orders disappearing in virtue of the conjugate property of Art. 88. L. 9 130 PROBLEMS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. V For the external fluid we have *dK ...... (7). 91. A particular, but very important, case of the problem of the preceding Article is that of the motion of a solid sphere in an infinite mass of liquid which is at rest at infinity. If we take the origin at the centre of the sphere, and the axis of x in the direction of motion, the normal velocity at the surface is u%/r, = u cos 0, where u is the velocity of the centre. Hence the conditions to determine (/> are (1°) that we must have V2<£ = 0 everywhere, (2°) that the space-derivatives of $ must vanish at infinity, and (3°) that at the surface of the sphere (r = a), we must have .. ..(1). dr The form of this suggests at once the zonal harmonic of the first order ; we therefore assume , d 1 , cos 6 $ = ^-T- - = -A — r. ax r r- The condition (1) gives — 2A/a? = u, so that the required solution is $ = Ju£cos0 ..................... (2)*. It appears on comparison with Art. 56 (4) that the motion of the fluid is the same as would be produced by a double-source of strength -Jua3, situate at the centre of the sphere. For the forms of the stream-lines see p. 137. To find the energy of the fluid motion we have T cos20 . 27ra sin d . add (3), if m' = f 7r/oa3. It appears, exactly as in Art. 68, that the effect of the fluid pressure is equivalent simply to an addition to the inertia * Stokes, " On some cases of Fluid Motion," Camb. Trans, t. viii. (1843) ; Math, and Pliys. Papers, t. i., p. 41. Dirichlet, " Ueber einige Falle in welchen sich die Bewegung eines festen Korpers in einem incompressibeln fliissigen Medium theoretisch bestimmen liisst," Berl. Monatsber., 1852. 90-91] MOTION OF A SPHERE. 131 of the solid, the amount of the increase being now half the mass of the fluid displaced*. Thus in the case of rectilinear motion of the sphere, if no external forces act on the fluid, the resultant pressure is equiva lent to a force in the direction of motion, vanishing when u is constant. Hence if the sphere be set in motion and left to itself, it will continue to move in a straight line with constant velocity. The behaviour of a solid projected in an actual fluid is of course quite different ; a continual application of force is necessary to maintain the motion, and if this be not supplied the solid is gradually brought to rest. It must be remembered however, in making this comparison, that in a ' perfect ' fluid there is no dissipation of energy, and that if, further, the fluid be incompres sible, the solid cannot lose its kinetic energy by transfer to the fluid, since, as we have seen in Chapter in., the motion of the fluid is entirely determined by that of the solid, and therefore ceases with it. If we wish to verify the preceding results by direct calculation from the formula we must remember, as in Art. 68, that the origin is in motion, and that the values of r and 6 for a fixed point of space are therefore increasing at the rates - u cos 6, and u sin 0/rt respectively. We thus find, for r = a, (ii). The last three terms are the same for surface-elements in the positions 6 and TT- 6 ; so that, when u is constant, the pressures on the various elements of the anterior half of the sphere are balanced by equal pressures on the correspond ing elements of the posterior half. But when the motion of the sphere is being accelerated there is an excess of pressure on the anterior, and a defect of pressure on the posterior half. The reverse holds when the motion is being retarded. The resultant effect in the direction of motion is %7ra sin 6 . ad6 . p cos 0, o which is readily found to be equal to - ^npa3 du/dt, as before. * Green, "On the Vibration of Pendulums in Fluid Media," Edin. Trans., 1833 ; Math. Papers, p. 322. Stokes, I c. 9—2 132 PROBLEMS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. V 92. The same method can be applied to find the motion produced in a liquid contained between a solid sphere and a fixed concentric spherical boundary, when the sphere is moving with given velocity u. The centre of the sphere being taken as origin, it is evident, since the space occupied by the fluid is limited both externally and internally, that solid harmonics of both positive and negative degrees are admissible; they are in fact required, in order to satisfy the boundary conditions, which are — d$/dr = u cos 0, for r = a, the radius of the sphere, and djdr = 0, for r = b, the radius of the external boundary, the axis of x being as before in the direction of motion. We therefore assume and the conditions in question give whence A = r. -u, B = J — -u (2). t>3 — a3 bB — a3 The kinetic energy of the fluid motion is given by Wmt-ollt^dS, the integration extending over the inner spherical surface, since at the outer we have d^jdr = 0. We thus obtain where m' stands for f Trpa3, as before. It appears that the effective addition to the inertia of the sphere is now * Stokes, 7. c. ante p. 130. 92-93] SPHERE WITH CONCENTRIC BOUNDARY. 133 As b diminishes from oo to a, this increases continually from to oo , in accordance with Lord Kelvin's minimum theorem (Art. 45). In other words, the introduction of a rigid spherical partition in an infinite mass of liquid acts as a constraint increasing the kinetic energy for a given velocity, and so virtually increasing the inertia of the system. 93. In all cases where the motion of a liquid takes place in a series of planes passing through a common line, and is the same in each such plane, there exists a stream -function analogous in some of its properties to the two-dimensional stream-function of the last Chapter. If in any plane through the axis of symmetry we take two points A and P, of which A is arbitrary, but fixed, while P is variable, then considering the annular surface generated by any line AP, it is plain that the flux across this surface is a function of the position of P. Denoting this function by 27n|r, and taking the axis of x to coincide with that of symmetry, we may say that ^r is a function of x and w, where x is the abscissa of P, and w, = (y^ + z2)^, is its distance from the axis. The curves i|r = const, are evidently stream-lines. If P' be a point infinitely near to P in a meridian plane, it follows from the above definition that the velocity normal to PP' is equal to 27TOT.PP" whence, taking PP' parallel first to -or and then to x, 1 e 1 e J~ .................. (1), dx where u and u are the components of fluid velocity in the directions of x and -BT respectively, the convention as to sign being similar to that of Art. 59. These kinematical relations may also be inferred from the form which the equation of continuity takes under the present circumstances. If we express that the total flux into the annular space generated by the revolution of an elementary rectangle is zero, we find S«T = 0, 134 PROBLEMS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. V which shews that tzru . dx — vru . diz is an exact differential. Denoting this by d^jr we obtain the relations (1)*. So far the motion has not been assumed to be irrotational ; the condition that it should be so is dv du dx dtp which leads to The differential equation of (f> is obtained by writing dd> dd> u =• — -p- , v = — dx d^ in (2), viz. it is *+* + ?. 1=0 (4). It appears that the functions and i/r are not now (as they were in Art. 62) interchangeable. They are, indeed, of different dimen sions. The kinetic energy of the liquid contained in any region bounded by surfaces of revolution about the axis is given by **•--•<« --<•//* (5), Bs denoting an element of the meridian section of the bounding surfaces, and the integration extending round the various parts of this section, in the proper directions. Compare Art. 61. * The stream-function for the case of symmetry about an axis was introduced in this manner by Stokes, "On the Steady Motion of Incompressible Fluids," Canib. Trans., t. vii. (1842) ; Math, and Phys. Papers, t. i., p. 14. Its analytical theory has been treated very fully by Sampson, "On Stokes' Current-Function," Phil. Trans. A., 1891. 93-94] SYMMETRY ABOUT AN AXIS : STREAM-FUNCTION. 135 94. The velocity-potential due to a unit source at the origin is * = l/r .............................. (1). The flux through any closed curve is in this case numerically equal to the solid angle which the curve subtends at the origin. Hence for a circle with Ox as axis, whose radius subtends an angle 6 at 0, we have, attending to the sign, Omittin the constant term we have •f = -=5r (2). r dx The solutions corresponding to any number of simple sources situate at various points of the axis of x may evidently be super posed ; thus for the double-source , _ d 1 _ cos 6 dx r r'2 ^ i i uTT Tjf" Sin" (j we have ^r = — .— = = r r And, generally, to the zonal solid harmonic of degree -?i — 1, viz. to (r corresponds ^ = A - — - (6)* dxn+l A more general formula, applicable to harmonics of any degree, fractional or not, may be obtained as follows. Using spherical polar coordinates r, 0, the component velocities along r, and perpendicular to r in the plane of the meridian, are found by making the linear element PP' of Art. 93 coincide successively with rSO and 8r, respectively, viz. they are r sin 6 rdO ' r sin 6 dr * Stefan, " Ueber die Kraftlinieii eines um erne Axe symmetrischen Feldes," Wied. Ann., t. xvii. (1882). 136 PROBLEMS IN THREE DIMENSIONS [CHAP. V Hence in the case of irrotational motion we have smM0~ dr' dr~ M ' Thus if $ = rnSn .............................. (9), where Sn is any surface-harmonic symmetrical about the axis, we have, putting //, = cos 6, d* _ nrn+i S d_±- rn Q _. ^ d8» d^~ *n' dr~ ^}d^' The latter equation gives which must necessarily also satisfy the former; this is readily verified by means of Art. 85 (1). Thus in the case of the zonal harmonic Pn, we have as corresponding values and * = r— 'PBGt), * =- "(l -tf ...... (12), of which the latter must be equivalent to (5) and (6). The same relations hold of course with regard to the zonal harmonic of the second kind, Qn. 95. We saw in Art. 91 that the motion produced by a solid sphere in an infinite mass of liquid was that due to a double- source at the centre. Comparing the formula? there given with Art. 94 (4), it appears that the stream-function due to the sphere is ^ = -iU-sin20 ........................ (1). The forms of the stream-lines corresponding to a number of equidistant values of \jf are shewn on the opposite page. The stream-lines relative to the sphere are figured in the diagram near the end of Chapter vii. 94-95] ST11EAM-L1NES DUE TO A SPHERE. 137 Again, the stream-function due to two double-sources having their axes oppositely directed along the axis of xt will be of the form where rly r.2 denote the distances of any point from the positions, P! and P2, say, of the two sources. At the stream-surface i/r = 0 we have 138 PROBLEMS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. V i.e. the surface is a sphere in relation to which P1 and P2 are inverse points. If 0 be the centre of this sphere, and a its radius, we readily find .................. (3). This sphere may evidently be taken as a fixed boundary to the fluid on either side, and we thus obtain the motion due to a double-source (or say to an infinitely small sphere moving along Ox) in presence of a fixed spherical boundary. The disturbance of the stream-lines by the fixed sphere is that due to a double- source of the opposite sign placed at the ' inverse ' point, the ratio of the strengths being given by (3)*. This fictitious double- source may be called the ' image ' of the original one. 96. Rankine employed -f- a method similar to that of Art. 71 to discover forms of solids of revolution which will by motion parallel to their axes generate in a surrounding liquid any given type of irrotational motion symmetrical about an axis. The velocity of the solid being u, and 8s denoting an element of the meridian, the normal velocity at any point of the surface is udvr/ds, and that of the fluid in contact is given by —d^/^ds. Equating these and integrating along the meridian, we have •v/r = - lutzr2 + const ...................... (1). If in this we substitute any value of ^ satisfying Art. 93 (3), we obtain the equation of the meridian curves of a series of solids, each of which would by its motion parallel to x give rise to the given system of stream-lines. In this way we may readily verify the solution already obtained for the sphere ; thus, assuming + = Au*/r* ........................... (2), we find that (1) is satisfied for r = a, provided A = -±ua* .......................... (3), which agrees with Art. 95 (1). * This result was given by Stokes, " On the Resistance of a Fluid to Two Oscil lating Spheres," Brit. Ass. Report, 1847 ; Math, and Plnjs. Papers, t. i., p. 230. t "On the Mathematical Theory of Stream-Lines, especially those with Four Foci and upwards," Phil. Trans. 1871, p. 267. 95-97] RANKINE'S METHOD. 139 97. The motion of a liquid bounded by two spherical surfaces can be found by successive approximations in certain cases. For two solid spheres moving in the line of centres the solution is greatly facilitated by the result given at the end of Art. 95, as to the ' image ' of a double-source in a fixed sphere. Let A, B be the centres, and let u be the velocity of A towards B, u' that of B towards A. Also, P being any point, let AP = rt BP = r', FAB =6, PBA = & '. The velocity-potential will be of the form U<£ + U'<£' (i), where the functions 0 and <£' arc to be determined by the conditions that V20 = 0, v2<£' = 0 (ii), throughout the fluid ; that their space-derivatives vanish at infinity ; and that ( ,...N =£-0 ...... , .................... (m), over the surface of A, whilst over the surface of B. It is evident that

'. To find dj, we remark that if B were absent the motion of the fluid would be that due to a certain double-source at A having its axis in the direction AB. The theorem of Art. 95 shews that we may satisfy the condition of zero normal velocity over the surface of B by introducing a double-source, viz. the 'image' of that at A in the sphere B. This image is at fflJ the inverse point of A with respect to the sphere B ; its axis coincides with AB, and its strength /^ is given by where /*, =£a3, is that of the original source at A. The resultant motion due to the two sources at A and Hl will however violate the condition to be PROBLEMS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. [CHAP, satisfied at the surface of the sphere J, and in order to neutralize the normal velocity at this surface, due to Hlt we must superpose a double-source at H%, the image of H^ in the sphere A. This will introduce a normal velocity at the surface of B, which may again be neutralized by adding the image of H2 in 2?, and so on. If p,^ ju2, /*„... be the strengths of the successive images, and fit /2»/3»'" then* distances from A, we have, if AB=c, •(V), and so on, the law of formation being now obvious. The images continually diminish in intensity, and this very rapidly if the radius of either sphere is small compared with the shortest distance between the two surfaces. The formula for the kinetic energy is provided where the suffixes indicate over which sphere the integration is to be effected. The equality of the two forms of Jf follows from Green's Theorem (Art. 44.) The value of 0 near the surface of ^1 can be written down at once from the results (6) and (7) of Art. 86, viz. we have the remaining terms, involving zonal harmonics of higher orders, being omitted, as they will disappear in the subsequent surface-integration, in virtue of the conjugate property of Art. 88. Hence, putting d(f>/dn= — cos$, we find with the help of (v) afibG a363 1+3 -o>,+3 --, It appears that the inertia of the sphere A is in all cases increased by the presence of a fixed sphere B. Compare Art. 92. 97] MOTION OF TWO SPHERES. The value of N may be written down from symmetry, viz. it is *-) 141 where and so on. To calculate M we require the value of 0' near the surface of the sphere A \ this is due to double-sources //, p,/, p2'> Psi-- a^ distances c, c—f^ c — /"2', c-/3', ... from A, where (xii), and so on. This gives, for points near the surface of .4 and /, 6 ', «' be two systems of spherical polar coordinates having their origins at A and B respectively, and their polar axes in the directions of the velocities v, v'. As before the velocity-potential will be of the form with the surface conditions and f, = 0, f=-cos«',for/=i. If the sphere B were absent the velocity-potential due to unit velocity of A would be Since r cos B=r' cos 6', the value of this in the neighbourhood of B will be approximately. The normal velocity due to this will be cancelled by the addition of the term 97-99] MOTION OF TWO SPHERES. 143 which, in the neighbourhood of A becomes equal to , «363 J— 6-rcos<9, nearly. To rectify the normal velocity at the surface of A , we add the term T a663 cos d s -jT ~^- ' Stopping at this point, and collecting our results, we have, over the surface of A, and at the surface of Z?, Hence if we denote by P, $, R the coefficients in the expression for the kinetic energy, viz. r r -,7j. / ™.T7,s\ \ we have P— — / J The case of a sphere moving parallel to a fixed plane boundary, at a distance A, is obtained by putting b = a, v = v', c = 2A, and halving the conse quent value of T ; thus This result, which was also given by Stokes, may be compared with that of Art. 97 (xvii)*. 99. Another interesting problem is to calculate the kinetic energy of any given irrotational motion in a cyclic space bounded by fixed walls, as disturbed by a solid sphere moving in any manner, it being supposed that the radius of the sphere is small * For a fuller analytical treatment of the problem of the motion of two spheres we refer to the following papers : W. M. Hicks, " On the Motion of Two Spheres in a Fluid," Phil. Trans., 1880, p. 455; E. A. Herman, " Cn the Motion of Two Spheres in Fluid," Quart. Journ. Math., t. xxii. (1887). See also C. Neumann, Hydrodynamische Untersuchungen, Leipzig, 1883. 144 PROBLEMS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. V in comparison with the distance from it of the nearest portion of the original boundary. Let 0 be the velocity-potential of the motion when the sphere is absent, and Kj, K2,,.. the circulations in the various circuits. The kinetic energy of the original motion is therefore given by Art. 55 (5), viz. where the integrations extend over the various barriers, drawn as in Art. 48. If we denote by 0 + $' the velocity-potential in presence of the sphere, and by T the energy of the actual motion, we have the cyclic constants of $' being zero. The integration in the first term may be confined to the surface of the sphere, since we have d'/dn = 0 over the original boundary. Now, by Art. 54 (4), so that (ii) reduces to •» _ ~ I I ^' — (9 A j_ ^ /7^ _ „ / / A ~5? cfoi Let us now take the centre of the sphere as origin. Let a be the radius of the sphere, and u, v, W the components of its velocity in the directions of the coordinate axes ; further, let w0, v0, WQ be the component velocities of the fluid at the position of the centre, when the sphere is absent. Hence, in the neighbourhood of the sphere, we have, approximately where the coefficients A, B, C are to be determined by the condition that for r = a. This gives Again, -2-^- !?= (% + u) + -(^o + v) + - (^0 + w) (v^)> when r=a. Hence, substituting from (iv), (v), and (vi), in (iii), and re membering that SJx*dS= % a2 . 4-rra2, jjyzdS=Ot &c., &c., we find 99-100] ELLIPSOIDAL HARMONICS. 145 The dynamical consequences of the formula (vii) will be considered more fully in Art. 140 ; but in the meantime we may note that if the sphere be held at rest, so that u, V, W = 0, it experiences a force tending to diminish the energy of the system, and therefore urging it in the direction in which the square of the (undisturbed) fluid velocity, w02 + V+wo2> most rapidly increases*. Hence, by Art. 38, the sphere, if left to itself, cannot be in stable equilibrium at any point in the interior of the fluid mass. Ellipsoidal Harmonics. 100. The method of Spherical Harmonics can also be adapted to the solution of the equation V^ = 0 .............................. (1), under boundary-conditions having relation to ellipsoids of revo lution f. Beginning with the case where the ellipsoids are prolate, we write y — OT cos a), z = tar sin co, ......... (2). where -OT = k sin 6 sinh TJ = k (1 - ffi (f2 - 1)*. The surfaces f = const., //, = const., are confocal ellipsoids, and hyperboloids of two sheets, respectively, the common foci being the points (+ k, 0, 0). The value of f may range from 1 to oo , whilst //, lies between + 1. The coordinates //-, f, co form an orthogonal system, and the values of the linear elements SsM, Ss^, £sw described by the point (x, y, z) when /*,, f, co separately vary, are respectively, . 7 = I)* Bto .................. (3). To express (1) in terms of our new variables we equate to zero the total flux across the walls of a volume element ds^ds^ds^, and obtain d fdd> * * \ * d /dd> . . \ ^ d /d6 . . \ . j -~ 08f$8m OM+ jvl j 0*»0*« }&£ + -T- 1 -T- ^S,SsA Ba> = 0, d/A\d% J ' d£\ds{ "J d&\d8m V * Sir W. Thomson, " On the Motion of Eigid Solids in a Liquid &c.," Phil. Mag. , May, 1873. t Heine, "Ueber einige Aufgaben, welche auf partielle Differentialgleichungen fiihren," Crelle, t. xxvi., p. 185 (1843); Kugelfunktionen, t. ii., Art. 38. See also Ferrers, Spherical Harmonics, c. vi. L. 10 140 PROBLEMS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. V or, on substitution from (3), This may also be written 101. If <£ be a finite function of //, and to from /z = — 1 to //, = + 1 and from o> = 0 to w = 2?r, it may be expanded in a series of surface harmonics of integral orders, of the types given by Art. 87 (6), where the coefficients are functions of f ; and it appears on substitution in (4) that each term of the expansion must satisfy the equation separately. Taking first the case of the zonal har monic, we write = Pn(fi).Z ........................... (5), and on substitution we find, in virtue of Art. 85 (1), (6), which is of the same form as the equation referred to. We thus obtain the solutions * = Pn(/»).Pn(?) ........................ (7), and tf> = P»G*).Q»(?) ........................ (8), where rn \ i L. « i . \ • " i •-• / \ • «• i *- / if n g 1.3. ..(2/1+1) I" 2(2?z + 3) ~* ~t> A. /Si™ i O\ /O™ ~i K\ y + • • • The solution (7) is finite when f=l, and is therefore adapted to the space within an ellipsoid of revolution ; whilst (8) is infinite for f=l, but vanishes for f=oo, and is appropriate to the * Ferrers, c. v. ; Todhunter, c. vi.; Forsyth, Differential Equations, Arts. 96—99. 100-102] FORMULAE FOR OVARY ELLIPSOID. 147 external region. As particular cases of the formula (9) we note The definite-integral form of Qn shews that (10), where the accents indicate differentiations with respect to f. The corresponding expressions for the stream-function are readily found ; thus, from the definition of Art. 93, f doc dz\ _L — ft I f ff I .74* *i ^ J 4- ^ J* > for?=f0or = ^q — ./.(l-^sino, (10). ab Vbo — */* Putting n = 2, 5 = 1, in the formula (2) we find ^ = Af. (1 - /»«)* (?2 - 1)1 {f flog j£y - 3 - ^j sin « ... (11), -4 being determined by comparison with (10). 150 PROBLEMS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. V 104. When the ellipsoid is of the oblate or " planetary" form, the appropriate coordinates are given by x = k cos 6 sinh 77 = &/*f, ] ?/ = -57 cos «, z = w sin a>, \ (1). where w = k sin 0 cosh rj = k(I - /x,2)* (f2 + 1)*. j Here f may range from 0 to oo (or, in some applications from — oo through 0 to + oo ), whilst //, lies between + 1. The quadrics f = const., ft = const, are planetary ellipsoids, and hyperboloids of revolution of one sheet, all having the common focal circle x = 0, & = k. As limiting forms we have the ellipsoid f = 0, which coincides with the portion of the plane x = 0 for which •cr < k, and the hyperboloid ^ = 0 coinciding with the remaining portion of this plane. With the same notation as before we find l)^co .................. (2), so that the equation of continuity becomes, by an investigation similar to that of Art. 100, or d This is of the same form as Art. 100 (4), with if in place of f, and the same correspondence will of course run through the subsequent formulaB. In the case of symmetry about the axis we have the solutions 0 = PnG*) ..................... (4), and 1. As before, the solution (4) is appropriate to the region included within an ellipsoid of the family f = const., and (5) to the external space. We note that As particular cases of the formula (7) we have ?, or) = cot- r, The formulae for the stream-function corresponding to (4) and (5) are and 105. The simplest case of Art. 104 (5) is when n = 0, viz. (^^cot-1^ ........................... (1), where f is supposed to range from — oo to + oo . The formula (10) of the last Art. then assumes an indeterminate form, but we find by the method of Art. 101, (2). * The reader may easily adapt the demonstrations cited in Art. 101 to the present case. 152 PROBLEMS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. V This solution represents the flow of a liquid through a circular aperture in an infinite plane wall, viz. the aperture is the portion of the plane yz for which or < k. The velocity at any point of the aperture (f = 0) is _ !_ cty _ A ~vd™~ (#--BJa)*' since, over the aperture, kfjb = (&2 — ^2)i The velocity is therefore infinite at the edge. Compare Art. 66, 1°. Again, the motion due to a planetary ellipsoid (f=?o) moving with velocity u parallel to its axis in an infinite mass of liquid is given by (3), -cot-^ where A=-ku + \j~j - cot-1 U - IbO + -1- j Denoting the polar and equatorial radii by a and c, we have so that the eccentricity e of the meridian section is «=(?.'+!)-». In terms of these quantities (5). The forms of the lines of motion, for equidistant values of o/r, are shewn on the opposite page. The most interesting case is that of the circular disk, for which e = 1, and A = 2uc/?r. The value (3) of cf> for the two sides of the disk becomes equal to ± Ap, or ±^.(1 — «r2/c2)*, and the normal velocity + u. Hence the formula (4) of Art. 44 gives =-2p [° Jo .................................... (6). The effective addition to the inertia of the disk is therefore 2/7T (='6365) times the mass of a spherical portion of the fluid, of the same radius. 105-106] MOTION OF A CIRCULAR DISK. 153 X' X 106. The solutions of the equation Art. 104 (3) in tesseral harmonics are and where and (3), 154 PROBLEMS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. V These functions possess the property S'f S ,,, S/ «'_/ V+l ' 1 /K\ - -- -T ......... m- For the motion of a planetary ellipsoid (f = f0) parallel to the axis of y we have w = 1, s = 1, as before, and thence (6), with A determined by the condition for f = f0, v denoting the velocity of the solid. This gives ^k/V?'.2^ -«**•' Si--** (7>- In the case of the disk (f0 = 0), we have A = 0, as we should expect. Again, for a planetary ellipsoid rotating about the axis of y with angular velocity q, we have, putting n = 2, s= 1, 0 = Afi(l - n*)*(p + 1)* 3f cot-1?- 3 + ^ sin a) ...... (8), with the surface condition (9). For the circular disk (f0 = 0) this gives |7r^ = -^2q ..................... (10). At the two surfaces of the disk we have /i2)^ sin w, = + kq (1 - yu,2)i sin &>, and substituting in the formula we obtain 2T= Jf^.q8 ..................... (11). 106-107] ELLIPSOID WITH UNEQUAL AXES. 155 107. In questions relating to ellipsoids with three unequal axes we may use the method of Lamp's Functions*, or, as they are now often called, ' Ellipsoidal Harmonics.' Without attempting a complete account of this, we will investigate some solutions of the equation V2<£ = 0 .............................. (1), in ellipsoidal coordinates, which are analogous to spherical harmonics of the first and second orders, with a view to their hydrodynamical applications. It is convenient to begin with the motion of a liquid contained in an ellipsoidal envelope, which can be treated at once by Cartesian methods. Thus when the envelope is in motion parallel to the axis of x with velocity u, the enclosed fluid moves as a solid, and the velocity- potential is simply (f> — — ux. Next let us suppose that the envelope is rotating about a principal axis (say that of x) with angular velocity p. The equation of the surface being the surface condition is x y d4> z a8 dx ~ 62 dy ~ c? We therefore assume <£ = Ayzt which is evidently a solution of (1), and obtain , — Hence, if the centre be moving with a velocity whose com- * See, for example, Ferrers, Spherical Harmonics, c. vi.; W. D. Niven, "On Ellipsoidal Harmonics," Phil. Trans., 1891, A. J56 PROBLEMS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. V ponents are u, v, w and if p, q, r be the angular velocities about the principal axes, we have by superposition 62 - c2 c2 - a? a2 - b2 d> = —ux — vy — vrz — r, -- r p yz — - -- - qzx -- r rxii 62 + c2 c2 + a2^ a2 + 62 " ........................ (3)* We may also include the case where the envelope is changing its form as well as position, but so as to remain ellipsoidal. If the axes are changing at the rates a, b, c, respectively, the general boundary condition, Art. 10 (3), becomes a + + ,c + + + = a3 b3 c3 a2 dx b2 dy c2 dz which is satisfied by The equation (1) requires that a b c which is in fact the condition which must be satisfied by the changing ellipsoidal surface in order that the enclosed volume (^jrabc) may be constant. 108. The solutions of the corresponding problems for an infinite mass of fluid bounded internally by an ellipsoid involve the use of a special sj^stem of orthogonal curvilinear coordinates. If x, y, z be functions of three parameters X, /A, v, such that the surfaces X = const., /ji = const., v = const (1) are mutually orthogonal at their intersections, and if we write * This result appears to have been obtained independently by Beltrami, Bjerknes, and Maxwell, in 1873. See Hicks, "Report on Recent Progress in Hydrodynamics," Brit. Ass. Rep., 1882. t Bjerknes, " Verallgemeinerung des Problems von den Bewegungen, welche in einer ruhenden unelastischen Fliissigkeit die Bewegung eines Ellipsoids hervor- bringt," Gottinger Nachrichten, 1873. 107-108] ORTHOGONAL COORDINATES. Io7 the direction-cosines of the normals to the three surfaces which pass through (a?, y; z) will be i7 ) "27 ' fl/2^/ ' r \ /» tt/Lt ttyL6 a/JL , c?^c , c?y , dz dv ' dv ' dv respectively. It easily follows that the lengths of linear elements drawn in the directions of these normals will be respectively. Hence if be the velocity-potential of any fluid motion, the total flux into the rectangular space included between the six surfaces X ± }£\, /* ± £3/i, y £ ££y will be d ( d §v &v\ ^ , d /, c^6 81; S\\ j, d fj d - - - X + -- A2 -r^ . - . -r- 6/z + -- It appears from Art. 42 (3) that the same flux is expressed by V2<£ multiplied by the volume of the space, i.e. by Hence d Equating this to zero, we obtain the general equation of continuity in orthogonal coordinates, of which particular cases have already been investigated in Arts. 84, 100, 104. * The above method was given in a paper by W. Thomson, " On the Equations of Motion of Heat referred to Curvilinear Coordinates," Camb. Math. Journ., t. iv. (1843) ; Math, and Pfo/s. Papers, t. i., p. 25. Reference may also be made to Jacobi, " Ueber eine particulare Losung der partiellen Differentialgleichung ...... ," Crelle, t. xxxvi, (1847), Gesammelte Werke, Berlin, 1881..., t. ii., p. 198. The transformation of v"0 t° general orthogonal coordinates was first effected by Lam6, " Sur les lois de 1'equilibre du fluide eth6r^," Journ. de VEcole Polyt., t. xiv., (1834). See also Lemons sur les Coordonnees Curvilignes, Paris, 1859, p. 22. 158 PROBLEMS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. V 109. In the applications to which we now proceed the triple orthogonal system consists of the confocal quadrics a2 -i- 8 ^ 62 4- 0 c2 + 6 -1 = 0 (1), whose properties are explained in books on Solid Geometry. Through any given point (x, y, z) there pass three surfaces of the system, corresponding to the three roots of (1), considered as a cubic in 0. If (as we shall for the most part suppose) a > b > c, one of these roots (X, say) will lie between oo and — c2, another (/JL) be tween — c2 and — 62, and the third (v) between — 62 and — a2. The surfaces X, /JL, v are therefore ellipsoids, hyperboloids of one sheet, and hyperboloids of two sheets, respectively. It follows immediately from this definition of X, p, v, that a2 + 6 62 + 0 c2 + identically, for all values of 6. Hence multiplying by a2 +6, and afterwards putting # = — a2, we obtain the first of the following equations : (a2 + X)(a2 + ^)(a2 + z.) , (62-c2)(62-a2) (c2 + X) (c2 + ft) (c2 + v) (c2-a2)(c2-62) .(3). These give dx d\ * a2 + X ' d\ 2 62 + X and thence, in the notation of Art. 108 (2), (4), X)" (c2 + X)2 (5). If we differentiate (2) with respect to 6 and afterwards put 6 = X, we deduce the first of the following three relations : 109-110] CONFOCAL QUADRICS. 159 ^2=4 .(6)*. , 2 _ . ' 0, The remaining relations of the sets (3) and (6) have been written down from symmetry. Substituting in Art. 108 (4), we find 4 (i. - X) + (X - /t) [(a2 I ............... (7)t- 110. The particular solutions of the transformed equation V2 = 0 which first present themselves are those in which is a function of one (only) of the variables X, ^, v. Thus <£ may be a function of X alone, provided (a2 + X)* (62 4- X)* (c2 + X)* d<£/dX = const., whence if .................. (2), being chosen so as the additive constant which attaches to to make 0 vanish for X = oo . In this solution, which corresponds to = A/r in spherical harmonics, the equipotential surfaces are the confocal ellipsoids, and the motion in the space external to any one of these (say that for which X = 0) is that due to a certain arrangement of simple sources over it. The velocity at any point is given by the formula * It will be noticed that hlt h2, h3 are double the perpendiculars from the origin on the tangent planes to the three quadrics X, /x, v. t Cf. Lame, " Sur les surfaces isothermes dans les corps solides homogenes en 6quilibre de temperature," Liouville, t. ii., (1837). 160 PROBLEMS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. V At a great distance from the origin the ellipsoids X become spheres of radius X*, and the velocity is therefore ultimately equal to 2(7/r2, where r denotes the distance from the origin. Over any particular equipotential surface X, the velocity varies as the perpendicular from the centre on the tangent plane. To find the distribution of sources over the surface X = 0 which would produce the actual motion in the external space, we substitute for the value (1), in the formula (11) of Art. 58, and for <£' (which refers to the internal space) the constant value The formula referred to then gives, for the surface-density of the required distribution, The solution (1) may also be interpreted as representing the motion due to a change in dimensions of the ellipsoid, such that the ellipsoid remains similar to itself, and retains the directions of its axes unchanged in space. If we put a/a — 6/6 = c/c, = k, say, the surface-condition Art. 107 (4) becomes — d(f>/dn = JMj, which is identical with (3), if we put C = A particular case of (5) is where the sources are distributed over the elliptic disk for which X = — c2, and therefore z1 = 0. This is important in Electrostatics, but a more interesting application from the present point of view is to the flow through an elliptic aperture, viz. if the plane xy be occupied by a thin rigid partition with the exception of the part included by the ellipse we have, putting c = 0 in the previous formula, 110-111] FLOW THROUGH AN ELLIPTIC APERTURE. 161 where the upper limit is the positive root of and the negative or the positive sign is to be taken according as the point for which $ is required lies on the positive or the negative side of the plane xy. The two values of (f> are continuous at the aperture, where X = 0. As before, the velocity at a great distance is equal to 2 A /r*, nearly. For points in the aperture the velocity may be found immediately from (6) and (7) ; thus we may put approximately, since \ is small, whence dt_2A ( x- . ~' This becomes infinite, as we should expect, at the edge. The particular case of a circular aperture has already been solved otherwise in Art. 105. 111. We proceed to investigate the solution of V2<£ = 0, finite at infinity, which corresponds, for the space external to the ellipsoid, to the solution = x for the internal space. Following the analogy of spherical harmonics we may assume for trial <}>=*x .............................. (i). which gives V2^ + --^=0 ........................ (2), X d/X and inquire whether this can be satisfied by making ^ equal to some function of X only. On this supposition we shall have, by Art. 108 (3), and therefore, by Art. 109 (4), (6), xdx (\ L. 11 162 PROBLEMS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. V On substitution from Art. 109 (7) the equation (2) becomes x = - (Jf + X) (# + X) , which may be written whence y= 0 - 5 — — ..(3), the arbitrary constant which presents itself in the second integra tion being chosen as before so as to make % vanish at infinity. The solution contained in (1) and (3) enables us to find the motion of a liquid, at rest at infinity, produced by the translation of a solid ellipsoid through it, parallel to a principal axis. The notation being as before, and the ellipsoid being supposed in motion parallel to x with velocity u, the surface- condition is dct>ld\ = -udx/d\, for X = 0 .................. (5). Let us write, for shortness, , r00 d\ , r00 d\ 7 r d\ a« = abc / 2 . ^ s~A > ^<> = abc fiA . -i\ A ' 7o = ooe -. 0 . A J o (a2 + X) A J o (o + X) A J0 (c- -f X) A .............. (6), where A = }(a2 + X) (62 + X) (c2 + X)}* ............... (7). It will be noticed that these quantities «0, &> 70 are pure numerics. The conditions of our problem are now satisfied by M~3 Pr°Vlded that is C'=-a6°-u ........................... (9). 111-112] TRANSLATION OF AN ELLIPSOID. 163 The corresponding solution when the ellipsoid moves parallel to y or z can be written down from symmetry, and by superposition we derive the case where the ellipsoid has any motion of translation whatever*. At a great distance from the origin, the formula (8) becomes equivalent to which is the velocity-potential of a double source at the origin, of strength J C, or f abcu/(2 - «o). Compare Art. 91. The kinetic energy of the fluid is given by where I is the cosine of the angle which the normal to the surface makes with the axis of x. The latter integral is equal to the volume of the ellipsoid, whence ' .................. (11). The inertia-coefficient is therefore equal to the fraction «0/(2 — o^) of the mass displaced by the solid. For the case of the sphere (a=b = c) we find a0 = J ; this makes the fraction equal to J, in agree ment with Art. 91. If we put b = c, we get the case of an ellipsoid of revolution, including (for a = 0) that of a circular disk. The identification with the results obtained by the methods of Arts. 102, 103, 105, 106 for these cases may be left to the reader. 112. We next inquire whether the equation V2$ = 0 can be satisfied by * This problem was first solved by Green, "Kesearches on the Vibration of Pendulums in Fluid Media," Trans. R. 8. Edin., 1833, Math. Papers, p. 315. The investigation is much shortened if we assume at once from the Theory of Attrac tions that (8) is a solution of v2<£ = 0, being in fact (save as to a constant factor) the ^-component of the attraction of a homogeneous ellipsoid on an external point. 11—2 164 PROBLEMS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. [CHAP. V where % is a function of X only. This requires V.X + I&+?^ = 0.. .(2). * ydy z dz Now, from Art. 109 (4), (6), = ---- y dy z dz l \y d\ z d\) d\ X)/ 1 1 \dx ' a On substitution in (2) we find, by Art. 109 (7), £ log {(* + » <* + X). Whence = the second constant of integration being chosen as before. For a rigid ellipsoid rotating about the axis of x with angular velocity p, the surface-condition is d(j>/d\ = ipzdyldX. — ^ydz\d\ ............... (4), for X — 0. Assuming we find that the surface-condition (4) is satisfied, provided 0 „/! , 1\ 7o-/8. This expression dififers only by a factor from where 0 is the gravitation-potential of a uniform solid ellipsoid at an external point (a-, y, z). Since v2fi = 0 it easily follows that the above is also a solution of the equation ^

which, besides satisfying the equation of continuity v^ = o .............................. (i), * Natural Philosophy, Art. 320. t " Ueber die Bewegung eines Rotationskorpers in einer Flussigkeit," Crelle, t. Ixxi. (1869); Ges. Abh., p. 376; Mechanik, c. xix. 168 MOTION OF SOLIDS THROUGH A LIQUID. [CHAP. VI fulfils the following conditions : (1°) the value of - d(f)/dn, where Sn denotes as usual an element of the normal at any point of the surface of the solid, drawn on the side of the fluid, must be equal to the velocity of the surface at that point normal to itself, and (2°) the differential coefficients d.2, %3 &re certain functions of a, y, z determined solely by the configuration of the surface of the solid, relative to the coordinate axes. In fact, if I, m, n denote the direction- cosines of the normal, drawn towards the fluid, at any point of this surface, the kinematical surface-condition is — — = I (u + qz — ry) + m(v + rx —pz) + n (w +py — qx), 114-116] SURFACE CONDITIONS. 169 whence, substituting the value (2) of <£, we find d& p= = ny — mz dn _ _: m, - j'v - = Iz - nx dn dn .(3). - -= It, - -. IIUtAJ V l dn dn Since these functions must also satisfy (i), and have their deri vatives zero at infinity, they are completely determinate, by Art. 41*. 116. Now whatever the motion of the solid and fluid at any instant, it might have been generated instantaneously from rest by a properly adjusted impulsive 'wrench ' applied to the solid. This wrench is in fact that which would be required to counteract the impulsive pressures p$ on the surface, and, in addition, to generate the actual momentum of the solid. It is called by Lord Kelvin the ' impulse ' of the system at the moment under consideration. It is to be noted that the impulse, as thus defined, cannot be asserted to be equivalent to the total momentum of the system, which is indeed in the present problem indeterminate. We proceed to shew however that the impulse varies, in consequence of extraneous forces acting on the solid, in exactly the same way as the momentum of a finite dynamical system. Let us in the first instance consider any actual motion of a solid, from time £0 to time tlt under any given forces applied to it, in ^ finite mass of liquid enclosed by a fixed envelope of any form. Let us imagine the motion to have been generated from rest, previously to the time £0, by forces (whether gradual or impulsive) applied to the solid, and to be arrested, in like manner, by forces applied to the solid after the time ^. Since the momentum of the system is null both at the beginning and at the end of this process, the time-integrals of the forces applied to the solid, to gether with the time-integral of the pressures exerted on the fluid * For the particular case of an ellipsoidal surface, their values may be written down from the results of Arts. Ill, 112. 170 MOTION OF SOLIDS THROUGH A LIQUID. [CHAP. VI by the envelope, must form an equilibrating system. The effect of these latter pressures may be calculated from the formula A pressure uniform over the envelope has no resultant effect; hence, since is constant at the beginning and end, the only effective part of the integral pressure fpdt is given by the term -tpffdt ........................... (2). Let us now revert to the original form of our problem, and suppose the containing envelope to be infinitely large, and in finitely distant in every direction from the moving solid. It is easily seen by considering the arrangement of the tubes of flow (Art. 37) that the fluid velocity q at a great distance r from an origin in the neighbourhood of the solid will ultimately be, at most*, of the order 1/r2, and the integral pressure (2) therefore of the order 1/r4. Since the surface-elements of the envelope are of the order r$-ar, where £OT is an elementary solid angle, the force- and couple-resultants of the integral pressure (2) will now both be null. The same statement therefore holds with regard to the time-integral of the forces applied to the solid. If we imagine the motion to have been started instantaneously at time tQ, and to be arrested instantaneously at time tlt the result at which we have arrived may be stated as follows : The ' impulse ' of the motion (in Lord Kelvin's sense) at time £j differs from the ' impulse ' at time t0 by the time-integral of the extraneous forces acting on the solid during the interval ^ — £0f. It will be noticed that the above reasoning is substantially unaltered when the single solid is replaced by a group of solids, which may moreover be flexible instead of rigid, and even when these solids are replaced by portions of fluid moving rotatiorially. 117. To express the above result analytically, let f, 77, f, X, //-, v be the components of the force- and couple-constituents of the * It is really of the order 1/r3 when, as in the case considered, the total flux outwards is zero. t Sir W. Thomson, I.e. ante p. 35. The form of the argument given above was kindly suggested to the author by Mr Larmor. 116-117] IMPULSE OF THE MOTION. 171 impulse ; and let X, Y, Z, L, M, N designate in the same manner the system of extraneous forces. The whole variation of ? t ?7> ?» \ P> v, due partly to the motion of the axes to which these quantities are referred, and partly to the action of the extraneous forces, is then given by the formulae - - - ...(!)*. For at time t + &t the moving axes make with their positions at time t angles whose cosines are (1, rSt, -q&t), (-rSt, 1, ptt), (qtt, - pSt, 1), respectively. Hence, resolving parallel to the new position of the axis of x, £ + gf = f + n . rSt - £ . qSt + XSt. Again, taking moments about the new position of Ox, and re membering that 0 has been displaced through spaces u&t, v&t, parallel to the axes, we find \ + &V. = \ 4- 77 . wSt - f . v8t + p . rSt - v . qSt + LSt. These, with the similar results which can be written down from symmetry, give the equations (1). When no extraneous forces act, we verify at once that these equations have the integrals ^ const.,) } ? = const. J ' which express that the magnitudes of the force- and couple- resultants of the impulse are constant. * Cf. Hay ward, " On a Direct Method of Estimating Velocities, Accelerations, and all similar Quantities, with respect to Axes moveable in any manner in space." Cainb. Trans., t. x. (1856). 172 MOTION OF SOLIDS THROUGH A LIQUID. [CHAP. VI 118. It remains to express £, 77, £ X, /z, v in terms of *£, v, w, p, q, r. In the first place let T denote the kinetic energy of the fluid, so that 2T = -p\U^-dS (1), where the integration extends over the surface of the moving solid. Substituting the value of , from Art. 115 (2), we get 2T = Aw3 + "Bv2 + Cw2 + 2A'vw -*- 2"B'wu + 2C'uv + 2q (I*'u 4- M'u + N'w) + m"v + N"w) ........................... (2), where the 21 coefficients A, B, C, &c. are certain constants determined by the form and position of the surface relative to the coordinate axes. Thus, for example, = p II (f)2ndS = p 1 1 (3), - mz) dS the transformations depending on Art. 115 (3) and on a particular case of Green's Theorem (Art. 44 (2)). These expressions for the coefficients were given by Kirchhoff. The actual values of the coefficients in the expression for 2T have been found in the preceding chapter for the case of the ellipsoid, viz. we have from Arts. Ill, 112 P-I_ (° -cr(yo * la /w ^2N i /;^2 i . 118-119] KINETIC ENERGY. 1*73 with similar expressions for B, C, Q, R. The remaining coefficients, as will appear presently, in this case all vanish. We note that so that if a>b>c, then A. * See Thomson and Tait, Natural Philosophy, Art. 313, or Maxwell, Electricity and Magnetism, Part iv. , c. v, 174 MOTION OF SOLIDS THROUGH A LIQUID. [CHAP. VI The work done by the force X is [T Xudt, which lies between Uil Xdi and u» \ Xdt, Jo Ji where #, and u2 are the greatest and least values of u during the time r, i.e. it lies between u^ Af and «2Af. If we now introduce the supposition that Af, A?/, Af, AX, A//,, Ai/ are infinitely small, ^ and u2 are each equal to u, and the work done is wAf. In the same way we may calculate the work done by the remaining forces and couples. The total result must be equal to the increment of the kinetic energy, whence aw op c? Now if the velocities be all altered in any given ratio, the impulses will be altered in the same ratio. If then we take Aw _ Afl _ Aw _ Ap _ A2 + Cw2 + 2A'vw + 2B W -f 2C'uv. Hence the fluid pressures reduce to a couple, which moreover vanishes if dT dT dT -j— : u = -j— : v = -j- :w, du dv dw i.e. provided the velocity (u, v, w) be in the direction of one of the principal axes of the ellipsoid A#2 + "By* + Cz2 + ZAfyz + VB'zx + ZG'xy = const.. . .(5). Hence, as was first pointed out by Kirchhoff, there are, for any solid, three mutually perpendicular directions of permanent trans lation ; that is to say, if the solid be set in motion parallel to one of these directions, without rotation, and left to itself, it will continue so to move. It is evident that these directions are determined solely by the configuration of the surface of the body. It must be observed however that the impulse necessary to produce one of * The forms of these expressions being known, it is not difficult to verify them by direct calculation from the pressure-equation, Art. 21 (4). See a paper " On the Forces experienced by a Solid moving through a Liquid," Quart. Journ. Math., t. xix. (1883). L. 12 178 MOTION OF SOLIDS THROUGH A LIQUID. [CHAP. VI these permanent translations does not in general reduce to a single force ; thus if the axes of coordinates be chosen, for simplicity, parallel to the three directions in question, so that A', B' , C' = 0, we have, corresponding to the motion u alone, f = 4a,'i) = 0, £=0, \ = Lu, /JL — L'u, v = L"uy so that the impulse consists of a wrench of pitch L/A. With the same choice of axes, the components of the couple which is the equivalent of the fluid pressures on the solid, in the case of a uniform translation (u, v, w), are L = (B - C) vw, M = (C - A) wu, N = (A - B) uv. . .(6). Hence if in the ellipsoid A«2 + B?/2 + Cz2 = const (7), we draw a radius-vector r in the direction of the velocity (u, v, w) and erect the perpendicular h from the centre on the tangent plane at the extremity of r, the plane of the couple is that of h and r, its magnitude is proportional to sin (h, r)/h, and its tendency is to turn the solid in the direction from h to r. Thus if the direction of (u, v, w) differs but slightly from that of the axis of x, the tendency of the couple is to diminish the deviation when A is the greatest, and to increase it when A is the least, of the three quantities A, B, C, whilst if A is intermediate to B and C the tendency depends on the position of r relative to the circular sections of the above ellipsoid. It appears then that of the three permanent translations one only is thoroughly stable, viz. that corresponding to the greatest of the three coefficients A, B, C. For example, the only stable direction of motion of an ellipsoid is that of its least axis; see Art. 118*. 122. The above, although the simplest, are not the only steady motions of which the body is capable, under the action of no external forces. The instantaneous motion of the body at any instant consists, by a well-known theorem of Kinematics, of a * The physical cause of this tendency of a flat-shaped body to set itself broadside-on to the relative motion is clearly indicated in the diagram on p. 94. A number of interesting practical illustrations are given by Thomson and Tait, Art. 325. 121-122] STEADY MOTIONS. 179 twist about a certain screw; and the condition that this motion should be permanent is that it should not affect the configuration of the impulse (which is fixed in space) relatively to the body. This requires that the axes of the screw and of the corresponding impulsive wrench should coincide. Since the general equations of a straight line involve four independent constants, this gives four linear relations to be satisfied by the five ratios u : v : w : p : q : r. There exists then for every body, under the circumstances here considered, a singly-infinite system of possible steady motions. Of these the next in importance to the three motions of permanent translation are those in which the impulse reduces to a couple. The equa tions (1) of Art. 117 are satisfied by £, 77, £=0, and X, /u, v constant, provided */P = P-l(l = v/r, =£, say ........................... (i). If the axes of coordinates have the special directions referred to in the preceding Art., the conditions £, 77, £=0 give us at once w, v, w in terms of p, q, r, viz. *— (Lp + L'q+ L"r)IA,\ v=-(Mp + M'q + M"r)/B\ .......................... (ii). w= - (Np+N'q +N"r)/C ) Substituting these values in the expressions for X, p, v obtained from Art. 119 (3), we find . where 26 (p, q, r) = %?2 + <%2 -f Hr2 + Vfflqr + ZQ&rp + 2R'pq ......... (iv) ; the coefficients in this expression being determined by formulae of the types L'L" M'M" N'N" " '~A ' ~^r ~c~ These formulae hold for any case in which the force- constituent of the impulse is zero. Introducing the conditions (i) of steady motion, the ratios p : q : r are to be determined from the three equations The form of these shews that the line whose direction-ratios are p : q : r must be parallel to one of the principal axes of the ellipsoid 0(.r, y, 2) = const ............................... (vii). 12—2 180 MOTION OF SOLIDS THROUGH A LIQUID. [CHAP. VI There are therefore three permanent screw-motions such that the correspond ing impulsive wrench in each case reduces to a couple only. The axes of these three screws are mutually at right angles, but do not in general intersect. It may now be shewn that in all cases where the impulse reduces to a couple only, the motion can be completely determined. It is convenient, retaining the same directions of the axes as before, to change the origin. Now the origin may be transferred to any point (#, ?/, z) by writing u + ry-qz, v+pz-rx, w + qx-py, for u, v, w respectively. The coefficient of vr in the expression for the kinetic energy, Art. 118 (7), becomes -J3&+M", that of wq becomes Cx + N', and so on. Hence if we take M" N' . N the coefficients in the transformed expression for 2 T will satisfy the relations M"/B=N'/C, N/C=L"/A, L'/A = M/B ................ (ix). If we denote the values of these pairs of equal quantities by a, /3, y re spectively, the formulae (ii) may now be written d¥ d* d* u=—-j-, v=--r-. w= — =- ..................... (x), dp ' dq dr where 2* (p, q, r) = j p2 + -^ f + -^ r2 + Zaqr + Z$rp + Zypq ...... (xi). The motion of the body at any instant may be conceived as made up of two parts ; viz. a motion of translation equal to that of the origin, and one of rotation about an instantaneous axis passing through the origin. Since £} rj, £=Q the latter part is to be determined by the equations d\ da dv . -drr»-i"' di=p"~r^ arf-** which express that the vector (X, /u, v) is constant in magnitude and has a fixed direction in space. Substituting from (iii), d de_ de de dt dp dq dr d de de de d^de_ de_ de dt dr~q dp P dq (xii). These are identical in form with the equations of motion of a rigid body about a fixed point, so that we may make use of Poinsot's well-known solution of the latter problem. The angular motion of the body is therefore obtained by making the ellipsoid (vii), which is fixed in the body, roll on the plane \x -\- p.y + vz =• const. , 122-123] IMPULSIVE COUPLE. 181 which is fixed in space, with an angular velocity proportional to the length 01 of the radius vector drawn from the origin to the point of contact /. The representation of the actual motion is then completed by impressing on the whole system of rolling ellipsoid and plane a velocity of translation whose components are given by (x). This velocity is in the direction of the normal OM to the tangent plane of the quadric *(#» y> z)=-e3 ................................. (xiii), at the point P where 01 meets it, and is equal to angular velocity of body When 01 does not meet the quadric (xiii), but the conjugate quadric obtained by changing the sign of e, the sense of the velocity (xiv) is reversed *. 123. The problem of the integration of the equations of motion of a solid in the general case has engaged the attention of several mathematicians, but, as might be anticipated from the complexity of the question, the meaning of the results is not easily grasped. In what follows we shall in the first place inquire what simplifications occur in the formula for the kinetic energy, for special classes of solids, and then proceed to investigate one or two particular problems of considerable interest which can be treated without difficult mathematics. 1°. If the solid has a plane of symmetry, as regards both its form and the distribution of matter in its interior, then, taking this plane as that of soy, it is evident that the energy of the motion is unaltered if we reverse the signs of w, p, q, the motion being exactly similar in the two cases. This requires that A', B', P', Q', L, M, L', M', N" should vanish. One of the directions of perma nent translation is then parallel to z. The three screws of Art. 122 are now pure rotations ; the axis of one of them is parallel to z ; the axes of the other two are at right angles in the plane xy, but do not in general intersect the first. 2°. If the body have a second plane of symmetry, at right angles to the former one, let this be taken as the plane of zx. We find, in the same way, that in this case the coefficients * The substance of this Art. is taken from a paper, " On the Free Motion of a Solid through an Infinite Mass of Liquid," Proc. Lond. Math. £oc., t. viii. (1877). Similar results were obtained independently by Craig, " The Motion of a Solid in a Fluid," Amer. Journ. of Math., t. ii. (1879). 182 MOTION OF SOLIDS THROUGH A LIQUID. [CHAP. VI C", R', N, L" also must vanish, so that the expression for 2T assumes the form 2T = Au? + BV* + GW* r ........................... (1). The directions of permanent translation are now parallel to the three axes of coordinates. The axis of x is the axis of one of the permanent screws (now pure rotations) of Art. 122, and those of the other two intersect it at right angles (being parallel to y and s respectively), though not necessarily in the same point. 3°. If the body have a third plane of symmetry, viz. that of yz, at right angles to the two former ones, we have (2). The axes of coordinates are in the directions of the three perma nent translations ; they are also the axes of the three permanent screw-motions (now pure rotations) of Art. 122. 4°. If, further, the solid be one of revolution, about %, say, the value (1) of 2T must be unaltered when we write v, q, — w, — r for w, r, v, q, respectively; for this is merely equivalent to turning the axes of y, z through a right angle. Hence we must have B = C, Q = R, M" — — N'. If we further transfer the origin to the point denned by Art. 122 (viii) we have M" ' = N't Hence we must have and 2T = An? + B (v2 + O (3). The same reduction obtains in some other cases, for example when the solid is a right prism whose section is any regular polygon*. This is seen at once from the consideration that, the axis of x coinciding with the axis of the prism, it is impossible to assign any uniquely symmetrical directions to the axes of y and z. * See Larmor, "On Hydrokinetic Symmetry," Quart. Journ. Math., t. xx. (1885). 123] SPECIAL FORMS OF SOLID. 183 5°. If, in the last case, the form of the solid be similarly related to each of the coordinate planes (for example a sphere, or a cube), the expression (3) takes the form 2T = A( B. If we write 20 = S-, (3) becomes which is the equation of motion of the common pendulum. Hence the angular motion of the body is that of a 'quadrantal pendulum,' i.e. a body whose motion follows the same law in regard to a quadrant as the ordinary pendulum does in regard to a half-circumference. When 0 has been determined from (3) and the initial conditions, x, y are to be found from the equations x = u cos 0 — v sin 0 = —r cos2 6 + ^ sin2 0, = (:l~±]sin0cos0 = -?6 the latter of which gives y = |0 (6), as is otherwise obvious, the additive constant being zero since the axis of x is taken to be coincident with, and not merely parallel to, the line of the impulse /. Let us first suppose that the body makes complete revolutions, in which case the first integral of (3) is of the form 02 = o>2 (1 - &2 sin2 0) (7), A-B I* where fc2 = -r-D?y • — 2 W« Hence, reckoning t from the position 0 = 0, we have 186 MOTION OF SOLIDS THROUGH A LIQUID. [CHAP. VI 124] MOTION OF A SOLID OF REVOLUTION. 187 in the usual notation of elliptic integrals. If we eliminate t between (5) and (9), and then integrate with respect to 0, we find -^F*ft (10), the origin of x being taken to correspond to the position 0 = 0. The path can then be traced, in any particular case, by means of Legendre's Tables. See the curve marked I in the figure. If, on the other hand, the solid does not make a complete revolution, but oscillates through an angle a on each side of the position 6 = 0, the proper form of the first integral of (3) is frs.rffl-E^ ; (11), \ sin2 aj where If we put this gives whence sur a = ABQ ft)2 A-B' sin 6 — sin a sin - (12). sin2 a siu a (13). Transforming to ^r as independent variable, in (5), and integrating, we find x = -g- sin a . .F(sin a, ^r) - -y^cosec a . #(sin a, yfr Qco y = —j- cos >|r The path of the point 0 is here a sinuous curve crossing the line of the impulse at intervals of time equal to a half-period of the angular motion. This is illustrated by the curves III and IV of the figure. There remains a critical case between the two preceding, where the solid just makes a half-revolution, 6 having as asymptotic 188 MOTION OF SOLIDS THROUGH A LIQUID. [CHAP. VI limits the two values + JTT. This case may be obtained by putting k = 1 in (7), or a = ^TT in (11) ; and we find 6 = co cos 6 ................................. (15), (16), (17). 0(0 y= *-COS0 See the curve II of the figure*. It is to be observed that the above investigation is not restricted to the case of a solid of revolution ; it applies equally well to the case of a body with two perpendicular planes of symmetry, moving parallel to one of these planes, provided the origin be properly chosen. If the plane in question be that of a?y, then on transferring the origin to the point (M"/B, 0, 0) the last term in the formula (1) of Art. 123 disappears, and the equations of motion take the form (2) above. On the other hand, if the motion be parallel to zx we must transfer the origin to the point (— N'/C, 0, 0). The results of this Article, with the accompanying diagrams, serve to exemplify the statements made near the end of Art. 121. Thus the curve IV illustrates, with exaggerated amplitude, the case of a slightly disturbed stable steady motion parallel to an axis of permanent translation. The case of a slightly disturbed unstable steady motion would be represented by a curve con tiguous to II, on one side or the other, according to the nature of the disturbance. 125. The mere question of the stability of the motion of a body parallel to an axis of symmetry may of course be more simply treated by approximate methods. Thus, in the case of a body * In order to bring out the peculiar features of the motion, the curves have been drawn for the somewhat extreme case of A = 5B. In the case of an infinitely thin disk, without inertia of its own, we should have A/B = cc; the curves would then have cusps where they meet the axis of y. It appears from (5) that x has always the same sign, so that loops cannot occur in any case. In the various cases figured the body is projected always with the same impulse, but with different degrees of rotation. In the curve I, the maximum angular velocity is */2 times what it is in the critical case II ; whilst the curves III and IV represent oscillations of amplitude 45° and 18° respectively. 124-125] STABILITY. 189 with three planes of symmetry, as in Art. 123, 3°, slightly dis turbed from a state of steady motion parallel to x, we find, writing u = u0 + u' ', and assuming u't v, w, p, q, r to be all small, ...(1). D d2v A(A-B) A Hence B ~j- + A —^ — - uB, and can be satisfied in any case by giving a sufficiently great value to pQ. This example illustrates the steadiness of flight which is given to an elongated projectile by rifling. 126. In the investigation of Art. 122 the term 'steady' was used to characterize modes of motion in which the ' instantaneous screw ' preserved a constant relation to the moving solid. In the case of a solid of revolution, however, we may conveniently use the term in a somewhat wider sense, extending it to motions in which the velocities of translation and rotation are constant in magnitude, and make constant angles with the axis of symmetry and with each other, although their relation to particles of the solid not on the axis may continually vary. The conditions to be satisfied in this case are most easily obtained from the equations of motion of Art. 121, which become, on substitution from Art. 123 (3), ...... (i). It appears that p is in any case constant, and that q2 + r2 will also be constant provided vfa=w/r, =k, say .................... . ............ (ii). This makes du/dt = 0, and const. It follows that k will also be constant; and it only remains to satisfy the equations 125-127] MOTION OF A HELICOID. 191 which will be consistent provided whence ulp=kBPI{AQ-WB(A-B}} ........................ (iii). Hence there are an infinite number of possible modes of steady motion, of the kind above defined. In each of these the instantaneous axis of rotation and the direction of translation of the origin are in one plane with the axis of the solid. It is easily seen that the origin describes a helix about the resultant axis of the impulse. These results are due to Kirchhoff. 127. The only case of a body possessing helicoidal property, where simple results can be obtained, is that of the 'isotropic helicoid' defined by Art. 123 (7). Let 0 be the centre of the body, and let us take as axes of coordinates at any instant, a line Ox, parallel to the axis of the impulse, a line Oy drawn outwards from this axis, and a line Oz perpendicular to the plane of the two former. If / and G denote the force- and couple-constituents of the impulse, we have Au + Lp = f = /, Pp + La = \=G, Aw + Lr = £= 0, Pr + Lw = v = I where OT denotes the distance of 0 from the axis of the impulse. Since AP — L2 4= 0, the second and fifth of these equations shew that 0 = 0, q = 0. Hence w is constant throughout the motion, and the remaining quantities are constant ; in particular u = (IF-GL)l(AP-L*\\ w = -^ILI(AP-D) } ' The origin 0 therefore describes a helix about the axis of the impulse, of pitch G/I-P/L. This example is due to Lord Kelvin*. * I.e. ante p. 176. It is there pointed out that a solid of the kind here in question may be constructed by attaching vanes to a sphere, at the middle points of twelve quadrantal arcs drawn so as to divide the surface into octants. The vanes are to be perpendicular to the surface, and are to be inclined at angles of 45° to the respective arcs. For some further investigations in this field see a paper by Miss Fawcett, " On the Motion of Solids in a Liquid," Quart. Journ. Math., t. xxvi. (1893). 192 MOTION OF SOLIDS THROUGH A LIQUID. [CHAP. VI 128. Before leaving this part of the subject we remark that the preceding theory applies, with obvious modifications, to the acyclic motion of a liquid occupying a cavity in a moving solid. If the origin be taken at the centre of inertia of the liquid, the formula for the kinetic energy of the fluid motion is of the type 2T = m (u* + v* + w2) + Pp- + Qg2 + Rr2 + VP'qr + 2Q'rp + 2H'pq ...... (1). For the kinetic energy is equal to that of the whole fluid mass (m), supposed concentrated at the centre of mass and moving with this point, together with the kinetic energy of the motion relative to the centre of mass. The latter part of the energy is easily proved by the method of Arts. 115, 118 to be a homo geneous quadratic function of p, q, r. Hence the fluid may be replaced by a solid of the same mass, having the same centre of inertia, provided the principal axes and moments of inertia be properly assigned. The values of the coefficients in (1), for the case of an ellipsoidal cavity, may be calculated from Art. 107. Thus, if the axes of #, y, z coincide with the principal axes of the ellipsoid, we find P'=0, Q' = 0, R' = 0. Case of a Perforated Solid. 129. If the moving solid have one or more apertures or per forations, so that the space external to it is multiply-connected, the fluid may have a motion independent of that of the solid, viz. a cyclic motion in which the circulations in the several irreducible circuits which can be drawn through the apertures may have any given constant values. We will briefly indicate how the foregoing methods may be adapted to this case. Let K, K, #",... be the circulations in the various circuits, and let So-, So-', So-",... be elements of the corresponding barriers, drawn as in Art. 48. Further, let I, m, n denote direction-cosines of the normal, drawn towards the fluid, at any point of the surface of the solid, or drawn on the positive side at any point of a barrier. The velocity-potential is then of the form 128-129] PERFORATED SOLID. 193 where = ufa + vfa + tufa+pxi + qx* , n , The functions fa, fa, fa, %1; %2, ^3 are determined by the same conditions as in Art. 115. To determine co, we have the condi tions : (1°) that it must satisfy V2o> = 0 at all points of the fluid ; (2°) that its derivatives must vanish at infinity; (3°) that dco/dn=Q at the surface of the solid ; and (4°) that w must be a cyclic function, diminishing by unity whenever the point to which it refers com pletes a circuit cutting the first barrier once only in the positive direction, and recovering its original value whenever the point completes a circuit not cutting this barrier. It appears from Art. 52 that these conditions determine o> save as to an additive constant. In like manner the remaining functions to', a>", ... are determined. By the formula (5) of Art. 55, twice the kinetic energy of the fluid is equal to *«•'- ...... (2). Since the cyclic constants of 0 are zero, we have, by Art. 54 (4), which vanishes, since dfa/dn = 0 at the surface of the solid. Hence (2) reduces to - ...... (3). Substituting the values of (/>, fa from (1), we find that the kinetic energy of the fluid is equal to T + # .............................. (4), where T is a homogeneous quadratic function of u, v, w, p, q, r of the form defined by Art. 118 (2), (3), and 2K = (K, K) K2 + (V, K) K2 + . . . + 2 (K, K) KK + ......... (5), L. 13 194 MOTION OF SOLIDS THROUGH A LIQUID. [CHAP. VI where, for example, day' The identity of the two forms of (K, K') follows from Art. 54 (4). Hence the total energy of fluid and solid is given by T=® + K) ........................ (7), where ® is a homogeneous quadratic function of u, v, w, p, q, r of the same form as Art. 118 (5), and K is defined by (5) and (6) above. 130. The 'impulse' of the motion now consists partly of impulsive forces applied to the solid, and partly of impulsive pressures pK,pK,pic"... applied uniformly (as explained in Art. 54) over the several membranes which are supposed for a moment to occupy the positions of the barriers. Let us denote by fl3 %, f1} Xls fa, Vi the components of the extraneous impulse applied to the solid. Expressing that the ^-component of the momentum of the solid is equal to the similar component of the total impulse acting on it, we have (1). where, as before, Tx denotes the kinetic energy of the solid, and T that part of the energy of the fluid which is independent of the cyclic motion. Again, considering the angular momentum of the solid about the axis of a?, = X, - p jj ( + X0, MOJ ^o are the components of the impulse of the cyclic fluid motion which remains when the solid is, by forces applied to it alone, brought to rest. By the argument of Art. 116, the total impulse is subject to the same laws as the momentum of a finite dynamical system. Hence the equations of motion of the solid are obtained by substi tuting from (5) in the equations (1) of Art. 117*. * This conclusion may be verified by direct calculation from the pressure- formula of Art. 21 ; see Bryan, " Hydrodynamical Proof of the Equations of Motion of a Perforated Solid, ...... ," Phil. May., May, 1893. 13—2 196 MOTION OF SOLIDS THROUGH A LIQUID. [CHAP. VI 131. As a simple example we may take the case of an annular solid of revolution. If the axis of x coincide with that of the ring, we see by reasoning of the same kind as in Art. 123, 4° that if the situation of the origin on this axis be properly chosen we may write _l_ (if lA 1/-2 /I \ -r \K, KJK \±j. Hence f = J.w + £0> y = Bv, %=Bw,] Substituting in the equations of Art. 117, we find dp/dt=Q, or p = const., as is obviously the case. Let us suppose that the ring is slightly disturbed from a state of motion in which v, w, p, q, r are zero, i.e. a state of steady motion parallel to the axis. In the beginning of the disturbed motion v, w, p, q, r will be small quantities whose products we may neglect. The first of the equations referred to then gives du/dt = 0, or u = const., and the remaining equations become ...(3). Eliminating r, we find Exactly the same equation is satisfied by w. It is therefore necessary and sufficient for stability that the coefficient of v on the right-hand side of (4) should be negative ; and the time of a small oscillation, in the case of disturbed stable motion, is 11 (5). We may also notice another case of steady motion of the ring, viz. where the impulse reduces to a couple about a diameter. It is easily seen that the equations of motion are satisfied by £, 17, £, X, p = 0, and v constant ; in which case u=—£Q/A, r = const. * Sir W. Thomson, 1. c. ante p. 176. 131-132] MOTION OF A RING. 197 The ring then rotates about an axis in the plane yz parallel to that of 2, at a distance u/r from it. For further investigations on the motion of a ring we refer to papers by Basset*, who has discussed in detail various cases where the axis moves in one plane, and Miss Fawcettf. Equations of Motion in Generalized Coordinates. 132. When we have more than one moving solid, or when the fluid is bounded, wholly or in part, by fixed walls, we may have recourse to Lagrange's method of ' generalized coordinates.' This was first applied to hydrodynamical problems by Thomson and Tait§. In any dynamical system whatever, if f, rj, % be the Cartesian coordinates at time t of any particle ra, and X, Y, Z be the com ponents of the total force acting on it, we have of course m% = X, 77177= F, m% = Z .................. (1). Now let f-f- Af, 77 + AT;, f + Af be the coordinates of the same particle in any arbitrary motion of the system differing infinitely little from the actual motion, and let us form the equation = S (Jr A? + FAT; + Z&£) ...... (2), where the summation 2 embraces all the particles of the system. This follows at once from the equations (1), and includes these, on account of the arbitrary character of the variations Af, A?;, Af. Its chief advantages, however, consist in the extensive elimination of internal forces which, by imposing suitable restrictions on the values of A£, A?;, Af we are able to effect, and in the facilities which it affords for transformation of coordinates. If we multiply (2) by $t and integrate between the limits t0 and tit then since * "On the Motion of a Ring in an Infinite Liquid," Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., t. vi. (1887). t 1. c. ante p. 191. § Natural Philosophy (1st ed.), Oxford, 1867, Art. 331. 108 MOTION OF SOLIDS THROUGH A LIQUID. [CHAP. VI we find p&M (j Af + rj AT; + £A f)l '' - f ' 2m (f Af + ^Ar) + ?A£) eft » f 2 (XA£ + FAT; + £A?) (ft. ./* If we put, as usual, £s) ..................... (3), this may be written T + 2 (ZAf + FAr; + (4). If we now introduce the condition that in the varied motion the initial and final positions (at times £0 and ^) shall be respec tively the same for each particle as in the actual motion, the quantities Af, AT;, Af vanish at both limits, and the above equation reduces to = 0 ...... (5). This formula is especially valuable in the case of a system whose freedom is limited more or less by constraints. If the variations Af, AT;, Af be such as are consistent with these constraints, some of the internal forces of the system disappear as a rule from the sum for example, all the internal reactions between the particles of a rigid body, and (as we shall prove presently) the mutual pressures between the elements of an incompressible perfect fluid. In the case of a * conservative system,' we have (6), where V is the potential energy, and the equation (5) takes the form (7)*. * Sir W. E, Hamilton, " Oil a General Method in Dynamics," Phil. Trans. 1834, 1835. 132-133] GENERALIZED COORDINATES. 133. In the systems ordinarily considered in books on Dyna mics, the position of every particle at any instant is completely determined by the values of certain independent variables or 'generalized coordinates' ft, ft, •••, so that The kinetic energy can then be expressed as a homogeneous quadratic function of the 'generalized velocity-components' ft, ft,..., thus 2T=Anq1* + A22&+... + 2Al2qlq2 + ............ (9), where, for example, v An = 2m T- + - + > Wft/ Uft/ ) ^ + ##l -^ -, T^ 7 7 f > dql dq2 dql dqz) The quantities Allt Aw,..., AM,... are called the 'inertia-coeffi cients ' of the system ; they are, of course, in general functions of the coordinates ft, ^2, ....... Again, we have 2X*Af+FAi7 + £A?)=Q1Agr1 + e2A0a+ ...... (11), where, for example, (12). % dft dq The quantities Qlt Q2)... are called the 'generalised components of force.' In the case of a conservative system we have If X', F', Z' be the components of impulsive force by which the actual motion of the particle m could be produced instantaneously from rest, we have of course m|=Jr, w/7=r', mC = Z' ........................ (i), and therefore 200 MOTION OF SOLIDS THROUGH A LIQUID. [CHAP. VI Now, from (8) and (10), by (9). Again S(X'A£+rtoi + Z'&Q = Qlt*ql + Qj*qs + ............... (iv), where, for example, l i It is evident, on comparison with (12), that $/, $2',..« are the time- integrals of Qlt Q2,... taken over the infinitely short duration of the impulse, in other words they are the generalized components of the impulse. Equating the right-hand sides of (iii) and (v) we have, on account of the independence of the variations A^, Alt 2)... are determined in a manner analogous to that of Art. 115. The formula for the kinetic energy of the fluid is then ... + 2A]2g1g2 + ......... (2), where, for example, the integrations extending over the instantaneous positions of the bounding surfaces of the fluid. The identity of the two forms of A12 follows from Green's Theorem. The coefficients An, A12 ,. . . will, of course, be in general functions of the coordinates qlt q.2).... * The above sketch is introduced with the view of rendering more intelligible the hydrodynamical investigations which follow. Lagrange's proof, directly from the variational equation of Art. 132 (2), is reproduced in most treatises on Dynamics. Another proof, by direct transformation of coordinates, not involving the method of ' variations,' was given in the first instance by Hamilton, Phil. Trans. 1835, p. 96 ; the same method was employed by Jacobi, Vorlesungen iiber Dynamik (ed. Clebsch), Berlin, 1864,'p. 64, Werke, Supplementband, p. 64; by.Bertrand in the notes to his edition of the Mecanique Analytique, Paris, 1853 ; and more recently by Thomson and Tait, Natural Philosophy, (2nd ed.) Art. 318. 202 MOTION OF SOLIDS THROUGH A LIQUID. [CHAP. VI If we add to (2) twice the kinetic energy, Tl, of the solids themselves, we get an expression of the same form, with altered coefficients, say 2T=Anq1* + Az,&+... + 2Al.2q1q,+ (4). It remains to shew that the equations of motion of the solids can be obtained by substituting this value of T in the Lagrangian equations, Art. 133 (17). We cannot assume this without further consideration, for the positions of the various particles of the fluid are evidently not determined by the instantaneous values q-2)--' of the coordinates of the solids. Going back to the general formula /; dt 1*i (5), let us suppose that in the varied motion, to which the symbol A refers, the solids undergo no change of size or shape, and that -the fluid remains incompressible, and has, at the boundaries, the same displacement in the direction of the normal as the solids with which it is in contact. It is known that under these conditions the terms due to the internal forces of the solids will disappear from the sum The terms due to the mutual pressures of the fluid elements are equivalent to or jjp (JA£ + m^ + »A{) dS +fffp (^f + where the former integral extends over the bounding surfaces, 1, 7ii, n denoting the direction-cosines of the normal, drawn towards the fluid. The volume-integral vanishes by the condition of incompressibility, | | dx dy dz The surface-integral vanishes at a fixed boundary, where 134] APPLICATION TO HYDRODYNAMICS. 20o and in the case of a moving solid it is cancelled by the terms due to the pressure exerted by the fluid on the solid. Hence the symbols X, Y, Z may be taken to refer only to the extraneous forces acting on the system, and we may write ......... (6), where Qlt Q2,... now denote the generalized components of ex traneous force. We have still to consider the right-hand side of (5). Let us suppose that in the arbitrarily varied motion the initial and final positions of the solids are respectively the same as in the actual motion. For every particle of the solids we shall then have Af=0, A77 = 0, A? = 0, at both limits, but the same will not hold as a rule with regard to the particles of the fluid. The corresponding part of the sum will however vanish ; viz. we have ^^ S I 7 t— */ I 7 fc- v ay dz = pff(t> (l^ + m&Tj + jiAJ) dflf of which the second term vanishes by the condition of incom- pressibility, and the first term vanishes at the limits £0 and tl} since we then have, by hypothesis, at the surfaces of the solids. Hence, under the above conditions, the right-hand side of (5) vanishes, and therefore ....}«ft«d ............ (7). The varied motion of the fluid has still a high degree of generality. We will now farther limit it by supposing that whilst the solids are, by suitable forces applied to them, made to execute an arbitrary motion, subject to the conditions that Ag1} 204 MOTION OF SOLIDS THROUGH A LIQUID. [CHAP. VI Ag2,...=0 for t = tQ and t = tl} the fluid is left to take its own course in consequence of this. The varied motion of the fluid will now be irrotational, and therefore T+AT will be the same function of the varied coordinates q + Ag, and the varied velocities q + Ag, that T is of q and q. Hence we may write, in (7), dT . . dT . dT . dT . /o\*. The derivation of the Lagrangian equations then follows exactly as before. It is a simple consequence of Lagrange's equations, thus established for the present case, that the generalized components of the impulse by which the actual motion at any instant could be generated instantaneously from rest are dT dT ¥1' ¥2""' If we put 7T=T + T1, we infer that the terms dT dT W d&~ must represent the impulsive pressures which would be exerted by the solids on the fluid in contact with them. This may be verified as follows. If A£, Ar/, A£ denote arbitrary variations subject only to the condition of incompressibility, and to the condition that the fluid is to remain in contact with the solids, it is found as above that, considering the fluid only, (i). Now by the kinematical condition to be satisfied at the surface, we have jA£ + mAi7 + wA£=- jkA?1_ JbAg,2_ ............... (ii), \AjJlt (.If ll and therefore ^ dn '2 + ---)A2'i dT by (1), (2), (3) above. This proves the statement. With the help of equation (iii) the reader may easily construct a proof of Lagrange's equations, for the present case, analogous to that usually given in text-books of Dynamics. * This investigation is amplified from Kirchhoff, I.e. ante p. 167. 134-135] MOTION OF A SPHERE. 205 135. As a first application of the foregoing theory we may take an example given by Thomson and Tait, where a sphere is supposed to move in a liquid which is limited only by an infinite plane wall. Taking, for brevity, the case where the centre moves in a plane perpendicular to that of the wall, let us specify its position at time t by rectangular coordinates x, y in this plane, of which y denotes the distance from the wall. We have (1), where A and B are functions of y only, it being plain that the term xy cannot occur, since the energy must remain unaltered when the sign of x is reversed. The values of A, B can be written down from the results of Arts. 97, 98, viz. if in denote the mass of the sphere, and a its radius, we have •(2), U ' approximately, if y be great in comparison with a. The equations of motion give d (3), where X, Y are the components of extraneous force, supposed to act on the sphere in a line through the centre. If there be no extraneous force, and if the sphere be projected in a direction normal to the wall, we have x = 0, and Eif1 = const ............................ (4). Since B diminishes as y increases, the sphere experiences an acceleration from the wall. Again, if the sphere be constrained to move in a line parallel to the wall, we have y = 0, and the necessary constraining force is Since dA/dy is negative, the sphere appears to be attracted by the 206 MOTION OF SOLIDS THROUGH A LIQUID. [CHAP. VI wall. The reason of this is easily seen by reducing the problem to one of steady motion. The fluid velocity will evidently be greater, and the pressure, therefore, will be less, on the side of the sphere next the wall than on the further side ; see Art. 24. The above investigation will also apply to the case of two spheres projected in an unlimited mass of fluid, in such a way that the plane y = 0 is a plane of symmetry as regards the motion. 136. Let us next take the case of two spheres moving in the line of centres. The kinematical part of this problem has been treated in Art. 97. If we now denote by #, y the distances of the centres A, B from some fixed origin 0 in the line joining them, we have * .............................. (i), where the coefficients Z, J/, N are functions of c, —y - x. Hence the equations of motion are . . dJ\r . dr where Jf, Y are the forces acting on the spheres along the line of centres. If the radii «, b are both small compared with c, we have, by Art. 97 (xv), keeping only the most important terms, ...(iii) approximately, where m, m' are the masses of the two spheres. Hence to this order of approximation dL dM a3&3 dN -jf — 0. -7— = — OTTO — T~ , — y- = 0. dc dc c4 ' dc If each sphere be constrained to move with constant velocity, the force which must be applied to A to maintain its motion is dM . dM . This tends towards B, and depends only on the velocity of B. The spheres therefore appear to repel one another ; and it is to be noticed that the apparent forces are not equal and opposite unless x= ±y. Again, if each sphere make small periodic oscillations about a mean position, the period being the same for each, the mean values of the first terms in (ii) will be zero, and the spheres therefore will appear to act on one another with forces equal to 135-137] MUTUAL INFLUENCE OF TWO SPHERES. 207 where \£y] denotes the mean value of xy. If #, y differ in phase by less than a quarter- period, this force is one of repulsion, if by more than a quarter- period it is one of attraction. Next, let B perform small periodic oscillations, while A is held at rest. The mean force which must be applied to A to prevent it from moving is where [y2] denotes the mean square of the velocity of B. To the above order of approximation dNjdc is zero, but ori reference to Art. 97 (xv) we find that the most important term in it is - 127rpa3&°/cr, so that the force exerted on A is attractive, and equal to This result comes under a general principle enunciated by Lord Kelvin. If we have two bodies immersed in a fluid, one of which (A) performs small vibrations while the other (B) is held at rest, the fluid velocity at the surface of B will on the whole be greater on the side nearer A than on that which is more remote. Hence the average pressure on the former side will be less than that on the latter, so that B will experience on the whole an attraction towards A. As practical illustrations of this principle we may cite the apparent attraction of a delicately-suspended card by a vibrating tuning-fork, and other similar phenomena studied experimentally by Guthrie* and explained in the above manner by Lord Kelvin f. Modification of Lagranges Equations in the case of Cyclic Motion. 137. We return to the investigation of Art. 134, with the view of adapting it to the case where the fluid has cyclic irrota- tional motion through channels in the moving solids, or (it may be) in an enclosing vessel, independently of the motion of the solids themselves. If K, K, K", ..., be the circulations in the various independent circuits which can be drawn in the space occupied by the fluid, the velocity-potential will now be of the form 0 + £o, where £=&&+&&+ ........................ (1), * "On Approach caused by Vibration," Proc. Roy. Soc., t. xix., (1869); Phil. Mag. , Nov. 1870. t Reprint of Papers on Electrostatics, &c., Art. 741. For references to further investigations, both experimental and theoretical, by Bjerknes and others on the mutual influence of oscillating spheres in a fluid, see Hicks, "Beport on Eecent Researches in Hydrodynamics," Brit. Ass. Rep., 1882, pp. 52...; Winkelmann, Handbuch der Physik, Breslau, 1891..., t. i., p. 435. 208 MOTION OF SOLIDS THROUGH A LIQUID. [CHAP. VI the functions 19 fa, ..., being determined by the same conditions as in Art. 134, and 0 = KO) + re V + ........................ (2), &), &)', ... , being cyclic velocity-potentials determined as in Art. 129. Let us imagine barrier-surfaces to be drawn across the several channels. In the case of channels in a containing vessel we shall suppose these ideal surfaces to be fixed in space, and in the case of channels in a moving solid we shall suppose them to be fixed relatively to the solid. Let us denote by #0, £0', •-., the portions of the fluxes across these barriers which are due to the cyclic motion alone, and which would therefore remain if the solids were held at rest in their instantaneous positions, so that, for example, *--//£ *=-« <*— '^'- where So-, Scr', ... are elements of the several barriers. The total fluxes across the respective barriers will be denoted by % + %0> %' + %o'> . . . , so that %, %', . . . would be the surface-integrals of the normal velocity of the fluid relative to the barriers, if the motion of the fluid were entirely due to that of the solids, and therefore acyclic. The expression of Art. 55 for twice the kinetic energy of the fluid becomes, in our present notation, This reduces, exactly as in Art. 129, to the sum of two homogene ous quadratic functions of q1} q%, ... , and of K, K, ..., respectively*. Thus the kinetic energy of the fluid is equal to T + # .............................. (5), with 2T = An^2 + A22£22 + . . . + 2A12g1g2 + ......... (6), and 2K = (rc, K)^ + (K') K) ^ + . . . + 2 (*, K')KK' '+ ...... (7), where, for example, An example of this reduction is furnished by the calculation of Art. 99. 137] CYCLIC MOTION. 209 and («,«) = - ,? AT, dn"" } It is evident that K is the energy of the cyclic motion which remains when the solids are maintained at rest in the configuration (qly q,, ...)• We note that, by (3), (7), and (9), dK dK .................. (11). If we add to (5) the kinetic energy of the solids themselves, we obtain for the total kinetic energy of the system an expression of the form T=1S, + K ........................... (12), where 2® = Auq,2 + A?>q X> •-> as above defined. For if there were two types of irrotational motion consistent with these values, then, in the motion which is the difference of these, the bounding surfaces, and therefore also the barriers, would be at rest, and the flux across each barrier would be zero. The formula (5) of Art. 55 shews that the kinetic energy of such a motion would be zero, and the velocity therefore every where null. It follows that the velocity-potential (4>, say) of the fluid motion can be expressed in the form . .-+%«+%V+ ............ (1), where 1? for example, is the velocity-potential of the motion corresponding to which we have just seen to be determinate. The kinetic energy of the fluid is given by the expression Substituting the value of from (1), and adding the energy of motion of the solids, we see that the total kinetic energy of the system (T, say) is a homogeneous quadratic function of the quan tities qlt fa, ...,%,%,..., with coefficients which are functions of qlf q,, ..., only. 138-139] INTRODUCTION OP FLUX-COORDINATES. 213 We now recur to the formula (4) of Art. 132. The variations Af, A?;, A f being subject to the condition of incompressibility, the part of the sum Sm(|Af + iJAi|-f£AS) (3) which is due to the fluid is, in the present notation, M m AT; + 7iA f) dS where the surface-integral extends over the bounding surfaces of the fluid, and the symbols K, K', ... denote as usual the cyclic constants of the actual motion. We will now suppose that the varied motion of the solids is subject to the condition that A' * On the Stability of a given State of Motion (Adams Prize Essay), London, 1877. t Natural Philosophy, 2nd edition, Art. 319 (1879). See also von Helmholtz, "Principien der Statik monocyclischer Systeme," Crelle, t. xcvii. (1884). 139] IGNORATION OF COORDINATES. 215 Hence the equations (1) now take the form d d® d® __ (6)*, dt dq.2 from which the velocities ^, ^'> ... corresponding to the 'ignored' coordinates %, %',••• have been eliminated. In the particular case where 0=0, C' = 0,..., these equations are of the ordinary Lagrangian form, ® being now equal to T, with the velocities ^, ;£', ... eliminated by means of the relations dT d'f dx 0> *r so that © is now a homogeneous quadratic function of qlt q.2,.... Cf. Art. 134 (4). In the general case we proceed as follows. If we substitute in (3) from the last line of (5) we obtain Now, remembering the composition of ®, we may write, for a moment ,..., without C, C',...j q.,, .... Substituting in (7), we find T=ea>0-®0>3 ........................ (9), or, to return to our previous notation, T=1& + K ........................... (10), where *& and K are homogeneous quadratic functions of qlt q.,, ... * Eouth, I, c. 216 MOTION OF SOLIDS THROUGH A LIQUID. [CHAP. VI and of C, C',..., respectively. Hence (8) may be written in the form where j3lf /32, ... are linear functions of C, C', ..., say .(12). The meaning of the coefficients a1) «2> • • •, ai> «s'> •»•>••• aPPears fr°m the last line of (5), viz. we have dK dK .(13). Compare Art. 137 (18). If we now substitute from (11) in the equations (6) we obtain the general equations of motion of a ' gyrostatic system/ in the form d dt d dt dq d^d® dt dq3 dql T*^-^+X2,l)* dq3 (I,2)g2+(l, + (2, (3,2)<72 dK dK dq2 dK where dq. (14)*, .(15). The equations (21) of Art. 137 are a particular case of these. To complete the identification it remains to shew that, in the hydrodynamical application, C=PK, C' = PK',..,, (i). For this purpose we may imagine that in the instantaneous generation of the actual motion from rest, the positions of the various barriers are occupied for a moment by membranes to which uniform impulsive pressures pK, pKj . . . are applied as in Art. 54, whilst impulsive forces are simultaneously applied to the respective solids, whose force and couple resultants are equal and opposite to those of the pressures f. In this way we obtain a system of generalized components of impulsive force, corresponding to the * These equations were obtained, in a different manner, by Thomson and Tait, ?. c. ante p. 214. t Sir W. Thomson, I c. ante p. 211. 139-140] MOVING SPHERE IN CYCLIC REGION. 217 coordinates ^, ^', ..., viz. the virtual moment of this system is zero for any infinitely small displacements of the solids, so long as x, /, ... do not vary. We may imagine, for example, that the impulses are communicated to the membranes by some mechanism attached to the solids and reacting on these*. Denoting these components by X, X', ..., and considering an arbitrary variation of x, x', ... only, we easily find, by an adaptation of the method employed near the end of Art. 134, that dT dT ' whence the results (i) follow. The same thing may be proved otherwise as follows. From the equations (2) and (1) of Art. 138, we find dT /d$ da> d& da , d® dco da> since v2 is determined are that it is the value of * when i.e. o) is the velocity-potential of a motion in which the boundaries, and therefore also the barriers, are fixed, whilst Hence the right-hand side of (iii) reduces to px, as was to be proved. 140. A simple application of the equations (21) of Art. 137 is to the case of a sphere moving through a liquid which circulates irrotationally through apertures in a fixed solid. If the radius (a, say) of the sphere be small compared with its least distance from the fixed boundary, then C? the kinetic energy of the system when the motion of the fluid is acyclic, is given by Art. 91, viz. 2C=m(X-2+?/2+i2) .............................. (i), where m now denotes the mass of the sphere together with half that of the fluid displaced by it, and #, y, s are the Cartesian coordinates of the centre. And by the investigation of Art. 99, or more simply by a direct calculation, we have, for the energy of the cyclic motion by itself, 2/i= const. -27rpa3(w2 + ?/2 + w2) ..................... (ii). Again the coefficients alf a.,, a3 of Art. 137 (18) denote the fluxes across the first barrier, when the sphere moves with unit velocity parallel to x, y, z, respectively. If we denote by O the flux across this barrier due to a unit simple-source at (#, y, z\ then remembering the equivalence of a moving sphere to a double-source (Art. 91), we have a^fyPdQldx, a2 = ±a*da/dy, a3 = %a?d£l/dz ............... (iii), * Burton, Phil. Mag., May, 1893. 218 MOTION OF SOLIDS THROUGH A LIQUID. [CHAP. VI so that the quantities denoted by (2, 3), (3, 1), (1, 2) in Art. 137 (21) vanish identically. The equations therefore reduce in the present case to .._ dW .._ dW_ .. dW dx ' dv ' * dz where W=7rpa?(t<;* + v2 + iv2) .............................. (v), and A', F, Z are the components of extraneous force applied to the sphere. By an easy generalization it is seen that the equations (iv) must apply to any case where the liquid is in steady (irrotational) motion except in so far as it is disturbed by the motion of the small sphere. It is not difficult, moreover, to establish the equations by direct calculation of the pressures exerted on the sphere by the fluid. When Jf, F, Z=0, the sphere tends to move towards places where the undisturbed velocity of the fluid is greatest. For example, in the case of cyclic motion round a tixed circular cylinder (Arts. 28, 64), the fluid velocity varies inversely as the distance from the axis. The sphere will therefore move as if under the action of a force towards this axis varying inversely as the cube of the distance. The projection of its path on a plane perpendicular to the axis will therefore be a Cotes' spiral*. 141. If in the equations (21) of Art. 137 we put (ji=0, ^2=0,..., we obtain the generalized components of force which are required in order to maintain the solids at rest, viz. o - dK a -dK m yi~%' ys-dfc'"" ' We are not dependent, of course, for this result, on the somewhat intricate investigation which precedes. If the solids be guided from rest in the configuration (ql} q2,...) to rest in the configuration (ql-\-^.qlt q.2 + Aq2,...), the work done on them is ultimately equal to which must therefore be equal to the increment &.K of the kinetic energy. This gives at once the equations (1). The forces representing the pressures of the fluid on the solids (at rest) are obtained by reversing the sign in (1), viz. they are _ dK _dK dq, ' dq.2 ' ' The solids tend therefore to move so that the kinetic energy of the cyclic motion diminishes. * Sir W. Thomson, I.e. ante p. 211. 140-141] PRESSURES ON SOLIDS AT REST. 219 It appears from Art. 137 (10), that under the present circum stances the fluxes through the respective apertures are given by dK . dK By solving these equations, the circulations K, #',... can be ex pressed as linear functions of ^0, ;£„', .... If these values of K, K, substituted in K we obtain a homogeneous quadratic function of ^0, ^', — When so ex pressed, the kinetic energy of the cyclic motion may be denoted by T0. We have then, exactly as in Art. 119, T,+ K=2K = p*x> + pic'x;+ ..................... (4), so that if, for the moment, the symbol A be used to indicate a perfectly general variation of these functions, we have dT() A dT0 . dTn , dT0 ,- . ° AXO + , . A£0' + ... + • y— Aft + d%o dxo dq, dq2 dK A dK . dK A dK A + A* + ---A*' + ...+ i-Aft + ,- A^ + ... d/c d/c dqt dq., Omitting terms which cancel by (3), and equating coefficients of the variations A^0, A^(/, ..., A^, A^,..., which form an inde pendent system, we find and Hence the generalized components (2) of the pressures exerted by the fluid on the solids when held at rest may also be expressed in the forms dT0 dT0 f . dqi> 1fc>- It will be shewn in Art. 152 that the energy K of the cyclic fluid motion is proportional to the energy of a system of electric current-sheets coincident with the surfaces of the fixed solids, the current-lines being orthogonal to the stream-lines of the fluid. 220 MOTION OF SOLIDS THROUGH A LIQUID. [CHAP. VI The electromagnetic forces between conductors carrying these currents are proportional* to the expressions (2) with the signs reversed. Hence in the hydrodynamical problem the forces on the solids are opposite to those which obtain in the electrical analogue. In the particular case where the fixed solids reduce to infinitely thin cores, round which the fluid circulates, the current-sheets in question are practically equivalent to a system of electric currents flowing in the cores, regarded as wires, with strengths *, *', ... respectively. For example, two thin circular rings, having a common axis, will repel or attract one another according as the fluid circulates in the same or in opposite directions through themf. This might have been foreseen of course from the principle of Art. 24. Another interesting case is that of a number of open tubes, so narrow as not sensibly to impede the motion of the fluid outside them. If flow be established through the tubes, then as regards the external space the extremi ties will act as sources and sinks. The energy due to any distribution of positive or negative sources mlt m2, ... is given, so far as it depends on the relative configuration of these, by the integral taken over a number of small closed surfaces surrounding mlt w2, ... respec tively. If 01? <£2, ... be the velocity-potentials due to the several sources, the part of this expression which is due to the simultaneous presence of m1} m2 is which is by Green's Theorem equal to . dd>9 Try ..... d>, / 2dS (m). 1 dn Since the surface-integral of d2/dn is zero over each of the closed surfaces except that surrounding w2, we may ultimately confine the integration to the latter, and so obtain Since the value of (f)1 at m2 is mjr12, where r12 denotes the distance between wij and ?n2, we obtain, for the part of the kinetic energy which varies with the relative positions of the sources, the expression * Maxwell, Electricity and Magnetism, Art. 573. t The theorem of this paragraph was given by Kirchhofi, 1. c. ante p. 59. See also Sir W. Thomson, "On the Forces experienced by Solids immersed m a Moving Liquid," Proc. R. S. Edin., 1870; Reprint, Art. xli. ; and Boltzmann, " Ueber die Druckkrafte welche auf Hinge wirksam sind die in bewegte Fliissigkeit tauchen," Crelle, t. Ixxiii. (1871). 141] MUTUAL ACTION OF SOURCES. 221 The quantities mx, w2, ... are in the present problem equal to l/4?r times the fluxes £0, xo'j ••• across the sections of the respective tubes, so that (v) corresponds to the form T0 of the kinetic energy. The force apparently ex erted by wij on w2, tending to increase r12, is therefore, by (8), d Hence two sources of like sign attract, and two of unlike sign repel, with forces varying inversely as the square of the distance*. This result, again, is easily seen to be in accordance with general principles. It also follows, independently, from the electric analogy, the tubes corresponding to Ampere's ' solenoids.' We here take leave of this somewhat difficult part of our subject. To avoid the suspicion of vagueness which sometimes attaches to the use of 'generalized coordinates/ an attempt has been made in this Chapter to make the treatment as definite as possible, even at some sacrifice of generality in the results. There can be no doubt, for example, that with proper interpretations the equations of Art. 137 will apply to the case of flexible bodies surrounded by an irrotationally moving fluid, and even to cases of isolated vortices (see Chap, vn.), but the justification of such applications belongs rather to general Dynamics-)-. * Sir W. Thomson, Reprint, Art. xli. t For further investigations bearing on the subject of this Chapter see J. Purser, "On the Applicability of Lagrange's Equations in certain Cases of Fluid Motion," Phil. Mag., Nov. 1878 ; Larmor, I.e. ante p. 210 ; Basset, Hydrodynamics, Cam bridge, 1888, c. viii. CHAPTER VII. VORTEX MOTION. 142. OUR investigations have thus far been confined for the most part to the case of irrotational motion. We now proceed to the study of rotational or ' vortex ' motion. This subject was first investigated by von Helmholtz*; other and simpler proofs of some of his theorems were afterwards given by Lord Kelvin in the paper on vortex motion already cited in Chapter ill. We shall, throughout this Chapter, use the symbols f, 77, f to denote, as in Chap, in., the components of the instantaneous angular velocity of a fluid element, viz. dw dv\ du dw . dv du\ . A line drawn from point to point so that its direction is every where that of the instantaneous axis of rotation of the fluid is called a ' vortex-line/ The differential equations of the system of vortex -lines are dx _dy _dz ,,.. ~~f^ — — ~~£T ........................ \ )' £ V ? If through every point of a small closed curve we draw the corresponding vortex-line, \ve obtain a tube, which we call a * "Ueber Integrate der hydrodynamischen Gleichungen welche den Wirbel- bewegungen entsprechen," Crelle, t. lv. (1858); Ges. Alh., t. i., p. 101. 142] VORTEX-FILAMENTS. 223 ' vortex-tube.' The fluid contained within such a tube constitutes what is called a ' vortex-filament/ or simply a ' vortex.' Let ABC, A'B'C' be any two circuits drawn on the surface of a vortex-tube and embracing it, and let AA' be a connecting line also drawn on the surface. Let us apply the theorem of Art. 33 to the circuit ABCAA'C'B'A'A and the part of the surface of the tube bounded by it. Since 1% + mi] + n% is zero at every point of this surface, the line-integral j(ndx + vdy -f wdz), taken round the circuit, must vanish; i.e. in the notation of Art. 32 / (ABC A) + I(AA) + I(A'C'BA) + I(A'A} = Q, which reduces to = I(AB'C'A). Hence the circulation is the same in all circuits embracing the same vortex-tube. Again, it appears from Art. 32 that the circulation round the boundary of any cross- section of the tube, made normal to its length, is 2&>cr, where co, = (f 2 + rf + f2)*, is the angular velocity of the fluid, and a the infinitely small area of the section. Combining these results we see that the product of the angular velocity into the cross- section is the same at all points of a vortex. This product is conveniently termed the ' strength ' of the vortex. The foregoing proof is due to Lord Kelvin ; the theorem itself was first given by von Helmholtz, as a deduction from the relation 224 VORTEX MOTION. [CHAP. VII which follows at once from the values of £, ?/, £ given by (1). In fact, writing in Art. 42 (1), & 77, £ for U, V, W, respectively, we find S}(l£ + mq+nQdS=0 (ii), where the integration extends over any closed surface lying wholly in the fluid. Applying this to the closed surface formed by two cross-sections of a vortex-tube and the portion of the tube intercepted between them, we find o)1o-1 = a)2o-2, where o)l5 a>2 denote the angular velocities at the sections a-lt dy + riQ dy + tv is the resultant angular velocity. But if o- be the cross- section of a vortex-filament having 8s as axis, the product pa-ds is constant with regard to the time. Hence the strength coo- of the vortex is constant*. The proof given originally by von Helmholtz depends on a system of three equations which, when generalized so as to apply to any fluid in which p is a function of p only, become Dt ... D (£\ £ dw T) dw £ dw Dt \p) p dx p dy p dz These may be obtained as follows. The dynamical equations of Art. 6 may be written, when a force-potential Q, exists, in the forms provided where q* = uz + v2 + w2. From the second and third of these we obtain, elimina ting x by cross-differentiation, _,,,^^,_. where 6 is infinitesimal. If this element be supposed to move with the fluid, * See Nanson, Mess, of Math. t. iii., p. 120 (1874); Kirchhoff, Mechanik, Leipzig. 1876..., c. xv.; Stokes, Math, and Phys. Papers, t. ii., p. 47 (1883). t Nanson, I. c. 143-144] VON HELMHOLTZ' THEOREM. 227 the rate at which dx is increasing is equal to the difference of the values of u at the two ends, whence _ % du rj du £ du Dt p dx p dy p dz ' It follows, by (iii), that Von Helmholtz concludes that if the relations (viii) hold at time t, they will hold at time t-\- 8t, and so on, continually. The inference is, however, not quite rigorous ; it is in fact open to the criticisms which Sir G. Stokes* has directed against various defective proofs of Lagrange's velocity-potential theorem f. By way of establishing a connection with Lord Kelvin's investigation we may notice that the equations (i) express that the circulation is constant in each of three infinitely small circuits initially perpendicular, respectively, to the three coordinate axes. Taking, for example, the circuit which initially bounded the rectangle 86 Sc, and denoting by A, B, C the areas of its pro jections at time t on the coordinate planes, we have d(b,c) d(b,c) so that the first of the equations referred to is equivalent to (x)J. 144. It is easily seen by the same kind of argument as in Art. 41 that no irrotational motion is possible in an incompressible fluid filling infinite space, and subject to the condition that the velocity vanishes at infinity. This leads at once to the following theorem : The motion of a fluid which fills infinite space, and is at rest at infinity, is determinate when we know the values of the * I. c. ante p. 18. t It may be mentioned that, in the case of an incompressible fluid, equations some what similar to (iii) had been established by Lagrange, Miscell. Taur., t. ii. (1760), Oeuvres, t. i., p. 442. The author is indebted for this reference, and for the above criticism of von Helmholtz' investigation, to Mr Larmor. Equations equivalent to those given by Lagrange were obtained independently by Stokes, I. c., and made the basis of a rigorous proof of tbe velocity-potential theorem. $ Nanson, Mess, of Math., t. vii., p. 182 (1878). A similar interpretation of von Helmholtz' equations was given by the author of this work in the Mess, of Math., t. vii., p. 41 (1877). Finally we may note that another proof of Lagrange's theorem, based on ele mentary dynamical principles, without special reference to the hydrokinetic equa tions, was indicated by Stokes (Camb. Trans., t. viii.; Math. andPhys. Papers, t. i., p. 113), and carried out by Lord Kelvin, in his paper on Vortex Motion. 15—2 228 VORTEX MOTION. [CHAP. VII expansion (6, say) and of the component angular velocities f, 77, f, at all points of the region. For, if possible, let there be two sets of values, uly vlt wl} and u2, v.2, w2, of the component velocities, each satisfying the equations du dv dw fi 1 — h i — V—T- —" ........................ (1), dx dy dz dw dv .. du dw dv du dy~Tz=^> dz~Tx = l7]> dx'dy-^ ......... (2)> throughout infinite space, and vanishing at infinity. The quantities will satisfy (1) and (2) with 0, £, 77, £ each put = 0, and will vanish at infinity. Hence, in virtue of the result above stated, they will everywhere vanish, and there is only one possible motion satisfying the given conditions. In the same way we can shew that the motion of a fluid occupying any limited simply-connected region is determinate when we know the values of the expansion, and of the component rotations, at every point of the region, and the value of the normal velocity at every point of the boundary. In the case of a multiply-connected region we must add to the above data the values of the circulations in the several independent circuits of the region. 145. If, in the case of infinite space, the quantities 6, f, 77, f all vanish beyond some finite distance of the origin, the complete determination of u, v, w in terms of them can be effected as follows*. The component velocities (ult vl} wlt say) due to the ex pansion can be written down at once from Art. 56 (1), it being evident that the expansion 6' in an element bx'&y'Sz' is equivalent to a simple source of strength l/4?r . 0'Sw'Sy'Bz'. We thus obtain where W*~dx~dy"" and seek to determine F, G, H so as to satisfy the required conditions. In the first place, these formula) make du2 d/Vz dw2 _ Q da dy dz and so do not interfere with the result contained in (1). Also, they give 2£ = ^2 _ —2 = . dy dz dx\dx dy dz Hence our problem will be solved if we can find three functions F, G, H satisfying dFdG^dU ..................... dx dy dz and V2^=-2f, V"G = -2r), V'2H = -2£ ......... (5). These latter equations are satisfied by making F, G, H equal to the potentials of distributions of matter whose volume-densities at the point (x} y, z) are f/2?r, 77/2-77-, f/2-Tr, respectively ; thus •(6), 230 VORTEX MOTION. [CHAP. VII where the accents attached to £, 77, f are used to distinguish the values of these quantities at the point (xf, y', z'\ and r={(x- #')2 + (y - y'f + (z- z'J}*, as before. The integrations are to include, of course, all places at which f , 77, f differ from zero. It remains to shew that the above values of F, G, H really satisfy (4), Since djdx .r~l = — d/dx' . r~l, we have dF dG dH 1 ffff d , d ., d \ 1 , , , , , , j- + -j- + -j- = ~ a r I ? V-> + V j-/ + ? j~> - dxdy dz' dx dy dz Sirj/Jv ** ^2/ dz J r — 7T~ I I (1%' + m??/ + ?l?') \~ cT ZTT J J r ZTT (7), by the usual method of partial integration. The volume-integral vanishes, by Art. 142 (i), and the surface-integral also vanishes, since lj~ + 77177 + nf = 0 at the bounding surfaces of the vortices. Hence the formulae (3) and (6) lead to the prescribed values of f, 77, f, and give a zero velocity at infinity. The complete solution of our problem is now obtained by superposition of the results contained in the formula (1) and (3), viz. we have d$> dH dG u = -^j— + ^j j- 1 dx dy dz d3> dF dH d<$> dG dF w = - -r + -= -j- dz dx dy where ; F, G, H have the values given in (2) and (6). When the region occupied by the fluid is not unlimited, but is bounded (in whole or in part) by surfaces at which the normal velocity is given, and when further (in the case of a cyclic region) the value of the circulation in each of the independent circuits of the region is prescribed, the problem may by a similar analysis be reduced to one of irrotational motion, of the kind con sidered in Chap, in., and there proved to be determinate. This may be left to the reader, with the remark that if the vortices traverse the region, beginning and ending on the boundary, it is convenient to imagine them continued beyond it, or along its surface, in such a manner that they form re-entrant filaments, and to make the integrals (6) refer to the complete system of vortices thus obtained. On this understanding the condition (4) will still be satisfied. 145-147] ELECTRO-MAGNETIC ANALOGY. 231 146. There is a remarkable analogy between the analytical relations above developed and those which obtain in the theory of Electro-magnetism. If, in the equations (1) and (2) of Art. 144, we write a, y8, 7, p, p} q, r for U, V, W, 0/47T, £/27T, T;/27r, J/27T, respectively, we obtain da d/3 dy \ IT + ~T~ + ~J- = 47TP, dx dy dz I dy dj3 da dy d@ da {" ' ~T~ ~ ~T = ^Trp, ~J -T~ — ^q, ~J ~J~ = ^7rr dy dz dz dx dx dy J which are the fundamental relations of the subject referred to ; viz. a, /:?, 7 are the components of magnetic force, p, q, r those of electric current, and p is the volume-density of the imaginary magnetic matter by which any magnetization present in the field may be represented. Hence, if we disregard constant factors, the vortex-filaments correspond to electric circuits, the strengths of the vortices to the strengths of the currents in these circuits, sources and sinks to positive and negative magnetic poles, and, finally, fluid velocity to magnetic force f. The analogy will of course extend to all results deduced from the fundamental relations ; thus, in equations (8) of the preceding Art., corresponds to the magnetic potential and F, G, H to the components of ' electro-magnetic momentum.' 147. To interpret the result contained in Art. 145 (8), we may calculate the values of u, v, w due to an isolated re-entrant vortex-filament situate in an infinite mass of incompressible fluid which is at rest at infinity. Since 6 = 0, we shall have <3> = 0. Again, to calculate the values of F, G, H, we may replace the volume-element So/Sy'S*' by v'Ss', where &s' is an element of the length of the filament, and ' is the angular velocity of the fluid. Hence the formal* (6) of Art. 145 become m' dot m' dy m dz ~ where m', = a>V ', measures the strength of the vortex, and the integrals are to be taken along the whole length of the filament. Hence, by Art. 145 (8), we have m (t u = o~ I 27rJ \ d\ d 1 j — .dz--j--. dy r dz r with similar results for v, w. We thus find _ m ffdy' z — z' dz' x — x'\ ds .(2)*. m ((dz' x — x dx y — y'^ ^ — If «7 «/ 27rJ\ds' r ds' r m [/ dx' y — y' dy' z — z'\ ds' nn ^-^- I I ^L ~L~ ^_ *^ I 27rJ\ds' r ds' r ) r~ ' If &u, Av, A^6' denote the parts of these expressions which corre spond to the element Ss' of the filament, it appears that the resultant of Aw, Av, At6> is a velocity perpendicular to the plane containing the direction of the vortex- line at (x, y' , z'} and the line r, and that its sense is that in which the point (x, y, z) would be carried if it were attached to a rigid body rotating with the fluid element at (x , y', z'). For the magnitude of the resultant we have ''""""'"' (3), where % is the angle which r makes with the vortex-line at (#', y', z). With the change of symbols indicated in the preceding Art. this result becomes identical with the law of action of an electric current on a magnetic pole*)*. * These are equivalent to the forms obtained by Stokes, 1. c. ante p. 228. t Ampere, Theorie matheniatique des plienomenes electro-dynamiques, Paris, 1826. 147-148] MOTION DUE TO AN ISOLATED VORTEX. 233 Velocity-Potential due to a Vortex. 148. At points external to the vortices there exists of course a velocity-potential, whose value may be obtained as follows. Taking for shortness the case of a single re-entrant vortex, it was found in the preceding Art. that, in the case of an incompressible fluid, m' [i rf 1 7 , d 1 , A = o~ I \ j-'-'dy — 7 -, } (1). 27rJ \dz r J dy r v ' dy' By Stokes' Theorem (Art. 33 (5)) we can replace a line-integral ex tending round a closed curve by a surface-integral taken over any surface bounded by that curve ; viz. we have, with a slight change of notation, fdR dQ\ fdP dR\ fdQ dP\] , T-/-T^ +m j-/- j^l + »( T%-^r-,)td&. \dy' dz) \dz doc) \dx' dy')} If we put we find ^ 1 p d I — •- tf——- dzr r' dy' r* dR_dQ=_/d* _^1\1_^11 dy' dz ~ (dy* dz">) r ~ d^ rf ' dP _dR_ d* !_ dz' dx' ~ dx'dy' r' ' dQ_dP= _fc _! dx dy' dx'dz r" so that (1) may be written inf [[/, d d d \ d 1 70( u = x— 1 1 U -r, + m -J-, +n -j-f -r-> - ao . 27rJJ\ d» c^/ dz J dx r Hence, and by similar reasoning, we have, since f . r~l = - dldx . r~\ dd> dd> dd> /ON u = - -f, -y = - y^, w = --^ , ............... (2), dx dy dz where m' f/Yj rf rf rf\ 1 7ry- /ox 0 = er U TT + ^ J"7+ * :r> J - <*» ............ w> 27rJJV rf^ rf/ dW r* Here ^, m, ?i denote the direction-cosines of the normal to the element 8$' of any surface bounded by the vortex-filament. 234 VORTEX MOTION. [CHAP. VII The formula (3) may be otherwise written where ^ denotes the angle between r and the normal (I, m, n). Since cos OSS'/'r" measures the elementary solid angle subtended by 8$' at (x, y, z)t we see that the velocity-potential at any point, due to a single re-entrant vortex, is equal to the product of m'/Zir into the solid angle which any surface bounded by the vortex subtends at that point. Since this solid angle changes by 4?r when the point in question describes a circuit embracing the vortex, we verify that the value of given by (4) is cyclic, the cyclic constant being twice the strength of the vortex. Cf. Art. 142. Comparing (4) with Art. 56 (4) we see that a vortex is, in a sense, equivalent to a uniform distribution of double sources over any surface bounded by it. The axes of the double sources must be supposed to be everywhere normal to the surface, and the density of the distribution to be equal to the strength of the vortex divided by 2?r. It is here assumed that the relation between the positive direction of the normal and the positive direction of the axis of the vortex-filament is of the 'right-handed' type. See Art. 32. Conversely, it may be shewn that any distribution of double sources over a closed surface, the axes being directed along the normals, may be replaced by a system of closed vortex-filaments lying in the surface*. The same thing will appear independently from the investigation of the next Art. Vortex- Sheets. 149. We have so far assumed w, v, w to be continuous. We will now shew how cases where surfaces present themselves at which these quantities are discontinuous may be brought within the scope of our theorems. The case of a surface where the normal velocity is discon tinuous has already been treated in Art. 58. If u, v, w denote the component velocities on one side, and u', v', w' those on the other, * Cf. Maxwell, Electricity and Magnetism, Arts. 485, 652. 148-149] VORTEX-SHEETS. 235 it was found that the circumstances could be represented by imagining a distribution of simple-sources, with surface density — {I (uf — u) + m (v — v) + n (wf — w)}, 47T where I, m, n denote the direction-cosines of the normal drawn towards the side to which the accents refer. Let us next consider the case where the tangential velocity (only) is discontinuous, so that I (uf — u) + m (v — v) + w (w' — w) = Q (1). We will suppose that the lines of relative motion, which are defined by the differential equations dx _ _dy_ = dz . u' — u v' — v w' — w ' are traced on the surface, and that the system of orthogonal trajectories to these lines is also drawn. Let PQ, P'Q' be linear elements drawn close to the surface, on the two sides, parallel to a line of the system (2), and let PP' and QQ' be normal to the surface and infinitely small in comparison with PQ or P'Q,'. The circulation in the circuit P'Q'QP will then be equal to (q — q) PQ, where q, q' denote the absolute velocities on the two sides. This is the same as if the position of the surface were occupied by an infinitely thin stratum of vortices, the orthogonal trajectories above-mentioned being the vortex-lines, and the angular velocity w and the (variable) thickness &n of the stratum being connected by the relation 2o> . PQ . Sn = (q — q) PQ, or co$n = %(q'-q) (3). The same result follows from a consideration of the discontinuities which occur in the values of u, v, w as determined by the formulae (3) and (6) of Art. 145, when we apply these to the case of a stratum of thickness dn within which £, 77, £ are infinite, but so that £§w, r)8n, £8n are finite*. It was shewn in Arts. 144, 145 that any continuous motion of a fluid filling infinite space, and at rest at infinity, may be regarded as due to a proper arrangement of sources and vortices distributed with finite density. We have now seen how by considerations of continuity we can pass to the case where the sources and vortices are distributed with infinite volume-density, * Helmholtz, 1. c. ante p. 222. 236 VORTEX MOTION. [CHAP. VII but finite surface-density, over surfaces. In particular, we may take the case where the infinite fluid in question is incompressible. and is divided into two portions by a closed surface over which the normal velocity is continuous, but the tangential velocity dis continuous, as in Art. 58 (12). This is equivalent to a vortex- sheet; and we infer that every continuous irrotational motion, whether cyclic or not, of an incompressible substance occupying any region whatever, may be regarded as due to a certain distri bution of vortices over the boundaries which separate it from the rest of infinite space. In the case of a region extending to infinity, the distribution is confined to the finite portion of the boundary, provided the fluid be at rest at infinity. This theorem is complementary to the results obtained in Art. 58. The foregoing conclusions may be illustrated by means of the results of Art. 90. Thus when a normal velocity Sn was prescribed over the sphere r = a, the values of the velocity-potential for the internal and external space were found to be respectively. Hence if §e be the angle which any linear element drawn on the surface subtends at the centre, the relative velocity estimated in the direction of this element will be _ n(n~+I) ~df ' The resultant relative velocity is therefore tangential to the surface, and perpendicular to the contour lines (Sn = const.) of the surface-harmonic Snt which are therefore the vortex-lines. For example, if we have a thin spherical shell filled with and surrounded by liquid, moving as in Art. 91 parallel to the axis of x, the motion of the fluid, whether internal or external, will be that due to a system of vortices arranged in parallel circles on the sphere ; the strength of an elementary vortex being proportional to the projection, on the axis of x, of the breadth of the corresponding strip of the surface*. Impulse and Energy of a Vortex-System. 150. The following investigations relate to the case of a vortex-system of finite dimensions in an incompressible fluid which fills infinite space and is at rest at infinity. * The same statements hold also for an ellipsoidal shell moving parallel to one of its principal axesv See Art. 111. 149-150] IMPULSE OF A VORTEX-SYSTEM. 237 If X', Y, Z' be components of a distribution of impulsive force which would generate the actual motion (u, v, w) instan taneously from rest, we have by Art. 12 (1) Tr, 1 div T7, 1 d^r „, 1 dix X' ;- = w, Y — -T~ = V> z — j =w CO. p doc p dy p dz where ts is the impulsive pressure. The problem of finding X', Y', Z', TV in terms of u, v, w, so as to satisfy these three equations, is clearly indeterminate ; but a sufficient solution for our purpose may be obtained as follows. Let us imagine a simply-connected surface 8 to be drawn enclosing all the vortices. Over this surface, and through the external space, let us put ™ = P (2), where <£ is the velocity-potential of the vortex-system, determined as in Art. 148. Inside S let us take as the value of w any single-valued function which is finite and continuous, is equal to (2) at 8, and also satisfies the equation f = P? -(3). dn r dn at $, where &n denotes as usual an element of the normal. It follows from these conditions, which can evidently be satisfied in an infinite number of ways, that the space-derivatives d^jdx, dTxjdy, d^fjdz will be continuous at the surface S. The values of X , Y', Z' are now given by the formula (1); they vanish at the surface S, and at all external points. The force- and couple-equivalents of the distribution X ', F', Z' constitute the ' impulse ' of the vortex-system. We are at present concerned only with the instantaneous state of the system, but it is of interest to recall that, when no extraneous forces act, this impulse is, by the argument of Art. 116, constant in every respect. Now, considering the matter inclosed within the surface S, we find, resolving parallel to x, MpX'dxdydz = pffludxdydz - pfjl^dS (4), if I, m, n be the direction-cosines of the inwardly-directed normal to any element &S of the surface. Let us first take the case of a single vortex-filament of infinitely small section. The fluid 238 VORTEX MOTION. [CHAP. VII velocity being everywhere finite and continuous, the parts of the volume-integral on the right-hand side of (4) which are due to the substance of the vortex itself may be neglected in comparison with those due to the remainder of the space included within S. Hence we may write fjjudxdydz = - ffjj£ dxdydz = jjl^dS + 2m' fjldS' . . , (5), where c/> has the value given by Art. 147 (4), m denoting the strength of the vortex (so that 2m' is the cyclic constant of c/>), and $S' an element of any surface bounded by it. Substituting in (4), we infer that the components of the impulse parallel to the coordinate axes are Zm'pffmdS', Zm'pJfndS' ............... (6). Again, taking moments about Ox, 5S5p(yZ'-zY') dxdydz = pfff(yw — zv) dxdydz — pff(ny — mz) (f>dS ......... (7). For the same reason as before, we may substitute, for the volume- integral on the right-hand side, (ny - mz) dS + 2m'ff(ny - mz) dS' (8). Hence, and by symmetry, we find, for the moments of the impulse about the coordinate axes, 2m'pff(ny-mz)d8', 2mpff(lz-nx)dS', 2m'ptf(mx - ly) dS' . . .(9). The surface-integrals contained in (6) and (9) may be replaced by line-integrals taken along the vortex. In the case of (6) it is obvious that the coefficients of m'p are double the projections on the coordinate axes of any area bounded by the vortex, so that the components in question take the forms , r/ ,dz' ,dy'\ 7 , , [( ,dx' , dz' ™ (y ^r,-z -r/ <&* > m \\z ^-,~x ^r, JV ds ds J j\ ds ds 150-151] COMPONENTS OF IMPULSE. 239 For the similar transformation of (9) we must have recourse to Stokes' Theorem ; we obtain without difficulty the forms + *>) ds', ............ (11). From (10) and (11) we can derive by superposition the com ponents of the force- and couple- resultants of any finite system of vortices. Denoting these by P, Q, R, and Z, If, N, respectively, we find, putting , dx M , dy' . , dz' .. ~J ' — £ > w TJ ' = rl » w J ' ~ b > ds ds ds and replacing the volume-element a'Ss' by P = p$jj(y% — zrj) docdydz, L = /o///(2/2 + ^2) f dxdydz, Q = pfff(zg - a£) da?dyrf«, Jlf = p///(^2 + a?) 77 dajrfy^, [-...(12)*, -R = P/J/C^7/ ~ ^ f ) docdydz, N = pfff(a? + f) £ dxdydz where the accents have been dropped, as no longer necessary. 151. Let us next consider the energy of the vortex-system. It is easily proved that under the circumstances presupposed, and in the absence of extraneous forces, this energy will be constant. For if T be the energy of the fluid bounded by any closed surface S, we have, putting F = 0 in Art. 11 (5), DT _ = ff(lu + mv + nw) pdS .................. (1). If the surface S enclose all the vortices, we may put and it easily follows from Art. 148 (4) that at a great distance R from the vortices p will be finite, and lu + mv + nw of the order R~3, whilst when the surface 8 is taken wholly at infinity, * These expressions were given by J. J. Thomson, On the Motion of Vortex (Adams Prize Essay), London, 1883, pp. 5, 6. 240 VORTEX MOTION. [CHAP. VII the elements BS ultimately vary as R2. Hence, ultimately, the right-hand side of (1) vanishes, and we have T = const ............................... (3). 152. We proceed to investigate one or two important kine- matical expressions for T, still confining ourselves, for simplicity, to the case where the fluid (supposed incompressible) extends to infinity, and is at rest there, all the vortices being within a finite distance of the origin. The first of these is indicated by the electro-magnetic analogy pointed out in Art. 146. Since 6 = 0, and therefore O = 0, we have + tf + w2) dxdydz {[[< fdH dG\ (dF dH\ /dG dF\ , = pHI\u( -= -- • — - ) + vi-j -- ,— + w i-j ---- ,- dxdydz, JjJ\ \dy dz) \dz dx) \dx dy ) by Art. 145 (3). The last member may be replaced by the sum of a surface integral pff{F(miv - nv) + G (nu - ho) + H (Iv - nm)} dS, and a volume integral dw dv\ „ fdu dw\ „ (dv du\] 7 7 7 --- i-)+0l-3- — -y }^H (,--^-}\ dxdydz. dy dz) \dz dx) \dx dy)} At points of the infinitely distant boundary, F, G, H are ultimately of the order R~2, and u, v, w of the order R~s, so that the surface- integral vanishes, and we have T=PJff(FS + €h,.+ HQd*dydt .................. (1), or, substituting the values of F, G, H from Art. 145 (6), T = 1- fjjfjf*? + 7' + K' dxdydz dx'dy'dz ...(2), where each volume-integration extends over the whole space occupied by the vortices. A slightly different form may be given to this expression as follows. Regarding the vortex-system as made up of filaments, let &s, 8s' be elements of length of any two filaments, a, a' the corresponding cross-sections, and &>, &>' the corresponding angular velocities. The elements of volume may be taken to be 151-152] KINETIC ENERGY. 241 o-Ss and a'Ss', respectively, so that the expression following the integral signs in (2) is equivalent to cos e . , ,£ , - . ftxros . ft) a- os , r where e is the angle between §s and Ss'. If we put wa — m, MO-' = m' , so that in and m' denote the strengths of the two elementary vortices, we have T = ^mm'jjC°^dsds' ............... (3), where the double integral is to be taken along the axes of the filaments, and the summation embraces every pair of such filaments which are present. The factor of p/Tr in (3) is identical with the expression for the energy of a system of electric currents flowing along conductors coincident in position with the vortex-filaments, with strengths m, m',... respectively*. The above investigation is in fact merely an inversion of the argument given in treatises on Electro- magnetism, whereby it is proved that = (a2 + & + 72) dxdydz, i, i' denoting the strengths of the currents in the linear conductors whose elements are denoted by 8s, 8s', and a, /3, 7 the components of magnetic force at any point of the field. The theorem of this Art. is purely kinematical, and rests solely on the assumption that the functions u, v, w satisfy the equation of continuity, du dv dw « dx dy dz throughout infinite space, and vanish at infinity. It can therefore by an easy generalization be extended to the case considered in Art. 141, where a liquid is supposed to circulate irrotationally through apertures in fixed solids, the values of u, v, w being now taken to be zero at all points of space not occupied by the fluid. The investigation of Art. 149 shews that the distribution of velocity thus obtained may be regarded as due to a system of vortex-sheets coincident with the surfaces of the solids. The energy of this system will be given by an obvious adaptation of the formula (3) above, and will therefore be proportional to that of the correspond- * See Maxwell, Electricity and Magnetism, Arts. 524, 637. L. 16 242 VOKTEX MOTION. [CHAP. VII ing system of electric current-sheets. This proves a statement made by anticipation in Art. 141. 153. Under the circumstances stated at the beginning of Art. 152, we have another useful expression for T\ viz. T= 2p /// {u (y% -zrj)+v Of -xQ+w (ay - y% )} dxdydz. . .(4). To verify this, we take the right-hand member, and transform it by the process already so often employed, omitting the surface- integrals for the same reason as in the preceding Art. The first of the three terms gives dv du\ du d du\ fdu dw\\ , , , T~ ~£- /Mty) dxdydz=Q,\ JJJ («*-*£) dxdydz = Q, I ........................... (i). J/J (^17 - i>£) dxdydz = Q } These equations, which may easily be verified by partial integration, follow also from the consideration that the components of the impulse parallel to the coordinate axes must be constant. Thus, taking first the case of a fluid enclosed in a fixed envelope of finite size, we have, in the notation of Art. 150, P = pMudxdydz-pSSldS ........................ (ii), whence l dS ...... (iii), Of. J. J. Thomson, I.e. z -pjfl 152-154] KINETIC ENERGY. 243 by Art. 143 (iv). The first and third terms of this cancel, since at the envelope we have ^ = d$ldt. Hence for any re-entrant system of vortices enclosed in a fixed vessel, we have with two similar equations. If now the containing vessel be supposed infinitely large, and infinitely distant from the vortices, it follows from the argument of Art. 116 that P is constant. This gives the first of equations (i). Conversely from (i), established otherwise, we could infer the constancy of the components P, Q, R of the impulse*. Rectilinear Vortices. 154. When the motion is in two dimensions xy we have w = 0, whilst u, v are functions of x, y, only. Hence f = 0, j] — 0, so that the vortex-lines are straight lines parallel to z. The theory then takes a very simple form. The formulae (8) of Art. 145 are now replaced by dx dy> ' dy dx ..... ' the functions , -\Jr being subject to the equations V^-0, V1^ = 2f ..................... (2), where V^ = d?/da? + d?/dy*, and to the proper boundary-conditions. In the case of an incompressible fluid, to which we will now confine ourselves, we have , ~r ..................... , dy dx where ^ is the stream-function of Art. 59. It is known from the theory of Attractions that the solution of V1V=2f .............................. (4), where f is a given function of x, y> is tf + fy ............... (5), Cf. J. J. Thomson, Motion of Vortex Rings, p. 5. 16—2 244 VORTEX MOTION. [CHAP. VII where f denotes the value of f at the point (x't y'), and r now stands for The ' complementary function ' - j 2m Zra is fixed throughout the motion. This point, which coincides with the centre of inertia of a film of matter distributed over the plane xy with the surface-density f, may be called the ' centre ' of the system of vortices, and the straight line parallel to z of which it is the projection may be called the 'axis' of the system. 155. Some interesting examples are furnished by the case of one or more isolated vortices of infinitely small section. Thus : 1°. Let us suppose that we have only one vortex-filament present, and that the rotation f has the same sign throughout its infinitely small section. Its centre, as just defined, will lie either within the substance of the filament, or at all events infinitely close to it. Since this centre remains at rest, the filament as a whole will be stationary, though its parts may experience relative motions, and its centre will not necessarily lie always in the same element of fluid. Any particle at a finite distance r from the centre of the filament will describe a circle about the latter as axis, with constant velocity m/7rr. The region external to the filament is doubly-connected ; and the circulation in any (simple) circuit embracing the filament is 2m. The irrotational motion of the fluid external to the filament is the same as in Art. 28 (2). 2°. Next suppose that we have two vortices, of strengths mlt m3, respectively. Let A, B be their centres, 0 the centre of the system. The motion of each filament as a whole is entirely due to the other, and is therefore always perpendicular to AB. Hence the two filaments remain always at the same distance from one another, and rotate with constant angular velocity about 0, which is fixed. This angular velocity is easily found; we have only to 246 VOKTEX MOTION. [CHAP. VII divide the velocity of A (say), viz. m,/(7r . AB), by the distance AO, where A0= * AB, m. and so obtain 7T.AB* for the angular velocity required. If m1, w2 be of the same sign, i.e. if the directions of rotation in the two filaments be the same, 0 lies between A and B\ but if the rotations be of opposite signs, 0 lies in AB, or BA, produced. If m1 = — w2, 0 is at infinity; in this case it is easily seen that A, B move with constant velocity m^vr . AB) perpendicular to AB, which remains fixed in direction. The motion at a distance from the filaments is given at any instant by the formulas of Art. 64, 2°. Such a combination of two equal and opposite rectilinear vortices may be called a ' vortex-pair.' It is the two-dimensional analogue of a circular vortex-ring (Art. 162), and exhibits many of the characteristic properties of the latter. The motion at all points of the plane bisecting AB at right angles is in this latter case tangential to that plane. We may therefore suppose the plane to form a fixed rigid boundary of the fluid in either side of it, and so obtain the solution of the case where we have a single rectilinear vortex in the neighbourhood of a fixed plane wall to which it is parallel. The filament moves parallel to the plane with the velocity m/27rd, where d is the distance of the vortex from the wall. The stream-lines due to a vortex-pair, at distances from the vortices great in comparison with the linear dimensions of the cross-sections, form a system of coaxal circles, as shewn in the diagram on p. 80. We can hence derive the solution of the case where we have a single vortex-filament in a mass of fluid which is bounded, either internally or externally, by a fixed circular cylinder. Thus, in the figure, let EPD be the section of the cylinder, A the position of the vortex (supposed in this case external), and let B be the 'image' of A with respect to the circle EPD, viz. C being the centre, let 155] SPECIAL CASES. 247 where c is the radius of the circle. If P be any point on the circle, we have AP AE _AD_ ~BP~BE~^D~ ; so that the circle occupies the position of a stream-line due to a pair of vortices, whose strengths are equal and opposite in sign, situated at J, E in an unlimited mass of fluid. Since the motion of the vortex A would then be perpendicular to AB, it is plain that all the conditions of the problem will be satisfied if we suppose A to describe a circle about the axis of the cylinder with the constant velocity m tn . CA where m denotes the strength of A. In the same way a single vortex of strength m, situated inside a fixed circular cylinder, say at B, would describe a circle with constant velocity m.CB It is to be noticed, however*, that in the case of the external vortex the motion is not completely determinate unless, in addition to the strength m of the vortex, the value of the circulation in a circuit embracing the cylinder (but not the vortex) is prescribed. In the above solution, this circulation is that due to the vortex-image at B and is -2m. This may be annulled by the superposition of an additional vortex + m at (7, in which case we have, for the velocity of ,4, m . CA m me2 7T (CA2 - C2} 7T.CA 7T.CA (CA2 - C2) ' For a prescribed circulation K we must add to this the term */2ir . CA. 3°. If we have four parallel rectilinear vortices whose centres form a rectangle ABB' A', the strengths being m for the vortices A', B, and — m for the vortices A, B', it is evident that the centres will always form a rectangle. Further, the various rota tions having the directions indicated in the figure, we see that * See F. A. Tarleton, "On a Problem in Vortex Motion," Proc. R. L A., December 12, 1892. 248 VORTEX MOTION. [CHAP. VII the effect of the presence of the pair A, A' on B, B' is to separate them, and at the same time to diminish their velocity perpen dicular to the line joining them. The planes which bisect AB, A A' at right angles may (either or both) be taken as fixed rigid boundaries. We thus get the case where a pair of vortices, of equal and opposite strengths, move towards (or from) a plane wall, or where a single vortex moves in the angle between two perpendicular walls. If x, y be the coordinates of the vortex B' relative to the planes of symmetry, we readily find where r2 = j?+y2. By division we obtain the differential equation of the path, viz. dx dy -^ + -4=0, * whence a2 (x2 + y2} — a being an arbitrary constant, or, transforming to polar coordinates, r= a/sin 20 .................................... (ii). Also since 4$f-y£« m/2r, the vortex moves as if under a centre of force at the origin. This force is repulsive, and its law is that of the inverse cube*. 156. When, as in the case of a vortex-pair, or a system of vortex-pairs, the algebraic sum of the strengths of all the vortices is zero, we may work out a theory of the ' impulse/ in two di mensions, analogous to that given in Arts. 116, 149 for the case of a finite vortex-system. The detailed examination of this must be left to the reader. If P, Q denote the components of the impulse parallel to x and y, and N its moment about Oz, all reckoned per unit depth of the fluid parallel to zt it will be found that Q=- pSJx^dxdy, ) + y*)Sdxdy 1 ........ ' * See Greenhill, " On plane vortex-motion,'' Quart. Journ. Math., t. xv. (1877), where some other interesting cases of motion of rectilinear vortex-filaments are discussed. The literature of special problems in this part of the subject is somewhat extensive; for references see Hicks, Brit. Ass. Ecp. 1882, pp. 41...; Love, "On Kecent English Eesearches in Vortex Motion," Math. Ann., t. xxx., p. 326 (1887) ; Winkelmann, Handbuch der Physik, t. i., pp. 446-451. 155-156] IMPULSE AND ENERGY. 249 For instance, in the case of a single vortex-pair, the strengths of the two vortices being ± m, and their distance apart c, the impulse is 2wc, in a line bisecting c at right angles. The constancy of the impulse gives = const., 2wy = const., (2). y-) = const. It may also be shewn that the energy of the motion in the present case is given by When %m is not zero, the energy and the moment of the impulse are both infinite, as may be easily verified in the case of a single rectilinear vortex. The theory of a system of isolated rectilinear vortices has been put in a very elegant form by Kirchhoff*. Denoting the positions of the centres of the respective vortices by (*'i> yi)> (XM 2/2)1 ••• and their strengths by mlt m,2, ..., it is evident from Art. 154 that we may write dxl _ dW d(/l _ d dx. dW dy9 dW m<> — ji — j-- , m2 — FT = -j — j dt tfym " dt dx« where W= - 2m1m2 log r12 if r12 denote the distance between the vortices mlt m2. Since T7 depends only on the relative configuration of the vortices, its value is unaltered when xlt #2,... are increased by the same amount, whence 3d W 'jdxi = 0, and, in the same way, ^,dWjdyl = Q. This gives the first two of equations (2), but the proof is not now limited to the case of 2m = 0. The argument is in fact substantially the same as in Art. 154. » Again, we obtain from (i) / dx dii\ ( dW dW\ 2m (x -=- t -- = - 2 jc -- -11 --s- -=- + t/ -f- ) = - 2 (jc --T -11 --s- dt J dt) \ dy J dx or if we introduce polar coordinates (rlt ^j), (r2, ^2), ... for the several vortices, * Mechanik. c. xx. 250 VORTEX MOTION. [CHAP. VII Since W is unaltered by a rotation of the axes of coordinates in their own plane about the origin, we have 2dW/d6 = Q, whence 2mr2 = const (iv), which agrees with the third of equations (2), but is free from the restriction there understood. An additional integral of (i) is obtained as follows. We have dy dx\_~( dW dW\ V dt y dt)~^\^ dx :,y~dy)^ ^de dW or 2mr2-r = 2r ^- (v). dt dr Now if every r be increased in the ratio 1 + f 3 where e is infinitesimal, the increment of W is equal to 2er . d W/dr. The new configuration of the vortex-system is geometrically similar to the former one, so that the mutual distances r12 are altered in the same ratio 1+e, and therefore, from (ii), the increment of W is err"1 . 2%?ft2. Hence »d6 1 157. The results of Art. 155 are independent of the form of the sections of the vortices, so long as the dimensions of these sections are small compared with the mutual distances of the vortices themselves. The simplest case is of course when the sections are circular, and it is of interest to inquire whether this form is stable. This question has been examined by Lord Kelvin*. Let us suppose, as in Art. 28, that the space within a circle r = a, having the centre as origin, is occupied by fluid having a uniform rotation f, and that this is surrounded by fluid moving irrotationally. If the motion be continuous at this circle we have, for r<.a while for r>a, (ii). To examine the effect of a slight irrotational disturbance, we assume, for ra, \ (*")> a a" & r i"8 where s is integral, and o- is to be determined. The constant A must have the same value in these two expressions, since the radial component of the * Sir W. Thomson, " On the Vibrations of a Columnar Vortex," Phil. Mag., Sept. 1880. 156-158] STABILITY OF A CYLINDRICAL VORTEX. 251 velocity, d^IrdO, must be continuous at the boundary of the vortex, for which r = a, approximately. Assuming for the equation to this boundary r=a + acos(s0 — vt} (iv), we have still to express that the tangential component (d^/dr) of the velocity is continuous. This gives £r + s - cos (s0 - at] = £ — - s - cos (s6 - crt). Ctf T Cb Substituting from (iv), and neglecting the square of a, we find fa = — sA I a (v). So far the work is purely kinematical; the dynamical theorem that the vortex-lines move with the fluid shews that the normal velocity of a particle on the boundary must be equal to that of the boundary itself. This condition gives dr d\fr d\lr dr ~dt = ~ rde ~ ~dr ~rdO> where r has the value (iv), or A so. . ., cra = s — + £«. — (vi). ct ct Eliminating the ratio A /a between (v) and (vi) we find //• for the internal space has to satisfy .. with the boundary-condition ux These conditions are both fulfilled by provided A + B = I , J I (vi). It remains to express that there is no tangential slipping at the boundary of the vortex; i.e. that the values of d^/dg obtained from (ii) and (v) coincide. Putting x = c cosh £ cos 77, y = c sinh £ sin »;, where c = (a2 — 62)2, diffe rentiating, and equating coefficients of cos 2?/, we obtain the additional condition - \n (a -f- b)2 e~~^ = £c2 (A- B} cosh £ sinh £, which is equivalent to since, at points of the ellipse (i), cosh £ = a/c, sinh Combined with (vi) this gives When a = 6, this agrees with our former approximate result. The component velocities x, y of a particle of the vortex relative to the principal axes of the ellipse are given by whence we find -= — ?&?, f «»-.., ...(x). a b b a Integrating, we find x=ka cos (nt -f e), y = kb sin (nt -f ( } (xi), 158-159] ELLIPTIC VORTEX. 253 where k, e are arbitrary constants, so that the relative paths of the particles are ellipses similar to the section of the vortex, described according to the harmonic law. If of, y' be the coordinates relative to axes fixed in space, we find of =#cos nt-y&\\\ nt = -= (a + 6) cos (2nt + f ) + - (a - b) cos e, \ L.(xii). k k y' = x sin nt +y cos nt = -(a + b) sin (2nt -f e) - ^ (« - &) sin f j The absolute paths are therefore circles described with angular velocity 2n*. 159. It was pointed out in Art. 81 that the motion of an incompressible fluid in a curved stratum of small but uniform thickness is completely defined by a stream -function ^r, so that any kinematical problem of this kind may be transformed by projection into one relating to a plane stratum. If, further, the projection be ' orthomorphic,' the kinetic energy of corresponding portions of liquid, and the circulations in corresponding circuits, are the same in the two motions. The latter statement shews that vortices transform into vortices of equal strengths. It follows at once from Art. 142 that in the case of a closed simply-connected surface the algebraic sum of the strengths of all the vortices present is zero. Let us apply this to motion in a spherical stratum. The simplest case is that of a pair of isolated vortices situate at antipodal points ; the stream-lines are then parallel small circles, the velocity varying inversely as the radius of the circle. For a vortex-pair situate at any two points A, B, the stream-lines are coaxal circles as in Art. 81. It is easily found by the method of stereographic projection that the velocity at any point P is the resultant of two velocities m/ira . cot \0^ and m/tra . cot \0.2, per pendicular respectively to the great-circle arcs AP, BP, where 0j, #2 denote the lengths of these arcs, a the radius of the sphere, and ± ra the strengths of the vortices. The centre •(• (see Art. 154) * For further researches in this connection see Hill, ' ' On the Motion of Fluid part of which is moving rotationally and part irrotationally," Phil. Trans., 1884; and Love, " On the Stability of certain Vortex Motions," Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., t. xxv., p. 18 (1893). t To prevent possible misconception it may be remarked that the centres of corresponding vortices are not necessarily corresponding points. The paths of these centres are therefore not in general projective. The problem of transformation in piano has been treated by Aouth, "Some Applications of Conjugate Functions," Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., t. xii., p. 73 (1881). 254 VORTEX MOTION. [CHAP. VII of either vortex moves perpendicular to AB with a velocity m/7ra.cot^AB. The two vortices therefore describe parallel and equal small circles, remaining at a constant distance from each other. Circular Vortices. 160. Let us next take the case where all the vortices present in the liquid (supposed unlimited as before) are circular, having the axis of a? as a common axis. Let CT denote the distance of any point P from this axis, ^ the angle which TX makes with the plane xij, v the velocity in the direction of OT, and co the angular velocity of the fluid at P. It is evident that uy v, co are functions of x, va only, and that the axis of the rotation o> is perpendicular to xix. We have then y = -or cos S-, z = OT sin S-, } v = vcos$, w=vsm*b, > ............... (I). f = 0, T) = — a) sin ^, f = a) cos ^ J The impulse of the vortex-system now reduces to a force along Ox. Substituting from (1) in the first formula of Art. 150 (12) we find ............ (2), where the integration is to extend over the sections of all the vortices. If we denote by m the strength to&cSor of an elementary vortex-filament whose coordinates are #, tzr, this may be written P = 27rp2m*r2 = 2-7T/3 . 2m . -cr02 ..................... (3), •f 2m^2 /A. lf OT«2 = -2m ........................... W" The quantity ............ (8), which will be of use to us later. The added term vanishes, since = 0 on account of the constancy of the mean radius. 161. On account of the symmetry about Ox, there exists, in the cases at present under consideration, a stream-function ty, defined as in Art. 93, viz. we have 1 dilr ~^r TV dx , dv du 1 /cfiilr d2^ 1 d\lr\ whence 2o> = -= — = — — r. + —.11 n (2). dx dm ty \ dx* d^ -BT dwj It appears from Art. 148 (4) that at a great distance from the vortices u, v are of the order R~s, and therefore ty will be of the order R~l. The formula for the kinetic energy may therefore be written T = 7rpff(u* + ir) or dxdvr f/y ^^ ^'*/r^ 7 ^ = TTO In v —• j- — u ~- dxaiz Jj\ dx df»rj by a partial integration, the terms at the limits vanishing. 256 VORTEX MOTION. [CHAP. VII To determine ^jr in terms of the (arbitrary) distribution of angular velocity (&>), we may make use of the formulae of Art. 145, which give F=0, i t [(*<** H= ^rjlj-^ ft)' COS ^' / 7 / 7 / 7 f TS d^ dx d'ur •(4), where r = {(as — #')2 + •cr2 + ®"/2 — 2w«j' cos (^ — &'))*. Since 27r^ denotes (Art. 93) the flux, in the direction of ^--negative, through the circle (a?, «r), we have +4 II W — If J J V dy o where the integration extends over the area of this circle. By Stokes' Theorem, this gives the integral being taken round the circumference, or, in terms of our present coordinates, provided f i ^ ^ i = r - _jBos^d0_ , , 7 V, 'sr'} Jo {(a? - #')2 + ^2 + ^/2 ~ 2^OT/ cos ^1- where ^ has been written for $ — &'. It is plain that the function here denned is symmetrical with respect to the two sets of variables a?, -BJ and x', *&'. It can be expressed in terms of elliptic integrals, as follows. If we put _ - ' .............. * The vector whose components are F, G, H is now perpendicular to the meridian plane xw. If we denote it by ' over the section, the formulae (7) and (10) of Art. 161 give or, if we introduce polar coordinates (s, %) in the plane of the section, T-1)'** ..................... <«• where a is the radius of the section. Now 0 JO and this definite integral is known to be equal to 277 logs', or 27rlogs, according as s'^s. Hence, for points within the section, " s'ds' (ii). 17—2 = - 2o>' wof* flog —0-2^ s'ds'-Mw, [a(\oS*2*- J Q\ s / J S\ S 260 VORTEX MOTION. [CHAP. VII The only variable part of this is the term -^o/t's. Substituting in Art. 161 (3) we find The last term in Art. 160 (8) is equivalent to fi 8rao 7) ,-~\ {log V-*} ............... (m)- in our present notation, m' denoting the strength of the whole vortex, this is equal to 3m'2CT0/47r. Hence the formula for the velocity of translation of the vortex becomes "7/" m/ -1 "— " .(iv)* 163. If we have any number of circular vortex-rings, coaxial or not, the motion of any one of these may be conceived as made up of two parts, one due to the ring itself, the other due to the influence of the remaining rings. The preceding considerations shew that the second part is insignificant compared with the first, except when two or more rings approach within a very small distance of one another. Hence each ring will move, without sensible change of shape or size, with nearly uniform velocity in the direction of its rectilinear axis, until it passes within a short distance of a second ring. A general notion of the result of the encounter of two rings may, in particular cases, be gathered from the result of Art. 147 (3). Thus, let us suppose that we have two circular vortices having the same rectilinear axis. If the sense of the rotation be the same for both, the two rings will advance, on the whole, in the same direction. One effect of their mutual influence will be to increase the radius of the one in front, and to contract the radius of the one in the rear. If the radius of the one in front become larger than that of the one in the rear, the motion of the former ring will be retarded, whilst that of the latter is accelerated. Hence if the conditions as to relative size and strength of the two rings be favourable, it may happen that the second ring will overtake and pass through the first. The parts played by the two rings will then be reversed ; the one which is now in * This result was first obtained by Sir W. Thomson, Phil. Mag., June, 1867. 162-163] MUTUAL INFLUENCE OF VORTEX-RINGS. 261 the rear will in turn overtake and pass through the other, and so on, the rings alternately passing one through the other*. If the rotations in the two rings be opposite, and such that the rings approach one another, the mutual influence will be to enlarge the radius of each ring. If the two rings be moreover equal in size and strength, the velocity of approach will con tinually diminish. In this case the motion at all points of the plane which is parallel to the two rings, and half-way between them, is tangential to this plane. We may therefore, if we please, regard this plane as a fixed boundary to the fluid on either side of it, and so obtain the case of a single vortex-ring moving directly towards a fixed rigid wall. The foregoing remarks are taken from von Helmholtz' paper. He adds, in conclusion, that the mutual influence of vortex-rings may easily be studied experimentally in the case of the (roughly) semicircular rings produced by drawing rapidly the point of a spoon for a short space through the surface of a liquid, the spots where the vortex-filaments meet the surface being marked by dimples. (Cf. Art. 28.) The method of experimental illustration by means of smoke-rings f" is too well-known to need description here. A beautiful variation of the experiment consists in forming the rings in water, the substance of the vortices being coloured f. For further theoretical researches on the motion of vortex- rings, including the question of stability, and the determination of the small oscillations, we must refer to the papers cited below §. The motion of a vortex-ring in a fluid limited (whether internally or externally) by a fixed spherical surface, in the case * The corresponding case in two dimensions appears to have been worked out very completely by Grobli; see Winkelmann, Handbuch der Physik, t. i., p. 447. The same question has been discussed quite recently by Love, " On the Motion of Paired Vortices with a Common Axis," Proc. Lond. Math. Soc.,t. xxv., p. 185 (1894). t Reusch, "Ueber Ringbildung der Fliissigkeiten," Pogg. Ann., t. ex. (1860); see also Tait, Recent Advances in Physical Science, London, 1876, c. xii. J Reynolds, "On the Resistance encountered by Vortex Rings &c.", Brit. Ass. Rep., 1876, Nature, t. xiv., p. 477. § J. J. Thomson, I. c. ante p. 239, and Phil. Trans., 1882. W. M. Hicks, "On the Steady Motion and the Small Vibrations of a Hollow Vortex," Phil. Trans. 1884. Dyson, 1. c. ante p. 166. The theory of ' Vortex- Atoms ' which gave the impulse to some of these investi gations was suggested by Sir W. Thomson, Phil Mag., July, 1867. 262 VORTEX MOTION. [CHAP. VII where the rectilinear axis of the ring passes through the centre of the sphere, has been investigated by Lewis*, by the method of 1 images.' The following simplified proof is due to Larmorf. The vortex-ring is equivalent (Art. 148) to a spherical sheet of double-sources of uniform density, concentric with the fixed sphere. The ' image ' of this sheet will, by Art. 95, be another uniform concentric double-sheet, which is, again, equivalent to a vortex-ring coaxial with the first. It easily follows from the Art. last cited that the strengths (m\ m"} and the radii (or', or") of the vortex- ring and its image are connected by the relation (i). The argument obviously applies to the case of a reentrant vortex of any form, provided it lie on a sphere concentric with the boundary. On the Conditions for Steady Motion. 164. In steady motion, i.e. when du_ dv_ dw_ dt~ ' dt~ dt" the equations (2) of Art. 6 may be written du dv dw a , dx dx doc Hence, if as in Art. 143 we put du dv dw a , ,, _ , _ c?O _ 1 dp dx dx doc dx p dx ' ' we have It follows that dx d') dx dy ^ dz * "On the Images of Vortices in a Spherical Vessel," Quart. Journ. Math., t. xvi., p. 338 (1879). t " Electro-magnetic and other Images in Spheres and Planes," Quart. Journ. Math.,t. xxiii., p. 94 (1889). 163-164] CONDITIONS FOR STEADY MOTION. 263 so that each of the surfaces ^' = const, contains both stream-lines and vortex-lines. If further 8n denote an element of the normal at any point of such a surface, we have n^ ........................ (2), where q is the current-velocity, co the rotation, and /3 the angle between the stream-line and the vortex-line at that point. Hence the conditions that a given state of motion of a fluid may be a possible state of steady motion are as follows. It must be possible to draw in the fluid an infinite system of surfaces each of which is covered by a network of stream-lines and vortex- lines, and the product qw sin /3 Sn must be constant over each such surface, Sn denoting the length of the normal drawn to a consecutive surface of the system. These conditions may also be deduced from the considerations that the stream-lines are, in steady motion, the actual paths of the particles, that the product of the angular velocity into the cross-section is the same at all points of a vortex, and that this product is, for the same vortex, constant with regard to the time *. The theorem that the function ^', defined by (1), is constant over each surface of the above kind is an extension of that of Art. 22, where it was shewn that % is constant along a stream line. The above conditions are satisfied identically in all cases of irrotational motion, provided of course the boundary-conditions be such as are consistent with the steady motion. In the motion of a liquid in two dimensions (xy) the product cftn is constant along a stream-line ; the conditions in question then reduce to this, that the angular velocity f must be constant along each stream-line, or, by Art. 59, »t. where f(^r) is an arbitrary function o * See a paper " On the Conditions for Steady Motion of a Fluid," Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., t. ix., p. 91 (1878). t Cf. Lagrange, Nouv. M6m. de VAcad. de Berlin, 1781, Oeuvres, t. iv., p. 720 ; and Stokes, 1. c. p. 264. 264 VORTEX MOTION. [CHAP. VII This condition is satisfied in all cases of motion in concentric circles about the origin. Another obvious solution of (3) is in which case the stream-lines are similar and coaxial conies. The angular velocity at any point is ^ (A 4- C], and is therefore uniform. Again, if we put / (\J/-) = - Fx//-, where k is a constant, and transform to polar coordinates r, 6, we get dr2 r dr which is satisfied by cos) sin) where Ja is a 'Bessel's Function.' This gives various solutions consistent with a fixed circular boundary of radius a, the admissible values of k being determined by J3(ka) = 0 (iv). The character of these solutions will be understood from the properties of Bessel's Functions, of which some indication will be given in Chapter vni. In the case of motion symmetrical about an axis (a?), we have q . %7T'&r$n constant along a stream-line, VT denoting as in Art. 93 the distance of any point from the axis of symmetry. The con dition for steady motion then is that the ratio &>/«r must be constant along any stream-line. Hence, if i|r be the stream- function, we must have, by Art. 161 (2), denotes an arbitrary function of i/r. An interesting example of (4) is furnished by the case of Hill's ' Spherical Vortex f.' If we assume -^ .................................... (v), where r2=#2 + rar2, for all points within the sphere r = a, the formula (2) of Art. 161 makes so that the condition of steady motion is satisfied. Again it is evident, on reference to Arts. 95, 96 that the irrotational flow of a stream with the * This result is due to Stokes, "On the Steady Motion of Incompressible Fluids," Camb. Trans., t. vii. (1842), Math, and Phys. Papers, t. i., p. 15. t " On a Spherical Vortex," Phil. Trans., 1894, A. 164] SPHERICAL VORTEX. 265 general velocity -u parallel to the axis, past a fixed spherical surface r=a, is given by The two values of ^ agree when r = a-, this makes the normal velocity continuous. In order that the tangential velocity may be continuous, the values of d^/dr must also agree. Remembering that ar=rsin0, this gives 4 *«/~2 and therefore The sum of the strengths of the vortex-filaments composing the spherical vortex is 5u«. The figure shews the stream-lines, both inside and outside the vortex; they are drawn, as usual, for equidistant values of \//-. If we impress on everything a velocity u parallel to #, we get a spherical vortex advancing with constant velocity u through a liquid which is at rest at infinity. By the formulae of Arts. 160, 161, we readily find that the square of the 'mean-radius' of the vortex is fa2, the 'impulse' is 27rpa3u, and the energy is CHAPTER VIII. TIDAL WAVES. 165. ONE of the most interesting and successful applications of hydrodynamical theory is to the small oscillations, under gravity, of a liquid having a free surface. In certain cases, which are somewhat special as regards the theory, but very important from a practical point of view, these oscillations may combine to form progressive waves travelling with (to a first approximation) no change of form over the surface. The term ' tidal,' as applied to waves, has been used in various senses, but it seems most natural to confine it to gravitational oscillations possessing the characteristic feature of the oceanic tides produced by the action of the sun and moon. We have therefore ventured to place it at the head of this Chapter, as descriptive of waves in which the motion of the fluid is mainly horizontal, and therefore (as will appear) sensibly the same for all particles in a vertical line. This latter circumstance greatly simplifies the theory. It will be convenient to recapitulate, in the first place, some points in the general theory of small oscillations which will receive constant exemplification in the investigations which follow*. Let qlt q.2,...qn be n generalized coordinates serving to specify the configuration of a dynamical system, and let them be so chosen as to vanish in the configuration of equilibrium. The kinetic * For a fuller account of the general theory see Thomson and Tait, Natural Philosophy, kits. 337, ..., Lord Rayleigh, Theory of Sound, c. iv.,Routh, Elementary Rigid Dynamics (5th ed.), London, 1891, c. ix. 165] SMALL OSCILLATIONS. 267 energy T will, as explained in Art. 133, be a homogeneous quadratic function of the generalized velocities (ft, g^,..., say 2r=an212 + a22g22+... + 2a12?1?2 + ............ (1). The coefficients in this expression are in general functions of the coordinates ••• are then called the 'normal components of external force.' In terms of the normal coordinates, the equations of motion are given by Lagrange's equations (Art. 133 (17)), thus _____ dtdqs dqs~ dqs s' * The algebraic proof of this involves the assumption that one at least of the functions T, V is essentially positive. 268 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII In the present application to infinitely small motions, these take the form 9 f asqs + csqs = Qs . (6). It is easily seen from this that the dynamical characteristics of the normal coordinates are (1°) that an impulse of any normal type produces an initial motion of that type only, and (2°) that a steady extraneous force of any type maintains a displacement of that type only. To obtain the free motions of the system we put Qs = 0 in (6). Solving we find qs = A8cos(ffgt + €8) (7), where crs = (cs/as)% (8)*, and A8, €s are arbitrary constants. Hence a mode of free motion is possible in which any normal coordinate qs varies alone, and the motion of any particle of the system, since it depends linearly on qs, will be simple-harmonic, of period 27r/crs, and every particle will pass simultaneously through its equilibrium position. The several modes of this character are called the 1 normal modes ' of vibration of the system ; their number is equal to that of the degrees of freedom, and any free motion whatever of the system may be obtained from them by superposition, with a proper choice of the 'amplitudes ' (A8) and ' epochs ' (es). In certain cases, viz. when two or more of the free periods (27T/cr) of the system are equal, the normal coordinates are to a certain extent indeterminate, i.e. they can be chosen in an infinite number of ways. An instance of this is the spherical pendulum. Other examples will present themselves later; see Arts. 187, 191. If two (or more) normal modes have the same period, then by compounding them, with arbitrary amplitudes and epochs, we obtain a small oscillation in which the motion of each particle is the resultant of simple-harmonic vibrations in different directions, and is therefore, in general, elliptic-harmonic, with the same period. This is exemplified in the conical pendulum ; an im portant instance in our own subject is that of progressive waves in deep water (Chap. ix.). * The ratio o-/27r measures the ' frequency' of the oscillation. It is convenient, however, to have a name for the quantity a- itself ; the term ' speed ' has been used in this sense by Lord Kelvin and Prof. G. H. Darwin in their researches on the Tides. 165] THEORY OF NORMAL MODES. 269 If any of the coefficients of stability (cs) be negative, the value of crs is pure imaginary. The circular function in (7) is then replaced by real exponentials, and an arbitrary displacement will in general increase until the assumptions on which the approximate equation (6) is based become untenable. The un disturbed configuration is then unstable. Hence the necessary and sufficient condition of stability is that the potential energy V should be a minimum in the configuration of equilibrium. To find the effect of extraneous forces, it is sufficient to consider the case where Qs varies as a simple-harmonic function of the time, say Qs=C8coa(at+€) ..................... (9), where the value of a is now prescribed. Not only is this the most interesting case in itself, but we know from Fourier's Theorem that, whatever the law of variation of Qs with the time, it can be expressed by a series of terms such as (9). A particular integral of (9) is then This represents the ' forced oscillation ' due to the periodic force Qs. In it the motion of every particle is simple-harmonic, of the prescribed period 27T/0-, and the extreme displacements coincide in time with the maxima and minima of the force. A constant force equal to the instantaneous value of the actual force (9) would maintain a displacement * (11), the same, of course, as if the inertia-coefficient as were null. Hence (10) may be written *?tr^Stf* ..................... (12X where crs has the value (8). This very useful formula enables us to write down the effect of a periodic force when we know that of a steady force of the same type. It is to be noticed that qs and Qs have the same or opposite phases according as cr J as, that is, according as the period of the disturbing force is greater or less than the free period. A simple example of this is furnished by a simple pendulum acted on by a periodic horizontal force. Other 270 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII important illustrations will present themselves in the theory of the tides*. When a is very great in comparison with as, the formula (10) becomes C qs = -- ~cos( as before, provided h^=S/b, i.e. h now denotes the mean depth of the canal. The dynamical equation (4) is of course unaltered, 167. The equations (6) and (7) are of a well-known type which occurs in several physical problems, e.g. the transverse vibrations of strings, and the motion of sound-waves in one dimension. To integrate them, let us write, for shortness, 280 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII c being the velocity, in the steady motion, at places where the depth of the stream is uniform and equal to h. Substituting for q in (1), we have Hence if r)/h be small, the condition for a free surface, viz. p = const., is satisfied approximately, provided which agrees with our former result. 173. It appears from the linearity of our equations that any number of independent solutions may be superposed. For example, having given a wave of any form travelling in one direction, if we superpose its image in the plane x = 0, travelling in the opposite direction, it is obvious that in the resulting motion the horizontal velocity will vanish at the origin, and the circumstances are therefore the same as if there were a fixed barrier at this point. We can thus understand the reflexion of a wave at a barrier ; the elevations and depressions are reflected unchanged, whilst the horizontal velocity is reversed. The same results follow from the formula f = F(ct-x)-F(ct + x) .................. (1), which is evidently the most general value of f subject to the condition that f = 0 for x = 0. We can further investigate without much difficulty the partial reflexion of a wave at a point where there is an abrupt change in the section of the canal. Taking the origin at the point in question, we may write, for the negative side, and for the positive side »-*('.-£}.• \ C2/ 172-174] REFLECTION. 281 where the function F represents the original wave, and /, $ the reflected and transmitted portions respectively. The constancy of mass requires that at the point # = 0 we should have b^u^b^u^ where blt b.2 are the breadths at the surface, and klt h2 are the mean depths. We must also have at the same point »71=»/2) on account of the continuity of pressure*. These conditions give *1 F(t)+f(t): We thence find that the ratio of the elevations in corresponding parts of the reflected and incident waves is F & The similar ratio for the transmitted wave is The reader may easily verify that the energy contained in the reflected and transmitted waves is equal to that of the original incident wave. 174. Our investigations, so far, relate to cases of free waves. When, in addition to gravity, small disturbing forces X, Y act on the fluid, the equation of motion is obtained as follows. We assume that within distances comparable with the depth h these forces vary only by a small fraction of their total value. On this understanding we have, in place of Art. 166 (1), Pj=f = (9- Y)(y. + v-y) ................ (1), and therefore 1 d di The last term may be neglected for the reason just stated, and if * It will be understood that the problem admits only of an approximate treat ment, on account of the non-uniform character of the motion in the immediate neighbourhood of the point of discontinuity. The degree of approximation implied in the above assumptions will become more evident if we suppose the suffixes to refer to two sections /Sj and S2, one on each side of the origin 0, at distances from 0 which, though very small compared with the wave-length, are yet moderate multiples of the transverse dimensions of the canal. The motion of the fluid will be sensibly uniform over each of these sections, and parallel to the length. The conditions in the text then express that there is no sensible change of level between S1 and S2. 282 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII we further neglect the product of the small quantities F and drj/dx, the equation reduces to 1 dp _ drj ~ _ ~pdx~9dx as before. The equation of horizontal motion then takes the form — where X may be regarded as a function of x and t only. The equation of continuity has the same form as in Art. 166, viz. Hence, on elimination of ?;, 175. The oscillations of water in a canal of uniform section, closed at both ends, may, as in the corresponding problem of Acoustics, be obtained by superposition of progressive waves travelling in opposite directions. It is more instructive, however, with a view to subsequent more difficult investigations, to treat the problem as an example of the general theory sketched in Art. 165. We have to determine (• so as to satisfy together with the terminal conditions that f = 0 for # = 0 and x — I, say. To find the free oscillations we put X = 0, and assume that f X COS (art + e), where o- is to be found. On substitution we obtain whence, omitting the time-factor, i . crx n ax A sin -- h B cos — , c c 174-175] DISTURBING FORCES. 283 The terminal conditions give B = 0, and a-ljc = STT (3), where s is integral. Hence the normal mode of order s is given by A . STTX fsirct \ /ylv f = 4,sm-j-cosf -j- + esj (4), where the amplitude As and epoch e8 are arbitrary. In the slowest oscillation (s = 1), the water sways to and fro, heaping itself up alternately at the two ends, and there is a node at the middle (x = J I). The period (2Z/c) is equal to the time a progressive wave would take to traverse twice the length of the canal. The periods of the higher modes are respectively £, J, J, • •• of this, but it must be remembered, in this and in other similar problems, that our theory ceases to be applicable when the length l/s of a semi-undulation becomes comparable with the depth h. On comparison with the general theory of Art. 165, it appears that the normal coordinates of the present system are quantities qlt q2, ... such that when the system is displaced according to any one of them, say qa) we have . STTX £•3,001 -j-; and we infer that the most general displacement of which the system is capable (subject to the conditions presupposed) is given by where qlt qz, ... are arbitrary. This is in accordance with Fourier's Theorem. When expressed in terms of the normal velocities and the normal co ordinates, the expressions for T and V must reduce to sums of squares. This is easily verified, in the present case, from the formula (i). Thus if S denote the sectional area of the canal, we find (ii), and 2F=#p^ [* * J o where aa = i 284 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII It is to be noted that the coefficients of stability (c8) increase with the depth. Conversely, if we assume from Fourier's theorem that (i) is a sufficiently general expression for the value of £ at any instant, the calculation just indicated shews that the coefficients qa are the normal coordinates ; and the frequencies can then be found from the general formula (8) of Art. 165 ; viz. we have ov, = (c./a.)* = in agreement with (3). 176. As aD example of forced waves we take the case of a uniform longitudinal force X=fcos(o-t + 6) ........................ (5). This will illustrate, to a certain extent, the generation of tides in a land-locked sea of small dimensions. Assuming that f varies as cos(cr£ + e), and omitting the time-factor, the equation (1) becomes ^+-% = _/ dx^ c2 * c2' the solution of which is f T. . orx T-. (TX = -*-+DSUL — + #cos— ................. (6). (72 C C The terminal conditions give Hence, unless sin crlfc = 0, we have D =f/&2 . tan cr//2c, so that 2/ ,.:„ aso „;_ c the tide will be direct or inverted according as 8 ^ sin"1 c/n'a. If the depth be so great that c > ria, the tides will be direct for all values of 8. If the moon be not in the plane of the equator, but have a co -declination A, the formula (1) is replaced by cos ^ = cos 6 cos A + sin 6 sin A cos a (i), * Cf. Young, I. c. ante p. 270. L. 19 290 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII where a is the hour-angle of the moon from the meridian of P. For simplicity, we will neglect the moon's motion in her orbit in comparison with the earth's angular velocity of rotation (n) ; thus we put „ , asm 6 and treat A as constant. The resulting expression for the component X of the disturbing force is found to be x- -si- We thence obtain . 0 .sin 20 sin 2 A cos sin2 ^ sin2 A cos 2 (nt+ 5-9 - 9 9 • o ,, . .. z c2 - n2a? sin2 6 \ a sin 6 The first term gives a ' diurnal ' tide of period ^irjn ; this vanishes and changes sign when the moon crosses the equator, i.e. twice a month. The second term represents a semidiurnal tide of period TT/U, whose amplitude is now less than before in the ratio of sin2 A to 1. 180. In the case of a canal coincident with a meridian we should have to take account of the fact that the undisturbed figure of the free surface is one of relative equilibrium under gravity and centrifugal force, and is therefore not exactly circular. We shall have occasion later on to treat the question of displace ments relative to a rotating globe somewhat carefully ; for the present we will assume by anticipation that in a narrow canal the disturbances are sensibly the same as if the earth were at rest, and the disturbing body were to revolve round it with the proper relative motion. If the moon be supposed to move in the plane of the equator, the hour-angle from the meridian of the canal may be denoted by n't + e, and if as be the distance of any point P on the canal from the equator, we find CT cos ^ = cos - . cos (n't -f e) .................. (1). Hence X = — j- = - /sin 2 - . cos2 (n't -f e) dx a = --J/sm2-.{l+cos2(X£-f e)} ............ (2). a 179-181] CANAL COINCIDENT WITH MERIDIAN. 291 Substituting in the equation (5) of Art. 174, and solving, we find ?; = jffcos2- + j f ,, cos2-.cos2(X£ + 6) .. .. (3). 4 a 4 c2-n 2a2 a The first term represents a change of mean level to the extent (4). The fluctuations above and below the disturbed mean level are given by the second term in (3). This represents a semi diurnal tide ; and we notice that if, as in the actual case of the earth, c be less than n'a, there will be high water in latitudes above 45°, and low water in latitudes below 45°, when the moon is in the meridian of the canal, and vice versa when the moon is 90° from that meridian. These circumstances would be all reversed if c were greater than na. When the moon is not on the equator, but has a given declination, the mean level, as indicated by the term corresponding to (4), has a coefficient depending on the declination, and the consequent variations in it indicate a fortnightly (or, in the case of the sun, a semi-annual) tide. There is also introduced a diurnal tide whose sign depends on the declination. The reader will have no difficulty in examining these points, by means of the general value of ii given in the Appendix. Wave-Motion in a Canal of Variable Section. 181. When the section (S, say) of the canal is not uniform, but varies gradually from point to point, the equation of con tinuity is, as in Art. 166 (iv), where b denotes the breadth at the surface. If h denote the mean depth over the width b, we have S = bh, and therefore where h, b are now functions of x. The dynamical equation has the same form as before, viz. #£_ a^i dP~ ~gdx ........................... ( 19—2 292 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII Between (2) and (3) we may eliminate either rj or f ; the equation in 77 is d dr\ 'l The laws of propagation of waves in a rectangular canal of gradually varying section were investigated by Green*. His results, freed from the restriction to a special form of section, may be obtained as follows. If we introduce a variable 6 defined by dxld6 = (gKp .................................... (i), in place of #, the equation (4) transforms into I/ where the accents denote differentiations with respect to 0. If b and h were constants, the equation would be satisfied by rj — F(B-t), as in Art. 167; in the present case we assume, for trial, 1 = B.F(0-t) .................................... (iii), where 0 is a function of B only. Substituting in (ii), we find The terms of this which involve F will cancel provided or e = Cb~*k- ....................................... (v), C being a constant. Hence, provided the remaining terms in (iv) may be neglected, the equation (i) will be satisfied by (iii) and (v). The above approximation is justified, provided we can neglect 0"/0' and 0'/0 in comparison with F'/F. As regards Q'/Q, it appears from (v) and (iii) that this is equivalent to neglecting b~l . dbjdx and hrl . dhjdx in com parison with r)~l.drj/dx. If, now, A denote a wave-length, in the general sense of Art. 169, drj/dx is of the order rj/X, so that the assumption in question is that \dbjdx and \dhjdx are small compared with b and h, re spectively. In other words, it is assumed that the transverse dimensions of the canal vary only by small fractions of themselves within the limits of a wave-length. It is easily seen, in like manner, that the neglect of 0"/0' in comparison with F'/F implies a similar limitation to the rates of change of db\dx and dhjdx. * "On the Motion of Waves in a Variable Canal of small depth and width." Camb. Trans., i. vi. (1837), Math. Papers, p. 225; see also Airy, " Tides and Waves," Art. 260. 181] CANAL OF VARIABLE SECTION. 293 Since the equation (4) is unaltered when we reverse the sign of t, the complete solution, subject to the above restrictions, is 1 = b-*h-*{F(0-t)+f(6 + t)} (vi), when F and / are arbitrary functions. The first term in this represents a wave travelling in the direction of ^-positive; the velocity of propagation is determined by the consideration that any particular phase is recovered when dd and dt have equal values, and is therefore equal to (#A)*, by (i), exactly as in the case of a uniform section. In like manner the second term in (vi) represents a wave travelling in the direction of ^'-negative. In each case the elevation of any particular part of the wave alters, as it proceeds, according to the law b~^ h~^. The reflection of a progressive wave at a point where the section of a canal suddenly changes has been considered in Art. 173. The formulae there given shew, as we should expect, that the smaller the change in the dimensions of the section, the smaller will be the amplitude of the reflected wave. The case where the transition from one section to the other is continuous, instead of abrupt, comes under a general investigation of Lord Rayleigh's*. It appears that if the space within which the transition is completed be a moderate multiple of a wave-length there is practically no reflection ; whilst in the opposite extreme the results agree with those of Art. 173. If we assume, on the basis of these results, that when the change of section within a wave-length may be neglected a pro gressive wave suffers no disintegration by reflection, the law of amplitude easily follows from the principle of energy -f-. It appears from Art. 17 1 that the energy of the wave varies as the length, the breadth, and the square of the height, and it is easily seen that the length of the wave, in different parts of the canal, varies as the correspondiug velocity of propagation J, and therefore as the square root of the mean depth. Hence, in the above notation, ?72&M is constant, or t] oc b~^h~*, which is Green's law above found. * " On Reflection of Vibrations at the Confines of two Media between which the Transition is gradual," Proc. Land. Math. Soc., t. xi. p. 51 (1880) ; Theory of Sound, 2nd ed., London, 1894, Art. 1486. t Lord Rayleigh, 1. c. ante p. 279. t For if P, Q be any two points of a wave, and P', Q' the corresponding points when it has reached another part of the canal, the time from P to P' is the same as from Q to Q', and therefore the time from P to Q is equal to that from P' to Q'. Hence the distances PQ, P*Q' are proportional to the corresponding wave- velocities. 294 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII 182. In the case of simple harmonic motion, assuming that ?; x cos (at + e), the equation (4) of the preceding Art. becomes (1). Some particular cases of considerable interest can be solved with ease. 1°. For example, let us take the case of a canal whose breadth varies as the distance from the end #=0, the depth being uniform ; and let us suppose that at its mouth (x = a) the canal communicates with an open sea in which a tidal oscillation 77 = acos(• as before, and the equation of continuity, in the case of a rect angular section, is easily seen to be where h is the depth. This may be written drj drj du , . —' '-+u—L=:-(h + b. The region within which P 183-184] WAVES OF FINITE AMPLITUDE. 299 differs from zero therefore advances, whilst that within which Q differs from zero recedes, so that after a time these regions separate, and leave between them a space within which P = 0, •Q = 0, and the fluid is therefore at rest. The original disturbance has now been resolved into two progressive waves travelling in opposite directions. In the advancing wave we have (12), so that the elevation and the particle- velocity are connected by a definite relation (cf. Art. 168). The wave- velocity is given by (10) and (12), viz. it is To the first order of 7j/h, this is in agreement with Airy's result. Similar conclusions can be drawn in regard to the receding wave*. Since the wave-velocity increases with the elevation, it appears that in a progressive wave- system the slopes will become con tinually steeper in front, and more gradual behind, until at length a state of things is reached in which we are no longer justified in neglecting the vertical acceleration. As to what happens after this point we have at present no guide from theory ; observation shews, however, that the crests tend ultimately to curl over and ' break.' 184. In the application of the equations (1) and (3) to tidal phenomena, it is most convenient to follow the method of successive approximation. As an example, we will take the case of a canal communicating at one end (% = 0) with an open sea, where the elevation is given by rj = a cos crt For a first approximation we have du dn dn 1 du - * The above results can also be deduced from the equation (3) of Art. 170, to which Biemann's method can be readily adapted. 300 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII the solution of which, consistent with (14), is rj = a cos or (*--), M = — coso-U--) ................... (ii). \ GJ C \ C/ For a second approximation we substitute these values of ?/ and u in (1) and' (3), and obtain du drt dn 7 du go-a2 . ... / x\ :r = ~ h -j- ~ *-*- sm 2o" ( * ~ ~ ) dt dx c2 \ CJ (iii). Integrating these by the usual methods, we find, as the solution consistent with (14), = a cos 0- / x\ U--J — . a --3- x sin 2o- A #\ \ It — ) , x sin 2o- H) .(iv). The figure shews, with, of course, exaggerated amplitude, the profile of the waves in a particular case, as determined by the first of these equations. It is to be rioted that if we fix our attention on a particular point of the canal, the rise and fall of the water do not take place symmetrically, the fall occupying a longer time than the rise. When analysed, as in (iv), into a series of simple -harmonic functions of the time, the expression for the elevation of the water at any particular place (#) consists of two terms, of which the second represents an ' over-tide,' or ' tide of the second order,' being proportional to a2 ; its frequency is double that of the primary disturbance (14). If we were to continue the approxi mation we should obtain tides of higher orders, whose frequencies are 3, 4, ... times that of the primary. If, in place of (14), the disturbance at the mouth of the canal were given by £ = a cos ........................ (1), subject to the boundary condition d£/dn = 0 ........................... (2). Just as in Art. 175 it will be found that such a solution is possible only for certain values of k, and thus the periods (2ir/kc) of the several normal modes are determined. * Lord Eayleigh, Theory of Sound, Art. 339. 304 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII Thus, in the case of a rectangular boundary, if we take the origin at one corner, and the axes of x} y along two of the sides, the boundary conditions are that d^jdx = 0 for x = 0 and x = a, and dQdy = 0 for y = 0 and y = 6, where a, b are the lengths of the edges parallel to x, y respectively. The general value of f subject to these conditions is given by the double Fourier's series ^v A mirx ^ ?= 22.4m, „ COS—- COS-y^ .................. (3), where the summations include all integral values of m, n from 0 to oo . Substituting in (1) we find & = 'ir*(m*/a* + n*/li') ..................... (4). If a > b, the component oscillation of longest period is got by making m = l, n = 0, whence ka = 7r. The motion is then every where parallel to the longer side of the rectangle. Cf. Art. 175. 187. In the case of a circular sheet of water, it is convenient to take the origin at the centre, and to transform to polar coordinates, writing x = r cos 6, y = r sin 6. The equation (1) of the preceding Art. becomes .................. . dr* r dr r* dd* This might of course have been established independently. As regards its dependance on 6, the value of f may, by Fourier's Theorem, be supposed expanded in a series of cosines and sines of multiples of 6 ; we thus obtain a series of terms of the form siri (2). It is found on substitution in (1) that each of these terms must satisfy the equation independently, and that This is the differential equation of Bessel's Functions*. Its * Forsyth, Differential Equations, Art. 100. 186-187] CIRCULAR BASIN. 305 complete primitive consists, of course, of the sum of two definite functions of rt each multiplied by an arbitrary constant, but in the present problem we are restricted to a solution which shall be finite at the origin. This is easily obtained in the form of an ascending series ; thus, in the ordinary notation of Bessel's Functions, we have where, on the usual convention as to the numerical factor, 7" M - 2* 1 1 s(Z ~2S77!( Hence the various normal modes are given by (5), sin where s may have any of the values 0, 1, 2, 3,..., and As is an arbitrary constant. The admissible values of k are determined by the condition that d£/dr = 0 for r = a, or J8'(ka) = 0 ........................... (6). The corresponding ' speeds' ( 0 there are s equidistant nodal diameters, in addition to the nodal circles J,(kr) = 0 (11). It is to be noticed that, owing to the equality of the frequencies of the two modes represented by (5), the normal modes are now to a certain extent indeterminate ; viz. in place of cos sO or sin s6 we might substitute coss(<9-as), where OLS is arbitrary. The nodal diameters are then given by Q — n — TT f19\ a* 2^ l**A * Stokes, " On the Numerical Calculation of a class of Definite Integrals and Infinite Series," Camb. Trans, t. ix. (1850), Math, and Phys. Papers, t. ii. p. 355. It is to be noticed that ka/Tr is equal to r0/r, where T is the actual period, and TO is the time a progressive wave would take to travel with the velocity (grfe)J over a space equal to the diameter 2a. t Stokes, I. c. 20—2 308 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP, viii where m = 0, 1, 2,..., 5—1. The indeterminateness disappears, and the frequencies become unequal, if the boundary deviate, however slightly, from the circular form. In the case of the circular boundary, we obtain by super position of two fundamental modes of the same period, in different phases, a solution S=C,Js(kr).co8(0 this is satisfied in virtue of the trigonometrical factor cos sQ or sin s6 ; in the symmetrical case it gives tn, 0 (iv). r /« Again, since the most general free motion of the system can be obtained by superposition of the normal modes, each with an arbitrary amplitude and epoch, it follows that any value whatever of £, which is subject to the condition (iii), can be expanded in a series of the form r) ..................... (v), where the summations embrace all integral values of s (including 0) and, for each value of s, all the roots k of (6). If the coefficients As, Bs be regarded as functions of £, the equation (v) rnay be regarded as giving the value of the surface-elevation at any instant. The quantities A8, Bs are then the normal coordinates of the present system (Art. 165) ; and in terms of them the formulae for the kinetic and potential energies must reduce to sums of squares. Taking, for example, the potential energy * The oscillations of a liquid in a circular basin of any uniform depth were discussed by Poissoii, " Sur les petites oscillations de 1'eau contenue dans un cylindre," Ann. de Gergonne, t. xix. p. 225 (1828-9); the theory of Bessel's Functions had not at that date been worked out, and the results were consequently not interpreted. The full solution of the problem, with numerical details, was given independently by Lord Eayleigh, Phil. Mag., April, 1876. The investigation in the text is limited, of course, to the case of a depth small in comparison with the radius a. Poisson's and Lord Kayleigh's solution for the case of finite depth will be noticed in the proper place in Chap. ix. 187-188] PROPERTIES OF BESSElAs FUNCTIONS. 311 this requires that II wlwzrd6dr = Q (vii), where w1, ivz are any two terms of the expansion (v). If wlt w2 involve cosines or sines of different multiples of 0, this is verified at once by integra tions with respect to 6 ; but if we take w1 oc Ja (^r) cos s0, w2 oc Js (k2r) cos s#, where &15 &2 are any two distinct roots of (6), we get , ---• =0 (viii)- The general results of which (iv) and (viii) are particular cases, are /JQ(kr}rdr= -jJ0'(ka) (ix), o * and Jo'8(l^ 8 tf rc -kz_kz 2« 8 2a s 1« 1« 8 1« 2a (x). In the case of kl = k2 the latter expression becomes indeterminate ; the evaluation in the usual manner gives o ' 8*»' For the analytical proofs of these formulae we must refer to the treatises cited on p. 305. The small oscillations of an annular sheet of water bounded by concentric circles are easily treated, theoretically, with the help of Bessel's Functions ' of the second kind.' The only case of any special interest, however, is when the two radii are nearly equal ; we then have practically a re-entrant canal, and the solution follows more simply from Art. 178. The analysis can also be applied to the case of a circular sector of any angle*, or to a sheet of water bounded by two concentric circular arcs and two radii. 188. As an example of forced vibrations, let us suppose that the disturbing forces are such that the equilibrium elevation would be f = G cos sO . cos (at + e) (16). See Lord Rayleigh, Theory of Sound, Art. 339. 312 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII This makes V^^O, so that the equation (12) of Art. 185 reduces to the form (1), above, and the solution is £=AJ8 (kr) cos sd . cos (at + e) (17), where A is an arbitrary constant. The boundary-condition (Art. 185 (14)), gives AkaJs'(ka)=sC, whence £= 0 ° ' Y, \ cos sO . cos (crt + e) (18). KdJ s (fCd) The case s = 1 is interesting as corresponding to a uniform horizontal force ; and the result may be compared with that of Art. 176. From the case s = 2 we could obtain a rough representation of the semi-diurnal tide in a polar basin bounded by a small circle of latitude, except that the rotation of the earth is not as yet taken into account. We notice that the expression for the amplitude of oscillation becomes infinite when J8 (ka) = 0. This is in accordance with a general principle, of which we have already had several examples ; the period of the disturbing force being now equal to that of one of the free modes investigated in the preceding Art. 189. When the sheet of water is of variable depth, the investigation at the beginning of Art. 185 gives, as the equation of continuity, d% _ d(hu) d(hv) .-. di~ ~~dx~ ~dy~' ' The dynamical equations (Art. 185 (2)) are of course unaltered. Hence, eliminating f, we find, for the free oscillations, d /, d£\ d If the time-factor be ei(fft+e), we obtain dx \ dx) dy \ dy) g When h is a function of r, the distance from the origin, only, this may be written 188-189] BASIN OF VARIABLE DEPTH. 313 As a simple example we may take the case of a circular basin which shelves gradually from the centre to the edge, according to the law Introducing polar coordinates, and assuming that £ varies as cos sQ or sin sO, the equation (4) takes the form This can be integrated by series. Thus, assuming ,m L»J where the trigonometrical factors are omitted, for shortness, the relation between consecutive coefficients is found to be = m (m - 2) - ^ - Lm — 2> or, if we write — Tr-«*n(n— 2)— ^ (iv), where 7& is not as yet assumed to be integral, The equation is therefore satisfied by a series of the form (iii), beginning with the term Aa(r/a)8, the succeeding coefficients being determined by putting m=5 + 2, s + 4,... in (v). We thus find (m-t- 8\al I 2(&? + 2) az or in the usual notation of hypergeometric series where a = -^7i + is, /3 Since these make y — a — /3 = 0, the series is not convergent for r = a, unless it terminate. This can only happen when n is integral, of the form The corresponding values of o- are then given by (iv). In the symmetrical modes (5=0) we have where j may be any integer greater than unity. It may be shewn that this expression vanishes for^ - 1 values of r between 0 and a, indicating the exist ence of j - I nodal circles. The value of or is given by («)• 314 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII Thus the gravest symmetrical mode (./ = 2) has a nodal circle of radius *707a \ and its frequency is determined by o-2 = tyk^a?. Of the unsymmetrical modes, the slowest, for any given value of *, is that for which n = s + 2, in which case we have rs £= A8 — cos s6 cos (a-t + e), the value of o- being given by .................................... (x). The slowest mode of all is that for which s — l, n = 3; the free surface is then always plane. It is found on comparison with Art. 187 (16) that the frequency is '768 of that of the corresponding mode in a circular basin of uniform depth A0, and of the same radius. As in Art. 188 we could at once write down the formula for the tidal motion produced by a uniform horizontal periodic force ; or, more generally, for the case when the disturbing potential is of the type Q oc rs cos s6 cos (o-t + e). 190. We proceed to consider the case of a spherical sheet, or ocean, of water, covering a solid globe. We will suppose for the present that the globe does not rotate, and we will also in the first instance neglect the mutual attraction of the particles of the water. The mathematical conditions of the question are then exactly the same as in the acoustical problem of the vibrations of spherical layers of air * . Let a be the radius of the globe, h the depth of the fluid ; we assume that h is small compared with a, but not (as yet) that it is uniform. The position of any point on the sheet being specified by the angular coordinates 6, co, let u be the component velocity of the fluid at this point along the meridian, in the direction of 6 increasing, and v the component along the parallel of latitude, in the direction of &> increasing. Also let ? denote the elevation of the free surface above the undisturbed level. The horizontal motion being assumed, for the reasons explained in Art. 169, to be the same at all points in a vertical line, the condition of con tinuity is -fa (uha sin OBco) 80 + -y- (vha$0) Sco = — a sin OBco . aS0 . -£ , du cLa) at where the left-hand side measures the flux out of the columnar * Discussed in Lord Kayleigh's Theory of Sound, c. xvm. 189-191] SPHERICAL SHEET OF WATER. 315 space standing on the element of area a sin 6$co . a$6, whilst the right-hand member expresses the rate of diminution of the volume of the contained fluid, owing to fall of the surface. Hence d£_ 1 _ ( d (hu sin 0) d(hv)} dt~ a sin 0 I d6 da> }" If we neglect terms of the second order in u, v, the dynamical equations are, on the same principles as in Arts. 166, 185, du d d£l dv d c?H ,. dt~ add~ad6' dt ~ asinOda) ~ a sin 0da>' ' ' where U denotes the potential of the extraneous forces. If we put (3), these may be written du_ gd - dv_ g d dt~~ad@(^~Qj K-^iam?*^ Vri Between (1) and (4) we can eliminate u, v, and so obtain an equa tion in f only. In the case of simple-harmonic motion, the time-factor being ei( - at + e) ............... (6); this gives a series of meridional ridges and furrows travelling * For references, see p. 117. f Some interesting varieties are figured in the plates to Maxwell's Electricity and Magnetism, t. i. 191] NORMAL MODES OF A SPHERICAL SHEET. 317 round the globe, the velocity of propagation, as measured at the equator, being It is easily verified, on examination, that the orbits of the particles are now ellipses having their principal axes in the directions of the meridians and parallels, respectively. At the equator these ellipses reduce to straight lines. In the case n = I, the harmonic is always of the zonal type. The harmonic spheroid (4) is then, to our order of approximation, a sphere excentric to the globe. It is important to remark, however, that this case is, strictly speaking, not included in our dynamical investigation, unless we imagine a constraint applied to the globe to keep it at rest ; for the deformation in question of the free surface would involve a displacement of the centre of mass of the ocean, and a consequent reaction on the globe. A corrected theory for the case where the globe is free could easily be investi gated, but the matfcer is hardly important, first because in such a case as that of the Earth the inertia of the solid globe is so enormous compared with that of the ocean, and secondly because disturbing forces which can give rise to a deformation of the type in question do not as a rule present themselves in nature. It appears, for example, that the first term in the expression for the tide-generating potential of the sun or moon is a spherical har monic of the second order (see Appendix). When n = 2, the free surface at any instant is approximately ellipsoidal. The corresponding period, as found from (5), is then '816 of that belonging to the analogous mode in an equatorial canal (Art. 178). For large values of n the distance from one nodal line to another is small compared with the radius of the globe, and the oscillations then take place much as on a plane sheet of water. For example, the velocity, at the equator, of the sectorial waves represented by (6) tends with increasing n to the value (gh)*, in agreement with Art. 167. From a comparison of the foregoing investigation with the general theory of Art. 165 we are led to infer, on physical grounds alone, the possibility of the expansion of any arbitrary value of £ in a series of surface harmonics, thus 318 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII the coefficients being the normal coordinates of the system. Again, since the products of these coefficients must disappear from the expressions for the kinetic and potential energies, we are led to the 'conjugate' properties of spherical harmonics quoted in Art. 88. The actual calculation of the potential and kinetic energies will be given in the next Chapter, in connection with an independent treatment of the same problem. The effect of a simple-harmonic disturbing force can be written down at once from the formula (12) of Art. 165. If the surface-value of fl be expanded in the form ............................. (8), where £ln is a surface-harmonic of integral order n, then the various terms are normal components of force, in the generalized sense of Art. 133 ; and the equilibrium value of f corresponding to any one term Hn is ?» = -£«. ............................ (9). Hence, for the forced oscillation due to this term, we have where /?0the value of oy5 is negative. The circular function of t is then replaced by real exponentials; this shews that the configuration in which the surface of the sea is a sphere concentric with the globe is one of unstable equilibrium. Since the introduction of a constraint tends in the direction of stability, we infer that when p> p0 the equilibrium is a fortiori unstable when the globe is free. In the extreme case when the globe itself is supposed to have no gravitative power at all, it is obvious that the water, if disturbed, would tend ultimately, under the influence of dissipative forces, to collect itself into a spherical mass, the nucleus being expelled. It is obvious from Art. 165, or it may easily be verified inde pendently, that the forced vibrations due to a given periodic disturbing force, when the gravitation of the water is taken into account, will be given by the formula (10), provided Hn now denote the potential of the extraneous forces only, and crn have the value given by (15). * This result was given by Laplace, Mecanique Celeste, Livre ler, Art. 1 (1799). The free and the forced oscillations of the type n = 2 had been previously investi gated in his " Eecherches sur quelques points du systeme du monde," Mem. de I'Acad. roy. des Sciences, 1775 [1778]; Oeuvres Completes, t. ix., pp. 109,.... 320 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII 193. The oscillations of a sea bounded by meridians, or parallels of latitude, or both, can also be treated by the same method*. The spherical harmonics involved are however, as a rule, no longer of integral order, and it is accordingly difficult to deduce numerical results. In the case of a zonal sea bounded by two parallels of latitude, we assume * (i), where /z = cos#, and p(p), q(fi) are the two functions of //, containing (1— /n2)*s as a factor, which are given by the formula (2) of Art. 87. It will be noticed that p (/z) is an even, and q (/z) an odd function of /*. If we distinguish the limiting parallels by suffixes, the boundary conditions are that u=0 for /M = /XI and/u = fi2. For the free oscillations this gives, by Art. 190 (6), 3 (ii), 0 (iii), whence which is the equation to determine the admissible values of n. The speeds (o-) corresponding to the various roots are given as before by Art. 191 (5). If the two boundaries are equidistant from the equator, we have fi2= — ^ The above solutions then break up into two groups ; viz. for one of these we have 5 = 0, p'M = 0 ................................ (v), and for the other 0 .............................. (vi). In the former case £ has the same value at two points symmetrically situated on opposite sides of the equation ; in the latter the values at these points are numerically equal, but opposite in sign. If we imagine one of the boundaries to be contracted to a point (say /z2 = 1), we pass to the case of a circular basin. The values of p' (1) and q' (1) are infinite, but their ratio can be evaluated by means of formulae given in Art. 85. This gives, by (iii), the ratio A : B, and substituting in (ii) we get the equation to determine n. A more interesting method of treating this case consists, however, in obtaining, directly from the differential equation of surface-harmonics, a solution which shall be finite at the pole /i = l. This involves a change of variable, as to which there is some latitude of choice. Perhaps the simplest plan is to write, for a moment, 2 = J(l-/x) = sin2^ .............................. (vii). * Ct'. Lord Eayleigh, I. c. ante p. 314. 193] CASE OF A POLAR SEA. 321 Assuming SH=(l -/**)*' w°^J 5o> ........................... (viii), the differential equation in wt which is given in Art. 87, becomes, in terms of the new variable, =0 ...... (ix). The solution of this which is finite for 2 = 0 is given by the ascending series ) ................................................... (x). Hence the expression adapted to our case is 2) 1 cosj "•J«nJ* 1.2. (5 + 1) (5 + 2) where the admissible values of n are to be determined from the condition that d£/d0=Q for 0 = 0V The actual calculation of the roots of the equation in n, for any arbitrary value of 0ly would be difficult. The main interest of the investigation consists, in fact, in the transition to the plane problem of Art. 187, and in the connection which we can thus trace between Bessel's Functions and Spherical Harmonics. If we put a = oo , a0 = r, we get the case of a plane sheet of water, referred to polar coordinates r, «o. Making, in addition, n0 = kr, so that n is now infinite, the formula (xi) gives ( fc2r2 £4r4 1 cos 2(25 + 2) 2.4(25 + 2)(2s + 4) or {ccJt(Jkr)c.s\8a> (xii), in the notation of Art. 187 (4). We thus obtain Bessel's Functions as limiting forms of Spherical Harmonics of infinite order t. * When n (as well as s) is integral, the series terminates, and the expression differs only by a numerical factor from the tesseral harmonic denoted by T* ^ sin I SW' in Art< 87' In the case s = 0 we obtain one of the expansions of the zonal harmonic given by Murphy, Elementary Principles of the Theories of Electri city..., Cambridge, 1833, p. 7. (The investigation is reproduced by Thomson and Tait, Art. 782.) t This connection appears to have been first explicitly noticed by Mehler, "Ueber die Vertheilung der statischen Elektricitat in einem von zwei Kugelkalotten begrenzten Korper," Crelle, t. Ixviii. (1868). It was investigated independently by Lord Kayleigh, " On the Kelation between the Functions of Laplace and Bessel," Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., t. ix., p. 61 (1878) ; see also the same author's Theory of Sound, Arts. 336, 338. L, 21 322 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII If the sheet of water considered have as boundaries two meridians (with or without parallels of latitude), say o> = 0 and co = a, the condition that v = 0 at these restricts us to the factor cos 56), and gives so. — mir, where m is integral. This determines the admissible values of s, which are not in general integral *. Tidal Oscillations of a Rotating Sheet of Water. 194. The theory of the tides on an open sheet of water is seriously complicated by the fact of the earth's rotation. If, indeed, we could assume that the periods of the free oscillations, and of the disturbing forces, were small compared with a day, the preceding investigations would apply as a first approximation, but these conditions are far from being fulfilled in the actual circumstances of the Earth. The difficulties which arise when we attempt to take the rotation into account have their origin in this, that a particle having a motion in latitude tends to keep its angular momentum about the earth's axis unchanged, and so to alter its motion in longitude. This point is of course familiar in connection with Hadley's theory of the trade- winds *f*. Its bearing on tidal theory seems to have been first recognised by MaclaurinJ. 195. Owing to the enormous inertia of the solid body of the earth compared with that of the ocean, the effect of tidal reactions in producing periodic changes of the angular velocity is quite insensible. This angular velocity will therefore for the present be treated as constant §. The theory of the small oscillations of a dynamical system about a state of equilibrium relative to a solid body which rotates with constant angular velocity about a fixed axis differs in some important particulars from the theory of small oscillations about a state of absolute equilibrium, of which some account was given * The reader who wishes to carry the study of the problem further in this direction is referred to Thomson and Tait, Natural Philosophy (2nd ed.), Appendix B, " Spherical Harmonic Analysis." t " Concerning the General Cause of the Trade Winds," Phil. Trans. 1735. J De Causa Physicd Fluxus et Eefluxus Maris, Prop. vii. : " Motus aquas turbatur ex inaequali velocitate qua corpora circa axem Teme motu diurno deferuntur" (1740). § The secular effect of tidal friction in this respect will be noticed later (Chap. XI.). 193-195] MOTION RELATIVE TO A ROTATING SOLID. 323 in Art. 165. It is therefore worth while to devote a little space to it before entering on the consideration of special problems. Let us take a set of rectangular axes x, y, z> fixed relatively to the solid, of which the axis of z coincides with the axis of rotation, and let n be the angular velocity of the rotation. The equations of motion of a particle m relative to these moving axes are known to be m(x — 2m/ — n^x) = X, ^ m(y + 2nx-n2y)=Y, I .................. (1), mz =Z } where X, F, Z are the impressed forces on the particle. Let us now suppose that the relative coordinates (x, y, z) of any particle can be expressed in terms of a certain number of independent quan tities ql} ^2,.... If we multiply the above equations by dxjdqS) dy/dqs, dz/dqs, and add, and denote by S a summation embracing all the particles of the system, we obtain / dx ..dy\ ^ ^ f . dy . dx \x^- + y-r- + z -3- } + 2n2?«) d(q2,qs)* j We will write, for shortness, Finally, we put rf«in*Sm(«Mvy*) ..................... (6), viz. T0 denotes the energy of the system when rotating with the solid, without relative motion, in the configuration (q1} q.2) ...). With these notations, the typical equation (2) takes the form and it is to be particularly noticed that the coefficients [r, s~\ are subject to the relations [r,s] = -|>,r], [s,s] = 0 .................. (8). The conditions for relative equilibrium, in the absence of ex traneous forces, are found by putting ^ = 0, g2 = 0, ... in (7), or more simply from (2). In either way we obtain which shews that the equilibrium value of the expression V- T0is ' stationary.' 196. We will now suppose the coordinates qs to be chosen so as to vanish in the undisturbed state. In the case of a small disturbance, we may then write . + 2al2q,q2 + ...... (1), .+ 2c1,qlq2+ ...... (2), * Of. Thomson and Tait, Natural Philosophy (2nd ed.), Part i. p. 319. It should be remarked that these equations are a particular case of Art. 139 (14), obtained, with the help of the relations (7) of Art. 141, by supposing the rotating solid to be free, but to have an infinite moment of inertia. 195-197] GENERAL EQUATIONS. 325 where the coefficients may be treated as constants. The terms of the first degree in V — TQ have been omitted, on account of the 'stationary' property. In order to simplify the equations as much as possible, we will further suppose that, by a linear transformation, each of these expressions is reduced, as in Art. 165, to a sum of squares; viz. 22T = a1£12 + a2g22+ (3), 2(F-ro)= ciqi*+c2q*+ (4). The quantities qlt q2) ... may be called the 'principal coordinates' of the system, but we must be on our guard against assuming that the same simplicity of properties attaches to them as in the case of no rotation. The coefficients a1? a2j... and clf c2,... may be called the ' principal coefficients ' of inertia and of stability, respec tively. The latter coefficients are the same as if we were to ignore the rotation, and to introduce fictitious ' centrifugal ' forces (mnzx, mnzy, 0) acting on each particle in the direction outwards from the axis. If we further write, for convenience, /3rs in place of [r, s], then, in terms of the new coordinates, the equation (7) of the preceding Art. gives, in the case of infinitely small motions, If we multiply these equations by qlt q2, ... in order, and add, then taking account of the relation Prs =—Psr (6), wefmd jt(^+V-T,) = qiql + Q4, + (7). This might have been obtained without approximation from the exact equations (7) of Art. 195. It may also be deduced directly from first principles. 197. To investigate the free motions of the system, we put Qi = ®> Q2= 0, ... in (5), and assume, in accordance with the usual method of treating linear equations, ft = 41^, q* = AteV,..., (8). TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII Substituting, we find Eliminating the ratios Al : A2 : J3 : ..., we get the equation A, &A, ••• , &.X, ... /332X, = 0 (10), or, as we shall occasionally write it, for shortness, A(X) = 0 (11). The determinant A (X) comes under the class called by Cay ley 'skew-determinants,' in virtue of the relation (6). If we re verse the sign of X, the rows and columns are simply interchanged, and the value of the determinant therefore unaltered. Hence, when expanded, the equation (10) will involve only even powers of X, and the roots will be in pairs of the form * = ± (p + ia). In order that the configuration of relative equilibrium should be stable it is essential that the values of p should all be zero, for otherwise terms of the forms e±pt cos at and e±ptsinat would present themselves in the realized expression for any coordinate qs. This would indicate the possibility of an oscillation of continually increasing amplitude. In the theory of absolute equilibrium, sketched in Art. 165, the necessary and sufficient condition of stability is simply that the potential energy must be a minimum in the configuration of equilibrium. In the present case the conditions are more com plicated*, but we may readily shew that if the expression for V— TO be essentially positive, in other words if the coefficients GI, C2, ... in (4) be all positive, the equilibrium will be stable. This follows at once from the equation (7), which gives, in the case of free motion, ® + (F- ro) = const (12), * They have been investigated by Kouth, On the Stability of a Given State of Motion ; see also his Advanced Rigid Dynamics (4th ed,), London, 1884. 197] CONDITION OF SECULAR STABILITY. 327 shewing that under the present supposition neither ?& nor V— T0 can increase beyond a certain limit depending on the initial circumstances. Hence stability is assured if V— T0 is a minimum in the configuration of relative equilibrium. But this condition is not essential, and there may even be stability with V— TQ a maximum, as will be shewn presently in the particular case of two degrees of freedom. It is to be remarked, however, that if the system be subject to dissipative forces, however slight, affecting the relative coordinates qlt q%, ..., the equilibrium will be permanently or 'secularly' stable only if V— T0 is a minimum. It is the characteristic of such forces that the work done by them on the system is always negative. Hence, by (7), the expression f& + (V— T0) will, so long as there is any relative motion of the system, continually diminish, in the algebraical sense. Hence if the system be started from relative rest in a configuration such that V— TO is negative, the above expression, and therefore a fortiori the part V— T0, will assume continually increasing negative values, which can only take place by the system deviating more and more from its equilibrium-configuration. This important distinction between ' ordinary ' or kinetic, and ' secular ' or practical stability was first pointed out by Thomson and Tait*. It is to be observed that the above investigation pre supposes a constant angular velocity (n) maintained, if necessary, by a proper application of force to the rotating solid. When the solid is free, the condition of secular stability takes a somewhat different form, to be referred to later (Chap. XII.). To examine the character of a free oscillation, in the case of stability, we remark that if \ be any root of (10), the equations (9) give ' where An, A,-,, Ar3, ... are the minors of any row in the determi nant A, and G is arbitrary. It is to be noticed that these minors will as a rule involve odd as well as even powers of X, and so * Natural Philosophy (2nd ed.), Part i. p. 391. See also Poincare, " Sur 1'equilibre d'une masse fluide animee d'un mouvement de rotation," Acta Mathe* matica, t. vii. (1885), 328 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII assume unequal values for the two oppositely signed roots (± X,) of any pair. If we put X = + ia, the general symbolical value of qs corresponding to any such pair of roots may be written qs = C&r, (itr) e* If we put we get a solution of our equations in real form, involving two arbitrary constants K, e ; thus ql = FI (a2) . K cos (fft + e)- afj_ (a2) . K sin (fft + e), qz = F2 (o-2) . K cos (trt + e) - af, (cr2) . K sin (at + e), q3 = F3 (o-2) . K cos (- = i — <7i + dqi Substituting from (15), we obtain a result of the form £ = P . K cos (at + e) + P' • K sin (at + e), 1 tl=Q.Kcoa(fft + e)+Q'.KBm(fft + e), \ (16), where P, P', Q, Q', R, Rf are determinate functions of the mean position of the particle, involving also the value of a, and there fore different for the different normal modes, but independent of the arbitrary constants K, e. These formulae represent an elliptic- * We might have obtained the same result by assuming, in (5), a — A fi(fft + e) n - A „*(<* + *) „ - A /»*'( ••• all varj as &"*, where a- is prescribed, the equations (5) give, omitting the time-factors, .(18). The most important point of contrast with the theory of the ' normal modes ' in the case of no rotation is that the displacement of any one type is no longer affected solely by the disturbing force of that type. As a consequence, the motions of the individual particles are, as is easily seen from (15), now in general elliptic- harmonic. As in Art. 165, the displacement becomes very great when A (ia) is very small, i. e. whenever the ' speed ' a- of the disturbing force approximates to that of one of the natural modes of free oscillation. When the period of the disturbing forces is infinitely long, the displacements tend to the ' equilibrium-values ' as is found by putting cr = 0 in (18), or more simply from the fundamental equations (5). This conclusion must be modified, however, when any one or more of the coefficients of stability Cj, c2, ... is zero. If, for example, ^ = 0, the first row and column of the determinant A (X) are both divisible by X, so 330 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII that the deter minantal equation (10) has a pair of zero roots. In other words we have a possible free motion of infinitely long period. The coefficients of Q2) Qs, >•• on the right-hand side of (18) then become indeterminate for cr = 0, and the evaluated results do not as a rule coincide with (19). This point is of some importance, because in the hydrodynamical applications, as we shall see, steady circulatory motions of the fluid, with a constant deformation of the free surface, are possible when no extraneous forces act; and as a consequence forced tidal oscillations of long period do not necessarily approximate to the values given by the equilibrium theory of the tides. Cf. Arts. 207, 210. In order to elucidate the foregoing statements we may consider more in detail the case of two degrees of freedom. The equations of motion are then of the forms The equation determining the periods of the free oscillations is or «1a2X4 + (o^Cg + «2ci + ft2) X2 For ' ordinary ' stability it is sufficient that the roots of this quadratic in X2 should be real and negative. Since «15 «2 are essentially positive, it is easily seen that this condition is in any case fulfilled if cx , c2 are both positive, and that it will also be satisfied even when c15 c2 are both negative, provided /32 be sufficiently great. It will be shewn later, however, that in the latter case the equilibrium is rendered unstable by the introduction of dissipative forces. To find the forced oscillations when Qlt Q2 vary as ei *'•#. that the extraneous forces do no work during a displacement of the type q2. The above formulae then give 198-199] TWO DEGREES OF FREEDOM. 331 In the case of a disturbance of long period we have or = 0, approximately, and therefore The displacement ql is therefore less than its equilibrium-value, in the ratio 1 : l+p2/^^; and it is accompanied by a motion of the type q2 although there is no extraneous force of the latter type (cf. Art. 210). We pass, of course, to the case of absolute equilibrium, considered in Art. 165, by putting /3 = 0. 199. Proceeding to the hydrodynamical examples, we begin with the case of a plane horizontal sheet of water having in the undisturbed state a motion of uniform rotation about a vertical axis*. The results will apply without serious qualification to the case of a polar or other basin, of not too great dimensions, on a rotating globe. Let the axis of rotation be taken as axis of z. The axes of x and y being now supposed to rotate in their own plane with the prescribed angular velocity n, let us denote by u, v, w the velocities at time t, relative to these axes, of the particle which then occupies the position (x, y, z). The actual velocities of the same particle, parallel to the in stantaneous positions of the axes, will be u — ny, v + nx, w. After a time $t, the particle in question will occupy, relatively to the axes, the position (x + u$t, y + v$t, z + wSt), and therefore the values of its actual component velocities parallel to the new positions of the axes will be ~m & + n (x * Sir W. Thomson, "On Gravitational Oscillations of Rotating Water," Phil* ., Aug. 1880. 332 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII where D d , d t d ( d „' tfC^TT-l-* j-+tfj- + 10 3~ ............... (1), Ite dt dx dy dz as usual. These are in directions making with the original axis of x angles whose cosines are 1, — nSt, 0, respectively, so that the velocity parallel to this axis at time t + St is u + -yji $t — n (y + vSt) — (v + nx) nSt. Hence, and by similar reasoning, we obtain, for the component accelerations in space, the expressions - 2m, - n'x, Dt + 2nU-tfy, ......... (2)*. In the present application, the relative motion is assumed to be infinitely small, so that we may replace DjDt by d/dt. 200. Now let ZQ be the ordinate of the free surface when there is relative equilibrium under gravity alone, so that ^0 = i-(«3 + ya)+ const ................... (3), as in Art. 27. For simplicity we will suppose that the slope of this surface is everywhere very small, in other words, if r be the greatest distance of any part of the sheet from the axis of rotation, n2r/g is assumed to be small. If ZQ + f denote the ordinate of the free surface when disturbed, then on the usual assumption that the vertical acceleration of the water is small compared with g, the pressure at any point (x, y, z) will be given by +£-z) ..................... (4), , I dp d£ I dp d£ whence — -f- = — n*x — g -j- , — j=~ n y — 9 j~ • p dx y dx p dy 9 dy The equations of horizontal motion are therefore du 9 d£ d£l dt y dx dx ' dv « d£ dQ dt dy dy where H denotes the potential of the disturbing forces. * These are obviously equivalent to the expressions for the component accelera tions which appear on the left-hand sides of Art. 195 (1). 199-200] ROTATING SHEET OF WATER. 333 If we write ? = -*% .............................. (6)> these become The equation of continuity has the same form as in Art. 189 viz. £ 4(fe) 4(ftv) cft~ cte Hence R — 9 — and substituting in (2) we get the differential equation in f. * For applications to tidal phenomena see Sir W. Thomson, Nature, t. xix. pp. 154, 571 (1879). t The investigation which follows is a development of some indications given by Lord Kelvin in the paper referred to. 336 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII In the case of uniform depth, we find d? 1 d 1 d? where Vf = ^2 + - ^ + - ^ .................. (5), and K = (<72 - 4m*)/gh ....................... (6). This might have been written down at once from Art. 200 (12). The condition to be satisfied at the boundary (r = a, say) is R = 0, or 203. In the case of the free oscillations we have f= 0. The way in which the imaginary i enters into the above equations, taken in conjunction with Fourier's theorem, suggests that 6 occurs in the form of a factor eis&, where s is integral. On this supposi tion, the differential equation (4) becomes dr2 r dr and the boundary-condition (7) gives for r = a. The equation (8) is of Bessel's form, except that K is not, in the present problem, necessarily positive. The solution which is finite for r = 0 may be written r = 4/8(«,r) ........................... (10), where 1" According as K is positive or negative, this differs only by a numerical factor from Js(fc^r) or Is(/c'*r), where K is written for — K, and Is (z) denotes the function obtained by making all the signs + on the right-hand side of Art. 187 (4)*. * The functions I,(z) have been tabulated by Prof. A. Lodge, Brit. Ass. Eep. 1889. 202-203] FREE OSCILLATIONS. 337 In the case of symmetry about the axis (s = 0), we have, in real form, /c*r).cos(o-£ + e) .................. (12), where K is determined by JoV)=0 ........................... (13). The corresponding values of a are then given by (6). The free surface has, in the various modes, the same forms as in Art. 187, but the frequencies are now greater, viz. we have o-2 = 0 we have ?=4/i(«,r).cos((r$ + a0+€) ............... (15), where the admissible values of K, and thence of .................. (18), where A is to be determined by the boundary-condition (7), whence .c ......... (19). d ,, , . 2sn This becomes very great when the frequency of the disturbance is nearly coincident with that of a free mode of corresponding type. From the point of view of tidal theory the most interesting cases are those of s = l with o-=n, and s = 2 with o- = 2rc, respectively. These would represent the diurnal and semidiurnal tides due to a distant disturbing body whose proper motion may be neglected in comparison with the rotation n. In the case of s = l we have a uniform horizontal disturbing force. Putting, in addition, s-f 2, we have nodal circles. The equation (iii) is then a cubic in a-/2n ; it is easily seen that its roots are all real, lying between — co and 205-206] BASIN OF VARIABLE DEPTH. 343 -1, —1 and 0, and + 1 and -{-co, respectively. As a numerical example, in the case of s=l, k = 5, corresponding to the values 2, 6, 40 of 4:n2az/ghQ, we find ( + 2-889 +1-874 +1-180, o-/2n = <- 0-125 -0-100 -0'037, (-2-764 -1-774 -M43. The first and last root of each triad give positive and negative waves of a somewhat similar character to those already obtained in the case of uniform depth. The smaller negative root gives a comparatively slow oscillation which, when the angular velocity n is infinitely small, becomes a steady rotational motion, without elevation or depression of the surface. The most important type of forced oscillations is such that (x). We readily verify, on substitution in (ii), that £ 0»~A 7~"2 0™_N ^,2 » \XV' We notice that when the co-latitude (i.e. the angle which the normal makes with the polar axis) and the longitude, respectively, of any point upon it. We shall further denote by z the altitude, measured outwards along a normal, of any point above this surface. The relative position of any particle of the fluid being specified by the three orthogonal coordinates 0, o>, z, the kinetic energy of unit mass is given by where R is the radius of curvature of the meridian-section of the surface of reference, and tzr is the distance of the particle from the polar axis. It is to be noticed that .R is a function of 6 only, whilst -or is a function of both 6 and z ; and it easily follows from geometrical considerations that d^l(R -f z) dO = cos 0, dvr/dz = sin 6 (2). The component accelerations are obtained at once from (1) by Lagrange's formula. Omitting terms of the second order, on account of the restriction to infinitely small motions, we have 1 / d dT dT\ v * 1 ...(3). I (ddT dT\ (d™f>± — -y -TT — 3— = OTft) + 2ll -ja V + •GT \ctt da) d(oj \du ddT dT .. , 2 LO ., dsr -J--J. — -j- = z — (nt + 2n«) & y- dt dz dz ^ J dz Hence, if we write u, v, w for the component relative velocities of a particle, viz. u=(R + z}Q) v = '&a)) w = z ............ (4), and make use of (2), the hydrodynamical equations may be put in the forms at C^-+2nucos0 + 2nwsm0= - - dt vr dco \p dt dz \p ........................... (5), 206] LAPLACE'S PROBLEM. 345 where M* is the gravitation-potential due to the earth's attraction, whilst n denotes the potential of the extraneous forces. So far the only approximation consists in the omission of terms of the second order in u, v, w. In the present application, the depth of the sea being small compared with the dimensions of the globe, we may replace R + z by R. We will further assume that the effect of the relative vertical acceleration on the pressure may be neglected, and that the vertical velocity is small compared with the horizontal velocity. The last of the equations (5) then re duces to Let us integrate this between the limits z and f, where f denotes the elevation of the disturbed surface above the surface of reference. At the surface of reference (z = 0) we have ¥-£ra2OT2= const., by hypothesis, and therefore at the free surface (z = f) ¥ - -n2OT2 = const. provided g= (^ - Jw2O .................. (7). Here g denotes the value of apparent gravity at the surface of reference; it is of course, in general, a function of 6. The integration in question then gives = const. +0?+Xl ............ (8), the variation of H with z being neglected. Substituting from (8) in the first two of equations (5), we obtain, with the approxima tions above indicated, where ?=-fl/$r ........................... (10). These equations are independent of z> so that the horizontal motion may be assumed to be sensibly the same for all particles in the same vertical line. 346 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII As in Art. 190, this last result greatly simplifies the equation of continuity. In the present case we find without difficulty _ d(hv)\ dt~ w tide d<» } ...... 207. It is important to notice that these equations involve no assumptions beyond those expressly laid down ; in particular, there is no restriction as to the ellipticity of the meridian, which may be of any degree of oblateness. In order, however, to simplify the question as far as possible, without sacrificing any of its essential features, we will now take advantage of the circumstance that in the actual case of the earth the ellipticity is a small quantity, being in fact comparable with the ratio (n*a/g) of centrifugal force to gravity at the equator, which is known to be about -^. Subject to an error of this order of magnitude, we may put R = a, is = a sin 6, g = const., where a is the earth's mean radius. We thus obtain* du _ , d , -T,. with ,_ + ......... (2), dt a sin 0 { du da) ) this last equation being identical with Art. 190 (1). Two conclusions of some interest in connection with our previous work follow at once from the form of the equations (1). In the first place, if u, V denote the velocities along and perpendicular to any horizontal direction s, we easily find, by transformation of coordinates -2»v cos 6= --Q ....................... (i). In the case of a narrow canal, the transverse velocity v is zero, and the equation (i) takes the same form as in the case of no rotation ; this has been assumed by anticipation in Art. 180. The only effect of the rotation in such cases is to produce a slight slope of the wave-crests and furrows in the direction across the canal, as investigated in Art. 201. Again, by comparison of (1) with Art. 200 (7), we see that the oscillations of a sheet of water of relatively small dimensions, in colatitude 6, will take place according to the same laws as those of a plane sheet rotating about a normal to its plane with angular velocity n cos 6. * Laplace, I.e. ante p. 343. 206-208] GENERAL EQUATIONS. 347 As in Art. 200, free steady motions are possible, subject to certain con ditions. Putting f=0, we find that the equations (1) and (2) are satisfied by constant values of u, v, £, provided q df a d£ a, __ _ _ - The latter condition is satisfied by any assumption of the form (iv), and the equations (ii) then give the values of w, v. It appears from (ii) that the velocity in these steady motions is everywhere parallel to the contour-lines of the disturbed surface. If h is constant, or a function of the latitude only, the only condition imposed on £ is that it should be independent of )V /cos 0d? —- -T + » cosec 6 348 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII The formulae for the component displacements (f, rj, say), can be written down from the relations u = f, v = r), or u = zcrf , -y = i(rrj. It appears that in all cases of periodic disturbing forces the fluid particles describe ellipses having their principal axes along the meridians and the parallels of latitude, respectively. Substituting from (7) in (4) we obtain the differential equation inf: 1 d f Asinfl /d£ 2 _ CQS2 Q VA + 30-+*? cosec* e .................. (8). In the case of the free oscillations we have f = 0. The manner in which the boundary -conditions (if any), or the conditions of finiteness, then determine the admissible values off, and thence of cr, will be understood by analogy, in a general way, from Arts. 191, 193. For further details we must refer to the paper cited below*. A practical solution of the problem, even in the case (s = 0) of symmetry about the axis, with uniform depth, has not yet been worked out. The more important problem of the forced oscillations, though difficult, can be solved for certain laws of depth, and for certain special values of a which correspond more or less closely to the main types of tidal disturbance. To this we now proceed. 209. It is shewn in the Appendix to this Chapter that the tide-generating potential, when expanded in simple-harmonic functions of the time, consists of terms of three distinct types. The first type is such that the equilibrium tide-height would be given by The corresponding forced waves are called by Laplace the ' Oscilla tions of the First Species'; they include the lunar fortnightly * Sir W. Thomson, " On the General Integration of Laplace's Differential Equation of the Tides," Phil. Mag., Nov. 1875. t In strictness, 6 here denotes the geocentric latitude, but the difference between this and the geographical latitude may be neglected in virtue of the assumptions in troduced in Art. 207. 208-209] CASE OF SYMMETRY ABOUT AXIS. 349 and the solar semi-annual tides, and, generally, all the tides of long period. Their characteristic is symmetry about the polar axis. Putting s = 0 in the formulae of the preceding Art. we have ia- d? 4m(/2-cos20)d<9' er cos 6 d ~ Id (hu sin 0) , . and ^o-f = -- s—^ — — 7^ - - .................. (3). a sin 0 dd The equations (2) shew that the axes of the elliptic orbit of any particle are in the ratio of / : cos 6. Since / is small, the ellipses are very elongated, the greatest length being from E. to W., except in the neighbourhood of the equator. At the equator itself the motion of the particles vanishes. Eliminating u, v between (2) and (3), or putting ,9 = 0 in Art. 208 (8), we find 1 d Te ' cos We shall consider only the case of uniform depth (h = const.). Writing /z for cos 6, the equation then becomes where f$ = 4ima/h= 4>ri*a*/gh ..................... (6). The complete primitive of this equation is necessarily of the form r =<#>(/*) +^»+£/G") .................. w, where c/> (/z), F(/JL) are even functions, and /(/*) is an odd function, of IJL, and the constants At B are arbitrary. In the case of an ocean completely covering the globe, it is not obvious at first sight that there is any limitation to the values of A and B, although on physical grounds we are assured that the solution of the problem is uniquely determinate, except for certain special values of the ratio /(= c7/2n), which imply a coincidence between the 'speed' of the disturbing force and that of one of the free oscillations of sym metrical type. The difficulty disappears if we consider first, for a moment, the case of a zonal sea bounded by two parallels of 350 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII latitude. The constants A, B are then determined by the conditions that u = 0 at each of these parallels. If the boundaries in question are symmetrically situated on opposite sides of the equator, the constant B will be zero, and the odd function f(fi) may be disregarded ab initio. By supposing the boundaries to contract to points at the poles we pass to the case of an unlimited ocean. If we address ourselves in the first instance to this latter form of the problem, the one arbitrary constant (A) which it is necessary to introduce is determined by the condition that the motion must be finite at the poles. 210. The integration of the equation (5) has been treated by Lord Kelvin* and Prof. G. H. Darwin f. We assume 1 (8). This leads to r = A - i/'JV + {(B, -f*Bs) ^+... + |(^-/f%-i)^ + ......... (9), where A is arbitrary ; and makes -B^)^ + ......... (10). Substituting in (5), and equating coefficients of the several powers of p, we find ^O ..................... (11), Q ............... (12), . O and thenceforward * Sir W. Thomson, " On the ' Oscillations of the First Species ' in Laplace's Theory of the Tides," Phil. Mag., Oct. 1875. t " On the Dynamical Theory of the Tides of Long Period," Proc. Roy. Soc., Nov. 5, 1886 ; Encyc. Britann., Art, " Tides," 209-210] TIDES OF LONG PERIOD. 351 It is to be noticed that (12) may be included under the typical form (13), provided we write B^ = - 2H'. These equations determine Blt B3, ... B2j+l, ... in succession, in terms of A, and the solution thus obtained would be appropriate, as already explained, to the case of a zonal sea bounded by two parallels in equal N. and S. latitudes. In the case of an ocean covering the globe, it would, as we shall prove, give infinite velocities at the poles, except for one definite value of A, to be determined. Let us write B2j+lIB2j^ = Nj+l (14); we shall shew, in the first place, that as j increases Nj must tend either to the limit 0 or to the limit 1. The equation (13) may be written •"i ~~ 1 ~~ Hence, when j is large, either approximately, or Nj+l is not small, in which case JV}+2 will be nearly equal to 1, and the values of Nj+3, Nj+4) ... will tend more and more nearly to 1, the approximate formula being "" ' ~ Hence, with increasing j, Nj tends to one or other of the forms (16) and (17). In the former case (16), the series (8) will be convergent for /A = ± 1, and the solution is valid over the whole globe. In the other event (17), the product NlfNz — •$}+!> and therefore the coefficient BZj+l, tends with increasing j to a finite limit other than zero. The series (8) will then, after some finite number of terms, become comparable with 1 4-/A2 + /u,4 + ..., or (1 — /A2)"1, so that we may write M 352 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII where L and M are functions of p which remain finite when p=±l. Hence, from (2), which makes u infinite at the poles. It follows that the conditions of our problem can only be satisfied if Nj tends to the limit zero ; and this consideration, as we shall see, restricts us to a determinate value of the hitherto arbitrary constant A. The relation (15) may be put in the form and by successive applications of this we find (2j+2)(2y + 3) (2j + 4)(2j , . 1 . ,_ _ +&c 2j(2j + lV (2j+2)(2j+3)+ (2/+4.)(%'+B) ' .................. (21), on the present supposition that Nj+k tends with increasing k to the limit 0, in the manner indicated by (16). In particular, this formula determines the value of Nlf Now £1 = J\riJ8_1 = _2^1#/, and the equation (11) then gives NtH' .................. (22); in other words, this is the only value of A which is consistent with a zero limit of Nj, and therefore with a finite motion at the poles. Any other value of A, differing by however little, if adopted as a starting-point for the successive calculation of B1} B3) ... will inevitably lead at length to values of Nj which approximate to the limit 1. For this reason it is not possible, as a matter of practical Arithmetic, to calculate B1} B3, ... in succession in the above 210] NUMERICAL SOLUTION. 353 manner ; for this would require us to start with exactly the right value of A, and to observe absolute accuracy in the subsequent stages of the work. The only practical method is to use the formulas BJH' = - 2^, B3 = N2B1} B5 = N3B3, or BJH' = -2Nlf BJH' = - 2^2, where the values of Nlt N2y N3, ... are to be computed from tlfjtf m continued fraction (21). It is evident a posteriori that the solutio^f X % thus obtained will satisfy all the conditions of the problem, anji r" that the series (9) will converge with great rapidity. The mo^i U. * convenient plan of conducting the calculation is to assumes +J roughly approximate value, suggested by (16), for one of tkfe j£ ratios JV} of sufficiently high order, and thence to compute N}^,N^,... N.z, Nt in succession by means of the formula (20). The values of the constants A, Bl} B3, ..., in (9), are then given by (22) and (23). For the tidal elevation we find - N,N, . . . Ni_t (1 -f*N,) yli- ...... (24). In the case of the lunar fortnightly tide, / is the ratio of a sidereal day to a lunar month, and is therefore equal to about ^, or more precisely '0365. This makes f2 = '00133. It is evident that a fairly accurate representation of this tide, and a fortiori of the solar semi-annual tide, and of the remaining tides of long period, will be obtained by putting /= 0; this materially shortens the calculations. The results will involve the value of /3, = 4n*a*/gr£. For /3 = 40, which corresponds to a depth of 7260 feet, we find in this way f/JT^-1515- T0000yu,2+ l-5153yu,4 - l'2120/*8+ '6063/A8- -2076/I-10 -f -0516/*12 - -0097/414 + -001 V5 - -0002y*18 ...... (25) *, whence, at the poles (/JL = ± 1), * The coefficients in (25) and (26) differ only slightly from the numerical values obtained by Prof. Darwin for the case /= -0365. L. 23 354 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII and, at the equator (/* = 0), Again, for £ = 10, or a depth of 29040 feet, we get S/H = '2359 - l-OOOO/*2 + -589V - '1623/t6 + -0258/t8 - -0026/*10 + -0002/Lt12 ....... (26). This makes, at the poles, ?=-Jtf'x '470, and, at the equator, For /3 = 5, or a depth of 58080 feet, we find ?/#' - '2723 - rOOOO/i2 + -340V- - -0509/A6 + '0043/A8 - -000 V° ......... (27). This gives, at the poles, f=-f#'x -651, and, at the equator, ?= JJI'x-817. Since the polar and equatorial values of the equilibrium tide are — \H' and \H ', respectively, these results shew that for the depths in question the long-period tides are, on the whole, direct, though the nodal circles will, of course, be shifted more or less from the positions assigned by the equilibrium theory. It appears, more over, that, for depths comparable with the actual depth of the sea, the tide has less than half the equilibrium value. It is easily seen from the form of equation (5), that with increasing depth, and consequent diminution of /3, the tide height will approximate more and more closely to the equilibrium value. This tendency is illustrated by the above numerical results. It is to be remarked that the kinetic theory of the long- period tides was passed over by Laplace, under the impression that practically, owing to the operation of dissipative forces, they would have the values given by the equilibrium theory. He proved, indeed, that the tendency of frictional forces must be in this direction, but it has been pointed out by Darwin* that in the case of the fortnightly tide, at all events, it is doubtful whether the effect would be nearly so great as Laplace supposed. We shall return to this point later. * I.e. ante p. 350. 210-212] FREE OSCILLATIONS. 355 211. It remains to notice how the free oscillations are deter mined. In the case of symmetry with respect to the equator, we have only to put H' = 0 in the foregoing analysis. The conditions of convergency for yu, = + 1 determine Nz, N3, JV4, ... exactly as before; whilst equation (12) gives N2 = 1 — /3/2/2 . 3, and there fore, by (20), __ — -° ...... <28>< which is equivalent to ^ = x . This equation determines the admissible values of / 1'= + €) ............... (1), * Taken with very slight alteration from Airy ("Tides and Waves," Arts. 95...), and Darwin (Encyc, Britann., t. xxiii., p. 359). 212-214] DIURNAL AND SEMI-DIURNAL TIDES. 357 where a is nearly equal to 2?i. This includes the most important of all the tidal oscillations, viz. the lunar and solar semi-diurnal tides. If the orbital motion of the disturbing body were infinitely slow we should have a = 2ra, and therefore /= 1 ; for simplicity we follow Laplace in making this approximation, although it is a somewhat rough one in the case of the principal lunar tide*. A solution similar to that of the preceding Art. can be obtained for the special law of depth li = hQ$itfd ........................... (2)f. Adopting an exponential factor e* lmt+2m+e} , and putting therefore f= it s = 2, we find that if we assume ?'=asin20 ........................... (3) the equations (7) of Art. 208 give „ .„ ~ ... u=— Ocot 6, 0=-— C — . a ............ (4), m 2m sm 6 whence, substituting in Art. 208 (4), £= 2^0/ma. (7sm20 ..................... (5). Putting f = £" + £ and substituting from (1) and (3), we find 0 ,_ and therefore b = ~ n - rn — ? ........................ (')• 1 - '2/io/ma * For such depths as actually occur in the ocean we have 2/&0 < ma, and the tide is therefore inverted. It may be noticed that the formulae (4) make the velocity infinite at the poles. 214. For any other law of depth a solution can only be obtained in the form of an infinite series. In the case of uniform depth we find, putting s = 2, /=!, 4raa//i = £ in Art. 208 (8), (1 - /*ay |J + {/3 (1 - ^ - 2p* - 6} ?' - - /3 (1 - ^)2 ? p • -(8), * There is, however, a ' luni-solar ' semi-diurnal tide whose speed is exactly 2/i if we neglect the changes in the planes of the orbits. Cf. p. 355, footnote. t Cf. Airy and Darwin, II. cc. 358 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII where //, is written for cos 6. In this form the equation is some what intractable, since it contains terms of four different dimensions in yLt. It simplifies a little, however, if we transform to !/,=(!- /*2)*, =• sin 0, as independent variable ; viz. we find which is of three different dimensions in v. To obtain a solution for the case of an ocean covering the globe, we assume Substituting in (9), and equating coefficients, we find jB0 = 0, B2 = 0, 0.54 = 0 (11), and thenceforward 2j (2j + 6) B2j+4 - 2j (2j + 3) B2j+2 + (3B2j = 0 (13). These equations give B6, Bs, ... J92j, ... in succession, in terms of B4, which is so far undetermined. It is obvious, however, from the nature of the problem, that, except for certain special values of h (and therefore of /?), which are such that there is a free oscil lation of corresponding type (s = 2) having the speed 2/i, the solution must be unique. We shall see, in fact, that unless B4 have a certain definite value the solution above indicated will make the meridian component (u) of the velocity discontinuous at the equator*. The argument is in some respects similar to that of Art. 210. If we denote by Nj the ratio B2j+2/B2j of consecutive coefficients, we have, from (13), 2? + 3 8 1 zj + 0 from which it appears that, with increasing j, Nj must tend to one or other of the limits 0 and 1. More precisely, unless the limit of NJ be zero, the limiting form of Nj+l will be •6), or 1-3/2J, * In the case of a polar sea bounded by a small circle of latitude whose angular radius is <^TT, the value of B4 is determined by the condition that u = Q, or d£'ldi> = 0, at the boundary. 214] SEMI-DIURNAL TIDES: UNIFORM DEPTH. 359 approximately. This is the same as the limiting form of the ratio of the coefficients of i$ and i/2-*"2 in the expansion of (1 — z>2)*. We infer that, unless B4 have such a value as to make Nao= 0, the terms of the series (10) will become ultimately comparable with those of (1 — v")%, so that we may write ? = L + (l-v*)*M ..................... (15), where L, M are functions of v which do not vanish for v = 1. Near the equator (y = 1) this makes Hence, by Art. 208 (7), u would change from a certain finite value to an equal but opposite value as we cross the equator. It is therefore essential, for our present purpose, to choose the value of .Z?4 so that Nx = 0. This is effected by the same method as in Art. 210. Writing (13) in the form we see that Nj must be given by the converging continued fraction _ /3__ 0 J3 _ ¥_ 2j(2j + 6) (2; + 2)(2/+8) (2j+4)(2y + 10) n , j " " ' _ 2J + 6 2J + 8 2J + 10 k This holds from j = 2 upwards, but it appears from (12) that it will give also the value of A^ (not hitherto defined), provided we use this symbol for B^jH'". We have then Bt = N,H'", Be=N,Bt, Ba = N3Be,.... Finally, writing f = f + f, we obtain .lvf> + N1N,Ns* + ......... (19). As in Art. 210, the practical method of conducting the calcula tion is to assume an approximate value for JV}+1, where j is a moderately large number, and then to deduce Nj, JV}_,,... Na, A^ in succession by means of the formula (17). 360 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAR VIII The above investigation is taken substantially from the very remarkable paper written by Lord Kelvin * in vindication of Laplace's treatment of the problem, as given in the Mecanique Celeste. In the passage more especially in question, Laplace determines the constant B± by means of the continued fraction for N11 without, it must be allowed, giving any adequate justifica tion of the step ; and the soundness of this procedure had been disputed by Airy f, and after him by FerrelJ. Laplace, unfortunately, was not in the habit of giving specific references, so that few of his readers appear to have become acquainted with the original presentment § of the kinetic theory, where the solution for the case in question is put in a very convincing, though somewhat different, form. Aiming in the first instance at an approximate solution by means of & finite series, thus : (i), Laplace remarks || that in order to satisfy the differential equation, the coefficients would have to fulfil the conditions as is seen at once by putting J32k + 4 = 0, B21c + 6 — Q,... in the general relation (13). We have here k + 1 equations between k constants. The method followed is to determine the constants by means of the first k relations ; we thus obtain an exact solution, not of the proposed differential equation (9), but of the equation as modified by the addition of a term @B2k + 2 1/2* + 6 to the right-hand side. This is equivalent to an alteration of the disturbing force, and if we can obtain a solution such that the required alteration is very small, we may accept it as an approximate solution of the problem in its original form IF. Now, taking the first k relations of the system (ii) in reverse order, we obtain -52fc + 2 ^n terms of Z?^, thence J32Jfc in terms of jB2fc~i> an(^ so on> Until5 finally, B± is expressed in terms of H'" ; and it is obvious that if k be large enough the value of -52& + 2, and the consequent adjustment of the disturbing * Sir W. Thomson, " On an Alleged Error in Laplace's Theory of the Tides," Phil. Mag., Sept. 1875. t " Tides and Waves," Art. 111. + "Tidal Kesearches," U.S. Coast Survey Rep., 1874, p. 154. § " Kecherches sur quelques points du systeme du monde," Mem. de VAcad. roy. des Sciences, 1776 [1779] ; Oeuvres Completes, t. ix., pp. 187.... || Oeuvres, t. ix., p. 218. The notation has been altered. H It is remarkable that this argument is of a kind constantly employed by Airy himself in his researches on waves. 214] LAPLACE'S SOLUTION. 361 force which is required to make the solution exact, will be very small. This will be illustrated presently, after Laplace, by a numerical example. The process just given is plainly equivalent to the use of the continued fraction (17) in the manner already explained, starting with j + ! = >(•, and •#j~»/?/2fc (84+3). The continued fraction, as such, does not, however, make its appearance in the memoir here referred to, but was introduced in the Mecanique Celeste, probably as an after-thought, as a condensed expression of the method of computation originally employed. The following table gives the numerical values of the coeffi cients of the several powers of v in the formula (19) for f/JEP", in the cases j3 = 40, 20, 10, 5, 1, which correspond to depths of 7260, 14520, 29040, 58080, 290400, feet, respectively*. The last line gives the value of QH'" for v — 1, i.e. the ratio of the amplitude at the equator to its equilibrium-value. At the poles (y = 0), the tide has in all cases the equilibrium-value zero. , = 40 ,=20 13=10 0=1 I/2 + i-oooo + 1-0000 + 1-0000 + 1-0000 + 1-0000 V* + 20-1862 -0-2491 + 6-1960 + 0-7504 +0-1062 J>6 + 10-1164 -1-4056 + 3-2474 I +0-1566 + 0-0039 * - 13-1047 -0-8594 +0-7238 +0-0157 +0-0001 vw -15-4488 -0-2541 +0-0919 + 0-0009 1/12 - 7-4581 - 0-0462 +0-0076 1/14 - 2-1975 -0-0058 + 0-0004 1/16 - 0-4501 - 0-0006 j/18 - 0-0687 1/20 - 0-0082 1/22 - 0-0008 "24 - o-oooi - 7-434 -1-821 + 11-267 + 1-924 + 1-110 We may use the above results to estimate the closeness of the approxima tion in each case. For example, when j3 = 40, Laplace finds B.^= - -000004 //'" ; the addition to the disturbing force which is necessary to make the solution exact would then be — -00002 #"'V°, and would therefore bear to the actual force the ratio - -00002 v28. It appears from (19) that near the poles, where v is small, the tides are in all cases direct. For sufficiently great depths, ft will * The first three cases were calculated by Laplace, I.e. ante p. 360 ; the last by Lord Kelvin. The results have been roughly verified by the present writer. 362 TIDAL WAVES. [CHAP. VIII be very small, and the formulae (17) and (19) then shew that the tide has everywhere sensibly the equilibrium value, all the coeffi cients being small except the first, which is unity. As h is diminished, /3 increases, and the formula (17) shews that each of the ratios Nj will continually increase, except when it changes sign from -f to — by passing through the value oo . No singu larity in the solution attends this passage of Nj through oo , except in the case of Nlf since, as is easily seen, the product Nj^Nj remains finite, and the coefficients in (19) are therefore all finite. But when JVj = oo , the expression for f becomes infinite, shewing that the depth has then one of the critical values already referred to. The table above given indicates that for depths of 29040 feet, and upwards, the tides are everywhere direct, but that there is some critical depth between 29040 feet and 14520 feet, for which the tide at the equator changes from direct to inverted. The largeness of the second coefficient in the case 0 = 40 indicates that the depth could not be reduced much below 7260 feet before reaching a second critical value. Whenever the equatorial tide is inverted, there must be one or more pairs of nodal circles (f=0), symmetrically situated on opposite sides of the equator. In the case of /3 = 40, the position of the nodal circles is given by z; = '95, or 0 = 90° + 18°, approxi mately *. 215. We close this chapter with a brief notice of the question of the stability of the ocean, in the case of rotation. It has been shewn in Art. 197 that the condition of secular stability is that V— T0 should be a minimum in the equilibrium configuration. If we neglect the mutual attraction of the elevated water, the application to the present problem is very simple. The excess of the quantity V— T0 over its undisturbed value is evidently 8 (1), where M* denotes the potential of the earth's attraction, SS is an element of the oceanic surface, and the rest of the notation is as * For a fuller discussion of these points reference may be made to the original investigation of Laplace, and to Lord Kelvin's papers. 214-215] STABILITY OF THE OCEAN. 363 before. Since "^ - £?i2w2 is constant over the undisturbed level (z = 0), its value at a small altitude z may be taken to be cjz + const., where, as in Art. 206, Since f/£dS = Q, on account of the constancy of volume, we find from (1) that the increment of V— TQ is iffgraa (3). This is essentially positive, and the equilibrium is therefore secularly stable*. It is to be noticed that this proof does not involve any restriction as to the depth of the fluid, or as to smallness of the ellipticity, or even as to symmetry of the undisturbed surface with respect to the axis of rotation. If we wish to take into account the mutual attraction of the water, the problem can only be solved without difficulty when the undisturbed surface is nearly spherical, and we neglect the varia tion of g. The question (as to secular stability) is then exactly the same as in the case of no rotation. The calculation for this case will find an appropriate place in the next chapter. The result, as we might anticipate from Art. 192, is that the ocean is stable if, and only if, its density be less than the mean density of the Earth*. * Cf. Laplace, Mecaniquc Celeste, Livre 4mo, Arts. 13, 14. APPENDIX. ON TIDE-GENERATING FORCES. a. IF, in the annexed figure, 0 and C be the centres of the earth and of the disturbing body (say the moon), the potential of the moon's attraction at a point P near the earth's surface will be - yM/CP, where M denotes the moon's mass, and y the gravitation-constant. If we put OC=Z>, OP = r, and denote the moon's (geocentric) zenith-distance at P, viz. the angle POC, by ^, this potential is equal to yM We require, however, not the absolute accelerative effect on P, but the acceleration relative to the earth. Now the moon produces in the whole mass of the earth an acceleration yM/D2* parallel to OC, and the potential of a uniform field of force of this intensity is evidently yM ~ rj2-r cos ^- Subtracting this from the former result we get, for the potential of the relative attraction on P, This function G is identical with the 'disturbing-function' of planetary theory. * The effect of this is to produce a monthly inequality in the motion of the earth's centre about the sun. The amplitude of the inequality in radius vector is about 3000 miles ; that of the inequality in longitude is about 1". Laplace, Mecaniqne Celeste, Livre 6m% Art. 30, and Livre 13me, Art. 10. EQUILIBRIUM THEORY. 365 Expanding in powers of rfD, which is in our case a small quantity, and retaining only the most important term, we find Considered as a function of the position of P, this is a zonal harmonic of the second degree, with OC as axis. The reader will easily verify that, to the order of approximation adopted, Q is equal to the joint potential of two masses, each equal to -|J/, placed, one at Ct and the other at a point C' in CO produced such that OC' = OC*. b. In the ' equilibrium- theory ' of the tides it is assumed that the free surface takes at each instant the equilibrium-form which might be maintained if the disturbing body were to retain unchanged its actual position relative to the rotating earth. In other words, the free surface is assumed to be a level- surface under the combined action of gravity, of centrifugal force, and of the disturbing force. The equation to this level-surface is ^-2OT2 + G = const where n is the angular velocity of the rotation, or denotes the distance of any point from the earth's axis, and ¥ is the potential of the earth's attraction. If we use square brackets [ ] to distinguish the values of the enclosed quanti ties at the undisturbed level, and denote by £ the elevation of the water above this level due to the disturbing potential Q, the above equation is equi valent to approximately, where djdz is used to indicate a space-differentiation along the normal outwards. The first term is of course constant, and we therefore have (v), where, as in Art. 206, g = [~^- (* - ^2w2) 1 ........................... (vi). Evidently, g denotes the value of * apparent gravity ' ; it will of course vary more or less with the position of P on the earth's surface. It is usual, however, in the theory of the tides, to ignore the slight variations in the value of g, and the effect of the ellipticity of the undisturbed level on the surface- value of O. Putting, then, r = a, g = yE/a*, where E denotes the earth's mass, and a the mean radius of the surface, we have, from (ii) and (v), (vii), where #= as in Art. 177. Hence the equilibrium -form of the free surface is a harmonic * Thomson and Tait, Natural Philosophy, Art. 804. 366 . ON TIDE-GENERATING FORCES. spheroid of the second order, of the zonal type, having its axis passing through the disturbing body. C. Owing to the diurnal rotation, and also to the orbital motion of the disturbing body, the position of the tidal spheroid relative to the earth is continually changing, so that the level of the water at any particular place will continually rise and fall. To analyse the character of these changes, let 6 be the co-latitude, and o> the longitude, measured eastward from some fixed meridian, of any place P, and let A be the north-polar-distance, and a the hour-angle west of the same meridian, of the disturbing body. We have, then, cos S- = cos A cos 6 + sin A sin 6 cos (a + o>) .................. (ix), and thence, by (vii), + ^Hsin 2 A sin 26 cos (a + o>) + pTsin2Asin20cos2(a + a))-|-C' ..................... (x). Each of these terms may be regarded as representing a partial tide, and the results superposed. Thus, the first term is a zonal harmonic of the second order, and gives a tidal spheroid symmetrical with respect to the earth's axis, having as nodal lines the parallels for which cos2 0 = £, or 0 = 90° ±35° 16'. The amount of the tidal elevation in any particular latitude varies as cos2 A — J. In the case of the moon the chief fluctuation in this quantity has a period of about a fortnight ; we have here the origin of the ' lunar fortnightly ' or ' declina- tional3 tide. When the sun is the disturbing body, we have a 'solar semi annual' tide. It is to be noticed that the mean value of cos2A-^ with respect to the time is not zero, so that the inclination of the orbit of the disturbing body to the equator involves as a consequence a permanent change of mean level. Of. Art. 180. The second term in (x) is a spherical harmonic of the type obtained by putting ?i = 2, s = l in Art. 87 (6). The corresponding tidal spheroid has as nodal lines the meridian which is distant 90° from that of the disturbing body, and the equator. The disturbance of level is greatest in the meridian of the disturbing body, at distances of 45° N. and S. of the equator. The oscillation at any one place goes through its period with the hour-angle a, i.e. in a lunar or solar day. The amplitude is, however, not constant, but varies slowly with A, changing sign when the disturbing body crosses the equator. This term accounts for the lunar and solar ' diurnal ' tides. The third term is a sectorial harmonic (n = 2, a = 2), and gives a tidal spheroid having as nodal lines the meridians which are distant 45° E. and W. from that of the disturbing body. The oscillation at any place goes through its period with 2a, i. e. in half a (lunar or solar) day, and the amplitude varies as sin2 A, being greatest when the disturbing body is on the equator. We have here the origin of the lunar and solar ' semi-diurnal' tides. ANALYSIS OF DISTURBING FORCES. 367 The ' constant ' C is to be determined by the consideration that, on account of the invariability of volume, we must have J/fdS = 0 .................................... (xi), where the integration extends over the surface of the ocean. If the ocean cover the whole earth we have (7=0, by the general property of spherical surface-harmonics quoted in Art. 88. It appears from (vii) that the greatest elevation above the undisturbed level is then at the points S = 0, ^=180°, i.e. at the points where the disturbing body is in the zenith or nadir, and the amount of this elevation is \H. The greatest depression is at places where ^ = 90°, i. e. the disturbing body is on the horizon, and is \H. The greatest possible range is therefore equal to H. In the case of a limited ocean, C does not vanish, but has at each instant a definite value depending on the position of the disturbing body relative to the earth. This value may be easily written down from equations (x) and (xi) ; it is a sum of spherical harmonic functions of A, a, of the second order, with constant coefficients in the form of surface-integrals whose values depend on the distribution of land and water over the globe. The changes in the value of (7, due to relative motion of the disturbing body, give a general rise and fall of the free surface, with (in the case of the moon) fortnightly, diurnal, and semi-diurnal periods. This * correction to the equilibrium-theory,' as usually presented, was first fully investigated by Thomson and Tait*. The necessity for a correction of the kind, in the case of a limited sea, had however been recognized by D. Bernoullif. d. We have up to this point neglected the mutual attraction of the par ticles of the water. To take this into account, we must add to the disturbing potential Q the gravitation-potential of the elevated water. In the case of an ocean covering the earth, the correction can be easily applied, as in Art. 192. Putting W = 2 in the formulae of that Art,, the addition to the value of Q. is — f p/po'#£ > and we thence find without difficulty It appears that all the tides are increased, in the ratio (1— fp/po)"1. If we assume p/p0 = *18, this ratio is 1*12. e. So much for the equilibrium-theory. For the purposes of the kinetic theory of Arts. 206 — 214, it is necessary to suppose the value (x) of £ to be expanded in a series of simple-harmonic functions of the time. The actual * Natural Philosophy, Art. 808; see also Prof. G. H. Darwin, "On the Cor rection to the Equilibrium Theory of the Tides for the Continents," Proc. Roy. Soc., April 1, 1886. It appears as the result of a numerical calculation by Prof. H. H. Turner, appended to this paper, that with the actual distribution of land and water the correction is of little importance. t Traite sur le Flux et Reflux de la Mer, c. xi. (1740). This essay, as well as the one by Maclaurin cited on p. 322, and another on the same subject by Euler, is reprinted in Le Seur and Jacquier's edition of Newton's Principia. ON TIDE-GENEKATING FORCES. expansion, taking account of the variations of A and a, and of the distance D of the disturbing body, (which enters into the value of _£T), is a somewhat complicated problem of Physical Astronomy, into which we do not enter here*. Disregarding the constant (7, which disappears in the dynamical equations (1) of Art. 207, the constancy of volume being now secured by the equation of continuity (2), it is easily seen that the terms in question will be of three distinct types. First, we have the tides of long period, for which C=#'(cos20-i).cos(o-* + e) (xiii). The most important tides of this class are the ' lunar fortnightly ' for which, in degrees per mean solar hour, o- = l°'098, and the 'solar semi-annual' for which o- = 0° -082. Secondly, we have the diurnal tides, for which ^^''smflcostf.cos^ + w + e) (xiv), where a- differs but little from the angular velocity n of the earth's rotation. These include the 'lunar diurnal' [o- = 13°'943], the 'solar diurnal3 [0- = 14°'959], and the 'luni-solar diurnal3 [tr = w = 150t041]. Lastly, we have the semi-diurnal tides, for which £=#"'sm20.cos(o-£-f-2a> + f) (xv)f, where [o-=2n = 30° -082]. For a complete enumeration of the more important partial tides, and for the values of the coefficients H', H", H"' in the several cases, we must refer to the papers by Lord Kelvin and Prof. G. H. Darwin, already cited. In the Harmonic Analysis of Tidal Observations, which is the special object of these investigations, the only result of dynamical theory which is made use of is the general principle that the tidal elevation at any place must be equal to the sum of a series of simple-harmonic functions of the time, whose periods are the same as those of the several terms in the development of the disturbing potential, and are therefore known a priori. The; amplitudes and phases of the various partial tides, for any particular port, are then determined by comparison with tidal observations extending over a sufficiently long period J. * Reference may be made to Laplace, Mecanique Celeste, Livre 13me, Art. 2 ; to the investigations of Lord Kelvin and Prof. G. H.JDarwin in the Brit. Ass. Reports for 1868, 1872, 1876, 1883, 1885 ; and to the Art. on " Tides," by the latter author, in the Encyc. Britann. (9th ed.). f It is evident that over a small area, near the poles, which may be treated as sensibly plane, the formulae (xiv) and (xv) make f ocrcos(o-f + w + e), and £ccr2cos((r£ + 2w + e), respectively, where r, w are plane polar coordinates. These forms have been used by anticipation in Arts. 188, 204. + It is of interest to note, in connection with Art. 184, that the tide-gauges, being situated in relatively shallow water, are sensibly affected by certain tides of the second order, which therefore have to be taken account of in the general scheme of Harmonic Analysis. HARMONIC ANALYSIS. 369 We thus obtain a practically complete expression which can be used for the systematic prediction of the tides at the port in question. f. One point of special interest in the Harmonic Analysis is the deter mination of the long-period tides. It has been already stated that owing to the influence of dissipative forces these must tend to approximate more or less closely to their equilibrium values. Unfortunately, the only long-period tide, whose coefficient can be inferred with any certainty from the observations, is the lunar fortnightly, and it is at least doubtful whether the dissipative forces are sufficient to produce in this case any great effect in the direction indicated. Hence the observed fact that the fortnightly tide has less than its equilibrium value does not entitle us to make any inference as to elastic yielding of the solid body of the earth to the tidal distorting forces exerted by the moon*. * Prof. G. H. Darwin, I.e. ante p. 350. CHAPTER IX. SURFACE WAVES. 216. WE have now to investigate, as far as possible, the laws of wave-motion in liquids when the restriction that the vertical acceleration may be neglected is no longer imposed. The most important case not covered by the preceding theory is that of waves on relatively deep water, where, as will be seen, the agita tion rapidly diminishes in amplitude as we pass downwards from the surface ; but it will be understood that there is a continuous transition to the state of things investigated in the preceding chapter, where the horizontal motion of the fluid was sensibly the same from top to bottom. We begin with the oscillations of a horizontal sheet of water, and we will confine ourselves in the first instance to cases where the motion is in two dimensions, of which one (#) is horizontal, and the other (y) vertical. The elevations and depressions of the free surface will then present the appearance of a series of parallel straight ridges and furrows, perpendicular to the plane xy. The motion, being assumed to have been generated originally from rest by the action of ordinary forces, will be necessarily irrotational, and the velocity-potential will satisfy the equation *-o ........................ (i), * with the condition -f- = 0 . . (2) dn at a fixed boundary. 216] GENERAL CONDITIONS. 371 To find the condition which must be satisfied at the free surface (p = const.), let the origin 0 be taken at the undisturbed level, and let Oy be drawn vertically upwards. The motion being assumed to be infinitely small, we find, putting ^L — gy in the formula (4) of Art. 21, and neglecting the square of the velocity (q), Hence if tj denote the elevation of the surface at time t above the point (x, 0), we shall have, since the pressure there is uniform, 9 L provided the function F(t\ and the additive constant, be supposed merged in the value of d*f>/cU. Subject to an error of the order already neglected, this may be written Since the normal to the free surface makes an infinitely small angle (dy/dx) with the vertical, the condition that the normal component of the fluid velocity at the free surface must be equal to the normal velocity of the surface itself gives, with sufficient approximation, drj Vd\ This is in fact what the general surface condition (Art. 10 (3)) becomes, if we put F(x, y, 2,t)=y-rj, and neglect small quanti ties of the second order. Eliminating ?? between (5) and (6), we obtain the condition to be satisfied when y = 0. In the case of simple-harmonic motion, the time-factor being condition becomes 24—2 372 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP. IX 217. Let us apply this to the free oscillations of a sheet of water, or a straight canal, of uniform depth h, and let us suppose for the present that there are no limits to the fluid in the direction of x, the fixed boundaries, if any, being vertical planes parallel to xy. Since the conditions are uniform in respect to x, the simplest supposition we can make is that is a simple-harmonic function of x ; the most general case consistent with the above assumptions can be derived from this by superposition, in virtue of Fourier's Theorem. We assume then (/> = P cos kx . e'>e+e) ........................ (1), where P is a function of y only. The equation (1) of Art. 216 gives whence P = Aeky + Be~ky ........................ (3). The condition of no vertical motion at the bottom is dcf>/dy = 0 for y = — h, whence =, say. This leads to (/> = C cosh k(y + h) cos kx . ei(. /m Jr=v -- ±2— — > sm kx . cos (at + e) ......... (9). or cosh kh If x, y be the coordinates of a particle relative to its mean position (x, y), we have (ft~ cfo' d* dy" if we neglect the differences between the component velocities at the points (x, y) and (x + x, y + y), as being small quantities of the second order. Substituting from (8), and integrating with respect to t, we find cosh k (y + h) . . . , x x. = — a - . , . . — - sm KX . sm (at 4- e), sinh kh y = a -- . U; , — - cos kx . sin (cr^ + e) sinh kh where a slight reduction has been effected by means of (5). The motion of each particle is rectilinear, and simple-harmonic, the direction of motion varying from vertical, beneath the crests and hollows (kx—m'jr)^ to horizontal, beneath the nodes (kx = (m + J) TT). As we pass downwards from the surface to the bottom the ampli tude of the vertical motion diminishes from a cos kx to 0, whilst that of the horizontal motion diminishes in the ratio cosh kh : 1. When the wave-length is very small compared with the depth, kh is large, and therefore tanh kh = l. The formulae (11) then reduce to x = - ae*y sin &# . sin ('• On the other hand when X is moderately large compared with h we have tanh kh = kh, nearly, so that the velocity is independent of the wave-length, being given by (7), as in Art. 167. This formula is here obtained on the assumption that the wave-profile is a curve of sines, but Fourier's theorem shews that this restriction is now unnecessary. It appears, on tracing the curve y = (tanh x)jx} or from the numerical table to be given presently, that for a given depth h the wave-velocity increases constantly with the wave-length, from zero to the asymptotic value (7). Let us now fix our attention, for definiteness, on a train of simple-harmonic waves travelling in the positive direction, i.e. we take the lower sign in (1) and (3). It appears, on comparison with Art. 217 (7), that the value of % is deduced by putting e = ^TT, and subtracting £TT from the value of &#f, and that of rj.2 by putting e = 0, simply. This proves a statement made above as to the relation between the component systems of standing waves, * Green, "Note on the Motion of Waves in Canals," Camb. Trans., t. vii. (1839); Mathematical Papers, p. 279. t This is of course merely equivalent to a change of the origin from which x is measured, 376 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP. IX and also enables us to write down at once the proper modifications of the remaining formulae of the preceding Art. Thus, we find, for the component displacements of a particle, cosh k (y + h) n ^ x = xx - x.j = a - — . ,,, — - cos UUf - crt), Smhkh . ..(8). sinh k (y + Ti) . /7 J y = yi-ya=a . -' am (to -«« This shews that the motion of each particle is elliptic-harmonic, the period (2?r/cr, = X/c,) being of course that in which the dis turbance travels over a wave-length. The semi-axes, horizontal and vertical, of the elliptic orbits are cosh k (y + h) siuhlc(y + h) (L - : — \ — T~l -- dilU. (Jb - : — ; — f^ -- , sinh kh smh kh respectively. These both diminish from the surface to the bottom (y = — h), where the latter vanishes. The distance between the foci is the same for all the ellipses, being equal to a cosech kh. It easily appears, on comparison of (8) with (3), that a surface-particle is moving in the direction of wave-propagation when it is at a crest, and in the opposite direction when it is in a trough*. When the depth exceeds half a wave-length, e~kh is very small, and the formulae (8) reduce to x = aeky cos (kx - a-t), \ ,~. " so that each particle describes a circle, with constant angular velocity cr, = (^X/27r)^t. The radii of these circles are given by the formula a^y, and therefore diminish rapidly downwards. In the following table, the second column gives the values of sech kh corresponding to various values of the ratio A/A. This quantity measures the ratio of the horizontal motion at the bottom to that at the surface. The third column gives the ratio of the vertical to the horizontal diameter of the elliptic orbit of a surface particle. The fourth and fifth columns give the ratios of the wave-velocity to that of waves of the same length on water of infinite depth, and to that of ' long ' waves on water of the actual depth, respectively. * The results of Arts. 217, 218, for the case of finite depth, were given, substan tially, by Airy, "Tides and Waves," Arts. 160... (1845). t Green, /. c. ante p. 875. 218] ORBITS OF PARTICLES. 377 fc/X sech kh tanh kh cl(gk-y cl(gh)l o-oo 1-000 o-ooo o-ooo 1-000 •01 •998 •063 •250 •999 •02 •992 •125 •354 •997 •03 •983 •186 •432 •994 •04 •969 •246 •496 •990 •05 •953 •304 •552 •984 •06 •933 •360 •600 •977 •07 •911 •413 •643 •970 •08 •886 •464 •681 •961 •09 •859 •512 •715 •951 •10 •831 •557 •746 •941 •20 •527 •850 •922 •823 •30 •297 •955 •977 •712 •40 •161 •987 •993 •627 •50 •086 •996 •998 •563 •60 •046 •999 •999 •515 •70 •025 1-000 1-000 •477 •80 •013 1-000 1-000 •446 •90 •007 1-000 1-000 •421 1-00 •004 1-000 1-000 •399 00 •000 1-000 1-000 •000 The annexed tables of absolute values of periods and wave-velocities are abridged from Airy's treatise*. The value of g adopted by him is 32'16 f.s.s. Depth of water, in feet 1 0-442 10 ] 1-873 Length of 100 ^eriod of ws 17-645 wave, in fee 1000 ive, in secoi 176-33 4 10,000 ids 1763-3 1 10 0-442 1-398 5-923 55-80 557-62 100 0-442 1-398 4-420 18-73 176-45 1000 0-442 1-398 4-420 13-98 59-23 10,000 0-442 1-398 4-420 13-98 44-20 Depth of Length of wave, in feet water, in feet 1 10 100 1000 10,000 00 Wave- velocity, in feet per second 1 2-262 5-339 5-667 5-671 5-671 5-671 10 2-262 7-154 16-88 17-92 17-93 17-93 100 2-262 7-154 22-62 53-39 56-67 56-71 1000 2-262 7-154 22-62 71-54 168-8 179-3 10,000 2-262 7-154 22-62 71-54 226-2 567-1 " Tides and Waves," Arts. 169, 170. 378 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP. IX The possibility of progressive waves advancing with unchanged form is of course limited, theoretically, to the case of uniform depth ; but the foregoing numerical results shew that practically a variation in the depth will have no appreciable influence, provided the depth everywhere exceeds (say) half the wave-length. We remark, finally, that the theory of progressive waves may be obtained, without the intermediary of standing waves, by assuming at once, in place of Art. 217 (1), The conditions to be satisfied by P are exactly the same as before, and we easily find, in real form, rj = asm(kx — at} (11), qa cosh k(y + h)

l, <£2, ... be the velocity- potentials of distinct systems of waves of the simple-harmonic type above considered, then will be the velocity-potential of a possible form of wave-motion, with a free surface. Since, when <£ is determined, the equation of the free surface is given by Art. 216 (5), the elevation above the mean level at any point of the surface, in the motion given by (1), will be equal to the algebraic sum of the elevations due to the separate systems of waves x, 2, ••• Hence each of the latter systems is propagated exactly as if the others were absent, and produces its own elevation or depression at each point of the surface. We can in this way, by adding together terms of the form given in Art. 218 (12), with properly chosen values of a, build up an analytical ex pression for the free motion of the water in an infinitely long canal, due to any arbitrary initial conditions. Thus, let us suppose that, when £ = 0, the equa tion of the free surface is ?=/(#), ....................................... (i), and that the normal velocity at the surface is then F '(#), or, to our order of approximation, The value of 0 is found to be si"/ 380 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP. IX and the equation of the free surface is ] .............. (iv). _ -x am fat These formulae, in which c is a function of k given by Art. 218 (4), may be readily verified by means of Fourier's expression for an arbitrary function as a definite integral, viz. /(#) = - ^ dk If* dX/(A)cos£(X-o?)t ............. (v). 7T J 0 (J -oo J When the initial conditions are arbitrary, the subsequent motion is made up of systems of waves, of all possible lengths, travelling in either direction, each with the velocity proper to its own wave-length. Hence, in general, the form of the free surface is continually altering, the only exception being when the wave-length of every component system which is present in sensible amplitude is large compared with the depth of the fluid. In this case the velocity of propagation (glifi is independent of the wave-length, so that, if we have waves travelling in one direction only, the wave-profile remains un changed in form as it advances, as in Art. 167. In the case of infinite depth, the formulae (iii), (iv) take the simpler forms " cos k (X " * sn ............ (vi), The problem of tracing out the consequences of a limited initial disturbance, in this case, received great attention at the hands of the earlier investigators in the subject, to the neglect of the more important and fundamental pro perties of simple- harmonic trains. Unfortunately, the results, even on the simplest suppositions which we may make as to the nature and extent of the original disturbance, are complicated and difficult of interpretation. We shall therefore content ourselves with the subjoined references, which will enable the reader to make himself acquainted with what has been achieved in this branch of the subject*. * Poisson, " M6moire sur la Theorie des Ondes," Mem. de VAcad. roy. des Sciences, 1816. Cauchy, 1. c. ante p. 18. Sir W. Thomson, "On the Waves produced by a Single Impulse in Water of any Depth, or in a Dispersive Medium," Proc. Roy. Soc., Feb. 3, 18 7. W. Burnside, " On Deep- Water Waves resulting from a Limited Original Disturbance," Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., t. xx., p. 22 (1888). 220-221] EFFECT OF ARBITRARY INITIAL CONDITIONS. 381 221. A remarkable result of the dependence of the velocity of propagation on the wave-length is furnished by the theory of group-velocity. It has often been noticed that when an isolated group of waves, of sensibly the same length, is advancing over relatively deep water, the velocity of the group as a whole is less than that of the waves composing it. If attention be fixed on a particular wave, it is seen to advance through the group, gradually dying out as it approaches the front, whilst its former position in the group is occupied in succession by other waves which have come forward from the rear. The simplest analytical representation of such a group is obtained by the superposition of two systems of waves of the same amplitude, and of nearly but not quite the same wave-length. The corresponding equation of the free surface will be of the form 77 = a sin k (x — ct) + a sin k' (x — c't) /I, TJ T[>n Tff n' \ /]f> I Iff -~ / IV ^"" Iv /VC/ fif L/ , \ * / IV |^ A/ = 2a cos If k, k' be very nearly equal, the cosine in this expression varies very slowly with x ; so that the wave -profile at any instant has the form of a curve of sines in which the amplitude alternates gradually between the values 0 and 2a. The surface therefore presents the appearance of a series of groups of waves, separated at equal intervals by bands of nearly smooth water. The motion of each group is then sensibly independent of the presence of the others. Since the interval between the centres of two successive groups is 27r/(& — k'), and the time occupied by the system in shifting through this space is %7r/(kc — k'c'), the group- velocity is (kc — k'c')/(k — k'), or d (kc)/dk, ultimately. In terms of the wave length X (= 27T/&), the group- velocity is » This result holds for any case of waves travelling through a uniform medium. In the present application we have (3), 382 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP. IX and therefore, for the group-velocity, dk sinh2M The ratio which this bears to the wave-velocity c increases as Ich diminishes, being -| when the depth is very great, and unity when it is very small, compared with the wave-length. The above explanation seems to have been first suggested by Stokes*. The question was attacked from another point of view by Prof. Osborne Reynolds f, by a calculation of the energy propa gated across a vertical plane of particles. In the case of infinite depth, the velocity-potential corresponding to a simple-harmonic train of waves r) = a sin k (x — ct) ........................ (5), is (f> = aceky cos k (x — ct) ..................... (6), as may be verified by the consideration that for y = 0 we must have drj/dt = — dfy/dy. The variable part of the pressure is pd(f>/dt, if we neglect terms of the second order, so that the rate at which work is being done on the fluid to the right of the plane x is - f p £ dy = pa"k*c3 sin2 k (x - ct) f J _oo ClX J — (7), since c2 = g/k. The mean value of this expression is %gpa?c. It appears on reference to Art. 219 that this is exactly one-half of the energy of the waves which cross the plane in question per unit time. Hence in the case of an isolated group the supply of energy is sufficient only if the group advance with half the velocity of the individual waves. It is readily proved in the same manner that in the case * Smith's Prize Examination, 1876. See also Lord Bayleigh, Theory of Sound, Art. 191. t " On the Bate of Progression of Groups of Waves, and the Bate at which Energy is Transmitted by Waves," Nature, t. xvi., p. 343 (1877). Professor Beynolds has also constructed a model which exhibits in a very striking manner the distinction between wave-velocity and group-velocity in the case of the transverse oscillations of a row of equal pendulums whose bobs are connected by a string, 221] GROUP-VELOCITY. 383 of a finite depth h the average energy transmitted per unit time is which is, by (4), the same as Hence the rate of transmission of energy is equal to the group- velocity, d(kc)/dk, found independently by the former line of argument. These results have a bearing on such questions as the ' wave- resistance' of ships. It appears from Art. 227, below, in the two-dimensional form of the problem, that a local disturbance of pressure advancing with velocity c [< (gh)*] over still water of depth h is followed by a simple-harmonic train of waves of the length (27T/&) appropriate to the velocity c, and determined there fore by (3); whilst the water in front of the disturbance is sensibly at rest. If we imagine a fixed vertical plane to be drawn in the rear of the disturbance, the space in front of this plane gains, per unit time, the additional wave-energy \gpa?c, where a is the amplitude of the waves generated. The energy transmitted across the plane is given by (8). The difference represents the work done by the disturbing force. Hence if R denote the horizontal resistance experienced by the disturbing body, we have As c increases from zero to (gh)*, kh diminishes from oc to 0, and therefore R diminishes from %gpa* to Of. When c > (gh)*, the water is unaffected beyond a certain small distance on either side, and the wave-resistance R is then zeroj. * Lord Kayleigh, " On Progressive Waves," Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., t. ix., p. 21 (1877); Theory of Sound, t. i., Appendix. t It must be remarked, however, that the amplitude a due to a disturbance of given character will also vary with c. + Cf. Sir W. Thomson " On Ship Waves," Proc. Inst. Hech. Eny., Aug. 3, 1887; Popular Lectures and Addresses, London, 1889-94, t. iii., p. 450. A formula equi valent to (10) was given in a paper by the same author, " On Stationary Waves in Flowing Water," PlriL Mag., Nov. 1886. 384 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP. IX 222. The theory of progressive waves may be investigated, in a very compact manner, by the method of Art. 172*. Thus if (/>, -\/r be the velocity- and stream-functions when the problem has been reduced to one of steady motion, we assume ( -I- i^)/c = - (x + iy} + meik(*+iy) + i/3e-ik(x+iy}, whence <£/c = - x - (oLe~ky - /3eky) sin kx,\ , . ^/c = -y + (ae~ky + /3eky) cos kx } This represents a motion which is periodic in respect to x, super posed on a uniform current of velocity c. We shall suppose that ka and k/3 are small quantities ; in other words that the amplitude of the disturbance is small compared with the wave-length. The profile of the free surface must be a stream-line; we will take it to be the line ^r = 0. Its form is then given by (1), viz. to a first approximation we have y = (a + /3) cos kx (2), shewing that the origin is at the mean level of the surface. Again, at the bottom (y = — h) we must also have ty = const. ; this requires •Pe-kh=0. The equations (1) may therefore be put in the forms (j)/c = — x + C cosh k (y + h) sin kx, ) ,« , Tfr/c = — y + C sinh A; (y + A) cos &# j The formula for the pressure is — = const. — gy — i- \ { -2- I + ( -^~ p \\CUB / \ay C2 = const. — gy — -= {1 — 2kC cosh k(y + h) cos &#}, neglecting A:202. Since the equation to the stream-line ty = 0 is y = (7 sinh kh cos &# (4), approximately, we have, along this line, - = const. + (kcz coth M — a) y. P * Lord Kayleigh, I. c, ante p. 279. 222-223] ARTIFICE OF STEADY MOTION. 385 The condition for a free surface is therefore satisfied, provided , tanhM This determines the wave-length (2-7T/&) of possible stationary undulations on a stream of given uniform depth h, and velocity c. It is easily seen that the value of kh is real or imaginary according as c is less or greater than (gh)*. If, on the other hand, we impress on everything the velocity — c parallel to a?, we get progressive waves on still water, and (5) is then the formula for the wave-velocity, as in Art. 218. When the ratio of the depth to the wave-length is sufficiently great, the formulae (1) become leading to ^ = const. -gy-c-{\- 2kpe*v cos lex + k^e^} ... ... (ii). P • If we neglect F/32, the latter equation may be written = const. + (k#-g}y + Tccty ......................... (iii). Hence if c2 = gjk ....................................... (iv), the pressure will be uniform not only at the upper surface, but along every stream-line >//• = const.* This point is of some importance ; for it shews that the solution expressed by (i) and (iv) can be extended to the case of any number of liquids of different densities, arranged one over the other in horizontal strata, provided the uppermost surface be free, and the total depth infinite. And, since there is no limitation to the thinness of the strata, we may even include the case of a heterogeneous liquid whose density varies continuously with the depth. 223. The method of the preceding Art. can be readily adapted to a number of other problems. For example, to find the velocity of propagation of waves over the common horizontal boundary of two masses of fluid which are otherwise unlimited, we may assume ' where the accent relates to the upper fluid. For these satisfy the * This conclusion, it must be noted, is limited to the case of infinite depth. It was first remarked by Poisson, I.e. ante, p. 380. L. 25 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP. IX condition of irrotational motion, V2-^r = 0 ; and they give a uniform velocity c at a great distance above and below the common surface, at which we have -fy = ^r' = 0, say, and therefore y = /3 cos kx, ap proximately. The pressure-equations are *• = const. — gy — -~ (1 — 2&/3e^ cos kx), $ c2 — , = const. — gy — -= (1 + 2kj3e~ky cos lex), which give, at the common surface, p/p = const. -(g-kc*)y, p'lp = const. -(g + kc2) y, the usual approximations being made. The condition p=p' thus leads to a result first obtained by Stokes. The presence of the upper fluid has therefore the effect of diminishing the velocity of propagation of waves of any given length in the ratio {(1 — s)/(l + s)}i, where s is the ratio of the density of the upper to that of the lower fluid. This diminution has a two-fold cause ; the potential energy of a given deformation of the common surface is diminished, whilst the inertia is in creased. As a numerical example, in the case of water over mercury (s~1 = 13'6) the above ratio comes out equal to '929. It is to be noticed, in this problem, that there is a disconti nuity of motion at the common surface. The normal velocity (d^rjdx) is of course continuous, but the tangential velocity (— dty/dy) changes from c(l—k/3 cos Tex) to c(l + k/3 cos kx) as we cross the surface ; in other words we have (Art. 149) a vortex-sheet of strength — kc/3 cos kx. This is an extreme illustration of the remark, made in Art. 18, that the free oscillations of a liquid of variable density are not necessarily irrotational. If p < />', the value of c is imaginary. The undisturbed equilibrium -arrangement is then of course unstable. 223] OSCILLATIONS OF SUPERPOSED FLUIDS. 387 The case where the two fluids are bounded by rigid horizontal planes y=—h, y = h', is almost equally simple. We have, in place of (1), sinh k (y + A) ^--y-g™^"^.**** smh kK leading to c2 = ?. ., .f — ^ — ,. 77>t. ...(ii). £ p coth M -Hp coth kh' When M and M' are both very great, this reduces to the form (2). When kh' is large, and kh small, we have (iii), the main effect of the presence of the upper fluid being now the change in the potential energy of a given deformation. When the upper surface of the upper fluid is free, we may assume ABinh£(v+A) 7 \ •bc= -y+p -- . .y.T 'cos&g, I (iv), !//•'/=j0' at the free surface then lead to the equation c4 (p coth kh coth M' + p') - c2P (coth kh' + coth M) | + (p - p') ^ = 0 ...... (v). Since this is a quadratic in c2, there are two possible systems of waves of any given length (2?r/^). This is as we should expect, since when the wave-length is prescribed the system has virtually two degrees of freedom, so that there are two independent modes of oscillation about the state of equilibrium. For example, in the extreme case where p'/p is small, one mode consists mainly in an oscillation of the upper fluid which is almost the same as if the lower fluid were solidified, whilst the other mode may be described as an oscillation of the lower fluid which is almost the same as if its upper surface were free. The ratio of the amplitudes at the upper and lower surfaces is found to be kc* kc* cosh kh'-g sinh kh' Of the various special cases that may be considered, the most interesting is that in which kh is large ; i. e. the depth of the lower fluid is great compared with the wave-length. Putting coth kh = 1, we see that one root of (v) is now c2=#/£ ..................................... (vii), exactly as in the case of a single fluid of infinite depth, and that the ratio of the amplitudes is e*A'. This is merely a particular case of the general result stated at the end of Art. 222 ; it will in fact be found on examination that 25—2 388 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP. IX there is now no slipping at the common boundary of the two fluids. The second root of (v) is c2- p~p> - $- (viii)' ~' '*" ...ivrnj, and for this the ratio (vi) assumes the value »' ............... (ix). If in (viii) and (ix) we put &A' = oo , we fall back on a former case ; whilst if we make kh' small, we find £-(l-0fV (x), and the ratio of the amplitudes is .(xi). These problems were first investigated by Stokes*. The case of any number of superposed strata of different densities has been treated by Webbf and Greenhill|. For investigations of the possible rotational oscillations in a heterogeneous liquid the reader may consult the papers cited below §. 224. As a further example of the method of Art. 222, let us suppose that two fluids of densities p, p, one beneath the other, are moving parallel to x with velocities U, U', respectively, the common surface (when undisturbed) being of course plane and horizontal. This is virtually a problem of small oscillations about a state of steady motion. The fluids being supposed unlimited vertically, we assume, for the lower fluid Tjr = - U [y - $eky cos kx\ (1), and for the upper fluid (2), * " On the Theory of Oscillatory Waves," Carnb. Trans, t. viii. (1847) ; Math, and Phys. Papers, t. i., pp. 212—219. t Math. Tripos Papers, 1884. $ "Wave Motion in Hydrodynamics," Amer. Journ. Math., t. ix. (1887). § Lord Kayleigh, "Investigation of the Character of the Equilibrium of an Incompressible Heavy Fluid of Variable Density." Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., t. xiv., p. 170 (1883). Burnside, "On the small Wave-Motions of a Heterogeneous Fluid under Gravity." Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., t. xx., p. 392 (1889). Love, "Wave-Motion in a Heterogeneous Heavy Liquid." Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., t. xxii., p. 307 (1891). 223-224] EFFECT OF WIND ON WAVE-VELOCITY. 389 the origin being at the mean level of the common surface, which is assumed to be stationary, and to have the form y — /3cos kx (3). The pressure-equations give 2 = const. — qy — ^ U2 (1 — 2k8eky cos kx\ P-, = const. — gy — \ U'2 (1 + 2kpe~ky cos kx) P whence, at the common surface, = const. p = const. - (k U'2 + g) P Since we must have p=p' over this surface, we get PU* + p'U* = £(P-p') ..................... (6). This is the condition for stationary waves on the common surface of the two currents U, V. If we put U' = U, we fall back on the case of Art. 223. Again if we put 17= -c, lP = -c + u, we get the case where the upper fluid has a velocity u relative to the lower ; c then denotes the velocity (relative to the lower fluid) of waves on the common surface. An interesting application of this is to the effect of wind on the velocity of water-waves. The equation (6) now takes the form or, if we write s for p'/p, and put c0 for the wave- velocity in the absence of wind, as given by Art. 223 (2), 2su su2 -, The roots of this quadratic in c are su 390 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP. IX These are both real, provided «<^.Co (10), and they have, moreover, opposite signs, if c» (ID- In this latter case waves of the prescribed length (2-7T/&) may travel with or against the wind, but the velocity is greater with the wind than against it. If u lie between the limits (10) and (11), waves of the given length cannot travel against the wind. Finally when u exceeds the limit (10), the values of c are imaginary. This indicates that the plane form of the common surface is now un stable. Any disturbance whose wave-length is less than (12) tends to increase indefinitely. Hence, if there were no modifying circumstances, the slightest breath of wind would suffice to ruffle the surface of water. We shall give, later, a more complete investigation of the present problem, taking account of capillary forces, which act in the direction of stability. It appears from (6) that if p = p', or if g = 0, the plane form of the surface is unstable for all wave-lengths. These results illustrate the statement, as to the instability of surfaces of discontinuity in a liquid, made in Art. 80*. When the currents are confined by fixed horizontal planes y= -h, y = h', we assume I S_inlO^+A) I .................. |f smh kh j sn — 7 (n). The condition for stationary waves on the common surface is then found to be (iii)f. * This instability was first remarked by von Helmholtz, I.e. ante, p. 24. t Greenhill, Lc. ante, p. 388. 224-225] SUKFACES OF DISCONTINUITY. . 391 It appears on examination that the undisturbed motion is stable or unstable, according as < p coth kh+p coth kh' > (pp' coth kh coth kh'}% where u is the velocity of the upper current relative to the lower, and c0 is the wave-velocity when there are no currents (Art. 223 (ii)). When h and h' both exceed half the wave-length, this reduces practically to the former result (10). 225. These questions of stability are so important that it is worth while to give the more direct method of treatment*. If be the velocity-potential of a slightly disturbed stream flowing with the general velocity U parallel to x, we may write = - t/"tf + be the velocity-potential, the equations of motion have now the integral k2 ............... (4), this being, in fact, the form assumed by Art. 21 (4) when we write n = gy-p(cx + ) ..................... (5), in accordance with (1) above. To calculate, in the first place, the effect of a simple-harmonic distribution of pressure we assume y sin kx, \ f .................. W' The equation (4) becomes, on neglecting as usual the square of k/3, 2 = ... - gy + fi^y (&c2 cos kx + pc sin kx) ......... (7). This gives for the variable part of the pressure at the upper surface (i|r = 0) — £ = (3 [(kd1 — a) cos kx + pc sin kx} ............ (8), P which is equal to the real part of If we equate the coefficient to P, we may say that to the pressure 7 = ^** (9> corresponds the surface-form y = kd,_P _i ceikx (io). Hence taking the real parts, we find that the surface-pressure A/n (11) P produces the wave-form p (kc* — g) cos kx — /AC sin kz 226-227] SIMPLE-HARMONIC APPLICATION OF PRESSURE. 395 If we write ic=g/c2, so that ZTT/K is the wave-length of the free waves which could maintain their position in space against the flow of the stream, the last formula may be written P (k — /c) cos kx — /^ sin kx where /^ = //./c. This shews that if /u, be small the wave-crests will coincide in position with the maxima, and the troughs with the minima, of the applied pressure, when the wave-length is less than 2?r/< ; whilst the reverse holds in the opposite case. This is in accordance with a general principle. If we impress on every thing a velocity -c parallel to #, the result obtained by putting /z1 = 0 in (13) is seen to be merely a special case of Art. 165 (12). In the critical case of k = K, we have y= -- . sin&£, fiC shewing that the excess of pressure is now on the slopes which face down the stream. This explains roughly how a system of progressive waves may be maintained against our assumed dissipative forces by a properly adjusted distribution of pressure over their slopes. 227. The solution expressed by (13) may be generalized, in the first place by the addition of an arbitrary constant to xt and secondly by a summation with respect to k. In this way we may construct the effect of any arbitrary distribution of pressure, say using Fourier's expression f(x) = -\ dk( f(\)cosk(x-\)d\ ........ (15). 7T J o J -oo * It will be sufficient to consider the case where the imposed pressure is confined to an infinitely narrow strip of the surface, since the most general case can be derived from this by in tegration. We will suppose then that f(\) vanishes for all but infinitely small values of X, so that (15) becomes a>)=- dkcoskx.i f(\)d\ ......... (16)*. TTJo J_oo teness of this expression may be avoided a*L» 1 f e-*kdk I f(\)cosk(x-\)d\ * The indeterminateness of this expression may be avoided by the temporary use of Poisson's formula in place of (15). 396 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP. IX Hence in (13) we must replace P by Q/jr.&k, where and integrate with respect to k between the limits 0 and oo ; thus If we put £=k + im, where k, m are taken to be the rectangular coordinates of a variable point in a plane, the properties of the expression (18) are contained in those of the complex integral :«*£. It is known (Art. 62) that the value of this integral, taken round the boundary of any area which does not include the singular point (£=c), is zero. In the present case we have c = K + i^ , where K and /^ are both positive. Let us first suppose that x is positive, and let us apply the above theorem to the region which is bounded externally by the line m = 0 and by an infinite semicircle, described with the origin as centre on the side of this line for which m is positive, and internally by a small circle surrounding the point (*, JAJ). The part of the integral due to the infinite semicircle obviously vanishes, and it is easily seen, putting £— c = reld, that the part due to the small circle is if the direction of integration be chosen in accordance with the rule of Art. 33. We thus obtain dk _ V«-MI)* = 0 which is equivalent to rpikx C™ p~ikx , * . .dk = 27riel{K+t^x+ *-(K+«ft) 70 On the other hand, when x is negative we may take the integral (i) round the contour made up of the line m = 0 and an infinite semicircle lying on the side for which m is negative. This gives the same result as before, with the omission of the term due to the singular point, which is now external to the contour. Thus, for x negative, p-ikx An alternative form of the last term in (ii) may be obtained by integrating round the contour made up of the negative portion of the axis of &, and the 227] EFFECT OF A LINE OF PRESSURE. 397 pti /; positive portion of the axis of m, together with an infinite quadrant. We thus find which is equivalent to p-mx - \dk= -r-rdm .................. (iv). - This is for x positive. In the case of K negative, we must take as our contour the negative portions of the axes of £, m, and an infinite quadrant. This leads to re-ikx /•» emx , f . .dk = \ — - - -dm .................. (v), m *+(K-Hpi) J Q m + ^-iK as the transformation of the second member of (iii). In the foregoing argument /zx is positive. The corresponding results for the integral are not required for our immediate purpose, but it will be convenient to state them for future reference. For x positive, we find /•» eikx r e~** r e~mx I TT-, - — \dk= \ T-r-f - ^dk= \ - -dm ... (vii): /o *-(«-«*«l) 7o^ + («-^i) Jo m+^ + iK whilst, for x negative, = _ 2,^^^+ r . •"*'. N sin «, + /" (t + *)(™% ~ (19), '°° (k + fc) cos A;^ — yu,i sin A;a? , -7 dk and, for x negative, to 7TC2 Q 'y~ (20)- 398 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP. IX The interpretation of these results is simple. The first term of (19) represents a train of simple-harmonic waves, on the down stream side of the origin, of wave-length 2?rc2/^, with amplitudes gradually diminishing according to the law e~^x. The remaining part of the deformation of the free-surface, expressed by the definite integals in (19) and (20), though very great for small values of #, diminishes very rapidly as x increases, however small the value of the frictional coefficient /j^. When /*! is infinitesimal, our results take the simpler forms 7TC2 ~ . f00 cos kx f °° rfliQ—mx — — 2vr sin KX + I — 2 c?m (21), Jo w + # for a? positive, and 7TC2 pcos&tf 77 f00 raema; , /rtox T-y = l. ^T7*=J0^+7^m (22)' for a? negative. The part of the disturbance of level which is represented by the definite integrals in these expressions is now symmetrical with respect to the origin, and diminishes constantly as the distance from the origin increases. It is easily found, by usual methods, that when KX is moderately large me~mx d 1 _3J_ 5! Q /it \ fC /C JU tC JU rC Ju the series being of the kind known as 'semi-convergent.' It appears that at a distance of about half a wave-length from the origin, on the down-stream side, the simple-harmonic wave-system is fully established. The definite integrals in (21) and (22) can be reduced to known functions as follows. If we put (&+K) x=u, we have, for x positive, r cos kx 77 /"* cos (KX - u) _ -; -- dk= I - 2 - Lfo k+* f« u = - Ci KX cos KX + (far — Si KX} sin KX ...... (ix), where, in the usual notation, n. f00 cosu , 0. fu siuu , (J1U—-I - du. Siu= I --- du ............... (x). ju U Jo U ' 227] DISCUSSION OF THE INTEGRALS. 399 The functions Ci u and Si u have been tabulated by Glaisher*. It appears that as u increases from zero they tend very rapidly to their asymptotic values 0 and ^?r, respectively. For small values of u we have where y is Euler's constant -5772.... The expressions (19), (20) and (21), (22) alike make the eleva tion infinite at the origin, but this difficulty disappears when the pressure, which we have supposed concentrated on a mathematical line of the surface, is diffused over a band of finite breadth. In fact, to calculate the effect of a distributed pressure, it is only necessary to write x— x' for x, in (21) and (22), to replace Q by Ap/p . §x', where Ap/p is any given function of #', and to in tegrate with respect to of between the proper limits. It follows from known principles of the Integral Calculus that, if Ap be finite, the resulting integrals are finite for all values of x. If we write x (u) = Ciu sin u + (-|7r — Si'w) cos u (xii)j it is easily found from (19) and (20) that, when ^ is infinitesimal, we have, for positive values of #, no T00 — / ydk— — Sroos*r+x(«i?) (xiii). V J x and for negative values of x -n-x-Kx} (xiv). In particular, the integral depression of the free surface is given by and is therefore independent of the velocity of the stream. By means of a rough table of the function x (u\ it is easy to construct the wave-profile corresponding to a uniform pressure applied over a band of any given breadth. It may be noticed that if the breadth of the band be an exact multiple of the wave-length (2»r/ic), we have zero elevation of the surface at a distance, on the down-stream as well as on the up-stream side of the seat of disturbance. * " Tables of the Numerical Values of the Sine-Integral, Cosine-Integral, and Exponential-Integral," Phil Trans., 1870. The expression of the last integral in (22) in terms of the sine- and cosine-integrals, was obtained, in a different manner from the above, by Schlomilch, " Sur l'inte"grale d6finie / dd e~X& " Crelle '« 6'2 + a* t. xxxiii. (1846) ; see also De Morgan, Differential and Integral Calculus, London 1842, p. 654. 400 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP, ix 227-228] FORM OF THE WAVE-PROFILE. 401 The figure on p. 400 shews, with a somewhat extravagant vertical scale, the case where the band (AB) has a breadth K~I, or '159 of the length of a standing wave. The circumstances in any such case might be realized approximately by dipping the edge of a slightly inclined board into the surface of a stream, except that the pressure on the wetted area of the board would not be uniform, but would diminish from the central parts towards the edges. To secure a uniform pressure, the board would have to be curved towards the edges, to the shape of the portion of the wave-profile included between the points A, B in the figure. If we impress on everything a velocity — c parallel to x, we get the case of a pressure-disturbance advancing with constant velocity c over the surface of otherwise still water. In this form of the problem it is not difficult to understand, in a general way, the origin of the train of waves following the disturbance. It is easily seen from the theory of forced oscillations referred to in Art. 165 that the only motion which can be maintained against small dissipative forces will consist of a train of waves of the velocity c, equal to that of the disturbance, and therefore of the wave length 2-7rc2/(7. And the theory of 'group-velocity' explained in Art. 221 shews that a train of waves cannot be maintained ahead of the disturbance, since the supply of energy is insufficient. 228. The main result of the preceding investigation is that a line of pressure athwart a stream flowing with velocity c produces a disturbance consisting of a train of waves, of length 27rc2/#, lying on the down-stream side. To find the effect of a line of pressure oblique to the stream, making (say) an angle JTT — 6 with its direction, we have only to replace the velocity of the stream by its two components, c cos 6 and c sin 6, perpendicular and parallel to the line. If the former component existed alone, we should have a train of waves of length 2?rc2/# . cos2 0, and the superposition of the latter component does not affect the con figuration. Hence the waves are now shorter, in the ratio cos2 0:1. It appears also from Art. 227 (21) that, for the same integral pressure, the amplitude is greater, varying as sec2 6, but against this must be set the increased dissipation to which the shorter waves are subject*. To infer the effect of a pressure localized about a point of the * On the special hypothesis made above this is indicated by the factor e~Ml gh. The roots of (iv) are then all pure imaginaries ; viz. they are of the form + i/3, where /3 is a root of (v). The smallest positive root of this lies between 0 and |TT, and the higher roots approximate with increasing closeness to the values (S + ^)TT, where s is integral. We will denote these roots in order by /30, /31} /32,.... Let us now take the integral (iii) round the contour made up of the axis of u, an infinite semicircle on the positive side of this axis, and a series of small circles surrounding the singular points C=fc/30> *|8i, ^v--- The part due to the infinite semicircle obviously vanishes. Again, it is known that if a be a simple root o the value of the integral taken in the positive direction round a small circle enclosing the point £=a is equal to Forsyth, Theory of Functions, Art. 24. 406 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP. IX Now in the case of (iii) we have, ......... (vii), whence, putting a = 2&, the expression (vi) takes the form (viii), where JBS= - -& - -j- ....................... (ix). The theorem in question then gives L Oixu/h /•« &ixulh - -du+ u coth u — gh/c2 J Q u coth u — gh/c2 If in the former integral we write - u for u, this becomes o u coth u - The surface-form is then given by It appears that the surface-elevation (which is symmetrical with respect to the origin) is insensible beyond a certain distance from the seat of disturb When, on the other hand, c2 < gk, the equation (iv) has a pair of real roots ( + a, say), the lowest roots ( + /30) of (v) having now disappeared. The integral (ii) is then indeterminate, owing to the function under the integral sign becoming infinite within the range of integration. One of its values, viz. the ' principal value,' in Cauchy's sense, can however be found by the same method as before, provided we exclude the points £= +a from the contour by drawing semicircles of small radius e round them, on the side for which v is positive. The parts of the complex integral (iii) due to these semicircles will be f(±«Y where /' (a) is given by (vii) ; and their sum is therefore equal to where A= , a , ... (xiv). 2_gh(ghL The equation corresponding to (xi) now takes the form j (a~e + f 1 ^^...du^-nA *maxlh + n^B8e-Wh. ..(xv), (Jo Ja+J ucothu-gh/c2 *\ ^ h 229-230] REDUCTION OF THE INTEGRALS. 407 so that, if we take the principal value of the integral in (ii), the surface-form on the side of .^-positive is (xvi). Hence at a distance from the origin the deformation of the surface consists of the simple-harmonic train of waves indicated by the first term, the wave length ZTrhja being that corresponding to a velocity of propagation c relative to still water. Since the function (ii) is symmetrical with respect to the origin, the corresponding result for negative values of x is (xvii). The general solution of our indeterminate problem is completed by adding to (xvi) and (xvii) terms of the form Ccosax/h 4- Dsin axfh ...... ... ............... (xviii). The practical solution including the effect of infinitely small dissipative forces is obtained by so adjusting these terms as to make the deformation of the surface insensible at a distance on the up-stream side. We thus get, finally, for positive values of x, (xix), and, for negative values of #, For a different method of reducing the definite integral in this problem we must refer to the paper by Lord Kelvin cited below. 230. The same method can be employed to investigate the effect on a uniform stream of slight inequalities in the bed.* Thus, in the case of a simple-harmonic corrugation given by y = — h-\- 7 cos kx (1), the origin being as usual in the undisturbed surface, we assume (f)/c = — % + (& cosh ky -f ft sinh ky) sin kx, (2) — — y + (a sinh ky + ft cosh ky) cos kx { " The condition that (1) should be a stream-line is 7 = — a sinh kh + ft cosh kh (3). * Sir W. Thomson, " On Stationary Waves in Flowing Water," Phil. Mag., Oct. Nov. and Dec. 1886, and Jan. 1887. 408 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP. IX The pressure-formula is 'D - = const. —gy + kc2 (a cosh ky + /3 sinh ky) cos kx ... (4), approximately, and therefore along the stream-line -\Jr = 0 - = const, -f (kcza — g(3) cos kx, so that the condition for a free surface gives kc*OL-g@ = 0 ........................... (5). The equations (3) and (5) determine a and j3. The profile of the free surface is then given by y = /3 cos kx = — T-TT - 77-^ — • u / 1 cos&# ............ (6). cosh &n — $r/A;c2 . Sinn &/& If the velocity of the stream be less than that of waves in still water of uniform depth h, of the same length as the corrugations, as determined by Art. 218 (4), the denominator is negative, so that the undulations of the free surface are inverted relatively to those of the bed. In the opposite case, the undulations of the surface follow those of the bed, but with a different vertical scale. When c has precisely the value given by Art. 218 (4), the solution fails, as we should expect, through the vanishing of the denomi nator. To obtain an intelligible result in this case we should be compelled to take special account of dissipative forces. The above solution may be generalized, by Fourier's Theorem, so as to apply to the case where the inequalities of the bed follow any arbitrary law. Thus, if the profile of the bed be given by ^- I dk( J 0 •* — >o that of the free surface will be obtained by superposition of terms of the type 6) due to the various elements of the Fourier-integral ; thus 1 r ji r =-\ dk \ TT J 0 J _ /(A)cos£(#-A) y=- u/ //9 -T_/i TT _00 cosh kh - kc* . smh kh In the case of a single isolated inequality at the point of the bed verti cally beneath the origin, this reduces to _ ^ cosh kh - kc* . sinh kh /; — r ~ 9-—- u— 0 u cosh u-ghjc*. smh u ,(iii), 2:30-231] INEQUALITIES IN THE BED OF A STREAM. 409 where Q represents the area included by the profile of the inequality above the general level of the bed. For a depression Q will of course be negative. The discussion of the integral ...(iv) I £ cosh f - cfh/c2 . sinh £ can be conducted exactly as in the last Art. The function to be integrated differs in fact only by the factor £/sinh £ ; the singular points therefore are the same as before, and we can at once write down the results. Thus when c2 > gh we find, for the surface-form, > the upper or the lower sign being taken according as x is positive or negative. When c2 < gh, the ' practical' solution is, for x positive, *i sm £, and, for x negative, The symbols a, /3g, At BB have here exactly the same meanings as in Art. 230* Waves of Finite Amplitude. 231. The restriction to ' infinitely small ' motions, in the investigations of Arts. 216,... implies that the ratio (a/\) of the maximum elevation to the wave-length must be small. The determination of the wave- forms which satisfy the conditions of uniform propagation without change of type, when this restric tion is abandoned, forms the subject of a classical research by Sir G, Stokesf. The problem is, of course, most conveniently treated as one of steady motion. If we neglect small quantities of the order * A very interesting drawing of the wave-profile produced by an isolated in equality in the bed is given in Lord Kelvin's paper, Phil. Mag., Dec. 1886. + "On the theory of Oscillatory Waves," Cavrib. Trans., t. viii. (1847); reprinted, with a "Supplement," Math, and Phys. Papers, t. i., pp. 197, 314. The outlines of a more general investigation, including the case of permanent waves on the common surface of two horizontal currents, have been given by von Helmholtz, " Zur Theorie von Wind und Wellen," Berl. Monatsber., July 25, 1889. 410 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP. IX a?l\*, the solution of the problem in the case of infinite depth is contained in the formulae . .# ' ' ' The equation of the wave-profile ^ = 0 is found by successive approximations to be y = fidw cos ka; = P(I+ky + |-%2 + . . .) cos kx = i&£2 + £ (1 + f &2/32) cos kx + |&/32 cos Zkx + -f &2£3 cos 3kx + ... ............ (2); or, if we put 0(1+ &2/32) = a, y — ^ka2 = a cos kx + ^ka? cos 2kx + f &2a3 cos 3Aj# + ...... (3). So far as we have developed it, this coincides with the equation of a trochoid, the circumference of the rolling circle being 2ir/&, or X, and the length of the arm of the tracing point being a. We have still to shew that the condition of uniform pressure along this stream-line can be satisfied by a suitably chosen value of c. We have, from (1), without approximation = const. - gy - Jc2 { 1 - 2kp& cos Tex + k^e2ky} ..... (4), and therefore, at points of the line y = $eky cos kx, £ = const. + (kc* -g)y- -const. Hence the condition for a free surface is satisfied, to the present order of approximation, provided c^ + ^c^^a+^a2) .................. (6). This determines the velocity of progressive waves of per manent type, and shews that it increases somewhat with the amplitude a. For methods of proceeding to a higher approximation, and for the treatment of the case of finite depth, we must refer to the original investigations of Stokes. * Lord Kayleigh, I c. ante p. 279. 231] FINITE WAVES OF PERMANENT TYPE. 411 The figure shews the wave-profile, as given by (3), in the case of ka = J, or a/\ = '0796. The approximately trochoidal form gives an outline which is sharper near the crests, and flatter in the troughs, than in the case of the simple-harmonic waves of infinitely small amplitude investi gated in Art. 218, and these features become accentuated as the amplitude is increased. If the trochoidal form were exact, instead of merely approximate, the limiting form would have cusps at the crests, as in the case of Gerstner's waves to be considered presently. In the actual problem, which is one of irrotational motion, the extreme form has been shewn by Stokes*, in a very simple manner, to have sharp angles of 120°. The problem being still treated as one of steady motion, the motion near the angle will be given by the formulae of Art. 63 ; viz. if we introduce polar coordinates r, 6 with the crest as origin, and the initial line of 6 drawn vertically downwards, we have (i), with the condition that \//>--0 when 6= ±a (say), so that ma=^n. This formula leads to q = mCrm~l .................................... (ii), where q is the resultant fluid velocity. But since the velocity vanishes at the crest, its value at a neighbouring point of the free surface will be given by (iii), as in Art. 25 (2). Comparing (ii) and (iii), we see that we must have m=£, and therefore a = ^7rf. In the case of progressive waves advancing over still water, the particles at the crests, when these have their extreme forms, are moving forwards with exactly the velocity of the wave. Another point of interest in connection with these waves of permanent type is that they possess, relatively to the undisturbed water, a certain * Math, and Phys. Papers, t. i., p. 227. t The wave-profile has been investigated and traced, for the neighbourhood of the crest, by Michell, " The Highest Waves in Water," Phil. Mag., Nov. 1893. He finds that the extreme height is -142 X, and that the wave- velocity is greater than in the case of infinitely small height in the ratio of 1-2 to 1. 412 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP. IX momentum in the direction of wave-propagation. The momentum, per wave length, of the fluid contained between the free surface and a depth h (beneath the level of the origin) which we will suppose to be great compared with X, is since ^ = 0, by hypothesis, at the surface, and —ch, by (1), at the great depth h. In the absence of waves, the equation to the upper surface would be y=^£a2, by (3), and the corresponding value of the momentum would there fore be A .................................. (v). The difference of these results is equal to 7rpa2c ....................................... (vi), which gives therefore the momentum, per wave-length, of a system of progressive waves of permanent type, moving over water which is at rest at a great depth. To find the vertical distribution of this momentum, we remark that the equation of a stream-line ty = cti is found from (2) by writing y-f- h' for ?/, and j3e~kh' for /3. The mean-level of this stream-line is therefore given by y= -h' + ^^e~2kh' ........................... (vii). Hence the momentum, in the case of undisturbed flow, of the stratum of fluid included between the surface and the stream-line in question would be, per wave-length, pcAtA'+JJ/S* (!-«-»")} ....................... (viii). The actual momentum being pcA'X, we have, for the momentum of the same stratum in the case of waves advancing over still water, 7rp«2c(l-e-2fc>0 ................................. (ix). It appears therefore that the motion of the individual particles, in these progressive waves of permanent type, is not purely oscillatory, and that there is, on the whole, a slow but continued advance in the direction of wave- propagation*. The rate of this flow at a depth h' is found approximately by differentiating (ix) with respect to A', and dividing by pX, viz. it is tfatce-™* .................................... (x). This diminishes rapidly from the surface downwards. 232. A system of exact equations, expressing a possible form of wave-motion when the depth of the fluid is infinite, was given so long ago as 1802 by Gerstnerf, and at a later period indepen dently by Rankine. The circumstance, however, that the motion 1 * Stokes, 1. c. ante, p. 409. Another very simple proof of this statement has been given by Lord Eayleigh, 1. c. ante, p. 279. t Professor of Mathematics at Prague, 1789—1823. 231-232] GERSTNER'S WAVES. 413 in these waves is not irrotational detracts somewhat from the physical interest of the results. If the axis of x be horizontal, and that of y be drawn vertically upwards, the formulae in question may be written so = a + r ekb sin k (a + ct\ = b — Tekb cos k (a + ct) ox where the specification is on the Lagrangian plan (Art. 16), viz., a, b are two parameters serving to identify a particle, and #, y are the coordinates of this particle at time t. The constant k deter mines the wave-length, and c is the velocity of the waves, which are travelling in the direction of ^-negative. To verify this solution, and to determine the value of c, we remark, in the first place, that _ kb d(a,b)~ so that the Lagrangian equation of continuity (Art. 16 (2)) is satisfied. Again, substituting from (1) in the equations of motion (Art. 13), we find -j- (- + = e sn , %r ( - + db \p whence - = const. — g ] b — y ekb cos k (a + ct) \ P I * ) - c2ekb cos k(a + ct) + $c*e*kb ...... (4). For a particle on the free surface the pressure must be constant ; this requires ................... (6). 414 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP, ix It is obvious from (1) that the path of any particle (a, b) is a circle of radius k~lekb. The figure shews the forms of the lines of equal pressure b = const., for a series of equidistant values of b*. These curves are trochoids, obtained by rolling circles of radii k~l on the under sides of the lines y = b + &"1, the distances of the tracing points from the respective centres being k~l^b. Any one of these lines may be taken as representing the free surface, the extreme admissible form being that of the cycloid. The dotted lines represent the successive forms taken by a line of particles which is vertical when it passes through a crest or a trough. It has been already stated that the motion of the fluid in these waves is rotational. To prove this, we remark that sin Jc (a + ct}} + ce2kb 8a which is not an exact differential. * The diagram is very similar to the one given originally by Gerstner, and copied more or less closely by subsequent writers, 232] ROTATIONAL CHARACTER. 415 The circulation in the boundary of the parallelogram whose vertices coincide with the particles («, 6), (a + 8a, 6), (a, b + 8b), (a is,by(i), - and the area of the circuit is d(a,b) Hence the angular velocity (&>) of the element (a, b} is ±_6_ (ii). This is greatest at the surface, and diminishes rapidly with increasing depth. Its sense is opposite to that of the revolution of the particles in their circular orbits. A system of waves of the present type cannot therefore be originated from rest, or destroyed, by the action of forces of the kind contemplated in the general theorem of Arts. 18, 34. We may however suppose that by properly adjusted pressures applied to the surface of the waves the liquid is gradually reduced to a state of flow in horizontal lines, in which the velocity (u'} is a function of the ordinate (?/') only*. In this state we shall have af=at while y' is a function of b determined by the condition or = l-e2A* .................................... (iv). m, . , du' du' dii' , dyf Thismakes ^ = ^, J£= -2<0J =2te™ ..................... (v), and therefore u'=cezkb .................................... (vi). Hence, for the genesis of the waves by ordinary forces, we require as a foundation an initial horizontal motion, in the direction opposite to that of propagation of the waves ultimately set up, which diminishes rapidly from the surface downwards, according to the law (vi), where b is a function of y deter mined by It is to be noted that these rotational waves, when established, have zero momentum. * For a fuller statement of the argument see Stokes, Math, and Phys. Papers, t. i., p. 222. 416 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP. IX 233. Rankine's results were obtained by him by a synthetic process for which we must refer to his paper*. Gerstner's procedure f, again, is different. He assumed, erroneously, that when the problem is reduced to one of steady motion the pressure must be uniform, not only along that par ticular stream-line which coincides with the free surface, but also along every other stream-line. Considered, however, as a deter mination of the only type of steady motion, under gravity, which possesses this property, his investigation is perfectly valid, and, especially when regard is had to its date, very remarkable. The argument, somewhat condensed with the help of the more modern invention of the stream-function, is as follows. Fixing our attention at first on any one stream-line, and choosing the origin on it at a point of minimum altitude, let the axis of x be taken horizontal, in the general direction of the flow, and let that of y be drawn vertically up wards. If v be the velocity at any point, and VQ the velocity at the origin, we have, resolving along the arc s, dv dv "5 = -** .................................... «> on account of the assumed uniformity of pressure. Hence as in Art. 25. Again, resolving along the normal, v2 1 d dx where 8n is an element of the normal, and R is the radius of curvature. Now v= -d\ls/dn, where \^ is the stream-function, so that if we write & for dpfpd\lr, which is, by hypothesis, constant along the stream-line, we have tf dx Putting ^ »™) multiplying by dyjds, and making use of (i), we obtain d*-x do dx _ dy ds* ds ds~ * ds d'2x dv dx _ dy J-9. "• J_ j_ "" "jT" \^/> whence, on integration, dx * "On the Exact Form of Waves near the Surface of Deep Water," Phil. Trans., 1863. f "Theorie der Wellen," Abh. der k. b'ohm. Ges. der Witt., 1802; Gilbert's Annalen der Physik, t. xxxii. (1809). 233] GERSTNER'S INVESTIGATION. 417 which is a formula for the horizontal velocity. Combined with (ii), this gives ) ........ .... (vii), provided /3 = VQ/O- - gja* ................................. (viii). Hence, for the vertical velocity, we have (ix). If the coordinates x, y of any particle on the stream-line be regarded as functions of t, we have, then, )} ..................... 00, whence x = -t+fB8in = 0, and the surface-condition will also be satisfied for y = h, provided This will be found to agree approximately with Lord Kayleigh's investigation if we put m = b~1. 235. The theory of waves of permanent type has been brought into relation with general dynamical principles by von HelmholtzJ, If in the equations of motion of a 'gyrostatic' system, Art. 139 (14), we put dV dV * Stokes, " On the Highest Wave of Uniform Propagation," Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., t. iv., p. 361 (1883). For another method of investigation see McCowan " On the Solitary Wave," Phil. Mag., July 1891; and "On the Highest Wave of Permanent Type," Phil. Mag., Oct. 1894. The latter paper gives an approximate determination of the extreme form of the wave, when the crest has a sharp angle of 120°. The limiting value for the ratio a/ft is found to be -78. t Kindly communicated by Sir George Stokes. t " Die Energie der Wogen und des Windes," Berl. Monatsber., July 17, 1890; Wied. Ann., t. xli., p. 641. 422 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP. IX where V is the potential energy, it appears that the conditions for steady motion, with qlt q2, ... constant, are where K is the energy of the motion corresponding to any given values of the coordinates ql} q2, ..., when these are prevented from varying by the application of suitable extraneous forces. This energy is here supposed expressed in terms of the constant momenta C, C',... corresponding to the ignored coordinates 2£, 2£7, ..,, and of the palpable coordinates ql} qz, — It may how ever also be expressed in terms of the velocities %, ^', ... and the coordinates qlt #2, ...; in this form we denote it by T0. It may be shewn, exactly as in Art. 141, that dT0/dqr = — dK/dqr) so that the conditions (2) are equivalent to Hence the condition for free steady motion with any assigned constant values of qlt q2)... is that the corresponding value of V + K, or of V-T0, should be stationary. Cf. Art. 195. Further, if in the equations of Art. 139 we write —dV/dqs + Q8 for Q8, so that Qs now denotes a component of extraneous force, we find, on multiplying by qlt q.2) ... in order, and adding, Q1 where x is the flux. Hence, for the cyclic constant, * For some general considerations bearing on the problem of stationary waves on the common surface of two currents reference may be made to von Helmholtz' paper. This also contains, at the end, some speculations, based on calculations of energy and momentum, as to the length of the waves which would be excited in the first instance by a wind of given velocity. These appear to involve the assumption that the waves will necessarily be of permanent type, since it is only on some such hypothesis that we get a determinate value for the momentum of a train of waves of small amplitude. 424 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP. IX approximately, where the term of the first order in 77 has been omitted, in virtue of (6). The kinetic energy, ^PK\> may be expressed in terms of either x °r *• We thus obtain the forms The variable part of V- T0 is and that of V+Kis It is obvious that these are both stationary for rj = 0 ; and that they will be stationary for any infinitely small values of 77, provided x2=gk?, or if We put x=Uh, or K=Ul, this condition gives in agreement with Art. 172. It appears, moreover, that 77 = 0 makes V-\-K a maximum or a minimum according as U'2 is greater or less than gli. In other words, the plane form of the surface is secularly stable if, and only if, U<(gfif. It is to be remarked, however, that the dissipative forces here contemplated are of a special character, viz. they affect the vertical motion of the surface, but not (directly) the flow of the liquid. It is otherwise evident from Art. 172 that if pressures be applied to maintain any given constant form of the surface, then if U*>gh these pressures must be greatest over the elevations and least over the depressions. Hence if the pressures be removed, the inequalities of the surface will tend to increase. Standing Waves in Limited Masses of Water. 236. The problem of wave-motion in two horizontal dimensions (x, y), in the case where the depth is uniform and the fluid is bounded laterally by vertical walls, can be reduced to the same analytical form as in Art. 185*. If the origin be taken in the undisturbed surface, and if f denote the elevation at time t above this level, the pressure- * For references to the original investigations of Poisson and Lord Kayleigh see p. 310. The problem was also treated by Ostrogradsky, " Memoire sur la propagation des ondes dans un bassin cylindrique," Mem. des Sav. Etrang., t. iii. (1832). 235-236] STANDING WAVES : UNIFORM DEPTH. 425 condition to be satisfied at the surface is, in the case of infinitely small motions, and the kinematical surface-condition is d% _ [df\ /o\ dt~ L«kJ«-«" Hence, for z — 0, we must have or, in the case of simple- harmonic motion, if the time-factor be e'i{ + fy = A {cosh £ (y-ft'z)-}- cos £(#+w)} .......(i), the time-factor e*(a*+e) being understood. This gives = A (cosh ky cos kz + cos ky cosh kz\ ) . . ty = A (sinh ky sin kz - sin ky sinh kz) J " The latter formula shews at once that the lines y=±z constitute the stream-line ^ = 0, and may therefore be taken as fixed boundaries. The condition to be satisfied at the free surface is, as in Art. 216, o*4>=gdld£....: (iii). Substituting from (ii) we find, if h denote the height of the surface above the origin, where m=2M. The root M = 0, of (ix), which is extraneous in the theory referred to, is now important ; it corresponds in fact to the slowest mode of oscillation in the present problem. Putting Ak2 = B, and making k infinitesimal, the formulae (vii) become, on restoring the time-factor, and taking the real parts, whilst from (viii) The corresponding form of the free surface is i r/7/^n 0 (xiii). The surface in this mode is therefore always plane. The annexed figure shews the lines of motion (^ = const.) for a series of equidistant values of \//-. * Of. Lord Bayleigh, Theory of Sound, t. i., Art. 170, where the numerical solution of the equation is fully discussed. 428 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP. IX The next gravest mode is symmetrical, and is given by the lowest finite root of (v), which is M = 2-3650, whence o- = l'5244 (gjKf. In this mode, the profile of the surface has two nodes, whose positions are determined by putting 0 = 0, z = k, in (ii) ; whence it is found that */&« £-5516*. The next mode corresponds to the lowest finite root of (ix), and so ont. 2°. Greenhill, in the paper already cited, has investigated the symmetrical oscillations of the water across a channel whose section consists of two straight lines inclined at 60° to the vertical. In the (analytically) simplest mode of this kind we have, omitting the time-factor, 4) + i^ = iA(y + iz)3 + B ........................... (xiv), or = Az(z*-Zy*) + B, + = Ay(i?-W) ............... (xv), the latter formula making \//- = 0 along the boundary y=±>j3.z. The surface-condition (iii) is satisfied for z=k, provided ffi ........................ (2). If we assume that 6 oc cos (ldn = 0 ........................... (3) at the sides, and that ......................... (4) at the free surface. Since dfyjdx must vanish for x = 0 and x = Z, it follows from known principles* that each term in (1) must satisfy the conditions (2), (3), (4) independently ; viz. we must have ^2P-0 (5) with dPK/dn = 0 ........................... (6) at the lateral boundary, and a*P8 = gdP./dz ......................... (7) at the free surface. The term P0 gives purely transverse oscillations such as have been discussed in Art. 237. Any other term Ps cos skx gives a series of fundamental modes with s nodal lines transverse to the canal, and 0, 1, 2, 3,... nodal lines parallel to the length. It will be sufficient for our purpose to consider the term P! cos kx. It is evident that the assumption <£ = Px cos kx . cos (at + e) .................. (8), with a proper form of Pj and the corresponding value of cr deter- * See Stokes, "On the Critical Values of the Sums of Periodic Series," Camb. Trans., t. viii. (1847) ; Math, and Phys. Paper*, t. i., p. 236, 239] WAVES IN UNIFORM CANAL: GENERAL THEORY. 431 mined as above, gives the velocity-potential of a possible system of standing waves, of arbitrary wave-length 2-7T/&, in an unlimited canal of the given form of section. Now, as explained in Art. 218, by superposition of two properly adjusted systems of standing waves of this type we can build up a system of progressive waves /dz (ii), for y=+z, respectively. The surface-condition (7) then gives ~/, />./, (i"), v/2 " where h is the height of the free surface above the bottom line. If we put a = kc, the wave- velocity c is given by where # = 2ir/A, if X be the wave-length. * "Report on Recent Researches in Hydrodynamics," Brit. Ass. Rep., 1846; Math, and Phys. Papers, t. i., p. 167. f " On Waves," Trans. R. S, Edin., t. xiv. (1839), 239-240] TRIANGULAR SECTION. 433 When k/\ is small, this reduces to = A (sinh ay sin fiz + sin /3y sinh az) cos ksc . cos (crt+f) ...... (xvi). This leads in the same manner as before to a2-/32 = £2 ................................. (xvii), o-'2 sinh ah = ga cosh ah,} and ..................... (xvm>' whence ah coth ah — ^h cot fth ........................... (xix). There are an infinite number of solutions, with values of /3A in the third, fifth, seventh, ... quadrants, giving 3, 5, 7, ... longitudinal nodes, one of which is central. 3°. The case of a canal with plane sides inclined at 60° to the vertical has been recently treated by Macdonald*. He has discovered a very compre hensive type, which may be verified as follows. The assumption 0 = P cos kx . cos ( = H^z cos kx . cos (" where 7 is the gravitation-constant. Putting g=%7rypa, r = a + 2?w, we find n = const. +^22(^r^ ................. (6>- Substituting from (2) and (6) in the pressure equation (7), - p at we find, since p must be constant over the surface, Eliminating Sn between (4) and (8), we obtain This shews that fw oc cos (crnt + e), where 2n(n-l)jr "n' 2» + l B" For the same density of liquid, g oc a, and the frequency is therefore independent of the dimensions of the globe. The formula makes o^ = 0, as we should expect, since in the deformation expressed by a surface-harmonic of the first order the surface remains spherical, and the period is therefore infinitely long. " For the case n = 2, or an ellipsoidal deformation, the length of the isochronous simple pendulum becomes }a, or one and a quarter times the earth's radius, for a homogeneous liquid globe of the same mass and diameter as the earth ; and therefore for this case, 438 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP, ix or for any homogeneous liquid globe of about 5 J times the density of water, the half-period is 47 m. 12s.*" " A steel globe of the same dimensions, without mutual gravi tation of its parts, could scarcely oscillate so rapidly, since the velocity of plane waves of distortion in steel is only about 10,140 feet per second, at which rate a space equal to the earth's diameter would not be travelled in less than 1 h. 8 m. 40s.f " When the surface oscillates in the form of a zonal harmonic spheroid of the second order, the equation of the lines of motion is xw'i = const., where zsr denotes the distance of any point from the axis of symmetry, which is taken as axis of x (see Art. 94 (11)). The forms of these lines, for a series of equi distant values of the constant, are shewn in the annexed figure. 242. This problem may also be treated very compactly by the method of 'normal coordinates' (Art. 165). The kinetic energy is given by the formula * Sir W. Thomson, /.. c. t Sir W. Thomson. The exact theory of the vibrations of an elastic sphere gives, for the slowest oscillation of a steel globe of the dimensions of the earth, a period of 1 h. 18m. Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., t. xiii., p. 212 (1882). 241-242] METHOD OF NORMAL COORDINATES. 439 where 88 is an element of the surface r = a. Hence, when the surface oscillates in the form r = a + fn, we find, on substitution from (2) and (4), (12). To find the potential energy, we may suppose that the external surface is constrained to assume in succession the forms r = a + 0?n, where 6 varies from 0 to 1. At any stage of this process, the gravitation potential at the surface is, by (6), fl = const. + ^?n ............... (13). Hence the work required to add a film of thickness £n&0 is W.^2gpfKSdS .................. (14). Integrating this from 6 = 0 to 6 = I, we find (15). The results corresponding to the general deformation (1) are obtained by prefixing the sign 2 of summation with respect to n, in (12) and (15); since the terms involving products of surface- harmonics of different orders vanish, by Art. 88. The fact that the general expressions for T and V thus reduce to sums of squares shews that any spherical-harmonic deformation is of a ' normal type.' Also, assuming that fw oc cos (P+*^}* ........................... (ii), where the coefficients have been adjusted so as to make dp0 the value of o-j is imaginary ; the equilibrium configuration in which the external surface of the fluid is concentric with the nucleus is then unstable. (Of. Art. 192.) If in (ix) we put & = 0, we reproduce the result of the preceding Art. If, on the other hand, the depth of the ocean be small compared with the radius, we find, putting 6 = a-A, and neglecting the square of A/a, 3 P\ ffh t,\ provided n be small compared with a/A. This agrees with Laplace's result, obtained in a more direct manner in Art. 192. But if n be comparable with a/A, we have, putting n = ka, so that (ix) reduces to (ra=#£tanh£A ................................. (xi), as in Art. 217. Moreover, the expression (ii; for the velocity-potential becomes, if we write r=a + z, + h) .............................. (xii), where /dy = — dfy'jdy, for y = 0, give 0-a . , . , ^ . - — —rr = -- eky cos kx . sin ( = !, /o' = 0, 2^ = 74, we have the following results, the units being the centimetre and second *. Wave-length. Wave-velocity. Frequency. •50 •10 •05 30 68 96 61 680 1930 246. When gravity is to be taken into account, the common surface, in equilibrium, will of course be horizontal. Taking the * Cf. Sir W. Thomson, Math, and Phys. Papers, t. iii., p. 520. The above theory gives the explanation of the 'crispations' observed on the surface of water contained in a finger-bowl set into vibration by stroking the rim with a wetted finger. It is to be observed, however, that the frequency of the capillary waves in this experiment is double that of the vibrations of the bowl ; see Lord Kayleigh, " On Maintained Vibrations," Phil. Mag., April, 1883. 446 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP. IX positive direction of y upwards, the pressure at the disturbed surface will be given by , e), P, , -, = -^ - — gy = — I ?=r + g J a cos kx . sin (at + e) approximately. Substituting in Art. 245 (5), we find at^^gk+W .................... (2). P+> /> + ? Putting a = kc, we find, for the velocity of a train of progressive waves, where we have written P') = T' ................ (4). In the particular cases of Tl = 0 and g = 0, respectively, we fall back on the results of Arts. 223, 245. There are several points to be noticed with respect to the formula (3). In the first place, although, as the wave-length (2ir/&) diminishes from oo to 0, the speed (a-) continually increases, the wave-velocity, after falling to a certain minimum, begins to increase again. This minimum value (cm, say) is given by (5), and corresponds to a wave-length Xm = 2^m = 27r(r/Sr)i .................. (6)*. In terms of \m and cm the formula (3) may be written «>• * The theory of the minimum wave -velocity, together with most of the substance of Arts. 245, 246, was given by Sir W. Thomson, " Hydrokinetic Solutions and Observations," Phil. Mag., Nov. 1871; see also Nature, t. v., p. 1 (1871), 246] MINIMUM WAVE-VELOCITY. 447 shewing that for any prescribed value of c, greater than cm, there are two admissible values (reciprocals) of X/Xm. For example, corresponding to c/cm = T2 1-4 1-6 1-8 2-0 we have , f 2-476 3-646 4-917 6*322 7'873 1 m~{ -404 -274 -203 -158 -127, to which we add, for future reference, sin-1cni/c = 56°26/ 45° 35' 38° 41' 33° 45' 30°. For sufficiently large values of X the first term in the formula (3) for c2 is large compared with the second ; the force governing the motion of the waves being mainly that of gravity. On the other hand, when X is very small, the second term preponderates, and the motion is mainly governed by cohesion, as in Art. 245. As an indication of the actual magnitudes here in question, we may note that if X/\m>10, the influence of cohesion on the wave- velocity amounts only to about 5 per cent., whilst gravity becomes relatively ineffective to a like degree if X/Xm < -fa. It has been proposed by Lord Kelvin to distinguish by the name of ' ripples' waves whose length is less than Xm. The relative importance of gravity and cohesion, as depending on the value of X, may be traced to the form of the expression for the potential energy of a deformation of the type The part of this energy due to the extension of the bounding surface is, per unit area, Tr^o'/X8 .................................... (ii), whilst the part due to gravity is p')«2 .................................... (iii). As X diminishes, the former becomes more and more important compared with the latter. For a water-surface, using the same data as before, with # = 981, we find from (5) and (6), Xm = l-73, cm = 23'2, the units being the centimetre and the second. That is to say, roughly, the minimum wave-velocity is about nine inches per second, or -45 sea-miles per 448 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP. IX hour, with a wave-length of two-thirds of an inch. Combined with the numerical results already obtained, this gives, for c= 27-8 32-5 37'1 41-8 46 '4 in centimetres and seconds. If we substitute from (7) in the general formula (Art. 221 (2)) for the group-velocity, we find Hence the group-velocity is greater or less than the wave- velocity, according as X > Xm. For sufficiently long waves the group- velocity is practically equal to \c, whilst for very short waves it tends to the value fc*. A further consequence of (2) is to be noted. We have hitherto tacitly supposed that the lower fluid is the denser (i.e. p>p')> as is indeed necessary for stability when Tl is neglected. The formula referred to shews, however, that there is stability even when p/c = - x + ftefr sin lex, \ . ^/c«-y+£tf**coefcr J ' the upper surface coinciding with the stream-line -^ = 0, whose equation is y = ft cos kx ........................... (2), approximately. At a point just beneath this surface we find, as in Art. 226 (8), for the variable part of the pressure, — = ft {(kc* - g) cos kx + yuc sin kx} ............ (3), where //, is the frictional coefficient. At an adjacent point just above the surface we must have p p x* = ft {(kcz -g- &T) cos kx + pc sin kx] ......... (4), where T' is now written for TJp. This is equal to the real part of ft (kc* -g- k*T' - ific) eikx. Writing P for the coefficient, we find that to the imposed pressure will correspond the surface-form _ (k^ ~ 9 ~ k*Tf) cos kx — nc sin kx (5) 247-249] SURFACE DISTURBANCE OF A STREAM. 451 Let us first suppose that the velocity c of the stream exceeds the minimum wave-velocity (cm) investigated in Art. 246. We may then write K,)(K2-k) .................. (7), where K^ tc2 are the two values of k corresponding to the wave- velocity c on still water; in other words, ZTT/KH 27r//c2 are the lengths of the two systems of free waves which could maintain a stationary position in space, on the surface of the flowing stream. We will suppose that K<>> K^. In terms of these quantities, the formula (6) may be written _ P (k — K!) (K2 — k) cos kx — /// sin kx , . y = T" (k-Kjfa-ky + p'* where /// = pc/T '. This shews that if p! be small the pressure is least over the crests, and greatest over the troughs of the waves when k is greater than K.2 or less than KI} whilst the reverse is the case when k is intermediate to telt K2. In the case of a pro gressive disturbance advancing over still water, these results are seen to be in accordance with Art. 165 (12). 249. From (8) we can infer as in Art. 227 the effect of a pressure of integral amount Q concentrated on a line of the surface at the origin, viz. we find Q r (k- ^(Kz-k) cos kx - fjf sin kx „ ( . y - *TI - Jo -^tf&i-ky+jfi- This definite integral is the real part of e**dk r J o The dissipation-coefficient // has been introduced solely for the purpose of making the problem determinate; we may therefore avail ourselves of the slight gain in simplicity obtained by supposing pf to be infinitesimal. In this case the two roots of the denominator in (i) are k = where v=p.'/(ic.2-Kl). Since *2 > Ki> " is positive. The integral (i) is therefore equivalent to i f r Jo &-*- ....... (12). K2- K! (Jo k + K! Jo k + K2 J This function F(x) can be expressed in terms of the known func tions Ci «!#, Si #!#, Ci K&, Si K.&, by Art. 227 (ix). The disturb ance of level represented by it is very small for values of x, whether positive or negative, which exceed, say, half the greater wave-length (^TT/KJ). Hence, beyond some such distance, the surface is covered on the down-stream side by a regular train of simple-harmonic waves of length 27r/Klt and on the up-stream side by a train of the shorter wave-length 27r/«;2. It appears from the numerical results of Art. 246 that when the velocity c of the stream much exceeds the minimum wave- velocity (cm) the former system of waves is governed mainly by gravity, and the latter by cohesion. 249] WAVES AND RIPPLES. 453 It is worth notice that, in contrast with the case of Art. 227, the elevation is now finite when x = 0, viz. we have (^ K2 Kl KI This follows easily from (10). The figure shews the transition between the two sets of waves, in the case of K2 = 5^. The general explanation of the effects of an isolated pressure-disturbance advanc ing over still water, indicated near the end of Art. 227, is now modified by the fact that there are tivo wave-lengths correspond ing to the given velocity c. For one of these (the shorter) the group-velocity is greater, whilst for the other it is less, than c. We can thus understand why the waves of shorter wave-length should be found ahead, and those of longer wave-length in the rear, of the disturbing pressure. It will be noticed that the formulge (10), (11) make the height of the up-stream capillary waves the same as that of the down-stream gravity waves ; but this result will be greatly modified when the pressure is diffused over a band of finite breadth, instead of being concentrated on a mathe matical line. If, for example, the breadth of the band do not exceed one-fourth of the wave-length on the down-stream side, whilst it considerably exceeds the wave-length of the up-stream ripples, as may happen with a very moderate velocity, the different parts of the breadth will on the whole reinforce one another as regards their action on the down-stream side, whilst on the up-stream side we shall have ' interference,' with a comparatively small residual amplitude. 454 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP. IX When the velocity c of the stream is less than the minimum wave- velocity, the factors of are imaginary. There is now no indeterminateness caused by putting fju = 0 ab initio. The surface-form is given by Q r coskx „ The integral might be transformed by the previous method, but it is evident a priori that its value tends rapidly, with increasing x, to zero, on account of the more and more rapid fluctuations in sign of cos kx. The disturbance of level is now confined to the neighbourhood of the origin. For x = 0 we find Finally we have the critical case where c is exactly equal to the minimum wave- velocity, and therefore K2 = /q. The first term in (10) or (11) is now infinite, whilst the remainder of the expres sion, when evaluated, is finite. To get an intelligible result in this case it is necessary to retain the frictional coefficient //. If we put // = 2sr2) we have (k-^ + i^f={k-(< + ^-iw}}{k-(<-w-\-iw}} ............ (vii), so that the integral (i) may now be equated to l-M' r r» \ (16). The examination of the effect of inequalities in the bed of a stream, by the method of Art. 230, must be left to the reader. 249-250] EFFECT OF A PRESSURE-POINT. 455 250. The investigation by Lord Rayleigh*, from which the foregoing differs principally in the manner of treating the definite integrals, was undertaken with a view to explaining more fully some phenomena described by Scott Russell f and Lord Kelvin J. "When a small obstacle, such as a fishing line, is moved forward slowly through still water, or (which of course cornes to the same thing) is held stationary in moving water, the surface is covered with a beautiful wave-pattern, fixed relatively to the obstacle. On the up-stream side the wave-length is short, and, as Thomson has shewn, the force governing the vibrations is prin cipally cohesion. On the down-stream side the waves are longer, and are governed principally by gravity. Both sets of waves move with the same velocity relatively to the water ; namely, that required in order that they may maintain a fixed position relatively to the obstacle. The same condition governs the velocity, and therefore the wave-length, of those parts of the pattern where the fronts are oblique to the direction of motion. If the angle between this direction and the normal to the wave-front be called 0, the velocity of propagation of the waves must be equal to VQ cos 0, where v0 represents the velocity of the water relatively to the fixed obstacle. " Thomson has shewn that, whatever the wave-length may be, the velocity of propagation of waves on the surface of water cannot be less than about 23 centimetres per second. The water must run somewhat faster than this in order that the wave-pattern may be formed. Even then the angle 6 is subject to a limit defined by v0 cos 6 = 23, and the curved wave-front has a corresponding asymptote. " The immersed portion of the obstacle disturbs the flow of the liquid independently of the deformation of the surface, and renders the problem in its original form one of great difficulty. We may however, without altering the essence of the matter, suppose that the disturbance is produced by the application to one point of the surface of a slightly abnormal pressure, such as might be produced by electrical attraction, or by the impact of a small jet of air. * I. e. ante p. 393. + « On Waves," Brit. Ass. Rep., 1844. £ 1. c. ante p. 446. 456 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP. IX Indeed, either of these methods — the latter especially — gives very beautiful wave-patterns*." The solution of the problem here stated is to be derived from the results of the last Art. in the manner explained in Art. 228. For a line of pressure making an angle JTT — 0 with the direction of the stream, the distances (p) of the successive wave- ridges from the origin are given by kp = (2m - %) TT, where m is an integer, and the values of k are determined by l&T -&c2cos20 + # = 0 (1). If we put cm = (40r)* (2), and cosa = cm/c, a = (m - J) 7rc2/# (3), this gives £_- 2^cos*0+ cos4a = 0 (4), whence p/a = cos2 9 ± (cos4 6 — cos4 a)* (5). The greater of these two values of p corresponds to the down stream and the smaller to the up-stream side of the seat of disturbance. The general form of the wave-ridges due to a pressure-point at the origin is then given, on Huyghens' principle, by (5), considered as a ' tangential-polar ' equation between p and 6. The four lines for which 6 = ± a. are asymptotes. The values of ^TT — a for several values of c/cm have been tabulated in Art. 246. The figure opposite shews the wave-system thus obtained, in the particular case where the ratio of the wave-lengths in the line of symmetry is 4 : 1. This corresponds to a= 26° 34'*h In the outlying parts of the wave-pattern, where the ridges are nearly straight, the wave-lengths of the two systems are nearly equal, and we have then the abnormal amplitude indicated by equation (16) of the preceding Art. When the ratio c/cm is at all considerable, a is nearly equal to |TT, and the asymptotes make a very acute angle with the axis. The wave-envelope * Lord Eayleigh, I. c. t The figure may be compared with the drawing, from observation, given by Scott Russell, I c. 250-251] WAVE-PATTERN. 457 on the down-stream side then approximates to the form investigated in Art. 228, except that the curve, after approaching the axis of x near the origin, runs back along the asymptotes. On the up-stream side we have approxi mately j» = &sec2# (i), where b = \a cos4 a. This gives 251. Another problem of great interest is the determination of the nature of the equilibrium of a cylindrical column of liquid, of circular section. This contains the theory of the well-known experiments of Bidone, Savart, and others, on the behaviour of a jet issuing under pressure from a small orifice in the wall of a containing vessel. It is obvious that the uniform velocity in the 458 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP. IX direction of the axis of the jet does not affect the dynamics of the question, and may be disregarded in the analytical treatment. We will take first the two-dimensional vibrations of the column, the motion being supposed to be the same in each section. Using polar coordinates r, 0 in the plane of a section, with the origin in the axis, we may write, in accordance with Art. 63, rs (/> = J. — cos s# . cos (oi + e) ............... (1), Cl> where a is the mean radius. The equation of the boundary at any instant will then be r-o+f .............................. (2), where £ = -- cos s6 . sin (at + e) ............... (3), = facoskz . cos(• This equation is of the form considered in Art. 187, except for the sign of & ; the solutions which are finite for r = 0 are therefore of the type fa=BIt(kr)™\80 ..................... (12), bill \ where Zs Hence, writing 0, o-2 is positive ; but in the case (s = 0) of symmetry about the axis a2 will be negative if ka < 1 ; that is, the equilibrium is unstable for disturbances whose wave-length (2ir/k) exceeds the circumference of the jet. To ascertain the type of disturbance for which the instability is greatest, we require to know the value of ka which makes kaIQ'(ka) I9(ka) (k l)' a maximum. For this Lord Rayleigh finds k2a2 = '4858, whence, for the wave-length of maximum instability, 2-7T/& = 4-508 x 2a. There is a tendency therefore to the production of bead-like 252-253] INSTABILITY OF A JET. 461 swellings and contractions of this wave-length, with continually increasing amplitude, until finally the jet breaks up into detached drops*. 253. This leads naturally to the discussion of the small oscillations of a drop of liquid about the spherical form-f. We will slightly generalize the question by supposing that we have a sphere of liquid, of density p, surrounded by an infinite mass of other liquid of density p. Taking the origin at the centre, let the shape of the common surface at any instant be given by ?' = a + f =a+ 8n.sin(at + e) (1), where a is the mean radius, and Sn is a surface-harmonic of order n. The corresponding values of the velocity-potential will be, at internal points, fTCt W'v = -- -Sn. cos (at + e) (2), 7i a and at external points (T(i a n+i (3), Id T JL / since these make ~di==~~dr= ~~dr' for r = a. The variable parts of the internal and external pressures at the surface are then given by To find the sum of the curvatures we make use of the theorem * The argument here is that if we have a series of possible types of disturbance, with time-factors ettl , e°2<, e"3*, ..., where a1>a2>a3> ..., and if these be excited simultaneously, the amplitude of the first will increase relatively to those of the other components in the ratios a'*1'***, e(otl ~ a3^, . . . . The component with the greatest a will therefore ultimately predominate. The instability of a cylindrical jet surrounded by other fluid has been discussed by Lord Eayleigh, " On the Instability of Cylindrical Fluid Surfaces," Phil. Mag., Aug. 1892. For a jet of air in water the wave-length of maximum instability is found to be 6-48 x 2a. t Lord Eayleigh, I. c. ante p. 458; Webb, Mess, of Math., t. ix. p. 177 (1880). 462 SURFACE WAVES. [CHAP. IX of Solid Geometry, that if X, p, v be the direction-cosines of the normal at any point of a surface F(x, y, z) = 0, viz. 1 1 d\ diji dv then ~p~"*~fcr = ;7~"*~77+;7~ ( )' Since the square of ? is to be neglected, the equation (1) of the harmonic spheroid may also be written r = o + ft,, (6), rn where f?l= — Sn . sin (at + e) (7), CL i.e. %n is a solid harmonic of degree n. We thus find X d%n X y • ' f dii w& ' V /' Z Cv^n ^ ^ ~r~dzlr2^n whence ~~ a a2 Substituting from (4) and (9) in the general surface-condition of Art. 244, we find If we put p = 0, this gives The most important mode of vibration is the ellipsoidal one, for which n = 2 ; we then have 253] VIBRATIONS OF A GLOBULE. 463 Hence for a drop of water, putting Tl = 74, p = 1, we find, for the frequency, = *> (1), where K (=p dp/dp) is a certain coefficient, called the 'elasticity of volume.1 For a given liquid the value of K varies with the temperature, and (very slightly) with the pressure. For water at 15° C., K = 2'22 x 1010 dynes per square centimetre; for mercury at the same temperature tc= 5*42 x 1011. The case of gases will be considered presently. Plane Waves. 255. We take first the case of plane waves in a uniform medium. The motion being in one dimension (x), the dynamical equation is, in the absence of extraneous forces, du du _ 1 dp _ 1 dp dp X-.X dt dx p dx p dp dx" 254-255] PLANE WAVES. 465 whilst the equation of continuity, Art. 8 (4), reduces to If we put p=pQ(I+s) ........................... (3), where pQ is the density in the undisturbed state, s may be called the 'condensation' in the plane x. Substituting in (1) and (2), we find, on the supposition that the motion is infinitely small, du K ds ,.. Tt = ~p,dx'" ds du /K, and -j- = — --j- .......................... (5), dt dx if K = [pdp/dp]p=p(} ........................ (6), as above. Eliminating s we have #u = c,#u dt2 dx2'" where c2 = K/p0 = [dp/dp]p=po ..................... (8). The equation (7) is of the form treated in Art. 107, and the complete solution is u = F(ct-x)+f(ct + x) .................. (9), representing two systems of waves travelling with the constant velocity c, one in the positive and the other in the negative direction of x. It appears from (5) that the corresponding value of s is given by ............... (10). For a single wave we have u = ± cs ..................... ...... (11), since one or other of the functions F,f is zero. The upper or the lower sign is to be taken according as the wave is travelling in the positive or the negative direction. There is an exact correspondence between the above approximate theory and that of ' long ' gravity- waves on water. If we write 77 /A for s, and gh for ic/Po, the equations (4) and (5), above, become identical with Art. 166 (3), (5). I,. 30 466 WAVES OF EXPANSION. [CHAP. X 256. With the value of K given in Art. 254, we find for water at 15° C. c = 1490 metres per second. The number obtained directly by Colladon and Sturm in their experiments on the lake of Geneva was 1437, at a temperature of 8° C * In the case of a gas, if we assume that the temperature is constant, the value of K is determined by Boyle's Law viz. K=PO .............................. (2), so that c = O>/po)* ........................ ( we nave dx The dynamical equation obtained by considering the forces acting on unit area of the above stratum is o**- dp (S) *"~;- These equations are exact, but in the case of small motions we may write ........................... (4), _ . Substituting in (3) we find where c2 = K/p0 ........................... (7). The interpretation of (6) is the same as in Arts. 167, 255. 256-258] ENERGY OF SOUND WAVES. 469 258. The kinetic energy of a system of plane waves is given by T-faff&tadydM (1), where u is the velocity at the point (x, y, z] at time t. The calculation of the intrinsic energy requires a little care. If v be the volume of unit mass, the work which this gives out in expanding from its actual volume to the normal volume v0 is I pdv J V (2). Putting v = Vu/(l+s), p=po+KS, we find, for the intrinsic energy (E) of unit mass ^=boS + (i*-po)s2K (3), if we neglect terms of higher order. Hence, for the intrinsic energy of the fluid which in the disturbed condition occupies any given region, we have the expression W=jtfEpdxdydz = p9fffE (1 + s) dxdydz = S!5(pQs + %KS>}dxdydz (4), since p0v0 = I. If we consider a region so great that the con densations and rarefactions balance, we have fjfsdxdydz = 0 (5), and therefore W — \ KJjjs^dxdydz (6). In a progressive plane wave we have cs = ± u, and therefore T = W. The equality of the two kinds of energy, in this case, may also be inferred from the more general line of argument given in Art. 171. In the theory of Sound special interest attaches, of course, to the case of simple-harmonic vibrations. If a be the amplitude of a progressive wave of period 27r/cr, we may assume, in con formity with Art. 257 (6), f = a cos (kx — at + e) (7), where k = - In the same way we obtain The condition (4) is satisfied by Substituting in (5) and (6), we find \dpj j J dx Hence dP = 0, or P is constant, for a geometrical point moving with the velocity *-$)'+« ........................ » whilst Q is constant for a point whose velocity is .(10). Hence, any given value of P moves forward, and any value of Q moves backward, with the velocity given by (9) or (10), as the case may be. These results enable us to understand, in a general way, the nature of the motion in any given case. Thus if the initial disturbance be confined to the space between the two planes x = a, x = b, we may suppose that P and Q both vanish for x > a and for x < b. The region within which P is variable will advance, and that within which Q is variable will recede, until after a time these regions separate and leave between them a space for which P = 0, Q = 0, and in which the fluid is therefore at rest. The original disturbance has thus been split up into two progressive waves travelling in opposite directions. In the advancing wave we have Q = 0, and therefore 260-261] RIEMANN'S THEORY. 473 so that both the density and the particle-velocity are propagated forwards at the rate given by (9). Whether we adopt the isother mal or the adiabatic law of expansion, this velocity of propagation will be found to be greater, the greater the value of p. The law of progress of the wave may be illustrated by drawing a curve with x as abscissa and p as ordinate, and making each point of this curve move forward with the appropriate velocity, as given by (9) and (11). Since those parts move faster which have the greater ordinates, the curve will eventually become at some point perpendicular to x. The quantities dujdx, dpjdx are then infinite ; and the preceding method fails to yield any infor mation as to the subsequent course of the motion. Cf. Art. 183. 261. Similar results can be deduced from Earnshaw's investi gation*, which is, however, somewhat less general in that it applies only to a progressive wave supposed already established. For simplicity we will suppose p and p to be connected by Boyle's Law P=c*p ....................................... (i). If we write y=x-\-l~-> so that y denotes the absolute coordinate at time t of the particle whose undisturbed abscissa is #, the equation (3) of Art. 259 becomes da?dae This is satisfied by Hence a first integral of (ii) is To obtain the ' general integral ' of (v) we must eliminate a between the equations - where <£ is arbitrary. Now dy/dx=p0/p, * " On the Mathematical Theory of Sound," Phil. Trans., 1860. t See Forsyth, Differential Equations, c. ix. 474 WAVES OF EXPANSION. [CHAP. X so that, if u be the velocity of the particle #, we have (vii). On the outskirts of the wave we shall have u=0, p=p0- It follows that (7=0, and therefore P=P^ulc ................................. (viii). Hence in a progressive wave p and u must be connected by this relation. If this be satisfied initially, the function $ which occurs in (vi) is to be determined from the conditions at time t = 0 by the equation To obtain results independent of the particular form of the wave, consider two particles (which we will distinguish by suffixes) so related that the value of p which obtains for the first particle at time ^ is found at the second particle at time t.2. The value of a ( = p0/p) is the same for both, and therefore by (vi), with (7=0, #2-#i = « (#2 - #1) ±c &- *i) lo§ «>1 ( } Q = a(xz-x1)±c(tt-t]) J ' The latter equation may be written A# . p / -N -TT=+C- .................................... xi), A* po shewing that the value of p is propagated from particle to particle at the rate p/p0 . c. The rate of propagation in space is given by = +c+u .................................... (xii). This is in agreement with Eiemann's results, since on the 'isothermal' hypothesis (dp/dp)*=c. For a wave travelling in the positive direction we must take the lower signs. If it be one of condensation (p>p0), u is positive, by (viii). It follows that the denser parts of the wave are continually gaining on the rarer, and at length overtake them ; the subsequent motion is then beyond the scope of our analysis. Eliminating x between the equations (vi), and writing for c log a its value — u, we find for a wave travelling in the positive direction, y = (c + u)t+F(a) ........................... (xiii). In virtue of (viii) this is equivalent to 261-262] EARNSHAW'S. THEORY. 475 This formula is due to Poisson*. Its interpretation, leading to the same results as above, for the mode of alteration of the wave as it proceeds, forms the subject of a paper by Stokes f. 262. The conditions for a wave of permanent type have been investigated in a very simple manner by Rankine J. If, as in Art. 172, we impress on everything a velocity c equal and opposite to that of the waves, we reduce the problem to one of steady motion. Let A, B be two points of an ideal tube of unit section drawn in the direction of propagation, and let the values of the pressure, the density, and the particle-velocity at A and B be denoted by plt p1} K! and£>2> p2, u2, respectively. Since the same amount of matter now crosses in unit time each section of the tube, we have Pi(c-ul) = pa(c-ua\ = mt (1), say ; where m denotes the mass swept past in unit time by a plane moving with the wave, in the original form of the problem. This quantity m is called by Rankine the ' mass- velocity ' of the wave. Again, the total force acting on the mass included between A and B is p.2—pi, and the rate at which this mass is gaining momentum is m(c — tbi) — m(c — ut). Hence p2—pl = m(t^-u1) (2). Combined with (1) this gives p1-\-m2/pl=p2 + m-/p2 (3). Hence a wave of finite amplitude cannot be propagated un changed except in a medium such that p + mz/p = const (4). This conclusion has already been arrived at, in a different manner, in Art. 259. * " Memoire sur la Theorie du Son," Journ. de VEcole Polytechn., t. vii., p. 319 (1808). t " On a Difficulty in the Theory of Sound," Phil. Mag., NOT. 1848; Math, and Phys. Papers, t. ii., p. 51. % "On the Thermodynamic Theory of Waves of Finite Longitudinal Disturb ance," Phil. Trans., 1870. 476 WAVES OF EXPANSION. [CHAP. X If the variation of density be slight, the relation (4) may, however, be regarded as holding approximately for actual fluids, provided m have the proper value. Putting 0c ............ (5), we find c2 = /c/p0 .............................. (6), as in Art. 255. The fact that in actual fluids a progressive wave of finite amplitude continually alters its type, so that the variations of density towards the front become more and more abrupt, has led various writers to speculate on the possibility of a wave of dis continuity, analogous to a ' bore ' in water-waves. It has been shewn, first by Stokes*, and afterwards by several other writers, that the conditions of constancy of mass and of constancy of momentum can both be satisfied for such a wave. The simplest case is when there is no variation in the values of p and u except at the plane of discontinuity. If, in Rankine's argument, the sections A, B be taken, one in front of, and the other behind this plane, we find m and, if we further suppose that u2 = 0, so that the medium is at rest in front of the wave, (8), p2 \pi - P* m -L /(ffl - ff2) (Pi - P2)V /QX and u, = c = 11 ("/• ft \ The upper or the lower sign is to be taken according as pl is greater or less than p2, i.e. according as the wave is one of condensation or of rarefaction. These results have, however, lost some of their interest since it has been pointed out by Lord Rayleigh -f* that the equation of energy cannot be satisfied consistently with (1) and (2). Con sidering the excess of the work done on the fluid entering the * I. c. ante p. 475. t Theory of Sound, Art. 253. 262-263] CONDITION FOR PERMANENCY OF TYPE. 477 space AB at B over that done by the fluid leaving at A, we find p2 (c - Us) -pi(c- MJ) = Jm {(c - ?O2 - (c - Ma)2} + m(El-E,} ...... (10), where the first term on the right-hand represents the gain of kinetic, and the second that of intrinsic energy ; cf. Art. 23. As in Art. 11 (7), we have It is easily shewn that (10) is inconsistent with (2) unless ' ^-E^—^-pf) .................. (12), which is only satisfied provided the relation between p and p be that given by (4). In words, the conditions for a wave of discontinuity can only be satisfied in the case of a medium whose intrinsic energy varies as the square of the pressure. In the above investigation no account has been taken of dissipative forces, such as viscosity and thermal conduction and radiation. Practically, a wave such as we have been considering would imply a finite difference of temperature between the portions of the fluid on the two sides of the plane of discontinuity, so that, to say nothing of viscosity, there would necessarily be a dissipation of energy due to thermal action at the junction. Whether this dissipation would be of such an amount as to be consistent, approximately, with the relation (12) is a physical question, involving considerations which lie outside the province of theoretical Hydrodynamics. Spherical Waves. 263. Let us next suppose that the disturbance is symmetrical with respect to a fixed point, which we take as origin. The motion is necessarily irrotational, so that a velocity-potential (p exists, which is here a function of r, the distance from the origin, and t, only. If as before we neglect the squares of small quantities, we have by Art. 21 (3) J p 'dt ' 478 WAVES OF EXPANSION. [CHAP. X In the notation of Arts. 254, 255 we may write /> fKCfc J P J Po whence tfs = -~ (1). (MI To form the equation of continuity we remark that, owing to the difference of flux across the inner and outer surfaces, the space included between the spheres r and r + $r is gaining mass at the rate dH ^dr, Since the same rate is also expressed by dp/dt . 4?rr2 Br we have „ dp d This might also have been arrived at by direct transformation of the general equation of continuity, Art. 8 (4). In the case of infinitely small motions, (2) gives _ _ dt~r*dr\r dr whence, substituting from (1), ^-^A(r d? r* dr V dr This may be put into the more convenient form so that the solution is (6). Hence the motion is made up of two systems of spherical waves, travelling, one outwards, the other inwards, with velocity c. Considering for a moment the first system alone, we have = --F'(r-ct), which shews that a condensation is propagated outwards with velocity c, but diminishes as it proceeds, its amount varying 263-264] SPHERICAL WAVES. 479 inversely as the distance from the origin. The velocity due to the same train of waves is As r increases the second term becomes less and less important compared with the first, so that ultimately the velocity is pro pagated according to the same law as the condensation. 264. The determination of the functions F and / in terms of the initial conditions, for an unlimited space, can be effected as follows. Let us suppose that the initial distributions of velocity and condensation are determined by the formulae where i/r, % are arbitrary functions, of which the former must fulfil the condition ^r'(0) = 0, since otherwise the equation of continuity would not be satisfied at the origin. Both functions are given, primd facie, only for positive values of the variable ; but all our equations are consistent with the view that r changes sign as the point to which it refers passes through the origin. On this understanding we have, on account of the symmetry of the circumstances with respect to the origin, + (-r) = + (r), x(-r) = x(r) ............... (8), that is, -\|r and % are even functions. From (6) and (7) we have If we put J%X(r) is then given by (6), viz. As a very simple example, we may suppose that the air is initially at rest, and that the disturbance consists of a uniform condensation SQ extending through a sphere of radius a. The formula) then shew that after a certain time the disturbance is confined to a spherical shell whose internal and external radii are ct-a and ct + a, and that the condensation at any point within the thickness of this shell is given by The condensation is therefore positive through the outer half, and negative through the inner half, of the thickness. This is a particular case of a general result stated long ago by Stokes*, according to which a diverging spherical wave must necessarily contain both condensed and rarefied portions. We shall require shortly the form which the general value (14) of $ assumes at the origin. This is found most simply by differentiating both sides of (14) with respect to r and then making r = 0. The result is, if we take account of the relations (8), (10), (12), (15). General Equation of Round Waves. 265. We proceed to the general case of propagation of ex pansion-waves. We neglect, as before, the squares of small quantities, so that the dynamical equation is as in Art. 263, r8?-^ m " dt ' * " On Some Points in the Keceived Theory of Sound," Phil. Mag., Jan. 1849 ; Math, and Pliy». Papers, t. ii., p. 82. 264-265] GENERAL EQUATION. 481 Also, writing p = pQ (1 + s) in the general equation of continuity, Art. 8 (4), we have, with the same approximation, dt dx~ dy~ dzz" The elimination of s between (1) and (2) gives or, in our former notation, Since this equation is linear, it will be satisfied by the arith metic mean of any number of separate solutions ly <£2, 3,.... As in Art. 39, let us imagine an infinite number of systems of rectangular axes to be arranged uniformly about any point P as . origin, and let 1, », <£3, ... be the velocity-potentials of motions which are the same with respect to these systems as the original motion is with respect to the system x, y, z. In this case the arithmetic mean (, say), of the functions l} 2, 3,... will be the velocity-potential of a motion symmetrical with respect to the point P, and will therefore come under the investigation of Art. 264, provided r denote the distance of any point from P. In other words, if $ be a function of r and t, defined by the equation (5), where <£ is any solution of (4), and Biz- is the solid angle subtended at P by an element of the surface of a sphere of radius r having this point as centre, then dt* dr* Hence r$ = F(r-ct)+f(r + ct) .................. (7). The mean value of $ over a sphere having any point P of the medium as centre is therefore subject to the same laws as the * This result was obtained, in a different manner, by Poisson, " Me'moire sur la the'orie du son," Journ. de VEcole Polytechn., t. vii. (1807), pp. 334—338. The remark that it leads at once to the complete solution of (4) is due to Liouville, Journ. de Math., 1856, pp. 1—6. L. 31 482 WAVES OF EXPANSION. [CHAP. X velocity-potential of a symmetrical spherical disturbance. We see at once that the value of <£ at P at the time t depends on the mean initial values of (/> and d(f)/dt over a sphere of radius ct described about P as centre, so that the disturbance is propagated in all directions with uniform velocity c. Thus if the original disturbance extend only through a finite portion S of space, the disturbance at any point P external to 2 will begin after a time r-i/c, will last for a time (r2 — ?*i)/c, and will then cease altogether ; r-L , r2 denoting the radii of two spheres described with P as centre, the one just excluding, the other just including 2. To express the solution of (4), already virtually obtained, in an analytical form, let the values of (f> and d(f>/dt, when t = 0, be = ty(x,y,z\ -* = x(a;,y,*) ............... (8). The mean initial values of these quantities over a sphere of radius r described about (#, y, z) as centre are = -^ 1 1 ty (x + Ir, y + mr, z + nr) dvr, = x + r> y + mr> z + nr ™> where I, m, n denote the direction- cosines of any radius of this sphere, and £57 the corresponding elementary solid angle. If we put I = sin 6 cos ft>, m = sin 6 sin o>, n — cos 6, we shall have Stzr =sin Hence, comparing with Art. 264 (15), we see that the value of (f> at the point {x, y, z), at any subsequent time t, is —T~ -J-. • t 1 1 ty (® + ct sin 6 cos &>, y -f ct sin 6 sin &>, z -\- ct cos 6) sin OdOda) + — 1 1 ^ (x + ct sin 6 cos o>, y + ct sin # sin o>, s + cZ cos 6) sin 0d0d&> . . . (9), which is the form given by Poisson*. * " M6moire sur I'int6gration de quelques Equations lineaires aux differences partielles, et particulierement de 1'equation generale du mouvement des fluides elastiques," N.6m. de VAcad. des Sciences, t. iii., 1818-19. 265-266] ARBITRARY INITIAL CONDITIONS. 483 266. In the case of simple-harmonic motion, the time-factor being ei(Tt, the equation (4) of Art. 265 takes the form (V* + #)0 = 0 ........................ (1), where k = a/c .............................. (2). It appears on comparison with Art. 258 (7) that 2-7T/& is the wave length of plane waves of the same period (27T/0-). There is little excuse for trespassing further on the domain of Acoustics; but we may briefly notice the solutions of (1) which are appropriate when the boundary- conditions have reference to spherical surfaces, as this will introduce us to some results of analysis which will be of service in the next Chapter. In the case of symmetry with respect to the origin, we have by Art. 263 (5), or by direct transformation of (1), %*+"•*-<> ..................... <3>> the solution of which is A sin&r ncoskr ... + = A +8- .................... (4). When the motion is finite at the origin we must have B = 0. 1°. This may be applied to the radial vibrations of air contained in a spherical cavity. The condition that d(f)/dr = 0 at the surface r = a gives tan ka = Tca .................................... (i), which determines the frequencies of the normal modes. The roots of this equation, which presents itself in various physical problems, can be cal culated without much difficulty, either by means of a series*, or by a method devised by Fourierf. The values obtained by Schwerdt for the first few roots are £a/7r = 1-4303, 2-4590, 3-4709, 4'4774, 5-4818, 6'4844 ......... (ii), approximating to the form ra + £, where m is integral. These numbers give the ratio (2a/X) of the diameter of the sphere to the wave-length. Taking the reciprocals we find X/2a=-6992, -4067, -2881, -2233, -1824, -1542 ............... (iii). In the case of the second and higher roots of (i) the roots of lower order give * Euler, . Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum, Lausannse, 1748, t. ii., p. 319 ; Rayleigh, Theory of Sound, Art. 207. t Theorie analytique de la Chaleur, Paris, 1822, Art. 286. % Quoted by Verdet, Optique Physique, t. i., p. 266. 31—2 484 WAVES OF EXPANSION. [CHAP. X the positions of the spherical nodes (c?$/dr=0). Thus in the second mode there is a spherical node whose radius is given by r/a = (l'4303)/(2-4590)= '5817. 2°. In the case of waves propagated outwards into infinite space from a spherical surface, it is more convenient to use the solution of (3), including the time-factor, in the form (iv). If the motion of the gas be due to a prescribed radial motion r=ae^ ....................................... (v) of a sphere of radius a, C is determined by the condition that r= -dfyjdr for r = a. This gives whence, taking the real parts, we have, corresponding to a prescribed normal motion (vh), - a)} When lea is infinitesimal, this reduces to where A = knot a. We have here the conception of the 'simple source' of sound, which plays so great a part in the modern treatment of Acoustics. The rate of emission of energy may be calculated from the result of Art. 258. At a great distance r from the origin, the waves are approximately plane, of amplitude A/4^rcr. Putting this value of a in the expression £p0o-2a2c for the energy transmitted across unit area, and multiplying by 4nr2, we obtain for the energy emitted per second &7TC 267. When the restriction as to symmetry is abandoned, we may suppose the value of over any sphere of radius r, having its centre at the origin, to be expanded in a series of surface- harmonics whose coefficients are functions of r. We therefore assume n (5), 266-267] SPHERICAL BOUNDARY. 485 where n is a solid harmonic of degree n, and Rn is a function of r only. Now dy dy dz dz dx dy dz (6). And, by the definition of a solid harmonic, we have Hence If we substitute in (1), the terms in n must satisfy the equation independently, whence which is the differential equation in Rn. This can be integrated by series. Thus, assuming that En = 2Am(kr)™} the relation between consecutive coefficients is found to be m (2n +1+ ra) Am + Am_^ = 0. This gives two ascending series, one beginning with m = 0, and the other with m = — 2n — 1 ; thus - 2(l-2n)2.4(l-27i)(3-2n) "V' where A, B are arbitrary constants. Hence putting <£n = rw<8fn, so that Sn is a surface-harmonic of order n, the general solution of (1) may be written ^)J r»& ............ (9), 486 WAVES OF EXPANSION. [CHAP. X where --- 2(l-2w) 2.4(l-2n)(3-2n) '" ......... (10)*. The first term of (9) is alone to be retained when the motion is finite at the origin. The functions tyn (f), ^n (f) can also be expressed in finite terms, as follows : ' d sin? ^ -. (11). These are readily identified with (10) by expanding sin f, cos f, and performing the differentiations. As particular cases we have sn 3 IV . 3 cos? The formulae (9) and (11) shew that the general solution of the equation 2 (n + 1) d& + Rn = 0 (12 which is obtained by writing f for AT in (8), is d nAe*+Ber* This is easily verified ; for if ,ftn be any solution of (12), we find that the corresponding equation for Rn + 1 is satisfied by * There is a slight deviation here from the notation adopted by Heine, Kugel- functionen, p. 82. 267-268] SOLUTION IN SURFACE HARMONICS. 487 and by repeated applications of this result it appears that (12) is satisfied by where Itn is the solution of that is 268. A simple application of the foregoing analysis is to the vibrations of air contained in a spherical envelope. 1°. Let us first consider the free vibrations when the envelope is rigid. Since the motion is finite at the origin, we have, by (9), t^A^W^SH.e™ ................................. (i), with the boundary-condition ka^(ka} + n^n(ka}=0 .............................. (ii), a being the radius. This determines the admissible values of k and thence of It is evident from Art. 267 (11) that this equation reduces always to the form tan £&«(&») ................................. (iii), where f(ka) is a rational algebraic function. The roots can then be calculated without difficulty by Fourier's method, referred to in Art. 266. In the case n = l, if we take the axis of x coincident with that of the harmonic Slt and write .v = rcos 6, we have kr cos kr and the equation (ii) becomes (v). The zero root is irrelevant. The next root gives, for the ratio of the diameter to the wave-length, and the higher values of this ratio approximate to the successive integers 2, 3, 4.... In the case of the lowest root, we have, inverting, X/2«= 1-509. * The above analysis, which has a wide application in mathematical physics, has been given, in one form or another, by various writers, from Poisson (Tlieorie matheinatique de la Chaleur, Paris, 1835) downwards. For references to the history of the matter, considered as a problem in Differential Equations, see Glaisher, "On Riccati's Equation and its Transformations," PhiL Trans., 1881. 488 WAVES OF EXPANSION. [CHAP. X In this, the gravest of all the normal modes, the air sways to and fro much in the same manner as in a doubly-closed pipe. In the case of any one of the higher roots, the roots of lower order give the positions of the spherical nodes (dv .............................. (ix), with the condition A (ka^ (&*) + n^n (ka)}an~ * = 1 , and therefore 0- ^"(^ , n . . a (-Y Sn. ei, the equation (v>2 + &2) <£ = 0 becomes - dr2 r dr r2 [_dfi (" ' dp J 1 - p.2 da>2 If, now, d(f)/dr = 0 for r=a and »• = &, where a and b are nearly equal, we may neglect the radial motion altogether, so that the equation reduces to It appears, exactly as in Art. 191, that the only solutions which are finite over the whole spherical surface arc of the type 0*S,t ....................................... (iii), where Sn is a surface-harmonic of integral order n, and that the corresponding values of k are given by In the gravest mode (n = l), the gas sways to and fro across the equator of the harmonic Slt being, in the extreme phases of the oscillation, condensed at one pole and rarefied at the other. Since ka = >jZ in this case, we have for the equivalent wave-length A/2a= 2*221. In the next mode (?i = 2), the type of the vibration depends on that of the harmonic 8.2. If this be zonal, the equator is a node. The frequency is determined by tca=j6,or X/2a = 1'283. 270. We may next consider the propagation of waves outivards from a spherical surface into an unlimited medium. If at the surface (r—a) we have a prescribed normal velocity the appropriate solution of (v2+£2) 0=0 is / ^ ^Cknrn\krd(kr}] for this is included in the general formula (13) of Art. 207, and evidently represents a system of waves travelling outwards f. * Lord Rayleigh, Theory of Sound, Art. 333. t This problem was solved, in a somewhat different manner, by Stokes, "On the Communication of Vibrations from a Vibrating Body to a surrounding Gas," Phil. Trans., 1868. 490 WAVES OF EXPANSION. [CHAP. X We shall here only follow out in detail the case of ?i = l, which corresponds to an oscillation of the sphere, as rigid, to and fro in a straight line. Putting Sl = a cos 8 .................................... (iii), where 6 is the angle which r makes with the line in which the centre oscillates, the formula (ii) reduces to (iv). The value of C is determined by the surface-condition -^Loe^cos* ........ , ..................... (v), for r=a. This gives 0_ _ The resultant pressure on the sphere is X= - I Ap cos 6 . 27ra2 sin 6dB ..................... (vii), J o where A^ = c2p0s = p0c^/c& = iVp0 ........................ (viii). Substituting from (iv) and (vi), and performing the integration, we find „ 2 + Fa2-iFa3 . iat .. . X= --|7rPoa3. —j-j-p-p— ivae1** .................. (ix). This may be written in the form du where u(=ael Substituting in Art. 271 (7), and putting s = 0, we find, in the case of no disturbing forces, For plane waves travelling in a vertical direction, s will be a function of z only, and therefore If we assume a time-factor er = Ae™ ....................................... (ii), provided m2-m/IL + o*/ (1)> where a is the radius. If we assume that the vertical motion (w) is zero, the equation of continuity, Art. 271 (6), becomes ds 1 (d(usm6) dv dt a sin 6 ( dd o The equations (1) and (2) shew that u, v, s may be regarded as independent of the altitude. The formulae are in fact the same as in Art. 190, except that s takes the place of %/h, and c2 of gh. Since, in our present notation, we have c2 = #H, it appears that the free and the forced oscillations will follow exactly the same laws as those of a liquid of uniform depth H covering the same globe. Thus for the free oscillations we shall have Q n ( 4- \ \ ( *\\ where Sn is a surface-harmonic of integral order n, and „ (4). As a numerical example, putting c=2'80 x 104, 2vra = 4 x 109 [c. s.], we find, in the cases n— l,n = 2, periods of 28*1 and 16'2 hours, respectively. * The substance of this Art. is from a paper by Lord Kayleigh, u On Vibrations of an Atmosphere," Phil. Mag., Feb. 1890. For a discussion of the effects of upward variation of temperature on propagation of sound-waves, see the same author's Theory of Sound, Art. 288. 272-274] ATMOSPHERIC TIDES. 495 The tidal variations of pressure due to the gravitational action of the sun and moon are very minute. It appears from the above analogy that the equilibrium value s of the condensation will be comparable with HJJ-L, where His the quantity defined in Art. 177. Taking H=l'SO ft. (for the lunar tide), and H = 25000 feet, this gives for the amplitude of s the value 7'2 x 10~5. If the normal height of the barometer be 30 inches, this means an oscillation of only -00216 of an inch. It will be seen on reference to Art. 206 that the analogy with the oscillations of a liquid of depth H is not disturbed when we proceed to the tidal oscillations on a rotating globe. The height H of the homogeneous atmosphere does not fall very far short of one of the values (29040 ft.) of the depth of the ocean for which the semi-diurnal tides were calculated by Laplace*. The tides in this case were found to be direct, and to have at the equator 11*267 times their equilibrium value. Even with this factor the corresponding barometric oscillation would only amount to '0243 of an inchf. 274. The most regular oscillations of the barometer have solar diurnal and semi-diurnal periods, and cannot be due to gravitational action, since in that case the corresponding lunar tides would be 2*28 times as great, whereas they are practically insensible. The observed oscillations must be ascribed to the daily variation in tem perature, which, when analyzed into simple-harmonic constituents, will have components whose periods are respectively 1, J, J, J, ... of a solar day. It is very remarkable that the second (viz. the semi-diurnal) component has a considerably greater amplitude than the first. It has been suggested by Lord Kelvin that the explanation of this peculiarity is to be sought for in the closer agreement of the period of the semi-diurnal component with a free period of the earth's atmosphere than is the case with the diurnal component. This question has been made the subject of an elaborate investigation by Margules J, taking into account the earth's rotation. The further consideration of atmospheric problems is, however, outside our province. * See the table on p. 361, above. t Cf. Laplace, "Recherches sur plusieurs points du systeme du monde," Mtm. de VAcad. roy. des Sciences, 1776 [1779], Oeuvres, t. ix., p. 283. Also Mecanique Celeste, Livre 4me, chap. v. J This paper, with several others cited in the course of this work, is included in a very useful collection edited and (where necessary) translated by Prof. Cleveland Abbe, under the title : " Mechanics of the Earth's Atmosphere," Smithsonian Miscel laneous Collections, Washington, 1891. CHAPTER XL VISCOSITY. 275. THE main theme of this Chapter is the resistance to distortion, known as ' viscosity' or ' internal friction,' which is exhibited more or less by all real fluids, but which we have hitherto neglected. It will be convenient, following a plan already adopted on several occasions, to recall briefly the outlines of the general theory of a dynamical system subject to dissipative forces which are linear functions of the generalized velocities*. This will not only be useful as tending to bring under one point of view most of the special investigations which follow; it will sometimes indicate the general character of the results to be expected in cases which are as yet beyond our powers of calculation. We begin with the case of one degree of freedom. The equa tion of motion is of the type aq + bq + cq — Q ........................ (1). Here q is a generalized coordinate specifying the deviation from a position of equilibrium ; a is the coefficient of inertia, and is necessarily positive ; c is the coefficient of stability, and is positive in the applications which we shall consider; b is a coefficient of friction, and is positive. If we put T=laf, V=\vf, F=W ............... (2), the equation may be written q ..................... (3). * For a fuller account of the theory reference may be made to Lord Kayleigh, Theory of Sound, cc. iv., v. ; Thomson and Tait, Nattiral Philosophy (2nd ed.) Arts. 340-345; Eouth, Advanced Rigid Dynamics, cc. vi., vii. 275] ONE DEGREE OF FREEDOM. 497 This shews that the energy T + V is increasing at a rate less than that at which the extraneous force is doing work on the system. The difference 2F represents the rate at which energy is being dissipated ; this is always positive. In free motion we have aq + bq + cq = 0 (4). If we assume that q oc eu, the solution takes different forms according to the relative importance of the factional term. If b" < 4tac, we have or, say, X = — r~l ± icr (6). Hence the full solution, expressed in real form, is q = A e-VT cos (at + e) (7 ), where A, e are arbitrary. The type of motion which this represents may be described as a simple-harmonic vibration, with amplitude diminishing asymptotically to zero, according to the law e~t/T. The time r in which the amplitude sinks to l/e of its original value is sometimes called the 'modulus of decay' of the oscillations. If b/2a be small compared with (c/a)*, b'2/4>ac is a small quantity of the second order, and the ' speed' a is then practically unaffected by the friction. This is the case whenever the time (27rr) in which the amplitude sinks to e~27r (= ^) of its initial value is large compared with the period (27r/ 4 (10), the equation (1) gives If we put -* , . •' where ex lies between 0 and 180°, we have Taking real parts, we may say that the force Q=Ccoa( 4ac the amplitude continually increases as the speed cr diminishes, tending ultimately to the ' equilibrium-value' C/c. It also appears from (15) and (12) that the maximum dis placement follows the maximum of the force at an interval of phase equal to e1? where (19). If the period be longer than the free-period in the absence of friction this difference of phase lies between 0 and 90° ; in the opposite case it lies between 90° and 180°. If the frictional coefficient b be relatively small, the interval differs very little from 0 or 180°, as the case may be. The rate of dissipation is bq2, the mean value of which is easily found to be bC2 This is greatest when n'2a/g, so that in the absence of friction the tides would be direct, the value of ^ lies between 0° and 45°, and the time of high-water is retarded by the time- equivalent of this angle. The figures shew the two cases. The letters J/, M' indicate the positions of the moon and ' anti-moon ' (see p. 365) supposed situate in the plane of the equator, and the curved arrows shew the direction of the earth's rotation. It is evident that in each case the attraction of the disturbing 502 VISCOSITY. [CHAP, xi system on the elevated water is equivalent to a couple tending to diminish the angular momentum of the system composed of the earth and sea. In the present problem the amount of the couple can be easily calculated. We find, from (9) and (11), for the integral tangential force on the elevated water r J 2y ............... (12), where h is the vertical amplitude. Since the positive direction of X is eastwards, this shews that there is on the whole a balance of westward force. If we multiply by a we get the amount of the retarding couple, per unit breadth of the canal*. Another more obvious phenomenon, viz. the retardation of the time of spring tides behind the days of new and full moon, can be illustrated on the same principles. The composition of two simple-harmonic oscillations of nearly equal speed gives 77 = A COS (sii\((rt + €) ............... (i), where <£ = (A'. If we write A + A' cos 0 = C cos a, A ' sin <£ = C sin a ............... (iii), we get 7) = Ccos(+ A'rf ........................ (v), This may be described as a simple-harmonic vibration of slowly varying amplitude and phase. The amplitude ranges between the limits A±A'9 whilst a lies always between +^ir. The 'speed' must also be regarded as variable, viz. we find da _ a-A2 + (o- + cr) A A' cos but we do not assume the equality of Brs and Bsr. If we now write ..................... (5), * Helmholtz, Lehre von den, Tommpjindunyen (2° Aufl.), Braunschweig, 1870, p. 622. t Cf. Thomson and Tait, Natural Philosophy, Art. 60. $ Cf. Airy, "Tides and Waves," Arts. 328... 504 VISCOSITY. [CHAP. XI and &a = -&r = i (•#»•« -#«•) .................. (C), the typical equation (1) takes the form d dT dF provided 2F=buqi' + b2,q/+... +26lag,ga+ ............... (8). From the equations in this form we derive %-t(T+V) + 2F=2Qrqr .................... (9). The right-hand side expresses the rate at which the extraneous forces are doing work. Part of this work goes to increase the total energy T-f V of the system; the remainder is dissipated, at the rate %F. In the application to natural problems the function F is essentially positive : it is called by Lord Rayleigh *, by whom it was first formally employed, the ' Dissipation-Function.' The terms in (7) which are due to F may be distinguished as the 'frictional terms.' The remaining terms in qly (J2, ..., with coefficients subject to the relation /3rg = — ftfr, are of the type we have already met with in the general equations of a 'gyrostatic' system (Art. 139); they may therefore be referred to as the ' gyrostatic terms.' 279. When the gyrostatic terms are absent, the equation (7) reduces to d dT dF dV „ -T. -j-r- + -T^ +-F- =Q, .................... (10). dt dqr dq, dqr As in Art. 165, we may suppose that by transformation of coordinates the expressions for T and V are reduced to sums of squares, thus : 2r = o1g12 + a2gaa + ..................... (11), 27=^+0^' + ..................... (12). It frequently, but not necessarily, happens that the same transformation also reduces F to this form, say 2F =1^ + 14?+ ..................... (13). * " Some General Theorems relating to Vibrations," Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., t. iv., p. 363 (1873) ; Theory of Sound, Art. 81. 278-279] D1SSIPATIVE SYSTEMS IN GENERAL. , 505 The typical equation (10) then assumes the simple form Qi ...................... (14), which has been discussed in Art. 275. Each coordinate qr now varies independently of the rest. When F is not reduced by the same transformation as T and F, the equations of small motion are where bft = f The motion is now more complicated ; for example, in the case of free oscillations about stable equilibrium, each particle executes (in any fun damental type) an elliptic-harmonic vibration, with the axes of the orbit contracting according to the law e~°^. The question becomes somewhat simpler when the frictional coefficients brg are small, since the modes of motion will then be almost the same as in the case of no friction. Thus it appears from (i) that a mode of free motion is possible in which the main variation is in one coordinate, say qr. The rth equation then reduces to a,.£V + &n-j»- + ,)* ........................... (iv). The relatively small variations of the remaining coordinates are then given by the remaining equations of the system (i). For example, with the same approximations, whence qs = ~ and assume that ql and q.z vary as e*1. This leads to the biquadratic in X : t 622) X3 + («2ct + a^+ft* + bn 62.2 - 6122) X2 c2 = 0 ...... (ii), 279-280] GYROSTATIC SYSTEM WITH FRICTION. 507 There is no difficulty in shewing, with the help of criteria given by Routh*, that if, as in our case, the quantities are all positive, the necessary and sufficient conditions that this biquadratic should have the real parts of its roots all negative are that cx, c2 should both be positive. If we neglect terms of the second order in the frictional coefficients, the same conclusion may be attained more directly as follows. On this hypothesis the roots of (ii) are, approximately, X = - ax + i(rl , - a2 ± io-2 ........................ (iii), where c2/^2 b°tn lie ifl the interval between them. It then easily follows from (v) that al5 a2 are both positivet. If one of the coefficients clt c2 (say c2) be zero, one of the values of a (say o-2) is zero, indicating a free mode of infinitely long period. We then have * Advanced Rigid Dynamics, Art. 287. t A simple example of the above theory is supplied by the case of a particle in an ellipsoidal bowl rotating about a principal axis, which is vertical. If the bowl be frictionless, the equilibrium of the particle when at the lowest point will be stable unless the period of the rotation lie between the periods of the two fundamental modes of oscillation (one in each principal plane) of the particle when the bowl is at rest. But if there be friction of motion between the particle and the bowl, there will be « secular ' stability only so long as the speed of the rotation is less than that of the slower of the two modes referred to. If the rotation be more rapid, the particle will gradually work its way outwards into a position of relative equilibrium in which it rotates with the bowl like the bob of a conical pendulum. In this state the system made up of the particle and the bowl has Zt'«s,s energy for the same angular momentum than when the particle was at the bottom. Cf. Art. 235. 508 VISCOSITY. [CHAP. XI As in Art. 198 we could easily write down the expressions for the forced oscillations in the general case where Qlt $2 vary as ei respectively; those of the stress across the second plane by pyx, pyy,pyz\ and those of the stress across the third plane by pZx> Pzy> Pzz*- If we ^x our attention on an element SxSySz having its centre at P, we find, on taking moments, and dividing by $x§y§z, Pyz = Pzy > Pzx == PXZ> Pxy == Pyx ( 1 )> the extraneous forces and the kinetic reactions being omitted, since they are of a higher order of small quantities than the surface tractions. These equalities reduce the nine components of stress to six ; in the case of a viscous fluid they will also follow independently from the expressions for pyz,pzx>pxy in terms of the rates of distortion, to be given presently (Art. 283). v/282. It appears from Arts. 1, 2 that in a fluid the deviation of the state of stress denoted by pXX) pxy,... from one of pressure uniform in all directions depends entirely on the motion of distortion in the neighbourhood of P, i.e. on the six quantities a, 6, c,f, g, h by which this distortion was in Art. 31 shewn to be specified. Before endeavouring to express pxx, pxy) ... as functions of these quantities, it will be convenient to establish certain for mulae of transformation. Let us draw Px't Pyf, Pz' in the directions of the principal axes of distortion at P, arid let a', &', c' be the rates of extension along these lines. Further let the mutual configuration of the two sets of ^ axes, x, y, z and x't y', z, be specified in the y £2, ra<, usual manner by the annexed scheme of direc- z' ! 13, m3, n3. tion-cosines. We have, then, + *• J?) ••. dx dy dz * In conformity with the usual practice in the theory of Elasticity, we reckon a tension as positive, a pressure as negative. Thus in the case of a frictionless fluid we have 510 VISCOSITY. [CHAP, xi Hence a = l*a' + LrV + l*c'9 (1), the last two relations being written down from symmetry. We notice that a + & + c = a' + &' + c' ..................... (2), an invariant, as it should be, by Art. 7. Again dw dv / d d d / d \ , , = r • &> + «•» *? + m- d?) (n'M + "»« + «'w and this, with the two corresponding formula?, gives f= m^af + m^nj)' + ; (3). liO,' + LmM + 283. From the symmetry of the circumstances it is plain that the stresses exerted at P across the planes y'z, z'x' , x'y' must be wholly perpendicular to these planes. Let us denote them by PI, P-2, P* respectively. In the figure of Art. 2 let ABC now represent a plane drawn perpendicular to cc, infinitely close to P, meeting the axes of #', y', z' in A, B, C, respectively ; and let A denote the area ABC. The areas of the remaining faces of the tetrahedron PA BC will then be ^A, /2A, £3A. Resolving parallel to os the forces acting on the tetrahedron, we find paa-A =p1ll A . h +p2l2 A . 4 +p.Als& . 13 ; the external impressed forces and the resistances to acceleration being omitted for the same reason as before. Hence, and by similar reasoning, We notice that (2). 282-284] TRANSFORMATION FORMULA. 511 Hence the arithmetic mean of the normal pressures on any three mutually perpendicular planes through the point P is the same. We shall denote this mean pressure by p. Again, resolving parallel to y, we obtain the third of the following symmetrical system of equations: Pyz = These shew that Pyz = Pzy > PZX ~ PXZ > pxy — Pyx > as in Art. 281. y ' If in the same figure we suppose PA, PB, PC to be drawn parallel to x, y, z respectively, whilst ABC is any plane drawn near P, whose direction -cosines are I, m, n, we find in the same way that the components (phx, phy, Phz) of the stress exerted across this plane are Phx = Ipxx + mpxy + npxz , (4). 284. Now PI, p2, ps differ from — p by quantities depending on the motion of distortion, which must therefore be functions of a', b', c', only. The simplest hypothesis we can frame on this point is that these functions are linear. We write therefore Pi = -P + X (a' + b' 4- c') + 2/Aa', | [ ............ (1), where X, //, are constants depending on the nature of the fluid, and on its physical state, this being the most general assumption consistent with the above suppositions, and with symmetry. Sub stituting these values of^,^,^ in (1) and (3) of Art. 283, and making use of the results of Art. 282, we find Pxx = -P + X (a + 6 + c) + 2yaa,| ^ = -^ + Ma + & + c)+2/^,l ............... (2), Pzz = - p + X (a -f b + c) + 2/xc } xy = 2tdi ............... (3). 512 VISCOSITY. [CHAP. XI The definition of p adopted in Art. 283 implies the relation 3\ + 2fji = 0, whence, finally, introducing the values of a, b, c, /, g, h, from i dv dw\ . du Art. 31, PZZ — ~~ P dy du dv + ^Ty dw " dz dw dv du dw dw\ _ ~dx) =Pxz' .(5). dv du The constant yu, is called the 'coefficient of viscosity.' Its physi cal meaning may be illustrated by reference to the case of a fluid in what is called 'laminar' motion (Art. 31); i.e. the fluid moves in a system of parallel planes, the velocity being in direction everywhere the same, and in magnitude proportional to the distance from some fixed plane of the system. Each stratum of fluid will then exert on the one next to it a tangential traction, opposing the relative motion, whose amount per unit area is /* times the variation of velocity per unit distance perpendicular to the planes. In symbols, if u = ay, v = 0, w — 0, we have Pxx = Pyy =Pzz:=- P, Pyz = ®> Pzx = ®, pxy = «• If [M], [L], [T] denote the units of mass, length, and time, the dimensions of the £>'s are [ML~l T~*], and those of the rates of distortion (a, b, c, ...) are [T~l], so that the dimensions of p are The stresses in different fluids, under similar circumstances of motion, will be proportional to the corresponding values of //, ; but if we wish to compare their effects in modifying the existing motion we have to take account of the ratio of these stresses to the inertia of the fluid. From this point of view, the determining 284] EXPRESSIONS FOR THE STRESSES. 513 quantity is the ratio p/p ; it is therefore usual to denote this by a special symbol v, called by Maxwell the 'kinematic coefficient' of viscosity. The dimensions of v are [L2T~1]. The hypothesis made above that the stresses pxx, pxy,. . . are linear functions of the rates of strain a, b, c,... is of a purely tentative character, and although there is considerable a priori probability that it will represent the facts accurately for the case of infinitely small motions, we have so far no assurance that it will hold generally. It has however been pointed out by Prof. Osborne Keynolds* that the equations based on this hypothesis have been put to a very severe test in the experiments of Poiseuille and others, to be referred to presently (Art. 289). Considering the very wide range of values of the rates of distortion over which these experiments extend, we can hardly hesitate to accept the equations in question as a complete statement of the laws of viscosity. In the case of gases we have additional grounds for this assump tion in the investigations of the kinetic theory by Maxwell f. The practical determination of /u (or v) is a matter of some difficulty. Without entering into the details of experimental methods, we quote a few of the best-established results. The calculations of von HelmholtzJ, based on Poiseuille's observations, give for water •0178 M~l + -0337<9+-000221<92' in c. G. s. units, where B is the temperature Centigrade. The viscosity, as in the case of all liquids as yet investigated, diminishes rapidly as the temperature rises ; thus at 17° C. the value is ^ = •0109. For mercury Koch § found ^ = •01697, and pw = '01633, respectively. In gases, the value of /z is found to be sensibly independent of the pressure, within very wide limits, but to increase somewhat with rise of temperature. Maxwell found as the result of his experiments ||, /u = -0001878 (1 + -00366 6} ; this makes p proportional to the absolute temperature as measured by the air-therrnometer. Subsequent observers have found a somewhat smaller value for the first factor, and a less rapid increase with temperature. We may take perhaps as a fairly established value /*0=-000170 * " On the Theory of Lubrication, &c.," Phil. Trans., 1886, Pt. I., p. 165. t "On the Dynamical Theory of Gases," Phil. Trans., 1867; Scientific Papers, t. ii., p. 26. J "Ueber Reibung tropfbarer Fliissigkeiten," Wien. Sitzungsber., t. xl. (I860); Ges. Abh., t. i., p. 172. § Wied. Ann., t. xiv. (1881). || " On the Viscosity or Internal Friction of Air and other Gases," Phil. Trans., 1866; Scientific Papers, t. ii., p. 1. L. 33 514 VISCOSITY. [CHAP, xi for the temperature 0° C. For air at atmospheric pressure, assuming p = '00129 this gives The value of v varies inversely as the pressure*. 285. We have still to inquire into the dynamical conditions to be satisfied at the boundaries. At a free surface, or at the surface of contact of two dissimilar fluids, the three components of stress across the surface must be continuous •)-. The resulting conditions can easily be written down with the help of Art. 283 (4). A more difficult question arises as to the state of things at the surface of contact of a fluid with a solid. It appears probable that in all ordinary cases there is no motion, relative to the solid, of the fluid immediately in contact with it. The contrary supposition would imply an infinitely greater resistance to the sliding of one portion of the fluid past another than to the sliding of the fluid over a solid §. If however we wish, temporarily, to leave this point open, the most natural supposition to make is that the slipping is resisted by a tangential force proportional to the relative velocity. If we consider the motion of a small film of fluid, of thickness infinitely small compared with its lateral dimensions, in contact with the solid, it is evident that the tangential traction on its inner surface must ultimately balance the force exerted on its outer surface by the solid. The former force may be calculated from Art. 283 (4) ; the latter is in a direction opposite to the relative velocity, and proportional to it. The constant (/3, say) which expresses the ratio of the tangential force to the relative velocity may be called the ' coefficient of sliding friction.' 286. The equations of motion of a viscous fluid are obtained by considering, as in Art. 6, a rectangular element Sx&ySz having its centre at P. Taking, for instance, the resolution parallel to #, the difference of the normal tractions on the two yz- faces gives (dpxxjdx) §x . Sy Sz. The tangential tractions on the two £#-faces contribute (dpyx/dy) Sy . 8z$x, and the two xy-f&ces give * A very full account of the results obtained by various experimenters is given in Wmkelmann's Handbuch der Physik, t. i., Art. ' Keibung.' t This statement requires an obvious modification when capillarity is taken into account. Cf. Art. 302. § Stokes, 1. c. p. 518. 284-286] DYNAMICAL EQUATIONS. 515 in like manner (dpzxjdz) Sz . 8x8y. Hence, with our usual notation, Du _ _ dpxx dpyx dpzx pDt~p2 ~ dx "~" dz ' _ y yy pDt~p dx ~ dy 4 d5 ' ' p n^: = pZ + -%= -f ^p- -f 5= Dt dx dy dz Substituting the values of pxx, pxy, ... from Art. 284 (4), (5), we find Du_ „ dp, __«W Z)w „ dp d6 p — p ± — — \~ 4-//< — jji dy d/ ?/ Dw „ dp dO where and V2 has its usual meaning. When the fluid is incompressible, these reduce to Dw These dynamical equations were first obtained by Navier* and Poisson-f- on various considerations as to the mutual action of the ultimate molecules of fluids. The method above adopted, which is free from all hypothesis of this kind, appears to be due in principle to de Saint-Venant and Stokes f. * " M6moire sur les Lois du Mouvement des Fluides," Mem. de VAcad. des Sciences, t. vi. (1822). t "Memoire sur les Equations g<§n<§rales de l'£quilibre et du Mouvement des Corps solides elastiques et des Fluides," Journ. de VEcoJe Polytechn., t. xiii. (1829). J " On the Theories of the Internal Friction of Fluids in Motion, &c.," Camb. Trans., t. viii. (1845); Math, and Phys. Papers, t. i., p. 88. 33—2 516 VISCOSITY. [CHAP, xi The equations (4) admit of an interesting interpretation. The first of them, for example, may be written Du „ I dp ... -=-=X -- -£ + vV*u .............................. (i). Dt p dx The first two terms on the right hand express the rate of variation of u in consequence of the external forces and of the instantaneous distribution of pressure, and have the same forms as in the case of a frictionless liquid. The remaining term i>vX due to viscosity, gives an additional variation following the same law as that of temperature in Thermal Conduction, or of density in the theory of Diffusion. This variation is in fact proportional to the (positive or negative) excess of the mean value of u through a small sphere of given radius surrounding the point (#, y, z] over its value at that point*. In connection with this analogy it is interesting to note that the value of v for water is of the same order of magnitude as that (-01249) found by I)r Everett for the thermometric conductivity of the Greenwich gravel. When the forces X, F, Z have a potential G, the equations (4) may be written where /== - + i<72 P q denoting the resultant velocity, and £, 77, £ the components of the angular velocity of the fluid. If we eliminate x by cross-differentiation, we find, du D{ .dw dw dw (iv). The first three terms on the right hand of each of these equations express, as in Art. 143, the rates at which £, ?/, £ vary for a particle, when the vortex-lines move with the fluid, and the strengths of the vortices remain constant. The additional variation of these quantities, due to viscosity, is given by the last terms, and follows the law of conduction of heat. It is evident from this analogy that vortex-motion cannot originate in the interior of a viscous liquid, but must be diffused inwards from the boundary. * Maxwell, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., t. iii., p. 230; Electricity and Magnetism, Art. 26. 286-287] INTERPRETATION. 517 287. To compute the rate of dissipation of energy, due to viscosity, we consider first the portion of fluid which at time t occupies a rectangular element §x§y§z having its centre at (x, y, z). Calculating the differences of the rates at which work is being done by the tractions on the pairs of opposite faces, we obtain \dx dx xx xy xz dy (pyxU +PyyV + P (1). The terms \(dpxx dpyx dpzx\ fdpxy dpyy dpzy\ \\ 7 T ~~7 -- r ~j — I w i \ T~~ "1 -- 7 "1 -- 7 I 0 (\ dx dy dz J \ dx dy dz ) /^ dft ^_A ] V dx dy dz J ) express, by Art. 286 (1), the rate at which the tractions on the faces are doing work on the element as a whole, in increasing its kinetic energy and in compensating the work done against the extraneous forces JT, Y, Z. The remaining terms express the rate at which work is being done in changing the volume and shape of the element. They may be written (Pxxtt + Pyyb + pzzG + %pyzf+ %pzxg + tyxyh) &*% &Z- • '(3)> where a, b, c, f, g, h have the same meanings as in Arts. 31, 284. Substituting from Art. 284 (2), (3), we get — p(a + b + c) + }- J/A (a + b ...... (4). If p be a function of p only, the first line of this is equal to provided (5), i.e. E denotes, as in Art. 11, the intrinsic energy per unit mass. Hence the second line of (4) represents the rate at which energy is being dissipated. On the principles established by Joule, the mechanical energy thus lost takes the form of heat, developed in the element. 518 VISCOSITY. [CHAP, xi If we integrate over the whole volume of the fluid, we find, for the total rate of dissipation, (6), where fdu dv dw^ .dz) fdw dv\- (du dw \~ (dv duY2} dy dz) \dz dx) \dx dy) } If we write this in the form it appears that F cannot vanish unless a = 6 = c, and f=g = h=0, at every point of the fluid. In the case of an incompressible fluid it is necessary that the quantities «, 6, c, /, y, h should all vanish. It easily follows, on reference to Art. 31, that the only condition under which a liquid can be in motion without dissipation of energy by viscosity is that there must be nowhere any extension or contraction of linear elements ; in other words, the motion must be composed of a translation and a pure rotation, as in the case of a rigid body. In the case of a gas there may be superposed on this an expansion or contraction which is the same in all directions. We now consider specially the case when the fluid is incompressible, so that If we subtract from this the expression ^Y*+*4 r \JBUS dy which is zero, we obtain dv\2 du dw\2 dv du = (dv dw dv dw dw du dw du du dv du dv\ ^ \dy dz dz dy dz dx dx dz dx dy dy dx) '" ^ * Stokes, " On the Effect of the Internal Friction of Fluids on the Motion of Pendulums," Camb. Trans., t. ix., p. [58] (1851). 287-288] DISSIPATION OF ENERGY. 519 If we integrate this over a region such that u, v, w vanish at every point of the boundary, as in the case of a liquid filling a closed vessel, on the hypothesis of no slipping, the terms due to the second line vanish (after a partial integra tion), and we obtain ............ (iv)* In the general case, when no limitation is made as to the boundary conditions, the formula (iii) leads to 2^=4^ I I ntf + rf + ffdxdydz- n I l-^dtS f'fffr >w» *> + 4^1/1 \u, v, iv, dS (v), I £> *?> £» | where, in the former of the two surface-integrals, dn denotes an element of the normal, and, in the latter, I, m, n are the direction-cosines of the normal, drawn inwards in each case from the surface-element dS. When the motion considered is irrotational, this formula reduces to simply. In the particular case of a spherical boundary this expression follows independently from Art. 44 (i). Problems of Steady Motion. 288. The first application which we shall consider is to the steady motion of liquid, under pressure, between two fixed parallel planes, the flow being supposed to take place in parallel lines. Let the origin be taken half-way between the planes, and the axis of y perpendicular to them. We assume that u is a function of y only, and that v, w = 0. Since the traction parallel to x on any plane perpendicular to y is equal to pdujdy, the difference of the tractions on the two faces of a stratum of unit area and thickness % gives a resultant fj,d2u/dy*. 8y. This must be balanced by the normal pressures, which give a resultant — dpjdx per unit volume of the stratum. Hence d2u dp * Bobyleff, "Einige Betrachtungen tiber die Gleichungen der Hydrodynamik," Math. Ann., t. vi. (1873); Forsyth, "On the Motion of a Viscous Incompressible Fluid," Mess, of Math., t. ix. (1880). 520 VISCOSITY. [CHAP, xi Also, since there is no motion parallel to y, dpjdy must vanish. These results might of course have been obtained immediately from the general equations of Art. 286. It follows that the pressure-gradient dpjdx is an absolute constant. Hence (1) gives and determining the constants so as to make u = 0 for y = ± h, we find Zh* dp Hence y=__ ..................... (4). 289. The investigation of the steady flow of a liquid through a straight pipe of uniform circular section is equally simple, and physically more important. If we take the axis of z coincident with the axis of the tube, and assume that the velocity is everywhere parallel to z, and a function of the distance (r) from this axis, the tangential stress across a plane perpendicular to r will be pdw/dr. Hence, con sidering a cylindrical shell of fluid, whose bounding radii are r and r + £r, and whose length is I, the difference of the tangential tractions on the two curved surfaces gives a retarding force d [' dw _ A ? — -J- /* -j- - 2™ °r- dr \ dr J On account of the steady character of the motion, this must be balanced by the normal pressures on the ends of the shell. Since dwjdz = 0, the difference of these normal pressures is equal to where pr , p2 are the values of p (the mean pressure) at the two ends. Hence dr\dr Again, if we resolve along the radius the forces acting on a rectangular element, we find dp/dr = 0, so that the mean pressure is uniform over each section of the pipe. 288-289] PROBLEMS OF STEADY MOTION. 521 The equation (1) might have been obtained from Art. 286 (4) by direct transformation of coordinates, putting r = (#2 + 2/2)i The integral of (1) is ~ (2). Since the velocity must be finite at the axis, we must have A = 0; and if we determine B on the hypothesis that there is no slipping at the wall of the pipe (r = a, say), we obtain This gives, for the flux across any section, 'sr-*1?* (4)- It has been assumed, for shortness, that the flow takes place under pressure only. If we have an extraneous force X acting parallel to the length of the pipe, the flux will be In practice, X is the component of gravity in the direction of the length. The formula (4) contains exactly the laws found experimentally by Poiseuille* in his researches on the flow of water through capillary tubes ; viz. that the time of efflux of a given volume of water is directly as the length of the tube, inversely as the difference of pressure at the two ends, and inversely as the fourth power of the diameter. This last result is of great importance as furnishing a conclusive proof that there is in these experiments no appreciable slipping of the fluid in contact with the wall. If we were to assume a slipping-coefficient /3, as explained in Art. 285, the surface-condition would be -p.dw/dr=fiiv, or w— -\diojdr .............................. * "Recherches experimentales sur le mouvement des liquides dans les tubes de tr&s petits diametres," Comptes Rendus, tt. xi., xii. (1840-1), Mem. des Sav. Etrangers, t. ix. (1846). 522 VISCOSITY. [CHAP, xi if X = /i//3. This determines B, in (2), so that (ii). If X/a be small, this gives sensibly the same law of velocity as in a tube of radius a + \, on the hypothesis of no slipping. The corresponding value of the flux is If X were more than a very minute fraction of a in the narrowest tubes employed by Poiseuille [a ='001 5 cm.J a deviation from the law of the fourth power of the diameter, which was found to hold very exactly, would become apparent. This is sufficient to exclude the possibility of values of X such as •235 cm., which were inferred by Helmholtz and Piotrowski from their experiments on the torsional oscillations of a metal globe filled with water, described in the paper already cited*. The assumption of no slipping being thus justified, the comparison of the formula (4) with experiment gives a very direct means of determining the value of the coefficient p, for various fluids. It is easily found from (3) and (4) that the rate of shear close to the wall of the tube is equal to 4w0/a, where w0 is the mean velocity over the cross-section. As a numerical example, we may take a case given by Poiseuille, where a mean velocity of 126 '6 c. s. was obtained in a tube of '01134 cm. diameter. This makes 4>w0/a— 89300 radians per second of time. 290. Some theoretical results for sections other than circular may be briefly noticed. 1°. The solution for a channel of annular section is readily deduced from equation (2) of the preceding Art., with A retained. Thus if the boundary- conditions be that w = Q for r = a and r=b, we find giving a flux 2°. It has been pointed out by Greenhillt that the analytical conditions of the present problem are similar to those which determine the motion of a Motionless liquid in a rotating prismatic vessel of the same form of section * For a fuller discussion of this point see Whetham, " On the Alleged Slipping at the Boundary of a Liquid in Motion," Phil. Trans., 1890, A. f " On the Flow of a Viscous Liquid in a Pipe or Channel," Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., t. xiii. p. 43 (1881). 289-291] FLOW THROUGH A PIPE. 523 (Art. 72). If the axis of z be parallel to the length of the pipe, and if we assume that w is a function of #, y only, then in the case of steady motion the equations reduce to where Vi2=d2/d^2+d2/d^2. Hence, denoting by P the constant pressure- gradient ( - dp/dz), we have Vl*w=-P/fj. ................................. (iv), with the condition that w=0 at the boundary. If we write ^ — £ o> for wt and 2o> for P/p, we reproduce the conditions of the Art. referred to. This proves the analogy in question. In the case of an elliptic section of semi-axes a, 6, we assume which will satisfy (iv) provided The discharge per second is therefore P ~' f f I I ]J P naW wdxdy = — . ~5 — TT ........................ (vn) ' ~ This bears to the discharge through a circular pipe of the same sectional area the ratio 2«6/(a2 -f- 62). For small values of the eccentricity (e) this fraction differs from unity by a quantity of the order e*. Hence considerable variations may exist in the shape of the section without seriously affecting the discharge, provided the sectional area be unaltered. Even when a : b = 8 : 7, the discharge is diminished by less than one per cent. 291. We consider next some simple cases of steady rotatory motion. The first is that of two-dimensional rotation about the axis of z, the angular velocity being a function of the distance (r) from this axis. Writing u = — wy, v = cox, ........................ (1) we find that the rates of extension along and perpendicular to the radius vector are zero, whilst the rate of shear in the plane xy is rdco/dr. Hence the moment, about the origin, of the tangential forces on a cylindrical surface of radius r, is per unit length of the axis, = prdcdjdr . 2?rr . r. On account of the steady motion, the fluid included between two coaxial cylinders is neither gaining * This, with corresponding results for other forms of section, appears to have been obtained by Boussinesq in 1868 ; see Hicks, Brit. Ass. Rep., 1882, p. 63. 524 VISCOSITY. [CHAP, xi nor losing angular momentum, so that the above expression must be independent of r. This gives (2). If the fluid extend to infinity, while the internal boundary is that of a solid cylinder of radius a, whose angular velocity is o>0, we have a> = co0a2/r* .......................... (3). The frictional couple on the cylinder is therefore — 47TyU.a4ft)0 ........................... (4). If the fluid were bounded externally by a fixed coaxial cylin drical surface of radius b we should find which gives a frictional couple £*-,•».• -(6)*- 292. A similar solution, restricted however to the case of infinitely small motions, can be obtained for the steady motion of a fluid surrounding a solid sphere which is made to rotate uniformly about a diameter. Taking the centre as origin, and the axis of rotation as axis of a?, we assume u = — coy, v = wx) w = 0 (1), where o> is a function of the radius vector r, only. If we put P=fa>rdr (2), these equations may be written u = -dP/dy, v = dP/d.x, w = Q (3); and it appears on substitution in Art. 286 (4) that, provided we neglect the terms of the second order in the velocities, the equations are satisfied by p =• const., V2P = const (4). * This problem was first treated, not quite accurately, by Newton, Principia, Lib. ii., Prop. 51. The above results were given substantially by Stokes, I. c. ante, p. 515. 291-292] ROTATING SPHERE. 525 The latter equation may be written d?P , 2 dP ;nr + - -j- ~ const-> dr* r dr or r -;— + 3ce) = const (5), dr whence o> = A/1* + B (6). If the fluid extend to infinity and is at rest there, whilst 0, whence or, in the case corresponding to (7), where b = oo , ........................ (11)- The neglect of the terms of the second order in this problem involves a more serious limitation of its practical value than might be expected. It is not difficult to ascertain that the assumption virtually made is that the ratio * Kirchhofif, Meclumik, c. xxvi. 526 VISCOSITY. [CHAP, xi o>0a2/i> is small. If we put v = -018 (water), and a = 10, we find that the equatorial velocity co0a must be small compared with '0018 (c. s.)*. When the terms of the second order are sensible, no steady motion of this kind is possible. The sphere then acts like a centrifugal fan, the motion at a distance from the sphere consisting of a flow outwards from the equator and inwards towards the poles, superposed on a motion of rotation f. It appears from Art. 286 that the equations of motion may be written = ^- + ^%, &c., &c where Hence a steady motion which satisfies the conditions of any given problem, when the terms of the second order are neglected, will hold when these are retained, provided we introduce the constraining forces X=2(wr)-v£\ Y=2(u£-w£), Z=2(v£-ur)) ......... (iii)t The only change is that the pressure p is diminished by ^pg2. These forces are everywhere perpendicular to the stream-lines and to the vortex-lines, and their intensity is given by the product 2^co sin ^, where o> is the angular velocity of the fluid element, and ^ is the angle between the direction of q and the axis of to. In the problem investigated in this Art. it is evident d priori that the constraining forces X=-A, F=-«fy, Z=0 ............... . ........ (iv). would make the solution rigorous. It may easily be verified that these expressions differ from (iii) by terms of the forms -dQ/dx, — dQ/dy, -dQ/dz, respectively, which will only modify the pressure. 293. The motion of a viscous incompressible fluid, when the effects of inertia are insensible, can be treated in a very general manner, in terms of spherical harmonic functions. It will be convenient, in the first place, to investigate the general solution of the following system of equations : VV = 0, VV = 0, W = 0 ............... (1), * Cf. Lord Rayleigh, " On the Flow of Viscous Liquids, especially in Two Dimensions," Phil. Mag., Oct. 1893. t Stokes, 1. c. ante, p. 515. £ Lord Rayleigh, L c. 292-293] GENERAL PROBLEM OF SLOW MOTION. 527 The functions u, v , w' may be expanded in series of solid har monics, and it is plain that the terms of algebraical degree n in these expansions, say un', vn', wn', must separately satisfy (2). The equations V2wn' = 0, V2vn' = 0, V2wn' = 0 may therefore be put in the forms dx d fdVn d?ln\ _ d dy V dx dy ) ~ dz \ dz dz \ dy dz J dx \ dx dy d fdiin dwn'\ _ d idwn dvn' dx \ dz dx ] dy \ dy dz (3). Hence _ dy dz ~ dx ' dz dw^ _ dxn dvn' _ dun' _ dxn dx ~ dy ' dx dy ~~ dz " where %n is some function of x, y, z ; and it further appears from these relations that V2^n = 0, so that %n is a solid harmonic of degree n. From (4) we also obtain - ^ (Win + yvn' + ZWn*) . . . (5), with two similar equations. Now it follows from (1) and (2) that V2 (a?un' + y»n + *wn') = 0 .................. (6), so that we may write OMn' + yVn -f ZWn = ?l+1 .................. (7), where 0n+1 is a solid harmonic of degree n + 1. Hence (5) may be written („ + 1) Un' = *£±! + g dX- _ /Xn ..... (8) dx dy 1 dz The factor n + 1 may be dropped without loss of generality ; and we obtain as the solution of the proposed system of equations : 528 VISCOSITY. [CHAP, xi dy ^ dz J ' (9), + _ dz + y dx * dy) where the harmonics (f)n, %n are arbitrary*. 294. If we neglect the inertia-terms, the equations of motion of a viscous liquid reduce, in the absence of extraneous forces, to the forms ............ (1), .,, du dv dw /ox with ;j- + :r 4-:r-:=0 ........................ (2)- dx dy dz By differentiation we obtain 0 .............................. (3), so that p can be expanded in a series of solid harmonics, thus P = 2pn .............................. (4). The terms of the solution involving harmonics of different alge braical degrees will be independent. To obtain the terms in pn we assume *f> + £r^± ^,\ da; dx r2™^1 dy dy dz dz where r2 = x2 + y2 + z*. The terms multiplied by B are solid harmonics of degree n + 1, by Arts. 82, 84. Now dx J dx \ dx y dy dz/ dx dx -. , * Cf. Borchardt, " Untersuchungen uber die Elasticitat fester Korper unter Beriicksichtigung der Warme," Berl. Monatsber., Jan. 9, 1873; Gesammelte Werke, Berlin, 1888, p. 245. The investigation in the text is from a paper " On the Oscillations of a Viscous Spheroid," Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., t. xiii., p. 51 (1881). 293-294J SOLUTION IN SPHERICAL HARMONICS. 529 Hence the equations (1) are satisfied, provided Also, substituting in (2), we find l whence B=, - ... /rt - rrr^ - ;rr~ ................. CO- Hence the general solution of the system (1) and (2) is u = — * dpn 2(2n + l) dx = lvf __ rL H (2 (2n + , - a Pn , , (n + 1) (2n + 1) (2n + 3) dy r™+^ ^ \+w' 1) efe (n + 1) (2?i + 1) (2w + 3) dz ......... (8)*, where w', v7, w' have the forms given in (9) of the preceding Art. The formulae (8) make nr2 (9). Also, if we denote by f, 77, f the components of the angular velocity of the fluid (Art. 31), we find dz dy J dx' o ^ V -^ f„(*/Pn dpn\ ^ / ,T\(*'Xn \ /in\ Zri = — Z ; , . /rt 77 z -j- x -j- I + ^- (?i + I ) ~= — , V...( 1U). /A (n + 1) (2r? + 1) V «# dz J dy These make 2 (#f + 3/17 + ^f) = Sn (w + 1) XH (H). * This investigation is derived, with some modifications, from various sources. Cf. Thomson and Tait, Natural Philosophy, A.rt. 736 ; Borchardt, 1. c. ; Oberbeck, "Ueber stationare Fliissigkeitsbewegungen mit Beriicksichtigung der inneren Reibung," Crelle, t. Ixxxi., p. 62 (1876). L. 34 530 VISCOSITY. [CHAP, xi 295. The results of Arts. 293, 294 can be applied to the solution of a number of problems where the boundary conditions have relation to spherical surfaces. The most interesting cases fall under one or other of two classes, viz. we either have xu -f yv + zw = 0 (1) everywhere, and therefore pn = 0, (f>n = 0 ; or af+yi/ + *f=0 (2), and therefore %n = 0. 1°. Let us investigate the steady motion of a liquid past a fixed spherical obstacle. If we take the origin at the centre, and the axis of x parallel to the flow, the boundary conditions are that w = 0, v = 0, w = 0 for r=a (the radius), and w = u, v = 0, w = 0 for r=o>. It is obvious that the vortex-lines will be circles about the axis of x, so that the relation (2) will be fulfilled. Again, the equation (9) of Art. 294, taken in conjunction with the condition to be satisfied at infinity, shews that as regards the functions pn and 0n we are limited to surface-harmonics of the first order, and therefore to the cases •» = 1, n= -2. Also, we must evidently have ^ = 0. Assuming, then, we find 3B The condition of no slipping at the surface r=a gives whence Hence These make :0> *— *2 (V), (vi). 295] STEADY MOTION OF A SPHERE. 531 The components of stress across the surface of a sphere of radius r are, by Art. 283, If we substitute the values of pxxt pxy, pxt, ..., from Art. 284, we find d -j- (xu +yv + zw\ d d \ d '-r--i)w+n-r, In the present case we have We thus obtain, for the component tractions on the sphere r = a, If 8S denote an element of the surface, we find The resultant force on the sphere is therefore parallel to .r, arid equal to The character of the motion may be most concisely expressed by means of the stream-function of Art. 93. If we put x=r cos 0, the flux (27r\^) through a circle with Ox as axis, whose radius subtends an angle 6 at 0 is given by as is evident at once from (v). If we impress on everything a velocity - u in the direction of x, we get the case of a sphere moving steadily through a viscous fluid which is at rest at infinity. The stream-function is then «2\ (xiii)* The diagram on p. 532, shews the stream-lines ^ = const., in this case, for a series of equidistant values of >//>. The contrast with the case of a Motionless liquid, depicted on p. 137, is remarkable, but it must be remembered that the * This problem was first solved by Stokes, in terms of the stream-function, I.e. ante p. 518. 34—2 532 VISCOSITY. [CHAP, xi fundamental assumptions are very different. In the former case inertia was predominant, and viscosity neglected ; in the present problem these circum stances are reversed. If X be the extraneous force acting on the sphere, this must balance the resistance, whence (xiv). It is to be noticed that the formula (xiii) makes the momentum and the 295] RESISTANCE. 533 energy of the fluid both infinite*. The steady motion here investigated could therefore only be fully established by a constant force X acting on the sphere through an infinite distance. The whole of this investigation is based on the assumption that the inertia-terms udu\dx, ... in the fundamental equations (4) of Art. 286 may be neglected in comparison with i/v2w, .... It easily follows from (iv) above that ua must be small compared with v. This condition can always be realized by making u or a sufficiently small, but in the case of mobile fluids like water, this restricts us to velocities or dimensions which are, from a practical point of view, exceedingly minute. Thus even for a sphere of a millimetre radius moving through water (t/ = '018), the velocity must be considerably less than -18 cm. per sec.f. We might easily apply the formula (xiv) to find the * terminal velocity ' of a sphere falling vertically in a fluid. The force X is then the excess of the gravity of the sphere over its buoyancy, viz. where p denotes the density of the fluid, and p0 the mean density of the sphere. This gives This will only apply, as already stated, provided u«/i/ is small. For a particle of sand descending in water, we may put (roughly) p0 = 2p, y=-018, # = 981, whence it appears that a must be small compared with -0114 cm. Subject to this condition, the terminal velocity is u = 12000 a2. For a globule of water falling through the air, we have Po = l, p = -00129, ,i = -00017. This gives a terminal velocity u = 1280000 a2, subject to the condition that a is small compared with -006 cm. 2°. The problem of a rotating sphere in an infinite mass of liquid is solved by assuming av_o ^Y-9 \ «=z -§y*-y-fr>} "=*%2-* %r w = y — j — — # — = — dx dy .(xvii), where * Lord Eayleigh, Phil. Mag., May 1886. t Lord Eayleigh, 1. c. ante p. 526. 534 VISCOSITY. [CHAP, xi the axis of z being that of rotation. At the surface r—a we must have u = — ay, v = ax, w = Q, if <» be the angular velocity of the sphere. This gives A = 'VVb +p',gC + 2p'yzf+ ty' „& + 2p'xyk (11), each side being a symmetric function of a, b, c, /, g, h and a', 6', c', /', ^', /*'. Hence, and by Art. 287, the expression (i) reduces to JJJ* dxdydz + JJJ*' dxdy dz + 2 jjj(pxx a' +pvy b' +pz,c' + Zpyzf + Vpzxg' + %Pxyh'} dxdydz (iii). The last integral may be written du' du' du' . and by a partial integration, remembering that u', v', iv' vanish at the boundary, this becomes or Mp(Xu + YJ+Zvi)dxdyd* ....................... (vi), * Sampson, 1. c. ante p. 134. t "On the Flow of Viscous Liquids, especially in Two Dimensions," Phil. Oct. 1893. 296-297] GENERAL THEOREMS. 537 by Art. 286. If the extraneous forces X, F, Z have a single-valued potential, this vanishes, in virtue of the equation of continuity, by Art. 42 (4). Under these conditions the dissipation in the altered motion is equal to \\\$>dxdydz + \\\& dxdydz .......................... (vii), or 2 (F+F'}. That is, it exceeds the dissipation in the steady motion by the essentially positive quantity 2F' which represents the dissipation in the motion u', v', w'. In other words, provided the terms of the second order in the velocities may be neglected, the steady motion of a liquid under constant forces having a single-valued potential is characterized by the property that the dissipation in any region is less than in any other motion consistent with the same values of u, v, w at the boundary. It follows that, with prescribed velocities over the boundary, there is only one type of steady motion in the region*. 2°. If u, v, w refer to any motion whatever in the given region, we have 2/= JJJ* dxdydz = 2Stt(pxXa+PyVi>+P*zC + 2pV3f+2pzXsr + 2pxyh)dxdydz ...... (viii), since the formula (ii) holds when dots take the place of accents. The treatment of this integral is the same as before. If we suppose that u, v, w vanish over the bounding surface 2, we find = -pJJJ(w2 + £2 + M>2) dxdydz + pSH(Xu + Yv+Ziv) dxdydz ...(ix). The latter integral vanishes when the extraneous forces have a single- valued potential, so that F= -P$jj(u2 + v2 + w2)dxdydz ..................... (x). This is essentially negative, so that F continually diminishes, the process ceasing only when u=Q, v=0, 10 = 0, that is, when the motion has become Hence when the velocities over the boundary 2 are maintained constant, the motion in the interior will tend to become steady. The type of steady motion ultimately attained is therefore stable, as well as unique f. It has been shewn by Lord RayleighJ that the above theorem can be extended so as to apply to any dynamical system devoid of potential energy, * Helmholtz, " Zur Theorie der stationaren Strome in reibenden Fliissig- keiten," Verh. d. naturhist.-med. Vereins, Oct. 30, 1868 ; JHss. Abh., t. i., p. 223. t Korteweg, "On a General Theorem of the Stability of the Motion of a Viscous Fluid," Phil. May., Aug. 1883. + I.e. ante p. 526. 538 VISCOSITY. [CHAP, xi in which the kinetic energy (T] and the dissipation-function (F) can be expressed as quadratic functions of the generalized velocities, with constant coefficients. If the extraneous forces have not a single-valued potential, or if instead of given velocities we have given tractions over the boundary, the theorems require a slight modification. The excess of the dissipation over double the rate at which work is being done by the extraneous forces (including the tractions on the boundary) tends to a unique minimum, which is only attained when the motion is steady*. Periodic Motion. 298. We next examine the influence of viscosity in various problems of small oscillations. We begin with the case of ' laminar ' motion, as this will enable us to illustrate some points of great importance, without elaborate mathematics. If we assume that v = 0, w=Q, whilst u is a function of y only, the equations (4) of Art. 286 require that p = const., and du d2u This has the same form as the equation of linear motion of heat. In the case of simple-harmonic motion, assuming a time- factor ei(, we have d?u ia- -j-- — — u ........................... (2), ajf v the solution of which is u = Ae(l+i)f*y + Be~(l+i}M ...................... (3), provided 0=(7TV . 2?r/(7)* is of great importance in all problems of oscillatory motion which do not involve changes of density, as indicating the extent to which the effects of viscosity penetrate into the fluid. In the case of air (y = '13) its value is 1'28P* centimetres, if P be the period of oscillation in seconds. For water the corresponding value is '47P*. We shall have further illustrations, presently, of the fact that the influence of viscosity extends only to a short distance from the surface of a body performing small oscillations with sufficient frequency. The retarding force on the rigid plane is, per unit area, — IJL -j- I = fj,/3a {cos (at + e) — sin (at + e)} L»yJ»=o = pv* a* a cos (at + e + \ TT) ............... (9). The force has its maxima at intervals of one-eighth of a period before the oscillating plane passes through its mean position. On the forced oscillation above investigated we may superpose any of the normal modes of free motion of which the system is capable. If we assume that u , E, F in the accompanying figure represent successive forms assumed by the same line of particles at intervals of one-tenth of a period. To complete the series it would be necessary to add the images of E, D, C, B with respect to the vertical through 0. The whole system of curves may be regarded as successive aspects of a properly shaped spiral revolving uniformly about a vertical axis through 0. The vertical range of the diagram is one wave-length (2?r//3) of the laminar disturbance. As a numerical illustration we note that if i/ = '0l78, and 2ir/o- = 12 hours, we find /3~1 = 15'6 centimetres. This indicates how utterly insensible must be the direct action of viscosity on oceanic tides. There can be no doubt that the dissipation of energy by ' tidal friction ' takes place mainly through the eddying motion produced by the exaggeration of tidal currents in shallow water. Cf. Art. 310. 544 VISCOSITY. [CHAP. XT When /3h is small the real part of (4) gives w = /y(2&-y).cos( = aceky cos k (sc — ct) ..................... (3), since this makes drj/dt = — dfy/dy for y = 0. Hence and the dissipation is, by (1), 2yitPc2a2 .............................. (5), per unit area of the surface. The kinetic energy, has a mean value ^pktfa? per unit area. The total energy, being double of this, is 2 .............................. (7). Hence, equating the rate of decay of the energy to the dissipa tion, we have a2 .................. (8), or (9), 300-302] EFFECT OF VISCOSITY ON WATER-WAVES. 545 whence a = a.Qe~^m ........................ (10). The ' modulus of decay/ r, is therefore given by r= I/2v&, or, in terms of the wave-length (X), T = X2/87T2Z/ (11)*. In the case of water, this gives r = -71 2 X2 seconds, if X be expressed in centimetres. It follows that capillary waves are very rapidly extinguished by viscosity; whilst for a wave length of one metre r would be about 2 hours. The above method rests on the assumption that or is moderately large, where o-( = kc] denotes the 'speed.' In mobile fluids such as water this condition is fulfilled for all but excessively minute wave-lengths. The method referred to fails for another reason when the depth is less than (say) half the wave-length. Owing to the practically infinite resistance to slipping at the bottom, the dissipation can no longer be calculated as if the motion were irrotational. 302. The direct calculation of the effect of viscosity on water waves can be conducted as follows. If the axis of y be drawn vertically upwards, and if we assume that the motion is confined to the two dimensions x, y, we have du 1 dp dt p dx dv _ I dp dt p dy du dv .,, Wlth These are satisfied by dd> - ~r-> v = -~^- + -j ............ (3), dy dy dx =-<» ........................ w, * Stokes, 1. c. ante p. 518. (Through an oversight in the calculation the value obtained for T was too small by one-half.) L- 35 546 VISCOSITY. [CHAP, xi provided V^ = 0, (5), where V,2 = d?lda? + d?jdf . To determine the ' normal modes ' which are periodic in respect of as, with a prescribed wave-length 2?r/&, we assume a time-factor eat and a space-factor eikx. The solutions of (5) are then = (Ad* + Be-^) eikx+at .„. with The boundary-conditions will supply equations which are sufficient to determine the nature of the various modes, and the corre sponding values of a. In the case of infinite depth one of these conditions takes the form that the motion must be finite for y - - oo . Excluding for the present the cases where m is pure-imaginary, this requires that B = Q, D = 0, provided m denote that root of (7) which has its real part positive. Hence v mCemv) eikx+at,} ikCtfw) eikx+at j ...... If TJ denote the elevation at the free surface, we must have drj/dt = v. If the origin of y be taken in the undisturbed level, this gives r) = -^(A-iC)eikx+at .................. (9). If Tj_ denote the surface-tension, the stress-conditions at the surface are evidently (10), to the first order, since the inclination of the surface to the horizontal is assumed to be infinitely small. Now dv du 302] CASE OF INFINITE DEPTH. 547 whence, by (4) and (6) we find, at the surface, Pyy_rd^ = _d^ v the common factor eikx+at being understood. Substituting in (10), and eliminating the ratio A : C, we obtain (cL + 2vk*)* + gk+T'ks = 4>vk*m ............ (14). If we eliminate m by means of (7), we get a biquadratic in a, but only those roots are admissible which give a positive value to the real part of the left-hand member of (14), and so make the real part of m positive. If we write, for shortness, gk + T'k3 = o-2, vk*/&2 — 2vkm For a given wave-length, the elevation will be greatest when a = ± io-, nearly. To find the force necessary to maintain a train of waves of given amplitude, travelling in the direction of x- positive, we put a = — ia. Assuming, for a reason already indi cated, that vk^ja- and vkm/o- are small, we find P'xyldP7! = ^vkvjg, or p'xy = 4/^a?; . . . . „ ....... (4). Hence the force acts forwards on the crests of the waves, and backwards at the troughs, changing sign at the nodes. A force having the same distribution, but less intensity in proportion to the height of the waves than that given by (4), would only retard, without preventing, the decay of the waves by viscosity. A force having the opposite sign would accelerate this decay. The case of purely normal force can be investigated in a similar manner. If p'xy = 0, we have p'yy _ (OL + 2i^2)2 + o-2 - 4i/2£3m gprj~ gk The reader may easily satisfy himself that when there is no viscosity this coincides with the result of Art. 226. If we put a = — ia, we obtain, with the same approximations as before, Hence the wave-system 77 = a sin (lex — crt) ........................ (7) will be maintained without increase or decrease by the pressure- distribution p' — const. + 4yitfca<7 cos (kx — (y + 0) 1-f^jL (y2 +1) _ 40y\ = 0[~y2{(# + 20)24a}-^/T....(ix). I CT J L °" J This equation has an extraneous root y = 0, and other roots are in admissible as giving, when substituted in (v), negative values to the real part of m. For all but very minute wave-lengths, 6 is a small number ; and, if we neglect the squa re of 0, we obtain This is satisfied by y=±i, approximately; and a closer approximation is given by y(y2+l)'2=0 (xi), leading to / ^_\ . 0* y~ ~\ 2V2/ l 2^2 (XU)' Hence, neglecting the small change in the 'speed' of the oscillations, The modulus of decay is therefore in the notation of Art. 246. Under the circumstances to which this formula applies the elasticity of the oil-film has the effect of practically annulling the horizontal motion at the surface. The dissipation is therefore (within limits) independent of the precise value of /. The substitution of (x) for (ix) is permissible when 6 is small compared with /o-02/cr2, or c small compared with fT'/v. Assuming i/='018, ^'=40, we have T'/v =2200. Hence the investigation applies to waves whose velocity is small compared with 2200 centimetres per second. It appears on examination that this condition is fulfilled for wave-lengths ranging from a fraction of a millimetre to several metres. The ratio of the modulus (xiv) to the value (l/2i/&2), obtained on the hypothesis of constant surface-tension, is 4^/2 (^2/o-)^, which is assumed to be small. The above numerical data make Xm=l'27, cm = 20. Substituting in (xiv) we find r = -30X§x(cffi/c)*. For X=Xm this gives r='43sec. instead of 1 '41 sec. as on the hypothesis of constant tension. For larger values of X the change is greater. 304-305] PERIODIC MOTION WITH A SPHERICAL BOUNDARY. 555 When the wave- velocity c is great compared with 2200 c.s., we may neglect o-y2/^ in comparison with 6. The result is the sams as if we were to put /=0, so that the modulus of decay has, for sufficiently long waves, the value l/2f£2 found in Art. 301. The same statement would apply to sufficiently minute crispations ; but 6 then ceases to be small, and the approximations break down ab initio. The motion, in fact, tends to become aperiodic. 305. Problems of periodic motion in two dimensions, with a circular boundary, can be treated with the help of Bessel's Func tions*. The theory of the Bessel's Function, whether of the first or second kind, with a complex argument, involves however some points of great delicacy, which have been discussed in several papers by Stokes f. To avoid entering on these, we pass on to fche case of a spherical boundary ; this includes various problems of greater interest which can be investigated with much less difficulty, since the functions involved (the ^rn and M/"n of Art. 267) admit of being expressed in finite forms. It is convenient, with a view to treating all such questions on a uniform plan, to give, first, the general solution of the system of equations : (V3 + A2)w' = 0, (V2 + /^' = 0, (V3 + #) w' = 0 (1), M M M dx dy dz in terms of spherical harmonics. This is an extension of the problem considered in Art. 293. We will consider only, in the first instance, cases where u', v', wr are finite at the origin. The solutions fall naturally into two distinct classes. If r denote the radius vector, the typical solution of the First Class is y (3), * Cf. Stokes, 1. c. ante p. 518 ; Steam, Quart. Journ. Math., t. xvii. (1881) ; and the last paper cited on p. 558. t "On the Discontinuity of Arbitrary Constants which appear in Divergent Developments," Camb. Trans., t. x. (1857), and t. xi. (1868). / - / 7 \ *-*•<*«•> d d 556 VISCOSITY. [CHAP, xi where ^n is a solid harmonic of positive degree n, and tyn is defined by d l sin 1.3...(2» + 1) (4). It is immediately verified, on reference to Arts. 266, 267, that the above expressions do in fact satisfy (1) and (2). It is to be noticed that this solution makes xu' + yv' + zwf = 0 (5). The typical solution of the Second Class is u' = (n + l) ^M (hr) --p - n^n+1 (hr) h2r™+B -r dx J fk (hr] where n is a solid harmonic of positive degree n. The coefficients of ^n-i (hr) and ^rw+i (^) in these expressions are solid harmonics of degrees n — 1 and n + 1 respectively, so that the equations (1) are satisfied. To verify that (2) is also satisfied we need the relations *»'(0 = -Ww.<0 ..................... (1), which follow easily from (4). The formulae (6) make xu + yv' + zw = n (n -f 1) (2w + 1) ^rn (hr) $n ...... (9), the reduction being effected by means of (7) and (8). If we write dw' dv' ,du' dw' dvf du' 305] PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS. 557 we find, in the solutions of the First Class, v- ! 2~ -j |V» '*y yn-iv ""/~^7 "T«41V»*/" ^ r2w+1 ' 1 2rc + l (ii); these make 2 (^ + yV + n (13), 2^=- and therefore ®% + 2/V + *% = 0 (14). In the derivation of these results use has been made of (7), and of the easily verified formula d _ 2n+1 _ To shew that the aggregate of the solutions of the types (3) and (6), with all integral values of n, and all possible forms of the harmonics n, %n, constitutes the complete solution of the proposed system of equations (1) and (2), we remark in the first place that the equations in question imply (V8 + Aa)(a«*/ + yw/ + 2W/) = 0 ............... (16), and (V2 + ^)Of/ + 2/77/ + O = 0 ............... (17). It is evident from Arts. 266, 267 that the complete solution of these, subject to the condition of finiteness at the origin, is contained in the equations (9) and (12), above, if these be generalized by prefixing the sign 2) of summation with respect to n. Now when xu -f yv' + zw' and x% ' + yrf + z% ' are given through- 558 * VISCOSITY. [CHAP, xi out any space, the values of u', v', w' are rendered by (2) completely determinate. For if there were two sets of values, say u, v, w' and u", v", w", both satisfying the prescribed conditions, then, writing we should have anii + yvi 4- zw^ = 0,\ du^ dvl dwl_ \ ~j -- ' — T -- ' -- T~ — u dx dy dz } Regarding u^t vl} wl as the component velocities of a liquid, the first of these shews that the lines of flow are closed curves lying on a system of concentric spherical surfaces. Hence the ' circula tion' (Art. 32) in any such line has a finite value. On the other hand, the second equation shews, by Art. 33, that the circulation in any circuit drawn on one of the above spherical surfaces is zero. These conclusions are irreconcileable unless ult vl} w1 are all zero. Hence, in the present problem, whenever the functions (f>n and %n have been determined by (9) and (12), the values of u', v', w' follow uniquely as in (3) and (6). When the region contemplated is bounded internally by a spherical surface, the condition of finiteness when r = 0 is no longer imposed, and we have an additional system of solutions in which the functions ^n(f) are replaced by >PW(?), in accordance with Art. 267*. * Advantage is here taken of an improvement introduced by Love, " The Free and Forced Vibrations of an Elastic Spherical Shell containing a given Mass of Liquid," Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., t. xix., p. 170 (1888). The foregoing investigation is taken, with slight changes of notation, from the following papers : " On the Oscillations of a Viscous Spheroid," Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., t. xiii., p. 51 (1881) ; "On the Vibrations of an Elastic Sphere," Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., t. xiii., p. 189 (1882) ; "On the Motion of a Viscous Fluid contained in a Spherical Vessel," Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., t. xvi., p. 27 (1884). 305-306] SOLUTION IN SPHERICAL HARMONICS. 559 306. The equations of small motion of an incompressible fluid are, in the absence of extraneous forces, du 1 dp -ji = — -7^4- dt pdx dv I dp — , nx -jI = --^-+vV*Vt ..................... (1), at pay dw I dp -JT = — -f + dt pdz . , du dv dw /cn with 3- + j- + ^j~ = ° ..................... V2)- dx dy dz If we assume that u, v, w all vary as e^, the equations (1) may be written (v^^) (V2^> (V+A«)w where h? = — \/v ........................... (4). From (2) and (3) we deduce V2j9 = 0 .............................. (5). Hence a particular solution of (3) and (2) is and therefore the general solution is 1 dp , 1 dp , I dp U = TTJ+U> V = T^^T + V> w = T—-£ * dz /t_. ... (7), where u't v', w' are determined by the conditions of the preceding Art. Hence the solutions in spherical harmonics, subject to the condition of finiteness at the origin, fall into two classes. 560 VISCOSITY. In the First Class we have p = const., d d and therefore asu + yv 4- zw — 0 In the Second Class we have P=Pn, and [CHAP, xi •(8); .(9). .(10), (11), where f, ?;, f denote the component rotations of the fluid at the point (as, y, z). The symbols %n, n, pn stand for solid harmonics of the degrees indicated. The component tractions on the surface of a sphere of radius r are given by - (xu + yv + zw), = — xp + p j. ^ (r T^ - 1 J A6 T T- + I In the solutions of the First Class we find without difficulty 306] TWO TYPES OF SOLUTION. 561 71 V dx dz (13), where Pn = (Ar) + (w - 1) ^ (Ar)} ......... (14). To obtain the corresponding formulae for the solutions of the Second Class, we remark first that the terms in pn give - dr dx dx 1 J dx dx , 1 ' ' The remaining terms give (r ^ - l) u' = (n + 1) {Ar^« (Ar) + (n - 2) ^M_1 (Ar)} ^ -_ and ...... (17). Various reductions have here been effected by means of Art. 305 (7), (8), (15). Hence, and by symmetry, we obtain rP>, = An |> + Bnr^ ^ ^ + Cn ^ d n dyr*n+i> rprz=An where ..(18), _ 2(71-1) r2 w~ A2 271 + 1' Cn = JJL(U + I) {hr^'n^ (hr) + 2 (n - 1) ^v-i Dn = - L. ...(19). 36 562 VISCOSITY. [CHAP, xi 307. The general formulas being once established, the applica tion to special problems is easy. 1°. We may first investigate the decay of the motion of a viscous fluid contained in a spherical vessel which is at rest. The boundary conditions are that u = 0t v = 0, w = 0 .............................. (i), for r = a, the radius of the vessel. In the modes of the First Class, represented by (8) above, these conditions are satisfied by *»(A«) = 0 .................................... (ii). The roots of this are all real, and the corresponding values of the modulus of decay (r) are then given by .............................. (iii). The modes ?i = 1 are of a rotatory character ; the equation (ii) then becomes tan ha = ha .................................... (iv), the lowest root of which is Aa = 4'493. Hence In the case of water, we have v = -018 c. s., and r = 2-75 a2 seconds, if a be expressed in centimetres. The modes of the Second Class are given by (10). The surface conditions may be expressed by saying that the following three functions of #, y, z ' dy must severally vanish when r = a. Now these functions as they stand satisfy the equations V2U = 0, V2V = 0, V2W = 0 (vi), and since they are finite throughout the sphere, and vanish at the boundary, they must everywhere vanish, by Art. 40. Hence, forming the equation dv dv L dw n , ... -j- + -7- + -r- =0 (vn), dx dy dz we find ^n + 1 (Aa) = 0 (viii). 307] MOTION IN A SPHERICAL VESSEL. 568 Again, since .ru+yv + zw = 0 ................................. (ix), for r = a, we must have J-^n-f^(n + l)(2w + l)^n(Aa)0n = 0 .................. (x), where use has been made of Art. 305 (7). This determines the ratio pn : $n. In the case n = 1 , the equation ( viii) becomes , .v (xi), — the lowest root of which is ha — 5*764, leading to » r='0301-. v For the method of combining the various solutions so as to represent the decay of any arbitrary initial motion we must refer to the paper cited last on p. 558. 2°. We take next the case of a hollow spherical shell containing liquid, and oscillating by the torsion of a suspending wire*. The forced oscillations of the liquid will evidently be of the First Class, with n = 1 . If the axis of z coincide with the vertical diameter of the shell, we find, putting xi=Ck, tt-Cf^A^y, v=-Ctyl(hr}x, w = 0 ................. (xii). If o) denote the angular velocity of the shell, the surface-condition gives C'Vr1(Aa)=-6) ................................. (xiii). It appears that at any instant the particles situate on a spherical surface of radius r concentric with the boundary are rotating together with an angular velocity ^i(Ar) , . N T^TT-H o> ................................. (xiv). If we assume that co = ae(^+e) ................................. (xv), and put h?=-icos(o-£ + f) ................................. (xxii), nearly, when the imaginary part is rejected. This shews that the fluid now moves almost bodily with the sphere. The stress-components at the surface of the sphere are given by (13). In the present case the formula reduce to Pry= -p- z (xxiii). If SS denote an element of the surface, these give a couple ^= - JJtePnr -yprx) <*S= CM (ha) JJ(a* + 9h*a*fa(ha) , . N -a"-"* ^(ll) " ............... (XX1V)' by (xiii) and Art. 305 (7). In the case of small viscosity, where /3a is large, we find, on reference to Art. 267, putting ha = (l-i) /3a, that / fJ \»e*f 2i+n(ha} = (-y(Jl^ - ..................... (xxv), approximately, where (•=(! — i) j3a. This leads to ^Vr=-|7r/Lia3(l+*)^a« ......................... (xxvi). If we restore the time-factor, this is equivalent to ............ (xxvii). The first term has the effect of a slight addition to the inertia of the sphere ; the second gives a frictional force varying as the velocity. 308. The general formulae of Arts. 305, 306 may be further applied to discuss the effect of viscosity on the oscillations of a 307-308] OSCILLATIONS OF A VISCOUS SPHEROID. 565 mass of liquid about the spherical form. The principal result of the investigation can, however, be obtained more simply by the method of Art. 301. It was shewn in Arts. 241, 242, that when viscosity is neglected, the velocity-potential in any fundamental mode is of the form where Sn is a surface harmonic. This gives for twice the kinetic energy included within a sphere of radius r, the expression p ( U(^r*dn = pna(^\2n~'1 j I SJdw . ,42cos2(^ + 6) ...... (ii), if 8or denote an elementary solid angle, and therefore for the total kinetic energy ..................... (iii). The potential energy must therefore be given by the formula V=$pnaHSn*diff.A*am*(-^r*d& ..................... (vii), each side, when multiplied by pdr being double the kinetic energy of the fluid contained between two spheres of radii r and r + dr. Hence, from (ii), Substituting in (vi), and putting r = a, we have, for the total dissipation, 2F=2n(n-l)(2n + l)^ f \S,?dw.A2co&( ^nCO are both included in the form d »A&+Ber* n. In the present applications, we have f = hr, where h is defined by Art. 306 (4), and we will suppose, for definiteness, that that value of h is adopted which makes the real part of ih positive. The condition of zero motion at infinity then requires that A = 0, and we have to deal only with the function As particular cases : (0 = (- The formulae of reduction for/n(f) are exactly the same as for ^n(f) and^n(f), and the general solution of the equations of small periodic motion of a viscous liquid, for the space external to a sphere, are therefore given at once by Art. 306 (8), (10), with P-n-i written for pn, tmd/n(hr) for tyn(hr). 1°. The case of the rotatory oscillations of a sphere surrounded by an infinite mass of liquid is included in the solutions of the First Class, with n=l. As in Art. 307, 2°, we put Xl = Cz, and find u = Cfl(hr}y, v=-Cfl(fo)z, w = Q .................. (i), 568 VISCOSITY. [CHAP, xi with the condition Cf-^ (ha) = — o> ................................. (ii), a being the radius, and o> the angular velocity of the sphere, which we suppose given by the formula Putting h = (l — i)$, where /3=(n ...... (xi) ; ~_n * Another solution of this problem is given by Kirchhofif, Mechanik, o. xxvi. 309] OSCILLATIONS OF A SPHERE. 569 and by comparison with (x), it appears that this must involve surface harmonics of the first order only. We therefore put n = l, and assume <$>i = Bx ........................... (xii). Hence w -* A d x „- /r N 70 . d x w- The conditions (x) are therefore satisfied if 2f0(ha) B = n .................. (xiv). The character of the motion, which is evidently symmetrical about the axis of X) can be most concisely expressed by means of the stream-function (Art. 93). From (xi) or (xiii) we find or, substituting from (3), If we put ,£=rcos0, this leads, in the notation, and on the convention as to sign, of Art. 93 to Writing u = a«i(x (6), we find /3s (c2 + ^Vcr) = - cr2 (7), whence 8=4- . ^ ... , c V 6 c2 If we neglect the square of i/cr/c2, and take the lower sign, this gives c 3 c3 Substituting in (6), and taking the real part, we get, for the waves propagated in the direction of ^-positive u — ae~x!l cos a H where l = $&/vo* ........................ (11). The amplitude of the waves diminishes exponentially as they proceed, the diminution being more rapid the greater the value of <7. The wave-velocity is, to the first order of i/<7/c2, unaffected by the friction. The linear magnitude I measures the distance in which the amplitude falls to l/e of its original value. If X denote the wave length (27rc/ht U=uy/h for h>y> -h, and U= — u for y< -h, we notice that d2 £//<%2 -— 0, everywhere, so that (viii) reduces to $-"-' ....................... • ............ «• The appropriate solutions of this are : v' = Ae-kv, for y>h-, \ v' = Be-*y + C<*v, for h>y>-k; I ..................... (xi). v'=Dekv, for y<-h The continuity of v' requires With the help of these relations, the condition (ix) gives 2 (a- + /hi) Cfe** - 1 (Be-** + C<*h) = 0, 2 (o--/hl) Bekh+ Eliminating the ratio B : (7, we obtain (xiii). (xiv). 87 578 VISCOSITY. [CHAP, xi For small values of kh this makes 5, about ; and that the instability is a maximum for X/2A = 8. 2°. In the papers referred to, Lord Rayleigh has further investigated various cases of flow between parallel walls, with the view of throwing light on the conditions of stability of linear motion in a pipe. The main result is that if d2 U/dy* does not change sign, in other words, if the curve with y as abscissa and U as ordinate is of one curvature throughout, the motion is stable. Since, however, the disturbed motion involves slipping at the walls, it remains doubtful how far the conclusions apply to the question at present under consideration, in which the condition of no slipping appears to be fundamental. 3°. The substitution of (x) for (viii), when d2U/dy2 = 0, is equivalent to assuming that the rotation £ is the same as in the undisturbed motion ; since on this hypothesis we have du' dv' ., , , ' dfr-dE-1*" ................................. (XV)' which, with (vi), leads to the equation in question. It is to be observed, however, that when d2U/dyz=0) the equation (viii) may be satisfied, for a particular value of y, by f-8f ............... (7). The quantity f is connected with the excentricity e of the meridian section by the relations The equation (7) was discussed, under slightly different forms, by Simpson, d'Alembert-)-, and (more fully) by Laplace J. As f decreases from oo to 0, and e therefore increases from 0 to 1, the right-hand side increases continually from zero to a certain maxi mum (-2247), corresponding to e = '9299, a/c = 2*7198, and then decreases asymptotically to zero. Hence for any assigned value of n, such that n*/27rp < '2247, there are two ellipsoids of revolution satisfying the conditions of relative equilibrium, the excentricity being in one case less and in the other greater than '9299. If n9/2irp > "2247, no ellipsoidal form is possible. When £ is great, the right-hand side of (7) reduces to T4- 1~2 approximately. Hence in the case of a planetary ellipsoid differing infinitely little from a sphere we have, for the ettipticity, < = (a-c)/a = K-2 = if^ .............................. (i). If g denote the value of gravity at the surface of a sphere of radius a, of the same density, we have Angular momentum 0 1-0000 1-0000 0 0 •1 1-0016 •9967 •0027 •0255 •2 1-0068 •9865 •0107 •0514 •3 1-0159 •9691 •0243 •0787 •4 1-0295 •9435 •0436 •1085 •5 1-0491 •9086 •0690 •1417 •6 1-0772 •8618 •1007 •1804 •7 1-1188 •7990 •1387 •2283 •8 1-1856 •7114 •1816 •2934 •9 1-3189 •5749 •2203 •4000 •91 1-341 •5560 •2225 •4156 •92 1-367 •5355 •2241 •4330 •93 1-396 •5131 •2247 •4525 •94 1-431 •4883 •2239 •4748 •95 1-474 •4603 •2213 •5008 •96 1-529 •4280 •2160 •5319 •97 1-602 •3895 •2063 •5692 •98 1-713 •3409 •1890 •6249 •99 1-921 •2710 •1551 •7121 1-00 GO 0 0 CC * Natural Philosophy, Art. 772. 314-315] JACOBI'S ELLIPSOID. 585 315. To ascertain whether an ellipsoid with three unequal axes is a possible form of relative equilibrium, we return to the conditions (5). These are equivalent to (a0-/30)a2&2 + 7oC2(a2-&2) = 0 ............ (10), and If we substitute from Art. 313, the condition (10) may be written 2 ^-o an " - The first factor, equated to zero, gives Maclaurin's ellipsoids, discussed in the preceding Art. The second factor gives 0 (13), which may be regarded as an equation determining c in terms of a, b. When c2 = 0, every element of the integral is positive, and when c2 = a262/(a2 + b'2) every element is negative. Hence there is some value of c, less than the smaller of the two semiaxes a, 6, for which the integral vanishes. The corresponding value of n is given by (11), which takes the form so that n is real. It will be observed that as before the ratio M2/27r/D depends only on the shape of the ellipsoid, and not on its absolute size. The possibility of an ellipsoidal form with three unequal axes was first asserted by Jacobi in 1834*. The equations (13) and (14) were carefully discussed by C. O. Meyerf, who shewed that when a, b are given there is only one value of c satisfying (13), and that, further, rffairp has its greatest value ('1871), when a = 6 = l'7!61c. The Jacobian ellipsoid then coincides with one of Maclaurin's forms. * " Ueber die Figur des Gleichgewichts," Pogg. Ann., t. xxxiii. (1834) ; see also Liouville, " Sur la figure d'une masse fluide hoinogeue, eu dquilibre, et doue'e d'un mouvement de rotation," Journ. de VEcole Polytechn., t. xiv., p. 290 (1834). t "De aequilibrii formis ellipsoidicis," Crelle, t. xxiv. (1842). 586 EQUILIBRIUM OF ROTATING MASSES OF LIQUID. [CHAP. XII If in the second factor of (12) we put a = b, and write we find whence cot-1 £= s_n du u>] 14 13£+3£3 (v)*. It may readily be verified that this has only one finite root, viz. £='7171, which makes e = *8127. As n2/27rp diminishes from the above limit, the ratio of one equatorial axis of Jacobi's ellipsoid to the polar axis increases, whilst that of the other diminishes, the asymptotic form being an infinitely long circular cylinder (a = oo , b = c). Thomson and Tait, Art. 778'. The / of these writers is equal to our f ~1. 315] NUMERICAL EXAMPLES. 587 The following table of numerical data for a series of Jacobi's ellipsoids has been computed by Darwin. The subject is further illustrated by the annexed figures. The first of these gives the meridian section of the ellipsoid of revolution which is the starting point of the series. The remainder, adopted from Darwin's paper*, give the principal sections of two other forms. Axes n* torp Angular momentum a/a »/» c/a 1-197 1-197 •698 •1871 •304 1-216 1-179 •698 •187 •304 1-279 1-123 •696 •186 •306 1-383 1-045 •692 •181 •313 1-601 •924 •677 •166 •341 1-899 •811 •649 •141 •392 2-346 •702 •607 •107 •481 3-136 •586 •545 •067 •644 5-04 •45 •44 •026 1-016 GO 0 0 0 • co 607 2.346 * " On Jacobi's Figure of Equilibrium for a Kotating Mass of Fluid," Proc. Hoy. Soc., Nov. 25, 1886. 588 EQUILIBRIUM OF ROTATING MASSES OF LIQUID. [CHAP. XII There is a similar solution for the case of an elliptic cylinder rotating about its axis*. The result, which may be easily verified, is 2np (a + b)2'" 316. The problem of relative equilibrium, of which Maclaurin's and Jacobi's ellipsoids are particular cases, has in recent times engaged the attention of many able writers, to whose investi gations we can here only refer. These are devoted either to the determination, in detail, of special forms, such as the annulus*^, and that of two detached masses at a greater or less distance apart J, or, as in the case of Poincare's celebrated paper §, to the more general study of the problem, and in particular to the inquiry, what forms of relative equilibrium, if any, can be obtained by infinitesimal modification of known forms such as those of Maclaurin and Jacobi. The leading idea of Poincare's research may be stated as follows. With a given mass of liquid, and a given angular velocity n of rotation, there may be one or more forms of relative equilibrium, determined by the property that the value of V—T0 is stationary, the symbols V, T0 having the same meanings as in Art. 195. By varying n we get one or more 'linear series' of equilibrium forms. Now consider the coefficients of stability of the system (Art. 196). These may, for the present purpose, be chosen in an infinite number of ways, the only essential being that V — TO should reduce to a sum of squares ; but, whatever mode of reduction be adopted, the number of positive as well as of negative coefficients is, by a theorem due to Sylvester, invariable. Poincare proves that if, as we follow any linear series, one of the coefficients of stability changes sign, the form in question is as it * Matthiessen, "Neue Untersuchungen iiber frei rotirende Fliissigkeiten," Schriften der Univ. zu Kiel, t. vi. (1859). This paper contains a very complete list of previous writings on the subject. t First treated by Laplace, " Memoire sur la theorie de 1'anneau de Saturne," Mem. de VAcad. des Sciences, 1787 [1789]; Mecanique Celeste, Livre 3mc, c. vi. For later investigations, with or without a central attracting body, see Matthiessen, 1. c. ; Mine. Sophie Kowalewsky, Astron. Nachrichten, t. cxi. , p. 37 (1885) ; Poincare, I. c. infra', Basset, Amer. Journ. Math., t. xi. (1888); Dyson, I. c. ante p. 166. t Darwin, "On Figures of Equilibrium of Rotating Masses of Fluid," Phil. Trans., 1887; a full account of this paper is given by Basset, Hydrodynamics, c. xvi. § "Sur 1'equilibre d'une masse fluide animde d'un mouvement de rotation," Acta Math., t. vii. (1885). 315-317] OTHER FORMS OF EQUILIBRIUM. 589 were the crossing-point with another linear series. For this reason it is called a 'form of bifurcation.' A great part of Poincare's investigation consists in ascertaining what members of Maclaurin's and Jacobi's series are forms of bifurcation. Poincare also discusses very fully the question of stability, to which we shall briefly revert in conclusion. 317. The motion of a liquid mass under its own gravitation, with a varying ellipsoidal surface, was first studied by Dirichlet*. Adopting the Lagrangian method of Art. 13, he proposes as the subject of investigation the whole class of motions in which the displacements are linear functions of the velocities. This has been carried further, on the same lines, by Dedekindf and RiemannJ. More recently, it has been shewn by Greenhill§ and others that the problem can be treated with some advantage by the Eulerian method. We will take first the case where the ellipsoid does not change the directions of its axes, and the internal motion is irrotational. This is interesting as an example of finite oscillation of a liquid mass about the spherical form. The expression for the velocity-potential has been given in Art. 107 ; viz. we have with the condition of constant volume %M = a b c The pressure is then given by * " Untersuchungen iiber ein Problem der Hydrodynamik," Gott. Abh., t. viii. (1860) ; Crelle, t. Iviii. The paper was posthumous, and was edited and amplified by Dedekind. t Crelle, t. Iviii. J "Beitrag zuden Untersuchungen iiberdieBewegung ernes fliissigen gleicharti- gen Ellipsoides," Gott. Alh., t. ix. (1861); Math. Werke, p. 168. § "On the Rotation of a liquid Ellipsoid about its Mean Axis," Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.t t. iii. (1879); "On the general Motion of a liquid Ellipsoid under the Gravitation of its own parts," Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., t. iv. (1880). 590 EQUILIBRIUM OF ROTATING MASSES OF LIQUID. [CHAP. XII by Art. 21 (4); and substituting the value of O from Art. 313 we find -n = - \ (-** + 1 f- + ~ p \U/ U v .................. (4). The conditions that the pressure may be uniform over the external surface /yi2 rt/2 /y^ J + t + J-1 ........................ <5>> are therefore v g + 2*p«,) a' = fa +2,rp/30) b* = g + 2^-py.) c* . . . . (6). These equations, with (2), determine the variations of a, b, c. If we multiply the three terms of (2) by the three equal magni tudes in (6), we obtain ail + 1)b 4- cc + 2?r/) (a0ad + fijbb + %cc) = 0 ......... (7). If we substitute the values of «0, /30, 70 from Art. 313, this has the integral r°° /1\ a2 + 62 + c2 - 4>7rpabc I -r- = const ............. (8). 7 o ^ It has been already proved that the potential energy is /*°° /7"X F= const. - ft TrytfbW I -^ ............... (9), and it easily follows from (1) that the kinetic energy is +62 + c2) .................. (10). Hence (8) is recognized as the equation of energy T+F=const ....................... (11). When the ellipsoid is of revolution (a = b), the equation (8), with a2c = a3, is sufficient to determine the motion. We find (l + |0 c2 + F= const (12). The character of the motion depends on the total energy. If this be less than the potential energy in the state of infinite 317] VARYING ELLIPSOIDAL SURFACE. 591 diffusion, the ellipsoid will oscillate regularly between the prolate and oblate forms, with a period depending on the amplitude ; whilst if the energy exceed this limit it will not oscillate, but will tend to one or other of two extreme forms, viz. an infinite line of matter coinciding with the axis of z, or an infinite film coincident with the plane xy*. If, in the case of an ellipsoid of revolution, we superpose on the irrotational motion given by (1) a uniform rotation o> about the axis of zt the component angular velocities (relative to fixed axes) are d d c ... i(,-=. — x — w?/, v = — y-\-G)X) w:=- z • \*J' a a c The Eulerian equations then reduce to d . d 2 _ 1 dp dQ, ^ d d 2 1 dp do, -y + d>x + 2-G>x-o>2y= f- — 5-, a* a pdy dy' c I dp do. -z = f r i c p dz dz ' The first two equations give, by cross-differentiation, t+2'a = ° <•**>> or o>a2 = G>0a02 (iv), which is simply the expression of von Helmholtz' theorem that the ' strength ' of a vortex is constant (Art. 142). In virtue of (iii), the equations (ii) have the integral /n /ri. \ ^" ,(V). Introducing the value of Q from Art. 313 (4), we find that the pressure will be constant over the surface provided + 2irpa0-a>2 « In virtue of the relation (iii), and of the condition of constancy of volume 2- + - a c * Dirichlet, /. c. When the amplitude of oscillation is small, the period must coincide with that obtained by putting n — 2 in the formula (10) of Art. 241. This has been verified by Hicks, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., t. iv., p. 309 (1883). 592 EQUILIBRIUM OF ROTATING MASSES OF LIQUID. [CHAP. XII this may be put in the form c + 2 (a)2ad + o>oJa2) + 47rpa0«d -f 2irpyQcc = 0 ............ (ix), whence 2a2 + c-2 + 2o)2«2-47rpa2c - - - r = const ..... (x). This, again, may be identified as the equation of energy. In terms of c as dependent variable, (x) may be written (xi). If the initial circumstances be favourable, the surface will oscillate regularly between two extreme forms. Since, for a prolate ellipsoid, V increases with e, it is evident that, whatever the initial conditions, there is a limit to the elongation in the direction of the axis which the rotating ellipsoid can attain. On the other hand, we may have an indefinite spreading out in the equatorial plane *. 318. For the further study of the motion of a fluid mass bounded by a varying ellipsoidal surface we must refer to the paper by Riemann already cited, and to the investigations of Brioschi'f', Lipschitzj, Greenhill§ and Basset ||. We shall here only pursue the case where the ellipsoidal boundary is invariable in form, but rotates about a principal axis (z)*\\. If Uy v, w denote the velocities relative to axes #, y rotating in their own plane with constant angular velocity n, the equations of motion are, by Art. 199, Du _ 9 I dp do. -=r- - znv - nLx— f- - -T- , Dt p dx dx Dv 2 1 dp do, Dt pdy dy' Dw 1 dp do. Dt p dz dz If the fluid have an angular velocity o> about lines parallel to zt the actual velocities parallel to the instantaneous positions of the axes will be * Dirichlet, 7. c. f Crelle, t. lix. (1861). t Crelle, t. Ixxviii. (1874). § I.e. ante p. 589. || "On the Motion of a Liquid Ellipsoid under the Influence of its own Attraction," Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., t. xvii., p. 255 (1886) ; Hydrodynamics, c. xv. II Greenhill, "On the Rotation of a Liquid Ellipsoid about its Mean Axis," Proc. Carnb. Phil. Soc., t. iii. (1879). 317-318] SPECIAL CASES. 593 since the conditions are evidently satisfied by the superposition of the irrota- tional motion which would be produced by the revolution of a rigid ellipsoidal envelope with angular velocity n — eo on the uniform rotation o> (cf. Art. 107). Hence Substituting in (i), and integrating, we find -fl + const Hence the conditions for a free surface are a262 262 ~ " ~ = -7rpy0c2 (v). This includes a number of interesting cases. 1°. If we put ?i=o>, we get the conditions of Jacobi's ellipsoid (Art. 315). 2°. If we put ft = 0, so that the external boundary is stationary in space, we get f 2<*262 Woo- These are equivalent to and It is evident, on comparison with Art. 315, that c must be the least axis of the ellipsoid, and that the value (viii) of a>2/2irp is positive. The paths of the particles are determined by 262 - whence x = ka cos (=0, so that the motion is irrotaticmal. The conditions (v) reduce to These may be replaced by and The equation (xiii) determines c in terms of a, 6. Let us suppose that a>6. Then the left-hand side is easily seen to be positive for c = a, and nega tive for c = b. Hence there is some real value of c, between a and 6, for which the condition is satisfied ; and the value of nt given by (xiv) is then real, for the same reason as in Art. 315. 4°. In the case of an elliptic cylinder rotating about its axis, the condition (v) takes the form 4a262 If we put n = a>, we get the case of Art. 315 (i). If ft = 0, so that the external boundary is stationary, we have If o) = 0, i.e. the motion is irrotational, we have 319. The small disturbances of a rotating ellipsoidal mass have been discussed by various writers. The simplest types of disturbance which we can consider are those in which the surface remains ellipsoidal, with the axis of revolution as a principal axis. In the case of Maclaurin's ellipsoid, there are two distinct types of this character ; in one of these the surface remains an ellipsoid of revolution, whilst in the other the equatorial axes become unequal, one increasing and the other decreasing, whilst the polar axis is unchanged. It was shewn by Biemann'l' that the latter type is unstable when the eccentricity (e) of the meridian section is greater than "9529. The periods of * Greenhill, 1. c. ante p. 589. t 1. c. ante p. 589. See also Basset, Hydrodynamics, Art. 367. Biemann has further shewn that Jacobi's ellipsoid is always stable for ellipsoidal disturbances. 318-320] ORDINARY AND SECULAR STABILITY. 595 oscillation in the two types (when e < '9529) have been calculated by Love*. The theory of the stability and the small oscillations of Maclaurin's ellipsoid, when the disturbance is unrestricted, has been very fully worked out by Bryan f, by a method due to Poincare'. It appears that when e < '9529 the equilibrium is thoroughly stable. For sufficiently great values of e there is of course instability for other types, in addition to the one above referred to. 320. In the investigations here cited dissipative forces are ignored, and the results leave undetermined the more important question of 'secular' stability. This is discussed, with great command of mathematical resources, by Poincare. If we consider, for a moment, the case of a fluid covering a rigid nucleus, and subject to dissipative forces affecting all relative motions, there are two forms of the problem. It was shewn in Art. 197 that if the nucleus be constrained to rotate with constant angular velocity (n) about a fixed axis, or (what comes to the same thing) if it be of preponderant inertia, the condition of secular stability is that the equilibrium value of V — T0 should be station ary, V denoting the potential energy, and T0 the kinetic energy of the system when rotating as a whole, with the prescribed angular velocity, in any given configuration. If, on the other hand, the nucleus be free, the case comes under the general theory of 'gyrostatic' systems, the ignored coordinates being the six co ordinates which determine the position of the nucleus in space. The condition then is (Art. 235) that the equilibrium value of V+K should be a minimum, where K is the kinetic energy of the system moving, as rigid, in any given configuration, with the * " On the Oscillations of a Rotating Liquid Spheroid, and the Genesis of the Moon," Phil. Mag., March, 1889. f " The Waves on a Rotating Liquid Spheroid of Finite Ellipticity," Phil. Trans., 1889 ; " On the Stability of a Rotating Spheroid of Perfect Liquid," Proc. Roy. Soc., March 27, 1890. The case of a rotating elliptic cylinder has been discussed by Love, Quart. Journ. Math., t. xxiii. (1888). The stability of a rotating liquid annulus, of relatively small cross-section, has been examined by Dyson, I. c. ante p. 166. The equilibrium is shewn to be unstable for disturbances of a "beaded" character (in which there is a periodic variation of the cross-section as we travel along the ring) whose wave-length exceeds a certain limit. 596 EQUILIBRIUM OF ROTATING MASSES OF LIQUID. [CHAP. XII component momenta corresponding to the ignored coordinates unaltered. The two criteria become equivalent when the disturb ance considered does not alter the moment of inertia of the system with respect to the axis of rotation. The second form of the problem is from the present point of view the more important. It includes such cases as Maclaurin's and Jacobi's ellipsoids, provided we suppose the nucleus to be infinitely small. As a simple application of the criterion we may examine the secular stability of Maclaurin's ellipsoid for the types of ellipsoidal disturbance described in Art. 319*. Let n be the angular velocity in the state of equilibrium, and h the angular momentum. If I denote the moment of inertia of the disturbed system, the angular velocity, if this were to rotate, as rigid, would be h//. Hence and the condition of secular stability is that this expression should be a minimum. We will suppose for definiteness that the zero of reckoning of V corresponds to the state of infinite diffusion. Then in any other configuration V will be negative. In our previous notation we have c being the axis of rotation. Since abc=a?, we may write where /(a, 6) is a symmetric function of the two independent variables «, b. If we consider the surface whose ordinate is / (a, b), where a, b are regarded as rectangular coordinates of a point in a horizontal plane, the configurations of relative equilibrium will correspond to points whose altitude is a maximum, or a minimum, or a ' minimax,' whilst for secular stability the altitude must be a minimum. For a=oo, or 6 = 00, we have f (a, 6) = 0. For a=0, we have F=0, and /(a, 6) oc 1/62, and similarly for b=Q. For a = 0, &=0, simultaneously, we have / (a, b) = oo . It is known that, whatever the value of h, there is always one and only one possible form of Maclaurin's ellipsoid. Hence as we follow the section of the above-mentioned surface by the plane of symmetry (a = 6), the ordinate varies from QO to 0, having one and only one stationary value in the * Poincare, I. c. For a more analytical investigation see Basset, " On the Stability of Maclaurin's Liquid Spheroid," Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., t. viii., p. 23 (1892). 320] STABILITY OF MACLAURIN's ELLIPSOID. 597 interval. It is easily seen from considerations of continuity that this value must be always negative, and a minimum*. Hence the altitude at this point of the surface is either a minimum, or a minimax. Moreover, since there is a limit to the negative value of F, viz. when the ellipsoid becomes a sphere, there is always at least one finite point of minimum (and negative) altitude on the surface. Now it appears, on reference to the tables on pp. 584, 586, that when h<'304m^a^, there is one and only one ellipsoidal form of equilibrium, viz. one of revolution. The preceding considerations shew that this corre sponds to a point of minimum altitude, and is therefore secularly stable (for symmetrical ellipsoidal disturbances). When h > "304 m^a^, there are three points of stationary altitude, viz. one in the plane of symmetry, corresponding to a Maclaurin's ellipsoid, and two others symmetrically situated on opposite sides of this plane, corresponding to the Jacobian form. It is evident from topographical considerations that the altitude must be a minimum at the two last-named points, and a minimax at the former. Any other arrangement would involve the existence of additional points of stationary altitude. The result of the investigation is that Maclaurin's ellipsoid is secularly stable or unstable, for ellipsoidal disturbances, according as e is less or greater than '8127, the eccentricity of the ellipsoid of revolution which is the starting point of Jacobi's series f. The further discussion of the stability of Maclaurin's ellipsoid, though full of interest, would carry us too far. It appears that the equilibrium is secularly stable for deformations of any type so long as e falls below the above-mentioned limit. This is established by shewing that there is no form of bifurcation (Art. 316) for any Maclaurin's ellipsoid of smaller eccentricity. Poincare has also examined the stability of Jacobi's ellipsoids. He finds that these are secularly stable provided the ratio a : b (where a is the greater of the two equatorial axes) does not exceed a certain limit. The secular stability of a rotating elliptic cylinder has been in vestigated directly from the equations of motion of a viscous fluid by * It follows that Maclaurin's ellipsoid is always stable for a deformation such that the surface remains an ellipsoid of revolution. Thomson and Tait, Natural Philosophy (2nd ed.), Art. 778". t This result was stated, without proof, by Thomson and Tait, 1. c. t Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., t. vi. (1888). LIST OF AUTHORS CITED. The numbers refer to the pages. Airy, Sir G. B., 277, 278, 286, 292, 297, 300, 301, 356, 357, 360, 376, 377, 499, 503, 551 Aitken, J., 552 d'Alembert, J. le B., 583 Ampere, A. M., 232 Argand, A., 74 Basset, A. B., 166, 197, 221, 251, 570, 588, 592, 594, 596 Beltrami, E., 93, 99, 156 Bernoulli, D., 23, 26, 367 Bertrand, J., 201 Bessel, F. W., 305 Bjerknes, C. A., 156, 165, 207 Bobyleff, D., 112, 519 Boltzmann, L., 114, 220 Borchardt, C. W., 528, 529 Borda, J. C., 27 Boussinesq, J., 418, 420, 523 Brioschi, F., 592 Bryan, G. H., 126, 195, 595, 597 Burnside, W., 380, 388 Burton, C. V., 217 Byerly, W. E., 305 Cauchy, A., 18, 225, 380 Cayley, A., 257 Christoffel, E. B., 90 Clebsch, A., 165 Colladon and Sturm, 466 Coulomb, C. A., 541 Craig, T., 181 Darcy, H., 574, 575 Darwin, G. H., 301, 350, 353, 354, 356, 357, 367, 368, 369, 566, 586, 588 Dedekind, E., 589, 593 Delaunay, C., 502 De Morgan, A., 399 Dirichlet, P. L., 130, 589, 591, 592 Dyson, F. W., 166, 261, 588, 595 Earnshaw, S., 473 Edwardes, D., 535 Encke, J. F., 540 Euler, L., 3, 483 Fawcett, Miss, 191, 197 Ferrel, W., 360, 502 Ferrers, N. M., 117, 127, 145, 146, 155 Forsyth, A. E., 74, 103, 121, 146, 304, 305, 405, 473, 519 Fourier, J. B., 483 Frost, P., 43 Froude, E. E., 403, 404, 575 Froude, W., 24, 27, 403, 404 Gauss, C. F., 43, 74, 113, 121 Gerstner, F. J. von, 412, 414, 416 Glaisher, J. W. L., 123, 399, 487, 540 Graham, T., 29 Green, G., 50, 67, 131, 163, 292, 375, 376 Greenhill, A. G., 89, 90, 97, 98, 184, 189, 248, 388, 390, 426, 434, 435, 522, 589, 592, 594 Grobli, W., 261 Guthrie, F., 207 Hadley, G., 322 Hamilton, Sir W. E., 198, 201 LIST OF AUTHORS CITED. 599 Hankel, H., 37 Hanlon, G. 0., 27 Hansen, P. A., 305 Hayward, R. B., 171, 201 Heine, E., 117, 122, 124, 145, 305, 486 Helmholtz, H. von, 24, 59, 84, 102, 103, 214, 222, 223, 224, 226, 228, 231, 235, 300, 390, 409, 421, 423, 503, 513, 537, 538, 563 Herman, R. A., 143 Hicks, W. M., 97, 143, 166, 261, 591 Hill, M. J. M., 253, 264 Hugoniot, 28 Jacobi, C. G. J., 157, 201, 585 Kelland, P., 273, 432 Kelvin, Lord, 8, 35, 37, 42, 51, 60, 61, 145, 157, 169, 170, 176, 191, 196, 207, 211, 216, 218, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 227, 231, 250, 260, 261, 331, 334, 335, 348, 350, 360, 361, 362, 368, 380, 383, 391, 403, 407, 409, 436, 438, 445, 446, 455, 502, 551, 575, 578, 579 Kirchhoff, G., 42, 44, 59, 90, 102, 106, 109, 110, 114, 115, 167, 168, 176, 177, 184, 191, 204, 220, 226, 249, 251, 426, 428, 490, 525, 534, 568, 570 Koch, S., 513 Korteweg, D. J., 537 Kowalewski, Mme Sophie, 588 Lagrange, J. L., 3, 9, 18, 71, 76, 201, 227, 263, 274 Lame, G., 157, 159 Laplace, P. S., 120, 319, 343, 346, 354, 356, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 368, 466, 495, 583, 584, 588 Larmor, J., 182, 210, 221, 262 Legendre, A. M., 123 Lewis, T. C., 262 Liouville, J., 481, 585 Lipschitz, R., 592 Lodge, A., 336 Lommel, E., 305 Love, A. E. H., 253, 261, 388, 558, 593, 595 McCowan, J., 277, 301, 421 Macdonald, H. M., 434, 435 Maclaurin, C., 322, 583 Matthiessen, L., 588 Maxwell, J. C., 27, 36, 37, 43, 118, 156, 173, 220, 231, 234, 241, 257, 316, 442, 448, 513, 516, 541 Mehler, F. G., 321 Meissel, E., 305 Meyer, C. 0., 585 Meyer, 0. E., 570 Michell, J. H., 102, 411 Murphy, R., 321 Nanson, E. J., 226, 227 Navier, C. L. M. H., 515 Neumann, C., 73, 143, 211 Newton, Sir L, 466, 524 Niven, W. D., 155 Oberbeck, A., 529, 534 Ostrogradsky, M. A., 424 Piotrowski, G. von, 522 Poincare, H., 327, 588, 595, 596 Poiseuille, J. L. M., 521 Poisson, S. D., 310, 380, 385, 475, 481, 482, 487, 490, 515 Purser, F., 221 Rankine, W. J. M., 30, 71, 91, 138, 412, 416, 475, 574 Rayleigh, Lord, 43, 89, 106, 109, 110, 111, 125, 266, 271, 279, 293, 303, 305, 309, 310, 311, 314, 320, 321, 382, 383, 384, 388, 391, 392, 393, 402, 410, 412, 418, 427, 428, 442, 445, 448, 455, 456, 458, 460, 461, 467, 471, 476, 483, 488, 489, 4'JO, 494, 496, 504, 526, 533, 536, 537, 540, 551, 572, 574, 576, 579 Reusch, E., 261 Eeynolds, 0., 28, 261, 382, 513, 552, 573, 579 Riemann, B., 59, 95, 471, 589, 594 Routh, E. J., 214, 215, 253, 266, 318, 326, 496, 507 Russell, J. Scott, 418, 455, 456, 551 St Venant, B. de, 28 Sampson, R. A., 134, 536 Schlomilch, 0., 399 Schwarz, H. A., 90 600 LIST 0V AUTHORS CITED. Schwerd, 483 Simpson, T., 583 Steam, H. T., 555 Stefan, J., 135 Stokes, Sir G. G., 18, 33, 37, 97, 130, 131, 132, 134, 138, 142, 143, 226, 227, 228, 232, 264, 277, 307, 382, 386, 388, 409, 411, 412, 415, 421, 430, 432, 467, 475, 476, 480, 489, 491, 514, 515, 518, 524, 526, 531, 539, 545, 551, 555, 570, 575 Sylvester, J., 119, 588 Tait, P. G., 261 Tarleton, K. A., 247 Thomson, J., 27 Thomson, J. J., 90, 239, 242, 243, 261 Thomson, Sir W., see Lord Kelvin Thomson and Tait, 37, 50, 51, 97, 117, 118, 119, 121, 167, 173, 178, 184, 197, 201, 205, 214, 216, 266, 321, 322, 324, 327, 365, 367, 496, 503, 529, 534, 584, 586, 597 Todhunter, I., 117, 146, 305 Topler, A., 114 Turner, H. H., 367 Unwin, W. C., 574 Vince, S., Ill Webb, E. R, 388, 461 Weber, H., 16, 17 Whetham, W. C. D., 522 Young, T., 270, 286, 289 INDEX. The numbers refer to the pages. Air- waves, 464 effect of viscosity on, 570 Aperture, flow through rectilinear, 82 circular, 152 elliptic, 160 Atmospheric oscillations, 491, 494 Basin, tidal oscillations in a circular, 304, 312 tides in a rotating, 335, 341 Bessel's functions, 305, 306, 310 connexion with spherical harmonics, 321 Borda's mouthpiece, 27, 103 Canal, 'long' waves in uniform, 271 Canal of variable section, 291, 294 Canal-theory of the tides, 286 Canal of triangular section, standing waves in, 426, 429, 432 Canals, general theory of waves in, 429 Capillarity, 442 Capillary waves, 443 Circular sheet of water, waves on, 304, 312, 426 'Circulation' denned, 35 Circulation-theorem, 38, 57 Coaxal circles, 80 Complex variable, 74 Confocal conies, 82 quadrics, 158 Conjugate functions, 73 Curved stratum of fluid, motion of, 114, 253 Curvilinear coordinates, 156, 158 Cylinder, motion of a circular, 85 with cyclosis, 88 Cylinder, elliptic, translation, 92 rotation, 95, 98 rotating, in viscous fluid, 523 Cylindrical obstacle, flow past a, 87 Discontinuity, instability of surfaces of, 390, 391 impossible in a viscous fluid, 541 Discontinuous motions, 100 Disk, motion of a circular, 152 Dissipation-function, 504, 518 Dissipation of energy by viscosity, 517, 536 Dissipative forces, general theory of, 496, 503 Eddies, 573 Efflux of gases, 28 Efflux of liquids, 26, through capillary tubes, 520, 522 'Elasticity of volume,' 461 Electro-magnetic analogy (vortex-mo tion), 231 Ellipsoid, Jacobi's, 585 Maclaurin's, 583 translation of an, 147, 149, 152, 154, 162 in viscous fluid, 534 rotation of an, 149, 154, 164 Ellipsoidal Harmonics, 145, 155 Ellipsoidal mass of liquid, rotation, of, 582, 585 Ellipsoidal shell, motion of fluid in, 155 Elliptic aperture, flow through, 160 Energy, dissipation of, 517, 536 equation of, 10 of air-waves, 469 of irrotationally moving liquid, 50, 52, 62, 73, 134 39 602 INDEX. Energy, of 'long' waves, 278 of solid moving through liquid, 130, 172 of surface waves, 378 of vortex-systems, 239, 242 superficial, 442 Equation of continuity, 5, 6, 15 Equations of motion, of Motionless fluid, 3, 14 of a solid in a liquid, 171, 176, 192 of a viscous fluid, 514, 516 relation to moving axes, 322 Equilibrium of rotating masses of liquid, 580, 588 Expansion, waves of, 464 Fish-line problem, 455 Flapping of sails and flags, 392 'Flow' defined, 35, 39 Flow of a viscous fluid through a crevice, 519 Flow of a viscous fluid through a pipe, 520, 522 'Flux' defined, 41 Forced oscillations, 269, 329 Fourier's theorem, 380, 395 Generalized coordinates, 197 Gerstner's waves, 412, 416 Globe, oscillations of a liquid, 436 tides on a rotating, 343 Globule, vibrations of a, 461 Green's theorem, 50, Lord Kelvin's extension of, 60 Group-velocity (of waves), 381, 401, 445, 448 Gyrostatic system, 211, 503 Harmonics, spherical, 117, 316 conjugate property of, 127 ellipsoidal, 145, 155 zonal, 121, 122 sectorial, 126 tesseral, 125 Helicoid, motion of a, 191 Hydrokinetic symmetry, 181 Hypergeometric series, 121 Ignoration of coordinates, 214 Image of a double-source, 138, 262 'Impulse' defined, 169 theory of, 169, 173, 194 in vortex-motion, 237, 248 Impulsive motion, 12 Inertia of a solid, effect of fluid in modifying, 130, 172, 192 Instability of linear flow in a pipe, 573 ' Irrotational motion ' defined, 38 Jets, theory of, in two dimensions, 103, 105 capillary phenomena of, 457, 459 'Kinematic' coefficient of viscosity, 513 Kinetic energy of a solid in a liquid, 173 Kinetic stability, 327 Lagrange's equations, 201, 207 Lagrange's (velocity-potential) theorem, 18, 38 Lamina, impact of a stream on, 94, 107, 109, 112 'Laminar' motion defined, 34 in viscous fluid, 538, 541, 545 Laplace's tidal problem, 345 Limiting velocity, 24 Lines of motion, see stream-lines. Minimum energy, 51, 63 ' Modulus of decay,' 497 of water-waves, 545 of sound-waves, 572 Multiple-connectivity, 53, 57 'Normal modes' of oscillation, 268 Oil, effect of a film of, on water- waves, 552 Orbits of particles (in wave-motion), 373, 376 'Ordinary' stability, 327 Orthogonal coordinates, 156 Oscillations, see Small oscillations, and Waves. Oscillatingplane,inviscousfluid,538,541 Pendulum, oscillating in air, 490 oscillating in viscous fluid, 568 Periodic motion of a viscous fluid, 538, 555, 559 INDEX. 603 ' Periphractic ' regions, 43, 70 Pipe, flow of viscous fluid in, 520, 522 Poiseuille's experiments, 521 Pressure-equation, 21 Pressure, resultant, 177 Pressures on solids in moving fluid, 218 Progressive waves, 374 Eeflection of waves, 280 Eesistance of a lamina, 107, 109, 112 (viscous) to moving sphere, 533 Retardation and acceleration of tides (frictional), 501, 502 Eevolution, motion of a solid of, in frictionless fluid, 184, 189, 196 Eipples and waves, 447 Eotating liquid, 29 Eotating sheet of water, tides on, 322 ' Botationar motion, 222 Eotation, electromagnetic, 32 Eotation of a liquid mass under its own attraction, 580 Sector, rotation of a circular, 97 ' Secular stability,' 327, 595 Ship-waves, 403 'Simple-source' of sound, 484 'Simply-connected' regions, 40 Skin-resistance, 575 Slipping, resistance to, at the surface of a solid, 514, 521 Small oscillations, general theory, 266 relative to rotating solid, 324 Smoke-rings, 261 Solid, motion of, through a liquid, 167 ' Solitary ' wave, 418 Sound, velocity of, 466 Sound-waves, plane, 464, 468 energy of, 469 general equation of, 480 of finite amplitude, 470, 471, 473, 475 spherical, 477, 479 'Sources' and 'sinks,' 63, 118, 128, 129, 135 Source, Simple-, of sound, 484 'Speed' defined, 268 Sphere, motion of, in infinite mass of liquid, 130 in liquid bounded by concentric spheri cal envelope, 132 Sphere, motion of, in cyclic region, 143, 217 in viscous fluid, 524, 530, 533 Spheres, motion of two, in a liquid, 139, 205, 206 Spherical harmonics, see Harmonics. Spherical vortex, 264 Spherical mass of liquid, gravitational oscillations, 436 Spherical sheet of water, waves and tides on, 314, 440 of air, vibrations of, 489 Stability of a cylindrical vortex, 250 of a jet, 457, 459 of rotating masses of liquid, 326, 594 of a water-surface, with wind, 389, 392, 449 of steady motion of a solid in a liquid, 178, 188, 189 of the ocean, 362 'ordinary' and ' secular,' 327 Standing waves, 372, 424 Stationary waves on the surface of a current, 421 ' Steady motion,' defined, 22 general conditions for, 262 of a solid in a liquid, 178 of a solid of revolution, 190, 196 of a viscous fluid, 519, 528, 536 Stokes' theorem, 37 Stream-function, Lagrange's, 70 Stokes', 133, 255 Stream-lines, 20 of a circular disk, 153 of a circular vortex, 258 of a cylinder, 86 with circulation, 88 of a liquid flowing past an oblique lamina, 94 of an elliptic cylinder, 93, 99 of a sphere, 137 Stream-lines, of a sphere in viscous fluid, 532 Stream-lines, of a vortex-pair, 80, 246 Stresses in a viscous fluid, 512 Superficial energy, 442 Surface-conditions, 8, 9, 371, 514 Surface - distributions of sources and sinks, 65, 66, 235 604 INDEX. Surface disturbance of a stream, 393, 395, 401, 404, 450, 451, 455 Surfaces of discontinuity, 100 instability of, 389, 391 Surface-tension, 442 Surface-waves, 370 Symmetry, hydrokinetic, 181 Tangential stress, 1, 509 Tension, surface-, 442 Terminal velocity of sphere in viscous fluid, 533 Tidal waves, 266 friction, 499 Tide-generating forces, 364 Tides, canal theory of, 286, 287, 289, 290 change of phase by friction, 501 equilibrium theory of, 365 of second order, 300 on open sheets of water, 301, 303, 304, 312, 314, 320 on rotating sheet of water, 331, 341 on rotating globe, 343, 348, 355, 356 retardation of spring-, 502 Torsional oscillations of a sphere, effect of viscosity on, 563, 567 Trochoidal waves, 411, 414 Tube, flow of viscous liquid through a, 520 Turbulent flow of a liquid, 573 Velocity-potential, 18, 40, 56 due to a vortex, 233 Vena contracta, 27, 106 Vibrations of a cylindrical jet, 457, 459 of a spherical globule, 461 of gas in spherical envelope, 483, 487, 488 Viscosity, 508 coefficients of, 512, 513 effect of, on sound-waves, 570 on vibrations of a liquid globe, 564 on water-waves, 544, 545 Viscous fluid, problems of steady mo tion, 519 problems of oscillatory motion, 538, 559 Viscous fluid, motion of, when inertia can be neglected, 526, 528 Vortex, elliptic, 251 spherical, 264 Vortex-filament, 223 Vortex-line, 222 Vortex-pair, 246 Vortex-ring, 257 Vortex-sheet, 234 Vortices, in curved stratum of fluid, 253 persistence of in frictionless fluid, 224 rectilinear, 243 circular, 254 Wave-resistance, 383 Waves, effect of oil on, 552 Waves due to gravity and cohesion, combined, 445 Waves due to inequalities in the bed of a stream, 407 Waves, capillary, 443 Waves in uniform canal, general theory of, 429 (triangular section), 426, 429, 432 Waves, effect of viscosity on, 544, 545 Waves, 'long,' 271, 277, 282 in canal of variable section, 291, 294 of finite amplitude, 297 of expansion, 464 Waves of permanent type, 409, 418, 421 Waves on open sheets of water, 301, 304, 311, 312 on a spherical sheet, 314, 319 on the common surface of two fluids, 385, 446 on the common surface of two cur rents, 388, 391, 448 Waves, Gerstner's, 412, 416 Waves produced by surface-disturbance of a stream, 393, 395, 401, 404, 450, 451, 455 Waves, Ship-, 403 Wave, 'solitary,' 418 Wind, effect of, on stability of a water- surface, 389, 449 operation of, in generating waves, 551 CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED BY j. & c. r. 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