LIBRARY L POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA 93940 NPS -68-85-016 /( NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California oe-f ■ HYDROGRAPHIC DATA F&W THElipTOMA PROGRAM^ *" f)PT0MA15, 24 JANUARY - 23 FEBRUARY 1985 * by Paul A, Wittmann Edward A. Kelley, Jr. Christopher N.K. Mooers April 1985 FEDDOCS D 208.14/2 MPq-Rfi_pq-niR 111 w ww \j s vlv Approved for public release; distribution unlimited, Prepared for: Office of Naval Research Environmental Sciences Directorate (Code 420) Arlington, VA 22217 DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY ALPOST DUATESCHOOI NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL EREY Monterey, California 93943 Commodore R.H. Shumaker David A. Schrady Superintendent Provost This report is for the research project "Ocean Prediction Through Observations, Modeling and Analysis" sponsored by the Physical Oceanography Program of the Office of Naval Research under Program Element 61153N. Reproduction of all or part of this report is authorized. This report was Prepared by: UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (Whan Data Entered) REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 1. REPORT NUMBER NPS 68-85-016 READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING FORM 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER 4. TITLE (and Subtitle) Hydrographic Data From Trie OPTOMA Program, OPTOMA15 24 Jan to 23 Feb 1985 5 TYPE OF REPORT & PERIOD COVEREO teport for October 1982 to April 1985 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER 7. AUTHORr*; Paul A. Wittmann, Edward A. Kelley, Jr., Christopher N.K. Mooers 8. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBERf*.) t. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT PROJECT, TASK AREA ft WORK UNIT NUMBERS 61153W N0001484WR24501 II. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS Office of Naval Research Code 420 Arlington, VA 22217 '2. REPORT OATE April 1985 13. NUMBER OF PAGES 105 14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME ft ADDRESS^/ different from Controlling Otllce) IS. SECURITY CLASS, (ot thla report) Unclassified I5a. DECLASSIFICATION DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE U DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of thla Report) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited • 7. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (ot the abatract entered In Block 20. If different from Report) IS. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES IB. KEY WORDS (Contlnua on reveree elde It nocoeemry and Identity by block number) California Current System Physical Oceanography Dynamic Oceanography 20. ABSTRACT (Continue on ravaraa aide ft nacaaaary and Identity by block number) The two cruises, Leg DI and DII, and one AXBT flight Leg P were undertaken in January and February 1985. This report presents the hydrographic data acquired by XBT, AXBT and CTD casts, from the cruises and the flight. W) i j°N 7J 1473 EDITION OF 1 NOV «S IS OBSOLETE S 'N 0102- LF-OU-660) UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Data Bntarad) SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (Whit Dmtm Bntmtmif) S/N 0102- LF- 014-6601 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(TWi»n Dmtm Bntmrmd) Hydrographic Data from the OPTOMA Program. OPTOMA15 24 January - 23 February, 1985 by Paul A. Wittmann Edward A. Kelley, Jr. Christopher N. K. Mooers Chief Scientists: E. A. Kelley, Jr.,M. C. Cotton The OPTOMA Program is a joint program of Department of Oceanography Center for Earth and Planetary Physics Naval Postgraduate School Harvard University Monterey, CA 93943. Cambridge, MA 02138. DUDLEY KNOX NAVAL TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES INTRODUCTION DATA ACQUISITION DATA PROCESSING DATA PRESENTATION SECTION 1: LEG DI SECTION 2: LEG P SECTION 3: LEG DII ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS REFERENCE INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST PAGE ii iii 2 2 3 4 7 47 61 101 101 102 LIST OF TABLES Table No. Caption Page 1. Scientific instruments aboard USNS DE STEIGUER 6 2. Leg DI Station Listing 11 3. Leg Leg P Station Listing 51 4. Leg DII Station Listing 65 n LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. Caption Page 1. The NOCAL and CENCAL subdomains of the OPTOMA 1 Program. Isobaths are shown in meters. 2. The cruise track for 0PT0MA15, Leg DI. 8 3. XBT and CTD locations for 0PT0MA15, Leg DI. 9 4. Station numbers for 0PT0MA15, Leg DI. 10 5 (a)-(k). XBT temperature profiles, staggered by 16 multiples of 5C (0PT0MA15, Leg DI). 6 (a)-(c). CTD temperature profiles, staggered by 27 multiples of 5C, and salinity profiles staggered by multiples of 4 ppt (0PT0MA15, Leg DI). 7. (a)-(b). Casts deeper than 800m (0PT0MA15, Leg DI). 30 8. Casts deeper than 1600m (0PT0MA15, Leg DI). 32 9 (a)-(l). Along-track isotherms. Tick marks along 33 the upper horizontal axis show station positions. Some station numbers are given. Dashed lines are used if the cast was too shallow (0PT0MA15, Leg DI). 10 (a)-(c). Isopleths of (1) temperature and salinity and 39 (2) sigma-t from the CTD's (0PT0MA15, Leg DI). 11. Mean temperature profiles from (a) XBT's and 42 (b) CTD's, with + and - the standard deviation. (0PT0MA15, Leg DI). 12. Mean profiles of (a) salinity and (b) sigma-t, 43 with + and - the standard deviations, from the CTD's (0PT0MA15, Leg DI). 13. (a) T-S pairs and (b) mean T-S relation, with 44 + and - the standard deviation, from the CTD's. Selected sigma-t contours are also shown. (0PT0MA15, Leg DI). 14. Mean N2 profile ( — ), with + and - the standard 45 deviation ( — ). The N2 profile from T(z) and S(z) is also shown (••••). (0PT0MA15, Leg DI). m Figure No. Caption Page 15. The flight track for 0PT0MA15, Leg P. 48 16. AXBT locations for 0PT0MA15, Leg P. 49 17. Station numbers for 0PT0MA15, Leg P. 50 18 (a)-(b). AXBT temperature profiles, staggered by 52 multiples of 5C (0PT0MA15, Leg P). 19 (a)-(i). Along-track isotherms. Tick marks along 54 the upper horizontal axis show station positions. Some station numbers are given. Dashed lines are used if the cast was too shallow (0PT0MA15, Leg P). 20. Mean temperature profile, with + and - the 60 standard deviation. (0PT0MA15, Leg P). 21. The cruise track for 0PT0MA15, Leg DII. 62 22. XBT and CTD locations for 0PT0MA15, Leg DII. 63 23. Station numbers for 0PT0MA15, Leg DII. 64 24 (a)-(m). XBT temperature profiles, staggered by 70 multiples of 5C (0PT0MA15, Leg DII). 25 (a)-(c). CTD temperature profiles, staggered by 83 multiples of 5C, and salinity profiles staggered by multiples of 4 ppt (0PT0MA15, Leg DII). 26. Casts deeper tham 800m (0PT0MA15, Leg DII). 86 27. Casts deeper than 1600m (0PT0MA15, Leg DII). 87 28 (a)-(l). Along-track isotherms. Tick marks along 88 the upper horizontal axis show station positions. Some station numbers are given. Dashed lines are used if the cast was too shallow (0PT0MA15, Leg DII). 29 (a)-(b). Isopleths of (1) temperature and salinity and 95 (2) sigma-t from the CTD's (0PT0MA15, Leg DII). 30. Mean temperature profiles from (a) XBT's and 97 (b) CTD's, with + and - the standard deviation. (0PT0MA15, Leg DII). IV Figure No. Caption Page 31. Mean profiles of (a) salinity and (b) sigma-t, 98 with + and - the standard deviations, from the CTD's (0PT0MA15, Leg Oil). 32. (a) T-S pairs and (b) mean T-S relation, with 99 + and - the standard deviation, from the CTD's. Selected sigma-t contours are also shown. (0PT0MA15, Leg DII). 33. Mean N2 profile ( — ), with + and - the standard 100 deviation ( — ). The N2 profile from T(z) and S(z) is also shown (••••)• (0PT0MA15, Leg DII). 41N 39N 37N 35N 128W 126W 124W 122W 120W Figure 1: The NOCAL and CENCAL subdomains of the OPTOMA Program. Isobaths are shown in meters. INTRODUCTION The OPTOMA (Ocean Prediction Through Observations, Modeling and Analysis) Program, a joint NPS/Harvard program sponsored by ONR, seeks to understand the mesoscale (fronts, eddies, and jets) variability and dynamics of the California Current System and to determine the scientific limits to practical mesoscale ocean forecasting. To help carry out the aims of this project, a series of cruises has been planned in two subdomains, NOCAL and CENCAL, shown in Figure 1. The two cruises and one AXBT flight comprising 0PT0MA15 were undertaken, during January and February 1985, in the USNS DE STEIGUER and a Reserve Patrol Wing P3B aircraft. Hydrographic data were acquired off the coast of California in an area which covered and extended the NOCAL region. Leg DI was carried out from 24 January to 6 February, Leg P on 27 January and Leg DI I from 8 to 23 February. Legs DI and DI I sampled an area approximately 300 km square and Leg P sampled an area approximately 260 km square, both areas centered about 190 km off the coast between Pt. Reyes and Pt. Arena. On each cruise track, transect extremes are identified by letter to aid in cross-referencing the data presented in subsequent figures. On each of these cruises, hydrographic stations were occupied at approximately 19 km along the track. For the AXBT flight, the along-track station spacing varied between about 28 km and about 46 km. DATA ACQUISITION Data acquired during Legs DI and DII include XBT and CTD profiles; whereas data acquired during Leg P are AXBT profiles. Bucket surface temperature and water samples for salinity were taken at most CTD stations. A rosette sampler was used on Leg DII to acquire deep salinity samples. These salinity samples were used for calibration purposes as well as contributions to the data base. All data were digitized using a Sippican MK9 unit, recorded on data disks using a HP200 series computer, and transferred ashore to the IBM 3033 mainframe computer at the Naval Postgraduate School for editing and processing. Station positions were determined by Loran C fixes and are claimed to be accurate to within about 0.1 km. Table 1 on page 6 summarizes the various sensors used on the USNS DE STEIGUER and their accuracy. The salinity samples were determined by a Guildline Model 8400 "Autosal" salinometer with an accuracy of _+0.003ppt at the Naval Postgraduate School. During Leg P, shallow (305 m) and deep (750 m) AXBT's were deployed. The aircraft maintained an altitude of approximately 1500 ft and an airspeed of approximately 170 knots. Station positions are accurate to within 1 km, temperature values to within 0.2°C and depth values to within 2% or 5 m (whichever is larger). DATA PROCESSING The data processing, such as estimating depth profiles for the XBT and AXBT temperature profiles based on descent speed, and conversion of CTD conductivity to salinity using the algorithm given in Lewis and Perkin (1981), was carried out on the IBM 3033. The data were then edited by removing obvious salinity spikes and eliminating cast failures that were not identified during the cruise. Approximately 99%, 88%, and 99%, of casts were retained in the data sets of Legs DI, P, and DII, respectively. Two Neil Brown CTD's were used as a result of one having a malfunction. From a comparison of the CTD salinities with the salinity samples from the bottles, it was determined that the first CTD's salinities had an offset of -.015 ppt and the second CTD's salinities had an offset of -.012 ppt. The salinities were adjusted acordingly. The CTD data were interpolated to 5 m intervals and then up and down casts were averaged. The data have been transferred on digital tape to the National Oceanographic Data Center in Washington, DC. DATA PRESENTATION The cruise track, station locations (with XBT's, CTD's and AXBT's identified) and station numbers are shown in the first three figures of each of the next three sections, which present the data from Legs DI, P, and DII, respectively. These figures are followed by a listing of the stations, with their coordinates, the date and time at which the station was occupied, and the surface information obtained at the station. Vertical profiles of temperature from the XBT casts are shown in staggered fashion. The location of these profiles may be found by reference to the various maps of the cruise tracks. Transect extremes are identified as nearly as possible. The first profile on each plot is shown with its temperature unchanged; to each subsequent profile an appropriate multiple of 5C has been added. Vertical profiles from the CTD's follow (except Leg P). Profiles of temperature are staggered by 5C and those of salinity by 4 ppt. Isotherms for each transect are shown in the next pages, followed (except Leg P) by isopleths of temperature, salinity and sigma-t, from the CTD's, when four or more casts were acquired along a transect. Based on instrument accuracy and the vertical temperature gradient, it is estimated that depths of isotherms in the main thermocline are uncertain to _+20m. The tick marks identify station positions and, again, the transect extremes are shown on these plots. Each section includes mean profiles of temperature from the XBT's. In addition, for Sections 1 and 3, mean profiles of temperature, salinity and sigma-t from the CTD's are given, as well as a scatter diagram of the T-S pairs and the mean S(T) curve, with the jf standard deviation envelope; the data presentation concludes with a plot of the mean N2 (Brunt-Vaisala frequency squared) profile, with + the standard deviation. On the sigma-t and N2 plots, the appropriate profiles derived from the mean temperature and mean salinity profiles are also shown. Table 1: Scientific instruments aboard the USNS DE STEIGUER Instrument Variable Sensor Accuracy Resolution Nei 1 Brown CTD Mark Illb pressure temperature conductivity strain gage thermistor electrode cell 1.6 db 0.005 C 0.005 mmho 0.025 db 0.0005 C 0.001 rnmho Sippican BT temperature depth thermistor descent speed 0.2 C greater of and 2% of 4.6 m depth Section 1 0PT0MA15 Leg DII 41N 39N 37N 35N Eureka Cape Mendocino San Francisco Monterey Pt. Sur Morro Bay 128W 126W 124W 122W 120W Figure 2: The cruise track for 0PT0MA15, Leg DI 41N 39N 37N 35N X X X □ x X X X X x: X X • X x a x! xx X ''* ° x x x x : x x „ x : x x ^ X ° x . . .Js ... / Eu \ c X a x x x x x x X x reka ape Mendocino .. ) Pt. Arena x x O x x x a X X Q :x x x X x : x xx x . xx x x, : x x •x _ x x x : xq< • X * X x a x x x :x „..:..* x.... »••••*• 0 x x x x • x x 0 0 xX X xx x 0 Xx X \ * x \ xx V "x* \ < x ^V ><^* San x ^pJFrancisco X o > x a •-; ••* x x : x x: x * ° x .0 x x ; x x x • x x X * . „ a- x x x x x x x x > X x x x Xx X X x x 5< a 0 : x x 1 /-•Monterey VPt. Sur XBT : X CTD : □ \-. Morro : CBay 128W 126W 124W 122W 120W Figure 3: XBT and CTD locations for 0PT0MA15, Leg DI. 10 41N 39N rs\ 37N 35N »•*'« Eureka 96 97 172 : 136 173 •IS* W--17-0-:- .175... ,S7 ,38 "• ™ W2 139 168 Cape Mendocino 24. >u "do '«. h '«4 •••.; int 128 '*3 '64 '°' 5....^...?.|....1;01;2.1247..>:44..,fi3..t« " i" "• S. 107 ill] ^JH^ 3i : 5Z " : «5 108: 121 150^1544 :3*6 " ;737, 8i i«i "7 ; 3*7 4< 75 so: 38 4$ 76 79 '44 ••■•77'{»-: 43 rena 1,3116 39" 40 41 42 San Francisco Monterey Morro Bay 128W 126W 124W 122W 120W Figure 4: Station numbers for 0PT0MA15, Leg DI . 11 Table 2: Leg DI Station Listing STN TYPE YR/DAY GMT LAT LONG SURFACE SURFACE BUCKET BOTTLE (NORTH) (WEST) TEMP SALINITY TEMP SALINITY (DD.MM)(DDD.MM)(DEG C) (PPT) (DEG C) (PPT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 36 37 38 39 40 XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT CTD XBT XBT XBT XBT 11 XBT 12 XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT 21 XBT 22 XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT CTD XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT CTD 34 XBT 35 XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT CTD 41 XBT 42 XBT 43 XBT 44 XBT 45 CTD 85025 85025 85025 85025 85025 85025 85025 85025 85025 85025 85025 85025 85025 85025 85025 85025 85025 85025 85026 85026 85026 85026 85026 85026 85026 85026 85026 85026 85026 85026 85026 85026 85026 85026 85026 85026 85026 85026 85026 85027 85027 85027 85027 85027 85027 357 456 557 707 810 952 1136 1236 1344 1439 1538 1621 1752 1905 2013 2114 2222 2327 30 131 231 335 432 532 640 738 907 1027 1126 1231 1323 1431 1627 1821 1922 2016 2111 2202 2252 23 143 247 353 513 640 37.49 37.55 38.01 38.04 38.05 38.05 38.08 38.11 38.13 38.16 38.18 38.21 38.23 38.27 38.28 38.32 38.34 38.37 38.39 38.42 38.45 38.47 38.50 38.53 38.56 38.48 38.38 38.31 38.22 38.14 38.05 37.55 37.47 37.38 37.29 37.20 37.11 37.03 36.56 36.45 36.36 36.40 36.46 36.57 37.05 122.53 123.05 123.16 123.31 123.42 123.43 124.04 124.09 124.25 124.38 124.51 125.06 125.19 125.34 125.45 125.57 126.11 126.25 126.39 126.54 127.05 127.19 127.31 127.44 127.59 127.56 127.50 127.41 127.35 127.29 127.22 127.15 127.08 127.01 126.55 126.49 126.40 126.32 126.27 126.20 126.15 126.02 125.51 125.58 126.05 11.0 11.6 12.1 12.2 12.0 12.1 12.3 12.1 12.2 11.8 11.8 11.8 12.1 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 12 12 12.0 12.0 12.1 12.0 12 11 12 12.0 12.3 13.7 14.2 14.4 14.5 14.4 14.5 13.6 14.3 14.0 33.11 12.2 33.14 32.74 12.1 32.74 32.99 11.7 33.00 33.26 12.0 33.33 33.14 13.8 33.28 12 STN TYPE YR/DAY GMT LAT LONG SURFACE SURFACE BUCKET BOTTLE (NORTH) (WEST) TEMP SALINITY TEMP SALINITY (DD.MM)(DDD-MM)(DEG c^ (PpT) (DEG C) (ppt) 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 XBT XBT XBT CTD XBT XBT XBT XBT CTD XBT XBT XBT XBT CTD XBT XBT 62 XBT 63 CTD 64 XBT 65 XBT XBT XBT CTD XBT CTD XBT XBT CTD XBT XBT XBT CTD XBT XBT XBT 81 XBT 82 XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT 85027 85027 85027 85027 85027 85027 85027 85027 85027 85027 85027 85027 85028 85028 85028 85028 85028 85028 85028 85028 85028 85028 85028 85028 85028 85028 85028 85029 85029 85029 85029 85029 85029 85029 85029 85029 85029 85029 85029 85029 85029 85029 85030 85030 85030 825 935 1047 1235 1425 1517 1619 1725 1857 2027 2130 2338 33 210 400 444 539 743 943 1038 1135 1239 1356 1635 1958 2211 2300 113 319 402 453 651 902 1002 1142 1339 1531 1657 1819 1957 2133 2253 24 138 332 37.14 37.23 37.32 37.40 37.50 37.58 38.07 38.16 38.24 38.33 38.42 38.51 38.59 39.08 39.13 39.18 39.10 39.00 38.51 38.43 38.36 38.27 38.16 38.09 37.59 37.51 37.43 37.32 37.22 37.15 37.06 36.57 37.01 37.06 37.17 37.25 37.35 37.44 37.53 38.02 38.10 38.18 38.27 38.36 38.45 126.10 126.16 126.23 126.29 126.36 126.43 126.51 126.57 127.04 127.13 127.18 127.23 127.30 127.37 127.24 127.15 127.10 127.02 126.55 126.49 126.44 126.37 126.29 126.22 126.16 126.10 126.03 125.56 125.48 125.43 125.37 125.29 125.18 125.08 125.14 125.22 125.28 125.33 125.40 125.45 125.55 126.01 126.08 126.14 126.21 11.9 12.0 11.7 11.8 11 11 12 12 12.0 12.1 12 12 12 12 12 12.4 12.4 12.2 12.4 12.4 12.1 12.0 11.8 12.1 12.0 11.7 11.7 11.6 11.9 11.9 11.9 12.1 11.7 11.6 11.6 11.7 11 12 11 12.0 12.0 11.7 11.8 12.4 12.3 32.97 12.0 32.98 33.04 12.2 32.97 32.70 12.2 32.51 32.71 12.5 32.60 32.95 33.00 32.88 32.78 11.9 12.2 11.9 32.94 33.03 32.90 12.2 32.82 13 STN TYPE YR/DAY GMT LAT LONG SURFACE SURFACE BUCKET BOTTLE (NORTH) (WEST) TEMP SALINITY TEMP SALINITY (DD.MM)(DDD.MM)(DEG C) (ppx) (DEG C) (PPT) 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 CTD 85030 XBT 85030 XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT 101 XBT 102 XBT 103 XBT 104 XBT CTD XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT 85030 85030 85030 85030 CTD 85030 XBT 85030 85030 85030 85030 85030 85031 85031 85031 85031 85031 85031 85031 85031 85031 85031 85031 85031 85031 85031 85031 XBT 85031 XBT 85032 85032 85032 85032 85032 85032 85032 85032 85032 85032 85032 85032 85033 85033 85033 85033 85033 518 726 909 1106 1252 1536 1821 1947 2050 2144 2235 2333 29 131 402 522 626 734 859 1019 1135 1238 1344 1443 1544 1819 1946 2205 43 306 539 800 1011 1223 1442 1614 1750 1933 2142 2346 246 606 910 1121 1315 38.53 39.02 39.10 39.18 39.27 39.39 39.37 39.29 39.20 39.12 39.04 38.56 38.48 38.38 38.29 38.21 38.12 38.03 37.54 37.45 37.36 37.28 37.20 37.14 37.12 37.22 37.29 37.37 37.46 37.55 38.04 38.12 38.21 38.31 38.41 38.49 38.57 39.05 39.13 39.21 39.31 39.38 39.48 39.57 40.05 126.27 126.33 126.41 126.47 126.54 126.45 126.31 126.24 126.15 126.08 126.03 125.56 125.51 125.44 125.37 125.31 125.24 125.18 125.10 125.03 124.56 124.50 124.43 124.36 124.32 124.28 124.23 124.29 124.37 124.43 124.49 124.57 125.05 125.10 125.17 125.20 125.29 125.36 125.40 125.47 125.56 126.03 126.08 126.05 126.05 12.3 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.0 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11.5 11.8 11 11 11.8 11.9 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 9 2 2 1 5 0 9 12.0 12.0 11.9 11.7 11.6 11.7 11.7 11.8 11.9 11.8 11.9 11.7 11.8 11.7 11.8 11.7 32.83 12.0 32.84 32.84 12.6 32.86 33.11 11.7 33.13 14 STN TYPE YR/DAY GMT LAT LONG SURFACE SURFACE BUCKET BOTTLE (NORTH) (WEST) TEMP SALINITY TEMP SALINITY (DD.MM)(E>DD.MM)(DEG c) (PPT) (DEG C) (PPT) 136 XBT 85033 1523 40.14 126.02 11.8 137 XBT 85033 1725 39.58 125.45 11.6 138 XBT 85033 1827 39.48 125.38 11.9 139 XBT 85033 1916 39.40 125.32 11.7 140 CTD 85033 2046 39.32 125.27 11.5 32.76 11.5 32.82 141 XBT 85033 2211 39.22 125.20 11.5 142 XBT 85033 2258 39.15 125.15 11.5 143 CTD 85034 14 39.07 125.07 11.6 32.88 11.7 32.96 144 XBT 85034 205 38.56 125.02 11.7 145 CTD 85034 309 38.50 124.54 11.5 33.22 11.5 33.28 146 XBT 85034 548 38.41 124.49 11.6 147 XBT 85034 659 38.32 124.40 11.7 148 CTD 85034 836 38.24 124.34 11.4 33.21 11.8 33.24 149 XBT 85034 1025 38.15 124.28 11.6 150 CTD 85034 1200 38.06 124.22 11.7 33.30 11.8 33.33 151 XBT 85034 1347 37.57 124.13 12.0 152 XBT 85034 1443 37.49 124.07 11.6 153 XBT 85034 1547 37.39 124.01 11.8 154 XBT 85034 1705 37.42 123.47 11.6 155 XBT 85034 1811 37.50 123.37 11.7 156 XBT 85034 1922 37.58 123.46 11.7 157 XBT 85034 2033 38.07 123.53 11.5 158 XBT 85034 2132 38.15 123.59 11.5 159 CTD 85034 2255 38.26 124.07 11.7 33.29 11.6 33.35 160 XBT 85035 217 38.34 124.12 11.6 161 XBT 85035 346 38.42 124.18 11.5 162 XBT 85035 522 38.51 124.25 11.2 163 XBT 85035 713 39.00 124.32 11.5 164 XBT 85035 925 39.09 124.40 11.4 165 XBT 85035 1127 39.16 124.46 11.6 166 XBT 85035 1414 39.26 124.52 10.9 167 XBT 85035 1633 39.34 124.58 10.8 168 XBT 85035 1830 39.41 125.05 10.7 169 XBT 85035 2036 39.52 125.13 10.9 170 XBT 85035 2202 39.59 125.19 10.9 171 XBT 85035 2338 40.09 125.26 11.1 172 XBT 85036 238 40.24 125.18 10.9 173 XBT 85036 443 40.18 125.05 10.7 174 XBT 85036 544 40.10 124.58 10.5 175 XBT 85036 643 40.01 124.50 10.6 176 XBT 85036 746 39.53 124.43 10.5 177 CTD 85036 914 39.44 124.36 10.6 32.93 10.5 33.03 178 XBT 85036 1056 39.36 124.30 10.6 179 XBT 85036 1150 39.27 124.23 11.1 180 XBT 85036 1244 39.19 124.18 11.3 15 STN TYPE YR/DAY GMT LAT LONG SURFACE SURFACE BUCKET BOTTLE (NORTH) (WEST) TEMP SALINITY TEMP SALINITY (DD.MM)(DDD.MM)(DEG C) (PPT) (DEG C) (PPT) 181 XBT 85036 1340 39.10 124.11 11.1 182 CTD 85036 1515 39.01 124.06 11.2 32.83 11.0 33.13 183" XBT 85036 1636 38.53 123.56 10.9 184 XBT 85036 1719 38.44 123.50 10.6 185 XBT 85036 1816 38.35 123.44 10.8 186 XBT 85036 1911 38.27 123.36 10.9 187 CTD 85036 2010 38.19 123.31 11.0 33.11 10.9 33.88 188 XBT 85036 2127 38.25 123.39 10.9 189 XBT 85036 2255 38.34 123.50 11.1 190 XBT 85037 12 38.41 123.59 11.2 191 XBT 85037 135 38.49 124.08 11.3 192 XBT 85037 248 38.39 124.01 11.3 193 XBT 85037 340 38.30 123.56 10.9 194 XBT 85037 446 38.22 123.48 11.1 195 XBT 85037 556 38.16 123.36 11.0 196 XBT 85037 651 38.10 123.24 11.3 197 XBT 85037 838 38.00 123.18 11.4 198 XBT 85037 1106 37.54 123.05 11.3 199 XBT 85037 1240 37.49 122.52 11.4 16 o -i 01 a 6 i i i i I i i O o I I I o o o o K) o o 1 I I I I I o o m i i i i o o (£> O O O O 00 (ai) Mjdea CO m a> 3 M3 17 X2 > — - 0) u D ■H (w) MideQ 18 o m u 3 60 •H o o o O o o o o o o o O o o o o CM K) «t lO co r^ 00 (w) ludea 19 "O o m u "t m CO r*s 00 (iXl) M|d9Q 20 CD m cu i-i 3 bC ■H. o o o o CM O O O O O O o o to o o o o 00 (W) ll|d9Q 21 T5 o 0) m u U) O o ^— -»t I/) o m 3 60 ■H o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o csj K) ^t in l£> N oo (UJ) M|d9Q 22 too m u 3 toO •H (w) qjdea 23 "D o Q) m L_ Q) a> U) o o ^^— •«t CO o K) CM X. m ** m •H ■t tn o o O O o o o o o o O O o o o o CM to -t m to N 00 (w) ludsa 24 m u 3 00 •H O o o o o o ro o o o o o o to o o o o oo (w) q|d9Q 25 XJ o a> 3, a) O i_ r>- D -+— ■ O L. CL 0 to .0) m 3 •H O I i 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 ■ I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 >, 000000000 00000000 '-(Nro-'tmtor^co (lu) L|jd9a 27 Staggered Temperature (deg C) 800 30 200 - £ 400 Q 600 800 Staggered Salinity (ppt) 40 50 60 70 6 27 33 40 45 49 54 59 65 80 «^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Figure 6(a): CTD temperature profiles, staggered by multiples of 5C, and salinity profiles, staggered by multiples of 4ppt (0PT0MA15, Leg DI) . 28 Staggered Temperature (deg C) Staggered Salinity (ppt) 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 ^^^T",Fv^T,"Ti™^,^T,'^^nnnF,T^^^^^^_nF,"^^T'^^'Tn"^'^™'"^^^^ 200 - £ 400 a. Q 600 800 68 70 73 77 91 97 105 140 143 145 Figure 6(b) 29 200 400 Q. Q 600 800 Staggered Temperature (deg C) 40 i ■ ' ' 60 ' ■ ' I 30 0 r** 200 £ 400 Q 600 800 Staggered Salinity (ppt) 60 70 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^p^^^^^^ 182 187 177 148 150 159 80 Figure 6(c) 30 Staggered Temperature (deg C) 1600 30 Staggered Salinity (ppt) 40 50 60 70 80 u \ UVY ' 400 x £ 800 a Q 1200 53 ' t9 ! 39 63 70 73 77 Figure 7(a): Casts deeper than 800m (0PT0MA15, Leg DI) 31 Staggered Temperature (deg C) 400 - 800 - Q. 1200 - 1600 30 Staggered Salinity (ppt) 40 50 60 70 80 400 - vrm ^^^^T^^^^T 800 - CD Q 1200 1600 105 143 145 148 150 159 Figure 7(b) 32 Staggered Temperature (deg C) 2800 3200 30 0 400 800 1200 £ 1600 a. Q 2000 2400 2800 3200 Staggered Salinity (ppt) 40 50 60 70 1 ' ' ■ I 63 70 73 77 159 80 Figure 8: Casts deeper than 1600m (OPTOMA15, Leg DI) 33 CD ot CM K> o> to = < ^ lO O c t-l o i-l •H 03 4J -C o3 CO 4-1 co O o 3 4-1 o .c CO en 03 2 CO o •H 4-1 o X CO ■«■ 03 03 o 03 CD 4-1 X. e 4-1 o N 14-1 •H •H (J O T3 X CD CO l-i 3 cd a 0) o a !-i o 3 03 K> CD CO ji CD "? 4-1 C •r-l JX Wj .H c tH •H H 00 CD • l-i en 03 CO 0) u 43 CD 4J ^ o e en 0 •H c M c o CJ o o 03 •H r~ )-t 4-1 4-1 1 03 4-1 • &c CO ^-s C M o CD O r-H 0 < O M C/5 CD • ' hJ •»> 03 • * -w en m O C -" cd o a 300 400 121 125 129 100 200 Distance (km) M 133 300 Figure 9(g) 37 152 148 144 n i i i i i r 140 i i i i r N 136 400 1 100 200 Distance (km) Figure 9(h) 300 P 155 159 163 167 0 171 400 -^ A 100 200 Distance (km) 300 Figure 9(i) 38 400 184 180 17S i i r 100 200 Distance (km) R 172 300 Figure 9(j) 0 50 100 Distance (km) 100 Distance (km) 200 Figure 9(k) Figure 9(1) 39 D 45 49 54 E 59 400 100 200 Distance (km) 300 45 49 54 59 400 100 200 Distance (km) 300 Figure 10(a): Isopleths of (1) temperature and salinity and (2) sigma-t from the CTD's (0PT0MA15, Leg DI) . 40 400 100 Distance (km) 200 150 148 145 143 140 100 £ 200 a. o Q 300 400 100 Distance (km) 200 Figure 10(b) 41 G 77 100 - £ 200 Ql © 300 - 400 73 70 68 F 63 100 200 Distance (km) 300 77 100 £ 200 a. a> ^52 a. E m - ^— — — .^^ X o o o o o o ro o o o o ID (uj) q|dea u to c CO OJ c CO + o H T3 C CO en — H CQ X ^~> CO ^ e o U M-l to cu rH •H IW o 1-1 a- • ^— ^ cu M u O 3 4J 6C CO OJ J-i .-1 CU a »i e in OJ . — i ■U 31 (t< c o CO H CU (X 2 O •s— ^ • • 1 — 1 c 1 — 1 o •H •H 0) Uu T3 (ai) q|d9Q 43 (uj) mdea to Q. CL C "6 GO IT) »o ■ s / / jS / ^^*^ / S *" * - o o o o o o o o o o 03 c o •H ■u CO •H > X) >-l ca -a c cfl •u CO 0) X. T3 c + I cfl e 5b -a c ft! >> •u •1-1 C •H .-H rO • - S Q H • • CJ CNl i—l u'' * *•• • "i^^*^r^^^^ "* "*•• - *, '"*•. *s'iS* "'•••• ^ y / % "**■' •« V.a// . '•' ^7\ » '''*r ?-^ *♦ \ ^vv/ ••••. *• w \ "■••■-... •# *# " • • • , "*. ■••# "*" ■'** ""••••-.. •, "^•.. . **. "•• **•• •, • '•t *•» ^**~»w^ "♦, '*•., • *• i r*^ © CO CO a. CO >^ "° cd CO uo CO o> m CO (3 Sap) ajrvpsjaduiaj. o c\i CO o CO > 13 T3 M « G to • CO M Q CD ,C toC ■W 0) n t3 m C -• to < + o H u O •H w c o O JC •H 0) tO o i-i en ' QJ iH >-! tO C/5 0) M CO CO M O I H C to a) 6 Xi o w CJ *T3 4-1 C I tO tO B co bo M «H •H CO CO CO 0) C/> 4J I o H Morro : tB°y 128W 126W 124W 122W 120W Figure 16: AXBT locations for 0PT0MA15, Leg P 50 41N 39N 37N 35N i . Eureka i \ Cape Mendocino ; 7 : : 8 9 10 : 6 27 : tl 28 it... 5 ..) Pt. Al -ena 12 : 29 : 30 13 ,4 V ■ 32 42 : " *; 4i ■ 43 40; 4 3 24 ; '■ 39 2 San \Francisco ,si. » 34 38 1 J37 23 36 17 18 35 i2 21 : "20" 19 : /-'Monterey i V Pt. Sur J \-. Morro ; i (Bay 128W 126W 124W 122W 120W Figure 17: Station numbers for 0PT0MA15, Leg P. 51 Table 3 : Leg P Station Listing STN TYPE YR/DAY GMT LAT LONG SURI ■Ai (NORTH) (WEST) TEMP (DD.MM(DDD.MM)(DEG I 1 AXBT 85027 1651 37.50 123. ,40 12. 4 2 AXBT 85027 1701 38.06 123. ,53 12. 0 3 AXBT 85027 1712 38.30 124. ,10 12. 2 4 AXBT 85027 1722 38.52 124, ,26 12. 6 5 AXBT 85027 1728 39.04 124. ,36 12. 0 6 AXBT 85027 1738 39.26 124, 52 12. 3 7 AXBT 85027 1751 39.46 125, 18 11. 6 8 AXBT 85027 1757 39.38 125, ,37 11. 8 9 AXBT 85027 1807 39.23 126, ,09 12. 3 10 AXBT 85027 1813 39.15 126, ,29 12. 2 11 AXBT 85027 1824 39.00 127, ,00 12. 5 12 AXBT 85027 1830 38.52 127, ,18 12. 1 13 AXBT 85027 1840 38.32 127, ,41 12. 1 14 AXBT 85027 1846 38.21 127, ,31 11. .9 15 AXBT 85027 1856 37.52 127, ,12 11. 9 16 AXBT 85027 1902 37.43 127, ,02 11. 8 17 AXBT 85027 1912 37.18 126, ,44 13. 7 18 AXBT 85027 1918 37.02 126, ,28 14. 5 19 AXBT 85027 1929 36.47 126, ,08 14. .6 20 AXBT 85027 1937 36.54 125, ,50 14. ,3 21 AXBT 85027 1947 37.07 125, ,21 11. 8 22 AXBT 85027 1953 37.15 125, ,02 11. ,7 23 AXBT 85027 2009 37.37 124, ,14 12. ,5 24 AXBT 85027 2031 38.15 124, ,28 12. ,4 25 AXBT 85027 2040 38.48 124, ,53 12. .0 26 AXBT 85027 2050 39.00 125, ,03 12, 2 27 AXBT 85027 2102 39.20 125, ,24 12, ,0 28 AXBT 85027 2111 39.07 125, ,53 12, ,1 29 AXBT 85027 2121 38.49 126, .27 12, ,5 30 AXBT 85027 2127 38.42 126 .46 12, .1 31 AXBT 85027 2137 38.26 127 .04 12, ,1 32 AXBT 85027 2142 38.13 126 .54 11, .9 33 AXBT 85027 2152 37.46 126 .38 12, ,2 34 AXBT 85027 2159 37.34 126 .30 11, ,7 35 AXBT 85027 2213 37.13 125 .57 11, ,7 36 AXBT 85027 2225 37.26 125 .24 11, .9 37 AXBT 85027 2232 37.37 125 .00 12, ,0 38 AXBT 85027 2242 37.51 124 .28 12, .6 39 AXBT 85027 2300 38.02 124 .54 12 .0 40 AXBT 85027 2309 38.27 125 .12 12 .2 41 AXBT 85027 2315 38.41 125 .21 11 .8 42 AXBT 85027 2327 38.45 125 .37 11 .9 43 AXBT 85027 2330 38.36 125 .37 11 .9 44 AXBT 85027 2336 38.16 125 .43 12 .4 52 o o o Ui U) O) D ♦ ■ CO o <* o rO O CN o M i I I M 1 j ' ■ ' ' i ■ ' ■ _|_ ' ' ■ | I GQ o o o o o o o o o "- CM K> ^- O O O O o o o o 10 co r^ oo ►J m O H O en X co U-l ■H i-H CO -o 4-1 0) c 03 o 3 N •H a> >-i >-i o CO 4= CO J-l cu 0J c o- •H D- i-l 3 XI 0) CU .fi -c 4J 03 CO too C C o iH • ctj cu 03 > •Jd •H M M nj 6 cu M CO CJ •r-l en H CU • 6 03 3 g C /^\ cu C p- ,e o 4-1 •H oo o 4-1 a> 03 CO hJ •H 4-J CO *•. ^ m O CU i— i CO 6 o |S 4-1 1 CO o H M cu C • O o Cfi V— ' l-l C < o 5 •H o ■-■ 4-J i-H , y •H i-I CO 03 CO v-' O J= ON D. 03 <—i C O 01 o 0 H •l-l 4-1 3 4-J 60 CO 03 •H 4-J CO w en S 55 O CQ r- » — * CTn a) u o M (uj) mddQ 56 O £ K) o> 0) u •H (oj) md©a 57 E 23 100 r -C 200 - Q. Q 300 - 400 100 Distance (km) Figure 19(d) D 19 200 F 27 100 £ 200 Ql 0 O 300 400 100 Distance (km) 200 E 23 Figure 19(e) 58 27 400 100 Distance (km) Figure 19(f) G 31 200 31 400 50 100 Distance (km) H 35 150 Figure 19(g) 59 400 50 100 Distance (km) H 35 150 Figure 19(h) K 400 J 42 100 Distance (km) 38 200 Figure 19(i) 60 Temperature (deg C) 5 10 15 20 Q- Q u / j t J i / / / 100 1 / * * / ' i / ' 1 200 ' /' '/' ' / ' 300 ' / ' '/' '/' '/' 1 1 , 400 - 1 j , 1 / i 1 1 , ' 1 ' ' J ' 11, ' /' • 1 «^nn Figure 20: Mean temperature profile, with + and - the standard deviation (0PT0MA15, Leg P) . 61 Section 3 OPTOMA 15 Leg DII 62 41N 39N 37N 35N 128W 126W 124W 122W 120W Figure 21: The cruise track for 0PT0MA15, Leg DII. 63 41N 39N 37N 35N 128W 126W 124W 122W 120W Figure 22: XBT and CTD locations for 0PT0MA15, Leg DII 64 41N 39N 37N 35N 128W 126W 124W 122W 120W Figure 23: Station numbers for 0PT0MA15, Leg DII. 65 Table 4: Leg DII Station Listing STN TYPE YR/DAY GMT LAT (NORTH) LONG (WEST) SURFAl TEMP (DD.MM)(DDD.MM)(DEG 1 1 XBT 85040 253 37.49 122.53 11.6 2 XBT 85040 318 37.51 122.58 11.7 3 XBT 85040 432 37.55 123.11 11.1 4 XBT 85040 528 38.00 123.17 10.9 5 XBT 85040 646 38.04 123.29 11.0 6 CTD 85040 903 38.05 123.43 11.3 7 XBT 85040 1109 38.06 123.57 11.3 8 XBT 85040 1257 38.09 124.14 11.4 9 XBT 85040 1359 38.13 124.23 11.8 10 XBT 85040 1531 38.15 124.36 11.9 11 XBT 85040 1652 38.18 124.50 11.6 12 XBT 85040 1803 38.21 125.03 11.4 13 XBT 85040 1925 38.23 125.18 11.3 14 XBT 85040 2033 38.26 125.30 11.3 15 XBT 85040 2149 38.28 125.45 11.3 16 XBT 85040 2253 38.30 125.58 11.5 17 XBT 85040 2355 38.32 126.10 12.1 18 XBT 85041 121 38.35 126.28 12.2 19 XBT 85041 213 38.39 126.36 12.1 20 XBT 85041 318 38.42 126.50 12.0 11.7 21 XBT 85041 419 38.45 127.02 22 XBT 85041 528 38.48 127.16 11.7 23 XBT 85041 631 38.51 127.29 11.8 24 XBT 85041 747 38.54 127.44 11.7 25 XBT 85041 906 38.56 127.59 11.8, 26 XBT 85041 1023 38.44 127.51 11.8 27 CTD 85041 1140 38.39 127.47 11.7 28 XBT 85041 1331 38.31 127.41 11.8 29 XBT 85041 1434 38.22 127.35 11.7 30 XBT 85041 1535 38.14 127.28 11.9 31 XBT 85041 1642 38.05 127.21 11.5 32 XBT 85041 1744 37.56 127.14 11.4 33 CTD 85041 1922 37.48 127.08 11.5 34 XBT 85041 2113 37.38 127.00 11.7 35 XBT 85041 2208 37.31 126.54 11.6 36 XBT 85041 2313 37.21 126.47 11.6 37 XBT 85042 11 37.13 126.40 11.6 38 XBT 85042 111 37.03 126.34 13.0 39 XBT 85042 202 36.55 126.28 12.8 40 CTD 85042 307 36.46 126.22 12.7 41 XBT 85042 611 36.41 126.01 12.8 42 XBT 85042 706 36.46 125.52 12.9 43 XBT 85042 811 36.57 125.58 12.4 44 CTD 85042 925 37.05 126.04 11.6 45 XBT 85042 1056 37.14 126.11 11.7 SURFACE BUCKET BOTTLE SALINITY TEMP SALINITY C) (PPT) (DEG C) (PPT) 33.16 11.5 33.18 32.81 11.8 32.83 33.07 11.5 33.06 32.90 33.05 12.8 32.90 11.8 33.07 66 STN TYPE YR/DAY GMT LAT LONG SURFACE SURFACE BUCKET BOTTLE (NORTH) (WEST) TEMP SALINITY TEMP SALINITY DD.MM DDD.MM (DEG C) (PPT) (DEG C) (PPT) 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 XBT XBT CTD XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT CTD XBT XBT XBT CTD XBT XBT 61 XBT 62 CTD XBT XBT XBT XBT CTD XBT XBT XBT XBT CTD XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT CTD XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT CTD XBT XBT XBT XBT CTD 85042 85042 85042 85042 85042 85042 85042 85042 85042 85042 85043 85043 85043 85043 85043 85043 85043 85043 85043 85043 85043 85043 85043 85043 85043 85043 85043 85044 85044 85044 85044 85044 85044 85044 85044 85044 85044 85044 85044 85044 85044 85044 85044 85044 85044 1152 1256 1409 1616 1716 1824 1922 2027 ^152 2330 39 135 257 517 556 725 802 1022 1130 1223 1325 1430 1628 1727 1825 1924 2239 131 225 318 428 542 709 856 959 1102 1213 1315 1427 1703 1916 2016 2117 2228 1 37.22 37.32 37.40 37.49 37.58 38.07 38.16 38.24 38.33 38.42 38.52 38.59 39.09 39.14 39.18 39.04 39.01 38.52 38.43 38.35 38.26 38.18 38.07 37.59 37.51 37.42 37.32 37.23 37.14 37.06 36.56 37.02 37.07 37.16 37.25 37.33 37.43 37.51 38.01 38.10 38.18 38.26 38.35 38.44 38.53 126.18 126.24 126.30 126.36 126.44 126.50 126.57 127.04 127.11 127.15 127.22 127.26 127.36 127.23 127.15 127.05 127.02 126.54 126.46 126.40 126.35 126.29 126.22 126.15 126.06 126.03 125.56 125.50 125.43 125.37 125.30 125.18 125.08 125.16 125.22 125.28 125.36 125.41 125.48 125.57 126.01 126.08 126.15 126.21 126.27 11.7 11.8 11.4 11.6 11.4 11.4 11.8 11.5 11.9 11.7 12.1 12.3 11.9 12.1 12.0 12.0 11.7 11.9 11.8 12.1 11.6 11.4 11.8 11.4 11.5 11.5 11.9 11.9 11.8 12.1 11.6 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.9 11.9 11.8 12.0 11.6 11.3 11.8 12.3 12.5 12.0 33.08 32.76 32.97 33.20 11.6 33.10 32.78 12.0 12.1 32.80 11.9 32.81 11.5 33.19 12.0 11.7 32.80 32.79 32.80 32.81 33.19 33.01 11.6 33.21 32.77 12.1 67 STN TYPE YR/DAY GMT LAT LONG SURFACE SURFACE BUCKET BOTTLE (NORTH) (WEST) TEMP SALINITY TEMP SALINITY DD.MM DDD.MM (DEG C) (PPT) (DEG C) (PPT) 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT CTD XBT XBT XBT XBT CTD XBT CTD XBT XBT XBT CTD XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT CTD XBT XBT CTD XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT 85045 85045 85045 85045 85045 85045 85045 85045 85045 85045 85045 85045 85045 85045 85045 85045 85045 85046 85046 85046 85046 85046 85046 85046 85046 85046 85046 85046 85046 85046 85046 85046 85046 85046 85047 85047 85047 85047 85047 85047 85047 85047 85048 85048 85048 143 242 343 443 557 639 735 834 951 1107 1210 1327 1339 1700 1902 2019 2322 18 123 225 356 501 602 659 809 922 1039 1159 1447 1543 1753 2011 2153 2352 206 446 705 906 1125 1450 1844 2133 109 306 413 39.02 39.10 39.19 39.27 39.33 39.36 39.29 39.21 39.13 39.04 38.55 38.46 38.38 38.30 38.19 38.11 38.02 37.54 37.45 37.36 37.28 37.19 37.24 37.29 37.37 37.46 37.55 38.04 38.13 38.21 38.32 38.40 38.48 38.56 39.05 39.14 39.22 39.31 39.38 39.48 39.59 40.05 40.13 40.06 39.58 126.33 126.40 126.47 126.54 126.40 126.31 126.24 126.18 126.12 126.05 125.58 125.51 125.45 125.39 125.33 125.26 125.21 125.14 125.05 124.58 124.51 124.44 124.33 124.23 124.29 124.36 124.43 124.49 124.57 125.03 125.10 125.17 125.23 125.30 125.36 125.42 125.49 125.55 126.03 126.07 126.07 126.05 126.01 125.53 125.46 12.2 12.5 12.3 11.1 12.0 11.9 12.1 12.0 11.8 11.8 12 12 11 11 11.8 11.8 11.9 12.0 11 11 12.0 11.6 11 11 11.8 11.9 11.9 11.6 12'1 12.0 11.3 11.4 11.9 11.8 11.8 12.1 12.0 11.2 11.2 11.7 11.3 11.3 11.4 11.3 10.8 32.79 11.9 33.31 33.25 11.8 12.1 33.14 12.0 33.11 32.86 11.8 10.9 68 STN TYPE YR/DAY GMT LAT LONG SURFACE SURFACE BUCKET BOTTLE (NORTH) (WEST) TEMP SALINITY TEMP SALINITY DD.MM DDD.MM (DEG C) (PPT) (DEG C) (PPT) 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT CTD XBT XBT XBT XBT XBT CTD XBT XBT 85048 85048 85048 85048 85048 85048 85048 85048 85048 85048 85048 85048 85048 85048 85048 85048 85048 85049 85049 85049 85049 85049 85049 85049 85049 85049 85049 85049 85050 85050 85050 85050 85050 85050 85050 85050 85050 85050 85050 85050 85050 85050 85050 85051 85051 517 627 727 828 927 1030 1127 1230 1348 1451 1550 1703 1832 1927 2030 2138 2258 336 632 851 1127 1343 1531 1711 1836 1955 2124 2239 33 159 339 506 656 831 1119 1357 1616 1746 1847 1946 2039 2141 2255 31 128 39.50 39.41 39.32 39.24 39.16 39.07 38.59 38.51 38.40 38.32 38.24 38.15 38.04 37.57 37.48 37.39 37.33 37.45 37.54 38.02 38.11 38.19 38.28 38.37 38.46 38.54 39.04 39.12 39.20 39.28 39.36 39.45 39.55 40.03 40.17 40.08 39.59 39.51 39.43 39.34 39.26 39.17 39.09 39.00 38.51 125.40 125.33 125.26 125.20 125.13 125.06 124.59 124.54 124.47 124.42 124.35 124.27 124.19 124.14 124.07 124.01 123.49 123.52 123.56 124.02 124.09 124.16 124.23 124.30 124.36 124.43 124.47 124.52 125.02 125.08 125.14 125.22 125.28 125.35 125.34 125.26 125.19 125.12 125.05 124.59 124.51 124.44 124.39 124.31 124.24 10.8 10.7 11.1 11.0 11.1 11.5 11.3 11.5 11.4 11.4 11.7 11.6 11.6 11.4 11.1 11.1 11.3 11.6 11.2 11.5 11.1 11.4 11.6 11.1 11.1 11.3 11 10 10.9 11.2 11.1 10.7 11.0 10.7 10.9 11.1 10.9 10.9 :J 10 10 10 10 10 11 32.78 10.9 32.91 10.5 11.7 69 STN TYPE YR/DAY GMT LAT LONG SURFACE SURFACE BUCKET BOTTLE SALINITY TEMP SALINITY "YPE YR/DAY GMT LAT LONG SURFACE (NORTH) (WEST) TEMP DD.MM DDD.MM (DEG C) XBT 85051 214 38.43 124.19 11.0 XBT 85051 306 38.34 124.13 11.4 XBT 85051 414 38.24 124.07 11.1 XBT 85051 502 38.15 124.00 10.7 XBT 85051 600 38.07 123.53 11.0 XBT 85051 656 37.58 123.45 10.8 XBT 85051 747 37.50 123.39 11.0 XBT 85051 917 37.45 123.24 10.9 XBT 85051 1927 38.07 123.41 10.6 XBT 85051 2125 38.13 123.43 10.5 XBT 85052 130 38.22 123.48 10.3 XBT 85052 627 38.29 123.57 11.1 XBT 85052 1119 38.39 124.06 10.9 XBT 85052 1456 38.48 124.13 10.8 XBT 85052 1757 38.56 124.15 10.7 XBT 85052 2225 39.04 124.19 10.7 XBT 85053 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70 XJ o 0) m i_ (D O) U) D o •+■• ■»t 00 o ro m O H o m O CO cu iH a •H •u »H i cu u cu 6C toO . fl CO o CU CU u 3 ■u nj >-< (U §• cu o o o O o o o o o o o O o o o o ^* CS K> <* m to r>. 00 cu i-i 3 60 •H (ui) M|dea 71 CM 0) 1-1 3 •H o o O o o o o o o o Q o o o o o ESS CN to '"t m tr> h* 00 (w) Lj|d©a 72 0) u 3 GO •H (ui) iwdeQ 73 TJ o ^ iT) UD r^- 00 (uj) MjdaQ 74 o CM o o O ** O o> CO 00 00 .K) CO CO ■ o> CN CD •H o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I oooooooo oooooooo *-CStK>"*m o 00 0> o i_ r^ D .+— D i_ Q. o ID .0) TD o _^ rO ■ "^ 00 ' K) >^^ ^"V^ -~ ^ fO "~" ~ 'iMlhlllll 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0) 3 O o o o o o o o to "t o o o o i£> O O o o 00 (uj) i||d©(] 78 XJ o Q> m i_ D o ^^— ■*t CO o K) Oi M 3 00 •H (ai) mdea 79 XJ o d) IT) i_ "t m to Is* CO (lu) M4d9Q 80 "O o 0) m i_ U> D o ♦■' » Tf (/) o ro CM too •H (tu) q|d9Q 81 o CM o o o if) CNI U o 60 o CN O CM O CN ■O CN OH o o o o o CN O O O O o o o o U3 o o o o co (uj) mdaa 82 CD U 3 00 •H (uj) iwdsa 83 400 Q. Q 800 Staggered Temperature (deg C) 20 40 60 ^^^^^■^^*" 30 £ 400 Q. a 800 ^^^n^r^f 78 85 90 99 104 106 110 118 121 172 178 H Figure 25(c) 86 Staggered Temperature (deg C) 1600 30 Staggered Salinity (ppt) 40 50 60 70 400 800 0) Q 1200 1600 n X r^^^^^^^^m^*^^^*mi^^^^nr^**^ m 27 33 58 62 72 78 85 104 106 118 121 80 H Figure 26: Casts deeper than 800m (0PT0MA15, Leg DII) 87 2400 - 2800 - 3200 Staggered Temperature (deg C) 72 85 104 106 118 121 30 400 800 1200 £ 1600 a. a> Q 2000 2400 2800 3200 Staggered Salinity (ppt) 40 50 60 70 80 ^■^^■w^^^-r^i"*^"i^^^"" 72 85 104 106 118 121 Figure 27: Casts deeper than 1600m (OPTOMA15, Leg DII) . 88 <^ _ m o» _ Kl cm CD cm o o m is show station was too shallow O x *-» o cd co -* pper horizontal e used if the ca o o the u es ar ^"% c E too -h -¥ C <-< o U Q CO 5 B o o CM ck isotherms. Tick n numbers are given, O CO O o >-! •!-( """ 4-1 4-1 1 CO . too 4-i /-V C co M O M i-H 0) Q < e o toO .. CO 01 ^-\ I-) CO V ' • A 00 CO m CN C .—i o CU -H |S V4 4-» O o 3 -H H 60 CO Pm •rH O O fi. O. V (ui) q|d©a 89 400 *— * 37 33 29 B 25 100 200 Distance (km) 300 Figure 28(b) 400 100 200 Distance (km) 300 Figure 28(c) 90 G 76 400 72 68 64 100 200 Distance (km) F 60 300 Figure 28(d) H 78 82 86 90 94 i i r t i r a. 4> O 100 200 - 300 400 100 200 Distance (km) 300 Figure 28(e) 91 400 100 200 Distance (km) 300 Figure 28(f) L 114 118 122 400 126 M 130 100 200 Distance (km) 300 Figure 28(g) 92 0 149 100 £ 200 Q. a 300 400 145 141 137 N 133 100 200 Distance (km) 300 Figure 28(h) 0 152 156 160 164 168 100 £ 200 a. e a 300 - 400 i i i ii i I i i r 100 200 Distance (km) 300 Figure 28(i) 93 400 100 200 Distance (km) 300 Figure 28(j) Q 188 192 196 I I I R 200 I I I 100 £ 200 a. a 300 400 100 200 Distance (km) 300 Figure 28 (k) 94 00 CI u 3 00 (uj) q|d»Q 95 D 44 100 - £ 200 Q. o 300 - 400 100 Distance (km) 200 / ■ \ (2) iZZm^—; — ^ 25.2 25.6 " ~" ' --___ 26.0 26.4 . 26.8 Figure 29(a): Isopleths of (1) temperature and salinity and (2) sigma-t from the CTD's (0PT0MA15, Leg DII) . 96 J 99 104 106 100 £ 200 Q. / 33.8 8 6 200 99 104 106 110 100 - £ 200 a. a> a 300 400 100 Distance (km) 25. 2/ ^ (2) - 25 .6 26 .0 .4 26 - 26 8 200 Figure 29(b) 97 (w) qidag 1-1 c 4J (0 ■H cu [* T3 (uj) q|d©a 98 CM O) I .2* in CM o o o o CM o o ro O o o o (lu) q|ddQ (uj) q|d9Q 99 " ■•^ ■••.. *• *♦ *•• ** ** **• ^^^ *.J±P<<' ** *•• ^» _/"**^— * * • • ''** ->r ••-< ^'/V* *•.. i* "/' '""'a AT - '• i^**. ' • V' *•. '••♦. *". **•« ***•■ •. *• * • * » # **.. *• *t '* m CO (3 Sap) ajrrpeaaduiaj, CO o ^~* CO >> Id CO CM CO O *-> CO o u IW *• c o •H •U cfl •H > 0) TJ X) >-i Cfl XI c • rt - s 4J H to H Q CD ^ 00 4-1 0) ►J •v XI m c . — i CO s s + o H ^3 CU 4J o •rH ^~s 5 * ^ C o o X •H to 4-1 CtJ o rH ca CD H S-i nj 00 CD 1 M H cfl C to nj M CD D E O 4-) /"■> c X) o ^— ■< u x 4-1 c 1 tfl eg e CO M> Vj •H •H co Cfl ax OJ LO 4-J i u H CD H /-"v 0) * — CO . CN co CO •- a OJ H M a 3 M CD •H X In 4-1 (3 9ap) ajrrpsjsduiaj, 100 0.0 104 x N2 (sec-2) 1.0 2.0 3.0 100- 200- Q. O 30C- 400 500 Figure 33: Mean N' deviation ( ) . shown ( ) (0PT0MA15, Leg DII) . profile ( ), wi th + and - the standard The N^ profile from T(z) and S(z) is also 101 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was sponsored by the ONR Physical Oceanography Program. The success of the fieldwork was strongly dependent on the competent, willing support of the crews of the USNS DE STEIGUER and the P3 Reserve Patrol Wing aircraft. Members of the scientific cruise party were: Leg DI - Dr. Edward A. Kelley, Jr., Chief Scientist, NPS Mr. Don Martens, Watch Chief, NPS Mr. Paul Wittmann, Watch Chief, NPS ENS Carolyn Dyke, FNOC Mr. Billie Payne, NPS Mr. Jon Raugust, NPS Ms. Joyce Kelley, NPS Leg P - Ms. Marie Col ton, NPS LT Mark Johnson, USN Leg DII - Dr. Edward A. Kelley, Jr., Chief Scientist, NPS Mr. Michael McCann, Watch Chief, NPS Mr. Jon Raugust, Watch Chief, NPS Mr. James Stockel , Watch Chief, NPS Mr. Lance Miller, NPS Mr. Billie Payne, NPS ENS Charlotte Kelchner, FNOC AGAN Mary Tighe, NPS REFERENCE Lewis, E.L. and R.G. Perkin, 1981: The Practical Salinity Scale 1978: conversion of existing data. Deep Sea Res. 28A, 307-328. 102 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 3. Naval Postgraduate School Department of Oceanography Monterey, CA 93943 Prof. Christopher N.K. Mooers Dr. Michele M. Rienecker Dr. Edward A. Kelley Ms. Marie C. Col ton Mr. Paul A. Wittmann Dr. Mary L. Batteen Dr. Laurence C. Breaker LCDR J. Edward Johnson, USN Harvard University Division of Applied Sciences Pierce Hall, Room 100D Cambridge, MA 02138 Prof. Allan R. Robinson Dr. James A. Carton Dr. Everett F. Carter Mr. Leonard J. Walstad Mr. Wayne G. Leslie Ms. Nadia Pinardi Prof. Myron B. Fieri ng Office of Naval Research (ONR) 800 N. Quincy St. Arlington, VA 22217 33 Dr. Or. Thomas W. Thomas B. Spence Curtin College of Oceanography Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 Prof. Robert L. Smith Dr. Adrian Huyer Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) California Institute of Tech. 4800 Oak Grove Road Pasadena, CA 91109 Dr. Denise E. Hagan (Code 183-501) Dr. Mark Abbott (also at Scripps) 103 6. Commanding Officer Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center (FNOC) Monterey, CA 93943 CDR John F. Pfeiffer, USN 1 Mr. R. Michael Clancy 1 Mr. Ken Pollak 1 Ms. Evelyn Hesse 1 LCOR Michael R. Frost, RN 1 7. Sandia National Laboratories Div. 6334 Albuquerque, NM 97185 Dr. Mel Marietta 1 Dr. Eugene S. Hertel 1 Dr. Stuart L. Kupferman 1 8. Marine Products Branch, W/NMC21 National Meteorological Center National Weather Service, NOAA Washington, D.C. 20233 LCDR Craig S. Nelson, NOAA Corps 1 9. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) P.O. Box 3000 Boulder, CO 80307 Dr. Dale B. Haidvogel 1 10. Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of California, San Diego La Jolla, CA 92093 Prof. Russ E. Davis 1 Dr. Jerome A. Smith 1 Mr. Phillip Bogden 1 11. Princeton University Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Program P.O. Box 308 Princeton, NJ 08540 Prof. George L. Mellor 1 12. Tulane University Department of Mathematics 6823 St. Charles New Orleans, LA 70118 Dr. Robert N. Miller 1 104 13. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Department of Physical Oceanography Woods Hole, MA 02543 Dr. Kenneth H. Brink 1 Dr. Robert C. Beardsley 1 14. Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity (NORDA) NSTL Station Bay St. Louis, MS 39525 Dr. Steve A. Piacsek 1 Dr. Dana A. Thompson 1 Dr. Harley C. Hurlburt 1 Dr. Alexander Warn-Varnas 1 15. Mathematics Department 121-1984 Mathematics Road University of British Columbia Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA V6T 1Y4 Prof. Lawrence A. Mysak 1 16. Department of Oceanography University of Hawaii 2525 Correa Road Honolulu, HI 96822 Prof. Lorenz Magaard 1 17. NAVOCEANCOMFAC Keflavik Iceland FPO NY 09571 LTJG Diane C. Durban, USN 1 18. Ocean Circulation Division Atlantic Oceanography Laboratory Bedford Institute of Oceanography Dartmouth, N.S. Box 1006 CANADA B2Y 4A2 Dr. Motoyoshi Ikeda 1 19. Precision Marine Meteorologic Nationale 2 Ave. RAPP 75340 Paris CEDEX 07 France Dr. Jacques Saurel 1 105 20. Div. of Oceanography RSMAS University of Miami 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway Miami, FL 33149 Dr. Otis Brown 1 21. Applied Physics Laboratory University of Washington 1013 NE 40th Str. Seattle, WA 98105 Dr. Thomas B. Sanford 1 22. School of Oceanography University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 Dr. Steven C. Riser 1 23. California Space Institute MS-A021 Scripps Institution of Oceanography La Jolla, CA 92093 Dr. Robert L. Bernstein 1 24. Marine Sciences Research Center State University of New York Stony Brook, NY 11794 Dr. Dong-Ping Wang 1 25. Applied Physics Laboratory Johns Hopkins University Laurel, MD 20707 Dr. Jack Caiman 1 26. Pacific Marine Environmental Lab N0AA Bldg. 3 7600 Sand Point Way, NE Seattle, WA 98115 Mr. James R. Hoi brook 1 27. Defense Technical Information Center 2 Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22314 28. Dudley Knox Library 2 Code 0142 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943 DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY Illl llll I II II , 3 2768 00396460 2 m