NT OF ¢ ant On, un * De, » 4. 2 PS “Reg z ol C4 States of Lis Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | ATLAS - GAZETTEER COLLECTION NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS SEPTEMBER 1987 ICHTHYOPLANKTON AND STATION DATA FOR CALIFORNIA COOPERATIVE OCEANIC FISHERIES INVESTIGATIONS SURVEY CRUISES IN 1958 QL Gans ee No. fe. Elaine M. Sandknop Richard L. Charter H. Geoffrey Moser James D. Ryan INSTITUTION DATA LIBRAR | NicLEAN | NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFC- 86 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service Southwest Fisheries Center 12654AB Atlas Shelf, u| Eerie NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), organized in 1970, has evolved into an agency which establishes national policies and manages and conserves our oceanic, coastal, and atmospheric resources. An organizational element within NOAA, the Office of Fisheries is responsible for fisheries policy and the direction of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). In addition to its formal publications, the NMFS uses the NOAA Technical Memorandum series to issue informal scientific and technical publications when complete formal review and editorial processing are not appropriate or feasible. Documents within this series, however, reflect sound professional work and may be referenced in the formal scientific and technical literature. | 0030110002978 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution ATLAS - GAZETTEER COLLECTION NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS This TM senes is used for documentation and timely communication of preliminary results, imterim reports, or IMO; & pro Ls SPayp ay special purpose information; and have not received complete formal review, editorial control, or detailed editing Ss & SEPTEMBER 1987 ICHTHYOPLANKTON AND STATION DATA FOR CALIFORNIA COOPERATIVE OCEANIC FISHERIES INVESTIGATIONS SURVEY CRUISES IN 1958 Elaine M. Sandknop Richard L. Charter H. Geoffrey Moser James D. Ryan Southwest Fisheries Center National Marine Fisheries Service La Jolla, CA 92038 NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFC- 86 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE C. William Verity, Jr., Secretary National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Anthony J. Calio, Administrator National Marine Fisheries Service William E. Evans, Assistant Administrator for Fisheries = ae _ ee ae a a peaiciatea TT itd oo eT eae De SET 7 any) , Sa een ta a te —_- Part ATS UT PID Ab a iors Tt PRE = aka 5s RRND Gs co ROP: a 7 Trae a ; TT a - Le 2=) 5) GhAKA Fe | riihedeirinn (ie Beas! wee Givwud aa om) Onl OH Ga Tee8 | ah o@ CONTENTS Page LSE SOE METGUEEE” © cicicco.s ces | - y co Ars " fe. “9 = ond ¥ is _ | /m of depth) over the vertical range of most ichthyoplankters. Hauls were made at a ship speed of 1.5-2.0 knots and initiated by clamping the net line to the towing cable with the 45 kg terminal weight about 10-15 m below the surface. The net was lowered to 140 m depth by paying out 200 m of wire over a 4 minute period (35 m of depth/min.). After fishing at depth for 30 seconds, the net was retrieved at 20 m/min. (14 m depth/min.). The angle of stray of the towing cable was recorded every 30 seconds and maintained at 45° (+3°) by adjusting the ship speed and course. After reaching the surface, the net was washed down and the samples preserved in 5% formalin buffered with sodium borate. Flowmeter readings were made at the beginning and end of each tow. Detailed descriptions of gear and methods are given by Kramer et al. (1972) and Smith and Richardson (1977). LABORATORY PROCEDURES Laboratory processing began with the determination of a displacement volume for each sample (methods described in Staff, SPFI, 1953 and Kramer et al., 1972). Zooplankton volumes (including ichthyoplankton) of samples collected in 1958 are listed in Thrailkill (1961) and presented graphically in Smith (1971). Sorting involved the removal of ichthyoplankton from the sample and identification and separation of eggs and larvae of selected species (see introduction). Usually, each sample was sorted completely; however, some of the samples were fractioned into aliquots using a Folsom plankton splitter (McEwen et al., 1954) prior to sorting. Several criteria“ were used to determine whether a sample was fractioned: samples containing an abundance of thaliacians and coelenterates and exceeding 150 ml in total plankton volume were fractioned (to 50%, 25%, 12.5%, or 6.25%) to approximate a reduced volume of 50 ml for sorting; samples with an excessive quantity of fish eggs and/or larvae were occasionally fractioned to expedite the sorting process in order to meet scheduled deadlines. If the identified fraction of an aliquot yielded rare or interesting species of fish larvae, the remaining fraction was frequently sorted and identified with the 2Personal communication, James R. Thrailkill, National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Fisheries Center, La Jolla, CA. intent of finding additional specimens. Aliquot percentages for fractioned samples from 1958 are listed in Table 1 under the "Percent Sorted" column. A "standard haul factor" (SHF) was calculated for each tow to make them comparable and allow estimations of areal abundance. This factor adjusts the number of eggs or larvae in a haul to the number in 10 m- of water strained per meter of depth fished. ie the vertical distribution of the species has’ been encompassed, then the adjusted value is equivalent to the number under 10 m of sea surface. The SHF is calculated for each haul by the formula: SHE = 20D V where D = depth of haul = cosine of the average angle of stray of the towing cable multiplied by cable length (m) V = total volume of water (m?) strained during the haul Vie= sR i a) as! pp where R = total number of revolutions of the current meter during the haul a = area (m2) of the mouth of the net p = length of column of water (m) needed to produce one revolution of the current meter. Tow depth, volume of water strained, and standard haul factor are listed in Table 1 for each tow taken during 1958. Detailed descriptions of factors involved in calculating these values are presented in Ahlstrom (1948), Kramer et al. (1972), and Smith and Richardson (1977). IDENTIFICATION Identification of ichthyoplankton species beyond those separated during the sorting process was carried out by a separate group of specialists. Ontogenetic stages of fishes are inherently difficult to identify and this is further complicated by the large number and diversity of species which contribute to the ichthyoplankton of the California Current region. Most identifications were accomplished by establishing ontogenetic series on the basis of morphology, meristics, and pigmentation and then identifying these series by relating them to known metamorphic, juvenile, or adult stages with overlapping features (Powles and Markle, 1984). A total of 149 taxa was identified for 1958, with 79 taken to species, 31 to genus, 34 to family, and 5 to order. Some of the developmental series recognized originally could not be assigned scientific names, particularly in the Bathylagidae, Myctophidae, and Pleuronectiformes. These were given descriptive names, which later were changed to scientific names as they became known. The task of producing a reliable and equitable ichthyoplankton data base required extensive procedures to verify, correct, and edit the original identifications. The primary data source was the original identification sheets (see Kramer et al., 1972, for examples); however, a critical resource used in all phases of this’ process was the CalCOFI ichthyoplankton collection in which the samples are archived. Throughout the course of CalCOFI ichthyoplankton studies, samples have been identified to the lowest taxon possible. In reviewing these identifications for the data base, our approach has’ been conservative and we have preserved those identifications and counts which we could confirm, while correcting as many of the errors as possible. During the coding of the identification sheets, the "descriptive types" were assigned scientific names and reexamined, if necessary. After computer entry, taxonomic errors and inconsistencies in the data base were corrected and the most obvious identification errors were corrected. Our current knowledge of ichthyoplankton techniques coupled with a precise understanding of the development of identification competency in the program over the years allowed us to critically judge the historical records. Identifications were changed to different taxa, lumped to a higher taxonomic category, or given a more precise taxonomic name. In many cases, identifications of a taxon were inconsistent among cruises in a year, because of varying competency of identifiers. These records were made equitable by lumping to the higher taxonomic category to avoid biases that could result in quantitative misinterpretations. Next, statistical, seasonal, and geographic outliers were identified, employing a series of graphic summaries and listings. Examination of geographic outliers proved to be especially effective because of our accumulated knowledge of species distributions. In the course of examining samples for these outliers, other identification errors were discovered and eventually all taxa were scrutinized to some extent. Lastly, certain taxa were reexamined in all samples for the entire CalCOFI time series. These taxa were selected because of their commercial, ecological, phylogenetic, or zoogeographic importance or because taxonomic confusion was at the ordinal level. The following is a list of the taxa for 1958 which received special attention, with explanations and caveats intended to aid in quantitative interpretations: Anguilliformes - tentative and sporadic identifications to family or lower taxon lumped to order. Sardinops sagax - all specimens south of line 120 checked for misidentification of Opisthonema spp. Engraulidae - includes nearshore taxa (mostly Anchoa spp.) large enough to separate from Engraulis mordax. Some nearshore samples of small E. mordax may contain other anchovy genera, but could not be differentiated. Nansenia spp. - all specimens checked and identified as N. candida or N. crassa; all specimens of these species near their range boundaries checked. Bathylagus spp. - all specimens checked; residuals are small, poorly preserved specimens. Sternoptychidae - tentative and sporadic identifications of hatchetfishes to genus were lumped to family. Bathophilus spp. - all specimens checked. Tactostoma macropus - all specimens checked. Paralepididae - tentative and sporadic identifications to genus lumped to family. Scopelarchidae - tentative and sporadic identifications to genus lumped to family. Lampanyctus spp. - tentative and sporadic identifications to species (mostly descriptive types) lumped to genus; identification of L. regalis and L. ritteri begun in 1954. Lampanyctus regalis - underrepresented because of inability to differentiate small larvae (<5 mm) from those of other species of the genus; counts may include other species of the genus because of difficulty in identifying larvae of this large and complex genus. Lampanyctus ritteri - comment for L. regalis applies to this species. Diogenichthys atlanticus - all specimens at margins of range checked. Diogenichthys laternatus - all specimens at margins of range checked. Electrona rissoi - recognition of this species was inconsistent and others may be included in Protomyctophum crockeri or Myctophidae. Hygophum spp. - all specimens reidentified to species; residuals are small, poorly preserved specimens. Myctophum aurolaternatum - all specimens checked; originally identified as "Astronesthidae". Protomyctophum crockeri - some samples on northern lines may contain P. thompsoni, which was not identified at the time. Symbolophorus californiensis - all specimens south of line 120 checked for confusion with Hygophum spp., stemming from descriptive names. Bregmaceros spp. - all gadiform types (see Index), except Merluccius productus and Macrouridae, reexamined. Ophidiiformes - this category did not exist originally and ophidiiform larvae were included in Brosmophysis marginata, Carapidae, "Otophidium", "Zoarcidae", and "blenny"; identi- fications of B. marginata and Carapidae proved to be mostly correct and "Zoarcidae" to be a yet unidentified ophidiiform species; all "Otophidium" and "blenny" were reexamined and the former included Ophidion scrippsae, Chilara taylori and other ophidiiform taxa (moved to order); "blenny" contained O. scrippsae, C. taylori, and other ophidiiform taxa in addition to true blennioids. Ceratioidei - identifications of this group were inconsistent and additional specimens may be in the unidentified fish larva category. Hemiramphidae - specimen checked. Trachipteridae - tentative and sporadic identifications to genus were lumped to family. Melamphaes spp. - all identifications ascribed to Melamphaidae were reexamined and assigned to genus (Melamphaes, Poromitra) or species (Scopelogadus bispinosus); larvae originally identified as Melamphaes spp. were not reexamined and this category may contain other melamphaid genera. Cottidae - some samples may include specimens of Scorpaenichthys marmoratus, hexagrammids (e.g., Oxylebius pictus, Zaniolepis spp.), and some blennioids (e.g., Hypsoblennius spp.).- Oxylebius pictus - all specimens checked. Zaniolepis spp. - all specimens checked. Sebastes spp. - in addition to other scorpaenid genera, category includes Prionotus spp., serranids, scombrids, and other spiny-headed shorefishes, particularly in samples south of line 120. Sebastolobus spp. - this category is underrepresented and additional specimens may be in Sebastes spp. Hypsoblennius spp. - some specimens remain in Cottidae. Clinidae - some specimens remain in Cottidae or unidentified fish larva category. Labridae - tentative and sporadic identifications to genus were lumped to family. Pomacentridae - specimens checked; now includes species other than Chromis punctipinnis, primariy in the south. Chromis punctipinnis - records south of about line 120 may include other pomacentrid taxa. Apogonidae - all specimens checked. Carangidae - all specimens checked; tentative and sporadic identifications to genus or species (except Trachurus symmetricus and Seriola lalandi) were lumped to family. Seriola lalandi - all specimens checked. Gerreidae - tentative and sporadic identifications to genus were lumped to family. Haemulidae - tentative and sporadic identifications to genus were lumped to family. Girella nigricans - all specimens checked. Medialuna californiensis - all specimens checked. Caulolatilus princeps - all specimens checked. Sciaenidae - tentative and sporadic identifications to genus lumped to family. Gempylidae - all specimens checked. Scombridae - all larvae identified to this family or constituent taxa (except Scomber japonicus) were reexamined and reas- signed; underrepresentation or absence of these taxa may be attrit dA to misidentification or they may be in the uni- den=i..cd fish larva category. Nomeidae - tentative identifications to genus lumped to family. Pleuronectiformes - all available specimens of this category (originally called "flatfish") were examined and reidenti- fied; residuals are small, poorly preserved specimens. Bothidae - all specimens examined and reassigned; most were assigned to various paralichthyid genera or to Bothus spp. Citharichthys spp. - all larvae identified to genus or to a species of the genus from 1954 to 1960 were rechecked and identified to species; residuals are small, poorly preserved specimens or those with variable taxonomic characters. Etropus spp. - larvae of this taxon were originally lumped with Citharichthys spp.; present records result from complete reidentification of Citharichthys spp. Hippoglossina spp. - all specimens of this genus (originally called "pigmented bothid") were examined and assigned to H. stomata. Paralichthys spp. - all specimens of this genus were examined and most were assigned to P. californicus or Xystreurys liolepis. Syacium ovale - all specimens examined (originally called "spiny- headed bothid"). Xystreurys liolepis - originally misidentified as Paralichthys californicus; all specimens reidentified. Glyptocephalus zachirus - all specimens examined. Hypsopsetta guttulata - specimens were originally identified as Pleuronichthys spp. Microstomus pacificus - all specimens examined. Pleuronichthys spp. - all larvae of this genus and constituent species were examined and assigned to species; residuals are small, poorly preserved specimens. COMPUTER ENTRY AND EDITING Each taxon on the original identification sheets was given a 3-digit code based on the list of codes in Haight et al. (1979). Taxon codes and counts from these sheets were keypunched by cruise and station, along with pertinent station and tow data and entered into the VAX 11/780 computer at the University of California, San Diego Computing Center. After entries were completed for an entire year, print-out listings of taxa and counts on each station were compared with the original data sheets to eliminate keypunch errors. Next, data in the file were cross-checked with data on an existing file which contained: station and tow data; numbers of eggs of sardine, anchovy, and saury (Cololabis saira); numbers of larvae of sardine, anchovy, hake, jack mackerel, and Pacific mackerel; total number of fish eggs; and total number of fish larvae. Discrepancies in ichthyoplankton data in these two files were corrected by inspecting original records from the sorting laboratory, the original ichthyoplankton identification sheets, and the samples themselves. Station and tow data discrepancies between the two files were corrected by reviewing ships' logs and 10 deck tow sheets, original records from the sorting laboratory, cruise announcements, publications, header information on the ichthyoplankton identification sheets, and station plots generated for each cruise. Eventually all station and tow data were checked by comparing these sources. The corrected ichthyoplankton data base was then examined statistically and outliers were found and checked as_ above. Distributional plots were then prepared for each taxon and these were checked by reviewing the data sources mentioned above and by examining archived specimens. A listing of each taxon by station (Table 4) was produced, which became the primary document for subsequent checks. Misidentifications found in geographic outlier checks and other misidentifications and data problems discovered in the course of examining archived samples resulted in several iterations of Table 4. Finally, totals in Table 4 were checked against annual summaries of incidence and abundance (Tables 2 and 3). Ecological analyses of the data (Moser et al., 1987) were conducted concurrently with editing procedures and provided cross-checks that allowed correction of errors. SPECIES SUMMARY Larvae of northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax, represented 44.8% of all fish larvae taken on CalCOFI cruises during 1958 and numbered three and one-half times as many as Vinciguerria lucetia, a midwater gonostomatid, the next most abundant species with 12.8% (Tables 2 and 3). These species ranked 2nd and ist in occurrences, respectively. The third most abundant’ species, Pacific hake, Merluccius productus, constituted 12.7% of all larvae and ranked 5th in occurrence. Larvae of Sebastes spp., a composite of about 70 species, ranked 4th in abundance and occurrence. Two midwater lanternfishes, Triphoturus mexicanus and Stenobrachius leucopsarus, ranked 5th and 6th in abundance and 3rd and 9th in occurrence. Larvae of Pacific sardine, Sardinops sagax, ranked 7th in abundance but only 18th in occurrence, indicating relatively large sample sizes. A deepsea smelt, Bathylagus wesethi, ranked 8th in both abundance and occurrence. Another lanternfish, Diogenichthys laternatus, and jack mackerel, Trachurus symmetricus, ranked 9th and 10th in abundance and 6th and 12th in occurrence. These 10 top-ranking taxa contributed 88.7% of all larvae taken during 1958. The remaining 11.3% was represented by 151 taxa plus the unidentified and disintegrated categories. Of the 10 taxa, 5 were midwater species, 3 were coastal pelagic species, and 2 were coastal demersal species or generic groupings. EXPLANATION OF TABLES Table 1 - This table lists by cruise the pertinent station and tow data for 1958, the volume of water filtered and standard haul factor for each tow, the percent of sample sorted, and the total numbers of fish eggs and ae Table 2 - Table 3 - Table 4 - Table 5 - Table 6 - larvae. CalCOFI cruises are designated by four digits; the first two indicate the year and the second two the month. Within each cruise the data are listed in order of increasing line and station number (southerly and seaward directions); the order of station occupancy is shown on the station charts (Figures 2-13). Stations are designated by two groups of digits; the first set indicates the line and decimal fraction and the second set indicates the station on the line. Decimal fractions were not used in 1958. Time is listed as Pacific Standard Time at the start of each tow in 24- hour designation. Methods for determining tow depth, volume of water strained, standard haul factor, and percent sorted were described in the methods’ section. The values for total fish eggs and larvae represent raw counts (unadjusted for percent sorted or standard haul factor). Ship codes are as_ follows: BD, Black Douglas; HO, Horizon, OR, Orca; PT, Paolina T; SB, Spencer F. Baird; ST, Stranger. This table lists pooled occurrences of all larval fish taxa taken during 1958 in ranked order. This table lists pooled counts of all larval fish taxa taken during 1958 in ranked order. Numbers are adjusted for percent sorted and standard haul factors. This table gives numbers of fish larvae for each taxon, listed by station and calendar month in which the tow was taken. Counts are adjusted for percent of sample sorted and standard haul factor. Average values are given for stations occupied more than once during a month. See Table 1 for station and tow data and Table 6 for listing of stations with multiple occupancies during a month. Multiple occupancies occurred when a station was occupied more than once in the same calendar month; in some cases, multiple occupancies resulted from separate cruises. The orders are listed in "phylogenetic" sequence modified from Nelson (1984). Subtaxa within each order are listed alphabetically. Page numbers for each taxon are given in the index at the end of the report. This table is a summary of pooled occurrences of all larval fish taxa taken on CalCOFI surveys from 1951 to 1960. “Taxa are listed in the same order as in Table 4. List of stations with multiple occupancies in one month during 1958. r2 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Lois Hunter was primarily responsible for the original identifications of larvae from CalCOFI cruises in 1958 (5801- 5809). David Kramer identified larvae from cruises 5810, 5811, 5812, and also a portion of 5804. Ronald Whyte coded each larval fish taxon or type and Rita Ford entered them into the computer. Debby Snow efficiently assisted in all aspects of data editing and retrieval. Cindy Meyer and Larry Zins provided programming assistance. Dorothy Roll designed the CalCOFI data acquisition system and provided data processing support. Ken Raymond, Roy Allen, and Henry Orr helped with graphics and production of the report. Lorraine Prescott and Diane Forsythe prepared the manuscript for printing. Paul Smith determined statistical outliers, provided assistance during geographical outlier checks and offered helpful suggestions throughout the project. Izadore Barrett, Director of the Southwest Fisheries Center and Reuben Lasker, Chief, Coastal Fisheries Resources Division, SWFC, provided the support critical to the completion of the project. James Thrailkill planned CalCOFI surveys and supervised cruises, data handling, and plankton sorting from 1949 to 1986 and is largely responsible for the high quality of these operations. Without the vision and direction of Elbert Ahlstrom and Elton Sette and the dedicated efforts of the many people who collected, processed, and analyzed the samples, this data base would not exist. 3 LITERATURE CITED Ahlstrom, E. H. 1948. A record of pilchard eggs and larvae collected during surveys made in 1939 to 1941. U.S. Fash Wildl. Serv. SSRF 54, 82 p. Ahlstrom, E. H. 1969. Distributional atlas of fish larvae in the California Current region: jack mackerel, Trachurus symmetricus, and Pacific hake, Merluccius productus, 1951 through 1966. CalCOFI Atlas No. 11:xi + 187 p. Ahlstrom, | Ee. HH. IS) - Distributional atlas of fish larvae in the California Current region: six common mesopelagic fishes - Vinciguerria lucetia, Triphoturus mexicanus, Stenobrachius leucopsarus, Leuroglossus stilbius, Bathylagus wesethi, and Bathylagus ochotensis, 1955 through 1960. CallCOhEVAclasyNO-mLyis) Ve GS OGM pl Ahlstrom, E. Ha. andeH. .G. Moser. 1975. Distributional atlas of fish larvae in the California Current: Flatfishes, 1955 throughs1960.) CalcoOFri, Atlas Now 23%. x1xs+ 207 op. Ahlstrom, _E- H:s, H- G. Moser, and E. M:- SandkKnop- 1978. Distributional atlas of fish larvae in the California Current region: Rockfishes, Sebastes spp., 1950 through MEW, (GAIKGCOIIE PREG WE)> BES sskal sh ALi folq Anbrose, 9D Aa, RK. Lee Chanter. He G. Moser. and iG. eR.ssahncos Methot. 1987a. Ichthyoplankton and station data for California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations survey cruises in 1951. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS, SWFC, No. 79, 196 p. Anbrose, Ds As, Roa Lk. Charter, H. G. Moser, and) CG. Ra santos Methot. 1987b. Ichthyoplankton and station data for California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations survey cruises in 1955. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS, SWFC, No. 83, 185 p. Haight, CGC... A, H. G.iMoser, “and P.-E. Smith. 1979.” Pata entry programs: CalCOFI. II. Fish eggs and larvae identification sheet. National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Fisheries Center, La Jolla, Admin. Rept. No. LJ-79-25. Kramer, D. MO T/OVe Distributional atlas of fish eggs and larvae in the California current region: Pacific sardine, Sardinops caerulea (Girard), 1951 through 1966. CalCoFI Atlas “No. Wd2:vi, +277 (p- Kramer, D. LO AS: Sardine eggs and larvae and other fish larvae of the Pacific coast, 1958 and 1959. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA, NMFS, Data Rep. 68, 132 p. 14 Kramer, D. and E. H. Ahlstrom. 1968. Distributional atlas of fish larvae in the California Current region: Northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax (Girard), 1951 through 1965. CatrCOPt Atlas No 9s" x27 269" “pe iGgeiinese, IDo, Ils IxeWlaugly 1s (6 GleEWENE, We Is woreeiaetIlil, Gish G5 Ie Zweifel. 1972. Collecting and processing data on fish eggs and larvae in the California Current Region. NOAA Tech. RED ee NMES Cubs s//0),. S'Si pl. WON, (Go ig p Mle Wo wiclaistyoiy, Eierl Go IR5 Jneleyenig BLe)SZLo yA statistical analysis of the performance of the Folsom Plankton Sample Splitter, based on test observations. Arch. Meteor. Geophys. Bioklim. Ser. A, 7:502-527. Moser Hee (Go, woPeer. smith andho bh. Eber. | 1OS7., Hharvals fish assemblages in the California Current region during 1954- 1960, a period of dynamic environmental change. CalCOFI Rep. 28:97-127. Nelson, J. S. 1984. Fishes of the world. John Wiley and Sons, MoMop, BBS 7c Powles, H. and D. F. Markle. 1984. Identification of larvae, p. GiLHS33 Terai Ontogeny and systematics of fishes. HreGis Moser, |W. “J, Richards, “D> M.~ -Cohen,;, M-" PP. Fahayi As Wi. Kendalay Jr., and S. L. Richardson (eds.). Specs Bub: No. 1. Amer. Soc. Ichthyol. Herpetol., 760 p. Reid, Jd. La; Geo, I26 So MNaelowbbes Eleel 14 sq Jeter, (EcClSo)) 1965. Oceanic observations of the Pacific: 1958. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley, 707 p. Sandknop),, Ee Mami. 0s.) Chanten, Ho iG. Moser, and J. Doekyanr 1987. Ichthyoplankton and station data for California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations survey cruises in 1952): U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS, SWFC, Now.80)) 2070p. Smisehy ober 1971. Distributional atlas of zooplankton volume in the California Current region, LI5a> “through! | 9/66). CallCORErAclas No. 23: xvi +144 p. Smith, P. E. ands. L. Richardson. 1977. Standard techniques for pelagic fish egg and larva surveys. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. No. 175, 100 p. Stati, South Pacific Fishery Investigations. 19537. Zooplankton volumes of the Pacific Coast, 1952. UcS. Fish Wildl. Serv. SSRF 100, 41 p. Stevens, E. G., R. L. Charter, H. G. Moser, and M. S. Busby. 1987a. Ichthyoplankton and station data for California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations survey cruises 15 ey Alleys} - U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS, SWFC, Wea il; ales jor Stevens, E. G., R. lL. Charter, H. G. Moser, and M. S. Busby. 1987b. Ichthyoplankton and station data for California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations survey cruises in 1956. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS, SWFC, No. 84, 189 p. Sumidame Ba i 7) eRe le Chanterm = HG. MOSets sand) D.in. Snows 1987a. Ichthyoplankton and station data for California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations survey cruises im 19549 U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS, SWFC, No. 82, 207 p. Smale, iio Mo, 16 Ig oebeeehe, il, “(Ge Miereie, Eyal 1D), Ihe Syee7e 1987b. Ichthyoplankton and station data for California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations survey cruises ii) OST c U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS, SWFC, No. 85, 225 p. Thrace, § do. 7 R. 1961. Zooplankton volumes off the Pacific coase, 1958. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. ‘SSRE 374,70 p. 16 = 5801 \-" 5802 \--- 5803 oo 5804 ar 5805 ‘4 5809 un sei0 yo 5811 a Sseae Figure 1. Composite arrangement of diagrammatic charts showing areas sampled on each CalCOFI cruise during 1958. IL7/ 40° 35° 30° 29° Figure 125° 120° 115° ie \ CRUISE 5801 CAPE MENDOCINO | 40° AN FRANCISCO BLACK DOUGLAS 7090¢ oa FIRST STATION bi I) ; 5 x ” 3 é. __ FIRST ee AS ee e STRANGER er 30° pa y es / Z 40g J [® ect 2Q~ 11839, PAOLINA-T 030g as eg 770" @ BG SRYEUGENIA Pa "a2 _Bi0 _B% aS Ct Ae a 12080 <—@ 12570 eo STRANGER wosog . miter LA ad einge fies, Wis7s0 125° 120° — ate Station pattern for CalCOFI Cruise 5801 showing tracks for each vessel. Stations with plankton tows only are indicated by a dot; those with plankton tows and hydrographic measurements are shown by a dot and circle. Modified from charts in Reid et al. (1965) to include only those stations listed in Table 1 of this report. 18 Figure 3. 120° STRANGER 120° Station pattern in Figure 2. 115° 110° 105° 40° CRUISE 5802 S0* 202 0 E ea So FIRST STATION FROM .0.0527 6 H.0,1006 (RED.) 115° 10° 105° for CalCOFI Cruise 5802. Symbols 19 as 40° ops 30° 26° Figure 4. 125° 125° (CAPE MENDOCINO BLACK DOUGLAS Station pattern in Figure 2. 120° STRANGER 120° for «CailiCOET 20 115° 10° CRUISE 5803 UNTA 424 ALEUGENIA 130.60 35 13350 49.27 “eo 13750) a0 ae 14050) 115° Cruise 5803. FIRST STATION FROM HO 0527 10° Symbols as Figure 125° 120° 115° 110° CRUISE 5804 SPENCER F. BAIRD (CAPE MENDOCINO AS 40° 3° BLACK DOUGLAS 7730 ; 35g* lk... : 80145 60, 40, - “.. FIRST STATION FIRST “STATION : secon HALF BO. = 30° BLACK DOUGLAS 252 STRANGER FIRST STATION FROM HO. 0527 125° 120° 115° 10° 5s Station pattern for CalCOFI Cruise 5804. Symbols in Figure 2. Pat as 125° 120° 115° Hoe CRUISE 5805 40° be 35° ln POINT CONCEPTION 553g Be i $09 yaa Nhe STRANGER 30° 30° x 1193328 » PAOLINA - T 25° 25¢ 137,50 DOUGLAS “ZL FIRST STATION FROM +0. 0527 ee 120° ns? 7 Figure 6. Station pattern for CalCOFI Cruise 5805. Symbols in Figure. 2: 22 as 40° 35° 30° 207 Figure 7. 125° 120° CAPE MENDOCINO STRANGER 125° 120° Station pattern for CalCOFI in Figure 2. 23 15° CRUISE 5806 TO SAN DIEGO 13350 13750 FIRST STATION FROM 115° Cruise 5806. 110° 4.0. 0527 110° Symbols as CAPE MENDOCINO ONG First station Figure 8. 40° 35° PAOLINA - T 30° 25° 125° in Figure 2. Station pattern 120° T CONCEPTION BLACK DOUGLAS 120° for CalCOFI 24 Cruise 5807. 115° 110° CRUISE 5807 40° 35° STATION 30° 25° FIRST STATION FROM HO. 0527 115° 110° Symbols as Figure 9. 125° 120° 115° MENDOCINO SAN FRANCISCO (POINT CONCEPTION BLACK DOUGLAS 125° 120° 15° Station pattern for CalCOFI Cruise 5808. in Figure 2. 25 110° CRUISE 5808 FROM HO. 0527 110° Symbols as 125° 120° 115° 110° CRUISE 5809 CAPE MENDOCINO 305 Xe. 40° 35° 35° ORCA ga 9-13 pee ORCA 13-16 SEPTEMBER 30° 30° 122° Re | = ZA BLACK DOUGLAS 4-10 SEPTEMBER a4 ORCA 25° 16-19 SEPTEMBER FROM #0. 0527 125° 120° 5° 110° Figure 10. Station pattern for CalCOFI Cruise 5809. Symbols in Figure 2. 26 as Figure 11. 125° (CAPE MENDOCINO STRANGER PAOLINA -T 125° Station pattern in Figure 2. 120° 115° 110° CRUISE FIRST STATION =. 130.60 133.60@ 55 137.608 - BLACK DOUGLAS 120° for CalCOFI Pxd) FROM HO. 0527 115° 10° Cruise 5810. Symbols as 125° 120° 115° 110° CRUISE “S811 MENDOCINO 40° KSAN FRANCISCO 33,39 40 oq FIRST STATION 30° PAOLINA -T 25° Figure 12. Station pattern for CalCOFI Cruise 5811. in Figure 2. 28 FROM WO. 0527 Symbols as 125° 120° 115° 110° CRUISE 5812 40° SAN FRANCISCO 352 <- STATION NN a 30° PUNTA Ss EEUGENIA 255) 125° 120° 115° Figure 13. Station pattern for CalCOFI Cruise 5812. in Figure 2. 29 FROM HO. 0527 110° Symbols as 130° 125° 120° Hise 10° GAPE CALCOFI BASIC STATION PLAN hac SINCE 1950 MENDOCINO 40° Rye SAN FRANCISCO POINT CONCEPTION 35° 35° 30° 30° 255 20° 20° 130° 125° 120° 1152 110° Figure 14. 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Rank OMDDAMN PWNF- Pooled occurrences of fish larvae cruises in 1958. Taxon Vinciguerria lucetia Engraulis mordax Triphoturus mexicanus Sebastes spp. Merluccius productus Lampanyctus ritteri Diogenichthys laternatus Bathylagus wesethi Stenobrachius leucopsarus Protomyctophum crockeri Leuroglossus stilbius Trachurus symmetricus Cyclothone spp. Disintegrated fish larva Melamphaes spp. Bathylagus ochotensis Symbolophorus californiensis Sardinops sagax Stomias atriventer Unidentified fish larva Myctophidae Ceratoscopelus townsendi Paralepididae Citharichthys stigmaeus Diogenichthys atlanticus Gonichthys tenuiculus Lampanyctus spp. Citharichthys spp. Citharichthys fragilis Hygophum atratum Tarletonbeania crenularis Diaphus spp. Sternoptychidae Gobiidae Labridae Scomber japonicus Citharichthys xanthostigma Icichthys lockingtoni Sciaenidae Chauliodus macouni Citharichthys sordidus Parophrys vetulus Ophidiiformes Chiasmodontidae Myctophum nitidulum Synodus spp. Hypsoblennius spp. Lyopsetta exilis a taken during CalCOFI Occurrences TABLE 2. (Come =) Taxon Scopelarchidae Nansenia crassa Paralichthys californicus Hygophum spp. Etrumeus acuminatus Lampadena urophaos Symphurus spp. Ichthyococcus spp. Anguilliformes Diogenichthys spp. Microstoma microstoma Hippoglossina stomata Idiacanthus antrostomus Trachipteridae Argentina sialis Serranidae Lampanyctus regalis Diplophos taenia Cololabis saira Scopelogadus bispinosus Peprilus simillimus Prionotus spp. Trichiuridae Bathylagus pacificus Notoscopelus resplendens Cottidae Clinidae Microstomus pacificus Tetragonurus cuvieri Nansenia candida Chromis punctipinnis Ceratioidei Brosmophycis marginata Etropus spp. Ophidion scrippsae Sphyraena argentea Carangidae Glyptocephalus zachirus Pleuronichthys spp. Myctophum aurolaternatum _Coryphaena hippurus Bathylagus spp. Oxylebius pictus Aristostomias scintillans Pleuronectiformes Agonidae Bregmaceros spp. Stomiiformes Scorpaena spp. 78 Occurrences TABLE 2. (cont. ) Rank Taxon Occurrences 96 Pomacentridae 9 99 Bothus spp. 8 99 Loweina rara 8 99 Syacium ovale 8 a9 Thunnus albacares 8 103 Seriola lalandi 7 103 Macrouridae Y 103 Pleuronichthys verticalis 7 106 Gempylidae 6 106 Haemulidae 6 106 Hygophum reinhardtii 6 106 Zaniolepis spp. 6 106 Scorpaenichthys marmoratus 6 WIL Psettichthys melanostictus 5 Waal Pleuronichthys coenosus 5 IIL Brama spp. 3) abakal Gerreidae 5 TALL Physiculus spp. 5 TEINS) Poromitra spp. 4 116 Cyclopteridae 4 116 Scombridae 4 116 Opisthonema spp. 4 116 Girella nigricans 4 116 Carapidae 4 116 Pleuronichthys decurrens 4 116 Bathophilus spp. 4 124 Hypsopsetta guttulata 3 124 Apogonidae 3 124 Ophiodon elongatus 3 124 Auxis spp. 3 124 Scopelosaurus spp. 3 124 Scomberomorus spp. 3 124 Pleuronichthys ritteri 3 ih jal Hexagrammidae 2 Se Sarda chiliensis 2 TS} Xystreurys liolepis 2 V3a Tactostoma macropus 2 ilsjil Syngnathus spp. 2 ilsjal Nomeidae 2 ibsyal Engraulidae 2 Sell Sebastolobus spp. 2 iL 3ja Medialuna californiensis 2 Tesi Caulolatilus princeps 2 Als }al Atherinidae 2 142 Exocoetidae i 142 Balistidae a 142 Hemiramphidae 1 142 Bathylagus milleri i 142 Paralichthys spp. il 79 TABLE 2. (cont.)) Taxon Uranoscopidae Gobiesocidae Isopsetta isolepis Fistulariidae Notolychnus valdiviae 80 Occurrences PRR RH TABLE 3. Pooled numbers of fish larvae taken during CalCOFI cruises in 1958. Counts are adjusted for percent of sample sorted and standard haul factor (see text). Rank Taxon Count 1 Engraulis mordax 204848 2 Vinciguerria lucetia 58461 3 Merluccius productus 58261 4 Sebastes spp. 23645 5 Triphoturus mexicanus (eS 7/8) 6 Stenobrachius leucopsarus 11829 7 Sardinops sagax LN SS)3} 8 Bathylagus wesethi OM 9 Diogenichthys laternatus 7010 10 Trachurus symmetricus 6443 ial Leuroglossus stilbius 4844 UP Lampanyctus ritteri 3129 ils} Citharichthys fragilis 3046 14 Cyclothone spp. 2925 5 Protomyctophum crockeri 1824 16 Sciaenidae UAV 2 7 Bathylagus ochotensis 1569 18 Citharichthys spp. 1538/6 19 Ceratoscopelus townsendi 1446 20 Scomber japonicus 1341 Ait Prionotus spp. 1307 BP Symbolophorus californiensis UAOY 23 Synodus spp. 1225 24 Stomias atriventer 1206 AS) Melamphaes spp. 155: 26 Disintegrated fish larva 1118 Di, Unidentified fish larva 1075 28 Myctophidae 899 29 Lampanyctus spp. 865 30 Citharichthys stigmaeus 864 Syl Diaphus spp. 816 32 Citharichthys xanthostigma 763 33 Gonichthys tenuiculus 133 34 Hygophum atratum 692 3)5) Paralepididae 686 36 Diogenichthys atlanticus 641 37 Etrumeus acuminatus 574 38 Ophidiiformes 564 39 Labridae 526 40 Tarletonbeania crenularis 525 41 Icichthys lockingtoni 425 42 Paralichthys californicus 406 43 Gobiidae 404 44 Serranidae 382 45 Lampadena urophaos 373 46 Citharichthys sordidus 341 47 Sternoptychidae 337) 81 TABLE 3. Rank (CONE ) Taxon Parophrys vetulus Chauliodus macouni Symphurus spp. Chiasmodontidae Argentina sialis Lyopsetta exilis Hygophum spp. Hypsoblennius spp. Anguilliformes Myctophum nitidulum Opisthonema spp. Myctophum aurolaternatum Nansenia crassa Diplophos taenia Bregmaceros spp. Scopelarchidae Diogenichthys spp. Idiacanthus antrostomus Ichthyococcus spp. Clinidae Ophidion scrippsae Peprilus simillimus Bathylagus pacificus Notoscopelus resplendens Hippoglossina stomata Scopelogadus bispinosus Trachipteridae Microstoma microstoma Trichiuridae Lampanyctus regalis Cololabis saira Chromis punctipinnis Glyptocephalus zachirus Carangidae Cottidae Microstomus pacificus Nansenia candida Sphyraena argentea Pleuronectiformes Etropus spp. Tetragonurus cuvieri Haemulidae Bathylagus spp. Pomacentridae Brosmophycis marginata Ceratioidei Pleuronichthys spp. Coryphaena hippurus 82 TABLE 3. Rank (cont. ) Taxon Seriola lalandi Psettichthys melanostictus Oxylebius pictus Thunnus albacares Stomiiformes Aristostomias scintilians Scorpaena spp. Agonidae Gerreidae Syacium ovale Scorpaenichthys marmoratus Bothus spp. Pleuronichthys verticalis Tactostoma macropus Scomberomorus spp. Loweina rara Macrouridae Gempylidae Scombridae Zaniolepis spp. Auxis spp. Exocoetidae Hygophum reinhardtii Cyclopteridae Physiculus spp. Poromitra spp. Sarda chiliensis Pleuronichthys coenosus Bathophilus spp. Apogonidae Brama spp. Pleuronichthys decurrens Carapidae Engraulidae Hexagrammidae Pleuronichthys ritteri Nomeidae Girella nigricans Hypsopsetta guttulata Ophiodon elongatus Uranoscopidae Scopelosaurus spp. Medialuna californiensis Caulolatilus princeps Sebastolobus spp. Syngnathus spp. Xystreurys liolepis Gobiesocidae 83 NOAAYTIYWWDAWW WO WO TABLE 3. (cont.) Rank Taxon Count 142 Paralichthys spp. 5 145 Atherinidae 3 145 Fistulariidae 3 145 Balistidae 3 145 Bathylagus milleri 3 149 Notolychnus valdiviae 2 149 Isopsetta isolepis 2 149 Hemiramphidae 2 Total 457093 84 = = 6°SZ 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 OeZER I OREGE = = Ove 0°0 © 0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°O 0°0O 0°0 O°Sb O°OZT = = 6°L = T°O0T 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 = 0°0F O°OZ2T = = 0°z G°sS 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 O°Sse O0°O2T = = ORG (LAA 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0O 0°0 = O°oe€ O°OZT = = 0°0o = Lime 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0O = 0°SzZ O°O2T = = (£OEME 0°0O 0°0O 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0O 0°0 0°0 o°-e€e O°6TT = = = EeS 0°O = = = = = = = O°SE S°8IT = = (Su 0°O 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 O°o€ O°LTT “oad * AON > AFD.0) ‘das “Sav zR1nc anor AWW *adw * aWW * aad “NWC NOILWLS snzeurumoe snoaunz324q = = = = = = = = = = = CIEIS 0°0z O°LST = = = = = = = = = = = 9°9 Os VOReST = = 0°0 = = = = == = = = Saar, 0°0S O°EST = = v°S = = = = = = = = = O°Se O°EST = = Ore = = = = = = = = 0°0 OCG (OseESir = = One = = = = = = = = Lae O°-9T O°EST a = eS = = = = = = 0°Oo (LOVE 0°0o 0°OF O°OST = = 6°Z = = = = = = 0°0 0°0 0°O 0°SZ O°OST = = 0-0 = = = = = = 8°T 0°0o 0-0 0°6T O°OST = = 0°0 = = = = = = 0°0 72O) 0°? 0°Ov O°LFT = = 0-0 = = = = = = 0°O 0°O p°S 0°St O°LPT = = Se9i = = = = = = 9°E 0°0 0°0 0°02 O°LFT = > 0°O — = = = = = = = [AG 0°09 O°EFT = = 0°0O = > = = = = = = 6°Z 0°0S O°EFT = = ORS = = > = = = 0°0o 0°0 0°O 0°9% O°EFT = = Lee = = = = = > = = = O°St O°ORT = = 0°0 = = = = = = 0°O 0°0o [L6G 0°Ov O°OFT = = Lec = = = = = = 0°0 0°0o 0°0 O°SE O°OFT = = Caval = = = = = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 O°O0e O°OFT = = FAI 6°02 0°O 0-0 0°O 0°0 0-0 6°T 0°0o 0°0 WS4 WE/ASTE = = €°3 = = 0°0O 0°O 0°O = (Le 0°0 = (LS = WTSISL = = CEG 0°0O 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°O 0°O 0°0 0°0 OnOSe eS OReeir = = 0°O See 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°O 0°0 0°O 0°0 0°SZ O°EET = = 0°O G°e 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 = O°Sbe O°OET = = v°Z 0°0 0°0O 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0O 0°0o 0°0 0°0 O°vE O°LZT = = 0°0O = 0°0O (Bat = = 0°0O =| oa = OnS) (Os&cr = = 0°O 0°O 0°0 0°O 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 o°e 0°Se O°OZ2T = = me ~ = 0°0 0°O 0°0 0°0 0°0 = 0°0 O°OL O°ETT 0°O Viare 0°0 = = = 0°0 0°0O 0°0 = = = 0°62 O°OOT *Oaa * AON * £00 ‘das *Onw x1oc anor AWW *adw “aww * dad “NUE NOILWLS sawiojJttT tT tnbuy *ysep e Aq pa zeortputr aie suot}zeys patdnoooug *yQUOW IepuaTeO e Hbutinp aoduo ueYyy eioMm patdnds0 suotyzeys OJ uaatb ST Jaequnu aberaay *(3x93 9as) 1030e8z% [Ney paepueys pue pazIOS aTdues jo quaoiad 103 paysnCpe aie s}uNn0D °gSG6T UT Sastnid [aOOTeD Bbutinp patdnos0 suot}zeyYs UO UayYey aeATLT YSTJ JO SISqQUNN “PF ATAVL 85 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 Sint 0°0 0°0 0°0 = 0°09 O°L8 0°0 = 0°0 = = O°L 0°0 0°0 0-0 0°0 0°0 = O°SS O°L8 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = O°9E 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = 0°0S O°L8 0°0 0°0 0°0 == = 0°0 0°0 6 7c 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°St O°L8 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 4 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°O0b O°L8 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = (yo) 0°0 0°0 0°Lz 0°0 0°0 S*6 OnSE, 10228 = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 EaS = = = = 0°06 O°E€8 0°0 = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 6° 0°0 0°9 = 0°0 O°Sss 0O-°;€8 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = s°9 0°O Tes 8°02 0°0 L°ve 0°0 O°TS O-°€8 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = 6°18 0°0O (GaN A SS Regt O°rT 0°0 O°€bv O°E8 0°0 0°0 0-0 = = G°EeT 0°0 Vale 0°0 8° t°96 = 0°Or O°E8 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = 0°0 0°O S°8 O°e p°€s Va9SE (625 O°Lb 0°28 0°0 0°0 0°0 = ms 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0O 0°0 6° 202 0°0 0°SS 0°08 0°0 0°0 0°0 = mm 0°0 0°0 4 0°0 0°0 €°8e 0°0 O°TS 0°08 = = 0°0 = = 0°0O 0°0 LG 0°0 = 0°0 0°0 OFSS) SOLE = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 €°OT 0°0 0°0 = = 0°09 O°OL * ad * AON * LOO *das “onw z1o£ aNoc AWW "adv *“aWW * dad “NWe NOILWLS xebes sdourpzes = = v°z = = = = = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 O°O€ O°OFT = = 0°0 0°0 Z°90T 6°L 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 OVE OSLEr = = 0°0 0°0 O° Ttt 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0O 0°0 0°0 OFSC> 0 TEET * aa * AON * LOO das -onw x1oc anor AWW "daw "avW * dad “NWe NOILWLS ‘dds euauoy7zstdo = = 0°0 = = = = = = 0°0O 0°0 S°OT 0°SZ O°-OST = = 0°0 = = = = = = 0°0O 0°0 Line 0°6T O°OST = = 0°0 = = = = = = Wels 0°0 0°0 O°O€ O°LFT = = 0-0 = = = = = = 0-0 Wc 0°O OSS) OeL7 = = 0°0 = = = = = = 0°0 0°0 Caace (sys We/A AL = = 0°0 = = = = = = O-e 0°0 0°0 0°Ob O°EFT = a 0°0 = = = = = = 0°0 0°0 ue Ox0e. 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SCOONONMNSCCOMONOCDCONNONMNONSCOFAMONOOCOCOMOMONMNONMOOCONMNOMONW WOR DNKOORANNMVORADANNKOOREFAHNNLOOEFANNNOEFANWOUOFAHANWOWOMrl coo COCCOCOCOCOCOOCOCOOCOCOOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOOCCCOCCOCCSCoCoCoOooOooooooe . . e . . . e . . . . . . . . . . e . . ° ° e . . J ° . . . . e . e . ° . e . . . e . . e . SCOOMMMMMEREEERROCOCOOOCOCOOMMMMMMMEEEEFOOSOOOONNMMN WOOWUUUVUULVOWVUUURRARRARRRRRRERE EERE ODDDDDDDOOHO 97 (cont. ) TABLE 4. (cont. ) Bathylagus ochotensis SEP. oct. NOV. DEC. AUG. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY JAN. STATION oooo o ooooeo o oooo oo °o oooo oo oo Oo oO @) <6 %6. fe cA le Terkerse bey isl. 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(0 Eee “ee Jee vlc Deus . e: je) fap esie Noocooooomoocoocoo |ooocoonocoooomoooocoooooeocwo!io!tiooooo MNAOOCRMOOMOOCOOCCCOCOCOMOOOCOrFOOCOCCSCOCoOOoO FAAOOCoCoOoOo NONOOO emia: Yee fe: 0) Ye! = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 T°6 0°0 = 0°0 0°06 O°OL = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 = JENS 0°08 O°OL = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0-0 0-0 0°0 pre = 0°0 0°O0L O°OL = = 0°0 = = 0°0 = = cg, EL = = = 0°S9 O0°OL = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 PS 0-0 = = 0°09 O°OL = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 8°Z = = = OnGG OnOz = = = = = 0°0 0°0 SG IL“ 0°0 = = 0°cS O°OL = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 eg) = = = 0°08 O°L9 = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°O 0°0 Gre = = 0°0 OnSSemOeL9 = = 0-0 = > 0°0 0°0 0°0 Gat = = = OOS ORL9 = 0°0 = = = 0°0 0-0 0-0 ~S) = = = 0°09 0°09 = 0°O = = = 0°0 0-0 €°7 0-0 = = = ORS VOR 09 = = = = = 0°0 = = = 0°9 = = 0°0S O°L¥ * Daa “AON * L00 * das “onW x10c anor AWW *udw “av * da “NWe NOILWLS snoTgzroed snberhy eg = = 0-0 = = 0-0 0°0 0°0 0°0 iZ8) 0°0 0°0 OROSMAOVEAE = = 0°0 = = = 0°0 0°0 Exc 0°0 0°0 0°O 0°09 O°OZ2T = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 8°Z = = = OFSS> OsOCr = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 8° 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 O°6€ O°SIT —- = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 €°6 0-0 0°0 0°O 0°0 OF09> Oe Abr = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 8° 9 0°0 0°0 0°0O 0°0O ORS ES OWA = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0-0 0°0 ES Or 0°0 0°0 0°0 ORCS SOR ECE = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 Sige €°172 = = = 0°SS O°ETT = = 0°0 = = 0-0 0°0 ae Cee 0°0 0°0 0°0 OROS SOee nr = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0-0 9°6 0°0 0°0 8°C = O°Sh O°ETT = = 0°0 0°0o 0°0O = 0°0 0°0 Ex? 6° 8°S 0°0 0°OF O°ETT = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 0-0 0°0 0°0 0°0 v°6 0°0 0°0 ORSe SOR ert = = 0°0 = = 0°0 T*e Peet 0°0 0°0 0°0 0-0 ORO SOR OIL = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 S°L 0°9 = = = ORSS] SOR ORE = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 Mee 6°72 0°0 0°0 0-0 ORCS SS OROrT = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0O 0°0 G°e€ 0°0O = = O0°Sb O°OTT = = 0°0 0°O 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 6°Z B°E 8° 0°0 0°OF O°OTT = = = = = 0°0 = 6°7I 0°0 = = = 0°S9 O°LOT = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 G*e 0°0 0°0 = 0°09 O°LOT = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 TL = = = O°SS O° LOT = = 0-0 = = 0°0 0°0 v°vT 0°0 0°0 0°62 0°0 0°0S O°LOT = = 0°0 = = 0°0 c°9 (Sat 0°0 0°0 = = 0°St O°LOT = = 0°Oo = = 0°0 LES 0°0 0°0 Lind 1S eACA Ore 0°Ov O°LOT = = = = a 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 NG 0°0 o°se O°LOT = = 0°0 = — 0°0 0°0 0°0 pre = = = ONSS | OREOL = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 6° T°6 0°0 ce9 0°0 o°0S O°EOT = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 Sms 0°0 0°OF O°EDT = = 0°0 = = a4 0°0 0°0 0°0 ve 0°0 0°0 OSE OREO * ad “AON * L900 * das “Saw z1oc anor AWW *ddw *UvW * da “NVC NOLLWLS (°qu09) sTsuazoyIo snberhyzeg (°-3u09) °*p AIdVL 99 - - 070 - - heer i Gn 7 Vere 0°0 0°0 - - 0°08 o°E€8 - - - - - 9°6 0°0 S*Z 0°0 - - . 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(cont. ) Bathylagus wesethi NOV. DEC. SEP. OcT. AUG. MAY JUNE JULY APR. FEB. JAN. STATION o oo oOo °& . CY a e . bp1otrtti tir troorioicott Oo eo © 2 . . P1Olttttieetotrols 2a 2 Goo |] 2] . ° . ° . ISSISISISSSISISCIS ana OF 2 ae EN eyo ts MAOODDBDONWOOOSO MANO AMOMONHDOADHOCOO! Mw ooo w I 2 © o oo ©& ° . . . . . o- SISISINIILONOISCISOIIII11e10010 ooo 28 SOD 2 © o oo °o ° . . . oo. SISISISOII1SCSoOSOISOISCOIItIiIIiotoscio ooo + & MOOS IIS) S o WS ooo eee . oe ee ew . ° ee xe SSOSOINININGSOONSOSOISISOINOICSCO! oowtnm eee ee eSerVeat i titi it ito) plo ooo bp ob pow N ocooonoocomntooooooomMweonneo anooe o) se wl ee) Feige; 0) ‘elec <6) keine! hey © pelketronpene fe, (ete ee ee SOTDOVONEMMOOCDOOCSCOCONNLErDASO ! NOON oO ex a ae SCOOMONTIN COHONDSCOCOHEDBDOSOO N OO oe eee ee oe oh (ee) ee ely on omenremre le . oo e SOOMIOMNMND | OMONnNOMOEFAoMmMmMIiIni mon ANA aa N= 101 SBHOCHOMAMONSCOSCOUDAYD MMNNKENFZONWOSCOSCODBDOANMOEFMNHWO MWA . . e e ° . e e e e e e . e . . e . . e e e . . . e e ° e . e . . e . . e e ° e . e e e SNODANNOHOCOOCOCONNDAD 1 ANHAMNNAAMWDOOCONOTHDADWOBPOANMS | NNMO ane NNO ZINN BWOANANREMWM NASTTORNS ea a eo ae oonne coooeon rooeotnnaowt cooocooroomoty oO ON . . . e e . . . e . e . e. . . e . . . . . e . e e e. . e . e . . . . 1L1ooeto] | OCOOCOHM |! ROMOENIAIN! |OCOOCONNOMROMW! |1O!lous! aa = Nae w 4a MNAN eq o oOo 8 Sey GQ) 2) Ge mh cs © vt ONO Ff NN W = ooo ° ° ° ee . ° e ° . ° . e eee e . ° ° eee AST SU J TAC OL at = Ga Ta Ca Ma aK Malai Noel Stl a Ceti SRS N oo 8 eS OO 20 oY o o mor © Oo ©& o o oo . . e . . . . . . . . e ° . e . . e . LISTOISIIOSOISISCOISCOISCOIMITISCII1SOIHOMISGIMISCILIOolinis m N S oS S o oo 28 o o °o . . . . e LiL PI ih Wilh Oe nonon Init otole) ts ie IniLoire cooooooooocoocoocooooooooCoCooocoooooooooooooooooooo . e . . . . . . . . . . . . e e . e . . . e . e . e. . . . e . . e e e e e . J e e . . . . e NOONONONONONONONHNOCONONONMNOMNONNONMONONONONOOMNONSe DAOWOEFLDDANNUOOFEFDDHANNWOOEFEFDADAMMNTATNNVOOFEDOAMNMNMTWAWH a eccoooooooocoococooCooCoCCoCoCCOCCCCoCCoCoCooeooocoocooeooeoooooo . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . . e . . . e . . . . e . . . e e . ° e . . e e NAE EEK PrOCOOCOOOCOCOCOMAMMMMMAMMMERERRERREErrroooooeo DODDDDDDDAAAADAAAAAARAAAAANAAAAAAAAAAADAANAHHOOSOOOCOSS Cs Bo Noe Boe Be (cont. ) TABLE 4. (cont. ) Bathylagus wesethi DEC. AUG. MAY JUNE JULY APR. FEB. JAN. STATION (3) . Jerr Jest Tia IE ST iPS Tait Ma FOS Re Vet We Lt WP S2 VE VERS WO idea ORCS: aC OT eet TA Kae sat} Oat AST Ga Tal Fag Feat Wael Paar UV boi pee ied ef o o mM OD BSONSDON OO o© COMNnrYF OF SBNMNOSCOONMNH WBDoooe°oceoa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCl1lIlOoOINnNICOIlhloonoon!lo INILOONDHXIO!lONOOOONNN |! wooceoo~.w ooo ooo o) hie Senne UU SUSE STS SUSU SUSU) UU ODS USO eT DUS 0 SU SSeS le ett i eoecey tt ooo ooo eee eee USSU USSU SU Ue USSU SUS TSO SSS US Sa tai tT) Oe Wl I eietey i [] oooooconoonnooooooonoooooocoqococooooomoooocoeoceoo coco 0) Fei Far Fe! Ve, ve, w) fe) Pee) ve le el Ve) Hele We) ve ie! Vs) 0% ‘eye Voie’ le) ee! ie Ke (ex wie) aie ere) fence), oe Xe) Kenia ee OSCooooomoonnooooooonooooooocoecooooconooooooooo !coo ea DBONMOONOCOnAOMWWAON WNODHOO ooooooo eo°ocoeooeo . . . . . . . e e . . . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) . FANMOMNOOMMODSA! | | | INa@nmwoo!l!l!! tl ooocoooo!ooooooo N ei T7044 a Ne ANNDDOOWVSOADANHAAWMOOWOSOOCHANWWOFROD-OOMSOOCOCONDOMOOND . . . . . ° ° e . e. . . . . . .J . . . . . . . e e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . HDO-MNEOCONSGNNANNANBINONOOMAMMMENOONCOBFMMOOMONOMOOMS ammn ~ ONS Ooms N ei aa NNANDONDOSCSCSOAMHOAHMOMWOONSOMOONHOONOMAFONDOFNDOONOWW AMOANDMOSDSGDOMOOOSCSSOMASOMSVZVOOODOLMMOE-AZANOBPOMNMHACONWOES Na ef N ae wom a ON ese oO A Oo ONOWOO WW W Wooo Ob SO OomMmowo eo oeo°oronm ° . . oe eo we © @ . . oe ee . ° ea 8) gee 70 . oe ee © © 8 eee nae e nse eee eee eee ee Oe OS Se ei mm” oO xX OOCooo A fF OG own A Oo © ooo oOo Oo eo°0°00uUr™ . ° . oe oe ° ° . oo . . ° eee . * oe ee we we INIOIMIioosco!iwIianinm f1ontiwloltio 1 lorRnmrlololoooooann ei N are o o &2 e0o0oo CoG 8G ©& oo °o ~m ooo. DOD N OWOSOS SO . . . . a e . . ° . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lor1ro1ro1rooooiototiolt tt TOoo1rorlt IMItE!LI OOOINIBIOnNooo!oe oooooooooooooocoeooeoocoooooocooooooooooeoooooooooo oO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AJ . . . . . . . . . NONONMNONOTOMONMONOMONMNMONMNOMONONONMSCOMNOEONMNoONoONnooonone NOOSE DDAMMBPAIPNNOGCOLEOAMPPNNOOEEDAMMYAMANNOKOF-OMNWAH ooooocoocoooooocoooooooooooooooooocooooeoooooooo ooo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOSCSCOCSCOCOMMAMAMMAMMMAMME EEE eeeererrococeoocococooOMmmmn fe Fe Je me Jae we me ae ee ee a a a No Ne Be ee ee ee Ce A Ms ce A I ce Bc ce Pn cc Bc ce ce Ace ce cc ce Bc cn I Be De De 102 = 0°0 = = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = 6°S OFSS, 0709 = = = = = See 0°0 = = = = = 0°SS O°ZS * oad “AON * LOO * das “nw ATO anne AWW “adv *aVW * aad “Nwe NOTLWLS snrqrr2zs snssorboinaT = = 8° = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 One 0g Zer = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 L°e 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0S O°EET = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 Cue 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°Ob O-EET = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 v°8 0°O 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0S O°OET = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 Uae 0°0 = O0°Sb O°OET = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 OnE 0°0 0-0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°Obv O°OET = = 0°0 = = = = = 8°T = = 0°O0 On02 Omeat = = > = = 0°0 = 0°0 c°9 0°0 0°0 0°0 0709 OF 2cr = S 0°0 am = 0°0 Ore 9° 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 O70S Once = = 0°0 Ome 0°0 0°0 = 0°0 = 0°0 0°0 = OcSh OPZer = = 0°0 [Erte 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°O 0°0 0°Ob O°LZT = = 0°0 0°0 0°0O 0-0 0°0 0°0 0°0 8°Z 0°O 0°O O°ve O°LZT = = fae = = = = = 0°0 = = = 0°08 O°EZT = = e°e = = 0°0 = = 0°0 = = 0°0 OFOL OsECE = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 Ove 0°0 0°0O 0°O 0°09 O°EZ2T = = 0°0 = = 0°0O 0°0 Ge 0°0 = = = OeSS> OeECr = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 0°0O 0°0 8°?r 6° 0°0 OROS Oeear = = 0°0 = 0°0 0°0 = = s°9 = = = OFSY Oseer > = 0°0o 0°O 0°0 0°0 0°0 ere 0°0 0°0 0°O 0°0 O°cb O°ECT = = = = = eve 0°O 0°0 0°0 = 5 = O°SL 0°O0Z2T = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 G*e 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°OL 0°OZ2T = = = = = 0°0 0°0 c°ST Te = = = 0°S9 0°O2T = = 8°S = = = 0°0 v°L €°e 0°0 0°0 ILS 0°09 O°OZ2T = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 c°SZ = = 2 0°SS 0° 02T = = 0°O = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 €°?c 0°0 0°0S 0°O2T = = 0°0 0°Oo 0°0 0°0 0-0 0°0 6°9 0°0 0°0 0°0O O°SE 0°02 = = = = = 0°0 = 0°0 vre = = = WEGZ (YO/AL = = 0°0 S = 0°0 0°0 0°6T 6°Z 0°O = 0°O WEA, ORZAUIE = = 3 = = 0°0 0°0 T°68 8°Z = = = OnSS SO WAbe = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 L°8t 8°S 0°0 0°0 0°0 0509) (0940. = = L°9 = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 S‘vT eats 0-0 0°0 0°0S O°LTT = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 L°?t 0°0 0°0 0°O0b O°LTT = = 0°0 ge 0°0 0°0 0°0 (ZEIGE 0°0 L°8 0°0 0°0 O2SE OF Z20T = = 0°0 0°O 0°0 0°0 0°0 SiS 0°0 0°0 0°0 0-0 OSs O/Aeie = = [Lots = = 0°0 = 0°0 0°0 = = = 0°08 O°ETT = = Jeet Bi = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°O = ce O°OL O°ETT = = = = = 0°0 0°0 Sine 6°Z = = = OSS Ome be = = 0°0 = = 0°0 ete Sme 0°SS 0°0 0°0 8° O09 O28nT a = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 wee 0°0 = = = OSSS Oe ee * aa ° AON * LOO * das * nw ATOc anne AWW “adv “dW * dat “NWe NOT LW.LS (°qu09) ryzasam snbeThyzeg (°qu09) °) ATavVL 103 (cont. ) TABLE 4. (cont. ) Leuroglossus stilbius SEP. Oct. NOV. DEC MAY JUNE JULY AUG. APR. FEB. JAN. STATION o oO o o oooo oooo oo . ° . . . . . . . . . . . Overy Pee Pith Loi hh ih hood rh Loces hoe oo oeoocoe ooooo ooooo 2292 So BOS = oooooo . . . . . . . . . . . ) . . . . . ° . . . . . . . . . !lritrootooooo!t |t ooooo! 1\ooocoIlocoic! 1600101000000 1 mPmroCooooomoooooooooooooowoo 6 AmMoeoonooooooooomoooo e\ ve: fe: Kei Yo; Ne) eo: te: Ye fe: je: ye: Ye Te, fe fe eo, fe fe: fe: fe) Ke “e' Fe, fe @ 0) Yo. Fe: ve “ye: fe. Te) <0’ Je: fe: We! fe” fe: fe, 9) lel (oie) te MMOODOOOMOSCOSOMAOOSCSCOCSOOCSOSCOMNSM | WOMOGDONOOCOCCOCCCCoOwowoeo taal Oo S2MOD0000 SOONG CO COoOreoceocoreoe an core — BOSONS Sl1roncoooo |ooowo loo! oonoeoooooNnmMInioono!l o | Soowans o 9oorooneo SeEcloe Is WCWOMONSCSONE OC OCWVAR CO NOMWOotN . . . . . . . ° . . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SI SOAMMMS1SOHMGIMNGINNCOHSOONTIMISAMNI S| BOMNSON a ba | N sor SCNOMMAWOBYIMNAPOWONNOMONOHOAMHHOOMDOOOCWMOVOrOM . . e e e . . e e e. . . . e . . e . . ° . . . . . . J . . . . . o . e . . e . . . . . WOM! 1 LOMOKHMNOCOMMVOOUMNNOWVOMOCONMNARHOONAMOMOOAVHAAM Ne al 2] AN AN ate N ANN tral o oOo~ S oo w NAONnW H COHOON e e . ° . . . . . . . . . . . PTT TP PEPPITEIOISINGISISIIIMIT ILL Iimegdi@lccdcoy | Oo mo ve N mo an omuo st OWOO ee ee . oe ee SUS RTS Te Or ete Or TU TT Wetsstar Uh TU Teal MT) TG ary OU am wm N i=2) NO oo oO NO am Com HN HONS . OW ee ‘ ee oe eee . . Gat 8 20 Irrwotr rr mmr trrdr rr rtE_tEOOPOPoONIt tr IMM Tt HOWL DI ARI NOWNM! et nm om av m N 83.0 43.0 51.0 55.0 83.0 83.0 60.0 83.0 8350) 65-0 104 (cont. ) TABLE 4. (cont. ) Leuroglossus stilbius FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEP. OcT. NOV. DEC. JAN. STATION oooooo = oooo°o -) OOo S = oo°oo — o Bo LL 1OSSCSCSCOII LISI SCSOSOSDSOISI 11 OOOO ISISOISCSOSOSISISIC01 oooo oo ooooooo oO oooo Oo o2 e000 oC &2 38oO ee ee 6 Oe) (ebleccere me, Fine! O.eigler ten. {ie lec, Kiet ie pemew, ke Cpe Mkeine fl troooolr1oltt!t| tooooooo!io!l!l| | oooo!liolcolioooo!liocololioo! oO ooooooo eo coococoooo oo oooooo0oeo ocoocoocooo°c°oo0o . . . e e ) e e e. ° e . . e e l . e . e. e e . . e ° . . e e e . e e e . . . o1rooooooo0o!io!loooooooo0!co! |}oo0qoqoocococoo |cocoo0cococcoo°o.d | ooooooo°oeo ooooooe°o0°oco oe © © © © wo ow oi Je: iie) Te; ie) ne Ve, Here Ii TSoSocaqocaioi i Lococo Wal tia ele el SOSSOVMOSOEFOSOSOSCONNANMOMSG COONMNOOMOOCCCCONMNHOOCOSCO oO . ea a ie a OT Le looomoomMomomooomocoooo!o! ac eq N SOSONFOSOSOSSOSOCONWVOOCOOCOOCOCOREOADLVOMOONON NDOCOHCOO e e e . e e e e e e e e e e e . . e e ° ° e . e J e . e e e e e ° . . e . e . . e . e ee ee NS ON ND rel IER. ISIN ! moO OWoes ! 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Cyclothone spp. (cont.) FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEP. oct. NOV. DEC JAN. STATION eo oo ww oO . . . . . eS On eNioOouint o oo o ff . . . . . UU Ue UU eT Ue ita s— trey TT) moor oe eee eo @82oO . . . . . . . . . . . OR Satara NO | SClOoNnoin! = SOONMOOOCOONROCOSSO Coon eoeeee ee © © © © © © © © see Shoe llcolekecocusor! WoooococeonrFwetyooooorre MODOC OCOMNWwWwUoooooNnnm i coooooowooooocoeooooooe ©: ler (eo Kore! le Verte: je Te, Tee a ie a: Je. ia) 0) Te oooooonocooooooeoeoecooeo ! ooo 8 A Cc eke . . 1oooliaoini |i a ON noo oOo fF Ca) e . . INooIoInitl ~m ooo co ww wo eee . . ° loooIininmia ea ei ooonr-A see ee 1oonwoi!! 11 ~m oooooorom a) Te) ia We) ete) oa ie |loooooowom oCoooonron looooomweow ooonroonrno 1|ooonoownamoe oonm oooweeo ooooo OoOMFrOoOooOoONn A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comm! ooomo! |}ooooo 1!orwencooowi! ni! | oo oOo fo 8 oo nA OO ooo Oo °o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for1roi1iotiotisa looIimioo Itroooliotiot! o Oo -& oo bY MO ONO Oo . . . . . . . . . . . . tri riotroimts+rooitinimolttitromoettiitiolt! o ooo oOo . ¢ a fe . . a eS ae kee eon ihen isa lait n taal oooooooooocoocoeocoocooocoeoooo°ocoeooo ©. Ke? Reiko’ Ka: Wee, ter ce. le) Te: ne. 1s) a) he) Ge Ger gm’ cw gh) ge. be. ge) Sau a) se; Ne) Ve Feue ue MNOMONMNONONMONOMONONMNOCOOCOOCOMOOCONoONONSO OTE ODDOOEEADHANOOEEAHOMGTMHNOOEEDAAD aA ooooooooocoooeocoocooooqocoecnooceoqoceoocoo a) Ze) Gor [ay ye) fale) ye) we ve) serve ie feo lel ee ce ne! ce) A0) LO ele) @ pelle enw 6. pel ce MMMMMEEeeerroocoeococeoccoMMnnmnmmnmnnmnm DODDDDDDDDDDADAAAAAANAAAAAAHAAAHAHS 108 a co a o © . . . . . InTotimwililtititroisa es no o «< wo © . . . . . INITOta Oe) SE 40) Nes) N oooro co Coo oO LSS Se Oro CSooowmoooonooro |oooOoOnoooowoono oooocoeoramoo°oceomeo @: \e) je je te Xe, 5 @ Lemie: Keure, (ee ere. 1LOoOooooMmMeretemMoomnanm ae oooooooenorooor LOoommMoocomenocooon oSoooooomMmnnNn Oo AO ose os) fee see Nene . ee MOSDOSCOSCOCOMUMINMNIMNM N N ooo o Oo WwW Ooo SO looo!1oliotimiooto ono © © o NN AMON EC ° ° ° ° ° Lance vo lol it ine ee © ere ° ° ° ° ° bit t Koproikwo 1olto coocoooocoeoCcoCoooO a (hi das Fecge pangs) ans geaTCwre momen Te NONONONONCONONS Ie 47N NOOR ROATNNW 4 cooocoococeooecocooo ORR CPR MO OUOTG TOM OO MOOR eeenererrroooo ADADADAADAADAADASCSCOSO aA (cont. ) TABLE 4. (cont. ) Cyclothone spp. SEP. oct. NOV. DEC. AUG. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY JAN. STATION = wow wtotoow oa Ln oe WI Ibs bs Oo MMOOMOON CO ~FHOWOWOS . . . . . . e e . . . . . . e . e. . . . . ° e °. . . e . e . INI AI SEOPSONIOINI WI MINS 1 OI NOCOFOON ION I HHONOSH eo Ne om maN oo oo . . Ue OO ae a eT Teste Oe othe Oe etl Th Tei) theft Uh Melk a lh ics) De he i) oo oo ee eo. Oe Oe UG 0 00th Det Oth 0 a SCD DC U0 Tea 0 OSS US OO Nt DP eri Ul MOWRHDWOOCOCCOCCOCCOCOONTrFooooooooeooetooooooocoo oooooo . e . . . . . . e. e J J e e e e . . J . . . . e . . . e . e . e. e e e e . e e . . . . e DONMANOOCOCCOCCCCOCOOMMoocoCoOoCCcCooooNnooooeooooo |! |oo00oeo CON N AMNOSCSCSCOCOHAMNW Aooooo oooooo oo ooooocoe e e . e e e . . J . e e e e e ° . . e e . . e . . . e e e e e . SSO Na st bl lrirtrt_imocoooitittIit|t+;oocoooo!ioo! |toooooo ea MAROC OCONOCOYTNEFOCONOCNOCOCOFAHAHMENOSCSSCOCOMOOCOCCCCOMNAw e . . . . . e . . e . . .J e . e e . e e. . . e . . e . . . . . e . e . . e . . e . e . . . e See ee eee ee EN NSS SIS ES aN al Neaea (| aL | MPORHOCSCOCSCOCCOONONCOCOWMOCCOUNONOSOSOSOSOSCSCOOFNMODOOCOCOCOnNMSe . e . . . ° . . e . . . . . e . e . ° . e e e . . . iJ . e . . . . . . e e . . . . . . . e . 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(cont. ) Tactostoma macropus DEC. AUG. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY JAN. STATION = = 0.0 = 0.0 Bor 0.0 Stomias atriventer 0.0 0.0 77.0 90.0 SEP. OcT. NOV. DEC. AUG. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY JAN. STATION 63.0 100.0 moo oo 2S = = = ooooo o o oo . . e . . . . . . . . . INSSOILILISOSOISSOISISOISISCSOSOSOOISCOIISOISCoIItisit i] oo no oc o& OoG e0o000o © LL1OLLISCOINGISGISCOISOISCSOSOSSOISCOINIiSOiooirttitiit oooooeco eo cooce°o0oeo co eooooeooo eo o oO wo e e e . e e e . . e e e . . . e e e e . e . . e e e e . mooooo!ioo!ioooooo!iotioooooooo!ioo!I1I1SOIlolIin oo ooooooco e e . e . e . e J De OPT Oe a = yar UU Det eT re eete Le Dr te ooooocoooooooooocooooooqoeoeqcoeooeooorooosoooHioeod . ater tee ete) a) vor oer elo a erie er ere ot ot eh vr fe) ee! fe ‘ae "ie es erie) eta) tase) fee ooooooocoocooooooooococooooooooeocooooooomoo SCOPOSOMNOCONFROoCoeooeocoonoocoooooecdwooenoooceoo of fel" ee) 0 10) ey ey Te lee) 6 lee) Le) a) ay er ee) eer 0 eM er ie; ie ie) fon rervey le ish ie) se) pp vere Te SCoNnoommooommoooocoooonoqoooooqoooooowoooooo SOOCSSCSOCSCCSCHMOMORORANGDOOMORE ANCA OOCOnROOCOCOWw eter <0) “oie [e) ey ere (0) fo” fe) ‘eo 0)" 0) “oe! ee) ‘eh ey or oe ‘ot ev (e 'e! fe a ei Tulfo: 0. Ta) a) ete) Te SOSSSSOSOSCSOMONONONNEOOCONSUNMUWUOMOOOMOOOCOM eooooreo c0O0O 82 NONADN NONSCOCOCSOHONGO OCOOC°Coooone SoOOCoOMOIlOCOOF IOI MOMNY 1! OONOOCSOSOMEMM | COOomMmoowne ooooo Se oooo 2 S a9 3S) a mMooo So & AIS ee @ @ @ oe” 1 fey fe. Tenis oe ee . . . L\SOSCSSCOISCOI SOOO ISCISCISCSOISCSOIMMIMESSISICIME ooooo ON OOCOSoo oO oo WN NSO OG ON Oo Ft OD 6: . e . . . . . e . . . . . e . e e e e e e e .J looooo!immMioooo!lio!l!| I oolmArIianololi rw loIhoOIiIon ooo S = i=) — i=) OS = ae o — Be fancerre . . . . . LOOMITITILISOISOISOISOISOIIIILI1SESOI1SO1001010100 ooooooooocoocoooeoqoqoqoqooooq0oqcocoocoecooooceooocnwo ©. je) te) je ve ie: (6 ie le’ we) Te) 1 Te) te re: cenme| ie re: ie) ve’ 10) ve Ke) vel Ve) "oo"e, le) (6 he). @) @ (6) (6) 6) ee NOOCHOOMNNMONSONMONONONOOMOONMNOONONOONONMNONSoS NO-ONE DONLFOMTNNWOUOFEFOMMTNNORRWINWOOEFEOOM cooooooooocoeocoecoeoooooo0ooo0oo0q0oo0q000coeocwooooeooo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ° . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . e . . . e SOOMSEEFOSCSCOMMMNMMMMMMEEEeenenrrocococococomm SDDDDDADAANAAANAANANANAANAANRAARHANHGCOCOOCSCOCOCOoCOoOSo CD Bo 123 (cont. ) TABLE 4. (cont.) Stomias atriventer SEP. oct. NOV. AUG. MAY JUNE JULY APR. FEB. JAN. STATION oooo SS SOO IOS OOS SAE N IGT SSS = SSSI NGONDS 1 COSCSSSSS 1 SS6SS6666 1 COON NOS ISCONDOIS ooo oo oo ooo J e . . . . . . . i fhi 06 000 fete PE oSSSiiet D0 1 SSe0 TTI PtoSt i yp teoe.t GU uu ooo oo oo oaoo . . e. . . . . . . . 1 OC hh DA SSSO0 10 PI PSO D0 tb Toot) ti ices ty uo vu SOS OOOO SISO OOOO SS SS Os, (6) (Om (0. (0) @% (On 8 0+ On, @).8 oj), e. ‘eo. fe) 8) ie. 0) Be Cue) Ox; 50, 8) ©) (0) 0) is) ie fe eps & e SooccoNncoSeSeSSSSoeSS6600!1 SCoSoOSCOSOSOSSCSSCS! onoo ooooo SOQOe Ss) SOOO SIO OSOS I'S) eeee eee @ @ eee ee @ ee Bipe,. 0; Je, Jeg 0. a) vies epic: Jee ea) opie) ce) ae ONCO! 1000001 160060001 6000000NSCCCCSSCSSN | cor~twoooow~roncomonocoomoooonoooooooeooooe . . . . e . . . . . . . . . ° . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A I I I ie CODON SORCOUFNODOSCOCSCOPFOMOOMIMMNHAOCSCOORSSSD RNOSCSOtne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bea a a Ee Lan ea eq ae oo fo OMNS 2 SEOs ® oS SOIAIOeIoy rl MOMorT~aooe . . . . . . e . . . e. . °. . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOISOIOMMOISCIOMOENRSSIMISCOMOMMIMIMoNnaANINEGS I et eq xa Oo Of =) o NOWMW Ss o SISO on col = nwt ~-oOo oO ICIS LOMIMISCIMONNIDISCIOOONNRIGCIINWIMOISC! N ea re N = a oo MoO CO Mooo wnt OWOSO OC F& FOO NOAN . LSOIMIMOIOILILIMOSCSOIBDIWINNSCSOIOIN I WOO !NAOoMNM! ei N ccoooCooOoCoOOOOOCOCCOCOCOCOOCOOCOOCOCOOCOCSCOCSCSCSCSCOSCSCSCSCSCoCoCoSooeoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NONONOOCONONONOMMONONONOONONOMONOCONSCOOHROMNNMONnMoOWMS PFOAONOGCOKRGAPONOCORMMAIPNNOOROMAAPNNOOLEMTAPNOEMMMANNWWOM SCOCOCOOCOOCOCOOCOCOOC OOOO OCOOCOCOCOOOOOOSOOCOOCOSCOCSOSOSOOOMoeooCooeoo FPA a CNT TL TfL PT TMNT TT VC Tine TT J eC MEAT es Wd Tt Vet tet ov EC ech et) On Couns OOM UO ORC SOO AMMMMMERERREEROOCCOOCOCOCOCOCOMMMMMMMMEE EEE ADOOooOooSo SCOCKCCCCOCOCOCC CORR RAAT RR RRA RRR RRA NNNNNNAN a a a ee ee De FM Me Me oe Mn Mo ne Dn -124 ~ - 0°0 - - 0°0 - - Gal - - 0°0 - - 0°0 0°0 0-0 Wal - - - - - - - - TO - - 0°0 - - 0-0 0°0 0°9 - - 1°8 - - - - - - 0°0 - Let - - - 0°0 TOE 0°0 ve ~ 8°Z - - - 0°0 0°0 0°0 on - 0°0 - - - Tee 0°0 0°0 0°0 - - - ~ - cee 0°0 - - =_ =- -_ = - —_ [LOS =_ _ — — —_ _ - —_ 6°Z - = = = _ _- _- O°E _ — — — - =_— _- _- 8°Z =_- -_ = — - _ - -_ Le = =— -_ _ - _ _ — O°E - _ _ * aa * AON "LOO * das “nw aAITOL aNoc AWW * adv aeptptdateieg == —_ (3°74 — - _- _ — - _ =_ 0°0O — - - -_ _ =— — _ 0°0 —_ - _ _ - — =_ —_ 0°0O — - =- — — — — — 0°0 _ - - _ -_ — - =- 0°0 =- _ —_ —_ — = = = 8°Z = = 0°0 = = 0°0 = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 9°8 = = 0-0 = = 0°0 0°0 (EN 0°0 = = 0°0 = = 0°0 L°t 0°0 0°0 = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 0°O 9°Z = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°9 = = 0°0 Jats 0°0 0°0 0°O 0°0 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0O 0°0 0°0 0°0O 0°0 0°0 = = 0°0 = = = = = 0°0 = = = = = 0°0 = 0°0 0°0 = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°O ets 0°0 = = ORE 0°0 0°0 0°0 = 0°0O = = = oS) 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 Ome = = Ee = = 0°0 = = 0°0 = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 0°0O O°€ = = 0°0 = = 0°0 8°Z 0°0 0°0 = - 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = 0°0 = 2 ce 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = 0°0 = 2 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = = = = 0°0 0°0 See 0°0 * ad * AON "100 * das “nw x10c anor AWW "adv (°}u09) Za2ZUeATI2Ze SPTUOIS = = 0°0 OROSORL9 = = = O°OTT 0°€9 = = 0°0 0°09 O°E€9 = = = 0°O00T 0°09 = = = 0°06 0°09 = = = 0°08 0°09 = = = 0°09 0°09 = = = 0°09 O°ES = = = 0°09 0°OS = = = 0°SS 0°0OS = = = 0°0S O°EP = = = O°St O°EF = = = 0°06 O°OF = = = O°OL O0°OF *avW * daa “NWe NOILWLS = = = 0°SS 0O°OST 0°0 0°0 cre O°O0€ O°LFT 6°S 0°0 0°0 O°OF O°EFT 8°Z 0°0 0°0 O°O€ O°EFT = = 9°C 0°09 O°OFT bee 0°0 0°0 0°ObW O°OFT a = 0°0 0°09 O°LET 0°0 0°0 0°0 O°SE O°LET 0-0 0°O 0°0 0°0S O°EET = = = O°Sh O°EET e°e 0°0 0°0 O°Ov O°EET 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0S O°OET 0°0 0°0 = O0°Sb’ O°OET 0°0 Se 0°0 0°0b O°OET = = 8°S OF0L (OTL. 6°z 0°0 0°0 0°09 O°LZT ts (So) se: 0°0S O°L2T 0°0 0°0 = 0°St’ O°LZT 0°0 0°0 Sac 0°OF O°LZT = = 0°0 OnOL MOR ecir 0°0 €°S 6°ST 0°09 O°EZT = = = O°SS O° ECT 6° TE 0°0 0°0 0°0S O°E2T 0°0 0°0 = 0°06 0°OZ2T 0°0 8° 6°S 0°08 O0°O2T = = = O°SL 0°O2T “dn * daa “NWe NOTLVLS (°qu09) *) AIAVL 125 (cont.) TABLE 4. Paralepididae (cont.) SEP. Oct. NOV. DEC. AUG. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY JAN. STATION on ooo i] SIS S i) o o . . . . . . . . . Pei I BP LT femooor ial Mi ounl iol )eoienean ol1iot ~ on i=) oo i) oo oOo 2° o o . . . . . . . . . . . . PN ron ie Mourn aa oui ie det ei kere rcoitcone o1!198l o oeo°oo ooo oO S80 C9000 oC oo o o0o0o eo Co #0 « . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . So1oooo!l!i1ocooleoeo!locolscooco!lolioo!l!icolioootioicooinoinit owaor oowto . . . . . . . . OU USO DES SUSU SUS USOT SUS SU UT eee Th Os ORT Te TRIS SCIP 1) Seco 7 UU UU OSU OE SUSUR SO SUeU DO Cede Oe Cee CeO SO. One Oo ee Get ff they ef o~ooomon owmo SSIS S SSIS ONS SWS Soe orn ooto0oo . . . . . . . e e . . . e . . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SONOSGOMONIONO! SOMmoomeCONnLNOMoomMocooSCS | plc) 1|oonoo Lal = BSS) SIANSOSSSOO SOSSCSONSANGOANNOCOSCOCOARENGO COCCO . . . . . . J . . . . . e. . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WISOIlocc! | LONMOOSOSS 1! OMOCCONMNOOAMMOOOMNAMY | oooCoO =) SS 20>) oooroeoceo ecoooooeoowooonoocoocooo am~oow e . . . . . . . . . e . . . . iJ . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SIS1ccc! | l|OoOoonoooo | ooooooooOoNncooNnooooooo |! nnoom mM OSOMOOCOCONMONCOOCOCOMOCOCCCoooo oono ooooo eoroonrT . . . . . . . . . . . . e . e . . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MI OMOSSOORMONDOCONSGSCOCSCOCOCOCSCS! |SCONO! |!OODCCOSC!ONOCOMNm™ | N Wo o ooo Hone S f=) o oS a aS = = . . . . . . . . . . . . LIMIMMOTILI ISL I SCOCOIMOSOOISCIISCIISOILISCSOIwISCSOISCIIM! oo MY O&O o —] oo Oo OO SO Oc aie . . . o-. . ora . PU Pt a i recrineinio timo eon Komaki orn intel corm SICy aS BOO o o eee eee . . PLE ITNONTILTEL1ONTOOTOCOmoltittiraiiidt t'rrotitot eooooooocoeocoeocoooooooooooooooooooocooooooocoooooood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOOMOSCOCOMOCOCOMOCOMOMOMOCOMOMONMNNNMONMNONMNONMNONOONOMNNMON peep hs bon eel ed Pah bit ot bbe a oe oI I Sol hg ei ae oooooocoeocoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooesd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -S-OOCSCSCOCSCOMMMMEEEFOSCOCOMMMMMMMEEEEEFrTooooooOoOoOMmMannnm WOES eeeereeervDnoaDDDDDDDDDDDDDDAAAAAARAARAAAAAH 126 (cont. ) TABLE 4. Paralepididae (cont.) SEP. oct. NOV. DEC. AUG. JUNE JULY MAY APR. FEB. JAN. STATION oo o oOo 8 yet . . . Preset Werke. ot oo a = S ee b1eortitiotoiot oooo o Sa S locosoliciccoicls woonoooooonmnoooooooooran< eo eee © e@ © © © © © © © © ee ee ee ee e INSOONSOOCOSCOCONSCOCOCOOOOOOONNNW I o o ow . . . . LY oi Vowel Tet Soe Well Jel et TSS Fees elt We St PR al Tht ST Ja a fa st le Patat et Vek hey Minot Ved Wet BC Yd Tike 1 Ua UEC al a STI) 8 o o oo . ° e. AAD SUL Sel FAUST TRL SST UP Wd Died Wale as iat J a UIC TS I ai aa TL I eat | = al SE Sl te oomomowowmoooooooooooonoooooooooeoooes oule%. 0 ie’ Se Tei Te Fete: We Ge) Corie: le ie “ae ce Ueltle He ie Ee Te fore iota) fea Lewis: fee! ie) lev e SOMONONMNOOCOCCoCCoCooeocoonocooococececococi |!!! 1 MOOOOCWOOCOCCOWONCOCSCOCSCSOMUNDAGoD coOoooeoo oo oie" oe je cs je Se! Coie re ie: Ve Feo e' Fe) iu) lore! Ke fois ie Cekter ie Le o) “o ete: je) Te: Te e a Ne Na Nis EMS) |looooooo!oitiitt N DAooMNOOCOrWOOCOrTNnoooowooooooooooooose]o eo 0 ‘oe "e © ete ‘eo e ‘0 “e §¢ ¢ 6.6 ‘6 eo “eo le 6 te (oe ve ole @ ‘e (0 © © 0 0 te "ee « NMNOONMNMWONDONNOONNNOSCSCOMoOCCCCCoCoCooooooco! i111 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 93.0 80.0 mooro . . . . * 11 Noomo! coo o . e . LPicoooto't coo o . . . . 11oomicl! Se) Ae Pi koorror| coocooco aie) Mele taTelnelNetats Nnoooconon OnNLORrDO coooooocoe alize ta ratiratTotre tats MOE eeenne ANAADAARADH 9750 9050 oo moooooeoroooonoonwmnotoo oo . . SOIL MMOOOOOWUOCOCOOMSOONNOMOOC IC! ooo Oo roocoeooceo eo e°0O0OMenOoOOoOoCo fo} Tome) Wer? Ue Teike: Le Tete oe ee eee © © © © © © cool;iotimoooooo!1oo!1oo0owomonoeo = o — oonoo oo QS mooooownooo . eulenye: fe: fer fe ey) We) Fetie: ie) fete; Vs) is) Te Fe: o a ° foomooinm! oo INoocooosto000 oo fo e9eco © CO cooooco o Se OO ee Oe iile Mie Mish os re : SISISOISSOSOSOS ICICI I1GCg000000!110 coocoooeooeooOooCC COCO OCOCCOSoOOCOSCO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . SNONOMODOMONMONSCOONMNOONOOCONNS SINNCOCOCROAMSTAINNOOAMNOMONOAWAN ccooocooeooeooeooeCCOoOoOoOOCOoCCOOoCOOoOOO SOMES OO OO Ta RU OL Lg a TC a ecoooooooOommmaammnnooommnonon SOCSCSCSCSCSCSOSCOCOCCOCOCOCOR AAA AANANMS SAR RA RAR ARR RR RR ARR RR RRR RAR WAT 45.0 147.0 oo . . |oo ! oo ee |!oo ! oOnnr eo. |ooonm oooo ee ee nooo NaANM oooo ie jepis ie oonrrm mmnwmwn AAAs - - 0°0 o°e 0°0 0°0 - 0°0 - 0°0 0-0 - 0°Sh O°LZT - - 0°0 - - 0°0 0°0 OE 0°0 0-0 0-0 0°0 0°09 O°EZT - - o°e - - 0°0 0-0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 - 0°06 0°O2T - - 0-0 - - S°Z 0-0 0°F 0°0 0°0 0-0 0°0 0°08 0°0ZT - - 0°0 - - - 0°0 L°§ 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°09 0°0ZT - - 6°T - - 0°0 - 0°0 0°0 - - - 0°08 O°LIT ~ - 0°0 - - 0°0 Ove 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0-0 0°09 O°LIT - - S°Y - - 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0S O°LIT - - 0°0 - - 0°0 0°0 s’€ 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°09 O°ETT - ~ 6°S - - 0°0 0°0 G°E 0°0 ~ ~ - 0°SS O°EIT - - 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 zy 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 OBS Ge Omenan - - 0°0 - - 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 8°Z O02» OF 0TE - - 8°Z - - 0°0 - 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 On0Ze Og 0k - ~ 0°0 - - 0°0 0°0 L°9 9°0T 0°0 0-0 ~ 0°09 O°LOT - - 0°0 - - 0°0 0°0 E°e 0°0 - - - 0°SS O°LOT - - 6°F - - 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0b O°ZLOT - - 0°0 - - 0°0 Cae - 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 OFZE« O°LOL - - 0°0 - - 0°0 0°0 Lae 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°09 O°E€0T - - 0°0 - - 0°0 8°Z 0°0 0-0 - - - 0°SS O°E0T - - 0°0 - - 0°0 6°Z 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0S O°E€0T - - 0°0 - - 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 z°S 0°0b O°EOT - - 0°0 - - 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0-0 a) 0°06 0°OOT - - - - - ucG 0°0 0°0 0°0 ~ - = 0°S8 0°O0OT - - E27 - - 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°08 0°OOT - - 0°0 - - 0°0 0°0 Ge 0°0 0°0 0°0 "9 0°OL 0°00T 0°0 0°0 0°0 - - 0°0 0°0 0°0 Ze 0°0 0-0 0°0 0°0F 0°O0OT 0°0 0°0 0°0 - - 8°Z - 0°0 0°0 - - - O°SE 0°OOT - - = - - 6°Z 0°0 0°0 - - - ~ 0°S8 0°L6 - - 8°Z - - 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°08 0°46 0°0 €°Z 6°Z - - 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 - 0°0S 0°46 - - 0°0 - - 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 6°Z - 0°St 0°L6 0°0 0°0 0°0 - - pre - 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 - O°ze 0°26 - - 0°0 - - £°€ 0°0 0°0 - - - - 0°06 0°€6 - - - - - 0°0 0°0 THe - - - - 0°S8 0°€6 - - = - - £°€ 0°0 0°0 - - - - O°SL 0°€6 0°0 0°0 Ub 0°0 - 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 - 0°0 On0Ze Ona 0°0 0°0 9°72 - - 0°0 0°0 0°0 - 0°0 0°0 - 0°08 0°06 - - S°z - - 0°0 0°0 0°0 - - - - 0°06 O28 * ad * AON * LOO * das “onw z10c anor AWW “adw *aWW “aad “NYE ’ NOILLWLS aeptyoietadoas - - 0°0 - - S°Z 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 - - O°Sh O°EOT - - 0°0 - - 0°0 0°0 0°0 8°Z - - - O207E* ORE - 0°0 - - - 0°0 0°0 Ee 0°0 - = - 0°08 0°09 * Daa * AON * LOO * das “OnW x10c anor AWW *ddw “aww * qd *NWe NOILWLS *dds sninesorTadoos (°qu05) *) ATaVL 128 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = 0°0 = 0°0 ets = = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = 0°0 = 0°0 ORE 0°0 0-0 0°O o°o€ O°OOT 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = = 0°0 0°0 Cys) = = = 0°62 O°OOT = = 0°0 = = Wis 0°0 0°0 = = = x = 0°06 0°46 = = 0-0 = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 ts ests 0°0 0°08 0°46 = = = = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 Cae = = = O°SL 0°L6 = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 8°Z 0°0 0°0 0°0 = 0°Sh O°L6 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = 0°0 = 0°0 me 0°0 Ly 06 = o°ze O°L6 = = = = = S = = Ome = = = O°StT 0°€6 — = = = = 0°0 0°0 ome = = = = O°SL 0°€6 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 = 0°0 0°0 8°S 0°0 0°0 = 0°0 O°OL 0O°€6 = = T°sS 0°0 = 0°0 ove 0°0 0°0 = = = 0°SS O0°€6 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 = 0°0 0°0 0°0 o°e 0°0 0°0 = O°SEe O°€6 = = 0°0 = = GS o°e 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 = 0°06 0°06 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = 0°0 (NS 0°0 = 0°0 0°0 = 0°08 0°06 0°0 0°0 0-0 o°e = = 0°0 0°0 ESE 0°0 0°0 = O0°OL 0°06 = = = 7 = 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°O a = = 0°S9 0°06 0°0 0-0 0°0 0°0 = 0°0 GE 0°0 0°0O 0°0 = = Oo°-Le 0°06 = = 0°0 = = z°9 0°0 0°0 = = = = 0°06 O°L8 = = = = = (én ft, Cae 0°0 = = = = 0°Sss8 0°28 = = 0°0 = = 0°?T 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°O wets = 0°08 oO°L8 = = = = = 0°0 6°S 0°0 = = = = 0°S8 O°E8 = = 0°O = = Lae eae 0°0 €-e 0°O = = 0°08 O°E8 = = = = = Z°E 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = = O°SL O°E€8 = = 0°0o = = 0°0 o°e 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°Oo = 0°06 0°08 = = = = = 0°0 = = Sie9 = = = 0°s9 0°08 0°0 8°Z 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0O 0°0 0°09 0°08 = = = = = 0°0 = = Lak = = = 0°S9 O°LL = = 0°0 = = 0°0 IL 0°0 0°0 = 0°0O 0°0 OFSS) Ogee = 0°0o = = = = 0°0 0°0 ats 0°0 = > 0°06 O°EL = 0°0 = = = 9°S = = 0°0 = = = 0°O00T 0°OL = ~ 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 6°9 0°0 0°0O = = 0°09 O°OL = = 0°0 = = 0°0 tone O°€ 0°0 = = = 0°SS 0°04 = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 £°6 0°0 = = 0°0 OROS) OF L9 eC! * AON * LOO ‘das -onv xTO£ anor AWW “adv “avW “dad “NUE NOILWLS aeptydo AW - - Late - - - - - - = - - O°SE O°EST - - b°Z - = - - - - 0°0 0°0 0°0 O°0€ O°OFT - - here - - 0°0 - - 0-0 - - - 0°SS O°LET - - 9°Z - ~ 0°0 - 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°09 0°O0€T - - 8°Z = - - = 0°0 0°0 - - - 0°SS 0°O€T - - Z°€ 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 - O°Sb O°OET - ~ 6°Z - - 0°0 - 0°0 0°0 - - - 0°SS O°LZT wec(l * AON * LOO ‘das *Snw zI1oO£ anor AWW “adv “aww * aad *NWe NOLLWLS (°qu09) *p AIaWL 129 (cont. ) TABLE 4. Myctophidae (cont.) NOV. DEC. SEP. oct. AUG. JUNE JULY MAY APR. FEB. JAN. STATION COW CO SONOCOCSCSCO COMNMOCOOOOCOCOONETo eoooeo eonot7t000 ee ee ap ey fee “ye) is) ‘e o!"Gey ie’ ey e* yey er” (eye ve" center le) 6) {els oe jaye: [ey fe e) eo) ‘a: ve: 6 ee 8 ON IOC 1ONOOOOCOS | COONNOOOOCOOOOONNG 100000 | ONONMMNOG 1 ooo ona oc oO oo eoo . . . . . . . . . . . . SC a aaa iON Si iil oro roe io oio ital ooo oo ooo oo oor . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pe Pn Oa he eoSeeiitiet Loot lt htt Loowl Leora itt SOONG ocooocoeoroceooooocoococoocoecomocooqocooo ooooononoe @ Te fe 1 te 6) Ee) ie) Key fe) v/s. ie) Ge. Ke. Golfo) fey =e, ye) ie) de: eo Fe) Ja) Fe Le; s/ Fe) ee" 6) se as aie: 0 e Je p fe6) ie 0. ecoowo |ooooonoooooooooeocoececoococococeco | ooooomomoo SONCO CONMNWM a) cooooooocoooomoonorooonor o& . oomooc | SES Re II mMool!l lOSOOOSCOCOCOSCOCOCOONSCOROSOHOOONONI SC! 1 OmAwWOooO woocooeocomoronoooooowoooooooooooommooeoooooeo OoOMNCO | eee ee eS at ee e NOCSCOHPOSCCOCOCOCOSCOCSCSCSCONNSCCOMOREMMOAMOOOOCOCOCOCSOO YY js te, fe'Ule Ge hel te je Noe Gs lo leiie ie he gewe gee te fe Ne Me ge ie vee .k0 ee -8 fe Fe: ge ee re meme cere fe) “0 Lu WMMNOONOCOCOCOSSCOSOSSSCSCOCONNOCOCOSOHMONANENNMNMOESOOOCOCOOCOO ! Ou ac o 2S SoS Se oC ON COOOMWOoOCeCOoOo. Oo EeOCoOoOtn oOo ISIS = ISISSISSSISSISCIONIMSoSOwSSSSOOSOI SOI SCOOMNI SOI SOSOCISC o oo oc O2G 820Oo 8&8 S8O wmMmMOOWOCOo oC CO oooo ot OOOO oO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . loloolololCooloOIlOooINNcCOMOoOOCOIOIO! lr oooo!tromicoooo!o i) Sh. = FH ae = — OoOtTNO COO Co WW OO ae oo mo oOo °& . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ISI SSISIMISSIC! ISIOMMOISOMISIMISSISCSOISSOIMSOISCGISE oooooocoocoooocooocooocoooooooooooooooococooooooooecoco& . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MONDO TCONONMNOCCONNMNOCCOMNMOCOCONHOVONONMNONMNONONMOMENMHZONONS OEE DOHOPPNNOEAMNOLAMMPFOMMONTAMANNOLOEMYTAMOUMIMMOMBMAMNNWO ea oooooocoooooooooc~oocooooocoooooooooooooooooocooc“ec“e& . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOOKCCOMMMNMNMNMME EE EFFOOCOCOOMMRREREEEEOOCOOCOMMMEAReneet SOC SCOCOCCOCOCOCOCOOCCOCCCOCOCR RRA RR RAR AAA ANNNNNNNNNNNANNNN Co Ma ee Ms ce Mc ce Mc ce Bc ce Bc co Oe Bc Bn Oc ee cc Bn Bn ee ee De 130 = 8° = = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = = 0°08 0°09 * Daa * AON * 90 *aas “nw x1o0c anor AWW *Udw “UWW * aad *NWe NOILWLS Tpuasumo? sn[Tadooso}ze1ay) = — = = = = = = = = > 6°8 0°Ov O°LST = = = = = 4 = = = = = (G7 EN OS0E (OPeST = = = _ = = = = = = = yee) O°Oot O°LST = = Lae = = = = = = = = = 0°08 O°EST = oc Te = = = = = = = = = 0°09 O°EST = > 0°0 = = = = = = = = Ene O°O€ O°EST = = O°e = = = = = = = = v°6 OF0ce OseSiE = = (8) = = = = = S = = 0°0 Oss SO eeSic = = T°8 = = = = — = = = = O20S OF0ST - - S°s - - - - - - - - - 0°St O°OST = = €°0Z = = = = = = 0°0 Siac 0°0 0°Ob O°OST = = Ger = cn = = = = = = = O°Sse O°OST = = L°OoTt = = = = = = 0°0 S°9 pre o°o€ O°OST = = 0°0 = = = = = = 0°0 0°0 SOT 0°Sz O°OST = = Cya4 = = = = = = = = = 0°SS O°LTT = = 6°L - = = = = = = = = 0°0S O°LtT = = 0°0 = = = = = = 0°0 8° TE 0°0 0°Ob O°LFT = = 0°0 = = = = = > 0°0 Sus (6° O°O0€ O°LPT = = e = = = = = o°e 0°0 v°z O°Ov O°EFT = = 0°0 = = ; = = = = 0°0 G°e 0°0 OSE Osevr = = 0°0o = = = = = = 0°0 0°0 LOS O°o€ O°EFT = = o°e = = = = = = = = 0°0 0°09 O°OPT = = Giac = = = = = = 0°0O 0°0 0°0 0°0S O°ORT = = 0°0 = = = = = = (4) 0°0 0°0 0°Or O°OFT = = 0°0 = = LAS = = 0°0 = = Buc 0°09 O°LET = = Lie = = 0°0 = = Ene: = = = OxSS) SOeZer = = 0°0 = Se 0°0 0-0 0°0 S°Z = = = O°Sb O°LET = = 0°0 = = 0°0 Z°tt 0°0 EAS 0°0 0°0 0°0 OFSS OnZer = = 0°0 SHE 0°O 0°0 0°0 0°0 S°Z 0°0 0°0 0°0 OnOEs ORLET = = = = = c= = 3 Gals = = = O08 OnSet = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 6°Z 0°0 0°0 0°0 On0S Oscer = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 6°. = S = OnGy JOMGe0 = = 0°0 = = 0°0 8°Z 0°0 Gis 0°0 Gat 0°0 MeO A Wettsu = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 0-0 O°e 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0S O°OET = = Cae Gx Al oe) 0°0 0°0 0°0 ES 0°0 0°O = OnSy IOn0ET ~ = 0-0 0°0 aoe) 0°0 0°0 0-0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°Or O°OET = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 OME 0°0 0°0 0°0 O°SE O°OET * ad * AON * L090 *aas *onW x1o0c anor xWW “dw “uWW * aad *NWe NOILVLS (*3u090) aeptydo Aw (°3u09) *) AIL if Shak (cont. ) TABLE 4. (cont. ) Ceratoscopelus townsendi AUG. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY JAN. STATION 0.0 0.0 0.0 63.0 70.0 63.0 100.0 |!oo oo oe |!oo oo oe |!oo 11o 65.0 77.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 120.0 Uae o oO . . tirrtotot o °o . Lh toheont mooooo ™ . moooood!w oonooooo oowoooeoo e ononoooo fa: Ge, a Seite! Serie ie ONONOCOOOCSO ocoooom e . . ocooooom oooocr ee e © @ 8 ooooom COOCCORWUNOOOCOSO 1oo!|1!oooomenwmoocono! o oOo 8o oooo . . oe ee !rototioo!l |!oooo!! o = 2° oo °o . . oe 1 1olcolco! 1ooioit oxntoo OO) Ve oR eel ial Sime |omooi! ooooocoooooooooooo . . . . . . . . J . . . . . . . . . mwmooonooooonnrooone DEYDDOOKAAANMINGE OOO (Moe oe ae oooooococoocoocoo0ooooo ey le) le/n(e) le) tel! eye), e' Nese! vey lene) ne lente) va MEE rOOoOoOooooNMNMNmAmMnm DDDADAAAAAAAAAAHANAS 13.2 o oOo 8 . bit ke ho hen ileus ° © os: brrrorormritidts N 20° = ow 8 . IMISSSISIISIAIS SOOCOTFONOFLYLAANME Ss . . SCOOMNNONNNNOAMN xa ™oO OrFTFno oonoowoone ee ee eee e © © © © © Mm~MO |loonoowowne ei ea ocooomtroooocoocoenmnwoo ee) Wey 0) fe: e) Ve Vee a) Taye e's) ocoomooooocoeornoo 1|onoo |owreA |oone BeAOCCO CoO cooonooounocoo< ee eo. ©. \e (. e! eve Tec INocoO!|!oo!|Toooowmoonnooonm et © 22 o a o = oo oo . . . . nine . LIMLLIOSOToOIMISCIolIicoolis Oo + x Oo Oo SO ao ™ . . . . . . ee . trIOotrIrL_INIMISGIOISOIINGOIN o = oo 28 = Be = . . . . . L1OlTT1Oleo1el1etottiooic cooooocoooocoooooocoeocoeooeeo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WNMNONMONNMOMOMONONOONMNOONeo BFORKAMANNWUOEFEDBDANATINNWO et ac ooocoooooooocoocoooo0oooooo ese, (0. 6, 0) @) leieh eae ne) once) le; (oe em ene reel 6 MEOEOEEroooooooooooooNnnnn NDANDAHNOOCOCCOCCCOCCCOCOCoCoOoCoo Ce Oe Be Be A oe ee A De ee (cont. ) TABLE 4. (cont. ) Ceratoscopelus townsendi SEP. OcT. NOV. DEC. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. APR. 103.0 65.0 FEB. MAR. JAN. 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(cont. ) JUNE JULY Lampanyctus ritteri DEC NOV. AUG. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JAN. STATION ooo eoo . . ccoo!iooo!!it| SOAS OCI: MNOMOOINONM SOS SS ooo SoSoI1co! Inoo ooo oo eo°oo eee ee oe te) fe cooioo!oooo cooowmmi |! ii foil 52.0 55210 60.0 60.0 60.0 65.0 55.0 60.0 80.0 60.0 100.0 63.0 63.0 60.0 60.0 90.0 63.0 80.0 63.0 90.0 60.0 60.0 CY et ie Ve Vat Foot Veet ae ene eV at Te VON FOR TTS (VAC TSS eS VST VSS HRC NT Feiss Lea) SU Naet Is tal 1) o oo °o oo . . . . . ee ee ae eS OC aeons taint st eocot ooo oooo oo SSIS S SS oo o . . e . e . . . . . . . . LOSSOl LI 1ooSoSoISII 11 ooSeNSISISCSOICSI101 Ue a TS Te TS ST TS SSS SUS EY Ure Oy Ue Lee Mest Pee Oe Fe CTS RSME TS Tie TS SU Oe Te Ob UL Ue Ul Ue Le SNMNONrF CoCCoCCOCCCOoOmN CCoOoONnNwmWeoo FOONrFOoOrM-s . !ool ll 63.0 110.0 67.0 55.0 67.0 60.0 67.0 80.0 67.0 90.0 67.0 100.0 67.0 110.0 70.0 Be oN St N ooo oo = x coo. oO EFNEO CO 8oO eee . eee . ise) (eos ee . . ISSOISIGINI1SOO01SIHmMNDISCOIMO! woo = = Gres ae ooro oo IS ee, @ . . . . eeme rs oe . INOOINISCINIINUNICICONSIOCSC!I HO! ea HE DOWMNNWDORHOOCOCOMEFMNOSOAMANTNOOS SINAN ONO OOOO Ne COS = S = = as . . ImMIaIoImial or © . . I ieorieeonigeoal 52.0 55.0 70.0 60.0 70'30) 165),0 70.0 70.0 7105.0 75:0 70.0 80.0 70.0 85.0 70.0 90.0 70.0 140 70.0 100.0 = aaq Adda qo wn oo ° 5 ate Peo A TT tics OW Se 0 coo r—) . . . yi Pwr PSs 0 iat roi oN oo o . . . . . Tran to Cr rSe hh v Ua ter ecoooooocooooCoCoCOCOoOSOSO PaO SC ONO ORO LOL OCC SCHNOMONCONMNONOCONOMNN AWMNOOKROADNOLRADANY 4 coocooooooooCSCoCCCSoCSOSO BRROE ie EOS ORORORDEORO ROdOuRCIE OC SCOMMMMAMMMMERREEEROO RRR RRR RRR RARER EEE OO (cont. ) TABLE 4. (cont. ) Lampanyctus ritteri SEP. oct. NOV. DEC AUG. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY JAN. STATION NIintil a o oo . . . oi1iool Pete sal Dat al oooo oe ke ke omonmil o fo . SINO! o Mo . e Colom! CoOoCoonnFOoOMNMmMooe MOWOnRFROUNMMro | ae i-°) oo . cr wl a liool ea o MoO ° shia oimotl o oO . . oicit oococoo B.S OVS ae onooo KROAN = ooooo ee be fa x) ooooo foo oR-oR-o]-s) oo ooo oooo oOo °° ee CEO o Te ce i . . 1oorttti tt toontitttiooooltioticottt| o ooo oooo oOo °° . eee eee . . t(irottrtititooottiti +tooooriotic!t!i| oo oc Go eeCooo oc eeeoo Mm © O&O . . J e . . e . . . . . . . . . . . 1ool1roiotiooooo!ioliooooo!wIniot!l oorne« UP CVS WMS SY Vasa eis UTS Dect Pt ae amet ier Weert WT Wet Pik Mmm ths ito BTR aL a CSCOOCMFOFOrFOCOCOCOMOMRHOMOMN OCOOCF . o.7e! 0° 6 e fel .0* eile fe fe =e) le) eis) ie): 78 8: ee @ LSOOONOMONCOCOCOCHMMMOEMOEOMM | OOON ! ea an La | N SCOMORRFDOOCOCOMENWOOCOHOOHORANGS IMOROWUMAOSOSOONNWYHROOMOSONONNMS 1 a ei ea oN a SCOOSOPFANODNOOAHROCDANNOSCOMAADOW! . . e . . e . . e . . . . e . e e e . . . . . . . e LSOOCORNMONNOOUOUNNNNWONOOCONUMOsS | N ooorne @, x0 a) (el \e,2iei ve) eee ee @ e eee ee |ooomonr il we SEN be S Lonimimts See al ooovt ~ O&O O&O ° . e 1\OSCOMISI 1 COOMIMICIC! Nn ™ oono Oo CON CO SF OM oe ule) es ie Beerye”. poy THe . OED AIRE AB AU NSIC MIS AIOE Soe ON CO o~ . . . . . SCONE On 10 1 ALCON Het et A aS a ea ocooooooooocooooocoeooooooooeooowsa . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e SCOMONMOMONMOONOONMOMOFONnNoNnononoeo Fe eee eee IC a SSE INE) e oooooocooocoocoeocoeocoeconvoooooeoeoooo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SMMMMMMMMEEEeeenerroooco°ocoocoeooo DODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDAANAAARAAAAAHG 141 = Sel) WMOMOeo FCONnWSO 191600651 deNwss! conse! N a o °o S o . . . . l\oolololiciols SO = = = o e . loONIoOISoIlolols oootoo Oo Oo ie) oe 8 © © 8 . . . LOOONSCOIOIOIN mooooowtm |loooooonwmi! 111 oooomoonooonm looowunMmnomooom oormrocomooornm of Te: Se) Ke (ie fe, fe: Ye Te: ie’ e@: (0 POON WOIV ISON) SCOONrooooaron a(wiep te tere | elne ele eee 1oonmnNnoocoonwnwnm xa a ei . . . e e . . . . mii OFNoO oOo t SS . e e . e e . tommotininiotl | oonr ™ o oe ee . ° lLoomoaIiIinitIiotlt eo oo fn oOo Oo W) ee . e . . loo Inioioiotlt! et oooocoocooooooo . . . e . e . e . . . . . o~ononononone ANTAMNNOCOEE ODD eo ooooooooeoeoooo . . ° . . . AJ e . . . . . SCOMMMMAMMMMAMMM MH DADAAADHAAHAAAAHAS (cont. ) MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEP. OcT. NOV. DEC APR. Lampanyctus ritteri JAN. FEB. MAR. (cont. ) TABLE 4. STATION . . Sowomole lL wat Coen Ore iat We nea Eee 0 Nie te ae tee . . . . Seve OT TLE SPSS ST Le CUTE aT SST TV WT TSS ST WS Set LFV et Ws Some et oooooo N Oo Co SCO 2S S o — wooooon aS oooom = swe aa ve le "ie ~ Ge. ebie »euP cy Te . o) toute) “evieiic « ney) 167 0.28) 0 ]Ks SSSSOSINISCIGCINGISIISIOISC! lwooocoN! 1oO!|CoCeNIS ooooomnowoor coocoooncooto cOoCCooCCooamNMooooooooo awe res eee ie? aia 6 oe cetle velleve ex ee ert Ope pela: 6, cee fe. opiehie te, je Sede gimme: eerie SSOSCSDONMONOOM! |1COOCDOCOND COMO | CoOoMoOoCoOSCoOnNnmoooooCSeeoeo ei oooooowooooo oomnooocoooo eoCootNnmo ooonooo . Pee eo Sa Se OS SO SSO oo So! a oor SCOCOCHOONTHMOFPO YOOOCOMNAROnOW! OSS vhs OIG ON OOS es Sire alge ols 6 efkeparcalie:ei.s ois) te ieee a. 'e Were, jot vei ve ay iemet a re-tenie: 6 oe © fatal eee tei SOSCOUCOUMOMNG | NOONDNUMTON | OOOO HOONOD I ONOOMoaD N ae am al NEN Hooroocomes ma mo HOMOHHOORDOSCOHANDTOIMNOACOWAMN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOMAMGSOAG! 1M 1 GOI MMENACVOONNSSONSOOMOMOTEDOONANM Nn qi aN ama coon oo wn o eH oF & * COSSS ON coocoow Oo Ff EC CR eae ic, | ok Cem TERT Car auebacaics ° : SSEMISISIMIIISISMISIMIGIF1S50001001 1 1O000mMIC10 4 WIFIN BM OC A o CO AOL) i HSS) tO Son. oo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NHANMINIMIMILIOLINICISCISDIMIOONIAIAMI | LOOMIBICIS 4 eq NN nm WwW o on ot Oo 999 8 SCO coo © ° oi Sha oane ° eee ee 40% . wreics ° LIL LIMIMINITIMILILOIMIOIMISOGISSOOISCICSOILIOOOIMIIIS Ls SOOSCCOOCOCOOOOO OOOO OCOC OOOO OOOCOCOCOOCOOCOOCOCSOSCOCSOSCCOCSoOoOoOo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NONMNSONONONONOANNNONONONONODCONONONOONNONNONOMONS MFP NOCORRDODANCMMTNNOORRDDAMMNMTITFNNOREFOAMMTABNNOO™ qo SOOTSDDDOOCOCOOOCOOCO OOOO OOOO OCOOCOOOCOOCOOCOOCOOCOCOCSCOSOSCSCOoOSoSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MEERA ERRARRRROOCOOOCOCOCOCOOCOOCOOMMM AMMA MMMM ER REEARARt ANDAADANAARAANGOOCOCOOCSCSOSCSCSOSCOOCSCOSCOOCOOCCOCCCOCCOSCoCoOSCoSo AR ARR RAR RAR RRR RRR RRR RR RR AR Added 142 (cont. ) TABLE 4. (cont. ) Lampanyctus ritteri DEC. AUG. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY JAN. STATION o ooocooomon oooooceo ov eoeeee fe © @ eee ee © © @ . e 1 21 SEO | OLODIIO OS ooo oo e e ° iJ ririoocottttrittiootttttt ooo oo . e . . PU) VSS tt Ce Dp Pee wu SOO] 9S OO9= ooooco outte, te: pe (fe: 0, Neiie Ke eee oe e ee @ PYet—t-1--1-1-1-1-1- 1-1-1 SSO9OS' oooooooo°0oeo oee ee eo Se fe iie we ke Kafe. jee 111 1eeece60 1 ce000000000 SCOONSGO cooocoeoo°oeo ocoonoo !1oooooooo! oo oo oo e e . e . e Sop ugvoht toe ti ttf i 0 teen oo oo ooo o- ee eo. ceortttttrtrtrootttittitttooe ocoooocoococwooo ocoooooooeo ocooooooooooecnwoo0 :oooooooo cooooomm ooooocomortmooe SOOCSCOMNN | OOOCOOCONONNOOCS ! 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(cont. ) Stenobrachius leucopsarus DEC. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JAN. STATION ooooo = BOO9G = i] . e . e e e Scoooliiitioicosoocicicl! ooo © ooooooo So 2& e . e e . . e . e e ° e e cooiciititittooooocooio!icol i ooooo a) o oooooooo S oo e e e e e e . e e e e e . e ° . SOSSOINISCISCOOOOONGI C1001 oooooooorn ° (rrtirrtrttt+tocoooooornt i111 cooomoocoooonnoooooooo eoo cooncoocoorwooooooooe!iooce! NmMooooooocooonwtonooooooo OOS em ear ohne) CNG eo ee mC erer eryenme Wer ree are MnADooCoCoCOoCOCOOCONnNWwWOoOmMooooococ.:E | IrBMOOoOnOonNnonntowoo — e . ° ° e . e e e . . . e . . e e . SONNDOTCOMAMABAGCWNWUNMSS ! eq ae Oa SCANM MOLORM NW eile New eee ee ee oe 8 ee ee LOVIMMIADAENAN IMO Oeste RN et aMwonoto N OO INOoMetxnoOInI oo! N ae wo HOON Ft OO ee ee ° . eo. ee ee ° oe WOIAMIOCIWILIADIWOMMIMING 1 mo oo w wo N oo oe E24 1h Cate tee OSes vet ets OT bet! esther ie t ea cooocoocoococ“wooocoocoooocoeeo SNe FolKS cv) eime;ierue) <6 cei se'ne), © 0! 0), 0% 0: \leyie. Jey 10) le) 18 SNONMNOMONONMNOWOFNMNONONONSSoSO FINNOCSCHKEADDANMMIENNWOOEEAHDS ex ocoooocoocoocoecoeocoocoeooo0ooooo . e . . e e . . e e e e . a] . . . e e e e e e ° POReeerererererrooecocococococd DODDDDDDADDDAAAANANAAARAAAAYA 147 oooo o co Oo eeoooo eo eeee . . e oe eo @ @ . e cooorioiotiotiooocoo!ioo! tii omoo © = = SEOs QS SNSOSISISCISCIcCooSoSICSE!: | oooooco0oo co eoooeoecoeooeo ©& e oooocoocoo!:otiooooooooo!o& nmooooooomoe sooooooosow tt it) titi wh i oooooooooooooeq0coeooeooooo @: ehe:) 0! er, 0) 0) 0 Cem erie) fo Gen 6 ce) (0) cee) Je. 8) 08) e coooocooooocoooocoeooooooo MACDOOCOONCOOCOCOoO ceooooooo ee © © © © © © © © © @ 8 eo) Ee Keio; ie) (0) (ene NmMooooomooooo !1oooooooo SONMNMONDOSCONNONOrOCOCORnONM (ery Cts ete tt Ot ay Mh) A a LD SONWOCOCOCORNOREMooomos aac ate SOMAO CWMOOCO CATR ADNOONS oo ee oe eee Sy Oh 0, OM A wbh a) Ke? ie, ey 58 SONNO!ONOCOCSO ! 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(cont. ) Triphoturus mexicanus SEP. OcT. NOV. DEC. AUG. JUNE JULY MAY APR. FEB. JAN. STATION o oo0oo eo 2 oo o or ©& SoS i=) — oo . ° . oe PELE LIO1LSSSSISISIISSOISISOINIGI 1 SCOSOSISISOIItIIII6S oooooo oc 2 oo Oo oo 8 28 SOIeN= o S oo oe eo eo . . ee ° . . ° eee ° ee PTL ELPOCSSSSOISISCIISSOISCISOISCOISOI 1OSOSOSOISCISOIII1IIIsce & — oooonceo J ama oooowroo tf Fx wWOoOoowoorwt N OM OCOONWM oe oe © @ @ @ Os) Weel fete atewenem ie ve eee © © © © © ° ° oo INL OILMOSCONSOIMINISCSOSONSSOINIDINOSCONSCONULINIDIOSAN et N NMNOOMwost a noonoors e ° e e e e e e . e e e e . e e Ue LT LCS OP adc ag LUE UP RTOS TS) ee UU Ue Ue Ut UPL ANAOLNOONMOWVS NBOCONMMOMONOOMOMOLVTMOOCOCOMDHHDOONS @ e e e e e e e e e e e e e e . . . . e e e e e e . e . e. e e e . e e e e e e e e . e e NAN ADDSSOMGCS | GOSAAMMOMARDIMENMSMMOSSSNOMOMNS1S q+ won Nt N A ra) ae 4 NODONDOMAYBPOHAHNNMNARHORCONOMNROAMN BAHONOCHNRNOONS ° e e e . e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e . ° e e e . e e e e e e . e e e e e e DADE AMNOWWNOWDRNEARWOWOMWODANLIAN | MMONODAONALINS | AMIN ON qj m™ OMN | an q RENE PFNOSCOSHMNMNODROOMORNENMNNTFOODMMEEEFOOoOeOtHorrwgtgqnaAgtg@nawtow Lew a) ork eemielne! ote ee) een .6 00.6" en6) el ee oe oF 18 eee he's = 144 = = 6°SE 8°72 8°S8 6°8T 0°0 0°0 0°O 0°0b O°LOT = = = = = PetSle 0°SZ Lac G* ce 0°0 0°0 0°0 o°Sse O°LOT = = Lowe = = €°vt cE = Weed woe 0°0 0°0 ORCE Oe LOL = = ExS = = 8°Z ORES T°vy = = = 0°06 O°E€0T = = = = = 0°62 = 0°6E Seer = = = 0°S8 O°E0T = = eS = = 0°0 = Su Weléu = = = 0°08 oO-°E€0T = = = = = 6°Z > 8°L ce = = = O°SL O°E0T = = 6°S = = 0°0 = ECM 0°0 0°O 0-0 0-0 O0°OL O°E0T = = = = = 6°9T = 0°6 [Ls = = = 0°Ss9 O°EOT = = 4 = = 0°0 Sorat 6°SL SABLE Giae 0°0 0°0 0°09 O°E€OT = = 6°7Z = = €°LY Calor G°69E O°LY = = = 0°SS O°EOT = = ORET = = 0°0 €° 72072 VoL 8°VIT 0°0 0°0 0°0 On0S > s0'ce0L = = 0°?P = = SLC Dace Scie T°6 0°0 = = 0°St O°EOT = = t° 82 = = eA 4 v°9E Cmae: Pamcil 0-0 0°0 0°0 0°OF O°EOT = = 8°82 = = 0°S ca9 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0O O°SE O°E€OT = = 6°8T = = = = = = = = = o°ze O°EOoT = = = = = v°c 0°0 0°0 8°E€E£ 0°0 9°OT 0°0 o°o€ O°EOT = = Sesit = = Succ 0°93 Sas 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°06 O°OOT = = = = = 8°9E 8°8 0°0 0°0 = = = 0°Sss 0O°OOT = = £°6 = = €°6 (et ¥ SZ 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°08 0°OOT = = = = = 939°C (SENS €°8T 0°0 = = = O°SL O°OOT = = 7°82 = = L°8 Ear SNL 0°0 0°O 0°O 0-0 0°OL O°OOT = - = a = y°0z G*O€ 0°0Z2 G=Sc = = = 0°Ss9 0O°OOT 0°0 a ° LE = = = cS T°6€ 9°SZ 0°9 0°O 0°0 0°0 0°09 0O°OOT = = s°*8 = = pet CULE 0°? c9 = - - 0°SS O°OOT 0°0 9°C = = = (5-10 0°?cTt 6°Z = Sut v°?c 0°O 0°0S O°*OOT = = 6°SZ = = 4 v°LtT ae o-e 0°0 = = 0°St O°OOT 8°z 0°0 0°90 = 2 0-0 vor 9° 0°9T 0°0 0°O 0°O 0°O0F O°OOT 0°0 0°0 0°c = = 6°9€ = Lac 0°O = = = o°Sse O°OOT = = = = = = Cau = = - = = Ogee, sOncuL * aid “AON * LOO “das “SnW aA Toc anne AWW “adv “avn * daa “Nwe NOILWLS (*°}u09) snueorxem sninzZOYydT1y (°3u05) *y AIAVL 150 ooonto oO N . looorRwrtwoIlolw wo . e INONNRwOI!I S101 ea ZFOORrRM NH . e e . . . . e . 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(cont. ) TABLE 4. (cont. ) Triphoturus mexicanus SEP. oct. NOV. DEC. AUG. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY JAN. STATION AH AONRANBZADOALEME CHOUWOMINOO CON SAAON NowaonNno« . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ILD! NODORMNALTODWZD | OCNONNWANN | ONNONNOD! |! | NONNEROW DNS ESN Oe ei a mo ooom oo apie ope amomialas sie ee Te iretO tiene it Nae roo eco) teen oe ai Mesias iat bl ad ac N aN onrd ooo; oONo oo oo Rkelie eHow oe ee e-. ee Ce teSaaS yah tesetr ti hroomet it toot Vaid reset int ei N av = AHWOOAWOCOCMWOG CoCoAanna SCONMNOo oO COoOoOnocoow ooonooo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AMWDONNWODWO!|OCOCOAN! |1OoronIinmiooomoonmni! | |ooonooo NAmM ee N Ne N ANEOOO Ow wn~ moooo oooownwn ooooo« . . . ’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEMOMOSCIONOILIAFNID! ! |! 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(cont. ) Diogenichthys atlanticus DEC. MAY APR. FEB. JAN. STATION 1oo WW Oo ooo wn OOoT Oe = lee ro) ° eee e eee . ILSOOINISCIIL1EOSCSOINISCONIIOOCOFOriri siti teeter ita oo o On ooo oor ooo © e e e e e ea! . . ee e e e . SoVvownt hi VNoool Loon MrooSo Mon i piel Wie We eth oo fF WO oooo °o BOOS Clee ao GCI OOOO — nNnoonoe e e e e e e . e e . e. e. . e e . e e . Sp sha |ocoololcococscccs | INI NNOSOOONIOINOCONSCO OannAmM ooor oo e e . . e . vw 8 e e See ee eee ee eee eee ee ee ee ee ety PAA Oy atts Ai oo e . Vth Teh hate heb Debeh de t0D O Tethete Dele Qete Ot Dede be Or Oe 0 ety thedesO 0 oD et tect coocoooocooeoOnHSeD nmncoococoooocoococooocoooooooooooe eee eee &) eee. te) eyes) ie, fe. 6, Ve 6) ane ene 16) Ge) 6: le) Lewlei—e He, ie; .e: Jews ce) ean.e: we ye cooooooooCOoOMmMoO!IiNNnoooooooooooooooooooeocoo ooonooo cocoon ooooComoo cmooooCooostmon oncoo NO @) ial) je: ele fee: ‘eo ie) Ke Me: 6) fe) ie) Tele: (6 Je. os Buse el epey ue) Me) 0) fey ee) eve. eee 8 @ e e COOMOON! | COSCOMOOCOOCOOSOO | OMOOOOOOONMON! |1OmMooco!mMe ea a qe SWONSCDMHHASCSCOCWMWOSCOCOAAAHWOWDONOrBVOOM COSCOSCSCSO SNONONLONSDDOWVOSCOCONNMNNOFOMFOCOM!OOCoOooo CSCOCOOW NMKF COCO OC COC ONMOCOCOCOOCCCOCOCOCSCoCooCooCoCoOMNeoSe 0 panies, es! is eee oy fol opt ee) 2 cee mce Wiel. 6lr sel) ec een eune |, 0070.) Oy ue) a 0) ener Oy Vy OOO. 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(cont. ) Diogenichthys laternatus SEP. oct. NOV. DEC. AUG. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY JAN. STATION NOVZONM MBPOCOMONALVO CO ONTZOOCOHFNSG OF OF FDOEFENMMNDOANC . . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . e . . e . . e . . . . e e . e e C . . e. . e . e ERS IRS SII at a Me ah LED NOI cle R SN DGB EA te aed 4 N am THOM ea ON o oome o oO om o~w . im) OMe . ° OG es fe Cort STR Br bes PUES SIC Jt I TSE Lee PT SU ee Wer at Yom wt aS — Jat TE = PA Ua OSM flea iad Jet et TLD tase Lh Ma Pak Hh aS NO ise) oO oooo oon oon ouw . ONG eee eee 080 See eS Soe aia Sie SOOO eae aS Lee: Te coed coooooo coocoeocoeooooon COoOoOMOO SOMWOANSCODBOONG F2oO°oO oe 8 © © @ © oee @ © © © © © ee o We we celcel ae ele Ma eile 0 Tee wente Ke We Ee eee |looooooo | cooooooooooon | SOeooneo!OoOmMeoNnmMoonoono! ooo Ll onmnowtwooeo ONOOCOCONOONN cooomoooootomooo ONS oo e e e . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ° . . . . . . . . . e . . e SGNOMOMO! |1OMODOOABMMON ! 1 |OOONMOOGOOMNONOOCOC!OnNO! 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(cont. ) Myctophum nitidulum SEP. OcT. NOV. DEC. AUG. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY JAN. STATION 0 UO Te POU OU DU Ue Ue UU Oe Uh UO Th UD Ur oh ete Th 1 om ©8& e. se Ue UE UT Ue Ui Ce Uae USP US US UisU Ue Ce UP PU UP is Oe PS UU UO) TRS Te TUS Ue heh 30 o eomonmn MM MOCO wmoooooneooo eonocoocoo cot SF OOO e e e e . e e e. e e e e e . e. e e . e ° . e e. . e e ° e e e e e e eee a sea e ee ss ee ee ONS SO OES SE SSN OOo i=) (=) e e Pe ew ee ren eo ooo nh ooo he 7 i) o e . ee a a err St SOU ae h eoun o oooooeonmooooooomooocoeooooo oooeoon cowmooeo e. e e e e e e e e . e e e. e . e e e . e e . e e ° . . . e . . e e e . . . e SI SOOSOGOOMNOCSCOCOCOCONeCoCeooeoooeo | eooooon ! oonooo f=) SOS SS IMIS) ooo ooo eo eo°o°c°o oooooo ° e e e e . . ° e e e . e e ° e e °. e e e e e e e . e e © 1S00000050NNC! 110001 1000100100000! 1600000 i=) OOOO ON SOONoooOmMoeooonoeowmoowmortooo e e. . . . . ° e . ° . e e e . e e e . . e . . e . e ° . e . . . e e S 1 SSSSNSSSOMNSSH | SSSSSSoMSSSOMSSNSSMeNSSS SMG BDOSSSSSOSOMNOSOSCONNOSCSOPFOMOOtMAIRDOOOOCOCOCOCSCS Cae eee ese ee eee ee NIN OOO SOS o Oo enoeoo eco0O SF & See00 & & SFEeC°COCn oO S 20] e e e e e e e . e e e . e e e e e . . ° e e e e e SISIOMESISCOISISDISCSOSDOSOISISCISCSOSOSOOMISCI II OI1ONm yr Oo WOOO C88OF FSF & SSON OB FS OWOOSOSe o ooo e e e e e e e . ° e . e e e . e i] e e e e e e e e AlOtltlROOoOOIToo!Iio!lol ooominioitionoooo!r!tIiI|t Il olooe i=) 20° oo eo eo oo oc oF & EeOoo 8So © oy SoS e e e e e e . e e e e e e . e e . e e L1SLISOSOISSOISISISSOISISOISOISSOSOISCSOISOI I IMICO00 ooooooooooooocoocoocoeoooqc“eoooqoqcooooqooooooco“eo e e e . e e . . . e e . e e e e e e e . . e e e e . . e e. . . . e . . . . . e . e Seooceooooonoononoonoooocononooonoonooononoetsd aes oe en SOY CDE NOESY EEO NS CY NOG ESAS SO Sa AO NE qooooooooocoocooceooocoeocoococoooqoqo0q0oeq0ceoqoqoqcsooooo e . . J e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e. e . e e ° e e e e e e e e e . e e e e e e SCOMMEEOOOCOOMNMNMMMAMEEEEPFOOoOOoOooooMMRFernrrooomnmtrt ANANANNHSOSSOSCOSCOSCOSCSCOCCCCOCB AAA RARA ARAANA RA ANNANNNN Ue Be en cc cn cc cn cB ne cc A Bs Be 165 = = €°8 = = 0°0 = = Ge = a = 0°Ss9 O°EL = = 0°0 = c 0°0 0°0 0°0 Gee = — L°? 0°09 O°EL = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 8°72 Lats = 0°0 OnSS > OL = 0°0 = = = 0°0 = = why = = = 0°00T 0°02 = L°? oS = = 0°0 0°0 INCE Ove 0°0 = 0°O 0°06 O°OL = = = = = 0°0 = = S25 = = = 0; SS 0702 = = 0°0 = = 0°0 vre 0°0 0°0 PAS = ele 0°08 O°OL = = = > = 8°Z = = 0°0 = = = O°SL O°0L = = O°e = = 0°0 0°0 vrL S59 vre = Linc 0°0L O°OL = = 0°0 = = 0°0 =. = teats = = = OTS9) 10702 = = 0°0 = = 0°0 LyS 0°0 vre Cue = = 0°09 O°OL 3 = 6°8 oe = 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = = 0°SsS O°OL = — = = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 Lime O°e S = 0°cS 0°02 = = = = = = = = Wt = = = O°OTT 0°L9 = 0°8 = = = L°Z@ = = = = = = 0°O00T O°L9 = = = — = (4a) O°e 0°0 (AS = = = 0°06 O°L9 = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0-0 0°0 ae = = = 0°08 O°L9 = = 6°S = = 8°Z 0°0 0-0 0°0 = = = 0°OL O°L9 = = 6°z = = 0°0 = = 0°0 = = = 0°Ss9 O°L9 = = 0°0 = = 0°0 Ome 0°0 Pe = = 0°0 0°09 O°L9 = = 0°0 = = v°S 0°0 0°0 Sint = = 0°0 0°SsS O°L9 = = 0°0 = = [L3G 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = o 0°0S O°L9 > = = = = 0°0 0°0 O°Ee = = = = 0°06 O°E9 = = a4 = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = = = 0°08 O°Ee9 = = c.9 = = 0°0 bas ce = = Ss = OTOL (O3E9 = = a = = vt = = = S = = OnS9) “Ones = = 0°0 = = LVe 0°0 0°0 = = = 6°S 0°09 0O°E9 = = v°8 = = 0°0 = 0°0 = = = = O7SS ‘05€9 = = 0°O = = [L285 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = 0°0 O7cS O79 = 0°0 = = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 Pat = = = 0°06 0°09 = 8°Z = = = 0°0 6°Z L°Oot Wats = = = 0°08 0°09 = Le = = = 0°0 0°0 9°? 0°0 = = = 0°0L 0°09 = = = = = ee) = = Sav. = = = 0°s9 0°09 = 0°O = = = Lad 0-0 0°O (Arte = = = 0°09 0°09 = = = me = 0°0 9°6 = = = = = 0°09 oO°Ls = = = = = 0-0 L°e = = = = = 0-09) S05ES = = = = = ae 0°0 = = = = = o°SsS O°ES = = = = = 0°0 ets = = = = = Osco ORES = = = = = 8°Z = = = = = = 0°06 O°OS = = = = = cre = = = = = = 0°O0L oO°OS = = z a = = y°z = = = = = 0°09 oO°OS = = = = = 0°0 = = = a6 = = 0°SS O°LY¥ = = = = ~ t°? = = = 0°0 = = 0°0S O°LP = = = = = 8°Z = = = _ = = O°St O°EF = = = = = 8°Z = = = = = = 0°S9 O°OF = = = = = 6°L = = = = = = 0°09 0°OF * oad “AON * LOO * das “onw aAToc£ aNocr AWW “adv “avn * dad “Nwe NOILVWLS TrayooIO umydozohwo0jz0rg (°3u09) *y AIavL 166 (cont. ) TABLE 4. (cont. ) Protomyctophum crockeri AUG. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY JAN. STATION SIS We. Prttidarrtitrecereoris SEI rolrtittr1oocomitiitt oo mooon © SS S e e e . e . . . SOlLlLILINGSONIITIIT 1 1OlNoooIS a S015 on 2eS 995 S e e . e e. e INTELL eCooINIITILIT Tt teeeeco1e e e . . o1reoe1eo!icoo! SoS BS = SS S So lLecoloeolicicoicioc!s ooooo S oe SeQI9S> = eeeee ee SocooISinicoooocscic ono SO EOS IO SOO SMM 1 ONNOONGOOTCOSNO | i) SINS ONS SIS So BS = SIOMOMINGICOONISCOIC! aq norw 2° SEIrIe i) = CINONNISCOISCOmMo!oNIM! ~mOoOoCONnwer rrr rrr rer ttrrrrti rit oooonntes Sa IOS SIO ey . @)e) fee) pes fe) ce) 0 ©) (0 ee) 0 oy elke) je" 0! je ue SSSMSSSSSSSSSSEMBHSSMORMA | ea ae ae eoroooonocoooonhoNnAnooootoqooeoo e . onoooonoooomonmnnoooowooooo Smnwonocoononowwmooonconoocoor Oi) Dot an oe, Of 0) On, Or ONis) OM. ee Oe ay oh e> O78) 0, 8 16 8 omonoorawmwomoonmoooononomon O18) ie) Fer eee el ele) 0)0: 0) 6 6) @ 0.6 SO OFS rl NEN 0 as? ON SNS ocoooooorrnrm cooocoomoem | SANMOSCOCONONONOCOCOCONSCOMOOCOCON ea N ONO OCOoo Jeue | ooes a SeSo NS oy) ie 2 = ooocoo oO N ooooto N s . e . . . J e e . . e e e e . e . ILISLITI1ISSSS1KSISGIOMICI SI EG000101@1 1SC08F019 a ooo oO — oonoo 2 --4 own ooo o& e e . . . . . e e . e . e e ° e . e . PTLIMMILIELIOCOMIMOISOIIIIITT IL LeeNcoIminmi tonicoole oo zoo oo cit] = ooo . e . . . . e . . . Mrrtcelrimiincotool)TiaololTiloce lt iid Fr aen tny itt SCODCCOCOCOCC OCC OSCOCOOOCOOCOCCCOCSCCSCOSCSOSCSoOSCoCoCSoSoose“eosecc]& . . . e e . . . . e . . . . e . . . . . . . ° e . °. e . . e e . . . J e e e e e ° . . . e . S§NSCONONSCONOFNONSGONOONONONONNONNONONONSDBOronone PRODNNOORDDOANNOOLDADHONOOREFDOMAGPNOOEERDODOANMMNNWOWE a SPeCCCOCCCCOCCOCOCeOSCeCOCCOOCOOCCOCCCSCOoOSCSCoCSoSCoSoCoocoooeooeoooe e e . e e e . . . . . . . . e e. e° e e ° e . . . . . . e A] e J . . . ° . e e ° . e . . . . . MAMMA BRARRRROCOCOCOCOOCOOMNMMMMMMEEEEARRRKRerrooocoeceoeo MARRARRARRRRODDDDODDDDDDODDODDDDDDDDODDDDDAAANAAANS 167 (cont. ) TABLE 4. (cont. ) Protomyctophum crockeri DEC. AUG. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY JAN. STATION wo ooo wo ~- Ww oooo ~ i] we ° S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ISI ISSCOINGININIILOOCCOIINITIITIIOelecrolortibiiint — Seo we oS o oooo o i—) oS So cn . . . . . . . . . ISI IONOINOIOCISCIISCOSCOIIOIIINIIeElooloinititttitt oOo wonoooo oc °& COS SS SSIN N = oo B20 S ow SONOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ISINGMSSSSIGISISSSSSSOMININIGSI1S80151 1501 00NC0 onoonrooo . . |omoococo! SIONS COO OS NOS SOO NM OO OW OO NSS monorocoocoeocooeo OSs 0) es) oe) Fe, 767.016) 0, 8 ee eee SSSMSSSSSSNMNSSSSSSASSOMEMSSNSS | NONSNOSSSSSONNS NMOoonoooowoooooo smAnmoooooooeo . e . . . . . . mMwonomoococowoooooo immnNnomoooooco! |i ooooooocoeocooono |loowomooooocooneo SNMOOOSOSSCHUODMOWOCHMOSOROOSCONSCAHMOBRSO OWOOCSCONSCSCONWoSOSo O"5ay Oe @ LT CAL SAHAWOOSSOSOANNOMOMMOSOONOMOEMOEMNONG | ONSOOSOOSONSCOCOONMOONM mm SONOSSoS OMeo oO . HAiomooo!iowocilc! o oeooooeooo © ©o . . |loitooooocoooicoio! ~ SOPMONNNO . INITOmMOoOmMwewoci! | oOo . lol ocoooooooornNn . |toooomoooonnm i LS oo oO — ae lool coticioimi neo wo Oo OS © . v. ° ° * IA OITVOIMIoIol o moo ooooooeooooo . o1rwomiowoooooomoo HAo ooo nw oooto0o°o . wolrooo!imicqoomococo! oo oc. vt 8&9 RAOoCoSOm Oo . . . SCOoOlOoOINnIoI mooon!o!l ~ o oo = = Nn Oo SO ne S = So onrnroo = . o. . . eee ree LL LIMISGISCOISISIITIIIILIMIGISILINBISISOISISCAaNSSCISC! oooooooeooooooocoooooooocoooocoooooocooooooooooooooo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOMNSOOMOMOSOOMONONMNOCONNONNMNONONONMNOONMOMOMONMOOCOMOMONW SODAMMYANOOSEDOAMMMYGPD?NOOLEDDAMMMYTANNWOWODAMMANANWM oeooocoooeooooococoocooocooocoooococooocoocoooooococooooooooo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . . . e . . . . J . . . . . . . . . . SOCOM MMMMMMMMMMME EERE ReereererroocococcoscocomMmnnnn ANDADANANHDAAADAAADAAHAAAHAANAADANANRADAHAHRCOCOCOCCOOCCOCCCSCCSoCSoSo Cn en BB Be A Be ne Be De eo 168 (cont. ) TABLE 4. (cont. ) Protomyctophum crockeri SEP. OocT. NOV. DEC. AUG. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY JAN. STATION wow nan oo Moore ooocooooocoocoeocoqooqoooomoo oooonoom . e e e e . . . . . . . . e. ° e . e e e e . e e. e ° e. e . e e e e ° e e e e e NINIT LOO INOONO |looooooococoocoecoocoeqocooomoo! |oooonoonm oo oo oo i=) eo. oe ee ° O00 DO SOL De SUSU OT SUE IIT ra UU stele SUT OP SU re Ue oo oo oo o e e roo UU ep Uo tt Tee tw yee aioe) SUS UU ey ut uu cooocoocoonomooooooooocoeooocoeo mMoeonooooooooo eo0o0 9eco 0) Ye: Tere: ce: Tie: We, Ye: 0788 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 = Le 3 0°09 O°€8 = = = = = = > = S°sS = = = O°OET 0°08 = = = = = = = = 9°8 = = = O°OTT 0°08 = = 6°Z = = 6°8 0°0 0°0 9°Z 0°0 0°0 = 0°06 0°08 0°0 = 0-0 = = 0°0 L°¥e 0°0 O°e 0°0 0°0 ove 0°08 0°08 = 0°0 = = = 0°89 0°0O v°Tt SiS 0°O = = 0°06 O°LL = = = = = (44 = = vv = = = OnS8) OneL = = 0°0 = = z°8 0°9 0°0 6°ET = = = O08) ORL = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°O 0°0 8°z = = = OZOL, (OFZ = = = = = 0°O = = La = = = OeS9 s0nLe = 0°0O = = = = (ak) 0°0 0°0 0°0 = 2 0°06 O°EL = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 (Bey = = = 0°08 O°EL = = = = = 0°0 = = [Lv = = = OnSL. 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SOmMmMIMNMOOS 1 = oo oO ss . e . 1\olool1oimi = Se — e lol1oolroiti — = = b1tteoretet ooooocoeooeoo . . . . . . . . . . moonononon aBDAnMwNNwWLOrE a ocooooooeooo oe eee ee ee es SCOOMMMMMMNM DADAAAAAHAA = N i=) 0.0 : 5 3.5 SS = ~ b1oNoloimiiiit 21015 = Ls lb1ecoloiniittt WOOO = o SoSS'I> =) INOSOOSCOONSISCINIGOSOSCOISC! Hoocoooooan.,. . . . . . . . . . . . lLimocooocoowwn | ooto oo 6 e . . lL 1Olowolclciocl SS eoo © 2 © Se TE eee ar POR o Pro hooowowrot ion ee © 5 bo Ot OP Ob oie So cooooooooocoosd PHie oto se as Ge NONNnoONnoONnoNnoNnS DAMMIHNNOOEEO ocoocooooooooc0d Sa OO ETO GO 20L0 Onno MOOR eeeeeeeee DAADADAADAAAAARAAH alga) SS = = poocororortrtttittittitds SS — = e . poooroinitttitittiids SOONSCOAHOON CHAOMOHONSCOCSCOS SOMowoomoow | Oomonowowmoomoe | — SIS 2999'S) 1\o1o001c0000001 Sean eee eee ada or rd pera airs SSSMAMONMELESSSSSMESONATNONDONOSOOOSOOCSSSS ononowooooooonncoe 2) 6/0, Mo ue: (0! 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(cont. ) Tarletonbeania crenularis SEP. OcT. NOV. DEC. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. APR. FEB. JAN. STATION w . a) 47.0 60.0 50.0 50.0 oooo . De DoS Mi ieomc oo o eoooo oooooooo o Coo Oo OOCoOo ° loolotiooooo!!tomoooooo!ioioo!ioltlooooo ANMNNDDAHDNOOHOWOONOCOCOCONHNSSCSCONDMNSO corso ooeotoo Oke [ee © 6 ©) 1) Se), O° .0* er .8 MMOMMMEEEEEeerrrooooooCOMNNANNMNMNMAMNMEEEREREAHOOSOOCSOSO SOSOSSCSCSCCOCOCCCOCR FF AR RRR RN A RR RR RR RR RRR ANNNNNN rc I Bc en Be Be Be Bc BB co ce Ae Be Nn Nee Ps Pe Sn ee Bs Ne oe a Be en no a 178 (cont. ) TABLE 4. (cont. ) Merluccius productus SEP. OocT. NOV. DEC. AUG. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY JAN. STATION oo oOo ecoocoooooooocoececoooocoecocooocoqoceoooooeooo ooliotiooocooooooooooqcoeoeocooooooocoooceoocecocoecoo oo ooo oooo IS oo ee eee eeee oe PL LT ELOOT IL 1eESStISSSSItISoSoHtrootiittratittadt ooo ovo oooo 2° oo eee oee eee ‘cite PL LELIESCSCOT LT 1OMeLISCSOSSOIISCSOIHIFrooritiitradaittadt —) eee OOO OOS . eee eeee ‘o” fe) ie) Tey (0) Jo: Yar ie “e' “e, Ye: Jer": fee fev re SiISccoscccsccscsocoSooscSesSSSSSSSSSSSSCSSOII Iii oooooooo ooocoeooeo co Seeocoo cocooooooo eoeeee ee @ oe Je lo temre le | Seis) = = 0°0 6°ST 0°0 = = = 0°62 O°OOT - = = = = 0°0 0°0 (EAE 0°0 = = = 0559) O26 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 Lime 0°0 0-0 0°0 0°0O OZ09 S026 0°O 0°0 0°0 0°0 = 0°0 0°0 Sac 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0S O°£6 = = 0°0 0°0 = 0°0 0°0 S°Z = 0°0 0°0 = O°Sh O°€6 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 = 0°0 0°0 0°0 (So {3 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°O0b O0°€6 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 = 0°0 0°0 C29 0°0 0°0O 0°0 = 0°09 0°06 0°O 0°0 0°0 0°0 = 0°0 0°0 Lic = 0°0 0°0 = 0°0S 0°06 = 0°0 0°0 0°0 = 0°0 0°0 0°0 [Sats 0°0 0°0 = O°oe 0°06 0-0 0°0 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 1s 0°0 0°6 0°0 0°0 0°O0v O°L8 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = 0°0O 0°0 0°0 if {3 0°0 0°0 0°0 OnsSe SOeves8 0°0 = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 v°Z 0°O 0°O = 0°0O O=SS (058 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 9°72 0°0 0°0O 0°0 0°0O CLs; “OSES 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 8°Z 0°0 0°0O 0°0 0°0 OgLy ~Oncs 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = 0°0 8°Z SZ 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 O2LS 40708 = = 0°0 = = 0°0 6°72 0°0 0°0 = = = OROL VOSEL = = 0°0 = = 0°0 Ligae 0°0 0°0 = 0°0 0°0O OnSS) SORLL = = 0°0 = = 95S 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = 0°O 0309 VOREL = = 0°0 = = 8°7Z 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 = 0°O OSSS 20 Ree = = 0°0 = = O°Te 0°0 0°0 0°0o = = = ORS, VOReL = = 0°0 = = 0°0 z°9 0°O 0°O = = = 0°SS O°OL = = = = = 0°9 0°0 Die 0°0 0°0 = = Oncs SOR02 * aia * AON * LOO * das “SnW ATtToac anor AWW “adv * dW * daa “Nvce NOTLWLS sau10zttptydo = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 T°? 0°0 0°0 0°o O20 SO0,08.r = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 6°Z 0°0 0°0 0°0O 0°0 0°0 0°0 Omer ss Oneck = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 ILS 0°O 0°O OLE VOSECL ns = 0°0 0°0 0°0 Cae 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°O OSSy (‘Os0cr = = a4 - = 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°O 0°06 O°OOT 0°Oo 0°0 0°O 0°0 = 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°O 0°0 6°72 = O0°Sh 0°06 = = 0°0 - = 0°O = LC = = = = OsSS) SOse9 * oad “AON * LOO * dais “Dnw A Tac anne AWW *“adw * davW * daa “Nwe NOTLVLS sept ino1IdeW = = Kd = - = = - - = = - 0°0S 0°OST = = 0°O = = = = = = 0°0 Gac 0°0 0°Or O°OST = = 0-0 = = = = = = LAC 0°0 0°0 Ouse) OROST = = 0°0 = = = = = = 0°O Lae 0°O 0°0S O°ORT = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 0°O 0°Oo 0°0 Le 0°O OSE. -OWZEr * oad * AON * 100 * das “Onw ATOc anor AWW “adv * dVW * qa “Nve NOTLVLS *dds snrnorshyd (°3u09) °F ATAVL 180 (cont. ) TABLE 4. Ophidiiformes (cont. ) AUG. SEP. ocT. NOV. DEC. JUNE JULY MAY APR. 103.0 30.0 FEB. JAN. STATION oooonoe e |oooonow! 2° ooonew Obs moaooowroounnmoooor . INDONONOONNMNNAONON N A oooooon L1OSO1lSCoCOmHIRNISCOSOSOOCO! 1111 aa << N aS ocooooooooeroooeoorea eee ee © © © © & © LI NOlLCOSCoCOSOOORSSCOONUHI III! N ocooooococo ocoooocoeceo |! ooooocoeo°oo ooooooco;nd | moonoooe ©: ce: Tee Fe "e Tei ve Noowooo°o |! SONOONOCOO omoomooo ! ooooooeoeo oooococeo |! oooooocoeo ocooooconeo i ooooooce eoeeeeee 8 oooooecoo |! 103.0 35.0 110.0 33.0 113.0 35.0 113.0 50.0 117.0 26.0 117.0 30.0 117.0 35.0 35.0 118.5 30.0 118.5 an oooooooooeoo e ooooococecoo!! 111i oorwomooooeoco oomonooooco!:it!t| oooooooqeoeooo eo ee © © © © © © 8 oooooocoecoeoo!!!Iii ooooooooooo eee ee © © © © © @ oooococoeceoce!:! i111 ooooooocooeoeocoooeoo ocoooooocoocoeoooeooo ooooooocoooooooroe OOOO") = EIS IONS IIS eo: fete (e “e “ee: Te’ “e' fe ie | 161 80866oBENGCS oooooocoooeoeocrwoooo . e e J e e e e e . . e e . e. e NONONBFONMNNOEOMONWON NOMMYIMMMAMNMMAN 4 ooooooocoocoecdoooo . e e . e e . . e e . e e e e e SCOCoOoOOoOroonmroeonmrse NANANANANAMMMMMGeGagN Es Ms Be Be A Be Be Be oe Bn Io 181 ta 1s margina Brosmophyc OcT. NOV. DEC. SEP. AUG. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY JAN. 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Melamphaes spp. (cont.) SEP. OcT. NOV. DEC. AUG. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY JAN. STATION oooo oo o eeee ee . PR Tae hear eve ei ie Veni BOs 00. Ode 0 0 ate SD eee Ta UU eS t=) ooooooo S22 = ISIS 2 SI SS oooo oo oo o o ° ° SoccSSSISSOISIISSSSISCIISOISSOII1!oCSoSSISCIISCOIISOIS coowoowm ooooocoeocoeooooeo ooooroonooowno oooooce CSCOONCDON | COCO OCOoCOOOCOOCOCS! |SCOOONSCONGDOOME! |oooooeo OnOHOOoO CoO — MOC) o = NOOO OO P@coS is = SoOonoowe SNGLSSOIGSOSOISCINONISCISCIMOOI OUI SONONIOC! 1 CONMORS x SCONOMNAS SSS S SINC i=) 2) moo AO WOCOHD oO oomorodtn e SOMOEMMOISOMISGIOMNISISCINGSIVOINOSCONIM! |COonNOwN ae ea on SOWON WOON OMANANNONWOHDOCOHPORNHOHOONSOHADBDOMMNMNNM S&S ° eC per ONTO! oC Om CrCl OM Om DaeCONeO! OM" Oy PSM ON TON eC sr CH SCMR ea Wet Oe) ON! 1 LOOMANNOOMOMONOMMONTDOOMOONWOMOBNONNOMOMEM IO et 60.0 100.0 Lon) ee a ta co « Oc! o WOoONnAnH O& Sc o 2o . . ° . . . ° . . e e e FPTETTETIGSIMIOMITITIISII ITI 1 aSN@MmIcllooliole oo oooo oo i=) (=) ee eevee ° . e WO Gelb Died (9h 0 DO COO O00 OST I DOR Ser ie) 0S ted Uc e . . e * e . SoMirNoIE tio ronoowm ii nt ean (Me COSCO IE One votes Sooo CoCooCCOoCOCCCOCOCOeOSCSoOOCCOCSCSCSCSCSSCSCSSCooSoooeoocoeo“soseooeo& . . . . e. . . e e . . . . . ° . . . e . . e . e ° e e e . . e. e . e e e . . . e . e e . e NOCONGDOCONMNOCONONMONMONMONMNONONONOONMONMNOSCONOOCOFAOMNNMOWNM KES) SY rt EBC 100 SY 1 NG Ew = 60 C NUT NOTE 00 /CO GN LESSIG IEDC S107 AS KOE) e ae cooooooooeooCoCooCoSoCoCOoOCoCOCSCSCCSCSCSCSCSoCSoCSoSCooSeooeo“ooeoso)& e . . . e e . e . e e e e e .J iJ e . e e e e . e e e e . e . . . e e e. e e . e . . . e . . 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SeOeeerooocecocoooo DDODDDODDODDAAAHAAAHAAHA ooo w = —— oo o . . . . . aire . L1SLSISINI1TO1SCOI1LILISCSTISOlitt = 2 = i=) o OoD~ oo =) . . o. ee ° L1ISITOLSO1SOLI1OLONITI11ooTIoIlitit ooo oc OF oCoCocoo eo eoo°oeo om . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . frooototloltooooo!iotiooooo!!1OIn ozmoom eevee Press 00 UT OG Ue et Tete OO oe oh te 1 omoocoomoooooooeoo anooooweo oe" fer Ne) ce Te Pee tenia Ka ferro ey -e! 6 "6 oe Te! ice fe) 5e: oe a ee a eee SO coomoococonoooocoooooowmoooooeo Moomooocowomooomoooonoooooeo WNMOCANDACOCOCOSPORANNOOCOCOCOCOCSCSo ‘e) 8 pat, eleva elie es) Ley 6.16 fie! 6 1 eis) ele) 6 ere gene we a8 Boe oa a et MNONOCOCSCoO A SOOONFANOCOOCHONOOO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AMMOSOSCOIM! |OOSCOMMNMOSCOMMMASM tan) Oo OF '@, ooor Nn NM Oo 8& & 2& . . J . . . . . . . . . . . . 1L1colo1roimitooominIinioolio!lioloe = i o noto oOo A CO oo 28 . . . . . . . . . . . L1OIMILISCILIRHOROISOIMICGIISCOIOIS oo oOo 8 — ° ann — xo oO 98 . . . . . L1ISISOISISCIIIITISOLSOIMISotimicis coooooocooooooocooooooooooeoooo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCOOMNOMONMNONMNOONHMOCOMONMNONAONNMNONONS ee eee ee ee re oe ei coooocooooooocooocooooocooooooooo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCOMMMMMMMNNMMEEEEAEEerOOooooooogo DANAAAADAADADADAHDANRDAAHAHASCOOOSCOOCSCS Co a As Ae Bn Be oe oe 186 (cont. ) TABLE 4. (cont. ) Melamphaes spp. SEP. OcT. NOV. DEC. AUG. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY JAN. STATION ae] SCownnnoe ow 22 SOO BOS onoo eome Foo NO J . e e e e . e e. . e . . J . e ° . e . e . Wl lI OONNNNO IN ! 1oo1oo000!16Nco! 1Lonoo 1 oomo |i mMoo!|ine o ea i=) . e UO 0 DS Di ath IS Des WS TCU SON Teich eC URS e Ue Crete Ue Us US UP SU oah o o o . e e PA es CSRS CPT Tet OC TTC SY stasis SUT Tis JT RICCI Wet Lea CAR TO m= i Te! JY WR TS id Vie Fa He Vig fia Nee} oat iad ell We et o SS) SISSON TIONS on o8F Oo e e e . . e e e . . . e e . . . 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(cont. ) Sebastes spp. SEP. OcT. NOV. DEC. AUG. JUNE JULY MAY APR. FEB. JAN. STATION ee oo YONODDOO NOoOwnoe oa OoOFTnnoeo o °o ITLL LEE TI @MM I SSOIBARROSIIINMMNOSIIINIONNNOIOISC! we Nn AaNe o owe monn oOo ZONmM ™ SONOONNG Oo O&O e . e e . e e . . . e . . e . . e . e . e e. rrorrtt_t trownotittI I nomnmiolt!l i wertortint | |Oonoowmo!lio!iol ee ea o ono Oo WFO SOSQOoaIoS S HDAOrnoo co FNOoCooo oC WO ee! le» fer) let 0) ce oe © © © © © eo ie 0 6's; e ° eee e ee @ . ee . 1o1rowololAnMol SSoHdAMSS | ° | POINTS LO INNOOOCOCIOCOING N szoootsooo Nee ee ee ee eo ee eet eee coer a a eee ee ee eT SSO ae alee NO MMNWODONANNONSCOMANMOSCOCOCSSOFPOUMSESOOOSCOCONNAWYM MOO ee eee ee «© © © © © © © © © © © © © © © oe we ee © ee 8 oe ee ee ee he hh ee e@ mo | DDVAVIDV ON ME CIVOCOVO QO CAI QOS MIN SOO OOO M SCIEN ImMoo a Nea lanl SONqaO a OS® NOOSOWUMMADOCOSCOONMWOWOORAErOMOOCnFOOCOCCCoOR 1oomeaw l = ! 40 ! NOON IO ESS SV POS OOO IOOS Segyoudyiooyoen ars a NM N am Naa N DOAMNA A VAN OCOMOBFONNARYIMNNONKDHANMAANOEHANDADNAMMAAAM Chee ele le fF se! F Teles ei. cet, et fe et .e: 6%. 6) 6! 8 6 16! et 'e'..0° <4) 6! fe) 6) Je 0' “e) (ef <0! 0) 6: <0) Me!" 07 aie) e' '6) 'e INOOCHO!WINOGM 1 OCBHOHAMNFDAADMOONNANNOHMDNOMNNDYINEONWAOMN NNO won BF NNRONM mn mom ANAM MAOM N et fal SOOCOURYROCORNMOR OOF OCH NWLVOOCOMNANONOSSOSOOFANG FAWOWwOo oO One be). 10) 0e), 6 Je ce! 6/6: 6 6 ie) 16 Ve) ‘ee, (0) is: le’ “e Fe let fete |e; (6) 0, 0 je’ “e \0 io is! (oe) Te oe e @ @ ° SODSCOPFHOONNAMNNOCOCOWOCHYIMHAOCOCOCHMOONNOCSCSCOURMA!Mrowo!so NAwo ac Oo AkAe DOAN N N ea wy So SCOOn FAGAN O&O BOIS ov© oC SOBONFADO AF SS . 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Pani li wMmMwolowlaAloNnancoI mi wsanwm eb babe ett ba mo PIN | N MNO ww ON 2+ MN aN oooocoocoococoocoooooocoooocoeooooooooooooooqo0c“woooooo e . ° e e . e. e . e e . e. ° e e e e e e e e e . e e ° e e . e e e e e ° . e e . e e e ° e e NOOCONMNONMONMFANONSCSCOFOSOMANONONNONMNONONONMNBOSOrFNnonononeod SPODNNOOFENMNMWOOFOAGIPTAP@NNOOLSLMGPNNOORENMMANNWOOEEAD coooocooococecoooce“ococoocoeooooecocoocoeooeooocecosooooq0oeooo ofaiite: re.e) Xe) is jlevie) 6 fo fe: ve, fe: fe ie ve (0 ‘e je (© je je fe; te te: veyie, fe (ee) (e’ © (@ [e je xe) ee: ee) .¢: 6 (0 e0 AMMAR ROCOCOCOCOCONMMMMMMMMAARARARRRRROCCOCOCOCOOCOOCOCOOoOSoCSo SEEEEEERRODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDAAANANRAAAAAA 1938 (cont. ) TABLE 4. Sebastes spp. (cont.) AUG. SEP. oct. NOV. DEC. JUNE JULY MAY APR. FEB. JAN. STATION oroo = a a oooo °o S oo . ’ . . . . . . . . . . SONOSISINISCNISCOoOSOOISCISCIISCS NMOoO — o oS ooro = — os eee . . OPC cn NNSCOISISISCSOISCONSOISCISCIIO# oooooooco coorwencoooceo oow ee ged 6 lis Jee: ve Ope pe 6 Je a Te Tele, 1en.e ee 6 SS IOS ORO OPC AS OS aes) ac Nowrooooo°oce GLa eg 6.6 er is fe Raye. Nonoococooco!! fF rirbibtirverri MOODOOOCWONCCSCSCHMOOCOCSCOSOSTHO N . ape eb e) eprale te) ye, (ee) 06 @) le el el erte, &, oie FOC OCOCOCOUMABMTOOCOCOMOOCOMMAWOIN N Ne MNONDSTAHMAWWOORD SCOOONOCOCOCOCSo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . . . MNOMMOFMONWOOMM|™ | ooonceomonm ! ANMN N DBI~-NNMOBDOPFNOOFNANMSOAMHAOONA . . . . . . J . . . . . . . . e. . . e . . . . . np EL CoS he NLC EOS N WON ei Nm nm TOoOMwUrF NMNWOOCSCSO oeee oeee ee RBOonw!lANMNoooo! #4 Oe < SPNINN OC COO . wwIAMMI nl ool ma MOHOOH oO o eee ew we . . OrAMTON 1! oO! !1ol WNOwOt RK et Ho Oo N Oo OO aie . . . ee anit IimMmMioliool NA ON : oooooooooeocoe . . . . . . . . . . . . mononononooo NOMA OMOO-aADH oooooooooocoe pao) fe) U0 be he ve, sae ceuays AMMMMAMMMMMMM DAADAAAHAAAAHAA Mrmowoooonnn eee ee © © © © © wo NOMMOMANSOOONN ei N« ee eee yr , te ye S[MIMnO!IloOIoilnA«# ON Oe ei mI amo © © x Oi, ware Gin (Oe oy ae | fe ONIMMAIOIMISCN ON ~ o eo FM ot, Ze ue Delt Sie a Sheet ie) teoies) o~ el oooooceoococo°ce o 8) 48°18 V8 te) Sr 7er 18). 28. 48a 28 ONMONMONMONONON MMM APPOMOUORAMM oooocoeooo°ocoo°ooe C tis ak Det AS Ses ay eet NT arr a ae Pal | SPOOR nnennennrooo ADANANAAAAHAAAHOOO ace 194 oo oO . . . PT ie — Net VC i Te A UP i ona Co Ve foe Ue PO I Jet ooo Oo SCOONOD OC2O0°oO N afeue . ie MAL a eukeouie . looo!l1lolooonom! oooooin o * TL HEMT Vt (me Test Brat Ms 12 Rese eae eet Vreal eoe) Te 1S 1 VP Peat UE Oo . UT ESOS SU SU USPS S UES: Chat) lf ayy tere) amnooomtooooonmoooooom oe Fe: je; Ye: ‘e'e) Fe cee. 0. 7'e (e: (une fe: lene leile INNOSONODOCSOSCONNOOOOSOOON N ONOARENOOCOCOMOMOOCSSO SO . . MI ONNMNWMOSCONGNCOCSCOSO! oO ei WONrOoODWZMoon AOBHAAMMoOAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Re SONFBPOON | MANMMMOW ~m o Vas aN a Ato COMO HROCOCOAOMAr-MNNOMW! eee oe 0 & 0) (e (en 6 6 els elie ence ve IMOBWO 1LONOOWOCOOHAGMWYNHNAOM< Ons = ANN foal ONO AOMWwWoO ABWWMDOOCo Co . . . . . . . . . . . J . . . FlromotimMmmnmmolinwmooolioin ww Nw ~m et = oC Ono OG MAN CO CO any IINISISMOISINMMISICI® > = Io = ooo o w . . ee . IIMISIMSSIMIBSSISI IIA oooooocooooooooeoeoeooooo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . () . . . . . . MNOMOMOMONOMNNNONMONMONMNM AMITOMMMTINMNMMsTANNwWwWM oooooocooooeoocooeooooocoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCOCCCOMMMNANNMNNME Ee eeernrnernro ooooocoococeocooooecooeoorn Co Mc Be ee Be Be ee ee (cont. ) TABLE 4. (cont. ) Sebastes spp. STATION JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY 110.0 110.0 eT BESSON SOOO NII IOS ee ° oe eee oeeee SccddGnddcdeNnSooSoSesss Imescsoscoss | ocoocotoSSoScccS oo ow oooo e e e . e e . e cor1rr;1r1i1iomitttooooititit oo oo oooo 1) e . e . e . . ceorit1oorittimooottitt oooooocoooocooommoooooor eet le) le: ce le) Xe) le Le (ewe hod ey .6) eye, a love is) '6 ocoooooooococoonnoooooo.w ocoomooorncoommoooooor @: Lene er ce, 0: 10), 10) 16) On OFT 0) (8 82 (0 (0h i0y (0) Sy 0), \8 SOS SSS OPNOSSNAOlo°C°Ss MOSCOrFRFOOWOOCOCOOCODONONOW! SOD Oe SASSO SSeS oals N ea a SMUNSCOPFANMEDOHNDAOCOCOCrF . . 6 . . e e . . e . . . ° . . e . e . . SAHOONOFDOUONMOFMANOOCOW aAaNea Ne ANNA Ae et SONGCO OCOMHOO OCOWOMDAHOM oe SASSI SOMSS 1 S¥ETOOuION = sama N am So ONEOO°O QO avon mM nwo . e e e . . . e . . . . . ° AAI SISNHSOISCoNTAI AI ANw arn SeeaMmwn ee w ea - ea 35.0 40.0 50.0 55.0 30.0 35.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 26.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 39.0 110.0 45.0 110.0 60.0 113.0 60.0 110.0 110.0 113.0 113.0 113.0 113.0 Meio) 117.0 117.0 V7.0 117.0 117.0 MIL 5) 117.0 117.0 118.0 118.5 119.0 195 25.0 aS oo 2 22) SOOO) e e ° e e. ILWOISSOISIII1 1100110000060 11 ooooocoe oo ooooooeo e e e . . . . . . . . . e e e |toooocoooi!iittioo!titooooooo!! Onomocco oomaocooooooooooeo eOnomoocooo!ioonnooooooooooeo MONOROOCCOCCCOCOMOHOMNNSCOHOSS nun Lesue eyle pie. Repce: he! ee is) 0) 0), 6, 78) Lee Forte ie" cere WONORDOCDOCOCCOCOFONONNOOWOS N a N SOWODLOEFEFADODOOCOAMMNADOOCOCS @ke) womens, ee Lease Neume le) eo Vevey (ey 0 ..enes porue) .e! ‘0! 6 SOPONAMABAHAMONSCSCONTIMDOOSCS a eq ew COHWONANDOWORROSCONDRHOOAN © . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . e . . . NADOMNMNMNNODONDOOMONGONDIN 4a 4 NMN anc ans ” ~ eq onnoowr tf OWONraANncoooowon ee te) 6) eyhe, 0) Wye. Te “ley Tel a" ie, ie: 0 eye.) ee) “e:) eo Le NAENOOMA! HT! OBHOMNADMWOOCORRM anQO es © ~m aw ~m SCODOMND © coocooomoooooooeo coooomnco!iotiooooomooooooceeo N m o = IS o oooooocooeoeoceo = e . eo” 6e! 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Hypsoblennius spp. (cont.) SEP. AUG. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY JAN. STATION ooonwoo N sooooocooco°ocooo oootNnoo! as INONMOOOMOOOCSOSo coowoocooor oooocoeooone fl booomooooon | oooooooome noocoocermnncoocoeowrwoooonrd One) fe jie, Ke, eo: .0:) (6, (eS ie) “oe, le) (0) ‘e, (0) “ope, ‘en's, 6, lL bLIE NSESOOMOMNOMOOCOCAMOSCOMNNYS m o MNoonn oOo oooowoooamowse e e e e e e e e e e . e . e e . . . e . SINOOMW!IO! |!OOOONCOCOOIMONG N Aoooooo oo ooooocoeo ooonT~ . e e. e e e . e . e ° e . . e J e e e e moooooo!o! |ooooooo!1ooo0onm omooooo wm ooooooooeoeoooo @) (0,6, eee ee oe 6 © © © © © ew oO ew owoocooo!:ini |tooooooovoeoooeo oeooooocoe o& oooooeoo oe°oooeo . e e e ° e ° e e . . . . . e e . e e e ooooooocd!o! |ooooooo0!ooooo ooooo o& ooooooooooooo e e e e e e e . e e . ° e e e e e e e |!1ooooo!io! | ooooooooooooeo ooooo oo ocoooooooooomoeeo e e e e e . e e e ° e e e e e e e e e |!lrooooo!io! |ooooooooqooonoe ooooo oo o e000 woo°oeo e e. e e . . . . . . . . . e e . |!rooocoo!to!t!!|! I Oolonoo!|lnNnoooes oooooooooqooooeoce“ooooeoocoecoce e . e e e ° e e e . . . e e e . . e . . e e e e NAMNMOONOOCOONMNONMNOMEVZFONONMNNMS ANMAMEMOMMMMMMAIEMMAAIMMANANM ooooooooonmooooqooocoooooeo e. e e e e e e e e e ° e e . e e e e e e e e e e SCFOMSOSOMMNEFDBDDBDOOCOCOOMEEFrOOoOMmMrr NDNOSCAD AAA AAR ANNNANNNANNNNMMMOMM Cs cs es Oe Bn eB cn Bo Bc WS) 7/ inidae cl DEC. NOV. SEP. oct. AUG. MAY JUNE JULY APR. FEB. JAN. STATION oooooo ooooecdw!i!Irt1ttttt ooooto oooo0oo oooomo !1ooo0o0o0°oeo ooooooooeoeoeoooo ooooooooooooeooeo ooooo ~roonoooo ooooo !|!Noomoooe coorowooowoooestso SONONOCOOOCOCOOCOoOOoOMS N SONOAMONSTEOSOSO SO SOPONWOWDWONCOCO! SO N oooooootoonooo MOSOOOCOMeOONooo oo omooooooooeo oo. oe Te pee Ko’ [e' (oe) fe) is) Tie he coo l1ronmoooooooeo ei oooo oooeoo co oeee oe © @ @ e ° ocoooo!iooooo!icota ocoooooooeoocooeoo ene Kelme! fe ele Hee «(6 Je Je @ MANE OOOMMMOoOnNnNNMnM PFOUNMMMMMMAINMON oooooooooeooooo ie te He je ve je De "ee fe © ‘ee AMMAMr-OMMOEHOMM- BDDDNNOSCOBANMNMNM Co A Mc Bn oe Be Boe Bo | (cont. ) TABLE 4. Gobiidae SEP. oct. NOV. DEC. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. APR. FEB. JAN. STATION ooooococoeocoo ooo co°o°oe°oeo 3) (ey ee 0) ee fee ase oe lei o) ie! (6-30) a! Je oooooococococcoioooioooooo!! i! ooooo coo co°ocoeo coo°oeoeo OC fermiente. & e.Jie) ie’ @ 40) Leal one o) jae ce tis Me ooooo!ioooiooooo!tioooooo!!!1 ooooocoocoocoococmwooorococeot o& @, fe) ee re Lee) fe! (eo eviie 0 “eo, Ke’ mele, (e) e210) 40s) e668 . oqooooooooooooeooooewoooonico! NOR OOPMOOCOCONDMDOMAW IO SEN OLDEN SO oooooeoo Plt ited! het bh booceooee Se) tht. coonmoomtrmoooooomonmooeooooo oe lea) ‘o, (@ (6. \ef0) -e) (6: ie) (e° ‘e: ‘6 ee (e Ne ie ce” e) 16 ne ne re SOONNOCOHROMOOCOCONMMMOOOCoOoCoOCoo SS oOnoooomooooqoooooooo S 2 |\OS1ONOSOLSONSSSSOSSSOSCOMOISCISC oo wooooooeoeonocooooooooeooo eo ie je, (ele: fe; ie). 56 (6 ‘e’ (ce) fee la Te! fe: fe: (ee fe o. loo |lmNoooooooonooooooooomoeo MNOSSOVWNOOCHOONMO O&O CROCCO wale) e' 0) a le 6 ne? ie)./6 Ve ee) fovie: fe . Seis) Ter arene INMOOOCONRMWOOMOOMM|MOC!IOCO!|omMoooeo 1 i) ooooooootomooooooooooo NO | |loooooooowomooooooooooo ooo°oo 1oomonmi! o EC200 NOROOMooo . 1olooo!@aomoonomo S) = oo Eenoooeo ® ee oiemene le ne . 1101011 e01eoncoccoIn N o oOo oomoooooo N . . Oe OD nO™O SOMO NO . Da a ad OoOnomoooocooqooeo0coeocnooo OSONONOOCOOCOCoCoCoooooocoo oooooowooooooooococoe COOOn EOE SC LOCO ORC! GOCE SC SRO aOR loooooonoooooooeocooo o oow~oooonoooooocooo ° Ml ocomoocoonooooooooo ooooooooooeooooonoeo oo ere! ies lene’ cen re tren rem@estesienen e . oooooocoooooooooNno! So ooooooocoootooooooo |loooooooooomoooceooo owooonocooooo°oooooo 1LONoOoCoONrooCooooooecnc[([ Co ©9090 oooOo to ox SSSCCOCSDOD © SCCOoOoOO BF ©) 5) #aene \ Or Oa ORO ee oy (ul for Ter Ze re gel 518s: . eee) Oe ey ae blrotroootroooo!ttIi tI IMIiottitomitooooocoo!oltloooooo!w eoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocooooocoeoocoooooceo& o° [ey le: (0) G6 je: 6.fe fa 8-60 te) le, et fehie) iw (era) le) le ye) jess se) ne Le) Ce: te) BO) Je ee) Peon nes Vente, lehierel em @ane.e NYNOMRFME-OHNONONDOROONSCONSDOONNNANMOOCONOHMOMNNZONOMNNM WOWMWWOMNWM FE BPNMO ANON MMAMTMNMNMIEMOMMMNMOMMMTBPIAMMANMMN eoooocoooocoeoooooocoooooooooooocoooooooooooooooeoooe @' (6, 56) (eo; [e' {8 ger se (oe ote) oe (0) 0 je Jee Je le ewes ie) 10; le le:ne ee 6 16 le Je) n6 56, 7 me mere) Ne 7e)ti6 6). 6) ener ne. SOMFOONMMMMEEEOOCOOMMMEEFROOMMEFOOREFDOOCOCOMFOMMM: FOES DDDDDDDDDDAAAAHDANAANADNHOCOCOCOCOB AA AANANNANANMMMMN CM Ae A Bc A A ce A ee en Be ee oe 198 = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 Uets 0°0 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = 6°72 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°Or O°OOT 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = L°s = 0°0 0°0 = = = O°Sse O°OOT 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = €°9 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 = 0°Orv O°L6 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 6°72 0°0 = = = OZSE 0526 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = 8°9 = 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 = OnCE SORES 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 = 0°9 Cae 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0O 0°09 O°€6 = = 0°0 0°0 = Cae 0°6 0°0 0°0 = = = 0°SS O°€6 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 = 0°0 O°€e 0°0 0°0 0-0 0°0 0°0O 0°0S O°€6 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 = 0°0 0°0 6°S 0°0 0°0 0°0 = O°SE O°€6 0°O 0°0 0°0 0°0 = 0°0 O°e 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 = 0°SS 0°06 0°0 0°0 0°0 9°0 = Sie9 (oS) 0°0 = 0°0 0°0 = 0°0S 0°06 = 0°0 0°0 0°0 = 0°0 0°0 Gas 0°0 0°0 0°O = O°Ooe 0°06 0°0 = 0°0 = = SG 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 = 0°SS O°L8 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = eS 0°0 0°0 0°0O 0°0 = = 0°0S O°ZL8 0°0 (BG 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 O°Sse O°ZL8 = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 O°e 0-0 0°0O = 0°0 0°-OL O°E8 0°0 = 0°0 = = O°e 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 = 0°0 0°SS O°E8 0°0 0°0 6°72 = = 8°ST 0°0 s°9 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°O O°€r O°Es 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0 (Go 0°0 0°0 0°0 = 0°Ov O°E8 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = 0-0 0°0 urls 0°0 0-0 0°0 0°0 0°SS 0°08 = = 0°0 = = 0°0O 0°0 Le 0°0 0°0 = 0°0 0°0OL O°OL = = o°e = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 = = 0°09 O°OL = = 0°0 = = 0°0 0°0O 0°9 = = = 0°0 0°09 O°€9 * Daa “AON *L00 *aas “oOW x1o0c aNOoc AWW *ddv “aww * aad "NYC NOILWLS aeptiqey 5 = O°e = = = = = = = = 0°0 0°0S O°EST = = 0°6 = = = = = = = = L°Ot Oo°9T O°EST = = S°Z = = = = = — 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°OF O°OST = = 8°Z = = = = = — = = = O°SE O°OST = = Le = = = = = = 0°0 0°0 0°0 O°O€ O°OST = = 8°L = = = = = = = = = 0°SS O°LtT = = z°S = = = = = = = = = 0°0S O°LFT = = 8°C = = = = = = 0°0 0°0 (AE, o°Oo€ O°LFT = = 0°0 2 = = a = = 0°0 0°0 ves 0°SZ O°LtT = = 6°OT = = = = = = 0°0 0°0 o°e 0°02 O°LFT = = 9°8 = = = = = = > = = O°SS O°EFT = = Sine = = = = = = = = 0°0 0°O0S O°EFT = = 6°L = = = = Z = 0°0 G°e 0°0 0°OF O°EFT = = T°8 = = = = = F 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°92 O°EFT = 2 G°eT = Z = = = = 0°0 0°0 (64 O°SE O°OT = 2 8° = = = = = = 0°0 0-0 0°0 O°O€ O°OFT = = 0°0 ZL 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 0°0 S°c 0°0 O°Oe O°LET * aa “AON * LOO *aas “onw z10c£ aNocr xWW "adv “uWW * aad “NVC NOILVLS (*qu09) aepttqoy (°qu09) °*y AIdVL 199 (cont. ) TABLE 4. Labridae (cont.) SEP. oct. NOV. D AUG. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY JAN. STATION owo SCRANSHONAHNOHFONSCONOCSCOMOANADOBDOPMWDOOM MOOS eee eknelulatiie Me tieniey te), po 2000; ue | 10, eden 0.50) (0) Fe; enue, ce).6) ei fe serge) lenis: wel ce eee ne SAON|ONANOHONN SON ONO MEO COMO RS SON SIN NSS | N 22 — ooo — oo oo °o . e e . e 1tooioo!iol ImMiolcoolcl om = = Oe 1o1o1lcoonowl! | oo om ©& . . . . . UU 0 BOSE CEA EON At elie ocoowroomoooooonneoe SOOO SOBNSCONOSSSSCONNOSISCOSCOSSCORNINIIIIItt meoooooooooocCoCCCoCOoCSoCoCOmM Co°0° a) ge) Were were yne: Le) se) a0! he) te He! He; ye se Ke: fe: se le 46 ee ee MoeeccCGDOCOCOCCOCCOOCOCCOCONICCOCOoO!I!IITIItItt oo cooooCoCoCoCoCoCCoCCoCoCooooooOoONS ee Oe pe Ne Sleen 6 Fe Te He, Je Te Leite: te se. 20 Je, (e: le <0) 6.10 col1lcooooocoocooocooooSoCSoCOCSCOoOOmMmMo!IIitittitt cowonnoocomooooocoooooe0oeo0oeooo . SCOMOMMOWOROCCCOCOCOCOCOOCCOCSCOCOCOCOCI II III III ee ~m ooooo oo eooocoesceesooeesceseese es sesesee evjera meme. “ue “Merlenter em etievie cee ve . ene) ee) ne emme mene [e! te Sacco loiccoccccocescoccososSSoSeScssca SCOCCCOO CC COO oCCOCOCOOCOoOHMOOCOCOOSCOOOCOCONSSON ere ofte te! “le “ihe, veesemiey le: fe) Fe tegemre ge. ee) 5a eae! em (e: eer lenens ie) 68's ecoooo!io!locooooooocooNocoooooooomoemooen ooooo Oo e°o°o°oeo o~moocoomooooooooooroo oma: ja iienYe: ie.) eter ke. Xe Ve OL elte)- 6) re )1e0) ee) @) Lele) 6) Ler 07 70, 16) (ep okie! cococoo!lio!isecoooo! 1 |! OomMooomMoooooooooOoONneo SOOO O OOOO OC OOOO OOOO OOOCOOOOCoOoCSCOoOoOoOoOo AEC OO BO OCD OBO a TOO. OO OLN BO BO RO BO WO TOMO SOMO nC MONNONMNOCOWONNO®DCOOCOOCONOCOMONOCONONSS NIENAMNAMNMNMONMMAAMYENODIMOAMIAMMIMMANM SCOCCDOOCOOOOOCOOCOOOCOOCOOOCOOCOCOSOOOOoCoCoOoOo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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(cont. ) Trachurus symmetricus SEP. oct. NOV. DEC. AUG. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY JAN. STATION oooo ooooo = Seo = o . . . . . . . . . . . SSOSSIII I! I1SoSSoSOSoII III 1elesoocesio1citt oo °o ooo oo ooooooo oe SO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . coriortttttiooor1rotittittt+toooooooioiottit oooo ) = OOS 2 = SOOOoOES>) = o 28 . . . . . . . . e . . . . SSOSSISISISCSSOSOSSOISCISCOISCSOSSSSSSOICICIC! mooooococeeo . . Prtrtrritrttttrtrtrtttrrtttttoooooocooottititt MOOOOCSCOCOCOONCOFOCSCCCOoOFRNOoOOoOnrFwmWoOwHN OMmMmMnNM eo Te te ee; "oe Te le Te 6 te le 5s. “eve “e Jo te je) 18 Vee es Ve eile “e fe ee ee WOMOOSCOSCONCOFPOCCOCSCSCSOTPOOMNHAOWW | OOoMmMy ! aa] aN taal ei SOOSOrOSSSOHFONOSCOSOONNITEONOSCSOSCONSCCoOVoOOMR4 oe! fe! e Se. ‘ee ie) 6: u) 5e) Ke te fee 0 0 erie: fe: lel tence fete eve) Ke (ee enteme ve SOONMSOMMENOSCSCOMUNAHNANDSSSOMBDOOCONCOrS ! ed N DVN ee ea 270 SOSCOHFHAMONOOMFOHMOOHAROCHHPORANNOFNED e . . . . . . . e e e e . . . . . e . e . . . . . e . ° . . e . . . 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NOON et onoooooooooooeo 6: ¢@ 0" fe: (0) (0; 10, Seite; Le se 0) 'e e omoooooooooooo oo eoooooooo oe lootoooooocococeo! oo ooooowooeo ® . 19.0: De; Hei fe. Fel Fe, ie. 0 . loo loomoonooeo! mM moorowoocoecon vIimMmoonowooooom o Noo 2 . rrrtrttrotmooliwl t ei o oro rm . e . ° e . rtrotl tt _IomoInwl tan ooooooqcooooooo e e e . e e e e e e e e e e MNOONMNONNOOCOANONW WOEwUVbLBNNEFADnNNWW ooooooo0cocooeocsoo . . e e e e e e . . . . ° e. OMEFEerooooommmmnm WWOKOWORREREREREerrr (cont. ) TABLE 4. (cont. ) Citharichthys stigmaeus AUG. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY JAN. STATION wmm oooeceor oroond Pri dlL_ti nent ooooooon | ONnNooNn woe ooonw Hn ~-oo oO ee e) 16) (ene . eee . Pa Se Se OOS aS Sa mAMOoO COCO econonooooooooo o oo°oo 1lortroooo nNooooceo INoOooCoo oooocoo . |oooooo oooo oo0000 eooO BEel.e, ©. io 8) 6 kn piey Ee eee loooo!tloooooo!ooo omoo oooooo coo |lonoo!|loooooo!ooo oooooooroceoooco |looooooowoooo°ooeo MmMoloooo | oomonooooooooeo ea vTNoooo NOAar~ooeo Wmocoeo!mAonoooo!tiittitititt SCOONMNOONSOSCOCSCONOSOCSCOSCOOMSOMOSAHMS ScomArooooooeooooo oo . SOONSCOUSOOCOCOCONSMOOMSONOSOONOMMS 1! Or~Nooonocoocoome! o& S200 NOSG SOSONDSODSONGDOSDSONSOOSOPSONSGONGOO NOooo we) Te eoeee oie) fe, Te. “eo Ne Ne a) le\ Je 6, le',Te Lee, (6, e110, Ce. 0,50, 0,6. 0, 6 0) 10) 8) 8, 4. @ je fe je ce SOS INOSCS | SCOSCOSOMMOSCSCOMSSCOCSCOMSOSOCOONOOMOWUMOO !woooed ! Oro SOAO SCOONOCOCSCSCHMOOCCSCONSCCCOmMrFOoOVWOooroeonoooooome eee eee ele. (oe: "ete. le Ne. 1650, (ee, (ee) 16, 1e: "0, 6, 0 @. 6, 6 (e, 8) (0: (6, ie. Te) Je, (@ je. ce) epie? (8) 6) Te ONO !1OO0MOS | COOCHOSOSCOUMVSOSOSOOONSDOSSOOMNONSOOCOONONOOOCOCOOWSO NONODOOMNOOGTOCOMOOMODMDSOONGSOSSO oocecoeocoooooenhoooooo Oy Te, (0.7 a), ele oe ease’ pee: @, Te, 06) lee) 07.08) 6,8) 16, 0, e. 8. e eo) ee Fe, Te, ey 6, e) ie. s Leute Ve, je 58, ce ve MOMONOTONWOOMOWDOOMOWSCONOOOCSCSC |i ooooooooooomonocooeo CAM SOSCOHOONCOONSCS MNwWOoCoo eooo eco°oeo = = = eee eeeee © © © © © © © 6 oe ee © © eevee oe ee I 111 1OMW1 SSSS¥OMNSSSMGS1OMSSSS1G0001S000101010 om or~o ooocooo AONnNSCSo CWO COCO WOSCSoS oC WO S = = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . . ISM 1 1BSSINSMSSM1 11 BSNSSINGI SSSI ASSSISIMEISICIS ON Moo AND oo°oootoo oo oOo °8oO Nn ™ . . . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fowllmootinwaonriooocomNcoisit ti ttit+tti +t troororoortrtttini IN et 2 oooooooooooocoooooooooooooooooooococoooooooooooceo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e * . e . . . . . . . . . . SCMONMSCHFMONOCOCOEOMANOONOMNNMONDOEMOOOMNEFONONOOONNONnNoneo NWMOLOEMNNMNOUO-OS PE PNNOE ME PNOENAMMNOEEAMMNNOEMMMANONM ooooocooeooococoooooocoooooooooooooooooocoeoooceoo oo Oo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . . . * . . e . SEE ErODOOCONMMNNMNME REEF EOooooooMNMNNNNMNEEeenrnrnrooe ERIS ES IESE 163 (60102 (00/00) 60 00120160 6S EO /CO/GS EO [3 /60160 60/601 ON/ GN ENN CN EN CNC NIGNCHI CON ENN DS CNS Ca ue 222 (cont. ) TABLE 4. (cont. ) Citharichthys stigmaeus DEC. AUG. MAY JUNE JULY APR. FEB. JAN. STATION SISOS SSOOq) ee OVO MUO |\oooooeoeocoS oooorooonoo See (: eo Ye) “e @; 1ae7erre |loooonmooowoce oooooooeooo |1ioooooooooo WMNHNSO OOoooeo INWNO |looooooe ooooooonoce eeeee ee e@ © © @ © |looooooomooo mn oooooooooo Mil ocoooooo0o0oo o oooocoo eon o1roomooo!oon N AOOWMWSoo CHO NIL oootoo!1omoe cooceocoocoocd ° e e e e e . e e e ° e NNONHONMNNNwOS AMIEMOAMMMAIMAM cocoooocoococo . e e e e s e . e . . e coommnooomnn SOCCCOF AAA See eed aed dda Citharichthys xanthostigma SEP. Oct. NOV. DEC. AUG. 5 MAR . APR. MAY JUNE JULY JAN. STATION ooooo ° e e. e e ESSS SON OO a BOOMS Looooo nt bu me Til 0 tial na Mea BOSoaoe SOSOOSCONMOOnOCSCOoOoO NOtsS COC at SCC OP aC ie a Tot} Cyr s _) . 160000600 | COCO OONROONOOSS I CONS ooo oo o oono oo eo e. . . . e e . e . e e . . . ececoriritittroottttiottoomo!ti1ooltioe oo i] oooo HAoooo . . e . ° . e . . e e e trtrtrrtrrrroottt+rottooool!ttnoooe ecoeoeooCoCoCeoCeSeCOoOeCeCOoOo COCO eooOoOoOoO CCO00 ° e . . e e e e e . e e e . . e e e e . e e e e ° e . coococooooeoeescosd | cooOeCoOoSCO | CoOoOO COO AH CO SCSOOHOOSCCOLwYSOSOOSOSO CcooSo . e e * e e . . . . e e . . . . . . . . . . e . e SCOOIMICoon|oCoOoOMmMeCCOCOHOSCOSCO I! OMeSO SONRONOSCOCOSCOSDCOSCOOCSCOWSSOSCO COWN e e . e e e e . . e e . e. . ° e e e ° e e e e . . . . e SCOMNONDSCOCOCOCOSCOCOCOCOCOCOWOOSCSO | COVTO qo SOSTSDSDDONNSGOMOSSDSOONSDSOSCOSSD WOHO ° e . . e . . e . . ° e e e . . e e e . e . . e . . . e NODOCCDOMMOSCrROCOCSCOOMADSOOSCS! 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SSS Soe al ooooocoomoooromooooooocoeonocomooocoorooocoon ooco a) fe: Te) Xe) Se ye! ie (e) Ve) "ei Feie, ia: eo: eo) ce. fe: Te le: Te ele: De fe: je: ie) “oe Je, \e' We eleva) Fe: ve! Teo ee Fe, Le eeee SOOCOCOMooowowooooooooowoonooooonooocooow! |ooce CSooeooononoooo CoAoCoCoCoCoCoeooeorocoed o ooooooco eooo eee © © © © © © © © & oe ee © © © © © © eo we ew . oe: Terre ie re: lee eeee oCooooomomMomoo | omoocomoomooncooo!i!iotrooooooo!ioococo oooomooooooooeonomooooomooooooooenooooooooo oeo°oo Oe) ere Care) e) fe) fe) ye: le siessey re, ve (ev) n8) ie, Le: ve) We. 1a) vay eo: Je; Jere. @ ‘el le; Lepvenrerse mastememe ee le) fe. a: We Teive CSOOCOMOOCSCOOCOSCOSOONONOMOOCONCOCOCOCOOCCCOoOmoocoooococeo|icococoeo COoOnOoOmM SCOOO RFOCOCOCCoCoCoCCoCoCoOemH#Oo0oo00OW~OoONoOOCOCOCoCoO COoOn- eo) (eae. ise ee 8 «© © fey fe Xe! fe Ta: Kone, fer te. se: fe Yo. ‘a (os Te) ei tiai a) Tarmer Te Wate le Vale. a Le 58) Cae SOOMON I SOOON | MOOCOOCOOCOMOCCCONWOOCOCOCOoOYEWoOoCoCOOoOO | oowm ooooooo oo oOo O00 9S9ONMSO WHOOCoCoCOoO cecoeocoooo #00 s Ts [e) Te Te, ee oe eee one) 8) 16 * 2 © © © © 2 of Serve) Xe te, [ee ae o 6) re ooooooo!ioo!1!iooiooo!tioomoimmooooo !1coooooo0oooo inoo il oooo oo oo Suc 2: = oo OeoMnNoO C900 wWOoOWOoOWOoOOooG ON oe ee ee ee Cee ae oo. eee see ete Vomel es Jemienle le oe SOSS1S01001 1SOISOHISISSDIOMO!ISOSOINONONSSSSIOM! | 7 o o ot HOO COO eo°oc°o°owmooo co . . ‘ oo ee ov emte see ev ieiee oie. ee) S68 58 Nitititr+rotittrtrtitittotomiwooltiooeo!liooooconooo!coc! ! ooooooooooocooooooooooooooooocoooooooooooocoooooo& eet er 6" 4 16: 6" 16) 10) 56, (a) 6) Les) (se) ee) 16) 6) 6) eee Lele «een ot ee er eee” bye" 6! 6) Wee 6) (8) s/s) ler 8 NODO™-NMONMNONNOONNONMNOMONOTDONMOONNOGCDOOMOMNMNOCOMNoCOWoONN MONMMPNOOMMNAMMMTANNODPODDAMMNANHOEOMEMMFTOMMIIN SAM oooooooocoooooooocooooooooooooooooooooooocooooooo oe” 6 ey Oe a) aye. 8) ee 16) Sey iar ah wre .sY a) ar ae ears ee? oF er am am Gre) 8 wr Glue (ey @) (G1) 6) e (es 6 SEOSCSCSCSCOMNMMNME EEE Er roocoocoMmmannmannrroocoonmnnnnrnrnrnr DBDAAANAAANAHAHADANANANNHOCOCOOCOCOOCOCCOCCOCN AA AA A AAA AA CO ee Be Bc oe Be ee ee Be 236 (cont. ) TABLE 4. Unidentified fish larva (cont.) SEP. oct. NOV. DEC. AUG. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY JAN. STATION oo on tool! COSDSDTCOCCOCOCOCOFDMOOCDBDBAHNCCCOCWOWVOCHOnAOCOTROFNONnNwnM Sis ON OO = on oow nS Se e . e . . e e . . MIGsaaiSoNSlohilioal | tiomai ime ti irot ii ia i iden lOO SIC) S wo ooo om so e e se ° . . e . . . . . . e . . LL IMAMOMAMONOISOI II ISSI 1 1oootlomiti@morri rir iit ea ONO SONAMONWwoOoCoCo eo°ce ocoooooocoeooounsa . e e e e . e . e . . . . e . e e e e . e e e e e . ‘J . e e . CWO!!! |IONNMOWWCODOO!I!OCOCOCO! |1ooooooooCooONwA! I! I 1 ttt il moo ocooooo0ooeso ooo oooo oooco eoo e e e ° e e . e e. J e e e . e e . e e . e . . . . e e NOOO! !11eoccooococoOmMO! |ocoo!!1I1coogoo!ioooo!trooottittititittt ooo ooooooomoo oooo CSCOOOCOCOCOOCON CoO e e . e e e . . . . e e e . . . ° . e e . . . . ° . e cool! lt ocoocoocoomono! |1oooo! |1ooooooooMmMiooced!tItIttttittt| oom ecoocoonmnoooonooooomoooooOnnGo Oo Coo \) e e . . . e e . . . . . . . . e . . e e . . . . . . . e . . . 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List of stations with multiple occupancies in one month during 1958. Stations were occupied twice in one month except those indicated by an asterisk, which were occu- pied three times. Station Month P3oW S550 i}! 90.0 80.0 2 90.0 90.0 2 97.0 30.0 2 We S250 2 97.0 40.0 2 O70) D0 0 2 C5) Atle) cw 9 90.0 30.0 * 9 {050 S750 9 90.0 45.0 * 9 FORO) 50). 0) * 9 90.0 55.0 * 9 90.0 60.0 * 9 VO—sQ BSc 9 90.0 70.0 9 2160 B27 o.0 s 9 23,0 S050 s 9 350 SS o0) ts 9 C3350 EO od) ts i) 93). 0) =45.0* 9 M350 S05 s 9 350 BH ql) 9 93.0 60.0 * 9 9350 550 i) M3560 WOoe 9 243 fon ones Sinn diga ts = SAaneen speak <= => 23.3 25. 7 peer nese | =e a eh Sesaee i = e es oe ~ Ye = Wim 90m? Se iat ss 4 @ Oss ye / Le | erties tay) Bie fe » inc sh cgecase . i i ne INDEX This index lists taxa included in Table 4 with their page numbers. Page ANG Usd aeOrMES® 25 6 56.5.656 55 See Ss 65.5 6 w Sw Si eNe Mele! oh stn Oslo) ter sleleloice 85 Clupeiformes Clupeidae FRETAUTEUIS. EVGUMBUNENSUIS? Gogggo50000605000000000505056 85 OpESEHRONeMa SPPs. ~cisreeei «=< tiers celee © © bie ens esis els wis seis 86 SAEALNODS HSAGAK « s.4. @ « secre) stovel os) ote) oo wih celehc) ch elleliwi le! sfoie 2 86 EMG BAUIAAACR CS c52.5)5 2.6 osc © Sa ere mes wlwisi eiere aerators ouehel slat sistas 88 BHGEAWLES MOTAAX- = = 22.0 2 s/c elle eles sue eave eel op ehe eh el ielansie) 016.6 88 Salmoniformes Argentinidae PEGOME IM An SL AL TS | <<) 4's ) +) ele siis)clie) © oelis ele otolelononononons OW, DEpNOpROS EACTAL As « <1 = cis <2 os © 0 ses shekete «sila elena alee = lara HeCREnVOCOCCUSMSDPP ls) eieiseelelel =! hel) ==) =) =) 121-2) 1) =>) elke el VinNCuguVerria LUCCELA 5 6.16 = oes © ois ale sletoie misteietehopa tells WA SEGEHODEY CHAGAC) Ki 6c cc © 0 © ois 0/00 0 shoals «telco lovelsie leita) alte, ei 118 Stomiatoidea Chauliodontidae CHatmEOGUSMMACOUMNT i clelstolouelorsi oleens elon hsielVonelstonsl oi ReneRok=Te 120 Idiacanthidae Tdiacanthus anErOSEOMUS ..2.2cescewssvccicrceses ce IAL Malacosteidae Ariseostomias SCINEDTLLANS < .c.0.0 «> oie =e efetols eherehonn 122 Melanostomiidae BAL ROOT 1S a SPPwisjesiiois oi ©