E y 5 > у) ш EE FASCICULUS I. | September, (5th. 1911. & 38 7a 5 Tm] =$ & 72 (в 45 EE Jb Hz : Icones Plantarum Formosanarum | | nec non et | Contributiones ad Floram Formosanam. | or, Icones of the Plants of Formosa, and Materials for a Flora of the Island, based on a Study of the Collections of the Botanical Survey of the Government of Formosa, By B. Hayata, Rigakuhakushi. FASCICULUS I. Published by the Bureau of Productive Industry, Government of Formosa TAIHOKU. . Fa \ \ l \ Fascis, 227 NOTICE “+ |. . Fasciculus І. Dicotyledons—Polypetalous: Ranunculacex—Rosacez. Published September, 10th, 1911. Fasci&ulus TI. will be issued in September, 1912. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM NEC NON ET CONTRIBUTIONES AD FLORAM FORMOSANAM. FASCICULUS I. Ranunculacezx—Rosacex. EN TO HIS EXCELLENCY COUNT SAMATA SAKUMA, GOVERNOR GENERAL OF FORMOSA. SIR, 1 have the honour to submit to your Excellency the first Fasciculus of the “leones Plantarum Formosanarum, nee non et Contributiones ad Floram Formosanam " by B. Наулта, D. Se. y KAKICHI UCHIDA, CIVIL GOVERNOR оғ Formosa. rol E Icones Plantarum Formosanarum nee non et Contributiones ad Floram Formosanam lcones of the Plants of Formosa, and Materials for a Flora of the Island, based on a Study of the Collections of the Botanical Survey of the Government of Formosa. FASCICULUS 1 By B. Hayata, Rigakuhakushi. Introduction The history of botanical study in the island of Formosa dates back as early as the middle of the last century. In 1858, WiLrorD, the earliest collector in Formosa, made some collections near the coast of the island. Later, in 1864, OrpHaw visited the northern part of the coast. Then SWINHOE, WATTERS, Hancock, STEERE, and later, FORD, CAMPBELL, PLAY- FAIR, and a few others made collections in different places, mostly in the lowlands. These collections were studied by many botanists such as HANCE, Maxtmowicz, HEMSLEY, and others. Later on, during 1893 and 1894, Dr. A. HENRY made an extensive collection in the southern part of Formosa. He is perhaps the latest European botanist who has carefully studied the island. It was not until the acquisition of Formosa by Japan, in 1897, that Japanese botanists began to pay attention to the botany of the island. After that time, many collectors among whom we may mention Messrs. 2 INTRODUCTION MAKINO, OWATARI, and MIYAKE, were sent there by the Imperial University. They all brought back to the Herbarium at Tokyo good collections, which were studied by Prof. J. MATSUMURA. But no great progress was made in the botanical study of the island, until in 1904 the Government of Formosa decided to carry out a botanical survey of the whole island. Mr. T. Kawakami with several assistants was . then engaged to collect plants, and I devoted myself to the investigation of the materials sent by the collectors to the Herbarium at Tokyo. It was in these circumstances that, in 1905, I wrote “ Enumeratio Plantarum Formos- anarum "P in conjunction with Prof. J. MATSUMURA. At that time, owing to the hostility of the savages, the botanical survey did not extend to regions having an elevation of more than 3000 ft. Fortunately, however, the Government of Formosa has gradually succeeded in getting control of the mountains. During 1905-1907, several excursions to the mountainous districts were carried out by the Government. In 1908, as a result of the study of the mountain-collections, I published “Flora Montana Formos”, in which a considerable number of new species were described. Since that publication, I have had many more collections from the island. These collections are, in greater part, from the mountainous regions, and contain a considerable number of novelties. As the flora of the island has a close affinity to the floras of Japan and China, it is very important, in working up the materials, to make an exhaustive comparison of the collec- tions with specimens from those two countries. At the same time, as the flora of the island contains a considerable number of Indian elements including the Himalayas and the Malay peninsula and archipelago, it is equally desirable for the work that specimens of these regions should also be com- pared. For a comparison with the Japanese specimens, the Herbarium at_ Tokyo will answer fairly well, as it includes nearly all Japanese plants though not exhaustively. Chinese plants, however, are here very poorly represented. I therefore found it very unsatisfactory to work up so big a 1) Matsumura, J. et Hayata, B.—Enumeratio Plantarum Formosanarum. Journ, Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo XXII. 702 pages, with 18 plates, 1906. 2) Hayara, B.—Flora Montana Formos. Journ. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo XXV. Art.-19, 260 pages, with 41 plates, 1908. С - INTRODUCTION Э) collection only in the Herbarium at Tokyo. Moreover, as a considerable number of Chinese plants are represented in the Herbarium at Kew and also in that at Dahlem, and as the type specimens of FRANCHET are especially preserved in the Herbarium at Paris, and those of Maxrwowicz at St. Petersburg, I thought it very necessary for my work to see all the plants represented in the principal herbaria of the West. It was my great good fortune that I was given an opportunity of visiting these different herbaria, in order to make ап exhaustive comparison of my materials with the collections preserved in them. With this intention, I first went to Kew taking all the materials with me. There I pursued my work with specimens of the floras to which the flora of Formosa is more or less related. The comparison made in most cases, was confined to the flora of Asiatic regions, especially of China, Korea, India, the Himalayas, and the Malay peninsula and archipelago ; but in some cases it was extended to Australia, the Arctic and Antarctic regions, Europe, Africa, America, and even to Polynesia. I found that many of the species in my collections are represented in the Chinese herbarium at Kew, and also among the specimens from other regions. At the same time, I found also that the greater part of my materials are not yet represented at Kew, and that in all probability they are species not yet described. After finishing my work at Kew,” I went to the Herbarium at Paris, in order to see the type specimens of Chinese plants mainly described by FRANcHET. Later my work took me to the Herbarium at Dahlem, where are preserved many collections of Asiatic flora. My purpose in going to Dahlem was to see especially the specimens mentioned 22) in Prof. Drets’ “ Die Flora von Central China. In Dahlem, as in Paris, I devoted myself to making notes of the specimens preserved there, as I had not brought my materials with me. I especially devoted myself to D During my stay at Kew, I was away from my work for a little more than a week, when I went to Brussels to take part in the International Botanical Congress, then being held there, at which I presented a paper entitled “ Botanical Survey of the Government of Formosa, with short Sketches on the Vegetation and Flora of the Island." This paper is now in press at Brussels. 2) Drens,—Die Flora von Central China, Encu. Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. pp. 169-657, 4 INTRODUCTION making sketches, on tracing paper, of the specimens preserved only in Dahlem and nowhere else, so that I could make a close comparison with these sketches on my return to Tokyo. After finishing my work, I went with the same purpose to the Herbarium at St. Petersburg, in order to see the type specimens of Maxiwowicz. During my work on the continent, I was successful in placing some species which I had not been able to determine at Kew. Still, many of the plants in my collections, which remained undetermined, are not represented in any of the herbaria on the continent. It is, therefore, highly probable that they are species not yet described. Shortly after my return to Tokyo, I finished preparing my “ Materials for a Flora of Formosa", which had been undertaken during my stay at Kew. The paper? is now in press in Tokyo. To mention the number of species in the flora? of the island, known to us up to the present time, there are in the Enumeratio? 1999 species belong- ing to 701 genera and 153 families. In my Flora Montana” 392 species are mentioned, belonging to 266 genera and 70 families. In my ‘ Materials for a Flora of Formosa", I have mentioned 735 species, belonging to 343 genera and 109 families, thus adding to our present knowledge of Formosan flora 567 species, 72 genera and 2 families. Excluding all those species which appear for a second or third time in the above three paper, the total number of the plants of the island is 2660 species, belonging to 836 genera and 156 families, thus adding 292 species to the number given in * List of Plants in Formosa,” quite recently published by Mr. T. Kawakawr? At present, the number of species has nearly doubled since the publication of Dr. A. HzNRY'S preliminary work.» Thanks to the encouragement and 1) Hayata, B.—Materials for a Flora of Formosa. Journ. Coll. Sci. Imper. Univ. Tokyo, XXX. Art.-I. 471 pages. June, 1911. 2) The term flora used in this work includes flowering plants, ferns and their allies. 3) MATSUMURA, J. et HAYATA, B.—Enumeratio Plantarum Formosanarum. Journ. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo XXII. 702 pages, with 18 plates, 1906. 4) Hayata, B.—Flora Montana Formosz. Journ. Coll. Sci. Imper. Univ. Tokyo, XXV. Art.— 19, 260 pages, with 41 plates, 1908. 5) KAWAKAMI, T.—A List of Plants of Formosa, 119 pages, Taihoku, 1910. 6) Henry, A.—A List of Plants from Formosa, in Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, XXIV. Suppl. 1896. š INTRODUCTION 5 assistance given to botanical research by the Government of Formosa, we now have a fair knowledge of the flora of this interesting island. A few remarks about the publication of the present work, which is to be continued in a long series, may not be out of place. For a long time, I have had a desire to publish a flora of Formosa, accompanied by icones, lo be issued yearly in separate numbers, with some fixed allowance for this special publication, which might be completed in fifteen years. In 1909, I asked Mr. K. Озніма, then the Civil Governor of Formosa, to consider the matter of publication. Owing to the gracious aid he extended to me, it has been possible to arrange that the publication shall be carried on for fifteen years, beginning this year. The icones will contain 600 plates, illus- trating nearly all the plants to be found in Formosa, and accompanied by descriptions. "This will be issued yearly for fifteen years in separate numbers, each containing 40 plates. i The present fasciculus contains all the plants belonging to Polypetalæ known to us from the island up to the present time, accompanied by 40 plates mainly illustrating the species newly described by myself in my “Materials for a Flora of Formosa." The plan of the present work was at first to give full descriptions of all plants so as to serve as a guide to students of the Formosan flora. The time, however, being very limited, I have found it difficult to carry out this plan, and therefore am obliged to be content with giving only descriptions of plants of special interest. I hope to be able to add full accounts in the next fasciculus, and to pursue the plan through the whole series. In conclusion, I wish to tender my hearty thanks to all the officials of the Government of Formosa who have helped me in the publication of my work. My very cordial thanks are due especially to Mr. Т, KAWAKAMI, who has assisted me in many ways. B. HAYATA. April, 1911. С» KEY TO THE ORDERS Key to the Orders of the Formosan Flowering Plants. L Dicotyledons. 1. Polypetalous. Series I. Thalamifloral. Ranunculacex to Tiliaceo. „ ll. Discifloral. Line» to Coriariex. » ШІ. Calycifloral. Leguminose to Cornacem. 2. Gamopetalous. Caprifoliacex to Plantagine:e. 3. Apetalous. Nyctaginex to Сетаборһу Пе. IL Gymnosperms. Conifers to Cycadacex. ІП. Monocotyledons. 1. Microspermous. Hydrocharidez to Orchidee. 2. Epigynous. Scitamines to Dioscoreace®. 9. Coronarious. Roxburghiacez to Commelinaces. 4. Calycinous. Flagellariex to Palme. 5. Nudifloral. Pandanes to Lemnacee. 6. Apocarpous. Alismacez to Najadace:e. 7. Glumaceous. Eriocaules to Graminez. Class I. Dicotyledons—Polypetalous. Series I. Thalamifloral Flowers usually bisexual and regular ; calyx inferior, of distinct or connate sepals; corolla of distinct petals, sometimes united at the very base, (for examples, Ternstromiaces, Malvace»); stamens hypogynous, rarely inserted on a hypogynous disk or torus. Excep- tions: Flowers unisexual in Menispermacee ; irregular in Viola, Impatiens, Polygala, and some others; petals none in Clematis and some others. Ovary apocarpous, of 2 or more free carpels, rarely carpel solitary. Flowers bisexual. Sepals 5 or fewer, petals 1-seriate. Sepals deciduous. Ranunculaces. (Ranunculus). Sepals and petals 2-3-seriate, or sepals l-seriate and petals 2— or more-seriate. KEY TO THE ORDERS 7 Shrubs or trees. Leaves stipulate, sepals 5 or more. Magnoliacee. Leaves exstipulate, sepals 3. Anonacez. Aquatic herbs. ; Nympheacee. Flowers unisexual, dicecious. Menispermacee. Ovary syncarpous. Ovary 1-celled, spuriously 2-celled in Crucifere. Placentas parietal. Endosperm 0. | Ovary spuriously 2-celled. ` Crucifer:e. Ovary one-celled, usually on a gynophore. Capparidez. Endosperm copious. Flowers irregular. Plant with milky juice. Papaverace:e. (Corydalis). Plant without milky juice. Stamens 5, anthers spurred. | Violacee. Stamens 8, anthers not spurred. Polygalese. Flowers regular. Plant with milky juice. Papaveracee. Plant without milky juice. Herbs with glandular hairs. Droseracee. Trees on shrubs. Stamens many, in 1 or 5-bundles. Hy pericinee. Stamens, 5 or more, not in bundles. Fruits capsular placentas 2. Pittosporex. Fruits berried, placentas 3 or more. KEY TO THE ORDERS Bixinee. Placentas free, central or basal. Sepals, petals and stamens 6 each. Berberidex. Sepals 5 or calyx 5-fid. Herbs, leaves opposite. Caryophyllee. Trees or shrubs, leaves scale-like. Tamariscine«. Ovary 2-many-celled. Sepals imbricate in bud. Ovary with many (more than 4) ovules in each cell. Flowers irregular. i Geraniace:. (Impatiens). Flowers regular. Leaves opposite. Stamens 3-10 free. Elatines. Stamens many, in 1 or 5-bundles. Hypericine«. Leaves alternate, trees or shrubs. Ternstromiace:e. Leaves radieal or whorled, herbs. Ficoidese. (Mollugo). Ovary with a few (less than 4) ovules in each cell. Trees or shrubs. Leaves alternate, petals connate at the base. Ilicinee. Leaves opposite, flowers usually unisexual. Calyx of distinct sepals. Guttifera. Herbs, leaves simple or compound. Geraniacee. Sepals valvate in bud. Anthers one-celled. Malvacee. Anthers two-celled. KEY TO THE ORDERS 9 Filaments free. Tiliaces. Filaments monadelphous. Sterculiace:e. Series II.—Diseifloral. Flowers usually bisexual and regular; calyx inferior, petals distinct or connate at the very base, with usually a perigynous or hypogynous disk or row of glands between their insertion and the ovary. Stamens inserted on or at the inner or outer base of the disk, or between the elands, or on the petals. Flowers regular. Fruits of separate carpels. Leaves gland-dotted. Rutacee. Leaves not gland-dotted. Leaves opposite. Leaves pinnate Zygophyllacee. Leaves simple. Coriarie:e. Leaves alternate, exstipulate, compound. Stamens inserted chiefly outside the disk. Simarubex. Stamens inserted chiefly inside the disk. Sapindacex. Fruits syncarpous. Herbs. Terrestrial. Leaves stipulate, stamens many. Tiliacee. Leaves stipulate. Geraniace m. Leaves exstipulate. Lines (Linum). Aquatie herbs, disk adnate to the ovary. Whole plant floating. Onagraries (Trapa). Leaves and flowers only floating. Nympheacez. Trees or shrubs. K Stamens 5 or fewer, opposite or on the pstals. Leaves simple. 10 KEY TO THE ORDERS Petals valvate. Undershrubs with tendrils. Ampelide:e. ( Vitis). Shrubs, no tendrils. Olacines. Petals minute, imbricate or involute. Rhamne». Leaves compound, no tendrils. A mpelide:e (Leea). Stamens alternate or opposite and alternate with the petals, or many. Leaves alternate, exstipulate. Leaves gland-dotted. | Rutace:e. Leaves not gland-dotted. Ovary 1-celled, ovules many, оп 3-5 parietal placentas. Bixines. Ovary 1 or more celled, placentas basal or axile. Leaves simple. Petals valvate. Olacine:e. Petals imbricate. Disk of glands. Styles 5-5. Lineae. Ovary 2-5-celled. Styles 2-2- fid. Celastrinee. Ovary 1-celled. Style simple. Anacardiacee. Ovary 2-5-celled. Style simple. Sapindacee. Leaves compound. Filaments confluent, forming a tube. KEY TO THE ORDERS 11 Meliacex. Filaments distinct. ~Ovules pendulous. Ovary 1-celled, 1-ovuled. Anacardiacex. Qvary 2-3-celled, cells 1-2-ovuled. Burseracee. Ovules erect. Ovary, cells 1-2-ovuled. Sapindacee. Leaves alternate, stipulate. Stamens many. Tiliace». Stamens 3-5. Ovary 3-5-celled. Lines. Ovary 2-celled. Celastrinez. Leaves opposite, trees or shrubs. Leaves gland-dotted, simple. Rutacez. (Acronychia). Leaves not gland-dotted. Leaves stipulate, compound or sometimes simple. Sapindacee. (Tur pinia). Leaves exstipulate. Leaves simple. Celastrine:e. Leaves compound. Sapindaceze. : Flowers irregular, trees or shrubs. Leaves opposite, simple, exstipulate. Malpighiace:ze. 12 KEY TO THE ORDERS Leayes alternate, simple and compound. Stamens 5-10. Sapindacei. Stamens (perfect) 2, opposite 2 of 5 petals. Sabiacex Serves IIL—Calycifloral Flowers regular, mostly bisexual; calyx inferior or superior; petals distinct, or connate at the very base ouly; disk 0 or very obscure; stamens inserted in the limb of the calyx. (In the genera and orders with inferior ovaries, the limb of the calyx is often undeveloped, which character should refer them technically to the apetalous division. Most of them will be found also in that division. Flowers bisexual or polygamous. Ovary superior (or half-superior іп Trapa and Ficoide:e). Herbs. Fruit a solitary follicle, leaves usually compound. Leguminose. Fruits of small achenes, leaves compound. hosace:e. Fruits drupaceous coriaceous. Halorage:e. (Haloragis). Fruits capsular. Sepals 2, embryo annular. Portulacace:e. Sepals 3-5. Aquatic herbs. Lythrariez. Terrestrial herbs. Leaves not carnose. Saxifrage:e. Leaves carnose. Crassulacez Fruits indehiscent, 2-or 3- horned nuts, aquatic. Onagraries. (Trapa). Trees or shrubs. Fruits of many small drupes, prickly shrubs, ltosaces. (Rubus). Fruits various. Ovary 1-celled, (style single; leaves alternate KEY TO THE ORDERS 13 usually compound, stipulate, fruits follicular or indehiscent. Leguminos:e. Ovary 2— or more-celled. Styles single. Anthers opening by slits. Styles long, stigmas capitate, Leayes exstipulate. Lythrariez. Stiemas simple, leaves stipulate. hhizophore:e. Anthers opening by pores. Melastomace:e. Styles as many as the cells. Petals 5. Saxifragex. (Astilbe, Itea) Petals 0. Hamamelideæ. Ovary one-celled, styles 4 or more, Sepals 5, placentas parietal. Samydaceæ. (Homalium). Sepals 2, placentas basal. Portulacaceæ. Ovary inferior. Stamens inserted on the calyx-limb. Anthers opening by pores. Melastomaceæ. Anthers opening by slits. Petals very small, scale-like. Saxifragace:e. CAstilbe). Petals imbricate, distinct, large, not scaly. Leaves stipulate. Ovary 1-celled. Rosaceae (Photinia). 14 cda 212 EE t TS Е = = 24 E чы. E ro m “21 è AVES TA n à ie kin ER К z PR LI H D A " “ Ж » | he KEY TO THE ORDERS Ovary 2-4-celled. C NIE T "En | Rhizophoremw. | Leaves exstipulate, ovary 1-celled. | Combretacem. | Stamens epigynous. е - Petals valvate, (scaly in Hamamelidez) —— Leaves compound; ovary 4-10-celled (le simple in Fatsea, Heluingia, Oreopan Hedera). Araliacex. | Leaves simple. Ovary l-celled, shrubs. Cornacem. | Ovary 2-5-celled. Herbs UÜmbellifers. . — (Hydrocotyle). d Shrubs. A Endocarps not horny. Saxifragex. Endocarps horny. Hamamelides. Petals imbricate. Flowers umbelled, styles 2. Umbellifer:e. Flowers not umbelled. š Leaves stipulate. Rhizophoreæ. Leaves exstipulate. Beset with stellate hairs. Saxifragex. (Deutzia). Without stellate hairs. , Myrtacex. Flowers unisexual. Scandent herbs or shrubs with tendrils ; KEY TO THE ORDERS flowers monoecious, fruits baccate. Erest herbs, shrubs or arbours. Shrubs or arbours. Flowers in racemes. Flowers iu heads. Herbs. Terrestrial herbs. Aquatic herbs. Stamens more than 2. Stamen 1. Cucurbitace se. Passiflors (Carica). Hamamelidex. (Liquedanbar). Begoniace:. Haloragex. (Myriophyllum). Halorageæ. (Callitriche). 16 ` RANUNCULACEAE Dicotyledons. Polypetalous. Ranunculaceæ. | Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Climbing shrubs or herbs; leaves opposite; sepals petaloid, valvate ; Carpels 1-ovuled; ovules pendulous ; fruits of many achenes. i Clematis, 1 Frect herbs. (2) 1 (2) Leaves radical or alternate. Sepals petaloid or herbaceous, imbricate. | Carpels l-ovuled, achenes. (3) Leaves radical and alternate. Sepals petaloid or herbaceous, imbricate. Carpels a few, many orlo Isopyrum. 5 (3) Ovules pendulous. (4) Ovules егесі, малық ЫН TEL TEE Ranunculus. 4 (4). Flowers involuerate Men n s Anemone. 3 Flowers not inyolucrate ЕЛИ Thalictrum. 2 1. Clematis Тлхх. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (D). ‘Stamens undulate umma ee Clematis crassifolia, 1 Stamens not undulater M MANC С] (2) Stamens barbate. (5) Stamens glabrous. (5) | Clematis Leschenaultiana. il, 5 var. sanguetifolias (“ӘЙ bo (3) Stems and leaves densely tomentose Stems and leaves nearly glabrous. (4) CL Bie : Clematis lasiandra. 3 (1) Sepals nearly glabrous outside .......... Rer | rar, Nagesiabad Sepals velvetly hirsute outside .... ......... ...... Clematis Morn. 4 (5) Leaves membranaceous or coriaceous. (6) Leaves herbaceous. (10) RANUNCULACE Д5 17 (6) Flowers comparatively small 11 cm. in diameter. . ү, e E Flowers comparatively large, 2—5 cm. in diameter. (7) (7) Flowers 2—3 em. in diameter. ................. Clematis Meyeniana. 6 Flowers 4—5 em. in diameter. (8) (8) Sepals lanceolately elongate. (9) Бера О оноо ovate e. 02. ... Clematis akensis. Т (9) Leaves acute vel acuminate at the apex. /....... Clematis longisepala. 8 Leaves Conse ох shortly асе C. tozanensis. 9 (10) Leaflets entire. (11) Leaflets exossly dentate or lobulate ................ C. taiwaniana. 10 (11) Feaflets globoso-deltoid. .... [f шокуло at the apex C. paniculata. 12 Leaflets oblongo-ovate or oblong, (12) (19) Rowers large 4 сш. in diameter nn a. C. boninensis. 13 Flowers small 2 cm. in diameter. (13) (13) Stamens dark coloured when dried ................ C. formosana. 14 Stamens) not dark сы... .....C. chinensis. 15 1. Clematis crassifolia Bextra. Fl. Hongk. p. 7; Kuntze Monog. Clemat. p. 152; FoRBES et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p 3; Finer et GAGNE- PAIN Contrib. Fl. Asi. Orient. p. 16; Наүлта Materials for a Flora of Formosa, in Journ. Coll. Sei. Imp. Univ. Tokyo XXX.-I, p. 13. Нар. Shintiku, Goshörin, leg. T. Kawaxamt, Dec. 1905, (No. 1245). Disrrip. Central and southern China. OBSERV. Rather stout, glabrous climbing plant; leaves fleshy, trifolio- late, leaflets elliptical, obtuse or acute, narrowed at the base, nerves very obscure, reddish brown when dried; sepals angustate with white hairs on the margin, 18 mm. long ; stamens 1 cm. long, with brownish undulated filaments ; anthers oblong, not mucronate, five times shorter than the filaments ; achenes long hairy, with hairy tails; remarkable for its undulate filaments. 9. Clematis Leschenaultiana DC. “Syst. I. p. 451; Kurze Monog. p. 167, (C. acuminata ò); Fiver et GAGNEPAIN Contrib. Fl. Asi. Orient. p. 27; Hayata Materials for a Flora of Formosa р. 45. 18 RANUNCULACE;E Clematis Wightiana ? Hayata Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 43. Har. Kachinro, Taito, Triyokukaku, Niki et Suichoriu. Distr. China and Indo-China. Ogserv. Covered by yellowish soft hairs; leaves trifoliolate, petioles 5 em. long, leaflets ovate acute 8 cm. long, 33 em. broad, obscurely dentate or nearly entire, lateral leaflets oblique at the base; panicles few-flowered, peduncles 4-5 cm. long; sepals 4, ovate, nearly acute, with yellowish soft hairs on the outside, glabrous inside; stamens many, 12 mm. long. filaments hairy on the margin and. outside, quite glabrous on the inside, anthers narrow, glabrous; achenes hairy, fusiform with two distinct ridges, tails with long hairs. In my Flora Montana Formos I doubtfully referred this plant to C. Wightiana. After examining more carefully, I have found that the speci- | men is the same as the Philippine form of C. Leschenaultiana DC. The present plant differs from C. MWightiana in having fusiformed achenes and thread-like filaments. С. Leschenaultiana described in Kunrtze’s “Monog. Clemat. p. 167,” has lanceolate leaves, while the Formosan plant has ovate ones, 2.* Clematis Leschenaultiana DC. var. angustifolia Hayara Ma- terials for a Flora of Formosa p. 16. Stem striate, blackish purple, tomentose, or pubescent. Leaves trifoliolate, scarcely tomentose, terminal leaflet oblongo- lanceolate, acuminate at the apex, acute or rounded at the base, 7-8 cm. long, 24 cm. broad, remotely serrate, but entire towards the apex, petiolules 1 cm. long, lateral leaflets oblong-ovate, acute obliquely rounded at the base, common petioles 6 cm. long. Flowers often solitary or paniculate, panicles 2-3- flowered, peduncles yellowish tomentose. Achenes fusiformed rostrate, tails long bearded, beards transversely spreading somewhat yellowish. 3. Clematis lasiandra Maxim. var. Nagasawai Hayara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 40. Stem scandent, glabrous, suleate. Leaves pinnate, 3—5-foliolate 10-15 em. long (including petioles) 5-9 cm. broad, folioles long petiolulate, simple or sometimes tri-lobate, ovate or ovately lanceolate, acuminate, unequally sharply serrate. Panicles axillary, few-flowered, or nearly termi- Se is mt o” RANUNCULACEJE 19 nal, shorter or. longer than the leaves, bracteate at the base, bracts trilobed or not lobed, linear, smaller, pedicels slender, 2—3-times longer than the fowers. Flowers nodding, 2 cm. in diameter and so long. Sepals 4, connivent, revolute at the apex, oblong or ovate-oblong, obtuse, or emarginate, 23 mm. long, 8 mm. broad, subglabrous on both sides, slightly purple, margin velutinously tomentose. Stamens 4-seriate, the outermost the longest, filaments flattened linear, 17 mm. long, long and densely sericeo-pilose on the back, anthers 2 mm. long, not appendiculate on the apex, the innermost the shortest, filaments 9 mm. long, anthers longer 9 mm. long. Pistils 8 mm. long sericeo-plumoso-caudate. Receptacles (fruiting) erect, globose, 4 mm. in diameter, pilose ; carpels (when matured) numerous ovately-lanceolate, acuminate, com- pressed, 9 mm. long, marginate, rubescent, pilose, long plumously caudate, tails 34 cm. long. Has. Shükoran. Distre. Type: Kiüshiü. Southern parts of Japan. The present variety differs from the type in having many-flowered peduneles ; this never has uni-flowered peduncles as the type. 4. Clematis Morii Harara (Pl. I.) Flora Montana Formos p. 42. Stem ligneous, scandent, glabrous, striate. Leaves opposite or quaternate, tri- foliolate, nearly 15 em. long (including petioles, petioles voluble), sub- coriaceous, glaucescent beneath, exstipulate, terminal foliole petiolulate, long caudately acuminate obscurely lobate, rounded at the base, margin subentire or remotely mucronately serrulate, veins beneath prominent, but impressed above, veinlets somewhat prominent, 5-nerved, 11 cm. long 31 em. broad, petiolules 1 cm. long, lateral leaflets much shorter often elobate caudately ovate remotely mucronately-serrulate, petiolulate, petiolules 3 mm. long ог subsessile. Flowers larger, nodding, half-closed, 14 cm. in diameter, and in length, axillary solitary pedicellate, 2-bracteate at the base of pedicels, bracts minute pubescent, pedicels 3 em. long, pubescent. Sepals 4, broader, 1.8 cm. long, 9 mm. broad, ovate mucronately acute, dark-purple inside, velutinously pilose outside, base slightly cordate, veinlets parallel, half-closed, never opened. Stamens 3-4-seriate, the outermost the longest, filaments 90 RANUNCULACEE inear, flattened, long barbate, 13 mm. long, anthers nearly 2 mm. long, cmar- ginate at the apex, the innermost the shortest, filaments 7 mm. long, anthers З mm. long. Carpels nearly 1 ст. long, long plumosely caudate. Har. The Central Mountain Ranges. Comes near to Clematis larbellata TEDGEW., and still more to Clematis lasiandra Maxim. ; but differs from them in having silky pubescent sepals and subentire leaflets. 5. Clematis uncinata Снамг. in ‘Kew Journ. Bot. Ш. p. 255”. Вемтн. Fl. Hongk. p. 6; Maxim. Mél. Biol. IX. p 597; Fonbzs et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 7; Finer et GAGNEPAIN Contrib. Fl. Asi. Orient. p. 8 СТ. leiocarpa Отлу. in Hoox. Ie. РІ. t. 1533; var. floribunda Hayara Materials for а Flora of Formosa p. 18. Glabrous, somewhat black іп a dried specimen, leaves 12 cm. distant. Leaves 5-foliolate, subcoriaceous nearly 20cm. long, leaflets ovately lanceolate acuminate, rounded at the base, 11 em. long, 34 em. broad, 3-nerved, nerves prominent oa both sides. Panicles axillary, 30 ст. .long 15 em. broad, very much branched, bracts subulate. Flowers smaller 12 cm. in diameter, sepals 4, lanceolate, aristate. 1 cm. long 21 mm. broad, margin albo-lamellate, glabrous on both sides, stamens 2-3-seriate, the innermost the largest, 6 mim. long, filaments nigricant, anthers narrowed, connectives broadly proluced ; achenes subglabrous, ovate, style long barbate, beards reddish. Has. Taiko, Coll. T. Kawakami, Aug. 1908, (Хо. 58). The present variety differs from the type in having much smaller flowers, ovate-lanceolate leaves, and not leafy inflorescence. It resembles the type in stamens, achenes, and especially in glabrous sepals turning black when dried. The type has usually larger flowers with sepals twice as long as those of the variety, longer, looser and less fowerel inforescence, with longer peduncles. The variety is representel at Kew by a specimen from Hongkong, which is labelled C. uncinata ; but is different from the type of the species mentioned. 6. Clematis Meyeniana Watr.; Вехтн. Fl. Hongk. p. 6; Maxim. iu Mél. Biol X. p. 597; Еоввиѕ et Немѕг. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 5; HENRY, RANUNCULACEJE 21 List Pl. Formos. p. 14; Tro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. I. in Jour. Sci. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo ХП. p 271; Diets Fl. Centr. Chin. in ENGL. Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 332; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 5. | Has. Suihenkiaku, Shinko, Kelung, Tamsui. Пізтків. Amoy, Hongkong, and Central China. 7. Clematis akensis Havara (Fi. П) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 19. Stem glabrous. Leaves 15 em. distant, 3-foliolate, somewhat fleshy, petiolate, petioles 5 cm. long, leaflets corlately ovate, 3 cm. long, often folded along the midrib, acute and reflexed at the apex, glabrous, petiolulate, petiolules 1.5 cm. long. Flowers axillary, solitary, or paniculate, panicles few flowered, long pelunculate; peduncles 7 cm. long, incrassate at the apex, 2-bracteate at the base, sometimes not bracteate, bracts minute spathulate obtuse 1 cm. long. Flowers when opened 4.5 cm. in diameter. Sepals 6, velvety outsile, duplicately reflexed on the margin, glabrous in- side, somewhat fleshy, oblong, 23 mm. long, 8 mm. broad, obtuse at the apex; stamens numerous as half loag as sepals, anthers with a obtusely produced connectives. Achenes barbate, beards white. Has. Ak); Miharashi-toge, coll T. Kawakaur et U. Mont, April, 1907. (EL) The present plant is very like, or perhaps the same as, HENRY'S specimen, No. 1320, labelled C. parviloba, at Kew. The type of C. parviloba is quite different from our plant and also from HENry’s specimen, in having hirsute sepals, much thinner and less glabrous leaves 8. Clematis longisepala Havar4 Fl. Mont. Formos. р. 41, and Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 17. Stem ligneous, scandent, glabrous striate. Leaves pinnately 5-foliolate, loag petiolate, very glabrous, 15-20 cin. long including petioles, petioles voluble striate, leaflets petiolulate, petiolules 1.5-2 cm. long, leaflets opposite ovately oblong acute at the apex, rounded at the base, entire 3-5-nervel, submembranaceous, pale beneath, 5 em. long, 21 cin. broad, stipules connate, forming a peltate shields on the nodes of the stems. Panicles axillary, a little longer than the leaves, 5-8-fowered. Flowers quite large, patent, 6-7 cm. in diameter, l-bracteate at the base of the [Кә] [сә] XANUNCULACE/E pedicels, bracts pinnately 3-parted, 3-4 ст. long, long stipitate, segments oblongo-lanceolate, pedicels 7-10 em. long. Sepals 4, linear, lanceolate, 3 em. long, or longer, obtuse at the apex carinately mucronate, subglabrous atro-purpurascent inside, eburneous and velutinous outside, multi-nerved. Stamens many-seriate (nearly 5-seriate), the outer the longer 2 cm. long, filaments linear, slightly thickened upwards, constricted at the apex, slender dilated at the base, glabrous ; anthers linear, 2 mm. long, apiculate, the inner stamens the shorter, 7mm. long. Carpels long sericeo-plumoso-caudate, nearly 1 cm. long. Har. Mt. Morrison. Comes very closely to Clematis crassifolia Brxru. Fl. Hongk. p. 7; but differs from that in having round based leaves. 9. Clematis tozanensis Havara (Pl. Ш.) Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 42. Stem ligneous, scandent, glabrous striate. Leaves larger, pinnately 5-3-Toliolate, long petiolate, quite glabrous, nearly (including petioles) 20 cm. long as broad, petioles striate voluble, leaflets oblongo-ovate or cordately ovate, base cordate or truncate, 8 cm. long, 6 cm. broad, palmately 9—7-nerved, apex obtuse quite entire slightly repand, submembranaceous, or somewhat thick, petioles 2-3 em. long, very voluble, stipules broad connate, forming : peltate shields at the noles of the stems. Panicles axillary, few-flowered, nearly as long as the leaves. Flowers large, patent, 6 cm. in diameter, 1- bracteate at the base of the pedicels, bracts large foliaceous, simple stalked, elliptical, acute at the base. Sepals 4, narrowed, 34 cm. long 8 mm. broad, acute or obtuse, inside glabrous dark-purple, outside eburneous velutinously pubescent, patent. Stamens many-seriate, the outermost the longest, filaments 2 cm. long, dilate, linear, slender, anthers linear 2 mum. long apiculate, the innermost the shortest, filaments 2 mm. long, anthers 3mm. long apiculate. Carpels long sericeo-plumoso-caudate, nearly 9 mm. long. Has. Tozan, in Mts. Morrison. > Comes closely to Clematis smilacifolia WALL., but differs from it in the shape of the bracts and stipules. In this Clematis, the filaments of RANUNCULACEJE 23 the stamens of the outermost series are the longest, while the anthers of the same series are the shortest. 10. Clematis taiwaniana Harara (Pl. IV.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 17. Pubescent, stem striate. Leaves triparted or bi-trifoliolate, triangular in outline, 20 em. long as broad, petioles 12 cm. long, leaflets ovately cordate, cuspidate, grossly dentate, pubescent on both sides. Panieles axillary, 15 cm. long 7 em. broad, pubescent or tomentose. Flowers small nearly 1 cm. in diameter, 8 mm. long; sepals 4, ovate, or spathulate obtuse, pubescent outside, glabrous inside; stamens 2-3-seriate, filaments dilated, anthers oblong ; achenes pubescent, styles lone barbate, beards whitish. Har. Taichüchö: Daiboho, Bioritsu: Taiko. Taihoku: Shizangan. One of the commonest species of Clematis in Formosa ; the leaves of the plant are extremely variable. It comes near C. triloba Ноок.; but differs from it in having leaves grossly dentate or incised lobes. Also it is very like C. Vitalba LINN. var. javanica O. Kze., from which it is distinguishable by its more rounded fruits. 11. Clematis Owatarii Hayata Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. l7. Stem slender, striate, glabrous. Leaves 14 ст. distant, pinnate, leaflets 3-5, rotundately ovate, or triangularly ovate, rounded or emargi- nate at the apex, truncately rounded at the base, but abruptly acute at the extremity of the base, 4 сш. long, 33 cm. broad, glabrous, entire, petioles 6 ст. long, petiolules 11 cm. long. Flowers axillary solitary, long peduneulate, peduncles 7 em. long, incrassate at the apex, 2-4-bracteate at the base, bracts minute, spathulate or ovate. Achenes complanate, barbate, tails 5 em. long, barbate, beards transversely patent, 4 mm. long, white. Har. Formosa. The present plant differs from С. recta and also from ©. paniculata in having longer tailel fruits and much more rounded leaves. The leaves have generally three or sometimes five leaflets, then the distance from the first pair to the second pair is nearly as long as the petioles. 12. Clematis paniculata Tune. ; Hayata Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 18. 24 RANUNCULACER Нар. Garanbi, Köshün, by T. Kawakawr, July, 1906, Хо. (1620). DISTRIB. Japan, China and Corea. Exactly the same with Chinese specimens so named at Kew, but a little different from the Japanese specimens preserved in the Tokyo Herbarium. 13. Clematis loninensis Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 14. Нар. Ponin islands. 14. Clematis formosana Kunrze; “Hook. Te. Pl. t. 1915”; HENRY List Pl Formos. p. 14; Matsum et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 5. Нар. Kachinro, Taichi: Koroton, Ape's Hill. Disrrip. An endemic plant. 15. Clematis chinensis Rerz. ; DC. Prolr. T. p. 3; Fonnzs in Journ, Pot. (1884) pp. 262 et 265; Fonpps et Hrwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. T. p. 3; DITIS Fl. Centr. Chin. in Ener. Pot. Jahrb. XXIX. р. 332; Marsum. et НАҮАТА Enum. Plantarum. Formosanarum p. 4; Fixer et GAGNEPAIN Contrib. Fl. Asi. Orient. p. 20; Hayara Materials for a Fl. Formos. p. 14. Clematis minor DC.; Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WTrrp. p. 422; FORBES in Journ. Pot. (1884) p. 263. Clematis Benthamiana Немат, Ind. Fl. Sin. Т. p. 2. Нар. Тао: Taiharo, by Т. Kawakamt and G. NAKAHARA, Jan. 1906, (No. 680). DISTRIB. Southern and central China. OBserv. Plant slender, pubescent; internoles 8 em. long; leaves tri- foliolate, about 10 em. long, petioles 4 em. loag, twining, petiolules almost equal 8 min. long, leaflets cuspidate-lanceolate, the terminal one 6 em. long lem. wide, much larger than the lateral ones, margin entire, with three distinct. and two obscure nerves, veins impressed on the surface, prominent beneath, scarcely hairy, turned black when dried; achenes flattened in a dry specimen, with two rilges, ovate, 2 mm. broad, hairy, tails 2 em. long with soft hairs; somewhat resembles C. formosana О. KUNTZE. V Wc E НИ RANUNCULACEZ. 25 Species imperfectly known to me. Clematis apiifolia DC; Marsum. et HavATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 4. Har. between Maso and Keiteisho, Bankinsing. Clematis Benthamiana Немет. ; Marsum. et HAvATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 9.— C. chinensis RETZ. Has. Biöritsu. Clematis grata WaLL.; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 5. Has. Pachina, Suihenkiaku, Tamsui, South Cape. Clematis Henryi Otty.; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 6. Har. Biöritsu. Clematis parviloba Garp. et Снамр.; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 6. Has. South Cape. Clematis recta LINN. ; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 6. Har. Bioritsu, South Cape. 9. Thalictrum Linn. Thalictrum Urbaini (Hayara) Perennial herb. Stem 13-17 cm. high, glabrous, 2-3 clustered. Leaves bipinnate ; radical ones 4-5 em. long, biternately pinnate, long petiolate, petioles 3-4 cm. long, leaflets opposite tripinnate moderately petiolate, terminal one equally long, petiolules 1.5 cm. long, pinnules opposite, petiolulate 6 mm. long 5 mm. broad, subcordate trilobate obtuse glabrous on both sides. 'auline leaves 2-3, smaller, alternate, ternately or biternately pinnate. Panicles 4-5-flowered, flowers small, filaments somewhat long, broadened towards the apex, truncate at the apex or abruptly and very shortly rostrate; anthers oblong; stigma lateral; style recurved ; carpels nervose, more or less stipitate. Phatictrum | Fauriei НАҮАТА іп Marsum. et Hayara Enum. РІ. Formos. р. 7; Hayata Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 44. Har. Morrison, Taiton, Tikushiko. 26 RANUNCULACER. 8." Anemone Lin. Anemone vitifolia Ham. ; Hayara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 39, (in note). Anemone luzoniensis ҢоттЕ; Hayara in Tokyo Dot. Mag. XX. p. 73; and Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 39. Har. Shintiku: Goshorin. Drsrnrp. The Himalayas and the Philippine islands. The present plant was first mentioned as Anemone luzoniensis ROLFE in my paper above cited. A little later, I was informed by Mr. E. D. MERRILL of the Bureau of Science, Manila, that when he was in the Kew Herbarium, he and Mr. ROLFE compared the Philippine material with the. Himalayan specimen, and came to the conclusion that the Luzon plant is not distinctive from Anemone vitifolia Ham. The description of Anemone luzoniensis ROLFE has never been published. I think that the Formosan plant above mentioned is exactly the same as the Luzon plant, and Mr. Merritt has the same opinion. After considering all the above cases, I am much inclined to think that my plant should be referred to Anemone ` vitifolia Ham. 4. Ranunculus LN. . Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. Plants usually small, less than 15 em. high. (1) Plants usually larger, 30-40 cm. high. .... (3) (1) Leaves densely hirsute СЗО MEE R. taisanensis. 1 Leaves nearly glabrous or slightly hirsute. (2) (2) Leaves broadly orbicular, slightly lobulate ..........R. Kawakami. 9 Leaves ternately lobed, lobes linear.................... R. ternatus. 3 (9). Synearps globose, 2:.2..2. И Ji. acris. 4 Synearps elongately globose c 1 a R. japonicus. 5 1, Ranunculus taisanensis Hayara (Pl. V.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 20. Perennial, stem ascendent, hirsute, few-branched, 14 em. long. Radical leaves long petiolate, hirsute, petioles 4 cm. long, dilated at RANUNCULACEZ. 27 the base, embracing the stem, blades broadly rounded, 3-lobate, lobes roundly rhomboid slightly lobulate, or irregularly serrate, truncately cordate at the base, nearly rounded at the apex. Cauline leaves like radieal ones, petioles dilated at the base, embracing the stem, upper ones trilobed, lobes acute. Panicles few-flowered or nearly reduced to one flower, bracts minute lanceolate 2 mm. lone, peduncles 14 em. long. Flowers, when opened, 7-8 mm. in diameter. Sepals 5, elongately oblong, obtuse or rounded at the apex, 34 mm. long 1 mm. broad, hirsute on the back. Petals 5-10, obovate, cuneate rounded at the apex, cuneate at the base, 4 mm. long 2 mm. broad, distinctly glanduliferous at the base. Stamens nearly 20, 2mm. long, anthers rounded emarginate at the apex, filaments more or less complanate, carpophore oblongo-cylindrical. Carpels numerous. Achenes obliquely rounded, 14 mm. long, rostrate, minutely punctate at the Íace, beaks very short. Har. Bioritsu: Rokugio. Near Z. philippinensis Merr. et Roure, but differs from it by the much smaller flowers and more round leaves. 2. Ranunculus Kawakamii Hayara (Pl. VI.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 19. Perennial herb. Stem slender, 7 cm. long hirsute, few- branched. Radical leaves clustered, longe petiolate, petioles 4-5 cm. long, hirsute, or subglabrous, dilated at the base, turning to a stipule-like scale, blades semiorbicular or rhomboid, rounded or obtuse at the apex, shortly 5-lobed, (lobes obtuse), entire downwards, acute or truncate at the base or sometimes reniformed or cordate, hirsute near the margin, 10 mm. long, 12 mm. broad. Cauline leaves smaller, hirsute, petioles dilated at the base, embracing the stem. Flowers solitary on the apex of the branches, or axillary, peduncles 1 em. long, hirsute; flowers when opened 5mm. in diameter. Sepals 4-5, rounded, very concave, bi-fid or rounded at the apex, 2mm. long, pilose outside. Petals 3-5, white, oblong, rounded at the apex, 4mm. long. Stamens nearly 10, 14 mm. long, anthers oblong, rounded at the apex, filaments complanate, more or less shortly hirtellous at the base. Carpels nearly 10. Syncarps globose. 28 RANUNCULACE A, Har. Kagi: Arizan. The present plant appears very near to R. Cymbalaria Pansm and also to R. flaccidus ; but differs from the former in the shape of the flowers and especially in having very few carpels, and from the latter in the hairy form of the plant. 3. Ranunculus ternatus Tauxe. Fl. Jap. p. 241; Forges et Hemst. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 16; Henry List Pl. Formos. р. 14; Drzrs Fl. Centr. Chin. in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 334; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 9. Ranunculus extorris НАХСЕ, in “ Ann. Sc. Nat. 5 me série V. p. 204.” Ranunculus Zuccarinii Mig. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. Ш. p. 5; Miq. Prol. Fl Јар. p. 193; Franch. et бау. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 8, et II. p. 267; S. Moore in Journ. Bot. (1878) p. 129. Has. Tamsui. DisrRIB. Japan, central China, Shanghai, Ningpo. 4, Ranunculus acris LINN. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 779; Warn. Sp. Pl. II. p. 1326; English Botany t. 652; LeneB. “Fl, Alt. П. p. 331,” et Fl. Ross. I. p. 40; DC. Prodr. I. p. 39; Мо. Prol Fl. Jap. p. 193; Еклхон. et Sav. Enum. Pl. Jap. П. p. 266; Евлхонет Pl. David. p. 19; FORBES et Немет. Ind. Fl Sin. I. р. 13; Dwers Fl Centr. Chin. in Ener. Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 334; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. in Journ. Sci. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo, ХП. p. 274; Paris Conspect. Fl. Kore» р. 16; Marsum. et Harara Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 7. Ranunculus japonicus Tuuns. in Trans. Linn. Soc. П. (1794) p. 337. Ranunculus propinquus С. A. Mey in LrzpEP. “Fl. Alt. II. p. 332,” et Fl. Ross. I. p. 40; Махім. Prim. Fl. Amur. p. 20. Ranunculus propinquus var. hirsutus A. Gray Bot. Jap. in Mem. Am. Acad. VI. (1859) p. 378. Har. Kelung. Disrris. Europe, Siberia, China, Japan and North Africa. 5. Ranunculus japonicus LaANGsp. ex. FiscH. in DC. Prodi. I. p. 38; FoRBES et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 14; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 8. RANUNCULACEJE. 29 Ranunculus ternatus DC. Prodr. I. p. 31; Mm. Prol Fl. Jap. p. 192; Ғвахан. et Sav. Enum. РІ. Jap. I. p. 7; Francher Pl. David. I. p. 19, (non 'THUNB.). Ranunculus pennsylvanicus L. var. japonicus Maxim. “Pl. Chin. Potanin. in Act. Hort. Petrop. ХІ. (1889) р. 24”; Ivo et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. in Journ. Sci. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo ХИ. p. 276. Has. Taihoku, Pachina. DISTRIB. Japan. Species imperfectly known to me. Ranunculus sceleratus Linn. ; Marsum. et Hayara Enum, Pl. Formos. р. 8. Ranunculus sp. Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formos. p. 21. Has. Mt. Morrison. OBSERV. Apparently perennial with long fibrous roots. Stem slender, hirsute, branchless, with a solitary flower. Radical leaves long petiolate, petioles 6 cm. long, slender, nearly glabrous or thinly hairy, blades rounded in outline, 3-5-lobed towards the apex, somewhat thick, nearly glabrous or hirsute. Cauline leaves 1 at the middle portion of the stem, subsessile, deeply 3-lobed, lobes lanceolate, obtuse or acute, hirsute. No flowers, in- determinable. There is something like this at Kew, labelled Ranunculus philippinensis MERR et Rorre. Without examining the flowers, it is difficult to say whether our plant is identical with the Philippine plant or not. Isopyrum Livny. Isopyrum adiantifolium Hoox. et Тномз. var. arisanense HAYATA (РІ. VIL) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 21. Rhizome repent, stems erect, slender, 1 mm. in diameter, striate, subglabrous, leafless and branchless at the lower portions of the stem, but furcate or bi-furcate and few-leaved at the upper portions. Radical leaves clustered, 4-5 cm. long including petioles, petioles 3-4 em. long, slender, stipulate at the base, stipules semi-orbicular 4 mm. long, adnate to the petioles, scaly, blades bi- or tri-pinnate, the terminal pinna simple, 12 mm. long (including petiolules), flabellately semi- orbicular, slightly lobulate, truncately acute at the base, entire, 7 mm. long, 30 MAGNOLIACE/E, 8 mm. broad, lateral pinnæ often pinnate 12 mm. long (including petiolules), lateral pinnules pinnate, terminal pinnule simple. Cauline leaves 2, at the base of branches, opposite, smaller, ternate or bi-ternately pinnate. Flowers dichotomously cymose, pedicels 8 mm. long. Sepals 5, ovately oblong, 4 mm. long, obtuse at the apex. Petals 5, very short, nectariformed, stipitate, 1 mm. ` long (including stalks), blades rounded 4 mm. long, obtuse and mucronate, with elandules at the base inside. Stamens 5, filaments 23 mm. long, com- planate, anthers oblongly orbicular often incurved. Carpels 2, separated, sessile, crescent-shaped, 3 mm. long, } mm. broad, style very short, 4 mm. long, stigma truncate. Follicles divaricate, elongate, 9 mm. long, 21 mm. broad, connate at the base, truncate at the apex, greenish on the back, yellowish on the face. Seeds nearly 10, globose, $ mm. in diameter, slightly carinate on the back, yellowish brown, glabrous. Has. Arizan. Near I. adiantifolium Hook. et 'Тномз., but differs from the type in having much smaller flowers and shorter leaves. Magnoliaceee. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Erect shrubs or trees. (2) сл Climbing shrubs. Leaves exstipulate................. ‚.. Kadsura. к (2) -Perianth жопе... punim eee Trochodendron. Perianth exists. (3) (3) Stipules 0. Perianth double. Carpels in one whorl ........ Illicium. 2 Stipules conspicuous, convolute and sheathing the young foliage, deciduous. (4) (4). Gynophore sessile о ЖТ eee Ғы A ee Magnolia. 3 Gynophore stalked) ле oe ee Еу Michelia. 4 1. Trochodendron SIEL. et Zucc. Trochodendron aralioides Simp. et Zucc. Fl. Jap. І. p. 83, tt. 39 et 40; Мо. Prol Fl. Jap. p. 146; Francu. et Savar. Enum. РІ. Јар. p. 19; MAGNOLIACEJE. 31 Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 14; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. ХП. p. 54; Marsum et Harara Enum, Pl. Formos. p. 11; Havara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 44. Har. Morrison, Tikushiko, Taiton, Tamsui. Distrip. Japan and the Loo-choo islands. The plant spreads over from the main-islund of Japan through Kiushiu to the Loo-choo islands as south as Formosa. It grows the most luxuriantly in this region of the island, forming a pure forest on the boundary between the Conifer and broad leaved tree regions. The trunk is here so large as to attain a diameter of even 15 ft. 9. Illicium lax. Illicium anisatum Ly. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 664; DC. Prodr. І. p. 77; FRANCH. et Sav. Enum. Pl. Jap. L p. 15; Henry List Pl. Formos. р. 14; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 9. Illicium religiosum SIEB. еб Zucc. Fl. Jap. I. p. 5, t. 1; Bot. Mag. t. 3965; Forbes et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 23. Illicium anisatum Lour. Fl. Cochineh. ed-Wittp. p. 432. Har. Various localities ; Manapan. Disrris. Japan. Illicium sp. Harara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 45; and Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 22. Has. The Central Mountain Ranges. Very like Illicium Griffithii; no flowers, indeterminable. 3. Magnolia. Dichotomous Key to the Species. Leaves oblong-obovate rounded at the apex. Magnolia grandiflora. Leaves lanceolate-oblong, acuminate at the apex. Magnolia pumila. Magnolia grandiflora Liv. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 755; DC. Prodr. I. p. 80; Матягм. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 85; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 10. Har. Shintiku, Taihoku, cultivated in gardens. 32 MAGNOLIACE/E. Magnolia pumila Axor. Bot. Mae. t 977; DC. Prodr OD ӨТ; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 16; Matsum. Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 85; Forges et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 24; Iro et Marsum. Tent Fl. Lutch. in Journ. Sei. Coll Imp. Univ. Tokyo ХП. p. 283; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 10. Liriodendron Coco Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ей-ХҮплт. p. 424, (fide Hance). Magnolia Championi Bera. Fl. Норок. p. 8. Liriodendron liliifera Тлхх. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 755, (fide BLUME); WILED. Әр: Glee ү 2576 | Har. Taihoku, Tamsui, cultivated. Disrrip. | Loo-choo ; Southern China: Hongkong. 4. Michelia LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. Leaves elongate, 15cm. 100E 222222 22027 Michelia longifolia. Leaves rather small, 5-8 em. long. (1) (1) Leaves ovately lanceolate or obovately oblong, flower-buds usually smooth, velvety ылы, ee EET m Michelia compressa. Leaves obovately oblong, flower-buds roughly hirsute.. Michelia fuscata. Michelia compressa Maxm. in Mél. Biol. УШ. p. 506; FRANCH. et Sav. Enum. Pl Јар. І. p. 15; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 16; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. ХП. p. 54; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 10. Har. South Cape, Bankinsing, Manapan. Півткір. Japan. Michelia fuscata BLume; Forbes et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 24; Henry List Pl Formos. p.16; Matsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. р. 85; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 11. Magnolia fuscata Ахрв. Bot. Mag. t. 1008; DC. Prodr. I. p. 81. Liriodendron Figo Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WiLLD. p. 424. Has. Taihoku, Tainan, Daiburin, Bankinsing. DISTRIB. Southern China. Michelia longifolia Pruum; Bot. Mag. p. 12, tt. 2 et 3; Marsuw. in ANONACEZE. 33 Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 85; Matsum. et Harara Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 11 Нар. Taihoku, Shagiö, cultivated. 5. Kadsura Juss. Kadsura japonica Ілхх.; DC. Prodr. Т. p. 88; Miq. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 255; FRANCH. et Sav. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 18; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 16; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. in Journ. Sei. Coll. ХП. p. 285 ; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 85; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 12; Hayata Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 12. Kadsura chinensis Нахсе in Bextra. Fl. Hongk. p. 8; T'onpgs et HEMSrL. Ind. Fl. Sin. T. p. 25. Uvaria japonica Lin. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 756; Тнгхр. Fl. Jap. p. 237. Нар. Kagi: Kishirei. Disteip. Japan and China. The plant is found commonly in the lower districts. But it sometimes ascends to the hilly regions in the Prefecture of Kaei. Anonaceee. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Petals 2-seriate, one of both series imbricate in bud. Stamens niany- closely- packed a r ey mal. р, Uvaria. 1 Petals valvate or open in bud. (2) (2) Petals spreading flat or concave at the base only. ......Artabotrys. 2 Petals thick and rigid, connivent. (3) (3) Ovules solitary ; fruits fleshy, of many connate carpels ...... Anona. 3 Ovules 2-many ; outer petals broad .................... Melodorum. 4 1. Uvaria LINN. Uvaria sp. HavarA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 22. Scandent, leaves narrowed or obovately narrowed, abruptly acute at the apex, acute at the base, 20 em. long, 6 em. broad, glaucous beneath, costa and veins prominent. 94. ANONACE ZE, Has. Mt. Chöran. OBSERV. A large twining plant; near U. clusifora MERRILL of the Philippines. 2. Artabotrys R. Br. Artabotrys odoratissimus R. Br.; Вехтн. Fl. Норок. p. 10; Hook. f. et Тномв. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 54; ForBrs et Hzwsr. Ind. Fl Sin. I p. 26; Henry List Pl Formos. p. 16; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 86; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 12. Artabotrys hamata BLume Fl. Jav. Anon. p. 60, t. 29. Uvaria uncata Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed.-Wirtn. p. 426. Unona uncinata DC. Prodr. I. p. 90. Unona hamata Duna; DC. Prodr. T. р. 90: Unona odoratissima, et hamata Кохв. Fl. Ind. IT. p. 666. Нар. Ringaryo, Shintiku, Toseikaku, Köshün, Taihoku, Pachina, Tamsui. Disrrip. East Indian Peninsula, Ceylon and Java. 8. Anona LINN. Anona squamosa Linn. Sp. РІ. ed.-2 p. 757; DC. Prodr. I. p. 85; Roxs. Fl. Ind. П. p. 657; Hoox. f. et ''Hows. in Ноок. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 78; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 16; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mae. IV. p. 86; Marsum. et HayATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 13. Now. Indig. Shih-chia-kuo, Fan-li-chih, Foton-kuo, Fan-li, (ex HENRY). Har. Shöliukiutö and Kigo, Taichu, Shokwa, Takow. Distris. Introduced from America. 4. Melodorum Dux. Melodorum Oldhami Hemst. in T'onpgs et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. р. 27: Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 16; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Мао. XY. p. 86; Marsum. et Наулта Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 13; Hayara ‘Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 46. Нар. Nanto: Kashinokiyama, Goshorin, Nanko, Shifun, Bidritsu. Distriz. An endemic plant. MENISPERMACEJE. 30 Menispermacees. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Flowers 3-merous. Ovaries usually 3. Seeds horse-shoe-shaped, albumen copious. (2). Flowers 3-5-merous. Ovaries usually solitary, seeds horse- shoe shaped, albumen scanty ...................... Stephania. 3 (25 El өшініне a a E ee n noo Cocculus. 1 S S S 3 = ES RX n sS D bo Stills ДОШ ЫП esoo mo too ole ro M nic a e шә 1. Cocculus DC. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. йб o Келе Зе хата лы С. laurifolius. Seandent. (1) (1) Leaves rounded or ovately rhomboid .................. С. Thunbergii. Leaves obovately cuneate or Шшеат.................-.... C. cuneatus. Cocculus cuneatus PrxrH.; Forges et Hxwsr. Ind. Fl Sin. I. p. 28; Hrxny List Pl. Formos. p. 16; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 14. Í Nephroica cuneifolia Miers, in “Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. Bb XIX qo 26.7 Нар. Tainan, Hozan, Kelung, Mt. Takow, Boryo. Disrriz. An endemic plant. Cocculus Thunbergii DC. Prodr. Т. p. 98; НақсвЕ in Journ. Linn. Soc. XIII. p. 99; Maxim. in Mél. Biol XI. p. 651; Евлхонит Pl. David. р. 24; Forpus et Hemst. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 28; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 16; Diss Fl Centr. Chin. in Юхо. Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 945; Parızın Conspect. Fl. Korew I. p. 19; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 14. Cocculus ovalifolius DC. Prodr. I. p. 99; Bexem. Fl. Hongk. p. 13. Cocculus diantherus Hoox. et Ann. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 167. 36 MENISPERMACEA. Har. Kelung, Pachina, Tamsui, Takow. Distrip. Japan, eastern China. Pericampylus Miers. Pericampylus incanus Miers.; Bextra. Fl. Hongk. p. 19; Нахҳои in Journ. Linn. Soc. XIII p. 99; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 102; Forges et HrmsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 29; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 16; Ivo et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. in Journ. Sci Coll Imp. Univ. Tokyo XI. p. 286; Dwers Fl. Centr. Chin. in EncL. Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 344; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 15. Cocculus incanus COLEBROOKE in Trans. Linn. Soc. ХІІІ, p. 97, 176. f. 1; Maxm. in Mél. Biol. XI. (1883) p. 650. Menispermum villosum Roxb. Fl. Ind. IIT. p. 812. Har. Agincort, Bankinsing. Півтісі. Sikkim, Assam, Java, southern China, Kwangtung, Hong- kong. I doubt that the Formosan plant should really belong to this genus, for the filaments connate to the midway of the length, but not distinct. Stephania Lour. Dicholomous Key to the Formosan Species, Leaves cordately, deltoid peltate, sinuate at the base. Stephania tetrandra. Leaves perfectly ovate, quite rounded at the base. Stephania hernandifolia. Stephania hernandifolia Warr. Rep. I. p. 96; Вехтн. Fl. Hongk. p. 13; A. Gray Bot. Jap. p. 380; Вкхтн. Fl. Austral. I. p. 57; Мо. Prol. Fl. Јар. p. 108; Francom. et Savar. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 20; Hook. f. et Тномв. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 103; Maxim. in Mel. Biol. XI. (1886) p. 643, t. 3, fig. 1-9; Коввев et HEwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 29; Henry List Pl Formos. p. 16; Іто et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. in Journ. Sci. Coll Imp. Univ. Tokyo XII. p. 288; Dimers Fl. Centr. Chin. in Емо. Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 345; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 16. MENISPERMACEE. 37 Stephania longa Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WiLLD. p. 747. Cissampelos discolor DC. Prodr. I. p. 101. Cissampelos hernandifolia Witty. Sp. Pl. IV. p. 100; Roxb. Fl. Ind. ШЇ. p. 842; Wier Те. PL Ind. Or. t. 959. Cissampelos hexandra Кохв. Fl. Ind. Ш. p. 842. Menispermum japonicum Taune. Fl. Jap. р. 193; Witip. Sp. Pl. IV. p- 921. Cocculus japonicus DC. Prodr. I. p. 96; Sip. et Zuco. Fl Jap. Fam. Nat. in Abh. Akad. Muench. IV. Pt.-2, (1845) p. 189. Has. Taihoku, Sintiku, Suiteiryo, Niki, Dioritsu. Disrris. Japan, southern China, the Philippines, Malay, India, Ceylon, Africa, Australia and Polynesia. Stephania tetrandra S. Moore (Pl. ҮШ.) in Journ. Bot. (1875) p. 225; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. XI. p. 646, t. 2; Forbes et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 30; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 17; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 16; Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa р. 23. Stem more or less lienified voluble, striate, glabrous. Leaves reniformed, irre- gularly repandate or entire, abruptly acute at the apex, obtuse and mucro- nate at the very extremity, reniformedly cordate at the base, peltate, (sinus rounded), glabrous, glaucous beneath, chartaceo-membranaceous, 7 cm. long, 8 em. broad, petioles very slender striate 6 cm. long, inserted near the base of the blades. Panicles supra-axillary as long as petioles, pubescent, flowers capitately or umbellately arranged at the apex of the branches, pedicels very short, 4 mm. long. Drupes compressedly globose, 5 mm. in diameter, gla- brous. Har. Tamsui. Near Stephania dahurica DC. and also ©. hernandifolia ; but differs from the former in having nearly rounded but not lobed leaves, and from the latter in roundedly sinuated base of the leaves. In S. hernandifolia the sinus at the base of the leaves is acute but not rounded. Sp. Shrubby, scandent, tomentose. Leaves alternate, ovate or elliptical, obtusely acuminate, shortly petiolate, 7 cm. long, 4 cm. broad, glabrous 20 DERDBERIDEJX. above, hispidly tomentose beneath, costas and veins prominent, margin entire. Racemes few-flowered, axillary. Very interesting plant. This is the only scandent shrubby plant belonging to this family from Formosa. Species not yet represented in our Herbarium. Tinospora dentala Drews in Enon, Pfl-reich Menispermacew p. 13), Haz. Bankinsing. š Pericampylus formosanus Digrs in Excr. Pil-reich, Menispermacew р, 221, Has. (Faurte! No. 113.) Cyclea gracillima Diets in Excr. Pfl-reich Menispermacew p. 319, Has, Takow, (Henry !) à Berberideee. Conspectus of the Formosan (Genera. 1 x » A (1) Climbing shrubs. Flowers unisexual, ae 2 y we 1 Stem 0 or erect, shrubs or herbs. Flowers hermaphrodite, carpels 1. (2) (2) Ovules erect, basal. Shrubs. Fruits bemied .............: Berberis. 3 Ovules superposed along a ventral suture. (3) (3) Leaves simple not lobed, ovules a few. ................ Epimedium. 4 сл Leaves palmately lobed, ovules many. ................Poedophyllum. 1. Stauntonia DC. Stauntonia hexaphylla Dzcwr. “in Ann. Se. Nat. ser. 2, XII. p. 105"; Susp. et Zucc. Fl. Jap. L p. 148, t. 11; Maxim. in EnGL. Bot. Jahrb. VI. p. 58; М. Prol Fl. Jap. p. 197; France. et Sav. Enum. РІ. Jap. I. p. 21; Forbes et Неме. Ind. Fl. Sm. I. p. 30; T. Ivo in’ Journ. Linn. Soc. XXII. (1887) p. 423; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. ХП. p. 54; ~~ ы BERBERIDEE. 39 Parmy Conspect. Fl. Koreæ I. p. 21; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl, Formos. p. 17. | Rayania hexaphylla Tauns. Fl. Jap. p. 149. Har. Hokkökei. Distrie. Japan, Corea and Hongkong. 1 gkong 9. Akebia DECNE. Akebia longeracemosa Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XIIT. p. 18; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 17 t. 2. Shrub scandent. Leaves ever-green, long petiolate, digitately 5-foliolate, leaflets petiolulate, oblong, obtuse at both ends, or obovate-oblong, cuneate, emarginate and mucronate at the apex, glabrous. Flowers moncecious, long pedunculate. Fl. £ numerous, 25-30, arranged on a long raceme; pedicels very slender, spreading, nearly 5 mm. long, bracts paleaceous, linear. Sepals 3, reflexed, elliptico-oblong, somewhat obtuse, 9mm. long, 2 mm. broad, glabrous. Fl. ?: few-flowered, 40 mm. in diameter, long pedicellate 45-50 mm. long; sepals 3, black when dried, 18-20 mm. long, 8-12 mm. broad. Racemes 65-70 mm. long, 8 mm. broad. Carpels 6; ovary linear, 5 mm. long; staminodes very small ; -stamens З mm. long. Har. Taichu: Daiböhözan. DrsrRIB. An endemic plant. Akebia sp. Hayara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 46. Har. Morrison. Near A. longeracemosa Marsum., but differs from it in having trifoliolate leaves. 3. Berberis Lyn. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. Пе OS CONDE te рысы p тЫ nese ss Босе Berberis nepalensis. Leaves simple ems | ШЕКЕ 22000505006 ТС pee NR Berberis Kawakamii. IS A Т ННІ Зе Berberis morrisonensis. 40 BERBERIDEE. Berberis nepalensis Sprenc.; HawcE “іп Journ. Bot. (1882) p. 2”; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. р. 109; Fonszs et Немэг. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 31; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. ХП. p. 54; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. PL Formos. р. 18; Hayara Fl. Mont. Formos. р. 18. Mahonia nepalensis DC. Prodr. T. p. 109; Drgrs Fl. Centr. Chin. іп Excr. Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 338. Berberis Bealei FORTUNE Bot. Mag. t. 4852. Пет japonica Тномв. Fl. Jap. p. 79, et Ic. Pl. Jap. t. 12. Нар. Ganzan, Arizan, Kelung, Taiton. Distrip. Khasia, central China, Japan and the Philippine islands. Mr. E. D. Merrill remarks that this Formosan form is just the same as the Luzon one. Berberis Kawakamii Hayarı (Pl. IX.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 24. Shrub erect, many-branched, branches angulate sulcate, spines ternate 2-3 em. long. Leaves clustered, coriaceous, obovate, oblanceolate or lanceolate, acute, cuneate at the base, nearly sessile, remotely spinulosely dentate, 5-3 em. long, 2-1 em. broad, veins impressed on the upper side, but prominent on the under side, veinlets prominent on both sides, more pallid beneath. Flowers 10-15-fasciculate, perulate at the base, perules 2- 3-seriate, scaly broadly triangular shortly aristate, pedicels inclined, 1 em. long. Sepals 5-6, inequal, lanceolate, acuminate or subulate, longer than petals, the outermost the smallest. Petals 5-6, roundedly oblong, 41 mm. long, obtuse or rounded, with 2-glandules at the base inside. Stamens 2-6, 1mm. long, filaments 11 mm. long, incrassate, anthers 1 mm. long, oblong, connectives slightly produced, truncate. Carpels shortly cylindrical 3 mm. long, stigma sessile peltate. Berries 5-10-clustered, nigricant, oblongly ovoid, Т mm. long, obtuse at the base, 2-3-seeded ; seeds crescent-shaped, curved, 5 mm. long, minutely rugulose fuscous, peduncles 1 ст. long. Has. Mt. Morrison. The present plant comes very near В. barandana Vai; but differs from it in having much shorter peduncles and especially in the number of ovules contained in ovaries. Л. barandana has 1 oyule, while our plant has BERBERIDEE. 41 always 2 or sometimes 3 ovules. It also bears some resembrance to B. xanthoxylon НАЗК. and В. Wallichiana, but differs from both in having more sparely serrated leaves, and especially from the latter by its much more rounded fruits. Berberis morrisonensis HavarA (Pl. X.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 25. Shrub, erect, many-branched, branches with ternate spines. Leaves clustered coriaceous, ovately spathulate, rounded at the apex, aristately mucronate ог obtuse, spinulosely dentate on the margin, cuneate at the base, sessile or shortly petiolate, 15 mm. long, 7 mm. broad. Berries 3-clustered globosely ellipsoid, obtuse on both ends, reddish, 9 mm. long, 3-seeded ; stigma small, sessile; seeds crescent-shaped, 4 mm. long, smooth, scarlet, peduncles 14 cm. long. Has. Mt. Morrison. Near В, dictyophylla Franou.; but differs from it in having 3-fasciculate fruits which are much more rounded than those of FRANCHET’S species. 4, Epimedium LINN. Epimedium sp. Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 18. Pe- rennial herb. Radical leaves long petiolate, petioles 30-40 cm. long, trifolio- late, petiolulate, petiolules 5 em. long, shorter than the blades, nodes of petiolules swollen, blades 8-10 em. long, 7 cm. broad, ovately elliptical acuminate at the apex, strongly oblique at the base, auriculate, cordate, serrulate, (teeth setaceous) 8-10-nerved, glabrous, glaucous beneath. Has. central parts of the island. 5. Podophylium Lin. Podophyllum pleianthum Hance in Journ. Bot. (1883) p. 175; ForBEs et Hest. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 33; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 17; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 19. Has. Tamsui. DISTRIB. Southern China: Kwangtung. 42, NYMPH ACE. Nympheeaceeze. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Sepals and petals 3 each, free. Carpels free. Ovules few. Seeds albuminous ..-.... ушу е E E Brasenia 1 Sepals and petals 4-5, petals and stamens indefinite. (2) (2) Carpels confluent with one another or with the disk into one ovary. Ovules many. Seeds albuminous .......... Euryale 2 Carpels irregularly scattered, sunk in pits of the turbinate disk. Ovules 1-2. Seeds exalbuminous ...........:.. Nelumbo 3 1. Brasenia SCHREB. Brasenia purpurea Casr. “in Journ. Se. Acad. Lisb. IV. p. 312” ; Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa. p. 25. Hydropeltis purpurea Ricnarp; DC. Prod. І. p. 112. Brasenia peltata Pursm.; Hook. f. et Тномв. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. І. p. 113; Franom. et Sav. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 25. Has. Giran: Kentozan. Disrris. Commonly found in Japan, distributed in eastern North America and eastern Australia. Not yet known from China. OBSERV. Flowers solitary, sessile, pedunculate ; leaves peltate, elliptical, 10 em. long, 6.5 em. broad. 9. Euryale SALISB. Euryale ferox Saumsr.; Konic. et Sims. Ann. Bot. П. p. 74; DC. Prodr. І. p. 114; Bot. Mag. t. 1447; Боввез et HensL. Ind. Fl. Sin. T. p. 33; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 17; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. jos LS) Har. in swamps in the vicinity of Taihoku. DisTrIB. Northern India and Japan. PAPAVERACEE. 43 3. Nelumbo GERIN. Nelumbo nucifera Gern. ; FraxcH. et Savar. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 26; PALIBIN Conspect. Fl. Когеғ І. p. 90; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 19. Nelumbium speciosum Wirt. Sp. Pl. б. p. 1258; DC. Prodr. I. p. 113 ; Bot. Mag. t. 903; Кохв. Fl. Ind. IT. p. 647; Leprs. Fl. Ross. І. p. 83; (var. caspicum); Hook. f. et Тномѕ. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 116; Arr. Hort. Kew. ed—2, Ш. p. 332; Forses et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 34; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 17; Ivo et MaTsuM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. in Journ. Sci. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo XII. p. 291. Nymphea Nelumbo Jour. Fl. Cochinch. ed-Wirzp. p. 416; Tuune. Fl. Jap. p. 223. Har. Takow. (cultivated). DISTRIB. From Persia through warm regions of Asia to Australia. Papaveracese. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Flowers regular (2) os a na ыу aru кк d et e eS Ie aede eue Corydalis 3 (2) Stigmas 4 or more, radiating on a sessile disk ............ Papaver 1 Stigmas 4-6, radiating from the top of a depressed style.. .. Argemone 2 1 Papaver LINN. Papaver somniferum Ілхх.; DC. Prod. І. p. 119; FORBES et Немет. Ind. Fl Sin. I. p. 34; Hxwnv List Pl. Formos. р. 17; Marsum. еб HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 20. Нар. Kagi, Shinyesho, cultivated. DISTRIB. 2. Argemone LINN. Argemone mexicana Linn. “< Қою. Bl. Ind. II. р. 5715. Hook. 4: 44 PAPAVERACEJE. et Тномв. іп Hoox. f. Fl. Erit. Ind. I. p. 117; AYATA Materials for a Flora of Formos. p. 28. Нар. Taito: Hinaro. Disrriz. An American plant; naturalized in Formosa. OBSERV. An armed plant; leaves sessile, oblong, 10 em. long, 5 cm. broad, Centately ircised, aristate on the margin, and costas and nerves. Capsules oblorg, 5 em. long, with very many spines on them. 1 в J 3. Corydalis DC. Dichotomcus Key to the Formcsan Species. (1): Eobes of leaflets әсе, S sam nn Corydalis racemosa. Lobes of leaflets obtuse or rounded (2) C. pallida 2). ‘Small, nearly Sem. bioh. ЕУ С 2 (2) ? E C. taitensis Larger than the other group, nearly 20 cm. high. (3) (3) Lobes of the leaflets nearly entire or 2-lobed........... C. kelungensis Lobes of the leaflets lobulate on the margin. .......... C. formosana Corydalis racemosa Prrs.; DC. Prodr Т. р. 129; Mi. Prol, Fl. Jap. p. 200; FnawcH. et Savar. Enum. Pl Jap. П. p. 275; Евахснет Р]. Davin. p. 30; ForBEs et Немет. Ind. Fl. fin. І. p. 38; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 17; Ітб et Matsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. in Journ. Sci. Coll Imp. Univ. Tokyo XII. p. 296; Diets Fl. Centr. Chin. in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 355; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 21. Fumaria racemosa THUNB. ; WILD. Sp. Pl. ІП. p. 864. Har. Kelung, Tamsui. Distrie. Japan and China. Corydalis pallida Prrs.; DC. Prodr. J. p. 129; Maxrw. in Mél. Biol. X. p. 49; Bot. Mag. t. 6826; Өтев. et Zucc. Fl. Jap. Fam. Nat. L р. 174; Miq. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 201; Евлхсн. et Savar. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 31, et П. p. 276; Коввев et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. TL p. 37; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 17; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. in Journ. Sci. Coll Imp. PAPAVERACER. 45 Univ. Tokyo ХП. p. 294; Diets Fl. Centr. Chin. in Ener. Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 355; Patrpin Conspect. Fl. Kores I. p. 24; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 20. Corydalis aurea WILLD. var. speciosa REGEL. ; Franca. et Savar. Haun. Pl. Jap. IL p. 275. Corydalis heterocarpa SIEB. et Zuco. Fl. Jap. Fam. Nat. I. p. 173. Corydalis speciosa, Maxim. Prim. Fl. Amur. p. 39. Corydalis Wilfordi RzcEL.; Mio. Prol Fl. Jap. p. 201; Franon. et SAVAT. Enum. Pl. Jap. І. p. 30, et II. p. 275. Fumaria lutea Tauns. Fl. Jap. p. 277. Fumaria pallida 'Taune.; Witup. Sp. Pl. Ш. p. 865. Has. Shintiku, Taichi, Bioritsu, Hakkakurin. Disrris. Japan, Bonin, central China, Siberia and North America. Corydalis taitensis Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 27. A small perennial herb, 8 cm. high; roots fibrous more or less fleshy. Radical leaves pinnate 8 cm. long (including petioles) glabrous, ovate in outline, petioles 4cm. long, gradually dilated at the base, more or less incrassate, ріппе distant 2 em. long (including petiolules), 1 cm. broad, pinnules sessile, obovate, 3-lobate or lobulate, lobules obscurely mucronate. Cauline leaves nearly the same as radical ones. Racemes 5-8 cm. long, bracteate, somewhat densely flowered, bracts obovate obtuse 5 mm. long, 21 mm. broad, pedicels 6 mm. long. Sepals 2, minute, deciduous, obliquely rounded 1i mm. in diameter, irregularly dentate, rounded at the base, peltately or cordately affixed. Petals 4, оле of the exterior ones spurred at the base, 18 mm. long (including spurs) 5 mm. broad, erect or slightly recurved, truncate at the apex, shortly callously mucronate marginate, concave near the apex, the other narrower 13 mm. long, 3 mm. broad, truncate and carnosely mucronate at the apex, gibbose near the apex; interior ones narrowed, long clawed, 13 mm. long including claws, claws 7 mm. long, blades narrowed, oblique, slightly auriculate, 7 mm. long, 91 mm. broad, truncate and carnosely mucronate at th» apex, carinate on the back, keels slightly produced at the apex, 11 mm. broad. Filaments 46 PAPAVERACEJE. 19 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, complanate, narrowed towards the apex. Har. Taitö: Daironkosha. Corydalis kelungensis Havara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 27. Herb, very slender, 30 cm. high, ascendent, quite glabrous. Radical leaves long petiolate, many times ternate, 30 cm. long (including petioles), petioles very much slender, 15 cm. long, long petiolulate, pinnules obovate 2 cm. long, lem. broad, rounded at the apex, or 2-3-lobate, gradually narrowed reaching the petioles, more pallid beneath. Касетеѕ 10 cm. long, loosely flowered, bracts ovate, 5 mm. long, pedicels 1 cm. long Flowers nearly 18 mm. long. Sepals 2, deciduous. Petals 4, inequal, connate, one of the exterior larger, boat-shaped, 18 mm. long including spurs, spurred at the base, (spurs 9 mm. long, 3 mm. broad, obtuse straight or more or less curved at the apex), the other flat 13 mm. long, long clawed at the base, blades rounded 7 mm. broad, emarginate or sinuate at the apex, gradually narrowed and reaching the claw; interior ones connate together, narrowed, strongly carinate on the back at the apex, 13 mm. long. Has. Kelung: Ariko. The flowers are somewhat like those of C. decumbens Prrs.; but the leaves are quite different. Corydalis formosana Hayara Materials for a Flora of Forinosa p. 26. Herb, 40-50 cm. high, many-branched, very glabrous, stem sulcate flexuose. Cauline leaves 15 em. long (including petioles), 7 cm. broad bipin- nate, petioles 4 em. long, pinns remote, ovate, 5 cm. long, 3 cm. broad, petiolules 2 cm. long, pinnules subsessile obovate, trilobate, or irregularly lobulate, rounded at the apex, lobules obscurely mucronate. Racemes 13 c.n. long, pedunculate 4 em. long, bracts ovate, acute, 4 mm. long, pedicels 4 mm. long. Sepals very small, obliquely rounded, obtuse, 14 mm. long, rounded at the base. Petals, exterior ones inequal one of them 17 mm. long (including spur) 4 mm. broad, broadly emarginate and slightly mucronate at the apex, winged near the apex on the back (wings 2 mm. long 12 mm. broad), spurred at the base, spurs 4 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, abruptly recurved near the apex, rounded at the apex; the other narrowed, 12 mm. ‚ CRUCIFERJE. 4T long, 2 mm. broad, dilated towards the apex, rounded and slightly emarginate at the apex, winged near the margin on the back, wings triangular 1 mm. broad ; interior ones much narrower, 12 mm. long, clawed, claws 53 mm. long, i mm. broad, blades obliquely rectangular, 6 mm. long, 24 mm. broad, rounded emareinate and mucronate at the apex, winged near the apex on the back, wings shortly produced 1 mm. broad. Stamens 12 mm. long, filaments com- planate, 11 mm. broad, gradually narrowed towards the apex. Capsules linear i em. long, (including beaks) 4 mm. broad, beaked at the apex, beaks 6 mm. long. Seeds orbicular compressed, minutely and elegantly concentri- cally punctate, 14 mm. in diameter, arils suborbicular, 14 mm. long. Has. Taito: Taruko, Coll. G. Naxanara, 1906, June, (No. 710). Very near C. Balanse Pram; but differs from it in having larger flowers and very much smaller bracts. Cruciferee. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Pods narrow, long or short, dehiseing throughout their length, terete or compressed dorsally (parallel to the septum.) (2). Pods short, dehiscing throughout their length, compressed laterally (at right angles to the septum.) (6). (2) Cotyledons accumbent, ie. radicle facing the edges of both cotyledons (3) | Cotyledons longitudinally folded or deeply grooved........ Brassica. 5 (3) Pods narrow long. ойе епо broad, Slabrousscherbs 7. dq eases Cochlearia. 4 (4) Sepals spreading podsctumid nenn. Nasturtium. 1 Sepals erect, pods not tumid. (5) (bods Aat Sbronelyestnetyeda nn л. Arabis. 2 о Бату menveds 02222... Cardamine. 3 (6) Pods many-seeded, valves boat-shaped, carinate. .......... Capsella. 6 Pods didymous, valves 1-seeded, indehiscent ............Senebiera. T 48 CRUCIFERJE. 1, Nasturtium Br. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Plants small, ‘nearly Larsen. uch ene е Nasturtium sikokianum Plants much larger, more than 30 cm. high. (2) (1) Leaves not embracing the stem .............. Nasturtium montanum Leaves embracing the stem, auriculately rounded at the base. Nasturtium globosum Nasturtium sikokianum Franca. et Savat. Enum. Pl. Jap. П. p. 277; Marsum. in Tokyo. Bot. Mag. XIII. p. 61; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 22. Has. Hikaku. DISTRIB. Japan. Nasturtium montanum Warr.; Benta. Fl. Норок. p. 16; Hook. f. Fl Brit. Ind. І. p. 134; Mio. Prol. Fl. Jap. р. 3; Franca. et SAVAT. Enum. Pl Jap. I. p. 32; Francner Pl. David. p. 31; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 40; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 17; Ivo et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. in Journ. Sei. Coll Imp. Univ. Tokyo XII p. 297; Diets Fl. Centr. Chin. in Ener. Pot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 357; PanmiN Conspect. Fl. Koree I. p. 25; Marsum. et HavarA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 22. Sinapis pusilla Roxp. Fl. Ind. IIT. p. 125. Has. Taihoku, Tamsui, Takow. Distris. China, Japan, Korea, India to Java. Nasturtium globosum Turcz.; Hance in Journ. Linn. Soc. XIII. p. 76; FRAncHET РІ. Davin. p. 31; Еоввеѕ et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 39; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 17; Dwers Fl. Centr. Chin. in ENGL. Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. р. 357; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 22. Nasturtium cantoniense Hance in Journ. Bot. (1865) p. 378. ` HAB. South Cape. The species not yet represented in our Herbarium. DISTRIB. Eastern Siberia and China. CRUCIFERA. 49 9. Arabis LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. ipe aves, утау lobed "nn... nen inm toe eevee Arabis morrisonensis Leaves nearly entire or a very sparely toothed.............. Arabis alpina Arabis morrisonensis Hayata (Pl. XI.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 29 Arabis taraxacifolia Hayara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 49, (non ANDERS). Herb slightly lignified at the base, perennial, hirsute, hairs simple or branched 2 mm.-1 mm. long, stoloniferous, decumbent. Stem 20cm. long, branches leafy. Radical leaves clustered radiatey arranged, long petioled 3 cm. long including petioles, 6 mm. broad stellately hirsute, (hairs fureate or simple) spathulate in outline,petioles 14 em. long, as long as the blades, blades ovate lyrate, lobes 4-5 on both sides, terminal lobe obovate, obtuse. Cauline leaves simple, oblanceolate, 31 cm. long, 4 mm. broad, obtuse at the apex, gradually attenuate downwards scarcely serrate on the margin, or nearly entire. Касетеѕ terminal or axillary, 5-6 cm. long, pedicels 1-2 cm. long, bracts 0. Sepals narrower oblong, 21 mm. long, 1 mm. broad, round- ed and mucronate at the apex, sparingly hirsute on the back. Petals oblong-ovate, clawed, 6 mm. long, rounded or truncate at the apex. Stamens 2mm. long. Siliques straight or slightly curved, linear, 3-4 em. long, 1 mm broad, obtuse at both ends; styles persistent, pedicels 14 em. long. Seeds elongately oblong, 13 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, rounded at both ends, com- planate, somewhat scabrous. Has. Mt. Morrison. In my paper above cited, I mention that the present plant agrees quite well with the description of Arabis taraxacifolia ANDERS given in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 196, and is also very like the European A. erenosa Scop. Although I did not, at that time, see. ANDERSON’S specimen, I thought that the plant must be identical with 4. taraxacifolia. While studying here at Kew, I have compared it with the type of the same species, and have found that they are quite different. The Formosan plant is distinguishable from the Indian in having nearly erect and stouter pods, 50 CRUCIFERE. larger seeds and smaller leaves, and also in bearing very long stolons. ‘The Indian plant appears to be of more tender habit, with curved pods, narrower, smaller seeds, and larger, thinner leaves. Moreover, the present plant differs from A. arenosa Scop. in having longer pods, smaller flowers, and leaves with more rounded lobes. Arabis alpina Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2. р. 9298: DC. Prodr. I. р: 1222 Hook. f. et. Тномв. in Journ. Linn. Soc. V. p. 141; Hook. f. et ANDERS. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. Т. p. 135; Drets Fl. Centr. Chin. in Ener. Pot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 359; Lepes. Fl. Ross. I. p. 117; Hook. et Arn. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 112; Hayara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 49. Arabis albida 8тку.; DC. Prodr. I. р. 142. Arabis pterosperma Epagw. in Tran. Linn. Soc. XX. p. 35. Нав. Mt. Morrison. Disrrie. Asia, from Altai westward to Europe; east Himalaya, central China northward to eastern Siberia. My specimen dogs not quite agree with the description of A. alpina Lixx. It seems to me that the plant differs a little from the type in its individual character only. The leaves of the present form are subentire, while those of the type are more or less dentate. 3. Cardamine 1лхх. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. Leaves not lobed. ts... ЕЕСЕЕ Cardamine reniformis. Leaves pinnately lobed. (1) (1) Plant very much slender, leaves small, less than 4 cm. in ТЕГТІ ЕТТЕ C. parviflora. Plant much larger, leaves more than 8 cm. in length....... C. hirsuta. a. lobes rounded 22222... С. hirsuta var rotundiloba. В. lobes mostly obovate. ........ C. hirsuta var formosana. Cardamine reniformis Havara Fl. Mont. Formos. р. 50, and Materials for a Flora of Formos.’ p. 31. Stem slender, 8-9 cm. long, erect, CRUCIFERAE. 5l glabrous. Radical leaves long petiolate, petioles nearly 5 cm. long, base slightly dilated, blades roundly reniformed, apex obtuse, base reniformed, repandately palmately 6-7-nerved, 4 cm. long as broad, subelabrous, sparely ciliolate. Cauline leaves shortly petiolate, nearly like the radical ones. Seapes few-fowered, flowers small, 5 mm. long, pedicellate. Sepals 4, oblong- elliptical, obtuse at both ends, 21 mm. long. Petals spathulate, 2 mm. long. Stamens 6, 21 mm. long. Ovary cylindrical, 2 mm. long, style short, stigma globose. Siliques linear, 2 cm. long, 14 mm. broad; seeds oblong, compressed 4 mm. long. Has. Mt. Morrison. The present species differs from other species of this genus in having reniformed leaves. The leaves are somewhat like C. asarifolia LINN., in which species they are never cordate or reniformed. The plant is also near C. violefolia O. S. Schutz. from which is separable in having rather angulate leaves and very much smaller flowers. Flowers of my plant aie 3 mm. long, while those of the Chinese C. viclefolia are 8 mm. long, or even more. Those of C. asarifolia LINN. are also much larger. Cardamine parviflora Lins. Sp. РІ. ed-2, p. 914; DC. Prodr. J. p. 152; S. Moore in Journ. Bot. (1875) p. 230; Maxim. in Mél. Eiol. IX. p. 10; FRawcHET Fl. David. p. 34; FORBES et Hemst. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 44; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 17; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 23. Has. Hikaku. Disrris. Europe, rorthern Africa, and temperate Asia; Japan to Manchuria. As is suggested by Mr. T. Nakar, the Formosan plant is very like or perhaps the same as, var. manchurica Komar. I have examined with Mr. T. Naxar the co-type of the variety, and found that it is very similar to the Formosan plant. Cardamine hirsuta Ітхх. Sp. Fl. ed-2, p. 915; Вехтн. Fl. Норок. pastor Мак їй Mel Biol. Rep 6, вахони РІ, David... p. 34; Ғоввев et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 43; Diets Fl. Centr. Chin. in ENGL. 59 CRUCIFERZE. Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 358; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl Lutch. in Journ. Sci. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo XII. p. 297. The Formosan plant which was mentioned as C. hirsuta tn MATSUM. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 23 should be divided into two, each representing a variety of the type. var. rotundiloba Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 31. Herb glabrous, stem simple 15 cm. long, few-leaved. Radical leaves pinnate spathulate in outline, 6 em. long (including petals) 1 em. broad, pinne 4-5 on both sides, distant, subsessile rounded often oblique obscurely lobate or entire, 5-10 mm. long, petioles 3 em. long, complanate slightly dilate at the base. Racemes 10 cm. long remotely flowered. Siliques linear straight, 22 mm. long. 1 mm. broad, obtusely truncate at the apex. Seeds minute scabrous, oblong, rounded at both ends, 1 mm. long. HAB. Formosa: Shintiku, Goshizan. The present variety is easily distinguishable from the type in having much more rounded lobes of leaflets. There is a specimen very much like this variety at Kew which is labelled Cardamine hirsuta LINN. with a question mark. var. formosana Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa р. 30. Stems glabrous, branched, ascendent, 15 em. high, with some leaves. Leaves pin- nately-cleft, obovate in outline, 5 cm. long (including petioles), 21 cm. broad, petioles 2 cm. long, complanate or winged, lateral segments obovate rounded at the apex, 3-5 lobulate, abruptly attenuate at the base, 21 cm. long. tacemes 4 cm. long, pedicels 1 mm. long, bracts obtuse 2 mm. long. Sepals 4, oblong, 13 mm long, 2 mm. broad. Petals 4, obovate, spathulate, 11 mm. long, rounded ог emarginate at the apex, narrowed at the base. Stamens 11 mm. long, filaments complanate. Ovary cylindrical 11 mm. long. Siliques linear, straight, 17 mm. long, 1 mm. broad, obtuse on both ends. Seeds oblong, 2 mm. long, minutely scabrous. Has. Taitö: Hakuhakusha. There is a specimen very much like this in the Kew herbarium. It is labelled С. hirsuta Linn., but quite different from the type. As the present CRUCIFERE. 53 plant is quite easily distinguishable from the type of QC. hirsuta LiNN., it is advicable, in my opinion, to regard it as representing a variety of the type, rather than to regard it as a form of it. 4, Cochlearia LINN. Cochlearia formosana Havara (Pl. ХП.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 32. Herb slender glabrous, 8-10 cm. high, few-branched, radi- cant. Leaves simple or trifoliolate, petiolate, folioles cordate,' 22 cm. long, ro- unded, emarginate or mucronate at the apex, reniformed at the base, margin entire or remotely crenulate, mucronate at the sinus between crenas, membranaceous. Racemes nearly axillary, long pedunculate, few-flowered. Flowers white, small, 2mm. long, sepals li mm. long, spathulate, petals 21 mm. long, obovate long clawed, claws + mm. long, stamens 13 mm. long, with indistinct glandules at the base. Ovary 2-costate. Siliques when matured horizontally divaricate from the axis, oblong or elongate, 5 mm. long, subterete, valves pubescent, cancave, obscurely reticulate. Seeds 2-seriate, many, oblong, 1 mm. long or longer, costa red, elegantly punctate. Нар. Shinko: Remogansha. A very pretty herb; the only species belonging to this genus in For- mosa. The flowers and fruits of the plant resemble those of Draba. But, on account of its being quite glabrous, it should be referred to the present genus. 5. Brassica LINN. Brassica campestris Ілхх. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 931; DC. Prodr. I. p. 24; WinLp. Sp. РІ. П. p. 556; Hook. f. et ANDERS. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 156; Fonszs et HEwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 46; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 17; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Luteh. in Journ. Sci. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo XII p. 299; Dirıs Fl. Centr. Chin, in ExcL. Jahrb. XXIX. р. 307; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 23. Brassica chinensis Linn. ; DC. Prodr. Т. p. 215. 54 CRUCIFERE. Brassica oleracea Lour. Fl. Coshinch. ed- Wirrrp. p. 481. Brassica Rapa Leven. Fl. Ross. І. p. 216. Sinapis pekinensis Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed-Wirrp. p. 481. Har. Commonly cultivated. Drsrnrp. Europe to Siberia ; and cultivated in Japan and China. 6. Capsella Маехсн. Capsella bursa-pastoris Manou.; DC. Prodr. I. p. 177; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. р. 16; Leper. Fl. Ross. І. p. 199; Bunce in Maxim. Prim. Fl. Amur. p. 46; Мо. Prol Fl Јар. p. 7; Franca. et Savar. Enum. Pl. Jap. Т. p. 38; Hook. f. et ANDERS. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 159; FORBES et Hxwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. I `p. 48; Henry List РІ. Formos.: p. 17; Irö et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Luteh. in Journ. Sei. Coll Imp. Univ. Tokyo XII. p. 301; Dwers Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 358; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 24. | Har. Maruyama, Taihoku, South Cape. Distris. Europe, Siberia, Korea, Mongolia, Japan, China, India and Afriea 7. Senebiera Por. Senebiera integrifolia DC. Prodr. I. p. 202; ExGr. Bot. Jahrb: VI. p.58; Bent. КІ. Austral Т р. 82; Озу EL Trop, Айс Ip) BI 05 Maxim. in Mel. Biol. ХП. (1886) р 419; Forges еб Нем. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. р. 48; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Luteh. in Joura. Sei. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo XII. p. 302; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 25. Senebiera pinnatifida HExny List Pl. Formos. p. 18. Нар. Kashiötö; Pratas island. Distris. Madagascar, southern Africa, west2ra Australia to Loo-choo. ОвзЕку. Herb, rather hardy, creeping at lower part, many branched, about 20 em. high; leaves alternate, spathulate or linear, entire, a little dentate on upper portions of the margin, 3 cm. long, 4 mm. broad, racemes terminal many-flowered, flowers very small; siliques didymous, laterally compressed rugosely retieulate ; seeds solitary in each cell. CAPPARIDEE. Capparidee. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Herbs. Fruits capsular. (2). Shrubs or trees. (3). (2) Torus short, often produced backwards into an appendix. Simus GAG. TANS Sek Ка т NICO DOCERE COUP Cleome. 1 Torus short. Stamens 8-20, free, but sometimes not an- EE ee c e tae ME Mae mean RE e Polanisia. 2 Stamens on the gynophore. Petals open in bud....... Gynandropsis. 3 Gye sepals 4, Ә-сешеде, паһшейе.....2.2........2.......... Capparis. 4 Sais rA on раа Е о A AA Crateva. 5 1. Cleome Livy. Cleome pungens \Үптр.; (cult) Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 18; Marsum. et Havara Enum. Pl Formos. р. 25. ` Hap. It is recorded from Pescadores by Mr. Y. TasHıro; but I have nos yet seen a specimen of it. 9. Polanisia harm. Polanisia viscosa DC. Prodr. I. p. 949; BrwrH. Fl. Hongk. p. 18; Maxim. із Mél. Biol. ХП. (1886) р. 419; Коввез et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 50; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 18; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. in Journ. Sci. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo ХП. p. 305; 2 Matsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 25. Polanisia icosandra WIGHT et Arn.; WısHT Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 2. Cleome icosandra et viscosa Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 938; Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WiLLD. p. 483. Has. South Cape, and many other localities. Disrris. Widely diffused in warm regions. 56 : CAPPARIDEE. 3. Gynandropsis RAFN. Gynandropsis pentaphylla DC. Prodr. I. p. 238; Hoox. f. Fl Brit. Ind. I. p. 171; Forgrs et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 50; Henry List Pl. Formos. р. 18; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos р. 26. Har. Shintiku, Tainan, Nisoko, Kwashoto, Boryo. DISTRIB. Generally dispersed in warm regions. 4, Capparis lax. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. Leaves lanceolate. ........ Capparis membranacea, var. angustissima HEMSL. Leaves oblong or elongately oblong. (1) (1) Leaves acute at the base ................ Capparis formosana Hxxsr. Leaves rounded or slightly cordate at the base. . Capparis Henryi MATSUM. Capparis membranacea Garp. et Снамр. ; Вехтн. Fl. Hongk. p. 18; FonBrs et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 50; Var. angustissima HEMSL. Ann. Bot. IX. p. 145; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 27. Har. Pankinsing. DISTRIB. An endemic plant. Capparis formosana Hemsn. in Ann. Bot. IX. p. 45; Henry List Pl. Formos. р. 18; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 26. Has. Takow, Ako, Bankinsing. Distriz. An endemic plant. Capparis Henryi Marsuw. in Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Fl. Formos. p. 26, t. 8; Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa, p. 33. Scandent shrub, branches terete greenish, glabrous. Leaves coriaceous, petiolate, ellip- tical or oblong, obtuse, shortly calloso-cuspidate at the apex, rounded or attenuate at the base, glabrous on both sides, quite entire, reticulate, nerves 7-9 on both sides of the costa, prominent below, very much curved ; petioles CAPPARIDE/E. 57 8mm. long, glabrous; blades of the leaves 10 cm. long, 5.2 cm. broad ; stipules spiny, straight, very much shorter than the petioles, but sometimes nearly equally long. Flowers 4-6-clustered, clusters superaxillary ; pedicels nearly glabrous, 6 mm. long. Sepals 4, distinct, imbricate, ovately elliptical, acute, glabrescent on both sides, tomentose inside and also on the margin. Petals 4, white, imbricate, linear-oblong, obtuse, tomentose on the margin towards the apex, or glabrescent, 8-19 mm. long, 4 mm. broad. Stamens 12-16, thread like, white, 26-30 mm. long, anthers oblong, yellowish glabrous. Ovary subglobose, glabrous, long stalked (stalks 19 mm. long), 1 celled, placentas 4, ovules numerous; stigma sessile. This is very near C. micrantha from which it is distinguishable only in the venation of the leaves. Has. Takow, Koshün, Fuko, Boryo, Biöritsu, Hokko. DisrRIB. An endemic plant. 5, Crateva Linn. Crateeva religiosa Forst.; DC. Prodr. I. p. 243; Ноок. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. І. p. 172; Оцу. El. Trop. Afr. I. p. 99; Forbes et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 51; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 18; Іто et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. р. 305; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 27. Capparis falcata Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed—-Wrrrp. p. 405. Capparis magna Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WitLp. p. 405. Crateva Adansonii DC. Prodr. I. p. 243. Crateva falcata DC. Prodr. I. p. 243, Crateva læta DC. Prodr. Т. p. 243. Crateva magna DC. Prodr. I. p. 243. Crateva trifoliata Roxs. Fl. Ind. П. p. 571. Has. Kelung, Pachina, Ako. Distris. China, India, tropical Africa. 58 VIOLACEJE. Violacese. Viola LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. Leaves more or less purpurascent beneath. (1) Leaves not at all purpurascent beneath. (3) (1) Leaves cordate more or less acute at the apex ...... Viola Kawakami. Leaves roundly cordate, rounded at the apex. (2) (2) Leaves dotted beneath, dots black .................... V. tozanensis Leaves not at all dotted tanan nn О V. formosana (3) Leaves more or less hirsute. (4) Leaves nearly glabrous or very shortly hairy. (5) (4) Sepals споја... s ee V. diffusa Sepals not ciliolate а E E eee V. Nagasawa (5) Leaves lanceolately hastate, or simply lanceolate........ V. Patrini Leaves broadly oblong, or auriculately cordate, more or less deltoid. (6) (6) Leaves deeply auriculately cordate, broadly deltoid ; flowering stem foliose: лы E V. verecunda Leaves more or less elongately deltoid, flowering stem not at all fohóose с.а. у aa Л ee ОК E V. japonica Viola Kawakamii Hayara Fl. Mont. Formos. р. 52, and Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 33. Slender herb. Leaves long petiolate, stipulate, petioles slender, 10-15 cm. long, blades hastately cordate, acuminate or obtuse, crenulate, pilose at the sinus between the crenas, other parts glabrous, elaucously violascent, nearly 3 cm. long, 2 cm. broad, stipules laciniate, a little adnate to the petioles. Flowers (opened) 1.5 em. in diameter, long pedunculate, peduncles nearly as long as petioles, bracts 2 subulate remotely arranged, 5 mm. long. Sepals subequal, obtusely acuminate, 4 mm. long, 1 mm. broad, base produced i mm. beyond the insertion, glabrous. Upper petals and lateral ones subequal, ovately cuneate, emarginate at the apex, . 12 mm. long, 5 mm. broad, the lowest one larger 15 mm. long, 9 mm. broad, VIOLACEE. 59 apex strongly emarginate or slightly 2-lobed, long calcarate, spurs 6 mm. long, slightly curved at the apex. Anthers subsessile, connectives complanate, produced in a membraneous appendix which is 1 mm. long; 2-lower stamens calcarate on the back at the base, spurs З mm. long. Styles nearly straight, stigma terminal. Capsules not yet known. Has. Suizan. This is near Viola siamensis from which it differs in having much longer spurs. Spurs are usually very short in the Siamese plant. Viola tozanensis Hayara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 53. Stemless herb. Leaves long petiolate, stipulate, petioles 4: cm. long, blades broadly cordate, rounded, crenulate, setulosely pubescent, beneath glaucous violascent, nearly 2 cm. long as broad, stipules laciniate, a little adnate to the petioles. Flo- wers patent, refexed, 11 cm. in diameter, long pedunculate, peduncles as long as petioles, bracts 2 subulate opposite 5 mm. long. Sepals nearly equally long, obtusely acuminate, 4mm. long, 1 mm. broad, base beyond insertion l mm. produced, glabrous. Petals upper and side ones nearly equal, ovately cuneate, truncate at the apex, 10 mm. long, 5 mm. broad, the lowest larger, 18 mm. long, 8 mm. broad, very emarginate at the apex, base long spurred, spurs 4 mm. long, at the apex slightly curved. Anthers subsessile, connectives complanate, produced at the apex in a membrane which is 1 mm. long; 2— lower stamens spurred at the base on the back, spurs 3 mm. long. Style nearly straight, stigma sub-terminal. Capsules not yet known. Har. Tozan. | This is found on the large trank of a tree. The flower is patent and of a whitish purple colour. Viola formosana НАҮАТА іп Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 28, and Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 33. Stemless herb. Leaves long petiolate, stipulate, petioles slender 3-4 em. long, twice as long as blades, blades broadly cordate rounded, crenate, pilose only at the sinus between the crenas other parts quite glabrous, glauco-violascent beneath, 2 cm. long, stipules laciniate, partly adnate to the petioles. Flowers when opened 1.5 em. in diameter, lone pedunculate, peduncles twice as long as petioles, 60 VIOLACEZE. bracts 2, subulate, remote, 4 mm. long. Sepals nearly equally long, obtuse- ly acuminate, 4mm. long, 1mm. broad, 1 mm. produced at the base beyond the insertion, quite glabrous. Petals upper and lateral ones nearly equal, ovately cuneate, emarginate at the apex, 12 mm. long, 5 mm. broad, the lowest one larger, 15 mm. long, 9mm. broad, very emarginate at the apex, or slightly 2-lobed, long spurred at the base, spurs 5 mm. long, slightly curved. Anthers subsessile, connectives complanate, produced at the apex to a membrane which is 1 mm. long; 2-inferior stamens calcarate on the back at the base, spurs 9 mm. long. Style nearly erect, stigma terminal. Has. Wantan. This is near V. Sicboldi Maxim. but differs from it in having rounded leaves. The leaves of V. Sieloldi are much more oblong, but not quite, rounded at the apex, as is the case with the Formosan plant. Viola diffusa Ginc. in DC. Prodr. І. p. 298; Вехтн. Fl Hongk. p. 20; Maxim. in Mél Biol. IX. p. 735; Евакснет Pl. David. p. 43; ForBES et Hxwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 52; Henry List Pl. Formos. р. 18; Drgrs Fl. Centr. Chin. in EncL. Pot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 477; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 28. Har. Shichiseitonzan, Kusshaku, Wantan. Disrriz. Himalaya and Khasia mountains; China and southern Japan. Viola Nagasawai Marmo et Hayata in Matsum. et Hayama Enum. РІ. Formos. р. 80; Hayara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 52 Stemless herb, stolonifer- ous. leaves long petiolate, petioles slender, 3-4 em. long, twice as long as blades, blades somewhat large, broadly cordate at the base, rounded at the apex, margin crenate, pilose above, glabrous below, 1.5-2 cm. long, stipu- late, stipules 9 mm. long, subulate, laciniate, partly adnate to the petioles. Flowers (when opened) 1.5 cm. in diameter, white in a dried specimen, peduncles very long 3-4 times as long as petioles, 2-bracteate on the middle of the peduncles, bracts opposite, acuminate, 5 mm. long. Sepals subequal obtusely acuminate 5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. broad, produced at the base beyond insertion. Tetals upper and lateral ores nearly eqval, obovate, cuneate at VIOLACEZ. 61 the base, 13 mm. long, the lowest one shorter, 10 mm. long, calcarate at the base, spur very short, 1 mm. long; anthers subsessile, connectives complanate, produced at the apex to a membrane of 1 mm.; 2-inferior stamens calcarate on the back at the base. Style nearly straight 2—5 mm. long, stigma terminal. Capsules 3-valved, sepals persistent. Seeds ovoid-globose, 1.3 mm. long, coats crustaceous, reticulate. Has. Shichiseitonzan, Taiton, Chikushiko. Viola Patrinii DC. Prodr. I. р. 295; BzwrH. ГІ. Норок. p. 20; Maxm. in Mél. Ріо]. IX. p. 722; Шегев. Fl Ross. Т. p. 245; Maxim. Prim. Fl. Amur. p. 48; Mig. Prol. Fl Jap. p. 84; FnawcH. et SAVAT. Enum. РІ. Jap. I. p. 41; Еоввеѕ et Немат. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 53; Іо et Marsum. Tent. Fl Lutch. p. 396; Diets Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 476; PALIBIN Conspect. Fl. Koree I. p. 33; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 90. Viola primulifolia Lour. Fl. Cochineh. ed-WiLLD. р. 628. Нар. Taiton, Urai, Rahao, Botansha, Wantan. Disrris. China, India, Manchuria, Japan and Korea. Viola verecunda A. Gray Bot. Jap. p. 382; Baker et Moore in Journ. Linn. Soc. ХҮП. p. 379; Maxim. in Mel. Biol IX. p. 7; FORBES et Немѕг. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 56; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 18 ; -DIELS Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 477; Patipin Conspect. Fl. Koreæ, І. p. 36; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 31. Har. Heichosho, Tamsui. DrsrTRIP. Eastern China, Manchuria, Japan and Korea. Viola japonica Lanesp. ; DC. Prodr. I. р. 295 : Мо. Prol Fl Jap. р. 86; Maxim. in Mel. Biol. IX. (1877) p. 724; FrancH. et Savat. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 42, et IL. p. 287; FonBES et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 53; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 18; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 207; Parme Conspect. Fl. Koree I. p. 32; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 29; Hayara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 52. Viola japonica var. pekinensis Maxim. “ Bull. Sos. Nat. Mose. (1879) p. 4." 62 BIXINEZE. Viola kamtschatica var. pekinensis REGEL. Pl. Rad. T. p. 230. Haz. Tappansha, Mt. Morison, Taihoku, Shintiku, Biöritsu, Kokwansho, Pachina, Gilan, Heirinbi. ) Distriz. Northern and central China and Japan The same as the Japanese form. Bixineee. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. Flowers hermaphrodite. Sepals 4-6. Petals as many ....Scolopia. 1 Flowers diccious. Sepals 5 (3-6), tomentose, imbricate, deciduous. Petals (. Lu КРИТ E T - . Ldesia, 2 1. Scolopia SCHREB. Scolopia crenata Cros. in “Ann. Se Nat. 4. ser. VII. p: 250% Warp. Ann. ҮП. p. 227; Вехтн. Fl. Hongk..p. 19; Hook. f. Fl. Brit, Ind. I. p. 191; Еоввев et HEwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 57; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 18; Marsum. et Hayata Enum Pl. Formos. p. 31. Phoberos chinensis Lovn. Fl. Cochinch. ed-Willd. p. 389. Phoberos sevus Hance іп Warp. Ann. TIT. p. 825. Scolopia chinensis et S. acuminata Cros. loc. cit. pp. 249 et 251; HANCE in Journ. Linn. Soc. XIII. p. 100. Scolopia Oldhami НАХСЕ in * Ann. Se. Nat. 5-ser. V. p. 206.” Has. Kelung, Shintiku, Khasia, Kiko, Koshún, Hokuto, Tamsui Distriz. Cochinchina, China, western India and the Philippines. 2. Jdesia Maxim. Idesia polycarpa Maxim. in. Mél. Biol. VI. p. 9; Евахсн. et SAVAT. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p.45; Pot. Mae. t. 6794; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 18; Matsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. ХП. p. 67; Diets Fl. Centr. Chin. р. 478; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Fl. Formos. p. 32; Hayata Fl. Mont. Formos. р: PITTOSPOREA!. 63 Has. ‘Taito: Iryokukakusha ; Kaei: Burakukansha ; Kotosho. Ako. Distris. Central China and Japan. Pittosporese. Pittosporum Banks. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. Leaves obtuse or even rounded at the apex. ................. BD, Tobira. Leaves acute, acuminate or even cuspidate. (1) (1) Leaves cuspidate at the apex, attenuate at the base.....P. oligocarpum. Leaves shortly acute or shortly acuminate at the apex. (2) (2) Leaves undulate on the татоїп...................... P. undulatum. Leaves entire, not undulate. (3) (3) Leaves nearly 10cm. long. including petioles ........ P. formosanum. Leaves much larger 18 em. long including petioles.. P. daphniphylloides. Pittosporum Tobira Arr. Hort. Kew ed-2 П. p. 27; Bot. Mag. t. 1596; DC. Prodr. I. p. 846; Mio. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 272; Francu. et SAVAT. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 44; Forks et Немет, Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 58; HENRY List Pl. Formos. p. 18; Iro et Matsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 309; PALIBIN Conspect. Fl. Koree I. p. 37; Marsum. et Hayata. Enum РІ. Formos. p. 33. Har. Tamsui, Shintiku, Kelung, Koketsuzan, Hobo. Distris. China, Japan and Korea. Pittosporum oligocarpum Havara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 95. Branches slender cinerascent, ternately branched. Leaves approximately alternate at the apex of the branches, or verticillate, shortly petiolate, oblong, or oblong-lanceolate. abruptly acuminate at the apex, gradually attenuate at the base, margin entire or obscurely crenulate, costa impressed above, but elevated below, primary lateral veins nearly 10 on both sides, obscurely elevated, veinlets reticulated, inconspicuous, chartaceous, or 64 PITTOSPOREE. chartaceo-coriaceous, petioles 5-10 mm. long. Capsules solitary at the axil of the upper leaves, long pedunculate, (peduncles slender 21 em. long, nearly pendulous), globose, 7-10 mm. long, mucronate at the apex, abruptly attenuate at the base and reaching the stalks which are 1-2 mm. long, 2-3-valved, dehiscent, 4-5-seeded. Seeds irregularly angulate, 4 mm. long, reddish. Har. Taito, Bidritsu, Bunsuikei. Near Pittosporum pauciflorum Hook. et ARN.; but differs from it in having nearly’ solitary and axillary fruits. о ^ p > Pittosporum undulatum Укхт.; DC. Prodr. І. p. 346; Мониев, Pl. Victoria pp. 71 et 224; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. РІ. Formos. р. 33. Har. Soobonsha. It in very uncertain that the Formosan plant should really be identical with the named species Pittosporum formosanum НАҮАТА in Marsum. et HavarA Enum. Р], Formos. p. 32, t. 4; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 34. Branches terete ferrugineo-pubescent. Leaves attenuate, petiolate, glabrous, coriaceous, obovate, or oblong-elliptical, acute or shortly cuspidate at the apex, attenuate at the base, entire or slightly crenulate, nearly 8 cm. long, 2-5 em. broad, petioles circ. 1 em. long. Panicles terminal 5-6 cm. long, ferrugineo-pubes- cent, densely flowered. Flowers very small, patent, 5 mm. long, 6 mm. in diameter. Sepals 5, distinct, ovate, obtuse, somewhat thick, glabrous 2 mm. long. Petals 5, connivent in a tube to the middle in bud, at last patent and distinct from the base, oblong, linear, 5 mm. long, 1 mm. broad, truncate on both ends. Stamens 5, filaments dilate, anthers basifixed on the back, shortly apiculate. Ovary sessile, perfectly 2-celled; style short. Capsules globose, apiculate, 6-7 mm. in diameter, dehiscent by 2-valves; valves slightly lignified. Seeds thick, exalate, smooth, globose, 4 mm. in diameter. Embryo very small, in a small cavity in the albumen near the hilum; cotyledons indistinct. Comes near P. pauciflorum Hook. from which it differs in having very much smaller flowers and ascending or spreading, but not pendulous, pe- POLYGALER. 65 duncles. I have seen at Kew a specimen from Hainan labelled P. pauciflorum. The specimen is quite in accord with the present plant. Pittosporum daphniphylloides Harara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 34. Leaves petiolate, oblong or oblong-oblanceolate, abruptly acute at the apex, abruptly attenuate at the base, 15 em. long, 44 cm. broad, subentire on the margin, or obscurely repandate, coriaceous, primary lateral veins 10-15 on both sides, spreading from the costa at an angle of 60°, veinlets reticulate, impressed on the upper surface, but elevated on the lower surface costa impressed above, elevated below, petioles 2} cm. long. Racemes clustered on the apex of the branches, or paniculate. Capsules globose, 6 mm. in diameter mucronate at the apex, 2-valved, dehiscent, valves thick coriaceous 10-15-seeded. Seeds angulate, compressed, 3 mm. long, 24 mm. broad, smooth, reddish. Нар. Taito, Dakunsha. This is near P. floribundum W. et A.; but differs from it by the fruits and leaves. There is at Kew a specimen exactly like this, labelled Pittos- porum sp. (China, Witson, No. 3233). Polygaleee. Polygala Lin. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. eaves much larger, longer than 10 cm. 2..................... P. arcuata. Leaves rather small, 2-3 em. long (1). (1) Plant erect very small, less than 12 em. high ........ P. Totarinowü. Plant larger, procumbent at the base or erect, more than 15 em. high. Mes отоого qM 0 н. P. glomerata. ONES MAS a E а Аан. Р. japonica. Polygala arcuata Harara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 54. Quite glabrous, except young branches which are slightly pubescent ; stem lignified, mostly simple, not branched. Leaves petiolate, blade membranaceous somewhat thick, elliptical lanceolate, acuminate, entire, 10 cm. long, З cm. broad, base 66 POLYGALE.Y. attenuate to the petioles which are 1 cm. long, dark above, somewhat elaucous beneath, primary veins 4—5 on both sides, arcuate near the apex, reaching the next upper ones. Racemes axillary near the apex or terminal, 5-6 em. long, densely many-flowered, scarcely exceeding the leaves. Flowers yellowish pedicellate, pedicels short, 2mm. long. Sepals 5, outer ones 3, inner ones 2, deciduous, the uppermost one of the outer sepals globose, larger, rounded, saccate, 3 mm. long, 2-lower ones of the same series broadly rounded, oblique at the base, 13 mm. long; 2-inner ones petaloid, oblique, oblong, 51 mm. long. Petals connate, lateral ones very imbricate, 7 mm. long, rounded at the apex, keels shortly cucullate, long cristate on the back, incrassate, bi- saccate. Ovary glabrous shortly stipitate, disk broadly annular. Styles dilate at the apex, appendiculate under the stigma. Capsules 5 mm. broad, 4mm. long, membranaceous, compressedly obreniformed or broadly orbieular, emarginate, loculicidal on the margin. Seeds ovoid, 2 mm. long, pendulous, pilose, strophiolate, strophioles 1.2 mm. long on each side. Har. Taichi, Kashigatani. Somewhat resembles P. Wattersii НАХСЕ in Journ. Bot. (1881) p. 209; but differs from it in having ob-reniformed fruits, much smaller flowers, divided crests, and in many other points. Polygala Tatarinowii Rec.; FnawcHEr Pl. David. p. 45; FORBES et HenmsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 62; Matsum. et Hayara Enum. РІ. Formos. р. 34. Has. Giran, Horisha. DisTrIB. Northern China and Japan. Polygala japonica Hourr.; DC. Prodr. I. p. 324; BAKER et S. MoorE in Journ. Linn. Soc. ХҮП. p. 379; ЕвАхонЕт Pl. David. р. 45; Franca. et Savat. Enum. Pl. Jap. L p. 45; Henry List Pl. Formos p. 18; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. р. 311; Ратлвіх Conspect. Fl. Kore I. p. 37; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 34; Hayara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 55. Polygala sibirica Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2 p. 987; DC. Prodr I. p. 324; A. W. BENN in Journ. Bot. (1878) p. 277; HawcE in “Journ Bot. (1882) р. 257”; FORBES et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 61. - CARYOPHYLLEA!. 67 Har. Morrison. Півтків. From Siberia to Japan and India, and occurs also in Australia. Polygala glomerata Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed-Wnip. p. 518; DC. Prodr. I. p. 326; Вехтн. Fl. Hongk. p. 44; A. W. Benn in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 206; FonBzs et HenmsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 60; Henry List РІ. Formos. p. 18; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 34. Har. Biöritsu, Ako. Distris. From the western Himalayas through the Malay peninsula to southern China. Caryophyllese. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Calyx gamosepalous, 4—5-lobed. (2) Sepals free or connate at the base only. (4) (2) emac embryo е ао dive teer crus Dianthus. 1 Hilum lateral; embryo annular. (3) Б Gapsuleschurstme Бу уай уез o oc le emeret oe RR Roco Silene. 2 Suse Me. aile saw wn ice tos Pulls LC ME Тап. .. Cucubalus. З (4) Styles free. (5) әле есте отті» тесі ежне-аағы азасы c Tat eu e eee fd Drymaria. 4 (5) Petals entire, stamens and styles opposite the sepals....... байта. 5 Petals notched or 2-fid (6) (6) Capsules cylindric or conic. Petals notched ............ Cerastium. 6 Capsules globose, ovoid or oblong. Petals bi-fid .......... Stellaria. š 1. Dianthus LINN. Dianthus superbus Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 589; DC. Prodr. I. р. 965; HANCE in Journ. Bot. (1883) р. 296; Francner Pl. David. p. 46; Lepes. Fl. Ross. L p. 533; Maxim. Prim. Fl. Amur. p. 52; REGEL Pl. Radd. I. p. 288; Miq. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 9; Ѕонмірт Reis. Amur. p. 116; Franch. et Savat. Enum. Pl. Jap. І. p. 64; Drers Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 816; Parer Conspect. Fl. Koree I. p. 39; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 35; Hayata Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 55. 68 CARYOPHYLLEA. Нар. Ganzan, Suizan, the central mountains; Taito: Tairon-kösha ; Toroku: Gunkei; Nanto: Hinokiyama. Distrisp. Europe to Mongolia; China throughout, Saghalien and Japan. Dianthus sp. Hayara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 56. Has. Mt. Morrison. This differs from DÐ. superbus Linn. in having elongate bracts, and especially in two inferior ones. 9. Silene Lin. Silene Fortunei Vis. in Linnea XXIV. p. 181, et XXXVI. p. 688 ; FnawcHuET Pl. David. p. 47; FonsEs et Hxwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 65; Henry List РІ. Formos. p. 19; Drzrs Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 318; Bot. Mag. t. 7649; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 35; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 56 Нар. In lowlands as well as in highlands; Mt. Morrison, Tamsui, Taihoku. Півткір. Central and southern China. The plant found in the high regions is very like the specimen collected on the sea-shore. Excepting that the flowers of the former is almost as half as those of the latter, I can find no distinction whatever between the two. 3. Cucubalus Linn. Cucubalus baccifer Lmx. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 591; DC. Prodr. I. p. 367 ; LEDEB. Fl. Ross. І. p. 332; Maxim. Prim. Fl Amur. p. 56; Бев, Pl Radd. p. 333; FRANCH. et Savar. Enum. РІ. Jap. L p. 48; Komarov FI. Manshwie, П. p. 205; Drs Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 319; Hayarı Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 57. Har. Mt. Morrison, at the height of 13000 ft.; Rakwakusha. Distriz. The Himalayas, China throughout, eastward to Japan as far as North America, westward to Europe. CARYOPHYLLEZ. 69 4, Drymaria WILLD. Drymaria cordata Wmip.; DC. Prodr. I. р. 995; BewrH. Fl. Hongk. p. 22; Егсечовтн et Hook. f. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 244; FORBES et Немет, Ind. Fl Sin. Т. р. 71; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 19; Tro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. р. 317; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. puo. Cerastium cordifolium Roxs. Fl. Ind. П. p. 458. Han. Taiko, Раса, Heirinbi, Giran, Koto, Maruyama, Tamsvi. DISTRIE. Throughout tropical regions. 5. Sagina LINN. Sagina Linn&i Frest.; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. IX. p. 92; FENZL. in Repes. Fl. Ross. І. p. 339; REGEL. Pl. Radd. I. p. 424; бонмтрт Reis. in Amur. p. 117; Еоввев et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 70; Dmts Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 321; var. maxima Maxim. in Mél. Biol. IX. (1873) p. 33; FRANCHET Pl. David. I. p. 50; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 916; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 37. Sagina, sinensis HANCE in Journ. Bot. (1868) p. 46. Sagina maxima A. Grax Pot. Jap. p. 382; Warr. Ann. ҮП. p. 309; Mio. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 11; Franom. et Savar. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 53. Sagina procumbens 'Тноҳв. Fl. Јар. р. 80, (non Lmn.). Has. Tamsui. Distris. Widely dispersed in temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. 6. Cerastium. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. Weaves: rotundately «ава... Cerastium arisanense. eaves, lanceolaten. e ner eteo e e Cerastium trigynum var. morrisonense. Cerastium arisanense Hayara (Pl. XIM.) Materials for a Flora of 70 CARYOPHYLLEZ. Formosa p. 35. Herb prostrate, very small; stems slender sparingly hirsute. Leaves opposite, petiolate, smaller, broadly rhomboid, 5-6 mm. long, 7 mm. broad, obtuse and aristate at the apex broadly trun- eate and shortly attenuate at the base, margin upwards ciliate, glabrous below (except costa), petioles 6mm. long, complanate. Flowers nearly 9mm. long, solitary at the axils of the leaves, long pedunculate, peduncles nearly 5 em. long, hirsute. Sepals 5, lanceolate, 7 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, scaly, tri-nerved, acuminate at the apex, sparingly hirsute on the back and at the apex. Petals 5, obovately spathulate, 12mm. long, 44 mm. broad, 2-lobate at the apex, (lobes apex rounded, 21 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, sinus obtuse), attenuately cuneate, clawed. Stamens 10. Ovary ovoid, 2mm.long, apex truncate, slightly elevate. Styles 3, erect or recurved, 3 mm. long. | Нар. Азхар. Cerastium trigynum Vur. var. morrisonense Harara Materials for a Flora of Formos. p. 36. Herb diffused or ceespitose, glandulously pubescent, at last glabrous. Leaves often remote, sometimes approximate linear-lanceolate or spathulate-acuminate, base sometimes attenuate, dilated, half-embracing the stem, apex calloso-acute or aristately acute, 1-2 cm. long, 2-21 mm. broad. Symes terminal, some l-flowered, some tri-flowered, bracteate, bracts scaly, pedicels 2-14 cm. long, glandulously pubescent. Sepals 5, lanceolate 73 mm. long, margin scaly, outside glanduloso-pubescent, inside glabrous. Petals 5, oblanceolate, 13 mm. long, 2-lobed at the apex, (lobes oblong, obtuse, 6 mm. long), narrowed at the base. Stamens 10, filaments as half long as petals. 2-olanduliferous at the base of the filaments which are opposite the sepals. Ovary ovoid, 2 mm. long, 1-celled, many-ovuled. Styles 5, opposite the sepals, longer than ovary, 3 mm. long. Capsules cylindraceous 7 mm. long, 2} mm. broad, erect, dehiscent in 10-teeth at the apex, teeth obtuse, truncate. Seeds sub reniformed and globose, 1 mm. long, laterally more or less compressed rugose on the back. Cerastium morrisonense Hayara Fl. Mont. Formos. 109 De Нар. Mt. Morrison. CARYOPHYLLEE. 71 This is quite near C. trigynum Vit. from which it is distinguishable only in having much narrower petals. It should better be regarded as a variety of the same species. CERASTIUM PILOSUM LEDEP.; Hayara Fl Mont. Formos. p. 58. The occurrence of the species in the island is rather doubtful. 7. Stellaria LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves oblongo-lanceolate, nearly sessile. (2) Leaves ovate, ovato-oblong or cordate, narrowed at the base to the petioles. (3) (2) Leaves densely villoso-stellato-pilose ............ Stellaria stellato-pilosa. ауе ИЙДИ ШЕ Е E tet cya tea hoes .. S. uliginosa. (3) Leaves and flowers very much smaller, flowers 2 mm. long... S. micrantha. Leaves much larger, flowers 7mm.lone.................. S. aquatica. Setellaria stellato-pilosa Hayara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 58, and Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 97. Diffused herb, branched, densely stellately pilose. Leaves sessile, ovately lanceolate, base cordate, aristately acuminate at the apex, 12mm. long, 9 mm. broad, rarely ovately-cordate, densely beset with stellate hairs above, with longer hairs beneath, costas pro- minent. Flowers 3-4, in a terminal суше or rarely axillary, pedicellate, pedicels nearly 1 em. long, bracteate at the base of the pedicels, bracts 2 opposite ovately lanceolate. Sepals 5, lanceolate, densely stellately pilose outside, at last glabrous, 91 mm. long, 1 mm. broad. Petals profoundly 2-fid, lobes lanceolate, obtuse, longer than sepals. Stamens 10. Disk between stamens, glandulose. Ovary 1-celled, few-ovuled. Styles 3. Capsules oblong- ovoid, 4 mm. long, dehiscent in 3-valves, valves 2-fid. Seeds globosely reniformed laterally compressed, 1 mm. in diameter, rugosely muricate. Has. Mt. Morrison. | This is very near Stellaria nutans Hemst. in Journ. Linn. Soc. XXXIV. p. 434, (Tibet Oriental: Tatsin-Lou); but differs from it by its larger and broader leaves, and also in having rough velvety hairs all over the plant. 72 CARYOPHYLLEZE. It is also near ©. dichasioides WILLIAMS in the same volume of the same journal p. 436, from which it differs in having more hairy leaves. Besides, it comes very near Š. saxatilis Ham. from which it is hardly distinguishable. All the plants above mentioned are very similar in every respect, and further study will prove that they are one and the same species, though some of them should be regarded as representing a variety of another. Stellaria uliginosa Murray; Brenta. Fl. Hongk. р. 22; FENZL in LEDEB. Fl. Ross. І. р. 393; Бкокг Pl. Radd. I. рр. 383 et 400; Maxim. Mél. Biol. IX. (1873) p. 49; Miq. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 11; Franca. et SAVAT. Enum. Pl Jap. І. p. 51; Еровүовтн et Hook. f. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. І. p. 233; ForBes et Hxwsr. Ind. Fl Sin. I p. 69; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 19; Iro et Marsuw. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 315; Drgrs Fl Centr. Chin. p. 320; Marsuw. et Hayata Enum. РІ. Formos. р. 36. Stellaria aquatica Porr.; DC. Prodr. І. p. 398; * LEDEB. Fl. Alt. IL p. 156.” Stellaria undulata Тнохв. Fl. Jap. p. 185; Sres. et Zucc. Fl. Jap. Fam. Nat. p. 166. Larbrea aquatica St. Hir. ; DC. Prodr. III. p. 366. Larbrea vliginosa Ноок. f. in Journ. Linn. Soc. I. p. 116. Har. Exact localities are not given to our specimens. Disrriz. Europe, Siberia, Japan, China, Himalaya, southern Africa, northern America. Stellaria micrantha Hayara (Pl. XIV.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 36. Herb, prostrate at the base, ascening towards the apex. Leaves opposite, sessile, 15 mm. distant, broadly ovate, 9 mm. long, 6mm. broad, aristate, acute at the apex, base abruptly at- tenuate or rounded (in upper leaves), more or less embrac- ing the stem. Cymes terminal or axillary, 5 em. long, 4 ст. broad, branches opposite, bracts minute, ovate, acute, 1 mm. long. Sepals 5 ovately oblong, 2 mm. long, acute, squamose. Petals 5, minute, profoundly bi-fid, (lobes lanceolate 1 mm. long, sinus acute) basal parts narrowed. Stamens 5. Styles 3, minute. Capsules ovoid, valvately dehiscent beyond half- PORTULACEE. 73 way down to the base, valves entire Seeds compressedly globose, shortly beaked at the apex, recurved, face arcuately reticulate. Has. Arizan. Near Stellaria media Linn. but differs from it in having extremely small flowers. Stellaria aquatica Scor.; Бкхтн. Fl. Hongk. p. 21; BAKER et S. Moore in Journ. Linn. Soc. ХУП. p. 380; Forges et Немѕт. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 67; Diets Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 319; Marsum. et Harara Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 36. Š | Cerastium aquaticum, LINN. Sp. Pl. ed-2 p. 629. Larbrea aquatica Ser in DC. Prodr. I. p. 395. Myosoton aquaticum Manow.; Евахсчвт Pl. David. p. 53. Har. Shintiku, Taihoku. Distrie. Widely diffused in temperate regions. Portulaceæ. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. ШИ уату halkadnatertonthe calyx ааа Portulaca. 1 ONAE E Las oi made с Nene E и a араз Talinum. 2 1, Portulaca LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. ШЕ ea yes anceolato! "52222222002 А, Portulaca pilosa var. Leayes obovate or obovately spathulate (2). (2) Distinctly pilose at the axils of the leaves. ........P. quadrifida var. formosana. Not at all pilose at the axils of the leaves: .............. P. cleracea. Portulaca pilosa Livy. var. Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. DEOS ә. 5 Has. Taihoku. DISTRIB. 74 PORTULACT/E, Portulaca quadrifida LINN. var. formosana Hayata Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 97. Herb fleshy, prostrate, stem incrassate, base 5 mm. in diameter, man: -branched at the upper portion. Leaves alternate, fleshy, obovate, rounded at the apex, slightly narrowed to the base, 6-7 mm. long, 34 mm. broad, pilose at the axils, hairs patent 2 mm. long. Flowers solitary at the apex of the branchlets with 5-involucral leaves. Capsules membranaceous 2} mm. in diameter. Seeds subelobose, 1 mm. in diameter, laterally compressed, muricate. Portulaca quadrifida Hayata in Marsuw. et Harara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 39 (non Lmn.). Har. Kotosho, Coll. К. Мтулкк, Nov. 1899. Very near the type, from which it is distinguishable by its far less hairy form. Portulaca oleracea Linn. Sp. РІ. ed-2 р. 658; DC. Prodr. IIT. p. 303; DzNrH. Fl. Норок. p. 127; Taune. Fl. Jap. p. 192; Lour. FI Cochinch. ed-Wittp. p. 359; Warp. Ann. П. p. 261; Roxe. Fl, Ind. II. p. 462; Strep. et Zucc. Fl. Jap. Fam. Nat. IV. pt.-2, p. 166; Leper. Fl. Ross. IL p. 145; Bene. El. Austral. T. р. 169; Maxm. Prim. Fl. Amur. p. 113; Mio. Prol Fl. Jap. p. 975; Franca. et Savar. Enum. Pl. Jap. І. p. 53; Dyer in Ноок. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 1. p. 246; FORBES et HenmsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 71; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 19; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl Lutch. p. 317; PALIBIN Conspect. Fl Kore» I. р. 44; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 38. Нар. Taihoku, Takow. Distriz. in tropical and temperate regions of the world. 9. Talinum ApANS. Talinum crassifolium Ұлт. Sp. Pl. II. p. 862; Matsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 39. Har. Pachina, Taichü. Пізткір. Introduced from tropical America. TAMARISCINE A. | HYPERICINEZE. 75 ‘Tamariscinese. Tamarix Linn. Tamarix juniperina Bunce; Warp. Rep. IL p. 117; Forsus et Heust. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 347; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 39. Tamariz chinensis Steg. et Zucc. Fl. Jap. I. p. 132, t. 71. Has. Taihoku. i Disrris. Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia. Elatineee. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (ШЕ Sepalsrobtuse адис ето мл Elatine. 1 Sepals acute, flowers usually 5-merous .................... . Bergia. 2 1. Elatine LINN. Elatine triandra 5снкунп, “ Handb. I. р. 345, t. 119, b, £ 2;” DC. Prodr. I. p. 390; Евлхҳсн. et Savar. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 54; Marsuw. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 39. Has. Pachina, Kelung, Maruyama. Disrris. Europe. 2. Bergia LINN. Bergia glandulosa Топол. “in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mose. XX VII (1854)-2. p. 971"; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 19; Marsum. et Наүлта Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 40. Нав. Kisaijurokushö, Takow, батал}. Distris. Luzon. Hypericineee. Hypericum LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Shrubs. (2) Herbs or undershrubs, less than 40 еш. high. (10) 76 HYPERICINE:E. (2) Flowers axillary or terminal, always geminate. Hypericum geminiflorum. Flowers axillary or terminal usually solitary. (9) (8). Styles distinct.. T EUNDUM П. Ascyron. Styles connate from the base to the apex. (4) (4) Stem or branches distinctly tetragonous, distinctly winged along the edge. ОГОИ H. subalatum. Stem or branches terete or subterete, obscurely winged. (5) (5) Leaves not distinctly 3-nerved. (6) Leaves distinctly 3-nerved. (9) (6) Leaves and flowers comparatively small, sepals 1 or 1j mm. long.. H. acutisepalum. Leaves and flowers comparatively large, sepals more than 3 mm. long. (7) (7) Leaves not at all dotted! ec H. chinense. Leaves minutely dotted. (8) (8) Leaves oblong more or less cuneate at the base. Sepals lanceolate; acute: aks Seen ПЕ H. patulum. Leaves oblong, obtuse at both ends, sepals ovate ...... H. formosanum. (9) Leaves oblong or lanceolate, capsules subeylindrical. ....H. trinervium. Leaves lanceolate, capsules oblong................... H. simplicistylum. (10) Leaves, opposite, connate at the base................... Н. Sampson. Leaves opposite, not connate. (11) (11) Leaves oblong, obtuse, comparatively large, 23 cm. long. .. H. taisanense. Leaves smaller 1 cm. long. (12) (12) Leaves linear. ....,.... OPEP АН Н. randaiense. Leaves ovate, oblong. (13 Ga) Flowers langsar em ort cm. lors MM H. Nagasawa. Mowers) smaller, ems 22cm. Ione 22 H. japonicum. Hypericum geminiflorum Hemstry in Ann. Bot. IX. p. 144; Henry List Fl. Formos. p. 19; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 41. Har. Ако. HYPERICINER. (7 DISTRIB. An endemic plant. Hypericum Ascyron Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 783; DC. Prodr. I p. 545; HANCE in Journ. Bot. (1880) p. 259; Maxim. in Mél. Biol XI. р. 162; Francnet Pl. Бау. p. 55; ForBes et Неме. Ind. Fl. Sin. І p. 72; Ders Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 476; PALIBIN Conspect. Fl. Kore I p. 44; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 40. Нар. Sekihisho. Distris. Eastern Siberia, China, Mongolia, Korea, North America. Hypericum subalatum Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 41, Branches smooth, tetragonous, subalate, wings l mm. broad. Leaves opposite, oblonely-lanceolate, 6 em. long. 13 mm. broad, obtuse or shortly mucronate at the apex, gradually narrowed, sessile, dotted. Flowers solitary at the apex of the axillary branches, pedunculate, bracts often 2-3 cm. long, leaf-like but smaller, perulate at the base, perules scaly, lanceolate, 2 mm. long. Sepals 5, oblong, 7 mm. long, 3 mm. broad, obtusely acute. Petals 5, strongly oblique. Ovary ovoid, 5-sulcate, styles connate. Hypericum formosanum НАҮАТА in Marsum. et Hayara Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 41, pro parte, (non Mıxm.) Has. Kusshaku. The present plant differs from H. formosanum Maxim. by much longer leaves. The leaves of the other species are always oblong and shorter than those of this plant. Hypericum acutisepalum Hayara (Pl. XV.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 98. Branches slender, barks reddish, branchlets alternate or opposite. Leaves opposite, oblong or elongately oblong, obtusely mucronate, shortly attenuate at the base, sessile, 3-4 cm. long, 12 mm. broad, dotted with black points, more pallid beneath, primary lateral veins 5-7, incon- spicuous, more or less arcuate. Flowers clustered at the axils of the leaves, pedicellate, pedicels 1 em. long, perulate at the base, perules 2—3-seriate, subulate, or lanceolate, 1 mm. long. Sepals 5, inequal, oblong, acute, 11 mm. long. Petals 5, inequal, oblique, obovate, 12 mm. long, 7 min. broad, 18 HYPERICINEJE. truncately rounded at the base, cuneately angustate at the base, oblique. Stamens pentadelphous. Ovary ovoid, 4 mm. long, gradually reaching the style. Styles completely connate, 7 mm. long, obscurely 5-lobate at the apex, stigmatic. Hab. Nanto, by T. Kawakami, July, 1907, (No. 3245). Near H. simplicistyla Hayara; but differs from it in having much smaller and acute sepals. Hypericum chinense Ілхх.; DC. Prodr. I. p. 545; HawcE in Journ. Bot. (1879) p. 8; Maxim. in Mel. Biol. XI. p. 159; Еоввиѕ et Немет, Ind, . Fl Sin. I. p. 72; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 19; Dimers Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 475; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 40. Hypericum monogynum Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2, р. 1107; Tuuxe. Fl..Jap. p. 297; Bot. Mag. t. 334. Hypericum salicifolium Әв. et Zuco. Fl. Jap. Fam. Nat. p. 162. Hypericum aureum Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed- Wip. p. 578. Norysca aurea BLUME in Mus. Pot. Lugd-Bat. II. p. 23. Hypericum chinensis 8. Hook. et Ann. Bot. Beech. Voy. р. 172. Hans. Pachina, Tamsui. Distrip. Japan and China. Hypericum japonicum Тинохв. Fl. Јар. p. 295, t. 31; DC. Prodr. I. p. 548; Benta. Fl. Hongk. p. 23; Hance in Journ. Bot. (1874) p. 259; IRANCHET Pl. David. р. 56; Simp. et Zuco. Fl. Jap. Fam. Nat. p. 163; Miq. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 147; Franca. et Savat. Enum. РІ. Jap. Т. p. 56; Dyer in Hook. f. Fl Brit. Ind. І p. 256; Еоввеѕ et Hxwsr. Ind. Fl, Sin. І. p. 73; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 19; Tro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 320; Drets Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 476; Marsum. et Hayata Enum РІ. lormos. p. 41 Hypericum mutilum Maxim. in Mél. Biol. XI. p. 171, (pro part.). Hypericum nervatum Hance in Warr. Ann. П. p. 188. Hypericum pusillum Cuorsy іп DC. Prodr. I. p. 549. Hypericum Thunbergii FRANCH. et Savar. Enum. Pl. Jap. П. p. 300. Brathys japonica eb lava BLumE in Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. II. p. 19, TIYPERICINEE. 79 Brathys nepalensis Втома Mus. Bot. Lugd.—Bat. П. p. 19. Haz. Kelung, Taihoku, Kusshaku, Bioritsu, Tamsui, Takow, Mankinsho. Птвтрір. Japan, Hongkong, China, Malaya, Himalaya, Australia, New Zealand. Hypericum patulum Тнгхв. Fl. Jap. p. 295, et Ic. Pl. Jap. t. 17; Dyer in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. T. p. 254; DC. Prodr. I. p. 545; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. XI. p. 161; Hance in Journ. Dot. (1878) p. 104; Bot. Mae. t. 5693; Stes. et Zuco. Fl. Jap. Fam. Nat. p. 161; Mio. Prol. Fl Jap. p. 147; Franc. et Savar. Enum. Pl. Jap. І p. 53; Forprs et Hzwsr. Ind. КІ, Sin. L p. 73; Diets Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 476; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 42. Hypericum uralum Ham. ; Bot. Mag. t. 2375. Norysca patula BLUME Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. П. p. 25. Has. Kelung. Distrip. Himalaya, Burma, western and central China. Hypericum formosanum Maxm. in Mel. Biol. XT. p. 160; FORBES et HzMsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. T. p. 73; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 19; Marsuw. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 41. Has. Shinkocho, Shintengai, Tamsui. DISTRIB. An endemic plant. Hypericum trinervium НЕмзгЕү іп Ann. Bot. IX. p. 144; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 19; Matsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 43. Нар. South Cape. Distrip. An endemic plant. Hypericum simplicistylum Hayara (Pl. XVI) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 40. Branches slender, barks solute, rubescent, branchlets op- posite, very much slender. Leaves opposite, chartaceous, subsessile, lance- olately oblong, nearly 4 cm. long, 8mm. broad, acute at the apex or obtuse, calloso-mucronate, slightly cuneate at the base, more pallid beneath, costa impressed above, primary basal veins 2, arcuate, reaching the apex of the leaves, primary lateral veins (excepte basal ones) 5-7, divarieate, inconspicuous, 80 HYPERICINEE. Flowers axillary, solitary, opposite, pedunculate, (peduncles 1 em. long), 2-4- bracteate, bracts opposite, very like leaves, but smaller, 8 mm. long, base perulate, perules scaly, acute, 1-2 mm. long. Sepals 3 mm. long, oblong, obtuse or rounded at the apex. Petals 5, very inequal, obliquely oblong, rounded at the apex. Stamens pentadelphous, shorter than petals. Ovary 4 mm. long, ovoid, obtuse at the apex, 5-celled. Styles entirely connate, stigma subglobose, slightly 5-lobed. Capsules elongately ovoid, 8 mm. long, 34 mm. broad, styles 5 mm. long, simpl», persistent. Seeds numerous, clavately cylindrical, 1 mm. long, winged on one side, wing slightly produced on both ends. Нар. Nokosan, at the height of 6000 ft. Coll Т. Kawakawr and U. Mort, June, 1908, (No. 4507). Near H. longistylum Отлү. ; but differs from it in the apex of the style, and in having smaller flowers, and acute, elongate leaves. Also near M. trinervium HEMSL. from which it is distinguishable by the ovate capsules and elongately oblong leaves. Hypericum Sampsoni Hance in Journ. Bot. (1895) p. 378, et (1870) р. 275; Hemst in Journ. Bot. (1876) p. 207; Dyer in Hoog. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 255; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. XL р. 165; Еопвев et Hrwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 74; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 19; Driers Fl. Centr. Chin. р. 476; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 45. Hypericum eleclrocarpum Maxim. “in Bull. Acad. Pétersb. XIT. p. 60." Нар. Tamsui, Taihoku. Distris. Khasia, Assam, Birma, Japan, eastern and southern China. Hypericum taisanense Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 41. Shrubby, stems erect or ascendent, terete, rubescent, simple, not branched, 30-40 cm. high, leafy at the upper portions, quite leafless at the lower portions. Leaves opposite, elongately ovate, sessile, obtuse at the apex, cordate at the base, punctate on the blade and the margin towards the apex, chartaceous, costas and primary veins impressed above, elevated beneath. Cymes terminal, 2-4 em. long, 8—4 em. broad, bracts shorter. Sepals 5, connate at the base, ovately lanceolate, obtuse or acute, 21 mm. long, HYPERICINEJE. 81 punctate, points blackish purple. Petals 5, elongately obovate, 7 mm. long, 21 mm. broad, roundedly truncate at the apex, sometimes slightly emarginate, euneately narrowed at the base, punctately maculate from the middle upwards, points linear or orbicular, blackish purple. Stamens 25-30, connate at the base, filaments filiformed 4-5 mm. long, anthers broadly orbicular emarginate at both ends, 1 mm. long, maculate on the back at the apex, spots orbicular. Ovary oblonely ovoid 3 mm. long, 1i mm. broad, 9-suleate. Styles 3, distinct, 3 mm. long. Capsules elongately ovoid, 1 em. long, 4 mm. broad, crowned with persistent styles. Seeds numerous shortly cylindrical, 2 mm. long, 4 mm. broad, obscurely mucronate on both ends, elegantly muricate under microscope. Har. Taisan, сой. Т. KAWAKAMI. : Near Hypericum erectum THUNB. ; but differs from it in having elongated, ovate leaves. Hypericum randaiense Hayata (Pl. ХҮП.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 99. Shrubby small, procumbent at the base, but ascendent towards the apex, stems slender tetragonous, prominent at the angles, glabrous, rubescent. Leaves opposite, sessile, linear, or linear-lanceolate truncate at the apex, or shortly mucronate, 13 mm. long, 23 mm. broad, slightly punctate on the margin, or not punctate, but dotted with pelucid dots. Cymes 3-5-flowered, or reduced to one flower, pedicels 1-2 cm. long. Sepals 5, linear-narrowed, 51 mm. long, 11 mm. broad, obtuse, dotted with 2 or 3 black points on the margin, but dotted with a few pelucid dots on the blades or not at all punctate. Petals 5, strongly oblique obovate, rounded at the apex, obliquely cuneately acute at the base, 9 mm. long, 5 mm. broad. Stamens numerous, filaments 6-7 mm. long, anthers broad orbi- cular, + mm. broad, emareinate on both sides, maculate on the back on the apex. Ovary ovoid, 3-suleate, 21 mm. long, styles 3, distinct, 55 mm. long. Has. Randaizan, coll. U. Mort and B. Hayata, Aug. 1908, (No. 7108). This is very near H. perforatum but differs from it in having much obtuse sepals. Hypericum Nagasawai HavarA (Pl. XVIII.) Materials for a Flora of 82 GUTTIFER Л. Formosa р. 38. Stems slender, base shrubby, 7 cm. high, 4 — 4 mm. in diameter, glabrous, tetragonous, acute at the angles. Leaves opposite, sessile, oblong, or elongately oblong, rounded at the apex or obtuse, shortly mucro- nate, shortly attenuate at the base, 1-1 cm. long, 5-6 mm. broad, 1-seriately dotted with black points on the margin, and also dotted with pelucid points on the blades. Flowers solitary at the apex of the branches, pedicel- late, pedicels 6 mm. long. Sepals 5, elongately oblong, 6 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, rounded at the apex, or slightly emarginate, margin slightly reflexed and dotted with black points, but dotted with pelucid points on the blades. Petals 5, obovately oblong, oblique, 12 mm. long, 41 mm. broad, truncately rounded at the apex, gradually narrowed downwards, thicker on one side, thinner on the other. Stamens numerous, filaments thread-like, anthers nearly orbicular, 4 mm. long, emarginate on both sides, with a dot on the apex, dots orbicular, blackish purple. Ovary oblong-ovoid, 5 mm. long, 24 mm. in diameter, 3-suleate. Styles 3, distinct, 6 mm. long. Нар. Mt. Morrison, at the height of 13094 ft., 1905, Nov., (Хо. 754). In my paper above cited, I mention that the present plant is referable to Hypericum atlenuatum Оно1в., although there have been some doubts about its being identical with CnHorsvy's plant. While studying here at Kew, I have compared the plant with the type of the species and found that they are so very different that it hardly needs pointing out. The Formosan plant comes very near H. perforatum; but differs from it in having ob- tuse or even rounded sepals. H. perforatum has usually very acute sepals. Guttiferee. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. Flowers polygamous. Sepals 4, decussate, petals 4, imbricate. Ovary 2-12-celled Berries corticose. ........... Lo Garcinia 1. Flowers polygamous. Sepals with petals 4-12, 2-3 seriately imbricate. Ovary 1-celled. Drupes indehiscent ...... Calophyllum 9. TERNSTRGMIACH 2, 83 1. Garcinia Linn. Garcinia multiflora CHAme. in Benru. Fl. Hongk. p. 25; FonbEs et HenmsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 75; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 19; Marsum. et ayapa Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 43. Has. Mankinsho, South Cape. Півткір. Hongkong. 2. Calophyllum LINN. Calophyllum Inophyllum Lxxx. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 732; DC. Prodr. I. p. 562; HawcE in Journ. Bot. (1879) p. 8; Roxs. Fl. Ind. П. p. 606; Wicur Ic. Pl. Ind. Or t. 77; Hoog. et Any. Bot. Beech. Voy. pp. 60 et 260; Бехтн. Fl. Austral. I. p. 183; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. XII. p. 421; Ax- DERSON in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 273; Forses et HemsL. Ind. ГІ. Sin. I. p. 75; VEsQuE in DC. Monog. Phanerog. УШ. p. 544; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 19; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 323; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 44. Has. Koshun, Garanbi, Kelung. Disrrib. Asia, East Asia, Malaya, Australia, Polynesia. Ternstræmiaceæ. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Peduncles 1-flowered (2): Peduncles many-flowered (6) (2) Anthers basifixed (3) Anthers versatile (8) (3) Flowers hermaphrodite (4) INNO GIES CO Е hiess Eurya. 4 тетен еа bronsi ea О КТ UM o dS Ternstreemia. 1 -Anthers pilose (5) | (5) Seeds numerous, ovary 3-5-celled. .................... Adinandra. 2 Seeds not very many, ovary 2-3-celled. ....... .......... Cleyera. 3 84 TERNSTROMIACEZE. (6) Flowers 5-merous, stamens many. (7) Flowers 4 merous баеп аек UC mE TIU Stachyurus. 7 (T) Styles many... ese ТАТЕ Actinidia. 5 Styles 9-5. о...» узу УТЕ Saurauja. б (8) Seeds winged (9). Seeds not winged. 2, ааа КОК ОКЕ Thea. 10 (9) Capsules quite globose. Radicle inferior... Е Schima. 9 Capsules elongate, cylindrical. Radicle superior. .......... Gordonia. 8 1. Ternstremia LINN. Ternstremia japonica Тнохв. in Journ. Linn. Soc. П. p. 335; SIEB. еб Zuco. Fl. Jap. p. 148, t. 80; Вехтн. Fl. Hongk. p. 27; Dyer in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 280; Mig. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 202; Ехот, in Excr. Bot. Jahrb. VI p. 60; Forbes et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 75; Henry List РІ. Formos. p. 19; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl Lutch. p. 324; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 45; Hayara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 60. Cleyera japonica Tauns. Fl. Jap. p. 224. Oleyera fragrans et Cleyera dubia CHAMP. in Trans. Linn. Soc. XXI. p. Taonabo japonica Szysz. in ExGL. et Prantl. Nat. Pf.-fam. ІП.-6, p. 188. : Has. Nanto: Mushazan. South Cape. Distris. Southern China and Japan. Western Peninsula of India to Ceylon, and Khasia mountains to Sumatra and the Philippine islands. 2. Adinandra Jack. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) бСайух barbate or pilose, hairs lone: masna A, Лен. Calyx nearly glabrous or slightly pilose (2) (2) Styles glabrous чы, rt heme cis mu ML s E A, pedunculata. Styles pilose (3) TERNSTREMIACEE. 85 (3) Leaves glabrous on both surfaces.....................: A. formosana. Ikeivesepilosensbeneathe wer шек en Mrs A. lasiostyla. Adinandra Millettii Benta. et Hoog. f. Gen. Plant. I. p. 183; НаҳсЕ in Journ. Bot. (1878) p. 9; Maxim. in Mél Biol. XII. p. 421; Forbes et HEMsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 76; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 19; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 45. Cleyera Millettii Hook. et Ary. Bot. Beech. Voy. р. 171, t. 88. Har. Kelung, Tamsui. Distris. China: Kwantung. Adinandra pedunculata Hayata Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 49. Arborescent. Leaves alternate, shortly petiolate, obovately elliptical or oblong, abruptly acuminate, obtuse at the extremity, 7-8 cm. long, 3-21 cm. broad, entire on the margin, serrulate towards the apex, veins slightly pro- minent on both sides, pallid beneath. Flowers axillary, solitary, long peduneulate, glabrous, peduncles 3-4 cm. long. Sepals 5, strongly im- bricate, cuneate at the base, ovate, acute, glabrous, somewhat thick, ciliate on the margin, coriaceous, 8 mm. long, 6 mm. broad. Petals 5, cuneate at the baso, ovately narrowed, acuminate, somewhat thick, 10 mm. long, 8—4 mm. broad, glabrous ; stamens nearly 30, 8 mm. long, filaments geniculate, slightly pilose, anthers linear, pilose, as long as filaments, connectives produced. Ovary 4-celled, broadly ovoid, somewhat pilose, 24 mm. long, styles filiformed, somewhat glabrous, 8 mm. long, stigmas obscurely 4—lobed. Has. Shintiku: Goshizan. Near 4. acuminata but differs from it in having glabrous styles and stigmata which are obscurely 4-lobed; also comes near A. formosana HAYATA, but quite distinguishable by the larger flowers, numerous (nearly 30) stamens, and 4-celled ovary. Adinandra formosana Hayara іп Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl, Formos. p. 45; and Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 42. This comes very near A. Millet which has leaves shining velvety beneath. In the present plant, leaves are quite glabrous on both sides or slightly pubescent, but never velvety beneath. 86 TERNSTROSMIACE ZB. Adinandra lasiostyla Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 49. Arborescent. Branches terete dark-ashy, branchlets —sericeo-tomen- tose towards the apex. Leaves oblong or lanceolate, 8-10 cm. long, 24 cm.- З cm. broad, shortly petioled, entire or obscurely crenulate, glabrous above, tomentose beneath, subcoriaceous, petioles 5 mm. long. Flowers axillary, solitary, shortly pedunculate, peduncles 8 mm. long. Sepals some- what pilose, ovate, 5 mm. long. Ovary broadly ovoid, styles pilose. Has. Tözan, Mt. Morrison. Easily distinguished by the leaves which are tomentose beneath. This differs from A. Milleltii В. et Н. which has lanceolate and sericeously barbate sepals. 8, Cleyera DC. Cleyera ochnacea DC. in Prodr. I. p. 524; Dyer in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 283; Forbes et Немві. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 76; Henry List РІ. Formos. p. 19; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 46. Cleyera japonica Sm». et Zucc. Fl. Jap. p. 153, t. 81. Har. Giran, Kelung, Sözan, Sabösan, Tensonpi. Disrrib. Central Himalaya, Japan, eastern China. 4. Eurya THUNB. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. Leaves glabrous vis. a n ss E. japonica. Leaves pilose beneath к. Е oe КЫ E. strigillosa. Eurya japonica Тнгхв. El. Jap. p. 191, t. 255 DC. Prodr. 1p. 5255 Вемтн. Fl. Норок. p. 28; Dyer in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 284; Hook. et Arn. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 260; BLumE Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. TI. р. 105; Mig. Prol. Fl Jap. p. 202; Franca. et Savat. Enum. РІ. Jap. I. р. 57; Forses et Немві. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 77; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 19; Drs Fl Centr. Chin. p. 474; PanmiN Conspect. Fl Korez I. p. 46; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 46; Hayata. Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 60. TERNSTREMIÄCEE. 87 Нар. Arizan, Tozan, Ganzan, Rinkiho, Inikufuku, Iryokukakusha; Central Mountains; Taiton, Sharyoto, Kelung, Holisha, Suisha, Shintiku, Bokuseki- kaku, Kashinro, Botansha. Distriz. The Malay archipelago, southern and central China, and Japan, Khasia, southern Asia, to the Fiji islands. The same as the Luzon form. Eurya strigillosa Harara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 61. Branchlets very slender, strigillose, at first sericeo-villose. Leaves distichous, approximate, sessile, coriaceous, oblong-acuminate or lanceolate, 10 cm. long, 21 em. broad, base rounded, often slightly inequal, apex acuminate, margin serrulate except the base, teeth acute, glabrous, shining above, strigillose beneath, costas prominent, veins inconspicuous on both sides. Flowers £ shorty pedicellate, pedicels 1 mm. long or longer, 2—3-clustered at the axils of the leaves, patent, S mm. in diameter. Sepals 5-6, strongly inequal broadly rounded, 13 mm. lone as broad, somewhat pilose outside. Petals mostly 5, obovately oblong 4 mm. long, 24 mm. broad, glabrous, base slightly connate. Stamens nearly 15, glabrous, shorter than petals, filaments flattened, 2! mm. long, anthers undulate, i or 1 long as the filaments. Rudiments of ovary very short, conical, barbate at the apex. Flowers $, not yet known. Нав. Mt. Morrison. The plant is very like Æ. distichophylla HemsL.; but differs from it in having serrulate leaves and larger flowers which attain a diameter of even 8 mm. EURYA DISTICHOPHYLLA MATSUM. (non HEMSL.) —'l'HEA SALICIFOLIA. (CHAMP.) 5. Actinidia LND. (1) Leaves elongately oblong, acute or acuminate at the apex. Actinidia callosa. Leaves broadly oblong, obtuse at the apex. ....... .....4. Championi. Actinidia callosa Ілхті.; Warr. Ann. I. p. 15; Dyer in Hook. f. Fl. Brit, Ind. T. p. 286; Forers et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 78; HENRY List Pl. Formos. p. 20; Dims Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 470; Marsum. et HAYATA 88 TERNSTREMIACER. Enum. Pl. Formos, p. 47; Hayata Fl. Mont. Formosa. p. 62. Нар. Kagi: Kishirei. Distr. Himalaya, Central China to Japan. Actinidia Championi БЕхтн. Fl. Hongk. p. 26; Forbes et HEwsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 78; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 202; Marsuw. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos, p. 47; Hayata Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 44. Har. Nantö: Mokuriran, Taiton. OBSERV. Leaves large, ovate, cordate at the base, glabrous on the sur- face, densely tomentose underneath, nearly entire or obseurely serrulate ; flowers in a cyme, cymes axillary, solitary, peduncles 8 em. long, with many (nearly 30) flowers; sepals and ovary tomentose, reddish brown. 6. Saurauja Win. Saurauja Oldhami Hrwsr. in FonpEs et HrmsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. T. p. 79; MarsuM. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 48. Нар. Tamsui, Mankinsho, South Cape, Shintiku, Hikaku Kelung, Gilan, Hachirisha, Kanshiko, Tensonhi, Keibi, Shinkögai, Nanko, Shifun, Toseikaku, Suitenka. DISTRIB. . An endemic plant. 7. Stachyurus ӨТЕР. et Zucc. Stachyurus preecox Smere. et Zuco. Fl Јар. I. p. 43, t. 18; Mia. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 204; FnawcH. et Savat. Enum. РІ. Jap. І. p. 59; FORBES et Немѕт. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 79; Matsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 48; Hayata Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 62. Stachyurus himalaicus Hook. f. et THoms. in Ноок. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 288; Diets Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 475. Has. Mt. Morrison, Koshün: Naipun; Suiteiryo, Niki; Mankinsho. Disrris. The Himalayas through central China to Japan. This is somewhat different from what we have in Japan. The plant should, I think, be regarded as a form of the Japanese species. TERNSTREMIACEE. 89 8, Schima REINW. Schima Noronhe Remw.; Mio. Fl. Ind. Bat. L2, p. 492; BENTH. Fl. Норок. p. 29; Maxim. Mél. Biol. ХП. p. 426; Forbes et HenmsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 80; Henry List Pl Formos. p. 20; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. ХП. p. 68; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 328; Marsum. et НАҮАТА Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 49; Hayata Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 63. Gordoma javanica Hook. f. Bot. Mag. t. 4539. Has. Mt. Morrison. Hokkokei, Koko; South Cape. DISTRIB. The eastern frontier.of India; from Cochinchina through the Malay archipelago, and southern China to the Loo-choo islands. 9. Gordonia ELLs. Gordonia anomala SPRENG.; Рехтн. Fl. Honek. p. 29; FORBES et Hemst. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 80; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. ХП. p. 63; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 20; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 49. Camellia axillaris Кохв. ; Bot. Mag. t. 2047; DC. Prodr. I. р. 529. Polyspora axillaris SWEET, “Hort. Brit. ed-1, p. 61," Bot. Mag. t. 4019. Har. Kelung, Hokkökei, Horisha, Botansha, Koshibussha, Kusshaku, Shintengai. DISTRIB. Hongkong. 10. Thea Linn. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. Ші Белуезерйовев te sea dou TT tn i Uds се ЖА Thea salicifolia. Leaves glabrous. (2) : (2) Stamens hairy. (3) ‘Stamens glabrous. (4) (3) Leaves elongately oblong, caudate at the apex............. T. gracilis. Leaves elongately oblong, slightly or not caudate........... T. caudata. 90 TERNSTRGMIACEJE. (4) Petals spathulately opa .... Т. brevistyla. Petals obovately rounded. (5) (5) Flower-buds glabrous. (6) Flower-buds pilose. (7) (6) Flowers smaller less than 2 cm. in diameter.............. T. chinensis. Flowers larger more than 3 cm. in diameter. ............ T. tenuiflora. (T). Leaves very obtuse sat, БОШ ends r a m тт ы T. biflora. Leaves obtusely caudate at the apex, attenuate at the base. T. shinkeensis. Thea salicifolia SEEM. in Trans. Linn. Soc. XXII, р. 349. Camellia salicifolia СнАмр.; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 30; Forges et Hrwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 82. Eurya distichophylla Matsum. in Sched. Herb. Tokyo; MATSUM. et . Hayata Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 46, (non HeEmst.) Har. Taishukutsu and Boryo. I have compared the specimen with that in the Kew-Herbarium and have ascertained that Kurya distichophylla МАТОМ. is exactly the same as Thea salicifolia SEEM. Thea gracilis (HemsL.); Marsum. et Hayata le. р. 50; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 45. Has. Koshun: Botansha. OBSERV. Branchlets very slender, pale; leaves narrow, lanceolate cau- date or acuminate, obtuse at the very apex; stamens hairy. Thea caudata (Watt.); HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 63 Camellia caudata Watt. “Pl. Аз. Rar. Ш. p. 96"; Dyer in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. T. p. 293. Has. Taito: Iryokukakusha. Distris. Himalaya, Khasia mountains, and southern China. Although I have seen no specimen of the Indian plant, my plant is, so far as I can ascertain, quite referable to this species. Thea brevistyla Harara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 63. Branches slender first pubescent, at last glabrous. Leaves shortly petiolate, petioles 5 mm. TERNSTREMIACEE. 91 long, semiterete, sulcate above, pubescent, blades elliptico-oblong, 4-5 cm. long, 2 em. broad, acute at both ends or obtuse, margin crenulate, slightly repandate, entire towards the base, glabrous on both sides, costas prominent, veins impressed, coriaceous. Flowers axillary, always solitary, patent, 9 em. in diameter. Sepals deciduous, 4—5, strongly inequal, 2-seriate, broadly ovate, obtuse or mucronate, 6-8 mm. long. as broad, pilose on the outside. Petals 5, white, obovately cuneate, sinuately emarginate at the apex or 2— lobed, nearly 11 em. long, 1 ет. broad. Stamens nearly 30, 2-seriate, the outer the longer; filuments mostly as half long as petals, base connate. Cvary globose, sericeo-pilose, 11 mm. long. Styles 4, very short, base connate, recurved at the apex, 1 mm. long. Fruits not yet known. Hap. Arizan and Tozan. DISTRIB. Thea chinensis Sms, Bot. Mag. t. 998; DC. Prodr. I. p. 530; SEEM. in Trans. Linn. Soc. XXII. p. 349, t. 61; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 50 (sub Camellia.) Has. Widely cultivated in the island. Disrriz. India, Japan and China. Thea tenuiflora Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 46. Branches slender, cinereo-rubescent, leafy on the upper portions, young branchlets nigricant, hirsute, perulate at the base, perules rounded, ciliolate, 2-3-serlately arranged, cataphylls spathulate, entire, 1 ст. long. Leaves petiolate, coriaceous, obovately oblong or oblong, 4 ст. long, 16 mm. broad, acute at the apex, obtuse at the extremity, cuneately acute at the base, dis- tinctly serrulate upwards on the margin, but very obscurely at the middle, neatly entire downwards, glabrous on both sides when dried, (in younger stage somewhat pilose) minutely punctate on both sides, costa, veins and veinlets distinctly elevated, petioles 5 mm. long. Flowers sessile, axillary, solitary. Sepals nearly 5, inequal, deciduous, broadly rounded sparingly pilose, coriaceous, 4 mm. broad, ciliolate on the margin. Petals nearly 5, inequal, obovately oblong, rounded or truncately rounded at the apex, base cuneate, 18 mm. long, 10 mm. broad. Stamens numerous, 8 mm. 92 TERNSTREMIACER. long, filaments connate at the base. Ovary minutely rounded, 1 mm. long. Styles 3, entirely connate, 3 mm. long. Has. Wantang. Near 7. Sasanqua, but differs from it in having rounded petals. The petals of the present plant are usually oblong and rounded at the apex, while there of T. Sasanqua ave generally, if not always, notched at the apex. Thea bifora Harara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 44. Branches fusco-cinerascent, or rubescent towards the apex. Leaves alternate remotely arranged, oblong, 5 cm. long, 2 1 cm. broad, acute at the apex, retuse at the extremity, obtusely rounded at the base, margin serrulate from middle to apex, nearly entire downwards, pallido-flavesent on both surfaces when dried, costa, veins and veinlets elevated above, veins and veinlets inconspicuous be, low. Costas and petioles shortly ‘hirsute above, glabrous beneath, petioles 4 mm. long. Flowers in pairs at the apex of the branches, sessile. Flower-buds oblong, sericeo-tomentose. Sepals 5-8, very inequal, very much imbricate, deciduous, 4-seriate, (flower-axis 5 mm. long,) broadly orbicular, densely long sericeo-tomentose on the back at the centre and apex, coriaceous at the centre, thinner on the margin, glabrous inside, the outermost the smal- lest, the inner the larger, 15 mm. long. 2 mm. broad. Petals 5, inequal- interior ones larger, obovately rounded, truncately rounded at the apex, 2 em. long, 14 em. broad, hirsute outside at the base, glabrous otherwise, inner ones narrower. Stamens numerous half as long as petals, filaments connate to the middway, anthers ovate, nearly 2 mm. long, 14 mm. broad, emarginate on both ends, connectives more or less dilated. Ovary ovoid densely long tomentose, hairs 2 mm. long, erect, patent, styles 4, connate to the middway or entirely connate, erect, stigma on the outside at the apex of the style, obliquely truncate. Has. Kagi Kodensho, by. T. Kawakami and U. Mort. Oct. 1906, (No. There is nothing like this at Kew. I think it may bea species not yet described. Thea shinkoensis НАҮАТА Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 45. MALVACEE. 93 Branches slender fuscent, sometimes ashy coloured. Leaves arranged to- wards the apex of the branches, alternate, petiolate, oblong, obovate, 10-12 em. long, 31 cm. broad, subacute at the apex or acuminate, obtuse at the extremity, margin serrate towards the apex, entire downwards, cuneate at the base, veinlets elevated and reticulated beneath, minutely prominently punc- tate, coriaceous, petioles short, 6 mm. long. Flowers solitary at the axils of the apical leaves, shortly pedunculate, peduncles 3-4 mm. long, nearly pilose. Flower-buds ovate. Flowers when opened 8—84 cm. іп diameter. Sepals 5, strong imbricate, deciduous, inequal, margin ciliolate, coriaceous. somewhat thick, sericeo-pubescent, outermost ones smaller, broadly orbicular or broadly crescent-shaped, 4 mm. broad, 3 mm. long, innermost larger, embrac- ing flower-buds, broadest, obtusely acute at the base, thick at the middle, thinner towards the margin, 2 cm. broad. Petals 5-6, inequal, connate at the base, obovately oblong, 3-exterior ones larger, obovately oblong, 14 em. long, 12 mm. broad, truncately emarginate at the apex, narrowed at the base, margin curled, 2-interior ones smaller, narrowed. Stamens numerous, connate at the base, shorter than petals, 8 mm. long. Ovary densely shortly sericeo-hirsute, 3—celled (placentas incrassate) 7 mm. long (including style) ovoid, gradually narrowed at the apex to the style. Styles 3, connate to the middway, or entirely connate, stigma on the apex of the branchlets of the style, 2— lamellate. Has. Shinko: Remogansha, coll. Т. Kawakami and U. Морт, 1906, June. This comes very near 7. reliculata ; but differs from it by the leaves and flowers. Species imperfectly known. CAMELLIA EURYOIDES LrNDL; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 49. Malvaceee. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. Malvace:s. Herbs or shrubs, ripe carpels separating from the axis. Styles as many as the carpels. (1) 94 MALVACEJE. Urene:z. Styles or stigmatic branches twice as many as the carpels. (5) Hibisces. Herbs or shrubs. Fruits capsular, sepals leafy. Staminal tube truncate or 5-toothed at the apex. (6) Bom bacer. Trees; Sepals [ёз Шейк 2. er 2 Bombax. 10 (1) Ovules solitary. (2) Ovules more than two: 22.22 Ее (2) Ovules ascending. (3) Ovules' pendulous. cu mE TI I E (3) Stigma linear. (4) Stigma capitale, Ала ТТ HEURE Malvastrum. 3 (4). Bracteoles; more tham аж 22222 77.00 Althea. 1 Braeteoles three nica okie date ОО АЛ ЖЕЛКЕ Маша. 2 (5) »Garpels beset’ with Spines. ae srar be n n ee Urena. 6 (6). Stigmas spreading: foo o «cee eee eerie REM Hibiscus. 7 Stigmas coherent in a club-shaped mass. (7) 4) Braeteoles 15, small. cp c ОООО КООШ Ир Thespesia. 8 Bracteoles. 3, large; соает НЕНИ Gossypium. 9 1 Althea LINN. Althaa rosea Cav.; Нав. Taito: Daironkösha, cultivated ? 9. Malva LINN. Malva sylvestris Ілхх. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 969; DC. Prodr. I. p. 492; Masters in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 920; ForBrs et HenmsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 84; Drs Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 469; Marsum. et HavarA Enum, РІ. Formos. p. 50. Malva mauritiana Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 970; Maxim. Ind. Fl. Pek. in Prim. Fl. Amur. p. 469. Malva mauritiana В sinensis DO. Prodr. I. p. 432. Has. Pachina. Distris. Plant of the Old World; widely diffused in the northern temperate regions. MALVACEZ. 95 3. Malvastrum A. Gray. Malvastrum tricuspidatum А. Gray; Вехтн. Fl. Hongk. p. 32; FORBES et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I p. 84; Henry List Pl. Formos, р. 20; Marsum. et НауАТА Fnum. РІ. Formos. p. 51. Has. Hosan, Tamsui. Distre. Indigene of America; but now widely diffused. 4. Sida Linn. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (ШЕР Еесмез Чеге уово Инно мн, S. cordifolia. Leaves glabrous, slightly hispid. (2) (2) Leaves cordate, cuspidate at the base. (3) Leaves rhomboid, acute or obtuse or lanceolate. (4) (E) вае “шай 2 tem lone А S. humilis. Leaves атое SAC long. o dee arn. ces os ase weston sa S. mysorensis. (4) Leaves much broader, peduncles longer................ S. rhombifolia. Leaves much narrower, peduncles shorter. .................. S. acuta. Sida cordifolia Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 961; DC. Prodr. І. p 464; Bentu. Fl. Норок. р. 33; Masr. in Hoox. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. р. 324 ; FORBES et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 85; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 20; MATSUM. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 51. Has. Tamsui, Shintiku, Chuko, Takow. Distris. Widely diffused in tropical and subtropical regions. Sida humilis Win. Sp. Pl. Ш. р. 744; DC. Prodr. І. р. 463; Bentu. Fl. Hongk. p. 32; Mast. in Ноок. f. Fl Brit. Ind. I. p. 322; ЕоввЕз et Немві. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 85; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 20; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 52. Has. Tainan, Takow, South Cape. Distriz. Tropical Asia, Africa and America. 96 MALVACEZ. Sida mysorensis W. et A.; Hoox. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 322; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 4T. Нар. Ako: Choshusho. OBSERV. Leaves soft tomentose, cordate, abruptly acuminate, margin serrulate, 9 ст. long, 7 em. broad, petioles 5 em. long; very like ©. humilis WILLD. DISTRIB. India and Philippines. Sida rhombifolia Ілхх. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 961; DC. Prodr. I. p. 452; Mast. in Hoor. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 32; Вехтн. Fl. Норок. p. 32, et El. Austral I. p. 196; Roxs. Fl. Ind. ІП. p. 176; Forges et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 85; E. BAKER іп Journ. Bot. (1892) p. 239; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 20; Marsum et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 52. Hap. Maruyama, Biöritsu, Agincort, Kelung, Shintiku, Pachina, Kus- shaku, Shintengai. Disrrip. Widely spread in tropical and subtropical regions of the World. Sida acuta Burm.; Bentu. Fl. Норок. p. 32; FORBES et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I p. 84; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 20; Matsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 51. Sida carpinifolia Linn. Ё; DC. Prodr. Т. p. 461; Mast. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 323. Sida Stauntoniana DC. Prodr. T. p. 460. Har. Shintiku, Kelung, Pachina, Tamsui, Girancho, Holisha, Takow, South Cape. Distris. Widely diffused in the Tropics. 5. Abutilon GER. Abutilon indicum 6G. Dox; Bentu. Fl. Hongk. p. 33, et Fl. Austral. I. p 202; Masr. in Hoox. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 326; Maxim. in. Mél. Biol. XII. (1886) p. 436; Wicut Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. t 12; Fores et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 86; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 21; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 335; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 53. MALVACEZ. 97 Sida indica Linn. Sp. Fl. ed-2, p. 964; DC. Prodr. I. pp. 470, et 471; Roxs. Fl. Ind. IH. p. 179. Abulilon cysticarpum HANCE in Warr. Ann. П. p. 157. Sida asiatica Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2, р 964; DC. Prodr. I. p. 470; Box. Fl. Ind. IIT. p. 179. ; Har. Pachina, Boryo, Reigaryo, Takow, Taitö, Bokusekikaku, Agincort. Півтвів. Tropical Asia, Africa and Australia. There is in the Tökyö-herbarium another specimen labelled A. asiati- cum which is hardly distinguishable from A. indicum. €. Urena LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. оза ӨӨНҮ three реал er... yee 0-2 Urena sinuata. Пкезкезе еспе УИ ШЫДА Еже азоо 222002222222 NS cane wate d U. lobata. Urena sinuata LINN. Sp. Pl ed-2, p. 974; DC. Prodr. I. p. 442; BrwrH. Fl Норок. p. 34; Mast. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 329; Mig. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 208; Евахсн. et Sav. Enum. Pl Jap. I. p. 63; FORBES et Немві, Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p, 87; GÜrke in ExGr. Bot. Jahrb. XVI. (1893) p. 377; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 21; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 337; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 54. Urena morifolia DC. Prodr. I. p. 442. Urena muricata DC. Prodr. I. p. 442. Urena heterophylla Surrg ; DC. Prodr. Т. p. 442. Has. Kelung, Kusshaku, Shintengai, Pachina, Takow, Tamsui. DisTrIB. Common in the Tropics of both Hemispheres. Urena lobata Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 974; DC. Prodr. I. p. 441; Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed-Witip. p. 507; Бехтн. Fl. Норок. p. 34; Бохв. Fl. Ind. ІП. p. 182; Mast. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 329; FORBES еб Немет, Ind. Fl Sin. I. p. 86; Schuman in Ехот, et PraNTL Nat. Pfl.- fam. IIL-6, p. 45; Henry List Pl Formos. p. 21; Marmo, in Bot. Mag. Tokyo X. (1896) p. 68; GÜRKE in Exor. Bot. Jahrb. XVI. (1893) p. 370; Diets Fl. Centr. Chin. іп EneL. Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 469. 98 MALVACER. Urena diversifolia Warr. Кер. V. p. 89. Urena Lappago Әмітн; DC. Prodr. I. р. 442. Var. tomentosa Mia. Fl. Ind. Bot. I. pt.-2, p. 148; GürkE in ENat. Bot. Jahrb. XVI. (1893) p. 372; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 336; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 53. Нар. Biöritsu, Shintiku, Pachina, Kötöshö, Kusshaku, Shintengai, Shi- chiseitonzan. Distrip. Widely diffused in the warm regions. 7. Hibiscus LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (Шу Stem week, trailing. СЕ H. surattensis. Stem erect. (2) (2) Leaves deeply lobate. (3) Leaves not at all lobate, or slightly lobate. (4) (3) Leayes ternately cleft. on n n n ee H. Trionum. Leaves palmately deeply 5-7 lobed. ................ H. Abelmoschus. (4) Leaves grossly dentate. (5) Leaves crenate or entire. (6) (5)! Leaves slightly three-lobed.” CO H. syriacus. Leaves mot lobed... 7 ee T H. rosa-sinensis. (6) Leaves more or less angular, acute at the apex........... H. mutabilis. Leaves very rounded, profoundly cordate, shortly caudate at the Ape 0 eona eet aes a ans H. tiliaceus. Hibiscus surattensis Ілхх. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 979; DC. Prodr. I. p. 449; Mast. in Hoor. f. Fl Brit. Ind. I. р. 334; Hance in Journ. Bot. (1878) p. 225; Forbes et Неме. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 88; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 21; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 56. Has. Mankinsho. DisrriB. Tropics of the Old World. Hibiscus Trionum Ілхх. д ternatus Cav. MALVAGEJE, 99 Has. Kelung (cultivated ?) Drsrnrb. Hibiscus Abelmoschus Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 980; DC. Prodr. I. p. 452; RoxB. Fl Ind. III. p. 202; Mast. in Hoog. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. р. 949; BENTH. Fl. Honek. р. 34; Hance in Journ. Bot. (1878) р. 225; Forbes et HEMsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 87; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 21; Іто et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 338; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 54. Hibiscus flavescens Cav, ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 454. Abelmoschus moschatus MENCH. ; WIGHT Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 399. Has. Pachina, Niki, Suichoryu, Taito, Tainansha, Maruyama, Takow. Півтків. Tropical Asia; cultivated everywhere in the warm regions of the World. Hibiscus syriacus Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 978; Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WirLLp. p. 511; Бохв. Fl. Ind. Ш. p. 195; DC. Prodr. I. p. 695; М. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 207; Mast. in Hook. Ё Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 344; Franca. еб Sayar. Enum. Pl. Jap. L p. 64; Тномв. Fl. Jap. p. 272; FORBES et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 88; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 21; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. р. 341; Dwers Fl. Centr. Chin. р. 469; Marsum. et HavATA Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 56. Hibiscus chinensis DC. Prodr. I. p. 455. Has. Pachina, Ako. Distris. Common in China. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 977; Lour. Fl. Coch- inch. ed-Wırrp. p. 510; DC. Prodr. I. p. 448; Masr. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 334; Bot. Mag. t. 158; Forbes et Немет, Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 87; Бохв. Fl. Ind. III. p. 194; Hook. et Arn. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 259; М. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 207; FnawcH. et Savar. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 64; FORBES et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 87; Henry List Pl. Formos. р. 21; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 55. Has. Shintiku, Kelung, Tainan, Botansha, Toseikaku, Maruyama, Takow. 100 MALVACHE. Distris. Southern China; Kwangtung ; Loo-choo. Hibiscus mutabilis Liv. Sp. Pl. ed-2, р. 977; Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed-Wmtp. p. 511; DC. Prodr. I. p. 452; Hance in Journ. Bot. (1879) p. 9; Евлхонет Pl. David. p. 58; Кохв. Fl. Ind. ІП. p. 201; Тномв. Fl. Jap. p. 272; Мі. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 207; Franca. et SAVAT. Enum. Pl Јар. І p. 64; Mast. in Hoog. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 344; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. XII. p. 427 (1886); FonBrs et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 87; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 21; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Dutch. p. 340; Dwers Fl. Centr. Chin. in Ехо. Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. р. 469; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 55. Hans. Takow, Goshorin, Sooboonsha, Pachina, Kotosho, Taitöchö, Dai- horo, Biokosha, Hinan, Rokuryo, Taihoku. DISTRIB. Common in China. Hibiscus tiliaceus Livy. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 976; Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WiLLD. p. 509; DC. Prodr. І. p. 454; Mast. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. І. p. 343; Roxs. Fl. Ind. Ш. p. 192; Benra. Fl. Норок. p. 35, et El. Austral I. p. 218; Maxim. Mél. Biol. XII. p. 427 (1886); FonbES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl, Sin. I. p. 88; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 21; 110 et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 338; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 56. Paritium tiliaceum A. Sr. Hil.; Wicur Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. t, 7; Hook. et Arn. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 259. Has. Shintiku, Chüko, Sharyoto, Tamsui, Koketsuzan, Ringaryo, Tobo, Takow, Boryo, Kwarenko, Kotosho, Kusshaku, Kentan. Distris. in the Tropics of both Hemispheres. 8. Thespesia Corr. Thespesia populnea Conn; DC. Prodr. L p. 456; Wicur Ie. t. 8; Bepp. Fl. Sylv. t. 63; Mio. Fl. Ind. Bat. I. pt.-2, p. 150; Masters in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 345; MERRILL in Philip. Journ. Sci. IV. Suppl. p. 78 et 419; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 48. Has. Koshün: Manshu, by G. NAKAHARA, Dec. 1905, (No. 873). Disrnrb. India, tropical Asia, the Pacific Islands, Africa. MALVACEE. 101 OBSERV. Leaves cordate oblong, acute or abruptly acute, entire, glabrous, 3 cm. long, em. broad, long petiolate, petioles cm. long ; flowers in my 13 1 10 broad, 1 petiolate, petioles 10 long; flowers y specimen subterminal, solitary, pedunculate. New to the Formosan flora. 9. Gossypium LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Bracts slightly dentate or entire................. Gossypium Nanking. IBraeiselaemiateronsthermareinı een. G. herbaceum. Gossypium herbaceum Linn. Sp. РІ. ed-2, р. 975; Lour. Fl. Coch- inch. ed-WiLLp. p. 505; Tuune. Fl. Jap. p. 271; DC. Prodr. I. p. 456; Masr. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 346; Wicur Ie. Pl Ind. Or. tt. 9 et 11; Іштев. Fl. Ross. Т. p. 498; Forges et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 88; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 21; Irö et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Dutch. p. 349; Marsum, et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 57. Gossypium religiosum Roxb. Fl. Ind. ПТ. p. 185. Gossypium indicum Lam. ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 456; Мі. Fl. Ind. Bat. pt-2, p. 162; Mm. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 207; Francon. et Savar. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 65. Has. Shizangan, Kaisa. Distris. Cultivated everywhere. Gossypyium Nanking Myer, Hayara Materials for a Flora of For- mosa p. 48. Has. Nanto: Nankokei. DISTRIB. I am following Sir GEORGE Warr's determination who has most cordially examined the plant at my request. 10. Bombax LINN. Bombax malabaricum DC. Prodr. Т. p. 479; Mast. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 349; Forbes et HemsL. Ind. КІ. Sin. I. p. 89; Henry List РІ. Formos. p. 21; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 58. Has. Shintiku, Tainan, Takow. Disrris. Tropical Asia and America. 102 (1) STERCULIACEE. Sterculiacece Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. Flowers unisexual or polygamous. Petals 0. (2) Flowers hermaphrodite. Petals exist. (3) eis xor SCRI ERE Aa k CORE TEC ER Коз Sterculia. 1 Anthers 5, svhorled. 1.5. e A Heritiera. 2 Anthers numerous. Petals deciduous. Androecium columnar below, dilated above into a cup, on the margin of which are placed the anthers usually alternating with staminodes. (4) ` ; Petals marcescent, flat. Androeciam tubular at the base only; stamens 5, staminodes 0. (6.) Capsules membraneous, inflated. ...................... Kleinhovia. З Capsules more or less woody, not inflated. (5) Anther-cells divaricate ; seeds not winged. .............. Helicteres. 4 Anther-cells parallel; seeds winged.\................ Pterospermum. 5 Ovary, 2-celled. лу, ee ee ee Mod Met dec Melocha. 6 Ovary ol one carpal is me PME Waltheria. 7 1. Sterculia Lin. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. Leaves oblong, very shortly and obtusely caudate ....Sterculia nobilis. Leaves angular, sinuately three lobed ...............: S. platanifolia. Sterculia nobilis R. Brown; Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 48. Nom. indig. Pin-pon. Has. Tainan, by. T. Kawakami, Aug. 1906, (No. 1440). - Disrmm. China and Sumatra. OBSERV. A small tree; leaves large, oblong, 90 cm. long, 15 cm. wide, STERCULIACEE. 103 membranaceous, nerves distinct, petioled, petioles 6 em. long. Panicles 15 cm. long, loosely flowered; flowers polygamous. Calyx campanulate, 5-lobed, lobes lanceolate, hairy. Fl. $: staminal column shorter than the calyx, declin- ing, anthers sessile on the outside of the very short lobes, forming a globular terminal head. Fl. ©: ovary stalked, 4-lobed, with anthers at its base, style declining, stigma 4-lobed, tomentose. Capsules fleshy, leather-like, thick, ovate, beaked, sessile, 5-6 em. long, bright scarlet slightly velvety. The plant is not indigenous to Formosa, but comes from the opposite continent and is found only in cultivation. The present Sterculia is near S. lanceolata Cay.’ but differs from it in the calyx with lanceolate lobes. Sterculia platanifolia Livy. tf; DC. Prodr. I. p. 483; Вехтн. КІ. Hongk. p. 36; Kurz in Journ. Bot. (1873) p. 193; Francom. et Sav. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 65; FORBES et Немат. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 90; Mio. Prol. Fl. Јар. p. 256; Henry List Pl. Formos. р. 22; Ivo et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Luteh. p. 343; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 58. Sterculia tomentosa THUNB. Ic. Pl. Jap. Decas. IV. t. 8. Sterculia pyriformis Bunce; Warr. Rep. I. p. 335. Hibiscus simplex Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2, р. 977. Firmiana platanifolia SCHOTT; Wars. Rep. V. p. 104. Has. Tamsui, South Cape, Tappansha. Distris. Japan and China. 9. Heritiera Arn. Heritiera littoralis Arr. * Hort. Kew. p. 546," et ed-2. V. p. 339; DC. Prodr. I. р. 484; BrwTH. Fl Hongk. p. 36, et Fl. Austral. Т. p. 231; Maxim. in EncL. Bot. Jahrb VI. p. 61; Кохв. Fl. Ind. Ш. p. 142; Mn. Fl. Ind. Bat. I. pt-2, p. 179; Mast. in Ноок. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 362; Forbes et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 90; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 53; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 22; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 343; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 59. Har. Tainan, Kelung, South Cape. 104. STERCULIACEAE. Distrip, On sea-shores of tropical Asia; Australia, Polynesia, eastern Africa. 3. Kleinhovia Linn. Kleinhovia Hospita Ілхх. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 1365; DC. Prodr. I. p. 488; HANCE in Journ. Bot. (1885) p. 322; Forbes et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin.’ I. p. 90; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 22; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 53; Matsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 59. Нар. Hinan, Tamarikei, Takow, Mankinsho, Tappansha. Distrip. Tropical Asia ; Africa and Polynesia. 4. Helicteres Linn. Helicteres angustifolia Liv. Sp. Pl ed-2, p. 1366; DC. Prodr. I. р. 476; Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WiLp. p. 647.; BrxrH. Fl. Норок. р. 37; Mast. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind I. p. 365; FORBES et HEMsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 90; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 22; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 53; Iro et Matsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 344; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 59. Helicteres lanceolata DC. Prodr. I. p. 476 Нав. Shintiku, Chüko, Taihoku, Taiton, Taichokuzan, Takow, Mankinsho. Distrip. Malay Archipelago and Peninsula. 5. Pterospermum SCHREB. Pterospermum formosanum Marsum. in Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 62; Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 49. This is very near to, or perhaps the same as, a Bornean specimen pre- served at Kew, labelled * P. fuscum Kurt?” which specimen, however, is certainly different from the type of the named species. 6. Melochiu Linn. Melochia corchorifolia Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 675; Hancr in Journ. Bot. (1878) p. 9; Mast. in Hook. f. Fl. Prit. Ind. I. p. 374; Roxe. STERCULIACER. 105 Fl. Ind. ІП. p. 139; Benra. Fl. Austral. I. p. 235; FORBES et Hemst. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 91; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 22; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 56; Iro et Marsuw. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 345 ; Diets Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 470; Marsuw. et HavarA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 60. Melochia concatenata Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 944. Melochia truncata Win. Sp. Pl. IIT. p. 601. Riedleia concatenata DC. Prodr. І. р. 492. _ Riedleia corchorifolia DC. Prodr. І. р. 491. Riedleia supina DC. Prodr. І. p. 491. Нар. Taihoku, Pachina, Takow, Mankinsho. DISTRE. Common in Tropics. 7. Waltheria LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves larger, densely villose, style pectinate at the apex.... W. indica. Leaves smaller scarcely villose, style fimbriate towards the apex...... ОТЫ ce RECS MICI ТР. Makinoi. Waltheria indica Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 941; DC. Prodr. I. p. 493; Hance in Journ. Linn. Soc. XIII. p. 100; Fonpgs et Нем, Ind. Fl Sin. I. p. 91; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 22; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 56; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 61. Waltheria americana LINN. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 941; DC. Prodr, I. p. 492; БЕхтн. Fl. Норок. p. 38. Haz. Tainan, Kisoko, Taihoku, Takow, Mankinsho. DISTRIB. Southern and eastern China. Waltheria Makinoi Hayata in Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 61, t. 5. Shrub, branches slender, ferrugineo-pubescent. Leaves alternate, petiolate, stipulate, ovate, elliptical, base rounded, subcordate, 2-2.5 cm. long, 1.5-1.8 em. broad, margin serrate, serras acute, tri-nerved, costas impressed above, prominent beneath, densely villosely pubescent, subbicolored, petioles ‚ 5—6 mm. long, stipules very small, subulate. Flowers small, glomerate at the axils, bracteate, bracts lanceolate, villose. Calyx campanulate, 5-lobate, 106 TTLIACEZE. lobes acute, outside villose, inside pubescent, glanduliferous, marginate. Petals 5, oblong-spathulate, truncate or emarginate at the apex. Stamens 5, opposite the petals, filaments dilate, connate, staminodes 0; anther-cells pa- rallel, connectives slightly produced, emarginate. Ovary sessile, l-celled, 2— ovuled. Styles excentric, upwards fimbriate, flexuose. Capsules obovoid 2- valved on the back, l-seeded. Seeds ascendent, glabrous, pentagonous in section, albuminose. Embryo straight, cotyledons flattened, radicule near the hilum. Has. Shintiku. Disrriz. An endemic plant. Tiliaceee. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Anthers globose or oblong, opening by slits. (2) Anthers linear, opening by terminal pores. (4) (2) Petals glandular at the base. Stamens springing from the apex of a raised torus. (3) Petals not glandular. Stamens springing from a contracted torus. .... OU Qa ee oe 5.9. COCO БЕ (8) “Fruits not) at alle раску 4 pario aa dato epi 1. Fruits prickly. ыл ИНИТ Triumfetta. 9 (4) Stamens on a depressed torus. Truits Capsular. (5) Stamens on a raised torus. Fruits drupaceous. ...... . Eleocarpus. 6 (5) Sepals 4-5, petals 0 v. rarely 1-4, imbrieate ..............Sloanea. 4 Sepals 4, 2-seriately imbricate, petals 4, incised, subimbricate ..... a Echinocar pus. 5 1. Grewia LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves obliquely cordate at the base. ..... eder at apne Grewia tiliefolia. Leaves cuneate or slightly cordate at the base. (2) TILIACEZE. 107 (2) Теауев smaller, cuneate at the base. .................. G. piscatorum. Leaves larger, slightly cordate at the base. Se tear ER G. parviflora. Grewia ты а. сл Bor I pees ое EL Ind. IL р. 587; Вир. Fl. Sylvat. t. 108; Ноок. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 386; Henry List РІ. Formos. р. 23; Marsum. et НАҮАТА Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 36. Has. Mankinsho. DISTRE. Asia and tropical Africa. Grewia piscatorum Hance “in Ann. Sc. Nat. 5° ser. XV. p. 208”; Говвез et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 93; Henry List Pl Formos. p. 23; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 63. Has. Kötöshö, Kelung, Bioritsu, Takow. Distr. Southern China. Grewia parviflora BunGe ; War. Rep. І. p. 360; Hance in Journ. Bot. (1882) p. 3; FrancHer Pl. David. p. 59; Forbes et Hxwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 93; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 23; Diets Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 468; Parmin Conspect. Fl. Koree I. p. 47; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 62. Has. Bioritsu, Tamsui, Pachina, Mankinsho, South Cape. Disrri. Central China and Corea. 2. Corchorus LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Capsules globose, not beaked.......... RVers eu une ee C. capsularis. Capsules elongated, beaked. (2) (2) Capsules elongated, beak entire. ............ жар Be C. olitorius. Capsules eloneated, beak 3-fid, spreading. ............ C. acutangulus. Corchorus capsularis Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 746; DC. Prodr. I. p. 505; Вехтн. Fl Hongk. p. 40; Roxs. Fl. Ind. II. p. 581; Wicut Ie. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 311; Mio. Fl. Ind. Bat. I. pt-2, p. 194; Masr. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 397; Forbes et Hxwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 93; Henry List 108 ILIAC ZA, Pl. Formos. p, 23; Driers Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 497; Marsum. eb HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 64. Har. Shirin, Takow. DISTRIB. Spontaneous in warm regions of the World. Corchorus olitorius Ілхх.; DC. Prodr. І. p. 504; Похв. Fl. Ind. IL p. 581; Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. L pt.-2, р. 195; Masr. in Ноок. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. L p. 397; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 23; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 65. Corchorus decemangularis Кохв. Fl. Ind. П. p. 582. Has. Pachina, Bioritsu, Toseikaku, Takow, Mankinsho. Distris. India. Corchorus acutangulus Lam.; DC. Prodr. I. p. 505; Benta. Fl. Hongk. p. 40, et Fl. Austral. І. p. 277; Міснт Ic. Pl Ind. Or. t. 739; Maxim. in Mel. Biol. ХП. p. 428 (1886); Masr. in Hook. Ё Fl. Brit. Ind. І. p. 398; Forges et HumsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 93; Hesry List РІ. Formos. p. 23; Lro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 348; Dmrs Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 467; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 64. | Corchorus fuscus RoxB. Fl. Ind. П. p. 582. Haz. Tamsui, Takow, Bokoto. DISTRIB. Tropical and subtropical Asia, India, tropical Africa, Australia and west Indias. 3. Triumfetta LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves broadly rhomboid, shortly cuspidate. .... Triumfetta rhomboidea. Leaves ovate, acuminate: ЦРО T. pilosa. Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq. ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 507; Mast. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. І. p. 395; Forbes et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 95; HENRY List Pl. Formos p. 23; MAxıno in Tokyo Bot. Mag. IX. (1895) p. 957; Iro et Matsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch, p. 346; Matsum. et Hayara Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 63. TILIACE AS. 109 | Triumfetta angulata Lam.; ХҮтонт Те. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 320; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 41. Triumfetta Bartramia LINN. ; Похв. Fl. Ind. IT. p. 463. Triumfetta trilocularis Кохв. Fl. Ind. П. p. 462. Has. Kelung, Tamsui, Takow, Boryo Kusshaku, Shintenga, Shintiku. Disrris. Tropical and Subtropical Asia, tropical Africa, Malay Pen- insula, Ameriea. Triumfetta pilosa Torr; DC. Prodr. L p. 506; Benta. Fl. Hongk. p. 41; Fonszs et Hust. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 99; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 23; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 63; Hayara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 64. Has. Sanchoki, Tamsui, Mankinsho. Distrip. Tropical Asia and Africa; South China. | 4. Sloanea LiNN. Sloanea hongkongensis Hemst. in Hook. Ic. Pl. XXVII. (1900) t. 2628; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 49. Distris. Hongkong. I have seen a specimen with a very spinous fruit in Formosa, which specimen is apparently the same as the present species which I have seen in the Herbarium at Hongkong.. The plant is, however, not yet represented in the Tokyo herbarium. 5. Echinocarpus BLUME. Echinocarpus dasycarpus BENTE. in Proc. Linn. Soc. V. suppl. TI. р. 72; Mast. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 400; Henry List Pl. Formos. р. 24; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 63. Has. Soobonsho, Mankinsho. Dsrris. Eastern Himalaya. 6. Eleocarpus LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves obtusely serrate or crenate. (2) 110 LINACEM. Leaves acutely dentately serrate. ............ Eleocarpus lancecefolins. (2). Petals entme. .....0:- 2.20. se an ass E. japonicus Petals: шелін. eo n E. decipiens. El&ocarpus lanceeefolius Кохв. Fl. Ind. П. p. 598; Вехтн. Fl. Hongk. p. 42; Еоввеѕ et Немві. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 95; Wisur Te, РІ. Ind. Or. t. 65; Mast. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 402; Henry List Pl Formos. p. 24; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 66. Has. Kelung, Mankinsho, South Cape. Disrriz. Eastern Himalaya. Elzocarpus japonicus Se». et Zucc. Fl. Jap. Fam. Nat. Т. p. 165; Miq. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 205; RANCH. et Savar. Enum. Pl. Jap. I.. p. 67; Forbes et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 95; Maxim. in Enci. Bot. Jahrb. VI. р. 61; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 349; Marsum, et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 66. Has. Kusshaku, Wantan. Distri. Japan. Elzocarpus decipiens HunmsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 94; Henry List Pl Formos. p. 24; Іто et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 349; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 65; Hayara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 64. Ha». Biöritsu ; Sensuiko, Mankinsho. Distris. South China and the Loo-choo islands. Linaceee. Linum LINN. Linum usitatissimum Linn.; Matsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 66. Har. Sozan, (cultivated). MALPIGHIACEE. ZIGOPHYLLEE. 111 Malpighiacese Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. Ш Calveine: lands minute, oron nn nn n Tristellateia. 1 Calycine gland 1, large, adnate to the pedicel. ............ Hiptage. 2 1. Tristellateia THOUARS. Tristellateia australasica A. Кісн.; Benta. Fl. Austral І. p. 287; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 418; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 24; Marsux. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XII. (1898) p. 2; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 67. Har. Köshün: Galanbi. Distrin. From Singapore to New Ireland. 9. Hiptage GERN. Hiptage Madablota С.жвты.; DC. Prodr. І. р. 583; Beute Fl. Hongk. p. 49; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. І. р 418; Forbes et Hemst. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 96; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 24; Matsum. in Tokyo Pot. Mag. XV. p. 56; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 67. Gertnera racemosa RoxB. Fl. Ind. П. p. 368. Banisteria benghalensis Linn. Sp, Pl. ed-2, p. 611. Har. Pachina, Taichi: Biöritsu, Shintiku, Hokkökei, Soobonsha, Ke- lung, Tamsui, Takow. Півткір. Tropical India and Malaya. Zigophylleee. Tribulus LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaflets elongately oblong, acute at the apex......... Tribulus terrestris. Leaflets broadly oblong, obtuse at the apex............... T. cistoides, 112 GERANAICEE. Tribulus terrestris Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 554; DC. Prodr I. p. 703; Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed-Wirrp. p. 921; Francher Pl. David. p. 62; Монт Ie. Pl. In. Or. t. 98; EpcGEW. et Hoox. f. in Hook. f, Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 423; Forbes et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 97; Нехвү List Pl. Formos. р. 24; Diets Fl. Centr. Chin. in Ехот, Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 420; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 67. Har. Shokwa, Takow, Bokoto. Distrip. Widely diffused in the tropical and temperate regions; central China. Tribulus cistoides Linn. Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. T. p. 423; FORBES et Нем. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 97; Hayata Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 90. Нав. Pratas, by. T. Kawakami, 1907, July. Ртѕтвтв. Throughout the warmer regions of both hemispheres. Geraniaceee. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Flowers regular or nearly so. (2) Flowers. irregular. а RO Impatiens. 4 (2) Leaves’ simple. A enter eee ee Oe Geranium. 1 Leaves compound (3) (3) Herbs, fruits capsular. (4) сл Trees, fruits bered? у ИТР E ы Averrhoa. (4) Capsules loculicidal, valves cohering with the axis, bo leaves. #$risfolielate. о pn n mm a Oxalis. Capsules loculicidal, valves usually separating from = the axis to the base, leaves pinnate. ................ Biophytum. 1. Geranium LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves ternately cleft, segments pinnatilobed. .. Geranium Robertianum. ae ” GERANIACA. 113 Leaves palmately 5-lobed, lobes laciniately many-lobed. ..G. uniflorum. Geranium Robertianum Lmm.; DC. Prodr. I. p. 644; Maxim. Mel. Biol. X. p. 618; FrancH. et Savar. Enum. Pl. Jap. IL p. 307, (var. glabrum); Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 482; Dies Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 419; Leer. “Fl. Alt. ІП. p. 233”; Hayata Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 64. Нар. Taito; Bunshisekisha. DISTRIB. Southern parts of Japan, China throughout, and westward to Europe. This exactly agrees with the Japanese form. Geranium uniflorum Havara4 Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 65; and Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 50. Stem 1-2 ft. high, erect or patent, glabrous, up- wards, pilose, branches articulately nodose. Leaves long petioled, piloso- pubescent, petioles 2-4 cm. long, blades broadly orbicular or pentagonous in outline 5-7 cm. in diameter, deeply 5-parted, segments acuminate, pinnatifid inciso-serrate, stipules oblong, abruptly acuminate, 1 em. long, somewhat pilose outside Flowers axillary or subterminal, long pedunculate, 1—flowered, 2-bracteate, peduncles 5-6 cm. long, pubescent, bracts subulate, opposite, nearly 1 cm. long. Sepals 5, elliptical, 12 mm. long, 5 mm. broad, outside distinctly 5-nerved, pilose on the nerves, aristately acute at the apex, glabrous inside. Petals 5, obovate, cuneate, entire, 2 cm. long or longer, rounded at the apex, emarginate, base ciliate above the claw. Glandules 5. Stamens 10, 2-seriate, filaments dilated at the base, shortly ciliate, anthers oblong deciduous. Ovary pilose. Capsule-lobes oblong, pilose, 5 mm. long, 24 mm. broad, tails 14 mm. long. Has. Mt. Morrison. | Near @. aconitifolium and also G. collinum A. DC. but differs from the former by not branched peduncles, and from the latter in having much broader stipules. 2, Oxalis LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. Leaflets broadly obtriangular slightly 2-lobed, lobes spreading, acute at the ES озар е А Е ЕН РТ” О. Griffithii. 114 GERANIACE Ж. Leaflets much more rounded than the other, slightly 2-lobed at the apex, lobes very short less spreading, much thinner........... О. corniculata. Oxalis Griffithii Enacrw. et Ноок. f. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 496; S. Moore in Journ. Bot. (1875) p. 230; Forges et Hrmsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 99; Drgrs Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 420; Hayara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 66. Har. Suizan, Mt. Morrison, Arizan. Distriz. Eastern Himalaya and Khasia mountains; also in central China. Oxalis corniculata Lin. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 623; Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WinLp. p. 350; DC. Prodr. I. p. 692; Benta. Fl. Норок. p. 56, et Fl. Austral I. p. 301; BAKER et Moore in Journ. Linn. Soc. ХҮП. p. 380; FnANcHET Pl. David p. 65; Hance in Warp. Ann. III. p. 839; THUNB. Fl. Jap. p. 187; Hoox. et Arn. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 261; Roxe. Fl. Ind. TI. p. 457; Wıeur Ic. Pl Ind: Or. 1. 18; Mag. Prob ЗЕ Тар Mp E Franca. et Savat. Enum. Pl. Jap. І. p. 69; EpcGEWwonTH et Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 436; FonBEs et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 99; HENRY List Pl. Formos. p. 24; Dwers Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 420; PALIBIN Conspect. Fl. Korez I. p. 48; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 68. Нав. Common in the island, Kelung, Kötöshö, Pachina, Bankinsing. Гивткір. Common all over the World. 3. Biophytum DC. Biophytum sensitivum DC. Prodr. I. p. 690; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 436; Forges et Неме. Ind. Fl Sin I. p. 100; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 24; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 69; HAYATA Materials for a Fl. Formos. p. 50. Oxalis sensitiva Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 622; Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed- WILLD. p. 950. Har. Ako: Bongarisha, by G. NAKAHARA, Sept. 1905, (No. 544). OBSERV. A very graceful herb, about 30 cm. high; leaves gathered on the top of the stem, abruptly pinnate, 6-7 cm. long, pinnules 20—50, GERANIACE/E, 115 obliquely oblong, 1 cm. long. Flowers many on a long peduncle which is projected from the center of congested leaves. Distew. Generally in the tropical regions of the World. 4. Impatiens LINN. Impatiens uniflora Hayara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 66. Erect herb, nearly 30 em. high, few branched, flexuous towards the apex, stems strami- neous, glabrous (except apex) Leaves approximately arranged towards the apex, shortly petiolate, blades oblong, elliptical or lanceolately elliptical, nearly 8 cm. long, 21 cm. broad, caudately acuminate at the apex, cuneate at the base, attenuate to the petioles, margin serrulate, serras setose, incurved. Flowers solitary larger, rosy terminal or in upper axils, peduncles slender, nearly 4 cm. long, 1- rarely 2— flowered, naked, bracteolate ou the middle, bracteoles minute, incurved. Sepals 3, 2-lateral ones oblique, ovate, acuminate, entire, 6 mm. long, 21 mm. broad, the back one long saccate, acute at the apex, mouth li cm. in diameter, base abruptly turning to a short spur, (which is incrassate at the apex and slightly 2-lobed), 34 cm. long from the base up to the apex of spurs. Petals: standard as half long as wings, broadly re- niformed cristate at the middle and back, and attenuate to a horn-like process which is recurved and maculate; wings in outline elliptical 21 cm. long, 2- lobate on the upper side, exterior basal lobe broad, apical lobe longer and oblong. Stamens 5, filaments inequal, shorter, nearly 4 mm. long, complanate appen- ciculate at the middle, anthers ovate, apiculate, coherent with pistils; cells introrsely dehiscent. Ovary oblong, 4 mm. long, stigma sessile, 5-dentate. Capsules elongate, 2 cm. long, 5 valvate, valves elastically split, columna per- sistent. Seeds long elliptical scarcely longer than 2 mm., coats glabrous minutely papillose under microscope. Has. Tozan, Arızan, Mt. Morrison. 5. Averrhoa Lixn. Averrhoa Carambola LINN. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 428; DC. Prodr. p. 689 ; Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WiLLD. p. 354; Bunte. Fl. Hongk. p. 56; Erncr- 116 RUTACEJE. WORTH et Hook. f. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 439; Forges et HEwsrL- Ind. Fl. Sin I. p. 100; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 24; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 69. Нав. Reigaryo, Shintiku, Pachina, Takow. Rutaceee. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (D) Herbs. «ОООО Beenninghausenia. 1 Shrubs or trees. (2) (2) Flowers usually polygamous. (3) Flowers hermaphrodite. (7) (3) Ovary deeply 3-5-lobed. (4) Ovary entire. (5) (4). Leaves opposite. ...:- 1,4 acs m cs os a i Ksa O і Perianth, simple ЕЕ Zanthoxylum. З! Leaves alternate. : т." 252 Perianth double: s Site RESO Fagara. 3° (D) Stem prickly 1. c Se ninas: Toddalia. 4 Stem unarmed. (6) (6) Leaves 1-3-foliolate, petals 4, stamens 8. .............. Acronychia. 5 Leaves simple, petals and stamens 4-5 each. ............ Skimmia. 6 (7) Ovules solitary or twin in each cell. (8) Ovules many in each cell” | E Citrus. 11 (8) Style. very ‚short, persistenb. e PE DNE DNE Glycosmis. T Style joined on the top of the ovary, deciduous. (9) (9) Leaves pinnate. (10) Lieayes-I-toholate: =... оа СКТ Atalantia. 10 (10); Filaments’ linear-subulate: m me Murraya. 8 Milaments dilated) below: cc Clausena. 9 1 Benninghausenia Retcus. Benninghausenia albiflora Reiche. “ Conspect. Reg. Veg. p. 259; l'nANCHET Pl. David. p. 66; Franck. et Savar. Enum. Pl Jap. L р. 71; RUTACEAE. ІШЕ Mio. Prol. Fl Јар. p. 209; Ene. et Pranr. Nat. Pfl-fam. IIL-4, p. 150; Forbes et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 102; Dwers FI. Centr. Chin. p. 423; | HAYATA in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XX. p. 52; Hayata Fl Mont. Formos. p. 67. ( Нав. Tappansha. Distris. Himalaya to Japan and China; recently found in Luzon. 2. Evodia Fonsr. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves trifoliolate. (2) eaves pinnate, leatlets’ many. sa. a netto c E. meliefolia. (2) Leaflets lanceolate or ovately lanceolate. ................ E. triphylla. Leaflets larger, oblong or obovately oblong — ........ E. Roxburghiana. Evodia melisefolia BENTH. Fl. Норок. p. 58; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 490; FonBzs et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. І р. 104; Hunry List РІ. Formos. p. 24; Diers Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 423; Marsum. et Hayara Enun. Pl. Formos. p. 69; HavarA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 68. Megabotrya meliefolia Hance in Warr. Ann. П. p. 259. Evodia glauca MIQ. in Ann. Mus. Dot. Lugd -Bat. III. p. 23. Har. Taito, Dakunsha, Okaseki, South Cape. DISTRIB. Southern China and southern parts of Japan. Evodia triphylla DC. Prodr. I. p. 724; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 488; Forbes et Немві. Ind. Fl Sin. I p. 104; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 25; Iro еб Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 353; Matsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl Formos. p. 70. Evodia Lamarckiana BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 59. Zanthoxylum Lamarckianum Снамр. et SCHL. in Linnea V. p. 58. Zanthoxylum pteleefolium Снамр.; Warr. Ann. IV. p. 418. Lepta triphylla Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed- Wii p. 104. Has. Unring, Toseikaku, Suiteiryö, South Cape, Mankinsho. Disrris. Bonin, Loo-choo, Philippines, Hongkong, Malaya and India. 118 RUTACEJZ. Evodia Roxburghiana Вүхтн. Fl. Hongk. p. 59; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Iud. I. p. 487; Нехһү List Pl. Formos, p. 25; Marsum. et Hayara Enum., Pl. Formos. p. 70. Evodia triphylla Вкрроме Fl. Sylvat. Anal. Gen. t. VI. f. 2, Evodia Marambong Miq. Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. IH. p. 244. Fagara triphylla Roxs. Fl. Ind. T. p. 416. Zanthoxylon Roxburghianum Cuxwr. in Linnea V. p. 58. Zanthoxylon zeylanicum DC. Prodr. I. р. 723. Наз. Hikaku, Kelung, Taihoku, Keibi, Shinkogai, Suisha, Shushügai Distris. Sumatra and Java. 3. Zanthoxylum хх. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaflets much larger than the other, spines complanate. . . Z. planispinum. Leaflets smaller, spines not complanate. .................. 2. selosum. Zanthoxylum planispinum Sms. et Zuco. Fl. Jap. Fam. Nat. І. p. 138; Francs. et Savar. Enum. Pl. Jap. L p. 73; Евакснет Pl David. T. p. 67; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. ХП. p. 428; Paumen Conspect. Fl. Koree 1. p. 51; Marsum. et Hayarı Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 71. Has. Maruyama. Disrrib. Japan, Corea, central China. Zanthoxylum setosum Hxwsr. in Forbes et Humsn. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. р. 107; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 71. Пав. Shintiku. Distrib. East China; Kiang-si. 9. Fagara LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaflets small, obovate or oblong, shortly and obtusely cuspidate at the овоа а аон а а AP a ELTERN Ғ. cuspidala. RUTACER. 119 Leaflets large, oblong or obovate, acute or acuminate or sometimes ob- tuse or even rounded at the apex, but never cuspidate. (2) (2) Leaflets beneath prickly on the middrib. .................. Р. nitida. Leaflets not prickly. (3) (3) Leaflets ovately lanceolate, acuminate. ................ F. ailanthoides. Leaflets obovate, rounded at the apex, but rarely very shortly cuspidate towards е trounded apex... мл F. integrif oliola. Fagara cuspidata (CHAMP.) ENGL. in Enet. et PrantL Nat Pfl.-fam. III-4, p. 118; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 71. Zanthoxylum cuspidatum CHamp.; Warp. Ann. IV. p. 415; ВЕхтн. Fl. Hongk. p. 58; FoRBES et Неме. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 106; Hrwnv List Pl. Formos. p. 25. Нар. Kashinro, Tamsni. Disrris. China; Hongkong. Fagara nitida Кохв. Fl Inn. I. p. 419; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Luteh. p. 355; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 72. Fagara piperita Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed-Wirrn. р. 101. Zanthoxylum nitidum DO. Prodr. I. p. 727; BzwrH. Fl. Hongk. p. 58; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. VIII. p. 2; FORBES et Hrwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 106; Henry List Pl Formos. p. 28. Has. Tamsui, Kelung, Taihoku, Maruyama, Tamsui, Heiteisho, Takow. DISTRIB. Southern China. Fagara ailanthoides Excr. in Exor. et Рвлхтт. Nat. Pfl-fam. III— 4 p. 118. Zanthoxylum ailanthoides SIEB. et Zuco. Fl. Jap. Fam. Nat. I. p. 138; Mig. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lued.-Bat. ІП. p. 22; Еоквиѕ et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 105; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 25; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. . Pl. Formos. p. 71. Нар. Tamsui, Bankinsino. DISTRIB. Japan, China. Fagara integrifoliola Merritt КІ. of the Lamao Forest Reserve, in 120 RUTACER. Philip. Journ. Sei. Bot. I. p. 68; Hayarı Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 51. Har. Kötöshö, coll. T. Kawaxamt and С. NAKAHARA, March, 1906, (No. 1064). Disrris. The Philippines. The plant is exactly referable to this species, so far as the description is concerned. The tree yields a soft woolly substance which densely covers the radical parts of the plant. FAGARA EMARGINELLA ENGL. et PRANTL; Matsum. et Hayata Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 72. Our specimen are imperfect, and the identification is very doubtful. 4, Toddalia Juss. Toddalia aculeata Prns.; DC. Prodr. П. p. 88; Вехтн. Fl. Норок, p. 59; Hook. f Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 497; Forves et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 108; Hoox. et Arn. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 261; Ben. Fl. Sylv. Ind. Gen. XLII. t. VI. f. 4; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 25; Iro et Marsum. Tent. ГІ. Lutch. p. 356; Dwers Fl. Centr. Chin. p 424; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl Formos. p. 72. Scopolia aculeata Sw. ; Winpp. Sp. Pl. I. p. 1115; Roxe. Fl Ind. I. p. 616. Har. Toseikaku, Suiteiryo, Niki, Köshün. Disrriz. In the Tropics of the Old World. 5. Acronychia Fonsr. Acronychia laurifolia BrvwE; Hoox. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. І р. 498; FonBES et Hemsu. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p 108; НЕхвү List Pl. Formos. p. 25; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 73. Cyminosma pedunculata et C. resinosa DO. Prodr. I. p. 722; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 60. Acronychia Cyminosma E. Murun Fragm. Phyt. Austral. I. p 27, (in nota) ; HANCE in Journ. Linn. Soc. XIII. p. 101. RUTACEZ. 191 Jambolifera pedunculata et J. resinosa Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WiLLD. pp. 283 et 285. Has. Kelung. DisTrIB. India, Malaya. Leaves simple or very rarely trifoliate. 6. Skimmia THUNB. Skimmia japonica Тнгхв. Fl. Jap. pp. 4 et 62; FraxcH. et Savar. Enum. Pl Jap. П. p. 311; DC. Prodr. П. p. 18; Іо et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Luteh. p. 357; Merri in Philip. Journ. Sci. I. Supp. Bot. p. 201; Hayara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 68. HAB. Morrison, Tozan. Distriz. Himalaya, central China and Japan throughout; recently found in the Philippine islands. 7. Glycosmis CORREA. Glycosmis pentaphylla Corrra; DC. Prodr. I. p. 538; OLtv. in Journ. Linn. бос. V. Suppl. П. p. 37; BENTH. Fl. Austral. I. p. 367 ; Kurz in Journ. Bot. (1876) p. 36; Hoox. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 108; Fonpmgs et HenmsL, Ind. Fl Sin. Т. р. 109; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 25; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 358; Marsum. et Hayata Enum, Pl. Formos. p. 73. Glycosmis citrifolia Linpu.; Bento. Fl. Hongk. p. 51. Glycosmis arborea DC. Prodr. T. p. 538. Limonia parvifolia Sims. in Bot. Mag. t. 2416. Limonia arborea Кохв. Fl. Ind. П. p. 381; Arr. Hort. Kew. ed-2, Ш. p. 43; Bot. Mag. t. 2074. Has. Horisha, Kelung, Koketsuzan, Shizangan, Chokachiraisha. Distriz. Tropical Asia, Polynesia, Australia. 122 RUTACEJE. 8. Murraya Linn. Key to the Formosan Species. Leaflets smaller obovate obtuse or retused at the apex cuneate at the base. .....:.. ЛТ ККК ОГО. .-.. M. exotica. Leaflets larger, oblong, acuminate or shortly cuspidate at the apex, obtuse at the extremity, acute at the base: 22222222: M. Koenigii. Murraya exotica Linn.; DC. Prodr. I. p. 537; Вкктн. Fl. Hongk. p. 50; FonBzs et Немві, Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 109; Hoog. et Ary. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 260; Wicut Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 96; Вектн. Fl. Austral. I. p. 369; Orrv. in Journ. Linn. Soc. V. Suppl. 2, (1861) p. 28; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 502; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. ХП. р. 429 (1886); HENRY List Pl. Formos. p. 25; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 352; MATSUM. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 47; Hayara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 68. Chalcas paniculata et C. Japonensis Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WiLLD. pp. 331 et 332. Has. Sharyoto, Hikaku, Kelung, Shizangan, Taitöchö, Kwarenkö, Hokuto, Taiton, Pachina, Koko. DisrrIb. In tropical and subtropical Asia; southern China, Hongkong, India; Australia, Polynesia. Murraya Kenigii Sprenc.; Oty. in Journ. Linn. Soc. V. Suppl. II. p. 29; Wicut Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 185 RoxB. EL Ind. Ub р атоо Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 503; Marsum. et HavarA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 75. Har. Suiteiryö, Niki. DisTrIb. India. 9. Clausena Burm. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaflets larger obliquely ovate. .................... Clausena Wampi. Leaflets small, angustate, lunulata. ...................... C. lumilata. RUTACEE. | 123 Clausena Wampi OLIVER in Journ. Linn. Soc. V. Suppl. IL p. 34; Вехтн. Fl. Hongk. p.50; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. L p. 505; Forbes et Hemst. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 110; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 25; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl Lutch. p. 360; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 75. Cookia punctata Rerz; DC. Prodr. I. p. 537. Quinaria lansium Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WiLLD. p. 394. Has. Shintiku, Bankinsing. DISTRIE. China, India, Malaya. Clausena lunulata Harara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 51. Branches fuscescent, cinereo-punctate, pubescent. Leaves pinnate, lanceolate in outline, 25 cm. long, 8 em. broad, 31-41-foliolate, leaflets largest on the middle, lunulate, 4 cm. long, 19 mm. broad, obtuse or retuse at the apex, strongly oblique at the base, broader on the superior side, narrower and acu- minate on the inferior side, obscurely crenate or entire, glabrous or pubes- cent on the costa, petiolules 2 mm. long. Panicles terminal, 20 em. long, 7 cm. broad, flowers ternately arranged at the apex of the branches of the panicles. Calyx 5-dentate, teeth truncate; petals not yet known. Clausena excavata Hayata in Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos, p. 75. | Har. Koshun; Kachiraisha. In the Enumeratio Plantarum Formosanarum, I referred this plant to C. excavata, thinking that it might be a small form of that species. On examining a set of several specimens collected in different parts of the island, I have found that the plant is always of the same constant form and is quite different from the type of the named species in many points but especially in its leaves which are in the latter species very much larger, attaining the size of even 3-4-times those of the Formosan plant. 10. Atalantia CORREA. Atalantia buxifolia OLıver in Journ. Linn. Soc. V. Suppl. IL p. 26; Benta. Fl. Норок. p. 51; Forbes et Немк. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 110; HENRY 124 RUTACEXZ, List Pl. Formos. p. 25; Matsum. et Hayata Enum, Pl. Formos. p. 75. Limonia bilocularis Roxs. Fl. Ind. П. p. 377. Atalantia monophylla Hook. et Arn. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 172. Has. Tainan; Hosan, Takow, Mankinsho. Distris. China: Kiangsi, Hongkong, Hainan. 11. Citrus LINN. Citrus Aurantium Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 1100; DC. Prodr. I. p. 539; Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WiLLD. p. 569; Roxs. Fl. Ind. Ш. p. 392; FORBES et Немет, Ind. Fl. Sin. L p.110; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 26; FRANCH. et Savat. Enum. Pl. Јар. L p. 74; Ноок. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. І p. 515: Io et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 361; Diets Fl. Centr. Chin. р. 425; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 76. Has. Tamsui. Disrris. Perhaps spontaneous in northern China. Var. Decumana Bonavis, ex Ехо, in ExGr. et PRANTL Nat. Pfl.-fam. ПІ. pt-4, p. 198; Ivo et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 362; Marsum. et HavaTA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 76. Citrus decumana Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WiLLD. p. 571; Мир. Sp. Pl. Ш. р. 1428; Кохв. Fl. Ind. Ш. p. 398; DC. Prodr. І. p. 539; Hook. f. Fl Brit. Ind. I. p. 516; Franom. et Savat. Enum. Pl Jap. L p. 74; Forges et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 111; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 26; Citrus Aurantium B. sinensis Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 1101. Has. Fukkisho, Daibohosho. Citrus nobilis Lovr. Fl. Cochinch. ed-Wirrp. p. 569; DC. Prodr. I. p. 540; RANCH. et Savat. Enum. Pl. Jap. І p. 74; Forbes et Hemst. Ind. Fl Sin. І. p. 111; Ivo et Marsum. Tent. Fl Lutch. р. 360; Marsum, et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. (7. Citrus deliciosa TENORE ; Warr. Rep. IL. p. 804. Has. Taiton. SIMARUBEZ. 195 Citrus japonica Тнохв. Fl. Jap. р. 292, et Ic. Jap. t. 15; SEP. et Zucc. Fl Jap. L р: 35; Mi. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Ludg-Bat. IL р. 83; Forbes et HemsL. Ind. Fl Sin. L p. 111; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 7T. Citrus Aurantium var. japonica Hook. f. in Bot. Mag. t. 6128. Citrus inermis Roxs. Fl. Ind. Ш. p. 393. Has. Taition, Kokeinaisho. DISTRIB. Simarubeæ. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Ovules solitary in each cell, leaves compound, ............ Brucea. 1 Oyules 2 іт each cell; leaves simple. .................... Suriana. 2 1. Brucea Mur. Brucea sumatrana Кохв. Fl. Ind. L p. 467; DO. Prodr. IL р. 88; \ BrwrH. Fl Hongk. р. 60; Mio. Fl. Ind. Bat. IL p. 702; Вемтн. in Hoox. \ f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. р. 521; Forges et Немві. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 112; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 26; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. TEST Gonus amarissimus Lour. Fl. Cochinch. еа.-\Үплр. p. 809. Has. Hikaku, Pachina, Takow. Отты. From Assam and Malaya, to Australia and the Philippines. 9. Suriana LINN, È Suriana maritima Linn. DC. Prodr. П. p. 91; Hook. 1. Fl, Brit. Ind. I. p. 522; HavarA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 52. Has. Pratas. Distri. On the sea-shores of the Tropics. 126 BURSERACEE. MELIACEZE. Burseracees. Canarium Lins. Canarium album Rxnscu.; DC. Prodr. II. p.80; Hance in Journ. Bot, 1871, p. 39; Ехо. in DC. Monogr. Phanerog. IV. р. 149; Forbrs et Неме. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 115; Havara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 52. Has. Toroku: Rinkiho. DisrkriB. Cochinchina and southern China. Meliaceee. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Stamens united mto a tube. (2) Stamens. distinct. о А ОНТО Cedrela. 4 (2): Leaflets ‘toothed. 2:...2 Уыз осу eee eee eee БЕС Melia. 1 Leaflets entire. (3) (9) .Amthers 5, isomerous: O mn Aglaia. 2 Anthers 6-10, flowers diplostemonous. ........ Е Dos лт Amoora. 3 1. Melia LINN. Melia Azedarach Linn. Sp. Pl. ed.-2, p. 550; DC. Prodr. I. p. 621; Roxs. Fl. Ind. П. p. 395; Francner Pl. David. p. 68; Mig. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.—Bat. IV. p 5, et Prol Fl. Jap. p. 212; Francu. et SAVAT. Enum. Pl. Jap. L p. 75; С. DC. Monogr. Phanerog. I. p. 451; Wicur Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 160; Hiern in Hoor. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. І p. 544; Bot. Mag. t. 1066; Forbes et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 113; Henry List Pl. Formos. р. 26; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 365; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 54; Dmrs Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 426; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 78. MELIACEZ. i2 Melia japonica G. Dox.; Warr. Rep. p. 373. Melia sempervirens Sw.; Roxp. Fl. Ind. П. p. 395. Has. Tamsui, Suiteiryo, Niki, Ringaryö, South Cape. DisTrIB. China and India, often cultivated in the warm regions. 2. Aglaia Lous. © Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves lepidote. (2) WANES. ШИША ИО ЫЛ a. сызда nn an teen an A. odorata. (2) Leaflets smaller, obovate, shortely cuspidate at the apex, cuneate at (ESSE ОНЕУ А. eleagnoidea. var. formosana. Leaflets large, oblong or obovate, acute at the apex or obtuse at both ndS r I EP NI RT E AA A. Roxburghiana. Aglaia eleagnoidea Bryru. Fl. Austral. V. p. 383; C. DC. Monogr. Phanerog. I. p. 611. var. formosana НАҮАТА in Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. р- 18. Leaves 10-15 em. long, 8—5 foliolate, leaflets obovate, 4-5 cm. long, 2 em. broad, petiolules 2-2 em. long. Panicles very long, slender, 20-30 em. long. Flowers small, 1 mm. in diameter. Fruits ovoid, 1 em. in diamter. Нар. Chokachiraisha, Köshün, Kogo. Aglaia odorata Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed.-Wtirtp. р. 216; DC. Prodr. І. p. 537; Wicur Ie. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 511; Hook. et Arn. Bot. Beech. Voy. р. 174, t. 34; Miq. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. IV. p. 48; Hiern in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 554; C. DC. Monogr. Phanerog. T. p. 602; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. XII. (1886) р. 429; Forbes et HEMsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 114; Harms іп ENcr. et PRANTL Nat. Pfl.-fam. III. pt.-4, p. 298, fig. 138; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 26; Iro et Matsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 366; MarsuM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 54; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 79. Camunium chinense Похв. Fl. Ind. T. p. 636. 128 MELIACEE. Нар. Tamsui, Takow, Bankinsing. Disteie. China, Malay Peninsula and Archipel. to India. Aglaia Roxburghiana BEDD. ; Mig. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lued.—Bat. IV. p. 41; Hiern in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 555; C. DC. Monogr. Phanerog. I. p. 604; Brp. Fl. Sylvat. t. 150; Henry List Pl. Formos. р. 26; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 54; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 79. Aglaia Spanoghei BLUME ex Mm. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Dat. IV. p. 41. Milnea Roxburghiana WOLD. et Ary.; Wianr Те. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 166. Har. Kotosho: South Cape. Distrip. India, Malaya, Ceylon. 3. Amoora Roxb. Amoora Rohituka W. et Arx.; Hiern, in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 559; Нахов in Journ. Dot. (1879) p. 10; C. DC. Monogr. Phanerog. I. p. 581; Fonpzs et Hzwst. Ind. FL Sin. L p. 114; Henry List РІ. Formos. p. 26; MarsuM. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 80. Has. South Cape. DistriB. India, Malaya and the Philippines. 4. Cedrela Тлхх. Cedrela sinensis A. Juss.; Warr. Rep. I. p. 456; C. DC. Monogr. Phanerog. І. p. 743; Fraxcuer Pl. David. p. 68; Forbes et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 114; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 80. Нар. Taihoku. DISTRE. Japan and northern China. OLACINEE. ILICINER. 129 Olacineee. 1. Mappia Jaco. Mappia ovata Miers; Mast. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 589; TrimeN Handb. Fl. Ceyl. I. p. 262. var. insularis Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 55; Marsuw. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 80. Har. Kötöshö. 9. Schepfia SCHRE2. Schepfia sp. Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 81. (specimen sterile) Hab. Kashinro, Kotosho. Пісіпеге. Ilex Linn. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves entire. (2) Leaves more or less serrate or toothed. (3) (2) Leaves larger, 4 em. long, obtuse at the apex, oblong. .... Пет rotunda. Leaves smaller, 2 cm. long, obovate, shortly cuspidate and retused at the apex, cuneate at the base. .................. Ilex goshiensis. (3) Leaves trieuspidate on the margin, and spiny at the apex of the points. B pc I. bioritsensis. Leaves serrate or crenulate, not spiny. (4) (4) Leaves ovate, longer than 5 em. (5) Leaves ovate or obovate, smaller than 4 em. (8) (5) Leaves elongately oblong or lanceolate. (6) Leaves ovate, broadly oblong. (7) 130 ILICINEAL. (б) Leaves lanceolate, not cuspidate. een = етте I. parvifolia. Leaves elongately oblong, distinctly cuspidate. ..........I. formosana. (1) Leaves smaller and tr И I. Kusanoi. Leaves larger and thicket: TE I. taiwaniana. (8) Leaves obovate, obtuse at the apex. ....................L nokensis. Leaves ovate or lanceolate, acute at the apex. (9) (9) Leaves broadly ovate, shortly cuspidate, thinner. ..........Z. asprella. Leaves lanceolately ovate, acuminate at the apex. ......7. taisanensis. Ilex asprella Cuawr.; BzwrH. Fl. Норок. p. 65; Maxrw. Coriar. Ilic. Monochas. in Mél. Acad. Se. Pétersb. 7° série, XXIX. (1881) p. 49; FORBES et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. р. 115; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 26 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 81. Prinos asprellus Hook. et Arn. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 176, t. 36. Har. Köshün, Daibohosho, Toseikaku, Holisha, Pachina, Maruyama, болап, Kokei, Tamsui, Kelung, South Cape. DisrRrB. China: Kiangsi, Hongkong. Ilex bioritsensis Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 53. Branches strong, straight, bark cinerascent, branchlets straight, divaricate, triquetrous. Leaves alternate, shortly petiolate, thick coriaceous, obovately rhomboid, 34 cm. long, 2 cm. broad, margin 1-2-spinosely-dentate on both sides, central lobes triangular, acute at the apex or strongly aristate, aristas straight, lateral lobes acute, strongly aristate, rounded at the base or cordate, polished above, pallid below, costas and veins slightly impressed above, slightly elevated beneath, petioles 9 mm. long, niericant. Drupes axillary, solitary, sessile, obovoid, 8 mm. long, obtuse at the apex (sepals persistent, triangular,) irregularly minutely punctate and slightly 2-3 cornute. Stones 2, dorsally compressed, convex on the back, nearly 8-sulcate, face flat, nearly 6-sulcate, 5 mm. long, 4 mm. broad. Has. Biöritsu: Taizan, by Т. KAWAKAMI and U. Mort, Oct. 1908, (No. 7185). Very like Лех Pernyi FRANCH. var. Manipurensis Las.; but differs from it in the shape.of the drupes in which there are always two stones. ILICINER. 131 Ilex formosana Maxim. Coriar. Ше. Monochas. in Mém. Acad. Se. Petersb. 7° série. XXIX. (1881) р. 46; Forbes et Hrwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 116; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 27; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. For- mos. p. 81; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 54. Has. Koketsuzan, Bankinsing, Uraisha. DISTRIB. An endemic plant. Ogserv. Branches blackish ; leaves elliptical, acute at the base, acumi- nate or cuspidate at the apex, obtuse at the very tip, 7-8 cm. long, 2-3 cm. broad, margin obscurely crenulate, veins not very distinct on the upper sur- face, reticulated and dotted on the under surface, somewhat pale beneath, petioles about 1 cm. long. Flowers on a very short raceme, almost contracted to a cluster. Пех goshiensis Нлүлтл Materials for a Flora of Fou ‚sa р. 94. Branches strong, cinerascent, branchlets fusco-rubescent, angulate. Leaves alternate, petiolate, coriaceous, obovately oblong or oblong, 26 mm. long, 16 mm. broad, retusely acute at the apex, quite entire, opaque above, veins not vi- sible, very pallid beneath, venose, petioles 4 mm. long. Drupes clustered at the axils of the leaves, peduncles 5 mm. long, pedicels 3 mm. long, globose, 4 mm. in diameter, fusco-rubescent with 4-sepals at the base. Har. Shintiku: Goshizan. Near Пет Championi Las. ; but differs from it in having shortly cuspi- date leaves. The leaves of I Championi ате very rounded or even emar- ginate at the apex. It is also near Лех memeyclifolia CHamp. from which it differs in-having leaves which are retused at the apex. There is in the Herbarium at Tokyo a specimen from the Loo-choo islands whieh has been identified with 7. Hanceana Maxim. by Dr. T. Ттб in his “Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 367." The specimen is very like, or even the same as, the plant just described, and I have wondered if the Loo-chooan plant be really identical with 7. Hanceana. - As is described by Maxtmowicz in his “ Coriar. llic. Monoch. p. 33,” I. Hanceana has “ Cymule $ breve pedunculatie, 5-6- Ног, petiolum bis vel ter superantes, pedicelli calyce æquilongi, flores 4-meri circ. linam longi. Calyx puberulus, lobis ciliatis ovatis." But, in the Loo- 132 ILICINE A. chooan plant, we find * flores umbellati, umbellis cymose 5-6-fasciculatis, pedunculis umbellarum 5-6 mm. longis, petiolum sequantibus, pedicellis florium cire. 3 mm. longis florem 2-plo superantibus." * In comparing the above descriptions, we see clearly that the Loo-chooan plant is not identical with MaxIMOWICZS species. As to the identification of the Loo-choo plant with the present one, Jam not as yet in a position to decide it. I can only add that they are very similar. Пех integra Тнохв. Fl. Jap. p. 77; DC. Prodr. П. p. 16; Maxim. in Mém. Acad. Se. Peters. 7° série XXIX. (1881) p.41; Sms. et Zuco. Fl. Jap. Fam. Nat. I. p. 148; Мо. Prol. Fl. Jap. р. 269; Francu. et SAVAT. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p.77; Fonpgs et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 116; Iro et Marsux. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 368; PanrmiN Conspect. Fl. Koree І. p. 52; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 81. Prinos integra Hook. et Arn. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 261. Has. Exact locality is not known. Півтіів. Japan, Corea and China. Ilex Kusanoi Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa р. 55. Branches rugose, atro-purpurascent, branchlets slender, cinerascent, angulate. Leaves petiolate, alternate, chartaceous-membranaceous, oblong or oblongly ovate, or obovate, slightly oblique, 5 cm. long, 3 em. broad, obtuse at the apex, or shortly acuminate, or slightly cuspidate, or obtusely acute, shortly aristate at the extremity, acute at the base, obscurely crenulate on the margin, aristate at the apex of the teeth, nearly entire near the base. Flowers 2- 3-4 clustered at the axils, long pedunculate, peduncles slender, 18 mm. long, perulate at the base, perules minute, subulate. Flowers most likely herma- phrodite. Sepals 5, rounded, 1 mm. long, persistent, margin ciliolate. Corolla 5-lobate or sometimes 6-lobate, 3 mm. long, lobes rounded, 2 mm. long, tubes 1 mm. long. Stamens 5, rarely 6, affixed on the tube of the corolla, 1 mm. long, anthers triangular, cordate, 4 mm. long, acute at the apex, fila- ments dilated. Ovary globose, 2 mm. long (including style), style short, stigma * The description above referred to has been drawn up by myself from a specimen from the Loo-choo Archipelago, which is referred to Т. Hanceana Maxim. by Dr. Т, Iro. ILICINEJE 133 subglobose, 5-lobate. Drupes globose, 3 mm. in diameter, shortly acute, stigma 5-lobed. Has. ‘Taito, by S. Kusano, 1908, July. The present plant bears some resemblance to the Japanese Лол macro- poda Miq.; but the leaves of the Japanese plant are more ог less hairy, while those of the Formosan are quite glabrous. Besides, the former has deciduous leaves, while the latter persistent ones. Also near I. macro- carpa OLIVE. but differs from it in having much smaller fruits; from J. taiwaniana НАҮАТА in having much thinner leaves and much larger flowers. Пех nokonsis Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa р. 56. Branches strong, cinerascent, lenticellate, slightly pilose, hairs nigricant, many-branched, branchlets divaricate, leafy, cinereo-rubescent, shortly hirsute. Leaves alternate, shortly petiolate, greenish, oblong, ovate or obovate, 24 cm. long, 11 cm. broad, roundly obtuse at the apex, or obtuse, sometimes calloso- mucronate, base acute or cuneately acute, margin upwards crenate, crenas somewhat callose at the apex, entire downwards costas, veins and veinlets impressed above, but slightly elevated below, petioles 2 mm. long. Has. Nokosan, at an elevation of 9000 ft, by Т. Kawakami and U. Mort, 1908, January, (No. 4582). This is very like Ilex crenata THUNB., but differs from it in having im- pressed veins on the surface of the leaves, which are quite obtusely crenate on the margin. In J. crenata, the leaves are shortly aristate at the apex of the teeth on the margin. Moreover, the lowersurface of the leaves of the Same species is minutely dotted, while that of the present plant is quite smooth, but never dotted. It also bears some resemblances to J. luzonica ROLFE, and also to Z. Thomsoni ; but differs from the former in having obovate or oblongo-ovate leaves which are crenate towards the apex, and from the latter in having calloso-obtusely (but not mucronately) crenate leaves. "Those of Т. luzonica Rorre are usually oblong, more acutely or mucronately crenate from the base to the apex, while these are usually obovate, very obtusely crenate only towards the apex. ў 134 TLICINE A. Tlex parvifolia HavarA (Pl. XIX.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 97. Branches slender. branchlets ferrugineo-tomentose. Leaves approxi- mate, shortly petiolate, oblong, 12 mm. long, 6 mm. broad, coriaceous, ob- tuse at both ends or acute, aristately serrate, tomentose above on the costas, veins obscure on both sides, tomentose above. Flowers axillary, solitary, pedicellate, sepals 4, rounded, 1 mm. long. Drupes reddish, globose, 6 mm. in diameter, with 4 stones. Has. Mt. Morrison, Arizan. Near Ilex intricata Hook. f; but differs from it by the thinner, oblong, leaves, which are more or less aristately toothed on the margin. 7. intricata has nearly obovate leaves, without azistate teeth. Ilex rotunda Тнохв. Fl. Jap. p. 77; DC. Prodr. П. p. 16; Mio. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. Ш. р. 106; Hance in Journ. Bot. (1883) p. 296; бів. et Zuco. Fl. Jap. Fam. Nat. Г p. 149; Mm. Prol Fl. Jap. p. 269; Maxim. in Mém. Acad. Sc. Pétersb. 7° série, XXIX. (1881) p. 36; Franco. et Savar. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 77; Forges et Hemst. Ind. Fl. Sin. I, p. 118; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 27; Ivo et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 368; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 82. Has. Hokuto, South Cape. Distrib. Japan and China. Пех taisanensis Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa р. 57. Branches | cinerascent, rugulose longitudinally, branchlets . straight, triquetrous towards the apex, shortly pubescent or subglabrous, тей- dish. Leaves alternate, long petiolate, chartaceo-coriaceous, oblong, or oblong-ovate, 37 mm. long, 15 mm. broad, acute at the apex, roundly obtuse at the base, margin remotely crenate, veins and veinlets inconspicuous on both sides, or very much slender, pallid beneath, petioles 1 cm. long, slightly pubescent. Drupes solitary on the axils of the leaves, long pedun- culate, (peduncles 2 cm. long, 2-bracteolate middway, bracteoles lanceolate 2 mm. long), globose, 5-6 mm. in diameter, albo-punetate, or not punctate, with calyx at the base. Stones 3-5, somewhat compressed dorsally, convex on the back, acute at the apex, smooth, 4 mm. long. — I CELASTRINEÆ. 135 Har. Biöritsu: Rokujotaisan. Near Ilex embelioides Hook. f. which differs from the present plant in the leaves, which are more attenuate or cuspidate towards the apex. The leaves of this plant are acute at the apex, but neither attenuate nor cuspidate. Пех taiwaniana HAYATa Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 58. Branches ashy, glabrous. Leaves alternate, ovate, obtusely acute, obliquely acute at the base, mucronately serrate, distinctly venose on both sides, chartaceo-membranaceous. Flowers 3-5-clustered at the axils, clusters ped- unculate, peduncles 5 mm. long. Sepals 5, rounded, 1 mm. long, petals 5, rotundate, 2 mm. long; stamens 5, introrse, rudiment of the ovary convex. Drupes globose, 4 mm. long, long pedunculate, (peduncles 2 cm. long), 10- suleate with 5 stones. Has. Kwashoto. species imperfectly known to me. Пех Mertensii Maxim. var. formoss Las.; Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 56. Нар. South Cape, Dr. A. HENRY. I have seen the plant at Kew. It is not yet represented in the Herbarium at Tokyo. Пех ardisioides Las. in “Nov. Act. Nat. Cur. LXXVIIT.-T. (1901) p. 359; Hayata Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 53. Hab. South Cape, Dr. A. HrNnY! I have seen the plant at Kew ; it is not yet represented in the Herba- rium at Tokyo. Celastrineee. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Fruits dehiscent. (2) Fruits indehiscent. Ovary imperfectly 3-celled ; fruits 1-celled, o broadly 3 winged. un. seal wes NC Rene ere SP Tripterygium. 8 136 CELASTRINER. (2) Leaves opposite or verticillate eye gee nn Euonymus. 1 Leaves alternate” iach БКО АКСО е ОСИ (Olim, 9 1, Euonymus Lisn. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves opposite. (2) Leaves verticillate. wes sme aeoe a n ТОС СЕ E. Miyakei. 3 (2) Leaves quite entire. ........ hn boda ele NEA eee E. chinensis. 7 Leaves more or less serrate. (3) (3) Leaves lanceolate, cuspidate at the apex .............. E. Dielsiana. 1 Leaves oblong or ovate. (4) (4) Fruits glabrous. (6) Fruits prickly. (5) (5) Spines very short and Imany ТИЯ E. trichocarpus. 6 Spines longer and fewer...... КЕК КОК КК ТЕСТЫ. E. Spraguei. 5 (6) Leaves obovate. ao лып НҚ S E ass E. Tanake. 4 Leaves ‘oblong. a ae E ТИ Ars eae duet am с E. carnosus. 2 1. Euonymus Dielsiana Lasexer in Exar. Jahrb. XXIX. (1900) p. 440, t. IV. L.; Hayata Materials for a Flora of Formosa р. 58. Has. Suisha, Shüshügai. DISTRE. Central China. | Sterile, branches straight, greenish, wrinkled lengthwise. ^ Leaves subopposite or alternate, lanceolate or ovately lanceolate or oblong, acuminate at the apex, obtuse at the extremity, attenuate at the base, remotely serrate on the margin, entire downwards, whitish above (in a dried specimen), pallid below, 8-10 em. long, 3-4 cm. broad, petioles 8 mm. long, veins and venules slightly elevate above, inconspicuous beneath. I have compared the present plant with a Chinese specimen so labelled in the Herbarium at Kew, and found that the Formosan plant is, so far as sterile specimens are concerned, identical with it. Im this, Mr. SPRAGUE concurs. 2, Euonymus carnosus HEMSLEY, in Forpes et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. CELASTRINER. 137 I. p. 118; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 27; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum, Pl. Formos. p. 82. Has. Kelung. 3. Euonymus Miyakei Havara in Marsum. et Hayata Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 83, t. УП. Shrub subglabrous, branches tetragonous. Leaves ternate, petioled, obovate or elliptical, slightly acute or obtuse, at the apex at- tenuate at the base, 6-7 em. long, 2.5-3 em. broad, petioles short, 5 mm. long. Flowers patent, 1 cm. in diameter, loosely cymosely paniculate, terminal or axillary, bracteate, bract very short. Sepals 5, incurved, rounded. Petals 5, inserted under the disc, patent, margin fimbriate and recurved, orbicular, base shortly narrowed. Stamens 5, inserted above the disc, filaments com- planate, subulate, anthers broadly didymous. Disc carnose, ample, broadly explanate, entire. Ovary immersed in the disc, and confluent with it, 5-сеПей; style short; ovules 2 in each cell. Has. Kötöshö. Resembles very much Z. javanicus BL.; but the leaves of the present plant are always verticillate (ternate in almost all cases), while those of the Javan species are always opposite. 4. Euonymus Tanakee Maxim. іп Mél Biol. ХП. (1886) p. 498; Tro et Matsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 371. Has. Taiton. Distris. Japan, Bonin, Loo-choo. 5. Euonymus Spraguei Hayata (Pl, XX) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 59. Branches terete, minutely papilloso-punctate, striate, fulvo- cinerascent, branchlets subtetragonous, sulcate, fulvo-fuscent, slender, divari- cate. Leaves opposite, ovately oblong or oblong, 64 ст. long, З cm. broad, (sometimes 44 cm. long, 23 mm. broad) chartaceo-coriaceous, obtusely acute or obtusely acuminate at the apex, acute or rounded at the base, margin serrulate, teeth obtuse, pallid above, more pallid below, costas and veins slightly elevated above, but costas elevated below, and veins not conspicuous, petioles 8 mm. long, suleate inside. Capsules cymosely arranged (cymes axillary, peduncles slender, 3 cm. long) broadly globose, 6 mm. in diameter, 138 CELASTRINEA. 2-4-Jobate, 2-4-locular, truncate at the apex, echinate on the face, spines sometimes nearly 30, sometimes 5-6, recurved, 1-2 mm. long, styles persistent. Seeds quadrant-shaped, rubescent, 5 mm. long, smooth, testa coriaceous. Euonymus echinatus Т. Iro in Tro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 371; Hayata Fl. Mont. Formos. р. 69. Has. Mt. Morrison: 'Tózan ; Mushazan. Півтвір. Loo-choo. When I mentioned the present plant in my “Fl. Mont. Formos.”, I was merely comparing it with a Loo-choo plant which had been determined by Dr. T. Iro, and referred to E. echinata Watt. in his “Tent. Fl. Lutch. р. 371.” Asthe Formosan plant is exactly identical with Dr. Irö’s plant, I used the same name for my plant. While working here at Kew, I have compar- ed with Mr. SPRAGUE the present plant with the type of the named species, and have found that they are clearly not identical. The former is easily dis- tinguishable from the latter by many points, but especially by the very much fewer and much more slender spines on the fruit. In WaLLICH's species, the spines are much more numerous and stronger. Our plant is very near E. subsessilis SPRAGUE (= Е. echinatus LovR.) but differs from it in having much fewer and more slender spines. 6. Euonymus trichocarpus Hayara Fl. Mont. Formos. р. 69 ; Branch- lets trichotomously divaricate, nearly tetragonous, glabrous. Leaves opposite, petiolate, petioles nearly 1 cm. long, semi-terete, blades oblong-elliptical, 6-7 em. long, 4 em. broad, apex obtuse or acute, base rounded or obtuse, rarely slightly narrowed, margin serrulate, serrulas obtuse, veins prominent on both sides. Cymes (on lateral branchlets) opposite, few-flowered. Flowers not known. Capsules depressingly globose, 6—7 mm. in diameter, shortly prickled, prickles 1 mm. long. Нав. Mt. Morrison. This plant resembles Z. echinalus Wat. ; but differs from it in having very short and dense spines on the fruits. CELASTRINEE. 139 Species imperfectly known to me. 7. Euonymus chinensis Lispr. ; Marsum. et Harara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 83. 9. Celastrus LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves obovate, cuneate at the base. ................ C. diversifolius. Leaves ovate or rounded, not cuneate at the base. (2) (2) Leaves oblong, acute at the base. .................... C. articulatus. Leaves rounded, slightly cordate at the base. ............ C. Kusanoi. Celastrus articulatus Tause. Fl. Jap. p. 97; DC. Prood. IL p. 7; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. XI. p. 200; FrancHher Pl. David. p. 70; Mig. Prol. Fl. Jap. р. 17; Franch. et бауат. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 80; A. Gray, Bot. Jap. p. 384; Коввев et HunmsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 122; Henry List Pl. Formos. р. 27; Dmrs Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 446; Рливіч Conspect. FI. Koren I. p. 54; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 84; Hayara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 70. Has. Taito: Iryokukakusha. Disrriz. Central and northern China and Japan northward {о Saghalien. Celastrus diversifolius HemsLeY in ForßBes et Немѕг. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 123; НЕхвү List Pl. Formos. p. 27; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 3/4; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 84. Gymnosporia diversifolia Maxim. in Mel. Biol XI. p. 204; Las. in ENGL. Bot. Jahrb. ХХХ. (1902) p. 472. Celastrus Wallichiana Hance in Journ. Bot. (1878) p. 226? Catha Wallichii Don; Warr. Rep. І. p. 532. Нав. Taitocho: Chihon, Tamari, Hinan, Rokuryo; Koshün, Takow, Bankinsing, South Cape. Distris. China, Hainan. Celastrus Kusanoi Harara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 60. 140 CELASTRINEE. Scandent, branches fuscent, wrinkled lengthwise, lenticellate, branchlets divaricate. Leaves alternate petiolate, broaldy globose, 8 cm. long, 9 cm. broad, rounded at the apex, shortly cuspidate, (tails 8 mm. long, obtuse,) broadly truncate or roundly cordate at the base, margin remotely obscurely serrate, entire near the base, chartaceous, petioles 21 cm. long, suleate inside. Capsules cymose (cymes axillary, peduncles 2 cm. long, shortly ternate) subglobose (styles persistent,) 9-valvately dehiscent, valves osseous, flavescent orbicular, shortly acute at the apex, crosswise wrinkled outside, seeds 2 in each cell. Seeds covered by reddish arils, obliquely cylindrical, slightly recurved, 44 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, testa fusco-nigricant, rugose, minutely papillose, coriaceous. Has. Southern Formosa. The present plant is near C. articulatus, but differs in having more rounded leaves and transversely wrinkled carpels when dried. The leaves are nearly rounded or slightly cordate at the base, shortly acute or nearly rounded at the apex, remotely serrulate on the margin, while those of C. articulatus ave nearly obovate, acute or rounded but never cordate at the base. The carpels of the latter plant are not wrinkled but rather smooth even when dried. 3. Tripterygium Hook. f. Tripterygium Wilfordii Hoor. Ё іп Bents. et Hoor. Gen. Plant. I. p. 368; Maxim. in Mel. Biol. ХІ. p. 206; Forbes et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 125; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 27; PAKLIBIN Conspect. Fl. Kores І. p. 54; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 85. Tripterygium Bullockii HANCE, in Journ. Bot. (1880) p. 259. Has. Maruyama, Taiton Kelung. DISTRIB. Japan and China. Species imperfectly known to me. Eleodendron japonicum Franca. et Savat. Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 84. Нав. Kotosho. RHAMNEE. 141 As the specimen is very imperfect, the identification is rather con- jectural. Rhamneee. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Seandent shrubs. Fruits dry, 1-celled, 1-seeded. .......... Ventilago. 1 Erect shrubs or trees. (2) (2) Fruits dry or fleshy drupes with one stone. (3) Fruits dry or fleshy of 3 pyrenes. (4) Fruits subglobose, expanding in (3) Leaves prominently three- ‘rounded wing upwards. ...... Paliurus. 2 nerved. Fruits carnose globose, not ex- panding in wings. .......... Zizyphus. З Il eavesspinnibenyed- e ТТЫ UR ose a sy Berchemia. 4 (9) Disk thing ішіне thezealys-tuber..., 2.2220... anne. Rhamnus. 5 Disk fleshy, filling the calyx-tube. (5) (5) Shrub spinose, leaves and branches opposite............... Sageretia. 6 inarmed shrub, leaves alternate. ai 5-6 ons. Colubrina. T 1. Ventilago С.жатх. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves ovate or ovately lanceolate, longer than the other... V. leiocarpa. Leaves very much smaller, oblong or obovate. ............ V. elegans. Ventilago elegans Hzwsr. Ann. Bot. IX. p. 151; Hzwnv List Pl. Formos. p. 27; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. ХП. p. 21; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 85. Has. Hinan, Apes Hill Bankinsing. Півтвів. An endemic plant. Ventilago leiocarpa BENTH. in Journ. Linn. Soc. V. p. 77; BENTH. Fl. Норок. p. 67; Laws. in Hoox. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 631; FORBES et Hemsu. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 125. 142 hHAMNEJE. Har. Bankinsing. Disrmm. Hongkong. 9. Paliurus Juss. Paliurus ramosissimus Porr. ; Forbes et Нем. Ind. FI. Sin. I. p. 126; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 27; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. ХП. p. 21; Driers Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 457; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 86. Paliurus Aubletia Scauutz; DC. Prodr. П. p. 22; Brzwrg. Fl. Hongk. p. 66; FrancHher Pl. David. p. 71; Maxim. Rham. Or. As. р. 2. Aubletia ramosissima Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WiLLD. p. 348. Has. Kelung, Taihoku, Kinpöri, Tamsui. Distr. Central China and Japan. 9. Zizyphus Juss. Zizyphus J ujuba Lam.; DC. Prodr. П. p. 21; HANGE in Journ. Bot. (1879) p. 10; Forges et Немві. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 126; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 27; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XII. p. 21. Rhamnus Jujuba Liny. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 282; Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed- WILD. p. 195. Han. Tainan, Nisoko, Takow, Hozan. Distris. Tropical Asia, Africa and Australia. 4. Berchemia NECK. Key to the Formosan Species. Leaves much smaller, elliptical, rounded and emarginate at the apex, racemes Воено B. lineata. Leaves much larger, ovate, acute at the apex, racemes terminal, longer, many-branched. о. Locus RE Mr D. racemosa. Berchemia lineata DC. Prodr. П. p. 23; Hook. et Ary. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 177, t. 87; Бектн. Fl. Hongk. p. 67; Hance in Journ. Linn. Soc. ХШ. p. 115; Ноок. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. І. p. 638; StB. et Zuco. Fl. Jap. | | | RHAMNEA. 143 Fam. Nat. І. p. 147; Maxim. Rham. Or. As. p. 6; FonsEs et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 127; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 27; Maxiwo in Tokyo Bot. Mag. X. p. 65; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. ХП. р. 22; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 376; Diets Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 458; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 87. Has. Shintiku, Hinan, Boryo, Tamsui. Disrnrm. Loo-choo, Hongkong, China, Himalaya. Berchemia racemosa Sie. et Succ. Fl. Jap. Fam. Nat. І. p. 147; Вемін. Fl. Норок. p. 67; Maxim. Rham. Or. As. p. 5; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 127; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 27; Dres Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 458; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 87. Har. Kelung, Tamsui. DISTRIB. Japan, China: Shensi Kiang-si, Fokien. 5. Rhamnus Linn. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (ШЦ) Тул) shortly ресе ао. R. formosana. Blowerszeloneatelyapedieollater m an. non, R. Nakaharai. Rhamnus Nakaharai Hayata Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 61. Branches quite glabrous, nearly alternately divaricate. Leaves roundly ovat, rounded at the base or acute, acuminate at the apex or cuspidate, 7 cm. long, 91 em. broad, margin (except base and apex) crenulato-serrate, serras ac- uminate, recurved, veins 5-6 on each side, spreading out at an acute angle, slightly arched, membranaceous, petioles nearly 1 cm. long. Male flowers not yet known. Female flowers 5-6-clustered at the axils of the lower leaves, clusters slightly supra-axillary, connate to the branchlets, sometimes inserted at the height of 5-6 mm. above the axils, pedicels slender, a little longer than petioles, 1 cm. long, incrassate at the apex, reaching the calyx-tube. Calyx-lobes 3-times longer than the tube, nearly 3 mm. long, lanceolate, 9- nerved, callose at the apex. Rudiments of petals and stamens filiformed, very minute, 4 mm. long. Ovary globose, 1 mm. long, much exserted from 144 RHAMNEZ. the tube, style cylindrical, 2 mm. long, 3-4-fid at the apex, style-branches 11 mm. long, stigmatic, recurved, patent. Fruits not yet known. Rhamnus arguta Maxim. var. Nakaharai Hayata Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 70. Has. Taichu. The present plant is described in my paper * Fl. Mont. Formos.” as re- presenting a variety of Rhamnus arguta Maxim. I have examined the type of the latter plant at Kew, and found that the difference between the type and the variety is so great that I think it better to raise up the latter to specific rank. The Formosan Rhamnus differs from the other in having slender flowers and longer styles, and especially in the supra-axillary inflorescence. Rhamnus formosana Marsum. in Marsum. et Hayata Enum. РІ, Formos. p. 88. t. 8; HavarA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 61. The plant is very near R. triquetra WALD. and perhaps further study will prove that they are identical. Har. Nansho, Bioritsu, Washa, Kurarusha. 6, Sageretia BRONGN. Sageretia theezans Bronen. “in Ann. Se. Nat. 1° série, X. p. 360”; Вкхтн. Fl Hongk. p. 68; Maxim. in Mém. Acad. Se. Pétersb. 7° série, X. (1866) p. 20; Hance in Journ. Linn. Soc. XIII. p. 115; DC. Prodr. П. p. 27; Laws. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 641; Forprs et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I p. 131; Hesry List Pl. Formos. p. 27; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. ХП. p. 22; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 377; PALIPIN Conspect. Fl. Korez I. р. 55; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 88. Нар. Takow, Suichöryü, Niki, South Cape. Distrir. Loo-choo, Philippines, China, India and Corea. d. Capri І. С. Ricm. Colubrina asiatica Bronc.; Вехтн. Fl. Austral. I. p. 413; Laws. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 642; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 27; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. ХП. p. 23; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 89. AMPELIDER. 145 Colubrina javanica Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. I p. 649. Ceanothus asiaticus Там.; DC. Prodr. П. p. 30; Roxs. Fl. Ind. I. р. 615. Ceanothus capsularis Forst.; DC. Prodr. II. p. 32. Rhamnus acuminata Corner. in Кохв. Fl. Ind. І. p. 615. Нар. South Cape. Distriz. Loo-choo, India, Malaya, Africa, Australia, Polynesia. Ampelidese. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Seandent shrubs, usually having tendrils. .................... Vitis. 1 ШОС METRE USE destitnte, SIL tenquils ORDER DOCTR Leea. 2 1. Vitis LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves simple. (2) Leaves pedately or pinnately parted. (6) (2) Leaves lanate. (3) Leaves glabrous. (4) (3) Leaves lobulate on the margin, lobes rounded or obtuse. NE V. Labrusca var. Thunbergü. 10 lltouvessacubelwe dentato m. Ls ues 112 ays stats ee dh V. lanata. 11 (4) Leaves remotely, obscurely, minutely serrate. .......... V. repens. 12 Leaves dentate, lobulate. (5) (5) Leaves sinuately lobed, obtusely lobulate on the margin. F. heterophylla. 6 \ Leaves dentate or serrate, teeth acute. ................ V. flexuosa. 3 Ë (б Leaves раа сету o parted: Аал. V. japonica. 8 Leaves pinnately 3-5-or more parted. (7) (7) Leaves pinnately 5-or more foliolate rarely 3. ...... V. cantoniensis. 4 Leaves 3-foliolate. (8) (8) Leaflets obliquely ovate, obtuse at the арех........... V. formosana. 5 146 AMPELIDER. Leaflets ovate or lanceolate, acuminate at the apex. (9) (9) Leaflets acuminate 2-3-dentate (or leaves simple). .... V. inconstans. T Leaflets dentate, teeth many on both sides. (10) (10) Leaflets dentate, teeth асше ne seni Vo dentata А Leaflets very obscurely dentate, or remotely serrate, teeth OF serras very лий ө ЖОШ M V. triphylla. 2 1. Vitis dentata Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa р. 62. Branches fulvo-tomentose, (hairs patent, short) or subglabrous, remotely leaved. Leaves trifoliolate, petiolate, stipulate, broadly triangular in outline, membranaceous, 10 cm. long, 13 cm. broad, terminal leaflet oblong, 9 em. long, 4i em. broad, obtusely acuminate at the apex, but roundly acute at the base, remotely dentate, (teeth ascendent shortly aristate) glabrous on both sides, petioles 5 mm. long, lateral leaflets oblique, oblong-ovate, obtusely acute at the apex, obliquely rounded at the base, acute on the upper side, rounded on the lower side, 71 cm. long, 4 ст. broad, shortly petiolulate. petiolules 5 mm. long; petioles 34 cm. long; stipules oblong-rounded, obtuse, 6 mm. long, affixed at the center, thick on the middle, maculate, mem- branaceous on the margin, nearly embracing the stem. Cymes opposite the leaves, 4 cm. long as broad, branchlets divaricate, peduncles and pedicels pubescent, hairs patent, bracts and bracteoles deciduous. Flower ?: calyx complanate, lobes short triangular pilose, or nearly obsolete; corolla patent, 2 mm. long, lobes 5, valvate, ovately triangular, acute at the apex, abruptly acutely reflexed on the back, shortly connate. Ovary conical with styles 2 mm. long, contracted at the base, 5-4-cornute a little above the base, styles short, stigma 4—5-lobate. Has. Exact locality is not yet known. Near Vitis corniculata BENTH., but differs from it in having acutely dentate leaves. 2. Vitis triphylla Havara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 63. Branches fuscent, hirsute, remotely foliate. Leaves trifoliolate, triangular in outline, hirsute, terminal leaflets oblong-lanceolate, lateral leaflets longer 7 em. long, 27 mm. broad, acuminate at the apex, obtusely rounded at the AMPELIDEE. 147 base, remotely and obscurely serrate, (costas and veins slightly elevated on both surfaces), pallid below, tomentose on the costas, but hirsute on the blades, petiolules 15 mm. long, tomentose, lateral leaflets ovately oblong, oblique, acute at the apex, oblique at the base and rounded, acute on the upper side, rounded or cordate on the lower side, 4i cm. long, 2 cm. broad, petiolules 3 mm. long; petioles 8 em. long; stipules ovate-lanceolate 5 mm. long. Cymes opposite the leaves. Berry globose, 8 mm. in diameter, 1-seeded. Har. Shifun. Very near Vitis angustifolia WALL., but differs from it in having more hairy, very obscurely and remotely serrulate, or nearly entire, leaves. 3. Vitis flexuosa THUNB. in Trans. Linn. Soc. П. p. 332; DC. Prodr. l.p. 634; Mig. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. І. p. 92; Рглмсн. in DC. Monogr. Phanerog. V-2. pp. 347 et 611; FRANCH. et Savat. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 83; Коввев et Немві. Ind. Fl. Sin. І р. 132; Henry List Pl. Formos. р. 27; Diets Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 463; Pauısın Conspect. Fl. Koree I. p. 56; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 89. Vitis parvifolia Roxs. Fl. Ind. Т. p. 662; Вехтн. Fl Hongk. р. 53; Laws. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. І p. 652. Has. Bankinsing. Disrris. Corea, Japan and Hongkong. 4. Vitis cantoniensis SEEM. ; DENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 54; Laws. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 663; Еоввеѕ et Hrwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 131. Hedera hypoglauca Hance in Warp. Ann. П. p. 724 Cissus cantoniensis Hook. et ARN. Bot. Beech. Voy. р. 175; Warp. Rep. X. p. 459. Cissus diversifolia Warre. Rep. V. p. 377. Has. Pré зе locality is not known. Distris. Hongkong, Khasia. 5. Vitis formosana HExxsr. Ann. Bot. IX. p. 151; Henry List РІ, Formos. p. 28; Irö et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 382;.Martsum. et Havara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 90. 148 AMPELIDEJE. Has. Hosan, Shintiku, Dankinsing. 6. Vitis heterophylla Тнохв. Fl. Јар. р. 103; DC. Prodr. I. р. 634 ; Bentu. Fl. Hongk. p. 59; MQ. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. I. p. 92; Mig. Prol. Fl Jap. p. 89; Franca. et Savat. Enum. Pl. Jap. І p. 84; ExGL. in Bot. Jahrb. VI. p. 60; Коввев et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. І p. 188; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 28; Pro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 381; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 90. Ampelopsis heterophylla Sts. et Zucc. Fl. Jap. Fam. Nat. I. р. 197 ; Ртлмон. in DC. Monogr. Phanerog. V. p. 455. Ampelopsis humulifoia BUNGE ; Maxim. Prim. Fl. Amur. p. 480. Cissus brevipedunculata Maxim. Prim. Fl. Amur. p. 68. Har. Kelung, Shintiku, Tamsui, Biöritsu, Senton, Shokwa, Shizangan ; Kentanzan. Disrris. Japan, Loo-choo, Hongkong, Corea, China, Manchuria. 7. Vitis inconstans Mig. in Ann. Mus. Dot. Lugd.-Bat. І. p. 91; Forprs et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 153; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 28; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 91. Has. Shifun, Ako. Distris. Japan, China: Chili, Shantung, Kiangsi, Kwangtung. 8. Vitis japonica Тномв. Fl. Jap. p. 104; Бкхтн. Fl. Hongk. p. 54 (in nota); Mig. m Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. I p. 81; FORBES et Немет, Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 134. Has. Taihoku, Kotosho, Bankinsine. DISTRE. Japan. 9. Vitis Labrusca Liny. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 293; шр. Sp. Pl. L. p. 1181; DC. Prodr. І. p. 634; PrawcH. in DC. Monogr. Phanerog. V-2, pp. 324 et 331; Mm. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lued.—Bat. I. p. 93; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 184; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 28; var. Thunbergii Franch. et бауАТ. Enum. Pl. Јар. I. p. 134, (in поб); Iro et Marsuw. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 379; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 92. AMPELIDEJE 149 Vitis Thunbergú Stes. et Zuco. Fl. Jap. Fam. Nat. I. p. 198; PLANCH. іп DC. Monogr. Phanerog. V.-2, рр. 333 et 611; Parr Conspect. Fl. Kore» І. p. 56. Vitis Labrusca Tauns. Fl. Jap. p. 103; Francon. et Savar. Enum. РІ. Jap. I. p. 134; Exar. in Bot. Jahrb. VI. p. 60. Has. Köshün, Taiton, Fuki, Shajo, Kelung, Taihoku. DISTRE. Japan, northern China, Saghalien, northern America. 10. Vitis lanata Roxe. Fl. Ind. I. p. 660; Laws. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. І. p. 651; Benta. Fl. Норок. p. 53; Рглхон. іп DC. Monogr. Phane- rog. V. p. 328; Fonpgs et Неме. Ind. Fl. Sin. І р. 184; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 28; Irö et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 380; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 92. | Vitis Heyneana Ram. et ScHuLT.; DC. Prodr. І. p. 634. Vitis indica Ноок. et Arn. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 260. Has. Taiton, Kelung. Disrris. India, Hongkong, Loo-choo. 11. Vitis repens W. et A.; Laws. in Hoox. 1. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 646; FonsEs et Немві, Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 185; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 28; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 92. Vitis cordata Warr.; Бохв. Fl. Ind. І p. 452; Benta. Fl. Hongk. р. 54. Cissus repens LamK.; PLancH. in DC. Monogr. Phanerog. V.-2, p. 504. Cissus glauca Бохв. Fl. Ind. I. p. 425. Has. Toseikaku, Takow. Dre. India and Malaya. Species excluded from the Flora of the island. Vitis umbellata Hayara іп Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 93, (поп Нем.) Vitis angustifolia Hayara in Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 90, (non HEmst.) 150 SAPINDACEE. 9. Leea Linn. Leea sambucina Win. Sp. Pl. I. р. 1177; Кохв. Fl. Ind. I. p. 657; DC. Prodr. І. р. 635; Laws. in Hook. f. FL Brit. Ind. I. p. 666; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 28; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 93. Leea Ottilis DC. Prodr. I. p. 636. Leea Staphylea Похв. Fl. Ind. І. p. 658; Wicur Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 18. і Gilibertia Nalugu DC. Prodr. IV. р. 256. Нав. Sooboonsha, Kötöshö, Kusshaku, Köshün, Koko, Takow, Ban- kinsing. DISTRIB. Sapindaceæ. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Leaves alternate. (2) Leaves opposite. (8) (2) Stamens inserted inside the disk, sometimes unilateral. (3) Stamens inserted outside the disk. .....................-Dodonea. 9 (3) Flowers irregular. Disk unilateral or very oblique. (4) Flowers regular. Disk annular. (5) (4) e) Twining herb. Fruits capsular, inflated, leaflets biternate. AE d .. . Cardiospermum, 1 P) Erect shrub. Fruits deeply divided into 1-3-dehescent lobes. Leaves 2-Tololate. СИРО Allophyllus. 2 y) Tree. Fruits inflated, 3-lobed, leaves pinnate. ...... Keelreuteria. 3 (о) Sepals widely amibricates, Е nn Sapindus. 4 Calyx valvate or slightly imbricate. (6) (6) Flowers usually panicled but not fascicled. (7) Flowers fascieled.,. глаз ЛА ee eee Pometia. 7 (7) Calyx small, cupular, stamens long exserted. ............Nephelium. 5 SAPINDACEJE. 151 Calyx 5-parted, lobes imbricate, stamens nearly included. — Zlophia. 6 (8) Stamens inserted on the disk.......................... E Ice S Stamens inserted outside the disk. (9) (9) Fruits capsular, dehiscent in valves. aan Euscaphis. 10 Fruits indehiscent, more or less fleshy................... Turpinia. 11 1. Cardiospermum Linn. Cardiospermum Halicacabum Livy. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 525; DC. Prodr. I. p. 601; Вемтн. Fl. Норок. р. 46, et Fl. Austral I. p. 453; Hance in Journ. Bot. (1878) p. 226; Bot. Mag. t. 1049; Hern in Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. Т. p. 670; Коввкз et Hrmst. Ind. FI. Sin. I. p. 138; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 28; Diets Fl. Cent. Chin. in Ехот. Dot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 450; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 93. Cardiospermum microcarpum H.B.K.; Hance in Journ. Linn. Soc. XIII. p. 101, et in Journ. Bot. (1878) p. 226; DC. Prodr. T. p. 601. Har. Tamsui, Kinpori, Takow. Distriz. in the warm regions of Asia, Africa and Australia. 9. Allophyllus Linn. Allophyllus Cobbe Brume “Rumph. IIT. p. 131”; Hoor. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. T. p. 673; Havara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 64. Ornitrophe Сое ҰҮпта. Sp. Pl. П. p. 322. Schmiedelia Cobbe DC. Prodr. I. p. 610; Wianr Ie. t. 964. Ornitrophe serrata BENTH. Fl. Austral. I. p. 455. Schmiedelia villosa Wicut Іс. t. 401. Schmiedelia Rheedii Wtamr. Те. t. 964. Has. Köshün, Pratas island. Distre. North Australia, Indian Archipelago. 3. Kelreuteria ТАХМ. Kelreuteria bipinnata Гвлханвт “Bullet. de la Sociét. Bot. de France ХХХІ. p. 463, Pl. 29 et 30”; Hunry List Pl. Formos. р. 28; 152 SAPINDACEE. Dirts Fl. Cent. Chin. p. 450; Matsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 94. Har. Bankinsing. Distriz. Central and western China. 4, Sapindus LINN. Sapindus Mukorossi GARTN.; DC. Prodr. I. p. 608; Өтер. et Zucc. Fl Jap. Fam. Nat. I. p. 152; Mm. Prol. Fl. Јар. p. 256; Евакон. et Savar. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 86; Hiern in Hoog. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. E p 683; FoRBES et Немет. Ind. КІ. Sin. І. p. 139; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 984; HENRY List Pl. Formos. p. 28; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 94. Has. Shintiku, Horisha, Maruyama, Pachina, Kentanzan. Distr. Japan, Bonin, China, India. 5. Nephelium Linn. Nephelium Litchi Came. ; Bents. Fl. Норок. p. 47; Wicur Ie. ГІ. Ind. Or. t. 48; Hiern in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. L р. 687; Forbes et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin, I. p. 139; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 95. Litchi chinensis SONNER.; RADLK. in Ехот. et PRANTL Nat. Pfl.-fam. ПІ. pt.-5, p. 385; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 585. Dimocarpus Litchi Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed-Wrurp. р. 287. Nephelium dimocarpus Hook. f. et Тномѕ. ex Hiern in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 688. Scytalia Lichi RoxB. Fl. Ind. П. p. 269. Har. Shintiku, Tamsui, Kagi, Pachina. Distrip. in China Malaya and India; often cultivated. 6 Euphoria Comm, Euphoria Longana Lam.; DC. Prodr. I. p. 611; RADIK. in ENGL. et PRANTL Nat. Píl-fam. ІП, pt.—5, p. 359; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Dutch. І I p. 384; Marsum. et HayaTA Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 95. SAPINDACER. 153 Nephelium Longana CamB.; Bot. Mag. t. 4096; Bente. Fl. Hongk. p. 47; Hiern in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 688; Еоввев et Намет. Ind. ТІ. Sin. I. p. 139; Henry List Pl. Formos. р. 29. Dimocarpus Longan Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WILLn. p. 288. Scytalia Longan Roxs. Fl. Ind. П. p. 270. Has. Tamsui, Biöritsu, Maruyama, Shirin. Distris. China; in Hongkong ; India. 7. Pometia J. R. et FORST. Pometia pinnata J. R. et Forst “Char. Gen. p. 110. t. 55”; Ноок. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 691, (in nota P. tomentosa); НАҮАТА Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 64. Has. Taito: Beirin, by T. Kawakami and Z. Kopayasnt, May, 1906, (No. 1522). (1) Distris. Pacific islands. 8. Acer LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. Leaves entire not lobed. (2) Leaves more or less lobed or very slightly lobed, lobes serrate. (4) Leaves ovate, broadest at the basal portion. .. 4. oblongum var. Itoanum. (not in Formosa.) Leaves obovate, broadest at the upper portion or lanceolately oblong. (3) Leaves obovate, broadest at the upper portion. .... ....A. oblongum. Leaves elongately oblong, acuminate at the apex...A. albopurpurascens. Leaves very slightly lobed only on the margin; length of lateral lobes never exceeds 1 of that of leaves. (5) 5 ә Leaves lobed, length of lateral lobes exceeds 1 of that of leaves. (7) Leaves slightly lobed on the margin, lateral lobes elongately caudate... RN E A. rubescens. Leaves slishtly lobed, lateral lobes very obscure. (6) ‚ Leaves obscurely erenulato-serrate. .................. A. caudatifolium. 154 SAPINDACEJE. Leaves minutely distinctly serrulate, ................ A. morrisonense. (7) Lobes of leaves usually 3, if more, less than 5, obtuse at the apex. (8) Lobes of leaves 5, or more than 5, acute or acuminate at the apex. (9) (8) Lobes serrate on the margin............... A. Tutcheri var. Shimadai. Lobes entire on the margin or nearly so. .. A. trifidum var. formosanum. (9) Leaves T-lobed. 5 ЛИТ КГ A. duplicatoserratum. Leaves 5-lobed. (10) (10) Lobes lanceolate...... TERME OE OE eus np ce A. serrulatum. Lobes ovately triangular. ............ A. Oliverianum var. Nakaharai. Acer albo-purpurascens HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa 64. Branches rubro-purpurascent, terete, glabrous. Leaves elongately oblong or oblong lanceolate, 10 em. long, 3 cm. broad, acuminate at the apex, (acumen linear, obtuse at the apex, 14 cm. long), acute at the base, undulately entire, or entire, greenish above, glaucous below, obscurely 3-nerved, central nerve strong, rubescent, lateral nerves very much slender or rarely obsolete, primary lateral veins 7 on both sides, nearly straight, divaricate at an angle of 50°, nerves, veins and veinlets slightly elevated, reticulate above, prominently reticulate below, petioles 1} cm. long, sulcate inside. Has. Giokusan. Near Acer levigatum WALL. and still more A. Fargesi and also some form of A. oblongum WAIL., but quite easily distinguishable by the leaves, which are acuminate at the apex and acute at the base. Acer caudatifolium Hayarı Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 65. Branches fusco-cinerascent, remotely leafy. Leaves ovately lanceolate, 8 cm. long, 34 em. broad, acuminate at the apex, cordate at the base, obscurely 9-lobed crenately serrate, obscurely 5-nerved, central nerve 3-times long as lateral nerves, and T7-times long as basal nerves, primary lateral veins 5 on both sides, divaricate from the costa at an angle of 40,° nerves, veins and veinlets elevated below, rubescent, pallid below, petioles i cm. long, suleate inside. Has. Giokusan. SAPINDACEE. , 155 The present Acer is very different from 4. caudatum WALL., but very near A. Davidi Francom. This species is distinguishable from А. Davidi in leaves which have much larger serration. Acer duplicato-serratum Harara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 65. Branchlets glabrous. Leaves orbicular in outline, 7 cm. in diameter, palmately 7-lobed, lobes lanceolate acuminate, duplicato-serrate, terminal lobe 5 cm. long, 11 cm. broad, the lowest lobes shorter, 21 cm. long, petioles 2 cm. long. Has. Taito: Botankei. Acer morrisonense Harara Materials for a Flora of Formosa р. 66. Komz. in Journ. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo, XXXI-1. p. 16, t. 7. Branchlets glabrous, atro-purpurascent. Leaves ovately cordate, 5-nerved, 8 em. long, 5 cm. broad, slightly 3-lobed, lobes inconspicuous, obtuse, margin du- plieato-serrate, acuminate at the apex or cuspidate, tails serrulate, petioles nearly 9 em. long. Has. Mt. Morrison. Near Acer Davidi FRANCHET, but differs from it in having the leaves with three lobes, two of which are very obscure. The present plant is also very like A. laxiflorum. There is at Kew a specimen exactly like this, labelled * Acer off Hookeri, China No. 218." It is very like A. Hookeri, but quite separable from it. Acer oblongum Warr. in DC. Prodr. Т. p. 593; Brentu. Fl. Hongk. р. 47; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. X. p. 599; Pax. in хот. Jahrb. VII. (1886) p. 208; Forbes et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 141; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 29; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 96. Has. Vaongoli, Chokachiraisha, South Cape. Півткір. The Himalayas. Acer trifidum Hook. et Анх. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 174; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. X. p. 603; Sirs. et Zuco. Fl. Jap. IL p. 81, t. 143; Pax. in ENGL. Bot. Jahrb. ҮШ. (1886) p. 186; Hance in Journ. Bot. (1873) p. 168; Fonszs et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. І p. 142. 156 SAPINDACER. var. formosanum НАҮАТА; Live in Bull, Soc. Bot. Frane. VI. (1906) p. 595; C. K. SCHNEIDER Ill. Handb. Laubh. IT. (1907) p. 198; Korpz. in Journ. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo. XXXIL-1, p. 83, t. 20. A. trifidum var. ? HAYATA in Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 97. Har. Kelung. Acer Oliverianum РАХ. var. Nakaharai HaxvarA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 68. Komz. in Journ. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo XXXII.- 1, p. 9. Branches pallid, glabrous. Leaves broadly orbicular in outline, 7 cm.long, 10 cm. broad, palmately 5-lobed, cordate at the base, lobes triangular, cuspidate, 3-93 cm. long, 2 cm. broad or broader, margin serrulate, teeth acute, veins somewhat pilose below, but at last glabrous. Flowers cymose; cymes terminal on the apex of the two-leaved branchlets, 3-5 cm. long including peduncles, glabrous, 3-times branched, terminal pedicels 6 mm. long. Flowers ?: sepals 5, roundly oblong, 2 mm. long, upwards hirsute on both sides, margin tomentosely ciliolate. Petals 5, rounded, 11 mm. long, margin obscurely denticulate or subentire, acute at the base. Stamens 7, rarely 5, 2 mm. long, filaments 1 mm. long, anthers oblong, 1 mm. long, obtuse at the apex, emarginate at the base. Ovary broadly dilate 3 mm. long, 24 mm. broad, hirsute, styles 2, entirely connate 2 mm. long, disc extrastaminal, incrassate, 7—5-lobate, lobes rounded. Carpels elliptico-oblong, cells 4 mm. long, wing dimidiately obovate, divaricate, 21 cm. long including carpels, divaricate at an angle of 120°. Har. Chosokei. The present variety differs from the type by the carpels which make an obtuse angle in their junction. Those of the type are arranged nearly in a line, ie. in 180*. Acer Oliverianum Pax. var. Nakaharai Hayara form. longistami- na НАҮАТА Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 69. Flowers moncecious ; cymes terminal at the apex of the two leaved branchlets. Fl. 4 4 mm. in diameter ; sepals 5, rarely 6, oblong, somewhat pilose on both sides, 14 mm. long. Petals 5, obovately oblong, 2 mm. long, rounded at the apex, margin obscurely denticulate or subentire, cuneate at the base, 2 mm. long. Stamens nearly SAPINLACE ZB. 157 7.4 mm. long, filaments filiformed, apex very slender, but incrassate at the middle, 3 mm. long, anthers cordate, ovate, 1 mm. long, apex obtuse, cordate at the base. Rudiment of ovary minute with style 1 mm. long, very pilose, disks extra-staminal 7-8-parted, segments clavate, incrassate. Flowers Ӯ: calyx 5-6-parted, 2 mm. long, segments oblong, rounded at the apex. Petals the same as those of the male. Staminodes 0. Disks extra-staminal, 7-lobate. Ovary broadly dilate, pilose, styles short. Has. Ako, Kelung. Acer Oliverianum Pax. var. microcarpum HavarA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 69. Branches and leaves nearly the same as in the type. Flowers unknown. Carpels glabrous, 21 cm. long, cells slightly nervose, wings oblong, 2-21 cm. long, rounded at the apex, narrowed at the base, margin rounded on the exterior side, divaricate at an angle of 110°-120°. Has. Shintiku: Daitoge. Differs from the type in having extremely small carpels. I have ex- amined the fruits of the variety and ascertained that although they are extre- mely small, they are quite in mature state, having albumen and embryo. This differs also from the other variety Nakaharai in the shape of wings. In this variety, the wings are usually oblong, while in the other, they are always semi-oblong or cultriformed. Acer rubescens Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 66. Korpz. in Journ. Coll Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo XXXII, p. 21. Branchlets pallid, blackish in a dried specimen, leaves cordate in outline, or octagonal, slightly 5-lobed, lobes very short, cuspidate, terminal tail narrowed, linear, lateral ones serrulate, basal ones shortest, base cordate, margin (except tails) duplicately serrate, 9-10 cm. long, 7 cm. broad, coriaceous, long petioled, petioles 6-7 cm. long. Hab. Taito, Bataiankei. . There is at Kew a specimen very much. like this. The specimen is labelled “Acer capillipes Maxim. Japonia, Nippon, Prov. Shinano, 1864, leg. TscHonoski.” The present plant differs from it in having leaves with larger servation, and longer side lobes which are placed in a little upper portion. 158 SAPINDACEE. Also very near A. rufinerve from which it is distinguishable by the leaves with more rounded or slightly cordate base; from А. erosum Pax. by the quite. glabrous leaves. Acer serrulatum Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 70. Branches terete, fusco-rubescent, glabrous, leafy, dilated at the insertion of the leaves. Leaves palmately 5-lobed, roundly cordate in outline, 7j cm. long, 9 em. broad, duplicately serrulate, lobes equal, 5-nerved, nerves divaricate at an angle 60°, central nerye neary as long as the lateral nerves or a little longer, 24 times long as the basal ones, terminal lobe lanceolate 74 cm. long, 2 em. broad, acuminate at the apex, lateral lobes and basal ones all the same, petioles 23 cm. long, base slightly dilated. Haz. Taito: Bataiankei. Near Acer palmatum Tuuns.; but differs from it in the serration of the leaves. Acer Tutcheri Durst var. Shimadai Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa р. 70; Acer Oliverianum Pax. subvar. trilobatum Ҡот. in Journ. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo XXXIL-1, p. 34, Fig. 2. Branches strong, terete, fusco-nigricant, lenticellate, branchlets divaricate, laterally compressed, a little dilated at the insertion of the leaves. Leaves opposite, petiolate, broadly rhomboid, 5 cm. long, 7 cm. broad, 3-lobate, ser- rulate, nearly entire near the base, lobes nearly equal, (rarely with smaller basal lobes), terminal lobe broadly triangular, margin straight, 2} cm. long, 9 cm. broad, lateral lobes divaricate, straight on the upper side, but round at the base on the lower side, distinctly 3-nerved, central nerve 5 cm. long, lateral nerves 41 cm. long, divaricate, petioles 4 cm. long, incrassate at the base. Cymes with fruits at the apex of 2-4-leaved branches, 7 cm. long (including peduncles) peduncles 2-3 cm. long. Carpels glabrous, cells ovoid, 41 mm. long, slightly nervose, wings knife-shaped, i cm. long, 6 mm. broad, recurved at the inner side, rounded at the apex, outer side straight, divaricate at an angle 40? Has. Shintiku, by. T. Kawakami and Y. SHIMADA, 1907, Sept. (No. SAPINDACEAE. 159 Very near the type, but differs from it in having much smaller carpels and wings which are much less divaricate. Species not yet Known to me. Acer ovatifolium Kotz. in Journ. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo. ХХХТІ.-1, pe 162026. Lh Acer Kawakamii Korpz. le. p. 15, t. 5. Although I have not yet seen the specimens, so far as I can ascertain from the descriptions and figures here referred, A. ovatifolium and A. Kawakamii ave very similar. I suspect if they may not be one and the same species. 9. Dodoncea Linn. Dodonza viscosa Ілхх.; DC. Prodr. I. p. 616; Hierx in Ноок f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. р. 697; Hance in Journ. Bot. (1880) p.260; BrwrH. Fl. Austral. I. p. 475; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 29; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 97. | JDodonca, angustifolia Тлум. Кохв. Fl. Ind. П. p. 256. Dodonea Burmanniana DC. Prodr. I. p. 616. Dodonea dioica Кохв. Fl. Ind. П. p. 256. Dodonea microcarpa DC. Prodr. I. p. 617. "Has. Senton, Taiton, Tamsui, Takow. Disrris. Generally diffused in the warm regions ; Bonin, China and India. 10. Euscaphis step. et zucc. Euscaphis japonica Pax in EwNGr. et Prante Nat. Pfl-fam. IIL-5, p.262; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. ХП. p. 63; Iro et Marsum. Tent. FI. Lutch. р. 389; Diets Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 448; Marsum. et Harara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 97- Euscaphis staphyleoides SIEB. et Zuco. Fl. Jap. L p. 124, t. 67; Mm. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 256; Franca. et Sayar. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 91; Hance in 160 SABIACER.. Journ. Bot. (1880) p. 260, et “ (1882) р. 4;" Francner Pl. David. p. 78; Forges et Немат. Ind Fl. Sin. Т. p. 143. Sambucus japonica Taune. Fl. Јар. p. 125. Har. Shichiseitonzan, Taiton. Distrie. Japan and China. 11, Turpinia VENT. Turpinia pomifera DC. Prodr. П. p. 3; Hiern in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. І. p. 698; Forks et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 143; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. ХП, (1886) p. 435; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 390; Матяом. et Hayata Enum. Fl. Formos. p. 98. Dalrymplea pomifera Rox. Fl. Ind. I. p. 633. Har. Tamsui, Kusshaku, Bankinsino. DisTrIB. In the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia; Japan, Hongkong, southern China, India. Sabiaceee. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) “Stamens 4-5, all perfect and equal Е ТОЯ Sabia. 1 Stamens 5, very unequal........... Oaks eaten EM een Meliosma. 2 1. Sabia CorzpR. Sabia Swinhei HEMSLEY in Forbes et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 144; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 29; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 98. I saw the specimen at Kew; but the species is not yet represented in our Governmental collections. Distriv. Central China. SABIACEJE. 161 9. Meliosma BLUME. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves simple. (2) . Leaves compound. ........ tee ақылы Ан а ud оға eie М. vhoifolia. (2) Leaves lanceolate or oblong, aeuminate on both ends, eloneately petioled, flowers more laxly arranged on the compound raceme. .......... АО ES sree M. squamulata. Leaves oblanceolate, petioles shorter, flowers much denser. .. M. rigida. Meliosma rhoifolia Maxim. in Mel. Biol. VI. p. 262; FORBES et Немет, Ind. Fl Sin. L p. 146; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 29; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 98. Has. Tamsui. DISTRIB. An endemic plant. Meliosma rigida бев. et Zucc.; Maxim. in Ener. Bot. Jahrb. VI. p. 60; Fonsrs et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. Т. p. 145; Henry List Pl. Formos. р. 29; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 99. Meliosma pungens Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 4. Has. Kelung. Distris. Japan, Himalaya. Meliosma squamulata Hance in Journ. Bot. (1876) p. 364; FORBES et Немет. Ind. Fl Sin. I. p. 146; Нихву List Pl. Formos. p. 29; MATSUM. et HavaTA Enum. Pl Formos. p. 99; Наулта Materials for a Flora of Formosa. p. 71. Arbour, branches cinerascent, more or less lenticellate, glabrous. Leaves simple, long petiolate, coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, 10-12 cm. long, 31- 41 em. broad, acuminate or caudate at the apex, attenuate at the base, quite glabrous and polished above, pallid or glaucous beneath, under microscope minutely lepedote and pubescent, primary veins arcuate, anastomosing at the extremities, petioles nearly 7-8 cm. long. Flowers white, racemosely panicu- late. Panicles erect, 15 cm. long, 5 cm. broad, branches slender, 5-6 em. long, 162 ANACARDIACER. lateral branches divaricate, covered by ferrugineous hairs, bracts and brae- teoles minute, scaly, pedicels 1-3 mm. long. Sepals broadly rounded, near- ly 2 mm. broad, ciliolate on the margin. Petals 5, 3-larger ones broadly rounded, 3j mm. long as broad, 2-smaller ones 1 mm. long, narrowed, 2- dentate at the apex, opposite the stamens. Stamens 2, filaments dilated, 2 mm. long. Staminodes 3, opposite larger petals, filuments very dilated. Disk small, irregularly dentate. Ovary glabrous, globose, 2 mm. long (including style) 2-celled. Har. Uraisha, South Cape. Disrriz. Hongkong. Anacardiaceee. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Petals 0, calyx 5-parted, leaves alternate, compound. ...... Pistacia. 2 Petals exist. (2) (2) Leaves simple. (3) Leaves compound... Ve nm n ss Rhus. 1 A Stamens 1-5........ ОИНИ Mangifera. 3 Stamens 20.2, 2 УР ЕТ” Buchanania. 4 1. Rhus LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Seandent shrubs. (2) Trees. (3) (2) тов glabrous: 1.2. 0 r n a R. Toxicodendron. Fruits beset with minute bristles: .................... R. intermedia. (8) Leaflets sexrate- о oo ee R. semi-alata. Teaflets entire. о SISARA Та R. succedanea. Rhus intermedia Harara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 73. Radieant or voluble. Leaves tri-foliolate, nearly 30 mm. long (including petioles), petioles 9-10 cm. long, slightly hairly, as long as terminal leaflets, lateral ANAGARDIACEZE. 163 leaflets oblong, acute, rounded at the base, oblique, 13 em. long, shortly petiolu- late, petiolules 3 mm. long, terminal leaflets long petiolulate, petiolules 3 cm. long, blades oblong-ovate, acute or shortly acuminate at the apex, 15 cm. long, 74 em. broad, entire, costa and nerves pilose beneath, at last glabrous. Drupes broadly globose, compressed, shortly apiculate, 5 cm. broad as long, greenish or yellowish, covered with short setaceous hairs. | Has. Morrison. The present plant is in every respect very like Rhus Toxicodendron LINN., but differs from it in having densely bristled fruits. Тһе species appears to be referable to Trichocarpesx, on account of its bristled exocarpium. It is also to be referable to Venenate by the meso- carpium and general characters of the fruit. The plant may better be placed between the two sections. Bristled fruits are sometimes found in the Japa- nese A. Toxicodendron, though they are not so conspicuous as in the Formosan species. Rhus semi-alata Murr.; DC. Prodr. IL p. 67; ger. in DC. Monogr. Phanerog. IV. p. 880; Евлхснкг Pl. David. p. 78; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 10; ForBes et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 147; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 22; Diets Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 493; PALBIN Conspect. Fl. Koreæ I. p. 60; Marsum. еб Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 100. Rhus javanicum Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 380; Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed- WILLD. p. 228. Has. Takow, Shintiku, Tofun, Shinkosho, Füko, Shajo, Bankinsing. Disrris. East Himalaya, Khasia, Assam, China, Japan. Rhus succedanea Lixw.; DC. Prodr. П. p. 68; Тнохв. Fl. Jap. p. 122; Roxs. Fl. Ind. П. p. 98; Benta. Fl. Норок, p. 69; Wicur Ic. Pl. ind Or. t. 560; Мтө. Prol. FI. Jap. p. 16; Hoox. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. TL p. 12; FnawcHET Pl. David. I. p. 79; Еоввев et Hrmst. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 146; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 29; Dwers Fl Centr. Chin. p. 433; Marsum. et Harara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 100. Thus succedanea Linn. var. japonica EnGL. in DC. Monogr. Phanerog. IV. p.399; Ivo et Marsum. Tent. Fl Lutch. p. 392. 164 ANACARDIACEJE. Connarus juglandifolius Hook. et ARN. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 179. Has. Taichi, Giran, Tensonpi, Okaseki, Bankinsing. Disrrip. Japan, Himalaya, Java, central China. Rhus Toxicodendron LINN. (var. ?); ExcL. in DC. Monogr. Phanerog. IV. p. 893; Forbes et HxMsSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 148; Henry List РІ. Formos. p. 30; Dwers Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 433, (var.); Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos, p. 101. Har. South Cape. DISTRIB. Japan, central China. .9. Pistacia LINN. Pistacia formosana Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 40; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 99, t. 9; Hayata Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 74. Hans. Kashinro, Sooboonsha, Tanlang, Toseikaku, Koshün, Ako. Disrrip An allied species P. chinensis BUNGE is found in central and northern China. 9. Mangifera LINN. Mangifera indica Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 290; DC. Prodr. IL p. 63; Benta. Fl. Hongk. p. 70 (in nota); EwGr. in DC. Monogr. Phanerog. IV. p. 198; Forbes et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 148; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 90; Marsum. et HavaTA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 101. Has. Ringaryo, Goshorin, Boryo, Toko, Hokuto, Maruyama, (No. 380), Takow, Bankinsing. Distris. India, tropical Asia. 4, Buchanania Roxs. Buchanania arborescens Brume Mus. Bot. Lugd.—Bat. I. p. 183; Mig. Fl. Ind. Bat. L-2, p. 636; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 30; MATSUM. et Hayata Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 102. CORIARIEA. _LEGUMINOSM. 165 Buchanania longifolia BLUME Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 1. p. 184, et Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. L-2, p. 636. Buchanania bancana Mm. * Fl. Ind. Bat. Suppl, p. 523.” Buchanania florida SCHAUER a arborescens ENGL. in DC. Monogr. Phanerog. IV. p. 186. Has. Takow, South Cape, Dankinsing. Disrris. Fast India, Philippines, Celebes, Java, Sumatra, Borneo. Coriarieee. Coriaria LINN. Coriaria intermedia Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XIL p. 62; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos р. 102. Нав. Suiteiryo, Shüshügai Goshörin, Giran; Hachirisha, Holisha, Taikökei. Leguminosee. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. Papilionacez. Corolla papilionaceous. Petals irregular, imbricated, the uppermost (standard) outermost, the four others in two opposite pairs. Stamens definite. (1) Cesalpiniez. Petals imbricate, slightly unequal, the upper innermost in . bud. Stamens definite. (38) Mimosex. Petals regular, valvate, usually united above the base. Stamens definite or indefinite. (41) (1) «) Stamens monadelphous. Pod dehiscent, not jointed. Leaves simple SU Nah E алы ы Crotalaria. 1 .b) Stamens diadelphous. Pod usually dehiscent, not jointed. Leaves or digitately 3-foliolate. digitately or pinnately 3-foliolate, leaflets usually toothed. (2) c) Stamens dindelphous. Pod dehiscent, not jointed. Leaves piunately ox Шоке leaflets. enblresn. 5... vocet, 122222... Lotus. 166 LEGUMINOSZ. d) Stamens usually diadelphous. Pod dehiscent, not | jointed. Leaves imparipinnate ; leaflets entire. (4) €) Stamens diadelphous or monadelphous. Pod jointed if more than l-seeded. Leaves odd-pinnate. (8) f) Stamens diadelphous (the tenth abortive in Abrus), Pod dehiscent, not jointed. Leaves equally pinnate; petiole ending in a lendril or bristle. (16) g) Stamens monadelphous or diadelphous. Pod dehiscent, not jointed. Climbing, rarely erect herbs or shrubs, with pinnately 3- foliolate leaves. (17) h) Stamens monadelphous or diadelphous. Pod continuous, inde- hiscent. Leaves odd pinnate. (35) 1) Stamens free. Pod not jointed. Leaves odd-pinnate. . Sophora. 47 (2). Leayes dieitately доц аел ns ann n Trifolium. 4 Leaves pinnately 3-toliolate. (3) (8) {Pod short; round: оғ оро rece ma Melilotus. 3 Pod faleate or spiral. ИВИС Medicago. 3 (4) Anthers apiculate. Hairs fixed by the centre. .......... Indigofera. 6 Anthers obtuse. Hairs basifixed. (5) (5) Pod subindehiscent or later on dehiscing................. Millettia. 8 Pod soon dehiscing. (6) (6) Flowers mostly in leaf-opposed racemes. ................ Tephrosia. Т Flowers mostly in axillary racemes. (7) (Т) Eod very long distinctly septale ТЕЕ Sesbania. 9 Pod. linear not. septate- o E Astragalus. 10 (8) Leaves exstipellate. (9) Leaves stipellate (stamens diadelphous, anthers uniform). (12) (9) Stamens diadelphous (9 and 1) anthers uniform. ........ Lespedeza. 21 Stamens monadelphous or in two bundles of 5 each. (10) (10) Stamens monadelphous ; anthers dimorphous. (10%) Stamens in two bundles of 5 each, anthers uniform. (11) (10%) Calyx-tulbe onto СОТЕН Arachis. 14 iC@ailyx-tube not епоса ИВА ascents PONG Wi LEGUMINOSZ. 167 (11) Pod twisted inside the calyx. ....,.......:............. Smithia. 13 Pod straight, exserted from the calyx. (11*) (11*) Tall shrub, pod linear, compressed, longitudinally striate, articules nar- көмей ойош ез. ON ATA: Ormocarpum. 11 Shrubby herb, pod stalked, articules truncate on both ends........... VO C DL ZEschynomene. 12 (12) Pod turgid not distinctly jointed. ..................... Pycnospora. 17 Pod distinctly jointed. (13) (13) Pod twisted up so that the joints are brought face to face. (14) Pod not twisted up. (15) (14) Calyx acerescent ; teeth lanceolate. ...................... Lourea. 19 Calyx not accrescent, teeth setaceous. .................... Uraria. 18 (ШЫ UCA arte yeaa SUM os Aes Aon кеш Foie Alysicarpus. 20 отео ite med к Жл eet ei eats ACE aeu hae esit eons Desmodium. 16 (16) Shrubs with the tenth stamen absent. .................... Abrus. 24 Herbs with diadelphous stamens (9 and 1). (16*). (16*)Style inflexed, filiformed, slightly compressed, upwards pubescent, stigma terminal, staminal sheath oblique at the mouth. ........ Vicia. 22 Style inflexed, dilate, margin retroflexed, upwards laterally compressed, face inner side longitudinally barbate, stigma nearly terminal, staminal sheath equal at the mouth................... Pisum. 23 (17) Leaves not gland-dotted. (18) Leaves gland-dotted. (31) (18) Style beardless. (19) Style bearded below the stigma. (26) (19) Nodes of racemes not tumid. (20) Nodes of racemes tumid. (21) (20) Stamens diadelphous, stipules and bracts conspicuous persistent....... EN e Dumasia. 26 Stamens monadelphous, stipules and bracts minute caducous. ........ ЕЕ a 5-2 oeste Glycine. 27 (21) Petals very unequal. (22) Petals equal. (24) 168 LEGUMINOSR. (22) Keel exceeding the wings and standard. (23) Standard exceeding the keel and wings................. Erythrina. 28 (23) Anthers dimorphous; "rar iso sole © ein pM EM Mucuna. 30 Anthers uniform... Да. USO ТН Apios. 29 (24) Stamens diadel phos: OE Galactia. 31 Stamens monadelphous. (25) (25) Upper lip of calyx projeehne nr sa Canavalia. 33 Upper teeth of calyx not Projeciino k Pueraria. 32 (26) Stigma oblique. (27) Stigma terminal. (29) (27). Keel spiral. а АЛТЫН ТТ Phaseolus. 34 Keel not spiral. (28). (28) Style filiformed. 22225. Vigna. 35 Style flat upwards 7722222 A T E Pachyrhizus. 36 (29) Petals very unequal in length, Te nn Clitoria. 25 Petals equal in length. (30) (30) Pod Habtish: '..:. ТУ ППТ Dolichos. 38 Pod square, 4—winged. 5 nn Psophocarpus. 37 (31) Ovules 3 or more. (32) Ovules 1-2. (34) (32) Pod with depressed lines between each seed. (33) (33) Seeds with a large erooyed al ОТИ Atylosia. 40 Aril absent.. orn tenoa oie ee eee Cajanus. 39 (34) Leaves pinnate. Pod сотргеввей..................... Rhynchosia. 41 leaves: dieitate. Pod! turcia ОЕ 2... Flemingia. 42 (95) Leaves distinctly alternate.. ЕС ИИТ Dalbergia. 43 Leaves opposite. (36) (96) Pod flat. (37) Pod round, subdrupaceous eM Euchresta. 46 (210) Бой: almost woody, wineless, n mananan Pongamia. 45 Pod thin, firm, winged down one or both sutures...........Derris. 44 (98) Leaves pinnate. (59) Leaves simple, mostly deeply 2-lobed................... Bauhinia. 52 LEGUMINOSE. 169 (39) Leaves ample, abruptly bipinnate. (40) Leaves simply pinnate. (39*). (39*)Petals 3 larger conspicuous, the other 2 very minute .... Lysidice. 51* Petals. 5, subequal. s. sis 2... Se docu EMIL ue Cassia. 51 (40) Calyx-tube disciferous, turbinate-campanulate. .......... Gleditchia. 49 Calyx-tube disciferous very short. (407%) (40*)Calyx-limb nearly gamosepalous campanulate, teeth 5. .............. EM PEU a ү Eu a RU eres sigma ih Erythrophleum. 53 Calyx-limb not campanulate, segments more or less broader. (40**) (40**)Calyx-disk sub-basal; sepals imbricate. .............. Cesalpinia. 48 Calyx-disk sub-basal; sepals valvate. .................. Poinciana. 50 (41) Stamens definite, usually ten. (42) Stamens indifinite. (44) (42) Anthers at first eland-erested. .......................... Entada. 54 Anthers not gland-crested. (43) (ШО pod lhewulate Continuons o oa з... TER Leucena. 56 19:0! SONS Gh НО Oo as ee Eee пасы Mimosa. 55 ер LATING IIS тев Е ND ee A E ЬН Acacia. 57 Stamens monadelphous. (45) (45) Pod thin, ligulate, the sutures not thickened. ............ Albizzia. 58 iere iela YE) ee Ya aes len ур af efe rc metere e v e Pithecolobium. 59 1. Crotalaria Dur. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves simple or 1-foliolate. (2) Leaves at least 3-foliolate. (12) (2) Leaves obovate, retused at the арех.......................0. retusa. Leaves, obtuse, acute or rounded, never retuse. (3) (3) Leaves larger rhomboid, cuneate at the base............. C. verrucosa. Leaves smaller, not cuneate at the base. (4) (4) Herbs very much smaller. Leaves oblong much rounded, rounded at the base. (5) 170 LEGUMINOSE. Much larger. Leaves linear or lanceolate or obovate, attenuate at the base. (6) (5) Leaves rounded at the apex: ЕТЕ C. acicularis. Leaves more or less aristate at the арех................... C. similis. (6) .Leaves linear, acute or acuminate at the apex. (7) Leaves obovate, spathulate or linear, obtuse at the apex. (8) (7) Роа linear, oblongis ee re е C. calycina. Pod oblong. ЕОР TEE C. sessiliflora. (8) ' Pod long exserted From the ealyz ye MM C. ferruginea. Pod slightly exserted from the calyx. (9) (9). Beset with brownish silky hairs. o. co oa С. Kawakami. Slightly hairy, with ‘soft thin hairs. (10) (10) Leaves linear. (11) Leaves obovate or spathulate, 2.0... 00.0.9 o en C. formosana. (11) Pod slightly exserted from the сайух..................... C. linifolia. Рой ‘much? more exsertedac 2 EP DELE C. albida. (12) Leaflets ovately obtriangular, truncate at the apex, or slightly emarginate. а tendre ETC EEUU C. Trifoliastrum. Leaflets obovate, acute or emarginate. (13) (13) Leaflets oblong or obovate, obtuse at the apex or minutely, apicülate. 2). ТН CL C. elliptica. Leaflets obovate, emarginate at the apex, cuneate at the base. C. striata. Crotalaria acicularis Ham.; Baker in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 68; Hayara Mater. Fl. Formos. p. 72. Has. Banchoryo. Distriz. Java, Philippines, India. Crotalaria albida Heyne in “Rota, Nov. p. 333 "; DC. Prodr. II. p. 126: Вкхтн. Fl. Норок. p. 74; Baker in Ноок. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. р. 71; Еоввеѕ et Hemst. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 150; Henry List Pl Formos. р. 30; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 102. НАР. Distr. Throughout tropical sea-shores. LEGUMINOSE. 171 Crotalaria calycina Schrank DC. Prodr. П. p. 129: Brwrm. FI. Hongk. p. 74; Baker in Hook. f Fl. Brit. Ind. IL p. 72; FORBES et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. T. p. 151; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 30; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 102. НАВ. Півтків. Tropical Asia, Africa and Australia. Crotalaria elliptica Кохв.; Marsum. et Hayarı Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 130; HavarA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 72, Scandent, pubescent, branched, flexuose. Leaves trifoliolate, pubescent, petiolate, petioles 3 cm. long, longer than leaflets, leaflets subsessile, terminal one longer than the lateral ones, oblong or obovate, retused or minutely mucronate, З cm. long, 2 em. broad. Spikes axillary on the upper branchlets, 7-8 cm. long, pedun- culate. Flowers 6 mm. long, pedicellate, pedicels З mm. long. Calyx base minutely 2-bracteate, (bracts subulate), campanulate 3 mm. long, 5-lobate, lobes as long as the tube, triangular, acute, 14 mm. long, 1 mm. broad, pubes- cent. Standard orbicular, clawed, (blade 5 mm. long, carinate outside at the middle, claws 13 mm. long) villose inside, strongly reflexed above the claw, 2-callose ; wings obovate, 6 mm. long; keel incurved 7 mm. long, rostrate. Ovary stipitate, (stalk 11 mm. long), 2-ovulate, villose, style abruptly in- flexed at the middle, more or less longitudinally barbate inside on the upper portion. Stamens connate, Legumen pedicellate, nodding, pressingly villose, obovate or globose 6 mm. long, 4 mm. broad, obliquely inflated at the apex, (style rostrate), 2-seeded. Has. Ako: Kotansho. Near C. Trifoliastrum Мила. ; but differs in having much larger obovate folioles and larger flowers. Crotalaria furruginea GraH.; Baker in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 68; Hance in Journ. Bot. (1882) p. 4; Говвев et Нем. Ind. Fl. Sin. L р. 151; Huyry List Pl. Formos. р. 30; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 103. Has. Pachina, Shintiku, Taito, Suibi. 172 LEGUMINOSZ. DISTRIB. Widely distributed in India, and extending to the Malay Archipelago and to the Loo-choo islands. Crotalaria formosana Marsuw. in Тро et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 395; Marsum. et HayaTA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 109; Hayata Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 74. Has. Shokwa, Tainan, Tappansha. Closely resembles C. linifolia Linn. ; probably a form of it. Crotalaria Kawakamii Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 73. Ferrugineo-hirsute or tomentose, erect, branched, 40-50 cm. long. Leaves alternate, oblong-linear, ferrugineo-tomentose, sessile, 2 cm. long, 4 mm. broad, glandulose beneath, long hispid on the costa as well as on the margin. Flowers solitary, axillary or terminal Calyx campanulate, 1 cm. long, 2-bracteate at the base, (bracts subulate 6 mm. long), 5-fid, lobes lanceolate, long flavido-ferrugineo-strigose. Pods inflated, oblique, oblong, 13 mm. long, 5 mm. broad, glabrous. Has. Taichi. Very near C. ferruginea; but differs in having smaller, narrower and more strieose leaves and much smaller pods. Crotalaria linifolia Ілхх.; DC. Prodr. IL p. 128; Baker in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 72; Forbes et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 151. Has. ‘Taito, Suibi; Giran. Тивтвів. Tropical Asia, the Philippines and to Australia. Crotalaria retusa Linn. ; DC. Prodr. П. p. 125; Hoox. et Ann. Dot. Beech. Voy. p. 180; Бехтн. Fl Норок. p. 74; BAKER in Hook. f. El. Brit. Ind. П. p. 75; Bot. Mag. t. 2561; ForBrs et HemsL, Ind. Fl. Sin. I. р. 152; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 103. Has. Hözan. Disrris. Tropical Asia, Australia, Africa and America. Crotalaria sessiliflora Linn. ; DC. Prodr. II. p. 129; Baker in Hook. 1. El. Brit. Ind. TI. p. 73; Fores et Hems.. Ind. FI. Sin. L p. 152; MATSUM, et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 103. l Os LEGUMINOSJZE. 17 Has. Taito, Suibi, Biöritsu, Shintiku. Distr. India, Malaya, Japan and the Philippines. Crotalaria similis Немәт. Ann. Bot. IX. p. 152; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 103; Hayara Mater. Fl. Formos. р. 74. Har. Köshün: Garanbi. A very small herb, procumbent at the base, the erect portion nearly 8 em. long; leaves secund, turning to one side, villous above, silky below, ovate or even round, 8 mm. long, 4—5 mm. broad, very approximately leafy along the whole length of the stem. Flowers terminal, solitary or a very few, sepals lanceolate, pod black, nearly globular, 1 cm. long. Crotalaria striata DC. Prodr. П. p. 131; Baker in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. IL p. 84; Hance in Journ. Bot. (1879) p. 10; Bot. Mag. t. 3200 ; FonBzs et Hemst. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 153; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 103. Has. ‘Tainan, Ako. Disrris. Tropical Asia, Africa and America. Crotalaria Trifoliastrum Witup.; Wicut Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 421 ; Mio. Fl. Ind. Bat. Т. p. 344; Baker in Ноок. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. р. 82; Marsum. in Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 997; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum Pl. Formos. p. 104. Has. Pinang. Disrris. India and Java. Crotalaria verrucosa Linn. ; DC. Prodr. П. p. 125; BAKER in Hoox. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 77; FonBEs еб Hemst. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 153; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 104. Has. Chikusansho, Ringary6, Taito, Shifun, Shinko. Distew. Tropical Asia, Africa, America. 2, Medicago Lin. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. Stipules laciniate or fimbriate, leaves quite glabrous. .... M. denticulata. Stipules entire, leaves pubescent......................... DI. lupulina, 174 LEGUMINOSA. Medicago denticulata Wn. Sp. Pl IIL p. 1414; DC. Prodr. II. р. 176; Baker in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 90; Francarr Pl. David. p. 80; Forges et HEwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 153; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl Formos. p. 104. Has. Bokyo. Disrris. Generally diffused in north temperate regions and naturalized in the southern regions. Medicago lupulina Livy. ; DC. Prodr. П. p. 172; Bextra. Fl. Hongk. p. 75; Forges et HumsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 154; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos, p. 104. Has. Tamsui. Distew. Common in temperate and subtropical Asia and Europe. 3. Melilotus Juss. Melilotus parviflora Desr. ; DC. Prodr. П. p. 187; Bakzn et 5. Moon in Journ. Linn. Soc. ХУП. p. 381; Francher Pl. David. p.81; FORBES et Hzwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 155; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 104, Har. Senton, Taipeh, Kelung, Sharyoto, Tamsui. Disrnm. Common in Europe and Asia. 4. Trifolium Lixx. The genus is not represented in our flora. 5. Lotus LINN. Lotus corniculatus Ілхх.; DC. Prodr. IL p. 214; * Hancr in Journ. Bot. (1882) p. 259”; Forges et Немат, Ind. Fl. Sin. І, p. 155; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 104, i HAB. Disrris. Common in Europe and Asia, 6. Indigofera LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. Leaves Simple; linear. rues erodeer. dee a Indigofera linifolia. LEGUMINOSE. 175 enges compound: ecce ee en ee s: I. trifoliata. (1) Leaves trifoliolate. I. glandulifera. Leaves pinnate, leaflets more than three. (2) (2) Plant ferrugineo-hirsute. ........ v 252707 .1. hirsuta. Plant quite or nearly glabrous or S uds US (9 » (B) Leaflets larger, oblong, 5 em. long ia T. kotænsis. Leaflets smaller, oblong, less than 24 cm. (4) (ТИЕР d linear oema lone siraieht ae c sn T. vendosa. Pod linear, 24 cm. long. (5) (E) AE Гелла gr T ri I. peseudo-tinctoria. о етом ату тесте о 2225 cin le eee ries И: Т. Anil. Indigofera Anil Ілхх. DC. Prodr. IL р. 225; Brenra. Fl. Hongk. p. 77; FonBES et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. L р. 156; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 104. Har. Tamsui, Taihoku, Shintiku, Hozan, Shintengai, Kusshaku. Distr. Common in tropical Africa, and some part of Asia. Indigofera decora Ілхтт.; Warp. Ann. IL p. 230; Вкхтн. Fl. Hongk.. p. 77; Bot. Mag. t. 5068; Forbes et Немат. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 156; Marsum. et HayaTA Enum. РІ, Formos. p. 104. HAB. Distriz. Japan. Indigofera glandulifera Hayata Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 74. Base shrubby, slender, glabrous or pubescent, many-branched. Leaves trifoliolate, petiolate, petioles 5 mm. long, folioles sessile or shortly petiolulate, oblong-obovate or oblanceolate, rounded or shortly mucronate at the apex, base narrowed, 1 cm. long, 4mm. broad, adpressingly pubescent on both sides, glandulously punctate beneath. Flowers small, 5 mm. long, clustered at the axils. Calyx pubescent, 2} mm. long, 5-fid, lobes linear, 2 mm. long. Petals pubescent outside; standard obovate 9 mm. long, 11 mm. broad, narrowed * The distinction between Т. tinctoria and I. pseudo-tinctoria is not very clearly observed in the Formosan species. 176 LEGUMINOSE. at the base; wings narrowed, 5 mm. long; keel slightly ineurved, rounded at the apex, 3 mm. long, ciliolate on the upper side. Ovary cylindrical, 14 mm. lona. Pod linear, slightly complanate, tetragonous in section, 4-winged, 12 mm. long, 14 mm. broad. Har. Ako; Taito, Hinan. Near J. trifoliata, but differs in having 4-winged legumen and gland- dotted leaves, which are more conspicuously dotted on the under surface. Indigofera hirsuta Ілхх.; DC. Prodr. П. p. 228; Вехтн. Fl. Hongk. p. 76; Еоввеѕ et Hzwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 157; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 104. Has. Hözan, Soobonsha, Sensoleisho. Distrip. Widely distributed in tropical Asia, Africa, America and Australia Indigofera kotcensis Havara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 75. Shrubby, branches fulvo-einerascent, lenticellate, branchlets straight, subtetrago- nous or subterete, slightly pubescent or subglabrous, remotely foliate. Leaves imparipinnate, oblong-linear in outline, 18 cm. long, 8 em. broad, thinly pubescent, lateral leaflets equally long, 5-6 on each side, terminal one oblong, 51 em. long, 2 em. broad, obtuse at the apex, shortly aristate at the extremity, obtuse at the base, quite entire, thinly chartaceous or membra- naceous, veins slightly elevated above, inconspicuous beneath, depressingly pubescent above, petiolules 3 mm. long, petioles 2 em. long, furrowed above, elandulose, terminal leaflet larger than the lateral ones. Racemes terminal or axillary 8 cm. long, densely flowered, (peduncles 1 cm. long), bracts reduced to small ciliate teeth at the pulvinus. Flowers 9 mm. long, pubescent. Calyx broadly campanulate, very oblique, 13 mm. long on the upper side, but Ə mm. long on the lower side, 6-dentate ; standard rounded, rounded at the apex, 11 mm. long, 74 mm. broad, truncately obtuse at the base; wines narrowed, 9 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, carinate on the back at the base; keel broadly knife-shaped, 9 mm. long, 34 mm. broad, obtuse at the apex, broadly truncate at the base. Ovary glabrous. Har. K otosho. LEGUMINOSE. 177 Near Indigofera atropurpurea RoxB.; but differs from it by the slightly curved pods and the very short bracts ruduced to ciliate teeth. The bracts of I. atropurpurea are very long, and much exceed flower-buds in length. Indigofera linifolia Retz; DC. Prodr. IL p. 222; Жент Ic. t. 313; Brenta. Fl. Austral. П. p. 195; Baker in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 92; TRIMEN Fl. Ceyl. П. p. 22; Hunry List P! Formos. р. 31; Irö et Matsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 399; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 104. Нар. Beelonsan, Kilai, Takow. Distris. India, Ceylon, Australia. Indigofera macrostachya Vent. DC. Prodr. П. p. 226; BAKER et S. Moore in Journ. Linn. Soc. XVII. p. 381; Francuetr Pl. David. p. 82; Ғоввев et Немет, Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 157; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 104. HAB. DistTrIB. China. Indigofera tinctoria Lis. DC. Prodr. П. p. 224; BAKER in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 99; FrAncher Pl. David. p. 82; ForBEs еб Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 157; Marsum. et Hayata. Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 104. Has. Tamsui, Shintiku. Distris. Widely cultivated in the Tropics. Indigofera trifoliata Livy. ; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 96; HANCE in Journ. Bot. (1879,) р. 105; ХҮтонт Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 314; ForBrs et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 157; Hayata Mater. Fl. Formos. p. 75. Has. Köshün, Kotosho. Distris. Through tropical Asia to northern Australia. Indigofera venulosa Снлмр.; Warp. Ann. IV. p. 487; Вехтн. Fl. Hongk. р. 77; Fores et Немѕг. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 158; Hayara Mater. Fl. Formos. p. 76. Has. Byoritsu, Daitosei, Horisha, Tochiköan. Distr. China: Kiangsu, Kiangsi, Chekiang, Hongkong; Corean Archi- pelago. 178 LEGUMINOSE. Opserv. A small shrub; leaves imparipinnate, 3-4-juged ; pinnæ re- motely opposite, stipellate, ovate, apiculate, 2 mm. long, 1 em. broad, dark above, whitish below; flowers red, 1 cm. long, racemose; pod linear 5 mm. long, 4 mm. broad, black, nearly straight or slightly incurved. 7. Tephrosia PERS. Tephrosia purpurea Prrs.; DO. Prodr. IT. p. 251; Вехтн. Fl. Hongk. р: 78; BAKER in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 112; ForBes et Немет. Ind. Fl Sin. I. p. 158; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 105. Har. Takow. DISTRIB. Common in the Tropics. 8. Millettia W. et ARN. Millettia reticulata Bentu. ; Hance in Journ. Linn. Soc. XIII. p. 101; FORBES et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 159; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 105. Has. Senton, Taiton, Hokuto. Distri. China. 9, Sesbania PERS. Sesbania egyptiaca Prrs.; DC. Prodr. IL p. 264; Wicur Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 32; FORBES et Heust. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 162; Marsuw. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 105. Has. Tamsui, Pachina, Reigaryö, Takow. Distris. Common in the Tropics of the Old World. 10. Astragalus Linn. Astragalus sinicus Ілхх.; Kurz in Journ. Bot. (1873), p. 193; Bot. Mag. t. 1350; FonPzs et Hemst. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 166; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 105. Has. Pachina. Distr. Japan. LEGUMINOSAE. | 179 11. Ormocarpum R. Br. Ormocarpum glabrum Тим. et Brww.; Irö et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. р. 408; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 106. Has. Kelung. | DISTRIB. 19. Æschynomene Liny. Æschynomene indica Linn.; DC. Prodr. П. p. 320; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 79; Francher Pl. David. p. 97; Еоввиѕ et Hxwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 170; Marsuw. et Hayara Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 106. Has. Hatto, Taihoku, Pachina, Keibi, Shinkogai. Disrris. Tropical Asia, Africa and Australia. 18, Smithia Ar. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. Calyx-segments rotundate, long ciliate. .................... S. Nagasawat. Calyx-segments acute, not or slightly ciliate................... S. sensitiva. Smithia Nagasawai Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 76. Shrubby, ascendent, branches straight, slender, remotely branched, glabrous, striate, fusco-rubescent, terete, branchlets slender, remotely foliate. Leaves alter- nate deciduous, pari-pinnate, broadly ovate in “outline, li em. long, with a seta on the apex, seta З mm. long, pinnæ subopposite, 5-6-juged, linear- oblong, 1 cm. long, 21 mm. broad, margin remotely ciliato-setulose, rounded and setulose at the apex, (seta $ mm. long), strongly oblique at the base, acute on the upper side, roundly cordate on the lower side, glabrous above, remotely setulose on the costa beneath, (seta 11 mm. long), petiolules short 1 mm. long, upper pinne smaller than the lower ones, pinnz 2 mm. remote, exstipellate ; petioles 2-3 mm. long, petioles and rhaches narrowly winged, beneath beset with long setz, setze 2 mm. long, stipules membranaceous acutely ovate, 5 mm. long, multinerved, margin ciliato-serrulate, long auriculate at the base on the lower side, (auricles narrowed 2 mm.long) truneate at the 180 LEGUMINOSE. apex. Racemes short, 3-5 mm. long, recurved, axillary near the apex of the branchlets, pedunculate, peduncles 1-2 cm. long, pedicels 14 mm. long, 1-bracteate at the base, (bracts hyaline ovately-narrowed, З mm. long, margin ciliately setose, very oblique), 2-bracteolate at the apex, bracteoles ovately acute, 5 mm. long, acute on both sides, setose on the margin, (sete 14 mm. long), setulose outside, glabrous inside. Calyx 2-parted, upper-segment broadly ovate, plicate, 6 mm. long, 7-8 mm. broad, rotundately emarginate at the apex, carinate at the middle margin upwards ciliately setulose, entire downwards, multinerved, setulose outside on the carina; lower segment obovate, 6 mm. long, 31 mm. broad, ciliately setose, entire on the margin. Petals not known. Pods included within the calyx, 2 times spirally recurved, constricted between articles to the lower sutures, articles 7-8, obliquely broadly globose, 14 mm. broad, minutely irregularly maculately punctate, carinate at the lower suture, upper suture rounded, lower suture straight or slightly incurved. Seeds reniformed, laterally compressed, 14 mm. broad, 14 mm. long. Has. Kodensho. The present plant bears some resemblance to Smithia ciliata ROYLE, from which it is distinguishable by the truncate rather round apex of the bracts. The bracts of S. ciliata are rather acute on the apex. Smithia sensitiva Air; DC. Prodr. IL p. 323; Нахов in Journ. Bot, (1878) p. 226; Maxim. in Mel. Biol IX. p. 58; Fonpzs et Немѕг. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 170; Marsum. et HavATA Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 106. Has. Hikaku, Shintiku, Byoritsu, Taiharo. Distris. Tropical Asia and Africa. 14. Arachis Lin. Arachis hypogzea Liny.; Marsum. et Hayata. Enum. РІ. Formos. р. 106. Has. Senton, Taihoku, Hozan. Distrip. South American plant; cultivated in warm countries. LEGUMINOSE. 181 15. Zornia GMEL. Zornia diphylla Prns.; Barer in Hoor. f. Fl Brit. Ind. П. p. 147; BentH. Fl. Норок. p. 80; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. ХП. p. 436; FORBES et Hemst. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 171; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 106. Has. Taito: Suibi. Disrris. Diffused all over the Tropics. 16. Desmodium Desv. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. Shrubs with woody branches, 3-foliolate leaves, flowers in dense short- peduneled or sessile axillary umbels, minute deciduous bracts. (1) Shrubs with woody branches, 3-foliolate leaves, flowers umbellate, the umbels in long continuous rows and each hidden by a pair of per- sistent bracts. (2) Shrubs with woody branches, 3-foliolate leaves, long racemes, small bracts and long pendulous many-jointed pods. (3) Shrubs with 1-foliolate leaves, winged petioles, racemose flowers, minute bracts and acute keel. (4) Erect herbs or under-shrubs with large 1—3-foliolate leaves, flowers often 2 or several from a node in long racemes simple or panicled, deciduous bracts and distinctly jointed pods. (5) Trailing herbs, with {small 3-foliolate stipellate leaves, flowers in sparsely lax racemes or 1-2 in the axils of the leaves, deciduous bracts and distinctly jointed pods. (11) Exect under-shrubs, with large leaves, racemose flowers and indistinctly jointed pods dehiscing in a continuous line along the ventral suture. (14) Leaflets obovate obtuse or nearly rounded at the apex...D. umbellatum. ` Leaflets obovately oblong, acute at the apex............. D. Cephalotes. sca lis Ses te ns Are aan EEE EN ы D. pulchellum. EET A ee A a AUN les RR D. laburnifolium. REN Та Ааа у ЫТА. D. pseudo-triquetrum. 182 LEGUMINOSJE. (b) a) Joints of pod indehiscent, 3-5-times as long as broad. (6) B) Joints of pod indehiscent, longer than broad, the lowest one distinctly stalked, the constrictions reaching from the lower nearly to the upper suture. (7) 7) Joints of pod indehiscent, once or twice as long as broad; upper suture straight or slightly indented; calyx teeth deltoid, never exceeding the tube. All shrubby. (8) . д) Joints of pod as in the preceding, but the calyx-teeth narrower and longer. (9) e) Joints of pod small as long as broad, sometimes splitting along the lower suture; upper suture straight, lower slightly constricted. Calyx-teeth long. (10) (0) y dlc v ds. vh ELENCO E Иа D. laxiflorum. (7) a) Corolla small, bracts linear minute, stalk of pod 3-4 times as long as the calyx, pedicels short, joints truncate at the apex......... abo CES ei BE D. podocarpum. В). Corolla larger than D. podocarpum, joints obliquely produced at the арех. .:. 2 14 wm ЕТЕТ Se EPA D. laxum. 7) Corolla small, bracts setaceous, minute, stalk of pod 8-12 times the calyx, pedicels moderately long, joints oblique or truncate at the аре 202 ee ЕКЕТ СЕКЕ D. Gardneri. (8) Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets repand, corolla small, bracts setaceous, joints many, small, clothed with minute hooked hairs.......D. sinuatum. Leaflets entire, pedicels short, corolla large, bracts lanceolate, large, joints many, small, clothed with adpressed silky hairs. .......... A Чыл. D. florifundum. (9) Leaves 1-toliolate (9a) Leaves 3-foliolate. .......... M T PT саз Ы D. formosanum. (9a) Leaves 1-foliolate, leaflets membranaceous or subcoriaceous, oblong, entire acute, glabrescent on the upper surface. .......... D. gangeticum. Leaves 1-foliolate, leaflets ovate, thick, subcoriaceous, obscurely герар, hairy оп. the upper surface. 9.) КОКК ООО ГЕ D. latifolium. (10) тке е VO. US nee e AN JD. polycarpum. LEGUMINOSE. 183 (11) о) Flowers all 1-3 together without a common peduncle in the axils о The leaves теке ге ae шы» ACR ААА ТА pea id Mo D. triflorum. В) Flowers some racemed, the others pedicelled in the axils of the leaves. (12) 7) Flowers all in lax racemes. (13) (12) Leaves 1-foliolate, leaflets broader than long, reniform. ..D. reniforme. Leaves 3-foliolate, calyx-teeth and pedicels elongated... D. heterophyllum. (QUIS oet e road ced na ык A D. parvifolium. (14) Branches scarcely woody, terminal leaflet usually 4-6 times as long as broad, pod glabrescent or inconspicuously downy....... D. gyrans. Branches woody, and leaflets 2-3 times as long as broad, pod loosely bubrcopiousiy pubescent. ern n n D. gyroides. Species not mentioned in the Key. Very graceful, very slender, nearly filiformed, leaves simple, triangularly cordate, thinly chartaceous. ............. SER D. gracillimum. Desmodium Cephalotes Warr.; Baker et Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 161; Hance in Journ. Bot. (1880), p. 260; Maxim. in Mel. Biol. ХП. p. 438; Wicar Ie. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 373; Forens et Немет, Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p- 171; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 106. | | Has. Takow. Distriz. Common in tropical Asia. Desmodium floribundum G. Don; Baker in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 167; Forbes et HEMsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 172. HAB. DistriB. China and India. Desmodium formosanum Harara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 77. Branches nearly straight, albicant, dark-tomentose remotely foliate. Leaves trifoliolate, broadly ovate in outline, 10 cm. long including petioles, 7 cm. broad, terminal leaflet oblong-obovate, 64 cm. long, 34 cm. broad, rounded at the apex, aristate at the extremity, (arista 4 mm. long) obtuse at the base, slightly cuneate, entire, depressingly pilose above, shortly villose be- 184 LEGUMINOSE. neath, dark-tomentose on the costa and veins, costa and primary veins slightly above but prominently elevated beneath, primary veins 12 on both sides, slightly curved reaching the margin, veinlets between veins obliquely trans- verse, petiolules very short, 2 mm. long, rhaches 1 cm. long, lateral leaflets equal oblong-elliptical slightly oblique at the base, roundly obtuse on the lower side, acute on the upper side, 4 cm. long, 2 cm. broad, petiolues 2 mm. long, stipels lanceolato-subulate, 4 mm. long, petioles 14 em. long, villoso-tomentose, stipules subulate, slightly recurved, base suddenly dilate, 1 cm. long, 3 mm. broad, villosely tomentose outside, glabrous in- side. Flowers paniculately racemose, panicles 2 em. long, 15 cm. broad, dark-tomentose, pedicels 3 mm. long, tomentose, bracts deciduous. Calyx 5- lobate, patent, 54 mm. long, lobes equal 41 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, caudately ovate, cuspidately acuminate at the apex, patently-tomentose, glabrous inside. ` Petals 5, nearly equal; standard broadly rotundate, 74 mm. long, 64 mm. broad, emarginate at the apex, broadly rotundate at the base, abruptly acute ; wings oblong, obtuse at the base, auriculate on the upper side, keel boat- shaped, rounded at the apex, base narrowed auriculate on the upper side, staminal tube reddish, styles reflexed. Has. Banchoryö: Juchori, by G. NAKAHARA, Oct. 1905, (No. 586). Near Desmodium concinnum DC.; but differs from it in haying smaller bracts which are rounded at the base, and also in smaller stipules. Desmodium gangeticum DC. Prodr. П. p. 327; BzNTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 84; BAKER in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 168; Maxim. in Mel. Biol. XII. p. 443; Wıcar Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 971; Forpes et Немет, Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 172; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 107. Har. Hozan. Distriz. Widely spread in tropical Asia and Africa. Desmodium Gardneri Вехтн.; BAKER in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 165; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. ХП. p. 441; Коввев et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 172; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 107. НАР. Distrip. Indian Peninsula, Ceylon and Japan. LEGUMINOSE. 185 Desmodium gracillimum НЕмет, in Ann. Bot. IX. p. 151; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 107. Har. Takow. Disrris. An endemic plant. Desmodium gyrans DC.; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 33; MATSUM. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 107. Has. Shokwa. DISTRIB. Desmodium gyroides DC. Prodr. П. p. 326; Barer in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 175; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. ХП. p. 438; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 173 ; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 107. Наз. | Disrrib. Common in India and Malaya. Desmodium heterophyllum DC. Prodr. П. p. 334; BAKER in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 173; Maxim. in Mel. Biol. XII. p. 445; MATSUM. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 107. Has. Tamsui. Distriz. Tropical Asia and the Mascarene Islands. Desmodium laburnifolium DC.; Prodr. П. р. 337; BAKER in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 163; S. Moore in Journ. Bot. (1875), p. 230; Hance in Journ. Bot. (1878), p. 9; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. ХП. p. 439; FORBES et Немат. Ind. Fl Sin. I. p. 173; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl Formos. p. 107. Has. Pachina. Disrris. Tropical India and Malaya. Desmodium latifolium DC. Prodr. IL. р 328; BAKER in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 168; Мтант Те. Pl. Ind. Or. p. 270; Коввев et НЕмэт. Ind. Fl Sin. L p. 173; Marsum. et HavaArA Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 107. Нар. DrsTRIB. Іп tropical Africa and Asia to the Philippines. Desmodium laxiflorum DC. Prodr. П. p. 335; BAKER in Hook. f. 186 LEGUMINOSE. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 164; Maxim. in Mel. Biol. ХП. p. 440; Fon»zs et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 173; Marsum. et HavarA Enum. Pl. Formos. jd 10T. Нар. Distriz. India, Malaya, the Philippines. Desmodium laxum DC. Prodr. IT. p. 336; Irö et Marsum. Tent. ГІ. Lutch. p. 415; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 107. Har. Pachina, Hikaku, Shizangan, Kusshaku, Shintengai. DISTRIB. Desmodium parvifolium DC. Prodr. П. p. 334; Baker in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 174; Вкхтн. Fl. Норок. р. 84; Forbes et Нем. Ind. Fl Sin. I. p. 174; Matsum. et HayATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 107 ; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 74. Har. Taito: Kalai, Suizan, Mt. Morrison. Distriz. Widely distributed in India, Malay, and through central and southern China eastward to Japan. Desmodium podocarpum DC. Prodr. П. p. 336; BAKER in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 165; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. ХП. p. 440 (non Hook. et ARN.); Forbes et Hemst. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 174; Hayata Mater. Fl. Formos. p. 79. Har. Shintiku, Taihei. Distris. North India, Mandshuria, Loo-choo and Japan. Desmodium polycarpum DC. Prodr. IL. p. 334; Hook. et Arn. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 180; Brxrm. Fl Hongk. p. 84; Baker in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 171; Maxim. in Mél Biol. XII. p. 493; Wienr Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 406; Fonszs et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 175; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 107. Har. Kelung, Касі, Shukukosho. Distris. Tropical Asia, Polynesia, Japan. Desmodium pseudo-triquetrum DC. Prodr. П. p. 326; Marsum. in Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 413; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos, p. 107. LEGUMINOSE. 187 Нав. Taito, Kilai. DISTRIB. Desmodium pulchellum Bentu. Fl. Hongk. p. 83; Влкен in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 162; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. XII. p. 438; FORBES et Hemst. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 172; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 107. Has. Taito. Hozan. Distri. Tropical Asia and the Philippines. Desmodium reniforme DC. ; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 173; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 33; Marsum. et HavaATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 107; HAYATA Mater. Fl. Formos. p. 79. Has. Banchoryo. DisrriB. India and Java. Observ. Very slender scandent herb; leaves broadly reniformed, 14 cm. long, 24 cm. broad, glaucous beneath, membranaceous, stipules subulate, scaly, 5 mm. long; flowers on very long and slender racemes, very loosely arranged, very small, nearly 3 mm. long, shortly pedicelled. Desmodium sinuatum Pl. ; Baxer in Hook. f. Fl Brit. Ind. IT. p. 116; Henry List. РІ. Formos. p. 994; Marsum et HavarA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 108. Has. Hikaku, Washa, Shintengai. Disrrip. АП over the Tropics. ` Desmodium triflorum DC. Prodr. П. p. 334; Benta. Fl. Hongk. p. 83; BAKER in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 173; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. XII. p. 444; Forbes et Немві. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 176; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 108. Has. Taihoku, Pachina, Hozan. Disrris. All over the Tropics. Desmodium umbellatum DC. Prodr. II. p. 325; BAKER in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. р. 161; Maxm. in Mel. Biol XII. p. 438; FORBES et Hxwsr. Ind. КІ. Sin. I. p. 177; Matsum. et Harara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 108. 188 LEGUMINOSA, Has. Pachina. Disrris. Tropical Asia, Polynesia and the Mascarene Islands. 17. Pycnospora R. Br. Pycnospora hedysaroides R. Br.; Bents. Fl. Норок. p. 91; BAKER in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 153; Forbes et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. р. 177; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 108. НАВ. Disrris. Tropical Asia, Australia and the Philippines. 18. Uraria Desy. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. Leaves 5-7-foliolate. (1) Leaves 1-3-foliolate. (2) (1) Leaflets elliptical, ovate or elongately elliptical. ........ Uraria crinita. Leaflets linear; ;coloutedy Юра Uraria picta. (2) Heads short, dense, oblong-cylindrical, lower calyx-teeth elongated. „+ en жт ЕЛЫ eee Uraria lagopoides. Heads long, lax, cylindrical, lower calyx-teeth not elongated. "го МЖ ПЕТТИ ee Uraria hamosa. Uraria crinita Desv., DC.; Prodr. IL p. 324; Benta. Fl. Hongk. р. 81; Ғоввев et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 177; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 108. Has. Pachina. Disrris. Common in tropical Asia. Uraria hamosa Warr.; Baker in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. IL p. 156; Fonsrs et Hemsu. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. р. 177. Var. formosana Marsum. in Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 411; MarsuM. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 108. Has. Taito. DISTRIB. Uraria lagopoides DC. Prodr. П. p. 324; Нахсв in Journ. Bot. (1872) LEGUMINOS;E. 189 p. 226; Barer in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 156; Vorpus et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 178; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 108. Hab. Distris. ‘Tropical Asia, Australia and Polynesia. Uraria picta Dusy.; DO. Prodr. IL p. 924; Baker in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 155; FonBEs et Неме. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 178; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 108. Hab. Disrriz. Tropical Africa and Asia, to the Philippines and Australia. 19. Lowrea NECK. Lourea obcordata Dzsv.; DC. Prodr. П. p. 924; Benta. Fl. Hongk. p. 92; ForBes et Hxwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 178; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 108. | Has. Tamsui. Disrris. Malaya, tropical Australia and the Philippines. 90. Alysicarpus NECK. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. “ CNEA linen татқа та ан ал M E ке и ч е A. bupleurifolius. Meayesmbroadiyoblonen cae Та an OE a A. vaginalis. Alysicarpus bupleurifolius DC. Prodr. IL. p. 352; Bentu. Fl. Hongk. p.81; Baker in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. IL p. 188; Forbes et Hxwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. Т. p. 178; Marsum. et Наулта Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 108; Havara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 79. Has. Ako, Kotansho. Distris. Hongkong ; tropical Asia, the Mascarene islands and Polynesia. A shrubby herb, 40-50 em. long, decumbent, many-branched ; leaves alternate, linear, 5 em. long, 2-3 mm. broad, shortly petioled, stipules sheath- like lanceolate, scaly; calyx 6-7 mm. long, deeply lobed, lobes lanceolate, scaly ; pods long, 14 cm.-2 cm. long, 5-jointed, cut into each joint when ripe. 190 LEGUMINOSJZE. Alysicarpus vaginalis DC. Prodr. II. p. 353; Bentu. Fl. Hongk. р. 80; Baker in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 158; КоввЕв et HEwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 179; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 109. Has. Tamsui, Shinsho, Biöritsu, Hakkoko. Distris. Tropics of the Old World. 91. Lespedeza Micutx. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Scandent or nearly scandent. (2) Erect shrubs (3) (2): Flowers axillary, clustered seen eee E Lespedeza chinensis. Blowers. in lone табешег o Lespedeza virgata. (3) Flowers in axillary clusters (4) Flowers in long racemes. (5) (4) Stipules very small, leaves obovately linear ......... EE Г. juncea. Stipules large, ovale, leaves oboyate.... Eee: L. striata. (5) Flowers long pedicelled on the racemes. .............. Г. macrocer pa. Flowers very shortly pedicelled or nearly sessile. ........ L. pubescens. Lespedeza chinensis С. Don; Hook. et Ary. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 181; Forbes et Hemst. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 180; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 105. Has. Tamsui. Disrri. China. Lespedeza juncea Pers; DC. Prodr. IL p. 348; Francher Pl. David. p.96; Baxzn in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. р. 142; Еоквеѕ et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 181; var. sericea Mio. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. p. ; FORBES et Humsn. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 181; Marsum. et Hayarı Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 105. Has. Kinpori. The plant mentioned as Lespedeza Buergeri Mq. var. Oldhami Maxim. in Tro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 405, and in Marsum. et Наулта Enum. Pl Formos. p. 105 is not identical with the named variety, and therefore it should be excluded from the flora of the island. LEGUMINOSE. 191 Distrip. India, Japan, Australia. Lespedeza macrocarpa BUNGE; FnawoHET Pl. David. p. 94; FORBES et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 182. Shrub, glabrous, branched. Leaves pinnate, tri-foliolate, pinne oblongo-obovate, apex roundly retuse, shortly mucronate, dark above when dried, but pallidly glaucous beneath, reticu- lately venose terminal leaflet 34 em. long, 14 em. broad, petiolule 1 em. long, lateral ones a little smaller, 23 cm. long, petiolules 2 mm. long, petioles 2 em. long, stipules subulate, scaly, 4 mm. long, stipels. obsolete or very small. Flowers racemoso-paniculate. Calyx campanulate, 5 mm. long, pubescent, 5-fid, lobes 2-superior connate, 3-lower ones linear or subulate, 3 mm. long. Standard obovate, 12 mm. long, 7 mm. broad, obtuse at the apex, gradually narrowed at the base; wings linear, 12 mm. long, (claw slender, linear, 3 mm. long), slightly auriculate above the claw, blades 9 mm. long, 4 mm. broad, obtuse at the apex; keel narrowed, incurved, rostrate, clawed, claws 3 mm. long, blade nearly 10 mm. long, 2 mm. broad. Ovary cylindrical complanate, 3 mm. long, narrowed at the apex to the style, 2-ovulate, pubescent, style long, 10 mm. long, incrassate above the middle. Pods complanate, mem- branaceous, reticulately venose, 1 seeded.. Hans. Toroku, Tohozan. Distris. China: Peking, Hupeh. Lespedeza pubescens Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa р. 80. Shrub, subelabrous. Leaves alternate, 3-leaved, terminal leaflet oblong, acute on both ends, shortly mucronate at the apex, 21 ст. long, 14 em. ‘broad, lateral ones a little smaller, petiolules 2 mm. long, pubescent, petioles 3 em. long, subglabrous, leaflets nigricant glabrous, above pallid-glaucous beneath, depressingly pubescent. Panicles terminal, profusely flowered, branches 7-8 ст. long, flowers shortly pedicellate, pedicels 3 mm. long. Calyx 4 mm. long, depressingly pubescent, 5-lobed, (lobes oblong, 2 mm. long, 9- upper ones connate, 3—lower ones distinct), 2—bracteolate at the base, bracteoles ovate, i mm. long. Standard 17 mm. long, clawed, claw 2 mm. long, 21 mm. broad, blade obovate, 7 mm. long, 61 mm. broad, round or emarginate at the apex, slightly auriculate at the base ; wines 10 mm, long, shorter than the 192 LEGUMINOSE. keel, clawed, claws 4 mm. long, linear, blades lone obovate, 6 mm. long, rounded at the apex, auriculate at the base on the upper side; keel boat- shaped, claws 4 mm. long, blades 8 mm. long, 53 mm. broad. Pods not known. Har. Nanto: Mushazan; Byöritsu ; Bunsuiga. Somewhat near L. Oldhami MiQ.; but distinguished by the shape of flowers and in many other points. Also near L. Vietorwm Cmawr., but differs in having more obtuse lobes of the calyx. Lespedeza striata Hook. et Ary. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 262; BENTH. Fl Hongk. p. 85; ForBEs et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 182; Marsum. et НАҮАТА Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 105. Ha». Kelung, Taihoku. Distrin. Mandshuria and Japan. Lespedeza virgata DC. Prodr. IT. p. 350; FORBES et Hrwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. р. 183; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 105. Har. Kilai, Taito. DISTRIB. Japan. 22. Vicia Тлхх. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Pods two seeded. "T x teva ae eee Vicia hirsuta. Pods more than two seeded, sometimes 4, sometimes 6 or more than 6 sag САА er) (2) Pods 4-seeded. o r ae. ee E Vicia telrasperma. Pods more than 4-seeded. (3) (3) Leaflets smaller, euneate or linear, emarginate and aristate at the apex. Leaflets larger, lanceolate, obtuse at the apex, very shortly aristate. AL үл EN Vicia Cracca. (4) Leaflets obovate, cumexto s ee Vicia sativa. Leaflets; linear. 2 oo з ы ae eee Vicia angustifolia. Vicia angustifolia Потн.; Francurr Pl. David. p. 98; FORBES et LEGUMINOSE. 193 Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 184; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 109. Has. Gyakalon. Distris. Europe, North Africa and Asia. Vicia Cracca Ілхх.; Еоввев et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 184; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 81. Scandent, greenish, glabrous, striate. Leaves sessile, alternate, 12 cm. long, 5 cm. broad, pinnate, 7-9 juged, cirr- hate at the apex, tendrils Sl pinnee lanceolately linear, 24 cm. long, 5 mm. broad, rounded on both ends, shortly aristate at the apex, petiolules pubescent, rhachis glabrous, lowest pinne reflexed, stipules lanceolate, pubes- cent, 6 mm. long. Flowers spicate, spikes axillary, 10 cm. long, floriferous up- wards from the middle. Flowers 13 mm. long, pedicels 2 mm. long. Calyx tubuliformed, oblique at the base, sibbose above, 5-dentate, tube З mm. long, equally broad, teeth 2-upper ones shortest, broadest, 2-side-ones cuspidate, 4 mm. long, lowest tooth linear, 2 mm. long. Standard ovate, 13 mm. long, 6 mm. broad, base not clawed, emarginate at the apex; wings 14 mm. long, clawed, claws 6 mm. long, linear, blades narrowed, 9 mm. long, 24 mm. broad, rounded at the apex, aurieulate at the base on the upper side; keel much shorter than wings, boat-shaped, clawed, 6 mm. long, blades 4 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, truncate at the apex, auriculate at the base on the upper side. Ovary long stipitate (stalks 3 mm. long), 6-seeded. Har. Taito. » Ютзтвїв. Europe, North Africa, Asia, and North America. Vicia hirsuta Косн; FnawcHET Pl. David. p. 99; Коввев et HEMSL. Ind. Fl Sin. I. p. 184; MATSUM. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 109. Has. Shokwa. Півтків. Europe, North Africa and Asia. ` Vicia sativa LINN. DC. Prodr. IL p. 360; Hance in Journ. Bot. (1883), p. 297; Fonsrs et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 185; Marsuw. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 109. Har. Boryo. 194 LEGUMINOSE. DISTRIB. A native of the Mediterranean region ; widely colonized every- where through cultivation. Vicia tetrasperma Menxch.; Ғоввев et Немет, Ind. Fl. Sin. L р. 185; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 109. Has. Heichosho. Distris. Europe, Africa and Asia; Japan. 23. Pisum LINN. Pisum sativum Ілхх.; Irö et Matsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 419; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 109. Has. Tamsui (cultivated). DISTRIB. 94, Abrus LINN. Abrus precatorius Linn.; DC. Prodr. П. p. 381; Hook. et Arn. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 181; Вехтн. Fl. Норок. p. 92; Forpes et HEwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 187; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 109. Has. Tainan, Takow. Distriz. All over the tropics. 95. Clitoria LINN. Clitoria Ternatea Liny.; DC. Prodr. П. p. 233; BAKER in Hoor. f. Fl Brit. Ind. TI. p. 208; ForBes et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 188; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 112. Has. Takow, Hozan, Tainan. ‚ Disrriz. Common in tropical countries. 26. Dumasia DC. Dumasia bicolor Harara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 75. Herb voluble entirely pubescent. Leaves bicolour, pubescent, pinnately 3-foliolate, 12 em. broad, 18 em. long, long petioled, petioles base incrassate, 9 cm. long, lateral . leaflets shortly petiolulate, petiolules 3 mm. long, blades roundly ovate, sbase truncate or acute, rounded at the apex, m` utely aristately mucronate, 3- LEGUMINOSE. 195 nerved, terminal leaflet long petiolulate, (petiolules 24 cm. long), blade ovate, base acute, larger, 64 em. long, 44 cm. broad, stipules setaceous, stipels filiformed, minute, sometimes upper leaves simple. Flowers arranged on a axillary racemes which are 10 cm. long, bracts small, narrowed, bracteoles minute. Calyx-tube cylindraceous, 9mm. long, base gibbose on the back, mouth stronely oblique, truncate, acute on the front. Standard obovate, emarginate at the apex, 14 mm. long, 7 mm. broad, broadly unguiculate, blade as long as the claw, inflexed backwards above. the middle, base auricled and narrowed reaching the claw; wings long unguiculate, 14 mm. long, blades oblong, claws linear, 2-times as long as the blades, adherent to the keel ; keel shorter than wings, obtuse. Stamens, one free, others connate ; anthers uniformed. Ovary villose, substipitate, stalk 1 mm. long; style filiformed, erect, dilate above the middle, inflexed towards the apex, subulate, beardless, stigma terminal. Pod subsessile, villose, always l-seeded. Has. Suizan, Morrison. | The present plant is, in all respects, like D. villosa DC. But in this species, the seed is always one in each pod and the standard has a dis- tinct spurs on both sides of the lamina. Accordingly, I think the plant is specifically separable from D. villosa DC. The leaves of the specimen, upon which the above description is based, are of a thinly hairy form. Here is another form with villose leaves which are much smaller than the leaves of the other form. The villose form. seems to be a young stage of the other. 97. Glycine Lin. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Ereet, leaflets rhomboid „........--..-..-........... Glycine hispida. Scandent, leaflets linear, lanceolate or oblong. (2) (2) Pubescent hirsute or nearly glabrous. Leaflets of the lowest leaves short and broad, of the upper ones ovate-lanceolate, lanceolate or Ао теа ve Е calla eleme res G. tabacina. Softly tomentose or villous. Leaflets ovate or oblong, all obtuse. | ас” 2202 Gn tomentosa, 196 LEGUMINOSA. Glycine hispida Maxim. in Mel. Biol. IX. p. 70; Евлхон. et Бах. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 108; Francher Pl. David. p. 100; Forbes et HEMsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 188; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 109. Has. Hozan Shintiku. Distris. cultivated in Asia. |^. Glycine tabacina Бемтн. Fl. Austral. П. p. 244; Warr. Ann. VII. р. 780; Hance in Journ. Bot. (1878), p. 165; Еоквиѕ et HunmsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 189; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 109. НАВ. Distriz. Very widely diffused in Australia. Glycine tomentosa Вехгн. Fl. Austral П. p. 245; Warr. Ann. үп. р. (80; HawcE in Journ. Bot. (1878), р. 105; Forbes et Hems. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. р. 189; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 109. Has. Shintiku, Byoritsu. Disrris. Philippines, southern China and eastern Australia. 98. Erythrina Linn. Erythrina indica Lam. ; DC. Prodr. П. p. 412; Baker in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. IL р. 188; Fonpgs et Неме, Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 179; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 110. Haz. Kotosho, Shitiku, Toseikaku, Hözan, Boryo. Distris. In Tropical Asia, and cultivated in other countries. 29. Apios Mancu. Apios Fortunei Maxim. in Mél. Biol. IX. p. 67; Forbes et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin, І p. 189; Marsum. et HavarA Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 111. НАВ. DISTRIB. Japan. 30. Mucuna ADans. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Pod smaller, 10 cm. in length, 6-1bbed. ................ M. capitata. Pod very much larger, longer than 40 em. ............ М. ferruginea. LEGUMINOSA.- 197 Mucuna capitata Wate. et Arn.; Мо. Fl. Ind. Bat. I. p. 212; Mio. Prol. p. 240; FrancH. et Sav. Enum. Pl. Jap. L p. 109; BAKER in Hook. f. Fl Brit. Ind. П. p. 187; Матвом. in 110 et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 420; Marsum. et HavaATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 110. Has. Taito: Kilai. DISTRIB. | Mucuna ferruginea Marsum. in Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 422; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 110. Has. Suiteiryo. DISTRIB. 31. Galactia P. Br. Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves fleshy roundly obovate or nearly rounded. COUR ae Galactia Tashirot. Leaves thinner, oblone............. Sr КЫ CUM E A G. formosana. Galactia formosana Marsum. in Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 424; Marsum. еб Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 110. Has. Taito. DISTRIB. An endemic plant. Galactia Tashiroi Maxm. in Mél. Biol. ХП. p. 446 ; FORBES et Henusr. Ind. Fl Sin. I. p. 191; Marsum. еб HavarA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 110. | Har. Kotosho. DisrRIB. Loo-choo. 32. Pueraria DC. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1). Stipule peltately affixed produced under the insertion, lobes of the calyx longer than the tube. Legumen complanate, broader. NU MA bie ....Pueraria Thunbergiana. 198 LEGUMINOSE. Stipule not produced beyond the insertion. Legumen narrowed, sub- terete pilose. but ТЕТІ Pueraria phaseoloides. Pueraria phaseoloides BENTH. in Journ. Linn. Soc. IX. p. 125; Hance in Journ. Linn. Soc. ХШ. p. 102; Baker in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 199; Forbes et Немет, Ind. Fl. Sin. I p. 190; "Marsuw. et Hayata Enum. Pl, Formos. p. 111. i НАВ. Ріѕтвів. Widely diffused in tropical Asia. Pueraria Thunbergiana Beste. in Journ. Linn. Soc. IX. р. 122; HawcE in Journ. Bot. (1874), p. 259, et in Journ. Linn. Soc. XIII. p. 102; Forbes et Hxwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p. 191; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 111. Has. Kelung, Shintiku, Kusshaku, Shintengai. Distri. Common in Japan. 33. Canavalia ApANS. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves or leaflets usually emarginate. .................... C. lineata. Leaves or leaflets acute or obtuse. (2) (2) Leaflets usually acute 7, nn an C. ensiformis. Leaflets obtuse... 0/21. ЫП КАО eee EE C. obtusifolia. (Ihe distinction of the above three species is not always very clear). Canavalia ensiformis DC. Prodr. П. p. 404; BAKER in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. IL p. 195; Forses et Неме. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 192; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 110. Has. Disrris. Generally diffused in the tropics. Canavalia lineata DC. Prod. IL p. 404; Marsum. in Iro еб Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 425; Matsum. et Hayata Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 110. Has. Boryo. | . Distris. Tropical sea-shores. LEGUMINOSE. 199 Canavalia obtusifolia DC. Prodr. П. p. 404; BAKER in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 196; Еоввеѕ et HEwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 192; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 110. Нар. Kelungto, Suitenkwa, Tamsui, Agincort. DISTRIB. Common on tropical sea-shores. 34. Phaseolus Lisx.* Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Pod elongately oblong flattened 8 cm. long, 3 cm. broad, acute at both ends, shortly rostrate at the apex, thinly velutinous, leaves rhom- boidal, acuminate towards the apex, obtuse at the very tip. MES I... ............ Phaseolus hmatus. (2) Pod linear terete or complanate, nearly 6 em. long. 6 mm. broad, leaves various. (9) | cuj (3) Erect bii re cC TDI Mp D MN P. radiatus var. typica. Seandent herbs. (4) (4) Stem nearly glabrous much slender, leaves much smaller, slightly pubescent me PERA Il E tb cime ME ME D. P. trilobus. Stem hirsute, best with long reflexed hairs, much stouter, leaves much larger, hispid above, pubescent beneath. ................. P. Mungo. Phaseolus lunatus Ілхх.; DC. Prodr. П. p. 393; Baker in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 200; MarsuM. in "Tokyo Bot. Mag. ХП. p. 61; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 111. Нар. Taichu. DISTRIB. Phaseolus Mungo Linn; Marsum. et Науата Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 111. Нар. DISTRIB. ж Species belonging to this genus and Vigna are rather confounded in the Formosan plants. It is much to be desired that a careful revision on these two genera should be done with perfect materials. 200 LEGUMINOSE. Phaseolus radiatus Linn. var. typica D. Prats; Matsum. in ITO et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Tutch. p. 427; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 111. Has. cultivated. DISTRIB. Phaseolus trilobus Arr; Marsuw. in ITrO et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 427; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 111. Hap. Hikaku. DISTRIB. 35. Vigna Say. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Plants nearly glabrous or pubescent. (2) Plants hispid with long hairs. (4) (2) Leaflets ovate, rounded or emarginate at the apex, or йо ОП al- ways rounded or obtuse at the apex. ................ Vigna lutea. Leaflets usually acute or acuminate at the apex. (3) (3). Leaflets lanceolate or ovately lanceolate. ................ Vigna luteola. Leaflets rhomboidal, broadest at the base, acuminate at the apex...... а et а Vigna sinensis. (4) Leaflets not sinuate, entire............. А Мыр .. Vigna veflexo-pilosa. Leaflets sinuate: УЗ ЕТЕУ УТОР Vigna stipulata. Vigna lutea A. Gray; Bager iu Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 205; Forpes et Немет, Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 193; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 111. Has, Kelung, Takow. Disrriz. Generally on the sea-shores of the tropics. Vigna luteola Вехтн. Fl. Austral. IL. p. 269; BAKER in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. IT. p. 205; Marsum. in Iro et Matsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 428; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos p. 111. Has. Maruyama, Pachina, Hozan, Taito. DISTRIB. .LEGUMINOSE. 201 Vigna pilosa Baker; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 96; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 112. The species is not yet represented in our Herbarium. Vigna reflexo-pilosa Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa р. 82. Branches striate, terete, hispid, hairs yellowish, reflexed. Leaves tri- foliolate, long petiolate broadly triangular in outline, terminal leaflet rhomboid-ovate, 84 cm. long, 5 em. broad, abruptly acute at the apex, roundly acute at the base, margin repandately entire or entire, costa and veins slightly elevate on both sides, pallid beneath, hispid on both sides, trinerved at the base, petiolules 3 mm. long, stipules lanceolate, coriaceous, re- flexed, 2-4 mm. long, rhachis 2 cm. long, lateral leaflets a little larger than the terminal one, obliquely ovate, broader on the lower side, truncately rounded at the base, petioles 7 cm. long, reflexo-pilose, stipules oblong, 1 cm. long including auricles, 9 mm. broad, many-nerved, acute, ciliately pilose on the margine and surfaces, peltately auriculate at the base, (auricles 3 mm. long, rounded at the extremity) Racemes axillary, З сш. long, long pe- dunculate, peduncles 13cm. long, reflexly pilose, pedicels lem. long, bracts nearly equal as the stipule, 2 bracteolate at the apex of the pedicels, bracteoles lanceolate, 41 mm. long, acuminate, carinate at the middle, shortly pubescent outside, glabrous inside. Calyx broadly campanulate, 9 mm. long, shortly 2-lobate, denticulately ciliolate on the margin, upper-lobe broadest emarginate, lower-lobe 3-lobulate, lobules triangular, acute. Pods linear, scabrous. Has. Kagi: Kishiri, (1767). Near Vigna Catiang, differs from it by much more hairy leaves and stems. There is, at Kew, a specimen unnamed which is exactly the same as the present plant. Vigna sinensis Hassk.; Warp. Ann. IV. p. 562; FORBES et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 193; Hayata Materials for a Flora of Formosa р. 83. Vigna Catiang ENDL. var. sinensis Kne ; Matsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 111. Has. Nikusui, by T. Kawaxawr, July, 1907, (No. 4244). 202 LEGUMINOSE. Distris. Commonly cultivated in the tropics; perhaps a native in some parts of China. Vigna stipulata HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 83. Scandent, slender, strigose, hairs reflexed, 2 mm. long, branches of spikes tomentose, hairs strigose. Leaves alternate, 3-foliolate, somewhat hispid, terminal leaflet rhomboid 3-lobed, trinerved, 4 cm. long, 34 em. broad, lateral lobes same as the terminal, petioles 5 mm. long, stipellate, (stipels linear, 7 mm. long), stipulate, stipules auriformed, peltate, affixed at the middle, radiately nerved, 1 cm. long, 4 mm. broad, acute at the apex, rounded at the base. Flowers spicate, spikes terminal. Pods linear 41 em. long, 5 mm. broad, nearly 13-seeded, nigricant, valves tortuose, hairs short strigose. Seeds tetragonous, angulate, 3 mm. long. Has. Dakusui. Remarkable for its peltate stipules; leaflets sometimes are entire but not lobed. 56. Pachyrrhizus Ron. Pachyrrhizus angulatus Бісн. in DC. Prodr. П. p. 402; BAKER in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 207; Hoog. et Arn. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 184; ForBrs et Hest. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 194; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 112; Hayata Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 84. Has. Ako: Toko. Distris. In the tropics; southern China. OpsERv. Scandent; leaves trifoliolate, terminal leaflet broadly ovate, twice as broad as long, angulate, abruptly and shortly acute, obtuse at the very end, 10 ст. long, 18cm. broad, trinerved, stipellate, pale beneath, neatly glabrous, lateral leaflets nearly as the same as the terminal one, but very oblique; flowers in a terminal raceme; flowers 2 cm. long, calyx silky- pubescent. 37. Psophocarpus NECK. Psophocarpus tetragonolobus DC. Prodr. П. p. 403; BAKER in Hook, f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 211; Forges et Немет, Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 194; P. palustris Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 112, LEGUMINOSER. 203 Has. Bongalisha. Distri. Cultivated in the Tropics of the Old World. 38. Dolichos Linn. Dolichos Lablab Liyy.; Baker in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 209; FORBES et Неме. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 194; Marsuw. et Hayata Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 112. қ Нар. Taihoku. Distris. Tropics of the Old World. Dolichos trilobatus WaLL.? Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 37; MATSUM et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 112. The species is not yet represented in our Herbarium. DISTRIB. 39. Cajanus DC. Cajanus indicus SPRENG ; BAKER in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 217; Benta. Fl. Норок. p. 89; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. XII. p. 447; Bot. Mae. t. 6440; ForBES et Немѕг. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 195; Marsum. et HAYATA Fnum. Pl. Formos. p. 113; Harara Fl. Mont. Formos. р. 77. Has. Tohosha. DISTRIB. Commonly cultivated all over the tropics. 40. Atylosia W. et ARN. Atylosia scarabeoides Вкхтн. Fl. Норок. p. 90; Baker in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 215; Forbes et HEwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 195; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 112. Has. Takow, Hozan, Soobonsha. Distris. Tropical Asia. 41. Rhynchosia Lovr. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaflets smaller, less than 2 cm., slightly pubescent or nearly glabrous. iow dae Mte Rhynchosia minima. 204 TLEGUMINOSE. Leaflets larger, more than З cm., densely villose or pubescent,(2) (9) Pods) short, 1-14 em. lone: we ee ee R. volubilis. Pods longer, ссп, бл ЕИ R. sericea. Rhynchosia minima DC. Prodr. П. p. 385; Влкев in Ноок. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. IL р. 223; Maxim. in Mél. Biol XII. p. 447; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 118. Har. Takow. DrizsrRIB. All over the tropics. Rhynchosia sericea SPAx.; Henry List РІ. Formos. p. 97; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 113. Нав. DISTRIB. Rhynchosia volubilis Lour.; DC. Prodr. П. p. 585; Вехтн. ГІ. Hongk. p. 90; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. IX p. 70; Коввев et Hxwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 196; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 113. : Har. Byoritsu, Sharyoto, Shizangan. DistriB. Japan 49. Flemingia Roxs. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Shrubs. Leaves simple. Flowers in small cymes, each hidden by a large folded persistent bract, closely distichously arranged in copious simple or slightly branched racemes, both in the axils of the leaves апа apoye Flemingia strobilifera. Erect shrubs. Leaves digitately 3-foliolate. Flowers in dense sub- spicate axillary racemes; bracts deciduous. (2) (2) Branches triquetrous, leaflets thin large acuminate obscurely silky on the ribs below, bracts linear firm much exceeding the buds, calyx 3i. Gee eM ЕТІ F. stricta. Branches subterete, leaflets oblong acuminate silky on the ribs below, bracts neither rigid nor protracted, calyx silky. ...... F. congesta. - UN Қызыға LEGUMINOSE. 205 Flemingia congesta RoxB.; DC. Prodr. П. p. 351; Barer in Hook. f. Fl Brit. Ind. П. p. 228; Marsum. in Iro et Marsuw. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 433; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. 113. HAB. Shintiku, Hozan. Disrris. Common in the tropical Asia and Africa. Flemingia stricta Кохв.; DC. Prodr. П. р. 351; BAKER in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 228; Еоквеѕ et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 197; Marsux. in Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 433; Marsux. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 113. Has. Taichü: Töseikaku. Distris. Tropical regions of India. Flemingia strobilifera R. Br. ; Іто et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch p. 432; Matsum. et HavarA Enum. Pl Formos. p. 113; НАуАТА Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 77. Har. Suizan, Mt. Morrison, Tainan Takow, Hozan. Півтвів. The Himalayas, Ceylon, east Pengal, Burma, Malacca, Malayr and the Philippine islands. There is a little doubt about identifying mountain specimen with the above species. In F. strobihfera R. BR., the flowers are arranged in a raceme or a short spike within a large bract, while in the specimen from the mountains the flowers are a very few but not so numerous as to form eithe, raceme or spike. 43. Dalbergia LNN. Dalbergia rubiginosa Кохв.; Fl. Ind. Ш. p. 231; Вехтн. Fl. Hongk. p. 99; Baxer in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 232; FORBES et HenmsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. T. p. 198; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 113. Наз. Disrris. Hongkong. Western peninsula of India. 44. Derris Lour. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. {1) Leaves glabrous. (2) Leaves more or less hairy. (3) 206 LEGUMINOSZ. (2) Leaflets oblong or obovate acute or obtuse at the apex..... D. laxiflora. Leaflets ovate acuminate at the apex: o... ooo...» D. uliginosa. (3) Leaflets large 14 аш. im Іле mms D. chinensis. Leaflets small, less than 8 cm. in length. (4) (4) Calyx nearly trumeate. ТЕТО D. oblonga. Calyx. toothed. 2 2 eee D. elliptica. Derris chinensis BENTE. in Journ. Linn. Soc. IV. Suppl. p. 104, et Fl. Hongk. p. 94; FORBES et Неме. Ind. Fl. Sin. T. p. 199; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. El. Formos. p. 114. Has. Senton, Toseikaku, Kaei. DISTRIB. South China. Derris elliptica Рехін.; Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 84. Нар. Jinkakurm. Disrris. India, Siam, Malay Archipelago. Derris laxiflora БЕхтн. in Journ. Linn. Soc. IV. Suppl p. 105; Forbes et HenmsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 199; Marsum. et Hayata Enum, РІ. Formos. p. 114. Har. Koketsuzan, Kelung. DISTRE. An endemic plant. Derris oblonga Вехтн.; HavarA Materials for a Flora of Formosa р. 84. Has. Kotosho. DISTRIB. Southern China. Derris uliginosa BENTH. in Journ. Linn. Soc, IV. Suppl. p. 108, et Fl. Норок. р. 94; BAKER in Hoor. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. III. p. 241; FORBES et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 199; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 114. Has. Takow. Півтвів. Common in tropical Asia, eastern Africa, Mascarene Islands, Polynesia and northern Australia, LEGUMINOSZE. 207 45. Pongamia VENT. Pongamia glabra VeNT.; DC. Prodr. П. p. 416; BENTH. in Journ. Linn. Soc. IV. Suppl. p. 115, et Fl. Норок. p. 94; BAKER in Hoox. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 240; FonBzs et Немет. Ind. El. Sin. І. p. 200; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 114. Har. Kelung, Boryo, Fuko. DISTRIB. Common on the sea-shores in the Tropics of the Old World. 46. Euchresta Bryn. Euchresta Horsfieldii Вехх.; BAKER in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 248; Maxim. in Mél Biol. XII. p. 448; ForBes et Неме. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 200; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 114. Has. Taisuikutsu. Disrriz. Тоо-сһоо, eastern India and Java. 47. Sophora LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Spe cies. Plants tomentose, leaflets obovate incrassate............. Sophora tomentosa. Plants nearly glabrous, leaflets slightly pubescent elongate lanceolate ОТЕП СаО ИГ Е ERR EM c Sophora flavescens. Sophora flavescens Arr.; Wrrrp. Sp. Pl. IL p. 499; DC. Prodr. II. p. 96; FrancHer Pl. David. p. 100; ForBrs et HEMsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 202; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Fl Formos. p. 114. Har. Holisha. Distris. China, Dahuria to Japan. Sophora tomentosa LINN. ; DC. Prodr II p. 95; Fonpgs еб HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 203; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 114; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 85. Has. Kotésho. Distriz. Very widely dispersed on the sea-shores of the tropics. 208 LEGUMINOS/E. OBSERV. Shrubby, profusely branched, velvety pubescent all over the plant; leaves pinnate, 7-8 juged, imparipinnate, 15 cm. long, leafets oblong, round at both ends, 3 em. long, 2 em. broad, silky pubescent on both surfaces, at length glabrous on the upper surface, pale yellow in a dry specimen ; racemes terminal; flowers 14 cm. long; calyx campanulate, silky pubescent, nearly truncate or shortly dentate. 48. Cesalpinia LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves glabrous. (2) [eaves tomentose or tl e C. Bonducella. (2) Leaflets oblong, rounded and retused at the apex....... C. pulcherrima. Leaflets larger, oblong or ovate, acute at the apex (3) (3) Leaflets ovate, acute at the apex, fruits glabrous. .......... C. Nuga. Leaflets quadrangularly oblong, acute and aristate at the apex. Fruits prickly. и ОАА A pasas: C. Bonduc. C&salpinia Bonduc Кохв.; Baker in Hoor. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. IL р. 255; TRIMEN Fl. Ceyl. II. p. 98; Ivo et Marsum. Tent. Fl Lutch. p. 437. Guilandia Bonduc Lins. DC. Prodr. IL p. 480. Har. Linkiho. Cesalpinia Bonducella Fremme ; BAKER in Hook. 1. Fl. Brit, Ind. П. p.254; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. ХП. p. 448; Fonpgs et HEwsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 205; Marsum. et Hayarı Enum. Pl. Formos. p 114. Hab. Tainan, Hözan, Lingaryo. Ютзтвїв. All over the tropies, especially in littoral districts, Cesalpinia Nuga Arr; DC. Prodr. II. p. 481; Вехтн. Fl. Hongk. р. 97; Maxım. in Mél. Biol. XII. p. 449; Forsus et Hrust. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 506; Marsum. еб Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 115. Has. Lingaryo, Böryö, Füko, Kelung, Shizangan. Distris. Southern China, widely diffused in tropical Asia, polynesia and northern Australia. LEGUMINOSR. 209 Cesalpinia pulcherrima Swartz; DC. Prodr. П. p. 284; Махім. in Mél. Biol. ХП. p. 448; Forbes et Hrust. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 206; Marsuw. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 115. Has. Hözan, Ampin. Disrris. Іоо-сһоо and China, generally cultivated in tropical countries. 49. Gleditschia LINN. Gleditschia formosana Hayata Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 85. Branchlets slender, glaucously rubescent, spinous. Leaves alternate pari-pinnate, narrowed in outline, 51 cm. long, 2 cm. broad, 8-juged, upper pinnee larger, obliquely rhomboid, or rhomboid-oblong, 19 mm. long, 6 mm. broad, truncate at the apex, minutely mucronate, cuneately acute at the base, oblique, broader on the upper side, margin crenulate, entire near the base on the upper side, otherwise crenulate, opposite, sessile, or shortly petiolulate, petiolules shortly pilose, rhaches somewhat pilose, suleate above, lower pinns smaller, petioles shorter, 3 mm. long, spines branched supra- axillary, 2 cm. long, fulvo-rubescent. Pods complanate, linear-narrowed, 21 em. long, 21 cm. broad, fulvo-rubescent, acute at the apex, styles persistent, base obtuse, glabrous, slightly tortuose. Seeds complanate, 1 cm. long, 8 mm. broad, glabrous, smooth, polished. Has. Tenkachiraisha. The leaves are very much smaller than those of G. japonica and as small as those of G. heterophylla BENGE. This differs from the latter species by straight, but not curved, pods. There is some doubt about this being a species of Gleditschia. 50. Poinciana Tourn. Poinciana regia Bos.; Henry List. Pl. Formos. p.38; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 112. Has. The species is not yet represented in our Herbarium. DISTRIB. 210 LEGUMINOSE. 51. Lysidice Нахсе. Lysidice rhodostegia Hance in Journ. Bot. (1967), p. 299, (1873) р. 207, et (1883), p. 298; Отту. in Hoor. Ie. Pl. XII. p. 80, t. 1192; FORBES et Немет, Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 213; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 116. Has. Kelung, cultivated. Distris. Kwangtung. 52. Cassia LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaflets very much smaller, linear.................... C. mimosoides. Leaflets oblong, ovate, lanceolate. (2) (2) Leaflets obovate rounded, obtuse or minutely mucronate at the apex (3) Leaflets ovately lanceolate or ovate, acute at the apex. .. C. occidentalis. (3). Pods flat. л РЕИНИОН ОРОТ C. glauca. Pods. terete. ...1.:. andes | ipa a aysa C. Tora. Cassia glauca Lam.; DC. Prodr. П. p. 495; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. ХП. p. 455; Forbes et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 210; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl Formos. p. 115. Нар. Tamari, Pinan. Distris. Cultivated in China; native of tropical Asia and Australia. Cassia mimosoides Ілхх.; DC. Prodr. П. p. 503; Beste. Fl. Hongk. p. 98; Forbes et HemsL. Ind. El. Sin. I. p. 211; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 125. Has. Kinpöri, Shintiku. DISTRIB. Universally spread in tropical countries, and to Japan. Cassia occidentalis Ілхх.; DC. Prodr. П. p. 497; Beste. Fl. Hongk. p. 98; Forges et Немві. Ind. Fl. Sin. Т. p. 211; Marsum. et НАҮАТА Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 115. Has. Bioritsu, Tamsui, Shintiku, Regaryo, Tainan. LEGUMINOSE. 211 Distris. Tropical Asia, Africa and America. Cassia Tora Ілхх.; DC. Prodr. П. p. 493; Beste. ГІ. Норок. p. 98; FonPES et HEwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 211; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 115. Has. Pachina, Taihoku. Distris. Generally spread in the tropics. Species imperfectly known to me CASSIA ALATA Linn. ; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 264; Havara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 86. HAB. Ako: Sekisan, G. Nakangama, Oct. 1905, (No, 615). The only specimen we have is of a single leaf, which is nearly 50 cm. long, abruptly pinnate, pinne being quadrangularly elliptical with parallel sides, round, minutely mucronate apex and truncate base, 12 cm. long, 5 em. broad, the superior the larger, oblique at the base, membranaceous and primary veins diverging from the costa at an angle of nearly 80° 53. Bauhinia LINN. Bauhinia Championi Вихтн. Fl. Hongk. p. 99; Hance in Journ. Bot. (1883), p. 298; Maxrw. in Mel. Biol. IX. p. 74; Forpus et Немет, Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 212; MarsuM. еб Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 115. Нар. The species is not yet represented in our Herbarium. Disrris. China. Bauhinia retusa Ham.?; Ivo et Matsum. l. c. p. 440. Has. Eioritsu, Chöran. DISTRIB. 54. Erythrophloum AFZEL. Erythrophleum Fordii Ошу. in Hook. Ic. РІ. XV. р. 7, t. 1409; Forges et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 214; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 116. Has. Maruyama, Tamsui. DISTRIB. Kwangtung. 212 LEGUMINOSE. 55. Entada ADANS. Entada scandens BEntH.; ForBes et Heyst. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 214; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 116. Has. Keibizan. Півткір. Very widely dispersed in the tropical regions. 55. Mimosa LINN. Mimosa pudica Ілхх.; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 99; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 115. This is not yet known to me. DISTRIB. 57. Leucena BENTE. Leucena glauca Вехтн. Fl. Норок. p. 100; Forpes et HEwsr. Ind. Fl Sin. L p. 215; Marsum. et Hayara Enum Pl. Formos. p. 116. Has. Tamsui, Maruyama. Disrriz. Widely spread in the warm regions. 58. Acacia WiLLD. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) -Petioles phyllede,.... meee n p ee eee A. confusa Petioles not phyllode (2) (2) Leaves glabrous)... cre к n my A. Farnesiana. | A. Intsia. Leaves tomentose beneath A. pennata Acacia Farnesiana ХУҮплт. DC. Prodr. IL р. 461; Вемтн. Fl. Норок. p. 101; Коввев et HenmsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. L 215; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 116. Has. Koshtn, Takow, Shüshügai, Tainan. Disrriz. Widely spread in the tropical and subtropical regions. Acacia Intsia Wittp.; Ноок. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 297; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 86. LEGUMINOSE. 213 Has. Akō: Pongarisha, Shintiku. DistrıB. Tropical Himalayas, India, Ceylon, Philippines. Very near A. pennata WiLLD. As the specimens are all sterile, the determination is rather conjectural. Acacia pennata ХҮплт.? Marsum. et Hayara Enum. РІ. Formos. р. 116. The species is very imperfect and the determination is very unsatisfactory. Acacia confusa MERRILL in Philip. Journ. Sci. V.-Bot. p. 27. Acacia Richi Немет. in Forbes et Немет. Ind Fl. Sin. L p. 215; Marsum. in Iro et Matsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 443; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 117, (non A. GRAY) Har. Taihoku, Kelung, Sharyoto, Shintiku, Kachirai. Півтгів. The Philippines. 59, Albizzia Dunazz. Albizzia procera BENTH.; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. IT. p. 299; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of l'ormosa p. 86. Нар. Biyoritsu: Taiko. Distris. India, Malay Archipelago, Philippines. A common Albizia in Formosa. The habit is just like the Japanese A. Juribrissin. 60. Pithecolobium MART. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves dichotomously pinnate, leaflets 4 .......... Pithecolobium dulce. Leaves pinnate, forked at the middway of the rhaches, leaflets alternately arranged, usually more than 8 on each branch of the rhaches...... Se orbs e ag PRs A КА Бе е MT MEME Pithecolobium lucidum. Pithecolobium dulce Вехтн.; BAKER in Hook f. Fl. Brit. Ind. IT. p. 302; Henry List РІ. Formos. p. 40; Marsum. et Hayara Enum, РІ. Formos. p. 117. 214 ROSACEA. Has. Exact localities are not yet known. Disrris. India and Hongkong. Pithecolobium lucidum Вехтн. Fl. Норок. p. 102; FORBES et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 217; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. р. ИШ? Has. Shizangan. Disrrip. Hongkong. Rosaceee. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. Carpels free or adnate to the side of the calyx-tube. (1) Carpels adnate to the tube of the calyx, or, if free, included wholly within it. (4) (1) а) Flowers regular. Carpel 1, style subterminal or oblique; ovules 2, pendulous. Radicle superior. Trees or shrubs with simple leaves. (Prunes.) (2) В) Flowers regular. Calyx ebracteolate. Stamens 10 or more. Carpels many, styles ventral ovules many, pendulous. Shrubs with imples leaves (біріге ға ee CRUS Spirea. 3 7) Flowers regular. Calyx ebracteolate. Stamens very numerous. Car- pels very many; styles subbasal or ventral; ovules 2, collateral, pendulous. Leaves compound or simple, fruits of many fleshy carpels on carpophore or in receptacle but not included in the calyx-tube. (Rubee).. EN йч И Rubus. 4 0) Flowers regular. Calyx usually bracteolate, stamens numerous, carpels 1 or a few, style short, ovule solitary, ascending. Fruits of many achenes, not included in the calyx-tube. Herbs. (3) (2) Calyx 5-lobed, petals 5, large, glabrous, carpel solitary, style nearly terminal reris vice. A E Prunus. 1 Calyx 5-lobed, petals 5, drupe inverted, style subbasilar, branches turning to Spies: АВЕ ТТР Prinsepia. 2 (3) Calyx bracteolate. Stamens many, styles not elongating, ripe carpels Я ROSACER. 915 4, seated om а) fleshy receptacle а. Fragaria. 5 Calyx bracteolate. Stamens many, styles not elongating, ripe carpels seated on an elevated dry receptacle (3*) (б^) Stamensiandi саре many eee eder d. deis eere Potentilla. 6 Stamens and carpels 5 or rarely 10............... .... Sibbaldia. T (4) а) Flowers regular, calyx-tube often urceolate, stamens 1 or more. Carpels 1-3, styles terminal; ovule 1. Achenes sunk in the calyx-tube. iEken a elyote в) а Agrimonia. 8 В) Flowers regular. Calyx-tube urceolate. Petals 5. Stamens very numer- ous. Carpels many, free; ovule 1, pendulous. Achenes included in the fleshy ealyx-tube. Shrubs, leaves compound (Roseæ). Kosa. 9 y) Flowers regular. Calyx-tube becoming fleshy after flowering and enclosing the carpels. Stamens numerous. Ovules 2 or more, ascending. Fruit a pome, berry or a drupe, with 2-5 bony or coriaceous 1-2-seeded stones.—Shrubs or trees. (5) (5) Сағреін тее оп the хетта side 2222.2.............. Cotoniaster. 11 Carpels more or less entirely connate or single. (6) (6) Carpels entirely covered by the receptacle; the cells, therefore, inside of the fruit. (7) Carpels upwards free from receptacles; the cells, therefore, reaching the hole of the fruit. (8) (7) Receptacles (axis) turbinate or ureeolate.................. Pyrus. 10 Receptacles (axis) obconical or funnel-shaped......... Rhaphiolepis. 14 (8) Endocarp very thin, membranaceous.................. Eriobotrya. 13 Повар cona censi е nta a a Sie bude ee ...Рһойта. 12 1, Prunus LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Flowers in a long raceme, leaves punctate acuminately caudate...... ee) EET TL ORUM M У Prunus punctata. Flowers axillary, clustered or very shortly racemose, or solitary, leaves not punctate (2) 916 ROSACEA. (2) Flowers large, more than 2 cm. in length, leaves oblong or ovate, cuspidately acuminate, serrate, slightly cordate at the base, stipules fimbriately lacerate, segments recurved ........ Prunus campanata Flowers smaller, less than 1 cm. in length, (if more than 1 cm. the, leaves lanceolately oblong) (3) (3) Flowers white, nearly sessile or very shortly pedicelled, nearly solitary, leaves ovate, acuminate at the apex, stipules linear өзе SY che ЫН СИ ЕСТЕ Р. Mume. Flowers coloured or sometimes white, more or less pedicelled, 2-3- clustered, leaves usually lanceolate, sometimes ovate, but not acuminate at the apex. (4) (4) Leaves lanceolate or elongately oblong, much larger (5) Leaves nearly rounded or ovate, acute towards the apex, but quite obtuse at the extremity, branches very slender, leaves much smaller PP UD Уо aren sod en SD oro g ИЕ P. pogonostyla : (5) Leaves elliptically lanceolate, flowers nearly solitary, 14 cm. in length, (obtuse or nearly rounded at the base). .............. P. Persica. Leaves lanceolate or ovate, acuminate at both ends. (6) (6) Flowers long pedicelled more or less racemosely arranged, leaves, OVALS acs s iners es МК P. taiwaniana. Flowers clustered, shortly pedicelled, leaves lanceolate... P. Kawakami. Prunus campanulata Maxim. in Ма. Biol. ХІ. p. 698; FORBES et Hemst. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 218; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl, Lutch. p. 446; Матвум. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 117. Has. Tikushiko. DISTRIB. Loo-choo (cult. and China. Prunus communis Норѕ.; Махім. in Mél. Biol. ХІ. p. 677; FORBES et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. T. p. 218; Ders Fl. Cent. Chin. p. 407; PALIBIN Conspect. Fl. Koreae I. p. 86; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. poi Prunus domestica LINN. Sp. Pl. ed-2, р. 680; Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed- WILLD. p. 338. ROSACEZE. 917 Prunus insititia LINN. Sp. РІ. ed-2, р. 680. Has. Shintiku. . Distris. Europe through Asia. The occurrence of P. communis in the island is rather doubtful. Prunus Kawakamii Havara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 77; Shrub, young virgate branches cinereo-pubescent, glabrous. Leaves hysteranthous, young ones petiolate, petioles 4 mm. long, semiterete glabrous, blades acute at the base, ovate, oblong, acute at the apex, margin glanduloso-serrulate, glabrous ол both surfaces, stipules lanceolate, glanduloso-ciliolate. Flowers 5-6 clustered, padicellate, pedicels 7 mm. long, terete, glabrous. Calyx hypogynous, persistent; tube shortly campanulate, glabrous, inside with disc, lobes 5, ovate, 3 mm. long, obtuse, glanduloso-ciliate, patent. Petals af- fixed oa the throat of the calyx, cuneately obovate, with short claws at the base, rounded at the apex, quite entire, radiately venose, glabrous, patent 64 mm. long, 4 mm. broad. Stamens affixed on the throat of the calyx, much exserted, a little longer than petals. Ovary superior, ovoid with style 6 mm. long, stigma capitately peltate. Has. Toroku ; Kane DisTRIB. An allied species, P. japonica THUNB. occurs in Japan and China. Closely resembles P. japonica THUNB ; differs from it in having peltately capitate stigmas, longer stamens and smaller petals. Prunus Mume Sms. et Zuco. Fl. Jap. L p. 29, t. 11, et Fl. Jap. Fam. Nat. I. p. 122; Mig. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 22; FRANCH. et Savat. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 117; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. XI. p. 671; Iro et Matsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 445; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. ХП. p. 54; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 118. Has. Suichöryü, Niki, Shintiku. DISTRIB. J apan. Prunus Persica інв. et Zuco. Fl. Jap. Fam. Nat. I. p. 122; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. XI. p. 666; BAKER in Hoor. f. Fl Brit. Ind. IT. p. 313; Forbes et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 220; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 40; 218 ROSACEJE. Diets Fl. Cent. Chin. p. 407; Marsum. in Tokyo Pot. Mag. XII. p. 54; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 118. Amygdalus Persica LINN. Sp. Pl ed-2, p. 676; Тнохв. Fl. Jap. p. 199; Вохв. Fl. Ind. П. p. 500; Mig. Prol. Fl. Јар. p. 25; FRANCH. et Savat. Enum. Pl. Jap. І. р. 119. Prunus Davidiana FRANcHET Pl. David. р. 103. Persica, vulgaris MiLL.; DC. Prodr. П. p. 531. Has. Shintiku, Taihoku, Töseikaku, Kötöshö, Pankinsing. Distris. Cultivated in Japan, Corea, China and India. Prunus pogonostyla Махім. “in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mose. (1897), p. 11" et Mél Biol. XI. p. 682; Forbes et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 221; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 40; Marsum. et Hayata Materials for a Flora of Formos. p. 87. Prunus formosana Marsum. іп Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. РІ. Formos. -p. 118, t. 11. Has. Tamsui, Shintiku, Taichu, Toseikaku, Shinkosho. Disrris. Fokien. I have compared the present plant with the type of Prunus pogonostyla Maxim. at Kew, and found that they are quite identical. Prunus punctata Hook. f.; Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 87. Prunus xerocarpa HEMSLEY in Ann. Pot. IX. p. 152; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 40; Marsum. et Hayarı Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 119. Has. Tikushiko. Distrip. Eastern India, China, Kwangtung Hongkong. Prunus taiwaniana Hayara (Pl ХХІ) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 87. Branches virgate, bark dark-ashy, glabrous, lenticellate. Leaves hysteranthous membranaceous, slightly pubescent or glabrous, oblonely obovate, 6 cm. long, 23 mm. broad, cuspidately acuminate at the apex, cuneately acute at the base, serrulate on the margin, glabrous, or slightly pubescent above, but densely pubescent beneath on the costa and veins, petioles 6 mm. long, pubescent, stipules linear-lanceolate, minute. Flowers 9-6-clustered, perulate, perules scaly, rounded, glabrous, pedicels 1 cm. m MS ROSACEA. 219 long, pubescent. Calyx-tube pubescent, urceolately tubuliformed, 4 mm. long, limb 5-lobed, lobes patent, narrowed, 3mm. long, acuminate, elanduloso-serrulate on the margin. Petals 5, oblong, 8 mm. long, 4 mm. broad, 2-lobed at the apex, (lobes 11 mm. long, obtuse) or emarginate at the apex. Ovary ovate, 1 mm. long, glabrous, style 72 mm. long, sparingly barbellate downwards, but glabrous towards the apex, stigma capitellate. Fruits ellipsoid 6 mm. long, 5 mm. broad, apiculate, with calyx-cupule at the base, long pedunculate, peduncles 2 cm. long. Has. Nanto: Musha. Somewhat near Prunus pendula МАХІМ., but distinguishable by the smaller flowers with narrower and more deeply emarginate petals. 9. Primsepia RoYLE. Prinsepia utilis RoyLE HavarA Materials for a Flora of Formosa р. 105. Branches greenish, glabrous, spinous, spines alternate, 14 em. long, axillary, solitary. Leaves greenish, alternate, petiolate, oblong, lanceolate, 41 cm. long, 13 cm. broad, subentire or obscurely subcrenate, acute shortly aristate at the apex and shortly attenuate at the base, petioles 7 mm. long. Flowers shortly racemose or 9—5-clustered, racemes axillary, 2-3cm. long, few-flowered, pedicels 1 cm.—2 cm. long. Flowers 12 cm. in diameter. Sepals 5, very unequal 2-outer ones smallest, rounded, 2 mm. long, incrassate, 3-inner ones larger, rounded 4 mm. long, margin scarious. Petals 5, ovately rounded, 6 mm. long, 5 mm. broad, rounded at the apex, shortly obtuse at the base. Stamens oo inserted on the margin of the disc, filaments 2 mm. long, anthers 2-celled, connectives broader, emarginate at the apex. Ovary globose, 1 mm. long, style 2-3 mm. long, lateral, spirally recurved or ascendent, stigma capitato-peltate. Fruits not yet known. Very interesting genus closely allied to Celastrinesz. Har. Ganzan, Mt. Morrison, the central mountain ranges. DisrriB. Temperate Himalayas. 220 ROSACER. 3. Spiræa Lin. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Flowers in terminal cymes (2) Flowers: im axillary umbels PPM S. prunifolia. (2) Plants more Шап есет ine he eee S. formosana. Plants small, less than 20 em. high, leaves very much smaller. ...... ИУ. S. morrisonicola. Spiræa formosana Hayara (Pl XXII.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 88. Branches straight, fulvescent, densely pubescent. Leaves oblong, or oblong-ovate, 4 em. long, 21 cm. broad, acute at the apex, round- ly acute at the base, duplicately serrulate on the margin, (serrulas callose at the apex), costas and veins impresse above elevated below, primary veins 5 on both sides, nearly straight, ascendent, reaching the apex of the serrulas, nearly glabrous on both sides, pallid-glaucous beneath, petioles 2 mm. long. Terminal cymes 5 em. long, 8 em, broad, branches and pedicels pubescent, bracteoles subulate. Calyx broadly campanulate, 11 mm. long, З mm. broad, 5-lobate, lobes patent, triangular, pubescent outside, glabrous inside. Petals 5, broadly rounded, rounded or slightly emarginate at the apex, obtuse at the base. Stamens 20, exserted, 4 mm. long, inserted on the throat of the calyx. Glands of disc nearly 10, inserted on the throat, broadly narrowed, + mm. long. Carpels 5, subfusiformed, 24 mm. long, hirsute on the innerside, styles persistent, 1 mm. long. Has. Randaisan. Near Spiræa japonica LINN., but differs from it in having duplicately serrated leaves and less hairy smaller calyx; also near Spirea bella from which this differs in having ovate acuminate or acute leaves. Spiræa formosana НАҮАТА var. brevistyla Hayata Materials for а, Flora of Formosa p.89. Calyx-lobes nearly obsolete, or very much obtuse. Carpels ovoid when ripened, 2 mm. long, shortly rostrate at the apex, or not rostrate, glabrous, other things the same as the type. Has. Mt. Morrison. ROSACEA. 991 This variety differs from the type in having much shorter carpels, nearly obsolete styles, and very much shorter calyx-lobes. Spiræa morrisonicola Hayata (Pl. XXIII.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 89. Shrub dwarfish glabrous. Leaves alternate, subsessile, ovate, obtuse at the apex, acute at the base, or cuneate, 14 cm. long, denticulate from the middle upwards, entire towards the base, veins impressed above, prominent beneath. Fruits on terminal racemosely cymes. Carpels 2 mm. long, shortly beaked. Has. in Mt. Morrison. The present plant is distinguished from other species of the genus by its small and glabrous form. Spiræa prunifolia Ss. et Zucc, fl. simplici, Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 119, t. 12, et Hayara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 78. Shrub. Leaves alternate, petiolate, elliptical, 13-18 mm. long, 9-12 mm. broad, entire downwards, serrulate upwards, (serrulas. acute), subelabrous or sparinely pubescent above, sericeo-tomentose beneath, petioles 2-3 mm. long. Flowers axillary, 5-6-clustered, pedicels 10-15 mm. long, pubescent. Flowers when opened 8 mm. in diameter. Calyx persistent; tube urceolately campanulate 5-lobed at the middle, lobes ovate, acute. Petals 5, inserted on the mouth of the calyx, orbicular, shortly clawed, slightly emarginate at the apex. Stamens o», nearly 20, 2-seriately inserted at the throat of the calyx, filaments glabrous, base 2-glanduliferous, anthers 2-celled, introrse. Disc carnose, tomentose, adnate to the calyx-tube. Carpels 5, inserted at the base of the calyx, shortly stipitate, free, styles subterminal subgeniculate, stigmas capi- tate. Ovary 1-celled, ovules co. Carpels when matured coriaceous dehi- scing by the ventral suture. Seeds pendulous, linear. Has. Mt. Morrison. Nanto: Hinokiyama. Toroku, Küreikyaku, Rin- ‘kiho. DISTRIB. China throughout, Japan and Corea. The original description in “ Sres. et Zuco. Fl. Jap. р. 131” is written from a plant with double flowers which is very common in Japan proper. No specimen with simple flowers has ever been represented here at Tokyo. 222 ROSACEE. I thought this simple flowered plant to be a new species which has a close affinity to S. prunifolia SIEB. et Zuco. But I am quite convinced by Mr. T. МакІхо that the specimen is nothing but a simple flowered form of the common Japanese species. Mr. Parr has also written in his “Conspectus Fl. Kore I. p. 73” that the Corean species has all simple flowers, while those of Japan and China are all double flowered form. 4. Rubus Livy. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves simple. (2) Leaves compound. (15) (2) «) Leaves glabrous both sides or nearly so. (3) В) Leaves hairy, sparingly, hairy or beset with soft hairs. (9) 7) Leaves densely tomentose, or covered with cottony wools, or with an adpressed cotteny white covering of wools, (sometimes glabrous only above.) (10) (3) Leaves oblong, never lobed, acuminate, rounded at the base, beset with cottony soft hairs along the veins on the under surface........ cr R. Kawakamii. Leaves more or less lobed. (4) (4) Leaves slightly lobed ie. the terminal lobe longer than three times as long as the lateral ones. (5) Leaves distinctly lobed i.e. the terminal lobe less long than three times as long as the lateral ones. (7) (5) Stipules linear, leaves quite glabrous. ................2. retusipetalus. Stipules lanceolate or oblong. (6) (6) Stipules oblong dentate, leaves broadly ovate cuspidate at the apex..... ie ae eee Р. Mori. Stipules lanceolate, entire, adnate to the petioles....... ............. ES Me u... R. corchorifolius var. glaber. (7) Calyx nearly black-coloured, nearly glabrous on the back, pubescent only ion the uminom nase ns (Клм В. conduplicata. ROSACER. 223 Calyx pubescent on the back. (8) (S) Calyx pubescent and beset with a small prickles. ....... R. taitænsis. @alyx pubescent but поб prickly, re m rede eee reme R. shinkeensis. (9) Leaves roundly cordate, slightly 3-lobed, rounded in every respect... uM ERU ELI В. pectinellus. Leaves broadly ovate, irregularly lobate, acuminate at the base....... Agee ita ante R. Lambertianus. (10) Leaves not lobed, irresularly dentate, glabrous above, white cottony, below, oblong, ovate, acuminate: at the apex, truncate or rounded Gib WINS. [CES Su ag dex ОЕ DR SUE R. Swinhei. Leaves more or less lobed. (11) (11) Leaves beneath covered with velvety wools, stipules lacerate. Calyx silky tomentose.) a a a R. moluccanus, В. formosensis ? Leaves beneath covered with cottony wools. (12) (12) Creeping, prostrate, with rounded 5-lobed leaves......... 22. pentalobus.. Scandent, but not creeping, leaves more or less elongate (13) (13) Leaves more or less rounded, erenulats with thick cottony wools. .... ptr erc MEM R. Rolfei Vip. var. lanatus. Leaves more or less elongate, acutely serrate with thinly cottony wools. (14) (14) Flowers smaller, calyx-lobes 5 mm. long, entire. ........ В. nanteensis. Flowers larger, calyx-lobes lacerato-serrate. ...........- R. randaiensis. (15) Leaflets 3. (16) Leaflets 5 or more than 5. (18) (16) Leaves beneath whitish, covered with thinly cottony wools... R. parvifolius. Leaves beneath slightly velvety or nearly glabrous, without whitish -cotton (17) (17) Leaves nearly glabrous, beset with minute prickles underneath along EIS XG OSL, ер ae cL D Л К ЛЫ e D В. fasciculatus. Leaves velvety on both surfaces, .................. R. Taiwanianus. (18) Plants very small less than 15 em. high, leaves small 8 em. long. (19) Plants more than 20 cm. long (20) ШО bees таро sn 2040 27 MSIE EL UA В. elegans. Leaves hirsute. R. hirsuuts. 224 ROSACER. (20) Leaves densely, velvety, or glabrate ............ ....... В. tagallus. Leaves glabrous. (21) (21) Leaflets much narrower, thinner, terminal leaflet 7 em. long, 24 cm. bxoad. .. он A A R. rosifolius. Leaflets much broader, much thicker, the terminal leaflet 8 cm. long. 4 em. wide. дл КОЛ ЛГ МИ Л СОЕ R. fraxinifolius. Rubus conduplicatus Durum (Pl. XXIV.) Hayata Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 89, et Suppl. p. 449. Branches glabrous, terete, more or less striate, with a very few prickles, reddish purple or dark brown, sometimes covered with powders, prickles short, 11 mm. long, transverse, straight, laterally compressed and broadened at the base. Leaves lobed or 3-lobed, oblong when not lobed, 51 em. long, 3 em. broad, or broadly triangular when lobed, cuspidate at the apex, profoundly cordate and 2-петуей at the base, central nerve 9 em. long, basal nerves 6 cm. long, lobes acuminate or shortly cuspidate, divaricate from the central one at an angle of 60°, glabrous on both surfaces, more or less glaucous beneath, veins impressed above, pro- _ minent beneath, sparingly prickly on the midrib, petioles 11-3 em. long sparingly prickly, stipules linear, acuminate 1 em. long. Flowers in cymes, cymes axillary, peduncled, 6 cm. long including peduncles, 5 em. broad, 5— 10-flowered, bracts very like stipules, but smaller, pedicels 2-1 cm. long. Calyx dark-purple, glabrous outside, pubescent inside, lobes ovately trian- gular, elongate, 6 mm. long, 3 mm. broad at the base, aristately acuminate, margin whitish, cupule glabrous, nearly flattened, 1 ст. in diameter. Petals obovate 5 mm. long, 3 mm. broad, rounded at the apex, obtuse at the base, 3 mm. broad at the base. Stamens on the margin of the cupule, 2- seriate, filaments dilate, complanate, 3 mm. long, + mm. broad, apex abruptly narrowed filiformed, anthers orbicular, emarginate on both ends. Carpophore small, semi-globose, slightly pubescent or nearly glabrous. Carpels obli- quely obovate narrowed at the base, slightly hairy towards the apex; styles persistent hairy near the base; stigma terminal glabrous inside, slightly pubescent towards the base outside. Har. Shintiku: Taihei; Ako: Taijorenge ; Randaisan. ROSACEA. 995 Rubus corchorifolius Lis. f.; DO. Prodr. П. p. 567; Hance іп Journ. Bot. (1878) p. 10, et (1884) p. 42; Maxim. in Mel. Biol VIII. p. 380; Евахонет Pl. David. p. 109; Ғоввез et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 230; Diets Fl. Cent. Chin. р. 391. Rubus villosus Тнохв. Fl. Jap. p. 218. Rubus Oliveri Mig. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. ІП. p. 35. var. glaber Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 157; Marsum. et HayaTa Enum. Fl. Formos. p. 121; Hayata Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 79. Has. Horisha, Suisha, Taichi: Kashigatani. Distr. Type: Japan and China. Rubus elegans Hayara in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XX. р. 74, et Fl. Mont. Formosa p. 79, t. 4. Stem very short, nearly shrubby at the base, simple, sub- erect l- rarely 2-flowered. Leaves all radical, oblong or oblong-lanceolate, with petioles 6-7 cm. long, 2 cm. broad, (petioles 1.5 cm. long), pinnate 13-15- foliolate, leaflets obovate, 1—1.5 em. long, 1 cm. broad, terminal one sometimes 3-lobate, serrate, serras acute, aculeate on the petioles and costas, stipules adnate, subulate, linear, nearly 1 cm. long. Flowers larger, pedunculate, peduncles 5—6 em. long, 1-bracteate, bracts minute, acute, 2 mm. long. Flowers patent, 22 mm. in diameter. Calyx-lobes ovately triangular, aculeate acuminate, 8 mm. long, outside pubescent. Petals broadly ovate, 9 mm. long, obtuse at the apex, base shortly clawed. Stamens numerous, filaments flattened glabrous. Syncarp ovately globose, 1 cm. long or longer. Receptacle ovately globose. Har. Ganzan. . Rubus fasciculatus Durum (Pl. XXV.) in Ann. Bot. Gard. Cale. IX. p. 99; Hayarı Materials for a Flora of Formosa р. 90, et Suppl. 449. Branchlets terete, more or less sulcate, covered by soft long bristles and also with soft pubescent coat, (bristles 3 mm. long, very slender transversely spreading), and remotely beset with prickles, prickles recurved down- wards, 2-3 mm. long, laterally compressed, broadened at the base. Leaves trifoliolate, ovate in outline, 15 cm. long including petioles, 8-9 em. broad, petioles and petiolules as downy prickly and bristly as the 226 ROSACEA. branchlets, common, petioles 3 cm. long, as long as the terminal petiolules, terminal leaflet nearly rounded, 9 em. long, 7 ст. broad, shortly cuspidate at the apex, quite rounded at the base, margin duplicately serrulate, teeth shortly cuspidate at the apex, more or less recurved; leaflets of lateral pair smaller, rounded, 4 cm. long as broad, very shortly stalked or nearly sessile; veins impressed above, prominent beneath, primary lateral veins 7-8, rather divaricate, secondary ones obliquely transverse; blades thinly coriaceous, glabrous on both surfaces except on the midribs and veins which are more or less downy and prickly, reddish brown above, pale brown beneath in a dried specimen; stipules subulate or linear, 9 mm. long. Flowers axillary or terminal, solitary or clustered; bracts many at the base of pedicels; bracts linear-lanceolate, acuminate, 7 mm. long, 1j mm. broad, pubescent; pedicels 1 cm. long, downy and bristly; fructiferous calyx half- closed pubescent on both sides, cupule sericeously downy, 8 mm. in diameter ; ealyx-lobes 5, ovate, 7 mm. long, 41 mm. broad at the base, mucronate at the apex, sparingly bristly at the bass outside, stamens on the margin of the cupule, 1-seriate, filaments dilate, complanate, narrowed at the apex. Carpophore globose more or less elongate, elevated, 5 mm. long, pubescent. Carpels in a dried specimen reticulately rugulose, styles 3 mm. long, persistent base hairy ; stigma terminal. Har. Taito: Koshiron. When I was at Kew, I compared the plant with the type of Durkie’s plant and found that they are quite identical although there are some small differences between them. The calyx of our plant is half-closed after flowering, but in the Indian plant, as we see in the figures cited above, it is nearly reflexed. The prickles in the latter are much fewer and the leaves are larger. Rubus formosensis O. KuwrzE; Forgrs et Hemsu. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 230; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 40; Matsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. ХУ. p. 156; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 121. Rubus rugosus Maxim. in Mél. Biol. VIII. p. 377. Нар. Taitöchö, Murimuribussha, Hinan, Reisuikutsu, Kelung. ROSACEA. : 227 DISTRIB. An endemic plant. Rubus fraxinifolius Porr. “Encyc. VI. p. 242”; Mm. Fl. Ind. Bat. T. p. 376; Hoox. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 342; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. УШ, p.991; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XVI. p. 4; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 121; Hayara Fl. Mont. Formos. р. 80. Has. Goshorin, Kötöshö, Kusshaku, Tohosha. DISTRIB. Java and India. Rubus hirsutus Hayata= Rubus rosefolius SM. var. hirsuta Hayata ГІ. Mont. Formosa p. 81. Branchlets aculeate, pilose, hairs strong, prickles smaller, falcate, acuminate. Leaves ovately acuminate, hirsute, with petioles 5-6 em. long, 5-foliolate, lateral leaflets subsessile or shortly petiolulate, oblong, elliptical, 1 cm. long or longer, dentate, teeth acute, terminal leaflet ovately lanceolate, duplicato-dentate, teeth acuminate, petiolules 5 mm. long, acu- leate on petioles and costas; stipules subulate, ciliolate. Flowers terminal or lateral, often solitary, pedunculate. Calyx-lobe ovately triangular, long caudate, tails linear, 6 mm. long, outside pubescent. Petals ovate, 11 mm. long, 8 mm. broad, rounded at the apex, acute at the base. Stamens numerous, filaments flattened. Fruits yet unknown. Has. Mt. Morrison. Rubus Kawakamii НлултА(РІ. XXVI), Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 91. Pranches fusco-pubescent or fuscent, slender, at first soft tomentose, at last glabrous, somewhat straight, shortly aculeate, prickles 1 mm. long, dilate at the base. Leaves long petiolate, oblong, oblong-ovate or elliptically ovate, 12 em. long, 5 em. broad, acuminate at the apex, roundly ovate at the base, margin obscurely remotely serrulate duplicately serrulate, very variable, obscurely 3-nerved at the base, costas and veins slightly im- pressed above, elevate beneath, primary veins including basal nerves 7-8 on each side, nearly parallel, divaricate from the casta at an angle of 30°, glabrous above, tomentose beneath, glabrous at last, minutely remotely aculeate on the costa beneath, petioles slender, 21 cm. long, canaliculate above, aculeate beneath, stipules deciduous, not yet seen. Cymes umbellate, a few-flowered, flowers 5-6, long pedicellate, pedicels 2 ста. long, densely 228 ROSACEZ. pubescent, bracteate at the base, bracts ovate, 5 mm. long. Calyx campanulate, densely villosely pubescent outside, aculeate, (bristles } mm. long, acute or dilately truncate at the apex), shortly villosely pubescent inside, cupules 9 mm. in diameter, lobes ovate, 9 mm. long, suddenly acuminate at the apex, ` margin laciniate, but entire from the middle to the base. Petals 5, obovate, shortly villose on both surfaces, 4 as long as the calyx-lobes. Carpophore densely barbate. Carpels premature oblong, 1 mm. long, recurvate, styles 5 mm. long, hirsute at the base. Drupels when mature obovate З mm. long, 2! mm. broad. Near В. malifolius Боски; but differs from it in having more acute or even acuminate and usually tri-nerved leaves and eymose or even umbellate flowers. In X. malifolius, the leaves are pinninerved and the flowers are in racemes. This is also near В. Swinhei НАХСЕ, which differs from this plant in having quite glabrous leaves, and not prickly pedicels and calyx; also distinguishable from R. sepalanthus Боске by trinerved leaves and um- bellately contracted racemes. Har. Randaizan. Rubus Lambertianus Ser. in DC. Prodr. П. p. 567; S. Моове, in Journ. Bot. (1875), p. 226; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. VIII. p. 381; FORBES et Hemst. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. р. 233; Drs Fl. Cent. Chin. p. 392 (var); Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 156; Marsum. et Harara Enum. Pl. Formos. 121. Rubus ochlanthus Hasor in Journ. Bot. (1882) p. 260, et (1884) p. 42. Har. Kotosho. Disrriz. China: Kiangsi Kwangtung. Rubus moluccanus Ілхх.; DC. Prodr. 1. p. 566; Бохв. Fl. Ind. П. p. 518; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. I. pt.-I. p. 382; Hoox. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 990; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 122. Rubus rugosus SwrrH ; Wicur Te. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 225. Rubus reflexus Kzn.; Вехтн. Fl Норок. p. 104 (fide Hook. £2. Rubus Hamiltonianus SER.; in DC. Prodr. ТІ. p. 566 (fide Hook. Lx Has. Töseikaku, Koroton. ROSACEJE. 299 Distris. Malay archip. and peninsula. Rubus Morii Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa р. 90. Branches fusco-purpurascent, terete, pubescent, minutely aculeate, prickles 1 mm. long. Leaves cordately ovate, 6 cm. long, 44 em. broad, cuspidately acuminate at the apex, (cusps 11 em. long), rounded at the base, lobulate on the margin, lobules serrate, (serras cuspidate), 3-nerved or pinnately nerved, scabrous above, minutely sparingly lepidote, more pallid beneath, petioles 1 em. long, smooth, stipules oblique elongately oblong, 12 mm. long, 5 mm. broad, acute at the apex, laciniately dentate on the margin, scabrously lepidote. Flowers racemose, racemes terminal, 10 cm. long, lepidote, bracts acuminately ovate, laciniate. Calyx densely lepidote outside, (reflexed when fructiferous), cupule strongly reflexed, 33 mm. in radius, profoundly reticulately furrowed inside, lobes acuminately triangular, 9 mm. long, 41 mm. broad at the base, lepidote outside, slightly pubescent inside. Petals persistent, obovate, denticulate, entire downward, 5 mm. long, 23 mm. broad, cuneately narrowed at the base. Stamens l-seriate, filaments complanate 21 mm. long, reddish glanduliferous at the base. Carpophore globose, 14 mm. in diameter, barbate, stipitate, stalks 14 mm. long, barbate. Drupels laterally compressed, 11 mm. long, 1 mm. broad, reticulately rugulose. Has. Taito: Chakankei. Remarkable for the cupules which are very much reflexed and deeply reticulately furrowed. Rubus nantensis Harara (Pl XXVII.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 92. Branches terete, fusco-fulvescent, flexuose, softly tomentose upwards, at last subglabrous, minutely prickly remotely leafy. Leaves long petiolate, 3-5 lobate, broadly ovate in outline, 8 em. long, 6 em. broad, acute at the apex roundly cordate or truncately rounded at the base, margin irregularly serrulate, terminal lobe half as long as the leaf, acute at the apex, slightly contracted at the base, subovate, 5 cm. long, 3 em. broad, sinus between lobes rounded, lateral lobes smaller, basal lobes minute, 5-nerved at the base, reticulately and papillosely rugose above, costas veins and veinlets slightly impressed above, at last subglabrate, albo- 230 : ROSACEE. rubescent beneath, costa, veins and veinlets prominently and retieulately elevated beneath, petioles 31 cm. long, prickles minute, remotely dispersed or smooth, stipules narrowel 12 mm. long, obseurely denticulate or entire. Flowers racemose, racemes axillary, li cm. long, softly tomentose, pedicels 4 mm. long, bracts broadest, 9 mm. long, 4 mm. broad, laciniate, tomentose outside, glabrous inside, 2-bracteolate, bracteoles 2 mm. long, digitately laciniate. Calyx campanulate, 5-lobed, densely pubescent outside, slightly pubescent inside, lobes broadly narrowed, 5 mm. long, 3 mm. broad, abruptly acuminate at the apex. Carpophore semiglobose, barbate, carpels with styles 5 mm. long, stigma capitate. Har. Nantö: Bikei. Near R. rugosus Sm; but differs from it by the smaller flowers and more acutely lobed leaves. Rubus parvifolius Ілхх. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 707; DC. Prodr. IL p. 564; Lour. Fl Cochinch. ed-Wirrp. p. 393; Вехтн. Fl Hongk. р. 105, et Fl Austral IL p. 430; Maxm. Mel. Biol. УШ. p. 392; Mig. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 222; Francs. et Savat. Enum. Pl. Jap. L p. 127; FORBES et Hzwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 235; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 40; Ivo et Marsum. Tent. Fl Lutch. p. 451; PALEBIN Conspect. Fl. Kore» I. p. 79; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. р. Rubus triphyllus Тнохв. Fl. Jap. p. 215; Hance in Journ. Bot. (1878) р. 105, et (1884) p. 42. Нар. Tamsui, Shizangan, Taiton. Disrris. Japan, Hongkong, China, Corea, east Australia. Rubus pectinellus Maxim. in Mel. Biol. ҮШ. p. 374; Franca. et SAVAT. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 122; Hayara m Tokyo Bot. Mag. XX. р. 55; Hayata Fl. Mont. Formos. p. Has. Tözan. Distris. Southern parts of Japan and also recently found in Luson. Rubus pentalobus Havara Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 80. Shrub, scandent entirely villosely tomentose. Leaves long petiolate, tomentosely villose, petioles 5-10 cm. long, blades cordately rounded in outline, 5-7 cm. in ROSACEA. 931 diameter, slightly 5-lobed, rounded at the apex, base cordate, lobes rounded, irregularly denticulate, palmately 5-7 nerved, somewhat pilose above, villosely tomentose and pallid beneath, veins prominent beneath, stipules laciniate, 13 mm. long. Flowers axillary, solitary or in pairs, pedunculate, ped- uncles 1 cm. long, 2-3 bracteolate, bracteoles minute laciniate. Calyx- lobes ovate, laciniate at the apex, tomentose, 1 cm. long. Stones drupaceous. Has. Mt. Morrison, Biöritsu, Hakkeirin. Тһе present rubus is near R. pectinellus Max. ; but differs from it in having unarmed sepals and five lobed leaves. The leaves are much more tomentose, and somewhat tuberculate on the upper surface. Rubus pungens Cams. var. Oldhami Max. (det. Korzuwr). Har. Central Mountain Ranges, by U. Mort, 1910. I am merely following Mr. G. Koizumi in referring this plant to the above species. It is, in my opinion, a little different from the Japanese species. DISTRIB. Japan. Rubus randaiensis Harara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 93. Branches smooth, softly tomentose, terete, fusco-fulvescent. Leaves long petiolate, 5-lobate, subcordate in outline, obtusely acute at the apex, cordate at the base, 10 cm. long, 8 cm. broad, margin lobulately serrulate, lobules serrate, terminal lobe ovate, + as long as the leaf, 6 cm. long, 31 cm. broad, sinus between lobes obtuse, lateral lobes smaller, rounded at the base, 5-nerved, rugose and pubescent above, densely albo-floccoso-tomentose beneath, veins and veinlets reticulately elevated, petioles 4 cm. long, villosely tomen- tose, stipules larger oblong-ovate, 18 mm. long, 5 mm. broad, broader at the base, nearly embracing the stem. Касетеѕ short few-flowered, axillary or terminal, bracteate, bracts large, wrapping the flower-buds, deciduous, rounded, li cm. long as broad, shortly dentato-laciniate at the apex, hirsute outside, glabrous inside, 2-bracteolate, bracteoles obliquely roundly obovate, 8 mm. long, 6 mm. broad, rounded at the apex, sparingly shortly dentate, pedicels short, 5mm. long. Calyx villoso-tomentose outside, shortly pubescent inside, cup concave, lobes acuminately triangular, acuminately and laciniately 232 ROSACEA. serrate at the apex, teeth 3 mm. long or subentire, 14 mm. long, 7 mm. broad. Petals broadly rounded, shortly mucronate and rounded at the apex, base acute. Stamens 5 mm. long, anthers oblong; carpophore semiglobose, long barbate, carpels nearly 1 mm. long, style 7 mm. long, stigma 2-lobate. Has. Randaisan. Near №. diffusus, but differs from it in having more deeply lobed leaves and not prickly branches and petioles. Also near Z. hainanensis FOCKE (in sched.) from which the present plant is easily distinguishable by elongate ` denticulate stipules. Rubus retusipetalus Hayara (Pl XXVIII) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 94. Branches slender, glabrous, angulately striate, spinose, spines longitudinally complanate, dilated at the base, recurved, 2 mm. long. Leaves ovately cordate.or oblongo-ovate, 9 cm. long, 5 cm. broad, acuminate at the apex, base cordate or truncately cordate, margin serrate, serras cuspi- date, membranaceous, obscurely trinerved or pinninerved, primary lateral veins 6-7, curved or nearly straight divaricate at an angle of 40°, glabrous above, glaucous beneath, aculeate on the costas and veins, petioles 9 cm. ` long, suleate above, aculeate beneath, stipules linear-filiformed, 1 cm. long, 1 mm. broad, inserted near the base of the petioles. Flowers at the axils of the upper leaves, or terminal, racemose or solitary, long pedunculate, peduncles 3 em. long, bracts linear or filiformed. ^ Calyx nearly flattened, glabrous outside, velvety pubescent inside, cup nearly flattened 8 mm. in diameter, lobes acuminately oblong, 1 cm. long, acumen terete 4 mm. long, margin tomentose. Fetals elongately obovate, 1 em. long, 5 mm. broad, roundly emarginate at the apex, cuneately narrowed at the base, slightly hirsute downwards. Carpels 3 mm. long, glabrous, styles 2 mm. long, base hirsute, stigma oblique capitate. Carpophore nearly flattened, tomentose. Has. Töyen: Kotosan, (No. 2675). Near R. conduplicatus DUTHIE, but differs from it in having more or less retused or emarginate petals. Rubus Rolfei VIDAL var. lanatus Hayata Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 81. Small shrub, erect densely lanate, at last glabrous. Leaves 5- or rarely 3-lobed ROSACEA. 233 cordately orbicular, 3-5 cm. in diameter, lobes rounded or obtuse, irregularly denticulate, dense lanate on both surfaces, at last glabrous above, prominently tuberculate within veinlets, densely albo- or ferrugineo- lanate beneath, petioles 2-3 em. long, stipules ovate, lacerate, 12 mm. long. Flowers 2—3-clustered at the apex of branchlets or subaxillary, 2-3-bracteate at the base of calyx, bracts larger, truncate, lacerate, 9 mm. long as broad, submembranaceous. Calyx turbinate 14 cm. long, lobes ovate, 9 mm. long, acuminate, outside villose, inside pubescent, thick. Fruits not yet known. Нар. Seizan, Mt. Morrison. The present variety differs from the type in having more densely woolly leaves and much larger flowers. Distris. Type: the Philippine islands. “Rubus ros&folius Әмтн.; DC. Prodr. П. p. 556; Hook. Ic. Pl. t. 349; Hook. f. Fl Brit. Ind. П. p. 341; Hance in Journ. Bot. (1878) p. 10, et (1884) p. 42; Махім. in Mél. Biol. ҮП. p. 387; Еоввев et Hzwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. L. p.237; Ders. Fl Cent. Chin. p. 399; Henry List РІ. Formos. p. 40; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XVI. p. 3; Matsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 123. Rubus chinensis SER. in DC. Prodr. II. p. 557. Has. Kelung, Taitöchö, Bokusekikaku, Bankinsing. Distris. In the warm regions of China, common in India. Rubus shinkensis Hayara (Pl. XXIX.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 95. Branches terete, subglabrous, straight, spinose, spines short 2 mm. long, straightly curved, rubescent, narrowed at the base, (cicatrices of spines oblong, 4 mm. long, 1 mm. broad), ramulose, branchlets divaricate straight, pubescent, leaf-buds perulate, perules ovate, entire, obscurely dentate or slightly laciniate, subglabrous, slightly pubescent at the apex, 1 ст. long or shorter. Leaves elongately ovate, 7 cm. long, 34 em. broad, acuminate at the apex, slightly cordate at the base, serrulate or duplicately serrulate, chartaceo- membranaceous, trinerved, 3-lobed, central-lobe ovately acuminate, basal lobes * The Formosan species is a little different from the Japanese plant; it demands further investigation to decide which of the two is really identical with the type of the named species. 234 ROSACEÆ. smaller, acute at the apex, rounded or acute at the base on the lower side, central nerve 3-times longer than the basal nerves, basal nerves divaricate from the central at an angle of 45°, pubescent on the nerves, otherwise glabrous, petioles 14 mm. long, canaliculate, pubescent, stipules inserted near the base of the petioles, lanceolately acuminate, 4 mm. long. Flower-bearing branches shorter, 2-9 em. long, flowers terminal, pedicels 4 mm. long, pubes- cent. Calyx densely pubescent outside, glabrous inside, lobes ovately trian- gular, 6 mm. long, acuminate, acumen obtuse. Petals ovate, 71 mm. long, 4 mm. broad, obtusely acute at the apex, shortly cuneate at the base, reticulately nervose. Stamens with filaments complanate, 4 mm. long, contracted and filiformed at the apex. Carpophore oblong, elevate, glabrous, carpels hirsute, style filiformed, 11 mm. long, hirsute at the base, stigma capitate. Has. Shinko: Kakurei. This plant is near R. conduplicatus DutHIE, but differs from it in having Solitary flowers. Also very near 2, incisus THUNB., from which this differs in having more acuminate leaves and broader lobes of the calyx. Rubus Swinhei Hance in “Ann. Sc. Nat. 5 me série, V. p. 211”; in Journ. Bot. (1884) р. 42, et (1885) p. 323; Maxim. in Mél. Biol, УШ, р. 380; Forbes et Нем. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 237; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 40; Diets Fl. Cent. Chin. p. 391; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos, p. 123. Has. Taiton, Kelung, Tamsui. Пивтвір. China: Kwangtung. Rubus tagallus CHaw. et Scart. in Linnaa П. p. 9; Maxim. in Mel, Biol УШ. p. 389; Ғоввев et Hrwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. L p.237; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 40; Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XVI. p. 4; Матѕом. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 123. Has. Tamsui and Taihoku, Heichosho. Distris. China: Kiangsu. Rubus taiteensis HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 96, Branches slightly pubescent, terete, fusco-purpurascent, shortly spinulose, spines 4 mm. long, transversely erecto-recurved, branchlets softly pubescent. ROSACER. 235 Leaves simple, coriaceous, ovate in outline, slightly cordate at the base, acuminate at the apex, 5} cm. long, 41 cm. broad, 3-lobed, central lobe elongately ovate, 3} cm. broad, acuminate at the apex, slightly contracted at the base, margin slightly dentately serrulate, teeth serrulate, dentate on the sinus between lobes, basal lobe ovate acute at the apex, roundly acute at the base on lower side, trinerved, central nerve 51 cm. long, 2-times as long as lateral nerves, lateral nerves 21 cm. long, divaricate from the central nerve at an angle of 45°, slightly pubescent above, glabrous at last, glaucous beneath, pubescent on the nerves and veins, veinlets above impressed, elevated beneath, petioles 1 cm. long, pubescent, stipules inserted at the base of the petioles, lanceolate pubescent, 7 mm. long. Flowers terminal, solitary, peduncles 1 cm. long, villosely pubescent. Calyx campanulate, 2-21 cm. in diameter, villosely pubescent on both sides, aculeate, prickles minute, 1 mm. long, sparingly dispersed, 5-lobed, lobes triangular-acuminate, 6-12 mm. long, 4 mm. broad. Fruits (syncarp) conico-globose, 1 cm. in diameter. Drupels 2 mm. long, styles 2 mm. long, hirsute. Has. Taito: Shinsuikei. The present Rubus is also near В. conduplicatus and В. incisus, but differs from them in prickled calyx. Rubus taiwanianus Marsum. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XVI. p. 3; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 123. Has. Taihoku, Sharyötö, Hikaku, Pachina, Maruyama, Okaseki. 5. Fragaria LINN. Key to the Formosan Species. Leaflets thinner slightly pubescent, outer sepals much larger than the inner, ` A coum NER Е Lt irs attore eto F. indica. Leaflets a little thicker, densely villose beneath, outer sepals as large as the inner sınallylanceolater rn. a ee F. vesca var. minor. Fragaria indica Axbr.; Ser. in DC. Prodr. П. p. 571; S. Moore in Journ. Bot. (1878) p. 138; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 343; FRANCHET 93 ROSACEA. Pl. David. p. 110; Wiamr Tc. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 989; Mn. Prol. Fl. Jap. р. 225; FRAncH. et Savat. Enum. Pl. Jap. І. p. 129; Forbes et Hxwsr. Ind. Fl Sin. Т. p. 240; Henry List Pl Formos. p. 40; Ітб et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 452; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 124. Fragaria malayana Roxs. Fl. Ind. П. p. 520. Duchesnea, fragarioides Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. I. pt.—1. p. 372. Duchesnea fragiformis SMITH. in Trans. Linn. Soc. X. p. 373. Duchesnea chrysantha Mro. Fl. Ind. Bat. I. pt.—1. p. 372. Has. Kusshaku, Tamsui. Distriz. Japan, China, Ins. Malaya and India. Fragaria vesca LINN. var. minor Hayata Materials for a Flora of Formosa p.97. Leaves and flowers much smaller than the type, otherwise as in the type. Leaves trifoliolate, leaflets rhomboid, cuneate at the base, dentate, terminal one 1 cm. long, 8 mm. broad. Flowers 7 mm. in diameter. Petals. orbicular, rounded at the apex, abruptly contracted at the base, 34 mm. in diameter. | Har. Mt. Morrison, Tozan. The fruits of this Fragaria are edible and delicious. 6. Potentilla LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaflets 3-5. (2) Leaflets more than 7. (3) (2) Leafles dark, slightly hairy above, but whitish woolly beneath, silverly P. discolor. shining РК Тео Л re EE eee Leaflets barbately hairy above and below, concolour ........ P. gelida. (3) Leaflets silky white beneath .......... P. leuconota var. morrisonicola. leaflets whitish beneath, never silky ........... Loto ty eR P. chinensis. Potentilla chinensis Ser. in DC. Prodr. IT. p. 581; Maxm. in Prim. Fl Amur. p. 96; Евлхснкт Pl. David. p. 112; France. et Savat. Enum. РІ. Jap. П. p. 338; ForBes et Hgwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 241; Ders Fl. ROSACER. 287 Cent. Chin. p. 403; PALIN Conspect. Fl. Koree T. p. 81; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 125. Potentilla multifida BAKER et S. Моове in Journ. Linn. бос. XVII. p. 381. Нар. Shintiku, Taitocho, Hinan, Rokuryo. Distris. Mandshuria, Japan, China and Corea. Potentilla discolor BuxcE; Warr. Rep. П. p. 30; Hance in Journ. Bot. (1878), p. 11; Ғвахснет Pl. David. p. 122; Forbes et Hrmst. Ind. Fl Sin. I. p. 241; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 40; Diets Fl. Centr, Chin. p. 403; PALIPBIN Conspect Fl. Koree І. p. 81; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 125. Potentilla formosana Hance in “Ann. Sc. Nat. 5 me. série, V. p. 212,” et in Journ. Linn. Soc. XIIT. p. 79. Haz. Shintiku, Tamsui. Distris. China, Japan and Corea. Potentilla gelida С.А. Mey; Грев. Fl. Ross. IL р. 59; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 357; Diers Fl. Tin.-ling-shan, in Ewcr. Bot. Jahrb. XXXVI. Beibl. p. 56; HAYATA in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XX. p. 73; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 83. Potentila grandiflora LINN.; WAGNER Deut. Fl ed-3, p. 399; Тномв Fl. Deut. Ost. u. Schw. UL p. 70. Har. Mt. Morrison. Disrris. Extends to Europe, northern India, central China, Japan, eastern Siberia and the Kurile and Aleutian islands. The species seems to vary over a wide range and especially so in the size of flowers. Potentilla leuconota Dow var. morrisonicola Havara. Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 83. Stem sericeo-pilose, erect, nearly 15 em. long. Leaves subradical pinnate, oblanceolate in outline, obtuse, 10 cm. long, nearly 19— foliolate, leaflets sessile, obovate, obtuse, 1 cm. long, sharply dentate, pilose above, sericeously pilose, petioles adpressingly pilose, stipules scaly, nearly 3 em. long, adnate to the petioles at the base, entire. Cauline leaves nearly the same as radical one, much smaller, a very few, often 1-2 on the middle of 238 ROSACEA. the stem. Flowers 9-8-clustered at the apex of the stem, nearly subumbel- late, 1-2-bracteate, pedicels 1 em. long. Flowers patent, 8 mm. in diameter, bracteoles narrowed, entire. Calyx-lobes ovate, acute, sericeous. Petals broadly obovate, base slightly narrowed, rounded at the apex. Stamens 10 or (—20 ?). Stones nearly 15, glabrous. Has. Mt. Morrison. Distriz. The type is rather of the alpine character, being found in high mountains of Asia such as the Himalaya and those of Borneo and western central China. The present plant differs from the type mainly in the absence of whorled leaves at the base of an umbel. Potentilla pensylvanica Lixw.; DC. Prodr. П. p. 581; Maxim. Ind. Fl. Pek. in Prim. Fl. Amur. p. 471; Евахсн. et Savar. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 131, et IT. p. 340; FonBEs et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 243; DELS Fl. Cent. Chin. p. 403; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 125. Har. fenton. Distrip. Caucasus, central China and northern America. 7. Sibbaldia Lax. Sibbaldia procumbens Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 406; Driers КІ. Centr. Chin. p. 404, et Fl. Tsin-ling-shan, in ENGr. Bot. Jahrb. XXXVI. Beibl. p. 56; Тномё Fl. Deut. Ost. u. Schw. III. p. 60; AscHERSON et GREEN. Syn. Mitt. Fl. VI.—1. p. 661; WAGNER Deut. Fl. ed-3, р. 361; HAYATA . in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 98; Hayata Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 84. Potentilla Sibbaldi HALLER f. in “Sin. Mus. Helvet. I. p. 51” Hook. 1. El. Brit. Ind. П. p. 345. : Sibbaldia cuneata KUNZE, in Linnea ХХ. p. 53; EpcEW. in Journ. Linn. Soc. XX. p. 44. Has. Mt. Morrison. Птвтвів. This plant, having had a wide range in the glacial period, is now found here and there in the polar and alpine regions of Europe and Asia. ROSACEA. 239 8. Agrimonia LINN. Agrimonia Eupatoria Lin. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 643; DC. Prodr. П. p. 587; ТЕрЕВ. Fl. Ross. П. p. 31; Ноок. f. Fl Brit. Ind. П. p. 361; Forbes et Hemst. Ind. Fl Sin. L p. 246; Huyry List Pl. Formos. p. 40 ; Drets Fl. Cent. Chin. р. 404 (var.); PALrBIN Conspect. Fl Kore» I. p. 83; Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 126. Agrimonia pilosa LeneB. Fl. Ross. П. p. 32; Hance in Journ. Linn. Soc. ХШ. p. 80; [Евлхснет Pl. David. р. 114; DC. Prodr. П. p. 538; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 361; Exar. et Maxim. in Ехо. Bot. Jahrb. VI. p. 63. Agrimonia viscidula BUNGE var. japonica Miq. Prol Fl. Jap. p. 133; Franca. et Savar. Enum. РІ. Jap. I. p. 135. (1) (3) (4) Has. Exact locality is not yet known. Distris. Europe, North Africa, Asia, and northern America. 9, Rosa LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. Flowers bracteate at the base of the calyx, densely hairy, bracts fimbriate or toothed, flowers 8 cm. in diameter, petals notched.... DUAE ec oe UE UEM MEO oa R. bracteata. Flowers not bracteate at the base of the calyx. (2) Calyx prickly, flowers 7 cm. in- diameter................- R. levigata. Calyx not prickly. (3) Leaves small, 5 cm. long including petioles, leaflets very small and many, 1 cm. long, prickles long, 1-1} cm. long, opposite, besides with minute prickles, calyx-lobes long linear. ..Rosa morrisonensis. Leaves much larger, loager than 5 cm., leaflets also much larger; prickles much smaller, no minute prickles besides. (4) Leaflets small 21 cm. long at most, shining above. ........ В. Lucie. Leaflets larger, over 3 em. (5) 240 ROSACEA. (5) Flowers profusely paniculate, leaves smaller ............ Flowers solitary, leaves Та nn n: R. indica. Rosa bracteata WENDL.; DC. Prodr. П. p. 602; Bot. Mag. t. 1377; Forbes et Неме. Ind. Fl. Sin. І. p. 249; BAKER in Gard. Chron. m. s. XXIV. p. 199; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 40; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 126. Rosa involucrata Braam, ex Warp. Rep. П: p. 12. Has. Tamsui, Pachina, Taitocho, Hinan, Rokuryo. DisrriB. Loo-choo and China. Rosa indica Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 705; DO. Prodr. П. p. 600; LovR. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WiLLD. p. 396 ; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 364; FRANCH. et Savar. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 136; BAKER in Gard. Chron. n. s. XXIV. p. 199; FonBrs et Hzwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 249; Henry List Pl. Formos. p. 40; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 455; Diets Fl. Cent. Chin. p. 405. Rosa semperflorens ХҮплт.; Bot. Mag. t. 284; Бохв. Fl. Ind. IT. p. 514. Rosa chinensis Wrurp. Sp. Pl. П. p. 1078; Кохв. Fl. Ind. IT. p. 513. Rosa longifolia Witt. Sp. PL П. p. 1079. Var. formosana Hayara in Marsum. et Hayata Enum. Pl. Formos. р. 127. Sepals very long, lanceolate, 3-4 cm. long, laciniate, lobes serrate. Has, Shintiku, Bankinsing. Rosa levigata Micu. “Fl. Bor. Am. I. p. 295”; DC. Prodr. П. p. 600; Forges et Hrasr. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 250; Henry List Pl Formos. p. 40; Dies Fl. Cent. Chin. p. 406; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 197. Rosa sinica Arr. Hort. Kew. ed-2, ІП. p. 261; Bot. Mag. t. 2847; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 106. Rosa nivea DC. Prodr. II. p. 599. Rosa Amygdalifolia SER. in DC. Prodr. П. р. 601. Har. Taichi: Tojoho, Kusshaku, Shintengai. ROSACER. 241 DrsTRIB. Japan, China: Chekiang, Kiangsi, Fokien, Hupeh, Szechuen, Kwangtung, Hongkong. Rosa Lucie Franco. et Босн. in Franca. et Savar. Enum. Pl. Jap. Т. p. 135, et II. p. 344; ENGL. et Maxim. in Ener. Bot. Jahrb. VI. p. 63; Bot. Mag. t. 7421; FonBEs et Немет. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. р. 251; Henry List PL Formos. p. 40; Iro et Marsum. Tent. Fl. Lutch. р. 454; PALIBIN Conspect. Fl. Koreze I. p. 84; Marsum. et HAYATA Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 128. Rosa moschata Benta. Fl. Hongk. р. 106. Нар. Shintiku, Biöritsu, Tamsui. Distris. Loo-choo, Hongkong, China and Corea. . Rosa morrisonensis HavarA (Pl XXX.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 97. Shrubs very spinose, spines whitish, straight, subulate, branched, branches patent, slender. Leaves pinnate, 7-11 foliolate, glabrous elliptical in outline 5 cm. long including petioles, 21 cm. broad, petioles slender, minutely aculeate, leaflets subsessile, broadly obovate or nearly rotundate, 13 cm. long, 7mm. broad, denticulate at the middle, dentate towards the apex, teeth acute, stipules adnate to the petioles, free at the apex, acute, glabrous, elanduloso-serrulate, serrulas sharp. Flowers nearly racemose along the branchlets, shortly pedunculate, peduncles 14 cm. long, gradually dilate at the apex, reaching the calyx-tube. Calyx-tube (after flowering) pyriformed, 8 mm. long, contracted at the apex, attenuate at the base, lobes entire lanceolate, long acuminate, lanato-pubescent inside, sparing- ly pubescent outside, margin sparingly glandulose. Petals not yet known. Carpels 4-5, trigonous 5 mm. long, hirsute at the apex, styles persistent. ` Has. in Mt. Morrison. This losa is near R. Willmottie Hemst. and also R. Webbiana WALL. ; but differs from the both in having larger lobes of calyx and more acutely serrated leaves. Also near В. xanthiana LINDL., but quite separable by the narrower sepals and more acutely serrated leaves. Rosa multiflora Тнохв. Fl. Јар. p. 214; DC. Prodr. П. p. 598 Lnr. Ros. Monogr. p. 119; BAKER et S. Moore in Journ. Linn. Soc. XVII. 242 ROSACEA. p. 982; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 344; Bot. Mag. t. 1059; Forbes et Hzwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. T. p. 253; Dmrs Fl. Cent. Chin. p. 405 (var.); Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 128. Har. Pachina, Bióritsu, Tamsui, Tainan. DISTRIB. Japan, central and southern China and the Philippines. 10. Pyrus LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves simple. (2) Leaves compound. (3) (2) Leaves roundly ovate shortly cuspidate, fruits small 7 mm. in diameter 1.415.272. tone ae acts De йел een P. Kawakami. Leaves elongately ovate, elliptical acuminate or acute, fruits larger depressingly globose, 31 cm. in diameter. .......... P. formosana. (3) Leaflets sharply serrulate, fruits usually 4-сеПей..................... RE RO P. aucuparia var. randaiensis. Leaflets less sharply serrulate, fruits 3-celled. ...................... MD UE P. aucuparia var. trilocularis. Pyrus aucuparia var. randaiensis Hayara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 98. Branches strong, ashy or dwrk-purple-rubescant, cicatrices of leaves transversely ring-like, lenticels globose. Leaves pinnate, narrowly ellip- tical in outline 13 cm. long, 4 ст. broad, lateral pinnæ 8-9-juged, lower and upper ones shorter, middle ones longer, pinnse sessile, lowest ones oblong, 2 cm. long, 12 mm. broad, middle ones oblong-narrowed 44 cm. long, 12 mm. broad, acuminate at the apex, obliquely rounded at the base, obtuse on the upper side, longer in the lower side, roundly cordate, costas impressed above, elevated beneath, lateral veins impressed above, elevated beneath, hirsute beneath on the costas and veins, glabrous on both surfaces, pallid beneath, margin sharply serrulate, serrulas ascendent, terminal pinna oblong-obovate, З cm. long, 13 mm. broad, interjuges 1 cm. long, shortly stipellate, stipels subulate, rhaches winged, glabrous and suleate above ferrugineo-hirsute beneath, petioles 4 cm. long, glabrous above, winged, ROSACEJZE. 245 suleate, dilate at the base, stipules linear, 9mm. long, connate at the base, somewhat fleshy. Leaf-buds acutely ovate, perules broadly ovate, roundly apiculate at the apex, glabrous. Cymes terminal 8 cm. long, 9 em. broad, peduncles and pedicels subglabrous or sparingly hirsute, rubes- cent, lenticels elongate, pedicels 8 mm. long. Fruits eloboso-pyriformed, 5 mm. in diameter, generally 4 celled, rarely 3- or 5-celled, calyx-lobes persistent, lobes triangular, obtuse. Has. Randaizan. There is nothing like this at Kew. I is easily distinguishable by the minutely and very shapely toothed leaves. Pyrus aucuparia var. trilocularis Harara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 99. Fruits nearly globose, nearly 1 cm. in diameter, 3-celled, cells 1- 2-seeded, or reduced to 1-seeded. Seeds compressingly oblong, 34 mm. long, reddish, otherwise the same as the type. Has. Seizan. Very like the tipe, but differs in having 3-celled fruits. Pyrus Kawakamii Harara Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 99. Branchlets dark-purpurascent, elabrous, longitudinally rugulose, noted with annular leaf-traces. Leaf-buds cylindrical, 12 mm. long, perules imbricate, trian- gular, obtusely acute, margin ciliate. Leaves near the apex of the branchlets approximately 3-4-faseieled, long petiolate, coriaceous, patent, broadly oblong or ovately oblong, 7 em. long, 5 em. broad, shortly cuspidately acute at the apex, or acute, acute at the base, or obtuse, crenulately serrulate on the margin, teeth obtuse, glabrous on both sides, veins slightly elevated, pallid beneath, petioles 3 em. long. Fruits racemose, racemes 1 cm. long, pedicellate, pedicels longer, 2 cm. long. Drupes globose, 9 mm. in diameter, rubescent when dried, sparingly punctate, (points subalbicant minute, globose), 2-3-seeded. Seeds quadrantiformed convexed on the back, 4 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, obtuse on both ends, dark-reddish purpurascent. Has. Nanto. Very like P. sinensis from which this is distinguishable by the leaves which are acute at both ends. Also near Р. Prattii Немет. and P. 244 ROSACEA. baccata from which this differs in having much smaller fruits and oblong leaves acute at both ends. Pyrus formosana Kawakami et Korzumt in HavarA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 100; KAWAKAMI in Tokyo Pot. Mag. XXV. p. 146. Branches longitudinally rugose, fusco-purpurascent or cinerascent, noted transversely with leaf-traces. Leaf-buds ovate, 5 mm. long, perules triang- ularly acute, glabrous. Leaves 2-3-clustered at the apex of branches, patent, membranaceo-coriaceous, elongately oblong or ovately oblong, 9-10 cm. long, 4 cm. broad, acute or acuminate at the apex, acute at the base, glabrous on both surfaces, pallid beneath, veinlets transversely elevated primary veins 9-10 on each side, inconspicuous above, elevated beneath, costas sulcate above, prominent beneath, petioles 3 em. long, sulcate above, glabrous. Fruits apple-like, depressinely globose, 3 ст. long, 34 cm. broad, yellowish when matured. Har. Rinkiho. This differs from P. Mallus in the serration and the shape of the leaves. 11, Cotoneaster MEDIE. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1): Flowers in cymes, cymes terminal. ear C. formosana. Cymes on shortened lateral branches. (2) (2) “Stones! ‘completely included. nn C. taiteensis. Stones partly included, the upper half exposed. ....... ..C. Koizumi. Cotoneaster formosana Havar4 Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 101. Branches straight, rubescent, cinereo-pubescent, at last glabrate, sometimes with branches turning to the spines. Leaves 3-5 clustered at the apex of the leaves, shortly petioled, oblong-obovate, 23 mm. long, 12 mm. broad, truncately emarginate at the apex, truncate at the base, quite entire canescently pubescent, at last glabrous above, pallid beneath, petioles 4 mm. long. Flowers white? 7 mm. in diameter, corymbose, (corymbs bracteate), at the axils of the upper leaves, or terminal. Calyx 41 mm. in ROSACER. 245 diameter, lobes 5, triangular, pilose, tube very pilose inside. Petals 5, orbicular, 3-4 mm. long as broad, emarginate at the apex, slightly contracted at the base. Stamens o». Carpels 5, mostly pilose, styles glabrous. Has. ‘Taito. Cotoneaster Koizumii Hayata Materials for a Flora of Formosa р. 101. Eranches dark ashy, longitudinally rugose, branchlets divaricate, spinose towards the apex, densely pubescent, (hairs soft), leafy. Leaves alternately 2-3- clustered towards the apex of the branchlets (leafy branches very short 4 mm. long), obovate or spathulately obovate, 18 mm. long, 11 mm. broad, roundly emarginate and shortly apiculate at the apex, cuneately obtuse at the base, quite entire, coriaceous, nearly shining above, pallid beneath, slightly reddish on both surfaces when dried, petioles 3 mm. long. Cymes terminal on the apex of the lateral branchlets, sessile, 21 cm. long, 8 cm. broad, glabrous. Drupes depressingly globose, 4 mm. long, 5 mm. broad. Calyx (fructiferous) suburceolats-globose, lobes persistent, broadly triangular, nearly including stones. Stones 5, naked at the apex, roundly quadrantiformed 21 mm. long, 1$ mm. broad, fusco-rubescent. Has. Pinan. The present plant is very distinct from other species of the genus, in having obovate or even spathulate leaves which are emarginate at the apex. From C. formosana, it differs in the inflorescence on the shortened branchlets standing nearly alternately on a side-branch. Cotoneaster taitcensis HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 102. Shrub, branches very ashy-dark, nearly shining, longitudinally rugose, branchlets divaricate shortly sparingly pubescent, spines simple 1 em. long. leaves alternately approximately disposed on the shortest lateral branchlets, or 3-4—clustered on the apex of the very short branchlets, ob- ovately spathulate or spathulate, 31 cm. long, 1 ст. broad, truncately emar- ginate at the apex, shortly apiculate, entire on the margin, slightly pubescent, at last glabrous, cuneately narrowed at the base, coriaceous, nearly shining above, pale beneath, rubescent when dried, petioles 3 mm. long. Fruits paniculate, panicles terminal on the short branchlets. Drupes globose, 2 em. 246 ROSACEA. in diameter with 5-stones, stones quadrantiformed, 34 mm. long, apiculate. Нар. Taito. This species is very near C. formosana, but differs from it in the inflorescence. 12. Photinia Liwpr. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves inte n cM TR P. nittakayamensis, Leaves more or less toothed. (2) (2) Leaves large, over 15 cm., grossly dentate. ............... P. deflexa. Leaves smaller, minutely or obscurely serrate or serrulate. (3) (3) Leaves elongately obovately elliptical, serrulate, shortly acute, coriaceous. Ene OBE CIE al НЕ P. serrulata. Leaves lanceolate chartaceous, acuminate, minutely serrulate.......... PEDES ei hee Wer mS oL P. taiwanensis. Photinia deflexa Немві. Ann. Bot. IX. p. 153; Henry List Pl Formos. p. 41; Marsum. et HayATA Enum. РІ. Formos. p. 129. Has. Taitöchö, Takow, Bankinsing, South Cape. Photinia niitakayamensis Hav^rA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 103. Branches dark-ashy, lenticels globose, minute, longitudinally rugose, branchlets slightly tomentose or pubescent, leafy. Leaves oblong-oblanceolate or oblanceolate, chartaceous, 72 cm. long, 21 em. broad, acutely acuminate at the apex, shortly aristate, or calloso-aristate at the apex, obtuse or acute at the base, entire, slightly hirsute on the costas and veins above, at last glabrous, costas slightly impressed above, prominent beneath, lateral veins very slender on both surfaces, petioles 2} cm. long, terete, slightly hirsute, abruptly dilate at the base, stipule-formed. Flowers cymose, cymes terminal 5 cm. long as broad, hirsute. Fruits globose, 8 mm. long, 5-celled, carpels hirsute, slightly exserted, calyx-lobes triangular, 1 mm. long as broad, hirsute and persistent. Has. Ganzan. The present plant was first identified with P. integrifolia LINDL. by Prof. J. Matsumura in * Tokyo Bot. Mag. XII. p. 55,” then followed by myself in ROSAOEE. 247 «Enum, РІ. Formos. p. 130,” and finally identified with Р. Notoniana WicHr et ARN. var. eugenifolia Hook. by Mr. G. Koizumi in “Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXIIT. p. 170. While studying at Kew, I examined the types of the species above mentioned, and found that they are not at all in accordance with the present plant. They differs from our plant besides many other points in having much larger and thicker or even coriaceous leaves. Photinia serrulata HEwsr. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 268; HavaTA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 104. Har. Taito, Daishinzan. So far as the external comparison is concerned, the present plant is quite referable to this species. My plant lacks flowers. Photinia taiwanensis Harara (Pl XXX.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 104. Branches ashy-dark, or fusco-purpurascent, longitudinally rugulose, lenticels minute, branchlets slender, albo-tomentose. Leaves obovately- oblong or oblanceolate, 8 cm. long, 3 em. broad, cuspidately acuminate at the apex, acute at the base, minutely serrulate upwards, serrulas minute, remotely serrulate downwards, quite entire near the base, chartaceous, at first covered with soft tomentum, at last nearly glabrous, costas and veins slender, petioles 7 mm. long. Flowers shortly umbellate, cymose, cymes terminal, 2 cm. long, as broad, pedicels 1 cm. long, bracts subulate, 2 mm. long. Calyx campanulate, glabrous, 21 mm. long, lobes patent, triangular or broadly rounded, mucronate, 1 mm. long, 11 mm. broad. Petals 5, rounded, 33 mm. long as broad, roundly truncate or acute subemarginate or not emarginate at the apex, abruptly cuspidately obtuse near the base, stamens nearly 15, filaments slightly dilate at {the base. Ovary nearly inferior albo-tomentose at the apex, 2-celled, styles 2, entirely connate or slightly distinct at the apex, hirsute at the base, stigma oblique capitate. Fruits elliptico-pyriformed, 6 mm. long, 41 mm. broad, long pedunculate, peduncles 4 mm. long. The Formosan plant is included in P. variabilis by W. B. HEMSLEY in Ind. Fl. Sin. I p. 263. While studying at Kew, I examined all specimens 248 ROSACEJE. included under the same name by the eminent authority, and found that the Formosan specimens are very distinct from any of the other forms of the species collected in continental China. This is near P. arguta, but differs in having more minutely toothed leaves. Har. Taihoku, Koshün, Pachina, Hikaku, Tamsui. DISTRIB. 18. Eriobotrya Lxi. Eriobotrya japonica LINDL. in Trans. Linn. Soc. XIII. p. 102; DC. Prodr. П. p. 631; Sims. et Zuco. Fl. Jap. I. p. 182, t. 97; Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. П. p. 372; Wicur Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 226; Miq. Prol El. Jap. pp. 229, et -372; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. IX. p. 175; Коввев et HemsL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 261; Henry List Pl Formos. p. 41; Durs Fl. Cent. Chin. p. 988; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 129. Crategus bibas Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed—Wirrp. p. 391. Mespilus japonica Tauxe. Fl. Jap. p. 206. Photinia japonica FrANCH. et Savar. Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 142. Has. Shintiku, (cultivated). DISTRIB. Spontaneous in China, cultivated in Japan. 14. Raphiolepis LINN. Raphiolepis indica Ілхті.; DC. Prodr. П. p. 630; Вехтн. Fl. Hongk. p. 107; Maxim. in Mél. Biol. IX. p. 181: Forbes et Немві. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 264; Marsum. et Hayara Enum. Pl. Formos. p. 128. Crategus indica Linn. Sp. Pl. ed-2, p. 683; Bot. Mag. t. 1726. Crategus rubra Lour. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WiLLD. p. 391. Has. Sharyoto, Jitsugetsutan, Holisha, South Cape. DISTRIB. NOTICE. 249 NOTICE. Owing to the limitation of pages of this fascicle, it has become impossible to treat here all the Polypetalous plants. The author is, therefore, obliged to be content with giving families from Ranunculaceæ to Rosacee in this fascicle. As copper-plates had been already finished, illustrations. of some families between Saxifragew to Cornacee are given here. Families from Saxifrages upwards will be treated in the next fascicle. Orders, genera and species in roman type ; tribes, sections, synonyms and species incidentally mentioned in italic type. INDEX. INDEX The numbers inclosed in parentheses refer to pages where orders and genera are mentioned in keys. Abelmoschus moschatus Macn. Abrus Linn. . 5 „ precatorius LINN. on (CIN. oo со оо 00 27 cysticarpum HANCE. A indicum G. Don... Acacia WILLD. 2 55 confusa MERRILL. e Farnesiana WILLD. .. 5 Intsia WILLD... = pennata WILLD 2 Richii Немет... PNCCTAMIGINING, eee ЫК Ser 5. „ albo-purpurascens HAYATA. , capülipes Maxim... , caudatifolium HAYATA. „ caudatum WALL... » Davidi FRANCHET. Š „ duplieato-serratum HAYATA. = GROSUHO 18055, 22 » —Hürgesi. .. „ trifidum var. formosanum HAYATA.. з Hookeri.. š » Kawalami Komz. » laxiflorum. ә levigatum WALL... , morrisonense HAYATA. ә oblongum Watt... „ oblongum WALL... „ Oliverianum Pax. var. microcarpum HAYATA. P 5 » ШАРАПТАР 22 bo » » » » 5 form. longistaminum. , ovatifotium Korpz. » palmatum THUNB.. .. .. ә rubescens HAYATA. .. » Tufinerve.. „ serrulatum HAYATA. var. Nakaharai Acer Tutcheri Durar var. Shimadai HAYATA. 2 . 158 Oda ноет uo co oa co oo 1020 а Cyminosma Y. MUELL. .. . 120 M laurifolia BLUME. .. .. 120 Actinidia LINDL. S m callosa LINDL. 87 3 Championi BENTH. 88 Adinandra JACK. 84 de acuminata. .. ç 85 5 formosana HAYATA. .. 85 sy lasiostyla HAYATA. 86 2 Millettii Вехтн. et Hook. 85 35 pedunculata HAYATA.. "ENG JEschynomene Linn. „о WE T indica LINN... со £79 Aglaia Тоок. .. m so UA » elæagnoidea BENTH.. o TR 5; Í 5 var. formosana (НД АШАУ 09 co o0 A » Odorata LOUR. .. дә AT = Roxburghiana BEDD. 22 128 » Spanoghei BLUME. .. 128 Agrimonia Linn. 2% .. 239 4: Eupatoria Linn... .. 239 x pilosa LEDER. acu AU 5 viscidula Bunce var. japonica I Mar ee 25239 Акера DECNEZS 22 оо bs 39 » longeracemosa MATSUM... oo GE Albizzia DURAZZ. .. ag malas » Juribrissin. со 18) » procera BENTH... .. 213 Allophyllus Linn... .. .. lot 53 Cobbe BLUME... . 151 Althza LINN... 94 5 rosea CAV. 3515.94. Alysicarpus NECK... .. .. .. so 159 » bupleurifolius DC. .. vo ДЕР) 5 vaginalis DO. . . 190 251 Amygdalus Persica LINN. Amoora Roxs. C De Rohituka W. et ARN. erophylla Simp. et Zucc. humulifolia BUNGE. . . Anacardiacex . . Ampelopsis het Anemone LINN. luzoniensis ROLFE. vitifolia HAM. Anona Linn. .. squamosa LINN.. Apios Махсн.. Ке Fortunei Maxtm.. Arabis LINN. .. alpina LINN. morrisonensis HAyATA pterosperma, EDGEW.. taraxacifolia ANDERS. Arachis Linn... T hypogæa Linn... Argemone Linn. a mexicana LINN. .. Artabotrys R. Br... hamata BLUME.. odoratissimus R. Br. Astragalus LrNN. sinicus LINN. Atatantia CORREA... 2% buxifolia OLIVER.. ; monophylla Hoox. et ARN. Atylosia W. et Ary. scarabreoides BENTH. Aubletia ramosissima Lour. Averrhoa LINN. Ме Carambola Linn... INDEX. 218 aa dS) 2. 128 .. (10) .. 145 . 148 2. 168 22 (ШІ) .. (10) . 162 ng AS . (16) 26 26 33 (7) 242 394 . (88) 34 Banisteria benghalensis LINN. аЬ Bauhinia LriNN. ее .. 911 5 Championi BENTH. . 211 5 retusa Ham. .. AL Begoniaceze. 4% (15) Berberidez. 38 5 54 (8) Berberis Ілхх.. Hsc 39 ^ barandana VIDAL. .. 40 D Bealei Fortune. 40 y dictyophylla Franch. 41 5 Kawakamii HAYATA. .. 40 5 morisonensis HAYATA.. AL ar nepalensis SPRENG. 2. 40 Berchemia NECK. .. .. 142 Ж lineata DC... .. 142 55 racemosa SIEB. et Zucc... . 143 Bergia LINN. .. .. .. 73 » glandulosa Turcz. Ж» Biophytum DC. j „+ ШЛА 2 sensitivum DC... . 114 Bixinez. .. do YA » . (10) р 2% 22 (B) Boenninghausenia REICHE. .. LO 5 albiflora REICHB. 6 Bombax а „„ ОЛ 3 malabaricum DC... . 101 Brasenia SCHREB. .. 42 5 peltata PunsH. 42 5i purpurea Casr. 42 Brassica LINN. ; 53 р canpestris LINN. .. 53 z chinensis LINN. 53 э” oleracea LOUR. 54 » Тара LEDEB. Ar 54 Brathys japonica et laxa BLUME. 78 nepalensis BLUME... 79 3rucea Manr... Be 125 25 sumatrana Кохв. 125 Buchanania RoxB... ТЕ 164 5 arborescens BLUME. 164 5. bancana Mia. .. AO 5 florida SCHAUER a arborescens ENGL. .. aoa ats 156 La longifolia, BLUME. 165 Burseraceze. 126 Burseraceze. бо (11) C:esalpinia Linn... .. 208 INDEX. 253 Ceesalpinia Bondac Бохв. . .. 208 Cassia mimosoides Linn. 210 5 Bonducella FLEMING. . 208 5 occidentalis Linn. 210 35 Nuga Arr... .. 908 5% Tora LINN... к 211 2 pulcherrima SWARTZ. . 209 Catha Wallichii Don. 139 Cajanus DC. .. 203 Ceanothus asiaticus Lam. 145 = indicus SPRENG. 203 55 capsularis FORST.. 145 Calophyllum Linn. . 83 Cedrela Linn... © 128 25 Inophyllum VAS 83 5 sinensis A. Juss. 128 Calycifloral. 12 Celastrineze. (10) > : = 6 W (11) Camellia UD S 89 2 5 195 5 caudata WALL. 90 Celastrus tan ар HER, 55 euryoides LINDL. 93 > articulatus on 133 5 salicifolia CHAMP. .. 90 2 diversifolium HEMSLEY. 139 Camunium chinense Похв. 127 % Kusanoi HAYATA... 139 Canarium Linn. 126 m Wallichiana Hance. 139 35 album Race Hoss: 126 Cerastium Linn. .. ya 69 Canavalia ADANS. .. 198 5 aquaticum Linn.. 73 2 ensiformis DC. .. 198 D arisanense HAYATA. .. 69 $ lineata DC... 198 55 cordifolium Roxs. 69 Сә obtusifolia DC. 199 5 morrisonense HAYATA. 70 Capparide:ze. 55 > pilosum LEDER... 71 4 2% (7) 5 trigynum VILL. .. TL Capparis Linn. N 56 " trigynum ViLL. var. morrison- » falcata Lovr. 57 ES JEANA oo ao oo ЛО 25 formosana Немет. 56 Ohalcas paniculata et C. japonensis bios; 122 Ж Henryi MATSUM. .. 56 Cissampelos discolor DC. 37 3 magna Lour.. : о 970 3 hernandifolia WILLD. 37 5 membranacea TN at Caine: Ж hexandra Кохв. Ser oes í var. angustissima HEWsr. 56 Cissus brevipedunculala Maxi... .. 148 > micrantha 57 » cantoniensis Hook. et ARN. s dum Capparis Munch. . 54 » diversifolia Wap. .. 147 > utes pastoris ee 54 » glauca Roxs. .. 149 Cardamine LINN. .. өле 50 » repens LAME. ae 149 5 asarifolia Linn... 51 Citrus Linn. 2% .. 124 "5 hirsuta Linn. TEL ao: 5 Aurantium LINN. .. 124 2 2 var. formosana HavamA. 52 m 2 55 var. Decumana. ji Б var. rotundiloba НАхАтА. 52 Bonavia. oye ursa icq sls 2522196 E parviflora LINN... 51 ӛз Aurantium var. japonica Ноок. .. 125 e reniformis HAYATA. 50 5 5 B sinensis LINN. .. . 124 6 violeefolia. s Bil » (еситата Lour. .. 124 Cardiospermum Linn. .. zs 151 » mermis ROXB. .. 125 » Halicaeabum. 151 » japonica THUNB. .. 125 5p microcarpum H.B.K... . dil „ nobilis Пот. .. 124 Caryophyllez.. . 67 Clausena Burm. 8 SUBITA » .. (8) $ excavata HAYATA... .. 125 Cassia Linn. .. 210 е lunulata HAYATA... .. 123 » ALTA LINN.. .. 211 5 Wampi OLIVER. .. . 123 » glauca Lam. . 210 Clematis Lmn. 16 INDEX. 254 Clematis akoensis HAYATA .. 21 E okænsis .. 17 2 apiifolia DC. . 25 5 barbellata EnGEW... .. 27 20 - Benthamiana Немет. .. . 25-24 poninensis HAYATA 24 2 chinensis RETZ. 24 5 chinensis RETZ. 25 » 7 a rio 17 > crassifolia BENTH. . 17 > crassifolia. 16 25 55 BENTH.. 22 5 formosana KUNTZE. 24 5 grata WALL... 25 2 Henryi Ошу... 25 ^ lasiandra MAXIM. . 22520 5 lasiandra Maxim. var. A HAYATA. oe 18 > Leschenaultiana .. 17 » 5 es ЖІ deos MPEG » 2j DOC. var. an- gustifolia HAYATA. 19 Clematis longisepala HAYATA 21 » longisepala { 17 » Meyeniana Wore. .. 20 anon ТОО | 24 » Mori HAYATA.. 19 » Owatari HAYATA 23 = paniculata THUNB... 24 » paniculata 23 » » ж Қалын NE 17 » gparvilobg Garp. et CHAMP. 25 t 21 теста 33 Clematis recta Linn. 25 » Smiacifolia WALL. 22 » taiwaniana HAYATA. 23 » tatwaniana : 17 » tozanensis HAYATA. 22 > tozanensis.. 17 » triloba Hook... 23 > Ите Шаа: m TEES 20 5 қ var. floribunda 17 » uncinata var. floribunda Hayara 20 » Vitalba Linn. var. javanica 0. REG уе 23 2 Wighliana ? 17 Cleome Linn. . 55 c гозо et viscosa i Lax 55 Cleome pungens WILLD. Cleyera DC. Millettii Hook. et ARN. .. japonica букв. et Zucc... japonica THUNB. ochnacea DC. ,. Clitoria LINN... ” Ternatea LINN. Coceulus ЮС... ” cuneatus BENTH. .. cuneatus.. diantherus or as AD incanus CoLEB. laurifoltus 1 hunbergii DC. ovalifolius DC. Thunbergit japonicus DC. Cochlearia Linn. ” formosana HAYATA Colubrina L. C. Rıca. .. ” ” asiatica BRONG. javanica MIQ. Combretaces ..-.. .. 52 Connarus juglandifot ius E E ARN. .. Cookia punctata RETZ... Corchorus Linn. ” ” acutangulus ere capsularis LINN... decemangularis RoxB. fuscus RoxB. .. Corchorus olitorius Linn. Coriaria LINN. ” intermedia MATSUM. Coriarie2 .. Coronarious Cornacez .. Corydalis DC... » aurea WILLD. var. REGEL. . Balansen S formosana HAYATA. heterocarpa SIEB. et Zucc. kelungensis HAYATA. .. pallida PERS. racemosa PERS. speciosa MAXIM. .. taitænsis HAYATA. fragrans et Ch Hai na а 5 22 194 . 194 - speciosa. Corydalis Wilfordi REGEL. Cotoneaster MEDIK. 3s 2; formosana HAYATA... 5 Koizumi HAYATA. .. a taitoensis HAYATA. Crassulaceze Cruciferze . . Cucurbitaceze .. wet Ware, tilts Diestyledons и ae Cratoegus bibas Lour. .. 5 indica LINN... a rubra Lour... Cratæva Linn.. > VUE DC. » falcata DC. 2 læta DC... 5 magna, DC. А religiosa Еоввт. d trifoliata Rox». Crotalaria Dun 22 2. .. m acicularis Haar m albida HEYNE ^ calycina SCHRANK » elliptica Roxe. > formosana MATSUM. .. s furruginea Gran. pe Kawakamii HAYATA .. 2 linifolia LINN. 3 retusa LINN. y sessiliflora Linn... = similis HEMsr. .. > striata, DC. E Crotalaria Trifoliastrum WILLD. > Trifoliastrum WILLD. Т verucosa LINN. Cruciferze .. Cucubalus Linn. » baccifer LINN. Cyclea gracillima Disus. Cyminosma pedunculata et C. resinosa “De. Daite-gia LINN. E 5 rubiginosa RoxB... Dalrymplea pomifera RoxB.. . Desmodium Desy.. do m ote Wiss M concinnum DC. БӘ floribundum G. Don. 2 formosanum HAYATA. > gangeticum DC. INDEX. 45 Desmodium Gardner BENTH. 244 2 gracillimum HEMSL. 244 > gyrans DC. 245 m gyroides DC. 245 P heterophyllum DC... 12 ^ laburnifolium DC... 7 5 latifolium DC... 14 55 laxiflorum DC... 6 bb laxum DC. 248 % parvifolium DC. 248 #5 podocarpum DC. 248 5 polycarpum DC. 57 5 pseudo-triquetrum DC. .. 57 0 pulchellum BENTH.. . 57 > reniforme DC.., 57 » sinuatum ВІ. . 57 > triflorum DC. . 57 A umbellatum DC. ео. B Derris LoTR. .. .. б .. 169 Ж chinensis BENTH. .. 170 » elliptica BENTH... .. 170 » laxiflora BENTE... оо 1 » Oblonga BENTE... so ZL » uliginosa BENTH. ІП Dianthus Linn Sed Waly 5 Superbus Tae 5o 172 Dicotyledons—Polypetalous. . . 172 Dimocarpus Litchi Lour. oo IA " Longan LoUvm... oo UA Discifloral. . өз 109 р s .. 173 Dodonza an so 173 Domonea angustifolia J 35 TL > Burmanniana DC. . 173 T dioica Кохв... 47 > microcarpa DC. 68 2 viscosa LINN. 68 Dolichos Linn. 5 38 » Lablab LINN. 120 7 trlobatus Warr.?.. 205 Droseraceze E 205 Drymaria WILLD. .. 160 2 cordata WELD. 181 Duchesnea chrysantha Мто... 183 5 fragarioides Miq. 184 " fragiformis SMITH. 183 Dumasa Mbs 65 oo oa 183 3: bicolor HAYATA. 184 5 villosa DC. 256 INDEX. Echinocarpus Brume .. > „+ 109 Evodia Fonsr.. у; dasycarpus BENTH. . 109 c glauca, Miq. Elatnes se so кє а о ъо 15 » Lamarckiana BENTE. "EXE T ss (8) Blatine Тамм: 222222 5-2 50 15 222 triandra Зенков ООШ О ООЛО ОР Eleocarpus LINN. .. 53 .. 109 э decipiens Hemso. за ТИШ 2 japonicus SIEB. et Zucc. LLO lancesefolius Кохв. .. . 110 ” Elseodendron japonicum Franch. et Savar. 140 Entada ADANS.. Je . 212 » scandans LINN... v Vet 212 Tpigynous; "ЖАИНА" EU Ipimedium nn со оо 55 CN EL i Be lh qr No dq EET: Eriobotrya INDL.: . 248 s japonica LINDL.. 218 Erythrina Liv. 196 E indica LAM... 196 Erythrophloum Arzeı.. 2, zahl 5 Fordii Orrv. 211 Euchresta BENN. 7а 207 A Horsfieldii BENN.. 207 Euonymus Linn. 2% 136 s; carnosus HEMSLEY 136 » chinensis) ткш an 2 77159 ES Dielsiana LasEner.. . 136 » . echinata WALL... 138 зэ echinatus T. Iro 138 55 javanicus Bu. 137 P Miyakei HAYATA Ar 137 Spraguei Hayama (Pl. XX.) 137 > subsessilis SPRAGUE .. 138 A Tanake Maxim. НЕСЕ elo d ` trichocarpus HAYATA 138 Euphoria Comm. VETE 152 T Longana TAM 752222 22-452 Ейгуа Фатва ҰТТЫ Т Б » distichophylla Matsum. .. .. .. 87 » däistichophylla Matsum. .. .. .. 90 » distichophilla Hegwsn. .. .. .. 8! » japonica THUNB. 29386 ER strigillosa, EAT AS Tiuryale; Әле” И? E ferox бла 2 22722 9 Euscaphis SıEB. Zvcc... 159 5% Japonica "РАР eae loo x staphyleoides SIEB. et Zucc. 159 > meliæfolia BENTH... > Marambong Miq. » . Roxburghiana BENTE. ә phla DA » triphylla BEDDOME.. Fagara LINN. .. ESO 54 ailanthoides Enen. .. » cuspidata (CHAMP.) ENGL. 2 EMARGINELLA ENGL. et PRANTL... E integrifoliola MERRILL .. T nitida Кохв. ^ piperita Lovm... » triphylla RoxB... Ficoidex .. JANTES Firmiwa, platanifolia SCHOTT Flemingia Roxs. ac p congesta Rox. .. m stricta Бохв. 4 strobilifera R. Br. Fragaria LINN. š ES indica ANDR. .. » malayana Кохв. 5 vesca Linn. var. minor HAYATA. THUNB. 3 pallida THUNB. 5 racemosa THUNB. .. Gærtnera cj Похв. Galactia P. Br. Рф Galactia formosana, MATSUM. 5 Tashiroi Maxim. Gamopetalous. . Garcinia LINN. Quos 5 multiflora CHAMP... Geraniacex. Fumaria lutea ” ” Geranium LrNw. 2 aconitifalium. » collinum A. DO. .. 5» Robertianum Linn. .. 5 uniflorum HAYATA. Gilibertia Nalugu DC. .. Gleditschia LINN. .. mane » - formosana HAYATA... 4 heterophylla BUNGE... 2 Japontcae "v ез Glumaceous. Жы: Glycosmis arborea DC... Glycine Linn. ine к hispida Maxm. = tomentosa BENTH... Glycosmis CORREA. ne $ citrifolia LINDL... 5 pentaphylla CORREA. Gonus amarissimus LOUR. .. Gordonia ELLts. de = anomala SPRENG... a javanica Hook. Gossypium LINN. .. oe a herbaceum Linn. 5 indicum Lam. j Nanking Myer. 53 religiosum RoxB. Grewia LINN... 552 » parviflora Bunce. A piscatorum FIANCE. .. » tiliefolia VAHL. Guilanaia Bonduc LINN. Guttiferz.. Gymnosporia diversifolia Maxim. . Gymnosperms. 2410 Gynandropsis RAFIN. .. .. M 2; pentaphylla DC... Haloragex. Halorageze. Hamamelidesz, . » Helera hypoglauca Hance. . . Helicteres LINN. HS e angustifolia LINN. E lanceolata DC. Heritiera Arr .. $ e littoralis Arr... Hibiscus LINN. а теа » Abelmoschus Linn. 2 chinensis DC.. . » flavescens Cav. F mutabilis LINN. 20 rosa-sinensis LINN. 7 simplex Linn. . 5 surattensis Linn... - syriacus Linn. INDEX. 257 (6) Hibiscus tiliaceus LINN. eri 00 121 2 Trionum Linn. 8 ternatus Cav. 98 195 Hiptage IGENT e 55. ШТІ 196 7 Madablota GÆRTN.. ә diui 196 Hyperieinex. .. 75 121 р (7) 121 > MT D Mes (8) 121 Нуренеші ILI, po os со oc 75 125 fb acutisepalum HAYATA. Д 89 E Ascyron LINN... 77 89 » attenuatum CHOIS. 82 89 2 aureum LOUR. .. 78 109 x chinense LINN.. HE КАМТЫ; 109 ся chinensis р. Hoox. et ARN. .. 78 101 5 electrocarpum MAXIN. 80 101 5; erectum THUNB. 81 101 5 formosanum Maxrw. 79 106 2 formosanum HAYATA. 77 107 A geminiflorum HEMSLEY... 76 107 Е japonicum THUNB. .. 13 107 5 longistylum Отту. 80 208 » monogynam Linn. 18 82 T mutilum MaAxrw. 73 (8) en Nagasawai HAYATA. 81 139 ^ nervatum HANCE. 78 . (6) 5 patulum THUNB. 19 56 à; perforatum. . АУ 81 56 Hydropeltis purpurea RICHARD. .. 42 12) a pusillum Cnorzsv. "78 15) А raidaiense HAYATA... 81 15) Hypericum salicifolium Sims. et Zucc. (8 14) 2) Sampsoni HANCE. 80 15) T simplieistyla HAYATA. 78 13) 5 simplicistylum HAYATA... 79 147 E subalatum HAYATA... 77 104 de taisanense HAYATA... 80 104 = Thunbergii FRANCH .. 87 104 x trinervium HEMSLEY. 79 103 5 trinervium HEMSL. .. 80 103 й uralum Ham. 79 98 Iaesia Махім.. d 62 99 » polycarpa Maxim. 1.02 99 Tlicineze. (8) 129 99 Пех LiNN.. ос oo 129) 100 „ ardisioides Las. 2139 99 » asprella CHAMP. sa 150 103 , bioritsensis HAYATA. 20 121930) 98 » Champion Las. Sc digit 99 „ crenata THUNB. - 288 258 Tlex embelioides Hook. .. INDEX. .. 135 Aust + formosana MaxiM.. К d „ goshiensis HAYATA. се ШӘЛІ » Hanceama Maxi... Lait , integra THUNB. со Пері ә intricata Hook. . 194 „ Japonica THUNB. om, RAO, , Kusanoi HAYATA. >. 132 » luzonica RoLre. .. 188 „ macrocarpu OLIVE.. 2: 199 » macropodo, Mra. 21192 » memecylifolia CHAME: .. .. .. .. 131 „ Mertensii Maxim. var. ЗЕМЕ Las, 135 „ nokoensis HAYATA.. 53183] » parvifolia ee .. 134 » Pernyi FRANCH. var. Manicures m 130 , rotunda THUNB. .. 181 „ taisanensis HAYATA. .. 194 „ taiwaniana HAYATA. 55. 1523 » Thomsoni.. 3 ТЕҢ) Шісіпта Liny.. 13 ^ sp. HAYATA. 31 » anisatum Linn. 31 5 anisatum Lour. 31 a Griffith... 31 A religiosum Gem et ven, 31 Impatiens УБ jJ. uniflora HAYATA, .. .. 115 Indigofera Linn. .. .. +». 144 д, Anil Linn. .. 176 ты atropurpurea, Бохв. 177 52 decora LINDL. р 175 = glandulifera HAYATA.. 175 % hirsuta LINN. 176 = kotoensis HAYATA. 176 2 linifolia Retz. 177 de macrostachya VENT. .. 177 >: tinctoria LINN. 177 5 trifoliata Linn. 177 55 venulosa CHAMP. 177 Introduction. .. 1 Isopyrum Linn. > 2) 3 7 E . (16) > adiantifolium Hoox. et п 30 А adinanfolium Hoox. et THoms. var. arisanense HAYATA.. 2251929 Jambolifera pedunculata et J. resinosa OUR. Sun la ee el Kadsura Juss. г sa. VETE MIS EE тр АЛА 25 chinensis HANCE. .. » japonica LINN. Kleinhovia Linn. .. er 5 Hospita LINN. .. Koelreuteria Lax. . mn bipinnata Paloma Larbrea aquatica SER.. a T ет, .. 3 vliginosa Hook. Leea LINN. „ Ollilis DC. » sambucina WD, » Staphylea Кохв. . Leguminosæ Lepta triphylla Lour. .. Lespedeza Місніх. ^ Buergeri MAXIM... Miq. AN chinensis G. Don. > juncea Pers. 3 macrocarpa, BUNGE = Oldhami Miq. .. T pubescens HAYATA 35 striata Hook, et Ary. Lespedeza Viatorum CHAMP. 5 virgata DC... Leucena BNNTH. .. A glauca BENTH. Limonia arborea RoxB... ES bilocularis Кохв. Я parvifolia Sms. Linez ” » Linum GN ik 5 TOM Lus N. Liriodendron Figo Lover. 5» liliifera Linn... Fe Coco Lour. Litchi chinensis SONNER. Lotus LINN. „ corniculatus Lay Lourea Хкск.. 5; obcordats Disa : DC. Lysidice HANCE ; 55 rhodostegia usées var. 33 30 33 33 2.4103 .. 104 so lol 25 Lol 73 72 72 . 150 .. 150 .. 150 .. 150 .. 165 .. (12) 2 307 Oldhami . 190 2. 19) .. 190 .. 190 2, 191 .. 192 .. 191 . 192 2. 192 2. 192 se al 25 2) .. 124 .. 124 . 121 ) 110 41; (Hf) . (10) .. 110 O 32 32 32 1 152 .. 174 sE. .. 189 лс ШӘЙ) .. 210 .. 210 Lythrarieze » ee Maenoliaceze 2% Magnolia .. m Championi BENTH. » fuscata ANDR. >» grandiflora Linn. .. 5 grandiflora э» pumila ANDR. 9; pumila Mahonia nepalensis DC. Malpighiaces .. Malvacex .. Malva Lmn. T » mauritiana Linn. Š » > B sinensis DC. = sylvestris Linn. .. Malvastrum A. Gray .. a tricuspidatum A. GRAY.. Mangifera LINN. .. .. 5 joven Uma oe oa oo Марра dAGQ n e 5 ovata var. insularis MATSUM. Medicago linn. .. .. .. 3 denticulata WILED. > lupulina LrNN. Megabotrya meliczfolia, Hance Melastomaceæ. и... у... Meliacee.. .. 2 . .. Melia Linn. ЫБ » Azedarach LINN... » Japonica G. Don.. » sempervirens Sw... Melilotus Juss. UR 5 parveflora DESF. .. Meliosma BLUME. .. vs » rhoifolia Maxim. .. .. 3 rigida SIEB. et Zucc. .. y squamulata HANCE Melochia Linn. .. . 6 220 7, concatenata Linn. vds 25 corchorifolia Linn. = truncata WILLD... .. Melodorum Dun. .. .. .. .. INDEX. 259 (12) Melodorum Oldhami Нем. 34 (13) | Menispermacez (7) (7) > eee ae LE 35 30 Menispermum villosum RoxB. .. 36 31 5 japonicum THUNB. 37 (30) Mespilus japonica THUNB. .. 240 32 Michelia Linn. .. .. . (30) 32 > st een 32 31 Уз compressa МАхтм. o. 92 81 з compressa . (32) 32 fuscata BLUME. 32 31 5 fuscata .. o (32) 46 5 longifolia BLUME.. 32 111 5 longifolia. . Š (32) (11) Microspermous "Ee; 93 Millettia W. et ARN. Я 178 (8) = reticulata BENTH... .. .. 178 94 Milnea Roxburghiana WILLD. et ARN. 128 94 Mimosa EINN ssa. fen) 2222 2: 212 94 АЗ pudica Linn. .. 212 94: Monocotyledons 6 95 Mucuna Apans. ТЕ oh 196 oo 9% » Capitata WALP. et ARN. .. 197 .. 104 » ferruginea Matsum. 197 .. 164 Murraya LINN. SAIS. 122 .. 199 Murraya exotica Linn... .. se e 122 . 159 » Кеоеспіріі SPRENG. .. 122 . 173 Myosoton aquaticum Mancu. 73 ss dd Myrtacee.. 2. 22%. 14 ТИ Nasturtium Br. Um 48 . 117 3 cantoniense HANCE .. 48 . (13) 5 globosum 'l'uncz. 48 .. (11) 0 montanum WALL .. .. .. 48 . 126 5 sikokianum FRANCH. et Savar. 48 . 126 Nelumbium speciosum WILLD. .. 43 .. 196 Nephrocia cuneifolia MIERS .. .. 35 ; 197 Nelumbo Gmrry... .. .. . 43 NI S nucifera GZERTN... .. .. 43 . 174 Nephelium Linn... .. .. .. 152 .. 174 P dimocarpus Hook. . 152 .. 161 on Litchi Camp. .. .. .. 152 .. 161 9 Longana CAMB.. 153 so ii Norysca aurea BLUME.. | 78 . 161 » patula BLUME.. 19 104 Nudo 2222 оо 6 .. 105 Nympheacee.. .. 42 . 104 > (7) 105 2 ет СТЕ (9) 33 Nympæa Nelumbo Lour. 43 260 INDEX. Olacinee 129 Pisum sativum LINN. . 194 = ыле (10) Pithecolobium Marr. 213 Onagrariece (Trapa) CENE Wu (9) 5 dulce BENTH. 213 » 2 : (12) X lucidum ВЕхтн... 214 Ormocarpum n Be 21 22/09, Pittosporeze. 63 Я glabrum 'l'e1sw. d BINN... 179 45 . (7) Ornitrophe Cobbe WILLD. 151 Pittosporum PE 63 Р serralada БЕЗ 151 0 ДӘ Had: 65 Oxalis LINN. 7 113 3» ` floribundum W. et А. 65 » . corniculata LINN. V 114 7 formosanum HAYATA. .. 64 „Сии EpcEw. et Hook. 114 25 oligocarpum HAYATA. 63 » sensitiva LINN. 114 x pauciflorum Hoor. et Arn... 64 Pachyrhizus Бісн. re ras 202 23 Tobira Arr. ез = angulatus КІСЕ. ROS 202 ы undulatum VENT. .. 64 Paliurus Juss.. .. .. .. 142 Podophyllum Lryy. 41 T. Aubletia SCHULTZ.. 142 » pleianthum Наси, ESI АШ AS ramosissimus Porn. 142 Poinciana Tourn. .. „. 209 Papaveracex .. . 43 з regia Бол. . 209 o sis (7) Polanisia RAFI. š 55 Papaver Linn. Nele 43 б icosandra WIGHT ef A 55 5s somniferum Linn. 43 5 viscosa DC. 55 Passiflorze (Carica). . 15 Polygaleze. 65 Pericampylus Mirrs. š 38 Polygala Linn. 65 2 formosanus DrEns 38 A arcuata ШТА p 65 Pericampylus incanus Mirrs. 38 5 glomerata Поов. 67 3 к; as aec 09 % japonica Ноттт. . €6 Persica vulgaris Min.. . 218 5 sibirica Linn. 66 Phaseolus Linn.* .. .. 99 = Tatarinowil КЕС... 2.2. .. €6 2 lunatus LINN. 2199 - Waltersii HANCE .. 66 P Mungo LINN. MOINS ilb) Polygalez. . ve әз radiatus Linn. var. typica D. Polypetalous 6 PRATER 25 Еа . 200 Polyspora axillaris Bs рс 89 >; орав re RT . 200 Pometia J. R. et Forst 153 Phoberos chinensis Roun. 62 3 tilizefolia .. 153 5 scevus HANCE 2. 162 Pongamia: VENT. 22 7222 207 Photinia LINDL. .. 246 5 glabra VENT. 207 5 arguta e .. 248 Portulaceze stew ate 13 x deflexa Немет. .. .. .. 246 » (12) Photonia integrifolia LiNDL. К .. 246 > i RS (13) » japonica FRaNcH, et SAVAT. . 248 Portulaca Dan. 73 > niitakayamensis HAYATA. .. . 246 е. oleracea LINN. 74 уз Notoniana WıGHT. et Ann. var. е pilosa LINN... ys 73 eugenifolia Hoox. 2. 247 » quadrifida HAYATA .. .. . 74 54 serrulata Hemsn. .. .. 247 5 > LrNN. var. formosana a taiwanensis HAYATA. .. со DYE АЖАТ. А SEI onan tet 74 5 variabilis HEMSLEY. sc ПТ Potentila Шық! 22-2 - 236 Pistacia Linn... .. 164 chinensis SER. .. .. 236 P. formosana Musou .. 164 discolor BUNGE. 236 Pisum Lrsn. . 194 20 formosana HANCE 236 INDEX. 261 Potentilla gelida С.А. Mey. ay дәй Ranuculus Linn. so. 20 5 qv ndi flora Linn. . 237 35 5 . (16) 2: leuconota Dow. var. morrisoni- S Sp... 22 229 cola HAYATA. J su PB y acris. : . (26) 2 multifida Влкев et S. ОЕ no 2 0 Шық... 28 * pensylvanica Тху. .. 938 = Cymbalaria PARSH 28 s Sibbaldi HALLER .. жарас T exlorris HANCE .. 28 Prinos asprellus Hook. et Ann... .. 130 e flaccidus. 28 » integra Hook. et Ary. .. 123 ^ Kawakami HAYATA... 25 A Prinsepia RoyLE .. зо male) » Kawakamii . . . (26) 5 utilis Royne.. aa 219 ` japonicus LANGSD. 28 Prunus Ілхх... A о ЭШ E 5 japonicus THUNB. .. 28 » campanulata ME .. 216 » pennsylvanicus L. var. japonicus. » communis Нор. . 216 WASHES Ga со ос co PO + Davidiana FRANCHET 29218 " Didonis MERR. E «Borse 27 » domestica LINN. co AO Е propinquus var. hirsulus А. » jformosana Marsuw. .. 218 (бәл ош . 28 „o nsititia Linn... 2222170 š propinquus с. A 28 » Japonica THUNB. su Pale n sceleratus LNN... 29 Я Kawakamii HAYATA со ЖЭЙ Ranueulus taisanensis HAYATA. .. 26 Prunus Mume Sine. et Zucc. а E ternatus THUNB... 28 » pendula Maxim. O 2 Zuccarinii TES б: Tersia SIEB. et Zucc. .. 217 | Raphiolepis Livy... Bb .. 948 » pogonostyla Maxim. со IS] T indica LINDL. .. . 248 » punctata Hook. . 218 Rayania hexaphylla THUNB... ca ӨШ) » taiwaniana HAYATA a Palo) Rhamnes, . .. 141 » Фегосагра HEMSLEY in Ame Bot. 218 е; UNS .. (10) Psophocarpus Neck. .. 202 Rhamnus Linn. .. 143 Ёз tetragonolobus DC. . 202 23 acuminala Оот®в .. 145 Pterospermum SCHREB. uu КЕ .. 104 T arguta Maxrw. var. SERMO E formosanum MATSUM. . 104 HAYATA. ee .. 144 2 fuscum Коти. .. 104 5 formosana MATSUM. .. .. 144 Pueraria DC. 2% со ШЕТІ = Jujuba Linn. .. 142 ^ phaseoloides Бозе .. 198 i Nakaharai HAYATA. .. 143 De Thunbergiana BENTH... OS 5 triquira WALL... .. 144 Pyenospora R. Br. 27 NEM .. 188 Rhizophorex .. .. (14) 3 hedysaroides R. Br. -. 188 N .. (13) Pyrus LINN. E Lc AVE ELE РАЗ Rhus Liyy. “a .. 162 , aucuparia var. randaiensis HAYATA. 242 „ intermedia хат, .. 162 = i » tulocularis Mayara. 243 » javanicum Linn... Bes Lea 163 a OVCO аер 04а » succedanza Linn. var. japonica Ener. 163 » formosana OP et ions . 244 „ semi-alata MURR.. .. .. .. 163 „ Kawakamii HAYATA .. .. 243 » Suceedanea LINN... 58 .. 163 aate .. 944 „ Toxicodendron Linn. (var. ?) .. 164 » -Prattii HEwsr. .. 243 » Toxicodendron LINN. .. .. 163 > sinensis.. 5 282415 Rhynchosia LOUR... .. 203 O unaria lansium Lour. . 123 ^ minima DC. .. 204 Ranunculacez H Ж sericea SPAN. .. 204 á (6) Е volubilis Lour. . 204 262 Riedleia concatenata DC. 4: corchorifolia DC. .. » supina DC. Бовасев . 5 (Photinia) iis mS kets T (RUDUS) о no Rosa Linn. .. . » Amygdalifolia md » bracteata WENDL. CIEN SINN — n5 "as an о indica, ALIN Sn ә 99 on o » indica Var. formosana HAYATA. » involucrata BRAAM. » levigata MicH. » longifolia Win... sis » Lucie FrAwcH. et Косн. .. » Anorrisonensis HHYATA. „ moschala BENTH. .. » multiflora THUNB. » Nivea DC. > » semperflorens WILLD. .. a ТОЙЫ Te » Webbiana WALL. .. » Willmottie Hensn. „ anihiana LINDL. .. Rubus Linn. .. 2% » Chinensis SER. .. » conduplicatus DurHte. » conduplicatus DUTHIE. % = Dura1e. » » » corchorifolius Tasse ; 5 5; glaber Mansi: » diffusus. » elegans HAYATA. „fasciculatus Юотнте.. » formosensis O. KUNTZE... » fraxinifolius Pork. » Hamiltonianus SER. .. » hirsutus Hayara. » “incisus THUNB... п ООО AE sS E » Kawakamii HAYATA.. » Lambertianus SER. .. » malifolius FockE. » moluccanus Linn. » Mori HAYATA. .. » nantensis HAYATA... INDEX. 7 105 Rubus ochlanthus Hance. .. 228 .. 105 » Oliveri Mn. .. . 225 2. 105 » parvifolius Lin. .. 230 as 214 » pectinellus Maxim. .. 230 .. (12) » peclinellus Maxim. . 231 . (13) » pentalobus НАхАТА.. . 230 oo (002) » pungens Cams. var. Oldhami Max. 231 . 239 » randaiensis HAYATA.. 22 280 .. 240 » reflexus Ker. .. . 228 .. 240 » retusipetalus HAYATA. .. 232 .. 240 » Rolfei VrpAn var. lanatus Banai 232 . 240 » rossfolius SMITH. .. 233 .. 249 » rugosus МАХІМ.. . 226 .. 940 A d SMITH... .. 228 .. 240 x т AO en 2 220) .. 240 » sepalanthus FOCKE. .. .. .. 228 .. 241 » Shinkcensis HAYATA... .. 233 .. 241 » Swinhci HANCE. .. 234 .. 241 » 5 5 .. 228 so Ul » tagallus Cuam. et Sonn .. 234 . 240 » taisansis HAYATA. .. 294 240 » taiwanianus MATSUM. . 235 240 » triphyllus 'Тнохв. 22 2/510) 241 » villosus THUNB... . Ac .. 925 241 Rutacez. .. . 116 241 5 .. (9) 222 PB .. (11) 233 Р 5% 5 Ae (dD) 924 | Sabiacez.. .. 160 232 * . (12) 234 Sabia Con . 106 235 » Swinhei Кюй. .. 106 225 Sageretia BRONGN... 3 .. 144 225 2 theezans Bronen. . 144 232 | Sagina LN. .. 3 69 225 » Linngi PRESL... 69 235 » maxima A. Gray. 69 226 » procumbens THUNB... 69 226 » sinensis HANCE., .. Фо (9) 228 Sambucus japonica THUNB... .. 160 227 Samydacez. (18) 234 Sapindacez. . 150 235 E 289) 221 > 101) 228 2 . (12) 228 2 2 . (10) 228 Sapindus miss d . 152 229 5 Mukorossi repas . 152 229 Saurauja WELD. 88 Saurauja Oldhami Немет. .. Saxifragece. Schima B А Noronhze EON Schmiedelia Соб DC. .. 55 Rheedii WIGHT.. > villosa WIGHT. .. Schoepfia SCHREB. . . » Sp. .. Scolopia SCHREB. б; crenata Cros. . > Oldhami Hance. Scopolia aculeata Sw. Scylalia Longan Бохв... Senebiera Por. с 5 integrifolia DC. 5 pinnatifida TENS Sesbania Pers. a zegyptiaca. Sibbaldia Ілху. 5 cuneata, KUNZE. 2 procumbens Lmn. Sida Linn. » acuta Burm. .. » asiatica LN.. > carpinifolia Linn... „ cordifolia Lmn. » indica LINN. » humilis Мір. » mysorensis W. et A. . » rhombifolia Lin... » Stauntoniana DO... Silene Linn. .. : » Fortunei Vrs. Simarube:e. > M rod Sinapis pekinensis Lour. > pusilla Кохв. .. Skimmia THUNB. .. Ex 5 japonica THUNB. .. Sloanea Lnn.. IA 3 КОО = Smithia Arr. de ES спа RoxrE... 5 Nagasawal HAYATA. ЕЕ sensitiva AIT... = chinensis et S, байа Cros.. INDEX. 263 so ӨБ | Sophora тут оо cc oo cc 207 .. (14) » flavescens Arr. 206 . (12) > tomentosa LrNN. 206 . (13) Spiræa Linn... ae 220 89 » formosana HAYATA. . aer ae OO), DENS) $» > HAYATA var. тому co 15 АТА ao ses ate 220 co ШЕП » japonica Linn. .. 220 oo 151 » smorrisonicola HAYATA. 221 „о 129 » prunifolia Sms. et Zucc.. 221 . 129 Stachyurus Өгев. et Zucc. . 88 62 Stachyurus Aimalaicus Hook. f. et ноз. 88 62 preecox SIEB. et Zucc. 88 62 Stauntonia DC. 38 <. 62 a hexaphylla Dre 38 . 120 | Stellaria Lmn.. š 71 . 153 » aquatica Ѕсор.. 73 54 » aquatica Pout. 15 72 54 5 dichasioides WILLIAMS... 72 .. 54 > media Linn. 13 so dus 2 micrantha HAvATA.. 72 .. 178 a nutans HEMSL.. .. .. 71 се Pals T saxatilis Ham .. ón 72 so О 5 stellato-pilosa HAYATA... val . 238 уз uliginosa MURRAY.. .. .. .. 72 95 5. undulata THUNB. .. 72 96 Stephania LoUR. 36 97 > қан SCC PO us ТЫҚЫР 35 96 > dahuniea D 2: oo 37 95 2 hernandifolia Wap. .. 36 97 2 hernandi folia 36 95 к tetrandra .. 36 96 5 (бй) ӨШ Боор oo со оо 37 96 М tetrandra S. MOORE .. 37 96 Sterculiaceze 102 68 4 ; (9) .. 68 Sterculia WE 102 125 D lanceolata (us. 103 (9) 2 nobilis В. BROWN .. 102 54 D platanifolia Livy... 103 .. 48 » pyriformis BUNGE. . 103 ‚. 121 T tomentosa "THUNB... .. .. 103 се ТІ Sunana шан. оо 2 2 - 125 sc 109 Y M ass: oo . 125 .. 109 Talinum Apans. .. .. .. 74 > E) 34 erassifolium WILLD. .. 74 . 180 Tamariscnee.. 2 22. .. 75 ao AUI) 5 ТЕЛ REC C а (Ө) . 180 Tamarix Liyy. SU comes SR eoa. UO) 264 Tamalix chinensis SIEB. et Zucc. ? juniperina BUNGE Taonabo japonica Szysz. Tephrosia PERS. 7. nun 2 purpurea PERS. .. Ternstroemiacez 5 MIS ce oen ton Ternstroemia LINN. .. с 5 japonica THUNB. .. Thalamifloral.. .. Thalictrum 3 Urbaini 5 Fauriei HAyATA Шен ны » biflora HAYATA » brevistyla HAYATA Thea caudata (WALL) .. » Chinensis Sms .. , gracilis (HEwMsr..). , , reticulata „ salicifolia SEEM... » Sasanqua 25 » Shinkensis HAYATA ., „ tenuiflora HAYATA Tiliaceæ .. Tinospora dentata Disus Toddalia Juss. o » aculeata PERS. Tribulus Linn. 5 2; cistoides Lrww. 35 terrestris LINN. Trifolium Lin. : Tripterygium Hook. f... : N; Wilfordii Hook. 5 Bulloclezi НахсЕ .. Tristellateia THOUARS > zd australasica A, Vues. Triumfetta Linn. .. 20 35 angulata Lam. .. x Lartramia LINN. 2 pilosa Котн. е rhomboidea Jacq. » trilocularis RoxB. Trochodendron SIEB. et Zucc. 5 aralioides SrEB. Gr ACs oo INDEX. 75 Turpinia VENT. En 7: 160 15 5 pomifera DC. .. 160 84 Unona hamata Doxa 34 178 » odoratissima et hamala d 34 178 » uncinata DO. EDS 83 Uraria Desv. . „a 88 (8) = crinita Desv. .. 188 . 84 » . hamosa Warn... id) жа oe 84 3 > formosana MATsUM. .. . 188 6 Uraria logopoides DC... „„ 199 25 » . pieta Dzsv... . 189 . (16) Urena LINN. 98 25 » diversifolia Wine 98 25 » . helorophylla SMITH .. 97 89 » Jobata Lmn. 97 92 » lobata Var. De Mis: 98 90 » ZLappago SmITH.. 98 90 » morifolia DC. 97 91 » muricata DC. 97 90 Uvaria Linn. .. a : 33 93 » clusiflora MERRILL .. 347 90 » Jıaponica Linn. .. 33 92 » uncata Lour. 34 92 » Sp. HAYATA 33 91 Ventilago GERIN. Br 141 106 ^ elegans HEwsr. .. 141 (8) ка leiocarpa BENTH. 141 (9) Vicia LINN. 192 (11) » angustifolia no 192 38 » Craeca LINN. А 193 120 отепа КОСЕ 2-77 193 120 „ sativa LINN. > 193 „sul » tetrasperma Mawcu. .. 194 112 Viena Бау. 200 112 бабата Mee hotter RES SUL 174 > 5 ENDL. var. sinensis um . 201 140 ә lutea A. Gray 200 140 » pilosa BAKER. š 201 140 » reflexo-pilosa HAYATA. 201 111 „ Sinensis Hassk... 201 111 » Stipulata HAYATA 202 108 Violacez .. 58 109 С” (7) 109 Viola LrNN. : 58 109 » diffusa GING. 60 . 108 , formosana HAYATA 59 109 » japonica Lanesp. 25 61 30 » japonica var. pekinensis ieee 61 30 » kamtschatica var. pekinensis REGEL. 62 Viola Kawakamii HAYATA .. Nagasawai Marmo et HAYATA Patrinii DC... primulifolia Lour. siamensis š Sieboldi Maxım. .. tozanensis HAYATA verecunda A. GRAY EINN Ся ° angustifolia WALL. angustifolia HAYATA .. cantoniensis SEEM. cordata WALL. corniculata BENTH. dentata HAYATA .. flexuosa THUNB. . formosana HEMSrL. heterophylla THUNB. .. Heyneanı Ram. et бенттт. inconstans Mn. .. joponica THUNB. .. Labrusca Пху. Labrusca THUNB... indica Hoox. et ARN... parvifolia Кохв. . INDEX. 58 „ repens W. et A... 60 » Thunbergii SIEB. et Zucc... 61 „ triphylla HavATA 61 » umbellata HAYATA 59 | Waltheria Ln. .. 60 » _ americana Linn. 59 7 indica Linn. AG en Makinoi HAYATA .. 145 Zanthoxylum Ша ЫЫ оо Суз . .. 147 5 ailanthoides SIEB. et Zucc. 2: 149 = cuspidatum CHAMP. .. 147 = Lamarckianum sc al) P nitidum DC... А 22146 s planispinum SIEB. et Zucc. -. 146 T ptelecefolium CHAMP. .. xata A Roxburghianum CHAMP. 2. ДАТ S setosum HEMSL... .. 148 A zeylanicum DC. . 149 Zizyphus Juss. .. .. .. 148 = Jujuba Lam. . 148 Zigophylleze .. 148 Zornia GMEL... .. .. .. 149 3 diphylla Pers... . 149 Zygophyllacex . 147 rt ЛЫҒЫ” ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. PLAT I и Bio P» m a n e PLATE I. Clematis Morii Hayara. The plant. Longitudinal section of a flower. A sepal, seen from without. The same, seen from within. Stamens, one innermost, the other outermost one. A carpel. Ic. Pf. Farmos, Fasc. РІ. Т. T. Arai sculp. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. EIE SIE ЕЛ ШЕ PLATE 11. Clematis akænsis HAYATA. Fig. 1. The plant, 34 2. А flower, longitudinal section. | š 3. A sepal, seen from within and withont. j 2 4. А stamen. od. К 5. A carpel. | | Ic. Pl. Formos. Fasc. 1. Pl. If. K.Nakasawa sculp. M. Ebina, del. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. PRATE TI. Clematis tozanensis HAYATA. The plant. A flower, longitudinal section. A stamen. , A carpel | Ты. Ic. РІ. Formos. Fasc. 1. Pl. Ill. == == TC E í | M.Ebina, del. K.Nakasawa sculp. es Clematis taiwaniana HAYATA. | £ К The plant. д Mm. A flower-bud. Fig. 1. 2. 3. A flower. | 4. A вера], ‚seen from within and without. 5. А stamen. | | 6. Th A carpel. | К The same, matured. i Ic. РІ. Formos. Fasc. 1. Pl. IV. M. Ebina, del. K.Nakasawa sculp. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. [us AE. V. Ranunculus taisanensis HAYATA. А Fig. 1. The plant. | De ADM 52 A flower. ev А вера], seen from within. m The same, seen from without. M A petal, a glandulous body is seen at the | A stamen. A young carpel. A mature carpel. D N о ол lc. Pl. Formos. Fasc. 1. Pl. V. | M.Ebina, del. = F. Fujisawa sculp. ET ЕБ NEL. = 2 e -< co c = са © Е = Lm ea E = Ay cQ El e © = м Fig. ES Ranunculus Kawakamii HAYATA. ж 1 9 3. А вера], seen from without. d.d 5 6 PLATE VI The plant. ` A flower. V My 'The same seen from side. The same, seen from another side. | A petal, seen from within, a т | base of the Tamina is seen. Another pott | A stamen. Syncarp. A carpel. Ic. Pl. Formos. Fasc. 1. Pl. VI. M.Ebina, del. K.Nakasawa. sculp. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. F ILA lal, V ИЕ Jsopyrum cdiantifolium Hook. et THoms. var. arisanen Mise 1; 2. 3. 4. 10. 11. PLATE ҮП. The plant. me. b | A radical leaf. “у Basal portion of a petiole. A leaflet. An open flower, with five stamens. Sepals of different shape. A A petal, seen from ps and without. А i A stamen. š Am ovary, or two e | А fruit. Ic. Pl. Formos. Fasc. 1. Pl. VII. Бышы. del =| K.Nakasawa sculp. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. о A ie VETT. *. | E : E = = A branch of the plant. il, ig. NES A muit. The sa 4. An embryo. x ~ 2. tical section. me in ver 3. Ic. Pl. Formos. Fasc. 1. Pl. VIII. | M.Ebina. del. T. Arai sculp. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. PEATE IX. | Fig. je PLATE IX. Berberis Kawakami HAYATA. A branch of the plant. A portion of a branch with flower-clusters. А ретше. A. flower-bud. An open flower. and 7. Sepals of different shapes. A petal, two glandular bodies are seen at the base of the petal. . and 10. A stamen seen from within and without. An ovary. The same, in vertical section. A fruit. . and 15. A seed, seen from different sides. An embryo. Ic. Pl. Formos. Fasc. 1. Pl. IX. т E с> 7 — --- AN === GAR = M. Ebina. del. T.Arai sculp. 2 = = = = бее = = es > = = AS = EA = "s A ES к= ENTE X. УУ, у, a W PS. MY 2-4 À WE S - ^ MEN “ % h Ë Berberis morrisoxensis HAYATA. IA | . Fig. 1. A branch of the plant. | 2. A leaf. à | i 3. А шв | 4. A seed. 5 . An embryo. N | 4 x _ % ho FOTOS IEA РІК M.Ebina,del. F. Fujisawa sculp. = =, се Tut К PLATE XV. Hypericum acutisepalum HAYATA | 1. A branch of the plant. ç 2. A portion of A branch, showing the a tta the flowers, perules are shown. 3. An open flower. 4. A sepal. 5. Petals of different shapes. 6. Stamens in bundle. 7. А stamen. 00 | 8. The same, seen from another side. 9. An ovary. 10. An apical portion of a style, stigmatic p shown. | Ic. Pl. Formos. Fasc. 1. Pl. XV. | M.Ebina, del. K.Nakasawa senlp ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. Е PLATE ХО 20 ypericum simplieistylum MAY ATA. ppp «л анын PLATE XVI. A branch of the plant. A leaf. A flower- bud. An open flower. A sepal. . A petal. 1 A stamen, seen from within and without. —— An ovary. | | ^ Apical portion of a style, stigmatic portion Ic. Pl. Formos. Fasc. 1. Pl. XVI. a M. Ebina, del. | K.Nakasawa sculp. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. PEATE XVIL PLATE XVII. Hypericum randaiense НАҮАТА. Fig. 1. The plant. 2. A leaf. 3. A flower. 4. A sepal. 5. A petal. 6. A stamen, ‘seen from within. | 7. The same, seen from without. | 8. An ovary. Ic. РІ. Formos. Fasc. I. Pl. XVII. | M.Ebina. del. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. SL, Soy LU: | ET à |\ > j = E y i $ Mas y Y 1 4 | sic p 4 ' ч СУТИ ç к, 1 TO Y Ar M E VS | КАД. | | PLATE XVIII. | Hypericum Nagasawai HAYATA. | Я | Fig. 1. А branch of the plant. | 2.—a. А flower. 2.—b. The same, seen from a little below. 9. A sepal. | 4. A petal. | pM 4 5. А stamen. | 6. The same, seen from side. l 7. An ovary. | | | lc. Pl. Formos. Fasc. I. Pl. XVII. M. Ebina. del. T. Arai sculp. - = жасыл 2 —— = os I . 15 D “ ( / M j 4 "M ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. PLATE XIX. D EMIL. oe П Шона IN, T X ' pw hd i "E. AU Su A EN ga SIS 7 "T L А yA 4 7 ls ñ > Ai : T4 7% y «d I АЛ PLATE XIX. Шет parvifolia HAYATA. A branch of the plant. A fruit. ; A sepal. A sepal of another form. A seed. The same, seen from another side. The same, in vertical section. The same, in cross section. DER A Ұ АШ K.Nakasawa sculp. Ic. Pl. Formos. Fasc. 1. РІ. ХІХ. | M. Ebina, del. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. | g fj XX. PEATE | | ae og | ! | | | | | | ІШ || | |! | Euonymus Spraguei HAYATA. | | ; Fig. 1. A branch of the plant. | 2. A fruit seen from side. ie | 3. The same, seen from а little below: l l 1 4. A seed. Ц | 5. An anomalous embryo with four co ІІ ( Il | IN | : | Il | ! Ic. Pl. Formos. Fasc. 1. PIRK | Ebina. del. T. Arai sculp. um ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. PEATE XXI + ------ = 09 n co ND $ Ë& Р юю + PLATE XXI. Prunus taiwaniana HAYATA. A branch of the plant with fruits. - Another branch with flowers. A leaf, with stipules. A. flower. . A lobe of the calyx. A petal. A stamen seen from within and without. A pistil. | A fruit. Ic. Pl. Formos. Fasc. 1. Pl. ХХІ. F Fujisawa sculp. PE ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. BON CE XXIL | Í | | | | | HM! H ІП ІП ІП Tl | | | Hl ó | | | MN Wl ІП | | | 111 114 "| MI Tal PLATE XXII Spirea formosana НАҮАТА. 4 Fig. 1. The plant. t 2. A flower. Hi P 25 3. А petal. | | 4. Calyx, in longitudinal section. ! 5. A stamen, seen from within and without. | 6. A carpel. ` | т 0 I e pos A "5 f /с. РІ, Formos. Fasc. 1. Pl. XXII M.Ebina, del. = —1 K.Nakasawa sculp. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. EON TE: XXIII ! i" Spiræa morrisonensis HAYATA. к. The plant. da to со ны А lobe оға calyx. сл e =з (92) An embryo. Í Í | | | | | va — ir E TX o o AID Ñ. Е. Fujisawa sculp. м ч ~ > > ~ a ~ S a ©з u © © & T S Lu ~ a S = ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. IE MES XXIV. E! T! е » ae mW м | I e en 6 m D ; К 12 т I Y N ar sad B L E I pis { Т As y Чч Fa ү яғы уу et. we M AT on al i Y . PLATE XXIV. Rubus conduplicatus DUTHIE. Fig. 1. The plant. 2. A bract. 3. A perule. 4. A flower. 5. The same in vertical section. 6. - en, eu u - = > = — х un en P EE —Y > N lc. Pl. Formos. Fasc. I. Pl. XXXVIII _M.Ebina. del. T.Arai sculp. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. ; DER Awe XXXIX. PLATE XXXIX. Alsomitra integrifoliola НАҮАТА. | A Fig. 1. A fructiferous panicle. 2. A mature seed. ` 9. A premature one. 4. Ап embryo. i ` алқа C ж EP A Ic. Pl. Formos. Fasc. 1. Pl. XXXIX. = = |M Ebina, del. K.Nakasawa sculp. IO0NES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. | PEATE: XI. E ЕЧ de ¡a ка ° Oreomyrrhis involucrata НАҮАТА. $G Gos с SL mee Nae с ааа PLATE XL. The plant. A flower. A petal, seen from within. The same, seen from without. А stamen. А stylodium. A fruit. - A carpel, in vertical section. An embryo. ` t i Vertical section of a fruit, showing the vitte on ` the margin. ы”. шей sa lc. Pl. Formos. Fasc. I. РІ. XL. = = M.Ebina, del. K.Nakasawa sculp. № H Ш SW ш m BERI mA EA Here = De e qn "PEE сщ SEs | mA AAs BSS ae SIRE eS PLS OS OA m OR oS жЕ — E ñk SË = m | + = = H-Ezsm S Ің 5; DL Sa ы” E lu ee ers % : x š ае Cie 55 00 ; DO oo = A ж” ; >. = WR v Q^ e “О OF e Y ANS 3 ON NS Q 069 WM < MONS S Е Л o 6” dX. uo NS Nt r4 %, SS di a NS d К WS > ыл S 4 N “эмо NC Sd RA am РЕЧИ A UE. e AD STR % d %» F CONGRESS e ШІШІІШІ ІІ 0 029 780 826 6