LO m m i CD ; O a m a ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM NEC NON ET CONTRIBUTIONES AD FLORAM FORMOSANAM. FASCICULUS I. Ranunculacoac — Rosacoae. i TO HIS EXCELLENCY COUNT SAMATA SAKUMA, GOVERNOR GENERAL OF FORMOSA. SIR, I have the honour to submit to your Excellency the first Fasciculus of the " Icones Plantarum Formosanarum, nee non et Contributiones ad Floram Formosanam ' by B. HAY ATA, D. Sc. KAKICHI UCHIDA, CIVIL GOVERNOR OF FORMOSA. Icones Plantarum Formosanarum nee non et Coiitrifoiitiones ad Floram Formosanam Icones of the Plants of Formosa, and Materials for a Flora of the Island, based on a Study of the Collections of the Botanical Survey of the Government of Formosa. FASCICULUS I By B. Hayata, Riyafaihakushi. Introduction The history of botanical study in the island of Formosa dates back as early as the middle of the last century. In 1858, WILFORD, the earliest collector in Formosa, made some collections near the coast of the island. Later, in 1864, OLDIIAM visited the northern part of the coast. Then SWINHOE, WATTERR, HANCOCK, STEERE, and later, FORD, CAMPBELL, PLAY- FAIR, and a few others made collections in different places, mostly in the lowlands. These collections were studied by many botanists such as HANCE, MAXIMOWICZ, HEMSLEY, and others. Later on, during 1893 and 1894, DR. A. HENRY made an extensive collection in the southern part of Formosa. He is perhaps the latest European botanist who has carefully studied the island. It was not until the acquisition of Formosa by Japan, in 1897, that Japanese botanists began to pay attention to the botany of the island. After that time, many collectors among whom we may mention Messrs. 2 INTRODUCTION MAKING, Ow ATARI, and MIYAKE, were sent there by the Imperial University. They all brought back to the Herbarium at Tokyo good collections, which were studied by Prof. J. MATSUMURA. But no great progress was made in the botanical study of the island, until in 1904 the Government of Formosa decided to carry out a botanical survey of the whole island. Mr. T. KAWAKAMI with several assistants was then engaged to collect plants, and I devoted myself to the investigation of the materials sent by the collectors to the Herbarium at Tokyo. It was in these circumstances that, in 1905, I wrote "Enumeratio Plautarum Formos- auarum "n in conjunction with Prof. J. MATSUMURA. At that time, owing to the hostility of the savages, the botanical survey did not extend to regions having an elevation of more than 3000 ft. Fortunately, however, the Government of Formosa has gradually succeeded in getting control of the mountains. During 1905-1907, several excursions to the mountainous districts were carried out by the Government. In 1908, as a result of the study of the mountain-collections, I published " Flora Montana Formosre^", in which a considerable number of new species were described. Since that publication, I have had many more collections from the island. These collections are, in greater part, from the mountainous regions, and contain a considerable number of novelties. As the flora of the island has a close affinity to the floras of Japan and China, it is very important, in working up the materials, to make an exhaustive comparison of the collec- tions with specimens from those two countries. At the same time, as the flora of the island contains a considerable number of Indian elements including the Himalayas and the Malay peninsula and archipelago, it is equally desirable for the work that specimens of these regions should also be com- pared. For a comparison with the Japanese specimens, the Herbarium at Tokyo will answer fairly well, as it includes nearly all Japanese plants though not exhaustively. Chinese plants, however, are here very poorly represented. I therefore found it very unsatisfactory to work up so big a J) MATSUMUKA, J. et HAYATA, B. — Enumeratio Plantarum Formosanarum. Journ. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. T5kyo XXH. 702 pages, with 18 plates, 1906. -> HAYATA, E. — Flora Montana Formosre. Jnnrn. Coll. Sei. Imp. Univ. T6ky5 XXV. Art.-19, 2GO pages, with 41 plates, 1908. INTRODUCTION 3 collection only in the Herbarium at Tokyo. Moreover, as a considerable number of Chinese plants are represented in the Herbarium at Kew and also in that at Dahlem, and as the type specimens of FRANCHET are especially preserved in the Herbarium at Paris, and those of MAXIMOWICZ at St. Petersburg, I thought it very necessary for my work to see all the plants represented in the principal herbaria of the West. It was my great good fortune that I was given an opportunity of visiting these different herbaria, in order to make an exhaustive comparison of my materials with the collections preserved in them. With this intention, I first went to Kew taking all the materials with me. There I pursued my work with specimens of the floras to which the flora of Formosa is more or less related. The comparison made in most cases, was confined to the flora of Asiatic regions, especially of China, Korea, India, the Himalayas, and the Malay peninsula and archipelago ; but in some cases it was extended to Australia, the Arctic and Antarctic regions, Europe, Africa, America, and even to Polynesia. I found that many of the species in my collections are represented in the Chinese herbarium at Kew, and also among the specimens from other regions. At the same time, I found also that the greater part of my materials are not yet represented at Kew, and that in all probability they are species not yet described. After finishing my work at Kew,15 I went to the Herbarium at Paris, in order to see the type specimens of Chinese plants mainly described by FRANCHET. Later my work took me to the Herbarium at Dahlem, where are preserved many collections of Asiatic flora. My purpose in going to Dahlem was to see especially the specimens mentioned in Prof. DIELS' " Die Flora von Central Chiua."2) In Dalileni, as in Paris, I devoted myself to making notes of the specimens preserved there, as I had not brought my materials with me. I especially devoted myself to D During my stay at Kew, I was away from my work for a little more than a week, when I went to Brussels to take put in the International Botanical Congress, then being held there, at which I presented a paper entitled " Botanical Survey of the Government of Formosa, with short Sketches on the Vegetation and Flora of the Island." This paper is now in press at Brussels. 2> DIELS,— Die Flora von Central China. ENGL. Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. pp. 1CVJ-657. 4 INTRODUCTION making sketches, 011 tracing -paper, of the specimens preserved only in Dahleni and nowhere else, so that I could make a close comparison with these sketches on my return to Tokyo. After finishing my work, I went with the same purpose to the Herbarium at St. Petersburg, in order to see the type specimens of MAXLMOWICZ. During my work on the continent, I was successful in placing some species which I had not been able to determine at Kew. Still, many of the plants in my collections, which remained undetermined, are not represented in any of the herbaria on the continent. It is, therefore, higlily probable that they are species not yet described. Shortly after my return to Tokyo, I finished preparing my " Materials for a Flora of Formosa ", which had been undertaken during my stay at Kew. The paperT) is now in press in Tokyo. To mention the number of species in the flora2 > of the island, known to us up to the present time, there are in the Enumeratio^ 1999 species belong- ing to 701 genera and 153 families. In my Flora Montana4) 392 species are mentioned, belonging to 26G genera and 70 families. In my " Materials for a Flora of Formosa ", I have mentioned 735 species, belonging to 343 genera and 109 families, thus adding to our present knowledge of Formosan flora 567 species, 72 genera and 2 families. Excluding all those species which appear for a second or third time in the above three paper, the total number of the plants of the island is 2660 species, belonging to 836 genera and 156 families, thus adding 292 species to the number given in " List of Plants in Formosa," quite recently published by Mr. T. KAwAKAMi.5) At present, the number of species has nearly doubled since the publication of Dr. A. HENKY'S preliminary work.G) Thanks to the encouragement and ]) HAYATA, B. — Materials for a Flora of Formosa. Journ. Coll. Sei. Imper. Univ. Tokyo, XXX. Art.-I. 471 pages. June, 1911. 2> The term flora used in this work includes flowering plants, ferns and their allies. 3) MATSUMURA, "J. et HAYATA, B.— Enumeratio Plantarum Formosanarum. Journ. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo XXII. 702 pages, with 18 plates, 1906. 4> HAYATA, B.— Flora Montana Formosa. Jonrn. Coll. Sci. Imper. Univ. T6ky5, XXV. Art— 19, 260 pages, with 41 plates, 1908. 5> KAWAKAMT, T.— A List of Plants of Formosa, 119 pages, Taihoku, 1910. 6) HENKY, A.— A List of Plants from Formosa, in Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Jjipan, XXIV. Suppl. 1896. INTRODUCTION O assistance given to botanical research by the Government of Formosa, we now have a fair knowledge of the flora of this interesting island. A few remarks about the publication of the present work, which is to Ije continued in a long series, may not be out of place. For a long time, I have had a desire to publish a flora of Formosa, accompanied by icones, to be issued yearly in separate numbers, with some fixed allowance for this special publication, which might be completed in fifteen years. In 1909, I asked Mr. K. OSHLMA, then the Civil Governor of Formosa, to consider the matter of publication. Owing to the gracious aid he extended to me, it has been possible to arrange that the publication shall be carried on for fifteen years, beginning this year. The icones will contain (500 plates, illus- trating nearly all the plants to be found in Formosa, and accompanied by descriptions. This will be issued yearly for fifteen years in separate numbers, each containing 40 plates. The present fasciculus contains all the plants belonging to Polypetalne known to us from the island up to the present time, accompanied by 40 plates mainly illustrating the species newly described by myself in my " Materials for a Flora of Formosa." The plan of the present work was at first to give full descriptions of all plants so as to serve as a guide to students of the Formosan flora. The time, however, being very limited, I have found it difficult to carry out this plan, and therefore am obliged to be content with giving only descriptions of plants of special interest. I hope to be able to add full accounts in the next fasciculus, and to pursue the plan through the whole series. In conclusion, I wish to tender my hearty thanks to all the officials of the Government of Formosa who have helped me in the publication of my work. My very cordial thanks are due especially to Mr. T. KAWAKAMI, who has assisted me in many ways. B. HAYATA. April, 1911. 6 KEY TO THE OltDEilS Key to the Orders of the Fonnosan Flowering (Plants. I. Dicotyledons. 1. Polypetalous. Series I. Thalamifloral. RanunculacesB to Tiliacera. „ II. Discifloral, Liueie to Coriariea?. „ III. Calycifloral. Leguminosse to Cornacese. 2. Garaopetalous. Capri foliacese to Plantaginese. 3. Apetalous. Nyctaginese to CeratophyllesB. II. Gymnospemns, Coniferee to Cyeadacese. III. Monocotyledons. 1. Microspermous. Hydrocharidese to Orchidese. '2. Epigynous. Scitaminese to Dioscoreacese. 3. Coronarious. Koxburgliiace?G to CommelinacesB. 4. Calycinous. Flagellarieic to Pa 1m se. 5. Nudifloral. Paudanesa to Lemnacero. 6. Apocarpous. Alls in ace BB to NajadacesB. 7. Glumaceous. Eriocauleai to Gramiuejio. Class I. Dicotyledons — Polypetalous. Series I. Thalamifloral. Flowers usually bisexual and regular ; calyx inferior, of distinct or connate sepals ; corolla of distinct petals, sometimes united at the very base, (for examples, Ternstroemiacese, Malvaceae) ; stamens liypogyuous, rarely inserted on a hypogyuous disk or torus. Excep- tions : Flowers unisexual in Meiiispermacese ; irregular in Viola, Impatiens, Polyyala, and some others ; petals none in Clematis and some others. Ovary apocarpous, of 2 or more free carpels, rarely carpel solitary. Flowers bisexual. Sepals 5 or fewer, petals 1- seriate. Sepals deciduous. Hanuuculacea3. (Ranunculus). Sepals and petals 2-3-seriate, or sepals 1-seriate and petals 2- or more-seriate. KEY TO THE ORDERS 7 Shrubs or trees. Leaves stipulate, sepals 5 or more. Magnoliacefo. Leaves exstipulate, sepals 3. Anonacere. Aquatic herbs. Nymphseaceae. Flowers unisexual, dioecious. Menispermacese. Ovary syncarpous. Ovary 1-celled, spuriously 2-celled iu Cruciferte. Placentas parietal. Endosperm 0. Ovary spuriously 2-celled. Cruci ferae. Ovary one-celled, usually on a g}Tuophore. Capparidere. Endosperm copious. Flowers irregular. Plant with milky juice. PapaveracefB. (Corydalis). Plant without milky juice. Stamens 5, anthers spurred. Violacere. Stamens S, anthers not spurred. Polygalere. Flowers regular. Plant with milky juice. Papaveracere. Plant without milky juice. Herbs with glandular hairs. Droseracere. Trees on shrubs. Stamens many, in 1 or 5-bundles. Hypericinese. Stamens, 5 or more, not in bundles. Fruits capsular placentas 2. Pittosporeae. Fruits berried, placentas 3 or more. 8 KEY TO THE ORDERS Placentas free, central or basal. Sepals, petals and stamens 6 each. Berberidefe. Sepals 5 or calyx 5-fid. Herbs, leaves opposite. Caryophyllere. Trees or shrubs, leaves scale-like. Tamariscinese. Ovary 2-many-celled. Sepals imbricate in bud. Ovary with many (more than 4) ovules in each cell. Flowers irregular. Gerauiacere. (Impatiens). Flowers regular. Leaves opposite. Stamens 3-10 free. Elatiuese. Stamens many, in 1 or 5-buudles. Hypericinese. Leaves alternate, trees or shrubs. Ternstroamiaceae. Leaves radical or whorled, herbs. - Ficoidese. (Mdlugo). Ovary with a few (less than 4) ovules in each cell. Trees or shrubs. Leaves alternate, petals connate at the base. Ilicinese. Leaves opposite, flowers usually unisexual. Calj'x of distinct sepals. Guttiferse. Herbs, leaves simple or compound. Geraniacese. Sepals valvate in bud. Anthers one-celled. Malvaceae. Anthers two-celled. KEY TO THE ORDERS 9 Filaments free. Tiliacese. Filaments monadelplious. Sterculiaceae. Series II. — Discifloral, Flowers usually bisexual and regular; calyx inferior, petals distinct or connate at the very base, with usually a perigynous or hypogyuous disk or row of glands between their insertion and the ovary. Stamens inserted on or at the inner or outer base of the disk, or between the glands, or on the petals. Flowers regular. Fruits of separate carpels. Leaves gland-dotted. Rutacero. Leaves not gland-dotted. Leaves opposite. Leaves pinnate Zygophyllacera. Leaves simple. Ooriariere. Leaves alternate, exstipnlate, compound. Stamens inserted chiefly outside the disk. Simarubese. Stamens inserted chiefly inside the disk. S a p i n dace ne. Fruits syncarpous. Herbs. Terrestrial. Leaves stipulate, stamens many. Tiliacepe. Leaves stipulate. Geraniacese. Leaves exstipnlate. Line re (Linum). Aquatic herbs, disk adnate to the ovary. Whole plant floating. Onagrariese (Trapci). Leaves and flowers only floating. NymphseaceaB. Trees or shrubs. Stamens 5 or fewer, opposite or on the petals. Leaves simple. 10 KEY TO THE ORDERS Petals valvate. Unctershrubs with tendrils. Ampelidene. ( Fitis}. Shrubs, no tendrils. Olacinene. Petals minute, imbricate or involute. II li a inn ere. Leaves compound, no tendrils. A m pel idea? (Lcca). Stamens alternate or opposite and alternate with the petals, or many. Leaves alternate, exstipulate. Leaves gland-dotted. Rutacea?. Leaves not gland-dotted. Ovary 1-celled, ovules many, on 3-5 parietal placentas. Bixinene. Ovary 1 or more celled, placentas basal or axile. Leaves simple. Petals valvate. Olacinese. Petals imbricate. Disk of glands. Styles 3-5. L i n e a e. Ovary2-5-cellecl. Styles 2-3- fid. Celastriuere. Ovary 1-celled. Style simple. Anacardiacese. Ovary 2-5-celled. StjTle simple. Sapindacere. Leaves compomid. Filaments confluent, t'orminga tube. KEY TO THE OIIDEHS 11 Meliacea). Filaments distinct. Ovules pendulous. Ovary 1-celled, 1-ovuled. Anacardiaceso. Ovary 2-3- celled, cells 1-2-ovuled. Burseracese. Ovules erect. Ovary, cells 1-2-ovuled. Sapindacese. Leaves alternate, stipulate. Stamens many. Tiliacese. Stamens 3-5. Ovary 3-5-celled. Lineic. Ovary 2 -celled. Celastrinese. Leaves opposite, trees or shrubs. Leaves gland-dotted, simple. Rutacese. (Acronyclda). Leaves not gland-dotted. Leaves stipulate, compound or sometimes simple. SapiiidaceiTO. (Turpinia). Leaves exstipulato. Leaves simple. Celastrinese. Leaves compound. Sapindacese. Flowers irregular, trees or shrubs. Leaves opposite, simple, exstipulate. Malp.ighiacese. 12 KEY TO THE O Leaves alternate, simple and compound. Stamens 5-10. Sapiudaceae. Stamens (perfect) 2, opposite 2 of 5 petals. Sabiacese Serves III.— Calycifloral. Flowers regular, mostly bisexual ; calyx inferior or superior ; petals distinct, or connate at the very base only ; disk 0 or very obscure ; stamens inserted in the limb of the calyx. (Ill the genera and orders with inferior ovaries, the limb of the calyx is often undeveloped, which character should refer them technically to the apetalous division. Most of them will be found also in that division. Flowers bisexual or polygamous. Ovary superior (or half-superior in Trapa and FicoideieX • i Herbs. Fruit a solitary follicle, leaves usually compound. Leguminoste. Fruits of small achenes, leaves compound. Rosaceae. Fruits drupaceous coriaceous. Haloragete. (Haloragis). Fruits capsular. Sepals 2, embryo annular. Portulacacese. , Sepals 3-5. / Aquatic herbs. Lythrarieto. Terrestrial herbs. j Leaves not carnose. Saxifrage*. Leaves carnose. Crassulacese Fruits indeliisceiit, '2-or 3- homef! nuts, aquatic. Onagrariese. (Trapa). I Trees or shrubs. Fruits of many small drupes, prickly shrubs, Ho sac etc. (liitbus). Fruits various. Ovary 1- celled, (style single ; leaves alternate KEY TO THE OKDEKS 13 usually compound, stipulate, fruits follicular or indehiscent. Leg u mi no see. Ovary 2- or more-celled. Styles single. Anthers opening by slits. Styles long, stigmas capitate, Loaves exstipulate. Ly-thrariese. Stigmas simple, leaves stipulate. liliizophorese. Anthers opening by pores. Melastomacese. Stylos as many as the cells. Petals 5. Saxifrage*. (Aslilbc, lien} Petals 0. Hamamelidese. Ovary one-celled, styles 4 or more. Sepals 5, placentas parietal. Samydacese. (Homalium). Sepals 2, placentas basal. Portulacacete. Ovary inferior. Stamens inserted on the calyx-limb. Anthers opening by pores. Melastomacese. Anthers opening by slits. Petals very small, scale-like. Saxifragaceso. (Astttbe). Petals imbricate, distinct, large, not scaly. Leaves stipulate. Ovary 1-celled. 1\ o s a c e ie (Phot in in} . KEY TO THE ORDEltS Ovary 2 -4- celled. Rhizophorese. Leaves exstipulate, ovary 1-celled. Combretacero. Stamens epigynous. Petals valvate, (scaly in Hamamel idese). Leaves compound; ovary 4-10-celled (leaves simple in Fatsci'i, Hduingia, Oreopanax. Hedera). Araliacese. Leaves simple. Ovary 1-celled, shrubs. Corn ace se. Ovary 2- 5 - celled. Herbs. Umbelliferse. (Hydrocotyle}. Shrubs. Endocarps not Lorny. Saxifragese. Endocarps horny. HamamelidesB. Petals imlnicate. Flowers umbelled, styles 2. Umbelliferse. Flowers not umbelled. Leaves stipulate. Rhizophorese. Leaves exstipulate. Beset with stellate hairs. Saxifragese. (Deutzia). A\rithout stellate hairs. Myrtacese. Flowers unisexual. Scandent herbs or shrubs with tendrils; KEY TO THE OPiDEHS 15 flowers monoecious, fruits baccate. Cucurbitacese. Erest herbs, shrubs or arbours. Shrubs or arbours. Flowers in racemes. Passiflorae (Carica). Flowers iu heads. Ha mam el ideas. (Liqucdanbar). Herbs. Terrestrial herbs. Begoniaceno. Aquatic herbs. Stamens more than 2. Ha lor age re. (Myriophyllum}. Stamen 1. Haloragese. (Callitridie). 1C It. \NUNCULACE.E Dicotyledons. Polypetalous. Ranunculaceae. Conspectus of the Fonnosan Genera. (1) Climbing shrubs or herbs ; leaves opposite ; sepals petaloitl, valvate ; Carpels 1-ovuled ; ovules pendulous ; fruits of many acheues Clematis. 1 Erect herbs. (2) (2) Leaves radical or alternate. Sepals petaloid or herbaceous, imbricate. Carpels 1-ovuled, acheues. (3) Leaves radical and alternate. Sepals petaloid or herbaceous, imbricate. Carpels a few, many-ovuled Isopyrum. 5 (3) Ovules pendulous. (4) Ovules erect Ranunculus. 4 (4) Flowers iuvolucrate Anemone, 3 Flowers not involucrate T hall drum. 2 1. Clematis Lixx. Dicliotomous Key to He Formosan Species. (1) Stamens undulate Clematis crnssi/olia. 1 Stamens not undulate (2) (2) Stamens barbate. (3) Stamens glabrous. (5) /0, c<. T i i (Clematis LeschenauUiana. 2 (d) Stems and leaves densely tomentose ,\ ... 7. ( ,, ,, var. angustijona. 2 Stems and leaves nearly glabrous. (4) /C. " Syst. I. p. 451 ; KUNTZE Monog. p. 1G7, (C. acuminata ff) ; FINET et GAGNEPAIN Coutrib. Fl. Asi. Orient, p. 27 ;^HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 43. IS RANUNCULACE.E Clematis Wicjlitiana ? HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 43. HAB. Kachinro, TaitO, Iriyokukaku, Niki et Suichoriu. DlSTRlB. China and Imlo -China. OBSEHV. Covered by yellowish soft hairs ; leaves trifoliolate, petioles 5 cm. long, leaflets ovate acute 8 cm. long, 3| cm. broad, obscurely dentate or nearly entire, lateral leaflets oblique at the base; panicles few-flowered, peduncles 4-5 cm. long; sepals 4, ovate, nearly acute, with yellowish soft hairs 0:1 the outside, glabrous inside ; stamens many, 12 mm. long, filaments hairy on the margin and outside, quite glabrous on the inside, anthers narrow, glabrous ; achenes hairy, fusiform with two distinct ridges, tails -\vith long hairs. In my Flora Montana Formos-ae I doubtfully referred this plant to C, Wiyhtiana. After examining more carefully, I have found that the .speci- men is the same as the Philippine form of 6'. LescJtenaulfi-ma DO. The present plant differs from C. Wightiana in having fusiformed acheues and thread-like filaments. C. Lcsclenaultiana described in KTNTZK'S " Monog. Olemat. p. 107," has lanceolate leaves, while the Formosan plant has ovate ones. 2," Clematis Leschenaultiana DC. var. angustifolia HAYATA Ma- terials for a Flora of Formosa p. 10. Stem striate, blackish purple, tomentose, or pubescent. Leaves trifoliolate, scarcely tomeutose, terminal leaflet oblongo- lauceolate, . acuminate at the apsx, acute or rounded at the base, 7-8 cm. long, 2i cm. broad, remotely serrate, but entire towards the apex, petiolules 1 cm. long, lateral leaflets oblong-ovate, acute obliquely roundel at the base, common petioles Gem. long. Flowers often solitary or paniculate, panicles 2-3- flowered, peduncles yellowish tomeuto.se. Achenes fusiforined rostrate, tails long bearded, beards transversely spreading somewhat yellowish. 3. Clematis lasiandra MAXIM, var. Nagasawai HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 40. Stem scandeut, glabrous, silicate. Leaves pinnate, 3-5-foliolate 10-15 cm. long (including petioles") 5-9 cm. broad, folioles long petiolulate, simple or sometimes tri-lobate, ovate or ovately lanceolate, acuminate, unequally sharply serrate Panicles axillary, few-flowere:!, or nearly termi- JiANTNCULACK.!-; l!) mil, shorter or longer than the leaves, bracteate at the base, bracts trilobed or not lobed, linear, smaller, pedicels slender, 2-3-times longer than the flowers. Flowers nodding, 2 cm. in diameter and H> long. Sepals 4, connivent, revolnte at the apex, oblong or ovate-oblong, obtuse, or emarginate, 23 nun. long, 8 mm. broad, subglabrous on both siles, slightly purple, margin velutinously tomentose. Stamens 4- seriate, the outermost the longest, filaments flattened linear, 17 nun. long, long and densely sericeo -pilose on the back, anthers 2 mm. long, not appendiculate on the apex, the innermost the shortest, filaments 9 mm. long, anthers longer 3 mm. long. Pistils 8 mm. long sericeo-plumoso -caudate, lieceptacles (fruiting) erect, globose, 4 mm. iu diameter, pilose; carpels (when matured) numerous ovately -lanceolate, acuminate, com- pressed, 3 mm. long, marginate, rubesceut, pilose, long plumously caudate, tails 3.1 cm. long. HAD. Shiikoran.- DiSTi;iJ5. Type : Kiushiu. Southern parts of Japan. The present variety differs from the type in having many-fowored peduncles ; this never has uni-flowered peduncles as the typo. 4, Clematis Morii HAY ATA (I'l. I.) Flora Montana Formosa1, p. 42. Stem ligneous, scandent, glabrous, striata. Leaves opposite or quaternate, tri- loliolate, nearly 15 cm. long (including petioles, petioles voluble), sub- coriaceous, giaucesceut beneath, exstipulate, terminal foliole petiolulate, long caudately acuminate obscurely lobate, rounded at the base, margin subentire or remotely nmcronately serrulate, veins beneath prominent, but impressed above, veinlets somewhat prominent, 5-iierved, 11 cm. long 3*1 cm. broad, petiolules 1 cm. long, Literal leaflets much shorter often elobate caudately ovate remotely nmcrouately- serrulate, petiolulate, petiolules 3 mm. long or subsessile. Flowers larger, nolding, half -closed, H cm. in diameter, and in length, axillary solitary pedicellate, 2 -bracteate at the base of pedicels, bracts minute pubescent, pedicels 3 cm. long, pubescent. Sepals 4, broader, 1.8 cm. long, 9 mm. brond, ovate mncronately acute, dark-purple inside, velutinously pilose outside, b.ise slightly cordate, veinlets parallel, half-closed, never opanel. Stamens 3-4-seriate, the outermost the longest, filaments 20 I!ANUN(.TLACE,£ inear, flattened, kog barbate, 13 mm. long, anthers nearly 2 mm. long, emar- giiiate at the apex, the innermost the shortest, filaments 7 mm. long, anthers 3 mm. long. Carpels nearly 1 cm. long, long plumosely caudate. HAB. The Central Mountain Piangvs. Comes near to Clematis larlettata EDGEW., and still move to Cleuiatis lasiamlra MAXIM. ; but differs from them in having silky pubescent sepals and subeutive leaflets. 5. Clematis uncinata CHAMP, in 'Kew Jouvn. Bot. III. p. 255". BENTH. Fl. Hoiigk. p. 0 ; MAXIM. Mel. L-iol. IX. p 597 ; FOKBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 7 ; FINET et GAGNEPAIN Coutrib. Fl. Asi. Orient, p. 8 CL kiocarpa OLIV. in HOOK. Ic. PI. t. 1533 ; var, floribunda HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 18. Glabrous, somewhat black in a dried specimen, leaves 12 cm. distant. Leaves 5-foliolate, subcoriaceous nearly 20 cm. long, leaflets ovately lanceolate acuminate, rounded at the base, 11 cm. long, 3-i- cm. broad, 3 -nerved, nerves prominent on both sides. Panicles axillary, 30 cm. long 15 cm. broad, very much branched, bracts subulate. Flowers smaller 1-J- cm. in diameter, sepals 4, lanceolate, aristate. 1 cm. long 2o- mm. broad, margin albo -lamellate, glabrous on both sides, stamens 2-3-seriate, the innermost the largest, G mm. long, filaments uigricant, anthers narrowed, connectives broadly proluceil ; achenes subglabrous, ovate, style long barbate, beards reddish. HAB. Taiko, Coll. T. KAWAKAMI, Aug. 1908, (No. 58). The present variety differs from the type in having much smaller flowers, ovate -lanceolate leaves, and not leafy inflorescence. It resembles the type in stamens, achenes, and especially in glabrous sepals turning black when dried. The type has usually larger flowers Avith sepals twice as long as those of the variety, longer, looker and less flowered inflorescence, with longer peduncles. The variety is represented at Kew by a specimen from Hongkong, which is labelled C. itndnala ; but is different from the type of the species mentioned. 6. Clematis Meyeniana WALT. ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. G ; MAXIM. in Mel. Biol. X. p. 597 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 5 ; HEM;Y, J;ANUNCULACE.E 21 List PL Formos. p. 14 ; ITU et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. I. in Jour. Sci. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo XII. p 271 ; DIELS FL Centr. Chin, in ENUL. But. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 332 ; MATSUM. ot HAYATA Eiium. PI. Formos. p. 5. HAD. Suiherikiaku, Shinko, Kelung, Tamsui. DISTIIIB. Amoy, Hongkong, and Central China. 7, Clematis akoensis HAYATA (PI. II j Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 13. Stem glabrous. Leaves 15 cm. distant, 3-foliolate, somewhat fleshy, petiolate, petioles 5 cm. long, leaflets cordately ovate, 3 cm. long, often folded along the midrib, acute and reflexed at the apex, glabrous, petiolulate, petiolules 1.5 cm. long. Flowers axillary, solitary, or paniculate, panicles few flowered, long pedunculate ; peduncles 7 cm. long, iucrassate at the apex, 2-bracteate at the base, sometimes not bracteate, bracts minute spathulate obtuse 1 cm. long. Flowers when opened 4.5 cm. in diameter. Sepals G, velvety outsile, duplicate!)' reflexed on the margin, glabrous in- side, somewhat fleshy, obkng, 23 mm. long, 8 mm. bro.id, obtuse at the apex ; stamens numerous as half lo.ig as sepals, anthers with a obtusely produced connectives. Achenes barbate, beards white. HA]]. Ako ; Miharashi-t'Jge, coll T. KAWAKAMI et U. Moid, April, 1007. (Fl.) The present plant is very like, or perhaps the same as, HENIIY'S specimen, No. 13'20, labelled C. parvlloba, at Kew. The type of C. parvilolia is quite different fro in our plant and also from HENRY'S specimen, in having hirsute sepals, much thinner and less glabrous leaves 8. Clematis longisepala HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 41, and Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 17. Stem ligneous, scaiident, glabrous striate. Leaves pinnately 5-foliolate, lo.ig patiolate, very glabrous, 15-20 cm. long including petioles, petioles voluble striate, leaflets petiolulate, petiolules 1.5-2 cm. long, leaflets opposite ovately oblong acute at the apex, rounded at the base, entire 3-5-uerved, submembrahaceous, pale beneath, 5 cm. long, 2.1 cm. broad, stipules connate, forming a peltate shields on the no.les of the steins. Panicles axillary, a little longer than the leaves, 5-8- flowered. Flowers quite large, patent, (5-7 cm. in diameter, 1-bracteate at the base of the 22 IIANUXITLU'E.F, pedicels, bracts pinnately o- parted, o 4 cm. long, long stipitate, segments oblongo-lanceolate, pedicels 7-10 cm. long. Sepals 4, linear, lanceolate, M cm. long, or longer, obtuse nt tlie apex carinatery mucroimte, subglabrona atro-purpurascent inside, eburneous and velutinous outside, multi-nerved. Stamens many-seriate (nearly 5-seriate\ tlie outer the longer '2 cm. long, filaments linear, slightly thickened upwards, constricted at the apex, slender dilated at the base, gl> i bro us ; anthers linear, '2mm. long, apiculate, the inner stamens the shorter, 7 mm. long. Carpels long sericeo-plumoso -caudate, nearly 1 cm. long. HAD. Mt. Morrison. Comes very closely to Clem-ill^ c rays i folia BKNTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 7 ; but differs from that in having round based leaves. 9. Clematis tozanensis HAYATA (PI. III. i Fl. Mont, Formos. p. 42. Stem ligneous, scaudent, glabrous striate. Leaves larger, pinnately 5-3-foliolate, long pstiolate, (jiiite glabrous, nearly (including petioles) 20cm. long as broad, petioles striate voluble, leatleN oblongo -ovate or corJately ovate, base eoivlate or truncate, S cm. long, ISTRIB. An endemic plant. 15. Clematis chinensis KETZ. ; PC. Prolr. T. p. 3; FORBES in Journ. Bot. ( 1884) pp. 262 et 205 ; FORBES et HEMSI. Tnd. FL Sin. T. p. 3 ; DIELS Fl. Centr. Cliin. in ENGL. Pot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 3:52; MAT-SUM. ot HAYATA Enum. Plantarum Formosanarum p. 4 ; FIMET et GA(";NEPAINT Contrib. Fl. Asi. Orient, p. 20; HAYATA Materials for a Fl. Formos. p. 14. Clematis minor DC. ; Lorn. Fl. C. p. 422 ; FORBES in Jonni. Pot, (1884) p. 2(53. Clematis Benthamiana HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 2. HAB. Tait 3 : Taiharo, by T. KAWAKAMI and G. NAKAIIAIIA, Jan. 190(), (No. G80). PISTRIB. Southern and central China. OBSERV. Plant slender, pubescent; internoles 8cm. lonp; ; leaves tri- foliolate, about 10 cm. long, petioles 4 cm. long, twining, petiolules almost equal 8 mm. long, leaflets cuspidate -lanceolate, the terminal one G cm. long 1 cm. wide, much 1 irger than the lateral ones, margin entire, with three distinct and two obscure nerves, veins impressed on the surface, prominent beneath, scarcely hairy, turned black when dried ; acheues flattened in a dry specimen, with two ridges, ovate, 2 mm. broad, hairy, tails 2 cm. long with soft hairs ; somewhat resembles 0. formosana O. KUNTZE. KANUNCULACE^E. 25 Species imperfectly known to me. Clematis apiifolia DC ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enuin. PL Formos. p. 4. HAB. between Maso and Keiteisho, Bankinsing. Clematis Bentlamiana HEMSL. ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 5. = C. chinensis RETZ. HAB. Bioritsu. Clematis grata WALL. ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 5. HAB. Pacliiua, Suihenkiakn, Tamsni, South Cape. Clematis Henry i OLIV. ; MATSUM. ot HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. (J. HAB. Bioritsu. Clematis parvlloba GAUD . et CHAMP.; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PI. Formos. p. 0. HAB. South Cape. Clematis recta LINN. ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 6. HAB. Rioritsu, South Cape. 2, Thalictrnm LINN. Thalictrum Urbaini (HAYATA) Perennial herb. Stem 13-17 cm. high, glabrous, 2-3 clustered. Leaves bipiimate ; radical ones 4-5 cm. long, biteruately pinnate, long petiolate, petioles 3-4 cm. long, leaflets opposite tripinuate moderately petiolate, terminal one equally long, petiolules 1.5 cm. long, pinnules opposite, petiolulate 6 mm. long 5 mm. broad, subcordato trilobate obtuse glabrous on both sides. Cauliue leaves 2-3, smaller, alternate, ternately or biternately pinnate. Panicles 4- 5 -flowered, flowers small, filaments somewhat long, broadened towards the apex, truncate at the apex or abruptly and very shortly rostrate ; anthers oblong ; stigma lateral ; style recurved ; carpels iiervose, more or less stipitate. Tliatictrum Fauriei HAYATA in MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PI. Formos. p. 7; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 44. HAB. Morrison, Taitou, Tikushiko. 20 lUNUNCULACE^E. 3, Anemone LINN. Anemone vitifolia HAM. ; HAYATA Fl. Mout. Formos. p. 39, (iu note). Anemone luzoniensis ROLFE ; HAYATA in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XX. p. 73 ; and Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 39. HAB. Shiutiku : Goshorin. DISTRIB. The Himalayas and the Philippine islands. The present plant was first mentioned as Anemone luzoniensis ROLFE in my paper above cited. A little later, I was informed by Mr. E. T). MERRILL of the Bureau of Science, Manila, that when he was in the Kew Herbarium, he and Mr. ROLFE compared the Philippine material with the Himalayan specimen, and came to the conclusion that the Luzon plant is not distinctive from Anemone vitifolia HAM. The description of Anemone luzoniensis ROLFE has never been published. I think that the Formosan « plant above mentioned is exactly the same as the Luzon plant, and Mr. MERRILL has the same opinion. After considering all the al>ove cases, I am much inclined to think that my plant should be referred to Anemone vitifolia HAM. 4. Ranunculus LINN. Dicltotomous Keif to the Formosan Species. Plants usually small, less than 15 cm. high, d i Plants usually larger, 30-40 cm. high (3) (1) Leaves densely hirsute JR. taisanensis. 1 Leaves nearly glabrous or slightly hirsute. (2) (2) Leaves broadly orbicular, slightly lobulate It. Kawakamii. 2 Leaves teruately lobed, lobes linear B. ternalm. 3 (3) Syncarps globose 7?. acris. 4 Syncarps elougately glolxxse /?. japonicus. 5 1. Ranunculus taisanensis HAYATA (PL V.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 20. Perennial, stem ascendent, hirsute, few-branched, 14 cm. long. Radical leaves long petiolate, hirsute, petioles 4 cm. long, dilated at RANUNCULACE/E. 27 the base, embracing the stein, blades broadly rounded, 3-lobate, lobes roundly rhomboid slightly lobulate, or irregularly serrate, truncately cordate at the base, nearly rounded at the apex. Cauliue leaves like radical ones, petioles dilated at the base, embracing the stem, upper ones trilobed, lobes acute. Panicles few-flowered or nearly reduced to one flower, bracts minute lanceolate 2 mm. long, peduncles 1-i- cm. long. Flowers, when opened, 7-8 mm. in diameter. Sepals 5, ekmgately oblong, obtuse or rounded at the apex, 34 nun. long 1 mm. broad, hirsute on the back. Petals 5-10, obovate, cuneate rounded at the apex, cuneate at the base, 4 mm. long 2 mm. broad, distinctly glandulit'erous at the base. Stamens nearly 20, 2 mm. long, anthers rounded emarginate at the apex, filaments more or less complanate, carpophore oblongo -cylindrical. Carpels numerous. Achenes obliquely rounded, l-£ mm. Ling, rostrate, minutely punctate at the face, beaks very short. HAD. Ijioritsu : Liokugio. Near R. philippinensis MEIMI. et ROLFE, but differs from it by the much smaller flowers and more round leaves. 2, Ranunculus Kawakamii HAYATA (PI. VI.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 19. Perennial herb. Stem slender, 7 cm. long hirsute, few- branched. Radical leaves clustered, longe petiolate, petioles 4-5 cm. long, hirsute, or sul >glabrous, dilated at the base, turning to a stipule-like scale, blades semiorbicular or rhomboid, rounded or obtuse at the apex, shortly 5-lobed, (lobes obtuse), entire downwards, acute or truncate at the base or sometimes reniformed or cordate, hirsute near the margin, 10 mm. long, 12 mm. broad. Cauliue leaves smaller, hirsute, petioles dilated at the base, embracing the stem. Flowers solitary 011 the apex of the branches, oi1 axillary, peduncles 1 cm. long, hirsute ; flowers when opened 5 mm. in diameter. Sepals 4-5, rounded, very concave, bi-ficl or rounded at the apex, 2 mm. long, pilose outside. Petals 3-5, white, oblong, rounded at the apex, 4 mm. long. Stamens nearly 10, 1| mm. long, anthers oblong, rounded at the apex, filaments complauate, more or less shortly hirtellous at the base. Carpels nearly 10. Syncarps globose. 28 RANUNCULACE.l . HAB. Kagi : Arizan. Tlie present plant appears very near to If. Cymbalaria PARSH and also to R. flaccidus ; but differs from the former in the shape of the flowers and especially in having very few carpels, and from the Litter in the hairy form of the plant. 3. Ranunculus ternatus THUNB. FL Jap. p. 241 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 16 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 14 ; DIELS Fl. Centr. Chin, in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 334 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PL Formos. p. 0. Ranunculus extorris HANCE, in " Ann. Sc. Nat. 5 me serie V. p. 204." Ranunculus Zuccarinii MIQ. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. III. p. 5 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 193; FRANCE, et SAV. Eiium. PL Jap. I. p. 8, et n. p. 267 ; S. Moults in Journ. Bot. (1878) p. 129. HAB. Tamsni. DISTRIB. Japan, central China, Shanghai, Ningpo. 4. Ranunculus acris LINN. Sp. PL ed-2, p. 779 ; WILLD. Sp. PL II. p. 1326; English Botany t. 652; LEDEB. "FL Alt. n. p. 331," et Fl. Boss. I. p. 40; DC. Prodr. I. p. 39; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 193; FRANCII. et SAV. En urn. PL Jap. II. p. 266 ; FRANCHET PL David, p. 19 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. FL Sin. I. p. 13 ; DIELS FL Ceutr. Chin, in ENGL. Bot, Jahrk XXIX. p. 334 ; Pro et MAT.SUM. Tent. FL Lutcli. in Journ. Sci. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo, XII. p. 274 ; PALIBIN Couspect. Fl. Korea) p. 16 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PL Formos. p. 7. Ranunculus japonicus THUNB. in Trans. Linu. Soc. H. (1794) p. 337. Ranunculus propinquus C. A. MEY in LEDEB. " Fl. Alt. II. p. 332," ut FL Boss. I. p. 40 ; MAXIM. Prim. Fl. Amur. p. 20. Ranunculus propinquus var. hirsutus A. (TRAY Bot. Jap. in Mem. Am. Acad. YI. (1859) p. 378. HAB. Keluug. DISTRIB. Europe, Siberia, China, Japan and North Africa. 5. Ranunculus japonicus LANGSD. ex. FISCH. in DC1. Prodr. I. p. 38 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 14; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enuin. PL Formos. p. 8. RANUNCJULACKE. 29 Ranunculus Icrimtm DC. Prodr. I. p. 31 ; MIQ. Prol. LI. Jap. p. 192 ; FitANCH. ot SAY. Eiium. PI. Jap. 1. p. 7 ; FRANCHET PI. David. I. p. 10, (non THUNB.). Ilanunculus pennsylvanicus L. var. japonicus MAXIM. " PI. Chin. Potaiiiii. in Act. Fort. Petrop. XI. (1889) p. 24"; ITO et MATSUM. Tent, Fl. Lutch. in Joimi. Sci. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo XII. p. 27<5. HAB. Taihokn, Pachiua. DISTIUB. Japan. Species imperfectly known to tnc. Ranunculus scderatus LIXN. ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enuin. PI. Forinos. p. 8. Ranunculus sp. HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formos. p. 21. HAB. Mt. Morrison. OBSERV. Apparently perennial with long fibrous roots. Stein slender, hirsute, branchless, with a solitary Mower. Radical leaves long petiolate, petioles 6 cm. long, slender, nearly glabrous or thinly hairy, blades rounded in outline, 3-5-lobed towards the apex, somewhat thick, nearly glabrous or hirsute. Cauline leaves 1 at the middle portion of the stem, subsessile, deeply 3-lobed, lobes lanceolate, obtuse or acute, hirsute. No flowers, in- determinable. There is something like this at Kew, labelled Ranunculus philipplnensia MERE et ROLFE. Without examining the flowers, it is difficult to say whether our plant is identical with the Philippine plant or not. Jsopt/nrtn LINN. Isopyrum adiantifolium HOOK, et THOMS. var. arisanense HAYATA (PI. VII.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 21. Rhizome repent, steins erect, slender, 1 mm. in diameter, striate, subglabrous, leafless and branchless at the lower portions of the stem, but furcate or bi-furcate and few-leaved at the upper portions. Radical leaves clustered, 4-5 cm. long including petioles, petioles 3-4 cm. long, slender, stipulate at the base, stipules semi-orbicular 4 mm. long, adnate to the petioles, scaly, blades bi- or tri-pinuate, the terminal pinna simple, 12 mm. long (including petiolules), nabellately semi- orbicular, slightly lobulate, truncately acute at the base, entire, 7 mm. long, 30 IMAGNOLIACE.E. 8 mm. broad, lateral pinmc oiten pinnate 12 mm. long (including petiolules), lateral pinnules pinnate, terminal pinnule simple. Cauline leaves 2, at the base of branches, opposite, smaller, teruate or bi-ternately pinnate. Flowers dichotoinously cymose, pedicels 8 mm. long. Sepals 5, ovately oblong, 4 mm. long, obtuse at the apex. Petals •">, very short, nectariformed, stipitate, 1 mm. long (including stalks), blades rounded .1 mm. long, obtuse and mucrouate, with glandules at the base inside. Stamens 5, filaments 2.1- mm. long, com- planate, anthers oblongly orbicular often incurved. Carpels 2, separated, sessile, crescent -shaped, 3 mm. long, % mm. broad, style very short, -£ miih long, stigma truncate. Follicles divaricate, elongate, 9 mm. long, 21 mm. broad, connate at the base, truncate at the apex, greenish on the back, yellowish on the face. Seeds nearly 10, globose, \ mm. in diameter, slightly carinate on the back, yellowish brown, glabrous. HAD. Arizan. Near /. adiantifdium HOOK, et THOMS., but differs from the type in having much smaller flowers and shorter leaves. Magnoliaeeae. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. I I'l Erect shrubs or trees. (2) Climbing shrubs. Leaves exstipulate Kadsnro. 5 (2) Perianth none Trochodcndron. 1 Perianth exists. (3) ('•>} Stipules 0. Perianth double. Carpels in one whorl Illicium. 2 Stipules conspicuous, convolute and sheathing the young foliage, deciduous. (4) (4) Gynophore sessile Mayndia. 3 G}-nophore stalked Michdla. 4 1. Trochodendroti SIEC. et Zucc. Trochodendron aralioides SIEB. et Zucc. Fl. Jap. I. p. 83, tt. 39 et 40 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 140 ; FRANCE, et SAY AT. Eimrn. PL Jap. p. 19 ; MAGNOLIACE.E. 31 HENRY List PL Formos. p. 14 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XII. p. 54 ; MATSUM et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 11 ; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 44. HAB. Morrison, Tiknsliiko, Taitou, Tamsni. DISTRTB. Japan and the Loo-ehoo islands. The plant spreads over from the main-island of Japan through Kinshin to the Loo-choo islands as south as Formosa. It grows the most luxuriantly in this region of the island, forming a pure forest on the boundary between the Conifer and broad leaved tree regions. The trunk is here so large as to attain a diameter of even 15 ft. 2. lllicium LINN. Illicium anisatum LINN. Sp. PL ed-2, p. Gfi4 ; "DC. Pr.xlr. I. p. 77 ; FRANOH. et SAV. Enum. PL Jap. I. p. 15 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 14 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 9. Illicium reliyiosum STEB. et Zucc. FL Jap. T. p. 5, t. 1 ; Bot. Mag. t. 39fi5 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Tnd. Fl. Sin. T. p. 28. Illicium anisatnm LOUR. FL (Vhinrh. ed-WiLLP. p. 432. HAB. Various localities ; Mauapan. DISTRIB. Japan. Illicium sp. HAYATA FL Mont. Formos. p. 45 ; and Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 22. HAB. The Central Mountain Ranges. Very like Illicium Griffitldi ; no flowers, indeterminable. 3. Mag Italia. Dichotomous Key to the Species. Leaves obloug-obovate rounded at the apex. Magnolia grandiftora. Leaves lanceolate-oblong, acuminate at the apex. Magnolia pumila. Magnolia grandiflora LINN. Sp. PL ed-2, p. 755 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 80 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot, Mag. XV. p. 85 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 10. HAB. Shintiku, Taihoku, cultivated in gardens. 32 MAGNOLIACE.E. Magnolia pumila AXDR. Bot. Mag. t 977; DC. Proclr. I. p. 81; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 1C; MATSUM. Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 85; FORBES et HEMSL. Incl. Fl. Sin. T. p. 24 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent Fl. Lutcli. in Journ. Sci. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo XII. p. 283 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PL Formos. p. 10. Liriodend ron Coco LOUR. FL Cochiuch. ed-WiLLD. p. 424, (fide HANCE). Magnolia Championi BEXTH. FL Hougk. p. 8. Lirwclcndron UUifera LINN. Sp. PL ed-2, p. 755, (fide BLUMEI; WILLD. Sp. PL IT. p. 1257. HAB. Taihoku, Tamsui, cultivated. PLSTRIB. Loo-choo ; Soutliern China : Hongkong. 4, Michelia Lixx. Dicholomow Key to the Formosan Species. Leaves elongate, 15 em. long MicJidia lonyifdia. Leaves rather small, 5-8 em. long. (1) (li Leaves ovately lanceolate or oliovately oblong, flower-buds usually smooth, velvety Michelia compressa. Leaves obovately oblong, flower- buds roughly hirsute . Miclidia fuscafa. Michelia compressa MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. ATIIT. p. 50G ; FRANCH. et SAY. Enum. PL -Tap. T. p. 15; HENRY list PL Formos. p. 10; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot, Mag. XII. p. 54; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 10. HAB. South Cape, Bankinsing, Manapau. DISTRID. Japan. Michelia fuscata P>LUME ; FORBES et HEMSL. Iml. FL Sin. I. p. 24 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 16 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XT. p. 85 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 11. Mayn-Ala fuscata ANDR. Bot, Mag. t. 1008; DC. Pro:lr. I. p. 81. Liriodendron Fi'jo LOUR. Fl. Cochiucli. ed-WiLLD. p. 424. HAB. Tailioku, Tainan, Daibnrin, Bankinsing. DISTRIB. Southern China. Michelia longifolia BLUME ; Bot. Mag. p. 12, tt. 2 et 3 ; MATSUM. in ANONACE.E. 33 Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 85 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Ennm. PI. Formos. p. 11 HAB. Taihoku, Sliagio, cultivated. 5. Kadsura Juss. Kadsura japonica LINN. ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 83 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 255; FRANCH. et SAY. Enuin. PL Jap. I. p. 18; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 16 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutcli. in Jonrii. Sci. Coll. XII. p. 285 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 85 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 12; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 12. Kadsura ckinensls HANCE in BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 8 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 25. Uvaria japonica LINN. Sp. PI. ed-2, p. 750 ; THUXP.. Fl. Jap. p. 237. HAT;. Kagi : Kisliirei. DISTRIB. Japan and China. The plant is found commonly in the lower districts. But it sometimes ascends to the hilly regions in the Prefecture of Kagi. Anonaceae. Conspectus of Hie Formosan Genera. (1) Petals 2-seriate, one of l>oth series imbricate in bud. Stamens many, closely-packed Uvaria. \ Petals valvate or open in bud. (2) (2) Petals spreading flat or concave at the base only Artabotrys. 2 Petals thick and rigid, conuiveut. (3) (3) Ovules solitary; fruits fleshy, of many connate carpels Anona. 3 Ovules 2-maiiy ; outer petals broad Mdodorum. 4 1. Uvaria- LINN. Uvaria «p. HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 22. Scandeut, leaves narrowed or obovately narrowed, abruptly acute at the apex, acute at the base, 20 cm. long, fi cm. broad, glaucous beneath, costa and veins prominent. 34 ANONACE.E. HAD. Mt. Chorau. OBSERV. A large twining plant ; near U. dnsiflora MERRILL of the Philippines. 2. Artabotrys R. BR. Artabotrys odoratissimus Ii. BR. ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 10 ; HOOK. f. et THOMS. in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Lid. I. p. 54 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 26 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 16 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Boi Mag. XV. p. 86; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 1%2. Artabotrys hamata BLUME Fl. .lav. Anon. p. 60, t. 29. Uvaria uncata LOUR. Fl. Cochiuch. el.-WiLLD. p. 426. Unona uncinata DC. Prodr. I. p. 00. Unona Jtamata DUNAL; DC. Prodr. 1. p. 90. Unona odoralisslma el la mat a HOXB. Fl. Trad. IT. p. 666. HAB. Eiugarvo, Shintiku, Toseikaku, Tvoshun, Taihoku, Pachina, Tamsni. DISTRIB. East Tndian Peninsula, Ceylon and Java. 3. Attotift LINN. Anona squamosa LINN. Sp. PI. ecl.-2 p. 757 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 85 ; KOXB. Fl. Ind. II. p. 657 ; Hoox. f. et THOMS. in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit, Tncl. I. p. 78 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 16 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. IV. p. 86 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Eunm. PL Formos. p. 13. NOM. Indig. Shih-ehia-kuo, Fau-li-chih, Foton-kno, Fan-li, (ex HENR\ i. HAB. Sholinkiuto and Kigo, Taiclm, Shokwa, Takow. DISTRIB. Introdnced from America. 4. Melodorkim DUN. Melodorum Oldhami HEMSL. in FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 27 : HENRY List PL Formos. p. 16 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 86 ; MATSUM et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 13 ; HAYATA Fl Mont. Formos. p. 46. HAB. Nanto : Ivashinokiyama, Goshorin, Nauko, Shifun, Bioritsn. DISTRIB. An endemic plant. MENISPERMACE2E. 35 Menispermaeeee. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Flowers 3-merous. ( ) varies usually 3. Heeds horse-shoe-shaped, albumen copious. (2). Flowers 3-5-merous. Ovaries usually solitary, seeds horse- shoe-shaped, albumen scanty Stephanie., 3 ('2) Styles subulate Cocculus. 1 Styles forked Pericampylus 2 1. Coccitlus DC. Dichotomous Key to (he Formosan Species. Erect Shrub C. laurifolius. Scandent. (1) (1) Leaves rounded or ovately rhomboid C, T/ttmbergiL Leaves obovately cuneate or linear C. cimeatw. Cocculus cuneatus BENTH. ; FOKBES et HEMSL. lud. Fl. Sin. I. p. 28 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 16 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Forinos. p. 14. Nephroica cuiieifoUa ]\FIEES, in " Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. 3, XIX. p. 26." HAB. Tainan, Hozaii, Keluug, Mt. Takow, Boryo. DiSTitii;. An endemic plant. Cocculus Thunbergii IX'. 1'rodr. I. p. 98 ; HANCE in Journ. Linn. Soc. XIII. p. 99 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XL p. 051 ; FBANCHET PL David, p. 24; FOUBKS et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 28; HENI;Y List PL Formos. p. 16; DIELS FL Centr. Chin, in ENGL. But, Jalirb. XXIX. p. 345; I'ALIDIX Conspect. FL Koreaj I. p. 19 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 14. Cocculus ovalifdii<(s DC. Pr.xlr. I. p. 99; BENTII. FL Hoiigk. p. 13. Cocculus diantlterus HOOK, et Aux. Bot. Beech. Voy, p. 167, 36 MENISPEEMACHLE. HAD. Kelung, Pachiua, Tamsni, Takow. lSTltlB. Japan, eastern China. Pericawipylus MIEES. Pericampylus incanus MIEUS. ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 1:3 ; HANCE in Joimi. Linn. Soc. XIII. p. 99 ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit, lutl. I. p. 102 ; FOUBES et HEMSL. Iiid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 29 ; HENUY List PI. Formos. p. 16 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. in Journ. Sci. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo XII. p. 286; DIELS Fl. Centr. Chin, in ENGL. Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 344; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PI. Forinos. p. 15. Cocculus incanus COLEBEOOKE in Trans. Linn. Soc. XIII, p. 57, t. 6, f. 1 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XI. (1883) p. 650. Menispermum villas nm PIOXB. Fl. Ind. III. p. 812. HAB. Agincort, Bankiusirig. DISTIUB. Sikkim, Assam, Java, southern China,, Kwaiigtoiig, Hong- kong. I doubt that the Formosan plant should really belong to this genus, for the filaments connate to the midway of the length, but not distinct. Stcph a n ia Lorn. Dichotomous Key to lie Formosan Species. Leaves cordately, deltoid peltate, sinuate at the base. Stephania tetrandra. Leaves perfectly ovate, quite rounded at the base. Stephania hernandi/'olia. Stephania hernandifolia WALF. Hep. I. p. % ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 13 ; A. G« AY Bot. Jap. p. 380 ; BENTH. Fl. Austral. I. p. 57 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 108 ; FUANCH. et SAVAT. Euum. PL Jap. I. p. 20 ; HOOK. f. et THOMS. in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Tnd. I. p. 103; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XI. (1886) p. 643, t. 3, fig. 1-9 ; FOUBES et HEMSL. Iiid. FL Sin. I. p. 29 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 16 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. FL Lutcli. in Journ. Sci. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo XII. p. 288; DIELS Fl. Centr. Chin, in ENGL. Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 345 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PL Formos. p. 16. o7 Stephania hiuja LUUJ:. FL Cochinch. ed-WiLLD. p. 747. Oissampelos discolor DO. Prodr. I. p. 101. Cissampdos hcniandlfoUa AViLLD. Sp. PL IV. p. 100 ; lluxu. 11. Ind. III. p. 842; AVicsiiT Ic. PL Ind. Or. t. 939. Cissampdos Jtevaudra HOXB. Fl. Intl. IIJ. p. 84'2. 3Ieni#permiun japonicum THUNB. Fl. Jap. p. 193 ; AViLLD. Sp. I'l. IV. p. 827. Cocculus japonicm DC. Prodr. I. p. 90; SJEI;. et Zuoc. Fl. Jap. Fain. Nat. in Abh. Afoul. ^Cnench. IAr. Pt.-2, (1845) p. 189. HAB. Taihokn, Sintiku, Sniteiryo, Jsiki, Bioritsu. DISTRIB. Japan, southern China, the Philippines, Malay, India, Ceylon, Africa, Australia and Polynesia. ** « Stephania tetrandra S. MOOIJJ: (I'l. VIII.) in Journ. But. (1875) p. '2-25; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XI. p. (MO, t. '2; FUKBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 30 ; HENKY List PI. Formos. p. 17; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Eiium. PI. Formos. p. 1<> ; HAY AT A Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. '23. Stem more or less lignined yoluble, striate, glabrous. Leaves reuiformetl, irre- gularly repantlate or entire, abruptly acute at the apex, obtuse and mucro- nate at the very extremity, reniformedly cordate at the base, peltate, (sinus rounded), glabrous, glaucous beneath, chartaceo-membranaceous, 7 cm. long, 8 cm. broad, petioles very slender striate G cm. long, inserted near the base of the blades. Panicles supra-axillary as long as petioles, pubescent, flowers capitately or umbellately arranged at the apsx of the branches, pedicels very short, 4 mm. long. Drupes compressedly globose, 5 mm. in diameter, gla- brous. HAB. Tamsui. Near Stephania Jaliurica DC. and also S. Iternandifdia ; but diners from the former in having nearly rounded but not lobed leaves, and from the latter in roundedly sinuated base of the leaves. In S. Iternandifdia the sinus at the base of the leaves is acute but not rounded. Sp, Shrubby, scandent, tomentose. Leaves alternate, ovate or elliptical, obtusely acuminate, shortly petiolate, 7 cm. long, 4 cm. broad, glabrous 38 above, hispidlv tomentose beneath, costas and veins prominent, margin entire. Ivacemes few-flowered, axillary. Very interesting plant. This is the only scandent shrubby plant belonging to this family from Formosa. Species not yet represented in our Herbarium. Tiibospitm dentiila DIELS in KNOL. 1'H. ivk-li Men ispe i maer;r p. l:V.». H,vr>. BanMnsing. Pericampylus formosanus DIELS in KN»H,. Pll.-reich. Menispeimaceye ]>. ±21. HAB. (FAUBTB! N«.>. li:».) Ci/dcn ijrarilUtmi DIELH in KN«;L. I'll.-ivich Menispermacere p. :'«r.>. -.. Tako\v, (HENKY!) Berberideee. of t/te Formosan Genera. ... . (Sepals (>. Stauntoida. 1 (1) ( Jimbmg shrubs. Jb lowers unisexual ......... loj^ic, " j;.,,;,,1,, o | ^t-lVllS fJ. .k"i/i ' (Vti( • -J Stem 0 or erect, shrubs or herbs. Flowers hermaphrodite, carpels 1. (2i fJi Ovules erect, basal. 8hrul»s. J^rnits Ijerried .............. Herberts, o (_)vules superposed along a ventral suture. !•>> ('}} Leaves simple not lobed, ovules a few ................. Epimedium. 1 Leaves palmately lol.ied, ovules many. . . . , ............ Podophyllum. 5 1, titau-ntoina DC. Stauntonia hexaphylla I>J:. T. p. 148, t, 11 ; MAXIM, in FAGL. R.I. Jahrl). VI. p. 58 ; Miq. Trol. Fl. Jap. p. 197 ; FKANCII. ot SAV. luium. I'l. •Tap. I. p. 21 ; Foitr.ES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. -W ; T. ITO in Journ. Linn. Soc. XXII. (1887) p. l'2;j ; MATSUM. in Tokyo LV»t. Mag. XII. p. 51 ; 39 PALIBIN Oonspeet. Fl. Kor$ne T. p. 21 ; MATSUM:. et MAYATA Einim. PI. Formos. p. 17. Piaifama liexaplnjVa THUMB. Fl. Jap. p. 149. HAB. Hokkokei. DISTRIB. Japan, ( V»rea and Hongkong. 2. Akebia DECNE. Akebia longeracemosa MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XTIT. p. 18 ; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Einnn. PI. Formos. p. 17 t. *2. Shrub scaudeut. Leaves ever-green, long petiolate, digitately 5-foliolate, leaflets petiolnlate, oblong, obtuse at l)otli ends, or obovate-oblong, cuneate, emarginate and mucronate at the apex, glabrous. Flowers monoecious, long pedunculate. Fl. £ numerous, 25-30, arranged on a long raceme ; pedicels very slender, spreading, nearly 5 mm. long, bracts paleaceous, linear. Sepals 3, reflexed, ell iptico -oblong, somewhat obtuse, 3mm. long, 2mm. broad, glabrous. Fl. £: few-flowered, 40 mm. in diameter, long pedicellate 45-50 mm. long ; sepals 3, black when dried, 18-20 mm. long, 8-12 mm. broad. Racemes G5-70 mm. long, 8 mm. broad. Carpels fi; ovary linear, 5mm. long; staminodes very small; stamens 3 mm. long. HAB. Taichii : Daibohozan. I^ISTRIB. An endemic plant. Akebia *p- HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 4(i. HAB. Morrison. Near A. longemcemosa MATSTT^., but differs from it in having trifoliolate leaves. 3. J$cr?teHs LTNX. D'ichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. Leaves pinnate TJerltens nepalensis. Leaves simple Fruits black Herberts Kawdkamii. limits red . fiertoi'is morrisonensis. 40 BERBER IDE.E. Berberis nepalensis SPRENGL ; HANCE " in .Toum. Bot. (1882) p. 2 "; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 109; FORBES et HEMSL. Incl. Fl. Sin. I. p. 31 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XII. p. 54; MAT/SUM, ot HAY ATA Fnnni. PL Formos. p. 18 ; HAY ATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 18. Mahonia nepolensis IX'. Prodr. I. p. 109 ; PFELS Fl. Centr. Chin, in FXOT, Bot, Jahrb. XXIX. p. 838. Berber is Beaki FORTUNE Bot. Mag. t. 4852. Ilex japcmica THUNB. Fl. Jap. p. 79, et lo. PI. Jap. t, 12. HAB. Gauzan, Arizan, Kelmig, Taiton. PISTRIB. Khasia, central China, Japan and tho Philippine islands. Mr. F. IX Morrill remarks that this Formosan form is just tho same as tho Ln/on ono. Berberis Kawakamii HAY ATA (PI. IX. i Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 24. Shrni) erect, many-branched, branches angulato silicate, spines ternate 2-3 cm. long. Leaves clustered, coriaceous, obovate, oblanceolate or lanceolate, acute, ounriiti- at tho base, nearly sossilo, remotely spinulosely dentate, 5-3 cm. long, 2-1 cm. broad, veins impressed on the upper side, but prominent on the under side, veinlets prominent on both sides, moiv pallid beneath. Flowers 10-15-fasciculate, perulate at the base, pernles 2- 3-seriate, scaly broadly triangular shortly aristate, pedicels inclined, 1cm. long. Sepals 5-6, ineqnal, lancoolate, acuminate or subulate, longer than petals, the outermost the smallest. Petals .~>-b', ronndodly oblong, 4.] mm. long, obtuse or rounded, with 2-glandnles at the base inside. Stamens 5-6, 2| mm. long, filaments 1} mm. long, incrassate, anthers 1 mm. long, oblong, connectives slightly produced, truncate. Carpels shortly cylindrical 3 mm. long, stigma sessile peltate. Berries 5-10-clustered, nigricaut, oblongly ovoid, 7 mm. long, obtuse at the base, 2-3-seeded ; seeds crescent-shaped, curved, 5 mm. long, minutely rnguloso fuscous, peduncles 1 cm. long. HAB. Mt, Morrison. The present plant comes very near B. larandana TIDAL; but differs from it in having much shorter peduncles and especially in the number of ovules contained in ovaries. B. barandana has 1-ovule, while our plant has BERBERI DE;E. 41 always 2 or sometimes 3 ovules. It also bears some resembrance to B. xanthoxylon HASK. and B. WaUichiana, but differs from both in having more sparely serrated leaves, and especially from the latter by its much more rounded fruits. Berberis morrisonensis HAYATA (PI. X.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 25. Shrub, erect, many-branched, branches with teruate spines. Leaves clustered coriaceous, ovately spathulate, rounded at the apex, aristately mucronate or obtuse, spinulosely dentate on the margin, cnneate at the base, sessile or shortly petiolate, 15 mm. long, 7 mm. broad. Berries 3-clustered globosely ellipsoid, obtuse 011 both ends, reddish, 9 mm. long, 3-seeded ; stigma small, sessile ; seeds crescent -shaped, 4 mm. long, smooth, scarlet, peduncles li cm. long. HAB. Mt. Morrison. Near B. diclyophylla FRANCE. ; but differs from it in having 3-fasciculate fruits which are much more rounded than those of FRANCHET'S species. 4. Epimedium LINN. Epimedium sp. MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 18. Pe- rennial herb. Radical leaves long petiolate, petioles 30-40 cm. long, trifolio- late, petiolulate, petiolules 5 cm. long, shorter than the blades, nodes of petiolules swollen, blades 8-10 cm. long, 7 cm. broad, ovately elliptical acuminate at the apex, strongly oblique at the base, auriculate, cordate, serrulate, (tseth setaceous) 8-10-nerved, glabrous, glaucous beneath. HAB. central parts of the island. 5. Podophyllum LINN. Podophyllum pleianthum HANCE in Journ. Bot. (1883) p. 175 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 33 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 17 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 19. HAB. Tamsui. DISTRIB. Southern China : Kwaugtung. 42 NYMPHS ACE.E. Nymphaeacese. Conspectus of the Formos:m Genera. (1) Sepals and petals 3 each, free. Carpels free. Ovules few. Seeds albuminous Brasenia 1 Sepals and petals 4-5, petals arid stamens indefinite. (2) (2) Carpels confluent with one another or with the disk into one ovary. Ovules many. Seeds albuminous . , Euryale 2 Carpels irregularly scattered, sunk in pits of the turbinate disk. (Ovules 1-2. Seeds exalbumiuous Ndumlo 3 1. Brasenla SCHREB. Brasenia purpurea GASP, "in Journ. Sc. Acad. Lisb. IV. p. 312" ; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa, p. 25. Hydropeltis purpurea RICHARD ; DO. Procl. I. p. 112. Brasenia peltata PUESH. ; HOOK. f. et THOMS. in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Tnd. I. p. 113 ; FRANCH. et SAY. Euum. PL Jap. I. p. 25. HAB. Girau : Kentozau. DISTRIB. Commonly found in Japan, distributed in eastern North America and eastern Australia. Not yet known from China. OBSERV. Flowers solitary, sessile, pedunculate ; leaves peltate, elliptical, 10 cm. long, 6.5 cm. bror.l. 2. Eiiryale SALISB. Euryale ferox SALISB. ; KONIG. et SIMS. Ann. Bot. II. p. 74 ; DC. Prodi-. I. p. 114 ; Bot. Mag. t. 1447 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 33 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 17 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 19. HAB. in swamps in the vicinity of Taihoku. DISTRIB. Northern India and Japan. r-APAVERACE.E. 43 3. Nelumbo G.ERTN. Nelumbo nucifera G.ERTN. ; FRANCH. et SAVAT. Enum. PL Jap. I. p. 26 ; PALTBIN Conspact. Fl. Korese I. p. 20 ; MAT.SUM. et HAYATA Eimm. PI. Formos. p. 19. Nelumbium speciosum WILLD. Sp. PI. II. p. 1258 ; DC. Pro:lr. I. p. 113 ; Bot. Mag. t. 903; PVOXB. FL Ind. II. p. 017; LEDEB. FL Ross. I. p. 83; (var. caspicuni) ; HOOK. f. et THOMS. in HOOK. f. FL Brit. Intl. I. p. 110 ; AIT. Hort. Kew. ed — 2, IH. p. 332 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 34 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 17 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. FL Lutcli. in Jonm. Sci. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo XII. p. 291. Nymphcea Nelumbo LOUR. Fl. Cocliineli. e:l-WiLLD. p. 410 ; THUNB. Fl. Jap. p. 223. HAB. Takow. (cultivated). DISTRIB. From Persia through warm regions of Asi'i, to Ausbrilia. Papaveracese. Conspectus of the Fonnosan Genera. (1) Flowers regular (2) Flowers irregular Corydalis 3 (2) Stigmas 4 or more, radiating on a sessile disk Papaver 1 Stigmas 4-0, radiating from the top of a depressed style .... Aryemone 2 1. Papaver LINN. Papaver somuiferum LINN. ; DC. Prod. I. p. 119 ; FOBBED et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 34 ; HENRY List PL Formos p. 17 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 20. HAB. Kagi, Sliinyesho, cultivated. DISTRIB. 2. Aryemone LINN. Argemone mexicana LINN. ; " ROXB. FL Ind. II. p. 571 ; " HOOK. f. 44 PAPAYERACE.E. et THOMS. in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 117 ; HAYATA Material* for a Flora of Formos. p. 28. HAP.. Tfiito : Hiuar. >. DISTRIB. An American plant ; naturalized in Formosa. OBSERY. An armed plant ; leaves sessile, oblong1, 10 cm. long, 5 cm. broad, (Tentately incised, aristate 0:1 the margin, and costas and nerves. Capsrles oblorg, 5 cm. long1, with very many spir.es on them. 3. Cort/dfdis DC. Dlcliotomous Key to tlie For meson Specie*. (1) Lobes of leaflets acute .......................... Corydalis racemosa. Lobes of leaflets obtuse or rounded ('2} ( C. pallida (2) Small, nearly 8 cm. high ........................... \ ( C. taitcensis Larger than the other group, nearly 20 cm. high. (3) (3) Lobes of the leaflets nearly entire or 2-lobed ........... 6'. kelungensis Lobes of the leaflets lobulate on the margin ........... C, formosa.ua Corydalis racemosa PERS. ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 129 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 200 ; FRANCH. et SAY AT. Enum. PL Jap. IT. p. 275 ; FRANCHET PL DAVID, p. 30 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 38 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 17 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. in Jouru. Sci. Coll. Imp. Uuiv. TOkyo XII. p. 296; DIELS FL Ceutr. Chiu. in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 355; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 21. Fumaria racemos •/ THUNB. ; WILLP. Sp. PL III. p. 8G4. HAB. Kelung, Tamsui. DISTRIB. Japan and China. Corydalis pallida PERS. ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 129 ; MAXIM, in Mel. BioL X. p. 49 ; Bot. Mag. t. 0826 ; SIEB. et Zucc. FL Jap. Fain. Nat. I. p. 174 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 201 ; FRAXCH. et SAVAT. Enum. PL Jap. I. p. 31, et II. p. 270; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. fern. I. p. 37; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 17 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. in Journ. Sci. Coll. Imp. PArAYElUCEJE. 45 Univ. Tokyo XII. p. 294; DIELS Fl. Ceutr. Chin, iu ENGL. Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 355 ; PALIBIX Conspect. Fl. Korea? I. p. 24 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA. Ennin. PL Formos. p. 20. Corydcdis nurea WILLD. var. speiiosa REGEL. ; FIIANOK. et SAVAT. Enun. PI. Jap. II. p. 275. Coryd'dis heterocarpa SIEB. et Zuo^. Fl. Jap. Fain. Nat. I. p. 173. Corydalis speciosa MAXIM. Prim. Fl. Amur. p. 39. Gorydalis WilforJi RETEL. ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 201 ; FIIANCH. et 'SAVAT. Eimm, PI. Jap. I. p. 30, et IF. p. 275. Fumaria lutea THUNB. Fl. Jap. p. 277. Fumaria pcdlida THUNB. ; WILLD. Sp. PI. III. p. 865. HAB. Shiiitikn, Taichu, Ijioritsu, Plakkakurin. PISTRIB. Japan, Eonin, central China, Siberia an PAFAYERACE,£. 12 mm. long, '2 mm. broad, complanate, narrowed towards the apex. HAD. Taito : Daironkosha. Corydalis kelungensis HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 27. Herb, very slender, 30 cm. high, ascendent, quite glabrous. Radical leaves long petiolate, many times teruate, 30 cm. long (including petioles), petioles very much slender, 15 cm. long, long petiolnlate, pinnules obovate 2 cm. long, 1 cm. broad, rounded at the apex, or 2-3-lobate, gradually narrowed reaching the petioles, more pallid beneath. Racemes 10 cm. long, loosely flowered, bracts ovate, 5 mm. long, pedicels 1 cm. long Flowers nearly 18 mm. long. Sepals 2, deciduous. Petals 4, inequal, connate, one of the exterior larger, boat-shaped, ]8 mm. long including spurs, spurred at the base, (spurs 9 mm. long, 3 mm. broad, obtuse straight or more or less curved at the apex), the other flat 13 mm. long, long clawed at the base, blades rounded 7 mm. broad, emarginate or sinuate at the apex, gradually narrowed and reaching the claw ; interior one^ connate together, narrowed, strongly carinate on the back at the apex, 13 mm. long. HAB. Kelung : Ariko. The flowers are somewhat like those of C. decuml>ens PEIIS. ; but the leaves are quite different. Corydalis formosana HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 26. Herb, 40-50 cm. high, many-branched, very glabrous, stem silicate flexuose. Cauline leaves 15 cm. long (including petioles), 7 cm. broad bipin- nate, petioles 4 cm. long, pinnae remote, ovate, 5 cm. long, 3 cm. broad, petiolnles 2 cm. long, pinnules subsessile obovate, trilobate, or irregularly lobnlate, rounded at the apex, lobules obscurely mucronate. Racemes 13 c n. long, pedunculate 4 cm. long, bracts ovate, acute, 4 mm. long, pedicels 4 mm. long. Sepals very small, obliquely rounded, obtuse, 1] mm. long, rounded at the base. Pet ds, exterior ones inequal, one of them 17 mm. long (including spur) 4 mm. broad, broadly einargiuate and slight!}- mucrouate at the apex, winged near the apex on the back (wings 2 mm. long 1^ mm. broad), spurred at the base, spurs 4 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, abruptly recurved near the apex, rounded at the apex ; the other narrowed, 12 mm. CHUCIFE1M3. 47 long, 2 inin. broad, dilated towards the apex, rounded and slightly emarginate at the apex, winged near the margin on the back, wings triangular 1 mm. broad ; interior ones much narrower, 12 mm. long, clawed, claws 5^ mm. long, 4- mm. broad, blades obliquely rectangular, 6 mm. long, 2-'- mm. broad, rounded emarginate and mucrouate at the apex, winged near the apex on the back, wings shortly produced 1 mm. broad. Stamens 12 mm. long, filaments com- planate, 1] mm. broad, gradually narrowed towards the apex. Capsules linear 2-i- cm. long, (including beaks) 4 mm. broad, beaked at the apex, beaks 6 mm. long. Seeds orbicular compressed, minutely and elegantly concentri- cally punctate, li mm. in diameter, arils suborbicular, li mm. long. HAB. Taito: Taruko, CoU. G. NAKAHARA, 1906, June, (No. 710). Very near C. Balansce PRAIN ; but differs from it in having larger flowers and very much smaller bracts. Cruciferae, Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Pods narrow, long or short, dehiscing throughout their length, terete or compressed dorsally (parallel to the septum.) (2). Pods short, dehiscing throughout their length, compressed laterally (at right angles to the septum.) (C). (2) Cotyledons accumbent, i.e. radicle facing the edges of both cotyledons (3) Cotyledons longitudinally folded or deeply grooved Brassica. 5 (3) Pods narrow long. Pods short, broad, glabrous herbs CocJdearia. 4 (4) Sepals spreading, pods tumid Nasturtium. 1 Sepals erect, pods not tumid. (5) (5) Pods flat, strongly nerved Arabia. 2 Pods hardly nerved Cardamine. 3 ((>) Pods many-seeded, valves boat-shaped, carinate Gapsella. 6 Pods didymous, valves 1-seeded, iudehiscent Senebierct. 7 48 CRUCIFERJE. 1. Nasturtium Br. Dichotomous Keif to the Formosan Species. (1) Plants small, nearly 15 cm. high Nasturtium sikokianum Plants much larger, more than 30 cm. high. (2) (1) Leaves not embracing the stem Nasturtium montanum Leaves embracing the stem, auriculately rounded at the base. Nasturtium (jlobosum Nasturtium sikokianum FRANCH. et SAVAT. Eunm. PI. Jap. II. p. 277 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XIII. p. Gl ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Ennm. PI. Formos. p. '22. HAB. Hikakn. DISTRIB. Japan. Nasturtium montanum WALL. ; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 16 ; HOOK. f. El. Brit, Intl. I. p. 134 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 3 ; FBANCH. et SAVAT. Euum. PL Jap. I. p. 32 ; FRANCHET PL David, p. 31 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. FL Sin. T. p. 40 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 17 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutsli. in Journ. Sci. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo XI f. p. 297 ; DIELS FL Ceutr. Chin, in ENGL. Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 357; PALIBIN Conspect. FL Korete I. p. 25 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Foraios. p. 22. Sinapis pusilla ROXB. Fl. Ind. III. p. 125. HAB. Taihoku, Tainsui, Takow. DISTRIB. China, Japan, Korea, India to Java. Nasturtium globosum TURCZ. ; HANCE in Joimi. Linn. So^. XIII. p. 70 ; FRANCHET PL DAVID, p. 31 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 39; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 17; DIELS FL Centr. Chin, in ENGL. Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 357 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 22. Nasturtium cantoniense HANCE in Jouru. Bot. (1865) p. 378. 1 HAB. South Cape. The species not yet represented in our Herbarium. DISTRIB. Eastern Siberia and China. CRUC1FER.E. 49 2. At'dbis LINN. Dicliotomous Key to the Formosan Species. Leaves lyrately lobed .............................. Aralis morrisonensis Leaves nearly entire or a very sparely toothed .............. Aral>is alpina Arabis morrisonensis HAY ATA (PI. XI.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. '29 Aral-is taraxacifolia HAY ATA Fl. Moat. Formos. p. 49, (non ANDERS). Herb slightly lignined at the bass, perennial, hirsute, hairs simple or branched .! mm.-l mm. long, stoloniferons, decumbent. Stem '20 cm. long, branches leafy. Kadical leaves clustered radiatey arranged, long petioled 3 cm. long including petioles, 6 mm. broad stellately hirsute, (hairs furcate or simple) spathulate in outline, petioles ] -J- cm. long, as long as the blades, blades ovate lyrate, lobes 4-5 on both sides, terminal lobe obovate, obtuse. Cauline leaves simple, oblanceolate, 3,] cm. long, 4 mm. broad, obtuse at the apex, gradually attenuate downwards scarcely serrate on the margin, or nearly entire, llacemes terminal or axillary, 5-6 cm. long, pedicels 1-2 cm. long, bracts 0. Sepals narrower oblong, 2| mm. long, 1 mm. broad, round- ed and mucronate at the apex, sparingly hirsute on the back. Petals oblong-ovate, clawed, G mm. long, rounded or truncate at the apex. Stamens 2 mm. long. Siliques straight or slightly curved, linear, 3-4 cm. long, 1 mm broad, obtuse at both ends ; styles persistent, pedicels li cm. long. Seeds elongately oblong, 1| mm. long, f mm. broad, rounded at both ends, com- planate, somewhat scabrous. HAB. Mt. Morrison. In my paper above cited, I mention that the present plant agrees quite well with the description of Aralis taraxacifolia ANDERS given in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. lud. I. p. 13 ; FEANCHET PI. David, p. 31; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 43 ; DIELS Fl. Ceutr. Chin, in ENGL. 52 Bot. Jalirb. XXIX. p. 008 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. in Journ. Sci. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo XII. p. 297. The Formosv.i plant which was mentioned as C. Idrsuta in MATSUM. et HAY ATA Enuin. PL For mo?. p. 23 should be divided into two, each representing a variety of the type. var. rotundiloba HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 31. Herb glabrous, stem simple 15 c:n. long, few-leaved. Radical leaves pinnate spathulate in outline, 6 cm. long (including petals) 1 cm. broad, piniire 4-5 on both sides, distant, subsessile rounded often oblique obscurely lobate or entire, 5-10 mm. long, petioles 3 cm. long, complauate slight! v dilate at the base. Racemes 10 cm. long remotely fknvered. Siliques linear straight, 22 mm. long. 1 mm. broad, obtusely truncate at the apex. Seeds minute scabrous, oblong, rounded at both ends, 1 mm. long. HAB. Formosa : Shintiku, Goshixan. The present variety is easily distinguishable from the type in having much more rounded lobes of leaflets. There is a specimen very much like this variety at Kew which is labelled Oardainine Idrsuta Lixx. with a question mark. var. formosana HAY ATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 30. Stems glabrous, branched, ascendent, 15 cm. high, with some leaves. Leaves pin- nately-cleft, obovate in outline, 5 cm. long (including petioles), 2.1 cm. broad, petioles 2 cm. long, complanate or winged, lateral segments obovate rounded at the apex, 3-5 lobulate, abruptly attenuate at the base, 24- cm. long. Racemes 4 cm. long, pedicels 1 mm. long, bracts obtuse f mm. long. Sepals 4, oblong, 1 \ -mm long, f mm. broal. Petals 4, obovate, spathulate, 1-} mm. long, rounded or emargiuate at the apex, narrowed at the base. Stamens Ilium, long, filaments complanate. Ovary cylindrical li mm. long. Siliques linear, straight, 17 mm. long, 1 mm. broad, obtuse on both ends. Seeds oblong, | mm. long, minutely scabrous. HAB. Taitj : Hakuhakusha. There is a specimen very much like this in the Kew herbarium. It is labelled C. hirsuta Lixx., but quite different from the type. As the present CRUCIFER.E. 53 plant is quite easily distinguishable from the type of C. Idrsuta LINN., it is advicable, in my opinion, to regard it as representing a variety of the type, rather than to regard it as a form of it. 4. Cochlearia LINN. Cochlearia formosana HAYATA (PL XII.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 32. Herb slender glabrous, 8-10 cm. high, feAv-branched, indi- cant. Leaves simple or trifoliolate, petiolate, folioles cordate, 24 cm. long, ro- unded, emarginate or nmcronate at the apex, reuiformed at the base, margin entire or remotely creuulate, mucrouate at the sinus between crenas, membrauaceous. Eaceir.es nearly axillary, long pedunculate, few-flowered. Flowers white, small, 2 mm. long, sepals 14 mm. long, spathulate, petals 2i- mm. long, obovate long clawed, claws i mm. long, stamens 14- mm. long, with indistinct glandules at the base. Ovary 2-costate. Siliques when matured horizontally divaricate from the axis, oblong or elongate, 5 mm. long, subterete, valves pubescent, cancave, obscurely reticulate. Seeds 2-seriate, many, oblong, 1 mm. long or longer, costa red, elegantly punctate. HAB. Shii'ko : Kemoganslia. A very pretty herb ; the only species l)elouging to this genus in For- mosa. The flowers and fruits of the plant resemble those of Dmba. But, on account of its being qiiite glabrous, it should be referred to the present genus. 5. Brassica LINN. Brassica campestris LINN. Sp. PL ed-2, p. 931; DC. Prodr. I. p. 24 ; WILLD. Sp. PL in. p. 556 ; HOOK. f. et ANDERS, in HOOK. f. FL Brit. Ind. I. p. 156 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. FL Sin. I. p. 46 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 17; I TO et MATSUM. Tent. FL Lutch. in Jouru. Sci. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo XII p. 299; DIELS FL Centr. Chin, in ENGL. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 357 ; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 23. Brassica. chinensis LINN. ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 215. 54 CEUCIFER/K. Brasslca oleracea LOUE. Fl. Coshinch. etl-WiLLD. p. 481. Brassica R-i.pa LEDEB. Fl. Ross. I. p. 216. Sinapis peklnensls LOUE. Fl. Cochiuch. ed-WiLLD. p. 481. HAB. Commonly cultivated. DI^TEIB. Europe to Siberia ; and cultivated in Japan and China. 6. Cfipsella MXENCH. Capsella bursa-pastoris MCENCH.; DC. Prodr. I. p. 177 ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 16 ; LEDEB. Fl. Ross. I. p. 199 ; BUNGE in MAXIM. Prim. Fl. Amur. p. 46 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 7 ; FBANCH. et SAY AT. Enum. PI. Jap. I. p. 38 ; HOOK. f. et ANDERS, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 159 ; FOEBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 48 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 17 ; ITO et MATSUM. Teut. Fl. Lutcli. in Jouru. Sci. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo XII. p. 301 ; DIELS Fl. Ceutr. Chin. p. 358 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Eniim. PI. Formes, p. 24. HAB. Maruyaina, Taihokn, South Cape. DKTEIB. Europe, Siberia, Korea, Mongolia, Japan, China, India and Africa 7, Senebict'n POIR. Senebiera integrifolia DC. Procir. I. p. 202 ; ENCIL. Bot. Jahrb. VI. p. 58; BENTH. Fl. Austral. I. p. 82; OLIV. Fl. Trop. Afr. I. p. 170; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XII. (1886) p 419 ; FOBBED et HE.VLSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 48 ; ITO et MATSUM. Teut. Fl. Lutsli. in Journ. Sci. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo XII. p. 302 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PI. Formos. p. 25. Senebiera pinnatifida HENEY List PI. For.nos. p. IS. HAB. Kashiota ; Pratas island. DISTRIB. Madagascar, southern Africa, westarn Australia to Loo-choo. OBSERV. Herl), rather hardy, creeping at lower part, many branched, about 20 cm. high ; leaves alternate, spitlmlate or linear, entire, a little dentate on upper portions of the margin, 3 cm. long, 4 mm. broad, racemes terminal, many-flowered, flowers very small ; siliques didymons, laterally compressed rngosely reticulate ; seeds solitary in each cell. CAFPARIDEJE. 55 Capparideae. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Herbs. Fruits capsular. (2). Shrubs or trees. (3). (2) Torus short, often produced backwards into an appendix. Stamens 4-6, free Cleome. 1 Torus short. Stamens 8-x , free, but sometimes not an- theriferous Polanisia. 2 Stamens on the gyuophore. Petals open in bud Gynandropsis. 3 (3) Sepals 4, 2-seriate, imbricate Gapparis. 4 Sepals 4, open in bud : Cratceva. 5 1. Cleome LINN. Cleome puilgens WILLD. ; (cult.) HENRY List PI. Formos p. 18 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enmn. PI. Formos. p. 25. HAB. It is recorded from Pescadores by Mr. Y. TASHIRO ; but I have not yet se^n a, specimen of it. 2. Polanisia KAFIN. Polanisia viscosa Da Prodi-. I. p. 242 ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 18 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XII. (18S6) p. 419 ; FORBES et HEM.SL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 50 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 18 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. FL Lutch. in Jburn. Sci. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo XII. p. 305 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Ermm. PI. Formos. p. 25. Polanisia icosandra WIGHT et ARN. ; WIGHT Ic. PI. Ind. Or. t. 2. Cleome icosandra et viscosa LINN. Sp. PI. ed-2, p. 933 ; LOUR. Fl. Cochiuch. ed-WiLLD. p. 483. HAB. South Cape, and many other localities. DISTRIB. Widely diffused in warm regions. 56 CAPrAREDE.E. 3. Cjrynandropsis HAFIX. Gynandropsis pentaphylla DC. Prodr. I. p. 288 ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 171; FORBES et HEMSL, Iml. Fl. Sin. I. p. 50; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 18 ; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Euuin. PI. Formos p. 26. HAB. Sliiiitiku, Tainan, Nisoko, Ivsvashoto, Boryo. DISTRIB. Generally dispersed in Avarui regions. 4, Capparis Lixx. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. Leaves lanceolate Capparis membranacea var. angustissima HEMSL. Leaves oblong or elongately oblong. (1) (1) Leaves acute at the base Capparis formosana HEJ:SL. Leaves rounded or slightly cordate at the base. . Capparis Henry I MATSUM. Capparis membranacea GAIJD. et CHAMP. ; BEXTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 18 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 50 ; Var. angustissima HEMSL. Ann. Pot. IX. p. 145 ; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Eimm. PI. Formos. p. 27. HAB. Pankiusiug. DISTRIB. An endemic plant. Capparis formosana HEMSL. in Aim. Pot. IX. p. 45 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 18 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Eiium. PI. Formos. p. 26. HAB. Takow, Ako, Baukiusing. DISTRIB. An endemic plant. Capparis Henryi MATSUM. in MATSUM. et HAYATA Ennm. PL Formos. p. 26, t. 3 ; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa, p. 33. Scandent slmib, branches terete greenish, glabrous. Leaves coriaceous, petiolate, ellip- tical or oblong, obtuse, shortly calloso -cuspidate at the apex, rounded or attenuate at the base, glabrous on both sides, quite entire, reticulate, nerves 7-9 on both sides of the costa, prominent below, very much curved ; petioles CAPrABIDEJE. 57 8 mm. long, glabrous ; blades of the leaves 10 cm. loug, 5.2 cm. broad ; stipules spiny, straight, very much shorter than the petioles, but sometimes nearly equally long. Flowers 4-6-clustered, clusters superaxillary ; pedicels nearly glabrous, G mm. long. Sepals 4, distinct, imbricate, ovately elliptical, acute, glabrescent 011 both sides, tomentose inside and also on the margin. Petals 4, white, imbricate, linear- oblong, obtuse, tomeutose on the margin towards the apex, or glabrescent, 8-13 mm. long, 4 mm. broad. Stamens 12-16, thread like, white, 26-30 mm. long, anthers oblong, yellowish glabrous. Ovary subglobose, glabrous, long stalked (stalks 19 mm. long), 1-celled, placentas 4, ovules numerous ; stigma sessile. This is very near C. micrantha from which it is distinguishable only in the venation of the leaves. HAB. Takow, Koshuu, Fuko, Boryo, Eioritsu, Hokko. DISTEIB. An endemic plant. 5. Cratceva LINN. Crataeva religiosa FORST. ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 243 ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 172 ; OLIV. Fl. Trop. Afr. I. p. 99 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 51 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 18 ; Fro et MATSUIVT. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 305 ; MAT.SUM. et HAY ATA Euum. PI. Formos. p. 27. Copparls falcata LOUR. Fl. Cocliinch. ed-WiLLD. p. 405. Capparis macjna LOUR. Fl. Cocliinch. ed-WiLLD. p. 405. Cratceva Adansonii DC. Prodi1. I. p. 243. Cratceva falcata DC. Prodr. I. p. 243. Cratceva Iccta DC. Prodr. I. p. 243. Cratceva magna DC. Prodr. I. p. 243. Cratceva trifoliata ROXB. Fl. Ind. II. p. 571. HAB. Keluug, Pachina, Ako. DISTRIB. Cliina, India, tropical Africa. 58 VIOLACEJE. Violaceae. Viola LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. Leaves more or less pnrpurascent beueatli. (1) Leaves not at all purpurasceiit beneath. (3) (1) Leaves cordate more or less acute at the apex Viola Kawalcamii. Leaves rouudly cordate, rounded at the apex. (2) (2) Leaves dotted beneath, dots black V. tozanensis Leaves not at all dotted V. formosana (3) Leaves more or less hirsute. (4) Leaves nearly glabrous or very shortly hairy. (5) (4) Sepals ciliolate V. di/usa Sepals not ciliolate V. Nagasawai (5) Leaves laiiceolately hastate, or simply lanceolate V. Patrinii Leaves broadly oblong, or auriculately cordate, more or less deltoid. (6) (6) Leaves deeply auriculately cordate, broadly deltoid ; flowering stem foliose V. rerecunda Leaves more or less elougately deltoid, flowering stem not at all foliose V. japonica Viola Kawakamii HAY AT A Fl. Mont. Forinos. p. 52, and Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 33. Slender herb. Leaves long petiolate, stipulate, petioles slender, 10-15 cm. long, blades hastately cordate, acuminate or obtuse, crenulate, pilose at the sinus between the crenas, other parbs glabrous, glaucously violascent, nearly 3 cm. long, 2 cm. broad, stipules laciniate, a little aduate to the petioles. Flowers (opened) 1.5 cm. in diameter, long pedunculate, peduncles nearly as long as petioles, bracts 2 subulate remotely arranged, 5 mm. long. Sepals subequal, obtusely acuminate, 4 mm. long, 1 mm. broad, base produced £ mm. beyond the insertion, glabrous. Upper petals and lateral ones subequal, ovately cuueate, emarginate at the apex, 12 mm. long, 5 mm. broad, the lowest one larger 15 mm. long, 9 mm. broad, VIOLACEJE. 59 apax strongly emarginate or slightly 2-lob3cl, long calcarate, spars 6 mm. long, slightly curved at the apax. Anthers subsassile, connestives complanata, produced in a membraneous appendix which is 1 mm. long ; 2-lower stamens calcarate on the back at the base, spurs 3 mm. long. Styles nearly straight, stigma terminal. Capsules not yet known. HAB. Suizau. This is near Viola siamensis from Avhich it differs in having mucTi longer spurs. Spurs are usually very short in the Siamese plant. Viola tozanensis HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 53. Stemless herb. Leaves long petiolate, stipulate, petioles 4 cm. long, blade? broadly cordate, rounded, crenulate, setulosely pubescent, beneath glaucous violascent, nearly 2 cm. long as broad, stipules laciniate, a little adnate to the petioles. Flo- wers patent, re flexed, 14- cm. in diameter, long pedunculate, peduncles as long as petioles, bracts 2 subulate opposite 5 mm. long. Sepals nearly equally long, obtusely acuminate, 4 mm. long, 1 mm. broad, base beyond insertion 1 mm. produced, glabrous. Petals upper and side ones nearly equal, ovately cuneate, truncate at the apex, 10 mm. long, 5 mm. broad, the lowest larger, 18 mm. long, 8 mm. broad, very emarginate at the apax, base long sparred, spurs 4 mm. long, at the apax slightly curved. Anthers sub^assile, conuestives complauate, produced at the apex in a membrane which is 1 mm. long ; 2— lower stamens spurred at the base on the back, spurs 3 mm. long. Style nearly straight, stigma sub-terminal. Capsules not yet known. HAB. Tozau. This is found on the large trunk of a tree. The flower is piteut and of a whitish purple colour. Viola formosana HAYATA iu MATSUAT. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formes, p. 28, and HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 33. Stemless herb. Leaves long patiolate, stipulate, petioles slender 3-4 cm. long, twice as long as blades, blades broadly cordate rounded, crenate, pilose only at the sinus batween the crenas other parts quite glabrous, glaucD- violascent baiieath, 2 cm. long, stipules laciniate, partly adnate to the petiole?. Flowers when opened 1.5 cm. in diameter, long padunculate, paduncles twice as long as petioles, CO VIOLACKE. bracts 2, subulate, remote, 4 mm. long. Sepals nearly equally long, obtuse- ly acuminate, 4 mm. long, 1 mm. broad, 1 mm. produced at the base beyond tlie insertion, quite glabrous. Petals upper and lateral ones nearly equal, ovately cuneate, emarginate at the apex, 12 mm. long, 5 mm. broad, the lowest one larger, 15 mm. long, 9 mm. broad, yery emarginate at the apex, or slightly 2-lobed, long spurred at the base, spurs 5 mm. long, slightly curved. Anthers subsessile, connectives complanate, produced at the apex to a membrane which is 1 mm. long ; 2-inferior stamens calcarate on the back at the base, spurs 8 mm. long. Style nearly erect, stigma terminal. HAB. Want: in. This is near V. Sitboldi MAXIM, but diners from it in having rounded leaves. The leaves of T. Siclddi are much more oblong, but not quite, rounded at the apex, as is the case with the Formosan plant. Viola diffusa GING. in !DC, Prodi-. I. p. 298; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 20; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. IX. p. 735; FEANCHET PI. David, p. 43- FORBES et HEMSL. Tiid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 52 ; HENEY List PI. Formos. p. 18 ; DIELS Fl. Centr. Chin, in EXGL. Pot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 477 ; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Eiium. PI Formos. p. 28. HAB. Shichiseitonzaii, Kusshaku, Waiitan. PISTKIB. Himalaya and Khasia mountains ; China and southern Japan. Viola Nagasawai MAKING et HAYATA in MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 30 ; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 52 Stemless herb, stolouifer- ous. leaves long petiolate, petioles slender, o-4 cm. long, twice as long as. blades, blades somewhat large, broadly cordate at the base, rounded at the apex, margin creuate, pilose above, glabrous below, 1.5-2 cm. long, stipu- late, stipules 9 mm. long, subulate, laciniate, partly adnate to the petioles. Flowers (when opened) 1.5 cm. in diameter, white in a dried specimen, peduncles very long 3-4 times as long as petioles, 2-bracteate on the middle of the peduncles, bracts opposite, acuminate, 5 mm. long. Sepals subequal obtusely acuminate 5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. broad, produced at the base beyond insertion. Petals upper and lateral ones nearly equal, obovate, cuneate at VIOLACKE. 61 the base, 13 mm. long, tlie lowest oue shorter, 10 mm. long, calcarate at the base, spur very short, 1 mm. long ; anthers subsessile, connectives complanate, produced at the apex to a membrane of 1 mm.; 2— inferior stamens calcarate on the back at the base. Style nearly straight 2-5 mm. long, stigma terminal. Capsules 3-valved, sepals persistent. Seeds ovoid-globose, 1.3 mm. long, coats crustaceous, reticulate. HAB. Shichiseitoiizan, Taitou, Chikushiko. Viola Patrinii DC. Prodi-. I. p. 293 ; BENTH. FL Hougk. p. 20 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Eiol. IX. p. 722 ; LEDEB. Fl. lloss. I. p. 245 ; MAXIM. Prim. Fl. Amur. p. 48; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 84; FRANCH. et SAY AT. Eimm. PI. Jap. I. p. 41 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 53 ; Pro et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 300; DIELS Fl. Ceutr. Chin. p. 476; PALIBIN Couspect. Fl. Korere I. p. 33 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 30. Viola primidifolia LOUR. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WiLLD. p. 623. HAB. Tuiton, Urai, Rahao, Botansha, Want-in. DISTRIB. China, India, Manchuria, Japan and Korea. Viola verecunda A. GRAY Bot. Jap. p. 332 ; BAKER et MOORE in Jouru. Linn. Soc. XVII. p. 379 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. IX. p. 7 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Intl. Fl. Sin. I. p. 56 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 18 ; DIELS Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 477; PALIBIN Couspect. Fl. Koreee, I. p. 36; MATSUM. et HAYATA Eiium. PL Formos. p. 31. HAE. Heichosho, Tamsui. DISTRIB. Eastern China, Manchuria, Japan and Korea. Viola japonica LANGSD. ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 295 ; MIQ. Prol. FL Jap. p. 86 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Eiol. IX. (1877) p. 724 ; FRANCH. et SAVAT. Enum. PL Jap. I. p. 42, et II. p. 287 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 53 ; HENRY List II. Formos. p. 18 ; Lro et MATSUM. Tent. FL Lutch. p. 207 ; PALIBIN Conspect. Fl. Koreae I. p. 32 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 29 ; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 52. Viola japonica var. pek'nensis MAXIM. " Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. (1879) p. 4." P.IXINE.T:. Viola kamtschatica var. pekinensis HEGEL. PI. Had. I. p. 230. HAB. Tappausha, Mt. M orison, Tailiokn, Shintiku, Bioritsu, Kokwanslio, Pr.china, Oilau, Heirinbi. DISTRIB. Northern, and central China and Japan. The same as the .Japanese form. Bixinese. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. Flowers hermaphrodite. Sepals 4-6. Petals as many .... Scolopia. 1 Flowers dioecious. Sepals 5 (3-6), tomentose, imbricate, deciduous. Petals 0 ... Idesia. 2 1. Scolopia SCHREI:. Scolopia crenata CLOS. in " Ann. SV. Nat. 4. ser. VIII. p. 250 " ; WALT. Ann. YII. p. 227 ; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 19 ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 191 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 57 ; HENRY Fist PI. Formos. p. 18; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Enuni PI. Formos. p. 31. Pholeros cJdnensis LOUB. Fl Cochiuch. ed-Willd. p. 389. Phcberos scevvs HANCE in WALP. Ann. III. p. 825. Scolopia chinensis et S. aciniiinota CLOS. loc. cit. pp. 249 et 251 ; HANCE in Jonm. Linn. Soc. XHI. p. 100. Scolopia Oldliami HANCE in " Ann. Sc. Nat. 5- ser. A', p. 206." HAB. Keluug, Shiutiku, Khasia, Kiko, Koshvin, Hoknto, Tamsui. DISTRIB. C(X}hiuchina, China, western India and the Philippines. ^. Ides ia MAXIM. Idesia polycarpa MAXIM, in. Mel. Biol. VI. p. 9; FRANCH. et SAY AT. Euum. PI. Jap. I. p. 45 ; Pot, Mag. t. 6794 ; HENRY List LI. Formos. p. 18 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XII. p. 67 ; DIELS Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 478 ; MAI-SUM, et HAYATA Fnum. II. Formos. p. 32; HAY ATA Fl. Mont. Formos. P- riTTOSPOKE.E. 63 HAB. Taito : Iryokukakusha ; Kagi : Burakukanslia ; Kotoslio. Ako. DISTEIB. Central China and Japan. Pittosporeas. V Pittosponnn BANKS. Dicliotomous Keij to the Formosan Species. Leaves obtuse or even rounded at the apex P. Tobira. Leaves acute, acuminate or even cuspidate. (1) (1) Leaves cuspidate at the apex, attenuate at the base P. oligocarpum. Leaves shortly acute or shortly acuminate at the apex. (2) (2) Leaves undulate on the margin P. vndiilatuin. Leaves entire, not undulate. (3) (3) Leaves nearly 10cm. long, including petioles P. formosanum. Leaves much larger 1 8 cm. long including petioles . . P. daplinipliylloides. Fittosporum Tobira Air. Hort. Kew ed-2 II. p. 27 ; Bot. Mag. t. 1396 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 846 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 272 ; FKANCH. et SAVAT. Enum. PL Jap. I. p. 44 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 58 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 18 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 309 ; PALIBIN Conspect. Fl. Korese I. p. 37 ; MATSUM. et HAY AT A. Enum PI. Formos. p. 33. HAB. Tamsui, Shintiku, Kehmg, Koketsuzan, Hobo. DISTEIB. China, Japan and Korea. Pittosporum oligocarpum HAY ATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 35. Branches slender ciuerasceut, ternately branched. Leaves approximately alternate at the apex of the branches, or verticillate, shortly petiolate, oblong, or oblong-lanceolate, abruptly acuminate at the apex, gradually attenuate at the base, margin entire or obscurely creiiulate, costa impressed above, but elevated below, primary lateral veins nearly 10 on both sides, obscurely elevated, veinlets reticulated, inconspicuous, chartaceous, or 64 PITTOSPORE.E. cliartaceo-coriaceous, petioles 5-10 mm. long. Capsules solitary at the axil of the upper leaves, long pedunculate, (peduncles slender 2| cm. long, nearly pendulous), globose, 7-10 mm. long, mucroiiate at the apex, abruptly attenuate at the base and reaching the stalks which are 1-2 mm. long, 2-3-valved, dehiscent, 4-5-seeded. Seeds irregularly augulate, 4 mm. long, reddish. HAB. Taito, Bioritsu, Bunsuikei. Near Pittosporum pauc[ftorum HOOK, et ARN. ; but differs from it in having nearly solitary and axillary fruits. Pittosporum undulatum VENT. ; DC. Proclr. I. p. 340 ; MUELLER, PI. Victoria pp. 71 et 224 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PI. Formos. p. 33. HAB. Soobonsha. It in very uncertain that the Formosan plant should really be identical with the named species Pittosporum formosanum HAYATA in MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 32, t. 4 ; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 34. Branches terete ferrugineo-pubesceut. Leaves attenuate, petiolate, glabrous, coriaceous, obovate, or oblong-elliptical, acute or shortly cuspidate at the apex, attenuate at the base, entire or slightly crenulate, nearly 8 cm. long, 2-5 cm. broad, petioles circ. 1 cm. long. Panicles terminal 5-6 cm. long, f err ugiueo -pubes- cent, densely flowered. Fkwers very small, patent, 5 mm. long, 6 mm. in diameter. Sepals 5, distinct, ovate, obtuse, somewhat thick, glabrous 2 mm. long. Petals 5, counivent in a tube to the middle in bud, at last patent and distinct from the base, oblong, linear, 5 mm. long, 1 mm. broad, truncate on both ends. Stamens 5, filaments dilate, anthers basifixed on the back, shortly apiculate. Ovary sessile, perfectly 2-celled ; style short. Capsules globose, apiculate, 6-7 mm. in diameter, dehiscent by 2-valves ; valves slightly lignified. Seeds thick, exalate, smooth, globose, 4 mm. in diameter. Embryo very small, in a small cavity in the albiimen near the hilum ; cotyledons indistinct. Comes near P. pauciflorum HOOK, from which it differs in having very much smaller flowers and ascending or spreading, but not pendulous, pe- POLYGALE^:. 65 duiicles. I have seen at Kew a specimen from Hainan labelled P. pauciflorum. The specimen is quite in accord with the present plant. Pittosporum daphniphylloides HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 34. Leaves petiolate, oblong or obloug-oblanceolate, abruptly acute at tlie apex, abruptly attenuate at the base, 15 cm. long, 4|- cm. broad, subentire on the margin, or obscurely repaudate, coriaceous, primary lateral veins 10-15 on both sides, spreading from the costa at an angle of 60°, veinlets reticulate, impressed on the upper surface, but elevated on the lower surface costa impressed above, elevated below, petioles 2.V cm. long. Racemes clustered on the apex of the branches, or paniculate. Capsules globose, <> mm. in diameter mucrouate at the apex, 2-valved, dehiscent, valves thick coriaceous 10-15-seeded. Seeds augulate, compressed, 3 mm. long, 2-J- mm. broad, smooth, reddish. HAB. Taito, Dakmisha. This is near P. floribundnm W. et A. ; but differs from it by the fruits and leaves. There is at Kew a specimen exactly like this, labelled Pittos- porum sp. (China, WILSON, No. 3233). Polygalese. Polyyala LrsN. Dicliotomous Key to the Formosan Species. Leaves much larger, longer than 10 cm P. arcuata. Leaves rather small, 2-3 cm. long (1). (1) Plant erect very small, less than 12 cm. high . P. Tatar inow'd. Plant larger, procumbent at the base or erect, more than 15 cm. high. Flowers glomerate P. glomerata. Flowers racemose P. japonica. Polygala arcuata HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 54. Quite glabrous, except young branches which are slightly pubescent ; stem lignified, mostly simple, not branched. Leaves petiolate, blade membranaceous somewhat thick, elliptical lanceolate, acuminate, entire, 10 cm. long, 3 cm. broad, base 66 POLYGALE/K. attenuate to the petioles which are 1 em. long, dark above, somewhat glaucous beneath, primary veins 4-5 on both sides, arcuate near the apex, reaching the next upper ones. Racemes axillary near the apex or terminal, 5-6 cm. long, densely many-flowered, scarcely exceeding the leaves. Flowers yellowish pedicellate, pedicels short, 2 mm. long. Sepals 5, outer ones 3, inner ones 2, deciduous, the uppermost one of the outer sepals globose, larger, rounded, saccate, 3 mm. long, 2-lower ones of the same series broadly rounded, oblique at the base, 1^ mm. long ; 2-inner ones petaloid, oblique, oblong, 5|- mm. long. Petals connate, lateral ones very imbricate, 7 mm. long, rounded at the apex, keels shortly cucullate, long cristate on the back, iiicrassate, bi- saccate. Ovary glabrous shortly stipitate, disk broadly annular. Styles dilate at the apex, appendiculate under the stigma. Capsules 5 mm. broad, 4 mm. long, membrauaceous, compressedly obreniformed or broadly orbicular, emarginate, loculicidal on the margin. Seeds ovoid, 2 mm. long, pendulous, pilose, strophiolate, strophioles 1.2 mm. long on each side. HAH. Taichu, Kashigatani. Somewhat resembles P. IVatters'd HANCE in Jourii. Bot. (1881) p. 209 ; but differs from it in having ob-reuiforined fruits, much smaller flowers, divided crests, and in many other points. Poly gala Tatarinowii REG.; FRANCHET PI. David, p. 45; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 62 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 34. HAB. Girau, Horisha. DISTRIB. Northern China and Japan. Poly gala japonica HOUTT. ; DC. Prodi. I. p. 324 ; BAKER et S. MOORE in Joimi. Linn. Soc. XVII. p. 379 ; FRANCHET PI. David, p. 45 ; FRANCH. et SAVAT. Euum. PI. .Tap. I. p. 45 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 18; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 311; PALIBIX Couspect. Fl. Korere I. p. 37 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PI. Formos. p. 34 ; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 55. Poly gala slbirica LINN. Sp. PL ed-2 p. 987; DC. Proelr I. p. 324; A. W. BENN in Joum. Bot. (1878) p. 277 ; HANCE in " Joum Bot. (1882) p. 257 "; FORBES et HEMST, Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 61. CARYOPHYLLE/E. 67 HAD. Morrison. DLSTRIB. From Siberia to Japan and India, and occurs also in Australia. Polygala glomerata LOUR. Fl. Cochiuch. ed-WiLLD. p. 518 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 326 ; BEXTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 44 ; A. W. Benn in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 20G ; FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 60 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 18 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Eiiuin. PL Formos. p. 34. HAB. Bioritsu, Ako. DISTRIB. From the western Himalayas through the Malay peninsula to southern China. Caryophylleae. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Calyx gamosepalous, 4-5-lobed. (2) Sepals free or connate at the base only. (4) (2) Hilum facial ; embiyo straight Dianthus. 1 Hilum lateral ; embryo annular. (3) (3) Capsules bursting by valves Siletie. 2 Fruits fleshy . . Cucubalus. 3 (4) Styles free. (5) Styles combined Drymarla. 4 (5) Petals entire, stamens and styles opposite the sepals Sagina. 5 Petals notched or 2-fid (6) (6) Capsules cylindric or conic. Petals notched Cerastium. 6 Capsules globose, ovoid or oblong. Petals bi-fid SteUaria. 7 1, Diatit/iits LINN. Dianthus superb us LINN. Sp. PL ed-2, p. 589 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 365 ; HANCE in Journ. Bot. (1883) p. 296 ; FRANCHET PL David, p. 46 ; LEDEB. Fl. Iloss. I. p. 533 ; MAXIM. Prim. Fl. Amur. p. 52 ; HEGEL PL Eadd. I. p. 288 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 9 ; SCHMIDT Reis. Amur. p. 116 ; FRANCH. et SAVAT. Eimm. PL Jap. I. p. 64 ; DIELS FL Centr. Chin. p. 316 ; PAUBIN Couspect. Fl. Korese I. p. 39 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 35 ; HAYATA FL Mont. Formos. p. 55. 68 CARYOrHYLLEJE. HAD. Gaiizau, Suizau, the central mountains ; Taito : Tairon-kosha ; Toroku : Gnnkei ; Nanto : Hinokiyama. DISTRIB. Europe to Mongolia ; China throughout, Saghalien and Japan. Dianthus sp HAYATA Fl. Mont. Fonnos. p. 56. HAD. Mt. Morrison. This differs from D. superlus LINN, in having elongate bracts, and especially in two inferior ones. 2. Stleiie LINN. Silene Fortune! Vis. in Linnsea XXIV. p. 181, et XXXVI. p. 688 ; FRANCHET PL David, p. 47 ; FORBES et HEMKL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. G5 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 19; DIELS Fl. Ceutr. Chin. p. 318; Bot. Mag. t. 7649 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 35 ; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 56 HAB. In lowlands as well as in highlands ; Mt. Morrison, Tamsui, Taihoku. DISTEIB. Central and southern China. The plant found in the high regions is very like the specimen collected on the sea-shore. Excepting that the flowers of the former is almost as half as those of the latter, I can find no distinction whatever between the two. 3. Cucnltalus Linn Cucubalus baccifer LINN. Sp. PI. ed-2, p. 591 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 367 ; LEDEB. Fl. Ross. I. p. 332; MAXIM. Prim. Fl. Amur. p. 56; PIEGEL PL Radd. p. 333; FRANCH. et SAVAT. Euum. PI. Jap. I. p. 48; KOMAEOV Fl. Maushuric-e, H. p. 205; DIELS Fl. Ceutr. Chin. p. 319; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 57. HAB. Mt. Morrison, at the height of 13000 ft. ; Ilakuiakusha. DISTEIB. The Himalayas, China throughout, eastward to Japan as far as North America, westward to Europe. CARYOrHYLLE.E. 69 4. Drymaria WILLD. Drymaria cordata WILLD. ; DC. Proclr. I. p. 395 ; EENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 22 ; EDGEWORTH et HOOK. f. in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 244 ; FOBBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 71 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 19 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 317 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Ennm. PI. Formos. p. 37. Cerastium cordifclium EOXB. Fl. Tud. H. p. 458. HAB. Taiko, Pachina, Heiriiibi, Giran, Koto, Marnyama, Tamsvti. DISTRIB. Throughout tropical regions. 5. Sar/iua LINN. Sagina Liimsei FRESL. ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. IX. p. 32 ; FENZL. in EEDEB. Fl. Ross. I. p. 339 ; BEGEL. PI. Radd. I. p. 424 ; SCHMIDT Reis. in Amur. p. 117 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Tnd. Fl. Sin. I. p. 70 ; DIELS Fl. Ceutr. Chin. p. 321 ; var. maxima MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. IX. (1873) p. 33 ; FRANCHET PL David. I. p. 50 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 316 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 37. Sagina sinensis HANCE in Jonm. Bot. (1868) p. 46. Sagina maxima A. GRAY Eot. Jap. p. 382 ; WALI>. Ann. VII. p. 309 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 11 ; FRANCE, et SAVAT. Ennm. PL Jap. I. p. 53. Sagina procumbcns THUNB. Fl. Jap. p. 80, (non LINN..). HAB. Tamsni. DISTRIB. Widely dispersed in temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. 6, Cerasthim* Dicltotomous Key to Hie. Formosan Species. Leaves rotnndately deltoid Cerastium arisanense. Leaves lanceolate Cerastium trigynum var. morriswiense. Cerastium arisanense HAYATA (PL XLU.) Materials for a Flora of 70 CAliYOPHYLLE.E. Formosa p. 35. Herb prostrate, very small ; steins slender sparingly hirsute. Leaves opposite, petiolate, smaller, broadly rhomboid, 5-6 mm. long, 7 mm. broad, obtuse and aristate at the apex broadly trun- cate and shortly attenuate at the base, margin upwards ciliate, glabrous below (except costa), petioles 6 mm. long, complanate. Flowers nearly 9 mm. long, solitary at the axils of the leaves, long pedunculate, peduncles nearly 5 cm. long, hirsute. Sepals 5, lanceolate, 7 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, seal}", tri-ueived, acuminate at the apex, sparingly hirsute ou the back and at the apex. Petals 5, obovately spathulate, 12 mm. long, 4} mm. broad, 2-lobate at the apex, (lobes apex rounded, 2} mm. long, 2 mm. broad, sinus obtuse), attenuately cunente, clawed. Stimens 10. Ovary ovoid, 2 mm. long, apex truncate, slightly elevate. Styles 3, erect or recurved, 3 mm. long. HAB. Arizau. Cerastium trigynum VILL. var. morrisoneise HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formos. p. 36. Herb diffused or csespitose, glandulously pubescent, at last glabrous. Leaves often remote, sometimes approximate linear-lanceolate or spathulate-acuminate, base sometimes attenuate, dilated, half -embracing the stem, apex calloso-acute or aristately acute, 1-2 cm. long, 2-2-} mm. broad. Cymes terminal, some 1-flowered, some tri-flowered, bracteate, bracts scaly, pedicels 2-1} cm. long, glaiidulously pubescent. Sepals 5, lanceolate 7£ mm. long, margin scaly, outside glandulosi (-pubescent, inside glabrous. Petals 5, oblauceolate, 13 mm. long, 2-lobed at the apex, (lobes oblong, obtuse, 6 mm. long), narrowed at the base. Stamens 10, filaments as half long as petals. 2-glaiiduliferous at the base of the filaments which are opposite the sepals. Ovary ovoid, 2 mm. long, 1-celled, manj^-ovuled. Styles 5, opposite the sepal-, longer than ovary, 3 mm. long. Capsules cyliudraceous 7 mm. long, 2|- mm. broad, erect, dehiscent in 10-teeth at the apex, teeth obtuse, truncate. Seeds sub reniforme:! and globose, 1 mm. long, laterally more or less compressed rugose on the back. Cerastium mornsonense HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 57. HAB. Mt. Morrison. 71 This is quite near C. trigynum VILL. from which it is distinguishable only in having much narrower petals. It should better be regarded as a variety of the same species. CERASTIUM PILOSUM LEDEB.; HAY ATA Fl. Mont. Formes, p. 58. The occurrence of the species in the island is rather doubtful. 7. Stellar in LINN. Dicliolomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves oblougo-lanceolate, nearly sessile. (2) Leaves ovate, ovato-oblong or cordate, narrowed at the base to the petioles. (3) (2) Leaves densely villoso-stellato-pilose SteUaria stellato-pilosa. Leaves glabrous S. uliginosa. (3) Leaves and flowers very much smaller, flowers 2 mm. long. . . S. micrantha. Leaves much larger, flowers 7 mm. long S. aquatica. Setellaria stellato-pilosa HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 58, and Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 37. Diffused herb, branched, densely stellately pilose. Leaves sessile, ovately lanceolate, base cordate, aristately acuminate at the apex, 12 mm. long, 3 mm. broad, rarely o vately- cordate, densely beset with stellate hairs above, with longer hairs beneath, costas pro- minent. Flowers 3-4, in a terminal cyme or rarely axillary, pedicellate, pedicels nearly 1 cm. long, bracteate at the base of the pedicels, bracts 2 opposite ovately lanceolate. Sepals 5, lanceolate, densely stellately pilose outside, at last glabrous, 34- mm. long, 1 mm. broad. Petals profoundly 2-fid, lobes lanceolate, obtuse, longer than sepals. Stamens 10. Disk between stamens, glaudulose. Ovary 1-celled, few-ovuled. Styles 3. Capsules oblong- ovoid, 4 mm. long, dehiscent in 3-valves, valves 2-fid. Seeds giobosely reniformed laterally compressed, 1 mm. in diameter, rugosely muricate. HAB. Mt. Morrison. This is very near SteUaria nutans HEMSL. in Jourii. Linn. Soc. XXXIV. p. 434, (Tibet Oriental : Tatsiu-Lou) ; but differs from it by its larger and broader leaves, and also in having rough velvety hairs all over the plant. 72 CARYOPHYLLE^E. It is also near S. dlcliasloides WILLIAMS in the same volume of the same journal p. 436, from which it differs in having more hairy leaves. Besides, it comes very near S. saxatilis HAM. from wliich it is hardly distinguishable. All the plants above mentioned are very similar in every respect, and further study will prove that they are one and the same species, though some of them should be regarded as representing a variety of another. Stellaria uliginosa MURRAY ; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 22 ; FENZL in LEDEB. Fl. Ross. T. p. 393 ; REGEL PI. Radd. I. pp. 3S3 et 400 ; MAXIM. Mel. Biol. IX. (1873) p. 49 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 11 ; FRANCH. et SAVAT. Enum. PI. Jap. I. p. 51 ; EDGEWORTH et HOOK. f. in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 233 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I p. 69 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 19 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 315 ; DIELS Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 320 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 36. Stellaria aqualica POLL. ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 398 ; " LEDEB. Fl. Alt. II. p. 156," Stellaria unchdata THUMB. Fl Jap. p. 185 ; SIEB. et Zucc. Fl. Jap. Earn. Nat. p. 166. Larbrea aquatica ST. HIL. ; DC. Prodr. HI. p. 366. Larbrcea vliginosa HOOK. f. in Joum. Linn. Soc. I. p. 116. HAB. Exact localities are not given to our specimens. DISTRIB. Europe, Siberia, Japan, China, Himalaya, southern Africa, northern America. Stellaria micrantha HAYATA (PI. XIY.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 36. Herb, prostrate at the base, ascening towards the apex. Leaves opposite, sessile, 15 mm. distant, broadly ovate, 9 mm. long, 6 mm. broad, aristate, acute at the apex, base abruptly at- tenuate or rounded (in upper leaves), more or less embrac- ing the stem. Cymes terminal or axillary, 5 cm. long, 4 cm. broad, branches opposite, bracts minute, ovate, acute, 1 mm. long. Sepals 5 ovately oblong, 2 mm. long, acute, squainose. Petals 5, minute, profoundly bi-fid, (lobes lanceolate 1 mm. long, sinus acute) basal parts narrowed. Stamens 5. Styles 3, minute. Capsules ovoid, valvately dehiscent beyond half- rORTULACE.E. 73 way down to the base, valves entire Seods compressedly globose, shortly leaked at the apex, recurved, face arcuately reticulate. HAB. Arizan. Near Stellar ia media LINN, but differs from it in having extremely small flowers. Stellaria aquatica Scor. ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 21 ; BAKER et S. MOORE in Jouru. Linn. 802. XVII. p. 380 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. G7 ; DIELS Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 319 ; MATSU.M. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 36. Cerasllum aquaticnm LINX. Sp. PI. ed-2 p. 629. Larbrea aquatica SER in DC. Prodr. I. p. 395. Myosoton aqna'icum, MCENCH. ; FRANOIIET PL David, p. 53. HAB. Shintiku, Taihoku. DISTRIB. Widely diffused in temperate regions. Portulaceae. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Ovary half-adnate to the calyx Portulaca. 1 Ovary free. Talinum. 2 1. Portulaca LINN. Dlcltotomom Key to tie Formosan Species. (1) Leaves lanceolate Portulaca pilosa var. Leaves obovate or obovately spathulate (2). (2) Distinctly pilose at the axils of the leaves P. quad'rifida var. formosana. Not at all pilose at the axils of the leaves P. cleracea. Portulaca pilosa LINN. var. MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 38. HAB. Taihoku. DISTRIB. 74 rOETULACE.E. Portulaca quadrifida LINN, var. formosana HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 37. Herb fleshy, prostrate, stem incrassate, base 5 mm. in diameter, many-branched at the upper portion. Leaves alternate, fleshy, ol>ovate, rounded at the apex, slightly narrowed to the base, 6-7 mm. long, 3i mm. broad, pilose at the axils, hairs patent 2 mm. long. Flowers solitary at the apex of the branchlets with 5-involncral leaves. Capsules menibranaceous 2-J- mm. in diameter. fSeeds snbglobose, -} mm. in diameter, laterally* compressed, mttricate. Portulaca quadrijfda HAYATA in MATSUM. et HAYATA Fnum. PI. Formos. p. 39 (non LINN.). HAB. Kotosho, Coll. K. MIYAKE, Nov. 1899. Very nenr the type, from which it is distinguishable by its far loss hairy form. Portulaca oleracea LTNN. Sp. PL ed-2 p. G38 ; DC. Prodr. III. ]>. 353; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 127; THUNB. Fl. Jap. p. 192; Lorn. Fl. Cochinch. ecl-WiLLix p. 359 ; WALP. Ann. II. p. 201; KOXB. Fl. Ind. II. p. 462; SIEB. et Zucc. Fl. Jap. Fam. Nat. IV. pt.-2, p. 166; LEDEB. Fl. Pioss. II. p. 145; BENTH. Fl. Austral. I. p. 169; MAXIM. Prim. Fl. Amur. p. 113 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 375 ; FRANCH. et SAVAT. Enum. PI. Jap. I. p. 53; DYER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 246 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 71 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 19 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 317 ; PALIBIX Couspect. Fl Korere I. p. 44 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 38. HAB. Taihoku, Takow. DISTRIB. in tropical and temperate regions of the world. 2, Tali mini ADANS. Talinum crassifolium WHJ.D. Sp. PL II. p. 862 ; MATRUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 39. HAB. Pachiua, Taichu. DI.STRIB. Introduced from tropical America. TAMArJSCINE.E. HYrEl'J. p. 578. Nor y sea aurea BLUME in Mus. Pot, Lugd-Bat. II. p. 23. Hypericum cldnensis fi. HOOK, et AI;N. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 172. HAB. Pachiua, Tamsui. DlSTFJB. Japan and China. Hypericum japonicum TIIL.N]',. FL Jap. p. 295, t. 31; DC. Prodr. I. p. 548; BENTH. FL Hongk. p. 23 ; HANCE in Journ. Bot. (1874) p. 259; FRANCHET PL David, p. 50 ; SIEB. et Zucc. Fl. Jap. Fam. Nat. p. 163 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 147 ; FIIANCH. et SAVAT. Enum. I'l. Jap. I. p. 50 ; DYER in HOOK. f. FL Brit. Ind. I. p. 256 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 73 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 19 ; Pro et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutuli. p. 320 ; DIELS Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 476 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum PL Formos. p. 41 Hypericum mutilum MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XL p. 171, (pro part.). Hypericum nervatum HANCE in WALP. Ann. II. p. 188. Hyperiotn/ puslllum CHOISY in DC. Prodr. I. p. 549. Hi/pericum Tftwibergii FIUNTH. et SAVAT. Enum. PL Jap. II. p. 300. y japonica d II.ML BLUME in Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 11. p. 19. HYrERICINE.E. 79 Jlratlys nepalensis BLUME Mus. Bot. Lugd. — Bat. II. p. 10. HAB. Kelung, TYiihoku, Kusshaku, Bioritsu, Tamsui, Takow, Mankinsho. DISTRIB. Japan, Hongkong, China, Malaya, Himalaya, Australia, Now Zealand. Hypericum patulum THUNB. Fl. Jap. p. 29."), et Ic. PI. Jap. t. 17 ; DYER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 254 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 545 ; MAX™. in Mel. Biol. XL p. 101 ; HANCE in Journ. Bot. (1878) p. 104 ; Bot. Mat--, t. 5693; SIEB. et Zucc. Fl. Jap. Fain. Nat. p. 101; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 147 ; FEANCH. et SAY AT. Eimm. PL Jap. I. p. 53 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 73 ; DIELS Fl. Centr. Cliin. p. 470 ; MATSUM. ot HAY ATA Enum. PI. Forums, p. 42. Hypericum vralum HAM. ; Bot. Mag. t. 2375. Norysca pahila BLUME Mus. Bot. Lngd.-Bat. II. p. 23. HAI:. Kolung. DISTRTB. Himalaya, Burma, western and central China. Hypericum formosanum MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XT. p. 100; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 73 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 19 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Ennin. PI. Formos. p. 41. HAB. Shinkocho, Shintengai, Tamsni. DISTRIB. An endemic plant. Hypericum trinervium HEMSLEY in Ann. Bot. IX. p. 144 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 19 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 43. HAB. South Caps. DISTRIB. An endemic plant. Hypericum simplicistylum HAYATA (PL XVI) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 40. Branches slender, barks solute, riibesceut, branehlets op- posite, very much slender. Leaves opposite, chartaceous, subsessile, lance- olately oblong, nearly 4 cm. long, 8 mm. broad, acute at the ap3X or obtuse, calloso-mucronate, slightly cuueate at the base, more pallid beneath, costa impressed above, primary basal veins 2, arcuate, reaching tha apex of the leaves, primary lateral veins (except? basal ones) 5-7, divaricate, inconspicuous. 80 HYPERIC'INE/E. Flowers axillary, solitary, opposite, pedunculate, (peduncles 1 cm. long\ 2-4- bracteate, bracts opposite, very like leaves, Imt smaller, S mm. long;, base perulate, psrnles scaly, acute, 1-2 mm. long. Sepals 3 mm. long, oblong, obtuse or rounded at the apex. Petals 5, very inequal, obliquely oblong, rounded at tlie apex. Stamens pentadelphous, shorter than petals. Ovary 4 mm. long, ovoid, obtuse at the apex, 5-celled. Styles entirely connate, stigma subglobose, slightly 5-lobed. (Capsules elongately ovoid, 8 mm. long, 3i mm. broad, styles 5 mm. long, simple, persistent. Seeds numerous, clavatdy cyliudrica], 1 mm. long, winged on one side, wing slightly produced on both ends. HAB. NOkosan, at the height of 0000 ft. Coll. T. KAWAKAMI and IT. MORI, June, 1908, (No. 4507). Near 77. lonrjisiylum OLTV. ; but differs from it in the apex of the style, and in having smaller flowers, and acute, elongate leaves. Also near 77. trinervinm HEMSL. from which it is distinguishable by the ovate capsules and elongately oblong leaves. Hypericum Sampson! HANCE in Journ. Bot. (1895) p. 378, et (1870) p. 275; HEMSL in Journ. Bot. (1870) p. 207; DYER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 255 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XI. p. 105 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Tnd. Fl. Sin. I. p. 74 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 19 ; DIETX Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 470 ; MAT-SUM, et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 43. Hypericum elecfrocarpum MAXIM. " in Bull. Acad. Petersb. XII. p. 00." HAD. Tamsui, Taihoku. Khasia, Assam, Birma, Japan, eastern and southern China. Hypericum taisanense HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 41. Shrubby, stems erect or ascendent, terete, ruljesceut, simple, not branched, 30-40 cm. high, leafy at the upper portions, quite leafless at the lower portions. Leaves opposite, elongately ovate, sessile, obtuse at the apex, o >rdate at the base, punctate on the blade and the margin towards the apex, chartaceous, costas and primary veins impressed above, elevated beneath. Cymes terminal, 2-4 cm. long, 3-4 cm. broad, bracts shorter. Sepals 5, connate at the base, ovately lanceolate, obtuse or acute, 2-1 mm. long, HYPERICINE^E. 81 punctate, points blackish purple. Petals 5, elougately obovate, 7 mm. long, 2| mm. broad, rouudedly truncate at the apex, sometimes slightly emarginate, cuneately narrowed at the base, punctately maculate from the middle upwards, points linear or orbicular, blackish purple. Stamens 25-30, connate at the base, filaments filiformed 4-5 mm. long, anthers broadly orbicular emargiuate at both ends, ^ mm. long, maculate on the back at the apex, spots orbicular. Ovary oblongly ovoid 3 mm. long, 1 J mm. broad, 3-sulcate. Styles 3, distinct, 3 mm. long. Capsules elongately ovoid, 1 cm. long, 4 mm. broad, crowned with persistent styles. Seeds numerous shortly cylindrical, f mm. long, J mm. broad, obscurely mucrouate on both ends, elegantly muricate under microscope. HAB. Taisan, coll. T. KAWAKAMI. Near Hypericum erect, ton THUNB. ; but differs from it in having elongated, ovate leaves. Hypericum randaiense HAYATA (PI. XVII.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 39. Shrubby small, procumbent at the base, but ascendent towards the apex, stems slender tetragonous, prominent at the angles, glabrous, rubescent. Leaves opposite, sessile, linear, or linear-lanceolate truncate at the apex, or shortly mucrouate, 13 mm. long, 2i mm. broad, slightly punctate on the margin, or not punctate, but dotted with pelucid dots. Cymes 3-5-flowered, or reduced to one flower, pedicels 1-2 cm. long. Sepals 5, linear-narrowed, 5.]- mm. long, 1^ mm. broad, obtuse, dotted with 2 or 3 black points on the margin, but dotted with a few pelucid dots on the blades or not at all punctate. Petals 5, strongly oblique obovate, rounded at the apex, obliquely cuneately acute at the base, 9 mm. long, 5 mm. broad. Stamens numerous, filaments 6-7 mm. long, anthers broad orbi- cular, i mm. broad, emarginate on both sides, maculate on the back on the apex. Ovary ovoid, 3-sulcate, 2} mm. long, styles 3, distinct, 5^ mm. long. HAB. Pvandaizan, coll. U. Mom and B. HAYATA, Aug. 1908, (No. 7108). This is very near H. perforatum but differs from it in having much obtuse sepals. Hypericum Nagasawai HAYATA (PI. XVIII.) Materials for a Flora of 82 GUTTIFEO/E. Formosa p. 38. Stems slender, base shrubby, 7 cm. high, -J - \ mm. in diameter, glabrous, tetragouous, acute at the angles. Leaves opposite, sessile, oblong, or elougately oblong, rounded at the apex or obtuse, shortly mucro- iiate, shortly attenuate at the base, 1-2- cm. long, 5-G mm. broad, 1-seriately dotted with black points on the margin, and also dotted with pelucid points on the blades. Flowers solitary at the apex of the branches, pedicel- late, pedicels 6 mm. long. Sepals 5, elougately oblong, 6 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, rounded at the apex, or slightly emarginate, margin slightly reflexed and dotted with black points, but dotted with pelucid paints on the blades. Petals 5, obovately oblong, oblique, 12 mm. long, 42- mm. broad, truncately rounded at the apex, gradually narrowed downwards, thicker ou one side, thinner on the other. Stamens numerous, filaments thread-like, anthers nearly orbicular, -£ mm. long, emarginate on both sides, with a dot on the apex, dots orbicular, blackish purple. Ovary oblong-ovoid, 5 mm. long, 2i mm. in diameter, 3-sulcate. Styles 3, distinct, 0 mm. long. HAD. Mt. Morrison, at the height of 13094 ft., 1905, Nov., (No. 754). In my paper above cited, I mention that the present plant is referable to Ilypericum atlenuatum CHOIS., although there have been some doubts about its being identical with CHOLSY'S plant. While studying here at Kew, I have compared the plant with the type of the species and found that they are so very different that it hardly needs pointing out. The Formosan plant comes very near H. perforalum ; but differs from it in having ob- tuse or even rounded sepals. H. perforatum has usually very acute sepals. Guttiferae. Conspectus of tie Formosan Genera. Flowers polygamous. Sepals 4, decussate, petals 4, imbricate. Ovary 2-3 2-celled Berries corticose Garcinia 1. Flowers polygamous. Sepals with petals 4-12, 2-3 seriately imbricate. Ovary 1-celled. Drupes indehiscent CcdophyUum 2. TEBNSTIKEMIACE.E. 83 1. Garcitiia LINN. Garcinia multiflora CHAMP, in BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 25 ; FORBES ofc HEMSL. Incl. Fl. Sin. I. p. 75 ; HENHY List PI. Forrnos. p. 19 ; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Euuin. PL Fornios. p. 43. HAB. Mankinsho, South Cape. DISTIUB. Hongkong. 2. Calophijllntti LINN. Calophyllum Inophyllum LINN. Sp. PI. ed-2, p. 732 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 562 ; HANCE in Joimi. Bot. (1879) p. 8 ; BOXB. Fl. Ind. II. p. 606 ; WIGHT Ic. PL Ind. Or t. 77 ; HOOK, et ARN. Bot. Beech. Voy. pp. 60 et 260 ; BENTH. Fl. Austral. I. p. 183 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XII. p. 421 ; AN- DERSON in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 273 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 75 ; VESQUE in DC. Monog. Phanerog. VIII. p. 544 ; HENRY List PI. Fornios. p. 19 ; Pro et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 323 ; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Ennui. PI. Formos. p. 44. HAB. Koshun, Garanbi, Keluug. DISTRIB. Asia, East Asia, Malaya, Australia, Polynesia. Ternstroemiaceee. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Peduncles 1-rlowered (2) Peduncles many-flowered (6) (2) Anthers basifixed (3) Anthers versatile (8) (3) Flowers hermaphrodite (4) Flowers dioecious Eurya. 4 (4) Anthers glabrous Ternstroemia. 1 Anthers pilose (5) (5) Seeds numerous, ovary 3-5-celled Adincundra. 2 Seeds not very many, ovary 2-3-celled Cleyera. 3 84 TEKNSTRCEMIACEJE. (6) Flowers 5-merous, stamens many. (7) Flowers 4-merous, stamens a few Stachyurus. 7 (7) Styles many Adinidia. 5 Styles 3-5 Sauravja. G (S) Seeds winged (9). Seeds not winged TJtea. 10 (9) Capsules quite globose. Piadicle inferior ScMma. 9 Capsules elongate, cylindrical. Radicle superior Gordonia. 8 1. Ter-tistrcemia LINN. Ternstroemia japonica THUNB. in Journ. Linn. Soc. II. p. 1335 ; SIEB. et Zucc. Fl. Jap. p. 148, t. 80 ; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 27 ; DYER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 280 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 202 ; ENGL. in ENGL. Bot. Jahrb. VI. p. GO ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 75 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 19 ; Pro et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 324 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 45 ; HAY ATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. CO. Cleycra japonica THUNB. Fl. Jap. p. 224. Clcycm fragrans et Cleijera cliibia CHAMP, in Trans. Linu. Soc. XXI. p. 115. Taonabo japonica SZYSZ. in ENGL. et Prantl. Nat. Pl'.-fam. IH.-6, p. 188. HAB. Nanto : Mushazan. South Cape. DISTRIB. Southern China and Japan. Western Peninsula of India to Ceylon, and Ivhasia mountains to Sumatra and the Philippine islands. 2, Adinanclra JACK. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Calyx barbate or pilose, hairs long A. Mittetlii. Calyx nearly glabrous or slightly pilose (2) (2) Styles glabrous A. pedunculata. Styles pilose (3) TERNSTTiCEMIAt'E.E. 85 (3) Loaves glabrous on both surfaces A. formosana. Leaves pilose beneath A. lasiosfyla. Adinandra Millettii BENTH. et HOOK. f. Gen. Plant. I. p. 183 ; HANCE in Journ. Bot. (1878) p. 9 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XII. p. 421 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 76 ; HENRY List PL Forinos. p. 19 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Ennni. PI. Formos. p. 45. Cleyera Millettii HOOK, et ARN. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 171, t. 33. HAB. Kelung, Tamsui. DlSTRiB. China : Kwantung. Adinandra pedunculata HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 43. Arborescent. Leaves alternate, shortly petiolate, obovately elliptical or oblong, abruptly acuminate, obtuse at the extremity, 7-8 cm. long, 3-2| cm. broad, entire on the margin, serrulate towards the apex, veins slightly pro- minent on both sides, pallid beneath. Flowers axillary, solitary, long pedunculate, glabrous, peduncles 3-4 cm. long. Sepals 5, strongly im- bricate, cuneate at the base, ovate, acute, glabrous, somewhat thick, ciliate on the margin, coriaceous, 8 mm. long, 6 mm. broad. Petals 5, cuneate at th(i base, ovately narrowed, acuminate, somewhat thick, 10 mm. long, 3-4 mm. broad, glabrous ; stamens nearly 30, 8 mm. long, filaments geniculate, slightly pilose, anthers linear, pilose, as long as filaments, connectives produced. Ovary 4-celled, broadly ovoid, somewhat pilose, 2-£ nun. long, styles filiforrned, somewhat glabrous, 8 mm. long, stigmas obscurely 4-lobed. HAB. Shintiku : Goshizau. Near A. acuminata but differs from it in having glabrous styles and stigmata which are obscurely 4-lobed ; also comes near A- formosana HAYATA, but quite distinguishable by the larger flowers, numerous (nearly 30) stamens, and 4-celled ovary. Adinandra formosana HAYATA in MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 45 ; and Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 42. This comes very near A. Millettii which has leaves shining velvety beneath. In the present plant, leaves are quite glabrous on both sides or slightly pubescent, but never velvety beneath. 86 TEENSTECEMIACE.E. Adinandra lasiostyla HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 42. Arborescent. Brandies terete dark-ashy, branchlets sericeo-tomen- toss towards the apex. Leaves oblong or lanceolate, 8-10 cm. long, 2|- cni.- 3 cm. broad, shortly petioled, entire or obscurely crennlate, glabrous above, tomentose beneath, subcoriaceous, petioles 5 mm. long. Flowers axillary, solitary, shortly pedunculate, peduncles 8 mm. long. Sepals some- what pilose, ovate, 5 mm. long. Ovary broadly ovoid, styles pilose. HAB. Tozau, Mt. Morrison. Easily distinguished by the leaves which are tomentoso beneath. This differs from A. Milldt'd 13. et H. which has lanceolate and sericeously barbate sepals. 3. Cleyera DC. Cleyera ochnacea DC. in Prodr. I. p. 524 ; DYER in HOOK. L Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 283 ; FOBBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 70 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 19 ; MATHUM. et HAYATA Fnum. PI. Formos. p. 46. Cleyera japonica SIEB. et Zucc. Fl. Jap. p. 153, t. 81. HAB. Giran, Kelung, Sozan, Sabosan, Tensonpi. DISTBIB. Central Himalaya, Japan, eastern China. 4, Eurya THUNB. DicJiotoiitoiis Key to the Formosan Species. Leaves glabrous ...................................... E. japonica. Leaves pilose beneath ................................ E. str'ujillosa. Eurya japonica THUNB. Fl. Jap. p. 191, t. 25 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 525 ; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 28; DYEB in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit, Ind. I. p. 284; HOOK, et AEN. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 260 ; BLUME Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. II. p. 105 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 202 ; FBAXCH. et SAVAT. Enum. PL Jap. I. p. 57 ; FOEBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 77 ; HENEY List PL Formos. p. 19 ; DIELS Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 474 ; PALIBIN Conspect. Fl. Koreas I. p. 46 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 46 ; HAYATA. FL Mont. Formos. p. 60. TERNSTROZMIACE^]. 87 HAB. Arizau, Tozau, Ganzau, Riukiho, Tniknfnku, Iryokukakusha ; Central Mountains ; Taitou, Shaiyoto, Kelung, Holisha, Suisha, Shintiku, Bokuseki- kaku, KasMnro, Botanslia. DISTRIB. The Malay archipelago, southern and central China, and •Japan, Khasia, southern Asia, to the Fiji islands. The same as the Luzon form. Eurya strigillosa HAY ATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. Gl. Brauchlets very slender, strigillose, at first sericeb-villose. Leaves distichous, approximate, sessile, coriaceous, oblong-acuminate or lanceolate, 10 cm. long, 2j- cm. broad, base rounded, often slightly inequal, apex acuminate, margin serrulate except the base, teeth acute, glabrous, shining above, strigillose beneath, costas prominent, veins inconspicuous on both sides. Flowers I shorty pedicellate, pedicels 1 mm. long or longer, 2-3-clustered at the axils of the leaves, patent, 8 mm. in diameter. Sepals 5-6, strongly iuequal broadly rounded, 1-} mm. long as broad, somewhat pilose outside. Petals mostly 5, obovately oblong 4 mm. long, 2i mm. broad, glabrous, base slightly connate. Stamens nearly 15, glabroiis, shorter than petals, filaments flattened, 2^ mm. long, anthers undulate, I or I long as the filaments. Rudiments of ovary very short, conical, barbate at the apex. Flowers ?, not yet known. HAB. Mt. Morrison. The plant is very like E. disticliopliytta HEMSL. ; but differs from it in having serrulate leaves and larger flowers which attain a diameter of even 8 mm. EURYA DTSTIOHOPHYLLA MATSUM. (non HEMSL.) = THEA SALIOIFOLIA. (CHAMP.) 5. Actinidia LINDL. (1) Leaves elongately oblong, acute or acuminate at the apex. Actinidia callosa. Leaves broadly oblong, obtuse at the apex A. Championi. Actinidia callosa LINDL. ; WALP. Aim. I. p. 15 ; DYER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Lid. I. p. 286 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Incl. Fl. Sin. I. p. 78 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 20 ; DIELS Fl. Ceutr. Chin. p. 470 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA 88 TERNSTRCEMIACEJE. Enum. PL Formos. p. 47 ; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formosa, p. C2. HAB. Kagi : Ivishirei. DISTRIB. Himalaya, Central China to Japan. Actinidia Championi BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 26 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 78 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 20.; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 47 ; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 44. HAB. Nanto : Mokurirau. Taiton. OBSERV. Leaves large, ovate, cordate at the base, glabrous on the sur- face, densely tomentose underneath, nearly entire or obscurely serrulate ; flowers in a cyme, cymes axillary, solitary, peduncles 8 cm. long, with many (nearly 30) flowers ; sepals and ovary tomentose, reddish brown. 6. Sanrauja WILLD. Saurauja Oldhami HEMSL. in FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. FL Sin. I. p. 79 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 48. HAB. Tarnsui, Maukiusho, South Cape, Shiutiku, Hikaku Kelung, Gilan, Hachirisha, Kansliiko, Tensonhi, Keibi, Shinkogai, Nanko, Shifuu, Toseikaku, Suiteuka. PISTRIB. An endemic plant. 7, Stachyumift SIEB. et Zucc. Stachyurus praecox SIEH. et Zucc. Fl. Jap. I. p. 43, t. 18 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 204 ; FRANCH. et SAVAT. Enum. PL Jap. I. p. 59 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. FL Sin. I. p. 79 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 48 ; HAYATA FL Mont. Formos. p. 62. StacJiyurus himalaicus HOOK. f. et THOMS. in HOOK. f. FL P>rit. Ind. I. p. 288 ; DIELS Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 475. HAB. Mt. Morrison, Koshim : Naipun ; Suiteiryo, Niki ; Mankinsho. DISTRIB. The Himalayas through central China to Japan. This is somewhat different from what we have in Japan. The plant should, I think, be regarded as a form of the Japanese species. TERNSTPaEMIAOE.E. 89 8. ScJiima REINW. Schima Noronhae REINW. ; MIQ. Fl. Ind. Bat. I.-2, p. 492 ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 29; MAXIM. Mel. Biol. XII. p. 426; FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 80 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 20 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XIE. p. 68 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutcli. p. 328 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Emim. PI. Formos. p. 49 ; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 63. Gordonia javanica HOOK. f. Bot. Mag. t. 4539. HAB. Mt. Morrison. Hokkokei, Koko ; South Cape. DISTRIB. The eastern frontier of India ; from Cochincliina through the Malay archipelago, and southern China to the Loo-choo islands. 9. Gordonia ELLIS. Gordonia anomala SPRENGL ; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 29 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 80 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XII. p. 63 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 20 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Eiium. PI. Formos. p. 49. Camellia axlllaris KOXB. ; Bot. Mag. t. 2047 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 529. Folyspora axilkiris SWEET, "Hort. Brit, ed-1, p. 61," Bot. Mag. t. 4019. HAB. Kelung, Hokkokoi, Horisha, Botansha, Koshibussha, Kussliaku, Sliiutengai. DISTRIB. Hongkong. 10. Thea LINN. Dicliotomous Key to tlie Formosan Species. (1) Leaves pilose Thea salidfolia. Leaves glabrous. (2) (2) Stamens hairy. (3) Stamens glabrous. (4) (3) Leaves elougately oblong, caudate at the apex T. gracilis. Leaves elougately oblong, slightly or not caudate T. caudata. 90 TERNSTRCEMIACE.E. (4) Petals spathulately obovate T. brevistyla. Petals obovately rounded. (5) (5) Flower-buds glabrous. (6) Flower-buds pilose. (7) (6) Flowers smaller less than 2 cm. iu diameter T. cJtinensis. Flowers larger more than 3 cm. in diameter T. temdflora. (7) Leaves very obtuse at both ends T. Uflora. Leaves obtusely caudate at the apex, attenuate at the base. T. shinkcensis. Thea salicifolia SEEM, in Trans. Linn. Soc. XXII. p. 349. Camellia salicifolia CHAMP.; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 30 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 82. Eurya distichopJu/lla MATSUM. in Sched. Herb. Tokyo ; MAT.SUM. et HAYATA Euurn. PI. Formos. p. 46, (non HEMSL.) HAD. Taislmkut.su and Boryo. I have compared the specimen with that in the Kew-Herbarmm and have ascertained that Eurya disticliophyUa MAT.SUM. is exactly the same as Thea salicifolia SEEM. Thea gracilis (HEMSL.) ; MATSUM. et HAYATA I.e. p. 50 ; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 45. HAB. Koshun : Botansha. OBSERV. Branchlets very slender, pale ; leaves narrow, lanceolate cau- date or acuminate, obtuse at the very apsx ; stamens hairy. Thea caudata (WALL.) ; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 63 Camellia caudata WALL. '• PI. As. Rar. III. p. 36 "; DYER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 293. HAB. Taito : Iryoknkakusha. DlSTRiB. Himalaya, Khasia mountains, and southern China. Although I have seen no specimen of the Indian plant, my plant is, so far as I can ascertain, quite referable to this species. Thea brevistyla HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 63. Branches slender, first pubescent, at last glabrous. Leaves shortly petiolate, petioles 5 mm. TEllNSTlJCEMIACE.i:. 91 long, semiterete, sulcate above, pubescent, blades elliptico-oblong, 4-5 cm. long, 2 cm. broad, acute at both ends or obtuse, margin crenulate, slightly repandate, entire towards the base, glabrous on both sides, cosfcas prominent, veins impressed, coriaceous. Flowers axillary, always solitary, patent, 3 cm. in diameter. Sepals deciduous, 4-5, strongly inequal, 2-seriate, broadly ovate, obtuse or mucrouate, 6-8 mm. long as broad, pilose on the outside. Petals 5, white, obovately cuneate, sinuately emargiuate at the apex or 2- lobed, nearly 1| cm. long, 1 cm. broad. Stamens nearly 30, 2-seriate, the outer the longer ; filaments mostly as half long as petals, base connate. Ovary globose, sericeo- pilose, l£ mm. long. Styles 4, very short, base connate, recurved at the apex, 1 mm. long. Fruits not yet known. HAB. Arizan and Tozan. DlSTIilB. Thea chinensis SIMS, Bot. Mag. t. 998 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 530 ; SEEM. in Trans. Linn. Soc. XXII. p. 349, t. 61 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enutn. PI. Formos. p. 50 (sub Camellia.) HAB. Widely cultivated in the island. DISTRIB. India, Japan and China. Thea tenuiflora HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 40. Branches slender, cinereo-rubescent, leafy on the upper portions, young branchlets nigricant, hirsute, perulate at the base, parules rounded, ciliolate, 2-3-seriately arranged, cataphylls spathulate, entire, 1 cm. long. Leaves petiolate, coriaceous, obovately oblong or oblong, 4 cm. long, 16 mm. broad, acute at the apex, obtuse at the extremity, cuneately acute at the base, dis- tinctly serrulate upwards on the margin, but very obscurely at the middle, nearly entire downwards, glabrous on both sides when dried, (in. younger stage somewhat pilose) minutely punctate on both sides, costa, veins and veinlets distinctly elevated, petioles 5 mm. long. Flowers sessile, I axillary, solitary. Sepals nearly 5, inequal, deciduous, broadly rounded sparingly pilose, coriaceous, 4 mm. broad, ciliolate on the margin. Petals nearly 5, inequal, obovately oblong, rounded or truncately rounded at the apex, base cimeato, 18 mm. long, 10 mm. broad. Stamens numerous, 8 mm. 92 TERNSTKCEMIACE.E. long, filaments connate at the base. Ovary minutely rounded, 1 mm. long. Styles 3, entirely connate, 3 mm. long. HAB. Wantang. Near T. Sasanqua, but differs from it in having rounded petals. The petals of the present plant are usually oblong and rounded at the apex, while there of T. Sasanqua are generally, if not always, notched at the apex. Thea biflora HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 44. Branches fusco-ciuerasceut, or rubescent towards the apex. Leaves alternate remotely arranged, oblong, 5 cm. long, 2 J- cm. broad, acute at the apex, retuse at the extremity, obtusely rounded at the base, margin serrulate from middle to apex, nearly entire downwards, pallido-flavescnt on both surfaces when dried, costa, veins and veinlets elevated above, veins and veiulets inconspicuous be, low. Costas and petioles shortly hirsute above, glabrous beneath, petioles 4 mm. long. Flowers in pairs at the apex of the branches, sessile. Flower-buds oblong, sericeo-tomentose. Sepals 5-8, very iuequal, very much imbricate, deciduous, 4-seriate, (flower-axis 5 mm. long,) broadly orbicular, densely long sericeo-tomentose on the back at the centre and apex, coriaceous at the centre, thinner on the margin, glabrous inside, the outermost the smal- lest, the inner the larger, 15 mm. long. 2 mm. broad. Petals 5, inequal- interior ones larger, obovately rounded, truucately rounded at the apex, 2 cm. long, 1^ cm. broad, hirsute outside at the base, glabrous otherwise, inner ones narrower. Stamens numerous half as long as petals, filaments connate to the middway, anthers ovate, nearly 2 mm. long, 1^ mm. broad, emarginate on botli ends, connectives more or less dilated. Ovary ovoid densely long toinentose, hairs 2 mm. long, erect, patent, styles 4, connate to the middway or entirely connate, erect, stigma on the outside at the apex of the style, obliquely truncate. HAB. Kagi, Kodensho, by. T. KAWAKAMI and U. MORI. Oct. 1906, (No. 1758). There is nothing like this at Kew. I think it may be a species not yet described. Thea shinkcensis HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 45. MALVACEAE. 93 Branches slender fusceiit, sometimes ashy coloured. Leaves arranged to- wards the apex of the branches, alternate, petiolate, oblong, obovate, 10-12 cm. long, 3} cm. broad, subacute at the apex or acuminate, obtuse at the extremity, margin serrate towards the apex, entire downwards, cuneate at the base, veiulets elevated and reticulated beneath, minutely prominently punc- tate, coriaceous, petioles short, 6 mm. long. Flowers solitary at the axils of the apical leaves, shortly pedunculate, peduncles 3-4 mm. long, nearly pilose. Flower-buds ovate. Flowers when opened 3-3| cm. in diameter. Sepals 5, strong imbricate, deciduous, iuequal, margin ciliolate, coriaceous, somewhat thick, sericeo-pubesceiit, outermost ones smaller, broadly orbicular or broadly crescent-shaped, 4 mm. broad, 3 mm. long, innermost larger, embrac- ing flower-buds, broadest, obtusely acute at the base, thick at the middle, thinner towards the margin, 2 cm. broad. Petals 5-6, inequal, connate at the base, obovately oblong, 3-exterior ones larger, obovately oblong, 1 1 cm. long, 12 mm. broad, truncately emarginate at the apex, narroAved at the base, margin curled, 2— interior ones smaller, narrowed. Stamens numerous, connate at the base, shorter than petals, 8 mm. long. Ovary densely shortly sericeo -hirsute, 3-celled (placentas incrassate) 7 mm. long (including style) ovoid, gradually narrowed at the apex to the style. Styles 3, connate to the iniddway, or entirely connate, stigma 011 the apex of the branchlets of the style, 2- lamellate. HAB. Shinko : liemogansha, coll. T. KAWAKAMI and U. Mom, 190(5, June. This comes very near T. rdiculata : but differs from it by the leaves and flowers. Species imperfectly known. CAMELLIA EUEYOIDES LINDL.; MAT.SUM. et HAY ATA Enurn. PI. Formos. p. 49. Malvaceae. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. Malvaceae. Herbs or shrubs, ripe carpels separating from the axis. Styles as many as the carpels. (1) 94 MALVACEAE. UreuejE. Stylos or stiginatic branches twice as many MS tho carpels. (5) Hibisceae. Herbs or slirubs. Fruits ' capsular, sepals leafy. Staminal tube truncate or 5-toothed at the apex. (0) Bombaceae. Trees. Sepals leathery Bombax. 10 (1) Ovules solitary. (2) Ovules more than two Alutilon. 5 (2) Ovules ascending. (3) Ovules pendulous Sida. 4 (3) Stigma linear. (4) Stigma capitate Malvaslrum. 3 (4) Bracteoles more than six AWicea. 1 Bracteoles three Malva. 2 (5) Carpels beset with spines Ut'cna. 6 (6) Stigmas spreading Hibiscus. 7 Stigmas coherent in a club-shaped mass. 1 7) (7) Bracteoles 5, small Thespcsia. 8 Bracteoles 3, large, cordate Gossypium. 9 1. Alt/Kva LINN. Althaea rosea CAY.; HAB. Taito: Daironkosha, cultivatod? 2. Malva LINN. Malva sylvestris LINN. Sp. PL ecl-2, p. 909 ; DC. Trodr. I. p. 432 ; MASTERS in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 320 ; FORCES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 84 ; DIELS Fl. Centr. Cliin. p. 469 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 50. Malva mauritiana LINN. Sp. PL ed-2, p. 970 ; MAXIM. Ind. Fl. Pek. in Prim. FL Amur. p. 469. Malva mauriliana fi sinensis DC. Prodr. I. p. 432. HAB. Pachina. DLSTRIB. Plant of the Old World; widely diffused in the northern temperate regions. MALVACEAE. 95 3. Mdlvastrnm A. GRAY. Malvastrum tricuspidatum A. GRAY ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 32 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 84 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 20 ; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Fmim. PL Formos. p. 51. HAB. Hosan, Tamsni. DISTRIB. Indigene of America ; but now widely diffused. 4. S-ifla LINN. Dicliotomons Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves densely villose .". . .8. cordifolla. Leaves glabrous, slightly hispid. (2) (2) Leaves cordate, cuspidate at the base. (3) Leaves rhomboid, acute or obtuse or lanceolate. (4) (3) Leaves small, 2.1 cm. long /S\ liumilis. Leaves large, 8-9 cm. loug S. mysorensis. (4) Leaves much broader, peduncles longer S. rltombifolia. Leaves much narrower, peduncles shorter. .... S. acufa. Sida cordifolia LINN. Sp. PL ed-2, p. 901 ; DC. Prodr. I. p 464 ; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 33 ; MAST, in HOOK. f. FL Brit. lud. I. p. 324 ; FORBES et HEMSL. lud. Fl. Sin. I. p. 85 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 20 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 51. HAB. Tamsui, Shintiku, Clmko, Takow. DISTRIB. Widely diffused iu tropical and subtropical regions. Sida humilis WILLD. Sp. PL III. p. 744 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 463 ; BENTH. FL Hougk. p. 32; MAST, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. lud. I. p. 322; FORBES et HEMSL. lud. Fl. Sin. I. p. 85 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 20 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Eiium. PL Formos. p. 52. HAB. Tainan, Takow, South Cape. DISTRIB. Tropical Asia, Africa and America. 9G MALVACEAE. Sida mysorensis W. et A. ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Tnd. I. p. 322 ; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 47. HAB. Ako : Choslmsho. OBSERV. Leaves soft tomeutose, cordate, abruptly acuminate, margin serrulate, 9 cm. long, 7 cm. broad, petioles 5 cm. long ; very like S. humiHs WlLLD. DISTRIB. India and Philippines. Sida rhombifolia LINN. Sp. PI. ed-2, p. 961 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 452 ; MAST, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 32 ; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 32, et Fl. Austral. I. p. 196 ; PiOXB. Fl. Tud. IH. p. 176 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Tud. Fl. Sin. I. p. 85 ; E. BAKER in Journ. Bot. (1892) p. 239 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 20 ; MATSUM et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 52. HAB. Maruyama, Bioritsu, Agincort, Kelung, Shintiku, Pacbiua, Kus- sliaku, Shintengai. DISTRIB. Widely spread in tropical and subtropical regions of the World. Sida acuta BURM. ; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 32 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 84 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 20 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 51. Sida carplnifulia LINN. f. ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 401 ; MAST, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Tud. I. p. 323. Sida Sfawitoniana DC. Prodr. I. p. 460. HAB. Shintiku, Kelung, Pachiua, Tamsui, Girancho, Holisha, Takow, South Cape. DISTRIB. Widely diffused in the Tropics. 5, Abutilon G^RTN. Abutilon indicum G. DON ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 33, et Fl. Austral. I. p 202 ; MAST, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 326 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XII. (1880) p. 426 ; WIGHT Ic. PL Ind. Or. t 12 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 86 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 21; ITO et MATSUM. Tent Fl. Lntch. p. 335; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PL Formos. p. 53. MALVACEAE. 97 Sida indica LINN. Sp. PL eel- 2, p. 964 ; DC. Proclr. I. pp. 470, et 471 ; ROXB. Fl. Incl. in. p. 179. Kindlon cysticarpum HANCE in WALP. Ann. IT. p. 157. Sida asiatica LINN. Sp. PI. ed-2, p 964 ; DC. Proclr. I. p. 470 ; ROXB. Fl. Incl. in. p. 179. HAB. Pachina, Boryo, Reigaryo, Takow, Taito, Boknsekikaku, Agincort. DISTRIB. Tropical Asia, Africa and Australia. There is in the Tokyo-herbarium another specimen labelled A. asiatl- which is hardly distinguishable from A. indicum. 6. Urena LINN. Dicltotomons Key to tlte Formosan Species. (1) Leaves sinuate! y three lobed ........................ Urena sinuafa. Leaves slightly lobed ..................................... U. lobata. Urena sinuata LINN. Sp. PI. ed-2, p. 974 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 442 ; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 34 ; MAST, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 329 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 208 ; FRANCH. et SAV. Euum. PI. Jap. I. p. 63 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Siii. I. p. 87 ; GURKE in ENGL. Bot. Jahrb. XVI. (1893) p. 377; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 21; 1x6 et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 337 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PI. Formos. p. 54. Urena morifolia DC. Prodr. I. p. 442. Urena muricata DC. Prodr. I. p. 442. Urena heteropJiylla SMITH ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 442. HAB. Kelimg, Kusshaku, Shiuteugai, Pachina, Takow, Tamsui. DISTRIB. Common in the Tropics of both Hemispheres. Urena lobata LINN. Sp. PI. ed-2, p. 974 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 441 ; LOUR. Fl. Cochinch. ed-\ViLLD. p. 507 ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 34 ; ROXB. Fl. Ind. HI. p. 182; MAST, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 329; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 86 ; SCHUMAN in ENGL. et PRANTL Nat. Pfl.- fam. IH.-6, p. 45 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 21 ; MAKING, in Bot. Mag. Tokyo X. (1896) p. 68 ; GURKE in ENGL. Bot. Jahrb. XYI. (1893) p. 370 ; DIELS Fl. Centr. Chin, in ENGL. Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 469. 98 MALVACE.E. Urena diversifolia WALI». Rep. V. p. 89. Urena Lappago SMITH ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 442. Var. tomentosa MIQ. Fl. Ind. Bot I. pt.-2, p. 148; GURKE in ENGL. Bot. Jalirb. XVI. (1893) p. 372 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutcli. p. 336 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 53. HAB. Bioritsu, Shintiku, Pachiua, Kotusho, Kusshakn, Shiuteugai, Shi- cliiseitonzan. DLSTRII:. Widely diffused in the warm regions. 7. Hibiscus Lixx. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Secies. (1) Stem week, trailing . . , //. surattensis. Stem erect. (2) (2) Leaves deeply lobate. (3) Leaves not at all lobate, or slightly lobate. (4) (3) Leaves ternately cleft H. Trionum. Leaves palmately deeply 5-7 lobed H. Abelmosclms. (4) Leaves grossly dentate. (5) Leaves crenate or entire. (6) (5) Leaves slightly three-lobed H. syriacus. Leaves not lobed H. rosa-sinensis. (G) Leaves more or less angular, acute at the apex H. mulabilis. Leaves very rounded, profoundly cordate, shortly caudate at the apex H. tll'iaceus. Hibiscus surattensis LINN. Sp. PI. ed-2, p. 979 ; DO. Prodr. I. p. 449 ; MAST, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 334 ; HANCE in Journ. Bot. (1878) p. 225 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Iiid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 88 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 21 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 56. HAB. Mankinsho. DISTRIB. Tropics of the Old World. Hibiscus Trionum LINN. .9 ternatus CAY. MALVACEAE. 00 HAB. Keliiug (cultivated?) DlSTBIB. Hibiscus Abelmoschus LINN. Sp. PI. ed-2, p. 080 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 452; ROXB. Fl. lud. III. p. 202; MAST, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Iiid. I. p. 342 ; BENTH. Fl. Hoiigk. p. 34 ; HANCE in Joimi. Bot, (1878) p. 225 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Siii. I. p. 87 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 21 ; ITO et MATSUM. Teut. Fl. Lutch. p. 338 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Eimm. 1*1. Formos. p. 54. Hibiscus Jlareacens CAV. ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 454. Abelmoscltus tnosc/tatus MCENCH. ; WIGHT Ic. PI. Ind. Or. t. 300. HAB. Pacliina, Niki, Suichoryu, Taito, Taiiianslia, Maruyama, Takow. DLSTRIB. Tropical Asia ; cultivated everywhere in the warm regions of the World. t Hibiscus syriacus LINN. Sp. PI. ed-2, p. 078; LOUR, Fl. Cochinch. ed-WiLLD. p. 511 ; PIOXB. Fl. Ind. III. p. 105 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. G05 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 207 ; MAST, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. lud. I. p. 344 ; FKANCH. et SAVAT. Eimm. PI. Jap. I. p. 64 ; THUNB. Fl. Jap. p. 272 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 88; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 21; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 341; DIELS Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 460 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Eimm. PI. Formos. p. 50. Hibiscus cJdncusis DC. Prodr. I. p. 455. HAB. Pachiua, Ako. DISTHIB. Common in China. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis LINN. Sp. PI. ed-2, p. 077 ; LOUR. Fl. Coch- inch. ed-WiLLi>. p. 510 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 448 ; MAST, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 334 ; Bot. Mag. t. 158 ; FORBES et HEMSL. lud. Fl. Siu. I. p. 87 ; KOXB. Fl. Ind. III. p. 104 ; HOOK, et ARN. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 250 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 207 ; FRANCH. et SAVAT. Emun. PI. Jap. I. p. 64 ; FORBES et HEMSL. lud. Fl. Sin. I. p. 87 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 21 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Eimm. PI. Forinos. p. 55. HAB. Shiutiku, Keluug, Tainan, Botausha, Toseikaku, Maruyaina, Tallow. 100 MALYACE.K. DISTRIB. Southern China ; Kwangtung ; Loo-clioo. Hibiscus mutabilis LINN. Sp. PI. ed-2, p. 977 ; LOUR. FL Cocliinch. ed-WiLLD. p. 511 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 452 ; HANCE in Joum. Bot. (1879) p. 9; FRANCHET PI. David, p. 58; RoxB. Fl. Ind. III. p. 201; THUNB. Fl. Jap. p. 272 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 207 ; FHAXCH. et SAVAT. Erimn. PL Jap. I. p. 04; MAST, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit, Ind. I. p. 344; MAXIM, iii Mel. Biol. XII. p. 427 (1886) ; FOKBES et HEMSL. Intl. Fl. Sin. I. p. 87 ; HENRY List PL Fonnos. p. 21 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. FL Lutch. p. 340; DIELS Fl. Centr. Cliiii. in ENGL. Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 469; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enuni. PL Formos. p. 55. HAD. Takow, Goshoriu, Sooboousha, Pachina, Kotosho, Taitocho, Dai- lioro, Biokosha, Hiuan, Rokuryo, Taihoku. DISTRIB. Common in China. Hibiscus tiliaceus LINN. Sp. PL ed-2, p. 97(i ; LOUR. FL Coohiuch. ed-WiLLD. p. 509; DC. Prodr. I. p. 454; MAST, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. lud. I. p. 343; ROXB. FL Ind. IH. p. 192; BENTH. FL Hougk. p. 35, et FL Austral. I. p. 218 ; MAXIM. Mel. Biol. XII. p. 427 (1886) ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. FL Sin. I. p. 88 ; HENKY List PL Formos. p. 21 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. FL Lutch. p. 338 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PL Formos. p. 56. Puritium tiliaceum A. ST. Hil. ; WIGHT Ic. PL Ind. Or. t. 7 ; HOOK. et ARN. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 259. HAB. Shiutiku, Chiiko, Sharyoto, Tamsui, Koketsuzan, lUngaryo, Tobo, Takow, Boryo, Kwarenko, Kotosho, Kusshaku, Kentan. DISTBIB. in the Tropics of both Hemispheres. 8, Thespesia Com;. Thespesia populnea Conn.; DC. Prodr. I. p. 456 ; WIGHT Ic. t. 8 ; BEDD. FL Sylv. t. 63; MIQ. FL Ind. Bat. I. pt.-2, p. 150; MASTERS in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. lud. I. p. 345 ; MERRILL in Philip. Journ. Sci. IV. Suppl. p. 78 et 419 ; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 48. HAB. Koslmn : Maiislm, by G. NAKAHARA, Dec. 1905, (No. 873). DISTRIB. India, tropical Asia, the Pacific Islands, Africa. MALVACEAE. 101 OBSEUV. Leaves cordate oblong, acute or abruptly acute, entire, glabrous, 13 cm. long, 10 cm. broad, long petiolate, petioles 10 cm. long ; flowers in my specimen subterminal, solitary, pedunculate. New to tlie Formosan flora. 9. Gossypium LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Bracts slightly dentate or entire Gossypium Nanldny. Bracts laciniate 011 the margin. G. lierbacewm. Gossypium herbaceum LINN. Sp. PI. ed-2, p. 975 ; Louu. Fl. Coch- inch. ed-WiLLD. p. 505 ; THUNB. Fl. Jap. p. 271 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 450 ; MAST, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Tnd. I. p. 346 ; WIGHT Ic. PI. Ind. Or. tt. 0 et 11 ; LEDEB. Fl. Pioss. I. p. 438 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Iiid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 88 ; HENKY List PI. Formos. p. 21 ; Pro et MATSUM. Tent, FL Lutcli. p. 343 ; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 57. Gossypium rel'ujiosum HoxB. Fl. Ind. III. p. 185. Gossypium imUcum LAM. ; DC. Prodr. 1. p. 456 ; Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. pt-2, p. 162 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 207 ; FKANCH. et SAYAT. Enum. PL Jap. 1. p. 65. HAB. Shizangan, Kaisa. DISTRIB. Cultivated everywhere. Gossypyium Nanking MYEII, HAY ATA Materials for a Flora of For- mosa p. 48. HAB. Nanto : Nankokei. DISTTJB. I am following Sir GEORGE WATT'S determination who has most cordially examined the plant at my request. 10. Bombax LINN. Bombax malabaricum DC. Prodr. I. p. 479 ; MAST, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 349 ; FOUBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 89 ; HENKY List PL Formos. p. 21 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 58. HAB. Shintiku, Tainan, Takow. B. Tropical Asia and America. 102 STEllCULIACKT. Sterculiaeese Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Flowers unisexual or polygamous. Petals 0. (2) Flowers hermaphrodite. Petals exist, (o) (2) Anthers numerous Sterculia. 1 Anthers 5, whorled Heritiem. 2 (3) Petals deciduous. Androecium columnar below, dilated above into a cup, on the margin of which are placed the anthers usually alternating with staminodes. (4) Petals marcescent, flat. Andnt'cium tubular at the base only ; stamens 5, stamiiiodes 0. (fi.) (4) Capsules membraneous, inflated Kleinhovia. 3 Capsules more or less woody, not inflated. (5) (5) Anther-cells divaricate ; seeds not winged. Hdicteres. 4 Anther-cells parallel ; seeds winged Plcrospennuin. 5 (<5) Ovary 2-celled Mdoclda. o' Ovary of one carpel Waltheria. 7 1. Sterculia LINN. Dichotoiiious Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves oblong, very shortly and obtusely caudate ....Sterculia nobilis. Leaves angular, smuately three lobed S. platanifdia. Sterculia nobilis R- BitoWN ; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 48. Noiii. indlij. Pin-pon. HAB. Tainan, by. T. KAWAKAMI, Aug. 190G, (No. 1440). DISTIIIB. C^hina and Sumatra. OBSEin'. A small tree ; leaves large, oblong, 30 cm. long, 15 cm. wide, STERCULTACE.E. 103 membranaceous, nerves distinct, petioled, petioles 6 cm. long. Panicles 15 cm. long, loosely floAvered ; flowers polygamous. Calyx campanula te, 5-lobed, lobes lanceolate, hairy. Fl. J : stamiual column shorter than the calyx, declin- ing, anthers sessile on the outside of the very short lobes, forming a globular terminal head. Fl. .<£: ovary stalked, 4-lobed, with anthers at its base, style declining, stigma 4-lobed, tomentose. Capsules fleshy, leather-like, thick, ovate, beaked, sessile, 5-6 cm. long, bright scarlet slightly velvety. The plant is not indigenous to Formosa, but comes from the opposite continent and is found only in cultivation. The present Sferculia is near 8. lanceolata CAY. but differs from it in ' the calyx with lanceolate lobes. Sterculia platanifolia LINN. f. ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 483 ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 30 ; Kurz in .Touru. Bot. (1873) p. 193 ; FIIANCH. et SAV. Enum. PL Jap. I. p. 65 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 90 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 250; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 22; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 343 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 58. Sterculia tomenfosa THUNB. Ic. PL Jap. Decas. 1Y. t. 8. Sterculia pyriformis BUNGE ; WALP. Piep. I. p. 335. Hibiscus simplex LINN. Sp. PL ed-2, p. 977. Firmiana platanifolia SCHOTT ; WALP. Rep. V. p. 104. HAB. Tamsui, South Cape, Tappausha. DISTRIB. Japan and China. 2, Heritiera AIT. Heritiera littoralis AIT. « Hort. Kew. p. 546," et ed-2. V. p. 339 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 484 ; BENTH. Fl. Hoiigk. p. 36, et FL Austral. I. p. 231 ; MAXIM, in ENGL. Bot. Jahrb VI. p. 61 ; ROXB. FL Ind. III. p. 142 ; MIQ. FL Ind. Bat. I. pt-2, p. 179 ; MAST, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 362 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 90 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 53 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 22 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 343 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 59. HAB. Tainan, Kelung, South Cape. 104 STERCULIACE^E. DISTRIB. On sea-shores of tropical Asia ; Australia, Polynesia, eastern Africa. 3, Kleinhovia LINN. Kleinhovia Hospita LINN. Sp. PL ecl-2, p. 1365 ; DO. Prodr. I. p. 488 ; HANCE in Journ. Bot. (1885) p. 322 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Iiid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 90 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 22 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 53 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Eunin. PL Formos. p. 59. HAB. Hinan, Tamarikei, Takow, Maukinsho, Tappansha. DISTRIB. Tropical Asia ; Africa and Polynesia. 4. Helictercs LINN. Helicteres angustifolia LINN. Sp. PL ed-2, p. 13GO ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 470 ; LOUR. Fl. Cochiucli. ed-WiLLD. p. 647 ; BENTH. FL Hougk. p. 37 ; MAST, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind I. p. 365 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Tud. FL Sin. I. p. 90 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 22 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 53 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lntcli. p. 344 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Ennm. PL Formos. p. 59. Hdideres lanceolata DC. Prodr. I. p. 476 HAB. Shiutiku, Chuko, Taihoku, Taitoii, Taichokuzan, Takow, Mankinsho. DISTRIB. Malay Archipelago and Peninsula. 5. Pterospermum SCHREB. Pterospermum formosanum MATSUM. in MATSUM et HAYATA Fnum. PL Formos. p. 62 ; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 49. This is very near to, or perhaps the same as, a Borueau specimen pre- served at Kew, labelled " P. fuscum KUTH.? " which specimen, however, is certainly different from the type of the named spec-ies. 6. Melochiii LINN. Melochia corchorifolia LINN. Sp. PL ed-2, p. 675 ; HANCE in Journ. Bot. (1878) p. 9 ; MAST, in HOOK. f. FL Frit. Ind. I. p. 374 ; ROXB. STERCULIACE.E. 105 Fl. Intl. HI. p. 139 ; BENTH. Fl. Austral. I. p. 235 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Tnd. Fl. Sin. I. p. 91 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 22 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 50 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. FL Lutch. p. 345 ; DIELS Fl. Ceutr. Chin. p. 470 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. GO. Melodda concatenaia LINN. Sp. PL etl-2, p. 944. Melochia tmncata WILLD. Sp. PL III. p. 001. RicfUeia concatenate DC. Prodr. I. p. 492. Riedleia corcltorifolia DC. Prodr. L p. 491. Riedleia supina DC. Prodr. I. p. 491. HAB. Taihokn, Pachina, Takow, Mankinsho. DisTRiB. Common in Tropics. 7. Waltheria LIMN. JJichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves larger, densely villose, style pectinate at the apex . . . . W. indica. Leaves s nailer scarcely villose, style fhnbriate towards tlie apex W. Maliinoi. Waltheria indica LINN. Sp. PL ed-2, p. 941 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 493 ; HANCE in Jonni. Linn. Sos. XII L p. 100 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl Sin. I. p. 91 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 22 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 50 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 01. Waltheria americana LINN. Sp. PL ed-2, p. 941 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 492 ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 38. HAB. Tainan, Kisoko, Taihokn, Takow, Mankinsho. DISTRIB. Southern and eastern China. Waltheria Makinoi HAYATA in MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 01, t. 5. Shrub, branches slender, ferrngiueo-pnbescent. Leaves alternate, petiolate, stipulate, ovate, elliptical, base rounded, subcordate, 2-2.5 cm. long, 1.5-1.8 cm. broad, margin serrate, serras acute, tri-nerved, costas impressed above, prominent beneath, densely villosely pubescent, subbicolored, petioles 5-0 mm. long, stipules very small, subulate. Flowers small, glomerate at the axils, bracteate, bracts lanceolate, villose. Calyx campaunlate, 5-lobate, IOC TTLTAfTJE. lobes acute, outside villose, inside pubescent, glanduliferous, marginate. Petals 5, oblong-spathulate, truncate or emarginate at the apex. Stamens 5, opposite the petals, filaments dilate, connate, stamiuodes 0 ; anther-cells pa- rallel, connectives slightly produced, emarginate. Ovary sessile, 1-celled, 2- ovulecl. Styles exceutric, upwards fimbriate, flexuose. Capsules obovoid 2- valved on the back, 1 -seeded. Seeds ascendent, glabrous, pentagonous in section, albuminose. Embryo straight, cotyledons flattened, radicule near the hilum. HAB. Shiutiku. . An endemic plant. Tiliaceee. s of the Formosan Genera. (1) Anthers globose or oblong, opening by slits. (2) Anthers linear, opening by terminal pores. (4) (2) Petals glandular at the base. Stamens springing from the apex of a raised torus. (3) Petals not glandular. Stamens springing from a contracted torus Corchorus. 2 (3) Fruits not at all prickly Greivia. 1 Fruits prickly TriumfeUa. 3 (4) Stamens on a depressed torus. Truits Oapsular. (5) Stamens on a raised torus. Fruits drupaceous El&ocarpm. 6 (5) Sepals 4-5, petals 0 v. rarely 1-4, imbricate Sloanea. 4 Sepals 4, 2-seriately imbricate, petals 4, incised, subimbricate Eclt.inocarpiis. 5 1. Greivia LINN. » Dicliotomous Key to the Formosan Spe.cies. (1) Leaves obliquely cordate at the base Grewla tilicefdia. Leaves cuneate or slightly cordate at the base. ('2) TILIAGE^E. 107 (2) Leaves smaller, cuneate at the base G. piscaiorum. Leaves larger, slightly cordate at the base G. parviflora, Grewia tilisefolia VAHL. « Symb. But. I. p. 35 " ; ROXB. Fl. Ind. II. p. 587 ; BED. Fl. Sylvat. t. 108 ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 380 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 23 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Fornios. p. 36. HAB. Maukinsho. DISTRIB. Asia and tropical Africa. Grewia piscatorum HANCE " in Ann. He. Nat. 5e ser. XV. p. 208 " ; FORBES et HEMSL. lud. Fl. Sin. I. p. 93 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 23 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euiim. PL Formos. p. 63. HAB. Kotosho, Kelung, Bioritsu, Takow. DLSTRIB. Southern China. Grewia parviflora BUNGE ; WALF. Eep. I. p. 360 ; HANCE in Jouni. Bot. (1882) p. 3; FUANGHET PL David, p. 59; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 93 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 23 ; DIELS Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 468 ; PALIBIX Couspect. Fl. Korea) I. p. 47 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Eimm. PL Formos. p. 62. HAB. Bioritsu, Tanisui, Pachiiia, Mankinsho, South Cape. DISTRIB. Central China and Corea. 2. Corcho-rim LINN. Dichotomous Key to tlic Formosan Species. (1) Capsules globose, not beaked C. capsularis. Capsules elongated, beaked. (2) (2) Capsules elongated, beak entire C. oUtorius. Capsules elongated, beak 3-fid, spreading C. acutangulus. Corchorus capsularis LINN. Sp. PL ed-2, p. 746 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 505 ; BENTH. FL Hoiigk. p. 40 ; HOXB. FL Ind. II. p. 581 ; WIGHT Ic. PL Ind. Or. t. 311 ; MIQ. Fl. lud. Bat. I. pt-2, p. 194 ; MAST, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 397 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 93 ; HENRY List 108 TILIACE.E. PI. Forinos. p. 23 ; DIELS Fl. Ceiitr. Chin. p. 497 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Eiium. PI. Forinos. p. 64. HAB. Shirin, Takow. DISTRIB. Spontaneous in warm rogious of the World. Corchorus olitorius LINN. ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 504 ; ROXB. Fl. Ind. IT. p. 581; MIQ. Fl. TncL Bat. I. pt.-2, p. 195; MAST, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 397 ; HENKY List PI. Formos. p. 23 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enuin. PI. Formos. p. 65. Corcliorus decemqngidaris ROXB. Fl. Ind. II. p. 582. HAB. Pachiua, Bioritsu, Toseikaku, Takow, Mankinsho. DISTRIB. India. Corchorus acutangulus LAM. ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 505 ; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 40, et Fl. Austral. I. p. 277 ; WIGHT Ic. PI. Ind. Or. t. 739 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XII. p. 428 (1886) ; MAST, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 398; FOUBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 93; HENUY List PL Forinos. p. 23 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 348 ; DIELS Fl. Ceutr. Chin. p. 467; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enuni. PI. Forinos. p. 64. Corchorus fuscus ROXB. Fl. Ind. II. p. 582. HAB. Tamsui, Takow, Bokoto. DISTUIB. Tropical and subtropical Asia, India, tropical Africa, Australia and west Indias. 3. Tfhttnfetta LINN. DicholoHtous Key to t/te Formosan Species- (1) Leaves broadly rhomboid, shortly cuspidate Triumfetla rliomboidca. Leaves ovate, acuminate T. pilosa. Triumfetta rhomboidea JACQ. ; DC. Prodi. I. p 507 ; MAST, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 395 ; FOUBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 93 ; HENRY List PL Formos p. 23 ; MAKING in TokyO Bot. Mag. IX. (1895) p. 257 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 346 ; MATSUM. ot HAYATA Eiium. I'l. Formos. p. 63. TILIACE.E. 109 Triuiufdta aivjulata LAM. ; WIGHT Ic. PL hid. Or. t. 320 ; BENTII. Fl. Hongk. p. 41. Tiium/Wa Barlramia LINN. ; ROXB. Fl. Ind. II. p. 463. Triumfdta idloculaiis RoxB. Fl. lud. II. p. 462. HAB. Kehmg, Tamsui, Takow, Boryo Kusshaku, Shintenga, Shintiku. DISTRIB. Tropical and Subtropical Asia, tropical Africa, Malay Pen- insula, America. Triumfetta pilosa ROTH ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 506 ; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 41 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Siu. I. p. 93 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 23 ; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Enuin. PI. Forinos. p. 63 ; HAY AT A FL Mont. Forinos. p. 64. HAB. Sanchoki, Tamsui, Mankiusho. DISTRIB. Tropical Asia and Africa ; South China. 4, Sloaiiea LINN. Sloanea hongkongensis HEMSL. in HOOK. Ic. PL XXVII. (1900) t. 2628 ; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 49. DISTMB. Hongkong. I have seen a specimen with a very spiiious fruit in Formosa, which specimen is apparently the same as the present species which I have seen in the Herbarium at Hongkong. The plant is, however, not yet represented in the Tokyo herbarium. 5, Echitiocarjpiis BLUME. Echinocarpus dasycarpus BENTH. in Proc. LINN. Soc. A', suppl. II. p. 72 ; MAST, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 400 ; HENRY List PL Forinos. p. 24 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Forinos. p. 63. HAB. Soobousho, Mankiusho. DISTRIB. Eastern Himalaya. 6. ElceocarpHs LINN. Dichototnous Key to the Formosaa tfpccics. (1) Leaves obtusely serrate or crenate. (2) 110 LINAGES. Leaves acutely dentately serrate Elceocarjws lancecefolius. (2) Petals entire E, japonicits Petals fimbriate E. decipiens. Elaeocarpus lanceaefolius K<>XB. Fl. Ind. II. p. 598; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 42 ; FORBE-? et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 95 ; WIGHT Ic. PI. Ind. Or. t. (35 ; MAST, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 402 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 24 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euuin. PI. Formos. p. 06. HAL. Keluiig, Maukiusho, South Cape. DISTRIB. Eastern Himalaya. Elaeocarpus japonicus SIKB. et Zucc. Fl. Jap. Fain. Nat. I. p. 105 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 205 ; FBANCH. et SAY AT. Enuni. PI. Jap. I. p. 07 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. 1. p. 95 ; MAXIM, in ENGL. But. Jalirb. VI. p. 61 ; Pro et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 349 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euuin. PI. Forinos. p. GO. HAB. Kusshaku, Waiitan. PISTUDJ. Japan. Elaeocarpus decipiens HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 94 ; HENHY List PL Forinos. p. 24 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 349 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Forinos. p. 05 ; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Forinos. p. 04. HAB. BiOritsu ; Sensuiko, Mankiusho. DlSTBiB. South China and the Loo-choo islands. Linaceae. Linu-m LINN. Linum usitatissimum LINN. ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 0(5. HAB. Sozan, (cultivated). MALriC;iIIACE,£. ZIGOPHYLLEJE. Ill Malpighiaceae Conspectus of tJ/e Formosan Genera. (1) Calycine glands minute or 0. Trislelloteia. 1 Calyciue gland 1, large, aduate to the pedicel Hiptacje. 2 1. TristeUateia THOUARS. Tristellateia australasica A. KICK. ; BENTH. Fl. Austral. I. p. 287 ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Tnd. I. p. 418 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 24 ; MATSUM. in T6ky6 Bot. Mag. XIT. (1898) p. 2 ; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 67. HAB. Koslmn : Galanbi. % DISTRIB. From Singapore to New Ireland. 2 Hiptfifje G.ERTN. Hiptage Madablota GJERTN. ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 583 ;. BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 49 ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Intl. I. p 418 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 96 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 24 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Eot. Mag. XV. p. 56 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 67. Gcertnera racemosa KOXB. Fl. Ind. II. p. 368. Banisteria lenghalensis LINN. Sp. PI. ed-2, p. 611. HAB. Pacliiua, Taichii : Bioritsu, Shiutikn, Hokkdkei, Soobouslia, Ke- lung, Tamsui, Takow. DISTRIB. Tropical India and Malaya. Zigophylleae. Tribtilus LINN. DicJtotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaflets elougately oblong, acute at the apex Tribitf.m ierrestrls. Leaflets broadly oblong, obtuse at the apex T7. clstoides. 11 '2 GERANAICE.E. Tribulus terrestris LINN. Sp. PI. ed-2, p. 554 ; DC. Prodr I. p. 703 ; LOUR. Fl. Cochiuch. ed-WiLLD. p. 331 ; FRANCHET PI. David, p. ot. Jahrb. XXTX. p. 420; MATSUM. et HAYATA Emnn. PL Formos. p. T>7. HAB. Sliokwa, Takow, Bokoto. DisTRlB. Widely diffused in the tropical and tomperate regions ; .central China. Tribulus cistoides LINN. HOOK. f. FL Brit. Ind. T. p. 423 ; FORBES ot HEMSL. Tnd. Fl. Sin. T. p. 97 ; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 50. HAU. Praiis, by. T. KAWAKAMI, 1907, July. DISTRIB. Throughout the warmer regions of both hemispheres. Geraniaceae. Conspectus of the Formofsan Genera. (1) Flowers regular or nearly so. (2) Flowers irregular Impatiens. 4 (2) Leaves simple Geranium. 1 Leaves compound (3) (3) Herbs, fruits capsnlar. (4) Trees, fruits berried Averrlioa. 5 (4) Capsules loculicidal, valves cohering with the axis, leaves tri-foliolate Oxalis. 2 Capsules loculicidal, valves usually separating from the axis to the base, leaves pinnate. Biopltylum. 3 1. Geranium LINN. Dicliotomoiis Key to flic Formoswi SjKcics. (1) Leaves ternately cleft, segments pinnatilobed. . . Geranium Rob&rtianum. GERANIAC.E. 113 Leaves palmately 5-lobed, lobes laciniately many-lobed. . . G. unlflorum. Geranium Robertianum LINN. ; PC. Prodr. I. p. 644 ; MAXIM. Mel. Eiol. X. p. 613 ; FRANCH. et SAVAT. Emim. PL Jap. II. p. 307, (var. (jlnlrnm) ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. lud. I. p. 432 ; DIELS Fl. Ceiitr. Chin, p. 419; LEDEB. "Fl. Alt. III. p. 233"; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 04. HAB. Taito ; Bunshisekisha. PKTRIB. Southern parts of Japan, China throughout, and westward to Europe. This exactly agrees with the Japanese form. Geranium uniflorum HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. G5 ; and Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 50. Stem 1-2 ft. high, erect or patent, glabrous, up- wards, pilose, branches articulately nodose. Leaves long petioled, piloso- pubesceut, petioles 2-4 cm. long, blades broadly orbicular or pentagonous in outline 5-7 cm. in diameter, deeply 5-parted, segments acuminate, pinnatifid inci so -serrate, stipules oblong, abruptly acuminate, 1 cm. long, somewhat pilose outside Flowers axillary or subterminal, long pedunculate, 1-flowered, 2-bracteate, peduncles 5-6 cm. long, pubescent, bracts subulate, opposite, nearly 1 cm. long. Sepals 5, elliptical, 12 mm. long, 5 mm. broad, outside distinctly 5-uerved, pilose on the nerves, aristately acute at the apex, glabrous inside. Petals 5, obovate, cuneate, entire, 2 cm. long or longer, rounded at the apex, emarginate, base ciliate above the claw. Glandules 5. Stamens 10, 2-seriate, filaments dilated at the base, shortly ciliate, anthers oblong deciduous. Ovary pilose. Capsule-lobes oblong, pilose, 5 mm. long, 24 mm. broad, tails 14 mm. long. HA]}. Mt. Morrison. Near G. aconitifollum and also G. cottinum A. DC. but differs from the former by not branched peduncles, and from the latter in having much broader stipules. 2. Oxalis LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. Leaflets broadly obtriangular slightly 2-lobed, lobes spreading, acute at the base 0. Griffitlm. 114 GERANIA< 'E.E. Leaflet* much more rounded than the other, slightly 2-lobed at the apex, lobes very short less spreading, much thinner 0. cornicidata. Oxalis Griffith!! EDGEW. et HOOK. f. in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Lid. I. p. 436 ; 8. MOORE iu Jouru. Bot. (1875 ) p. 230 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 99; DIELS Fl. Ceiitr. Chin. p. 420; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 66. HAB. Suizan, Mt. Morrison, Arix.au. DISTRIB. Eastern Himalaya and Khasia mountains ; also in central China. Oxalis corniculata LINN. Sp. PI. ed-2, p. G23 ; LOUR. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WiLLD. p. 350 ; DC. Prodi-. I. p. 092 ; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 5(1, et Fl. Austral I. p. 301 ; BAKER et MOORE in Journ. Li mi. Soc. XYII. p. 380 ; FRANCHET PL David p. 65 ; HANCE in WALP. Ann. III. p. 839 ; THUNB. FL Jap. p. 187; HOOK, et ARN. Bot. Beech. Toy. p. 261; KOXB. Fl. Ind. H. p. 457 ; WIGHT Ic. PL Ind. Or. t. 18 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 271 ; FRANCH. et SAY AT. Enum. PL Jap. I. p. 69 ; EDGEWORTH et HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 436 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. FL Sin. I. p. 99 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 24 ; DIELS Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 420 ; PALIBIN Conspect. Fl. Korese I. p. 48 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PL Formos. p. 68. HAB. Common in the island, Kelung, Kotosho, Pachina, Bankinsing. DISTRIB. Common all over the World. 3. Biophijtum DC. Biophytum sensitivum DC. Prodr. I. p. 690 ; HOOK. f. FL Brit, Lid. I. p. 436 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. FL Sin I. p. 100; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 24 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 69 ; HAYATA Materials for a Fl. Formos. p. 50. Oxalis sensitlva LINN. Sp. PL ed-2, p. 622 ; LOUR. FL Cochinch. ed- WILLD. p. 350. HAB. Ako : Bongarisha, by G. NAKAHARA, Sept. 1905, (No. 544). OBSERY. A very graceful herb, about 30 cm. high ; leaves gathered nn the top of the stem, abruptly pinnate, 6-7 cm. long, pinnules 20-30, GEliANIACE.E. 115 obliquely oblong, 1 cm. long. Flowers many on a lung pod uncle which is projected 1'roin the center of congested leaves. DisTiiiB. Generally in the tropical regions of the World. 4. Iinpatiens LINN. Impatiens uniflora HAYATA Fl. Mont. Fornios. p. 66. Erect herb, nearly 30 cm. high, few branched, flexuous towards the apex, stems strami- neous, glabrous (except apex). Leaves approximately arranged towards the apex, short!}" petiolate, blades oblong, elliptical or lanceolately elliptical, nearly 8 cm. long, 2| cm. broad, caudately acuminate at the apex, cuneate at the base, attenuate to the petioles, margin serrulate, serras setose, incurved. Flowers solitary larger, rosy terminal or in upper axils, peduncles slender, nearly 4 cm. long, 1- rarely 2- Cowered, naked, bracteolate on the middle, bracteoles minute, incurved. Sepals 3, 2-lateial ones oblique, ovate, acuminate, entire, 6 mm. long, 24- mm. broad, the back one long saccate, acute at the apex, mouth 1.1- cm. in diameter, base abruptly turning to a short spur, (which is incrassate at the apex and slightly 2-lobed), 3] cm. long from the base up to the apex of spurs. Petals: standard as half long as wings, broadly re- informed cristate at the middle and back, and attenuate to ?i horn-like process which is recurved and maculate ; wings in outline elliptical 2| cm. long, 2- lobate on the upper side, exterior basal lobe broad, apical lobe longer and oblong. Stamens 5, filaments iuequal, shorter, nearly 4 mm. long, complauate appen- ciculate at the middle, anthers ovate, apiculate, coherent with pistils; cells introrsely dehiscent. Ovary oblong, 4 mm. long, stigma sessile, 5-deutate. Capsules elongate, 2 cm. long, 5 valvate, valves elastically split, colunma per- sistent. Seeds long elliptical scarcely longer than 2 mm., coats glabrous minutely papillose under microscope. HAB. To/an, Arizaii, Mt. Morrison. 5. Averrhoa LINX. Averrhoa Carambola LINN. Sp. PI. ed-2, p. 428 ; DC. Prodi-, p. 689 ; LOUK. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WiLLD. p. 354 ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 56 ; EDGE- 11(3 i;UTACE/£. WOBTH et HOOK. f. in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Lid. I. p. 139 ; FORBES et HEMSL- Lid. Fl. fSiii I. p. 100 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 24 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PI. Formos. p. 69. HAB. Reigaryo, Shintiku, Pachina, Takow. Rutaeeee. Conspectus of ike Formosan Genera. (1) Herbs BcenningJuMtsenia. 1 Shrubs or trees. (2) (2) Flowers usually polygamous. (3) Flowers hermaphrodite. (7) (3) Ovary deeply 3-5-lobed. (4) Ovary entire, |5) (4) Leaves opp< >site Evodia. 2 (Periantli simple. . Zanlltoxvlum. 31 Leaves alternate. | Peiiftlltll (1()U}jle Fagara, & (5) Stem prickly Toddalia. 4 Stem unarmed. I'M ((>) Leaves 1-3— loliolate, petals 4, stamens 8 Acronychia. 5 Leaves simple, petals ;uid stamens 4-5 each SJcimmia. 6 (7) Ovules solitary oi' twin in each cell. (8) Ovules many in each cell. .Citrus. 11 •/ (8) Style veiy short, persistent Gtycosmis. 7 Style joinetl on the top of the ovary, deciduous. (9) (9) Leaves pinnate. (10) Leaves 1-foliolate ; Atalantia. 10 (10) Filaments linear-subulate Murmya. 8 Filaments dilated below Clauscna. 9 1. Bcenninghausenia EEICHB. Bcenninghausenia albi flora HEICHB. " Coiispect. Reg. Veg. p. 259 ; FKANCHET PI. ]3avid. p. GO ; FKANCH. et SAVAT. Euum. PL Jap. I. p. 71 ; RUTACE.E. 117 MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. -209 ; ENGL. et PRANT. Nat. Prl.-fam. IIL-4, p. 150 ; FORBES ot HEMSL. Intl. Fl. Sin. I. p. 102 ; DIELS Fl. Ceutr. Cliin. p. 423 ; HAYATA in Tokyo Eot. Mag. XX. p. 52 ; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 67. HAB. Tappansha. DISTRIB. Himalaya to Japan and China ; recently found in Luzon. 2- Evodia FORST. Dichotomous Key to the Fonrtosan Species. (1) Leaves trit'oliolate. (2) Leaves pinnate, leaflets niauy E. mdicBfdlia. (2) Leaflets lanceolate or ovately lanceolate E. tripJiyUa- Leaflets larger, oblong or obovately oblong E. RoxburgJdana. Evodia meliaefolia BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 5S ; HOOK. 1. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 490 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. 1. p. 104 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 24 ; DIELS Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 423 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. o'9 ; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 0*8. Mcf/abotrya mdicefolia HANCE in WALP. Ann. II. \). 259. Evodia tjlawa MIQ. in Ann. Mas. Lot. Lugd -Bat. III. p. 2:5. HAB. Taito, Dakunsha, Oknseki, South C'apy. DISTHIB. Southern China and southern parts of Japan. Evodia triphylla DC. Prodi. I. p. 724 ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 1. p. 488 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 104 ; HENHY List PL Formos. p. 25 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 353 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 70. Evodia LamarcMana BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 59. Zanthoxyltun Lamarckianuin CHAMP, et SCHL. in Liiimea V. p. 58. Zardhoxijlum ptekce folium CHAMP. ; WALP. Ann. IV. p. 418. Lepta tnpkjlla LOUR, Fl. Cochiucli. ed- WILLD p. 104. HAB. Uniiug, Toseikaku, Suiteiryo, Soutli Cape, Maukinsho. DISTRIB. Bouiu, Loo-choo, Philippines, Hkow. DISTRIB. Southern China. Fagara ailanthoides ENGL. in ENGL. et PRANTL. Nat. Pfl.-fam. III- 4 p. 118. Zantho.ryJuni olkmfJioiih's SIEB. et Zucc. Fl. Jap. Fam. Nat. I. p. 138 ; MIQ. in Aim. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat, III. p. 22 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 105; HENRY List PI Formos. p. 25; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Forinos. p. 71. HAB. Tamsui, Bankinsiug. DISTRIB. Japan, China. Fagara integrifoliola MERRILL Fl. of the Lamao Forest Reserve, in 120 RUTACE^E. Philip. .Tonrn. St-i. Bot. I. p. 68 ; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 51. HAB. Kotosho, coll. T. KA\VAK\.MT aiul G. NAKAHARA, March, 190r», (No. 1064). DISTRIB. The Philippines. The plant is exactly referable to this species, so far as the description is concerned. The tree yields a soft woollv substance which densely coyers •/ • *. the radical parts of the plant. FAGARA EMARGINELLA. ENGL. et PRANTL ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Emnn. PI. For i IK >s. p. 72. Our specimen are imperfect, and the identification i.s yery doubtful. 4, Toiltlalift Jrss. Toddalia aculeata PERK. ; DC. Prodr. IT. p. 83 ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 59 ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 497 ; FORBES et HKMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 108 ; HOOK, et ARN. Bot, Beech. Voy. p. 2G1 ; P>ED. Fl. Syly. Tnd. Gen. XLII. t, VI. f. 4 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 25 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent, Fl. LnUi. p. 350; DIELS Fl. Ceiitr. Chin, p 424; MATSUM. et HAYATA Ennm. PL Formos. p. 72. Scopdia aculeata SM. ; WILLD. 8p. PI. T. p. 1115 ; KOXB. Fl. Ind I. p. Glfi HAB. Toseikakn, Sniteiryo, Niki, Koshiin. DISTRIB. In the Tropics of the Old World. 5. Acronychia FORST. Acronychia laurifolia BLUME ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 498 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p 108 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 25 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Ennm. PI. Formos. p. 73. Cyminosma pediincnlata et C. resinosa DC. Prodr. I. p. 722 ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 60. Acronycliifi Cyminosma F. MUELL Fragm. Phyt. Austral. I. p 27, (in uota) ; HANCE in Jonrn. Linn. So;'. XIII. p. 101. RUTACEJE. 121 Jambolifera pedunculcda et •/. resinosa LOUR. Fl. Cocliinch. ed-WiLLD. pp. 283 et 285. HAB. Kelung. DISTRIB. India, Malaya. Leaves simple or very rarely trifoliate. 6. Skimmia THUNB. Skimmia japonica THUNB. FL Jap. pp. 4 et 62 ; FRANCH. et SAVAT. Enum. PI. Jap. II. p. 311; DC. Prodr. IT. p. 18; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 357; MERRILL in Philip. Jonrn. Sci. I. Supp. Bot. p. 201; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 08. HAB. Morrison, Tozan. DISTRIB. Himalaya, central China and Japan throughout ; recently found in the Philippine islands. 7. Glycoswtft CORREA. Glycosmis pentaphylla CORREA; DC. Prodr. I. p. 538; OLIV. in Journ. I.inn. Roc. V. Suppl. II. p. 37 ; BENTH. Fl. Austral. I. p. 367 ; KURZ in Journ, Bot, (1876) p. 36 ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Lid. I. p. 108 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 109 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 25 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent, FL Lutch. p. 358 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 73. Glycosmis citri folia LINDL. ; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 51. Glycosmis arborea DC. Prodr. I. p. 538. Limonia parvlfolia SIMS, in Eot. Mag. t. 2416. Limonia arlorea ROXB. Fl. Ind. H. p. 381 ; AIT. Hort. Kew. ed-2, IH. p. 43 ; Bot. Mag. t. 2074. HAB. Horisha, Kelung, Koketsuzan, Shizangan, Chokachiraisha. DISTRIB. Tropical Asia, Polynesia, Australia. 122 RUTACE.E. 8. Murray a LINN. Key to the Formosan Species. Leaflets smaller obovate obtuse or retused at the apex cuueate at the base 717. exotica. Leaflets larger, oblong, acuminate or shortly cuspidate at the apex, obtuse at the extremity, acute at the base M. Kcenifjii. Murraya exotica LINN. ; DC. Prodi-. I. p. 537 ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 50 ; FORBES et HEMSL. lud. Fl. Sin. I. p. 109 ; HOOK, et ARN. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 200; WIGHT Ic. PI. Tnd. Or. t. 96; BENTH. Fl. Austral. I. p. 309 ; OLIV. in Journ. Linn. Soc. Y. Suppl. 2, (1801) p. 28 ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Lid. I. p. 502 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XII. p. 429 (1880) ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 25 ; ITU et MATSUM. Tent, Fl. Lutch. p. 352 ; MATSUM. et .HAYATA Fmini. PI. Formos. p. 47 ; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 08. Clialcas panicvlata et C. Japonensis LOUR. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WiLLD. pp. 331 et 332. HAB. Sliaryoto, Hikaku, Kelung, Shizangan, Taitocho, Kwarenko, Hokuto, Taitou, Pachiua, Koko. DISTRIB. In tropical and subtropical Asia ; southern China, Hongkong, India ; Australia, Polynesia. Murraya Kcenigii SPRENG. ; OLIV. in Journ. Linn. Soc. V. Suppl H. p. 29 ; WIGHT Ic. PI. lud. Or. t. 13 ; ROXB. Fl. Ind. IE. p. 375 ; HOOK, f . Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 503 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Fiium. PL Formos. p. 75. HAB. Suiteiryo, Niki. DISTRIB. India. 9- Clausena BURM. Diclotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaflets larger obliquely ovate Clausena IVawpi. Leaflets small, angustatp, lunulat.i C. Ittntilata. liUTACE.E. 123 Clausena Wampi OLIVER in Journ. Linn. Hoc. V. Suppl. II. p. 34 ; BEXTH. Fl. Hoiigk. p. 50 ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 505 ; FORBES et HEMI-JL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 110 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 25 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Luteli. p. 360 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euuni. PI. Formos. p. 75. Cookia pwiduta HETZ ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 537. Quinaria lansium LOUR. Fl. Cocliiucli. ed-WiLLD. p. 334. HAB. Shintiku, Baiikinsing. DISTRIB. China, India, Malaya. Glausena lunulata HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 51. Branches fuscescent, ciuereo-puiictate, pubescent. Leaves pinnate, lanceolate in outline, 25 cm. long, 8 cm. broad, 31-41-foliolate, leaflets largest on the middle, lunulate, 4 cm. long, 12 mm. broad, obtuse or retuse at the apex, strongly oblique at the base, broader on the superior side, narrower and acu- minate on the inferior side, obscurely creuate or entire, glabrous or pubes- cent on the costa, pstiolules 2 mm. long. Panicles terminal, 20 cm. long, 7 cm. broad, flowers ternately arranged at the apex of the branches of the panicles. Calyx 5-dentate, teeth truncata ; petals not yet known. Cl'i-Hsena excavata HAYATA in MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 75. HAIJ. Koshun ; Kachiraisha. In the Enumeratio Plantarum Formosanarum, I referred this plant to C. excavat«, thinking that it might be a small form of that species. On examining a set of several specimens collected in different parts of the island, I have found that the plant is always of the same constant form and is quite different from the type of the named species in many points but especially in its leaves which are in the latter species very much larger, attaining the size of even 3-4-times those of the Formosan plant. 10, Atalantia CORREA. Atalantia blixifolia OLIVER in Journ. Linn. Soc. V. Suppl. 1L p. 26 ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 51 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 110 ; HENRY 124 EUTACE.E. List PI. Formos. p. 25 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Eiium. PL Formos. p. 75. Limonia bilocularis ROXB. Fl. Intl. II. p. 377. Atalantia monopliylla HOOK, et ARN. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 172. HAB. Tainan ; Hosan, Takow, Mankinsho. DISTRIB. Cliiua : Kiaiigsi, Hongkong, Hainan. 11. Citrus LINN. Citrus Aurantium LINN. Sp. PL ed-2, p. 1100 ; DO. Prodr. I. p. 539 ; LOUR. Fl. Cochiuch. ed-WmLD. p. 569 ; Roxc. Fl. Ind. III. p. 392 ; Foi;m-;s et HEMSL. Intl. Fl. Sin. I. p. 110 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 2(j ; FRANCH. et SAVAT. Emun. PL Jap. I. p. 74 ; HOOK. L Fl. Brit. lud. I. p. 515 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 361; DIELS Fl. Ccntr. Chin. p. 425; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enuin. PL Formos. p. 76. HAB. Tamsui. DlSTRlB. Perhaps spontaneous in northern China. Var. Decumana BONAVIA, ex ENGL. in ENGL. et PI:ANTL Nat. Prl.-fam. HI. pt-4, p. 198 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lntch. p. 362 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Ennni. PL Formos. p. 76. Citrus decumana LOUR. FL Cochinch. ed-AViLLD. p. 571 ; WILLD. Sp. PL HI. p. 1428 ; ROXB. FL Intl. HI. p. 393 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 539 ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Intl. I. p. 516 ; FRANCH. et SAY AT. Emun. PL Jap. I. p. 74 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Intl. Fl. Sin. I. p. Ill ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 26 ; Citrus Aurantium ft. sinensis LINN. Sp. PL ed-2, p. 1101. HAB. Fnkkisho, Daibohosho. Citrus nobilis LOUR. Fl. Cochinch. ed- WILLD. p. 569 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 540 ; FRANCH. et SAY AT. Ennm, PL Jap. I. p. 74 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. FL Sin. I. p. Ill ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. FL Lntch. p. 360 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Ennm. PL Formos. p. 77. Citrus ddiciosa TENORE ; WALP. Rep. H. p. 804. HAB. Taiton. SIMARUBEA;. 125 Citrus japonica THUXU. Fl. Jap. p. 292, et Ic. Jap. t. 15 ; SIEU. et Zucc. Fl. Jap. I. p. 35 ; MIQ. in Ann. Mus. But. Ludg-Bat. II. p. 83 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. Ill ; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Enuui. PI. Formos. p. 77. Citrus Aurantium var. japonica HOOK. f. in 13ot. Mag. t. (5128. Citrus inermiH Iloxu. Fl. Lul. HI. p. 393. HAD. Tuition, Kokeinaishp. DlSTRIB, Simarubeee. Conspectus of tlic Formosan (icnera. (1) Ovules solitary in each cell, leaves compound Brttcva. 1 Ovules 2 in each cell ; leaves simple Suriana. 2 1. BfHcea MILL. Brucea sumatrana Jloxu. Fl. Lid. I. p. 407 ; DC. Prodr. ir. p. 88 ; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 00 ; Mi ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. SO. HAB. South Cape. DISTRIB. India, Malaya and the Philippines. 4. Certrela Li\\. Cedrela sinensis A. Jim; WALP. Rep. I. p. 43(5 ; C. DC. Monogi. Phanerog. I. p. 743 ; FIIANCHET PI. David, p. (38 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 114 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Eunm. PL Formos. p. 80. HAB. Taihokn. DISTRIB. Japan and northern China. OLACINEJE. ILICINEJE. 129 Olacineae. \. Mappia JACQ. Mappia ovata MIERS ; MAST, in HOOK, f . Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 589 ; TRIMEN Handb. Fl. Ceyl. I. p. 262. var. insularis MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 55 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 80. HAB. Kotosho. 2. Schcepfia SCHREB* Schcepfia sp. MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PI. Formos. p. 81. (specimen sterile) HAB. Kasliiuro, Kotoslio. Ilicineee. Ilex LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves entire. (2) Leaves more or less serrate or toothed. (3) (2) Leaves larger, 4 cm. long, obtuse at the apex, oblong Ilex rotunda. Leaves smaller, 2 cm. long, obovate, shortly cuspidate and retusecl at the apex, cuueate at the base Ilex goshiensis. (3) Leaves tricuspidate on the margin, and spiny at the apex of the points. /. lioritsensis. Leaves serrate or crenulate, not spiny. (4) (4) Leaves ovate, longer than 5 cm. (5) Leaves ovate or obovate, smaller than 4 cm. (8) (5) Leaves elougately oblong or lanceolate. (6) Leaves ovate, broadly oblong. (7) 130 ILICINE.E. (6) Leaves lanceolate, not cuspidate /. parvifdia. Leaves elongately oblong, distinctly cuspidate I. formosana. (7) Leaves smaller and thinner I. Kusanoi. Leaves larger and thicker 7. taiwaniana. (8) Leaves obovate, obtuse at the apex 7. nokcensis. Leaves ovate or lanceolate, acute at the apex. (9) (9) Leaves broadly ovate, shortly cuspidate, thinner L asprella. Leaves lanceolately ovate, acuminate at the apex 7. taisanensis. Ilex asprella CHAMP. ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 65 ; MAXIM. Coriar. Ilic. Monochas. in Mel. Acad. Sc. Pe'tersb. T sarie, XXIX. (1881) p. 49; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 115 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 26 ; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 81. Prinos asprdhts HOOK, et ARN. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 176, t. 36. HAB. Koshuu, Daibuhosho, Toseikaku, Holisha, Pachiua, Maruyama, Sozan, Kokei, Tamsui, Kelung, South Cape. BISTRIB. China : Kiangsi, Hongkong. Ilex bioritsensis HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 53. Branches strong, straight, bark cinerascent, brauchlets straight, divaricate, triquetrous. Leaves alternate, shortly petiolate, thick coriaceous, obovately rhomboid, 3| cm. long, 2 cm. broad, margin 1-2-spinosely-deutate on both sides, central lobes triangular, acute at the apex or strongly aristate, aristas straight, lateral lobes acute, strongly aristate, rounded at the base or cordate, polished above, pallid lielow, costas and veins slightly impressed above, slightly elevated beneath, petioles 3 mm. long, nigricant. Drupes axillary, solitary, sessile, obovoid, 8 mm. long, obtuse at the apex (sepals persistent, triangular,) irregularly minutely punctate and slightly 2-3 cornute. Stones 2, dorsally compressed, convex on the back, nearly 8-sulcate, face flat, nearly 6-sulcate, 5 mm. long, 4 mm. broad. HAB. Bioritsu : Taizan, by T. KAWAKAMI and U. MORI, Oct. 1908, (No. 7185). Very like Ilex Pernyl FRANCH. var. Manlpurensis Lozs.; but differs from it in the shape of the drupes in which there are always two stones. ILICINE.T;. 131 Ilex lormosana MAXIM. Coriar. Ilic. Monochas. in Mem. A cad. So. Petersb. T serie. XXIX. (1881) p. 46 ; FOKBES et HEMSL. lucl. Fl. Shi. I. p. 11(5; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 27; MATSTJM. et HAY ATA Enum. PI. For- inos. p. 81 ; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 54. HAB. Koketsuzan, Bankiusiug, Uraislia. DISTRIB. Au endemic plant. OBSERV. Brandies blackish ; leaves elliptical, acute at the base, acumi- nate or cuspidate at the apex, obtuse at the very tip, 7-8 cm. long, 2-3 cm. broad, margin obscurely creuulate, veins not very distinct on the upper sur- face, reticulated and dotted on the under surface, somewhat pale beneath, petioles about 1 cm. long. Flowers on a very short raceme, almost contracted to a cluster. Ilex goshiensis HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 54. Branches strong, cinerascent, brauchlets fusco-rubesceut, angulate. Leaves alternate, petiolate, coriaceous, obovately oblong or oblong, 2(5 mm. long, 16 mm. broad, retusely acute at the apex, quite entire, opaque above, veins not vi- sible, very pallid beneath, venose, petioles 4 mm. long. Drupes clustered at the axils of the leaves, peduncles 5 mm. long, pedicels 3 mm. long, globose, 4 mm. in diameter, fusco-rubescent with 4-sepals at the base. HAB. Shiutiku : Goshizaii. Near Ilex, Cliainpioni LCES. ; but differs from it in having shortly cuspi- date leaves. The leaves of /. Chcunpioni are very rounded or even emar- ginate at the apex. It is also near Ilex inemeydifolia CHAMP, from which it differs in -having leaves which are retused at the apex. There is in the Herbarium at Tokyo a specimen from the Loo-choo islands which has been identified with L Hanccana MAXIM, by Dr. T. ITO in his " Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 367." The specimen is very like, or even the same as, the plant just described, and I have wondered if the Loo-chooau plant be really identical with /. Ilanccana. As is described by MAXIMOWICZ in his " Coriar. Ilic, Monoch. p. 33," /. Hanceana has " Cymulcie J breve pedunculate, 5-6- flora), petiolum bis vel ter superantes, pedicelli calyce aoquilongi, nores 4-meri circ. linam longi. Calyx puberulus, lobis ciliatis ovatis." But, in the Loo- 132 ILICINE.E. cliooan plant, we find " fiores umbellati, uiubellis cymose 5-6-fasciculatis, pedunculis umbellaiuni 5-6 nun. lougis, petioluin seqnantibus, pedieellis florium circ. 3 mm. longis florein 2-plo superantibus."* In comparing the above descriptions, we see clearly that the Loo-chooari plant is not identical with MAXIMOWICZ'S species. As to the identification of the Loo-choo plant with the present one, I am not as yet in a position to decide it. I can only add that they are very similar. Ilex Integra THUNB. Fl. Jap. p. 77 ; DC. Prodr. II. p. 16 ; MAXIM, in Mem. Acad. Sc. Peters. 7e se'rie XXIX. (1881) p. 41 ; SIEB. et Zucc. Fl. Jap. Fam. Nat. I. p. 148 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 269 ; FIUNCH. et SAVAT. Enmn. PI. Jap. I. p. 77 ; FOUBES et HEMSL. lud. Fl. Sin. I. p. 116 ; Pro et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 368 ; PALIBIN Conspect. Fl. Koreas I. p. 52 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Fonnos. p. 81. Prinofi Integra HOOK, et AIIN. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 261. HAE. Exact locality is not known. DISTKEB. Japan, Corea and China. Ilex Kusanoi HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 55. Branches rugose, atro-purpurascent, branchlets slender, ciuerascent, angnlate. Leaves petiolate, alternate, chartaceous-membranaceous, oblong or oblougly ovate, or obovate, slightly oblique, 5 cm. long, 3 cm. broad, obtuse at the apex, or shortly acuminate, or slightly cuspidate, or obtusely acute, shortly aristate at the extremity, acute at the base, obscurely creuulate on the margin, aristate at the apex of the teeth, nearly entire near the base. Flowers 2- 3-4 clustered at the axils, long pedunculate, peduncles slender, 18 mm. long, perulate at the base, perules minute, subulate. Flowers most likely herma- phrodite. Sepals 5, rounded, 1 mm. long, persistent, margin ciliolate. Corolla 5-lobate or sometimes 6-lobate, 3 mm. long, lobes rounded, 2 mm. long, tubes 1 mm. long. Stamens 5, rarely 6, affixed on the tube of the corolla, 1 mm. long, anthers triangular, cordate, 4- mm. long, acute at the apex, fila- ments dilated. Ovary globose, 2 mm. long (including st}rle), style short, stigma * The description above referred to has been drawn up by myself from a specimen from the Loo-choo Archipelago, which is referred to I. Hanceana MAXIM, by Dr. T. ITO. ILIOINE^E 133 subglobose, 5-lobate. Drupes globose, 3 mm. in diameter, shortly acute, stigma 5-lobed. HAB. Taito, by S. KUSANO, 1908, July. The present plant bears some resemblance to the Japanese Ilex macro- poda MlQ. ; but the leaves of the Japanese plant are more or less hairy, while those of the Formosan are quite glabrous. Besides, the former has deciduous leaves, while the latter persistent ones. Also near /. unacro- carpa OLIVE, but differs from it in having much smaller fruits ; from /. talwamana HAYATA in having much thinner leaves and much larger flowers. Ilex nokoensis HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 50. Branches strong, cinerascent, leiiticellate, slightly pilose, hairs iiigricant, many-branched, braiichlets divaricate, leafy, ciuereo-rubescent, shortly hirsute. Leaves alternate, shortly petiolate, greenish, oblong, ovate or obovate, 2£ cm. long, 1] cm. broad, roundly obtuse at the apex, or obtuse, sometimes calloso- mucronate, base acute or cuneately acute, margin upwards creuate, crenas somewhat callose at the apex, entire downwards costas, veins and veinlets impressed above, but slightly elevated below, petioles 2 mm. long. HAB. Nokosau, at an elevation of 9000 ft., by T. KAWAKAMI and U. Mow, 1908, January, (No. 4582). This is very like Ilex crenata THUNB., but differs from it in having im- pressed veins on the surface of the leaves, which are quite obtusely creuate 011 the margin. Iii /. crenata, the leaves are shortly aristate at the apex of the teeth 011 the margin. Moreover, the lowersurface of the leaves of the same species is minutely dotted, while that of the present plant is quite smooth, but never dotted. It also bears some resemblances to I. luzonica HOLFE, and also to 1. Tkomsoni ; but differs from the former in having obovate or oblongo-ovate leaves which are crenate towards the apex, and from the latter in having calloso-obtusely (but not mucroiiataly) creuate leaves. Those of I. luzonica ROLFE are usually oblong, more acutely or mucronately creuate from the base to the apex, while these are usually obovate, very obtusely crenate only towards the apex. 134 Ilex parvifolia HAY ATA (PI. XIX.) Materials i'ur a Flora of Formosa p. 57. Brandies slender, braiichlets ferrugineo-tomentose. Leaves approxi- mate, shortly petiolate, obloiig, 12 mm. long, 6 mm. broad, coriaceous, ob- tuse at both ends or acute, aristately serrate, tomentose above on the costas, veins obscure on both sides, tomentose above. Flowers axillary, solitary, pedicellate, sepals 4, rounded, 1 mm. long. Drapes reddish, globose, 0 mm. in diameter, with 4 stones. HAB. Mt. Morrison, Arizan. Near Ilex uitricata HOOK. !'•; but differs from it by the thinner, oblong, leaves, Avhich are more or less aristately toothed on the margin. 7. intricata lias nearly obovate leaves, without aristate teeth. Ilex rotunda THUNB. Fl. Jap. p. 77 ; DC. Proclr. II. p. 16 ; MIQ. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. Ill, p. 106; HANCE in Journ. Bot. (1883) p. 296 ; SIEB. et Zucc. Fl. Jap. Fam. Nat. I. p. 149 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 269 ; MAXIM, in Mem. Acad. Sc. Pe'tersb. T se'rie, XXIX. (1881) p. 36 ; FRANCH. et SAVAT. Enum. PI. Jap. I. p. 77 ; FOIIBES et HEMSL. lud. Fl. Siii. I. p. 118 ; HENUY List PL Formos. p. 27 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 368 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PL Formos. p. 82. HAB. Hokuto, South Cape. DISTI.IB. Japan and China. Ilex taisanensis HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 57. Branches cinerascent, rngulose longitudinally, branchlets straight, triquetrous towards the apex, shortly pubescent or subglabrous, red- dish. Leaves alternate, long petiolate, chartaceo-coriaceous, oblong, or oblong-ovate, 37 mm. long, 15 mm. broad, acute at the apex, roundly obtuse at the base, margin remotely creuate, veins and veinlets inconspicuous on both sides, or very much slender, pallid beneath, petioles 1 cm. long, slightly pubescent. Drupes solitary on the axils of the leaves, long pedun- culate, (peduncles 2 cm. long, 2-bracteolate middway, bracteoles lanceolate 2 mm. long), globose, 5-6 mm. in diameter, albo- punctate, or not punctate, with calyx at the base. Stones 3-5, somewhat compressed dorsally, convex on the back, acute at the apex, smooth, 4 mm. long. CELASTRINE/E. 135 HAB. Bioritsu : Rokujotaisan. Near Ilex embetioides HOOK. f. which differs from the present plant in the leaves, which are more attenuate or cuspidate towards the apex. The leaves . of this plant are acute at the apex, but neither attenuate nor cuspidate. Ilex taiwaniana HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 58. Branches ashy, glabrous. Leaves alternate, ovate, obtusely acute, obliquely acute at the base, mucronately serrate, distinctly venose on both sides, chartaceo-meinbranaceous. Flowers 3-5-clustered at the axils, clusters ped- unculate, peduncles 5 mm. long. Sepals 5, rounded, 1 mm. long, petals 5, rotundate, 2 mm. long ; stamens 5, iutrorse, rudiment of the ovary convex. Drupes globose, 4 mm. long, long pedunculate, (peduncles 2 cm. loug\ 10- sulcate with 5 stones. HAB. Kwashoto. species imperfectly Jtnoirn to me. Ilex Mertensii MAXIM, var. formosae L Spines longer and fewer , E. Spraguei. 5 (G) Leaves obovate E. Tanakaz. 1 Leaves oblong E. carnosus. 2 1. Euonymus Dielsiana LCESENER in ENGL. Jahrb. XXIX. (1900) p. 440, t, IV. L. ; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 58. HAB. Suisha, Shushugai. DISTRIB. Central China. Sterile, branches straight, greenish, wrinkled lengthwise. Leaves subopposite or alternate, lanceolate or ovately lanceolate or oblong, acuminate at the apex, obtuse at the extremity, attenuate at the base, remotely serrate 011 the margin, entire downwards, whitish above (in a dried specimen), pallid below, 8-10 cm. long, 3-4 cm. broad, petioles 8 mm. long, veins and veuules slightly elevate above, inconspicuous beneath. I have compared the present plant with a Chinese specimen so labelled in the Herbarium at Kew, and found that the Formosan plant is, so far as sterile specimens are concerned, identical with it. In this, Mr. SPRAGTJE concurs. 2, Euonymus carnosus HEMSLEY, in FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. CELASTBINEJE. 137 I. p. 118 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 27 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Entim. PI. Formos. p. 82. HAB. Keluug. 3. Euonymus Miyakei HAYATA in MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 83, t. VH. Shrub subglabrous, branches tetragonous. Leaves ternate, petioled, obovate or elliptical, slightly acute or obtuse, at the apex at- tenuate at the base, 6-7 cm. long, 2.5-3 cm. broad, petioles short, 5 mm. long. Flowers patent, 1 cm. in diameter, loosely cymosely paniculate, terminal or axillary, bracteate, bract very short. Sepals 5, incurved, rounded. Petals 5, inserted under the disc, patent, margin fhnbriate and recurved, orbicular, base shortly narrowed. Stamens 5, inserted above the disc, filaments com- planate, subulate, anthers broadly didymous. Disc caruose, ample, broadly explanate, entire. Ovary immersed in the disc, and confluent with it, 5-celled ; style short ; ovules 2 in each cell. HAD. Kotdsho. Resembles very much E. javanicus BL. ; but the leaves of the present plant are always verticillate (ternate in almost all cases), while those of the Javau species are always opposite. 4. Euonymus Tanakse MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XH. (1886) p. 428 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 371. HAB. Taitou. DISTRIB. Japan, Bonin, Loo-choo. 5. Euonymus Spraguei HAYATA (PI. XX) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 59. Branches terete, minutely papilloso-punctate, striate, fulvo- ciuerascent, branchlets subtetragonous, sulcate, fulvo-fusceut, slender, divari- cate. Leaves opposite, ovately oblong or oblong, 61 cm. long, 3 cm. broad, (sometimes 4^ cm. long, 23 mm. broad) chartaceo-coriaceous, obtusely acute or obtusely acuminate at the apex, acute or rounded at the base, margin serrulate, teeth obtuse, pallid above, more pallid below, costas and veins slightly elevated above, but costas elevated below, and veins not conspicuous, petioles 8 mm. long, sulcate inside. Capsules cymosely arranged (cymes axillary, peduncles slender, 3 cm. long) broadly globose, 6 mm. in diameter, 138 CELASTRINEJE. 2-4-lobate, 2-4-locular, truncate at the apex, ecliinate on the face, spines sometimes nearly 30, sometimes 5-6, recurved, 1-2 mm. long, styles persistent. Seeds quadrant-shaped, rubesceut, 5 mm. long, smooth, testa coriaceous. Eucmymus ecldnatus T. ITO in ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 371; HAY ATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 69. HAB. Mt. Morrison : Tozau ; Mushazan. DISTRIB. Loo-choo. When I mentioned the present plant in my " Fl. Mont. Formos.", I was merely comparing it with a Loo-choo plant which had been determined by Dr. T. ITO, and referred to E. echinata WALL, in his " Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 371." As the Formosau plant is exactly identical with Dr. ITO'S plant, I used the same name for my plant. While working here at Kew, I have compar- ed with Mr. SPRAGUE the present plant with the type of the named species, and have found that they are clearly not identical. The former is easily dis- tinguishable from the latter by many points, but especially by the very much fewer and much more slender spines on the fruit. In WALLICH'S species, the spines are much more numerous and stronger. Our plant is very near E. siibsessilis SPRAGUE ( = E. ecldnatus LOUR.), but differs from it in having much fewer and more slender spines. 6. Euonymus trichocarpus HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 69 ; Branch- lets trichotomously divaricate, nearly tetragonous, glabrous. Leaves opposite, petiolate, petioles nearly 1 cm. long, semi-terete, blades oblong-elliptical, 6-7 cm. long, 4 cm. broad, apex obtuse or acute, base rounded or obtuse, rarely slightly narrowed, margin serrulate, serrulas obtuse, veins prominent on both sides. Cymes (on lateral branchlets) opposite, few-flowered. Flowers not known. Capsules depressingly globose, 6-7 mm. in diameter, shortly prickled, prickles 1 mm. long. HAB. Mt. Morrison. This plant resembles E. ecldnatus WALL. ; but differs from it in having very short and dense spines on the fruits. CELASTRINE.E. 139 Species imperfectly J^nowii to inc. 7. Euonymus chinensis LINDL. ; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Euiim. PI. Formos. p. 88. 2. Celastrus LINN. Dicliatomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves obovate, cimeata at the base C. diversifolius. Leaves ovate or rounded, not cuueate at the base. (2) (2) Leaves obloiig, acute at the base C. articulatus. Leaves rounded, slightly cordate at the base C. Kusanoi. Celastrus articulatus THUNB. Fl. Jap. p. 97 ; DC. Prood. II. p. 7 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XI. p. 200; FKANCHET PI. David, p. 70; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 17 ; FRANCH. et SAVAT. Eninn. PI. Jap. I. p. 80 ; A. GRAY, Bot. Jap. p. 384 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 122 ; HENRY List PI. Fonnos. p. 27 ; DIELS Fl. Ceutr. Chin. p. 446 ; PALIBIN Conspect. FL Koreio I. p. 54 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Eninn. PL Formos. p. 84 ; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 70. HAB. Taito : Iryokukakusha. DISTRIB. Central and northern China and Japan northward to Saghalieu. Celastrus diversifolius HEMSLEY in FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 123 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 27 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 374 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 84. Gymnospona divers/folia MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XI. p. 204 ; LCES. in ENGL. Bot. Jahrb. XXX. (1902) p. 472. Celastrus WalUcldana HANCE in Journ. Bot. (1878) p. 226 ? Cat/ta Wallicldi DON ; WALP. Rep. I. p. 532. HAB. Taitocho : Chihoii, Tamari, Hiiiau, Rokuryo ; Kosliuii, Takow, Bankinsing, South Cape. DISTRIB. China, Hainan. Celastrus Kusanoi HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 60. 140 Scandent, branches fuscsnt, wrinkled lengthwise, leuticellate, branchlets divaricate. Leaves alternate petiolate, broaldy globose, 8 cm. long, 9 cm. broad, rounded at the apex, shortly cuspidate, (tails 8 mm. long, obtuse,) broadly truncate or roundly cordate at the base, margin remotely obscurely serrate, entire near the base, chartaceous, petioles 24- cm. long, sulcate inside. Capsules cyniose (cymes axillary, peduncles 2 cm. long, shortly tsruate) subglobose (styles persistent,) 3-valvately dehiscent, valves osseous, flavescent orbicular, shortly acute at the apex, crosswise wrinkled outside, seeds 2 in each cell. Seeds covered by reddish arils, obliquely cylindrical, slightly recurved, 4| mm. long, 2 mm. broad, testa fusco-nigricant, rugose, minutely papillose, coriaceous. HAB. Southern Formosa. The present plant is near C. articiHatus, but differs in having more rounded leaves and transversely wrinkled carpels when dried. The leaves are nearly rounded or slightly cordate at the base, shortly acute or nearly rounded at the apex, remotely serrulate on the margin, while those of (7. articulates are nearly obovate, acute or rounded but never cordate at the base. The carpels of the latter plant are not wrinkled but rather smooth even when dried. 3. Tripterygium HOOK. f. Tripterygium Wilfordii HOOK. f. in BENTH. et HOOK. Gen. Plant. I. p. 368 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XI. p. 206 ; FOKBES et HEMSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 125 ; HENUY List PL Formos. p. 27 ; PALIBIN Conspect. Fl. Koresa I. p. 54 ; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 85. Tripterygiuni Bullockii HANCE, in Journ. Bot. (1880) p. 259. HAB. Maruyama, Taiton Kelung. DISTHIB. Japan and China. Species imperfectly known to tne. Elaeodendron japonicum FRANCH. et SAVAT. MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 84. HAB. Kotosho. EHAMNE^E. 141 As the specimen is very imperfect, the identification is rather con- jectural. Rhamneee. Conspeetus of the Formosan Genera. (1) Scandent shrubs. Fruits dry, 1-celled, 1-seeded Ventttaga. 1 Erect shrubs or trees. (2) (2) Fruits dry or fleshy drupes with one stone. (3) Fruits dry or fleshy of 3 pyrenes. (4) Fruits subglobose, expanding in (3) Leaves prominently tliree- nerved. rounded wing upwards Palmnis. 2 Fruits carnose globose, not ex- panding in wings Zizyplius. 3 Leaves piuninerved Berchemia. 4 (4) Disk thin, lining the calyx-tube Ehamnus. 5 Disk fleshy, filling the calyx-tube. (5) (5) Klirub spiuose, leaves and branches opposite Scojcrctia. 6 Unarmed shrub, leaves alternate Coln.brina. 7 1. Ventilago G.EKTN. Dichotoiiious Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves ovate or ovately lanceolate, longer than the other. .. V. leiocarpa. Leaves very much smaller, oblong or obovate V. elcgans. Ventilago elegans HEMSL. Aim. Bot. IX. p. 151 ; HENUY List PI. Formos. p. 27 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XII. p. 21 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 85. HAB. Hiuan, Apes Hill, Baukinsiug. DISTRIB. An endemic plant. Ventilago leiocarpa BENTH. in Jouru. Linn. Soc. V. p. 77 ; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 67 ; LAWS, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Lid. I. p. 631 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 125. 142 RHAMNE.E. HAB. Bankinsing. DISTRIB. Hongkong. 2. Paliurus Juss. Paliurus ramosissimus Pom. ; FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 126 ; HENRY List PI. Fonnos. p. 27 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XH. p. 21 ; DIELS Fl. Centr. Cliin. p. 457 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euuin. PI. Formos. p. 86. Paliurus AuUetia SCHULTZ ; DC. Proclr. II. p. 22 ; BENTH. Fl. Ilongk. p. 66 ; FRANCHET PL David, p. 71 ; MAXIM. Rhain. Or. As. p. 2. AuUctia ramosisslina LOUR. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WiLLD. p. 348. HAB. Keluug, Taihoku, Kiupori, Tainsui. DISTRIB. Central China and Japan. 3, Zizyphus Juss. Zizyphus Jujuba LAM. ; DC. Prodr. II. p. 21 ; HANGE in Journ. Bot. (1879) p. 10 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 126 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 27; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XII. p. 21. fihamnus Jujiiha LINN. Sp. PL ed-2, p. 282 ; LOUR. Fl. Cochinch. ed- WILLD. p. 195. HAB. Tainan, Nisoko, Takow, Hozan. DISTRIB. Tropical Asia, Africa and Australia. 4. Berchemia NECK. Key to the Formosan Species. Leaves much smallei', elliptical, rounded and emarginate at tJie apex, racemes shorter B. lincn/n. Leaves much larger, ovate, acute at the apex, racemes terminal, longer, many-branched B. racemosa. Berchemia lineata DC. Prodr. H. p. 23 ; HOOK, et ARN. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 177, t. 37; BENTH. FL Hongk. p. 67; HANCE in Journ. Linn. Soc. XIH. p. 115 ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 638 ; SIEB. et Zucc. FL Jap. EHAMNEJE. 143 F;im. Nat. I. p. 147 ; MAXIM. Rliam. Or. As. p. G ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 127; HENRY List PL Formes, p. 27; MAKING in Tokyo Bot. Mag. X. p. 65 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XII. p. 22 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 376; DIELS FL Geutr. Chin. p. 458; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 87. HAB. Shintiku, Hiuan, Boryo, Tamsui. DISTRIB. Loo-choo, Hongkong, China, Himalaya. Berchemia racemosa SIEB. et Succ. FL Jap. Fam. Nat. I. p. 147 ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 67 ; MAXIM. Rham. Or. As. p. 5 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 127 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 27 ; DIELS Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 458 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PL Formos. p. 87. HAB. Keluug, Tamsui. DISTRTB. Japan, China : Shensi Kiang-si, Fokien. 5. JHif minus LINN. Dicliotomons Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Flowers shortly pedicellate R. formosana. Flowers elongatsly pedicellate 7?. Nakaliarai. Rhamnus Nakaharai HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 61. Branches quite glabrouSj nearly alternately divaricate. Leaves roundly ovat.^, rounded at the base or acute, acuminate at the apex or cuspidate, 7 cm. long, 3| cm. broad, margin (except base and apex) crenulato -serrate, serras ac- uminate, recurved, veins 5-6 on each side, spreading out at an acute angle, slightly arched, membranaceous, petioles nearly 1 cm. long. Male flowers not yet known. Female flowers 5-6-clustered at the axils of the lower leaves, clusters slightly supra-axillary, connate to the branchlets, sometimes inserted at the height of 5-6 mm. above the axils, pedicels slender, a little longer than petioles, 1 cm. long, incrassate at the apex, reaching the calyx-tube. Calyx-lobes 3-times longer than the tube, nearly 3 mm. long, lanceolate, 3- nerved, callose at the apex. Rudiments of petals and stamens filiforined, very minute, -} mm. long. Ovary globose, 1 mm. long, much exsertad from 144 RHAMNE.E. the tube, style cylindrical, 2 mm. long, 3-4-ficl at tlie apex, style-branches 1} mra. long, stigmatic, recurved, patent. Fruits not yet known. Wiamnufs arguta MAXIM, var. Nakaharai HAYATA Fl. Mont. Fonnos. p. 70. HAB. Taicliu. The present plant is described in my paper " Fl. Mont. Formos." as re- presenting a variety of Wiamnm arguta MAXIM. I have examined the type of the latter plant at Kew, and found that the difference between the type and the variety is so great that I think it better to raise up the latter to specific rank. The Formosan Rlmmnus differs from the other in having slender flowers and longer styles, and especially in the supra-axillary inflorescence. Rhamnus formosana MATSUM. in MATSUM. et HAYATA Emim. PI. Formos. p. 88. t. 8 ; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 61. The plant is very near R. trlqnctm WALL, and perhaps further study will prove that they are identical. HAB. Nansho, Bioritsu, Washa, Kurarusha. 6. Sftf/eretift BRONGN. Sageretia theezans BRONGN. " in Ann. Sc. Nat. le serie, X. p. 360 "; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 68; MAXIM, in Mem. Acad. Sc. Pe'tersb. 7e serie, X. (1866) p. 20; HANCE in Journ. Linn. Soc. XI !I. p. 115; DC. Prodr. H. p. 27 ; LAWS, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. G41 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I p. 131; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 27; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XH. p. 22; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 377; PALIBIN Conspect. Fl. Korese I. p. 55; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enuin. PI. Formos. p. 88. HAB. Takow, Suichoryu, Niki, South Cape. DISTRIB. Loo-choo, Philippines, China, India and Corea. 7. Colubriua L. C. RICH. Colubrina asiatica BRONG. ; BENTH. Fl. Austral. I. p. 413 ; LAWS, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. lud. I. p. 642; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 27; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XH. p. 23 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Emim. PL Formos. p. 89. AMPELIDEJE. 145 Colubrina javanica MIQ. Fl. lud. Bat. I p. 649. CecmotJms asiaficus LAM. ; DC. Prodr. II. p. 30 ; ROXB. Fl. lud. I. p. Ceanotlms capstan's FORST. ; DC. Prodr. II. p. 32. Rhamnvs acuminata COLEBR. in ROXB. Fl. Ind. I. p. 615. HAB. South Cape. DISTBIB. Loo.-choo, India, Malaya, Africa, Australia, Polynesia. Ampelideae. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera,. (1) Scaudeut shrubs, usually having tendrils Vilis. 1 Erect shrubs, destitute of tendrils. Leea. 2 1. Vitis LINN. Dicliotomoiis Key to the Fonnosan Species. (1) Leaves simple. (2) Leaves pedately or pinnately parted. (6) (2) Leaves lanate. (3) Leaves glabrous. (4) (3) Leaves lobulate on the margin, lobes rounded or obtuse. V. Labrusca var. Thwibergii. 10 Leaves acutely dentate V. lanata. 11 (4) Leaves remotely, obscurely, minutely serrate V. repens. 12 Leaves dentate, lobulate. (5) (5) Leaves siuuately lobed, obtusely lobulate on the margin. V. heteropJ/ylla. 6 Leaves dentate or serrate, teeth acute V. flexuosa. 3 (6) Leaves pedately 5-parted V. japonica. 8 Leaves piunately 3-5-or more parted. (7) (7) Leaves piunately 5-or more foliolate rarely 3 V. cantoniensis. 4 Leaves 3-fo!iolate. (8) (8) Leaflets obliquely ovate, obtuse at the apex V. formosana. 5 146 AMrELTPEJE. Leaflets ovate or lanceolate, acuminate at the apex. (9) (9) Leaflets acuminate 2-3-dentate (or leaves simple) V. inconstant. 7 Leaflets dentate, teeth many on both sides. (10) (10) Leaflets dentate, teeth acute V. dentata. 1 Leaflets very obscurely dentate, or remotely serrate, teeth or serras very minute F. triphylla. 2 1. Vitis dentata HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 62. Branches fulvo-tomentose, (hairs patent, short,) or subglabrous, remotely leaved. Leaves trifoliolate, petiolate, stipulate, broadly triangular in outline, meml)ranaceous, 10 cm. long, 13 cm. broad, terminal leaflet oblong, 9 cm. long, 4£ cm. broad, obtusely acuminate at the apex, but roundly acute at the base, remotely dentate, (teeth ascendent shortly aristate), glabrous on both sides, petioles 5 mm. long, lateral leaflets oblique, oblong-ovate, obtusely acute at the apex, obliquely rounded at the base, acute on the upper side, rounded on the lower side, 7i cm. long, 4 cm. broad, shortly petiolulate. petiolules 5 mm. long ; petioles 3 J cm. long ; stipules oblong-rounded, obtuse, 6 mm. long, affixed at the center, thick on the middle, maculate, mem- branaceous on the margin, nearly embracing the stein. Cymes opposite the leaves, 4 cm. long as broad, branchlets divaricate, peduncles and pedicels pubescent, hairs patent, bracts and bracteoles deciduous. Flower ^ : calyx complaiiate, lobes short triangular pilose, or nearly obsolete ; corolla patent, 2 mm. long, lobes 5, valvate, ovately triangular, acute at the apex, abruptly acutely reflexed on the back, shortly connate. Ovary conical with styles 2 mm. long, contracted at the base, 5-4-cornute a little above the base, styles short, stigma 4-5-lobate. HAB. Exact locality is not yet known. Near Vitis corniculata BENTH., but differs from it in having acutely dentate leaves. 2. Vitis triphylla HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 63. Branches fuscent, hirsute, remotely foliate. Leaves trifoliolate, triangular in outline, hirsute, terminal leaflets oblong-lanceolate, lateral leaflets longer 7 cm. long, 27 mm. broad, acuminate at the apex, obtusely rounded at the AMPELIDE/E. 147 base, remotely and obscurely serrate, (costas and veiiis slightly elevated 011 both surfaces), pallid below, tomentose on the costas, but hirsute on the blades, petiolules 15 mm. long, tomentose, lateral leaflets ovately oblong, obliqiie, acute at the apex, oblique at the base and rounded, acute on the upper side, rounded or cordate on the lower side, 4-£ cm. long, 2 cm. broad, petiolules 3 mm. long ; petioles 3 cm. long ; stipules ovate-lanceolate 5 mm. long. Cymes opposite the leaves. Berry globose, 8 mm. in diameter, 1— seeded. HAB. Sliifmi. Very near Vitls any list if dia WALL., but differs from it in having more hairy, very obscurely and remotely serrulate, or nearly entire, leaves. 3, Vitis flexuosa THUNB. in Trans. Linn. Sue. II. p. 332 ; DO. Prodr. I. p. 634 ; MIQ. m Ann. Mus. Bot. Lngd.-Bat. I. p. 92 ; PLANCH, in DC. Monogr. Phaiierog. V-2. pp. 347 et 611 ; FEANCH. et SAY AT. Enum. PI. Jap. I. p. 83 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin, I. p. 132 ; HENKY List PI. Formos. p. 27 ; DIELS Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 463 ; PALIBIN Conspect. Fl. Koreee I. p. 56 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 89. Vitis parvifolia ROXB. Fl. Ind. I. p. 662 ; BENTH. Fl. Ilongk. p. 53 ; LAWS, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 652. HAB. Bankinsing. DISTEIB. Corea, Japan and Hougkoiig. 4, Vitis cantoniensis SEEM. ; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 54 ; LAWS, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 663 ; FOEBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 131. Hcdera Ityporjlanca HANCE in WALP. Ann. H. p. 724 Cissus cantoniensis HOOK, et AUN. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 175 ; WALP. Hep. X. p. 439. Cissus diversifolla WALP. Hep. V. p. 377. HAB. Precise locality is not known. DISTEIB. Hongkong, Khasia. 5, Vitis formosana HEMSL. Ann. Bot. IX. p. 151 ; HENEY List PL Formos. p. 28 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutcli. p. 382 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 90. 148 AMrELIDE.E. HAB. Hosau, Sliiutiku, Bankinsing. 6. Vitis heterophylla THUNB. Fl. Jap. p. 103 ; DC. Prodr. I. p. 634 ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 53 ; MIQ. in Ann. Mus. Bot. LugcL-Bat. I. p. 92 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 89 ; FRANCH. et SAVAT. Euuni. PL Jap. I. p. 84 ; ENGL. in Bot. Jahrb. VI. p. 60 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 133 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 28 ; Pro et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 381 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euuni. PL Formos. p. 90. Ampdopsis heterophylla SIEB. et Zucc. Fl. Jap. Fain. Nat. I. p. 197 ; PLANCH, in DC. Monogr. Pliauerog. V. p. 455. Ampdopsis hunwlifolla BUNGE ; MAXIM. Prim. Fl. Amur. p. 480. Cissus brcvlpcdunculala MAXIM. Prim. Fl. Amur. p. 68. HAB. Kelnng, Sliiutiku, Tamsui, Bioritsu, Senton, Shokwa, Sliizangan ; Keutauzan. DISTRIB. Japan, Loo-clioo, Hongkong, Corea, China, Manchuria. 7. Vitis inconstans MIQ. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. I. p. 91 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 133 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 28 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enmn. PL Formos. p. 91. HAB. Shifun, Ako. DlSTRlB. Japan, China : Chili, Shantung, Kiangsi, Kwangtung. 8. Vitis japonica THUNB. Fl. Jap. p. 104 ; BENTH. FL Hougk. p. 54 (in nota) ; MIQ. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. I p. 81 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 134. HAB. Taihoku, Kotosho, Bankinsing. DISTEIB. Japan. 9. Vitis Labrusca LINN. Sp. PL ed-2, p. 293 ; WILLD. Sp. PL I. p. 1181 ; DC. Prodi-. I. p. 634 ; PLANCH, in DC. Monogr. Phaiierog. V-2, pp. 324 et 331 ; MIQ. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. I. p. 93 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 134; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 28; var. Thunbergii FRANCH. et SAVAT. Enum. PL Jap. I. p. 134, (in not.) ; ITU et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutcli. p. 379 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 92. AMP-ELIDE.E 149 Vitis Tlmnbcrgii SIEB. ot Zucc. FL Jap. Fain. Nat. I. p. 198 ; PLANCH. iu DC. Mouogr. Phanerog. V.-2, pp. 333 et 611 ; PALIBIN Conspect. Fl. Korese I. p. 56. Vitis Labnisca THUNB. Fl. Jap. p. 103 ; FRANCH. et SAVAT. Enum. PL Jap. I. p. 134 ; ENGL. iu Bot. Jahrb. VI. p. 00. HAB. Koshun, T;iitoii, Fuki, Sliajo, Kekmg, Taihoku. DlSTElB. Japan, northern China, Saghalien, northern America. 10. Vitis lanata ROXB. Fl. Ind. I. p. 660 ; LAWS, in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Lid. I. p. 651 ; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 53 ; PLANCH, in DC. Monogr. Phaue- rog. V. p. 328 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Tiul. Fl. Sin. I. p. 134 ; HENRY List PI. Fornios. p. 28 ; Pro et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 380 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euuin. PL Fornios. p. 92. Vitis Heyneana Rrit. Ind. I. p. 098 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 143 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XH. (1886) p. 435; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lntcli. p. 390; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. Fl. Fonnos. p. 98. Daln/mpka pomifera ROXB. Fl. Ind. I. p. 633. HAB. Tamsui, Knsshaku, Bankiusiug. DISTRIB. In the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia; .Japan, Hongkong, southern China, India. Sabiacese. Conspectus of ihe Formosan Genera. (1) Stamens 4-5, all perfect and equal Sabia. 1 Stamens 5, very unequal Mdlosmn. 2 1. Sabia COLEBR, Sabia Swinhoei HEMSLEY in FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 144 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 29 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Ennm. PI. Formos. p. 98. I saw the specimen at Kew ; but the species is not yet represented in our Governmental collections. DISTRIB. Central China. SABIACE.E. 161 2. Jtteliosma BLUME. Dicliotomous Key to tlte Formosan Species. (1) Leaves simple. (2) Leaves compound M. rhoifolia. (2) Leaves lanceolate or obkmg, acuminate on both ends, elougately petioled, flowers more laxly arranged on the compound raceme M. squamidata. Leaves oblanceolate, petioles shorter, flowers much denser. . . M. ricjida. Meliosma rhoifolia MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. VI. p. 262; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl Sin. I. p. 140; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 29; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 98. HAB. Tamsui. DISTRIB. An endemic plant. Meliosma rigida SIEB. et Zucc. ; MAXIM, in ENGL. Bot. Jahrb. VI. p. 60 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 145 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 29 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 99. Mdiosma pwigens HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. H. p. 4. HAB. Keluug. DISTRIB. Japan, Himalaya. Meliosma squamulata HANCE in Journ. Bot. (1876) p. 364; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. FL Sin. T. p. 146 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 29 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 99 ; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa, p. 71. Arbour, branches ciueraseent, more or less lenticellate, glabrous. Leaves simple, long petiolate, coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, 10-12 cm. long, 3|- 4| cm. broad, acuminate or caudate at the apex, attenuate at the base, quite glabrous and polished above, pallid or glaucous beneath, under microscope minutely lepedote and pubescent, primary veins arcuate, anastomosing at the extremities, petioles nearly 7 -8 cm. long. Flowers white, racemosely panicu- late. Panicles erect, 15 cm. long, 5 cm. broad, branches slender, 5-6 cm. long, 162 ANAC ARDIACE3E. lateral branches divaricate, covered by ferrugineous hairs, bracts and brac- teoles minute, scaly, pedicels 1-3 mm. long. Sepals broadly rounded, near- ly 2 mm. broad, ciliolate on the margin. Petals 5, 3-larger ones broadly rounded, 3^ mm. long as broad, 2-smaller ones 1 mm. long, narrowed, 2- deutate at the apex, opposite the stamens. Stamens 2, filaments dilated, 2 mm. long. Staminodes 3, opposite larger petals, filaments very dilated. Disk small, irregularly dentate. Ovary glabrous, globose, 2 mm. long (including style) 2-celled. HA.B. Uraislia, South Cape. DISTRIB. Hongkong. Anacardiacese. Conspectus of Hie Formosan Genera. (1) Petals 0, calyx 5-parted, leaves alternate, compound Pialaria. 2 Petals exist. (2) (2) Leaves simple. (3) Leaves compound Rhus. 1 (3) Stamens 1-5 Mangifera. 3 Stamens 10 BucJianania. 4 1. JMtus LINN. Dichotomous Key to tJte Formosan Species. (1) Scandent shrubs. (2) Trees. (3) (2) Fruits glabrous R. Toaicodendron. Fruits beset with minute bristles R. intermedia. (3) Leaflets serrate R. semi-alata. Leaflets entire R. succeJanea. Rhus intermedia HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 73. Radicaut or voluble. Leaves tri-foliolate, nearly 30 mm. long (including petioles), petioles 9-10 cm. long, slightly hairly, as long as terminal leaflets, lateral ANACARDIACE/E. 163 leaflets oblong, acute, rounded at the base, oblique, 13 cm. long, shortly petiolu- late, petiolules 3 nun. long, terminal leaflets long petiolulate, petiolules 3 cm. long, blades oblong-ovate, acute or shortly acuminate at the apex, 15 cm. long, 7^ cm. broad, entire, costa and nerves pilose beneath, at last glabrous. Drupes broadly globose, compressed, shortly apiculate, 5 cm. broad as long, greenish or yellowish, covered with short setaceous hairs. HAB. Morrison. The present plant is in every respect very like Rhus Toxicodendron LINN., but differs from it in having densely bristled fruits. The species appears to be referable to Trichocarpese, on account of its bristled exocarpium. It is also to be referable to Veneuata3 by the meso- carpium and general characters of the fruit. The plant may better be placed between the two sections. Bristled fruits are sometimes found in the Japa- nese R. Toxicodendron, though they are not so conspicuous as in the Formosan species. Rhus semi-alata Muiui. ; DC. Prodr. II. p. b'7 ; ENGL. in DC. Monogr. Phanerog. IV. p. 380 ; FRANCHET PI. David, p. 78 ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. n. p. 10 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Iiid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 147 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 23 ; DIELS Fl. Ceutr. Chin. p. 433 ; PALIBIN Coiispect. Fl. Kore«) I. p. 60 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enuni. PI. Formos. p. 100. Rhus javanicum LINN. Sp. PI. ed-2, p. 380 ; LOUR. Fl. Cochinch. ed- WILLD. p. 228. HAB. Takow, Shintiku, Tofun, Shinkosho, Fuko, Shajo, Bankinsing. DISTRIB. East Himalaya, Khasia, Assam, China, Japan. Rhus succedanea LINN. ; DC. Prodr. H. p. 68 ; THUNB. Fl. Jap. p. 122 ; ROXB. Fl. Ind. H. p. 98 ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk, p. 69 ; WIGHT Ic. PI. Ind. Or. t. 560 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 16 ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. H. p. 12 ; FRANCHET PI. David. I. p. 79 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 146 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 29 ; DIELS Fl. Ceutr. Chin. p. 433 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 100. Rims succedanea LINN. var. japonica ENGL, in DC. Monogr. Phauerog. IV. p. 399 ; ITU et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 392. 164 ANACARDIACKE. Connarus jwjlandlfolius HOOK, et ARN. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 179. HAB. Taichu, Giran, Tensonpi, Okaseki, Bankinsing. DISTRIB. Japan, Himalaya, Java, central China. Rhus Toxicodendron LINN. (var. ?) ; ENGL. in DC. Monogr. Phanerog. IV. p. 393 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 148 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 30 ; DIELS Fl. Centi1. Chin. p. 433, (var.) ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 101. HAB. South Caps. DISTRIB. Japan, central China. 2, Fist acia LINN. Pistacia formosana MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 40; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 99, t. 9 ; HAYATA FL Mont. Formos. p. 74. HAB. Kasliiuro, Sooboonsha, Tanlang, Toseikaku, Kosliun, Ako. DISTRIB An allied species P. chincnsis BUNGE is found in central and northern China. 3. Mangifera LINN. Mangifera indica LINN. Sp. PL ed-2, p. 290 ; DC. Prodr. II. p. 63 ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 70 (in nota) ; ENGL. in DC. Monogr. Phanerog. IV. p. 198 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. FL Sin. I. p. 148 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 30 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 101. HAB. Eiugaryo, Goshoriu, Boryo, Toko, Hokuto, Maruyama, (No. 380), Takow, Baukinsing. DISTRIB. India, tropical Asia. 4. Buchaiiania EOXB. Buchanania arborescens BLUME Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. I. p. 183; MIQ. FL Ind. Bat. I.-2, p. 636 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 30 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 102. COEIAKELE. LEGUMINOSJE. 165 Buckanania lonyi/olia BLUME Mus. But. Lugd.-Bat. 1. p. 184, et MIQ. Fl. Lid. But. I.-2, p. 636. Buchanania bancana MIQ. " Fl. Ind. Bat. Suppl., p. 523." Buchanania florida SCHAUER « arlorescens ENGL. in DO. Monogr. Pliaiierog. IV. p. 186. HAB. Takow, South Cape, Baiikiiisiiig. DiSTE-iii. East India, Pliilippiues, Celebes, Java, Sumatra, Borneo. Coriarieae. Coriaria LINN. Coriaria intermedia MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XU. p. 62; MATSUM. et HAYATA Einun. PL Formos p. 102. HAJS. Suiteiryo, Shushugai, Goshorin, Girau ; Hachirisha, Holisha, Taikokei. Leguminosee. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. Papilionacese. Corolla papilionaceous. Petals irregular, imbricated, the uppermost (standard) outermost, the four others iu two opposite pairs. Stamens definite. (1) CsesalpinieEe. Petals imbricate, slightly unequal, the upper innermost in bud. Stamens definite. (38) Mimosese. Petals regular, valvate, usually united above the base. Stamens definite or indefinite. (41) (1) «) Stamens monadelphous. Pod dehiscent, not jointed. Leaves simple or digitately 3-foliolate Crotalaria. 1 l>) Stamens diadelphous. Pod usually dehiscent, not jointed. Leaves digitately or pinnately 3-foliolate, leaflets usually toothed. (2) c) Stamens diadelphous. Pod dehiscent, not jointed. Leaves piunately 5-foliolate, leaflets entire Lotus. LEGUMINOS.E. (/) Stamens ustudly diadelphous. Pod dehiscent, not jointed. Leaves iinpaiipinnate ; leaflets entire. (4) e) Stamens diadelphous or monadelphous. Pod jointed if more than 1- seeded. Leaves odd-pinnate. (8) /') Stamens diadelphous (the tenth abortive in Abrns). Pod dehiscent, not jointed. Leaves equally pinnate ; petiole ending in a tendril or bristle. (16) elow the stigma. (20) (19) Nodes of racemes not tumid. (20) Nodes of racemes tumid. (21) (20) Stamens diadelphous, stipules and bracts conspicuous persistent Dumasia. 26 Stamens moiiadelphous, stipules and bracts minute caducous Glycine. 27 (21) Petals very unequal. (22) Petals equal. (24) 168 LEGUMINOSJE. (22) Keel exceeding the wings and standard. (23) Standard exceeding the keel and wings Erythrina. 28 (23) Anthers dimorphous Mucima. 30 Anthers uniform Apios. 29 (24) Stamens diadelphons Gcihdia. 31 Stamens monadelphons. (25) (25) Upper lip of calyx projecting Canavalia. 33 Upper teeth of calyx not projecting Pnerar'm. 32 (26) Stigma oblique. (27) Stigma terminal. (29) (27) Keel spiral Phasedus. 34 Keel not spiral. (28) (28) Style filiformed Vigna. 35 Style flat upwards Pacltijrhizns. 36 (29) Petals very unequal in length Clitoria. 25 Petals equal in length. (30) (30) Pod flattish Doliclios. 38 Pod square, 4-wiuged Psopliocarpus. 37 (31) Ovules 3 or more. (32) Ovules 1-2. (34) (32) Pod Avith depressed lines between each seed. (33) (33) Seeds with a large grooved aril Atylosia. 40 Aril absent Cajanus. 39 (34) Leaves pinnate. Pod compressed WiyncJtofti'a. 41 Leaves digitate. Pod turgid Fkmingta. 42 (35) Leaves distinctly alternate Dalbergla. 43 Leaves opposite. (36) (36) Pod flat. (37) Pod round, subdrupaceous Eucliresta. 46 (37) Pod almost woody, wingless Ponyamict. 45 Pod thin, firm, winged down one or both sutures Derris. 44 (38) Leaves pinnate. (39) Leaves simple, mostly deeply 2-lobed Bauldnia. 52 LEGUMTNOS.E. 169 (39) Leaves ample, abruptly bipiimate. (40) Leaves simply pinnate. (39"). (39*)Petals 3 larger conspicuous, the other 2 very minute .... Lysidice. 51* Petals 5, subequal Cassia. 51 (40) Calyx-tube disciferous, turl)inate-campanulate Gledilcliia, 49 Calyx-tube disciferous very short. (40*) (40"~)Calyx-limb nearly gamosepalous campanulate, teeth 5 EryfJtroplilceum. 53 Calyx-limb not campanulate, segments more or less broader. (40**) (40**)Calyx-disk sub-basal ; sepals imbricate CcBscdpima. 48 Calyx-disk sub-basal ; sepals valvate Polnciana. 50 (41) Stamens definite, usually ten. (42) Stamens indifinite. (44) (42) Anthers at first gland-crested Entada. 54 Anthers not gland-crested (43) (43) Pod ligulate continuous Leuccena. 56 Pod jointed Mimosa. 55 (44) Stamens free Acacia. 57 Stamens monadelphous. (45) (45) Pod thin, ligulate, the sutures not thickened Allrizzia. 58 Pod circinate Pitliecolobium. 59 1. Crotalaria DILL. Dichotomom Key to the Formosan Species, (1) Leaves simple or 1-foliolate. (2) Leaves at least 3-foliolate. (12) (2) Leaves obovate, retused at the apex C. retusa. Leaves, obtuse, acute or rounded, never retuse. (3) (3) Leaves larger rhomboid, cuueate at the base C. vcrrucosa. Leaves smaller, not cuneate at the base. (4) (4) Herbs very much smaller. Leaves oblong much rounded, rounded at the base. (5) 170 LEGUMINOSJE. Much larger. Leaves linear or lanceolate or obovate, attenuate at the base. (6) (5) Leaves rounded at the apex C. adcnlaris. Leaves more or less aristate at the apex C, similis. (6) Leaves linear, acute or acuminate at the apex. (7) Leaves obovate, spathulate or linear, obtuse at the apex. (8) (7) Pod linear, oblong. C. cahjdna. Pod oblong C. sessiliflora. (8) Pod long exserted from the calyx C. ferrnyinea. Pod slightly exserted from the calyx. (9) (9) Beset with brownish silky hairs C. Kcnecikamii. Slightly hairy, with soft thin hairs. (10) (10) Leaves linear. (11) Leaves obovate or spathulate 0. formosftna. (11) Pod slightly exserted from the calyx C. lini/oliit. Pod much more exserted C. (ill'ulo. (12) Leaflets ovately obtriangular, truncate at the apex, or slightly emargiuate C. Trifdiastriim. Leaflets obovate, acute or emargiuate. (13) (13) Leaflets oblong or obovate, obtuse at the apex or minutely apiculate C. dUptica. Leaflets obovate, emargiuate at the apex, cuneate at the base. C. striata. Crotalaria acicularis HAM. ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Tnd. IT. p. 68 ; HAYATA Mater. Fl. Formos. p. 7*2. HAB. Banchoryo. DISTRIB. Java, Philippines, India. Crotalaria albida HEYXE in " Ptora, Nov. p. 333 "; DC. Prodr. II. p. 12G : BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 74 ; BAKER iu HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 71 ; FOEBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 150 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 30; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PI. Formos. p. 102. HAB. DISTRIB. Throughout tropical sea-shores. LEGUMINOS.E. 171 Crotalaria calycina SCHRANK DC. Prodr. H. p. 120 : BEXTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 74 ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Tud. IT. p. 72 ; FORBES et HEMSL. lud. Fl. Sin. I. p. 151 ; HENRY List PL Forinos. p. 30 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 102. HAB. DISTRIB. Tropical Asia, Africa and Australia. Crotalaria elliptica ROXB.; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 130 ; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 72. Scandent, pubescent, branched, flexuose. Leaves trifoliolate, pubescent, petiolate, petioles 3 cm. long, longer than leaflets, leaflets subsessile, terminal one longer than the lateral ones, oblong or obovate, retused or minutely mucrouate, 3 cm. long, 2 cm. broad. Spikes axillary on the upper branchlets, 7-8 cm. long, pedun- culate. -Flowers G mm. long, pedicellate, pedicels 3 mm. long. Calyx base minutely 2-bracteate, (bracts subulate), campauulate 3 mm. long, 5-lobate, lobes as long as the tube, triangular, acute, 1| mm. long, 1 mm. broad, pubes- cent. Standard orbicular, clawed, (blade 5 mm. long, carinate outside at the middle, claws ll mm. long) villose inside, strongly reflexed above the claw, 2-callose ; wings obovate, G mm. long ; keel incurved 7 mm. long, rostrate. Ovary sfcipitate, (stalk 1] mm. long), 2-ovulate, villose, style abruptly in- flexed at the middle, more or less longitudinally barbate inside on the upper portion. Stamens connate. Legumeii pedicellate, nodding, pressiugly villose, obovate or globose 6 mm. long, 4 mm. broad, obliquely inflated at the apex, (style rostrate), 2-seeded. HAB. Ako : Kotansho. Near G. Trlfdiastrum WILLD. ; but differs in having much larger obovate folioles and larger flowers. Crotalaria furruginea GRAH. ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. lud. H. p. G8 ; HANCE in Jourii. Bot. (1882) p. 4 ; FORBES et HEMSL. lud. Fl. Sin. I. p. 151 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 30 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 103. HAB. Pachina, Shintiku, Taito, Snibi. 172 LEGUMINOSJ2. DISTRIB. Widely distributed in India, and extending to the Malay Archipelago and to the Loo-choo islands. Crotalaria formosana MATSUM. in ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 395 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euuin. PI. Formos. p. 103 ; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 74. HAB. Shokwa, Tainan, Tappansha. Closely resembles C. linifolia LINN. ; probably a form of it. Crotalaria Kawakamii HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 73. Ferrugiueo-liirsute or tomeutose, erect, branched, 40-50 cm. long. Leaves alternate, oblong-linear, ferrugiiieo-tomentose, sessile, 2 cm. long, 4 mm. broad, glandulose beneath, long hispid on the costa as well as on the margin. Flowers solitary, axillary or terminal. Calyx campannlate, 1 cm. long, 2-bracteate at the base, (bracts subulate 0 mm. long), 5-fid, lobes lanceolate, long flavido-ferr.ugineo-strigose. Pods inflated, oblique, oblong, 13 mm. long, 5 mm. broad, glabrous. HAB. Taiclm. Very near C. ferruglnea ; but differs in having smaller, narrower and more strigose leaves and much smaller pods. Crotalaria linifolia LINN. ; DC. Prodi-. II. p. 128 ; BAKER in HOOK, f . Fl. Brit. Ind. H. p. 72 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 151. HAB. Taito, Suibi ; Girau. DISTRIB. Tropical Asia, the Philippines and to Australia. Crotalaria retusa LINN. ; DC. Prodr. II. p. 125 ; HOOK, et ARN. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 180; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 74; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. H. p. 75 ; Bot. Mag. t. 2561 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. 8111. I. p. 152 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enuin. PI. Formos. p. 103. HAB. Hozan. DISTRIB. Tropical Asia, Australia, Africa and America. Crotalaria sessiliflora LINN. ; DC. Prodr. II. p. 129 ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 73 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 152 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 103. LEGUMIXOS.E. 173 HAD. Taito, Suibi, Bioritsu, Sliiutiku. DISTBIB. India, Malaya, Japan and the Philippines. Crotalaria similis HEMSL. Auu. Bot. IX. p. 152 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euuin. PI. Formes, p. 103 ; HAYATA Mater. Fl Formos. p. 74. HAB. Koshun : Garaubi. A very small herb, procumbent at the base, the erect portion nearly 8 cm. long ; leaves secuud, turning to one side, villoiis above, silky below, ovate or even round, 8 mm. long, 4-5 mm. broad, very approximately leafy along the whole length of the stem. Flowers terminal, solitary or a very few, sepals lanceolate, pod black, nearly globular, 1 cm. long. Crotalaria striata DC. Prodr. IT. p. 131 ; BAKEU in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 84; HANCE in Jourii. Bot. (1879), p. 10; Bot. Mag. t. 3200; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 153 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euuui. PL Formos. p. 103. HAB. Tainan, Ako. DISTRIB. Tropical Asia, Africa and America. Crotalaria Trifoliastrum WLLLD.; WIGHT Ic. PL Ind. Or. t. 421 ; MIQ. FL Ind. Bat. I. p. 344 ; BAKEU in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. H. p. 82 ; MATSUM. in ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 397 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euuin PL Formos. p. 104. HAB. Piuang. DISTEIB. India and Java. Crotalaria verrucosa LINN. ; DC. Prodr. It. p. 125 ; BAKEU in HOOK. f. FL Brit Ind. H. p. 77 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 153 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 104. HAB. Chikusansho, Pvingaryo, Taito, Hhifun, Shinko. DISTHIB. Tropical Asia, Africa, America. 2. Medicago LINN. DichotomoHs Key to the Formosan Species. Stipules laciniate or fimbriate, leaves quite glabrous M. denticulata. Stipules entire, leaves pubescent M. lupulina. 174 LEGUMINOS.E. Medicago denticulata WILLD. SP. PL III. p. 1-11-1; DC. Prodi. IT. p. 176; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. IT. p. 90; FUANCHET PL David. |). SO; FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 153; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Forinos. p. 104. HAB. Bokyo. DISTRIB. Generally diffused iii north temperate regions and naturalized in tlie southern regions. MedicagO lupulina LINN- ; DC. Prodi. II. p. 172 ; BEXTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 75 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 154 ; MAT.SUM. et HAYATA Fnuin. PI. Formos. p. 104. HAB. Tamsui. DISTRIB. Common in temperate and subtropical Asia and Eitrope. 3. Mclilotas Jrss. Melilotus parviflora DESF. ; DC. Proclr. H. p. 1S7 ; BAKER et S. MOORE in Jonrn. Linn. Soc. XVII. p. 381 ; FRANCHET PI. 1 >avid. p. 81 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 155 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Knuui. PL Fonaos. p. 101. HAB. Senton, Taipeh, Kelung, Sharyoto, Tamsui. DISTRIB. Coannon in Europe and Asia. 4. Tri folium Lixx. The genus is not represented in our flora. 5. Lotus Lixx. Lotus corniculatus Lixx. ; DC. Prodr. II. p. 211 ; " HANCE in Joum. But. (1882) p. 259 "; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 155 ; MAI-SUM, et HAYATA Enum. PI. Furmos. p. 104. HAB. DISTRIB. Common in Europe and Asia. 6. Ii id iff of 'era Lixx. Dichotomous Key to the For-iiLoaan Species. Leaves simple linear Indigofera limfolici. LEGUMIXOR;E. 175 Leaves compound (7. trifoliatci. (1) Leaves trifoliolate. (7. glandulifera. Leaves pinnate, leaflets more than three. (2) (2) Plant ferrugiueo -hirsute /. Idrsutn. Plant quite or nearly glabrous or slightly pubescent. (3) (3) Leaflets larger, oblong, 5 cm. long 7. kotcensis. Leaflets smaller, oblong, less than 2.] cm. (4) (4) Pod linear, 5 cm. long, straight /. venulosa. Pod lineal1, 2] cm. long. (5) /r, I'll (7. tinctoria* (5) Pod nearly straight 1 1 7. peseudchtinctoria. Pod strongly recurved 7. Anil. Indigofera Anil LINN. DC. Prodr IT. p. 225 ; BENTS. Fl. Hongk. p. 77 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 15G ; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Fnum. PI. Formos. p. 104. TTAl;. Tamsui, Taihoku, Shintiku, Hozan, Shintengai, Kussha.ku. PISTRIB. Common in tropical Africa, and some part of Asia. Indigofera decora LINDL. ; WALP. Ann. I. p. 230 ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 77 ; Bot. Mag. t. 50f>3 ; FOIJBES et HEMSL. Tnd. Fl. Sin. I. p. 15(5 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 104. HAB. DISTRIB. Japan. Indigofera glandulifera HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 74. Base shrubby, slender, glabrous or pubescent, many- branched. Leaves trifoliolate, petiolate, petioles 5 mm. long, folioles sessile or shortly petioliilate, oblong-obovate or ol lanceolate, rounded or shortly mucrouate at the apex, base narrowed, 1 cm. long, 4 mm. broad, adpressiugly pubescent on both sides, glandulously punctate beneath. Flowers small, 3 mm. long, clustered at the axils. Calyx pubescent, 2} mm. long, 5-fid, lobes linear, 2 mm. long. Petals pubescent outside ; standard obovate 3 mm. long, 1-.J- mm. broad, narrowed * The distinction between I. tlncforla ami J. pseudo-tuwtorin is not very clearly observed in the Formosan species. 170 LEGUMINOSJE. at the base ; wings narrowed, 3 mm. long ; keel slightly incurved, rounded at the apex, 3 mm. long, ciliolate on the upper side. Ovary cylindrical, 1-i mm. long. Pod linear, slightly complauate, tetragonous in section, 4-winged, 12 mm. long, 14- mm. broad. HAE. Ako ; Taito, Hiuan. Near I. trifdliata, but differs in having 4-wiuged legumeu and gland- dotted leaves, which are more conspicuously dotted on the under surface. Indigofera hirsuta LINN. ; DC. Prodr. II. p. 2-28 ; BEXTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 76 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. FL Bin. I. p. 157 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 104. HAB. Hozan, Soolxmshn, Sensoleisho. DISTRIB. Widely distributed in tropical Asia, Africa, America and Australia Indigofera kotoensis HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 75. Shrubby, branches fulvo-ciuerasceut, lenticellate, branchlets straight, subtetrago- nous or subterete, slightly pubescent or subglabrous, remotely foliate. Leaves imparipinnate, oblong-linear in outline, 18 cm. long, 8 cm. broad, thinly pubescent, lateral leaflets equally long, 5-6 on each side, terminal one oblong, 5i cm. long, 2 cm. broad, obtuse at the apex, shortly arisfcate at the extremity, obtuse at the base, quite entire, thinly chartaceous or membra- naceous, veins slightly elevated above, inconspicuous beneath, depressingly pubescent above, petiolules 3 mm. long, petioles 2 cm. long, furrowed above, glaudulose, terminal leaflet larger than the lateral ones. Racemes terminal or axillary 8 cm. long, densely flowered, (peduncles 1 cm. long), bracts reduced to small ciliate teeth at the pulviuus. Flowers 9 mm. long, pubescent. Calyx broadly cam pauulate, very oblique, 1.1 mm. long on the upper side, but 3 mm. long on the lower side, 6-dentate ; standard rounded, rounded at the apex, 11 mm. long, 7.] -mm. broad, truiicately obtuse at the base; wings narrowed, 9 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, carinate on the back at the base ; keel broadly knife-shaped, 9 mm. long, 3i mm. broad, obtuse at the apex, broadly truncate at the base. Ovary glabrous. HAB. Kotosho, LEGUMINOSJ!. 177 Near Indigofera alropm'purea ROXB. ; but differs from it by the slightly curved pods and the very short bracts ruduced to ciliate teeth. The bracts of /. atropurpurea are very long, and much exceed flower-buds in length. Indigofera linifolia RETZ; DC. Prodr. H. p. 222; WIGHT Ic. t. 313; BENTH. Fl. Austral. II. p. 195 ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 92 ; TRIMEN Fl. Ceyl. II. p. 22 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 31 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 399 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 104. HAB. Beelonsau, Kilai, Takow. DISTRIB. India, Ceylon, Australia. Indigofera macrostachya VENT. DC. Prodr. II. p. 226; BAKER et S. MOORE in Journ. Linn. Soc. XVH. p. 381 ; FRANCHET PI. David, p. 82 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 157 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 104. HAB. DISTRIB. China. Indigofera tinctoria LINN. DC. Prodr. II. p. 224 ; BAKER in HOOK, f . Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 99 ; FRANCHET PI. David, p. 82 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 157 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA. Enum. PI. Formos. p. 104. HAB. Tamsui, Shiutikn. DISTRIB. Widely cultivated in the Tropics. Indigofera trifoliata LINN. ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 9G ; HANCE in Jouru. Bot. (1879,) p. 105 ; WIGHT Ic. PI. Ind. Or. t. 314 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 157 ; HAYATA Mater. Fl. Formos. p. 75. HAB. Koshim, Kotosho. DISTRIB. Through tropical Asia to northern Australia. Indigofera venulosa CHAMP.; WALP. Ann. IV. p. 487; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 77 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 158 ; HAYATA Mater. Fl. Formos. p. 76. HAB. Byoritsu, Daitosei, Horisha, Tochikoan. DISTRIB. China: Kiangsu, Kiaugsi, Chekiang, Hongkong; Corean Archi- pelago. 178 LEGUMINOS.E. OBSERV. A small shrub ; leaves imparipinuate, 3-4-juged ; pmnre re- motely opposite, stipellate, ovate, apiculate, 2 mm. long, 1 cm. broad, dark above, whitish below; flowers red, 1 cm. long, racemose; pod linear 5mm. long, 4 mm. broad, black, nearly straight or slightly incurved. 7. Tephrosia PERS. Tephrosia purpurea PERS. ; DC. Prodr. II. p. 251 ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 78 ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 112 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 158 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Ennm. PI. Formos. p. 105. HAB. Takow. DISTRIB. Common in the Tropics. 8. Millettia W. et ARN. Millettia reticulata BENTH. ; HANCE in Jonrn. Linn. Soc. XIH. p. 101 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 159 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 105. HAB. Senton, Taitou, Hoknto. DISTRIB. China. 9. Sesbania PERS. Sesbania segyptiaca PERS.; DC. Prodr. II. p. 264 ; WIGHT Ic. PI. Ind. Or. t. 32 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 162 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 105. HAB. Tarnsui, Pachina, Reigaryo, Takow. DLSTRIB. Common in the Tropics of the Old World. 10. Astragalus LINN. Astragalus sinicus LINN. ; KURZ in Jonrn. Bot. (1873), p. 193 ; Bot. Mag. t. 1350 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Iiid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 166 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 105. HAB. Pachina. DISTRTB. Japan. LEGUMINOS/E. 179 11. Ormocarpum Ii. BR. Ormocarpum glabrum TEIJSM. et BINN. ; Pro et MATSUM. Teiit. Fl. Lutcli. p. 408 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 106. HAB. Keluug. DISTUIB. 12- JEscliynomene LINN. ^Eschynomene indica LINN. ; DC. Prodr. II. p. 320 ; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 79 ; FRANCHET PI. David, p. 97 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 170 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PI. Formos. p. 106. HAB. Hatto, Taihoku, Pacliiiia, Keibi, Shiukogai. DISTRIB. Tropical Asia, Africa aud Australia. 13. Smithia AIT. Dichotomous Key to the Fonnosan Species. Calyx-segments rotuiidate, long ciliate S. Nayasaivai. Calyx-segments acute, not or slightly ciliate S. sensitiva. Smithia Nagasawai Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 76. Shrubby, ascendent, branches straight, slender, remotely branched, glabrous, striate, fusco-rubesceut, terete, branchlets slender, remotely foliate. Leaves alter- nate deciduous, pari-piiinate, broadly ovate in outline, 1} cm. long, with a seta on the apex, seta 3 mm. long, pinnse subopposite, 5-6-juged, linear- oblong, 1 cm. long, 2£ mm. broad, margin remotely ciliato-setulose, rounded and setulose at the apex, (seta f mm. long), strongly oblique at the base, acute on the upper side, roundly cordate on the lower side, glabrous above, remotely setulose on the costa beneath, (seta 1-} mm. long), petiolules short £ mm. long, upper pimise smaller than the lower ones, pimioo 2 mm. remote, exstipellate ; petioles 2-3 mm. long, petioles and rhaches narrowly winged, beneath beset with long sette, sete 2 mm. long, stipules membranaceous acutely ovate, 5 mm. long, inultiuerved, margin ciliato-serrulate, long auriculate at the base on the lower side, (auricles narrowed 2 mm. long) truncate at the 180 LEGUMINOSJE. apex, llacemes short, 3-5 mm. long, recurved, axillary near the apex of the brauchlets, pedunculate, peduncles 1-2 cm. long, pedicels ll mm. long, 1-bracteate at the base, (bracts hyaline ovately-narrowed, 3 mm. long, margin ciliately setose, very oblique), 2 bracteolate at the apex, bracteoles ovately acute, 5 mm. long, acute on both sides, setose on the margin, (setse 1^ mm. long), setulose outside, glabrous inside. Calyx 2-parted, upper-segment broadly ovate, plicate, 6 mm. long, 7-8 mm. broad, rotundately emargiuate at the apex, carinate at the middle, margin upwards ciliately setulose, entire downwards, multinerved, setulose outside on the cariua ; lower segment obovate, 6 mm. long, 3} mm. broad, ciliately setose, entire on the margin. Petals not known. Pods included within the calyx, 2 times spirally recurved, constricted between articles to the lower sutures, articles 7-8, obliquely broadly globose, 1} mm. broad, minutely irregularly maculately punctate, cariuate at the lower suture, upper suture rounded, lower suture straight or slightly incurved. Seeds reniformed, laterally compressed, H mm. broad, 1} mm. long. HAB. Kodensho. The present plant bears some resemblance to Smilkia ciliata HOYLE, from which it is distinguishable by the truncate rather round apex of the bracts. The bracts of S. ciliata are rather acute on the apex. Smithia sensitiva AIT.; DC. Prodr. II. p. 323 ; HANCE in Journ. Bot. (1878) p. 226 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. IX. p. 58 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Iiid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 170 ; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 106. HAB. Hikaku, Shintiku, Byoritsu, Taiharo. DISTRIB. Tropical Asia and Africa. 14, AracJiis LINN. Arachis hypogsea LINN.; MAT.SUM. et HAYATA. Euum. PI. Formos. p. 106. HAB. Sentou, Taihoku, Hozau. DISTRIB. South American plant ; cultivated in warm countries. LEGUMINOSJE. 181 15. Zot'tiia GMEL. Zornia diphylla PERS. ; BAKER ID HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Iiid. II. p. 147 ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 80 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XII. p. 436 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Iiid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 171 ; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Euum. PI. Formos. p. 106. HAB. Taito: Suibi. DISTRIB. Diffused all over the Tropics. 16. Desttiodiiun DESV. Dickotomous Key to the Formosan Species. a) Shrubs with woody branches, 3-foliolate leaves, flowers in dense sliort- ped uncled or sessile axillary umbels, minute deciduous bracts. (1) b) Shrubs with woody branches, 3-foliolate leaves, flowers umbellate, the umbels in long continuous rows and each hidden by a pair of per- sistent bracts. (2) c) Shrubs with woody branches, 3-foliolate leaves, long racemes, small bracts and long pendulous many- jointed pods. (3) d) Shrubs with 1-foliolate leaves, winged petioles, racemose flowers, minute bracts and acute keel. (4) e} Erect herbs or under-shrubs with large 1-3-foliolate leaves, flowers often 2 or several from a node in long racemes simple or panicled, deciduous bracts and distinctly jointed pods. (5) /) Trailing herbs, with \ small 3-foliolate stipellate leaves, flowers in sparsely lax racemes or 1-2 in the axils of the leaves, deciduous bracts and distinctly jointed pods. (11) g) Erect uuder-shrubs, with large leaves, racemose flowers and indistinctly jointed pods dehiscing in a continuous line along the ventral suture. (14) (1) Leaflets obovate obtuse or nearly rounded at the apex. ..D. umbellatum. Leaflets obovately oblong, acute at the apex D. Ceplialotes. (2) D. pulcliellum. (3) D. laburnifolium. (4) D. pseudo-triqiietrum. 182 LEGUMINO&E. (5) «) Joiuts of pod iudeliisceut, 3-5-times as long as broad. (6) /3) Joints of pod iudeliiscent, longer than broad, the lowest one distinctly stalked, the constrictions reaching from the lower nearly to the upper suture. (7) -(•} Joints of pod iudeliiscent, once or twice as long as broad ; upper suture straight < >r sliglitl}" indented ; calyx teeth deltoid, never exceeding the tube. All shrubby. (8) 8} Joints of pod as in the preceding, but the calyx-teeth narrower and longer. (9) £) Joints of pod small, as long as broad, sometimes splitting along the lower suture ; upper suture straight, lower slightly constricted. Calyx-teeth long. (10) (6) D. laxiflorum. (7) «) Corolla small, bracts linear minute, stalk of pod 3-4 times as long as the cal}~x, pedicels short, joints truncate at the apex D. podocarpum. /9) Corolla larger than. D. podoGarpum, joints obliquely produced at the apex D. laxum. /') Corolla small, bracts setaceous, minute, stalk of pod 8-12 times the calyx, pedicels moderately long, joints oblique or truncate at the apex D, Gardner i. (8) Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets repaiid, corolla small, bracts setaceous, joints many, small, clothed with minute hooked hairs. D. sinuatum. Leaflets entire, pedicels short, corolla large, bracts lanceolate, large, joints many, small, clothed with adpressed silky hairs D. florifundum. (9) Leaves 1-foliolate (9a) Leaves 3-foliolate D. formosanum. (9a) Leaves 1-foliolate, leaflets membranaceous or subcoriaceous, oblong, entire acute, glabrescent on the upper surface -D. gangeticum. Leaves 1-foliolate, leaflets ovate, thick, subcoriaceous, obscurely repaiid, hairy on the upper surface D. latifdlium. (10) D. polycarpum. LEGUMINOSJE. 183 (11) «) Flowers all 1-3 together without a common peduncle in the axils of the leaves D. triflorum. /3) Flowers some racemed, the others pedicelled in the axils of the leaves. (12) j-) Flowers all in lax racemes. (13) (12) Leaves 1-foliolate, leaflets broader than long, reuiform. . . D. reniforme. Leaves 3-foliolate, calyx-teeth and pedicels elongated. . . D. heterophyUum. (13) D. parvifolium. (14) Branches scarcely woody, terminal leaflet usually 4-6 times as long as broad, pod glabrescent or inconspicuously downy D. gyrans. Branches woody, and leaflets 2-3 times as long as broad, pod loosely but copiously pubescent D. gyroides. Species not mentioned in the Key. Very graceful, very slender, nearly filiformed, leaves simple, triangularly cordate, thinly chartaceous Z>. cjraciltimum. Desmodium Cephalotes WALL. ; BAKER et HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 161; HANCE in Journ. Bot. (1880), p. 260; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XII. p. 438 ; WIGHT Ic. PI. Ind. Or. t. 373 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 171 ; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Enura. PL Formos. p. 106. HAB. Takow. DISTRIB. Common in tropical Asia. Desmodium floribundum G. DON ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 167 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 172. HAB. DISTRIB. China and India. Desmodium formosanum HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 77. Branches nearly straight, albicant, dark-tomeutose remotely foliate. Leaves trifoliolate, broadly ovate in outline, 10 cm. long including petioles, 7 cm. broad, terminal leaflet oblong-obovate, 6J cm. long, 3| cm. broad, rounded at the apex, aristate at the extremity, (arista 4 mm. long) obtuse at the base, slightly cuueate, entire, depressingly pilose above, shortly villose be- 184 LEGUMINOS^:. neath, dark-tomentose on the costa and veins, costa and primary veins slightly above but prominently elevated lieneath, primary veins 12 on both sides, slightly curved reaching the margin, veinlets between veins obliquely trans- verse, petiolules very short, 2 mm. long, rhaches 1 cm. long, lateral leaflets equal oblong-elliptical slightly oblique at the base, roundly obtuse on the lower side, acute on the upper side, 4 cm. long, 2 cm. broad, petiolules 2 mm. long, stipels lanceolate-subulate, 4 mm. long, petioles li cm. long, villoso-tomentose, stipules subulate, slightly recurved, base suddenly dilate, 1 cm. long, 3 mm. broad, villosely tomentose outside, glabrous in- side. Flowers paniculately racemose, panicles 2 cm. long, 15 cm. broad, dark-tomentose, pedicels 3 mm. long, tomentose, bracts deciduous. Calyx 5- lobate, patent, 5| mm. long, lobes equal 4£ mm. long, 2 mm. broad, caudately ovate, cuspidately acuminate at the apex, pateiilly-tomentose, glabrous inside. Petals 5, nearly equal ; standard broadly rotundate, 74^ mm. long, 6£ mm. broad, emargiuate at the apex, broadly rotundate at the base, abruptly acute ; wings oblong, obtuse at the base, auriculate on the upper side, keel boat- shaped, rounded at the apex, base narrowed auriculate on the upper side, stamiual tube reddish, styles reflexed. HAB. Banchoryo : Juchori, by G. NAKAHARA, Oct. 1905, (No. 586). Near Desmodlum continuum DC. ; but differs from it in having smaller bracts which are rounded at the base, and also in smaller stipules. Desmodiutn gangeticum DC. Prodi*. II. p. 327 ; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 84 ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. n. p. 168 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XII. p. 443 ; WIGHT Ic. PI. Ind. Or. t. 271 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 172 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 107. HAB. Hozan. DISTRIB. Widely spread in tropical Asia and Africa. Desmoclium Gardner! BENTH. ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 165 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XH. p. 441 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 172 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PI. Formos. p. 107. HAB. DISTRIB. Indian Peninsula, Cej-lon and Japan. LEGUMINOS.E. 185 Desmodium gracillimum HEMSL. iu Ann. Bot. IX. p. 151 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 107. HAB. Takow. DISTRIB. An endemic plant. Desmodium gyrans DC. ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 33 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Emim. PI. Formos. p. 107. HAB. Shokwa. Desmodium gyroides DC. Proclr. TI. p. 32G ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Tud. 11. p. 175; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XII. p. 438; FORBES et HEMSL. Incl. Fl. Sin. I. p. 173 ; MATSUM. ot HAYATA Ennm. PL Formos. p. 107. HAB. DISTRIB. Common in India and Malaya. Desmodium heterophyllum DC. Prodr. IT. p. 334 ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 173; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XII. p. 445; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 107. HAB. Tamsni. DISTRIB. Tropical Asia and the Mascareue Islands. Desmodium laburnifolium DC. ; Prodr. II. p. 337 ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 1G3 ; S. MOORE iu Journ. Bot. (1875), p. 230 ; HANCE iu Journ. Bot. (1878), p. 9; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XII. p. 439; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 173 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PL Formos. p. 107. HAB. Pacliina. DISTRIB. Tropical India and Malaya. Desmodium latifolium DC. Prodr. II. p 328 ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 168 ; WIGHT Ic. PL Ind. Or. p. 270 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Tud. Fl. Sin. I. p. 173 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PL Formos. p. 107. HAT.. DISTRIB. In tropical Africa and Asia to the Philippines. Desmodium laxiflorum DC. Prodr. H. p. 335 ; BAKER in HOOK. f. 186 LEGUMINOSJE. Fl. Brit. Ind. IT. p. 164; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XII. p. 440; FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 173 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Ermm. PI. Formos. p. 107. HAB. DISTRIB. India, Malaya, the Philippines. Desmodium laxum DC. Prodi-. II. p. 336 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 415 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Ermm. PI. Formos. p. 107. HAB. Pachina, Hikaku, Shizaugan, Kusshaku, Shiuteugai. DISTRIB. Desmodium parvifolium DC. Proclr. II. p. 334 ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 174; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 84 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 174 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Eniim. PI. Formos. p. 107 ; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 74. • HAB. Taito : Kalai, Suizau, Mt. Morrison. DISTRIB. Widely distributed in India, Malay, and through central and southern China eastward to Japan. Eesmodium podocarpum DC. Prodr. II. p. 33G ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 1G5 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XIT. p. 440 (non HOOK, et ARN.) ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 174 ; HAYATA Mater. Fl. Formos. p. 79. HAB. Shintiku, Tailiei. DISTRIB. North India, Maudshuria, Loo-choo and Japan. Desmodium polycarpum DC. Prodr. II. p. 334 ; HOOK, et ARN. Bot. Beech. Yoy. p. 180; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 84; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 171 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XII. p. 433 ; WIGHT Ic. PI. Ind. Or. t. 406 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 175 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 107. HAB. Kelung, Kagi, Shukukosho. DISTRIB. Tropical Asia, Polynesia, Japan. Desmodium pseudo-triquetrum DC. Prodr. II. p. 326 ; MATSUM in ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 413 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA _Euum. PI. Formos. p. 107. LEGUMINOS.E. 187 HAB. Taito, Kilai. DISTRIB. Desmodium pulchellum BENTIT. Fl. Hongk. p. 83 ; BAKER iu HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 162 ; MAXIM, iu Mel. Biol. XII. p. 438 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Lad. Fl. Sin. I. p. 17'2 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enuru. PL Fonnos. p. 107. HAB. Taito. Hozan. DISTRIB. Tropical Asia and the Philippines. Desmodium reniforme DC. ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 173 ; HENRY List PL Fonnos. p. 33 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enuin. PI. Fonnos. p. 107 ; HAYATA Mater. Fl. Fonnos. p. 79. HAB. Banchoryo. DISTRIB. India and Java. OBSERV. A^ery slender scandent herb ; leaves broadly reuiforuied, 1^ cm. long, 2-]- cm. broad, glaucous beneath, membrauaceous, stipules subulate, scaly, 5 nun. long ; flowers on very long and slender racemes, very loosely arranged, very small, nearly 3 mm. long, shortly pedicelled. Desmodium sinuatum 131. ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 116 ; HENRY List. PL Formos. p. 394 ; MATSUM et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 108. HAB. Hikaku, Washa, Shinteiigai. DISTRIB. All over the Tropics. Desmodium triflorum DC. Prodr. II. p. 334 ; BENTII. Fl. Hougk. p. 83 ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 173 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XII. p. 444 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 176 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 108. HAB. Taihoku, Pachina, Hozan. DISTRIB. All over the Tropics. Desmodium umbellatum DC. Prodr. 11. p. 325 ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. H. p. 161 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XII. p. 438 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 177; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PL Formos. p. 108. 188 LECiUMINO&E. HAB. Pachina. DlSTliiB. Tropical Asia, Polynesia and the Mascarene Islands. 17. Pycnospora 11. BE. Pycnospora hedysaroides U- BR, ; BENTIL FL Hongk. p. 91; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 153; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 177; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 108. HAB. DlSTlilB. Tropical Asia, Australia and the Philippines. 18. l~raria DESV. Dicliotomous Key f<> tlie Formosan Species. Leaves 5-7-foliolate. (1) Leaves 1-3-foliolate. (2) • (1) Leaflets elliptical, ovate or elongately elliptical ......... Leaflets linear, coloured (2) Heads short, dense, oblong-cylindrical, lower calyx-teeth elongated ................................... lrr ihe. Form-own Species. (1) Leaves linear ..................................... A. Leaves Ijroadly oblong ............................... A. vaginal!*. Alysicarpus bupleurifolius DC. Prodr. II. p. 352; BENTH. 11. Hongk. p. 81 ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 188 ; FORBID et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 178; M.VT.SUM. et HAYA.TA Enuin. PI. Forinos. ]>. 103; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 79. HAB. Ako, Kotansho. DlSTRiB. Hongkong ; tropical Asia, the Mascarene islands and Polynesia. A shrubby herb, 40-50 cm. long, decumbent, many-branched ; leaves alternate, linear, 5 cm. long, 2-3 mm. broad, shortly petioled, stipules sheath- like lanceolate, scaly ; calyx l!-7 mm. long, deeply lobed, lobes lanceolate, scaly ; pods long, 1.} cm. 2 cm. long, 5 jointed, cut into each joint when ripy. 190 LEGUMINOS^E. Alysicarpus vaginalis DC. Prodr. II. p. 353 ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 80 ; BAKER iu HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Lid. IT. p. 158 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Siu. I. p. 179 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 109. HAB. Tamsui, Shiusho, Bioritsu, Hakkoko. DISTRIB. Tropics of the Old World. 21. Lespcdeza MICHIX. Dichotomoits Key to the F&rmosan Species. (1) Scaudent or nearly scaudent. (2) Erect shrubs (3) (2) Flowers axillary, clustered Lespedeza cJtinensis. Flowers in long racemes Lespedeza virgafa. (3) Flowers in axillary clusters (4) \ / •/ \ / Flowers in long racemes. (5) (4) Stipules very small, leaves obovately linear L. juncea. Stipules large, ovate, leaves obovate L. stricda. (5) Flowers long pedicelled on the racemes L. )navrovarp (2) Pods 4- seeded .................................. Vicifi Idmsperma. Pods more than 4- seeded. (3i (3) Leaflets smaller, cuneate or linear, einarginate and aristate at the apex. ........................ (4) Leaflets larger, lanceolate, obtuse at the apex, very shortly aristate. .... ............. Vina Crocca. (4) Leaflets olx)vate, cuneate. ............................. Vicia, saliva. Leaflets linear ................................... Vicia angmtifd'w. Vicia angustifolia UOTH. ; FRANDHET PL David, p. 98 ; FORBES et LEGUMINOSJE. 193 HEMSL. lud. Fl. Sin. I. p. 184 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 109. HAB. Gyakalon. DISTKIB. Europe, North Africa, and Asia. Vicia Cracca LINN. ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 184 ; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 81. Scandent, greenish, glabrous, striate. Leaves sessile, alternate, 12 cm. long, 5 cm. broad, pinnate, 7-9 juged, cirr- hate at the apex, tendrils 3-fid, pinuje lauceolatelj linear, 2£ cm. long, 5 mm. broad, rounded on both ends, shortly aristate at the apex, petiolnles pubescent, rhachis glabrous, lowest pinnae reflexed, stipules lanceolate, pubes- cent, 6 mm. long. Flowers spicate, spikes axillary, 10 cm. long, floriferous up- wards from the middle. Flowers 13 mm. long, pedicels 2 mm. long. Calyx tubuliformed, oblique at the base, gibbose above, 5-dentate, tube 3 mm. long, equally broad, teeth 2-upper ones shortest, broadest, 2- side- ones cuspidate, 1| mm. long, lowest tooth linear, 2 mm. long. Standard ovate, 13 mm. long, 6 mm. broad, base not clawed, emarginate at the apex ; wings 14 mm. long, clawed, claws G mm. long, linear, blades narrowed, 9 mm. long, 2^ mm. broad, rounded at the apex, auriculate at the base on the upper side ; keel much shorter than wings, boat-shaped, clawed, 6 mm. long, blades 4 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, truncate at the apex, auriculate at the base on the upper side. Ovary long stipitate (stalks 3 mm. long), 6-seeded. HAB. Taito. DISTRIB. Europe, North Africa, Asia, and North America. Vicia hirsuta KOCH ; FRANCHET PL David, p. 99 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 184 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PL Formos. p. 109. HAB. Shokwa. DISTRIB. Europe, North Africa and Asia. Vicia sativa LINN.; DO. Prodr. n. p. 360; HANCE in Joum. Bot. (1883), p. 297; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 185; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PL Formos. p. 109. HAB. Boryo. 194 LEGUMINOSJE. DBTRIB. A native of the Mediterranean region ; widely colonized every- where through cultivation. Vicia tetrasperma MCENCH.; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 185 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 109. HAB. Heichosho. DISTRIB. Europe, Africa and Asia ; Japan. 23. Pisum LINN. Pisum sativum LINN.; Pro et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 419; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 109. HAB. Tamsui (cultivated). DISTRIB. 24. Abrns LINN. Abrus precatorius LINN. ; DC. Prodr. H. p. 381 ; HOOK, et ARN. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 181 ; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 92 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 187 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 109. HAB. Tainan, Takow. DISTRIB. All over the tropics. 25. Clitoria LINN. Clitoria Ternatea LINN. ; DC. Prodr. II. p. 233 ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 208; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 188; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 112. HAB. Takow, Hozan, Tainan. DISTRIB. Common in tropical countries. 26. Dnmasta DC. Dumasia bicolor HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 75. Herb voluble entirely pubescent. Leaves Tricolour, pubescent, pinnately 3-foliolate, 12 cm. broad, 18 cm. long, long petioled, petioles base iucrassate, 9 cm. long, lateral leaflets shortly petiolulate, petiolules 3 mm. long, blades roundly ovate, «base truncate or acute, rounded at the apex, minutely aristately mucronate, 3- LEGUMINOSJC. 195 • nerved, terminal leaflet long petiolnlate, (petiolules 2| cm. long), blade ovate, base acute, larger, 6| cm. long, 4-J cm. broad, stipules setaceous, stipels filiformed, minute, sometimes upper leaves simple. Flowers arranged on a axillary racemes which are 10 cm. long, bracts small, narrowed, bracteoles minute. Calyx-tube cyliudraceous, 9 mm. long, base gibbose on the back, mouth strongly oblique, truncate, acute on the front. Standard obovate, emarginate at the apex, 14 mm. long, 7 mm. broad, broadly uiiguiculate, blade as long as the claw, iuflexed backwards above the middle, base auricled and narrowed reaching the claw ; wings long unguiculate, 14 mm. long, blades oblong, claws linear, 2-times as long as the blades, adherent to the keel ; keel shorter than wings, obtuse. Stamens, one free, others connate ; anthers uniformed. Ovary villose, substipitate, stalk 1 mm. long ; style filiformed, erect, dilate above the middle, indexed towards the apex, subulate, beardless, stigma terminal. Pod subsessile, villose, always 1-seeded. HAB. Suixaii, Morrison. The present plant is, in all respects, like 1). villcsa DC. But in this species, the seed is always one in each pod and the standard has a dis- tinct spurs on both sides of the lamina. Accordingly, I think the plant is specifically separable from D. villosa DC. The leaves of the specimen, upon which the above description is based, are of a thinly hairy form. Here is another form with villose leaves which are much smaller than the leaves of the other form. The villose form seems to be a young stage of the other. 27, Glycine LINN. Dicliolomom Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Erect, leaflets rhomboid Glycine Idspida. Scandeut, leaflets linear, lanceolate or oblong. (2) (2) Pubescent hirsute or nearly glabrous. Leaflets of the lowest leaves short and broad, of the upper ones ovate-lanceolate, lanceolate or almost linear G. tabacina. Softly tomentose or villous. Leaflets ovate or oblong, all obtuse. . G. tomentosa. 196 LEGUMIXOSJE. Glycine hispida MAXIM, in Mel. Bid. IX. p. 70 ; FRANCE, ct SAY. Enum. PI. Jap. I. p. 108 ; FRANCHET PL David, p. 100 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 188; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enuin. PL Formos. p. 109. HAB. Hozan Shintiku. DISTRIB. cultivated in Asia. Glycine tabacina BENTH. FL Austral. II. p. 244 ; WALT. Ann. VII. p. 780 ; HANCE in Journ. Bot. (1878), p. 165 ; EORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 189; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 109. HAB. DISTRIB. Very widely diffused in Australia. Glycine tomentosa BENTH. Fl. Austral. H. p. 245 ; WALT. Ann. VII. p. 780 ; HANCE in Journ. Bot. (1878), p. 105 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. FL Sin. I. p. 189 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 109. HAB. Shintiku, Byoritsu. DISTRIB. Philippines, southern China and eastern Australia. 28- Ei'ythi'itia LINN. Erythrina indica LAM. ; DC. Prodr. II. p. 412 ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. H. p. 188; FORBES et HEMSL. Incl. Fl. Sin. I. p. 179; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 110. HAB. Kotosho, Shitiku, Toseikaku, Hozan, Boryo. DISTRIB. In Tropical Asia, and cultivated in other countries. 29. Apios Mffixcn. Apios Fortunei MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. IX. p. 67 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 189 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 111. * HAB. DISTRIB. Japan. 30, JIticuiia ADANS. DichototnoKs Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Pod smaller, 10 cm. in length, 6-ribbed H. capitata. Pod very much larger, longer than 40 cm M. ferrugima. LEGUMINOSJS. 197 Mucuna capitata WALP. et ARN. ; MIQ. Fl. Iiid. Bat. I. p. 212 ; MIQ. Prul. p. 240 ; FRANCH. et SAV. Eniun. PL Jap. I. p. 109 ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 187 ; MATSUM. iu ITO et MATSUM. Teut. Fl. Lutch. p. 420 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Eimrn. PL Formos. p. 110. HAB. Taito: Eilai. DISTRIB. Mucuna ferruginea MATSUM. iu ITO et MATSUM. Teut. Fl. Lutch. p. 422 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euuui. PI. Formos. p. 110. HAB. Suiteiryo. DISTRIB. 31. Galactia P. BR. Key to the Fonuosan Species. (1) Leaves fleshy roundly obovate or uearly rounded. Galactia Tashiroi. Leaves thinner, oblong G. fonitosana. Galactia formosana MATSUM. in ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 424 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Forinos. p. 110. HAB. Taito. DISTRIB. An endemic plant. Galactia Tashiroi MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XII. p. 446 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 191 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 110. HAB. Kotosho. DISTRIB. Loo-choo. 32. Ptieravla DC. Dichotonious Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Stipule peltately affixed produced under the insertion, lobes of the calyx longer than the tube. Logumen complanate, broader. Pueraria Thmberyiana. 198 LEGUMINOS#;. Stipule not produced beyond the insertion. Legumeii narrowed, sub- terete pilose Pueraria pliascoloidcs. Pueraria phaseoloides BENTH. in Journ. Linn. Soc. IX. p. 125 ; HANCE in Jouru. Linn. Soc. XIII. p. 102 ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 199 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 190 ; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Enuni. PI. Forinos. p. 111. HAB. DlSTfilB. Widely diffused in tropical Asia. Pueraria Thunbergiana BENTH. in Journ. Linn. Soc. IX. p. 122 ; HANCE in Jouru. Bot. (1874), p. 259, et in Journ. Linn. Soc. XIII. p. 102 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 191 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enuin. PL Formos. p. 111. HAB. Kelimg, Shintiku, Kussbaku, Shintengai. DISTRIB. Common in Japan. 33. Canavalia ADANS. Dichotomous Key to the Fonnosan Species. (1) Leaves or leaflets usually einargiuate C. lincafa. Leaves or leaflets acute or obtuse. (2) (2) Leaflets usually acute C. ensifonnis. Leaflets obtuse C. obtiisifolia. (The distinction of the above three species is not always very clear). Canavalia ensiformis DC. Prodr. II. p. 404; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind, II. p. 195 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 192 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 110. HAB. DISTBIB. Generally diffused in the tropics. Canavalia lineata DC. Prod. H. p. 404 ; MATSUM. in ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 425 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 110. HAB. Boryo. DISTRIB. Tropical sea-shores. LEGUMINOS.E. 199 Canavalia obtusifolia DC. Prodr. II. p. 404; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Incl. II. p. 196 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 192 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euura. PI. Formos. p. 110. HAB. Keluugto, Suitenkwa, Tamsui, Agiucort. DISTRIB. Common on tropical sea-shores. 34. Phaseolus LINN.* Dicliotomous Key to tlie Formosan Species. (1) Pod elongately oblong flattened 8 cm. long, 3 cm. broad, acute at both ends, shortly rostrate at the apex, thinly velntiuons, leaves rhom- boidal, acuminate towards the apex, obtuse at the very tip. Pliawolus lunatns. (2) Pod linear terete or complanate, nearly C cm. long. 6 mm. broad, leaves various. (3) (3) Erect herb P. radiatm var. typica. Scandent herbs. (4) (4) Stem nearly glabrous much slender, leaves much smaller, slightly pubescent P. irilobits. Stem hirsute, best with long reflexecl hairs, much stouter, leaves much larger, hispid above, pubescent beneath . P. Mungo. Phaseolus lunatus LINN.; DC. Prodr. II. p. 393 ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Lid. II. p. 200 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XII. p. 6.1 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Fuum. PI. Formos. p. 111. HAB. Taichu. DISTRIB. Phaseolus Mungo LINN; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 111. HAB. • DISTRIB. * Species belonging to this genus find Viyna are rather confounded in the Formosan plants. It is much to be desired that a careful revision on these two genera should be done with perfect materials. 200 LEGUMINOS.E. Phaseolus radiatus LINN. var. typica D. PRATN ; MATSUM. in ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 427 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Eunm. PI. Formos. p. 111. HAB. cultivated. DISTRIB. Phaseolus trilobus AIT.; MATSUM. iu ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lntch. p. 427; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euiim. PI. Formos. p. 111. HAB. Hikaku. DISTRIE. 35, 1 ff/na SAY. Dichotommis Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Plants nearly glabrous or pubescent. (2) Plants hispid with long hairs. (4) (2) Leaflets ovate, rounded or emargiiiate at the apex, or rhomboidal al- ways rounded or obtuse at the apex Vigna httea. Leaflets usually acute or acuminate at the apex. (3) (3) Leaflets lanceolate or ovately lanceolate Vigna hitedo. Leaflets rhomboidal, broadest at the base, acuminate at the apex Vigna sinensis. (4) Leaflets not sinuate, entire Vigna reflexo-pRosa. Leaflets sinuate Vigna stlpiilabt. Vigna lutea A. GRAY ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Incl. II. p. 205 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 193 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 111. HAB. Kelung, Takow. DISTRIB. Generally on the sea-shores of the tropics. Vigna luteola BENTH. Fl. Austral. II. p. 260 ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Lid. II. p. 205 ; MATSUM. in ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 428 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos p. 111. HAB. Maruyama, Pachina, Hoxan, Taito. DISTRIB. LEGUMINOSJE. 201 Vigna pilosa BAKER ; HENRY List PL Formes, p. 36 ; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 112. The species is not yet represented in our Herbarium. Vigna reflexo-pilosa HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 82. Branches striate, terete, hispid, hairs yellowish, re9.exed. Leaves tri- foliolate, long patiolate broadly triangular in outline, terminal leaflet rhomboid-ovate, 8| cm. long, 5 cm. broad, abruptly acute at the apex, roundly acute at the base, margin repaudately entire or entire, costa and veins slightly elevate on bath sides, p illid beneath, hispid 011 both sides, trinerved at the base, petiolules 3 mm. long, stipules lanceolate, coriaceous, re- flexed, 2-4 mm. long, rhachis 2 cm. long, lateral leaflets a little larger than the terminal one, obliquely ovate, broader on the lower side, truncately rounded at the base, petioles 7 cm. long, reflexo-pilose, stipules oblong, 1 cm. long including auricles, 3 mm. broad, many-nerved, acute, ciliately pilose on the margine and surfaces, peltately auriculate at the base, (auricles 3 mm. long, rounded at the extremity). Racemes axillary, 3 cm. long, long pe- dunculate, peduncles 13 cm. long, reflexly pilose, pedicels 1 cm. long, bracts nearly equal as the stipule, 2 bracteolate at the apex of the pedicels, bracteoles lanceolate, 4^ mm. long, acuminate, carinate at the middle, shortly pubescent outside, glabrous inside. Calyx broadly campauulate, 3 mm. long, shortly 2-lobate, denticulately ciliolate on the margin, upper-lobe broadest emargiuate, lower-lobe 3-lobulate, lobules triangular, acute. Pods linear, scabrous. HAB. Kagi: Kishiri, (1767). Near Vigna Catiang, differs from it by much more hairy leaves and stems. There is, at Kew, a specimen unnamed which is exactly the same as the present plant. Vigna sinensis HASSK. ; WALP. Ann. IV. p. 562 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 193 ; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 83. Vigna Catiang ENDL. var. sinensis KING ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 111. HAB. Nikusui, by T. KAWAKAMI, July, 1907, (No. 4244). 202 LEGUMINOS.E. DISTRIB. Commonly cultivated iu the tropics; perhaps a native in some parts of China. Vigna stipulate, HAY ATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 83. Scandent, slender, strigose, liairs reflexed, 2 mm. long, branches of spikes tomentose, hairs strigose. Leaves alternate, 3-foliolate, somewhat hispid, terminal leaflet rhomboid 3-lobed, trinerved, 4 cm. long, 3£ cm. broad, lateral lobes same as the terminal, petioles 5 mm. long, stipellate, (stipels linear, 7 mm. long), stipulate, stipules auriformed, peltate, affixed at the middle, radiatelj nerved, 1 cm. long, 4 mm. broad, acute at the apex, rounded at the base. Flowers spicate, spikes terminal. Pods linear 4| cm. long, 5 mm. broad, nearly 13 -seeded, nigricant, valves tortuose, hairs short strigose. Seeds tetragonous, angulate, 3 mm. long. HAB. Dakusui. Remarkable for its peltate stipules ; leaflets sometimes are entire but not lobed. £6, Pachyrrhizus RICH. Pachyrrhizus angulatus RICH, in DC. Prodr. II. p. 402; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 207 ; HOOK, et ABX. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 184 ; FOEBRS et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin, I. p. 194 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 112 ; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 84. HAB. Ako: Toko. DISTRIB. In the tropics ; southern China. OBSERV. Scandent ; leaves trifoliolats, terminal leaflet broadly ovate, twice as broad as long, angulate, abruptly and shortly acute, obtuse at the very end, 10 cm. long, 18 cm. broad, trinerved, stipallate, pale beneath, nearly glabrous, lateral leaflets nearly as the same as the terminal one, but very oblique ; flowers in a terminal raceme ; flowers 2 cm. long, calyx silky- pubescent. 37. Psophocarpus NECK. Psophocarpus tetragonolobus DC. Prodr. II. p. 403 ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. H. p. 211 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 194 ; P. paliishis MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PI. Formos. p. 112. LEGUMINOS.E. 203 HAB. Bongalislia. DISTRIB. Cultivated in the Tropics of the Old World. 38- Dolichos LINN. Dolichos Lablab LINN.; BAKE p. in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. IT. p. 209 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 194 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 112. HAB. Taihoku. DISTRIB. Tropics of the Old World. Dolichos trilobatus WALL. ? HENEY List PL Formos. p. 37 ; MATSUM et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 112. The species is not yet represented in our Herbarium. DISTRIB. 39. Ca Janus DC. Cajanus indicus SPRENG; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 217 ; BENTH. FL Hongk. p. 89 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XII. p. 447 ; Eot. Mag. t. 6440 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 195 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Fnum. PL Formos. p. 113; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 77. HAB. Tohosha. DISTRIB. Commonly cultivated all over the tropics. 40. Atylosia W. et ABN. Atylosia scarabseoides BENTH. FL Hongk. p. 90 ; BAKER in HOOK. f. FL Brit. Ind. I. p. 215 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 195 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 112. HAB. Takow, Hozau, Soobonsha. DISTRIB. Tropical Asia. 41. Jthynchosia LOUR. Diclioiomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaflets smaller, less than 2 cm,, slightly pubescent or nearly glabrous. BhyncTiosia minima. 204 LEGUMIXOS^. Leaflets larger, more than 3 cm., densely villose or pubescent. ('2) (2) Pods short, 1-H cm. long ............................. B- vduliiis. Pods longer, 2|-3 cm. long .................... .......... R. sericecr. Rhynchosia minima I>C. Prodr. II. p. 385 ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 223 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Eiol. XII. p. 447 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Eiium. II. Formos. p. 113. HAB. Takow. DISTRIB. All over the tropics. Rhynchosia sericea SPAN. ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 37 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 113. HAB. DlSTLIB. Rhynchosia volubilis Loot.; DC. Prodr. II. p. 385; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 90 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. IX p. 70 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 196; MATSUM. et HAYATA Emim. PI. Formos. p. IIP. HAB. Byoritsu, Sharyoto, Shizangan. PISTRIB. Japan 42. Ylcmhigia PIOXB. DicJtofomous Key to tie Formosan Species. (1) Shrubs. I eaves simple. Flowers in small cymes, each hidden by a large folded persistent bract, closely distichously arranged in copious simple or slightly branched racemes, both in the axils of the leaves and above them ................. Flemingia strobilifera. Fiect shrubs. Leaves digitately 3-foliolate. Flowers in dense sub- spicate axillary racemes ; bracts deciduous. (2) (2) Branches triquetrous, leaflets thin large acuminate obscurely silky on the ribs below, bracts linear firm much exceeding the buds, calyx silky ....................... ...................... F. strlda. Branches subterete, leaflets oblong acuminate silky on the ribs below, bracts neither rigid nor protracted, calyx silky ....... F. con^esta. LEGUMINOS.E. 205 Flemingia congesta KOXB.; DC. Prodr. II. p. P>51 ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Inch II. p. 228 ; MATSUM. in ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 433 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Ennm. PI. Formos 113. HAB. Shintiku, Hozan. DiSTEIB. Common in the tropical Asia and Africa. Flemingia stricta KOXB.; DC. Prodr. II. p. 351 ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p 228 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 197 ; MATSUM. in ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lntcli. p. 433 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Ennm. PI. Formos. p. 113. HAB. Taichu : Toseikaku. DISTRIB. Tropical regions of India. Flemingia strobilifera R. BR. ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lntcli p. 432 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Ennm. PI. Formos. p. 113 ; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 77. HAB. Suizau, Mt. Morrison, Tainan Takow, Hozan. DISTRIB. The Himalayas, Ceylon, east Bengal, Burma, Malacca, Malayr and the Philippine islands. There is a little doubt about identifying mountain specimen with the above species. In F. strobilifera R. BE., the flowers are arranged in a raceme or a short spike within a large bract, while in the specimen from the mountains the flowers are a very few but not so numerous as to form eithe, raceme or spike. 43. Ualbergia LINN. Dalbergia rubiginosa ROXB.; Fl. Ind. III. p. 231 ; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 93 ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 232 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 198 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 113. HAB. DISTRIB. Hongkong. Western peninsula of India. 44. Her*' is LOUR. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves glabrous. (2) Leaves more or less hairy. (3) 20(5 LEGUMIKOS.T: (2) Leaflets oblong or obovate acute or obtuse at the apex D. laxiftora. Leaflets ovate acuminate at tlie apex D. vliginosa. (3) Leaflets large 14 cm. in length D. chinensis. Leaflets small, less than S cm. in length. (4) (4) Calyx nearly truncate I), ollonga. Calyx toothed D. ettiptica. Derris chinensis BEXTH. in Journ. Linn. Soc. TV. Suppl. p. 104, et Fl. Hongk. p. 94 ; FORBES et HEMSI, Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 199 ; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Enum. Fl. Formos. p. 114. HAB. Sentou, Toseikaku, Kagi. DISTRIB. South China. Derris elliptica BEXTH.; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 84. HAB. Jiukakurin. DISTRIB. India, Siam, Malay Archipelago. Derris laxiflora BE NTH. in Tourn. Linn. Soc. IV. Suppl. p. 105 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 199 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Fnum. PL Formos. p. 114. HAB. Koketsuzan, Kelung. DISTRIB. An endemic plant. Derris ohlonga BEXTH. ; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 84. HAB. Kotosho. DISTRIB. Southern China. Derris uliginosa BENTH. in Journ. Linn. Soc. IV. Suppl. p. 108, et Fl. Hongk. p. 94 ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. HI. p. 241 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 199 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 114. HAB. T.ikow. DISTRIB. Common in tropical Asia, eastern Africa, Mascarene Islands, Polynesia and northern Australia. LEGUMINOSJE. 207 45. Ponyamia VENT. Pongamia glabra VENT. ; DC. Proclr. II. p. 410 ; BENTH. in Journ. Linn. Soc. IV. Suppl. p. 115, et Fl. Hougk. p. 94; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 240; FOEBES et HEMSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 200; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 114. HAB. Kekmg, Bury 6, Fuk\ DISTBIB. Common on the sea- shores in the Tropics of the Old World. 46. Euchresta BENN. Euchresta Horsfieldii BENN. ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 248; MAXIM, in Wei. Biol. XII. p. 448; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 200 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 114. HAB. Taisuikutsu. DISTEIB. Loo-choo, eastern India and Java. 47. SopJioi'a LINN. Dicliotomous Key to the Foniios'in Spe cies. Plants tomentose, leaflets obovate incrassate Sopliora tomentosa. Plants nearly glabrous, leaflets slightly pubescent elongate lanceolate or elliptical Soplcra flavescens. Sophora flavescens An.; WILLD. Sp. PI. II. p. 499; DC. Prodr. H. p. 96 ; FEANCHET PI. David, p. 100 ; FOEBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Fin. I. p. 202 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 114. HAB. Holisha. DISTRIB. China, Dahuria ti> Japan. Sophora tomentosa LINN. ; DC. Prodr II. p. 95 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Tnd. Fl. Sin. I. p. 203 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 114 ; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 85. HAB. Kotosho. DISTEIB. Very widely dispersed on the sea-shores of the tropics. 208 LEGUMINOSJE. OBSERV. Shrubby, profusely branched, velvety pubescent all over the plant ; leaves pinnate, 7-8 juged, imparipinnate, 15 cm. long, leaflets oblong, round at both ends, 3 cm. long, 2 cm. broad, silky pubescent on both surfaces, at length glabrous on the upper surface, pale yellow in a dry specimen ; racemes terminal ; flowers 14- cm. long ; calyx campanulate, silky pubescent, nearly truncate or shortly dentate. 48, Ccesalpinia LINN. DicJiotomons Key to ihe Fonnosan Species. 9 (1) Leaves glabrous. (2) Leaves tomentose or thinly hairy C. BonduceUa. (2) Leaflets oblong, rounded and retused at the apex. C. pulclierrima. Leaflets larger, oblong or ovate, acute at the apex (3) (3) Leaflets ovate, acute at the apex, fruits glabrous C. Nuga. Leaflets quadrangularly oblong, acute and aristate at the apex. Fruits prickly C. Bonduc. Caesalpinia Bonduc HOXB.; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 255 ; TRIMEN Fl. Ceyl. LL p. 98 ; Lro et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 437. Guilandia Bonduc LIXN. DC. Prodr. II. p. 480. HAB. Linkiho. Caesalpinia BonduceUa FLEMING ; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. H. p. 254 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Liol. XII. p. 448 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 205 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 114. HAB. Tainan, Hozan, Lingaryo. DISTRIB. All over the tropics, especially in littoral districts. Caesalpinia Nuga Air. ; DC. Prodr. H. p. 481 ; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 97 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XII. p. 449 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 506 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Emim. PL Formos. p. 115. HAB. LiugaryO, Boryo, Fuko, Kelung, Shizangan. DISTRIB. Southern China, widely diffused in tropical Asia, polynesia and northern Australia. LEGUMIXOSJE. 209 Caesalpinia pulcherrima SWAETZ ; DC. Prodr. II. p. 284 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XH. p. 443 ; FOEBES et HEMSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 206 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Fornios. p. 115. HAB. Hozau, Ampin. DISTEIB. loo-clioo and China, generally cultivated in tropical countries. 49. Gleditscliia LINN. Gleditschia formosana HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 85. Brauclilets slender, glaucously rubescent, spinous. Leaves alternate pari-pinnate, narrowed in outline, 5] cm. long, 2 cm. broad, 8-juged, upper pinna) larger, obliquely rhomboid, or rhomboid-oblong, 13 mm. long, 6 mm. broad, truncate at tlie apex, minutely nmcronate, cuneately acute at the base, oblique, broader on the upper side, margin crenulate, entire near the base 011 the upper side, otherwise crenulate, opposite, sessile, or shortly petiolulate, petiolules shortly pilose, rhaches somewhat pilose, sulcate above, lower pinme smaller, petioles shorter, 3 mm. long, spines branched supra- axillary, 2 cm. long, fulvo-rubescent. Pods complanate, linear-narrowed, 21 cm. long, 2| cm. broad, fulvo-rubescent, acute at the apex, styles persistent, base obtuse, glabrous, slightly tortuose. Seeds complanate, 1 cm. long, 8 mm. broad, glabrous, smooth, polished. HAB. Tenkachiraisha. The leaves are very much smaller than those of G. japonica and as small as those of G. heteropJiylfa BEXGE. This differs from the latter species by straight, but not curved, pods. There is some doubt about this being a species of Gled'dscJdc. 50. Poinciatia TOUEN. Poinciana regia BOJ. ; HENEY List. PI. Formos. p. 38 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 112. HAB. The species is not yet represented in our Herbarium. DISTEIB. 210 LEGUMIXOSJE. 51, Lysidice HAXCE. Lysidice rhodostegia HANCE iu Joum. Bot. (1967), p. 299, (1873) p. 207, et (1883), p. 298 ; OLIV. in HOOK. Ic. PL XII. p. 80, t. 1192 ; FOEBES et HEMSL. lud. Fl. Sin. I. p. 213 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 116. HAB. Keluug, cultivated. DISTRIB. Kwangtuug. 52. Cassia Lixx. Dichotomoiis Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaflets very much smaller, linear. C. mimosoidis. Leaflets oblong, ovate, lanceolate. (2) (2) Leaflets obovate rounded, obtuse or minutely mucronate at the apex (3) Leaflets ovately lanceolate or ovate, acute at the apsx. . . C. occidentcdis. (3) Pods flat. C. glanca. Pods terete C. Tor a. Cassia glauca LAM.; DC. Prodi-. II. p. 495 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XII. p. 455 ; FOEBES et HEMSL. lud. Fl. Siu. I. p. 210 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 115. HAB. Tamari, Pinan. DISTRIB. Cultivated in China ; native of tropical Asia and Australia. Cassia mimosoides Lixx.; DC. Prodr. II. p. 503 ; BEXTH. FL Hongk. p. 98; FOEBES et HEMSL. Lid. FL Sin. I. p. 211 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 125. HAB. Kinpyri, Shintiku. DISTRIB. Universally spread in tropical countries, and to Japan. Cassia occidentalis Lixx. ; DC. Pro:lr. II. p. 497 ; BEXTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 98 ; FORBES et HEMSL. lud. Fl. Sin. I. p. 211 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 115. HAB. Bioritsu, Tamsui, Sliintiku, Eegaryo, Tainan. I.EGUMINOS/K. 211 DISTEIB. Tropical .Asia, Africa and America. Cassia Tora LINN.; DC. Prodi-. IT. p. 493 ; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 98 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 211 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Form os. p. 115. HAB. Pachiua, Taihokn. DISTEIB. Generally spread in the tropics. Species imperfectly Jtnown fo me CASSIA ALATA LINN. ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. I. p. 264 ; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. Sf>. HAB. Ako : Sekisan, G. NAKAHARA, Oct. 1905, (No, 615). The only specimen we have is of a single leaf, which is nearly 50 cm. long, abruptly pinnate, piiinse being qnadrangularly elliptical witli parallel sides, round, minutely mucronate apex and truncate base, 12 cm. long, 5 cm. broad, the superior the larger, oblique at the base, niembrauaceous and primary veins diverging from the costa at an angle of nearly 80° 53. Hauhhtia LINN. Bauhinia Championi BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 99 ; HANCE in Jouru. Bot, (1883), p. 298 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. IX. p. 74 ; FOEBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 212 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 115. HAB. The species is not yet represented in our Herbarium. DISTEIB. China. Bauhinia retusa HAM. V ; 1x6 et MATSUM. 1. c. p. 440. HAB. Eioritsn, Choran. DISTEIB. 54- Erythrophlceum AFZEL. Erythrophloeum Fordii OLIV. in HOOK. Ic. PI. XV. p. 7, t. 1409; FOEBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 214 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 116. HAB. Maruyama, Tamsui. DISTEIB. Kwangtung. 212 LEGUMINOSJE. 55. Eiitada ADANS. Entada scandens BENTH.; FORBES et HEMSL. Incl. Fl. Sin. I. p. 214; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Eiium. PI. Formos. p. 116. HAB. Keibizan. DISTRIB. Yerj widely dispersed in the tropical regions. 53. Mimosa LINN. Mimosa pudica LINN. ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 39 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 115. Tliis is not yet known to me. DISTRIB. 57. Leucwna BENTH. Leucsena glatica BEXTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 100 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 215 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enmn PL Formos. p. IK). HAB. Tamsui, Maruyama. mf DISTRIB. Widely spread in the warm regions. 58. Acacia WILLD. DicJtotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Petioles phyllocle A. confusa Petioles not phyllode (2) (2) Leaves glabrous A. Farnesiana. \A. Intsia. Leaves tomentose beneath Acacia Farnesiana WILLD.; DC. Prodi-. II. p. 461; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 101 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. 215 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 116. HAB. Koslum, Takow, Shushugai, Tainan- DISTRIB. Widely spread in the tropical and subtropical regions. Acacia Intsia WILLD.; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 297; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 86. LEGUMINOS.E. 213 HAB. Ako : Pongarisha, Shiutiku. DISTRIB. Tropical Himalayas, India, Ceylon, Philippines. Very near A. pennata WILLD. As the specimens are all sterile, the determination is rather conjectural. Acacia pennata WILLD.? MATSUM. et HAY ATA Emmi. PL Formos. p. 116. The species is very imperfect and the determination is very unsatisfactory. Acacia confusa MERRILL in Philip. Jonru. Sci. Y.-Bot. p. 27. Acacia Ricliii HEMSL. in FORBES et HEMSL. Ind Fl. Sin. I. p. 215 ; MATSUM. in ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 443 ; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 117, (uou A. GRAY) HAB. Taihoku, Keluug, Sharyoto, Shintiku, Kachirai. DISTDIB. The Philippines. 59. Albizzia DURAZZ. Albizzia procera BENTH.; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 299 ; HAY ATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 86. HAB. Eiyoritsn : Taiko. DISTRIB. India, Malay Archipelago, Philippines. A common Allizzia in Formosa. The habit is just like the Japanese A. Juribrissin. 60- Pithecolobiwm MART. Dicliotomom Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves dichotomously pinnate, leaflets 4 Pitliecolobium duice. Leaves pinnate, forked at the middway of the rhaches, leaflets alternately arranged, usually more than 8 on each branch of the rhaches Piihecolobium lucidiun. Pithecolobium dulce BENTH.; BAKER in HOOK f. Fl. Brit. Ind. n. p. 302 ; HENRY List LI. Formos. p. 40 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 117. 214 ROSACEJE. HAB. Exact localities are not yet known. DISTEIB. India and Hongkong. Pithecolobium lucidum BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 102; FORBES et HEMSL. Incl. Fl. Sin. I. p. 217 ; MATSUM. et HAY AT A Enum. PI. Formos. p. 117. HAB, Shizangau. DISTEIB. Hongkong. Rosaceee. Conspectus of the Formosan Genera. Carpels free or adiiate to the side of the calyx-tube. (1) Carpels adnate to the tube of the calyx, or, if free, included wholly within it. (4) (1) «) Flowers regular. Carpel 1, style subtermiiial or oblique ; ovules 2, pendulous. Radicle superior. Trees or shrubs with simple leaves. (Prune a?.) (2) /9) Flowers regular. Calyx ebracteolate. Stamens 10 or more. Carpels many, styles ventral, ovules mairy, pendulous. Shrubs with imples leaves (Spirree.ie) Spirce't. H •f) Flowers regular. Calyx ebracteolate. Stamens very numerous. Car- pels very many ; styles subbasal or ventral ; ovules 2, collateral, pendulous. Leaves compound or simple, fruits of many fleshy carpels on carpophore or in receptacle but not include;! in the calyx-tube. (Rub ere) Enlms. 4 o) Flowers regular. Calyx usually bracteolate, stamens numerous, carpels 1 or a few, style short, ovule solitary, ascending. Fruits of many achenes, not included in the calyx-tube. Herbs. (3) (2) Calyx 5-lobed, petals 5, large, glabrous, carpel solitary, style nearly terminal Primus. 1 Calyx 5-lobed, petals 5, drupe inverted, style subbasilar, brandies turning to spines Prinsepia, 2 (3) Calyx bracteolate. Stamens many, styles not elongating, ripe carpels KOSACEJE. 215 seated on a fleshy receptacle Fragaria. 5 Calyx bracteolate. Stamens many, styles not elongating, ripe carpels seated on an elevated dry receptacle (3*) (3*) Stamens and carpels many Potentilla. 6 Stamens and carpels 5 or rarely 10 Sibbaldia. 7 (4) a) Flowers regular, calyx-tube often urceolate, stamens 1 or more. Carpels 1-3, styles terminal ; ovule 1. Achenes sunk in the calyx-tube. Herb. (Poteriese) Agiimonia. 3 <9) Flowers regular. Calyx-tube urceolate. Petals 5. Stamens very numer- ous. Carpels many, free; ovule 1, pendulous. Achenes included in the fleshy calyx-tube. Shrubs, leaves compound (Rose8e).7?os«. 9 •/) Flowers regular. Calyx-tube becoming fleshy after flowering and enclosing the carpels. Stamens numerous. Cvules 2 or more, ascending. Fruit a pome, berry or a drupe, with 2-5 bony or coriaceous 1-2-seeded stones. — Shrubs or trees. (5) (5) Carpels free on the ventral side Cotoniaster. 11 Carpels more or less entirely connate or single. (6) (6) Carpels entirely covered by the receptacle ; the cells, therefore, inside of the fruit. (7) Carpels upwards free from receptacles ; the cells, therefore, reaching the hole of the fruit. (8) (7) Receptacles (axis) turbinate or urceolate Pynis. 10 Receptacles (axis) obconical or funnel-shaped Rhaphiolepis. 14 (8) Endocarp very thin, membrauaceous Eriobotnja. 13 Eiidoearp coriaceous Photinia. 12 1. Prunus LINN. Dicliotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Flowers in a long raceme, leaves punctate acuminately caudate Primus pundata. Flowers axillary, clustered or very shortly racemose, or solitary, leaves not punctate (2) 216 ROSACES. (2) Flowers large, more than 2 cm. ill length, leaves oblong or ovate, cnspiclately acuminate, serrate, slightly cordate at the base, stipules fimbriately lacerate, segments recurved Primus campannlala Flowers smaller, less than 1 cm. in length, (if more than 1 cm. the leaves lanceolately oblong) (3) (3) Flowers white, nearly sessile or very shortly pedicelled, nearly solitary, leaves ovate, acuminate at the apex, stipules linear P. Hume. Flowers coloured or sometimes white, more or less pedicelled, 2-3- clustered, leaves usually lauceolats, sometimes ovate, but not acuminate at the apex. (4) (4) Leaves lanceolate or elongately oblong, much larger (5) Leaves nearly rounded or ovate, acute towards the apex, but quite obtuse at the extremity, branches very slender, leaves much smaller P. pogonostyla (5) Leaves elliptically lanceolate, flowers nearly solitary, ll cm. in length, (obtuse or nearly rounded at the base) P. Persica. Leaves lanceolate or ovate, acuminate at both ends. (6) (fi) Flowers long pedicelled more or less racemosely arranged, leaves, ovate P. laiwaniana. Flowers clustered, shortly pedicelled, leaves lanceolate. .. P. Kawakamii. Primus campanulata MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XI. p. 698 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 218; Lro et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 446; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 117. HAB. Tikushiko. DISTEIB. Loo-choo (cult.) and China. Prurnis communis HUBS.; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XI. p. 677 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Intl. Fl. Sin. I. p. 218 ; DEELS Fl. Cent. Chin. p. 407 ; PALIBIN Conspect. Fl. Koreae I. p. 86 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 117. Primus domestica LLNN. Sp. PI. ed-2, p. 680; LOUR, Fl. Cochinch. ed- WILLD. p. 338. ROSACES. 217 Prunus insititia LINX. Sp. PL ed-2, p. 680. • HAB. Shintiku. DISTRIB. Em-ope tlirougli Asia. The occurrence of P. communis in the island is rather doubtful. Prunus Kawakamii HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 77 ; Shrub, young virgate branches ciuereo -pubescent, glabrous. Leaves hysteranthous, young ones petiolate, petioles 4 mm. long, semiterete glabrous, blades acute at the base, ovate, oblong, acute at the apex, margin glanduloso-serrulate, glabrous on both surfaces, stipules lanceolate, glanduloso-ciliolate. Flowers 5-6 clustered, pedicellate, pedicels 7 mm. long, terete, glabrous. Calyx hypogynous, persistent ; tube shortly campauulate, glabrous, inside with disc, lobes 5, ovate, 3 mm. long, obtuse, glanduloso-ciliate, patent. Petals af- fixed on the throat of the calyx, cuneately obovate, with short claws at the base, rounded at the apex, quite entire, radiately venose, glabrous, patent 6^ mm. long, 4 mm. broad. Stamens affixed on the throat of the calyx, much exserbed, a little longer than petals. Ovary superior, ovoid with style 6 mm. long, stigma capitately peltate. HAB. Toroku ; Kanosha. DISTRIB. An allied species, P. japonica THUNB. occurs in Japan and China. Closely resembles P. japonica THDNB ; differs from it in having peltately capitate stigmas, longer stamens and smaller petals. Frunus Mume SIEB. et Zucc. Fl. Jap. I. p. 29, t. 11, et Fl. Jap. Fam. Nat. I. p. 122 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 22 ; FRANCH. et SAVAT. Enum. PL Jap. I. p. 117 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. XL p. 671 ; LrO et MATSUM. Tent. FL Lutch. p. 445 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XII. p. 54 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Eirum. PL Formos. p. 118. HAB. Suichoryu, Niki, Shintiku. DISTRIB. Japan. Prunus Persica SIEB. et Zucc. FL Jap. Fam. Nat. I. p. 122 ; MAXIM. in Mel. Biol. XL p. 666; BAKER in HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. H. p. 313; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. FL Sin. I. p. 220 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 40 ; 218 BOSACEJE. DIELS Fl. Cent. Chin. p. 407 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Pot. Mag. XIT. p. 54 ; TMATSUM. et HAY ATA Enura. PL Formos. p. 118. Amygdalus Pcrsica LINN. Sp. PL ed-2, p. 676 ; THUNB. FL Jap. p. 199 ; BOXB. Fl. Ind. H. p. 500 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 25 ; FEANCH. et SAVAT. Euum. PL Jap. I. p. 119. Primus Davidiana FEANCHET PL David, p. 103. Persica vulgar is MILL.; DC. Prodr. U. p. 531. HAB. Sliintiku, Taihoku, Tuseikaku, Kotosho, Parikiusing. DKTRIB. Cultivated in Japan, Corea, China and India. Prunus pogonostyla MAXIM. " in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. (1897), p. 11 " et Mel. Piol. XL p. 682 ; FOEBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 221 ; HENEY List PL Formos. p. 40; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Materials for a Flora of Formos. p. 87. Prunus formosana MATSUM. in MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 118, t. 11. HAB. Tamsui, Shiutiku, Taichu, Toseikaku, Shinkosho. DISTHIB. Fokieu. I have compared the present plant with the type of Prunus pogonostyla MAXIM, at Kew, and found that they are quite identical. Prunus punctata H< >OK. f . ; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 87. Prunus xerocarpa HEMSLEY in Ann. Pot. IX. p. 152 ; HENEY List PL Formos. p. 40; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PL Formos. p. 119. HAB. Tikushiko. DISTEIB. Eastern India, China, Kwangtung Hongkong. Prunus taiwaniana HAYATA (PL XXI.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 87. Branches virgate, bark dark-ashy, glabrous, leuticellate. Leaves hysteranthous membrauaceous, slightly pubescent or glabrous, oblongly obovate, 6 cm. long, 23 mm. broad, cuspidately acuminate at the apex, cimeately acute at the base, serrulate on the margin, glabrous, or slightly pubescent above, but densely pubescent beneath on the costa and veins, petioles 6 mm. long, pubescent, stipules linear-lanceolate, minute. Flowers 5-6-clustered, perulate, perules scaly, rounded, glabrous, pedicels 1 cm. ROSACE JE. 210 long, pubescent. Calyx-tube pubescent, urceolately tubuliformed, 4 mm. long, limb 5-lobed, lobes patentj narrowed, 3 mm. long, acuminate, glandiiloso-serrulate on the margin. Petals 5, obloug, 8 mm. long, 4 mm. broad, 2-lobed at the apex, (lobes 1^ mm. long, obtuse) or emarginate at the apex. Ovary ovate, 1 mm. long, glabrous, style 7} mm. long, sparingly barbellate downwards, but glabrous towards the apex, stigma capitellate. Fruits ellipsoid G mm. long, 5 mm. broad, apiculate, with calyx-cupule at the base, long pedunculate, peduncles 2 cm. long. HAB. Naiito : Musha. Somewhat near Primus pendula MAXIM., but distinguishable by the smaller flowers with narrower and more deeply emarginate petals. 2. Pritisepia HOYLE. Prinsepia utilis BOYLE HAY ATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 105. Branches greenish, glabrous, spinous, spines alternate, 1^ cm. long, axillary, solitary. Leaves greenish, alternate, petiolate, oblong, lanceolate, 4} cm. long, l! cm. broad, subeutire or obscurely subcreuate, acute shortly aristate at the outside, stamens on the margin of the cupule, 1- seriate, filaments dilate, complauate, narrowed at the apex. Carpophore globose more or less elongate, elevated, 5 mm. long, pubescent. Carpels in a dried specimen reticulately rugulose, styles 3 mm. long, persistent base hairy; stigma terminal. HAB. Taito : Koshiron. When I was at Kew, I compared the plant with the type of DUTHIE'S plant and found that they are quite identical, although there are some small differences between them. The calyx of our plant is half -closed after flowering, Imt in the Indian plant, as we see in the figures cited above, it is nearly re flexed. The prickles in the latter are much fewer and the leaves are larger. Rubus formosensis O. KUXTZE ; FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 230 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 40 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 156; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Eiium. PI. Formos. p. 121. Eiibus rugosus MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. VIH. p. 377. HAB. Taitocho, Murimuribussha, Hinan, Reisuikutsu, Keluug. KOSACE^E. 227 PISTKIB. Aii euclemic plant. Rubus fraxinifolius POIR. " Encyc. VI. p. 242 "; MIQ. Fl. Ind. Bat. I. p. 376 ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Lid. H. p. 342 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. VIET, p. 391 ; MATSUAI. in Tokj^o Bot. Mag. XVI. p. 4 ; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Euum. PI. Formos. p. 121 ; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 80. HAB. Goshoriu, Kutosliu, Kusshaku, Tohosha. DISTEIE. Java and India. Rubus hirsutus HAYATA — Itiibns roscefol'ms SM. var. hirsufa HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formosa p. 81. Erauchlets aculeate, pilose, hairs strong, prickles smaller, falcate, acuminate. Leaves ovately acuminate, hirsute, with petioles 5-6 cm. long, 5-foliolate, lateral leaflets subsessile or shortly petiolulate, oblong, elliptical, 1 cm. long or longer, dentate, teeth acute, terminal leaflet ovately lanceolate, duplicato-deiitate, teeth acuminate, petiolules 5 mm. long, acu- leate on petioles and costas ; stipules subulate, ciliolate. Flowers terminal or lateral, often solitary, pedunculate. Calyx-lobe ovately triangular, long caudate, tails linear, 6 mm. long, outside pubescent. Petals ovate, 11 mm. long, 8 mm. broad, rounded at the apex, acute at the base. Stamens numerous, filaments flattened. Fruits yet unknown. HAB. Mt. Morrison. Rubus Kawakamii HAYATA (PI. XX VI), Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 91. Branches fusco-pubescent or fuscent, slender, at first soft tomeutose, at last glabrous, somewhat straight, shortly aculeate, prickles 1 mm. long, dilate at the base. Leaves long petiolate, oblong, oblong-ovate or elliptically ovate, 12 cm. long, 5 cm. broad, acuminate at the apex, roundly ovate at the base, margin obscurely remotely serrulate duplicately serrulate, very variable, obscurely 3-uerved at the base, costas and veins slightly im- pressed above, elevate beneath, primary veins including basal nerves 7-8 on each side, nearly parallel, divaricate from the casta at an angle of 30°, glabrous above, tomeutose beneath, glabrous at last, minutely remotely aculeate on the costa beneath, petioles slender, 2i cm. long, canaliculate above, aculeate beneath, stipules deciduous, not yet seen. Cymes umbellate, a few-flowered, flowers 5-6, long pedicellate, pedicels 2 cm. long, densely 228 BOSAOEJE. pubescent, l)racteate at the base, bracts ovate, 5 mm. long. Calyx campanulate, densely villosely pubescent outside, aculeate, (bristles { mm. long, acute or dilately truncate at the apex), shortly villosely pubescent inside, cupules 9 mm. in diameter, lobes ovate, 9 mm. long, suddenly acuminate at the apex, margin laciniate, but entire from the middle to the base. Petals 5, obovate, shortly villose on both surfaces, ^ as long as the calyx-lobes. Carpophore densely barbate. Carpels prse mature oblong, 1 mm. long, recurvate, styles 5 mm. long, hirsute at the base. Drupels when mature obovate 3 mm. long, 2| mm. broad. Near E. malifoUus FOCKE ; but differs from it in having more acute or even acuminate and usually tri-uerved leaves and cymose or even umbellate flowers. In R. maLifdim, the leaves are pimiinerved and the flowers are in racemes. Tliis is also near R. Sivinhoei HANCE, which differs from this plant in having quite glabrous leaves, and not prickly pedicels and calyx ; also distinguishable from 7?. sepalantlins FOCKE by trinerved leaves and um- Ijellately contracted racemes. HAB. Kandaizan. Rubus Lambertianus SEE, in DC. Prodr. II. p. 567 ; S. MOORE, in Jouru. Bot. (1875), p. 226 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. VIII. p. 381 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 233 ; DIELS Fl. Cent. Cliiu. p. 392 (var.) ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XV. p. 156; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Enum. PI. Formos. 121. Rubus oclilanthm HAXCE in Jouru. Bot. (1882) p. 260, et (1884) p. 42. HAB. Kotosho. DISTRIB. China : Kiaugsi, Ivwaugtuiig. Rubus moluccanus LINN. ; DC. Prodr. II. p. 566 ; R.OXB. Fl. Ind. H. p. 518; MIQ. Fl. Lid. Bat. I. pt.-I. p. 382; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 330 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 122. Rubus rugosus SMITH ; WIGHT Ic. PL Ind. Or. t. 225. Rubus reflexus KER. ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 104 (fide HOOK. f.). Rulm Hamiltomanus SEE. ; in DC. Prodr. II. p. 566 (fide HOOK. f.). HAB. Toseikaku, Korotou. ROSACES. 229 DISTBIB. Malay arcliip. and peninsula. Rubus Morii HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 90. Branches fusco-purpurascent, terete, pubescent, minutely aculeate, prickles 1 mm. long. Leaves cordately ovate, 6 cm. long, 4i cm. broad, cuspidately acuminate at the apex, (cusps 1| cm. long), rounded at the base, lobulate on the margin, lobules serrate, (serras cuspidate), 3-nerved or pinna tely nerved, scabrous above, minutely sparingly lepidote, more pallid beneath, petioles 1 cm. long, smooth, stipules oblique elougately oblong, 12 mm. long, 5 mm. broad, acute at the apex, laciniately dentate on the margin, scabrously lepidote. Flowers racemose, racemes terminal, 10 cm. long, lepidote, bracts acuminately ovate, laciniate. Calyx densely lepidote outside, (reflexed when fructiferous), cupule strongly reflexed, 3^ mm. in radius, profoundly reticulately furrowed inside, lobes acuminately triangular, 9 mm. long, 44 mm. broad at the base, lepidote outside, slightly pubescent inside. Petals persistent, obovate, denticulate, entire downward, 5 mm. long, 2-| mm. broad, cuneately narrowed at the base. Stamens 1-seriate, filaments complanate 2} mm. long, reddish glanduliferous at the base. Carpophore globose, l£ mm. in diameter, barbate, stipitate, stalks 1.} mm. long, barbate. Drupels laterally compressed, 1| mm. long, 1 mm. broad, reticulately rugulose. HAB. Taito : Chakaukei. Hemarkable for the cupules which are very much reflexed and deeply reticulately furrowed. Rubus nantoensis HAYATA (PL XXVII.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 92. Branches terete, fusco-fulvescent, flexuose, softly tomentose upwards, at last subglabrous, minutely prickly remotely leafy. Leaves long petiolate, 3-5 lobate, broadly ovate in outline, 8 cm. long, 6 cm. broad, acute at the apex roundly cordate or truncately rounded at the base, margin irregularly serrulate, terminal lobe half as long as the leaf, acute at the apex, slightly contracted at the base, subovate, 5 cm. long, 3 cm. broad, sinus between lobes rounded, lateral lobes smaller, basal lobes miniate, 5-nerved at the base, reticulately and papillosely rugose above, costas veins and veinlets slightly impressed above, at last subglabrate, albo- 230 ROSACES. rubescent beneath, costa, veius and veinlets prominently and reticulately elevated beneath, petioles 3J cm. long, prickles minute, remotely dispersed or smooth, stipules narrowed 1*2 mm. long, obscurely denticulate or entire. Flowers racemose, racemes axillary, 1]- cm. long, softly tomentose, pedicels 4 mm. long, bracts broadest, 3 mm. long, 4 mm. broad, laciniate, tomentose outside, glabrous inside, 2-bracteolate, bracteoles 2 mm. long, digitately laciniate. Calyx campauulate, 5-bbed, densely pubescent outside, slightly pubescent inside, lobes broadly narrowed, 5 mm. long, 3 mm. broad, abruptly acuminate at the apex. Carpophore semiglobose, barbate, carpels with styles 5 mm. long, stigma capitate. HAB. Nauto : Bikei. Near IL rncjosus SM ; but differs from it by the smaller flowers and more acutely lobed leaves. Rubus parvifolius LINN. Sp. PI. ed-2, p. 707 ; DC. Prodr. II. p. 564; LOUR, Fl. Cochinch. ed-WiLLD. p. 393; BENTH. Fl. Hougk. p. 105, et Fl. Austral. II. p. 430 ; MAXIM. Mel. Biol. VIII. p. 392 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 222; FRANCE, et SAVAT. Euum. PI. Jap. I. p. 127; FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 235 ; HENRY List PL Forinos. p. 40 ; Pro et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 451 ; PALIBIN Couspect. Fl. Korea) I. p. 79 ; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Enum. PL Formos. p. Rubus triphyUus THUNB. FL Jap. p. 215 ; HANCE in Journ. Bot. (1878) p. 105, et (1884) p. 42. HAB. Tamsui, Shizaugau, Taiton. DISTEIB. Japan, Hongkong, China, Corea, east Australia. Rubus pectinellus MAXIM, in MJ1. Biol. VIII. p. 374; FRANCE, et SAVAT. Euum. PL Jap. I. p. 122 ; HAYATA in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XX. p. 55 ; HAYATA FL Mont. Formos. p. HAB. Tozan. DISTRIB. Southern parts of Japan and also recently found in Lusou. Rubus pentalobus HAYATA FL Mont. Formos. p. 80. Shrub, scandent entirely villosely tomentose. Leaves long petiolate, tomentosely villose, petioles 5-10 cm. long, blades cordately rounded in outline, 5-7 cm. in ROSACES. 231 diameter, slightly 5-lobed, rounded at the apex, base cordate, lobes rounded, irregularly denticulate, palmately 5-7 nerved, somewhat pilose above, villosely tomeutose and pallid beneath, veins prominent beneath, stipules laciniate, 13 mm. long. Flowers axillary, solitary or in pairs, pedunculate, ped- uncles 1 cm. long, 2-3 bracteolate, bracteoles minute laciniate. Calyx- lobes ovate, laciniate at the apex, tomsntose, 1 cm. long. Stones drupaceous. HAB. Mt. Morrison, Bioritsu, Hakkeirin. The present rubus is near li. pedindlus MAXIM. ; but differs from it in having unarmed sepals and rive lobed leaves. The leaves are much more tomentose, and somewhat tuberculate on the upper surface. Rubus pungens CAMS. var. Oldhami MAX. (det. KOIZUMI). HAB. Central Mountain Eauges, by U. MORI, 1910. I am merely following Mr. G. KOIZUMI in referring this plant to the above species. It is, in my opinion, a little different from the Japanese species. DISTRIB. Japan. Rubus randaiensis HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 93. Branches smooth, softly tomeutose, terete, fusco-fulvesceut. Leaves long petiolate, 5-lobate, subcordate in outline, obtusely acute at the apex, cordate at the base, 10 cm. long, 8 cm. broad, margin lobulately serrulate, lobules serrate, terminal lobe ovate, £ as long as the leaf, 6 cm. long, 3£ cm. broad, sinus between lobes obtuse, lateral lobes smaller, rounded at the base, 5-nerved, rugose and pubescent above, densely albo-floccoso-tomeutose beneath, veins and veinlets reticulately elevated, petioles 4 cm. long, villosely tomen- tose, stipules larger oblong-ovate, 18 mm. long, 5 mm. broad, broader at the base, nearly embracing the stem, liacemes short few-flowered, axillary or terminal, bracteate, bracts large, wrapping the flower-buds, deciduous, rounded, 1| cm. long as broad, shortly deutato-laciniate at the apex, hirsute outside, glabrous inside, 2-bracteolate, bracteoles obliquely roundly obovate, 8 mm. long, 6 mm. broad, rounded at the apex, sparingly shortly dentate, pedicels short, 5 mm. long. Calyx villoso-tomentoss outside, shortly pubescent inside, cup concave, lobes acamiuately triangular, acuminately and laciuiately 232 EOSACEJE. serrate at the apex, teeth 3 mm. loug or subentire, 14 mm. long, 7 mm. broad. Petals broadly rounded, shortly mucronate and rounded at the apex, base acute. Stamens 5 mm. long, anthers oblong ; carpophore semiglobose, long barbate, carpels nearly 1 mm. long, st}Tle 7 mm. long, stigma 2-lobate. HAB. Randaisan. Near B. dlffusus, but differs from it in having more deeply lobed leaves and not prickly branches and petioles. Also near R. Jiainanensis FOCKE (in sched.) from which the present plant is easily distinguishable by elongate denticulate stipules. Rubus retusipetalus HAYATA (PL XXYIH) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 94. Branches slender, glabrous, angulately striate, spinose, spines longitudinally complanate, dilated at the base, recurved, 2 mm. long. Leaves ovately cordate or oblougo-ovate, 9 cm. long, 5 cm. broad, acuminate at the apex, base cordate or truncately cordate, margin serrate, serras cuspi- date, membranaceous, obscurely trinerved or pinninerved, primary lateral veins 6-7, curved or nearly straight divaricate at an angle of 40°, glabrous above, glaucous beneath, aculeate on the costas and veins, petioles 3 cm. long, sulcate above, aculeate beneath, stipules linear-filiformed, 1 cni. long, 1 mm. broad, inserted near the base of the petioles. Flowers at the axils of the upper leaves, or terminal, racemose or solitary, long pedunculate, peduncles 3 cm. long, bracts linear or filiformed. Calyx nearly flattened, glabrous outside, velvety pubescent inside, cup nearly flattened 8 mm. in diameter, lobes acuminately oblong, 1 cm. long, acumen terete 4 mm. long, margin toinentose. Petals elougately obovate, 1 cm. long, 5 mm. broad, roundly emarginate at the apex, cun eatery narrowed at the base, slightly hirsute downwards. Carpels | mm. long, glabrous, styles 2 mm. long, base hirsute, stigma oblique capitate. Carpophore nearly flattened, tomentose. HAB. Toyen: Kotosan, (No. 2675). Near J?. conduplicatus DUTHIE, but differs from it in having more or less retused or emarginate petals. Rubus Rolfei TIDAL var. lanatus HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 81. Small shrub, erect densely lanate, at last glabrous. Leaves 5- or rarely 3-lobed ROSACES. 233 cordately orbicular, 3-5 cm. in diameter, lobes rounded or obtuse, irregularly denticulate, dense lauate on both surfaces, at last glabrous above, prominently tuberculate within veiulets, densely albo- or ferrugineo- lanate beneath, petioles 2-3 cm. long, stipules ovate, lacerate, 12 mm. long. Flowers 2-3-clustere:l at the apex of branchlets or subaxillary, 2-3-bracteate at the base of calyx, bracts larger, truncate, lacerate, 9 mm. long as broad, submembranaceous. Calyx turbinate 1| cm. long, lobes ovate, 9 mm. long, acuminate, outside villose, inside pubescent, thick. Fruits not yet known. HAB. Seizan, Mt. Morrison. The present variety differs from the type in having more densely woolly leaves and much larger flowers. DISTRIB. Type : the Philippine islands. *Rubus rosaefolius SMITH. ; DC. Prodi-. II. p. 556 ; HOOK. Ic. PI. t. 349 ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. H. p. 341 ; HANCE in Jouru. Bot. (1878) p. 10, et (1884) p. 42 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. VII. p. 387 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 237 ; DIELS. Fl. Cent. Chin. p. 399 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 40 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XVI. p. 3 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 123. Ritbus chinensis SER. in DC. Proclr. LI. p. 557. HAB. Kelmig, TaitOcho, Kokusekikaku, Bankiusiug. DISTRIB. In the warm regions of China, common in India. Rubus shinkoensis HAYATA (PI. XXIX.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 95. Branches terete, subglabrous, straight, spiuose, spines short 2 mm. long, straightly curved, rubesceut, narrowed at the base, (cicatrices of spines oblong, 4 mm. long, 1 mm. broad), ramulose, brauchlets divaricate straight, pubescent, leaf-buds perulate, perules ovate, entire, obscurely dentate or slightly laciniate, subglabrous, slightly pubescent at the apex, 1 cm. long or shorter. Leaves elongately ovate, 7 cm. long, 3^ cm. broad, acuminate at the apex, slightly cordate at the base, serrulate or duplicately serrulate, chartaceo- membranaceous, trinerved, 3-lobed, central-lobe ovately acuminate, basal lobes * The Formosan species is a little different from the Japanese plant ; it demands further investigation to decide which of the two is really identical with the type of the named species. 234 ROSACES. smaller, acute at the apex, rounded or acute at the base on the lower side, central nerve 3-times longer than the basal nerves, basal nerves divaricate from the central at an angle of 45°, pubescent on the nerves, otherwise glabrous, petioles 14 ram. long, canaliculate, pubescent, stipules inserted near the base of the petioles, lanceolately acuminate, 4 mm. long. Flower-bearing branches shorter, 2-3 cm. long, flowers terminal, pedicels 4 mm. long, pubes- cent. Calyx densely pubescent outside, glabrous inside, lobes ovately trian- gular, 6 mm. long, acuminate, acumen obtuse. Petals ovate, 7| mm. long, 4 mm. broad, obtusely acute at the apex, shortly cuneate at the base, reticulately nervose. Stamens with filaments complanate, 4 mm. long, contracted and filiformed at the apex. Carpophore oblong, elevate, glabrous, carpels hirsute, style filiformed, 1| mm. long, hirsute at the base, stigma capitate. HAB. Shiuko : Kakurei. This plant is near R. conduplicatus DUTHIE, but differs from it in having solitary flowers. Also very near 7?. incisus THUNB., from which this differs in having more acuminate leaves and broader lobes of the calyx. Rubus Swinhoei HANCE in " Ann. Sc. Nat. 5 me serie, V. p. 211 "; in Journ. Bot. (1884) p. 42, et (1885) p. 323 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. VIII. p. 380 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 237 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 40 ; DIELS Fl. Cent. Chin. p. 391 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 123. HAB. Taiton, Kelung, Tamsui. DISTRIB. China : Kwangtung. Rubus tagallus CHAM, et SCHL. in Liunsea, II. p. 9 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. VIII. p. 389 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 237 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 40 ; MATSUM. in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XVI. p. 4 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 123. HAB. Tamsui and Taihoku, Heichosho. DISTRIB. China : Kiaiigsu. Rubus taitoensis HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 96. Branches slightly pubescent, terete, fusco-purpurascent, shortly spiuulose, spines 4 mm. long, transversely erecto-recurved, branchlets softly pubescent. BOSACEJE. 235 Leaves simple, coriaceous, ovate in outline, slightly coivlate at the base, acuminate at the apex, 5| cm. long, 4-J- cm. broad, 3-lobed, central lobe elongately ovate, 3-£ cm. broad, acuminate at the apex, slightly contracted at the base, margin slightly dentately serrulate, teeth serrulate, dentate on the sinus between lobes, basal lobe ovate acute at the apex, roundly acute at the base on loAver side, trinerved, central nerve 51 cm. long, 2-times as long as lateral nerves, lateral nerves 2.J- cm. long, divaricate from the central nerve at an angle of 45°, slightly pubescent above, glabrous at last, glaucous beneath, pubescent on the nerves and veins, veinlets above impressed, elevated beneath, petioles 1 cm. long, pubescent, stipules inserted at the base of the petioles, lanceolate pubescent, 7 mm. long. Flowers terminal, solitary, peduncles 1 cm. long, villosely pubescent. Calyx campanulate, 2-2^ cm. in diameter, villosely pubescent 011 both sides, aculeate, prickles minute, 1 mm. long, sparingly dispersed, 5-lobed, lobes triangular-acuminate, 6-12 mm. long, 4 mm. broad. Fruits (syncarp) couico-globose, 1 cm. in diameter. Drupels 2 mm. long, styles 2 mm. long, hirsute. HAB. Taito : Shinsuikei. The present Riibus is also near R. conduplicatus and R. incisus, but differs from them in prickled calyx. Rubus taiwanianus MATSUAL in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XVI. p. 3 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 123. HAB. Taihoku, Sharyoto, Hikaku, Pachina, Maruyama, Okaseki. 5. F i' ay aria LINN. Key to the Formosan Species. Leaflets thinner slightly pubescent, outer sepals much larger than the inner, foliaceous F. indica. Leaflets a little thicker, densely villose beneath, outer sepals as large as the inner, small, lanceolate F. vesca var. minor. Fragaria indica ANDH. ; SEE. in DC. Prodr. II. p. 571 ; S. MOORE iu Jouru. Bot. (1878) p. 138 ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. H. p. 343 ; FRANCHET 236 ROSACE.E. PL David, p. 110 ; WIGHT Ic. PI. Lid. Or. t. 989 ; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 225 ; FRANCH. et SAYAT. Enum. PL Jap. I. p. 129 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 240; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 40; Pro et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 452 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 124. Fragaria malayana ROXB. Fl. Ind. II. p. 520. Duchesnea fragarioides MIQ. Fl. Ind. Bat. I. pt. — 1. p. 372. Ducliesnea fmgiformis SMITH, in Trans. Linn. Soc. X. p. 373. Ducliesnea clirysantlia MIQ. FL Ind. Bat. I. pt. — 1. p. 372. HAB. Kusshaku, Tamsui. DISTRIB. Japan, China, Ins. Malaya and India. Fragaria vesca LINN. var. minor HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 97. Leaves and flowers much smaller than the type, otherwise as in the type. Leaves trifoliolate, leaflets rhomboid, cimeate at the base, dentate, terminal one 1 cm. long, 8 mm. broad. Flowers 7 mm. in diameter. Petals orbicular, rounded at the apex, abruptly contracted at the base, 3] mm. in diameter. HAB. Mt. Morrison, Tozan. The fruits of this Fragaria are edible and delicious. 6. JPotentilla LINN. Dicliotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaflets 3-5. (2) Leaflets more than 7. (3) (2) Leafies dark, slightly hairy above, but whitish woolly beneath, silverly sliining P. discolor. Leaflets barbately hairy above and below, concolour P. gelida. (3) Leaflets silky white beneath P. leuconota var. morrisonicola. leaflets whitish beneath, never silky P. ckinensis. Potentilla chinensis SER. in DC. Prodi-. H. p. 581 ; MAXDI. in Prim. Fl. Amur. p. 96 ; FRANCHET PL David, p. 112 ; FRANCH. et SAVAT. Enum. PL Jap. H. p. 338 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 241 ; DIELS Fl. ROSACKE. 237 Cent. Chin. p. 403 ; PALLBIN Conspect. Fl. Korese I. p. 81 ; MATSUM. efc HAYATA Ennm. PL Formos. p. 125. Potentilla mnltifida BAKER et S. MOORE in Jouru. Linn. Soc. XVII. p. 381. HAB. Shintiku, Taitocho, Hinan, Ilokuryo. DISTRIB. Mandshuria, Japan, Cliina and Corea. Potentilla discolor BUNGE; WALP. Hep. II. p. 30; HANCE in Jonru. Bot. (1878), p. 11 ; FRANCHET PL David, p. 122 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 241 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 40 ; DIELS FL Centr. Chin. p. 403 ; PALIBIN Conspect FL Koreas I. p. 81 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 125. PotentiUa formosana HANCE in " Ann. Sc. Nat. 5 me. ssrie, V. p. 212," et in Jonrn. Linn. Soc. XHI. p. 79. HAB. Shiutiku, Tamsui. DISTRIB. Cliina, Japan and Corea. Potentilla gelida O.A. MEY ; LEDEB. Fl. Ross. II. p. 59 ; HOOK, f . Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 357 ; DIELS FL Tm.-liug-shau, in ENGL. Bot. Jahrb. XXXVI. Beibl. p. 56 ; HAYATA in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XX. p. 73 ; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 83. PotentiUa grcmdiflora LINN. ; WAGNER Dent. Fl. ed-3, p. 399 ; THOME FL Dent. Ost. u. Scliw. III. p. 70. HAB. Mt. Morrison. DISTRIB. Extends to Europe, northern India, central Cliina, Japan, eastern Siberia and the Knrile and Aleutian islands. The species seems to vary over a wide range and especially so in the size of flowers. Potentilla leuconota DON var. morrisonicola HAYATA FL Mont. Formos. p. 83. Stem sericeo -pilose, erect, nearly 15 cm. long. Leaves subradical pinnate, oblanceolate in outline, obtuse, 10 cm. long, nearly 19- foliolate, leaflets sessile, obovate, obtuse, 1 crn. long, sharply dentate, pilose above, sericeously pilose, petioles adpressingly pilose, stipules scaly, nearly 3 cm. long, aduate to the petioles at the base, entire. Cauline leaves nearly the same as radical one, much smaller, a very few, often 1-2 on the middle of 238 ROSACEJE. the stem. Flowers 9-8-clustered at the apex of the stem, nearly subumbel- late, 1-2-bracteate, pedicels 1 cm. long. Flowers patent, 8 mm. in diameter, bracteoles narrowed, entire. Calyx-lobes ovate, acute, sericeous. Petals broadly obovate, base slightly narrowed, rounded at the apex. Stamens 10 or ( — 20V). Stones nearly 15, glabrous. HAD. Mt. Morrison. DISTRIB. The type is rather of the alpine character, beiug found in high mountains of Asia such as the Himalaya and those of Borneo and western central China. The present plant differs from the type mainly in the absence of whorled leaves at the base of an umbel. Potentilla pensylvanica LIMN. ; DC. Prodr. FT. p. 581 ; MAXIM. Ind. Fl. Pek. in Prim. Fl. Amur. p. 471 ; FRAXCH. et SAVAT. Eimm. PL Jap. I. p. 131, et IT. p. 340 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 243 ; DIELS Fl. Cent. Chin. p. 403 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 125. HAB. Seuton. DIKTRIR. Caucasus, central China and northern America. 7, Sibbaldia Lixx. Sibbaldia procumbens I INN. Sp. PI. ed-2, p. 40G ; DIELS Fl. Centr. Chin. p. 404, et Fl. Tsin-ling-shan, in EXGL. Pot. Jahrb. XXXVI. Beibl. p. 56 ; THOME Fl. Dent. Gst. u. Schw. FU. p. 60 ; ASCHERSOX et GR.EBX. Syn. Mitt. Fl. VL— 1. p. 661 ; WAGNER Dent. Fl. ed-3, p. 361 ; HAYATA in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XT. p. 98 ; HAYATA Fl. Mont. Formos. p. 84. Potentilla Silbaldi HALLER f. in " Sin. Mus. Helvet. I. p. 51 " HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. II. p. 345. Sibbaldia cimeata KUXZE, in Limirea XX. p. 53 ; EDGEW. in Journ. Linn. Soc. XX. p. 44. HAB. Mt. Morrison. DISTRIB. This plant, having had a wide range in the glacial period, is now found here and there in the polar and alpine regions of Europe and Asia. BOSACKS!. 239 8. Agrimotiia LINN. Agrimonia Eupatoria LINN. Sp. PI. ed-2, p. 643 ; DC. Prodr. n. p. :587; LEDEB. Fl. Ptoss. II. p. 31; HOOK. f. FL Brit. Ind. n. p. 361; FOKBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 24(3 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 40; DIELS Fl. Cent. Chin, p. 404 (var.) ; PALIBIN Oonspect. Fl. Korea) I. p. 83 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PL Formos. p. 12G. Agrimonia pilosa LEDEB. FL Ross. H. p. 32 ; HANCE in Journ. Liiiu. Soc. XIH. p. 80 ; jFBANCHET PL David, p. 114 ; DC. Prodr. II. p. 5S8 ; HOOK. f. FL Brit. Ind. H. p. 361 ; ENGL. et MAXIM, in ENGL. Bot. Jalirb. VI. p. 63. Agrimonia viscidula BUNGE var. japonica MIQ. Prol. FL Jap. p. 133 ; FEANCH. et SAVAT. Enum. PL Jap. I. p. 13H. HAD. Exact locality is not yet known. DiSTRlB. Europe, North Africa, Asia, and northern America. 9. Rosa LINN. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Flowers bracteate at the base of the calyx, densely hairy, bracts fimbriate or toothed, flowers 8 cm. in diameter, petals notched. . .. . . 7?. bracteata. Flowers not bracteate at the base of the calyx. (2) (2) Calyx prickly, flowers 7 cm. in diameter ./?. faevigcffa. Calyx not prickly. (3) (3) Leaves small, 5 cm. long including petioles, leaflets very small and many, 1 cm. long, prickles long, 1-1-} cm. long, opposite, besides with minute prickles, calyx-lobes long linear. . . Rosa morrisonensis. Leaves much larger, longer than 5 cm., leaflets also much larger; prickles much smaller, no minute prickles besides. (4) (4) Leaflets small 2-J- cm. long at most, shining above R. Lnrice. Leaflets larger, over 3 cm. (5) 240 ROSACES. (5) Flowers profusely paniculate, leaves smaller R. imHtiflora. Flowers solitary, leaves larger . .JR. indica. *> ' Rosa bracteata WENDL. ; DC. Prodr. II. p. 602 ; Bot. Mag. t. 1377 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Incl. Fl. Sin. I. p. 249 ; BAKER in Gard. Cliron. u. s . XXIV. p. 199 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 40 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PI. Forraos. p. 126. Rosa involucrata BRAAM, ex WALP. Rep. II. p. 12. HAB. Tamsui, Pachina, Taitocho, Hinan, Rokuryo. DISTRIB. Loo-choo and China. Rosa indica LINN. Sp. PL ed-2, p. 705 ; DC. Prodi-. II. p. 600 ; LOUR. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WiLLD. p. 396 ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. H. p. 364 ; FRANCH. et SAVAT. Enum. 11. Jap. I. p. 136 ; BAKER in Gard. Cliron. u. s. XXIV. p. 199 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 249 ; HENRY I ist PI. Formos. p. 40 ; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 455 ; DIELS Fl. Cent. Chin, p. 405. Rosa semperftorens WILLD. ; Bot. Mag. t. 284 ; ROXB. Fl. Ind. II. p. 514. Rosa chinensis WILLD. Sp. PI. II. p. 1078 ; ROXB. Fl. Ind. IT. p. 513. Rosa lonyifolia WILLD. Sp. PI. H. p. 1079. Var. forme Sana HAYATA in MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PI. Formos. p. 127. Sepals very long, lanceolate, 3-4 cm. long, laciniate, lobes serrate. HAB. Shintiku, Baukinsing. Rosa laevigata MICH. " Fl. Bor. Am. I. p. 295 "; DC. Prodr. II. p. 600 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 250 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 40 ; DIELS Fl. Cent. Chin. p. 406 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Euum. PL Formos. p. 127. Rosa sinica AIT. Hort. Kew. ed-2, III. p. 261 ; Bot. Mag. t. 2847 ; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 106. Rosa nivea DC. Prodr. II. p. 599. Rosa Amygdalifolia SER. in DC. Prodr. II. p. 601. HAB. Taichu: Tojoho, Kusshaku, Sliiutengai. ROSACES. 241 DISTRIB. Japan, China: Chekiang, Kiangsi, Fokien, Hupeh, Szechuen, Kwangtung, Hongkong. Rosa Luciae FBANCH. et ROCH. in FRANCE, et SAVAT. Enum. PI. Jap. I. p. 135, et If. p. 344 ; ENGL. et MAXIM, in ENGL. Bot. Jalirb. VI. p. 63 ; Bot. Mag. t. 7421 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 251 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 40; ITO et MATSUM. Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 454; PALIBIN Conspect. Fl. Korese I. p. 84; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 128. Rosa moschata BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 106. HAB. Shintiku, Bioritsu, Tamsui. DISTRIB. Loo-choo, Hongkong, China and Corea. Rosa morrisonensis HAYATA (PI. XXX.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 97. Shrubs very spinose, spines whitish, straight, subulate, branched, branches patent, slender. Leaves pinnate, 7-11 foliolate, glabrous elliptical in outline, 5 cm. long including petioles, 2£ cm. broad, petioles slender, minutely aculeate, leaflets subsessile, broadly obovate or nearly rotundate, 13 cm. long, 7 mm. broad, denticulate at the middle, dentate towards the apex, teeth acute, stipules adnate to the petioles, free at the apex, acute, glabrous, glanduloso-serrulate, serrulas sharp. Flowers nearly racemose along the branchlets, shortly pedunculate, peduncles 1^ cm. long, gradually dilate at the apex, reaching the calyx-tube. Calyx-tube (after flowering) pyriformed, 8 mm. long, contracted at the apex, attenuate at the base, lobes entire lanceolate, long acuminate, lanato-pubescent inside, sparing- ly pubescent outside, margin sparingly glandulose. Petals not yet known. Carpels 4-5, trigonous 5 mm. long, hirsute at the apex, styles persistent. HAB. in Mt. Morrison. This Rosa is near R. Willmottice HEMSL. and also R. Webbiana WALL. ; but differs from the both in having larger lobes of calyx and more acutely serrated leaves. Also near R. xanthiana LINDL., but quite separable by the narrower sepals and more acutely serrated leaves. Rosa multiflora THUNB. Fl. Jap. p. 214; DC. Prodr. II. p. 598 LINDL. Ros. Monogr. p. 1 19 ; BAKER et S. MOORE in Journ. Linn. Soc. XVII. 242 E03ACEJE. p. 382 ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brit. Incl. II. p. 344 ; Bot. Mag. t. 1059 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Lid. Fl. Sin. I. p. 253 ; DIELS Fl. Cent. Chin. p. 405 (var.); MATSOI. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 128. HAB. Pachina,Bi6ritsu, Tamsni, Tainan. DISTRIB. Japan, central and southern China and the Philippines. 10, Ptjrus Lixx. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves simple. (2) Leaves compound. (3) (2) Leaves roundly ovate shortly cuspidate, fruits small, 7 mm. in diameter P. Kawakamii . Leaves elongately ovate, elliptical acuminate or acute, fruits larger depressingly globose, 31 cm. in diameter P. formosana. (3) Leaflets sharply serrulate, fruits usually 4-celled P. aucuparia var. randalensis. Leaflets less sharply serrulate, fruits 3-celled P. aucuparia var. trUocidwris. Pyrus aucuparia var. randaiensis HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 98. Branches strong, ashy or dirk-pur pie -rubsscsut, cicatrices of leaves transversely ring-like, lenticels globose. Leaves piunats, narrowly ellip- tical in outline, 13 cm. long, 4 cm. broad, lateral pinnae S-9-juged, lower and upper ones shorter, middle ones longer, pinnae sessile, lowest ones oblong, 2 cm. long, 12 mm. broad, middle ones oblong-narrowed 4| cm. long, 12 mm. broad, acuminate at the apex, obliquely rounded at the base, obtuse on the upper side, longer in the lower side, roundly cordate, costas impressed above, elevated beneath, lateral veins impressed above, elevated beneath, hirsute beneath on the costas and veins, glabrous 011 both surfaces, pallid beneath, margin sharply serrulate, serrulas ascendent, terminal piuua oblong-obovate, 3 cm. long, 13 mm. broad, interjuges 1 cm. long, shortly stipellate, stipels subulate, rhaches winged, glabrous and silicate above ferrugmeo-hirsute beneath, petioles 4 cm. long, glabrous above, winged, ROSACES. 243 silicate, dilate at the base, stipules linear, 9 mm. long, connate at the base, somewhat fleshy. Leaf-buds acutely ovate, psrules broadly orate, roundly apiculate at the apex, glabrous. Cymes terminal 8 cm. long, 9 cm. broad, peduncles and pedicels subglabrous or sparingly hirsute, rubes- cent, leuticels elongate, pedicels 8 mm. long. Fruits globoso-pyriformed, 5 mm. in diameter, generally 4-celled, rarely 3- or 5-celled, calyx- lobes persistent, lobes triangular, obtuse. HAB. Randaizan. There is nothing like this at Kew. It is easily distinguishable by the minutely and very shapely toothed leaves. Pyrus aucuparia var. trilocularis HAYAT.V Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 99. Fruits nearly globose, nearly 1 cm. in diameter, 3-celled, cells 1- 2-seeded, or reduced to 1-seeded. Seeds compressiugly oblong, 34- mm. long, reddish, otherwise the same as the type. HAB. Seizan. Very like the tipe, but differs in having 3-celled fruits. Pyrus Kawakamii HAY ATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 99. Branchlets dark-purpurasceiit, glabrous, longitudinally rugulose, noted with annular leaf-traces. Leaf-buds cylindrical, 12 mm. long, perules imbricate, trian- gular, obtusely acute, margin ciliate. Leaves near the apex of the braiichlets approximately 3-4-fascicled, long petiolate, coriaceous, patent, broadly oblong or ovately oblong, 7 cm. long, 5 cm. broad, shortly cuspidately acute at the apex, or acute, acute at the base, or obtuse, crenulately serrulate on the margin, teeth obtuse, glabrous on both sides, veins slightly elevated, pallid beneath, petioles 3 cm. long. Fruits racemose, racemes 1 cm. long, pedicellate, pedicels longer, 2 cm. long. Drupes globose, 9 mm. in diameter, rubesceut when dried, sparingly punctate, (points subalbicant minute, globose), 2-3-seeded. Seeds quadrautiformed coiivexed on the back, 4 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, obtuse 011 both ends, dark-reddish purpurascent, HAB. Naiito. Very like P. sinensis from which this is distinguishable by the leaves which are acute at both ends. Also near P. Prattii HEMSL. and P. 244 EOSACE^E. baccata from which this differs in having much smaller fruits and oblong leaves acute at both ends. Pyrus formosana KAWAKAMI et KOIZUMI in HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 100 ; KAWAKAMI in Tokyo Eot. Mag. XXV. p. 146. Branches longitudinally rugose, fusco-purpurascent or ciuerascent, noted transversely with leaf-traces. Leaf-buds ovate, 5 mm. long, perules triang- ularly acute, glabrous. Leaves 2-3-clustered at the apex of branches, patent, membranaceo-coriaceous, elongately oblong or ovately oblong, 9-10 cm. long, 4 cm. broad, acute or acuminate at the apex, acute at the base, glabrous on both surfaces, pallid beneath, veinlets transversely elevated piimary veins 9-10 on each side, inconspicuous above, elevated beneath, costas sulcate above, prominent beneath, petioles 3 cm. long, silicate above, glabrous. Fruits apple-like, depressingly globose, 3 cm. long, 3] cm. broad, yellowish when matured. HAB. Rinkiho. Tlris differs from P. MaUus in the serration and the shape of the leaves. 11. Cotoneaster MEDIK. Dicliotomom Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Flowers in cymes, cymes terminal C. formosana. Cymes on shortened lateral branches. (2) (2) Stones completely included C. taitcensis. Stones partly included, the upper half exposed C. Koizumii. Cotoneaster formosana HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 101. Branches straight, rubesceut, cinereo- pubescent, at last glabrate, sometimes with branches turning to the spines. Leaves 3-5 clustered at the apex of the leaves, shortly petioled, oblong-obovate, 23 mm. long, 12 mm. broad, truncately emargiuate at the apex, truncate at the base, quite entire canescently pubescent, at last glabrous above, pallid beneath, petioles 4 mm. long. Flowers white ? 7 mm. in diameter, corymbose, (corymbs bracteate), at the axils of the upper leaves, or terminal. Calyx 4| mm. in EOSACE^E. 245 diameter, lobes 5, triangular, pilose, tube very pilose inside. Petals 5, orbicular, 3-4 mm. long as broad, ernargiiiate at tlie apex, slightly contracted at the base. Stamens co . Carpels 5, mostly pilose, styles glabrous. HAB. Taito. Cotoneaster Koizumi! HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 101. Branches dark ashy, longitudinally rugose, branchlets divaricate, spinose towards the apex, densely pubescent, (hairs soft), leafy. Leaves alternately 2-3- clustered toAvards the apex of the brauchlets (leafy branches very short | mm. long), obovate or spathulately obovate, 18 mm. long, 11 mm. broad, roundly emargiuate and shortly apiculate at the apex, cuueately obtuse at the base, quite entire, coriaceous, nearly shining above, pallid beneath, slightly reddish on both surfaces when dried, petioles 3 mm. long. Cymes terminal on the apex of the lateral brauchlets, sessile, 2]- cm. long, 3 cm. bro.id, glabrous. Drupes depressingly globose, 4 mm. long, 5 mm. broad. Calyx (fructiferous) suburceolate-globose, lobes persistent, broadly triangular, nearly including stones. Stones 5, naked at the apex, roundly quadrantiformed 24 mm. long, 1J mm. broad, fusco-rubescent. HAB. Piuaii. The present plant is very distinct from other species of the genus, in having obovate or even spathulate leaves which are emarginate at the apsx. From C. formcsana, it differs in the inflorescence on the shortened brauchlets standing nearly alternately on a side-branch. Cotoneaster taitoensis HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 102. Shrub, branches very ashy-dark, nearly shining, longitudinally rugose, branchlets divaricate shortly sparingly pubescent, spines simple 1 cm. long. Leaves alternately approximately disposed on the shortest lateral branchlets, or 3-4-clustered on the apex of the very short branchlets, ob- ovately spathulate or spathulate, 3J- cm. long, 1 cm. broad, truucately emar- ginate at the apex, shortly apiculate, entire on the margin, slightly pubescent, at last glabrous, cuneately narrowed at the base, coriaceous, nearly shining above, pale beneath, rubesceut when dried, petioles 3 mm. long. Fruits paniculate, panicles terminal on the short brauchlets. Drupes globose, | cm. 246 KOSACEJE. in diameter with 5-stones, stones quadrantiformed, 3^ mm. long, apicnlate. HAB. Taito. This species is very near C. formosana, but differs from it in the inflorescence. 12. Photinia LIXDL. Dichotomous Key to the Formosan Species. (1) Leaves entire P. niitalcayamensis. Leaves more or less toothed. (2) (2) Leaves large, over 15 cm., grossly dentate P. deftexa. Leaves smaller, minutely or obscurely serrate or serrulate. (3) (3) Leaves elongately obovately elliptical, serrulate, shortly acute, coriaceous. P. serrulata. Leaves lanceolate chartaceous, acuminate, minutely serrulate P. taiwanensis. Photinia deflexa HEMSL. Ann. Bot. IX. p. 153 ; HENRY List PI. Formos. p. 41 ; MATSUM. et HAY ATA Euum. PL Formos. p. 129. HAB. Taitocho, Takow, Bankinsing, South Cape. Photinia niitakayamensis HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 103. Branches dark-ashy, lenticels globose, minute, longitudinally rugose, branchlets slightly tomeutose or pubescent, leafy. Leaves oblong-oblanceolate or oblauceolate, chartaceous, 7 J cm. long, 24 cm. broad, acutely acuminate at the apex, shortly aristate, or calloso-aristate at the apex, obtuse or acute at the base, entire, slightly hirsute 011 the costas and veins above, at last glabrous, costas slightly impressed above, prominent l^eneath, lateral veins very slender on both surfaces, petioles 2} cm. long, terete, slightly hirsute, abruptly dilate at the base, stipule-formed. Flowers cymose, cymes terminal 5 cm. long as broad, hirsute. Fruits globose, 8 mm. long, 5-celled, carpels hirsute, slightly exserted, calyx-lobes triangular, 1 mm. long as broad, hirsute and persistent. HAB. Ganzau. The present plant was first identified with P. inteyrifolia LIXDL. by Prof. J. MATSUMURA in " Tokyo Bot. Mag. XIT. p. 55," then followed by myself in ROSAOEjE. 247 " Euum. PI. Formos. p. 130," and finally identified with P. Nctomana WIGHT et ARN. var. euyenifolia HOOK, by Mr. G. KOIZUMI in " Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXTII. p. 170. While studying at Kew, I examined the types of the species above mentioned, and found that they are not at all in accordance with the present plant. They differs from our plant besides many other points in having much larger and thicker or even coriaceous leaves. Photinia serrulata HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 2(33 ; HAYATA Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 104. HAB. Taito, Daishinzan. 80 far as the external comparison is concerned, the present plant is quite referable to this species. My plant lacks flowers. Photinia taiwanensis HAYATA (PI. XXX.) Materials for a Flora of Formosa p. 104. Branches ashy-dark, or fusco-purpurasceut, longitudinally rugulose, leuticels minute, brauchlets slender, albo-tomeutose. Leaves obovately- oblong or oblanceolate, 8 cm. long, 3 cm. broad, cuspidately acuminate at the apex, acute at the base, minutely serrulate upwards, serrulas minute, remotely serrulate downwards, quite entire near the base, charfcaceous, at first covered with soft tomentum, at last nearly glabrous, costas and veins slender, petioles 7 mm. long. Flowers shortly umbellate, cymose, cymes terminal, 2 cm. long, as broad, pedicels 1 cm. long, bracts subulate, 2 mm. long. Calyx campanulate, glabrous, 2|- mm. long, lobes patent, triangular or broadly rounded, mucrouate, 1 mm. long, l£ mm. broad. Petals 5, rounded, 3 i mm. long as broad, roundly truncate or acute subemarginate or not emarginate at the apex, abruptly cuspidately obtuse near the base, stamens nearly 15, filaments slightly dilate at [the base. Ovary nearly inferior albo-tomentose at the apex, 2 -celled, styles 2, entirely connate or slightly distinct at the apex, hirsute at the base, stigma oblique capitate. Fruits elliptico-pyriformed, 6 mm. long, 4|- mm. broad, long pedunculate, peduncles 4 mm. long. The Formosau plant is included in P. variabilis by W. B. HEMSLEY in Lid. Fl. Sin. I p. 263. While studying at Kew, I examined all specimens 248 ROSACES. included under the same name by the eminent authority, and found that the Formosan specimens are very distinct from any of the other forms of the species collected in continental China. This is near P. arguta, but differs in having more minutely toothed leaves. HAB. Taihoku, Koshim, Pachina, Hikaku, Tamsui. DISTRIB. 13. Eriobotrya LINDL. Eriobatrya japonica LIXDL. in Trans. Linn. Soc. XHI. p. 102 ; DC. Prodi-, n. p. 631 ; SIEB. et Zucc. Fl. Jap. I. p. 182, t. 97 ; HOOK. f. Fl. Brifc. Ind. II. p. 372; WIGHT Ic. PI. Lid. Or. t. 226; MIQ. Prol. Fl. Jap. pp. 229, et 372 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. IX. p. 175 ; FORBES et HEMSL. Ind. Fl. Sin. I. p. 261 ; HENRY List PL Formos. p. 41 ; DIELS Fl. Cent. Chin. p. 388 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Enum. PI. Formos. p. 129. Cratcegvs bibas LOUR. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WiLLD. p. 391. Mespilm japonica THUNB. Fl. Jap. p. 206. Pliotinia japonica FRANCH. et SAY AT. Enum. PI. Jap. I. p. 142. HAB. Shiutiku, (cultivated). DISTRIB. Spontaneous in China, cultivated in Japan. 14, Raphiolepis LINN. Raphiolepis indica LINDL.; DC. Prodr. H. p. 630; BENTH. Fl. Hongk. p. 107 ; MAXIM, in Mel. Biol. IX. p. 181 : FORBES et HEMSL. Lad. Fl. Sin. I. p. 264 ; MATSUM. et HAYATA Eiium. PL Formos. p. 128. Cratcegus indica LINN. Sp. PL ed-2, p. 683 ; Bot. Mag. t. 1726. Crat&gus nibra LOUR. Fl. Cochinch. ed-WiLLD. p. 391. HAB. Sharyoto, Jitsngetsutan, Holisha, South Cape. DISTRIB. NOTICE. 249 NOTICE. Owing to the limitation of pages of this fascicle, it has become impossible to treat here all the Polype talons plants. The author is, therefore, obliged to be content with giving families from Ranimculacese to Jiosacese in this fascicle. As copper- plates had been already finished, illustrations, of some families between Saxifragese to Cornacese are given here. Families from Saxifragese upwards will be treated in the next fascicle. INDEX. 251 INDEX Orders, gentra and species in roman type ; tribes, section, synonyms and species incidentally mentioned in italic type. The numbers inclosed in parentheses refer to pages where orders and genera are mentioned in keys. Abelmoschus moschatus MCENCH Abrns LINN „ precatorius LINN Abntilon asiaticum „ cysticarpum HANCE „ indicnm G. DON Acatia WILLD. confusa MERBILL „ Farnesiana WILLD „ Iiitsia WILLD „ pennata WILLD „ Richii HEMSL Acer LINN „ albo-pnrpurascens HAYATA „ capiliipes MAXIM „ caudatifolivini HAYATA „ caudalum WALL „ Davidi FBANCHET „ duplicato-serratum HAYATA „ erosum PAX „ Fargesi „ trifidnm var. formosanum HAYATA . . „ Hookeri „ Kawakamii KOIDZ „ laxiflorum „ Icevigatum WALL „ morrisonense HAYATA „ oblongiun WALL „ oblongum WALL „ Oliverianum PAX. var. ruicrocarpnm HAYATA „ „ „ var. Nakaliarai HAYATA. 99 194 194 97 97 96 212 •213 212 212 213 213 153 154 157 154 155 155 155 158 154 156 155 159 155 154 155 155 154 157 156 „ form, longistamiunm. . . 156 ovatifolium KOIDZ 159 palmatum THUNB 158 rnbescens HAYATA 157 rufinerve 158 serralatum HAYATA. , 158 Acer Tutcheri DUTHIE var. Sliimaclai HAYATA 153 Acronycliia FOBST 120 „ Cyminosma F. MUELL 120 „ laurifolia BLUME 120 Actinidia LINDL 87 „ callosa LINDL 87 „ Championi BENTH 88 Aclinandra JACK 84 „ acuminata 85 formosana HAYATA 85 „ lasiostyla HAYATA 86 „ Millettii BENTH. et HOOK. . . 85 „ peclnnculata HAYATA 85 JEschynomene LINN 179 „ indica LINN 179 Aglaia LOUK 127 „ elreagnoidea BENTH 127 „ „ „ var. formosana HAYATA 127 „ oclorata LOUE 127 „ Eoxburglaiana BEDD 128 „ Spanoghei BLUME 128 Agrimonia LINN 239 „ Enpatoria LINN 239 „ pilosa LEDEB 239 „ viscidula BUNGE var. japonica MIQ 239 Akebia DECNE 39 ,, longeracemosa ]\IATSUM 39 Albizzia DURAZZ 213 „ Juribrissin 213 „ procera BENTH 213 Allophyllus LINN 151 „ Cobbe BLUME 151 Altkrea LINN 94 „ rosea CAV 94 Alysicarpus NECK 189 bupleurifolius DC 189 vaginalis DC 190 252 INDEX. Amiiqdalus Persica LINN 218 10Q Amoora ROXB , 128 Rohituka W. et ABN. Ampeliclepe (10) 145 Ampelopsis heterophylla SIEB. et Zrcc. humulifolia BUNGE I68 Anacardiacese (•"•' Anemone LINN. vitifolia HAM Anonacefe. 162 26 (16) luzoniensis ROLFF 26 33 ' (7) Anona LINN (33) „ squfimosa LINN . . Apetalous Apios MCENCH Fortunei MAXIM Apocarpous Arabis LINN albiJa STEY. „ alpiua LINN „ erenosa „ morrisonensis HAYATA . . „ pterosperma EDGEW . . „ taraxadfolia ANDEEH. • . 49 Arachis LINN hypogsea LINN . . 180 Araliacea? Argemone LINN „ mexieana LINN. Artabotrys R. BE 49 50 50 49 49 50 43 (33) 34 3i 34 hamata BLUME odomtissimns R. BK Astragalus LINN ....... • • „ sinicus LINN Atatantia COEEEA ............. 123 Luxif olia OLIVEE ........ 123 monophylla HOOK, et ABN. . . 124 Atylosia W. et ABN ........... '^ scarabaeoides BENTH ....... 203 Aubletia ramobi'ssima LOUE ....... 142 Averrhoa LINN Carambola LINN Banisterin benr/hcileris'is LINN. Bauhinia LINN Championi BENTH 211 * „ retusa HAM . . 211 Begoniaceas Berberideoe OQ Berberis LINN. . .. „ bararudana VIDAL. . . Bealei FOETUNE. . . dictyophylla FEANCH. 41 Kawakamii HAYATA. monisonensis HAYATA . . nepalensis SPEEXG. Berchemia NECK. . . lineata DC racemosa SIEB. et Znv. . . Bergia LINN glandulusa TUECZ. Biophytum DC. sensitivum DC Bixinew 143 73 75 114 114 62 (10) Buenuinguausenia REICHB iilbiflom REICHB Bumbax LINN „ malabarkum DC. . . Brasenia SCHEEB. . . peltata PUESH „ pnrpnrea CASP. Brassica LINN canpestris LINN cldnensis LINN „ oleracea LOUE „ J\apa LEDEB. Iji-nlhys japonica et laxa BLUME „ nepalennis BLUME Brncea MILL „ sumatrana ROXB Bufhanania ROXB arborescens BLUME. banccmn MJQ florida SCHAUEE o arborescens ENGL lomjifolia BLUME Burseracete Bnrseracese Ctesalpinia LINN 116 116 101 101 42 42 42 53 53 53 54 54 78 79 125 125 164 164 165 156 165 126 (11) 208 INDEX. 253 Ciesalpinia Bondac ROXB „ Bondiicella FLEMING. „ Nuga ATT „ pulcherrima SWARTZ. Cajanus DC „ iudicus SPKENG. Calophyllnm LINN „ Inophyllum LINN. . Calycifloral Camellia axUlaris KOXB. „ caudata WALL. euryoides LINDL. . . „ salicifolia CHAMP. . . Camunium chinense EOXB. . . Canarium LINN „ album RJENSCH. . . Canavalia A DANS „ ensiformis DC. . . „ liiieata DC „ obtusifolia DC. . . Capparidere Cappniis LINN „ falcata LOUB „ formosana HEMSL „ Henryi MATSUM „ magna LOUK „ membranacea GABD. et CHAMP. var. angiistissiraa HEMSL „ micrantha C.ipparis MCENCH „ bursa-pastoris MCENCH Cardamine LINN „ asarifolia LINN „ birsuta LINN „ „ var. formosana HAYATA. „ „ var. rotundiloba HAYATA. „ parviflora LINN „ reniformis HAYATA „ violafolia Cardiospernmm LINN „ Halicacabum „ microcarpum H.B.K Caryophyllere Cassia LINN. . . „ ALTA LINN. . „ glauca LAM. 208 208 208 209 203 203 83 83 12 6 89 90 93 90 127 126 120 198 198 198 199 55 (7) 56 57 56 56 57 56 57 54 54 50 51 51 52 52 51 50 51 151 151 151 67 (8) 210 211 210 Cassia mimosoides LINN. . „ occklentalis LINN. . „ Tora LINN Calha Wallichii DON. . . Ceanothus asiaticus LAM. . „ ccipsularls FOEST. Cedrela LINN „ sinensis A. Juss. . Celastrinepe. Celastrns LINN „ articulatus THUNB „ diversifolium HEMSLEY „ Knsanoi HAYATA „ Wallichiana HANCE Cerastinm LINN „ aquaticum LINN „ arisanense HAYATA „ cordifolium ROXB „ morrisonense HAYATA „ pilosum LEDEB „ trigynum VILL „ trigynum VILL. var. momson- ense HAYATA Clvdcas paniculata et C. japonensis LOTIK. Cissampelos discolor DC „ hernandifolia "\VILLD „ hexandra KOXB Cissus brevipedunculata MAXIM „ cantoniensis HOOK, et AEN „ diversifolia WALP „ glauca KOXB „ repens LAMK Citrus LINN „ Aurantium LINN „ „ „ var. Decumana. BONAVIA „ Aurantium var. japonica HOOK. „ „ 8 sinensis LINN „ decumana LOUE „ inermis KOXB „ japonica THUNB „ nobilis LOUE Claiisena BUEM ,, ex cavata HAYATA „ lunulata HATATA „ Wampi OLIVEE Clematis LINN. 210 210 211 139 145 145 128 128 (10). (11) 135 139 139 139 139 139 69 73 69 69 70 71 70 122 37 37 37 148 147 147 149 149 124 124 124 125 124 124 125 125 124 122 125 123 123 16 254 INDEX. Clematis akcensis HAYATA 21 „ okcensis 17 „ apiifolia DC 25 „ barbelluta EDGEW 20 Benthamiana HEMSL. . . 25-24 boninensis HAYATA ckinensis BETZ. . . chinensiv EETZ. crassifolia BENTH. . crassifolia „ BENTH . . formosana KUNTZE. Henryi OILV lasiaudra MAXIM lasiandra MAXIM. var. Nagasawa var. an- 24 24 25 17 17 16 22 24 grata WALL 25 25 20 18 17 16 19 21 17 20 24 li) 23 24 23 17 25 )> 11 -I „ recta 33 Clematis recta LINN 25 „ smttacifolia WALL 22 „ taiwaniana HAYATA 23 „ taiwaniana 17 „ tozanensis HAYATA 22 „ tozanensis 17 „ triloba HOOK 23 „ uncinata 20 „ „ var. flor'ibunda . . . . 17 „ uncinata var. floribunda HAYATA 20 „ Vitalba LINN. var. javanica 0. Kze 23 „ Wightiana ? 17 Cleome LINN 55 „ icosandra et viscosa LINN. . 55 HAYATA „ Lesckenaultiana . . ji »i • . DC. gustifolia HAYATA. . . Clematis longisepala HAYATA „ longvtepala „ Meyeniana WLP. . . „ minor DC „ Morii HAYATA „ Owatarii HAYATA . . „ panicnlata THUNB. . . „ paniculata parvilobi GAKD. et CHAMP. Cleome pungens WILLD Cleyer.i DC » fragrans et Clyera dulia CHAMP. „ MUlettii HOOK, et AKN „ japonica SIEB. et Zucc „ japonica THUNB „ ochnacea DC Clitoria LINN „ Ternatea LINN Cocculns DC „ cuneatus BENTH „ cuneatus „ dwintherus HOOK, et ABN. . . ,, incanus COLEB „ laurifolius „ T hunbergii DC „ ovalifolius DC , „ Thuribergii „ japonicus DC Coclilearia LINN „ formosana HAYATA Colubrina L. C. RICH „ asiaticn BRONG „ javanica MIQ Combretacere Connarus juglamlifolius HOOK, et AKN. . . Cookia punctata KETZ Corchonis LINN. „ acutangtiliis LAM : . „ capsiilaris LINN „ decemangularifs EOXB „ fascus ROXB Corckoras olitoriiis LINN Coriaria LINN „ intermedia MATSDM Coriariese Coronariotis Cornacese Corydalis DC „ aurea WILLD. var. speciosa. EEGEL „ Ealansa; TRAIN „ formosana HAYATA „ heterocarpa SIEB. et Zucc. „ kelungensis HAYATA „ pallida PERS „ racemosa FERS „ f-pedosa MAXIM taitosnsis HAYATA. . 55 . 86 . 84 . 85 . 86 . 84 . 86 . 194 . 194 , 35 35 35 35 36 35 35 35 35 37 53 53 144 144 145 li 164 123 107 108 107 108 108 108 165 165 (9) (6) (14) 44 45 47 46 45 46 44 44 45 45 INDEX. 255 Corydalis WHfordi EEGEL Cotoneaster MEDIK „ formosaiia HAYATA „ Koizumi! HAYATA „ laitoensis HAYATA Crassulacere Cruciferre Cncurbitaceae Dicotyledons Cratcegus WMS LOUK „ indica LINN „ rvbra LOUK Cratreva LINN „ Adansonii DC , „ falcafa DC , Iceta DC „ magna DC „ religiosn FOBST „ trifoliata ROXB Crotalaria DILL „ acicularis HAM „ albida HEYNE „ calycina SCHRANK „ elliptica BOXB „ formosana MATSUM „ fumiginea GBAH „ Kawakamii HAYATA „ linifolia LINN „ retusa LINN „ sessiliflora LINN ,, similis HEMSL „ striata DC Crotalaria Trifoliustrurn WILLD „ Trifoliastrum WILLD „ verucosa LINN Cruciferas Cucubahis LINN „ baccifer LINN Cyclea gractiUma DIELS Cyminosma pe.dunculala et C. resinosa DC. Dalbergia LINN „ rubiginosa EOXB Dalrymplea pamifera ROXB Desmodium DESV „ Cephalotes WALL „ concinnum DC „ floribundum G. DON „ formosanum HAYATA „ gangeticum DC . 45 . 244 . 244 . 245 . 245 . 12 7 . 14 6 . 248 , 248 , 248 , 57 , 57 57 57 57 57 57 169 170 170 171 171 172 171 172 172 172 172 173 173 173 171 173 47 68 68 38 120 205 205 160 181 183 184 183 183 184 Desmoclinm Gardneri BENTH 184 „ gracilliimim HEMSL 185 gyrans DC 185 „ gyroides DC 185 heteropkyllum DC 185 „ labiimifolium DC 185 „ latifolium DC 185 „ laxiflorum DC 185 laxum DC 186 „ parvifolium DC 18(5 „ podocarpnm DC 186 „ polycarpum DC 186 pseudo-triquetrum DC 186 „ pulcliellum BENTH 187 „ reniforme DC 187 „ sinuatum Bl 187 triflomm DC 187 ninbellatum DC 187 Denis LOTB 205 „ chinensis BENTH 206 „ elliptic^, BENTH 206 „ laxiflora BENTH 206 „ oblonga BENTH 206 „ viliginosa BENTH 206 Diantlnis LINN 67 „ superbtvs LINN 67 Dicotyledons — Polypetalons 6 Dimocarpus Litchi LOUE 152 „ Longan LOUE 153 Discifloral 6 , 9 Dodonaea LINN 15y Domoncea angustifolia LINN 159 „ Burmanniana DC 159 „ dioica EOXB 159 „ microcarpa DC 159 „ viscosa LINN 159 Dolichos LINN 203 Lablab LINN 203 trilobatus WAIL.? 203 Droseraceaa 7 Drymaria WILLD 69 „ cordata WILLD 69 Duchesnea chrysantha MIQ 236 » fragarioifles MIQ 236 .. fratjiformis SMITH 236 Diamasia DC 194 ,, bicolor HAYATA 194 villosa DC. , 195 256 INDEX. Echinocarpus BLUME clasy carpus BENTH. Elatinere . Elatine LINN „ triandra SCHKUHR .Elffiocarpus LINN „ decipiens HEMSL „ japonicus SIEB. et Zucc. „ lancesefolius ROXB Elseodendron japonicum FRANCH. et SAVAT. Entada ADANS „ scandans LINN Epigynons Epimedium LINN sp. . . Eriobotrya LINDL „ japonica LINDL Erythrina LINN „ indica LAM Erytkrophlceum AFZEL „ Fordii OLIV Euckresta BENN „ Horsfieldii BENN Enonymus LINN „ carnosus HEMSLEY „ ckineusis LINDL „ Dielsiana LCESENER „ echinata WALL „ ecMnatus T. ITO „ javanicus BL „ Miyakei HATATA „ Spragiiei HATATA (PL XX.) „ subsessilis SPRAGUE „ Tanakse MAXIM „ trickocarpTis HAYATA Euphoria COMM „ Longana LAM Enrya THUNB „ distichophylla MATSUM „ disticfiophyUa MATSUM „ distichophylla HEMSL „ japonica THUNB „ strigillosa HAYATA Euryale SALISB „ ferox SALISB Euscaphis SIEB. ZTJCC , „ japonica PAX „ staphyleoides SIEB. et Zucc. . . 103 109 75 (8) 75 75 109 110 110 110 140 '212 212 6 41 41 248 248 196 196 211 211 207 207 136 136 139 136 138 138 137 137 137 138 137 138 152 152 86 87 90 87 86 87 42 42 159 159 159 Evodia FORST .............. 117 „ glauca MIQ ........... 117 „ Lamarckiana BENTH ....... 117 „ melicefolia BENTH ......... 117 „ Marcmnbong MIQ ......... 118 ,, Roxbiirgkiana BENTII ....... 118 triphylla DC ........... 117 „ triphylla BEDDOME ........ 118 Fagam LINN ............... 118 „ ailanthoides ENGL ......... 119 „ cuspidafci (CHAMP.) ENGL ..... 119 „ EMARG1NELLA ENGL. et 1'EANTL. . . 120 „ integrifoliola MERRILL ...... 119 „ nitida ROXB ........... 119 „ piperita LOUB ........... 119 „ triphylla ROXB ........... 119 Ficoidene ................ 8 Firmiana plntanifolia SCHOTT ...... 103 Flemingia ROXB ............. 204 „ congesta ROXB ......... 205 stricta ROXB ......... 205 strobilifera R. BR ....... 205 Fragaria LINN ............. 235 „ indica ANDR ........... 235 „ malayana ROXB ......... 236 „ vesca LINN. YJTT. minor HAYATA. 236 Fvmaria lutea THUNB ......... 45 „ pallida THUNB ......... 45 „ racemosa THUNB ......... 44 Gcertnera „ ROXB ......... Ill Galactia P. BR ............. 197 Galactia formosana MATSUM Tashiroi MAXIM Gamopetalons Garcinia LINN „ miiltiflom CHAMP Geraniacena 197 197 6 83 83 112 (*) .............. (9) Geranium LINN ............. 112 „ aconitifalwm ......... 113 •cdlinum A. DC ......... 113 „ Robertianum InNN ....... 113 „ uniflonim HAYATA ....... 113 Gilibertia Nalugu DC ........... 150 Gleditschia LINN ............. 209 „ formosana HAYATA ....... 209 „ heterophylla BUNGE ....... 209 „ japonica ........... 209 INDEX. 257 Glumaceons (R) Glycosmis arborea DC. . . 121 Glycine LINN 195 „ kispida MAXIM 196 „ tomentosa BENTH 196 Glycosmis CORREA 121 „ citrifoUa LINDL 121 „ pentapkylla CORREA 121 Gonus amarisslmus LOUR 125 Gordonia ELLIS 89 „ anomala SPRENO 89 „ javmica HOOK 89 Gossypivtm LINN 100 „ kerbaceum LINN 100 ,, indicum LAM 101 „ Nanking MYER 101 „ religiosum ROXB 101 Grewia LINN 106 „ parviflora BUNGE 107 „ piscatoram HANCE 107 „ tilitefolia YAHL 107 Guilanaia Bonduc, LINN 208 Gnttiferae.. 82 Gymnosporia diversifolia MAXIM 139 Gymnosperms (6) Gynandropsis RAFIN 56 pentapkylla DC. . 56 Hal oraerere. Halorageas. Hamamelidese . . (12) (15) (15) (M) (15) (13) Ile'lera lypoglauca HANCE 147 Helicteres LINN 104 „ angnstifolia LINN 104 „ lanceolata DC 104 Heritiera AIT 103 littoralis AIT 103 Hibiscus LINN 98 „ Abelmosckus LINN 99 „ cJiinenfiis DC 99 „ flavescens CAV 99 „ mutabilis LINN 100 „ rosa-sinensis LINN 99 „ simplex LINN 103 „ surattensis LINN 98 „ syriacus LINN 99 Hibiscus tiliaceus LIXN Trionum LINN. 0 ternatus CAV. Hiptage G^RNT „ Madablota G.ERTN Hypericinea? Hypericnm LINN „ acutisepalum HAYATA ,, Ascyroii LINN „ attenuatum CHOIS. „ aureum LOUR „ chinense LINN „ chinensis p. HOOK, et ARN. . . „ eledrocarpum MAXIN „ erectum THUNB „ formosamim MAXIM „ formosanum HAYATA „ geminiflomm HEMSLEY „ japouicum THUNB ,, longistt/lum OLIV „ monogynam LINN „ mutilum MAXIM „ Nagasawai HAYATA „ nervatum HANCE „ patnhim THUNB „ perforatum Hjflropdtis purpurea RICHARD ,, pusillum CHOISY „ raidaiense HAYATA ILijpericum salidfolium SIEB. et Zucc. . . „ Sampsoni HANCE ,, simplicvstyla HAYATA simplicistylnna HAYATA ,, subalatum HAYATA „ taisanense HAYATA „ Thuribergii FRANCH „ trinervinm HEMSLEY „ trinervlum HEMSL „ uralum HAM Idesia MAXIM „ polycarpa MAXIM Ilicinere (8) Bex LINN „ ardisioides Lozs „ asprella CHAMP ,, bioritsensis HAYATA „ Championi LCES crenata THUNB. 100 98 111 111 75 (7) (8) 75 77 77 82 78 78 78 80 81 79 77 76 78 80 78 78 81 78 79 81 42 78 81 78 80 78 79 77 80 87 79 80 79 62 62 129 129 135 130 130 131 133 258 INDEX. Ilex (mbelioides HOOK ,, formosana MAXIM „ goshiensis HAYATA „ Hanceana MAXIM „ Integra, THUNB „ intricata HOOK „ japonica THUNB „ Kusanoi HAYATA „ luzonica KOLFE „ macrocarpi OLIVE „ macropoda MIQ. „ memecylifolia CHAMP „ Mertensii MAXIM, var. formos;o Loss. „ nokrensis HAYATA „ j>ar-vif olia HAYATA „ Pernyi FEAXCH. var. Manipureiisis LCES. „ rotunda THUNB „ taisanensis HAYATA „ taiwaniana HAYATA ,, T7.om.9oni Elicinm LINN „ sp. HAYATA „ anisaturn. LINN „ aniKalum Lour, Griffithii „ religiosum SIEB. et Zucc. Impatiens LINN „ uuiflora HAYATA. Indigofera LINN „ Anil LINN „ otropurpurea ROXB. . . decora LINDL „ glandiilifera HAYATA. . „ hirsuta LINN „ kotcensis HATATA. „ linifolia EETZ macrostachya TENT. . . „ tiiictoria LINN „ tiifoliata LINN „ venulosa CHAMP. Introduction Isopyrum LINN 135 131 131 131 182 134 40 132 133 133 133 131 135 133 134 130 „ adiantifolium HOOK, et THOMS. „ adinanfolium HOOK, et THOMS. var. arisanense HAYATA *Janibolifera pedunculata et J. resinosa Lous. . 134 135 133 13 31 30 31 31 31 31 115 115 144 17G 177 175 175 176 17(5 177 177 177 177 177 1 21) (16) 30 29 112 Kadsura Juss. „ chinensis HANCE ..... „ japonica LINN ..... Kleiiikovia LINN ......... „ Hospita LINN ..... Kcelrcuteria LAXM ......... „ bipinnata FBANCHET. Juirbrea aquatica SER ...... Cm „ vliginosa HOOK Leea LINN „ Ottilis DC „ sambucina WILLD „ Staphylea EOXB Leguniinoste Lepta tripliylla LOUK Lespedeza MICHIX „ Buergeri MIQ. \ar. Oldhami MAXIM „ chinensis G. DON „ juncea PEES „ macrocarpa BUNGE ..... „ Oldhami MIQ „ pubescens HAYATA „ striata HOOK, et AEN. Lespedeza Viatoi-wn CHAMP „ Tirgata DC Leucrena BNNTH „ glatica BENTH Limonia arborea EOXB „ bi'ocularis EOXB „ panifolia SIMS Liuea; (9) Linxim LINN „ nsitatissimuni LINN Liriodendron Figo LOUE „ liliifera LINX „ Coco LOUE Litclii chinensis SONXEE Lotus LINN „ corniculahis LINN Lourea NECK „ obcordata DESV. ; DC Lysidice HANCE „ rliodostegia HANCE 33 30 33 33 103 104 151 151 73 72 72 150 150 150 150 165 (12) 117 1'JO 190 190 190 191 192 191 192 192 192 212 212 124 124 121 110 (11) (10) 110 110 32 32 32 152 174 174 189 189 210 210 INDEX. 259 Lytkrariese (12) „ ' <13> lYLiguoliacere (7) Magnolia 30 31 (30) 32 32 „ Chawpioni BENTH „ fuscala ANDE „ grandiflora LINN 31 „ grandiflora 31 pumila ANDB 32 „ pumila 31 Mahonia nepalensis DC 46 Malpigkiacese Ill (11) Malvaceae 93 - (8) Malva LINN 94 „ miuriti'iny LINN 94 „ „ ft sinensis DC 94 sylvestris LINN 94 Malvastrom A. GEAY • . . . . 95 tricuspidatum A. GBAY. . . . 95 Mangifera LINN 164 „ indica LINN 164 Mappia JACQ 129 „ ovata var. insiUaris MATSUM. . . 159 Medicago LINN 173 denticulata WILLD 174 „ lupulina LINN 174 Megabolrya melicn/olm HANCE 117 Melastomacete .. (13) Meliacese (11) 126 Melia LINN 126 „ Azedarach LINN 126 „ japonlca G. DON 127 „ sempervirens Sw 127 Melilotus Juss 174 „ parveflora DESF 174 Meliosma BLUME 161 „ rhoifolia MAXIM 161 „ rigida SIEB. et Zucc 161 „ squamulata HANCE 161 Melochia LINN 104 „ concatenata LINN 105 „ corchorifolia LINN 104 „ truncala WILLD 105 Melodonun DUN. 33 Melodorum Oldhami HEMSL. Menispermaceaa Alenispermum villosum ROXB. „ japonicum THTJNB. Mespilus japonica. THUNB. . . Micbelia LINN. „ compressa MAXIM „ compressa „ fuscata BLUME „ fuscata „ longifolia BLUME „ langifo'.ia Microspermons Millettia W. et AEN „ reticulata BENTH Milnea Rmiburghiana WILLD. et AEN. Mimosa LINN „ pudica LINN Monocotyledons Mucuna ADANS „ capitata WALP. et AEN „ ferraginea MATSUM Mmxayn LINN Murrnya exotica LINN „ Koenigii SPEENG Myosoton aquaticum MOENCH Myilaceas Nasturtium Br „ cantoniense HANCE „ globosum TUECZ „ montanum WALL „ sikokianum FEANCH. et SAVAT. Nelumblam specioswn WILLD NepJtrocia caneifolla MIEES Nelumbo GJEETN „ nucifera G^ETN Nephelium LINN „ dimocarpus HOOK „ Litchi CAME „ Longana CAMB Norysca aurea BLUME „ patula BLUME Nudifloral Nymphaeaceai Nelumbi LOUE. 34 (7) 35 36 37 240 (30) 32 32 (32) 32 (32) 32 (32) 6 178 178 128 212 212 6 196 197 197 122 122 122 73 14 48 48 48 48 48 43 35 43 43 152 152 152 153 78 79 6 42 (7) (9) 43 2(10 INDEX. Olacineae ,, • • . . . Onagrariefe (Trapa) Ormocarpnm B. BE „ glabmm TEIJSM. et BINN. Ornitrophe Cobbe WILLD „ serrala BENTH Oxalis LINN ,, eomiculata LINN „ Griffitliii EDGEW. et HOOK. . . „ sensitiva LINN Pacnyrrkizus RICH „ angiilatus BICH. . , Paliums Jess „ AuUetia SCHULTZ „ ramosissimns POIR Papaveracere Papaver LINN „ somniferuni LINN Passiflorae ( Carica) Pericampylns MIKES „ formosanus DIELS Pericampylus incanus MIEES Persica vitlgaris MILL Phaseolus LINN.* ,, lunatias LINN „ Mnngo LINN „ radiatns LINN. var. typica D. PKAIN „ trilobns AIT Phoberos cJnnensis Rom; „ seems HANCE Pbotiiiia LINDL „ arguta „ rleflexa HEMSL Photonia integrifolia LINDL „ japonica FRANCH. et SAVAT. niitakayamensis HAYATA „ Notoniana WIGHT, et AEN. var. eugenifolia HOOK „ serrnlata HEMSL „ taiwanensis HAYATA „ variabilis HEMSLEY Pistacia LINN „ formosana MATSUM Pisum LINN. 12'.) (10) (9) (12) 179 179 151 151 113 114 114 111 202 202 112 142 142 43 43 43 15 38 38 38 36 218 199 199 199 200 200 62 62 246 248 246 246 248 216 247 247 247 247 164 164 194 Pisum sativum LINN ........... 194 Pitlaecololiium MART ........... 213 „ drJce BENTH ....... 213 „ lucichim BENTH ....... 214 Pittosporere ............... 63 63 65 65 64 63 64 ('3 ('4 Pittosporum BANKS „ dapliniphylloides HAYATA. „ floribundum W. et A „ formosannm HAYATA • „ oligocarpnm HAYATA „ pauciflorwn HOOK, et AEN. Tobira AIT „ \indiilat\im VENT Podoplaylhim LINN ........... 41 „ pleiantlmm HANC'E ..... 41 Poinciana TOUKN ............. 209 regia BOJ ........... 209 Polanisia EAFIN ............. 55 „ icosandra WIGHT et AEN ..... 55 „ viscoso, DC ........... 55 Polygaleas .............. 65 Polygala LINN ............. 65 „ arcnatn HAYATA „ glonierata LOTJE. . . „ japonica HOUTT. . . „ sibirica LINN. „ T.atarinowii EEC;. . . „ Walter sii HANCE .. Polygalere Polypetalous Polyspora axillarift SWEET . . Pometia J. E. et FOEST 65 C.7 66 66 66 C6 7 6 89 153 tilirefolia . 153 Ponganiia VENT. „ glabra VENT. Portiilacese 207 207 . .. ... .. 73 (12) •-(13) Portulaca LINN 73 „ oleracea LINN 74 „ pilosa LINN 73 „ (juadriftda HAYATA 74 „ „ LINN. var. formosana HAYATA 74 Potentilla LINN 236 „ chinensis SEE 236 „ discolor BUNGE 236 „ formosana HANCE 236 INDEX. 2(51 Potentilla gelida C.A. MEY 237 „ grandiflora LINN 237 „ leuconota DON. var. morrisoni- cola HAYATA 237 „ muUifida BAKKE et ft. MOOEE. . . 237 „ pensylvanica LINN 238 „ Sibbaldi HALLEE 238 Frinos a.oprellvs HOOK, et ABN 130 „ Integra HOOK, et ABN 123 Prineepia ROYLE 219 utilis ROYLE 219 Primus LINN 215 „ campanulata MAXIM 216 „ communis HUBS 216 „ Davidiana FEANCHET . . '. . . . 218 „ domestica LINN 216 „ formosana MATSUM 218 „ insititia LINN 217 „ japonica THUNB 217 „ Kawakamii HAYATA 217 Piunus Miune SIEB. et Zucc 217 „ pendula MAXIM 219 „ Persia SIEB. et Zucc 217 „ pogonostyla MAXIM 218 „ punctata HOOK. 218 „ taiwaniana HAYATA 218 „ xerocarpa HEMSLEY in Ann. Bot. 218 Psophocarpus NECK 202 tetragonolobus DC 202 Pterospermum SCHEEB 104 ,, formosanum MATSUM. . . 104 „ fuscum KUTH 104 Pueraria DC 197 „ phaseoloides BENTH 198 „ Thunbergiana BENTH 198 Pycnospora R. BE 188 „ hedysaroides R. BE. . . . 188 Pyrus LINN 242 „ aucuparia var. randaiensis HAYATA. 242 „ „ „ trilocularis HAYATA. 243 „ baccata 244 „ formosana KAWAKAMI et KOIZUMI.. 244 „ Kawakamii HAYATA 243 „ Mallus 244 „ Prnttil HEMSL 243 „ sinensis 243 Quinaria lansium LOUE 123 RanunculacesB 16 (6) Rannculns LINN. Sp „ acris. LINN „ Cymbalaria PAESH „ ext orris HANCE flaccidus „ Kawakamii HAYATA „ Kawakamii „ japoniciis LANGSD „ japonicus THUNB. . . „ pennsylmnicus L. var. japonicus. MAXIM „ philippinensis MEEE. et ROLFE. „ propinquus var. Mrsutus A. GEAY ,, propinquus C. A „ sceleratus LINN Kanucnlus tnisanensis HAYATA „ ternatus THUNB „ Zuccarinii Baphiolepis LINN „ indica LINDL Jiayania hexaphylla THUNB Ehamnete »J .. . . .. .. . . . • •• • • Ithamims LINN acwninata COLEBR „ arguta MAXIM, var. Nakaharai HAYATA „ formosana MATSUM „ Jujuba LINN „ Kakaharai HAYATA „ triquctra WAT.L RliizophoreiB Rhus LINN „ intermedia HAYATA „ javanicum LINN „ succedanea LINN. var. japonica ENGL. „ semi-alatft MUEE „ succedanea LINN „ Toxicodendron LINN. (v:\r. ?) . . „ Toxicodvndron LINN Rhynchosia LOUE „ minima DC „ sericea SPAN volubilis LOUB. 26 (IB) 29 (26) 28 28 28 28 27 (26) 28 28 29 27 28 28 29 26 28 28 248 248 39 141 (10) 143 145 114 144 142 143 144 (14) (13) 162 162 163 163 163 163 164 163 203 204 204 204 2C2 INDEX. Eiedleia concater.ata DC ......... 105 „ corchorifolia DC ......... 105 „ supina DC ........... 105 Rosacese ................ 214 .................. (12) (Photinia) .......... (13) (Rubus) ............ (12) Rosa LINN ............... 239 „ Amygdalifolia SEE ......... 240 „ bracteatn \V ENDL ......... 240 „ cJtinensis WILLD ........... 240 „ indica LINN ............. 240 „ indica Yar. formosana HAYATA. . . 249 „ involucrata BEAAM ......... 240 „ laavignta MICH ........... 240 „ longifdlia "\VILLD ........... 240 „ Lucite FEANCH. et KOCH ....... 241 „ morrisonensis HHYATA ....... 241 „ rr.oschata BENTH ........... 241 „ multiflora THUNB ......... 241 „ nivea DC ............. 240 „ semperfiorens WILLD ......... 240 „ sinica An ............. 240 „ WeVbiana WALL ........... 241 „ Willmottice HEMSL ......... 241 „ xanthiana LINDL ........... 241 Rubus LINN ............... 222 „ chinensis SEE ........... 233 „ conduplicatus DUTHIE ....... 224 ,, conduplicatus DUTHIE ....... 232 „ „ DUTHIF ....... 234 corclaorifolius LINN ......... 225 „ glaber MATSUM. . . 225 dijfusus ............. 232 elegans HAYATA ......... 225 fasciculatus DUTHIE ........ 235 formosensis O. KUNTZE ....... 226 fraxinifolitis POIE ......... 226 Hamiltonianus SEE ......... 228 hirsutus HAYATA ......... 227 incisvs THUNB ........... 234 incisus .............. 235 Kawakamii HAYATA ........ 227 Lambertianus SEE ......... 228 malifolius FOCKE ......... 228 moluccanus LINN. . . . ..... 228 Morii HAYATA ........... 229 nantcensis HAYATA. . . 229 Rubus ochlanthns HANCE „ Oliveri MIQ „ parvifolius LINN „ pectinellus MAXIM „ pectinellus MAXIM „ pentnlobus HAYATA „ pungens CAMB. var. Oldhami MAX. randniensis HAYATA „ reflexus KEE „ retusipebilus HAYATA „ Rolfei YIDAL var. lanatus HAYATA. rossefolius SMITH „ rvgosus MAXIM SMITH... 228 225 230 230 231 230 231 230 228 232 232 233 22G sepalanthus FOCKE shinkcensis HAYATA Swinliosi HANCE 1» »» ... 4 tngullus CHAM, et SCHL. . . taisansis HAYATA taiwanianiis MATSUM. triphyllus THUNB villosus THUNB. . . Sabiacese . Sabia COLEBE „ Ewinhoei HEMSLEY. . Sageretia BEONGN „ theezans BEONGN. Sagina LINN „ Linnfei PEESL „ maxima A. GRAY. „ procumbens THUNB. . „ sinensis HANCE . . Sambucus japonica THUNB. . Samydacete Sapindaceae Sapindus LINN „ Mukorossi Saiuranja WILLD 230 228 233 234 228 234 234 235 230 225 116 (9) (11) (10) 160 (12) 106 106 144 144 69 69 69 69 69 160 (13) 150 (9) (11) (12) (10) 152 152 83 INDEX. 203 Sanranja Oldkami HEMSL. Saxi£ragea3. Schima REINW „ Noronhas REINW Scl/miedelia Cobbe DC „ Rheedii WIGHT „ villosa WIGHT Schcepfia SCHEEB Sp Scolopia SCHREB. chinensis et & acuminata CLOS. „ crenata CLOS Oldhami HANCE Scopolia aculeata SM Scytalia Longan ROXB Senebiera POIK. „ integrifolia DC „ pinnatifida HENRY fesbania PEKS „ tegyptiaca Sibbaklia LINN „ cuneata KUNZE „ procumbens LINN Sida LINN „ acuti BURM „ asiatica LINN „ carpinifolia LINN „ cordifolia LINN „ indica LINN „ Immilis WILLD „ mysorensis W. et A „ rhombifolia LINN „ Stauntoniana DC. . ; Silene LINN „ Fortiinei Vis SLmarubese. Sinapis pekinensis LOUR „ pusilla ROXB Skimmia THTJNB „ japonica THUNB Sloaiiea LINN „ kongkongensis HEMSL. . . Smithia AIT „ cilwta ROYLE „ Nagasawai HAYATA. sensitiva AIT. . . 88 (14) (12) (13) 89 83 151 151 151 129 129 62 62 62 62 120 153 54 54 54 178 178 238 238 238 95 96 97 96 95 97 95 96 96 96 68 68 125 (») 54 48 121 121 109 109 179 180 179 180 Sopliora LINN „ flavescens AIT „ tomentosa LINN Spiraea LINN „ formosana HAYATA „ „ HAYATA var. brevistyla HAYATA v japonica LINN „ morrisonicola HAYATA „ pranifolia SIEB. et Zucc Stackyunis SIEB. et Zucc Stachynras himalaicus HOOK. f. et THOMS. „ prsecox SIEB. et Zucc Stauntonia DC „ hexaphylla DECNE StelLrria LINN „ aqtoatica SCOP „ aquatica POLL „ dichasioides WILLIAMS „ media LINN „ micrantba HAYATA „ nulans HEMSL „ saxatllis HAM „ stellato-pilosa HAYATA „ \iliginosa MURRAY „ undulata THUNB Step'tania LOUR »i •• •• •• „ dahurica DC „ hernandifolia WALP „ hernandifolia „ tetrandra „ longa LOUR „ tetrandra S. MOORE Stercxiliacete SterciUia LINN „ lanceolala CAV. „ nobilis R. BROWN „ platanifolia LINN. . . „ pyriformis BUNGE.. „ tomentosa THUNB. . . Suriana LINN „ miixitima LINN. Talinum ADANS „ crassifolinni WILLD. Tamariscinefe Tamarix LINN. 207 206 206 220 220 220 220 221 221 88 88 88 38 38 71 73 72 72 73 72 71 72 71 72 72 36 35 37 36 36 36 37 37 102 (9) 102 103 102 103 103 103 125 125 74 74 75 (8) 75 264 INDEX. Tamalix chinensis SIEB. et Zucc. „ juniperina BUNGE Taonabo japonica SZYSZ Tephrosia PEES „ purpurea PEES Ternstrcemiacere 75 75 84 178 178 83 Ternstrcemia LINN ........... 84 „ japonica THUNB ....... 84 Thalamifloral .............. 6 Thalictrum .............. 25 .............. (16) „ Urbaini .......... 25 Fauriei HAYATA . . . . . . 25 Tlaea LINN ............... 89 biflora HAYATA .......... 92 „ brevistyla HAYATA ........ 90 Thea candata (WALL) .......... 90 „ chinensis Srsis .......... 91 , , gracilis (HEMSL.) .......... 90 , reticulatn ............ 93 „ salicifolia SEEM ........... 90 „ Sasanqua ............ 92 „ shinkcensis HAYATA ........ 92 „ tenniflora HAYATA ........ 91 Tiliacere ................ 10C> .................. (8) „ ................ (9) .......... -.(11) Tinospora dentata DIELS ....... 38 Tocldalia Juss ............. 120 „ aculeatn PEBS ......... 120 Tribulus LINN ............. Ill „ cistoicles LINN ......... 112 „ terrestris LINN ......... 112 Trifolium LINN ............. 174 Tripterygium HOOK, f ........... 140 Wilforclii HOOK ....... 140 „ Bidlockii HANCE ...... 140 Tristellateia THOUAES ......... . Ill „ australasica A. KICK ..... Ill Trinmfetta LINN ............. 108 angulata LAM ......... 109 „ fartramia LINN ....... 109 „ pilosa ROTH ......... 10'd „ rhomboidea JACQ ....... 108 „ trUoculans ROXB ....... 109 Trochodendron SIEB. et Zucc ....... 30 „ aralioides SIEB. et Zucc. 30 Turpinia VENT 160 pomifera DC 160 Unona hamata DUNAL 34 „ odoraiissima et hamala ROXE. . . 34 „ uncinata DC 34 Uraria DESV 188 „ crinita DESV 188 „ hamosa WALL 188 „ formosana MAT.SUM 188 Uraria logopoicles DC 188 ,, picta DESV 189 Urena LINN 98 „ diversifolia WALP 98 „ helorophylla SMITH 97 lobata LINN 97 ,, lobata Var. tomentosa MIQ 98 Lappago SMITH 98 morifolia DC 97 muricata DC 97 Uvaria LINN 33 „ clusijlora MEEKILL 34 „ japonica LINN 33 „ imcatn LOTTE 34 >. Sp. HAYATA 33 Vontilago G^ETN 141 ,, elegans HEM.SL 141 „ leiocarpa BENTH 141 Yicia LINN 192 „ angiistifolia ROTH 192 „ Cracca LINN 193 „ birsuti KOCH 193 „ sativa LINN 193 „ tetrasperma MCENCH 194 Vigna SAV 200 „ Catiang 201 „ „ ENDL. var. siiiensiK KING. . 201 „ lutea A. GEAY 200 „ pilosa BAKEE 201 „ reflexo-pilosa HAYATA 201 „ sinensis HAS.SK 201 „ stipiilata HAYATA . . . . . . 202 Yiolacere 58 (7) Viola LINN 58 „ cliffnsa GING 60 ,, formosaiia HAYATA 59 ,, japonica LANGSD 61 ,, japonica var. pekinensis MAXIM. . . 61 ,, kamtscliatica var. pekinensis REGEL. 62 INDEX. 265 Viola Kawakamii HAYATA „ Nagasawai MAEINO et HAYATA „ PatriniiDC „ primulifolia Lour, „ siamensis „ Kieboldi MAXIM ,, tozanensis HAYATA „ verecunda A. GRAY Vitis LINN „ angustifolia WALL „ angustifolia HAYATA „ cantoniensis SEEM „ cordata WALL „ corniculala BENTH „ dentata HAYATA „ flexxiosa THUNB „ formosana HEMSL „ heterophylla THUNB „ Ileyneana KCEM. et SCHULT. „ inconstans MIQ „ joj)onica THUNB ,, Labmsca LINN „ Labrusca THUNB ,, indica HOOK, et AEN „ parvifolia ROXB 58 60 Gl 61 5(J GO 59 61 145 147 149 147 149 146 146 147 147 148 149 148 148 148 149 149 147 „ repens W. et A ........... „ Tkunlergii SIEB. et Zucc ....... „ triphylla HAYATA ........ ,, iimbellata HAYATA ........ Waltheria LINN ............. „ americana LINN ....... „ indica LINN ......... Makinoi HAYATA ...... Zantkoxylum LINK ........... „ oManthoides SIEB. et Zucc. „ cuspidatum CHAMP ..... „ Lamarckianwn ...... nitidum DC ......... „ planispinum SIEB. et Zucc. „ ptelecefolium CHAMP ..... „ Hoxburghi'inui» CHAMP. . . „ setosmn HEMSL ....... ,, zeylanicum DC ....... Zizyplins Juss ........... .. „ Jujuba LAM ......... Zigophylleas .............. Zornia GMEL ............... diphylla PEBS ........... Zygophyllacejs ........... » 149 149 146 149 105 105 105 105 118 119 119 117 119 118 117 118 118 118 142 ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. PLATE I. PLATE I. Clematis Jforii IT AY ATA. Fig. 1. The plaut. 2. Longitudinal section of a flower. '•>. A sepal, seeu from without. 4. The same, seeu from within. 5. Stamens, one innermost, the other outermost one. (3. A carpel. Ic. PI. Formos. Fasc. I. PI. I, M.Ebina.del. T. Arai sculp. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. PLATE II. PLATE II. Clematis akcensis HAY ATA. Fig. 1. The plant. 2. A flower, longitudinal section. 3. A sepal, seen from within and without. 4. A stamen. 5. A carpel. Ic. PI. Formos. Fasc. I. PL II. M. Ebina, del. K.Nakasawa sculp. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. PLATE III. PLATE III. Clematis tozanensis HAYATA. Fig. 1. The plant. 2. A flower, longitudinal section. 3. A stamen. 4. A carpel. /c. PI. Formos. Fasc. I. PI. III. K.N'akasawa sculp. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. PLATE IV. PLATE IV. Clematis taiwaniana HAYATA. Fig. 1. The plant. 2. A flower-bud. 3. A flower. 4. A sepal, seen from within and without. 5. A stamen. C. A carpel. 7. The same, matured. Ic. PI. Formos. Fasc. I. PI. IV. M.Ebina, del K.Nakasawa sculp. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. PLATE V. PLATE V. Ranunculus taisanensis HAYATA. Fig. 1. The plant. 2. A flower. 3. A sepal, seen from within. 4. The same, seen from without. 5. A petal, a glandnlous body is seen at the base. 6. A stamen. 7. A young carpel. 8. A mature carpel. Ic, PI. Formos. Fasc. L PI. V. 8 M. Khi tut . del. F. Fujisaiva sculp. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. PLATE VI. PLATE VI, Ranunculus Kawdkamii HAVATA. Fig. 1. The plant. 2. A flower. 3. A sepal, seen from without. 4. The same seen from side. 5. The same, seen from another side. 6. A petal, seen from within, a glandular point at the base of the lamina is seen. 7. Another petal. 8. A stamen. 9. Syncarp. 10. A carpel. Ic. PI. Formos. Fasc. I. PI. \ll. 5 M.Ebina, del. K.Nakctsawa sculp. ICONES PLANTARDM FORMOSANARBM. PLATE VII. PLATE VII. n cdianiifdh'iii HCOK. et THOMS. var. arisaucnsis HAYATA. Pig. 1. The plant. 2. A radical leaf. 3. Basal portion of a petiole. 4. A leaflet. 5. An open flower, with five stamens. 6'. Another form of flowers, with ten stamens. 7. Sepals of different shape. 8. A petal, seen from within and without. 9. A stamen. 10. An ovary, or two carpels. 11. A fruit. Ic. PL Formos. Fasc. I. PI. VII. M.Ebina. del. K.Nakasawa --Mlp. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. PLATE VIII PLATE VIII. Stej>/"'iii. A penile. 4. A flower-bud. 5. An open flower. (I. and 7. Sep.ils of different shapes. 8. A petal, two glandular bodies are seen at the of the pet:d. 0. and 10. A stamen svn from within ;md without 11. An ovary. 12. The same, in vertical section. 13. A fruit. 14. and 15. A saed, se?n from different sides. 10. An embrvo. /c. PI. Formos. Fasc. I. PI. IX. M.Ebina.del. T.Arai sculp. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. PLATE X. PLATE X. Bcrlicri* iiKin-'^n.emis HAY ATA. Fig. 1. A branch of the plant. 2. A leaf. 3. A fruit. 4. A seed. 5. An embryo. Ic. PL Formos. Fasc.' /. PI. X. M.El>ina .del. F. Fujisawa sculp. ICONES PLANTARUM FORM03A1HRUM. PLATE XI. PLATE XI. Aralis morrisonensis HAYATA. Fig. 1. The plant. 2. A radical leaf. 3. Hairs on the leaf, one is simple, the other forked. 4. A flower. 5. A sepal. G. A petal. 7. A stamen. 8. An ovary. 9. A seed. 10. An embryo. Ic. PI. Formos. Fasc, I. PI. XI. K.Nakasawa .sculp. ICONES PLANTAROM FORM03ANARUM. PLATE XII. PLATE XII. Codilearia formosana HAYATA. Fig. 1. The plant. 2. A flower. 3. A sepal. 4. A petal. 5. A stamen. C. The same, seen from another side. 7. An ovary. 8. A fruit, 9. A seed. 10. The same, seen from another side. 11. An embryo. Ic. PL Formos. Fasc. I. PI. XII. 4 M.Ebina.del. K.Nakasaiva sculp. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. PLATE XIII. PLATE XIII. Cerastium arisanensc HAY ATA, Fig. 1. The plant. 2. A flower. 3. A sepal. 4. A petal. 5. A stameii. G. An ovary. 7. Another form of an ovary with erect styles. Ic. PI. Formos. Fasc. I. PI. XIII. 5 4 M. Ebiiia. del. K.Nakasa\ra sculp. ICONES FLANTAROM FORMOSANARUM. PLATE XIV. PLATE XIV. Stdlaria iiiicmntlia HAY ATA. Fig. 1. The plant. 2. A flower, o. A sepal. 4. A petal. 5. A stamen. . Stamens in bundle. 7. A stamen. 8. The same, seen from another side. !>. An ovary. 10. An apical portion of a style, stigmatic portion id shown. Ic. PI. Fonnos. Fasc. I. PI. XV. M.Ebina, del. K.Nakasawa sml|> ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSAHARUM. PLATE XVI. PLATE XVI. Hypericum simplicistylum HAYATA. Fig. 1. A branch of tlie plant. 2. A leaf, o. A flower- bud. 4. An open flower. 5. A sepal. 6. A petal. 7. A stamen, seen from within and without. 8. An ovary. 9. Apical portion of a style, stigmatic portion is shown. Ic. PI. Formos. Fuse. I. PL XVI. K.Nakasawa sculp. ICONES PLANTARUM FORM03ANARUM. PLATE XVII. PLATE XVII. Hyper icinn randaiense HAY ATA. Fig. 1. The plant. 2. A leaf. 3. A flower. 4. A sepal. 5. A petal. 6. A stamen, seen from within. 7. The same, seen from without. 8. An ovary. Ic. PI. formos. Fasc. I. PL XV/I. M.Ebina.del. 6 7 T.Arui sculp. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. PLATE XVIII. PLATE XVIII. Hypericum Nagasaioal HAY ATA. Fig. 1. A branch of the plant. 2. — a. A flower. 2. — I. The same, seen from a little below. 3. A sepal. 4. A petal. 5. A stamen. 6. The same, seen from side. 7. An ovary. Ic. PI. Formos. Fasc. I. PL XVIII. v .-. V,/ M.Ebma. del. T. Arai sculp. ICONES PLANTAROM FORM03ANARUM. PLATE XIX. PLATE XIX. Ilex parvifdia HAY ATA. Fig. 1. A branch of the plant. 2. A fruit. 3. A sepal. 4. A sepal of another form. <>. The same, seen from another side. 7. The same, in vertical section. 8. The same, in cross section. /c. PI. Formos. Fasc. I. PI. XIX. 8 M.Ebina, del. K.Nakasawa sculp. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. PLATE XX. PLATE XX. nufi Spraynei HAYATA. Fig. 1. A branch of the plant. 2. A fruit seen from side. 3. The same, seen from a little below. 4. A seed. 5. An anomalous embryo with four cotyledons. Ic. PL Formos. Fasc. I. PI. XX. M.Ebina.del. T. Aral sculp. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARDM. PLATE XXI. PLATE XXI. Prtmus taitvaniana HAYATA. Fig. 1. A branch of the plant with fruits. 2. Another branch with flowers. 3. A leaf, with stipules. 4. A flower. 4a. A lobe of the calyx. 5. A petal. 6. A stamen seen from within and without. 7. A pistil. 8. A fruit. Ic. PI. Formos. Fasc. I. PI. XXI. M.Ebina .del. i-' Fuji; .1 » .'i ' ill)1. ICONES PLANIAEUM FORMOSANARUM. PLATE XXII. PLATE XXII. cBa formosana HAYATA. Fig. 1. The plant, 2. A flower. 3. A petal. 4. Calyx, iu longitudinal section. 5. A stamen, seen from within and without. fi. A carpel. Ic. PI. Formos. Fasc. I. PI. XXII K.Nakasawa smlii. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. PLATE XXIII PLATE XXIII. Spiraea morrisonensis HAYATA. Fig. 1. The plant. 2. A leaf. 3. A petal. 4. A lobe of a calyx. 5. A flower. 0. A carpel. 7. A seed. 8. An embryo. Ic. PI. Formos. Fasc. I. PI. XXIII 'i M.Ehina .del. K. Fuji.s.ti.M si nip. PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. PLATE XXIV. PLATE XXIV. x conduplicatus DUTHIE. Fig. 1. The plant, 2. A bract. 3. A penile. 4. A flower. 5. The same in vertical section. 6. A fructiferous flower in vertical section. 7. A calyx- lobe. 8. A petal. '.). A stamen, seen from within and without. Ic. PI. Formos. Fasc. I. PL XXIV. M.Ebina. del. T.Arai sculp. ICONES PLANTARDM FOEM03ANARUM. PLATE XXV. PLATE XXV. s fasciculatus DUTHIE. Fig. 1. The plant. 2. Basal portion of a petiole, showing the stipules. 3. A bract. 4. A flower in vertical section. 5. A calyx-lobe, seen from within and without. 6. A petal, seen from within anil without. 7. A stamen, seen from within and without. 8. A carpel. Ic. PI. Formos. Fasc. I. PI. XXV. ICONES PLANTARDM FORM03ANARUM. PLATE XXVI. PLATE XXVI. Eiibvs Kawdhamii HAY ATA. Fig. 1. A branch of the plant. 2. A flower, seen from a little above. 3. The same, seen from a little below. 4. The game, in vertical section. 5. A petal. 6. A stamen. 7. A carpel. 8. A seed. 9. A prickle with a truncate apex. 10. Another form of a prickle with an acute apex. Ic. PI. Formos. Fasc. I. PI. XXVI. sculp. ICONE3 PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. PLATE XXVII. PLATE XXVII. s nantmnsls HAYATA. Fig. 1. The plant. 2. A stipule. 3. A bract. 4. Another bract. 5. A flower in vertical section. 6. A calyx-lobe, seen from within and without. 7. A stamen, seen from within and without. 8. A carpel. Ic. PI. Form os. Fasc. I. PI. XXV//. T. Arai srul|). ICONES PLANTAROM FORMOSANARUM. PLATE XXVIII. PLATE XXVIII. Hubitfi retusipetala HAYATA. Fig. 1. A brand i of the plant. 2. A flower, seen from a little above. 3. The same, seen from a little below. 4. The same, in vertical section. 5. A lobe of a calyx, seen from within and without. (5. Petal. 7. Stamen, seen from a different side. 8. A carpel. Ic. PL Form os. Fosc. I. PL XXVIII. M.Ebina, del. K.Nalcasa ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. PLATE XXIX. PLATE XXIX. l{iilni$ sliiiikoensis HAYATA. Fig. 1. A braucli of the plant. 2. A flower, seen from a little above. ?). The same, seen from a little below 4. The same, in vertical section. 5. A lobe of a calyx. (>. A petal. 7. A stamen. 8. A carpel. 9. Stigmatic portion of a style. Ic. PL Formos. Fasc. I. PI. XXIX. K.Nakasawa .sculp. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. PLATE XXX. PLATE XXX. JRosa morrisonensis HAYATA. Fig. 1. A branch of the plant. 2. A leaf. 3. A leaflet. 4. A flower, petals off. 5. The same, in vertical section. 6. A calyx-lobe. 7. A stamen, seeii from within and without. 8. A carpel. Ic. PI. Fonnos. Fasc. I. PI. XXX. M.KIniKi.clfl. I' I 'uji - ,iu.i sculp. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. PLATE XXXI PLATE XXXI. Photinia taiwanensis HAYATA. Fig. 1. The plant. 2. A flower iu vertical section. 3. A petal. 4. A stamen, seen from within and without. 5. Transversal section of an ovary. 6. A stone. . 7. Cross section of a stone. 8. An embryo. Ic. PI. Formos. Fasc. I. PI. XXXI. K.Nakasawa sculp. ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. PLATE XXXII. PLATE XXXII. Hydrangea angmttfdia HAYATA. Fig. 1. The plant. 2. A flower (fertile). 3. A marginal flower. 4. A sepal of the same. 5. A petal of the same. 6. A sepal of the fertile flower. 7. A petal of the same flower. 8. The same, seen from without. 9. A stamen. 10. An ovary. Ic. PI. Formq_s. Fasc. I. PI. XXXII. M.Hbiiui . F. Fujikawa snilji. ICONES PLANTARDM FORMOSANARDM. PLATE XXXIII PLATE XXXIII. Dentzia taiioanensls HAY ATA. Fig. 1. A branch of the plant. 2a. A flower-bud. 26. Au open flower. 3. The same in vertical section. 4. A lobe of a calyx. 5. A stellate hair on the calyx. 6. A petal. 7. Hairs beset on the petal. 8. A stamen. 9. A style. Ic. PI. Formos. Fasc. I. PL XXXIII. K \.-il\asawa sculp. ICONES PL ANT ARUM FORMOSANARUM. PLATE XXXIV. PLATE XXXIV. KalancJtce gracllis HEMSL. Fig. 1. The plant. 2. A flower, corolla taken off. 3. Corolla, expanded. 4. A stamen. 5. A seed. Ic. PL Form os. Fasc. I. PI. XXXIV. M.Ebina. del. T. Aral sculp. ICONES PUNTARUM FORMOSANARUM. PLATE XXXV. PLATE XXXV. Emjeiiia acutisepala HAYATA. Fig. 1. A branch of the plant. 2. A leaf. 3. A flower. 4. A petal. 5. The same in section, petals taken off. 6. A stamen. 7. The same, seen from another side. Ic. PI. Formos. Fasc. /. PI. XXXV. M.I', M 11 a , . ICONES PLANTARUM FORMOSANARDM. PLATE XXXVII PLATE XXXVII, Tliladiantha j»mt<-/itta HAYATA. Fig. 1. A branch of the plant. 2. A flower- bud. 3. An open flower. 4. A petal, seen from within. 5. A sepal. 6. A stamen, seen from within. 7. The same, seen from side. 8. A portion of a petal, showing its glandular surface, strongly magnified. 9. A rudimentary ovary. Ic. PL Formos. Fasc. I. PL XXXVII. • M.Ebina.del. I . I- ii|i -.i« -j Si ul|> ICONES PL ANT ARUM FORMOSANARUM. PLATE XXXVIII PLATE XXXVIII. Alsomitra integrifoliola HAY ATA. Fig. 1. The plant. 2. A flower-bud. 3. A flower. 4. The same, seen from back 5. A calyx-lobe. 6. A petal. 7. A stamen, seen from within and without. Ic. PL Formos. Fasc. I. PL XXXVIII. T.Arai sculp. ICONES PLANTARUM FORM03ANARUM. PLATE XXXIX. PLATE XXXIX. Alsornitra integrifdida HAY ATA. Fig. 1. A fructiferous panicle. 2. A mature seed. 3. A pnemature one. 4. An embryo. Ic. PI. Formos. Fosc. I. PL XXXIX. MEbina, del. K.Nakasawa sculp. PLANTARUM FORMOSANARUM. PLATE XL. ' PLATE XL, Oreomyrrhis hivolucrata HAYATA. Fig. 1. The plant. 2. A flower. 3. A petal, seen from within. 4. The same, seen from without. 5. A st.'iineii. 6. A stylodmm. 7. A fruit. 8. A carpel, in vertical section. 9. An embryo. 10. Vertical section of a fruit, showing the vittee on the margin. /c. PI, Formos. Fasc. I. PI. XL. M.Ebina.del. K.Nakasava sculp.