1 1 1 u .'J ( r ;i i c (1 {I a i ;i I o q u 8 PLOWS, ~ nriiiilhir.il |||iii].ricj;i!rnl' MACHINES, M \\l I'M II RED \M' -' AMES PLOW COMPACT, (sir. i 3SOBS "i \<>i BSE, U IBOH wi> CO.) \\ v i : i : 1 1 « > i — i : Quincy Hall, Boston ; 53 Beekman St., New York. i wroiji I :-- : WORCESTER AM) A.YER, M \— . 1 376. Copyright, 1876. AMES PLOW COMPANY. PREPARED FOR THE PRESS BY J. HARRIS REED. iNTiionrcTioN. IXCE tlic Catalogue issued by their predecessors, I the advance in all the appliances for use by the agriculturisl i<» economize labor has been so marked, and the implements which arc in daily demand differ 8 aterially, thai THE AMES PLOW COMPANY feci that their numerous customers require a complete De- scriptive Lisl of their Manufactures, in ordej to enable them to select the implements best adapted to aid them in obtain- ing desired results. In offering this Catalogue to their friends and customers, they tender their heartfelt thanks for the patronage, which, given to their predecessors through a course of business of many years 9 duration, lias been continued to them, — a pat- ronage bo rapidly increasing, and si) satisfactory, as to com- mand their earnest efforts to meet its requirements; inducing them to add materially to their heretofore extensive"manu- facturing facilities, by the erection, at Worcester, of a series of buildings especially adapted (by the introduction of all modern improvements) to the furnishing, in as perfect a manner as possible, all implements and machines necessaiy to agriculturists everywhere. AMES PLOW OO.'S CATALOGUE^ The business to which they succeeded had been con- ducted as long as the ordinary lifetime of a generation. The varied knowledge of the wants of agriculture, the experience and numerous facilities in manufacturing accumu- lated dining that extended period, give the means to offer implements and machines of the most fitting invention, con- structed of the most suitable materials, in a thorough and finished style, and at prices affording simply a fair remuner- ation for the capital and labor employed. Their business- connections are such as to secure early information of all improved or newly-invented agricultural implements, wher- ever originating; and they will at once furnish the public with such of them as may be of approved utility. The rate at which Agriculture is advancing is surprising and unprecedented, and its new developments are constantly demanding implements of new form from the manufacturer: he, in turn, by his inventions, is suggesting new modes of husbandry to the agriculturist. The two operate back and forth upon each other, and the benefit is mutual. Their aim. as was that of their predecessors, will be to keep pace with the agriculturist : and the}' invite him to suggest im- provements in their manufactures; and they, in return, by their new inventions, will endeavor to lighten his labors, and make them more efficient and profitable. While they, from time to time, have brought forward a great variety of implements ami machines, combining about all of value in agricultural mechanics, they have always kept in mind that ancient yet most important implement. THE PLOW, and have given to its improvement a great amount of thought and experiment, and expended money liberally, so that, from an early period, the EAGLE PLOWS \\li- PLOM 0O.8 CATALOGUE. have possessed ;i wide celebrity for excellence of work, and a patronage entirely satisfactory, notwithstanding the sharp and varied competition with which they have had t<> con- tend. Various experiments have resulted in the perfection of a urn variety of the Eagle Plow, named "Deep Tiller," which is peculiarly adapted to the modern requirements of thorough pulverization, and of the various forms and pro- portions fitted to the besl working of the different soils. By means of their continual inventions, and the early adoption of all thoroughly-tested improvements, and also by their extensive manufacturing establishments at Worcester and A yer, they are enabled to offer unequalled facilities for supplying all the requirements of agriculturists at home and abroad. While the} will offer certain machines <>k supeiuob i -i i i LNESS, they will nol neglect the minor requisites; lmi this Catalogue will be found to embrace all implements necessary to the proper cultivation of the soil — the planting of the seed — the harvesting of the crop — the preparation for market: in Bhort, every aid to the great result to be attained in successful agriculture, — amjpilt remuneration for labor. THE PLOW. I'm general form of the plow is known to everj one, and to an unobser- vant rye ii appears to be a verj simple and even primitive implement i nevertheless, much mechanical akil] and ingenuity have been expended in adapting it to it^ work. 'l'lic plow is probably the must ancient implement used in the cultivation of the soil; ami antiquarians agree, that it had its origin in Egypt, where Ll was made wholly of wood, and in 9 B instances Consisted of little more than a pointed stick, which was forced into the ground as it was drawn for- ward; in fact the earlier plows were neither more nor less than varieties of the pick or hoc The Egyptians gradual!} improved the form, till it assumed the appearance of a hollow wedge formed bj the two handles joined at the holt. mil the beam fastened between tin' handles a little above their poinl of junction. The Romans largelj improved the plow, adding to it tin' coulter and mould-board, ami in or about the time of Pliny, wheel plows were in use and are referred to by Virgil in hi- Ccorpes. A later and more improved form, in which the handles were made to incline backwards, and the coulter was placed BO far back as to lie directly ahove the -hare, is -till in use in Northern Italy and Southern France, and the plows used at the present day in most other parts of the continent of Europe are equally rude and ineffi- cient with the Italian and French implements. There are no traces that the plow was known among the Aborigines Of North and South America. The only Countries in which the plow has hecii brought to a state worthy of being considered effective, are Britain and America. Earl] in the last century, attention was turned to the improvement of the plow: still, until about the middle of the century. WTOUght iron was u-cd for the part- of the plow which entered the ground, each part very rudely forged with much labor. Cast-iron mould-boards were Brst substituted for those of wrought iron about 1740, by James Small of Scotland, who made many improve- ment-, and at his death he left tin' implement BO nearly perfect that to this day it is Used in many of the bsst-eultivated districts in Scotland. In 17s;,. Robert Ransom of [pswich patented a cast iron share, and before 1790, the land-side also was made of ca-t iron. In the United state- among the Drat to give attention to improvements in the plow was Thomas Jefferson, ami he wrote an elaborate essay on the AMES plow CO.'S CATALOGUE. construction of the mould-board, which he communicated first to the Insti- tute of France, and afterwards to the Board of Agriculture of England. The first cast-iron plow invented in this country was by Charles New- bold, and his patent is dated in 1797. and as early as 1*00 .such plows were in use near Xew York city. In 1*07. a patent was granted to David Peacock for a plow having mould-hoard and land-side of cast iron, and separate, while the share was of wrought iron edged with steel. In 1S13 a patent was granted to K. B. Chenowith, of Maryland, for a plow having the three parts, mould-hoard, land-side and share, all distinct and of cast iron. Other patents were granted before 1819, when Jethro Wood patented a plow which became very popular, and superseded the old clumsy plow- then in use. In 1823, David Hitchcock patented a plow which was very popular, and had a large sale for eight or ten years. It was the castings of these two patterns that Mr. Joel Nourse purchased at Hartford after his removal to Worcester. Since that time various improvements have been made, some of marked importance and others rather suggestive ; among the former is that for which a patent was granted to Samuel A. Knox, of Worcester, Mass.. by which the construction of the mould-board is strictly geometrical, and it probably works with as little resistance as any plow ever made. This mode of construction admits of all the variations necessary to produce long or short mould-boards, with straight lines forming concave or convex sur- faces as required for different soils or kinds of work. In view of the fact that the plow has always been regarded as the basis of all civilization and all wealth, it ma} - well excite astonishment that it should have required so many years to have made the few successive ad- vances given in this account ; yet there will be an apparent reason for this when it is stated, that until the present time there has been no clear and definite idea in the minds of inventors of the precise objects which they were seeking to accomplish. It hardly seems possible that the next fifty years will show any such ad- vance in improving this important implement as the last fifty. PLOWING. Fbon tin' complicated structure of 1 1 » « - plow, and the manner in which oironmstancea oblige us to apply 1 1 »« • draught to the implement, some mis- conceptions have arisen as to the true operation of draught, and the proper manner of its application. Too little is undent I of the true principles of draught, t>> enable the plowman t" attach his team. and arrange the 90 that tlic plow will do its work properly, and with the least force it power. The following explanations of the plate opposite will render this Bubject intelligible to every mind. Let B represent the forward end of the beam, and c the centre of resist- ance "ii the plow, which ma] be assumed al two inches above the plane of the base of the plow . d e, though it is liable to constant changes, from the depth of the furrows and constanl inequalities in the soil. We have first to consider the particular form of those parts through which the motive power is brought to bear upon the plow. It is evident that the motive force acts in a direct line from the hook or ring at the shoulder of the animal, to the centre of resistance, and a Btraight bar or beam, lying in the direction c Ik and attached firmlj to the body at <■. would answer all the purposes of draught, perhaps better than the present beam, bat for considerations of convenience. The draught, however, not being the end in view, but merely the ana by which the end is accomplished, the former is made to subserve the latter: and, as the beam, if placed in the direct line c to i>. would obstruct the proper working of the plow, we are compelled to resort to an indirect action to obtain the desired effect. This indirect action is accomplished by means of an angular frame-work. consisting of the beam, and the body of the plow, so strongly connected together as to form an unyielding structure. The effect of the motive force applied to the frame-work at the point (,, and in the line 6 to/, produces the same results as if ,• h were firmly connected by a liar in the position of the line c to I:, or as if that bar alone were employed. The average length of the trace-chains being ten feet, including all that intervenes between the clevis of the plow at h, and the horse's shoulders, let that distance he set off in the direction h to/; ami the average height at the horse's shoulders, where the chains are attached, being four feet and two inches, let the point / he fixed at that height above the base line rise at the heel, or run on the point under this arrangement, it indicates that the ring at b is too high in the clevis. Shifting the ri or more holes downward will bring the plow to work evenly upon the base of the landside or work flat. If the plow has a tendency to rise at the point of the share, the ring b is tuo tow, and must be moved by raising it one or more holes in the clevis. If a pair of taller horses be harnessed to the plow, the draught-chains, depth of furrow, and soil remaining the same, we should have the point / raised, suppose to f ; by drawing the line/" to c, we have e c /' as the augle of draught, which will be 22°. and the ring will be found to be below the line of draught f c; and if the draught-chains were applied at b. in the direction /' b, the plow would have a tendency to rise at the point of the share, by the action of that law of forces, which obliges the line of draught to coincide with the line which passes through or to the centre of resistance ; hence the ring would be found to rise from b to b' . which would raise the point of the share out of its proper direction. To rectify this, the ring must be raised in the clevis by a space equalling that between b and b', causing it to coincide with the true line of draught, which would again bring -the plow to work evenly on the base of the land side and run flat. The foregoing principles are substantially such as are adopted by the most experienced plowmen, and, if properly applied, will not only do the best work, but accomplish it with the greatest ease to themselves and their team. If the power (or team) is not rightly applied, good work cannot easily be done ; for if the plow inclines in or out of the ground too much, or takes too wide, or too narrow a furrow-slice, the plowman must exert force to direct it properly, in addition to that required to overcome the obstacles and inequalities in the soil ; but if the power be rightly applied, the plow will move so accurately, as not only to perform good work with more ease to both plowman and team, but, in soils free from obstructions. even without a guide. To effect a proper horizontal movement, the clevis at b or draught-rod (if one is used instead of a clevis) must be adjusted and confined at that point, moving it to the right or left, if necessary. This will cause the plow to take the proper width of furrow-slice, which, in sod, should be # wider or narrower according to the depth of furrow, or rather the thick- ness of the furrow-slice required : for as the thickness is increased, so also must be the width in proportion, in order to turn it easily and perfectly over, particularly when the furrow-slices are required to be laid over level, \ M I - ri.<>\\ OO.'fl CATALOGUE. :m i < 1 « • . The proportion in ordinary Bod Bhould be seven by ten, or the width or depth Bhould be varied only in this proportion. In determining the width of farrow-slice, some regard mnsl be had to tln> strength of the particular Bod i" be turned ; for the' plow will turn over a wider slice in a Btrong Btiff sod than when running in one more easily broken, or it will cripple and doable when raised to a perpendicular position, tlnis only doing the work called " cnl and cover." When the Blicea are required to be Laid :it an angle and lapped each one upon the preceding, the proportion of width Bhould !»■ ms seven to ten, thus setting ill*- farrows .-it an angle of 15°, which is the position of farrow presenting the greatest attainable surface to the action of the atmosphere, and the greatest cubical contents of M>il t<> the action of the harrow in preparing a seed-bed. PLOWS. Knox's Patent and Improved Eagle "Deep Tiller" Em- proved swivel for side mil and Level Land— Boston Steel Clipper Sessions and Knox's Patent Bard Steel Mapes' Improved Sub-Soil — Hakes' Patent Turn- Wrest or Swivel. I Eagle trade-mark of plows was originated many yean ago by out predecessors. Prom an early period it has possessed a wide celebrity, and its pre-eminence is still maintained over attempts at imitation by other plow makers. In a new country the early settlers feel compelled to secure present profits, without special regards to results in the future, and they consider the quickest and cheapest manner of plowing and preparing the ground for the reception of Beed as the best for them. For this reason, our early settlers used plows with very short mould-boards, of abrupt curvature, carrying shallow and wide furrow-slices ; hence, mainly in consequence of Buch shallow tillage, the land became very thin and exhausted of fertility, affording narrow range for the roots of crops, and too susceptible to the influence of drouth. A- these conditions were gradually undent 1. a demand arose for plows adapted to deeper and liner work, and many new pattern-, by Kno\ ami others, have Keen introduced into our Eagle, Boston Clipper, and other varieties, as the want- of the eoiintn seemed to demand, until we are now enabled to offer an assortment, which is probably the best adapted to all kinds of soil that can '»■ found. Our plow- embrace sizes and forms suited to the working of ail -oil-. and to the peculiarities of a widely varied agriculture. The improved ••Deep Tiller" plows are constructed by a new scale of proportions in- vented by our artist, Mr. Samuel A. Knox, who obtained I-ctt.-is Patent br his very original ami useful invention. His mode of construction is the result of much study and experiment, ami admits of all variations neces- sary to produce long or short mould-boards, with straight lines forming concave or convex surfaces, a- required for different soils or kinds of work. Tin 1 mould-boards, thus con s true le d. have such a combination of curved AMES PLOW CO.S CATALOGIK. lines as presents an equal bearing against the farrow-slice, and insures an even polish to the entire face of the mould-board, while the furrow-slice undergoes an equal and effectual twist, which lays it down with precision, disintegrating and pulverizing the soil, and leaving it admirably fitted for the reception of atmospheric influences, and free expansion of the roots of vegetation. They are well made, from the most durable materials, ensuring strength, thoroughly finished, and with the various fittings attached the requisite variations in depth and width of furrows are obtained. The iron plows are an admixture of several kinds of that metal. — the result of many experiments, — giving toughness, hardness, and durability, by which great strength with lightness is secured. The edges of the points and soles of the land-sides and mould-boards are hardened in casting, by a process of chilling, which insures at least three times the ordinary wear. The steel plows are made of the best material, hardened to the extreme degree of hardness, and with perfectly smooth and polished surfaces. The beams and handles are of white oak, dressed by unerring guides and patterns, so that all of a given kind are alike and the plows arc uniform in their operation and parts. The duplicate parts for each pattern of these plows, to supply the place of those worn out. can always be promptly furnished to order. The mould-boards, points, land-sides, beams and other parts of each kind of plow have specific marks or numbers inscribed on them, which entirely distinguish them from those of other plows, and duplicates ordered will niceh' fit the place for which they are intended. NEW PLOWS--" DEEP TILLER; CAST-IRC >N MOULD-BOARDS. GREENSWARD. Eajjle Plow No. 78, represented by Fig. l. is the largest of the "Deep Tiller" variety. Ii is rigged with luck coulter and broad Bteel share for rugged work among stumps, roots and stones, and I'm- making and repairing roads. Ii is verj strong, and may be worked by six or eight oxen, turning furrow-slices from nine to fourteen inches deep, and sixteen to twenty inches wide; when used iii connection with the lifting sub-soil plow of largest size, it materially lessen-- the cost of clearing new land. Eagle Plow No. 77, represented l>y Fig. 2, is next in size, and will carry a furrow-slice from eighl to twelve inches deep, by fifteen to eighteen indies wide, and has greal turning power ; it is worked l>y six oxen or horses in easj soil, or by eighl in heavy soil. In the construction of it-- mould-hoard great attention is given to the principles of easj draught ; the share and trout of the inonhl-lioard are of a form to give easy entrance under the slice, and presenting the mould-board with so little friction, that greal work is done in proportion to amount of team required. Eagle Plow No. 70 when made with lock-coulter is of the same general construction as Eagle No. 78, and performs in proportion to size. working from seven to ten inches deep, and fourteen to sixteen wide. Eilffll' Plow No. 7<> when made with cutter for smooth land is of the same general construction as Eagle No, 77. and performs in proportion to -i/e. working from Beven-to ten inches deep, and fourteen to sixteen w ide. \ M I - I ' ! . < > \\ ( i >. \ T A LOG I E. Eagle Plow >io. T.">, represented bj Fig. L90, is Bmaller than, bul of the same construction as, No. 76, and performs in proportion to size, work- ing from Bis to nine inches deep and thirteen to fifteen inches (ride, w ith four oxen or horses it is very effective, performing perfect work al a depth of nine inches, inverting the furrow-slices Sat, even and verj exact, <■< >i 1 1- pletely covering the stubble. - ! - Fig. 190.— "Deep Tiller" Sod, Eagle Plow No. 7.',. This plow i.- confidently recommended as the besl ever produced for use in the preparation of new lands for Indian corn, wheat and othi crops. Jn many colonial markets this celebrated plow is used to the exclusion of all others, and wherever introduced in the grain-producing parts of the world the demand has increased rapidly, and for the past few years the annual production ami sale has far exceeded that of any other kind manufactured. From farts within our knowledge we arc prepared to state, witi I fear of contradiction, thai the quantity of these pious now in use far - that of any other variety, and the total sales from the first introduction are very much larger in amount than the entire manufacture of any otfo r plow known to the farmers of the world. Eagle Plow No. .">.■», of the same size and weight as No. 75, is of about the same capacity ; but, differing in form and being higher in the standard, it is also different in its working qualities. Eagle Plow No. 25 is an older pattern of same size, imt different in form and working qualities. It is a very Btrong and durable implement. Eagle Plows No. 7.~>, .">."> and Vi."» for the colonial mark' always trimmed with draft-rods, wheels and cutter-, as shown in Fig. 190. For foreign shipment we take entirely apart, and pack in cases in small compass, without any waste of room. AMES PLOW CO. S CATALOGUE. Eagle Plow No. 73 1-2, Fig. 3, is next in size, and turns sod fur- row-slices five to eight inches deep, by eleven to fourteen inches wide, and may be drawn by two horses or oxen to the depth of seven inches. It is adapted to flat or lapped plowing, by the use of an inclined cutter for the first, and a straight cutter for the latter mode of plowing. Fig. 3.— " Deep Tiller," Sod. Eagle Plow Xo. 73 1-2. Its mould-board is of a long, gentle curvature, specially designed for plowing loose, porous, sandy and gravelly loam, and the twist of furrow- slice is so long and easy as to avoid unduly opening and disuniting its constituent parts. The defect of such soil is its open and porous nature, too readily giving up the moisture and fertility to evaporation, needing more compactness of parts, hence the powerfully pulverizing plow is not the best for working it. It is best plowed in perfectly fiat furrow-slices, the edges of which are closely matched and the cohesion of the soil s.i pre- served that the plowed land lies smooth and firm. The best and most experienced cultivators of light, dry lands have found that, by thus plow- ing them, and then compressing the furrow-slices closely with a heavy roller, they best insure the germination of seeds, an even stand of crops. and protection of the growing plants from the parching influences of drought. Eagle Plow No. 71 1-2 is next in size, having the same relative proportions as No. 7:U. turning sod furrow-slices five to seven inches wide, and eleven by thirteen deep, and is easy work for two cattle. IMES PLCW OO. 8 CATALOGUE. J-jy. 4. — •• Z>eep Tiller," Sod. Eagle Plow No. 72 1-2. Eagle Plow No. VI l-'-i, represented by Pig. 4, has a long, narrow mould-board, of a convex surface, and ia specially designed for stiff soil, turning narrow furrow-slices, two-thirds as deep as they are wide, and is adapted to work seven inches deep by ten inches wide, in stiff clay sod, setting the furrow-slices al an inclination of r>°. which is (he position presenting the greatest attainable surface to the action of the atmosphere, and the greatest cubical contents of Boil to the action of the harrow in preparing the seed-bed. When the attempt is made to work clay-soil with plows of short, wide, abruptly curved mould-boards, the furrow-slices are too wide for their depth, and. being turned abruptly, are broken in large pieces, rather than disintegrated; they are laid over too flat, and in heavy clods, and a proper pulverization of the Boil cannot be obtained. This plow, by its gentle convexity and curvature of mould-hoard, is calculated to work bright and free in the most adhesive soil. The plow is rigged with or without the sWm-coulter, though this attachment is valuable, because it disposes of the grass-edge of the slice, thus preventing the growth of grass between the lapped forrow-slices, and its use ia a con- venience where finished lapped work is desired. NEW PLOWS -"DEEP TILLER." CAST-IRON MOULD-BOARDS. STUBBLE. Eagle Plow No. 33, Fig. 7, is for stubble plowing, and may be used as a swing-plow as represented, or with the addition of the wheel. Ii is ordinarily made with the plain share, but, when required, can be fur- nished with fin share, as shown in Fig. 7. This plow is very high in the standard, which enables it to keep its course and depth in the ground Fif/. 7. — " Deep Tiller," Stubble. Eagle Flow No. S3. without clogging. Its mould-board is short and high, of a capacity for deep work, of great turning power, and it thoroughly disintegrates and pulverizes the soil. It works from eight to ten inches deep, by eleven to thirteen inches wide. Eagle Plow No. 34 is made as a swing plow when used for old ground, or fitted with wheel and cutter is adapted for greensward. It is much liked by farmfrs, as in its working it leaves the ground well pulverized and light. It turns furrow-slices from nine to eleven inches deep, and twelve to fourteen wide. It has taken many premiums at various Plowing Matches. Eagle Plows No. 30, 31 & 32, smaller sizes, and No. 35, larger size, ale of the same principle of construction as Xo. 38, and their work is proportionately the same. Eagle Plow No. 31) is specially adapted to the burying of broom- corn stubble. Through the Connecticut, valley, where it has been much used, it is commended for its capacity to put the hills and stalks of the broom-corn crop entirely beneath the surface. AMES ri. mv CO.'S CATALOGUE, Knox's Improved Eagle Plow Xo. 34, Greensward and Subsoil, is represented by Fig. 8. The forward mould-board is connected with the beam, and its depth of furrow is adjusted as follows : -V substantia] iron flange is fastened to the under side of the plow-beam by two bolts passing up through the flange and the beam, and made tight on top by nuts and screws : the flange has two rows of slots in it. to receive the boll- from the land-side of the forward plow, and the plow is made fast to the flange by bolts and nuts. By means of the slots in the flange, the forward plow may be raised or lowered, according to the depth of plowing desired, and mack- fast at the requisite point to give the desired depth. The forward mould-board turns the sod-furrow-slice as wide as the work- ing of the whole plow, and the earth on tf>p. assuming an arch-like shape, is naturally opened, while the effort of the rear mould-board brings up the deeper soil, placing it upon the sod ami filling the channel, so that tin- sod- furrow-slice is in no case liable to be brought to the surface by harrowing or other processes of after-cultivation ; the cohesion of the soil is broken, and the plowed land lies light and mellow, and almost as tine as if harrowed. — indeed, in some soils rendering the use of the harrow quite unnecessary. Knox's Improved Eagle Plow >*o. 33, Greensward and Subsoil, represented by Fig. 9, is a size smaller than the preceding. Fig. 9.— Eagle Plow Xo. 33. Greensward and Subsoil. TURN-WREST (SWIVEL) PLOWS i ii a HILL-SIDE AND LEVEL LAND. Eajrle Plow No. 83, represented bj Fig. 5, is a Turn-Wreal (Swivel) Plow for hill-side or level land plowing. Its mould-board, two in one, baa the principles of construction of the other "Deep Tiller" Plows; it La adapted to turn sod-slices five to seven inches deep, bj ten to twelve inches wide. A hook, fastened by a staple to the centre piece of the handles, and changing to either Bide of the beam as may be desired, enters the back pari of the mould-board, and holds il fasl on either Bide of the Btandard as wanted. nf a liill-siiiV. and turn his furrow-slices all down the slope, changing his plow toa right-hand or left-hand one al each turning of the tram al the ends of the field : or he may begin cm one side of a level field, and lay his furrow-slices all oneway, thus avoiding the "dead" furrow in the centre, and the ridging on the Bides. At the nexl rotation of crops on the field he maj begin on the opposite aide, and turn the furrow-slices back again, thus keeping the Boil equally distributed and the Burface level. It is used with two or three cattle. A.MBS PLCW CO.'S CATALot.I I Eagle Plow No. 84 is :i size larger, turning flat sod-furrows six to nine inches deep : when worked to a greater depth four horses or cattle are needed. Eagle Plow No. S'* is like the two preceding, in general construc- tion, but has a quicker turned mould-board to tit it for stubble or old- ground plowing, and is used with two cattle. Eagle Plow No. 85, Turn-Wrest (Swivel) Nod and Subsoil, repre- sented by Fig. G. was invented by Knox, and its mould-board- are formed on the principles discovered and perfected by him. It is so constructed that two plows attached to one beam are readily changed from one side to the other, turning the furrow-slices either to the right or left, as desired. The Fig. 6. — '-De Tiller," Sod. Eagle Flow Xo. S.5. forward plow turns the sod to the depth of about three inches, depositing it at the bottom of the channel ; and the rear plow works to the depth of live to seven inches, raising and pulverizing the under or subsoil, and depositing it upon the forward furrow-slice, burying the sod below the reach of the harrow or cultivator. This plow, combining the sod and subsoil principle, accomplishes both in hill-side and level-land plowing all the advantages of sod and subsoil work, and the person using it on level land, as well as hill-sides, begins on one side of a field, and passing back and forth turns the soil all one way. thus avoiding the centre or dead furrow. To change the plows mi arriving at the end of each furrow, the plowman leans forward and raises the hooks or latches, retaining his hold on the handles, to keep the instrument in an upright position, while the team, in coming about, changes the plows to the opposite side of the beam. The beam is then lipped towards the plows, the forward plow latches itself and becomes confined, and the plowman again stoops forward and latches the rear plow to its place, the whole being easily and quickly done. KNn.X'S IMPROVED EAGLE TELEGRAPB PLO W . (i K E E N S W A K 1) . Knox's [mproved Eagle Telegraph Plow, represented by Pig. 10, is an improvemenl over the other Greensward Plows. The form of the mould-board is changed in a manner to give a decided advantage in laying the furrow-slice, and is Becured to 1 1 1*- beam by :i clasp instead of a bolt The form of the standard, and also the shape of the beam, is varied from the other pattern. We make three sizes; the working qualities of each are given below. Telegraph Flow. Telegraph Plow No. 1 turn- a Hat furrow-slice, working six inches deep, by twelve inches wide, and is lighl for two cattle. Telegraph Plow No. "i turns a flat furrow-slice, working from five to seven inches deep, by ten to twelve inches wide, and is used with two rattle. Telegraph I'low No. 'A turns a Oat furrow-slice, working from six to eighl inches deep, by ten to twelve inches wide, and requires two or three cattle. BOSTON STEEL CLIPPER PLOWS. SESSIONS AKD HiOX'S PATENT HAKD STEEL. The soil of Western and some other States is composed largely of vegetable substances, with little perceptible flinty or inorganic matter intermixed, and, lying loosely after the sod has been broken and subdued, it does not present friction or scouring quality enoagh to the cast-iron mould-board to give it a suitable polish. Steel, being a finer and less porous metal than cast iron, and less affected by rust, requires much Less friction to give it a high polish, and is considered the more desirable material for the construction of the mould-board, share and landside of plows for working such soil. These considerations have induced the proprietors to duplicate, in steel, a portion of the mould-boards of their new plows named in the preceding pages. Duplicates of the various parts of each pattern are always kept on hand. so that persons using the plows can obtain such as may be needed, with the certainty that the parts ordered will fit the places for which they are re- quired. The shares are put on with bolts, and may be replaced at any time with new ones ; as those of any given pattern are exact duplicates they will fit perfectly, and can be attached to the plow without the aid of a blacksmith. Boston Steel Clipper Plow, W B 2, is represented by Fig. 12. The mould-board and share are duplicates of Plow No. 72A in cast iron, but the standard is higher, to enable the plow to keep its course through the extra amount of stubble and vegetable matter usually encum- Fig. 12. — Boston Steel Clipper Plow W B 2. bering the surface of rich, new lands. Its mould-board is finely adapted to the working of stiff clay sod land, in deep narrow furrows. It will plow seven inches deep, by ten inches wide in the most adhesive clay soil. It will take less depth or more width of furrow-slice, as may be desired. It is of easy draught for two oxen or a span of horses. \ M I - 1'I.mw CO. '8 ' \ I \ l.oi. i I-;. Boston Steel Clipper Plow I <; .": l-'i, represented bj Fig. 18, is a duplicate of cast-iron Plow No. 78$. The standard, however, Is higher, and the land Bide lower than those of that plow, to fit it for nse in the West- ern States. The plow is made with the "Peacock Coulter," for breaking Fhj. 13. — Boston Steel Clipper Plow U O 8 l-'i. prairie, as shown in Fig. 18, or with the circular cutter for the same pur- pose, or with the common straighl cutler for ordinary sod plowing. It is :i light plow, of easy draught for two or three horses. The mould-board is of that equal curvature which «ill cause it to polish brightly in anj soil. This plow received the medal at the World's Fair in New 5Tork. Boston Stool Clipper Plow (« •"* is i structed the Bame as I I ■ SJ, but size larger ; it requires two to four horses. Boston Steel Clipper Plow (J 1 is a duplicate of i G 5, hut is left-hand. Boston Stool Clipper Plow X 1 is a duplicate of Stubble Plow N'n. 88, of cast iron. It is used as a swing plow or with a wheel, and is made extra high in the standard, as it is specially designed for stubble or olil land plowing; its mould-board is short, pulverizing the soil thoroughly and working deep. It turns :i furrow-slice from five to ten inches deep, and ten to fourteen inches wide, and will polish bright and work free and clear in any soil. It is of eaa> draught for two cattle or horses. AMES PLOW OO.'S CATALOG IK. Boston Steel Clipper Plow X 4 1-2, as represented by Fig. 14, is made -with Circular Cutter, or with "Peacock Coulter," if that is pre- ferred, for breaking prairie ; for ordinary sod plowing it is made with the Flg. 14. — Boston Steel Clipper Plow X 4 1-2. common straight cutter. Remove the cutter or coulter, and the plow is well adapted to old ground work. It requires two or three horses. Boston Steel Clipper Plow X 3 is constructed like the pre- ceding, but is of smaller size, intruded for two horses, and will give entire satisfaction to those desiring a plow both for sod and stubble work. Boston Steel Clipper Plow X 1 1-2 is next in size, adapted for plowing stubble or old ground, turning furrow-slices from four to eight inches deep, and ten to twelve inches wide, with two horses. ,w««t — ■.•-- >*-.'•"■ ;■".;- Fig. IS. — Boston Steel Clipper Plow X 1. Boston Steel Clipper Plow X 1, represented by Fig. 18, is a one-horse plow, adapted to working adhesive soils from four to six inches dec)), and nine to ten inches wide. Boston Steel Clipper Plows XOO & XO are both small, in- tended for use at the South in preparing the soil for and in cultivating cotton. \ M E8 IM.OW (...*> lATAlJH.I I . Boston Stool Clipper Plow X S l-\», represented bj I La :i duplicate of cast-iron Stubble l'l»w Bagle N<>. 82. It is made aa :i swing plow, or with o wheel, as may !»■ desired. It is extra high in 1 1 1 « - standard, and is specially designed for prairie and old Land plowing. It -■■ Fig. iJ. — Boston Steel Clipper I'foir X 8 l-'i. has a Bhorl mould-board, is a thorough pulverizer and a deep worker, car- rying furrow-slices from five to ten inches deep, and twelve to fourteen inches wide, and will polish brightly, and work free and clear in all soils. It is of easy draught for two cattle or horses. Boston Steel Clipper Plow X <>, when fitted with the circular cutter, is intended for breaking prairie land, its extreme width especially adapting it for this kind of work. It turns furrow-slices Bix to nine inches deep, and twelve- to fourteen inches wide, requiring two or three horses. Boston Stool flipper Plow X <> 1-2 is for the same purpose as X 6, bul of Larger Bize. Boston Steel Clipper Sod and Subsoil Plow \ 1, repre- sented by Fig. 16, is a right-hand plow, and a duplicate of cast-iron Greensward and Subsoil Plo* No. 84; for particulars of its working properties see description of thai Plow, Fi /'i' :i left- band plow, "i' size coiresponding to the Sod .-mil Subsoil Plow X I. Boston Steel Clipper Plow X 7, represented i>\ Fig. 17. i- a left-hand plow of same size as X I right hand, and adapted i" the same purposes, requiring two or three In use--. Fig. 17.— Boston Steel Clipper Ptoir X 7 (left hand). Boston Steel Clipper Plow X 9, is a left-hand plow, smaller size than the preceding, ami used with two horses. TURN-WREST (SWIVEL) STEEL PLOWS, FOR HILL-SIDE AM) LEVEL LAM). Turn-Wrest (Swivel) Stool Plow A 2 w a duplicate of A i. of iron. The form of the mould-board is Bach that it will scour and clean in the most adhesive soil. It turns a flat farrow-slice from six to eight inches deep, by nine to twelve inches wide. To provide for the necessary change of the position of the cutter when the mould-board is reversed, this plow is made with the movable cutler, which is quickly moved fib the-right <>r left. The excellent work which can lie done with this plow is attested bj the numerous premiums which it has taken at various Ploughing Hatches. Tarn-Wrest (Swivel) Stool Plow B lis of the same con- struction as A 2, but of smaller size, a duplicate of r> i. of iron. IMPROVED BOSTON STEEL CLIPPER PLOWS. These plows are an improvement on the Boston Clipper, in having the mould-boards made of Bach a form as to give greater disintegration of the farrow-slice, thus preparing the soil for receiving the seed. We make three sizes, — X 1 1-2, X 8, X 8 1-2. SESSIONS AM) KNOX'S PATENT HARD STEEL PLOWS. These plows are furnished in duplicate of Boston Clipper and Improved Boston Clipper, as ordered. Those made of ordinary steel, when hard enough to wear well, are invariably brittle and liable to break, and when soft are deficient In durability. These have extra qualities of hardness, as each piece of metal is made by a process which converts about one-third on each side into steel, and allows it to he hardened as much as lire and water can make it. while the centre remains flexible. This gives them a toughness that obviates all liability to breakage, and a surface better adapted than that of other plows to glide through the soil, reducing the amount of power required, and securing lightness and other good qualities combined. -Ml our steel pious are now made of the Patent Hard Steel, as it has been found after practical DSe that i! possesses all the desirahle qualities claimed for it. and i- every way superior to the cast steel formerly u-ed. EAGLE PLOWS. "While the older patterns of Eagle Plows do not, as a general thing, work so deep in proportion to size, and have nol a capacity to carry so narrow furrow-slices in proportion to depth as the •■Deep Tiller." yet they do the work for which they were designed in an accurate and highly- finished manner. They are very strongly made, and specially well adapted to the plowing of stony lands, and lands of a rough, uneven surface. Plows of these patterns are in use largely in the United States and foreign countries, having been critically tested in various conditions of soil and cultivation, and for perfection of form, durability of material, ami excellence of working properties are regarded by the public with much favor. A strong indication of their excellence and reputation is found in the fact that other plow-makers have attempted to imitate them in form, and then, by putting upon such imitations the same numbers and names as those on the original, have endeavored to pass them as the genuine Eagle Plows. Fig. 19.— Eagle Plow Xo. 1. Eagle Plow No. 1, Fig. 19, is called, at the North, a light sod or Stubble plow, of easy draught for two horses or oxen. At the South it would he considered as requiring three mules in turning a furrow-slice six inches deep, and eleven inches wide, though this amount of work has often been accomplished with a pair of mules. It is made as represented in Fig. 19 ; or with lock-coulter, wheel, draught-rod. and dial-clevis, as in Pig. 20 ; or with fin share as in Fig. 21. Eagle Plow Xo. 2, Fig. 20, is a size larger than Eagle No. 1. and is a medium-sized two-horse soil or stubble plow. It is adapted to turn sod- furrow-slices four to seven inches deep, by twelve to fourteen wide, and will work some deeper in stubble plowing. It is made with the lock-coulter. \ M I - PI...W OO.'S ATA LOG 1 I • Fig 20.— Eagle Flow Wo. 2. tiook Coulter. wheel, draught-rod, and dial-clevia aa in Fig. 20, and with these fixtures is m rerj Btrong, and at the same time lighl plow for two cattle <>r horses, in plowing Btony, Btumpy, or rough, uneven land; or, it is made wiih wheel and cutter for flat furrow-slices in smooth land, as in Fig. 19. It is also made with wheel and fin share, like Fig. 21, which adapts it in best manner for atubble plowing. Eagle Plow, Sward (', Fig. 21, is a trifle larger than Eagle No. 2, and is a plow for two or three cattle or horses, working from four to sewn inches deep, by twelve to fifteen inches wide ; when made with the An share Fit/. 21. — Eagle Flow Sward i ". i'i>< Share. and wheel it is well adapted to stubble plowing, or the plowing of rough or ■tony Bod-land ; when made with the wheel and inclined cutter, as Fig. 19, it is adapted for flat-sod fkirrow-slices. Eagle Plow, No. 20>, Fig. 22, is a very Btrong plow, requiring four cattle, adapted to deep, heavy work, having a mould-board of greal turning power. It is rigged with wheel, draught-rod, and dial-clevis, for plowing Bod nine t.> ten inches deep, with double teams : or. made with look-coulter, wheel, draught-rod, and dial or quadrant clevis, as in Fig. 20, it is adapted to heavier work. Fig. Bogle Plow Wo. 90. ri.nw c<>. S CATALOGUE. Eagle Plow, No. 20, with Meadow Fixtures (complete i. as ■' Fig. 23, is adapted to breaking up and reclaim \ swamps. The meadow fixture-; c insist of the reversed or drag- , the lock-conlter, a wide steel-edged share, and the draught-rod. with the dial or quadrant clevis. In plowing low peat meadows, or recently drained swamps, The tendency of the spongy sod is to gather in large Fig. 23.— Eagle Plow No. 20. Meadow Fixtures. lasses before a cutter set in the ordinary way. ami this difficulty is avoided by the use of the drag-cutter, as its position is such that it makes a draw- ing clean cut through the sod. The lock-coulter, steel-edged, being very strong an 1 sharp, cuts off any roots, and clears a way for the plow through stacles below the reach of the drag-cutter, or which it may have failed to separate in its course through the sod. The wide steel-edged share, with its sharp cutting edge, completely severs, to the extent of the entire width of the furrow-slice, the roots of any kind that may have reached as low as the bottom of the furrow. Thus, the spongy slice of meadow-soil, being separated by these various fixtures from the unplowed bind on all sides, is readily taken up and completely turned over by the mould-board of the plow, and laid in a neat, finished manner. The draught-rod. combined with either the dial or quadrant clevis, may l>e turned to the left of the plow-beam and wheel, so far as to permit the off-horses or oxen to walk upon the turf of the unplowed land, thus avoid- ing the difficulty and fatigue of travelling in the soft, miry furrow-channel : and it may be changed either to the right or left of the plow-beam to an extent enabling the plowman to run his plow close alongside a fence or ditch with room for the team to travel without crowding, and turn the slice from the ditch or fence. Eacjlo Plow, No. 23, is about the same size as No. 2". and is usually trimmed as represented by Fig. 22 ; it is an excellent four cattle or horse sod plow, carrying furrows eight to ten inches deep, by sixteen to eighteen inches wide. . Eagle Plows, Xos. 46 & -17, Left Hand, are represented by Fig. 21. These are strong, powerful plows, for two or more horses, accord- mount of work. They are made with common, plain cast shares, and are trimmed with the same fixtures as other plows. AMKS ri.ow (o.*- CATALOG" I Fig. ;t. Bogle Plow Noa. 49 and n (left-hand). EAGLE PLOWS. Willi SELF-SHARPENING AND ADJUSTABLE STEEL P0INT8. (Fiu. 25.) These plows axe of the same form and general construction as the other celebrated Eagle Plows, except thai the poinl and share are made sep- and upon an improved self-sharpening principle. The point, as shown detached at No. l. Fig. 25, is simply a bar of steel and iron sharpened al cadi end, aboul twelve to fifteen indies long, which passes upward into the bodj of the plow, where it is confined with one bolt. As this bar is worn on the under side and becomes shorter it is readily moved forward and turned the other side up, thus always presenting a sharp point o{ full length and proper shape; when one end is worn off five inches the other end is placed forward and performs a like service. The wing, as shown detached at No. 2, is made of either wrought iron with Bteel edge, or of cast iron, and is also reversible, being used either end forward, or either side up. Both point and wing are so very simply constructed, thai any blacksmith can replace them al trifling expense, or perpetuate the use of the original by new laying with steel as thej become worn. Th.Tr is a cap of cast iron a little hack and above flic point. Bhown detached at No. S, Pig. •-'•'-. which protects the shin or forward part of the mould-board, and is routined in its place by the same boll thai holds Fi./. -'.".. Eagle Self-Sharpener Plow, with parte deta ch e d . AMES PLOW CO.'S CATALOGUE. the point, :mtl is cheaply replaced when worn. This cap is sometimes made with :i fin or coulter projecting from its upper edge, and is much less expensive, and, in many kinds of soils, quite as serviceable as a wrought coulter or cutter, as shown in Fig. -'•">. These plows are particularly commended for Southern plantation-, as the nearest blacksmith can easily repair them. Self-sharpening points and shares have been considered objectionable, inasmuch as they have not pos- sessed sufficient strength, owing to their complicated construction of cast iron. I5ut a single glance at these plows will convince any person, that, by the simple construction of the point and wing of wrought iron and steel, they combine strength and durability unequalled by any other form of construc- tion, and that they are kept in repair at much less trouble and expense. The point can be used projecting more or less forward, causing the plow to incline more or less into the ground as different soils may require. EAGLE SELF-SHARPEXER PLOWS. Of these we make six sizes. Plow Xo. O. — A small one-horse or mule plow. No. 1. — A light one-horse plow. Xo. 2. — A one-horse plow. Xo. .3. — A medium two-horse sod plow. Xo. 4. — A large two-horse sod plow. Xo. 5. — -V heavy sod plow, and is a very strong and an ad- mirable implement for breaking up stony soil. EAGLE SELF-SBAJtPEXER LEFT-HAXD PLOWS. These are made to turn the furrow-slice to the left, and are constructed with the self-sharpening and adjustable steel point and wings, as described above. Tiny are used in many parts of the West, principally by the German fanners. They are trimmed with the various fixtures used on the right-hand plows. Eagle Self-Sharpener Plow, left-hand, Xo. 40, is a size suitable to lie drawn by two strong horses. Eagle Self-Sharpener Plow, left-hand, Xo. 41, is heavier, and lanrer size, designed to lie drawn by three or more horse-. \ M ESS i-i.<«\\ to. v iata LOG I i , EAGLE PLOWS (SHALL). These plows are of --mall size and different forms, and are adapted to various purposes as described: — No. It. — A light, single one-horse or mule plow, calculated to carry a wide furrow in a light or sandy soil, and well adapted to Northern or Southern culture. No. It- l-'i. — The same size as No. 11. bul has extra Btrong, beavj castings for rough, rugged or stiff aoils. No. l.">. — A single horse or mule plow of same construction as above, but one size larger. No. A 1. — A light, one-horse or untie plow, better calculated for a day soil. It is much used among cotton or corn, as well as for furrowing nut or drilling. No. A 2. — A single horse or mule plow, same construction as above, Km one si/.e larger. No. 1 Ii. — A large e-horse plow, frequently used with two horses. No.'* li. — A small, two-horse plow, same as above, but urn- size larger. It is much liked at the North ami South. No. A. — A lighl one-horse plow. No. (). — A size suit ill ilc for two horses :it tin- South, or one at the North. It is of easy draught. Davis 6-inch Cotton. — A light, one-horse or mule plow, particu- larly designed for the South in the cultivation of cotton. Davis 7-inch Cotton.- - < >f marly the same construction, but a size larger than aboi e. Rice Trenching Plow. — This plow is made from a pattern [tar- nished by a Southern planter. It will do the work of many boes in trench- ing a field for the rice orop, and will be found a great labor-saving implement. It is also used for opening drills for corn or cotton, and for various root crops. AMES P-LOAY CO. s CATALOGUE. Fig. 26. — Steel Cotton Plow, The Steel Cotton Plow, represented by Fig. 26, is a new plow recently invented to take the place of the small, cheap east-iron plows, now commonly used by the planters of the Smith. The mould-board is of wrought iron or steel, and is ground and polished, which prevents the soil adhering as in the ease of many of the old cast-iron mould-boards, and in this respect must recommend itself. It has a cast-iron or steel point, which can lie duplicated at all times at a small expense. The price of the plow is quite low. and when the fact of the length of time which the plow can be used is taken into consideration, its cheapness over the common Cotton Plows is apparent. 1UDGING OR DOUBLE MOULD-BOARD PLOWtt. Double Mould-Board Plow, No. L 1-4, i a light, one-horse plow, used for opening drills to plant potatoes or corn. In plowing <>m between narrow rows it throws dirl both ways to the plant, and thus does tin- work of two plows. It is :ils<> useful in digging potatoes. It is a convenient implement for various kinds of work, and should l"' kept on ever} farm. Double Mould-Board Plow, No. 1 l-'i, Fig. 27, is similar in construction t<> the preceding, bul is a size Larger. Fig. 27.— Double Mould-Board I'/on-. Double Moold-Board Plow, No. 2, is of Bame< struction and use as the preceding, bul one size larger, and is used in furrowing for planting cane and in nmkimr 1 i irl it ditches; it has an extra point, made wide, for the purpose of digging potato WROUGHT FLUKE PLOWS SUGAR CANE, The plows described below are all designed for ridging in the cultivation iif Sugar Cane. They differ materially in the manner of construction, and in the working surface of the mould-boards, for the purpose of adapting them to the various soils of the different countries in which Sugar Cane is raised. Wrought Fluke Double Mould-Board Plows, Nos. 3, 4 and 5, arc made with cast-iron standard and point. The form of the mould-boards is such that they are nearly ill a straight line from the point to the heel; on their working surface they are slightly concave, with very little turning power, but they will act more as a scraper to press out the soil each side from the centre into ridges, being better adapted to loam than clay soil. The mould-boards of these plows arc spread out so that — No. 3 is 17 inches wide at the base of rear end. " 4 is 2GJ " " " " 5 is 31,} " " " •• " EXPANDING DOUBLK MOULD-BOARD FLOW'S, WROUGHT AND OAST [RON MOULDS. Tin' plow- described below are :ill designed for ridging in the cultivation of Sugar Cane. They differ materially in the manner of construction, and in the working surface of the mould-boards, for the purpose <>i' adapting them i" the various soils of the different countries in which Sugar Cane is raised. Expanding Doable Mould-Board Wrought Plows, Nos. 17, 18 ami 10, ore made with cast-iron standard and point : the mould- boards are of wrought iron, polished to look Like steel, or of cast iron. To the mould-boards are attached two wrought arms, in the form of a quadrant, lapping each other so as to expand the plow more or less, secured in the centre bj a set screw, which is easily adjusted. The Buape of the mould-board is different from the Nos. 3, l and 5 wrought fluke; they are concave, and made with greater turning power and inverting action, the ridge tin-own by them being closely packed and some- « hat conical in shape. No. 17. when shut, is \-j iuches wide at the base of rear end; when ex- pandetl, 17 to 18 inches. No. is. shut, 15 iuches; expanded, 21 inches. Nn. 19, shut. 17 inches: expanded, :.' I inches. N'os. 17 and 18 arc made with cast-iron mould-boards, of conves form. similar to the Scotch Plows; the\ expand like those of wrought iron and pack i he i idee aearh in the same form. AMES PLOW OO. S i ATAI.OGUE. SIDE HILL OR TURN-WREST (SWIVEL) PLOWS. Fig. 28.) Of this plow we manufacture seven sizes. It is so constructed that the mould-hoard is easily and instantly changed from oni to the other, which enables the operator to perform the work horizon- tally upon hill-sides, going back and forth on the same side, and turning all the furrow-slices downward. This prevents the washing of the soil by heavy rains, to which all hill-sides are more or less liable, when plowed up and down the slope. # It is much liked at the South for I plowing; for by this system of turning and laying the soil, it is prevented from being washed in those deep gullies so destructive to the general face of the country. It is likewise useful in enabling the plowman to turn the furrow-slice from his walls and fences. Fig. 2S. — Side Mill or Swivel Plow. Xo. O Side Hill. — A light, one-horse or mule plow, more particu- larly designed for horizontal plowing at the South. - >"o. OO. — A large, one-horse plow for the North, or suitable for two mules at the South. No. Bl. — A light, two-cattle plow, for sod or stubble. Xo. A 1 1-2. — A medium two-horse plow. Xo. A 2. — A large, two-cattle plow, is sometimes used with three or four horses, according to the nature of the soil. Xo. A 3. — A large, four or six-cattle plow, made very strong. It is suitable for heaw farm or road work. I " I . ( > \\ I i • . ( \ I \ 1,111. [ I No. i, ll«-;i\> Road Plow, i- represented \<\ Fig. 29. It ia made very strong, and is especially designed for the roughest road work, being of ,i Bize and capacity' t<< do work requiring the draught of four to eight Fit/. 29. — Side Hill »>• Sirircl 1'loir, X». t (heavy road). cattle. Ii is extensively n-*-.l for road making and repairing, and for sucli purposes is purchased bj towns and districts, and they find it m great labor-saving implement, and an e< omical investment. It will break tin ground, and give the general shape i" n road i ii^t In- newest or must difficult soil, plowing among roots, stumps and stones without breaking. For the annual repair pf roads it is most valuable, as it will speedily and witli great facility open the ditches, and furnish earth with which t<> form the road-track. SUBSOIL PLOWS. The deeper disintegration of the soil 1ms long been admitted as a desirable mode for general adoption, and some experimenters have concluded that no depth is too great which can lie practically attained. In particular districts, however, where the surface-loam was shallow ami the subsoil too heavily charged with clay, it was found not beneficial to reverse the position of the soil, placing the clay on top, but that the disturbance of the clay in place, without elevating it. was advantageous; thus the digging a trench, and afterwards filling it up, first with the clay. and then replacing the surface-soil, caused the crops to be much greater, not only immediately over the trench, but for a considerable distance on each side. The use of a subsoil plow at all is of comparatively recent date. Fig. 54. — Subsoil Plow. The first Subsoil Plow ever seen in the United States was imported in 18-10 by our predecessors, Ruggles, Nourse ami Mason, from Scotland. Although an effective implement, it was too complicated and costly to suit the American farmers ; and from this pattern the importers made a plow of equal capacity, but much lighter, of simpler construction, and better adapted to practical use. The real object of plowing is not to turn an immense quantity of soil without disintegration, but rather to change the relative position of its particles. With the ordinary Surface Plow, the force of the team is exercised in all directions, in lifting and turning the furrow-slice through the arc of a circle with but slight disturbance of the soil. When plowing deeply, at every foot of travel about one hundred pounds of soil is lifted through a long continued line, and a large amount of power is consumed. The removal of each particle of soil but a small fraction of an inch in its relation to the surrounding particles is said to be as thorough cultivation as lifting it a foot high, and placing it back again on the surface. \M1- now CO.'S CATALOCI I. The Subeoil Plow follows directly after and in the furrows made by the Surface Plow, and changes the position of the lower soil to any desirable depth, by merely raising it a Blighl distance without taming it. It disintegrates all the waj to the Burface, under-cutting both the land side and the furrow-slice without useless friction, lifting them very much as the molodoes, when travelling beneath the surface, and causing much greater pulverization than many Burface plowings would accomplish. That part which moves through the soil occupies little space, and resembles n thin wedge, Blightly varying in thickness in the differenl kin. Is. Subsoiling prevents plants from Buffering from dronghl in dry » by enabling the roots to extend deeply into the soil, and gives lightness and warmth to the soil in wet seasons by causing the excess of moisture to filter below the surface. It is specially valuable in lands whore the top soil rests n^on hard pan, that is. a few inches below the surface; also In st'ur. claj-ey or other tenacious Boils, as by its use the hard-pan or stiff onder-soU is opened and pulverized, so as to promote the ascent of moisture from below, and enable the roots of vegetation to extend downwards. It enables thin seeding to produce as large crops as thick seeding produced before : it also gradually enriches the subsoil and makes it equal 1,, the -in fare Those who run a Surface Plow to the depth of nine to ten inches, and a Subsoil Plow, capable of disintegrating, to the depth of nine or ten inches beneath the bottom of the surface-furrow, can almost say that they have discovered another farm beneath that represented on their map. Fig. 81.— Mopes' Lifting subsoil Flow, brought iron and steel Bfapes' Lifting Subsoil Plow, wroughi i«<>" and steel.— This plow, represented by Fig. 81, Is made of wroughi iron and steel; ,l„. points are not reversible, but can be sharpened or new laid by the blacksmith. It is found to double a Bod corn cop. by passing after the Sod Plow, to loosen the unturned -.,i, and allow the root, to spread freely. The following are the si/.e- : — ■ AMES PLOW CO. s CATALOGUE. GO Subsoil. — Works from five to nine inches deep; for light horse. O Works from sis to ben inches deep : for one horse. A Works from ten to fourteen inches deep; for two cattle. B Works from twelve to sixteen inches deep; for two or three cattle. C Works from fourteen to eighteen inches deep; for four cattle. Fig. 32.— Ma pes' Iiri\ ible Subsoil Ploic, The Mapes' Reversible Subsoil Plow, represented by Fig. 32, is made of cast iron, in two sizes. The smaller size, marked A, works from twelve to fourteen inches deep ; for three cattle. The other, marked B, is larger, working from twelve to fifteen inches deep; for four cattle. Its effect is to disintegrate the soil at considerable distance each side as it passes, with greater ease, and in a better manner, than the Subsoil Plows, which raise the soil higher as it leaves it more disintegrated, and less in Lumps, admitting the light and air more completely and equally. The .standard and share, being the same in rear as in front, can be reversed when worn. THE PARING PLOW. The Paring Plow, represented by Fig. 88, is osed for pari,.- turf- lands preparatory to burning. The snare is thin and flat, made of wrought iron rteel-edged. II has a lock-coulter, and Bhorl coulters on the outward reaCD wing ofthe share, cutting the turf, as it moves along, into two strips, each about one foot wide, and as deep as required. /•<£/. 33. — Faring riow. UVr the turf is pared off in Btrips, men follow with sharp Bpades and cat it into suitable length, say of two or three feet. These pieces are then thrown into heaps, and, after drying, are burned, and the ash,-, spread broad-cast on the land. Paring and burning is a very ameliorating process for stiff clay-soils; it changes their mechanical texture, and renders then friable and suitable for cultivation. It is always furnished with wheel, and, -.,/. with the drag cutter, as shown above. THE HAKES PATENT TURN-WREST (SWIVEL) PLOW, FOR LEVEL LAND AND BOLL SIDE. The Hakes Patent Turn-Wrest (Swivel) Plow, represented by Fig. 30, is considered not only the best implement of the kind, but as likely t<> work an important revolution in the structure of plows and in plowing. The inventor had two desirable objects in view, both of which are conspicuous in its construction. It has been long felt that there was a necessity for a plow which would more thoroughly pulverize the soil, leaving it light and open and aerated by the atmosphere, as it is left by the use of the spade; and, also, that that could only lie effectually accomplished by a Swivel Plow, which would do its work without the dead furrow which is left by the common land-side plow. These two objects the inventor has trium- phantly accomplished : by an improvement in point and mould-board, which FUj. 30.— The Halces Patent Turn-Wrest (Swivel) Plow. enables the plow not only to turn and cover as perfectly, and perform as handsome work, as the most approved now in use, but by its peculiar form the furrow-slice is pulverized to the greatest degree, as near to spade- cultivation as the most advanced agriculturist Could desire. The fact that Turn-Wrest or Swivel Tlows heretofore made do not take land enough, has caused the plow-makers to devise various means of relief ; but none have proved effectual except the simple remedy adopted in the construction of this plow, which consists in making the standard base or land-side of tin- plow narrower at the hack than it is at the front end. By this device the beam of the plow is thrown off from the land, either to the right or left, accomplishing the same result as shifting the clevis on the \ \i i - I'l.nH OO. 8 CATALOGUE. ordinary land-side plow, when ii is desirable t" take more width of furrow. All other Swivel Plows being Bel in the centre refuse to take land enough ; hut this plow " lands " the same as all land-side plows. The land-side or upright edge of the Bhare i- thrown past the centre of the beam, as the plow is turned to the right or left ; therefore it l" mes necessary, when a cotter is used, to move it from righl to left, and vice versa, as the plow is changed, mi thai it shall be, as nearly as possible, In a line with the land-side of the share. This is provided for by a movable cutter, which may be quickly changed as the plow is reversed. Thus this Turn-Wrest or Swivel Plow possesses a combination of ad- vantages, which commends it to universal adoption. Heretofore the Swivel Plow has been chiefly used on side-hill land, not being adapted \>> a level surface, owing to the defects mentioned. A- this plow, however, effects the Complete inversion and pulverization of the soil on level land, as well as uneven surfaces, it will be a relief to the eye, tired of the unsightly, oblong "lands" and dead furrows made in ordinary plowing, to see the uniform, pulverized Beed-bed left by this plow, as it turns to the right and left in its easy, graceful progress over the field. h possesses symmetry, durability, and simplicity, giving a full-width furrow, completely inverted and pulverized, and as porous :is any Imple- ment can leave the soil. It works equally well in rocky, or smooth, or wet clay land, the peculiar form of the mould-hoard preventing it from clog- ging, or holding on t" the -oil. SCOTCH-AMERICAN PLOW. e The Scotch -American Plow WB 2, represented by Elg. 11, is made in the most substantia] manner of patent hard steel, the outer surface being hard- ened to the extreme degree of hardness, while the centre remains flexible. This imparts a toughness which obviates all li- frj ability to breakage, and a smooth surface H S: which enables it to glide through the soil easily, thus reducing the draught, and in- creasing the durability. The peculiarities of the Scotch Plow — its long handles and extended bearings g — give it a steadiness in the furrow not v possessed bj any other plow. It is par- is ticularly adapted to large tields and long > bouts, and it is difficult to persuade a ■2 genuine Scotchman that so thorough a £ tillage can be accomplished by any rival I implement. For turning greensward and J5 handsome lap-furrows it has no superior ; £ the draught is light, ami the plow is ^ handled by the workman with ease. < >n large tields free from boulders and stumps, where there is full sweep for the long handles, the popularity of this plow in- creases in proportion to its use. It will be noticed that this plow has a screw clevis, which, for convenience and accuracy, greatly excels the common and its general introduction would save much annoyance to plowmen. PB <> r t v .v M i: a B S' CENTRE-DRAUGHT PLOWS. These plows ore of easy draught, turning the -"-1 most perfectly, and in a clear, free soil preserve the furrow withoul a holder; and, if the ground i- in good condition for plowing, will nearly prepare it for seed. By their peculiar shape and turn of mould-board, they will pulverize and disinte- grate the particles of the furrow-slice, and consequentlj aid in the proper aeration of the Boil and decomposition of organic matter, and thus liberate food for plants from the soil. In results they are nearly equal to Bpade husbandry, which has been termed " the perfection of good culture." Fig. 84.— Prouty «r" Years' Impreved Centre-Draught, Xo. 15.',. Improved Deep-Tilling Centre-Draught Plow,No.l65, represented bj Fig. 34, is deservedly popular among farmers. The admirable principle of Centre-Draught, the result of careful experiment ed by extensive and scientific investigation, renders it a most valuable implement for every kind of service to which it can be applied. Bj receiving the resistance of the fturow-slioe equally on both sides, the line of draught being in the centre, the plow "lands" properly, and is drawn straight forward with a regular and steady motion, and naturally keeps it- true position. It is managed with such ease and comfort to man and team that one man and a yoke of oxen are quite equal to the task of breaking up new land in a common soil — a saving of labor which will soon amount to thejlrsl cost of the plow. A ME S P I. O W CO . CATALOG UK. Fig. .?.-. Proutg <£■ Means' Improved Centre-Draught, Xo. 5 !-'•?. The Centre-Draught Plow, >*o. 5 1-2, represented by Fig. 35. -- 3ses an extraordinary combination of excellences. The point or share - a gradual, easy rise of the furrow-slice to the monld-board, which is on a gentle spiral curve in its transverse ami diagonal sections, and of such leugth as to insure a free and easy delivery of the furrow-slice at its after end. and not requiring the foot of the plowman to prevent its falling back, and having the cohesion of its particles so far disturbed as to admit of the genial influences of the sun and rain, those powerful agents of decom- position. It is of that peculiar structure which is so well adapted to the form, which the under side of the furrow-slice naturally assumes, in the process of being inverted, that after a few hours' service not an inch of the mould-board will remain unpolished. Fig. 30. — Froutg »C" Hears' Improved Centre-Draught, Xo. 2.5. The Centre-Draught Plow, >To. 2."5, represented by Fig. 86, i> one of a series of Centre-Draught Sward or Grass Plows, which were intended to carry out and demonstrate that well-known principle " that spade labor is the perfection of husbandry." The peculiar structure of the monld-board or ground-wrest being such, that while the furrow-slice is detached from the land in the l>est form (the rhomboid) it is carried ever its winding surface with only a moderate exertion of power on the part of the team : having the arrangement of its particles disturbed, their cohesion IMES ri.M u ('-.'- CATALOGUE. destroyed, and the mass, in a light and friabli idition, inverted and laid offbj ill'- Bide "!' the lasl furrow-slice, completely covering all loose and vegetable matter found on the surface, therebj bringing aboul the desired result in a most satisfactory manner. The Improved Midland Plow, No. 6, represented by Fig. 87, i- a double mould-board plow of the largest size, calculated for the ing and distributing of ridges, in the cultivation of root-crops, and har- vesting potatoes, but especially designed for the forming of back-furrow ridges on grass or Bward land, "here manure 1ms been spread upon tin- sur- face; this is done by throwing two furrow-slices nearly together, and enclos- ing the manure and vegetable matter in such a manner a- to form n most desirable for corn and other crops— a practice successfully infa into Borne sections of tin' country. Fig. 37.— rrouty & Meats' Improved Centre-Draught, No. 0. This plow is furnished with a wheel at tin- fore end of tin- beam; it has a larger wheel under the after end of the beam, as seen at A. which as a land-side, on which it i- supported while in action, ami by means of « hich it is with ease carried round the ends of the land, and from place to place ; the coulter, suspended from the beam, dividing the furrow-slice fin surface downward into two parts. The cutters seen at BB, near the tip of each Wing of the share, all' I extending Upwards sonic three inches, separate the divided and ascending furrow slices from the solid land on cither Bide, ami enable the plow, by the peculiar form of it- mould-board, to place the furrow-slice thereon with ease and regularity. The width of work may he varied or adjusted by the cutters from eighteen to twenty-four inch,-; in other words, two furrows maybe laid Off, from nine to twelve inches in Width each, and from live to inches iii depth. SANBORN'S TURN-WREST (SWIVEL) PLOW, Sanborn's Improved Turn-Wrest (Swivel) Plow, represent! i ii\ Fig. 38, has an adjustable wing to prevent the farrow-slice from run- ning over the mould-board. >'o. 1. — Intended for plowing greensward, turning a flat furrow, and working from five t<> seven inches deep, and nine to twelve inches wid» — drawn by two cattle. >*o. '*. — One size larger, for three cattle. THE SKINNER .GANG PLOW. The Skinner Gang Plow, represented by Fig. 89, is a perfecl and complete Gang Plow, adapted to any soil. Three or four horses can be worked abreast, one in the furrow and the others on the hind ; the point of draught can be placed wherever necessary to accommodate the team. There is no side or down draught on the pole. The Plow can be ran deep or shallow, and changed in an instant, without stopping the team, clearing itself in any ground. The out-end of the axle can be quickly raised or lowered at pleasure, according to the depth of the furrow. Every farmer who runs two common plows will find, except in rough, stony land, thai this Gang Plow soon pays for itself in the saving of wages. This Plow is made with the Patent Castor or Adjustable Circular Coul- ter, which always draws in line of draught and never gets out of place ; with this coulter it is the best Corn-stalk Cutter in use, for by bending the stalks down with a pole and crossing them with the Gang Plow, they are cut. and from live to six acres per day plowed, covering the stalks com- pletely. Fig. 39. — The Skinner Gang Flow, with Castor Coulter. CITS AND KXPLANATIOXS V A R I O I S P L <) W T ]{ I M M 1 N (J S The Wheel. — Several advantages are realized by the use of the wheel attached to the plow, particularly in turning sod; the plow is drawn .it a convenient distance from the team; its movements are steadj and regular, and of uniform depth, promoting the ease of both plowman and train. 1 i would he bristling and ragged, its width irregular. anil its inversion by the mould-board would not he at all times so sure. A vessel is directed and controlled by its rudder, and so is a Mid plow by its cutter: hence the importance of its correct adjustment, for very much in proportion as it is improperly set will the plow work improperly, notwith- standing its capacity in other respects to do nice, finished work. When a particular style of plowing is desired, such, for instance, as lapped or Mat, the set of the cutter must hi' tor that kind of ph. wine;, or the desired work will not be accomplished. The following cuts will assist to illustrate this point : — AMES PLOW CO.'S CATALOGUE. Fig. 42. — Cutter, inclined. The Cutter, set for plowing flat furrow-slices, is represented by Fig. 42. It should stand as much inclined towards the mould-board side as the land-side of the plow does, and it is generally best to incline it even a little more, in order to obtain that bevelled edge of the furrow-slices so essential to their sure and finished matching, side by side, as they come from the plow, and to do perfectly flat work. Fig. 43. — Cutter, straight. The Cutter, set for plowing lapped furrow-slices, is represented by Fig. 43. It should be set to cut rectangular furrow-slices, and a perpendicular edge of the unplowed land, thus insuring high-crested lapped work. The cutters are made either of a flat bar of wrought iron, steel-edged, or of thin circular plates of steel, and are variously adjusted to the plow- beam as follows : — Fig. 44. — Cutter (Flat Bar) side of beam. Fig. 45. — Cutter ( Hat Bar) through beam. These Cutters made of a flat bar, and clasped to the side of the beam. are shown by Fig. 44 ; those passing through the beam, and fastened by a gripe and key. are shown by Fig, 45 ; those made of a thin, circular plate, revolving on its own axis, with the stem or shank clasped to the beam, are shown by Fig. 46. A m B-s i-i ,»\\ OO.'fl < at \ LOG i i • Fig. 4(1.- -Circular Cutter. Fig. 47. — Lock Coulter. The forward inclination of the Cutter may be greater or lesa at pleas- ore : though, in Bome conditions of the soil and sod, it is best quite raking, for the edge will thereby the better free itself of the loose roots and stems that may double over and remain upon it. The adjustment of the caitter to the beam is such as readily to admit Of i's being raised or lowered, 8 e1 more or less raking forward, or its edge turned to or from the land at pleasure. The Lock Coulter, represented by Fig. 47, is made of wrought iron, Bteel-cdged. it passes through the plow-beam, and is made fast on top with a key. and h.eks through the share and mould-board where they join together. The adjustment is a very strong one, both for the coulter and plow, and adapts the implement for work among stones, stumps and roots, as the coulter cannot be turned out of place, or broken by such obstacles. Fig. 48.— Shim Coulter. Fig. 40.— Share. The Skim Coulter, represented by Fig. 18, is usually placed a few inches forward of the cutter, and the stem or shank is attached to the beam by an iron clasp with nuts and screws to make it fast. The Skim- Coulter promotes highly Snished plowing, particularly that of lapped sod. It shaves off the grass edge of the furrow-elice, and the turf, thus taken Off, is carried over on the turning slice till it drops into the furrow-channel and is buried. The edges of the lapped slices are thus freed of the sod ■. consequently no grass springs up, and as they are jointed to an equal thickness they are laid with great precision. The Share] represented by Fig. 19, is made of cast iron or wrought iron Bteel-edged, or wholly of steel : if of cast iron, the entire catting edge and the point is hardened in easting by a process of chilling, which forms a AMES PLOW CO.'S CATALOGUE. very hard surface, the effect of which is constantly to produce a sharp, thin, cutting edge, of great advantage in plowing, and to insure three times the service in the share that would otherwise be obtained. The extent of the case hardening is indicated bv the dotted line back of the edge of the share. Fig. 50.— Fin Share. The Fin Share, represented by Fig. 50, is useful for plowing sod lands infested with roots and stumps or stones, where the sward cutter cannot be used without danger of being bent or misplaced. It is also very useful when plowing-in stubble or coarse manure, serving t<> keep the plow from clogging at the standard. It separates the furrow-slice from the unplowed land easier and smoother than it could be done by the breast of the plow. Fig Dial Clevis. The Dial Clevis, represented (in detached parts) by Fig. 51, is used to vary the point of attaching the chain or motive power, thereby obtaining a steady, easy and uniform motion of the plow, running at different depths of furrow. With the Common Clevis sufficient variation cannot be obtained ; for instance, if properly attached to work six inches deep, the chain at the end of the beam must be raised considerably to work well at 12 inches deep, and carried to the right in order to acquire more width of furrow- slice. But the Dial Clevis can be instantly adjusted to any degree of nicety, and is capable of greater variation than any other kind, without in the least endangering the strength of itself or the other parts of the plow. In explanation of the detached parts shown in Fig. 51 : — \\n:s ri.ow OO.'S CATALOGUE. Fig. i shows the Dial Clevis and rod attached to plow, the position of the plow in operation, and the line of draught. A. Pig. •-', shows the guide <>r movable plate which is confined across the end of the beam. 15. Pig. •-'. shows the Joint bolt and unt which hold the guide i" the end of the beam. C Fig. -J. shows a section of tli>' draught-rod passing through the guide, and i" which the power is applied. Pigs. •"> and I show the cast-iron cap fitting the end of the beam, and through which the bolt passes, and to which the guide is confined by means of a bolt, and the cogs or teeth on it fitting into ribs upon the guide. /'/'(/. S2. — Quadrant Clevis. Fig. 53. — Common Clevis. The Quadrant Clevis, represented by Pig. 52, affords a wide range to the earthing or landing of the plow, and is generally used in connection -with the draught-rod on subsoil and other plows where extra deep, heavy work is to be done. By loosening the nuts of the screw bolt of the clevis, through which the draught-rod passes, the line of draught may be raised or lowered, turned on or off the land, and more or less depth or width of furrow may be given the plow to any desirable extent. Till' Common Clevis, represented by Fig. ■">">, is of wrought iron. STYLE OF FURROW-SLICE. "VTe give illustrations of the appearance of the different furrow-slices, as turned by the most approved plows, which are represented in the preceding pages. The Flat Furrow-slice is represented by Fig. 55. The long, easy flexure and gradual twist of the furrow-sliee, turned by the Improved Flat Furrow, Greensward Plows, secures lightness of draught, and promotes highly finished plowing in smooth land. £ ;- — i \ Fig. SB.— Greensward Flat Fur row -Slice. The Lapped Furrow-slice is represented by Fig. 56. The plows used for this work are specially adapted for stiff, clayey greensward, and lap the furrow-slices one upon another at an inclination of 45°. The projecting angles of the furrow-slices present the greatest possible surface of soil to atmospheric influences, and the spaces under- neath serve as drains to relieve the surface of superfluous moisture. \ M i - ri.<>\\ <■". S CATALOG I E. Fig. 50.— Greensward Lap Furrow-Slice. The Stubble Furrow-slice, represented by Fig. -"'7. La obtained by the use of the Stubble Plow; the elevating and turning power of the mould-hoard is quite apparent in the sudden and high twisl of the furrow- slioe ; and its capacity for breaking up mid pulverizing the soil is remarkable. ■ , \ A-? WBm, - Fig. 57.— Old Land or Stubble Furrow-Slice. EAEROWS. A well-constructed harrow is an important and effective implement in fitting the Boil for the reception of seed, bj breaking up clods, disengaging roots, and pulverizing the earth. Great improvements have been made within a comparatively recent period in ih<' construction of the harrow, by which a more perfect pulver- ization of the ground and a great saving of time and labor are secured : so that no one need use the old clumsy and coarse harrow of former days, when the latest improved Btyles can be obtained. The follow ing are of ascertained utility : — Tin' A Barrow consists of three frame pieces of wood, with attached, joined together in the form of the letter A. and is the cheapest and simplest we make It is made of five sizes, adapted to light or heavy work, and is in verj general use. Fig. tos. — Common Square Harrow. Tin- Common Square Harrow is represented bj l The teeth are fastened to the frame by nuts, and the bars are bolted together in Buch :i manner as to secure ample strength. There are two even and fifteen teeth. V M I - PLOW CO.'S < ATA LOG 1 I . Fig. 10U.— Cultivator Harrow. The Cultivator Harrow, represented l>\ Fig. 109, is made with handles, and the frame is so arranged that the width can be easily varied : it is furnished with a wheel by which the depth of working can '•■ lated. It i- used in cultivating between rows of potatoes or cotton, or for lighl harrowing. Fig, 59.— Geddes Harrow. The Gtedd.es Harrow, represented by Fig. 59, is made of two pieces of frame-work, joined by hinges in the centre so thai it adapts itself to an uneven surface, and either side may be conveniently elevated to tree ii from stones or sods, while the harrow is moving, without disturbing the operation of the other half, and one part may be folded upon the other in passing stones, or between stumps and trees. \ M I ^ im ... w (.».'- CATALOGUE. The arrangemenl of the teeth in the frame-work is such, thai each one operates distinctly from others, and the number of impressions made on the -,.il will ).<■ equal to the Dumber of teeth and at equal distances. Fig. 60.— Scotch Harrow. The Scotch Harrow, represented bj Fig. 60, i- a modification of the common square harrow : it i< made with 32 or I" teeth, inserted in Buch ih.ii each i. >.'ili forms a Beparatc track, a- Bhown by the dotted I'm.-. I'll.' hinges, as in all square harrows, enable it t.> tit a rolling or uneven surface. For tin' line pulverization of a smooth surface this harrow i- very desira- ble, and i- used partdcul ling or for Lighl lands. li do coarse or fine work. The two liars, on top of the frame-work, are con- nected with the four under bars by the outside teeth, the upper parts of which are rounded and shouldered, with nuts ami screws on the top. and on which the entire frame swivels or turns in expanding and contracting, which is done simply by shortening or lengthening the chain on top. Thus the harrow is made any desirable width, and to work the soil to any degree of fineness. I'l.ow CO. 8 CATALOG! I Fiy. 03.— Shares' Harrow. Shares' Harrow represented by Fig. 68, is the most perfect of all im- plements for pulverizing the freshly inverted surface of sward land to a depth two or three times as greal as the common harrow can effect. The teeth, being sharp, flat blades, cut with great efficiency; and a* thej Blope like :\ Bled runner, they pass over the sod, and instead of tearing up like the com- mon harrow or gang plow, they lend to keep ii down and in it* place, while the upper surface of the Bod is Bliced up and torn into a Gne, mellow soil. AMES PLOW CO. S CATALOG1 I . . Munroe's Rotai'y Harrow', represented by Fig. G4, is so con- structed, that the rise and fall is independent of the beam; it inclines up- ward in passing over a ridge, and downward in passing down, not only doing the work much better, but lessening the strain. The teeth in this harrow are attached by an improved method, the shank of each tooth, or the part resting in the wood, being provided with a se1 of adjusting notches, through any one of which a transverse bolt passes, secured by a head and nut. This allows the projection of the teeth to be increased or diminished at pleasure, as may be required for different grounds. This harrow readily clears itself from stones and sods. SEED SOWERS. The importance of proper implements for Bowing seed and planting should nol be undervalued. When we consider the greal labor of sowing Beed in drills by hand, together with the unsatisfactory resull or irregular- ity in line and in depth, the seed sower is indeed a time and labor-saving machine. It- economy is nol dependent upon these alone; for as every Beed will be plant. -.1 at the proper depth and in the proper place, less seed is required than for hand-sowing, while the labor and expense of their after culture is materially lessened. There will be found several kin. is adapted to the different varieties of seeds. liy. 88.— Harrington Seed Sower. The Harrington S»'<><1 Sower, represented by Fig. 68, sows all kinds of seeds, and is the best in the market for carrot, onion, sorghum and turnip seed, also for pease and beans ; it is the only one thai will bow beets aud par-nips with regularity. It makes the drill, drop- and covers the seed evenly, and at the same time the chain marks the next row a! the required distance. It has no slides, reeds or brushes to get out of order, hut the dropping of the seed is regulated by means of the dial plate, which can be moved to make the hole- larger or -mailer, adapted to the size and quantity of seed to be sown. \ M i:s r low co. s OATALOG-1 E. Fig. 09.— Seed Sower. No. 0. Seed Sower No. 0, represented by Fig. 69, is a small hand drill, designed lor the garden ; it is a, cheap, light sower, well adapted to the wants of those who cultivate root and vegetable crops <>n a limited scale. and will sow all such crops except pease and beans. It opens the ground. sows the seed, covers and rolls it at one operation. Fig. 70.— Seed Sower. No. 1. Seed Sower No. 1, or English Drill, represented by Fig. To. is a size larger than No. (I, though designed for sowing the same kind of seeds in the garden and field. The brush cylinder within the hopper is worked by gearing, ami thus is always sure to operate. Fig. 71. — Seed Soiver, No. 2. Seed Sower No. 2, represented by Fig. 71, combines several im- portant improvements upon Hie English drill, particularly in those additions \ \i i - now OO.S 0ATALOG1 E. \\ hit Mini •li lii ii for sowing large seeds. The brash and cylinder (shown al l> and C, Ki'_ r . 72) which distribute the seeds, are worked bj graduated rows of iron cogs or gearings, which operate simply and uniformly, are durable, .■mil not liable to gel ou( of order. The brush is used for small seeds, and the cylinder for cctn and ' >«-:i n-^- Fig. 72. — Seed Sower, No. 3. S«m-«1 Sown- No. '•'>. represented bj Fig. 72, is adapted to hand or horse power, and to sowing seeds continuously in drills, or planting them in bills. Bj change of cylinders (shown at C and D) it sows or plants large or small seeds. The gearings, for the purpose of producing or slow motion, in order to adapl the machine to different kinds of seed, are simple, yet excellent : made of iron, they are durable, and work with regu- larity and precision. Fig. 73, — Billings' Corn Planter. The Billings Planter, -with Fertilizing Attachment, rep- resented by Fig. 7:'.. is made to be drawn by one horse for planting corn, beans, and other seeds, and dropping fertilizer at the same time. It is of durable and simple construction, not liable to get out of order, and easily operated : it is adapted to work with certain and g 1 eti'eet mi stony and Bward land, as well as on mellow interval or other smooth land. The hopper above the beams is made with two apartments, one for the seed, and the other tor the fertilizer. l'.\ a very simple but sure arrangement of the working parte, it maj be gauged to drop anj desired quantity of Beed AMES PLOW CO.- CATALOGUE. and :t fertilizer with it. at am u t ince apart, in hills or in dulls, cf equ il depth : the seed being dropped in the farrow opened by the share below, falling through the rear or hollow standard of the share to the bottom of the furrow, and the fertilizer, at $ie same instant, being dropped through the same hollow standard, and deposited with the seed! the curved iron blades, directly in the rear of the share, cover the seed and fertilizer to the desired and a uniform depth; and the broad wheel, by which the machine is moved, rolls or presses the soil down upon the seed much more uniformly than is ever done by the hand hoe. Fig. 74. — Batchelder's Com Planter. Bachelller's Corn Planter, represented by Fig. 74. is one of the best machines for planting corn. The seed is put into the hopper above the beam, and as the horse moves along, the share below opens the furrow : the corn is then dropped by arms moving horizontally: these arms have hole> that can be altered to a proper size for receiving any required number of grains, and as they pass in and out of the hopper, the holes are filled with seed, which is dropped into a tube conducting it to the bottom of the drill made by the share. A triangular iron follows to remove all lumps and stones, and a roller to compress the earth ever the seed. The drop- ping of the seed is always visible to the operator, and the arms are made to droii tlie corn nearer or further apart by using the different-sized wheels: it will plant from eight t.> ten acres per day. AM ES PLOW CO. S CATALOGUE. Queen of the South Cotton-seed Planter is represented by Fig. 81. The difficulties encountered in attempts to plant cotton seed by machinery arise from tlie peculiar nature of the seed, which always lias ad- hering; to it a portion of short cotton fibre, which causes the -eel to form a more compact mass when a quantity is brought together, than wheat or other kinds of grain. The principles embraced in this machine render its operation practical, as the revolving tooth cylinders in the bottom of the seed-hopper, moving in opposite direction-, prevent the seed from compacting in the hopper; con- sequently it is planted with perfect regularity. Fig. $2. — Wills' Seed Sower. The Wells Broadcast Grass Seed Sower, represented by Fig. s-J. :- ..f such simple construction that any person of ordinary tact can at once operate it perfectly, sowing any desired quantity of seed to the acre, and distributing it very much more evenly and rapidly than is possible to do hy hand in the common way. In early spring, more or less wind fre- quently interferes with the proper broadcast sowing of seeds: but by using this sower, and carrying it low" on the body, the seed may be put on the ground quite evenly, as the seed will reach the ground so directly as not t>> be much diverted, if any. from its proper resting-place. \ M E8 !•!.<> W OO. 8 ' ■ \ T \ LOO I" E. Fig. 88. — Garrett's Alabama Cotton and Com Planter. Garrett's Alabama Cotton and Corn Planter, represented by Pig. 83, is a very desirable machine, and with one hand and a horse or nmli' will do the work usually requiring four hands :m>'iir_r pressed close to the seed, which greatly facilitates its germination, a stand of either cotton or corn is secured much earlier than by the ordinary mode of planting. It is so arranged thai the Beed can be distributed in the quantity desired, and tin' cotton Beed can be ased in planting, a^ it comes from the gin with- out preparation. The machine ran be readily altered to plant corn or pease. The arrangement for covering isverj perfect and the machine is constructed in a strong manner. FIELD ROLLERS. The Field Roller La used on plowed hind to level and smooth it after Bowing down to grass, forcing sods and small stones into the soft ground, pressing the light, louse soil of the surface around the seeds of grain and grass, securing a sure and quick germination and growth of the Beeds, and preparing a smooth, even surface for the reaper, mower,*scythe and rake. In spring there is frequently great advantage in rolling lands recently sown to grass, as the land that lias been uplifted by the frost, exposing the roots of plants, is replaced 1>\ the operation, with benefit to the growing crop. The roller is particularly advantageous on tight lands, composed of soil too loose and porous to retain moisture and protect the manure from the effects of drying winds and a scorching sun, and too light to allow the roots of plants a firm hold in the earth : for on such lands its compressing effect, especially in dry seasons, very much increases the product of crop, as well as preserves the manure from undue evaporation, thus saving a greater portion of its fertilizing properties for the benefit of the land and succeeding crops. Fig. 84,— Iron Field Boiler. AMES PLOW t <>. S CATALOGl B. The Iron Field Roller, represented by Fig. 84, is :i very strong, durable implement, constructed of iron, excepting the tongue and box, which arc of wood. It is made in sections, each one foot long, and em- bracing any number from three to six, as may be desired. The sections are placed on a wrought-iron arbor or axletree, on which they each revolve independently, .so that in turning the roller at the ends of the field the ground is not left uneven. If not more than four sections are required, shafts may be substituted for the tongue, and the roller drawn easily by one horse. The tongue and shafts can both be furnished to be used as re- quired. The box is attached to receive stones picked up on the field, and for giving extra weight to the roller when needed. For distant transporta- tion, the iron sections and standards, to which the wood-work is attached, are furnished to order, either with or without the wrought-iron arbor. 1>;, weight, and the wood parts can be made and fitted by any wheelwright or carpenter. Fig. 85. — Wooden Field Roller. The Wooden Field Roller, represented by Fig. 80, is made in two secticns of about 2£ feet long, and larger in diameter than those made of iron. The box to receive stones rests on the frame-work in front. The Garden Roller i> represented by Fig.- 86. The cylinder is cast in parts. 15, 20, 24 and 28 inches in diameter, and 7} to 20 inches long. To the arbor, inside the cylinder, is attached a counter-balance which adds weight to the instrument, and causes the handle to stand per- pendicular when not in use. \ M I- I' lew OO.'a OATALOG1 E. Fig. 86. — Garden Roller. Crosskill's Clod Crusher, represented by Fig. 87, an English ma- chine, is made like an ordinary roller in sections, with the following differ- ences : Each section is but three inches \viil<', and they are kepi from touch- ing each other bj a washer mi the main shaft; each alternate section lias an opening or hole in the centre fitting the shaft, while those between are of increased diameter, and have openings an inch larger than the shafl ; these latter revolve eccentrically, instead of concentrically as the former, ami any lumps or clods received between the rollers are sure to be rubbed to pieces, for the rollers are nol only toothed on their face, but at their sides. It may, with propriety, be called a" pulverizer and presser. Fiij. S7. — Crosskill's Clod Crusher. A M E 8 PL O W O O . S A T ALOlil' E . Iu England it is claimed that, by its use. larger crops of wheat are ob- tained ; that the ruffled edges of these wheels compress the earth in verti- cal masses toward the seed, and at the same time divide all lamps so as to prepare the soil for the free circulation of the atmosphere, as well as com- pressing it in vertical portions against the seed. Fig. SS. — American Clod Crusher. The American Clod Crusher, represented by Fig. 88, is modi- fied from the English machine. It is used where heavy clay soils prevail. CULTIVATORS. Cultivators are of various kinds, bul all partaking of the same gen- eral principles, being intended to be drawn bj one horse, or some for use l>\ hand for garden culture. The cultivator is used between the rows of crops, such as corn, potatoes, root crops and cotton, though it is frequently employed to pulverize the ground preparatory to seeding, and for this pur- pose i- ever} waj superior to the harrow as to results. It is also used for covering the seeds of grain. When intended to work between rows, it is constructed to expand or con- trad according to the width, in its various modifications, the cultivator exterminates grass and weeds much more effectually than the hand hoe, leaving them on the surface to be wilted l>\ the sun, and al the same time pulverizing the surface soil, rendering ii light and friable, fully prepared to admit dews aud rains, and to be acted upon by atmospheric influences, promoting the growth of plant.-, and saving hand labor. Fig. 80.— Harrington's Hand Cultivator. Harrington's Hand Cultivator, represented bj Fig. 89, destroys weeds between the rows, and mellows the soil ; it can be easily expanded, and dispenses with wheel and hand hoes. It is a very useful implement in garden culture, and is often used in fields, among reus of carrots, beets and onions, where there is nol sufficient width to use a horse, and performs the work better and faster than many nun with hoes, leaving the ground well pulverized, and the weeds cut up. Bj removing the frame with teeth it is quicklj changed to the Seed Sower. AMES 1'I.ow (<>.'- CATALOGUE. Fig. 90. — Hand Cultivator. The Hand Cultivator, represented by Fig. 90, is made entirely of iron, except the handle, and expands from ten to eighteen inches. Iiij. 91.— Hand Plow? The Hand Plow, represented by Fig. 91, is very useful in small gar- dens, and is preferred by many for the hand cultivation of onions and other crops in rows. It is made of east iron, highly polished ; the share and mould are fitted in such a manner that the depth of furrow can he easily regulated. Fig. 92. — Wheel Hoe. The "Wheel Hoe, represented by Fig. 92, consists of a pair of light small wheels, to the axle of which the tongue or handle is attached. The blade or hoe is attached to the handle, and is made to work the earth, to a greater or less depth, by raising or lowering the handle : it is extensively used in some sections in the cultivation of onions and various root crops. and saves the farmer and gardener the unpleasant labor of weeding in a stooping position. IMES I'l.o \V co. s CATALOG! I Fig. U.'i.— Good irin's Onion Weetler. Good-win's Onion Wooder is represented by Pig. 93. Every gardener knows the importance of weeding as closely as possible to the rows of vegetables, in order t<> Lessen the cost of hand-weeding. Many im- plements, made for this purpose, are very high priced; this is furnished at a !<>» price. This ireeder lias one decided advantage overothers: it not only cuts each side of the row, bnl also half way across between the rows. Wig, 94 Improved EaBpemeUng CuUtmttor. The ImprOTed Expanding Cultivator, represented by Fig. 94, is made of the same form ami size a- (he ordinary cultivator, bnt the teeth are of an unproved form, which gives greater effect than those of the com- mon expanding cultivator in thoroughly pulverizing the soil. A.MES PLOW <".- i \TVI.oi,rK. Fig. 95. — Common Expanding Cultivator. The Common Expanding Cultivator, represented by Kg. 95, is the ordinary form, with teeth of cast iron, made with or without the front wheel. The wheel, however, is found to be a great improvement, as it causes the implement to move more steadily and at even depth, and assists the operator to turn at the ends of the rows, and to avoid obstructions. - g| 1 1 p - fig. no. — Expanding and Bt iron, fastened to the shank or Btandard by bolls or nuts, so that either kind of shares may be used on the same standard, cheaply replaced when worn, and one substituted for the other. The shares being also reversible, are thereby very enduring, for when one end is too much worn to he effective, they may be changed to the other end down, and a double amount of service obtained. The different teeth used are represented and furnished separately. \ \u - n.i>w OO. 8 < \ i \ !<'<■ i i • /"/(/ U7. — I'avtillt l Expanding Cullir expanded or con- tracted, and always works in adirecl lineforward. Both cast-iron and steel shares are made t" lit the standards, and are fastened, by bolts and nuts, so thai new ones can be substituted. The teeth have high standards, elevating the frame-work so far from the ground ;i* to prevenl the instrument from clogging with sods. I'ii/. 98.— 1'iiriilh I 1' ipiniilinii r i/irr teeth). The Parallel Expanding Cultivator. Five Teeth, repre- sented bj Fig. 98, is of con s tru c t i on -im i hi r to the preceding one, except that the frame is longer and wider, to receive five teeth and take a greater breadth of surface in working. It is rigged with teeth likt- those in the preceding, '>r with Bteel reversible teeth as represented. A.MES 1M.OW CO. S CATALOOIK. Fig. 90. — Universal Cultivator. The Universal Cultivator, represented by Fig. 99, is made long. and all of iron, except the centre beam ami handles ; the side beams are of wrought iron, so curved that, as they are expanded or contracted by loos- ening the iron keys that confine the teeth in (heir places, the latter are moved forward or back to a point, that will again cause them to work par- allel with the centre beam, and at equal distances from the others. There is also one pair of moulds calculated to work in the rear, in form like small plows, throwing the earth in opposite directions, and fitting alike both side beams ; they may be placed to throw the earth to or from the centre, or rows of vegetables. If the forward teeth are used at the same time, they finely pulverize the soil, and if the plows are set to turn inwardly, a beautiful light bed is formed in which to plant any seed. It is furnished with three teeth and two moulds, or with five teeth. l'ig. lOO. — Knox's Gang Cultivator. Knox's Gang Cultivator, represented by Fig. 100, is a combination of the Horse Hoe and Gang Flow. The beam, to which the team and the handles are attached, is placed in the line of draught of the instrument, and has the coulter or curved tooth of the horse hoe forward, and a tooth with a double share in the rear for the purpose df balancing the cultivator. \ M 1 ES I" I.o \V ( ( >. S 0ATALOO1 I. Another beam, placed diagonally i<> the draoghl or t" the first-named beam, contains a rem of small steel plows, each catting ami covering a breadth <>(' earth of aboul Beven inches, inverting and pulverizing tin- soil to the depth of one, t«>>. or four inches, and raising a fine tilth. The instrument is perfectly balanced, so as to run straightty ami steadi- ly, and is easih managed in passing trees and slmn|is. and over rocks "i large stones. For covering grain or preparing surface soil tor crops of am kind, and covering compost manure, it is often preferable to the harrow. For "lie horse it is made with four small plows; for two hor-.es it is made with sue plows, ami corresponding increase in length of beams. HORSE HOES. l'uj. 101. — Boston Horse Hoe. The Boston Horse Hoe, represented by Fig. L01, designed for market gardens, and the culture of corn and root crops, is a complete pul- verizer, :,| "1 mellows the surface of plowed land preparatory to patting in crops. It mixes manure with the soil, and cannot be dogged or choked with weeds, stubble or sods ; it works well on hard and compact, rough or Btonj land, and is my effective in destroying twitch grass. It decs the work of a cross-plow or harrow in preparing land for grass, without turn- ing up the old sward. It is constructed with a strong, light iron frame and improved plows or moulds ; the rear plows are reversible, bo as to throw the earth to or from the plants. It can be contracted to fifteen inches in width, and expanded to thirty-sis inches, and is gauged to work any depth from three to seven inches. A. pair of larger rear plows for hilling are furnished when ordered. AMES PLOW OO.'S CATALOGUE. Fig. 102. — Howe's Expanding Horse Hoe. Howe's Improved Expanding Horse Hoe, represented by Pig. 102. is light, easily managed, pulverizes and mixes the surface, and is consequently highly destructive to weeds and grass. The improvement consists in adding parallel expanding bars, so that it may be worked as wide or narrow as desired. - The side teeth are also supported by a roil, connected witli the front part of the hoe. thereby giving them permanency, and without any wearing of the socket that holds the tooth to the liar. Fig. 103. — Knox's Horse Hoe. The Knox Horse Hoe, represented by Fig. 108, designed for the hoeing or cultivation of corn, the various root crops, cotton, bops, young nurseries and hoed crops generally, is quite light, easily managed, and the small size of light draught for a horse or mule : it is a thorough pulverizer of the surface soil and exterminator of weeds and grass. The forward tooth is simply a coulter, to keep the implement steady, and in a straightforward direction : the two side or middle teeth are miniature plows, which may be changed from one side to the other, so as to turn the earth from the rows at first weeding, when the plants are small and tender, or towards them in later cultivation : the broad rear tooth effectually disposes of grasses and weeds, cutting off or rooting up all that come in its way. sifting the earth and weeds through its iron fingers in the rear, leaving the weeds on the \ M I - plow ( IO. s CATALOGUE. surface to wilt and die, and the groan sizfs. small, medium and large. 1 level and mellow . There are three Knox's Carrot and Cotton Weeder, represented i>\ Fig. 104, is mm adaptation of the Horse Hoe, Fig. L03, for the cultivation of these crops. The forward tooth is simply a coulter to balance the hoe and keep it in a straight course. The rear tooth 1ms a broad steel share, spreading in all to the width of twenty inches, or ten inches each way from the cen- tre, — the cutting edge being on an easy angle backward and outward from the point, adapted to make a clean and easy cut. Fig. 104. — Knox's Carrot and Cotton Weeder, The tooth has also prongs or angers on each side, above and back of the steel Bhare, which arc of iron, formed on a gentle upward curve, so thai the soil lifted i>\ a broad share is combed or harrowed on the under side '»\ the fingers, the weeds being sifted out and left «>n the surface to wilt and die, and tin' earth reduced to a mellow tilth. A broader or narrower rear tooth may lir used on this instrument, according to the width of rows of the Crop to he hoid. liij. l or,. — Cotton Sweep. The Cotton Sweep, represented bj Fig. 105, is much approved in sections when' it has been introduced; the forward or triangular share or sweep works the ground 1 I or 18 inches wide: the next teeth are made of AMES PLOW CO.'S CATALOGUE. rtat bars of iron with the forward edge sharpened, and burned inward at tin- bottom and level with the share or sweep, in such manner as to cut to the point marked by the sweep, thus making a clean cut of 24 to 32 inches more or less deep, and the small-pointed harrow teeth follow, and more perfectly pulverize the soil and work the weeds to the top : the implement is readily expanded and contracted. Fig. 100. Steel-Mould Cotton Sweep. The Steel-Mould Cotton Sweep, represented by Fig. 106, is much used in the South and "West in cultivating various crops : it is made of steel, very light, and adapted to the cultivation in those sections. There are. four sizes, from eighteen to twenty-four inches. Fig. 107. — Cotton Scraper. The Cotton Scraper, represented by Fig. 107, is an improved im- plement, the importance of which every cotton-planter understands and appreciates its advantages for the working of cotton. This implement has been introduced to a large number of planters who have expressed their satisfaction. It is made either of wrought or cast iron. HAYING AND HARVESTING MACHINES. \ EATING AND EARVESTESTG MACHINES. In n<> branch of agriculture has 1 1 »» ■ advance in labor-saving machinery been so marked as in the application of power tor the harvesting of the grain and hay crop. Every advance during the lasl quarter of a centurj has '"■'•ii in the line of a reduction of the cost in the preparation and in- gathering of these crops, which form the true basis of national prosperity. The Introduction of the Howes gave such a facility in cutting grass in large quantities, thai the demand naturally arose for some implement by which it could be rapidly cured. To meet the demand, the Tedder was invented, than which no implement was more gladly welcomed bj the farmer, as il gave him the facility in curing by which he was enabled to keep pace with his increased facility in cutting grass, thus supplementing the gain acquired bj the latter. The remaining requirement, a substitute for hand-raking, was me1 by the Horse Hat Rake on wheels, by means of which the completion of the hitherto laborious task is accomplished : and the crop secure and ready for removal from the field,— thanks to the .Mown:. Tedder, and Horse- Rakj . — awaits its disposal either for market or home use Win. Anson Wood's Improved Eagle Mower, repre- sented by Fig. 109, combines all the latest improvements; by its use the farmer is enabled to harvest his grass under all conditions of surface and crop, without the necessity of stoppages to remove tangled grass fri knives, or to repair broken or defective parts. The practical efficiency of this machine has been attained only after years of labor expended in in- venting and perfecting the details. We name some of tha principal points of excellence : — Simplicity. ' ; - greal simplicity of istruction has done much to give it prominence and to establish it-- reputation in this respect. It has hut few holts and pieces, and no useless part- to .jet out of order. Durability. The frame is of iron, shaped s.> a^ to give great sym- metry, and a strength that will stand any test. The gearing is in the wheels. The boxes are of Iron, cast in the frame. Draught. The machine is perfectly balanced by the weight <<( the driver, and the main shoe is hinged at a point below and behind the axle, thus relieving the cutter bar and shoe from all friction, and rendering the draught imperceptible. This arrangement adapts the finger bar to the variation in the surface of the ground. TIIE AMERICAN HAT TEDDER The American Hay Tedder la represented by Fig. 110. The introduction of this new and important invention marks a new era in the operation of bay-making, effecting, as ii does, such an immense saving of time and Labor, and at a season when they arc of such value, as to establish itself at once as one of the most valuable and effective labor-saving machines ever offered to agriculturists. The real practical value of the machine cannot be fully appreciated except by those who have seen its operation: but its perfectly simple and mechanical arrangement renders it apparent, at first sight, that it must prove an effective machine for turning or tedding hay. and well worthy the attention Of all interested in hay- making. Grass, when cut by the .Mowing Machine, is evenly distributed over the surface of the ground; a non-conducting layer exposed to the scorching rays of the sun on the upper side, but liable to remain wet underneath until evening. The labor of turning this properly is even greater than shaking out the swaths when grass has Keen cut with :i scythe ; and again, since the use of the mower has become so general, the farmer is enabled to cut far more grass than formerly, which, in many eases, involves the necessity of hiring additional help to properly take care of it. while in others he hesitates to mow down as large a Quantity as he otherwise would, unless he lias the adequate' means of properly securing his crop without danger from storms. By the use of the American Hay Tedder all extra help is dispensed with. ami he is enabled, in ordinary haying weather, to properly cure all the iri-a-s he may see lit to cut. and get it into the barn on th< thereby not only effecting a great saving in labor, but avoiding all risk from changes of the weather, to which hay is subjected when allowed to remain more days after it is mown. The hay is not. only quickly dried, but it is done in a mosl thorough man- ner, tor the arrangement and operation of the forks is such as to not merel} turn the hay, but also to open it thoroughly and shak it every wisp, with- out loss by too rough handling, leaving it turned up. its til. re- crossed in A.MES PLOW CO.'S CATALOGUE. every direction, and in the very best condition for the admission of the air and the rays of the sun. Tts action is so rapid, and the effect so thorough, that it is fully capable of curing, ready for the barn, any given amount of grass in less time than twenty men can do it with hand forks, while the draught upon the horse is very light. On large farms, the tedder is often put into the field immediately after the grass is mown, and kept in operation until the hay is evenly and per- fectly dried, giving the farmer ample time to rake, load and cart it to the barn in the afternoon, and at the close of the day he has the satisfaction of seeing his hay safely stored in the barn, and cured much more perfectly than is possible where the common hand fork is used. The even and perfect manner in which the hay is cured has the effect to very much improve its quality; while it is in a better condition for being quickly and easily raked. The American Hay Tedder is constructed upon entirely new principles. While combining all the features requisite to make a successful tedder, it avoids the many objections that are so apparent in others, and it has peculiarities which render it far superior to anything heretofore in use for the purpose. The machine is mounted on drive wheels, and is furnished with sixteen spring forks, attached to a light reel in a very ingenious man- ner. The forks are made to revolve very rapidly, and will thus do great execution even while the horse is walking slowly. It is impossible to clog the machine — it can be backed at all times — runs without noise — and readily passes over airy obstruction that a rake will, without damage to it, and without any effort on the part of the driver, who has no levers to operate or treadles to play upon, and has merely to drive his team. In fact no skill or labor is required in operating the machine, and a boy ten years old answers the purpose as well as a man, the operator having nothing to do, under any circumstances, except to sit in his seat and drive the team, having both hands free to handle the reins. The movements in operation being rotary, continuous and uniform, the far- mer will never complain that it shakes itself to pieces before it is half worn out ; while it runs so very light in all its parts the wear is very slight, and the machine will last for years. The light draught of the American Hay Tedder -is one very important feature, and being composed of but few pieces, and those not liable to get out of order, it may be worked for whole seasons without requiring repairs. The admirable manner in which the work is performed, together with the novelty, simplicity, and case of draught, clearly demonstrates the perfec- tion of the American Hay Tedder, and that it is the only reliable machine for the purpose ever invented. It has been thoroughly tested, and a very large number have been sold since its fust introduction, and arc now in use in different parts of the hay-producing sections of the country, and every farmer and mechanic who has seen these machines in Hie field will AMES 1'l.oW OO.'fl < AT A LOG1 1 ■ ". LMES PLOW CO. S CATALOGUE. testify to their successful operation in any place whore the mower and the horse-rake can be used to advantage. The machines sold and put in operation have been so perfect, and given such entire satisfaction, that we do nol find it necessary to make any alter- ations. As heretofore, they will lie made and finished in the best manner and of the best materials that can be obtained, every part warranted sound and perfect. We continue making them with the attachment for raising and lowering the reel, having learned, by experience, that the forks in action should be higher from the ground in heavy grass than when the crop is light. They are furnished with shafts for one horse, or with pole for two horses, as may best suit the convenience of purchasers. Burt's Self-Adjusting Horse Hay Rake, represented by Fig. Ill, is recommended to all who wish to avail themselves of the best ma- chinery for saving time and labor in making and securing hay. It has great and decided advantages over any machine for the same purpose, now in use, and upon trial will be found to do its work cleaner and belter, quicker and with less labor to the operator, than any other rake in the market. These advantages are obtained by a combination of mechanical prin- ciples, which causes the draught of the horse to hold the rake to its place, just in proportion to the accumulation of the hay in front of the teeth, without any effort or attention on the part of the driver. By this arrange- ment a proper downward pressure upon the teeth, just sufficient to rake the hay without scratching the ground, is always maintained, and the driver is relieved from the severe labor of maintaining a constantly chang- ing pressure of the foot or hand upon a lever, in order to keep the rake to its work on the surface of the ground. This peculiarity of construction, by which the labor of raking is taken from the operator, and placed upon the horse, enables a boy to manage the machine with the greatest ease, and although the weight of the driver is made available for giving tension to the teeth, and also for discharging the hay, the arrangement is such, that it can be instantly adapted to the weights of different operators, so as to work equally well with a light or heavy person upon the driver's seat. The simplicity of its parts, the ease with which it is operated, and the facility with which its use is learned, even by those unskilled in the man- agement of farm machinery, seems to commend it to the favor of all. In addition to its great utility in the hay field, this rake has been found admi- rably adapted for gleaning grain, as the teeth may be elevated any distance from the ground, and kept in the required position; they are also partic- ularly well suited for raking roweu or second crop. These rakes are made from selected material, and put together in the mosl workmanlike manner, with a special view to durability. They are well made and handsomely finished, ami are placed at such a price as to com- pare favorably in that respect with any first-class horse-rake In the market. IMES l'l.ow OO.'S OATALOGTJ] . Wig. lfJ.—Iicvolrinij Horse Hay Rake. The Revolving Horse Rake, represented by Pig. 112, possesses the great advantage of unloading without lifting the rake or stopping the horse. It has a double row of teeth, pointing each way. which are brought alternately into use as the rake makes a Bemi-revolution at each forming windrow, in its onward progress. They are kept flat upon the ground by the pressure of the square frame on their points beneath the handles ; but as soon a> a load of bay is collected the handles are Blighth raised, throwing this frame backwards, oil' the points and raising them enough for the forward row to catch the earth. The continued motion of the horse causes the teeth to rise and revolve, throwing the backward teeth ton-, nost over the windrow. In this way each set of teeth is alternately brought into operation. Fig. 113. — Sjtring-Tooth Horse Hay Hake. The Wire Spring-Tooth Horse Rake, represented by Fig. 113, i- very desirable for use on new, rough grounds, where it has some advantages over those with wooden teeth. The teeth are made of Btiff, elastic wire, on the points of which the rake runs; they bend in passing an obstruction, and spring back into their place again. The rake is unloaded by simply lifting by the lower handles, the upper ones being intended for holding and guiding; the rake is light, and about one-balf the weight sustained bi the ho CORN SHELLERS. With the immense corn crop annually raised in this country, it is a question <>f lirst importance to have proper machinery for expeditiously preparing the produd for market. To effect the saving of labor, by which the cosl is materially reduced, corn Bhellers of differenl forms :m the large corn of the Northern and w State-. AMES PLOW CO. S CATALOGUE. Fig. 115. — Clinton, Com Shelter. The Clinton Corn Slieller, represented by Fig. 115, is used for shelling the small and medium-sized varieties of Indian corn. It is made with either one or two balance wheels. By the use of two wheels it runs more steadily and with greater ease to the workman. From ten to fifteen bushels of shelled corn per hour is its usual capacity, when operated by a man with a boy to put in the ears. a m B8 ri.ow OO.'S < \'i' \ !■"<■ i i ■ Fig. 110. — Southern Corn Shelter. The Southern Corn Sheller, represented by Fig. L16, is made expressly for the large farms and plantations of the West and South, where the com is larger in the ear than in the Eastern and Middle States. Fig. 117. — Southern Corn Shelter (with pulley J. The Southern Corn Sheller is represented ' \ Fig. 117. with a pulley and extra balance wheel on the outside to be operated by hand or horse power. It is made both single and double. AMES PLOW CO.S CATALOGUE. Fig. US. —Eagle Com Shelter, The Eagle Corn Sheller, represented by Fig. 118, is made in same style as the Clinton, but with heavier frame and irons, and finished in a superior manner. It is made with single or double hopper, the former to be worked by hand, and the latter by hand or horse power ; the extra weight adds much to its durability and the ease of operating it. Fig. 119. — Prairie Com Shelter. The Prairie Corn Sheller, represented by Fig. 110. is a model of compactness and simplicity ; it has the merit of cheapness combined with \ M ES ri.ow OO.'S I \ i \ LOG D I • durability , anil u ■lms within the reach ol svi t) I irmei and n is ecc om} for even the smallest raiser of corn to use it. It is adapted i" oil - shelling equally well the smallest Northern and the largest Western and Southern corn. Ik capacity is nearly equal t,. the larger aud more expensive hand shellers, performing its work rapidly, shelling perfectly clean, and sepa- rating the com from the cob. The rf.it is prevented fr is conducted into a receptacle under the machine, the cob passing over the frame to the left of the hopper. A Bpiral steel spring, regulated by two thumb Bcrews, is around the shaft or projectiop of the ilisk or face of the plate, which gives the disk a yielding capacity, sufficient to shell ears of The tension or strain on the Bpring is regulated by means <>r the thumb screws, and when the proper tension is secured for the particular mzci! cars to !"■ shelled, bo thai the ears arc nol broken, the thumb screws are locked, and the tension remains unchanged. Within the hopper is a piece of casting, also secured by a thumbscrew, which can be removed when large cars arc to be • helled, "i\ ing more room for them to descend in the hopper. Fig. 120. — Virginia Corn Shelter, The Virginia Corn Shelter, represented bj Fig. 120, lias been in use many years in the Southern States and foreign countries; it maybe to men, or by power, shelling by hand about three hun- dred bushels per day, and by power about six hundred. HAY. FEED AND VEGETABLE CUTTEKS. HAY. FEED AND VEGETABLE CUTTEES. So greal is the utility of cnl food fpr stock, thai machines for- this purpose are now in general use. The advantages are thai n less amounl <>f hay will sustain an animal ; thai there is less waste of material ; thai il is better than in a crude state, particularly for animals of labor, as il is sooner eaten, giving more time for rest. The following are the mosl approved binds: — Fit/. 121. — Hide Roller Hay Cutter (straight knives). \MIS PLOW CO.'S CATALOG IK. Fig. 122. — Hide Roller Hag Cutter (spiral knives). The Hide Roller Hay fatter is represented by Figs. 121 and 122 as made with either straight or spiral knives, which are set in the circum- ference of a cylinder or arbor and cut against a hide roller. This cutter has been in use for many years, and has given general satisfaction. There are various sizes, the largest to be run with power. Any part can be replaced when worn out. Those machines can be taken apart and boxed for shipment, and readily put together. \ m i:s I'i.iih i O. - CATALOGUE. Fig. 123, — Green Mountain Teed Cutter The Green Mountain Feed Cutter, represented by Fig. 123, is < structed <'u the direct lever principle ; the guard of the knife sti iking, in catting, a Bteel Bpring,by which the action or the fcnffc is regulated, the hay is readily poshed forward with the hand and the length of cul controlled. This La a very popular cuiicr, of light weight and easilj handled. AMES PLOW OQ.'S CATALOGUE. Fig. 121. — Cylindrical Cutter. The Cylindrical Straw and Stalk Cutter, represented by Fig. 124, is a new machine for cutting coarse forage, is very strongly made, the smaller size* being operated by one man and the larger by horse-power. Fig. 125.— Iron date Hay Cutter. The Iron Gate Hay Cutter,.represented by Fig. 125, operates bya lever; the knife and plate in which it is secured run in grooves holding them linnly, so that a steady, clean ent is made of the hay or feed. LMSS PLOW CO.'s CATALOGUE. Fig. 126.— Patent Lever Jlay Cutter. The Patent Lever Hay Cutter, represented by Fig. L26, Ls strong and effectual, well calculated for the Southern States, and adapted to cut- ting corn-stalks. It is- less liable t" be injured by inexperienced hands and exposure to the weather than most machines. The parts are easily separated and packed for transportation, and readily put together again. VEGETABLE CUTTERS. There is a great advantage in feeding cattle and sheep during the winter months partly on vegetables, if properly cut, so as to prevent choking, and to make tlirni easy of digestion. The vegetables, after passing through the cutter, may be mixed with straw, coarse ha} - , or other cheap forage, which one would like to dispose of economically, and the mixture, after lying a little time, so that the forage may become impregnated with the juices and scent of the sliced roots, will be greedily and wholly consumed by the stock. Fig. 127. — N. M. & Co. Vegetable Cutter. The ]V. 31. & Co. Vegetable Cutter, represented by Fig. 127, has the cutting wheel made of cast iron, through which are inserted three knives similar to plane irons ; these cut the vegetables into thin slices with great rapidity, and the cross knives operate to Cu1 and break them into irregular pieces, of convenient form and size for cattle or sheep to eal without danger of choking. The machine is made in a permanent and durable manner. V.MES IM.i > \\" i Q. - i \ I \ l.ni, i i.. Fig. 12S.— Willard's Vegetable Cutter, Willard'a Patenl Root Cutter, represented by Fig. 128, cute vegetables very rapidly and in thin slices, fine enough for sheep, Lambs and calves. It isverj easily operated, bo that a boy can turn thi without much exertion. The arrangement inside is such as to prevent all Liability of clogging the cutter while at work, and the knives are easih repaired. Pumpkins are readily cut with this machine for cooking for swine. The Rosa Improved Bool Cutter differs from the \. m. & i ... in the knives having scalloped edges, by which the slices are cut in an irregular form, thus more readily broken in eating, which makes it very desirable for sheep and young stock. HOESE-POWEKS ANT) MILLS BORSE-POWERS MILLS Fiy. 199, — Union iiorsr-roiii >■. The Union Horse-Power, represented by Pig. 129, has the wood frame-work constructed similar to most of the Tread or Endless Chain Powers in use, but the arrangement of the iron work ormnning L. r >"ir is almost entirely new. The links are made with cogs, and the driving gear wheel is placed back from the end. and directly nnder the horse, and is of AMES PLOW CO. - CATALOGUE. sufficient diameter to cog into the chain links, both at top ami bottom of the gear wheel. By this device the propelling power of the !. always acting directly on the top of the driving gear on the same plane, and consequently there IE - of power or increase of friction: the returning sections of the chain on the bottom track are acted upon in the same manner as the top portion. The power thus acts directly on the chain to propel it up the incline plane (and not indirectly around the end of the track as with machines constructed with spiders or rolls on the end) thus the connecting pivots of the chain are relieved of all strain and friction usually caused by passing the end track. By this cogging into both top anil bottom a perfectly smooth and regular motion is given to the chain, and all the trembling, jerking motion, usually caused by the sections of the chain passing the ends from the top to the bottom track, is entirely avoided, and the difference in the tension of the chain passing the ends is so entirely overcome that the powers may be constructed with any desired length of link or section. We are thereby enabled to dispense with half the number of axles and wheels, thus saving a large portion of the expense for repairs, lessening the friction, and reducing the cost of lubricating. By this device we can construct the wheels of large diameter, without making the machine cumbersome. All the connections or pivots, the axles and wearing surfaces, are chill hardened and very durable; the gears and band wheel are readily changed from one shaft to the other, and from one side of the machine to the other. The links and treads are so constructed that the tread holds the link and axle that supports the horse, and dispenses with the supporting rods or axles extending across the chain as commonly used in horse-powers : thus avoiding the useless heavy weight of cross rods and the liability of their getting bent by the horse stepping on them when the treads become worn. The treads are so simple in construction that any one of common ingenuity can make, them without the aid of machinery, and they can be removed ami replaced without disturbing any part of the machine ; it has been thor- oughly tested and found to be durable, giving a large per cent, of power, and will run at a slight elevation. The following advantages over other horse-powers give these satisfactory results : — 1st. The wheels are larger in diameter and less in number than is usu- ally employed in horse-powers. 2d. The platform chain moves with a perfectly smooth and free motion. All the pivots, nd axles are hardened and smooth, thus causing less friction. 4th. The power is applied at the top and bottom of driving gear : by this means the iceight am the horse acts directly I machine with great force.. 5th. There is no strain on the chain in passing the end tracks. It is made for both one and two b ■: AMI- l'l.<> \\ OO. S I \ I \ I < ", I I . Fig. 130.— Saw Mill. Tin* Saw mill, represented b} Fig. L80, is made strong with joinl bolts, patent metallic boxes, and large, long Bhaft. Ii has a heavy fly- wheel, and maybe run with single or double horse-power; a twenty-four- inch circular saw is used. With a one-horse-power ten to fifteen cords of hanl wood per hunks forthat purpose in the thresher, as seen in the figure ; (lie Other end being upon swing lees. \ M l- i- 1 ,( > w <<>.*- CATALOGUE. which Btand np.ni the il ', and connected i" them by an iron rod running through them and 1 1 1 < - end of the separator. The thresher, for this connection, baa ■■> Bhafl with :i crank on it attached crosswise, and under the feeder's table; the Bhafl extending outside, and receiving a pulley which engages the borse-power band precisely :i^ in the case of the fan Bhafl and pulley. From this crank a pitman extends midway under the thresher to the underside of the separator, bj which ii is agitated, and does its work better than three or four men i M do it bj band. This □ I pulley ia changeable to either side, to operate right or lefl banded. />«/. 182.— Boston Few Mill ■ The Boston Pan Mill, represented i>\ Fig. 132, ia cheap, li portable, bul Btrong and durable; it works with efficiency, cleaning and small Bceds, with much despatch, al a single operation. The small Buses are more particularly adapted to the «.-int~ of the farmers in the New England States. Sis sizes are made. They can be taken apart, and boxed far shipment . PLOW CO. S CATALOGUE. Fig. 133. — Grant's Fan Mill. The Grant Fan 3Iill, represented by Kg. 133, is believed to bo the most effective for perfectly cleaning every kind .if grain, rice, gr other seeds at one operation. It is made in the most substantial manner, of the best material : seven sieves accompany each mill, with printed direc- tions for placing them, and the slides for the cleaning of the different seeds. Six sizes are made. These and the other fan mills are constructed so that they may b apart for transportation. As joint bolts and screws are used, they may be set up without difficulty or fear of want of adjustment. i-i.o w OO. 8 CATALOGUE. Jb — >• Vlg. 1S4L. — Yankee Fan Mill. The Yankee Fan Mill, represented by Fig. 184, is a very< venient Bmall mill tor use in the store, as it is designed tor cleaning coffee, spices, rice and grass seeds, having a variety of sieves, slides and boxes adapted ti> these' various articles. It is bo adjusted thai in operating, more or less wind ran l>e let on the sieves, thus regulating the force to the particular article to be winnowed. It occupies vcrj little space, is light and portable, and a perfeel fan mill tor the purpose intended. The Improved Worcester Kan Mill is of similar construction to the Boston, except thai the frame tor the sieve-, to real on is wider, and the slides are attached to the sides of the mill, which are divided bo thai a portion moves, thus giving a greater surface, and consequently larger capacity, tor the same size. The Horizontal Fan Mill is an old style; the round house, or wind box, is placed on the side, and the fans revolve on an uprighl shaft, the sieves moving in a long, narrow box, forward and back, instead of from Bide to .side, as in the recent patterns. AMES PLOW OO.'S CATALOG! I . . Fig. 135. — Horse and Hand Grain Mill. The Hand and Horse Grain Mill, represented by Fig. i.;:,. is made of iron, and can be run either bj hand or horse power : by the latter it will grind four bushels of grain fine per hour, and a greater quantity if coarse. It is of simple construction, very efficient and durable, not liable to need repairs. When the plates or grinding surfaces are worn, they ran be replaced at a small cost. Fig. 136. — Hand Grain Mill. The Hand Grain Mill, represented by Fig. 136, is used for grind- ing grain, or coffee and spices if desired ; its capacity is from one to two bushels per hour. ami- im.ow OO.'S ' LTALOG1 i.. Fig. 187. - Xichols' Com and Cob Crusher. Nichols' Corn and Cob Crasher and Pulverizer, repre- sented by Pig. 137, lias been in extensive use for many years, and, for a rapid, easy and perfect crusher, ii is unequalled. It will crush double the amount of anj machine before it requires repairs — ii will crush four times as fine as any other crusher — it is operated with one-third less power than any other mill. This machine can be run with horse, Bteam or water power, and to accom- plish its full work the cylinder should perform six hundred revolutions per minute : it i> regulated t'> grind coarse or fine by a set Bcren over the front concave. Patent dated Oct. L2, 1852. AMES PLOW CO.'S CATALOGUE. Barrel Sugar Mill. The Barrel Sugar 3Iill, represented by Fig. 138, is intended to be placed over a barrel, saving the room occupied by the Box Mill. It answers the same purpose, the capacity being less. **• Fig. 139.— Box Sugar Mill. The Box Sugar 31111, represented by Fig. 139, is used by grocers for crushing sugar as it is taken from the hogshead. The dampness of the \ m E8 i'i"« (<>.*> OAT \ LOG I I , bottom and sides :■- thus equalized, and tin 1 appearance of the Bngai thereby improved. Ii is Bimple, and easil] kepi in order, and will cruel) Tie mi six to iwel\ «■ hogsheads per day. Fig. 140. — National Farmer'* Cider Mill. The National Farmer's Cider and Wine Mill, represented by Fig. Mi'. i> constructed upon aew principles out from the beaten track of previous inventions, avoiding the defects existing in all other mills, for tin' purpose, now before tin 1 public. No other mill ><> completely breaks down the structure of tin- apple, and so well prepares is pomace for produc- ing the largest possible percentage of cider. The peculiar construction and arrangement of the rollers in this are such thai the best qualities of both ernshing and grating mills are combined. The grinding arrangemenl is very Bimple, consisting of two rollers, arranged to work together in such manner that the cells of tin- fruit arc broken, a very One pomace produced, and by this, under the pres AMI. S PLOW CO.'s CATAl,ni;i I.. the screw, a larger percentage of juice is obtained, making more cider from a given quantity of apples than can be made with any other mill. This feature should not be overlooked by those intending to purchase, as the increase in product by the use of this mill will soon pay its cost. It is very strong and durable, and requires but little power to operate it. It is provided with a convenient hopper, and is so arranged that I he feeding is done easily and without any waste of time. By means of a simple arrangement, the grinding parts can readily be adjusted for coarse and fine work, adapting the mill to various purposes. The superior form and com- bination of the different parts enables the operator to do more work with this mill, with less labor, and with a greater saving in results, than with any other mill. Fig. 141. —National Family Cider Mill. The National Family Cider Mill, represented by Fig. ill. is the same in principle and operation as the Farmer's, but of smaller size, adapted to family use. It is light, strong, and convenient, easily operated. and sold at a price that brings it within the means of any one wishing to make cider anil wine for family use. The frame-work is strong and compact. There are two curbs, by the use of which is obviated the necessity of handling the pomace after crush- ing the fruit, or of stopping to press the pomace, as is the cast' with other mills of this class having only one curb. The work is thoroughly ami A M E8 I'low OO.'S OAT ILOG1 i effectively performed. The of i«<> curbs allows the operation of grind- ing and pressing l>"tli :it the Bame time, thus greatlj facilitating the work, increasing the capacity of the mill, and giving more time for the |uice '>> drain from the pomace. Fit/. 142. — Lard, Cider and Wine Press. The Lard, C'i Press, represented by Fig. I 12, is made in six sizes, light and portable, ye< strong and well adapted for family use. CHUKNS. The Davis Self-adjusting Churn and But lor- Worker, represented by Fig. l L">. possesses the best qualities for the successful making of butter, (t is furnished with :i dash made with movable Qoats, thus securing the thorough agitation of the entire mass of cream, and after the butter comes, the reverse motion of the dash closes the Boats thus expressing the buttermilk ; by the same motion the sail is thoroughly and evenhj worked in. Starting with aimply cream in the churn, we have the result — butter perfectly prepared, ready for Bhaping for the table or packing for market — /'»?/. I Hi. — The Davis Self-Atljustinff Churn. folly establishing the claim for " The Davie" not onlj as a self-adjusting churn, bul a bntter-worker. We make five Bizes, the capacity varying from two to eighteen gallons of cream; packed for shipmenl in racks of two. LMES I'l.ow CO. S CATALOGUE. Fig. 144. — Thermometer Churn. The Thermometer Churn, represented by Fig. 144, the result of a series of careful scientific experiments, is offered confidently to butter- makers. In churning, the milk or cream should be of a suitable tempera- ture, for if warm or cold water is added to produce the desired temperature the butter is then invariably poor in quality and limited in quantity. To arrive at the exact necessary temperature was, however, always very difficult, and in fact never practically accomplished until now. One advantage of this churn consists in having a thermometer placed in one end, entirely secure from breakage or accident, and always visible, so thai the operator may know- with certainty when the milk or cream is brought to the proper temperature. The thermometer is marked at 62 degrees, the temperature necessary to produce the most perfect separation. Another advantage consists in its having a place in which to readily produce the requisite temperature by hot or cold water, without the water being mixed with the milk or cream. For this purpose the inner part of the churn, or that in which the milk or cream is placed, is made of strong sheet zinc, of a semi-circular form. A short distance outside of this is another sheet of zinc, also of a semi-circular form, and attached to or backed up by the body of the churn so as to leave an intervening chamber surrounding that in which the milk or cream is placed, and into which cold or warm water may lie introduced as required to increase or diminish the temperature. If the milk or cream is too warm, the mercury will rise above 62°, and cold water should be placed in the chamber: if t -old. Hie mercury will fall below the mark, and warm water must be used. The milk or cream should be agitated by turning the crank while the water is being introduced, I" give an even temperature throughout. \ M ! - PLO \\ CO. 8 ( \ I \ LOG I I . In regulating the temperature, the water may, when desired, be easily removed by taking out the ping. When the ther Deter indicates that the milk or cream is of the proper temperature, the churning maj be performed by giving the crank aboul forty revolutions per minute. The double zinc bottom, and other durable properties of this churn, remove .-ill liability to warp or shrink, and adapt it to use in all countries, especially those with a not or i In climate. It is light, simple, easj to operate, and readilj (-leaned. It is made in eight sizes, from -[ to 28 gallons. Packed in racks for shipment. Fig. 145. — Bobbins' Patent Churn Daah. Tin' Bobbins Patent Centripetal and Centrifugal Dash, represented by Fig. L45, is furnished with the thermometer churn when desired. This dash consists of four Bets of Boats, of two each, and each Bet placed at right angles with the other. One Boat in each set is placed at a short distance from the ether cue. and dfcch innermost one has its near edge so near the edge of the next, and its front edge »> distant, as to leave an anude of aboul twenty degrees between them, and bo located a- to sit diag- onally with the line of motion. Bj forcing the milk or cream through an angular opening between the floats, much more available churning friction is obtained by this dash than by others, and very little v power is required to work it. The same line of motion is continued until the butter forms, or separa- tion takes place, alter which a reverse action must be given. The reverse action changes the relation of the inner floats, and collects the butter to the centre of the churn in a solid roll. The dash is held in high estimation by those who have used it. A MKS PLOW OO. CATALOG IK. Fig. IJrd.— Cylinder Churn. The Cylinder Churn, represented by Fig. 146, is one of the most simple rotary churns, and combines most of the advantages of all other churns of a cylindrical character. It is a light and portable style of churn, ami may be placed on a bench or table and operated by 'a child. There are two kinds made: blue painted, and varnished, alike in all practical respects, except the varnished are made of a better quality of stock. Both lands are now made with metallic bearings, and with improved cranks. There are five sizes, from 2J to 20 gallons. Packed in racks for shipment. Fig. 147.— Dash Churn. Fig. 14S. — Lever Butter Worker, The Dash Churn, represented by Fig. 147, is the old-fashioned style. still preferred by some. It is made of two lands of materials, pine and white cedar ; the former painted blue, and the latter unpainted. IMES I'l .' > w CO.'B I LTALOOUE. The Lever Butter- Worker, represented by Fig. 148, should be more generally used in butter-making. Its advantages are, thai the butter can be kepi cool in working, and the necessity of using the bands avoided ; ili • buttermilk ma} be ■<■ thoroughh worked from the butter, and the -.-ill worked in more evenly. It is easily cleaned, and takes but little room. The lever is round and fluted. Fig. 149.— Self- Acting Cheese Press. Th<> Self-Art injr, Cheese Press, represented by Fig. 149, is lighl and portable, and a greal convenience in the dairy. The cheese is placed in the press, and its own weight presses il by a moderate pressure :it first, .•I- ii should be, bnl gradually increases as the inside frame moves down, until the cheese is perfectly pressed. Light or heavy pressure may be applied to cheese of the same weight, bj simply raising or lowering the inside frame by sliding blocks between the two followers : indeed, the press may be regulated to any degree <>i" pressure thai may be desired. The cheese i- not removed until the pressing is completed. MEAT CUTTEES AND SAUSAGE STUFFEES. MEAT CUTTERS l \ D SAUSAGE STUFFERS. Perry's Patent Bleat Cutters, made entirely of iron, with catting knives of besl casl steel, are simple, compact, very efficient and easirj kepi in order. The bearings are fitted accurately, and .-ill parts well-finished. I shell, in two parts, held together by hinges and a clasp, is easily opened, and when closed is secured firmly in position for work. Every part of the machine is instantly accessible; for cleaning, the cylinder only needs to be lifted out after the machine is opened, and the inside of the shell being sn th the whole can be kept sweel and in perfect order with bul little trouble to the operator. The knives are placed in two rows, one row or section each side of the machine, each secti< f knives being held in position securely by one or two Bcrews, and by removing these, each knife, or the whole section, may be taken out for grinding or to be replaced by new ones whenever o 1 1 1 : i \ require. \H the machines, except the smallest sizes, are furnished with a slide. l>\ moving which it can be regulated to cut coarse or fine. We manufacture live Bizes. JpZr-i Wig. ISO.— Meat Cutter No. I. ri CATALOGUE. Fig. 152. — Meat Cutter No. 1 (open). Meat Cutter Xo. -4, without gearing, represented open and shul by Figs. 152 and 153, for butchers' use ; operated by one or two men it will cut one hundred and fifty pounds of meat per hour, fine enough for sausages, and even more, if the knives are kept sharp and in good con- dition for work. Fig. 153. — Meat Cutter Xo. 4 (shut). 3Ieat Cutter >C 4, geared, is easily operated by one man. and. of course, does less work per hour than the other without gear. Fig. 151. — Meat Cutter Xo. 5 (double geared). Meat Cutter Xo. 5, represented by Fig. 154, is the largest rotary cutter in the market. This machine is double geared, and furnished with a driving pulley and two cranks, thus making it convenient for operation by hand or power, and capable of cutting five to seven hundred pounds per hour. \ m I - \-\.<>\\ i ... - CATALOGUE. S;ms;i^c Stuffers. The machines are simple and easily kept in order. The hoppers, made of heavy best quality tin. are strengthened «iili hoops and bonds to keep them perfect in shape, thus allowing the plunger to pass back and forth smoothly will t waste of power by friction, thereby avoiding unnecessary strain upon the hoppers. Sii sizes are made: — Sausage Staffer No. O is light, yet durable and efficient, intended for I'auiih use. Fig. 1- I \ S I ■ Sautage 8tuffer Xo. 1. Sausage Staffers Nos. 1, 2 and .'{, represented by Pig. 155, are suitable for hotels and butchers' use. Fig. 166.— Sausage Staffer X». 4 (geared). Sausage Stuffer No. 1. represented by Fig. 156, is geared, and does thework rapidly, but i- easily operated. One or two tubes, fitting ■•■ small skins, are furnished with all, except the smallest, when required. CARTS AND WAGONS. STORE, RAILROAD & BAGGAGE TRUCKS. WHEELBARROWS. CARTS AND WAGONS. STORE, RAILROAD & BAGGAGE TRUCKS. WHEELBARROWS. w i give illustration and description of the various carts and wagons we manufacture; we can, however, furnish any particular style ordered, and are prepared t" fill such orders a1 Bhort notice. The materials us< the besl selected quality, and the workmanship is such as to render them durable and of thorough finish. Fig. 158. — The Iron Hub Wheel. The Iron Hub Wheel is represented by Fig. 158. This gives n perfect Bhowing of the manner in which the spokes are fitted to the Iron Huh. rendering the wheel solid and firm by the bolts fastened through the flanges, which hold the Bpokes securely in their places, so that it is impos- sible tor tlicni to move or work. Our Wheels are made with this lml>. The Patent Screw Dump Coal Wagon is represented by Fig. 157. The advantage of the use of this screw is clearly shown in the rep- resentation. We apply the Bcrew to wagons of the capacity of one to flve tons. Many dealers have all their wagons of this kind. AMES PLOW CO.'S CATALOGUE. Fig. 159. — Coal Cart, The Coal Cart, represented by Fig. 159, is the ordinary style for city use ; the capacity is increased by making the sides higher. Fig. 160. — Medium Horse Cart. The Medium Horse Cart, represented by Fig. ICO, is the size we keep in stock; we also make Mule Carts, Light Horse Carts, Extra Horse Carts, and Railroad or Contractors' Carts. \ m i - plo\i co. 'a < \ i \ i '><• i i ■ Fig. 161. — Uriel Yard or <>\ Cart is represented by Fig. 162. AMES PLOW CO.'S CATALOGUE. Fig. 163.— Heavy Ox Cart. Heavy Ox Cart, represented by Fig. 163, is of larger capacity than the preceding, and is made stronger and heavier, intended for any require- ment of farm or road work. Fifj. 164:. — Farm or Plantation Wagon. Farm or Plantation Wagon, represented by Fig. K>4, is of the ordinary form for farm use. It can be furnished with light or heavy body to adapt it to the use intended. The Four-Wheel Farm Cart, represented l>y Fig. 165, is intended for use on the farm. The advantage of this form is that it prevents the weight of the load pressing upon the back of the horse, and allows the load to be easily dumped. It can be readily fitted to carry hay by the ad- dition of ladders and stakes. It can be used with shafts or poles. AMES PLOW OO.'S CATALOGUE. Fig. 166. — Running Gear. The Running Gear, represented by Fig. ICG, is intended for use in transporting lumber ; the size and strength can be varied to adapt it to the load to be carried, or a body can be fitted to it making an excellent farm wagon. Fig. 167. — Tip Cane Wagon. The Four-Wheel Tip Cane Wagon, represented by Fig. 107, is used to transport the cane from the field to the mill ; it is built strong and can be used either with oxen or mules. The Cotton or Log: Truck, represented by Fig. 1G8, is well adapted for the purpose indicated. It can be furnished either for light or heavy work. AMES PLOW CO.'S CATALOf.n:. Fig. 1G9.— Cart for City use. The Cart for City use, represented bj Fig. 169, is intended for transporting merchandise ; the mortised holes into which the stakes lit. adapt it for carrying securely large or small loads. LMBSS PLOW OO.'S 0ATALOO1 I , Fig. 170. — H(nii»>i Cart. Three-Wheel Hand Cart, represented by Fig. 171, is made especially for city use ; it is particularly adapted for printers, paper dealers, i fcsellera, and grocers. When ordered, we make it with Bprings. AMES PLOW « ATALOGUE. Fig. 172.— Start Truck. The Store Truck is rep: - lark lines showing the iron -work. Thes - re made of 1 - - Big are made : the five smallest are furnished either with wheels inside or out- side. Fig. 1 73. — II- True);. Tin- Heavy Track. -trong. and intended for use in handling boxes of metal and articles of a heaAy nature, packed in small l-l.ow ( O. - CATALOGUE. Fit/. 174. — Bent Iron-Bod Truck. The Bent Iron-Rod Truck, represented by Fig. 171. especially :i< l:n .i»-<, ('K. Fig. ISO. — Iron-Tray Coal Barrow. The Iron-Tray Coal Barrow, represented by Fig. 186, is for the same uses as the preceding, bat will last much longer; it is made very strong, yet is light and readily handled. It is used in coal yards. /if/. 187. — Folding Ladder. The Folding Ladder, represented by Fig. 187, is shown both open and shut. It is very convenient for use in orchards, it is made of various lengths. While shut it may lie set op among the branches of the trees, and then opened lor use. It is very strong, light and portable. AMES i'i.'>\\ OO.'S CATALOG! i . Fig. 188.— The Little Giant If /h, /jack. Tlu> Little GiantWheeyack, represented in operation bj Fig. 188, has acquired a great popularity. The ease with which ii can be operated, it- compactness, Lightness, and strength have given ii m reputation above other implements for the same purpose. We make four sizesjthe three smallest are made either with notches iron- plated or plain ; the largest size, for heavy vehicles, always iron-plated. AMES PLOW CO. S CATALOGUE. Fig. 1S9. — The Road Scraper. The Road Scraper is represented in operation by Fig. 189. The advantages of the use of this implement are not fully understood. It' in making roads the plow and scraper were used together in breaking up and removing the soft top-soil, and then with the scraper the hard subsoil was formed into a slightly rounded carriage-way, a hard and firm foundation would be secured. Fur use in digging cellars and for flie general purpose of removing earth expeditiously this implement is indispensable. We make six sizes. They can be advantageously packed for shipment, INDEX. CARTS AND WAGONS. riODBE. Cams 159 ro 163 am. 169 B**d Cams 170 am> 171 Waoom 157 a so 164 to 168 CHURNS. I'.i II l i: Worker ... 148 i in bse Press 149 Cm bns 143 ro 147 CORN SHELLERS. COB* Sin l.l.l. 1;- 114 ,,, J20 CTJLT1 YATORS. CULTIVATORS 89 T.I 100 Iom 101 to 107 CUTTERS. Hat im> li 11. Ci rasas ... ..... 121 ro 126 Cutters 150 ... 154 rABLE Cotters .... 127 un> 128 //./ RRO WS Hasbows 59 t.. 64 EATING AND HARVESTING MACHINES. M "» " ; 109 KvK1 - Ill to 113 Tl I'I'l B J1Q HORSE HOES. It. .km Hoes 101 1( , 107 HORSE POWER. II..r.-r I'. .writ 120 Threshing Mm-him 131 MEAT CUTTERS $• SAUSAGE STVFFERS. PIQBRE. i I lOTTERS 150 TO 154 SriTl'ERS 155 AND 156 MILLS. Cider Mills 140 axd 141 Coffee, Drug axu Spice Mili 136 Corn and Cob Mili 137 Fan Mills 132 to 134 Grain and Flour Mills 135 and 136 Sam- Mux 130 Sugar Mills 138 and 139 Wine and Lard Press 142 plows. Centre Draught Plows 34 to 37 Deep Tiller Plows 1 to 6 Double Mould-Board Plows 27 Gang Plow 39 Faring Plow 33 Plow Trimmings 40 i" 53 Steel Plows 12 to 18 SUBSOU Plows 31, 32 am. 54 Swivel Plows 5, 6, 28, 29, 30 and 38 TRUCKS. Castor-Wheel Truck 178 Express Truck 180 Railroad Trucks 179 and 181 Store Thicks 172 to 178 WHEELBARRO WS. Canal Harrow 184 Coal'P.arrows 185 and 186 Garden Barrows 182 and 183 MISCELLANEOUS. Folding Ladder 187 Road Scraper 189 Wheeljack 188 (