I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i Marine Biological Laboratory Library Woods Hole, Mass. Presented by Dr, Paul S. Galtsoff May, I960 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3 LARVAE OF COLEOPTERA Reprinted from Entomologica Americana Vol. XI, (new series) No. 1, pp. 1-80 Date of Issue: November 14, 1931 No. 2, pp. 81-160 (pis. 1-36 and explanations) Date of Issue: December 7, 1931 No. 3, pp. 161-256 (pis. 37-84 and explanations) Date of Issue: December 9, 1931 No. 4, pp. 257-351 (pis. 84-125 and explanations) Date of Issue: December 21, 1931 3 lo"" AN ILLUSTRATED SYNOPSIS of THE PRINCIPAL LARVAL FORMS of THE ORDER COLEOPTERA By ADAM G. BOVING, Ph.D., Senior Entomologist, U. S. Bureau of Entomolof!}/, Washington, D. C. and F. C. CRAIGHEAD, Ph.D., Principal Entomologist, U. S. Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C. Published by the Brooklyn Entomological Society " Brooklyn, N. Y. 1931 Copyright, I'nited States, 1931 diiyriulit. Canada, 1931 by BnOOKLYX EXTOMOI.OIilCAI, SOCIETY rRlXTKD IN r. S. A. THE SCIENCE TUESS ruiNTIN(; COMPANY LANCASTER, I'A. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Preface 2 Introduction 6 Suborders (Key) 9 Series or Superfamilies (List and Key) 10 Families (Keys) : Cupesidae 16 Micromaltidae 16 Rliysodidae 16 Cicindelidae „ 17 C'arabidae 17 and 18 Oniophronidae 17 Haliplidae 17 Hyg:robiidae 17 Noteridae 17 Dytiscidae 17 and 23 Amphizoidae 17 Gyrinidae 24 Paussidae 25 Lininebiidae 26 • Hvdroscaphidae 26 Ptiliidae 26 Leptinidae '. 26 Anisotomidae (= Liodidae) 26 (Clambidae)''' — Platypsyllidae 27 (Branthinidae)*'' ■ — • Scaphidiidae 27 (Clavigeridae)^'^ — (Spliaeritidae) -" — (Sphaeriidae)**' : — Silphidae 27 Staplivlinidae 27 Pselaphidae 30 (Micropeplidae)^*^ 31 Histeridae 31 Ilelopboridae 32 Spercheidae 32 Hydrochidae 32 Hydrophilidae 32 LAKVAL FOK^rS OF COLEOPTKHA PAGE EiU'inctidac 33 Dcroddiitidne 33 ^[oiiotoinidae 33 lilii/.(i|)lia.nu*lii(lae 63 Sa«rri(la(* 63 Orsodat-nidae 63 DoiKU'iidae 63 ('aiiii)tt)s()matidae ■•■ 64 P^uinolpidao 64 Crioceridae 65 Chrysuinelidae 65 Galorucidae 65 Hispidae 66 Cassididae ■■ 66 Platystoinidae (= Choragidae) 66 ( 1 5(>I "idae ) "'' ^ — Drcntliidae 66 Proterhinidae 66 Attelabidae 66 A])ioiiidae 67 Curc'iilionidae 67 Caleiidridae 67 Platypodidae 67 Scolytidao : 67 Lyiiipxylidae 68 (Tel('^(Misidae)^*' — Literature 69 (*(>iispec'tiis systematicus 70 Al)l)i'eviati()iis , 81 Plates 87 Index 338 Krrata 349 Addenda 350 AN ILLUSTRATED SYNOPSIS OF THE PRINCIPAL LARVAL FORMS OF THE ORDER COLEOPTERA* By Adam G. Boving, senior entomologist, u. s. bureau of entomology AND F. C. Craighead, IN CHARGE OP FOREST INSECT INVESTIGATIONS, U. S. BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY * This study was projected about 1915 when both authors who were working independently on separate families of coleopterous larvae realized that it was practically impossible to go far in de- scriptive work within these families without having a comparative knowledge of the characters throughout the order. During the fol- lowing five years the material of all the families represented in the collections of the Bureau of Entomology and of the United States National Museum was examined, family characterizations were pre- pared, and typical larval characters were illustrated. By 1920 a general scheme of the classification presented herewith was drawn up, including the keys to families and family series, and most of the plates were completed. Since 1923 one of the authors (Craig- head) has been able to devote very little time to the work; the other author (Boving) has continued to give much time to it, has remod- eled many of the keys, and has introduced those portions treating the subfamilies and lesser groups. LARVAL FORMS OF C0LE0PT?:RA PREFACE Tlie cliaraetor of this publication is d()nl)le, both s'niphie and de- scriptive. It disi)hiys a series of liabitns-figiires and detail-draw- ings of typical larvae pertaining- to the different families and sub- families of the beetle order and it presents keys for their determina- tion and classification. The figures are all original Avith the exception of one copied from Schiodte's paper on the buprestid larvae^-^ and two figures pertaining to Hydrochus from Avery Richmond's paper on the IIydi'o])hilids,^'' which are properly accounted for in the explana- tion to i)lates 22 and 80. All the figures on plates 84 to 86 and most of the figures on plate 69 were drawn by Mr. J. A. Hj^slop. the remainder by Mr. R. A. St. George and by one or the other of the authors, from specimens in alcohol or from slides with micro- scopic details present in the collection of beetle larvae in the United States National Museum. There will be found only a few figures of larvae belonging to the suborder Adephaga and to some of the series of the Polyphaga. such as the Cerambycoidea and the Scara- baeoidea. because the larvae of these groups have been particularly well and completely illustrated by former authors in generally known and in most cases easily available publications. The descriptions in the keys are based on original studies of larval material at hand. These keys are intended to serve not only as a practical means for the determination of beetle larvae, but also as a contribution to the taxonomic discussion of the natural systematic grouping of the (V)l(M)j)tera. In the selection of the sj^stematic characters for the single series, families, and subfamilies preference has been given to those which are most easily observed and least variable throughout the individ- ual groups and which at the same time express the taxonomic rela- tionshii) between associated groups, thus making it possible in most cases to list these groups in a natural systematic sequence. Only in the series key (pp. 10-15) has it not been possible or, rather, not practical to do this. As a rule the classification of the larvae agrees with the com- monl.v recognized classification of the imagines, and particularly ^•^ J. C. Schiodte: "De metamorphosi Eleutheratorum observa- tiones," Xaturhist. Tidssk. ser. TIT, vol. 6, 1869. '"^ E. Avery Richmond: "Studies on the biology of the aquatic Ilydrophilidae," Bull. Amer. Museum of Natural Historj^ vol. 42. 1920. LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA well witli the one followed in Leng's catalogue. In those eases, how- ever, in which the characters of the larvae suggest a different sys- tematic position of the group to which they belong than do the char- acters of their imagines, commentary remarks have been made in footnotes. In a publication such as the present one in which the space limit must be a rather determining factor only a few characters can be used in the descriptions of the groups. As the field is new and rather uncultivated it is unavoidable that misleading or impracti- cable systematic characters have been introduced, or even that mis- takes may have crept in. It is also realized that some of the figures, especially those which were prepared many years ago, when the authors were less familiar with the taxonomic value of the different characters, are not entirely satisfactory; in fact, scores of old figures have been discarded and new ones substituted. Frankly admitting the many shortcomings of the paper, of which nobody is more aware than the authors, it is nevertheless hoped that it may meet an evi- dent desideratum in the entomological literature and encourage the taxonomic study of the beetle larvae, a study which still is in its be- ginning. For obvious reasons no attemiDt has been made to compile a full bibliography, and such references to literature as are given will be found in footnotes. Neither has a complete explanation of terms been prepared, as the terms used in the kej's as a rule are defined in the easily available "Glossary of Entomology" by John B. Smith, published by the Brooklyn Entomological Society in 1906, or have been defined and are in common use by modern entomological writers, the present authors included. The very few new terms found in the keys, such as " urogomphus, " meaning a tail-projec- tion, instead of "cercus" or "pseudocercus, " and "raster," mean- ing a rake, designated for the sj^inose region on the ventral side of the last abdominal segments in Scarabaeidae, will readily be under- stood through the examination of the figures themselves and the corresponding explanations. Besides the strictly alternative characters of the keys, others, guiding but not necessarily alternative, are given in parentheses. The generic and specific nomenclature used in the keys, and par- ticularly in the explanations of plates, follows the one applied in Leng's catalogue^^ for the North American larvae, in Reitter's cata- ^*^ Charles W. Leng : Catalogue of the Coleoptera of America, North of Mexico. 1920, with suppl. 1927. 3 I.Ain'AL FORMS OF COLEOPTEEA logue''* for the European larvae, and in Junk's catalogue^ "^^^ for the hirvac from otlier countries. ]t is impossible to adequately acknowledge and express our ap- preciation of the great amount of assistance we have received from many colleagues and friends interested in our project. The late Dr. E. A. Schwarz followed our work with interest and generous assistance, and we are deeply indebted to Doctor Schwarz for his suggestions as to the systematic position of many forms. From time to time in the last more than fifteen years Messrs. E. C. Rosenberg, J. P. Kryger, and K. L. Henriksen have presented one of the authors Avith many important Danish larvae, now included in the collection of the National Museum, without which it would have been impos- sible to characterize and figure the larval types of several families and subfamilies. An important collection of larvae from Finland, acrpiired last year through Prof. Uunio Saalas, has been very useful for the final revision and completion of the keys. From the British ]\Iuseum of Natural History a number of exceedingly interesting forms have been presented by Dr. C. J. Galian and Dr. K. G. Blair. Dr. G. de Lapouge from France has donated a valuable collection of carabid larvae. Many meloid larvae and other larvae of great im- portance have come from Dr. A. Cros. Mr. J. C. M. Gardner has sent a great many named larvae from India ; Dr. 0. H. Swezey, larvae of Proterhinidae and other rare larval types from Honolulu ; Dr. J. Bequaert. larvae of Drilidae and other remarkable larval types from Yucatan, Mexico, Liberia, and Belgian Congo; and Dr. J. G. Needham, a Chinese larva which appears as a transitional type be- tween the Psephenidae and the Ptilodactylidae. Last but not least we have had available for daily study the large collection of beetle larvae in the United States National Museum, which gradualh' has been accumulated by numerous North American entomologists since the year 1896, when C. V. Riley transferred to the National Mu- seum a small biological collection which he brought with him from ]\[issouri. Now the collection contains invaluable systematic ma- terial from North and South America, collected and reared by E. A. Schw^arz, H. G. Hubbard, H. S. Barber, A. D. Hopkins and Ms many associates, F. H. Chittenden, George Dimmock, C. C. Hamil- ton, J. A. Hyslop, J. J. Davis, A. B. Champlain, T. E. Snyder, R. T. Cotton, R. J. Sim, and many other entomologists, and it is also '° L. V. Heyden, E. Reitter, J. Weise : Catalogus Coleopterorum Europae, Second edition. 1906. ^*^ E. "W. Junk, editus a S. Schenkling: Coleopterorum Cata- logus. 4 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA rich ill material of European larvae wliicli has been acquired by ex- change between Prof. C. V. Riley and Dr. Fr. Meinert at the Zoo- logical Museum in Copenhagen or has been bought, particularly from the collections of AVm. Schlick and K. AY. Verhoeff. Finally, the authors wish to extend their sincere thanks to Mr. R. A. St. George. For a number of years he has been giving a great deal of study to the larvae of the order, particularly the families of the Cueujoidea, and has assisted in the characterization of this series. At the same time he has made many of the drawings in- cluded in this paper. LARVAL F0RM8 OP" COLEOPTERA INTRODUCTION (pi. 125j Tlie eok'opterou.s larvae belong to three fundamentally different types. Consequently, in the present synopsis the families are ar- ranged into three different suborders, namely: Suborder 1 : Archostemata Suborder 2 : Adephaga Suborder 3 : Polyphaga According to the views commonl}' lield by entomologists,- only two major divisions of Coleoptera, the Adephaga and the Polyphaga, are recognized. However, the present studies, M'hich intentionally stress larval characters and avoid consideration of imaginal struc- tures, show the necessity of recognizing a third suborder for the inclusion of the Cupedidae and Micromalthidae, whose larval mor- phology isolates them from all other beetles. The term "Archoste- mata," first proposed by Kolbe, is here adopted as the subordinal name for these two families. Although very specialized they are nevertheless so ancient that they must be regarded as the represen- tatives of an almost extinct larval type. It is of great interest that several modern entomologists, work- ing exclusively with the imagines, have realized the isolation of the Cupedidae and Micromalthidae; and Dr. AVm. T. M. Forbes, in his paper on Aving-folding patterns of the Coleoptera (Jour. New York Ent. Soc, vol. 34, 1926), has, like the present authors, recognized those two families as forming a separate suborder which he, too, names Archostemata. In contrast to the primitive and slightly specialized larval types to which the Polyphaga can be traced, the larvae of the Adephaga possess a complex of highly advanced and derivative characters which probably have been acquired through a long evolutionary process from an unknown primitive larval type somewhat different from the existing primitive Polyphaga larva. However, the well developed and Avell defined tarsus of the Adephaga carrying one or two distinct aiul movable claws may be a primitive character not altered through the course of their development into high specialization. The ancient Archostemata larvae also possess a distinct tarsus and claw and ^Consult the introduction "Essay on Classification" in C. W. Leng's Catalogue, jop. 3-37, in which a very clear and critical re- view is given of the different systems from the earliest one by Lin- naeus to the one proposed and applied by Leng himself. The bibli- ography is prepared with the painstaking care so characteristic of the iiiifhor. 6 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA certain Polyphaga larvae (though not necessarily of primitive fami- lies) likewise show an indication of a separate tarsus and claw (see footnote 5, p. 9). In neuropterous larvae, as Baphidia, Siolis, and Corydalis, a distinct tarsus and two claws are present and in many other respects the greatest similarity exists between them and the typical Caraboidea. Unquestionably, however, these neuropterous larvae are less primitive than the primitive polyphagous Staphyli- noidea (p. 25). It would therefore be logical to place the Ade- phaga as the third suborder, as it is the more modern of the three, and the Polyphaga before it, because the suborder Polyphaga in- cludes existing larvae of a primitive type from which its other larval types can be derived directly or indirectly. But for practical pur- poses it appears more advisable to rank the suborders in the com- monly accepted sequence, and as no traceable phylogenetic connec- tion exists between them, the sequence in which they are placed and treated is rather immaterial. The primitive type of the Polyphaga is found in its most charac- teristic and original form in the series Staphylinoidea as limited in the present paper, more particularly in such families and subfam- ilies as the Limnebiidae, Leptinidae, and Anisotomidae ; and it is from the larval type found in these families that are derived not only the more or less specialized larvae of the other staphylinoid families but also the different types of the hydrophiloid larvae (p. 31), possibly through larvae of such families as Hydroehidae and Spercheidae. The larva of the series Byrrhoidea (p. 43) represents a second distinct polyphagous type which, while primitive, is in some re- spects less primitive than the larva of the primitive Staphylinoidea. Probably the two series have ancestors in common, but by no larval type known up to this time are they linked together. However, some of the derived families of the byrrhoid type and some be- longing to a third distinct polyphagous type, the cucujoid type, approach one another, and about the direct afifinities between the Cucujoidea and the Staphylinoidea there can be no doubt. Rather isolated as the series Byrrhoidea appears in the polyphagous suborder, it does not seem necessary to rank it and the families and series derived from it as a separate suborder. Two series, the Dascilloidea (p. 43) and the Cleroidea (p. 55), are descended directly from the Byrrhoidea, supposedly through heterocerid forms and dermestid forms, respectively. From the byrrhoid family the Byrrhidae (p. 43), the Dryo- poidea (p. 44) can be derived through the dryopoid family Ptilo- 7 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA dartylidat' ; from the (Iryojxiid family Eurypogonidae, the Ela- teroidca (p. 49) may wholly or partly branch; from near this same dryopoid family, or more probably from different Dryopoidea, the C'antharoidea and very likely a minor part of the Elateroidea have come; and from the dascilloid family Dascillidae, the series Scara- bacoidea (p. 51) descends according' to their larval forms through scarabaeoid families like the Trog'idae and the Lucanidae. With the eleroid family Ciidae (p. 55) may be associated the series Mordelloidea (p. 60), the series Bostrichoidea (p. 62). and the so-called phytophag'ous assemblage of different series, including the (Vrambycoidea (p. 60), Chrysomeloidea (p. 63), Platysto- moidea (p. 66), and Curculionoidea (p. 66). The Meloidea (p. 58) may also belong to the eleroid assemblage of families and series, attaching itself to the eleroid family Melyridae (p. 55), but there are on the other hand some reasons for considering the possi- bility that it might be related to the Cantharoidea. The third distinct polyphagous larval type that is more primitive than the byrrhoid type and shows closer affinity with the staphyli- noid leptinid association is found as mentioned in the series Cucu- joidea, notably in the families Lathridiidae (p. 33), Derodontidae (p. 33), Silvanidae (p. 34). and Endomychidae (p. 38). Most of the cucujoid families are plainly derived f I'om this type ; a few, how^ever, not so plainly, such as the larvae of the family Oedem- eridae (p. 40). and the whole tenebrionid association (p. 42'^*-'"^)^ which onh^ indirectly can be traced to the primitive cucujoid larvae through rather adA^anced cucujoid types like the larvae of the Colvdiidae or the Melandryidae. LAEVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA SUBORDERS The systematic characters defining the larvae of the three sub- orders, Avhose relative phylogenetic positions now have been dis- cussed, are as follows : A. Archostemata. Legs six-jointed with distinct tarsus and one or two distinct claws ;'* always a mandible possessing a strong molar part, and with hypopharyngeal and parag- nathal structures fused with prementum into a strong, hard unit. B. Adepkaga. Legs six-jointed with a well defined tarsal joint and one or two distinct, movable claws f mandible lacking a molar part ; hypopharynx never united with prementum into a strong, hard unit. C. Polyphaga. Legs five-jointed, the tarsal joint fused with a single claw into a tarsungulus; or less than five-jointed; or no legs present."^ ^Except in the instars of Mio'onniltJius, which are legless or have three-jointed legs. * All, or some , of the larval instars of the carabid species Brachi- nus janfhinipennis Dej. and Lehia scopularis Dej. are adapted to an ectoparasitic life to the extent that it is impossible to place them systematically by a mere examination of the body structures. In the series Paussoidea (p. 24), of which, however, only the last lar- val instar is known, the legs are three-jointed, but this myrmecoph- ilous larva can be recognized by the unique development of the eighth abdominal segment into a large, terminal, glandular disk. Tibia and tarsus fused in a few cicindelid genera (p. 18). ^ Several larvae as the staphylinid genera Philonfhus and Ble- dius, the first instar of the staphylinid species Aleochara hilineata Gyllenhal, Euplectus, some genera of Histeridae, and the ceram- bycid genus Nothorhina have the tarsungulus divided by a faint suture into a proximal and distal portion which possibly correspond respectively to tarsus and claw. In several of the Bostrichoidea, particularly in Ptilineiirus marmoraius Reitter, the tarsungulus has not the usual character of a claw but of a long, pointed, upward curved joint carrying many, strong, spinelike setae, the tarsal por- tion of the tarsungulus here being predominant. LAKVAL FOmrs OF rOT.FOPTERA SERIES OR SUPERFAMILIES Tlie Arrhosiemuia includes one family series: A, Cupesoidea. The AdrpJiaga includes three family series: B, Caraboidea ; C, Gy- i-inoidea; and D. Paussoidea. The Pohfphagd includes eig'liteen family series: E, Staphylinoidea ; F, Ilydrophiloidea ; G, Cucujoidea ; H. Byrrhoidea ; I, Das- cilloidea ; J, Dryopoidea ; K, Cantharoidea ; L, Elateroidea ; M, Searabaeoidea ; N, Cleroidea ; 0, Meloidea ; P, Mordel- loidea ; Q, Cerambycoidea ; R, Bostrichoidea ; S, Chrysome- loidea ; T, Platystomoidea ; U, Cureulionoidea ; and V. Ly- mexyloidea. The sequence in which the different family series have been cata- logued above and will be treated in the subsequent parts of the paper, except in the key to the series immediately following, inti- mates a natural arrangement of the series according to the presumed relationship of their larval types (pi. 125). Key to Series 1. Leg six-jointed with tarsus distinct and one or two distinct, movable claws presenf' 2 Leg either five-jointed with tarsus and claw fused into a single, claw-shaped, terminal tarsungular joint, or less than five- jointed, or vestigial, or absent^ 4 2. ]\Iandible with molar structure ; hypopharyngeal sclerome fused with prementum and ligula into a strongly chitinized unit Cvi)esoidea (p. 16) Mandible of the grasping type without molar structure, hypo- pharyngeal region membranous and not fused with pre- mentum and ligula 3 3. Cardo of normal moderate size or small ; prementum having stipites labii fused at least proximal ly. (Tenth abdominal segment usually not armed with large hooks ; spiracles usu- ally present) Caraboidea (p. 16) Cardo very large ; prementum having stipites labii completely separated. (Tenth abdominal segment armed with four long- hooks; spiracles absent; lateral gills present; mandibles per- forate) Gijrinoidea (p. 24) ''Except in the instars of MicydmaUhus which are legless or have three-jointed legs. ' For further discussion and information see: Snodgrass, R. E., Morphology and INIechanism of the Insect. Smithsonian Miscel- laneous Collections, vol. 80, no. 1. li)27, pp. 93-98. 10 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA 4. Eighth abdominal segment glandular, discoidal, and terminal. (Ninth and tenth abdominal segments minute, leg three- jointed) Paussoidea (p. 24) Eighth abdominal segment not glandular and not discoidal 5 , 5. Urogomphi jointed,*^ individually movable. (Often retracted into a terminal breathing pocket in eighth abdominal seg- ment in the Hydrophilidae) 6 Urogomphi solid or absent 7 6. JMaxillary palpiger as a rule closely connected with stipes, not often carrying a finger-shaped galea ; spiracles annular. Staph ylinoidea (p. 25) Maxillary palpiger free and joint-like, usually carrying a fin- ger-shaped galea; spiracles biforous Hydrophiloidea (p. 31) 7. Hypermetamorphosis present; mandible without molar part; maxillary mala short, thick, almost vestigial ; gular area pres- ent ; spiracles annulif orm and often large ; urogomphi ab- sent*^ Meloidea (p. 58 ) No hypermetamorphosis ;^° different combination of the five mentioned structural characters 8 8. Larva with mandible bearing an accessory ventral condyle and with either a free galea well separated from a distinct lacinia or with cribriform spiracles, or with both of these charac- ters" 9 Larva with a different combination of the characters. (A man- dible with an accessory ventral condyle never occurring to- gether with either a free galea or actually cribriform spir- acles) 10 ^ Absent in some Pselaphidae, Scydmaenidae. termitophilous Histeridae, and the later instars of parasitic Staphylinidae. ^ First larval instar, often named triungulin, triungulinid, or tri- unguloid, has frequently a pair of setae at the end of the body, and in one subfamil}' is the eighth abdominal pair of spiracles placed on projecting hooks or warts ; the legs have a single, frequently spat- ulate claw which is provided with one or two setae at the base or at the luiddle, these setae so large and strong in many genera that they appear as extra claws and for a long time were considered as such ; hence the name "triungulinus. " Apparently three-clawed legs have occasionally been found in larvae of other series, for instance, in an undetermined lamp^'rid larva. ^° Drilus has polymorphic metamorphosis and some members of the family Cantharidae have, according to Verhoeff, foetometamor- phosis, that is, two free embryonic instars preceding the first larval instar. " Accessory ventral condyle absent in the family Passalidae which, however, is readily distinguished by possessing atrophied metathoracic legs (pi. 87). 11 LAEVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA 0. ^Median epicranial snture present ; tenth abdominal seoment Avell developed, usually about as large or larger than the well-developed ninth abdominal segment, sometimes fused with it dorsally, when shorter than ninth provided -with a ])air of large anal pads; spiracles cribriform^- and all lateral. Scarahaeoidea (p. 51) Median epicranial suture absent, frons reaching to the occipital foramen ; tenth abdominal segment much smaller than the well-developed ninth and always without anal pads, or both ninth and tenth vestigial; spiracles either cribriform and all lateral, or not cribriform and the eighth abdominal pair terminal DasciUoidea (p. 43) 10. Gular region or median gular suture present or absent ; when absent, with mandibles having mola or prostheca or ex- traordinary structures''^ except a pseudomola 11 Gular region or gular suture absent ; subfacial region of head and ventral region of prothorax contiguous ; mandible with pseudomola or with no mola, except in Platystomoidea and Lymexyloidea. (Cardo never completely absent and never distinctly exceeding stipes in size; mala when di- vided having a lobe-.shaped galea ; paired urogoniphi usually absent) 19 11. ]\laxillary articulating area either large or indistinct; when indistinct, mandible with mola, except in Catogenidae, Epilachninae and Lamiinae'* 12 Maxillar.v articulating area absent, or very small, or concealed by mentum, not large and cushioned; mandible without molar part 13 12. Maxillary mala divided into a well-developed lacinia and a finger-shaped, one- or two-jointed galea ; mandible without a distinct molar part but with a longitudinal series of hairs at the base. (Hypopharynx membranous) i>)/rr/(o/f/frt (p. 43) '- Except in some species of Trox in which the spiracles are biforous (pi. 87). '■' The gular region is completely absent in the cerambycoid subfamily Disteniinae having simple mandibles without mola, in some geiu'ra of Lampyridae with perforate mandibles, of Phala- cridae without cardo, of Byrrhidae with mala divided into a jointed, finger-shai)ed galea and prominent lacinia, and in a few others. " The maxillary articulating area is indistinct in some Nitidu- lidai", Laemophloeidae, Smicripidae, and Lamiinae through fusion with or loss of cardo (pis. 31, 35-38). In some Phalacridae and in the Catogenidae the cardines, the maxillary articulating areas, the submentum, and the gular area are fused more or less completely into one large subfacial membranous region between the diverging liyi)ostonuU rods (pi. 33, 34). 12 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Mala simple, or division either indicated by distal notch or present with lobelike galea ; mandible -with or -without a molar part but without a longitudinal series of hairs at the base. (Hypopharynx membranous or with a sclerome) 18 13. Either with exposed gills below the entire abdomen, or with movable operculum usually covering retractile gills at the end of the body, or with maniillaeform appendices from the tenth abdominal segment ;^^ mandible never perforate or deeply cleft. (Usually with one large ocellus on each side and without true urogomphi). Drijopoidea (p. 44) Gills or anal appendices usually absent ; in larvae where pres- ent, mandibles either perforate or deeplv cleft longitudi- nally ' 14 14. Ninth abdominal segment operculate, vertical, and terminal. ( Spiracles bif orous ; body cylindrical and strongly chiti- nized; mental-submental area distinctly triangular.) Elaieroidea-Ehipicerklae (p. 49) Ninth abdominal segment otherwise 15 15. Spiracles cribriform ; tenth abdominal segment terminal ; pro- thorax large and more or less depressed, usually covered with a plate both dorsally and ventrally. Elateroidea-Bupresiklae (p. 49) Spiracles, tenth abdominal segment, and prothorax other- wise 16 16. Labrum present Cleroidea (p. 55) Labrum absent or included in nasale. (In Throscidae and Melasidae, head capsule or mouthparts very much reduced or abnormal ; prothorax provided ventrally, or both dorsally and ventrally, with pairs of rod-shaped scleromes (pi. 81)) , 17 17. Frontal sutures present, except in Throscidae and ]\Ielasidae in which head capsule and mouthparts are reduced or very much specialized. (Mandible of the biting labidomorphic type ; head capsule with deep subf acial sinus for reception of ventral mouthparts) Elateroidea proper (p. 50'"^^) Frontal sutures absent, except in Brachypsectridae and Ijam- pyridae ; both with piercing mandibles. (Mandible of the biting labidomorphic type, or of the subulate type adapted for piercing and sucking ; subf acial sinus present or absent^^) Cantharoidea (p. 46) ^^ Eurypogon, a type intermediate between the Dryopoidea and the elateroid familv Cebrionidae, has no gills or appendices (pi. 69). ^*^ Sometimes with j)seudocribriform spirales (pi. 78). 13 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA IS. Ventral inontlii)arts retracted.'" ([Mandibular molar part usu- ally present) CiicKJoidca (p. Xi) and section 23 (p. 15) Ventral mouthparts protracted. (Head capsule ventrally with a broad transverse bridge formed completely or mainly by the large hypostomata ; mandible without molar part, often of the gouge-shaped eoelate type; legs short or absent.) Cerainhijcoidea (p. 60) 19. Ilypopharyngeal sclerome absent; mandible without a real molar structure 20 Hj'popharyngeal .sclerome present; mandible of the raastico- morphic type with veritable molar structure. (Mentum and submentnm well separated; head nutant) 23 20. Xintli abdominal tergum armed with a pair of urogomphi or an unpaired spi]ie. (Tenth abdominal segment without a pair of large lobes separated by median longitudinal groove ; legs short, soft, but jointed ; terminal joint not claw-shaped ; frons short and transverse) Mordelloidea (p. 60) Ninth abdominal tergum without a pair of urogomphi or an un- paired spine'*' 21 21. Tenth abdominal segment in front of anus provided with a pair of cushioned and adjacent lobes separated by a median, lon- gitudinal groove often marked at the anterior end by a small, transverse sclerome. (Frons indistinct, short, and trans- verse ; frontal sutures faint or absent ; epicranial suture pres- ent and long, or absent through complete fusion of epicranial halves; mentum laterally free and separated from submen- tum, except in Caenocara ; legs four- or five-jointed, usually with rather long, setose, distally pointed, and hard tarsun- gulus, except in Caenocara where legs are vestigial, two- jointed, and soft) (pi. 101) BostricJwidea (p. 62) Tenth abdominal segment in front of anus without a pair of soft, oval lobes separated by a longitudinal groove 22 22. Hypopharyngeal bracon absent. (Frons usually distinct with converging frontal sutures; usually with distinct, four- or ^" In some forms, as Phalacridae, Laemophloeidae, and possibly Catogenidae, the ventral mouthparts are apparently protracted as a result of elimination of cardines, or fusion of cardines, submentum, and gular area into a large common subfaeial region (pis. 31, 32- 34). ^® In exception, paired urogomphi are present in the first larval instar of Lyctus, and an unpaired terminal spine is found on the mintli abdominal segment of the first instar of the Scohicia larva, but both of the larvae possess in front of the anus a pair of adjacent lobes separated by a longitudinal groove (pis. 101, 102). 14 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA five-jointed leg's witli a tarsungular last joint -j^^ mentum either free or joined with maxiHary stipites; mala often sepa- rated into a galea and a lacinia hidden below the galea. ) Chrysomeloidea (p. 63) and Disteniinae Hypopharyngeal bracon present. (Without jointed legs, ex- cept in Brenthidae where they are vestigial ; mentum con- nected completely with maxillary stipites, except in Bren- thidae; mala simple) Curculionoidea (p. 66) 23. Legs vestigial, without pointed, tarsungular joint, or absent ; maxillary mala divided into a lacinia terminating wdth a thorn, and a galea ; body curved, fleshy, and with dorsal, transverse plicae ; tenth abdominal segment small, in con- tinuation of ninth Plaiystomoidea (p. 66) Legs normal, with strong tarsungulus; maxillary mala wdtli only terminal indentation indicating a division into lacinia and galea ; body elongate cylindrical, covered wdth tergal shields; tenth abdominal segment well-developed, asperate, and placed below base of large, chitinized ninth segment. Lymexyloidea~° (p. 67) ^^ Legs are weak or vestigial without a tarsungular joint in the older larvae of Bruchidae and absent in many of the leaf -mining larvae. ^° The systematic position of this series is uncertain. Its larval form approaches in important characters the deviating larvae of the two cucujoid families Oedemeridae and Calopidae, but also greatly resembles the larval form of the ancient suborder Archostemata. 15 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA FAMILIES, SUBFAMILIES, AND OCCASIONALLY TRIBES In the taxononiic arrangement of the larvae, each series includes usually a ato; anal .so<»iii(Mit conical, ventrally directed; ^vith four ocelli on each side StajjJi ijlinidae-Piestinae^^ (Piestus and Llspinus) (pi. 14 B, C, E, F, H) Larva ovate, short, body capable of contraction into a globe ; anal segment small, short, laminate, posteriorly directed ; three ocelli on each side. Staphylinidae - Syntomiinae (Synto- mium)^'^ 17. [Mandibles apically more or less widened, bifid or trifid, some- times asymmetrical; number of ocelli on each side, three, one, or none Sfaphylinidae - Oxjitelinae^'' {Bledius with termitiform body and three ocelli, Platystethus and Aploderus wdth dark spots laterally on most segments, Oxytelus, Coprophilus, and Trocjophloeus) (pi. 15 D, G, H, Mandibles apically not widened, either slightly forked or en- tire; with one ocellus Staph ylinidae-AJeocharinac, part one^~ {Gyrophaena with eighth abdominal segment terminally produced into a glandular process, Microglotta, Mas- eochara, and many other genera) (pis. 14 A, D, G, Iandl6F-I) 18. Ligula simple, conically pointed ; one ocellus . Staph ylhi idae-Aleocharinae, part two^'^ (Leptusa and Silusa with mandibles suddenly enlarged at base, Atheta, and many other genera). Ligula transversely bipartite at base ; three to six ocelli on each side 19 ^•^ The classification of the Piestinae as a subfamily conforms with the views of many European entomologists, and the larvae are easily recognized, but their subfamily characters are of disputable value. Bernhauer's and Schubert's conception of the group as a mere tribe of the Oxytelinae may prove to be the more satisfactory. It is with great hesitation that the Piestinae are placed here as a subfamily separate from the Oxytelinae. ^^ The larva of Coprophilus possesses falciform urogomphi shaped like the mandibles of a Dytiscus larva. It differs greatly in type from Syntomium, and has here been placed in the Oxytelinae. ^" It is a very difficult taxonomic problem to find distinctive char- acters for the separation of the subfamilies Oxj^telinae and Aleo- 28 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA OmaUine association: 19. Maxillary mala fanglike, smooth, and as long as entire head. (Three or six ocelli on each side). Sta'phylinidae-Proteininae {Proteinus ^x\d MegarthusY^ (pi. 16 J-M) Maxillary mala shorter, with hairs. (Fonr to six ocelli on each side) 20 20. Mandible apically entire. Lacinia with or without pectinate inner edge; (ocelli six or less on each side). Staphylinidae-Omaliinae (Anthohium, Omalium, Olophrum, and other genera) (pi. 17 B, D, F, G) Mandible bifid. Lacinia with pectinate edge; (ocelli six) 21 21. Body biconvex ; head nutant, laterally rounded ; mala subtrape- zoiclal Staphylinidae-Tackyporinae (pi. 15 C, E, I-K) charinae. In the Aleocharinae, the ' ' part two ' ' characterized by the presence of a simple, conical ligula is easily set off, thus causing no difficulties, but ' ' part one ' ' with a broad and rounded ligula isomor- phous with the one found in the Oxytelinae is not separable from the latter subfamily by a single definite character as a comparison between the alternatives given in section 17 will show. However, in the general appearance of the larvae of the two subfamilies there is a lack of conformity that warns against any digression from the commonly accepted classification. In many aleocharine larvae, cer- tain characteristic changes or radical adaptations to special biolog- ical conditions such as a fungicolous, myrmecophilous, termitophi- lous, or endoparasitic life make the determination to subfamily or even to series extremely difficult or impossible. The urogomphi, for instance, have disappeared in the myrmecophilous larvae of Lome- ch usa, Xenodnsa, and Atemeles ; and in Aleochara hilineata Gyl- lenhal only the first instar is built normally and is free living, but having found and gnawed its way into the puparium of a fly it changes into a very reduced endoparasitic second instar which is followed by a similarly reduced endoparasitic third instar. Other species of Aleochara, and Maseochara valida LeConte are also known to have endoparasitic larval instars in the puparia of flies or cocoons of sawflies. ( See : N. A. Kemner : ' ' Die Lebensweise und die para- sitische Entwickelung der echten Aleochariden, " Entom. Tidskrift, 1929, pp. 133-170, four plates.) ^® The classification of the Proteininae as a subfamily is ques- tionable. It is characterized by the extraordinary development of the mala, but is closely approached in this and other characters by genera such as Lafhrimaeum belonging to the Omaliinae. (See im- portant paper by N. A. Kemner concerning the larvae of the Pro- teininae; Entom. Tidsskrift, 1925, pp. 61-76, two plates.) 29 LARVAL FORMS OF C'OLEOPTERA Body depressed ; liead porrect, laterally parallel ; mala subtri- aiigiilar Sfaphi/linidae - Hahrocerinae (0 / is - lli(i()-us and HahrocerusY^ Stenine association : 22. Urogomplii long and two-jointed; antenna more than twice as long as head; lignla bilobed; six ocelli on each side. Staph ylinidae-Steninae (pi. 17 A. C, Urogom))hi absent or small and immovable ; antenna not longer than head ; ligiila absent ; less than six ocelli, sometimes no ocelli 25 Staplnjlinine association : 2."). Legs strong, fossorial; urogomphi one-jointed, thick, sansage- like Staph i/linidae-Th inopininae (pis. 15 B and 18 A, D, E, CI. H-J) Legs cnrsorial ; nrogomphi two-or three-jointed 24 24. Ocelli, four or less on each side. Staph ylinidae-Staph i/Iin inae (Xa n th o- linus with one ocellus, Othius with none, Quedius in many species with club-shaped or capitulate setae, Staph ylinus, Phdonthus, and other genera. ) Ocelli, five or six Staphiilinidae-Pacderinae (pi. 18 B, C, F) Pselaphid association: 25. Terga ex])anded laterally, body oval 26 Terga not expanded. (Antenna not club-shaped.) Pselaphidae*° {Batrisodes and Euplec- tus) (pi. 19 E-J) 2(). Tergal shields smooth, with simple hairs; antenna Avith second joint very large and clnb-shaped. Sc\jdmaenidac*^ {Scydmaenus and Eu- micriis) (pis. 16 A-E and 19 A-D) ^^ The larvae of Olisthaerus, of which two European species are completely described and figured by Saalas (Uunio Saalas p. 69) agree in every character with Hahroccrus (schwarzi Horn) and the two genera constitute together a subfamily that comes close to the staphylinine association having a porrect head and antennae in- serted dorsal ly near the anterior margin of the head. The sub- family also approaches the Piestinae and Oxytelinae, thus forming a remarkable link between the more primitive and the highly trans- formed and advanced Staphylinidae. ;50 LAKVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Tergal shields tuberculate ; with fan shaped hairs. Micropeplklae (f) F. HYDROPHILOIDEA This series is not identical with the series named Hydrophiloidea in the classification of the imagines bnt it is considered expedient to retain the serial name Hydrophiloidea for the present associa- tion of families which according to their larvae constitute a homo- geneous nnit and to which the genus Hydrophilus belongs. The Histeridae are included in this series on account of an unquestion- able conformity in the development of the fundamental systematic characters in the larvae of the Histeridae and Helophoridae. The Limnebiinae, Hydraeninae, and Hydroscaphidae of the authors belong in the series Staphylinoidea according to the form of their maxillary palpigers and spiracles. Key to Families and Subfamilies 1. Nine complete abdominal segments; tenth small. (First to eighth abdominal spiracles lateral and well developed) 2 Eight complete abdominal segments. (Ninth and tenth re- duced ; first to seventh abdominal spiracles lateral and small or apparently absent, eighth abdominal spiracle terminal, sometimes poorly developed ; usually with a terminal breath- ing pocket; occasionally with gills) 3 2. Cardo fused with stipes; one ocellus {Epierus) or none; coxae small and widely separated. (Tarsus either short and falci- form, or long, flexible and terminally filiform ; urogomphi of moderate length and usually tv.'O-jointed, or short and two-jointed with proximal joints fused at base in Plegadenis and Epierus, or reduced to a pair of warts. Some ter- mitophilous larvae from British Guiana with rather stiff, digitiform processes on the sides of the body, one pair to each segment) Histeridae*^ (pis. 20 A-R and 21 I) Cardo distinct; six ocelli; coxae large, approximate. (Tarsus falciform ; urogomphi diverging, long, three-jointed, taper- ing into a thread-shaped end ; mandibular penicillus very ^'^' The Pselaphidae and Scydmaenidae are very closely related, differing mainly from each other in the form of the antennae and the size of the abdominal spiracles in proportion to the size of the thoracic spiracles. According to the larvae, the Scydmaenidae may have some connection with the Scaphidiidae, but like the Psel- aphidae they approach more closely to staphvlinid genera like Bledius. ■'^ The subfamilj' Hololeptinae with the genus Hololepta as type can not be retained in the classification of the larvae. 31 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA slioi-t Helophoridae {Helophorus) (pi. 21 A, D, E) 3. Head slightly inclined ; antenna inserted nearer the lateral margin of the head than is the mandible; ventral monthparts retracted ; gula veil developed, quadrangular, and attaining the occipital foramen 4 Head elevated ; antenna inserted farther from the lateral mar- gin of the head than is the mandible ; ventral mouthparts protracted ; gula reduced to a triangular pregular plate and a single, median, posterior gular suture 5 4. Mandible apically bifid and without molar part; maxillary stipes with strong projecting lacinia ; maxillary palpiger with long, conical galea; abdominal segments soft, with short conical gills(f); last three abdominal segments attenuate, not forming a breathing pocket. Sperclieidae (Spercheus) (pi. 21 B, C, F-H) Mandible apically ending abruptly and with a terminal, short seta, molar part present ; stipes with rudimentary lacinia ; palpiger without galea ; abdominal segments with well-de- veloped plates ; last three abdominal segments forming a breathing pocket Hiidrochklae (Hydrochus) (pi. 22 A, 5. Seven pairs of very long gills on sides of abdomen ; no breath- ing pocket. (Ninth and tenth abdominal segments appar- entlv absent) Hydrophilidae - Berosinae (Bevosus) ■(pi. 22 B, E) Gills (?) of moderate size or absent; Avith breathing pocket... 6 6 Maxillary stipes long and styliform ; femora with fringes of long swimming hairs. (Gills (?) present or absent.) Hydrophilidae - Hydrophilinae (H y - drous, Hydrophilus, and Tropisfer- nus) (pis. 22 F, G and 23 A.) Stipes moderately or very broad ; femora without fringes of swimming hairs. (Gills absent) 7 7. Ocellar group often large; ocelli equally developed and rather distant. (Legs generally of normal size and visible from above; abdomen more or less tapering posteriorly; nasale often with more than three teeth ; nasale and anguli frontales often asymmetrical) Hydrophilidae-H tjd rohiinae (pis. 22 H-S and 23 B, G, H) Ocellar group small ; ocelli of different size, or closely ag- gregate. (Legs poorly developed or absent; abdomen often truncate posteriorly ; nasale with a single tooth or three small teeth; nasale and aiiguli frontales symmetrical). Hydroph ilidae-Sph aeridiiruie ( Ch ae- Uirfhria, (U)eJosto))}o = Cycfonotion, Cercyon, etc.) (pis. 23 C-F, I-P and 24 A-T) 32 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA G. CUCUJOIDEA Key to Families and Subfamilies 1. The back of the mandible either with two hjiiy', flagellate setae distally. and tiie body of the mandible partially fleshy or fully chitinized ; or the back of the mandible without long- setae distally, and the bodj' of the mandible always fleshy, only with the base, or the tip and the base chitinized. (Maxillary mala entire) Lathridiidae,'^^ major part (pi. 25 A-J) The back of the mandible without long, flagellate setae dis- tally, and the body of the mandible completely chitinized 2 2. Maxillary mala with distinguishable lacinia and galea 3 Maxillary mala entire, sometimes bilobed anteriorly 5 3. Second antennal joint more than four times as long as the basal joint Lathridiidae*^ minor part {Eufallia) (pi. 25 K, L) Second antennal joint subcylindrical, three times, or less, as long as the basal joint 4 4. Spiracles annular, not on tubes; urogomphi not distinct Encinetidae*^ (pi. 26 A-H) Spiracles bif orous, on tubes ; urogomphi strong Derodontidae (pi. 27 A-H) 5. Mala falciform 6 Mala obtuse, or with inner margin irregularly jagged 14 6. Spiracles bif orous 7 Spiracles annular 11 7. Spiracles, at least some, borne on tubes ; urogomphi terminat- ing abruptly with two or three conical processes. (A para- median process present in front of each urogomphus) 8 Spiracles not on tubes; urogomphi terminally pointed and simple, or urogomphi absent. (Usually without paramedian processes) 9 8. Labial palpus one-jointed. (Tergal plates armed with series of chitinous tubercles with a small, fan shaped hair on the top ) Monotomidae*^ {Europs and Hesperohaenus but not Smi- crips) (pi. 25 M-U) Labial palpus two-jointed Bhizopliagidae (pi. 28 A-G) 9. Mandible with three apical teeth. (Cutting edge between *^ Apart from the lack of jointed urogomphi, the larva of the Eucinetidae agrees with the larval form of the leptinid association of the Staphylinoidea. Usually the family is placed as a sub- family of the Dascillidae. ^^ The genus Smicrips, usually placed in the Monotomidae, con- stitutes a separate family, Smicripidae (p. 36-°), near the Phala- cridae according to the characters of the larva. 33 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA apex and retinaculum entire and incurved ; retinaculum short and broad ; a fleshy lobe present behind mola ; body- cylindrical) LanguHidae-Langurunae** (pi. 28 H-J, L, N) Mandible witli two apical teeth. (Cutting edge between apex and retinaculum with one or many projections; body fusi- form) 10 10. Cutting edge of mandible behind the apical teeth with a single rounded projection; retinaculum short and broad. (Uro- gomphi present) Languriidae-Clacloxeninae (pi. 28 K, M, 0-Q) Cutting edge of mandible behind the apical teeth multiserrate ; retinaculum long, slender and brittle. (With or without urogomplii Cryptophagidae (pi. 29 A-U) 11. Urogomplii absent. (Ninth abdominal segment small or very small; tenth segment conical and often long) 12 Urogomplii present 13 12. Antenna with second joint large and clavate ; apical joint minute Silvanidae-Silvaninae*^ (pi. 30 A- J) Antenna Avith three Avell-developed normal segments Silvanidae - Telephaninae'^^ (pi. 30 K-0) 13. Tenth abdominal segment long and conical Cucujidae - Bronfinae (= Hylio- tinaeY' (pi. 31 L) Tenth abdominal segment short and wart-shaped Ciicujidae-Cucujinae*^ (pi. 31 A-F) 14. Mentum with only apex free, or small, or indistinct by fusion with other areas. (Exceptionally, in the Sphindidae, mentum free to base and distinct, but appearing together with a mandible provided with retinaculum and a ninth abdominal segment without urogomplii) 15 Mentum with more than apex free, often free to base, ahvays well developed and distinct. (Mandible, except in genus Deretaphriis, without retinaculum; urogomplii usually present) 35 15. Head swollen laterally, and much broader than thorax; eardo of normal shape and position ; maxillary articulating area round and well developed ; hypostomal inner margin concave between fossa for mandible and posterior end of cardo Prosfomidae'' (pi. 33 A-H) Different development of some, or all, of the four characters 16 16. Maxillae appearing protracted in front of the mandibular '** The famih^ Languriidae is usually considered as a subfamily of the Erotylidae. See also footnote^^. 34 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA articulations by a complete or partial elimination of the cardines 17 Maxillae deeply retracted. (Cardines distinct, or fused with stipites) 22 17. Urogomphi present; terga without glandular openings ("fo- ramina" of Peyerimhotf ) 18 Urogomphi absent; terga with paired glandular openings. (Labrum and clypeus fused with frons into a nasale; tar- sungulus with a long adhesive hair) 21 18. Eighth abdominal segment distinctly longer than seventh. (Small ninth abdominal segment with comparatively large urogomphi; often developed as a springing apparatus) Laemopliloeidae^'^ (pis. 31 G-K, and 32 H. I, K, L, P, Q) Eighth abdominal segment about as long as seventh or shorter 19 19. Larva parasitic and physogastric with slightly chitinized, white head and body. (Mandible without mola) Catogenidae'' (pi. 33 I, J, L, M, Larva not parasitic and not physogastric, head and body normally chitinized. (Mandible with, or, in single species, without mola) 20 *^ All of the following families and subfamilies — ■ a. Cucujidae-Brontinae (including the genera Brontes, Dedro- phagus, and Psamnioecus), b. Cucujidae-Cucujinae (including the genera Cucujiis, Pediacus, and Platisus), c. Prostomidae (includijig the genera Prostomis and Dryocora) , d. Laemophloeidae (including the genera Prostominia, Narthecius, LatJiro'pus, Laemophloeus, Dijsmerus, Hemipeplus, Inopephis, and PhloeosficJtus), and e. Catogenidae (including the genera Scalidia and Catogenus) — are usually considered as one family, the Cucujidae, together with the genera Oryzaephilus, Silvanus, Cathartus, Nausibius, Coccidotrophus, Eunausihius, and Telephanus. These latter genera, according to the characters of the imagines, have lately been recognized by J. W. Wilson as constituting a separate family, the Silvanidae. (The Genitalia and Wing Venation of the Cucujidae and Related Families, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., June 1930, vol. 23, pp. 305-358). Doctor AVilson, however, does not find that the genitalia, wing venation, and body char- acters furnish a basis for a division of the Cucujidae (sensu Wilson) into four separate families, Cucujidae, Prostomidae, Laemophloeidae, and Catogenidae, as borne out by the charac- ters of their larvae. 35 LARVAL F0R:\IS OF COLEOPTKRA 20. Apical joint of labial palpus normal ; liypostomal rods diverg- ing posteriorly. (Submental-giilar plate absent, indistinct, or distinct) Phalacridae (pis. 32 A-G, and 33 N, P-T) Apical .joint of Inhial ])ali)us minute; hypostomal rods parallel. (Siibmental-iiiilar plate present and distinct) Sinicripidae'' (pi. 32 J. M-0) 21. Body elongate elliptical ; all of tbe setae normal ; first to seventh abdominal segments dorsally with large glandular openings (or "foramina") ; nasale transverse and subrec- tangular Covylophidae - Arth rolipinae ( Arth rolips and 0 rth o penis ) *'^ (pi. 3-1 A-C) Body broadly elliptical ; many of the setae fanlike, or flagellate, or chibsliaped covered with spinulae; first and eighth ab- dominal segments with "foramina"; nasale forming an eye- shadelike structure which covers all of the mouthparts Corijlopli idae - Cor ]j I o p h ina e ( CorylopJwdes, Sericoderus, Saciiim, Molamha)**' (pi. 34 22. Cardo either comparatively small, narrow, often spindle- shaped, and longitudinally directed, or large, about as long or longer than stipes, triangular, and immovable, without posterior condyle. (Labial palpus one-jointed) 23 Cardo either of moderate size, subtriangular, much shorter than stipes, and obliquely directed, or large, elongate-trape- zoidal, movable, and with a posterior condyle, or fused with stipes to a large, movable structure with a posterior condyle. (Labial palpus one-jointed or two-jointed) 27 23. Cardo comparatively small, narrow and longitudinally di- rected 24 Cardo large and triangular 25 24. iMandible with lamellate, usually long, multiserrate projection from inner margin between apex and molar part; maxillary mala with uncus on middle of inner margin ; adhesive tar- sungular hair absent. (Spiracles biforous; urogomphi present) N it idulidae-N if id id inae (pi. 35 A-H, J) Mandible with large, lobe-shaped projection from inner mar- gin between apex and molar part ; maxillary mala subcylin- *** P. de Peyerindioff, Etudes sur les larves des coleopteres, II. Coryh)phidae, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, vol. 90, 1921, pp. 99-106, pi. 3. — According to the imagines the family Corylophidae is usually placed as an aberrant family in the Silphid association, but the larvae indicate no relationship to this group. 36 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA drical. without uncus on middle of inner margin; adhesive tarsungular hair present and twice as long as tarsungulus itself. (Palpiger large, somewhat jointlike; labrum fused with clypeus ; urogomplii reduced to a pair of wart-shaped tubercles) Nifirhdiclae - Meligefhinae*' (pi. 36 A-I) 25. Urogomphi present, short, broad, flat, and shoe-shaped with tips horizontal and turned toward each other; mala with uncus on middle of inner margin ; adhesive tarsungular hair absent. (Mandible without lamellate, multiserrate inner margin between apex and the long, strong molar part ; si^iracles annular) Nitichilidae - Prometopinae (pi. 35 I, K-M) Urogomphi absent; mala without uncus; adhesive tarsungular hair present 26 26. Mala well-developed and cylindrical ; maxillary palpus three- jointed ; cardo not longer than stipes ; no projections from eighth and ninth abdominal segments. (Inner margin of mandible behind apex multiserrate but without lamellate, lobe-shaped projection) Nitkliilidae-Cateretinae {Brach- ypterus, Amartus and Hefer- ostomus)'' (pi. 36 J-P) Mala vestigial or absent, maxillary palpus two-jointed ; cardo longer than stipes, subtriangular, and separated from stipes by a fine suture, both pieces membranous ; eighth and ninth abdominal segments with a pair of conical and membranous projections laterally Cyhocephalidae*^ (pi. 37 A-G) 27. Mentum well develoj^ed and free to base. (Mandibles sym- metrical and with distinct retinaculum ; urogomphi absent ; spiracles annular,- bodv with onlv fine and simple setae Sphindidae'^ (pi. 41 F, H-M) Mentum not well developed, often fused with submentum, only free apically 28 28. Mandible with large, multituberculate or multicarinate molar structure; cardo proper distinct and subtriangular. (Body *' K. V. Verhoeif has proposed a new family, the Brachypteri- dae, including the two subfamilies, the Meligethinae and the Cater- etinae, on larval characters. (Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Coleop- teren-Larven mit besondere Beriicksichtigungen der Clavicornia, Archiv. fiir Xaturgeschichte, vol. 89, A. Heft 1, 1928, pp. 1-109, seven plates) . *^ The Cyboeephalidae are usually considered as a tribe or a sub- family of the Nitidulidae. Larva described and figured by F. Silvestri (Metamorfosi del Cyhocephalus rufifrons Reitter, Bol. Lab. Zool. Gen. e Agr. R. Scuola Super. Agr. Portici, vol. 4, 1910, pp. 221-227; 13 figures referring to the larva). 37 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA often with numerous fan-sliaped, spinulose, or otherwise un- commonly formed, small hairs; juxta-cardo present) 29 Mandible without large, inultituberculate or multiearinate molar structure 31 29. Body choloniform, similar to body of a scale insect; along the sides with flat projections carrying spinulose setae. (Head not visible from above; distal end of maxillary mala provided with a brush of long, club-shaped hairs) Miirmediidoe'^^ (pi. 27 I-L) Body different. (Maxillary mala with or without a terminal brush) 30 30. Distal end of maxillary mala with a brush consisting of a few, about four, long, stiff, curved and pointed setae; mandible Avith distinct apical part Endomi/chidae - Mijcetaeinae^^ (PL 39 A-G) Distal end of maxillary mala with a differently shaped, often large brush, or without a brush, or with a brush with few setae but then with a mandible without apical part. Endom ijch idae-Endom ychinae*^ (pis. 39 H-V, and 40 A-T) 31. Mandible with reduced, smooth, and usually condyliform molar (mola like?) structure; distinct hypopharyngeal sclerome present. (With or without cardo ; juxtacardo ab- sent; with or without lacinia mandibulae ; three ocelli pres- ent on each side of head, except in the blind termitophilous larva of Orfalistes ruhidus Gorham, from Barro Colorado island. Canal Zone, Panama) C occinellidae-C occinellinae (pis. 37 H-L and 38 A-I) *® The larva of the different endomychid genera are remarkably distinct from each other, strongly emphasizing the compound char- acter of the family. On the other hand, the family is closely linked both with the Lathridiidae and the Murmediidae, notably through the endomychid Rhymhus. The larva of this genus occupies a re- markable central position, approaching the specialized larvae of the major part of the lathridiid genera in the unique development of their mandibles, the primitive larva of the lathridiid genus EufalUa in having an almost separate lacinia and galea, and the Murmidiidae in the possession of tufted pleural projections. Through this larva the Endomychidae and all of the families which are closely or more remotely related to them may be traced to primitive ancestors, in reality to near the leptinid association of the Staphylinoidea. The larva of the Sphindidae, interpolated here before the endomychid association, represents unquestionably a simple, primi- tive eucujoid type, but its more precise systematic position is rather uncertain. (Compare pp. 109 and 110 in the paper by Peyerimhott', quoted in footnote number 46). 38 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Mandible withoiit molar structure; hypopliaryngeal sclerome weak or absent 32 32. Body armed with many long, often branched, setiferous dorsal and lateral processes 33 Body without long- setiferous dorsal and lateral processes 34 33. Three ocelli on each side; urogomphi absent; lacinia mandibu- lae absent CoccinelUdae-Epilachnmae (pi. 38 J-N) Five ocelli on each side ; urogomphi well developed, often as long as body; lacinia mandibulae large Erotylidae'° (pi. 41 A-E, G) 34. Mentum and submentum not fused DacnkJae'° (pi. 42 A-T) Mentum and submentum fused. (Prementum, mentum, sub- mentum, and gula with a common, hourglass-shaped plate toward which anterior part of hypostoma sends a bridge as in Staphvlinini) Melandryidae^'^ (pi. 43 A-Z, AE) 35. Body terminating in a deciduous ovate appendix Scraptidae'^° (pi. 44 A-E) Body not so 36 36. Mandible with a taillike, hairy appendix or a fleshy, hairy lobe behind the base of mola. (Right and left mandibles only slightly different) 37 Mandible without such appendix or lobe 38 37. Hypopliaryngeal sclerome strong and ring-shaped ; three large and two or three small ocelli present on each side of the head ; appendix of mandible tail-shaped Bijturidae'^ (pi. 45 A-N) Hypopliaryngeal sclerome small and shaped like a cup on top of a large, slightly chitinized dome ; one ocellus present on each side of head ; appendix of mandible lobe-shaped Anthicidae - Euglenidae - Anos- pidae^'^ (pis. 46 A-W and 47 A-I) 50 Prom the family Melandryidae are excluded the genera Eiistrophus and Penthe which are placed in the family Dacnidae, the genus Scraptia which forms a separate family, Scraptidae, and the genus Sijnchroa which also forms a separate family, Synchroidae. ^^ In AntJiicus heroicus Casey the cup-shaped top of the hypo- pharynx is very thinly chitinizecl and is recognized onlj' by careful examination. The genus Anas2)is, usually considered as belonging to the Mordellidae, can by no character be distinguished from the Anthicidae ; neither can the eugienid genus Hylophilus according to the larva of Hylophilus popnlneus Panzer which has been reared by E. C. Rosenberg in Denmark. The mandibles of the family 39 LARVAL FORMS Of^ fOLEOPTERA 38. Abdominal spiracles located in disklike scleromes. (Urop-onii)lii branched, with the inner prong directed toward the sajjittal line) Eurijstethidae {-Aegialitidae ) (pi. 48 A-F) Abdominal spiracles not located in disklike scleromes 39 39. ]Mandil)le without molar structure. (Larva parasitic and ])livs()«iastric) Bothrideridae {Deretcrphrus and Bothrideres) (pi. U F-X) Mandible with molar structure 40 40. Larva elon' organs present, terga of ninth and tenth abdominal segments distinguishable ; labrum usually asymmetrical and not trilobed) 22 EpipharA'nx with a curved single row of small spines behind the median part of the anterior margin of labrum (pi. 87 Z) (except in Valgus which, however, has no stridulating organs). (Terga of ninth and tenth abdominal segments usually fused completely; labrum symmetrical, often tri- lobed) 24 22. Lateral margin of labrum on buccal side with a series of trans- verse striae (pi. 88 D) Scarahaeidae-Rutelinae-Anonia- lini (pi. 88 B-D, F, G) Lateral margin of labrum on buccal side without striae (pi. 87 U) 23 23. Stridulating teeth of maxillary stipes pointed and curved (pi. 87 V). (Distal joint of maxillary palpus usually without a setaceous sensorv area) Scarahaeidae-Rutelinae-Rutelini (pis. 87 U, V, 88 A) Stridulating teeth of maxillary stipes truncate, as broad as long, not curved (pi. 88 M). (Distal joint of maxillary palpus often ending in a setaceous sensory area) Scarahaeidae-Dynasfinae (pi. 88 E, M, 0-R) 24. Anterior margin of labrum not distinctly trilobed, almost straight or slightly emarginate in the middle (pi. 87 W, Y) ; ninth and tenth abdominal terga separated ; tarsungulus long and pointed 25 Anterior margin of labrum distinctly trilobed (pi. 87 Z) ; ninth and tenth abdominal terga fused into a single dorsal unit ; tarsungulus different 26 25. Raster present, with numerous, minute, dark spinulae between the longer setae ; epipharynx with triangular callus and a curved transverse series of small spines behind the anterior margin of labrum (pi. 87 Y) 8carabaeklae-T rich iinae ( Trich- iotinus, Trichius, Trigonopel- tastes, GnorimeUa) (pi. 87 Y) Raster absent, end of abdomen with long, soft hairs ; epi- pharynx without a triangular callus and Avithout a curved series of spines behind the anterior margin of labrum. (Labrum strictly symmetrical, slightly emarginate in the middle) Scarahaeidae-Valginac (Yalgns) (pi. 87 W, X) 26. Tarsungulus cylindrical, distally obtuse (except in Euphoria) ; raster with median pair of distinct, longitudinal series of spines Scarahaeidae - Ceioniinae, part one {Giimneiiiti and Cetonini) (pi. 87 Z) 54 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Tarsiingulus short, thick, conical; raster without a pair of longitudinal series of spines Scarahaeidae - Cetoniinae, part two, {Cremastocheilini and Osmodermini; the latter tribe usually placed in the Trichi- inae) N. CLEROIDEA Key to Families and Subfamilies 1. Frontal sutures present 2 Frontal sutures absent. (Apex of mandible with two or more teeth ; endoparasitic, physogastric larvae) 16 2. Laeinia distally armed with one or more spurs. (Body covered with long or short barbed hairs) 3 Laeinia without spurs ■ 4 3. Paired urogomphi present ; submentum and gular areas united ; mandible with a stiff process and a hair brush at base Dermestidae - Dermestinae (pi. 89 A-Q) Urogomphi absent; submentum and gular areas usually sepa- rated; mandible without spur and brush at base. (Larvae often with conspicuous hair tufts) Dermestidae - Atfageninae (pi. 90 A-Z) 4. Ventral mouthparts retracted. (Distance between posterior ends of cardines and occipital foramen usually shorter than frons) 5 Ventral mouthparts protracted. (Distance between ends of cardines and occipital foramen as long as frons) 8 5. Mandible with a long, stiff prosthecal process near the middle or at the base of the inner margin. (Median epicranial suture well developed) Meltjridae (pis. 91 A-N, 92 A- Mandible with a short or no prosthecal process. (Median epicranial suture usually not well developed, or entirely absent) ■ 6 6. Antenna with the sensory appendix longer than the distal joint. (Distal joint carrying a very long and strong termi- nal seta Cndae'^' (pi. 92 K-R) Antenna Avith sensory appendix shorter than distal joints, or absent 7 ^® According to the characters of the imagines, the systematic position of this family is not clear, but usually it is placed in the series Bostriehoidea. In the larvae, the division of the mala into a lobe-like galea and a smaller laeinia hidden below the galea sug- 55 LARVAL FOKMH OF COLEOPTERA 7. Pi-otliorax -with well-separated presternal plates and with a well-defined lanceolate median sternal plate Osiomaiidae-Tene'broidinae (pis. 93 A-Q, 94 A-I) Protliorax without well-defined ])resternal plates and withont a median lanceolate sternal plate Osfomatidae - Osfonidtiuae (pi. 93 D, 94 J-U) 8. Fron.s posteriority Avith straight, transversal margin Cleridae-HydnocerirKie (pi. 95 B-H) Frons posteriorly angulate 9 9. Epicranial suture well developed Cleridae-Thaneyoclerinae (pi. 95 ^) Epicranial suture not w'ell developed 10 10. Antenna with second joint larger than basal .joint ; ninth ab- dominal segment conical, bifid. (One ocellus) Cleridae-Priocerinae (pi. 95 P) Antenna with second joint shorter than basal ; ninth abdominal segment otherwise 11 11. All spiracles large and biforous; two ocelli present on each side. (Protliorax with separated presternal plates and a median sternal plate) Cleridae-Korynetinoe {Necrohia and Korynetes) Anterior or all spiracles annuliform or pseudo-annulif orm ; never with two ocelli present on each side. (Protliorax with or without presternal plates and median sternal plate) 12 12. Ocelli one {Monopliylla) or three {Cymatodera and Tillus) Cleridae-Tillinae (pi. 95 K, N, R, X) Ocelli absent, or four, or five 13 13. Ocelli absent. (Body tumid; without ambulatorial ampullae) Clerid^ie-Orthopleurinae (pi. 95 S) Ocelli four or five 14 14. Two or more of abdominal segments with paired protruding dorsal ambulatorial ampullae ; cardo with narrow, band- like basal sclerome 15 gests bostrichoid relationship, but a similar division is also found in some of the Cleroidea ; and the presence of long and converging frontal sutures, a distinct gular area, paired urogomphi, and the absence of paired oval lobes in front of anus speak strongly against a taxonomic i)()sition within the Bostrichoidea and for the associa- tion with the Cleroidea. 56 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Paired ambiilatorial ampullae absent ; carclo with extensive sclerome Cleridae-Clerinae ( Opilo, Trich- odes, Thanasimus, Enoclerus, Placoptenis) (pi. 95 A, I, J, M, Q, T, U) 15. Ocelli five ; more than two of abdominal segments with dorsal ambiilatorial ampullae Cleridae-Enopliinae (Neichnea, Phyllohaenvs, Chariessa, Cregya) (pi. 95 0) Ocelli four ; only two abdominal segments with ambulatorial ampullae Cleridae-Tarsosteninae (pi. 95 16. Antenna with sensory appendix absent ; ventral mouthparts ap- parently protracted ; ventral surface of head apparently formed bj' fusion of the gular region and the cranial capsule ; hypostomata rod-shaped and diverging posteriorly from the fossae for the mandibles Catogenidae^^ (pi. 33 I, J, L, _ M, 0) Antennae with sensory appendix present, dilated, and as long as distal and median joints together ; ventral mouthparts re- tracted ; gular area distinct, not fused with head capsule ; hypostomata not rod-shaped, and not diverging, but curved toward each other Bofhrideridae^^ (pi. 44 F-W) "^ The family Catogenidae, composed of the genera Scalidia and Catogenus, is placed by most authors, and probably correctly, near genera as Laemophloeus and Hemipeplus in the series Cucujoidea. The characters defining the larvae as belonging to the series Cleroidea are probably not fundamental but result from adaptation to a parasitic life. The straight, pointed, rod-shaped h^^postomata which diverge from the' mandibular fossae in a posterior direction are similar to the ones found in Laemophloeus, Hemipeplus, and the Phalacridae, and this similarity indicates strongly that the large subfacial region between the rod-shaped hypostomata in the Catogenidae is homologous with the region between the rod-shaped hypostomata in the above-mentioned cucujoid larvae and partic- ularly with the one in the Phalacridae. Thus the ventral surface of the head in the Catogenidae is probably formed by a fusion of the ventral sides of the cranial capsule, a pair of cardines, the submental region between them, and a gular area posteriorly. The family Catogenidae has therefore been tabulated also on page 35 in the series Cucujoidea. "° The relationship of this family is problematic. It has also been tabulated near the Colydiidae on page 40 in the series Cucu- joidea where it most likely has its proper systematic place. How- ever, the larvae are quite different from the larvae of the typical Colydiidae. Their head structures, at least, suggest cleroid affin- 57 LARVAL FOR>rS OF COLP^OPTERA O. MELOIDEA Key to Families and Subfamilies'^ 1. Gula well-developed; maxillae inserted considerable at a dis- tance in from anterior margin of prosternnni; labial palpi tAvo-jointed 2 Gular area short; maxillae extending posteriorly to near the anterior margin of prosternum ; labial palpi not jointed, re- dnced to warts, or entirely absent. (Antenna with terminal joint (tj pi. 97 D) long and slender, and distal sensory appendix (sj pi. 97 D, E) either long, slender and conical, or long and sausage-shaped 5 2. Head capsule subquadrate, wdth ocelli usually in anterior third ; labrum small, visible from above ; integument on ven- tral side of body thin. (All thoracic and abdominal spiracles usually of about the same size and sometimes very large ; larva elongate, dorsoventrally flattened ; mandible extending well beyond anterior margin of labrum ; abdomen with sub- parallel sides or posteriorly attenuate; ninth abdominal seg- ment terminally with one, rarely two pairs of long bristles). (Fifth instar coarctate, not enclosed in exuvium of previous instars; the free-living instars eating grasshoppers' eggs or carnivorous on bee larvae, rarely honey feeders ; first instars not carried by bees) Meloidae-Lyttinae (pi. 96 A-I) Head capsule broadly oval (pi. 96 Q) or subtriangular (pi. 96 M) with ocelli in or behind its transverse middle line; labrum as a rule not visible from above ; integument on ven- tral side of body firm. (First pair of abdominal spiracles usualh^ larger than the others and as large as the meso- thoracic). (Instars as a rule feeding on honey; first larval instar climbing flowers and carried by bees) 3 3. One ocellus on each side; ninth abdominal segment carrying terminally one or more pairs of long bristles (term. s. pi. 96 M) ; body elongate, dorsoventrally flattened with suboval or posteriorly attenuate abdomen. (Fifth larval instar coarc- tate, not eveloped in exuvia of preceding instars ; sixth instar moving freelv around) Meloidae-Meloinae (pi. 96 J, K, M, P, Q) ities. (See Craighead, F. C, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., vol. 22, 1920, pp. 1-13, 2 plates. This paper contains a discussion of the tax- onomic iDosition of the Bothrideridae, Colydiidae and ]\Ionoedidae (auct.). The Monoedidae are not recognized as a family on the larval characters, but placed as a genus in the family Colydiidae.) "^ The key deals exclusively wdth the first larval instars of the series, except in a few eases in which it is definitely stated to which instars, different from the first, the references apply. 58 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Two ocelli on eacli side (second ocellus small or even absent in species of Horiinae) ; ninth abominal segment carrying terminally one pair of small bristles, or no bristles; body either fairly elongate with posteriorly attenuate abdomen, or more often, navicular. (Fifth larval instar enveloped in exuvia of the two preceding instars; sixth instar as well as pupa inside of case formed by the exuvia of the three pre- ceding larval instars) 4 4. Spiracles of eighth abdominal segment placed normally Meloidae-Horiinae'- Spiracles of eighth abdominal segment placed terminally on hook- or wartlike j)rojections (spw. pi. 96 N, 0) Meloidae-Nemognathinae (pi. 96 L, N, 0, R, S) 5. One ocellus on each side of head ; spiracle of first abdominal segment very large and placed on a laterally projecting, flat lobe (pi. 97 B and D) ; claw falciform, with a single bristle at base ; labial palpi vestigial and wart-shaped'^ Tetraonycidae (Based on Tet- raonyx quadyiinaculafus) (pi. 97 A-D) Several ocelli placed closely together on each side of head; sjDiracle of first abdominal segment normal and not placed on a projecting lateral lobe ; claw rather short, at base with a large pulvillus (pon. pi. 97 F) and a very short, conical, thick seta; labial palpus absent. (Median dorsal suture absent on all body segments). (Either with the first larval instar carried by wasps and in all the feeding stages devour- ing wasp larvae in their cells, or parasitic on cockroaches) Rhipi'phoridae'^ (pi. 97 E-J) '" According to the imagines, the Horniiae are usually placed as a tribe of the subfamily Zonitinae. " According to the imagines, Tetraonyx is usually placed in the subfamily Lyttinae. According to the first instars reared from eggs laid by Tetraonyx quadrwiaculafus Fab., this larva forms an intermediate type between the larvae of the family Meloidae and the family Rhiijiphoridae but differs so distinctly from both of them that the creation of a new family, Tetraonycidae, is deemed advisable. '^ The first instar of Bhyzostylops, described by F. Silvestri (Descrizione di un nuovo genere di Rhipiphoridae, Redia, vol. Ill, 1906, pp. 315-324, one plate) looks superficially like a Stenus larva, has long legs, said to be tipped by two extremely minute claws, several ocelli on each side of head, and is heavily bristled. It is considered by Silvestri as a very aberrant rhipiphorid larva, in- termediate between the first instar of Rhijiidius and the degenerate first instar of the Strepsiptera. Probably the Strepsiptera are to be classified in the Coleoptera and close to the Rhipiphoridae. 59 LAEVAI. FOinrH OT-" f'OLEOPT?:RA P. MORDELLOIDEA 111 the Introduc'tioii to his Catalogue (p. 32) Leng proposed, with great hesitation liowever, a series Mordelloidea composed of the following groups: the Mordellidae-Mordellini, the Mordellidae- Anaspidini, the Anthicidae, the Euglenidae, the Eurystethidae ( = Aegialitidae), the Pedilidae, the Pyrochroidae, the Pj'thidae (with the two genera Salpingus and Rhinosimus included), the Cephaloidae, the Oedemeridae, and, with proper reservation, the Meloidae and the Rhipiphoridae. Here only the Mordellidae-Mor- dellini with the main genera Tomoxia, Mordella, and Mordellistena have been retained in this series, and it is even questionable whether these really may constitute a series as their larvae seem rather closely related to the larvae of several of the melandryid genera. The Mordellidae-Anaspidini together with all of the above men- tioned families from the Anthicidae to the Oedemeridae have been placed in the colydiid association of the Cucujoidea ; and in this association are also placed the Othniidae with the genus Ofhnius and the Boridae with the genus Boros which are closely related to the Pyrochroidae and Pythidae. It is however, possible that the Anaspidinae, Anthicidae, and Euglenidae might better be asso- ciated with the Languriidae. The Rhipiphoridae and the Meloidae constitute, according to the larvae, a separate series, the IMeloidea. (See also: Introduction p. 8, line 9). Key to Family 1. Body without dorsal ambulatorial warts ; ninth abdominal seg- ment terminating with a single, conical, truncate spine Mordellidae, part one {Tomoxia, Mordella, and the larva of Mordelli^iena picipennis) (pi. 98 A-E) Body with dorsal ambulatorial warts ; ninth abdominal seg- ment with a pair of short, upward curved, pointed urogomphi Mordellidae, part two (Mordel- listena) (pi. 98 F-J) Q. CERAMBYCOIDEA The series Oerambycoidea contains only one family, the Ceram- bycidae, which is divided into six subfamilies. Of these the sub- family Disteniinae should probably be given family rank because its larva, except in its general appearance, is very aberrant from the larval types of all of the other Cerambycidae. In fact the 60 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Disteniinae might possibly with equal .justification be placed in either of the two series, the Bostrichoidea or the Chrysomeloidea, both closely associated with the Cerambycoidea, rather than in the latter series. The larva of the Disteniinae differs from all other cerambycoid larvae in the development of the ventral structures of the head and chiefly in the lack of a distinct gula, but the presence of a short gula lying on top of the median part of a broad, well-defined hypostomal bridge and fused with it is just the essen- tial character by w^hich the larvae of the Cerambycoidea can be separated from the ones of the Bostrichoidea and Chrysomeloidea.'^ Key to Subfamilies 1. Head oblong, sides parallel or converging behind. (Epistoma never projecting; tentorial cross-arm internal; epipleurum protuberant on several or all abdominal segments ; legs usually absent) Lamiinae (pis. 99 I, J, 100 A) Head transverse, wider behind the middle 2 2. Epistoma projecting over clypeus, except in Parandra; frons projecting over epistoma, dentate or carinate, except in Parandra. (Tentorial cross-arm in the same plane as the hypostoma and forming a bridge behind it ; legs present ) Prioninae''' (pis. 99 A, B, 100 B-F) Neither epistoma nor frons projecting 3 3. Mandible with oblique, straight cutting edge, except in Opshnus 4 Mandible with rounded, gougelike cutting edge (pi. 100 G). (Tentorial cross-arm in the same plane as In'postoma and forming a bridge behind it ; clypeus filling space between dorsal articulations of mandibles ; epipleurum protuberant only on last three abdominal segments; legs present or absent) Ceramhijciiuie (pis. 99 E, F, 100 G) 4. Dorsal margins of epicranial halves j)artly fused behind frons. (Tentorial cross-arm internal; legs present) Aseminae (pi. 99 C, D) Dorsal margins of epicranial halves separated behind frons .5 ^^ Craighead, F. C, North American Cerambycid Larvae, Canada Dept. Agr., Bui. 27, New Series, Technical, Ottawa, 1923, pp. 6, 26, and 99-101 with figures. '" Craighead, F. C, Larvae of Prioninae, U. S. Dept. Agr., Off. Sec, Report 107. 1915, pp. 1-24, eight plates. 61 LARVAL FORMS OF COLFOPTERA 5. Tentorial cross-arm internal. (Palpiger large, bearing lacinia and palpns; epipleiirum protuberant on all abdominal seg- ments; legs present) Lepturinae (pis. 99 G, H, 100 H-L) Tentorial cross-arm (tb pi. 100 M) in the same plane as the hvpostoma. bridging the ventral surface of the head. (Larva very elongate and slender; legs present) Disteniinae (pi. 100 M) R. BOSTRICHOIDEA Key to Families 1. Head protracted; mandible dentate. (Terga hairy or not. often with rows or patches of asperities) 2 Head retracted ; mandible not dentate, usually with gouge- shaped distal end. (Terga without asperities) 3 2. Thoracic spiracle pushed forward to anterior margin of pro- thorax. (Spiracles bearing a single spoutlike prolongation (prl pi. 101 E) ; a small, often curved, transverse sclerome present at the end of a median groove between the longitudi- nallv placed anal lobes (ats pi. 101 Ct) ; terga without as- perities) Ptinidae (pi. 101 A, B, E) Thoracic spiracle not reaching anterior margin of prothorax. (Spiracles without single spoutlike prolongations, except in Anohium, where they are large; with or without a small, transverse sclerome at the end of a longitudinal, median anal groove ; straight, curved, or hook-shaped tergal asperi- ties on all or some of the segments, except in Ozognafhus and Lasioderma) Anohiidae (pi. 101 C, D, F-N, X, Ae, Oe) 3. Mandible without a dorsal, molarlike process ; epipharynx without a large sclerome; lacinia mandibulae absent BostricJiidae" (pi. 101 0-W, Y, Z) Mandible with a dorsal, molarlike process, grinding against a large sclerome in epipharynx; lacinia mandibulae present and fleshy -1 4. Abdominal spiracles subequal in size Psoidae'' (pi. 102 A-E) " The family includes all the genera usually placed in the family Bostrichidae, except the genera which are here tabulated in the familj' Psoidae. " The family Psoidae includes tlie foHowing genera, usually placed in the Bostrichidae : Stephanopdchjis (Saalas, IT., Die Fichtenkafer Finlaiuls, part 2, 1923. pp. 179 and 700, figs. 115- 120), Rhizopertha, Dinoderus, and Dinoderopsis (Lesne, P., Les coleopteres Bostrychides de I'Afrique tropical francaise, Paris, 1924, pp. 47 and 77), Pohicaon, and P.sor/. 62 LAEVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Last abdominal spiracle much larger than the others Lyctidae (pi. 102 F-K) S. CHRYSOMELOIDEA Key to Families and Subfamilies 1. Mandible simple, distally either with a broad, transverse, goiigelike cutting edge, or with a simple apex 2 Mandible dentate, distally with from two to five teeth 5 2. Prementum and mentum fused, bearing a common, median, escutcheonlike sclerome with a pair of light, circular areas anteriorly. (Labial palpi either (in Pachymerinae) rudi- mentary, one-jointed, and placed in the light, circular areas of the escutcheon (pi. 103 D), or (in Bruchinae) completely absent ; mandible short, strong, gouge-shaped, with rounded, distal edge ; body curved and plump ; legs vestigial except in the first larval instar (pi. 103 X). Ocelli three in Pachy- merinae, one in Bruchinae) Bruchidae (=3Iijl(thridae) (pi. 103 A-N) Prementum and mentum without escutcheonlike sclerome. (Labial palpi present, except in a few Halticinae as Diholia and Spliaeroderma (pi. 114 H, and N)) 3 3. Legs present and fully developed ; body curved and plump. (Mandible with excavated inner side and single, pointed apex ; prementum distinct and covered with an unpaired subtriangular sclerite ; mentum distinct, free laterally ; labial palpi inserted well apart)... Sagridae (pi. 104 A-H) Legs absent; body straight. (Leaf miners with distinct ninth abdominal segment) 4 4. Prementum and mentum not fused ; labial palpi inserted well apart at the base of ligula ; mandible with excavated inner side and single, pointed apex Orsodacnidae-Orsodacnmae (pi. 105 A-E) Prementum, mentum, and submentum fused ; labial palpi close together ; ligula absent ; mandible with transverse, approxi- mately gouge-shaped, and slightly scalloped distal edge Orsoducnidae - Z e iKj 0 p horin a e (pi. 105 F-H) 5. Spiracles of eight abdominal segment biforous, terminal, and projecting like a pair of spurs. (Mentum free laterally and fused posteriorly with submentum ; galea and lacinia adapted for sucking of plant juice ; larva club-shaped and curved, feeding on submerged parts of fresh-water plants and swamp plants) Donaciidae (pi. 106 A-R) Spiracles of eighth abdominal segment not projecting like spurs 6 63 LARVAL POinrs OF COLEOPTERA G. Labriim snuill. nr indistinct and fused ^vitll frons and clypeus. (Legs very long, slender, and without pulvillus; abdomen swollen posteriorly, doubled back upon itself, and adapted for carrying a case made either from the excrement of the larva, or, in Lamprosoiiia,"^ from fine particles of wood glued together with the excrement of the larva and with resin from the host tree) 7 Labrum well-developed and free 9 7. Tarsungulus short, strong!}" hamate, with a large heel. (An- tenna two-jointed, with conical sensory appendix (sj pi. 107 G) ; third joint represented only by a strong seta) C ampiowmatidae - Chlamydinae (pi. 107 G, H) Tarsungulus slender, somewhat curved and awl-shaped ; heel absent or insignificant 8 8. Antenna two-jointed, with a broad, pillbox-shaped sensory appendix (sj pi. 107 A, B) ; third joint represented only by a seta Camptosomaiklae-Clyirinae (pi. 107 A-F) Antenna three-jointed, with a conical sensory appendix ; third joint seta-bearing and shorter than the appendix. (Frons almost circular in outline and flat) C amptosomatidae - Cryptoceph a - linae and Camptosomatidae- Lamprosominae 9. Maxillary palpus three- or four-jointed, excluding palpiger;*° eighth abdominal pair of spiracles present and laterally placed; eighth abdominal segment not terminal, its hind margin connected with the front margin of the ninth ab- dominal segment 10 Maxillary palpus two-jointed or less; eighth abdominal pair of spiracles either present, but dorsally placed, or absent ; eighth abdominal segment terminal with free hind margin 15 10. Tarsungulus long, slender, and without pulvillus; mandible compressed, with two to three distal teeth ; epicranial suture long ; ocelli absent. (Larva white ; abdominal segments with- out dorsal scleromes and ventrally often with rounded, i)ro- jecting lobes with manv stiff setae) Eumolpidae (pi. 108 A-M) Tarsungulus of moderate length, curved, and usually with puvillus (pon pi. 109 M) ; mandible palmate, with four to five distal teeth; combination of a long epicranial suture and lack of ocelli not found 11 "^ The larva of Lamprosoma hicolor Kirby and its pointed, hood- shaped case are described by Carlos IMoreira (Ann. Soc. Ent. France, vol. 82, 1913, pp. 743-7-1:5, one plate). *"' Very i-ai-ely two-jointed, as in SphdO'odfniui {\)\. 114 X). 64 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA 11. More than one ocellus on each side of head, usually five or six ocelli ; antenna three-jointed 12 One ocellus on each side, or none; antenna two-jointed or less ' 13 12. First eight abdominal segments with a transverse, ventral region with ambulatory warts (pi. 109 G) ; anal opening dorsal; labial palpus one- jointed. (Spiracles annular or biforous; larva covered with excrement or slimy exudation)... Crioceridae (pi. 109 A-G) First eight abdominal segments without any ambulatory warts : anal opening ventral and placed in the middle of the sucking disk of the tenth abdominal segment; labial palpus two-jointed ChrijsomelkJae (pi. 109 H-M) 13. With a combination of the three following characters: Epi- cranial suture well-developed or long; one ocellus on each side of head; dorsal region of each of first to seventh ab- dominal segments distinctly subdivided into two or three transverse areas (pi. 110 C and G) Galerucidae - Golerucinae-'^ (pi. 110 A-M) With a different combination of the three characters 14 14. Epicranial suture present, but usually short; ocelli absent; dorsal region of each of first to seventh abdominal segments subdivided into three transverse areas. (Intersegmental membranes often large ; spiracles annular, except in Ex- osoma, (pi. Ill M), where they are biforous) Galerucidae - Diahroticinae^- {Diahrotica, Cerotoma, Phijl- lohrotica, and Exosoma lusi- tanica) (pi. Ill A-M) Different combination. (Spiracles always annular) Galerucidae - Halticinae^^ (pis. 112 A-R, 113 A-X, 114 A-0) ®^ In the present subfamilj- Galerucinae are included all of the genera which usually are placed in the subfamily Galerucinae, with the exception of the ones tabulated in the following subfamily, Diabroticinae. ^- This subfamily, which probably includes more genera than the ones listed above, but whose larvae are unknown, is more closely connected with the Halticinae tribes, Crepidoderini, Chaetocnemini. Systenini, and Psylliodini than with the subfamily Galerucinae, as here conceived. *^ The subfamily Halticinae includes genera with remotely re- lated larvae such as Blepliarida, (112 L, 0, Q, R), Oedionychis (113 A-E), Haltica (112 A, B), Psylliodes (112 M, N), and Sphaero- derma (114 I-O). When better studied, the classification of the entire family Galerucidae will unquestionably be changed. 65 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA 15. Eiji'litli pair of abdominal spiracles wt'll-developed and dorsal, ill some genera biforons, in otliers annular, eighth abdominal segment terminal, with free hind margin Hispidae (pi. 115 A-K) Eighth pair of abdominal spiracles vestigial ; tergum of eighth abdominal segment often provided with an upright fork bearing the east skins or the excrement of the larva (pi. 116 G) Cassididae (pi. 116 A-I) T. PLATYSTOMOIDEA Key to Subfamilies 1. Legs present, one-, two-, or three-jointed, always without a claw-shaped tarsungular joint. (Spiracles annular, unifor- ous, or biforous) Platystomidae - Brachijtarsinoe (pi. 117 A-K) Legs absent, semiglobular pedal lobes occupying their place. (Mesothoracic spiracle biforous (pi. 117 0, N) ; abdominal spiracles uniforous ; body profusely covered with long hairs) P la t y st o m i d a e-Clioraginae (Araecerus) (pi. 117 L-Q) U. CURCULIONOIDEA Key to Families and Subfamilies 1. Mentum-portion of fused subfacial region free laterally ; legs present, but small, and usuallv two-jointed Brenthidae (pi. 118 A-G) Mentum connected laterally with maxillary stipes ; legs absent ; pedal lobes, occupying their place, often bulging 2 2. Head capsule elongate, broadening posteriorlj^, and with straight sides. (Head deeply retracted; spiracles uniforous with the mouthpiece equipped with a spoutlike prolongation (pi. 119 A) Proterhinidae (pi. 119 A-H) Head capsule narrowing posteriorly, and with curved sides ... 3 3. Abdominal hypopleurum subdivided into at least two lobes, one superposed upon the other 7 Abdominal hypopleurum not subdivided 4 4. Abdominal segments with no more than two transverse, dorsal l)licae 5 Abdominal segments with three or four transverse, dorsal plicae 6 5. ]More than two ocelli on each side; head retracted; frons in- distinct ; mentum bearing a median, unpaired plate more or less completely fused with a subtriangular. unpaired plate borne by prementum ; labial palpus distinctly two-jointed Aiielahidac - Rhi/nrhifinae and Attelahidae -Attchihinac (pi. 118 H-M) no LAEVAL FOEMS OF COLEOPTEEA One ocellus on each side ; head protracted ; frons distinct ; mentnni withont a plate and prementum without a snbtrian- gnlar. unpaired plate; basal joint of labial palpus reduced or absent, distal joint distinct A-pionidae (not including Cijlas) pi. 120 A-D) G. Spiracles on second to seventh abdominal segments not pro- jecting and not placed dorsally Curculionidae and Scolyfidae^* (pis. 120 E-G, 121 A-U. 123 A-E) Spiracles on second to seventh abdominal segments projecting, hook-shaped, and placed dorsally. (Larva submerged, living between the leaves of rice) ... C urculionidae - Lissorhoptrinae {Lissorhoptrns shnplex) (pi. 122 A-V) 7. ]\Iaxillary palpus two-jointed ; spiracles either bif orous with large, oval spiracular opening, or, in the single genus Eliyncliophonis,h\\'Ahm\9 ...Calendridae (pi. 123 P-H) Maxillary jialpus one-jointed with the dome-shaped, soft end covered with fine, short hairs ; spiracles unif orous, with siDoutlike prolongation from a ring-shaped mouthpiece. (Prothoracic tergum armed in the middle with a transverse ridge composed of a series of ring-shaped scleromes of dif- ferent sizes) Plafypodidae^^ (pi. 123 I-P) V. LYMEXYLOIDEA The systematic position of this series has been discussed in a footnote^". It contains only the one family Lymexylidae which is ®* The larvae of the Curculionidae and Scolytidae can not be separated. In most of the larvae of these two families, the body is whitish, fleshy, subcylindrical, more or less curved, without ab- dominal prolegs, and not clothed with long hair. However, in the leaf -mining genera Orchesfes and Prionomerus, (pi. 120 E, F), the body is rather straight and either flat both on the dorsal and ven- tral side, or only flat ventrally but projecting laterally into broad, rounded processes on most of the segments (Tragardh. Ivar, Arkiv for Zoologi, vol. 6, No. 7, 1910, pp. 1-22, English text, two plates) ; in the slimy larva of Clonus solani Fab. (pi. 120 G), which is free- living on the leaves of Verhascum, and in larvae of Hyperini paired prolegs are found on the underside of the abdominal segments ; and in the hyperine species Phelypera distigma Boheman, from Guate- mala, (pi. 121 U), the body is beset on the back with dark hairs as long or considerably longer than the width of the larva. *^^ Hubbard, H. G., The Ambrosia Beetles of the United States, U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Ent., Bui. 7, New Series, 1897, pp. l-t-16 with figures. 67 LARVAL FORMS OF C0LE0PTP:RA clistiiigTiished by the same characters by which the series is defined and in addition by the following characters: Labrum elono'ate, conical, fitting- into a groove on the dorsal side of the mandibles; molar strnctnre of mandible ])resent but rather indistinct ; maxil- lary articulating area well-developed; maxillary palpus three- jointed, palpiger excluded ; cardo bipartite ; ligula large and broad ; prothorax hood-shaped, somewhat swollen dorsally and ventrally; ninth abdominal segment terminal and heavily sclerotized ; spiracles bilabiate. Key to Subfamilies 1. Ninth abdominal segment cylindrical, obliquely truncate pos- teriorly, armed with a raised rim and with rugosities or tubercles on the disk inside of the rim ; abdominal epipleural lobes with a hard, tubercled or shagreened surface Lymexylidae -Lymexylinae ( Melittomma a u d Atracto- cerus) (pi. 124 A-G, J-K, M) Xinth abominal segment elongate conical, thorn-shaped, termi- nally with upward bent, bicuspidate apex; epipleural lobes glabrous. (First larval instar with a more disklike ninth abdominal segment) L y m exy I i d a e - Hi/lecoetinae {HylecoeUis) (pi. 124 H, L) 68 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA LITERATURE (References only to publications containing keys, tables or conspec- tus for general determination to families or major systematic groups of coleopterous larvae) 1861-1883 : ScHiODTE, J. C. De Metamorphosi Eleutheratorum Observationes. Naturliist. Tidsskr. ser. 3, vol. I-XIII, Copen- hagen. (85 plates). 1876 : Perris, Ed. Larves de eoleopteres. Ann. Soc. Linn, de Lyon, vol. 22. (14 plates). 1913, 191-t, 1922, 1925, 1927, 1930: Henriksen, K. L. "Dan- marks Fauna," Nos. 14, 16, 26, 29, 31, 34. Copenhagen. (Illustrated, and with carefully compiled lists of literature). 1917, 1923 : Saalas, U. Die Fichtenkiifer Finnlands, Helsingfors (2 vols.). (37 plates, and a full bibliography). 1923 : Verhoeff, K. W. Beitrage z. Kenntnis der Coleopteren- Larven, etc. Arch. f. Katurgesch. vol. 89, A. 1, pp. 1-109. (7 plates). 1930 : Rymer Roberts, A. AV. A key to the principal families of Coleoptera in the larval stage. Bull, of Entomol. Research, vol. 21, pp. 57-72, London. (With illustrated definitions of terms, and a practical list of literature). 69 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA CONSPECTUS Arciiostemata SERIES Cupesoidea Caraboidea PAGE PLATE Cupesiclao 16 1 Micromalthidae " 2 Adephaga Rhysodidae ' ' Cicindelidae (Cicindelini, Tetracli- ini, Amblycheilini, Omini, Collyrini) 17 Carabidae 17 Lebiinae (Lebiini and Brachinini) 19 Dromiinae (= P e n t a - gonicini) " Odacantliinae 20 Driptinae " Nebriinae (Nebriini, Notiophilini) " Loricerinae " Carabinae " Cyelirinae 21 Chlaeniinae " Licininae ( L i c i n i n i , Panag-aeini) " Bembidiinae ( B e m b i - diini, Trecliini) " Sphodrinae (SiJhodrus) 22 Broscinae " Dyschiriinae {Dysclii- rius, Clivina) " Scaritiiiae (Scaritini, Pasimaeliini) " Elaplirinae " Patrobinae (= P o g o ii - inae) (Pafrohiis) " Pterosticliinae ( P 1 a - tynini, Pterostichini) 23 Am a r inae (Amarini, Zabrini) " 70 LARVAL FOEMS OF COLEOPTERA SERIES PAGE PLATE Caraboidea " Harpalinae 23 — Glyptinae 19 4 (Pseudomorphidae)^'' • — — « Omoplironidae (Carabid subf. ?) ... 17 5 " Haliplidae " Haliplinae 17 5 Peltodytinae " — " Hygrobiidae (= Pelobiidae) 17 5 " Noteridae 17 5 " Dytiscidae 17 — " Hj^Iroporinae 23 6 " Coljanbetinae (Colym- betini, Laccophilini) 23 — " Coptotominae 24 — '' Thermonectinae (Ther- monectini, Eretini) " — " Dytiscinae (Hydaticini, 'Dytiscini) " 6 " Cybisterinae " — " Amphizoidae 17 7 Gyrinoidea Gyrinidae (Enhydrini, Orectochi- lini, Gyrinini) 24 6 Paussoidea Paussidae 24 7 POLYPHAGA Staphylinoidea Limnebiidae (Hydraenini, Limne- biini) 26 8 " Hydroscaphidae " 9 " Leptinidae " 10 " Ptiliidae (= Trichopterygidae) " 10 " Anisotomidae (=Liodidae) " Liodinae (Liodini, Agathidiini)" 26 11 ^^ Larval stage unknown, or not examined by the present authors. ^^See: (a) Peyermihoff, P. de ; Sur quelques larves de eole- opteres cavernicoles ; 1906, Bull. Soc. Ent. France, pp. 112-118. (With figures) (b) Peyerimhoff, P. de : Deux types nouveaux de larves Silphidae ; 1907, Ann. Soc. Ent. France ; vol. 76. pp. 83-88. (With figures) 71 LARVAL FOiniS OF COLEOPTERA SERIE.S PAGE PLATE Staphylinoidea " Cliolevinae (Catop- iiii)" 26 11 (") (Bathvscimae)s^■«^.. — — C') (Colonmae)«« — — (Clainbidae)*"'*' — — Platypsylliclae^^ 27 12 « (Brathinidae)^^ — — " Seaphidiidae 27 12 " (Spliaeritidae)^*' • — — « (Spliaeriidae)**' — — " Silpliidae''' Xecrophorinae 27 ■ — ■ Hilphinae " 13 " StapliyHiiidae " Oxyoporinae 27 ■ — ■ " Piestinae 28 14 " Syntomiinae " " Oxytelinae " lo " Aleocharinae 28 14, 16 " Proteiniiiae 29 16 Omaliinae " 17 " Tachyporinae " 15 " Habrocerinae (+Pliloeocharinae) 30 — (c) Jeannel, K. : Revision des Bathysciiiiae ; 1911, Arch. Zool. exporimentale et generale ; Ser. 5, vol. 7, pp. 1-641. (AVitli many figures and extensive bibliography. On page 95 the author separates the larvae of the two subfamilies Bathyschiinae and Cliolevinae as folloAvs: Antenna inserted anteriorly, at the exterior margin of the mandible ; apex of mandible enlarged. Bathysciinae {Lepioderus, Fholcuon, Onjotus, ApJiaohius, etc.) - Antenna inserted posteriorly, at the trans- verse diameter of the head ; apex of man- dible attenuate and fine Cholevinae) (d) Hatch, Melville H. : Studies of tlie carrion beetles of Minnesota ; 1927, Tech. Bull. No. 48, University of Minne- sota, Agric. Exp. St. (With keys to the larvae) 72 LAEVAL FOEMS OF COLEOPTEEA SERIES PAGE Staphylinoidea " Steninae 30 " (Euaesthetinae)^*^ ... — Thinopininae 30 " Staph ylininae (Quediini, Xantlio- lini, Stapliy- linini) " " Paederinae " " Pselapliidae " " Scydmaenidae " (Micropeplidae)"'' 31 Hydrophiloidea Histeridae 31 " Helophoridae 32 Cucujoidea Spercheidae Hydrochidae ' ' Hydrophilidae " Berosinae " " Hydrophilinae " " Hydrobiinae " " Sphaeridiinae (Cliaetarthriini, Coelostomini, Sphaeridiini, Cer- cyonini) " Eiicinetidae (AVitli relationship to Ptiliidae and Leptinidae) 33 Derodontidae ' ' Monotoniidae ' ' Rhizophagidae 33 Languriidae (See: Anthicidae) " Langnriinae 34 " Cladoxeninae " Cryptophagidae " Cryptophaginae . " Telmatophilinae Silvanidae " Silvaninae " Teleplianinae Cucujidae " Brontinae '' Cuciijinae Prostomidae PLATE 17 15, 18 26 27 25 28 28 28 29 30 30 31 31 33 19 21 18 19 16, 20, 21 21 22 22 22, 23 22, 23 23, 24 Catogenidae 35 33 73 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA SERIES PAGE PLATE Cucujoidea Laomophloeiclae 35 31, 32 Phalaeridae 36 32, 33 « Smicripidae " 32 " Corylophidae (= Orthoperidae) " Arthrolipinae " 34 " Corylophinae " 34 « Nitidulidae Nitidulinae " 35 Meligetliinae 37 36 " Prometopiinae " 35 Cateretinae " 36 Cybocephalidae " 37 Sphindidae 37 41 Lathridiidae (Connection with Eucinetidae) 33 25 Murmidiidae 38 27 Endomychidae (Connection with Lathridiidae) Endomychinae 38 39, 40 Mycetaeinae 38 39 " Coccinellidae Coccinellinae 38 37. 38 Epilachninae 39 38 Erotylidae " 41 » Dacnidae (Dacnini, Tritomini, En- strophini, Penthini) ... " 42 " Melandryidae " (Tetratominae in- clnding T e i r a- t 0 m a and Hal- lonieni(s) — — " Melandryinae {Me- landrya, Orchesia, Serropalpus, Dir- raea, Hijpulus, Zi- lora, Abdera) 39 43 " Osphyinae (Osphija, Con opal pus) " " " (Xylitinae inclnd- ino- BusJiia and Xijlita) '' " " ( Stenotrachelinae ) — ■ — (") (Mordellidae) 60 98 74 LAEVAL FOEMS OF COLEOPTEEA SERIES PAGE PLATE Cucujoidea Scraptiidae 39 44 " Antliicidae (Connection witli Lan- guriidae) Anthicinae 39 46 " Eugleninae '' — ** Anaspidinae '' 47 Bytiiridae 39 45 Bothrideridae 40 44 " Colydiidae (Colydiini, Synchitini, Monoedini) 40 49 Mycetophagidae " 50 (") (Lymexylidae) 68 124 " Oedemeridae " Oedenierinae " 51 " Calopodinae (=Calo- pinae) 41 " Cephaloidae " 52 Zopheridae (Zopherini, Nosoder- mini) " 52 " Synchroidae " 52 " Pedilidae (Eurygeniini, Pedilini)... 41 53 " Eurystethidae (= Aegialitidae) 40 48 " Salpingidae 41 54 " Pyrochroidae '' 53 Boridae " 48, 55 " Pythidae (Pythini, Cononotini,^^ Lacconotini,^*' Mycter- ini^'') ' 42 54 Otlmiidae (= Elacatidae) " 47 " Alleciilidae (Alleculinae, Omoplil- inae " 56 Tenebrionidae'^ " 57, 58 ^^ Modern systematists have divided the family into more than a score of subfamilies on the characters of the adults. Recent studies of the larvae seem to substantiate the correctness of this classification. Much work, however, is still needed before a sepa- ration of the larvae into subfamilies and tribes can be established. See: ^St. George, R. A. : "Studies on the larvae of North American beetles of the subfamily Tenebrioninae" . . . (Proc. U. S. Nat. 75 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA SERIES PAGE PLATE Cucujoidea Xilioiiidae 42 59 La^riidae (Heterotarsini, Lagri- ini, Statirini^") " 60 « (Monoinmatidae)^^ — — Byrrhoidea Byrrliidae Byrrhinae 43 61, 62 " (Limnic'hinae)®*' — — " Ampliicyrtiiiae 43 62 " Liooninae " 62 Dascilloidea Dascillidae (with the smgle genus Dascillus) 44 63 " Heteroceridae " 64 " Helodidae (= Cyphonidae) " 65 " Xosodendindae " 66 Dryopoidea Ptilodactylidae 45 67-69 Eurypogonidae '' 69 " Psephenidae Psepheninae " 70 " Eubrianacinae " 70 " Chelonariidae " 71 " Drvopidae Larinae " 72 Pelonominae " 70, 72, 73 Helmmae 46 71, 73 " (Georyssidae)®'' ■ — ■ — Cantharoidea Braehypsectridae (Connection with Dryopoidea) ... 46 74, 75 Drilidae " 74, 75, 77 " Homalisidae 47 • — " Cantharidae Malthinae " 77 Chauliognathinae " 78 Malthodinae 48 77 Cantharinae " 77 " Lampyridae " 74, 75 Phengodidae " 74, 75 Lycidae " 76 Elateroidea Rhipieeridae 49 79 Mus., vol. 65, pp. 1-22, pis. 1-4, 1924) -Oglobin, D. A'., and Kolo- bova, A. N. ; "Tenebrionidae and their larvae injurious to agricul- ture" (Proc. Poltava Agricultural Experiment Station, Entomo- logical Division, vol. XV, 1927 ; No. 61, pp. 1-49, with 41 figures) (Entirely in Bussian) 76 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA SERIES PAGI Z PLATE Elateroidea Biiprestidae i i Pachyschelinae (Rliae- boscelini, Pachyscel- ini) 49 80 I i Agrilinae (AgTilini) .. ( ( 80 t ( Buprestinae (Chalco- pborini, Biiprestini, Chrysobothrini) 1 1 80 i i Polycestinae (Polyces- tini, Thrincopygini) < ( — « Tliroscidae ) (Connection with Oes- todinae) 50 81 « Melasidae (= Euchnemidae) i i 81 « Cebrionidae (mcludino; tlie former family Plastoceri- dae) i I 79 It (CeropliYt Sandalidac idae)®'^ <( 50 82 « Elateridae Cardiopliorinae (Some connection with Can- tharoidea) i i 83 ii Oestodinae (Connection with Eurypogonidae) i i 83 i I Pyropliorinae 51 84, 85, 86 Liicanidae Elaterinae i i 86 Scarabaeoidea (Connection with Das- cilloidea) i i Sinodendrinae 51 87 i i Aesalinae < i 87 < ( Dorcinae i i ■ — • ( e Lncaninae i i 87 « Passalidae 52 87 « Geotnipid. le (I — (( Trogidae . ( t 87 « Acanthoceridae < i « Scarabaeidae ( ( Coprinae (= S c a r a - baeinae) (Scar a - 77 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Scarabaeoidea PAGE PLATE baeini, Coprini, On- tliopliagini) 52 Aphodiinae 53 Glaphyrinae " Pleocominae " Cleroidea Meloidea Melolonthinae (Melo- lontinae, Diplotax- ini) i i — " Sericinae 1 1 88 " Macrodactylinae (Di- chelonyeini, H o p - liini) i i — ' ' Entelinae (A n o m a - lini, Rutelini) 54 88 '' Dynastinae i i 88 " Tricliiinae i i 87 " Valginae ( i 87 " Cetoniinae (Gymne- tini, Cetoniini, Cre- mastocheilini a n d Osmodermini) i ( 87 Dermestidae " Dermestinae (Derm- estini) 55 89 ** Attageninae < ( 90 Melyridae ( i 91, 92 Ostomatidae " Tenebroidinae 56 93, 94 '' Ostomatinae ( ( 93, 94 Cleridae " Hydnocerinae ( ( 95 " Koiynetinae i i — '' Thaneroclerinae 1 1 95 " Priocerinae < i 95 ' ' Tillinae (Monophyllini, Tillini) 95 95 " Orthopleiirinae " Clerinae (Opilonini, Tri- cliodini, Clerini) 57 95 " Enopliinae < < 95 " Tarsosteninae i I 95 Ciidae (=Cisidae) 55 92 Meloidae (Possibly more naturally connected with Can- 78 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA SERIES PAGE PLATE Meloidea tliaroidea than "with CleroicTea ) " L r 1 1 i n a e (Zonabrini, Henoini, Lyttini) 58 96 Melomae (Meloini) " 96 " Horimae 59 — " Xemog'iiathmae (Sitarini, Nemognathini) " 96 " Tetraonycidae " 97 " Rhipiphoridae (=Ripiphoridae) " 97 Mordelloidea Mordellidae (Mordellmi, Mordellis- teiiini) 60 98 Cerambycoidea Cerambycidae Prioninae 61 99,100 " Cerambycinae " 99,100 " Asemmae " 99, 100 Lepturinae 62 99,100 " Lamiinae 61 99, 100 Disteniinae 62 100 Bostrichoidea Ptmidae 62 101 Aiiobiidae " 101 Bostrichidae , " 101 " Psoidae (Dmodermi, Polycaonini, ~ Psoini) " 102 Lyctidae 63 102 Chrysomeloidea Bruchidae (= IMylabridae) " ' Pachymermae (Caryo- dini, Pachymerini) .. 63 103 Bruchinae " 103 " Sagridae " 104 " Orsodacnidae " Orsodacninae " 105 " Zengophorinae " 105 Donaciidae (Donaciini, Plateumar- ini) " 106 •• Camptosomatidae " C hi amy din a e (= Fulcidaci- nae) 64 107 Clytrinae " 107 " Cryptocephali- nae " — 79 LARVAL FORMS OF COLPJOPTERA seri'es page plate Chrysomeloidea " Lampi-osominae 64 — Eumolpidao " 108 " Crioeei'idac 65 109 " Chrysomelidae " 109 «' Galerneidac " Galerneinae " 110 Diabroticinae " 111 " Halticinae ( = Altici- nae) " 112.113.114 " Hispidae 66 115 Cassididae " 116 Platystomoidea Platystomidae (= Choragidae) " Bracliytarsinae " 117 " Choraginae " 117 Curculinoidea (Belidae)^'' — — « Brentidae 66 118 Proterhinidae " 119 " Attelabidae " Rlivnc'hitinae (= Cim- berinae) " 118 Attelabinae " — " Apionidae 67 120 " Curciilioiiidae Cnrculioninae " 120,121.123 " Lissorhoptrinae " 122 Calendridae " 123 Platvpodidae " " Scolytidae " " Lymexyloidea Lymexvlidae Lvmexvlinae 68 124 Hylecoetinae " " (Telegeusidae)®*' — — 80 LAEVAL FOEMS OF COLEOPTEEA ABBREVIATIONS USED ON THE FIGURES -10 am amb an ans ant, ap at b bis bis c cl ely: en CO col crs ex cxl first to tenth abdominal segments. a, arm of the spiraeular closing apparatus, abs, annular-biforous type of spiracle (an apparently annular spiracle but provided Avith two small air-tubes), ac, accessory ventral condyle of mandible, al, anal lobe. air, alar area (= pasc, parascutal area ; a tergal area immedi- ately above the epipleural area ; in the abdominal seg- ments usually carrying the spiracle), basal articulating membrane of antenna, ambulatory wart (sometimes named "ampulla" or "scan- sorial wart " ) . anus, annular type of spiracle (ringlike with a simple opening and no accessory tubes or chamber), antenna. appendage of tenth abdominal segment, atrium of spiracle (a part between the spiraeular mouth- piece and the trachea), bulla of spiracle. bilabiate type of spiracle (an elongate, annular spiracle with a pair of projecting lips interior to the spiraeular frame), biforous type of spiracle (spiracle provided with a pair of distinct airtubes ) . cardo (with jca, pc, sea ; pis. 40 T, 89 G*). claw (or "ungulus") from distal end of tarsus, clypeus. canal or sulcus in the mandible or in other buccal struc- tures, membrane between head and prothorax. collum (necklike constriction of head around the occipital foramen), cribriform spiracle (spiracle provided with a sievelike plate). coxa. coxal lobe (= parasternum, an abdominal, usually triangu- lar area extending from hypopleurum toward the sagit- tal line of sternum ; often separating laterally euster- num and sternellum). da, dorsal articulation of mandible (= mandibular fossa). dis, dististipes (an anterior i^ortion of the maxillary stipes). dl, dorso-lateral suture (a frequently rather indistinct groove immediately below the spiracle-bearing parascutal area; 81 LARVAL FOEMS OF COLEOPTERA ill abdomen parallel Avitli the veiitro-lateral suture, in thorax more oblique). e, epidermis (=hypodermis). ecr, epicranium. ecrs, ej^icranial suture (median suture between the two epi- cranial halves and behind the posterior end of frons). em, epimeron. ep, epistomal margin (the anterior margin of the cranium between the two dorsal articular projections for the mandibular fossae). epp, epipleurum (term introduced by Hopkins for the lateral area immediately above the ventro-lateral suture and below the alar area ; dorsallj^ limited in thoracic seg- ments by a normally oblique, in abdominal segments always horizontal dorso-lateral suture; pi. 95 Q). epr, epipharjmgeal rod. eps, episternum. epx, epipharynx. est, eusternum (anterior sternal area in front of the suture between the furcal pits). f, frons. fe, femur. fl, flexor of the mandible. fs, frontal suture (paired suture between frons and one or other of epicranial halves ; usually dividing the ring- shaped sclerome to which the antenna is attached). ga, galea. gl, glossa (dorsal surface of ligula). gld, gland. gs, gular suture (either a paired suture between gular plate and one or other of epicranial halves, or, when pregular plate is present, an unpaired, median longitudinal suture behind this plate and between the ventrally adjacent epicranial halves, or, when the gular area is entirely absent, an unpaired median longitudinal suture behind snbmentnm and between the ventrally adjacent epi- cranial halves. gu, gnla (area behind submentum, separated from this bv a real or imaginary suture between posterior articulations of the two cardines). hb, hypopharyngeal bracon (a term introduced by A. D. Hop- kins for a transverse brace between hypopharjTix and the anterior part of the hypostomal margin). he, hypopharyngeal sclerome. hp, hyp()i)leurum (a term introduced by A. D. Hopkins for the lateral area immediately below the ventro-lateral 82 LARVAL FOEMS OF COLEOPTERA suture ; in thorax usually carrying the two scleromes episternum. anterior to the articulation of the coxa, and epimeron, posterior to this articulation). hr, hypopharyngeal rod. hx, hypopharynx. I13', hypostomal margin (the ventral marginal thickening of each of the epicranial halves between the articulation of the ventral mandibular condyle and the ventral tentorial pit. tp; pis. 3 F, 31 F, 99, 107 B). is, intersegmental membrane, jca, .juxtacardo (a separate part of cardo extending from cardo proper toward submentum). jx, juxta stipes (a separate part of stipes extending from stipes proper toward mentum). lab, labrum. lac & la, lacinia. lb, labium (the unit consisting of submentum, mentum, pre- mentum, ligula and labial palpi). li, ligula and in some figures glossa. Im, lacinia mandibulae (= prostheca = lacinia mobilis, a fleshy or membranous process from the interior face of the mandible; see: r, retinaculum). Ip, labial palpus (never more than two-jointed in coleopterous larvae). Ipg, labial palpiger (in a few coleopterous larvae appearing as a free joint; see: jDm, prementum). Is, labial stipes (see: pm, prementum). It, median line on the free surface of the airtubes of the biforous spiracle, m, mentum (a labial area limited anteriorly by the posterior margin of the premental area and posteriorly by a trans- verse suture running approximately between the front margins of the maxillary cardines). ma, mala (a single maxillary lobe not differentiated into an outer lobe, or galea, and an inner lobe, or lacinia). md, mandible. mo, the molar or grinding structure of the mandible, mpf, maxillary palpiger. mst, niesothorax. mtt, metathorax. mx, maxilla, mxl, maxillula (=pgn). mxp, maxillary palpus. mxs, maxillary articulating area (between stipes maxillae and cardo maxillae, exteriorly, and mentum and submentum, interiorly). 83 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA n, nasale (an anterior and median projection from frons, formed either by a fusion of frons, clypeus and labrum, or sometimes by frons and clypeus alone ; in this latter case labrum is small and hidden below the nasal projec- tion). 0, ocellus. 06, oesophagus. of, occipital foramen, or, orifice of the spiracle, p, maxillary palpiger. pag, paragula (a paired, usually elongate, sclerome on either side of gula ; found in ostomid, clerid and some other larvae), pasc, parascutal area (= air, alar area). pc, precardo (anterior part of bipartite cardo). pg, pregula (an anterior part of the gular plate found in front of a median gular suture ; present, for instance, in many hydrophiloid and staphylinoid larvae), pgl, paraglossa (paired lobe on either side of glossa (gl) ; not to be confused with the maxillulae (pgn ; pi. 11, fig. E). pgn, maxillula (= superlingua, a single or bidivided, lobe-shaped mouthpart on either side of the hypopharyngeal region), ph, pharynx, plb, pedal lobe (a fleshy, bumplike, non-segmented rudiment of a leg). pm, prementum (= Is plus Ipg, term used by K. L. Henriksen for the area lying in front of mentum in coleopterous larvae and consisting of the fused labial stipites with the labial palpigera included but with the ligula and labial palpi excluded), po, pleurostomal margin (the lateral marginal thickening of each epicranial half between the dorsal and ventral mandibular articulations) . pon, paronychial appendix (=pulvillus). pos, postscutellum. post, poststernellum. pr, prostheca (=lm, lacinia mandibulae). prt, prothorax. psc, prescutum. pst, presternum. pxs, proxistipes (a posterior portion of maxillary stipes). r, retinaculum (a hard, pointed, and tooth shaped process usualh' near or at the middle of the inner edge of the mandible; never jointed). re, I'etractor mandibulae. 84 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA s, seta. sc, scutum, sea, subcardo (posterior part of bipartite eardo). scl, scutellum. scler, selerome. sj, supplementary joint of antenna (= "tactile papilla" or ' ' sensory appendix " ) . sm, submentum (an unpaired median area lying approximately between the maxillarj^ cardines on the underside of the head). sp, spiracle. srp, stridulatory plate, srt stridulatory teeth. st, maxillary stipes. stl, sternellum. su, the sucking portion of the last abdominal segment, sty, stylus. t, tarsungulus (here regarded as a terminal joint of the leg formed by fusion of the tarsus and the claw; modern authors, however, maintain that in coleopterous larvae with legs having five or less joints this clawlike terminal structure which they call "pretarsus" or "dactylopo- dite" is a simple joint, that there is no claw ("ungu- lus"), and that tarsus is eliminated or united with tibia). ta, tentorial arm. tb, tentorial bridge (bridge within head between the posterior ends of the hypostomata). tg, tergum. ti, tibia. tp, ventral tentorial pit. tr, trochanter. tu, the usually fingershaped, paired airtubes of a biforous spiracle, u, uncus. ur, urogomphus (a process, usually paired, projecting from the posterior end of tergum of the ninth abdominal segment ; may be jointed and movable by muscles, or unjointed and immovable; urogomphus is commonly known as '^cer- cus" or "pseudocercus"). YC, ventral condyle of mandible. vf, fossa in anterior end of hypostoma for the ventral articula- tion of the mandible. vl, A^ntro-lateral suture (or merely the "lateral suture" when a distinction between this important suture and the rather insignificant dorso-lateral suture is not necessary; 85 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA it is a continuous, longitudinal groove, in the thorax run- ning immediately above the two scleromes episternum and epimeron or, when these are indistinct or absent, above the hypopleural area to which they belong, in the abdomen running above liypopleural area and between the pitlike impressions where the ventral and dorsal wedges of the intersegmental membranes meet when these are present). vr, scansorial wart (= "tuber scansorium" Schiodte). *, jointlike appendix of galea (=bl, bladelike appendix in Donaciidae; pis. 106 G and K, 110 I, 111 G). 86 PLATES 1-125 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 1. Cupesidae A. Cupes concolor Westw. : Head. Dorsal view. B. " " : Right mandible. Inner face. C. " " : Buccal structures, hypopharynx, bra- con, tentorial arm, and maxilla. Dorsal view. D. " " : Spiracle. E. " " : Larva. Lateral view. F. " " : Ninth and tenth abdominal segments. Ventral view. G. " '' : Head and prothorax. Ventral view. 8S PLATE 1 LARVAL FORMS OF C'OLEOPTERA Plate 2 Micronialthidae A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Micromalthus debilis Lee. Legless larva ; head. Dorsal view. Right maxilla. Ventral view. Head. Ventral view. Rig'ht mandible. Ventral view. Hypopharyngeal sclerome, hypo- pharyngeal braeon, and lignla. Dorsal view. Hypoi^liaryngeal sclerome, hypo- pharyngeal braeon, and ligula. Lateral view. Larva. Lateral view. Tip of abdomen. Ventral view. Spiracle. First larval instar ; leg with tibia, tarsns and two claws. 90 M/cro/na/fhi^s LARA^\L FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 3 Rhysodidae A. Clinidiiim sculptile Newn. : Head. Dorsal view. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Right mandible. Ventral view. Right mandible. Dorsal view. Head ; Ip, read : li, ligula. Ventral view. Larva. Lateral view. Ventral mouthparts; Ip, read: pgl, paraglossal ( ? ) . Dorsal view. Details of abdominal tergum. Leg and its attachment to hypo- pleurum. Head and prothorax. Ventral view. Spiracle with closing apparatus and spiracular trachea. 92 PLATE 3 LABVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTKRA Plate 4 Cicindelidae, Carahidae A. (Tlierates sp. ?) ( In rotten avoocI. British Solomon Isl.) : Larva. Lateral view. B. Amblycheila cylindrif ormis Say : Part of head. Dorsal view. C. Cicindela limbalis Klug : Leg. D. Amblycheila cylindriformis : Part of head. Ventral view. E. Omus californicus Esch. : Abdominal segment. Lateral view. F. Laemostenns terricola Herbst (Denmark) : Anterior part of larva. Ventral view. G. " " " " : Anterior Part of larva. Lateral view. H. " " " " : Larva. Dorsal view. I. Glyptus sculptilis Brulle (Sierra Leone) : Larva. Lateral vieAv. 94 PLATE 4 emo. (. Glyptus LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 5 Omophronidae, Haliplidae, Hygrohiidae, Noteridae A. Oinopliron (iiitidum Lee?) (Texas) : Larva. Dorsal view. B. " " : Leg. C " ** : Labium. Ventral view. D. " ** : Anterior part of head. Ventral view. E. " " : Anterior part of head. Dorsal view. F. Haliplns confinis Steph. (Denmark) : Third leg. Gr. " " : Larva. Dorsal view. H. " " : Head. Dorsal view I. Hygrobia tarda Herbst. (Denmark) : End of body. Ventral view. J- " ** : Larva. (Natural posi- tion of head more nutant ; notice the very long eighth abdominal segment.) K. Noterus elavicornis Deg. (=N. sparsus Marsh.) (Denmark) : Right mandible. Ventral view. L. " '' : Antenna. M. Hygrobia tarda : Head. Dorsal view. N. Noterus elavicornis : Ventral moutliparts. Ven- tral A^ew. O- ** " : End of body. Ventral view. P- (f ic . j^^j.yg_ Lateral view. 96 PLATE 5 N. Noter. Hyg. J. Hy^rohia 0. Notcr. P. Moterus LARVAL FOR:\rS OF COLEOPTERA A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. h. M. Plate 6 Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae Hyclaticiis transversalis Pontopp. (Denmarl; Hypliydriis ovatus L. (Denmark) Dinentes americanus Say Hydaticiis transversalis Hyphydrns ovatus Hydatiens transversalis Dinentes americanus Head. Ventral view. Head. Ventral view. Tip of eighth abdominal segment. Head. Lateral view. Leg. Larva. Dorsal view. Larva. Dorsal view. End of abdomen. Lateral view. Mandible. Maxilla. Larva. Dorsal view. Antenna. Head. Ventral view. 1)8 PLATE 6 J. Dlneutes ^, V Dmeufe LAEVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTFRA Plate 7 AmpMzoidae, Pa ussidae A. Amphizoa lecontei Mattli. : Head. Ventral view. B. " " : Larva. Dorsal view. C. " " : Prothorax. Ventral view. D. " " : End of abdomen. Ventral view. E. " " : End of abdomen. Dorsal view. P. " " : Metathoracic leg. G. " " : Left mandible. Dorsal view. H. " " : Hypopharynx, etc. Dorsal view. I. Paussuskannegieteri Wasm. (Java) : Head. Ventral view. J. " " : Plight mandible. Dorsal view. K. " " : Head. Dorsal view. L, *' ** : Eighth abdominal segment. Dorsal view. M. " " : Larva. Lateral view. 100 PLATE 7 Pai^sscts LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 8 Limnehiidae A. Ochtliebius impressus Marsh. (Denmark) B. C. D. E. F. " " G. Limnebius papposus Mills. (Denmark) H. I. J. K. L. Limnebius sp. (Denmark) Limnebius papposus * Special abbreviations applied. Head. Dorsal view.* Mandible. Leg. Head. Ventral view.* Larva. Ventral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Larva. Dorsal view. Head. Dorsal view. Spiracle. Larva. Lateral view. Mandible. Anterior part of body. Lateral view. 102 PLATE 8 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 9 Hydroscapliidae A. Hydroscaplia natans Lee. : Last abdominal segments. Ventral view. B. " " : Larva. Lateral view. C. " '' : Larva. Dorsal view. D. " " : Right leg of mesothorax. E. " " : Left mandible. Ventral vieAv. F. " " : Head. Ventral view. 104 PLATE 9 A-F Hydroscap/ja LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 10 Leptinidae, Ptiliidae A. Leptinus testaceus Miill. : Larva. Dorsal view. B. i i I i : Eight mandible. Ventral view. C. D. t i i i : Hypopharynx ; pgn, paraglossa. : Head. Dorsal view. E. i i i I : Head. Ventral view. F. Nossidiuni aiuericanum Mots. : Right mandible. Ventral view. G. i i i ( : Leg. H. i c 1 1 : Antenna. I. a (( : Head. Ventral view. J. ( ( < ( : End of left maxilla. Ventral view. K. < ( ( ( : Larva. Lateral view. L. i ( (I : Epipliarynx. 106 PLATE 10 Noss'idiuim LAEVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 11 Anisoi omidae-Liodinae ( Anisotoniidae-Cholevinae A. Liodes liiiineralis F. (Denmark) : B. Anisotoma glabra Kugel. (Denmark) : C. Clioleva sp. (Denmark) : D. " " : E. Adelops hirtus Tellk. : F. " " G. Prionochaeta opaca Say H. Adelops hirtus I. Prionochaeta opaca J. K. L. M. A, B) (C-M) Right mandible. Ven- tral view. Lignla and paraglossa. Antenna. Right mandible. Ven- tral view. Lignla, paraglossa, max- illnla, hypopharynx. and hypopharyngeal bracon. Tip of maxilla. Head. Dorsal view. Right mandible. Ven- tral vieAv. Right mandible. Ven- tral view. Head. Ventral view. Labium and ventral buc- cal structures. Lateral view. Larva. Lateral view. Lignla, maxillula, hy- popharynx. and hypo- pharyngeal bracon. 108 PLATE 11 M. Pr/Ci^ochacro LARVAL F0RM8 OF COLEOPTERA Plate 12 Scaphidiidae, Plafypsyllidae A. Scapliisoma convexuni Say B. C. D. E. Platypsylliis castoris Kits. F. " " G. H. I. J. K. Scapliisoma convexum Platypsylliis castoris Ligiila and paraglossa. Buccal view. Head. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Right mandible. Ventral view. Abdominal segment. Dorsal view. Mature larva. Dorsal view. Leg of tirst iiistar. Right mandible of mature larva. Dorsal view. Head of first iiistar. Ventral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Head of mature larva. Ventral view. 110 PLATE 12 Scaph/soma P/c3ti/pSif//i^S LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 13 Silphidae-Silphinae A. Silpha (noveboraeensis Forst. ?) B. C. D. E. F. '' " G. H. T I i li J. Necrodes littoralis L. (Denmark) Prothorax. Ventral view. Labium and hypopharynx. Lateral vieAv. Hypopharyngeal structures. Dorsal view. Right mandible. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Left maxilla. Dorsal view. Head. Dorsal view. Tenth abdominal segment. Larva. Lateral view. 112 PLATE 13 LAEVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 14 Staphylinidae-Piestinae, Staphylinidae-Aleocharinae A. Gyropliaena sp. : Head. B. Piestus pygmaeus Casteln. (Brazil) C. D. Gyropliaena sp. E. Piestus pygmaeus P. " " G. Gyropliaena sp. H. Piestus pygmaeus I. Gyropliaena sp. Head. Larva Head. Dorsal view. Dorsal view. Lateral view. Ventral view. Hypopliaryngeal s t r u c - tures. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Diagram illustrating ab- dominal scleromes. Diagram illustrating ab- dominal scleromes. Larva. Lateral view. 114 PLATE 14 E. P/esUfS P/esfus I . Oc/rophaena LARVAL FOEMS OF COLIJOPTERA Plate 15 A. Paedcrus B. Thiiiopin C. Tachinus D. Oxvtelus Staphylinidae Stapliylinidae- Staphylinidae- Staphylinidae- riparius L. (Denmar us })ietus Lee. fiimipennis Say insio'iiitus Grav. E. Tacliiniis fiimipennis F. Paederiis riparins G. OxYtelns insignitns H. I. Tacliinns fnniipennis J. K. L. Oxvtelus insio'nitus Oxytelinae, Tachyporinae, Thinopininae, Paederinae k) : DiagTam illustrating- abdomi- nal scleromes. : Diagram illustrating abdomi- nal scleromes. : Diagram illustrating abdomi- nal scleromes. : Diagram illustrating abdomi- nal scleromes. Head. Ventral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Head. Lateral view. Head. Ventral view. Head. Lateral view. Head. Dorsal view. Posterior end of abdomen. Lateral view. Head. Dorsal view. 116 PLATE 15 T(^c/7/ni^^ Or-L/te/us LAEVAL FOEMS OF COLEOPTEEA Plate 16 Staphylinidae-Aleocharinae (F-I) , StapJiylinidae-Proteininae ( J-M) , Scydmaenidae (A-E) A. Eiimicrus longicollis Csy. Right mandible. Ventral view B. << a Head. Ventral view. C. a a Spiracle. D. a a Larva. Dorsal view. E. a i I Leg. F. Maseocliara sp. (Arizona) Leg. a. 11 ii Mature larva. Lateral view. H IC It Head. Dorsal view. I. ii i i Head. Ventral view. J. Proteinus atomarius Er. : Head. Lateral view. K. ii it Mesothoracic leg. L. ii it : Head. Ventral view. M. 1 1 it : Larva. Dorsal view. 118 PLATE 16 K. Proteinus M. Prote//7i/s LAEVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 17 Stapliylinidae-Omaliinae, Sfaphylinidac-Steninae A. Stenus sp. B. Omalium rivulare Payk. (Denmark) C. Stenus sp. D. Omalium rivulare E. Stenus sp. F. Omalium rivulare G. Head. Ventral view. Head. Ventral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Head. Dorsal view. Head. Lateral view. Diao'ram illustratin<>' dominal scleromes. Larva. Lateral view. ab- 120 PLATE 17 O/nal/o/m OmaJ/c4/7J LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 18 Staphylinidae-TMnopininae, 8taj)hylinidae-Paederinae A. Thinopinus pictus Lee. B. Paederus riparius L. (Denmark) C. D. Thinopinus pictus E. F. Paederus riparius G. Thinopinus pictus H. I. J. Hypopharynx. Hypopharynx. Head. Ventral view. Prothorax. Ventral view. Head. Dorsal view. Head. Lateral view. Diag'ram illustrating position of antennae and mouth- parts. Abdominal spiracle. Head. Ventral view. Head. Lateral view. 122 PLATE 18 LAEVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 19 Scydmaenidae (A-D). Pselaphidae (E-J) A. Seydniaeiiidae (Plninmers Isl., Maryland) : Head. Ventral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Larva. Lateral view. Head. Dorsal view. Head. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Larva. Ventral view. Ventral m o u t h - part s. Ventral view. Larva. Lateral view. Larva. Dorsal view. B. C. D. E. Batrisodes monstrosns Lee. F. Enplectus conflnens Lee. G. Batrisodes monstrosns H. J. Enplectns conflnens 124 PLATE 19 Batri LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 20 Histeridae A. Platysoma sp. B. Saprinus estriatus Lee. C. D. E. Teretrius sp. F. " " G. H. I. Hololepta yucateea Mars, J. K. Paromalus aeqiialis Say. L. Hister unieolor L. (Denmark) M. Hololepta yucateea N. Hister unieolor 0. Q. " R. Hololepta yueateea Right mandible. Dorsal view. Right mandible. Dorsal view. Head. Dorsal view. Ventral mouthparts. Ventral view. Tibia and tarsungulus. Ventral mouthparts. Ventral view. Head. Dorsal view. Right mandible. Dorsal view. Larva. Dorsal view. Ventral mouthparts with mus- cles (Diagram). Leg. Vertical longitudinal section of spiracle, closing apparatus, and the epidermal tissues which form these parts in the following larval stage. (Notice the barrel shaped layer of one of the tubes of the next spiracle). Thorax. Ventral view. Closing apparatus of spiracle. Cross section of tubes of bi- forous spiracle. Spiracle cut horizontally to show the inner lumen of tubes. Spiracle from above. Larva. Lateral view. 12G PLATE 20 -Jt -^" a. Wjter R , Ho/o/epU LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 21 Histeridae, Helophoridae, SpercJieidae A. Helopliorns aquaticus L. (Denmark) : Head. Dorsal vieAv. B. Sperchens emarginatus Scliall (Denmark) : Maxilla. Ventral view. C. D. Helophorus aquaticus E. F. Spereheus emarginatus G. H. I. Histeridae (British Guiana. Termitophil- ous larva of unknown genus col- lected by Dr. E. A. Emerson) Head. Y e n t r a 1 view. Larva. V e n t r a 1 view. Larva. V e n t r a 1 view. Leo". Ma'iidible. Larva. Dorsal view. Larva. Lateral view. 128 PLATE 21 F! Sper. '^~\^^ G. SperT^ H. Spe re beus LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 22 Hjjdrovh l(](u\ Hjjdyoph ilidae-Beyosinae, Hijdroplulklae-Hydrophilinae, Hydrophilidae-Hydro'biinae A. B. C. D. E. P. G. Hydrocliiis sqnamifer Lee. (After E. A. liiehmond) Berosus signatieollis Charp. (Denmark) Laccobiiis iniiiutus L. (Denmark) Hydrochns sqnamifer '(After E. A. Richmond) Berosus spinosus Stev. (Denmark) Ilydrophilus earaboides L. (Denmark) H. Laccobins minutus I. J. K. L. M. N. 0. P. Q. E. Hydrobins fuscipes L. (Denmark) Paracynuis aenens Germ. (Denmark) Helochares lividns Porster (Denmark) Enoehrns melanocephalus Od. (=E. bi- color Payk.) (Denmark) a i I i( (< Philydrns sp. (Denmark) Enoehrns melanoceplialns Ventral mouthparts. Ventral view. Anterior part of head. view. Head. Larva. Dorsal Dorsal view. Dorsal view. Larva. Dorsal view. Larva. Dorsal view. End of body. Lateral view. Anterior part of body. Ventral view. Larva. Lateral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Head. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Head. Dorsal view. First instar. Dorsal view. End of bod}'. Dorsal view. Head. Dorsal view. Proleg'. V e n t r o - lateral view. Proleg-. V e n t r 0 - lateral view. Larva. Dorso-lateral view. 130 PLATE 22 J. Hydroh O.Enoch. P. Enoch. Q.p T*^' ^- ilnochrus LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 23 Hijdroph ilidae-HydropMlinae (A) , Hydrophilidae-Hydrohiinae (B, G, H), Hijdroph Uidae-Sphaeridiinae (C-F, I-P) A. Hj^drous piceus L. (Denmark) : Larva. Dorsal view. B. Paracymus aeneus Germ. (Den mark) D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. Anterior part of larva, view. Chaetartria seminulnm Herbst (Denmark) Paracymus aeneus Chaetartria seminnlnm Coelostoma orbicnlare F. (Den- mark) L. M. N. 0. Dorsal Larva. Lateral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Head. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Posterior part of larva. Dorsal view. Leg. End of body. Dorsal view. Leg-. Anterior part of head. Dorsal view. Head. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Anterior part of larva. Lateral view. Prothorax and mesothorax. Ventral view. 132 PLATE 23 Coe'lostoma P- Coc\ostoma. LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 24. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. 0. P. Q. Pt. s. T. U. H ydro philidae-S phaeridiinae Undetermined larva (Cryptopleurum (?), Megastennmi (0. or Cercyon (?) 3mm. long') (Ireland) : Left mandible. " : Anterior part of head. Dorsal view. Right mandible. Larva. Ventral view. Ventral mouthparts. Ventral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Spiracle of eighth abdominal segment. Leg. Legs and part of abdomen. view. Anterior part of head. Dorsal view. Maxilla. Ventral view. Sphaeridinm bipnstnlatnm F. (Denmark) Undetermined larva (Crypto- plenrnm? etc. as above) Sphaeridinm bipnstnlatnm Paracereyon flavipes Thnnbg. (= Cercyon a n a 1 i s Payk.) (Denmark) Sphaeridinm bipnstnlatnm Paracereyon flavipes Sphaeridinm bipnstnlatnm Sphaeridinm scarabaeoides L. (Denmark) Sphaeridinm bipnstnlatnm Paracereyon flavipes Right mandible. Larva. Ventral view. Right mandible. Left mandible. Left mandible. End of body. Dorsal view. End of body. Dorsal view. Labinm. Ventral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Ventral monthparts. Ventral view. 134 Q. R. T S. Sphaendium LAEVAL FOKMS OF COLEOFTEHA A. B. C. D. E. F. Plate 25 Lathridiidae, Monotomidae Cartodere costulata Reit. : Anterior Melanophthalma chamaeropis Fall. Cartodere costulata G. Melanophthalma chamaeropis H. I. Gortiearia dentigera Lee. J. Lathridiidae (genus?) K. Eufallia seminiveus Mots. L. M. Hesperobaenus n. sp. (Florida) N. 0. p a a Q. R. S. T. U. part of head. Ventral view. Mandible. Extero-dorsal view. Mandible, labial palpi, hy- popharynx. Mandible. Buccal view. Larva. Lateral view. Eighth and ninth abdomi- nal segments. Dorsal view. Ocelli, antenna. End of maxilla. Mandible. Ventral view. Mandible. Dorsal view. Larva. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Head. Dorsal view. Tip of mala. Spiracle. Hypopharynx. Head. Ventral view. Seventh, eighth, and ninth abdominal segments. Dorsal view. Larva. Lateral view. Tip of leg. lyiandible. 136 PLATE 25 E. C artodere H. Me/anobh. Q.. Hes l^ero taenus. R. Hespe. 5'Hes. T- Hes U-He^. LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 26 Eucinetidae A. Eucinetus (morio Lee?) (Florida) : Head. Dorsal view. B. '' " : Head. Ventral view. C. " " : Head. Lateral view. D. *' '* : Right mandible. Ventro- basal view. E. " " : Larva; notice annular spiracles. (From cast skin on slide). Lateral view. F. " " , : Left mandible. Ventral view. G. " " : Tip of maxilla. H. " " : Hypopliarynx ; pgn to the right, read : pgl. 138 PLATE 26 WyVUU/n^Zlld (/mor-UrJl^ ^ LAEVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 27 Derodontidae, Murni idiidae A. Derodontus B. maculatus Melsh. (?)* Head. Dorsal view. End of abdomen. Dorsal C. < i view. Abdominal biforous spira- D. E. P. " g'. H. cle on process. Hypopharynx. Larva. Lateral view. Head. Ventral view. Leg. Left mandible. Ventral I. Murmidius J. K. ovalis Beck. view. Head. Ventral view. Hypopharyngeal s t r u c- ture. Left mandible. Ventral L. ( ( view. Larva. Dorsal view. * Larva not reared slimy fungus below bark but collected together with imago from of dying tulip tree. 140 PLATE 27 WDeraafo/ifi.f$ Murfyi/cZ/'i^s LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 28 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. KhizojjlKifjidde, Langnriidae-Languriinae Ldngnriidae-Ckidoxeninae (K, M, 0, Q) Rhizophagus grandis Gyll. (Finland) : Head. Ventral view. " ' : Head. Dorsal view. ** " : Ninth abdominal seg- ment. Dorsal view. : Mandible. " " : Spiracle. Lateral view. " " : Spiracle. Exterior view. " " : Larva. Lateral view. Head. Dorsal view. Right mandible. Ven- tral view. Left mandible. Ven- tral view. Left mandible. Ven- tral view. Larva. Lateral view. Larva. Lateral view. Hypophar\Tix, maxilla. Head. Dorsal view. Larva. Dorsal view. Hypopharynx, maxilla. Langnria angustata BeauA' K. Pharaxonotha kirschi Reit. L. Languria angustata M. Pharaxonotha kirschi N. Languria angustata 0. Pharaxonotha kirschi •p a a Q. 142 PLATE 28 .angurja 0. " p rharaxonoihcj LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 29 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Cryptophagidae Cryptophagus saginatus Sturm. Antherophagus sp. Cryptophagus saginatus Telmatophilus typhae Fall. (Denmark^ K. L. M. N. 0. P. Q. R. S. T. U. Henoticus germanicns Reit. (London ; in jam) Head. Ventral view. Antenna, ocelli. Lat- eral view. Epipliarynx. Larva. Dorsal view. Mandible. Ventral view. Mandible. Exterior view. Hypopharynx. Spiracle. Antenna, ocellus. Lat- eral view. Mandible. Ventral view. Thoracic spiracle. Third abdominal spiracle. Larva. Dorsal view. End of abdomen. Lat- eral view. Tip of mandible. Part of mandible. Ventral view. Third abdominal spiracle. Anterior part of larva. Dorso-lateral view. Antenna. Ocelli. Lateral view. End of body. Dorsal view. 144 PLATE 29 MTel. Q . "^^" R. S. Henoticus LAEVAL FOE MS OF COLEOPTEEA D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Plate 30 Silvanidae-Silvaninae, Silvanidae-Telephanmae A. Oiyzaephilus surinamensis L. B. Catliartus advena Waltl. C. Oryzaephiliis surinamensis Coccidotroplius socialis Scliwarz and Barber (British Guiana) Oryzaephilus surinamensis Coecidotrophus socialis Nausibius clavicornis Kug. Coecidotrophus socialis L. M. N. 0. Telephanus (pallidus Schauf. ?) (On cane, Porto Rico, reared) Antenna. Head. Lateral view. Ventral mouthparts. Ventral view. Spiracle. Larva. Lateral view. Posterior part of left mandible ; til. pr, stiff chitinous fila- ments. Ventral view. Head and prothorax. Dorso-lateral view. Anterior part of head. Dorsal view. Epipharynx. Maxilla, hypopharjmx, maxillular area and glossa. (Special ab- breviations.) Larva. Dorsal view. Head. Lateral view. End of abdomen. Lat- eral view. Mandible. Ventral mouthpart^. Buccal view. 146 PLATE 30 A.Oryzae. ^f"'^' C. Qryraephi lus Tele phanus. LAEYAL FOEMR OF COLEOPTERA Plate 31 C ucujidae-Cucuj inae , Cucujidae-Brontinae ( L ) , LaemopJiloeklae (G-K) A. Cuciijus clavipes F. B. C. D. E. F. G. Hemipeplus sp. (Cuba) H. I. J. J.* K. L. Brontes sp. Eight mandible. Ventral view. Head (Ocelli inset). Dorsal view. Protliorax. Ventral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Hypopliaryng'eal region. Head. Ventral view. Left mandible. Dorsal view. Epipliarynx. Ocelli. Lateral view. Ventral mouthparts. Ventral view. Hypopliarynx. Posterior end of abdomen ; sp. spir- acle. Ventral view. Posterior end of abdomen. Dorsal view. 148 PLATE 31 r^ce///' Jt . /YeM/'pe^/i^s K • //e/?i//yepAts\^» ^ra^/fis LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 32 Laemophloeidae, Phalacridae (A-G), Smicriijidae Olibrus aeneiis F. (Denmark) A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Laemopliloeus biguttatus Say T II (I J. Smicrips palmicola Lee. (Florida) K. Laemopliloeus biguttatus L. M. Smierips palmicola N. 0. P. Laemopliloeus biguttatus Q. Head. Dorsal view. Mandible. Dorsal view. Leg. Ventral mouthparts. Ven- tral view. Ocelli. Lateral view. Spiracle. Eighth and ninth abdom- inal segments. Dorsal view. Head. Dorsal view. Ventral mouthparts. Ven- tral view. Mandible. Ventral view. Mandible. Dorsal view. Larva ; thoracic and ab- dominal spiracles inset. Dorsal view. Larva ; annular thoracic spiracle inset. Lateral view. Ventral mouthparts. Ven- tral A'iew. Hypopharyngeal sclerome. Ninth abdominal segment. Dorsal view. End of leg. 150 PLATE 32 M.^SroJcnps. Laemophloeus LAEVAL FOEMS OF COLEOPTEEA Plate 33 Prostomidae (A-H), Catogenidae, Phalacridae Prostoinis niandibularis F. (Denmark) : End of abdomen. Ven- tral view. : Mandible. Dryoeora howitti Pasc. (New Zealand) : Ninth abdominal seg- ment. Dorsal view. D. Prostomis niandibularis E. F. " " G. Drvocora howitti H. I. J. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. Scalidia linearis Lee. Phalacrus sp. Scalidia linearis Phalacrus sp. Scalidia linearis Phalacrus sp. Phalacrus politus Melsh. S. T. Phalacrus sp. Head and prothorax ; thoracic spiracle in- set. Ventral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Maxilla. Ventral view. Head and prothorax. Dorsal view. Maxilla. Head. Dorsal view. Mandible. Dorsal view. Hypopharyngeal re- gion. Head. Ventral view. Leg. Larva. Lateral view. Larva. Lateral view. Head. Ventral view. Spiracle. Sixth to ninth ab- dominal segments. Dorsal view. Mandible. Dorsal view. Mandible. Ventral view 352 PLATE 33 QPhalacrus R.Phalacrus S-Phalacrus T LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 34 Corylophidae-Arthrolipinae C oryJophidae-C orylopliinae A. (Arthrolips sp., or possibly: Ortho- Larva; fo, glandular open- perus sp.) (?) : ing: or "foramen, Peyer- imhoff. " Dorsal view. B. C. D. Corylopliodes marginicollis Lee. E. Molamba lunata Lee. F. Corylopliodes marginicollis G. Saciiim sp. H. '' I. Molamba lunata Mandible. Head and prothorax. Ven- tral view. Head; na, nasale. Ventral view. Head ; na, nasale. Ventral view. Larva; fo, foramen. Dor- sal view. Right side of posterior part of body. Dorsal view. Leg. Larva ; f o, foramen. Dor- sal view. 154 PLATE 34 {9 B.Arthro. A.Arfhroiips D . C 0 ry 1 0 p b 0 des. 'Tv-^r^:^?^^ E.Molamta F, Corylophodes I.Moldmba LARVAL FOEMS OF f'OLEOPTERA Plate 35 A. Glischrocliilns obtiisus B. a it B. * Epuraea sp. C. Glisehrochilus obtusus D. (< <( E. (< (( F. (( (( Nitidulidae-Nitidulinae, Nitidulklae-Promeiopiinae Head. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Hvpopliaryngeal region. Spiracle. Mandible. Leg. Prothorax and mesothorax. Ventral view. Mandible. Larva. Lateral view. Antenna and ventral nioutli- parts. Ventral view. T'nknoAvn g-enns near Epuraea : Larva. Dorsal view. Mandible (possibly worn api- cally). Ventral view. Larva. Mostly a ventrolat- eral view. M. " '' : Ninth abdominal segment. Dorsal view. G. Lobiopa insularis Cast. H. Glisehrochilus obtusus I. Prometopia sexmaeulata Say J K. Prometopia sexmaeulata L. 156 PLATE 35 K . /royne/v/ttct I — froyne/cp/a M . ^ometop/a LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 36 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. K. L. M. N. 0. P. Nit id u lidae -Me ligethina e Nitidulidae-Cateretinae Meligethes aeneiis F. (Denmark) Head. Dorsal view. Leo-. Mandible. Ventral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Spiraele. Antenna and ventral monthparts. Ven- tral view. Eip-hth and ninth ab- dominal segments. Dorsal view. Antenna. Distal parts of maxilla Heterostomus pulicarins L. (= Brachyp- terus gravidns 111.) and labinm. tral view. Ven- Dor- Antenna, ocelli sal view. Tip of mala. Mandible. Larva. Dorsal view. Larva. Lateral view Distal end of leg. Ventral monthparts. Ventral view. 158 PLATE 36 A.Meligeihes B.Meligethei C, Mel/get hes G. Mel.-^eirhes " ' H.Meli^eehes*^',Meligeth es M. Brachypterus P Brachypterus LARVAL FORMS OF COLP]OPTERA Plate 37 Cyhocephalidae, C occinellidae-C occinellinae A. Cyboeephalns californieus Horn B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Hyperaspis signata Oliv. I. J. K. Head. Dorsal view. Antenna. Mandible. Head. Ventral view. Distal end of leg. Head. Anterior view. Larva. Dorsal view. Anterior part of larva. Lateral view. Mandible. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Larva; fo, glandular open- ing, or "foramen" of Pey- erimhoff. Dorsal view. Head. Antero-dorsal view. 160 PLATE 37 K. Hype ras pis L.Hyperaspis LAEVAL FORMS OF C0LE0PTP:RA Plate 38 Coccinellidae-Coccinellinae, Coccinellidae-Epilachninae Coccinella novemnotata Hbst. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Epilaehna borealis F. K. L. M. N. Spiracle. Head. Dorsal view. Buccal structures ; diagram- matic. Lateral view. Mandible. Ventral view. (Com- pare: Plate -to, fig. B). Larva. Lateral view. Tibia and tarsungulus. Hypopharyngeal bridge and bracon. Head. Ventral view. Prothorax and mesothorax. Ventral view. Head. Dorsal view. Larva. Lateral view. Mandible of first larval instar. Mandible of last larval instar. Hypopharynx, maxillulae, and fflossa. 162 PLATE 38 K £/>//ach)na L . E/o,/ach M . r^//oc/7»a N . Ejbj/ac/)y)a LARVAL FOR^rS OF COLEOPTERA I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. Plate 39 Endomychidac-Myceiaeinae ( A-G) , Endomychidae-Endomy china e (H-V) A. IMvcetaea hirta ]\Iarsli. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Amphix laevigatus Gerst. (= Cory- malus castanicolor Gorham) (Panama) : Aphorista vittata F. Stenotarsus hispidiis Hbst. Endomvclius eoecineus L. (Den- mark) big'uttatiis Say Outline of larva. Dorsal view. Head. Dorsal view. Distal end of maxillary mala. Larva. Lateral view. Mandible. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Hypopharyngeal s t r u c- tures. Mandible. Dorsal view. Mesothoracic spiracle on ventral side of body. Distal end of maxillary mala. Ventral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Head. Dorsal view. Fan-shaped hair. Mandible. Dorsal view. Larva. Ventral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Hypopharyngeal s t r u c- tiires. Mandible. Ventral view. Hypopharyngeal region. Lateral part of head. Spiracle. 164 PLATE 39 0./l/>/>or^,/c R ">/./^^ ^^^^J?- • ^1^'^'^:^''^^ r! /f/>^/. \ yl •Z:y>c/o/77yc/>M SmS/^^otarJUj ' • • '^^ 'X^StemtctKS. U •^dOAr7t/c/>u^ LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 40 Endomychidac-Endomyvhinae Endomyclius coccineus L. (Den- mark) B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Lycoperdina ferriioinea Le?. Lycoperdina suceincta L. (Den- mark) J. K. L. M. N. 0. P. Q. R. S. T. Rhymbus ulkei Cr. Mandible. Dorsal view. Hypopharyngeal structures and mandible ; mo {'I), molar part or possibly irregularly placed accessory ventral condyle (compare: plate 39, figs. E and S, plate 40, fig. J, and also plate 38, fig. D.) Left and median part of head. Posterior part of head. Distal end of maxilla. Ven- tral view. Tip of maxillary mala. Dor- sal view. Head. Dorsal view. ]\Iaxilla and tip of labium. Hypopharyngeal region and maxillary mala. Epipharynx and mandible. Larva. Dorsal view. Larva. Ventro-lateral view. Epipharynx. Leg, except the coxa. Head. Dorsal view. Head. Lateral view. Spiracle. Molar part of mandible. Fa- cial view from base of man- dible. ^Mandible. Ventral view. Maxilla and labium. 166 PLATE 40 <■■"'■■ ■ ■ V-"'^ LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 41 Erotylidae, Sphindidae A. Cyplierotvlus aspersus Gorh. B. C. D. Homoeotehis confusus Crotch. (Panama E. Cypherotyhis aspersus F. Sphindus americaniis Lee. G. Cyplierotvlus aspersus H. Sphindus americanus T i i ( ( J. K. L. M. Mandible. Ventral view. Mesothoracic spiracle. Head and prothorax. Ventral view. Larva. Lateral view. Hypopharyngeal region, tip of labium and dor- sal side of maxilla. Spiracle. Head. Dorsal view. Leg. Hypopliaryng'eal region. Larva. Lateral view. Head. Ventral view. Mandible. Ventral view. Head. Dorsal view. 108 PLATE 41 ^•Sp/)/f7c/cf^Y^MSp/i/nduS L.S/)A//7. f^7^^^,/?e/us LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 42 Dacnidae A. Megalodaciie (fasciata F . ?) Head. Lateral view. B. < ( Mandible. Ventral view. C. i End of maxilla. D. ( i Spiracle. E. I Head. Dorsal view. F. < Head. Ventral view. G. ( i Larva. Lateral view. H. ( < Antenna. I. ( ( Leg. J. (< I Hypopliarynx and lignla. Lat eral view. K. Pentlie pimelia F. Hypopliarynx and lignla. Lat eral view. L. Tritonia imicolor Say Mandible. Ventral view. M. (( << Larva. Lateral view. N. Penthe pimelia Mandible. Ventral view. 0. a n Antenna. P. a it Distal end of mala. Dorsal vie\\ Q. a ( ( Larva. Lateral vieAv. R. < < li Head. Dorsal view. s. I i i( Head. Ventral view. T. i i Spiracle. 170 PLATE 42 R. Penthe LARVAL FORMS OF C'OLEOPTERA Plate 43 Melandryidae A. Osphva liitous Horn B. C. D. E. F. Oreliesia castanea Melsh. G. H. J. Serropalpus barbatus Schall. K. Dircaea quadrimaciilata Say L. Serropalpus barbatus M. Rnshia longula Lee. N. 0. Dircaea qiiadrimaculata P. Eustropliinus bicolor F, Q. Melandrya striata Say R. Melandryidae (Genus not determined; S. rp a << U. Melandrya striata : V. AV. X. Y. Z. AE. Ventral moutliparts. Head. Ventral view. Leg. Mandible. Spiracle. Prementuni, labial palpi and 1 i g u 1 a. Posterior end of body. Ventral view. Posterior end of body. Mala. Prementuni, labial palpi and 1 i g u 1 a. Mala. Posterior end of body. Ninth abdominal seg- ment. Dorsal view. Ninth abdominal seg- ment. Lateral view. Antenna. Posterior end of abdo- men. Lateral view. Leg. Ninth abdominal seg- ment. Dorsal view. Mandible. Spiracle. Head. Dorsal view. Mandible. Dorsal view. Ventral mouthparts. Mala. Ventral view. Head. Ventral view. Antenna. Larva. Ijateral view. 17-2 PLATE 43 MelandKi/a AE. LAEYAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 44 Scraptiidae, Bothrideridae A. Scraptia sericea Melsh. : Head. Dorsal vieAV, B. ( < I ( g* cc 1 1 C. < < < < D. i i < ( E. C I ( i F. Bothrideres o^eminatus Say G. i I i I H. ii i I I. f( ( i Ventral mouthparts. Dorsal view. Ventral mouthparts. Ventral view. Mandible. Dorsal view. Posterior end of abdomen. Lat- eral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Distal part of leg. Anterior portion of ventral mouthparts. Ventral view. Antenna. Mandible. J. Deretaphrus oregonensis Horn : Mandible. K. " " : Spiracle. L. '' "■ : Head and thorax. view. M. " " : Head. Ventral view. N. " " : Larva. Lateral view. Ventral 174 PLATE 44 L l^erera/?/7rus H.Derehph. ^.Oeretaphn/is LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 45 Byturidae A. Byturus unicolor Say B. Byturus tomentosus F. (Denmark) C. D. E. F. " " G. Byturus unicolor H. Byturus tomentosus I. Byturus unicolor J. Byturus tomentosus K. Byturus unicolor L. Byturus tomentosus M. N. Byturus unicolor Larva. Lateral view. x\nterior part of larva. Ventral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Antenna. Right mandible. Cranium. Dorsal view. Ocelli. Lateral view. Left mandible. Head. Ventral view. Hypopharyngeal region. Leg. Ninth and tenth abdomi- nal segments. Lateral view. Ninth and tenth abdomi- nal segments. Ventral view. Spiracle. 176 PLATE 45 Byturus tomenirosus LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 46 Anthicidae A. Anthieiis lieroicus Cs}^ B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. 0. P. Q- K. 8. T. U. V. w, Anthicus sp. (Denmark) a < < Anthicus lieroicus Anthicus sp. (Denmark) Anthicus heroicus Notoxiis monoceros L. (Denmark) Mecynotarsus candidus Lee. Riglit mandible. Intero- ventral view. Left mandible ; le, linear elevation. Ventral view. Spiracle. Spiracle. Longitudinal sec- tion. Head. Dorsal view. Posterior end of abdomen. Ninth and tenth abdominal segments. Ventral \aew. Hypopharyngeal region. Prothoracic leg. Ventral mouthparts. Larva. Lateral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Hypopharyngeal region and maxilla. Urogomphi. Dorsal view. Spiracle. Lateral section. Right mandible ; le, linear elevation. Ventral view. Left mandible. Hypopharyngeal region and maxilla. Urogomphi. Ventral view. Mandible ; le, linear eleva- tion. Ventral view. Ninth and tenth abdominal segments. Lateral view. Nintli abdominal segment. Dorsal view. Ninth abdominal segment. Ventral view. 178 RNofoxus d.Nof oxus R.No^oxus S. Nohoxus T.Mecynofarsus U.Mecy. V.Mecyno tarsus W. Mecyno. LARVAL FOR^rs OF COLEOPTERA . Plate 47 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Anaspis Anaspis Anaspis Anaspis Anaspis J. K. L. M. N. 0. P. Q. R. sp sp. frontalis sp. Othnins umbrosus Lee. Anaspidae, Othniidae : Prothorax and part of meso- thorax. Ventral view, frontalis L. (Denmark) : Left mandible ; le, linear ele- vation. Ventral view. Head. Dorsal view. Larva. Lateral view. Spiracle. Hypopharyngeal region. Eio-hth and ninth abdominal segments. Dorsal view. Distal part of maxilla. Ven- tral view. Ventral mouthparts. Ven- tral view. Head. Dorsal view. Spiracle (annular-biforons) . Prothorax and mesothorax. Ventral view. Posterior end of abdomen. Ventral view. Hypopharyngeal region. Head. Ventral view. Leg. Mandible. Larva. Lateral view. 180 PLATE 47 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 48 Eurysteihidue, Boridae A. Eurystetlius calif ornicus Melsh. (= Aegialites debilis Mann.) : Spiracle sur- rounded by oval sclerome. Head. Dorsal view. Mandible. V e n- tral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Hypopharyngeal region. Hypopharyngeal region. Metathorax a n d first abdominal segment. L a t- eral view. Leg. Labrum. Dorsal view. Epipharynx. B. C. D. E. F. G. Boros unieolor Say H. " I. J. K. 182 PLATE 48 J . Boros K • Sof^os LARVAL FORMS OF C'OLEOPTERA Plate 49 Colydiidae A. Bitonia erenata F. (Denmark) : B. Synchita fuliginosa Melsli. C. ^ " D. Pliloeonemus cateniilatiis Horn E. Synchita fuliginosa F. Phloeonemns cateniilatns G. Nematidinm filiforme Lee. H. I. Auloniiim tuberculatum Lee. J. K. L. M. Nematidium filiforme Ninth abdominal segment. Dorsal view. Head. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Spiracle. Thorax. Ventral view. Eight mandible. Head. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Ventral mouthparts. Ven- tral view. Spiracle. Larva. Lateral view. Eight mandible. Posterior end of abdomen. Lateral view. 184 PLATE 49 , J^ Aulon/um Y^^LiIonium Lju/i 'ot?ium LAKVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 50 Mijcetophagidae A. B. Mycetophagus punctatus Say C. Mycetophagus obsoletus Melsli. D. << < ( E. Typhaea fumata L. : F. a i ( G. < < i ( H. n n I. fiii J. (ill K. ii 11 L. Tlirimolus duryi Csy. : M. Litargus sexpiinctatiis Say N. Litargus connexus Geoffr. (Denmark) : 0. Alitargus balteatus Lee. P. Thriniohis duryi : Q. ' ' ' ' E. (( 11 S. le 11 T. 11 11 Larva. Lateral view. Head and prothorax. Ven- tral view. Ninth abdominal segment. Ventral view. Third abdominal spiracle. Left mandible. Ventral view. Left mandible. Dorsal view. Right mandible. Dorsal view. Mesothoracic spiracle. Hypopharyngeal region. Head. Dorsal view. Larva. Dorsal view. Antenna. Posterior end of abdomen. Dorsal view. Third abdominal spiracle. Larva. Ventral view. Left mandible. Ventral view. Right mandible. Ventral view. Spiracle. Larva. Dorsal view. Larva. Lateral view. 186 PLATE 50 M. LlitargiJ^ N. Lit 0. AUtargus R. LAEVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 51 Oedemeridae-Oedcmerinae ( A-F) , 0 edemerkla e-C alopodinue A. Alloxacis dorsalis Melsli. B. C. D. E. Copidita thoracica F. F. " " G. Calopus ang-ustus Lee. H. T ( < ( ( J. K. L. M. Anterior part of body ; vr, verruca scansoria or ambulatory wart (= tuber scansorium, Schiodte). Prothorax. Ventral view. Maxilla. Ventral view. Spiracle. Right and left mandibles. Dorsal view. Hypopharyngeal region and mala. Hypopliaryngeal region and max- illa. Dorsal view. Eighth and ninth abdominal seg- ments. Dorsal view. Head. Dorsal view. Eight mandible. Prothorax. Ventral view. Head. Ventral view. Larva ; vr, scansorial verruca ; en- largement of the three hard points of right abdominal seg- ment shown separately in the cir- cular inset. Lateral view. 188 PLATE 51 Q A/loxojCis A,-Allox^acis p copy/tin E .Coptc/ita 1^ . C^/opi^S ^"^r" /Joiyrts^^J^ LAKVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 52 Synchroidae, Zopheridae A. Synchroa punctata Newn. B. c. a ( c D. < < a D^ i i ( ( D^ a a E. ( ( i < F. G. Phellopsis obcordata H. ii it I. a I i J. K. Cephaloon leptiirides L. ( i t ( M. N. 0. Phellopsis obcordata Cephaloon leptnrides (F-I and M), Cephaloidae Larva. Lateral view. Spiracle. Head and protliorax. Ventral view. Hypophar.yngeal region and maxilla. Left mandible. Dorsal view. Right mandible. Ventral view. Leg. Mandible. Head. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Mandible. Spiracle. H^'popharynx. Hypopliarynx. Larva. Lateral view. 190 PLATE 52 N- CephoJoon LARVAL F0KM8 OF COLEOPTERA Plate 53 Pedilidae {Eurygeniidae) , Pyrochroidae A. Eurygenius campaniilatus Lee. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Neopj; J. K. L. M. N. 0. rochroa femoralis Lee. Labriim and antenna. Dor- sal view. Mandible. Ventral view. Hypopharyngeal region. Ninth abdominal segment. Dorsal view. Tibia and tarsungulus. Ninth and tenth abdominal segments. Ventral view. Maxilla. Ventral view. Larva. Lateral view^. Head. Dorsal view. Right mandible. Ventral and dorsal views. Spiracle. Larva. Dorsal view. Eighth, ninth and tenth ab- dominal segments. Ventral view. Leg. Head and prothorax. Ven- tral view. 192 PLATE 53 yeopi/roc, ^e.^y..cA^, Cy^/Veop^Po^^^ LARVAL FORMS OF COLKOPTERA Plate 54 Salpingidae ( Rh ino.siin us ) , Pyth idae A. Rhinosimvis ruficollis L. (Denmark) : Eight mandible. Ven- tral A'iew. B. " " : End of tibia, and tar- sungnliis. C. " " : Hypopliarynx, hypo- pharyng'eal braeon, and maxilla. D. " " : Spiracle. E. " " : Left mandible. Ventral view. F. " " : Larva. Dorsal view. G. '* " : Eighth, ninth, and tenth abdominal segments. Ventral view. H. '' " : Ventral moiithparts. Ventral view. I. Pytho niger Kby. : Spiracle. J. '" " ' : Eight mandible. Dorsal view. K. " " : Head. Dorsal view. L. " " : Left maxilla. Dorsal view. M. '' " : Posterior end of abdo- men. Ventral view. N. " " : Head. Ventral view. 0. " " : Hypopharyngeal region. 194 PLATE 54 O. Pyf/oo LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 55 A. Boros iinicolor Sav B. " C. " D. " E. F. G. H. Boridae Head. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Right mandible. Ventral vieM'. Prothorax and mesothorax. Ventral view. Left mandible. Dorsal view. Spiracle. Larva. Dorsal view. Eighth, ninth, and tenth abdominal seg- ments. Ventral view. Maxilla ; C\ anterior part of cardo ; C', posterior part of cardo. Ventral view. 196 PLATE 55 Soros i/ff^/co/on LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 56 AUeculidae-Alleculhiae xUlecnlidae-OmophUnae A. Capnocliroa fuliginosa Melsh. B. C. D. E. M.ycetochara fraterna Say F. Hymenorus pilosus Melsh. G. Capnocliroa fuliginosa H. Hymenorns pilosus T H < < J. K. L. M. Cteniopus sulpliureus L. (Denmark) N. Omophhis proteus Kirsch (Russia) (A-L) (M-N) : Head. Dorsal view. : Protliorax and anterior part of mesothorax. Ventral view. : Ventral mouthparts. Ventral view. : Right mandible. Intero- dorsal view. : Posterior end of abdo- men. Lateral view. Mandible. Ventral view. Larva. Lateral view. Head. Dorsal view. Leg. Hypopharyngeal region and maxilla. Head. Ventral view. Posterior end of abdo- men ; vl, ventro-lateral suture. Lateral view. Posterior end of abdo- Ventro-lateral m e n. view. L a r V a view. Ventro-lateral 198 PLATE 56 D» Cap/^ochroa t^'^Mi/ce/ochcirc^ L ./it/menorus N • 0^op/)/iyis LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 57 Tenehrionidae A. B. D. E. F. Eleocles snturalis Say Embaphioii muricatum Say Eleocles suturalis Hoplocephala ferruginea Lee. G. H. T i i i i J. K. Gnathocerus corniitus F. L. M. N. " " . 0. P. Q. R. S. u. Hypophloeus paralleliis Melsli. (( ti Meraeantha contracta Beauv. Strongyliiini tenuicolle Say Ninth abdominal segment. Dor- sal view. Right and left mandibles and hypopharyngeal s c 1 e r ome. Dorsal view. Ventral monthparts. Ventral view. Larva. Lateral view. Head. Dorsal view. Hypopharyngeal region and anterior part of labium. Dor- sal view. Right mandible. Ventral vieAv. Antenna. Right mandible. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Right mandible. Ventral view. Antenna. Hj-popharyngeal region. Posterior part of abdomen. Lateral view. Right mandible. Ventral view. Right mandible. Dorsal view. Antenna. Hypopharyngeal region. Seventh to ninth abdominal segments. Dorsal view. Eighth and ninth abdominal segments. Dorsal view. Eighth and ninth abdominal segments. Lateral view. 200 PLATE 57 C • Efnohapjhiofi S •/^(^rot c CI nth a T» Stron^t/ffi/im U « Stron^y/zi^ni LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 58 Tenehrionidae A. Alobates pennsylvanica DeG. Head. Dorsal view. B. Head. Ventral view. C. Mandible. Ventral view. D. Prothorax and mesothorax Ventral view. E. Prothoracic leg. F. Labium, hypopliarynx and bra- con. G. Epipharynx. H. Abdominal spiracle. I. Left maxilla. Ventral view. J. Left maxilla. Dorsal view. K. Larva. Lateral view. 202 PLATE 58 A/obai-es LAEVAL FORMS OF COLEOFTP^RA Plate 59 A. Leiochrodes sp. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. Nilionidae (Larva with pupae and imagines from China) : Head. Dorsal view. Thorax. Ventral view. Antenna. Right mandible. Ventral view. Left mandible. Ventral view. Anterior end of labium. Ventral view. Maxilla. Ventral view. Hypopharyngeal region ; gl, glossa. Larva. Dorsal view. Ventral mouthparts. Ven- tral view. Anterior end of labium and hypopharyngeal region. Lateral view. Larva. Lateral view. Leg. 204 PLATE 59 le/ochrodes M. LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 60 Lagriiclac A. xVnaedus briinneus Ziegl. B. C. D. E. F. " " G. Paratenetiis punctatiis Spin. H. Not determined Lagriid (Panama) I. Paratenetiis pimetatus J. Arthromaera aenea Say L. Anaedus briinneus M. N. Artliromacra aenea O. P. Lagria sp. Head. Dorsal view. Spiracle. Ventral mouth parts. Dor- sal view. Leg. Left mandible. Ventral view. Right mandible. Dorsal view. Antenna. Antenna. Anterior end of labium and hypopharynx. Lat- eral view. Anterior end of labium and hypopharynx. Lat- eral view. Prothorax. Ventral view. Gland, covered by over- lapping hairs ; from ter- gal shield of an abdomi- nal segment. Exterior view. Abdominal gland av i t h overlapping hairs re- moved. Eighth and ninth abdomi- nal segments. Dorso- lateral view. Ninth abdominal segment. Dorsal view. Larva. Lateral view. 206 PLATE 60 A . Anaec/us D. f^'Sk B. /^naec/us £. Anaec/us (3. 'Anaec:/iyf^ yny ^Lagr/^ LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 61 Byrrhidae-ByrrJiinae A. Byrrhus fasciatus Forst. (Den- mark ) B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. Eight mandible; notice the lack of a lacinia mandibu- lae and the presence of a row of hairs exclusively at the base of the mandible. Ventral view. Head. Dorsal view. Right mandible. Dorsal view. Head (partial). Ventral view. Innerside of the ventral por- tion of the head ; nc, gan- glion. Dorsal view. Portion of head showing epi- pharynx, antenna and the dorsal and ventral articu- lations of the mandible. Antenna. Dorsal view. Larva. Lateral view. Left maxilla. Dorsal view. Gula, submentum, mentum, prementum, labial pal- piger, labial palpus, ligula, hypopharynx and other structures. Lateral view. Left maxilla; a, maxillary ar- ticulating area. Ventral view. 208 PLATE 61 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 62 Byrrhidac-Byrrliinae (A-B, D-H) Byrrhidae-Amphicyrtinae (C, I-L) Byrrh idae-L ioon ma e ( M-R ) A. Cytilns sericeus Forster (Denmark) B. (\ Ainphicyrta chrysonielina Er. D. Cvtilus sericeus E. ' " F. " " G. H. r. Amphicyrta chrysonielina J. K. L. M. Lioon siraplicipes Mann. N. " 0. P. Q- R. Antenna. Right maxilla. Ventral vie-\v. Head. Lateral view. Left mandible. Dorsal view. Spiracle. Larva. Ventro-lateral view. Tibia and tarsiingnhis. Labial palpi. Left mandible. Ventral view. Epipharyngeal, hypopharyn- geal, labial and maxillary parts. Lateral view. Ventral mouthparts. Ninth and tenth abdominal segments ; 9d, margin of dor- sum of ninth abdominal seg- ment ; 9v, venter of ninth abdominal segment ; lOd, margin of dorsum of tenth ; lOv, venter of tenth ; anus and anal hooks figured. Frons, clypeus, labrum and an- tenna. Dorsal view. Left mandible. Ventral view. Epipharyngeal, hypopharyn- geal, labial and maxillary parts. Dorso-lateral view. Spiracle. Ventral mouthparts. Larva ; gld, gland. 210 PLATE 62 f^' Cyf//. h TlCc/f/'/i^S I ^'^n,pfy^cT!An^yrto ^"^"^/"^''^ a./ /00/7 R./ /OOA7 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 63 DascilUdae A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Dascillus davidsoni Lee. G.* Daseilln.s cerviniis L. (Denmark) H. Dascillus davidsoni Head. Dorsal view. Left mandible. Facing the buccal cavity. Left mandible. Ventral view. Trochanter from inside. Split head showing- cly- peus, labrnm, epiphar- ynx, mandible, hypo- pharynx, and ventral niouthparts. Larva. Lateral view. Outline of ninth abdominal segment. Dorsal view. Tip of ninth abdominal segment. Dorsal view. Underside of head, ven- tral mouthparts, and an- terior part of prothorax ; hp, hypopleural lobe. Ventral view. First abdominal spiracle. 212 PLATE 63 L)asc///i^s LARVAL FOR.\rR OF C'OLEOPTKRA Plate 64 Heterocerklae A. Heterocerus ventralis Melsli. B. C. D. E. F. " " g! H. T a i i J. K. M. Left mandible showing' dorsal and ventral artienlations. Epipliarynx. Left mandible. Ventral vieAV. Antenna. Headcapsule. Dorsal view. Larva. Lateral view. Head and protliorax. Ventral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Tip of lacinia. Ventral view. Hypopliarynx and maxilla. Spiracle of mesothorax. Exterior view. Head, protliorax, and anterior part of mesothorax with the spiracle. Lateral view. Sagittal section of end of ab- domen ; d, dorsal side ; v. ven- tral side. 214 PLATE 64 Heferocen^s LAEVAL FOKMS OF COLEOPTEEA Plate 65 Helodidae A. Prionocyphoii diseoideus Say. A. B. Prionocyphoii diseoideus B.* C. D. E. F. G. H. : Mandible and epipharynx; i.s., not branched inner seta of the marginal front row of long- epi- pharyngeal setae. Helodes marginata F. (Denmark) : Epipharyngeal marginal setae ; i.s., branched in- ner seta. : Ventral monthparts and part of prothorax. : Apical and postapical joints of maxillary palpus ; 3, subapical joint; 4, apical joint; spl, sensory pa- pillae ; notice the indica- tion of a subdivision of the postapical joint. : Innerside of mouth with large maxillulae. : Tassels of gills. : Larva; aj, multiarticulated apical joint of antenna ; sj, supplementary joint of antenna. Lateral view. : Larva; aj and sj as in fig- ure E. Dorsal view. : End of abdomen ; AC, ali- mentary' canal with anus ; 8 sp, spiracle of eighth abdominal segment. Dia- gram ; lateral view. End of abdomen. Ventral : view. 216 PLATE 65 Pr/onoctjp/ion LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate GG Nosodendyidae A. Xosodendron californicum Horn B. C. D. E. F. Nosodendron unicolor Say G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. 0. P. End of abdomen. Dorsal view. End of abdomen ; anal s., anal seyment. Ventral view. Tip of eighth abdominal seg- ment showing the terminal spiracles. Dorsal view. Head, prothorax and meso- thorax; notice the position of the mesothorax spiracle as compared with that of Nosodendron unicolor on figure P. Lateral view. Third abdominal spiracle. R i g h t mandible. Oblique view. Right mandible. Dorsal view. Anterior part of head with buccal roof removed. Dor- sal view. Epipharynx and ventral sur- face of mandible. Cross-section of base of man- dible. Glossa, maxillula, and hy- popharynx. Dorsal view. Inside of the integument of parts shown on figure K. Glossa, maxillula. and hy- popharynx. Lateral view. Head, prothorax, and meso- thorax. Ventral view. Right maxilla. Ventral view. Larva ; notice position of meso- thoracic spiracle. Dorsal view. 218 PLATE 66 m) A. i'l /K Cc?//forn/cuni N. -- 0. A/osodendron unico/or LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 67 Ptilodactylidae A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Ptilodactvla serricollis Sav Head. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Right mandible. Dorsal view. Right maxilla. Dorsal view. Right maxilla. Ventral view. Anterior part of larva ; j.s, dis- tended jugular skin ; note retrac- tile diverticle. Lateral view. Spiracle. Tenth abdominal segment; an, anus; id, spinose inner diver- ticle; od, hairy outer diverticle. Dorsal view. Larva ; rd, retractile diverticle. Lateral view. Ninth abdominal segment. Dorsal view. 220 PLATE 67 Pf//ocJac/y/a LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate Ptilodacfijlidae Ptilodactylid larva from Asia. (Hang Cliow) B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Anterior part of head. Dorsal view. Left mandible. Ventral view. Left maxilla. Ventral view. Leg. Spiracle. Tassel of gill-threads. Larva. Dorso-lateral view. Larva; notice large snbmen- tum, distinct gnlar area and longitudinally grooved anal lobes Avithovit spiny diver- ticles or gills; an, anus; lb, lobe. 222 PLATE 68 &' " H. Asiaf/c Ffi/odady/idLan/a LAEYAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 69 A. A. Ptilodactylidae Eurypogonidae (All the figures drawn by J. A. Hyslop, except figures A*, 0, Q and E) Anchytarsus bieolor Melsli. : Head. Lateral view. " " : Right mandible; notice hairs along the sides but not at the base, and the presence of a lacinia mandibulae ; compare Byrrhidae figured on plate 61. Legs. Head. Front view. Head. Ventral view. End of abdomen. Ventral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Spiracle. End of abdomen. Lateral view. Head ; notice free labrum, no nasale as in Elateridae. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Mandibles; worn apically. Head. Lateral view. Antenna. Spiracle. Tip of mandible ; not worn. End of abdomen. Lateral view. End of abdomen. Ventral view. Larva. Dorsal view. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Eurypogon niger Melsh. : J. K. L. M. N. 0. P. Q- E. 224 PLATE 69 a. £urL/pogon LAEVAL FOEMS OF COLEOPTEEA Plate 70 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. 0. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. Pseplunidae-Etibryanacinae Psephen idae-Pseph eninae Dnjopidae-Pelononiinae (Q-V) Eiibrianax echvardsi Lee. Psepheniis leeontei Lee Eiibrianax edwardsi Psepheniis leeontei Left, mandible. Dorsal view. Left mandible. Ventral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Kig'lit maxilla. Ventral view. Part of head. Ventral view. Head. Dorsal view. Larva. Ventral view. Left mandible, pointed type. Oblique dorsal view. Left mandible, triineate t^^pe. Left mandible, pointed type. Larva. Dorsal view. Rig'ht maxilla. Ventral view. Epipharynx; o. eye from inside. Head. Ventral view. Maxilla and bottom of month cavity. " " : Larva. Ventral view. Psephenoides gahani" Champ : Head and prothorax. : Distal end of leg. '' " : Larva. Dorsal view. " " : Sucking disks from underside of body; a, in face view; b, in lateral view. " " : Mandible, exterior face, and right antenna ; D, dome- shaped tactile papilla ; s, sup- plementary appendix ; 1, 2, 3, the three antennal joints. " " : Posterior part of body. Ventral view. 226 PLATE 70 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 71 A. Chelonariidae Dryopidae-Helminae ( K-Z ) Cheloiiariiim sp. : Operculum B. < ( I i C. i i i I D. i < i i E. i i i I F. G. i I. I < H. i i i I I. I i i ( J. i i i i K. Stenelmis crenata Say : L. ( < i i M. i ( i i N. i i i < 0. < i i i P. Aiicyronyx variegatiis Gerniar. (Determined by elimination Q. and locality, not reared) : R. I i (I T. Helmis pnsilla Lee. : U. Helmis aeneus Miiller : Y. Dryops anriculatns Geoff r. (Denmark) : W < i i i X. i i i ( Y. ( i 1 1 Z. ( I ( i (= lOtli abdominal sternum) with appendices; ap, right appendix dissected loose and turned over. Dor- sal view. Rectum and retractile gills. Anterior part of head. Spiracular trachea and spir- acle. From within the body. Spiracle of mesothorax. End of ninth abd. segment. Left mandible. Ventral view. Ventral mouthparts. Spiracle of eighth abdominal segment. Larva. Lateral view. Left mandible. Ventral view. Left mandible. Dorsal view. Maxilla. End of body. Sideview. Head. Dorso-lateral view. Larva. Lateral view. Spiracle of mesothorax and of the first abdominal segment. Head. Lateral view. Leg. Larva. Larva. Dorsal view. Dorsal view. Larva. Lateral view. Leg. Antenna. Maxilla. Inner face of left mandible. 228 PLATE 71 /?^jj ///^ -^¥^ \^ — 1^ b Y. 5 Dryopj LAKVAL FOEMS OF COLEOPTEEA Plate 72 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Lara avara. Lee. Dryopidae-Larinae Drypidae-Pelononiinae Left maxilla. Dorsal view. Riji'ht niaiidible. Dorsal view. Spiracle. Larva. Lateral vie^v. End of body; ap, appendix from operculum ; st, opercu- lum. Lateral view. Operculum with appendices. Ventral view. Three tassels of gills, and the appendices. Inner view. H. " ( ( Larva. Dorsal view. I. " ( i Larva. Ventral view. J. Pelonomus palpalis Schwn. (Panama) Larva. Dorsal view. J.* ( i ]\Iaxilla. Dorsal view K. ( i Larva. Ventral view. K.* " 1 1 Mandible. 230 PLATE 72 3. Lara "^^./^/ommus Y^.Pe/o/70/p^iJS ^^ LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 73 A. B. Dnjopidae-Helminae (A-E), Dryopidae-Pelononiinae (F-0) Limniiis troglodytes Gyll. (Denmark c. < i D. ( ( E. i I F. Heliehus sp G. li 11 H. ii < < I. 11 11 J. a < < K. I i < < L. < < < < M. i c li N. 0. Anterior part of head. Dor- sal view. Right mandible, old and worn apically. Dorsal view. Ends of right maxilla and labium. Left mandible. Ventral view. Larva. Lateral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Larva. Lateral view. Left mandible. Ventral view. Head. Dorsal view. Parts of lacinia and galea. Dorsal view. Leg. Head. Ventral view. End of abdomen with ninth abdominal segment and operculum removed. Ven- tral view. Same as figure M, but with ninth abdominal tergite present. Ventral view. End of abdomen. Ventral view. 232 PLATE 73 L • /ie//ch7js N»/-Mc:^ N.//^//c 0*M'c/?lytS LARVAL FOK.MS OF COLEOPTEEA Plate 74 A. B. C. D. E. Brach^ipscct) Ldiiipjiridae (0- Bracliypseetra fulva Lee. F. a a G. Dril us eoncolor Ahr.. first larval instar (Denmark) H. i i i I. Sila sia (unicolor Guer. ( ?) ) (Gold Coast) J. " K. 8ilasia (unicolor (?)) L. Driliis eoncolor M. Silasia (unicolor (?)) N. Drilus eoncolor 0. Lanipyris noctiluca L. (Den- mark) 0.* p IC li Q. Pliotinus pyralis L. R. " ■ " S. Photuris pennsylvaniea DeG. m a a u. W. Phenp-odes latieollis Lee. idae, Drilklae, -Y). Phengodidae : Fringes of mesothorax and meta- thorax. Dorsal view. : Leg and part of lateral fringe. : Larva. Dorsal view. : Fringes of first and second abd. segments. Dorsal view. : Spiracle and two glandular spots. : Ventral mouthparts. IMandible. Dorsal view. Tarsungulus and appendix. Tarsungulus (adhesive appen- dix probably lost by accident in specimen drawn). Mouthparts. Lateral view. jMouthparts. Dorsal view. Mesothoraeic spiracle. Mouthparts. Ventral view. Ventral mouthparts; mb. c, membranous cardo. Larva. Lateral view. Anal appendices with rings of minute hooks. Larva. Dorsal view. Luminous organs on ventral side of eighth abd. segment. Left mandible ; r, retinaculum. Head ; f s, frontal suture. HeacL Dorsal view. Head. Ventral vicAV. Right mandible. Dorsal view. Left mandible. End of larva. Lateral view. Larva. Dorsal view. 234 PLATE 74 »' LAEVAL FOEMS OF COLEOPTEEA Plate 75 Ih'dchypsecfr Lampijridae. A. Braeh.ypsectra fulva Lee. B. Silasia (iinieolor Guer. (?)) (Aburia, Gold Coast) C. D. E. Drilus concolor Alir., first larval instar (Denmark) P. Photuris pennsvlvanica DeG. G. H. Photinns pyralis L. [. Pheno'odes laticollis Lee. J. K. idne, Drilidae, Phengodidae : Head ; ecrs, epicranial suture ; fs, frontal suture. Urogomplii. Dorsal view. Head and presternum ; ao, api- cal opening of the mandibular canal ; bo, basal opening of the canal; eh, mandibular canal; epx, epipharynx; ga, galea with rudiment of laeinia at base; gu, gular plate; sfs, subfacial sinus. End of abdomen ; an, anus ; dor- sal pr, dorsal spinose process ; epp, epipleural plate; lateral pr, lateral spinose process ; ur, urogomphus. Lateral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Larva. Dorsal view. Larva ; epp, epipleural plate. Larva. Dorsal view. Head; lix, hypopharyngeal ele- ments ; n, nasale. Dorsal view. Head ; sd. sensory disk. Ven- tral view. Distal end of leg. 236 PLATE 75 11-8 \\*/^/?o//r)uj \./^e/^goo/es ^.^/je^go^e^ K.^^. LAEYAL FOEMS OF COLEOPTEEA Plate 76 A. Eros liumeralis F. B. " C. Calopteron reticiilatum F. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. Caeniella dimidiata F. Calopteron reticiilatum Lycidae : Ventral moiithparts. Ventral view. : Right mandible showing separation into two portions. Ventral view. Head. Ventral view. Head. Dorsal view. Diagrammatic illustration showing- position of trophi. Details of mandible. Dorsal view. Thoracic segments. Ventral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Abdominal spiracle in parascutal area above epipleiiral plate. Leg. Larva. Lateral view. 238 PLATE 76 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 77 A. Drilidae, Ccnifh Co uih aridae-Malfh odinae Drihis coneolor Ahr. (Den- mark) B. Malthiniis flaveolus Park. (Germany) C. i i ( ( D. i i ( ( E. i I it F. I i i i G. H. Silis nitidula F. (Europe) : I. Malthodes marginatus Latr. (Denmark ) J. Cantharis sp. : K. ^Malthodes marginatus : L. it a M. Cantharis sp. : X. i i t i 0. Rhagonyelia fulva Scop. (Denmark) . P. a a Q. a (( K. Podabrus tomentosus Say : S. > . i i T. it < < U. a < < lyidiif-MuJihinae, , ('(infhayidae-Cantharinae Last larval instar ; mandible m e m b r a n o u s , except tip. Larva twisted, fitting inside of snail-shell of Helix. Left mandible. Ventral view. Tibia and tarsungulus. Epipharynx and half part of h^-popharyngeal sclerome. Larva. Dorsal view. Ventral mouthparts. Dorsal view left ; ventral view right. Part of head ; do. distal open- ing of mandibular canal ; po, proximal opening. Mandible. Is. longitudinal series of hairs. Ventral view. Part of head. Ventral view. Mandible and antenna. Larva. Dorsal view. Ventral mouthparts. Ventral vieAv. Outline of head. Dorsal view. Ventral mouthparts. Dorsal gland. Metathorax and two abdominal segments. Dorsal view. First abdominal spiracle. ]\Iandible and antenna. ^Mandible. Dorsal view. ^Mandible. Buccal view. Outline of head. Dorsal view. 240 /Wo( A . Dri/us T.MM/'muj -L^,. A%- G. /iy^af/hinus HiSiiH \.Ma/fhod. P. /^/)a^on(^rAo( ^./Tv^- PodahriyfS j/ Cahfh. -/t>f^ LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 78 CantJuiridae-Chauliognathin'ae A. Chaiiliognatlius scutellaris Lee.: Siibnasal reo-ion (uncertain whether labriim or epi- pharynx) ; snl, subnasal lobe ; snse, subnasal sclerite. B. " " : Mesothoracic spiracle; so, spiracular opening- fur- nished with marginal hairs; tb, possibly the re- duced airtubes. C. " " : Anterior part of head; n, nasale; snl, subnasal lobe. Dorsal view. D. " " : Larva. Dorsal view. E. " " : H e a d 0 p e n e d ; hx, hypo- pharyng:eal m i d d 1 e area with dark median triangu- lar spot ; hy. hypostome ; sh, straining hairs from maxillulae. Dorsal view. F. " " : Larva. Ventro-lateral view. G. " " : ]\Iandible ; cd, main conduit for juice ; Is, lateral series of fine hairs. Buccal view. H. ** " : Underside of head; ventral monthparts drawn back. H.* " •' : Tip of antenna. 1. " " : Underside of liead; ventral monthparts drawn forth ; subf. s, subfacial sinus. 242 PLATE 78 LAEVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 79 Bhipiceridae, Cehrionidae A. Zenoa picea Beaiiv. B. C. D. E. F. " " G. H. '' I. Cebrio antennatiis Sclifr. K. L. M. N. 0. Head. Dorsal view. Mesothorax, metathorax, and part of first abdominal segment ; g"r, groove. Lateral view. Ligula, hypopharynx and part of maxilla. Dorsal view. Left mandibles. Lateral view and exterior view. Head. Ventral view. Eight mandible. Bnccal view. Head. Ventro-frontal view. End of abdomen. Lateral view. Nasal region ; snl, subnasal lobe. Ventral view. Head, prothorax, and mesothorax ; cmb, cervical membrane expanded. Lateral view. Head. Ventral vicAV. Right mandible. Ventral view. Maxilla and labial parts ; dst, dis- tistipes. Ventral view. Abdominal spiracle ; or. spiracnlar opening ; tub, airtnbes. Exterior view. Abdominal spiracle; atr, atrium; or, opening ; tub, airtnbe. Interior view. Larva. Lateral view. 244 Ce h r/o LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 80 Bupvestidae-Pach ysch clinae ( A-D ) Bupyestidae-Agrilinae (E ) , Buprestidae-Biiprestinae (F-K) A. Brachvs ovatus Web. B. Head ; gu, gular plate ; lb, undifferentiated labium; mx, maxilla. Ventral view. Head ; view. Larva. oc, ocelli. Dorsal Agrilus politus Say ''' Euchroma columbicum ]\Iannerh. C. *' " : Larva. Dorsal view. C* " " : Spiracle enlarged. D. '' " : Dorsal side of head. Ven- tral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Head, prothorax and ante- rior part of mesothorax ; clior, cliordotonal organ ; sp, spiracle. (Figure copied from Scliiodte).* Head and thorax. Ventral vieAV. Abdominal spiracle. Right mandible. Ventral vicAv. Larva. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Hypopharynx and maxilla. Buccal view. * Schiodte, J. C, De metamorphosi Eleutheratorum observa- tiones; Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift, ser. Ill, vol. 6, 1869, p. 336, pi. I, fig. 4. (Schiodte is the first entomologist who has discovered and described the chordotonal organs in coleopterous larvae. He named them (1. c) ''foveae auditoriae"). F. Chrysobothris octocola Lee. G. Chrysobothris sp. H. Chalcophora virginiensis Drnry T. J. K. Chrysobothris octocola Chalcophora virginiensis 246 PLATE 80 9'^-- jp D . SracAyj C. Brcichi/j D. Brae A (^^ -^,6 ET. ill) 10^ ^.Agr/7iyfj G . C/)r(/jo/!fof/ir/j TX/?rj/soj5o//ir/J H .C/>o/cop/^orci \.Cfyr(/jo^o//7r/j ^ .r/iaJcophora V^ //h/ro/>/^^ra LAEA^AL FORMS OF COLEOPTKEA Plate 81 Thyoscidae (A-D), Melasidae (H-Q) A. B. C. D. E. Thrusciis sp. (possibly Aiilo- iiothroscus constrictor Say) Head. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Larva. Lateral view. Head and thorax. Ventral view. Unidentified larva combining characters of Oestodinae and Throscidae. (In de- cayed red oak from Bent Creek, Asheville, North Carolina) : G. G * " " H. Melasis rufipennis Horn. J. K. L. M. N. 0. P. Q. Palaeoxenns dohrni Horn. Head and prothorax. Dorsal view. End of abdomen. Lateral view. Head and prothorax ; st, sternel- Inm. Ventral view. Right mandible. Ventral view. Antenna. Left mandible. Ventral view. Left mandible. Dorsal view. Ventral mouthparts. Ventral view. Head and thorax. Dorsal view. Larva. Dorsal view. Mesothoracic spiracle ; dnct, ductus from spiracular open- ing to the atrium of the spira- cle ; or, spiracular opening ; peritr, peritrema ; tu, airtube. Exterior view. Head, prothorax, and meso- thorax. A^entral view. Larva. Lateral view. Larva. Ventral view. 248 PLATE 81 O. a. LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 82 Sandalidae A. Sandalus niger Knoch B. D. E. F. G. H. Dorsal view. A'entral view, abdominal seo-ment. Head. Head. Ninth view. Larva. Lateral view. Left mandible. Ventral view, Labrnm and hypopharynx. view. Abdominal spiracle. Kig-lit leg. Dorsal Lateral 2r)0 PLATE 82 LARVAL FORMS OF fOLEOPTERA A. B. C. D. it < < E. Cardiopliorus riificollis L. (Denmark) F. Horistonotiis iihleri G. i i « < H. I. J. K. L. M. N. 0. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. w. X. Y. Plate 83 Elaieridac-Cardiophorinae ( A-0) , Elateridae-Oestodinae (P-Y) Horistonotiis iilileri Horn : Lateral Avart ; spiracle behind. " '* : Part of head; mn, membranous margin of nasale ; sen, sclero- tized part. Dorsal view. " " : Anterior part of head; eph, epi- pharyngeal striK'tiires. Mesothoracie leg and spiracle. Head ; sfs, siibf acial sinus. Larva. Dorsal view. Fourth abdominal segment ; aisg, anterior intersegmental mem- brane; lam, lateral ambulatory papilla ; pisg, posterior inter- segmental membrane ; sg, seg- ment proper ; vam, ventral ambulatory papilla. Ventral view. End of abdomen; ra, retractile appendix. Ventral view. Right mandible. Exterior view. Left mandible. Buccal view. Retractile appendices. Diagram. End of abdomen. Labium. Buccal view. Left mandible. Buccal view. Right maxilla. Ventral view. Right mandible. Ventral view. Right mandible and antenna. Frons with nasale. Dorsal view. Head. Dorsal view. Head. Buccal view. Larva. Lateral view. End of abdomen. Lateral view. A^ertical prongs. Dorsal view. Horizontal prongs. Dorsal view. Larva. Dorsal view. Cardiopliorus ruficollis << a (I a Oestodes tenuicollis Rand. Drapetes (geminatus Say?) Oestodes tenuicollis Oestodes sp. (Cuba) Oestodes tenuicollis Drapetes (geminatus?) 2r)2 PLATE 83 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Plate 84 (Drawn by •). A. Hyslop) Elateridae-Piirophorinae Heniirhipiis fascicularis F. Pyrophoriis himinosiis Illig. K. L. M. X. Chaleolepidiiis viridipilis Say 0. P. Q. R. S. Head. Lateral view. Antenna and mandible. Exte- rior view. Left mandible. Ventral view. Head. Ventral view. Eiylith, ninth and tenth ab- dominal seg^'ments ; lik. hook on tenth segment. Seventh abdominal segment. Ventral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Mesothoracic spiracle. Lat- eral view. Section of spiracle, showing opening, atrium and en- trance to airtubes. Mesothoracic spiracle; dia- grammatic. Lateral view. Spiracle. Exterior view. Section of airtnbes. Spiracle. View from inside of body. Ventral mouthparts ; cardo concealed. Ventral view. Frons with nasale. Left mandible. Dorsal view. Head ; mandible removed. Lat- eral view. Ninth abdominal segment. Ninth and tenth abdominal segments ; asp, asperites on each side of tenth abdomi- nal segment ; hk, pair of hooks at the end of tenth abdominal segment. 254 PLATE 84 f^em/rA/pijs ^^^'^"^^'P^' Pcjroph oruj C/)o/c o/ep/o//i,ij LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTKRA Plate 85 (Drawn by J. A. Hyslop) Elui eridae-P iirophorinae aiiritiis Hbst. lividus DeG. A. Monocrepiclius B. C. D. E. F. Monocrepiclius G. H. I. Monocrepiclius J. Monocrepiclius K. Monocrepiclius L. M. Monocrepiclius N. Monocrepiclius 0. Monocrepiclius P. Q. Monocrepiclius vespertinus R. vespertinus F. lividus vespertinus lividus vespertinus lividus Right mandible. Ventral view. Frons with nasale. Ventral mouthparts ; carclo concealed. dis, dististipes ; st, proxistipes. Ninth abdominal segment. Ninth and tenth abdominal segments. Lateral view. Left mandible. Ventral view. Frons with nasale. Seventh abdominal segment. Ventral view. Left antenna. Ventral mouthparts ; carclo concealed ; m, triangular mentum. Ventral view. Frons with nasale. Left mandible. Ventral view. Ninth abdominal segment of last larval instar. Head. Ventral view. First larval instar ; notice the form of the ninth abdominal segment. Dorsal view. Ninth and tenth abdominal segments of last larval in- star. Lateral view. Ninth and tenth abdominal segments of last larval in- star. Lateral view. Last larval instar. 256 PLATE 85 0. \s^^ P. LAEYAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 86 (Drawn by J. A. Hyslop) Elateridae-Pijrophorinae (A-E) Ekderidae-Elaterinae (F-U) A. A.' B. C. D. E. P. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. 0. P. Q. R. T. U. Cryptoliypnus abbreviatus Say Elater nibrieollis Hbst. Betarnion bi> T. /Fa^ \ . " rnr)]/o/inw Z.O./fma'em'/a LAEVAL FOEMS OF COLEOPTEEA Plate Scarahacidac-Riitelinae-Eiitelini ( A) , Scarahaeidae-Eutelinae-Anoinalini (B-D, F, G), Scarahacidae-Sericinae (H-L, N), Scarahacidae-Dij7uistinae (E, M, 0-R) Cotalpa lanigera L. B. Popillia japoiiica Newm. C. Anoniala orientalis Waterli. D. Strigoderma arboricola F. E. Ligyrodes relictiis Say F. Popillia japonica. G. H. Aserica (= Autoserica) castanea Arrow T i i I i i i J. T/- i i (I li h. M. Anastrateg'us splendens Beanv. N. Aserica castanea 0. P. Anastrategiis splendens Dvnastes tityus L. Q. Anastrategns splendens End of body with raster. Ventral view. Hypopharynx, maxilla. End of body with raster. Ventral A^iew. Epipharynx. Epipharynx. End of body with raster. Larva. Lateral view. End of body with raster. Ventral view. Larva. Lateral view. Right and left mandible. Maxilla and hypopharj^nx. Head. Dorval view. Right maxilla. Dorsal view. IMesothoracic and third ab- dominal spiracle ; sppl, spiracnlar plate. Larva. Lateral view. Left mandible; srp, strid- ulating plate. Ventral view. Cribriform spiracle ; b. bulla ; sppl, spiracnlar plate; or, spiracnlar opening. Head ; o, ocellus. 262 PLATE 88 H. A ser/ra LAKVAL FOEMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 89 Dermestidae-Dermestinae A. Dermestes nidum ArroAV B. C. D. E. F. G. G.* H. K. L. M. N. 0. P. Q. Labruiu and clypeus. Head. Dorsal view. Epipharynx ; epl, epipharyngeal lobe ; es, epipharyngeal selerome ; lis, lateral lobe-setae ; mis, median lobe-setae ; sens, sensory punc- tures. Left mandible ; lib, hair brush ; pr, stiff process. Dorsal view. Left mandible. Ventral view. Antenna. Ventral mouthparts. Ventral view. Details of figure G; dm, bifurcate sclerite at the dividing suture be- tween subcardo and precardo ; jx, juxtastipes ; m, mentum ; mst, sclerotized margin of stipes ; pam, paramentum with longitu- dinal series of hairs. Mandible, maxilla, and hypophar- ynx; sv, opening for salivary glands. Dorsal view. Tentorium. Labium, hypopharynx, and oesoph- agus ; pam, paramentum ; phy, glossa. Lateral view. Maxilla ; s, spur. Ventral view. Maxilla. Buccal view. Hypopharyngeal region and max- illa; sv, opening for salivary glands. Dorsal view. Mesothoraeic spiracle. Larva. Lateral view. Details of abdominal tergum. Ninth and tenth abdominal seg- ments. Dorsal view. 264 PLATE 89 O. '/ R Dermejfes LARVAL FORMH OF COLEOPTLRA Plate 90 A. Tlivlndrias contractus Mots. B. ■ " C. D. E. F. " " G. H. " " I. xVttaQ'enus piceus Oliv. J. '' K. L. M. N. 0. Ctesias serra F. (Denmark; P. Trog'oderma ornata Say Q. R. Ctesias serra S. T. Anthrenus verbasci L. U. V. " " AV. Aspectns liispidus Melsh. X. Y. Z. Z.* Dermestidae-Affdfjciiiiuic Head Dorsal view. Antenna. Tip of labium. Epipharynx. Mandible. Ventral mouthparts. Tip of maxilla. Larva. Annular spiracle. Labrum, clypeus, and antenna. Rio^lit mandible. Left front leg. Ventral mouthparts. Larva. Lateral view. Tip of maxilla. Larva. Dorsal view. Abdominal s e g m e n t s. Ventro-lateral view. Ventral mouthparts. Larva. Lateral view. Mandible. Exterior view. Larva. Lateral view. Distal end of tibia and tarsungulus. Right mandible. Tips of maxilla and labium, and hypo- pharynx. Dorsal view. Larva. Ventral view. Larva. Lateral view. Three abdominal ter^a. Dorsal view. 2()fi PLATE 90 /Ipjectofs LAEVAL FOEMS OF COLEOPTEEA Plate i)l Mclijridae Malacliius bipiistulatus L. (Denmark) B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. Malacliius auritus Lee. L. Melyridae (undetermined larva from Alaska) M. " " N. Head and prothorax. Lat- eral view. Left mandible; Im, lacinia mandibulae. Dorsal view. Left mandible. Buccal view. Left mandible. Ventral view. Ventral moutliparts. Ven- tral view. Dorsal side of head from within ; ecrs, epicranial suture; fs, frontal suture. Ninth and tenth abdominal segments. Ventral view. T'rogomphus. Lateral view. Hypopharynx and ventral moutliparts. Dorsal view. Larva. Dorsal view. Larva. Dorsal view. Left mandible. Ventral view. Head and prothorax. Ven- tral view. Larva. Dorsal view. 268 PLATE 91 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 92 Melyridae (A-J) Ciidae (K-R) A. Cullops nig'rieeps 8av B. C. D. E. Dasytes coeriileus Deg. (Denmark) F. '' " G. H. I. K. Cis fuscipes Mellie L. " M. " N. '' 0. Ennearthron sp. (Hopk. U. S. 10086 t) Q. R. Ennearthron thoracieorne Ziegl. Larva. Dorsal view. Larva. Lateral view. Larva. Ventral view. Left mandible. Ventral view. Left mandible. Ventral view. Tarsungnlus. One lateral and one ventral view. Head. Ventral view. Annular spiracle. Larva. Dorso-1 a t e r a 1 vieM'. Ninth abdominal tergum. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Leg-. Annular spiracle. Right maxilla. Dorsal view. Larva. Lateral view. Outline of posterior part of ninth abdominal seg- ment. Dorsal view. Left mandible. Ventral view. Antenna. Head. Dorsal view. 270 PLATE 92 H. T^ I. LAEVAL FOEMS OF COLEOPTEEA Plate 93 Ostomidae-Tenehroidinae, Ostomidae-Ostominae (D) A. Airora cvlindrica Serv. B. Cortieotomus cylindricus Lee. C. Airora cyliiidriea D. O.stoma ferrugineum L. (Canada) E. Cortieotomus cylindricus F. Airora cylindrica G. H. Cortieotomus eylindrieus I. Temnochila vireseens F. J. K. M. N. 0. Tenebroides nanus Melsli. P. Left mandible ; without lacinia mandibulae. Dorsal vieAV. Right mandible ; Im, lacinia mandibulae. Ventral view. Part of head with oeellar group and antenna. Lateral view. Larva. Dorso-lateral view. Larva; pst, presternal plate: stpl, sternal plate. Larva. Dorso-lateral view. Head and prothorax; pst, pre- sternal plate ; stpl, sternal plate ; sp, annular spiracle. Ninth abdominal segment with paired urogomphi. Ninth abdominal segment with one of the two urogomphi. Lateral view. Left mandible. Ventral view. Dorsal (d) and ventral (v) sclerites of thoracic segments. Biforous spiracle. Biforous spiracle and closing apparatus. Closing apparatus. Ninth abdominal segment with one of the two urogomphi. Lateral view. Right mandible. Dorsal view. Dorsal (d) and ventral (v) sclerites of thoracic segments. 979 PLATE 93 A . /Jf'rora C/lirora lf:\^B^ D.CPsfo f7 /-I/rora E. Corf/co/o/TJMj G. /lirorci H « {br//cofomi^j //77'' ^■ \^7ef^/^oc/f. J. Temno. \^.7?/^ no. 0» Tey) e6. R/?/7mi V.^— ^ x^^^^^^^--- LARVAL FOH^rS OF f 'OLIOOPTKR A Plate 96 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. 3Ieloi(lae-L}jttinae ( A-I) , Meloidae-Meloinae, (J-K, M, P, Q) Meloidac-Zonitinae (L, N, 0, R, S) Macrobasis iinmaeulata Say ; first instar Epicaiita vittata F ; first instar Macrobasis immaculata ; first instar Epieauta pennsylvanica DeG. ; first instar Epieauta vittata ; scarabaeoid instar Meloe varieg-atns Donov. (Den- mark) ; first instar Meloe prosearabaens L. (Denmark) ; first instar Zonitis bilineata Say ; first instar Meloe varie^atns ; first instar Trierania sangninipennis Say ; first instar 0. Zonitis bilineata; first instar P. Q- Meloe variegatns ; first instar ]\Ieloe prosearabaens; first instar Zonitis bilineata; first instar Larva. Dorsal view. Head. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Tarsnngnlns and two setae on it. Larva. Mandible. Dorsal view. Larva. Lateral view. Head. Dorsal view. Ventral monthparts. Mandible. Tip of leg with spatulate tarsnngulns (t) and two setae at its base. Head. Ventral view. Larva ; term.s, terminal setae of the abdomen. Dorsal view. End of abdomen ; spw, wart carrying the eighth abdominal spiracle. Lat- teral view. Parts of s e V e n t h and eighth abdominal seg- ments. Lateral view. Larva. Ventral view. Head ; compare labrum in ]\reloe variegatns, figure P. Larva. End of a leg. 278 PLATE 96 P. A/e/oe Q^./^e/oe R . Z. 0/7/ //s Zo/?i//j LARVAL FORM a OF COLLOPTERA Plate f)7 Tefraonyc Hhipipho) A. Tetraonyx qiiaclrimaculata F. ; first instar : c. < ( < < i i ( ( D. E. Rliipiplioriis solidaginis Pierce; first instar F. G. H. I i it it < ( I. Ilhipiphoriis st,ylopides Newm. ; last larval instar J. Ilhipipliorus st^ylopides Newm. ; last larval instar idae, •idae Left mandible. Ventral view. Spiracle of first abdominal segment borne by a lateral projection from the seg- ment. Exterior view. Head and prothorax; Ip, la- bial palpus ; s, single seta at base of tarsunguius; sj, tactile papilla of antenna ; tj, terminal joint of an- tenna. Ventral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Anterior part of larva ; pon, paronycliial appendix (= pulvillus) . Ventral view. Tip of a leg; pon, parony- cliial appendix; s, short and thick seta at the base of tarsunguius. (Compare pi. 96 S). Larva. Dorso-lateral view. Posterior end of tenth ab- dominal segment. Anterior part of Fronto-ventral view. Larva. Lateral view. larva. 280 PLATE 97 G:/fA//)/pA. \M/p/p/?ori4j S,/?h/p/p/?orm LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 98 A. Tomoxia bidentata Say B. C. D. E. F. Mordellisteiia sp. G. H. I. J. MordeUidae Head. Dorsal view. Hyj:)opliarynx and bracon. Head, prothorax and meso- thoracic spiracles. Ventral view. : Larva. Lateral view. : Kig'bt mandible. Dorsal view. (Hopk. U. S. 1009v) : Rig-lit mandible. Dorsal view. : Left maxilla. Ventral view. Dorsal view shows a rudi- mentary lacinia with long- spiny hairs at the base of the large galea (comp. pi. 92, fig. N). Annular spiracle. Mesothoracic leg. Larva. Lateral vieAv. 282 PLATE 98 Sc7ae H . /^/jfefo/'mae LARVAL FORMS OF rOLEOl'TKHA Plate 101 rtinidae (A, B and E), AnoUidae (C, D, F-N, X, Ae and Oe), llosirivhidae (0-AV, Y, Z) A. Niptns sp. (Larvae, pupae and im- ag-ines in Df.v/onfmea /Z/f('/oZi'a Chili) : Larva; ats, anal trans verse sclerome. B. Ptiniis fur L. C. Nevermannia dorcatomoides Fisher (Costa Rica) D. E. Ptinus fur F. Nevermannia dorcatomoides G. H. I. J. Ventral moutliparts. Lasioderma serricorne F. K. L. i\r. N. 0. p. Q. Hedobia imperialis L. (Denmark) Trichodesma klagesi Fall. Seobicia declivis Lee, last instar first instar R. i i last instar ; S. i i 1 < a rp I ( i i first instar : V. i i i i i i V. i i last instar : w. i i a a X. Caenocara oculata Say : Y. Seobicia declivis. last instar Z. i I " ' ' AE. Caenocara oculata : OE. 1 1 Mesothoracic spiracle. Right mandible. ]\Iesothoracic spiracle. Head. Dorsal view. Anal pad. Larva. Lateral view. ^Mandible. Epipharynx (eph) ; la- brum ; clypeus, epis- toma, and antenna. Head. Dorsal view. Ventral moutliparts. Left maxilla ; ma, undi- vided mala. Left maxilla with mala divided into lacinia and galea. Epipharynx. Longitudinal cut of in- ner wall of mandible. Antenna, epipharynx and moutliparts. Left mandible. Head. Dorsal view. Larva. Lateral view. Tip of ninth abdominal seg:ment. Dorsal view. Prothoraeic spiracle. Ventral mouthparts. Left maxilla. Larva. Lateral view. Right maxilla. Right mandible. Larva. Lateral view. 288 PLATE 101 ZJcd/c/c^ ALA^oc^^^^-^^^-^ LAEVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 102 A. B. C. D. Steplianopaeliys pacificus Cs\ Polvcaon stoiiti Lee. Lvctiis eavicollis Lee. G. H. Lyetus cavieollis, first iiistar Psoidae (A-E), Lyctidae (F-K) Labrum, clypeus, and antenna. Labrum and clypens. Head eapsnle. Ventral view. Interior of buccal region ; epsc, epipharyngeal sclerome ; epx, epipharynx ; Im, laeinia man- dibnlae; md, mandible; pmo, pseudomola, a big molar-like process from dorsal side of mandible. Ventral mouthparts. Right mandible ; Im, laeinia mandibnlae ; pmo, pseudo- mola. Dorsal view (left) ; buccal view (right). Antenna. Eighth abdominal spiracle (left figure) ; first abdominal spir- acle (right figure). Larva. Lateral view. Ninth abdominal segment with a pair of small urogomphi. Dorso-lateral view, mature larva : Head and ventral mouthparts. 290 PLATE 102 L_« /o/i^ca en (i/c/l^S LAI? VAT. FORMS OF TOLEOPTEEA Plate 103 Bnicliidae (= Mylahridae) A. Caiyedon fiiscus (Goeze) (=Briicluis or Paehynieriis gonagra F.) (Phil- ippine Isl.) B. Pachymerus niieleorum F. (Brazil) : C. Caryedon fuscus : D. '' " : E. F. " " , first instar G. Pachymerus nucleornm H. Brnchus (=Mylabris) obteetns Say J. Spermophagiis hoft'inanneggi Gyll . K. " " , first instar L. M. N. , mature larva , mature larva ; , first instar Ocelli and antenna. Kight mandible. Head. Dorsal view. Ventral mouthparts ; gl, glossa ; li, ligula ; Ip, labial palpus; pgl, para glossa ; sm, sub- mentum. Ventral view. Head. Ventral view. Tibia and tarsus. Larva. Lateral view. Spiracle ; atrium sepa- rately to the right. Labrum, clypeus and epistoma. Anterior part of head. Dorsal view. Prothoracic dorsal X- shaped plate in the first bruchid instar assisting it in enter- ing the seeds of legu- minous plants. Leg. Venti-al mouthparts. Leg. 292 PLATE 103 hi^inerM G./acni^in eri^s '^//>^. I . ^r^^/jus f\ . Jp ern)o/}/>tt^ns \.SpernK>ph. M . ^ permopAa^iAJ l\i . Spe//no/>nei^u^ LAEVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTFKA Plate 104 Sagridae A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Sagra femorata Jae. (Malleswar, ^Mysore State India) Sag-ra femorata Jae. Head. Ventral view. Rig-lit maxilla. Ventral view. Head. Dorsal view. Hj^popharynx and labium. Lat- eral view. Abdominal spiracle, bilabiate type. Leg. Larva. Lateral view. Eight mandible. Ventral view. 294 PLATE 104 sSc^^. ra LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 105 Orsodacnidae-Orsodacninac, Orsodacnidae-Zeufjopliorinae A. Orsodacne sp. (Not reared; determined by the method of elimination and local- ity) B. Orsodacne sp. c. it a D. a a E. a i I F. Zengophora seutellaris Siiffr. a. I i it H. a ( t Rig'ht mandible. Ventral view. Ventral mouthparts. Ventral view. Right mandible. Dorsal view. Head. Dorsal view. Larva. Lateral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Left mandible. Ventral view. 296 PLATE 105 Qi.Orsoc/acne A. Orsodc:,cne B. Orsod^Cne LAEVAL FORMS OF COLKOPTERA Plate 106 Donaciidae A. Donacia sp. B. D. Donacia marginata Hoppe (Denmark) E. G. Plateumaris braccata Scop. (Denmark) H. Donacia crassipes F. (Denmark) X ( ( (t J. K. Donacia marginata L. Donacia marginata M. N. 0. Donacia sp. p ti a q". " " Head. Lateral view. Larva. Lateral view. Head. Dorsal view. Labrnm, elypeus, epistoma. Tip of antenna. Right mandible. Dorsal view. Tip of maxilla. Dorsal view. Distal part of maxilla ; bl, blade ; lac, lacinia ; sty, stylus. Dorsal view. (Compare pi. Ill G; bl = * ; sty = long seta ) . Lacinia with stylus, and galea with blade. Ventral view. Maxillary stipes with palpus. Mala ; split open. Hook shaped eighth abdominal spiracle; showing opened tubes and atrium. Hook shaped eighth abdominal spiracle ; intact. Longitudinal section of annular fourth abdominal spiracle and closing apparatus; ha, hard fold of closing apparatus ag-ainst which soft fold from opposite wall of trachea is pressed when the closing muscle between the arms is contracted. Leg. Ventral mouthparts. Cross-section of hook of eighth abdominal spiracle; bw, pro- longation from body wall. Ventral mouthparts. Dorsal view. 298 PLATE 106 Donacia LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 107 Camptosomafidae-Chlaniydinae (G, H) Camptosomaiidae-Clytrmue ( A-F ) A. elytra quadripunctata L. (Denmark) : Head. Ventral view. : Head with ventral moutliparts re- moved. Ventral vieAv, : Head; sj, pillbox shaped sensory appendix of antennal tip. Dor- sal view. : Hypopharynx and ventral mouth- parts. Lateral view. : Hypopharynx and ventral month- l^arts. Dorsal view. : Larva. Lateral view. : Anterior portion of head; sj, con- ical sensory appendix of an- tenna. Dorsal view. H. " " : Head and prothorax. Lateral view. B. ( < ( < C. 1 1 1 1 D. I < i i E. i i 1 1 F. < i i ( G. Chlamys 1 gibbosa F. 300 PLATE 107 A.CA^fro B.C/y/Ta E. C/Lffroi F". C/Lf/'ra V\.07Jamys LAEVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 108 A. Paria canella F. : B. < ( i i C. i ( a D. a (I E. a a F. H i I G. I i i i H. Clirysocliiis auratus F. : I. ( ( a J. 11 a K. K.* L. M. Eiimolpidae Head. Dorsal view. Left mandible. Dorsal, ventral, and tilted for basi-dorsal view. Ventral nionthparts. Ventral view. Head and protliorax. Lateral view. Larva. Lateral view. Abdomen. Dorsal view. Abdomen. Ventral view. Annular spiracle. Longitudinal sec- tion. Annular spiracle. Exterior view. Anterior portion of head ; distal end of mandible removed to show epi- pharynx, hypopharynx, and maxil- lary mala. Diagram of buccal structures ; 1, mem- brane between maxilla and hypo- pharynx; 2, maxillary palpiger; 3, stipes; 4, hypopharynx; 5, premen- tum ; 6. mentum ; 7, body ; 8, labrum ; 9, clypeus; 10, place of the removed mandible ; 11, antenna ; 12, epi- cranium. Mandible. Larva. Lateral view. End of abdomen. Ventral view. 302 PLATE 108 LAEVAL FOEMS OF COLEOPTEEA Plate 109 A. Lema sp. B. Crioceris asparao-i L C. D. Crwceridae (A-G) Ch rysom elida e ( H-M ) Dorsal view E. i I i i F. 1 1 (( G. 11 << H. Gastroidea cyanea ^lelsli. I. i I ' < < J. i I < ( K. i i ( c L. i c i I M. i I C i Head. Leg. Thoracic biforous spiracle. Buccal cavity with epipharynx above, and hypopharynx and the ventral monthparts below. An- terior view. Head capsule. Ventral view. Ventral monthparts. Ventral view. Larva. Lateral \dew. Head. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Left mandible. Ventral view. Right maxilla. Ventral view. Larva. Lateral view. Leg. 304 PLATE 109 CXnocem J . (ras/ro/dea ^ K . Oas fro idea \_ . Oasfroide a M , (rasfro/Glga LAEVAL FOEMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 110 Galcrucidae-Galerucinae A. Galeruca tanaceti L. (Denmark) B. Sermylassa halensis L. (Denmark) C. Agelastica alni L. (Denmark) D. Monoxia consputa Lee. E. Agelastica alni F. Galerucella luteola Miiller G. Galeruca tanaceti H. Monocesta corj'li Say I. J. K. L. M. Head. Dorsal view. Left mandible. Ventral view. Larva. Lateral view. Spiracle. Left mandible. Ventral view. Larva. Dorsal view. Larva. Lateral view. Antenna and ocellus. Ijeft figure, showing la- cinia, galea and hypo- pliarynx facing the buc- cal cavity; right figure, showing galea, mentum, and labium vicAved from beloAV. Leg. Left mandible. Ventral view. Tenth abdominal segment from below, showing anus in center and six anal lobes. Larva. Lateral view. 306 PLATE 110 L . Afonoces/cf M. /J^o/^oces/a LAEVAL FORMS OF COLFOPTERA Plate 111 Galerucidae-Diabroticinae A. Phvllobrotiea quadrimaculata L. (Denmark) : Head, protliorax and mesotliorax. Dorsal view. ; Larva. Lateral view. : Left mandible. Ven- tral view. : Head capsule. Dorsal view. : End of abdomen. Dor- sal view. : Pulvillus on posterior side of tarsiingulus. : Ventral moutliparts. Dorsal view (left fio'ure) ; ventral view (right fig'ure). : End of abdomen. Dor- sal \'iew. : End of abdomen. Dor- sal view. ; End of abdomen. Lat- eral view. : Anterior part of larva. Lateral view. : End of abdomen. Dor- sal view. : Anterior part of larva. Lateral view. B. C. Diabrotica duodeeimpunctata Fab. D. E. Phyllobrotica quadrimaculata F. Diabrotica duodeeimpunctata G. H. Diabrotica longicornis Say I. Diabrotica duodeeimpunctata J. Diabrotica vittata F. K. Diabrotica duodeeimpunctata L. Diabrotica vittata M. p]xos()ma lusitanica L. (INIarocco) 308 PLATE 111 Ys^.D^ahrof/ca V-.D/ahrof/ca M./^ X'osama LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 112 Gale rue idae-Halficiuae A. Haltica biiiiara]aiiimis sp. : G. H. Lixii.s serobicollis : Cure III ion id lie Labrum and clypeiis. Antenna. Abdominal spiraele. Left mandible. Ventral view. Antenna and two ocelli. Ventral monthparts and tento- rium. Ventral view. Larva. Lateral view. Ventral monthparts. Ventral view. I. '' '' : Ventral monthparts. Dorsal view. J. Geraens penicellus Herbst. : Antenna. K. " " : Epipharynx, hypopharynx, man- dible from below, and oesopha- gus. L. " " : Mandible. Buccal view. M. " " : Ventral monthparts. Ventral view. N. " " : Ventral monthparts and hypo- pharyngeal region. 0. Heilipns perseae Barber (Panama, C. Z.) : Anterior part of larva. Lateral view. P. Cossonns sp. (Hopk. U. S. 10079 j) : Larva. Lateral view. Q- " " : Ventral monthparts. Ventral view. P. Xanpactns sp. (Chili) : Eigjit mandible. Exterior vieAV. S. " " : Larva. Lateral view. T. " " : Head; co, skin connecting head and prothorax. Ventral view. U. Phelypera distigma Boh. (Guatemala): Larva. Lateral view. 328 PLATE 121 S'A^au7/}ac/iAS T.A/ai^pac/t^s (J, /^^/. /j^pcra LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Plate 122 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. X. 0. P. Q- R. S. C urv iili(jn idae-L lsso)']i opirin ae Lissorhoptrus simplex Say T. U. V. Head. Lateral view. Larva, showing a pair of hook- shaped spiracles on the back of second to seventh abdominal segments. Lateral view. Apex of dorsal spiraeular hook. Epipharynx. A pair of spiraeular liooks. Dor- sal view. Eighth abdominal spii'acle; not freely projecting. Antenna. Left mandible. Ventral view. Right maxilla. Buccal view. Spiraeular hooks ; tracheal branch to spiracle (sptr) ; tracheal stem and closing apparatus. Head. Dorsal view. Head. Ventral view. Ventral mouthparts. Hypopharyngeal region. Cocoon with mud cover removed. Epidermis from which the cocoon is exudated. Larva. Dorsal view. Two cocoons ; one with nnid cover removed from upper half. Cocoon opened to show the larva in position and completely clean after having exudated the cocoon ; notice the breathing hole gnawn into the submerged rice stem. Hole in stem and cocoon. Hole on side of stem. Cocoon showing breathing (bh) and emergence (eh) holes. 330 PLATE 122 Z /ssorA opf/'i/^S LARVAL FORMS OF ('OLIOOI'TEKA Plate 123 Scolytidae (A-E), Calendridae (F-H), Platypodidae (I-P) A. Scolvtus muticus Say B. D. E. Dendroctonus valens Lee. F. Sitophilus granarins L. (= Caleiidra granaria L.) (Drawn by R. T. Cotton) II. I. J. K. L. M. N. 0. P. Sitoiiliilus granarins (Drawn by R. T. Cotton) Sitophilns granarins (Drawn by R. T. Cotton) Platypns eompositns Say Larva. Lateral vieAv. Right mandible. Interior view, Mesothoracic spiracle. Head. Anterior view. Larva. Lateral view. Hypopliaryngeal region and ventral montliparts. Bnccal view. Spiracle. Larva. Lateral view. Antenna. Left mandible. Ventral view. Larva. Lateral vicAv. Head. Dorsal Adew. Mesothoracic spiracle. Ventral monthparts. Ventral A'icAV. Head; monthparts detached. Ventral vieAv. Right maxilla. Dorsal view. 332 PLATE 123 J\ « S^coA/A^s ,iv\/WN_> Jy B • Sco/i^ti^s Xy^fScoA/f^S O.Scc/i^/i/ps E« ^P^c/K//c/o^///^s I • P/a/i/pi^s^ m/^aA/ppfS K, P/aA;/0(/jS L • P/afu;/)i/)S N ./"/ati^pu^s O./'/c^fi^pi^s R /%^/.^^ LAEVAL FOEMS OF COLEOPTEEA Plate 124 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. Lymexylidae-Lymexylmae, Lymexylidae-Hylecoetinae (H, L^ Melittomma sericeum Harris Hyleeoetiis lugubris Say Melittomma sericeum L. Hylecoetus lugubris M. Melittomma sericeum Head. Dorsal view. Abdominal spiracle. Head. Ventral view. Left maxilla. Dorsal view. Hypopliaryngeal region and ventral mouthparts. Dorsal view. Tviglit mandible. Ventral view. Leg. Left maxilla. Dorsal view. Left maxilla. Lateral view. Tibia and tarsungulus. Prothorax and mesothorax. Ventral view. Posterior end of abdomen ; eppl, epipleural lobe. Larva. Lateral view. 334 A Meliftommcf B Me/iftomma ^ ' MeJfifmnma '^ T.Mel iftom ma H G . Meliftommq ^.Meliffomhna /?/-/ '/^^'/o L . /7^/^ CO eri^s K MsUftomma 9a6c/ M, Mef/ffonnma PLATE 125 LAEVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA INDEX Abbreviations, 81-86 Acanthoeeridae, 52 Acilius, 24 Acknowledgments, 4 Adelops, — ; plate 11 Adephaga, 2, 6, 7, 9, 10 (Aegialitidae = Eurystethidae) Aesalinae, 51 ; plate 87 Agabus, 23 Agathidiini, 71 Agelastica, — ; plate 110 Agrilinae, 49 ; plate 80 Agrilus, 49 ; plate 80 Airora, — ; plate 93 Aleocliara, 9, 29 Aleocharinae, 28; plates 14, 16 Alitargus, — ; plate 50 Alleculidae, 42 ; plate 56 Alleeulinae, 42 ; plate 56 Alloxacis, — ; plate 51 Alobates, — ; plate 58 (Altica = Haltica) Amarinae, 19, 23 Amarini, 23 Amartus, 37 Amblycheila, 18; plate 4 Aniblycheilini, 18 Amphicyrta, — ; plate 62 Amphieyrtinae, 43 ; plate 62 Ampliix, ■ — ; plate 39 Ampliizoa, — ; plate 7 Amphizoidae, 17; plate 7 Anaedus, 42 ; plate 60 Anaspididae, 39 ; plate 47 Anaspidini, 60 Anaspis, 39 ; plate 47 Anastrategus, — ; plate 88 Anehytarsus, 45 ; plate 69 Ancyronyx, 46 ; plate 71 Anisotoma, — ; plate 11 Anisotomidae, 7, 25, 26, 71 ; plate 11 Anisotominae, 25 Anobiidae, 62 ; plate 101 Anobiiim, 62 Anoniala, — ; plate 88 Anomalini, 54 ; plate 88 Anoplithalmus, 21 Antherophagus, — ; plate 29 Anthicidae, 39, 60, 74; plate 46 Anthieus, 39; plate 46 Anthobiiim, 29 Anthrenus, — ; plate 90 ( Anthribidae = Platystomidae) Aphaobius, 26, 72 Ajjliodiinae, 53 Aphodius, 53 Apliorista, — ; plate 39 Apionidae, 67 ; plate 120 Aploderus, 28 Apsectiis, — ; jjlate 90 Araecerus, 66; plate 117 Archostemata, 6, 9, 10, 15 Arescus, — ; plate 115 Argopistes, — ; plate 113 Artlirolipinae, 36 ; plate 34 Arthrolips, 36 ; plate 34 Arthromacra, — ; plate 60 Asapliidion, 21 Aseminae, 61 ; plate 99 Asemum, — ■; plate 99 Aseriea, — ; plate 88 Atenieles, 29 Atheta, 28 Atraetocerus, 68 Attageninae, 55 ; plate 90 Attagenus, — ; plate 90 Attelabidae, 66; plate 118 Attelabinae, 66 Auloniuni, — ; plate 49 Aulonotliroscus, — ; plate 81 Badister, 21 Barber, H. S., 16, 46 Balaninus, — ; plate 121 Bathysciinae, 72 Batrisodes, 30; plate 19 Bembidiinae, 19, 21 Bembidion, 21 Bernhauer & Schubert, 28 Berosinae, 32 ; plate 22 Berosus, 32; plate 22 Bertkau, P., 47 Betarmon, — ; plate 86 Bibliography, 3, 69 Bitoma, — ; plate 49 Blair, K. G., 46, 48 Bledius, 9, 28 Blepharida, 65; plate 112 Blethisa, 22 Boridae, 41, 60 ; plates 48, 55 Boros, 41, 60 ; plates 48, 55 Bostrichidae, 62 ; plate 101 Bostrichoidea, 8, 9, 10, 14, 55, 56, 61, 62, 79 Bothrideres, 40, 57 ; plate 44 Bothrideridae, 40, 57, 75; plate 44 Brachinus, 9, 19 Brachypseetra, — ; plates 74, 75 Brachypsectridae, 13, 46 ; plates 74. 75 Brachypteridae, Verhoeff, 37 339 LARVAL FORMS OF TOLKOPTLRA Bracliypterus, 37; plate 30 Brachys, 49 ; plate 80 Bracliytarsiiiac, 6C ; plate 117 Braehytarsus, — ; plate 117 Brathinidae, 25, 72 Brentidae, 15, 66; plate 118 Brontes, 35; plate 31 Bronthispa, — ; plate 115 Brontiiiae, 35; plate 31 Broscinae, 19, 22 Broscus, 22 Bnichidae, 15, 63; plate 103 Bruchinae, 63 Brueluis, — ; plate 103 Bugnion, E., 48 Biiprestidae, 13, 49; plate 80 Buprestinae, 49; plate 80 Buprestini, 49 Bureau of Entomology, 1 Byrrhidae, 12, 43 ; plates Gl, 62 Bvrrhinae, 43 ; plates 61, 62 Byrrhoidea, 7, 10, 12, 43, 44, 76 Bvrrhus, — ; plate 61 Byturidae, 39, 40, 75 ; plate 45 Byturus, — ; i)late 45 Caeniella, 48 ; plate 76 Caenocara, 14; plate 101 Calendridae, 67 ; jjlate 123 Calitys, — ; plate 94 Calleida, 19 Callimerus, — ; plate 95 Calopodinae, 41, 75; plate 51 Calopteron, — ; plate 76 Calopus, — ; plate 51 Calosoma, 20 Camptosomatidae, 64, 79 ; plate 107 Cantharidae, 11, 47, 48; plates 77, 7f Cantliarinae, 48; plate 77 Cantharis, 48; plate 77 Cantharoidea, 8, 10, 13, 46, 76 Canthon, 52 Canthydrus, 17 Capnocliroa, - — ; plate 5(5 Carabidae, 17, 18; plate 4 Carabinae, 18, 20 Caraboidea, 7, 10, 16, 70 Carabus, 20 Cardiophorinae, 46, 50 ; plate 83 Cardiopliorus, — ; plate 83 Carpenter, Geo. H., — ; plate 112 Cartodere, — ; plate 25 Caryedon, — ; plate 103 Cassida, — ; plate 116 Cassididae, 66; plate 116 Catalogues, 4, 6 Cateretinae, 37 ; plate 36 Catliartus, 35; plate 30 Catogenidae, 12, 14, 35, 57, 73; plate 33 Catogenus, 35, 57 (Catopinae = Cholevinae) Cebrio, — ; plate 79 Cebrionidae, 50 ; plate 79 (Centrinus - Geraeus) Cephaloidae, 41, 60 ; plate 52 Cephaloon, — ; plate 52 Cerambycidae, 60; plates 99, 100 Cerambycinae, 61 ; plates 99, 100 Cerambyeoidea, 2, 8, 10, 14, 60, 79 Cercyon, 32 ; plate 24 Cerotoma, 65 Ceruchus, 51 ; plate 87 Cetoniini, 54 Cetoniinae, 54, 55 ; plate 87 Chaetartliria, 32 ; plate 23 Chaetoenema, — ; plate 112 Chaetocnemini, 65 Chalcolepidius, — ; plate 84 Chalcopliora, — ; plate 80 Chalcophorini, 49 Chalepus, — ; plate 115 Characters, 3 Chariessa, 57 Chauliognathinae, 47; plate 78 Chauliognatlius, — ; plate 78 Chelonariidae, 45; plate 71 Chelonariuni, — ; plate 71 Chlaeniinae, 19, 21 Chlaenius, 21 Chlamydinae, 64; plate 107 Chlamys, — ; plate 107 Choleva, — ; plate 11 Cholevinae, 25, 26, 72; plate 11 Choraginae, 66; plate 117 Chrysobothrini, 49 Chrysobothris, — ; plate 80 Chrysochus, — ; plate 108 Chrysomelidae, 65 ; plate 109' Chrysonieloidea, 8, 10, 15, 63, 79 Cicindela, 18 ; plate 4 Cicindelidae, 9, 17; plate 4 Cieindelini, 18 Ciidae, 8, 55, 77; plate 92 Cillenus, 21 (Cioidae = Ciidae) Clonus, 67 ; plate 120 (Cisidae = Ciidae) Cis, — ; plate 92 Cladoxeninae, 34 ; plate 28 Clanibidae, 25 Clavigeridae, 25 Cleridae, 56, 57 ; plate 95 Clerinae, 57 ; plate 95 340 LAEVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTEEA Cleroidea, 7, 10, 13, 55, 78 Clinidium, — ; plate 3 Clivina, 22 Cloeotus, 52 Clytra, — ; plate 107 Clytrinae, 64; plate 107 Coccidotrophus, 35 ; plate 30 Coccinella, — ; plate 38 Coceinellidae, 38, 39; plate 37 Coccinelliiiae, 38; plates 37, 38 Coelostoma, 32 ; plate 23 Collops, — ■; plate 92 Collyrini, 18 Collyris, 18 Coloninae, 72 Colydiidae, 8, 40, 57 ; plate 49 Colydiini, 40 Colymbetes, 23 Colymbetinae, 23 Conspectus systematicus, 70-80 ; 125 Contents, Table of, V-VIII Copidita, — ; plate 51 Coprinae 52, 53 Copris, 53 Coproi^hiliis, 28 Coptotominae, 24 Coptotomus, 24 Corticaria, — ; plate 25 Corydalis, 7 Corylophidae, 26, 36 ; plate 34 Corylophinae, 36 ; plate 34 Corylophodes, 36 ; plate 34 (Corynetinae - Korynetinae) Cossoniis, — ; plate 121 Cotalpa, —; plate 88 Cotton, R. T., 332 Craighead, F. C, 50, 58, 61 Cratacanthus, 23 (Cratoparis := Eupariiis) Cregya, 57 Cremastoclieilini, 55 Crepidoderini, 65 Crignuis, — ; plate 86 Crioceridae, 65 ; plate 109 Crioceris, — ; plate 109 Cryptoceplialinae, 64 Cryptohypnns, — ; plate 86 Cryptoi^liagidae, 34; plate 29 Cryptophagus, - — ; plate 29 Cryptopleurum, • — ■; plate 24 (Cryptostoma =: Palaeoxenus) Cteniopus, — ; plate 56 Ctenostoma, 18 Ctesias, — ; plate 90 Cucujidae, 34 ; plate 31 Cucujinae, 34 ; plate 31 plate Cucujus, 35; plate 31 Cucujoidea, 8, 10, 14, 33, 43, 57, 73 Cupes, — ; plate 1 Cupesidae, 6, 16 ; plate 1 Cupesoidea, 10, 16, 70 Curculionidae, 67 ; plates 120, 121, 122 Curculioninae, — ; plate 120 Curciilionoidea, 8, 10, 15, 66, 80 Cybisterinae, 24 Cyboeeplialidae, 37; plate 37 Cychrinae, 18, 21 Cychrus, 21 (Cyclonotun - Coelostoma) Cylas, 67 Cymatodera, 56; plate 95 Cymindis, 19 Cypherotylus, — ; plate 41 (Cyphonidae = Helodidae) Cytilus, — ; plate 62 Dacnidae, 39, 74; plate 42 Dacnini, 74 Damaster, 20 Dascillidae, 8, 44; plate 63 Dascilloidea, 7, 10, 12, 43, 76 Dascillus, 43, 44 ; plate 63 Dasytes, — ; plate 92 Demetrias, 19 Dendroctoniis, — ; plate 123 Dendrophagus, 35 Deretaphrus, 34, 40 ; plate 44 Dermestes, — ; plate 89 Dermestidae, 55 ; plates 89, 90 Dermestinae, 55 ; plate 89 Derobrachus, — ; plate 100 Derodontidae, 8, 33; plate 27 Derodontus, — ; plate 27 Diabrotica, 65; plate 111 Diabroticinae, 65 ; plate 111 Dibolia, 63; plate 114 Dieaelus, 21 Dichelonycini, 53 Dimmock, G., and Knab, F, 19 Dineutes, 19, 24; plate 6 Dinoderopsis, 62 Dinoderus, 62 Diplotaxini, 53 Dircaea, • — ; plate 43 Disonycha, — ; plate 113 Distenia, — ; plate 100 Disteniinae, 12, 15, 60, 61, 62; plate 100 (Ditoma = Bitoma) Donacia, — ; plate 106 Donaciidae, 63 ; plate 106 Dorcinae, 51 Dorcus, 51 341 LARVAL FORMS OF C'OLEOPTERA Drapptes, 50; plate 8?. Drilidae, 46; plates 74, 75, 77 Drilus, 11, 46; plates 74, 75, 77 ( Drijjtinae = Drvptinae) Droniiiiiae, 18, 19 Droinius, 19 Dryocora, 35; plate 33 Dryopidae, 45, 46; plates 70, 71, 7 73 Dryopoidea, 7, 8, 10, 13, 44, 76 Dryops, 44, 46; plate 71 Dryptinae, 18, 20 Dynastes, — ; plate 88 Dynystinae, 54 ; plate 88 Dyschiriinae, 19, 22 Dysehirius, 22 Dysmenis, 35 Dytiscidae, 17, 23 ; plate 6 Dytiscinae, 24; plate 6 Dytiscus, 24 Ectoparasite, 9, 18, 19 (Elaeatidae = Othnildae) Elaphrinae, 19, 22 Elaphrus, 22 Elater, — ; plate 86 Elateridae, 50, 51; plates 83-86 Elaterinae, 51 ; i^late 86 Elateroidea, 8, 10, 13, 49, 76, 77 Eleodes, — ; plate 57 Embaphion, — ; plate 57 Emden, F. v., 19, 50 Emerson, A. E., — ; plate 21 Endomychidae, 8, 38; plates 39, 40 Endomychinae, 38, 74; plates 39, 40 Endomyclius, — ; plates 39, 40 Endoparasite, 29 Enhydrini, 24 Enneartliron, — ; plate 92 Enochrus, — ; plate 22 Enoelerus, 57 ; plate 95 Enopliinae, 57 Epicauta, - — ; plate 96 Epierus, 31 Epilachna, • — ; plate 38 Epilachninae, 12, 39 ; plate 38 Epuraea, - — •; plate 35 Eretes, 24 Eros, — ; plate 76 Erotylidae, 39; plate 41 Eubrianacinae, 45 ; plate 70 Eubrianax, 45 ; plate 70 p]uchroina, ■ — ; plate 80 Eueinetidae, 33, 43, 73 ; plate 26 Eucinetus, 43 ; plate 26 (Eucnemidae = Melasidae) Eufallia, 33, 38; plate 25 Euglenidae, 39, 60, 75 Eiiniici'iis, 30 ; plate 16 Eiiniolpidae, 64; plate 108 Eiinausibius, 35 p]uparius, — ; plate 117 Euphoria, 54 Euplectus, 9, 30 ; plate 19 Eiipristocerus, 49 Euproctus, 19 Eupsalis, — ; plate 118 Europs, 33 (Eurygeniidae = Pedilidae) p]urygenius, 41 ; plate 53 Euryinycter, — ; plate 117 Eurypepla, — ; plate 116 Eiirypogon, 13, 45 ; plate 69 Eurypogonidae, 8, 45 ; plate 69 Eurystethidae, 40, 60 ; plate 48 Eurystethus, — ; plate 48 Eustrophinus, — ; plate 43 Eustrophus, 39 Evarthrus, 23 Exosoina, 65; plate 111 Families, Subfamilies and tribes (Headline), 16 Figures, 2 First instars of larva, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 20, 25, 29, 46, 47, 58, 59 Foetometamorphosis, 11, 47 Forbes, Wm. T. M., 6 Galerita, 20 Galeruca, — ; plate 110 Galerucella, 19; plate 110 Galerucidae, 65; plate 110-114 Galenicinae, 65 ; plate 110 Gastroidea, — ; plate 109 Geotrupidae, 52 Geraeus, — ; plate 121 Glaphyrinae, 53 Glisehroehilus, — ; plate 35 Glyptus, 19 ; plate 4 Gnorimella, 54 Graphisurus, — ; plate 99 Graphoderes, 24 Gymnetini, 54 Gyrinidae, 24 ; plate 6 Gyrinini,24 Gyrinoidea, 10, 11, 25, 71 Gyrinus, 24 Gyrophaena, 28; plate 14 Habrocerinae, 30 Habrocerus, 30 Haliplidae, 17, 24 ; plate 5 Haliplinae, 17; plate 5 342 LARVAL FOEMS OF COLEOPTERA Haliplus, — ; plate 5 Haltica, 65; plate 112 Halticinae, 65; plates 112-114 Harpalinae, 19, 23 Harpalini, 23 Hatch, Melville H., 72 Hedobia, — ; plate 101 Heideii, L. v., 4 Heilipus, — ; plate 121 Heliclius, 45 ; plate 73 Helminae, 46; plate 71, 73 Helmis, 46; plate 71 Heloehares, — ; plate 22 Helodes, ■ — ; plate 65 Helodidae, 44 ; plate 65 Heloplioridae, 32; plate 21 Helophorus, 32 ; plate 21 Hemipeplus, 35; plate 31 Hemirhipus, — ; plate 84 Henoticus, — ; plate 29 Henriksen, K. L., 69 Hesperobaenus, 33 ; plate 25 Heteroceridae, 7, 44 ; plate 64 Heteroceriis, — ; plate 64 Heterostonuis, 37; plate 36 Heterotarsini, 42, 76 Hispidae, 66 ; plate 115 Hister, — ; plate 20 Histeridae, 9, 11, 25, 31; plate 20, 21 Hololepta, 31; plate 20 Hololeptiiiae, 31 Hoinoeotelus, — ; plate 41 Homalisidae, 47 Hoplia, 53 Hoplocephala, — ; plate 57 Horiinae, 59 Horistonotus, — ; plate. 83 Hubbard, H. G., 67 Hydatieus, 24; plate 6 Hydnoeera, — ; plate 95 Hydnoeeriiiae, 56 ; plate 95 Hydraena, 25, 26, 31 Hydrobiiuae, 32; plates 22, 23 Hydrobius, — ; plate 22 Hydroeanthus, 17 Hydroehidae, 7, 32 ; plate 22 Hvdroehus, 32; plate 22 Hydrophilidae, 32; plate 22-24 Hydrophilinae, 32; plate 22, 23 Hydrophiloidea, 7, 10, 11, 25, 31, 73 Hydrophilus, 32 ; plate 22 Hydroporinae, 23 ; plate 6 Hydroscapha, — ; plate 9 Hvdroscaphidae, 25, 26, 31; plate 9 Hydrous, 32 ; plate 23 Hygrobia, 17; plate 5 Hygrobiidae, 17; plate 5 Hyleeoetinae, 68; plate 124 Hylecoetus, 68; plate 124 Hylophilus, 39 Hymenorus, — ; plate 56 Hyperaspis, — ; plate 37 Hyperiui, 67 Hypermetamorphosis, 11 Hyphydrus, 23 ; jjlate 6 Hypophloeus, — ; plate 57 Hyslop, J. A., 2, 50 (Ignotus = Tliylodrias) Ilybius, 23 Inopeplus, 35 Introduction, 6; plate 125 Jeannel, R., 72 Junk, E. W., 4 Kemner, N. A., 29 Keys, 3 Kolbe, H. J., 6 Kolobova, A. N., 76 Korynetes, 56 Korynetinae, 56 Laccobius, — ; plate 22 Laccophilus, 23 Laemophloeidae, 12, 14, 35 ; plate 32 Laemophloeus, 35 ; plate 32 Laemostenus, 22; plate 4 Lagria, — ; plate 60 Lagriidae, 42; plate 60 Lamiinae, 12, 61; plate 99, 100 Lamprosonia, 64 Lamprosominae, 64 Lampyridae, 11, 12, 13, 48; plate 74, 75 Lampyris, 48; plate 74 Languria, — ; plate 28 Languriidae, 34, 40, 60 ; plate 28 Languriinae, 34 ; plate 28 Lara, 45; plate 72 Larinae, 45 ; plate 72 Lasioderma, 62; plate 101 Lathridiidae, 8, 33, 38, 74; plate 25 Lathrimaeum, 29 Lathropus, 35 Lebia, 9, 19, 24 Lebiinae, 18, 19 Lebiini, 70 Leiochrodes, — ; plate 59 (Leiodes = Liodes) (Leiodinae = Liodinae) Leistus, 20 Lema, — ; plate 109 Leng, C. W., 3, 6, 60 Leptinidae, 7, 25, 26, 43 ; plate 10 343 LAEVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Leptinils, — ; plate 10 Leptotrac-helus, 20 Lopturiiiae, 62; plate 99, 100 Leptusa, 28 Leslie, P., 62 Lieliiianthe, oS Liciniiiae, 19, 21 Licinus, 21 Ligyrodes, — ; plate 88 Limnebiidae, 7, 25, 26, 31; plate 8 Limnebiini, 71 Liiiuiebius, 2o, 26 ; plate 8 Liiniiius, 46 ; plate 73 Liodes, — ; plate 11 (Liodidae = Anisotomidae), 71 Liodinae, 26; plate 11 Lioon, — ; plate 62 Liooiiinae, 43 ; plate 62 Lispinus, 28 Lissorhoptrinae, 67; plate 122 Lissorhoptms, 67 ; plate 122 Litargus, — ; plate 50 Literature (Headline), 69 Lixus, — ; plate 121 Lobiopa, — ; plate 35 Lomechusa, 29 Loiigitarsus, — ; plate 112 Loricera, 20 Loricerinae, 18, 20 Lubbock, S. J., 26 Lueauidae, 8, 51; plate 87 Lucaiiinae, 51 ; plate 87 Lucanus, — ; plate 87 Luciola, 48 Lycidae, 48; plate 76 Lycoperdina, — ; plate 40 Lyctidae, 63; plate 102 Lyctus, 14; plate 102 Lymexylidae, 68 ; plate 124 Lyniexvlinae, 68 ; plate 124 Lymexyloidea, 10, 12, 15, 67, 75, 80 Lymexyloii, — ; plate 124 Lyprops, 42 Lyttinae, 58, 59; plate 96 Maerobasis, — ; plate 96 Maerodactylinae, 53 Macrodactylus, 53 (Malaehiidae = Melyridae) Malachius, — ; plate 91 Malthininae, 47 ; plate 77 Malthinus, — ; plate 77 Malthodes, — ; plate 77 Malthodinae, 48; plate 77 Mantura, — ; plate 113 Maronetus, 21 Maseochara, 28, 29; plate 16 Mecyiiotarsus, — ; plate 46 ^Nlegalodacne, — ; jjlate 42 Mi'gartlirus, 29 Megastcriiuni, — ; plate 24 Meincrt, F., 5 Melandrya, — ; plate 43 Melaiidryidae, 39, 60, 74 ; plate 43 Melaiiophthalma, — ; plate 25 Melasidae, 13, 50; plate 81 Melasis, — ; jjlate 81 Meligethes, — ; plate 36 Meligethinae, 37; plate 36 Melittomma, 68; plate 124 Meloe, — ; plate 96 Meloidae, 58, 59, 60; plate 96 Meloidea, 8, 10, 11, 58, 60, 78, 79 Meloinae, 58 ; plate 96 Melolontliinae, 53 Melyridae, 8, 55; plate 91, 92 Meracantha, — ; plate 57 Microglotta, 28 Micromalthidae, 6, 9, 16 ; plate 2 Mieronialthus, — ; plate 2 Micropeplidae, 26, 31 Molamba, 36; plate 34 Monocesta, — ; plate 110 Monocrenidius, — ; plate 85 Monoedidae, 58 Monoedini, 40, 75 Monophylla, 56 ; plate 95 Moiiotomidae, 33; plate 25 Mouoxia, — ; plate 110 Mordella, 60 Mordellidae, 39, 60, 74; plate 98 Mordellisteiia, 60; plate 98 Mordelloidea, 8, 10, 14, 60, 79 Moreira, C. 64 Murmidiidae, 38; plate 27 Murmidius, — ; plate 27 Museum, U. S. National, 1, 2, 4, 25 Mycetaea, — ; plate 39 Mycetaeinae, 38; plate 39 Mycetochara, — ; plate 56 Myeetopliagidae, 40; plate 50 Mycetopliagus, — ; plate 50 (Mylabridae = Brucliidae) (Mylabris = Bruehus) Myrmecophilous larvae, 9, 29 Narthecius, 35 Naupactus, — ; plate 121 Nausibius, 35; plate 30 Nebria, 20 Nebriinae, 18, 20 Necrobia, 56 Necrodes, — ; plate 13 Necropliorinae, 27 Necrophorus, 25 Neichnea, 57 ; plate 95 344 LAEVAL FOEMS OF COLEOPTEEA Nematidium, — ; plate 49 Nemognathinae, 59 Neopyrochroa, — ; plate 53 Neiiropterous larvae, 7 Nevermannia, — ; jjlate 101 Nicagus, 51 Nilionidae, 42 ; plate 59 Niptus, — ; plate 101 Nitidulidae, 12, 36; plate 35 Nitidulinae, 36 ; plate 35 Nomenclature, 3 Nosodendridae, 43, 44; plate 66 Nosodendron, 43 ; plate 66 N"osodermini, 75 Nossidium, 26 ; plate 10 Noteridae, 17 ; plate 5 Noteriis, 17; plate 5 Nothorhina, 9 Notiophilus, 20 Notoxus, — ; plate 46 Ochthebius, 25, 26; plate 8 Octotoma, — ; plate 115 Odacantha, 20 Odacanthinae, 18, 20 Oedemeridae, 8, 40, 41, 60 ; plate 51 Oedermerinae, 15, 39 ; plate 51 Oedionychis, 65; plate 113 Oestodes, 50; plate 83 Oestodinae, 50, 77 ; plate 83 Oglobin, D. A., 76 Olibrus, — ; plate 32 Olisthaerus, 30 Olophrum, 29 Omaliinae, 29; plate 17 Omalium, 29; plate 17 Omini, 18 Omophlinae, 42 ; plate 56 Omophlus, 42 ; plate 56 Omophron, — ; plate 5 Omophronidae, 17, 71 ; plate 5 Omus, 18; plate 4 Onota, 19 Onthophagus, 52 Oodes, 21 Opilo, 57 Opsimus, 61 Oreliesia, — ; plate 43 Orehestes, 67 Orectochilini, 24 Oreetocliilus, 24 Orsodaene, — ; plate 105 Orsodacnidae, 63 ; plate 105 Orsodacninae, 63 ; plate 105 Ortalistes, 38 Orthogonius, 19 (Orthoperidae = Corylopliidae) Orthoperus, 36; plate 34 Orthoijleiira, - — •; plate 95 Orthopleurinae, 56 ; plate 95 Orthosoma, — ; plate 99 Oryzaephilus, 35 ; plate 30 Osmoderma, — ; plate 87 Osmodermini, 55 Ospliya, • — ; plate 43 Ostoma, — ; plate 93 Ostomatidae, 56 ; plates 93, 94 Ostomatinae, 56 ; plates 93, 94 Othius, 30 Othniidae, 42, 60; plate 47 Othnius, 60 ; plate 47 Oxyporinae, 27 Oxytelinae, 25, 28; plate 15 Oxytelus, 28 ; plate 15 Ozognathus, 62 Pachymerinae, 63 ; plate 103 Pachyschelinae, 49; plate 80 Pachyschelus, 49 Paederinae, 25, 30 ; plates 15, 18 Paederus, — ; plates 15, 18 Paedogenetic larva, 16 Palaeoxenus, — ; plate 81 Panagaeus, 21 Paracercyon, — ; plate 24 Paracymus, — ; plates 22, 23 Parallelostethus, — ; plate 86 Parandra, 61 Parasitism, 11, 18, 19, 40, 46, 57 Paratenetus, 42 ; plate 60 Paria, — ; plate 108 Paromalus, — ; plate 20 Pasimaclius, 22 Passalidae, 11, 52 ; plate 87 Passalus, — ; plate 87 Patrobinae, 19, 22 Patrobus, 21, 22 Paussidae, 25 ; plate 7 Paussoidea, 10, 11, 24, 71 Paussus, 25 ; plate 7 Pediacus, 35 Pedilidae, 41, 60 ; plate 53 Pelidnota, — ; plate 87 (Pelobiidae - Hygrobiidae) Pelonominae, 45 ; plates 70, 72, 73 Pelonomus, 45; plate 72 Pelophila, 20 Peltodytiiiae, 17 Peiithe, 39; plate 42 Percosia, 23 Perris, Ed., 69 Peyerimhoff, P. de, 16, 36, 38 Phalacridae, 12, 14, 36; plates 32, 33 PhalacruSj — ; j)late 33 345 LARVAL FORMS OF ("OLEOPTERA Pliariuxonotlia, — ; plate 28 Phausis, 48 Phollopsis, 41 ; plate 52 Phelypera, 67; plate 121 Pliengodes, — ; plates 74, 75 Phengodidae, 48 ; plates 74, 75 Plieropsophus, 19 Philontluis, 9, 30 Philo])luiga, 19 Philydrus, — ; ])late 22 Phloeodes, 41 Pliloeonemiis, — ; plate 49 Phloeosticlms, 35 Photimis, 48; plates 74, 75 Photuris, — ; plates 74, 75 Pliydanis, — ; plate 113 Phjllobaeiius, 57 Phyllobrotica, 65; plate 111 Phyllotreta, — ; plate 112 Pliylogeny, 6, 7 ; plate 125 Phytophaga, 8 Piestinae, 28; plate 14 Piestus, 28; plate 14 Plaeopterus, 57 (Plastoceridae, see Cebrionidae), 50 Plateumarinae, 79 Plateumaris, — ; plate 106 Plates and Explanations, 87-337 Platisus, 35 Platycerus, 51 Platynini, 23 Platypodidae, 67 ; plate 123 Platypsyllidae, 25, 27; plate 12 Platypsyllus, — ; plate 12 Platypus, — ; plate 123 Platysoma, — ; plate 20 Platystethus, 28 Platystomidae, 66; plate 117 Platystomoidea, 8, 10, 12, 15, 66, 80 Platysystrophus, • — ; plate 118 Plegaderus, 31 Pleoconiinae, 53 Pleuropterus, 25 Plochionus, 19 Podabrus, 47, 48; plate 77 Podapion, — ; plate 120 (Pogoninae = Patrobinae) Polycaon, 62; plate 102 Polycestinae, 49 Polycestini, 49 Polymorphic metamorphosis, 16, 19, 46 Polyphaga, 6, 7, 9 Popillia, — ; plate 88 Porphyraspis, — ; plate 116 Preface, 2 Priocera, — ; plate 95 Priocerinae, 56 ; plate 95 346 Prioninae, 61; plate 99, 100 Prionooliaeta, — ; plate 11 Prionocyphon, — ; plate 65 Prionomerus, 67 ; plate 120 Procerus, 20 Prometopia, — ; plate 35 Prometopiinae, 37; plate 35 Prostomidae, 34, 35; plate 33 Prostominia, 35 Prostomis, 35 ; plate 33 Proteininae, 29 ; plate 16 Proteinus, 29 ; plate 16 Proterhinidae, 66; plate 119 Proterhinus, — ; plate 119 Psammoechus, 35 Psclaphidae, 11, 25, 30, 31; plate 19 Psephenidae, 45 ; plate 70 Psepheninae, 45 ; plate 70 Psephenoides, 45 ; plate 70 Psephenus, — ; plate 70 Psoa, 62 Psoidae, 62; plate 102 Psylliodes, 65; jilate 112 Psylliodini, 65 Pterostichini, 23 Pterostichinae, 19, 23 ; plate 4 Pterostichus, 21, 22 Ptiliidae, 25, 26, 43; plate 10 Ptilineurus, 9 Ptilodactyla, 45; plate 67 Ptilodactylidae, 8, 44, 45 ; plates 67, 68, 69 Ptinidae, 62; plate 101 Ptinus, • — ; plate 101 Pyrochroidae, 41, 60 ; plate 53 Pyrophorinae, 51 ; plates 84, 85, 86 Pyrophorus, ■ — ; plate 84 Pythidae, 41, 42, 60; plate 54 Pytho, • — ; plate 54 Quedius, 30 Raphidia, 7 Eeitter, E., 4 Rembus, 21 Rhaeboscelini, 77 Rhagium, — ; plate 99 Rhagonycha, — ; plate 77 Rhantus, 23 Rhinosimus, 41, 60 ; plate 54 Rhipiceridae, 13, 49; plate 79 Rhipidius, 59 Rhipiphoridae, 59, 60 ; plate 97 Rhipiphorus, • — ; plate 97 Rhizopertha, 62 Rhizophagidae, 33; plate 28 Rhizophagus, — ; plate 28 LAEVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA Rhymbus, 38 ; plate 40 Rhynehites, — ; plate 118 Rliyncliitinae, 66; plate 118 Rhynchophorus, 67 Rhysodidae, 16 ; plate 3 Rhvzostylops, 59 Rilev, C. v., 4, 5 Richmond, E. A., 2 (Ripieeridae = Rhipiceridae) Romaleum, — ; plate 100 Rosenberg, E. C, 19, 39, 47 Rushia, 74 ; plate 43 Rutelinae, 54; plate 87, 88 Rutelini, 54; plate 87, 88 Rymer-Roberts, A. W., 69 Saalas, U., 30, 62, 69 Sachim, 36; plate 34 Sagra, — ; plate 104 Sagridae, 63 ; plate 104 Saint George, R. A., 2, 5, 41, 75 Salpingidae, 41 ; plate 54 Salpingus, 60 Sandalidae, 50 ; plate 82 Sandalus, — ; plate 82 Saprinus, — ; plate 20 Scalidia, 35 ; plate 33 Scaphidiidae, 25, 27 ; plate 12 Scaphisoma, — ; plate 12 Scarabaeidae, 52, 53, 54, 55 ; plate 87, 88 Scarabaeoidea, 2, 8, 10, 12, 51, 77, 78 Scarites, 22 Scaritinae, 19, 22 Schenkling, S., 4 Sehiodte, J. C, 2, 69 ; plate 80 Scobicia, 14; plate 101 Scolytidae, 67; plate 123 Scolytus, — ; plate 123 Scraptia, 39; plate 44 Scraptiidae, 39 ; plate 44 Scydmaenidae, 11, 25, 30, 31; plates 16, 19 Scydmaenus, 30 Sericinae, 53 ; plate 88 Sericoderus, 36 Series of families (List and Key), 10 Serniylassa, ■ — ; plate 110 Serropalpus, — ; i^late 43 Sialis, 7 Silasia, 46; plate 74, 75 Silis, 48; plate 77 Silpha, 25; plate 13 Silphidae, 25, 27 ; plate 13 Silphinae, 27; plate 13 Silphini, 25 Silusa, 28 Silyanidae, 8, 34; plate 30 Silvaninae, 34 ; plate 30 Silvanus, 35 Silyestri, F., 19, 37, 59 Sinodendrinae, 51 ; plate 87 Sinodendron, — ; plate 87 Sitophiliis, — ; plate 123 Smieripidae, 12, 33, 36; plate 32 Smicrips, 33 ; plate 32 Smith, John B., 3 Snodgrass, R. E., 10 Sperclieidae, 7, 32 ; plate 21 Spercheus, 32; plate 21 Spermophagus, • — ; plate 103 Sphaeridiinae, 32 ; plates 23, 24 Sphaeridium, 24 ; plate 24 Sphaeriidae, 25 Sphaeritidae, 25 Sphaeroderma, 63, 64, 65; plate 114 Sphaeroderus, 21 Sphindidae, 34, 37, 38; plate 41 Sphindus, — ; plate 41 Sphodrinae, 19, 22 Sphodropsis, 22 Sphodrus, 22 Staphylinidae, 11, 25, 27 to 30; plates 14-18 Staphylininae, 25, 30 Staphylinoidea, 7, 10, 11, 25, 38, 71 to 73 Stapliylinus, 30 Stenelmis, — ; plate 71 Steninae, 30; plate 17 Stenotarsus, — ; plate 39 Stenus, — ; plate 17 Stephanopachys, 62 ; plate 102 Strepsiptera, 59 Strigoderma, — ; plate 88 Strongylium, — ; plate 57 Suborders (Key), 9 Superfamilies (List and Key), 10 Synchita, — ; plate 49 Synchitini, 40 Synchroa, 39, 41 ; plate 52 Synchroidae, 8, 39, 41; plate 52 Syntomiinae, 28 Syntomium, 28 Systenini, 65 Tachinus, — ; plate 15 Tachyi^orinae, 29 ; j)late 15 Tachys, 21 Tachyta, 21 Tarsosteninae, 57; plate 95 Tarsostenus, — ; plate 95 Telephaninae, 34 ; plate 30 Telephanus, 35 ; plate 30 347 LARVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTERA TelniMtpiiliihis, — ; plate 29 Temnoehila, — ; plate 93, 94 Tenebrionidae, 8, 41, 42 ; plate 57, 58 Tenebroides, — ; plate 93 Tenebroidinae, 56 ; plate 93. 94 Teretrius, — ; plate 20 Terminology, 3 Termitophilous larva, 11, 19, 29, 31, 38; plates 4, 21 Tetraeha, 18 Tetrachiiii, 18 Tetraonycidae, 59 ; plate 97 Tetraonyx, 59 ; plate 97 Thanasimus, 57 ; plate 95 Thaneroclerinae, 56 ; plate 95 Tlianeroclerus, — ; plate 95 Therates, 18; plate 4 Thermonectes, 24 Thermonectinae, 24 Tliinopininae, 25, 30; plates 15, 18 Thinopinus, — ; plates 15, 18 Thrimolus, — ; plate50 Thrincopygini, 49 Throscidae, 13, 50, 51; plate 81 Throscus, — ; plate 81 Thylodrias, — ; plate 90 Thymalus, - — ; plate 94 Til'linae, 56; plate 95 Tillus, 56 Tomoxia, 60; plate 98 Traehys, 49 Tragardh, I., 67 Trechus, 21 Trichiinae, 54, 55 ; plate 87 Tricliiotinus, 54; plate 87 Triehius, 54 Triehodes, 57 Trichodesma, — ; plate 101 Tricrania, — ; plate 96 Trigonopcltastes, 54 (Triplacini = Tritomini) Tritoma, — ; plate 42 Tritomini, 74 Triungulin, 11 Trogidae, 8, 52; plate 87 Trogoderma, — ; plate 90 Trogophloeus, 28 (Trogositidae = Ostomatidae) Tropisternus, 32 Trox, 12, 52; plate 87 Truncatipennes, 18 Typhaea, — ; plate 50 Uloma, plate 57, K-N Valginae, 54 ; plate 87 Valgus, 53, 54; plate 87 VerhoefP, K. W., 11, 37, 47 Vogel, E., 48 Weber, L., 26 Weise, J., 4 Wilson, J. W., 35 Xantliolinus, 30 Xenodusa, 29 Xylotreehus, — ; plate 99 Xylitinae, 74 Zabrus, 23 Zenoa, 49; plate 79 Zeugophora, — ; plate 105 Zeugophorinae, 63 ; plate 105 Zonitinae, 59 ; plate 96 Zonitis, - — ; plate 96 Zopheridae, 41; plate 52 Zopherini, 75 Zopherodes, 41 Zopherus, 41 348 LAEVAL FORMS OF COLEOPTEEA LIST OF ERRATA (The changes should be made before using the book.) Page 8, Ime 9. Insert before "the series Bostriehoidea" : and from hypothetical cleroid ancestors or possibly directly from the Byrrhoidea may originate. Page 8, line 27. For Melandryidae read : Synchroidae. Page 9, line 7. For paragnathal read : maxillular. Page 11, line 5. For individually read: usually. Page 11, footnote 8. Insert before "some" : Hydroscapha. Page 12, footnote 14. For the entire footnote as it stands read: The larvae of the Catogenidae (pi. 33) are readily distinguished by their physogastric body, the larvae of the Epilachninae (pi. 38) by long, branched dorsal and lateral spines and by multicuspidate mandibular apices in the mature larvae, and the larvae of the Lamiinae (pi. 100) by their elongate, fleshy body with short or no legs and by the presence of a broad, transverse bridge closing the headcapsule behind protracted ventral mouthparts. Page 18, line 42. For Driptinae read: Dryptinae. Page 20, section 6. For Driptinae read : Dryptinae. Page 20, section 9. Insert after "simple": or with a small ac- cessory process at base. Page 21, line 4. For Maronetes read : Maronetus. Page 24, line 12. Read : urogomphi almost absent Cybisterinae. Page 29, line 5. For Megarthus read: Megarthrus. Page 36, section 22, second part. Omit: ", or large, elongate trapezoidal, movable, and with posterior condyle." Page 38, line 9. For Murmediidae read : Murmidiidae. Page 38, footnote 49. For Murmediidae read : ^lurmidiidae. Page 39, section 37. For Anaspidae read : Anaspididae. Page 47, section 4. For Homolisidae read : Homalisidae. Page 47, section 5. For Malthinae read : Malthininae. Page 54, section 26. For Cetonini read : Cetoniini. Page 59, footnote 72. For Horniiae read : Horiinae. Page 60, line 13. Insert after "melandryid genera" : as well as to the Ciidae. Page 61, section 3. For "clypeus filling space" read: clypeus never filling space. Page 70. For Driptinae read : Dryptinae. Page 76. For Malthinae read : Malthininae. Page 124. Discard figure H on plate 19 as it does not show the serrations with which the mandible is armed on the dorsal and A-en- tral margins of the inneredge. Page 130, figures B and C. Insert after "head": ; ang. f. angulus frontalis. 349 LARA^\L FORMS OF COLEOPTERA ]*at;'(> 188, fi. Insert after "Head": ; a, artieulatiiiLT iiieiubraiie of maxilla. Page 180, line 2. For Anaspidae read : Anaspididae. Page 200, figures K to X. For Gnathocerus cornutus F. read: Uloma imberbis Lee. Page 227. Omit figures I) and E. See figures by R. E. Blaek- Avelder in Pan-Pacific P]ntomologist pp. 139-142, vol. 6. 1930. Page 2()(). figure AV. P"or Aspectus read : Apsectus. ADDENDA Page 15, footnote 20. For the entire footnote as it stands read : Tlie .systematic position of this series is uncertain. Its larval form approaches in important characters the larvae of the cucujoid fam- ily Oedemeridae but also appears to converge toward the larval form of the ancient suborder Archostemata. Giving serial rank to the group is in accord with the generally accepted views in regard to its phylogeny but from the larval form it could wdth equal riglits be considered a mere family, Lymexylidae, of the series Gucujoidea. This latter classification can be expressed by altering and somewhat simplifying the parts of the keys relevant to the matter in the fol- lowing way : First alteration Page 12. For section 10 as it stands read : 10. Distinct gula or gular structure present or absent ; when absent, with mandibles possessing mola, or lacinia mandibular or retinaculum, or a long brush of hairs posteriorly on the inner margin, or extraordinary structures, except a pseudomola 11 Distinct gula or gular suture always absent, mandible either simple or posse.ssing a pseudomola 20 Second (ilfrration Page 14. For section 18 as it stands read : 18. Ventral mouthparts as a rule retracted ; when pro- tracted^' possessing a mandible with either molar part, or retinaculum, or other appendices 19 Ventral mouthparts always protracted; mandible al- ways simple without molar part, retinaculum or other appendices. (Head-capsule closed posteriorly by a broad, transverse bridge separating the subfacial region of head from ventral region of prothorax) Ceramhycoideo (p. HO) (except cerambycoid subfamily D i s t e n i- inae, p. 15, line 4 and p. 62.) 850 LAEVAL FOEMS OF COLEOPTEEA 19. Maxillaiy mala simple or terminally slightly indentated Cucujoidea (p. 33) Maxillary mala divided into a lacinia and a lobe-sliaped galea Platystomoidea (p. 66) Third alteration Page 15. Section 23 to be completely eliminated. Fourth alteration Page 40. For section 44 as it stands read : 44. Paired iirogomphi present 45 Paired urogomphi absent 44b 44b. Ninth abdominal segment heavily sclerotized, either cylindrical with obliquely truncate end (Lymexy- linae), or elongate conical (Hylecoetinae) Lymexijlidae (pi. 124 A-M) Ninth abdominal segment without sclerome Oedemeridae-Oedemerinae (pi. 51 A-F) Page 69. Insert : 1928 : Emden, Fritz van. Die Larve von Phalacrus grossus Er. und Bemerkungen zum Larvensvstem der Clavi- cornia. Ent. Blatter, vol. 24, 1928^ pp. 9-20. 351