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NOTE HIS Issue is reproduced in reduced facsimile from the original Edition published by William Blake in the year 1826 |

628919 792 SB

PS aa 120


“The {

Q London Published as the Act drects March 81825 by William Biake N*3 Fountain Court Stared \

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% Es ¥ <4. a a ry i - ae - ; i" Lil . By. S: Greta ky , fh iy me ce g >}! L te 4 4 = z ' ea b = es 's & ~~ + ~~ e “~ Piz . hy ? sg be » ; ee % e a 4 : ¥s “Aes se ~ —e ; ou e = t ae 2 Pw ie oy ire AZ - = o vad : 5 ied , = 43 is - a t an : or fen >] fy J i ras ae } a > be


Thus did Job SORBNG IY aS Al NA

‘There was aManin the Land of Us whose Name was Job. & that Man was perfect & upright

4“ The Letter Killeth The Spirit gpveth Life

Ibis Spiritually Disce Discerned °

UPlake tnv & sculp

(eae Ae. & one that feared God & eschewed Evil. d&there | was Lorn unto him Seven Sons & Thee Daughters


hus ~"Viblished an the Act hrcets. March E4828. iy WAC Blake Va Fe 1 Court Strend

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ie ae What! shall we recieve Good

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ew \ recieve Evil ‘i

And when they lifted up there eyes alar off & knew hin not ~ they lifted wp ther voice Be wept .& they rentevery Man hus

caantle & sprinkled dust upon their heads towards heaven

94 Ye have heard of the P, ‘alveiice Ad Job and have seen the end of the Lo a

a ya pint ZA ot. = en Published os the Act directs F,, th 8 AB2S hy Wil ham Blake N& fowat c Strand

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ae eee é i / Lo let that night be solitary

& let no joyful voice come therein


_ Let the Day perish wherein Lwas Born r

Anal they sat down with hnn upon the Sround seven days & aan Sue

nights &enone ‘spake a word tinto hum for they saw that his grief

as $44, was very s1 eak

x SS S c~— INV) Londen. Pellishd as the et directs /Tarch 1625 by Wdl LEtahe MOG foeentinn Coase Stone Proof


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“Then 2 Spirit palsed hefore ney Face the ree of my f| lesh stood up

Blake V3 Fountain Cour

Publighed asthe Act hrects March & 1885 ly bilban


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But he knoweth the way that | take whenhe hath tried me I shall come forth like gold

Have pily upon me Have pity upon me Oye nny friends

for the hand of God hath touched mre

Thoush he slay me yet will trust in him

& bruv est me into judgment with thee

Man that is born of aWomanis of few days & fullof trouble he comath us like a flower &ts cut down he flveth also as a shadow

F 4 F st thou opens thine eyesiupon such aone

The triumphs of thewseked

1s short. the py ot the hype »crite is

but tor a moment

2 with Vis sions DE a—at 2 = \ aS w. Why dayow persecute me as God Kare not satishied with my flesh. Oh that my words & Were pr ated in a Bock th at the "y were raven with an iron pen & lead inthe rock forever 3 for Tie w thatmay Redeemer lweth & that he shall stand in the lancer days upon pe the Earth & alter wy skin destroy thouThis body yet in wy flesh shaltf see ‘God Ra = ou

\ hom Eshtiall see for} lyself Zand 10 mine eyes shall behold & aot, Anather: _the coitsume

doris Worshapped

l Wes op noseth ¢ « exalteth himselt ahoweall thal ie called fd Go WAlake cavend &

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That f 72 le may withdraw Man froin 4 Mi there hehe 1 ey Tie hice a,

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a Lam Youno & ye are very Old wherefore Lwas afraid So) ¥)

wb! ant \; Hy) Lo allthese things worketh God oftentimes with Man to bring rate

} et . : ae Ee \f \ back his Sou) fram tee pil to be enlightened _— gt P 1 . : = ¢ ' } NIT with the fight ofthe divine ira Sk. re ee Fo the heavens & DES

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2 dian . asunst hom oritthou be yeghteous what ervest thon nate him

i VWislalee tnvenité sculpt - London Published gs thetct darerts Morch. 8:1225 ly Wilh Dake NS fountain Court Strarcd f

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When the Almighty was yet with me When ray Children ) NB;

were about ine

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336 aes v_~ Ses ee ee eS ee ag NI es |! i Ri i There was aidléy when theSoanet God c - ocessant gheforeth: Lord &Satancame aloo anus dom iy Bis ans preiicbaheasachen

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on. Publisiind.as the Act cirects March & 1325 by WAT Bloke V2 Fountain Court orracd Proof


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swing & the Sabe WSs; Oxenwere plow 2 the Sabeong came of ote : eee “nan.

\ hy fy, i hay

And | only am escaped alone to tell thee. LEE oe TA aloe

While hewas yet speaking Q oe there came also another & said ~ / \

The fire of God 1s fallen trom heaven & hath burned up the flocks be the Young Men & consumed them. & ] only am escaped alone to tell thee

fo Blake invent Ke

a Wis London. Published as the Mot teects Mech’ des by Will blake NS foentn, Court Sane Pre

eis Ad etl Soe vps oie i ices Git imal AY ca ea pial x bi) a) Sa eT ee La . f . is - ; ; : } cw ae ae per ty, te © ef 4 an) ARO 2s; % 8 Dabs ae): eee ; Care 7 Seas : : ; r ts SE i ARS EPS 9 (Rear Tes eed oh eo hwsig Ao see. = W : t tte earl: VAT oy aa) 2 J : a at +. %. t, ae . ree . yt i ¥ - ae Peri J sis) ey Sap ets ae ia IY =| 4 re ay r<. $ Ce Vt ; De fy ere MET font . EAS . Rae sos 0% Mot “, * * A a

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A ~ LL fi ~_sathy hand; aff, ww Zz Re yg OY but $29 hye Pag LE, . ~ Lhe gs A 7 e SAS a = ;

Then went Satan forth from \ the presence of the Lord

Whe maketh his Angle Spirits 2: hus Ministers alarm Kre

i \_ b&b Wi Rbke N35 lounteur. Court Strand

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Ax -* . tot hiwets/Tarch d-18 25 by Will-Blake 3 Fountain Court Strand,


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wy ; mo A on Lord hath taken away, & j@ o* $ v ; = Sy sl

And smote Job with sore Boils from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head


NWBlake wv &S¢ - a yy = See,

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Landers avAet dorects Published March $1825 by Wiliam Linke M3 foun ran Cowt orcink en? fr9o:

5 é ee Ye > Aiden! mays So-# 7 oe Sams is

Can any understand the spreadin é ite a the pe his Tabernacle SS of the cy «= i = aera ae oe Sage

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Behold now Behemoth which I made with

—< - Oo London Published asthe Act directs Murch 8.1825 by B WV2 founkur Court Strand


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: he Alin Ged entthe Moushty Perfection

The Accuser of our Brethren is Cast down

which atersed. them belore aurGod day de mgt

edbefore him &Destruction has tac 3

%,. is >. Thou hast fulfilled the Judement of the Wicked | § Nbjecs t Us thro thy Name. Jesus said unto them [saw Satan as highest

Gea hanh oe the jealsh things of ane Wo reyeocornto

Gort hath ¢! ered neve wat * en the WOK of quad the dunes \ et hath chaos Cs th qniound y

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ve Shall he fike hum £&,. the Gr: a He bringeth down or shall appear eGo “hh ew hast onige it Shall te Grave & brinserh up e ¢

« BA POETS ay ed fo Ste is wt ot a we hands the Mocs - then | say Ww Lyy ox ie es

¢ s 43 = Sae % 4 ol D> ra 7 $ % , 4 : > ue thou are Pa on ees pt "dy Sos Ga Yar. that ho, “up

TEN Zz_- I have heard thee with the hearing of the Ear but now my Ey eth thee 7X a -2> - AN

Saad S, hath seen vay vatheer %,

e J & my Father are One

i? Arthur day ye shall know thar J ak ams Father you nme é& { ucyou

Lye loved me ye would rejoice pecautse | saicl I gourtothe fae


london Published as theA

ct. divects P arch & 1625 by Williun Bloke VD ountan Courl Stoorut. ~~ +

os Lind the Lord turned the bi of Jobwhen he prayed for his Friends

ot Se > 4 iid, tov eS ZG —— J Gm ¥ ve re

Sadish os 9 rn edad © $3). eas Ciera ae


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How precious are thy thoughts SS untome O God Q how Great is the sun of them

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fe were not “% AG nd Women fair as the D Daughters of Job \\ i

if Sea all rr Mani & ther Father save them ARR ay / Y/3

uF Lo a ong th Te Brethren Aw we Te em : boy

ak ay - Sie ; Ye | / \ \\ ed fb ascend up into Heaven thou art theese. eof / 4 SF AGL Tinake my bed in Hell beho "ee | &

art there

& a oh (= ease ros if tt >. =e ; he - ? Belin tarm san (iain CAE er ke Wet eee ot ei Sea me teing SADE i eyes? v wiceipitres ag aur Eat 4 Le Saas ou, : > 5 ey a

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-. “> x —~ > a>. -% ai % ee Tie Sf th h od ed =: a P. et. bap ® . ry : rs ye ee ek ns * « os . * . Bs ta . <4 ' F2 % af; = , ¥ . Ns rt Sa ae ' ba = = f in. % ig 7 i “& . ee ee ous She heer ! , > 7" * a © - <P we ij 4 ce) phon +a Meals - <a ? . tet e aes

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more than the beginning

After this Job lived | an hundred & forty Years & saw his Sons é&chis


“\.. Sons Sons = S ay _____ Ie burnt Offerings forSin

i ee . thou hast had ne Pleasure


So the Lord blefsed the latter end of Job

$3 Sedob died


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Tenens egy tmer

.even four Generations

beme old & full of days

under, Published us the Act Sirets Merch @ las ly Walle

Wilale uw &sculp L&E anBlate Fountour. Court Strand’ ~

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