^.H 8^ ^ H^/^p c«is and the more concentrated as winter washes. The summer washes for scale insects are most effective against the young, and treatment sliould begin with the first appearance of the larvae in the spring or any of the later broods, and should be followed at intervals of seven days with two or three additional applications. The first brood, for the majority of species in temperate regions, will appear during the first three weeks in May. Examination from time to time with a hand lens will enable one to determine when the young of any brood appear. The winter washes may be used whenever summer treatment can not be successfully carried out, and are particularly advantageous in the case of deciduous plants with dense foliage which renders a thor- ° See Bui. 46, Bur. Eut., p. 54. 127 28 ough wetting difficult in summer, or with scale insects which are so irregular in the time of disclosing their young that many summer treatments would be necessary to secure anywhere near complete ex- termination. In the winter also, with deciduous trees, very much less liquid is required, and the spraying may be much more expeditiously and thoroughly done. In the case of badly infested trees, a vigorous pruning is advisable as a preliminary to treatment. DUSTING AND SPRAYING APPARATUS. POWDER DISTRIBUTEBS. For the application of powders the dusting bags already described (pp. 11-12) are very satisfactory for field work. Much more expen- sive and more rapid machine distributers have been devised, but these are rarely used. For garden work some of the small powder bellows and blowers are excellent. These cost from $2 to $8. LIQUID SPBAYEES. For the application of poisons in liquid form the prime essen- tial is an apparatus which will break up the liquid into a fine mist-like spray that will coat every leaf and every other part of the plant as lightly as is compatible with thoroughness. The essential features of such an apparatus are the force pump, suitable hose, and nozzles or spray tips. The leading pump manufacturers now put out a large variety of spraying apparatus suited for all ordinary needs, including the small knapsack pumps, barrel and tank pumps, and geared and power sprayers. For limited indoor opera- tions a hand atomizer or even a sprinkling can with fine rose tip may be made to do fair service. 127 Fig. 3. — Barrel spray pump. (From Waite.) 29 The barrel pump. — This is the commonest form of spraying appara- tus, and is supplied in many different styles; or, a suitable spray pump can be combined with an empty 50-gallon kerosene barrel "with- out much difficulty. (See fig. 3.) This apparatus may be hauled about on a sled or in a -wagon or a two-wheeled cart. Tank outfits. — For larger operations it is much better to have a specially constructed rectangular or half-round spray tank of a caj^acit}^ of 200 or 300 gallons. Such an apparatus enables an ele- vated platform to be mounted on the wagon and tank, greatly facili- tating spraying of the higher parts of trees, as indicated in the accompanying illustration (fig. 4). The ideal sprayer for extensive work combines such a tank, with platform, with gasoline or steam power spray pump. Fig. 4. — Power sprayer at work iu apple orchard. (From Scott and Quaintance.) Geared sprayers. — For low -growing regidarly planted crops it is sometimes possible to use spraying apparatus which gets its power by means of a sprocket wheel from the axle of the Avagon. Several types of spraying apparatus of this kind are on the market, suited especially for the treating of crops like potatoes and strawberries, and the .spraying of vineyards. In orchards it is not often possible to have the wagon constantly in motion, and geared sprayers are not as a rule available. Gas-pressure sprayers. — Some very successful spraying machnies have been made which have as their motive power gas pressure. This pressure m.ay be derived from compressed air or carbonic acid gas cylinders. It is an ideal way of applying liquid sprays, and has a 127 30 special applicability to oil-^Yater mixtures (see p. 19). Ultimately this principle may come into much more general use. Hose, nozzle, and agitator. — The hose and nozzle are two very essen- tial elements of a good spraying apparatus. The verj' best three- eighths, one-fourth, or one-half inch 3-ply or 4-ply hose should be bought. A cheap or inferior hose will not stand the pressure and heavy wear of spraying. For orchard spraying a length of 25 feet is the least that should be used, and better 35 feet, and longer with large apparatus where it may be possible to spray more than one row at a time. Several lines of hose may be operated with a strong spray pump. Each line of hose should be supplied with an extension rod 8 or 10 feet long. This rod may be an ordinary bamboo pole into which a small brass tube is fitted carrying the nozzle, or the hose may terminate in a small gas pipe — a rather heavy device and useful for short length only. Of the many types of nozzles which have been devised, the best is that known as the Vermorel (fig. 5). Where the power is suffi- cient, a double or even quadruple nozzle may be at- tached to each line of hose. Most of the nozzles on the market are inferior, and this special type should be insisted upon. A very necessary feature of spray tanks is a device for keej)ing the liquid constantly agitated to keep up . a uniform mixture or prevent the settling of the poi- spray nozzle, son or solid constituents of the wash. This may be (From waite.) accomplished by constant stirring with a paddle. Most of the spraying apparatus now on the market are provided with automatic agitators. SELECTION OF SPRAYING OUTFIT. P'or limited garden work or for the treatment of low plants a simple bucket pump can be used, which will cost about $6, or the knapsack pump, costing about $14. For home orchards of small size a barrel pump with one line of hose will serve every purpose, the complete outfit costing $12 to $18. For larger operations, with two lines of hose and nozzles, a barrel outfit, costing from $25 to $30, may be used. Tank outfits, v>'ith double cylinder pumps suitable for an orchard of a thousand bearing trees, may be obtained at a cost of from $75 to $90. The power sprayers are much more expensive, costing $200 to $300 or more. 127 31 DIRECTIONS FOR SPRAYING. Thorough work in spraying must be done, or failure will result. To accomplish this, power sufficient to break up the liquid into a fine mist is essential. This makes it possible for the tree to be thoroughly and thinly wetted with the spray without waste, and the ideal appli- cation is to accomplish this without causing the liquid to collect in drops and fall from the tree. More of the spray is left on the leaves with a light spray than with a heavy application, which causes the globules to coalesce and a shower of drops to fall to the ground. To get a proper spray, it should be possible to produce a pressure of at least 75 pounds, or, with power outfits, of 125 to 150 pounds. Fruit trees of average size or, if apple, such as would produce 10 or 15 bushels of fruit, will require from 3 to 7 gallons of spray to wet them thoroughly. For smaller trees, such as plum and cherry, 1 gallon to the tree may be sufficient. In spraying orchard trees and other fruit trees it will often be found convenient, especially with a smaller apparatus, to spray on each side half of each tree in a row at a time, and finish on the return. A light rain will remove comparatively little of the poison, but a dashing rain may necessitate a renewal of the application. HYDROCYANIC-ACID GAS TREATMENT. The use of hydrocyanic-acid gas originated in southern California in work against citrus scale insects, and was perfected by a long period of experimentation by an agent of this Bureau, Mr. D. W. Coquillett. It is undoubtedly the most thorough method known of destroying scale insects and especially is it the best treatment for citrus trees, the abundance of foliage and nature of growth of which render thorough spraying difficult, but, on the other hand, enable the comparatively heayj'- tents employed in fumigation to be thrown or drawn over the trees rapidl}'' without danger of breaking the limbs. One good gassing is usually the equivalent of two or three sprayings, the gas penetrating to every particle of the surface of the tree and often effecting an almost complete extermination, rendering another treatment unnecessary for two years or more. (See fig. G.) The gas treatment is just as effective against scale insects on decidu- ous orchard fruit trees, as has been demonstrated by a good deal of work done in the East, notably in Maryland by Professor Johnson ; but the difficulty and expense of the treatment as compared with the value of the crop protected makes it as a rule prohibitive in the case of deciduous fruits. This does not apply, however, to nursery stock, which may be brought together compactly and treated in mass in 127 32 fumigating rooms or houses. The general spread of the San Jose scale in the East has made such fumigation of nursery stock, even ^Yhen infestation is not shown or suspected, a necessary procedure before shipment or sale, to give the utmost assurance of safety to thp purchaser. Similarly this gas is the principal agency employed in disinfecting plant material coming from abroad, and will be the chief agency for such work wherever quarantine regulations prevail. Another very important use for hydrocyanic-acid gas is as a means of controlling insect pests in greenhouses and cold frames. The process is a special one, however, and entails considerable variation, owing to the wide range of plants to be considered. The details of the process are given in a special publication of the Bureau of Ento- mology (Circular No. 37), which will be supplied to anyone inter- ested. Fig. 6. — Tenting trees for gas treatment, San Diego, Cal. (Author's illustration.) A more recent use for this gas is in disinfecting houses of insect pests and vermin. The details of this treatment are given in Circular 46, revised edition, of the Bureau of Entomology. In all work with hydrocyanic-acid gas, its extremely poisonous pm- ture must he constantly kept in mind and the greatest precautior.s must he taken to avoid inhaling it. FUMIGATION OF NURSERY STOCK. For the fumigation of nursery stock or imported plant material in a dormant or semidormant condition, a building or room should be provided, which can be closed practically air-tight, and it should be fitted with means of ventilation above and at the side, operated from without, so that the poisonous gas can be allowed to escape without 127 the necessity of anyone entering the chamber. The gas is generated by combining potassium cyanide, sulpliuric acid, and water. The proportions of the chemicals are as follows : Refined potassium cyan- ide (98 per cent), 1 ounce; commercial sulphuric acid, 1 ounce; water, 3 fluid ounces to ever}' hundred cubic feet of space in the fumigating room. For comparatively green or tender material the same amounts may be used to 150 cubic feet of space. The generator of the gas may be any glazed earthenware vessel of 1 or 2 gallons capacity and should be placed on the floor of the fumi- gating room, and the water and acid necessary to generate the gas added to it in the order named. The cyanide should be added last, preferably in lumps the size of a walnut, and the premises promptly vacated and the door made fast. Treatment should continue forty minutes. ORCHARD FUMIGATION. The methods of fumigating citrus stock in California are now (1908) being given a thorough investigation by this Bureau. As already noted, the gas process has been a leading method in Cali- fornia for more than twenty years, but the results, while normally good, have not always been satisfactory. The object of the investiga- tion now under way is to thoroughly standardize the process ; in other words, (1) to determine the proper strength to be used for the differ- ent scale pests under different climatic conditions, and also under the different seasonal conditions of the tree; (2) to determine the phj'si- ological effect, if any, on the tree and fruit; and (3) to perfect the mechanical means of handling tents and generating the gas, and de- termine the proper quantity and quality of chemicals to use. The results of this investigation will be the basis of a special report on gas fumigation, and will probably modify somewhat the directions given below, which are reproduced from the previous edition of this bulletin. The fumigation for the white fly in Florida is a special problem and has been under investigation by this Bureau for two years. The results of this investigation, including general directions for fumiga- tion, will be given in Bulletin No. 76. Amounts of chemicals to use. — The amounts of chemicals used var}'' with the size of the tree and, as now employed in California, are con- siderably in excess of the amounts recommended as recently as 1898. The gas treatment was first chiefly used against the black scale and at a season of the jea.r when these scales were all in a young stage and easily killed. The effort is now made not only to kill the black scale, but also the red and purple scales, and to do more effective work than formerly against tlie black scale. The amounts of chem- icals ordinarily advised and commonly employed in Los Angeles, 127 34 Orange, and some other counties in southern California are indicated in the subjoined table, published by the horticultural commissioners of Riverside County, Cal. Table 1.— Amounts of chemicals and water ordinarily used for trees of different sises. Height of tree. Diameter of tree. Water. Cyanide, 0. P., 98 per cent. Sulphuric acid, 66 per cent. Feet. Feet. Ounces. Ounces. Ounces. 6 4 2 1 1 8 6 3 n 11 19 8 5 2J 2J 12 14 11 SJ 16 16 17 8 9 20 16-20 22 10 12 20-24 18-23 30 14 16 24-30 20-28 34 18 18 30-36 25-30 52 24 ■ 28 The proportions here recommended are thoroughly effective for the black scale at the proper season, and measurably effective also for the California red scale and the purple scale. AMiere the treatment is designed to be one of extermination for these latter scale pests, from one-third to one-half more of cyanide and acid is employed, as indicated by the subjoined table, furnished by Mr. G. Havens, of Riverside. The amounts here recommended may be employed also for compact trees with dense foliage or in moist coast regions where stronger doses are needed. Table 2. — Excessive amounts of chemicals used for absolute extermination oj scale insects.^ Height of tree. Diameter through foliage. Water. Sulphuric acid. Cyanide. Time to leave tent on tree. Feet. Feet. Fluid ozs. Fluid ozs. Ounces. Minutes. 6 3- 4 3 n 3-1 20 8 !>- 6 6 2i 2 30 10 7-10 15 5- 6 4 - 5 35-40 12 9-12 20- 30 7- 9 5J- 7J 40 14 12-14 30- 35 9-12 8 -10 40 16 12-15 a5- 40 12-14 10 -12 40 13 14-16 45- 55 15-18 12 -15 40 r)0 20 16-18 60- 70 20-22 16 -20 45-50 23 16-18 70- 75 22-25 20 50 24 18-20 75- 80 25-30 22 -26 50 27 20-24 8.5-100 30-36 28 -32 CO 30 20-28 100-110 30-44 32 -38 60 <*A fumigation of the orangery of the Department, December 3, 1900, demonstrated that 0.15 of a gram of cyanide to the cubic foot, or a little more than half an ounce to the hundred cubic feet, is completely exterminatiye of scale insects, effectually killing the eggs, even of the black, purple, and other scales. The strength mentioned is that ordinarily recommended for violet houses, and the results are scarcely comparable to the proportions recommended in Tables 1 and 2, for the reason that in these tables the amount of cyanide Is greatly lessened with larger trees, and, furthermore, that the orangery probably retained the gas more effectually than would be the case with cloth tents. Nevertheless, it is interesting to know that a comparatively inconsiderable strength of cyanide, when applied under the best conditions, will prove thoroughly effective against the eggs as well as the insects in all stages. 127 35 The duration of the treatment indicated in the second table varies with the size of the tree, but in general at least forty minutes should be allowed. In Florida fumigation for the white fly can be successfully prac-' ticed only during the short period in winter when the insect does not occur in the winged stage. This period covers from two and a half to three months, namely, December, January, and February,' varying with the climatic conditions of different years. This is the dry season for Florida, and the trees are in a dormant condition, with the leafage well matured and hardened, and it is possible to api)ly a greater strength than Avould be safe under California condi- tions. The strength recommended is approximately the same as for deciduous nursery stock, viz, 1 ounce of cj'anide to 100-115 cubic feet of space, with a duration of 40 minutes. General directions. — In the fumigation of growing stock, citrus or other, the treatment consists in inclosing the tree with a tent and filling the latter with poisonous fumes generated in the same way as described for nursery stock except that less of the chemicals is used. The treatment is made at night for trees in foliage, which includes all work in citrus orchards, to avoid the much greater likelihood of injury to tender foliage in the sunlight. The vessels for setting off the charges of cyanide and acid may be, for small doses, any ordinary earthenware jars. For large trees requiring heavy doses, tall wooden pails have proved more satisfactory, two generators being employed for the very largest trees. It is important that the water he put in the vessel first, then the acid, and lastly the cyanide. If the water and cj'anide are f)ut in the vessel first and the acid poured in afterwards, there is danger of an explosion which Avill scatter the acid and burn the tents and the oper- ator. In the spring, when the trees are tender with new growth, and in early fall when the oranges are nearly grown and the skins are likely to be easily marred, and also with young trees, it is advisable to add one-third more water than ordinarily used, or to add the cyanide in larger lumps. This causes the gas to generate more slowly and with less heat, and, if the tents are left over the trees a third longer, the effectiveness of the treatment will not be lessened. The person handling the chemicals should always have an attl^ndant with a lantern, to hold up the tent and enable the cyanide to be quickly dropped into the generator, and to facilitate the prompt exit of the operator. Trees are fumigated for the black scale in southern California in October, or preferably in November. The red and other scales may be treated with gas at any time, but preferably at the season already indicated. In California most of the work is done by contract, or 127 36 ('under the direct supervision of the county horticultural commission- ers, in some cases the tents and material being furnished at a merely nominal charge, together with one experienced man to superintend the work, while a crew of four men oi:)erate the tents, the wages of the director and men being paid by the owner of the trees. Construction and handling of tents. — The tents now employed are of two kinds, the " sheet " tent of octagonal shape for large trees, and the " ring *' tent for trees under 12 feet in height. The ring tents, or, as they are also called, the bell tents, are bell - shaped and have a hoop of half-inch gas pipe fastened within a foot or so of the opening. Two men can easily throw one of these tents over a small tree. An equipment of 3G or 40 ring tents can be handled by four men. They are rapidly thrown over the trees by the crew, and the director follows closely and introduces the chemicals. By the time the last tent has been adjusted the first one can be removed and taken across to the adjoining row. An experienced crew, with one director, can treat 350 to 400 5-year-old trees, averag- ing 10 feet in height, in a single night of eleven or twelve hours. The cost un- der such conditions averages about 8 cents a tree. With large trees the large sheet tents are drawn over them by means of uprights and pulley blocks. Two of these sheets are necessary for very large trees, the first being drawn halfway over and the second drawn up and made to overlap the first. In the case of trees from 24 to 30 years old and averaging 30 feet in height, about 50 can be treated in a night of ten or twelve hours Avith an equipment of 12 or 15 tents, the cost being 127 Fig. 7. — Method of hoisting (After Craw.) sheet tent. 37 about 75 cents per tree. It is not practicable to treat trees above 30 feet in height. The handling of the bell tents is simple and needs no further de- scription, but the large tents are not so easily operated, and the method of adjusting the great flat octagonal sheets over the trees, while simple enough when once understood, warrants a description. The machinery employed consists of two simple uprights, with at- tached blocks and tackle (fig. 7). The uprights are about 25 feet high, of strong Oregon pine, 2 by 4 inches, and are provided at the bottom with a braced crossbar to give them strength and to prevent their falling to either side while the tent is being raised. A guy rope is attached to the top of each pole and held to steady it by a mem- ber of the crev*' stationed at the rear of the tree. The tent is hoisted by means of two ropes 70 feet long, which pass through blocks, one fixed at the top of the pole and the other free. The tent is caught near the edge b}' taking a hitch around some solid object, such as a green orange, about which the cloth is gathered. By this means the tent may be caught anywhere without the trouble of reversing and turning the heavy canvas to get at rings or other fastenings attached at particular points. The two remaining members of the operating crew draw the tent up against and over one side of the tree by means of the pulley ropes sufficiently to cover the other side of the tree when the tent falls. The poles and tent together are then allowed to fall forward, leaving the tent in position. Sufficient skill is soon acquired to carry out rapidly the details of this operation, so that little time is lost in transferring the tents from tree to tree, even when the trees approximate the limit in height. A single pair of hoisting poles answers for all the tents used. Some of the tents employed are of great size, one described by Mr. Havens having a diameter of 7G feet. It is constructed of a central j^iece 50 feet square, of 10-ounce army duck. Four triangular side pieces or flaps of 8-ounce duck, 10 feet wide in the middle, are strongly sewed to each side of the central sheet, forming an octagonal sheet 70 feet in diameter. About the whole sheet is then sewed a strip of G-ounce duck, 1 yard wide. The tent is handled by means of ropes and pulleys. A l-|-inch manila rope is sewed about the border of the central piece in an octagonal pattern. Rings are attached to this rope at each of the eight corners thus formed, and also on either side of the tent. To these rings the pulley ropes are fastened, and the tent is elevated over the trees and handled very much as indicated in fig 7. The canvas for the tents, blue or brown drilling or 8 to 10 ounce duck, may be rendered comparatively impervious to the gas by painting lightly with boiled linseed oil. This has the objection, how- ever, of stiffening the fabric and adding considerably to its weight; it also frequently leads to its burning by spontaneous combustion unless carefully watched until the oil is dry. A much better material 127 38 than oil is found in a product obtained from the leaves of the common prickly pear cactus {Opuntia engelmanni) ,y}\\\ch. grows in abundance in the Southwest. The liquor is obtained by soaking chopped-iip leaves in water for twenty- four hours. It is given body and color by the addition of glue and yellow ocher or Venetian red, and is applied to both sides of the canvas and rubbed well into the fiber of the cloth with a brush. Some practical experience is necessary to fumigate successfully, and it will therefore rarely be wise for anyone to undertake it on a large scale without having made preliminary experiments. BISULPHID OF CAEBON VAPOR. In line with the use of hydrocyanic-acid gas is the employment of the vapor of bisulphid of carbon to destroy insects on low-growing plants, such as the aphides on melon and squash vines. The treat- ment, as successfully practiced by Professors Garman and Smith, consists in covering the young vines with small tight boxes 12 to 18 inches in diameter, of either wood or paper, and introducing under each box a saucer containing one or two teaspoonfuls (1 or 2 drams) of the very volatile liquid bisulphid of carbon. The vines of older I^lants may be wrapped about the hill and gathered in under larger boxes or tubs, and a greater, but proportional, amount of the liquid used. The covering should be left over the plants from three-quarters of an hour to an hour, and with 50 to 100 boxes a field may be treated with comparative rapidity. Bisulphid of carbon has proved also to be the most effective means of disinfecting grape cuttings suspected of being infested with phylloxera." The cuttings arc inclosed in a tight barrel or fumi- gating box, and the bisulphid of carbon, poured out in a shallow dish, is put on top of the cuttings. An ordinary saucerful of the chemical is enough for a box 3 feet cube. The treatment lasts from forty-five to ninety minutes. This is a pretty strong fumigation, but the dor- mant condition of the cuttings makes this possible. REMEDIES FOR SUBTERRANEAN INSECTS. Almost entire dependence is placed on the caustic washes, or those that act externall}^, for insects living beneath the soil on the roots of plants, including both sucking and biting insects, prominent among which are the white grubs, maggots in roots of cabbage, radishes, onions, etc., cutworms, wireworms, apple and peach root-aphides, the grape phylloxera, and many others. The insecticide must be one that will go into solution and be carried down by water. Of this sort are the kerosene emulsions and resin cBul. 192, Cal. Agr. Ezp. Sta., 1907. 39 wash — the former preferable — the potash fertilizers, muriate and kaiiiit, and bisulphid of carbon. The simple remedies are applica- tions of strong soap or tobacco washes to the soil about the crown; or soot, ashes, or. tobacco dust buried about the roots; also similarly employed are lime and gas lime. Submersion, wherever the practice of irrigation or the natural conditions make it feasible, has proved of the greatest service against the phylloxera. HOT WATER. As a means of destroying root-aphides, and particularly the woolly aphis of the apple, the most generally recommended measure hitherto is the use of hot water, and this, while being both simple and inex- pensive, is thoroughly effective, as has been demonstrated by practical experience. Water at nearly the boiling point may be applied about the base of young trees without the slightest danger of injury to the trees, and should be used in sufficient quantity to wet the soil thor- oughly to a depth of several inches, as the aphides may penetrate nearly a foot below the surface. To facilitate the wetting of the roots and the extermination of the aphides, as much of the surface soil as possible should be first removed. By a hot-water bath slightly infested stock can be easily freed of the aphides at the time of its removal from the nurserj'^ rows. The soil should be dislodged and the roots pruned, and in batches of a dozen or so the roots and lower portion of the trunks should be im- mCTsed for a few seconds in water kept at a temperature of 130° to 150° F. A strong soap solution similarh' heated or a fifteen times diluted kerosene emulsion will give somewhat greater penetration and be more effective, although the water alone at the temperature named should destroy the aphides. Badly infested nursery stock should be destroyed, since it would be worth little even with the aphides removed. TOBACCO DUST. Some very successful experiments conducted by Prof. J. M. Sted- man demonstrated the very satisfactory protective, as well as reme- dial value of finely ground tobacco dust against the woolly aphis. The desirability of excluding the aphis altogether from nursery stock is at once apparent, and this Professor Stedman shoAvs to be possible by placing tobacco dust freely in the trenches in which the seedlings or grafts are planted and in the orchard excavations for young trees. Nursery stock may be continuously protected by laying each spring a line of the dust in a small furrow on either side of the row and as close as possible to the tree, and covering loosely with earth. For large trees, both for protection and the destruction of existing aphides, from 2 to 5 pounds of the dust should be distributed from the base outward to a distance of 2 feet, first removing the surface 127 40 soil to a depth of from 4 to 6 inches. The tobacco kills the aphides by leaching through the soil, and acts for a j^ear or so as a bar to reinfestation. The dust is a waste product of tobacco factories, costs about 1 cent per pound, and possesses the additional value of being worth fully its cost as a fertilizer. Since its early recommendation marked success has been reported from the use of tobacco dust. A notable instance is that given by Mr. M. B. Waite, of the Bureau of Plant Industry, who applied a ton of tobacco waste, costing $25, in his orchard, with the result of entirely renewing the vigor of his trees and producing a strong stubby growth of twigs. A peck of tobacco dust was placed about each of his larger trees in a circle of 2 or 3 feet around the trunk, and a slightlv smaller amount about trees from one to three years old. KEROSENE EMULSION AND RESIN V/ASH. Either the kerosene-and-soap emulsion or the resin wash, the former diluted fifteen times and the latter at the strength of the winter mixture, are used to saturate the soil about the affected plants and either left to be carried down by the action of rains or washed down to greater depths by subsequent waterings. For the grape phylloxera or the root-aphis of the peach or apple, make excavations 2 or 3 feet in diameter and 6 inches deep about the base of the plant and pour in 5 gallons of the wash. If not a rainy season, a few hours later wash down with 5 gallons of water and repeat with a like amount the day following. It is better, however, to make this treatment in the spring, when the more frequent rains will take the place of the waterings. For root-maggots enough of the wash is put at the base of the plant to wet the soil to a depth of 1 to 2 inches, preferably followed after an hour with a like amount of water. For white grubs in strawberry beds or in lawns the surface should be wetted with kerosene emulsion to a depth of 2 or 3 inches, follow- ing with copious waterings to be repeated for two or three days. The larva; go to deeper and deeper levels and eventually die. POTASH FERTILIZERS. For white grubs, wireworms, cutworms, corn root-worms, and like insects, on the authority of Prof. J. B. Smith, either kainit or the muriate of potash — the former being the better — are broadcasted in fertilizing quantities, preferably before or during a rain, so that the material is dissolved and carried into the soil at once. These not only act to destroy the larva in the soil, but are deterrents, and truck lands constantly fertilized with these substances are noticeably free from attacks of insects. This, in a measure, results from the in- creased vigor and greater resisting power of the plants, which of itself 127 41 more than compensates for the cost of the treatment. The value of these fertilizers against the wireworms is, however, questioned by- Prof. J. H. Comstock. For the root-aphis of peach and apple, work the fertilizer into the general surface of the soil ftbout the trees, or put it into a trench about the tree 2 feet distant from the trunk. For cabbage and onion maggots, apply in little trenches along the rows at the rate of 300 to 500 pounds to the acre, and cover with soil. These fertilizers (and the nitrate of soda is nearly as good) are also destructive to the various insects which enter the soil for hibernation or to undergo transformation. BISULPHID OF CARBON". This is the great French remedy for the phylloxera, 150,000 acres being now subjected to treatment with it, and applies equally well to all other root-inhabiting aphides. The treatment is made at any season except the period of ripening of the fruit and consists in mak-' ing holes about the vines 1 foot to 16 inches deep and pouring into each about one-half ounce of the bisulphid, and closing the holes with the foot. The injections are made about 1| feet apart, and not closer to the vines than 1 foot. It is better to use a large number of small doses than a few large ones. Hand injectors and injecting plows are emjDloyed in France to put the bisulphid into the soil about the vines, but a short stick or iron bar may take the place of these injectors for limited tracts. i The use of bisulphid of carbon for the woolly aphis is the same as for the grape root-aphis or phylloxera. It should be applied in two or three holes about the tree to a depth of from 6 to 12 inches and not closer than 1^ feet to the tree. An ounce of the chemical should bo introduced into each hole, which should be immediately closed. For root -maggots a teaspoonful is poured into a hole near the base of the plant, being covered as above. For ant nests an ounce of the substance is poured into each of sev- eral holes made in the space occupied by the ants, the openings being then closed; or the action is made more rapid by covering with a wet blanket for ten minutes and then exploding the vapor at the mouth of the holes with a torch, the explosion driving the fumes more thoroughly through the soil. SUBMERSION". This very successful means against the phylloxera is now practiced over some 75,000 acres of vineyards in France which were once de- stroyed by the grape root-aphis, and the production and quality of fruit has been fully restored. In this country it will be particularly available in California and in all arid districts where irrigation is 127 42 practiced; otherwise it will be too expensive to be profitable. The best results are secured in soils in which the water will penetrate rather slowly, or from 6 to 18 inches in twenty-four hours; in loose, sandy soils it is impracticable on account of the great amount of water required. Submersion consists in keeping the soil of the vine- yard flooded for from eight to twenty days after the fruit has been gathered and active growth of the vine has ceased, or during Sep- tember or October, but while the phylloxera are still in active devel- opment. Early in September eight to ten days will suffice ; in October fifteen to twenty days, and during the winter, forty to sixty days. Supplementing the short fall submergence a liberal July irrigation, amounting to a forty-eight hour flooding, is customary to reach any individuals surviving the fall treatment, and which in midsummer are very susceptible to the action of water. To facilitate the operation, vineyards are commonly divided by embankments of earth into square or rectangular plats, the former for ♦level and the latter for sloping gi'ound, the retaining walls being protected by coverings of reed grass, etc., during the first year, or imtil they may be seeded to some forage plant. This treatment will destroy many other root-attacking insects and tliose hibernating beneath the soil, and, in fact, is a very ancient prac- tice in certain oriental countries bordering the Black Sea and the Grecian Archipelago. REMEDIES FOR INSECTS AFFECTING GRAIN AND OTHER STORED PRODUCTS. GENERAL METHODS OF TREATMENT. The chief loss from insects of this class is to grains in farmers' bins, or grain or grain products in stores, mills, and elevators, although in the warmer latitudes much injury results from infestation in the field between the ripening of the grain and its storage in bins or granaries. Fortunately, the several important grain insects arc amena])le to like treatment. Aside from various important pre- ventive operations, such as, in the South, prompt thrashing of grain after harvesting, the thorough cleansing of bins before refilling, removal of waste harboring insects from all parts of granaries and mills, and care to prevent the introduction of " woeviled " grain, there are four valuable remedial measures, viz, agitation of tho grain, heating, dosing with bisulphid of carbon, and fumigating with sulphur dioxid. The value of agitating or handling grain is well known, and when- ever, as in elevators, grain can be transferred or poured from one bin into another, grain pests are not likely to trouble. The benefit Avill depend uj)on the frequency and thoroughness of the agitation. In 127 43 France machines for shaking the grain violently have been used with success. Winnowing weeviled grain is also an excellent preliminary- treatment. ' Eaising the temperature of the grain in closed retorts or revolving cylinders to 130° to 150° F. will kill the inclosed insects if continued for three to five hours, but is apt to injure the germ, and is not ad- vised in case of seed stock. The simplest and most effective remedies are the use of either bisulphid of carbon or sulphur dioxid. BISULPHID OF CARBON." Character and method of application. — This is a colorless liquid with very offensive odor, which, however, passes off completely in a short time. It readily volatilizes, and the vapor, which is very deadly to insect life, is heavier than air and settles and fills any compartment or bin in the top of which the liquid is placed. It may be distributed in shallow dishes or tins or in saturated waste on the top of grain in bins, and the gas will settle and permeate throughout the mass of the grain. In large bins, to hasten and equalize the operation, it is well to put a quantity of the bisulphid in the center of the grain by thrusting in balls of cotton or waste tied to a stick and saturated with the liquid, or by means of a gas pipe loosely plugged at one end, down which the liquid may be poured and the plug then loosened with a rod. Prof. H. E. Weed reports that in Mississippi the chemical is commonly poured directly onto the grain. In moderately tight bins no further precaution than to close them well need be taken, but in open bins it will be necessary to cover them over with a blanket to prevent the too rapid dissipation of the vapor. The bins or buildings should be kept closed from twenty-four to thirty-six hours, after which a thorough airing should be given them. Limited quantities at a time may often be advantageously subjected to treatment in small bins before being j^laced for long storage in large masses, and especially whenever there is danger of introducing infested grain. The bisulphid is applied at the rate of 1 pound to the ton of grain, or a pound to a cubic space 10 feet on a side. In the case of mills, elevators, or larger granaries the application may be best made on Saturday night, leaving the building closed over Sunday, with a watchman without to see that no one enters and to guard against fire. The bisulphid should be first distributed in the upper story, working downward as rapidly as possible to avoid the settling vapor, using the substance very freely in waste or dishes at all points of infestation and over bins throughout the building. If the building be provided with an exterior means of descent (such as ° See Farmers' Bulletin No, 145, Carbou Bisulphid as au Insecticide. 127 44 a fire escape) it would be preferable to begin with the lower story and work upAvard. This insecticide may also be used in other stored products, as peas, beans, etc., and very satisfactorily where the infested material can be inclosed in a tight can, chest, or closet for treatment. It may also be emploA'^ed to renovate and protect wool or similar material stored in bulk. " The bisulphid costs, in oO-pound cans, 10 cents per pound, and in small quantities, of druggists, 25 to 35 cents per pound. Caution. — The bisulphid may be more freely employed with milling grain than with that intended for seeding, since, when used excess- ively, it may injure the germ. It must always be remembered that the vapor is highly inflammable and explosive, and that no fire or lighted cigars, etc., should be in the building during its use. If ob- tained in large quantities it should be kept in tightly closed vessels and away from fire, preferably in a small outbuilding. A^Hiile this gas is not especiaih'- dangerous to human beings, care should be taken to avoid unnecessary inhalation. It has a slight suffocating effect, and if inhaled for some time produces dizziness, which should be a Avarning to the operator that it is time to seek fresh, pure air. SULPHUR DIOXID. The fumes of burning sulphur, namely, sulphur dioxid, with some sulj)hur trioxid, have long been one of the standard insecticide gases for the destruction of insect pests in rooms or dwellings, and notably for the bedbug {Cimex Icctularius L.). Doctor Stiles, of the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, reports very successful fumiga- tion and disinfection of frame cottages at a seaside resort for bedbug infestation by burning sulphur at the rate of 2 pounds of stick sulphur for each 1,000 cubic feet of space. Sulphur candles for such fumiga- tion are a standard supply material to be purchased anywhere. Sul- phur fumes are also emploj^ed for disinfection from disease germs, and also in the more recent yellow-fever work for the destruction of mosquitoes in dwellings. The chief objection to the sulphur fumiga- tion arises from the strong bleaching action of the fumes in the pres- ence of moisture and their powerful destructive action on vegetation. ! For the disinfection of ships and ships' cargoes, particularly of grain, sulphur dioxid, under the name of " Clayton gas," is now being extensively employed. To determine its efficiency and its effect on the grains treated, a considerable series of experiments was conducted by the Bureau." These experiments showed that svdphur dioxid, under pressure such as can be maintained in an air-tight compartment or in the hold of a ship, has great penetrating power and is very effi- cient as a means of destroying all kinds of insects. The germinating « Bui. 60, Bur. Ent., U. S. Dept. Agric, pp. 139-153. 1906. 127 45 power of seeds is quickly destroyed, but no injury results to the feed- ing or cooking quality of cereals. It can not be employed in the case of living plants, nor with moist fruits or products, such as apples or bananas. The best results in the case of insects infesting grains and seeds, such as Calandra and Bruchus, Avhich are often inclosed in the seeds, were obtained by the use of a low percentage (1 to 5 per cent of gas) for a period of twelve to twenty- four hours. Employed in this way the gas is a very effective means of disinfecting stored grain or similar products not intended for planting, and has the additional advantage of entirely eliminating the danger of explosion and fire. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ON THE CONTROL OF INSECTS. ADVANTAGE OF PROMPT TREATMENT. The importance of promptness in the treatment of plants attacked by insects can not be too strongly insisted upon. The remedy often becomes useless if long deferred, the injury having already been ac- complished or gone beyond repair. If, by careful inspection of plants from time to time, the injury can be detected at the very outset, treatment is comparatively easy and the result much more satisfac- tory. Preventive work, therefore, should be depended on as much as possible, rather than remedial treatment later; the effort being to forestall any serious injury rather than to patch up damage which neglect has allowed to become considerable. KILLING INSECTS AS A PROFESSION. It may often liappen that the amount of work in a community is sufficient to induce one or more persons to undertake the treatment of plants at a given charge per tree or per gallon of the insecticide employed. Where this is the case, and the contracting parties are evidently experienced and capable, it is frequently more economical in the end to emplo}'^ such experienced persons, especially when a guar- antee is given, rather than attempt to do the work one's self with the attending difficulty of preparing insecticides and securing apparatus for work on a comparatively small scale. In California this is a com- mon practice, and also in some of our Eastern cities, and has worked excellently. DETERMINATION OF THE RESULT OF TREATMENT. It is often of imjjortance to know when and how to determine the effect of any treatment applied directly to insects exposed on the sur- face of plants. In the case of scale insects, especially during the dor- mant condition in winter, the response to insecticides is very slow and gradual. The scale larvas, or any young scales during the growing season, are killed in a few minutes, or a few hours at furthest, just as any other soft-bodied insect, but the mature scale does not usually 127 46 exhibit the eflfects of the wash or gas for some time. Little can be judged, ordinarily, of the ultimate results before two weeks, and itis often necessaiy to wait one or even two months to get final conclu- sions. In the case of liquid washes the slow progressive death of the scales is apparently due to the gradual penetration of the insecticide, and also to the softening and loosening of the scale itself, enabling subsequent weather conditions of moisture and cold to be more fatal. With such biting insects as caterpillars and slug worms, after treat- ment with arsenicals or other poisons death rapidly follows, the time being somewhat in proportion to the size of the larvas and their natural vigor. Soft-bodied larva?, such as the slug worms and very young larvaj of moths and beetles or other insects, are killed in a day or two. Large and strong larvge sometimes survive the effect of poison for eight or ten days, and leaf -feeding beetles will often fly away and perish from the poison in their places of concealment. Many larvae or other forms of leaf-feeding insects, after taking one or tAvo meals of poisoned foliage, wnll remain in a semitorpid and diseased condition on the plants for several days before they finally succumb. The protection to the plant, however, is just as great as though the}^ had died immediately, but misapprehension may often arise and the poison may be deemed to have been of no service. The complete extermination of insects on plants is often a very difficult, if not an impossible undertaking. This is especially true of scale insects. In California even, where the work against these enemies of fruits has been most thorough and successful, experience has shown that the best that can be done is a practical elimination of the scale for the time being, and it is often necessary to repeat the treatment every year or two. In exceptional cases once in three years suffices. With leaf-feeding insects it is often possible to effect com- plete extermination with the use of arsenical poisons. Such sucking insects as aphides may also be completely exterminated. But in gen- eral all applications or methods of treatment must be recognized, more or less, as a continuous charge on the crop, as much so as are the ordinary cultural operations. CONTROL OF INSECTS BY CULTURAL METHODS. It is much easier to ward off an attack of insects or to make condi- tions unfavorable for their multiplication than to destroy them after they are once in possession; and in controlling them, methods and systems of farm and orchard culture have long been recognized as of the greatest value, more so even than the employment of insecticides, which, in most cases, can onl}'^ stop an injury already begun. Insects thrive on neglect, multiply best in land seldom or never cultivated, and winter over in rubliish, prunings, or the undisturbed soil about their food plants, and become, under these conditions, more numerous 127 47 every year. It is a fact of common observation that it is the neglected farfn, vineyard, or orchard filled with weeds or wild growth which is certain to be stocked with all the principal insect enemies; and, on the other hand, thorough and constant culture, with the removal and burning of prunings, stubble, and other waste, the collection and de- struction of fallen and diseased fruit, and the practice, where possible, of fall plowing to disturb the hibernating quarters of field insects, will almost certainly be accompanied by comparative immunity from insect pests. The vigor and healthfulness of plant growth has also much to do with freedom from insect injury. Strong, healthy j)lants seem to have a native power of resistance which renders them, in a measure, dis- tasteful to most insects, or at least able to throw off or withstand their attacks. A plant already weakened from any cause, however, seems to be especially sought after, is almost sure to be the first affected, and furnishes a starting point for general infestation. Anything, therefore, which aids good culture in keeping plants strong and vigorous, such as the judicious use of fertilizers, will materially assist in preventing injury. The constant cropping of large areas of land year after year to the same staple is largely responsible for the excessive loss from in- sects in this country as compared with European countries, because this practice furnishes the best possible conditions for the multiplica- tion of the enemies of such crops. A most valuable cultural means, therefore, is a system of rotation of crops which will prevent the gradual yearly increase of the enemies of any particular staple by the substitution every year or two of other cultures not subject to the attacks of the insect enemies of the first. With such insects as the Hessian fly, the squash borers, and many others which have regular times of appearance, much can be done by the planting of early or late varieties or by deferring seeding so as to avoid the periods of excessive danger. Wherever possible, varieties should be selected which experience has shown to be re- sistant to insect attack. Familiar illustrations of such resistant va- rieties in all classes of cultivated plants will occur to every practical man, and a better instance of the benefit to be derived from taking advantage of this knowledge can not be given than the almost uni- versal adoption of resistant American vines as stocks for the regenera- tion of the vineyards of France destroyed by the phylloxera and for the similarly affected vineyards of European grapes in California. In the case of stored-grain pests, particularly the Angoumois moth, or so-called " fly weevil," the chief danger in the South occurs while the grain is standing in shock or stack, after harvesting, during which period the insects have easy access to it. This source of infestation may be avoided by thrashing grain promptly after harvesting and storing it in bulk. This wall prevent injury to more than the sur- 127 48 face larer, as the insects are not likely to penetrate deeply into the mass of the grain. These general notes are by no means new, but their importance jus- tifies their repetition, as indicating the best preventive measures in connection with the remedial ones already given. THE PROFIT IN REMEDIAL MEASURES. The overwhelming experience of the past twenty years makes it almost unnecessary to urge, on the ground of pecuniary returns, the adoption of the" measures re^mmended in the foregoing pages against insects. To emphasize the value of such practice it is only necessary to call attention to the fact that the loss to orchard, garden, and farm crops frequently amounts to from 15 to 75 per cent of the entire product, and innumerable instances could be pointed out where such lo^s has been sustained year after year, while now, by the adoption of remedial measures, large yields are regularly secured with an insig- nificant expenditure for treatment. It has been established that in the case of the apple crop spraying will protect from 50 to 75 per cent of the fruit which would otherwise be wormy, and that in actual marketing experience the price has been enhanced from $1 to $2.50 per barrel, and this at a cost of only about 10 cents per tree for labor and material. This is especially true of regions where the codling moth has but one full brood annually. In the case of one orchard in Virginia, only one-third of which was sprayed, the result was an increase in the A'ield of sound fruit in the portion treated of nearly 50 per cent, and an increase of the value of this fruit over'tlie rest of 100 per cent. The loss from not having treated the other two-thirds was estimated at $2,500. The saving to the plum crop and other small fruits frequently amounts to the secur- ing of a perfect crop where otherwise no yield whatever of sound fruit could be secured. An illustration in the case of field insects may also be given where, by the' ad;option of a system of rotation, in which oats were made to alternate with corn, the owner of a large farm in Indiana made a saving of $10,000 per year, this amount representing the loss pre- viously sustained annually from the corn rootv.'orm. The cotton crop, which formerly in years of bad infestation by the leaf worm was estimated to be injured to the extent of $30,000,000, is now compara- tively free from such injury, owing to the general use of arsenicals. Facts of like import could be addu<}ed in regard to many other leading staples, but the foregoing are sufficient to emj^hasize the money value of intelligent action against insect enemies, which may often represent the difference between a profit and a loss in agricul- tural operations. 127 o