THE \ INDIA REVIEW ’h ' AND JOURNAL OF FOREIGN SCIENCE EDITED BY FREDERICK CORBYN, ESQ. AS WE SHALt ALWAYS BE CONSCIOUS THAT OUR MISTAKES ARE INVOLUNTARY, WE SHALL WATCH THE GRADUAL DISCOVERIES OF TIME, AND RETRACT WHATEVER WE HAVE HASTILY AND ERRO- NEOUSLY ADVANCED. Johnson. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY G. WOOLLASTON, AND SOLD BY MR. HUSBAND, ALLAHABAD ; MR. PHAROAH, MOUNT ROAD, MADRAS ; AND MR. MALVBRY, MEADOW STREET, BOMBAY. 9m^Bru / V 4. £ Asia TIC- i/1 PREFACE.' A year has now elapsed since we commenced the periodical the first volume «)f which is completed. The grounds on which we ventured on fthis scientific enterprize were not derived from a belief o^ our own fitness, for such an un- dertaking ; but from the circumstance that others, possessing superior talent, greater erudition, and being better adapted inv’every respect than ourselves, had not come forward: and when on the one hand, we took into consideration th® vast extent of this empire, and the strides which education was making among all classes of the people, and on the other, that no work, calcu- lated to diffuse the light which discoveries and improvements in Europe were hourly shedding through the medium of science and the arts, had been offered to the public; we considered ourselves justified in stepping forward, humble as our pretensions were, to prove the utility of a Journal exclusiv’^ely devoted to the review of works on science, embracing foreign science and the arts; and, by shewing the extensive influence which their dissemination must necessarily have in promoting the welfare of this country, and laying open those resources of knowledge which at all times have formed the basis of national power and prosperity, endeavour to awaken a general spirit of research. We had another objectinview. There are at the present moment rpwards of 700, accomplished and highly educated medical men scattered over the vast territories of our eastern possessions. The duties of many consist in simply attending'^4‘ew sick in a solitary hospital, and the British Government of India has not yet discovered the admirable advantages which would accrue from employing these able men out of the immediate sphere of their profession. Now there is scarcely a medical man in India who has not acquired some knowledge of chemistry — a knowledge which, it does not require much penetration and inge- nuity to prove, might be applied to improve the arts and manufactories now going on, in the great cities and marts in this country. What soil in the whole world is so rich in productions as this, and so calculated to yield all that is now obtained from foreign countries ? Observe what the genius of che- mical science has done for France and England, and what may it not do for India ! We are aware that we might be charged with encouraging an indulgence in speculative refinement, which has in some instances led men out of the line of useful industry, and, by the loss of property, to the ruin of their families. Such has been the result, it is true; but, generally speaking, to the artist only, seldom to the man of science. The chemist is better able than one who is only a mechanic to predict, from an experiment on a small scale, the probable issue of more extensive attempts. Watt, by a clear insight into the doctrine of latent heat, resulting from his thorough knowledge of chemistry, and seconded by mechanical skill, taught the way to bring the steam engine into PREFACE. perfecuon. Wedrrewood, by the same knowledge, advanced the arts of manufacturing porcelain ; neither must we forget Scheele’s discovery of oxy- genized muriatic acid, and Bethollet’s instructions in its application to the art of bleaching, nor Sequin’s and Davy’s chemical processes, which brought into perfection the art of tanning and preparation of leather. Chemistry is the foundation of those arts which furnish us with saline substances, an order of bodies highly useful in the affairs of common life. The success- ful manufactory of glass and various kinds of pottery depend upon a know- ledge of the nature of the substances employed, of their fusibility, as affect- ed by difference of proportion, or by the admixture of foreign substances, and of the means of regulating and measuring high degrees of heat. The chemist Bergman taught the most successful manufactory of brick and tiles. The art of malting is most successfully taught by the chemist. Dyeing and printing, as we have already shewn, are a tissue of chemical operations, and in short we should tire our readers by giving further illustration, to shew the utility of this department of our labours to medical men who are generally chemists. If national prosperity in Britain has arisen, in an eminent degree, from a superiority in the production of her arts, ought they, we enquire, to be neglected in British India? If not, we may boldly put the question — were we not, as having the welfare of India at heart, bound to promote it by a due discharge of our duty, by diffusing discoveries in the mechanical arts, among ihedical men as the means of communicating them to the natives ? The character of our work differs however from any other of a similar kind in the variety of its objects ; possessing as it does the character of Thom- son’s Records of Science, and Jameson’s Philosophical Journal, it also assumes the appearance of the Mechanics' Magazine, and Repertory of Inventions and Arts, as well as a Review of Science in India, 'and Register of new di'^coveries. Our reason for giving to our periodical this character proceeded from our knowledge, that recently six Scientific Journals were published in Great Britain : these have been reduced to two; one of which is published monthly in London, the other quarterly in Edinburgh. Since 1835, an additional work has been published, viz., “ Records of Science ; and since then, another on Popular Science: how long these last ably-conducted Journals will exist, it is impossible to say; but it is obvious, there must be some cause for this want of success in works of science. We ourselves believe the cause to have arisen, from the articles having generally been too abstruse and subtle. It is true, they were full of refined and speculative knowledge and recondite reasoning; replete with physical and metaphysical sub^ jects; but, then they were more adapted to the deep thinking philosopher, than to the general scientific reader : hence a want of subscribers. This failure in Britain of periodicals which have been devoted solely to the diffusion of general science, was a warning to us to consider well the grounds on which we anticipated success in our new undertaking. In a country like India where PREFACE. iii the British sojourners and their descendants are comparatively few, the means of education as regards science is but in its infancy; and therefore the import- ance of periodicals, purely on the mere abstract branches of science, is not felt. It is principally on this account that we determined to blend with purely scientific matter, articles on the mechainical arts, and such other interesting subjects as regard improvement in manufactures^ commerce, agriculture, &c„ in order to suit the taste and promote the benefit of all classes, by which we should be able to admit subjects which embrace abstruse investigation into the causes of physical changes, and determine the nature of bodies, reducing them to their elements, ascertaining their mutual actions and relation, and to apply the knowledge, thus ascertained by demonstrative science, to the improvement of arts which supply the wants as well as the comforts of life. The grave philosopher and the man of science may not delight in articles of the former description ; but, by attending to our explanations, he would find that our object is to secure extensive circulation,tending greatly to support that portion of our work which is to be devoted to the latter articles which he de- sires to see. Our great object was to be the means of leading to important local and national improvements of promoting traffic by rivers, roads, and canals* by steam communication and rail-road transit ; in which to excite individual enterprize for large interest on capital, and to shew that such improvements call imperatively for the immediate attention of Government for liberal appro- priations. That stupendous machine, the steam engine, has already undergone* in its progress more than two hundred different modifications. It was our desire to give every new improvement in their motive forces from water, ether, alcohol, essential oils, the liquifiable gases, atmospheric air, &c. The prepara- tion of that invaluable and important metal, the chief material of nearly all machinery — iron, as well as the various manipulations and mechanism em- ployed in the great staple commodities, cotton, silk, woollen, and linen ; the construction of engines, mills, railways, carriages, ships, boats, docks, canals, bridges, furnaces, boilers, gas machinery, looms, presses, pumps, paddles, ploughs, water works, illustrated by lithographic sketches, together with an account of the various important processes of dyeing, distilling, bleaching, brewing, and tanning. While to the chemist and mechanic we hope to be of essential service, we shall do our utmost to meet the wishes of the natura- list. The extravagant price of standard works in this department has been to discourage the naturalist in his interesting study. We have been able to glean from the numerous works which have been published, and from papers in the transactions of learned societies during the past year, all that is novel and valuable for this class of our readers. The question remaining to be considered next is, what benefit will such in- telligence afford to a country like this, containing 1,116,000 square miles, equal in size to Great Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Turkey, put together ; the number of people who inhabit it being computed at 100,000,000 souls. When the riches of other countries have w PREFACE. been ascertained and made known through the chemist and geologist, may we not reasonably expect that they will excite a spirit of enquiry, and a desire for scientific education in the people here ; and that they will soon learn that this is the largest empire in the world, — the repository of the most valuable and precious ores, — the greatest repository of diamonds hitherto discovered; a country rich in spices, drugs, colours, silk, cotton, saltpetre, saffron, coffee, sugar, rice, &c. ; that its manufactures in silks, embroidery, and cottons, have long since excited the admiration of Europe ; that its animal and vegetable pro- ductions, its metals, minerals, and valuable natural productions are scarcely yet known ; and that science and the arts have yet to develope these internal re- sources, which will ere long raise its character ? Is it extravagant to hope under British rule that it will become the greatest commercial nation in the world? The realization of these objects, however, depends materially upon the policy which the government of India may adopt in regard to its revenue. \¥hether it endangers manufactures and population, or whether with the constant exten- sion of boundary it takes measures to improve the soil, realize millions of acres which are now covered with forest, brush-wood, and stagnant waters ; j whether it facilitates inland navigation, by deepening harbours, constructing 1 docks, and encouraging ship-building, — the whole depends upon the adoption of a system of national policy, by which the advantages to the Government and ^he community may be reciprocal. It is during the times of peace that the great work of national improvement should go on, not as a matter of expedi- ency, but of positive necessity. If we desire to erect the fabric of our rule and future prosperity on a permanent basis, while we are giving encouragement to trace out the unexplored gifts of nature and bring into action the hidden trea- i sures of the land, we must concilitate public regard, by promoting the pros- perity of the people. A specific sum might justly be appropriated to objects of national improvement, which, besides giving encouragement to ingenuity i and merit, and employment to the industrious, would promote the circulation ' of the specie throughout the country; increase the demand for various articles | of inland manufacture ; and finally produce in their operation an annual equi- ' valent equal to the whole amodht of the original outlay, and most probably i exceed it. But we must hasten to a conclusion — we have only to state how far our views have been supported ; this may be seen by the size of our publication and numerous plates which embellish it. It commenced with 32 pages and has pro- gressively increased to 64, without additional cost to subscribers ; and we trust, so I soon as we experience a mitigation in the post office regulations, we shall be able to add numerous improvements, tending not only to increase the interest but the value'of the work, on receiving additional support, which is essential to bring to perfection a periodical of the kind we have described. )V, ) FOREIGN SCIENCE AND THE ARTS. EMBRACING MINERALOGY, GEOLOGY, NATURAL HISTORY, PHYSICS. &c. MINERALOGY. PLAGIONrf E.-Tiie crystals of this mineral belong to the obliqae rectangular prismatic system of Beudant. If we consider the faces belonging to an octahedron for the punvictur form, then the faces parallel to the plane of the two axes are trnncatures of the anterior angles. They are implanted in quartz. Fracture conchoidal. G. Rose has termed it plagionite, from (^jfXayw^ obli- que) in consequence of the oblique form and inclination of the axis, which measures 107^ 32'. It consists, accordinor to Rose of Lead 40‘..52 Antimony 37.94 Sulphur 21.53, Total 99,99. Besides simple sulphuret of antimony, in the Wolfsberg antiraonial veins, there are a great many combinations of sulphuret of anti- mony and sulphuret of lead in ditferent pro- portions, viz ; zinkenite, 3 Sb. su. “L Pb. su. Plagionite, and Federerz, Bournonite. The; two first have only been found at Wolfsberg. f Poggeiidorjf, xxviii. 421 .) 16. NATIVE LITHARGE has been found half way up the volcanoes of Popocatepetl and Iztacictualt in Mexico, corresponding exactly in appearance and composition with that derived from the lead furnaces, (Ann, des. Mines, vi,) 17. ARSENICAL PYRITES has been analyzed by E. Hoflinann from four locali- ties : Schnee- berg. Slaclming. Hartz. Reichen- stein. Sulphur . . 0.14 5.20 1 1 .05 1.94 Copper . . 0..50 99 99 Bismuth . . 2.19 60.41 65.99 Arsenic . . 71.30 .53.60 Nickel . . . 28.14 13.37 30.02 99 Cobalt .... ,, 5.10 0,56 28.8 Iron ,, 13.49 3.29 Serpentine 2.17 102'27 97.57 98..52 98.18 the Uralian Mountains, in limestone, where it is accompanied with vauquelinite, phosphate of lead, quartz, and galena ; colour between cochineal and hyacinth ; compact ; crystals, rhomboidal prisms, with two large faces, which gives them a tabular appearance ; edges, translucent ; streak, brick-red ; sp. gr. 5 75. Before the blowpipe fuses easily into a brown mass, which assumes a crystalline structure on cooling. In the reducing flame it is converted into oxide of chromium and metallic lead. It consists of Oxide of lead 7o.36 Chromic acid 23.61, Total 100.00. It is obviously, therefore a subsesqui-chro- mate of lead. ( Poggendorjf, xxviii.) 21. CHROME IRON ORE, from Balti- more, was found by Abich to contain, (Pog- gendorff, 1831.) Silica Crystallized. AmorpliouJ 00.83 Alumina ... 11.85 13.85 Oxide of chromium .. 60.04 51,91 Protoxide of iron.. ... 20.13 18.97 Magnesia 9.96 Total . . 99.47 98.52 22. WHITE ARSENI ATE OF IRON,— Kersten found a specimen of this mineral from Freiberg, to consist of Arseniate of iron, 70,70, Water, 23.50, Total 99.20. (Schweig- qer Seidel’s Jahrhuch, vi. 182.) 23. POLYBASITE. — H. Rose has ana- lyzed this mineral from the following locali- ties Guarisamny, Mexico. Scliemnitz. Freiberg. Sulphur 17.04 Antimony . 5.09 Arsenic 3.74 Silver 64.29 Copper. . Iron. . . . Zinc. . . . 9.93 0.06 0.00 16.83 0,25 6.23 72.43 3,04 0.33 0.59 16.35 8.39 1.17 69,99 4.11 0,29 0.00 18. ARSENIC GLANCE.-Karsten found the composition of a specimen from Marien- berg, in Saxony Arsenic 93.785 Bismuth 3.0 tl Total 99.786. (ScJiiveig. xxiii. 390.1 19, STERNBERGitE.-Zippa finds this composed of Silver 33.2 Iron 36.0 Suh)hur 30.0, Total 99,2, equivalent to 4 F Su. + Ag. Su. (Poggendorff) Ann. xxvii.) 20 M ELAN OCHROITE.— This mineral is found in the neighbourhood of Bere.sow, in Total.... 100.15 99.70 100.30 (Poggendorjf, xxviii. 156.) 24. VOLTZITE — This mineral is found at Pont Gibaud, in Puy de Dome, It pos- sesses a pearly lustre ; colour rose-red, or of yellow ; granular ; fracture irregular ; softer than glass ; sp. gr. 3.6B. It consists of Sulphuret of zinc, 82.92, Oxide of zinc, 15.34, Peroxide of iron, 1.84, Total 100-10. (Pog^ gendorjf, xxxi.) 25. CARBONATE OF LEAD AND ZINC, comes from Mount Proxi, iri Sardinia in the form of small crystals, irregularly grouped together in rock quartz ; white and translucid ; hardness equal to calcareous B 3 RECENT DISCOVERIES IN MINERALOGY. spar ; sp. gr. 6.9. It contains Carbonate of lead, with traces of chloride of lead 93.10, Carbonate of zinc, 7,02, Total, 99 12. (Jahrbuch, 3o?, 1833, p. 333.) 26. G A UNITE, according to the analysis of Abich, consists ofSilica,3.8f, Alumina .35.14 Magnesia, 5.25, Peroxide of iron, 5.85, Oxide of zinc 30.02, Total 100.10. The specimen was from Fahlun. 27. BLUE ARSENIATE OF COPPER, from Cornwall, consists, according to Trolle Wachtmeister, ofOxide ofCopper, ^3. 19, Alu- mina, 8.03, Peroxide of iron, 3,41, Arsenic acid, 20.79, Phosphoric acid, 3.6 1, Silicaand quartz, 6.99, Water, 22.24, Total 100,26, (Jahrhuch, 1st, ’833. p. 73.) 28. PLATINUM, in Siberia, is found in fine sand. A piece was obtained at Nischne Tagil, weighing 4 Kilogrammes (8 lbs. 13 oz, 4 dr. avoird.) in 1827, and three bits in I831-33, the two first weighing 8 kil. (17 lbs 1 1 oz. and thethird5kils. 11 Ibs.loz.l dr.) It is accom- panied with gold,osmium,iridium, magneticiron, chromium, brown oxide of iron, oxide of titani- um, epidote garnet, rock crystal, and sometimes diamonds. The sand is composed of jasper, quartz, andgreenstone, and likewise small yel- low crystals of rhomboidal, dodecahedrons, re- sembling chrysoberyl, the nature of which is not known. Among the rocks which accompany platinum in the Uralians, serpentine is the most remarkable. Gold appears generally to exist in the same rock with platinum. (Jour, f/e St, Petersburg, 1833) 29. OSMIUM AND IRIDIUM.— Two minerals have been obtained in the Uralians, composed of these two metals. One found at Newiansk possesses a compound crystalline form, consisting of the combination of a double pyramid with six faces, with a right hexago- nal prism. It possesses a blue metallic lus- tre. Hardness nearly that of, 39-386 — 19-471. Before the blowpipe, on charcoal, it does not decompose. In the matrass with saltpetre a feeble smell of osmium is observable. It is found in the auriferous sand of Newiansk, 95 versts to the north of Katharinenberg. It is also observed at Bi- limbajewsk and Kyschtim, and several other places in the Urals. The crystals of the va- riety from Nischne Tagil have the same form as the preceding. The colour is bluish-gray, analogous to that of sulphuret of antimony. Hardness about that of quartz. Sp. gr. 21-118. Before the blowpipe, on charcoal, becomes black, and looses its lustre, and disengages a pungent smell of osmium, which acts upon the eyes. It is found in the platiniferous sand of Nischne Tagil. It is never associated with gold. These two combinations of osmium and iridi- um, possessing the same shape, G. Rose con- siders that the idea of the isomorphism of the two metals is confirmed. The Nischne Tagil variety, which contains more osmium than that of Newiansk, having a higher specific gravity, it follows that osmium is heavier than iridium. Osmium ought then to have a higher specific gravity than 21-118, Hence, it is oWious that Berzelius’ sp. gr, 10 is quite er- roneous. ( Poyyendorff Ann. xxix,4o2.) 30. NATIVE IRIDIUM has been found at Nischne Tagil, accompanied with gold and platinum. It is in grains of the colour of sil- ver, verging towards yellow, possessing a strong metallic lustre, and is extremely hard, Sp. gr. 23-5 — 23-6. Insoluble in acids. It is combined with some osmium, and may be easily fused, (Breithaupt in Schweigg Journ. 1833,; 31. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF NATIVE GOLD, PAR FICULAI^LY UR- ALIAN GOLD. — Gold is never found in the earth in a pure state, but is always combined with more or less silver. Fordyce examined a specimen from Kons- berg, in Norway, which consisted of 28 gold, 72 silver in the 100 parts. Klaproth obtain- ed gold from Schlangenberg in the Altai, 64 gold, 36 silver ; and Lampadius, from an un- known locality, procured 96-6 gold, the re- mainder being silver and iron. Boussingault analyzed gold from difterent places in Colom- bia, and found it combined with silver in vari- able quantities, but always in difinite propor- tions, viz. : one atom of silver with 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 12 atoms gold. (Ann. de Chimie, xxiv. and xlv.) G. Rose, while travelling in Siberia with Baron Humboldt, made a collec- tion of gold ores for the purpose of deter- mining the truth of the French chemist’s po- sition. In the Uralian Mountains, gold is found in rocks and distributed among sand. Previ ms to 1819, it w'as extracted from rock veins, but after this period, the discovery of sand containing it occasioned the abandonment of working the I’ock mines. Gold in rocks is found always in quartzose veins : atBeresow, occurring in the form of crystals, and at Newdansk, in plates, while at Czarewo Alex- androw'sk, pieces are met with which weigh from 13 to 24 livres, (18 lbs. to 9Q lbs. troy.) Gold produced by the different workings is assayed in the mints of Katharinenburg, and St, Petersburg. The following table exhibits the composi- tion of gold from different localities, all being richer than gold from Colombia and Siebeu- burg:— 1 Gold. Silver. Katharinenburg . . sand 93-01 6-99 Hiel rock 87-40 12-60 Miask sand 93-0 7-00 Bogowslowsk — 88-80 11-20 Kuschvva — 90-30 9-70 Werch Isetsk .... 92-70 7-30 Nischne Tagil — 90-73 9-27 Kaslinski 91-97 8-03 Newiansk 91-42 8-58 Do rock 92-95 7-05 Sisersk sand 91-78 8-22 Ulaley 91-45 1 8-55 Schaitansk 95-10 4-90 Biiimbajeusk — 93-54 6-46 Do 91-24 8-76 Bewdinski 93-33 6-67 Usewoledski . . , . . . I 89-01 10-99 Bissersk | — 1 88-72 11-28 i IMPORTANT CONSEQUENCES DEDUCED FROM ANALYSES OF GOLD. 3 Before the blowpipe, pure gold and pure silver are readily distinguished by their fus- ing into a transparent and colourless glass, with salt of phosphorous in the exterior flame. In the interior flame, if the quantity of silver is small, the glass is opaline and yel- lowish, but if great, altogether yellow and opaque. The native allo5's ant in the same manner, but an alloy which contains only ^ per ceut. of silver has no action on salt phos- phorous. When the quantity of silver is small, which can be easily detected by the golden colour of the alloy, the metals may be dissolved in a covered capsule, in aqua regia. The greatest portion is converted into chloride of silver. Decant the solution and remove the chloride by the aid of a glass rod, and add a new dose of acid. If the alloy contains more than 20 per cent of silver, the chloride sticks to the glass, and gives rise to inaccuracy. The two acid solutions should then be diluted. The first is only slightly muddy ; for, it appears that a saturated solution of gold does not dis- solve a notable quantity of chloride of silver ; the second, on the contrary, deposits a con- siderable quantity of this substance. When the whole chloride has been deposited it should be filtered and weighed, after being dried and fused in a porcelain crucible. Eva- porate the liquid in a porcelain crucible, to drive otf the excess of chlorine, and when fumes cease to be given off, treat it with oxalic acid. Place the liquid in a glass de- fended by convex cover, in order that no gold may be mechanically removed with the car- bonic acid, and allow the glass to remain for 24 hours in a warm place. Filter the liquid, evaporate to dryness, and pass a stream of sulphuretted hydrogen through the solution of the residue in muriatic acid. A trace of cop- per is thus separated, and the iron may be removed by hydro-sulphuret of ammonia. When the gold contains more than 20 per cent, of silver, the correct plan is to assay the alloy in a cupel with lead and silver, and to treat the new alloy with nitric acid, which takes up the silver only. Gay Lussac shewed that a loss of silver i.s sustained to a small ex- tent in this way, and G. Rose, to obviate the inadequacy of this plan, tried a number of others, and at last hit upon one which he con- siders better than any other yet devised. Fuse the native gold in a small porcelain cru- cible with lead, by means of a lamp supplied With a double current of air. Digest the mass in nitric acid ; detach it from the cru- cible, and place it in a glass vessel, adding a new portion of nitric acid diluted with water, in order to dissolve the nitrate of lead ; wash the residue ; dissolve it in aqua regia ; precipitate the chloride of silver dissolved, diluting the liquid with water ; filter the li- quor and evaporte to dryness. Dis.solve in water, and precipitate the gold by means of muriate of iron. Sulphated protoxide of iron does not answer for the precipitation, because the gold in solution may still contain a little lead. Dilute the nitric acid solution with much water ; then treat it with chloride of lead, and not with muriatic acid, which may drecipitate part of the lead in the state of B 3 chloride. Place the liquid in a warm place, to favour the precipitation of the chloride of silver, and when the solution has become clear collect the chloride upon the filter which was used to filter the solution of gold. The mi- nute portion of iron cannot be appreciated, on account of the quantity of lead. Rose has never found platinum and gold associated. He deduces from his analyses several imoortant consequences. 1. ■ Native gold does not contain gold and silver in definite proportions. 2. Gold and silver being thus combined in indefinite proportions, he concludes that they are isomorphous, an inference which can- not be deduced with the same certainty from the identity of their crystals. 3. Native gold always contains silver, cop- per, or iron. The smallest quantity of silver was in a specimen from Schabrouski, which contained 16 per cent, of silver, but 35 per cent, of copper were present. 4. The specific gravity is in the inverse ratio of the proportion of silver contained in the minex"al. In general, fused gold has a greater density than native gold, which, however, may be owing to cavities in the latter. 5. Different specimens from the same loca- lity vary in composition. 6. Gold found in veins varries in different parts of the same mine. 7. He finds that the gold from sand con- tains more silver than that from veins. The proportion in the former being 89-7 per cent, of silver, and in the latter, 79-1 a fact com- pletely contrary to the determination of the Russian government, for the mining of gold has entirely yielded to the process of pro- curing it from sand. (Poggendorff Ann.) STATE OF THE GLOBE AT ITS FOR- MATiON. BY M. BECQUEREL. (Continued from j.age \53.) TERRESTRIAL HEAT.— The facts with which we are at present acquainted tend to prove that every place on tlie surface of the globe has an invariable mean temperature. The mean temperature of the equator is be- tween 81.5 and 82°4, being modified by the great extent of the equatorial seas. The entrepid northern navigators have found a great difference, in the same latitude, between the temperatures on land and in the open sea. A Melville Id. the mean heat was — 18*^50., while in the open sea it was — 8° 3. Calcu- lating from these data, the temperature of the pole would be— 25^ or 30'^. It is remakable that those places which are situated on the same isothermal line do not present the same vegetable productions. Hence, some have divided climate into con- stant, where the temperature is steady dur- ing the year, variable, and excessive, which comprehend those where the differences are very great. Cassini, in 1671, had remarked that under the Observatory of Paris, the tem- perature was steady during the whole year 4 THE FORMATIONS OP WHICH THE GLOBE IS COMPOSED. and the observation has been confirmed, the heat being determined to be 11^ 82 (53^* F.) Cordierhas inferred from his researches on the temperature towards the interior of the earth, that below a particular point where the temperature is steady, the heat increases with the depth, to the amount of P for every 25 to 30 metres. M. Fourier lias demonstrated that the cool- ing of the globe, i/s«c/r a fact is admitted, must be very slow, being less than of a centigrade degree for a century ; and he has drawn these consequences: 1. All the heat below a particular point where the temperature is steady, has been possessed by the earth from its commencement. 2. This heat is intense in the nucleus, and at a cer- tain distance from the centre it begins to di- minish by regular laws up to the steady point, 3, d'he internal equilibrium changes with time, and will continue to alter until the whole heat is dissipated, but this process is going on in an extremely tardy manner. 4. The heat derived from the interior cannot appreciably modify that of the surface. Idumboldt has observed that in Mexico the decrease of temperature is not pi’bpor- tional to the height ; and Boussingault has found that in twenty-three years the sources of the Mariara have increased in tempera- ture from 59° 3 C, to 64° ; and those of Strin- cheras, from 4 to 92° 2, The diurnal variation of the thermometer at the equator on the sea is 1° to 2°, while on the continent it is 5° to 0°. At the equator the ocean’s sur- face is hotter than the air ; but at the poles the reverse is the case.* Between the tro- llies, the heat diminishes with the depth; on the polar seas it diminishes as we descend. Such are some of the principal circum- stances bearing upon terrestrial heat with which we are at present acquainted. THE FORMATIONS OF WHICH THE GLOBE IS COMPOSED is the next subject which our author takes up, after spe- culating upon the method in which it was consolidated, applying known agents to the explanation of volcanic phenomena, and tracing out a sketch of the facts which have been ascertained in reference to terrestrial heat. He first notices alluvial deposits which are in process of formation, consisting of peat, marls, graval, stalactities, pisolites, and tra- vertines. He then passes to mineral waters or salt springs, which are so influential in bringing up from considerable depths soluble salts. In these are found carbonate of soda, borax, alum, deposited in the fissures of rocks, nitrate of soda as in Peru, nitrates of potash, lime and magnesia, as in Hungary, Ukraine, Podolia, &c.; sulphate of magnesia, sulphate and carbonate of lime. These substances seem to be deposited by the water when tra- versing fissures of rocks, and which action is more energetic in proportion to the increase of temperature. The quantity of salts brought by these means is much greater than one * In lat. 28 9' N., long. 20a 33 W-, I found the temperature of the Atlantic Ocean 79°5, that of the air being 79® ; and in 2-20 S. L., 59^5' E. L. the thermometer stood in the air at 80°, and in the Indian Ocean at 88«6, — Edit. \vithout consideration would infer. The Carlsbad water discharges annually 740,884 pounds of carbonate of soda, and 132,923 pounds of sulphate of soda, in addition to numerous other substances. Now, the ope- ration of solution must be effected by the electro-chemical action of the thermal waters upon the rocks, at a greater or less distance frorn the earth’s surface, fl he origin of the ocean’s saltness has at- tracted the attention of many, but little light has been hitherto thrown on this subject. It IS, however, apparent, that the quantity of saline matter varies on account of the proxi- mity of rivers ; thus, the Baltic and the Black Sea are weaker than the occean, and still more so than the Mediterranean. From Boussingaull’s observations, it appears that the temperature of hot springs diminishes with the height; and hence he infers that they have their origin in the volcanic fires. He found that the mineral waters near volca- noes contained sulphuretted hydrogen and carbonic acid, the identical gases which were detected among the vapours emitted from their corresponding volcanoes. The carbonic acid he considers as the product of the calcination of carbonate of lime and soda, or of their re- action upon silicious or aluminous substances, and the sulphuretted hydrogen may derive its origin from the re-action of the vapour of water upon sulphui’et of sodium. The rocks of the tertiary formations are in general calcareous and silicious with a pre- dominance of magnesia, especially where the gypsum appears. Under this head are in- cluded the new formations characteidzed so happily by Air. Lyell, and to whose work it is proper to refer the reader for accurate and interesting information. The secondary rocks include the chalk, which is the result of chemical precipitation, the oolites, a sedimentary group, as well as the muschelkalk and zechstein. In the ti'ansition rocks, the coal, according to Deluc, has been foi’med at a slight eleva- tion above the sea like turf, and has been submer ged and covered by the sand of the ocean. If these waters are supposed to Imve borne along with them earthy matter of an elevated temperature, an explanation will be afforded for the absence o f animals in these rocks. The water under which the coal was formed must have possessed the property of holding iron in solution, as is ap- parent from the quantity of iron-stone which usually accompanies coal. Hence, the atmospheric pressure may have been greater’. The formations which derive their origin from the greatest depths, are obviously granite, mica slate, and the rocks usually termed pri- mary. The porphyries, euphotides, or com- pounds of jade and diallage, serpentines, black porphyry, or ophites and dolomitess, are more variable in their position. Among volcanic products the trachites are considered most ancient, and are sometimes startified. The traps, or basalts afford many minerals; the lava group contain also many species. Both HStna and Vesuvius have been known to eject granite, in addition to the pulverulent and solid matter which they continue to emit at intervals. DECOMPOSITION OF ROCKS YEINS. o DECOMPOSITION OF ROCKS- VEINS. — According to Becqueiel, veins are not to be considered as products of one general cause, but of a concurrence of several causes. The viens in the most ancient rocks are smaller than in the newer rocks, the largest existing in the schists and transition limestones. Wer- ner considered that rocks were decomposed by two acids : I. By carbonic acid as when granite and gneiss or felspar alone are decomposed and form kaolin, 2. Sulphuric acid derived fiom pyrites, as in veins of fels- p r, mica, and amphibole. Arsenic acid he considered produced a similar effect. M. Fournet, who has paid much atten- tion to veins, distinguishes two kinds: those of igneous origin, such as porphyries, tra- chites, &c. in which the silica has formed combinations by means of heat ; and those of aqueous origin, as we see illustrated in mineral waters. To exemplify the former he cites those instances where sulphuret of iron, silica, and iron pyrites have been depo- sited upon the fragments of primitive rocks, and with regard to the latter, he mentions cases where talc and mica are changed into a grey substance, and granites where felspar is altered into kaolin, likewise talcose schists where steatite is isolated in veins. In the veins of Pont Gibaud, he observe.d four other epochs. At the second period new branches were formed, which were filled with secondary and tertiary products, especially quartz, but likewise sulphurates, which have formed alternating zones of pyrites, galena, and hyalines quartz in small crystals. A third period distinguishes a dilatation which disturb- ed the sources of the galena and introduced solutions of sul pirates of barytes- At the fourth epoch, the inerusting power of these sources appears to have been enfeebled, when parites and minute veins of carbonates were deposited. The fifth epoch was contempo- rajaeous with the basaltic eruptions. It is obvious, that for an explanation of the mode in which these veins are filled, we must have recourse to chemistry. Thus, hydrate of iron proceeds from the decomposition of pyrites; the powder of hydrous oxide is derived from the decomposition of the carbonate, ga ena is gradually converted into a black pulveru- lent substance, which gives birth to black and white carbonate. With regard to the formation of rock-salt, Dumas has observed that in one variety of it which decrepitated when placed in water, the cause was attri- butable to hydrogen which condensed in its cavaties, GRANITE, — Saussure attributed the de- composition of this rock to a corrosive juice which dissolved the gluten uniting all its parts. Vanquelin and Alluan traced the cause to disintegration of the rock, and the removal of the alkali in the felspar by water. But Berthier has shewn that silica as well as potash is removed, a silicate of potash disap- pearing and silicate of alumina remaining. Felspar is probably one of those bodies whose particles are placed in such intimate union that acids have no effect upon it until it be exposed to electro-chemical agency. Four- net has observed three preliminary stages in the decomposition of granite, 1. A superior zone of a red or yellow colour, indicating the peroxidation of iron, 2. A middle zone of a deep green colour. 3. An inferior zone, pre- senting all the characters of a perfect granite, but falling to pieces when touched. Me ac- counts for the successive decomposition from the surface, internally to dimorphism, which has changed their crystalline texture like ar- ragonites and laumonites, Gustav. Rose has produced pyroxene and amphibole as in- stances of this dimorphism, of which some result from rapid, others from slow cooling. The theory of the felspar decomposition Four- net sums up shortly, 'i’he iron is peroxidized, carbonic acid is absorbed and takes the place of the silica, which, being set at liberty in a gelatinous state, dissolves in water, or alkaline carbonates, and gives origin to cry- stals of hyaline quartz, iorites, agates, opal, calcedony, and silicates, as chabasite, me- sotype. I'his theory, however, rests upon two sup- positions which have not yet been demonstrat- ed. 1. That igneous rocks do not acquire a state of permanent equilibrium, and that they exhibit in the course of time an effect of di- morphism, and 2. 'fhat carbonic acid is ab- sorbed by tliese rocks. The latter appears to be strongly exhibited in Auvergne, where numerous mineral springs, which escape from granite fissures, act upon the rocks, and form small irregular basons which they fill with hydrous peroxide of iron. SPARRY IRON ORE.-Granite before it decomposes disintegrates, but the iron ore retains its form, and yet changes its chemical nature. Becquer’el has examined the process of the decomposition of this mineral in Isere, and he has found it entii'e when preserved from the contact of air and water. In Dau- phine it is decomposed in such a manner as to give out heat and light, which burst into flame and continue to burn. The inhabitants regard the presence of these flames as a de- cided proof of the existence of rich mines of this mmeral. The mineral contains carbonate of manganese and magnesia. The iron and manganese change into hydrates, lose their carbonic acid which combines with the mag- nesia, and renders it soluble in water. Water is decomposed to afford oxygen to the hydrate, and the hydrogen inflames after overcoming an immense pressure. According to Chapert, when some of the minerals accompanying this iron ore are roasted, and left to spontaneous action, after some days, sulphate of magnesia and iron, and carbonate of copper appear, facts of great importance in electro-chemistry, Four kinds of pyrites accompany this ore, which give origin, to 1. Neutral sulphate of iron. 2. Earthy sulphate, a yellow substance, resinous or earthy, 3. Ochre proceeding from the ac- tion of air upon the neutral sulphate ; besides, sulphate of iron and alumina, manganese, line, zinc, &c. , LAVAS, — Granite decomposes readily in contact witli bay-salt, as is evinced in Scot- land and Clermont. The facility of the de- composition of lavas varies with their com- position ; thus the pyroxenic rocks of Au- vergne decay more rapidly than the Labra- 6 tp:rrestrial magnetism— atmospheric electricity. dore masses of Como. Wack6 is a rock formed by the action of water upon these rocks, and contains calcareous spar, zeolites and piperine, 'I'here is reason to think that the crystals which are found in bay-salts, have been de- posited after the consolidation of the rocks in which they are found, because most of them are altered by a strong heat, and lose their water of crystalization. Fournet attributes the formation of zeolites to the transportation of the elements by water from the neighbour- ing rocks. ORGANIC matter. -The mode in which organic matter undergoes decomposition has not been much studied, but a few curious facts have been ascertained. Davy found the manucripts of Herculaneum converted into a kind of turf, the leaves being united into a single mass by a peculiar substance, for- med by the chemical changes of the vege- table matter. 'J'he guano in Peru is found in deposites of 50 or 60 feet deep, and is formed of the excrement of herons which inhabit the coast. Necker de Saussure has observed the teeth of the ursiisspiloeus in the mines of Carmiola, corroded as if by an acid. Turpin has no- ticed the egg of the garden snail to be cover- ed on the interior surface of its envelope, with rhombohedral crystals of carbonate of lime. The cellular tissueof the cactus, and the medullary tisue of palms contain oxalate of lime in crystals. NITRIFICATION— When distilled water is placed over plates of iron, lead, zinc, or tin, ammonia is formed in consequence of the combination of the hydrogen of the water with the azote of the air. Vasquelin found ammonia in some rusty spots on a sabre, which had been employed by an assassin, and that other traces present- ed the same substance. Protoxide of iron, zenite, earthy oxide of iron heated in a tube, give out ammonia was detected in the ferru- ginous water of Passy after evaporation. Boussingault has observed it likewise in oxi- dized iron by taking a fragment of it, treating it with dilute muriatic acid, evaporating the washings, and heating the residue with quick- lime in a tube, using the precaution to mois- ten them with water. Faraday obtained am- monia, by heating zinc foil in a glass tube with potash. The experiment succeeded even in hydrogen gas. Potassium, iron, tin, lead, and arsenic likewise afford much of it, with soda, lime, barytes or potash. The alkalines alone do not yield it. The formation of saltpetre has long been a subject of interest. Dumas conceives that the presence of organic matter is not essen- tial. Claubry attributes its production to the action of an acid moisture upon carbonate of lime. Fournet thinks that nitric acid may be form- ed without the presence of organic matter, by the re-action alone of the elements of air and vapour of water. For according to Saussure, oxygen is more condensable by porous bodies than azote, in the proportion of 6'5 to 4 00 ; and Gay Lussac and Humboldt have ob- served that air disengaged from water by boiling, contains more oxygen in proportion to the slowness of its extrication. The result is that oxygen is not only retained with a greater power, but the composition of the last portions of the air approaches pretoxide of azote. Fournet has concluded, that the united action of porous bodies and of water upon the elements of air, would produce at first, protoxide of azote; then nitrate of am- monia, which when decomposed, resolves itself into protoxide of azote and vapour of water. The nitrate acts upon the alkaline carbonates and forms nitrate of potash, while the ammonia is disengaged in union with car- bonic acid. He applies his theory to explain the production of nitrate of ammonia, dis- solved in rain by the electric agency. He concludes by observing, that in every electric chemical action, however feeble it may be, if water is decomposed in contact with air, ammonia is formed. LASTGEOLOGICAL REVOLUTION. — Becquerel endeavours to calculate this pe- riod, by a method which it must be allowed is extremely vague. He finds that the cathedral of Limoges, which has stood for four centuries, and is built of granite, is decomposed on that side where the winds and the rain beat to the depth of 82 lines, and that the rock in situ is disintegrated to the depth of 5 feet or 720 lines. If both have progressed at the same rate, he conceives that the rock in its natural place must have been decomposing for above 82 000 years. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM.-- From the facts which have been brought for- ward by Humboldt and others, it appears pro- per, that experiments should be made upon the magnetism of the rocks, which constitute the formations of the country in which the experimenter is placed, or at least to deter- mine at what point the extent of oscillations diminishes without changing their number. A TM O S P H ERIC ELECT RIC Ff Y.— Saussure has shewn that in summer the elec- tricity of the calm air is much weaker than in winter; and that the apparent force of electricity, depends not so much on the ab- solute height of the place of observation as upon the relative height, or on the insulation of tlie place. Disseminated as this principle is through the medium of the vapour of water, it is highly probable that it exercises tio in- considerable effect on the plants and animals which are of necessity subjected to its influ- ence. Becquerel terminates the first volume of his work, with some remarks upon the agencies by which the decomposition of some rocks and the formation of some insoluble compounds may be explained, which comprehends a re- capitulation of some points. But he shews more particularly, how electro-chemical ac- tion operates in producing many minerals. Phosphate of iron in mines and crevices he considers to be the result of the action of electricity, which is disengaged during the peroxidation of iron and the decomposition of organic matter. The formation of the chro- mate of lead as it exists native, may be imi- tated by treating a solution of nitrate of lead with chalk and then with chromate of potash. In the course of a month or two, crystals of CARBONIC ACID GAS EXPIRED FROM THE LUNGS AT DIF. PERIODS. 1 chromate of lead were observed on the surface of the chalk. By mixing sub-nitrate of cop- per, with arseniate of copper, a double arse- niate of copper and ammonia, and of arseniate lime and ammonia is formed The re-action of bi-carbonate of soda upon gypsum gives ori- gin to carbonate of lime which crystallizes, sulphate of soda remainingin solution. A supplementary chapter is appended, containing a short outline of the interesting electro-chemical researches of Dr. Faraday. ON RESPIRATION. BY THOMAS THOMSON. M. D., F. R. 6., t,. AND E., &C, Uegius Professor of Che^nistrij in the Uni- versity of Glasgoiv^ When the experiments on respiration were made by Lavoisier, Goodwin, Menzies, Davy, &c., towards the end of the last century, it seems to have been the generally received opinion, that every individual by inspiring the air into his lungs, produces the very same change upon it. At least, the conclusions respecting respiration to be met with in Phy- siological and Chemical books, depend for their accuracy, upon this assumption. Nothing, however, can be farther from the truth. The chemical changes produced in air by respira- tion, vary in their extent, not only in different individuals, but even in the same individual at different times ; and that to such an extent, that if we analyze air thrown out of the lungs at different times, we find the quantity of carbonic acid, sometimes not to exceed two per cent, and at other times to amount to more than seven per cent. Dr. A. Fyfe and Dr. Prout have shown many years ago, that an alteration is produced in the quantity of car- bonic acid in the air expired, by the mode of living of the individual : that when the con- stitution is affected by mercury, the propor- tion of that gas in the air expired is diminished Rnd that it is diminished also by nitric acid, by spirits, and by a vegetable diet. But I have found that the most unexpected altera- tions are observable in the same individual, though he be in perfect health, and though he make no sensible alteration in his mode of living. During the course of the month of May, 1832, 1 analyzed air from my own lungs on ten consecutive days, between eleven and twelve o’clock each day. Before stating the results, it may be proper to mention the method of analysis employed. I procured a glass tube, capable of holding about three cubic inches of air, and about half an inch in diameter. It was shut at one end and open at the other. This tube being filled with mercury, and placed inverted on a mercurial trough, I in- troduced into it about two and a-half cubic inches of air from my lungs, taking care, in the first place, by making half an expiration through a narrow glass tube, to expel all the common air from the trachea and mouth, and also from the tube, by which it was conveyed to the eudiometer The surface of the mer- cury in the tube was then marked by tying round in a sewing thread, and the whole was left till the air ceased to contract. Then a quantity of moderately strong potash ley was introduced, and the whole was left untouched for twenty-four hours. The diminution of bulk of the air was then carefully marked, by tying a sewing thread the tube at tlio* new surface of the mercury. I then filled the tube with mercury, up to each of the places marked by the sewing threads, and weighed each portion of mercury. The dif- ference between the two weights, gave the diminution of bulk sustained by the air, by the absorption of its carbonic acid, I then calculated, what the bulk of the air and of the carbonic acid gas absorbed would have been, at the mean pressure and temperature ; making allowance for any change in the height of tho barometer and thermometer, which took place during the interval, I ought to observe, however, that during the ten days of these experiments, both the barometer and the thermometer were tolerably steady. The following table exhibits the volume, of carbonic aci4 gas, in 100 parts of the air ex- pired from my lungs during each of the ten days, at 11 o’clock a. m. : — CARBONIC ACID. 1 . . 4'()4 per cent, 2 . . 4'70 3 . . 6-07 4 .. 3’*27 ,, 5 .. 5-26 CARBONIC ACID. 6 . . 2 O.o per cent. 7 .. 2 .39 8 .. 3 85 9 .. 3.05 10 .. 7.16 I was not a little surprised at these re- sults: the differences being so much greater than I had anticipated. The mean of the whole is 4‘24 per cent., which, therefore, I am disposed to consider as representing the mean quantity of carbonic acid gas, contained in iOO volumes of air expired from my lungs. I was naturally induced to examine the air from the lungs of several other persons, in order to see whether there would be the same difference in theirs as I had observed with respect to myself. The gentlemen whose breathing was examined, W'ere chiefly those who were occupied with practical chemistry in my laboratory. The following table exhibits the results obtained : — CARBONIC ACID. Mr. Thomas Thomson, (aged 14) 3-06 per cent. Ditto, next day, 3.61, Mr. .1 . Calqu- houn (aged 18) 3.09 Mr. Farrest (aged 18) 2.10 ditto next day 5.19 Mr. Coverdale 2-o4 ditto, next day, l-7i Mr. Cargill, 4-68 Mr. Bruce, 5-46 Dr. Duncan, 6. 1 7 Dr. Short, 6-85 Mr. Frazer, 7-08. I prevailed upon two ladies to allow me to examine the air from their lungs. The first was an unmarried lady about seventeen years of age ; the second a married lady, aged about 30. The results were as follows First lady . . 2-35 1 Second lady . . 4-06 The diversity here is fully as great as in my own case, but the mean of the whole does not differ much from that of my own. I am dis- posed, therefore, to infer from these trials, that the average volume of carbonic acid gas, in 100 volumes of air, expired from the lungs at 11 o’clock A. M. is 4-24. 8 CHANGES IN BLOOD BY REPEATED BLEEDINGS. Bilt, from Dr. Prout’s experiments, (Annals of Philosophy, II., 328; and IV.,331,)it ap- pears that the quantity of carbonic acid gas produced by respiration, is at its maximum at noon, and tba' its quantity at 1 1 A. M. is to the mean quantity for 2 1 hours, as 3-92 to 315. It is obvious, from this, that the meab volume of carbonic acid gas in lt)0 volumes of air expired, deduced from the preceding experiments, is 3-72. 1 made a few trials to to ascertain how mncli air ditlerent individuals are capable of forcing out of their lungs after a full inspiration. The quantity as might be expected, varies much in different individuals. But when the same individual re neated the trial .the result was very constantly the same. The following table shows the results. — Mr. T. Thomson, 1.50, cubic inclie.s. Mi’. G. Thomson, 1G3, Dr. Duncan, 180, Dr. Thom- son 193, Mr..! Colquhoun 2011, jMr. Coverdale 200, Mr. Bruce 2()0, Mr.. Forrest, 200, Mr. Frazer, 200, Dr. Short, 210, Mr. Cargill 2 )0, 200 cubic inches is the most common quanti- ty ; but in one case it amounted to as much as 2,50. The number of respirations in a minute does not vary much in different individuals, being very nearly twenty, or rather between nineteen and twenty, I believe that great errors have been com- mitted ill the attempts to determine the quan- tity ofair thrown out of the lungs by a com- mon expiration. I am satisfied that the quan - tity which I pitched upon from the experi- ments of Menzies, Lavoisier, &c., namely, forty cubic inches is far too high. 1 find, after a great many trials, (for it is very dilli- cult to make a natural expiration when your attention is called to’ it,) that the quantity of air which I myself throw out at a natural ex- piration, is sixteen cubic inches. My nephew. Dr. Andrew Steel, who w'as a tall man, (about six feet,) with an expanded chest, also made many trials, and satisfied himself that his ordinary expiration was sixteen cubic inches. Messrs. Allen and Pepys deter- mined the volume ofair expired by them at an ordinary expiration, to be sixteen and a half cubic inches. From these facts, I think we are entitled to conclude that a common ex- piration does not much exceed sixteen cubic inches. If these data be correct, and they cannot be very far from the truth, it will be ^"ery easy to calculate the quantity of carbon thro\vn out of the body daily by respiration. Allowing 20 respirations per minute, and IG cubic inches of air taken in and thrown out at each respi- ration, we liave 28,800 respirations in 21 hours, and 460,800 cubic inches ' f air passing through the lungs. Of this or 17141-76 cubic inches are converted into carbonic acid gas. Now OO cubic inches of carbonic acid weigh very nearly 50 grains : so that the weight of carbonic acid formed is 8,570.8 grains, -j^^ths of which, or 2337.5 grains are caibon. This amounts to nearly nine ounces avoirdupois, or somewhat more than half a pound, — Record of Science, 1835. ON THE CHANGES PRODUCED IN THECOVIPOSION OF THE BLOOD BY REPEATED BLEEDINGS. By Thomas Andrews, Esq. The objectofthe following experiments is to determine with precision, the changes which are produced in the composition of the blood by re[)eated abstractions of large quantities of it from the general circulation. In the human subject, oiiportunities seldom occur of procu- ring proper specimens for examination, al- though the operation of vene, section is so fre- quently performed, as in those cases where it requires to be repeated at short intervals the blood is generally in a morbid state. In- stead of waiting for such casual occasions, I directed my attention to those animals in which the composition of the blood is nearly the same as in man, conceiving that similar results would in either case be produced. I selected the blood of calves for the fuirpose of experiment, and as it is the practice of butchers in this country to bleed these ani- mals several times before they are slaughtered, I availed myself of this circumstance to, pro- cure suitable portions of blood- The animal is bled from a large orifice in the jugular vein, till symptoms of syncope apiiear, and the operation is in general repeated at intervals of twenty four hours It is once fed between each operation upon a mixture of meal and water, but this is often omitted before the last bleeding. The appearance of the blood becomes great- ly altered by the successive abstractions ; the crasamentum is at first very large, and a por- tion of the red globules are unattached to it, but it progressively diminishes in bulk while its con.sistency increases, till upon the fourth bleeding it appears a small contracted ball im- mersed in a large quantity of serum, adher- ing to the stopper of the vessel in Avhich it is contained, and presenting on its external sur- face an exact cast of the interior of the vessel . The following analyses were performed by the same method that I formerly employed in a set of experiments on the blood of cholera patients, which were published in the Philo- sophical Magazine for September, 1832. They are nearly alia mean of two separate analyses which seldom differed from each other more than 0-5 per cent, A calf was bled four times ; between the first and second bleedings a week elapsed, but the rest took place at intervals of twenty- four hours, and the animal' was fed between each operation. The composition of tlie serum and blood at each bleeding is exhibited in the following tables : SERUai. Water Albumen and Salts I'IRST. 1 SECOND. 1 THIRD, j FOU RTH 92-19 7.82 93-96 6.04 93-81 6.19 “oiTTs 5.82 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 CONTROVERSY ON CARCONiC ACID IN THE BLOOD. 9 Blood. BLOOD. Water. . Albumen and Salts Red glo. . bules &. . fibrin. . . . FIRST. [second THIRD, FORTH. FIRST - SECOND. 81.36 85.49 87.41 89.2 5 Water 82.48 83.47 6.89 5.50 5.77 5.52 Albumen and Salts. . . 6.70 5.95 11.75 9.01 6.82 5.2 Globules. 10.82 10.58 100.00 100.00 100.00 100 .00 100.00 100.00 The serum had at the third bleeding, a specific gravity of 1 .020, and at the fourth, of ],0]7. At the third bleeding, the specific gravity of the blood itsell was 1.031. The next calf whose blood was examined, was nine weeks old. I did not procure any blood from the first bleeding. The third bleeding was twenty four hours after the second, and during that period, the animal was once fed ; twelve hours afterwards it was bled a fourth time, butit received no more food : Water .... Albumen and Salts SERUM. SECOND. THIRD, FOURTH. ”937^ 94.39 94.50 6.68 .5.61 5.41 100.00 100. 00, loo.oo W ater Albumen and Salts Red Globules and Fibrin The albumen and salts it is evident, de- crease at each bleeding ; the diminution is, however, very variable, and even after the fourth time does not amount to one per cent, and a half. In the globules, the same dimi- nution takes place but to such a degree that they are at least reduced to less than one half their original quantity. To this principle, a remarkable exception occurs in the com- position of the blood taken at the last bleeding of the second calf, where the globules are slightly increased above the preceding- analysis ; but it will be observed, that the animal received no food during the interven - ing period, from which the blood might ob- tain afresh supply of serum, while the ten- dency of the different excretions of the animal was to drain from the circulating mass its aqueous part, and thus to increase the appa- rent quantity of the globules. This explana- tion is confirmed by the following analysis. A calf three w'eeks old was bled twice before it was killed, twelve hours elapsed between the two bleedings, during which time it obtained no food : — , SERUM. Water Albumen and Salts . . . FIRST. SECOND. 92.48 7.52 93.35 6.65 100.00 100.00 BLOOD. SECOND, THIRD. FOURTH 82.05 89. 14 88.92 5 . 85 5.29 5.0G 12.10 5.57 6.04 JOO.OO 100.00 100. 0 The globules have here it is true diminished at the second bleeding, but so slightly, that we may at^tribute this circumstance to the unassimilated chyle which must have been present in the system. In the former case the animal had been exhausted by previous depletions, and hence possesed no store from which the blood could derive even a small portion of serum, as in the latter instance. RESEARCHES ON THE BLOOD. BY L. GMELIN AND F. TIEDEMANN, ASSISTED BY E. MITSCH ERLICH. Poggendorff’s Annalen xxxi. Observers have differed with regard to the presence of carbonic acid in the blood. Vogel found that under the receiver of an air pump, lime water was acted on by the disengaged carbonic acid. Scudamore obtained in the same way, by means of barytes water, a precipitate of car- bonate of barytes, equivalent to ^ or \ cubic inch of carbonic acid gas, from six ounces of blood. Brande procured from one ounce of arterial or veinous blood 2 cubic inches of carbonic acid. On the other hand, Darwin could detect no such acid, and Dr. Davy asserts that it is neither extracted during the spontaneous coagulation of the blood, nor by the air pump, nor by coagulating the serum by heat, and that serum absorbs carbonic acid in greater quantity than pure water, which would not be the case if it was charged with carbonic accid. Gmeliri and Tiedemann examine with great care the blood of a dog taken from the femo- ral-vein and artery, and placed in different tubes under the rrceiver of an air pump. The result was that neither carbonic acid nor any other permanent gas was extricated. To ascertain the accuracy of Davy’s statement with respect to the absorbing power of blood being greater than that of water, carbonic acid was allowed to stand over arterial blood for 5 days, when it was ascertained that 100 measures of blood absorb 120 of carbonic acid. The coagulum appeared blackish red, and the liquid portion was extremely clear. Since blood contains no free carbonic acid, it was necessary to ascertain whether any existed in it in a combined state. Vinegar was added to each of the kinds of blood which had been collected, as in the former experi- ments, with every precaution to ensure accu- racy, and was placed under a receiver. A quantity of carbonic acid escaped from both, more abundantly from the veinous than the 0 TIEDMANN’S l*iIVS10L0GV~CIIEMICAL MIXTURE OF SUBSTANCES. arterial. 'I’he arterial blood mixed with vinegar, as well as the veinous blood, left over mercury for 3 weeks, was converted into a blackish brown mass without being separat- ed into serum and coagulum. About the same period, without a knowledge of the Heidelberg experiments, Ed. Ch. F. Strome- yer obtained the same results.* How do these facts agree with the present theories of respiration '1 Lavoisier conceived that without coming in contact with the respired air, a liquid consist- ing principally of carbon and hydrogen is absorbed through the pulmonary membranes into the bronchi, and is converted into carbo- nic acid and water through the oxygen of the inspired air. As this theory does not render it necessary to suppose free carbonic acid in the blood, it is not at variance with 'the ob- servations of Gmelin and I'iedemann, but the passage of gases into moist animal mem- brane, and also the immediate contact be- tween air and blood cannot be well doubt- ed of. Davy inferred from his results that air passes through the moist coats of the pul- monary vessels, and is taken upbythe s-rum, the oxygen partly forming with the carbon of the cruor carbonic acid, and partly combin- ing with the cruor. When he found that after the inspiration of hydrogen some car- bonic acid was expired, tliough much small- er in quantity than after the inspiration of air, he concludeil tliat veinous blood contains some free carbonic acid. According to the observations already given, it appears that the arteri.d and veinous blood contain no free acid but carbonic acid combined with alkali. And if we supitose acetic acid to be formed in respiration, (for we find it in the blood and in most organic liquids which are exposed to the influence of air in combination with alkalies), then must the veinous blood con- tain more alkaline carbonate than the arterial, when by the formation of acetic acid a porti* on of thealkaline carbonates will be convert- ed into acetates. By means of a barytes solution in an ex- hausted receiver, they estimated that 10,000 parts of arterial blood contain 8.3 of combin- ed carbonic acid, and 10,000 parts of vein- ous blood 12'3 of acid in the same state, being in the proportion of 2 to 3. They sum up their views of respiration in a few propositions : — 1 . That in the pulmonary cells inspired air is absorbed into the moist membranous ves- sels, and is thus brought in contact w-ith the blood. 2. The azote of the air is not sensibly ab- sorbed by blood, but almost the whole of it remains in the cells. On the contrary, as oxygen is taken up by the blood abundantly, it flows out of the cells into the vessels in proportion to its absorption, and the mixture of gas remaining in the lungs must therefore contain more azote and less oxygen than the air. 3. The oxygen taken up by the blood com- bines partly with carbon and hydrogen, and * Schweigg'. Journ. four Cliem. Ixiv. 105, t Memories de I’acad des Sc, An, 1790, insert- ed in Scherer’ Journal der Chemie x, 5G0, forms carbonic acid and water, and partly unites with the solid organic compounds con- tained in the blood. From these proceed acetic or lactic acid, which combines with a portion of carbonate of soda contained in the blood, and drives its carbonic acid into the cells. 4. The acetate of soda loses in its course through the different secreting organs its acetic acid, combines again with carbonic acid after undergoing many decompositions in its passage with the mass of blood through the body, and enters into the lungs on its return as carbonate of soda. TIEDEMANN’S PHYSIOLOGY, TRANSLATED BY GULLY AND LANE. PARALLEL BETWEEN THE MATERIAL COMPO- SITION OF ORGANIC BODIES AND THAT OF INORGANIC BODIES. On the Chemical Mixture of Substances, V. All organic and almost all inorganic bodies are composed of simple materials, di- versely combined witheacli other, and which may be separated by chemical operations. However, when we compare the composition of these two groups of bodies, we recognise important difterences between them. 'Jhus the first are for the most part assemblages of particular combinations, which we first meet with when we chemically analyse plants and animals. There are, in the vegetable king- dom, starch, vegetable albumen, gluten, gum, sugar, &c. ; in the animal kingdom, animal albumen, fibrin, gelatin, mucus, &c. These matters are called by chemists the immediate or proper matters of organized bodies, or the simple organic compounds,* VI, in submitting anew the immediate principles of organic bodies to chemical an- alysis we obtain the mediate principles, or the simple matters, which chemistry has not yet further decomposed, and which for this reason are denominated elements. The pon- derable mediate principles of organic bodies are : A, Non-metallic substances ; namely, 1 oxygen, 2 hydrogen, 3 carbon, 4 nitrogen, 5 phosphoius, 6 sulphur, 7 iodine, 8 bromine, 9 chlorine, and 10 fluorine. B. Metallic substances : a. Alkaline metals — 11 potassium, 12 so- dium, and 13 calcuim. b. Earthy metals— 14 magnesium, 15 si- licium, and 16 aluminum. c. Ponderous metals— 17 iron, 18 man- ganese, and 19 copper. Among impondeiable substances those which can in some circumstances be recognis- ed in organic bodies, are light, heat, and electricity. * The French chemists call them “ les prin- cipes iminediats organiques” We may give them the name of organic matter or those adapt- ed to life, because they are essential constituent parts of living beings and the phenomena of life are perceived only in bodies that are composed of such. COMPOSITION MORE COMPLEX IN ORGANIC THAN INORGANIC BODIES 11 All these elements are likewise found in inorganic bodies. Organic bodies, therefore, do not difler from the latter in regard to ele- mentary matters. But great differences exist relative lb the number of elements which enter into organic combinations, and in the manner in which they are joined together. VII. d'he number of elements which en- ter into t' e composition of bodies included in the organic kingdom, is much less consider- able than that of the elements which exist in the other kingdom. Organic bodies, as far as we can judge of them from the data hi- therto collected by chemistry do not present, putting aside the imponderable matters, more than the nineteen elements which I have enu- merated,* while fifty-two have already been found in the other kingdom. All the sub- stances which chemistry regards as simple, do not therefore enter into the composition of organic bodies, which, on the contrary, only contain the smallest proportion of them. From among- the substances therein discover- ed, those which exist in greatest quantity are oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen in in- finitely varying proportions. The rest are by no means abundant in comparison with these. VIII. _ Although the number of elements in organic bodies in general be small, never- theless the composition of a living body, a plant, or animal, is much more complicated than that of an inorganic body. Besides the fact that almost always one and the same vege- table or animal presents at the same time, in its different parts, very diverse modes of com - bination, we observe that all the compound or organic matters proceed from three, four, or more elements. There are three elements at least in them, united together in an immediate mannm-, without having a preliminary binary combination. Vegetable mucus, sugar and starch, are composed of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. Gluten, albumen, fibrin, animal mucus, cafein, &c. contain moreover nitrogen, in addition to these three elements. The ter- nary or quarternary unions of these four sub- stances in proportion varying ad infinitum, give rise to the immediate products of or- ganized bodies ; a result clearly proved by the researches instituted by Thenard, Gay T.ussac, Berzelius, Prout,Thomson, Berard, l^h. Von, Saussure, lire, and others. On the other hand, all the inorganic combina- tions, as Berzelius has shown, are to be con- sidered as binary compositions, that is, result- ing from the union of two elements alone, or as combinations of two binary composed bodies, or lastly, as combinations of a binary com- pound with a simple substance. Thus oxygen with hydrogen produces water; with sul- phur, phos|)horus, nitrogen, and carbon, it forms sulphuric, nhosphoric, nitric, and car- bonic acids ; in junction with calcuim, soduim and [)otassium it gives lime, soda, and potassa. Chlorine with hydrogen, originates hydro- chloric acid ; nitrogen and hydrogen produce ammonia. These salts, then, are only double binary compounds. * The opinion of chemists are divided regard- ing the existence of some other simple sub- stances in organic bodies. Thus, Recher asserts that he found gold in the ashes of tamarinds. It is evident, therefore, that nature has given a more comjdex composition to organic than to inorganic bodies, a remark which Kielmeyer has already made in his course of general zoology. IX. Organic combinations can easily be reduced to their elements by chemical opera- tions, and principally by the action of fire, but chemists have not hitherto succeeded in re- producing them, as they have done the inorga- nic compound bodies.* Sugar, starch, gum, gluten, fibrin, albumen ; &c. have been brought down to their elementary principles, but no chemist has yet arrived at the refor- mation of them in all their parts. The same is the case of all the liquid and solid parts of living bodies On this account, then, w^e are authorized in admitting thff, in the present state of chemistry, the composition of organic bodies is not the effect of affinity alone, but that it depends on j.owers peculiar to those bodies, by which powers the chemical affinities are swayed. X. Between organic and inorganic bodie s there exists a difference relative to the mode of combination of the materials which enter into their composition and this consists in the greater tendency the former have than the latter to undergo changes and decompositions. Tlie combinations of bodies not endued with life for the most part binary or double binary, are more confirmed, more fixed, and their elements are held together by more energetic affinities than in organic matters, as Che, * Some chemists assert, tliat they have ob- tained organic combinations by submitting inorganic compositions to various modes of treat- ment ; but doubts may be entertained on this subject. Thus Berard (Annales de Chemie et de Physique, vol. v, p. 29r) says, he obtained a lit- tle crystallized fat by passing one measure of carbonic acid gas, ten of olitiant gas, and twenty of hydrogen through a red-hot tube. It is very probable, that the substances resembling fat which he found was held in solution in the oli- fiantgas, which had been procured from alcohol Doebereiuer, (Oken’s Isis, 1817, art. 5, p. 576,) by passing watery vapour over red-hot charcoal, in an iron tube, got a volatile matter, soluble in watei-, and having the smell of fat. But it may be object- ed, that charcoal should be looked on as anorganic combination. Besides, Berard and Trommsdorf (Neues Journal fur Pharmacie, vol ii, art. 2, p. 203,) who repeated the experiment, did not ob- tain the same result. We only are acquainted with two compound organic bodies, of the simple kind namely oxalic acid and urea, which Woehler lirst pointed out the mode of procuring from tiieir different components (Poggendorf, Annalder Physik, vol. iii, p. 177.) If chemists have really succeeded in producing, by means of purely inorganic substances, some combinations in which the elements are associated as in organic combina- tions, it is only those that are placed on the outer boundary between compound organic and inor- ganic bodies. Berzaelius (Chimie, book iii, part 1, p. 147,) expresses himself in the following- manner on this subject : “ Although it may happen that, eventually, it may be discovered that many of these products of matters purely inorganic have a similar composition to that of organic products, yet this, in complete imitation, is always reduced to a very small foundation for hoping that it would ever be in our power to manufacture organic matters from their compo- nents, and thus to conlirim analysis by synthesis, as we almost always are able to do in inorganic nature.” 12 VARIETY OF FORMS IN THE VEGETABLE AND ANIMAL KIMGDOMS. vreul has shown. For the most part they pre • sent solid combustible bodies, which strongly resist decomposition from the atmosphere. On the other hand, the ternary, the quaterna- ry, and even the more complex combinations of the organic kingdom, are less compact and less intimate ; they are the results of weaker affinities, which causes them to appear more unsettled and variable, because saturation in them is rarely perfected. The principle of combustion, oxygen, does not exist in sufficient quantities in them, to saturate the combustible elements and to prevent the possibility of their yielding to other affinities. This is the reason why all organic combinations are com- bustible. For they do not contain the proper quantity of oxygen to saturate their carbon and hydrogen. They buim, when heated, in contact with the atmosphere, and then absorb all the oxygen that is necessary to the satura- tion of the %drogen and carbon, XI. As the elements have a greater incli- nation to produce binary compounds than to continue in ternary and quaternary combina- tions, there is observed in organic substances a constant disposition to run into binary states of composition. Inorganic bodies having their elements in a kind of perfect equilibrium, these same elements are but little disposed to combine with surrounding matters, or in any other manner Such is'not the case with or- ganic matters, which are more complicated, and retained by less powerful affinities ; in them there is observed a constant tendency to resolve themselves. They are mostly com- posed of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and car- bon, the three first of which are gaseous when in a state of freedom, and sti'ive to abandon the solid form, a tendency which is still more increased by external heat and the heat peculiar to living bodies. The great affinity of the oxygen for the hydrogen and carbon causes it to combine easily with the first, whence results water, and with the se- cond, which produces carbonic acid. Nitro- gen, which has a great affinity for hydrogen , joins with it, and gives origin to ammonia. But, as the carbon and hydrogen do not find sufficient oxygen, in organic combinations, to form water and carbonic acid, they have a disposition to attract that of the atmospheric air. On these circumstances depends the facility with which plants and animals run into decomposition, and which rests on the constant tendency of their elements to con- tract binary combinations, and to quit a state in which they are maintained only by the powers acting in living bodies. Living bodies suffer, by the atmospheric influence remark- able changes, which induce the unfixed ele- ments of food, introduced and rendered fluid in their interior, to undergo, as well by the effect of a subtraction of the materials of the latter, as by an absorption of other princi- ples drawn from the air, a change in their respective proportions, designated under the name of respiration. The manifestations of activity of living bodies themselves, are in- cessantly modifying organic matters, the com- position of which is extremely variable and mobile, and cause them to pass sometimes to a more simple, sometimes to a more complex state, by changing the numerical relations of their elements in such a manner, that vegeta- ble combinations may become animal, and these resume the vegetable state. XII. There is this difference between liv- ing and inert bodies, relative to the connexion of the chemical composition with the configu- ration, that the former, although they resem- ble each other most in their composition, nevertheless present a much greater diversity in their forms. What an immense variety of forms the vegetable and animal kingdoms ex- hibit, notwithstanding the inconsiderable num- ber of elements which constitute living bodies in general. We even find that with an anala- gous composition, the parts of one and the same organic individual differ in a singular degree from each other in point of configuration. I ^vill mention, as an example, the diversity which petals often present in the same vegetable species and that which is remarked, among animals, in the configuration of the bones and muscles. In- organic bodies, on the contrary are remarkable, with very few exceptions, for their great an- alogy of form and crystallization, when their chemical composition is identical. There must be, therefore, in living bodies a peculiar power, differing from the chemical affinities which determines the forms of bo- dies not endued with life, and the action of which produces the diversity which organic forms with similar composition exhibit. Or, which expresses the same idea in a still more clear manner, the configuration of organic bodies is not only the effect of chemical affi- nity, as in bodies without life, but it is also that of a power of a special, or, it may be, a superior nature. XIII. Regarding the origin of organic com- binations, experience teaches us that they are only produced by the manifestations of activity of living bodies already existing. Albumen, ge- latin, mucus, gluten, starch, gum, sugar, &c., do not form spontaneously, by the union of elements, or binary compounds, according to the laws of chemical affinity, but only by the manifestations of activity of organic bodies already possessed of 1 fe. Organized beings are produced by their fellow-beings, or owe their origin to the matter of organized bodies in a state of decomposition. The production of organic combinations in these beings, takes the name of assimilation and nutrition, whilst the procreation of beings themselves is called generation. On the other hand, inorganic combinations and bodies never originate but from the remains of other more ancient bodies, fallen into dissolution, and the materials of which, under certain circumstances, re-unite to produce them, according to the laws of chemical and mechanical attraction alone. XIV. Even the most simple animal and vegetable forms, the infusoria, the green mat- ter of Priestley, the conserve, mouldiness, &c., in what is called spontaneous genera- tion, proceed, according to the observations and experiments undertaken by Needham, Priestley, Ingenhounz, Monti, Wrisberg, Muller, G. R. Treviranus, &c., not from inor- ganic matters, but from organic bodies and combinations passed into putrefaction or fer- LIVING BODIES SUBJECT TO CONTINUAL CHANGES. 13 mentation. It is true, that J. B. Fray ^ as- serts, he has seen infusoria animalculae deve- loped in pure water. Gruithuisen ■[■ says, also, that he saw generated, in an infusion of granite, of chalk, and of marble, a gelatinous membrane, in which, after some time, move- ments were manifested, and ended Ijy the formation of infusoria, of monanes, and glo- bular animaculge. But it is very probable that the bodies subjected to experiment, or the water employed in the infusion, already contained organic matter, though in a very small quantity, for other naturalists have not oKserved the formation of living bodies in in- fusions of purely inorganic ones. XV. In all inorganic bodies, particularly crystals, as soon as their materials are brought together and combined by the laws of affinity, the chemical composition remains quiet an t it is by this very fact that they subsist. It is not so with living bodies, the composition of which is continually undergoing changes. So long as these bodies act after their manner, that is, so long as they live, they are receiving within them new substances, which’ they assimilate and introduce into their composition,from which they expel others. It is by the actions of assimilation of food, of respiration, of nutri- tion, and excretion, that the materials of liv- ing bodies are incessantly changing. The comrosition of these bodies, therefore, is never in a state of quietude. Their tenden- cy to assimilate to themselves new sub- stances, cease only with the extinction of the manifestations of activity, which we call life. But at the same time their existence is stayed, they are destroyed, and lose their form as well as composition. There is then this es- sential difference between inorganic and living bodies, that the duration of the former depends on the repose in which their com- position remains, whilst the existence and preservation of the latter are conditional on a continual change of composition. The cause of this difference is found in the pecu- liar circumstances, belonging to living bodies, which induce new affinities, and which can only be maintained in action thereby, whe te- as, when bodies not endued with life are once formed, no further change takes place in the relations of affinity which themselves pro- duce. XVI. Although during their existence, liv- ing bodies are subjected to continual changes, rapid or slow, and introduce within themselves materials obtained from the atmosphere, from matter and from aliments of various kinds, and also free themselves of certain substances, (*) (*) Essai sur rOrigine des Substances Org-a- nisees et Inorg-anisees. Berlin, 1807. — Essai sur rOrig’ine des Corps Org-anisees et su < uelques Phenomenesde Physiologie Animale et Vegetale Paris, 1817. (•1) Ueberdie Chemischen und dynainischen. Momente bei der Bildung’ der Infnsorien mij einer Kutik der Versuche Fray’s : in Gehlen’s Journal der Physik, vol. viii. p. 150. (t) Nevertheless, when living’ bodies are ex- posed to a very high or a very low temperature if they be placed in contact with certain kinds of gas, or if concentrated mineral acids or caus- tic alkalis be made to act on them, they may even then be destroyed by these different agents. nevertheless they preserve, during 'a certain lapse of time, the form and composition which is peculiar to them. They have thus the faculty whilst incessantly changing their com- position, of retaining their qualities, and even of resisting to a certain extent, chemical influ- ences from without, (t) All inorganic bodies, on the contrary, being only the simple product of affinities, the property of substances which constitute them, are deprived of the power of re-acting on the external impressions which produce changes in them, and are delivered up to the play of chemical affinities. For instance, when a crystal has been placed in contact with an acid which has an affinity for its base, the latter combines with the acid, in such a manner that the form and com- position of the crystal are changed and de- stroyed. We can attribute this property which or- ganic bodies possess of resisting, to a certain extent, the purely chemical actions of exter- nal things, to no other than peculiar powers which sway the affinities. This results from the consideration, that so soon as their vital powers are extinguished, exterior influences guided by the laws of chemical affinities, pro- duce likewise in them, changes tending to the destruction of the form and composition pe- culiar to them. After the death of an or- ganized body chemical affinities enter into |)lay, so that its form and composition, which, during an age or more, had frequently braved the destructive action of external things, are done away within a short space of time. XVII. The chemical operations of pu-. trefaction and fermentation, which are esta» blished after the extinction of the spe- cial powers, whose action counterbalances, during the life of organized bodies, that by which the chemical affinities of external things tend to destroy them, and which change at once their composition and their form, are phenomena of a particular nature, that are not observed in the decomposition of inorganic bodies. They are organi co-chemical pro- cesses. The decomposition which takes place after death has, in ordinary cases, its limits, and the organized ma'erials do not altogether enter, but only in part into the inor- ganic kingdom, since they are neither com- pletely reduced to their elements, nor con- verted into binary combinations. XVIII. The organic combinations or mat- ters, albumen, starch, gluten, gum, animal mucus, fibrin, gelatin, &c. as well as the ani- mal and vegetable tissues into which they enter, possess the peculiarity, when placed in favourable external circumstances, exposed to a certain degree of heat, of light, and hu- midity and in contact with the asmosphere, of passing to new simple organic forms, as soon as they have been detached from the organic combination of any being. This is what hap- pens in fermentation and putrefaction, where the resolution of organic combinations gives rise, according to the composition of the latter, and external influences sometimes to infusoria, sometimes to the green matter of Priestley or to mouldiness. This property which organic matters enjoy, of taking a new form under 14 THE CHANGES OF COMPOSITION WHICH TAKE PLACE IN BODIES. certain circumstances, shall be designated Dvovisionally, under the name of aptitude for life or plasticity. It is only extinguished when these matters are reduced to their ele- ments, as whenever fire is made to act upon them. Thus, when the manifestations of activity, called life, are done away with in the matters of the peculiar kind appertaining to organic bodies, and the chemical operations of the special nature which occur in them after deatli, that is, putrefaction and fermen- tation are established, these matters do not en- ter completely into the inorganic kingdom, but retain the power of putting on a new form, and of showing themselves adapted to the enjoy- ment of life. Death, then, or the extinction of the manifestations of life only bears upon or- ganic individuals, whilst the organic matters entering into the composition of these beings continue to be cajiable of taking on form and receiving life. XIX- The principal result of the com- parisons made between the composition of organic bodies and those of inorganic bodies, which comparisons are founded on observa- tions and researches in the chemical composi- tion of these bodies hitherto pursued, is that the former have peculiar matters, whicli we call organic, for their basis. The changes of composition which take place in bodies en- dued with life, ai-e not simply the effects of afSnities similar to those observed in brute or inorganic bodies ; they are the effects of affinities and forces of a special nature. Or- ganic matters are the only ones which exhibit, and for the greater period of time in a par- ticular state of aggregation and form called organization, the manifestations of activity which we designate by the name of life. They are accumulated at one time in bodies actually living, and life is manifested in them ; at other times they are exterior to living bodies, mixed with inorganic matters, and then only capable of living. In this latter state they may return to domain of living bodies, and into the tide of life, either in the shape of ali- ments, or, in a direct manner, by the aid of certain circumstances, as happens in sponta- neous generation. Purely chemical affinities, or the action of simple chemical forces, ap- pear, in the present state of our planet, to produce no organic combination or matter, such as albumen, gelatin, starch, gluten, &c. ; at least we possess no facts which go to sup- port the contrary opinion. None but organic bodies themselves are capable of introducing inorganic matters into organic combinations, of which respiration in particular and the nutrition of plants are examples. XX. If we extend our researches still fur- thei-, a question presents itself, namely, how organic matters, their different combinations and living bodies, are formed in our planet ? The solution of this problem passess the limit of our experience. Should we, however, wish to hazard an answer to it, we fall into the waste of conjecture, and are forced to erect hypotheses, which are but probable, and not at all certain. We suppose that organized bodies have existed in our planet from its commencement ; or else we admit that organic matters and living bodies have been produced, under certain circumstances, together with the elements and organic matters, by the ac- tion of general physical causes ; or. lastly, we conjecture that the substance of living bo- dies was primatively contained in water, as primitive organic matter, having the pro- perty of taking on the organic form, that it gave origin to organic bodies of very simple and varied kinds in consequence of circumstances, and that these bodies have passed successive - ly to more complicated forms, until at length the generative organs and their manifestations of activity having appeared in them, they were endowed with the faculty of preserving them- selves in a continuous manner, by means of generation, as separate species. XXI. Geology is opposed to the first hy- pothesis of the existence, in our jdanet, of living bodies from the first moments of its creation. Fossils are found only in the exterior crust, that is to say, in the su- perficial layers of the earth, the formation which is most recent, whilst there are none at all in the primitive earths. Consequently there was a time when no living being existed on the globe. Even supposing we admitted this hypothesis, we should still leave un- touched the question, how living bodies were formed! in as much as we could say nothing con- cerning the mode of origin of our planet and of the bodies which constitute it. In reference to this question, it matters little whether we declare for vulcanism, orneptunisrn, since the geologists are under the necessity of leaving the origin of fire and water without explana- tion, and the biologist is still less able to pro- nounce any opinion on that of living bodies. XXII. The dilliculties which occur in the second hypothesis, of the dependence of the production of organic matters and living bodies on the action of general physical forces, are that we are actually in want of facts which would authorize us to conclude analogically that organic matters and living bodies can proceed from inorganic matters, never having observedany thing similar, at least up to this day. Far from this being the case, living bodies are unable to produce, with inorganic sub- stances, the greater number of the materials which enter into their composition, and for such end they require the matter of other organic bodies,* which they introduce into themselves. Plants are nourished principal ly by the remains of dead vegetables or animals : animals like- wise presei've their existence by means of ve- getables, and even of other animals. XX III. 4’he most probable hypothesis is the third, viz., that the substance of organic- bodies existed primatively in water, as a mat- ter of a particular kind, and that it was there endowed w ith the plastic faculty, that is to say, with the power of acquiring, by degrees, dif- ferentsimple forms of living bodies, with the concurrence of the general influences of light, heat, and perhaps also of electricity, &c., and of then passing IVoin the simple forms to_ other more complicated, varying in proportion to the modification occurring in the external in- fluences until the point when each species acquired duration by the production and ma- nif estation of activity of the genital organs. WHENCE CAME WATER ^ORGANIC MATTER? A LIMIT TO PHILOSOPHY, 15 Although we cannot here also answer the question, whence came the water and the organic matter which it contained, yet this hypothesis is the one which accords best with the facts with which geology has latterly been enriched. In fact, we find no organized j30- dies belonging to what is called the primitive world in the strata of earths which modern geologists consider as the products of fire or of vulcanism. They are only observed in the upper layers of the earth, in those of the latest formation, and in the soils which have evidently been precipitated in the midst of the waters. Aquatic animals existed before terestrial animals. An argument which fa- vours the hypothesis according to which the organic kingdom has been gradually developed and elevated from simple to more complicated forms, is drawn from the fact that we meet with remains of organic bodies belonging to the most simple species in the secondary and more ancient soils, whilst the most recent strata of the earth contain the remains of more complicated living bodies. The soils which rest directly on primitive rocks, present frag- ments of corals, radiated anirnals, and shells. It is only after these that remains of vertebrat- ed animals, fishes, reptiles, and cetacea, are found in the water. Fossil bones of oviparous animals exist in the deep strata of the earth, whereas the viviparous mammiferm are met within the superficial layers. We observe the same in the organic complication of vege- tables, whose remains are contained in the different layers of the earth.- Impressions of cotyledonous plants, espOcially of ferns, are the first vegetable traces met with in the_ deep seated strata. Then come the remains of monocotyledonous plant, of arborescent gra- mina, of palms, &c., and finally those of the coniferse and other dicotyledonous plants. There have not yet been found any fossils belonging to apes or man, whose organization has reached the highest degree of complica- tion and development. _ We may therefore ad- mit, with great probability, that apes and men are the last and the newest products of our planet. * An additional argument in favour of this hy- pothesis, is the fact that whenever animal matter shall have lost thait power which gave and main- tained it in a higher degree of complic&tion in form and functions— no matter how high this degree— it invariably returns to the most simple forms. The noble human form, after the cessa- tion of the functions, possesses only sufficient plasticity to take on the shape of the lowest insects and worms. The same applies to the kingly lion of the forest and the soaring eagle. In fact , the matter composing each of these, after death, is in the same state as the matter which is des- cribed by Tiedemann as possessing merely the aptitude for life, and therefore taking on only the most simple form. Again, that external cir- cumstances modify structure, is very well as- certained. The absence of light generally causes a mother to produce a defoi* *med child, as Edwards observed in females confined in dungeons, whilst, tadpoles, preserved from the light, became huge tadpoles instead of frogs. Natives of different climes have different parts of their organization prominently in action ; the muscular system, for instance, is much more developed in cold than warm climates ; on the other hand, natives of the tropics are from birth more excitable than XXIV. Another circumstance favourable to the hypothesis of the gradual development of organic bodies, from the most simple to the most complicated, is that all those bodies, as well vegetables as animals,to this day appear in a simple form, at the period of generation, or when they proceed from the germ, and that it is only by degrees they acquire the most complex form peculiar to each species. To commence in a very simple manner, and to rise thence to the complicated, is the general cha- racter of every thing that has life, as wel I of in- dividuals as of the entire of the organic kingdom. XXV. These reasons, coupled with the fact that, after the extinction of the life of indivi- duals, the materials of organized bodies are reduced to the most simple organic forms by the action of what is called spontaneous gene- ration, oblige us to admit a primitive organic matter extended on the surface, or in the crust and waters of our planet, concerning the first origin of which matter it is as possible for us to certify any thing as on that of the planet itself. This organic matter, with its differ- ent organic modifications, considered as mat- ters of a peculiar species, sometimes is seen active and living in the individuals of vegetable and animal species actually existing, under conditions and in the midst of phenomena, the recital of which will be made hereafter ; at other times remains merely capable of en- joying life, and endued with the faculty of taking on in certain circumstances, the most simple organic forms, whenever it has been withdrawn from the composition of living bo- dies. Several naturalists, particularly Bnffpn ^ and Needham,-}- have allowed the existence of a matter peculiar to living bodies. G. R. d’reviranusf concludes from his researches on life. 1 . That there is in nature a matter which is ever moving, by which all living beings, from the byssus to the palm, and from the infusoi-ia animalculse to the sea monster, possess life, and which, though immutable in its essence, is notwithstanding variable in its form, and is incessantly changing it, 2. That this matter is deprived of form in itself, but nevertheless ready to take that of life ; that it maintains a determinate form un- der the influence of external causes ; that it only continues in that form so long as these causes are active, and that it takes another so soon as new causes influence it. those of northern parts of the globe ; in other words, the animal nervous apparatus is more developed. In a pure hypothesis it is not expect- ed that the modus operand! of the circumstances to which Tiedemann alludes should be explained ; collateral evidence is certainly in favour of it, — Transl. * Hist. Nat., vol. ii. p- 420. II existe une matifere organique animee, universellement re- pendue dans toutes les substances animales ou vegetables, qui sert egalement aleur nutrition, Et leur developperaent, et a leur reproduction. + An Account of some new Microscopical Dis- coveries. London, 1745, in 8vo. ■]: Biologic, vol. ii. pp 267 and 403. 16 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS, HARRIS ON ELECTRICITY. 3. That the matter capable of life, and the livings principle, exist reciprocally, and that death is only a passage of certain forms of this matter to certain others.* P H I LOSOPHICAL IKANSACTIONS. PART II. This portion of the transactions of the Royal Society contains several important papers, especially in the department of elec- tricity. The contents are : On some Elementary Laws of Electrify. By VV. Snow Hairis, F. ll. S On a general method in Dynamics. By W. R. Hamilton, Esq. An Investigation of the Laws which govern the motion of Steam Vessels, byP. W. Bar- low, Esq. On the generation of the Marsupial Ani- mals. By R. Owen, Esq, Observations on the structure and functions of tubular and cellular Polypi and of Asci- diaj. By Joseph J. Lister, Esq. On the nervous system of the Sphynx Li- gustri. By G. Newport, Esq, Experimental Researches in Electricity, 8th series. By M. Faraday. On the functions of some parts of the brain. By Sir Charles Bell. On the repulsive power of Heat. By the Rev. B. Powell. On the equilibrium of a mass of Homogene- ous Fluid at liberty. By James Ivory, Esq. Observations on Torpedo, By John Davy, M. D. Remarks in reply to Dr, Daubeny on the air disengaged from the recent Volcano. By John Davy, M. D. On the ova of the Ornithorynchus Para- doxus. By R. Owen, Esq. Observations on the motions of Shingle Be ches. By H. R. Palmer, Esq* Analysis of the Moira Brine Spring. By A.Ure, M. D. Experiments on the Velocity of Electricity, &c. By C. Wheatstone, Esq. ELECTRICITY. By Mr. Harris, ' Mr. Harris for the purpose of prosecuting his researches invented a nevv electrometer, by the medium of which he has observed two new laws. I. A given quantity divided upon two perfectly similar conductors, was found to exert upon external bodies only a fourth part of the attractive force apparent when disposed upon one of them. 2. When divided upon three perfectly similar conduc- * This has reference only to the power of life inherent in matter, and is a question of science only. The soul is not concerned nor mentioned. It may be necessary to state this, as there are those who would startle at a sen- tence which, in fact, asserts that life is material and matter eternal, leaving one form only to take cn another. The stupid outcry against the phrenological doctrine, and the exclamations con- cerning its inculcation of materialism, have a foundation in a precisely similar error, that of mistaking the principle capable of life in matter for the soul.— Transl. Thus the researches of Philosophy have a limit and bespeak the power and Majesty of God. — Epit. . tors, the force upon either is only one ninth of the force apparent when disposed upon one of them, and so on; that is, the quantity being constant, the force is as the square of the surface inveisely, or the surface being con* stant as the square of the quantity directly. I hese are illustrated by the following expe- riment : Three or four perfectly .similar and equal conductors of a cylindrical form being well insulated, a given quantity of electricity was communicated to one of them by means of a charged jar, and the attractive force measured by_ the electrometer. The electrified bodies being now reduced to a neutral state, a se- cond equal quantity was again communicated to the same conductor as before, after which it was caused to touch one of the others so as to divide the charge on both. Each conduc- tor was observed to be equally charged; the force however after making the requisite cor- rection for distance between the attracting bodies amounted only to one fourth of the previous force. The results are represented in the following table : Comparative Force in Distance of Force at quantity. degrees, attracting distance surfaces of an inch. 1 30^ 1 30<5 ^ 5— .. 1-25 .... 7.8— i 2+ .128..,. 3-27-L i 1+..1‘29.... 18+ 2. The author distinguishes three elements peculiar to the condition, of electrical accu- mulation. 1. The comparative quantity ac- tually accumulated. 2. The quantity not sensible to the electrometer. 3. The quantity appreciable by the electrometer. 3. It was supposed by Mr. Singer, that the diminished insensity observable in disposing a given quantity of electricity, is altogether re- ferable to the attractive force of the atmosphere, to the influence of which the electric parti- cles become more extensively exposed but this hypothesis is not corroborated by the experiments of M. Harris. He placed a brass ball about two inches in diameter in the cen- tre of a large receiver, and connected it with an electroscope by means of a brass rod pass- ing right through a collar fixed in a glass plate and socket. A quantity of electricity was communicated to the ball, sufficient to cause a divergence of 40° in the electroscope. This effect was not influenced by removing fifty-nine sixtieths of the air in the receiver, 4. In reference to the transmission of elec- tricity between conductors, it appears that when the attracting force operating between two conductors can overcome the atmospheric pressure, a discharge ensues between the nearest points of the opposed surfaces. In these points the force appears to become a length indefinitely great in respect of points more remote, so that the whole quantity ac- cumulated is finally determined through them. Thus the precise points of contact betw-een two spheres being found, and the spheres subsequently separated by given distances measured between these points, it may be shewn that the respective quantities re- quisite to produce a discharge will vary with the distance directly. The distance at which electricity can be discharged in air of HEATED AIR NOT A CONDUCTOR OP ELECTRICITY. a given density is an accurate measure of tlie comparative quantity contained in a unit of space, or of the tension (by which is to be understood the elastic force of a given quari- tity accumulated in a given space, and is directly as the density of the ^stratum,) and the attractive force discovered by the elec- trometer, or the intensity is directly as the square of the quantity contained in a unit of space. 5. The effect of an atmosphere varying in density and temperature in restraining electri- cal discharges, is as follows : _ 1st. The respective quantities requisite to pass a given interval, varied in a simple ratio of the density of the air. When the density was one half as great, the discharge occurred with one half the quantity accumulated, that is to say, with one fourth of the attractive force indicated by the electrometer. 2nd The distance through which a given accumu- lation could discharge was found to be in an inverse simple ratio of the density of the air, the intensity or free action being constant. In air of one half the density, the discharge occurred at twice the distance, or the resist- ance of air to the passage of electricity is as the square of the density directly, and if the density of the air be decreased, the dis- tance between the points of action be in- creased, the electrical accumulation will still remain complete. 6. Heated air is not as is frequently stated a conductor of electricity, and heat does not facilitate electrical transmission through air in any other way than by diminishing its den- sity. Supposing heat to be material, it is a non-conductor of electricity, because the incorporation of a conducting with a non- conducting substance is found to impair the insulating power of the latter as in the case of air charged with free vapour, whereas in the intimate union of two non-conductors the insulating power remains perfect. 7. Sir Humphry Davy has well illustrated the effect of heat in imparing the conducting power of metals, and the same fact has been observed by Mr. Chiistie, Dr. Ritchie, however, has lately brought forward an ob- jection ; for, in transmitting electricity over a forked iron rod, one of the legs of which he heated to redness, he found that the electri- city passed in preference from the heated side rather than from the cool side. To make this experiment free from objection, it would be necessary to insert the heated iron rod in an exhausted receiver. Dr. Ritchie was aware of this, but conceives that the effect of a heated wire would be a species of electrical evaporation from its surface. His very inge- nious paper in the philosophical transactions has certainly not attracted that attention which it deserves. The objection stated to his experiment by Mr. Harris, does not appear to affect the result which he ob- tained. 8. Volta observed that of two plane sur- faces of equal area, that which has the greatest extension has also the greatest capacity for electricity. Mr. Harris has prosecuted this fact and ascertained that the intensity varies in an inverse ratio of the perimeter of plates U which he employed, varying in shape from a circle through a square up to a long paral- lelogram. I'he following illustrates the results — DIMENSIONS,— AREA=75 SQUARE INCHES. Length . Breadth Perimeter. Intensity. 12 5 6 37 inches 99 25- 3 5G „ 6 54-5 1-4 112 ,. 3 The extent of edge has no influence on the intensity. The intensities of conductors are therefore, it appears, inversely as their peri- meters, and the intensity varies in an inverse ratio of the area when the perimeters remain the same, from which, it follows that the intensity must vary inversely with those quantities jointly or calling I, intensity, A, area, P, perimei , we have I a — - AP P)Ut suppossing the quantity of electricity to vary, then the intensity being as the square of the quantity, the formula is X I a — - AP and the capcity of a conductor being measur- ed by thequanacty of electricity, it can receive under a given intensity, there follows x2 a I A P, or with a constant intensity, x repre- senting the cai)acity, we obtain capacity It appears that the intensity does not vary in an inverse ratio of the square of the sur- face according to the general law, except when the areas are so disposed that the whole perimeter of the various plates is as the res- pective surfaces. 9. The operation of electricity on distant bodies, by induction, is quite independent of atmospheric pressure, and is exactly the same in vacuo as in air, the attractive force vary- ing as the squares of the respective distances inversely. 1st. The attractive force exerted between an electrified and a neutral uninsulated con- ductor, is not at all influenced, by the form or disposition of the unopposed portions. 2d. The force is as the number of attract- ing points in operation directly, and as the squares of the respective distances inversely, hence the attractive force between two paral- lel place circles being found, the force be- tvveen any other two similar planes will be given. Sd. The attractive force between two un- equal circular areas is no greater than that between tw'o similar areas each equal to the lesser. 4th. The attractive force also of a mere ring and a circular area on each other, is no greater than that between two similar rings. 5t//. The force between a sphere and an opposed spherical segment of the same cur- vature, is no greater than that of two similar segments, each equal to the given segment. It has been much agitated whether electri- city can pass through a vacuum, but the fact 18 IS THE SUPPLY OF ELECTRICITY DUE TO METALLIC is, that as it is impossible to produce such ab- sence of matter by artificial means, it seems unnecessary to dwell upon it. The experiments of Harris go to prove that electrical divergence completely independent of atmospheric attraction, and is therefore in accordance with the opinion w'ith which he sets out, that electricity is a subtle material agent, essentially involved in the constitution of ordinary matter. 'I’he experiments, how- ever, upon which such deductions can be founded, it is obvious, must be conducted with the greatest delicacy, and in such cases, ab- solute certainty is scarcely to be looked for. EXPERLMENTAL RESEARCHES IN ELECTRICITY. Sth, Series* By M. Fauadav. The paper of Dr. Faraday constitutes the Eighth Series of his researches in electricity, and consists of corrected and extended views of the theory contained in his Fifth and Se- venth Series. The whole paper is pregnant with important matter. It has been objected to Dr. Faraday’s papers on electricity that they are difficult to understand, in coiise- querice of the new nomenclature which he has introduced, and perhaps there is reason, in some instances, in similar complaints, for surely, it is said, when plain English words can express facts or opinions, it is improper to substitute technical expressions, either in science or literature ; and a language which can muster, in alphabetical array, seventy- five thousand words, does not stand in need of unnecessary innovations. Such observa- tions, however, do not apply in the present instance : because, the new terms are few, and obviate much circumlocution. They may, however, be attended to with propriety by those who are only entering upon discovery. In medicine, more especially, it is too obvi- ous that technicalities have served, in many instances, to form cloaks for ignorance and quackery. In the present series, the author enters upon the investigation of the important point whe- ther the supply of electricity is due to metal- lie contact or chemical action. For the pur- pose of determining this point, he took a plate of zinc, about eight inches long and hal f an inch wide, which was cleaned and bent in the middle to a right angle, A plate of plati- num, about three inches long and half an inch wide, was fastended to a platinum wire, and the latter bent to a right angle. These two pieces of metal were arranged together, but outside a vessel, and its contents, which con- sisted of dilute sulphuric acid, mingled with a little nitric acid. A piece of folded bibu- lous paper, moistened in a solution of iodide of potassium, was placed on the zinc, and was pressed upon by the ends of the platinum wire. When under these circumstances, the plates were dipped into the acid of the vessel described, there was an immediate effect at the bibulous paper, the iodide being decom- posed, and iodide appearing at the anode, i. e., against the end of the platinum wire. As long as the lower ends of the plates re - rnained in the acid, the electric current con- tinued, and the decomposition of the iodide proceeded. On the removing the end of the wire from place to place on the paper, the effect was evidently very powerful, and on placing a piece of turmeric paper between the white paper and zinc, both papers being moistened with the solution of iodide of potassium, alkali was evolved at the cathode, against the zinc, in proportion to the evolu- tion of iodide at the anode. Hence the de- composition was perfectly polar, and de- cidedly dependent upon a current of electrici- ty passing from the zinc through the acid to the platinum in the vessel, and back from the platinum, through the solution to the zinc at the bibulous paper. The fact of the decomposition being produced by the electrical current, was proved by the circumstance of the decomposition ceasing when the acid and its vessel were removed from the plates, and being again removed wheri the contact was repeated. The same position was deduced by varying the experi- ment, amalgamating pieces of zinc over the vyhole surface, and employing dilute sulphu- ric acid in the vessel. The same effects re- sulted when caustic potash was used instead of acid, and also when brine was substituted. The inferences which the author draws are, 1st, That metallic contact is not necessary for the production of the voltaic current ; 2d. That a most extraordinary mutual re- lation of chemical affinities of the fluid exists which excites the current and the fluid which is decomposed by it. The use of metallic contact in a single pair of plates appears evident from the experi- ments, For when an amalgamated zinc plate is dipped into dilute sulphuric acid, the force of chemical affinity exerted between the me- tal and the fluid is not sufficiently powerful to cause sensible action at the surfaces of contact, and occasion the decomposition of water by the oxidation of the metal, although it is sufficient to produce such a condition of the electricity as would produce a current if there was a path open for it. Now, the presence of a piece of platinum touching both the zinc and the fluid to be decomposed opens the path required for the electricity, because only one set of opposing affinities are to be overcome ; whereas, when metallic contact is not allowed, two sets of opposing affinities must be conquered. Some have considered it impossible to decompose bodies by Hare’s calorimeter, or Wollaston’s powerful single pair of plates, but this was owing to their considering the decomposition of water a test of the passage of an electric current. But the author observed that bo- dies would differ in facility of decomposition by a given electric current, according to the condition and intensity of their ordinary che- mical affinities, and he has corroborated the fact by new experiments. In employing dif- ferent fluids to excite the action, he procured currents of electricity varying in intensity and by consequence in their defects. Dilute sulphuric acid acting upon the zinc and plati- CONTACT OR CHEMICAL ACTION? 19 num plates decomposed iodide of 'potassium, protochloride of tin, chloride of silver, but water acidulated with sulphuric acid, solu- tion of muriatic acid, solution of sulphate of soda, fused nitre, and the fused chloride and iodide of lead, were not affected by a single pair of plates excited only by dilute sulphuric acid. All these substances were, however, readily decomposed by adding a little nitric acid to the dilute sulphuric acid. It is sufficiently obvious that the addition of the nitric acid operated by increasing the inten- sity or power of the current. By the reference which is thus made of the intensity of the electric current to the inten- sity of the chemical action, the conclusion is drawn that by using bodies such as fused chlorides, salts, &c., which may act upon the metals with different degrees of force, effects would be obtained due to different intensities, which would serve to assist in the construc- tion of a scale, so as to supply the means of determining relative degrees of intensity ac- curately in future researches. The bodies which have been examined are decomposed in the following order, the first being disunit- ed by the current of the lowest intensity. Iodide of potassium (solution.) Chloride of silver (fused.) Protochloride of tin (fused.) Chloride of lead (fused.) Iodide of lead (fused.) Muriatic acid (solution.) Water acidulated with sulphuric acid. Another proof that metallic contact has nothing to do with the production of electri- city, and that electricity is only another mode of the exertion of chemical forces, is the pro- duction of the electric spark before the metals are brought in contact, and by the influence of pure chemical agency in an experiment where the spark is obtained by placing in con- tact a plate of zinc and a plate of copper, and plunging them in dilute sulphuric acid. The principles which the author endea- vours to establish in the course of his research- es are that the electricity of the voltaic pile is not dependent either in its origin or its continuance to the contact of the metals with each other. It is entirely due to chemical action, and is proportionate in its intensity of the affinities concerned in its production, and in its quantity to the quantity of matter which has been chemically active during its evolution. The production of electricity is a case of chemical action, while electric de- composition is simply a preponderance of one set of chemical affinities over another set which are less powerful. The source of the electricity exists in the chemical action which takes place directly betvveen the metal and Uie body with which it combines, and not in the subsequent action of the substance so produced with the acid present. 'I’hus if zinc, platinum, and muriatic acid are employed, the electricity depends upon the affinity of the zinc for the chlorine, and circulates in proportion to the number of atomsof the zinc and chlorine which unite. But for this direct action upon the metal itself, it is essential that the oxygen or other body be in the state of combination, and limited to the state of an electrolyte, that is a body which is decompos- ed when the electric current is transmitted through it. Some bodies there are which are capable of exerting chemical action upon the metals which are not electrolytic ; but these must be chosen from among the metals ; char- coal also answers. No electric current is however induced by these means. An elec- trolyte is always a compound body, and can act as an electric conductor only when de- composing. Water is the most familiar elec- trolyte. The attraction of the zinc for the oxygen is greater in the case of water than that of the oxygen for the hydrogen, but in combining with it, it tends to throw into circu- lation a current of electricity in a certain di- rection. lire sulphuric acid used in the vol- taic circuit is not capable of producing any sensible portion of the electricity of the cur- rent, by its combination with the oxide form- ed, because in it forms no part of an electro- lite, nor is it in relation with any other body present in the solution which will permit of the mutual transfer of the particles, and the consequent conduction of the electricity. Now, an electrolyte conducts in consequence of the mutual action of its particles, but the elements of the water and sulphuric are des- titute of this relation. This corroborates the statement of Sir H. Davy, that no electric current is induced by the combination of acids and alkalies. If the acid and base be dissolv- ed in water, it is possible that a small portion of electricity, proceeding from chemical ac- tion, may be conducted by the water without decomposition, but the quantity will bear no proportion to the equivalents of chemical force. If a hydrogen acid be used, then a current may be induced by the chemical ac- tion of the acid on the base, for both bodies now act as electrolytes. This view of the oxidation of the metal be- ing the cause of the electric current, is proved by the effects of alkaline and sulphuretted solutions when used as conductors. It can- not be supposed that the alkali acts chemical- ly as an acid to the oxide formed, because our knowledge leads to the conclusion that the ordinary metallic oxides act rather as acids to the alkalies. Ammonia as well as potash produced the same electric currents. Alka- lies seem not to be inlluenced by the acids, in effecting electrical currents, but are superior in force and in bringing a metal into what is called the positive state. It is proved by the tact that if zinc and tin be used, or tin and lead, whatever metal is put into the alkali becomes positive, that in the acid being ne- gative. Davy shewed that ifiron and copper were plunged into dilute acid, the current passed from the iron through the fluid to the copper. In the solution of sulphuret of po- tash it is reversed. Two experiments in ad- dition complete the series of proofs of the origin of electricity on the voltaic pile. A fluid amalgam of potassium containing not more than ^ of that metal was put into pure water, and connected through the gal- vanometer with a plate of platinum in the same water ; a current passed from the amal- gam to the platinum, which must have been owing alone to the oxidation. Again, a plate of clean lead and a plate of platinum were placed in pure water, a current, passed from 20 TOMLINSON ON OBSERVING ACCIDENTAL COLOURS. the lead to the platinum, po intense as to decompose a solution of the iodide of po- tassium, when acted upon in the manner described at the beginning of the paper, 'bhis likewise appears to have been an instance of the effect of oxidation. An important point to determine is the state of the metals and the conductor in a simple circuit, before, and at the instant when the metallic contact is completed. Dr. Paraday conceives it impossible to resist the idea that the voltaic current which we have seen is dependent upon oxidation, must be preceded by a state of tension in the fluid, and between the fluid and the zinc, the first con- sequence of the affinity of the zinc for the oxygen of the water. He endeavoured to investigate this by transmitting a ray of po- larized light through a solution of sulphate of soda across the course of the electric cur- rent, and examined it by an analyzing plate, but though it penetrated seven inches, not the slightest trace of action on the ray could be detected, nor was the effect different when nitrate of lead was substituted. A beautiful experiment proves a state of tension acquired by the metals and the electrolyte before the electric current is produced, and before the metals are brought in contact. He took a voltaic apparatus consisting of a single pair of large plates, namely, a cylinder of amal- gamated zinc and a double cylinder of cop- per, and placed them in ajar containing di- lute sulphuric acid, so that they could at pleasure be placed in metallic communica- tion by means of a copper wire, arranged so as to deposit the ends into two vessels of mercury connected with the two plates. As long as the plates were kept separate no action occured ; but when connected, a spark (contrary to the common idea) was elicited, and the solution decomposed. Hence, it appears that as the electricity is produced by the material action of the zinc and water, so these by being brought in contact are placed in a state of powerful tension, which, although it did notdecomposethe water, caused a spark to pass between the zinc and a fit dis- charger when the interval was small enough. The idea which Berzelius has broached that the heat and light of combustion are the con- sequences of the action of chemical affinity, without the production of an electric current, appears to the author to be a mere imagina- tion. With regard to the direction of the move- ment of evolved and combining bodies, it ap- pears that if in a voltaic circuit, the activity of which is determined by the attraction of zinc for the oxygen of water, the zinc move from right to left, then any other action in- cluded in the circuit being part of an elec- trolyte wdll also move in the same direction, and as the oxygen of the water by its natu- ral affinity for the zinc, moves from left to right, so any other body of the same class with it, i. e. any union will follow the same course. These statements of our author correspond with hegeneral views of Davy in his Bake- rian lecture. (To be continued.) ON THE ACCIDENTAL COLOURS OF CERTAIN SOLUTIONS ON MERCURY. By Charles Tomlinson, Esq. To the Editor of the Records of General Science. Dear Sir, — In the course of my exj eri- mentson Visible Vibration, 1 noticed a ready and convenient method of observing acci- dental colours without fatiguing the eye, wdiich was new to me, and vAill, 1 hope, prove inter- esting to some of the readers of your Journal Having occasion to diminish somewhat the reflecting surface of mercury contained in a foot glass, I poured al out an ounce of a solution of litmus, which had become slight- ly reddened by exposure to the air, upon the surface of the mercury, when the upper por- tion of the glass above the fluid was reflected twice, the low'er reflection by the mercury and the upper one by the litmus solution. On i)lacingthe finger on the periphery ofttie glass, and bringing one eye near to another part of the periphery, two reflections of the finger were seen ; one the colour of the lit- mus, a beautiful purple inclining to red, and the other a delicate light green, its acciden- tal colour. On adding a few drops of nitric acid to the litmus solution, the accidental colour was of a dark and decided green. With mercury and a solution of chromate of potash a fine blue accidental colour was obtained. With muriate of lime the same result was obtained with this addition : on looking steadfastly into the glass with one eye, the other being closed, a variety of white spots began to form on the iris, giving the eye an unpleasant mouldy sort of appearance. The aqueous humour seemed to consist of one isolated drop of water, so distinct from any other part of the eye, that it seemed as if it would have dropped down into the glass ; in a short time the transparent membrane co- vering the pupil became milky, and the glass and fluids indistinct. 1 have repeated this experiment with the same results, except that the white spots on the iris were not so numerous. With a deep blue solution on mercury ob- tained by indigo in sulphuric acid, the acci- dental orange-yellow was obtained. These accidental colours are neither modi- fied nor changed by the reflection of various coloured solids, such as blue, yellow and green balls, &c., the accidental colour be- longing to the upper fluid and not to the object reflected. Jn order to obtain them, however, two liquids of different densities must be employed in order to obtain two re- flections, and for- the lower fluid nothing is so convenient as mercury. Indeed, 1 have not as yet met with any other fluid that at all answers the purpose. The effect is very beautiful with litmus so- lution and mercury when the flame of a candle is employed ; the two reflections have the appearence of hollow cones placed above 21 ON RECENT IMPROVEMENT IN MANUFACTURES. and within each other, the lower flame being the accident. With muriate of lime the lower flame re- flected by the mercury was of a decided yellow, but the accidental colour of a very faint blue; whereas, by natural light the ac- cidental is of a fine indigo. The green flame obtained by boracic acid in alcohol presents a very fine appearance with litmus and mercury. A watch glass should be employed supported on a ring for- med out of a piece of wire, and other lights in the room extinguished. Your, Dear Sir, very sincerely, Charles Tomlinson, ' Brown Street, Salisbury, April 22, 1835. ON CALICO-PRINTING. By Thomas Thomson, m. d.,f.r. s. l. & e. &c., Regius Professor of Chemistry in the University of Glasgoiv. [We cannot, in our opinion render a greater- benefit to some of our Civil Surgeons who have much leisure time than introduce to their no- tice recent improvements during 1835 in the manufactures. They may be turned to great advantage.] Calico printing is the art of applying one or more colours to particular parts of cloth, so as to represent leaves, flowers, &c., and the beauty depends partly on the elegance of the pattern, and partly upon the brilliancy and contrast of the colours. The process is not con^neAio cotton cloth, OlS the term calico- printing would lead us to suppose. It is ap- plied also to linen, silk, and woollen cloth ; but as the processes are in general the same, I shall satisfy myself with de.scribing them as applied to cotton, because it is with them that I am best acquainted. The general opinion is, that this ingenious art originated in India, and that it has been known in that country for a very long period. From a passage in Pliny, who probably com- posed his Natural History about the middle of the first century of the Christian Era, it is evident that calico-printing was understood and pr-actised in Egypt in his time, but un- known in Italy. There exist in Egypt,” says he, a won- derful method of dyeing. The white cloth is stained in various places, not with dye-stufts, but with substances which have the property of absorbing (fixing) colours. These appli- cations are not visible upon the cloth ; but when the pieces are dipt into a hot caldron containing the dye, they are drawn out an in- stant after, dyed. The remarkable circum- stance is, that though there be only ond^’-flye in the vat, yet different colours appear on the cloth ; nor can the colours be again removed.''^’’ That this description of Pliny applies to cali- co-printing, will be evident to every person who will take the trouble to read the account of the processes which we are going to give , The colours applied to calico in India, are beautiful and fast. The variety of tlieir pat- terns, and the great number of colours which they understood how to fix on different parts of the cloth, gave to their printed calicoes a richness and a value of no ordinary kind. But, their processes are so tedious, and their machinery so clumsy, and they could be em- ployed only where labour is so cheap as to be scarcely any object to the manufacturer. It is little more than a century and a half since calico-printing was transferred from India to Europe, and little more than a century since it began to be understood in Great Britain. The European nations who have made the greatest progress in it, are Switzerland, France, especially in Alsace, some parts of Germany, Belgium, and Great Britain. In Europe, the art has been in some measure created anew. By the application of machi- nery, and by the light thrown on the proces- ses by the rapid improvements in chemistry, the tedious methods of the Indians have been wonderfully simplified ; while the processes are remarkable for the rapidity with which they are executed, and for the beauty and variety and fastness of the colours. I propose in this paper to give a sketch of the ditierent processes of calico-printing, such as they are at present practised by the most skillful printers in Lancashire, and in the neighbourhood of Glasgow."^ PRELIMINARY PROCESSES.-The cotton cloth, after being woven, is subjected to several preliminary processes, before it is fit for calico-printing. It will be sufficient mere- ly to allude to them. They are singeing and bleaching. Tire singeing is intended to re- move the fibers of cotton which protrude on the surface of the cloth. This is done by pas- sing the cloth rapidly over the surface of a read-hot iron cylinder, which burns off all the hairs, or protruding fibres of the cotton, with- out injuring the cloth. Of late years, an i.uge- nious coal-gas apparatus has been substituted for the red hot-iron, both in Manchester and Glasgow. The bleaching of cotton consists essentially of four different processes. 1. The cloth is boiled with lime and water ; it is then washed clean. 2. It is steeped for some hours in a solution of chloride of lime, or bleaching powder, as it is usually called. From this steep also it is washed clean. 3. It is boil- ed in a solution of American potash. After the duty ivas taken off common salt, carbonate of soda (and consequently caustic soda) be- came so cheap, that it gradually took the place * I think it right to state, that for all my know- ledge of Calico-Printing, I am indebted to my friend, Mr. Walter Crum, Calico-Printer, in the neighbourhood of Glasgow. With a liberality, for which 1 feel greatly indebted to him, he has explained his processes to me without mystery or reserve. * Plinii Hist. Nat, lib. xxxv. c. ll. 22 ON CALICO-PRINTING BY DR, THOMSON. of pearl ashes. ^ 4. The cloth is now almost bleached; it requires only to be steeped in water holding in solution about four per cent, of sulphuric acid, to complete the process. Cotton cloth at an average, takes about two days to bleach. But, when there happens to be occasion for greater dispatch, it is no un- common thing to complete the bleaching and callendring in twentj^-four hours. PRINTING.— There are two modes of printing, namely, block-printing and cylin- der-printing . 1 he f'rmer has been prac- tised from time immemorial ; the latter is a modern invention, and originated, probably, after the introduction of the art of printing into Great Britain. The block is a piece of sycamore, (or, more commonly, a fir board, on which a piece of sycamore is glued) on which, the pattern in- tended to be printed on the cloth is cut. The parts which are to make the impression, are left prominent, while the rest of the block is cut away ; just as is practised for wood en- gravings. When the pattern is too compli- cated, and the lines too fine to be cut in wood, they are made by means of small rieces of copper, draw n out into narrow ribbons of the requisite fineness ; these are ingeniously driven into the block, and the intervals are filled up with felt. Great patience and in- genuity are displayed in making these blocks for use, and calico-printers are under the necessity of keeping a number of workmen, at high wages, for that express piirnose. The inventors and drawers of the patterns, constitute another class of ingenious artists, in the pay of the calico-printers at high wages. The cylinder is a large cylinder of copper, about a yard in length, and four or five inches in diameter, upon which the pattern to be printed on the cloth is engraved. This cy- linder is made to revolve, and press against the cloth, taking up the mordants, or colours to be printed on the cloth as it revolves. By this ingenious contrivance, two or even three different colours, are printed on the cloth at once, and the printing proceeds, w ithout in- terruption, till a whole piece, or indeed, any number of pieces attached to each other are printed. Another method of printing is almost the same as copper plate printing. The patterns is engraved upon a flat copper plate, a yard or more square. Uponthi-s plate, the colour or mordant to be applied, is spread. It is then pulled. As it passes along, an elastic steel plate, called a doctor, takes oft' all the colour, except that which feels the engraving. Being pressed against the cloth in the act of pulling, it prints upon it either in mordants or colour.s, as may be the impression of the pattern. Whether the printing is applied by the block, the cylinder, or the flat plate, the treat- ment of the goods is nearly the same. t An impure Soda ash is now very generally used by bleachers. For, as every hundred pounds of crystallized carbonate of Soda con- tains 62| of water, the expense of carriage is more than double, and although the form in- dicates in some measure the purity of this salt, every bleacher knows how to estimate the value of the drier preparation. Most commonly, the printing process is employed to fix the mordants upon the cloth, which is afterwards dyed in the usual way. Those parts only retain the colour which have imbibed the mordant, while the other parts of the cloth remain white. Sometimes acids, or other substances, are printed on cloth already dyed, to remove the colour from certain por- tions of it which are to be left w'hite, or to re- ceive some other colour. Occa.sionally, substances are printed on cloth before it is dipt in the indigo vat, to pre- vent the blue colour from becoming fixed on those parts to which they are applied. Substan- ces possesed of these properties are called re- sist pastes. It is a very common practice to communi- cate mordants and colouring matters to cloth at the same time. We must give a sketch of the different sub- stances thus applied, before proceeding to de- tail the dilferent processes. I. MOR HANTS.— The term mordant is applied by dyers to certain substances with w hich the cloth is impregnated before it is dyed, otherwise the colour would not fix, but would disappear on washing or exposure to the light. The name was given by the French dyers (from the Latin word mordere, to bite,) from a notion entertained by them that the action of mordants wms mechanical, that they were of a corrosive, or biting nature, and served merely to open the pores of the cloth, into which the colouring matter might in- sinuate itself. It is now understood that their action is chemical. They have an affini- ty to the cloth, which causes them to adhere to it ; while the colouring matter has an affinity for, and adheres to, the mordant. The usual mordants employed by the calico- printer, ai*e the three following : — 1. Jlumina, or the alu7n mordant. 1 his mordant is made by dissolving alum in water, and adding acetate of lime to the solu- tion. The liquid has a specific gravity of J.fS, and contains about as much alum unde- composed, as the liquid can hold in solution. For particular purposes, calico-printers make a mordant by mixing three parts of acetate of lead with four of alum. This mordant con- sists of a mixture of acetate of alumina and alum ; for about a third part of the alum re- mains undecomposed. When cloth is imtiregnated with this mor- dant, such is the affinity of the alumina for the cloth, that the acetate of alumina, and even a portion of the alum, are decomposed, and the particles of alumina adhere to the fibres of the cloth so firmly that they cannot be remov- ed by w ashing. In order to determine the quantity of alumi- na fixed on the cloth by the aluming process, 1 got a quantity of the cotton cloth that was to be dyed Turkey-red; 1000 grains of this cloth were burnt, and the ashes being reserv- ed, and subjected to a chemical analy.sis, were found to contain 0.4 grain of alumina; 1000 grains of the same cloth after being dyed Turkey-red, and of course, impregnated with the alum mordant, were treated in the same way. The alumina obtained amounted to 8 grains. The length of a piece of this cloth , ROYAL INSTITUTION— FLOOR CLOTH MANUFACTORY. 23 weighing 1000 grains, was 1 yard 5§ inches, and its breadth 33 inches. Thus, a piece of cloth, amounting to 1386 square inches, or rather, 2772 square inches, (as both sides of the cloth had been equally subjected to an aluming process) had combined with 7'6 grains of alumina ; or every square inch of the cloth had combined with 0 0027 grains (g^o't^ ^ grain nearly) of alumina. 1000 grains of the same cloth were dyed the palest shade of Turkey-red usually given to cloth. When burnt, the ashes were found to contain 0.8 grain of alumina. Substracting the 0 4 grain of alumina belonging to the cotton fibres, there remains 0 4 grain for the quantity communicated during the aluming process. In this case, every square inch of surface of the cloth had combined with 0 00012 grain of alumina, or less than g^^h of a grain. Yet this quantity of alumina small as it is, was essential to the permanence of the dye. For, when unalumed cloth was dyed with madder, the colour was easily washed out with water. When cloth to be dyed i-ed is impregnated with this mordant, it is not thickened, When applied only to particular parts of the cloth, by the block or cylinder, it is thickened with flour, or calcined starch, or gum Senegal, ac- cording to the nature of the style of work. 2. OXIDE OF TIN. — Perchloride of tin is very much used as a mordant. The colour- ing matter is previously mixed with it, and both are applied at once. Such applications are usually called chemical colours.'*' The mixture is allowed to dry on the cloth, which is then merely washed with water. When colours are applied in this way they are easily altered by soap, exposure to the light, &c. Hence, in common language, a chemical colour means a fugitive colour. The colours produced in this way, are pink from Brazil wood, peach wood, and cochineal ; purple from logwood, and yellow from Persian berries. Perchloride of tin is much used in another common process of calico-printing, known technically, by the apellation of steam colours. It is decomposed and converted into stannate of potash. The whole piece of cloth is im- mersed in the liquid containing the stannate of potash, and dried. The peroxide cf tin is then deposited on the cloth, by immersing the piece in a solution of sal ammoniac, or sulphate of magnesia ; but most commonly, in a very weak solution of sulphuric acid. The ditfer- ent colouring matters, previously thickened wiih starch, are then printed on the cloth, and the whole subjected to the action of steam. By the joint action of moisture and heat, a combination takes place between the colouring matter and the oxide, which is thus rendered insoluble. And no considerable quantity of water is ever present to carry * A very general error prevails with regard to chemical colours, that it is the mode of ap- plying them which renders them fugitive. It is because chemical colours are made with changeable materials, that they are more easily acted on than madder colours. Brazil pink for instance, is equally acted upon by light and soap when dyed. olf the colouring matter, before it has com- bined with the mordant. 3. PEROXIDE OF IRON— This metal- lic oxide is much used as a mordant. It is employed in the state of acetated protoxide of iron, formed by dissolving iron in pyrolig- nic acid. Within a few days after it has been applied to the cloth, especially if expos- ed to a moist atmos[)here, it loses its acid, and the iron becomes peroxidized. Acetate of iron, of the specific gravity 1-05 gives a black, with madder. Various shades of purple are obtained by adding dif- ferent portions of the mordant and dye-stuffs. Different shades of red, from brown, red to pink, are obtained in the same way, substi- tuting the alum mordant of various strengths for the iron. Chocolates are got by mixing the aluminous and iron mordants, and then dyeing with madder. Indigo, oxide of manganese, catechu, &c. are colours per se, and therefore, require no mordant. (To he continued .) ROYAL INSTITUTION. FEBRUARY 27. FLOOR CLOTH MANUFACTORY .—Mr. Brande gave a description of this manufacture, and added greatly to its interest by going through the various steps of the process, with the as- sistance of some workmen employed in the manufactory at Knightsbridge. The main part of the manipulation is similar to calico- printing, the figures on the blocks being upon a much larger scale, and the cloths which are printed being of an infinitely greater size. The common dimensions of a floor cloth are 210 or 22J square yards, and hence the im- mense size and often unseemly appearance of floor cloth works. A stout canvass is chosen in the first instance. This is nailed to one ex- tremity of a wooden frame, and stretched by means of hooks which are attached to the other sides. It is then washed with a weak size and rubbed over with pumice stone. No other substance has yet been found which an - swersthe purpose so well as this mineral. The next step is that of laying on the colour, which is performed by placing dabs of paint over the canvass with a brush, and then rub- bing or polishing it with a long peculiar shaped trowel. Four coats of paint are thus applied in front and three on the back of the cloth. To remove it from the frame w^hen these pro- cesses are finished, a roller on a carriage is employed, upon which it is rolled and convey- ed to the extremity of the manufactory for the purpose of being printed. It is then gradually transferred from the roller and passed over a table which is 30 feet long and 4 feet wide, made of planks placed vertically, and as it proceeds over the table, the blocks, dipped in the appropriate colours, are applied. The colours used are ochre, umber, vermilion, and dilferent kinds of chrome, mixed up with lintseed oil and a little turpentine. The number of blocks applied to one pat- tern depends upon the number of colours. 24 MANUFACTORY OF PENS— PRESERVING MILK— ARTESIAN WELLS. The first mode of a|)plying the patterns was by stencils, that is, the pattern was cut out in paper, and wiien the pacer thus prepared was applied to the cloth to be painted, that portion w here the ground was exposed by the inter- stice in the caper was traversed by a brush. Then, a combination of stencilling and print- ing w'as had recourse to, the former process being first made use of, and then a block was applied, the stencilling forming the ground work. Stencilling is now abandoned In printing, it is necessary that the cloth should first be rubbed o^ er with a brush, else the colours w ill not adhere. Whether the etFect is electrical or not has not been ascertained. Every square yard of good oil cloth w eighs S-I^or 4^ lbs. each gaining by the apfilication of the paint 3 or 4 lbs. weight, and hence, the quality of this manufacture is judged of by the w eight. Whiting is often used in spurious cloths, mixed with oil. Cloth prepared in this way speedily cracks and becomes useless. Good cloth, with a very stout canvass, is used for covering verandahs, and will last nine or ten years, w'hile spurious cloth w'ill become useless in the course of one year. Floor cloth is employed to cover roofs, as at the manufactory at Knightsbridge, and for gutters. In tlie latter case it is remarkable that water remaining in contact with it pro- duces no injurious effect. Painted baize for tables is usually manufac- ture, with a smooth side, and is printed with blocks of a fine structure, resembling calico blocks. Fine canvass is employed ; several coats of paint are laid on upon one side, and the other receives one coat, and is then strewed over with w ool, or flocked, as it is called. MANUFACTURE OF’ PENS. BY DR. FARADAY,— Quills appear to have been employed, at least, as early as the seventh century. England is supplied with this article from Russia and Poland, where immense flocks of geese are fed for the sake of their quills. The quantity exported from St. Petersburg, varies from six to tw^enty-seven millions. Twenty millions were last year imported into England from these countries. We may form some idea of the number of geese which must be requir- ed to afford the supply, when we consider, that each w'ing i)rodu( es about five good quills and that by proper management, a goose may afford tw^enty quills during the year. Hence, it is obvious, that the geese of Great Britain and Ireland, could afford but a very limited supply. The feathers of the geese of the latter countries are employed for making beds. MODE OF PRESERVING MILK FOR LONG VOYAGES. Sir, — As (he season of the year Is now ar- rived when hundreds of mechanics are in- duced to cross the Atlantic, in the hope bet- tering their fortune, and to those who may carry young families with them, milk may be an important article of diet, perhaps the fol- lowing extract from an old newspaper of the date of j822, setting forth a simple and easy method of preserving it, may be of import- ance; more pariicniarly as I perceive from your last monthly list of new patents, (hat a method of preserving animal milk has just been patented — whether the same or a differ- ent method remains to be seen ; — “ Provide a quantity of pint or quart bottles (new ones are. perhaps best) ; they must be perfectly s« eet and clean, and very dry be fore they are made nss of. Instead of draw- ing the milk from the cow into tlie pail as usual, it is to be milked into the bottles. As soon as any of them are filled sufficiently they should be immediately well corked with the very best cork, in order to keep out the ex- ternal air, and fastened tight with packthread or wire, as the corks in bottles which contain cider generally are. Then, on the bottom of an iron or copper boiler, spread a little straw; on that lay a row of (he bottles filled with milk, with some straw between each to pre- vent them from breaking, and so on alternate- ly until the boiler has a sufficient quantity in ; then fill it up with cold w'ater. Pleat the water gradually until it begins to boil, and as soon as that is perceivable draw the fire. The bottles must remain undisturbed in the boiler until they are quite cool, t hen take them out, and afterwards pack tliem in hampers, either with straw or saw, and stow them in the coolest part of the ship. Miik preserv- ed in this way has been taken to the West Indies and back, and at the end of that time was as sweet as when first drawn from the cow.” I am, Sir, yours, J. Elliott, March 30, 1835. ARTESIAN WELLS EMPLOYED TO ACTUATE MACHINERY. At Froiites, near Aire, the w'aters often .Artesian wells (springs obtained by boring, and so called from the province of Artois, in Fiance, where his method came first into ex- tensive use) put in motion the wheels of a large mill, and act be.sides on the bellows and forge-liaminer of a nail-rnanufactory. At 'Pours, a well, of nearly 150 yards in depth, pours 225 gallons per minute into the troughs of a wheel seven yards in diameter, which is the moving power of an extensive .silk manu- factory.— M, Arago, Annuaire, 1835. CALCULATING MACHINE. A gentleman, who is known to ns, and for whose scientific ingenuity we can readily vouch, has requested us to state, that he will engage to furnish for a sum of not more than 40/. a calculating-machine, having three or- ders of differences, of five, four, and three places of figures respectively, and capable of calculating any table whatever of six places of figures, with the third difference constant. He will ask no money till the machine is de- livered perfect acco ding to the above objec- tions: a'ld would not object to bearing him- self half the expense, on condition of retaining a corresponding interest in the machine. — Mechanics’ Magazine^ 1835, EUROPEAN AERONAUTICAL SOCIETY, 25 THE FIRST AERIAL SHIP, THE EAGLE.” Sir, — Herewith I send you a rough pen-and- ink sketch of the “ Eagle,” which is at pre- sent tlie Lion of the day. The monster-ina-- chine is the production of sonae individuals who last year formed themselves into a Socie- ty at Paris, and proposed opening an aerial communication between that capital and Lon- don. After having instituted several esperi- ments, these parties felt so confident of the practicability of their undertaking, that they actually fixed the time at which they would make their first voyage. Upon the appointed day, ail Paris flocked to the starting-place, to witness the departure of the intrepid aero- nauts ; but the eager expectations of this as- sembled multitude, and the confident hopes of the projectors, were equally disappointed, for, in consequence of the balloon being over- charged with gas, it suddenly burst with a loud report, just as it was on the point of leaving terra firma^ These individuals, under the style and title of / The European Aeronautical Society,” with Count Lenox for their President, have lately located themselves in the Victoria-road, opposite the avenue leading to Kensington Palace, where the following announcement may be seen : — ‘LEceopean Aeronautical Society.— First Aerial Shijp, the “ Eagle,” 160 leet long. 50 feet high, and 40 feet wdde, mounted by a crew of 17 persons, and constructed for es- tablishing a direct line of communication^be- tween the several capitals of Europe. The first experiment of this new system of aereal navigation will be made from London to Pa- ris, and back again.” In the accompanying sketch, A A is the balloon or gas holder, composed oi 2.400 yards of cotton lawn, thoroughly varnished to make it air-tight ; it is in the form of a cylinder, terminating at each end in a cotie, and is said to contain about 7,000 cubic feet of gas. The car, or packet-boat as it is termed, B B, is 75 feet long, and 7 feet high ; the frame- work is of wood, with strong netting all round it to prevent any of the crew or passengers from falling out. C is a cabin in the centre of the car, 6 feet wide. D E F G are four wings, by which the vessel is to be propelled ; each w ing is formed of 80 moveable flaps of varnish- ed lawn, 2 feet 6 inches long and 9 inches wide, strained upon a frame-work of cane. There is a strong netting on one side of the wings to support the flaps ohilst striking the air and propelling the vessel. D and F show the net- work ; E and G, the flaps. The mechanism for working the wings is placed inside of the cabin. C H is a rudder at the end of the car, by which the inventors expect to be enabled to steer the vessel through the trackless fields of air at pleasure. The Society have announced their inten- tion of making their first voyage some time in August ; in the interim, this Leviathan of the upper regions is exhibiting in the “dock-yard” at one shilling each person. The Morning Herald observes of this machine : — “ A more unwieldy and ungrace- ful entity never moved on or in any element. The whale and elephant are beaten hollow by it in point of form and grace ; yet, like one and the other, it may be able to make more rapid way than man or horse.” The projec- tors have displayed considerable ingenuity in many of their arrangements, and may even- tually sncceed in rendering balloons more manageable than they have hitherto been ; but I think the Society would have shown more judgment by continuing their experiments, and establishing the correctness of their theo- ry on a more moderate scale ; they would then possibly have proceeded w’ith somewhat less eclat, but with greater probability of success. 26 martins aritfimetical frames. The form of Hie baloon will cause it to lie in the direction of the wind. If t!ie cur- rent of wind is only slightly contrary to the desired course, and the propeller.s can be made to act, tliere is little doubt, (he rudder H \Vil| enable tlie voyagers to keep their path, if the wind proves very contrary— and it is well known that the atmospheric currents are frequent and fitful— then the vovagers have no alternative but to descend a little,^ by which means an unfavorable, may often be changed for a favourable current. 'I’o effect partial descent when necessary, atmospheric air is forced into a small balloon inside of the large one, similar to the air bladder in fishes ; this can be filled or exhausted at pleasure by very simple means. If this small balloon is filled with atmos- pheric air, the gas in the large one will be compressed to such a degree, that, witli the load in the car, the whole machine will be rendered specifically heavier than the at- mosphere, and descend accordingly. On reaching a more favourable current, the crew withdraw the air from the small baloon, and the gas expanding restores a due proportion of the original buoyancy to the machine. This method may answer the, but it appears to me that there is great risk of bursting the baloon, by compre.ssing the gas to such a degree as to effect efficient reduc- tion of the boyancy. A much better plan was proposed by Mr. G. th Atkinson, of New- castle-on-Tyne (in yonr 10th volume) viz. to withdraw a sufficient quantity of gas from the baloon by condensing it into a suitable cop- per ve.s.sel, and restoring it again to the bal- loon as required. With respect to tire inode of propulsion adopted by the inventors of the “Eagle,” I may just .state, that I do not consider it by any means the best that could be employed. 1 remember hearing a lecture on aero- station delivered by lAlr. Tatum, some years since, in which he proposed to effect aerial navigation by means of two revolving \anes and a rudder. Avery considerable velocity could be imparted to a pair of vanes, without so great a loss of power as must necessarily take place in using wings. Balloons have for a long time past been mere toys, exhibited for the sake of gain ; and, 1 confess, 1 am glad to see aerostation, as a science, is not entirely forgotten. There is, doubtless, but a very limited sphere of use- fulness 0[)en to balloons ; but, 1 believe, much more can be accomplished than many persons are at present prepared to admit, I may re- turn to this subject again by-and-bye. In the mean time. I remain, yours respectfully, Wm. Baddelley. London, July 6,1835. MARTIN’S ARITHMETICAL FRAMES. Tlie powers of nnnrbers, and their relation to each other, have been in a variety of ways demonstrated ; but rarely indeed with any important practical application : we have in- genious theories of the wondrous powers of the number 9, and a variety of aritbmetical legerdemain is abroad, which appears to (he ciirion.s very singular and astoni.shing. Na- ftiei’s hones or rods afford some good illus- trations of the multiplying powers ; but there appears to have been no instance of the suc- cessful application of the “ occult powers of numbers” till the invention of the “ Arithme- tical Frames,” by Mr. Martin, which are, without question, applied to a use (be mo.'-t important and extensive. But wlien we come to niake an examination of these, we are unable to ascertain, except in one or two cases, the principles upon which they are constructed. 1 u these frames we have \vhat is most ex- traordinary, a system of arrangement whii'ii carries out, ad infinitum, practical exhibi- tions ot all the elementary rules, not singly only, but also in every variety of combination which the ten digits will make, afi’ording de- monstrable proofs of the correctness or incor- of every figure ; at the same time that none hut the teacher «ho has been previously informed of (lie mode of detecting error, can by any possibility be informed of it. A dozen exercises of fifteen or sixteen figures each, may be worked in one rule only, or through the whole /oir?' rules, and be checked by the master at a mere glance, while those ex- ercises may be varied to the extent of many thousands of millions times, and be proved by the same mode and witlr tlte same facility. It has often occurred to mathematicians, that a series of num- bers might by some [.ossibility be arranged, so as to prod lice nnifonn and known results in an almost infinite series ; but this suspected power of the arrangement of numbers has never been sliown, excepting in a few cases of particular numbers ; and even these have not been applied (o any practical purpose, ex- ce[iting by Patiick Whytock.* But this ar- rangement, which is founded on the peculiar properties of certain decimal fractions is de- fective, as it only refers to the simple rules, wliereas the arithmetical frames or tablets constructed by iVir. Wartin, comprise also the compound rules ; and this appears most ex- traordinary ; for there cannot well be worse decimal lelatioiis, supposing they are con- structed on this principle, than (hose of the numbers 4, 12, and 20,whicl) form the integral parts of our common aurrency ; but Mr. Martin has arranged and can apply, if neces- sary, his principle through all the weights and measures , alFording an infinite variety of ex- amples, whose solutions bear such a relation to their propositions, that their correctness or incorrectness is immediately discoverable by him who has learnt the mode of discove- ry ; and which may be acquired, by any one conversent with addition and multiplication, in a few minutes. Nor is this all, for the frames are so arranged that the smallest as well as the largest examples may be given ; that the working of the examples, of one rule gives examples in another, and the workii^g again of these examples in a third, and so on — pi’oving the correctness of each, even to the pupils themselves, and pointing out * See Mech. Mag., vol. xviii p. 43. BABBAGE AND HIS RIVALS,— INDIA RUBBER BOAT. 27 frror ; at the same time that the master has a coHnter check, which he can apply in a moment to a whole morning’s set of exer- cises. Such a plan, where a large number of boys are to be taught, as in National and Lancastarian scliools. must be of incalculable aflvantage ; and even in private schools must afford great assistance to teachers, from the variety of examples presented , and the ease with which their answers maybe ascertained, Discriptioti of the Frames. The “ Arithmetical Frames ’ consist of six frames, about 18 inches l)igh and 1 foot hroad. The first of which is fitted up with little balls transversely arranged on tour brass rods, as the ball frame of the infant schools ; but to this, which only forms trie top part o" the frame, nine cubical rods verti- cally placed, and revolving of pivots, are attached ; on one side of these rods are small pictures about an inch square, of sliips, horses, cats, co'vs, and such bke figures dif- ferently coloured ; their object is, as is also of the balls, to teach the infant to count, and to connect abstract signs with tangible ob- jects. The other three sides of the rollers are filled up with three numeration tallies, so ingeniously disposed, that by the turning of the rods, every variety of change of figure may be produced so strikingly, that a few hours are generally sufficient to teach a child the principles ol numeration and notation with the rudiments of addition. The succeeding frames comprise a frame for each of the following rules ; the addition frame consists of 12 cubical rod.s, horizontally placed, and by the simple turning of these, an infinite number of examples may be produced, and their answers discovered in a moment. To the subtraction fran;es, which are con* structed to hold only two rollers at a time, containing the subtractors, and the subtra- hend, large slates are also attached, on which the remainders are worked, one below the other, forming an example in addition, wh ch is added up. The multiplication and the division frames are made to contain only one roller, the former has a slide upon w hich the multipliers are printed, which shows one figure at a time through a square hole imme- diately under the unit of the multiplicand, and the latter has a slide for the divisors moving up and down the dividends to change the examples ; by which simple conti ivat'.ce, as many changes may be produced as upon a peal of 12 bells stated to be several thou- sands of millions. In these two latter frames there is still a recapitulation of preceding rules with different examples applied throughout the compound as well as through the simple rules; — the whole forming a system of teach- ing the theory of arithmetic so complete, as to make improvements extremely difficult, and presenting a combination of figures whose results are, as we have stated, “ most extraordinary in the history of the re- lations of number ;”~and their effects on the children who are taught by them, as is exem- plified at the Borough- Road Central Schools ; to use the words of liord Brougham, in his speech on Education — “ present the most extraordinary spectacle of the progress of ob- taining information which might be made by childern, and which he had never seen or heard of at any place, in any country, or at any time. It was perfectly wonderful how the human faculty could, at so early an age, be cultivated to so marvellous a degree. A dozen or tw'o of the children were asked such questions as the interest of various sums of money for any time, at any rate per cent., and their answers were as correct as they were immediate.” His Lordship repeated, that “ he had never witnessed a more extra- ordinary exhibition.” — Educational Magazine, MR. BABBAGE AND HIS RIVALS. Sir, — In a lafe number of your publication, I observed that one of your correspondents claims to be the inventor of a calculating engine which will perform the operations of Multiplication, Division, and even do sums in the Rule of Three. As this is a subject in which I take a considerable interest, I hope I slmll be excused if I request a little more in- formation ; and first I wish to learn whether this is a self-acting machine, that is, supposing that two numbers are to be multiplied toge- ther, is it merely necessary to put them into their proper places, and having adjusted the machine to multiply, to turn the handle until it shall give some signal that the operation is completed ? Or when one number is put in as a multiplicand, is it necessary to turn the handle as many times as the number indicated of the multiplier ? The question applies equally to Division, and to the Rule of Three, which is a combination of the other two. Also, can it be applied to calculated tables, and if so, how are its results indicated ? A machine which when once adjusted to perform an oper- ation requires an assistance from the ndnd (even the common operation of counting the number of turns of the handle to know when to expect the result) is open to the objection of liability to error. If one turn be omitted, an error is induced into the calculation, and an error made by a machine is the more dangerous because unsuspected. I understand that Mr. Babbage’s calculating engine is not liable to these objections, and that one great merit is, that its results are the operation of the machine itself, and engraved upon copper plate with unerring certainty. Has the inven- tor of this new machine taken any steps to make it public, or secure the patronage of Government? Matters of this kind are of great public interest, and many valuable in • ventions perish for w’ant of early attention. I trust, therefore, you will excuse my trou- bling you on the subject I remain, verv trulv vours, P. s. c. INDIAN-RUBBER BOAT. The Providence Journal gives a description of tht*' Indian-ruhher boat — a neat affair, weighing abbout 20 lbs., which may be folded up and carried about from place to place. It will sustain a ton weight, and accommodate quite a fishing party ! 28 FIRE ENGINES ADAPTED FOR HOT CLIMATES. Sir, — After witnessing the introduction of boats, bridges, and churches of cast-iron, with many other extraordinary a[)plications of this higlily -nseful material, your readers will not be much surprised at the introduction of cast-iron fire-engines, and this material enters pretty largely into the machine Tam about to describe. It is well known that hot climates exercise a most injurious eftect upon all things con- structed of wood, especially if occasional mois- ture assists the operation of the heat. Among other machines wliich manifest the existence of this destructive influence, fire-engines are particularly liable to dilapidation : sometimes satured with water, and then exposed to parching dryness — laid by unheeded until required for use — no wonder they are so often found unserviceable. To obviate the serious inconvenience arising from this cause, and to render the fire engine, as far as possible, proof against the effects of climate, Mr. W, J. Til- ley, engine-maker, Blackfriars-road, London, has constructed afire-engine entirely of metal, of which fig. 1 is a side, and fig. 2 an end- view. The same letters of reference apply to both drawings. a a a are three cast iron standards, fixed upon a quadrangular floor or framework 6 h, of the same material, cc is the main axis walk- ing in brass bushes on the tops of a a. dd are the two brass cylinders or pumps, e is the air- vessel, of copper ; / is the suction-pipe ; and g the delivery pipe. A chamber h contains the suction-valves, the delivery-valves being placed in a similar chamber i in front of the cylinders, k k are the handles, made of sheet- iron rolled up, which, by means of the cross- levers, impart alternate motions to the pistons. The pistons are attached by slings to a pro- jecting-arm on the axis c, the parallelism of the pistons being preserved by guide-rods in the usual manner. I is the fore-carriage. The whole is mounted on four cast iron wheels, and has rather a light and elegant appearance. In the construction of his engine not a par- ticle of wood is employed ; the valves, the pistons, and, in fact, every part is of metal. This ensine exhibits, in a very pleasing manner, the situation of all the working parts which, in fire engines of the ordinary kind, are enclosed from view ; but a most important advantage consists in the facility with which any little derangement in the machine^ can be seen and remerlied. The valves, which are almost (he only parts liable to get out of order can he got at immediately, as it is only ne- cessary to unscrew and remove the cover of the valve chambers, to examine and repair any obstruction in this part of the tnachine. The durability of this description of fire- engine, and its fitness for all foreign stations, especially in hot climates, must be so great, that for such services 1 have no doubt they will in time supersede all other engines con- structed of so perishable and uncertain a material as wood. I remain. Sir, Yours respectfully, Wm. Baddeley. DESCRIPTION OF A PORTABLE PRINTING PRESS. 29 of simplicity, cheapness, and portability; er, as the hand, be applied at A, so as to and having succeeded therein to the utmost bring B A into the position B A' (B A' be- extc-nt of my expectations, the following^ ing drawn at right angles to B D), it is plain, description may perhaps notbe unacceptable that the effect will be to bring B C and C D to your readers. I shall first explain the into the same straight line, and, consequently, principle I have employed, and then describe to depress D. the construction by which I have endea- To calculate the relation that subsists be- voured to adapt that principle to the purpose tween the power applied at A and the ulti- required. n>ate force exerted at D, produce D C to E, ABC, fig. 1, is a lever, bent into a right and let fall B E perpendicular thereto, angle at B, at which point it moves on an Now, calling the forces at A, C, and axis as a fulcrum. To the extremity, C, a D, P, P', and W, respectively, we have, p : P':: BE : B A (i) and P' : w: : B D : D E Or, substituting in the second analogy the equivalent of the ratio, B D t D E, P': w:: rad : cosbdc (2) Wherefore, compounding (1) and (2), and calling rad = 1, P : w:: BE : B A* cos B D C (3) Now, by trigonometry, B E = B C * sin B C E = B C • sin (B D C C B D) =:BC (sinBDC- cos C B D cos B D C • sin C B D). Hence, substituting in (3), P : W:: B C (sin B D C* cos C B D -1- cos B DC - sin C BD) : B A’ cos B D C. And dividing by B C’ cos B D C, „ . P : W: : (tan B D c- cos C B D + sin C B D) : BC BA Or, P : W :: (tan B D CH- tan C B D) cosC B D „ _ _ ® C 1 Finally, P : W '.t g (tan B D C + tan C B D) cos C B D- • (4) We see hence, that P being constant, W varies as a function of the C B D, B D C, viz. as, (tan B D C + tan C B dTcos C B D angles 30 DESIDERATUM IN MODERN PRINTING PRESSES SUPPLIED. Let us examine, tlierefore, what change takes place in this expression in conse- quence of a diminution of the angle ABA' by B A being depressed. We observe, then, that the denominator consists of two factors, of which the first (being the sum of the tan- gents of two angles, each of which is less than a right angle), decreases without limit, and becomes— O when B A coincides with B A'. The remaining factor, on the other hand, increases with the diminution of the angle ABA'; but its increase is limited by unity, which value it reaches when ABA' vanishes. Therefore, the value to which the expression approximates as ABA' de- creases, is 1, or ; and, consequently, the ratio ofP:W continually approximates to that of -g that is, the power applied at A, exerts at D, by the diminution of the an- gle A B A', a continually increasing force ; and this increase is without limit, for by sufficiently diminishing this angle, the force at D may be made greater than any that can be assigned. We have here, however, made no allow- ance for friction, and the imperfect rigidity of the materials employed ; and it is found in practice that these causes set bounds to the increased referred to long ere the attainment of such a force as that just mentioned. The latter of these causes, moreover, renders the exertion of some degree of power necessary to release the lever BA from its position after the pressure has been given. It is, therefore, found expedient not to reduce the angle ABA. below a value of from 3*^ to 5*^ ; and to seek any further degree of force that may be necessary by other means. An examination of the formula in (4) shows that this is to be done either by increasing P or bv diminishing the ratio of BCtoBAandCD. It is considered a desideratum in all mo- dern printing-presses that the same power shall exert a continually increasing force and as we have seen that the principle de- monstrated above furnishes us with such a force, it is evident, that if vve can apply it pro- perly it is suitable for our purpose. I pro- ceed, therefore, to describe the press I have * The reason of this is, that in order to aiford room for the necessary motions and adjustments, the platten requires to move through a consider- able space. This condition cannot be ihlfilled by any ordinary combination of levers (or any other of the mechanical powers) without, at same time, making' it needful for the motive-power to pass through a space inconveniently great. Now, by such an arrangement as the above, in which the advantage gained is least when the platten meets with no resistance to its descent, and reaches its maximum only when the platten comes in contact with the face of the types, a greater space is on the Avhole described by the platten than would be the case were the force uniform throughout, and equal to that which is required to produce an impression. constructed, premising, that it is on a very small scale (just sufficient to print an octavo page), yet large enough to test the accura- cy of the principle, A,fig. 2, isa strong frame of wood, 21 inches long, 9 broad, and 4 deep, to which are attached, by means of screws, and a bolt which goes completely through (he frame, and is fastented with a nut on the opposite side, the two cheeks B B. These cheeks are of wrought-iron, I| inches broad, and fths thick. They are connected at top by a strong iron bar, the ends of which are fixed into mortices in the cheeks. This bar is at the ends about the same breadth and thick- ness as the checks, but increases in thickness towards the middle for the purpose of al- lowing to be rivetted to it two pieces, C, between which, upon an axis passing through them, the lever D E moves. Another ob- ject served by the thickening of the connect- ing bar is to allow of the insertion of a screw Q, of which the part that projects under the bar, and with w'hich the prolongation of the lever D C comes in contact, by being length- ened or shortened has the effect of regulat- ing the pressure to be given, according to the nature of the matter. An iron plate is screwed to the under surface of the lever D E, to which the piece F, also of iron, I inch broad and fths thick, is rivetted. To the lower extremity of the piece F a bar G, fths of an inch broad and fth thick, is at- tached by a rule-joint. G is united at the other end by a similar joint to a plate H, which is screwed to the top of the platten The lengths of F and G, reckoning from the centres of motion, are and 3^ inches, respectively. The platten is of wood, 1| inch thick, having screwed to its under sur- face a plate of cast-iron, ground very flat ; and is preserved in its position, and confined to move parallel to itself, by guides K K, which pass through grooves in the cheeks, having just room enough to move freely without shake. These guides are of the form shown in fig. 3 ; and it is necessary to observe in regard to them, that the parts which pass through the cheeks must be so adjusted as to height, that a line drawn through the centre of motion at H, parrallel to the surface of the platten, §ha1l pass through a point in each, equally distant from the top and bottom. If this be neglected, these parts will be strained and liable to be twisted. L is a box, 10 inches long and 8^ broad, which answers the purposes of chase and carriage. The sides are 1 inch thick ; such a degree of strength as is thus acquired being necessary to resist the pres- sure created in loching up the matter. Its depth is adjusted to type height ; and the bottom is about half an inch thick. It slides upon the frame A, being confined by a rim, about half an inch high, which goes round 31 EMPLOYMENT OF THE LEVER FOR WORKING THE PRESS. the latter ; and it is drawn from under the platten by a small knob, represented at O IVI is the tympan, and N the jrisket, attached to the box in the usual manner. P is the inlciny -table ^ composed of a plate of cast- iron, imbedded in a frame of wood. It is fixed to the frame A by two thumb-screws. When not in use these screws are with- drawn, and the table turned round and pushed into a groove fitted to receive it, where it is again secured by the same screws. At A is a drawer for holding furniture, &c. At E is a weight to raise the platten after the pressure has been given, and keep it suspended. The part D C, of the lever D E, should be of such a length, as, when brought into a horizontal position, not to extend beyond the end of the frame A ; otherwise, when a heavy pressure is applied atD, the whole will be liable to be overturned. In the present case, D C is 16 inches long. . The height of the cheeks B B should be such that the requisite pressure may be given a little before D E comes into a horizontal position. Any small error in this respect may be rectified by either plan- ing down, or pasting folds of paper upon the bottom of the box L. It will be observed, that the object gained by the employment of a lever, in the position described above, for working the press, is portability, as in any other position olf the lever the press would require to be fixed. The mode of operation of this press will now, I believe, be tolerably clear ; yet, to prevent misconception, I shall endeavour briefly to describe it. We shall suppose the matter locked up in the chase, or box, L, and the inking-tahle secured in its proper situation for working. The first thing to be done is, 'to put a little ink upon the table. Having distributed this equally vvith the roller, the workman lifts the tympan and frisket, and passes the roller over the face of the types in the usual manner. A piece of paper is then put upon the tympan, and this, together with the frisket, turned down upon the types The box is now pushed under the platten, and the lever pulled down till brought to a stop by the screw A. The lever is again raised, and the box withdrawn by the knob O. This process is to be repeat- ed till the number of impressions required are obtained. Resuming the expression (4), and fig. 1, we find the following value of W, BA 1 W = P X X B C (tan B D C -I- tan C B D) cos C B D. BA 16 32 Now, here = — — — = 10-66, and we BC 3 may^jassume for P what we please, ^’he last factor, therefore, is the only variable one, and its valuation depends solely on that of the angle C B D, or A B A . the other angle , B D C, being a function of this, and of the sides, B C, CD, which are given, and equal to 1^ and 3^ respectively. If, there fore, we wish to ktiow the actual power of this press, and also the increase of power consequent upon a diminution of the angle A B A or C B D, we shall have to sub- stitute in the above expression the values of BA P and for these quantities, and like- BC wise to give successive value to C B D. The results will be the values of W, or the power exerted by the press, for each particular value of the angle CBD ; and the differences of these results will be the in' crease corresponding to each diminution of that angle respectively. However, as W varies,/or the same value of C B D, directly as P, it is evident, that if we call P, 1 pound, we shall be able, simply by multi- plying the value of W, obtained on that supposition by any number assumed for P, to find the value of W corresponding to that value of P. Calling P 1 pound, then, and B A substituting for its BC value, the expression becomes, 1066 W= (tan B D C + tan C B D) cos CBD. The following table exhibits, in the first column, a few assumed values of the angle CBD, decreasing by 5®, except in the last case, where the decrease is only 2° ; in the second, the value of W corresponding to these values of C B D, when p 1 pound ; and in the third, the increase of the power per cent., consequent upon each diminution of the aforesaid angle. Values of CBD Values of W. in Pounds. Increase Per Cent. 250 18-03 20® 22*14 22* 8 15® 29*07 31* 3 100 42*16 45*03 5® 85-61 103- 3 3" 226*18 164* 2 &c. &c. &c. We here see that while when, C B D is 25®, a diminution of 5® occasions in an in- crease in the value of W of22’8 percent.; a diminution of only 2®, when C B D is 5®, occasions an increase in that value of no less than 164.2 per cent. Also, if we desire to know the absolute power of the press when CALCULATING MACHINE— COOKING BY GAS P is, say 20 pounds, and the angle C B D, 3®, we find 226-18 20 = .4523-6 pounds. There are, as has been already stated, certain deductions to be made from the results in the second column, on account of friction and the imperfect rigidity of materi- als ; and these deductions increase as we diminish the angle C B D. Since, however, they may be indefinitely reduced by careful construction, it is unnecessary to calculate them, if indeed that were possible. 1 have said that the performance of his press answers may expectations ; I send you some specimens, that you may judge for yourself. I am, Sir, Your obedient servant, Q- Aberdeen, July 10, 1835. [The “ specimen”s which our ingenious correspondent has been so good as to send us of his, do it great credit- We have seldom the good fortune to see swch proofs. There is one — a portrait in wood of Eras- mus while reading — which is particularly good. — Ed. M. M.] CALCULATING MACHINE -ANO- THER RIVAL TO MR. BABBAGE. Sir, — Having seen some notices in the pub- lic f)apers of calculating machines invented at home aad abroad, I think it right to state that I have myself invented one, which is exceed- ingly simple, and might be made at the same expense as a common clock or time-piece. I can find the IQ power of ti»e 9 digits in about twenty minutes ; in fact, Addition, Subtrac- tion, Multiplication, Division, the Rule of Three, Involution, Evolution, and a few other rule.s, may be worked with despatch and facility. The parts of ray machine do not re- quire such a critical adaptation, nor are they so liable to get out of order, as those of Mr. Babbage’s machine ; they may be made by any ingenious mechanic, and worked by any way- faring man, though a fool. 1 remain Sir, your humble servant, J. S. Hoi L.A.ND. Three, Colt-Street, Limehouse. The Bude Light is a name given by Mr. Gurney (of steam-carriage abortion celebrity) toa new light which he. has discovered, and so named, after his new place of residence in Cornwall. It is obtained by directing a stream of oxy hydrogen gas on a quantity of pounded egg-shells. The light is represented to be 140 times greater than any of those now employed in lighthouses — so intense, indeed, that Mr. G. lately stated to the House of Commons Committee on Lighthouses, “ his belief that it would he possible to make his light, by certain management, point out the precise si- tuation of a coast beacon to a ship three or four miles at sea, under circumstances of a fog so dense that no other light — not even that of the sun — could penetrate it to any distance I COOKING BY GAS. — If any of your long list of readers are smitten with the desire of diffusing use- ful knowledge, and are in possession of the I ^^ak, they will thank me for affording them, an opportunity of indulging that laudable and fashionable propensity. A gas-work has been lately erected in the town, pd we are trying to make the heat given out in its combustion available for culinary pur- posses, or, in humbler phrase, to make it boil pots and kettles. We have tried the effect of an apparatus recommended in the fifteenth volume of your Magazine, page 344, and find it answer tolerably well. It consists of nothing more than a cylinder of thin sheet iron, twelve inches high, six inches wide at the bottom, and three at the top ; the bot- tom is open, and the top is covered with a piece of fine wire gauze (forty-six threads in the inch), bound tightly over it by a brass ring. The gas pipe being carried two inches up the cylinder, the gas gets mixed with common air in it, and they ascend together through the gauze, and are set fire to at the top. The result of many experiments made with this machine, and with a larger one of a similar nature (but five inches in diameter at the top) seems to be, that two quarts of water, in a common copper tea-kettle, will be boiled, by the application of three feet of gas, whether burnt at the rate of ten or of twenty feet in the hour. Now, as our price is 12s. 6d- a thousand feet, the expense is only a half penny, and therefore we may be said to be already in possession of the valuable secret of making the pot boil. But, if any of your readers, as I said before, can put us up to a better plan, we shall be much obliged to them. I am, &c. M, P. Hitcliin, May, 7, 1835. P- S. — I may add, that our gas is of re- markable purity and brilliance, and pleases all eyes, without offending any nose. The works were built by Mr. West, of Durham, under the superintendence of Mr. Lowe. — lUech. Mag. HOWARD’S VAPOUR ENGINE. The Nautilus has arrived at Falmouth with latters from Lisbon of the 11th. The Comet, which had left Lisbon on the 8th, was obliged to put back w ith her machinery out of order. The plates immediately in contact with the heated quicksilver had burst, and rendered her manageable. The mew invention has there- fore, so far failed ; 'but it is to have another trial. — T'imcs. ENGLISH SILVER ORE. There was sold last week, at the Bank of England, the largest mass of English silver ever received into that establishment. I's weight was 5741 oz., and its value upwards of 1,5000/. It was the produce af a mine in the eastern part of Cornw'all, at wdneh ores containing from 500 to 10i)0 oz. per ton of ore not unfrequently raised. REVIEW OF WORKS ON SCIENCE AND JOURNAL OF FOREIGN SCIENCE AND THE ARTS. EMBRACING MINERALOGY, GEOLOGY, NATURAL HISTORY, PHYSICS, &c. REVIEW. THE JOURNAL OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL, EDITED BY JAS. PRINSEP, ESQ. F. R. S. SEC. AS. SOC. HON. MEM. AS. SOC. PARIS, COR. MEM. ZOOL. SOC. LONDON AND OF THE ROYAL SOC. MARSEILLES. VOL. IV. JANUARY TO DEC. 1835. CALCUTTA BAFT. MISSION PRESS, 1835. Although upon the first publication of our Journal, it professed to embrace subjects purely medical, we have yet, from time to time, been led to the introduction of other scientific matter, which may in the opinion we fear of some of our contemporaries be deviating from the original intention of the work, inas- much as it was not in connection with the simple acquisition of medical intelligence. '1 his was, in fact, but experimental. We felt sure that general science could not be without interest to men whose peculiar education had afforded them decided advantages for the prosecution of scientific studies; while we hoped that the intrinsic value of our Journal would not be lessened in their opinion, by becoming the channel of instruction, as well as of amusement, to all. There can be no just reason why a work which commences on one specific subject, should not be extend- ed to others, provided it can be shewn that any good is likely to ensue from the exten- sion. In this consideration we increased its pages by inserting extracts from works of Scientific repute, and have found—what we looked to find— the encouraging result of an increasing subscription list, without the with- drawal of support for having so ventured to wander from what would have been strictly speaking, the more proper and immediate ob. jects of the India Journal of Medical Science. To guard against further misconception the Medical Journal, as must now be per- ceived, is wholly distinct. The advantage of combining the Journal of Foreign Science with it is, that in their present united form, they are got up at a less expeiice than they would be were they supplied seperately, and we are enabled from the peculiar Regulations of the Post Office to send both to our sub- scribers free of additional post office charges. The perusal of a periodical merely pro- fessional, could afford but a meagre and very limited interest. But in allotting a space for other matter, we have the prospect of com- bining knowledge and recreation ; and while we endeavour to spread out a repast adapted to all astes, we reckon on the indulgence and good feeling of our Brethren whom we would serve with our best ability, for granting us a con- tinuance of their suffrages in the performance. Having thus explained our intentions, we shall now reduce our professions to practice, and commence our review with a notice of the Asiatic Journal for the past year, Tliis work is published in nos. monthly, and edited by Mr. Jas. Prinsep, a gentleman eminently qualified to maintain its celebrity and sustain its pretensions, side by side, with the literary productions of Europe, where amongst the learned, it has long passed current, and been received as standard. It touches upon all subjects of Indian research, embracing his- tory, geology, statistics, religion, literature, geography, numismatics, &c. and opens to us a vast range of investigation on every one of these points. Before entering, however, on a critical examination of the contents, which from the limited space we can afford, must necessarily be continued from No. to No.,— we shall pause to remark upon the conduct of Government, in withholding its patronage, its fund, and support from the Society, 34 ORIENTAL LITERATURE ILLUSTRATES CUSTOxMS & MANNERS. for the exclusive purpose of European education, to the manifest detriment, if not tile ruin, of oriental literature. In the month of April, it appears, fiom the pro- ceedings of the Society, that the Secretary (Mr. J. Prinsep) submitted to ittiie necessity of a respectful remonstrance against the Government decree in question ; which being drawn up in the ensuing month, was ac- cordingly forwarded on the 3d of June. In answer to this, Mr. Secretary Bushby, under date the 10th of the same month replies, that Government refers the Society to the Com- mittee of Public Instructions for its general views on the subject of the address. That owing to financial difficulties, it declines ap- plication to the Court of Directors for “spe- cific pecuniary aid in furtherance of native literature,” and that it resolves to disconti- nue the printing of oriental works, (literary) from “ a great portion of the limited educa- tion fund having hitherto been expended on similar publications,” which in its estimation has served for little else than “to accumu- late stores of waste paper!” but at the same time it is willing to make over to the Asiatic, or any other Society those parts already print- ed, if there is any anxiety for their possession. Such is the purport of the Government letter respecting oriental lore, in 1836! When the Consul Mummius sacked the Grecian city, he designated in his ignorance of their value the most precious specimens of painting and sculpture, as mere waste lumber. J’he cases are to our judgment nearly parrallel. As however it would be altogether foreign to our purpose to enter into discussions of this na- ture, we shall content ourselves with re- marking that, taken in its intellectual sense, a more unhappy measure never emanated from the resolutions of this Government. Up to the period of which we are speaking. Government, whatever its errors elsewhere, had been invariably the munificent patron of every thing tending to our illumination in the acquirement of Indian intelligence. Is it to be reserved for a reforming age, and a Go- vernment professing to be ‘ liberal,’ to throw’ us back upon the obscurity of ignorance I We readily admit the great importance of education in the European languages, but w’e never can allow that there is nothing of value in oriental literature for it does indisputably (end to illustrate the topography of the coun- try, and the manners and the customs of the people. In the symbolic language of Eastern nations are to be found the [)hilosophic and mythologic reveries of all the existing sects and secret societies. Bacon conceived that the union of spirit and matter was allegoriz- ed in the fable of Proserpine being seized by Plato asshe was gathering flowers. In this opinion Darwin concurred, because it was rendered curiously exact by the discovery that oxygen is given out of vegetables, and that in this state it is eagerly absorbed 1 y in- flammable bodies ; he supposed that the fable of Jupiter and Juno, by whose meeting the vernal showers were said to be produced, was merely to pouitray the production of water by the combination of its two elements. The inference to be drawn from these allusions is obvious, that valuable matter is to be found though it must be sought for amidst a mass of superstition and fable. That the Court of Di. rectors came to the same conclusion on the value of oriental literature, the following ad- dressed to the Su preme Government will prove. FORT WILLIAM, Public Department, June 19, 180G. The following Extracts from Letters from the Honorable the Court of Directors, are published for general information: Extracts from a Letter from the Honorable the Court of Directors, dated the 25th of May , 1798 Par. 105. “ You will have observed by our dispatches from time to time, that we have invarially manifested, as the occasion required, pur disposition for the encourage- ment of Indian literature; we understood, it has been of late years a frequent practice among our servants, especially in Bengal, to make collections of oriental manuscripts, many of which have afterwards been brought into this country. 1 hese remaining in pri- vate hands, and being likely in a course of time to pay itto others, in which probably no use can be made of them, they are in danger of being neglected, and at length in a great measure lost to Europe, as w'ell as to India. W e think this issue a matter of greater regret, because we apprehend, that since the decline of the Mogul En.pire, the encouragement formerly given in it to Persian literature has ceased, that hardly any new works of cele- brity appear, and that few copies of books of established character are now made ; so that there being by the accidents of time, and the exportation of many of the best manu- scripts, a progressive dimunition of the origi- nal stock ; Hindostan may at length be much thinned of its literary stores, without greatly enriching Europe. To prevent in part this injury to letters, we have thought that the Institution of a Public Repository in this country for oriental writings, would be use- ful, and that a thing professedly of this kind, CRf riClSM OF SCIENTIFIC WORKS USEFUL. 35 is still a bibliothical desideratum here. It is not ourmeaning (hat the Company should go into any considerable expense in forming a collection of Eastern books, but we think the India House might, with particular pro- priety, be the centre of an ample accumula- tion of that nature, and conceiving also that gentlemen might chuse to lodge valuable compositions, where they could be safely pre- served and become useful to the public; we therefore desire it be made known, that we are willing to allot a suitable apartment for the purpose of an Oriental Repository, in the additional buildings now erecting in Leaden- hall Street, and that ail Eastern manuscripts transmitted to that Repository, will be care- iully preserved and registered there. 106. “ By such a collection, the literature of Persian and Mahomedan India, may be preserved in this country, after, perhaps, it shall, from further changes, and the further declension of taste for it, be partly lost in its originalseats. 107. “ Nor would we confine this collec- tion to Persian and Arabian manuscripts. The Sanscrit writings, from the long subjec- tion of the Hindoos to a foreign Government, from the discouragements their literature in consequence experienced, and from the ra- vages of time, must have suffered greatly; we should be glad, therefore, that copies of all the valuable books which remain in that language, or in any ancient dialects of the Hindoos might, through the industry of indi- viduals, at length be placed in safety in this Island, and form a part of the proposed col- lection.” Extract from a Letter from the Honorable the Court of Directors, dated the 5th of June, 1805. Par. 26. “In our public letter of the 25th of May, 1798, paragraphs 105,106, and 107, we informed you, of our willingness to allot apartments for the purpose of our Ori- ental Repository in the additional buildings then erecting in Leadenhal 1-Street, and that all Eastern manuscripts transmitted to that llepcsiiory, would be carefully preserved and registered there.” 28. “ We have now to inform you, that the apartments for the Oriental Library, be- ing completed according to our intentions, have been placed under the charge of Mr. Charles Wilkins, formerly ofour civil service in Bengal, and that a considerable number of manuscripts, and printed books upon oriental subjects, with objects of natural history and curiosity, have already been placed in it, among which are many valuable presents from individuals and public bodies in this country.” 29. “ As our original views in establish- ing this Library, have by no means been abandoned, and we still entertain hopes, that the invitation held out to individuals in India, in the above-mentioned paragraphs, would be successful, if properly seconded by our Su- preme Government, we again refer you to them, and desire, that the subject may be en- tered into with alacri'ty and zeal.”* The present Vol. of the Journal begins with a few introductory observations by the Editor. He informs us that this is the 4th, if taken separately, and 7tb year if the Glean- ings in Science are included, of the work’s existence in its present form. He exhibits what he deems a “ satisfactory” aspect of the Society’s financial concerns; and proceeds to comment in strong, but measured terms on the conduct of Government in with- drawing its support. He balances this by what he terms the “sunny side of the picttrre,” with some few appointments by which the Government has given employment to half a dozen individuals (more or less) which he regards as liberal and praise- w-orthy. We do not altogether coincide in that opinion excepting the instances of M. Massion and the Munshee Mohun Lol. Government has had a direct prospect of advantage in the appointments it has created, and even in the case of the two firs^, as their labors lay without the Company’s dominions, whence much was to be gleaned which might even- tually be turned to use, we are disposed to find some reservation to the integrity of its munificence. We do not mean to cavil at the appointments, because a Government cannot do wrong in legitimately using the talents ofable men ; but when the object is its own ultimate advantage, we look on it, not as an act of disinterested generosity, but of fair 'payment far labor done, wherein both parties seek what they would gain, with a clear understanding of the motive on either side. We must now conclude these remarks from want of further space, only adding that on one other point we disagree with the learned Editor. It is wherein he observes. — “ Ciiiicism of scientific works published in India has indeed been neglected, and that during a period when the press has been un- usually prolific. 1 his department of labour, as far as regards the bringing to public no- tice new woi ks has been amply fulfilled by the daily press ; and beyond this it would be hardly safe to extend the province of cri- ticism in this country, where the Editor can- not conceal his own fallibility under the dis- guise ofan anonymous review.” That the press has done and is manfully doing its duty we willingly allow; but we are unable to perceive why in this country it is “hardly safe” to extend the province of cri- ticism, because our “ fallibility cannot be concealed under an anonymous disguise” nosv in the first place we have yet to learn Calcutta Gazette. 36 RECENT DISCOVERIES OF METEORIC STONES & MINERAL WATERS. the necessity for concealment at all. In the next, we cannot understand the danger of fearlessly expressing our opinions on sub- jects properly open to discussion, especially if we divest ourselves of rancour in the mode of expressing them. In the field of criti- cism there are very few who do not find out their “ fallibility,” and probably none, who in advancing speculative judgments, can hope to escape from controversy. This, hovv- ever, should not be of force to deter us. Though our attempts may prove short of in- fallibility, there is yet this use in urging them, that we thereby draw forth the opinions of others, and we have been told by our great moralist, that it is only by “ much emenda- tion that the truth is elicited.” The Contents of the January No . are — 1. Analysis of a Tibetan Medicine, by M. Alexander Csoma de Kbrbs. 2. Journal of a Tour through Rambree, with a geological sketch of the country, and brief account of the customs, &c. of its Inha- bitanls. By Lieut. Wm. Foley. 3. Description of the (so called ) mountain Trout. By Dr. J. McClelland, Assistant Surgeon 30th N. 1 . 4. Discovery of the genuine Tea Plant in upper Assam. 5. Abs : meteorol. Observations Nasi- rabad, by Lieut. -Col. Thos. Oliver. 6. Longitude of Nasirabad, by Lunar- transits and by Observers, of Moon, culmi- nating Stars. By Lieut. -Col. I . Oliver, 7. Pi’oceedingsof the Assiatic Society. 8. Miscellaneous. 1. Explanation of the diffei-ences in the quantity of rain at different elevations. 2. An unusual sea monster in the Bay. 3. Suspension of the Brahmaputra River. 9. Meteorological Register. From which we propose to make our re- view and selections in our next publication. ON RECENT IMPROVEMENTS AND DISCOVERIES IN SCIENCE. METEORIC SrONF.S. According to HoA'ath Stromeyer, copper exists in all meteoric mas=ses. He examined specimens from Agram, Lenarto, Elbogen, Bitburgh, Gotha, Siberia, Louisana, Brazil, Buenos Ayres, and the Cape of Good Hope, and found'inallof them an appreciable quanti- ty of copper, varying from O’l to ()’‘2 per cent., and he came to the conclusion that the presence of this metal must be considered as constant a character of these substances as are the nickel and cobalt, which are found in greaL er proportion, (Ann. der Physik, xxvii. 689.) Berzelius appears to have entirely overlook- ed this metal, in meteoric stones, for. in the analysis of a mass from Macedonia, he found Silica 39'5G, Protoxide of iron 13-83, Pero- xide of iron 5'00, 18-83, Alumina 2-70, Oxide of chromiuni O'SO, Lime 1-86, Magnesia 26 30, Oxide of Nickel O' 10, Oxide of manganese 2. 40, Potash 2.08, Soda 1.2N Total 95-53. {Kongal. Vetensk, A'cad. Hand. 1828, 1.56.) H. Stromeyer e famined a mass found at Magdebourg in 1831, the specific gravity of which was 7.3^b ard its constituents. Iron 74-6.5, Molybdenum 10-19, Copper4-32, Cobalt 3-07, Nickel 1-23, Manganese O-Ol, Arsenic 247, Phosphorus 2 27, Sulphur 92, Silicon 39, Carbon 48, Total 10 OOO, Another body found near the Iron Works of Rothehutte, in the Hartz, afforded. Iron 81* 14, Molybdenum LOS, Copper 7-69, Cobalt Nickel 2-40, Manganese O'll, Arsenic 1-82, Phosphorus '81, Sulphur *62, Silicon 194, Carbon -69, Calcium -29, Total 98,62. (Ann. des Mines, v. 568.) EAINE. — Hermann,* of Moscow, examin- ed a substance termed inflammable snow, which fell on the 11th April 1832, thirteen versts from Wolokalraask, and covered a considerable space of ground, to the depth of 1 to 2 inches. Colour, wine-yellow, transpa- rent ; soft and elastic, like gum ;, I’l ; smelling like ranced oil; burns with a blue flame, without smoke; insoluble in cold water ; soluble in boiling water, upon which it swims ; soluble in boiling alcohol ; dissolves also in carbonate of soda, and acids separate from the solution a yellow viscid substance, soluble in cold alcohol, and which contains a peculiar acid. Analyzed by oxide of copper, it gave Carbon 61-.5, Hydrogen 7'0, Oxygen 31 -5, Total lOifO Hermann calls it Eaine, signifying oil of heaven. MINERAL— WATERS. 1. SALINE SP RINGS. -Boussingault has observed numerous springs of this nature among the Andes, with iodine in solution, and has remarked that the inhabitants who em- ployed the water of such springs for domestic purposes were free from goitre, a disease ex- tremely prevalent in the elevated parts of South America. They appear indiscriminate- ly in the ancient and modern strata. The most remarkable are those of Guaca, near Medellia, in Antioquia, where the water pro- ceeds from a micacious syenite, covered oc- casionally by quartzose sandstone, contain- ing layers of pyritic lignite. At the village of Samson, on the Rio Negro, there is a spring which contains so much glauber salt thatit is little used. It consists of Chloride of sodium 43, Sulphate of soda 53, Carbonate of soda 10, Carbonate of lime 3-0, Jodine a trace 1. The district of Vega de Supia contains many saline springs. The principal rock is syenitic porphyry, which possesses traces of iodine. Five wells hold in solution the fol- lowing substances : — * Poog. Ann. xxviii. 568. DYSLUITE DISCOVEUED BY AMERICAN MINERALOGISTS. 37 Chloride of sodium . . . , Chloride of calcium... Chloride of macjnesium. Sulphate of soda Sulphate of lime Carbonate of soda Carbonate of lime Carbonate of magnesia Iodine Penol. M uela. Ciruela Mogan. Quinchia 81- 65- 59- 59- 83- 9- 0- 14- 0- 0- I- 0- 14* 0- 0- 0- 31- 0- 37- 9. 9- 0- 13- 0- 0. 0* 4- 0- 1- 0- 0* 5- 0* 2- 8- 0- 0- 0' 1- 0- trace trace trace trace trace 1-00 1-05 1-00 1-00 I -00 The valley of Magdalena possesses some iodine waters, and that of Cauca a great num - ber. On the plain of Mira is situated the base of the volcano of iCotoraxo. This plain is co- vered with sand and common salt, which is most probably derived from the subjacent trachyte, a rock containing glassy felspar imbedded in a basis of pyroxen. WATE 11 OF SONGR AGNE. - The tem- perature of this water is 7^'" C. (4 )g° F.) The soring is situated 706 metres (770§ yards) above the Mediterranean, and arises from a sandstone covered by secondary limestone. 'J'he salts present with their water of crystalli- zation are, according to Berther,t Sulphate of soda 12'22, Sulphate of lime 5 85, Sul- phate of magnesia 4’6S, Chloride of potas- sium 2’37, Chloride of sodium 74'88. Total lOO’OO no trace of bromine or iodine could be 3. SOULTZ, — This water has a specific gravity of 1‘2884, and contains Chloride of magnesium lo'84, Chloride of calcium G’19, Chloride of sodium 10 94, Chloride of potas- sium 2 08, Bromide of sodium 0’50, Total 35-55, II. ACIDULOUS WATERS.-I. Ue- berlingen on the borders of Lake Constance, possesses a copious acidulous spring, which has a temperature 1 to 12°, and a density of 1*0;>2, containing in the pound of 16 ounces, the following substances, by the analysis of Herberger- {Journ. de Pharm. xix. 192., Carbonic acid 266 6, cubic inches Azote 43-3) Proto-carbonate of iron 41'424, grams. Proto- carbonate of manganese 3-936, Sub-carbonate of soda 14-()00, Sulphate of soda 39'0l), Chlo- ride of calcium 30-280, Chloride of magne- sium !9-9'20, Matter containing azote 32-600, Carbonate of lime 88'52'), Alumina 6 000, Silica 32-001), Total 360‘880. _ The ochry substance which it deposits con- sists of Hydrous protoxide of iron 75-70, Oxide of manganese 00-3(>, Extractive mat- ter OO'fiO, Carbonate of lime 13‘ 45, Carbonate of magnesia 2’93, Silica and alumina 7'00, Total 100-00. ^ This water is employed as a tonic, 2. CRAMAUX.— Its temperature is 4° 5' C. (40° V F.) 24 litres (l|galls.) analyzed by Lamothet afforded Carbonic acid g vol. Car- bonate of iron 50 gr. Sulphate of iron 12, Car- bonate of lime 48, Sulphate of lime 24, Muri- ate of lime 48, Muriate of potash 48, Sulphate of magnesia 7, Animal matter 3, Total 240, 3. ACIDULOUS WATER OF C AM- BON.—M. Blondeau, {Journal de Pharm, xxi. 674 ) finds this water, which is situated in the department of Cantal, in a clay slate formation to contain Bi-rarbonate of soda, Carbonate of magnesia, Carbonate of lime, Sulphate of soda. Chloride of sodium. Carbo- nic acid, Traces of organic matter. HI. HOT SPRINGS. -In the neighbour- hood of the volcanoes of the Cordilleras, ac- cording to Boussingault, the temperature of thermal springs does not diminish with the altitude, from which it would appear, that the heat is derived from internal fires. They contain carbonates of lime and magnesia, chlorides of calcium, and sodium, sulphates of soda, lime, magnesia, traces of silica, car- bonic acid, and sulphuretted hydrogen gases, (Ann. de Chim. 52. 181.) IV. SULPHUREOUS WATERS.— WATERS OF ST. GENIS. -Professor Lavini procured from a litre (6TU2 cubic inches) of this water, 19 5 cubic centimetres, (LI? cubic inch) of carbonic acid, 5 (O'S cubic inch) sulphuretted hydrogen, and 17'5(1.05 cubic inch) of azote, and the following solid contents in the same volume of water : Silica 0 0254 grams. Peroxide of iron 0-{j066, Alumina 0-0(H5, Carbonate of lime O-0535, Iodide of sodium O' 0136, Sulphate, of soda, 0‘0l5I, Carbonate of soda 0-2733, Chloride of sodium 2- 1034, Total 2-4924. St. Genis is situated in Piedmont, about 4 leagues to the East of I'urin. 'I'he tempera- ture of the water is 5° R. (4i l°iF.) {Me- morie della Reale Accademia, delle Scienze di Torino, xxxvi. 19.) Records of Science 1835. ON DYSLUTfE. By Thomas Thomson, M, D., F. R. S., &c. Regieus Professor of Chemistry in the Univer' sity of Glasgoiv. The mineral of which I mean to give an account in this paper, was sent to me at least seven years ago, by Ur. Torrey of New York; and some years after, I received a fresh supply from Mr. Nuthall. Dr. Torrey informed me in his letter, that it had been discovered by two American Mineralogists, (I think they were Mr Keating and Mr. Vanuxem ; though of this I am not quite + Memoirs. 313. I Journ. de Pharm. xix. 49*2- 38 DYSLUITE A NEW MINERAL OF A CURIOUS NATURE. sure, as I have not Dr. Torrey’s letter at liaml,) who gave it the name of dysluite from its difficult fusibility with carbouateof soda, and who were engaged in analyzing it. Tliis information prevented me from doing any thing more than giving it a cursory examina- tion, which satisfied me that dysluite was a new mineral of rather a curious nature, and highly deserving the attention of mineralo- gists. Being unwilling to deprive the Ameri- can mineralogists of the credit which might accrue to them fiom the analysis, T cautious- ly abstained from alluding to it, in a paper on the analysis of American IVIinerals, published in the Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York in the year 1828. But six years having elapsed since that period, and no analysis nor notice of dysluite having appeared in the interval, I take it for granted, that the American gentlemen have relinquish- ed their intention of prosecuting the analysis, and that, therefore, 1 ought no longer to withhold the knowledge of tins cuiious miner- al from mineralogists. Dysluite occurs at Stirling, New Jersey, interspersed through a dark coloured lime- stone, and immediately mixed with crystals of octahedral iron ore and several other minerals, which it is unnecessary to describe here. I obtained it by dissolving the limestone in muriatic acid, and picking out the crystals of dysluite from the other crystals and grains with which it was mixed. Colour yellowish brown, sometimes lighter, sometimes darker. In grains varying from the. size of a mustard seed , r.o that of a pea ; most of them crystallized in regular octahedrons. Texture foliated. Lustre of the faces of cleavage splendent, resinous, the faces of the crystals are frequently rough and have little lustre ; easily frangible ; hardness 4.5 j spe- cific gravity 4’551. Before the blowpipe assumes a red colour but does not fuse, on cooling it resumes its natural colour and appearance. When heat- ed on charcoal it becomes darker but does not melt. With carbonate of soda it does not fuse; but the soda while in fusion appears red, on cooling it resumes its white colour. With biphosphate of soda it does pot fuse. The flux while in fusion assumes a fine red colour ; when it becomes solid, the colour changes to yellow ; and when quite cold, it resumes its usual colours and transparency, the assay remaining unaltered in the centre. With borax it dissolves very slowdy. The bead is transparent and has a very deep gar- net red colour. I. To determine the component parts of this mineral, 100 grains of it were reduced to a very fine powder, and heated for an hour in a platinum crucible with thrice the weight of anhydrous carbonate of soda. 'I he mixture had been fused, and when cold had a fine green colour, indicating the presence of man- ganese in the mineral. On digesting the fused mass in muriatic acid, 67 grains of the mineral remained undecomposed. This residue was again fused with thrice its weight of carbonate of soda, and kept for an hour in a strong red heat; the fused mass was similar to the former. Being digested in mnriatic acid, 33 grains of the mineral still remained undecomposed. These 33 grains being terated with thrice their weight of carbonate of soda as before, the whole dissolved in muriatic acid, except a few flocks ; which being heated a fourth time with carbonate of soda, and the mixture di- gested in muriatic acid, a complete solution was obtained. 2, 'File solution in muriatic acid had a strong yellowish red colour, shewing that the mineral contained much peroxide of iron. They were all mixed together and evaporated to dryness in a porcelain dish. 3, The dry mass, which had a yellow colour, was digested for an hour in water, acidulated with muriatic acid, and then pas- sed through a filter. There remained on the filter a white powder, which, being washed, dried .and ignited, weighed 2 grains ; dried by the blow- pipe, it melted with effervescence into a transparent colourless glass with car- bonate of soda, and was not soluble in acids. It was, therefore, silica. 4, The liquid which had passed through the filter, together with the washings, was eva- porated down to a manageable quantity. It was then neutralized and precipitated by caustic ammonia, added in excess. The whole was thrown on a filter, and the yel- lowish red residue on the filter well, washed. The colourless liquid which passed through the filter was concentrated on the sand-bath, partly to drive off the exces.s of ammonia, and partly to reduce it to a manageable quantity ; during the concentration wiiite flocks fell. The quantity of this precipitate was much in- creased on adding carbonate of soda to the liquid. I’his precipitate was collected on a filter, washed and dried. It possessed the following properties : (1.) When heated to redness, it became yellow, but resumed its white colour on cooling. (2.) Soluble in sulphuric, nitric and muri- atic acids. The solutions colourless; and when neuiral, possessed the peculiar taste which characterizes the salts of zinc. (3.) The nitric acid solution precipitated in white flocks by caustic ammonia, re-dissolved by an excess of the precipitant. ■ (4.) Precipitated in white flocksby cau'^tic potash, and re-dissolved by an excess of the precipitant. (5.) Precipitated in white flocks by the alkaline carbonates, and not re-dissolved by an exce.'s of the precipitant. (6.) J’he sulphuric acid solution being cautiously evaporated, yielded transparent white crystals in four-sided prisms, almost rectanglar, and easily recognizeable as sul- phate of zinc. It is obvious that the powder thu.s obtained was oxide of zinc, To the liquid from which this precipitate had been obtained, oxalate of ammonia was added, and the liquid concentrated. In this way an additional precipitate was slowly ob- tained, which was oxalate of zinc. All these precipitates being collected and exposed to a strong red heat, left 16.8 grains of oxide of zinc. AND DESERVING THE ATTENTION OF IMINEIIALOGISTS. 39 5. The red precipitate collected on the filter, (in paragraph 4) was well washed, and while still moist, dissolved in muriatic acid. This solution was mixed with a great excess of caustic potash, and boiled for two hours in a porcelain vessel ; the whole w'as then passed through a filter. The liquid which passed through was colourless ; the matter remaining on the filter was dark red. 6. The potash solution which thus passed through the filter, together with the washings of the filter, wasevaporated to dryness in ra- ther a strong heat, and the dry residue being mixed with water, was digested (in the cold) in muriatic acid. Awhile powder remained undissolved, which, being separated and ig- nited, weighed 13.04 grains. It possessed the following characters. (1.) When heated before the blow-pipe with nitrate of cobalt, it assumed a beautiful blue colour. (2.) It dissolved by heat in sulphuric acid, and the solution being mixed with a solution of sulphate of ammonia, yielded crystals of alum. The powder then was alumina. 7. The muriatic acid solution being super- saturated with carbonate of ammonia, white precipitate fell, which being separated and ig- nited, possessed the characters of alumina, and weighed 17.45 grains. Thus, the whole alunina extracted from the mineral was 30.49 grains. 8. The dark red precipitate which was col- lected on the filter (in paragraphs) being dried and ignited, weighed 50’53 grains, 9. It was digested in muriatic acid. The whole dissolved except a white powder weighing 0-996 grains. It was silica slightly impregnated with iron. 10. The muriatic acid solution was mixed with carbonate of ammonia till it was render- ed as neutral as possible ; indeed a few flocks had precipitated. It was then heated in a flask. Carbonic acid gas escaped in abun- dance, and the whole peroxide of iron was precipitated. 'I’he whole was thrown on a filter, the oxide of iron was collected on the filter and washed ; the colourless solution which passed through being mixed with car- boiiate of ammoi\ia, a white'precipitatee fell, which became brown by strong ignition, and possessed the character of oxide of’ manganese. It was equivalent to 7*76 grains of protoxide of manganese. 11. I'he peroxide of iron remaining on the filter being dried and ignited, weighed 41 ‘774 grains. From the preceding analysis the constituents of dysluite appear to be Atoms. Alumina 30*490 13-55 8* Oxide of zinc 16-800 3-2 1*89 Peroxide of iron 41*774 8*38 4-6 -Protoxide of manganese. 7-760 1-69 1- Silica 2*996 1*498 0 88 Water 0-400 10012 If we admit the silica to be only an acci- dental mixture, it is evident that dysluite con- sist ot 8 atoms alumina 2 ,, oxide of zinc 5 ,, peroxide of iron 1 ,, protoxide of manganese. The alumina obviously acts the part of an acid, as it does in spinell, automolite, sap- phirine, and candite. But in all of these, several atoms of alumina unite with one of the basis, which are manganese and peroxide of iron. But dysluite is composed of simple alu- minates, the formulaexhihiiing its constitution, being 5/ Al. X 2 Z Al. X mn Al. It is worthy of remark, that the crystalline from of dysluite is tlie regular octahedron, the same from which spinell and all the other crystallized minerals, in which alumina acts the part of an acid, assume. A'ofe. — d'he four minerals mentioned, in which alumina acts the part of an acid in union with a base, have their composition represented by the following formulae, as de- duced from analyses made in the laboratory at Glasgow. 1 Spinelle, Sp. Gr. 3-5-23 M Al.‘ 2 Sapphirine ,, 3 4-28 2 M Al.*^ -f MS 3 Candite ,, 3*617 8 Al A 1 .2 4* 5/Al.« i 4 Automalie ,, 4 261 Z Al.* To which may be added Chry- soveryl „ 3*711 GGl. A1.*4-/A1 .Ti Records of Science 1835. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. Fon 1834, PART II. (Continued from p, 20.) II. INTENSITY NECESSARY FOR ELECTROLYZATION, -In this part of the paper the author demonstrates tliat by producing a current by the action of sulphuric acid upon amalgamated zinc in one vessel, passing it through acid in a second vessel by platinunn electrodes, a current may pass for a long period, but may be of so low an intensi- ty, as to fall below that degrea at which the elements of water una.ssisted by any auxiliary force capable ot forming a combination with the matter of electrodes, separated from each other. He found that a solution of sulphate of soda can conduct a current of electricity in- capable of decomposing the neutral salt pre- sent ; that _ this salt, in a state of so- lution, requires a particular intensity for the separation of its elements, and that the requi- site intensity is superior to that necessary for the decomposition of iodide of potassium likewise m solution, Fu.sed chloride of lead can also conduct a current having an intensi- ty below that required to effect decomposition. Fused chloride of silver is decomposed by a* similar current. A drop of water and fused nitre conducted a current without decompo- sition, It appears, farther, that the necessa- ly electrolytic intensity for water, is the same whether it be pure, or rendered a belter conductor by the addition of acids, for the power of acids, alkalies, salts, and other bodies in solution to increase conducting power, appears to hold good only where the 40 EXPERIMEN'I’S BY FARADAY LEADING TO IMPORTANT RESULTS. electrolyte through which the current passes undergoes decomposition. Currents of electricity produced by less than eight or ten series of voltaic elements can be reduced to that intensity at which water can conduct them without suffering de- composition, by causing them to pass through three or four vessels, in which water shall be successively interposed between platinum sur- faces. 'This subject is worthy of prosecution, in order to enable us to arrange electrolytes in the order of their electrolytic intensities. In terminating this portion of his paper, the au- thor observes, in relation to intensity general- ly, that when a voltaic current is produced, having a certain intensity dependant upon the strength of the chemical affinities by which that current is excited, it can decompose a pai'ticular electrolyte without relation to the quantity of electricity passed, the descompo- sition of the electrolyte being pioduced, if the intensity is too high. If this be confirmed, then w'e may arrange matters so that the same quantity of electricity may pass in the same time into the same decomposing body, in the same state, and yet differ in intensity, decomposing in one case, and in the other not. III. VOLTAIC BATTERY.-From the principles laid down, it is evident that the quantity of electricity in the current cannot be increased by multiplying the quantity of metal oxidized ; a single pair of plates, throwing as much electricity into the form of a current, by the oxidation of 32’5 grs. of zinc as would be produced by increasing the quantity of oxidized metal a thousand times. For the action in each cell is not to increase the quantity set in motion in any one cell, but to assist in urging that quantity forward, and in this manner, the intensity, is increased with- out affecting the quantity ,heyon.d what is pro- portionate to the zinc oxidized in any single cell of the series. Ten pairs of amalgama- ted zinc and platinum plates, when acted upon by sulphuric acid, pioduced such a quantity of gas as to prove that just as much electrici- ty, and no more, had passed through the series often pairs ofplates, as had been transmitted through or would have been put in motion by any single pair, notwithstanding the consump- tion of ten times the quantity of zinc. All these facts tend to shew that the act of decomposi- tion opposes a certain obstruction to the pas- sage of the electric current, and that this op- posing force is overcome in proportion to the intensity of the decomposing current. When ordinary zinc is used in a voltaic pile, the waste of power is very great, for 3^ ounces of zinc, properly oxidized, can circulate a cur- rent capable of decomposing nearly an ounce of water, and of evolving 2400 cubic inches of hydrogen. This waste, however, is greater with common zinc than with the pure metal, for, when common zinc is acted upon by dilute sulphuric acid, portions of copper, lead, cadmium, are set free on its surface, and form small but active voltaic circles, which act ap- parently on the zinc surface, but, in reality, upon those accidental metals. This effect is removed by employing amalgamated zinc plates, which afford the full equivalent of electricity for the oxydation of a ceilain quantity of zinc, but are active only when the electrodes are connecterl. This im- provement in the voltaic battery is of great importance, for effects of decomposition can now be obtained with ten pairs of plates, which formerly required 500 or 1000 pairs of plates. Dr. Faraday conceives that in further improving the battery, plates of plati- num or silyermay very likely be used instead of copper, in order to avoid the occasional so- lution of the copper, and its precipitation on the zinc. IV. RESISTANCE OF ELECTRO- LYTES TO ELECTROLYTIC ACTION. —By interposing a platinum plate, and adding sulphuric acid to a pair of zinc and platinum plates, the current was completely stopped, by requiring it to decompose water, and evolve both its elements before it should pass. 'J he same effect almost was produced when two pairs of plates were used, and one interposed plate. But, in the case of three pairs of plates, a current was induced which passed an interposed platinum plate, but was stopped by two. The current originated by four pairs of plates was also obstructed by two interposed platinum plates. Five pairs of zinc and pla- tinum, with two interposed platinum plates, yielded a feeble current. Six voltaic plates, and four intervening platinum plates, induced a feeble current. The effects of retardation were altered when a variety was made in the nature of the liquid employed between the plates, niti ic acid appearing to increase the in- tensity of the current, muriatic acid transmit- ting a current more easily than pure sulphuric acid. Increasing the strength of the sulphuric acid caused no change in the effect. On varying the nature of the interposed plate, it was found that with one voltaic pair and one interposed zinc plate, as powerful a current was induced as if the interposed zinc plates was absent. With two amalgamated zinc plates there was still a powerful current, but some obstruction oocuied. On using three intermediate zinc plates, there was still further retardation, though a good current o/ electricity passed. Plates of copper seemed at first to occasion no obstruction, but after a few minutes the current almost entirely ceased. All these retarding effects exhibit most dis- tinctly the chemical relations and source of the current, and add to the evidence of the identity of the two. V- REMARKS ON THE VOLTAIC BAITERY. — The action of the battery is weakened by the formation during its activity of substances which may even tend to produce a countercurrent. In an experiment made by Faraday, the retardation of the current was obviously referable to the state of the film of fluid in contact with the zinc plate, the acid of the film being instantly neutralized by the oxide formed. A secoud cause of diminution in the force of the voltaic battery, is, that extraordinary state of the surfaces of the metals described by Ritter, which causes them to oppose the pas- sing current. The author directs, 1st. That w^eak and exhausted charges should never be used at the ^lil^MlCAL DECOMPOSITION FROM ELECTRICITY OF THE TORPEDO. 41 same time with strong and fresh ones, in the difterent cells of a trough, or the different troughs of a battery, because, the plates in the weaker cells retard the progress of the elec- tricity originating in the stronger cells. 2d. The associating of strong and weak pairs of plates should be avoided, as one part is apt to act an interposing plate. 3d. Reversing tin plates, either by accident or otherwise, has an injurious effect, by oppo- sing tlie current in a manner similar to inter- posed plates of platinum. For, in a series of four pairs of zinc and platinum plates, in dilute sulphuric acid, if one pair be reversed it almost neutralizes the power of the whole. Other causes affect the passage of the elec- trical curient, and there is one especially of common occurrence, viz : when the copper is precipitated upon the zinc in the cells. OBSERVATIONS ON TORPEDO. By Dr. Davy. Dr. Davy's paper on the Torpedo oculata and diversicolor, termed indiscriminately by the Maltese, Hnddayla, contains some ex- peiimentson the electricity of these species of animals, which establish the anticipation of Faraday, that by the application of Harris’s electrometer to the torpedo, the evolution of heat would be observed. In his experiments detailed in a former volume of the Transac- tions, it was demonstrated that the electricity of the torpedo is capable of acting like voltaic electricity in effecting chenrical decomposi- tions. He enumerates at present all the tests or indications of the electricity of the torpedo now known, which are, 1st, the philosophi- cal effect, as the sensation it imparts is some- times calls : 2d, the chemical precipitation of iodine, the decomposition of water, &c. : 3d, its effect on the thermometer, galvanometer, and on steel in the spiral. 'I'hese tests are in point of delicacy, in the order in which they are enu- merated- Dr. Davy has been unsuccessful in his attempts to elicit a spark from the torpedo, although it has been said that a spark has been obtained fiom the Gymnotns electricus. With regard to the seat of the electrical power, it appears that when the brain has been divided longitudinally, the fish has con- tinued to give shocks. When the brain w'as completely removed the fish instantly lost this power. Humboldt stated that a shock may be procured by touching only one surface of the fish, but Davy finds that it is necessary to touch the opposite surface of the electrical organs, or a conductor or conductors connec- ted w'ith them, before a shock can be received. On some occasions a shock was received when only one surface was appar- enlly touched, but in that case the discharge probably took place through the water, and when one surface is touched, the animal instinctively makes an effort to bring the other surface in contact with the offending body, ^ There appears, however, to be no connexion between the rnuscular and electrical power. 1 wo views may be taken of the phenomenon. It may be considered either, 1st, a form or variety of common electricity; or 2d, a distinct kind ; or 3d, not a single power, but a combination of many powers. The first opinion is supported by Dr. Faraday, The only objection to it is the interruption of the torpedinal electricity by the smallest quantity of air, and its want of the power and attrac- tion of the air, which affords some foundation for the second idea. The origin of the electricity of the fish may also be urged as an argument for its specific nature, but without much plausibi- lity, because, we are ignorant of its cause and nature. The third opinion may serve as a guide for more minute investigation. The author suggests that other varieties of electri- city may owe their effects to the union of several powers, or ethereal fluids, and their peculiarities to the predominance, in various degrees, of these fluids. Dr. Davy found the skin covering the electrical organs, deeper coloured and thicker than below, more vas- cular, with stronger muscles, and more mucus, the under surface having a greater supply of cutaneous nerves, and a blood-ves- sel enlarged into a little bulb, situated one on each side of the porta, below the plexus of nerves supplying the pectoral fin, the use of which may be to propel the blood into the pectoral fin and electrical organ. EXPERIMENTS ON THE VELOCITY OF ELECTRICITY. By Mr. VVheatstone. The only remaining paper connected with electricity, in this portion of the Transactions, consists of an account of experiments by Mr, VVheatstone, on the velocity and duration of electric light. In 1747 Dr. Watson found discharges through a circuit, of four miles in extent, two miles through wire and two through the ground, to be apparently simul- taneous. Mr. Wheatstone repeated a similar experiment, substituting for the imperfect j udgment of the eye, a revolving mirror. This instrument revolved 800 times in a second, and during this time the image of a stationary point would describe 1600 circles; the elon- gation of a spark through half a degree, a quantity obviously visible, and equal to one inch seen at the distance of 10 feet, would therefore indicate that it exists the 1,152,000th part of a second. The deviation of half a degree between the two extreme sparks, the wire being half a mile in length, would indicate a velocity of 576,000 miles in a second. This estimation is on the supposition that the elec- tricity passes from one end of the wire to the other: if, however, that two fluids in one theory, or the disturbances of equilibrium in the other, travel simultaneously from the two ends of the wire, the velocity measured will be half that in the former case, or 288,000 miles in a second. The greatest elongation of the sparks was 24°, indicating a duration of about the 24,000th part of a second. The general conclusions wdiich the author draws from his experiments are, 1st. The velocity of electricity through a copper wire exceeds that of light through the planetary space. 2d. The disturbance of electric equilibrium, in a wire communicating at its extremities with two coatings of a charged jar, travels with 42 THE EFFICIENCY OF PADDLE WHEELS WHEN DEEPLY IMMERSED. equal velocity from the two ends of the wire, and occurs latest in the middle of the circuit 3d, The light of electricity in a state of high tension, has a less duration than the millionth part of a second. 4th, 'I’he eye is capable of perceiving objects distinctly which are pre- sented to it during the same small interval of time. PHYSICS, &c. Mr. Hamilton’s paper on a general me- thod in Dynamics is a most elaborate one. He shews that in the method for- merly employed to develope the laws of motion, the determination of the motion of a free point in space, depends on the integra- tion of three equations, in the ordinary differ- entials of the second order, and the determi- nation- of the motions of a system of free points attracting or repelling one another, depends on the integration of a system of such equations, in number threefold the number of the attracting or repelling points, unless we previously diminish by unity this latter number, by considering only relative motions. Mr. Hamilton’s method is to reduce the problem to the search and differentiation of a single function, which satisfies two partial differential equations of the first order, and of the second degree, and every other dynamical problem respecting the motions of any system, however r?umerous, is reduced, in like manner, to the study of one central function. THEORY OF CLAIRAUT. IMr. Ivory demonstrates that the beautiful theoiy of Clairaut, which assumes for the foundation of its superstructure, a mass of fluid in equilibrium, and that the pressure of every new stratum upon the surface of which it is laid, is caused solely by the forces in action at that surface, is very satisfactory when no cause of motion emanates from the fluid itself, and all theforces in action depend merely on the place of a particle, but is de- fective w'heu applied to fluids consisting of particles that act upon one another by attrac- tion or repulsion Clairaut having omitted to attend to the attraction of the stratum, which is not infinitely little in its effect upon the motion of a particle, and is expressed by the difference of two definite integrals. The correction of Clairaut’s theory is very impor- tant ; because, to him belongs an essential part of the theory of the earth, and he was the first that entertained correct notions respect- ing the effect to alter the form of the terra- queous globe, produced by heterogeneity in its structure. In the theory of the French philosopher, tire equations of the upper sur- face of the fluid, and of all the level surfaces underneath it, are derived from the single expression of the hydrostatic pressure, and are dependant on the differential equation of the surface. They require, therefore, that this latter equation be determinate and explicitly given ; and accordingly, they are sutficient to solve the problem, where the forces are known al- gebraical expressions of the co-ordinalcs of the points of action, but they are not suffici- 'ent when the forces are not explicitly given, but depend as they do in the case of a homo- geneous planet on the assumed figure of the fluid. In the latter case, the solution of the problem requires farther, that the equations be brought to a determinate for,r), by elimi- nating all that varieswith the unknown figure of the fluid. The author establishes a theory on the subject, applies it to the principal problems ofthe equilibrium of a homogeneous fluid at liberty, and demonstrates that the figure of equilibrium of a homogeneous planet can be no other than an oblate elliptical spheroid of revolution. ON THE EFFICIENCY OF PADDLE WHEELS. Mr. Barlow draws the following inferences from the results of various experiments made to determine the efficiency of paddle-wheels of steam-boats, so constructed as to make the floats enter and leave the water nearly in a vertical position, as compared with common wheels, and with relation to the consumption of fuel ; 1. When the wheel is but slightly immersed, little advantage is gained by the vertically acting paddle; 2. When deeply immersed, the vertical paddle has considera- ble advantage over the common wheel. 3. When the position of the common wheel is vertical, it affords less resistance to the engine, and is less effective than in any part of its revolution, which is exactly reversed in the case of the new wheel. 4. In any wheel, the larger the paddles the less is the loss of power; because, the velocity of the wheel is not required to exceed that of the vessel in so high a degree, in order to acquire the resistance necessary to propel the vessel. 5. With the same boat and the same wheel no advantage is gained by reducing the pad- dle so as to bring out, as it is called, the full power of the engine, the effect produced being merely to increase the speed of the wheel, and consume steam to no purpose. 6. With the same boat and the same wheel the speed will be increased by diminishing the diameter, or by reefing the paddles, the in- crease of speed being in the ratio of the square roots of the radii, or the cube roots of the pow- ers employed. This is important in long voy- ages, where the immersion of paddles is great, in consequence of the quantity of the coals with which steam vessels are required to be laden. An increase of speed will be given, amounting to nearly one mile per hour, by reducing the diameter of the wheel so as to allow the engine to perform its full duty. 7. An advantage would be gained by a wheel of large diameter, as far as the immer- sion of the paddle produced by loading the vessel is concerned, as it would not so sen- sibly affect the angle of inclination at which it euiered the water. But, to have large wheels, it is necessary either to have the engines made with long strokes, or to have the paddle-wheel on a different shaft, in order to diminish the speed. SOURCES OF MOTION AND SENSATION. 43 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Sir Charles Bell, in his paper on the brain begins by enumerating some of the impedi- ments which have retarded the discovery of tbe structure and functions of that organ. 1. The nature of the inquiry, since opposite re- sults must be expected in making investiga- tion upon a subject so delicate, In practice, we find effects produced by causes which seem quite inadequate. The presence of a small specula of bone will sometimes be attended by no consequence, and at other times will give rise to violent convulsions. 2. The disturbance of its circulation, for no organ depends more intimately upon the condition of the circulation within it than the brain. 3. The most frequent source of error is the obscurity which hangs over the subject, for not one of the grand divisions of the brain has yet been distinguished by its function. Hence have arisen imaginary theories which always tend to bury a science in obscurity. The present inquiries of the author are directed to the prosecution of the fact discovered by himself, that the nerves of motion and sensation originate from different sources. He follows up these tracts ; marks the portion of the brain to which they ulti- mately tend ; ascertains the effect of diseases on these parts, and compares the system with the anatomical details. The consequences which he has drawn from this investigation are : 1st, that sensibility and motion belong to the cerebrum : 2d, that two columns descend from each hemisphere, one of which the anterior, gives origin to the anterior spiral roots of the spinal nerves, and is dedica- ted to voluntary motion ; the other sends out the posterior roots of the spinal nerves, and the sensitive root of the fifth nerve, and is the column for sensation : 3d, that the columns of motion which come from different sides of the cerebrum, join and decussate in the me- dulla oblongata, and that the columns of sensation also join and decussate in the me- dulla oblongata : 4th, that these anterior and posterior columns bear,in every circumstance, a very close resemblance to one another, agreeing in their sensorial expansions, being widely extended in their hemispheres, and in every respect, except in the nervous fila- ments to which they give origin. The anatomical descriptions are illustra- ted by drawings, which will be found parti- cularly serviceable in unravelling, as far as anatomy can at present carry us, some of the intricacies of the cerebral organ. The pons varolii, we observe, in an especial manner, has received much attention from the distin- guished author. ON THE GENERATION OF THE MARSUPIAL ANIMALS. By R. Owen, Esq. The generation of Marsupial animals, which constitute a distinct tribe of mammalia, of which the kangaroo and opossum are the principal members, has hitherto been invol- ved in much obscurity. But Mr. Owen, who has been fortunate enough to have it in his power to examine the gravid uterus of a kan. garoo, has observed some important facts; The genera of this tribe are characterized by possessing a double uterus, and the true vagi- na is separated either wholly, or for a consi- derable extent, into lateral canals, while the digestive and generative tubes both terminate within a common cloacal outlet. In these respects, therefore, they approach the ovi- parous verterbrata. The foetus examined by the author was contained in the left uterus. No placental structure could be observed. The chorion was very thin. A transparent amnios enveloped this foetus. 3'he umbilical chord was two inches in length ; the uterus two inches in length, and above an inch in diameter. No perceptible trace of an allan- tois or urinary bladder could be detected ; but in another foetus two weeks old, a ura- chus was defected. The author concludes from the observations of others, coupled with his own, that the ovulum quits the ovisac as in ordinary mammalia. In the kangaroo uterine gestation continues 39 days ; in the opossum 26 days. The former has been de- termined with certainty in the Zoological Gardens, and therefore, overturns the state- ment of Hilaire, who made the period 4 months. With regard to the relation between the size of the umbilical vesicle, the least vascu- lar placenta and a corresponding simplicity of brain, it appears that in the kangaroo, al- though shortly after birth the brain resembles in structure that of the lowest vertebrata, yet it afterwards assumes a more complex form than that of the opossums or dasyures. The individuals of the marsupial tribe seem low in intelligence, never manifesting any sign of recognition of their keepers or feeders, and being unable to utter vocalized sounds. When they are irritated they emit a wheezing or snar- ling guttural sound, the necessary apparatus for producing vocalized sounds being absent. In this respect they resemble the repiilia. In the author’s communication on the ornithorhyncus paradoxus, this idea of simila- rity and that lactation might co-exist wiilt a mode of generation essentially similar to that of the viper and salamander is fully confirm- ed. The regular gradation is traced which exists in different orders of mammalia, in which true viviparous or placental generation takes place, towards the ovo-viviparous or oviparous modes, in which the exterior co- vering of the ovum never becomes vascular. The ornithorhyncus is shewn to constitute a connecting link in the chain. Both of these papers are accompanied by plates. ON THE STRUCTURE AND FUNC- TIONS OF TUBULUR AND CELLU- LAR POLYPI AND OF ASCIDI^. By J. Lister, Esquire. Mr. Lister has observed the existence of currents within some zoophytes.* In the * The use of this term has been much rebro- bated by Lamark, but notwithstanding- his cen- sure it still continues to be employed by many distinguished naturalists ; and it is sufficiently expressive of a class of beings whose nature is Still involved in great obscurity. — Edit. 44 ON THE VALUE OF GYPSUM IN AGRICULTURE. Tubularia indiviss, a current of particles was seen within its tube, which, in its com- bined and steady flow, resembled the circula- tion in plants of the genus chara. I'he general course of the stream was parallel to the slightly spiral lines of irregular spots on the tube. Between tlie stomach and the mouth a remaikable action was observed. The mouth became swollen by a flow into it frorn the stomach, which continued for about a minute. The contents of the mouth were then squeezed back into the stomach, and during this reflux the connecting orifice was seen distinctly open, and it continued so till the stomach became nearly empty. The orifice then closed gradually, preparatory to the effort of forcing the fluid back to the stomach. 'J’wo currents were continually going on both in the mouth and stomach, one flowing down the sides and an opposite one in the axis. These observations were made by a micros- cope which magnified 100 times, and drawings were taken by a camera lucida slid over the eye piece. In the Sertularia pluina Ellis, a current was observed flowing in the channel back- wards and forwards throuoh the main stem and lateral branches of a pluma, and might be compared to the running of sand in an hour glass, five ebbs and flows occupying J5j minutes. When the connexion of a plume with the root was interrupted by ben- ding its stem, the stream running down the middle was observed to continue its flow up one of the lower and stronger lateral branch- es, and then to return down that branch and up the main stem. The section of a stem made below the commencement of the side branches exhibited a small stream apparently follow- ed by viscid matter. Cavolini first observed this, but no subsequent writer has noticed it. In Sertularia vumila, an irregular mo- tion was noticed in the stomach and mouth, and likewise, but not distinctly, in S setacea, dichoma, and in species of Cainpanularia. In a small Ascidia occurring on the con- ferva elongata, circulation was observed through the transparent coat, the particles of the blood not exceeding •00025 inch in dia- meter. The blood enters the heart from the peduncle, the ventricle contracts in the mid- dle and drives the fluid into the branchial or- gan, and into a network of vessels over the stomach and intestines. After the circula- tion has gone on for a while, the pulsations become fainter and gradually cease when the current is reversed. A Polyclinum exhibited also internal motions. In Cellularia and Flustra none of the in- ternal currents which in the sertuleriae con- nect the different parts of the zoophyte were observed, nor was any circulation detected. Each animal is enclosed in its cell, and sends out its mouth and arms through a valve. A short sheath precedes them, from whence the arms rise straight together, and then open to a funnel-shaped figure of beautiful regularity, serving probably to draw food to the mouth by currents. Between the animals of these genera no line of distinction could be detected. From these physiological observations, correc- tions may be brought about of the arrangement of many species. The Cerialaria lendigera he removes from the CertnLaritc nniX the Angaina- ria angtdna from the Tubnlaricz to the Celia- Inr polypi. ON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM OF THE SPHYNX LIGUSTRI. Bv G. Newton, Esq. In the paper of Mr. Newport, a minute de- tail is given of the nervous system of the Sj)hynx ligmtri during the latter stages of its pupa and imago states, and on the means by which its developement is effected. During the passage of the insect from the larva to the pupa state, the gauglia and nervous cords un- dergo great changes both in their form and situation, and likewise in their number ; and after these changes have been carried to a cer- tain extent, they are suspended for several weeks, during which the insect hybernates. At the end of this period the changes again proceed. The insect remains in the pupa state about 43 weeks, and during this period the concentration of tlie nervous system pro- ceeds to a much greater extent. The author describes the double origin and connexions of the nerves distributed to the w'ings, the object of which appears to be, toestablish a harmony of action between the wings in those insects es- pecially, which are remarkable for velocity and power ofsight, a different structure being adopted in those which fly with less regularity or speed. A pueumogastric nerve or par vagum is de- scribed, which is distributed to the organs of digestion and respiration. The author like- wise notices lateral cephalic ganglia, which may be regarded as auxiliary brains, and a sympathetic nerve; besides a set of nerves which appear to correspond with the respira- tory nerves of vertebrated animals. The primary longitudinal nervous cords of insects are shown to consist of two tracts, the one situated over the other, corresponding to the two columnsofwhich thespinal cord consists in vertebrated animals ; the one forms the seat of sensation, and the other of motion. The same observation has also been made upon the lobster. Scorpion, ^nd Scolopendra, and in several insects, as the Gryllus viridissimiis, the Carabus, and Papiliourticae. Such are the principal papers of which this portion of the Philosophical Transactions consist. The substance of Mr. Powell’s paper, with additions, is inserted in a preced- ing part of this Journal. It is rather remark- able, that with the exception of a short notice of a mineral water, there is no purely chemi- cal paper contained in it.— Records of Gene- ral Science 1835, EMPLOYMENT OF GYPSUM IN AGllICULTURE. Gypsum has been employed in Switzer- land, Germany, England, and North America for many years as a manure, but it was only brought into use in France about forty years ago. At present it is very generally used in that country, with the exception of the de- partments of Gard and Herault, (Ann, des Mines, vi, 193.) liNTERESTING PAPER ON THE THEORIES OF LIGHT. 45 For Ihe purposes of agriculture it is some- times calcined, which deprives it of its water of crystallization, which in the hydrous gypsum amounts to 2 atoms, d'his preparation is at- tended to in France, where the expense of the process is less than in other countries. In England, Germany , &c. it is generally em- ployed in the crude state. The effect which calcination produces, is to render the gypsum more rapid in its operation, though the benefi- cial effects are less durable. In France it is burned in a kind of limekiln by means of coal, after being reduced to powder. It can be obtained in this state in Gard, for oneshilling the llOlbs. avoird., and it costs double the expense in Alais. Extensive na- tural deposits occur in England in the neigh- bourhood of the Humber, from whence it is brouglitto Glasgow and Manchester for the useofthe bleachers, who now employ it in considerable quantities. Its purity may be negatively tested by vinegar, which, if it causes no effervescence, .shews that there is no carbo- nate of lime present. If it swells up when water is thrown on it, and then assumes con- sistence, it is a sign that it has been properly calcined. The best plaster will absorb the greatest quantity of water. It is chiefly on artificial meadows that we observe the best effects from its application, more especially on clover, lucern, sainfoin, and in general on the leguminous tribe of plants possessing large and thick leaves. It has a powerful effect also upon natural meadows which contain much clover, vetches, and other analogous plants; but upon the grasses the effect of gypsum is trifling. It acts, according to M. Thibaud, by extracting the moisture from the air, and stimulating the vital action of plants. It sometimes doubles the product of clover, lucern, and sainfoin. In France it is sowed like corn with the hand, about March or April when the plants are a few inches above the soil, so as to allow the gypsum to fall on the leaves. It should be done previous to rain, but not during the fall of rain, or the exis- tence of wind, or during frost. The quantity of gypsum applied to the land must vary of course with the nature of the soil. In the course of fifteen or twenty days the good effects resulting from its use are visible, if circumstances have been favourable. The benefits of one application last for two or three years, so that it is unnecessary to spread it every year. In Gard and Heraults ainfoin is principally cultivated for pasture, and seems to thrive well in dry soils, especially in stony calcareous situations. About Alais, for the cultivation of this plant in artificial meadows, the ground is first ploughed in November, then again in December, and the seed is sown in tlie beginning of April. In Provence and in the southern parts of Languedoc, where the effects of frost are less dreaded, it is sown in autumn. The sainfoin thus cultivated in inferior soil affords one or two crops in the year, and lasts for four or six years ; then it is ploughed up and corn is substituted for it. It is worthy of remark, that lands which previously could not pro- duce corn, has, by the use of gypsum in the manner described, been able to raise good crops in the midland parts of France, The agriculturists of Alais may procure gypsum from Anduze, Salle, Rochebelle, and Blana- ves. 'I’o Drome it may be carried fiom Gard and Ardeche. At Heraultit may be otbained at Cruzy, Quarante, Calzouls, Ilerepain, Beziers, Clermont, Loubes, and Lodeve. It is extensively employed in Canada with the most happy results. It was tried in York- shire by Lord Dundas without any benefit, but the soil upon which it was spread was as- certained to contain a quantity of gypsum. It might be employed, there can belittle doubt, with great advantage in the border counties, where the trifolium pratense has in many places failed. 'J’his plant necessarily from itsstrong and luxuriant nature, obviously must require a considerable quantity oftiie manure. If it be deficient in quantity the plants may vegetate, but must speedily perish from the effect of the first frost on their deli- cate structures. ROYAL INSTITUTION.— COMPARI- SON OF THE NEWTONIAN AND UNDULATORY THEORIES OF LIGHT. 30t/t January, Dr. Ritchie commenced his lecture on the two theories of light which have been advo- cated by different philosophers for many years, with a few observations with regard to the difficulty of acquiring knowledge of the subject by direct experiment, in consequence of the almost spiritual nature of the substance upon which it is necessary to operate. Newton whose opinion was long in vogue, having had his attention directed to the mo- tions of bodies, considered light as a substance consisting of revolving spherical particles is- suing from luminous bodies moving in straight lines, and producing reflection or refraction according as the extremities of the spheres, which came in contact with a denser medi- um, were sharp or obtuse. This theory re- quired certain postulates which appear, however, to be entirely gratuitous. By the undulatory theory, which is often called the theory of Huyngens, which was suggested to his mind in cosequence of his attention being- directed to the motions of the pendulum, al- though it was known before his time, light is considered to consist of the undulations of an ethereal fluid filling all space, and existing between the particles of bodies. If such a fluid does exist, we might expect that it would act in retarding the motions of the heavenly bodies. It is obvious, however, that the plants can suffer no retardation, because, inconse- quence of their revolutions, the ether will also acquire motion and be carried along with them, but in reference to the comets, which are extremely light bodies, we find a decided retardatibn, which after making all allow- ances, can only be accounted for on the sup- position of the existence of an etherial medi- um. This has been clearly proved by Sir John Herschel, in his article on light in the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana. Dr. Ritchie stated that he had only become a convert to the undulatory theory of light about two years ago, in consequence ofHerschel’s arguments, and an attentive comparison of the two theo- 46 A LEARNED DISQUISITION BY LANDSEER. ries. This ether, then, is supposed to exist in the pores of all bodies, being more dense in solid bodies than in empty space, but possess- ing less elasticity. An impulse being given it, a succession of waves is produced, precisely like sonorous vibrations which strike upon the retina and cause that membrane to move back- wards and forwards, or vibrate, as the undula- lory motions of the air, excited by sonorous bodies, occasions motions in the membrana tympani. These vibrations follow in regular succession, and according as they are more or less frequent or rapid in succession, the sensation of colour is produced. The following table exhibits the number of vibrations which are distinguishable in a se- cond, and the length of a wave : Number of vibrations. Length of a wave, 32 32 64 16 128 8 4096 3 inches. 8192 li The number of vibrations which produce the different colours of the sped rum has been calculated with wonderful precision : Red 458,000,000,000,000, Orange 506, Yellow 635, Green 577, Blue 622, Indigo 658, Violet 727. The length of a wave is ’0000266 inch, fiom which we can calculate the vibra- tions. 4’hese numbers are so enormous that one is apt to be sceptical as to their accuracy. I’heir computation is, however, extremely easy, and we are perfectly certain that they form very close approximations to the truth. By screwing two plates of glass together, the rays of light pass through the first, and are refracted by the second, and when receiv- ed on white paper, exhibit the fits of Newton, consisting of alternate light and dark colours, A happy idea struck Dr, Ritchie, on the morning previous to his lecture, that by a mo- dification of this principle, Newton's rings might be exhibited. He accordingly screwed together two \)lates of glass, divided at their margins merely by a layer of gold leaf, direct- ing the pressure upon one central point with the extremity of the screw, around which were beautifully displayed the rings as he had anti- cipated. These may be enlarged by additional pressure near their circumference. In this way these can be measured, and the above numbers deduced. Frenelle, by means of in- genious apparatus, has been enabled to exhi- bit the length of the waves, and measure them by means of a microscope. His results were the same as those given. Dr. Ritchie consi- ders that the experiments of Frenelle prove conclusively that light consists of the undu- lations of a fluid, interfering with each other and producing darkness, A further proof in favour of the theory is, that when light is passed through a small aperture, by reflexion, we have, if we place a sheet of paper opposite to the hole, alternations of red and dark colours, and M. Arago has shewn that light moves more slowly through glass than air. M. Colladon, by some very interesting experiments at the lake of Geneva, has proved that with sound as with light, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of re- flexion. Newton objected that if light, like sound, consisted of waves, sound ought to have a shadow. Now, the fact is that when sound passes very rapidly we have a kind of shadow of sound, When two tuning forks are set differently, we have one sound ascending and the other descending, affording a strong similarity to the inference of undulations. When light is polarized, as by Iceland spar, if we cause two portions to act upon the same plane, alternations of dark and light colours are obtained, shewing interference of waves ; but when these portions act at right angles no such interference takes place. When light passes through a gas, and when we examine the spectrum, we observe dark spaces, which may be occasioned by one wave interfering with another. Light from the sun does not possess polarized properties which light from a hot iron does, shewing that light is derived from the sun’s atmosphere, and not from the substance of that luminary, because, in the latter case, there would be a gradual diminu- tion of its size. A strong argument in favour of the undulatory theory is derived from a recent experiment of Mr. Faraday, who found, by the action of electricity, that as much light was given out from a copper wire in the course of a few days as could be emitted from the sun in a year, Is it possible to suppose that this enormous quantity of light existed pent up in substantial form in the wire! Dr. Ritchie gives his decided negative to such an opinion, but is inclined to infer that the light which ena- bles us to see exists within ourselves, as the heat which warms us is contained within us. A LEARNED DISQUISITION ON AN ANCIENT RELIC. By Mr. Landseer. 13t/i February, M, Landseer lead a very learned disqui- sition on a monument, of which a cast was brought to this country by Mr. Joseph Beno- mi, who has recently published travels in the East. The original of this ancient relic exists along w'ith nine others on the sea shore near th e river Lycus, two hours journey from Bayr- root. With the exception of this one of which the cast was exhibited to the meeting, by permission of Lord Prudhoe, the monu- ments are much defaced. They were probably seen by Herodotus, for he describes similar relics in Ionia. Maun- drell saw them in 1767, and describes them with great accuracy. Benomi is the only other modern traveller who has been fortunate enough to fall in with them. He, in the most praiseworthy manner, undertook the la- bour of making a cast of the most perfect one, instead of carrying off the original in the way too often practised by eastern visitors. It appears to relate to Sesostris or Rameses II., who lived, according to Dr. Pritchard, 1007 years from the commencement of the Egyptian era. The principal feature in itis the figure of a monarch, with a sceptre in one hand, and a dove in the other, of which, howe- ver, only the tail remains. The dove was the standard of the Assyrians, hence, in the Bible itis represented as an oppressor. Over the dove EXPANSION OF BODIES BY KEAT. 47 are 7 orbs, which are the seven stars, the pleiades, theSuccoth penneth, or ients of the (laughters in Scripture, called genial andexhi- ting stars, and are shedding their inHuence- over the dove, I'he face of the monarch is towards the east, and thestars are placed on the eastofthe mo- nument, rising with Aldebaran. 1 wo larger orbs represent the sun and moon, supplied with wings similar to the sculptures of Persepolis. There is still another star which is probably Venus, the morning star. Mr, Landseer from tliese and similar data, concluiies that this mo- numentwas sculptured in the time of Pelassar or Salmanassar, twenty-five centuries ago. Another monument of which a drawing by Be- nomi was exhibited, contains on its margin the hieroglyphical nameof Sesostris, identical vvith that which exists on the table of Abydos. The sculpture. represents the figure of a man holding a bow in his right hand and a battle-axe in his left, in the act of offering prisoners to a deity. Herodotus describes an Ionian monument almost identical with this. Another of themonuments observed near Sidon, relates the circumstance of Antoninus having altered the road along the coast, the former road having been at a greater elevation. In the course of his lecture, Mr La,ndseer displayed an intimate acquaintance with sa- cred and profane history, and shewed that his mind was keenly alive to the refinements of li- terature, In some of the poetic flights in which he frequently indulged, we were brought back to ancient times, when the kindly influences of the heavenly orbs pre- sided over liuman destinies, and the descrip- tions miglit have^lmost induced the sanguine to regret, that such mysterious days have pas- sed away. AN ABSTRACT OF SOME RESEAR- CHES ON THE REPULSION PRO- DUCED BETWEEN BODIES BY THE ACTION OF HEAT WITH ADDITION- AL OBSERVATIONS. By the Reverend Baden Powell, M. A., F. R. S., Savilian Professor of Geometry, Oxford. The curious point to which my attention has been directed, is one of those whi ch too generally fail in securing the attention of philosophers, from the circumstance that they belong to a class of phenomena hardly coming within the specific range of any one of the great divdsions of Science ; or rather, belonging equally to several, are but little considered in any. In the “ Records of General Science,” however, some account of them may perhaps find a place. At the meeting of the British Association at Edinbur-gh, 1 gave a short statement of the experiments which I had made : an account of them was also read before the Royal So- ciety, and is now printed in the Philosophical Transactions for 18114. But a brief outline of their nature and object may not be unaccep- table to some readers, especially as it will be essential to render intelligible the further observations I wish to add. The expansion of bodies by heat seems to imply a mutual repulsion of their particles ; and it is a question naturally suggested, whe- ther such a power of repulsion may not generally belong to heat, or be excited by it between particles or masse.s of matter at sensible as well as insensible distances. But, however obvious the suggestion of such an inquiry, it is of a nature not easy to be pur- sued or decided. The subiect has been partially investigated by Sig. Libri, and by M. M. Fresnel and Saigey ; but their researches do not appear to have been regarded as decisive, and have ever been viewed with considerable doubt ; and they are certainly dependant upon ex- periments of the most extremely delicate and difficult kind, and those of Fresnel confessedly left in an incomplete state. Recently, the inquiry has been revived by Professor Forbes of Edinburgh, who has referred to the same principle to account for the singular phenomena of certain vibrations of heated metallic bars, first noticed by Mr. Trevelyan, and since fully investigated by himself in a paper in the Edinb. Trans. vol. xii. In a different form the subject had occupied my attention before I was acquainted with Professor Forbes’s investigations ; but, on reading his paper*, a new interest attached to the inquiry, and in pursuing it, I conceive I have obtained some results which appear decisive on a question at once of importance in the analogies of physical action, and which has hitherto been regarded as at least involved in considerable uncertainty. The method 1 pursued was that of forming Newton’s rings between lenses, and apply- ing heat, w hich would afford a simple mode of deciding the question, if there be any separation of the glasses by repulsion, since it would be rendered visible by the contrac- tion of the rings. As to the error which might arise from the warding of the upper glass by the heat, it wall be evident, on a little consi- deration, that heat applied outside of either glass will tend, by the change of figure, in every case, the first instance, to diminish the angle of contact; that is, if no other cause interfere, to make the rings enlarge without altering the central tint, until the curvature become equal to that of the convex surface. I invariably found, how'ever, that/rowe the first moment the rings regularly contract, and the central tint descends in the scale till the whole vanishes. There are, how- ever, several precautions necessary to be attended to. If the glasses be more than very slightly convex, the portion of surface throughout, wffiich they approach sufficiently near for the repulsion to act, is very small. This may render the total effect far too weak to overcome the w^eight of the upper glass, or even its inertia, though placed vertically. With surfaces of such curvature as to give the first bright ring a diameter of about ()*3 inch, on placing a red hot poker a little above the glasses the effect never failed to be produced. Upon the whole, the ex- 48 REPULSION PRODUCED BETWEEN BODIES BY HEAT. perimenls, though simple in principle, cer- tainly require some care; but with all pre- cautions, and after the most careful consi- deration of all causes which can have tended to produce or etfect the result, it appears to me that the separation of the glasses through the extremely small, but finite and known -spaces, whose changes are indicted by the de- gradation of the tints, can only be due to the real action of a reptilsive power, pro- duced or excited between the surfaces of the glasses by the action of heat. There are many questions relating to the nature and properties of this repuls i’^e power, which are immediately suggested, and some of which appear capable of solution by variations of the same method. The distance at which the repulsive power can act, is shown by these experiments, to extend beyond that at which the most extreme visible order of Newton’s tints is formed. But I have also repeated the ex- periment successfully w'ith the colours formed under the base ofa prism placed upon a lens of very small convexity ; and according to the analysis of these colours given by Sir J . Uerschel, (on Light, 64,) the distance is here about the l,IU0th of an inch. Beyond these very small distances, other methods must be resorted to. But the cer- tainty of the result within these limits per- haps confirms its probability at greater distances, as inferred by Fresnel and Saigey. I tried several experiments on the etfect s of difterent sorts of surfaces, from which I conceive, though w e may infer that cceteris, paribus, the better radiating power of the surface increases the etfect; yet there are other circumstances w'hich atfect the result more powerfully, and these seem to be, in general, lohatever may tend to the more rapid communication of heat. This is still more conspicuous w'hen the rings are formed in a thin plate of water be- tween the lenses. The etfect is here even greater than in air, and w^e may presume, in- dependent of radiation . There are several subordinate circumstances attending these results wdiich are deserving of notice. When the lenses are in close contact, there is, in all cases, a considerable attraction opposed to tiie repulsive power. If the central black be. formed, it requires a very considerable intensity of heat to over- come the attraction, which at that minute distance is extremely powerful. When the heat is removed the colours return, and the rings are gradually restored to the same character as they had at first. This is more remarkable when simple plates of glass are employed as before described. When the heat has restored the bent glass to a plane figure, on its removal the rings return, and consequently, the glass is again bent without any fresh pressure, though the force originally applied to produce the curva- ture was very considerable ; this is probably owing, in a great measure, to atmospheric pressure. In this case, however, the colours w'ill only jeturn up to a certain point, gene- rally not higher than the beginning of the first order. When two glasses are pressed together there is a repulsion to be overcome, evinced by the force which it is necessary to apply, and in general, it is evident, that if a plate resting on another be bent by pressure, as in these experiments, the influence of heat in restoring it to a plane form will be opposed both by the attraction at the centre, wdiich tends to prevent that part from being raised, and by the repulsion towards the exterior parts, which t-nds to prevent them from being depressed. When the curvature begins to change, therefore, there is somewdiere between them a neutral or nodal point w hose position does not change ; this point may be very near, or even in the centre, when the attraction is very strong there. A remarkable instance of this occurs when the first black of the scale is formed between glass plates, and heat carefully applied exactly over the central point of the black space ; in this case, when the black space is a ^ inch or more in diameter, I have often continued the application of the strongest heat for a great length of time be- fore any separation could be effected, when at length it has taken place with a sudden force and an audible click. Sometimes the black spot has continued unaltered until the glasses have cracked, wdien the fragments have still continued to adhere powerfully : meanwdiile the outer rings have continued gradually enlarging. In the foregoing statement, I have observed, that in using plane glasses, it was necessary to allow for the etfect of warping. But there are certain considerations which show that that precaution is unnecessary. For, according to the beautiful experiments of Sir D. llrewster on the progress of heat through glass, as evinced by its action on polarized light, it appears distinctly, that the change of structure (if I may so speak) in the molecules of the glass is produced at the same instant, on both sides of the plate : so that the etfect of ivarping cannot take place. This is rendered evident to the eye, by the symmetrical arrangement of the luminous bands, from the first moment of the application of heat, on each side of the dark central band, which occupies the neutral line along the middle of the thickness of the glass. When two plates of glass are laid upon one another there is a certain resistance or repulsion which may be overcome by pressure. We can press them together till attraction takes place. On removing the pressure they remain adhering. If we press them more they are brought closer, and produce the colours of thin plates. We may thus produce successively and given tint, and on removing the pressure that tint will remain, or the glasses continue in the same position to w Inch they have been brought. Tliis seems to show that the attraction and repulsion are in exact equilibrio at all distan- ces, (w ithin this range,) and this may hold good with any law, provided the law be the same for attraction as for repuision. On the application of heat a greater inten- sity of repulsion is excited ; if w e could ascer- tain the law' of its increase with the distance SPONTANEOUS IGNITION OF CHIP CAKE. 49 and increase of temperature, we might thence infer the law both of attraction and renulsion between the surfaces : and thence, (if the ex- pression be integrable,) that between the mo- le.cules of the substances- All this, as just observed, tabes place only within a certain range of interval. When the central black is formed, we seem to have ar- rived at a limit where attraction prevails; and where the application, even of great heat, will not easily overcome it. fThe close contact of a glass and liquid in caoillary attraction appears to be within this limit ; for here, in several cases referred to in my paper, it appears that no application of heat can overcome the attraction. With respect to one of those experiments, viz ; that of Sig. Libri, which I had stated I could not succeed in repeating, I have since been informed that the experiment suc- ceed, provided the heat applied to the wire be that of a flame urged by a blowpipe. This, at any rate, proves the great intensity of the attraction, which requires so extremely high a degree of heat to overcome it. Oxford, Feb. 17, 18:^5. INSTANCES OF SPONTANEOUS COI\I- BUSTION. DETAILED IN A PAPER READ BEFORE TH E ROYA L IRISH ACADE.AIY. May, 1835. By M. Sca.nlan, Esq.* Id the beginning of last March a lire broke out in the extensive turpentine rlistillery on Sir John Rogerson’s quay, belonging to Mr. Jolin Fish Murphy, which is seperated from my chemical factory by Windmill Lane, The file, which was speedily got under, uas con- fined (o a heap of wliat is termed, by turpen- tine distillers, chip cake, and, from the circumstances under which it occurred, could not be attributed to any other cause than tlie act of an incendiary, or to the spontaneous ignition of this chip cake. As 8[)ontaueou9 combustion of this .substance had never occurreil before in Mr. \)iir|)hy’3 distillery, nor in that of his father an exten- sive distiller of turpentine, for many years, at Stratford in Essex, I at first doubted that the fire could liave originated in this way ; however, on inquiry, I found his mode of w orking had been, on this particular occasion, diflerent from (hat nsuallv employed in Ins distillery, and, experiments wlilch he kindly permitted me to make have since proved beyond doubt that combustion did take place spontaneously. Raw turpentine, a,s it comes from America, in barrels, includes a considerable quantity of impurity, consisting of chips of wootl, leaves, nnd leafstalks.*]' It was hitherto the practice, • Communicated by the Author. + The following extract from the letter of a French tui’pentine merchant, will account for the presence of these foreign bodies. To obtain the tui’pentina “ the fir timber is chopped about a man’s height down its side with an axo, not ill Mr. Murphy's distillery, as it is in England, to heat the raw turpentine up to a temperature of about 180'’, as I found by plunging a thermometer into one of his large copper pans, and to strain the turpentine, thus liqui- fied, from the impurities, previously to intro- ducing it into the still, where it is submitted to distillation in the usual way, with a portion of a water, yielding turpentine oil, which (li-stills over a’ong witli the water and rosin which remains behind in the stld. The chips, when separated by a wire strainer, still retain a quantity of adhering turiientine worth saving, and with this view are transferred to a largo close vat, where they are exposed for some time to the action of steam furnished by a boiier kept for this purpose, as well as for steaming the empty barrels, in order to remove any turpentine that may adhere to them. Still, however, tiie chips are a good deal imbued with resinous Jnatter. and in this state form a loose })orous mass, which the turpen- tine distillers call chip cake, a material which is used by the poor in the neighbourhood aa fuel. As long as the process T iiave just described was pursued, which is the London mode, and that which produces the best rosin, no accident occurred frntn fire in iVlr. Murphy’s premise.s, although I have rrequently seen heaps of tliis chip cake collected together in his yard; but, on making trial of a different plan, namely, that fuactised by a Dublin (listiber. Mr. Price of Lincoln Lane, the accident in question occurred. On this occa.sion, the raw turpentine, together with its impurities, was put directly into the still, along w'ith the proper quantity of water, and the boiling rosin at the end of the operation strained from the chips. The chip cake resulting from a single opera- tion thus conducted was laid in a heap outside tlie still lioiise, at three o’clock in the after- noon, and at midnight was observed to be in tlames. In the first mentioned process it is obviona the chips ivere never exposed to a higher degree of temperature than 212^ ; but in the latter, especially when it is the object of the mauiifacturer to make amber rosin, the temperature to which they are expo-sed sa much higher. The first experiment I made was on the l6'h Biarch. I found (he temperature of the boiling rosin, in the still, to be 2530 when the turpen- tine oil and water bad been distilled off, the fi e just drawn frorn under the still, nnd when the liquid losin was in the net of being sirained from the chips which were introduced into the still with the tiir^ientine. I haii the whole of the chip cake resulting from this distillation carried into my own )ard, upon a wire screen, and left in the open air, with a view of watching its progress. hand deep and afterwards higher up. The tur - pontine or pat is scraped up from the foot of the tree. That which is on the side wound, when scrapea oft', is white, and called galley pat, of which the burning incense is made, it does not yield so much turpentine spirit as the pat," — Euit, 50 DISCOVERIES RELATING TO THE PRISMATIC SPECI'EA. TI>e ternperaf nre increaspil £jrniluallv in tlie centre of the heap, although externally it became quite coldanrl hrittle. In four honrs, in fact, a thermometer thrnst into the centre of the porous mass irulicated a temperature of 400“ ; a good deal of va[)onr w as now given off, and the adhering rosin in tlie heated paits began to acquire a high colour ; the smell conld be perceived at a considerable distance from my premises; it was a mixed smell of pitch and rosin. The chip cake, in this expeiiment, was first exposed to the air at one o’clock in the afternoon, and, though it rained during the night, at half pasteleveu the following morning it burst into a flame. In a second experiment, f placed the chip cake in an open tar barrel, having three lioles bored in tlie bottom, about two inches diameter each, and it did not take fire till the exiiiration of thirty six hours: bat the temperature of the mass was liiwered by removal from the wire strainer to the barrel, and besides, 1 am of opinion the limited access of air retarded the combustion. In a third trial whicii I made, combustion look place in five hours; hut in f Iris experiment the temperature of the boiiing rosin drawn from the still was 260^, and the chip cake w as laid, as in (lie first experiment, on the wire serren; tiie wind, too, was very high. 'I'he screen, in this case, was raised a few inches from the ground, in order to let the rosin, as it melted, drip away, which it did in ahundanre. It appeared to me as iftl e porous mass be- came slowly red hot. in the centre, like a pyrophorous, arid as if the vapour and gaseous matter arising from the decomposed rosin which lay immediately beneath, were inflamed on coming in contact with it. I was standing by when it suddenly burst into flame, and I tliought, ■at the time, had the melted rozin been peimifteri to drop into water, or bad it (alien to such a distance as not to be kept liquid by ti e radiant beat from the red hot mass above, that there would have t een no flame, but silent com- bustion. I have since learned from Mr. Price, in whose distillery it has always been the prac- tice to put the unstrained turfientine into the still that lie was well aware of the fact which it is tlie object of this paper to record, from a fire having occurred several years ago on ids premises, w hen in the po-session of his pre- decessor, Mr. James Price, and that, ever since, they cool down the chip cake, imme- diately on removal from the still, with water, and alterwards use it as luel under the still. An instance of sponfaneons combustion oc- curred with my friend Mr. Philip Cofley, ofthe Dock Distillery, which is worth relating while on this subject. He bad made a quantity of the mixture used in theatres for producing red light, a powder consisting of nitrate of strontion, sulphur, chlorate of potash, and sulphuret of antimony withalitlle lampblack- A paper parcel of this “ red fire,” of about a pound or tw’o by weight, was left by him on a siielf in a store- room where there was no fire nor card e lights; f he fuilovr iiig day, while reading in an adjoin- ing room, he perceived a smell as if some of tliis powder were burning, and, on examina- tion, lie tound it had ignited spontaneously on the shelf and was actually consumed. M. Scan LAN. Sir John Eogerson*s Quay, Dublin, 29th June, 1835. ON AN EASY METHOD OF MEASUR ING PRISMATIC SPECTRA. By Mr. Andrew^ Pritchaud. It may be questioned whether any important discovery relating to the prismatic spectrum formed by decomposing common light, has been announced, since that of its heterogene- ous nature by the illustrious Newton, with the exception of the synchronical detection hy Wollaston and Fraunhofer, of the constant dark lines which were found in every instance, to maintain a fixed and determinate distance from each other. The, actual measurements and relative ex- tents of the intervening spaces, may thus be considered as imi)Ortant data; and any con- trivance, however simple, for determining tlieir exact places, will be. it is presumed, acceptible to the practical observer. I therefore propose to describe a very facile method of effecting this purpose, prefixing a brief account of Fraunhofer’s telescope for viewing and examining the spectrum. This telescope has a small achromatic object glass close before which is placed a short prism, one side of it making a small angle with the axis of the instrument. For viewing the image a positive eyepiece is employed, producing a magnifying power of between twenty and tiiir- ty times. In other respects it resembles a small astronomical telescope, having however a much longer range of adjustment, so as to render the image o( a near object distinct. Now the method employed by me of obtaining the measurement, consists simply in the addition of a circular glass micrometer, placed at the focus ofthe object glass, it being obvious to every person acquainted with a telescope, that a se- ries ofpqual divisions placed in the plane ofthe focus of tlie eye-glass, w ill measure the rela- tive distances occurring between the several dark Hues in the spectrum, the places of great- est intensity of the dilferent tints, or anv other phenomena that may present themselves. By drawing equi-fiistant and similar lines upon paper, the image presented by the spectrum may be laid down with the greatest accuracy, or indeed when the colours ate sufficiently vivid, they may at once be thrown on the pa- per by a camera lucida ej e-piece. The micometers used by me are discs of glass, with ifom 50 to 100 divisions to the inch, and are similar in construction to (hose em- ployed with my microscopes, except in the omission of the cross lines which are drawn upon the surface ofthe latter. 263 Strand, near Temple Bar, June. — Records General Science, 1835. It CHEAP AND QUICK METHOD OF PURIFYING PYROLIGNEOUS ACID. 51 PURIFICATION OP PYROLIGNEOUS ACID AND manufacture OP ACE- TATE OP LIME. ACCORDING TO THE METHOD ADOPTED BY CHE- MICAL MANUFACTURE. By Chiu Phil. Pbuckner, of Hof.* INTRODUCTION.-From his first con- nexion with the manufacture of pyroligneous aci'I, which has been on a great scale, Priickner endeavoured to fall upon the cheapestand quick- est method of i-urifying it from the foreign mat- ter with wh'ch it is mixed. This object has been I'nrtber prosecuted more recently by Dr. Reichenbacb, who has separated several substances which make their appearance dur- ing its purification. At the time when Priickner first engaged in the manufacture of this acid, these substances were unknown, and, consequently his view of the theory of the method of obtaining it pure, was quite dilferent from that pointed out by Reichenbacb. Now, however, when we pos- sess an accurate knowledge of the products which come over in the purification, viz. Creo- sote Picomare, Paraffin^ &c., we may expect that the process about to be discribed will be imjiroved, so that tlielast traces of foreign mat- ter may be entirely removed. Tlie author con- siders that the present memoir will not be destitude ofinterest for a considerable period to the practical chemist, as the process discrib- ed has been so frequently repeated and exa- mined, and that the publication wdl be of advantage to proprietors and managers of che- mical manufactories, who may, from the re- marks offered, be enabled to improve the pro- cess, by bringing the additional information which may be acquired by the consideration of new discoveries, to bear upon the subject. Many manufacturing chemists have long been endeavouring to purity pyroligneous acid in different ways. The process of Mollerat of Pellerey, who, by the formation of a great che- mical manufactory of this article, not only sup- plies it for the use of France, but also exports it, is sulficlently well known. It consists in forming the acetate of soda by the double de- composition of acetate of lime and sulphate of soda; the acetate of soda being then roasted, the empyreumatic matter is driven off and the pure acetate of soda remains. Tiie objection to the use of this salt is, that at an elevated temperature it melts, and that the surface of it gradually becomes dry, while in the interior much water still exist, and great difficulty is experienced in getting rid of it, while to the ace- tate of lime the same objection is not appli- cable. PREPARATION OP THE ACETATE OF LIME. — Tiie cmde pyroligneous acid wliich IS distilled from bard species of trees, as the beeci), oak, or alder, or from soft pines, receives a preparatory purification in the fol- lowing manner; — As much as possible of the oil mixed with tar which swims on the surface is removed mechanically. This is best etfected after the acid has been allowed to settle for a * Erdmann und Schweigger Seidel’s Journal fiir PractUche Chemie, iv. 21. day. A cask or large tub, with a double per- ferated inlaid bottom (einlegeboden) like the alkaline cask of the soap-boiler, is then taken and filled to the height of an inch with straw. This is overlaid by a piece of course sack-clofb, which is cut out in the form of the bottom. Over this is placed six inches of moist wood sawings, which are pressed down and smothed by means of a wooden club. To prevent the sawings from being displaced and from swimming about, they arecovered to the deuthof four inches with alar- er ofgravel. Acertain quantity ofirapure acid is then poured into this filtering apparatus which is termed a filtering cask, and passing through is discharged by a cock at the bottom. The tar is taken up by the gravel. Should the quan- tity of this be so great as to obstruct the pas- sage of the aciil, the sand may be stirred up from above with a ladle. The acid which has thus been filtered is now placed in a large cast-iron vessel, which is fill- ed lip to within ten inches of the brim. Heat is then applied, and during its action, lime- water previously passed through a hair seive, to free it from foreign particles, is added until tiie acid is neutralized. Theapproach to this point may be detected witliout the use oflitmus pafier, merely from the colour of the liquid, which becomes darker and passes from a black- ish brown into a deep brownish red colour. A great excess of lime is then added. To a bucket of neutralized acid, containing 120 pounds (1 iSlbs. troy) lialfa pound, (.4791bs. troy) is added in excess. This super-saturation is absolutely necessary ; because the lime com- bines with a great quantity of empyreumatic rosin and oily matter in the acid, forming inso- luble compounds which are separated first. Tlie next object is to bring the solution to the boil- ing point, and to avoid its boiling over. When a scum appears, the boiling should be carried on gently, and the matter swimming on the sur- face removed, as completely as possible, by means ofa ladle during the whole of boiling. The solution in this manner being reduced to one half, is then cooled and clarified in the cask and allowed to stand for 30 or 48 hours. In this state it is called the solution of the first boiling. To obtain the solution of the second boil- ing after the necessary clarification, the liquid is drawn otF into the same vessel after it has been cleaned, or into another iron vessel of the same description. The sediment is thrown npon a filtering cloth and set aside. For the second evaporation a shallow vessel is employ- fd, whose depth is not above 14 inches. Priickner uses a vessel of 4 or 5 feet long and 2 to 3 broad as being most convenient. The fire burns under it, npon the grate of a wit-d furnace, and stretches under the bottom of the vessel towards tiie chimney. When the soln tion of the second boiling is heated, the fiee lime must be neutralized with pyroligneous arid as long as redriened litmus paper is coloured lilue. When evafiorated to two-tliirds or one half, the solution may be freed fioin any impurities by passing itt hrough a linen fiiterei , or placing it in a cask and allowing it to cool and settle. I he liquid having been treated in this war, should be again placed in the fiat vessel, and by THE DRYING FURNACE DI'.SCRIBED. a gentle heat evaporated to a mass, which while warm, should possess the consistence of thick tnrpentine, and after cooling should not stick to the fingers, but should rather crumble down when pressed. Considerable care is necessary towards the end of this process. When the solution is beginning to become thick it must be stirred with a curved iron spatula, of such a length, that it may extend over tlie whole vessel, in order to prevent the salt mass from being burned. The acetate of lime now half dry, is transfer- red from the evaporating vessel to a stone or iron plate, and spread hy means of the spatula to the depth of 2 or 3 inches, for the purpose of cooling. It should not remain so long as to attract much moisture, but shouhl speedily be subjected to the ^last operation, the drying end roasting ofthesalt. The drying furnace is a simple wind fur- nace, 7 or 8 feet long, 4^ to 5 feet broad, built of brick : at 6 inches above the ground is the ash pit. 8 inches broad and 12 inches high, which is covered with a grate of bricks. The fire-place is 20 inches high and 10 inches broad at the grate ; over it is an arch of bricks, so that the fire cannot play on and heat very highly, the iron drying plate lying on the side of the hearth. The space below the drying plate is separated from the hearth, by a partition of bricksSor 4inches high ; i2inche3 above tlie outlet of the earth there is a layer of iron bars to 2 feet from each other, ami noon these is deposited the drying plate. This consists of cast-iron ^of an iricli thick, and is formed according to the size oi the furnace. Round the plate tlie furnace is built up to the lieight of 10 inches, on tiie side of the front wall, leaving room for doors, which may be calcu lated at 2^ feet, d'hese doors are two, one above the other, through which the whole interior of tlie furnace can be inspected. They are formed of [ late-iron, and have in their middle a sliding door to admit of the exit of the vapour from the acetate of lime and of some ventilation. A wall built at the eud of the plate or a clay partition separates the whole of the drying plate from the chimney. In the walls of the furnace, iron-bars are fixed, and upon these lies a second drying plate which covers the drying space. 'I'his plate as it does not come in contact with the fire may consist of good iron or of clay. Above this drying space another is iormed by means of the chimney. "The heat passes aswellunder as above the drying space, and passes into the chimney, which is situated at the side of the furnace, and can be shut by a valve. In the drying space the temperature is nsnallv between 60® and 90® R. (167® to 234^0 F.') Turf forms the best material for fue), as it does not burn rapidly, and produces a steany and equal temperature. DRYING OF IHE ACETAIE OF LI ME.-' When the furnace is tiiorongiily and equally heated, the flame of the fire is allovAed to subside. If wood is employed as fuel, the sliding door should be opened at the com- mencement, in order to allow' the. moisture to escape. The salt is transfened fiomthe eva- porating vessel to the drying plate, and spread out to the depth of two inches; and, after the first portion has become somewhat dry, the depth is increased to four or five inches; the heat is preserved at the degree already mention- ed for twenty-four hours, and during (his time tile salt is turned several times. Snhseqnently. when the mass appears to be becoming dry, the temperature niay be increased to 100® (257‘F.) so as to dry it completely. The mass is dry and properly roasted when it possesses the following char.acters ; It must, before cool- ing, be brittle, easily crumbled between tlio fingers, mixed with blackish carbonaceoua points or streaks, between which appear white pieces of dry salt, a solution of (he comminu- ted salt; in four or six times its volume of hot water possesses a yellowish brow n colour wdth a dark tinge, while previously it had a reiidish brow n colour. When the beat is increased tow’ards the end ol the process, as described, c.ire must be taken to do it gradually, so that no smoke shall rise from the acetate, because it might thus be decompo-ed. Neither must any spark be permitted to come in contact with the acetate of lime ; because, like sugar of lead, it pos- sesses the property, in these circumstances, of catching fiie and burning, by which the whole dry pieparaiion would be completely destroyed. The treatment of the acetate of lime in this manner, by means of gradual drying, as fx[;erience has shewn, possesses many advantages over the method of dry ing the salt in an open ve.«sel, there is no loss of acetic acid, as always occurs by the lat- ter process. The operator has the {r eparation completely in his power, and with little ex- pense of fuel and time, many hundred w eights of salt can he prepared at once. This process does not merely extend the re- moval of the moisture from the acetate of lime, but a chemical influence is exerted by means of it. IBecause, it is certain that the sub- stances formed by dry distillation, which have been recently distinguished by Reichenhach, are partly dissipated by the heat, and partly decomposed; tlie acetate of lime possessing very different pro[!erlies before ami alter tlie pio'cess. After the i rocess the salt does nut imbibe waterso leadily as it did previously. After solution, filtraiion and evaporation, a much { urer product is obtained than betore, and upon the filter a resinous matter remains, the constituents of which have not yet beenex- amintd. After tlie completion of the previous steps the operator [ roceeds to the next, the SEPARATION OF PURE PYROLIG- NEOUS AND ACPYITC ACID.-Intoa cast irou lelort, cap able ol’ holding 30 measures of water, (of 2 lbs. Vienna weight), introduce 20 lbs. (Vienna weight) of dry acetate of lime, and then 5 lbs. of water, and stir the mixture vvellnpby means of a wooden spatula. This preparation should be made in the evening, and the mixture allow ed to stand till the mom- in^. On the following day 20 ibs, of Engli^h sulphuric acid, diluted with 5 lbs. of water sliould be added, and the cover of tlie retort cemented. PYROLIGNEOUS ACID FOR PHARMACEUTICAL PURPOSES. 53 Tiie cover shonld be made of pore tin, and united with a refiigatory, whose tube is also formed of the same metal- Priickner considers norcelain preferable to tin for the composition of the cover, or rough burned c]ay (nicht durch- switzender), the latter of which he himself employs. 'I'o prevent the melting of the tin, when that metalis employed, it is necessary to separate it from the iron of the retort by means of a stripe oflinen;a Intins of lime and fine sand then serves to unite the cover and belly of the retort. Larger retorts are not desirable, because, to- wards the end of the distillation, decomposition of the acetic acid is readily produced, in con- sequence of the destruction which a portion of the mass in contact with the bottom undergoes, while all the acid contained in it is driven off. The distillation begins with a gentle fire, and should be carried on without increasing the heat, until the liquid passing over begins to produce a yellowish colour in the distilled li- quid. It is not worth while to obtain the last portions of the acid, because the educt is im- purp,and sulphnrbegins soon to sublime. From the 251bs. of acetate of lime are ob- tained 25 to 27 parts of acid. 3’he gypsum remaining in the retort can be easily removed. It contains some free acid, which may be washed out and preserved for further use. By the action of the sulphuric acid upon the acetate of lime, a sulphurous smell will be perceived, wbicli also exists in the weak acid which pass- e.s over hrst. This arises from a partial de- composition of the snlphuiic acid, in conse- quence of which sulphurous acid is disengaged. To diminish, as much as possible, the quan- tity of this in the whole distilled liquid, the first tenth is removed. The subsequent distillation is continued until the liquor passing over be- gins to lose its pure water colour. The last portions will, therefore, be separated and mixed with (he acid which passed over first, for the purpose of being further purified. The acid obtained in the manner described, possesses generally the specific gravity of l•045 — 1'050, is colourless, like water, arid re- tains still a trace of the oiiginal einpyi>umatic odour. It contains also some sulphurous acid, and possesses corresponding cliaracters, but loses it after being exposed for some time to the air, in open vessels, the acid being converted into snlpliuric acid. U is obvious, from the quantity of acid re- commended, that, for the decomposition of the acetate of lime, an excess ofsulphuiic acid i.s necessary ; since, for 100 parts of dry salts, 62 parts of acid, excluding stechiornelrical quan- tities, would be sufficient. The peculiarity of Priirkner's process, he considers to consist in lliese pioportions ; and he has found tiiat the addition of the excess of sulpluiric acid is the most powerful method ofdestioying or decom- posing the empyreumatic matter existing in the pyroligneous acid. In consequence of inat- tention to this circumstance, the methods of purification pointed out by several chemists, especiallv tiiat of B. Stolze, in his woik, " Giiindliche r.nleitung die rolie Holzanre zu reinigen,’ &c,, must be. either useless or very inefficient. The method of previously heating tlie acetate of lime, and of abolishing the dry- ing in an open vessel, over a free fire, is a decided improvement. For thii.s, there is an inconsiderable, or no loss by the flerom[)08it!on of the acetate of lime, with the least possible waste of time and fuel. For manufacturing purposes, as for making acetate of lead, and acetate of copper, there is no need of repeated distillation, because the sulphurous and sul- phuric acid can readily be separated in the following manner : A quantity of liquid di.s- acetate of lead is to be prepared, to about a pound of w’iiich the distilled arid is to be add- ed, until no more preci[)itate of sulphate of lead falls. The latter should be collec ted and weighed. 'I’he quantity of sul[ihuric acid in a given quantity of the acid, being thus know’n, it is easy to calculate how much of the acetate of lead solution w ill be required to throw down the whole acid in the acetic acid. Some sul- phate of lead is held in solution, w hich is of little consequence in the manufacture of sugar oflead. FUB.THER PURIFICATION OF THE PYROLIGNEOUS ACID.— For chemical and pharmaceutical puiqmses, it is necessary to have pure concentrated acetic acid. To accomplish this the snlplinrous acid in the distilled acetic acid should be digested for a short time wdth finely pulverized brown-stone, and a little wood or animal charcoal. One pound of brownsfone and ^ pound of animal charcoal are sufficient for from 25 to SGlbs. of acid. The supernatant liquid after the precipitate has been allowed to subside during 12 hours should be decanted off, transferred into a retort and rectified by a second distillation to dry- ness. The acid pa.sses over pure and coloni les.s, and destitute of any .smell, save of acetic acid, having a specific gravity of from T042toT049, or 7® or 8® by Beck’s areometer, and may be used for all chemical purposes. According to the custom of the trade, and of the French manufacturers, a portion of acetic ether may be added to the acid, by which mixture the smell becomes more pleasant. Supilement.— Accovdintx to A. Richter, chemical manufacturer at Konigs.saal, in Bo- hemia, with whom Pi iickner corresfionded on this subject, it appears, that when the pure acid, obtained by tlie process described, i.s neutralized by cai bonate of potash, and then some strong potash lye is added, it still retains a yellow colour, from the presence of an oxy- dizable body, of which it i.s difficult to free the acid, Priickner, during the course of last summer, in his researclie.s, fell upon a method of affecting the sepaiation of this substance. Pyroligneous acid is not precipitated by in- fusion of gails, and even after some time no- thing falls. If however tincture or infusion of galls be poured into a solution of pyroligneous acid salt, as of raw acetate of lime (or acetate ot potash) a daik reddish purple precipitate subsides, which contains a salt of tannic acid. The previously blackish brown liquid becomes, clearer and transparent like Rhenish wine, and leaves after filtration and evaporation to dryness, by being placed for several days in a temperature of 70^ or 80’^ B . 189® or 212'^ F.) TIEDEMANN’S SPLENDID RESEARCHES M a nnas8 of salt, which, when compared with theorig^inal salt, appears much lighter colonred. If this is dissolved in water, or if the filtered liquid before filtration is treated with some animal charcoal, the colour of the salt becomes still lighter, and the odour is removed. This salt of lime being diluted with f ofsnlphnric acid and as much water, after distillation car- ried nearly to dryness, and digestion with black oxide of manganese and re-distillation, afforded an acid of specific gravity I ’OfiO. This acid when neutralized with a solution of carbonate of potash, and the addition of some pure colour- less potash lye, acquires no colour, and con- tinned in this state for several weeks. As the expense of the galls v^ould be considera* ble, Priickner recommends as a substitute, a decoction of oak bark, which he found to afford a precipitate, or a decoction of the follen cat- kins of the common alder (Alnus glutinosa.) — Records of General Science, 1835. PHYSIOLOGY OF MAN. ON THE EXTERNAL CONFIGURATION AND IN- TERNAL AGGREGATION. (Continued from page 16.) XXVI. Somebodies, the solids, fill space in a durable and uniform manner, whilst otheis, the liquids, vary in their manner of filling it. These, air and water, are the vehi- cles which contain the solid bodies. All or- ganic bodies, asalso all minerals, mercury ex- cepted, are solid. Organic bodies at the same time have a regular form, which minerals only present in the state of crystallization. In com- paring these tw'o groups of bodies, in reference to their configuration and aggregation, we are under the necessity of confining ourselves, as far as minerals are concerned, to those which are possessed of a regular foim. XXVII. All organic bodies, plants as well as animals, have a form more or less round and oval, or branched and articulated, and they are confined by curved or undulating lines, as also by convex or concave surfaces. * Inorganic bodies, on the contrary, in cases where they have a regular form, as in crystals, are limited by flat surfaces and right lines by the correction of which, at ceitain inclina- tions, gre .-produced ridges and angles. This has beemsufficiently demonstrated by Rome de ITsle, t Bergmann,!: but particularly by * Several of the immediate organic principles are exceptions to this rule, inasmuch as, after having been taken from living bodies or secreted in them, they crystalli/.e in different manners. Cholesterine, uric acid, and the sugar of milk, are, in this respect, among those from the ani- mal kingdom. Many vegetable substances, sugar, different acids, such as the pure sinapic, the benzoic, and others, but especially the sali- fiable vegetable bases, such as morphine, narco- tine, strychnine, brucine, quinine, &c. ; in fine the sub resinous substances, crystallize. The forms of the latter are, however, for the most part, globular or radiated, like stars or rosettes, according to JBonastre, (Sur la forme cristalline de plusieurs sous-resines ; in the Annales de la Societe Linueene, de Paris, Nov. 1827, p. 549. t Essais de Cristallographie, or. Description des Figures Geometriques propres aux difierens Corps du regne Mineral. Paris, 1772, in 8vo. 1 Uebcr die Gestalten der Krystalle, 1773, by Hauy,*_ Brochant de Villiers.t and by others. It is known that crystals exhibit a great diversity of forms, both simple and com- plicated : these aie cubes, hexaedrals, rliomb.*, prisms, columns,!: 6cc. ; but, how'ever va- rious their forms may be, it is possible not- withstanding, according to the connexion of their parts, to reduce them to certain primi- tive forms and to certain systems of crystalli- zation.§ Thus these bodies, as was well re- marked by represent in some degree the effect of an elementary geometry, whilst nature has employed a high geometry in proceeding to the formation of living bodies . 1 1 may be also said, and it amounts to the sam e thing, that the forms of organized bodies are more complicated than those of inorganic bodies. XXVIII. The organic kingdom exhibits a much greater abundance and diversity of forms than that of the bodies not endued with life. The thousands of vegetable and animal .species, showing so many differences in their configuration, are proofs of this. Ac- cording to an estimate made some years ago by Humboldt,^ there are known nearly fifty-six thousand species of plants, and fifty- one thousand seven hundred animals ; but, since that period, besides a great number of new vegetables and animals have been dis- covered. XXIX. If we compare living bodies with minerals in reference to their aggregation, wo observe that, according to the expression of G. R. J reviranus,** organic bodies are dis- tinguished both by the regularity and the heterogeneous nature of their parts, whilst the latter are possessed only of the first cha- racter and want the second. All living bodies, vegetables, and animals, are com- posed of heterogeneous parts. '1 hey always contain solid and liquid constituents, which is looked upon by Humboldt ft as a cha- racter essential to them. Besides, we remark in all, except the most simple, a vast number of heterogeneous components ; in plants, we see roots, leaves, and flowers ; in animals, muscles, nerves, vessels, bones, and viscera of several kinds. 'J'hese parts, regularly ar- ranged and distributed, are themselves com- posed of more simple parts; the tissues in organic bodies, on the contrary, are not the * Essai d’une Theorie sur la structure des Cristaux. Paris, 1784, in 8vo. Traite de Minera logie. Paris, 1822. t De la Cristallization Consideree GSometri- quement et Physiquement. Strasbourg, 1819, in 8vo. t Whenever the operation of crystallization has been troubled, and the molecules are pre- cipitated suddenly, the regular geometrical form is changed, and very frequently round forms are produced ; but these, according to Haiiy’s very just remark, show a want of perfection iu the mineral kingdom. $ Weis , in the Abbandlungen der Physika lischen Klasse der Akademie der W issenschaften von Berlin, years 1814 and 1815, p. 289. II In his Course of Lectui'es on General Zoo- logy. H Annales de Chemie, vol. 16. ** Biologie, v. i, 158. H Aphorismen aus der Pflanzen. Physiologic, p. 33 ON COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY. 65 result of an assemblage of heterogenous parts, or if, sometimes, they present this character, the parts are only simply mixed with each other. Generally speaking, crys- tals are composed only of homogenous solid jjarts.* XXX. Inasmuch as organic bodies are com- posed of liquids and solids, it follows as an immediate result, that they possess but little consistency and rigidity* All of them are soft and flexible, either throughout, or in a great number of their parts. In fact, their consistence varies considerably, as well in vegetables as in animals, and not only in the different groups of living bodies, but even in the different parts of each individual. In ge- neral, we remark that the more irnportant parts of these bodies, those parts which per- form the principal offices in the accomplish- ment of their special manifestations of activi- ty, possess the smallest consistence and soli- dity, such as the fibres of the roots, the sap vessels, the alburnum, the leaves and flowers in plants ; the nerves, brain, muscles, the viscera intended for the process of digestion, and of respiration, and those destined to the movement of the humours and to the differ- ent secretions in animals. '1 he consistence varies also in proportion to the age. Re- garding this, we may lay dowm the principle, that it is so much the more diminished in ve- getable and animals, as those bodies are least distant from their origin, or from the periods of their development and growth, whilst it increases, together with the rigidity, in pro- portion as they approach the end of their career. In organic bodies, on the contrary, which are composed entirely of solid parts, are re- markable for their great regidity. In them we do not see parts differing in point of con- sistence, neither does their rigidity vary with the duration of their existence. XXXI. Another consequence ofthernix- ture of the solids and fluids, which enter into the composition of living bodies, as well as of their state of softness, is the facility with which they undergo changes in the relations of their structure, that is, with which they move. These two very circumstances render their chemical composition more easily attacked by external influences, as of heat and the atmosphere, which act principally on their liquid parts. Minerals, which are composed of solids, and possess rigidity, do not exhibit these changes in the mutual connexion of their parts ; that is to say, they do not move • The drops of water which are met with sometimes in crystals can scarcely be brought forward as an objection, because they are purely accidental. Thus Brewster (Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. x. p. 1,) found colourless and transparent liquids in some to- pazes, in the chyrsoberyl, in the Quebec quarz, in the amethyst, &c. Commonly these liquids only in part filled the cavities of the crystals, and besides contained a bubble of air, which dis- appeared by the action of heat. Neither can the water of crystallization be objected, since it is intimately combined with the very matter of the crystals, and is not distributed in specified spaces, as the humours of living bodies are. and are less liable to be varied in their com- position by the action of exterior influences, particularly of heat and the atmosphere. XXXII. All organic bodies do not only exist as a result of an assemblage of solid and liquid parts, but moreover this sort of consti- tution is indispensably necessary to their ex- istence and preservation, inasmuch as it is tlie reaction of solid and liquid parts which de- termines and maintains the manifestations of activity or of life-* If the juices of a plant are abstracted, it dies; if the mass of its humours are withdrawn from an animal, and its vessels emptied of the blood contained in them, life is extinguished. Let the solid parts be destroyed in a mechanical or chemical manner, in this case too the manifestations of the life cease. It follows, then, that the solids and liquids of living bodies are in a con- tinual reciprocity of action, indispensably ne- cessary to the support of life. XXXIII. Another cause, too, of the essen- tial and necessary connexion which exists, in organized bodies, between the liquid and solid parts, is that the latter take their origin from the former. Every animal originates from a liquid, in the midst of which it is form- ed. Liquids, also, are inces-antly furnishing the materials for the nutrition of the solids. 'J'hese possess capability of exercising their manifestations of activity only so long as tliey are nourished. Every substance whatever which enters into organic bodies, under the name of food, should be liquid, or at least susceptible of becoming so. The solid, themselves are likewise resolved into liquids, in short, all matters which are elicited and rejected from living bodies, during life, are more or less liquid. But the constitution of the liquids depend;?, in its turn, on the mani- festations of activity of the solids, for these are the chief source of the qualities which distinguish them. XXXIV. Neither is it difficult to convince ourselves, by an attentive examination with the microscope, that the parts entering into the composition of organic bodies, are of another nature from those which constitute minerals. By this instrument we perceive, both in the liquids and solids of vegetables and animials, globular or oval, and occasion- ally flattened, bodies. The most simple animals, such as the infusoria, polypi, as well as the most simjjle plants, the confervae, tie mellae, the pulverulent mushrooms, the bys.sus, &c., are composed of globules, as is * Some vegetables and animals, of the most simple species however, for instance, mosses, infusoria, ratifera, (vorticella rotatoria) vihri ones, (vibrio anguilla) tkc., survive for some time the loss of their liquid parts ; tliey may be dissected so as to give no sign of life, and when afterwards they are moistened, the phenomena of life are again roused in them, as is shown by the experiments of Needham, (Nouvelles de- couvertes faites avec le Microscope. Leyden 1744,) of Baker, (Employment for the Micros- cope, London, 1764.) of Spallanzani, (Observa tions sur les Animaux qu’on peut tuer et res susciter a son gr6 ; in Opuscules de Physique, vol. ii, p. 261,) and of Foutana, (Sur le veniu de la vip^re, vol i.) 56 MANIFESTATIONS OF ACTIVITY OF ORGANIC shown from the results of Trembley’s,'^Schoef- fer’sf Carolini’s4 and other observations. In the majority of the animal humours, glo- bules have been found ; in the blood, chyle, saliva, the pancreatic juice, the fat, the se- men, and the milk, by Leu\venhoeck,§ Ilew- son,ll and very recently by Home, Prevost, and Dumas, Rafu,5f Gottfried Reeinhold,^^ and Ludolf Christian Treviranus,tt &c. have likewise met with them in the proper juices of plants, especially in those of the milky kind. Globules of divers kinds are also seen in the cells of vegetables. Of this sort are those of the starch found in cotyledons ; of the albumen of grains of corn and bulbous roots; the resinous globules of chlorophile, in the parenchyma of the leaves, and the coloured globules in the cells of the flowers. Similar globules have also been perceived in the cellular tissue, the serous and mucous membranes, the brain and nerves, the tendons, and the different glands of animals, by Leu- vvenhoeck, Hook, Swammerdamm, Della 'i'orie, Prochaska, Fontana, See.., and latterly b.y Parba, Horne, G. 11. Treviranus,!:!: Milne E'dwards,^^ Dutrochet.jH] Prevost and Du- mas,Hodgkins and Lister.* * * § Lastly, they are discovered also in the embryons of plants and animals that are forming, a iact demon- strated by Swammerdamm, t C. F. Wolf.j); G, 11. 'rreviranu5,$ Sprengel.H L. C. Trevi- ranus,*[[ Link,** Pudolphi,tt J- F. Meekest and many others. * Mem. pour servir a I’Histoire d’un genre de Polypes d’eau douce. Leyden, 1744, p. 54. + Von den guinen Armpolypen. Ryensburg, 1755, p. 21 t Ueber Pfanzenthier-e des Mittelmeers, p. .56. § Opera omnia seu Arcana Naturas. Leyden, 17 '22. II Opus Posthumum, Description of the red Particles of the blood London, 1777. ^ Entwurf einer Pflanzen Physiologie. Trans- lated from the Danish, by Markussen, p. 91. Ueber die Gefasse und den Bildurgsaft der Pflanzen, in Verraischten Schriften, v i, p. 145. +t Ueber den eigenen Taft der Gewaschse ; in Tiedemann’s und Treviraniis’ Zeitschrift fur Physiologie, vol. i, p 147. Ueber die Organischen Elemente des thieri- schen Korpers ; in Verrnischten Schriften, ena- tomischen und Physiologischen Inhalts. Goeit- tingen, I8I6, vol. i, p 117. §§ Sur la Structure Elementaire de-i Principaux Tissus Organiques des Animaux, in the Archi- ves Generates de Medicine, 1S23, vol. iii. Re- cherches Microscopiques sur la Scructure in time des tissus Organiques des Animaux ; in the Annales des Sciences Naturelles, 1825, vol. ix, p. 362 1111 Recherches .\natomiques et Physiologiques sur la structur intime des Animaux at des Ve- getaux, etsur leur Motilite Paris, 1824. Bibliotheque Universelle des Sciences et Arts, A ol. xvii. * Philosophical Magazine and Annals of Phi- losophy, No. 8, 1827. t Biblia Naturas, p 817. He saw globules on the young bull head frogs. 1 Theoria Generationis, vol ii, pp 2, 16, 53. I Biologie, vol iii, p. 233, vol. iv, p. 9. II Von dem Bau und der Natur de Gewaschse. Halle, 1812, p. 71. H Vom inwendigen Bau der Gewaschse, p. 2. Beitrage zur Pflanzen Physiologie, p. I . ** Grundlehren dei Anatomic und Physiologie der Pflanzen, p. 29, Nachtrage,p. 3. H Anatomie der Pflanzen. p 27. JJ Vergleichende Anatomic, vol i, p. 40. XXXV. These globules or corpuscules peculiar to organic bodies, none similar to which are found in minerals, are to be con- sidered as the elementary forms of the former, a.s the final organic molecules possessing a distinct form which are perceivable in tliem. Organic matters, in general, appear to have the property of assuming, under certain cir- cumstances, globular forms. This is chiefly remarked when they pass from the liquid to the solid state. G. R. Treviranus saw glo- bules formed during coagulation of the white of an egg, which he had not distinguished in the liquid albumen. Prevost and Dumas ob- served the same phenomenon in albumen, i whose coagulation they had effected by sub- mitting it to the action of the positive pole of the galvanic pile. It is globularcorpuscules, also, which fiist appear when infusoria are ' formed in tlie mids^t of organic matters in a state of decomposition. XXXVI. These organic elementary glo- bules, whose volume, colour, and other quali- ties show so many differences in the liquid.? and solids of plants and animals, form the basis of the different tissues, the presence of which distinguishes living todies from mi- j nerals, wherein nothing that can be compared ! to them is perceptible. Animal tissues are i the consequence of, or are composed by dif- I ferent modes of arrangement of the globules. I These are ranged in series and lines in the i fibrous tissue of the nerves, of the muscles I and tendons. They are extended in the form 1 of lamellae in the cellular tissue, and those ! membranes that are chiefly composed of it, as I the serous, synovial, and mucous, as well as , in the coats of the vessels. 'J'hey are found | variously united in masses in the glandular or- ' gans, the liver, the kidneys, the salivary glands, the pancreas and testicles. The tissues of vege- ’ tables have not been hitherto sufficiently | examined so as to ascertain the j)recise I arrangement of their elementary globules. [ XXXVII. The union of tissues, in ex- tremely diversified modes of combination, j disposition, and form, gives origin to the pans which we see exercising the different func- ' tions in organic bodies, during their life, and I which we designate by the name of organs or I apparatus for the performance of the different , manifestations of life. Pat ts resembling these ' are never met with inorganic bodies. ' XXXVllI. Organic bodies, at least the j more complicated, have their surface supplied i with a covering, which confines them, and which surrounds the different liquid and solid parts, organs, tissues, and combinations of tis- sues, entering into their composition. This covering is called skin in animals and bark i in plants. The different sized openings by wdiich it is pierced, permit living bodies to absorbrsubstances from without and to expel substances from within. We find nothing like this in minerals, w'hose constituent par- ticles are without any means of separation directly exposed to the surrounding media. XXXIX. All the parts found in, and whose union constitute, organic bodies, are held together by the bonds of a strict causali- ty. In relation to their origin and formation they are dependent on each other. This pro- AND THOSE OF INORGANIC BODIES. 57 position does not only follow from what has already been said concerning the connexion of liquids and solids, but also from the man- ner in which organized bodies are formed in the midst of matters which produce tliem. The radicle, proceeding from the fertile seed of a plant, determines tlie growth of the stalk, which afterwards plays the same part with respect to the leaves and flowers. The parts which appear first are the cause of the mani- festations of those that succeed. Thus, in the embryos of the more complicated animals, the two most generally extended apparatus, the nervous and vascular systems, are those which are first formed, and from whose forma- tion that of the others proceeds. A similar relationship of cause and effect does not exist between the parts whose aggre- gation produces minerals. When a crystal is formed in the midst of a liquid, the particles of which it is composed are united to each other by the laws of affinity and cohesion alone, without the first which congregate, exercising a determining action on the forma- tion and arrangement of the others, as hap- pens in the formation of organic bodies, XL. Once produced and formed, the solid and liquid parts remain, so long as they en- dure, in a continual state of dependence and reciprocity of action,* that is to sav, that they are to each other as cause and effect, or, to employ the expression of Kant,t as means and end. The liquids contained in defined spaces of different kinds, and spread through- out the solids, combine with them, and pass from the liquid to the solid state. The solids, on the other hand, are redissolved and return to the liquid state. Moreover, the liquids act on the organs which they urge to the produc- tion of manifestations of activity, while the organs, in their turn reacting on the liquids, keep the.min motion and modify their proper- ties. Every part of a plant or animal contri- butes, by its manifestation of activity, to the preservation of the individual in the full ex- ercise of its faculties, and indirectly also to the maintenance of the species. The dura- tion of vegetables, with a few exceptions, which will be spoken of hereafter, depends on the root, the stalk, and leaves, which all con- tribute to it by their special functions. These parts and the flowers, or genital organs, which they produce, assure the duration of the spe- cies. The same is the case in animals. The organs of digestion, of absorption, of respira- tion, of the circulation, and of secretion, as- sure, by the very fact of their manifestations of activity, both their own preservation and that of their numerous apparatus, of the or- gans of the senses and of the locomotive ap- paratus, just as the functions of these latter contribute also to the preservation of the other organs and of themselves. The geni- tals, the existence and the functions of which * The reciprocal action of the parts in liv- ing bodies was known to Hippocrates, since he says (lib. de alimento ;) Consensus uniis, con- spiratio una, conseutiantia omnia ; and in another place (de locis in homine ;) mihi quidem videtur principium corporis nullum esse, sed omnia simi- liter principium et omnia finis, f Kritik der Urtheilskraft, v. ii, p, 292. depend on the other apparatus of the indivi- dual, do not re-act on them as, nor are they necessary to the preservation of the indi- vidual, but they certainly are to that of the species by their manifestations of activity. All the parts, then, which enter into the com- position of an organic body, together with their qualities and manifestations of activity, are in a mutual dependence on each other and constitute a perfect whole, so that the particular activity belonging to the individual and to the species is thereby preserved. The homogeneous particles which consti- tute a crystal, and which are united by cohe- sion, have not this reciprocity of action in re- ference to each other, as Bichat has shown*. They do not act mutually the part of conser- vative agent and cause, relative to their qua- lities, as is the case in the parts of an organic body. XLI. As the different solid and liquid parts, existing in an organic body, are in inti- mate connexion with each other, and as their duration is conditional on the reciprocity of action of the parts which constitute it, the greater number of living bodies, especially all those that are complex, do not suffer division, without being deprived of their existence and of their own proper activity. Organic bodies, then, in the rigorous acceptation of the word, are individuals which cannot be divided, in- asmuch as such division annihilates life in them . It is true there exist several organic bodies which are susceptible of division to a certain degree, without having their existence com- promised by this operation. In this number are many plants, especially perennial plants, and amongst animals, polypi, some radiariae, and worms. This circumstance does not con- fute what has been said on indivisibility as a characteristic ofliving bodies. On one hand, many plaints, like polypi, represent an union or collection of several smaller organisms, which may continue to live after they have been detached from their stock. On the other hand, all their parts present a certain uniformity of organization and action, and such an independence, that they are able to exist apart from each other, and produce or regenerate, by their own activity, the parts necessary to the perfection of the species. The character of individuality is the more pronounced, in organic bodies, as their struc- ture is more complicated and their manifesta- tions of activity more varied. On the con- trary, a less difference is exhibited by the parts entering into their composition, or the more they are similar, less is the diversity in their actions perceivable, less striking is the character of indivisibility, and more feeble is the connexion of the parts of the same orga- nism, because parts that are similar have the conditions of their existence more in them- selves, and are less dependent on each other. Regarding inorganic bodies, they do not form individuals, because they are the result of an assemblage of homogeneous particles, having no relation of production or preserva- tion with each other, as have the different * Anatomic generate. Introduction, p. 23. 58 THE ADVANTAGE OF COMBINING THE parts of organized bodies. Inorganic bodies can therefore subsist after liaving been sepa- rated into pieces. Each piece of a broken crystal exists as well as if united to the other pieces’^. Neither can inorganic bodies re- produce or regenerate, by their own proper power, parts which have been separated frpm them, as is the case with those simple living bodies that are divisible without loss of existence. X LII. In reference to the form and com- position of bodies, if we examine the changes they undergo during their existence, their duration, their mode of origin, and their rela- tions with external influences, we also here discover considerable differences between those that are organized and those that are not. The form and aggregation of all living bo- dies vary during their existence, at stated pe- riods, and according to inherent laws. All vegetables and animals are born with a very simple form, and, at the time of their origin, they are composed, internally, of a very small number of parts, having a simple configuration. By degrees, in proportion as their volume augments, their form and aggregation become more complicated. All of them observe a periodicity in their development. Moreover, we observe, that the majority suffer by de- grees, in the progress of age, a sinking in their form, and changes in the composition of their liquids and solids. (To be continued.) THE EDITOR’S MOTIVE FOR AP- PENDING THE MECHANICAL ARTS TO THE ;J0URNAL OF FOREIGN SCIENCE. Some of our contemporaries may be surprised to find articles on the Mechanical Arts appended to our Journal of Foreign Science. We beg to call their attention to the reasons which have led us to add this department of interesting matter ; there are at the present moment upwards of 700 accomplished and highly educated medical • Richerand has perfectly explained this in the following- terms : “ Tontes les parties d’un corps vivant, soit vegetal, soit animal, tendent et concourent a nn but commun, le conservation de I’individu, et de I’espece ; chacun de leurs organs, quoique doue d’une action particuliere, agit pour remplir cet objet ; et de cette serie d’actions concurrentes et harmoniquesresultela vie generale, ou la vie proprement dite. Au con- traire, chaque partie d’une masse brute ou in- organique est independente des autres parties, aux quelles elle n’est unie que par la force ou I’affinite d’aggregation ; lorsqu’elle en est se- peree elle existe avec toutes ses proprietes carac- teristiques et ne differe que par son volume de la masse a la quelle elle a cesse d’appurtenir.” men scattered over the vast territories of our Eastern possessions. The duties of many consists simply of attending a few sick in a solitary hospital, and the British Government of India have not yet disco- vered the admirable advantages which would accrue from employing these able men out of the immediate sphere of their profession. Now as there is scarcely a me- dical man in India who has not acquired some knowledge of chemistry-— a knowledge it does not require much penetration and ingenuity to prove might be applied to improve the arts and manufactories now going on in the great cities and marts in this country. What soil in the whole world is so rich in productions as this, and so calculated to jdeld all that is now obtain- ed from foreign countries ? observe to what the genius of chemical science has done for France and England, and what may it not do for India ! ! We are aw^are that we may be charged with encouraging an indulgence in specula- tive refinement which has in some in- stances led men out of the line of useful industry, and by the loss of property, to the ruin of their families. Such has been the result, it is true, but generally speaking, to the artist only, seldom to the man of science. The chemist is better able than one who is only a mechanic to predict from an experiment on a small scale, the probable issue of more extensive attempts. Watt, by a clear insight into the doctrine of latent heat, resulting from his thorough knowledge of chemistry, and seconded by mechanical skill, taught the way to bring the steam engine to perfection. Wedgew’ood, by the same knowledge advanced the art of manu- facturing porcelain, neither must we forget Scheele’s discovery of oxygenized muriatic acid and Bethollet’s instructions in its ap- plication to the art of bleaching, and Sequin and Davy established processes strictly che- mical which brought into perfection the art of tanning and preparation of leather. Che- mistry is the foundation of those arts that furnish us with saline substances, an order of bodies highly useful in the alFairs of STUDY OF CHEMISTRY AVITH MECHANICS. 59 common life. The successful manufactory of glass and v’arious kinds of pottery depends upon a knowledge of the nature of the sub- stances employed, of their fusibility as af- fected by difference of proportion, or by the admixture of foreign substances, and of the means of regulating and measuring high degrees of heat. The Chemist Berghan taught the most successful manufactory of brick and tiles. The art of malting is most successfully taught by the chemist. Dyeing and printing, as we hare already shewn, are a tissue of chemical operation, and in short we should tire our readers by giving further illustration, to shew the utility of this de- partment of our labours to medical men who are generally chemists. If national prosperi- ty in Britain has arisen in an eminent degree from the superiority in the production of her arts, ought they, we enquire, to be neg- lected in British India ? If not, we may boldly put the question — are we not, as having the welfare of India at heart, bound to promote it by a due discharge of our duty by diffusing discoveries on mecha- nical arts among medical men as the means of communicating them to the natives? We do not pretend to say that chemistry has not been known to the people of India : but we assert that its application to the com- forts of the people has hitherto been con- fined to processes attained by accident, and transmitted from one generation to another without any knowledge of their principles. The division of the people into castes and confinement of trades to certain families, have tended to raise the mechanical arts to their present state of perfection, but then they are stationary, — there is no desire for improvement. Moreover, at present the me- chanical arts are confined to the very infe- rior orders of the people, who being an uneducated class, have no other notions than those which are erroneous and absurd in the highest degree. Their means of con- veyance by land and water, and their vari- ous kinds of implements and machinery suf- ficiently prove, all that we have advanced, and shews the necessity which exists that something should be done by the aid of medical men, who are so fitted by their knowledge of chemistry to carry the great work of improvement into execution. It will be a pleasing reflection hereafter to us that if by adding this new department to our labours we shall be promoting the pecu- niary interests of the deserving and talented members of our profession, and by diffusing important discoveries in the mechanical arts, be the means of adding to the affluence, the comforts, and the happiness of the na- tives of India. We open this department with the pre- sent month, by announcing a very impor- tant discovery of what is called a Pneuma- tic Railway. The importance to this coun- try of railway transit will soon be duly estimated, as the native commercial commu- nity advance in the knowledge of science and the arts. We shall make no apology for bringing the subject before our readers. We have extracted the article from the Me- chanic s Magazine for May, 183.5. The edi- tor of that periodical is opposed to the in- vention, and a discussion is being carried on between the projector and him : but in the present state of the discussion, it would be unprofitable to give the opinions of either to our readers, THE PNEUMATIC RAILW-AY. A model, of what is called a “ Pneumatic Railway,” for which Mr. Henry Pinkus has taken out a patent, is now exhibiting in Wig- more-street ; and a prospectus is in circula- tion of a '' National Pneumatic Railway Asso- ciation,” to promote the adoption, on all the railroads in England,” of the system of trans- port of which this model is an exemplification. Copies are also handed about of Opinions” given by Dr. Lardner and Professor Faraday in favour of the system ; and on the strength of these opinions very considerable sums are stated to have been subscribed to the project- ed Association.” We shall first lay before our readers as much of the prospectus as re- lates to the scientific merits of the project, and then the Opinions” of Messrs. Faraday and Lardner entire ; after which we shall add something in the way of an opinion of our own. Extracts from Prospectus of the National Pneumatic Raihvay Association. The improvement consists in the means by which one of the most effective powers in nature is made available to railway transit, and it is applied through the agency of fxed steam engines, arranged at stations several miles apart along the line of road ; the medium of communication between the stations consti- eo ON THE POWER OF SURMOUNTING tilting the body of the railway itself, which is so formed as'to be nearly indestructible. * ^ ^ ^ ¥ “ The invention, which is the basis of the improvement now submitted to the public, con- sists in the means of applying the elastic and forcing power of the atmosphere, obtained by rarefaction, within a hollow cylinder, of from thirty to forty inches in diameter, to carriages and cars running upo7i rails on its outer sur- face the action being produced and trans- ferred by means of pneumatic machinery, worked by sufficiently powerful fixed or local steam-engines. “ Steam-power, used as a first mover, ad- mits of no application so economical as that by means of fixed engines ; and thus motive power will be obtained at one quarter the ex- pense of that yielded by the locomotive-engine. The fixed engine gives also the advantage which the locomotive does not possess, that the intensity of its force can be greatly varied to suit the exigencies of the road ;• and thus it may be rendered available according to the nature of the slope or steepness of the acclivi- ty to overcome the weight to be moved, and the degree of rapidity required. Unlike that of the locomotive-engine, the power of the fixed engine is, by the improved system, communicated ivith no indirect expenditure to the load or train of carriages; whilst the pow- er of the locomotive is first applied to bear along its own ponderous bulk — which is of about 10 tons weight, or fully one-fourth of its usual load— and, as before remarked^ it de- stroys both railw ay and engine by its violent action andconcussive force. “ The power of stirmoiinting acclivities ren- ders the most direct lines of communication available, and thus shortens the distances be- tween places, and avoids the necessity of cir- cuitous routes in search of levels. Moreover, the improved system of railway permits of roads being laid through a marsh as W’ell as over a common or dow n, and with no greater- expense ; thus affording the means, in many cases, of avoiding the annoyance, inconveni- ence, and expense of running roads through parks, and over arable lands. It may be re- marked, too, that the great expense involved in the formation and construction of a railroad upon the common system, is totally sunk in cutting down, or in tunneling through hills, and in building across, or embanking over- valleys ; W'hereas the main expense involved in the formation of a road on the improved system, is in common iron castings, which be- ing almost indestructible, and possessing an intrinsic value, little or no loss can accrue upon them. “Not only does the improved system pre- sent a firmer construction of the railway, and a highly economical application of power, but it atibrds also greater protection to life and property, in the security of the carriages and cars for the conveyance of passengers and goods ; since these are so placed upon the rails, and so connected with the railway it- self, that they cannot, by any possibility, be thrown off or overturned. In consequence of this advantage, whatever objection may exist in the public mind to travelling upon railways. ACCLIVITIES BY THE PNEUMATIC RAILWAY, 61 because of the danger connected with the common system, will be entirely removed, and a great improvement may be confidently cal- culated upon in the important item of passen- ger traffic. “ When it is considered that 5^ the im- proved system a line of road may he formed and constructed, for, at the most, two- thirds, and in some cases, for one-half the expense involved hy the common system ; and that such a railway can he maintained and worked with far greater speed, and infinitely greater safety, for three-fourths less than the common system costs ; and that therefore passengers and goods may he conveyed at one-half the price ivhich the common system demands, and then yield a far competition with the As- sociation will be wholly out of the question. “ As any degree of speed cdJi be obtained by the improved system with the most per- fect safety, and without the disadvantage, not to say danger, arising from great velocity on the common method, a single line on the new system can be made, by the reciprocating plan proposed, to effect as much transit as can be effected by the use of a double liae on the former, while the cost will thereby be lessened nearly one-half. Hence communi- cations that may not warrant the expense of a double line of railway, may be advantage- ously occupied vyith a single line ; number- less lines are in this manner open to the application of the new system, which the common method will not permit of being- attempted, “ As the invention affords the means of applying the power to the common railway, the proprietors of such must soon be found anxious to avail themselves of its advantages ; and thus all the railroads in the country may soon become tributary to the Association, while the interests of the various concerns themselves will be materially improved by its adoption.” Prefixed to the prospectus there are two views, of which those on the front page of our present Number are reduced copies ; Fig. 1, representing the Pneumatic Railway, as it would appear in actual operation ; and Fig- 2, a sectional view of the Railway Cylinder, exhibiting the internal arrangement. OPINION OF DR. LARDNER. I have read the specification of the patent for the Pneumatic Railway and the accom- panying papers, and have also examined the drawings and models which have been sub- mitted to me by Mr. -Hocking.* Two methods have been heretofore em- ployed for rendering steam power available in transport upon railways ; one by causing a travelling or locomotive engine to move with the load which it draws, the other by constructing, at intervals of about a mile and a half, stationary steam-engines, the power of which is transmitted to the load by a rope carried along the road upon rollers or * Professional Director of undertaking the.— • Ed. xM. M. sheaves placed between the rails. 1'he train being attached to this rope is drawn by the power of the engines from station to station. The object of the Pneumatic Railway is to substitute for the rope a partially exhausted tunnel, to employ the fixed steam-engines to work air-pumps by which a rarefaction of the tunnel shall be maintained, and to cause the trains to be tracked upon the railway by connecting them with a diaphragm or piston placed in the interior of the tunnel, so as to have that part of the tunnel in advance of the piston rarefied by the engines, while that part behind the piston is open to the atmo- sphere. An effective impelling power is thus obtained equivalent to the difference between the pressure of the atmosphere on one side of the diaphragm, and of the rarefied air on the other. ! ! ! Of the practicability of this project, I think there can be no doubt. d he working of large air-pumps, by an adequate moving power, and the rarefaction of air in tubes or tunnels by such means is not a new idea. It was suggested by Papin in the latter end of the seventeenth century, and was even pointed out by him as a means of transferring power to a distance, without the loss by friction and other causes consequent upon the use of ropes, or other ordinary means of transmitting force. It is, in fact, a well understood prin- ciple in physics, that whatever moving force be expended in producing the rarefaction of air in a cylinder or tunnel, must necessarily be followed by a corresponding force on the other side of a diaphragm moving air-tight in that tunnel, and exposed to the free action of the atmospheric pressure. In the present case, supposing the structure of the valvular cord and the pneumatic piston to be perfect, the opposite side of the diaphragm will al- ways be pressed by an effective impelling force, the amount of which may be calcu- lated upon these principles. It will, of course, be perceived that no original moving power is obtained from the tunnel, or from the rarefied air; the rarefaction gives back the power expendedby the stationary engines, and nothing more; and the tunnel must therefore be regarded merely as a substitute for the ropes in the common method of work- ing railways by stationary engines. But it is evidently attended with several advantages in comparison with the latter. A very large proportion of the moving power of stationary engines worked by ropes is intercepted by the resistance from the weight and friction of the ropes, sheaves, barrels, drums, &c. All such waste of power is removed by the pneu- matic tunnel. The original expense of ropes, and then- wear and tear, would be likewise saved. Some notion of the extent of this saving may be collected from the following facts : — when the Liverpool and Manchester Railway was about to be brought into operation, a question arose as to the expediency of working it by stationary engines, and estimates of the ex- pense were made by competent engineers, d he total amount of capital to be invested in mov« ing power was estimated at about 120,000/. ; of this above 25,000/. was devoted to ropes. 62 ON THE COMPARATIVE ECONOMY LIKELY TO RESULT sheaves, drums, and other necessary accom- paiiiments. The total annual expense of maintaining the moving power was estimated at 42,000^., and of this about 18,000/. was appropriated to the wear and tear of ropes, sheaves, &c. &c. 'J'hus it appears that the method of transmitting the power of the sta- tionary engines to the trains by ropes would absorb about 20 per cent, of tlie invested ca- pital, and their maintenance would consume about 43 per cent, of the annual expenditure. Another source of comparative economy xvould obviously be the diminished number of stationary engines. In the estimate already referred to, it was calculated that the distance of 30 miles should be divided into 17 stations, with two 40-horse engines at each station ; besides these, there would have been two en- gines at the bottom of each inclined plane, one at the tunnel, two at the top of the planes, and one at the Manchester end, making in all 42 stationary engines to work a line of 30 miles. Now, according to the estimate of the patentee of the Pneumatic Railway, from three to six stations would be sufficient be- tween Manchester and Liverpool, and the whole line would be worked by from six to twelve stearn-engines. Putting aside, there- fore, the saving of power which woirld arise from the substitution of suction in the tunnel for ropes, and supposing the amount of stati- onary power in both cases to be the same, it will be evident that a material saving would arise from the circumstance of that amount of power being derived from so much less a num- ber of engines — the number of enginemen, as- sistants, &c., besides the interest on capital, being considerably less. Some notion of the economy of power likely to arise from superseding the use of ropes may be collected from the result of experi- ments made by Messrs. Stephenson and Locke, on the resistance arising from the friction of ropes. They found that a load of 52 tons, drawn by stationary engines worked by ropes, through mile and half stages, offer- ed a total resistance amounting to 11,56 lbs. ; of this 582 lbs. arose from the friction of the load, and 5741bs. from the friction of the ropes. In the case of the Pneumatic Rail- way, the friction of the rope is replaced by the friction ofthe air-pumps and of the impelling apparatus; and it will be evident that the latter, compared with the former, must be al- most insignificant. Hence the power wasted m its transmission from the stationary engines to the load, which in one case amounts to 50 per cent, of the whole moving power of the engine, in the other is of comparatively tri- fling amount. Slopes on railways will alway be objection- able, w'hatever power be used ; for even the most gentle ascent will increase the resistance of the load in an enormous proportion. The difficulties, however, which they present are materially less when the line is worked by stationary than by locomotive-engines, and w'ould be still further diminished by supersed- ing the rope ; the resistance arising from the rope being always greater on inclined-planes than on the level , owing to its increased thick- ness and consequent weight. A load which requires a 4-^-inch rope for the level requires a 5^-inch rope upon a slope of 1 in 100. The weights of equal lengths of these ropes would be iri the proportion of about 2 to 3, the slope requiring one-half more weight of rope than the level. Resides this, the moving power on a slope, in addition to the ordinary friction which it has to overcome on the level, has likewise to draw up the v/eight ofthe rope— a resistance which will be increased in proper- lion to the acclivity of the slope. The disadvantages produced by slopes when locomotive-engines are used are still more formidable. The same engine which is fitted to work upon the level is altogether inadequate for the slopes ; the consequence of which is, either, that the locomotive is strained beyond its power by working up the slopes and rapidly destroyed, or that the en- gines must be more powerful than is requisite for the common level of the road, and thus power and expense wasted ; or finally, that an auxiliary engine must be kept constantly ready at the foot of each slope, with its fire lighted and its steam up, ready to help up the trains as they arrive. Unless the trains be almost incessant ('which even on the most frequented railroad they never can be), this last expedient, which is the one adopted on the Manchester line, is attended with great waste of power and expense. Stationary engines worked on the pneumatic principle w’ould effectually remove all these difficulties and objections. The weight of the trains which could be drawn upon the Pneumatic Railway, and the speed of the motion imparted to them would entirely depend upon the power of the stati- onary engines. As the friction or other resis- tance does not increase with the velocity, the same absolute expenditure of power would draw the same load at whatever speed. 'I'he high speed attained by locomotive engines has been attended with great expense, but this has not arisen from the increased expenditure of power. It has been caused by the wear of the engines themselves, consequent on their rapid motion on the road, and by the necessi- ty of sustaining a fierce temperature, in the fire-place, in order to be able, within the small compass of these engines, to generate steam with sufficient rapidity to attain the necessary rate of motion. As the magnitude of the stationary engines would not be limited, and as they would not be subject to the injuri- ous effects of motion on the road, steam could be produced in sufficient quantity for the at- tainment of any required speed, without increasing its cost or in any way impairing' the machinery. One of the obstacles to the attainment of great speed by stationary engines worked by- ropes, is the delay produced in transferring the trains from engine to engine, and from station to station. The momentum imparted to them is lost at each change, and these changes occur every mile and a half, so that the train has scarcely attained its requisite speed when its motion must again be checked in order to hand it over to another engine. This difficulty is removed by the pneumatic system ; there being no rope to be detached and attached , the BY THE ADOPTION OF PNEUMATIC RAILWAY'S, C3 piig'lne passes on by its momentum from sta- tion to station ; and a contrivance is provided, by means of a valve at the stations, by which it is brought under the operation of the next engine without stopping its motion. Although the danger of accidents to passen- gers on the present railways worked by loco- motive engines, is considerably less than that of travelling by horse coaches on turnpike roads, yet serious accidents have occasionally occurred. These have generally arisen either from the locomotive engine running off the rails — from one train running against ano- ther—from the locomotive engine breaking — or, finally, from persons standing upon the rails being run down. In the pneumatic system there is almost a perfect security from these causes of danger. From the engines being stationary, and the tunnel rising between the wheels of the trains, it is evidently impos- sible for the carriages to run off the road ; and from the manner in which the system is work - ed, it is impossible that one train can run against another. It happens also that the na- ture of the rails themselves, forming, as they do, merely ledges upon the sides of the tunnel, prevents the possibility of persons standing between or upon them . In railways worked by statlonary'engines, serious accidents have occasionally occured by the ropes breaking while the train has been ascending a slope. In such cases the train has run down by its weight with a frightful rapidity, producing the destruction of the car- riages and the loss of life. It is evident that this source of danger is removed by the pneumatic system. An advantage possessed by this system above the edge railroad deserves to be particularly noticed. In the edge railroad the engines and carriages are kept upon the road by flanges or ledges raised upon the tires of the wheels which press on the interior of the rails. Every thing which causes the carriagss to press on the one side or the other, causes these flanges to rub against the rail. When a curve or' bend happens in the road, the carri- ages are guided by the pres.sure of one or the other flange on the side of the rail, which, of course, is accompanied by considerable fric- tion. In the pneumatic railway there are no flanges, either on the wheels, or rails ; the carriages are guided by wheels or rollers placed in a horizontal position, and acting upon the external sides of the channel which receives the valvular cord. By this means all resistance which arises from what is called rubbing fric- tion is removed, and every surface which moves upon another moves upon it with a rolling motion. (To be continued.) ON CALICO-PRINTING. By Thomas Thomson, m. d.,f. r.s, l, &e.&c. Regius Professor of Chemistry in the University of Glasgow^ ( Continued from page 23 II — DISCHARGES OF COLOURS. —Most colours are fixed to the cloth by mor- dants ; or if they be metallic oxides, they retain their affinity only that a particular state of oxdizement.* Thus madder is fixed by alumina, and cochineal by means of oxide of tin. Manganese adheres to the cloth only when in the state of sesquioxide, and is washed away by water the moment it is converted into protoxide. Hence, when the printers wish to discharge a colour from cloth, they employ something that will dissolve the mor- dant, or which will deoxidize the oxide, or colouring matter, if no mordant be present. The dischargers or either acids, or substances having a strong affinity for oxygen ; the for- mer being employed to dissolve the mordants, and the latter to deoxidize the oxides. The chief of these are the following : — 1. CITRIC ACID is much used to dis- solve alumina, and peroxide of iron, and thus to prevent the formation of colour on particu- lar parts of the cloth, by removal of the mor- dant, which would otherwise produce them. It is obtained by evaporating lemon juice, and thickening it with gum-senegal for the cylinder, or with gum and pipe-clay for the block. Its action is occasionally assisted by bisulphate of potash, or sulphuric acid. Sometimes the citric acid is first printed on white cloth, and afterwards the aluminous or iron mordant is applied slightly thickened. It is dried immediately to prevent the swell- ing of the acid figures. At other times, the mordants are first applied, and the acids print- ed over them. In both cases, the goods are afterwards pas- sed through hot water, containing cow dung, and well washed before they are dried. This removes the mordants from all those parts to which the acid has been applied, which of course, remains white after the cloth is died. 2. TARTARIC ACID, thickened with gum, is applied by the block, or cylinder, to cloth previously dyed Turkey-red, It is then passed through an aqueous solution of chloride of lime. The acid disengages chlorine from the chloride, which of course, destroys the colour of those parts to which it had been applied, while all the other parts of the cloth retain their red colour. When oxide of lead is deposited on the cloth, along with the acid, and the cloth after passing through the aque- ous solution of the bleaching-powder, is pas- sed through an aqueous solution of bichro- mate of potash. The parts that would have remained white, are converted into a fine yel- low. This beautiful process is not confined to Turkey-red. 3. PROTOCHLORIDE OF IRON is used to discharge the manganese brown, and * Almost every thing which can be applied to cloth, in a state of solution, and which becomes afterwards insoluble in water, either by preci- pitation, or spontaneous decomposition, sticks to the cloth when it is washed. Water, there- fore, does not remove protoxide of Manganese, and the protochloride of tin alluded to at the conclusion of this section, as a means of removing the sesquioxide or peroxide of Manganese, not only takes away their oxygen, but converts them into a soluble chloride. 64 ANOTHER PLAN FOR PROPELLING STEAM VESSELS. substitute a buff. This it does, by depriving the manganese of oxygen, and thus rendering it soluble; (the manganese is made soluble by conversion into chloride of manganese) while the protochloride of iron, being con- verted into perchloride, deposites peroxide of iron on the cloth, which produces the charac- teristic buff ox orange colours of that oxide. SULPHATE OF IRON is used in a vari- ety of ways. It deoxidizes the indigp in the in- digo vat, and renders it soluble in lime-water. It produces gold, bujf, 8fc. colours, and makes a good chemical black with logwood. 4. PROTOCHLORIDE OF TIN, when applied to cloth dyed brown by the sesqui- oxide of manganese, immediately deoxidizes it, discharges the colour, and leaves the part white. Ifit be mixed with Brazil wood, or cochineal, it discharges the manganese, but leaves a pink. When mixed with logwood, it leaver a purple ; and when with Prussian blue, a blue. To produce a yellow upon manganese brown, chloride of tin is mixed with sulphate of lead. This mixture thickened with roasted starch, is printed on the manganese brown. As soon as it is dry, the manganese being re- duced to the state of chloride may be washed off; but the sulphate of lead adheres to the cloth, in consequence of an affinity between them. The cloth being now limed, and pas- sed through a solution of bichromate of potash, those parts which contain the oxide of lead are dyed a beautiful yellow. CHLORIDE OF TIN is capable also of removing peroxide of iron from cloth, by re- ducing it to chloride, as it does the sesqui- oxide of manganese. For this purpose it is sometimes printed on a deep colour, com- posed of peroxide of iron and quercition yel- low. The protochloride of iron is formed and washed away, while the oxide of tin remaining, constitutes a mordant for the quercitron. Thus the parts to which the tin was applied become yellow. PROTOCHLORIDE OF TIN is also employed occasionally, to discharge the orange, consisting of dichromate of lead from the cloth. This it does by reducing the chro- mic acid to protoxide. But as the green oxide of chromium still continues fixed, the dis- charged parts do not assume a good white colour. But this does not much affect the blue and purple colours substituted for the orange, by mixing the tin with Prussian-blue, or with logwood. When protochloride of tin is decomposed by carbonate of soda, protoxide of tin is obtained. This protoxide is used along with potash, to render indigo soluble. The protoxide deoxidizes the indigo, and the potash dis- solves the yellow base. It is then applied to the cloth in the way that will be explained afterwards. PLAN FOR PROPELLING STEAM VESSELS BY THE RETROACTIVE FORCE OF A COLUMN OF AIR. I> C B Str,— The above sketch represents apian for propelling steam -vessels by a powerful current of air ejected from the stern of the vessel. Water has been tried in a variety of ways to effect a similar object, but I am not aware of any trial having been made similar to the plan proposed. A is the cylinder of the air-pump, with three inverted steam cylinders on tlie top, marked BCD. The piston rods of the in- verted cylinders work the plunger of the air- pump, and are attached to it at equal dis- tances from the centre, and at equal distances from each other. The cylinder of the air- pump being 10 feet diameter, it is presumed that three steam-cylinders so placed would be a better arrangement than with one in the centre, if even equal to the three in capacity. E, an air-vessel, which the air is forced into at the passages/ g, alternately, with each stroke of the pump. Those passages have valves to prevent the air returning into the cylinder of the air-pump. H, a cast-iron pipe running from the prow to the stern of the vessels, and open at both ends to the w’ater. There are two cocks or valves to this pipe, one on each side of the air-vessel. When the air is blowing off to propel the vessel forward; the lever K of the hand-gear is in the situation represented in the figure ; when the lever is raised a little higher, the air will rush out at both ends of the pipe H, and neutralize the propelling force, and if raised a little more, it will be discharged at the prow of the vessel only. That a power of starting, stopping, and back- ing the vessel, may be thus gained, is obvi- ous. If we suppose the air discharged by the pump to be condensed to one-fourth of its original volume, and the cylinder of the air- pump to be 10 feet diameter, with a 6 feet stroke, making 18 strokes per minute, about. 4,000 cubical feet of air would be discharged every minute from the stern of the vessel. Question. — What would the probable result of such an experiment be, as respects the velocity of the vessel so propelled, to the power expended, when compared with pad- dle-wheels ? I am. Sir, Yourverv obedient servant, April 24t/i, 1835-. ' J. W. [Mech, Mag. 1835. (To be continued. ) PERPETUAL MOTION OR THE HYDROSTATIC PARADOX. 6a PENDULUM STEAM-ENGINE. Sir,— Encoura^-ed by the readiness which you show to give publicity to all designs and suggestions that have any claim to originality, or are at alt likely to be productive of practi- cal good, I take the liberty of sending you a sketch of a new form of a steam-engine, which may be termed a pendulum'-engine. 1 made a model of an engine on this plan some years ago, and it answered very well ; however, I did not then give it publicity, be- cause 1 had hopes of being able to try its ac- tion on a larger scale; but, as an opportunity has not offered itself, I can only speak of it as a model. There are, no doubt, many defects in the plan ; and to any of your scientific cor- respondents, v?ho will do me the favour to point out such defects, and suggest any re- quired improvement, I shall feel much obliged. DESCRIPTION. A is the foundation ; B B the frame ; C C are two short cylinders, opposite to each other, into which swing the pistons at the end of the pendulum rod E, and to which is also affixed two catches, F F for opening and shutting the steam-cocks G G, by means of the -levers H H ; III are the steam-pipes; K is a guide-plate for the pendulum-rod. The action of the engine is represented by the dotted lines. As the piston vibrates into the cylinder, the short end of the catch passes over the lever, which is carried forward by the long end until the cock is opened ; when the action of the steam causing the piston to return, the short end acts upon the lever un- til the cock is closed : and so on alternately. The engine might be used for various pur- poses. Pumps could be connected by means of the cross-beam X, or a rotary motion com- municated to machinery by the crank Y and a fly-wheel. Should the engine be placed at a distance from the pumps, the cross-beam could be dispensed with, and a rod, Z, connected to the pendulum-rod, by which any length of stroke might be acquired by altering the point of connexion. Should high-pressure steam be an objec- tion, low-pressure could be employed by hav- ing two longer cylinders, the pistons being connected by one piston-rod, and the pendu- lum acting in the middle of it by means of a roller. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, Charles Slocke. Mechanic's Magazine, Old-Street, Mill-wall, Pplar, Feb, 12, 1835. USEFUL RESULT EXTRAORDINA» RY, OF THE USEFUL KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY’S LABOURS. Sir,— I perceive from a recent Number of the Mech. I\Iag., that an ingenious French- man is about to take out a patent for that long-sought desideratum, the perpetual mo- tion. Now, sir, as it happens that I have myself lately had the good fortune to achieve the discovery, you will, I hope, admit the propriety of allowing me to enter a caveat in your pages against any foreign rival’s preten- sions to priority — in case it should turn out, when he enrols his specification, that his me- thod is the same as my own. Thus much, Mr. Editor, is due, even out of bare justice towards the claims of native talent ! My invention (the details of which I will not trouble you with at present) is founded on the principle of the hydrostatic paradox, as that principle is laid down in the first number of the Library of Useful Knowledge, aii follows : — “We have seen how the displacing any portion of a fluid by a solid, whatever by the weight of the solid, produces no difference in the weight of the fluid, provided it stands at the same height as before ; and how raising the height of the fluid by plunging a solid into it, increases its weight. If the fluid is raised by pressing or forcing it upwards, in however thin a column, provided the vessel is kept full, and closed in all directions, the pressure of the fluid will be increased, and the weight of the vessel will he increased, although no- thing whatever, either solid or fluid, is added to it, or made to touch it. The cylindrical box e f (see fig. ) has a cube g fitted into its top, and there is a wire D fitted to a plate D, the size of the inside of the box, and moving up and down in it, water tight. The plate being at the bottom h i, water is poured into the box, so that it rises to e/, but does not rise in the tube. It is then balanced by a weight in the scale A. If the wire C is drawn up so as to raise the plate, and force 66 ADMONiriON TO LORD BIIOIIGUAM AND INFIDEL PLILOSOIM lERS, some of the water into the tube, the whole box and water will weigh more than it did ; and to restore the balance, more weight must be put into the scale A. If the box is three inches diameter, every inch that the water rises in the tube will add above four ounces to the xceiglit of the box and tube, whatever be the bore of the tube ; for the pressure of the water in the box, in all directions, will be increased by the weight of a body of water whose height is the height of the water in the tube, and whose base is the extent of the surface of the water passing on the tope/ of the box. Now the top being three inches diameter, its surface is about 7^ square in- ches ; and a body of water one inch high, and 7^ square inches broad, is 7} cubic inches of water, which weigh about four ounces. Thus, raising the wire a foot, will add three pounds to the weight of the water.” — Library of Useful Knowledge, Hydrostatics, p. 0. It is by a very simple application of tire principle thus set forth, that I propose to effect the desired object ; and all 1 can see to wonder at is, that mankind should have been so long without discovering the grand arcanum, when so convenient a law of nature stared them in tlie face all the while, 'i'liere are, indeed, some “ roaring infidels,” who venture to assert that there is no such lav/ in existence except in the pages of the tract published “ under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Know- ledge.’’ But can it, for an instant, be be- lieved that so monstrous a blunder as the laying down, with all due pomp and circum- stance, of such a non-existent law, could be truly laid to the charge of a learned body, with no less profound a philosopher than my Lord Brougham at the head of it, and whole scores of men of science of first-rate eminence on its committee 1 'J’he thing is evidently quite out of the question. A friend of mine, indeed, who delights in throwing cold water on all plans of perpetual motion, did startle me a little by'observing, that if the pressure of the water in the box were increas- ed equally “ in all directions,” the upward pressure would exactly counterpoise the downward, and that, therefore, the '' loeight of the box and tube” would remain the same as before ! There certainly appears to be something in this objection ; but, if it were well-founded, there would be an end at once to my grand project. Tdiat being the case, I prefer practice to mere theory, and devoutly believe that, as the committee-men of the the Society would hardly allow their names to be paraded on the covers of the book as having “ superintended” its composition, without having actually tested by experiment all the propositions it contains (and especial- ly one so novel and remarkable as that in question,) it is absolutely and literally true that the specific gravity of water, at a given moment, may be owe, while in the next it may be a hundred, or a hundred thousand ! I remain. Sir, Your most obedient servant, April 2S,\B36. F. H. WOOD AND QUANTRILL’S PA I’ENT PUMP, The writer of the present article is in- duced to invite attention to the patent pump, which is the subject of it, because he has himself had personal experience of its superiority over other pumps, and believes he will be doing a service, both to the ingenious patentees and to the public, by making its merits more generally known. The construction of the pump, as will be seen from the prefixed engravings, is remark- able for its simplicity. A perspective, and in part transparent, view of it is given in fig. 1. A is the working chamber ; B the suction- pipe; D E F the valve-box, staple, and spear ; G g the pump-rod ; H h the stay for pump-rod ; I P L the stauncheon ; K k step to receive the stauncheon ; M m plate for step of the stauncheon ; N pump-handle. Figs. 2, 3, 4, and 5, are detached views of the valve-box, staple, and spear ; fig. 2 exhibit- ing the valve shut, fig. 3 the same open. Fig. 6 is the step, and fig. 7 the plate for the step of the stauncheon. Fig, 8 represents a cistern- head with flanch and nosle. The point to be particularly noted, in the construction of this pump, is the peculiar position of the suction-pipe B. Instead of being situated under the centie of the barrel, as in other pumps, it is fixed on one side ; which not only admits of its being much larger in tho bore than usual, but leaves that bore completely open and unobstructed. In the suction-pipes of the pumps in common use the bore is always less at the end attached to the barrel than at the lower end, in conse- AxV lUPORlANT DISCOVERY WOOD’S PATENT PUMP. 67 quence of the valve occupying a considera- ble part of tlie orifice ; and to the extent of the difference, is their efficiency necessarily diminished. The advantages of the simple but important change of position made by Messrs. Wood and Quantrille, first, that a greater quantity of water can be raised by their pump in a given time than by any other known to the writer — one of 6 inches bore, worked by one man, being capable of raising upwards of 76 gallonsof water per minute; second, that it is not liable to be chocked, all foreign matters that may happen to be sucked up with the water having an open and free passage from the suction-pipe to the working chamber, and thence to tl)e discharge-pipe. The portability, or other locomobility, of this pump, is another circumstance well de- serving attention, It may be shifted or un- shifted by one person in a minutes time ; and removed by a couple of men from one part of a person’s premises, and refixed to another in less than a quarter of an hour. Onboard of vessels of war, where the decks are often required to be cleared of a sudden, with the utmost |)Ossible dispatch, this facility of re- moval would be found of immense advantage. Edit. I\Jech. Mag. C, G. S. Southampton, May 6, 1835. [Mech. Magazine, 1835. HYDRO. PNEUMAl’IC PUMP. Sir,— I send you a sketch and description of an apparatus for procuring vacuum, which 1 have lately invented, and which I have call- ed the hydro-pneumatic pump. Should you deem the communication worthy of notice, I should feel obliged by your giving it inser- tion in one of your early Numbers; and have the honour to remain. Sir, Y our most ob edient servant, W. II. O. March 17, 1835. DESCRIPTION. The apparatus consists of two stout glass cylinders A and B ; the one, A, may be term- ed the condenser ; . the other, B, the receiver : the former is fixed to the stand G, the latter is moveable, for the purpose of experiment, d'hese cylinders are fitted with two upright brass necks, 1 d ; that of A is furnished with a.val ve e, opening upwards into the atmosphere, and that of B is bent at a right angle, so as to screw at h, on the cross-branch /, from the other neck, and thus to form with it an entire air-tight tube, which tube has a valve, c, open- ing outivards, by a spring or otherwise, into the neck I. The cylinder A is farther fur- nished with a tube K, for supplying it with wa- ter; it passes through the stand G, enters A at O, and terminates in F. This tube has a cock L, or other similar contrivance, for ad- mitting or intercepting the fluid, as may be requisite; and near to this in A, as shown by the dotted circle M, is another cock for with- drawing the water from A, when necessary, each of these cocks being both air and water- tig'ht. The pump is put into operation in the fol- lowing manner — the receiver B having been previously removed for the sake of experiment,, by unscrewing its neck dab, and afterwards replaced upon the standing, or rather upon a receiver plate attached to it. First, the cock L being opened, and that at M shut, water is poured or admitted in any other man- ner into the pipe K, and flows from it into the cylinder A. As it rises it condenses the air within A ; the valve e is consequently opened, and when it reachesthe height indi- cated by the dotted line a; 1/, it has expelled through e nearly all the air which the cylin- der contained. 'The valve e havin" again fal- len, the cock L is shut so as to cut off the supply or water to A. Now this cock, as well as that at M, being air tight, and the former having, moreover, above it a column of water, the level of which; by the laws of fluids, corresponds with the line x y, it necessarily follows, upon opening the cock at M, so as to allow the water in A to escape, and again shutting it (taking care, of course, not to admit any air from without to pass through it into A), that a vacuum will beleft within A ; consequently, the air in the receiver B will rusli through the cross-tube/, and valve c, to restore the equilibrium, and will thus be- come rarefied ; this effect will, indeed take place as soon as the air in A assumes a less density than thatinB, Further, as the air which A now contains, and which, it is al- most superfluous to observe, possesses the same density with that in B, cannot pass back to B, for the valve c is now' shut, it also fol- lows, that, if the cock L be again opened and water readmitted to A, it will be, as before, condensed, and ultimately driven out ate; and, as a consequence, upon a second time opening and shutting the cock at M another vacuum will be created in A ; this wdll, like- wise, be occupied by the air from B, which becomes, of course, still more rarefied ; and these operations being repeated, the air in B will, at length, be so far exhausted, as to con- stitute an almost perfect vacuum. 1 have not made any reference to the rela- tive size ofthe cylinders, this being a point of but minor importance. I may, however, ob- serve, it is advisable that A should be more capacious than B (in proportion, for instance, by diameter, of 1|, or l|^to 1) ; because, on the withdrawal of the water, the vacuum within A, and consequent rarefaction in B, will be the greater. On the oth§r hand, it is evident 68 THE BLOW PIPE IN PRACTICAL CHEMISTRr. Uiat, if A be made enormously large, it will not only require a considerable quantity of water for its supply, and a long period to fill ; but the whole machine will, thereby, be ren- dered extremely unwieldy and inconvenient. It may, too, perhaps, be as well to state, that, in order to economise the water as much as possible, it may be conducted as it flows from the cock at M, by means of a pipe or other- wise, to a vessel appropriated for its recep- tion, from which it may be again transferred to the cylinder A when required. W. H. O. ON THE PRACTICE OF THE BLOW- PIPE. Dear Sir, — Among the numerous contri- butions which have at various periods ap- peared in your pages relative to the con- struction and management of blow-pipes, I have been surprised at not finding any directions for the practice of the moiith blow-pipe; an instrument far exceeding, in utility and convenience, all the artificial combinations wliicb have been invented to supply its place. Thinking, therefore, a communication on the subject likely to prove interesting to your chemical readers, and calculated to promote the employment of this useful little instrument, I am in- duced to solicit your insertion of the fol- lowing practical, though somewhat desul- tory, remarks, and am, Yours, very truly, Libertus, Newington, March 9, 1835. The introduction of the use of the blow- pipe in practical chemistry may be regarded almost in the same light as the application of the power of steam to the purposes of commerce. If the latter has increased our national resources, and forwarded the in- terests of mechanical science, by economis- ing the labour and expenditure which were formerly bestowed— the former has in like manner advanced the cause of chemistry and its dependent sciences, by reducing the expense of fuel, time, and material, which were originally required in qualitative ana- lysis. If the mechanic can now produce, with comparative ease and expenditure, an article which, before the introduction of the steam-engine, would have required the labour of many weary days, and the con- sumption of much valuable material — the modern chemist can, with equal facility, detect the constituent principles of a body which, before the invention of the blow- pipe, would have called in requisition the unremitting exertions of many tedious nights, and the profuse employment of ma- ny rare and, perhaps, valuable substances. In fact, by the introduction of this simple, yet invaluable, instrument, the modern chemist can, by his parlour fire-side, and with a common candle, perform those ope- rations, to accomplish which the ancient and less gifted philosopher would have been compelled to resort to the unhealthy atmos- phere of a laboratory, and the continued poring over an intensely active fire. The blow-pipe, according to Bergman, had been long employed in the arts by jewellers and others, for the purpose of soldering, be- fore it was applied to the purposes of ana- lytical chemistry and mineralogy, by a Swedish metallurgist of the name of Sual, about the year 1733. This individual ap- pears, horvever, to have left no written ac- count of the methods which he adopted in its application. The researches of Cron- stedt, Bergman, and Gahn, — and, more re- cently, those of Berzelius and Faraday, have concurred in raising this instrument to the eminent station of utility which it at present enjoys. In the work of Berzelius on this subject, will be found ample in- structions for the pursuit of mineralogical and analytical chemistry ; and in the Che- mical Manipulations” of Dr. Faraday, the student will meet with copious directions for applying this instrument in the bend- ing and blowing of glass, in practical che- mistry. For the former purpose, the mouth blow-pipe possesses undeniable ad- vantages ; but for the more fatiguing ope- rations of the latter, the table or hydros- tatic blow-pipe will he found convenient. The advantages possessed by the mouth blow-pipe over all those instruments, whose blast is produced by artificial means, con- sists in its portability, economy, and the facility of immediately suspending or modi- fying the blast. “ The chemist does not possess,” says Dr. Faraday, “ a more ready, powerful, and generally useful in- strument than the mouth blow-pipe, and every student should early accustom himself to its effectual use and application.” The supply of a continued stream of air is the chief difficulty which a beginner ex- periences in learning the use of this in- strument ; and this difficulty is, I appre- hend, not unfrequently increased by the employment of a blow-pipe with too large an orifice, in the first instance. The fol- lowing method of constructing will, I have reason to believe, be found more efficacious than any other hitherto published, since I have by its means succeeded in less than halfanhourin communicating the art of blowing to a class of several persons. Let the pupil procure a tube of glass, h e about 13 inches long, and ot the size and thick- ness of a. Let him now thoroughly heat the tube at c, about two inches from the end, by slowing turning it round in the flame of a candle, or, what is better, a spirit lamp. When he find that it will yield, let him bend it gradually till it has acquired the position represented by fig, 2. HOW TO OBTAIN HONEY WITHOUT DESTROYING THE BEE’S. 69 The part d is to be heated in the same manner, till it is found soft enough to draw out, when the part e must be gradually :,1 ^ withdrawn, as represnted in fig. 4. til! it terminates in a point ; this point should be held for a minute or two in the point of the flame, in order to thicken it, and when cold, it is to be ground away with a file, until the smallest possible orifice is visible. The pupil will now be possessed of a blow pipe (fig. 3) with an exceedingly minute jet, and if he puff out his cheeks to the utmost, and places the end b within his lips, while the other extremity is held within a short distance of a candle (fig. 5), he will, after a few trials, find no difficulty in keeping the flame continually^ and without inter- mission, horizontal and clear. The opera- tion which he will be required to perform, in order to keep his cheeks constantly dis- tended, notwithstanding the escape from the jet, cannot easily be described, but will naturally offer itself when the expenditure of air is very small. When the pupil has succeded in keeping up a constant blast for several minutes by this means he may en- large the aperture by degrees, practising between each enlargement, till he finds he can manage a blow-pipe with a large boro, when he should purchase one of brass, with an ivory or tinned mouthpiece, for general use. Among the numerous hydrostatic blow- pipes which have already appeared in your Magazine, the pupil who wishes to manufac- ture his own apparatus, may assuredly find one which will form a substitute for the table blow-pipe. I subjoin a plan for one, which may be constructed, at a trifling ex- pense, by almost every student, and in situations where the articles or workman- ship requisite for the construction of a more complicated machine could not be procured. A B is a common pail, about half filled with water ; c is a large flower-pot inserted, and fastened in by any convenient method ; d is a mouth blow-pipe (glass would do on an emergency), fastened in air-tight, with a cork and lute, to the hole at the bottom of the flower-pot ; e is a bent tube of glass or metal# terminating under the mouth of the flower-pot. When air is blown in from the mouth at e, it rises into the body of the in- ternal vessel and displaces the water, which, in endeavouring to regain its level, forces out the air from the jet of the blow-pipe, with a force proportioned to the height of the column of water displaced.-— Mec/r. Mag. 1835. RE V. CHAS.DEWHURST’S BEE-HIVE. Sir,— I have much pleasure in forwarding you an extract from a lecture delivered, a short time ago, before the members of the Verulam Philosophical Society of London, by its late Secretatry, Charles Dewhurst, Esq.; and if you think likely to interest your readers, I shall feel gratified by its insertion. The lecture I alluded to was on the Natural History and Management of the Hive or Com- mon Honey Bee (apis mellifica), wherein the lecturer detailed a humane and successful plan of securing the honey without depriving the bees of life, which is now generally adop- ted in the county of Suffolk, and originated with his father, the Rev. Mr. Chas. Dew- hurst, of Bury, St. Edmunds, The method employed by this gentleman is as follows: — “ The hive he avails himself of is similar to the one used by the cottagers, with this ex- ception, that it has an opening in its roof of about four inches in diameter ; this has a moveable top (see figure A), which is pegged down whilst the bees are at work and filling the hive. As soon as the latter is full, Mr. Dewhurst (when the bees are absent) care- fully, with a knife, separates the top, and places in its stead a wooden box, of about eight inches square, having doors and a glazed front (seefigure B), in order that he may view, from time to time, the progress they have made in their work. As soon as the bees have filled this box with honey, it is removed, and another substituted ; and by repeating this process, immense quantities of honey and wax may be obtained, without the least loss or injury to the community. In one year Mr. Dewhurst obtained no less than sixty-three pounds of fine pure honey by this method.” 1 remain. Sir, your obedient servant, Henry W. Dewhurst, Pre. Ver. Phil. Society of Loudon. awh 10, 1835. P. S. — I may add, that Mr. Dewhurs, protects his bees from the weather, robberts &c.,in a neat constructed house, about twelve or eighteen inches from the ground. ( 70 ) MISCELLANEOUS LITERARY NOTICES, BELGIUM. • A Royal Society of Sciences has been es- tablished at Antwerp, and, though it has existed only six months, it already boasts of many eminent names of foreign literati among its members, such as Alex, von Humboldt, Charles Dupin, Dr. Pariset, Alexander de la Borde,?De Candolle, Magendie, Ilufeland, &c. &c. As connected with literature, it may be interesting to some of our readers to be in- formed of a remarkable sale of the splendid and valuable collection of the late Count de Rinesse Breidbach, which was to commence at Antwerp on the 1st of October, for the first part, and on the 16th of May, 1836, for the second portion. This second portion con- tains 50,000 medals and coins, ancient and modern ; with a library of 700, works on numismatology ; a collection of antiquities, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Celtic, German, &c, ; another of antiquities of the middle ages ; a collection of 4000 diplomas, 400 seals, and 10,000 prints, — many of them are extremely rare and curious. DENMARK- The museum of nothern Antiquities has re- ceived many valuable ' additions during the last year. The third volume of the Arch- aeqnlogical Journal offthe society has been printed. The society has also printed a Ger- man translation of several of its most interest- ingarticles, illustrated with numerous plates ; but only for theGerman members of the society. Professor Olshausen of Kiel has announc- ed that the family of the celebrated Carsten Niebhur are now preparing, after a lapse of so many years, to publish the third volume of his Travels in Arabia. FRANCE. In the last member of this Journal, we gave u brief account of the great works relative to the national history of France, either projected or already commenced. We have now to ad- vert to a nevv society, the nature and gigantic plans of which merit a far more extended notice than our limits will here allow us to give, but to which we shall doubtless have occasion frequently to recur. Within the last ten years in new era has commenced in the study and composition of history. Every- where, and in all the sciences, the historical features are the most prominent; historical schools predomi nate in philosophy and juris- prudence ; systems and reasonings give way to pragmatic developments poetry (including romance) draws its materials from history, and the historian admits into his narative more and more of the elements of poetry. The in- tellectual and moral history of mankind is more and more blended with the political .* the history of the sciences and arts, of the ideas, the opinions, the domestic manners of nations everywhere accompanies that of em- pires, kings and generals. This conviction has given rise in different countries to asso- ciations in one and the same historical under- taking, such, for instance, as that under the direction of Uckert and lleeren in Germany, This too has given rise to the society establish- ed about sixteen months ago under the title of Institut Historique, which has become so extensive, has so many proofs of its activity to produce, and is about to execute sucl» plans, that it is high time io call the attention of the learned world to it. The number of the members is about 800, of whom one half are Frenchmen, the others natives of almost all countries. Among the French members are Chateaubriand, Reinard, the Dukes of Broglie, Doudeauville, and Montmorency, Messrs, de Fizensac, ChoiseuI, Noailles, the Acadenticians, Micheler, Carnot, Destutt de Tracy, Lamartine, Bory de St. Vincent, G. Saint Hilaire, &c. &c. The historians, such as Thierry, Darn, Capefigue, Barante, of course belong to it. The Journal de I' In- stitut historique began in August last year, and appears regularly in monthly numbers of four sheets. Its chief value, as far as France js concerned, is, that it is the first example in ^hat country of independent criticism. The gecond undertaking of the society is the Au- y^uaire de V Institut historique, which is com- posed by a committee of thirty members, and t|je Ih'st annual volume oi which will appear in January, 1836, and contain the political and scientific history of Europe for 1835. Another committee is engaged on a manual diplo'>^oitique. The commencement of a more intimfil.e personal acquaintance between the European historians is to take place on the. 15th of November, for which day the Institut historique invites a great European historical congress to Paris, to which all the learned societies in Europe are requested t© send de- puties. This congress is to sit a fortniglit, and questions are prepared in all the classes of the Institute, which are to be submitted to this congress. But the undertaking which is of the greatest importance to Europe, and is unparalleled both in itsplan and the manner of its execution, is the Dictioa/iaire de V Insti- tut historique, which is intended to super- sede all existing historical repertories, and is to be composed under the direction of an association of historians of all nations and countries. The plan is as follows: — J’lie contents of the Victionnaire will be exclu- sively historical ; it will not go beyond the limits of this circle, which is itself so exten- sive, but it will embrace History completely and in all its phases, and comprehend equally Men, Events, and Things. By 'i'hings is understood whatever relates to the history of Science, Language, Art, to the develop- ment of human activity in Agiicnlture, Ma- nufactures Commerce ; and it will pay as much regard to tlte history of the manners and GREAT HONOR’S TO THE FRENCH NATION. 71 customs of nations, as to that of political events, which have hitherto been thought alone worthy of detailed notice. The number ofthe articles will of course be very great; but a simple classification will greatly lessen the labour, and prevent repetitions. The ar- ticles are of three kinds. Those of the third class are very short notices, often only larger definitions with reference to the greater arti- cles. Those of the second class relate to Facts, Men, Ideas, remarkable historical Epochs. Those of the first class are devoted to Events and Men that changed the face of a great part of the world (Alexander, Char- lemagne), to a great historical period (the Middle Ages), to a great aggregate of coun- tries (Russia, India), to some important social relation (Islainism, Languages, &c.), or lastly to a great class of Nations, or of Mankind in general (the Priesthood, Races). In general the articles relative to Men (i. e. individuals) will be much less numerous than those on Events, Ideas, and Things, otherwise history becomes biography. It is impossible to enter into details respecting the contents of this part of the work ; the following are the pro- minent features: — 1. Dynasties ; 2. Great Historical Periods ; 3. States, Provinces, Cities, and their History ; 4. Confederations, Corporations, Religious and Military Orders; 5. Wars, Treaties of Peace, Conventions, Battles, Diplomacy ; 6. Governments, Dig- nities, Offices ; 7. Legislation, Laws, Cus- toms, Codes; 8. Finances, Taxation, Loans, EXTRA LIMITES. DVVARKANAUTH TAGORE AND THE MEDICAL COLLEGE. Mv Dear Bramlev, — I am unwilling to offer you my congratulations upon the success which has attended your undertaking in the Medical College, without shewing that my feelings towards the Institution are more substantial than those which words only can expre ss. Should all your expectations be realized, and there is every reason to believe they will, the Medical College cannot fail to produce the happiest results amongst my country- men. No man, I assure you, is more sensible than I am ofthe benefits which such an Institution is calculated to dispense ; but I know also that you have many very great dif- ficulties before you, and the greater part of these you will have to contend with at the onset. My own experience enables me to tell you that no inducement to native exertion is so strong as that of pecuniary reward, and 1 am convinced you will find difficulties disappear in proportion to the encouragement offered to the students in this particular. As an individual member of the native community, I feel it belongs to us to aid, as far as lies in our power, the promotion of your good cause. At present this can hardly be ex- pected on any very great scale ; but as example may be of service to you, 1, for one, will not be backward to accept your invitation to my countrymen to support the College. I beg, therefore, as an inducement to the native pupils now studying in the institution, and to those who may hereafter enter, to offer the annual sum of rupees 2,000 for the ensuing three years, to be distributed in the form of prizes. In order that these may be of substantial value to the candidates, I propose that the prizes should not exceed eight or ten in number, and that they should be available only to foundation students and natives Money ; 9. Manufactures, Commerce, Navi- gation, Mines, &c. ; 10. Churches, Popes, Councils, Ecclesiastical administration, &c. ; 11. Nobility, 'I'hird Estate, Peasantry, &o. ; 12. Chivalry, Heraldry, Feudalism, Arms, Armies Art of War ; 13. Ordinary Life, Liberty, Personal Security, Habitation, Dress, Costumes. Fashions, Furniture, Luxury, Poverty, &c. ; 14. Religions, Ceremonies, Festivals ; 15. Monuments, Archaeology, Cathe- drals, &c. : 16. The fine Ars ; 17. Literary Activity, Printing, Progress of Philosophy, Theology, Sciences, Discoveries, &c. ; 18, Sources and Documents, to facilitate the stu- dy of history. The extent of the work is calcu- lated at forty volumes in large 8vo., each of thirty-two sheets, printed in double columns four volumes to be published every year. Such is a general, but very imperfect, outline of this great enterprise. Avery remarkable circum- stance is, that the Institute has i-esolved to commit the printing of the work to a German House, and commissioned a German member ofthe society to negociate that business with some eminent German firm. So extraordinary a sacrifice of French national pride seems to indicate that the French book trade must be in a very different state from what it is generally supposed to be. * It seems to us that these volumes (50U pages each) will he too small. Our Edinburgh Ga- zetteer of 50 sheets or 800 pages is by no means an inconvenient size.— Foreign Quarterly for Oct, 1835.. n AN INDEPENDENT AND NOBLE MINDED NATIVE. bon& fide pupils of the College, all other arrangements in regard to their distribution I leave to your discretion. Yours very sincerely, Calcutta, 2ith March, 1836, (Signed) Dwarkanauth Tagore. We have great pleasure in bringing to the notice of the public the above letter from Dwarkanauth Tagore to Principal Bramley, We have watched with pleasure the liberality and deep interest this native gentleman takes in the enlightenment and prosperity of his countrymen. Whether in the cause of bursting the shackles of the Press, establishing a Fe- ver Hospital, or that of Education, Dwarkanauth Tagore is the foremost, consistent, and devoted advocate. Another of his countrymen* has followed his noble example, and we have no doubt a feeling throughout India will be excited in the native community in support of the great cause of Medical Education. If one circumstance more than another would prove to government that it loses nothing in the end by founding valuable establish- ments for the benefit of the people, the institution of the Medical College affords that proof, What is the expense after all — a mere drop in the ocean when compared with the vast ulterior benefits to be attained, and we shall be astonished if similar institutions are not forthwith established at Madras, Bombay, and in Central or North Western India. But we again repeat that the Government should liberally pay its professors : — splendid talents, honorable and responsible situations are thus paid in all parts of the world ; and the means, extravagant as they appear to one who is ignorant of the principles of political economy, in the end are proved to be the cheapest. Professors Goodeve and O’Shaughnessy at the present moment cannot, without leisure, devote themselves to other pursuits, and consequently their salaries we could venture to prove are insufficient to cover their expences, much less to enable them to purchase those works and instruments so indis- pensably necessary to their own as well as their pupils edification. We conceive it to be the duty of an enlightened Government to be the first to lend the helping hand, and in time, no doubt, and the period' is not distant, the Medical College and' similar institutions will lapse into the hands of the public for support, and the stigma be removed, which is now reflected on British India, that she is without a University. IMPORTANT DISCUSSION AT THE MEDICAL AND PHYSICAL SOCIETY’S MEETING. We beg to call the attention of our contemporaries to an important discussion at the meeting of the Medical and Physical Society. The facts elicited from Drs. O’Shaughnessy and Stewart should be brought to the notice of all shipowners and Captains of ships. We had intended to have offered some observations on the subject, but want of space compels us to defer them till our next, when we shall embody what we have to say in ou^’ review of Dr. Stewart’s paper on Colica Pictonum in the seventh volume of the Transac- tions of the Society. MR. JOHN TYTLER. We understand Mr. Tytler is a candidate for the situation of agent in London to the Upper Orphan School ; if he succeeds to the appointment, he will resign the Medical Service in England. BENGAL MEDICAL RETIRING FUND. We are happy to learn that our brethren at Bombay are attaining promotion by the operation of their Medical Fund, that being in so flourishing a state it has already furnished * Baboo Uamgopaul Ghose. THE SUCCESS OF THE MfvDlCAL FUND AT BOMBAY. 73 means of retirement to several gentlemen high in the service. 'Fhe Hon’ble Court has also made it obligatory, we learn, on those nou'' entering the service to join the fund. It is going on for one year and a half since the medical men here sent the Court of Directors a memorial, to grant similar privileges in proportion to. tlie number of medical men on this establishment, and although there was a rumour that the Court’s reply, com- plying with the prayer of the memorial, had reached India, it has never been published. We have Surgeons therefore on the list upwards of 30 years in the service, and if Government do not do something to ameliorate their condition,‘how is it possible for them to retire with- out being worn down by decrepitude and age I The pensions of these gentlemen were they to quit the service, is 190 £ per annum, from which is to be deducted the usual subscriptions for the Military and Orphan Funds. Now we merely put the question whether there is any reward to a professional man for such a length of service — for such sacrifices as he has made, such perils as he has encountered, and wliether something ought not to be done to bring into operation the fund to enable him to return once more to his native country, that his bones may be laid in the land of his fathers? The Hon’ble Court of Directors have no doubt long since received three separate memorials on three separate subjects from their medical servants, none of which has* yet been replied to. 'I'he consequence is, that our brethren are greatly depressed at such disheartening results. There is one act of the committee of management which we think has been most injudi- cious, that is, their proposition for a discontinuance of the monthly contributions. The larger the amount is, when the sanction of the Court of Directors ariives, the more retire- ments would be effected, and the fund would have been placed upon a permanent ba.sis ; the error may still be rectified, and we should be glad to see a proposition to that effect circulated for the votes of subscribers. We are however glad to say that the Members of the service generally are disposed to afford to the fund their support, which encourages us confidently to predict its complete success eventually. Some few Members have with- drawn in disappointment, but others have enrolled their names — that of Mr. Assistant Surgeon J. Bowron has been recently added, and the fund now embraces 2 Members of the Medical Board, 7 superintending Surgeons, 59 Surgeons, and 108 Assistant Surgeons — total 176. STAI'EVlENr FROVl THE YEAR ,1833 to 1836. Donations ment and Sui)scripti()iis recovered by Military Pay Depai tinent, state- dated 31st Au«ust 1833 . . . .. Sa Ra . . .5,989 10 1 Do. Do. Do. Statement dated SOth November 1833 3,106 0 5 Do. Do. 1833.. Do. by Civil Pay Depaitment, Slatemeut dated 1st November 3.601 1.5 4 Do. Do. by Military Pay Department, Staten)ent. dated ‘2lst February IS34 5 622 10 7 Do. Do. try Piesidency Pay Master, Statement dated l7lh March 1834.. J J 1,73.3 15 m Do. Do. by Civil Pay Department, Siafement dated 17th Apiil 1834. . ,, 4,6 i6 2 7 Ho. Do. by Military Pay Department, statement dated iQibMay 1834.. 10.090 13 3 Do. Do. by Civil Pay Department, Statetnent dated 224 Augtist 1834. . . . J, 2, ;93 8 10 Do. Do. by Military Pay Departirtent, Statement dated 22d September 1834 ,, 5,g30 10 6 Do. Do. Do. Siatemeni dated 7ih Jatitiary I835.. 5,687 6 8 Do. Do. Do. Statemettt dated 5th March 1835 91 1/282 12 13 Do. Do. by Revenue Pay Department, Statetnetit dated 3lst March 1835.. , J 414 12 i Do. Do. Do. Statement dated 3!st March 1835 9 f 629 9 2 Do. Do. by Military Pay Depat tnieitt. Statement dated Mill May 1835.... >9 5,461 10 5 Do. Do. by Civil Pay Departmetit, Statement dated 2611) Jutie 1835 99 1,066 I I Do. Do. by Military Pay Department, Statetnetit dated lOtb J itly 1835.. 6,660 11 3 Do. Do. by Civil Pay DepatTment, Statement dated 93)d September 1335. 1,378 13 10 Do. Do. Do. Statement dated I3ili October 1835 1,041 7 6 Do Do. by Military Pay Department, statement dated 2d December 1835 >> 8 270 12 0 Do. Do. Do. Statement dated lltli December l?35 4,657 13 J 1 Do. Do. Do. by Civil Pay Department, Statement dated l9lb March 1836. 1,505 8 i 1 Do. Do. Do. Statement dated 2lsl March 1830.. .. >■ 1,501 4 2 Total Sa. Us.. Deduct refunded to the widow of Snie^oii J, Allan 781 0 0 82,707 3 3 Do. Do. to Do. J. Eckford 784 o 0 91 1,568 0 0 Sa [Is 81,130 3 3 74 THE ORPHAN INSTITUTION AND THE FREE SCHOOL. Deduct received from Presidency Pay Master as follows: — Secretary’s Salary from Isi January 18j3 to 31st January 1835 at Rs. I00 per mensem Sa. Rs.. .. .. Sa. Rs 2,500 0 0 Oltice Establishment from Uth December 1834 to 81st January 1835 at Rs. 50 per mensem 83 13 7 Ciirieiil Expenses.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,425 9 II Contingent do.. .. . .. .. .. .. 93 8 0 4,I02 15 6 Nett Sa. Rs 77,036 3 9 Received from Presidency I’ay Master 4,i02 15 6 Deduct expended . 4,076 12 4 Balance 26 3 2 Expended since the Quarterly Meeting last 80 11 0 ORPHAN INSTITUTION. The General Management of the Military Orphan Fund have informed the Secretary of the Presidency Division, Orphan Committee, that it is their intention to prepare, without delay, a full reply to our pamphlet, and requested that its circulation might be postponed until the reply alluded to could be forwarded to accompany it. Now this is what we have been calling for all along, so that our object will be, it is to be hoped, at last attained, and the subscribers be made fully acquainted with the state of the Institution, A NEW WAY OF ELECTING A GOVERNOR TO THE FREE SCHOOL. We are again called upon to notice the proceedings of the Free School, which we shall do as succinctly as possible by merely stating a few matters of fact. At the last monthly meeting of the Governors, notice of Major Taylor’s resignation was duly announced ; and at the same time was presented a note from one of the absentee Governors, proposing the Revd, John MacQueen as a suitable person to be recommended to the Government as his successor. The Chairman (the Revd. C. Wimberley) with the rest of the Governors then pre.sent seemed to be tolerably unanimous in thinking, that the proper course was merely to report the vacancy, and leave the Right Hon’ble the Governor General to exercise his own discretion in filling it up. A day or two after thi.s, the following letter was put in circulation, and received the signatures and minutes precisely as they are here copied. THE JOINT VISITOR AND GOVERNORS OF THE FREE SCHOOL. Gentlemfn, — Captain Taylor having intimated a wish to resign his office as a Governor of the Free School, and requested that the same might be notified to the proper authorities, may I beg the favour of being instructed in what way to proceed. I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, your most obedient servant, April 13, 1836. Anthony Garstin, Secy. F. S. The course hitherto adopted has been to point out some individual, who in the judg- ment of the Governors would be an active and faithful guardian of the Government inter- ests. I would therefore recommend that the Secretary be authorized to address the Go- vernor General, and to name the Rev. John MacQueen as a proper person to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Capt. Taylor. I am most anxious to have the services of Mr. MacQueen, knowing him to be a most energetic, independent and experi- enced man. From his connection with the Kidderpore Institution, he is able to render the most essential services to our School, as he fully proved during the period he held the situation of a Governor. T. Robertson. I shall be very glad to see Mr. MacQueen a Governor, R. Molloy, T. E. M. Turton. A. M. Shm. Cii.vs. Mackenzie. The power of appointment is in the Governor-General in Council. If it has been (he course for the Governors of the Institution to recommend persons for appointment, I approve of Mr. MacQueen being recommended ; but 1 think it will be right that we THE MANAGEKS OF THE FREE SCHOOL. 75 should see in what instances and under what circumstances such recommendations have been made. J. J. Judge. II. Pauish. On the ground that Mr. MacQueen’s experience in school business would be an ac- quisition to the Institution, I concur in the nomination of him by the Rev. Mr. Robertson. W. Byrne. It appears to me to be objectionable in many respect that the Governors recommend to the Governor-General whom he shall appoint to succeed Major Taylor. It is a species of election contrary to that salutary control which should be over every institution, and 1 conceive contrary to the intention of that rule passed by the subscribers when they allotted to the Governor General the nomination of two Directors. The majority of the Governors of the Free School have carried, however, Mr. Robertson’s proposition ; in event it can be shewn that it has been customary for the Governors to point out to the Governor- General the individual the Governors desire to see appointed, I trust I may be permitted to call a special meeting of the subscribers to take their opinion whether that course is according to their wishes which has been pointed out by Mr. R. Frederick Corbyn. Whatever may have been the course hitherto adopted, I beg leave to suggest my opinion, that it would be more correct to leave the Governor General to exercise his own judgment. If his Lordship, on being requested to nominate a successor to Major Taylor, should desire us to point out a suitable person, then and not till then, would be the season for presenting our opinion. I think too, that the regulation (if there be any) prescribing the usage, should have accompanied the circular ; and as it has not, I beg the Secretary will re-circulate this along with a copy of such regulation. At the same time I should like to be informed by ray more experienced colleagues whether the Government Governors of the Free School have not invariably been seivants of the Government. It strikes me, that in other Institutions, placed under the joint management of Government and popular directors, tlie former are usually, if not invariably covenanted servants. But in this particular I only seek information, Charles Wimberley. This is a matter of moonshine, we can only intimate Captain Taylor’s desire to resign. If Lord Auckland asks our opinion on this most important point, we can give it out, but not till then, D. MacFarlane. In consequence of the two last written minutes, the Secretary so far complied with the instructions of their authors as to re-circulate the proposition with all its accom- paniments ; and the result proved to be as follows : THE JOINT VISITOR AND GOVERNOR OF THE FREE SCHOOL. Gentlemen, — I beg to re-circulate the accompanying at the of Dr. Corbyn and Mr. Wimberley, for the reasons stated in their minutes, viz : the wish on the part of the former to call a special meeting of the subscribers, and of the latter, that any regulation prescribing the usage referred to by Mr. Robertson should be produced for your consi- deration. There happens, however, to be no such regulation. I have the honor to be. Gentlemen, your most obedient servant, Anthony Garstin, Sec. F. S, It would be a strange regulation indeed to make, that whenever a vacancy in the Government officers occurs, we should recommend a successor, The itch for law mak- ing is, I hope, confined to Macaulay’s parliament. To the other proposition of Dr. Corbyn, I say no ; for 1 am sadly afraid of speeches which we might peradveutnre be afflicted with at such a meeting. T. R. The objection urged by Dr. Corbyn is very strong, but I would allow this matter in the present instance to take the usual course. I am against a public meeting. W. Byrne. As so many opinions appear to exist on this subject, I would humbly suggest that the simplest, and at the same time the most respectful to the Governor General would be sim- ply to intimate the vacancy and request his Lordship to appoint a successor to Captain Tavlor. A. H. Sim. I concur with Mr. Sim, F.. Corbyn. R. Molloy. J. J. Judge. H. Parish. C. M. All I want. C. Wimberley. It will here be perceived that the matter had taken quite a different turn, and that a majority of the Governors had now^ come to an amended, though obviously correct 76 G|ENp:ral orders-notice to correspondents. view of the question by determlnini; that the resignation of Major Taylor should be reported to the Government without further note or comment. This we accordingly presumed would be the course adopted, but to our great astonishment we have since learned, that as soon as ever a majority of signatures had been affixed (we hope nut before) in favor of the proposition as it stood in the first circular, the Secretary, at the instigation of a single Governor, in breathless haste, despatched a letter in the name of the Governors recommending Mr. MacQueen, without even waiting to ascertain what the residue of the Governors might have to say on the subject. The consequence is, that a letter is now lying before the Government, purporting to be that of a majority of the Governors, whereas the majority, on further consideration, have come to a totally different determination. We forbear to characterize such a proceeding in the terms we think it deserves, and send it forth, to abide the issue of its own demerits, generaITorders. Promotions. -April 4. Asst. Surg. C, Mottley to be Surg. from lOth March, Asst Surg. J. Ro ‘ neld to be Surg. from 21st March. Appointments.- March 29, Asst. Surg. R W. Wrightson to 40th N. I. 2lst March, Surg. A. N. Magrath, Madras Army, Surgeon to Mysore Residency, April 2, Asst. Apothecary G. Higginson to 4th Batt. Arty , Dum-Dum, 6th April J Drummond, Esq. Surgeon R. N. to be Surgeon Gov. Genl- from 3d Instant, 6th April, Asst. Sm’g. A. Stewart, M. D., to do duty Arty Dum-Dum, April 7, Vet. Surg. D. Cullemore to charge horses H. M. I6tli Lancers, 17th April. Surg. H. Clarke of 22d N. I. to the Medical charge of the Arty, detail. April 22, Dr. J. S. Login to be Surgeon to the Lieut. Gov. Remo oats. 26, Asst Surg H R Bond, to pi’ooeed to Benares, 29th Asst. Surg. A. Thomson to the Sirmour Batt. 7th April Asst Surg. A. B. Webster, M. D. to 48th N. I. Lpothe- cary Stewart J. Bensley to Meei’ut, Apprentice J. Jeiwis to 16th Foot, at Cawnpore. April 12, Asst. Surg. A. Mackpean, 22d N. I. to that of 3d Local Horse. April 19. R. M. M. Thomson from the 5 1st N. I. to the European Regt. at Agra- , Leave of Ahsene. — March 29, Asst. Surg. Spencer for ten days in extension, P. A. April 4 Asst. Surg R.J. Brassey to Penang P. A. for live months, April 2, Asst. Surg. J. Murray, M. D., 31st March to 1st Nov. to .Simla P. A. Asst. Steward T. O. Sullivan from 1st May to 1st Nov. P. A. Surg. T. Campbell, 22d March to 22d July to remain at Mirzapore P. A. Api’il 2. Asst. Surg. W. Godon, M. D. has leave of absence from the 5th to the 22dtiltimo, P. A. March 28, the Lady of Gar. Sm-g. A. K. Lindesay, of a daughter. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. The following communications shall appear in our next. An account of Islampore, by H. Clark, Esq., Surgeon 22d Regt. On the Canine distemper of Bengal, by J. G. Sui’gical Clinique, Cawnpore, operations for Fistula Lachrymalis, by F Brett, Esq. A case of snake bite, successfully treated by blood letting and cold effusion, by P. Badde- ly. Esq. Hunter’s Hospital Practice, 2d or Queen’ slRoyal_Regt. G astro Enteric. Catarrhal. Gastro Hepatic, Dr. Stewart’s Clinical, Repoi'ts General Hospital. Case of Intro Suscep, by J. Baker, Esq., Surgeon 10th Light Cavalry. We beg to acknowledge the receipt of Mr. Ronald’s communication on retention of the Placenta. We also beg to acknowledge the receipt of Mr. Downes’s communication of a ciu’ious and interesting case from Neemuch. We have received our talented correspondent Mr. Brett’s communication; the subject he has communicated is of infinite importance, and shall be noticed in our next. Such has been the press of important matter in our present number, that we have ex- ceeded the number of our pages, and have been compelled to omit the article on Medical Topo- graphy. We have received from M. Berraond, the Lst voL of the Journal des Connaissances Medico Chirurgicales, for which we beg to return our best thanks. There ai’e papers of great value in this volume, which shall be translated, and published in our next. We have received Mr Baddely’s communication ; his beautiful drawing of an amastomosis between the 4th nerve and the Gasserian ganglion which was lithographed ; but a failure occur- red in the printing, so that we determined to have it done over .again, it will be ready for our next. We beg also to acknowledge the receipt of his second communication with many thanks for his able support. We beg to acknowledge the receipt of Mr. Anderson’s communication from Baboolghui*, with its enclosure. We have just received Mr. Wilson’s letter and enclosure. We beg also to acknowledge the receipt of several letters from our subscribers above Dina- pore regarding the delay which occurred in receiving the March number: They will find it was owing' to those numbers having been sent by the steamer. The request by several sub- scribers to send their numbers by Dak will be complied with. To avoid double postage and the disagreeable necessity of having their copies return- ed to us, we shall feel obliged if our subsci’ibers will immediately on a change of residence inform us of their new address. REVIEW OF WORKS ON SCIENCE AND JOURNAL OF FOREIGN SCIENCE AND THE ARTS. EMBRACING MINERALOGY, GEOLOGY, NATURAL HISTORY, PHYSICS, &c. REVIEW. Journal of the Asiatic Society, 1835. Ana- lysis of a Tibetan Medical Worlc, By M. Alexander Csoma De Koros. It is a subject of no small curiosity to observe the methods by which natives of different countries adapt the means to the end in the pursuit and attainment of those bless- ings which providence has placed at their disposal, and it becomes matter of infinitely higher admiration to perceive how the same providence has supplied to all lands the pos- session of such materials as tend to mitigate the trials and the evils inseparable from the condition of our existence in this world. We find in every quarter of the globe these mani- festations of almighty care, exacting our hum- blest and most unqualified gratitude. Ihe Indian, in his forest, vegetating in a state but little superior to instinct, yet discovers through the medium of his understanding some spon- taneous production of the soil, administering to his comfort and his health. A ray of in- tellectual light pierces the gloom by which he is surrounded, and enables him to asceitain what is essential to the vigor of his frame, the cure of his disease, and the prolongation of existence by the use of such medicaments as the bounty of nature has placed within his reach. His simpler remedies command a prompt and efficacious result, because the ge- neral abstemiousness and unartificial course of his career, render the body more subservient to the power of medicine, however rude the treatment or confined the knowledge of his malady. But as society advances, refinement creates a thousand artificial wants, which habit converts to realities, until more intimate acquaintance with the ait, as a Science, is required to counteract their influences by the application of such skill as will adjust the relief to the peculiar nature of the causa which calls for it. As men become more en- lightened they seek refinements which gene- rate diseases foreign to their original condition. To check the properties of these a minuter observation of their sources is obviously de- manded ; and however lamentable the con- viction that luxury has introduced number- less unnecessary afflictions as its consequence, we have still abundant reason to be thankful that the progress of Science at least kept pace Vy'ith that of society. We have been drawn into these reflections by the perusal of the leading article in the Asiatic Journal for the month of May, 1835. It is entitled, “ An Analysis of Tibetan Medicine,” and has been supplied by M. Alexander Csoma de Koros, a name already familiar in Oriental literature ; and it forms in a certain degree a commentary upon our text, by shewing to what extent research has carried its disciples onward to an intermediate state between the want of all civilization and the acquirement of so much knowledge as be- longs to a certain grade of it. It is remarka- ble that such an insight should have been gained at so early a period, (for the work was written in the 8th century,) and that, having overcome so much, the same talent should hav® stopped short in its career, even up to this date. In Europe the progress of Science is and has been perpetual since the dark ages ; the last step forming but a foundation stone for the erection of the next. Unimpeded by the obstacles of prejudice, or a fondness for ancestral usage, when opposed to the further- ance of larger views, the stream of knowledge flows clearer, freer, broader, daily. Each hour brings to light some novelty, some perception, some improvement which industry and re- flection are propelling forward to perfection. The wisdom of to-day eclipses the science of yesterday, and the more the quantity that is 78 THE EVILS OF SUPERSTITION, actually gained the greater becomes the thirst, for increase in every branch of intellectual undertaking. It was perhaps to be expected that a work written at so early a period would not be al- together free from the traces of superstition ; and accordingly, w'e find amongst the avowed predominating causes of illness, that the power of “ evil spiiits” is allowed to have a very material share. The other portions of the analysis afford abundant proofs of acute- ness, with less admixture of absurdity than might have been anticipated. In the history of every nation there is a particular period which exhibits some inherent weakness. Magic and sorcery were long the reputed com- panions of knowledge, in all the countries of Europe, and formed the secret by which men of loftier minds contrived to establish their dominion over a multitude, rendered apt by its credulity to take upon credit, all that it did not rig-htly comprehend. It has been ques- tionable whether the disseminators of doc- trines, imposing belief in supernatural agency, were in themselves tainted with the gaucheries they professed, and it seems but probable that they were not— that they merely made use of them as the means of retaining that ascendan- cy over human affections, upon which their temporary hopes were based. The priesthood in Spain and in many parts of Italy proclaim such tenets to this day, which being propagat- only for specific purposes, are by no means received as substantial by those who inculcate them. The mockery of superstition is merely used as a cloak to their more ambitious designs, nor have instances been wanting of acknow- ledgements, that the pretended efficacy of saints and images was not otherwise valuable, than as it served to blind the weak and per- petuate the subjection of the ignorant. The pundits of this country have occasionally ad- mitted that they are pure Deists : and that the fables of their mythology are so many me- thods, by which they have enthralled a peo- ple, ripe in their imbecility for the reception of any folly it became their interest to establish, for the maintenance of that superi- ority on which their immediate privileges are grounded. Looking at these facts, it can hardly be a matter of wonder that some indications of this nature should appear in the work before us, on the contrary, we admire that it contains so little of what is objectionable ; and are rather disposed to venerate the talent, which in a period of comparative ignorance, could by its unaided efforts have brought into life j and activity the advantages of so much use- fulness, than to expatiate on the folly of I entertaining notions, which after all were not incompatible with the time, or the uncivilized state of society in which it was produced. But j we have reachedour limit, and must refer our j readers to the substance of the analysis, ' Perhaps, under a due consideration of cir- cumstances and the allowance we should make for them, it will say more in behalf of the work than any thing that we can pro- fess to utter. IM. de Kbibs informs us that on application to the Lama, his instructor in the Tibetan lan- guage, he obtained from him the work which forms the subject of our present review. It is attributed to Shakya and found its way to Tibet in the 8th or 9th century. A d'ibetan interpreter by name Bairotsanah, in the days of Kre Song-Dehiitsan translated it into Cashirair, and presented it to the Tibetan King . It was also received by several other learned physicians, and devolved in succession till in the I3th century, when it fell into the hands of Yuthogthell. who “improved and propa- gated” it. This man is so called in contra-dis- tinction to another of the same name who was celebrated also for his medical attainments at a previous period. In the time of the latter the work became familiar to “ nine other learned men.” The Lama enumerated several other current works of a similar description, stating that there were 45 in number. Part 1st. Chap. 1st. Exhibits how Shakya, in the midst of “ a forest of medical plants,” delivered his lectures, from his palace to a train of auditors. “ He (Shakya) addressed his audience thus: — “Assembled friends ! be it known to you, that every human creature who wishes to remain in health ; and every man who desires to cure any disease, and to prolong life, must be instructed in the doctrine of medicine. Likewise, he that wishes for moral virtue, wealth or happiness, and desires to be deli- vered from the miseries of sickness ; as also, he that wishes to be honoured or respected by others, must be instructed in the art of healing.” Then one of the hermits or Rishis Drang-Srong) expressing his desire of promoting the-well-being of others, reques- ted his advice as to the manner in winch he might become instructed in the doctrine of medicine. Then the teacher (Shakya) said ON THE PRESERVATION OF HEALTH AND MORALS 79 (or commanded ) ” He most be instructed in arise during the summer season before noon are th'^ ^Rdical science, which and about mid-day. Blood during the autumn , TTjQc»rTO» • about mid-day, and mid-night. Phlegm ^ ^ S rv "' ’ during the spring, morning and evening. Nine maladies are beyond recovery. All root or theory, explication, instruction, and lastly, manual operation.” Chap. 2d shews how necessary the medical art is to the preservation of health and morals, and divides the subject into four parts, name- ly, theory, explication, instruction, and manual operation. From these again are 8 ramifica- tions, 1st, the cure of the whole body ; 2d, par- ticular desires common to children ; 3d, to wo- man ; 4th, the cure of diseases originating in the influence of evil spirits ; 5th, wounds by knife or spear; 6th, venomous or poisonous infections ; 7th, the infirmities, senectude ; 8th, the increase of virility in men. Chap. 3d contains the theory of the humari constitution, illustrated by similes. Thus 3 roots of the fig tree or trunks, thence 9 stems, thence 47 boughs, 224 branches, two blossom^ and three fruits. The root is the basis of disease, while the stems, branches and leaves exemplify a diseased or healthy condi- tion. The author distinguishes wind, bile, phlegm, with their offices, operations and influences. The supports of the body are seven on which life itself depends, as chyle, blood, flesh, fat, marrow, and semen. The excretions are three, odure, urine, and sweat. The generating causes of diseases are, lust, or ardent desire ; passion or anger ; ignorance or dulness. Of these the first causes wind, the second bile, the last, phlegm. Accessory causes are four. Season with regard to heat and cold; evil spirits; abuse of food; and the ill conduct of life. The parts of the body liable to disease are set down as 6 : the skin, flesh, veins, bones, viscera and bowels. There are three humours ; phlegm in the brain or skull, the place of dulness; bile, in the middle of the body, or place of anger: wind, in the waist, or loins. Wind operates through the bones, ear, skin, heart, arteries and intes- tines. Bile exhibits itself through the blood, sweat, eyes, liver, bovvels. Phlegm, through the chyle, flesh, fat, marrow, semen, odure, urine, nose, tongue, lungs, spleen, kidneys, stomach and bladder. Wind predominates on the diseases of old people ; bile, in youth ; and phlegm, in children : the first abiding in the cold parts of the system, the second in the dry or hot, and the last in the moist or unctuous. Diseases from wind commonly are classed under two heads. Wind and phlegm belong to cold, being of “ natural water blood and bile, being of natural fire, belong to heat. Worms and serum partake of both. Chap. 4th on the symptoms of diseases ; examination of the tongue and urine ; of the pulse; on oral questioning ; on the ascertain- ing what pain is felt and what food has been used. “ If the tongue is red, dry, and rough, it is the sign of prevailing wind ; if covered with a yellowish white, thick substance, it is the sign of bile ; if covered with a dim, white, soft, and moist substance, it is the sign of phlegm. “ With respect to the urine : ifthe urine of the patient is bine, clear like spring-water, and has much spume or froth, it is the symptom of wind ; if yellowish, red and thick, steaming or vapouring greatly, and diffusing a smell, it is thesign of bile ; if white, with little smell, and stpam or vapour, it is the sign of phlegm. “ With respect to the pulse : Wlien the physician feels the pulse, if beating greatly upwards it somewhat stops, (if irregular) it is the sign of wind ; a quick full beating is the sign of bile ; a sunk, low, and soft beating is the sign of phlegm.” The questions are 29 in number. Chap. 5th means of curing diseases ; 1st, with respect to food ; 2d, conduct in life and exercise ; 3J, medicaments to be used against the three humours. Those against wind are of three different tastes ; sweat, sour, and .saline : and in their efficacy are unctuous, heavy, or soft. Against phlegm, hot, sour, and acrid; their efficacy, sharpness, roughness, lightness. Against bile, sweet, bitter, and nauseous bitter ; efficacy, coolness, thinness, and dulness or bluntness. To this follows the admixture of medicaments with refer- ence to their tastes. 'I'hese are arranged as assuaging or depuratory. The specified sorts of depuratory medicines, are three ; of purging medicaments, four ; of emetics, two. Respecting physical, or chirurgical operation against wind, there is smearing the body with butter, and the cautery after the Turkish method. Against bile, phlebotonvy and cold water, (or bathing in ditto.) Against phlegm warm applications and the cautery. Chap. 6th re-capitulates the three last, and illustrates the allegory of the fig tree. The NOSOLOGICAL ARRANGEMENT OE THE ANTIENTS. quotation which we now give obviously proves that even in barbarous ages it was discovered that art and science to be clearly treated required arrangement. In the author’s Synop- tic method, the whole of the subject is seen by the figure of a tree, the branches being the diverging lines from the trunk. The trunk is meant then to represent the system and the branches, leaves, &c. the subordinate divisions agreeably to the laws of similitude and discrepancy, “ According to the former metaphor or al- legory of the India fig-tree, there are three roots (or trunks) : 1, the root, place, or ground of the disease ; 2, that of the symptoms j and 3, that of the manner of curing. 't here arise from the first trunk (or root) two stems : that of the unchanged state of the body, and that of the changed or diseased state of the body. From the 2nd trunk (or root) there arise three stems, namely ; those of looking on, feeling, and asking (or of inspection of the tongue and urine ; of the feeling of the pulse ; and of asking after the circumstances of the disease). On the 3rd trunk there arise four stems : those of the food ; of the manner of living or conduct of life ; of the medicaments used ; and of the operations performed. Therefore, from the tliree trunks (or roots) their arise nine stems. The number of the boughs or branches : Those branching from the stem of the un- changed body are : disease, the seven sup- ports of tl>e body, and the fasces. On the stem denoting the changed or dis- eased state of the body, there are the follow- ing 9 boughs : cause of disease, accessory causes, beginning or injured parts, place, way, time of arising (or of the fit), fruit or conse- quence, causes of transition from one into ano- ther disease ; the reduction of all diseases to heat and cold. On the stem denoting the symptoms of diseases, there arise the following eight boughs : 2 of inspecting the tongue and urine. Of feeling the pulse, tliere are 3 ; wind-pulse, bile-pulse, and phlegm-pulse. And in asking after the circumstances of the disease, there ore 3. Altogether eight. On the stem denoting the manner ofctiring, thei'e arise the following houghs or branches : 3 of food or meat; 3 of drink or potion ; 3 of the manner of living or of the conduct of life ; 6 of physic with respect to taste and efficacy ; 6 of tlie assuaging mixtures, with respect to taste and efficacy ; 3 of depurafory physic. There are also 3 boughs of medical (or chirur- gical) operations. Thus in all there are 47 boughs or branches. The number ofleaves (or of leafy branches) issuing from the 47 boughs : 1st.' On the top of the unchanged stem, the enumeration of 25 diseases. 2nd. On the top the stem denoting the changed or diseased state of the body, 63 symptoms or tokens of indisposition. 3rd. On the top of the stem of inspection j (or examination of the tongue and urine), 6 branches or leaves of inspection. ,! 4th. On the top the stem of feelin?, three sorts of pulse (or three manners of beating of ; the pulse), ] 5th. On the top of the stem of asking the j patient about the circumstances of the disease, j 29 questions. ■ 6th. On the top of the stem denoting the 1 food (diet, meat, and drink or potion) of the patient, there are the enumeration of such, as : 14 in respect to wind ; 12 to bile ; and 9 to phlegm. j 7th. On the top of the conduct of life , 6. 8th. On the top of the stem of piiysic nine j tastes and nine efficacies are enumerated, to- gether 18 ; 3 kinds of soup or broth ; 5 kinds of medical butter or siruo ; 4 kinds of potions ; 4 kinds of powders J 2 kinds of pills ; 5 kinds powdered aromatics ; 9 sorts of depuratory application. Total=50 kinds of physic. 9tli. On the top of pliysical (or chirurgica!) operations, 7 leafy branches. A summary exhibition of the above speci- fied leaves : 1. On the trunk denoting the place and ground of diseases, there are l88 leaves. 2. On that denoting the symptoms, 38. 3. On that denoting tlie manner of curing, there are 98 leaves. Altogether making 224. There are two blossoms : health and a long life. Tliere are three fruits : moral perfection (or good morals), wealth, and happiness. These are tlie contents of the six chapters of the first part of tliis medical tract.” Part 2d. Treats of four things : namely, what is to be cured 1 or healed 1 With what, in what manner, and by whom ? The author’s opinions on Conception from the first part of the process by which primordial existence is established, deemed to be involved in too much obscurity to be discovered by the modern physiologist, are both curious and interesting. “ The origin or generation of the body. Cause, and accessory causes thereof. Tokens or signs of birtli. The cause of the generation of the body is stated to be : the father’s seed, the mother’s blood, and the arising of consciousness. If the first be predominant, tliere will be born a son ; if the second, a daughter ; if botli are equal, then a hermaphrodite. Siiould it hap- pen tliat the blood be formed into two masses then twins will be born. Out of the semen are formed : the bone, the bi'ain, and tlie skeleton of the body. Out of tlie mother’s blood are generated the flesh, blood, heart, with tlie other four vital parts, (lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys,) and the six ves- sels or veins. From tlie soul or vital princi- ple arises consciousness through the several organs. After the body has been thus conceived, the cause ofits increase is in the two veins on the riglit and left sides of the womb, in tlie small vessel containing the mother’s blood for men- extraordinary a^ews on conception. 81 fitrnation, and in the chyle formed from the mother’s food, which successively descending into the womb, concurs to the coagulation or union of the semen, blood, and tim vital prin- ciple, and to their increase, in the same man- ner, as water is conveyed, by certain canals from a watering pond, to a field, for the pro- duction of corn. The body, by the agitation of the (inward) air, being changed during 38 weeks, goes on continually increasing, for nine months. The continual Increase of the foetus, or embryo, is thus : In the 1st week, it is like a mixture of milk and blood. In the 2ud week, growing somewhat thick, it is of ropy or tenacious nature. In the 3rd week, it be- comes like curds. In the 4th week, from the form, which the embryo takes, is conjectured whether it will be a son, daughter, or herma- phrodite. In the 1st month, the mother suffers both in her body and mind several dis- agreeable sensations. In the 2nd montIt, in the 5th week, the navel of the body is first formed. In the 6lli week, vital vein (or artery), depending on the navel. In the 7th week, the forms of both eyes ap- pear. In the 8th week, consequence of the forms of the eyes the form of the head arises. In the 9th week, the shape of the tipper and lower parts of the trunk or body is formed. In the 3rd month, in the lOth week, tlie forms of the two arms and sides (or hips) ap- pear. In the 11th week, the forms of the holes of the nine organs become perceptible. In the 12th week, the five vital parts (heart, lungs, liver, spleen, veins,) are formed. In the 13th week, those of the six vessels. In the 4th month, in the 14th week, the marrows in the arms and thighs are formed. In the 15th week, the wrists of the hands and the legs of the feet are perceptible. In the 16th week, the 10 fingers and the 10 toes be- come visible. In fZth week, the veins or nerves, conuecting the outer and inner parts, are formed. In the 5th month, in the 18th week, the flesh and fat are formed. In the 19th week, the tendons or sinews and the fibres are for- med. In the 20th w'eek, the bone and the marrow of the feet are formed. In the 21st week, the body is covered with a skin. In the 6th month, in the 22nd week, the nine holes of tlie organs are opened. In the 23rd week, the hair on the head and on the body, and the nails commence to grow. In the 24th week, the viscera and vessels become entirely finished ; and then pleasure and pain are felt. In the 25th week, the circulation or motion of air or wind commences. In the 26th week, the memory of the mind begins to be clear. In the 7th month, the 27th to the 30th week, the whole body comes to entire perfection, or is completely formed. In the 8th month, from 31st to 35th week, the whole body, both within or without, greatly increases. In the 9th month, in the 36th week, there arises a disagreeable sensation in the womb. In the 37th week, there arises a nauseous sensation. In the 38th week, the head turning to the entrance of the womb, the birth takes place. But, though (he months are completed, yet, on account of the mother’s menstruation, and of wind, birth may for some time be delayed. Farther, it is stated, 'that if the right side (of the pregnant woman) is high, and the body light, there will be born a son ; if the left side is high, and the body heavy, then a daughter ; if they both are in an equal state, an herma- phrodite. And if the middle or both the sides are high, then twins will be born. Tiie tokens and circumstances of approch- ing birth are then described. We must now bring our review to a close, with a promise to give more extracts in our next. ON DEFINITE PROPORTIONS. By D. Spillan, A. M. M. D, In the chemical combination of bodies with each other, the four following circumstances may be remarked with regard to the propor- tions in which these combinations take place. 1st, Some bodies combine in all proportions, as water and alcohol, water and any of the liquid acids. 2d. In other cases a given quantity of one substance can combine with any quantity'’ of another to a certain extent ; thus, four pounds of water can dissolve any quantity of the bicarbonate of soda not exceeding a pound ; a hundred grains of water will dissolve any quantity of sea salt not exceeding forty grains, at which point its dissolving power ceases, the cohesion of the solid becoming compara- tively too powerful for the force of aSinity. In this as well as in the first case, it may be remarked that the substances so combining have but a weak affinity for each other, and that the characteristic properties of each con- stituent are still discernible in the compound ; thus when sugar or sea salt is dissolved in water, the taste of the solution is still similar to that of the substance dissolved. 3d. In some cases substances combine in only one proportion; as chlorine and hydrogen, zinc and oxy’^gen. 4th. In other cases substance are observed to combine in several proportions : thus there are two distinct compounds of copper and oxygen ; as also of oxygen and hydrogen. — 100 parts of manganese combine with 1 4^ 28, 42 or 56 parts of oxygen. 'I’he most interesting and important class of compounds are those comprehended under this and the preceding head, and it may also be remarked that the substances so combining have a strong and energetic affinity for each other, and that the properties which characterised them in the simple state are no longer dis- coverable in the compound ; of this we have an example in sea salt, which formed of two very caustic bodies, has a saline and agree- able taste- These combinations so formed have been observed to obey certain laws, re- markable as well for their generality, as for the simplicity of the relations which they establish between the respective quantities of the principles of the compounds. The 82 THE IMPORTANT DISCOVERIES OF GAY LUSSAC. first of these laws is, that all compounds, so long- as they retain their characteristic pro- perties, contain the same constant proportion of constituents with the most rigid accuracy, no variation ever taking place ; thus nitrate of potash, under all circumstances, and in all situations, consists invariably of 54 parts of nitric acid and 48 of potash. Water consists of one part by weight of hydrogen and eight of oxygen. Carbonate of lime, whether as found in nature, or formed by art, always contains 43.2 carbonic acid andSG.S lime ; and were these elements to unite in any other proportions, some new compound difl’erent from carbonate of lime would be formed. The truth of this law is universally admitted. In fact, without such a law to determine and preserve those fixed proportions in the con- stituents of bodies, there could not be that regularity and uniformity in their composi- tion which we invariably find to exist. The second law is, that, when two bodies combine in different proportions, these proportions are always the product of the multiplication by 1^,2, 3, 4, &c. of the smallest quantity oY one of the bodies, the quantity of the other remaining the same ; thus supposing there exist four compounds of oxygen and manga- nese, and that the least oxygenated of these compounds is formed of 100 parts of manga- nese and I4 of oxj'^gen; another compound will consist of 100 parts of manganese and 14 + 2 of oxygen ; the third compound of loo parts of manganese, and 14 4- 3, &c. There are three compounds of lead and oxy- gen; the first consists of 104 lead -{- 8 oxy- gen ; the second of 104 lead ~j~ 12 oxygen ; the third of 104; lead ■\r 16 oxygen: here the quantity of lead being given, the quantities of oxygen are as thenumbers 1, 1^,2. This law is often called the law of multiples. The same may be thus expressed ; when any two substances, A and B, unite chemically in two or more proportions, the numbers repre- senting the quantities of B combined with the same quentity of A, are in the ratio of 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. ; that is, they are multiples of the smallest quentity of B with which A can unite. With respect to this law we may observe, that w'hen any compound such as A + D, containing several proportions of A combined with a given quantity of B, i.s de- composed, if the entire of A is not separated, only a defiinite proi ortion of it is removed at a time ; nor are we to suppose that the por- tion of A, so removed, is derived, from the entire compound A + B, but only from a part of it. This same of multiples has been proved by M. Gay Lussac to hold good also in gaseous combinations, which he has clearly pointed out to take place in simple ratios of volume, and in such a manner as that their condensation also bears a simple ratio to their original volume ; this may be illustrated by the following table : 200 vols. hydr. gas unite with 100 vols. oxygen '^00 ditto 100 azote 200 ammoniacal gas. 100 ditto 100 chlor. 200 hydr. chlor. acid. 100 azote 50 oxyg. 100 protox. azote. lOo ditto lOo ditto 200 deutox. azote. loO ditto 150 ditto hypo nitrous acid. 100 ditto 200 ditto nitrous acid. 100 ditto........ 250 ditto nitric acid. Thus if we suppose that two gases unite fa different proportions, and that the quantity of the one is constant, the quantities of the other will be such, that the smallest, which may be considered as the first, will be con- tained a certain integral number of times, whether in volume or weight in the following ; The combinations of azote with oxygen, five in number, may serve as an examnle, by tak- ing the quantity of azote as constant : all con- tain 104 parts of azote, but the first contains 50 of oxygen; the second 100; the third 150; the fourth 200 ; the fifth 250 ; so that the quantity of oxygen in the first is half that in the second ; one-third ; of that in the third ; one-fourth of that in the fourth, &c. whether in volume or in weight- Now as several liquids and solids may be con- converted into gases, and as this may be done by the application of a sufficiently intense heat, it is quite natural to suppose that these laws of combinatii-n are also applicable to bodies of this kind : a fact which several experiments tend to prove : thus, when two bodies, A and B, combine together to form the two bodies C and D, it generally happens that.-the quantity of A being the same in C and D, that of B in C is to that of B in I) as 1 to 2, or to 3, or to 4. It is, however, im- portant to remark, that though there exist relations between the weights of the several proportions of any gaseous body, as oxygen, which may unite with any solid, as manganese, there exists no relation between the weight of the oxygen and that of the metal ; thus it cannot be said that 10, 14, 16, &c. grains of oxygen must combine with 100 grains of manganese ; the law is restricted to express that lOO grains of metal combining with 14 grains of oxygen, if it be possible to form other combinations between these two bodies, 100 grains of manganese will unite with a quantity of oxygen which will be 1^, 2, 3, 4, 5, or six times as much as the 14 grains. The ca.'se is different when instead of establishing a relation between the weights of bodies, we establish it between their volumes ; for then it is observed, not only that there are simple relations between the ditferenl volumes of the body A, which combine with a volume of the body B, but also that there exist re- lations between the respective volumes of A and B. This we may illustrate by an exam- ple'. 100 cubic inches of azote unite with 50 of oxygen to form a new body ; here the oxygen is one half the azote. 100 azote unite with lOO oxygen to form another body ; we have a ratio not only between the res- pective volumes of the azote and oxygen, (a ratio of equality,) but also between the pro- portions of oxygen in the two compounds, the latter containing twice as much oxygen as the other. Again, JOO azote combine with 150 of oxygen (three times as much as the first) to form a third compound. 100 azote combine with 200 of oxygen to form a fourth, and so on. M. Gay Lussac, to whom we owe the discovery of this law, has also de- monstrated that when, in consequence of combination, the volume of the gases is condensed, the condensation bears a simple ratio to the volumes of the gases, or rather to the volume of one of them. Thus THE NATURE OF CHEMICAL EQUIVALENTS. 83 hydrogen 100 vols. oxyg. with 200 vols. form 200 vis. water. luO vols. azote 3u0 vis. do. 200 amcal. gas. loo vols. ditto 50 vis oxyg. lOO protox azote loo vols- ditto .... 2oOdeut. azote. One or two examples may serve to illu- strate the application which may be made of these laws of gaseous combination, 1st. If we desire to know the specific gra- vity of a compound gas, suppose ammoniacal gas, we know by analysis that 200 vols. am- niacal gas result from the combination of 300 vols, of hydrogen and 100 vels. of azote. Then, by adding the specific gravity of azote 0,9722 to three times the specific gravity of hydro- gen 0,0694 + 3= 6,2082, and dividing the sum 1,1804 by 2,* * we have the specific gra- vity of the compound gas. Again, we can determine what are the proportions by weight of the elements which constitute a compound gas ; it is sufficient for this to take the weight of the vols. of the simple gases, which enter into tlie composi- tion of the compound gas ; for example, the weight of ammoniacal gas will be equal to 0,9f22 (sp. gr. of azote) 0,0694 -1- 3=0.2082 (:i times the sp. gr. of hydrogen) : — if we wmuld reduce these numbers to others more simple, we may institute the following proportion : 9722 : 2082 : ; lOO ; a?. . * . a == 9722 of azote combine with 2'J82 of hydrogen, 100 azote will combine with 21,41 hydrogen. If we wish to ascertain the composition of a gas formed of a gaseous element and of a solid body, we shall speedily arrive at it, by taking into account the specific gravity of the compound gas, that of the elementary gas en- tering into its composition, and the condensa- tion which the latter gas has experienced in combining with the solid body. For example, if we wish to know the quantity of hydrogen andof sulphur entering into the composition of 100 grains of hydrosulphuric acid gas, we can ascertain it thus ; we know beforehand, that the volume of hydrogen gas contained in the lOO grains of hydro sulphuric acid gas is equal to that of this gas ; we know also the specific weights of hydrogen gas and of hydro- sulphuric acid gas ; we then establish the following proportion, if we desire to find the quantity of hydrogen which it contains ; 1,1805 : 0,0694 : : 100 ; x = the quantity of hydrogen in the gas; that is, the specific gravity of the compound gas, 1,805, is to the specific gravity of hydrogen, 0,0694 as the absolute weight of said compound gas, scil, 100 grs. is to the absolute weight of the quan- tity of hydrogen contained in the 100 grains of the hydro-sulphuric acid gas. f Therefore, * The process maybe rendered clearer thus : specific gravity of the compound would be equal 0.9722X '.0694-1-3=1.1804 divided by 4=0.2951, did the component gases suffer no contraction ; but as they contract to one half, the real specific gravity is double what it otherwise would be, or 0.5902. * The principle on which this process depends is, that the bulk of any two bodies being given, their absolute weights are as their specific gra- vities 5 in the present instance it was stated, by multiplying the means and dividing by the first term, we shall have the weight of the hydrogen contained in the 100 grs. of the hydro-sulphuric acid gas, and consequently the weight of the sulphur. Having now considered the doctrine of definite proportions, we come to a subject not less important, and one which is intimately connected with that doctrine, viz. the consi- deration of Chemical Equivalents. The na- ture of Chemical Equivalents will be best illustrated by comparing the relative quanti- ties of different bodies which combine together. Thus, 8 parts weight of oxygen unite with I of hydrogen, 6 of carbon, 16 of sulphur, 36 of chlorine, 200 mercury. Such are the quan- tities of these bodies, which are found to com- bine with 8 parts of oxygen ; and when any of these bodies combine with each other, they are found to combine either in the proportion expressed by these numbers, or in multiples of them. Thus sulphuretted hydrogen con- sists of hydrogen and 16 of sulphur; 30 of chlorine combine with 1 of hydrogen to form muriatic acid. Protosulphuret of mercury consists of 2J9 parts of mercury and 16 parts of sulphur ; the bisulphuret of 200 parts of mercury and 32 parts of snlplmr. Carbonic oxide consists ofo parts of carbon and 8 parts of oxygen ; carbonic acid of 6 parts of carbon and 16 of oxygen. 4'has, hydrogen being taken as the standard, the combining propor- tions or Chemical Equivalents of the several substances just mentioned are : Hydrogen 1, Carbon 6, Oxygen 8, Sulphur 16, Chlorine 38, Mercury 209. This law of equivalents is not confined to elementary substances ; compounds also have their com- bining proportions, or equivalents, which are found by adding together the equivalents of the several elementary substances which enter in their composition ; thus, the equiva- lent of sulphate of potash is ascertained by adding together the equivalents of sul- phuric acid 4U (16 sulphur-{- 8x3 =24 = 40) and that of potass 48 (== potassi- um 40 + oxygen 8 = 48,) so that its equi- valent is 88, The equivalent of muriate of soda is 69, as being composed of muri- atic acid, 37 X soda 32. This law of the combining proportions of bodies may be thus expressed : If two bodies combine to- gether in definite proportions, the proportion in which they enter into combination will have a relation to the proportions in which they combine with all other bodies ; thus, if 1 part of hydrogen combine with 8 ofoxygen, the same quantities of hydrogen and oxygen that the bulk of volume of the hydrogen con- tained in lOO grains of hydrosulphuric acid gas was equal to the bulk or volume of the 100 grains of hydrosulphuric acid gas itself ; therefore, as the specific gravity of hydrosulphuric acid gas 1,1805, is to the specific gravity of hydrogen 0,0694, so will loO grains of hydrosulphuric acid gas be to the absolute weight of a volume of hydrogen equal to the volume of said lOO grain?, which is the precise quantity of hydrogen con- tained in the lOO grains of hydro-sulphuric acid gas. 84 ADVANTAGE OF ACQUAINTANCE WITH CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS. will each combine with the same quantity of any other substance, as 10 of sulphur. This law was inferred by Richter from a fact first observed by himself ; viz. that when two neu- tral salts decompose each other, the resulting salts are likewise neutral. Thus, sulphate of soda being added to muriate of lime will give perfectly neutral sulphate of lime and muriate of soda. The reason of this will immediately appear, on considering the equivalents of these substances ; thus, if we take 72 parts of sul- phate of soda and 05 parts of muriate of lime, the following decompositions take place : ts ( Soda. Muriatic Acid. g ■2 32 37 I S cS i I rl ^ 1 “ P St 1 Sulphuric Acid. Lime. §’ w L ^0 28 J o Here the 40 parts of sulphuric acid combine with the 28 parts of lime, and the 37 of muri- atic acid with the 32 of soda, no part either of the acid or alkali remaining in an uncom- bined state. The neutrality will not be at all affected by our taking more or less than 72 parts of sulphate of soda; for if we take more, some of the sulphate of soda will remain undecomposed ; if less, we shall have some of the muriate of lime remaining. From this observation Richter inferred, that^ the quan- tities of ttvo alkaline bases, sufficient to neu- tralize equal weights of any one acid are pro- portional to the quantities of the same bases requisite to neutralize the same weights of every other acid. For instance, (i parts of potass and 4 of soda neutralize 5 of suUhuric acid ; and 4.4 of polass are sufficient to saturate 5 of nitric acid. Therefore, to find the quantity of soda sufficient to saturate this weight of nitric acid, we institute the follow- ing proportion : as ihe potass equivalent to the sulphuric acid is to the potass equivalent to the nitric acid, so is the soda equivalent to the first, to the soda equivalent to the second ; or in numbers thus : as 6 : 44 ; ; 4 : 2,93= the required quantity of soda. In a similar manner, if 80 parts of soda and 72 of lime saturate 100 parts of sulphuric acid, and if 109 parts of soda saturate 103 parts of muri- atic acid, \ve can then determine the quantity of lime sufficient to neutralize the 100 parts of muriatic acid ; thus 80 : 72 ; : 109 : 98= the required quantity of lime. The converse of this inference of Richter’s is also true ; viz. that the quantity of any two acids requisite to neutralize equal weights of any one base are proportional to the quan- tities of the same acids requisite to neutra- lize equal weights of any other base ; thus, 126 parts of sulphuric acid and 87 of muriatic acid neutralize lOO parts of the soda, and 138 of sulphuric acid neutralize 100 parts of lime, how much muriatic acid will produce the same effect ? This may be determined by the following proportion; as 126:87; : 138: 95,3 = required quantity of muriatic acid. The advantage to be derived from an ac- quaintance with these principles of chemical combination in proportional quantitites, are too manifest from the examples already given to require further comment. By their aid cal- culations which otherwise would be tedious and difficult, may be made with ease and cer- tainty ; and the precise quantities of sub- stances necessary to produce any required effect at once determined, a matter of consi- derable importance to the success of chemi- cal manifulations in general, as well as to the conducting of pharmaceutical operations with, certainty and despatch. A few instances may be adduced from the Pharmacopoeia by way of illustration. If we want to test the strength of distilled vinegar, we have an easy and sure mode of doing it by ascertaining its neutralizing power. We know that the equivalents of acetic acid and of carbonate of lime coincide ; there- fore it is obvious that the quantity of marble dissolved by lOO grains of vinegar or any other solution of acetic acid will represent the percentage; of real acid in such a sample. For example, let 500 grains of such a solution of acetic acid be put into a basin or flask with 10.) grains of marble in fragments, and after the first effervescence is over, warmed, and the neutrality ascertained ; the solution is then to be poured off and the remaining pieces of marble washed, dried, and weighed ; if 60 grains have disappeared, 60 grains of dry acetic acid were present in the ouO grains of the solution employed. Again, sui)pose we wish to test the strength of any solution of hydrocyanic acid, we proceed as follows: to loo grains, or any other convenient quantity of the acid, contained in a phial, small quan- tities of the peroxide of mercury in fine pow- der are successively added, till it ceases to be dissolved. The weight of the oxide, divided, by 4, gives the quantity of real acid present. The rationale of this test is ; the equivalent of the periode of mercury (216) happens to be just eight times that of hydrocyanic acid (27). Now, as the prussiate of mercury consists of two proportionals of acid to one of base, it is manifest that the quantities of acid and of base in the salt are in the ratio of 1 to 4. Again in the preparation of carbonate of mag- nesia, for example, the ingredients pi-escribed are sulphate of magnesia and carbonate of potass ; and the quantity of sulphate of mag- nesia directed being 23 parts, we may ascer- tain a priori the necessary proportion of the carbonate of potass, having recourse to their respective equivalents ; thus the equivalent of sulphate of magnesia is 123, and that of car- bonate of potass is 70. Now, 123 : 70 : : 25 ; 14 q. p the proportion of carbonate of potass required. For other instances of useful ap- plication of the doctrine of equivalents to pharmaceutical purposes, see my Translation of the New Dublin Pharmacopoeia, where I have pointed out in the notes the advantage of this doctrine in determining a priori the re- quisite proportion of the several ingredients. The method of determining the proportonal numbers will be considered, when we have come to the subject of the Atomic Theory. FORM AND AGGREGATION TIEDEMANS PHYSIOLOGY OF MAN. ®N THE EXTERNAL CONFIGURATION AND IN" TERNAL AGGREGATION. (Continued from page 53.) Crystals do not exhibit, in their form and aggregation changes that can be considered as the results of development or of the epochs of age ; they suffer no change whose cause is inherent, and dependent on their duration. XLIII. All organic bodies, nlants as well as animals, in their figure and aggregation, possess a certain duration, varying considera- bly, according to the genera, soecies, and in- dividuals, but which, notwithstanding, de- pends chiefly on circumstances inherent in themselves. The duration of the form and aggregation of inorganic bodies, crystals for instance, is not confined to any determinate period ; when they are destroyed it is by the efl’ect of extrinsic circumstances. XLIV. The origin and production of new organic forms of a species is the result of manifestations of activity in forms already , existing. These manifestations of activity, which are called generation, are not the ef- fects of chemical affinity and cohesion, but of a peculiar power, appertaining to organic bodies, exhibited, with specific modifications, in the different species of living bodies, pro- pagated or diffused through the product during the act of generation, and directing the form and aggregation of it, in such a manner that none but beings of the same kind are produced and formed. The production of new crystalline forms, on the contrary, supposes the destruction, the annihilation, the solution in a liquid, of cry- stals already existing. Such new crystalliz- ed forms, developed as they are according to the simple laws of affinity and cohesion, at the expense of former materials dissolved in a liquid, may differ considerably. Indeed, the researches of Mitscherlich'^ have taught that a body composed of the same principles, in the same proportions, is capable of assuming different forms. The crystalline form, there- fore, does not depend on the nature of the atoms, but on their number and mode of ag- gregation. The same number of atoms, united in a similar manner, produce one ami the same crystalline form. XLV. The form and aggregation of organic bodies can only subsist and enjoy a certain duration on condition of a reciprocity of ac- tion with external things, and more especially on that of a continual change which is going on in their material substance. All organic bodies take from everything around them, and attract the constituent princiiffes of the air water, and food, which they introduce into their composition and form. At the same time divers matters are eleminating form, their composition and form. It is only so long as this change and reftewal takes place in the materials, that they continue in the form and aggregation peculiar to them. « Konigl. Vetens. Acad. Handling, 1821, p 4. OF INORGANIC BODIES. 85 On the other hand, the existence and per manency of the form and aggregation of in- organic bodies, crystals for example, suppose their composition to be in absolute repose, and that no change whatever occurs in them. If external things, which have a greater affini- ty with their materials, should acton them, they combine with them according to the laws of affinity, and thence follows the destruction and annihilation of their form and aggregation. A renewal of matter, therefore, a thing abso- lutely necessary to the subsistence of organic bodies, exerts a destructive action on inorga- nic bodies. XL VI. From the parallel which has been established between the form and aggregation of organic and those of inorganic bodies, essen- tial differences are collected. Ail organic bodies have a regular form, terminated by undulating lines and surfaces w'hich are not flat. They all proceed from an assemblage of heterogeneous parts, both liquid and solid, hai ing a peculiar mode of arrangement and distribution, and connected so as to produce an harmonious whole ; in other words, engag- ed in a reciprocity of action necessary to the preservation of the individual. The form and aggregation sway each other mutually ; the destruction of one leads to that of the other. All organized bodies preserve their form and aggregation by virtue of an internal activity, under the influence of external circumstances, and amid incessant changes in their material substance of their composition. They are developed from each other, produce them- selves, are formed and maintained by their own activity, are subject to regular changes, and enjoy a certain durability. These bodies thus constitute separate be- ings, whose various parts, with their different qualities, have a configuration and an aggre- gation of such a nature that unity, harmony, occurrence of actions to a common end, the pre.servation of the individual and of the species, may, and in fact do, follow as results. They are relatively more perfect than inor- ganic bodies.* This superiority of relative * Absolute perfection belongs to every being whatsoever, since each one is what it ought to be according- to the laws of nature. But the differ- ent groups of beings present differences as to relative perfection. Bonnet (Contemplation de la Nature, vol ii. cap. 2) has very clearly ex- pressed himself on this subject, in the following manner : “ Tons les etres sont parfaits, con- sideres en eux-memes ; tons repondeut a une fin. Les determinations, ou les qualites propres a chaque etre, sont les moyens relatifs a cette fin- Si ces determinations changeoient, elles ne seroient plus en rapport avec la fin et il n’y aurait plus de sagesse. Mais a une fin plus noble repondentles moyens plusreleves. L’etre appelle k reiiiplir cette fin est enrichi de facultes qvii hii sont assorties. Consider es sous ce point de vue, les etres nous offrent dilferens degres de perfection relative. La mesure de cette perfec- tion est dans les rapports que chaqu' etre soutient avec le tout. L etre dont les rapports au tout sont plus varies, plus multiplies, plus feconds, possede une perfection plus relevee.” We ap- preciate the relative perfection of an organized body by the multiplicity, the diversity, and the development of its parts. Whenever we observe a gi-eac diversity in the organic conformation, we also uniformly see a great variety and combina- tiou in the juanifestation of life. 86 THE CAUSE OF ORGANIZATION'. perfection is exhibited by the greater number of different parts and matters entering into their composition, as also by the more inti- mate connexion and more exact I’eciprocity of action existing between all these parts and matters, so that we cannot but i-ecosnise a train of coincidences tending to one end or to unity of end. XL VIE If, lastly, we put the question, on what rests the property which organized bodies have of exhibiting this disposition, the combination and reciprocity of action, in the parts which compose them, we have no other answer to make, except that it ought to be sought for in their material substance itself, in organic matter All organisms proceed, as far as we can judge of them by observation, from organic matters, which are presented to us as susceptible of organization. At one time they are formed at the expense of an organized individual in which putrefaction is established, as is seen in the case of spontaneous genera- tion, wherein the organisms develope vary according to the external influences to which the organic matters are submitted. At other times, organisms, or organic tissues are formed in a determinate manner, and with an equally determinate form, in the midst of liquid organic matters, produced by the mani- festations of activity of organisms already existing, as is observed in generation properly so called, and in the acts of development, of formation, and nutrition. Each species of animal and vegetable presents an organization peculiar to itself, and possesses the faculty of preserving itself, notwithstanding the perish- able character and the continual renewal of the individuals. Should we seek to discover whence proceeds this quality of animal and vegetable species, we are lost in the regions of obscurity. Neither do we know more touching the origin of the first individuals of any animal or vegetable species, than con- cerning that of the organic matters on the sur- face of our planet. Provisionally we shall de- signate the faculty or povrer which organic matters have of taking on organic form and aggregation, in certain circumstances, by the name of plastic power, or power of organiza- tion, and regard it as a quality peculiar to these matters, so that we shall consider aggregation by means of purely mechanical or chemical attraction as an especial property of inorganic matter. THE ACTION OF SALINE SOLUTIONS ON FIBRIN. By Harry Rainy, M. D., Lecturer on the Theory of Physic in the Univer- sity of Glasgow. To the Editor of the Records of General Science, .Sir, — ^You will oblige me by giving the fol- lowing remarks a place in your Records of General Science. They were partly suggest- ed by Professor Muller’s valuable paper on the blood, which appeared in one of your fate? numbers. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, Harry Rainy. Glasgow, \4th Oct., 1835. Though it has been generally admitted that fibrin agrees in its chemical properties with coagulated albumen, it lias been stated expli- citly by Tiedeman and Gmelin, and more recently by Muller, that fibrin is distinguish- ed by the property of dissolving readily in a solution of muriate of ammonia. Such autho- rities would seem to leave no doubt with regard to the fact ; yet, on repeating the ex- periment frequently some months ago, I did not observe any solution ; and I have since noticed that Berzelius had been equally un- .successful. From these discrepancies it was obvious tliat there must be some peculiarity either in the state of the fibrin itself, or in the manner of conducting the process, that mate- rially influences the result. My attention has recently been recalled to this subject by accidentally observing that .some fibrin prepared from human blood, dis- solved almost entirely in a solution oK common salt, into which it had been put for the pur- pose of preserving it in a moist state. 1 was led, by this circumstance, to perform the fol- lowing experiments ; — 1. A portion of moist fibrin, recently prepa- red from human blood, and very carefully washed, was put into a diluted solution of common salt, at the ordinary temperature. It gradually swelled, assumed a gelatinous appearance, and in the course of twenty-four hours, dissolved in the liquid, with the ex- ception of a weak portion of a mucous-like substance, which formed a thin stratum at the bottom of the phial, and which did not dissolve by adding fresh solution. 2. The solution of fibrin (1.) was clear, and frothed readily on agitation . When heated^ it became opaque, and deposited copious white coagula. This took place at 130“ Fahren- heit; consequently, rather at a lower tempe- rature than that at which ordinary albumen coagulates. The precipitate did not re-dis- solve on cooling, and seemed, in every res- pect, to agree in its properties with coagulated albumen. 3. It was natural to suspect, from the last experiment, that the fibrin would not dissolve in any solution of salt heated to 130® or up- wards. fl’his conjecture was fully confirmed on trial. Fibrin put into solution of salt at any temperature above 130®, did not dissolve, and could not afterwards be dissolved, even at the ordinary temperature. It is, therefore, evident that exposure to heat produces some change on fibrin, which prevents its dissolving in solution of salt, exact- ly as heat renders ordinary albumen insoluble in water. This accounts for the failure of my first trials with muriate of ammonia, for I had heated the solution with the view of accelerat- ing the process ; and Berzelius appears to have operated in the same manner. 4. The portion of fibrin which dissolves bears a striking analogy to soluble albumen. 8? INTERESTING EXPERIMENTS ON THE NATURE OF FIBRIN. This led me to suspect that its coagulation wiight be owing to some serum still adhering to the fibrin ; but the same results were ob- tained however carefully the fibrin was wash- ed. And, on the other hand, the fibrin, when liept in pure water underwent no perceptible change, and the water did not extract from it any albuminous matter, for it remained per- fectly transparent whenboiled. The presence of the salt, therefore, is necessary to resolve the fibrin into the albuminous matter. 5. Some of the solution (1) was mixed with an aqueous solution of corrosive sublimate. No precipitate was produced. I at first sup- posed that this indicated a decided difference between soluble albumen and the substance which the saline solution extracts from fibrin ; but, on making the trial, 1 found that a solution of white of egg, mixed tvith common salt, is not precioitated by corrosive sublimate. This fact I now find had been previously noticed, 6. Some of the same fibrin, prepared from human blood, carefully dried at the ordinary temperature, and which had been kept in the dry state for several weeks, was acted on by the solution of salt almost exactly as the recent moist fibrin. It swelled, became white, then transparent and gelatinous, and in a few hours dissolved, leaving a minute quantity of whitish matter, which did not cohere like the mucus left by the recent fibrin. The solution yielded copious coagula when exactly like the solution of the recent fibrin . 7. The solution of common salt emnloyed in experiments was dilute, A saturated soV\- tion does not appear to have any effect in dis - solving fibrin ; but a mixture of equal parts of saturated solution and water acts distinctly ; and when the saturated solution is diluted with four or five times its bulk of water, it acts still more rapidly. I have not ascertained what degree of dilution produces the most effective solutions, but a solution diluted with five times its bulk of water, acts more power- fully than a stronger solution. 8. From some trials I am inclined to think that by far the greater part of the fibrin dissol- ved is coagulated and precipitated by heat. When this is deposited the solution still re- tains a minute portion of animal matter, ai)pai’ently similar to that which is extracted from fibrin by boiling it in water. 9. Solutions of muriate of ammonia, muri- ate of lime, muriate of barytes nitrate of potash, sulphate of soda, tartrate of potash and soda, and acetate of soda, have exactly the same effect on the fibrin of human blood, that solution of muriate of soda has. They dis- solve by far the greater part of th^ fibrin, leaving a slight residuum which is either of a mucous consistance, or whitish, and without cohesion. The solution coagulates about 130° Fahr., depositing white flocculi. In like man- ner fibrin, if once heated to 130°, is not affected by any of these solutions. It is very probable that many of the salts which I have not tried produce similar effects. Solutions of hydriodate of potash, and subborate of soda, dissolve the fibrin, but do not coagulate when heated. I believe they prevent the coagula- tion of ordinary albumen. 10. The above experiments were made, as I have stated, on fibrin of human blood. The experiments which I have made on the fibrin of ox blood, and sheep blood, have given different results. Fibrin from these soui'ces does, indeed, yield .some albuminous matter to the saline solutions, but it is in small quantity. The fibrin retains its cohe- sion, and the liquid only yields a slight mud- diness, or, at most, a very few flocculi w^hen b )iled. The solutions of muriate of ammo- nia, common salt, nitre, and sulphate of soda, appear to be the most effective. U. I have made some experiments on the action of some of these solutions, on muscular fibre, freed as much as possible from cellular membrane, and carefully washed. In no case was the muscular fibre completely dissolved, or even so much changed as to destroy its fibrous appearance, when viewed with the microscope ; but, in general, the muscular matter was softened, and the liquid gave more or less albuminous precipitate when boiled. These effects were most distinct with human muscle, less so with the muscle of haddock, very slight with the muscle of ox, and scarce- ly perceptible with the muscle of sheep. 12. It follows, from these facts, that fibrin differs materially in its properties, according to the source from which it is derived ; that in general it yields to saline solutions, at the ordinary temperature, a substance resem- bling soluble albumen ; that the proportion of this substance yielded by fibrin varies materi- ally ; that it is greatest in the fibrin of human blood ; that fibrin cannot dissolve in solutions of muriate of amonia if heated above 130'"; and that several kinds of fibrin are very slight- ly acted on by that solution at any tempera- ture. ON THE SE3QUI SULPHATE OF MAN- GANESE. By Thoma-s Thomson, M. D., F. R. S., &c., Regius Professor of Chemistry in the University of Glasgoiv, When neutral solutions of sulphate of zinc and chloride of manganese are mixed toge- ther, no sensible change takes place. But if the mixture be concentrated it gradually de- posits yellowish-white coloured crusts, which constitute a hitherto undescribed salt of manganese. This salt dissolves readily in water, but I could not succeed in obtaining it in crystals. Its taste issw'eetish and astringent, and slight- ly acid. 6*26 grs, of it, rendered as dry as possible by pressure between the folds of blotting pa- per, and subsequent exposure to a gentle heat, were dissolved in water and mixed with a great excess of carbonate of ammonia. The mixture was left for twenty-four hours, and dui'ing that time was frequently agitated. It was then thrown on a filter, to collect tlie white precipitate which had fallen. This preci- pitate became brown by exposure to the air, and by ignition acquired a reddish tint. In 88 BECQUEREL AND BRESCHET’S IMPORTANT EXPERIMENTS. this state it was red oxide of manganese. It weighed 5’7S grs. = 5'38 grs. of protoxide o>f manganese. The ammoniacal liquid was passed through the filter being evaporated to dryness, and the residue re-dissolved in water, left a small quantity of matter, which became red by ignition, and was also red oxide of manganese. It weighed 0'()7 = O'OGa gr. of protoxide. So that the whole protoxide of manganese contained in l6'26 grs. of the salt amounts to 6’445 gr. The liquid thus freed from base was treated with nitrate of silver. The chloride of silver obtained weighed after ignition, 0-5 gr. = 0‘12 gr. of chlorine. The excess of silver being removed by the addition of a little common salt, the liquid was precipitated by muriate of barytes. The sulphate of barytes obtained being collected, washed and ignited, weighed 2l;'tiG grs.= 8'5 gr. sul[)huric acid. What is wanting to complete the 1G’2G grs. must he water. For no other constituent could be obtained. Thus, it appears that the salt is composed of Sulphuric acid 8‘5, Chlorine 0T2, Pro- toxide of manganese 5’145. Water 2*195, Total 1 6. 20 The chlorine was doubtless combined with manganese, probably in the state of tris- chloride. We must, therefore, subtract 0.33 from the protoxide of manganese. I'he re- mainder, .5*1.85 is the quantity of manganese in combination with the sulphuric acid. Now, 5*1 is to 8*5 as 4*5 to 7*5. So that the salt is conu'osed very nearly of atom sulphu- ric acid 7*5, 1 atom protoxide of manganese 4*5. 2 atoms water 2*'25, Total lt-2;). The water was rather less than two atoms. Probably a little had been driven ott’ in the attempt to dry the salt by heat. To what the yellow colour is owing, which ibis salt possesses I do not know. The so- lution of it in water is colourless, so that none of the manganese can be in the state of red oxide. I could detect no oxide of zinc in the oxide of manganese, and none could be extracted by digesting the newly precipitated oxide in caustic potash. — Records of Science, 18.5. ANIMAL HEAT. Becquerel and Breschet are at present en- gaged in a series of experiments upon this subject. Their mode of determining the temperature of dififerent parts ofanimal bodies is by means of a thermo-electric multiplier, vvith needles and probes formed of two dif- ferent metals, soldered in certain points only. The needles are of two kinds, the most simple being composed of two other needles, the one of platinum, or copper, the other of steel, soldered atone of their extremities in the direction of their lengths, each of them being about half a millimetre (0-0196 inch) in diameter, and a decimetre (3*93 inches) in length. One of these needles is introduced into that part of the body wliose temperature is to be determined, the soldered part being placed in the same medium. Tlie two free erids are then made to communicate with th® vvires of the multiplier. The points of junc- tion, platinum and copper, steel and copper^ if the platinum and steel needle is employed, or the points of junction of steel and copper, if the steel and copper needle is en)ployed„ are placed in melting ice, in order tliat the temperature may remain constant. The magnetic needle then deviates, in conse- quence of the difference of temperature which exists between the point examined and zero. Experience shows that the maximum effect is found between & 259 ; therefore, before commencing the experiment, the multiplier may be so adjusted that the needle shall stand between 20*^ and 25®, in order that the most minute deviations may be noted. When the magnetic needle has acquired a fixed equilibrium, the probe is withdrawn from the part examined, and the corresponding sol- dered part is plunged into a water-bath, of wliich the tempeiature is raised until a devia- tion is produced, considerably, above that which was previously obtained. The water is allowed to cool, and the temperature cor- responding to this deviation is marked by an excellent thermometer. By this method of procedure the following temperatures were obtained. A &: B distinguish two persons aged 20 years ; C, a person aged 55 years ; — FIRST SERIES OF EXPERIMENTS.- TEMPERA I’ URE OF THE AIR 539.6'. NAME OF THE PART, TEMPERATURE. Brachial biceps of A. 97*75 F. Adjacent cellular tissue 94-4G, Mouth 98*24, Brachial biceps of B 98*29, Adjacent cellular tissue 95*81, Mouth 98 06, Biceps ofB 98*18, Cel- lular tissue 95*59, Mouth 98*6. BLACK DOG.— Flexor Muscle of the thigh 101*12, Cellular tissue of the neck 98*6, Abdomen 101*3, Cliest 101*12. ANOTHER DOG.-— Muscle of the thish 100*4, Chest 98*6, Abdomen 100*58. SECOND SERIES OF EXPERI- MENTS.—TEMPERATURE OF 4H£ AIR 53*6. Biceps of B 98.29, Cellular tis- sue 96*04, Calf of the leg 98*42, Mouth 98*6 Biceps of C 98*42, Cellular tissue 95 59. THIRD EXPERIMENT.— BLACK DOG ALREADY SUBMITTED TO EXPERIMENT.— Muscle of the thigh 101*48. THIRD SERIES OF EXPERIMENTS, NAME OF THE PART, TEMPERATURE. Mouth of B 98^*33, Mouth of A 98*51, Mouth of B by thermometer 98*6. SECOND EXPERIMENT.— Biceps of B 93*78, Cellular tissue 95*86. THIRD EXPERIMENT.— CARP (CYPRINUS CAP10.)_DifFerent parts 56*3, Water 55*4. FOURTH SERIES OF EXPERI- MENTS.-MADE WITH PROBES WITH TWO BRANCHES, '1 ERMED NEEDLES OF THE SECOND KIN D. Biceps of B 1*181 inch deep 98*15 Muscles of the calf. .. .1*572 ,, 98*15 Adjacent cellular lissue.O 393 ,, 94*1 Pectoralis major 1*573 „ 98*15 Adjacent cellular tissue.0'393 ,, 94*1 ON PYROXYLIC SPIRIT BY DUMAS AND PELIGOT. 89 SECOND EXPERIMENT,-A YOUNG GRIFFIN OF MEDIUM SIZE. Pectoralis major 1.572 inch deep 100’85 Cellular tissue 0'393 ,, 99 5 THIRD EXPERIMENT UPON B. Biceps at ...1*18 inch deep 97*7 Cellular tissue 94*1 FO U R r H EX P E R I M E N F U PON A DOG. — Muscle of the thi‘'h 101*3, Cel- lular tissue of the thigh 100'31, the Lung 101*3, Abdomen 101*3. FIFTH SERIES OF EXPERIMENTS, WITH rVVO MULTIPLIERS. -A DOG. — Muscle of the thigh 100*85, Chest 101*9 Brain (the two ends of the probe were ad- mitted by trepanning a small portion 100*85. From these experiments it appears that, 1. In man the temperature of the muscles ex- ceeds that of the cellular tissue by 4® and 2. The mean temperature of the muscles of three young persons, aged 20 years, was found to be 98*186. With the common tlrermometer, Dr. Davy estimated the heat of the human body at 98*^; and Despretz found the mean temperature of nine men, aged 30 years, 98S'*85,* of four men, aged 68, 98*^*83 ; of four men, aged 18 years, 98'58. While John Hunter found the temperature of the rectum of a healthy man between 979 and 989. 3. 'The mean temperature of the muscles of several dogs is 100'94; while Despretz makes it 1039'06. This difference may be attributed to accidental circumstances. It is to be ob- served, also, that the state of the health has an effect upon the temperature. The tem- perature of the brain was 100*85: this tem- perature was suddenly reduced some degrees, and in a few minutes the animal died. 4. The temperature of the common carp was only about fg of a degree above that of water. 5. The contraction of the muscles aug- ments the temperature, while the compression of an artery diminishes the temperature. Agitation, motion, and in general every thing which determines a flow of blood, tends to elevate the temperature. Whether the ner- vous system has any share in producing a rise of temperature remains to be determined.* PYROXYLlC~SPIRIT AND ITS COMPOUNDS. Dumas and Peligot have published an ela- borate examination of pyroxylic spirit, (Ann. de Chem. Iviii. 1.) which will be found inter- esting to British chemists, as this substance is becoming a very important article in the la- boratory. It was discovered by Philip Tay- lor, in 1812, who termed it pyroligneous ether, from the mode in which it is prepared. The lowest sp. gr. to which, as far as we are • Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. lix. 113. (It is to be regretted that the authors do not mention the season of the year when these experiments were made ; for, as has been remarked to me, by a distinguished comparative anatomist, the relative temperatures of fishes, and the medium in which they are placed, vary according to the »«ason.— Edit.) aware, it has been brought in this country, is *812. Dumas, however, states that its den- sity at the temperature of 68® is *798, and that of its vapour 1* 120, Its boiling point, according to the same authority, is 1519|, at a pressure of 38 inches. 1. Pyroxylic Spirit, or Hydrate of^ Car- hydrogen. — For the purpose of analysis, the pyroxylic spirit was rectified with lime newly burned, and lastly distilled with mercury in a retort supplied with a thermometer which indicated the temperature from the beginning to the end of the process. Its composition was found to be, carbon, 37*7 ; hydrogen, 12 5; oxygen, 49*8 This agrees very nearly, taking into consideration the sp. gr., with 1 vol carbon . . =*4166 = : 1 atom . . .75 2 vols. hydrogen *1388 2 atoms . . .25 ^ vol oxygen.... *5555 1 atom . . 1* 1*1111 2*00 Hence, this substance is a hydrate of car- bydrogen, CH X FIO. Dumas has, unne- cessarily, coined a new name to distinguish this base, viz. Methyleiie, (from wine, and wood), W hat advantage is gained by this innovation it is difficult even to guess at. The disadvantages of designating- simple compounds by arbitrary names (since tliis compound turns out to be one of the simplest organic compounds with which we are ac- quainted) are sufficiently obvious, and we trust that this name will not be adopted by British chemists. The existence of this simple compound of hydrogen and carbon in pyroxylic was de- monstrated in 1828 by Dr, Thomson. (Edin. Trans, xi. 15, Inorganic Chemistry, i. 191, ii. 294.) It is difficult to allow our- selves to suspect that Dumas should have been ignorant of this fact, which ha.s been published for nine years, but in consequence of the absence of any allusion to it, it is im- possible, in charity, to avoid drawing such a conclusion. Dr. Thomson obtained the compound ofl atom carbon X 1 atom hy- drogen the basis of pyroxylic spirit, accoicl- ing to Dumas, by mixing 3 parts of muriatic acid, 1 part nitric acid, and 1 of pyroxylic spiiit, applying heat, and receiving the gas disengaged over mercury. The product was, a mixture of a new inflammable gas 29 parts, deutoxide of azote 63, azote 8. The new gas was composed oflvol. car- bon, 1 vol. hydrogen, and IJ chlorine, containing half an atom more chlorine than the chlrohydrate of methylene of Dumas, which was prepared by heating a mixture of *2 parts of common salt, 1 part of pyroxylic spirit, and 3 parts of concentrated sulphuric acid, 2. DIHYDRATE OF CARBYDRO- GEN, — If 1 partof pyroxylic spiiit be dis- tilled with4paits of sulphuric acid, asimi- lar appearance is presented as when alcohol and concentrated sulphuric acid are distilled. During the whole process much gas passes over, containing* sulphurous and carbonic acids, which may be removed by caustic- potash. A gas then remains, which is ab- sorbed by water, possesses an ethereal odour. 90 INTERESTING TO BRITISH CHEMISTS. and burns with a flame like tliat of alcohol. It is a dihydrate of carbydrogen, or the hy- drate of methylene of Dumas, and bears the same relation to pyroxylic spirit that either does to alcohol, It required 3 vo's. oxygen to burn it. Its density, by experiment, was TG17, which corresponds nearly with 2 vols. carbon ..= •8332 = 2 atoms T5 2 vols. hydrogen.. '1389 2 atoms ‘25 1 vol. vapour of water ’6250 1 atom T125 1-5972 2-875 Hence, its composition is exactly the same as alcohol, in so far as regards the propor- tions of the elements ; but it is obvious, from the difference in their properties, that the elements are differently arranged, the dihy- drate of carbydrogen being 2 C H + H O. The dihydrate is a colourless gas, with an ethereal smell, and does not liquify vvhen cooled to — 16*^ (3^^^ F.) Water dissolves about 37 times its volume at the temperature of 18° (64° 4)> acquires a smell of ether, and a taste of pepper. Alcohol dissolves it in greater quantity. Sulphuric acid dissolves much of it, and abandons it when diluted with water. It is but justice to state that Macaire and Marcetdiscovered this gas. It is always a subject of regret to see one man undervaluing the labours of another. Dumas and Peligot have, in the present and pre- ceding instance, by omitting to state the ex- periments of their predecessors, laid them- selves open to this charge. W^e are willing to believe that it is a fault of omission, rather than of commission, proceeding from their ignorance of the expeiiments referred to. 3. HYDRO-CHLORATE OF CARBY- DROGEN, or of methylene, according to Dumas, is prepared by heating a mixture of 2 parts of common salt, 1 part of pyroxylic spirit, and 3 parts of concentrated sulphuric acid. A gas comes over which may he col- lected over water. It is a neutral body. It is colourless, smells of ether, with a sweet taste; burns with a white flaine, having green edges. W'^ater absorbs 2-8 times its volume at the temperature of 61°. It does not liquify at zero. Its density is 1*736. Hence, its composition is, 1 atom carbydrogen .... 4860. . . .875 1 atom hydrochloric acid 1-2847 . .4*625 1-7707 5-500 Its formula is therefore C H, X Ch H. this gas is decomposed into hydrochloric acid and carbydrogen by a red heat. 4. HYDRIODATE OF CARBYDRO- G EN, is formed by distilling 1 part of phos- phorus, 8 parts of iodine, and 12 or 15 pyroxylic sprit. The iodine is to be dissolved in the pyroxylic spirit, the solution placed in a retort, and the phosphorus added gra- dually; a lively action ensues. When it has subsided the rest of the phosphorus is added, and the mixture distilled. On either passes over consisting of pyroxylic spirit and hy- driodate of carbydrogen. The latter is sepa- rated by the addition of water, which imme- diately precipitates it. This hydriodate is still impure, and requires to be distilled over an excess of chloride of calcium and massi- cot, in a water-bath. When puie it is colourless ; slightly combustible, sp. gr ! 2.237 at 714°. Boils at 104° or 122°. The i density ofits vapour is 4*883 by experiment. Hence, it consists of 1 vol. hydriodic acid 4-4097 1 ,, carbydrogen ‘8460 4-8957 5. SULPHATE OF CARBYDllO- G ION. — An oily substance produced by dis- tilling 1 part of pyroxylic spirit with 8 or 10 parts of concentrated sulphuric acid. It is separated by decantation from the liquid with \yhich it is mixed. It is then agitated with a little water, to separate sulphuric acid, then with chloride of calcium, to remove the water, and is afterwards rectified with caustic-bai-ytes, to get rid of sulphurous acid. Lastly, it is kept for some time in a vacuum witli concentrated sulphuiic acid and potash. It possesses a smell of garlic. Sp. gr. 1-324. Boiling point 71 The density of its vapour is 4-565. It consists of CH X S X HO. Its atomic weight is, therefore, 7* 6. NITRATE OF CARBYDROGEN, may be obtained by distilling 50 parts of nitrate of potash, 50 of pyroxylic spirit, and 100 sulphuric acid. A thick and colourless ether remains at the bottom, which must be separated from that which swims over it, by decantation and distillation several times, with a mixture of massicot and chloride of calcium. Even yet it is not pure, for a por- tion of it boils at 140°. When the tempera- ture rises to 150° the remainder is nitrate of carbydrogen. It burns with a yellow flame. Sp. gr. T182. When heated in a tube it detonates violently, which renders it difficult to analyze it. It is easy to see the cause of this, because it contains nitric acid, hydro- gen, and carbon, like gunpowder. The density of its vapour is 2-640. Its composi- tion is probably Az -\- CH. 7. OXALATE OF CARBYDROGEN, is obtained by distilling equal parts of sul- phuric acid, oxalic acid, and pyroxylic spirit. A liquid is procured which, in the air, cry- stallizes in rhomboidal plates. When the distillation has terminated, the retort is cooled, and 1 pait of pyroxylic spirit is added, and distillation performed again with the same results. The crystals are laid on filtering paper, purified by fusion in an oil bath, and distilled over massicot, to deprive them of oxalic acid. They fuse at 124°. Oxalate of carbydrogen dissolves in cold water. It dis- solves in alchol and pyroxylic spirit. Am- monia changes it into oxamide. It consists of CFI+C^' 03 + Aq. 8. ACETATE OF CARBYDROGEN, may be readily procured by distilling 2 parts of pyroxylic spirit with 1 part of crystalliza- ble acetic acid, and 1 part of common sul- phuric acid. The product is agitated with chloride of calcium which separates an ether containing much acetate of carbydrogen, A little sulphurous acid and pyroxylic spirit re- main, which may be removed by agitation with caustic lime, and digestion for 24 hours with chloride of calcium The density of its COUERBE’S METHOD OF ANALYZING OPIUM. 91 vnpour is 2-563. It. consists of C H -I- C* IP 03 j-i o. It boils at 136"^. Its density is 919, 9. formate OF CARBYDROGEN.— This ether was prepared l)y distilling a mix- ture of equal weights of sulphate of carby- drogen and formate of soda, 'bhe product is distilled over a new portion of formate of soda, and lastly, in a retort from a water-bath. Its formula is C H + 0^ H O^ + HO. The density of its vapour is 2-4. 10. benzoate of CARBYDRO- GEN, is formed by the distillation of 2 parts benzoic acid, 2 sulphuric acid, and 1 part pyroxylic spirit, and precipitating the product by water. By redistilling tlie residue of the first operation with new portions of pyroxylic spirit, more benzoate of carbydrogen passes over. The product, after precipitation by water, should be agitated with chloride of calcium, decanted and distilled over dry massicot. It is then to be boiled till the tem- perature remains fixed about 388°. It is oily, colourless. Sp. gr, 1*10. _ The density of the vapour is 4-717, It consists of C H C15 H6 Q3 H O, or I atom of each of the ingredients. IT. CHLORO-CARBONATE OF CAR- BYDROGEN.— When pyroxylic spirit is admitted into a vessel containing chloro- carbonic acid, muriatic acid and chloro-car- bonate of carbydrogen are formed. The latter separates in the form of a heavy oil. Its precipitation is secured by the addition of water. It is then decanted, rectified with a great excess of chloride of calcium and mas- sicot. It is a colourless liquid, very volatile, with a penetrating odour. It burns with a green flame. It consists of 1 atom of acid and I of base. 12. SULPHO-CARBYDROGIC ACID, can be formed by the action of sulphuric aci(l and pyroxylic spirit, but more readily by dissolving the double sulphate of carbydro- gen in water, precipitating the barytes by sulphuric acid, and crystallizing the liquid in a vacuum. The crystals are white needles. It is strongly acid, and forms salts with all the bases. SULPHO-CARBYDROGATE OF BA- RYTES is prepared by adding gradually 1 part of pyroxylic spirit to 2 parts concentra- ted sulphuric acid ; much heat is extricated. The liquid, after the cessation of action, is diluted with water, and supersaturated slight- ly with barytes. The liquid is then submitted to the action of carbonic acid, and again filtered. _ Sulpho- carbydrogate of barytes remains in a pure and neutral state. By careful evapoiation it is obtained in the form of beautiful square plates. The salt is colourless, and effloresces in the air. When strongly heated it is de- composed, and sulphato of barytes remains. The salt of lime is deliquescent. 'J'hat of potash crystallizes in pearly plates. 13. AMMONIA SULPHATE OF CAR- BYDROGEN, or sulpho-methylene of Du- mas, is formed by passing a current of dry ammonia over sulphate of carbydrogen. A soft crystalline mass is formed. It may be also procured by the action of liquid am- monia upon sulphate of carbydrogen. The liquid which remains after the re-action, when evaporated in vacuo, furnishes beauti- ful crystals, whose composition is exactly represented by an atom of anhydrous sulphate of carbydrogen, united to an atom of enhy- drous sulphate of ammonia. 14. AMMONIA WITH OXALATE OF CARBYDROGEN, or Oxamethylane of Dumas, is produced when a current of dry ammoniacal gas is passed over oxalate of carbydrogen. A white crystalline mass is formed, when dissolved in alcohol ; cubic crystals are obtained by evaporation. In order to understand its composition, we have only to admit that pyroxylic spirit is produced during the action, 2 atoms oxalate of carby- drogen, and 1 ammonia being converted into an atom of oxamethylane, and 1 of pyroxylic spirit. 15. URETHY LANE, is the name given to the product of the action of chloro-carbo- nate of carbydrogen with ammonia; much sal-ammoniac is formed, and a deliquescent substance crystallizing in needles. In remarking upon these compounds, Dumas observes, that di-hydrate of carbydro- gen is isomeric with alcohol ; Bycarbonate of carbydrogen with citric or malic acid ; Oxalate carbydrogen with succinic acid ; Formate of carbydrogen with acetic acid ; Acetate of carbydrogen with formic ether ; Citrate of carbydrogen with anhydrous sugar. ANALA'SIS OF OPIUM.* Couerbe gives the following method for analyzing this complicated substance, as pro- posed by Gregory : The Opium is first taken up by cold wafer, and then concentrated, chloride of calcium is adrled to the solution, in the proportion of 2 ounces to the pound of opium It is then boiled and allowed to crystallize. When the whole has become solid, the crystals are sub- initted to pressure. The crystals contain Codeine and Morjjhine united to muriatic acid. The liquid portion which possesses a very black colour, with the consistence of syrup, contaiiiS, Bimeconate of lime, pure Morphine, IS’arceine, Thebaine, Meconine, pure Narco- tine. In order to separate these substances, the liquid is brought to the consistences of molasses, and in order to free it from an im- mense quantity of a peculiar black substance, which is improperly termed fat, it is diluted with water acidulated with muriatic acid. The addition of the acid causes this matter to swim on the surface; it is then skimmed off; it contains much ulmine. Ammonia is next poured into the purified liquid, by which means, Morphine and Thebaine are precipi- tated. This deposit is dried, pulverized and treated with boiling ether. The Thebaine though little soluble in this liquid, dissolves. The ethereal solution is distilled when the Thebaine remains behind in the form of small reddish crystals. These are purified by dis- * Aim. de Chiniie, lix. 151. 92 BRUNxVER ON THE BAROMETER. solving them in alcohol, and by animal char- coal ; lastly, in order to have it perfectly pure, fit should bedisrsolved in ether and eva- porated spontaneously. The ammoniacal liquid is concentrated to the consistence of liquid honey, and agitated strongly with etlier. 'J he liquid dissolves tlie meconine. By distilling the ether this sub- stance remains ; it is purified by solution in water and charcoal, and when the aqueous solution is evaporated, white crystals of long prismatic needles make their appearance. When we wish to obtain the other sub- stances, all these processes are not necessary, it is sufficient after having precipitated the infusion ofopinm by muriate of lime, to con- centrate the liquid and treat it directly with ether. By this means, rather more meconine is olitained. When the ether has ceased to act, the black liquid thus taken up is decant- ed and exposed in a cool place where it assumes a crystalline form ; it is then ex* pressed and treated with boiling alcohol. 'I'he product dissolved in this case is Narceine. But it is firoper to state, that as this substance is not soluble in ether, and as the black' sub- slances which accompany it are soluble in alcoliol, there are some difficulties accom- panying the process for obtaining it ; it is always procured pure by em ploying boiling water. No notice is here taken of meconic acid, which combines with the lime, and forms himeconate of lime, because Robiquet has sufficiently explained tlie method of ob- taining it. Wiili regard to the double muriate of mor- phine and codeine, it is dissolved several times in boiling water, passing it through charcoal in order to decolourize it, or decom[)osing it by ammonia, which precipitates almost all the moriihine, and leaves in the solution the codeine, with a little morphine combined with the muriatic acid, constituting the salt of Gregory. The morphine is purified by the usual means. 'The solution of the triple salt is evaporated until it appears about to crystallize; then caiK^tic potash is added in excess, which pre- cipitates the codeine and retains tlie morphine in solution ; the solution is then heated slightly, and allowed to stand for a day. The codeine, which at first appeared as an oil, crystallizes. It may be purified by solution in ether or alcohol. The former is prefera- ble; because, if it contains morphine, this will be a direct method of separating it. From 40 lbs. of opium Couerbe obtained by this process, 1 oz. of meconine ,, codeine f ,, narceine 1 ,, thebaine 50 ,, morphine He did not extract narcotine, which exists in the refuse of opium and is well known. These substances present the following ap- pearances when agitated with sulphuric acid containing a little nitric acid. Morphine gives a brownish colour. Codeine, a green colour. Thebaine a yellow rose-colour. Narcotine, a blood-red colour Meconine, a turmeric yellow, then a red colour. Narceine, a chocolate colour. THEBAINE crystallizes from an ethereal solution, in flat rhomboidal prisms, with a fine lustre, and white colour. It is strongly alkaline. When exposed to the temperature of 266® it fuses, and becomes solid at 230®. Narco- tine fuses at 338° and solidified at 266°. Codeine fuses at 302, and meconine at 194°. The strong acids convert thebaine into recin, and when diluted form crystallizable salts. The following results were obtained by Couerbe : — Carbon. Oxygen. Hydrogen. Azote. Narceine, . .5G'818 3T900 6-626 4-656 Thebaine,.. 71-976 15-279 6.460 6-385 Codeine 72-846 14 775 7-148 5-231 The Paramorphine of Pelletier was obtain- ed l)y 'riiiboumei y by treating the- infusion of opium with slacked lime. He obtained by this means a clear liquid, and a precipitate containing much lime, which was treated with alcohol, and the solution gave, instead of mor{)hine, this new substance, which ap- pears the same as tlie thebaine of Couerbe. The proportion of morphine in opium, Couerbe states may be determined in the course of two hours, by boiling the infusion of opium with an excess of lime, and passing the solution through a filter. If an acid he added, taking care not to add in excess, morphine precipitates. DESCRIPTION OF A BAROMETER, By C. Brunner, of Bern. Poggendorff's Annalen der Fhysik und Chimie. Band, xxxiv. 1835. The author observes that the atmospheri- cal pressure may be measured in two differ- ent ways, either by observing the height of a liquid column contained in a tube, the up- per part of whicli is deprived of air, and the lower extremity is expo-ed to the excess of the atmosphere, as in the common barometer, 01 by the volume wliich a gas occupies in a closed vessel, when the latter is completely elastic, or the act of enclosing the gas in the vessel is effected without perceptible resistance. 4'he apparatus of Varignon, described in 1705 ; tlie sympiesometer of A die the baroskope of Prechll, and the differential barometer of August, are examples of the latter. Fie then proceeds to describe an instrument which he has constructed upon similar principles, and which may be termed the volume barometer. The peculiarities of his contrivance depend upon having the surface of the liquid in the tube, and that surrounding it, on a level : that the liquid shall be of such a nature as to have no perceptible tension at common temperatures: that it shall not perceptibly adhere to the glass, lest a portion remain hanging in the tube, and the enclosed volume of air be undervalued : that all the observa- tions be taken at the same temperature, or that the influence of the temperature upon the enclosed air be taken into account. He recommends it as being very convenient for making the necessary reductions for gas mixtures. IMPORTANT SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE, m ON ALTITUDE BAROMETERS OF THE MOST COMPLETE CONSTRUC- ITON, BY GEORGE BREITHAUPT, OF CASSEL.— The writer states that he has devoted much time to the perfecting of these important instruments. He describes his precautions for purifying the mercury, which he prepares from cinnabar, by distillation with lime. It is then strained through card paper many times, heated nearly to the boil- ing point, and filtered into the tube. The nonius scale he forms of the most delicate Lind, extending to millimetre i line and adjusts a microscope to it. DESCRIP ITON OF AN APPARATUS FOR ASSAYING SlLVl.R, IN I HE WET WAY, BY E. JORDAN, OF CAS- SEL.—This is somewhat similar to the ap- paratus described by Gay Lussac, in his work upon the assay of silver. It differs in this respect, however, that by the proceeding of Jordan the contents of an alloy are determined in the direct way. OBSERVATIONS ON THE DECLI-. NATION AND DAIi.Y VARIATION OF THE NEEDLE A T PEKIN, BY Hr. KOWANKO, MEMBER OF I'HE IM- PERIAL RUSSIAN MISSION AT PE- KIN, COMMUNICATED BY A. T. KUP- FFER.— The observations were naade with Garabey’s declination compass. The wes- terly declination was found to be for March 1832, 2^ 15' 42". The westerly progress of the needle from December .1831 to March 1832, was 12'. At Petersburgh, during the same time the easterly deviation was 3 , where the total deviation was on the 22d and 23d De- cember, 6^ 27 5 ', and on the 2Uth and 21st March, 6® 23' 58". Hrn. G. Fuss, who pre- ceded Kownanko at Pekin, found the decli- nation there in December 1830 1° 38 W, in May 1831, P 55' VV, and in June 1831, P 48' W, The needle reached its easterly variation on 2 1st December at 9 a. jvi. On 22d De- cember at 10 A. M. On 20th March at 9 a. M., and on 21st March at 9 a. m. While its westerly daily variation was a.s follows . 21st December, 2 p. m. var.= 4' 10" 22d Decem- ber 2 p. M. var. = 2'20th March . 2 p. m. var- = 5' 41" 21st March . 2 p. m, var. =6'. M A G N ETI C A I, O BS E R V AT 1 0 NS AT N E RTSC H I N S K , COMMUNICATED BY A.T. KUPFFER.— Cancrin found the inclination of the needle at this place, on the 5th August 1832, at 10 a. m. 66^ 33' 4". 'The declination on 5th August, 2 to 4 p. m., was 4° 14' 15" W. 22d September 4° 7' 43" W. ON THE MAGNETISM OF THE EARTH, BY PROF. L. MOSER, OF KONIGSBERG.— In a previous paper, Mo- ser endeavoured to prove, from various data, that the magnetic intensity of the earth is .situated on its surface. He follows up the subject in the present paper. He considers as demonstrated, that the magnetic distribu- tion over the earth is proportional to the line of its breadth, and calculates the inclination and intensity. He also discusses the theoreti- cal grounds from which the temperature of the earth has been calculated by mathema- ticians. He calculates the intensity to be in 54® 42' 50' N. L., TG037, and the inclination 71® 8' 20'. The mean temperature of the north- ern hemisphere he finds 15® R. (65“f) in the 30th® of latitude. That of the southern hemisphere is 63°. 34. MAGNETIC INFLUENCE PRO- DUCED BY THE ELECTRICAL MA- CHINE,— M. Llambias, of Port Mahon, in a communication to the Academy of Paris, observes that magnetism can be developed in this way. 'Fhe two electrical currents in a metallic conductor discharged from a Leyden jar, may be separated, at least, in part, by having the conductor adjusted so as to separate into two or more arms, which gives origin to a spark in any arc or part of the same, where the two currents unite in passing through ; it is in general the positive sireaiti (that proceeding from the positive to the negative pole) which contiacts the power of communicating the magnetic influence. LIST OF EARTHQUAKES, VOL- CANIC ERUPTIONS, AND RE- MARKABLE METEORIC APPEAPv- ANCES SINCE THE YEAR 1821, BY K. E. A. V. tlOFF,9Tn PART. — This forms the concluding portion of an important list of meteoric phenomena, registered with con- siderable minuteness. It terminates with a summary exhibited in the following tables, comprehending 10 years, from 1821 to 1830 1 KARTHQU AKE5. VOLCANIC EliUPTIONS. NORTH SOUTH NORTH j SOUTH HEMISPHERE HEMISPHERE HEMISPHERE ! HEMISPHERE January 31 2 1 0 February 36 0 2 1 March 31 1 2 0 98 3 5 1 April 29 1 1 2 May. 33 3 0 0 June 33 1 1 0 ! 95 5 2 2 July.... 20 3 2 i August 31 2 1 0 September. 24 3 0 0 75 8 3 1 October 41 2 2 November 26 1 1 1 December 34 1 4 1 ! 101 4 6 4 '1 Total 369 20 16 8 94 OCCURRENCE OF EARTHQUAKES AT DIFFERENT SEASONS, From this table it appears that the occur- rence of earthquakes in the different seasons was as follows : — NORTH HEMISPHERE. In the three harvest months=10l ,, winter ,, 98 ,, spring ,, 95 ,, summer ,, 75 SOUTH HEMISPHERE. In the three harvest months=5 ,, winter ,, 8 „ spring „ 4 ,, summer „ 3 In reference to the hours at which they took place during the same period, we have the following data for earthquakes : A.M. P.M. From 12 to 1 o’clock. = 15 6 „ 1 2 „ 11 7 „ 2 „ 3 „ 12 10 „ 3 „ 4 „ 14 13 „ 4 „ 5 „ 16 8 „ 5 „ 6 „ 11 6 79 50 „ 6 „ 7 „ = 6 5 7 „ 8 „ 8 13 » 8 „ 9 „ 7 11 9 „ 10 „ 8 10 „ 10 „ 11 „ 18 8 „ 11 „ 12 „ 5 6 52 53 Total. . . . =131 103 EARTHQUAKES AT BASLE.— According to Professor Merian, the earth- quakes at Basle are correctly estimated as follow : — In the 11th century, 3 „ 14th „ 4 ,, 15th „ 5 „ 16th „ 23 In the 17th century, 59 „ 18th „ 24 „ 19th „ 4 Total 122 118 occurred in the different months, as follows : — January 12 February 14 March 6 ! April 5 May 11 June 3 July 7 August '. 8 September 12 October 11 November 14 December 15 The most severe earthquakes were on the 18th October 1356, when 300 persons lost their lives ; on the 21st July 1416, 7th Sep- tember 1601, and 17th November 1650. Compounds of Ferro-cyanodides and Am- monia, by Dr. Bunsen, of Gottingen. 1. AMMONIA FERRO-CYANODIDE OF COPPER. — When a salt of copper is precipitated by ammonia, and an excess of the latter added, so as to re-dissolve the pre- cipitate, if ferro-cyanodide of potassium be brought in contact with the solution, a pre- cipitate is not immediately produced, but after standing for some time, or by boiling, a brown crystalline substance falls in fine scales. After drying, the substance forms a brownish yellow mass, which is soluble in ammonia, but not in water or alcohol. When heated in a glass tube it becomes first blue, then purple-red, and assumes a dark colour, but gives out no water. By caustic alkalies it is resolved into hydrate of copper, and ferro-eyanodide of ammonia ; and by acids into ferro-cyanodide of copper, and aramoni- i cal salt. Dr. Bunsen found its composition to be, iron 13*20, copper 3033, cyanogen 38'08, ammonia 16*14, water 2*25 = 2, 4, 6, 4, 1, atoms respectively. This composition may be expressed, considering the ammonia as occupying the place of water, by 2 Fe Cy + 2 Cu Cy + 4 N H^^ HO = 76125 the atomic weight. 2. AMMONIA FERRO-CYANODIDE OF ZINC, is prepared in the same way as the preceding. It is a white crystalline pow- der. Analysis afforded for its composition, iron 13*15, zinc 32 27, cyanogen 39*04, am- monia 1T50. water 4 0 = 2 Fe Cy -f- 2 Zn Cy -1-3 NIP 4- 2 HO. 3. AMMONIA FERRO-CYANODIDE OF MERCURY. — The preparation of this salt is attended with some difficulty; because, ammonia nitrate of mercury dissolves nitrate of ammonia when excess of alkali is present. When Ferro-cyanodide of potash is added to this solution, a yellowish precipitate subsides, 1 which, when the solution attains its proper degree of dilution, settles on the sides of the glass, in the form of small, transparent, shin- ing, wine-yellow, four-sided prisms. But, in order to obtain them, several precautions are necessary. The solution must contain as little water as possible. The solution must not be too much concentrated, nor must the pre- cipitation be conducted by heat, because part of the mercury wilt be reduced, and the pro- duct will have a gray colour. It is best to discover the necessary degree of concentration by some preliminary trials, — to precipitate the compound in a vessel surrounded by ice, and then to agitate the solution. A yellowi.-h pre- cipitate subsides, from which the supernatant liquor is to be removed, and a quantity of concentrated ammonia poured over it. As long as the salt is impregnated with ammonia it retains a fine citron -yellow colour, and crystalline structure. By drying in the open air it undergoes partial decomposition. When treated with water it becomes red. It consists of iron 8*58, mercury 59 09, cyanogen 23 74, ammonia 5*19, water 3*40: expressed by Fe Cy -F 2 Hg Cy 4- NH^ + HO. 4. AMMONIA FERRO-CYANODIDE OF MAGNESIUM, is procured by adding to a solution of magnesia salt, ammonia, till no further precipitation takes place, and then pouring in a solution of ferro-cyanodide of potassium. After standing or boiling, a white powder falls. It consists of iron 18*86, mag- nesium 10*72, ammonia 10*75, cyanogen 56*27, water 3.40 = 7 ( Fe Cy + 2 Mg Cy + 5 (Fe Cy +2NH3Cy) + 6HO. INDUSTRY OF DR. WALLICK & MUNIFICENCE OF THE DIRECTORS. 95 Another compound was formed by using ferro-cyanodide of calcium instead of the salt of potash. 7’he constituents were, iron 18'24, magnesium 8-93, ammonia 11'43, cyanogen 53‘91, water 7'49, abstracting the lime which was found in it. Tliis is equivalent to (Fe Cy +2 Mg Cy) + Fe Cy + NIP) + 2 HO.- Records of Science, 1835. THIO TRANSACTIONS OF THE LIN- NEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON, Vol. xvii. Part. I, Contents. — I. Description of the organs of voice in a new species of wild swan ( Cygnus Buccinator Richardson.) By VV. Yarrell, Esq., F. L. S., &c. II. Description of three British species of fresh water fishes belonging to the genus J^encisGus of Klein, by W. Yarrell, Esq., F. L.S., &c. III. Observations on the Tropaeolum pentaphyllum of Lamarck, by Mr. David Don. IV. On the adaptation of structure of the Sloths to their peculiar mode of life, by Pro- fessor Buckland. V. Observations on Naticina and Den- talium two genera of Molluscous animals, by the Rev. Lansdown Guilding. VI. Monograph of the East Indian So« laneae, by C. G. Nees Esenbeck, M. D. VII. On the Lycimnof Dioscorides, by J. Forbes Royle, F. L. S. Vill. A review of the natural order Myr- sinese, by M. A. De Candolle. IX. On tlie Modifications of Aestivation observable in certain plants formerly referred to the genus Cinchona. By Mr. David Don. X. Additional Observations on the Tro- preolum pentaphyllum. By Mr. D. Don. All these papers, with the exception of the two last amounting to six pages, were read before the Linnean Society in 1832. The quality, however, of the materials of which this volume is composed does not produce the same disappointment which is experienced in reference to the quantity. We may refer more particularly to Esenbeck’s Monograph, and the distinguished De Candolle’s review, for the materials of both of which we are indebt- ed to the industry of Dr. Wallick and the munificence of the East India Company. It is remarkable, however, that of 145 pages, of which the volume consists, 90 are written by foreigners. 1 conceive that a short outline of these papers will be highly acceptable to those who may not have an opportunity of reading the transactions themselves. THE PAPER OF ESENBECK TREATS OF TWO NATURAL ORDERS, VIZ- SOLANE^ AND VERBASCIN.T:, IN REFERENCE TO INDIAN SPECIES. SOLANEjE. I. SOLANUM. I. Maurella. — A Pedicles equal to the common peduncle. 1. S Fistulosum ; 2. S Incertum syn nig- rum ; B Pedicles of the fruit, shorter than the common peduncle ; 3. S Rubrum. 2. Gemini folia. — 4. S Spirale; 5. S mem- branaceum ; G. S leave; 7. S denticulatum ; 8. S bigeminatum ; 9. S Neesianum ; 10. S crassipetalum ; II. S decemfidum; 12. S ma- crodon ; 13. S lysimachioides. 3. Verbnscifolia.—\4c. S verbascifolium ; 15. S auriculatum ; 16. S giganteum; 17. S vagum. 4. Melongena. — 18. S melongena ; 19. S heteracanthum. 5. Torva, (acute lobed leaves.)— 20. S Wightii; 2!. S barbisetum ; 22. S ferox ; 23. S torvum ; 24. S Indicum ; 25. S jacquini ; 26. S procumbens ; 27. S sarmentosum ; 28. Strilobatum. 6. Nycterium.— 29, S (nycterium) pube- scens. 7. Pinnatifolia. — 30. S tuberosum ; 31. S calycinum. 20. Has been named in honour of the in- defatigable Dr. Wight of Aladras, who for some time has employed painters and collec- tors at his own expense, for the purpose of elucidating the botany of Madras. 25. Under this species Esenbeck includes the S diffusum of Roxburgh, It is an abun- dant plant in Madras and Bengal, and 1 have found it occurring plentifully in the neigh- bourhood of Bombay. 30. This merely refers to the potatoe as cultivated in Madras and Bengal. It does not attain any considerable size in the hot parts of these presidencies, but near Bussorah I believe it thrives much better. II. Lycopersicum Dun. 1. L esculentum ; 2, L Humboldtii. III. Capsicum Litt7i. 1. C grossum ; 2. C fastigiatum ; 3. C frutescens, the Tschili or Chili ; 4. C cha- maecerasus. IV. Physalis Linn. 1. P somnifera ; 2. P Peruviana ; 3. P pubescens ; 4. P minima; 5. P angulata ; 6. P Indica. V. Anisodus Lin. Luridus. VI. Datura Linn. 1. D alba; 2. D fastuosa ; 3. D trapezia; 4. D ferox ; 5. D stramonium ; 6. D tatula. vii. Nicotian A. N tabacum, Hab. near Katmandoo. VIII. Hyoscyamus. H Niger. Hab. near Futteghur, Moradabad, Delhi. VERBASCINAE. I. Verbascum thapsus. Hab. near Gossain Than in Nepaul. 2. V Indicum. 3. V spec. dub. II. Celsia coromandelina. 2. C Viscosa. III. IsANTHERA peimollis. The paper of De Candolle does not require such a minute analysis as the species of the order Myrsinece, which he has therein illur- tiated, are all natives of foreign climates, and cannot, therefore, be so generally interesting as those of the order of Solanecc. A fcw facts may, however, be stated, which exhibit in a striking point of view the rapid progress which RUSOT XJSEFUL IN INFLAMMATION OF THE EYE, botany is at present making in regard to the discovery of new species. The order Myrsineae is now placed between the orders Sapoteae and Primulaceae, from the latter of which it seems to differ in the indehiscence of its fruit, and from the former by the constant deficiency of stamen alter- nating with the lobes of the corolla. This order is divided by the author into three tribes, j. Aegicereae, with an erect embryo; 2. Ardisiae, including the bulk of true Myrsi- neae ; 3, Moeseae, wdth an inferior ovarium, approaching to primulaceae. He has proposed two new genera, Weigel- tia and Conomorpha, and a third, Choripe- talum, which has not been sufficiently exa- mined. The species of this older produce a resinous substance, wdiich appears in the form of dots or reservoirs, in different parts of the plant, chiefly on the leaves, flowers, and berries, and also in the hard wood of the Myrsine and Aegiceras. It melts and burns in tlie flame of a candle, is notsolublein water, but is so in oil or alcohol when moderately heated, giving to the latter a rose colour, These facts were particularly observed in the berries of the M. semiserrata. The dots are dark or light brown, reddish or yellow, vary- ing in size, shape and position, in different species. The fruit of Embelia ribes possesses a styptic taste, which the author supposes to depend on this resinous substance. Of 180 species of myrsineae 58 are describ- ed for the first time by the author. They grow commonly on the hilly and mountainous regions of the hottest parts of the globe. None have yet been found beyond the 39th or 40th degree of latitude, viz. in Japan, whilst they abound in Java and in some parts of India and South America. No species is known in Africa except at the Cape and at the Canary Islands, Mauritius, Bourbon and Madagas- car. The 180 species are distributed as fol- lows : 112 in Asia and New Holland, 48 in America and 20 in Africa. Mr. Don, in his paper, shews that the form of aestivation of the corolla is of great import- ance as a character to distinguish different fa- milies, especially among the monopetalous orders, except in the order Rubiaceae, where examples of every kind of modification occur. In the Cinchona grandiflora and rosea it is imbricate, in C lanceolata and the rest of the true cinclmnae it is valvate, while in the VVestIndian species it is in duplicate and in the Cexefsa plaited. Of the genus cinchona he enumerates seventeen tiue species, 2. Combuena, (C grandiflora) two species ; obtusifolia a.r\d uciminati ; 3. Lasionema (C rosea) rosenm. ; 4. Exostema, seven species; 5. Hyrnenodictyon (C excelsa) excelsum and thyrsijiorum. ; 6. Luculia gratissima and cuneifolia ; 7. Pinckneya pubens. DON’S OBSERv'aTION ON THE T RO P A E 0 L U M P E Nl’ A P H Y LL U M OF LAMARCK. — The other paper of Mr. Don is upon the Tropaeolum pentaphyllum of Lamarck, which has been introduced into this coi’.ntry by Mr. Neil of Edinburgh. He shews that it differs from the genus Tro- paeolum in having the aestivation of its calyx valvate, that of Trapaeolum being imbricate. In the nature of its fruit, which is a black juicy berry resembling the Zante grape, and in the reduced number of its petals. He has formed it into a new genus, and terms it Chymocarpus pentaphyllus. Its calyx is per- sistent, while that of 'rropaeolum is decidu- ous. The embryo is small and white, con- tained in a thin cartilaginous testa, and the cotyledons round and compressed. It be- longs to the natural order Tropaeoleae, and is a native of the s indy plains of Buenos Ayres. It was first observed by Commerson, , and afterwards by Tweedie. 1 MR. ROYLE HAS ENDEAVOURED TO IDENTIFY THE PLANT TERMED LYClUM BY piOSO RIDES.— The ly- cium of Asia Minor he considers may be made from the Rhamus infectoriiis, or differ- ent species of Rhamnus, or the BeiberisvuL garis. The lyciiim of India, again, he identi- fies with the produce of the Berberis aristata^ occurring on Choor mountain, 6000 to SOOO' feet high, called in Arabic Amburbarees, in Persian Zirishk, the Wood darkhuld and darchob, the extract hooziz, the hill name being chitrach, and also with the extract ob- tained from the B lycium growing at Mus- sooree, 3000 to 5000 feet of elevation, called Kushmul, the extract rusot. This rusot can be procured in every bazar in India, and is used by the native practi- tioners in chronic and acute inflammations of tlie eye, both simply and combined with alum and opium. It was employed by Mr. M‘Dowell in the Egyptian ophthalmia, and JMr. Royle has applied it with beneficial effects in cases succeeding acute inflamma- tion. The extract is rubbed to a proper con- sistence w'ith a little water, sometimes with opium and alum and is then applied in thick layer over the swollen eyelids. The addition of a little oil renders the preparation less desiccative. It is mentioned in the Rhikhzun-ool-ud- wieh, (store house for medicines) under the name of /oo/yon, which is obviously the same as lookyon of the Greeks. Dioscordies des- cribes it as being formed from a shrub called Lonchitis, which is thorny, and has branches three oi more cubits in length, whose bark, when bruised, becomes of a reddish colour and whose leaves resemble those of the olive. In these respects Mr. Royle’s plant agrees with that of Dioscoiides. Indeed we have rarely seen a more plausible deduction from etymology than is exhibited in the present instance. It is to be regretted, however, that the rusot has not yet found its way into che- mical hands. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, &c.'-~ Mr. Yarrell describes the organs of voice in the Cygnus huccinatur, a new species of swan, figured by Dr. Richardson, from the interior of the fur countries of North Ameri- ca. I’his species, which is called the Trum- peter, furnishes the largest portion of the supply of swan skins imported by the Hud- son’s Bay Company. Its beak is black ; trachea is made up of narrow bony rings and NATURE OF THE LOWEST SPECIES OF PLANTS, 97 small intervening membranous spaces as far as the first convolution within the sternum; but the returning portion of the tube, forming a second convolution, is composed of broader and stronger bony rings, with wider intervals. The course of the trachea within the sternum differs from that of the hooper, after descend- ing by the neck it passes backwards within the keel, and between the two plates of the back bone to the depth of six inches, then curving horizontally and slightly inclining upwards, returns at first by the side of and afterwards over the first inserted portion near two thirds of the whole distance. A second curve of this returning portion is then sudden- ly elevated two inches above the line of the superior surface of the keel, and traverses the interior of a hollow circular protuberance on the dorsal surface of the sternum itself. The usual ascending curve of the trachea then takes place, by which the tube, ultimately receding, grains the interior cavity of the breast. The bronchiae are two inches long. Such are the peculiarities which characterize this new species. TWO SPECIES OF LEUCISCUS. OR DACE FAMILY OF FISH, ARE DES- CRIBED BY MR. YARRELL, ONE OF MHICH, L. LANCASTRIENSIS, WAS MERELY NOTICED BY MR. PEN- NANT AS LIKELY J O BE NEW UN- DER THE NAME OF GRAINING. IT IS MORE SLENDER THAN THE DACE. — In the latter the length is to the depth as 4 to 1, but in the graining as 5 to 1. The head and back are of a pale drab colour, tinged with red ; irides, yellowish-white; the fins pale jellowish-white. In the dace the back and sides yellowish olive-coloured, tinged with blue ; lower fins pale red, with a smaller number of fin rays in some fins, in others less. It occurs in a stream which rises in Knowsly Park, in the Mersey and in the Alt. L, elongatus, pinna dorsali supra pinnas ven- trales posita, caudali profunde biloba, capitis lateribus supra subparallelis ore parvo, dorso lateribusque superne subrufescenti, isabellinis inferne ventreque argenteis. The other species, L ccdruleiis is quite new. He gives it the English name of Azurine. Its depth is to its length as 7 to 2, resembling the red eyexu. shape, but is easily distinguished from that species by the silvery whiteness of the abdomen, which in the red eye is of a bril- liant golden orange, and also by its white fins, which in the other are vermillion. L ovato- lanceolatus, pinna dorsali pone pinnas ven- trales posita, dorso pluinbeo, ventre argenteo, pinnis albis. B 3 D 10 P 16 V 9 A 12 C 19. MR. GUlLDING~OBSERVES THAT THE NATICIDAL FORM A VERY DIS- TINCT EAMILY FROM THE NERITI- DAE. — The former are apparently blind, the operculum has no appendages ; their useless tentacula are weak and turned back on the shell, while in the act of creeping the head and its organs are perfectly veiled by a broad expended hood, the sensible contractile apex of which serves to guide its motions, at first sight they rather resemble the Bullidae. He describes and figures two species of Dentalium, viz. D Semistiolatum, and D Sowerbyi. A^ery little is known with regard to this genus. M. Deshayes had previously thrown some light on its history, but its posi- tion in the natural sptem is not yet made out. Mr. Guilding isinclined to place it near pa- tellae. It resembles in its vent the genus fissurella, in its apical fissure the posterior marginal rima of emarginula, — Records of Science, 1835, OBSERVATIONS ON THE FORMATION AND CHANGES OF THE INFERIOR ORDERS OFPLANTS By F. J. Kutzing.^ The nature of the lowest species of plants is a subject of interest. M. Kutzing, from many observations which he has made upon them, has drawn some important results. Distilled water remained stationary for six months, without -shewing any appearance of green matter on its surface. Water which had been distilled over plants presented a diJferent aspect. In some of them a mucus began to shew itself in the course of eight ^ays;in rosewater in about two weeks. First the mucus is depo- sited, and the characteristic odour of the water disappears, Henee, this mucilage would ap- pear to be formed at the expense of the essen- tial oil. No filaments or globules can be dis- covered at this stage ; but if the water is less exposed to the dire ct influence of the sun, they appear at first colourless in the mucous mass, and then the different forms of Hygrocrocis and Leptomitus shew themselves. This con- stitutes the second step; the light of the sun determining whether Protococus or Hygrocro- cis shall be developed. The lowest state of these globules is well exhibited in the genus established by Kutzmg, of Vryptococcus which is inferior to Protococcus ; for in the former the organic mucus is only observed in the form of minute globules, while in the latter, they are larger and possess colour with a more solid texture. The third step is the formation of filaments, by the union or elongation of the colourless globule.s, giving origin to Hygrocrocis orLeptomitus.The Leplumrda is an advanced i state of Cryptococcus. The latter is formed in moist windows. Kutzing has observed the formation of an Oscillatoiia which he calls fenestralis, over a stratum of Cryptococcus, which previously became a Pulmella. If we term the transformaticn of Cryptococcus into Hygrocrocis eixiid Leptomitus a. direct progres- sive step, w^e may call that of Cryptococcus into Pabnella and , Protococcus, latterally progres- sive,^ It is worthy of remark, that the Protococcus is often found in dry places, for it seems that itnever appears in water except when the sun is shining on it, and the Hygrocrocis and Lep- tomitus appear in the shade. It has been ob- served that the algae (algues) are formed after the death of the Jnfusorii, especially the Enchelys pulvisculus. When the water in * Ann. des Scien. Nat. II. 129. A VALUABLE PAPEK ON MALT, which this animal is found, is evaporated, the latter contracts after death into globules. These possess at first their transparency at the ex- tremities, which correspond to the head and tail ; but gradually they contract into a ring sur- rounded by other globules, and assume an ap- pearance resembling Protococcas ; only it is mucilaginous when united in large masses, and is therefore more like Palmella, At this time an Oscillatiria begins to ap- pear, which Kutzing terms brevis. It is always the same plant. The author confirms the ac- curacy of the observation of Treviranus with regard to the motion of the sporuies of algae. He observed the motions of millions of globules while examining the Draparnuldia piamosa, ina glass of water. Under the microscope he noticed, that as the green border (which was formed on the second day after depositing the plant in water), increased, the filaments of the Draparnuldia, lost their green colour and be- came hyaline, and the globules resembled then the CynibeLla (Frustu’ia.) These movements somewhat resemble those of pollen in spirit of wine, camphor in water, &c., but they are of longer duration. By keeping a Protococcus which was seated on sandstone constantly wet, the globules became connected, filaments were formed, and a conferva produced, which he calls tenerrima {C Muraiis Spreng.) This plant is found in the waters of reservoirs, and is transformed into an alga of a superior order, the Incderma, Kutzing observed the Aly- sphceria flavo-virens to be produced froin the protococcus viridis, by the conversion ol the globules into dichotomous filaments. He found likewise, that by examining the structure of the Parmelia pcirietina, it is ob- served, that the globules of the Protococcus viridis which occurs on trees along with the lichen, enter into its frond, and that the latter is the first state of the lichen. Upon the upper part oftrunks of trees, we observe the Parmelia parietina. At the base we notice filaments of Protonema, which are generally converted into Orthotrichum, Plypnum and other mosses. Kutzing has distinctly observed these threads of Protonema formed by globules of Protococcus> These globu’es swell, being filled in the intenor with a green liquid, and are gradually expanded into filaments. It appears that the formation of Alysphccria does not necessarily precede that ofihe lichens, but that it is an independent struc- ture. Kutzing observed the Barbula muraiis a moss, produced from Protonema and also from a Protococcus. The genera Zygnema and Alongeotia are generally found in shallow water. When the water containingthese plants is evapo- rated, the Conferva quadrangula appears From the Mongeotia genuflexa in this way pro-, ceeds the Riccid crystallina. From his ob- servations Kutzing infers 1. The formation of organic matter cannot take place, except from elements of other organic in-inciples already dissolved. 2. Simple globules ( Cryptococctis Palmella and Protococcus), may produce difierent plants according to the influence of light, air and tem- perature, 3. The superior algee are plants ot very simple structure, 4. The same superior .structure may be r>rodu- ced from original structures altogether different. Thus, the Barbula muraiis, is formed from the Protonema which comes from a Protococ- cus, and again proceeds from the remains of the dried Palmella hotryoides, without passing through the stage of Protonema. — Records of Science, 1835, ON MALT. By Rorbet D. Tho.iison, M. D. At a time when so much excitement exists in regard to the subject of Malt, it will not, perhaps, be considered a superfluous under- taking if I attempt to lay before my readers an outline of the process to which grain is subject before it acquires this designation. A knowdedge of the peculiarities of this interesting process is important in a double point of view, because it affords a remarkably beautiful specimen of the chemistry of nature, and because its product forms a stap’e com- modity of British manufacture, no less than forty millions of bushels of malt being an- nually consumed in the United Kingdom, which, at 6 )s. per quarter, exceeds in value the large sum of £ 24,000,000, and contributes a revenue to Government at 2j?. Id. per bushel of more than £ 5,000,00 ) per annum. It would throw no light upon the chemical nature of malting if we were to endeavour to investigate the history of its discovery, be- cause the changes which grain undergoes during the stages of the process, are not yet fully developed ; and we are, therefore, led to infer that the introduction of this prepara- tory step to fermentation was the conse- quence of some accidental observation. It is sufficiently well known indeed that the method of inducing the vinous fermen- tation was understood at a very early period. Thus the Chinese distil samshoo, an ardent spirit, (and we are sure that any practice which exists among them is of very high antiquity) from rice and the roots of plants, and the savages of the Pacific Ocean prepare a similar product from the masticated roots of herbs. The Abyssinians have long been in the habit of fermenting the husks and stones of grapes, and distilling the brandy which is highly concentrated through a hollow cane called shambacco.'^ And the _ Germans, at the earliest period to which their history car- ries us, were so partial to fermented liquor, that they believed if they obtained the favour of their divinity (Woden) by their valour, they should be admitted after their death into his hall, and reclining on couches, should regale themselves with beer from the skulls of their enemies whom they had slain in battle, f But for these objects malting is not neces- sary, for even in this country much spirit • Pearce’s Travels, i. ’iST. t Hume’s History of England, i. 31. IMPORI'ANT TO EUROPEANS IN INDIA. 99 is made from raw grain. The quantity of grain consumed in this way amounted, in 1834, to 6,694,34-1 bushels. We may consider the subject, first in re- ference to its physical nature, or the process of malting, and secondly in an economical point of view, or the duty on malt.^ I. PROCESS OF MAL I ING- Any kind of grain may be converted into malt, but in this country there are three species of plants belonging to the order Cercales which are peculiarly emt)loyed for this pur- pose. These are Hordeum distichum, H. vulgare, and H. hexastichon. 1. TheH. distichum is commonly termed barley, \ and is characterized by hav- ing two lateral rows of seeds which are imbri- cate. The average lengtli of a seed is 0.343 inches. Breadth 0.143 inch. Thickness 0. 08 inch. 2. H. vvlyarelAxiw, in herb. Errh. PI. Olf. 421. Herb. Dava'l. 1802, described by Linneus as having two rows of seeds more distinct, but there are two additional imper- fect ones. The length of a spike of average grain is 3 inches. Length of a seed .3/5 inch. Breadth 0. 16 inch. It is to this species that the name bigg, I believe, is more peculiarly applicable. The term is one employed by the country people in Scotland, who are not in general, as else- where, very precise in their definitions, and are apt to apply one term to different species. Indeed, the whole of the species are often indiscriminately called bear, a mix- ture being often sown which is termed blend- ed bear. 3. H. hexastichon, Linn- Spec. Plant. 125. Hort. Ups. 23, This species is described by Linneus as posessing universally herma- phrodite flc^wers, with the seeds placed regularly in ^ix rows. The seeds in my speci- men were in length .323 inch, in breadth .15 inch, and much inflated and rounded on the external surface. Length of the spike 1,7 inch. I have been favoured with the authority of an extensive farmer for identifying this species with the Scotch bear, “ Bigg,^’ says he, has four rows on the head, two of which are better than the others and contain also more grains. Bear, has six rows, is a strong coarse grain and be easily known after separation from the straw, by its thick husk and long awn.” The first of these drstinc- tions niay be a tolerable criterion, but the latter is decidedly not so, because in Irish specimens which I possess, the awns of the H, are much longer than those of the H. hexastichon. It is, therefoi’e, a matter of great doubt whether in all cases these species of grain can be distinguished after separation from the straw. . correct discrimination of these species IS of great importance, because the quality of * See Papers presented to the House of Com- mons in 1799, ls04 and 1806. t Through the kindness of my friend Mr. Don, I have had an opportunity of identifying this and the following species with the speci- mens in the Linnean herbarium. the malt is inferior in the two latter. From the experiments made in 1806 by order of Government, it apf>ears that the value of barley is to bigg as ,100 to 89^, taking the mean of the value of English and Scotch barley as the standard ; butif we considered the Scotch barley still as of inferior quality to the English, then the relations will be as in 1806, English barley 100, Scotch barley 93, Bieg 86 ; or the malt of bigg is 14 per cent, inferior to that of English barley, and 7 per cent, inferior to that of Scotch barley Their relative values ■ may, perhaps, be better appreciated by attention to the product of spirit derived from each. Thus the quantity of proof spirits per c[uarter of each, exhibited in the following table : Wine measure. Imperial measure, English Barley. 20.79 gallons. 17.20 gallons, Scotch Barley . .20.02 ,, 16,70 „ Scotch Bigg.. 18.96 „ 15.72^ „ They differ also in respect of weight, so that the quality may be in some measure detected by this test. The average weight of each kind of grain is represented as follows : lbs. avoird. Imperial measure. English Barley .... 49,871 per Winchester bushel. 51,444 Scotch Barley 49.734 „ 51.327 Scotch Bigg. 47,3.32 „ 48.849 From experiments, it appears that the grain does nut lose any weight by keeping. After an interval o/_-fiix months, the difference of weight stjarcely ever amounted to yj^th, and this was generally in favour of the grain which had been kept longest. If we inquire into the natural history of these different species, we shall be able to throw some light upon the causes of the difference in the value of their grain, (To be continued.) TRAVELLING LIFE- APPARATUS. Sir, — The accompanying drawings repre- sent a travelling life-apparatus, (he inten- tion of which is, to combine in one expedi- tious travelling carriage every means which can contribute toward the salvation of the lives of shipwrecked nmriners. It consists of a life boat gun for having lines — a catamaran for clearing surfs — and a carriage for the conveyance thereof ; which last can be used for the transportation of anchors and cables, scaling-ladders for cliffs, and in war fot defence of the coast. It might also be used for the purpose of accom- panying armies, and enabling them to cross rivers ; uniting, in one machine, the bag- gage-waggon, pontoon, and gun-carriage. The models (of which the accompanying are correct drawings) have been already laid before several of the public boards ; and I have been endeavouring for these two years to get it adopted, but without success. An invention on such a subject should not be kept a secret, particularly at this stormy iOO AN INGENIOUS PLAN FOR A LIFE BOAT. seson of the year, when the dangers of our coast are so much aggravated, and call so loudly for every means which can be used to ameliorate the horrors of shipwreck. Will you, then, assist me in giving it additional publicity, by recording it in the pages of your valuable Periodical ? lam. Sir, yours obliged, Henry Duncan Cunningham. Gosport, March 28, 1835. P. S. — I shall be much pleased to see my machine noticed by some of your French subscribers. I am informed, they are at pre- sent forming stations along their northern coasts. DE.SCRTPT10N OF THE ENGRAVINGS. Fig. 1 is the life-carriage with its ap- pendages, ready for travelling. 'Fhe interior construction of the boat A A may be under- stood by the dotted sectional view : ./'/’is a platform parallel with the line of floatation, which is taken when the boat is fully manned and equipped. From this platform are tubes which communicate witii the water, through the bottom. There, are two of these tnbe.s between each thwart, one upon each side, and close to the keel, and by them any water the boat ships runs out again. But to enable the boat to free herself as soon as possible, increased buoyancy is given by all the parts not occupied by the rowers and setters, being fitted in with a casing of wood, flush with the thwarts, and covered with fine painted or oiled duck. The boat is on the dimensions of a 10-oared cutter. A hollow copper, or tin gun-wale streak, is carried round the outside, capable of holding several gallons of air. By these precautions, the danger of swamping is entirely removed, and the difficulty of capsizing so great, as to per- mit the boat to right when the keel is nearly parallel with the surface, of the water. The midship tubes are advantageously employed for the purpose of weighing or carrying anchors, the fall being led through them to a w'indlass also placed amidships. On the hindmost axletree of the carriage are two levers, of which G is one. The head of the bolt, or linch-pin, is so constructed as to form the fulcrum to another large lever B, equal to the tvvo smaller ones G G. The lii ch pin is represented by the dotted figure at C. The parallelogram which hides it from view is the end of one of the magazines for supplying ammunition to the carronade O, intended to heave lines to ships in dis- tress. By mean.s of the levers the boat is atlached to the carriage, and they are so pro*' portioned as to allow one man at each small lever, and two men at the large one, to heave the boat up. The ends are secured by the rope F, and the ring bolt d; b and a are slings attached to the boat. A better idea of the formation of the carriage, &c. may be conceived by fig. 2, The process of vvoiking the apparatus is this : — In attaching the boat to the carriage the latter is wheeled over the former, and the slings in the sides and stern of the boat hooked to the levers, which are then hove down and secured. The whole operation might be done in a few minutes, and in a reversed manner with the same speed. The gun is used by withdrawing the linch- pin C, thus detaching the shaft E from the fore-axletree, the end of which being allowed to go upon the ground prevents recoil. A line is then fired, and a communication esta- blished between the ship and the shore-rif r-jg; . 2. the distance is great, by means of the lifeo boat, but if through much surf by the cata- maran, which would in that case be the safest mode. There are many parts of the coasts of England which consist of long flat bays, in every part of which ships are liable to go on shore, or be in distress ; for instance, White- Sand Bay, near Plymouth, which extends for ten or twelve miles. Now, a life-apparatus cannot be stationed at every part of tliis dis- tance ; consequently, the only way which such a place can be supplied effectively, is to have a machine which can be transported to any part, and any distance, with facility and speed. Suppose a life-machine, on this plan, were stationed at Looe, and a vessel is observed to be in distress in the middle of the bay. THE APPARATUS ADAPTED FOR WAR AND DEFENCE. 101 The carriage would be dispatched with all expedition, and in a short time arrive at the spot. Bnt, in the interim, the ship has gone on shore, and in such a situation that the only way of communicating is by means of a rope. In a few minutes the boat is detached from the carriage, the gun brought in opera- tion, and a line having been fired, the people are taken out, by means of the catamaran, before tiie vessel goes to pieces Many other examples might be adduced, which will appear evident to those who are acquaint- ed vvitli the dangers of a sea-coast. Finally, for war and defence of the coast, this apparatus would be eminently useful. Suppose each intermediate coast-guard sta- tion were furnished with a life-carriage, and that an attack from boats were anticipated at any point, bj'^ means of signals, a brigade of guns, served by the station men, might in a short time be formed, sufficiently strong to repulse even a very serious attack- Again, in the event of an army campaigning in a country intersected by rivers; and of their requiring not only artillery, but means to pass the aforesa'id rivers, a brigade of these machine-s, with flat-bottomed boats, would answer the purposes of both. By heaving lines across a floating bridge might in a time be constructed, thus superseding the use of pontoons. The guns of the carriages might, if required, be employed to cover the landing. THE CATAMARAN. The catamaran consists of tvvo copper boats, strongly joined together, as in fig. 4. Between them is an iron cradle 'see fig. 3). D D is the interior view of one of the boats ; A A is one of the frames of the cradle, fur- nished at the bottom with a flat iron sledge, and sliding freely in the slides B B. The bottom of the cradle is grated, and upon this the man stands : his weight being thus considerably below the line of floatation, or the centre of gravity, and the two boats act- ing in opposition to each other, the possibi- lity of upsetting is almost entirely removed. As the catamaran is represented in fig. 3. it is afloat; but when it takes tlie ground the cradle slides up, and the bottom coming on a level with the bottom of the boa-.s,- its passage over sand or shingle, when being- beached, is very easily effected. After the line from the gun has taken effect, the catamaran is hauled off by those on board, another rope attached to it beino- held by those on shore. ^ The catamaran will hold two or three persons, and is placed or carried in the life- boat when the machine is travelling. If used at night, a light may be attached to it, as in the life-buoy. . THE PNEUMATIC RAILWAY. (Continued from page 63, J It is well known that notwithstanding the prosperous condition of the Manchester Rail Road Company, yet their expenditure in loco- motive power has been so enormous as to cause considerable anxiety on the part of the Ma- nagers ; and some of them have even inclined to the opinion, that the question of stationary power deserves to be reconsidered. This opinion would probably be confirmed and strengthened, if the practicability of the pneumatic system were satisfactorily demon- strated by experiment upon a sufficiently large scale. On the whole, it appears to me that if the mechanical difficulties of maintaining the pneumatic tunnel sufficiently air-iight be over- come, the system presents a fair prospect of being practically successful. These difficul- ties are not so great as they may at first ap- pear. It should be recollected that nothing approaching to the exhaustion of the tunnel can be necessary ; nor even any considerable degree of rarefaction. Supposing the tunnel to have an internal diameter of 40 inches, the impelling diaphragm would have surface of about 9 square feet. If in such a tunnel a degree of rarefaction were produced suffi- cient to cause a parometiic gauge to fall 2 inches (which would be an extremely slight degree of rarefaction indeed), an impelling force would be obtained amounting to one pound on every square inch of the snrffice of the diaphragm, which would give an impel- ling force of more than half a ton. It is cal- culated that on the common railways the amount of load is above 200 times the force of traction, and it would therefore follow that this force would be sufficient to draw a load of 100 tons. If an additional incli of mercury be made to fall in the barometric gauge to balance friction, &c., still the raretaction would be extremely inconsiderable, and the contrivances to prevent leakage would ap- pear to be attended with no great mechani- cal difficulty. From the various reasons which I have above stated, I am of opinion that the present project would, if carried into execution, be likely to be attended with greater economy and safety than any other method ot woiking railways now practised ; and I see no reason against the attainment of as much speed as is obtained by the locomotive engines. At all events, having explained the season on which I have grounded this opinion, every one can judge to what weight it may be entitled. 'J'he project would appear to be w ell deserving of trial on some railroad of limited length, such as that between London Bridge and Green- wich, where it would be sufficient to have stationary engines at the extremities. In such a case, I see scarcely any limit to the speed which might be attained with safety ; and the economy, as compared with locoma- live engines, would probably be very great. Dion. Lardner. H. D C. London, Feb, 19, 1835. 102 THE NECESSITY FOR LEVELS OBVIATED; OPINION OF PROFESSOR FARADAY. Mr. Hocking to Professor Faraday. 44, Berners-street, Jan. 28, 1835. Dear Sir, — As you have witnessed the ex- periment upon the improved or pneumatic system of railway, and expressed a highly gratitying opinion of its merits, I am anxious to be permitted to cite yon as an authority on those important points on which you can speak most confidently, and on which alone its practical application depends. The efficacy of the power is, of course, in- disputable ; and it is but to witness the ex- periment, as you have done, to admit that the mode of its application which this improve- ment embodies is equally simple and certain. To put the power which nature supplies in action, and apply it to the object, local steam-engines are employed, as these yield the services of the gigantic force of steam in the cheapest possible manner. Local steam- engines possess, moreover, this further im- portant and valuable quality, that the inten- .sity of the force may be greatly varied upon them, so that they may be worked at a low pressure for levels and descents, and be in- creased in their effect to almost any extent to work acclivities. The possession of the means of increasing the active force as the occasion may require, obviates the necessity of obtaining a level, or even a near approach to a level ; and as it is this necessity which involves the enormous expense of cutting down or tunneling through bills, and of embanking across valleys, for the locomotive system, the advantage of ob- viating it needs only to be pointed out to be admitted. In the mechanical construction of the rail- way, whilst the cylindrical form which is given to the body, and its inflexible conti- nuity, make it independent of artificial found- ations, the attachment of the_ rails to the cylinder upon its horizontal diameter gives them the important advantage of being at once inseparably connected, and totally in- dependent of extraneous or artificial support. Besides the general stability which the peculiar form and mechanical construction of the improved railway give it, the system upon which it is worked renders it free from any tendency to derangement, since the carriages run along upon the rails with the even and unexciting pressure of the load alone ; and this system employs no ponderous locomotive- engine, whose violent concussions might promote any such tendency, nor is the rail- way burdened with an incumbrance which wastes upon its ov\m unprofitable w'eight a large proportion of the power it brings. The attachment of the governor, or exter- nal carriage of the travelling apparatus, to the dynamic traveller within the body of the rail way, and its connexions with the railway itself, are such as to preclude the possibility of its being thrown off: and as the train of carriage must follow the governor, and every carriage has its peculiar attachment, their security is absolute. Indeed, it appears to , me difficult to suppose an accident arising from tlie railway itself, or from the mode of transit, or that could happen to either, that could have the effect of rendering the car- riages insecure, or even affect in the slightest ' degree their safety. I do not trouble you with questions as to the costs of formation and construction, as ] that is a mere matter of estimate the fact that the power emiiloyed is capable of being increased at pleasure, to overcome acclivi- ties, shows an important saving in the most expensive item ; and in working a railway, the difference between the expense of local and locomotive steam-power alone, is so be- yond all comparison in favour of the former, that no one at all conversant with the subject will require evidence of the great advantage in point of economy to be derived from its use. Your confirmation of the correctness of the views herein stated will much oblige, Dear Sir, Your faithful servant, William Hocking. Michael Faraday, Esq., F. R. S,, &c. &c. (Sec. Professor Faraday to Mr. Hocking. Royal Institution, Feb. 3, 1835. My dear Sir, — The points in your letter of the ! 26th of last month, which you put to me for an opinion, are such that I have no hesitation in agreeing with you upon them. To enumerate briefly these points : — the prin^ ciple of communication of power is correct — ■ the use of local steam-engines is highly ad- vantageous, both for cheapness of force, and capability of varying it when required — the necessity for levels will, I presume, tlierefore be greatly obviated— the association of cylinder and rail is such that the whole road must (with sufficient thickness in the cylinder) have great strength and firmness — the absence of locomo- tive-engines removes much of the cause of de- rangement which the road would have to sustain — and 1 do not see how the governor and car- riages can leave the railway. You know my objection to giving a general opinion ill reference to the profitable application of the plan in question ; but 1 may here add, that the reserve I feel originates simply in my possessing no practical knowledge of the con- struction, expense, and profit of ordinary rail- roads. I am, my dear Sir, Very truly yours, M. Faradav. William Hocking, Esq. F. A., &C. &C.&C. THOMSON ON CALICO PRINTING. 103 ON CALICO-PRINTING. By Thomas Thomson, M. D,, F. R. S. L. and E. &c. &c. Regius Professor of Chemistry in the Uni- versity of Qlasgotv. {Continued from page 64.) III.— RLSIST PASTES.— These are sub- stances which have the property of restoring tlie blue colour of dissolved indigo, and thus, of preventing it from becoming fixed on those parts to which the resist-pastes have been ap- plied. Any substance which the property of readily parting with oxygen, answ'ers this pur- pose. ISulphate of copper, or any salt contain- ing black oxide of copper, when put into the indigo vat, instantly revives the indigo, by communicating oxygen to it. The hydrated black oxide of copper has the same effect, and so have the sesquioxide and deutoxide of manganese. The calico-printer’s indigo vat is a very deep large vessel filled with water, into which indigo, sulphate of iron, and an excess of lime are put. The lime decomposes the sulphate of iron, and the disengaged protoxide of iron coming in contact with the indigo at the bot- tom of the vat, deprives it of an atom of oxy- gen, and thus renders it capable of combining with the lime, and of forming a compound which dissolves in water, and forms a yellow liquid. Where this solution is in contact with the atmosphere, the indigo is revived, assumes its blue colour, and loses its solubi- lity. Hence, the blue scum which always covers the surface. But this scum, in some measure, protects the rest of the vat. When cloth is dipt into this vat it comes out yellow. But from the exposure, the indigo gradually absorbs oxygen and becomes blue. The cloth at first, from the mixture of the blue and yel- low, has a green colour, which slowly deepens into blue. But if, to any parts of the cloth before it be dipped into the vat, something has been applied w'hich has the property of giving out oxygen to the indigo ; all the indigo which would be imbibed by these parts is revived, before it comes in actual contact with cloth ; and, in the revived state, it is in- capable of combining chemically with the cloth, but may be easily washed off. Hence, the parts covered by resist-pastes remain white, ' The following are the principal resist- pastes used by calico-printers : 1, BLUE PASTE OR VITRIOL con- sistofa mixture of sulphate and acetate of copper, and the solution is thickened with gum-senegal and pipe-clay for the block, and with flour, for the cylinder. When the cloth on which this paste has been printed is dipt into the indigo vat, the indigo is revived be- fore it has time to reach the surface of the cloth. After dyeing, the piece is passed through weak sulphuric acid, to remove the oxide of copper which has been precipitated on it. 2, MILD PASTE consists of sulphate of zinc, gum, and pipC'Clay, It is used along with colours which copper would injure, or which would be destroyed by immersion in sulphuric acid. It resists a pale blue and the removal of the oxide of zinc by an acid, is not necessary, as it is when copper has been em- ployed. Sulphate of zinc, as well as all the other metallic salts and all the acids, precipitates indigo from its solution in lime. It does not revive the indigo like the salts of copper; but when the base of indigo is precipitated, it is not so readily fixed as a state solution. The oxide of zinc with the gum and pipe-clay, acts mechanically in keeping it at a distance. 3. RED PASTE consists of the alum mordant already described, mixed with acetate of copper, gum, and pipe-clay. It resists pale blues, and the alumina remains upon the white portions of the cloth, to be afterwards dyed red, with madder or yellow by quer- citron bark. 4. NEUTPvAL PASTE is a name given by printers, to a compound of lime juice, sulphate of copper, gum, and pipe-clay. It resists during a short dip in the blue vat ; and the lime juice gives it the property of remaining white when the piece is dyed in madder, even when the preceding red paste goes over it. Tliis acid also prevents the lime of the blue vat from precipitating copper upon the cloth, which would cause the parts to assume a deep brown tinge when dipt into the madder vessel. 5. CHROME YELLOW RESIST PASTE consists of a mixture of a salt of cop- per, to resist the blue vat with a salt of lead, to produce a yellow with bichromate of po- tash, after having been dyed in the blue vat. The preceding observations were necessary, to give the reader an idea of the various pro- cesses, followed by the calico-printers, and with the rationale of them. I shall now pro- ceed to explain the different colours. And both the simplest and most intelligible method of proceeding seems to be, to place pieces of printed calico before the eyes of the reader, and describe the way in which the colours on them have been produced. We shall begin with the simplest colours, and proceed gra- dually to more complex ones, 1. MADDER RED.— The alum more mordant described above, is made into a paste, and printed on the cloth by the cylinder. Af- ter being dried and exposed in a warm room, till the alumina has had time to leave the acid with which it was united, and combine w'ith cloth, it is passed through a hot mixture of cow’s dung and water. It is then washed in cold water, and agitated a second time in the same hot mixtuie. After being thus freed from all soluble or loose matter, it is dyed in madder. This process consists in the exposure of the cloth to the action of madder, suspended in water. In consequence of the very sparing solubility of the colouring mat- ter of that root, and the difficulty of applying it equally to all parts of the cloth, the pro- cess requires to be conducted slowly, and the heat to be very gradually raised. The purest portion of the colouring matter being first given out by the madder, the degree of heat 104 IMPORTANT discovery BY E. DAVY, F. R. S. is varied, acoordins to the fineness of the colour we desire to obtain. After dyeins; those parts of the cloth in- tended to be white, are always, more or less tinged with the madder, and much pains are necessary to restore their purity. For this purpose, boiling with bian, or with soap, exposure to light upon the grass, clearing with chloride of lime, or other substances, which have the property of dissolving or destroying this colouring matter, with repeat- ed washings in cold water, are all resorted to according to circumstances. And several of these operations have the additional effect of brightening the red, by abstracting a brown- ish matter, which always combines with the alumina, atthesame time with the red colour- ing matter. (To he continued.) PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. By the recent arrivals w^e have received our Journals up to January 183G, on Science and the Arts. The following' are among the interesting articles from which we have already made a Selection, and shall make others next month. Experimental researches into the laws of the motion of floating bodies. By J. S. Russell. On an economic application of electromagnetic forces to manufactui’ing purposes. By Robert M allett. On a new rotative steam-engine. By John Taylor, Esq. On the simultaneous vibrations of a cylindri- cal tube, and the column of air contained in it. By the Rev. James Challis. On recent experiments made to protect tin plate, &c , from corrosion. By Edmund Davy, F. R. S., &c. Donisthrope and Raw'son’s improvements in the combing of wool, &c. (with an engraving). Taylor’s improvements in instruments for mea- suring angles and distances, applicable to nau- tical purposes (with an engraving). Whiteside’s improvements in wheel of steam carriages, and in the machinery for propelling the same (with an engraving). Losh’s improvement in the surface or pattern roll of the surface printing machines, and in the mode of working them (with an engraving). Carter’s improved apparatus for regulating the supply of gas to the burners, and for stopping oil the same, &c. &o. (with an engraving). Leeming’s improvements in water-wheels and paddle wheels (with an engraving). Potter’s improvements in rendering fabrics water proof. Hudson on certain machinery applicable in block printing on silk, <&c., and on paper (with an engraving). Boydell on improvements in machinery for tracking or towing boats or other vessels (with an engraving). Schafliautl’s improvements in the manufac- turing malleable iron. Garner’s improvement in the art of multiply- ing certain drawings, &;c. ON SOME RECENT EXPERIMENTS MADE WITH A VIEW TO PROTECT TIN PLAl'E Oa TINNED IRON FROhl CORROSION IN SEA-WATER. WITH SOME PROBABLE APPLICA- TIONS; AND ON THE POWER OF ZINC TO PROTECT OTHER METALS FROM CORROSION IN THE ATMOS- PHERE. BY EDMUND DAVY, F. R. S., M. R. 1, A., &c., PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY TO THE ROYAL DUB^ LIN SOCIETY.— If a piece of tin plate is exposed in sea-water for a few days, it will exhibit an incipient oxidation, which will gradually inciea-^e ; the tin will be preserved at the expense of the iron, which will be cor- roded. But if a small surface of zinc is at- tached to a piece of tin plate and immersed in sea-water, both the tin and iron will be pre- served, whilst the zinc will be oxidated, on tlie principle first made known by the late Sir H. Davy. The author has exposed for nearly eight months in sea-water a surface of tin plate nailed to a piece of wood by means of tinned iron tacks, inseiting between the wood and the tin plate a small button of zinc. Under these circumstances the tinned plate has re- mained clean and free from corrosion ; the zinc has of course been corroded. In a com- parative experiment, in which a similar piece of tin plate was nailed to the same piece of wood, and exposed during the sarne period to the same quantity of sea-water, without the zinc, the edges on two sides of the tin plate were quite soft from the corrosion, which had extended to about one-eight of an inch. These experiments seem worthy of being repeated and extended. The present demand for tin plate is very great; should these statements be confirmed, a vast increase in its consumption might he anti- cipated. The opinion may be entertained that it is practicable to substitute double tin plate for sheet copper in covering the bottoms of ships, &c., using zinc in small proportions as a protector. Such applications would proba- bly occasion a saving of nearly three-fourths of the present expense of copper sheating. It also seems deserving of inquiry, whether tin plate vessels, protected by zinc, may not be advantageously substituted for copper ves- sels in many of our arts and manufactures, and even in domestic economy. Although it might be presumed, from Sir H. Davy’s experiments and observations^, that zinc would protect tin plate from corrosion in sea-water, the author is not aware that any direct expe- riments on the subject have been published. Sir H. Davy briefly refers to some obvious practical applications of his researches, to the preservation of finely divided astronomical instruments of steel by iron or zinc ; and that * Phtl. Trans., vol. cxiv , foi* 1824; [or, Phil. Mag., first series, vol. Ixiv., p. 30, 233 ; vol. Ixv., p. 203.— Edit.] ON ELECTRO MAGNETIC FORCES. 105 Mr. Pepys had taken advantage of this last circumstance, in inclosing fine cutting instru- ments in handles or cases lined with zinc. The author has not heard whether such ap- plications have succeeded, but he has made a number of experiments with a view to protect brass, iron, copper, &c., from tarnisli and cor- rosion in the atmosphere by means of zinc ; the results obtained, however, lead to the conclusion, that contact with zinc will not protect those metals in the atmosphere, the electricity thus produced, without the in- tervention of a fluid, being apparently too feeble to counteract the chemical action of air and moisture on the surfaces of the me- tals’^. EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCHES IN- TO THE LAWS OF THE MOTION OF FLOATING BODIES. By J. S. RUSSELL. It was the object of these inquiries to assist in bringing to perfection the theory of Hy- drodynamics, and ascertain the causes of certain anomalous facts in the resistance of fluids, so as to reduce them under the dominion of known laws. The resistance of fluids to the motion of floating vessels is found in practice to differ widely from the theory, being in certain cases, double or triple of what theory gives, and in other and higher velocities, much less. These deviations have now been ascertained to follow two simple and very beautiful laws: — 1st. A law giving a certain emersion of the body from the fluid as a function of the velo- city. 2nd. A law giving the resistance of the fluid as a function of the velocity and magni- tude of a wave propagated through the fluid, according to the law of Lagrange. These two laws comprehend the anomalous facts, and lead to the following RESULTS. 1. That the resistance of a fluid to the motion of a floating body will rapidly increase as the velocity of the body rises towards the velocity of the wave, and will become greatest when they approach nearest to equality. 2. That when the velocity of the body is rendered greater than that due to the wave, the motion of the body is greatly facilitated: it remains poised on the summit of the wave in a position which may be one of stable equilibrium ; and this effect is such that at a velocity of nine miles an hour the resistance is less than at a velocity of six miles behind the wave. 3. The velocity of the wave is independent of the breadth of the fluid, and varies with the square root of the depth. 4. It is established that there is in every navigable stream a certain velocity at which it will be more easy to ascend the river against • [The negative results thus obtained by Mr. H. Davy, agree exactly with those of some trials which I have witnessed for protecting steel by this means.— E.W. B.] the current than to descend mt]\ the current. Thus, if the current flows at the rate of one mile an hour in a stream four feet deep, it will be easier to ascend with a velocity of eight miles an hour on the wave, than to descend with the same velocity behind the wave. 5. That vessels may be propelled on the summit of waves at the rate of between twenty and thirty miles an hour. — Proceedings of the British Association at the Dublin Meeting, August, 1835. Lond. &; Edinb. Phil. Mag., vol. vii„ p. 302. ON AN ECONOMIC APPLICATION OF ELECTilO-MAGNK/nC FORCES TO MANUFACTURING PURPOSES. BY ROBERT MALLETT.— d'he separa- tion of iron from brass and copper filings, &c., in work-shops, for the purpose of the refusion of them into brass, is commonly effected by tedious manual labour. Several bar or horse- shoe magnets are fixed in a wooden handle, and are thrust, in various directions, through a dish or other vessel containing the brass and iron turnings, &c,, and when the magnets have become loaded with iron, it is swept off from them by frequent strokes of a brush. This is an exceedingly troublesome and inefficacious process. It appeared to the author that a temporary magnet of great power, formed by the circula- tion of an electric current round a bar of iron, might be substituted advantageously. The following is the arrangement which he has adopted. Several large round bars of iron are bent into the form of the capital letter U, each leg being about six inches long. They are all coated with coils of silk-covered wire in the usual way of forming electro-magnets of such bars, and are then arranged vertically, at the interval of five or six inches from each other. All the wires from these coils are collected into one bundle at their respective poles, and there joined into one by soldering, a large wire being placed in the midst of them and amalgamated. A galvanic battery is provided, which, if care be taken in making the junctions at the poles, &c., need not exceed four, or, at most six pairs of plates of from twenty inches to two feet square. The poles of this terminate in cups of mercury, which are so placed that the large terminal wires of all the coils can be dipped into them, or withdrawn easily. The rest of the arrangement is purely me- chanical. The required motions are taken from any first mover, usually a steam engine. The previously described arrangement being complete, a chain of buckets is so contrived as to carry up and discharge over the top of the magnets a quantity of the mixed metallic particles : most of the iron adheres to the magnets, while the so far purified brass falls into a dish or tray placed beneath to receive it. This latter is also one of a chain of dishes, the horizontal motion of which is so regulated that the interval between two dishes is im- mediately under the magnet.s, in the interval of time between two successive discharges of the mixed particles on the bars. At this juncture the communication between the galvanic battery and the magnets is in- 106 ANALYTICAL THEORY OF HYDRODYNAMICS. terrupted by withdrawing the wires from the cups of mercury, and the result is, that the greatest part of the adhering iron drops oft' and falls in the space between the two dishes. 'J'he next dish now comes under the magnets, the communication is restored, and a fresh discharge fi om the buckets takes place, and so the process is continued. Some iron constantly adheres to the magnets, but this is found of no inconvenience, as it bears but a small proportion to the total quantity separated. The author has bad an imperfect apparatus of the sort above described at work for some time, and has found it to answer ; and sug- gests the application of electro-magnets_ for somewhat an analagous objects in various manufactures. He particularly mentions needle and other dry grinding. — Proceedings of the British Association: Loud, and Edinb* Phil, Mag., vol. vii.,p.305. ON A NEW ROTATIVE STEAM- ENGINE OF INCREASED POWER, CONSTRUCTED BY MR. SIMS, BY JOHN 1 AYLOR, ESQ., F. R. S., TREAS. G. S., &c, — It is very well known to those who have observed the duty of steam-engines employed in the mines of Cornwall, that an enormous difference has existed between those which raise vvater by a reciprocating motion, and those which for other purposes have that motion converted into a rotative one by the intervention of a crank. The cause of this difference has often been speculated upon, but has not, I believe, been well explained : it is important in an economical point of view, as while in the pumping engines sixty millions pounds are commonly raised one foot by each bushel of coal consumed, the rotative engines for stamping ores have seldom raised more than twenty millions, and those for winding up the ores from under ground are found to be even far below this in effect. Now, it should be observed, that the pump- ing engines are at present universally, I believe, single engines, that is to say, re- ceiving the steam from the boiler on one side of the piston only, the principle of working double, as it is called, which was introduced by Mr. Watt, having been for some time discarded; and in these single engines the method of working high pressure steam ex- pansively, which we owe to Mr. Woolf, has long been used with the greatest advantage, I’he rotative engines in Cornwall, like all others which are used for manufacturing purposes, are double engines, and receive the steam alternately above and below the piston ; and though attempts have been made to work them expansively, these attempts have not been very successful. The object of my present address to you, is to notice an engine which has lately been con- structed for a mine in which I am interested, which is a rotative one for stamping tin ores, and which, when I visited the mine a few days since*^, was calculated to be performing * Mr Taylor’s letter is dated ‘‘ Bedford Row, Oct. 12, 1835.”— A. T. a duty of about sixty millions, or nearly equal to the average of the better class of recipro- cating engines, and nearly three times, as much as tlie best rotative engines have hi- therto done. I wish to call the attention of persons con- cerned in the use of steam-engines to this fact, because if it should be found that this rate of duty can be maintained, a very great improvement may take place in all such as are most generally employed. This engine is at work at the Charles Town united mines, near St. Austle ; it was erected for us under the direction of Mr. Sims, an engineer of great experience in Cornwall. It differs from the general construction, in being a single engine, having the beam load- ed at the outer end ; and the rotatory motion of the crank is rendered almost completely uniform by the assistance of the flywheels. It works nearly as expansively as the pump- ing-engines. It was predicted, T understand, before the engine went to work, that a steady rotative motion could not be produced in this way, and some believed that the crank would never pass the centre ; I can, however, bear witness that the action is extremely good, and will, I believe, by a little alteration in the weight and diameter of the fly-wheels, be made perfect ; and as it must be an object to save at least one half the fuel ordinarily con- sumed, I point it out as deserving attention and inquiry. I have desired that its per- formance may be legularly reported in the monthly duty papers. I am informed by Captain Thomas Lean, who reports the duty of most of the engines in Cornwall, that this is not the first construc- tion of the kind, but that a similar one was erected formerly at VVheal-Vor tin-mine, by Mr. Peter Godfrey, and that it then surpassed in duty any other stamping engine of its day, but that for some reason it never attracted much notice. Mr. Sim.s is constructing a w'inding-engine for the same mine, on a similar principle. — Lond. Sc Edinb. Phil. Mag., vol. vii., p. 369. ON THE SIMULTANEOUS VIBRA- TIONS OF A CYLINDRICAL TUBE AND THE COLUMN OF AIR CON- TAINED IN IT. BY J’HE REV. JAMES CHALLIS.— Mr. Challis, in his re- port on the Analytical Theory of Hydro- dynamics, and elsewhere, has expressed the opinion that to complete the theory of musical vibrations in a cylindrical tube, it is necessary to take into account the vibrations of the tube itself. In this communication he states some results which he has arrived at theoretically, respect- ing the kind of influence the tube will exert on the aerial columns. It is assumed that the tube is capable of vibrating so that its particles move in planes perpendicular to the axis, with the same mo- tion in all directions from the axis, in the same transverse section. Then, if the vibra- tions of the tube be of very small extent, and NEW INVENTION OF A BLAST WHEEL. 107 ifs diameter small, compared with its length, the following are the principal ma- thematical results respecting the motion of the air, so far as it is consequent upon the vibrations of the tube. 1. The motion of the particles situated on the axis wilt take place in the direction of the axis, and will be nearly the same as if an im- pulse were originally given in this dii'ection, and the propagation were rectilinear. 2. At all points of the same transverse sec- tion, the motion, estimated in a direction pa- rallel to the axis, will be nearly the same. 3. If the tube be made to vibrate isochro- nously, and so as to contain, at equal interya's a'ongits length, nodal sections and sections of maximum vibration, it wall produce in the fluid vibrations of the same duration, with points of quiescence and of maximum vibra- tion at intervals corresponding to vibrations of that duration in air. 4. But unless the nodal sections of the tube be fixed, the duration of these simultaneous vi- brations will not be permanent till the intervals between the nodal sections become the same in the tube as in the column of air : and then a nodal section of the tube is nearly coinci- dent with a section of maximum vibration of the fluid. From these results it follows that there are certain transverse vibrations of the tube which will impress on the fluid column the same kind of motion as it is known can be given to it by vibrations excited near one extremity of the tube, when the other is onen. Mathemati- cians have succeeded in satisfactorily repre- senting the circumstances of the motion in the latter case of disturbance, by assuming, from experiment, that the open end is a position of maximum vibration, or nearly so ; but hitherto no distinct cause for this fact has been assign- ed Mr. Challis thinks it may be shown mathe- matically, that the aerial vibrations, ex- cited at the extremity of the tube, and propagated along its interior, will put it into the state of vibration, wliicli, as appears from the foregoing results, will produce an effect the same in kind as that observed. But to what decree the phenomenon may be attributed to this cause, can be learnt only from experiment; by ascertaining whether the vibrations of the tube have any consider- able influence on the intensity of the musical sounds. The following fact seems to favour the idea of a sensible influence. A sound produced under glass (for instance, the tick- ing of a French clock under a glass covering), is louder than when the glass is removed, plainly by reason of the internal reflections and the propagation of the vibrations along its surface, which cause it to vibrate so as to act with increased effect on the external air. It is not easy to discern that the glass vibrates, but the increase of sound is proved to be owing to this cause, when, on pressing the glass with the palms of the hands, the inten- sity is diminished. This experiment may sug- gest the means of detecting the influence of the vibration of a solid, in other instances of a similar nnime.— Proceedings of the British Association: Land, and Edinb. Phil. Mag,, xml. vii., p. 300. HYDRAULIC BLAST-WHEEL, In founderies, smitliles, and other manufac° tories, large quantities of atmospheric air in rapid motion are in constant demand, and a jarge proportion of the motive power is spent in the supniy. The pressure of fluids being equal in all directions, the aggregate amount of force employed in transmitting air by means of bellows, air-cylinders with pistons, &;c., is very considerable, there being the same pres- sure on every square inch of the blowing- apparatus, as on the like space of the orifice through which the air is transmitted. The accompanying drawings represent a blast-wheel lately invented by me, of which the following is a description. I have had a model of it made, and it fully verifies the cor- rectness of my calculations ; and in this case the effects must be the same in proportion on a large scale. Fig. 1. A is a hollow cylinder (the length of twice its diameter), which is made to re- volve on the pivots O by means of a rope or belt acting on the pulley B, or by any other mechanical power. C is a stationary nose or tube, fixed to the side of the oval trough D. 'Phe trough is nearly full of water, its level being above the centre of the cylinder A, and of the small cylinder within it, hereafter de- scribed. Within the cylinder A is a spiral leaf wound round a cylinder of about 1th of the diameter of the external one. The size of the internal cylinder need not be increased in proportion to that of the external. The leaf is soldered to both cylinders, and so ren- dered air-tight; it may be made of the slight- est material. Fig. 2. The water is here seen occupying the lower half of the cylinder and trough, the top being always filled with air. On the wheel’s making one revolution, the water in E is conveyed into F ; that which was before in F escapes at G, and flows round the sides and bottom of the trough, outside the cylinder, to re-enter the latter at H. The air in I (which is continually supplied by atmospheric pressure of 15 lbs, to the square inch) is con- veyed to K,and so in proportion for less than a revolution ; and the air which was before in K is forced through the pipe at C, to which branch-pipes may be attached. A continuous blast of air is thus produced, and may be con- veyed to any part of a building, The pre.?sur0 108 rj:id on the simpxicity- of chemical apparatus. of the water beins: equal on all sides ; and as it is set in motion by the inclined plane of the screw, but little power is required to keep tl’.e wheel going, for the particles of move eavsily amongst themselves. The trough should be of an oval Ibrm. In order that no air may escape between the tube and the cylinder, a small strap of leather is fastened to tlm tube (which is fixed) to lap over the cylinder at P, fig. 1, and is kept dov\'n by a small w eiglit, hnng at the corner of each side, thus. No air, once enclosed or detached from the atmospiiere by the end Hof the spiral leaf being immersed in the water, can possibly escape but through the nose or tube. Fig. 3. Transverse sections of both ends of tiibp; and outline, as seen from its under side. The wheel may be made of any size requi- red. To ascertain the quantity of air dis- charged at each revolution first, find the whole contents of the cylinder, which we will suppose to be 14 feet in diatneter, by first finding the area of the base by multiplying the square of the diameter by "7854 ; then multiply the area by the length of 28 feet, thus, 14 X 14=: 196 X *7854:1: 154, nearly, X 28— 4312 contents of cylinder. Hut as it takes two revolutions to empty the cylinder, 4312 ~- 2 — 2156 feet of air and water discharged at each revolution, 2156 2 ~ 1078 feet of air less 78 feet for internal cylinder, &c. = 1000 cubic feet of air discharged at every revolution. If the motive-power, or the ^ elocity, cannot be easily regulated, a sling-valve may be made in the side of the tube C, Alfred T. J. Martin- Helston, Cornwall, June 6, 1835. P. S. — Since writing the above, a practical difficulty has been suggested fo me, viz., that (he pressure of air for smelting should be 2, 3, and even 41bs. to the square inch, equal to tlie pressure of a column of water about 7 feet high. I do not see how this desideratum can be obtained by the foregoing plan ; but still the invention may prove useful where large sup- plies of air are required without any consider- able pressure. — Mechanic’s Magazine, 1835. BRITISH ASSOCIATION. GEOLOGY AND GEOGRAPHY.— A memoir was read by Captain Denham, on the basins of tlie Mersey and Dee : — The paper was regarded by every one as of extreme value, and was received with great enthusiasm. We regret we can merely refer to it with great brevity, but we understand it will be speedily made public. He showed the difference between the horizontal impetus of running water, and its force when acting downwards by pressure. Channels had Deen opened to receive the tide, being more per- pendicular to its course, and yet the tide liad capriciously avoided them and no mud had been deposited. By many experiments and observations, he has determined, that while tlie high and low water levels are variable, the height of the mean tide or half tide is the same at all times ; a fact of the highest im- portance, both in a scientific and practical point of view. Let us hope that future ob- servations may speedily confirm tliis matter, and thus give us a secure standard as a base line for all onr measurements. DR. REID DELIVERED HIS VIEWS UPON A PLAN 1’KILD AT EDIN- BURGH, FOR 'I HE EXTENSION OF THE STUDY OF PHYSICS.-Ile pro- posed to have large classes formed for observ- ing chemical experiments, and that nothing should be employed in these experiments which were not easily procurable by every person. A bit of glass as glaziers throw away, a piece of charcoal, and a blow-pipe, would be in- struments enough with which to make from one hundred to one thousand experiments, and these would illustrate the essential ope- rations of chemistry. Bythismearrs a pecu- liar knowledge would be obtained, and tlie mode of conducting an examination on a small scale. Dr. Reid here made some experiments on a small piece of glass, and afterwards on paper, showing the formation of crystal.s, &c., and the effects were as distinctly marK- ed as could be desired. He recommended that the pu[)ils should write down on paper, at the time, the changes observed by them during the experiments. Dr. Reid then made some beautiful experiments, by applying tests to dif- ferent liquids and solids. He took some lead ore, and adding nitric acid to it, myriads of lit- tle globules were at once reduced from the ore, and fell upon the paper. At the term ination of each experiment the persons present were handed the specimens. The lecturer said, that a common beer-bottle with a tube, and another bottle I’or a receiver, would answer for the preparation of gases, and the conduct- ing of operations on a small scale was the- better to the student, as the substances pas- sing frcm one state to another were distinctly seen in a simple apparatus. Fron» calcula- tions made in different places, he found tliat from 2/. to 5L would provide apparatus and materials sufficient to show many thousand experiments. The great object was to render this department of Liovvledge accessible to all persons ; and, as to the time its fitudy should be commenced, he (Dr, Reid) would say from three to nine years of age would rot be too early. This species of information was easier ofacquisition than thatof language. The greatest difficulty with children was to arrest their attention, on account of the live- liness of their sensations, and obstruct sub- jects were not sufficient to excite interest. Objects in external nature they observed, and were ready to attend to any instruction afford- ed in reference to them. The lecturer then noticed the necessity of persons devoting a short time to informing themselves of the principal practical results ef chemistry in re- liition to the knowledge of the purity of water, the component parts of agricultural materi- als, &c. This species of knowledge would be of the highest utility to the emigrant, and by imparting it to the natives of the district in which lie located himself, he Mould be ele- vating the character of liis own countrymen, and receiving the friendship and support of strangers. IMPORTANT SUBSTITUTE FQR STEAM. 109 FOREIGN VARIETIES. PROOF OP FRENCH SILK.— The French have adopted a system of security against fraud in the sale of silks, by submitting it to exam ination and expeiiment in an esta- blishment called the conditio??. Silk exposed to a hiunid atmosphere, and yet more to wet, will imbibe a considerable quantity of humi- dity witliout undergoing any perceptible change in external appearance. The esta- blishment, of which there is one at Lyons and another at St. Etienne, receives about three- fourths of the whole consumption of silk. It is submitted during twenty-four hours to a temperature of from 18 to 20 degrees of Reaumur (72.1- to 77 of Fahrenheit), and if the diminished weight be from 2g to 3 per cent, tire application of the high temperature is con- tinued during another twenty-four hours. On a certificate granted by the condition as to its true weight, the invoice is made out. The means of correctly ascertaining the real humi- dity of vsilk are now the subject of investi gation at Lyons, and it is believed that the purity of the material will, ere long, be as ac- curately tested as is that of metals by an assay. The quality of silk is estimated by deniers, which represent the weight of 400 ells would off of on a cylinder; the number, of course, increases with the fineness. The Alais silk is sometimes reeled from three to four cocoons, and weighs only from eight to ten deniers ; sometimes from seven to eight co- coons which will give eighteen to twenty de- niers. Of French organzines, the quality va- ries principally from twenty to thirty-six de- niers, and of French trams from twenty-six to sixty deniers. — Dr. Bowring’s Report. THE SUBMARINE VESSEL.— The ex- periment with this machine took place at St. Ouen, as proposed. The vessel was re- peatedly sunk to the depth of ten or twelve feet, and re-appeared on the surface at differ- ent points. M. Godde de Liancunrt got into it, and remained there a quarter of an hour. He stated that he did not experience the least inconvenience, or any difficulty of respiration, daring his voyage under water. An oftioial report upon the subject is about to be submit- ted to the French Government. USEFUL ARTS. IMPROVEMENTS IN THE STEAM- ENGINE. — Mr. Price of the Durham glass- works, has published a plate of a steam srfety- valve and chest, which has been in constant use for upwards of seven years, without acci - dent. The following is a brief description of his apparatu.s, which, if we mistake not we had the pleasure of noticing when it was first used Instead of the common valve, there is placed on the top of the steam chest a cup, with an apperture for the steam to escape. In this cup a loose brass hall (weighed to tlie pressure the boiler can bear) is placed. When the steam rises about that pressure, the ball also rises, and allows the steam to escape through the waste. There is an elhow-pipe connected w'ith the steem-chest below the ball seat, which also enters the waste-pipe. In this is a handled valve, by which the engi- neer can blow off liis steain, or regulate it. Let it be perfectly understood the ball cannot be weighed by the engineer ; so soon as the steam rises above the safety-pressure, it escapes, and when sufficiently blown off, the ball returns to its seat. SUBSTITUTE FOR STEAM.— The fol- lowing plan has been addressed by Mr. John Galt to the editor of the Greenock Adverti- ser .-—Take a cylinder and subjoin to the bot- tom of it, in communication, a pipe ; fill the pipe and the cylinder with water ; in the cylin- der place a piston as in that of the steam-en- gine, and then with a Bramah’s press, and a simple obvious contrivance which the process will suggest, force the water up the pipe, the pressure of which will raise the piston. This is the demonstration of the first motion. Se- cond. When the piston is raise(|, open a cock to discharge the water, and tiie piston will descend. This is the demonstration of the second motion, and is as cosnplete as the mo- tion of the piston in the cylinder of the steam- engine, and a power is attained as effectual as steam, without risk of explosion, without the cost of fuel, capable of being applied to any purpose in which steam is used, and to an immeasurable extent. The preservation of the water may, in some cases, be useful, and this may be done by a simple contrivance, viz. by making fhe cock discharge into a con- ductor, by which the water »nay be conveyed back at every stroke of the piston into the pipe, at the end of which the Bramah’s press acts. ELECTRIC LIGHT.-Mr. Lindsay, a teacher in Dundee, tdrmerly lecturer to the Watt Institution, succeeded, on the evening of Saturday, the 25th ult., in obtaining a con- stant electric light. It is upwards of two years since he turned his attention to this subject, blit much of that time has been de- voted to other avocations. The light, in beau- ty, surpasses ail others; lias no smell, emits no smoke, is capable of explosion, and not re- quiring air for combustion, can be kept in sealed glass jars. It ignites without the aid of a taper, and seems peculiarly calculated for fias houses, spinning-mills, and other places containing combustible mateiials. It can be sent to any convenient distance, and the apparatu.s for producing it may be contained in a common chest, — New Monthly Magazine, Oct, 1835, QUICK AND CHEAP MODE OF RAIL- WAY lliANSlT WnilOUT LOCO- MOliVE-ENGlNES. Mr. Editor, — A great deal has been said on both sides for and against the undulating railway principle, but hitherto no satisfactory practical results have been obtained on which to found a definitive judgment respecting it ; and although the shareliolders of the Liver- pool and Manchester Railway are deriving c nsiclerahle profits, owing to the immense traffic betw'een tbe two tow ns, still there are doubts if many other roads will pay at all, the expense of locomotive-engines being so 110 MORE DISCOVERIES IN RAILWAY TRANSIT. great wherever there are considerable inclines to be overcome, and the first expense of con- structing the railway so enormous, from the endeavours made by tunnelling and embank- ing to reduce that expense. I am, therefore, induced to send you a new plan of an undu- lating railway, by which locomotive engines j (except on very rare occasions, indeed,) will be dispensed with ; the trains will travel by ' the force of their own gravity from station to . station, as described in the following dia- gram : — E E are stationary steam-engines, and O O O O inclined planes by which the sta- tionary engines bring the trains up to a level ; when the trains, going and returning, take the roads the arrows point to. I have no doubt but in many situations falls may be obtained each way for miles together. Deep cutting and tunnelling would be thus, in a great mea- sures, dispensed with; and if tunnels in some situations were absolutely necessary, by giv- ing them the required falls for the trains to go through them, by gravity alone, travelling through them would not be disagreeable, as no engine would go with the trains. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, Thomas Deakin. Blaenavon Iron Works, June 5, 1835. MR. WOODHOUSE’S ANGULAR RAILWAY BARS. /- Slr,_Asthe form of rails best salted for affording safety, economy, durability, &c. has occupied the attention of many scientific per- sons, and formed the subject of several com- munications in your pages, hope, without presumption, I may be permitted to propose the following as a plan, in my humble estima- tion, calculated to effect these objects. Some few months since (No. 572), I pro- posed the use of an angular rail ; my plan was not then matured, but as I have since given some little attention to the subject, I send you the results. The purpose of giving an angular shape to the rail is, that the engine wheel (also having an angular grooved rim to correspond) may have a greater hold upon the rail, thereby giving greater efficiency to the power of the machine, preventing an irregular action, which must be produced vvhen the wheel slips on the rail (a circumstance much allud- ed to at the opening of the Selby Railway), and thereby much strain to the machinery. The top surface, one inch broad, is intended for the train-wheels, and where friction would be a defect, it is thereby avoided. The form of the rail is intended to admit of being re- versed at any future time when the upper sur- face is worn. The chair is not intended to be fixed, but the central part, which projects downwards, is to let into the stone sleeper, and be bedded in with cement or not, as found best. The rail is not fixed to all the chairs, hut only to the centre one ; which proposition I made with another plan of Rail and Chair sent to the London and Birmingham Rail- way Directors. The size of the present rail is as follows: — Depth, inches; extreme width, 2^ inches ; surface, 1 inch ; angles, from 15 to 25^, as the friction is required ; the calculated weight is rather more than 51 lbs., but upon shrinking, it would probably not be more than BOlbs. to the lineal yard. It has been objected to turning the rail when one side is partially worn down, that in proportion as it is so worn, its strength must be diminished. But as long as the in- ternal structure of the rail is not so perma- ! nently injured as to prevent its return after deflection to its original horizontal form, it seems to me that it must be nearly, if not to the fully, as efficient as ever. ! As respects the supporting of the rails, I | also proposed that instead of having the rail resting solely upon the chair, the chair should j be so planned, that the rail should also rest ' upon the surface of the stone, whereby it would be strengthened, and the stone, by re- ceiving a steady vertical pressure, would be rendered less liable to the casualties so fre- quently complained of, I also proposed that the stone-block or sleeper should be placed in an angular direc- tion with the length of rail or line of road, whereby a greater surface of stone would be placed in the directions most required, viz. lengthways and sideways. By this plan an 18-inch stone exposes a surface of 2 feet and more to the pressure. ^ , Fig. Is a section of the rail as it rests in the chau-, which, when the lower portion of the chair is let into the stone, will rest upon the stone also ; the two small sections are for purpose of the fixing the centre of each rail to its chair. Fig. 2 is a vertical view, showing the angular position of the stone upon a smaller scale. 1 am. Sir, yours respectfully, P, WOODHOUSE. Kilburn, May 27tb, 1835. THE INDIA REVIEW OF WORKS ON SCIENCE AND JOURNAL OF FOREIGN SCIENCE AND THE ARTS. EMBRACING MINERALOGY, GEOLOGY, NATURAL HISTORY, PHYSICS, &c. REVIEW. Journal of the Asiatic Society, 1835. Analysis of a Tibetan work. By M. Alexander Csoma De Koros. (Continued from ly age 81.J Our author’s view and doctrine of the natural constitution of the human body are exceedingly curious. He describes the man- ner of the existence of the body under four distinct heads ; the first embraces the quantity of the several constituent parts of the body and the existence of those parts on which the body depends ; the second refers to the state of the veins and nerves ; the third regards the nature of those diseases whieh are pronounced as enemies to the body ; and the fourth alludes to the apertures for the circulation of the air. Thus then the quantity of wind of the body is specified, the bile, the phlegm, the blood, the urine, the serum, the chyle, and the semen have their definite proportions. The following is the author’s idea of the anatomy of the human body. “ Thei’e are 23 sorts of bories ; in theback- bone, 28 aredistinguished. There are 24 ribs ; 32 teeth ; 360 pieces of bones. There are 12 large joints of limbs ; — small joints, 250. There are 16 tendons or sinews, and 900 nerves or fibres; 11,000 hairs on the head 1 1 millions of pores of the hair on the body. There are five vital parts (or viscera) (as the heart, lungs,- liver, spleen, and the I’eins or kidneys) ; six vessels, and nine open- ings or holes. — In Jumhudwipa the measure of a man’s height is one fathom or four cubits — deformed bodies have only 3| cubits, measured by their own. With respect to the 2nd section, showing the state of the veins. There are four kinds of veins or nerves : 1, that of conception ; 2, of sensation ; 3, of connexion, and 4, that of vitality. The 1 st : From the navel there arise or spread three veins or nerves, one of them ascends to the brain, and is acted on by the dull part of it, generating the phlegm in the upper part of the body. Another nerve (or vein) entering into the middle, forms the vital nerve, and depends for its existence on the vital nerve of passion and blood ; that part of it, which causes bile, resides in the middle. The third nerve (or vein) descends to the privy parts and generates desire both in the male and female. That parts of it, which produces wind, resides in the lower extremity. The 2nd; There are four kinds of the nerves of existence or sensation. For rousing (or exciting) the organs, in their proper place, there is in the brain a prin- cipal nerve, surrounded with 500 other smaller ones. Another nerve for making clear the organ of recollection or memory, resides in the heart, surrounded with 500 other smaller ones. That nerve, which causes the increase and renovation of the aggregate of the body, resides in the navel, surrounded with 500 other smaller ones. That nerve, which causes the increase of children, and descendants, resides in the privy member, together with 500 other smaller ones — and comprehends or encompasses the whole body. The 3rd ; The nerve of connexion consists of two kinds, white and black. There are 24 large veins (or nerves), which, like as so many branches ascending the principal stem of the vital principle, serve for increasing the flesh and the blood. There are eight large hidden veins or nerves for making the con- nexions of the diseases of the viscera and vessels. There are 16 conspicuous veins connecting the outward limbs, and 77 others spreading from them, called bleeding veins (that may occasionally be opened to let out blood.) There are 112 hurtful or pestilential veins (or nerves) ; of a mixed nature, there are 189 others. Thence originate 120 in the outer, inner, and middle parts, that spread into 360 112 ON THE PROCESS OF SECRETION AND EXCRETION. smaller ones. Thence smaller ones encom- pass the body as with a net-work. There are 19 strong working nerves, which like roots, descend from the brain, the ocean of nerves ; from among them there are 13 that are hidden, and connect the intestines — six others, connecting the outward parts, are visible ; from them spread 16 small ten- dons or sinews. There are three vital nerves (oT veins) in a man. The one encompasses both the head and the body ; the second, associating with res- piration, moves accordingly ; the third is the principal, and connecting the veins or canals, for the circulation of air and blood, is occupied with generating or increasing the body, and being the vital nerve, is called, by way of eminence, the artery or the principal vital nerve.” Judging by the foregoing analysis the au- thor must be allowed to have been a man of considerable observation : however erroneous some of his conclusions may be ; he has notwithstanding displayed great ability. Considering the dark age in v/hich he lived and the rude inhabitants of the country among whom he dwelt, we are really surprised at the depth of his learn- ing, There is scarcely any subject con- nected with medicine and surgery upon which he does not fully express his senti- ments. His opinions on the process of digestion are worthy of being quoted. “ The meat and drink, after being digested in the stomach, are changed into chyle and faeces. These turn into ordure and urine, that is, for the nutrition of the body, by increasing the blood. The blood preserving the moisture or humidity of the body, keeps up life, and increases the flesh. The flesh covering and cleansing the body, both within and without, produces the fat. This makes the whole body ixnctuous, and causes the increase of the bone. This supports the body and increases the marrow. This improves the essential sap of the body, and produces the semen virile. This conduces to the well-being of the whole body, and to the production of a new one. The manner in which meat and drink are changed. Whatever is eaten or drunk, is car- ried into the belly or stomach, by the vital air or wind ; afterwards, by aid of phlegm, it comes into fermentation of a sweet taste, and increases the quantity of phlegm. Afterwards, being digested by the aid of bile, taking a hot and sour taste, it produces bile. Afterwards, by the aid of the air or wind that conveys an equal heat to the whole body, the dregs or faeces being separated, and taking abitter taste, it generates thin wind. The faeces being chang- ed into thick (or solid) and thin (or fluid) parts become ordure and urine. The chyle, after having passed by nine veins : from the stomach into the liver, it becomes or ; changes into blood ; afterwards, successively, ' it is transformed into flesh, and the seven sup- ports of the body. ! 2ndly. The hurtful things or bad humours. These are three : wind, bile, and phlegm, 1 each with a five-fold division. ’ 1. Of Wind. The life-keeping wind or air ! reside in the upper part of the head; that i which operates upwards, has its place in the ' breast ; that which pervades or encompasses all, resides in the heart ; that which commu- nicates or conveys an equal heat to the body, has its seat in the stomach; that which i cleanses downwards, abides in the lower part of the trunk. 2. Of Bile. The digesting bile resides in the i stomach, between the digested and indigested part ; that which forms the chyle, resides in , the liver ; that which prepares or increases, in the heart ; that which assists the sight (or ^ causes to see), in the eye ; that which gives a clear colour, resides in the skin. 3. Of Phlegm. The supporting phlegm re-’j sides in the breast ; the masticatory, in the;i| indegested part ; the tasting, on the tongue ;'i;j the refreshing (or that makes contented), in|! the head ; the conjunctive or uniting, resides* in every juncture (or joint). 1 The characteristic signs of the above-speci-“| fled humours — that of wind ; roughness, light-*® ness, cold, smallness, hardness, and mobility.! That of bile ; unctuousness, sharpness, lightness, foulness, depuratory moisture. l! That of phlegm : unctuousness, coolness, heaviness, and dulness, softness, or gentle-S ness, steadiness, adhesion, passionateness.”* The service, rendered by the faeces, is : the I ordure serves for the support of the bowels, * guts, &c. By urine, morbid humours are a carried oif ; and it serves also for a suppoi*t of* the thinner faeces, and carries olf the putrid ! thick sediments. The office of sweat is to soften the skin,,|! and to change the obstructed poi-es of thel hair of the body. «j Fire -warmth is the common gentle ¥ warmth, or heat, of the whole body. The § warmth of the stomach is the principal cause of « the digestion of meat and drink of every kind. ,1 If this warmth is in good state, the digestion 1 of meat and drink is easy ; no diseases then || arise, the lustre of the face, the chyle, the f supports of the body and life, then increase. | Therefore, the warmth of the stomach must ,» be kept up, (or if lost, must be restored,) with | every endeavour. 5 On dietetics our author enters with his ! usual systematic arrangement, not only re- | garding the several kinds of food and the ! manner of using them, but also rogarding I those kinds which are inimical to health, I and defines what may be used together. | ON THE aUALITY OF FOOD. 113 1 ' For food are used, grain (or corn), flesh, f' butter, vegetables or greens, and dressed vic- ji tuals. There are two kinds of grain : 1 growing in ears, and 2, in pods (as pulse). Flesh or animal food of eight kinds or sorts. ' Several kinds of unctuous or oily substances ; i: as, butter, oil expressed from grains, kernels, fruits, berries, and trees or shurbs; grease, , fat, marrow, &c. To vegetable or green j things, belong potherbs, &c.To dressed victu- ! als or meals, belong boiled riee, soup, &c. i'» Drinkable things are milk, water, wine, &c. : Chapter. — Enumeration of several kinds I of food that it were dangerous to take together ; as fish and milk. Sec. ISth Chapter.— On the proper measure of, food to be taken, or on temperance in meat and drink.” In the concluding part he gives a full des- cription of the cure of diseases. We shall give a specimen of the author’s manner of treating this part of his subject, by quot- ing the following, with which, M’^e think, our brethren in Europe will be much amused. “ 2. Thectirinig of diseases arising from wind (or windy humours). There are five distinctions: 1, causes; 2, accessory cause and effect ; 3, division ; 4, symptoms ; 5, mannar of curing (diseases arising from wind.) , wind) . 3. In the curing of diseases arising from (or caused by) bile, there are the following distinctions: 1, cause; 2, accessory cause and effect ; 3, division ; 4, symptoms ; 5, man- ner of curing ; 6, and stopping or hindering its progress. 4. In the curing of diseases caused by phlegm (or phlegmatical humours), are con- sidered : cause, accessory cause and effect, division, symptoms and manner of curing. 5. In the curing of diseases caused by the : gathering together of the three humours (wind, bile, phlegm,) and of blood, there are the following distinctions or considerations : cause, incident or accessory cause and effect, place, time, kind or genus, symptoms, man- ner or mode of curing, and the stopping of it for the future. 6. In the curing of indigestion, the root (or primary cause) of inward diseases, there are the following distinctions or sections : cause, incident or accessory cause and effect, manner of its arising, division, symptoms, remedy or mode of curing. 7. In the curing of a swelling (or a hard con- glomoration or excrescence), there is treated of : cause, incident, division, place, manner of arising, symptom, mode of euring it. 8. The curing of white swellings, a kind of dropsy. Here are considered : cause, in- . cident, division, symptom, mode of curing. 9. In the curing of another kind of dropsy there are the same distinctions as before. 10. The curing of dropsy is taught, by ex- posing the cause and incident, division, man- ner of arising, symptom, mode of cux’ing, stopping or cessation. 11. In the curing of phthisis or consump- tion of the lungs, there are the following dis- tinctions : cause, and accessory cause or effect, division symptom, mode of curing. And thus there are six chapters on curing inward diseases. 12. In curing feverish diseases (where heat prevails) in general, there are the following distinctions : cause incident, nature, name,, symptom, mode of cui’ing. 16. In an increased or burning fever, the same distinctions are as before, except a tri- fling division. 17 to 20. On curing several kinds of fever, such as are : the sly, hidden, inveterate, and the mixed ones. 21. The curing of inflammation of any hurt or wounded part of the body, with several distinctions ; and that of inward and out- ward hurt : the inwards are, the viscera and the vessels ; the outward parts are, the flesh, bone, mari’ow, tendon, and fibre. 22. The curing of heat or fever, (arising from the contest between wind, bile, and phlegm), in which the mental faculties are troubled, with several distinctions to be con- sidered ; and so there are 1 1 chapters on cur- ing fever (heat of inflamation). 23. On curing epidemic maladies or infec- tious diseases, with several distinctions and divisions ; as, a kind of pestilence of Ne- pal. 24. On curing the small-pox : cause and effect, definition of small pox, distinction, symptom, mode of curing ; distinction into v.?hite and black variolas, each having three species. 25. The curing of infectious diseases af- fecting the bowels (colic), with several dis- tinction ; purging the viscera and the lower vessels, affecting with greater or less vehe- mence ; and so there are eight kinds of dis- eases affecting the bowels. 26. The curing of swellings in the throat (or of ulcers and inflammations) , and infective diseases, as the cholera, the first has 4, the second 11, subdivisions, or minor dis- tinctions.” ‘‘62. The curing of miscellaneous diseases of the smaller kind : such as contraction or sinking of the sinews ; dysentery ; any hurt caused by fire ; hurt or wound made with a needle ; or when a needle or the iron-point of an arrow happen to be swallovred ; choak- ing or suffocation ; or the stopping of any thing in the throat, as, a beard of corn, bone, fish-prickle ; the entering or sw^ailowing in of a spider or scorpion ; intoxication ; stiff- ness of the neck ; ill smell of the body ; hurt of the hands and feet caused by cold and snow ; the creeping of any insect into the ear ; the swelling of the teat of a woman. The curing of all such diseases is called the 14 ON THE MODE OF CURING DISEASES AT TIBET. cure of small diseases. Thus there are 19 chapters on minute diseases. The healing of wounds, sores, or ulcers. 63. The curing of ulcers here arecorsidered : cause, &c. four, with several distinctions. 64. The curing of the hemorrhoids (piles or emerods in the fundament, cause, &c. four, with six distinctions. 65. The curing of St. Anthony’s fire, (any swelling full of heat and redness, cause, &c. four, with several distinctions, and the places (or parts) where generally they occur. 66. The curing of the Surya disease affect- ing the lungs, liver, &c. its beginning, &c. four, with some distinctions. 67. The curing of cancerous or virulent bad sores or ulcers : cause, &c. four, with eight distinctions.” “ 80. The curing of palsical diseases, and the telling of the periodical time of their oc- curence, the symptoms, and the remedies for preventing their recourse. 81. On the curing of diseases, in which the body is infested with cancerous ulcers, is eaten aw^ay and dissolved : considered cause. Sec. nine, with 18 distinctions respecting its differ- ent kinds and the places(or parts) which are generally affected. The above five chapters are on such diseases as are supposed to be caused by the infiuence of some malignant demon. 82. On the curing or healing, in general, of wounds,made by any kind of weapon or tool. Here into consideration come; 1, cause ; 2, accessory cause or incident ; 3, nature (of w^ound) ; 4, definition or description (of the wound) ; 5, its name ; 6, place; 7, division; 8, symptom, mode of curing or remedy, exci- sion or cutting out, cicatrizing. 83. The curing of wounds on the head, here are considered : the manner of its being ; ex- amination of the injured part, manner of cur- ing recovering, or being ovei’powered. On the practical part of medicine the following briefly exhibits the author’s views. “ The examination of the pulse, wherein 13 cases are enumerated on the character of the distemper. 2. The inspection of urine, wherein, as it is said, the vicious state of the whole body may be seen, as in a mirror. Thus two chapters are on examining the pulse and urine. Afterwards, when the character and name of the disease has been found out, what sorts of medicaments are to be administered, is ex- posed. 3. First liquid medicines, of which there are 54 for curing inward heat, and 23 for assuaging cold fits or ague. Together there are 77 sorts of liquid medicine. When by these there is no remedy, further is an, 4. Enumeration of powdered medicine, or me- dicaments in powder, of which the mixture is stated to amount to 96, for assuaging the heat of any distemper ; and 69 against cold fits. Both together =165. When they atford no relief, there is taught of another remedy. 5. Physic or medicaments in pills, of which the ditferent kinds of mixture amount to 22. 6. The several kinds of sirup, (a kind of mixture) are described or taught ; of which 15 are for assuaging heat, and five against cold fits. Both together=20. For procuring strength to the body, and for drawing out an inveterate disease. 7. Is taiight of a mixture, called medicinal butter consisting of several ingredients, of which there are 14 sorts for curing heat, and nine for taking away cold fits. Both toge- ther = 23. 8. 13 kinds of mixture of calcined powder, for curing an ague caused by a too much abundance of phlegm. 9. 17 kinds of mixture or syrup, especially for the purpose of assuaging heat. 10. 19 species of mixture of medicinal wine (or spirituous beverage), are enumerated, for curing diseases, in which wind prevails. 11. A mixture, as a remedy against any in- veterate malady whatever, prepared of preci- ous stones, for curing the diseases of princes, and of opulent men. One against heat, and 11 against cold; eight against both; toge- ther=20. Since men, in general, cannot have precious stones required for such a mixtru’e for curing diseases, in the 12. Is taught of such vegetables or plants that are procurable by all, of which the several mixtures amount to 24 for curing heat ; and 14 for assuaging cold fit. Thxxs taking together all assuaging remedies from the liquid to the vegetable medicines, there are 418. So much of the assuaging re- medies. When they are insufficient in the 13. Is taught of purging or depuratory medi- cines in general. 14. Of purging medicines operating down- wards, for carrying away corrupt blood, bile and the relics of other diseases. There are three kinds of such purging (or depuratory,) medicines, operating ; gently, moderately, and strongly ; of which all there are 82 species. 15. For carrying upwards or ejecting the remains of such diseases, as belong to the phlegmatical kind : here vomits are prescrib- ed, of which there are eight of the stronger, and eight of the gentle kind, both =16. 16. A composition of medicine, for cleansing or purging the nose, five of the gentle, and two of the strong kind. 17. Elixirs or extracted juices, for drawing downwards the diseases in the entrails or in- testines and guts. 18. The same continued and specied. 19. Elixirs or mixtures for cleansing the veins, (or depuratory elixirs for do.) Thus se- ven chapters are on depuratory medicines. FOLEY’S PAPER ON THE ISLAND OF RAMBREE, 115 If by the above means there is no sufficient relief, in another sutra is taaght of other soft and hard remedies. 20. How to let blood in such distempers, when heat prevails. There are counted 77 veins, of which any may be opened for letting out blood. 21. The application of a caustic for curing diseases, when cold, or cold fits pi’evail. 22. The use of a venomous mixture. 23. On the use of medical bath, for diseased members. 24. On adhibiting medicinal unguents. 25. On medicines operating downwards. 26. The conclusion. Though there be many ways (1,200) of examining the heat and cold prevailing in any disease, they all may be reduced to the following : to look on the tongue and urine, to feel the pulse, and to ask (after the circumstances of the beginning and progress of the disease in question. Art. II. — Journal of a Tour through the island of Rambree, with a Geological Sketch of the Country, and Brief Account of the Customs, 8fc. of its Inhabitants. By Lieut. Wm. Foley. In the widely extended circle of our In- dian empire there yet remains so much to be gathered of general intelligence both with respect to the manners of the inhabitants and the character of the soil, that we hail with peculiar satisfaction the exertions of individuals who are endeavouring to supply us with the required information. The Government is still continuing its grand trigonometrical survey ; but its progress is necessarily slow ; and in the mean while we rule over large tracts possessing many intrinsic properties with which we are, and would continue to be but imperfectly ac- quainted, were it not for the spontaneous efforts of a few enterprising men, whom the love of science stimulates to the prosecu- tion of such enquiry as their leisure from professional avocation permits. Our ob- ligation is the greater, inasmuch as the motive is wholly divested of selfishness. The only wish on their part, being that their labors may be found a useful addition to our stock of general information on the points in question. Of such a character is the work before us. It is written by Lieut. Foley, and although professing to be no more than a mere “sketch” of manners and customs with an accompanying dis- quisition on the geology of Rambree Island, comprises a great variety of interesting and instructive matter. The narrative is well drawn up, free from all pedantry in terms, and told after a mode so wholly unaffected, that those the least initiated in “nature’s mysteries’ ’ may derive gratification from the perusal. “ It was with the view ef throwing some light upon the geology of Rambree that I pre- pared this Journal for transmission to the Asiatic Society ; a consciousness of my pre- sent superficial information on many points connected with the geology of the island would have induced me to resei’ve this com- munication for a more favourable opportunity was I not apprehensive that such a season would never arrive, and that the little leisure I now have at my disposal must of necessity be devoted to duties of a professional nature. To a brief geological description of the island I have aded such other matter connected with the condition, and manners of the inhabitants as appeared deserving of mention, either from its novelty, or the value it may possess in the scale of utility.” Lieut. Foley commences his journey at Khyak Phyoo, the military cantonment of our Government on the Island, and skirting along the coast conducts us to the principal town of Rambree. In the year 1148, (Mugh series) the conquest of Arracan was effected by the Burmese, who divided the country into four principal districts, naming them Dwyana- waddee, (or Arracan Proper.) Y"amawaddj (Rambree Island) Megawaddie, (Cheduba) and Dornawaddi (Sandoway). Lieut. Foley supposes Cheduba to be a name given by the Bengalis, as the proper native name is Milong. The Island of Rambree presents along the coast, high land, covered for the most part with impenetrable jungle ; it is only in the interior that spots have been cleared out for cultivation. The geology of the island affords nothing very novel. The rocks are of the newest formation and owe their origin to the agency of fire. Alluvial and diluvial deposits are common to the whole tract. The Hills range from N. N. E. to S. S. E. and vary in their elevation from 500 to 3,000 feet. Smaller hills, branching from 116 THE GAMES AND FESTIVALS OF RAMBREE. them form ‘‘ basin-like cavities” which give room for the cultivation of rice. The soil of the hills is argillaceous, and their surface being thus composed of a stratum of clay, the deposit at their base being form- ed of the same, affords opportunities for- cultivation contrasting strongly with that in the immediate vicinity of the cantonment. Leaving Khyak Phyoo our traveller pro- ceeds by the sea-shore towards the villages of Membrann and Kyaprath ; in the neighbour- hood of the former he finds some old Pe- troleum wells, which are no longer worked. He then reaches Kyakprath, where the hills have been partially cleared and small patches of open ground are devoted to the growth of cotton. While at this last place our author had an opportunity of witnessing some of the games to which the inhabitants are much addicted. These are boxing, wrestling, and the kulome, described as something similar to our “ battledore and shuttlecock only that the ball which is hol- low and made of cane,” is impelled by the foot instead of the hand. In addition to these the Mughs have other peculiar festi- vals of which the principal are, SANGRAIN-KYADEH.* This occurs in the month of Tagoo-la, (April, at the commencement of the new year, and during this season, the games of Reh-Ioun~ dee, and LSh-prinedee are held. The former very much resembles what is’observed in our own country on New-year’s -clay. The women throw w’ater over the men, who generally re- turn the compliment ; no distinction is paid to rank. The water is thrown indiscriminate- ly, and with an unsparing hand, upon high and low, and all seem determined to enjoy a season that permits of such unlimited free- dom. The Leh-prinedee is the boat-race, which is held at the same time : a number of boats assemble in a broad creek, and start for a certain place, each striving to outstrip the other. The boats are impelled with oars, and those that are light and well manned, have a surprising speed upon the water. The shouts of the row^ers, the strains of wild music, and the gay appearance of the boats decked out at the stem with branches of plan- * The whole of these festivals owe their source to some fabulous narrative, preserved in the sacred writings or other books, and religiously believed by an ignorant and super- stitious people. I regret that I am, from my very imperfect acquaintance with the language of this country, debarred an opportunity of transcribing any part of these. tain trees and garlands of flowers, give a most ! pleasing and striking efi’ect to the scene. Re- i turned to the place from w^hence they started,- | a donation in money, or a piece of silk, is i generally presented to the winner by the mas- i ter of the ceremonies. Nautches and enter-' tainments succeed the boat race, and the festivities are closed wdth offerings to the priests and the Rautoo^, who is on this oc- casion carefully washed and adorned. 2. OOBHO-CHOUNDE.— This festival is held in the months Wajho, (July,) Wo.goung, (August,) Tantha-leng, (September,) and Sadyne-Kyot, (October.) The people fast for a few days in each month, and proceeding to the Kioums'f', dressed in their smartest at- tire, prostrate themselves before the PhraaL and make suitable offerings to the priests. 3. WINGBAUH-POE. — occurs in the month Sadyne-Kyot. (October.) — By way of ; celebrating this festival, a labyrinth is con- structed by means of bamboo fences, so pla- ■ " ced, as to make the path very narrow and in- , tricate from the numerous turns it takes. People of both sexes, and of all ages, flock m to this place in the evening, dressed in their ffli smartest clothes, ; old as well as young thread ! the labyrinth, enjoying the^fun that is occasion- ' I ed by their several mistakes in endeavouring to get out of it. A temple is erected in the | centre of the labyrinth, and within it are foirr l images of the Ruddha saint, to which the pas- '| sengers severally make obeisance, placing i! small lamps upon different parts of the build - : ing for the purpose of ilkxmination. The evening of each day generally closes with a i display of fire-workes, and the Bouthsey, a ludicrous dramatic representation, very much resembling the Putle of India. In addition to the above, a ceremony, termed the Piiddcy- sah, is performed during the month of Sadyne- Kyot. This consists in the construction of a frame -work, intended to present a tree which is carried about upon the shoulders of the peo- ple, and upon it are hung such bequests as are made by individuals, in the shape of cloth, silks, dishes, &c. the whole of which are in- tended for the useofthe inmatesofthe Kioums. Much is collected in this manner, it being considered highly meritorious to make even the smallest gift on this occasion. The pro- cession is generally accompained by dancers and musicians, wdiose services are wholly gratuitous ; for whatever they may indivi- ally collect, is, in like manner, devoted to the necessities of the Kioum. 4. The Ruttah-boeh is held in the month of Tahoo-dioar, (February,) when the cold weather is supposed to have ended. A small tree is placed upon a car that had been con- structed for the purpose, and to each end of this vehicle ropes are attached. The people assemble at the place from all quarters, and two parties (generally selected from the in- habitants of two neighbouring villages) are * Image of Gautama. + Monasteries. X Gautama. GEOLOGICAL CHARACTER OF RAMBREE. 117 formed for a trial of strength : one party pul- ling against the other. The successlhl party i s allowed to draw the car away to their own village, where it is finally consumed. Several other wrestling matches were made until it became too dark to prolong the game. I now returned to the village, and entering my host’s house found a supper waiting my arri- val. It was laughable to observe the curio- sity of the villagers to see an Ingllee at the fee- ding hour. Men, women, and children moun- ted the michaun, to the very great hazard of its coming down. There was in the appear- ance of my visitors nothing of that fear and abject submission so characteristic of the na- tives of India. The women, as well as the men, stood gazing upon me, and all joined in the laugh excited by the European mode of handing the food to my mouth ; to them so incomprehensible and ridiculous. The chil- dren were not afraid to approach, and I was not so uncivil as to refuse them a share of the viands they apparently coveted. It was re- ceived with pleasure, and olfered in return to their parents. A mother had a very pretty infant at her breast, and I was surprised to see her give it a piece of bi’ead that had been previously chewed. I found on inquiry that a child is fed with a mouthful of boiled rice, reduced to a state of mucilage, on the second day of its birth. This it is said conduces to its vigour, and hastens the period for its final separation from the breast. The next stage is Kaeng which is remark- able as exhibiting the remains of a few mud volcanoes, the only indication of their ac- tivity however being the existence of a spring of muddy water at the summit of each volcano. “ The mud was of a grey colour and impregnated with much calcareous matter.” Other volcanoes or their remains were visible on the hills to the left as ou^’ journalist approached Kaeng. From the un- dulating appearance of these, covered with a fine green sward, and studded with afewJhow trees (as is invariable where ever these vol- canoes are found) the effect is said to be both agreeable and striking. At the foot of a volcano Lieut. Foley found several “boulders” of a rock resembling cUnJc- stone, which he imagines to have been eject- ed from them while in a state of igneous fusion. From Kaeng the route continues to Sadong. This is one of the most fertile districts of the Island. Extensive plains of rice cultivation and petroleum wells yielding “a fair supply of oil are found here, and such is the fruitfulness of the soil that the principal exportations of the former are from this place. One well is said to give as much as three quart bottles of oil daily and “allowing that the others afford as much, the entire quantity would be 70 maunds, between the 1st of November, and the 1st of June. These wells, and indeed all those existing in this Island, and that of Cheduba are farmed by Government, and sold to the highest bidder. The system is regarded as a bad one, and in lieu of it Lieut. Foley proposes as follows. “ The whole of the wells known to exist in the islands of Rambree and Cheduba are far- med by Government, and sold annually to the highest bidder ; I conceive it would be (in the end) far more advantageous to Government was the sale to take place every three years, instead of annually : was more labour bestow- ed \ipon these wells, the produce would be greater ; but the present system deters a pur- chaser from devoting his labour to the pro- duction of an article that may become the pro- perty of a more successful candidate, before he shall have received any return for the capi- tal he had already invested in them. The wells were sold this year for 120 rupees. The oil is sold in Ladong at the rate of one- half tillia per rupee. The weight of a tilUa varies from nine to sixteen seers. The La- dong tillia of oil is said to be as much as can be contained in 18 bottles or 13§ seers. The oil is much used, especially for burning ; it burns long, and gives a fine clear flame ; it has, however, a very disagreeable smell, and is so highly inflammable, that it must be used with caution. The oil produced on the Island of Cheduba is not so abundant or so pure as that of Ram- bree. One of the Petroleum wells in Ladong is said to exist on the site of a dormant mud volcano — a circumstance not at all impro- bable, when it is considered, that the gasess and inflammable substances forming the con- stituent parts of either, are, as far as has been hitherto discovered, essentially alike. The soil thrown up from these wells is highly bituminous, and in some instances abounds with very beautiful crystals of iron pyrites.” Whilst at Ladong our author witnessed the funeral rites performed over the body of a Phoongee or Buddhist priest, and takcg the opportunity of making minute enquiry as to the nature of their religious duties. “The assumption of the monastic garb is voluntary ; the person who expresses a wish to become a Phoongree is admitted into the convent (without regard to country, or the religion he may formerly have professed), provided he stipulates his readiness to con- 118 THE RELIGIOUS CHARACTER OF THE PRIESTHOOD. form to the Buddhist observances in matters of faith and discipline, and there exists no im- pediment (such as his having a family to sup- port, or his not having obtained the permis- sion of his parents, &c.), to his abandonment of earthly pursuits ; sickness, deformity, and a bad character are also sufficient causes for rejection. Should none of these obstacles present themselves, the candidate is admitted into the Aioifm, and attired, in the prescribed dress, enters upon the duties of a Phoongree. If, as is generally the case, his age shall not have exceeded 15 years, he is appointed to the performance of the menial duties, and gra- dually initiated in the peculiar tenets of the sect, until he shall have arrived at the age of 20 years, the time appointed for confirma- tion.” It is remarkable bow most religions (we altogether except the Mahommedan, which comhienced by enforcing its doctrines at the sword’s point, start with a purity from which the disciples but too frequently diverge. Many are the proofs that originally there was but one Law Giver and but one law acknow- ledged. In all creeds we are taught that abandonment of worldly objects is the first and most momentous exaction, but as society advances, we almost invariably find the priesthood claiming their privileges in secular affairs, and entering with avidity into the schemes, intrigues, and politics of the Governments to which they belong. It is evident that religion should remain all together removed from scenes of contention ; because it is in its essence immeasurably superior to them. Such, however, is the common frailty of our nature that we can- not divest ourselves of individual claims in society nor set ourselves wholly apart for the service of God without for- feiting those worldly advantages, which it is one of the weaknesses of our lot to be thus unwilling to forego. How long the people whose manners and customs we are tracing will retain their present habits, is hardly problematical. Simple as they appear, their customs are indescribably immoral ; and characterized with a degree of shameless- ness which steel their hearts against those noble and warm endearing affections which civilization, perfected by the doctrines of unsullied Christianity, inspires. Our intercourse, if enlightened with such views, will assuredly engender other thoughts and offer other prospects, when the period I arrives which will fit them for a simpler and Ij holier creed. On the other hand, if the inter- I course of Europeans with them be unsancti- j fied by any religious feeling, how much of evil i| passions now dormant will not be awakened, | how mnph of primitive simplieity will be r exchanged for the cunning of the world’s il knowledge and craft among these pupils I ofBoodha. We shall follow up this H review in our next No. and offer to our readers some general remarks on the neces- sity of pursuing this species of investigation with a more determined vigor. The advan- tage would be to the Government as the | power to perform it certainly is. Will it be 1 exerted ? TIEDEMAN’5 PHYSIOLOGY OF MAN. PARALLEL BETWEEN THE MANI- FESTATIONS OF ACTIVITY OF OR- GANIC AND THOSE OF INORGA- hJlC BODIES. {Continued from page 86.) OF THE MEXIFF.STATIONS OF ACTIVITY COMMON TO ORGANIC AND INORGANIC BODIES, AND TIIFIR MODIFICATIONS IN THE FORMER. XLVllT. The nianifestations of activity and of power of inorganic bodies are reducible to repulsion and attraction. The first is shown by impenetrability and extension, the second by mechanical attraction, gravity, cohesion, adhesion, and chemical affinity. Physical philosophers designate by the names of attrac- tion and repulsion those inherent causes in bodies on which these phenomena depend. They have discovered a great portion of the laws according to which these forces act, without being able to detect their fundament- al cause. XLIX. Similar phenomena, or manifesta- tions of activity, are observed in living bodies. All of them possess extent and weight ; cohe- sion and adhesion is exerted in all of them, and we see besides, in all, the play of chemi- cal affinities. But these phenomena, although the effects of general physical forces, are modi- fied by the manifestations of activity peculiar to organic bodies, called life, and by powers of a particular kind, viz. organic powers, AH the physical and chemical properties of plants and animals, the manner in which they fill space, their extension, their gravity, their cohe- sion, the chemical affinities which operate in them, depend more or less on the organic pow- ers by which they are animated. A further proof of this is, that plants and animals are MANIFESTATIONS OF LIFE INEXPLICABLE BY GENERAL LAWS &c. 119 produced from other living bodies of the same species as themselves, and that all their qua- lities, form, peculiarities of weight, of adhe- sion and cohesion, the form and composition oftheir parts, in short the mode ofshowing their own action, are determined by the orga- nic powers of the bodies which originate them. We know of no living body generated by the action of purely physical or chemic^ forcp. All the qualities, therefore, of organic bodies should be looked upon as the effects of life. Even those phenomena seen in them, which they exhibit in common with organic bodies, undergo modifications of their specific action, and should be considered as subordinate to the organic powers. L. The weight of different living bodies depends on their life, and varies according to the periods of age, the state of nutrive func- tions, and divers influences, external as well as internal, which modify the manifestations of activity of these functions, 'l'he_ specific gravity of all their solids and liquids is also subject to continual changes during the course of their existence. The liquids contained in the different spaces, cavities, or vessels of the plants and animals, are not distributed accord- ing to the law of gravitation alone*, they are frequently moved against their gravity, and their manner of movement and of distribution is dependent on their manifestation oflife. LI. The degree of cohesion, of adhesion, and consistence of organic bodies, of all their liquid and solid parts, varies extremely accord- ing to the duration of their existence and manifestations of activity. Plants and ani- mals have but little consistence and cohesion in the first period of their existence. 'J’hese properties become more pronounced in them in proportion as they are developed, and for the most part they attain their maximum in advanced age. Various influences, which modify their manifestations of life, as heat, light, the atmosphere, water, and food, pro- duce changes in their state of cohesion. This changes even in consequence of their internal action, as is particularly seen in the contrac- tion of the muscles. The same is the case with the chemical affinities met with in living bodies. The composition of these bodies, as well in their entire as in their different parts, together with all the changes which take place during the existence of organic bodies, should be considered as the effects oflife.* Neither does heat spread over living bodies in the same manner, nor after the same laws, as in bodies not endued with life. The * Berzelius also (Lelirbucli der Chemie, v. 3, part 1st, p. 136) recognises tliis, wheu he says, “ The elements seem to obey, in living bodies, other laws than those in dead bodies, or bodies not endued with life. The cause of this differ- ence has hitherto been withheld from our enquiries, and we attribute it to a power of a peculiar nature, belonging only to living bodies —the, vital power. This something is plared altogether beyond inorganic elements ; it is not one of their original qualities, as gravity, impenetrability, electric polarity, &c.; hut we can neither conceive what it is, nor how it is generated or finishes.-' greater number of animals maintain the tem- perature peculiar to them, although that of the surrounding media be different. LI I. Even when the life of organic bodies is extinct, we should consider the qualities which they possess, from the time of death to the complete resolution of organization, as results oithe organic powers which have been active in them. Besides the powers of life, Bichat* admits, in organic bodies., par- ticular qualities, amongst which he _ classed extensibility, contractility, and elasticity of the tissues, which he regarded as inherent in their texture and the arrangement of the mole- cules of which they are composed. He thinks them independent of life, because they remain after death, and are only annihilated after the establishment of putrefaction and destruc- tion of the organs. He adds, that life cer- tainly augments their energy, but thatitisnot the cause of it. These properties are also the eff'ecfs of forces which life has put into action, for the tissues which possess them have been produced during life and by life. The qua- lities which still remain inherent in them after death proceed from their composition and texture, and these are produced by the mani- festations of life. So soon as chemical affini- ties take the upper hand in dead bodies, during fermentation and putrefaction, these proper- ties of the tissues also disappear and are de» stroyed as the last remaining effects oflife. LIII. Hence it follows that the qualities of organic bodies, as well those observed in life as those remaining even alter death, should be considered as the effects and results of spe- cial powers that are exercised in these alone. All the phenomena of these bodies, even those of general physical forces, are produced or modified by life and its powers. Reil, there- fore, 'b was right when he said that, in a living organ, nothing is dead, not even elasti- city, and that all therein is modified by what w*e call life. The manifestations of life, such as we recognize them, are inexplicable by the general laws of physics. J Neither the power of * On Life and Death, p. 43. General Ana- tomy, V. i, pai't 1, p. 36. + Archiv. fiir die Physiologie, v. vii, p. 438. % Buffon (Histoire Nat., v. ii, p. 60) says, “ J’avoue que je pense bien differemment de ces philosophes ; il me semble qu’en n’admet- tent qu’un certain nombre des principes mechaniques, il n’ont pas senti combien ils retrecissoient la philosophie, et ils n’ont pas vu, que pour un phenomene qu’on pourraity rappeler, il y eu avoit mille qui en etoient independens. L’idee de ramener Fexplication de tous les phenomenesa des principes mecba- niques, est assurement grande et helle: ce pas est le plus hardi qu’on putfaire en philosophie, et c’est Descartes qui I’a fait; mais cette idee n’est qu’uu projet. Le defaut de la philosophic d’ Aristote etoitd’employercomme causes tous- les effets particuliers ; celui de celle de Des- cartes est de ne vouloir employer comme causes, qu’un petit nombre d’effets generaux, en donnant I’exclusion a tout le reste. Il me semble que la philosophie sans defaut seroit celle ou I’on n’employeroit pour causes que des effets generaux, mais ou I’on cher^ heroit en meme temps a en augroenter le nomi re, en ta, hant de generaliser les effets parti',u- liers.” 120 THE RESEARCHES OF AVOGRABO. repulsion, nor that of attraction, with all their modifications, is sufficient, according to re- searches hitherto made, to explain life. Already it has been more than once attempted to deduce life from the laws of mechanics, phy- sics, and of chemistry. This error has been committed by the physiologists and physi- cians of the iatromathematic and iatrocliemi- cal schools. In every age distinguished natu- ralists discovered this error and opposed it. The difficulty of explaining the manifesta- tions of activity of living bodies by the laws of other natural powers, probably depends on the imperfect knowledge which is possessed concerning natural phenomena in general ; but so long as we cannot succeed in account* ing for them in this manner, we are authorized in attributing them provisionally to powers of a particular species. (To ie continued.) ON THE RELATION OF THE SPECI- FIC HEAT OF BODIES TO THEIR ATOMIC WEIGHTS. This paper is intended to convey a con- densed view of the researches of Avogrado, an Italian philospher, as related in two separate memoirs.^ It may be proper to observe that in a pre- vious paper,'!' from the consideration of the affinity between the density and specific heat of bodies, he had established the formula m d— — where the density of the ductile metals, as is simply proportional to the mass of the atom divided by the cube of its affinity for heat, or affinitary number as it may be termed; a repre- sents the quantity which corresponds with the cube of the distanceof the centres oftheatoms, thatis tosay,thisdistanceis simply proportional to the affinity of each substance for heat, the mass of the atom not entering into its determination. The affinitary number is obtained by divid- ing the atomic weight of a body by that of potassium, which is considered unity : thus, the affinitary number of gold will be ,|:^=2'5. or, as Avogrado makes, 5 073. Then m=5 073, d=22-18 and d=r^s the affinity of gold for heat. M. Avogrado, by his experiments on the specific heat of bodies, has confirmed the accuracy of the law deduced by Dulongand Petit, from their researches, that the specific heat of the atom of a compound gas is expressed by the square root of the whole, or fractional * Ann. de Chim. et de Physique, t. Iv. and Ivii. + Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienae di Torino, xxx. 91. number of the atoms of the simple gases, by f whose combination the cornpoundatom is formed. He has, however, been more particular in ; his expression of the law, which, according - to him, is of the following import : the specific heat of an atom of a compound body is equal ;l to the square root of the whole, or fractional ; number, expressing the atoms or portions of '< atoms which, by their combination, from the i atom of the compound body, whether in the ■ solid or liquid state, adopting as unity thespe- r cific heat of some simple body in the same state. ! This rule, however, is not easily applied to ' solids and liquids, because the atoms and j, volumes of gases are equivalent ; whereas, in the former classes, it is a question requiring 1 much investigation to resolve, what is the ' composition of the compound atom in the ' solid or liquid state. For the composition, according to theoretical considerations, is often different from what it is in the gaseous or i vaporific state. Impressed with a desire of ' dealing up this difficulty, Avogrado was led l! into the discussion of the subject of the atomic weight of bodies, and has considered it proper to reduce the numbers attached to them by the , Continental chemists to one-half. These new numbers being deduced from the consideration ? of the specific heat, he has termed them ther- i mic atoms. The numbers were ascertained by ' means of an instrument of simple construction. 1 The vessel in which the substance to be ; experimented on was placed, consisted of a i cylinder of thin brass, with a flat upper edge. i To this is applied a brass plate, pierced with three holes in its circumference, to enable three screws to pass which rise on the edge of the vessel, and are tightened from above by nuts, so that by interposing between the plate and the edge of the vessel a portion of oil skin, the access of water and external air is completely prevented. This vessel is con- tained in a large 'one, also made of brass, intended to hold adeterminate quantity of water at the temperature of the atmosphere, in which is placed a small mercurial thermo- meter with a brass scale, and covered bulb, which is completely immersed in water. To ascertain the specific heat, the small vessel was filled with the substance in powder, if it was a solid, and the weight noted. The vessel was then closed with the brass plate, and was kept in a vessel full of boiling water, until it was concluded that it, as well as its contents, had acquired all the heat which could be communicated to it by boiling water. The temperature of the air ; that of the water contained in the interior vessel of the apparatus, and that indicated by the thermo- meter which was plunged into it were marked ; the small vessel was then rapidly reinoved from the vessel of boiling water, by means of a pair of pincers, and placed in the exte- rior vessel. This being done, the temperature indicated by the thermometer of this vessel was marked every minute. This tempera- ture increased at first rapidly, then slowly, and generally reached its maximum in eight or ten minutes. It is obvious that this method would be a very easy one for deter- mining the specific heat of bodies, if it did not DULONG AND PETIT’S LAW OF THE SPECIFIC HEAT OF SIMPLE BODIES. 121 happen that during the experiment, the water in the exterior vessel is constantly giving off heat at the expense of the substance, which is the object of experiment, and conveying it to the vessel andsurroundingbodies. Avogrado, however, corrected this source of error by applying Newton’s law, according to which, the communication of heat is continually pro- portional to the actual difference to tempera- ture between the two bodies, a law which is exact for moderate temperatures. He found also a formula nearly accurate, in which the I excess of temperature of the exterior vessel, I and of the water contained in it, above that of I the surrounding air, as well as of the interior vessel, and the substance contained in it above that of the water, is regarded as being a mean during the experiment between the initial and final excess. . According to the law of Dulong and Petit, the specific heat of simple bodies, taking for unity that of an equal weight of water, mul- tiplied by their atomic weights, gives us the constant number ‘375, (or *376*) In other words, the specific heat of anatom of these bodies is -375, adopting as unity the specific heat of a body of water, equal in weight to that of an atom of oxygen. From which it follows that if the same law applies to oxygen, and if the relation adopted between the atoms of different bodies and that of oxygen, is really that which exists between the atoms, to which the law refers, and which may be called their thermic atoms, the specific heat of oxygen in the solid state, ought to be 0'375, taking as unity that of an equal weight of water. This, however, cannot be verified by experiment, because we are unacquainted with any me- thod of operating upon oxygen in the solid state. It is obvious, therefore, that to fix the atoms ofbodies relative to oxygen, is some- what arbitrary ; for the rule of the equality of the specific heat of atoms, would be verified by doubling all the atoms in relation to that of oxygen, or in taking a half or third, provided that we changed at the same time the constant number. Let us turn our attention to various bodies with this object in view. I. The specific heat of carbon appears to indicate that we may, reduce the atoms of sulphur, and the metals to one-half of the numbers attributed to them at present. The atom of carbon is really 0 764 (or rather -75, as will be presently seen) of the atom of oxygen. The same relation ought then to subsist between the atoms of carbon and oxygen, both in the solid state., in order that the law of Dulong and Petit may be applicable. The specific heat of car- bon, according to the determination of Crawd- ford and Avogrado, is 2.5, or one fourth of that of water. Now, *75, the true atom of carbon (and not *764, the number adopted on the Continent) + .25 == *1875, or the half of *376, and exactly the half of .375, the co-efficient adopted by Avogrado. From this fact Avogrado argues that the co-efficient of the law of Dulong and Petit ought to be reduced to this half number, .1875, and for the same reason that the atoms of sulphur and the metals should be reduced to the half of the numbers which represent them at present. The specific heat of carbon would then be, accord- ing to this modified law g:i|75~o*25, or exactly the result of experiment. The num- ber deduced by Avagrado is, however, incor- rect, because he adopts *764 as the atomic weight of carbon, instead of *75, the number obtained by Dr. Thomson, and which is here substituted. In this view of the subject the specific heat of oxygen, in the solidstate, ought to be '1875, a number which Avogrado also finds to be nearly the specific heat of oxygen in the state of gas, by a calculation founded on the experi- ments of Berard and Delaroche, relating to the specific heat of the oxygen of the air com- pared to that of water; and it is probable that the specific heat of a body, which preserves the same atomic composition may not differ much in each state. This could not happen, however, if the numbers are preserved to which Dulong and Petit applied their law, because the specific heat of oxygen would then be *375, or the double of that which it possesses in the gaseous state. 2. PHOSPHORUS. — The specific heat of this substance was determined by Avogrado, by observing how many degrees, phosphorus at several degrees below zero cooled the liquid (which was spirit of wine) in the exterior ves- sel. The mean of two experiments gave for the specific heat of phosphorus 0 385, taking that of water as unity. Now, that atomic weight of phosphorus being 2* we obtain an approximation to this number if we take the fourth of it, or -5, and divide the co-efficient *1875 by it. The quotient is *375, or the spe- cific heat of phosphorus in the solid state. Hence, according to the view laid down by Avogrado, the thermic atom of phosphorus will be ‘5. In the gaseous atom he considers that there would be 8 thermic atoms, 3. ARSENIC. — The atom of this sub- stance is 4-75, the half of which is 2'375. To obtain the specific heat we have *79 or *80. The number obtained by the experiment was *81. Mitscherlich has found the density of the vapour of arsenic correspond to double the number at present received as the atom of arsenic. There would, therefore, be in the gaseous atom four thermic atoms. 4. IODINE. — For the specific heat of this substance in the solid state, Avogrado obtained the number ‘089. Now, to procure an approximation to this number theoretically, we must divide the atom 15*75 by *8, and we have T9G7. Now, -095. Hence arsenic is analogous to phos- phorus. We may, perhaps, extend the same analo- gies to bromine, and chlorine. Avogrado infers that the combining atom of azote is formed of 2 thermic atoms ; those of chlorine, iodine, bromine and phosphorus, of 8 thermic atoms, and that of arsenic of 4 true or thermic atom, each multiple atom requiring 5 atoms of oxy- gen to form nitric, chloric, iodic, bromic, phosphoric, and arsenic acids. Now, with regard to compound bodies, Avogrado considers that the law deduced from ** Thomson on Heat and Electricity, 97. 122 TWO HAIR SALTS DISCOVERED AT THE CAPE. the experiments of Dulong or the specific heat of compound gases applies equally to the specific heat of compound bodies in the solid state, viz, that the specific beat of the com- pound atom of a solid body, taking as unity that of a simple atom, given by the law of Dulong and Petit, is represented by the square loot of the whole or fractional number, which expresses the atoms or portions of simple atoms of different kinds, entering into the formation of this compound, a number, which, for brevi- ty’s sake, may be termed the coistituent num- ber of the compound atom. Consequently, to obtain the constant number, T875, it is neces- sary to multiply the specific heat of compound bodies (taking that of unequal weight of water as unity) fust by the weight of the compound atom, taking that of oxygen as unity, as for simple bodies, and to divide by the square root of the constituent number ; and reciprocally to obtain the specific heat of a solid bo F. for 15 minutes, and found that their vegetative powers were not in the least deteriorated. They ascertained tliat if barley, wheat, French beans or linseed were immersed for a quarter of an hour in water at the temperatureof I54f, the powerof germina- tion was completely destroyed, and it was not till the heat of thewater was reduced to 122«, that these kinds of grain after being immersed in it would vegetate. Hence,. in water, 122o maybe considered the highest limit at which it is possible for barley to grow. But the temperature varies according to the media through which the heat is communicated. Thus these seeds if exposed to a temperature above 143g^ in vapour, or 167 in dry air, are deprived of their vegetating properties. While wheat, barley, oats and rye, when kept in hot sand possessing a heat of 113o, would not ger- Anii, de Scien. Nat. for May, 1836, STABILITY IN THE NATURE OF STARCH, itninate. Immersion in water of the tempera- Sure of 167o for 15 seconds was sufficient to destroy the power of germination in most in- stances ; but this invariably occurred, if the exposure to this high temperature was protract- ed for 5 minutes. The method in which the heat operates in these cases, appears to be in some measure elucidated by the researches of Biot, Persoz, and Raspail,who observed that the temperature 1670 is that at which the grains , of starch burst. Hence, it appears, that in dry air barley may be exposed to a range of temperature equivalent to 205o at least, and^ may still retain its germinating powers unimpaired. We have two quantitative analyses of barley, one by Einhof and the other by Proust. The following are their results. Einhof obtained from Hordeum vulgare. Starch not quite free from gluten 67.187, Volatile matter9*375, Saccharine matters. 208, Husk with some gluten and starch 6‘770, Mucilage 4'583, Gluten 3*515, Albumen 1*114, Phosphate of lime and loss 2*243 100 000» Proust obtained Yellow resin 1* Gum 4 Sugar 5, Gluten 3, Starch 32, Hordein 55, 100* t Tn these results we observe considerable dif- ferences, which are to be attributed to the mode in which the analyses were conducted. Einhof determined the weight of the starch and gluten together, when they had been de- posited from water in which the meal con- tained in a linen bag had been kneaded. The water from which the starch was separated was filtered and boiled ; coagulated albumen .subsided, and by evaporation an extract was afforded which was treated with alcohol. It gave gluten and sugar. These substances were separated by mixing the alcoholic solution with water and distilling the alcohol. The gluten felldown, and the sugar remained dissolved in the fluid. The alcohol left undissolved some gum and phosphate of lime. The former was taken up by water and left the latter in a pure state. The matter im the linen bag consisted of vegetable fibre, mixed with a little gluten and starch. The hordein of Proust was obtained equally well by means of hot or cold water, which dissolv- ed the starch and left the hordein in an insulated state. Raspail considers thissubstance to be the pericarp of the seed or what we term bran. The propriety of thisopinion is streng- thened by the circumstance that there is very little of it existing in pearl barley. The sub- stances reckoned by the French chemists as constituents of starch, viz. amidone, diatase, amidine, and dextrine, there is strong reason to consider as products of the analytical opera- tions.J It is a remarkable circumstance, in reference to the starch which forms such a principal constituent of the seed of barley, that it is possessed of a most durable nature when pre- * Gblen, vi. 83, Thomson’s Chemistry, iy, t Ann. of Phil, xiir 201. i Records of General Science, i, 196. served in dry magazines. This fact is illustra- ted in a very striking point of view by some researches of the French chemists.* In 1817 a dep6t of barley was discovered in the citadel of Metz, which had remained closed up from the year 1523, and notwithstanding that it had remained in this state for 294 years, it afforded excellent bread when converted into meal. A similar magazine was also recently detected in some villages destroyed by the Turks ira 1526, where the corn appeared to have lost none of its qualities proper for forming an. essential article of food. These though remarkable instances of the capacity Which the starch of barley possesses of with standing decomposition, must yield infinitely in importance to observations which have been made upon grain preserved in the collections of M. Passalacqua, That gentle- man brought from the ruins of Thebes, in Egypt, some grain, which, when examined by D’Arcet, Vauquelin, Bailly.and Fontennelle, was found to be slightly acid, and to contain Its proper quantity of starch, but no gluten. Raspail subsequently confirmed the accuracy of these chemists. When Passalacqua sold his collection of antiquities to the king of Prussia, Champolion found between the limbs of a mummy which he recognised as the re- mains of Pharoah, son of Marsaroun Main- oute, or priest of a great tribe, attached to the worship of the goddess Netpha, the Egyptain Rhea mother of Osiris and Isis,) a small brown compact loaf, surrounding a number of grains of barley, which had germinated and been slightly scorched. These seeds, which must have! been above 3000 years old, were examined by M. Julia Fonteiineile, who could detect no gluten in them, but found that the starch, by its action on iodine, was not impaired in its properties, A little acid was also present, as was demonstrated by tha reaction on; When exposed to the air and moisture, however, staich undergoes a remarkable change. M. Lassaigne examined some wheat which was found in pulling down a house ia Paris, at the Quai de la Greve. It possessed a black colour, as if it had been converted into charcoal. It contained neither starch nor gluten, but amch ulmine or ulmic acid, Tha appearance of the grain led this chemist to believe that it had been partially converted into coal, in a manner similar to that in which trees and smaller vegetables have been changed into coal, jet, and pekt. Wheat found at Royat, near Clemont, (Auvergne) in ;the mountain called the Granaries of Caesar," M. Lassaigne ascertained had undergone a similar change. The precise researches of Raspail enable us to comprehend in some measure the cause of this stability in the nature of starch. Accor- ding to him, starch consists of grains which vary in form and dimensions, the diameters not exceeding, in maturity, *00393 inch ; but before they have attained their full size, being exceedingly more minute. Those of the Hor- dium vulgare dixe about *0098 inch in diameter. * Journ, de Chim, medicale, i, 63, gnd. ser. 144 DISCOVERIES IN THE ARTS IN AMERICA. In each grain, when viewed under the mic" ropcope, the rays of light are strongly deviated at their entry and departure, so tliat only those reach the eye which pass through the interior of the globule, and hence, they appear as black balls with a white nucleus. They consist of vesicles, filled with a gummy mat- ter, which hardens in contact with air. In water of the temperature 122° the bladder is expanded, probably by the increase in vo- lume of the gum. In boiling waterit is ruptured and precipitated, while the gum (the dex- trine of Biot) dissolves in the water. Iodine colours the grains not by combining with them, but by merely attaching- itself to the exterior of the visicles. The form of the grain is not altered ; for, if inorganic salts capable of combining with the iodine, and forming hydriodates, are mixed with the starch, the colour disa'-'pears, and the starch remains colourless.'^ The nature of the diates which Payen and Persoz have found in starch, Raspail explains in this way: In the act of germination the grains of which starch consists increase by successive layers, beginning nearest the coty- ledon, while at the same time acetic acid is formed ; now this acid is formed ; now this acid dissolves gluten, and renders it equally soluble in water and alcohol. If the flour of germinating barley be macerated for an hour in pure water, the water will dissolve the gum, sugar, and gluten combined with the acetic acid. When exposed to heat a flocky precipitate will be produced by the disen- gagement of a portion of the acetic acid by heat, or of its saturation by some base, disengaged from the tissue by the temperature. Alcohol will increase the quantity of the preci- jritate. Raspail digested for a few minutes some wheatflour in acetic acid, at first concen- trated, and then diluted with a hundred times its weight in water. It was filtered, and the liquid poured into a solution of starch. A pre- cipitation of the tegumentary matter immedi- ately ensued. These facts are extremely important when considered in connexion with the process of malting, because they exhibit in a powerful manner the gieatness of the change which is produced by the slightest effort of Nature's operations, and because they enable us to com- prehend more readily the vaiiety of alterations which the elements of grain undergo in the same process. I'he process of malting consists essentially, 1st., in producing a change in the constituents of grain by inducing germination ; and 2nd. in stopping the vegetation when it has been carried to a certain extent, by exposure to heat. RECENT AMERICAN PATENTS. fS elected from the Franklin Jaurnal for May, June and July last.) IMPROVED SUCTION PUMP, ELIJAH WHITON, MASSACHUSETTS.— The bar- i-els are to be made of steatite or soap stone ; + Nouveau Systeme de Chimie organique fonde sur des methodes nouvelles d’observati- ®n par F V. Raspail, 8vo, 1833, p. 3, 562. but the principal novelty is a contrivance for opening both the valves, and allowing the water to descend to prevent its freezing. There is to be a sort of spring catch on the upper surface of the valve of the lower box, which, when the pump handle is raised to the greatest possible height, hooks on to a ring, or other suitable appendage, on the lower end of the piston, whilst, at the same time, a projecting pin opens the valve in the piston, or bucket, and the water necessarily descends into the well, or reservoir. STRAW CUTTER, STEPHEN USTICK, PHILADELPHIA. — There is, we think, con- siderable novelty in certain parts of this machine, but it has the fault of too much complexity. The straw is to be contained in a trough, in the usual way, and is to be fed by fluted rollers of cast-iron. The knife stands horizontally, or nearly so, across a frame to which it is firmly attached. The lower edge of this frame rests upon ways, which from an inclined plane, and, consequently, as the frame slides, the knife descends with a draw- ing notion. To cause the frame to slide backAvards and forwards, there is a pitman, worked by a crank, on the shaft of a fly wheel in front of the machine. PRESERVING TIMBER FROM DE- CAY, FORREST SHEPHERD, FREDE- RICKSBURG.— The wood is first to be steamed, or boiled, to “ destroy the sap, or principle of decay,” and after this to be im- mersed in pyroligneous acid, until saturated. The patentee says that he also preserves waod from decay, and from destruction by ■worms, by boiling it in a solution of sul- phate of iron, sulphate of alumine, and muri- ate of soda; or, in other words, in a solution of copperas, alum, and common salt, taking half an ounce of each to a gallon of water. We apprehend that the foregoing directions are altogether empirical, and that the paten- tee has been guided more by his hopes than by his expei'ience, which ought, in such a case, to be the result of long continued and varied observation. A patent was lately obtained for saturating timber with lime, which was to neutralize the acid supposed to be contained in it ; in the present instance, it is to be made to imbibe as much acid as possible ; these views are theoretical, or rather hypothetical, and must not be depended upon as guides. The present patentee’s specification makes no claim, otfers little or nothing that is new, and merely lays before us several recipes, from which to make a choice. The saline solutions named will do much towards rendering the wood incom- bustible, if they do not protect it against the attacks of the dry rot. HORSE-SHOE-MAKING MACHINE, E. E. RARRE, AND S. FIELD, OAKHAM. — In the lower part of a very stout orame of cast-iron, a horizontal spindle is to fun, in the manner of alathe mandrel ; one end of this spindle is to project through a collar, and to carry a kind of chuck, the face of xvhieh is to be gi’ooved, so as to form a mould, into which the heated iron is to be forced in order to convert it into shoes. This moulding face is DISCOVERIES IN THE ARTS IN AMERICA. to be about sixteen inches in diameter, and the groove about two inches clear of its edge. When horse-shoes are to be formed, the indentations for two of them are contained in the circle, two cutters, or chisels, being placed in it to divide the iron ; for' ox shoes, four such cutters are used. There are to be creasing dies, corresponding with the number of shoes, on which are raised as many projec- tions as there are nails to be employed. A punch, or punches, operated upon by cams, and pass- ing through the moulder are to throw the shoes out of the groove. In order to force the iron into the moulding- groove, there is a roller revolving vertically, the lower end of which roller projects through a collar, and bears against the face of the moulder. The heated bar is to be passed through an opening, or notch, which guides it between the roller and the groove, by which it is to receive its form. We do not see in this machinery any thing calculated to remove the difficulties which have been hitherto encountered in the attempts to make horse-shoes by rolling. There has in every instance, we believe, been a considerable waste of metal, and fins have been left upon the edges, which not only increase the waste, but are difficult to remove ; and, after all, the horse-shoe is not completed by the machine, but has to undergo considerable forging to prepare it for use. We predict, therefore, that it will prove a total failure. RECENT AMERICAN PATENTS. (Selected from the FranJclin Journal for August.) GUM ELASTIC SHEATHING FOR VESSELS AND BUILDINGS, GEORGE D. COOPER, NEW YORK.— The caout- chouc or gum elastic is to be used “ to pre- vent vessels and buildings from leaking, and to preserve the crews of vessels from the effects of dampness caused by the salting of vessels.” We are told to take the material and to ‘ ‘ divide it and run it into sheets one quarter of an inch thick, and of such length and width as the owner or builder may select, or else to import the sheets read y cast from Para, the place where the gum elastic is produced.” These directions are more easily given than followed, and it would have been veiy satisfactory to have been told how to ‘ ‘ run into sheets ” of the desired length, breadth, and thickness, without impairing its quaility. To get such sheets made by the persons, and in the places, where the gum elastic is produced, would be no easy task ; we, however, will suppose this to be done, or the India rubber cloth which is prepared in this country, by covering canvass on one or both sides with that material, to be substituted, therefore, agreeably to the di- rections of the patentee? this material is to be applied between the inner part of the ribs, and the inner planking ; between the outer part of the ribs, and the outward planking; between the outward blanking of the copper and between the deck beams and the deep planking.” Par- ticular directions are given for laying it on, which, we need not repeat. In covering houses, the sheets are first to be laid upon rough planks, uniting their edges by dissol- ved gum elastic, and then shingling, or sla- ting, over thewhole, “ so that the roof, &c. is not only water-tight, but a ir-tight.” There is no claim made, but the thing intended to be secured by Letters Patent, is the interposing the gum elastic between the sheathing and other parts of vessels and between the boards and outward covering of roofs. It may, no doubt, be very ad- vantageously applied to some of the pur- poses designated, but in others the test of experience can alone determine its utility. Under shingles, for example, the retaining of the water may tend to rot them very rapidly ; and it is not imposible that the agents to which it will be subjected when used under water, may operate upon it disadvantageously ; it, however, is well worih the trial. SELF-OPERATING INK DISTRIBU- TER, JOHN MAXSON, SCHENEC- TADY.— Various machines have been patented for the purpose of inking the form in the common handpress, without the aid of a second person ; but, after a fair trial, they have generally been abandoned, as they are liable to get out of order, and do not execute the work as uniformly as by a roller- body. The machine before us is spoken of as though it had no predecessor, and the end to be attained, as though it had pre- viously been unattempted, which, as we have already intimated. Is incorrect. Con- siderable ingenuity is manifested in the plan before us, and the machine is sufficiently novel in its construction to maintain its claim to a patent, but we do not see in it any thing calculated to obviate the objection which experience has shown to exist against those which have been tried. To describe it without the drawing would be difficult, and would interest but few of our readers. RAILWAY PHENOMENON.— On Mon- day last a gentleman in this town, who had taken his place in the hindmost carriage of one of the railway trains from Bolton to Kenyon, witnessed the following singular occur- rence : — He was placed with his back to the engine, and had a clear view of the receding line of railway. The train was going down the inelined plane from Bag-lane to Leigh, at the apparent rate of from 30 to 40 miles per hour. A man who was standing on the side of the railway threw a stone about th©^ 146 ON THE TOPOGRAPHY OP INDIA. size of a hen’s egg in a horizontal direction, and with considerable violence, at the train. The stone was distinctly seen by the gentle- man in its progx’ess to the carriage in which he was seated, and, having attained its maxi- mum of velocity, it appeared, like Mahomet’s coffin, to be suspended in the air for a few seconds within a foot of the gentleman’s head. He seized hold of it, and h^e describes the sensation which he felt in doing so as somewhat similar to that which would be felt in grasping a stone, in a state of rest, suspended by a thread. — Bolton, Chronicle. — [This is easily accounted for ; both the train and the stone had attained the same velocity.} — Manchester Advertiser. NEW HYDROSTATIC ENGINE.— We have had an opportunity of examining the recent discovery made by the Rev. J. T. Porter, of the ’Close of this city, which he had named an hydrostatic-engine, and which. when brought to perfection, will in all pr the same year, it is most probable that the present nest was begun by a female wasp, which had survived the last winter, and not by any of the other wasjjs which were en- gaged in eating the sugar. DR. DAUBENY STATED THAT DURING THE LAST AUTUMN HE HAD MADE THE DISCOVERY OF FRESH SPRINGS WHICH EVOLVE NITROGEN GAS.— The first of these was the tepid spiing of Mallow in the county of Cork, a water which contains but very little solid matter. The gas evolved consisted of Nitrogen 93'5. Oxygen 6'5. It appears to issue from carboniferous lime- stone, the beds of which in its immediate neighbourhood are vertically disposed, intima- ting that they have been affected by some violent action since they were originally deposited. 'The other spring, disengaging nitrogen, which he observed, was near Clonmell. It was a very clear but perfectly cold water, called St. Patrick’s well, held in much venera- tion in the neighbourhood, and resorted to by l)ilgrims in great numbers. Bubbles of gas rise up through it, which Dr. Daubeny found to consist of Nitrogen 94. Oxygen 6. The spring gushes out of the same limestone stratum, as that of Mallow. Nocemhermh. A NOTICE W^ AS COM- MUNICATED FROM MR.KIRTLAND RESPECTING THE WORM EXHI- BITED AT THE LAST MEETING BY MR. KYNASTON, WHICH HAD AP- PARENTLY DESTROYED A GRASS- HOPPER.—It is found to be the gordius aquaticus. or hairworm, so called frorn various contortions and knots into which it twists itself. In a communication made to Loudon’s Magazine, vol. ii. p. 2ll, it is said to be often met with on the surface of garden or other ground in wet weather, as it is in water or clay, its common habitation. The gordius aquations is not unfrequently found to inhabit the intestines of insects. De Geer (marshall of the court of the queen of Sweden, and member of the Academy of Stockholm, and who published a. work intitled “ Memoires pour servir a 1’ Histore des In- sectes” in 7 vol. 4to. 1752—1779) mentions these worms being found in grasshoppers. Dr. Matthey likewise mentions one of these worms being found in the body of a grasshop- per, which was no less than 2^ feet in length. Mr. Paxton mentioned a similar case in the instance of an earwig. A VALUABLE WORK ON MINERALOGY BY THOMSON. 173 MR. JOHNSON iOF QUEEN’S, READ A SHORT ACCOUNT OF SOME MATHEMATICAL RESEAR- CHES HE HAD LATELY PUR- SUED ON OPTICAL IMAGES.-He was led to this remarkable result, that, according to the mathematical theory, the image of astraight line placed vertically in water, and also horizontally, are each the loci of equations of high dimensions and great complexity, and should be curves of high orders, but to the eye they are straight lines ; a very accurate construction of the curves, however, shewed that certain portions of them (which properly represent the image) will approach so near to straight lines as to be such to the eye. Drawings of these curves were exhibited. MR. POWELL GAVE A COMMUNE CATION ON THE DISPERSION OF LIGH r. — In continuation of former papers, in which he illustrated the subject by dia- grams of the several spectra formed by prisms of water, oil of turpentine, flint glass, oil of cassia, oil of aniseed, andsulphuret of carbon, shewing their comparative refiactive and dis- persive powers. DR. BUCKLAND READ A FUR- THER STATEMENT RELATIVE TO 'J HE LUMINOUS APPEARANCE ON THE FLOWERS OF THECENO 1 HERA MENTIONED AT THE LASTMEEtI ING.— It wasj distinctly stated that the luminous appearance continued uninterrupt- edly for a considerable length of time ; it did not appear to resemble any electric effect: and the opinion which seemed most probable was, that the plant, like many known instan- ces, has a power of absorbing light, and giving it out under peculiar circumstances. DR. DAUBENY EXHIBITED SOME SPECIMENS OF SAND AND CLAY FOUND IN THE BOTTOM OF THE CAVERNS.— In limestone, at Michell’s town, near Cork. The sand covered the feottom of the cave to an unknown depth, and was itself covered with a crust of stalagmite. The sand must have been washed in through a very narrow entrance; and there is no existing stream capable of so introducing it. No bones or other remains were found in it. Dr. Buckland also explained the occur- rence of such sand, &c. by diluvial action, and proceeded to remark a curious circum- stance connected with these caverns. There has never been an instance in which any deposits have taken place at the bottoms of caves, except such as are composed of recent remains, and the mud, sand, &c. of the sur- face; debris and fossil remains of older for- mations never occur in them. The only instance known of any older remains in caverns, is that of the caves at Palermo, belonging to the latertertiary period, and containing shells, &c. of that formation per- forated by pholades, though now raised 300 feet above the sea. Dr. Buckland also observed that the origin of caves in limestone had during many years occupied his attention, and has always been considered by him one of the most difficult problems in geology. To a certain degree they have in many cases been the effects of mechanical violence producing lateral move- ments, and tearing asunder portions of solid rocks, during the elevation, or subsidence, of the strata in which they occur. In cases of this kind, the fractures are usually rectilinear, and partake of the nature of a slip or fault, never filled up. But the lateral enlarge- ments and tubular communications that pro* ceed in various directions from the main aper- tures, and the vaulted anddorae-shaped expan- sions that occur at irregular intervals along the minor winding passages, cannot be refer- red to mechanical violence ; and an adequate cause of their origin may possibly be found in the influence of acid vapours, (probably carbonic acid,) rising through fractures adjacent to these corroded portions of the limestone. Caverns in solid limestone could not have been produced, like cells and cavities of various size in beds of porous lava, by air included in the viscid substance of the strata, before or daring the progress of consolidation, because they are most abundant in limestones of the most compact character, and in which no other trace of cellular structure is to be found. Moreover, the interior of caverns usually presents an irregular carious surface, similar to that which is produced on a mass of limestone submitted to the action of an acid. If these supposed acids were mixed with water, the lime thus dissolved would have been removed in a state of solution, and the sides of the caves would be found studded with the less soluble contents of the strata, such as siliceous concretions, and fragments of orgainic remains, standing in relief, as we often see them around the interior of these carious vaultings. The organic remains in these strata, parti- cularly the corals, are often disposed in such a manner as to shew that considerable time elapsed during the deposition of the succes- sive beds of limestone in which they are enve- loped ; no accumulations of gas in connected cavernous expansions passing from one stratum into anotlier could have taken place in beds of limestone thus deposited at succes- sive intervals. Dr. Daubeny expressed a doubt as to whether all caverns could be accounted for by aqueous corrosion alone, and conceived that the large vaulted chambers into which many of them suddenly expand, may have been originally produced by an evolution of gaseous matter, whilst the rock itself was in a softened condition. OUTLINES OF MINERALOGY, GE- OLOGY, AND MINERAL ANA- LYSIS. By J'homas Thomson, M. D., F. R. S., &c. 2 vols. Londov, l836. There is not any more important result which has emanated from the discovery of the atomic theory than the demonstration that the mineral kingdom consists, not of a multi- tude of heterogeneous bodies, heaped toge- 174 ON THE CONTENTS OF THOMSON’S WORK. her without any method, but that each mineral species which is met with on our globe, is formed of elements definitely com- bined ; and that a cabinet of minerals ought to constitute part of every chemical museum, as essentially, as soluble and other salts which were formerly considered as distinct from the mineral kingdom. This was easily proved, in reference to more simple minerals, whose elements were found to exist, combined in atomic proportions, both in artificial and natural salts. Thus, the atomic weights of 8ul phuric acid and lime being determined when entering into the composition of what were at first ascertained to be atomic compounds it was but reasonable, on the occurrence of these bodies in a native state, to assign to their ulti- mate particles the same atomic weights. Ac- cordingly, sulphate of lime has been found abundantly in a native state, in two states, — first, as Cal. SI 2 Aq, and second, as Cal. SI. In both of these instances the atomic weights of the sulphuric acid and lime were precisely the same as in the more familiar salts, sul- phate of soda, muriate of lime, &c. Having ascertained that this held good in regard to one or more minerals, chemists were induced to extend their researches over the field of nature. They gradually discovered that some bodies possess actions which they would have long looked for in vain, if they had neglected this delightful and varied field of investigation. They found that a mineral termed Table Spar, afforded, by the analysis of eight dif- ferent specimens from different localities, always, the same quantities of silica and alumina. — about 5l parts of the former, and 45 of the leiterAnother mineral, Picros- mine, gave by analysis, 56 parts silica and 36 magnesia. What, then, were the legiti- mate deductions to be drawnfrom these analyses? Was it not correct to say that the silica acted the part of acid to the lime and manganese, as did the sulphuric acid in the instances previously alluded to? Hence the formulae for table spar and picros- mine, it has been inferred, are Cal. S2 and MgS2. The discovery that silica acted as an acid, in simple combinations, was sufficient to entitle chemists to conclude that this im port- ant body continued to preserve its power of action in more intricate compounds, where several bases presented themselves, upon which it might exercise its agency. If in the case of the table spar, an atom of iron had been present, we should have had Cal. S X FS ; the formula would have been extended the composition would have been somewh at more intricate ; and, if we had a tiiird atom of silica, as in tersilicate of lime, we might have had a third base united with the third atom of acid And all this with as much propriety as there is in representing the com- position of the rrore familiar salt, alum, by KSI.4-3 Al.Sl. + 25 Aq. To those who have occupied themselves with the important study of the mineral king- dom, we know that these observations are quite superfluous ; but they may properly be urged in answer to such as term the analysis of stones (as they sneeringly designate the labours of the analyst) an abuse of the atomic theory ; and they are peculiarly applicable in- turning our attention to the new work on mineralogy and geology, whose title stands at the head of this article. The first volume consists of a description of 509 different species | ot minerals ; the greater proportion of which | have been subject to analysis, either by the i author himself, or under his superintendence ; and those, alone, can judge of the activity and enthusiasm with which, during the last ten years, these labours have been engaged in, who have been employed as fellow-workmen in the delightful, though ardous task. Before a pro- perly arranged system can be formed, theele- ments of that system must be examined. Not only have the elements been scrutinized in the present instance, but they have been reduced into order, and of such a nature, as, we conceive, infinitely surpasses any which has been previously proposed. By the systems hitherto propagated the most dis- similar bodies have been associated. The classification of minerals, as of salts, should be simple, not complicated The arrange- ment in the British Museum belongs to the latter class, and must be pionounced bad. The acids there distinguish the classes, and hence, the greatest confusion is produced ; for the salts of each base constitute as many classes as the base forms combinations with acids. Thus lead is found in combination with at least seventeen different acids. These different minerals will, therefore, according to this arrangement, be deposited in seven- teen different places. The base, however, of a salt, gives character, generally, to all the bodies into which that base enters as an element, the acid does not afford any such general character. If we class together the different sulphates, for example, we have bodies associated of all hues and dyes; but if we place the salts ot copper in tion, the merest tyro would instantly discover the propriety of such an arrangement. This is the plan which has been adopted in the present work. Such is a general view of the contents of the first volume. It commences with an introduction explanatory of the nomenclature of the external characters of minerals, and exhibiting a view of the system of crystal- lography adopted by Mohs, for the purpose of enabling the English reader to consult Haidinger’s admirable translation of Mohs’ works. The volume concludes with three tables, in the first of which are given the specific gravity, hardness, and form of the crystals of minerals, in the order of the chemi- cal arrangement. The second affords a list of minerals arranged according to the spe- cific gravity, beginning with Scheererite the lightest , and the third supplies^ a list of minerals in the orderof their hardness. Mine- ralogists will at once appreciate the utility of these tables. The first 345 pages of the second volume are devoted to an outline of geology, and a valuable and complete table of the fossils, plants, and animals found in the mineral kingdom. The first chapter, on the d'emperature of the earth, is full of most important matter. In THE ANNUAL CONSUMPTION OF COAL IN THE GLASGOW MARKETS. 175 order to determine the state of the question ia reference to the existence of a central fire, the author has collected all the observations that have hitherto been published on the tem- peratures, from the surface of the earth to the greatest depth that has been attained by man. From these it appears that, taking the mean of nineteen ovservatibns, there is an increase of 1° F, for every 50 feet of descent. This is the evidence which many bring forward for the existence of a central fire. The author, how- ever, shews, that according to the observations of Mr. Moyle, made during a series of years in Cornwall, the high temperature of these mines continues only while they are work- ing. When they are abandoned they are soon filled with water, which remains stagnant, and the temperature gradually sinks, till it approaches that of the mean temperature of the place. 2. That the temperature of the earth is regulated entirely by the sun, for, the higher the sun is elevated above the horizon and the longer it continues above the horizon, the higher is the temperature. If the temperature increased I^ for every 50 feet, a descent of 12 miles or a point by so much nearer the centre of the earth than the position of the equator, should afford a temperature, allowing for radi- ation, of 1200*^. Now, this ought to be the temperature of the poles, because they are l2 miles nearer the earth’s centre than the equator. Their temperature is, however,— 13*^, and hence, this seems a fatal argument to the notion of a central fire. But, although the idea of a central fire is not supported by the facts with which we are acquainted, it is not unlikely that an internal fire exists, which gives origin to those vast volcanic regions and earthquakes which are continually altering the aspect of the earth’s surface. If we were to consider this fire as approaching nearer the surface in some places than in others^, we might have, perhaps, an explanation of the relative causes of volcanoes and earthquakes. The remainder of the geological portion is divided according to the formations, beginning at the surface. Many original observations are detailed, especially in reference to the geology of Scotland, where the occurrence of most remarkable alterations in the relative levels of the sea and land is minutely detailed. The Glasgow coal beds are accurately describ- ed, The annual consumption ofcoalinthe Glasgow markets, it is stated, amounts to 870,000 tons. But one of the most curious facts detailed, is the discovery, by the author, of a bed of coal in basalt, near Dairy, in Ayrshire, This bed is 4 feet thick, and is situated some hundred feet below the summit of Beadlan- hill, which is elevated 903 feet above the sea. Its specific gravity is l-3l7. Colour brown ; it is very hard. Burns with a livelv flame, and leaves 25*77 per cent, of earthy matter. It contains vegetable impressions differing from any that have hitherto been described, as derived from the coal formation. They appear to he fucoides. The only other loca- lity, where it is believed, coal has been found in basalt, is at Fairhead, in Ireland, but no fossils have been observed in it. The latter part of the second volume, con- sisting of above 200 pages is devoted to rules for the analysis of mineral substances, including stony minerals, metallic alloys, and mineral salts. This portion of the work is worth the attention of geologists as well as mineralogists, as it must be obvious to every one, who casts his eye over the vague specu- lations of too many of our present geologists, that without the application of chemistry, mineralogy, and natural history, geology is but a name . — Records of General Science. EXAMINATION OF HAIR SALT, OR NATIVE SULPHATE OF ALUMINA AND IRON. By Robert D. Thomson, M. D. (Continued from page 122.J The rock on which the salt lies is a granular schistose quartzose rock of a green- ish-gray colour, with small silvery scales of mica, and is impregnated with the salt matter which covers partly the surface with flakes, and partly incrusts it. The flocky portion consists of bitter salt, the crust of alum, with a small quantity of bitter salt. The rock on which the river flows is a gra- nular gray quartz, with some small scales of mica. The roof of the cave consists of red conglomerate, in which rolled quartz occurs, and occasionally pyrites and oxide of iron. The neighbourhood is formed of hills 800 feet high, which are intersected by deep vallies, and capped by limestone. This lime- stone contains small portions of carbonate of magnesia, with traces of manganese and iron. Fossil oyster, and muscle shells were observed on the upper part of the hill, between Uitenhage and Enon. Hence, it would appear to be a very recent tertiary formation. It is worthy of notice that the alum and bitter salt are formed separately, and that neither of them contain iron, although the oxide of that metal occurs abundantly in the conglomerate. The feather alum, ac- cording to Hofrath Stromeyer, is a new hitherto undescribed species of alum, in which the sulphate of alumina occurs in combination with sulphate of manganese and sulphate of magnesia. Hence, he terms it mangan -magnesia alum. Sulphate of manganese has never previously been detected in any species of alum. At Tschermig, in Bohemia, an ammonia- cal alum is found, which, according to Lam- padius and Gruner, consists of Alumina 11.602 Ammonia 3721 Magnesia 0-115 176 THE RESULT OF THREE Sulphuric acid 36’065 Water 48’390 Total 9989-3 * The stalactitical bitter salt of Neusohal, in Bohemia, contains Magnesia 15-314, Oxide of cohalt 0*688, Oxide of copper 0*382, Protoxide of manganese 0*343, Protoxide of iron 0*092, Sulphuric acid 31*372, Water 51*700, Total, 99*891 f 5. The substances which have been alrea- dy described are all derived from foreign localities. I now proceed to relate the facts which have been ascertained with respect to the hair salts of this country. Mr. Phillips subjected to examination the salt which proceeds from the decomposition of iron pyrites in the shale of the deserted , coal mines of Campsie and Hurlet, in the nighbourhood of Glasgow. He obtained Sulphuric acid. . . . 30*9 - 3*07 atoms. Protoxide of iron. . 20*7 - 2*3 ,, Alumina ...5*2 - 1*15 ,, Water 43*2 - 19*2 „ 100*0 The formula deduced from his analysis is 2 / S. -f Al. 2 S. 4- 16| Aq.l: He repeated the analysis, and obtained the sulphuric acid in excess. The conclusions at which I have arrived, after making several careful analyses, are, that the substance is by no means a steady compound, as I have never obtained the same quantity of alumina, and have found that of the acid to vary considerably. That the latter is often in excess is evident, from the salt tasting sour in many instances, while at other times it is nearly tasteless. Mr. Phillips informs us that he found the proportion of alumina less, in a second trial which he made, than in his first analysis, although the difference was not so considerable as to in- duce him to repeat his experiments. The specimens which I examined were from Campsie, and consisted of silky, albestus-like threads mixed with pieces of shale and sulphate of iron, which were care- fully excluded before dissolving the salt. It is very soluble in water, and often pos- sesses a styptic taste, from the presence of minute portions of sulphate of iron ; 5 grs. introduced into a platinum crucible, and exposed to the heat of a spirit lamp, lost, without altering in colour, 2*13 grs. By an additional heat, which rendered the salt reddish, 0*03 disappeared. If we suppose that all the water was expelled in the first experiment, without decomposing the com- pound in any degree, we obtain a per centage of 42*6 ; by the second we have 43*6. * Poggendorff, Ann. xxxi. 142 t Ibid. I Annals of Philosophy, Second Series, v. 446. ANALYSIS OF HAIR SALT. The following table contains the result of three analyses of hair salt fi*om Campsie : Sulphu- ricAcid. Protox. of Iron. Alumi- na. Water. 1. S2-925 19-800 2-500 44-775 2. 28-6S5 19-935 2-850 48-580 S. 33-580 19.620 8-200 43-600 Mean . . . 31-713 19- 785 2-850 45-651 Atoms . . . 6-34 4-39 1-26 1 40-5 In these experiments the composition is, | First. Second. Third. Sulphuric acid . . 6*5 . . 5*727 . . 6*71 atoms, i Protoxide of iron 4*4 .... 4*4 . . 4*35 ; Alumina 1*1 .. 1*26.. 1*42 ! Water 39*8 .. 43*18. . 38*75 \ To represent the composition by these [ analyses, we have the formulae respec- j; tively : — ji 1.4/S. -i- A1.S2 + 36 Aq. il 2. Si /S.4- Al. S. + 34f Aq. i 3. 3/S.4-Al,S1^4.27i Aq. ij And, as expressing the mean, we may ij adopt i S. + Al. Sl§ -f 32 Aq. || Another specimen which had been pre- [; served in a phial for some years was also ji analyzed, and yielded. l| Sulphuric acid. . 35*600 - 2.37 atoms. i Protoxide of iron . 13*500 - 1* ,, Alumina 7*127 - 1*05 Water 43*773 - 12*9 Total 100*000 1 Which may be considered equivalent j to/s. 4* Al. S. -4- 13 Aq. with a great excess of acid. The salt had a strongly acid taste. If we take the mean of this formula with those which precede, we obtain ! nearly. 2 /S. 4-x\l. S. 4- 20 Aq. which is quite different from the result of j Phillips. I Of the three analyses contained in the ji table, the third, perhaps, approaches most nearly the mean composition of this sub- stance, as it corresponds with the first so i far as regards the acid and iron, and the i water is identical with the result obtained by direct experiment. | From these facts, then, it appears that , the hair salt of the coal strata varies in its ! composition. But this deduction is what we should have been inclined to draw, from j the consideration of various analyses by | different chemists, of specimens of similar salts from other localities, which affect the ! same form of crystallization, although con- ] sisting of totally different constituents. Thus sulphate of magnesia, sulphate of manganese, as well as sulphate of alumina and iron are found, we have [also seen in capillary crystals. THE VALUE OF INTERESTING SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. 177 Upon what circumstances this remarkable asbestus form of soluble salt depends, it is not easy to determine, because they are indifferently met with in various species of rocks. This form, however, in insoluble minerals, as has been observed, is con- nected with serpentine rocks.* — Records of General Science. THE INDIA REVIEW. Calcutta : August 1, 1836. PROSPECTS FOR THE PEOPLE OF INDIA. The success of our new periodical is in some measure shewn by our having upon our list about 200 Subscribers, a commence- ment which encourages us to hope that we shall soon be enabled to diffuse in this coun- try valuable and interesting scientific intel- ligence from all parts of Europe. Recently six Scientific Journals were pub- lished in Great Britain : these have been reduced to two ; one of which is published monthly in London, the other quarterly in Edinburgh. Since 1835, an additional work has been published, viz., “ Records of Science.” How long this last ably -conducted Journal will exist, it is impossible to say ; but it is obvious there must be some cause for this want of success in works of Science. We ourselves believe the cause to have arisen from the articles having generally been too abstruse and subtle. It is true they were full of refined and speculative knowledge and recondite reasoning : replete with phy- sical and metaphysical subjects. But then they were more adapted to the deep thinking philosopher than to the general scientific reader : hence a want of subscribers. The failure in Britain of periodicals which have been devoted solely to the diffusion of gene- ral science is a warning to us to consider well the grounds on which we anticipate success in our new undertaking. In a country like India where the British Sojour- ners and their descendants are comparatively * Thomson's Inorganic Chemistry, i. ]6i. few, the means of education as regard Science is but in its infancy ; and therefore the importance of periodicals purely on the mere abstract branches of science is not felt. It is principally on this account that we have determined to blend with purely scientific matter, articles on the mechanical arts, and such other interesting subjects as regard improvement in manufactures, commerce, agriculture, &c., in order to suit the taste and promote the benefit of all classes. While we shall be able to ad- mit subjects which embrace abstruse investigation into the causes of physi- cal changes and determine the nature of bodies, reducing them to their elements, ascertaining their mutual actions and relation, we shall be able to apply the knowledge thus ascertained by demonstrative science to the improvement of arts which supply the wants as well as the comforts of life. The grave philosopher and the man of science may not delight in articles of this latter description ; but if he has attended to our explanations, he will no doubt find that our object is to secure extensive circulation, which will tend greatly to support that por- tion of our work which is to be devoted to those articles which he desires to see. Our great object is to be the means of leading to important local and national improvements of promoting traffic by Rivers, Roads, and Canals, by Steam Communication and Rail Road transit ; in which to excite individual enterprize for large interest on capital, and to shew that such improvements call’imper- atively for the immediate attention of go- vernment for liberal appropriations. That stupendous machine, the steam engine has already undergone in its progress more than two hundred different modifications. It is our intention to give every new improve- ment in their motive forces from water, ether, alcohol essential oils, the liquifiable gases, atmospheric air,&c. The preparation of that invaluable and important metal, the chief material of nearly all machinery — Iron, shall receive particular attention as well as the various manipulations and mechanism em- ployed in the great staple commodities cot- 178 INDIA THE REPOSITORY OF VALUABLE AND PRECIOUS ORES. ton, silk, woollen, and linen. The con- struction of engines, mills, railways, carriages, ships, boats, docks, canals, bridges, fur- naces, boilers, gas machinery, looms, pres- ses, pumps, paddles, ploughs, water works, &c. will be illustrated by lithographic sketches, and an account given of the vari- ous important processes of dyeing, distilling, bleaching, brewing and tanning. While to the chemist and mechanic, we hope to be of essential service. We shall also do our ut- most to meet the wishes of the naturalist. The extravagant price of standard works in this department has been to discourage the naturalist in his interesting study. We trust we shall be able to glean from the numerous works which are publishing, and from papers in the transactions of learned societies all that is novel and valuable for this class of our readers. The question remaining to be consi- dered next is, what benefit will such intelligence afford to a country like this, containing 1,116,000 square miles equal in size to Great Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Turkey, put together ; the number of people who inhabit it being compu- ted at 100,000,000 souls. When the riches of other countries have been ascertained and made known through the chemist and geologist, may we not reasonably expect that they will excite a spirit of enquiry and a desire for scientific education in the people here; and that they will soon learn that this is the largest empire in the world ; — the reposi- tory of the most valuable and precious ores ; — the greatest repository of diamonds hitherto discovered ; a country rich in spices, drugs, colours, silk, cotton, saltpetre, saffron, coffee, sugar, rice, &c. ; that its manufac- tures in silks, embroidery, and cottons have long since excited the admiration of Europe ; that its animal and vegetable produc- tions, its metals, minerals, and valuable natural productions are scarcely yet known ; and that science and the arts have yet to develope these internal resources which will ere long raise its character. Is it extravagant to hope under British rule that it will be.. come the greatest commercial nation in the world. The realization of these objects, however, depends materially upon the policy which the government of India may adopt in regard to its revenue. Whe- ther it endangers manufactures and population, or whether with the constant extension of boundary, it takes such measures to improve the soil, realize millions of acres which are now covered with forest, brush- wood, and stagnant waters, whether it facili- tates inland navigation, by deepening harbours, constructing docks, and encourag- ing ship building, the whole depends upon the adoption of a system of national polity by which the advantages to the government and the community may be reciprocal. It is during the times of peace that the great work of national improvement should go on, not as a matter of expediency, but of possitive necessity. If we desire to erect the fabric of our rule and future prosperity on a permanent basis, while we are giving encouragement to trace out the unexplored gifts of nature and bring into action the hid- den treasures of the land, we must conci- liate public regard by promoting the pros- perity of the people. A specific sum might justly be appropriated to objects of nation.^ al improvement, which, besides giving encouragement to ingenuity and merit and employment to the industrious, would pro- mote the circulation of the specie through- out the country ; increase the demand for various articles of inland manufacture and finally produce in their operation, an annual equivalent equal to the whole amount of the original outlay ; and most probably exceed it. We commence our department on Me- chanical arts for this month, with sugges- tions, on the navigation of the Atlantic by steam, our esteemed contemporary the Friend of India, has called the attention of his readers to the mode of building steam vessels for the river. Is his plan applicable to the build of the Huntsman on a smaller scale? We however, trust, the subject, will lead to further enquiries and supply the desideratum pointed out by the able Editor. [ 179 ] PROGRESS OF SCIENCE AS APPLICABLE TO THE ARTS AND MANUFACTURES ; TO COMMERCE AND TO AGRICULTURE. SUGGESTIONS ON THE NAVIGATION OF THE ATLANTIC BY STEAM. Before I enter upon the details of the system, which is essentially different from any in use, I shall state what I consider desiderata to this end, all of which I hope are obtained in the proposed plan, though I do not pretend to insinuate that I consider my plans so good that they may not be improved ; on the contrary, I think them ex- tremely imperfect, and, consequently, quite open to improvement. 1 . The vessels to be used in this species of navigation to be made as light as possible, and to combine safety with sufficient room, and the least possible resistance to the water below load-line, and to the air or wind above that line. 2. That these vessels shall be calculated principally for carrying passengers, and to carry but little baggage, and no ballast. 3. That they be constructed of iron, not only on account of its great levity, but for the increased safety resulting from its non- combustibility. 4. That these vessels be so rigged, that all the masts and rigging can with ease and facility be taken in, so that the least wind draft will exist when the wind is adverse ; and that when the wind is favourable, the greatest spread of sail can be made with ease and rapidity, and with perfect safety, though the vessel is without ballast, properly so called. 5. That material and weight be econo- mised as much as possible in the composi- tion of boilers, engine, ship’s furniture and stores, boats, &c. ; and that the necessity of taking any supply of water for the voyage be entirely dispensed with, by the use of a species of fuel, hereafter to be described, which will constantly by its combustion pro- duce an abundant supply of pure, whole- some water, thereby avoiding the dead loss of so much freight, which in ships intended for a long voyage is very considerable. 6. That one paddle be used instead of two, which must be placed so that it may be in or near the centre of the motion of the whole mass, and thereby always nearer a grip of the water, though the vessel herself may roll and pitch considerably. The posi- tion, and arrangement, and construction of the paddle to be such, that it cannot be too deeply immersed in the water, so as to do little or no good, which is so often the case in our steamers in rough seas. 7. The paddle to be so constructed that it can be entirely withdrawn from the water, so that it will not be in the way, when the sails without the steam can be used : a prac- tice which would be economical, and give the engineers time to clean and repair the machinery, Sec. These are the principal requisites neces- sary to be obtained ; some minor peculiari- ties shall be glanced at hereafter, which 180 A NEW MACHINE BY WHICH TO NAVIGATE THE ATLANTIC. being of a trifling character, need not here be insisted on. In sketching or describing the machine by which I propose to navigate the Atlantic by steam, many seamen would not feel disposed to call it a ship I shall merely premise that every part and parcel of it has already been proved by practice to be effective in attaining the end proposed, and that I merely put toge- ther different parts of machinery which every body knows, or may know, to be actually in use. I shall not attempt to state which is the very best shape for the different parts, or their best possible proportions. My outline is general ; it is not a working plan, which will require more heads than one to bring to perfection. For the sake of preventing repetition, and not occupying too much of your valuable space, I shall state in order the different means by which I propose to attain the ends to be desired, which are as above stated. 1. Material to insure greatest lightness with greatest safety. Iron for the sheathing of bottom, and also cover over the deck, which might be considered as an extension of the hull’s sheathing, and would resemble the back of an immense turtle. The deck proper below this, and on to which the small cabins would open, to be covered with wooden planks, or if made of iron to be covered with cement. a. Such parts of the iron sheathing as would be below the occasional wash of salt water to be well cemented. The iron below water-line to be coated with copper, which should be left to the dissolving power of the sea, and, consequently, kept free from con- tract with any part of the iron, which should in all places be well cemented. b. The ribs and timbers of the vessel to b® made of iron and wood, according to their nature and position ; but in framing the ves- sel the greatest strength and elasticity of the parts to be attained. c. The vessel should be double, like the double steamers at the ferry in New York, or double proas of the Ladrone Islands. The last is the model after which I propose that part of the vessel under water should be built. They would, consequently, carry their greatest breadth under watery and slope from that upwards, gently rounding, so that at a distance, when the wind was adverse, an elongated dome, like the back of a whale or tortoise, would be alone seen above the surface of the sea. d. Such a shape as this described would oppose but little resistance to the wind and least to the water. e. And make accommodation for a very large paddle-wheel in the centre between the boats. f. The crew and engine to be completely confined to one of the twin -boats ; the other to be reserved for the exclusive use of the passengers; who might be allowed the recre- ation of a walk in fine weather on the ridge of the roof, the sides of which might be furnished with a temporary railing and netting. The roof to be furnished with ports or openings, bull’s-eyes, &c., to admit light and air, and properly secured windows. These openings to be all closed on the wea- ther side, when necessary. g. The boats to be without keels’ the flat sides of the opening between them, and in which the paddle works, being quite suf- ficient ; or if not, lee-boards to be used when necessary, like those used by the Dutch galliots. h. The bows of the vessels to be full, but not bluff, and to rise quite perpendicular above the water as high as the “ bead” of the sea, or boil, as we landsmen call it, and that the bend of the roof should there begin. A sharpness in the bows, both above and under water, is necessary, but all hollowing of the parts should be avoided. i. The two vessels to be firmly framed together, but no cross-timbers of the frame to be under the water-level. The transverse arch of the roof affords ample means for securing the two vessels perfectly safe in this respect. The arch of the roof, extending from stem to stern on the sides of the middle space, also offers every oppor- tunity to the carpenter for framing, as it were, a double back-bone, or frame, on the flat side of each boat, which shall not only hold the paddle firmly in its place, but also the working cylinders of the engine, and effectually s ecure the machine from injury in “ pitching,” which otherwise might endanger the whole of the fabric. k. The space between the boats to be as great as safety will permit, and the depth the least to which the hulls of each would sink. The first for the double purpose of affording the greatest breadth to the paddle, any also of giving greatest stability to the vessel when carrying sail, either before the wind, or on a wind, if the fire should fail, or any accident happen to the engine . l. Vessels so constructed require two rudders, one of which is attached to each half, and both connected by a very simple contrivance, which makes them both act with equal effect. m. The general proportions and bulk of a vessel of this construction will depend on EXAMINATION OF ALL THE EVIDENCE REGARDING SAFETY-LAMPS 181 the business expected to be carried on with her, and also on the capital people may feel disposed to risk in the speculation. n. The roof to have an opening in it, through which masts could be elevated, and rigged schooner or lugger fashion. The butts of the , masts to be each fixed in a moveable centre, firmly secured in the middle frame. Such would be the breadth of the deck, that the sheets would be quite sufficient to spread the sails ; no “ booms” would be necessary. Bowsprits could be easily run out ; and the rest of the rigging, such as stays, run down through the roof, through proper openings, and all got to rights in little time. The lower leech of the sail, when hauled flat, would rest upon the roof, which would thus become a part and parcel of the sail. Your nautical readers will readily under- stand these suggestions. In my next I will continue the subject, with your permis- sion. I send you here with the drawing of the Huntsman steamer, which was by some neglect omitted in my former packet. 1 1 are the chimneys ; 2, steam eduction-pipe ; 3 3, cabin chimneys ; 4, cooking-stove chimney ; 5, steering- station ; 6, ladies’ cabin ; 7, gentleman’s cabin ; 8, cook’s house ; 9, boilers ; 10, fire-wood ; 11, flag-staff used for steering by ; 12, pipe from safety-valve. Your well-wisher, E. Talebois. Liverpool, Oct. 7, Mech. Mag. 1835. VENTILATION OF TUNNELS. Sir, — I think the following plan for ven- tilating tunnels would be an improvement upon that which I have seen generally recommended. If the tunnel is one-fourth of a mile long, let a circular orifice be made, 12 inches in diameter, from the centre of the top to the surface ; snd if half a mile or more long, connect 2 other similar orifi- ces in the manner represented in the follow- ing diagram, about 200 yards on each side of the centre passage. These auxiliary orifices rising about fiVe or six feet before passing to the principal, at not more than one -third of the width from the sides. Under each passage there should be placed a strong gas-light lamp ; so that all three lamps would be seen at either end. The main passage should, at two feet from the surface, pass through a fire in a close iron stove, with a continua- tion or funnel of three or four feet, con- tracted at the top to about four inches diame- ter. In this way an excellent ventilation would be produced at all seasons, from the strong current always rushing up to the rarified part, I am. Sir, Your obedient servant, G. L. Smart. Enfield, Dec. 4, l835. — Ibid. REPORT FROM THE SELECT COM- MITTEE OF THE HOUSE OF COxM- MONS ON ACCIDENTS IN MINES: -SIR H. DAVY'S AND OTHER SAFETY-LAMPS. The report from the Select Committee ap- pointed by the House of Commons on the 2nd of June last, to investigate the subject of ac- cidents in mines, which, together with the evi- dence given before the committee, was order- ed to be printed on the 4th of the ensuing Sep- tember, has lately appeared, and persents a body of facts and inductions from them of the moi^t interesting and momentous character. We purpose to extract and transfer to the pages of the Repertory whatever relates to the subject of Safety-lamps, and afterwards to enter into a critical examination of all the, evidence respecting it, and of the conclusions of the committee regarding it ; that portion of the entire subject which received the commit- tee’s attention being as important in a scienti- fic as itis in an economical point of view; and the meanshaving at length been furnished, we conceive, of arriving at some satisfactory determination relative not only to the inven- tion and progressive improvement of the safety- lamp, but also to the degree of actual safety to be obtained from its use, and the influence of its employment in the extension and con- duct of mining for coal, We begin with the committee’s report, retaining the marginal re- ferences to the illustrative points of evidence, many of which also we shall give in the sequel. 182 OF THOSE WHO HAVE PERISHED IN MINES. REPORT. The Select Committee appointed to inquire into the nature, cause and extent of those la- mentable catastrophes which have occurred in the mines of Great Britain, with the view of ascertaining and suggesting the means of pre- venting the recurrence of similar fatal acci- dents, and who were empowered to report the minutes of the evidence taken before them to the house ; — have inquired into the matter referred to them, and have agreed upon the following report. — Your committee have called before them witnesses connected with all the great mining districts of the kingdom. They have also examined plans, diagrams, and a great va- riety of lamps. To the evidence which accompanies this report, your committee solicit the attention of the house. Your committee have had ample opportu- nity of multiplying proofs of the calamities which have occurred in the mines of this kingdom'^, by sudden explosions of fire-damp, foul-air, or sulphur, all which terms are lo- cally applied to carburetted hydrogen gas, so copiously evolved in many of those mines. t Few collieries are entirely free from fire-damp, but in many the quantity emitted is so large, that, in spite of skill and unremitting attention, the risk is constant and imminent. Having alluded to the nature and cause of the accidents which have taken place, your committee proceed to report upon the extent of the mischief which has resulted to pro- perty and human life. The amount of damage sustained by these explosions^: is described by several witnesses to have been great, and, when estimated in connexion with losses arising from interrupted trade, enormous ; it is nevertheless rather with reference to the cause and interests of humanity than in a pecuniary point of view that this inquiry has assumed its just import- ance. Your committee have failed in obtaining accurate information as to the number oflives lost within a limited period. Many docu- ments, however, have been produced, from which much correct information on this por- tion of their inquiry has been derived. In the course of the last session certain re- turns were made by the clerks of the peace of inquests held by the coroners on parties who had met with untimely deaths in the mines of England and Wales. These returns were very defective: from some counties the required information could not be obtained; in others, the nature of the accidents reported was not mentioned. They gave a total of 954 per- sons who had perished during the last twenty- five years. The following is a summary ; — Lives lost. Chester 7 fire-damp and choke damp. Cumberland l40 ditto ditto Lives lost, Derby 19 fire-damp and choke-damp. Gloucester.. 3 ditto ditto Monmouth.. 3 ditto ditto Nottingham.. 18 ditto ditto Salop 89 ditto ditto Somerset 1 ditto ditto Stafford, one district 104 ditto ditto Warwick 3 ditto ditto YorkNorth Riding 29 ditto ditto York, West Riding 23 choke-damp. Ditto 93 fire-damp. Ditto 230 other accidents not [specified. Brecon 15 ditto ditto Ditto 3 explosions. Flint 39 choke-damp and fire-damp. Lancashire (no re- ^ turns for several > 135 ditto ditto districts). 3 954 Many of the counties and divisions of coun- ties from w’hich no returns have been received are those wherein your committee believe catastrophes have occured, which would have materially swelled the catalogue. The coun- ties of Durham and Northumberland, it will be observed, are omitted. As respect these, the most important of all, the exertions of an able and indefatigable collector have supplied the deficiency. Mr. John Sykes, of Netv castle, in his published “ Local Records” of those counties, presented the public with a list of accidents from an early period.* The general correctness of that list has been proved ; it was revised and amended by Mr. Puddlet, who affixed an asterisk opposite the names of the collieries which came under his personal notice at the times named. Those melancholy details are confined to what has happened on the banks of the rivers Tyne and Wear since the year 1710. It appears that in those districts alone, There perished 1,479 by explosions of fire-damp 14 by inundations 37 by other casual- ties 1,600— Total since 17l0 The list as drawn out furnishes an account, from 1810 of 1,125 lives lost ; this, added to the general returns already alluded to, (de- fective and vastly short of the total, as your committee believe them to be,) striking fact requires to be particularly pointed out. If the year 1816 is assumed as the period when Sir Humphry Davy’s lamp came into use, a term of eighteen years previous to the intro- duction of the lamp, 447 persons lost their lives in the counties of Durham and Nor- thumberland*, whilst in the latter term of eighteen years the fatal accidents amounted * 1514.2690.376. t 2030. t 1524. 1666.773. Page 224. + 2377.2954. MINES WORKED BY THE AID OF THE SAFETY LAMP. 183 to 538. To account for this increase, it may be sufficient to observe, that the quantity of coal raised in the said counties has greatly increased ; seams of coal, so fiery as to have lain unwrought,* have been approached and worked by the aid of the safety-lamp.-h Many dangerous mines were successfully carried on though in a most inflammable state, and without injury to the general health of the people employed in them. I Add to this the idea entertained, that on the introduction of that lamp the necessity for former precau- tions and vigilance in a great measure ceased. This fact led your committee to a serious part of their inquiry, how are these calamities to be prevented for the future 1 They desire fully to recognize the undoubted rights of pro- perty, enterprise, and labour. They ac- knowledge their conviction, that the public interest has been served by the opening of the more dangerous mines§, and the competition their working has created, they do not over- look the anxious care alleged to have been maintained to diminish the attendant ris'. || ; but they deem it their duty to state their de- cided opinion, that the interests of humanity demand consideration, and they would gladly put it to the owners of the mines how far any object of pecuniary interest or personal gain, or even t' e assumed advantage of public competition, can justify the continued expo- sure of men and boys in situations where science and mechanical skill have failed in providing anything like adequate protection.^ Immediately after their appointment, your commiitee received intelligence that a most awful and melancholy catastrophe had taken place at Wallsend colliery, between New- castle-on-Tyne and Shields.** Having called for a copy of the evidence taken by the coro- ner, it has been produced, and accompanies this report. The particulars it contains, extracted in the course of an able and patient investigation, and the further elucidation of the casett, as contained in the evidence of M i. Buddie before your committee, are of a deeply interesting character, the whole furnishing an example of a most dangerous mine, which, though conducted on princit)les sanctioned by some of the most eminent colliery viewers and best pitmen, cannot be considered secure from the recurrence of similar calamities. Your committee refer to the verdict of the jury, and to a document (pp. 177—78) containing the opinions of a highly respectable meeting in Newcastle, as proofs that, in the judgment of well informed individuals, no reasonable pre- caution had been omitted. The melancholy result was, that in an instant 101 men and boys were killed. Here your committee would observe, that without any disposition to question the zealous and faithful discharge of their important duties ♦ 1639. + 758., t 1417. 1491. .363. 1621. 1859.1413 1623.1646. ^ 2396. II 1794.1799. H 2069.2090.2165. ♦♦ 1239. t+ Pages 179.190, by local coroners and juries*, it may be expe- dient to consider how far it is necessary to pro- vide that, at the earliest possible opportunity, information of every accident attended with death to a large number of His Majesty’s sub- jects, should be transmitted to the secretary of stale for the home department, and that he, or the chief justice of .England, His Majesty’s coioner, should, at his or their discretion, direct the attendance of some fit and proper person or persons by them to be appointed, to be present at and assist the said coroner and the jury in their investigations. From such a proceeding results the most valuable to humanity and science might be obtained ; the aim of justice would be still better secured, and to the public (particularly the relations of the deceased), the verdict would be deli- vered under the best pos.sible recommendation, and with the highest sanction The presence of carbonic acid gast, or choke-damp, though less sudden and violent in its consequences, has proved a fatal attend- ant of the miner in innumerable instances, and this in districts where explosions are rare and insignificarl. f; Other noxious gases, varying in kind an.d combination, are also stated to exist in certain mines, and furnish additional subjects for chemical investiga- tion.§ Inundations of water have occasion- ally been very destructive. [j There still re- mains a long list of casualties^f , some of which are wholly beyond human control inseparable from mining pursuits, and their fatal results are often justly attributed to ignorance or a w’anton neglect of ordinary caution, and a recklessness of danger in defiance of common discretion-** Your committee, strongly impressed with the paramountimjiortanceofthatpartof the ques- tion referred to them which calls upon them to investigate the best method of preventing the recurrence of these calamities, have assidu- ously and anxiously inquired into the nature and success of the means already adopted. In this part of the inquiry your committee have had the voluntary and valuable aid of philan- throphic and scientific individuals to whom the community is greatly indebted. The means of prevention may be divided under three heads : 1. Ventilation ; 2. Safety-lamps : 3. Maps or plans. 1. VentilationtT, hy wliich is meant, any adequate supply of atmo^'pherical air, suffi- cient as an active agent to displace deleteri- ous gases, or so to adulterate those gases as to leave them no longer explosive, or, as in the case of carbonic acid gas no longer fatal to vitality.;!;^ On ventilation and the daily, unceasing, strict discharge of duly§§ by every person engaged about the mines, from the scientific, professional viewers, through all grades, the' under viewer, the wasteman, the overman, the deputy, the lamp-keeper,, the pit- man, down to the trapper ("often a boy too * 2281 2261. + 1528.1849.2375.3345.684. ^ 2506. ^ 876. 11 2366. 5 1824.2450. ** 1779.2040.205i: 2191.2252.2351 2965.1082.1132. + + 1605. H 527. ^^ 1567.1613, 184 WHERE DAVY’S LAMP CEASES TO AFFORD PROTECTION. young and thoughtless who manages the air doors), depends the safety of hundreds of men and boys, from minute to minute ; one act of omission of assigned duty, one solitary, momentary neglect, may cause the instant destruction of life and property to an indefi- nite extent.* 2. Safety-lamps; by the aid of which the miner is enabled to commence and continue his operation in situations where no naked light could be used, and at other times as a pre- caution against apprehended sudden changes in the atmosphere which surrounds him.'f' 3. Maps or plans, accurately defining not only the mode of conducting the air-courses, but the entire of the workings, pointing out also the position of adjacent abandoned mines, which may have become reservoirs of gas or of water.^ The various modes of mines§ already in use, as well as those systems which have given place to improved methods, will be found detailed by various witnesses, and their merits so fully canvassed, as to require no comment from your committee. To enter upon a review of every plan and suggestion, would compel your committee to exceed the reasonable limits of a report. They do not he- sitate to express a conviction, that whilst some mines equally foul, are naturally freed from large accumulations of gas]], by the approx- imation of the seams of coals to the surface of the earth, others where the seams lie horizontally, or nearly so, require more shafts, additional opportunities for the injection of pure air and the rejection of foul, than are ordinarily afforded. A less parsimonious system in this respect^, in the original design of those mines, and in their subsequent work- ing, would have rendered easy otherwise difficult ventilation, and saved many valu- able lives. The absolute necessity of greater attention to this point thas been fully esta- blished. The practice of placing wooden partitions or brattices** * * §§ in the ventilating shafts is deser- vedly reprobated; the slightest explosion may remove them, thus the whole system of venti- lation is destroyed, and no timely aid can be rendered to the temporarily surviving suf- ferers. Your committee have reason to believe that this opinion is generally adopted in the coal mining districts.'!''}' To this point they attach an importance, inferior only to the provision of a sufficent number of up-cast and down-cast shafts. ++ They consider tliat the evidence justifies the suspicion that the foul and free air courses are frequently too near to each other, §§ the communications not adequately protected, and that the lengths of of air-coursing are excessive, giving oppor- tunities for leakage, interruption, and contami-|| The temporary nature of the stop- * 1611.16161.620.1045.2068.2233.2965.686.2995. 1126.1128.1482. + 1961. t 1092.1363.1391. § 1562.1568.1988.1994.2095.2612.2853.2916.3018. 315S*869*98S* § II 2324! II 2152. ** 1606. 1651 .2124.2128. 2307. 2341. t+ 2133. ft 2048.2173.3t47. §§2176.4079. HH 1587.1644. 2540. pings, often boards imperfectly united, some- times mere heaps of small coal, and their fre- quent derangement*, inevitably produce dan- gerous consequences. Your committee have endeavoured to inves- tigate, with strict impartiality, the merits of the different lamps which have been brought under their notice. In the course of the evi- dence many varieties will be found described. The invention claimed by Sir Humphry Davy, on principles demonstrated by that able philosopher, may be considered as having essentially served the mining interests of this kingdom, and through them contributed largely to the sources of national as well as individual wealth. Many invaluable seams of coal never could have been worked with- out the aid of such an instrumentt ; and its long use throughout an. extensive district, with the comparatively limited number of acci- dents,}: proves its claim to be considered, un- der ordinary circumstances, a safety lamp. The principles of its construction appear to have been practically known§ to the wit- nesses Clanny and Stevenson, previously to the period when Davy brought his powerful mind to bear upon the subject, and produced an instrument which will hand down his name to the latest ages. || The attention of your committee has been drawn by different witnesses^ to contingen- cies in mining, under which the lamp of Sir H. Davy ceases to afford adequate protection. Of the possible existence and nature of those contingencies**, your committee have ascer- tained that the inventor was well awareft, and they regret that the cautions he gave to some of his immediate friends were not made more public. Accidents have occurred where his lamp was in general and careful use ; no one survived to tell the tale how these occurrences took place ; conjecture supplied the want of positive knowledge}:}; most unsatis- factorily ; but incidents are recorded which prove what must follow unreasonable testing of the security of that lamp ; and your com- mittee are constrained to believe, that igno- rance and a false reliance upon its merits in cases attended with unwarrantable risk, have led to disastrous consequences. The proofs collected in support of this opinion maybe considered so many warnings to the miners of England. The prejudices which exist in many districts against the employment of the Davy lamp§§ are not occasioned by doubts of its protective character; the complaints made are of too little light HH, and the difficulty, in comparison with the use of the common candle, in bringing that light to bear with precision on the work, particularly in the thickest seams which are found in Warwick- shire, Staffordshire, and other counties^^. Notwithstanding these prejudices, your com- * 1695.3389. + 1664. t 2588.1334. § 2236.334.340.1545.1556.1561. |1 1551. f 1886.2558.2586.818.3833.3960. 2226.2787. 2941.2912.3446. ft 2562. tt 3247.641. §§ 2547.2556.2702. |||| 1956.2701. r^ISO. 5 5 1633. 1 761 . 1 778.2239.2568. 2747. 470. SUGGESTIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS IN THE SAFETY LAMP. 185 mittee conceive that no employer of miners can be justified in allowing caprice, or incon- venience to certain individuals, to interfere with a due protection to the lives of his work- people. In some mines, now lighted by the ordinary means, the use of the lamp, ought, in the judgment of your committee, to be compelled by the owners. Many improvements, calculated to lessen the number of dangerous contingencies alrea- dy alluded to, have been suggested, all these may be considered asextensions of the princi- ple ; such are the lamps produced by Messrs. Upton and Roberts, Mr. Newman, Mr. Martin. Mr, Douglas, Mr. Wood, and Mr. Dillon.* The lamps of Dr, Clanny and Mr. Ayres are provided with additional mechani- cal contrivances, intended to exclude danger, which might overcome the safety principle ; and at once warn the miner of the insecurity ofhis situation, by the extinction of his light. All these are described in the evidence, except Mr. W, Martin’s ; a drawing which ac- companies will serve that object ; and Mr, Ayres’s, whtch is a suspended extinguisher, descending on the flame immediately the gas inside the gauze is ignited ; this lamp cannot be opened or interfered with without prc iu- cing such extinction. Your committee have not ascertained how far the extinction of the lighted wick would also be acorn panied by the extinction of the burning gas surrounding it. In the experiments made before your com- mittee at the London University, it may possi- bly be remarked, that the tests applied were such in nature or mode of application, as the known actual condition of the mines'b would point out as satisfactory. It must not be forgotten that the object of those experi- ments was to ascertain which, of all the lamps produced, was, when exposed to the severest trial, best entitled to the name of “ Safety- lamp.” In these experiments the explosion of the gases within the lamp was effected in every one, and similar explosions produced externally, save Messrs. Upton and Roberts's. Your committee are, therefore, decidedly convinced that its construction possesses pa- ramount merit. Your committee cannot ad- mit that these experiments had any tendency to detract from the character of 6’ir H. Davy, or todisparage the fair value placed by himself upon his invention. The improvements are probably those which longer life and addi- tional facts would have induced him to con- template as desirable, and of which, had he not been the inventor, he might have become the patron. With the sole exception of unex- pected destruction of the instrument, Messrs. Upton and Roberts’s lamp appear ’s to your committee to provide against all, or nearly all, the contingencies attending the Davy- lamp. Ml . Buddie states, that tin shields];, and a partial concealment of the lamp under their dress, constitute the prudential precau- tions taken by the miners in dangerous situa- tions to prevent the flame passing the gauze when the lamp is agitated. The glass chamber does all this with greater certainty ; its sudden 364 371.815.821.1332. X 2229.3481.739. fracture leaves the instrument a perfect lamp on Sir H. Davy’s construction.* The intro- duction of the glass is not new ; the novelties are, the shape of the glass, the collar which regulates the admission of air or gas to the cotton wick, and the double tissue of gauze beneath the wick, which prevents firing back- wards.! If no practical objections are dis- covered], and your committee do not contem- plate any which may not be readily overcome, iVIessrs. Upton and Roberts’s lamp will sup- ply a grand desideratum, especially if exten- sive experience should prove that the lamp and area of the gauze may be so increased as to allow of more light with safety. On the necessity of having correct maps and plans, your committee have already reported. The long catalogue of casualties to which the miner is subject will be found detailed in the evidence. Mr. Roberts, one of the witnesses, produced to your committee his safety-hood, to enable persons to enter drains, wells, and mines charged with carbonic acid gas. Your committee report with pleasure their opinion of its great value, and of the merit of the inventor. The advantages to be obtained by having the safety-hood always ready for use are by no means hypothetical§, interesting proofs of what may be effected by its use have been received, and the practicability of saving life after explosions, when no hope remained, On a review of their labours, your committee cannot but feel apprehensive that they have in great measure failed in devising adequate remedies for the painful calamities they have to investigate ; they entertain, notwithstanding, a sangrrine expectation that the attention of the public will be availingly turned to this interesting subject.^ The aid they have received from many scientific and philanthropic characters in the course of this inquiry, and the didnterested zeal the parties have mani- fested, warrant these hopes. How far legis- lative enactments** might come fairly in aid of the miner, has had the serious considera- tion of your committee. The great dissimi- larity of the mineral stratifications of the kingdom, the constantly varying circumstance of particular minesfL, render it in their opi- nion impossible, at present, to lay down any precise directions, or to form any rules of uni- versal application]:];- Your committee agree with many intelligent witnesses, that great benefit might be fairly and sanguinely antici- pated from men of known ability being encou- raged to visit the mines, whether in the character of distinguished chemists, mecha- nists, or philanthropists. Your committee are assured that these visits would be received with pleasure by the mine owners, and that every assi3tance§§ in the way of experimenting would h i promptly afFoided. They retain a grateful recollection of the results which followed the visits of Sir Humphry Davy. On considering what may be due to the comfort and welfare of a class of men, who. ♦ 1903.3319 897.1048. + 1923.1946.3096. ] 1941 » 3963. ^ 1853.3521.3545. || 2935. 5 766 775. + * 1813.4131.4166. ++ 1806.1814. ]] ^ 2415,2509. +4061. THE RESEARCHES OF ENTOMOLOGISTS. at great personal risk, contribute largely to the necessities, luxuries, wealth, of this great empire; the immense value of these mines to the community ; the loss of life which has occcurred and the benefits which have already accrued from the labours and investigations of scientific characters ; your committee have been disposed maturely to weigh the sugges- tions which have been made to them upon the necessity of having this inquiry continued in the mining districts*, by competent indi- viduals, acting under authority. They are not insensible to the advantages which might result from such a proceeding ; but many serious objections having been stated to the proposition, your committee conclude, under present circumstances, to abstain from giving an opinion upon the necessity or expediency of such a course. Your committee are glad to find that in- creasing attention is paid to the moral culture and education of the mining pojiulationf . From the establishment of associations similar to the polytechnic school^ recently formed in Cornwall, as named by one or more wit- nesses§, and the opportunity thus afforded of cultivating native talent||, great advantages may be anticipated.^ Whilst your committee have in the case just alluded to; had pleasing proof of the solicitude with which the welfare and safety of the miners are consulted in many places, they cannot express the sense they entertain of the responsibility incurred by the owners of mines generally** ; in their hands are the lives of a vast multitude of their fellow-creatures industriously contributing to their personal and our national aggrandize- ment. The dependence placed upon agents and managers is necessarily greatft, and doubtless, in many instances, from the characters of the individuals, justifiable. The number of subordinate overseers, under whatever name, ought never to be reduced on any pretence of eco- nomy ; a vigilant oversight of these on the part of the owners, viewers or manageis, as well as a determination to employ none in responsible stations who have not recommend- ed themselves by long experience, skill, so- briety, and habits of strict attentiontf, may prevent many accidents. It is the bounden duty of these owners carefully and constantly to examine into the state of their mines ; if this is not personally practicable, they ought to call for written daily reports from their subalterns, of every circumstance and event connected with the proper ventilation of the mines. There will, however, still remain to be exercised that quick perception of cause and effectV§> that accurate adaptation of means to the end, that nice observation of var- ous natural phenomena connected with the state of the atmosphere at the surface and under ground, upon which, it is obvious, safety must ultimately depend. Every possi- ble; exertion should be made 11 11, every effort *112509. + 222. 1 205. § 3174.1193. H 1S70. f 3945. ** 1761.2163.2458.3690.533. tt 615. 737.2230. 4431.1353. 41 1803.2063.2960. §§ 3737.1809 1669.1676, IIU 1703.2804.3167.3792.783. employed to bring the workmen acquainted with their individual responsibilities, and those theories and principles, both as regards the lamps and proper ventilation, upon the obser- vance of which tiieir personal existence and that of their comrades are at stake. In conclusion, your committee regret that the results of this inquiry have not enabled them to lay before the house any particular plan, by which the accidents in question may be avoided with certainty, and in consequence no decisive recommendations are offered. 'I'hey anticipate great advantages to the public anrl to humanity, from the circulation of the mass of valuable evidence they have collected * They feel assured that science will avail itself of the information, if not for the first time ob- tained, yet now prominently exhibited ; and that tlie parties for whose more immediate advantage the British parliament undertook the inquiry, will not hestitate to place a generous construction on the motives and intentions of the legislature. September 4, 1835. The report concludes with a list of thirty-six persons from whom communications have been received by .the committee, and which, it is stated, “ have received due attention.” OBSERVATIONS ON INSECTS PRO- DUCING SILK, AND ON THE POS- SIBILITY OF REARING SILK CROPS IN. ENGLAND BY THE Rev. F. W. HOPE, F.R.S.,&c.— Previously to entering on the subject of this paper, I will offer some statistical details, illustrative of the vast im- portance to the commerical prosperity of this great country, of the few insects producing silk. These details may stimulate the ento- mologist to pursue particular lines of in- quiry ; and may we not hope that the result of such researches will be the addition to our productive sources of various new species of these little labourers, to whom man owes so much f— species which might be available at our own doors, by the capacity of enduring our climate, and thriving on its vegetable pro- ductions, and, in case it were necessary, by having recourse to artificial means for their culture I May we not suppose the manufac- turer would find his hot-houses for silk- worms as profitable a speculation, with ex- tended demand, as the fruiterer does his hot- house for the supply of the comparatively limited demand for the luxurious desserts of the rich ? In the years 1822-3 respectively, the quan- tity of silk imported for home consumption was 4,392,073 lbs. and 4,758,453 lbs., being an mcrease of 3| per cent, in the latter year. The value of the exports for those years was 529,990L, and 740,294f., being increase of 40 per cent in one year. The average for ten years, from 18l4 to 1823, and the succeeding ten years, exhibits a more striking and grati- fying difference ; the first period giving for annual home consumption 1,680,616 lbs., and the last ten years, 3,651,810 lbs., being an increase of 131 per cent. * 1872.1381.1384.776. GENERA OF MOTHS PRODUCING SILK.— HINTS TO THE PEOPLE IN INDIA. 187 On the authority of Mr. Winkworth. I state the number of persons employed in England in the silk trade in 1823 at 500,000 ; and at the present moment there are proba- bly 700,000 engaged in it. Leaving these details for the present, let us now proceed to the examination of insects producing silk.. The chief insects which produce silk are ichneumons, spiders, and moths. My friend. Mr. Stephens, will this evening exhibit to your notice a specimen of ichneumon-silk ; and as it is more likely to prove an object of curiosity than utility, I pass on to spider- silks. Several genera of spiders produce silk of various strength and qualities, such as the gossamers, and our domestic species, as well as many others. In France, Monsieur Bon had gloves and stockings manufactured of it : sufficient experiments, however, have not yet been made to ascertain the quantity and quali- ties of spider-silk. If in Rome the whimsically extravagant emperor, Heliogabalus, collected 10,000 lbs weight of spiders, as a vain display of power surely in this metropolis we might collect a sufficient quantity of cobweb to perfect any experiments on a silk likely to be as strong as that obtained from Bombyx Mori, and proba- bly less impervious to wet ; a silk, however, not likely ever to be much in vogue, from the natural antipathy which prevails against spiders from the difficulty and expense in- collecting the web, and the impracticability in breeding spiders in any numbers, arising from their voracious and predatory habits : but the cocoons might be gathered and un- wound. Abandoning our indigenous webs, such as float over the fields, as well as those which hang in dusky wreaths in garrets and in cellars, we may naturally expect to meet with exotic and tropical species which yield silk worth attention. It is probable that the cylindrical sacks of the gigantic Mygale may be advantageously collected, as the cocoons equal in size large walnuts, in one nidus of which 100 young ones have been discovered: it is reported, also, that some kinds of web are so strong that birds are entangled in the meshes, and that their webs oppose a certain de- gree of resistance even to man himself. In concluding my remarks on spider-silk, I would recommend that attention be directed to the silk obtained from Epeira clavipes, a spider abundant in Bermuda; fine specimens of its silken cocoon may be seen at the British Museum ; and other species of the same genus also are deserving ofattention. MOTH SILK. The principal moths producing silk belong to the genera Clisiocampa, Bombyx, and Tinea. The Bombyx Mori (the proper type of the genus) yields it in great abundance: this species has become naturalized in the fairest portions of the globe. As it appears from the statistical details that silk is so intimately connected with our com- mercial and manufacturing interest, it is evi- dently worth while, for the prosperity of those interests, to recommend its increased cultiva- tion j and really, if ever there was a period when its cultivation could be carried on with increased success, it is the present moment. Look at our Indian possessions in the full en- joyment of peace : the English, ruling these extensive territories, might induce the natives to grow (if I may use the term) any quantity of silk, sufficient to glut all the markets of Europe. In these regions there are generally eight successive silk crops; some authorities assert even more. Extending, moreover, our views to China, as the trade with that country is now thrown open to British capital, enter- prise, and industry, we may naturally expect that a stimulus may be applied there to its in- creased production. Abandoning for the pre- sent, however, foreign produce, it remains to state the possibility of growing silk in England, and this part of my subject requires a thorough investigation. Prussia, Bavaria, and even Northern Russia, whose climates are not superior to our own, grow annually large quantities ofsilk ; and why does not England do the same, the answer is, the price of labour is here too high ; secondly, the experiments tried have already failed. Notwithstanding these assertions, I think that it is possible to grow silk in England, and grow it even with success and profit. To meet these objections I would suggest, first, that we ought to breed silk-worms in hot-houses throughout the year ; and, secondly, that the Pavonia Moths of Europe and other countries, as well as the Atlas Moths of Asia, should be reared in like manner. It has already been remarked, that several corps are obtained in the East withiu the year ; and why may we not also expect in England several, by means of breeding the worms in hot-houses. In India the long- est period for a generation of silk-worms ap pear to be forty days : even allowing fifty days in England for a generation, we may then ex- pect seven crops of silk. If we only obtained four, that is double the number produced in Italy, where they annually rear but two. I need now scarcely add that four crops will no doubt repay the speculator for rearing silk. To reduce, however, his expenditure as much as possible, I would recommend him to feed the silk-worms with lettuce instead of mul- berry leaves ; first, as there is less expense in the cultivation ; secondly as, the lettuce can be grown cheaply in cucumber-frames during the winter months ; and, lastly, as the quality of the silk does not depend so much on the quality of the leaf as it does on the degree of temperature in which the worm is reared. I would strenuously recommend tbe lettuce. Should the food of the mulberry-tree, however, be preferred to the lettuce, we can still adopt the discovery of Ludovico Bellarde, of Turin. His plan consisted in giving the worms the pul verized leaves of the mulberry-trees, slightly moistened with water : the leaves were gather- in the previous summer, dried in the sun, redu- ced to powder, and then stowed away in jars for the winter food, or till the tree was in full foliage. Repeated experiments made by Bel- larde prove that the worm preferred this kind of food to any other, as they devour it with the greatest avidity. To reduce still further the expenditure, old men, women, and children might be employed in feeding the worms, as 188 ON TRACKING OR TOWING BOATS. i<5 the case at present in India ; indeed might not the poor in the workhouses be rendered available, thus affording them amusement and profit? With regard to rearing other silk-moths, I am well convinced that the Pavonia minor might be propagated to any extent in this country, as the larva are general feeders, probably the Lacquey Moths might also be rearerl with success ; the larger PovonicE of Europe, and other countries should also be tried. But a great object would be to import the eggs and breed the Atlas Moths in Eng- land, which have already yielded a fine silk well worthy the attention of the manufacturer of Great Britain, As there is not time at present to enter into the merits of the Tasseb, Arrindi, Bugby and Kilisurra silk-worms of India, I merely men- tion the chief writers on tliis subject, viz. the celebrated James Anderson, Dr. Roxburgh, General Hardwicke, and Colonel Sykes, the two last, I arn happy to say, are members of this Society, and 1 am sure will most willing- ly give all assistance in their power towards the attainment of so desirable an object as that of rearing silk in this country * * Should the first attempts fail, eventually there is every reason to lielieve that success In concluding these remarks, I would sug- gest the formation of a committee to investi- gate all that relates to silk. Let the silk ma- nufacturer learn that the committee is disposed to give him all the assistance in its power, that it is equally desirous of his advice and observation ; let the mechanic learn that we need his practical aid on which he alone can give us useful assistance. A report, emanating from this society, embodying in it the opinions of the manufacturer and entomologist, would do some good. If the object of producing silk in England fail altogether, we shall still have the merit of meaning well ; should it exceed, however, thousands of our poorer countrymen will find employment and reap the benefit. — Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, vol. i. 1835. must follow perseverance as it has already done in other countries Till that wished for period arrives, I would earnestly recommend not only^he increased cultivation of silk in India, but in all our colonies, most particularly in New Holland. At the Cape of Good Hope, at the Mauritius, at Malta, at the barren rocks of St Helena, the silk-worm has been intro- duced with partial success ; and from those countries may we not in future calculate on some increasing produce ? SPECIFICATION OF THE PATENT GRANTED TO JAMES BOYDELL, JUN., OF DEE COTTAGE, NEAR HAWARDEN, NORTH WALES, FOR IMPROVEMENTS IN MACHINERY FOR TRACKING OR TOWING BOATS OR OTHER VESSELS. ' Sealet\.^ To all to whom these presents shall come, &c. &c. — Now know ye, that in compliance with the said proviso, I, the said James Boy- dell, do declare the nature of my said inven- tion to consist in the construction and ar- rangement of certain apparatus of machinery by which boats or other vessels maybe tracked, towed, or moved, in a manner possesing par- ticular advantages , under particular circum- stances, as will be hereafter explained ; and the manner in which the same is to be per- formed or carried into effect, will be more clearly seen by reference to the annexed drawing, and the following description thereof. It will be remarked that certain letters and figures of reference are used in this deserp- tion and drawing, but that the same letters, when repeated, indicate the same parts throughout. DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING. Fig. 1, represents a sectional view of a ferry or ford to which my improved apparatus or machinery is applied, and. Fig. 2, a plan or bird’s eye view of part of the same machinery or apparatus. In these figures, a, represents a ferry boat floating on the surface of the water, and, a, c, the chain or cable, which I call the bridle, by which it is held and prevented from drift- ing by the current or stream, h, b, indicate the high water mark, and, c, c, the low water mark (see fig. 1) ; this ferry being subjected to the influence of the tide, b, b, represent tv7o inclined planes or landing places of masonry, for the convenience of landing car- riages or passengers at all times of the tide. DESCRIPTION OF MACHINERY FOR TRACKING BOATS. 189 c, is a whimsey, which may be worked by horse or other power, around the drum of which is carried the endless chain, d, d, d,d‘, this chain is carried across the river or ferry, and on the opposite side to that on which the whimsey, c, is placed, where the chain is pass- ed round an horizontal warve or pulley, d, from which it returns to the whimsey, c, in a parallel direction to that in which it was car- ried across the river, as best seen at fig. 2, where, as already stated, the same letters indicate the same parts as in fig. 1. Now by tracing the revolution of the drum or barrel of the whimsey, round which the chain, d, d, d, d, is wound, it will be clear that the mo- tion imparted to the chain will cause one of the parallel lines of the ehain at the bottom of the river or ford to move in one direction while the opposite line of chain is moving in the reverse direetion, as indicated by the small arrows placed near the chain in the drawing, and also that the direetion of motion of the chain must depend on the direction of rotation imparted to. the whimsey. The bridle, a, a, which holds the ferry boat, a, from drifting down the stream, is attached or fastened to one of the parallel sides of the chain, d, d, d, d, and it is by the motion of the chain, d, d, d, d, that the ferry boat, a, is tracked or towed from one side of the ferry to the other, and returned by the same means when the rotation of the whimsey, c, is reversed. To prevent the chain, CO ^ • _ ui ^ a;2 ^ ^ g a a o^.a 3 >> a- D-rO -3 o -H aj ^ 3 g ^a -V— ^313 CO Tjc *n a| 9 ^ J5 3 a o a l,s CO CO ^ fl a ^ o a 60-^ a «*-4 'a ° a S 60 'a a • a^a rd "3 -w a 2 CO )" g S o.S O) (U 53 60.2 S ^ -3 a "o •V ^ ^ ^ ^ O CJ o Journal of the Asiatic So- ciety, 1835. (Continued from page 164.^ Our author having left Oogah passes a few sandstone rocks, and also an island resembling the “ knot in appearance and structure, and arrives at the foot of Jeeka.” The elevation of Jeeka is represented at 3,000 feet ; it rises in an abrupt manner above the range with which it is connected, and has the appearance at a distance of an isolated hill. A dense forest with a little variety of shade covers the mountain from top to bot- tom. This is a singular feature in the character of the hills in Arracan. At Sandoway we have ascended immense heights where we have found splendid forest trees ; it shews how fertile the soil is, and that these mountains may be cultivated to their summits. The height, of which Lieut. Foley is speaking, is level and clear, but uncultivated; the inhabitants will not fix their habitation there on account of wild beasts with which it abounds. The deluded people are likewise possessed with the belief that fairies and evil spirits would be equally troublesome and frequent intruders. Our author observed the prints of elephants’ and tigers’ feet in several places. Herds of elephants may be frequently seen during the evening feeding upon the long grass and underwood at the foot of the mountain. The inhabitants do not attempt to catch or destroy them, although they are particularly troublesome in the months of October and November, (when the rice crops are ripe) when they descend into the plains committing much mischief. With respect to the geological feature of Jeeka, a brown ferruginous sand- stone regularly stratified, with an inclination to the south-west, was the only rock visible on the surface. Lieut Foley did not ascer- tain whether this sandstone appeared on the summit of the mountain or was succeeded by some other rock. Stratification is distinct at the foot of a small range bounded by the sea at a little distance beyond the mountain. The several layers rising from under each other for a considerable extent resemble a sandstone which covers the lignite coal of Phooringoo^, an island to the east of Combermere bay. Our author proceeds eastward ; the road was over hills intersected with ravines and cover- ed with jungle, the road leads to Ramhreeng- keh, Kyouk-nemo, and Singhunnethe. Our author saw the flying squirrel on this occasion. “ It is a very handsome creature, and larger than the squirrel of Europe. The head, back, and tail are covered with a rich coat of dark-brown fur the under part of the chin, neck, belly, and legs being of a bright yellow colour. The skin about the sides and forelegs is loose, and capable of being so much extend- ed, that in making its prodigious spring from tree to tree it appears rather to fly than leap. It is said to be very destructive to gardens ; if taken young it may be rendered perfectly tame." The village Ramhreengheh is large and re- markably neat, surrounded by hills and gar- dens of plantain trees, The soil is of a rich yellow clay, on which are seen indigo, tobacco and pepper plants. To the right and beyond this spot is the village Kyouk-nemo, accessi- ble to the sea and once infested withdacoits. Lieut. Foley reaches a creek which he crosses. The shore on the opposite side consists of deep clay. Our author proceeds to the village of Singhunnethe. “ Singhunnethe, as was the case with all the villages that 1 had seen on the sou- thern side of the island, is surrounded with plantain trees, which not only afford a wholesome and favourite article of food, but are in constant request for the pro- duction of a solution of potash^ used in the preparation of dyes, more especially in those derived from indigo. The mode in which the potash is obtained from the plantain trees is similar to that followed in other parts of the world in its extraction from the * During the time that Government held the monopoly of salt in Arracan, the plantain trees frequently afforded to the poor a substitute for the common sea salt. So strictly were the Government rights protected, that a poor woman was actually prosecuted in one of the courts for collecting a little sea salt oft' a rock on which it had been deposited on the evapo- ration of the water left by the tide ! UPPER FRESH WATER LIMESTONE DISCOVERED. 269 different vegetable substances that pro- duce it, with this exception, that it is held in solution by the water, which is not suffered to evaporate. The stem and branches of the plantain tree are divested of the outer rind, and then broken up into small pieces, which are laid upon the fire and slowly consumed; the ashes are lixiviated with water which is strained off, and reserved for mixture with the dyes. In front of the Soo- gree’s house, and in the centre of the village, a nice tank had been dug ; the only one 1 had hitherto met with, tanks being seldom seen except in the neighbourhood of large towns. The houses were neat and built with more attention to comfort and order than is general in the villages of Rambree. 1 remarked a hideous representation of the human countenance drawn with lime upon several of the door-posts. I was told, it is put up to deter the demon of sickness from entering the dwelling. Much sickness had been experienced of late, and this was one of the many absurd customs resorted to, with the view of ridding the neighbourhood of its presence, I further learned that when any one of a family has been a long time sick, and recovery appears doubtful, the inmates of the house assemble and make a tremen- dous noise with drums and gongs, at the same time beating the roof and walls with sticks to expel the evil spirit who is supposed to have taken possession of the dwelling. One door alone is left open for his escape, all the others being closed. While this is going on a Phoongree stands upon the road, opposite to the house, reading a portion of the Khubbo- ivah, a book that is held in particular venera- tion. A further ceremony is sometimes ob- served by the invalid as an additional security for a complete restoration to health ; but it is only performed by those who feel them- selves, as it is termed, possessed, and called to the exercise of the duty required of them, as a propitiatory sacrifice to the malignant spirit from whose ill will their sickness is supposed to originate. This ceremony, which is called Ndth-Kadey, very much reminds me of the antics played by the dancing Dervisesof old. A brass dish, or any piece of metal highly burnished, is put up in a frame, and in front of this are laid offerings of fruit, flowers, and sweetmeats. When every thing has been properly arranged, the invalid commences dancing, throwing the body into the most ludicrous attitudes ; and pretending to see the object of worship reflected upon the plate of metal, makes still greater exertions, until the limbs are overpowered, and the dancer sinks exhausted upon the ground. Should the sick person be so weak as to render such assistance necessary, he (or she,) is support- ed by a friend placed on each side during the whole of the ceremony. It is by no means improbable that this violent exertion has on many occasions proved highly beneficial, realizing the most sanguine expectations of the people. In cases of ague or rheumatism, where a profuse perspiration, and a more general circulation of the blood throughout the human frame is required, there is perhaps no other mode of treatment more likely to produce the desired effect ; and could some proper substitute be found for a piece of metal, the Ndth-Kadey, might be introduced with advantage into our own hospitals.” The following observations may give sub- ject for discussion which now divides the fluvialists and diluvialists in England and France. Talking of the Hughs, Lieut. Foley adds — “ It is their belief that there are many worlds, and that the earth has been subject to the several and repeated actions of fire and water. (A fact that will not perhaps be dis- puted by some of the most celebrated geolo- gists of the present day.) The soul, they affirm, may pass through many stages of existence, either in this or another world ; the nature of each change depending upon its moral condition.” Our author proceeded over a red hill co- vered with a red iron clay. ” From the summit of this hill I enjoy- ed a fine prospect of the channel that divides the eastern side of the island from the district of Sandoway. The hills of Lamoo and Kalynedong rose on the opposite shore, and the distant mountains of Yoomadong were faintly visible amidst the clouds that sur- rounded them. Descending this range I approached the village of Saain-kyong, cele- brated for its lime. The limestone is found at the foot of a high hill to the left of the road. This was the first limestone that 1 had seen on Rambree Island ; and it is so concealed by the jungle, that had I not been previously made aware of its existence and enquired for its site, I should have proceeded on my jour- ney unconscious that such a rock was in my neighbourhood. From its appearance, and more particularly from the rocks with which it is associated, I am inclined to class it with the “ npper fresh-water limestone’* found in tertiary formations ; it is of a greyish white- colour ; of a fine compact texture, but very brittle. It occurs in several detached mas- ses of a globular or columnar form, and al- though 1 made every possible search along the ravines in its neighbourhood, I could discover nothing that would indicate the slightest ap- proach to a stratification ; nor has this species of limestone been discovered in any other part of the island. There were no appear- ance of the fossil remains sometimes found in this rock, such as freeh-water shells, &c. The limestone is split into several large frag- ments by means of fire ; these are again brok- en into smaller pieces, and the whole convey- ed in baskets to the lime-kilns constructed on the banks of the Saayre-kyong creek, which at full tide has sufficient depth of water to admit of the approach of large boats. The whole of the lime used in Rambree Island, either for architectural purposes, or for the preparation of the edible chunam, is obtained from this rock. I w'as told that the lime, if taken in large quantities, was sold on the spot for 3^ maunds per rupee, and that there were generally from 100 to 200 maunds col- lected. Crossing the creek at low water, I PROGRESS OF SCIENCE AND LITERATURE IN INDIA. observed a few boulders of lias clay and calc spar imbedded in its banks. Proceeding from thence by a neat/T/oum and grove of mangoe trees, I arrived at Seppo-towng, a village si- tuated at the foot of a high hill covered with forest trees, and diversified with a few spots of ground cleared for the cultivation of the plantain tree. The tall Girjuns, with their white trunks divested of branches, were emi- nently conspicuous amidst their more graceful but probably less serviceable neighbours. The Girjtin yields the oil that bears its name, and is used for combustion as well as for ad- mixture with paints, varnishes, &c. (See Jour. As. Soc. II. 93.) Ihese trees are very abundant upon the island, and are farmed by Government. The mode of extracting the oil would appear to be as follows : a deep notch is cut in the trunk of the tree by means of a dhao or other in- strument, and to this fire is applied until the wood becomes heated, and oil is seen to exude upon the surface. In the course of three or four days perhaps as much as a seer or a seer and a half of oil is collected within the cavity, and the tree will continue to afford a certain quantity of oil for five months or more, the collections being generally made every fifth day. When the oil has ceased to flow the tree is again cut in the same place, so that the whole of the wood which had been con- sumed or scorched is removed ; fire is once more applied, and the oil collected as before. The notch has after repeated cuttings become so deep as would render any further attack upon the trunk, in this particular spot, de- structive to the tree ; in which case the dhao is laid upon another part of the trunk, and the same process observed as before men- tioned. The tree is said to yield oil at all seasons of the year, precautions being taken during the rains to exclude the water. A large Girjun tree has been known to produce oil for 12 successive years, and as others are constantly supplying the place of those de- stroyed, there is no falling off in the amount of the several years’ collections. The oil is sold in Ramhree at the rate of two or three maunds per rupee, and the greater part of it bought for exportation.” In our next we shall conclude this in- teresting account of Ramhree. Art. IV. — Madras Journal of Literature and Science, published under the auspices of the Madras Literary Society and Auxiliary Royal Society, edited by the Secretary to the Asiatic Department, No. 12, July, 1836. Oct. pp. 240. Madras. Printed and Published by J. B. Pharoah. The light of science and literature is now bursting forth in all parts of India ! When we commenced the labours of our new work we did not expect to have upon our desk so many splendid productions, containing, in so great a measure, erudition and talent ; but they crowd upon us, and no sooner is one passed through analysis than another is submitted- The work we are now about to examine has just reached us but in time to enable us to announce it to our readers. A brief examination of its contents has been quite sufficient to prove that the journal con- tains matter which will excite intense inter- est among the scientific circles of the east, as well as add considerably to our present state of the physical and geological charac- ter of India. The geological papers are from the well known pen of Dr. Benza and Mr. Robt. Cole. The formergives a geological des- cription of the country between Madras and Neilgherry hills ; the latter on the geological position and association of the laterite in ^ iron-clay formation of India, with a descrip- tion of that rock as it is found at the red . hills near Madras. An exceedingly inter- esting communication of Col. Monteith’s on a visit to Cumbaucumdroog — a remarkable tableland near Madras, contains some refer- ence to the geological character in that direct tion. On botanical subjects are observations on the Flora of Courtallum, by Dr. R. Wright, and Remarks on the Vegetation of the Neilgherries, by Captain AUardyce. There are notes also by Col. Monteith on Persia, Tartary, and Afghanistan. A paper of great value by Mr. Taylor, astronomer to the H. C. C. gives a cursory view of the present state of astronomical science, with a sum- mary desiderate, together with a notice of astronomical results at the Madras observa- tory. We also observe a communication on the mass of the planet Jupiter, by Goday Venkata Juggarow. In addition to the foregoing we find a curious and able paper on the metamorphosis of the musquito, by Mr. Gilchrist. Among literary and historical subjects is a paper giving a brief notice of some of the Persian poets, by Lieut. New- bold ; a communication on the genealogy of the Kings of the Mahomedan dynasty in Achin, by Lieut. Reynolds ; also observa- tions on original and derived languages, by the Rev. B. Schmid. We promise however to give our readers an analysis of these articles in our next and succeeding numbers. A LEARNED ESSAY ON SANSCRIT ALLITERATION. 211 Art, V. — Tirst part of the twentieth volume of Asiatic Researches or Transactions of the Society instituted in Bengal for en- quiring into the History f the Antiquities, the Arts and Sciences, and Literature of Asia. Quarto : pp. 243, 1836. Calcutta, Printed at the Bengal Military Orphan Press, G. H. Huttman. The above work has just been published : it opens with a translation of various in- criptions found among the ruins of Vijaya- nagar, communicated by E. C. Ravenshaw, Esq. Bengal Civil Service, with preliminary observations, by H. H. Wilson, Esq. late Secretary Asiatic Society. The second article is an analysis of the Dulva, a por- tion of the Tibetan work, entitled the Kah- Gyan, by A. Csoma de Koros. Mr. Hodgson, the British resident of Nipal, has furnished an article on the administration of justice in Nipal, with some account of the several courts, extent of their jurisdiction, and mode of procedure. A very curious but learned essay on Sanscrit Alliteration is given by that emi- nent Sanscrit scholar, the Rev. W. Yates. Lieut. Colonel Burney has communicated additional proof of his zeal in oriental literature by his article on the Translation of an inscription in the Burmese language GENERAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCE- MENT OF SCIENCE. This fine Natural Institution continues to prosper far beyond anticipation. The Fifth Annual Meeting, which commenced at Dublin onthe 10th and terminated on the 15th of August, as much surpassed the Edinburgh meeting, both in the interest of the pro- ceedings and in the numbers of individuals who flocked to take a share in the daily business, as the latter meeting exceeded that which preceded it. It is pleasing to be able to prove this assertion, by a statement of facts : The receipts in Edinburgh were £l, 626, while those in Dublin were £l,'750- The number of subscribers in Edinburgh was little above a thousand : in Dublin, it amount- ed to 1,228; and, it is quite certain that it would have been much greater, if it had not been that the arrangements of the Local discovered at Buddha Gaya, in 1833. One of the most valuable papers in this num- ber of the Transactions is on the Results of an enquiry respecting the law of mor- tality for British India, deduced from the reports and appendices of the committee appointed by the Bengal Government in 1834, to consider the expediency of a Government Life Assurance Institution, by Captain H, B. Henderson, Assistant Military Auditor Ge- neral and Secretary to the Committee. We shall consider this article fully in our next, and also give our readers an insight into the other communications to which we have alluded, as we find space. Art. — VI. Cursory notes on the Isle of France, hy E. Stirling, Esq. member, Asiatic Society, Calcutta. Vol. pp. 50. Messrs. Thacker & Co. Many of our Indian invalids proceed to this isle. Intelligence concerning a geogra- phical and statistical description, its manu- factures, public works, public buildings, civil and military laws, tribunals, police, j.eligion, churches, its commerce, &c. all of which subjects this work treats, can- not fail to be interesting to our readers. We shall notice particulars fully hereafter. SCIENCE. Committee were either not generally known, or not attended to in time by many residents, whose applications could not be received after the commencement of business, in con- sequence of the great influx of strangers.* is easy to complain and findfault,but while we approve highly of the general arrange- ments of the Dublin local committee, we cannot refrain from submitting for the consider- ation of the Bristol committee, the importance of adopting a method of giving out Tickets and receiving subscriptions, which shall dispense with the crowding, and lighting we might almost term it, which is unavoidable by the mode at present pursued, and which seems to paralyze those engaged in the troublesome task. It would be proper also that persons should be employed in these preliminary ar- rangements, who are acquainted with the names of those engaged in prosecuting science. It is ridiculous to hear such a question as, “ Have you written any papers ?” addressed to men holding the highest place in science. 212 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. That the capital of Ireland was chosen as the place of convention for the meeting of this year, we know was hailed by our hospitable neighbours with those feelings whieh we should have expected from the countrymen of such scientific lights as Robert Boyle, Kirwan, and Brinkley. But that the recep- tion given to the Members of the British Association could have been equal to what each individual member found it to be, we are confident none could have most distantly anticipated. If respect to the delicate feel- ings of our open-hearted friends did not forbid every one who shared in the kindness which w'as so liberally exhibited, to remove that thin veil which ought always to prevent private hospitalities from being held up to public gaze ; how could not each of the twelve hundred and twenty-eight members of the British Association depict innumera- ble instances of traits of character, of friend- ly actions, and of soundness of principle which could not be exceeded, go where he might : and must ever be viewed by the philanthrophist, as most honourable to human nature. The present meeting has demonstrated that Science is not asleep in Ireland, but that it is quietly and modestly cultivated, and is ready to burst forth when- ever due encouragement is administered to fan its kindling embers. That the causes of dissension which have so long prevailed in the green island may speedily be dissipated, and that the United kingdom and the Sister island may in future aspire only to increase each other’s prosperity and greatness, was the public expression of some of the most distinguished leaders, and was ardently res- ponded to by every member of the Associa- tion. Let us hope that Science, which is not sectarian in its nature, which is of no country, or climate, but which is universal as the principle of gravity, may tend to heal all chafing wounds, and serve to unite in the bonds of friendship, all those who are enga- ged in investigating her hidden stores, the wonders of creation. On Monday the 10th of August tickets of admission were procured by strangers ; those of residents having previously been obtained as required by a public announcement. In addition to most of the British men of science, several foreigners joined the lists of the Association. Among these were M. Agassiz, of Neuchatel, and Dr. Moll, of Utrecht, who were also present at Edin- burgh. At 10 A.M. the different Committees of the Sections began to meet. The Sections were as formerly, six in number. A great error committed in Dublin was, in having the gardens attached to the Rotunda, open during the evening meetings. One of the most curious and interesting Lectures delivered during the week, viz. that of Mr. Wheatstone, on Saturday, was not heard by the greater proportion assembled in the room, in consequence of interruption from persons going to the gardens and returning to the room. A. Mathematics and Physics. Subsection A. Mechanical Arts. This subdivision was formed in consequence of the press of matter in the department of General Physics. B. Chemistry and Mineralogy. C. Geology and Geography. D. Zoology and Botany. E. Anatomy and Medicine. F. Statistics. GEOLOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. Monday^ 1 0th August.* President, Mr. Griffith. Vice-Presi- dents, Mr. Murchison; Professor Sedgwick. Secretaries, Captain Port- lock ; Mr. Torrie. 1 . The Chairman exhibited a Geological Map of Ireland, the construction of which had occupied his attention for many years ; and, although there might be some errors in mat- ters of detail, he believed that it was gene- rally correct, and afforded a faithful outline of the physical structure of Ireland. One remarkable peculiarity in the phy- sical structure of Ireland is, that while the waters are almost every where fringed with ranges of primary mountains, the interior of the country is level, or slightly undulated, and hence the course of most of the Irish rivers ; in fact, the Shannon affording the only exception to this remark. Another remarkable circumstance in the physical history of Ireland, is the frequent occurrence of long ranges of granite hills, often attaining the height of twenty or thirty miles, and running parallel to each other. In ancient times roads were constructed on the tops of these natural mounds. The usual course of these ridges is E. & W., but occasionally they are N. & S. These heaps of granite give an undulatory aspect to the country ; and, it is to this cir- cumstance that the profusion of ridges in Ireland is owing ; the depressions between the ridges becoming receptacles for water, and being afterwards obliterated by the formation of peat, the result of the decay of aquatic plants. It is, of course, beneath this accumulation of peat, and in the subjacent marl that the remains of the Irish elk are found. This marl is, in part at least, produced by the granite previously described, and sometimes attains a thickness of forty feet. The speaker then proceeded to consider the stratified rocks ; first describing the primary tracts which occur towards the coast, and then the vast and level district of calcareous rocks which occupies almost the whole of the * To Professor Powell of Oxford, and Dr. Scouler of Dublin, the Editor is almost solely indebted for the reports of the proceedings of the Geological and Physical Sections. He is himself responsible for the details relating to that of Chemistry ; and for the other re- ports he is obliged to Mr. King of Dublin and to other sources. NATURAL HISTORY OF THE GENUS ASTACUS. 213 interior of the island. The elevation of the strata throughout Ireland is remarkably uni- form, being N. E. and S. W. in almost every part of the island ; to this remark, however, there are some exceptions, as, in the county of Tyrone, where the elevation of the strata is from N. to S.- From what has been stated, it is obvious that the primary rocks generally occur neac the coast, constituting the mountainous re- gions of Down, Donegal, Mayo, Galway, and Wicklow, &c. These regions containing all the usual primary masses ; as gneiss, mica- slate, clay-slate, and quartz rock, present in each locality many interesting appearances, which we have not sufficient leisure to detail. Quartz rOck, however, occurs at Dunmore Head, under some interesting modifications. It contains abundance of globular concentric concretions-, dilfering, in no respect, in their structure from the fibrous masses found in trap, and, like them, decomposing in crusts. In Donegal, beds of primary limestone occur, often alternated with mica slate, and have, in many cases, been changed into dolomite. Mr. G. then remarked that his informa- tion concerning the transition formations was less complete. These rocks consist of the greywacke and old red sandstone formations. In Cove of Cork both these are schists con- taining fossils. These transition and schistose rocks are succeeded by the mountain limestone, which occupies about two-thirds of the whole sur- face of Ireland. The organic remains found in these calcareous rocks are, in general, the same as those found in England. This limestome is succeeded by the coal formation. The newer secondary strata only occur in the north of Ireland, where we have the new red sandstone, with gypsum and beds of magnesian limestone, and these rocks are succeeded by lias, oolite, and chalk. 2. Dr. west AFTERWARDS READ AN ABLE PAPER ON THE GEOGRA- PHY OF SOUTH GREENLAND. Tuesday j llth August. 3. THE REV. ARCHDEACON VER- SCHOYLE READ AN INTERESTING PAPER ON A SERIES OF TRAP DYKES WHICH OCCUR IN THE COUNTIES OF MAYO AND SLIGO. These dykes are remarkable for the length and distinctness of their course. Their elevation is E. & W. They are, conse- quently, parallel to each other, and one of them has been traced for a distance of forty- five miles. These dykes, during this long course, intersect a great variety of rocks, as slate, sand-stone, limestone, mica, and slate, &c., and here produced many curious changes, converting the sandstone into quartz, and even giving it a columnar form. It was the opi- nion of the Reverend gentleman, that these veins, or a series of them, extended across the island. Mr. Griffith here remarked, that between Dundrum and Dundalk, on the opposite side of the island, a great number of trap veins had been observed. 4. PROFESSOR JOHN PHILLIPS NEXT READ A PAPER ON THE FOS- SIL ASTACIDJE. The speaker commenced by making some remarks on the natural history of the genus Astacus. Of the species which compose the genus Astacus, as at present existing, some are found in salt and others in fresh water. There are two empiric characters by which the marine may be distinguished from the fluveatile Astaci : In the marine species the lateral divisions of the tail are trans- versely divided, while in the fresh water spe- cies the division is longitudinal. The marine species have also large didactylous claws to the first pair of feet. All the fossil species possess those charac- ters which belong to the marine division. Proceeding to investigate the question as to the possibility of identifying strata by means of their organic remains, it was remarked that the study of the fossil species of the present genus did not afford results very favourable to such a hypothesis. Confining our attention to the oolite and lias, it was observed that one species of Astacus was found in every bed, from the lowest of the lias to the uppermost of the oolite. One species was confined to the coral rag ; four species were peculiar to the green sand ; some of the species were more local, and others appear to have had a wider geogra- phical distribution, as is the case with the Astaci of the present day. MR. GRIFFITH THEN RESUMED THE EXPLANATION OF HIS GEOLOGI- CAL MAP, AND DESCRIBED THE ERUPTED ROCKS WHICH HAVE BEEN OBSERVED IN IRELAND. He divided the unstratified masses into three portions : 1. Those occurring in transi- tion and primary rocks : 2. In the older secondary : 3. In the newer secondary. It was remarked that the limestone which comes in contact with the erupted rocks of the primary division, is often changed into dolomite. Green stones occur among the older secon- dary rocks in the county of Limerick. These green stone beds are apparently interstrati- fied with the lime-stone, but fragments of this latter rock are included in the trap. The trap veins occurring in the ncAver secondary formations, as in the chalk of Antrim, are already sufficiently well known. Mr. G. is of opinion that the porphyry of Sandy rock is merely a modification of the ochre beds which are observed at the Giant’s Causeway, as there is a striking resemblance between the two rocks, in point of mineral character, and both contain nodules of meso- type. 214 PROGRESS OF THE STUDY OF ORGANIC REMAINS. Wednesday, \2th August. MR. GRIFFITH GAVE AN ACCOUNT OF A MASS OF SHELLY GRAVEL IN THE COUNTY OF WEXFORD ; THIS DEPOSITION IS VERY EXTEN- SIVE, STRETCHING ALONG THE COAST FORA DISTANCE OF SEVEN- TY MILES, AND ATTAINING A BREADTH OF EIGHTEEN. THE FOLLOWING IS A SECTION OF THIS DEPOSIT : 5 feet of clay 7 feet marl clay 7 feet marl 7 feet of sand 1 1 feet of gravel, containing abundance of marine shells. 5. MR. PHILLIPS THEN READ A PAPER ON THE GENUS BELEM- NITE. He observed that such was the progress which the study of organic remains had made, that no less than one hundred species were now known to naturalists ; and of these, about thirty -four species hadbeen found in England. Shells of this genus are confined to the chalk, oolite, and lias, and the results whieh their study affords, contrast remarkably with the negative indications deduced from an examination of the fossil Astaci, One divi- sion characterized by a little swelling at the apex, and possessing a lateral fissure, was confined to the chalk. The species which were obtusely mucronate are found in the green sand. The species with a groove in the back are found in the middle oolite : Those with a lateral groove, in the lias, and lower oolite ; and those species which are destitute of a groove are confined to the lias. From these remarks, it appears that not only are the species of Belemnite confined to certain strata, but that even certain natural divisions of the genus are found together in the same beds, and in no others. Another curious remark is, that species which are common in the chalk of the Continent, are rare in the chalk of England, and vice versa. These remarks were followed up in an admirable manner by M. Agassiz, who, from a study of the remains of this difficult genus, clearly demonstrated that the shell was an interior one, analogous to the bone of the cuttle fish, and not an exterior shell, as is generally imagined. Thursday, \3th August. 7. M. AGASSIZ LAID BEFORE THE ASSOCIATION AN ADDITIONAL NUMBER OF HIS WORK ON FOSSIL FISHES; And, in an eloquent address, he gave a summary of the geographical conclusions to which the study of fossil fishes had conduct- ed him ; and expressed his conviction that strata might, in all cases, be identified by means of the remains of fishes ; or, in other words, that each geological epoch was cha- racterized by its peculiar and exclusively appropriate race of fishes. During this part of the proceedings Mr. Sedgwick took the opportunity of putting M. Agassiz’s knowledge to a severe test. He exhibited a specimen containing impressions of fossil fishes, and M. Agassiz, after explaining the zoological characters which distinguish the fishes of different geological epochs, at once declared the specimens before him had been derived from the new red sand- stone. — 8. Dr. TRAIL THEN READ A PAPER ON THE GEOLOGY OF SPAIN. HE CONFINED HIS REMARKS CHIEF- LY TO THE PROVINCE OF ANDA- LUSIA. In this interesting country we have every variety of rock, from the oldest primary, up to the tertiary strata. The mica slate of Anda- lusia contains many interesting minerals, as iron, glance, and lead ore. This last mi- neral is so abundant that no less than 35,600 tons were extracted in one year. The pri- mary rocks are succeeded by secondary sand- stones, in whose fissures interesting osseous remains occur. These lime -stones extend to the opposite coasts of Africa. This lime- stone is followed by new red sand-stone, and gypsum marl, abounding in salt and saline springs. Oolite rocks occur near the anci- ent town of Cartua; and chalk, with flints, is observed at Labriga. Tertiary and fresh water lime-stones also occur, as has been noticed by Colonel Silvertop. The beds at Valencias vary from 6 to 8 feet in thickness, and repose on marl and gypsum. Friday, \^th August. 9. MR. PHILLIPS GAVE AN ACCOUNT OF A SMALL PORTION OF A TER- TIARY FORMATION WHICH HAD BEEN OBSERVED IN YORKSHIRE. 10. MESSRS. MURCHISON AND SEDGWICK THEN GAVE AN AC- COUNT OF THE ROCKS ANTE- RIOR TO THE COAL, AND POSTE- RIOR TO THE PRIMARY STRATA. These rocks, which were formerly distin- guished by the absurd term of transition strata, have been, unaccountably much neg- lected by geologists ; and, unfortunately, the use of this term has given rise to much con- fusion in geological writings. Mr. Murchi- son has, for several years, devoted his time to the study of the older secondary rocks, as they occur in Wales, while Mr. Sedgwick has investigated those of Cumberland. According to Mr. Murchison, the older secondary rocks of Wales, which he, for the sake of convenience, denominates the Silurian group, may be classed under three divisions, each of them containing its peculiar organic remains, and consisting of a great variety of rocks. In the descending series, and departing from the old red sand-stone, we have the Ludlow rocks, attaining to a thickness of 2,000 feet, consisting of crystalline argilla- ceous lime-stones, with flags and shales. These rocks are followed by the Wenlock group, consisting also of limestones and shales. These are succeeded by what Mr. Murchison has denominated the Caradoc THE DAVY LAMP FOUND PERFECT IN PRINCIPLE. 215 group, a series of rocks similar to the pre- ceding, and attaining to a very great thick- ness. These formations, however, appear to be newer than the Cumbrian rocks which have been investigated by Mr. Sedgwick, and which he also divides into three subordinate groups, all of which are included under the name of Cumbrian rocks. The first, or upper, is the Plinlimmon group : the second, or Snowden group ; and, thirdly, a lower group. The details on this last series of rocks were rather meagre, but we have no doubt that ample information will shortly be laid before the public. CHEMISTRY AND MINERALOGY. Monday y IQth August. Dr. Thomas Thomson, President. Dr. Dalton, and Dr. Barker, Vice-Presidents. Dr. Apjohn, and Mr. Johnston, Secreta- ries. Committee, — Mr. Davy, Mr. Vernon Harcourt, Dr. Daubeny, Mr. Graham, Mr. Connell, Dr. R. D. Thomson, Mr, Kane, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Scanlan, Dr. Geo>ghegan, &c. The .Secretary presented to the Section printed copies of tables, exhibiting at a single view, the most important properties of simple and compound bodies, for defraying the expenses of the printing of which, £10 had been allocated at the last Meeting of the Association. 1. A PAPER WAS THEN READ BY Mr. DAVY, UPON THE SUBJECT OF THE CORROSION OF IRON BY SEA WA- TER. The observations had particular reference to the injury sustained by the iron of buoys, subject to the infiuence of sea water in har- bours, as at Kingstown ; where it has been recently found, that the rings upon which the safety and utility of the buoys mainly depend, rapidly corrode and are destroyed. Mr. Davy turned his attention to the important object of providing a remedy, and preventing the corrosion of the iron ; and although his expe- riments had only recently been commenced, still he considered it proper, to bring the few results he had procured before the Section, for the purpose of exciting further inquiry. He found that zinc applied to iron prevented corrosion. Rings of this metal were cast into forelocks for the purpose of experiment, and were found to obviate the waste to which the iron had previously been subject. According to Sir Humphry Davy, the cause of the corrosion of copper, and metals in contact with sea water, is attributable to the access of atmospheric air. He consi- dered that if the air was preserved from coming in contact with the metal, no decom- position would ensue. Mr. Davy accord- ingly found, that copper exposed to the action of sea water free from the influence of air, was not liable, to corrosion, and that the effect was influenced by the depth of water. Specimens of metals were exhibited, which had been subjected to the influence of salt water free from air, and no corrosion had taken place ; other pieces of metal which were in contact with sea water subject to the influence of air, were observed to be much injured. Mr. Davy attributed the cause of the phenomenon to an electrical decomposi- tion. He stated further, that he had found zinc to preserve tin plate, both in fresh and salt water. Some observations were made by members of the Section, with regard to the action of sea water upon bar and cast iron. Some attributed the greatest corrosion to the for- mer, others to the latter. 2. Mr. ETTRICK DESCRIBED AN IM- PROVEMENT WHICH HE HAD MADE UPON DAVY’S SAFETY LAMP, FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBVIATING AC- CIDENTS WHICH ARE ENTIRELY OWING TO THE CARELESSNESS OF WORKMEN. The Davy lamp, he stated, to be perfect in principle. The workmen are in the habit of enlarging the apertures in the wire gauze, and applying their tobacco pipes in order to obtain a light. The modifications recom- mended at present, were the introduction of very strong glass, to cover the gauze ex- ternally. The glass is again guarded by strong ribs of iron, so that the lamp may be exposed to considerable shocks without dan- ger of injury. A contrivance was also described by which the air was allowed to enter from below, by means of a gauze tube, but so managed, that the gauze could not be reached by the workmen. Various improvements upon the Davy lamp were noticed by different members. Mr. Graham stated, that he had been pay- ing considerable attention to the subject, and had found that when the gauze was steeped in an alkaline solution, the flame was pre- vented from passing so readily, and corrosion was obviated.* He considered the only adequate provision against accident to be the employment of a double gauze cover. 3. Mr. KANE READ A COMMUNICA- TION IN REFERENCE TO PYROX- YLIC SPIRIT. The experiments which he had made upon this substance, corroborate the opinion of its composition entertained by Dumas and Pelligot, who term it methylene, viz. that it is a compound of an atom of carbydrogen, and 1 atom water, having for its atomic weight 2. He had examined th^e action of sulphuric acid upon the liquid, and had obtained by dis- tillation, an acid capable of forming salts with bases. The composition of several of these, he had ascertained by determining the proportions of the acid, (or sulpho- * This is agreeable to the results obtained by Dr, Thomas Thomson many years ago. 216 THE CENTIGRADE THERMOMETER RECOMMENDED. methylic acid) and base, and considering the loss to be methylene. The compound with lime, consisted of i atom lime 2 atoms sulphuric acid l methylene. Some discussion took place in reference to the double atoms, of which the organic bases are stated to consist, according to the views of Continental chemists. Considerable misunderstanding was exhibited in many of the observations oliered upon this point. But it is unnecessary to repeat the statement of the various theories, as this has been already done in the previous number of this journal. 4. Mr. fox described AN EXPERI- MENT WHICH HE HAD MADE, WITH REGARD TO THE EFFECT OF MELTED IRON UPON THE MAG- NET. He found that no action was exerted upon it. Hence, this is an argument’ against the idea of a central fire. 5. A LETTER WAS READ FROM Dr. TURNER, REPORTING THE OPINI- ON OF THE COMMITTEE APPOINT- ED AT LAST MEETING, TO TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION THE ADOP- TION OF A UNIFORM SET OF CHE- MICAL SYMBOLS FOR THIS COUN- TRY. The opinion of the majority was, that those used on the continent should be had recourse to. It was strongly recommended that the abbreviations should not be carried further than the dots for oxygen ; indeed, it was suggested by some, that these should be rejected, as they merely express theory, and consequently vary, according to the view that is taken of the composition in this country and on the continent ; but it is obvious, that if brevity is not carried any further than this, no bad consequences can follow from a sys - tern of notation. Dr. Thomas Thomson strongly recom- mended that the centigrade thermometer should be adopted in this country for scien- tific purposes, as being infinitely better adapted for such purposes than that of Fah-, renheit. His suggestion appeared to coin- cide exactly with the opinion of the committee. Tuesday, l\th August. 6. Mr. DAVY DETAILED SOME EX- PERIMENTS WHICH HE HAD MADE UPON THE PRESERVATION OF TIN PLATE BY THE AGENCY OF ZINC. When exposed for some days to the action of water, the plate by itself soon becomes slightly corroded, but is completely preserved by the zinc, the latter, at the same time, oxidizing. Hence, the plate might be em- ployed in place of copper for many purposes, where salt water comes in contact with vessels. • Several metals he had ascertained are not protected. 7. MR. GRAHAM DESCRIBED THE CON- STITUTION OF CER'FAIN SALTS IN CONTINUATION OF THE PAPERS WHICH HE HAS PUBLISHED UPON THIS SUBJECT. He views sulphuric acid as a sulphate of water, and as represented by H S. Sulphu- ric acid of spec. grav. 1*78 is hydrous sul- phate of water, or a hydrate expressed by H S H, 1 atom being basic and essential to the composition of the acid, the other being driven off by heat. Hydrated oxalic acid is an oxalate of water H *(C C) H2. Nitric acid = H N H3 of spec. grav. 1’42. Oxalate of magnesia = Mg (C C) H2. Nitrate of copper = Cu N. H3 There are three oxalates of potash, 1. K (C -1- C) H. 2. K (C + C) H (C’4* C)H2, orbinoxalate ; decomposes at 300® and loses 2 atoms. 3. K (C + C) H C H (C + C) H3 J H (C -k C) H2 or quad- roxatate, the 2 atoms of water in the binox- alate being replaced by hydrated oxalic acid. There are two remarkable salts, which correspond with each other in composition, viz., oxalate of potash and iron which is green, although the iron is in the state of peroxide, being precipitated i-ed by potash, and the oxalate of potash and chromium which is dark coloured. The first is represented by Fe (C -f- C)3 3 K (C -f C)+H6. If we substitute chromium for iron, we have the composition of the chromium salt. The same law in reference to water, it is probable, is generally applicable to the com- position of the carbonates. Carbonate of magnesia is i-epresented by Mg. CH2. At 212’ the water is expelled. Bicarbonate of potash = K C H Cis a car- bonate of potash and a carbonate of water, because the latter can be readily driven off. Two additional atoms of water may exist in it. The bicarbonate of potash and magnesia of Berzelius, has the same composition as quadroxalate of potash, the symbol being K ^ ^ ^ ^ Mg! C H 2 ( + making 9 atoms of water in the salt, and the magnesia occupy- ing the place of the water in the quadroxalate of potash. Rose described a class of salts formed by the absorption of dry ammonia. He consi- dered the ammonia not to act as a base, but to take the place of water. Mr. Graham coincides with him in opini- on. The composition of ammonia may be re- represented by N H 3 N H 3 H O, being analogous to sulphuric ether, which consists of 2 atoms olefiant gas. The nature of its function may be observed in the composition of the common sulphate of copper and am- moniacal copper, the first is Cu S H -{- H 4^ the second Cu S .H (N- H3) 4 the ammonia taking the place of the water. There are 2 ammoniurets, 1 containing 4 and the other 5 atoms of water. TIN AFFORDS A GOOD TEST FOR PLATINUM. 8. Mr. JOHNSTON MADE SOME OB- SERVATIONS ON THE OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF CHABASITE, IN REFERENCE TO THOSE MADE BY SIR DAVID BREWSTER AT LAST MEETING. Sir David found that this mineral possess- es different refracting powers at different depths of the crystal, and he concluded, that it consisted of distinct layers, and that if subjected to experiment it would afford the result of a compound substance. His results refer to particular species only ; but the composition of the species vary, and are as represented here NjU -F 3 A S2 + 6 Aq. where Mr. J. conceives that it is easy to see the cause of the difference, for the refractive power of chabasite is positive, and that of quartz negative ; thus accounting for the double refracting power observed by Brews- ter. Dr. Thomson remarked that the observa- tions of Brewster probably referred to one species of chabasite. But there are two species, the one containing soda and the other lime as a base. He, therefore, con- sidei'ed that until both species were ex- amined, no inference whatever could be drawn. 9. Dr. DAUBENY STATED, THAT AC- CORDING TO THE OPINION OF VON BUCH, CARBONATE OF MAG- NESIA MUST HAVE BEEN SUB- LIMED IN MANY INSTANCES BY VOLCANIC ACTION, ALTHOUGH AS FAR AS Dr. DAUBENY WAS AWARE, IT WAS NOT AGREEABLE TO THE RESULTS OF CHEMISTS. A curious fact illustrative of the truth of Von Buch’s opinion, occurred to Dr, Daube- ny in Italy. He visited. a locality where there was an upper stratum of lava, con- taining cavities. In one of these Colonel Robinson discovered a large quantity of car- bonate of magnesia. Dr. Daubeny found a quantity coating the upper surface of the lava. Dr. Dalton observed that there could be no doubt as to the sublimation of carbonate of magnesia, as Dr. Henry had informed him that a quantity of this salt was always driven off whenever the heat was carried beyond a certain height. 19. Dr. DALTON STATED THE RE- SULTS OF HIS EXAMINATION OF THE SPIRIT DISTILLED FROM CAOUTCHOUC. He found it to depress the barometer like sulphuric ether. It passes through water without diminishing its volume, thus differ- ing from ether. It is absorbed by water like olefiant gas. It consists of 2 olefiant gas. 10 vols. when burned give 40 carbonic acid, and require 60 of oxygen. It appears to be the same as a substance described by Faraday. It differs from coal gas in this, that the latter consists of double olefiant gas. The observations of Mr. Davy upon this subjecL corresponded with those of Dr. Dal- ton. Wednesday, August I2th. 11. Mr. J. MALLET DESCRIBED THE PHENOMENA PRESENTED IN LAMPS, When the holes for the passage of the gas are made as small as possible, and also the appearance observed when the direction of the tube is inclined in differ- ent ways, two currents being formed when the tube is inclined, and the surface of the flame presenting spiral lines, and considera- ble retraction of the flame taking place, none, however, occurring when the tube is not fully inserted. The apertures in the lamp were less than the , Jg of an inch in diameter. In the discussion wLich arose from this communication. Dr. Dalton observed, that 12 small holes in a lamp consumed less gas and gave more heat than when the holes ^ere larger but fewer in number. But the great object in procuring a proper quantity of heat depends upon the atmospheric air being neither too great nor small in quantity. He stated, that if we. take a cubic inch of pure gas, and another diluted with half its volume of .air, each gives out the same quantity of heat, but the latter scarcely yields any light. This is an important fact, and deserves to be known. 12. Mr. CONNELL READ A PAPER IN WHICH IT WAS HIS OBJECT TO POINT OUT SOME CHEMICAL FACTS, By which we may be enabled to detect, whether a fossil scale be that of a fish, or sauroid animal, and illustrated his position by some analyses which he had made on re- eent crocodile and fish scales, and upon the scales found at Burdie House. His inference was, that chemical analysis completely veri- fied the idea of Agassiz, that the scales found at Burdie House were those of fish. He considers the animal matter to be replaced by a little carbonate of lime and silica. 13. Mr. KANE DESCRIBED TWO COMPOUNDS OF TIN AND PLATI- NUM FORMED BY THE ACTION OF PROTOCHLORIDE OF TIN UPON A SOLUTION OF PLATINUM. One of these compounds consists of an atom of each chloride. It deliquesces in the air ; is a dark solid substance when anhy- drous, and when allowed to remain in the air is converted into an olive liquor, which is resolved into the oxides by the action of water. The author suggested that tin affords a good test for platinum. 218 EFFECT OFilOT AIR BLAST APPLIED TO THE MANUFACTURE OF IRON ' 14. Mr. snow HARRIS EXHIBITED AN APPARATUS OR MODIFIED ELEC- TROMETER, FOR PERFORMING THE EXPERIMENTS OF POUILLET, BY WHICH THE INSULATION OF THE GOLD LEAVES IS RENDERED INDEPENDENT OF THE GLASS, BY MEANS OF TWO RODS, TERMINAT- ING IN GILDED BALLS. To determine whether electricity is deve- loped during the evaporation of water or any liquid, a platinum crucible, containing the substance to be examined, is placed upon the cap of the electrometer, having one of ' Deluc’s small piles communicating with the rods. His results were contrary to those of Pouillet. 15. Dr. NEWBIGGING MADE SOME OBSERVATIONS UPON AN EXPERI- MENT WHICH HE HAD MADE WITH REGARD TO THE COLOUR OF AR- TERIAL BLOOD. He placed some blood in a cup containing green spots on its surface. The portions op- posite to these spots assumed a vermilion colour, but in no other part was this change visible. Thursday, \^th August. 16. Mr. HARTOP MADE SOME OBSLR- VATIONS ON THE EFFECT OF THE HOT AIR BLAST, WHEN AP- PLIKD TO THE MANUFACTURE OF IRON. He opposed some of the statements made by Dr. Clark at the last meeting of the Association, relative to the product and the quality of the iron ; the former having been overrated, and the latter being decidedly inferior, as far as Yorkshire was concerned. 17. Dr. APJOHN EXPLAINED A FOR- MULA FOR ASCERTAINING THE SPECIFIC HEAT OF GASES ; THE EXPRESSION BEING 48 a ci p /'=/ %- e 30 He has found it to correspond almost exactly with experiment. He modifies it to (/'-/> 30 a = % — 48 (Z p If the air be quite dry, the/" (which ex- presses the elastic force of vapour at the dew point) will be unnecessary, and the formula becomes f X e 30* a = % — 48 , Phosphate of soda \ change. Muriate of ammonia — no change. Nitrate of ammonia — blue. Muriate of iron Sulphate of iron no change. Nitrate of copper Sulphate of copper no precipitate, but one drop of a solution of ether caused the flame of the candle to appear blue. Sulphate of magnesia ) Sulphate of zinc i no change. All these blue precipitates appeared to be the same; being dissolved in sulphuric and boiling muriatic acids, forming line blue solutions — and forming colourless solutions with nitric acid. Mr. Crum supposes cerulin to be a com- pound of 1 indigo +4 water. At the commencement of the solution of indi- go in sulphuric acid there is produced a pur- ple liquid, and if the action of the acid is stop- ped before cerulin is formed, this purple may be insulated, and obtained in a separate state. If that acid prepared from the dry proto-sul- phate of iron, and called after tbe place at which it is made, JNordhausen acid, is used, the dilution with water must be made imme- diately after solution, but with the common acid* it requires two or three hours for its formation ; if, however, heat is employed, ten minutes is sufficient. After the dilution Muriate of lime — blue. the whole must be thrown on a filter, a blue liquid passes through, and indigo-purple re- mains ; this is washed with distilled water till the blue colour is extracted, and from this the indigo that has been changed may be pre- cipitated by muriate of potash, and subse- quently washed with distilled water till the washings cease to form a white cloud with nitrate of silver. The substance remaining on the filter Mr. Crum calls phenicin, from the Greek word purple; like cerulin, the solution iri water is blue, but it is sparingly soluble; it was precipitated by every salt I tried. It is turned green by caustic alkalies, in which it seems to resemble syrup of violets ; by standing, however, the green colour soon vanished, and a purple powder slowly collected* Mr. Crum considers it to be a compound of 1 indigo -1-2 water. PERSPECTIVE MADE EASY. (Continued from page 19iJ 5. The vanishing point of any line be- ginning at the picture-sheet is the point in fig. 2, which terminates the perspective of the line when it is extended to an indefinite dis- tance from the point where it commences in the picture-sheet ; thus, the point e, in fig. 2, is, as was shown before the vanishing point of the line d e, in the ground plan ; and this same point c is the vanishing point of eve- ry line running parallel to d e. The vanish- ing point of any line h 1, fig. 1 , running le- vel with the eye, but inclined to the picture- sheet sideways, is found by drawing the line c in the ground plan, parallel to k /, till it meets the picture-sheet in m ; and this point m is the vanishing point in the ground plan of the line k I, and of every line in the objects to be represented running parallel to it. From the points k and w, in the ground plan, draw lines k k and m perpendicular to a b, in the perspective view, cutting the horizontal line passing through the point c, in fig. 2, in the points k and m, the point m is the vanishing point of the line k I ; and if the points k and m are joined, theHne k m will be the perspective of the line k I when it is indefinitely- extended. The point m in the perspec- tive view is also the vanishing point of * Since it is of importance in all experiments of research to employ pure matevials, it is advisable to purify the sulphuric acid used in these experiments, by diluting it with an equal weight of distilled water, and allowing it to stand till perfectly clear, afterwards evapora- ting in a glass retort containing pieces of platina (to prevent it from breaking), till of the strength required; by this means the sulphate of lead, which exists in considerable quantities in commercial sulphuric acid, may be completely separated. 242 PERSPECTIVE MADE EASY. every line in tlie objects to be represented, that runs parallel to the line k 1. The vanishing point of any line commencing at the picture -sheet, or at this Sheet produced, and inclined to it in the up or down directions as well as sideways, is found in the point, where a line drawn through the eye parallel to the line whose vanishing point is wanted, meets the picture -sheet. The reasons given in paragraphs 3, 4, and 5, to prove that i, in the ground plan, and c, in the perspective view, mark the vanishing point of lines run- ning at right angles to the transparent plane, apply to lines running in the directions men- tioned in this remark. You will now be able to find the perspective of any line run- ning in any of the directions now mentioned, without the aid of the rule given in this paper, and you will also be able to make a variety of rules for finding the perspective of a point different from the rule that I have given. 6. From what has been said in para- graphs 4 and 5, it may not be plain to every one, how that the points marked g in the ground plan, and shown by the points / d, and the corner of the cube under d in the elevation, should have their positions in the same line, h h p, perpen- dicular to the line a b in the perspective view ; or, in other words, it may not be evident, how in the case of every line in the objects to be represented, which has a perpendicular position, its perspective should stand perpendicular to the line a bin fig. 2. In order to understand this fully, let ab c, in the following figure, represent the end of a hollow cylinder, standing in a per- pendicular direction with a number of plane surfaces di,ei,f i, g i, and^c i, radiating from its centre i. Now, if this cylinder be cut parallel to its axis by any plane m n, the radiating planes will always be cut, so that their intersections with the cutting plane will be perpendicular ; this is so obvious, as to need no demonstration. But the lines whose posi- tions in the end-view of the cylinderare d e a f g, and which mark the places where the ra- diating planes meet the circumference of the cylinder, are perpendicular lines ; each of which may be considered a line in some ob- ject to be represented, and m n will represent the transparent plane. Let the eye have a ' position any where in the axis of the cy- linder — the rays of light reflected from the 1; whole line f, or from any part of it, to j the eye, will form a triangle in the plane j' fij and the intersection of m w with this |j triangle will be the perspective of the line, or part of the line, whose position is f ; but the intersection of the plane m n with the i plane fi^ is a perpendicular line ; so the part j of this intersection which forms the per- j sective of the line, or part of the line, whose | position is f, must be perpendicular. The ^ same reasoning applies if the lines in the | objects to be represented stand at any of j the other points, dea, or g, or even if the | line does not stand in a point in the circle j representing the circumference of the cylin- | der ; for in this case a new circle may be !! drawn, and every thing else can be shown as ij above. I may just mention it, for the jj thing can be demonstrated on the prin- j ciples now developed, that level lines in i the objects, running parallel to the picture- j sheet, are also level in the perspective view ; , and lines in the objects to be shown, that |! are inclined to the horizon at any angle, and j which keep parallel to the transparent plane, j run at the same angle to the line ab in the perspective view of these lines. The top and bottom lines of the front side of each cube, and the top and bottom lines of the front side of the six-sided prism C, also the out- side and inside lines that form the top angle j of the pyramid, and some other lines in the figures, illustrate this remark. The lines 1 now noticed, though indefinitely produced, have no vanishing point. 7. The eye should not be nearer to the picture -sheet than the greatest height or breadth of the picture ; and it should be placed in the ground plan, so that a line let fall from it perpendicular to the picture-sheet should bisect the angle xcb^ formed by lines drawn to it from the points which mark out the greatest width of the picture. The line din the ground plan does not bisect the angle a; cb ; but this was done to save room, and to show some parts of the objects that could not have been so well represented, if the position of the eye had been more nearly opposite to the centre of the picture. If the eye is very distant from the picture-sheet a perpendicular let fall from it to the pic- ture-sheet need not fall exactly on the centre of the picture. 8. When the line drawn perpendicular to the line a b, in fig. 2, from the point in the ground plan whose perspective is wanted^ DR. THOMSON ON CALICO-PRINTING 24S nearly coincides with the line drawn per- pendicular to the same line a 5, from the point in the picture-sheet where the line drawn to the eye from the point in the ground plan cuts it, the height of the per- spective of the point cannot be so exactly found by the Rule, as the line drawn to the eye in the perspective view is in this case nearly a perpendicular line ; and the place where this line cuts the line let fall per- pendicular to a 5, in fig. 2, from the point in the picture-sheet, where the line drawn to the eye from the place of the point in the ground plan cuts it, is not so exactly marked as when these lines which mark by their cutting the • perspective of the point, eross each other in a direction nearer the perpendicular. When great exactness is . wanted in a case of this kind, it will be the better way to find the perspective of a horizontal line, parallel to the picture-sheet, passing through the point whose perspective, is wanted ; and the place where this per- spective line cuts the line drawn perpendicu- lar to the line a b, in fig 2, from the point in the picture -sheet where the line drawn from the place of the point in the ground plan cuts it, is the perspective of the point. 9. When a number of circles are con- centric, or nearly so in the ground plan, it will save drawing a great many lines, if, after the perspective of one of them is drawn, a number of the points taken in the ground plan of the other circles to draw their perspectives by, are in the lines drawn to the eye, which pass through any of the other circles, or in these lines produced from the points in the ground plan that were used in drawing the perspective of the first circle : as in this way, the lines already drawn per- pendicular to the lines a b, in fig. 2, from the point is in the picture -sheet where the lines drawn to the eye cut it, will answer for all the circles. By taking the points in the ground plan of the other circles, to draw their perspectives by, where the lines let fall perpendicular to « d, in fig. 21 from the points in fig. 1 , that wxre used in drawing the perspective of the first circle, cut them, a deal of drawing is saved ; as one set of per- pendicular lines to put the heights on, will pass through a great many points in all the circles. Produce the lines perpendicular to « 5, if they are let fall from points on the side of the first circle, that is, towards a b. The perspective of any circle which stands in a plane parallel to the picture - sheet, is a circle. If a circle is placed in a plane which would run through the point of sight if produced, its perspective view is a straight line. The perspectives of circles having any other positions than the two now mentioned, are ellipses. Fig. a, shows an ellipse ; and fig. b, which is formed of two segments of a circle, is the way in which persons who do not under- stand the subject draw a circle in per- spective. ON CALICO-PRINTING. By Thomas Thomson, M. D., F. R. S. L. and E, &c. &c. Regius Professor of Chemistry in the University of Glasgow. ( Continued from page 142.^ 13. WHITE DISCHARGE ON MAD- DER-RED.— When the aluminous mordant already described is printed on the cloth its basis (alumina) becomes fixed, and ready to combine with whatever colouring matter may be subjected to its action. Another mode of applying the same mordant, and producing patterns with it, is to impregnate the whole cloth with it, and afterwards to print the figure with a substance which has the power of ren- dering alumina soluble in water. The cleans- ing processes to which all cloths impregnated with mordants are subjected before dyeing, remove that portion of the alumina which has been rendered soluble, and leave portions of the cloth in the shape of flowers, crosses, &c. without any material capable of fixing the dye-stuff. When the cloth is dyed in the way already described these portions remain white, or at least become white after the requisite washing. The substance which has been found to answer best for the removal of alumina and peroxide of iron is citric acid. Some of the advantages of such an acid are obvious. It does not corrode the cloth, though subjected to a considerable degree of heat. It is a fixed acid, with little tendency to swell or travel to other portions of the mordant than those with which it is intended to be com- bined; and it has the advantage over other vegetable acids of dissolving away very com- pletely all the alumina or oxide of iron, so that no portion ofthesemordants is retained by the cloth. When we consider the ease with which this acid is abstracted by water, from the insoluble citrates, we would, apriore, infer that it is very little adapted for this purpose of the calico-printer, which, in fact, it is found to answer better than any other. But the probability is that water has no such ten- dency to abstract it from the soluble citrates, as citrate of alumina, and citrated peroxide of iron. 244 DR. ROBERT THOMSON ON MALT. The citric acid is often printed before as well as after the application of the mordant. In the latter case it is generally assisted by hisulphate of potash, or even sulphuric acid, by which the more expensive acid is econo- mized. 14. MADDER AND LOGWOOD,— The cloth is impregnated with the aluminous mordant which is discharged on the white portions by the method just described. It is then dyed with madder in the usual way^ only a quantity of logwood is mixed with the madder. I'his logwood changes the madder- red to brown. 15. COCHINEAL PINK. --The cloth in this case also is impregnated with the same aluminous mordant, and the white portions are discharged by means of citric acid, in the way described in a former paragraph. It is then dyed in cochineal, which communicates a very beautiful pink. For this beautiful dye we are indebted to America. Cochineal is the name given to a small insect which inhabits the cactus coccini- lifera, and three or four other species of cactus, on which it remains immoveable, de- riving its nourishment from the juices of the plant. It is a native of Mexico, and had been employed by the natives as a red dye. When the Spaniards entered the country in I5l8, it drew their attention, and in 1523 Cortes received orders from the Court of Spain to procure as great a quantity of it as possible. The earlier Spanish writers des- cribe cochineal as an insect ; but it came af- terwards to be considered as the seed of a plant ; and this erroneous notion was not fully cleared away till about the middle of the eighteenth century. ON MALT. By Robert D. Thomson, M. D. ( Continued from page 144. ) 1. The first step of the process consists in placing the malt in the steep, a square cham- ber, which is lined with stone and lime, and is usually sunk below the level of the barn floor, having been previously filled to the pro- per height with water.* The malt is allowed to remain here for not less than 40 hours, by legal regulations. The light seeds which swim on the surface are skimmed off, and the mass of grain is levelled, for the purpose of being gauged. The time during which the malt is allowed to remain in the steep varies, accor- ding to the wheel of the maltster. But the usual test of its fitness for being removed is thecapabi- lity of its extremities being squeezed together * Professor Lavini finds the composition of wheat as follows: 1. Ripe corn coiiiains 75 per cent, of starch ; uripe corn only 60 per cent. 2. Unripe corn contains | of its weight of mucous extractive matter. 3. In nnripe corn there is about iOth of gluten; in ripe corn 25 per cent. 4. The albumen is the same in both, 5. In unripe corn there is a gieeu resin, amounting to about ^Oih, which is probably converted into gluten and gum as vegetation advances. 6. Both contain oxides of copper, iron and manganese. —Mmoric della Reale Accadem dele Sciendi. Torino, xxxvii. between the fingers. New barley requires a longer period before it acquires this property than old does ; and ftigg- attains this consis- - tence in a shorter period than barley. By this preliminary step the grain undergoes a , partial germination. It absorbs water and swells ; English barley increasing ^ in bulk, Scotch barley and bigg In less than 24 hours after the grain has been introduced into the steep, the water . begins to acquire a brown colour, and a pe- culiar odour. If this water is evaporated to dryness a blackish-brown residue possessing a disagreeable taste remains, which consists of extractive and nitrate of soda, amounting in weight, tog^jorj^of that of the grain employed. About gggth of its weight of carbonic acid is likewise emitted, which re- mains dissolved in the water, and continues to be disengaged after the grain has been taken out of the steep. And hence it is, that in ten days the grain not only loses all its addition- al weight, but gradually becomes lighter than at first. Thus, loo grains of barley become, by steeping, 135. Exposed to the air for ten days they become 93‘8. After a month they weigh 96 4, and after two months 100* *8. Edwards, Colin, and Becquerel, have found that by causing grain to vegetate in water, acetic acid, sugar, and fermenting matter were secreted. The circumstance of the forms of | carbonic acid, in this first stage, shews us that , evolution is the preliminary step to germina- tion. The grain, after remaining in the steep, as has been said, for a period of not less than 40 hours, is drained. It is then cast, or remov- ed, from the steep to the floor, where it is spread out in a rectangular form, to the depth of 16 inches, for the purpose of being gauged ; in this state it remains for 26 hours. The i barley in the couch always occupies a greater ' space than in the cistern, from the absence of the pressure of superincumbent grain. This increase, which is very great in small _ quanti- , ties, diminishes proportionally to the increase of the quantity of grain. Thus if 3 cubic inches of barley are placed in a cylindrical glass jar, graduated to tenths of an inch, and are cover- ed with water, in 96 hours the swell will be 0*3 inch , or \gof the whole ; but, upon in- verting the vessel so as to shake the grain to the other end, it will occupy a bulk of 4*2 inches, indicating a swell of more than On the other hand, when the quantity of grain is very considerable, it is found that sometimes its bulk in the steep exceeds that in the couch, but this may be, in some mea- sure, owing to errors in guaging. Consider- ing the bulk of grain in the steep to be expres- sed by loo, then the greatest bulk in the couch is 138, the least 110.6, the average 121‘6. The officer of excise takes what is called the best guage, both in the couch and steep, or he takes the measurement of the grain when it has acquired its greatest bulk. One-fifth IS subtracted from the bulk thus obtained, and the number obtained is con- sidered as equal to the quantity of clean malt produced. The duty is charged accordingly^ whether correctly or not seems doubtful. A COMPARATIVE VIEW OF THE PRINCIPAL MOUNTAINS IN THE WORLD- Ub ASIA AMERICA. Name- Height. 1 Chimborazo - - 21,461 1 Dhtialagin - 26,460 2 Disco Cassada - 19,518 S Himaleh, Peak of'. . - - 26,750 3 Antisana . . . - 19,135 S Jamatura - 25,505 4 Catopaocia - - - - 18,875 4f Dhaiban - 24,705 5 EliCy Mont St. - - 18,181 6 to 8 Peaks of the Himaleh Mountains 6 Orizava - - . - 17,375 9 St Patrick Peak ' - - 22,800 7 Sangai . - . - 17,126 10 Parkyal .. - 22,706 8 Topian Range - 16,305 11 Rudra - - - - 22,396 9 Tunguragua - 16,205 12 Peak .. ' - 21,775 lO Rueu de Pichincha *■ - 15,941 IS Rishi Gang Tong . 21,390 11 Sierra Nevada . 15,705 14 The Cone - - - 21,180 12 Gargaviraco . 15,681 16 Black Peak . 21,120 13 Nevada de Toluca . 15,205 16 Petcha or Hamar . 21,006 14 Fraide Peak . 15,131 17 Bimder Puch 21,910 15 Pambamarca 13,505 18 Peak . 20,606 16 Cqffre Peak - - - - 13,416 19 Low Peak . 20,115 17 Elias St. - - - 12,675 20 West Peak - - - . 19,616 18 Rocky Mountains 12,505 21 Tawara Peak " . . . 19,350 19 Cahouapala - - - 11,642 22 Jhala Peak . 18,790 20 Borma - ... - 10,335 23 Moonakor . 18,005 21 Imbabura - - - . 8,975 24 Peak . 17,020 22 Duida - . - . 8,465 26 Soomaonang - " 15,406 23 Blue Mountains . 8,202 26 Ophir . 13,845 24 White Mountains . 7,803 27 Volcano > 12,405 25 Cuanarama - 6,502 28 Chumarulee 11,986 26 Stoney Movmtains - 6,252 29 Tigeretskoi - 10,705 27 Souffiriere - - - 6,005 SO Katunayoiskoi . 10,655 28 Jorullo - - - - 4,265 SI Awatska _ 9,605 29 Pellee Mount - 4,260 32 Lebanon . 9,525 SO Killington Peak - . - - 3,505 33 Ararat . 9,505 31 Alleghany Mountains 3,005 34 Me Lin Mountain 8,205 32 Black Hills . 2,302 86 Jesso Peak 7,681 33 Ozark Mountains 2,005 36 Sea View Hill . 6,505 34 Edgcumbe Mount . 1,405 37 Olympus 6,482 35 Sugar Loaf Hill - 1,305 38 Motmt Ida - . 5,805 36 Torn Mount - 1,205 39 Corea Mountains . 4,381 40 Forest Hill - 3,780 AFRICA. 41 GhautsMountains 3,005 42 King's Table Land 2,830 l.^Geesh . - - - 15,051 43 Carmel 2,201 3 Ami'd Mountains > 13,205 44 Tabor - - - . 2,006 4 Atlas - - > 12,605 46 Herman . 2,006 5 Teneriffe, Peak of 12,360 46 Cwtmingham Mountains - 505 6 Lamalmon - - « “ 11,220 246 A COMPARATIVE VIEW OF THE PRINCIPAL MOUNTAINS IN THE WORLD 7 Niewveldt 10,006 51 Valday - - 1,206- 8 Compass 10,005 52 Mont Martre - - 405 9 Gondar Mountains 8,450 BRITISH ISLES. 10 Komierg - - 8,008 11 Taranta . - - 7,805 1 Ben Nevis . - 4,370 12 Volcano - - - 7,682 2 Cairn Gorm 4,063 13 Camherg . . . . 5,646 3 Ben Lawers - _ 3,950 14 Ruivo Peak . . . 5,162 4 Ben More 3,872 16 Khamies - - 4,305 5 Snowdon . 3,573 16 Table Mountain 3,580 6 Carnedd Llewellyn 3,500 17 Diana Peak - - 2,694 7 Ben Lomond . 3,425 18 Devices Head 2,320 8 Sea Fell Peak 3,170 19 Hermanass Mountain 2,082 9 Sea Fell 3,094 20 High Knnll 2,004 10 Helvellyn . 3,050 21 Conical Rock 605 11 Skiddaw 3,020 ^ Pyramids - - 490 12 Arran Fowddy - 2,960 13 Goat Fell 2,950 EUROPE. 14 Cader Idris _ 2,920 — 15 Brecknock Beacon 2,860 1 Mont Blanc _ 15,730 16 Saddleback - _ 2,790 2 Mont Rosa . 16,605 17 Grassmere Hill - 2,760 3 Ortler Spitze . 15,365 18 Gi'isedale Peak 2,C80 4 Mont Servin . 14,760 19 Croagh Patrick 2,670 5 Finster Aarhora . 14,103 20 Cheviot 2, <-60 6 Jungfrau - - - - . 13,720 21 Coniston Fell 2,580 7 Pelvoux _ 13,440 22 Old Man 2,580 8 Shrek horn - - - - 13,383 23 Pus ofJapra _ 2,472 9 Briethorn _ - . . 12,804 24 Plynlimnon Mount 2,460 10 Mount Visa - 12,583 95 Langdale 2,405 11 Wetterhorn - . - . 12,205 26 Ben Clach _ 2,39^ 12 St. Michel - 11,780 27 Ingleboro' Hill 2,362 13 Venlatta Peak - - - . 11,392 28 Carrock Fell 2,295 14 Mont Perdu . 11,208 29 Cam Fell 2,250 15 Mount St. Bernard . 11,005 SO Whin Fell . 2,242 16 Simplon - - - - 11,005 31 Caibsey - 2,046 17 Mount Etna - - . 10,974 32 Snea Fell 2,005 18 Col Cervin - - - . 10,606 S3 Black Comb - 1,920 19 Terglou ... . 10,394 34 Llandinan Mountain 1,900 20 Col de Traiersetta - 9,964 S6 Rivel Mountain 1)870 21 Roth horn - - - . 9,642 36 Holmee Moss 1,860 22 Conigu - . _ _ . 9,224 37 Pendle Hill 1,834 23 St. Gothard _ 9,080 3S Lord’’ s Seat 1)750 2 1 Lomnitz Peak ... . 8,872 39 Pentland Hills 1)752 25 Velino - . - . . 8,390 40 Lunkery Beacon . 1,670 26 Arbizon Peak qf - _ 8,345 41 Carleton Hilt 1,560 27 Anzeindaz Mount 7,824 42 Rippin Tor 1)548 28 Dofrafiel . 7,625 43 Penmaen Mawr 1,550 29 Sterzingen . - . . 7,515 44 Campsie Hills - 1,505 SO Priel - - . - . 7,005 45 Malvern Hill . 1,440 SI Olympus . 6,606 46 Cat Bell 1,402 32 Pentoux . . _ . 6,505 47 Brown Willy * 1,370 S3 Mont d' Or . . _ . 6,205 48 Wrekin 1,330 34 Cantal ... 6,094 49 Carraton Hill 1,209 35 Sierra del Malhao 6,005 50 Butterton Hill 1,205 36 Reculet - - - . 6,595 51 Hensbarrow Beacon • 1,036 37 Dole (la) - - - - 5,415 52 Rossbery Topping 1,025 38 Chasseral _ 5,265 53 Pontop Pike 1,020 S9 Tagoni . . . 4,905 54 Leith Hill 990 40 Puy de Dome - - - . 4,854 55 Orjnt Heights 985 41 Snce Fiall Jokul - - _ _ 4,560 56 May Hill 970 42 Haidelbwrg - - . 4,465 57 Butser Hill 920 43 Vesuvius . 3,980 58 White Horse Hill 9ao 44 Hecla - . - _ . 3,695 59 Arthur^s Seat 820 45 Stromboli ... 3,'i22 60 Dunnoss 790 46 Kyria Mountains 3,016 61 Holyhead 710 47 Hornalen - - - 3,005 62 Beachy head 560 48 Vaucluse 2,154 63 Dover Castle . 470 49 Flcey Feldt . 1,500 64 Shooter'^s Hill 450 50 Gibraltar - - - . - 1.443 65 Greenwich Observatory . . - 21 A TO CORRESPONDENTS. For Review. Bell’s Comparative View of the Internal Commerce of Bengal during the years 1834-35 and 1835-36 accompanied with tables illustrative of the extent of trade carried on with each country and state. THE INDIA REVIEW OF WORKS ON SCIENCE, AND JOURNAL OF FOREIGN SCIENCE AND THE ARTS, EMBRACING MINERALOGY, GF^OLOGY, NATURAL HISTORY, PHYSICS, See. REVIEW. Some enquiries in the Province of Kemaon> relative to Geology and other Branches of Natural Science, by Assistant Sur- geon John McClelland, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, in London, and of the Medical and Physi- cal Society, Calcutta, Oct.pp. 384.— Thacker & Co., Calcutta. Continued from page 203. We now commence upon Dr. McClel- land’s history of granite and the various superincumbent formations in the same consecutive order in which they occur ; and we have reason to believe that this portion of our review will be read with in- terest by geologists in Britain, France, and America. Our author states that granite rock is found at Choura Pany, and that it pene- trates through gneiss, and forms a succession of elongated elevations which constitute the basis of the highest district in Kemaon. The ridge extends in a north-westerly direc- tion, for forty or fifty miles, and is termi- nated a few miles east of Choura Pany, by the great valley of the river Gogra. Our author says — “ This range appears to be an elongation of the Leti, Tirsal, and Dhanapur mountains, which form the eastern boundary of the valleys in which the Alacananda river rises ; and may with great propriety be named, in the language of geographers, the principal mountain chain: while the great chain to which the snowy peaks immediately belong, may, in like manner, be called the high moun- tain chain. A better idea of the relative connexion of these chains may be formed, by the reader conceiving himself placed on Chou- ra Pany. On the south, he sees the plains of Hindustan below him like a mist, and dis- tant about twenty miles ; on the north, the high mountain chain, or snowy peaks already described ; and on the north-west, a succes- sion of elevated mountains are observed, ex- tending from Choura Pany, obliquely, to- wards the high mountain chain to which they are attached : these constitute the principal mountain chain, and this chain gives off sub- ordinate groups, which, on the one side, pass in close succession to the plains, where they terminate in a line of steep declivities ; and on the other, these lateral groups inter- mix with similar groups, given off by the high mountain chain, and forming between them the valleys of the Gogra. Tliis somewhat complex description would not have been required, were the chain of mountains to which it refers, as distinctly marked by their altitudes, as by their strata ; but as this is not the case, and as the whole province appears, if superficially tiewed, a mere chaos of mountains, we are not to lose sight of any indications presented by their internal structure, and particularly by the strata of granite. The granite, as has been stated, makes its appearance only in the centre of this moun- tain chain, in the loftiest places, such as Choura Pany. It is stratified, and extends in the direction of N. W. ; the strata are nearly vertical, and appear to be composed of nodula, around which concentric layers are wrapped, in the form of newer and newer deposite. This appearance may however be referred to the effects of weathering, as it is only observed on surfaces that have been long exposed. A similar appearance has been long since observed by Dolomieu, in blocks of granite, in ancient Rome ; and also by De Luc, in the granite mountains of Silesia. The colour of our granite is grey, some- times of a reddish hue, derived fi-om the felspar ; but the usual colour is bluish grey. The mass is fine-grained, and resembles spe- 248 THE RUINS OF CHOMPAWUT. cimens I have seen of Aberdeen granite : the quartz is crystalline, but the felspar is dull and earthy. The latter appearance may be the elfect of exposure to the weather, as I cannot depend on the perfection of the spe- cimens examined ; and from the great hard- ness of the rock, I was unable to detach fresher pieces. Its specific gravity is 2.71375.” Gneiss is next noticed, reposing on granite in strata which conform to each other, the transition between the two rocks being effected by imperceptible degrees. Alluding to the newer granite, Dr. McClelland says that the quantity becomes less crystalline and smaller in quantity in proportion to the other ingredients ; and, disappearing, leaves chiefly felspar and mica, with a very small portion of amorphous quartz. The rock then becomes less compact, in which state it is found at the base ; it thence extends in a north-westerly direction and forms the principal portion of the most elevated district in Kemaon, where denuded masses of granite, or more compact and du- rable gneiss, and green-stone are seen in remarkable order. At Dole, on the road be- tween Lohooghat and Almorah, unconnected masses are heaped together in the form of a cone. Mountain masses of globular shape are accumulated on the verge of frightful precipices, so nicely balanced that the least force would serve to precipitate them into a dreadful abyss. Our author alludes to the ruins of Chompawut, the ancient capital of Kemaon, which was erected on gneiss at the northern side of Choura Pany, and says, it was totally destroyed by the decomposition of the eminence on which it stood. Our author is of opinion, that these stupendous rocks originally formed the nuclei in gneiss ; and, from a peculiar tendency to decay, mouldered into friable earth, and was removed by the torrents, leav- ing masses exposed upon the surface. Dr. McClelland would thus account for the ruin of Chompawut, and the sinking and decay of mountains. We leave it to our readers to judge as to the correctness of these con- clusions, and whether gneiss and other parts of the rock would have undergone such great changes as to destroy these cities by the imperceptible decay of the rocks on which they were erected. ‘ ‘The strata of gneiss run in the direction of N. W. and dip 80^ to N. E. ; they vary in thickness fi’om five to eight feet, and con- tain foreign beds of granite, green-stone, iron mica, and micaceous iron ore ; also co- temporaneous veins of quartz and felspar. Specific gravity of fresh specimens, 2-635. The mountains which are formed of this rock are usually rugged, and covered with dense forests of oak. . (A) FERRUGINOUS SLATE. The rock to which this name is given oc- curs in subordinate beds in each of the fore- going rocks. At Choura Pany, it is found in granite, in beds of a hundred feet thick. At Dole, about forty miles north-west of Choura Pany, a similar rock occurs, resting on gneiss. Its colour is blackish grey, with lighter and darker stripes on the surface of the cross fracture. It occurs massive. External lustre glim- mering ; lustre of the principal fracture, shining, and of the cross Aacture, earthy, or glimmering. Fracture, slaty, with a single cleavage. Fragments, tabular. It is semi- hard, inclining to soft. It soils. Specific gravity, 2*384. PHYSICAL CHARACTER. It has no effect on the magnet, either be- fore or after exposure to the blow-pipe. CHEMICAL CHARACTERS. On exposure to the blue flame of the blow- pipe, it slowly assumes a reddish yellow surface. It gives to borax a greyish green colour, inclining to greyish-white on the edges. This rock might be named a mica-slate, containing a small portion of micaceous iron ore, finely disseminated with very fine gra- nular quartz, common mica, and fine earthy felspar. 3.— HORNBLENDE-SLATE. It has been shewn, that the two rocks, (gneiss and granite,) already described, form the principal mountain ridge, in nearly, but not quite, vertical strata : for a dip of 80® is invariably observed, bending to the north- east. This fact, together with others which are yet to be observed, renders it nearly cer- tain, that a great basin or trough, of con- siderable depth, is formed by the substratum, orfundamentalrock;descending from the centre of the high mountainchain,and ascending again to form the basis of the principal mountain chain. This basin, it would appear, is filled up partly by a number of successive layers, of newer and newer rocks, and these layers or strata are not uniformly spread over every portion of the cavity of the basin ; but they are accumulated in particular places, and thus form subordinate troughs, or valleys ; wdiich have again been transformed by suc- ceeding deposites of newer rocks. Hornblende-slate appears to have been deposited chiefly in the bottom of this basin ; HORNBLENDE. SLATE NOT A DISTINCT FORMATION. 249 and to ascend only in small quantity, or to disappear entirely on its higher margins.''^ In these latter situations, it either assumes a coarse granular structure, and passes into gneiss, as on the southern acclivity of Choura Pany, and into mica-slate, as below Durgura ; or it changes into a very fine granular de- scription of clay-slate, as in the bed of the Lohoo river, on the northern foot of Choura Pany. It may be more consistent with the nature and connexions of this rock, to imitate Werner and Professor Jameson, in consider- ing hornblende-slate, not as a distinct for- mation, as described by Raumei't, but as occurring only in beds ; but there can be no doubt that those beds are of much greater extent than either of those eminent geologists contemplated ; and as the term hed affords too contracted an idea of a rock, which com- poses an extensive portion of a district, the inconvenience might perhaps be avoided by substituting the tei’ms partial formationX. The direction of the strata of hornblende- slate is ruled, rather by the direction of mountain groups, than by that of px’incipal mountain chains ; or, in other words, its direction is subject to variation arising from local irregularities of the surface of the basin, in which it is deposited. The dip is seldom less than 60", and often as much as 80". The acclivities of mountains composed of this rock are usually rugged and inaccessible ; and tabular masses of nearly perpendicular strata stand several feet erect above the sur- face. From this peculiai-ity, soil sufficient for the growth of the most luxuriant vegetation is retained on the steepest acclivities. Oak being in this latitude the inhabitant of loftier altitudes than are formed by this rock, the forests that prevail on it are chiefly composed of pines of the largest growth. * On the S, W. acclivity of the principal mountain chain; or, in other words, the as- cent from Belket to Choura Pany, hornblende- slate is found, at the altitude of 6,000 feet, to change into the character of gneiss; and in the course of this mountain acclivity, conical peaks rise one above another. The centre of each peak is composed of granular horn- blende-slate, closely resembling gneiss, from which it only differs by coutaiixing hornblende sufficient to give it a greenish hue ; while the strata surrounding these centres retain the character of hornblende-slate, until we ascend to the altitude already mentioned, which ap- pears to be that at which hornblende-slate disappears. + Annal. Phil. vol. vi. p. 478. + To Raumer, green-slate occurred resting on gneiss and granite in the Riesengeberge ; to Werner it occurred in clay-slate. In Ke- maon, it is found resting on gneiss. To these we might perhaps apply the terms of first, second, and third trap (or partial trap) formations ; but it is highly probable, that, in a more advanced state of Geological Science, these seeming irregularities may be reconciled to some general law, which has hitherto elu- ded our observations. This is the more pro- bable, as our geognpstic acquaintance with the structure of the earth is as yet confined to a comparatively small proportion of the whole surface. The tract of district composed of horn- blende-slate, although of considerable extent, is almost totally deserted ; and the few vil- lages that are found on it, are miserably poor, and, in general, uninhabitable for several months during the year; as well fi’om the miasmata and heat that prevail in its dense forests, and deep valleys, as from the rapacity of the wild beasts by which these are infested : as the tiger, leopard, and the bear. Hornblende-slate having been found in so many different positions, with respect to other rocks, a minute description of it, as it occurs in Kemaon, resting on gneiss, may be useful in assisting to form its separation into species, depending on the rocks with which it is associated in nature. , Its colours are seladon, pistachio, and olive-green. It occurs massive, and contains cotera- poraneous laminae of quartz, in thin alternate layers, and fiattish grains, from small to very' small ; and even finely disseminated. External lustre, dull, inclining to resinous. Fracture foliated, and slaty, with a single cleavage. Lustre of the principal fracture glistening, or shining, and of the cross fracture, glim- mering. Shape of the fragments, tabular. Distinct concretions, lamellar. It affords a greenish grey streak. It is opaque. It is semi-hard. It is somewhat sectile. It af- fords an earthy smell when breathed on, and feels rather meagre. Specific gravity, 2*920. Chemical characters. It is not fusible before the blow-pipe ; probably from its intermixture with common clay, a large pro- portion of mica, and other impurities, as its lightness indicates. Variat. a. — Coarse Granular. Its colours are greenish grey, seladon, and pistachio green ; wdth a pearly and glimmer- ing lustre. Fracture, coarse granular ; but somewhat inclining to slaty. Lustre of the fracture, resinous and slightly shining. Dis- tinct concretions are lenticular, inclining on the one hand to lamellar, and on the other to granular. Specific gravity, 2*708. It appears to contain felspar, as well as quartz, and may be considered as the transi- tion between hornblende-slate and gneiss. Variat. b. Colour, dark greenish grey. Fracture, slaty in the large, but compact, even, and inclining to eaxdhy in the small. Lustre, glimmering. It is opaque. It is similar in the streak. It is semi-harcl, inclining to soft, and affords a strong bituminous smell when bi*eathed on. Specific gravity, 2*728. This I'ock is a transition between horn- blende-slate and clay-slate ; and appears to be composed of minute gx’ains of quartz, imbedded in a basis of clay and hox’xiblende. The fox*eign beds, which are contained in hornblende -slate, are gypsum, micaceous iron glance, eommon iron glance, chlorit- slate, and px’imitive green-stone. The first is common to this I'ock, and mica-slate, and v^ill be noticed in the next. 250 MICA-SLATE, CLAY-SLATE, AND PRIMITIVE LIMESTONE. chapter ; and the description of the iron ores may be consulted in the account of the mines. The chlorit-slate and porphyritic green- stone appear to be peculiar to this for- mation. (B) CHLORIT-SLATE. Its colours are emerald and grass green. It occurs massive. Internal lustre, pearly. Fracture, scaly foliated. Distinct con- cretions, thin lamellar. Lustre of the dis- tinct concretions, shining. It is opaque, and it alfords a light-coloured streak. It is soft, and perfectly sectile. It is meagre to the feel. Specific gravity, 3. It occurs in large quantity in the lower strata of hornblende-slate, and is found at Chimtouly, in the vicinity of the iron mines. It also occurs at the southern foot of Choura Pany, near Belket, where its scaly laminee alternate with thin laminae of quartz. It is the substance that gives the slaty structure to hornblende-slate. (C) PORPHYRITIC GREEN-STONE. This rock is found at the southern foot of the principal mountain chain, where it forms at Belket, a portion of the bed of the river Ludhoo. I have not been able fully to ascer- tain its extent and geognostic relations ; and as this is a point of first-rate importance, it would be improper to hazard an opinion upon it. It will be seen on inspection of the map, as well as from what is said in the descrip- tion of Belket, that if the porphyritic green- stone passes under the elevated mass of strata composing the southern declivity of Choura Pany, that then those philosophers, who contend that the strata of mountains have been elevated to their present position, by the expansive operation of heat, confined in the centre of the earth, would find in the peculiar position of this green-stone, a strong argument in favour of their doctrine ; but if, on the other hand, it should appear on further inquiry, that this formation, like the others we have described, presents the character of a deposite from above ; then, of course, the first argument would come to nothing. This rock is composed apparently of equal parts of hornblende and felspar, in minute crystals, mechanically mixed, so as at first sight to look somewhat like a fine granite. It is not stratified, but divided in all direc- tions by adventitious rifts, which give it a brecciated structure in large masses. The fragmented pieces are usually trapezoidal. It is hard, and not particularly heavy.” We now come to the primitive forma- tions— mica-slate, clay-slate, and primitive limestone. Mica-slate is found at Durgura, alternating with gypsum, and a micaceous kind of clay-slate, which, from its geognostic situation, may be considered to be interme- diate between mica-slate and clay-slate. This also occurs associated with similar rocks at Choura Pany ; it rests^on hornblende -slate, and is composed of small grains of quartz, some felspar, and a considerable proportion of grey or silvery mica. Mean direction of the strata W. N. W. ; mean dip, 500. Gypsum is found in beds from 50 to 300 feet thick strata, subdivided by numerous slaty rifts running parallel to the strata which seem to divide the rocks into tables from two to six inches. The colour of these strata is reddish white, and greenish white ; lustre glimmering, and sometimes glistening jn the principal fractures ; while that of the cross fractures is pearly ; large fractures slaty and tabular ; small pieces wedge-shap- ed : it is faintly translucent on the edges ; semi-hard and frangible* “ Specific gravity of the reddish coloured variety, from Durgura, 2*612, and of the greenish white kind, from the same place, 2*574 and 2‘669 ; while a variety of the same from beds in hornblende-slate at Chimtouly, is, 2*3. Chemical characters. It is infusible be- fore the greatest heat of the blow-pipe, either when placed on charcoal or held in the forceps. Even with the addition of borax, and the flame directed to the edges of the laminae, it evinced little signs of fusibility ; nor is it soluble in any proportion of water. These experiments were not made on the specimen from Chimtouly, which appears to be a purer gypsum than the others, from its more compact and sparry character, as well as from its containing less mica.” The extracts we have given shews fully our author’s mode of description. He then proceeds to describe the great formation of clay-slate, which composes at least the sixth part of the whole province, and is stretched in conformable strata over the mica- slate and trap rocks. It commences on the N. E. acclivity of the principal mountain chain under the out-going of the substratum, at the elevation of 7000 feet. Primitive lime- stone composes the northern acclivity of j Takill ; and from thence it extends in a north-westerly direction for many miles. j “In a small river valley, which partly separates Takill from the Oudepore group, this rock forms the most frightful precipices on both sides that can well be imagined. | These precipices compose broken, and i seemingly tottering mountain acclivities, that ascend in places for three or four thou- , sand feet, at various angles betw^'cn 45^ and ! TRANSITION ROCKS INDICATED IN THE MOUNTAINS OF KEMAON. 26) 750 ; and as tlie only road between Lohoo- ghat and Petoragur lies along the verge of these precipices for several miles, it is impos- sible that the most indifferent traveller could pass, insensible either to the danger of his situation, or the beauties of the scene. This limestone is. distinguished in the large scale, by its thick slaty appearance, owing apparently to occasional laminae of argil- laceous matter, which pass an uncertain length through each stratum, parallel to the strata seam's. The strata are mantle -shaped, rather than conformable ; or they may be said to partake of the nature of both. This variety of the rock is of a bluish grey colour, with a dull lustre.” Talking of mountain rocks, Dr. McClel- land distinguishes them from primitive rocks by their position, greater irregularities in re- gard to stratification, and by containing obscure traces of organised beings, as well as by certain characters presented by the structure of the rocks themselves. In Shore valley there is a black, fine-grained lime- stone, resting in unconformable strata, on clay-state. In other parts of the dis- trict an impure, fine-grained limestone is found mechanically mixed with newest clay- slate, in thin slaty lamillse. Transition rocks are clearly indicated in the mountains of Kemaon ; grey wacke, and grey wacke- slate are both absent, and their place is supplied by a rock com- posed of a mixture of magnesian lime-stone and argillaceous clay ; and lastly, however adverse to our former notions, we shall be obliged to admit magnesian limestone into the class of transition rocks.” The oldest transition limestone is found on the western acclivity of a lofty mountain near Lohooghat extending to the north ; it is scarcely stratified, but disposed in an un- connected succession of tabular masses, of the colour of Berlin blue. Lustre glistening. Fracture compact, large conchoidal. Distinct concretions, fine or very fine granular ; the fine granular con- cretions are somewhat angular, and have a dull dai'k-blue colour : while they are sur- rounded on the fractured surface by minute splinters, which appear to the naked eye like very fine white specks. It is opaque. It is semi-hard. It is entirely dissolved with brisk effer- vescence in acids.” Aluminous slate and limestone are formed of alternate layers of limestone and slate ; the limestone ingredient being generally magnesian . “ Limestone portion is combined in a mecha- nical alternation of layers, with ordinary- transition slate. Specific gravity of the greenish coloured variety, 2*75, and of the bluish kind from Takill, 2-647.” Speaking of transition limestone. Dr. McClelland says that it forms two varieties : the most important is somewhat stratified and conformable, and in conjunction with clay- slate forms whole mountains and even mountain groups. Beds of graphite sometimes intervene between the slate and limestone. (A) OVERLYING VARIETY. ” This variety of transition limestone occurs in distinct masses, of various shapes and sizes ; the former frequently irregular, but often rhomboidal, cubical, columnar, seldom round. They occur singly, or in large num- bers, piled loosely together in the form of bold rugged knolls, ' mountain shields, and caps : more rarely, two or three enormous isolated blocks are so nicely balanced upon each other, as to convey the idea of their having been so placed, by some artificial power beyond our conception. Their exter- nal surface is granulated and uneven, often also streaked by projecting lines. Its colour is velvet black, with numerous spots and veins of white calcspar. Fracture, large conchoidal. inclining to granular foliated. Fragments, indetermi- nately angular, and rather blunt-edged. Lus- tre of the fracture, glimmering, sometimes glistening. It is opaque. It affords a white streak. It is semi-hard. Specific gravity, 2.8435 and 2-8668. Chemical characters. The same as the foregoing. It sometimes rests on the foregoing variety, with which it usually occurs ; it also rests on clay-slate, and is extensively distributed on mountain ridges and acclivities in the vicinity of Shore, between the altitudes of five and seven thousand feet. The spotted variety in particular is a beautiful marble, and would be highly esteemed, if within the reach of a people -whose knowledge of the arts enabled them to appreciate its value. Along with these limestones, beds of green-stone, slaty talc, and graphite are very common. The transition green-stone and the graphite are peculiar to this forma- tion, but the talc also occurs in floetz lime- stone. The stratified variety is also the repository of copper pyrites.” Dr. McClelland next notices compact Dolomite, mountains of which are seen rear- ing themselves out of the narrow valley of Belket. “ The beautiful green and blue colours of their naked precipices ; the picturesque form of their lofty summits, as well as the 252 COPPER-SLATE COMPOSES A LARGE PORTION OF THE SHORE DISTRICT. uniform arrangement of their massive, and nearly perpendicular strata, convey, upon the whole, a most sublime effect.” Oolite or grit-stone composes a lofty range of mountains on the north of Gun- gowly. “Colour of the rock is yellowish white; surface rough ; external lustre, none. Inter- nal lustre, inclining to viti*eous. Fracture compact, uneven, inelining to coarse splintery on the one hand, and to large conchoidal on the other. Fragments, irregular, blunt-edged. Distinct concretions, fine granular. Surface of the distinct concretions, smooth. Lustre of the distinct conci’etions, vitreous. It is translucent on the edges. It is simi- lar in the streak, and semi-hard. It is not particularly brittle ; is easily frangible, ad- heres slightly to the tongue, and often affords a grating sound when handled. Specific gra- vity, from 2’6 to 2’5975. Chemical characters. It dissolves very partially and with feeble effervescence in nitric acid. It becomes enamelled on the surface after exposure to the blue flame of the blow-pipe, with the addition of borax.” Dr. McClelland proceeds to notice the peculiarity of the older strata, and describes miscellaneous rocks, granatine, fibrous limestone, common talc, minerals associated with talc, variegated clay-state, brecciated serpentine, noble setpentine, &c. “ The immense accumulation of primitive rocks, which composes the alpine land, ex- tending to the high mountain chain, must occasion a pressure on the side of the Hima- layas calculated to force the vertical strata of granite towards the plains, the side on which it is least supported*. What strength- ens this view is, that clay-slate, a rock that constitutes two-thirds of the acclivity on the side of the Himalayas, is quite absent on the opposite side next the plains. Were it not for this explanation, the gra- nite would be taken for a newer formation than the gneiss and hornblende-slate on which it seems to rest, a transposition of rocks which is conti'ary to all established principles of geognosy, and which we could not receive unless confirmed by the most extensive and careful observations, such as would embrace the Himalaya range from Tartary to Hindu- stan.” “ As the waters which formerly assisted in supporting^ the mass of mountain began to lower their level, those masses then lost their former support, yielded to the action of their weight, and began to separate and be detached from the rest of the mountain, falling to the free side as that where least resistance was opi>osed.” Werner, Vid. New Theory of Veins. Granatine, found in extensive beds of clay-state, is often associated with copper and iron pyrites. Fibrous limestone occurs along with common talc, at the north-east- ern extremity of the Oudepore mountain. Its colours are lead grey, greenish and bluish grey, clouded and striped with smalt blue. Com- mon talc is found with this and granatine ; its colours are bluish, and greenish grey ; lustre between pearly and metallic. Variegated slate is found in the district of Shore resting on clay-state in mantle-shaped strata. Brec- ciated serpentine is found at Jula ghat, where it forms the bed of the Mahi-Kali river. It is stratified and conformable ; direc- tion W. N. W. dip 40 E. N. E. Its colour is greyish black. Dr. McClelland proceeds next to notice floetz rocks, which are divided jnto three beds, viz. copper-slate, alpine limestone, and tabular limestone ; of which he gives the following description. (A) COPPER-SLATE. “ This I'ock composes a large proportion of the Shore district. It extends along the bases and acclivities of the primitive and tran- sition mountains, forming in these situations, a succession of small subordinate basins occasioned by the circuitous contortions de- scribed in the direction of the strata. The strata are usually made up of layers which are separated by rifts, and transversely bro- ken, so as to give the whole a comminuted, thiek slaty appearance. Between the fractured parts in the lower strata, nests of bituminous fossils, talc, copper and iron pyrites occur. (B) ALPINE LIMESTONE. Mountain, or alpine limestone, occurs in lofty irregular accumulations, which rise abruptly in the form of rugged, often isolat- ed pyramidal mountains, whose acclivities are formed by the almost perpendicular rear- ing of tabular masses, while their declivities are composed of unconformable, brecciated, homogeneous mountain-masses, presenting few external traces of the tabular, or strati- fied structure, but merely cemented together, and perforated by caveims, fissures, and sub- terraneous waters. The bases of the moun- tains of alpine limestone are overspread with masses precipitated from above by some na- tural convulsions, and again agglutinated by the same or succeeding catastrophies, and transformed into subordinate knolls, mecha- nically, as well as chemically, grouped toge- ther in the most sublime and picturesque forms.” (C) TABULAR AND MANTLE-SHAPED VARIETY. This rock occurs in patches, pretty exten- sively distributed on low shields and valleys, DR. McCLELLA.ND’S TALENTS AND RESEARCH. 253 throughout the Shore district. The strata are subdivided by slaty rifts like the copper- slate, but unlike the latter, they are almost always flat and seldom or never form basins, or contain bituminous talcose, or metallic fossils ; but are distinguished by containing concretions resembling small fishes. These several varieties of limestone are scarcely to be distinguished from each other, by their external or chemical characters ; which may be set dowU as follows : Colours, bluish-grey and ash-grey. Ex- ternally tarnished with dirty greyish white. Sometimes the internal and external colours alternate on the surface, giving the rock a variegated flinty appearance. External surface smooth, and without lus- tre. Lustre of the fracture dull. Fracture compact, large conchoidal, inclining to fine splintery. Fragments irregular, somewhat shai’p-edged. It is feebly translucent on the edges. It affords a light-coloured streak, and is capable of being scratched by the knife, but not without difficulty. Specific gravity, 2*732. Chemical characters. It dissolves com- pletely, v/ith brisk effervescence, in nitric acid, and burns to a fine white quicklime without falling to powder.” Magnesian limestone occurs as a partial deposite along the course of the small river that drains the valley of Shore. The strata are nearly horizontal, or seldom dip more than 15^. Vesicular limestone is a coarse breccia, composed of frag- ments of transition and floetz limestones. Porphyritic septarium occurs in overlying masses near the highest ridges and summits of Takill composed of common felspar, as a matrix to fragments of transition limestone. Hornstone, an oil green, and greenish grey, faintly clouded with siskin green, occurs in massive forms. Arragonite is found near the village of Gooseragong in Shore valley. We now come to the alluvial rocks. “ In Kemaon, as in all other mountainous countries, we can have no such unifoi*mity in alluvial deposites as in low countries ; but the phenomena connected with their produc- tion can be here studied with more advan- tage, as mountains are the great natural laboratories in which alluvial rocks are pre- pared, and from which they are transmitted to fertilize the earth. Alluvial deposites are derived from the disintegration of the older rocks, by the de- stroying agencies of heat, light, moisture, and we may perhaps be allowed to add, of earth- quakes, and the attrition of winds. It may indeed be improper to designate as destroying those effects that keep up the never-ceasing- supply of alluvial soil, so essential to the existence of the inhabitants of this globe, vegetable as well as animal. In Kemaon, the varieties of these deposites are few, and differ frem each other according to the source from which they Avere derived. In arranging them, we cannot follow any rule founded on priority of formation, the changes that pro- duce the different varieties being simulta- neous.” Siliceous alluvial deposites derived from the most elevated ridges of granite and gneiss contain quartz of pure siliceous earth. Aluminous clay is next noticed as presenting varieties. Dr. McClelland had no opportunity of seing volcanic rocks in Kemaon exeept the septarium. This, properly speaking, brings us to the end of Dr. McClellan d^s work on the geo- logy of Kemaon. There are other chap- ters on the mines of the north eastern frontier of Kemaon ; on climatology and on earthquakes; a general view of the zoology of Kemaon, and an enquiry into the causes of goitre, which we shall notice hereafter. We however cannot close this review without strongly recommending the work to public support : we have not ven- tured on any commendation without, in the first place, exhibiting a copious outline of its contents, that our readers might thus be better able to judge of the great value of a work which exhibits the geology of one of the most interesting portions of British India. The information contained in the work is conveyed in a language as chaste as it is lucid ; and in the course of the undertaking the author has evinced no common degree of talent and research. Art. 11. — Results of an Enquiry respect- ing the Law of Mortality for British India, deduced from the Reports and Appendices of the Committee appointed hy the Bengal Government in 1834, to consider the expediency of a Government Life Assurance Institution. By Cap- tain H. B. Henderson, Assistant Military Auditor General, Secretary to the Committee. Transactions of the Asiatic Society, 1836. Subjects of the nature contained in the paper we are about to examine are of infinite 254 ON THE LAW OF MORTALITY FOR BRITISH INDIA. importance, not only on account of the infor- mation they convey, which governs the value of annuities dependent on the exigencies of human life, hut also as affording data in re- gard to the degrees of healthiness of situa- tions and the probable duration of human life. In the article now before us there is a greater number of statements brought for- ward, tending to elucidate the rate of morta- lity, than in any other treatise we have seen on the subject. To the civil and military branches of the Hon’ble Company’s service, who are doomed to pass the principal period of their existence in this country, it becomes a subject of great irioment to know the degree of mortality to which the British sojourner in India is exposed. In a statistical point of view the present investigation is of the utmost importance, as has been observed in another work ; for it is impossible to re- gulate with any degree of accuracy the scales of pensions without a strict reference to the rate of mortality among different classes of individuals, both prior and subsequent to their being admitted on the pension list. The as- certainment of this point is therefore of infi- nite importance to the officers of the army. No rule either for the promotion of officers or for retrenchments against them, can be laid down without a previous knowledge of the mortality to which they are subject in different climates and under different cir- cumstances, as regards cantonments and garri- sons in India. But there is another question yet unsettled, which leads to accurate con- clusions ; viz. whether or not India is inimi- cal to the health of the children of Europeans, and whether it is indispensably necessary to send them to Europe in order to preserve and establish their health. On analysing the paper before us we, however, find that matter of so vague a nature has been introduced, as to create doubts whether sufficient care has been taken to arrive at accurate conclusions. Alluding to the natives, for instance. Captain Henderson observes that there are few tabular statements available, or data so extensive as to exhibit the general ratio of mortality in India, as compared wnth that of the population of other parts of the world. So true is this observation, that we are rather astonished that our author should have referred to the statement of the popula- tion, births, marriages, and deaths, in the city of Delhi. Writers in Europe might notice such statements as being accurate ; but we will venture to say they are the very reverse. When Captain Henderson alludes to the native soldiers, he has however better data to go upon. Of these there are regular stated returns forwarded to the public depart- ments, but much dependance cannot be placed on those returns, and on the mode of calculation adopted, as to admit of our coming to the decision that the conclusions arrived at are correct. Captain Henderson says that the native soldiers on the Bengal establishment are particularly healthy under ordinary cir- cumstances. He takes a period of five years, and states that only one man is reported to have died per annum out of every one hundred and thirty-one of the actual strength of the army. These tables are taken, we perceive, from the returns to the Medical Board. In order to prove the accuracy of these data, we should like to have seen these returns com- pared with those sent to the Adjutant Gene- ral’s office. We very much doubt the correctness of the statement in the third column of table No. 1 which gives the total strength of regiments in monthly averages. Medical men do not obtain this item of information so numerically correct as conveyed in returns to the adjutant general of the army by adjutants of regiments. If then the statement is incorrect in this column, the result developed in the table must be altogether erroneous. We ourselves be- lieve the mortality to be much greater than here given, which is our reason for objecting to the single source from whieh this information appears to have been derived. On this account the table, which would otherwise have been rendered of great importance, becomes in our estimation valueless. Capt. Henderson ad- verts to the climate, we presume, of Benga^ Proper, as being injurious to the sepoy, and assures us that, although only one-fourth of the troops exhibited are stationedin Bengal, the deaths of that fourth are more than a moiety of the whole mortality. There are grounds for this excess in the number of deaths in Bengal. Besides the influence of climate, the bosom of a Hindoo soldier is extensively occupied with the love of his kindred, his religion, and his money ; and the moment he enters Bengal Proper, these passions are remarkably develo- ped. To provide for his family he deprives him- self of the common requisites of life, and, as rice is to be purchased at an extremely low rate, he lives upon the cheapest; regard- less of its quality, he looks only to the quantity. Thus he leaves off the use of meal and ghee, which he was in the habit of making into cakes — the diet to which, in his native land, he had been accustomed from his childhood. It CAUSE OF DEATHS AMONG THE is, we conceive, exclusively owing to this poverty of diet and his other privations, to which we have alluded, that such numerous deaths among this class of our soldiery are to be ascribed. Again .Captain Henderson states that'the sepoys are “ healthily employed, well clothed, and attended.” In the upper-pro- vinces we admit this to be the case generally, but not the native corps in Bengal, which are scarcely more than skeletons of regiments. Theduty oftroops, especially from Barrackpore, is so incessant, as to render it the reverse of healthy employment. We understand that when European guards are relieved, the na- tives, owing to a paucity of them, haye been obliged to stand still. We ascribe the fewness of the deaths and healthiness of our native army to a highly efficient medical department ; and it corroborates the opinion w'e have so re- peatedly endeavoured to enfoi’ce upon the mind of the Government that the best policy and system of economy will be to secure well educated men to fill the medical list, not by reducing the allowances of incumbents, and thus impoverishing them, but by improving their condition. The following quotation from our author shews a large pension list, and but a few transfers to it, except as the last alternative. “ It would seem by other documents that out of about eighteen thousand invalid fight- ing men, of the Bengal Army pensioned by the State, six hundred and eighty deceased during the year 1831-32, or one out of 26| ; while the average duration of the pension enjoyed by this class of men, fora period embracing from May 1828 to October 1830, was 7 years 8§ months, and from May to the same month in 1832, the duration of pension was only about 5 years 4^ months.’ We perfectly agree with our author, that the possession of an accurate census of the large populous cities, with regularly published annual statements of the births, marriages, and deaths, is still a desideratum : but at pre- sent we see no means of supplying it with that accuracy which such statistical tables require to render them at all available for calculations of the nature found in our author’s paper. The pilgrimages, the wandering character of the people, and their peculiar customs, so dia- metrically opposite to those of other nations, NATIVE SOLDIERY IN BENGAL. 255 are the difficulties which present themselves to the compilers of such records. We now proceed to examine the rate of mortality among Europeans sojourning in India, as presented in the tables before us. Captain Henderson considers the population of this class to be fluctuating. There was some uncertainty with reference to the other presidencies as to the real ratio of decrimeat in their immediate communities ; yet, on ac- count of the regular constitution of the covenanted services under each Government, in Capt. Henderson’s opinion, there are gx-eater facilities for obtaining scrupulous accuracy as regards dates of arrivals, deaths, and age in India. Captain Henderson’s report commences with an enquiry into the mortality among the common soldiery. The infoi’mation is furnished by the late Dr. Barke, Inspector General. In addition to information on other points, this report embi'aces the casualties of the last four years for the whole of his Majesty’sArmy in Bengal* “ But he exhibits a curious distinction in the rate of danger at the different stations; viz. Deaths to strength. Fort William, 7.59 per cent. Berhampore, 6.77; Chinsurah, 6.10 do. Cawnpore, 4.55 ; Boglepore, 3.95 do. Dina- pore, 3.84 do. Ghazipoi-e, 3.80 do. Kurnaul, 3.00 do. Meerut, 1.99 do. Agra, 1.91 do. With respect to the ages of the deceased, the Inspector General has now given more ample information. During the four years 1826, 27, 28, 29, the ratio of death was — From the age of 18 to 20, 16.12; 20 to 25, 9.35; 25 to 30, 10.13; 30 to 35, 6.92 ; 35 to 45, 9.54. In the above term were included the ex- traordinary casualties of the war in Ava and the siege of Bhurtpore. But in the four suc- ceeding years of peace and non-exposure of the troops; viz. 1830, 31 , 32, 33, the ratio growls more i*egular, and assumes the generally steady progressive increase of danger with increasing yeai’S, the same as in all the other Tables in possession of the Committee of officers and others ; viz. From 18 to 20 years, . . . , . . . 0.58 20 to 22 ,, ... . . . 2.24 22 to 24 ,, ... 25 to 30 ,, ... 5.86 30 to 35 ,, ... 5.22 35 to 45 ,, 6.78 It should be remarked that from 18 to 20, dui’ing these four years, the class above represented, consists of recruits enlisted in India, the sons of soldiers of the regiments.” We shall conclude our notice of this arti- cle here, and resume it in our next. 256 geological features of the plain near madras. Art. III. — Notes on the Geology of thg country between Madras and the Neil- gherry Hills, via Bangalore and via Salem, by P. M. Bknza, Esq., M. T). of the ISiadras Establishment. On the Geological position and associa- tion of the Laterite, or Iron Clay, formation of India ; with a description of that rock as it is found at the Red Hills near Madras, by R. Cole, Esq , of the Madras Medical Establishment, Secretary to the Asiatic Department of the Madras Literary Society and Auxiliary Royal Asiatic Society. — Madras Journal, July, 1836. J. B. Pharoah, Madras. Dr. Benza opens his article by giving a concise statement of the geological features of the plain near Madras, with the view of communicating the names and nature of the rocks in that direction. Granite is the lowest rock in almost all the localities of the plain ; it is composed of quartz, felspar, and mica. The fact, that granite was always the lowest rock, was ascertained on boring for water and excavating for tanks and wells. This rock is found in many parts of the plain on the ’ surface of the soil in clustered masses ; near the mount and the race-course these eminences of granite are intermixed with pegmatite. In addition to other minerals at the foot of Palaveram the granite contains garnets; in some places it loses the mica and becomes pegmatite. At the western extremity of the mount the granite rocks are decomposed, forming white clay. Dr. Benza infers from the super- ficial position of the granite over the whole plain of Madras, that boring for water would prove unsuccessful. Porphyry, formed of well defined and separate crystals of felspar im- bedded in a compact paste of a similar mine- ral, occurs in the plain between Guindy and Trimatoor. No hornblende, andbut few plates of mica are discovered in the porphyry. Hornblende slate, occasionally passing into hornblende rock, overlays the fundamen- tal rock in the little eminences of the plain. Thrt stratification of this rock is well deve- loped— the contorted strata being composed || of coarse materials ; some are in a more com- jl minuted state, forming a fine grained stratum, i The rock is composed of an endless variety of proportions of minerals ; in some blocks strata ii; of hornblende is exclusively distinguished, [. in others felspar and quartz ; in some simple 1' quartz, which occasionally intersects the j,: strata at all angles and in different directions {i; in very thick veins. Hornblende rock, in j| huge masses on the summits and sides of the jfi hills, is foliated, shining, and nearly black ; contains little felspar ; is stratified in ap- pearance ; and is the primitive greenstone , found ail over India. Fracture splintery, !j; texture tough and compact. Conglomerate laterite extends over the j; whole eastern part of the plain , overlaying the f! granite in many places ; it is found in two j; states — viz. undisintegrated and detritus: itis ' found in its entire state, on the banks of the I;: Adyar, overlaying the pegmatite. The detri- I;; tus has two geological positions : one as loose ji rounded pebbles, scattered over the sur- It face of the plain ; the other as substratum to 'jl the soil. Between the lateritic detritus and [i the granite is found, in some places of the j| plain, a stratum of nodular kankar ; in some || spots it resembles friable, calcareous tufa. |i Trap is met with in considerable dimensions j in loose blocks, or in dykes between Pala- veram and Trimatoor, where they are nearly f level with the soil or forming small swellings |: on the ground. The boulders and the dykes |r are composed of basaltic hornblende : these j; dykes are frequent in India. As we ap- j; proach the sea the surface of a portion of the i plain is sandy, intermixed with minute grains Ij of disintegrated garnets. In the clayey |i stratum inland, marine organic exuviae have ij been found. Ij Such is an outline of Dr. Benza’s '{ sketch of the geology of the environs of , ' Madras, by which he has rendered great |i service to science, and supplied an im- || portant desideratum in Indian geology. ! The work is highly creditable to this au- i thor’s perseverance and zeal. Before we ac- company him on his journeys to the ji Neilgherries, we must examine Mr. Cole’s I THE NATURE OF LATERITE. 257 account of the geological position and asso- ciation of the laterite or iron -clay formation of India, with his description of the rock near Hurdwar, just alluded to by Dr. Benza : we should add by the way that, in allusion to the marine organic exuvise said to have been discovered. Dr. Benza comments upon the importance of inquiring into the existence of their fossils. Dr. Voysey was one of the first to mention the existence of marine and fresh water shells in a fossil state in the south of India. In 1822, Col. Cullen deposited in the museum of the College of Madras shell limestone, found in the North- ern Circars, forty miles from the sea-shore ; and Mr. Malcolmson has given an account of the geological position of fossil shells found under trap between Hydrabad and Nagpore. Dr. Benza says that these geological appearances confirm the accounts given in the Puranas, viz. that “ it has been handed down by tradition that the greatest part of the Coromandel Coast was sud- denly elevated out of the sea.” Mr. Cole justly considers it an opprobrium on science that so little is known concerning laterite — a mineral so extensively distributed and of so marked a feature in Indian geology ; and pro- ceeds to give a succint account of what has been written on this rock. Buchanan, in alluding to the hills of the country, mentions that iron ore is found forming beds, veins, or detached masses, in the stratum of indurated clay ; to this he was the first to give the name laterite. This is not the indurated clay of Kirwan, but appai*ently the argilla lapidea of Wallerius. It is diffused in immense masses, without any appearance of stratification, and is placed over the granite that foi'ms the basis of Malayala. It is full of cavities and pores, and contains a large quantity of iron in the form of red and yellow ochres. Excluded from the air it is soft ; when cut it becomes as hard as brick and resists air and water. It is cut into the form of bricks, being one of the most valuable materials for building ; in several of the native dialects it is called the brick-stone. Where, by the washing away of the soil and exposure to the air, it is hardened into a rock, its colour turas black, and its pores and inequalities somewhat resemble the skin of a person affected with cutaneous disorders ; hence, in the Tamul language it is called itch-stone. Dr. Buchanan, speaking of the minerals of Rajmahal hills, says that “ south from Mansahandi, at Jajpar on the borders of Birbhum and Murshedabad, there is a hill, which consists chiefly of this clay. It is a kind of breccia, and contains ferruginous nodules in an argillaceous cement, Babington, in his paper on the geology of the country be- tween Tellicherry and Madras, alludes to hills of a rounded form composed of the ferruginous stone, which he distinguishes by the name of Buchanan laterite. In the po- rous rock, the red ochiy part is the matrix, the kidney-shaped interstices are filled with white earth, alluvial formed from the wash- ings of the ghaut mountains. In these the hornblende decays into a red oxyd, and the felspar into porcelain earth. When this allu- vial rock is exposed, the white parts, says Babington, are washed away, and a porous ferruginous stone is left behind. The pri- mitive rocks underneath appear in many places above the coast midway between Cali- cut, Tellicherry, and Moy. Four miles in- land from Calicut are two low hills com- posed of cubic iron ore. The laterite forms the hills. Near Manantoddy, there is a quany of laterite. The rocks in Mysore decay, leav- ing a whitish soil beneath the surface, owing to the quantity of felspar they contain. The dark particles of hornblende become ferru- ginous, and this in general forms the top of the mountain, which is reddish. Little fragments become rounded, and in some cases at Banga- lore the whole is settled into the ferruginous stone. In the detritus of these rocks, it does not seem that particles of felspar are washed away until they are decomposed : water per- colates through the mass and carries oft’ the other constituents of the sienite, leaving the felspar in a decayed state in mass.' Voysey alludes to wacken passing into iron- clay and forming elevated table land at Beder, which is 2,359 feet above the level of the sea. Voysey represents that it closely resembles that of 258 LATERITE FOUND IN VARIOUS PARTS OF INDIA. the red hills at Madras, Nellore, Singhiri- tunda ; in the two latter on granite : he ob- served in it plumb blue lithomarge, and pisi- form iron ore- The origin of this rock may therefore, in Cole’s opinion, be attributed to the basalt and to the wacken,not only in the Hydrabad country but in three other locali- ties, where the mineral is said to prevail closely resembling that near Hydrabad, which is his authority for considering laterite as as- sociated with the trap formation. Captain Coulthard talks of the iron-clay in the Saugor district. The Rev. R. Everest, in the Gleanings of Science, alludes to having seen the laterite. Mr. Malcolmson states that the Indoor and Nirmal magnetic iron rapidly becomes red on exposure, and the rock, on being broken and the ore separated by wash- ing, leaves a reddish clay. Veins of quartz pass through the granite and sometimes con- tain magnetic iron. The laterite of Bederis found on granite, and hot springs, and hills capped with trap, are found not far off. Mr. Malcolmson did not believe that any orga- nic remains had been found in the laterite. Mr. Cole says that there is no reason to doubt that the laterite is a mechanical deposit, composed of the debris of older rocks. We proceed to notice his account of the mineral in the vicinity of Madras. The Red Hills and Gundy are the only localities in its immediate vicinity, where he was able to discover the laterite. Nearer than the spots alluded to no hillock arises to break the level uniformity of the plain, on which Madras and its widely scattered gardens are spread out. The Red Hills are situated eight miles north-west of Madras ; they are mere un- dulating ground, scarcely of appreciable elevation above the surrounding country, the highest eminence not attaining a greater elevation than fifty or sixty feet above the level of the plain. The whole laterite for- mation occupies a triangular area of about fifty square miles, extending nearly ten miles to the westward of the gravel pits on each side. Mr. Cole has explored an area of this extensive part from three to four square miles. Line of bearing of undulations irre- gular ; direction south-west to north-east. “ From these rising grounds the land des- cends to what is termed the Lake, which is bounded on three sides by the eminences de- scribed above, the waters (when there are any) |j being confined, on the greater portion of the lii eastern side, by an artificial embankment, or j; Brnid, but for which there would be no lake | at all, as the country descends on that side |: towards the sea, it is believed about two and a half feet per mile. To the north east a natural drain for the waters from the higher I grounds existed, but it has been filled up, at ll the place of junction with the lake, by a dam | and wmter sluice, after the manner of an ordi- i nary tank, for the irrigation of the country- ( The old channel, however, remains, and the i! banks, in some places fifteen feet high, show !! the mineral structure of the spot. They are I composed of a dark ferruginous stone, ar- ;[ ranged in a stratiform manner, presenting seams or partings, two or more feet asunder, j| parallel to each other, and nearly horizontal. ! Vertical fissures intersect the seams at right i angles, and thus produce prismatic masses of j the rock, which give these natural walls some - thing of the semblance of huge artificial i masonry. On breaking into the interior of , these masses, the rock is palpably a conglo- merate. Nodules of various sizes are ob- served, imbedded in a elayey paste, which is very hard and tenacious. These nodules may i be picked out, without much difficulty, when I it evidently appears that they are water-worn i pebbles, presenting considerable angularity [ of STirface, yet still sufficiently rounded to ! indicate their having undergone attrition, , most likely by the turbulence of an inunda- j tion, which bore them away from their ori- i ginal position as parts of a solid rock, and | deposited them, in their present conglomerate I form, with the mud which now agglutinates ! them. The nodules are observed of all dimensions, j from the size of a filbert, to masses a foot or : more in diameter. Their fracture exhibits ! the structure of a coarse-grained sandstone, j or grit, of a deep chocolate, or claret hue (No. l).* This nodular sandstone is made i up of fragments of quartz (some rounded, but J for the most part angular), from a minute i sand up to the size of a pea. Added to the , quartz, there are occasionally found small | masses of a white earth, like lithomarge, appearing to be felspar in a state of decom- ! position (No. 2). This is found in small i nests, here and there ; but I have no doubt i that a good deal, minutely subdivided, went to form the paste whieh united the parts of this conglomerate together. Thirdly, mica is found a constituent of these sandstone nodules, in very minute scattered leaves. This sandstone precisely resembles the specimen from Puddayarara, near Samul- cottah, in the Northern Circars, deposited in ^ the Mineralogical Cabinet of the Madras ' Literary Society, by Dr. Benza, who has I thusdescribed its structure and relations in the ; * The Numbers refer to specimens pre- sented to the Society, in illustration of the Paper. LATERITE AND ITS VARIETIES. 259 above locality. “The ferruginous sandstone is the lowermost, and has a great degree of compactness, so as to fit it for architectural purposes, in which it seems to be largely employed. It is evidently stratified, the strata being nearly horizontal ; the quartz particles are agglutinated by a ferruginous cement. “ The sandstone, nearly in the whole extent of the hillock, supports a lithomarge of a whitish or flesh colour, sometimes having a bluish tint. The stratum of this earth is not very thick, and in many places, it is overlaid by a purple red, compact, slaty, haematiticiron ore, which passes insensibly in the upper part into a cellular rock, full of tubular sinuosities, very much similar to the laterite. In some places this ore lies immediately over the sand- stone, without the intermediate litho- marge.”* These three minerals, then, are plainly discoverable in these imbedded masses of conglomerate sandstone, but there is an argillo-ferruginous cement uniting the whole together. This cement gives the colour to the entire mass, which is of a purple-red hue, as mentioned above, and sometimes has a bluish tinge (No. 3). Frequently it presents varieties, being either finer or coarser grained (Nos. 4and5). The quartz is. very abund- ant ; the lithomargic earth scanty, and the mica is met with in small disseminated scales, “ few and far between.’’ The ori- ginal sandstone rock, then, of which these nodules are fragments, must have resulted from the fracture and disintegration of some still more ancient crystallized rocks. The sandstone, thus formed, being, in its turn, disrupted, the fragments were tossed and rolled about by some aqueous catastrophe, until they became imbedded in this laterite (so called), or conglomerate rock which we now see. This view of the case, indicates violent disturbing forces, occurring at two distinct periods of time. Besides the sand- stone, fragments of ochrey iron ore, to be hereafter mentioned, were found imbedded in the clay. I was unable to trace the appearance of stratification elsewhere than in this nullah. The ground rises abruptly from its banks to the N. W., forming one of the eminences bounding the lake on that side, and the rock changes character from what I have describ- ed above, as occurring in the bed of the nullah. Instead of seeing merely the sand- stone nodules imbedded in clay, we have a rock possessing the more characteristic qua- lities of laterite (No. 6). It is rendered ca- vernous by tortuous cavities, which penetrate it in all dii*ections, sometimes filled with red or yellow ochraceous earth ; sometimes with a white clay, like decomposed felspar ; but fre- quently they are quite empty, which is caused, it appears to me, by water percolating from above, carrying with it the soft substance of these earths, the spaces they once filled being thus rendered void (No. 7). * Jovrnal ‘S the Asiatic So icfy qf Bengal, August .S3b, p . 437. This laterite still shows evident traces of the sandstone, described as found, in such large fragments, imbedded in the walls of the nullah ; but the pieces are much rounded and comminuted, and are united together by a very compact, heterogeneous, kind of paste, composed apparently of the debris of the sandstone itself, of iron ores, and of the lithomargic earth. d'here is no mistaking the sandstone, which may be picked out, in pieces of the size of a walnut, from the centre of a mass of the laterite, and clearly shews the same structure as that of the nullah (No. 28). Pebbles, of various kinds of crystallized rocks, are met imbedded in the hardest and most compact laterite. On the rising grounds to the north of the lake, I picked out frag- ments of white quartz rock, some pieces an- gular, others much rounded (No. 9) ; of very compact siliceous sandstone, of a red .colour, so hard as to be broken difficultly with a heavy hammer (No. lO), and of a white, granular, friable, disintegrating sandstone (No. 11.). Added to these, a great profusion of fragments of ochrey iron ore, red and brown (Nos. 12 and 13), a good deal of it slaty (No. 14), are found imbedded in the less compact kind of laterite, and in the gravel. This ore, I think, contri- butes to form the more compact laterite, also, but it appears to have been more broken and subdivided, and is therefore not so easily trace- able. The latei'ite varies very much in appearance. Sometimes it is very hard, compact, and heavy, highly ferruginous, of a deep red colour, pene- ti-ated in all directions by the sinuosities con- taining the red and yellow and white earths. In this kind the red sandstone nodules are very distinguishable (No. 15). Some masses are nearly half composed of the white litho- margic earth, which renders it very crumbling (No. 16). Other varieties exhibit a pisiform structure, numerous rounded pebbles being united toge- ther by a yellow clayey cement ; this seems of recent origin (No. 17). Again, in many superficial situations, it is a mere gravel, possessing very little coherence, and, apparently, formed from the debris of the laterite itself. The pebbles, composing this gravel, still exhibit the structure of the red conglomerate ' sandstone, and of the ochrey iron ore (Nos. 18 and 19). Innumerable pebbles strew the face of the ground, in all directions, a great number of which, on fracture, display the structure of the nodular imbedded sandstone (No. 20). I should observe, that I no where saw this sand- stone in any other form than that of frag- ments imbedded in the laterite, or detached thence, and undergoing another rolling pro- cess on the present sui-face of the ground. Equally numerous are the scattered frag- ments of ochrey iron ore, described above. I no where found this substance as a vein, or in mass. It would seem probable that it existed in the original crystallized rocks ; and that, under the watery disrupting influences, to which the whole ingredients of the formation 260 LATERITE OF VOLCANIC ORIGIN— ITS USES. have evidently been subjected, this ore was very much comminuted, and the more minute particles contributed the greater portion of the ferruginous paste, so characteristic of all the rocks around. To the eastward of the lake, in the low grounds, masses of the laterite jut forth from the soil ; and no other description of rock is to be seen in any direction. On Colonel Cullen’s property, on the east side of the lake, a trench has recently been cut, ten or twelve feet deep, and thirty or forty feet long. The first five or six feet from the surface consist of a red clay, con- taining a few fragments of the red conglo- merate sandstone, some nearly a foot in diameter, and, here and there, a piece of the ochrey iron ore. The sub-stratum is a yellowish, tenacious clay, v.dth no imbedded pebbles. An even line of demarcation dis- tinctly divides these two deposits, which do not at all blend into each other. At the south eastern corner, the nearest point of the laterite formation to Madras, there are numerous pits, where the rock is quarried to furnish material for the repair of the roads. After penetrating several feet of gravel, they come upon the solid laterite, which is broken up with a crow-bar, for which the employment of very great force is ne- cessary, the mass being previously softened by the effusion of water. It no where is of the soft consistence of the laterite of Malabar, as described by Buchanan and Babington. The laterite in this locality (No. 21) varies in no respect from that to the north- ward of the lake. It is all of the true com- pact kind, and I no where saw the large masses of conglomerate sandstone imbedded in the clay, witnessed in the nullah ; nor was there any appearance of stratification. The same kinds of imbedded rock frag- ments were found also at this spot, with the following additions : 1st. Granite, composed of quartz, felspar, and mica: a single, small, angular fragment (No. 22). 2d. Sienite, or sienitic granite, composed of quartz, felspar, and hornblende; a large angular piece, in a disintegrating .state (No. 23). 3d. A line grained green- stone ; a large fragment (No. 24). These were found among the fragments, which the workmen had produced by their operations in the pits, and I cannot say whether they were derived from the gravel or the com- pact laterite. I have met with no calcareous matter in the localities 1 have visited, though 1 made particular enquiries on this point, as Dr. Heyne mentions the existence of that mineral at the Red Hills.* I picked up a single fragment of botryoidal kankar, to the south of the lake, but no where found it in situ. At the top of one of the lower eminences, imbedded in the gravel, about a foot and a half from the surface, I found fragments of a * Tracts on India, p. 114. rude pottery, the composition of which is of the coarsest kind, being a dark green paste, containing numerous grains of quartz (No. 25). These fragments, thirty or forty in number, were irregularly disposed, some pieces being vertically placed, others hori- zontally, shewing a confused arrangement in the gravelly matrix. This circumstance proves the gravel to be of recent origin. Dr. Benza informs me that fragments of pottery, of precisely similar composition, are found in the cairns on the Neilgherry Hills. It appears to me to resemble none of modern manufacture.” Mr. Cole confirms the opinion given by Mr. Malcolrason of the non-fossiliferous character of laterite, which he considers as sufficient proof of its volcanic origin, and he thinks that the existence of imbedded frag- ments of crystallized rocks by no means mili- tates against the eruptive theory, as portions of the rocks traversed by the volcanic rent may be thrown out. As building material and for road making on the McAdam system of formation, Mr. Cole states that the laterite is of great value. We cannot conclude this review without expressing our opinion of Mr. Cole’s ability and research, or acknowledg- ing the great pleasure we have experienced in the perusal of his and Dr. Benza’s valu- able papers, to which we shall recur in our next. Art. IV. — Cultivation of Cotton, By W. Bruce, Esq. Remarks on the culture of Cotton in the United States of America, Capt. Basil Hall’s Travels. Remarks on the best method of cultivating Neiv Orleans Cotton. Ibid. Regarding the cultivation of Cotton, Ibid. On the cultivation of Cotton in Central India, By Baboo Radkakant Deb. Obser- vations on the culture of Cotton in the Doab and Bundlecund, By W. Vin- cent, Esq. On the artificial produc- tion of new varieties of Cotton, By H. PiDDiNGTON, Esq. On the method used in Cayenne to preserve the Cotton plant. On a specimen of Cotton gathered in the Boglepore district from a shrub in its wild state, by F. Hunter. ON THE CULTURE OF COTTON IN Use of the Sawgin, by F. MacNaugh- TEN, Esq. Cotton of Ava. Cotton of Cachar, by Capt. S. Fisher. On Cotton grown in Cuttack and its sta- ple for spinning, by M. T. Weekes. On the native Cotton producedin the Gar- row Hills, by Capt. A. Bogle. Report on specimens of Cotton reared by Col. Coombs, at Palaveram. On the cultiva- tion of Upland Georgia Cotton at Alla- habad,by Mr.Y^ .Hvggii^s. Onthecul- tivation of Pernambuco Cotton at Tavoy, by W. Mainby, Esq. On the cultiva- tion of Sea Island Cotton in the district of Cuttack. On Upland Georgia and Sea Island Cotton. — Transactions of the Agricultural 8f Horticultural Society of India— Vol. 11.1836. (Continued from page 208J We now proceed to examine the articles noted in the heading. The first is from Mr. Bruce, for many years a resident in Persia, who, having noticed the mode of culture of the cotton plant, submits his ob- servations to the attention of the Agricul- tural Society. From Mr. Bruce we learn that cotton is much cultivated throughout Per- sia from the shores of the Persian gulph to the Caspian sea. Cotton of the finest quality is produced in the low country along the gulph and nearest to the sea-shore. It appears that the plant lasts from twenty to thirty years ; during this time the ground is often ploughed up and sown with wheat and barley. The quantity which the plant yields is considerable. The cultivation in the interior is annual, where, owing to irrigation, the produce is greater. Mr. Bruce is of opinion that the sea coast cotton is im- proved not only by its being grazed upon and thus manured, but also from its superfluous stalks being broken off, which preserves all the moisture to the roots which would otherwise be required to nourish the stalks ; and thus leaves the root in a vigorous state to throw out fresh shoots at the proper season. It appears that sheep and goats are turned in to graze on the leaves and shoots after the cotton is picked, which PERSIA AND CENTRAL INDIA. 261 improves the staple : after the cattle have left nothing but bare stalks, the poor women and children resort to them for fire-wood and break them close to the ground. When the season returns these stumps send out fine shoots which are soon covered with leaves ; flowers follow, and the cotton becomes as luxuriant as ever. A great part of the soil is sandy, mixed more or less with shells and a small portion of loamy clay. Mr. Bruce re- presents that the sea air improves the cotton, making the staple firm and better. Nankeen cotton is extensively cultivated and manu- factured in a very decent sort of nankeen. Baboo Radhakant Deb alludes to the method of cultivating cotton in the central districts of Hindustan. The superior cotton is called “ Banga,” of which there are three kinds, the 1st Bhagella, 2nd Bhochurry, and the 3rd Pokhy. The culture commences in the month of Assur ; when the sun enters the sign of Gemini, a quantity of seeds is inter- mixed with cow dung and exposed to the solar rays to dry ; when moderately dried, they are sown upon a light soil kept in pre- paration for the purpose, and freed from weeds. Our author states that it is a singu- lar custom of cultivators to taste the soils in order to distinguish the saccharine from the saline or nitrous, the chalky, and insipid soils. The saccharine soil is deemed the fittest for the culture of the best Indian cotton. It appears, by this writer’s account, that the cultivators follow the ancient mode of dis- tinguishing seasons by the solar transits, or by the sun’s entering the various signs of the zodiac, as well as by marking the changes which are most commonly influential with- in every twelve years, or those attributed to the revolution of the planet Jupiter, which is also known to operate upon the seasons. It appears that the seeds sown in the man- ner before mentioned soon give shoots, which run up to the height of a span ; the soil is then opened and weeded with a small instrument called the native weeding-hook. In the month of Maug, when the sun enters the sign of Capricornus, the plants will have arrived to maturity. In this month the ground is dug up with hoes or ploughed; and as nu- 262 ON THE CULTURE OF COTTON IN THE DOAB AND BUNDELCUND. merou3 small scions are formed in the plants, they are plucked off, which expedient directs the sap to the productive branches and gives a better crop. In the month of Choyte, when the sun enters Pisces, the pods are formed, which are allowed to become fully ripe ; and, having at this period a gradual increasing solar heat, they burst and exhibit the wool in the fulness of bloom. The gathering continues until the month of Joistee. It is then threshed with an instrument in the form of a double reel, which winds adversely and throws out the seeds : it is then worked with a wired instru- ment called “ dhuvee” which fits it for sale. The produce may be estimated at about one maund of cotton in each beegah of the first crop. The price of the first sort is ten rupees ; second, eight ; third^ six rupees per maund. In the western provinces our author states that the pro- duce is more abundant from the peculiar adaptation of the soil and climate ; constant rain or two much moisture in the soil he states to be unfavorable to the growth of the plants which, in such situation, were destroyed by a species of vermin. Saline moisture or superabundance of putres- cent matter, heavy dews or frost, are also deemed unfavorable. Mr. Vincent, speaking of the culture of cot- ton in the Doab and Bundlecund, states that it is sown on almost all descriptions of soil, but chiefly in the richest lands from which, in the months of March and April preceding, the wheat and barley crops have been cut. The land is well manured preceding the rains, and is in general sown immediately after the first heavy showers at the end of J une or beginning of July, at the rate of 4§ and 5 seers of seed per biggah of 160 feet square; irrigation is seldom necessar’y, and never before the end of September or beginning of October. The plant is weeded three times, and in the best lands rises to the height of 4 and 5 feet ; in inferior lands to 2 and 3 feet only. The pods are plucked when they begin to burst, which commences in Octo- ber and lasts until November. The cotton first plucked is represented as being the best; the cultivators make no difference, but mix all together ; an information which is of great importance ; for may not this neg- lect of selecting the first crop be one reason for the India cotton brought to market being of an inferior quality. Mr- Vincent states that the produce of a biggah is on an average about a maund of cotton. A specimen of cotton, gathered in the Bogle- pore district from a shrub in its wild state, w^as presented to the Agricultural Society by Mr. Hunter : it was of a superior kind and afforded a strong proof that the soil and climate of Boglepore in Behar is well suit- ed to the cotton plant. The following communication on the growth of cotton in Ava is of too great im- portance to admit of being abbreviated. “ The Burmese, it is well known, cultivate cotton very extensively, and the larger por- tion of the produce is exported ; conveyed to China by the inland routes, and to Arracan and the districts of Chittagong and Dacca, either overland, by the two passes of An or Aeng, and 'I'alak or Dalet, or by sea, fiom Bassein i-ound Cape Negrais. Two British merchants, Messrs. Laird and Conger, who had both resided for some time at this Capital, when examined by Mr. Crawffurd at the close of the w'ar, gave him the following information respecting the pro- bable quantity of cotton annually exported from this country. Mr. Laird considered that the quantity exported from Ava to China annually, could not be less than 70,000 Ben- gal bales of 300 lbs. each ; that is. 21,000,000 lbs.; and Mr. Gouger estimated the quantity annually taken to Dacca by Burmese boats, to be about 20,000 bales of 100 viss or 360 lbs. each, thatis, 7,200,000 lbs. See Appendix to Crawfurd’s Mission to Ava, pp. 44 and 75- I am of opinion, that Mr. Laird’s estimate of the quantity exported to China is far too high, although my enquiries from the Bur- mese themselves w'ould go rather to confirm its accuracy. At my request Mr. Lane, an English merchant now residing here, private- ly applied to the Clerk or Collector, who levies the export duty of 3 ticals per 100* viss on cotton conveyed to China, and received the following statement of the quantity on which duty was actually levied during the year 1830, at the two Chinese marts. Made and Ban- mau pronounced Bamau. At Made 3, COO, 030 viss, <>r, 1-2,060,000 Ids. Ai Baii-inau ., . 6,i00,000 do oi , 24, l-iO,00O do^ Total 10,300,000 vis?, or, 37,080,000 llts. The number of boats-loadof cotton annu- ally taken to Made and Ban-raau was declared, by the same person, to amount to 1400 ; and he estimated the exports from the Shan countries to China at 1,200,000 viss, or 4,320,000 lbs. Equal to about 12| annas per maund, or p. cent, ad valorem. INTERESTING ACCOUNT OF COTTON IN AVA. 263 The above statement affords a striking proof of the very great difficulty of obtaining in this country any accurate information on questions of statistics. I am convinced that the Burmese clerk has added a cipher in each of the above sums. Cotton is taken from Made to China on mules and ponies, each having a load of only 50 viss, as I ascertained on the spot. At this rate, to convey 3,600,000 viss would require the extravagant number of 72,000 of these animals ! My enquiries at Made assured me, that the whole of the Chinese traders this year did not exceed 5000, and as some of them make two or three trips in the season, I should think that 7200 loads of cotton, or 360,000 viss, would be just about the quantity conveyed from Made. Besides, all the cotton boats, which are re- markable objects on the river, pass close to my house, and I am positive, that the num- ber during the past year has been nothing like 1400. Those which proceeded to Made, between December and April, conveyed each about 100 bales, or rather large baskets con- taining 100 viss each, and I should not esti- mate the number whieh passed, at more than from 30 to 40. Those which transport cotton to Ban-mau, proceed at all seasons of the year, but they are less heavily laden than the boats whieh go to Made, carrying not more than 60 baskets of 100 viss each; and 110 boats would be as many as I would allow to have passed to Ban-mau during the year. Captain Cox was informed in 1797, that the number of these cotton boats was from 100 to 160, each carrying 10,000 viss, and the average amount of sale of the cotton 600,000 ticals. With respect to the quantity taken to Ar- racan by the route of Aeng, we have the information eollected by Captain M. G. White, Principal Assistant to the Superintendent of Arracan, in a report made by him after visit- ing Aeng in April last year, that the num- ber of bullocks which went to Arracan from Ava dui’ing the preceding year, amounted to 20,000, each carrying a load of two Bengal maunds ; but as much cutch, stick lac, and other articles are taken to Arracan (the Chinese caravans export scarcely any thing but cotton), we cannot perhaps allow that more than one-half of this number of bul- locks conveyed cotton. Perhaps one thou- sand more bullock-loads, however, were taken by the less frequented route of Talak ; and this would give an amount of 22,000 maunds, or, 1,804,000 lbs. exported to Arra- can overland. If a similar quantity be allow- ed for the exports by sea, the whole amount would be 3,608,000 lbs. which would still be far from Mr. Gouger’s estimate. But I have no means of ascertaining the amount of the exports by sea, to which mode of conveyance alone Mr. Gouger’s estimate appears to be limited. I can only observe, that, allowing the boats from Bassein to take 60 bales, or 21,600 lbs. each, it would require 83 large boats to convey the 1,804,000 lbs. which I allow to be exported by that route. Captain Cox reported the number of boats, that trad- ed in his time between the Southern Burmese ports and Luckipore, Dacca, &c. proceeding by the way of Bassein, not to exceed 42 very large boats, and the value of their cargoes, exclusive of specie, 20,000 ticals only. But Mr. Gibson estimated the number of boats which annually go from Lamina, a town on the Irawaddy above Bassein, to Arracan and Bengal to exceed 1,000. Following my esti- mate, the exports of cotton from this coun- try would not be more than as follows : From Made to China,. ..... lbs. 1,296,000 From Ban-mau to ditto,. . . . 2,412,000 To Arracan, Chittagong, &c. vi^ Aeng, 1,640,000 To ditto via Talek, 164,000 To ditto by boats, 1,804,000 Total lbs. 7,316,000 The ponies and mules of the Chinese cara- vans, which are very poor, miserable ani- mals, do not carry much heavier loads than the bullocks which travel to Arracan. The latter carry 2 Bengal maunds, or about 164 lbs. and the former 50 viss or 180 lbs. ; but the Chinese traders have an ingenious mode of compressing the cotton into a small com- pass,* by forcing it into pits dug in the earth of the size and shape required to fit the back of their ponies and mules. Over the pit is placed a mat which is forced down with the cotton, and serves to pack it. Both Colonel Symes and Captain Cox mention that the Nankeen cotton is carried to China ; but saw no other than the white at Made, or in any of the boats which have passed my house, and I am assured, that that descrip- tion alone is taken to China. It is used there, the Burmese say, almost entirely for quilting. In the time of those officers also, Tsa gain, opposite to Ava, seems to have been the great mart for cotton. At present, however, a small village about two miles below Ava, and on the same side of the Irawaddy, called, Lettshoung-yoo, is the spot where the cotton is generally collected, packed into bas- kets and shipped in the large Burmese boats, which convey it to Made and Ban-mau. Messrs. Gouger and Laird informed Mr. Crawfurd, that the Burmese cotton was con- veyed to Dacca, to be used in the manufacture of the fine Dacca muslins. This same in- formation was given to me by all traders in this country ; but it would be worth ascer- taining at Dacca, if such is really the fact, for I observe that lately in England, a good deal of enquiry has been made, without any one being able to answer it, as to the parti- cular cotton of which the fine Dacca mus- lins are manufactured. (See Minutes of Evidence before the Committee of Evidence, before the Committee of the House of Lords on East India Company’s Affairs, part lO, Question 4729 to 4750.) Bishop Heber, in his journal, states from Dacca, that “ the cotton produced in this district is mostly sent to England raw.” (Octavo Edition, vol. I. page 285), and Walter Hamilton, in his description of Hindoostan, Quarto, vol. I. * Neither the Chinese here nor the BuriAeae have any Cotton screws. ON THE CULTURE OF COTTON BY THE BURMESE. pp. 182 and 184, states under the head of Dacca, that a considerable proportion of the cotton is raised in the adjacent country, but a great deal is also received by the course of the Ganges from Patna and Upper Hin- doostan ; and that “ in this district a species of cotton, named the hanga, grows, necessai*y, although not of a very superior quality, to form the stripes of the finest muslins.” The Burmese cultivate cotton in almost every part of their country, but the largest quantity is grown in the districts lying be- tween Ava and Prome. It is not grown as a second crop after the cultivation of rice, but in distinct lands. The seed is sown about the same time with the paddy, in the beginning of the rains, in the months of Katshoun and Wagoung, our April and May, and the cotton is gathered in Tha-dengy-wot and Ta tshoun- moun, our October and November. The seed is sown broad cast, after being well washed with water, and the ground is weeded three times before the plants attain the height of three feet. A scanty second crop is some- times gathered in the months of Tahoung and Tagoo, our March and April, before the plants are cut down, and the ground prepared for fresh sowing. Frequently, at the same time with the cotton, brinjalls and other es- culent vegetables are sown ; the seeds of the two are mixed, and thrown on the ground to- gether. The Burmese know only the annual plant. The Nankeen, called Wa-nee, or red cotton, is often grown in the same fields with the white ; and some cultivators assured me at first, that the seeds of the two are pi’ecisely the same, and that they cannot tell which de- scription of cotton will be produced, until the flower appears. But upon further enquiry I find, that the seeds are mixed by the women and others employed in cleaning the cotton, and that no trouble is taken to separate or keep the two distinct, by which means the mixed seed is usually planted. A careful en- quiry would enable the planter to discover from the small portion of cotton adhering to each seed, whether it belongs to the white or Nankeen species ; but this would give too much trouble to a Burmah. No manure is used, and the plants sometimes grow up as near as three and four inches from each other, according to the spot where the seed fell when sown in this slovenly manner. The red cotton is used by the Burmese to manufacture a description of cloths of which the women, particularly in the country, make their jackets. It is called Phyen-nee or Pen- nee, and does not require frequent washing, a great recommendation here. The Mye-lat or middle ground Shans, those situated in the country between Ava proper and the Saluen (Dr. Buchanan’s Mre-lap), cultivate more of the Nankeen cotton, and manufac- ture a better kind of Phyen-nee, which they annually bring for sale to Ava. It is in pieces of 60 cubits long and 1§ cubits wide, which sells for 7 ticals, or 9 rupees 12 annas. The Burmese Phyen-nee is often made of the white cotton and dyed. I send herewith two small samples of the Burmese and Shan Phyen-nee cloth. The Burmese call the dressed or cleared cotton Givon, and the undressed Wa. It is cleared from the seeds in the same manner as in Siam, by a simple machine called Kyait \ or Gyaif, consisting of two cylinders re- !' volving close to each other, and moved by i a handle. The cotton is drawn between them, leaving the seeds in the hand which ( feeds the machine. There is a large descrip- ij tion also of this machine with iron cylinders, ?| called Than gyait, and moved, in addition to ( the handle, by a w'heel and the foot, in the 1 1 same manner as a knife grinder’s engine, j The bow, like that of India, is aftex'wards jij used, still further to clean the cotton when it '|j is x’equired for spinning ; but the cotton, which ij is expox’ted, has the seed only removed. The H pex’son who sepax-ates the seed can, it is said, jj prepax’e lOviss or 36 lbs. of clean cotton per ] diexn, and his usual hire is 2 moas or Sg annas per diem. 300 viss of undressed cotton yields ' loo of cleaned cotton. The price of cotton fluctuates from ten to fifteen ticals for the undressed, and from thirty to fifty ticals for the cleaned cotton : which last, however, has sometimes been so high as 80 ticals per 100 ; viss. But the average price of 40 ticals per ' loo viss, will be about 10 rupees 14 annas ! per Bengal maund ; and I observe, from a ; Calcutta price current for last month, that the , highest priced cotton, then at Calcutta, was 12 x-upees per Bengal maund. Captain White mentions, that at Aeng the traders j told him that they purchased the cotton fox* I 30 ticals per lOO viss, and that they can sell |l it there for 65 rupees. They buy the cotton i directly from the planter, and can probably ii get it cheaper than what it sells for here. I; The Nankeen cotton is often mixed with j the white fx'om the manner befox’e described, i in which the two are planted ; and, to get a j, quantity of Nankeen cotton only, a higher price is usually paid for the trouble of sepa- !: rating it entirely from the white. Few plant i the Nankeen cotton only. I have sent down f to Captain Rawlinson at Rangoon, to be for- warded as samples to Calcutta, 10 viss of each description of cotton. It appears to xne not ' particularly long in the staple, but very fine ' and silky, and so I understand it is considered by competent judges. The white cotton I i have sent, is the produce of Mendoun, a dis- trict on the frontier of Ax-racan, in which . territory also it might perhaps be extensively !' cultivated. The red cotton is from a place : called Tharet or Thayit on the western | banks of the Irawaddy near Made (Wood’s i Siri’aip Mess). The cotton of the Martaban province, called ! lately the Tennassexdm cotton, appeal’s to me j to have a much longer staple than that of , Ava, and so does that I saw at Bankok bx’ought from Menan-noi on the frontiex’s of Tavoy. The Kareans are the cultivators of cotton in the Moulmein px’ovince, and their plantations are always, I believe, on alluvial soil, on IMPORTANCE OF COMMERCE TO INDIA. 265 banks of the rivers, or on islands in them, overflown during the height of the rainy sea- son. This seems to be the same description of soil as that on which the Sea Island cotton of America is grown.* The Burmese use the cotton seed exten- sively for lights, particularly in the open air, at their dances and entertainments. Two or three lbs. of the seed with some earth oil are put into a vessel, usually a broken cooking pot, and when lighted they give for several hours a good large flame. We have no space to continue the subject in our present number, but shall resume it in our next. Art. V. — Bell’s Comparative View of the External Commerce of Bengal, during theyears 1834-35, and 1835-36, accom- panied with tables, illustrative of the extent of trade carried on with each country and state, by John Bell, Superintendent of Inspectors, Sfc. Royal Octavo, pp. 106, 1836. Baptist Mis- sion Press, Works of this nature are seldom examined by readers beyond the mercantile sphere ; but when we reflect that the country which gave the British sojourner birth owes her opulence and grandeur, her improvements in arts and knowledge, the great bulk of her comforts and convenience, to the instru- mentality of commerce alone, some enquiry into its causes and resources is not un- worthy the attention of the man of science. That we may escape the charge of imparting an erroneous view in laying down the fore- going proposition, we would advert simply to one of the most interesting works that can be perused and which is devoted to this subject we mean that celebrated work ; “on the Historical and Chronological Deduction of the Origin of Commerce.” Vast and vari- ous are the subjects which are connected with commerce, comprehending discoveries, inventions, improvements, navigation, coloni- zation, manufactures, agriculture, as well as * The finest tobacco in Ava is cultivated at a place called Nga-myo-gyee, a little above Yaudaboo, on islands and on the bank of the Ira- ■waddy, on ground always overflown during the rainy season. their relative arts and sciences. Although we do not anticipate so great a feast in Mr. Bell’s Comparative 'View of the External Commerce of Bengal, still we take up his work, with the conviction that nothing less than the instru- mentality of commerce can enrich British In" dia. Those things which are useful and ex- cellent in nature or art, especially for intel- lectual gratifications, for comfort conveni- ence, or the elegance of life, it must be ac- knowledged, are principally derived from commerce, either primarily or mediately. It is profitable therefore to convey to our readers those notices and instructions on commercial questions which are connected with this country. Mr. Bell’s work appears annually. He congratulates the mercantile community onaremarkable extension of trade andimpor- tant fiscal alterations which have been effected since his last annual. He places the laurel on the brow of the Honourable Mr. Ross for the bold measure of releasing the upper provinces from the thraldom to which the country was rendered subservient by the mischievous ef- fects of the transit system, and which “ was only surpassed by the act for their subsequent abolition under this presidency, followed, as that step was, by the downfall of the town duties.” The foregoing is a degree of praise altogether misplaced. We are ready to give Mr. Bell due credit for the sincerity of his feelings ; but we can assure him that it required no boldness on the part of Mr. Ross to do what he did ; nor was it any great merit on that of the Supreme Government to follow up what the Hon’ble the Governor of Agra had commenced, and which the home authorities had more than once ex- pressed their desire to see effected. In a letter to the Governor General dated 10th June 1829, the court observe, “with respect to the transit or inland duties on commerce, you are not unapprized of the weight we have long attached to the objec- tions against them.” The court considered it so complex and burthensome a system that in a letter dated January 1830, they again direct attention to the propriety of abolishing all internal duties under what- ever name collected: they declare “we hardly anticipate any possible objections on your part.” Under this view of the state 266 CONSEQUENCES OF TOO RIGID AN ECONOMY IN THE GOVERNMENT. of the question we are inclined to reverse our author’s opinion, and suppose a boldness bad the Supreme and other Governments any longer withstood the court’s express or- ders on the subject. This reminds us of the local Government withholding all patron- age from Oriental literature : it might as well be said that it would be boldness in the local Government to renew the support notwith- standing positive injunction; quite contrary is the case ; as we have fully proved in the first number of our review. If we may judge from official documents, the local Governments have, for years past, been in a great measure the conservators of systems of extraordinary economy, the policy of which is now about to be proved as injuri- ous to the prosperity of the resources of the country, as it has been burthensome and oppressive to the people. Mr. Bell next alludes to the mild and consider- ate foundation on which the new tariff is erected, evincing a policy at once, he says, liberal, and judicious; — ^liberal as regards the interests of the merchant, and judicious as relates to the future welfare of the State and happiness of the people. He is in anticipation, which we earnestly hope may be realized, that when the plan is matured and extended, it will secure to the honest trader protection, and secure the Government against loss by smuggling. If any good does result, much wiUbeascribable to our author, who is the able and zealous superintendent of inspectors, and who, on so many occasions, whether as secretary to the Agricultural Society, or in other lesser offices which he fills, has proved himself to have the interest of Government and the governed at heart, and to be an inde- fatigable labourer in promoting not only the commercial but the agricultural interests of India. We are glad to see our author taking the right view of the question. If unshackled intercourse throughout India will more than compensate eventually for the deficit which may at first be felt in the accustomed re- ceipts. Mr. Bell very properly calls the atten- tion of the Government to the melioration of the agricultural resources of the country, and shews the mercantile community that agricul- tural improvements are as closely connected with their interests. Numerous have been the causes which have tended to depress the agricultural prosperity of India ; but we are satisfied that the strenuous exertions of the numerous agricultural societies in all parts of the country will work an important change, and that decided improvement of our' agri- cultural resources will ere long begin to appear on the general condition of the trade. Mr. Bell opens his “review” with the following. “We introduced our remarks in 1834-35 — by a comparative abstract of the trade in that and the preceding year, which gave a very favourable result. We showed that on the official value of merchandize imported, increase had taken place to the extent of Sa. Rs. 18,48,956 — and on merchandize exported, to the extent of Sa. Rs. 14,22,477 — or a total increase of Sa. Rs. 32,71,433. On Imports of Bullion and Specier-the excess was Sa. Rs. 7,04, 794j— while, on Exports, the decrease was Sa. Rs. 19,95,541 — leaving a Net Deficiency under this head, of Sa. Rs. 12,90,746§. We further showed, that this surplus of Private Trade in Merchandize had overba- lanced the decline of the Honorable Com- pany’s Exports, by Sa. Rs. 2,58,278 This improvement, in the amount of Trade, comprehending, as it did, a large proportion of merchandize, wholly free on importation, as on produce exported (free in regard to Sea Duty) — under protection of Rowannahs, did not exhibit so favourable a contrast in regard to Revenue ; the increase of Duty on Im- ports, being only 14,857 Rs. and on Exports 93,753 Rs. It is gratifying to follow up this statement by one in the present year, still more pro- ductive, as follows : Private Trade Merchandize. Increase on the official value of Imports, 31,32,896 Increase on the official value of Exports, 1,51,21,084 Making a Total of,. 1,82,53,980 Bullion and Specie. Increase on amount value Im- ported, 4,15,946 Decrease on amount value Ex- ported, 43,194 Net Increase, 3,72,752 Total Increase in Merch. and Treasure in 1835-6, Sa. Rs. 1,86,26,732 The above does not include the Honorable Company’s Trade, the falling off in which (Merchandize) amounts to 13,33,405 Rs. but if we give Private Trade credit for this displacement, there is yet an excess on Ex- ports of Produce to the extent of 1,37,87, 679 Rs. INTERESTING ACCOUNT OF THE ISLE OF FRANCE. 267 The collections of duty have been as follows : On Imports, Increase, 9,25,535§ On Exports, Increase,. ..... 85,921 Total Increase, Sa. Rs. 10,11,456§ IMPORTS. In regard to the augmentation which has taken place on Imports of Merchandize and Treasure, the following countries and places have contributed to the extent noted against each — viz : Great Bi’itain, Sa. Rs. 22,92,319 § — Antwerp, Sa. Rs. 462 — South America, Sa. Rs. l,48,358j — North America, Sa. Rs. 7,49,516 — Maldives and Laccadives, Sa. Rs. 11,582 — Bombay and Malabar, Sa. Rs. 9,36, 978 — Arabian and Persian Gulphs, Sa. Rs. 1,43,314^— Penang andMalacca Sa. Rs. 1,98, 669^ — Sumatra and Java, Sa. Rs, 42,867§ — Pegu, Sa. Rs. 1,45,222^ — Bourbon, Sa. Rs. 3,08,378. The aggregate of the sums has been redu- ced to the N et Amount exhibited in the fore- going statement, by Decrease on Imports from France, Sa. Rs. 1,244 — Madras and Coast, Sa. Rs. 94,945 — Ceylon, Sa. Rs. 58, 944 — Singapore, Sa. Rs. 5,99,599 — China, Sa. Rs. 5,52,780 — New Holland, Sa. Rs. 7,121 — Mauritius, Sa. Rs. 1,14,061— and Cape, Sa. Rs. 132. EXPORTS. The great Increase in the amount value of Exports is made up as follows : — On Trade to Great Britain, Sa. Rs. 42,79,261 § — France, Sa. Rs. 9, 58, 565 — Den- mark, Sa. Rs. 56,492 — North America, Sa. Rs. 23,97,791 — Maldives and Laccadives, Sa. Rs. 18,547 — Arabian and Persian Gulphs, Sa. Rs. 4,22,188 — Penang and Malacca, Sa. Rs. 2,38,919— China, Sa. Rs. 77,36,890 — Sumatra and Java, Sa. Rs. 1,27,082 — Pegu, 2,91, 848i — Bourbon, Sa. Rs. 87,535 — reduced to the N et sum above stated, by Decrease on Exports to Madras and Coast, Sa. Rs. 2,28,465— Ceylon, Sa. Rs. 49,829— Bombay and Malabar, Sa. Rs. 5,34,204 — Singapore, Sa.Rs. 49,399 — New Holland, Sa. Rs. 34,704 — Mauritius, Sa. Rs. 6,06,566 — Cape of Good Hope, Sa. Rs. 34,062. Having pointed out the countries that have contributed to this improvement, the next question which naturally presents itself to the general enquirer is, upon what articles has this increase taken place ? It is not essential to enter minutely into details, for to such of our readers as study this book for commercial information only, the tabular statements exhibit the best guide ; but there are others who soar above the drud- gery of particulars, and who, although equal- ly interested in the well-being of our external commerce, have not time at their command, and are glad to arrive at general conclusions, without more trouble than scanning general results. The Net Increase on Merchandize Import- ed, during the last year, compared with the value of goods in 1834-5, has been stated at 31,32,896 Rupees. Dropping odd thousands therefore, and noticing only important increase, the articles upon which augmentation has taken place, and the extent of that increase, are Salt, (Paying Duty,) about 11 lakhs increase. Cotton Twist, . . 7f ditto. Haberdashery Hosiery,. . . . and 2 ditto. Copper, 3f ditto. Iron, 4f ditto. Spelter, 2f ditto. Lead, If ditto. Steel Brandy, f ditto. If ditto. Port, Claret, and Cham- Paigne, „ 2 ditto. Beer, I ditto. Betel Nut, if ditto. Beads, f ditto. Coffee, f ditto. Cocoanuts and nels, Ker- 1 ditto. Paints, f ditto. Stick Lac, Teak Timber, . . f ditto. • • • • jy 1 ditto. Say, 42f lakhs. ^ Against this sum we must place those ar- ticles on which sei’ious decrease had taken place, viz. Woollens, about 5 lakhs decrease. Cotton Piece Goods, „ If ditto. Silk Pieces Goods,. ,, If ditto. Pepper, ,, 2f ditto. Tea, ,, 2 ditto. Block Tin, „ if ditto. Vermilion, ,, 1 ditto. Alum, „ f ditto. Segars, | ditto. Sherry, ,, | ditto. Lametta ,, | ditto. Chanks and Cowries, ,, f ditto. Say, 17| lakhs. This leaves an excess of 35 lakhs, the dif- ference between which and the Net Increase already shown, being made up of increase and decrease below half a lakh, on other articles, as given in the Table of “Imports General.” (To he continued.) Art. VI. — Cursory notes on the Isle of France, made in 1827 with a map of the Island: by E. Stirling Esq., Member of the Asiatic Society, 1833. Calcutta. Thacker & Co. Qvo. pp. 50, The work we are about to examine has been published three years ago : there are numerous persons now in India to whom it is unknown. The subject of which ittreatsis of great interest, especially to those who, from loss of health, may hereafter bend their way to the isle of France, in the hope of its 268 GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL ACCOUNT OF THE MAURITIUS. restoration. Our author quitted the Sand- heads on the 1st September and reached the sland on the 4th of October. He experienced rough weather nearly the whole way ; and, in consequence of the ship having been loaded with rice, the cabins were sufficiently offensive and warm to render the voyage disagreeable. Our author doubtless looked upon it with dis- gust. He makes no mention of it, but brings us at once to the heart- stirring animating re- port after a month at sea of land in sight. The lofty hills of the island and the high land of two or three small isles on its north were seen at a distance of forty miles : early in the morning he reached Bill Bay at the en- trance of the harbour. Our author does not attempt to amuse the reader with any at- tempt at the description of the scene on his arrival ; but enters at once upon a geographi- cal and statistical description of the place. “ According to the measurement of Abbe de la Caille, the island is about thirty-three miles long and twenty-one miles broad, in its extreme points of distance. Its form is not unlike a triangle, reckoning its southern shore : to be the base, and its face on the west ' and east, its two remaining sides. The ■ circumference of it was ascertained by the r Abbe de la Caille to be 93 miles. The above 1 estimate and measurement I believe to be ji pretty correct, and suffciently accurate for j all geograpbical purposes. From the sea, > the island presents little more than a group !, of lofty and inaccessible mountains, having ii the most irregular shaped summits, and peaks exhibiting numerous isolated eminences jlj either pyramidical or in the form of ilbshap- [j ed pillars. The Petre-boite and the Pouce i| are conspicuous above the rest for their sin- I gularly elevated pillared tops ; judging } these as the centre around which the other ] hills are congregated, they may be consider- il ed as the highest in the island. They are both nearly of the same height ; the former ' is reckoned 420 fathoms, or 2520 feet high from the level of the sea. A table of the ; heights of the different mountains, and the si- ; tuation of the chief points of the island, is sub- joined, extracted from Grant’s History of the Mauritius, being the result of observations made by the Abb6 de la Caille.” ; Table of the Geographical Positions of the most remarJcahle Points in the Isle of France, with li the Height of its Mountains above the level of the Sea, according to the Geometrical opera- i; tions of° the Abb^ De La Caille, madeinthe Year 1753. j Summit of the Isle of Serpents, called Parasol or small round Isle, Summit of the Great Round Isle, Summit of le Coin de Mire, Point of Cannoniers, East point of the great Isle d’Ambre, Point of Rocke, Foot of the flag-staff on the first discovery of Ships, Foot of the flag-staff of the Long Mountain, Front of the New Church of Port Louis, Point of Flac, Foot of the flag- staff at the opening of Port Louis, Summit of the Mountain called Petrebotte, Summit of the Rock called Le Pouce, Point of the entrance of the Small River, Summit of the Piton de la Tayence Summit of the Mountain of the Corps de Garde, Point of the middle of the Isle, The Isle Rocheat, at water level, at the entrance of E. channel, P. Bourbon, Summit of the Mountain Du Rampart, The highest point of the Three Mamelles, Summit of the Mountain of Bamboo, Summit of the Mountain of the little Black River, Summit of the Mountain of Port Bourbon, Flag- staff of Port Bourbon, Middle of Isle Marie Anne, Middle of the Isle du Passage, Point of the Mountain of the little Black River, Summit of the Mountain of the port, Summit of the Morn du Brabant, Summit of the Mountain de le Savanne, South-east point of the Isle, South Lati- tude. East Longi- tude from London. Height above the sea, in fathoms. U 19 48 55 57 46 10 S3 19 50 34 57 45 6 165 19 56 12 57 34 37 81 19 59 50 57 30 49 20 2 9 57 40 28 20 2 39 57 29 13 20 6 44 57 35 14 134 20 7 56 57 29 51 89 20 9 45 57 28 0 20 9 49 57 44 5 20 10 8 57 27 10 166 20 11 21 57 30 48 420 20 11 40 57 29 25 416 20 12 49 57 21 14 20 14 28 57 39 13 223 20 15 22 57 26 48 369 20 17 9 57 33 10 302 20 17 26 57 47 8 20 18 2 57 23 23 396 20 18 28 57 24 42 342 20 18 57 57 42 46 322 20 20 40 57 20 13 286 20 21 29 57 41 14 249 20 22 20 57 41 9 20 22 34 57 45 3 20 23 44 57 43 51 20 24 18 57 22 7 424 20 26 50 57 19 27 309 20 27 I 57 17 ll, 283 20 27 2 57 27 30 355 20 27 50 57 16 8| NATURE OF ITS SOIL AND THE EXTENT OF ITS CULTIVATION. 269 Mr. Stirling next turns to the nature of the soil. Unacquainted with the exact quantity ' of arable land, he concludes that all the [ land which is fit for cultivation has been made arable by clearing away and cutting down the trees. The expenses of clearing are very considerable. The land Mr. Stir- ^ ling saw being cleared was covered with trees whose roots appeared to be in possession of the whole of the sub-surface, and stems or stumps, after the trees had been cut down, occupied, two or three feet from each other, the surface above ground. The brush- wood had been burnt, but the large trees were strewed indiscriminately about the field which was being prepared. It ap- pears that much labour was employed, and that the expenses were considerable. Such was the profit resulting from the service of clearing the land and appropriating it for agricultural purposes. Our author con- ceives that the quantity of land in culti- vation is six thousand English acres : the quantity of arable land at present amounts, by the French measurement, to a little short of fifty thousand, or about six thousand acres more than reckoned by the Abbe de la Caille eighty years ago. We submit the followingas worthy the attention of the authorities here. “ Lands were originally granted to indivi- duals in small untilled and unreclaimed por- tions, to be cleared and brought into cultiva- tion, with a certain number of slaves, to be paid for from the produce of the ground, at a distant date, when the means were afforded by the advancement of the tillage, so that set- tlers were enabled to cut down the wood, cul- tivate the ground, and build houses, mills, &c. &c. According to the instructions given by the JCast India Company, dated 24th May 1761, to the Governor of the Isle of France, they recommend the division of lands into small parcels, among such as chose to be- come planters, and to let each follow the beat of his genius, whether it be for tilliRg corn, breeding horses, bullocks, poultry, planting cotton or coffee trees : but to afford facilities for shipping, and to reduce the price of labour, they particularly recommend the breeding car- riage and draught beasts of small kinds. On these conditions, joined apparently with that of military service of a slight nature, lands were distributed to all those who resorted from the mother-country to realize an independence-” Talking of the food for cattle, our author states that the forests and hills, during three or four months in the year, supply an abund- ance of food for cattle. There are three species of grass, which Mr. Stirling believes to be of the genera denominated the Cyno- sarus, the Festice, and the Bromas. It is remarkable, notwithstanding a plentiful sup- ply of forage, that cattle do not thrive in the island: bullocks, mules, and asses are in con- sequence imported from foreign countries. On the subject of manufactures and public works we have the following. “ A country that furnishes nothing but its colonial produce, when there are a number of inhabitants who are unconnected with the proprietors of the soil, would be expected to manufacture articles to a considerable extent for its own consumption, or to augment by their labour the value of foreign importations ; and acccording as attention to this subject was manifested, we should be inclined to ac- knowledge their industry. It may be stated, that the Isle of France produces at present nothing but colonial produce for exportation. The manufactories of sugar are no doubt very great, and the number of mills for producing it, since the last regulation of parliament in its favor, have been increased very considerably. There are probably not less than forty sugar- mills at work during the season. I have heard one bundled and fifty, but this appears to exceed the proportion due to the produce. Rum is also manufactured, but I am ignorant of any data on which to estimate its quantity. Ship-building is carried on to a limited extent, but the high price of labour and timber pre- vent it being undertaken except under favor- able circumstances. The boats that are em- ployed on the coast of the island are all made here. Carts and waggons are likewise manu- factured for the use of the colony,” There is no nation in the world excelling the French in the promotion of science and arts. The administration of M. Bourdonnois is favourably spoken of. “ The French during their administration de- serve much praise for the many improvements they effected, which tended greatly to the ad- vancement of the interests of the proprietors, and those of the government. The indefati- gable exertions of M. Bourdonnois, for the at- tainment of these objects, excites a certain degree of astonishment, when we remember the innumerable difficulties this laborious Governor had to surmount, in bringing this island into a state of cultivation ; in overcom- ing the torpid indolence of the colonist ; in forming a militia ; in making roads, bridges, aqueducts, hospitals, piers, and dock-yards, fqrrning harbours for the shipping, and in pro- viding for the defence of the island, by con- structing fortifications and batteries in all commanding situations : and this astonish- ment is still more augmented when we view him, towards the end of his government, building vessels and embarking his soldiers for India, and, notwithstanding the great im- pediments that were put in his way, and the disasters he suffered in the voyage, manfully 270 DESCRIPTION OF THE CAPITAL OF RAMBREE. coping with the English fleet, and making him- selt master of Madras, and preserving the most inviolable faith and good conduct towards the English who surrendered, in opposition to the low and dishonorable intrigues of his fellow- countrymen, instigated, supported, and coun- tenanced by M. Dufleix, Governor of Pondi- cherry. It is to the singular abilities of this man that the Isle of France is indebted for most, if not all tlie works of a public nature she now possesses. The quay is perhaps unequalled for the advantages it affords to vessels. They lie there in perfect safety : they load and unload with the greatest facility, and they are supplied with water from a jet d’eau, which conveys it into their water casks without removing them from the boats. There are several docks in the vicinity, where ships can be repaired, but as these are private, we have no occasion to describe them, and satisfy ourselves by this allusion to them, in mentioning the harbour to which they ap- proximate in situation, and that they are fre- quently found of use to vessels that have suf- fered at sea.” (To he continued.) Art. VII. — Journal of a Tour through the island of Rambree, with a Geologi- cal Sketch of the Country, and Brief Account of the Customs, ^c., of its Inhabitants. By Lieut. Wm. Foley. With a map. — Journal of the Asiatic Society, 1835. (Continued from page 210.^ Lieut.Foley says that the Hughs have no idea of the distance intervening between one place and another : he believes the distance between Oogah and Singhunnethe to be as much as 16 miles; from that to Seppo-towng 12 miles ; and as many more from thence to Rambree. Our traveller now proceeds to the capitalof the island. The Saaynekyong creek, after winding through the vale to the right, suddenly takes atonr into the interior, cross- ing the road within a very short distance of Seppo-towng. Patches of paddy ground, suc- ceeded by long mountainous ranges with the same abrupt ascent and inclination, were the never-failing features of the country passed over between Singhunnethe and Rambree. “ The soil on the hills was generally a red clay, containing nodules of chert, and fel- spar combined with talc. Had I possessed even a common acquaintance with botany, I might have derived much pleasure in the examination of the various vegetable tribes that surrounded me. Unfortunately I was a stranger to the greater number, recognizing only those of moat frequent occurrence, such as the Girjun, Tilsah, Jharral, wild Peepul, and a host of Mimosas. There were also some very pretty creepers, and a vine which corres- ponds in description with that given me of the black pepper-plant*. After the first two or three ranges had been overcome, we approach- ed the village of Leppang, the site of an old stockade, and scene of an encounter be- tween the Burmah chief Nemyo-sooyahf, and the Ramoo Rajah Keembrang, in which the latter was shamefully defeated. From hence it is but a short distance to Tseembeeyah and Kehsree, the latter prettily situated on the plain, hud surrounded with clumps of trees. Among the inhabitants of Kehsree are a class of people engaged in the oil manufacture, and who shall receive further notice hereafter. The oil is prepared chiefly from the Thel, and the mills are in evei’y respect similar to those used in Bengal. Beyond Kehsree is Koyan- downgX with the two guardian temples on its summit : and to the right of that, the “ Red oi Rambree, almost destitute of ver- dure, and answering in appearance to that predicated by its name. Tiger traps ^ of a novel construction were very numerous in the ghats leading to the town; Rambree has on several occasions been much infested with tigers ; they have been known to come into the town shortly after dark, and, entering the houses, carry off the inhabitants. Cattle and poultry are even now continually taken away, and it is considered very dangerous to sleep outside upon the michaun. To facili- tate the description of one of these traps, I have endeavoured to represent by a drawing the several parts of which it is constructed. A, is a long |1 pole possessing great strength and elasticity, which is bent and held down by B, a peg connected with C, a good thick cane rope. The peg B. is fixed with great care between the bars D, and E, ; the bar D, having been previously fastened to the two posts F, F, which are driven into the ground. That part of the platform marked G, is brought into contact with the bar E, and the peg B. H, is a noose laid upon the platform, and I, a heavy wooden cylinder so nicely attached to * The black pepper-plant is found on the hill in the Sandoway district. + Afterwards Meyo-woon at Eambree. X Called “ St. George’s Hitt” by the troops quartered at Rambree during the war. The temples were built by the Burmah Meyo-Avoon Yeh-jutta-gong. ^ Already noticed in vol. Vnd (1833,) Journal Asiatic Society . |j A large branch of a tree sometimes serves as well. ON THE POPULATION OF RAMBREE TOWN. 271 I the cane rope that the least jirk causes it to i fall. The platform is laid upon the path fre- quented by the tiger (generally a gap in a I fence, or a ravine), and carefully concealed I with grass and leaves. The animal treads I upon it and it gives way, disturbing the bar I E, and peg B, on which the pole springs up to its natui’al position, bringing the wooden cylinder with such violence upon the arm of the tiger (already caught in the noose) , that ; it is generally broken by the concussion. This ; cylinder covers that part of the leg that has been I entangledin the noose, andis of great^use in pre- ' venting the animal from gnawing the rope. The I beast hangs suspended in the air at the mercy of t the villagers, who dispatch him by means clubs I or bamboos hardened in the fire, and pointed at ! the end so as to resemble pikes. Arrived at the highest point of the ascent over 1 Koyandowng, the large and pretty town of Ram- 1 hree, surrounded with hills and dividedby a creek [ that is seenin the distance meandering towards ! the sea, appears spread out to view in the vale below.” The town of Rambree* **, with its meander- ing creek, fine wooden bridges, and the hand- some temples that surround it, is perhaps the prettiest spot upon the island ; and from no place is it seen to such advantage as from the hills of Koyandowng. The creek is not very broad, but it contains sufficient water to admit of the approach of large boats to the market place — a matter of some importance in a country where land carriage is not to be obtained ; or, if procurable, would scarcely be available, from the absence of good roads, bridges, and ferries, throughout the island. The town is divded into the following com- partments ; viiz. Oung-tshiet, Shuwe-dong , Wedt-chu, Tath-twengy and Taing-kuman. The former commemorates the landing of the first Burmah chieftain at the ghaut of Ram- bree, when the island was first annexed to the dominions of Ava. In Shuwe-dong, a large pole, covered at the top with gold, was erect- ed ; and in its immediate vicinity, stood a house in which the conjurors^ used to dance, invoking the aid of their favourite idol on the occasion of any calamity. Wedt-chu was so called from the great assemblage of pigs in. that quarter. Tath-tweng was the site of the Burmah stockade, and now the locality of the Government jail, formed chiefly from the materials of that stockade. Taing-kuman is the place occupied by the Kuman-thsiy a class that shall be more particularly noticed here- after. It is generally admitted that the town has increased in size (though perhaps not in wealth) since it fell into the hands of the British ; but this augmentation has been slow, and by no means equal'to the expecta- tions that might have been indulged on the change of rule. It would be foreign to the purpose of this brief sketch of Rambree to enter into a detail of those causes that seem to obstruct the accumulation of capital ; but this much may be said, that the multiplication of taxes, by the intricate division of trades, and the vexatious nature of many of these taxes, is one grand check to the industry of the population ; and from thence it is easy to deduce its consequences, as they may affect the revenue, or the morals of the people. The whole of those improvementswhichhave been made in the town of late years, and con- tribute so much to the comfort and convenience of the inhabitants, it owes to the taste and li- berality of themagistratef (now residing there), who has devoted large sums of money from his private purse towards the erection of bridges, market stalls, and other public buildings. Noticing each class under a separate head, with the distinction of sexes, the number of souls residing in Rambree town will be as much as follows : Adult males. Adult females. , Boys. Girls- Total of each. Mughs, 1549 1637 1393 1224 5803 Burmahs, 554 473 359 ' 375 1761 Kuman-thsi, 407 383 324 \ 323 1437 Grand total of souls, 9,001 * Also called “ Taingy'^ or “ Yaing^ Ruali‘* by the Mughs ; the provinces Rambree, Maong, and Thandowey having suffered considerably from the incursions of the Burinahs and Thali- ens during the year 791 M. S. the Raja Chou- Mioeiig, on his restoration to the throne of Rukkhein-preh (Arracan), adopted such means as were likely to restore them to their former flourishing condition; and, for that purpose, deputed his minister Anunda-Suyah to proceed to those provinces, taking with him such Bur- mah or Thalien agriculturists and artisans as had been able to quit thecountry. Anunda- Suyah, in the first place, visited Aawdree Island, forming colonies, and giving names to the several new settlements, according to the various ominous appearances that presented themselves. It is said, that, during the night his vessel lay at anchor in the Rambree Creek, a voice was heard to exclaim, ** Thain’lo « Thain-lo V* Stop ! Stop ! a favourable omen, inducing a further stay at the place, and the foundation of a town that In addition to the above there are a few Musalmans and Hindus ; but their number is comparatively small, and their residence in the town (especially of the latter), attended with so much uncertainty, that I have not thought it necessary to include them in the census. The Musalmans were either (origi- nally) adventurers from Cathai and Ava, or owe their extraction to the Musalmans of Bengal, who fell into the hands of the received the name of “ 7'aing"‘^ or “ Taing- Riiah.^* • A set of vagabonds, receiving little counte- nance from the people At large. A man, attir- ed in woman’s apparel, connects himself with another of the profession, whom he calls his husband, and obtains for this husband a woman as his second wife ; every respectable native looks upon all this with disgust and horror. t Captain Williams, 45th Regt. B. N. 1. 272 THE POVERTY VISIBLE AT RAMBREE. Rukkhein marauders in earlier times, and were taken prisoners during the wars of the Rukkhein -pr eh* Rfijds with the Nawdbs of Chittagong and Dacca. They are now so assimilated to the rest of the population in dress, language, and feature, that it is diffi- cult to conceive a distinction ever existed. As if ashamed of their Mahammedan descent, individuals of this class have generally two names, one that they derive from birth, and the other such as is common to the natives of Arracan, and by which they are desirous of being known. The Hindus, again, are gene- rally natives of Chittagong and Dacca, who came down into Arracan to pick up what they can, returning to their homes so soon as a certain sum of money shall have been collected. Under the head of Mughs {Magas) are included many inferior castes, such as the Hydh, Phrd-gyoung, and DMng. Much uncertainty prevails with respect to the origin of these castes ; it is either involved in obscurity, or totally lost to those with W'hom I have conversed upon the subject. By some, it is affirmed, that the Hydhs were originally natives of a country beyond Mani~ jjur, but nothing further could be obtained, so as to facilitate a discovery of their des- cent, or account for their settlement in the province. In former days the Hydhs tilled the crown lands, were exempted from taxa- tion, and gave one-half of the produce to the sovereign. It is insinuated by the Rak- kheins, that not a few of the Hydh caste were employed as eunuchs in the service of the Arracan Rajas. They now occupy themselves in the cultivation of pawn and chilly gardens, but are looked upon as an inferior caste, and consequently never intermarry with the Rak- kheins,” Many houses are seen at Rambree ; but although it is the second city in Arracan, empty shops on each side the street and other signs ofpoverty are visible. Here and there a Man- chester shawl, a piece of chintz, or printed handkerchief might be seen hung up to view. Few engage in trade ; the greater part of the population are either idlers, day-labourers^ agriculturists, or fishermen. At one time Rambree was the grand emporium of trade. We must here conclude our review of these interesting papers by Lieut. Foley. We admire * Arracan, known in past times as Refcha- ywra I and so called from its having been the abode of the “ Hakhhus j” a fabulous monster, said to devour the inhabitants. The scene of this monster’s alleged depredations seems to have been in the neighbourhood of what is now termed the “Fort of Arracan !”( )/row- fi-mu, built by Raja Choumoeng, in the year of Gautama 1150, and in the common era 792, or A. D. 1430.) On the extirpation of this mon- ster, Arracan was termed “ Hulckhein-prefi,^'* or “ the country of the Ruk kheins ; an appellation equally common to the natives of Arracan with that of Mugh, or Mogh : the Burmahs, substituting the letter Y, for R, call them “ Yukkhein. ” the style in which they are written ; and, al- though we are disappointed in our expecta- tions as to his details of the geology of Rambree, he has displayed much talent ; and we trust he will furnish the public with further accounts of this interesting country and its inhabitants. ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS. DESCRIPTION OF SUNDRY NEW SPECIES OF CINNYRIS INHA- BITING NEPAL. By B. H. Hodgson, Esq., Resident in Nepal. For the India Review. TENUIROSTRES CINNYRIDCE GENUS CINNYRIS. Section with short even tail. 1st species. — Magna. Great Sun bird, nobis. Above, lively yellow green; below, flavescent white ; the whole picked out with a large central streak of black on each feather ; alar and caudal plumes, unstreaked ; the former, dusky within ; the latter, throughout concolorous with the body and furnished near the tips with a broad black cross bar: bill dusky ; legs, feet, and claws, bright orange. Sexes alike. Size large, 8 by 11:| inches and 1^ oz ; bill 1^ inches, signally large and very moderately curved ; wings to middle of tail ; 5 th quill usually longest ; 1st not bastard; 2nd and 3rd dis- tinctly gradated.* Seems to be nearly allied to the Longirostris of Temminck. 2nd species. — Purpurata auctorum ? Epauletta nobis. Throughout saturate blue, with an intense changeable gloss ; mostly metallic green above, and purple below. Across the breast a sanguine chesnut band ; near the shoulders, under the wings, a bril- liant yellow tuft, more or less touched with igneous (unde nomen) ; wings and tail less glossed than body, and black internally ; bill and feet jet black , iris, saturate brown. Sexes alike : 4f inches by 6|, and | oz. Bill ^ longer than head and moderately cur- ved, but more so than in the last : wings to mid-tail, 1st bastard, 2nd long, three next subequal and longest. Indications of subgeneric division ? 3rd species. — Strigula. Stripe-throat nobis. Above, dark olive green ; below, bright yellow ; shoulders and a long cen- tral stripe from chin to breast, brilliant deep blue ; alarand caudal plumes dusky or black ; * According’ to my experience, this is the more general form of the wing in. Cinnyris ; a genus, however, which courts subgeneric division, relatively to the diverse minor diver- sities of wing, bill, and tail. NEW SPECIES OP CINNYRIS INHABITING NEPAL. 273 the latter tipped and margined laterally in the extremes, with white ; a paler line oyer the eyes, and darker one through them ; bill dusky ; legs black. The female is earthy brown above, and greenish yellow below. She is without gular stripe or shoulder spot. Size of the last and characters the same. Section with long wedged tails. 4th species. — Miles nobis. Military Sun bird, nob. Top of the head, upper tail coverts, and tail, metallic green, changing to violet ; rest of head, whole neck, breast, back, and shoulders, intense crimson-scar- let ; rump, bright yellow ; body below, and inferior wing and tail coverts, sordid greenish ; remiges and rectrices, internally dusky ; the former, rufously edged ; long coverts, the same ; a long hiacynthine stripe from the base of the lower mandible down either side the neck ; bill conspicuously arched ; tail as long as the body, gradated throughout ; the two central feathers, nar- row, pointed, and exceeding the rest by nearly an inch ; wings gradated as in the 1st species ; 4th or 5th quill longest, six in- ches long, whereof the tail is three width 6f, and weight oz. The female and young wear a sombre russet robe instead of the flaming scarlet of the male ; their cap is not burnished, nor have they the splendid mustache ; and the central rectrices are neither pointed nor pro- longed beyond the series of the rest. 5th species. — Nipalensis nobis. Intire head with the whole neck near it, the up- per tail coverts and caudal plumes, black merged externally in an intense metallic green gloss changing to blue ; superior and inferior glossed surfaces of the head and neck, divided by an unglossed band passing through eye and ear from the bill ; bottom of the dorsal neck and top of the back, sanguineous lake colour ; central and largest portion of the back, with the wings, and their coverts, rufo-flavescent olive green ; lower back, rump, and the bodybelow, with imal neck and breast, bright yellow, tinted igneous on the breast ; lateral tail feathers frequently albescent at their tips ; remiges, internally dusky; legs fleshy brown; bill black. {Size and characters of the last. The female somewhat less. Above, olive green with a luteous rufous smear ; below, paler and yellower : her tail shorter and less pointed. The young males, earthy brown on all the glossed parts of the mature males. So also in miles, and (as 1 suspect) in ail the gorgeous species. 6th species. — Saturata nobis. Black with pale green belly, vent, and under tail co- verts ; the black ground colour overlaid ou the cap, mustache, upper tail coverts, and central caudal plumes, by a splendid metallic blue gloss, changing to violet and hyacinth ; and on the whole top of the back and bot- tom of the dorsal neck by an unglossed sanguine lake dye (the imperial purple of old Rome) ; across the lower back, a nar- row greenish yellow band ; lining of the wings and quills basally on the lower sur- face, albescents ; bill, glossy black ; legs, dusky. Size and characters of the last ; but the tail yet more elongated, longer than the body, and its two central plumes exceeding the rest by as much again as their length. 6 inches long where of the tail is ; width 7 inches ; weight f oz. 7th species. — Ignicauda. Fire tail, nobis. Above, olive green ; beneath, together with the rump, yellow : chin, cheeks, and front of the neck, blue grey with a greenish wash; breast dashed with fiery red ; caudal plumes and their upper coverts intense igneous red ; remiges and rectrices, internally, dusky brown ; lining of the wings pale green yel- low ; bill black ; legs dusky brown ; seven inches long whereof the tail is 3f , its two central plumes passing the rest by 1| inch. Weighty oz, or considerably larger than most of the others. The female is smaller, and has her caudal plumes concolorous with the body above and merely fringed with fiery red ; but the coverts are igneous, and the breast is touched with fire, as in the male. The tail wants the prolonged plumes of the male, as in all the preceding long-tail- ed species. Ignicauda is distinguished spe- cifically for the comparative straightness of its bill, which is, indeed, distinctly curved, but less so than in any of the above species, save the first, wherein, however, the distinc- tive feature of the bill is elongation, not straightness. In magna, the rostrum is more than double the length of the head ; in igni- cauda it scarcely reaches the average excess of the genus, or one-third more than the head. N. B. In all the above species the iris is brown, more or less dark. Remarks. — These elegant little birds are very common in all parts of Nepal ; nor are they any where migratory. Hereafter I hope to throw some light on their habits and manners, and meanwhile shall only ob- serve that I entirely doubt their alleged nectarinarian diet : I conceive too that the characters of the genus as, given in the Genezoology (Shaw XIV. 229), want revi- sion ; ‘ pollux gracilis, in particular, being the very opposite of correctness. The Cinnyris Gouldioe of the Century of Himalayan Birds is, I suspect, meant for our Nipalensis ; but, if so, the description is very inaccurate, necnon the drawings. In saturata, indeed, the mantle is almost hollyw sanguine; but in Nipalensis it is 274 DESCRIPTION OF A SPECIES OF GALL GNAT. principally flavescent olive, the dark san- guine hue (imperial purple of the ancients) being restricted to a band between the shoulders and bottom of the dorsal neck. So far from being “ exceedingly rare,” this species is much the most common of all, and I have now twenty specimens lying before me, notwithstanding my large des- patches to England. DESCRIPTION OF A DIPTEROUS FLY, THE LARVA OF WHICH PRO- DUCES A KIND OF GALL ON THE LEAVES OF THE FICIJS RACEMOSA. By P. F. H.Baddeley, Esq. For the India Review. A species of gall gnat (order, diptera ; tribe, cecydomyia) also deposits its eggs in the parenchymous substance of the leaf of the ficus racemosa, which turns into a small light coloured grub ; this latter, feed- ing upon the juices of the plant, changes into a chrysalis ; and this again, after a few days, into a little two winged insect. The larva, by its irritation, causes that part of the leaf in which it resides to swell into a flat kind of blister, in the centre of which a single insect is confined. The chrysalis is of a reddish brown co- lour approaching to black at the anterior part, where it is provided with four tuber- ches, having much the appearance of a pig’s snout : by means of these, it forces itself partly out from the under surface of the leaf, when, the skin bursting, the fly escapes. The^colour of the perfect insect is of a light brown with the antennae darker, and the head, which is entirely occupied by two compound eyes, black. Its body and wings are covered with long hairs. Metamorphosis. — Incomplete or coarc- tate. Wings. — Two, with large poisers. Antennoe. — Verticillate, composed of 24 joints alternately large and small. EXPLANATION OF FIGURES. Figs. 1 and 2. — Under and upper surfaces of a leaf of the ficus racemosa containing several of these false galls. Fig. 3 — A section of one. Fig. 4 and 5. — Larva. Fig. 4 a. — Do. in the nucleus of the gall. Fig. 6. — Pupa. Fig. 7. — Perfect insect. Fig. 7. a. — Part of an antenna Fig. 7. b. — A wing. Fig. 7. c. — A wing magnified. GENERAL SCIENCE. NOTICE OF SOME RECENT IMPROVE- MENTS IN SCIENCE. HEAT AND LIGHT. 1. TEMPERATURE OF THE GLOBE. — M. Poisson, in his elaborate work entitled Mathematical Theory of Heat, has broached some new notions in respect to the source of the earth’s heat. He observes, that the spherical form of the earth, and its flattening at the poles, prove that it was originally in a fluid, or perhaps in a gaseous state. After this period, it can only have become solid, either wholly or in part, by a loss of heat, proceeding from the circumstance that its temperature exceeded that of the medium in which it was placed. He conceives, that it has not been demonstrated that the solidifi- cation commenced at the surface, and gradu- ally extended to the centre, as those theorists assert who adopt the idea of a fluid centre. The contrary appears to Poisson more pro- bable; those portions nearest the surface having been cooled first, have descended into the interior, and been re-placed by matter from the interior, which has again descended in its turn, and thus the process was repeat- ed until the whole mass was cooled down. But further, the central layers would become solid, in consequence of the immense super- incumbent pressure at a temperature equal to, or even superior to that of the layers nearer the surface. Experiment has proved that water at common temperatures, when submitted to a pressure of lOOO atmospheres, undergoes a condensation of about i^of its original volume. Now, if we conceive a column of water equal in height to the earth’s radius, and reduce its weight to one half of what it possesses at the surface, in order to render it equal to the mean gravity of each radius of the earth, supposing the latter homo- geneous ; the inferior layers of this liquid column will undergo a pressure of above three millions of atmospheres, or equal to above three millions of times that which reduced the water of its volume. Without any knowledge of the laws of the compression of this liquid, we must still believe, that such an enormous pressure would reduce the inferior layers of the mass of water to the solid state, even when the temperature was very high. In order to explain the elevation of tem- perature which we observe, in proceeding from the surface towards the centre of the earth, he suggests the effect of the inequality AMPERE’S THEORY OF HEAT AND LIGHT. 27S of the temperature of the regions of space, which the earth successively traverses, be- cause he considers it very improbable, that the temperature of space is every where the same. The mean temperature of space may be admitted to differ little from zero, in place of being, as has been generally calculated below the temperature of the coldest regions of the globe. The variations in the tempera- ture of space may, however, be very consi- derable, and they ought to produce corres- ponding variations in that of the earth, which will extend to depths dependant on their extent and degree. ‘‘If we suppose, for example, a block of stone to be carried from the equator to our latitudes, its cooling will have commenced at the surface and extended into the interior, and if it has not reached the whole mass because the period has been insufficient ; this body when it has arrived in our climate will present the phenomenon of a temperature increasing from the surface. The earth is in the condition of this block of stone ; it is a body which proceeds from a region whose temperature was superior to that of its present situation ; or, if we wish, it is a thermometer, moveable in space, which has not time, inconsequence of its great dimensions and its degree of conducti- bility, to take in through its whole mass the temperature of the different regions which it trasverses. At present, the temperature of the globe increases below its surface. The contrary has already, and will again take place. At other periods, besides at epochs separated by numerous ages, this temperature ought to be, and will be, by consequence, much higher or much lower than it is now, which prevents the earth from being alvrays habitable by the human species, and has, perhaps, contributed to the succes- sive revolutions of which its external layer has preserved the traces.”* 2. THEORY OF HEAT AND LIGHT.— Ampere, in stating his views in reference to a theory of heat, sets out with defining ticles, molecules, and atoms which he consi- ders to enter into the constitution of matter. A pat^icle is an infinitely small portion of a body, and of the same nature with it, so that a particle of a solid body is solid, that of a liquid body liquid, and that of a gas aeriform. The particles are composed of molecules kept at a distance ; 1. By what remains at this distance, of the attractive and repulsive forces peculiar to the atoms ; 2. By the re- pulsion which the vibratory motion of the in- terposed ether establishes between them : and 3. By the attraction directly proportional to the masses, and inversely as the square of the distance. Molecules consist of a collection of atoms kept at a distance by attractive and repulsive forces peculiar to each atom. Atoms are material points from which these attractive and repulsive forces emanate. * Bibliotheque Universelle, June, 1835, Ann. de Chimie, lix. 71. From this definition, it follows, he consi- ders that a molecule is essentially solid, whether the body to which it belongs be solid, liquid, or gaseous ; that the molecules are polyhedrons, of which these atoms, or at least a certain number of these atoms occupy the summits, and it is these polyhedrons that are termed primitive forms by crystallogra- phers. The particles alone can be separated by mechanical means. The force which re- sults from the vibrations of the atoms may separate the compound into simpler mole- cules. Chemical action can alone separate the latter. Thus, in detonnating a mixture of 1 volume of oxygen and 2 volumes of hydrogen, by which 2 vols. of vapour of water are formed, each molecule of oxygen is divided into two, and the atoms of each of these halves unite with the atoms of a mole- cule of hydrogen to form a molecule of water. Proceeding upon these premises. Ampere distinguishes the vibrations of molecules from those of atoms. In the first, the mole- cules vibrate together, approaching and retreating alternately the one from the other, and whether they vibrate in this manner or remain at rest, the atoms of each molecule vibrate and, in fact, always do vibrate by ap- proaching and retreating the one from the other alternately, without ceasing to belong to the same molecule. The latter, he terms atomic vibrations. To the vibration of the molecules, and to their propagation in the surrounding media he attributes all the phenomena of sound ; to the vibrations of the atoms he ascribes all those of heat and light.* 3. OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF CHAR- COAL.— If a portion of well burned fir char- coal be placed upon a layer of heated coal on a wind furnace, and all openings be closed, so that no air can penetrate below the coal, the combustion will be carried entirely by the decomposition of the carbonic acid. After the fire has subsided. Degen found that the portion of Icoal had wholly or in part dissolv- ed into amass of fibres, which did not adhere strongly to each other. When examined under the microscope they were found to be round tubes ; they are more or less translu- cent, and their colour by transmitted light is brownish yellow. These tubes have round apertures on their sides, whose margins are thicker than the rest of the sides ; some of them when of a large size, however, have no edges of any considerable diameter. When heated to whiteness in platinum foil before the blowpipe, these tubes lost their trans- lucency and became very brittle. The dia- meter of these tubes was from about*00049 inch to 0000908 inch. I here is remarkable appearance observed when the miscros- cope is directed through one of the aper- tures upon a distant {entfernten) object. This object appears double. One of the figures stands upright about. 0004 behind the opening ; it is, at least so distinct, that * Ann. de Chim. et de Phy». Iviii. 276 ELUCIDATION OF “ TRANSITION” ROCKS. we can see the window-post clearly. The second figure is inverted, and appears before the opening ; it is more indistinct than the first. These appearances belong to the phe- nomena of diffraction. The form which the charcoal assumed, by the powerful heat applied in the manner described, is similar to the filamentous nmatter examined by Dr. H. Colquhoun, which was obtained during some trials made by Mr. Macintosh to convert iron into steel, by surrounding it with coal gas in an air tight iron chest.* RECENT RESEARCHES IN GEO- LOGY. Geology is a subject of immense extent ; and the discoveries which are made in it al- most necessarily proceed by slow steps and minute details. Hence it would be utterly im- possible, even in a memoir of considerable length, to give a complete and comprehensive survey of the recent progress of this rapidly advancing Science. But here, as in all sound inductive researches, the accumulation of par- ticular facts generally terminates, aftera while, in the development of some great general principles. When such epochs occur, it it often very practicable to condense into a short com- pass, and in a generally intelligible form, a statement of the results so obtained. This is what we shall attempt, in the following article, with respect to one or two leading sub- jects of geological inquiry, which have not only excited peculiar interest of late, but also have important bearings on the principles of Science, and on some of the most instructive inferences and contemplations into which we are led by the study of it. The conclusions of geology, like those of every other part of inductive science, must be grounded on the sole authority of well-ascer- tained and classified facts ; and we must be guided to them, neither by random conjec- tures, nor the dictation of authoritative opi- nion, but by the so/e pursuit of well-founded natural analogies. We must seek to interpret the past from the present, and advance from the known to the unknown. Proceeding on such principles, then, we shall presume that our readers will acknow- ledge the force of the reasoning by which it is inferred that where two beds, or strata, lie one over the other, the former was deposited or formed subsequently to the latter ; that each one of the vast number of lesser beds or layers, of which even a small thickness of any stratum is composed, were all formed one after another; and, when we come to dis- tinguish the larger divisions and classes of strata, by the fossil remains of plants and animals, which we find imbedded, and often completely mineralized in them, — that these * PoggendorflTs Ann. xxxv. 468. — Thomson’s Inorganic Chemistry, i. 160. are the remains of creatures which actually lived and died during the period at which the depositions took place respectively ; and that the lowest rational estimate we can form will not allow U3 to suppose any short or limited period of time as requisite for the formation of any one bed, the enclosing in it of all its organic remains, and (marine or aquatic as those remains so universally are) its elevation from the bottom of the primaaval ocean into dry land. Pursuing our researches on these simple and truly philosophic principles, we are brought in succession to recognise an immense series of deposits, characterized by organic remains, in which the skill of the naturalist and the anatomist detects species, genera, entire orders of living beings which do not now exist. The deposits in which these occur, now in a great degree hardened and consolidated into rocks, are thus characterized as distinct formations which have gradually emerged at sticcessive remote epochs, at incalculably long intervalsof time. Other classes of phenomena are obser- vable in a series of rocks of a different texture, and wholly destitute of organic remains, which appear protruded, as it were, among and through the others : having, in many cases, an exact resemblance to the effects of exist- ing volcanoes, — and in all, following a close analogy to such modes of eruptive action. We shall in the following sketch presume no further on our reader’s acquaintance with the subject than to the extent here briefly descr ibed. The names given to the successive leading groups of formations, which all over the world succeed one another in this order, are principally, the tertiary (or newest), above the chalk. The secondary, from the chalk inclusive to the coal formations : then those whrch have been called transition ; and, lastly, the primary, of crystalline texture, without organic remains, and bearing marks of being upheaved, protruded, or forced through all the others, in the way that mass- es of melted matter are now forced up by volcanic action. SILURIAN AND CAMBRIAN FOR- MATIONS. Mr. Murchison and Professor Sedgwick have been for a long time directing their joint labours to the elucidation of the rocks usually confounded together under the unmeaning name of “ Transition,” comprising all the se- ries intervening between the old red sand- stone and the primitive rocks. They have been minutely examined by these two eminent geologists, as developed in Wales and the part of England adjoining, and they have suc- ceeded in dispelling almost entirely the ob- scurity in which the nature of these rocks has been long involved. From beneath the old red sandstone, there rises out this considerable group of rocks, which, taking them in the order from upper to lower, Mr. Murchison has named the Ludlo, Wenlock, Caradoc, and Llandeillo formations, each being distinguished by cha- racteristic organic remains, and frequently by subordinate beds of limestone, 'i hese beds form a well-marked connected group, inter- ON THE IMPRESSIONS CONVEYED BY THE TERM TRANSITION. 277 posed between the old red sandstone and the slaty-grauwacke of Wales. Hence it seemed very desirable to apply some distinctive name. So great have been the recent advances in geology, that the term “ transition,” formerly applied, has (as we observed above) now be- come wholly unmeaning, and, in fact, conveys incorrect impressions. Hence these geologists have adopted the name “ Silurian System,” (from the Roman name for this part of Wales;) and this they subdivide into the “ Upper Silu- rian,” comprising the two fii'st of the four classes named above, — and the “ Lower,” in- cluding the two last. Beneath these appear the various slaty rocks, which are common to Wales and Cum- berland. These Professor Sedgwick has minutely investigated ; and divides them, ac- cording to order of superposition, into upper, middle, and lower. The upper formation is seen in the chain of the Berwyn mountains, and is thence expanded over a large part of South Wales, including Plinlimmon ; it con- tains in general less calcareous matter, and fewer organic remains, than the Silurian systems. The middle Cambrian includes the Merionethshire ranges and Snowdon, con- taining a few organic remains, and some highly calcareous slates, but no beds of limestone. The same group is largely developed in Cum- berland. The lower or oldest Cambrian group occupies the south-west of Caernar- vonshire, and much of Anglesea. It con- tains no organic remains. In this rapid sketch, we, of course, can do little more than explain the nominal distinc- tions which have been thus laid down. But it must be understood, that they are far from being mere distinctions of names. They involve essential characteristics of extensive geological districts, and serve to bring under a luminous classification a series, of great importance to a connected knowledge of British strata, which has long been involved in obscurity from want of such a principle of arrangement. A full account of these researches was given at the Dublin meeting of the British Association ; and elicited besides the encomi- ums so justly due to the talents and persever- ance of its authors, many able illustrations and remarks; especially from Mr. Greenough, who considered that similar principles of classification might very probably be exten- ded to other regions ; and from Professor Phillips, who made some highly interesting observations on the distribution of charac- teristic organic remains in rocks, especially those here considered. He dwelt upon the important fact, so utterly destructive of the favourite hypothesis of some geologists and cosmogonists, of a gradual advance from the simplest to the most complex forms of animal life, as we advance to the newer rocks ; that in these Silurian groups, though we find a diminution in the number of fossil species in the older rocks, yet they exhibit no inferio- riiy of structure or organization. They belong to extinct classes. Among beings of lower organization, as among, some single species may be found even in rocks so ancient as the Silurian system, which also now exist; and he was hence led to remark, that it is not by any single genus, but by a com- bination of co-existing genera that strata must be identified. FOSSIL FISHES. The natural history of fishes has been gene- rally considered more obscure than that of any other of the great divisions of the animal kingdom; and it has been almost entirely through the labours of M. Agassiz that a new light has been thrown over it, by tracing out, as he has done, a new principle of clas- sification : by this the whole science has been remodelled, It is also a singular circumstance in this investigation, |;hat (contrary to the usual order of procedure) the study of the fossil remains of fishes has been a material source of elucidation for understanding the relations and classification of existing species. The great principle of classification adopted by M. Agassiz, is derived from the nature of the external covering or scales* The peculiar form and structure of the scales dif- fer essentially in different classes of fishes ; and the nature of the covering, which pro- tects the animal externally, is found to bear a direct relation to the internal organization. Here then there appears a principle of rela- tion which, doubtless, depends upon some essential modification of the animal cha- racter, and thus may fairly afford a satisfac- tory ground of a real distinction and classi- fication of species. This principle, then, M. Agassiz has adopted; and, in following it out, has arrived at a grand distinction of fishes, under four principal orders, characterized by the peculiar nature of their scales. .They are termed, 1. Placoi'dians, 2. Ganoidians, 3. Ctenoidians, and 4. Cycloi’dians Of the whole number of species now known to exist, more than three-fourths belong to the two orders of Cycloidians and Ctenoi'di- ans, the other fourth to the remaining two. Whereas, of the species whose fossil remains we find imbedded and mineralized, none of the two orders last-named have been found in any formations below the chalk ; whilst in the lower or older formations we have abund- ance of the other two kinds. The propor- tions of these in the different formations are very remarkable, and have been carefully traced by the persevering industry and skill of M. Agassiz, In the most recent or tertiary deposits, not only the fossil orders and genera, but also the species, approach nearly in character to * These names are derived from Greek words, describing the shape and appearance of the scales. 1 . From plax, a table or broad surface, the scales being large. 2. From ganos, beauty or splendour ; from the bright enamel with which they are armed. 3. From cteis, a comb, the scales being formed with teeth. i. From cpclosy a circle, the scales being round. 273 THE CHANGES WHICH OUR PLANET HAS UNDERGONE. those now existing ; though he has not found and the oolite rocks, it is a highly interesting more than one species exactly the same. fact, that the capsule of the eye has been pre- Those of the formation called “ crag,” in served: and in many species from Monte Norfolk, are allied to the species now inha- Bolca, Solenhofen, and the lias, we see dis- biting the tropical seas. In the London clay, tinctly all the little blades which form the the beds in the basin of Paris, and at Monte branchiae. Bolca, about two-thirds belong to existing genera. In the formations next below these, the chalk, about one third only belong to existing genera. In the formations older than the chalk, there is not a single genus identical with the recent. The oolitic series, to the lias inclusive, forms by its species of fossil fish a very na- tural and well-defined group. The weald formation is included in this, in which M. Agassiz did not find a singlespecies referrible even to the genera of the chalk. Throughout the series of rocks deposited in these epochs, the two orders which pre^ vail by so large a majority (as above stated) in the existing creation, are not to be found. New species have since been created ; the whole genera formed of all those species are new, not merely in a few instances, but through such a range and extent, that even the entire order comprising those genera is new. In these older strata, on the other hand, different species, genera, and orders, existed in proportional abundance, most of which have since died away and disappeared ; and the two great orders, which at the present day form a small minority, were then pre- dominant. The most striking characteristics, per- haps, of^these periods are the predominance of those Ganoidians which have a symmetri- cal caudal-fin ; and those Placoi'dians, which have their teeth furrowed on both sides, and have large thorny rays on the dorsal-fin. These fossil rays had long been known, but their real nature was wholly misunderstood. In the formations below the lias, the character, above stated, in the tail-fin of the Ganoidians is entirely changed. Instead of n tail parting off into two equal and similar divisions or lobes, the backbone is continued straight on, into a true tail, while another lobe, or fin, is formed beneath, so as to give the appearance of a tail-fin, with two un- equal, unsymmetrical, lobes. This distinc- tion prevails up to the fishes of the most an- cient strata. The form of the teeth is another important distinction, bearing obviously a direct rela- tion to the habits of the animal and its means of subsistence. In strata more recent than those contain- ing coal, we find no fish decidedly carnivo- rous,— that is, provided with large conical and pointed teeth. In these strata, up to the chalk, the fish appear to have been omnivo- rous, their teeth being either |rounded, or in obtuse cones, or like a brush. The nature of the food of these fish is also ascertained by the discovery of the fossil contents of their intestines, in which scales of other fish, on which they had preyed, have been found. In a great number of instances from the tertiary beds of the Isle of Sheppy, the chalk. In the strata below the lias, we begin to find the largest of those large fish, of an organization allied to the Saurian, or lizard tribe ; the resemblance is chiefly in the mode of connexion of certain parts of the skeleton, and the form of the teeth. Froiii the general distribution of the species of fossil fish thus investigated, M. Agassiz has deduced some important and profound in- ferences, with regard to the clianges which our planet has undergone at remote epochs. There is a remarkable distinction between these fossil fishes, and the fossil zoophytes 'md testacea. Of these last, the same genera are found through several different formations, as we have already noticed ; and their organi- zation was such as enabled them to live through all the great changes in the physical condition of the globe, which accompanied the successive depositions of those formations. With the fossil ^s/ies the case is widely differ- ent. We have seen that the several genera, and even orders, vary extremely from one formation to another. Thus the changes in the constitution of the globe, which accom- paiiied the successive epochs, were of such a kind as these genera of fishes were unabla to survive. We see at once, then, a reason for this difference between them and the infe- rior classes, in the greater perfection and deli- cacy of their organization ; their more complica- ted structure required important modifications, according as great changes took place in the’ climate, and various physical relations in the order of things on the surface of the globe. Here then was the same beautiful series of adapta- tions, existing in as high perfection myriads of ages ago as at the present time : displayed equally in all the long series of creations, by which the globe has been gradually brought into its present condition, and evincing the ever-enduring and universal influence of the same creative Power and Intelligence. The fishes of each of the great periods of the earth’s formation are thus essentially diffeient from each other, but each series agreeing among themselves in some peculiarities of organization. The multitude of species so coexisting must, doubtless, have been fitted by that peculiar organization for the particular conditions which prevailed on the surface of the globe at the time they lived. So, likewise, the disappearance of whole species and genera, is the evidence of great and universal changes in those attendant conditions of the external world, which introduced a new order of things unsuited to that peculiar organization with which they were furnished. Thus, not only individuals, but whole families and species perished ; not only a few species, but a wide range of species, comprising a whole genus; and not only this, but so many genera as made up the larger portion of an entire order. One common peculiarity constituted the distinc- tion of the order ; that peculiarity was no INTERESTING ACCOUNT OF THE DISCOVERY OF FOSSIL FISH. 279 longer suited to external nature, — the whole order therefore perished. Did then these vast alterations in the plan of nature take place suddenly"? Was this immense destruction, not only of animal life but of a whole system of organization brought about at one time ?— in a short time ; or did it take place by more gradual changes? by a series of changes so slow as to be imperceptible, going on through a countless series of ages? M. Agassiz has introduced some remarks bearing on the solution of these questions. He observes that, in some cases, local and tran- sient causes may be capable of producing such effects over a certain extent of district : such, for example, as volcanic eruptions. A sub- marine eruption might destroy all the fish in the particular region where it took place ; but this would hardly account for the disappear- ance of species diXiA genera, however extensive or often repeated. M. Agassiz possesses spe- cimens in which a great number of fossil fishes are crowded into a small space ; and the appearance of the whole is such, as to impress the spectator with the belief that they were destroyed and imbedded, as it were instan- taneously, by some sudden catastrophe: such as a sudden eruption of volcanic matter, ora sudden influx of fresh water, or even the heat- ing of the sea by a submarine volcano. Such causes as these, however, could be only local ; and it is evident we must refer to changes, upon a much larger scale, in the condition of the earth’s surface, as alone capa- ble of producing the greater effects we have above described. M. Agassiz appears to lean to the theory of those geologists, who contend that the great changes which have affected the crust of our globe were brought about by vast and sudden catastrophes and that, cor- responding with the occurrence of these con- vulsive movements, the great changes in the characteristics of animal and vegetable life were as suddenly introduced. Those of our readers who have perused the masterly but extremely popular work of Mr. Lyell (and we hope there will be few who have not), will know how to estimate the claims of this theory. M. Agassiz commenced his researches on the Continent ; but has, more recently, extended them to an examination of tlie specimens fourid in English collections. Here, indeed, we have been long accu- mulating these geological treasures, in which our island is peculiarly rich, but with- out' fully understanding the value of them, until M. Agassiz has pointed it out to us ; and invested many of these accumulations of neg- lected remains, with a new value and interest. He has found, in the English cabinets, 300 species new to his researches. Here, then, was an interesting, perhaps critical, moment for his speculations ; his views were thus put to a severe test. All these specimens, however, were found to furnish a complete verification of his former inferences, and entirely to corro- borate the laws ofdevelopment which he had previously determined, in regard to the suc- cession of these orders of animals, during the different changes which our globe has under- gone. The oldest formation in which fossil fishes are found, is the Silurian system of rocks; in which there are five or six species, exhibiting the first appearance, in the primaeval world, of this long-continued series of vertebrated animals ; the species of which become more and more diversified and numerous, as well in their outward forms as in their organiza- tion, as we advance to the later formations. Yet, as we have- indeed already noticed, those which do occur even in these most ancient rocks, the first of living beings which tenanted the globe, were animals of the most perfect and exquisite structure and organiza- tion. A highly interesting account has lately been given to the Geological Society, by Mr. Mur- chison, of the discovery of fossil fish , in the new red sandstone of Tyrone, in Ireland, being the first discovery of such remains in the particular stratum, though they were known to exist in others of the group to which it belongs. The part of the formation in question surrounds, and includes, a small coal-field, but reposes, for the greater part, on mountain limestone. The sandstone con- sists of many distinct beds, which have evident- ly been deposited at different, and widely separated, periods of time; since some of the lower exhii'it, on the upper surface, the marks of the rippling action of water, and must, therefore, have long presented an exposed surface to a calm sea. It is in the lowest beds, twenty-five or thirty feet below the surface, that tire fishes are found. Another curious and interesting fact, con- nected with these researches, has been the light thrown by them upon some very singular specimens, which had been, for years, in the possession of Dr. Buckland, but of which nei- ther he, nor any of the numerous geologists and naturalists who examined them, could make out anything. They are now ascertain- ed, by comoaiison, to be the jaw-bones of a rare fossil fish, of which four different species are now recognised, in the oolitic formation, by the acute investigations of Dr. Buckland. We have alluded to some remains of fossil fishes, which bear a resemblance to those of the Saurian reptiles, (the tribe including the lizards and crocodiles). We must not omit one very remarkable instance, which throws considerable light on this sort of relation. In the limestone of Burdie-house, in Scot- land (belonging to a deep-seated bed of the coal formation, beneath all the beds of coal), numerous specimens of fossil fish were dis- covered by Dr. Hibbert, a few years ago. Amongst other remains, he has since found, in this locality, many specimens of teeth, scales, and large bones, apparently of a Sau- rian character. This being mentioned to M, Agassiz, he at once traced an analogy which has enabled him to explain, with the highest probability, the nature of the animal to which they belonged. In the tropical parts of 280 GRADUAL AND PERMANENT RISE OF A LARGE TRACT OF LAND. America, he immediately called to mind a species offish (the Lepidosteus), now existing, which has, in many points, a striking resem- blance to the lizard tribe. The form of its scales particularly, as well as of its teeth, are extremely similar to those of the crocodile genus; and even its internal organization forms a sort of connecting link between that of a fish and a lizard. The swimming-bladder, when minutely examined, is found to be, ana- tomically, a true Lung-, and approaches closely in structure to the lungs of reptiles. It has a regular trachea, communicating with a glottis, surrounded by ligaments intended to open and shut it, constituting an apparatus even of a more complicated structure than that of many reptiles. 'I'he heart, again, re- sembles that of a reptile in some particulars. With this fish M. Agassiz compared the sauroid remains (as they had been provision- ally termed,) tound at Burdie-house : he was materially assisted, also, in making out the analogy, by the entire head of a large fossil fish in the museum at Leeds. By this sort of comparison, he has at length classified the fossil remains into a new genus, under the name ol JMegalicthys; of which more than one species are now recognised in the coal- fields of Scotland. These investigations were given in a paper, read to the Royal Society of Edinburgh, by Dr. Hibbert (Dec. 1834), who, in conclu- sion, well observed the importance, in geology, of such analogies with living species. In this instance, he observed," M. Agassiz had rescued from obscurity a sauroid fish, dwelling among the lakes and rivers of the most thermal regions of America, and ren- dered it elucidative of one of the most earliest states ol our planet, when, in the language of this naturalist, fish united, in their particular organization, the character of reptiles, be- longing to that class of animals which only appeared in far greater numbers during a later epoch.’’ ELEVATION AND SUBSIDENCE OF LAND. A paper was read to the Geological Society, November l8, 1835, in which Dr. Pingel, of Copenhagen, gives a detailed description of the evidences which he has collected in a tour, of the fact of a subsidence, during the last half century, of the coait of Green- larid, between N. lat. GO® and 69«. 'I bis is evinced by the ruins of houses and villages on the shore, vyhich are now covered at high water, and, in some instances, are only visible at very low tides. From astatement, by Captain Fitzroy, R. N-, read at the same meeting, it appears that the earthquake ofFebruary, 1835, on the coast of Chili, not only produced an alteration in the currents but that the island of S. Maria was permanently elevated ten feet. Another, and more detailed, account ofthe same earth- quake, was given in a letter from Mr. Alison. I he most remarkable circumstances were these : Forty minutesafter the first shock, the sea suddenly retired so far, thata great part of the bottom of the bay, at the port of Talca- huno, was laid dry ; but the water very soon afterwards returned with increased violence^ and flowed twenty feet over the town, carry- ing everything before it. This was repeated three times. The same thing occurred in the earthquake which destroyed Pence, in 1730 and 1731. In the present instance, the land permanently rose two or three feet on the shore andinthebay. Mr. Alison also mentions the existence, near Valparaiso, of recent marine shells, 1400 feet above the level of the sea ; and, in the bay of Valparaiso, he says, a rock, which, in 1817, could be passed over in a bout, is now dry except at spring-tides. At the island of Juan Fernandez, a similar recession, and then violent influx of the sea took place; but here it was accompanied by another remarkable phenomenon, namely, the breaking out of a submarine volcano, which caused an immense agitation and boiling or the sea. At a meeting, of December 2nd, a paper was read on the effects of earthquake waves on the coasts of the Pacific, by Woodbine Parish, Esq. In this valuable memoir, the author has collected all the information he could obtain from well-authenticated histori- cal accounts of earthquakes, producing those sudden overflowings, or rather immense vyaves, in the sea of which we have just spoken. These are highly curious, and attest the vast force with which inroads of the ocean, under these circumstances, have taken place. They by no means u/rr;ai/s accompany earthquakes : in fact it evidently depends on the direction which the shock takes, and the locality of its origin, w'hether such an effect will be pro- duced or not. A most remarkable and instructive example of the gradual and permanent rise of a large tract of land, is that described by Mr, Lyell as now taking place in Sweden. (PMl, Trans., 1835, i.) It is more than a hundred years since the Swedish naturalist, Celsius, declared his opi- nion that the level of the waters, both of the Baltic and the ocean, was suffering a gradual depression ; that is, that there was a change in the relative level of the land and the sea. Von Buch, in the course of his tour in Sweden and Norway, about twenty-five years ago, found, at several places on the western shores of Scandinavia, deposits of sand and mud, containing numerous shells referrible to species now living in the neighbouring ocean. From this circumstance, and from accounts which he received from inhabitants of the coasts of the Bothnian Gulf, he inferred that Celsius was correct in regard to a gradual change of relative level. As the sea cannot sink in one place without falling everywhere, ^mn Buch concluded that certain parts of Sweden and Finland were slowly and insensi- bly rising. Some difference of opinion, however, pre- vailed on the subject ; and there were not wanting able observers, who contended that the inferences were founded on mistaken data, and, on other grounds, denied the truth of the statement altogether. The question DANGER OF SUSPECTING WITHOUT PROPER EXAMINATION. 281 thus acquired additional interest : and Mr. Lyell, determined to investigate the facts him- self, made a tour into Sweden for the purpose. He visited a considerable part of the shores of the Bothnian Gulf, between Stockholm and Gefle, and of the western coast of Sweden, between Uddevola and Gothenburg, districts particularly alluded to by Celsius. He exa- mined several of the marks cut by the Swedish pilots, under the direction of the Swedish Academy of Sciences, in 1820, and found the level of the Baltic, in calm weather, several inches below the marks. He also found the level of the waters several feet below marks made seventy or a hundred years be- fore. He obtained similar results on the side of the ocean ; and found, in both districts, that the testimony of the inhabitants exactly agreed with that of their ancestors, recorded by Celsius. After confirming the accounts given by Von Buch, of the occurrence, on the side of the ocean, of elevated beds of recent shells at various heights, from lO to 200 feet, Mr. Lyell discovered, in addition, deposits on the side of the Bothnian Gulf, between Stockholm and Gefle, containing fossil shells of the same species which now characterize the brackish waters of the sea. These occur at various elevations, of from 1 to 100 feet, and sometimes reach fifty miles inland. The shells are partly marine and partly fluviatile: the marine species are iden- tical with those now living in the ocean, but are dwarfish in size, and never attain the average dimensions of those which live in waters sufficiently salt to enable them to reach their full development. Mr. Lyell concludes, in general, that certain parts of Sweden are undergoing a gradual rise, to the amount of tivo or three feet in a century, while other parts, visited by him, further to the south, appear to experience no movement. All these facts have an extremely valuable bearing on geological theories. The fact that a slow, and imperceptibly gradual rise, is now taking place in one large district of the earth, whilst a sinking has been also going on in another, afford us the strong ground of ob- served facts for admitting, as a true philoso- phical cause, the like slow, gradual, elevation of land out of the sea, in other cases and in earlier epochs. 'To account for the actual appearances of strata, now hundreds or thou- sands of feet above the sea, containing beds of marine shells and animal remains, we re- quire nothing but a repetition, or rather con- stant succession, of such events as are now going on in Sweden and Greenland, to account for all those level, or but slightly inclined de- positions, which, to so vast an extent, have contributed to form our existing continents. And where is the slightest ground of proba- bility for supposing these changes to have gone on at a more rapid rate formerly than nowl And if we form anything like the roughest calculation, what length of time shall we assign for the elevation of any one, even of the superficial and most recent forma- tions'? But the effects of earthquake waves is a subject not less worthy of consideration. Some geologists have contended that the sudden elevation of mountain chains, by volcanic forces, of whose intensity nothing, in the pre- sent degenerate condition of the globe, can convey any idea, caused mighty waves, delu- ging, at one sweep, vast regions of the earth, and accounting for numerous phenomena, which those of another scliool attribute to the action of ordinary causes, acting through im- mensely long periods of time. These earth- quake waves give us an idea of the extent to which such causes can act under the influence of volcanic forces, of the highest intensity of any within human experience; i.e., capable of producinglocal inroads, on particular coasts, to an extent absolutely insensible compared with those which must be imagined in order to account in this way for geological pheno- mena. We may then falculate, in some de- gree, what enormous intensity must be sup. posed in an earthquake, to cause an inun- dation of any considerable tract of country. Further, we must own, we find it impossible to conceive how the upheaving of a mountain, from the bottom of the sea, supposing it merely to ascend uniformly and steadily, could pro- duce any wave at all. It seems to us solely the trembling motion and rapid shock of the earthquake, which produces the wave. ON AN INCREDIBLE EXPERIMENT IN WHICH THE HUMAN BODY LOSES ITS WEIGHT. Related BY Sir David Brewster and ANOTHER. Highly exciting as the marvellous “ may be to a large proportion of mankind, even in the most advanced state of civilization yet known, it ought never to be drawn from sources whence truth may be obtained by ordinary industry of research, nor furnished by men whose dicta, from their intellectual rank, may be received, without examination or suspicion, not only by the ignorant and unreflecting, but by many who are in the habit generally of requiring proof whenever it is possible to be obtained. To suborn nature, and abuse knowledge, for the vulgar purpose of exciting surprise among tlie ignorant, can now never acquire more than a very short-lived success, and must, eventually, be productive of great humiliation. Besides, there is abundantly sufficient among the grand, and even among the minute, operations and productions of nature, to satisfy the most ravenous appetite for the “ wonder- ful” and the “ new,” without fabricating, or circulating, when fabricated by others, statements at utter variance with all known acts, and ushering them into the world in a manner tending to disturb that confidence in the constant uniformity in the laws of nature, which centuries of investigation have com- bined to produce, and upon which the philo- sophic mind reposes with satisfaction and delisht. 282 EXPERIMENTS RELATIVE TO THE STRENGTH OF THE HUMAN FRAME. Without meaning lo impute ignoble motives to so eminent a philosopher, and so acute an observer, as Sir David Brewster, it is, at least, surprising to see him expose himself to a charge of this nature, and that, too, in a work whose very intention seemed to be the clearing of the mind’s eye, the strengthening of its vision, and the increase, to borrow an astrono- mical phrase, of its penetrating power, so that it might pierce more thoroughly the mistiness which superstition and knavish cunning, some- times for base, and frequently for criminal, purposes, envelop some simple, but little known operation of nature, or some refined, but only partially exposed, process of art. Sir David had also an abettor, if not an accom- plice in the late Sir Walter Scott, but in him the love of mystification, and the practice of ingenious deception,*^ were so predominant, that we rather wonder he was content to play so second-rate a part in the case which we are about to refer to. In the “ Letters on Natural Magic, addres- sed to Sir Walter Scott, Bart., by Sir David Brewster, K.H., LL.D., F,R.S., V.P.R.S.E., &c..” p. 255, &c., is the follow- ing passage: — “ One of the most remarkable and inexpli- cable experiments relative to the strength of the human frame, which you have your- self seen and admired, is that in which a hea- vy man is raised with the greatest facility, when he is lifted up the instant that his own lungs and those of the tiersons wdio raised him are inflated with air. This experiment was, I believe, first shown in England, a few years ago, by Major H., who saw it performed in a large party at Venice, under the direction of an officer of the American Navy. As Major H. perfomed it more than once in my pre- sence, I shall describe, as nearly as possible, the method which he prescribed. The heaviest person in the party lies down upon two chairs, his legs being supported by the one, and his back by the other. Four persons, one at each leg, and one at each shoulder, then try to raise him, and they find his dead weight to be very great, from the difficulty they experi- ence in supporting him. When he is replaced in the chair, each of the four persons takes hold of the body as before, and the person to be lifted gives two signals by clapping his hands. At the first signal, he himself and the four lifters begin to draw a long and full breath, and, when the inhalation is comple- ted, or the lungs filled, the second signal is given for raising the person from the chair. T o his own surprise, and that of his bearers, he rises with the greatest facility, as if he were no heavier than a feather. On several oc- casions, I have observed that when one of the bearers performs his part ill, by making the inhalation out of time, the part of the body which he tries to raise is left as it were behind. As you have repeatedly seen this experiment, and have performed the part both of the load and of the bearer, you can testify how remark- able the effects appear to all parties, and how complete is the conviction, either that the load has been lightened, or the bearer strength- ened, by the prescribed process. ” At Venice, the experiment was performed in a much more imposing manner. The heaviest man in the party was raised and sustained upon the points of the fore-fingers of six persons. Major H. declared that the experiment would not succeed if the person ! lifted were placed upon a board, and the strength of the individuals applied to the board. Fie conceived it necessary that the bearers should communicate directly with the body to be raised, I have not had an opportunity of inaking any experiments relative to these curious facts; but, whethei the general effect I is an illusion, or the result of known or of new principles, the subject merits a careful investigation. The circumstances under which this nar- ration is given to the public are such, that if the feat, said to have been performed, was not so utterly incredible, they would be amply sufficient to procure for the “ wonder,” ready circulation and unhesitating acceptation even among scrupulous observers of truth. Here a Major H, is stated to have performed the ex- I periment successfully in Sir David’s presence ; j and Sir David Brewster, F.R.S., addressing i Sir Walter Scott, F.R.S.E., speaks of the feat as one you have seen and admired ” de- ' scribes the experiment: as one“ you repeatedly ' have seen, and performed the part both of the load 07} d the hearer,” can testify how remarkable the effects appear to all pai'ties,” &c. As Sir Walter never in his life-time publicly noticed this appeal nor contradicted the statement, he united his testimony to that of Sir David, and as if even this united evidence could be strengthened, there comes “ over sea” another circumstantial account of the same feat, and that from a quarter in which no confederacy could be suspected, unless indeed the American naval officer, who taught it to Major H., at Venice, had carried it across the Atlantic, and up the St. Lawrence. In an American periodical, Silllmn7ds Jour- ^fl/. No. 57, published in April, 1835, there is the following communication to the Editor : — Kingston, Upper Canada, OctoberSl, 1834. “ Sir,— As a subscriber to your valuable journal, I take the liberty of asking of some of your scientific readers the rationale of the following experiment. “An individual is to place himself on a stool or a table on his back , with his arms and legs crossed, keeping the whole body stiff; four or six others are then to place themselves at about equal distances, by the sides of the first,— say tw’o at the shoulders, two about the middle of the body, and the others by the hips and thighs. Extending the fore-fingers of each hand so as to touch the body, some- what underneath. At a given signal, the whole party are to take as full an inspiration as possible, and at another given signal, simultaneously to respire very slowly, gently pressing the body upwards at the same time, when it will be found to rise with a very slight effort, and to continue rising until the A VERY REMARKABLE EXPERIMENT. 283 breath is exhausted, when it will suddenly fall down with great force. The operators must be prepared for this circumstance, and immediately pass their arms under the body to break its fall ; it will also be well for one individual to hold a pillow under the head for the same purpose. The experiment ap- pears to succeed best in a closed room, and if the inspirations and respirations are not uniform, it will fail. I first saw it tried about twenty years ago, but have never yet heard or seen any satisfactory explanation of it. “ I am not aware that it involves any prin- ciple adverse to the known laws of gravitation, but it certainly appears for a short time to act independently of them. If you deem it (this letter) worthy of a passing notice, I should be glad to see it ; if otherwise, let it be deposited in the Archives of the College ofLaputa. “ lam, Sir, respectfully yours, “ James Nickalls, Jr.” In this account respiration is one of the conditions, and the experiment differs in some other respects from SirDavid’s, not materially, however ; but so far as it does, the feat is ren- dered still moreimprobable, This gentleman also states that he “ saw it tried about twenty years” before, and still, in 1834, “ he had never yet heard or seen any satisfactory expla- nation of it !” What shall be believed, then, of § this extra- ordinary fact, so extensively promulgated in the Old Hemisphere, and echoed back from the New? We agree with the editor, in the journal above referred to, that“ it is desirable that it should be decided either that the ap- pearance is illusory, or that a reasonable cause should be assigned,” and also with Sir David Brewster, who says, at the conclusion of the extract given, that“ the subject merits a careful investigation,” We have the satisfaction of laying before our readers an investigation and decision, made with a most careful attention to all the circumstances described by Sir David Brews- ter. We have been permitted by an “ Ex- perimental Society,” which holds its meetings in London, to have access to that part of their minute-book, in which the introduction and investigation of this very subject, and the final decision of the Society, are recorded. In order that the weight due to this investiga- tion and decision may be properly estimated, we shall state, that though none of the mem- bers possess names which are to be compared with the splendour of those of the knight or of the baronet in question, yet some of them have distinguished themselves in the scientific world, and they all have a reputation for vera- city, sufficient ability, habits of observation and patient inquiry, quite sufficient to qualify them to form a competent jury to try the question. Though the members of this society systema- tically avoid notoriety as a body, the name of the members who assisted in this experi- ment may, in this particular case, be known, if any person should think it worth while to express the wish for them. We also, for the same purpose of proving the confidence that maybe placed in an in- vestigation by these gentlemen, shall state shortly their mode of proceeding. When a subject is decided by them to be worthy of ex- periment, a director of the investigation is ap- pointed, at whose command all the means that the society, as a body, or each individual so disposed, can furnish ; and to avoid distraction and confusion, and ensure effective co-oper- ation, his instructions are implicitly followed. At the conclusion of an experiment, made un- der these circumstances, the whole of the mem- bers present discuss the proceeding, and sug- gest any omissions they may have observed ; if these are important, the experiment is re- peated, and so on, until every doubt of every individual is removed, and unanimity ob- tained. This result cannot always be arrived at by one experiment, or in one meeting jit was not on the subject in question, but the process is repeated until itis accomplished. It was under such a procedure that the fact described by Sir David Brewster was exa- mined. Almost every member of the society was, at one time or other, “ t/ie load or the bearer,” hut particularly the heaviest and the lightest persons of the number were always lifted. As might be expected, the opinions were various in the first experiments. The differences however became less and less as the investigation went on and the proofs were multiplied; and at length they entirely va- nished. The final unanimous verdict of the society being, that no such effect was pro- duced as that described in the Letters on Natural Magic, that there was nothing what- ever remarkable produced by the mode of lifting: and that the facility which was ac- quired in the lifting was no more than might be expected from the promptness which the bearers, by practice, acquired in acting uniformly together, upon a given signal. The feat of raising and supporting even their most minute member upon the fore-fingers of six persons, they found quite impractica- ble. If this verdict should, by any accident, reach the ear of Sir David Brewster, and he should think any further trial necessary, we are authorized to say, that the“ Experi- mental Society” wish it to be understood that they are ready to undertake it, under any modification that he may be kind enough to suggest; and, after following his instructions with the most scrupulous ac- curacy, to state the result to the public.* Until some such re-agitation of the ques- tion should take place, we think after the above investigation, it must be admitted that the appearances described by Sir David Brewster were illusory and that no reason- able cause can be assigned which will pro- duce such effects. VVe think, also, that * Notwithstanding the conclusions at which the Experimental Society have arrived, we recommend to our readers a trial of the expe- riment, and they will be satisfied that the effects are really astonishing .—Ed. India Review- 284 TRANSACTIONS. OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY. scientific men should abstain from giving currency to such monstrous improbabilities unaccompainied by refutation or explana- toi y remark. It would be far better to con- tinue the inquiry into the cause, either of the fact or of the error, and abstain from publication until some satisfactory infor- mation had been obtained. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE LIN- NEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON, vol. xvii. The contents of this portion of the Transac- tions are, A commentary on the fourth part of the Hortus Malabaricus. By (the late) Francis Hamilton, M. D. &c. Memoir on the degree of selection exer- cised by plants, with regard to the earthy constituents presented to their absorbing sur- faces. By Charles Daubeny, M. I). &:c. Review of the order of Hydrophylleae. By George Bentham, Esq. &c. On Diopsis, a genus of Dypterous In- sects, with descriptions of twenty-one species. By J. O. Westwood, Esq. &c. The fact that about two-thirds of the half volume now before us are occupied with the fourth part of Dr. Hamilton’s Commentary, which, however valuable, has already obtained Its full share of the pages of the Linnean Tran- sactions, must excite regret in those who are desirous for the prosperity of this very res- pectable Society, that its moderate funds should be thus drained, when a contribution from the ample means which it is well known the author possessed, could have so readily dispensed with this burden. The object of the commentary is to remove the discordances in the nomenclature of In- dian botany, particularly with regard to the adaptation of the native to the scientific names. The difficulties attending such an attempt are very numerous and complicated; because the native names are often indiscriminately applied to various species, when the latter approach each other in character or quality ; and, in the east, where the vegetable kingdom is ransack- ed in all departments for the purpose of sup- plying a materia medica to the native physi- cians, these obstacles become more multifarious and perplexing than in more civilized parts of the earth, where, however, it may be alleged that the physical properties of plants are un- dervalued. Dr. Hamilton is inclined to con- sider the native names properly applied as ex- hibited in the following columns, which we have drawn up for the benefit of our friends in India, where our Journal is already perused ; Manoa domestica Calappa sylvesiris Myrisiica Malal)arica Bariinsjtonia raceiiiosa Stravadium acutaii«uluin Holiyarna lonsiifolia Tenninalia, or i Myrobalanus ' lluuiphia tilicefulia Taiia Man?o Man, or Mau Ada luatarn Paiiein palka Samstravadi Tsjeiia Samstravadi Katoii Tsjeiou Taui Tsjeui Taui Limpnia moiiophylla ? Uaiidia viiosa Liitioiiia acidissima Valeria Indica Laiisiiim ? Alaiiuiiim decapetalutn Hamiltoiiia? Sapindus emarginatus Duahanaa Soimeratoides Laijerstroemia hirsula Eieocarpiis perincaia Mimusnps Uexandia ? Alaiiiiiuiii tiiiiieiuosuui Theka lei iiifolia VVebeia corymbosa Clerodeiidrnm seiratiim Cyiiomeira ramiflora Ithiis Odina <^aru!ra piiinata, Scliiuus Salieria? ,, Niara Papyrius, or f Broussoneiia^ "“egrifolia Vitex leiicoxyloii Cordia ? Calophylluin iiiophyiluin ? » calaba? Ceiiis orieiitalis Ainboieiisis Ceiiis Acala Zizypliiis Mauritiana Melaslnina aspera ,, Malabathrica ? A viceiiiiia Oepaia Oueitarda ? Saiiiyda Canziaia ,, piscicida >> glabra ? Sapium Indicam Melia iiitegerrima Camuiiium Beugeleuse Heigera iiitegei rirna Olea dioica Aoyneja mnllilocularis Pbjsaiis Sugmida Aiilidesiiia Zeylanica ,, paiiiculaia Calicarpa ? Azalea 1 Scaevola laccada ,, lobelia i „ Modauani $ Sterciiiia giittaia ) ,, Balaiiglias f Mai naregam Cam naregam Tsjerouratou naregam Paeiioe, Baenu Nyalel Aiigolain, or Alangi Idou Moulli Poeriiisii Du)al)anga Adamboe Catou Adamboe ? Peril! Cara Maiiil Cara Dliela riieka Katon Theka Tsjerou Theka Iripa Kalesjam Cam calesjam Ben Calesjiim Niyar Poiiga Karil Vidi maram Poniia Tsjerou poiiiia Mallani Toddaii Tilayi Acata Perim Toddal Kadali Katou Kadali Oepata Rava Pou Kanjiala, Anavinga Kouijal Loiiajang Coroiidi Bengiri, Hurinayi Ana Bepou Bepu Ban Kongeha Kari Vetti Pee Velli Sugunda Noeli Tali Amri Poutaleisje Modagain I accada Bella? Rameiia Pua or Pou Maram? According to Hamilton, the Vateria Indica produces the gum anime which Dr. Roxburgh says is termed in commerce, East Indian Co- pal. Schindler tells us that there are three kinds of Copal : 1. The East Indian, or Afri- can Copal, is the brightest and softest, and affords the best varnish. It is sometimes call- ed ball copal. 2. The second variety is call- ed West Indian or American Copal, being derived from the Antilles, Mexico, and North America, and is procured, according to Mar- tins and Hayne, from different species of Hymenea, Trachylohhim, and Vouapa. It is termed stone copal, and is yellower than the preceding kind. It comes to us in hard, flat pieces, weighing dbout three ounces. It is less easily melted than the preceding variety, and seldom contains insects. 3. The third variety is also termed West Indian copal, but might be mistaken for the first species, as it oc- curs in the form of convexo-concave pieces, eight ounces in weight. Taste aromatic. Melt- ing point between that of the two preceding. Fresh oil of rosemary dissolves the first ia PRODUCTION OF SILICA BY THE ASSIMILATING PROCESSES OF PLANTS. 285 any proportion. Fresh oil of turpentine dis- solves the first variety completely, but only dissolves a small portion of the other two, af- ter long digestion. The action of alcohol is similar. Schindler terms the last species, for the sake of distinction, insect copal. These facts 1 consider it proper to bring for- ward, because Dr. Hamilton denies that copal comes from India. Now, this opinion is at variance with the statement of Retzius, who called it Elaeocarpus copalliferus, because it afforded the gum copal. Dr. Roxburgh alle- ges also that the resin of the Paenoe is called East India copal. Mr. Turnbull of Mirza- pore informed Dr. Hamilton that some which he sent home for trial would not sell for copal, although it was allowed to be anime. “ The real copal and anime, ’ he adds, “ are Ameri- can productions.” The resin of the Paenoe, or Dripa (Vatena Indica) was probably used by the Brahmans of Malabar as an incense. The Paenoe is one of the finest ornamental trees in India ; and in the province of Canara it is usually planted in rows by the sides of highways, making remarkably fine avenues. I’he statement of Mr. Turnbull is not conclu- sive, because he does not state that its rejec- tion was the consequence of chemical exami- jiation. The paper of Dr. Daubeny, who is pro- fessor of both tl)e very extensive sciences of chemistry and botany, is devoted to an account of some researches carried on in prosecution of the curious facts pointed out by Schrader and others, who found that there was some reason to conclude that plants, in their assi- milating processes, produced silica. Their method of proceeding was first to burn the seeds and ascertain the quantity and nature of the residual earthy matter j then to sow a given portion of similar seeds in sulphur : and' then to ascertain the nature of the earths con- tained in the ashes of the plant. Dr. Dau- beny employed dififerent soils, and instituted a comparison between the effects of each. The materials of the soils were sulphate of stron- tian, Carara marble, sea sand, and mould. The results do not appear to lead to any new infer- ence. The author, however, concludes “ tlrat the roots bf plants do, to a certain extent at least, possess a power of selection, and that the earthy constituents which form the basis of their solid parts, are determined as to quality by some primary law of nature, although their amount may depend upon the more or less abundant supply of the principles presented to them from without.” The order Hydrophylleae was first pointed out by Mr. Brown, in his Prodromus Flor. Nov. Holl, under which he included the gene- ra Hydrophylkim, Phacelia, et Etlisia, and afterwards added Nemophila and Eutoca. Mr. Bentham, in the present paper, describes forty species belonging to these five genera, and anew one which he terms Emmenanthe. They all differ from their nearest allies, the Borragineue, in the capsular point, and copi- ous albumen, and the structure of the ovarium, in the Hydrophyllum, Nemophila, and Ef/isia, the placentae are broad, fleshy, line the whole ovarium, adhere at the top and basis only, being free from the parietes, and bear on their inner surface, each of them, from two to six- teen ovulae, placed in two vertical rows, one on each side of the central line. InjEtocflr, Phacelia, and Emmenanthe the pla- centae are linear, or slightly dilated, and adhere more or less to the parietes along their cen- tral line, bearing on their inner surface from two to fifty or sixty ovulae. I. Tlydrophyllum comprehends the species, 1. Appendiculatum, from the Alleghanies ; 2. Cayiadense ; 3. Virginicum ; 4.Macrophyl- lum, near the Columbia. II. Ellisia, I Nyctelea, Potowmac and Missouri ; 2. Ambigua, Missouri ; 3. Membra- nacea California ; 4. Crysanthemifolia Cali- fornia; 5, Microcalyx; 6. Ranunculacea. III. Nemophila. 1. Paviflora Columbia ; 2. Pedunculata Columbia; 3. Phaceloides; 4. Aurita California ; 5. Insignis California 6. Menziezii. IV. Eutoca. 1. Douglasii California ; 2. Cumingii Chili; 3. Brachyloha California; 4. Mezicana ; 5. Parviflora Pennsylvania , 6. Loasaefolia California ; 7. Franklinii ; 8. Menziezii California ; 9. Sericea ; 10 Gj-and/yZom California ; 11. Z>ir;«rjccta Cali- fornia, 12. Phaceloides California. V. Phacelia. 1. Malvaefolia California ; 2. Brachyantia Chili ; 3. Circinata Colum- bia ; 4. Integrifolia Platte ; 5. Ciliata Cali- fornia ; 6, Ramosissima California ; 7. Tana- cetifolia California; 8. Bipinnitifida Allegha- nies ; 9. Fimbriata Kentucky ; JO. Hirsuta ; 11. Glabra. VI. Emmenanthe Pendulifiora Calaronia, Of these species 19 were sent from tha western parts of North America, by the in- defatigable Mr. Douglas, who, unfortunately, lost his life in the Sandwich Islands, during the prosecution of his botanical researches. The chief interest of the genus Diopsis arises from the extraordinary elongation of the sides of the head into two cylindrical horns, which, in some instances, are as long as the whole body, and at the extremity of which, the eyes, of a semi-globular form, are placed. The antennae, also, are inserted near the extremity of these protuberances, at a short distance be- fore the eyes. These horns, at first sight, might be mistaken for antennae, but they are inarticulated at the base, as well as along the surface; they have, therefore, no independent motion, their movement^ being, necessarily, accompanied by those of the whole head. When, however, we recollect that they con- tain not only the infinity of nerves of the com- pound eyes at their extremities, but also those producing the sensation, of which the anten- nae are the seat, we can easily imagine how necessary it is that the means of communica- tion with the remainder of the head should be unbroken by articulation. Mr. Westwood describes 21 species : 1. Ichneumonea Guinea. 2. Collaris Senegal. 3. Pallida. 4. Nigra Sierra Leone. 6. Apicalis Sierra Leone. 286 A RECENT AND VALUABLE DISCOVERY. 6. Tennipes Senegal. 7. Indica Bengal. 8, Assi- niilis. 9. Abdominalis. 10. Fumipennis, Senegal. 11. Punctiger West Africa. 12. Signata Sierra Leone. 13. Fasciata. 14. Concolor West Africa. 15. IMacrophthalma Siena Leone. 16. Thoracica West Africa. 17. Obscura Sierra Leone. 1. Confasa Congo, Sumatra. 19. Dalmanni Java, 20. Sykesii East Indies. 21. Brevicornis Pennsylvania. This paper is illustrated by engravings of twenty figures. CONSTANT VOLTAIC BATTERY. Professor Daniel, of King’s College, exhi- bited his battery on the 6th inst., at the Royal Institution. He was led to construct this very beautiful apparatus, by following up the investigations of Davy and Fai’aday. He found that the protecting power of tin on cop- per sheathing, was due to a chemical action. Thus he placed a plate of silver in a solution of sulphate of copper ; and on touching it with a fine-pointed rod of zinc, he found the cop- per deposited on it in a circular form, and in a regular manner ; and, if the contact was kept up, the whole plate was supplied with a copper coating. The elfect of protecting me- tals appeared, at first, an objection to the chemical theoi*y of electricity ; but this experi- ment demonstrates its truth. To determine and measure the definite chemical action of electricity, Mr. Daniel has constructed a dissected battery. It consists of ten cylindrical glass vessels, which contain the fluid electro- lytes ; the two plates of metal are immersed in these fluids, each plate communicating below by means of a separate wire, which is made to perforate a glass stopper closing the bottom of the cell, with a small quantity of mercury contained in a separate cup below the stopper. The plates consisted of amal- gamated zinc and platinum ; the electrolyte consisted of 100 water, and 2’25 sulph. acid. He found that by increasing the size of the platinum plates, the action was promoted, and that the zinc might be reduced to the size of a wire, with the same effect as when a plate was used. Iron answers in place of the platinum, but not instead of zinc. The dilute acid described, has little action on the amal- gamated zinc, because the'latter becomes spee- dily covered with bubbles of hydrogen, which mar its action. — When nitric acid is added, the plate is soon dissolved, without extrica- ting any gas, in consequence of the elements of the nitric acid combining with the nascent hydrogen. N ascent hydrogen also deoxidates copper. To remove the hydrogen, he con- structed the constant battery ; which consists of a copper cylindrical vessel, containing in its axis, a membranous tube formed of the (Esophagus of an ox, in which is suspended a rod of zinc. Diluted acid is poured into the membranous tube, by means of a funnel ; and passes off by a syphon, communicating with the bottom. The space between the animal lube and the sides of the copper cylinder, is filled with a solution of sulphate of copper^ and pieces of this salt, to keep the solution saturated. By this arrangement, the oxide deposited is removed as it is formed, by the syphon tube ; and the hydrogen evolved from the surface of the copper, is absorbed. For, on completing the circuit, the electric current passes freely through the blue vitriol solution, and no hydrogen appears on the conductor ; but the latter is covered wdth a coating of pure copper. The advantages of this battery are obvious ; it may be kept for hours in ac- tion, with the same power, and is economi- cal.— Records of Science, June, 1836. THE INDIA REVIEW. Calcutta: October IS, 1836. INDIA ASSOCIATION FOR THE AD- VANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. When we witness the great number of well educated youths so well prepared for en- tering upon collegiate systems of study as at the High School, the Parental Academy, and the other seminaries at the Metropolis, it becomes a matter of regret that there is no institution in this city, to which the senior students can have access for the attainment of the higher branches of professional and scientific education. To supply the desider- atum we understand it is in contemplation to build a theatre or lecture room, on extensive grounds, and to establish an Indian association for the advancement of Science and mechanical arts. The chief aim of this %stitution is to qualify young men for the practice of the learned professions, as well as to teach practically the me- chanical arts. The model is to be that of the French Ecole Poly technique, which may, without doubt, be as successfully carried into execution in India as it was in France. The Ecole Polytechnique took its rise under the auspices of Mo nge, Haiiy, Hassenft-aetz, La Place, La Grange, Fourcroy, Chaptal, . Poney, and others. Other schools of science ' j were also establish ed. They had 1300 pupils , j of whom different professors took charge in their respective sciences. The system was vast, and such was the progress and acquirement ROHUN BARK, OR SWIETENIA FEBRIFUGA. 287 of the pupils that they surpassed all ex- pectations by which the confidence of the government and the public was secured, and the Ecole Polytechnique permanently established. At the risk of being thought rash as to our expectations, we trust such an institution may rise and that eventually a university also for India may be founded* CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. Nux Vomica BarJc^ sold in the bazars, as the Rohun, or Swietenia Febrifugal. The above notice appeared in the Bengal Hurkaru on the 6th instant ; and, as the fol- lowing letter contains matter of deep inter- est, we are glad that we have an opportunity of giving it insertion in our present number. The great importance of the facts lam aoont to (iesciibe, demands their immediate and general publication. 1 am consequently compelled to place them before the public in the ordinary journals. The bark of the Rohixn tree (Svvietania Febrifu- ga) has long enjoyed considerable reputation as a remedy in the agues and remittent fevers of this country. Hopes were even entertained that it might yield on analysis an etfectual substitute for the cost- ly Quinine. To encourage the necessary researches, the Medical and Physical Society of Calcutta offered a prize of a aold medal to the discoverer of the desired sustance. In the course of the subsequent year Mr. Piddington announced that he had accom- plished that great object, and he forwaided to the society details of the processes he employed, and by which he stated that he had procured the sub- stance in question from the Kohuii baik, (see vols- 4 and 5 of Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society.) On my arrival in India in December, 1833, I was requested by the Society to repeat Mr. Piddingion’s experiments, and I was furnished by Dr. Wallich with the necessary quantity of the itohnn bark. My experiments did not corruboiate Mr. Pidding. ton’s statements, and similar researches canied on at the H. C-’s Dispensary were equally inetfectual. Mr. Piddijiigtou then declared that the Bark we examined was not the true Hohun, and he sent a specimen of what he considered to be the genuine Bark to the H. C.’s Dispensaiy. About the same lime he sent samples, of a crystalline substance (the alleged new febiifuge) to the otiiceis of the Dispen- sary. He also sent a minute portion of the same crystal, and a specimen of the bark from which he obtained them to my friend Mr. Huriy of Cossi- pore- These crystals were immediately subjected to ana- lysis by iheolficers of the Dispensary, who, in con- junction with Mr. Prinsep, declared them to tie a compound of sulphuric acid and a neio vegetable alkali, the base of the RohuntiUt or Swietenia Febiifuga bark, (see India Journal of Medical Sci- ence, vol. I. p. 354.) It may not be suoerfltions to mention that I was not favored with an oppoitunity of examiuing the • Kuchilar Bengali). Kupilti {Sanscrit). t Uahana ( Bengali) Rohitaka {Sanscrit). substance iti question. 1 state this in order to acquit myself before the public of responsibility for any possible casualties connected with the facts I am now about to describe. On the 2d instant, while passing the day with Doctor Goodeve at Cossipoie, 1 learned for the first time that Mr Hurry had a portion of the “new” substance. He immediately placed it at my dispo- sal, with a specimen of bark received from Mr. Piddington as the Uohmi. We at once commenced its chemical examination. I he first lest applied led me to the belief that the Biihsiance under trial was either of the formidable poisons strychnine or brxicine. There was hut little difficulty in deciding the important question, for these poisons in the minutest quantities produce symptoms so peculiar and terrible that they cannot be mistaken. Tbe symptoms are violent tetanic spasms, occurring in paroxysms aud proving fatal with fearful rapidity. Mr. Hurry’s specimen of Mr. Piddington’s prepa- raiion weighed about 3 grains. I5< Exft. In piesence of Mr. Hurry, Dr. Good- eve, and my brolhei Richard O’S., about one quar- ter of a grain was given to a kitten — in about 20 minutes violent spasms set in, and the animal died in one hour. Ex^t. About one-tenth of a grain was introdu- ced into a wound in the forepaw of a second kitten. In 40 minutes tetanic convulsions occurred, aud tbe paroxysms continued for two hours, when the symp- toms slowly subsided. On the following tiiorning I continued the enquiry ill Calcutta. Some days before 1 had received trom another quarter a few drachms of a very bitter black extract, marked “ Extract of Rohunna)’ which had been prepared for medical use in fever cases from hark purchased asRohun in the bazar, accord- ing to a muster specimen stated to have been receiv- ed from Mr. Piddington himself. At3p. M., oil the 3d instant, in presence of Dr- Cantor, my brother, Mr. Seyers, the Pundit Madoo Suddin Gooptu, and others, at the laboratory of the Medical College, the following experimeiits were performed. 1st. 10 grains of the alleged “extract ofRo- liiimia” were dissolved in rain water and poured into the mouth of a full grown rabbit. I'he animal made a slight convulsive movement of its forelegs and iastanianeously died. 2d. A similar solution of the Extract was made, and one half of it (5 grs-) was adminisiered to a full giown rabbit. He seemed to sulfer no incon- venience for five minutes, when he was suddenly seized wiih tetanus, which proved fatal in less than one minute more. Dr. Goodeve was present at this expeiimeiit as well as the gentlemen above mentioned. The necessary chemical investigations were mean- while proceeding, and an application made to Dr. Wallic h with reference to the identification of the balk, whicl), from the first experiment on the ex- tract, I had no doubt was that of the Nux Vomica tiee. 1 shall however continue the narrative of ihe experiments wliicli demonstrated the true character of the poison under examination. At 8 A. M. on the morning of the 4th instant my brollierand 1 pve 10 grs. of Ihe same extract to a sheep. He did not seem to suffer until 9 A.m. when a second dose of 10 grs. was given. In seven minutes the poor animal was seized with tetanus, and it died in fifteen minutes more. Lastly, at 29 minutes past 2 p. m. on the same day at the Medical College, in presence of Dr. Bramley, Captain Birch, my brother, Mr. Seyeis, and others, a solution containing 20 grs. of the ex- it act was poured into the mouth of a pariah dog, one half at least was immediately rejected, never- theless, in eight minutes the animal was seized with convulsions and in seven mitiuies more it died. it would have been needless in humanity to have continued these reseaiches further. They proved indisputably, 1st, that tbe crystals and tbe extract are powerful poisous aud of the same kind 2dly, 288 THE SPURIOUS OR EAST INDIAN ANGUSTURA BARK. ^lat ibf active agent is eitlier Strj clinineor Brucine; and 3(lly, they led to the inference, that the Bath from vvliich both ciystals and extiactweie piepar- td was that of the Vomica or Poison nut of Bential, 'I he Botanical and Chemical links of the invt s- ligalion were quickly supplied. I staled that 1 sent Dr. Wallich a poitionofihe Baik received by Mr. Hurry fiom Mr. Piddimjton. I subjoin Dr. Wal- lich’s teply to my communication ; — Botanical Garden, M October. My Dbab O’Sh AUG hn essy,— There isnotthe sligiitesi doubt in my mind, that the specimen of Bark you sent me is of Strychnos Nux Vomica. I send you samples of the fresh Bark which will at once convince you of my asseitioti. But laste the baik and you will perceive in it the same stiong bilteiness joined to a most disagreeable sort of pungency as there is in your own specimen, which 1 retain having taken the liberty to keep a small bit of it. Your’s, &c. N. WALLICH. On comparing the physical and chemical pioper* lies of the three barks; No. 1, given liy Mr. Pid- dington to Mr. Hurry ; No. 2, from wliicli the ex- tract used in the above expeiimenls was made; and No. 3, that sent by Dr. Wallich in reoly to my note, nottbe slightest doubt a.s to their peifeci iden- tity can, tor cue momeiii, lie entertained. Lastly, as to tlie chemical nature of lire ciystals termed “ Sulphate oi Kohunna’' by Mr. Fiddingion and the writers in the “ India Journal of Medi- cal Science f the substance proves to be a mixtuie of Brucine^ Strychine, and adhering coloring matter, with faini tiaci s of the sulphni ic acid em- ployed in the prepaiation. F(»r the saiisfaciion of gentlemen who uudeistand these maiieis piac- tically, i may slate, that the crystals become blood red when touched with iiiiric acid, that piotochloride of lin changes this red gia- dually and slowly to a beautiful violet (This ex- periment was witnessed liy Dr. Bianiley and Mr. Hate, and proves the presence of that liydro-sulphaie of ainnumia added cautiously and in minute quaiiliiies to tlie leddeiied crystals clian- ges them to a violet blue, indicaiing ■file extract above alluded to on analyses afford- ed both the bases in question. Ilie three haiks lastly agiee in all their chemical chaiacteis and afford unequivocal pioof of the pieseiice of Stiych- niiie and iisassociaie the igasuiic acid. it is a curious fact that ihe balk which Mr. Pid- dingtoit supposed lobe ilial of the Swieieuia (Irom which nevertheless it is totally diffeieiii in color, taste, consistence, and chemical pi opei ties) is now proved to be the same, which, under the name of false Aiiguslura was iiitioduced into liurope many yeais since, and caused so many calamitous acci- dents, that the Austrian Government and several other powers ^eized and destioyed all that could be found in their tei riloiies. As it is my iiiiention to publish minute details of this remaikable occurrence in a professional peiio- dical; there remains liule more of iliis disagieeable task to peiform, ttian lo give a sufficient desciip- tion of the cliaiacteis of the tine Itoiiim and ofiis fearful sutistiiuie, as will enable the putilic lo guaid against Hie fatal accidents which must ine- vitably follow the incautious use of the latter. True Rohun. Externally giay,suh stance red, consistence loose, texture flexible, taste slightly bitter and austere. Powder coarse and red, solution in in water color of baik, not affected by nitric acid. Nux Vomica Bark. Externally gray , inter- nally deep brown or black, sometimes cover- ed with rust colored luiigi, consistence lirit- ile, taste insuppoi tably biiter, powder giey, so- lution in water yellow- ish, bark stained blood red when touched with nitric acid. Specimens may be seen at tiie Medical College daily from II a, 4 p. m. I here dismiss the sulijecl for the present with- out comment or animadveision : ii is painful to me to bring it forward at all ; but it would be criminal to slirink from tbe pei foimaiice of such an urgenr dll ty. B, O'SHAUGHNESSY, M, D. Professor of Chemistry, Medical College. bth October, 1836. P. S. — I annex a copy of a report from Mr. Foy on experiments on two dogs made this morning at the Geiieial Hospital by dii eclioii of the medical utiiceisof that establishment. To Duncan 8tewart, Esq. MD. Sir.— Tlie dog to which was administered one diachin of the extract was fiist convulsed one hour and twelve minutes after, and after a lew rapid and strong fits of convulsion died in one hour and thii miiiiiies, 'I'he dog wliich got half a drachm of the extract became convulsed SOminiites alter, and, after several fits of tetanic Convulsions, died one hour and two min utes after. William Vo'i , Apothecary . 1 have only to observe on this e.\periment Hint the extract was given lo those animals in ihe solid form. bth October, 1836, W. B. O’S. With the view of making ourselves fully- acquainted with the foregoing important subject, we attended at the College, and Dr. O’Shaughnessy, in our presence, again per- formed the experiments to which he has alluded. We are satisfied in our own mind that this bark is the same as that examined by Planche, who named it angustura ferrugi- nea, which, he said, contained brucine. It is also alluded to by Orfila among the class of substances which excite violent paroxysms of convulsions and tetanus. Dr. Rambach of Hamburgh first distinguished two kinds of angustura bark ; one of which he called poisonous. That which was genuine was called West Indian ; but the poisonous one he called East Indian angustura. This statement was adopted by Pfaff and other German authors on Materia Medica. Both kinds are often in commerce mixedtogether;and,in consequence of the fatal effects, from the use of spurious angustura in Hungary and Bern, proof of which was obtained from its poisonous effects on animals (Trait4 des Poisons, Paris, 1817), the Austrian Government ordered all angustu- ra bark in the empire, genuine and spurious, to be burnt, and interdicted its future im- portation. Its sale was also prohibited in Denmark, in Russia, andinWirtemberg. Al- though it be acknowledged that the results alluded to proved the poisonous effects of SPURIOUS ANGUSTURA BARK OF THE GENUS STRYCHNOS. 289 this barh, we are far from wishing a similar prohibition here, seeing that a preparation from it may supply a safer and milder remedy than we already possess in genuine strych- nine. Although we hear that there are no just grounds for supposing that the natives have sold nux vomica bark in the bazar as the rohun or swietenia febrifuga when these articles have been separately required, yet it appears to us highly necessary that the sellers of drugs should without delay be warned of the poisonous nature of the bark* The expediency of licensing the venders of drugs, which require such nice distinctions to discover the genuine from the spurious barks, is in our opinion a subject worthy the consideration of the legislature. The Medical Faculty of Vienna had found that dogs and rabbits were not affected by large doses of genuine angustura, but were speedi- ly killed by small doses of the spurious kind given internally. Drs. Rambach, Pfaff, and Planche give the following characters, which they deemed sufficient to enable persons to distinguish the genuine from the poisonous angustura. Genuine. The produce of tlie Bonflandia trifoliata of Humboldt, a native of Souili America, Size from ^ to | of an inch broad ; 2,3, or 4 inches long; half a line thick. Outer snrtace uniform greyish while, as if covered witli an uneven mealy coat, which is easily removed, and exposes a brown surface heneaih. Inner surface greyish-yellow, or lii-ht-brown. Texture fine; very brittle. Frac- ture even; much darker and browner than the inner suiface ; somewhat shining, and evidently resinous. Smell, aroma\ic ; somewhat nauseous. Taste aromatic bitter, hut not at all disgustingly hitter, or astringent, succeeded in some d%»iee'by an aromatic flavour like mace, " Bark, on being chew'ed, becomes dark brown- yellow. Powder, when fresh, yellow, like good rhubarb, becoming paler by keeping, with a more aromatic smell than the bark. Concentrated infusion, clear, of a fine reddish brown or orange colour, and a bitter, only sli<'htly acrid, taste. Diluted with water, its colour becomes yellow. On the addition of an alkaline caibonate, it is changed to darkled, and after some time deposit a clear citron yellow, somewhat flocculent, precipitate. A solution of iiersiilpliat or permuriat of iron imparts to it a higher red colour, and after some lime throws down a rose-coloured precipitate. Is not rendered turbid by solution of gelatine. Saturated decoction of a fine redbrown, on cooling becomes turbid, and deposits a deep yellow powder. Saturated tincture, dark red-brown, hecominiy very turbid by the addition of distilled water, and depositing a clear yellow resin. Spurious. Unknown. Said liy some to come from the F.asf Indies; and one kind stispected by Planche, but, contrary to piohaliilify, to he got fiom a variety of the Cmchona magnifolia of Botiplaiid. Size generally of greater breadth than length ; two lines thick. Outer surface covered with a web of distinct small white warts, not easily removed, or wiih an uniform rust -coloured lichen-like covering. Inner surface, riiriy yellowish white, or grey, or most commonly black, without visible fibres, 'l ex- ture coaise ; very brittle. Fracture even; partly white, or yellowish-wliite, or even clear brow'u- ish; not shilling and resinmis, hut more mealy, and (laitly exbibiiing iw'o distinct layei s. Smell, resembling somewhat that of the genuine kind Taste, in tlie highest degree disgustingly bitter, very duiatile, and not at ail aiomatic, or astringent. Bark, on beitig chewed, becomes paler. Powder clearer yellow Concentrated infusion, not so clear, more of a dirty brown colour, and of a most disgustingly hitter taste. When diluted, it does not become yellow. On theaddition ofan alkaline carbonate, it hecomes greenish, and deposits a fioicnlent greyish yellow precipitate, and the supernatant liquor becomes gra- dually dark brown, beginning at the surface. A solution of persult)liat or permuiiatof iron imparts to it a dark-green colour, and soon throws down a copious satin black precitiitate verging somewhat to ash grey, which is perfectly re-dissolved by niiiic acid, and forms an olive solution. Is not rendered tnrhid by solution of gelatine. Salinated decoction, brownisli-yellow, and, on cooling, deposits a veiy copious grey brown precipi late. Saturated tincture, much paler; and, on the addition of distilled water, only gets a pale-yellow- ish opaline appearance, without becoming red, or depositing any precipitate. We have been favored with the following from Dr. Jackson, the Apothecary General, on some experiments performed by him. “ The first pig got a draclim* dissolved in one oz. of distilled water ; so much was lost in giving it, that I repeated the same quantity before this was well down : he died violently convnlsent. The second was punctured in the cellular mem- brane in the inside of the thigh: grs. in 2 drs. of water were injected, which producing no appa rent etTect in 16 minutes, J a drachm dissolved in ^ an oz. of water was administeied ; of this ^ was lost in swallowing : in about a minute and a half convulsive twitches at first confined to ilie ab- dominal and muscles about the throat, were perceiv- ed, then relaxed, and were succeeded in about two niiiinies by a tetanic state of the whole body, exhibiting a complete state of ligidity from the inoiiih to the tail wliicli was extended like a riding switch. This alternaie state of spasm and relaxation occurred till the Mill minute, when, as the last spasm was off, she expired passing urine at the time, 'lire first did not do so having been so instantaneously, and having itself emptied its bladder it came into the yaid. Professor Emmert of Tubingen published an account of the poisonous effects of the bark of the angustura pseudo -ferruginea, or spurious angustura bark owing to its physi- cal properties and effects, he refers its bo- tanical origin, to the genus Strychnos ; and, by comparing what has hitherto been men- tioned with the known effects of other poi- ^The extract^ " 290 CHEMICAL EXAMINATION OF SPURIOUS ANGUSTURA. sons, and the principles of physiology, he was led to the following results as to the manner in which this poison acts, and its chemical nature. f. The poisonous angnstura shews, with respect to the effects that it produces on animal bodies, the greatest analogy to the poisonous species of strych- nos, viz. Strychnos nux vomica^ Strychnos ignatii, and Upas tieute. 2. With regard to the part of the animal body it affects, and the circnmstauces under whicli it ope- rates, ilagrees perfectly with most other poisons, as arsenic, barytes, tartarns emeticns, wliiie helle- bore, viper poison, sulphuretted hydrogen, opium, spiritus vini, prussic acid, and the poisons contain- ing it, as the oil of bitter almonds, the prniins lauro cerasus, nud padus, and the above-mention- ed poisonous species of strychnos, the upas antiar ; and the American arrow poisons, as ticuna, lama, and woorara. 3. It exerts its fatal influence by penetrating the coats of the blood-vessels, mixiitg immediately with the blood, and then, by means of tlie citcnla tion, affecting the spinal mat row in a tnatitier rie- eti uctive and mortal to the whole Itody. The ab- sorption of the poison lias no share in its effects, and all local effects produced by it, proceed only from file affection of the spinal marrow. 4. The action of this poison, like that of the species of strychnos, seems to depend on a com- bination analogous to prussic acid : for hitter angiistura ami those species of strychnos (and generally if not all, at least most vegetable poisons) contain, like prussic acid, a great deal of azote; it lias also, in common with the latter, and the poi- sons containing prussic acid, tlie bitter taste which is very distinct in bitter almonds; and which, in these, does not proceed from extractive matter, as Pfaff contends, but from an etherial oil, as they altogether lose it when the latter is dissipated. •| he poisonous species of strychnos afford besides, by the salts of iron, a change of colont and preci- pitation, like prussic acid; and I find, by my latest investigalaiioii, that water distilled over hitter almonds, indeed, partly loses its poisonous proper- ties, by precipitating the prussic acid by meatis of salts of iron (jtisi as bitter poisons do by the ab- sence of that part which forms with the iron a datk green precipitate,), but not entirely, like the water impregnated with prussicacid.or prnssiatedalcohol ; and that, when digested with iron and alcali, it has the property of always reproducing new prussic acid. Ihe datk greenish precipitate, which tlie bitter poisons prodtice when combined with the salts of iron, contains indeed no proper prussic acid, and is in other respects different from Pius sian blue; hut it consists, like the other, ofacon- stituent matter and iron, and seems, like this, to be innoxious to animal bodies,; besides, free liquid piussic acid produces, with the salts of iron, pre- cipitates, which likewise differ from Prussian blue, and seem to indicate some modifications of prussic acid. The following fact seems, however, still more strongly to militate in favour of such a chemical composition of the bitter poisonous matter. 1 have observed, that that remarkable hitter substance which is obtained, after Welter and other chemists, fiom amimal and other bitter suhsiances similar to them, if treated in a warm atmosphere with nitiic acid, has an influence on animal life similar lo that of bitter angustura; for this nearly agrees in its chemical composition with prussic acid. We may remark, also, in this respect that opium, but especially all arrow poisons, have a strongly bitter taste; and that, according to the excellent Investigation of Majendie and Deiile, all hitter species of strychnos are poisonous ; those, on the other band, that are not hitter, like strychnos potatorum and vontac, are innoxious; and, ac- cording fo Leschenanlt, Ihe interior of the root of fetryclinos tieuti, the external hitler haik of which furnishes the strongest upas poisoii, is tasteless, and free from all pernicious properties. Many kinds of quassia amarawe also poisonous for birds, lizards, and flies, (upon which animals only i have hitherto tried them); and especially all those are poisons which produce, iviih ilie salts of iron, a steel grey precipitate ; and lastly, according to late observations, a red gentian root occurring in trade, has shewn narcotic properties*. All these cii- ciimstances i ender it probable, that most vegetable poisons contain a substance similar to prussic acid, atid that the simple constituents of it foi m a set ies of comhinatioiis which have the same relation to prussic acid which the vegetalile acids have to acetic acid. The fatally poisonous properly of putrid black puddings, wliirh has tieen confirmed hy late me- i laiiclioly itistances, depends perhaps on something |j similar. The poison, however, which is produced |' in black (uiddings seems, more nearly to approach - to the rancid acidity to which also vegetable oils I' are liable, as the symptoms which attend its opera- |i lions are similar to those produced by arsenic i and coppert. Mr. BRAMLEY’S INTRODUCTORY LECTURE Was delivered on the 6th instant, at which ' were present the Right Honourable the Go- j vernor General, the Honourable Mr. Shake- j spear, and a crowded audience. It embraced I a lucid exposition of the value of the study of anatomy, a perfect knowledge of which was to be acquired in the dissecting room only. Without this knowledge no man could become a thoroughly enlightened practical surgeon and physician ; the , studies of both were precisely the same and were inseparably connected ; and, having enlarged upon the value and importance of the study of medicine with reference to the happiness and comforts of mankind, he concluded by exhorting his pupils to look to himself and his colleagues not in the heartless relation of teachers to them, but as connected by more endearing ties, having embarked in one self-same cause, mutually and cordially co-operating to attain one great and important end. * Neues^Berlinesches Jahrbuck far Phar- macie von Dobereiner, Berlin, ISll. 869. •f If black puddings, Which are a compound of animal and vegetable matters, in a putrid state possess poisonous propeities, does it not confirm Dr. Burrows’ hypothesis, that putrefaction is the real cause of the poisonous qualities found in various fishes?— Vide London Medical Repository , vol. iii. p. 4C7-8, OBSERVATIONS ON THE NEW MEDICAL QUARTERLY. 291 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL & PHYSICAL SOCIETY. When this journal was proposed and ordered to be published at the last meeting of the Society, we understood that the in- tention was to publish the Transactions quarterly instead of annually, and to notice the proceedings and works the Society might receive, — an arrangement we thought exceedingly good ; but the advertisement on the 3rd, and the editorial in the Englishman of the 4th, have convinced us that the Quarterly is arrayed against the India Jour- nal of Medical Science, the editor of which begs to say that, notwithstanding the mighty power and wealth of a Society, he intends to stand his ground, and to shew cause enough for doing so in his forthcoming number. But as the Editor of the Englishman would usher in the Quarterly by detracting from the merits of the monthly, we have deemed it right to give the opinion of the Indian Press, on the merits of the India Journal of Medical and Physical Science. We refer the readers to our advertising columns, and beg they will compare the fol- lowing extracts from the editorials of Englishman vsith. what the editor pub- lished on the 4th. We, who had so en- chanted our contemporary, little expected he could so soon cast us away to rush into the embraces of a stranger ; but, alas 1 he is like all faithless lovers. The Englishman, June 2d, 1835. “ The India Journal of Medical Science for the present month (published yesterday) contains many interesting articles, adapted to a diversity of tastes, of which we shall employ to variegate our pages in a day or two : we are sorry however to observe, by the following notice, that Messrs. Grant and Pearson have abandoned the editorial voca- tion, bequeathing it with all its cares and honors to Dr. Corbyn, a gentleman of whose writings we have seen enough to satisfy us that the seceding parties have provided their readers with a worthy and fitting successor.” The Englishman, Friday, July 3, 1835. “ If Mr. Corbyn proceeds thus in his edi- torial vocation, there is no fear but that he will go on and prosper ; and that his work will long continue, what its name proclaims it to be. The India Journal of Medical Science. The Englishman, Thursday, March, 3d 1836. Page 428. “ The recent proposition to establish an opposition Journal must fall to the ground. We know enough of the labor and anxiety of mind required in the manage- ment of a medical work to be convinced that no person will carry one on, for any great length of time, unless he is paid either by money or renown. A society’s Journal offers neither the one nor the other to its ex-officio editor ; and, if by any extraordinary chance, it should succeed in putting down Mr. Corbyn’ s publication, it would of itself die a natural death in less than twelve months afterwards. The profession has to choose only between the present Journal or none.” The Englishman, Monday, April \st. 1836. Page 644. “ We should do great injustice to Dr. Corbyn’ s industry and zeal were we to omit to bestow some attention upon the pre- tensions of the India Journal of Medical Science for the present month. The worthy editor has evidently been excited by the threats of the Medical and Physical Society to publish a Journal of their own, and, in a spirit of defiance, which we are disposed to admire, because it accords with our own no- tices of what should be the tactique on these occasions, produces a periodical unrivalled, and, we believe, unrivallable in India, for its variety and intelligence.” MEDICAL COLLEGE. The winter session for 1836 and 37 opened on the 6th of October. Anatomy, Physio- logy, and observations on Surgery, from Oc- tober 6 to March 31, on Mondays, Tues- days, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 10 a. m. M. J. Bramley and H. H. Goodeve, Ma- teria Medica and Pharmacy, from 1st November to February 28, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3 p. m. W. B. O’Shaughnessy, Surgery, from 5th December to April 30, on Mondays and Wednesdays, at half past 12 o’clock. Examinations on Saturdays, at 12 o’clock. DR. SMITH. — The talented Editor of the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal and other scientific works has written to us for the skulls of animals peculiar to India. 292 . MARTIN’S PLAN OF A SAFETY LAMP. We shall esteem it a favor if any of our brethren will enable us to comply with this request. Dr. Smith has promised to return similar preparations — minerals, shells, &c. and thus become the medium of scientific communication between scientific men in America and India. MR. ROYLE. — We cannot but lament over the loss which science has sustained in India by the retirement of that distinguish- ed individual Mr. Royle. Is the mere professorship of materia medica at the London University sufficient to wean Mr. Royle from the H. C. Service, who had only a few years to serve for his pension. Really this must, we should think, convince the home authorities as to the present state of their medical service in India, and deter- mine them to do something to induce men of scientific acquirements to remain in it. A QUARTERLY MEETING OF THE MEDICAL RETIRING FUND took place at the Secretary’s quarters on the 10th. A report which will be published was read and adopted, when the feasibility of carrying our proposition of extending pay- ment of arrears for 3 years was discussed, and it was decided that the meeting approve of the indulgence already granted by the com- mittee of management for extending the pay- ment of arrears, which of course authorized its continuance at the discretion of the committee of management rendering the distinct resolution made by us no longer necessary. Sixty new sub- scribers are recorded as having been added to the fund since the last Quarterly Meeting, and three anuities were to be at once declared. PROGRESS OF SCIENCE, AS APPLICABLE TO THE ARTS AND MANUFACTURES; TO COMMERCE AND TO AGRICULTURE. MARTIN’S SAFETY-LAMP. Fig. 2. Fig. l. Sir, — Mr, John Martin, the eminent artist, submitted to the late Committee of the House of Commons on Mines, a plan of a safety-lamp, which, though it is not noticed in their Report, and was not alluded to in the trial at the London University, seems to me to be possessed of considerable merit. Fig. 1, of the accompanying sketches, is a sec- tional view of this lamp : and the better to show its superiority to the common Davy-lamp, an engraving of the latter (fig. 2) is placed by the side of it. a represents the wick, which should never be raised so high as to cause the flame to smoke ; b is the oil chamber ; c are grooved cylinders (shown more clearly in fig.3) , which are of such diameters as only to admit air enough to support the flame. The advan- tage which these grooves (the master-feature of invention) have over wire-gauze or thin perforated plates, is, that the air has to pass through a body of metal ; a principle the safe- ty of which will be at once acknowledged by your scientifle readers, d is a copper top, with an opening of the same size as that round the ADVANTAGES OF THE NEW SAFETY CAB. 293 flame ; e, the break ; /, places for the heated air to escape by, and through which the foul air cannot enter ; g, a lens to cast the light into those parts where the air is so foul as to cause the lamp to go out ; h, handle of the lamp, on the principle of the universal joint. Submitting the above to the impartial consi- deration of your readers, I am. Sir, Your obedient servant, POLLSA. THE NEW SAFETY CAB. Weextractthe following clear and sensible exposition of the advantages of this new vehi- cle (the invention of Mr, Hansom, the archi- tect of the Birmingham Town-hall, confessedly one of the finest architectural productions of modern times), from the prospectus of a com- pany which has been formed for promoting its introduction into the metropolis : — “ 'J lie very peculiar construction of this carriage secures advantages that men of science and of practical experience have long wished for, but which have never before been obtained. Instead of an axle going through from side to side of the carriage, Mr. Hansom uses a frame- work, so contrived, that, while fully able to sustain any shock to which it may be exposed, and admitting the use of wheels of any diame- ter, it allows the body to be placed at any distance, however small, from the ground. By this contrivance, three most important objects are attained ; namely — “ 1st. Absolute safety: for the body is placed so low, and the framework so arranged, as to render it impossible that the carriage should be upset in any direction whatever ; nor can a kicking, a rearing, or a stumbling horse place the passengers in danger. “2d. Great relief to the horse in peculiar situations : for the centre of gravity of the load being placed below the centre of the wheels, the injurious pressure on the horse, in ascending and descending hills with a 2-wheel carriage of the common construction, is avoided ; for, in descending, the pressure on his back is entire- ly removed; while, in ascending, a small and advantageous addition is made to it. “3d. Considerable reduction of draught in all circumstances: iov wheeh of larger diameter than usual maybe employed, not only without prejudice to the other advantages of the inven- tion, but in promotion of them ; and it is on all hands agreed, that very great saving of draught might be effected by the use of large wheels, but for the hitherto supposed impos- sibility of reconciling them with the other necessary properties and conveniences of a “ The inconvenience and danger of the present cabs have been long, loudly, and just- ly complained of. The new cab is perfectly and obviously safe, and effectually protects pas- sengers from injury by a vicious or stumbling horse ; it affords ingress and egress as safe and easy as those of a sedan-chair, and is smoother of motion than many of the best carriages of other kinds ; it also combines the shelter and comfort of a close carriage, with the lightness of an open one, and the speed of the best of the present cabs, at the cost of perhaps one- third less labour to the horse, and with the entire avoidance of the injurious effect of com- mon 2-wheel carriages on hilly roads. * * * # * “ In ascents and descents, any moderate degree of safety to the passenger, or of pres- sure on the horse, has been, hitherto, attain- able only by the use of four wheels. Where four are used, they cannot be large: much pow'eris thus lost— to say nothing of the addi- tional friction — and two horses are needed. Absolute safety, and greater comfort to the passengers, and much greater ease to the ani- mal, are now secured by two wheels, and those large ones. The additional horse is thus dis- pensed with, and posting may be done by one horse, on terms and with a convenience and rapidity yet unaccomplislied. The convey- ance of mails and dispatches maybe done by 2-horse carriages, with the like, or even greater, benefit. “ A carriage has recently been built, and is ready for public inspection and trial, which exemplifies the plan, and fully justifies the preceding observations. It has been subjected to severe trials, both intentionally and by acci- dent; and, by coming out of them without the slightest failure, has proved that its frame- work may be safely relied on in any emer- gency.” ELECTRICAL SHOCK FROM A SHEET OF PAPER. Place an iron japanned tea tray on a dry, clean beaker-glass, then take a sheet of foolscap writing-paper, and hold it close to the fire until all its hygrometric moisture is dissipated, but not so as to scorch it ; in this state it is one of the finest electrics we have. Hold one end down on a table with the finger and thumb, and give it about a dozen strokes with a large piece of India-rubber from the left to the right, beginning at the top. Now take it up by two of the cornersand bring it over the tray, and it w'ill fall down on it like a stone ; if one finger be now brought under the tray, a sensible shock will be felt. Now lay a needle on the tray with its point projecting outwards, remove the paper, and a star sign of the negative electricity will be seen; return the paper, and the positive brush will appear. In fact, it forms a very good extemporaneous electrophorus, which will give a spark an inch long, and strong enough to set fire to some combustible bodies, and to exhibit all the elec- tric phenomena not requiring coated surfaces. If four beaker-glasses are placed on the floor, and a book laid on them, a person may stand on them insulated ; if he then holds the tray vertically, the paper will adhere strongly to it, and sparks may be drawn from any part of his body, or he may draw sparks from any other person, as the case may be ; or he may set fire to some inflammable bodies by touching them with a piece of ice. I beg to remain, Yours, &.C. G. Dakin. 294 DIFFERENT OILS EMPLOYED IN MAKING SOAP. VEGETABLE OILS. (From Report of the Commissioners of Exeise Inquiry.) Customs' Duties on the Raw Materials. Although the instructions contained in our commission do not lead us to the examination of the Customs’ duties on the raw materials employed in the manufacture of soap, we trust that we shall not be considered as ex- ceeding the proper line of our duty by calling attention to the remarks of the deputation, as well as of Mr. Fincham and Mr. Taylor, as also of Mr. Tennant of Glasgow, upon the great disadvantages to which the manufac- turer is exposed from the heavy duties on importation, to which the vegetable oils are still liable. These oils would enter largely into the composition of soap, if their price were not so much increased by these duties, which amount on some descriptions to a virtual prohibition of their use. The French, at Marseilles, employ olive oil exclusively in their soap ; and in that town alone a quantity is made very nearly equalling the consump- tion of Great Britain. According to Mr. Tennant, the soap made from olive oil is better than that which is made from palm oil ; and if the present duty of 4Z. 4s. per ton on the former could be materially reduced, there seems to be every probability that after the abolition of the present re- strictions on the manufacture, such improve- ments would be introduced as would enable us to rival, and probably to surpass, the French in the North American market. Our manufactures are now placed in so disadvan- tageous a situation as compared with the French and other makers, that it is very diffi- cult for them to contend with them in the fo- reign markets ; and even if the restrictions imposed by the Excise on the process of ma- nufacture were removed, they would still suffer considerably from the duties on the materials which they employ, and on which no draw- back is allowed ; and it must be remembered that the difficulties under which the trade labour on this account have been materially increased by the discontinuance of the allow- ance of the tenths, to which we have already alluded. The representations which were made to us on this head appeared to be so much de- serving of attention, that we were induced to request the attendance of Mr. Crawfurd (the late resident at Singapore, and the author of a valuable work 'on the Indian Archipelago), for the purpose of obtaining such information as he could furnish with respect to the supply of those vegetable oils which might be obtained from the East Indies. Mr. Crawfurd ap- pears to have directed his attention, during a long residence in India, very closely to the productions of that country, with a view of extending its commerce with Great Britain, and it will be seen from his evidence, that a very large field may be opened for a mutual trade, especially with reference to the articles more particularly wanted for the manufacture of soap. He states, that there are no less than fifteen pZawfs in ordinary cultivation, in |i the continent and islands of India, from which j an abundant supply of oil is obtained for the i purposes of food and light ; and he adds, that, from the general facility with which this cul- ! tivationmaybe extended, he sees no limits to the quantity which may be furnished for the demands of this country. He particularly i points out the advantage which may be derived j from the cultivation of the Palma Christi, or j castor-oil plant, which grows in any soil, I however barren, and yields a most abundant | crop of oil. * * * * The present rate of duty on castor-oil, sesamum, cocoa-nut, palm-oil, poppy-oil, mustard, and pig-nut oil, and the amount received for the last five years, will be found in the appendix. The ad valorem duty on i pig-nuts, sesamum, and poppy-seed, and on the oil made from them, is so high (viz. 20 i and 50 per cent.) as to amount to a virtual !; prohibition of their extensive employment in any branch of manufacture. The duty on castor-oil “ from any British possession, but not the produce thereof,” is also so high as to prevent its use in manufactures. We are aware of the reductions which have been late- I ly made in the duties on some of the vegeta- ; ble oils ; but it has been almost impossible for il the manufactures to avail themselves of these ji reductions, on account of the Excise regula- |! tions. When these are removed, we anti- jj cipate the best effects from these reductions, i Our other trades and manufactures, the materials of which are subject to import duties, 1: are not so much injured by them as to deprive i us of the means of carrying on a profitable competition in foreign markets. But our i Inferiority in the manufacture of soap, in so i far as it arises from the duties on oils,' gives the foreign manufacturer the power of exclud- !i ing us fi’om large poi’tions of the globe, ^ and i this certainly is a state of things from which L so important a manufacture ought to be relieved. We feel it to be our duty not to lose ' this opportunity of again representing the ! strong impression which has so often been made upon us by the consequences of the |l impolicy of taxing the raw materials of [! industry, because we are fully satisfied that our i commei’cial and manufacturing prosperity, i great as it is, would be still more increased if |! the principle of exempting all raw materi- i als from taxation were strictly adhered to. li Whatever the loss of revenue might be which i wmuld take place in consequence of repealing j' these duties, it would soon be made good by ; the additionab means of payment which would I, follow from increased national wealth. jl PRESERVATION OF COPPER J SHEATHING. [' Sir, — The following methpd of preserving j; copper under ship’s bottoms, for a consider- ably longer time than usual, is, 1 believe, but 1 1 little known : — ' Tar from wood or tar from coal con- tains a quantity of acid, which is a par- DIRECTION OF BALLOONS WITH CERTAINTY. 295 ticular enemy to metals ; this is shown in (: chemistry, in the course of manufacturing I white lead, red lead, verdigris, and other i colours, which are made by evaporation I of acid, or its combination, with mineral substances. If this acid, which exists in ' the wood of the ship’s bottom, in the tar wherewith the bottom is payed, and in the I tar in which the paper or felt is soaked, j! can be got rid of, it is evident that the I copper sheathing would last much longer. Some years ago, the copper covering of a house in the Royal dock-yard at Carlscrona, Sweden, being stripped off in the course of making some I' repairs, a quantity of lime-paste was found laid under a few of the plates, which were in an excellent state of preservation, and appa- rently likely to have lasted double the time of I the others. Professor Berzelius, of Stockholm, I the eminent chemist, when asked the cause of this, explained that nothing neutralises or kills the acid from wood so effectually as lime. Now, I am of ooinion, that if paper or felt were soaked in a mixture of boiled oil, and as much slacked lime as the oil conveniently could con- tain, it would make a ship’s copper bottom last for double the usual time. If oil be con- sidered a too expensive article, the lime may be mixed with tar ; but this would not be so effectual, for although the lime would kill the acid in tar, it would not entirely prevent the acid passing from the wood through the paper or felt. It would perhaps be worth while for some shipowner to try the experiment, and sheath one side of a ship’s bottom in the com- mon way, and the other in the manner I re- commend ; the result would be ascertained in seven years, or perhaps in a shorter time. The lime would not injure either the wood or • the copper. I remain, your very obedient, J. F. Olander. 43, Fore-street, Limehoiise, London, April 4, 1836. BALLOONING. Dr. Agme in a recent essay, which he read at the French Institute, endeavours to prove that it is possible to obtain such a Imld on the upper atmosphere as to be able to direct a balloon with all the steadiness and certainty of a boat moving in the waters. This he pro- poses to accomplish by means of oars or levers to be attached to the car, and which are to be made of oiled skin, or cloth, capable of containing an adequate quantity of hydrogen gas, the specific gravity of which being lighter than the air would obtain ahold on the natural fluid, as they would meet with the same resist- ance as the balloon does itself— G/oie. OPTICAL MACHINE. At the late Meeting of the British Associ- ation, Mr. Roberts exhibited a machine which renders objects visible while revolving 200,000 times a minute. If a firebrand be whirled, in the dark, round a centre in a plane perpendicular to the eye of the spectator, it will present the appear- ance of a luminous circle. From this fact it has been inferred, that the impression on the retina made by the luminous body in its pas- sage through every point of the circle, remains until the body has completed a revolution. How rapidly soever the-, firebrand may be made to revolve, the circle, and, therefore, every part of it, will be distinctly visible : hence a probability arises, that at the greatest attainable velocity, a perfect impression of the object in motion will still be produced on the optic nerve, provided that the time of viewing such object be limited to that which is requir- ed for passing through a small space — small, at least, with reference to the size of the revol- ving body — and also that no other object be presented on the field of vision before the for- mer spectrum shall have vanished from the eye ; unle-ss in the case of the same object under similar circumstances. The former of these conditions is provided for in machine. No. 1, in which the eye-hole is made to tra- vel through 180 feet between every two in- spections of the moving object, and which object is made to assume a different position at each successive inspection. The latter condition is included in machine No. 2 ; the object is there presented to the eye in one position only. APPLICATION OF THE COMPRESSI- BILITY OF WATER TO PRACTICAL PURPOSES.* By Jaynes D, Forbes, Esq, F. R. S. L. E., 8fc. Only two methods have been applied with much success to the precise determination of pressures communicated in all directions ; the one, by observing the volume of air inclosed in a tube, as in the common manometer ; the other, by the actual measurement of the height of an equi-ponderant column of fluid such as mercury. Each of these methods is subject to grave practical inconvenience : in the case of the manometer, from the immense dispro- portion of the division of the scale for great variations of pressure, and, in the other, from the extremely cumbrous and unmanageable apparatus which it requires when the pres- sures are considerable. Both these methods were resorted to by the Commission of the Institute of France, appointed to ascertain the relation of the temparature and pressure of steam, thq.pressure being ascertained by the volume of air in a manometer, previously graduated experimentally by comparison with the pressure of a column of mercury. The idea of substituting a manometer con- structed of water instead of air, occurred to me a considerable time ago, when applied to by a friend to suggest a form of guage for measuring the pressure of condensed gas in- tended to be used for a furnice. I had recent- ly been making experiments with the very convenient compression apparatus of Oers- ted, in which the changes of volume of water * Read to the Society of Arts on 22nd April, 1835. 296 FORBES ON COMPRESSIBILITY OF WATER. and air are exhibited at once, under any pres- sure, that of the water being sensibly uniform for equal increments of pressure, whilst that of air rapidly diminishes. It is the very trifling compressibility of water ^or any other liquid) which gives the value to ^his application, and which seems to have been practically overlooked. The reason is obvious. The changes o^ volume produced by a pressure of only one or two atmospheres, in the case of air, are quantities very large in proportion to the primitive volume, so that, in the considera- tion of an additional change, we are obliged to take into account not merely the effect up- on the primitive volume, but upon the volume affected by the first unit of pressure. In other words, we are not at liberty to neglect quanti- ties of the second order, which we may safely do in the case of any known liquid. In the case of water, for instance, the variation of volume for one atmosphere does not exceed 1 of the whole ; so that the variation of 20,000 the variation is necessarily insignificant. All that we know of the constitution of liquids would lead us to infer, that such would be Mie case, and upon this circumstance depends the linearity of the expression, which coi\nects the volume of a liquid such as water, and the pressure to which it is subjected. Within ordinary practical limits, we may confidently anticipate the sensible proportion- ality of pressure and change of volume ; and this is fully borne out by a comparison of the best experiments on the compressibility of water made within great and within narrow limits. I did not hesitate, therefore, to recommend the trial of a manometer of water instead of air, for measuring the elasticity of gas up to 40 atmospheres of pressure. The construction of such an instrument being almost like that of the common ther- mometer, is incomparably simpler than that of the other instruments above mentioned ; and almost the only practical difficulty is common to all these, namely, the accurate determination of the temperature of the fluid employed. It may be proper to remark, that Professor Oersted’s instrument for indicating the com- pressibility of water, consists merely of a very -sensible thermometer, constructed of water, and having the end of the tube left open. The tube being capillary, a short column of mercury rests on the surface of the water, indicating its volume at any moment ; and the whole is immersed in water contain- ed in a strong vessel, to which pressure is any how communicated, so that the thermo- meter-shaped vessel of glass being equally pressed within and without (the neck being open), is unaffected by pressure, and the true change is perceived in the volume of water which it contains. The applications of this form of instrument are very numerous ; we may take as examples. 1 . The determination of the tension of gas or air in a compressed magazine, as I have just suggested. 2. The measure of elasticity of high-pres- sure steam. 3. The determination of the degree of com- pression under which bodies change their state, when such experiments can be per- formed in glass vessels, as in the case of the condensation of the gases into liquids, the pressures as stated by different authors varying extremely, and being confessedly im- perfect approximations. 4. The ready determination, by inspection, of the pressure per square inch exerted by Bramah’s press at any instant. Nothing could be easier than to convert the instrument as above described into a self- registering one, by simply inserting an index of glass, which may be drawn back by the little mercurial column, just as in Six’s ther- mometer. We should thus be enabled to determine the operation of causes by their nature concealed from direct view ; as, 5. The force exerted by water in the act of freezing, in a manner much more direct i and satisfactory than that of the Florentine I Academicians, because it would not be neces sary to cause the recipient to hurst, the ' maximum expansive force being indicated by I the register. 6. The force of fired gunpowder : and even i of dead pressure and of percussion in a va- riety of cases. 7. The depth of the ocean by the measure of the pressing column, the instrument being attached to the sounding-lead. I have been informed that the ingenious Mr. Perkins pro- posed this application of the compressibility of water which naturally arose from his method of ascertaining the fact of compression by using the pressure of the ocean, though no notice of this is taken in his paper in the Philosophical Transactions. The Piezometer there described was like Oersted’s instrument, ' intended for measuring compressibility not pres- sure. In these cases, a Register Thermometer would need to accompany the self-registering instrument. Probably no considerable error is to be feared from abrupt changes of volume to which the water might be subjected, for the coincidence of the velocity of sound in water, theoretically deduced from its modulus of elas- ticity, and experimentally by M. Colladon, seem to prove that little or no heat is deve- loped during its compression. The accompanying thermometer would, of course, require to be itself protected from the disturbing influence of pressure. The extensibility of the glass vessel contain- ing the water under pressure, might be applied to give an independent confirmation of the first result; and elegant practical construc- tions might be pointed out by which these sepa- rate results might be obtained, and also the effect of temperature eliminated.* * Jainesou’s Journal, No. 37. ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF BRICK ARCHES. 297 HOUSE-FLY GUARD. At the Entomological Society, on Monday, a paper was read by the secretary on exclud- ing the house-fly. d'he mode adopted was a net made of different coloured meshes of about three-quarters of an inch square, and which, when placed against a window, v/as found quite effectual in excluding the visits of these troublesome insects from the outside of the room. 'J’hesarne experiment was tried with meshes made of the finest black thread, one inch and a quarter square, which proved to be equally effectual. The approach of wasps was also prevented by the above mode, very few finding their way within the boundary. This was accounted for by an optical illusion in the eyes of the insect, of the highly magnifying power of vision, and the small focal length. MR. BRUNEL’S MODE OF CON- STRUCTING ARCHES WITHOUT CENTRING.— INSTITUTE OF BRI- TISH ARCHITECTS, l4TH MARCH. The secretary read a paper explanatory of M. Brunei’s mode of constructing brick arches out centring ; and also explained various ex- periments of that gentleman, with regard to the insertion of iron hoops in constructions of brick-work in cement. * * The principle, which was originally adopted, and its efficiency ascertained, in the formation of the shaft of the Thames with Tunnel, is founded upon the cohesive power of Roman cement, coupled with a system of ties, the most eligible substance for which, from a se- ries of experiments performed by M. Brunei, appeared to be hoop iron. The piershaving been • constructed in the usual manner, it is proposed to pin or secure to them a mould for the purpose of determining the contour of ihearch. A narrow rib may now be carried over, and keyed, using cement (with the occasional insei tion of ties), which, by its adhesion to the bric c being greater than the cohesion, enables the arch to he carried to any extent within the limits of the strength of the material. The several arches being in suc- cession,once keyed, they will be inastate to receive the whole of the materials necessary to the completion of the bridge. The bridge of the Santissinia Trinita at Florence was parti- cularly adverted to, affording a magnificent example of rubble construction, and the dura- bility of the material. The arches are com- posed of a mass of irregular stones embedded in mortar, having the consistence of a single stone, or of two stones abutting against each other at the crown.— Ed. Arch. Mag. MACHINE FOR CUTTING SAUSAGE MEAT, and stuffing SAUSAGES, ABRAHAM AND JOHN KEAGY, PENNSYLVANIA. The cutting is effected by means of a cylinder, around which are placed knives which we usually make of a triangular form, one of the sides being in contact with the cylinder. This revolves within a concave, or hollow cylinder, furnished with similar knives so placed as not to interfere v?ith those on the cylinder. These knives are but placed somewhat obliquely, so as to stand ia the direction of a spiral around the cylinders. '1 he revolving cylinder has its axis placed horizontally in a box, the sides and ends of which are enclosed excepting where the meat is admitted and discharged. A gudgeon pro- jects through the box at one end to receive a crank of wheel to turn the cylinder. The opening for feeding is on the upper side, and at one end of this box ; and this opening is surmounted by a vertical trunk, which may be in the form of a parallelogram, of the.width of the lower box, and about half its depth, more or less. A piston, or follower, is adapted to this feeding trunk, or hopper, from the middle of which a rod rises, operating as a piston rod, being acted upon by a lever, worked like a pump-handle. The piston rod passes through the lever, and has a rack, or notches, upon it, which engage with the lever in its descent, but allow it to rise without rais- ing the piston, so that the meat put into the feeding-trunk is forced down by each succes- sive stroke. To facilitate the passage of the meat into the horizontal, from the vertical trunk, I form a spiral excavation in the hollow cylinder, immediately under the vertical trunk ; which operates as an inclined plane in producing the desired effect. The cut meat, when it airives at the extreme end of the cut- ting cylinder, passes out through an opening in the bottom of the box. When the feeding- trunk is to be replenished, the lever may be turned back on its joint, and the piston re- moved, leaving the opening perfectly free. When the cutting has been completed, the vertical trunk, with its piston, is used for the purpose of stuffing. To effect this, a shutter, or slider, is slipped into its place where it forms a bottom to the vertical, and cuts off its communication with the horizontal trunk, and a tin, or other tube, of proper size, is' fitted into an opening prepared for it on one side of the trunk, at its lower end; upon this tube the entrail to be stuffed is gathered in the usual way. To allow the escape of.air, this latter tube has a small tube, or opening, soldered on its outside, from end to end. This' opening may he semicircular, so as make but a slight pro- jection on the stuffing-tube. The effect of this will be obvious. We have not thought it requisite to give the dimensions of the respective parts, as they will vary according to convenience, and will depend upon the power to be applied, and the quantity to be cut. One thing, however, is essential, namely, that the length and size of the cylinders, and the number of knives, be proportioned to the quantity to he cut ; but this can be regulated also by the pressure made upon the piston. ( 298 ) ' THE SPIRIT OF THE INDIAN PRESS, OR xMONTHLY REGISTER OF USEFUL INVENTIONS, AND IMPROVEMENTS, DISCOVERIES, AND NEW FACTS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE. TRANSPLANTING LARGE TREES. The operation of transplanting a large tree is described in the Madras Herald as liaving been recently carried into effect at Mr. Chamier’s garden in Buffalo -Square, Madras. We learn that the machine which is used in transplanting the tree is exceedingly sim- ple. The plan consists in cutting through all the horizontal roots of the tree which is to be removed, at the distance of about three and half feet from the stem, making a trench about thirty inches wide around the tree, and putting in loose surface mould and a little comport to encourage the growth of young fibres. The shortest time allow- ed for this operation in Scotland, where it was first practised, is two years — and in some cases trees are allowed to stand four or more years before they are removed. In this country it appears that a tree may be transplanted with perfect safety in four months after the roots are cut through — at the end of which time, as was found in the present instance, an immense quantity of young fibres, some perhaps two feet long, are thrown out from each divided root. When the tree is about to be transported to its new site, the earth is carefully cleared out from the young fibres, the tap-roots are divided, and the tree, having been previously fastened to the transplanting machine, is taken without difficulty wherever it may be required. Trees may be removed in this manner to a considerable distance, from Madras to Guindy for instance, without losing a single leaf. All the different species of hanian, of which there are four or five very common in Madras, are the easiest and surest to move, with complete success. The best season for transplanting them is during the hottest wea- ther, as too much rain is apt to destroy the young roots. The corially (so pronounced), a beauti- ful, clean tree, which grows to a large size and very rapidly, may also be removed with- out difficulty. The peepul (or Arsii Marum) is the next on the list. It can be transplanted to any size, and scarcely ever fails, provided it is done at the right season. This tree re- quires even less care than the banian and ought not to be very highly manured, as it is apt to shoot up too quickly, resembling the poplar. The tamarind is among those trees which are not easily moved; indeed it was thought impossible to transplant it success- fully, within a few months, when Mr. Elliot completely succeeded in removing a tamarind tree about 20 or 25 feet high. The tree was prepared nearly a year ago, and transplanted in June 1st. It did not lose a leaf, and is now thriving and filling out daily. The neem (or Margosa) is a difficult tree to manage, extremely sensitive at its roots — and, if the tap-root is touched ever so little, is hopeless. Several of these trees have been moved, however, and are now large and healthy after the lapse of two years. The expence attending the transportation of these trees is great, in consequence of the immense quantity of soil which is usually attached to them. In addition to these very large trees, there are about a dozen chiefly flowering trees, which are good subjects for trans- plantation. We learn, that the Vadenar^ rain, a beautiful tree like the Gloriosa Superba — the Cork — the Wood apple tree and the caoutchouc or India Rubber tree, PEARL FISHERY, SURVEYS, POPULATION OF ARRACAN, &c. are all easily transplanted : and that hand- some specimens of them are now flourish- ing at Guindy, which have been taken thither from Madras. PEARL FISHERY. From a paper published by Lieut. White- lock of the Indian Navy, in the Transactions of the Geographical Society of Bombay, we learn that the pearl fishery in the neighbourhood of the Persian Gulf gives employment to no less than 30,000 men, and produces 40 lacs of rupees’ worth of pearl annually. SURVEY OF THE MALDIVES. A paper on the Maldives is also pub- lished. This curious group of islands is on the direct tract of ships bound from Calcutta to Bombay. The desire of aiding the project of steam navigation ; induced to their careful survey ; they were however found exceedingly unhealthy, which circum- stance has been the great obstacle to their foreign intercourse and internalimprovement. THE INDUS RIVER. A valuable paper is also given on the Indus by Lieut. Wood, who has been employed by Government in surveying that river. This paper contains a narrative of the Lieutenant’s passage in the little Steamer Indus from Hyderabad to the Sea. The result of his experience was rather unfavour- able to the navigation of the river, in the Delta. POPULATION AND EXTENT OF CACHAR AND ARRACAN. We learn from a report on the eastern frontier by Capt. Pemberton that the new population now rising in these countries, especially in Cachar and Arracan, is quite distinct from the original inhabitants, and consists chiefly of settlers from the adjoin- ing parts of Bengal. It is still extremely inadequate to the cultivation of the soil. According to Captain Pemberton, the whole valley including Upper, Central, and Lower Assam, has an area of 18,900 square miles, and a population of 602,500 souls, or nearly 32 to the square mile ; whereas from the richness of its soil it will support a popu- lation ten times as numerous as that which now occupies it. Ih 1833, Captain Fisher estimated the quantity of arable, but unoccu- pied landin Cachar at 1,800,000 biggas. The entire area of Arracan is calculated by Cap- tain Pemberton to be about 16,520 square miles ; and the statistical returns for 1831 gave a population of 73,928, or lOf to the square mile. Hence it is evident that in these three provinces there is the widest scope for colonization. There is land in abundance unoccupied, which is at the perfect disposal of Government, and may therefore be allotted to new settlers on whatever terms may be thought expedient. There are no existing rights to be interfered with, and no popu- lation to be thrust out of their native acres. LINES OF COMMUNICATION BE- TWEEN THE BRITISH POSSES- SIONS AND THE BURMAN EM- PIRE. We also learn from the same report which we have abstracted from the Friend of India that an army, proceeding from Calcutta to Ava, would reach that city, by the Assam route, in 170 days,by Muneepore, in 107 ; by Rangoon, in 82 ; and by the Aeng Pass in Arracan, in 39 days. From the comparison of routes, it is manifest, that if ever the Bur- mese are again foolish enough to engage in hostilities with the English, and it be con- sidered expedient to renew our invasion of their territory, the way of the British army must lie through Arracan. With the exception of Muneepore and Upper Assam ,t he whole of the inhabited coun - try on the Eastern Frontier is now under British rule ; and the excepted portions are under British protection and influence. In the first years of our way over these new territories, many errors were committed in the schemes of taxation and judicial admi- nistration which were adopted. But as, we doubt not, an honest intention existed on 300 AN IMPORTANT GEOLOGICAL PAPER. the part of Government to do what was right and just, a gradual improvement has been apparent every where ; and the effect of this upon the increase of the population has been most remarkable and satisfactory. POPULATION OF NAGPORE. The following is a copy from the report of Mr. Jenkins in the Nagpore territory. Statistical Table of the Population of Nagpore. According t<» the census ofl820-21, the population oftlie several fith thick beds of silicious slate, traversing the gneiss at different places and in all directions, and supposes it to be what Buchanan calls hornstone, called by the natives madi-culla. The strata of this silicious slate have a thickness of many feet, “ And are traversed in all directions by numerous, almost imperceptible, fissures, in the direction of which the rock, when stiuick, often splits, showing on both surfaces of the separation Ireautiful, superficial, dendritical appearances, like those occasionally seen in the alpine limestone and in some novaculites (hones) of the clay-slate formation, produced by the infiltration, through the fissure, of the oxide of manganese, at least as far as it regards the limestone. This silicious schist, besides intersecting, as veins, the gneiss, overlays it in some places, as is seen, on entering the Fort by the Mysore gate, to the right, where it lays in large tabular masses over the gneiss. A little farther on, going always west, we see masses of hornblende rock, overlaying the two rocks just described. This green- stone, both as blocks and as dykes, I had seen soon after descending into the ditch below the bridge. This hornblende rock hardly contains any felspar, and it is evidently unstratified — so- norous when struck — of glimmering fracture — and of a black colour. The elegant columns of Hyder’s and Tippoo’s Mausoleum, beyond Shahar Ganjam in the Island, are of this rock, which however was brought from a different place, as Buchanan informs us, viz. from Cuddahully near Turivieary, about 52 miles from, and N. E. of, Seringapatam, and called by the natives Carricullu, or black stone. Some of the masses of this hornblende rock have a variolated surface, w'hich, how- ever, on breaking the stone, does not seem to extend into the interior of the rock. 1 say seem, because, polishing on the stone, the rounded marks re-appear and of a deeper colour than that of the rock itself. Buchanan took particular notice of these darker spots in the polished rock, and at- tributed them to the crystals of basaltine (so was augite called at the time he wrote) imbedded in the hornblende ; in Avhich con- jecture I think him perfectly correct, as the mineral is augite which gives the described appearance to the rock, and it is seen clearly marked in the above mentioned columns of Hyder’s Mausoleum. It must be remarked that the veins of the silicious schist, intersecting the gneiss up to its surface, do not penetrate into the over- lying green stone, showung the posterio- rity in age of the last mentioned rock. In going out of the Fort through the northern sallyport, close to which Tippoo wms killed, you come upon the right bank of the Cavery, which washes the walls of the Fort at this place. When I visited Seringa- patam (March 1834) there being very little water in the river, ail the rocks forming its beds w^ei*e exposed to view, enabling me to judge of their nature. The principal rock in it is gneiss, which appears to extend along the course of this river for a considerable distance ; since I have met w ith the same rock, jutting abov« 308 INTERESTING NOTES ON PERSIA BY COL. MONTEITH. the waters of the same river, at the ferry of Polleapoliam, nearly 100 miles S. E. of Serlngapatam. This is one among the many proofs that gneiss is the universal subjacent rock in the table land of Mysore. Mounting some of the masses close to the outside sallyport, you stand on blocks of a beautiful porphyry of red colour. This rock cuts the gneiss in the bed of the river in an oblique direction N. E. and S. W. across its whole breadth, and is seen continued on the opposite bank, a little below the northern extremity of Wellesley-bridge. This porphyry is composed of well de- finedcrystals of red felspar, which occa- sionally are white, imbedded in a paste of compact felspar of the same colour. Be- sides these two minerals it contains tour- maline, in numerous needle-shaped crystals distributed through the rock, without having any common direction. The red colour of this porphyritic dyke, through the grey of the gneiss, points it out even from a distance. Among the numerous pieces of rock, scat- tered about the western side of the Fort, are found some of a stratified rock of a porphy- ritic appearance, composed of red felspar, imbedding pieces of white quartz, and hav- ing thin veins of beautiful pistachio-coloured actynolite. Just below the southern extremity of Wel- lesley-brige, along the right bank of the Cave- ry, I noticed an enormous accumulation of a friable calcareous tufa, somewhat resembling osteocolla, or those calcareous incrustations enveloping vegetable substances, when plac- ed in the course of waters abounding with carbonate of lime. Many pieces were an- alogous to the nodular kankar found in the plains of India. From what I shall mention hereafter, it appears that some of the tributary torrents to the Cavery contain a good deal of carbonate of lime. The hill of Mysore I could not visit, but judging from some specimens I have seen from it, it is formed of granite composed of white and rose coloured quartz, white felspar, black mica, and a few garnets.” Our author now reaches Nunjengode, close to which flows a branch of the Cavery. One of the rivulets appears to have its waters overcharged with carbonate of lime, which is deposited all along its course ; the high banks of the torrent are formed of calcareous tufa. The deposit is so white, spongy, and light, that it might be mistaken for pumice. Besides anew kind of kankar, our author found, jutting from the soil or loose on the surface, large pieces of ancient kankar which is very different from the modern, being more compact, semi-cry- stalline, and sparry in the fracture, and concretionary in its structure ; in short, very much resembling the ancient fru- vertino of Italy. All the blocks along both sides of the Cavery, and projecting above the water are hornblende rocks, with thick veins of quartz, which seem also to be the prevailing rock all over the plain. We now arrive at Goondlapet. Our author at this place exa- mines the different kinds of stones, employ- ed in the construction of the buildings. He found blocks of a very crystalline sandstone, and some of quartz rock ; there are stones of a beautiful chloritic porphyry, some of green- stone, of gneiss, of granite &c. The only rock about the place, in situ, however, is the actynolite schist to be seenin the lower parts and floor of the ditch. Dr. Benza then reaches Goodloor, which stands at the commencement of the ascent to the Neil- gherries, at the foot of a very high hill of the Wynaad group : the blocks about the village are sienitic granite. This brings us to the end of our author’s first journey, and here we must part company for the present, under the engagement to accompany him on his second excursion at a future opportunity Art. IL — Notes on Persia, Tartary, and Afghanistan. By Lieut. Col. Mon- te it h, K. L. S. Madras Engineers. The notes, which we are now about to lay before our readers. Colonel Monteith wrote at the request of a friend at Madras for whom they were intended, and not for publication. But such is the lively interest taken in every thing connected with the country, which is the subject of these pages, that we are satisfied the public will be highly gratified that the author allowed his intentions to be changed, especially when we state that his nineteen years’ residence in Persia enabled him to become personally acquainted with many of the chiefs of their tribes : he had also frequent communication with Tartars, and some of the Russian Mission to Bokhara. Under these circumstances we are sure our readers will be anxious to peruse his own inter- esting account. “ The Caspian provinces, subject to Persia, consist of Talish, Ghilon, Mozanderan, and Astrabad. The nature of the country, character of the people, their language, and general appearance, and even the cattle of the country, form a strong contrast to the other parts of the empire, much more resem- bling those of India. MONTEITH’S ACCOUNT OF THE TARTAR TRIBES. 309 The mountains which divide them partake of this difference. The sides looking towards the Caspian are wooded nearly to the sum- mit, and the others are bare, rugged, and parched, the leading features of Persian scenery. The elevation of the range being about 7,000 feet, every degree of temperature is experienced. The low country near the Caspian bears, as is before mentioned, a strong resemblance to India ; the charge of unhealthiness only applies to the swamps in the vicinity of the sea. After a slight ascent the climate is particularly fine, and from its dampness much resembles England, produc- ing perpetual verdure. The strength of the country, through which a stranger cannot find his way, has generally saved it from foreign invasion. Its inhabitants felt few ■ of the calamities which afflicted Persia, from the Afghan invasion to the establishment of the Kadgar dynasty, by whom Mozanderan and Astrabad have been particularly favour- ed, being considered their immediate patri- mony, and the cradle of the Shea sect. The people, in consequence, are generally richer and better lodged. A traveller passing through the country, would form a very false idea of the population and real extent of cultivation ; the people, enjoying great se- curity among themselves, and being seldom visited by travellers, are not obliged to as- semble in large villages, but are dispersed in houses, three or four together, over the country, always at some distance from the roads, or, rather, difficult paths, which traverse the rice fields and swamps. These are purposely kept in a difficult state, as well for protection, as to secure the monopoly of the carriage, no cattle being able to convey loads but those of the country. If a stranger, however, has a quarrel with any of the in- habitants, or attempts to press a guide, he will be soon convinced, by the assembly of a crowd about him, how great the number of people really is. On the death of the King, or in case of foreign invasion, a few guards in the passes secure these provinces from the miseries to which the rest of the country is exposed, and the news brought by fugitives is all they know of passing events ; without they send forces to the aid of the contending parties. The Kadgars owe their reign in Persia to the troops of Mozanderan and Astrabad. In the latter district the chief part of their tribe (Kadgars) has long been fixed, and forms its guard against the Turkoman Tartars. They formerly were established on the Goorgan river, but have been gradually dispossessed of the lands on its banks, and forced to retire near the forest districts, where the Tartars seldom venture in force. Russia gained possessionof all the Persian provinces on the Caspian by treaty with Shah Sultan Hussain, in the time of Peter the Great, on condition of assisting that prince against the Afghans and Turks. She never fulfilled her part of the engagement, and these districts were restored to Nadir Shah on his return from India. During this partial occupation a great number of men died from fevers, and Russia found none of the advantages she expected, either from the silk of Gilan, or sugar of Mozanderan. Their possession is still a favourite object with her, under the idea that they will render her independent of other countries for those valuable products, but in this I think she would be much disappointed,” The foregoing exhibits our author’s style. There is a want of arrangement which critics have to complain of even in our best writers; and as Colonel Monteith’s narrative is intended more fora fire-side account of all he witnessed and felt than for a well digested treatise, allowances should be made ; but we hasten to introduce the reader to his account of the Tartar tribes. “ The three Tartar tribes of Goulkan, Yamout, and Tekie, are decidedly Persian subjects ; like all frontier tribes they pay less respect to the orders of Government than those settled in the interior of the country, and, for some time, but little of any. kind, owing to the weak and pacific character of the late king. I have, however, seen about 3,000 of their best horse, serving with the Persian army, of whom 1,000 were Tekies, and attached to the Erivan force, where I commanded the Artillery. During the winter the greater part of these are encamped in the Persian territory, and on the Ottrak and Goorgan, the Persians can then do what they please, and they seldom venture to disobey orders, as they could not fly into the desert without abandoning their families, winter provision, cattle and property ; and w'hat they did carry off would be plundered by the other Tartars, whether of Khiva or Bokhara, if they had not previously entered into engagements with them. The sub- joined list gives the names of the different tribes, who form the principal and most formidable part of the Persian Cavalry, their principal force. The Infantry are either from the fixed villages or the great tribes of Lack, Loor, and Boktearee (supposed to be the remains of the ancient Persians). This system renders the assembly of an army a matter of no difficulty, but keeping such a force in order, or even together for any length of time, requires a Prince of great firm- ness and talent, as in times of confusion the influence of these tribes is greatest, and a civil war is easily brought on and difficult to be subdued. Persia has always been a country not difficult to conquer in times of civil dissension, but, from the same cause, impracticable to retain. When the country is well roused, no army can long resist the incessant attacks of a force, always pre- sent, and never to be encountered. The nature of the country singularly favours this system of war ; half of it is only fit for the abode of pastoral tiibes, who care little for a change of residence, if it does not take place in winter, or at the time their flocks 310 THE COUNTRY BETWEEN PERSIA AND RUSSIA. are bringing forth, when a march is de- structive to their property. From the long and inveterate feuds which have existed be- tween many of these communities, it is not difficult to form a party ; but they soon get tired of any foreign power, and return to their own people. With one of a different religion, no dependence can be placed on tlieir alliance. The kings of Persia have always had the greatest difficulty in keeping them in sub- jection. Shah Ismail and Shah Abbas at- tempted to form a royal tribe, calle 1 the Shah Pussunds, or Shasewunds, by taking volunteers from all and giving them the best lands. The measure was not successful, and they quickly became the most unruly body in the kingdom. Nadir Shah being an Afshar, that tribe rose to great power under his family; to them succeeded the Zunds, of which Kerim Khan was the chief, and now the Kadgars. The present family have much reduced the power of the tribes, by raising regular troops and a corps of Artillery. This, with the party they are able to form, has been sufficient to restrain all but those of the province of Khorasan ; had Abbas Mirza, lived that too would have be en perfectly subdued. In Azerbijan, formerly the most turbulent province, no tribe dares disobey the orders of government ; but op- pression has followed, and, in the late wars with Russia, theytook no part in the strug- gle, and joined General Paskewitch’s forces after the fall of Tabreez.” Colonel Monteitli says that travellers are much deceived as to the I'esources of Persia ; they merely judge of its population and ferti- lity from what they see in passing through 'it ; but he adds that a considerable part of the country is desert. Alluding to cultivation, he observes that it generally depends on irriga- tion : in the plains water is seldom to be met with ; fortunately, however, the rain is suffi- cient for vegetation. The want of population is best shown by our author’s statement that one may march for days and not see a sin- gle village. This, however, appears to be no inconvenience to travellers ; for, from our author’s account, the traveller is able to pro- cure every supply from the keeper of the caravanserai. The cheapness of bread and meat is truly astonishing. Colonel Monteith states that 40 lbs. of bread for a rupee is considered high, and that 10 lbs. of excellent mutton may be had for the same price. Th© villages which supply these things are ten miles to the right and left. On the subject of supplies to marching armies, the following under existing circumstances is of deep im- portance. “ An army, under the Persian govern- ment, would be directed to assemble at a certain point in some fertile district, and but a small part would follow the high road. The Khorasan troops annually come to the camp at Sultania, and 30,000 pilgrims pass the same way ; they all purchase provisions without difficulty. An invading army could be deprived of this advantage, and it would be necessary to march by several parallel columns, joinin? at certain towns, where a large stock of provisions is always kei:na and Ganges, near their junction and on the low lands between those rivers. It is an annua) plant, and In good soil grows to the height of (oiii or five feet, but It is geneially too closely set to admit of its branching out well. It is sown in Oct iber and November. The seeds are welted for a few minutes, then diopped by the hand into the ground in drills from 16 to 20 inches apart. When the plant has attained the height of five or six inches, iiie gioiitid is carefully hoed up on both sides and kept clean by repeated weeding. The crop is gathered in April, May, and June, and where the situation chosen is beyond the reach of the inuiifiatlon, a second ciop, but inferior both as regards quantitv and quality, is olriained, but mote generally the land is inundated and produces only one crop of from J to 3 mds. of undteased cotton from the beegnh. Some of the more industrious ryiits connive to liave a sutrslding ciopfrom the ground hy sowing l ice ill the spaces between the drills, a few weeks hefore the colioii is removed, the rice rising with the water. S he Cotton crop does not at present seem to be in favour with the farmeis; it is an uncertain one, heiiig liable (u injury from insects in the eaily moiiihs from bait and rain when farther advanced, and front being mostly cultivated on low lands, it is not fieqiieiiiiy desiioyed by the river in June before the pioduce can he gathered. The culiivaiiou has declined with the muslin trade, and the price obtained is now scarcely lemu- neratiiig ; it has fallen from 6 tbs. to 3^ wiibia these few years- For the finer thread the hand is used in separa- ting the seeds from ilie cotton ; indeed the cylin- ders employed here are so inefl’ective aud the cotton adheres so stiongly to the seed, that an active person will do nearly as mucii woik with lire hand alone as be can do with the aid of the maclitiie in common use. Accompanying I do myself the pli-asiue to send you a few samples of the cotton and of the thread (the iictter quidiiles) spun from it. From the enclosed extiact from the books of the Custom House, you will perceive that little or no cotton is introduced from Ava. fhe imports noted as 754, 28!, and Sill luds. include lioih what is brought by the Biirmali boats, and the supply from our own provinces. 'I’lie imported cotton is only used in tlie coarse mauufactui ies, and if lltere beany considerable iaiponation of coitott fioin the Ava tei iito. ies it is absorbed in Chittagong and about Lnckipofe atnoiig the baftah weaveis ; but I have great i easoii 1m bel ieve that the importation is al- logeiliei trifling. Cleaned cotton or rooie passed the Custom House - Dacca. Imported, Exported. mds. srs. mds. svf. 182»-29, 19 20 235 17 1839 20 0 14 132 25 1830-31 1 21 50 0 1 his report does not include the principal im- port of cotton from the Western Provinces which iieing covered iiy ilmvannahs from Miizapore, Patna, or Vlooi sbedabad, is not eiiteied in the books of the Custom House at Dacca. Account of ('apuuse {cotton) passed the Dacca Custom-House, during the years 1828 29, I92y 39, aud 1830-31- Years Article Quantity Quantity Total. Ujtdressed Imported Exported cotton. 1828 29. Capanse, 754 34 8 5,215 20 0 5,970 !4 S 1829 30. Ditto ..284 3 8 6,102 20 0 6,386 288 1S30 3I. Ditto, 3,111 34 4 1,839 18 0 4,951 t2 4 Maunds l7,3o8 10 4 316 COTTON PRODUCED ON THE GARROW HILLS. Oar next paper contains remarks on Bourbon cotton grown at Cattack, and its staple for spinning, communicated by Mr. J . T. Weekes. This gentleman states that a beegah of land might be made with little trouble to nett upwards of 20 rupees per annum. In a beegah of ground containing about 320 plants, he made ninepiecesof cloth, each piece 1 yard wide, 12 in length, making a total of 108 yards. The expense in making was one rupee eight annas for each piece ; in making the thread 12 annas, and to the weavers 12 annas, the selling price of which is 3 rupees 12 annas. The writer adds — “ That a piece of cloth of equal length and breadih might he made by a Native for 1 Rupee, my calculation then stands thus : P.ent of I hcegah of good land, Re. 4 This heegali will contain between 6 and 700 plants, which will produce cotton, an- mmlly, for 20 pieces of cloth, 20 Total expense to a Native farmer, Rs. 34 Selling price of the above cloth, 60 Profit, Rs. 46 Deduct half for any possible errors, accidents &c. &e. 23 Nett animal profit on 1 beegah, .. .. .. Rs 23 My having made 9 prieces from half a beegah of inferior soil without any trouble or care places the correctness of my calculation beyond dispute, and the fact only requires to be made known, by a few hundred notices iiiNagree and Bengalte, and ilistii- buted to all ilie Collectors with inslrnciions for piibtt - city being given to them to the Mokuddnmsand oihei beads of villages wiihin their Collecloiate. to attiuci the notice of the Native community . I believe tliei e is no dili'ereiice between the Bourbon cotton and that denominated Sea Island, and I never saw plants more hardy or require less caie. Putting the seed into the ground at the commencement of the tains (which should be well turned up) is tlie piiiicipal part of the labour, ill 85 day s tlie plants will he in flower, and cotton may he gaiheied 9 months in the year, and they will continue 8 or 10 years: mine were planted In 1827, and from the produce I have annually made pillows, bedding, &c. &c. but was resolved during tlie past season on ascertaining the annual value of half a lieegali, wliicb has given the lesult now conununicated. 1 should observe that at the commencement of the tains of each year I take the shears and clip the plants down to about 4 feet, their average height at the close of the rains will he about 7 feel- I have fiequeutly transplanted them duiing the rains when in full leaf and bud and saved the gathering. One man is capable of taking care of 3 heegalis. A muster of the cotton accompanies.*' The next paper is from Capt. Bogle on the native cotton produced on the Garrow hills. The Garrows inhabit an extensive tract of the Gowalparah district, and are de- pendent for subsistence on the means of barter, which the growth of cotton amongst their hills enables them to carry on with their neighbours in the plains below, who again export it to the adjoining districts of Assam, Rungpore, Diuapore, Mymunsing, Dacca, &c. &c. The cotton grown is of that description called cupass or the desee cotton, which is commonly grown through- out the countries to the eastern side of British India, and more or less throughout Lower Bengal and some parts of the Coro- mandel Coast. It is coarse and short in fibre, and very difficult of separation from its seed ; and, although strong in its nature, especially when very fresh, it possesses no other de- sirable quality for the machine-spinner. The seed is small in size, furred over with a yellowish green fur, and abundantly covered with wool. The soil and climate of its site of culture would be favorable to the growth of new and better kinds of cotton, and^ which would rank higher in value by from 50 to 100 per cent. Some specimens of cotton have been imported from Liverpool, with the following particulars of prices. “ Specimens of sundry cottons as uiidermeiition- od, forwarded by Messrs. Daniel and Thomas Willis, of Liverpool, to Messrs. Willis and Earle, of Calcutta, and received per ilie ,)>amuel Brown in tlie mouth of May, 1832. Their several values are affixed as separately esti- mated h) two eminent Liverpool cotlon brokers in the month of October, 1831. ESTIM AT ED VALUE, Per Messrs. Salisbury. Turner., and Earle, Brokers, Liverpool, October, 1831. Sea Island. No. i Ootnmon, 2. Good, S. Fine, 4. Very flue, Egyptian. No .1. Middlinj;, 2 Good, 3. Fine, Orleans. No. 1. Ordinary, *2. Good fair, d. 10 13 18 2-6 n 8 3. vine, Bowed . d. No. 1. Ordinary, .... •2. Fair, ” .... S| 3- Fine, 7 Mobile. No. 1. Ordinaiv, .... 5 2. Good fair, . 5| 3. Fine, .... cl Pernambuco. No. 1 . Middling, . - . . .... ‘2. Good (air, . . . . 3. Fine, Bahia, N’o. 1. Ordinary, .... ... 6 2. Fair, .... 6| 3. Good, .... . . . • 7 M aranhani . No. 1. Middling, .. . .... 6i 2. Fair, 3. Fine, BELL’S REVIEW OF EXPORTS FROM INDIA. 317 Per Messrs. Salisbury, Turner, and Earle, Brokers, Liverpool, October, 1831. Demerara, No. i. Middling, .... r 2. () 00(1, .... ... .... 8 3. Very fine, .... ... 10 Surat. No. 1. Middling, ... 8l 2. Good fair, .... dl 3. Good, .... 4| Bengal. No. 1. Middling, .... 3^ 2. Good fair, .... -a 3 Good . . . . . . . . Ter Messrs. Molyneux, Taylor, and Co. Bro" kers. Liverpool, October, 1831. Sea Island. d. No. 1. Mid. quality, per 11) 2. Good ditto 3. Fine ditto .... 4. Extra ditto.... Egyptian. No. 1. Ordinary quality 2. Fair ditto .... 3. Good ditto, Orlea7is. No. 1. Very middling ditto 2, Good ditto .. , 8. Pritne ditto, . . .... Bowed. No. 1, Ordinary quality 2. Fair ditto 3. Good ditto. . Mobile. No. 1. Ordinary quality.. 2. Middling.. 3. Good ditto, Pernatnbuco . No. I. Middlitig quality.. . . 2. Fair ditto . 3. Good ditto.. Bahia. No. I. Ordinary quality .. 2. Middling ditto.... 3 Good fair ditto.. Maranhani. No. 1. Middling quality 2. Fair ditto 3. Good ditto.. Oemerara. No. 1. Fair quality . . 2. Good fair ditto . . 3. Good ditto .. Surat. No. 1. Ordinal V quality, .. 2. Fair ditto,.. .... 3. Good ditto.. .. .... Bengal. No, 1. Ordinary quality,.. 2 Ditto ditto... 3. Good fair ditto .. (A true copy) Willis and Earle. Calcutta, June, 1832. For the use of the Agricultural Society, Cal- cutta." The next report is from Colonel Coombs, at Palaveram near Madras : the specimen fur- nished is from plants grown on the hill on which he resides, five miles from the sea-coast and about 400 feet above the level of the sea. Another specimen is from plants grown at the foot of the same hill. The plants appear to have thriven well : the file or fibre is strong and long, possessing a good deal of fineness, and it bears the hue of what is termed healthy and well grown cotton ; it is likewise gathered in a remarkably, clean manner, and would be much esteemed by our machine spinners. It is valued in Liver- pool at 7d. to l^d. sterling per pound. The cotton grown at the foot of the hill is of middling quality, the fibre is shorter, weaker, and rather finer than that of the hill cotton; neither is the hue quite so good. The last report is from Mr. Huggins at Allahabad. The cotton was raised from Up- land Georgia : he raised the plants in May, and as soon as the rains set in he transplant- ed them into beds which he had prepared with two or three ploughings at the distance of five feet each way. The plants during the rains grew very rapidly, and began to burst their pods early in October. Art. V. — Comparative View of the External Commerce of Bengal, during f/ie years 1834-35, awe? 1835-36, accom- panied with tables, illustrative of the extent of trade carried on with each country and state, by John Bell, Superintendent of Inspectors, dfc. Royal Octavo, pp.V)Q, 1836. BaptistMis- sioN Press, {Continued from page 267.) Mr. Bell next proceeds to give a review of the exports, which will be important to our readers, particularly in Europe, to whom by the way we strongly recommend the work itself. It appears there has been 27 per cent increase on the whole amount of export trade, and our author adverts to the abundance of other resources which only require increased capital to draw them forth. We are satisfied in our own mind that the Government has not yet learnt the grand principle of employing capital to enrich itself and the members of the community : if the revenue be largely employed in deve- loping the powers of production in the coun- try, even those who are least acquainted with the soil and the climate will assent to the 318 ON THE RETURNS FOR EXTENSION OF IMPORTS. assertion that the resources are unquestion- ably inexhaustible. We agree with Mr. Bell that the amount of the external commerce of Bengal is now perfectly contemptible com- pared with what it might be. Our author is, and we admire him for it, enthusiastic in his expectations, that the effect of the abroga- tion of the Company’s trading charter the abolition of the transit duties, and the im- petus that will be given to the export. trade, when the home duties on sugar will have been equalized, will work wonders. Mr. Bell reprobates, and very justly, the idea that India has nothing to offer in re- turn for an extension of imports. He ac- knowledges that the successful extension of imports has been checked and occasional “gluts” in some particular branches pro- duced; but since the “avenues — “ To an immense Commerce have been nearly cleared of all the obnoxious weeds that formerly choked its growth, and the agri- cultural industry of India will, under proper example and encouragement, keep pace with the never-ending improvernents, which are from year to year progressing through the mechanical genius of our countrymen at home, which has so effectually changed the features of the Trade between England and India within the-last twenty years.” He contemplates a prosperity for the future, which will make us forget the past. The probability is, according to our intel- ligent author, that England will feel the necessity of drawing upon India for her supplies of sugar. “ And nothing has occurred in the politi- cal aspect of our West India Colonies, to shake this impression ; on the contrary, the shipments during the last year, of nearly nine thousand maunds of Sugar from Cal- cutta to North America, is evidence of a deficiency somewhere ; and it is obvious, that free labour in the West Indies, without taking into account, the immense sacrifice already made to rescue it from the stigma of slavery, can never be brought low enough to to compete with that of the Hindoo. Upon what principle, then, is the discrimi- nating duty on East India Sugar maintained 1 The people of England have been made to pay enormous sums, to indemnify the West India planter for the loss of his slaves, and in return for this boon, the people are com- pelled to purchase the produce of the East, at a much higher rate than that of the West, because England must maintain a strong mi- litary force to prevent the enfranchised negro from cutting his employer’s throat. This monstrous injustice will remedy itself at no distant period, if England continue long to bolster up the interests of one country at the expense of another. So long as an unnatural price for Sugar is maintained by means of unfair resti ictions, the West India planter may endeavour to stem the current of competition from this country, but the odds are fearfully against a continuance even under the fostering patronage of protection, when it is considered that few estates are otherwise than deeply mortgaged, that the best lands are impoverished to an extent re- mediable only by importing manure from England, and that the amount of labor, to be purchased from a free negro, is far below the average of slave labor. The consequence of all these concurrent circumstances must be decreased production in the West, since in proportion to the enhanced cost of labor required to yield the same returns, as under slavery, it stands to reason that the Sugar must be sold at a higher rale, to give an ade- quate rate of interest on the capital employed. This inconvenience to the West India planter will be felt more and more every year, unless he can.replenish his estate with Euro- pean laborers, and the climate is such as to place success in this respect out of the ques- tion, and he must ultimately abandon his estate. Not so, if free competition were al- lowed. The extent of shipments from India would give the West India planter timely warning to apply his remaining capital to some other channel of production, which could not be displaced by India. Unless some effort of this kind be made, it is clear, that the British West India Colonies will cease to export Sugar. I'hey cannot com- pete with Foreign Colonies, where the trade in slavery is as life, as when introduced by the Portuguese nearly four centuries ago ; and unless England continue her restrictive duties on East India Sugar, an injustice that cannot be anticipated, she must necessarily look to India as the only source of supply. Here then is a field for British skill and capital, if British skill and capital be not scared from application, of which unhappily there is some dread at present.” The foregoing is written in a language and spirit which are highly creditable to the author’s feeling, whether we consider him in the character of a citizen, or, in the light of one warmly advocating the interests of this | people and this country. He next shows the || excessive amount of exports, in the past | year, which has been made up of increase as I follows, in round numbers. I “ But to proceed with our present enquiry, f — the excessive amount of Exports in the past [ year has been made up of increase as follows, I n round numbers : — COMPARATIVE VIEW OF PRIVATE TRADE. 319 On Opium, Sa. Rs. Indigo, 55 Cotton, » Silk, 5, Saltpetre, ,» Sugar, 5, Silk & mixedPc. Goods „ Lac Dye, „ Shell Lac, „ Hides and Skin, „ Ginger, ,, Gunnies, ,» Linseed, ,, British Cotton Pc. Gds., ,, I Ditto Woollens, ,, Coffee, ,, 68^ lakhs increase. 47^ ditto. 27^ ditto, ditto. 1| ditto. ^ ditto, ditto ditto. 2| ditto. 2 ditto. ^ ditto. I ditto. I ditto. ditto. I ditto. 1| ditto. About 172| lakhs. From this we are to deduct Decrease on grain and Flour Exiiorted 17 lakhs. Safflower, . i ditto About 17j lakhs. This would leave one croie and fitty-five and a half lakhs, in excess, while the latter gives only one crore and fifty-one lakhs ; the difference between which and the former amount being made up ofincrease on sundries and other articles not enumerated in the above list, but which will he found under the head of'" Exports General.” We now proceed to an analysis of the ton- nage account, and it will be seen, that our former remarks on this subject are fully borne out by the results in the present year. In the first place, a reference to the amount of Trade with each particular country or state, will show, that the whole augmenta- tion in the Import Trade during the past year has been derived from British bottom, excepting about two lakhs, in excess from France : those who place reliance on tonnage figures, w'ould therefore argue that the amount of tonnage must have proportionally increased. Let us see how far this theory has been verified. In the face of an actual increase in the amount value of Merchandize imported in 1835-36, of 31 ^ lakhs of Rupees, we have an actual' decrease in tonnage under the British flag, of34,564 tonsv Again, under foreign colour.^, the amount compared with importing vessels in the previous year, exceeds it by 9,325 tons, equal to about 40 per cent of the whole foreign ship- ping, which, entered the Hooghly in 1835-36 ; to support which there is an increase on Im- ports of Merchandize from France, of some.- ihing less than two lakhs of Rupees. On the Expoit side we have a deficiency of tonnage under British bottoms ot 29,511 tons, and an excess in the amount value of Mer- chandize shipped, of about one crore and se- venteen lakhs of Rupees. tinder foreign colours the increase amounts to 9,953 tons, with an increase in merchan- dize Exported of thirty-four lakhs. From these data, it is evident that the ge- neral prosperity of the trade of India can never be determined tiy a blind reliance on tonnage; but that, on the contrary, it is cal- culated to mislead both the merchant and political economist. We admit that the greatest falling off in the Import list, attaches to the trade between Calcutta and Ports in Asia. Still the prin- ciple of non-reliance out to hold, good, when from America we find an excess in the nu- merical tonnage to the extent of 5,087 tons, and an increase in the amount value of merchandize of only about 7,000 Rupees. We ought, however, to make some allow- ance for the quantity of tonnage occupied by Ice, the nominal value of which does not appear in the records of the Custom House, although the proceeds are re-invested in produce, and duly appear as a set-off against nothing. The following tables will sufficiently elu- cidate what our readers may have failed to comprehend by a cursory perusal of the foregoing remarks. COMPARATIVE ABSTRACT VIEW OF PRIVATE TRADE. IMPORTS. 1834-35. IS35-36 Result. Cdunlties. \1 ei (ball- Mercbaii- dize. I’rea'iire Total. dize. I'lcasiire, rotal. Increase- Decrease. Dt. Britain,.. 1,47 57,9.57 77,009 1,18,31,957 1,71 22, 770 j 4 600 l,7l,?7.27oi 22,92,319^ France, 7.69,2,55 2,00,637 9,69,892 9,13.769 21,879 9,68,6.8 1,244 Aiitwei 462 462 462 S Anieiica . 7,12,834 8,8"0 1.51,154 2,93.127 6,385^ 3,99 512^ l.t8,3.58i N. Aitipt ica, . . 3,02,160 .5.51,577 8.53,737 3,09,799 12 93,454 l^ 3,15,32.804^ ,49.77,668 1 ,28,826 Deduct Decieasc, 14,2&,826 Net Increase, in 1833-36 Sa. Hs. S.7,48,843 Increase of Mercliandize, .31, .32, 896 „ ,, ofTieasute, 4,15,946 320 ENGLISH ADMINISTRATION IN THE ISLE OF FRANCE. EXPORTS. 1834-35. 1835 36. Res lilt. Countries. 1 Merchan - dize. rreasure. 1 Total. , Vlercliaii- dize. I’reasuie. Total. Inciease Decrease, Gi. Britain, . 1,47 56,781 27,57.570 52,262^ 1,48,09,046^ 27,57,570 1,90,74,653 37,16,135 13,655 1,50,88 308 37,16,135 56,192 42, 9,26li 9,58,565 56,492 Denmaik, .. 56,492 N America, .. 15V2,I1I 15,72,111 39,69,903 39 69,902 23,97,791 Cormaiidel C. . 15,54,063 ' 10,350 15.63,412 11, 7,-20 1,83,427 13.45,947 2,28,40.5 rerlon, 31.124 1,33,000 1,64,124 3.3,295 Si 000 1,14 295 49,829 Mai. and Lac. . 53 075 5 1,07.5 71,622 71,622 18,547 (' . of Malabar, 26.26.114 35 OOO 26,61 114 21 26,910 21,20.910 5,31,204 A & P. Gulphs, 9,42.317 9,42,317 19,64 392 13,64,505 13,64,505 4, -22,188 Sitmanore, . . . . 19 51,117 13,375 19,15 003 10,15.0 93 49,366 Peng.& Malac, 3,69,889 3,69.H9 6 03,1-08 6,08,808 2,38 919 China 1,27,44,621 11,250 1 1,27,5.5.871 2,04,69,811 22 950 2 04 92,791 77,36,190 New Holland,. 2,0 ,365 36. 4, 524 2,37,747^ 1,94,879 8,l64i 2 03,043.^ 34,704 .Sum. and Java, 2i,on(i 21,000 1,4S,0 2 1,^8 082 1,27,082 Peoiie, 8,76,045 2,932^ .8.7«,977^ 11.60,^01 10 02.5 11,70 826 2,91,8.8^ Maui itiiis, .... 11,61 ,094 1,35,563| 12 96,6571 6,27.121 62,970^ 6,90,0914 6,08,566 Boui bon 1,90 712 1,90,712 2,71,247 2.78.247 1 87,535 Cape&st. Hel. 70,75 70,751 36,689 36,689 33,062 Toial, 8a. Rf. 4,18.79,681 4,30,183 4,23,09,867 5,70,00,765 3,86 992 5,73,87 757 ll,66 15,11 15,37,229 Deduct Decrease, 15,37 229 Deduct Decrease, 15,37 229 Net Increase ill 1835-36 8a. Us. 1,50,77,860 Increase of Merchandize, 1,51,21,081 Decrease of Treasure, ' . . . . 43,194 Sa. Us. 1,50,77,890 (To he continued.) Art. VI. — Cursory notes on the Isle of France, made in 1827 ^ with a map of the Island : by E. Stirling, Esq., Member of the] Asiatic Society, 1833, Calcutta. Thacker & Co. Qvo. pp. 50. Continued from page 270. Mr. Stirling proceeds to notice the im- provements since the introduction of the English administration in the Isle of France. Attempts were made to improve the roads near the port, which have been attended with success. These improvements were under- taken on a system which has been little tried in wealthy India, — we mean the principle of Mr. MacAdam. Mr. Stirling says that there is no doubt that the scheme will render the most distant, as well as the most rugged part of the island, accessible for carriages and waggons. He states that the country is destitute of wells ; but that, streams descend from the mountains and high lands ; and sug- gests that the greatest benefit may be deriv- ed from conducting these waters to parti- cular places. The town of Port Louis is therefore adorned with lively fountains, which afford an ample supply to the inhabi- tants, and, in many cases, the water is intro- duced into private houses. Nothing can be more true than that Mr. Stirling labours to impress upon the mind of his reader, that not only the health of the people, but the advancement of agriculture, manufactures, and commerce, in a tropical climate, depend on the economy used in the distribution of the waters. Mr. Bourdonnois, sensible of its importance, displayed much philanthropic exertion in conveying water to several places affording an agreeable supply at each jet d'’eau of the clearest and sweetest water. What a splendid example I were it but fol- lowed in this City of Palaces, where nothing but filthy and abominable tank water is had, and even that in small quantities in most parts of Calcutta and its suburbs, how much sickness, bowel complaints especially, would be prevented I “ Formerly the water was hrouaht by means of aqiieducis from the “ grand liver,” and the hill which ovetloohs the port, but now the town is also supplied from the side of Dainplemousses. This last work lias been only lately effected; about a mile from the town, oti the northern side, and near the road to Pamplemousses, is seen a very hand. THE MILITARY FORCE AT THE ISLE OF FRANCE. some aqHcduct, supported by several arches, nin- iiiiig across a small valley or low land. This aqiie' duct, it may be observed, appears to have been built of bricks ; and allhon<>li it has only been erected a short time, some accident had happened to ii, and i( was utideruoiiig repair when I saw it. I'his de- viation from the common practice in iisiii« biicks instead of stone, whicli is pleniiful, does not, there- fore, seem to have been successful, and it ivould appear very advisable to erect all such public woiks. In future, of stone, which is so mucli belter adapt- ed for pet inanent structures. This work is entire- ly due to the Biiglisb administration, and more pan iculatl) , I believe, to the present Governor, Sir Henry Cole.’* Our author states that the produce of the plantations is conveyed to the port at a very great expense by waggons and carts drawn by mules, bullocks, donkeys, and by boats. The carts are ill constructed andheavy, and the cattle yoked awkwardly. The coast vessels are numerous, and are from 30 to 40 tons. They bring produce from different parts of the island, as well as navigate between the is- lands of Rodriguez, Bourbon, and Seychelles. It appears, according to Mr. Stirling, that no attempts have been mads to improve the harbours in different parts of the island : canals cannot be constructed in conse- quence of the nature of the country, which prevents such an undertaking. It is re- markable that there is no post established in the island ; when a person wishes to communicate with his neighbours, or a more distant resident, he is compelled to hire a carrier. The barracks for King’s Troops and Artillery at Port Louis, as well as at Magdefaurgh, are represented as excel- lent. The principal public buildings consist of a well-built Roman Catholic and a Pro- testant church and a substantial Theatre. At a short distance from Port Louis are two strong fortifications in excellent order and repair; these command the entrance of the harbour. The Government House stands in a conspicuous situation, facing the quay : the Governor has a country house at Reduit, where he generally resides. The following remarks are worthy the notice of our com- mercial a'eaders. “ Tbe shiDpiii'^ of tlie Isle <>f France, Hie pro peny of colonial iiihaiMiaiiis, is, I am led to sup- pose, small and insullicient, for tlie extent of the commercial iransactions cariied on. Tbe island, therefore, depends very mucli on the good will of otlier pons, for fuinisbing it with a sntlicient sup ply of vessels, boili for the iransponatioii of its new produce, and tlie Impoiiaiion of the necessa- ries of life— its supeiflnites and agricuUmal stock. 1 conceive lam within bounds when 1 saj, that there are not four thousand tons of shipping be- luQging to the poit, exclusive of the gmali coast S21 vessels before mentioned. The vessels that come from Calcutta, frequently bring rice, wish the ex- pectation of receiving a cargo of sugar for Eng- land. Vessels from New South Wales and Van Diemaii’s Land, also bring coals with the same httpe. English vessels find it often convenient to take out a few articles tliatare likely to meet with a ready sale at the Isle of France, on their way to India; and, in some few instances, siiips are sent diiectly from London, and take back colonial pro- duce ill exchange for British manufacture. Some few ships arrive from the Cape with horses, and are either chattered to go to England with sugar, or leturii to the Cape w’ith colonial produce. As the shipping of the Isle of France can scarcely be said to possess a distinctive character from English ship- ing in general, to attempt a description would be useless; and as the Act of Parliament which sanc- tioned the iiitioductiou of the sugars into England, has, 1 believe, provided fctr the footing on which its shipping should be received, a reference to it will shew the terms prescribed on the subject." The Military force at the island consists of three King’s regiments stationed on the island: they are changed periodically from home, — the relieved regiments proceeding either to England, New South Wales, or to our Indian presidencies. Two regiments are stationed at Port Louis and one at Magde- burgh, on the S. E. coast or the windward side of the island. Several posts are supplied with men from these corps, " Which may be divided Into external and in- ternal commands. Under tbe former is Seychelles, fiodtigitp?., and viadagascar; the latter is, how- ever iioi pet maneiit, and maybe considered as merely forming the escoit of the rha-gd d’Affaiiea. Under the latter may be classed Flac, Pierre Poinf, and the detachments at the Grand River, soiitb- east, and Black Kiveron the west coast Theie is likewise a small guard on one of the small islands, at the eniiaine o( the grand port, or sonili-eastetn harbour. Besides these there are several giiarda that are furnished for various purposes, which itis unnecessary to specify, as most of them are riailf relieved, lam unacquainted with the exact details of the detachment of aitillery, but as they ate su- peiiiitended by an otllcer bolding llie rank <>f a Lieut. -Colonel. I suppose they are somewhat exten- sive. The streitgih of the whole force may be esiimated at about eighteen liundred men. In ad- diiion to the otlicers atlaclied to the several corps, liieie ate many others who hold siafif appoiiiirneiits in the Colony, either on the general or personal staff of the Governor.” (To be continued). Art. VII. — Results of an Enquiry respecU ing the Law of Mortality for British India, deduced from the Reports and Appendices of the Committee appointed by the Bengal Government in 1834, to consider the expediency of a Government Life Assurance Institution. By Cap- tain H. B. Henderson, Assistant 322 APPALLING CHARACTER OF INDIAN MORTALITY. Military Auditor General, Secretary to the Committee. — Transactions of the Asiatic Society, 1836. (Continued from page 255.^ Capt. Henderson furnishes a table of the Calcutta burials, Euiopean and East Indian, at the Park Street burial-ground. He expe- rienced some difficulty in ascertaining the births and periodical accession of strangers, and of separating the classes ; he therefore found it impracticable to prepare from such data “ an accurate or even approximating expectation of life for the city of Calcutta. “ It may be presumed that the accessions chiefly experienced, by arrivals from Eng- land, include between the ages of 18 and 25, and that thenceforward unjtil the later ages of retirement and return to the native country, there is not much fluctuation in numbers, except in the yearly uncertain and temporary addition of seamen and com- mercial visitors. This, of course, applies to the European part of the community ; tire East Indian inhabitants being throughout moie permanent and stationary. Under the foregoing supposition, it will be found from the numbers exhibited in the Table that out of a radix of population of both classes to the extent of near three thousand souls of the age of 20 to 25, about one hundred die annually, or, as the real decrement shew, 3.84 per cent. For the next ten years the annual percentage is 5.49. For the ensuing same term, or from 35 to 45 it is 6.7 per cent. From 45 to 55, it is 6.18, while from 55 to 65, (though this term is little to be relied on from the liequenl secession of persons retiring to England) the percentage is 8.4. Out of four thousand, seven hundred and seventy-nine are seamen, who died on a visit to the port— swelling the ratio of decrement, it may be supposed, at the middle ages. It is to be regretted that this 4 able could not be rendered available for any use- ful purpose to the Committee: all that could be gathered from it was a picture of Indian mortality, probably in its concentrated, worst, and most appalling character.” Capt. Henderson does not think that the experience of the late life assurance institu- tions afforded data for guidance or a fair estimate of the ratio of decrement among the insuring classes, and proceeds to explain the difficulty and danger of rel3dng upon the results of the different offices: these he ascribes to the insured being chiefly debtors in the service ; men, it may be supposed, im- provident in their life and habits: a few were adventurers, and others had embarked in speculations, who, however, were neces- sitated unwillingly to incur the expenses of life insurance ; “ Or, as the figured Tables would sometimes lead to the suspicio_^n, urged into the Society by the appveheijsion of approaching death. 1 hus, in the Fifth Laudable Society existing from 1822 to 1827 there were one hundied and eighty-seven lapses out of one thousand three hundred and ninety lives; no very considerable mortality it would appear at first sight, as it ranges under 3 per cent, per an- num,— but on a closer inspeciion of the Table it will be seen that seventy-five of the one hundred and eighiy-seven deaths occurred in the years immediately succeeding the Assur- ance, while the remainder of the lapses, one hundred and twelve in number, are traced to have lingered through ten years from tile peiiod of entrance into the Laudables. Such a uiisproportion of early lapses must have arisen from other causes than mere accident. The Sixth Laudable Table in the posses- sion of the Commitiee, gives only the total num- ber of lives and lapses without classing them by years of entrance or decrement; the former were nine hundred and ninety-six in number, and the deaths one hundred and eighty, or 3.6 per cent, per annum— the common aver- age ; but by apportioning the presumed periods of lapses among the five years of the Laudable, the more correct yearly percentage would be exhibited at 3.8 9. 1 he Oriental has existed for a longer term, and iias incurred engagements up to 1833, on so many as one thousand seven hundred and eighty-one lives ; out of which during twelve years, it suffered to the extent of three hundied and seventy-three lapses. But unless, as will be understood by the more accurate and certain Tables to be hereafter referred to, there have been some extensive frauds at times practised on the Society, it is difficult to account for the very heavy late of mortality it has expeiienced. It insured on an average seven hundred and eight lives yearly, losing of these with more or less regu- larity, more than thirty-one persons in the year, or an actual percentage of 4.39. Its greatest percentage oflapses during one year was 6.89, and its least 2.78. We believe here also some of the heaviest lapses occurred incertain cases shortly after the parties had effected insurance. Although the Committee were unable to avail themselves of the experience of the Cal- cutta Life Insurance Offices to form a true estimate of the mortality, it maybe remarked that the deaths exhibited by them never the less wonderfully bear out the factshewn in all the general Tables prepared from the hono- rable company’s different services of the regularly progressive ratio of danger (v/ith ^ trifling exception only in some of the 1 ables,) jf/’om increasing years and prolonged residence in India. The ratio in the Army is generally under 3 per cent, for the first years of exposure, and increases to about 3f per cent, at 30 : 4 per cent, at 40 : more than 4| at 50, and considerably higher at the next de- cennial period, while shortly after this time DEATHS AMONG OFFICERS OF THE BENGAL ARMY. 323 pf life the lonc'evity of the surviving Anglo- Indians almost keeps pace with the Nor- thampton and other Tables, prepared during the last century in Europe. In the Civil Ser- vice the percentage of mortality for the last forty years has been somewhat under 2 per cent, for the first twenty years of residence in India ; a result far more favorable than that of the other services. After the age of 40, the ratio of decrement would appear to keep pace with that of the Army. At Bombay a Table has been received from England, prepared by an eminent Ac- tuary on data furnished from that presidency, which would have been valuable, but that throughout the document the Actuary, in the absence of more correct data, has erroneously assumed, that the probability of living any one year up to the age of 58 is correctly expressed by the fraction ; or in other words, that from the age of 18 to 58, one per- son uniformly and regularly dies per annum from every twenty seven members of the service. This error, which it appears the Actuary had no means of rectifying, has viti- ated the Table and calculations throughout, as it is at variance with the positive fact of the increasing danger of every five or ten years’ residence in India. The progressive ratio of age holds good here as in Europe, with an increased impetus from the effect of climate. The result of this error has made the expectation of life in the Bombay Table nearly 20 per cent, too favourable for all ages above 30 or 35, diminishing the probable value of. life for all ages below it. The fraction it is believed, may accurately represent the average annual decrement at Bombay for the entire service, but it varies necessarily with the age and rank of the individual, much in the same manner we presume as has been actually experienced in the last twenty years in the Bengal Army ; where 2,34 per cent, has been the ratio of yearly mortality for Ensigns, 2.75 for Lieute- nants, 3.45 for Captains, 4. 10 for Majors, 4.84 for Lieutenant-Colonels, and 5.94 for Co- lonels. We may assume the general ages of the Ensigns to have been under 22, the Lieutenants under 33, the Captains and Majors 45, the Lieutenant-Colonels 55, &c. In the last twenty years (as recently ascer- tained) there have died one thousand one hundred and eighty-four Officers of tlie Ben- gal Army, or 59.2 per annum, out of an ave- rage number of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven persons, or about 3.12 per cent ; the mean ages of the deceased were as follows : — 81 Colonels, deceased, mean age, 61 97 Lieut.- Cols, ditto, ditto, 51 78 Majors, ditto, ditto, 4() 277 Captains, ditto, ditto 36 651 Subalterns, the mean age not ascertain- ed, but it ranged from 18 to 33, It may be as well here to exhibit in a simple comparative Table the difference of the rate of mortality at the three Presidencies, Bengal being clearly less inimical to the health of the European than either Madras or Bombay. Comparative annual percentage of Mortality of the Office'>-$ of the three Armies of Bengal, Madras and Bombay * ’ Presidbnct Colonels. Lie lit. -Colonels, 1 Majors. Captains. 1 Lieutenants. 5 0 i Surgeons. i S 0 minate ; 4th quill longest, gradated as in grauculus. Tail as long as the body, or longer, consisting of 12 feathers ; whereof the 6 central are even, and the 6 lateral, consi- derably gradated, to l|:inch in the extremes ; the whole, firm and broad tipped. Tarsi sub-clevate, moderately stout, rather finely scaled. Toes not short, rather slender ; fores somewhat compressed and basally con- nected; central, sub-elongate ; hind, short but broad and depressed. Nails subacute. 9| inches long by 14 wide, and if oz. bill 1; tail 5 ; tarsus 1 ; central toe jfi. hind closed wing 4| ; whereof 1st quill is 2^, 2na 4f, 3rd and 5th 4f. and 4th and longest, 4|. tertials If less the primes. Colour, blackish slaty, with jet black wings, tail, and lores ; the 6 or 8 lateral rec- trices with broad white points. Legs, dusky slaty; bill black; iris, brown. Femde rather less, paler below, and transversely rayed throughout with a more saturate series of zigzags. She has, also, a white spot, inter- nal and basal, occupying 3 or 4 of her prime quills ; and her lores arc not blackened. The young of a year resemble the female. They have, at first, whitish drops on a pur- plish black mantle. The species is confined to the woods, and is solitary or nearly so. The intestines are 10 to 11 inches long, of nearly equal calibre throughout, and having the caeca hardly traceable. The stomach is muscular and red, with an outer coat of me- dial unequal thickness, and a tough lining. The principal food is caterpillars and other soft wingless insects ; but many soft and hard flying insects are likewise taken, with grubs, larvae, and insect eggs, and frequently stony berries and even seeds. These birds, though they procure the greatest portion of their food on trees, yet freely descend to the ground to gather it there also. Our birds, in the structure of the bill, ap- pear to be allied to Mr. Swainson’s Eruci- vora ; but they have the croup puffy and spinous, like the majority of their confami - liars. 1 have procured abundance of speci- mens from all parts of the hills, and at ail seasons of the year, the species (like all those previously described) not being migratory. General Remarks. Cuvier observes of the Edoliance that they are principally distinguished by the two man- dibles being bent the wffiole length. This is a character distinctly marked in our 3 first species, but wanting in the 3 next ; seen again, in the 7th and absent in the 8th. Cu- vier adds that the Edolian bill is depressed ; a feature not strictly belonging to any otour species save the 6th. Mr. Swainson says that the Edolianae are characterised by a bill broad at the base and compressed on the sides. This, with some allowance, holds true of our 5' first species, and also of the 7th, if breadth at the base be not confounded with depression. Mr. Swainson further observes that “ in every species yet discovered the hind toe is so much developed as to exceed the tar- sus, being little shorter than the middle toe”. Now, in all my species, the tarsus is long- er than the central digit, which again ex- ceeds the thumb in length. I measure the tarsus, on the inner side, from its more salient angle down to the sole of the foot ; and the digits from their strict insertion, supe- riorly, to the commencement of the claw. So measured, there is not one of the foregoing 8 species, in w’hich the tarsus does not ex- ceed any of the digits, or, in which the middle finger does not surpass the thumb ; though the superior size of the thumb in the 3 first species, as compared with the other 5, is very noticeable. In the former, this member is equal to the outer fore digit ; whilst in the latter it is equal only to the inner fore, or less. Strong rictal bristles characterise the wffiole of the 6 first species which I have classed with the Edoliaaee ; and the 6th agrees with the 3 first in possessing, on the neck, at least ornamental feathers, as well as a highly-bur- nished general plumage. But the bhuchan- gas want both these marks ; and, in the two species of them, the hook and tooth of the bill, by their superior development, indicate a leaning towards the lanianie. In all our 329 ON A SPECIES OF ICHNEUMON BY MR. BADDELEY. 8 species, the tip of fhe lower mandible is sen- i sibly bent up and notched despite the dictum of the systematist. Nor is gregariousness the characterstic of the manners^ of any of them, tho’ the young attend their parents for several months. The structure of the wing is similar in the 3 first species. The two next also have a com- mon form, but diifering from the precedent. A third change takes place in the 6th, The first differs from the two next by its velvety capistral plumes, which, however, are accom- panied by strong nareal andrictal bristles. In passing from the Edolianoe to the Ceblc- pyringe Mr. Swainson observes that the latter are characterised by “srreater depression and consequent weakness of the bill.” I have classed our two last species with the Ceblepy- rinoe because of their smooth f’ape, their puf- fy and spinous rump feathers, their unbur- nished and unblackened plumai^e, their less exclusively perchin'^ legs and feet, and their more onnivoi’ous habits. But, the very op- posite of depression is the character of the bill in one of them ; whilst the other has great breadth, indeed, in the rostrum, but without feebleness or depression. These latter are properly the characters of our 6th species only ; which, however, is very clearly not a Ceblepyris. Much as I admire the skil ful labors of Mr. Swainson, I cannot think so highly of my luck in the discovery of rari- ties, or so lowly of my discernment in the ap- preciation of ordinary forms, as not to sus- pect that those labours call for yet further revision. The Ceblepyrinog are obviouly less formed for flight andraption than the Edo* lianoe, and their ungarnished vestments are equally contraoistinctive. A forked tail often feathers seems as pre- valent among th:’ Edoliano? as a wedged one of twelve amongst the Ceblepyrinoe — one of several indications tending to demonstrate the superior power of the former upon the wing. Lastly, all of our Edolianoe have a fine voice, whilst the Ceblepyrinoe seem to be silent or worse : Heaven defend our ears from the clamorous screaming of Grauculus. Valley of Nepal, 1836. DESCRIPTION OF A SPECIES OF ICHNUEMON, INHABITING THE INTERIOR OF THE GALL BY AN INSECT ON THE LEAVES OF THE FICUS RACEMOSA. By P. F. H. Baddeley, Esq. For the India Review. In my examination of the interior of the gall formed by an insect already described, 1 frequently observed a small light colour- ed grub, which I at first imagined might live and feed at the expense of the natural inhabitant : I have, however, since ascer- tained that such is not the case, but that both live independently, and feed upon the vegetable juices without detriment to each other. This insect is so often found to occupy the interior of the gall, that many might conclude that it was the very insect that produced the excresence, and would con- sequently be led to form opinions, regard- ing its nature, totally at variance with the truth. In the description of this insect a strik- ing contrast will be observed to exist be- tween its internal economy and that of the real gall insect ; for in the former all the essential charactaristics both of the several states of the imperfect, as well as the struc- ture of the perfect insect, will be found to agree exactly with the definition of the hymenopterous order ; while those of the latter scarcely tally with it in one point. This circumstance may tend to confirm the opinion, expressed on a former occa- sion, that if the gall insect be a cijnips, it must be referred to a class, different from that under which that Tribe is usually described. The produce of this grub is a 4 winged insect, of the ichneumon genus, the^ fe- male of which is armed with a long ovipo- sitor, whicli she introduces (I presume) into the interior of the gall, (from its un- der surface) formed on the leaves of the ficus racemosa, about the period that the gall insect has become enclosed in this ex- crescence, and these deposit on the body of the pupa, a single egg. This shortly changes to a larva or grub, invisible to the unassisted eye, which still continues at- tached to the body of the gall insect, and lives and grows for a certain time at its experise. With a change of skin however the pupa rids itself of this rarusitic appendage, which now becomes endued with different tastes and acquires herbivirous habits, feeding in concert, on the juices of the interior of the gall. In this occupation it continues to grow, without detriment to the other inmate, and about the time that the gall insect is ready to emerge, this grub has attained its full growth, and commences to form its cocoon, for the purpose of undergoing its transfor- mation to a chrysalis. This, when completed, occupies about one third of the cavity of the gall, to the side of which it is closely adherent. It is of an ovate shape, flattened on the free surface and pointed at one extremity. 330 RECENT DISCOVERIES IN MINERALOGY. and is thin, transparent, and of a very com- pact texture, having a narrow bright yellow band, surrounding its longer circumference. In this web, the chrysalis, which is white, is seen to repose, with its head in- variably directed towards the point at which the gall insect intends to escape ; and in a few days gradually to assume the appearance of the perfect insect. We may now observe the several parts as they lie doubled up in this confinement. The antennae, which are remarkable for their length, are seen lying along the back and the ovipositor is turned in a contrary direction, on the belly. Not many days after the gall insect has made its escape, this insect, having attained its perfect form, breaks through its cover- ing, and squeezing itself through the same aperture, by which tlie former insect had previously made its exit, emerges at once a perfect fly, the wings and other parts having attained their full size whilst in the cocoon. Little difference is observable in the sexes; except that the female is rather larger and is possessed of a long ovipositor which she carries straight out from her body; and the male has three brown spots disposed in a triangular manner on two of the upper dorsal segments of the abdo- men. The colour of both is similar and is of a warm yellow ochre hue, with the eyes, antennte, and ovipositor dark brown ; the wings are of a light brown colour dotted and semi-transparent. A few of the other peculiarities will be better understood by reference to the draw- ings and definition. DEFINITION. Lava. — A whitish or glaucus grub possessing six minute tubercles, answering to feet. Metamorphosis. — Coarctate. Antenna. — Long, raoniliform, contiguous, and composed of 22 articulations. Mouth. — Mandibulate, possessing labial and maxillary pulpi. Tarsi. — Pentamerous. Wings. — Four, incumbent, somewhat opaque and dotted, upper pair areolate ; lower incomplete. Ovipositor. — Extricated, two valved, con- taining three spiculse. Body. — Legs, wings, and ovipositor, co- vered with short hairs. EXPLANATION OF FIGURES. Fig. 1. — A section of a gall, one of the cells of which contains the grub of the ichneumon and the pupa of the proper gall insect. 1 A. — Pupa of gall insect. 1 B. — Grub of ichneumon. Fig. 2. — Grub of ichneumon, magnified. Fig. 3. — A section of a gall, containing the cocoon of ichneumon, magnified. Fig. 4. — The cocoon taken from the gall, do. Fig. 5. — The dorsal aspect of the pupa or chrysalis taken out of the cocoon. Fig. 6. — The insect nearly arrived at perfection ; head points towards the opening by which the gall insect has escaped. Fig. 7. — Ichneumon about to emerge from its cocoon. Fig. 8. — Perfect male insect. Fig. 9. — Do. female insect. Fig. 10. — The maxillary and labial pulpi. Fig, 11. — The ovipositor. Fig. 12. — Extremity of a half-sheath. Fig. 13. — Hind leg. Fig. 14. — Fore leg. Fig. 15. — 1 he three threads or spiculae of ovipositor joined. GENERAL SCIENCE. NEW MINERALS. Tripkylline, {rpig three and family), from its consisting of three phosphates. It is described by Fuchs as being crystalline, cleaving in four directions; one of the cleav- ages is vertical to the others. Two of them are parallel with the sides of a rhombic prism of about 132° and 148°. The primary form is a rhombic prism. Colour 'greenish gray, in some places blueish ; the powder grayish white. In large pieces the lustre is fatty ; in thin portions translucent. Speci- fic gravity, 3*6. Hardness nearly that of apatite ; fuses readily before the blowpipe. With borax fuses into an iron-cloured glass. It is soluble in acids. It consists of phos- phoric acid 41*47; protoxide of iron 48*37 ; oxide of manganese 4*7 ; lithia 3*4 ; silica *53 ; water *68 ; loss 65. — Poggendorffs* Annalen, xxxvi. 473. Tetraphylline. — This appears to be a varie- ty of the proceeding, it was obtained by Nordenskiold from Keite, in Finland. It contains phosphoric acid 42*6 ; protoxide of iron 38*6; oxide of manganese 12*1; mag- nesia 1*7 ; lithia 8*2. — Ibid. CHRISTISON ON THE CEYLON GAMBOGE. 331 ANAGYRIS FCETIDA. This tree grows to the height of 8 or 10 feet; the leaves are ternate, alternate, pub- escent below, and supplied with a bifid stipula at their summit. It is indigenous to Greece and the southern parts of Europe. The bark, according to Peschier and Jacquemin, con- sists of a fixed oil, chlorophylle, resin, gum, yellow colouring matter, extractive and a peculiar principle. The latter also exists to a considerable extent in the seeds. It is ob- tained by submitting them, when dried, to the action of alcohol of '800 with the assis- tance of heat; and the product of the diges- tion in alcohol of *836 ; evaporating the li- quor to the consistence of extract, dissolving the matter furnished by the alcohol in water in order to separate the resin and oil and evaporate to dryness. Thus prepared the principle is yellow ; its taste is bitter, solu- ble in water and alcohol. — Memoires de la Societe de Physique et d^ Histoire Naturelle de Geneve, v. 75. ACTION OF GYPSUM ON VEGETA- BLES. Peschier finds that the solution of gyp- sum which has been removed from the fur- nace is sometimes acid. 2. That the influ- ence of gypsum has no elFect upon vegetables except in solution. 3. That on spreading gypsum upon the leaves during rain, its de- composition is effected in direct proportion to its solution, and the surfaces which the leaves present. 4. That its action upon ve- getables is due to the influence which the electric fluid exerts upon them, and upon the chemical combination which they absorb ; that from the influence of this fluid the de- composition of these combinations, and the formation of new products depend. Hence, the sulphuric acid is set at liberty and com- bines with potash in the juice. 5. That the electric influence is equal upon the raw and calcined gypsum. Hence, the former is to be preferred. 6. That the roots like the leaves decompose saline solutions. 7. That hydro -chlorate of lime may be employed with advantage. 8. That the influence of gyp- sum is not confined to leguminous plants. 9. That when spread upon the leaves gyp- sum has more influence than upon the roots. — Ibid. 180. ON THE SOURCES AND COMPOSI- TION OF THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF GAMBOGE. BY DR. CHKISTI- SON; AND ON THE BOTANICAL ORIGIN OF GAMBOGE. By De,. Graham. The papers of which the official abstracts are subjoined, were lately read before the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Gamboge was first made known by Clusi- us about the commencement of the seven- teenth centiry, as a concrete juice from China. About the middle of the same cen- tury, Bontius conceived he had traced it to a particular species of Eujyhor.bia, growing in Java and in Siam; from the latter of which countries the whole gamboge of commerce was at that time obtained. About the close of that century Hermann announced that gamboge was produced by two species of trees growing in Ceylon, which have been since often confounded together, but which are now designated by the names Garcinia Gambogia, and Stalagmitis Gambogioides. About the middle of last century, gamboge was referred by Linnaeus to the former of these plants, and his reference was generally admitted; but about thirty years later. Pro- fessor Murray of Gottingen conceived he had traced it satisfactorily from the specimens collected by Koenig in Ceylon, and informa- tion obtained by the same botanists in Siam, to a new species which he called Stalagmitis gambogioides. Dr. Graham shows, from specimens and drawings sent from Ceylon, both by Mrs, Colonel Walker to himself, and by David Anderson Blair, Esq, to the late Dr. Duncan, that the plant producing Ceylon gamboge is neither Garcinia gambogia, as Linnaeus thought, nor Xanthochymv.s ovalifolius, as conjectured by Dr. Wight and Mr. Arnott, nor Stalagmitis gambogioides, according to Murray and Koenig, but is a species descri- bed by Lamarck and Gartner under the name of Garcinia or Mangostana morella, although it differs from all of these genera in the struc- ture of its stamens, and, therefore, probably ought to be considered a new genus among those producing a gambogioid juice. Dr. Christison proved, that, at the pre- sent time, Ceylon gamboge is not an article of European commerce, and that the whole gamboge of the markets of this country comes, as in the time of Bontius, from China. After mentioning the analysis of fine gam- boge made by Braconnot in France, and John in Prussia, he stated the following as the mean composition of the several varie- ties of gamboge he has hitherto examined : — ■ Pipe gamboge of Siam: Resin 72-2; Arabia 23’0; iMoisture 4-8; Total 100’ 0 Cake gamboge of Siam: Resin 64’8; Ara- bia 20-2; Fecula5'6; Lignin 5 3; Moisture 4-1 ; Total 100-0. Ceylon gamboge sent by Mrs. Colonel Walker: Resin 70-2; Arabia 19-6; Fibre of wood and bark 5*6 ; Moisture 4-6. Ceylon gamboge, adhering to a specimen of the bark sent by Mr. David Anderson Blair: Resin 75-5; Arabia l8-3; Cerasin 0-7; Moisture 4-8; Total 99'3. The proportion of the gum to the resin varied somewhat in each variety, but never differed more than two per cent, from the means given above. The author added, that he had found the resin to be the active principle of gamboge. He inferred from the composition of the different kinds of gamboge, and other cir- cumstances detailed in his paper, that the cake gamboge of Siam is not entirely a na- 332 ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF CERTAIN PLANTS. tural production, but a manufactured article: that Ceylon gamboge, if freed from incidental fibrous matter, corresponds almost exactly with Siam gamboge : that, therefore, they are probably produced by the same plant : that Ceylon gamboge possesses precisely the same medicinal properties ; and that this variety, if more carefully colleeted, may, in all probability, be applied with equal advan- tage to every economical purpose which is at present served by the finest pipe gamboge of Siam. — Repertory of Arts, May, 1836. A. T. PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. By Professor Agassiz. Although the principal groups of animal are impressed with such characters as to be easily recognised and to admit of little doubt, yet their order and succession have been determined by no general principle. This appears from the discrepancy in the position assigned to them by the most eminent systema- tists, each of whom has assumed, arbitrarily, some organ or system of organs for the basis of his arrangement. Piofessor Agassiz, (at the last meeting of the British Association), after adverting to some German naturalists who alone have sought after a general princi- ple which should be satisfactory to “ philoso- phic naturalists,” passed in review the clashes of the animal kingdom, each of which, he sta- ted, exhibited in an eminent degree the deve- lopment of some one of the animal functions. "While vertebrate animals (with man their type) arrive at the greatest perfection in the organs of the senses, the invertebrate offer in the class of worms the representative of the system of nutrition, in Crustacea of cir- culation, in insects of respiration, and in mol- lusca oi generation. The Professor next pro- ceeded to demonstrate in what manner each subclass of vertebrate animal derives its pe- culiar character from some one element of the animal economy. This predominant element is the bony skele- ton in fishes, the muscular structure in reptiles, the sensibility of the nervous system in lurds, and the perfection of the senses in mammalia, which therefore reproduced the distinguish- ing character and constitute the type of verte- brate animals. He next showed tliat each of the other subclasses of the higher group is represented among the mammalia along with its own peculiar type. He explained his rea- son for the fourfold division which he had adopted in the subclass, pointing out the close affinity which connects the ruminantia, the pachydermata, the rodentia, the edentata, and the herbivorous marsupialia, (ia none of w'hich is the true canine tooth developed,^ which he considers as forming a single group ; in ano- ther he unites those characterized by the pre- sence of the canine tooth in its proper func- tion, (as an instrument of nutrition, not mere- ly of defence,) viz. the carnivora and those marsupialia which partake of their character, and the quadrumana. The cetacea form a group in themselves; and man another. The manner inwhich these represent the subclass- es of vertebrata was exhibited by the compari- son of Cetacea, with Fishes, Ruminantia , See. Reptiles, Carnivora, S^c. Birds; while man is the perfection and type of the mamrniferous conformation. Professor Agassiz then applied this prin- ciple to illustrate the order and succession of the groups in mammalia, by a reference to the order in which the fossilized remains of the vertebrata occur in the stratified deposits: 1. fishes, 2. reptiles, 3. birds, 4. mammalia. From the same consideration results the following arrangement of the repre- sentative groups among these last ; 1. cetacea, 2. ruminantia, &c., 3. carnivora, 4. man, who thus in a twofold aspect becomes the culmi- nant point of the animal creation. ISINGLASS. From the experiments made by Mr. Smith in the United States, it appears that theintes- tines of the fish the gadus merluccius furnish the purest species of isinglass, (Journ. de Pharm.) not inferior to that obtained from the sturgeon. The swimming bladder of this fish is laiger than that of other species of the same family. It is cut out and washed with pure water, and then dried in the sun. "When par- tially dry it is pressed between wooden rollers as thin as paper. The long stripes of isinglass which are met with in commerce, are the intestines of the gadus morrhua.f SPONTANEOUS PLANTS. Few things are more extraordinary than the unusual appearance and development of certain plants in certain circumstances. Thus, after the great fire of London in 1666, the en- tire surface ol the destroyed city was covered with such a vast profusion of a species of a cruciferous plant, the Sisymbrium irio of Lin- naeus, that it was calculated that the whole of the rest of Europe co\rld not contain so many plants of it. It is also known that if a spring of salt water makes its appearance in a spot, even a great distance from the sea, the neigh- bourhood is soon covered with plants peculiar to a maritime locality, which plants, previous to this occurrence, were entire strangers to the country. Again, when a lake liappeus to dry u !», the surface is immediately usurped by a vegetation which is entirely peculiar, and quite different from that which flourished on its for- mer banks. When certain marshes of Zealand were drained, the Carex cyperoides was observ- ed in abundance, and it is known this is not at all a Danish plant, but peculiar to the north of Germany. — In a work upon the useful Mosses by M. de Brebisson, which has been i announced for some time, this botanist states | that a pond in the neighbourhood of Falain * Philosophical Magazine No. 43. •1 Thomson’s Records, No. 3. SIR JOHN HERSCHEL’S RESEARCHES AT THE CAPE. 333 having been rendered dry during many weeks in ihe height of summer, the mud, in drying, was immediately and entirely covered, to the extent of many square yards, by a minute, compact, green turf, formed of an impercep- tible moss, the thaseum axillare, the stalks of which were so close to each other, that upon a square inch of this new soil, might he count- ed more than five thousand individuals of this minute plant, which had never previously been observed in the country.* BAROMETRICAL OBSERVATIOxNS, By Sir John Herschel. BAROMETRIC COMPARISONS.— Sir J. Herschel’s fine mountain barometer having been accurately compaied with the Standard barometer of the Royal Society, accompanied him in an extensive scientific tour which he made through France, Germany, Switzeriend, Italy, and Sicily, and was on that occasion succesively compared with the other barome- ters in the principal observatories of Europe. On his return to England it was again compar- ed with the Standard of the Royal Society, and although it had ascended with Sir John to the craters of Vesuvius and Etna, (in the latter case “ under circumstances very trying to the instrument,”) it was found to give the same difference within the three-thousandth of an inch as that obtained in the first instance be- fore setting out. 2. In 1832, the same moun- tain barometer was lent to Professor Hender- son, on his going out as Astronomer Royal to the Cape, and, having been compared both on setting out, and again in the following year on his return, the second difference was on this occasion the sameas in the former case, — name- ly, only the three-thousandth of an inch. 3. Be- fore Sir John Herschel’s leaving England in 1833, it was again compared with the Royal Society’s Standard, (giving the same diffeience as before,) and, on his arrival at the Cape, was compared with the barometer of the Roy- al Observatory in that colony ; the determi- nation of altitude in this latter instrument, as compared with the Royal Society’s, by the intermedium of the mountain barometer, be- ing the same within the five-thousandth of an inch as made on the former occasion by Pro- fessor Henderson ; the mountain barometer having, in the course of these comparisons, made three voyages to and fiom the Cape. EQUATORIAL DEPRESSION.-Sir John Herschel, in the observations made dur- ing his voyage out to the Cape, remarked the interesting phenomenon, that “ the barome- ter under the Equator has a lower mean alti- tude than in north or south latitude, and that the increase of altitude is steadily maintained at least as far as either tropic— the equatorial depression amounting to about two-tenths of an inch. The physical cause is not far to seek. It consists in the upward suction, which is the immediate consequence of the overflow of the equatorial atmospheric column into the extia-tropical regions, and which is ♦ Jameson’s Journal, No. 39. not immediately compensated by the under- current of the Trades. It is a dynamical re- sult, into which time enters as an essential element. In this (as in the tides) equili- brium is not established instanter, and this gives room for the development of appie- ciable differences of tension in diffeient parts of ttie circuit.” BAROMETRIC FLUCTUATION— Sir John Herschel states tlrat he has, since his arrival at the Cape, been collecting data for an inquiry into the laws of barometric fluctua- ation in those regions, and, having fortunately met with a fine series of fifty-seven months’ observations by Capt. Bance, registered in Cape Town, he has undertaken the labour of reducing them. “They exhibit an ex- tremely regular fluctuation of three-tenths of an inch, by which the barometer stands higher in July than in January. On the other hand, by the Calcutta Registers, as published by Priusep, for the last two years and a half, it appears that the reverse obtains there,— the barometer standing higher in January than in July by about ‘5'i inch. Thus, it appears that there is an annual bodily transfer of a certain considerable mass of air from hemi- sphere to hemisphere ; and of this, too, the cause is obvious, being the more heated state of that hemisphere over which the sun is vertical, in comparison with that on which he shines obliquely.” FOOT-MARKS OF UNKNOWN ANI- MALS AND BIRDS IN NEW RED SAND STONE. Our geological readers are familiar with the description, by Dr. Duncan, of the traces of animal impresstions in the new red sand- stone of Dumfries-shire. Traces of un- known animals have recently been detected in a similar rock, at Hildburghausen, inThu- ringia, by M. Lickler. Traces of four spe- cies of different animals can be observed. Two footmarks are always found together ; one behind about six inches long, the other before, only half as large. The toes are five. The large toe is situated at a right angle in relation to the others. The two large toes of one pair of feet are directed always from the same side, but the same toes of the fol- lowing pair are directed in the opposite way. The animal must, therefore, have ambled. A remarkable feature is, that the pairs of feet follow in a right line : — lienee the animals must, when they walked, have raked the earth. Count Munster considers them to have been amphibia ; Weiss, on the contrary, mammiferae ; while Link beleives them to have been gigantic sauri, like the chameleon. — (Bihliotheque Universelle, 1835, vol. ii. 399.) The first traces of birds, however, in a similar situation, have been discovered on the banks of the Connecticut river, in Massa- chusetts ; and described by Professor Hitch- cock, of Amherst College. The appear- ance presented is that of the feet of a bird which had been walking in the mud. The 334 SCIENTIFIC MEETING AT THE GOVERNMENT HOUSE. depressions are more or less perfect and deep ; and have been made by an animal with two feet, and usually three toes. In a few in- stances a fourth, or hind toe, can be obser- ved, not exactly in the rear, but inclining somewhat inward ; and in one instance, the toes all point forward. Sometimes these ternate depressions run into one another, as the toes approach the point of convergence, but they also sometimes stop short of that point, as if the animal had not sunk deep enough to allow the heel to make an impres- sion. Attached to the posterior impression, there is frequently an appendage resembling a tuft of hairs or bristles. In all cases, where there are three toes pointing forwards, the middle one is the longest. Mr. Hitchcock found these impressions to correspond close- ly with those formed by small species of re- cent grallae, particularly snipes. He divides the tracks in the sand-stone into 7 species, under the genus Ornithichnites. 1 . Pachyd- actyli ; O. giganteus ; O. tuberosus; Lepto- dactyli; O. ingens ; O. diversus ; O. tetra^ dactylus ; O. palmatus; O. minimus. — {Sil- liman's American Journal, xxix. 307. 1. SULPHURET OF NICKEL AND BISMUTH.— This mineral is found in the district of Syan Altenkirch, occurring along with quartz and copper pyrites. It crystalli- zes in octahedrons. Lustre metallic. Colour, light steel gray. Hardness, between that of fluor spar and apatite. Before the blow-pipe, upon charcoal, it gives out in the oxydating flame the odour of sulphurous acid, and after being long exposed to the blast, leaves a me- tallic-grain which is attracted by the magnet. It affords no fumes of arsenic or antimony. With soda, a sulphuret is obtained and a white metallic grain which is magnetic. With bo- rax, in the oxydating flame, a transparent brown glass is formed ; in the reducing flame, a gla«s possessing a similar colour but mixed with precipitated nickel. With salt of phos- phorus a brown glass is formed, which on cooling, becomes faintly green. The specific gravity could not be determined, in conse- quence of the quartz with which it was mixed. It dissolves readily in acids. Its constituents, according to Kobell are, sulphur 38-40 ; nic- kel 40-65 ; iron 3-48 ; cobalt 0-28 ; bismuth 14HI ; copper T68 ; lead T58. Its composi- tion may be represented by 8 Nk SI .^Bs ^ A. - (Journal fur praktische Chemie, vi. 332.) 2. OERSTEDITE.— This mineral descri- bed by Forchhammer, occurs at Avendal, commonly seated in augite crystals. Colour, brown-splendent. Crystals belonging to the compound pyramidal system. The terminal angle of the first pyramid is 123^ 16* 30 The shape has some resemblance to that of Zircon, the angle of which is 123“^ 19'. Specific gravity 3'629. Hardness, between felspar and apatite. It consists of silica 19 708 ; lime 2 612; magnesia 2-047 ; protoxide of iron 1*136,; titanic acid and zirconia 68 965 ; water 5*532; manganese a trace. — (Poggendorff's Ann, XXXV. 630.) 3. BIN-ARSENIET OF NICKEL.— Mr. Booth has analyzed this mineral, from Riechelsdorff, in Hess. Its colour is tin white with a tinge of blueish gray. Fuses before the blow-pipe into a metallic bead, giving out arsenic and into a blue glass with borax. Its constituents are, nickel 20-74 ; cobalt 3*37; iron 3 -25; arsenic 72-64. The nickel and cobalt were separated according to the method of Laugier, that of Phillips having failed after repeated trials. — (Silliman's Journal, xxix, 241.) THE INDIA REVIEW. Calcutta: November 15, 1836. LORD AUCKL.4ND’S SCIENTIFIC P.4RTY AT THE GOVERNMENT HOUSE. At a period when Science and the Arts are throwing their dazzling light over all parts of Europe, by the operations of that splendid in- stitution, the British Association, it is with no common feelings of exultation and delight that we behold the dawning of a similar era in Bri- tish India ; the more so when the avenues are seen to open at the residence of the first person in these realms. By this act the Go- vernor General is infusing in the bosoms of the people under his rule a spirit of emula- tion and rivalry, in the glorious strife for new discoveries promotive of good as regards Science, the Arts, and the prosperity of our eastern possessions. On the 8th Instant there was a party at the Government House, to which, gentlemen | of scientific pursuits and attainments were in- j vited, with the view of bringing forward in- teresting discoveries regarding General Science. This portion of our Editorial matter is so nearly being printed off, that we can give but a faint sketch of what occurred on this occasion. Among some beautiful collections in Conchology, Botany, Hindoo Sculpture ; drawings by Hodgson, MacClelland, and Cantor on Nepal, Assamese, and Bengal Zoology, there was a splendid cabinet of insects, collected and prepared by the in- genious and talented curator of the Asiatic Society, Mr. Pearson. DR. McClelland a zealous geologist. 335 The socket of the thigh bone of the ele- phant, taken out of a rock at Seoonee by our intelligent and esteemed friend George Spilsbury, Esq. and plans of the building to celebrate the never to be forgotten Libera- tion of the Indian Press were on the table and rigidly criticised and surveyed. By the way, we must not omit to mention that this was the best proof, which the Noble Host could give of his sentiments regarding his countryman and predecessor’s proudest boast^ — The Liberty of the Press. May this ever be the motto of the Go- vernment House, in the capital of India. But for the freedom of the press , science would have been smothered in its infancy by those who are the persecutors and oppressors of the advocates of free discussion. The entertainments of the evening com- menced on the entrance of Lord Auckland, when Dr. O’Shaughnessy exhibited a working model of a machine made by himself, pro- ducing moving power by the application of electro -magnetic influence. The Reverend Mr. McCauley of the British Association exhibited the working model of a machine for producing this power, and which is des- cribed at page 137 of our Journal, to which we must refer our readers. The exhibition of the model by Mr. McCauley was received with sincere and reiterated applause, and many scientific men present expressed san- guine expectations of the value of the me- thod in a practical point of view : a similar feeling was evinced by the whole of the Governor General’s party, on witnessing the ingenious working model of another machine by Dr. O’Shaughnessy. The sub- ject is one of the highest importance. We beg to call the attention of our readers to two papers, in our present number on the ap- plication of electrico- magnetic power to mechanics : one is illustrated by a lithogra- phic drawing of the instrument originally constructed by Mr. Saxton, but improved upon by Mr. Watkins. Our last accounts mention that it is exhibited at the Gallery of Practical Science ; for contrivance, the writer adds, none can vie either in simpli- city or in beauty of design. But to return to the party, — at another table, to which, in consequence of the crowd, we could not obtain access, we understand the galvanic force from the ordinary magnet was developed by an ingenious apparatus belonging to Mr. J. Prinsep. Water was decomposed, and other interesting powers of the magnet shown. As taste becomes pure, meetings of the nature we have described, will be the means of bringing forth a diversity of genius — to the exercise of faculties which otherwise would have lain dormant — to the meditation on the labours of others, which would otherwise never have been thought of, and finally lead to the enchanting paths of distinction and celebrity, marking the superiority of intellectual, solid, and real pleasures over those of a frivolous and trifling nature, where the mind is never beneficially and fully developed. We know there are men in this country who will differ from us in regard to our expectations as to the great ulterior good to be derived from Lord Auckland’s scientific parties. There are some who conceive that in India there is a deficiency of genius and talent. Granting the aspersion as just by way of argument,yet we repeat the encouragement will inspire what D. ’Israelii, calls scientific industry, — “ the art which seizes, as if it were, with the rapidity of inspiration, what- ever it discovers in the works of others, which may enrich its own stores ; which knows by a quick apprehension what to examine and what to imbibe ; and which receives an atom of intelligence, from the minds of others, on its own mind, as an accidental spark, falling on a heap of nitre, is sufiicient to raise a powerful blaze.” Dr. McClelland. It is with great regret we learn that this zealous geologist is about to return to his regiment, on account of the Mission, of which he was a member, being dissolved. Is a man of his scientific acquirements, which we have so fully shown in our review of his valuable work on the Geology of Kemaon, to be circumscribed in the great work of scien- tific research and instruction ? Are his capabilities of advancing the cause of Science by developing the latent resources of this country to be confined within the narrow walls of a native regimental hospital ? Science has surely stronger claims, and at least for her sake, we earnestly and sincerely hope they may be attended to. 33G DR. THOMSON ON MANGANESE. PROGRESS OF SCIENCE, AS APPLICABLE TO THE ARTS AND MANUFACTURES; TO COMMERCE. AND TO AGRICULTURE. METHOD OF DETERMINING I’HE VALUE OF BLACK OXIDE OF MAN- GANESE FOR MANUFACTURING, PURPOSES. By Thomas Thomson, M.D., F.R.S., L. AND E. Regius Pro- fessor of Chemistry in the University of Glasgow. The manganese to ‘be tested must be re- duced to a fine powder or brought into the state in which it is used by the manufactur- ers of bleaching-powder. To determine its value, proceed in the following manner : Into a balance Florenced flask put 600 grains of water, and 75 grains of crystals of oxalic acid. Then add 50 grains of the man- ganese to be tested ; and, as quickly as pos- sible, pour into the flask from 150 to 200 grains of concentrated sulphuric acid. This is best done by having a given weight of sul- phuric acid, say 210 grains previously weigh- ed out in a glass measure, counterpoised on one of the scales of a balance. You pour into the flask as much of the sulphuric acid as you can conveniently. Then, putting the measure again into the scale, you determine exactly how much has been put in. A lively effervescence takes place, and carbonic acid gas is disengaged in abundance. Cover the mouth of the flask with paper, and leave it for 24 hours ; then weigh it again. The loss of weight which the flask has sustained isexactly equal to the quantity of hinoxide of manganese in the powder exami- ned. Thus, let the loss of weight be 34 grains ; the quantity of binoxide of manga- nese in the 50 grains of the powder which was tested will be 34 grains ; or it will contain 68 per cent, of pure binoxide of manganese, and 32 per cent, of impurity. To understand what takes place, it is ne- cessary to recollect that oxalic acid is com- posed of 2 atoms carbon 1*5;3 atoms oxy- gen 3 ; total 4‘5; and that binoxide of man- ganese is composed of 1 atom manganese 3'5; 2 atoms oxygen 2 ; total 5'5. The oxalic acid acts on the binoxide by abstracting one-half of its oxygen, which converts it into carbonic acid ; hence the effervescence. 55 grains of pure binoxide of manganese would give out 10 grains of oxy- gen, which would convert 45 grains of oxa- lic acid into 55 grains of carbonic acid which escaping, indicate, by the loss of weight, the quantity of carbonic acid formed. Nows it happen, that the weight of thecarbo- nic acid formed isexactly equal to the quanti- ty of binoxide of manganese which gives out its oxygen to the oxalic acid. Hence, the reason of the accuracy of the test. In other words, an integral particle of bin- oxide of manganese, which weighs 5'5, gives out 1 atom of oxygen. This atom of oxygen combines with an integrant particle of oxalic acid, weighing 4;5, and converts it into two integrant particles of carbonic acid, which both together weigh 5.5. As this carbonic acid escapes, the loss of weight must be just equal to the quantity of binoxide of manga- nese in the powder subjected to experiment. In practice, I find that a small quantity of the binoxide of manganese sometimes escapes the action of the oxalic acid, being probably screened by the great quantity of impurity with which it is mixed. But the deficiency of carbonic acid occasioned by this is about made up by the moisture which the carbonic acid gas carries off along with it. 1 his ren- ders the error in general trifling. It will be proper to subjoin an example or two of the method of proceeding, to enable the reader to judge of the goodness of this test, and its value to the manufacturer. The black oxide of manganese employed was subjected to analysis, and found com- posed of Binoxide of manganese 68.49 Pero- xide of iron 11.85 ; Water 5.6;8 earthy mat- ter 13.98 ; total. 100.00 Experiment 1. Put into the flask — Water 599 grs. Oxalic acid . , 75, Black oxide . . 50, Sulphuric acid 1 84 , Total . . 908 Loss of weight 32'5 grains. It ought to have been 34-245 grains. Eri’or 1'745 grains. ; Experiment 2. Put into the flask — Water 600 grs. Oxalid acid . 75, Black oxide . 50, Sulphuric acid 154, Total 879 Loss of weight 34-5 grains. It ought to have been 34.245 grains. Here the error is in excess, and.amounts to 0*255 grains. Experiment 3. Put into the flask — Water 600 grs. Oxalid acid 75 Black oxide. 50 Sulphuric acid 154*1 Total 879*1 Loss of weight 35 grains. Here also the error was in excess, and amounted to 0.755 grains. APPLICATION OF ELECTRICO-MAGNETIC POWER TO MECHANICS. 337 Let us take the mean of these three expe- riments : Loss of weight by 1st .. .. 32*5 grs. 2nd 34*5 3rd 35-0 3)102 Mean 34 grains-. Here the error amounts to 0*245 grains which is considerably less than 1 per cent. If, therefore, three trials be made, the error will be under 1 percent. ; so that the method is quite sufficient to indicate very nearly the quantity of binoxide of manganese in any ore. Now, it is the binoxide of manganese alone that is useful to the manufacturer; the sesqui-oxide and red oxide availing very little in the pre- paration of chlorine, for which almost alone the ore is used by manufacturers. I tried various other proportions of the ingredients, but found the preceding the best. I tided, also, the effect of rubbing up in a mortar the oxalic acid and black oxide. But the error is least when the oxalic acid is merely poured into the water, and the black oxide added before the acid is dissol- ved. Unless the sulphuric acid be added last, we cannot be sure of our weights.' ON THE APPLICAllON OF ELEC- d RIGO-MAGNETIC POWER TO MECHANICS. By M. J. D. Botto, Turin. The singular energy with which magnetic action is developed in soft iron, under the in- fluence of electi icily in motion, is well known. As the possibility of applying this new power to mechanical purposes involves a subject of much interest, 1 have been induced to make known tlie results which 1 have obtained.* The mechanism which 1 employed consists of a lever put in motion, after the fashion of a melronom, l>y the alternate action of two fixed electiico-magnetic cylinders, operating upon a third cylinder which is moveable, and attached to the lower arm of the lever, whilst the su- perior arm maintains a constant swinging movement; which is regulated, in llie ordi- nary method, by a metallic wheel. 'I'he apparatus was so disposed, tliat the axes of the three cylindeis, all i erfectly equal, be- ing situated in the same vertical plane, and perpendicular to the axis of motion, the oscillatoiy cylinder, by one of its extremi- ties, alternatively came in contact witli, and in tlie direction of, the one or liie other of the other two cylinders, placed at the ex- treme limits of its movements ; and each time, at this very in-tant, the direction of the mag- netiaing current in its spiral was changed, toe lest of the circuit maintaining the same diiec- * I may here I’emark, that the expectancy of giving a wider range to my experiments, and also my being under the necessity of leaving town, have produced considerable delay iu tbe pu lication of these facts. I have now, how- ever, determined to announce them, from hav- ing seen in the last num' er of Gazette Piemon- faise, that M. Jacobi of Konigsberg has suc- ceeded iu obtaining perpetual motion simply by means of electrico-magnetic influence. tion, so as to produce poles of the same name with those in the fixed cylinders, at the two extremities, situated in relation with the moving cylinder. The change of direction, which we have just been mentioning, is obtained with the help of a piece of mechanism, on the prin- ciple of a balance, and known under the name of a Bascule, where the very movement of the macliine itself inverts the communications. It is clear that, on account of this arrange- ment, the middle cylinder must undergo al- ternating agreeing influences of attraction and repulsion, in virtue of which the mecha- puts itself in motion, to all appearance spontaneously, and so actively maintains it. . by the arrangement of the magnetic force.s which incite it, and which are sustained by the electrical currents. I have tried to succeed without the spiral of the middle cylinder, by making the two fixed magnetized cylinders alternately act upon it. An adhesion, however, which con- tinued alter the ce-isation of the magnetic currents, very much diminished the mechani- cal effect; whilst, on the other hand, in the other arrangement, the adhesion not only ceased, but was converted to a certain extent into repulsion, with a rapidity equal to that of the current itself, which, scarcely for an instant interrupted by the play of the (bascule) pendulum, precipitated itself (the com- munication being inverted) into the spiral of the middle cylinder, in a contrary way to its former direction, at the same time resuming its ordinary course in the other two spirals. The niovemeni of the lever, and of the regulator, resulting from this arrangement, IS perfectly free. Commencing slowly, it speedily and by degrees acquires the maxi- mum of the velocity which the energy of the curients wliich produce it allows of, a velo- city which is then maintained as equally as the intensity of the cu: rent itself, and as long as the electrical influence is preserved.* On the piesent occasion 1 shall say no- thing concetning some observations 1 had made upon the employment of various acid and salute solutions, and also of sea-waier. Much inteiest is excited by the contempla- tion of these novel effects of a power, which exhibits itself in a manner so different from that seen in most other bodies ; and we are almost tempted to anticipate flattering results from those ulterior applications, to which the management of this mysterious agent may lead.f ♦ There is a great similarity ,both as it regards the gener'al arrangement of the apparatus and the nature of the moving principle, between the mechanism of M. Botto and the electrical clock ofM. Zamboiii. This clock is put in mo- tion I y a pendulum, which is a Iternately at- tracted and repelled by the poles of two dry galvanic piles, wliich are known under the name of Zami.oni’s piles. + The Chevalier.s Avogrado and Bidare, who have both seen the apparatus in movement, have given expression to their surprise, not so much on account of the novelty of the fact, as on account of the speculations it suggested to those aide men. respecting the general con- nexion which might subsist between this sim- ple result and the progress of science and me- chanism. 338 IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR ANATOMISTS. The dimensions of the apparatus justdes- cribed are very inconsiderable, and such that the current arising from fifteen plates, Pinches square, can produce the movement. J he electro-dynamic cylinders, which principally determine the limits of the mechanical effect, are 4 inches in length, and about half an inch in diameter ; they are surrounded by a spiral thread 130 feet long, of the thickness of about the fiftieth of an inch. The lever is of wood : the superior and inferior arms are respectively of the lengths of 14 and 3 inches; the extent of the oscillations is 15 degrees. In fine, the regulator weighs about 5 pounds, and the entire weight of the whole is about 11 pounds. Considerations, which readily offer them- selves on a comparison of the maximum mag- neto-mechanic effect of this apparatus, and the size of its different parts, have suggested the substitution for the cylinder of the ordinary horse-shoe form of electrico-magnetic bars, and the augmentation, within certain limits, of the number and size of these bars, and also of the length cf the spirals. As I have not finished my experiments on this subject, I shall at present confine my- self to the statement of the foregoing facts; which I have thought it expedient to publish, not only on general scientific ground?, but also because the study of the new kind of effects to which it belongs, may be consi- dered as fruitful of important mechanical results.* PRESERVATION OF ANIMAL MATTER. At a late meeting of the Asiatic Society, a human hand, and apiece of beef, preserved by means of preparation of vegetable tar, fourid on the borders of the Red Sea, in the vicinity of Mocha, and a specimen of the tar, were pre- sented by Lieutenant-Colonel Bagnold. Jn an accompanying letter Colonel Bagnold ob- served— “ During my residence as Political Agent on the Red Sea, a conversation witii some Bedouin Arabs, in the vicinity of Mocha, led me to suspect that the principal ingre- dient used by the ancient Egyptians in the for- mation of mummies was nothing more than the vegetable tar of those countries, called by the Arabs fettfraun. My first trials were on fowls and legs of mutton, and which, though in the month of July, and the thermomete r ranging 94^ in the shade, succeeded so much to my satisfaction, that I forwarded some to Eng- land ; and have now the pleasure to send, lot the Society’s information and inspection, a human hand, prepared four years ago by rny brother, Captain Thomas Bagnold. The best- informed among the native Arabs think that large quantities of camphor, myrrh, aloes, and frankincense, were used ; these specimens will, however, prove that such were by no means necessary, as the tar, when applied alone, penetrates and discolours the bone, The tar IS obtained from the branches of a small tree, or shrub, exposed to a considerable degree of heat, and found in most parts of Syria and Ara- bia Felix.” — AthencKum. * Jameson’s Journal, No. 85. SPECIFICATION OF THE PATENT GRANTED TO JAMES CHERRY, OF THE CITY OF COVENTRY, PAINTER, CARVER, AND GILDER, FOR CER- TAIN IMPROVEMENTS ON BED- STEADS OR APPARATUS APPLICA- BLE FOR THE EASE AND COMFORT OF INVALIDS AND OTHERS. Sealed January 15, 1835. WITH AN ENGRAVING. ■with the said proviso, I. the said James Cherry, do hereby declare the nature of my said invention, and the manner in which the same is to be performed, are fully described and ascertained in and by the following des- cription thereof, reference being had to the drawings hereunto annexed, and to the figures and letters marked thereon, (that is to say) : — My invention consists in certain arrange- ments of apparatus and machinery attached to bedsteads or other frame work applicable to repose, by which a greater degree of ease and comfort is imparted when the body is in the recumbent posture, and by which the position of the body may undergo vari- ous changes with less trouble and inconve- nience. But in order that my invention may be most fully understood, I will describe the drawings hereunto annexed. BEDSTEADS FOR INVALIDS. 339 Fig, 1, shews a side view of a bedstead. A, A, is the standard frame, b, is the bed frame resting upon the standard frame, to which it is attached by hinges (marked a), c, is a frame to elevate the knees, placing the limbs on a double inclined plane, the frame is raised in the centre or knee point (which is rule jointed) by turning with the- windlass to the left hand. The roller mark ed, D, round which is a belt or strap attached to the bottom of the quadrant marked, e, as the roller turns round the strap, draws up the quadrant, and raises the knee-frame to what elevation i s required. A ratchet-wheel is fixed upon the roller, d, and is stayed by a catch when the frame is at the required height. G, shows the position of the knee-frame when not in use. h, is the bed-rest or frame for raisingthebody. i, is a roller and ratchet- wheel with strap round the roller attached to the bottom of the quadrant, J. By turning the roller to the right the quadrant is drawn up and raises the bed-rest at the head, which is also stayed when at its required elevation by the catch and ratchet, j, J, shews the bed-rest when not in use. K, shews one of two quadrants attached to the bed-frame, one on each side, l, is a roller, on which are two straps one attached to each qua- drant, K. On the roller l, are also two wheels or drums three times the diameter of the roller ; round each wheel or drum is another strap, which is also attached to the roller marked, m, on which roller is a ratchet- wheel ; the roller, m, is the moving power when it is turned to the right hand, the straps, connected to it, and the power- wheels or drums on, L, revolve the roller, L; and by the straps on, L. attached to the quadrants, k, the whole bed-frame is elevated at the head turning upon the hinged pivot (a) , but which will be better understood by referring to drawing, fig. 2. The necessity of two rollers and power- wheels in this movement is obvious. The -weight of the bed-frame and machinery, together with the bedding and the body would be too great for a single power. Thus by adding a second roller with power-wheels, the force required to raise the bed frame is reduced in the same proportion as the roller, M, is to the power-wheel, l, or one third the position of the quadx-ants, k, j, and e ; the rollers, straps, drums, ratchets, &c. will be more clearly comprehended by referring to fig. 3, that being a ground plan, n, shews one of two cylinders running lengthwise one on each side the bed-frame. These cylinders revolve each upon an axis running through them, the pivots of the axis acting in the head and foot boards of the bed-frame mark- ed, o and p. The axis is fixed by a ratchet- wheel and catch at the foot end marked, o,. Inside each cylinder are two springs upon the chronometer principle, but proportionately stronger, one near each end. The springs are attached like those of the chronometer to the axis and to the cylinder. The bed sacking is attached to the cylinders, being three times the width of the bed-frame, one third of the sacking is wound round each cylinder, the other occupies the space be- tween them ; when the springs are set up, which is done by winding the axles by the windlass (a) outwards or right and left from the centre, the sacking is drawn tight, as is shewn by dotted lines from each cylinder in figs. 4 and 5. The bedstead is thus ready for use, and the bedding is made up on it in the usual way. When you lay down upon the bed, the weight of your body causes each cylinder to revolve inwardly upon its axis (which is fixed by the ratchet and catch), and according to the strengh vrith which the springs are set up, the sacking with the bed- ding is compressed to a concave of any depth from three'to twelve inches (see fig. 4, dotted lines), the body riding in anundulating motion supported by the springs, and the back being relieved from pressure, which is imparted equally to the sides and shoulders. Vv^hen the position of the body requires changing, set the axis of either cylinder at liberty by press- ing upon the windlass, r, fig. 1, and freeing the ratchet from the catch, then gently let the cylinder revolve with the axle until the sacking, &c. is received by the concave plat* form (described by the double line in fig. 4.). The weight is now supported by the platform, and the springs of the cylinders are kept inactive by bolting the catches oif the rat- chets. As the bedstead is now arranged, the body may undergo the various changes by revolving the cylinder, a, fig. 4, outwards ; the sacking which occupies the space across the platform, and on which the bedding and the body rest, coils round the cylinder, and its place is su; plied by the sacking from the cylinder, b, fig. 4. The bedding is cai-ried with the sacking over the cylinder, a, whilst the body gently turns in the concave, and is placed on its right side ; one revolution of the cylin- der effects this, and a second ; places the body on its chest. A counteraction on the cylinder, B, produces the same changes on the left side ; a change of bed and bedding is thus effected. On a table placed along side the bedstead, make up the fresh bedding in the usual way, but intersecting it with the bedding already in use. The fresh bed and sheet being placed over the cylinder and un- der the bed in use, wrapping under about twelve inches ; thus prepared, revolve the op- posite cylinder outwards, this draws the sacking over the platform, the two beds and bedding going with it. That in use is drawn over the cylinder on to the floor, and its place is occupied by the fresh supply with the pa- tient on it, he having gently turned over once during the change, x, shevrs the bed-pan and groove frame in which it slides. Fig. 2, shews the bedstead w^hen converted into an easy chair. First raise the knee-frame to an angle of forty-five degrees, w^hich is marked on the quadrant; this forms the chair-seat ; next raise the bed-rest to an an- gle of thirty degrees (also marked on the qua- drant) ; this forms the chair back. Lastly, elevate the bed- frame to forty-five degrees (also marked on the quadrant) and chair is complete. Fig. 3, is a ground plan shewing the posi- tions of the vaious rollers, straps, drums, 340 WATKIN’S ON MAGNETO-ELECTRIC INDUCTION. ratchets, and quadrants, the whole of which have been already explained in the reference to fig. I. The spaces marked by the dotted lines are the knee-frame, c, c. And the bed- rest, H, H. The circle marked, x,is the aper- ture in the platform under which the bed-pan is placed. Fig. 4, is a section of the bed-frame at the head board, a, b, shews the two cylinders, c, D, the side posts (marked b in fig. 1 ) e is the roller extending across the bed-frame by which the bed-rest, f, f, is raised, g, is a portion of the quadrant ; the double black line shews the concave platform, the diagonal lines shew the bearers of the platform, those bearers resting upon the bed-frame; the top dotted line from the cylinders shews the line of sack- ing when strained by the springs and free from the pressure of the body ; the other lines shew different degrees of compression by the body according to its weight or the strength with which the springs are set up. Fig. 5, shews a section of the foot board platform, and knee-frame. Fig. C, represents a portable bed-rest affix- ed on the bedstead as it may be wanted occasionally, a, is a frame of brass or other metal supported by a standard (also of metal) marked, b, which is secured to the outside of the bed-frame at, f. The frame, a, is at- tached to the standard, b, by a pivot on which it turns, c, is a quardrant by which the bed- rest is raised at the head, actuated by a roller and strap, o. e, shows the lied-rest when elevated ; a coi responding frame is on the other bed-post, and the two are connected at the head by a board marked, a, fig. 7. To the board, a, are fixed two quadrants, c, c, fig. 7, actuated as has been already explained by the roller, b, fig. 7, and d, fig. 6. The upper bar of the frame runs parallel with the top of the cylinder. A sacking is laid across from cylinder to cylinder, and, passing over the top bars of the frame is fastened to the lower bar by straps upon studs, which are described by the four dots. Fig. 7, shews the head of the portable bed- rest. A, is the board connecting the two metal side frames, b. is the roller, c, c, the quadrants, d, d, shews the ends of the metal side-frames which sweep round the tops of the cylinders from, f, to h. e, e, are the top bars. F, F, the lower bars and studs, g, is the sacking of the bed-rest, extended across the bedstead, and strapped to the studs of the lower bars, f, f. 'J he bed sacking, as before stated, is required three times the width of the bedstead ; in the sacking are two apertures each correspond- ing with that in the platform, x, fig. 3. These apertures are four feet distant from each other, or two feet each from the centre, , so that when the sacking is stretched across, one aperture appears on each cylinder. When the bedstead is preparing for use, care must be taken to have one aperture in the sacking immediately over that in the platform. This will cause more sacking to be on one cylinder than on the other, and it is on that side that the change bedding is to be made up, and which is denoted to tlie attendant by a red mark on the sacking at tlie foot of the c\ Un- der when a change of bedding is effected, the other aperture is over the centre and the bulk of sacking is on the opposite cylinder, whiclj is also denoted by the red mark, l lris is an infallible guide to the attendant to that side on which the change bed is to be made up, tor was it to be made upon the wrong side, there would not be a sufficiency of sacking to permit the change to be completed. For evacuation, the bed or mattress has an aperture in it corresponding with the others. This is closed by a cushion to fit when not wanted, the bed-pan slides under the bedstead immediately under the aperture, x, fig. I. When wanted for use. revolve either cylinder till the patient is placed on his side, the cushion is then taken out, and the body re- placed on the back. Having thus described the nature of my invention, and the manner of constructing and using the same, I would observe that I lay no claim to any of the parts separately of which the apparatus is composed, they being separately well known and in use. 1 there- fore only claim as my invention the application of the above combination of mechanical powers to a new and specific purpose, as herein represented and described, without confining myself to the use of any particular mateiial, or any particular fashion in the construction of the apparatus.— In witness whereof, &c. Enrolled July 15, 1835. MAGNETO-ELECTRIC INDUCTION. By Mr. F. Watkins. The production of motion by magneto- electricity is not new, many philosophers having already suggested and prepared vari- ous mechanical contrivances by which a body might be made to move continuously by mag- neto-electric agency. Among the contrivances with which I am acquainted, none can vie, either in simplicity or in beauty of design, with that which ema- nated from the ingenuity of Mr. Saxton. The instrument as originally constructed by him may be daily seen in operation at the Gallery of Practical Science in Adelaide Street. Having been, as you know, for a long time extensively engaged in the construction of electio-dynamic and magneto-electrical ap- paratus, on seeing Mr. Saxton’s machine,!, with his permission, immediately commenced making one nearly after his fashion, and af- terwards conceived that it might be made to show an increased number of phenomena. Following out my ideas experimentally, I ob- tained distinct revolutions from eight magne- tic needles, together with the vibration of a ninth. 1 am not aware that a multiplication of motion to this extent has been achieved be- fore ; indeed, by applying a second electro- magnetseventeen bodies might be put in mos. tion at the same time, and by a judicious ar- rangement even more. WATKIN’S MAGNETO-ELECTRIC INDUCTION. 341 Tiie drawing vfliich accompanies this cora- niunication represents my apparatus. In ar- rangement it varies very little from that of Mr. Saxton’s, the difference being merely in this respect, that Mr. Saxton places the axis wdiich carries his main revolving permanent magnet outside of the electro-magnet, while my axis is situated inside. The only advan- tage I obtained is that the apparatus is much more compact. Were this all I have to ad- vance on the subject, I sliould not trouble you with tlie present communication ; but as I have added seven permanent magnets in different situations, and succeeded in obtain- ing continued rotatory motion in all. I con- ceive that 1 have thus rendered the magnetic tov somewhat more interesting. The rev>)lving magnets I have had in mo- tion foreleven hours without superintendence, and they were only stopped when my worlc- shop was closed for the day. The chemical action on the copper and zinc elements of the voltaic battery employed to induce polarity in the soft iron by means of the copper wiie. surrounding it, is produced merely by salt and water (not nearly so strong as sea water); and I have a solution of this kind constantly in use. which has been nuxed above a month, and when the metallic elements are now placed in it. the magneto-electric machine in question acts without sensible diminution of force. The pendulum and suspended magnetic needles of this toy at times exhibit in a beau- tiful experiment of M. Plateau recordeil in Correspondence Mathematiqne et Physique, par M. Quetelel, tom. vi, p, 70 (1830). (a). A piece of soft iron bent in the form of a horseshoe magnet, paitly surrounded as at A by copper w’ire covered with silk in the usual manner. (c) . A permanent magnetic needle revolv- ing on an axis as represented in the figure, which axis has a contrivance of points dip- ping successively into a divided cup of mercu- ry, oue division of which is in connexion with the zinc element. The cup for the mercury cannot conveniently be shown in this figure, but it is placed so that the points on the axis, which have the efFect of changing the current in the copper wire enveloping each arm or branch of the soft iron, may dip into it suc- cessively as the axis rotates. (d) . A cup of mercury connected with one end of the copper wire coiled on the arms of the soft iron, while the other end of the wire is immersed in a similar cup situated at the other end of the axis, which it was impossible to show in the figure. . (eeeeee). Traversing magnetic needles; two, e S, revolve in a horizontal plane, the five former in a vertical plane. (/). A pendulum, consisting of a magnetic bar suspended by one end, which oscillates as already described. (g ^ g)’ A. mahogany stand or base for supporting the apparatus.’^ SAFETY OF LEAD PIPES PROTECTED BY TIN. (Extract of a letter from Mr. G. Chilton, dated Neio-York, June 23, 1834.^ Dear Sir, — Obseiving, in a late number, a notice of E w bank's tinned lea l pipes, and having- had many applications for infor- mation concerning tlie danger attending the use of metal pipes for conveying water, beer, cider, &c., I have been induced to subject the pipes of Ewbank to a lew trials, for the pur- pose of ascertaining whether, from the occa- sional contact of acids, any deleterious solu- tion of lead would attend their ordinary use. ^ Abridged fijom the Philosophical Magazine, No. 38. 349 IMPORTANT DISCOVERIES. It is well known, that the common beer pump, with a leaden pipe, has frequently given to the liquor a dangerous impregnation, especially after remaining stagnant for a time, and the beer in a sour state. The substitution of block tin would remove the apprehension of danger, but its greater price offers a strong temptation to the use of lead. It appears to me that the lead lube lined with tin will an- swer the ends of cheapness, safety, and durability. I would therefore invite your attention to the following experiments, which, if you think them of any importance to the public, you may insert in your Journal. Experiments. — Various portions of lead tube, coated, some with pure tin, and others with different alloys of tin and lead, were bent into the form of a semi-cii cle, and filled with vinegar of different degrees of strength. After standing, some a month, and others six weeks, with occasional disturbance, the clear solutions were tested, first with sulphate of soda, and afierwaids with bihydro-sulphuret of ammonia. The application of the first of these tests, namely sul. soda, produced no alteration in any of the solutions, from which it must be inferred that they contained no lead. The application of the second test produ- ced, as was anticipated, a brown precipitate of sulphuret of tin. In the same manner, two fresh pieces of tube were filled with a strong solution of common salt, which re- mained in contact for some time. The solu- tions, when assayed with the same tests, show- ed that notliing but a little tin was dis- solved. It appears that in all these cases, which I regard as galvanic effects, the tin was the most oxidahle metal, although, when not under the influence of polar arrangement and in the open air, lead appears to oxidiate sooner than tin. It is scarcely necessary to lemind you that re- sults similar to these were obtained thirty years ago by thecelebrated Professor Proust, at Madrid, who undertook for the Spanish Government an extensive seriesof experiments on the different alloys of lead and tin, with the express view of determining whether the popular prejudices against the coating of cop- per vessels with an alloy of tin and lead, which is the common practice, was ill or well founded. Nothing can be more satisfactory than the conclusions he drew from his labours, namely that as, in all his numerous experi- ments, neither lead nor copper were dissolved, there is little reason to fear the solution of lead from the tinning of our kitchen utensils. I may just mention here, that I am in the habit of cleaning out my soda fountain every spring with dilute muriatic acid, which uni- formly dissolves the oxide of tin without touching the copper, which 1 am persuaded will remain as securely as the sheathing cop- per in Sir Humphrey Davy’s great experi- ment, and for the same reason.— /Immcan Journal of Science and Arts, METHOD OF MAKING CAPILLARY TUBES IN METAL. For gas-burners, for the safe combustion of mixtures of oxygen and hydrogen, and forother purposes, it is often desirable to divide the end of the discharge-pipe into fine capillary tubes, of the depth of half an inch or more. It is difficult and expensive to bore such apertures ift a piece of solid metal, and it is hardly possible to he executed at all, if the apertures are required to be of very small diameter. Two new methods of producing such capil- lary tubes have been communicated to the Society of Arts — one by Mr. J. Roberts, of Queen-street, Cheapside, and the other by Mr. Henry Wilkinson, of Pall Mall — which are thus described in the last Part of the So- ciety’s Transactions: — Mr. Roberts’s Method. “ Mr, Roberts very ingeniously and expe- ditiously subdivides the end of a. metal pipe into small tubes of any required depth, by means of pinion-wire. Pinion-wire is made by taking a cylindrical wire of soft steel, and passing it through a draw-plate of such, a figure as to form on its surface deep grooves in the direction of radii to the axis of the wire: the ribs which separate these grooves from one another may be considered as leaves or teeth, and of such wire, when cut into pro- per lengths, are made the pinions used by watchmakers. Hence arises the name by which this wire is commonly known. If now a piece of this wire be driven into the end of a brass pipe of such a size as to make a close fit with it, it is evident that part of the pipe has thus been subdivided into as many smaller tubes as there are grooves in the wire. By using a draw-plate fitted to make smaller and shallower and more numerous giooves than are required in common pinion-wire, it is manifest that wires or cores may be pro- duced, which, when driven into metal pipes, as already described, will subdivide them into capillary tubes of almost any degree of tenuity.” Mr. Wilkinson’s Method. “ In the course of some experiments on artificial light, which I was enpged in about twelve months since, I was desirous of obtain- ing a great number of extremely minute aper- tures for a gas-burner ; and, finding it impos- sible, in the ordinary way, to obtain them, a new method occurred to me, which imme- diately produced the desired effect. I showed it at the lime to several eminent scientific men, who were unable to conceive how these apertures were formed; and, as I made no secret of the method, they were equally pleased at the simplicity of the operation ; and the specimen herewith sent has been ex- hibiting at the Gallery of Practical Science for several months. 1 did not attach much importance to it myself ; but, as 1 do not find that it is at all known, and now think it might be useful in a variety of ways, I have sent it for you to lay before the Society; and ON DRAWING WATER FROM DISTANT PLACES. 343 feliould they be of the same opinion, I shall feel much pleasure in communicating the mode of operation, by which any number of apertures, hardly visible to the naked eye, and of any length (even a foot, if required) may be made in any metal in ten minutes / “The process consists merely in turning one cylinder to fit another very accurately, and then, by milling the outside of the inner cylinder with a straight milling-tool of the required degree of fineness, and afterwards sliding the milled cylinder within the other, apertures are produced perfectly distinct, and of course of the same length as the milled cylinder. A similar effect may be produced on flat surfaces, if required.” — Mechanic’s Magazine. EASY METHOD OF FILLING LONG SYPHON TUBES. BY WILLIAM FOSTER ESQ. (From Silliman’s American Journal) The application of the syphon upon a large scale, for the purpose of drawing water from distant places, may not be new; but I do not remember to have seen it in this, or any other country, before I tried the experiment. The ancients, we know, brought water for the supply of their cities, by means of costly aqueducts, over hills and valleys, with- out ever using the fountain principle. Some years ago Mr. Chapman, proprie- tor of a distiller in Charlestown, requested me to describe my plan for carrying water through a syphon several hundred feet in length, and drawing water from one well into another : and with the instruction I gave him, he employed a plumber to lay a leaden tube of three-quarter inch bore, from a well twenty-five feet deep, several hundred feet distant from the well of his distillery, which was about thirty feet deep, and where he wanted a greater supply of water. The operation failed. He then came to me, told me that I had led him into an ex- pensive error. I told him that, had he communicated to me this intensions, I would, with great pleasure, have superin- tended the wmrk ; but now, not knowing what defects there might be in the tube, I consented to assist him, but my first essay was uncuccessful. The power of the syphon to overcome an eminence is limited to about thirty-two feet, answering to the column of water w'hich the pressure of the atmosphere can raise ; or that any defect in the syphon, or any air confined in it, would be fetal to its opera- tion. The usual mode of charging a syp- hon is by exhausting it partially by inspi - ration at the longer end. But [this was not possible with a tube several hundred feet long, and the expense of a pneumatic ap- paratus, to procure a vacuum, would have been too great ; therefore, I had determined to put it in operation by filling it with water, both ends being stopped ; this was done by a small branch at the summit of the tube ; and, when filled, this branch was well cork- ed, and the cork pressed down hard on the water, so as to exclude all the air at the surface. It was to be apprehended that some undulations might exist in the hori- zontal part of the tube, and afford a recep- tacle for air, which would there be confined without a possibility of escaping, and also prove fatal to the success of the experiment ; but of this I could know nothing, as I had not seen the tube laid. In this state of uncertainty, I began the operation, and filled the syphon ; but, as I said before, it failed. On the second trial, I observed that, when the syphon was full, the water in the filling branch rose and fell alternately, and so much that as water has but little elasticity, I concluded that there was air in the tube, and it was, therefore, emptied. Then, to charge it anew, and, at the same time, to exclude the air, it was proposed to perforate the lower end of the long branch, at the bottom of the receiving well, with a fork, just above the cork, which closed it. These small holes allowed the air to escape as it was driven before the water, without losing enough water to pre- vent the filling the tube with ease. Thus was the air excluded, and the syphon put into operation, and continued for a long time, with some occasional obstruction, arising from the smallness of the tube, and the want of water at the source. I should suppose that there were many situations where water might be brought from one valley to another, over any hill not ex- ceeding thirty-two feet or which could, without too much expense, be reduced to that point, for the purpose of UTigation, or manufacturing. Large quantities of water, as well as small, may be raised by means of iron mains of large dimensions ; and the cutting down hills to procure levels, or sur- rounding them, and thus increasing the length of aqueducts, at a great expense, and loss of water by percolation and evapora- tion, may be avoided. Mountain swamps may be drained, or any swamps, where a lower level is not too far distant for the place of issue, or even in a level country, provided some vein of loose gravel can be found, into which a place of discharge may be dug below the surface of the swamp. The ingenuity of our countrymen will, I am confident, yet find many other useful pur- poses to which the principle may be ap- plied. 344 HINTS TO THE PEOPLE OF INDIA— CAOUTCHOUC MANUFACTURE. METALLIC LIGHTHOUSES. Mr. Samuel Brown proposes employing bronze or cast-iron in the construction of light- houses, instead of stone. H e seems to ha ve made out that a bronze lighthouse would be incom- parably cheaper than a stone one, that it wotild be more secure against dilapidation or subver- sion by the waves, that tile lights would be better protected from the spray by which they are occasionally extinguished, that it could be erected in one-twentieth part of the time, and in situations where a stone structure is impracticable. It has been proposed to place a lighthouse on the Wolf Rock, near the Land’s-End, a position where it would be exposed to the most violent storms of the At- lantic : and a plan was drawn up for the pur- pose by Mr. Stevenson, who holds a high rank in this department of engineering ; which plan, Mr. Brown thinks, would require 15 years for its execution, and cost 150,0001. Mr. Brown undertakes to erect one of bronze, 90 feet high, which would answer the purpose as well as the stone one of 134 teet, for 15,000/. and to complete it in four months. — Scotswurt. LONGITUDE AT SEA. The Progress, a journal of Arras, states, that a person residing at Fauquembergue has, af- ter studying for thirty years, discovered the longitude at sea, and formed an instrument which constantly points out and rectifies the ship’s course, indicating the longitude and latitude in the chart. HISTORICAL RETROSPEC r OF 4 HE CAOUTCHOUC MANUFACTURE. ( Continued from page 231.) Hitherto caoutchouc had been supplied entirely form the American continent ; but near tne close of the last, or the begining of the present century, it was discovered that several kinds of plants giowing in the East, tiiough very different in appearance from the hevea of Mexico, afforded the same substance, or one very much resembling it ; and hopes were again raised that extensive use might f)e made of the juice in its fluid state. Mr. Howi- son experimenteddiligently with it, and be-ides making gloves, shoes, &c., a process practised by the Indians of Para, he proceeded to saturate with it loosely woven fabrics, such as Cossembazar gloves and stockings: — “ Haying drawn them upon the wax moulds, 1 plunged them into vessels contain- ing the milk, which the cloth greedily absorb- ed. When taken out they w'eie so completely distended by the gum in solution, tliat, upon becoming dry by exposure to the air, not only every thiead, but every fibre of the cotton had its own distinct envelope, and in consequence was equally capable of resisting the action of fluid bodies as if of solid gum. “ This mode of giving cloth as a basis I found to be a very great improvement; for, besides. the addition of strength received by the gum, the operation was much shortened. “ Woven substances that are to be covered with the gum, as also the moulds on which they are to be placed, ought to be considera- bly larger than the bodies they are afterwards intended to fit; for, being much contracted from absorption of the milk, little alteration takes place in this diminution of size, even when dry, as about one-third only of the fluid evaporates before the gum acquires its solid form.” From these experiments. Dr, Anderson an- ticipated imn)ense benefit to our fishing and commercial interests, from the applica- tion of the fluid to nets and cordage; and to the arts, from its use as a varnish. Still, however, there remained the difficulty of pro- curing it in sufficient quantities ; partly arising from the distance and wildness of the places which produced it, and partly from the diffi- culty of preserving it. He, therefore, stre- nuously urged its cultivation on the coasts of Africa, as the nearest tropical locality. No- thing, however, came of his zealous and well- men t efforts. In Nicholson’s translation of “ Fourcroy’s Chem stry,” vol. viii. (1804), we have a long article on this substance; its remarkable fitness to many purposes in the arts is strong- ly staled, and itsuses,as it was then employed^ are enumerated ; but no better expedient for extending its use is suggested than “ to import the juice of the hevea with caustic alkali added to it,” which prevents the elastic “ substance from precipitating;” while it is distinctly said, that “ it remains adhesive and viscid in the solutions” in fixed oils—that •* when dissolved by the oils of lavender, a«pic, turpentine, &c., with the assistance of a gentle heat, the viscid combination remains adhesive, incapable of drying, stiv.king to the hands, and. in fact, of no utility” — and that of the varnishes into the composition of which it is made to enter by a mixture of fixed and volatile oils, “ have the inconvenience of softening and becoming very adhesive when exposed to the rays of the sun or to heat.” That no further advances had been made up to 1807, is rendeied highly probable by the circumstance that no mention of the sub- ject is to be found in the immense collection of scientific notices forming the 2d volume of Dr. Young’s “ Lectures on Natural Philosophy,” more than is implied in giving the titles of some of the books we have already quoted. Even the substance itself is rarely mentioned, and then with very different views; while the only notice of water-proof cloth is a repetition of Vauquelin’s conjecture, that ” the operation w'as performed by means of soap, glue, alum, and a lit lie sulphuric acid.” No further improvements seem to have been attempted before 1820. the date of the first patent taken out by Mr. Thomas Hancock. It will be observed, that, up to this time, no real progress had been made towards tender- ing caoutchouc available for popular use, owing, on the one hand, to the impossiblity of obtaining the liquid juice in a proper state, and in sufficient quantities ; and, on the other, to the unmanageableness of caoutchouc when it had once become solid. (To be Continued,) A VALUABLE PAPER ON THE MANUFACTURE OF GLASS. 345 ON THE MANUFACTURE AND USE I OF SOLUBLE GLASS. (Teaiislntcd from “ Traiie de Chimie nppliqtiee |.| aiix Arts, par Mr. Dumas,” by James Renwick, I I LL. D., Professor of Nat- Exp. Philosophy I aixi Chermistry ill Columbia College, New Yolk. ) Soluble glass is a simple silicate of potassa or soda, which unites perfect solubility in boil- ing water to some of the general properties of ! common glass: besides, although the uses to which soluble glass is applied are very different from those of common glass, the study of it will furnish such exact and close analogies to other descriptions of glass, that we : are compelled to include it in the groupofche- j mical compounds which they form. The discovery of soluble glass and of its j uses, is due to a distinguished Germanche- misf, from whom we derive all we have to say in relation to it. This glass, when dissolved in water, forms a liquid which may be applied to cloth or wood, for the purpose of render- ing them incombustible. In fact, by the 1 evaporation of the water in which it is dis- solved, a layer of asubstance capable effusing when heated, is deposited on these bodies, which is capable of protecting them from the contact of air necessary for their combustion. Preparation,— Soluble glass may be obtain- ed by dissolving pure silea, obtained by pre- cipitation, in a boiling solution of caustic po- tassa ; but, this process, being both inconve- nient and costly, cannot be practised upon a large scale. When s^ind and carbonate of potassa are heated together, the carbonic acid is never wholly driven off, except when the sand is in excess, but the whole of the carbonic acid may be expelled by adding powdered char- coal to the mixture, in such proportion that the carbonic acid of that part of the carbo- nate which is not decomposed may meet with a sufficient quantity of carbon to convert it into carbonic oxide. In this way the silica first forms a silicate in the proportions con- tained in common glass, and drives off the appropriate equivalent of carbonic acid ; then, ata high heat, the rest of the carbonate of potas- sa is decomposed by the carbon, the carbonic oxideescapes, and the potassa, thus freed, either sublimes, or combines with the glass already formed. In order to obtain soluble glass of good and uniform quality, certain precautions are necessary. The caibonate of potassa em- ployed, must be purified.^ If itcontainrauch chloride of potassium, the product will not be entirely soluble in water, and a glu- tinous residuum will be left. In addition, the glass will be liable to effloresce. Sulphate of potassa does not produce any bad effect, be- cause it is decomposed by the carbon, when the matter continues sufficiently long in fusion ; but without this precaution, the glass will contain sulphuret of potassium, which also has a tendency to efflorescence. • Pearlash being the purer form, we shall use its name in the practical part. The sand must be pure, or at any rate must not contain any notable proportion of lime or alumina, for these earths render a part of the glass insoluble. A small portion of oxide of iron has no influence on the qualities of the glass. The sand and carbonate of potassa (pearl- ash) are taken in the proportion of two of the latter to three of the former, and to 10 parts of pearlash and 15 of sand, 4 parts of charcoal are added. A less portion of charcoal must not be taken ; on the contrary, if the form of potash employed be not sufficiently pure, a larger proportion of charcoal may be advan- tageously employed. This substance accele- rates the fusion of the glass, and separates from it all the carbonic acid, of which there would otherwise remain a small quantity, which would have an injurious effect. In other respects the same precautions that are employed in the manufacture of common glass, are to be observed. The materials must be first well mixed, then fritted, and finally melted in a glass pot, until the mass be- comes liquid and homogeneous. The melted matter is taken out of the pot with an iron ladle, and the pot is then filled with fresh /nf. Thirty pounds of pearlash, 45 of sand, and l21bs. of powdered charcoal may be taken for a charge ; with this quantity the heat must be continued for 5 or 6 hours. The crude glass thus obtained is usually full of air bubbles ; it is as hard as common glass, ofabiackish gray colour, andtransparentat the edges ; sometimes it has a colour approaching to whiteness, and at others is yellowish or red- ish ; these are indications that the quantity of charcoal has not been sufficient. If it be exposed for some weeks to the air, it undergoes slight changes, which rather tend to improve, than injure its qualities. It at- tracts a little moisture from the air which slowly penetrates its mass, without changing its aggregation or its appearance, it merely cracks, and a slight efflorescence appears at its surface. If it be exposed to heat, after it has undergone this change, it swells up, owing to the escape of the aqueous matter it has absorbed. In order to prepare it for solution in boil- ing water, it must be reduced to powder by stampers ; if this were not done, it would dissolve too slowly. One part of glass requires from 4 to 5 of water for its solution. The water is first heated to ebullition in an open boiler, the powdered glass is then added by degrees, and must be continually stirred, to prevent it from adhering to the bottom. The ebullition must be continued three or four hours, until no more glass is dissolved : tha liquor will then have acquired the proper degree of concentration, li the ebullition be checked before this state is attained, carbonic acid will be absorbed by the potassa from the air, which will produce an injurious effect ; for the same reason, too great a quantity of water must not be employed, for, during the long evaporation which will then become necessary, the carbonic acid of the water will readily combine with the potassa, and cause a precipitation of the silica. 346 ON THE USES OF SOLUBLE GLASS. When the liquor becomes too thick, before the whole of the glass is dissolved, boiling water must be added. When the solution has acquired the consis- tence of syrup, and a density of 1.24 to 1 .25, it is sufficiently concentrated and fit for use. It is then permitted to rest, in order that the insoluble parts may be deposited ; while it is cooling, a coriaceous pellicle forms upon the surface, which after a time disappears of it- self or may be redissolved by depressing it in the liquor. This pellicle begins to appear during the ebullition, as theliquor approaches a state of concentration, and may even serve to indicate this state. When the crude glass is of a proper com- position, it contains but a few saline impuri- ties, and no sulphuret of potassium ; it may be treated in the way we have described. But if it contain any notable proportion of these substances, they must be separated before it is dissolved ; this separation may be effected in the following manner: — The powdered glass, is exposed to the action of the air for three or four weeks, during which time it must be fre- quently stirred ; and if it run into lumps, which will happen in moist weather, they must be broken up. I’he glass as we have stated attracts moisture from the air, and the foreign substances either separate or effloresce. It then becomes easy to remove them from the glass. It is sprinkled with water, and fre- quently stirred. At the end of three hours the liquor is removed, it will then contain a part of all the saline impurities, and a little of the silicate of potassa ; the powder is again to be washed with fresh water. Soluble glass thus treated, readily dissolves in boiling water, and the solution leaves nothing to be desired. As soluble glassis employed in the liquid form alone, it is kept in this state for use. To preserve it, no particular care is necessary, as even after a long space of time it undergoes no perceptible change, if the solution have been properly prepared. The only precau- tion is not to allow air too free an access to it. A similar product may be obtained by using a carbonate of soda instead of one of potassa. In this case, two parts of the soda of the shops is required for one of silica. This glass has the same properties as the other, but is more valuable in its uses. I'he solutions of these two kinds of glass may be mixed in any proportion whatever, and this mixture is more serviceable in some cases, than either of them separately. Properties. — Soluble glass forms a viscid solution, which when concentrated becomes turpid and opalescent; it has an alkaline taste and reaction. The solution mixes in all proportions with water. When the density of the solution is 1.25, it contains nearly 28 per cent, of glass ; if the concentration be carried beyond this point, it becomes so viscid that it may be drawn out in threads like molten glass. Finally the liquor passes to the state of a vitreous mass, whose fracture is conchoi- dal ; it then resembles common glass, except In hardness. When the solution is applied to other bodies, it dries rapidly at common temperatures, and forms a coat like a varnish. Soluble glass, when dried, does not undergo any perceptible change when exposed to the air, and attracts from it neither moisture nor carbonic acid; neither has the carbonic acid of the atmosphere any well marked action ou the concentrated solution ; but when a cur- rent of carbonic acid is passed through the so- lution, the glass is decomposed, and hydrate of silica deposited. But a weak solution be- comes turbid on exposure to the air, and is after a time decomposed wholly. When the glass is impure, an efflorescence is formed after a while, which may be produced either by the j carbonate and hyposulphate. of potassa, or by chloride of potassium. Soluble glass dissolves gradually without residuum in boiling water ; but in cold water the solution is so slow as to have led to a belief that it does not dissolve at all. It however never becomes entirely insoluble, except when j it contains a much larger proportion of silica, or | when it is mixed with other bodies, such as the ' earths, metallic oxides, &c., with which double ' or triple salts are formed, as is the case in the common glasses. j Soluble glass which has been exposed to the air, and is afterwards submitted to the action of ? heat, swells and cracks at first, and melts with ! difficulty. It then loses about 12 per cent, of | its weight. It therefore contains, even when ’ solid, a considerable quantity of water, which j it does not lose when simply dried by exposure to the air. Alcohol precipitates it unaltered from its solution in water. When the solution is concentrated, but little alcohol is requiied for precipitation, and it need not be highly recti- fied. Pure soluble glass may therefore he easily obtained from an impure solution by the use of alcohol. The alcohol being added, the gelatin- ous precipitate is permitted to settle; the super- | nalantliquor is decanted, the precipitate collect- | ed, rapidly stirred after theaddilion of alittle cold water, and subjected to pressure . In truth, how- ever, this process is attended with some loss, for even cold water will rapidly dissolve the precipi- tated glass, in consequence ofitsminutedivision. The acids decompose the solution of glass. They also act upon it when solid, separating the silica in the form of powder. Uses.— The properties of soluble glass fit it for numerous and varied applications. It has been used in the theatre of Alunich as a means of safety from lire. | All sorts of vegetable matter, wood, cotton, hemp, linen, paper &c. are, as is well known, combustible ; but in order that they shall burn, two conditions are requisite, an elevated tem- perature, and free contact of air, to furnish the ' oxygen necessary for their transformation into water and carbonic acid. When once set on fire, their own combustion develops the heat necessary to keep up the chemical action, pro- vided they be in contact with air. If deprived of such contact, and made red hot, they will, it is true, yield inflammable volatile products, hut the carbon which is left will not burn, as it is deprived of air, and thus the combustion will slop of itself. Such is the part which all the APPLICATION OF SOLUBLE GLASS TO WOOD WORK. Ml fixed fusible salts are capable of performing, ifthey be, in addition, composed of substances incapable of yielding theii oxygen at a low red heat, to either carbon or hydrogen. These salts melt as the vegetable matter becomes heated; they form upon it a coat impenetra- ble to the air, and either prevent altogether, or limit its combustion. The phosphate and borate of ammonia have such a character, but they are so readily soluble in cold water, as to be liable to objections which cannot be urged against soluble glass. Although soluble glass is of itself a good preservative from fire, it fulfils the object bet- ter when it is mixed with another incombus- tible body in powder. In this case the solu- tion of glass acts in the same manner as the oil of painters. The several coats have more body, become more solid, and more durable; and, if the substance which is added be of proper quality, coagulate by the action of fire into a strongly adhesive crust. Clay, whit- ing, calcined bones, powdered glass, &c. may all be employed for this purpose ; but we can- not yet say with certainty which of them is to be preferred. A mixture of clay and whiling appears to be better than either used separately. Calcined bones form with soluble glass a very solid and adhesive mass. Litharge, which, with the glass, makes an easily fusible mix- ture, does not give a product fitted for coat- ing wood, as the mixture contracts in drying ; it therefore cracks, and is easily separated. Flint glass, and crude soluble glass, are excellent additions. The latter ought to be exposed to the air after it is pulverized, 'in order to attract moisture. If it he mixed with solution, and be then applied to any body whatever, it in a short lime forms a coating as haid as stone, which, if the glass be of good quality, is unal- teiable by exposure, and resists fire admirably. The scoriae of iron and lead, felspar, fluor, may all be employed with soluble glass; but experience alone can decide which of these substances is best, and in what proportion they are to be employed. We should advise that the first coat should always be a simple solu- tion of the glass ; and that a similar solution be applied over coats composed of its mixture with other substances, particulaily vvhen such coat is uneven and rough. The last named substances form a solid and durable coating, which suffers no change by exposure to the air, does not involve any great expense, and is readily applied. But, in order that it may not fail, particular care is to be taken both in preparing and employing it. In order to cover wood and other bodies with it, the solution must be made of a pure glass, for otherwise it would effloresce and finally fall off. However, a small degree of impurity is not injurious, although after a few days a slight efflorescence will appear ; this may be washed off by water, and will not show itself a second time. When a durable covering is to be applied to wood, too strong a solution must not be employed at first; for in this case it will not he absorbed, will not displace the air from the pores, and in consequence will not adhere strongly. It is a good plan to rub the brush several times over the same place, and not to spread the coating too lightly. For the last coats a more concentrated solution may be employ- ed, still it must not be too thick, and must be spread as evenly as possible. Each coat must be thorougly dry before another is ap- plied ; and this will take, in warm and dry weather, at least twenty-four hours. After two hours the coat appears to be dry, but is still in a state to be softened by laying on another. The same inconvenience will then arise, which occurs when a thick coat of a concentrated solution is applied ; the coat will crack, and does not adhere. This, however, is only the case when potassa is the base of the glass, for that formed from soda does not appear to crack. In applying soluble glass to the wood- work of the theatre at Munich, 10 per cent, of yel- low clay {ochre?) was added. After six months, the coat had suffered but little change ; it was damaged only in a few places, where it had need of some repair. This arose from a short time only having been allowed for the preparation and application of the glass, and they were therefore done without proper attention. When this mode is employed for preserving a theatre from fire, it is not enough to cover the woodwox’k, it is also necessary to preserve the scenery, which is still more exposed to danger. None of the methods yet proposed for this purpose appears so advantageous as soluble glass, for it does not act on vegeta- ble matter, and completely fills up the spaces between the thread ; it fixes itself in the web, in such a way that it cannot be separated, and increases the durability of the fabric. The firmness which it gives to stuffs does not injure them for use as curtains, because it does not prevent them from being easily rolled. So far as the painting of scenes is concerned, the glass forms a good ground for the colours. To prevent the changes which some colours, Prussian blue and lake for instance, might undergo from the alka- line matter, it will he necessary before painting to apply a coat of alum, and then one of whiting. There is no great difficulty in applying soluble glass to cloths, still this operation is not so easy as might at first he imagined. It is not sufficient to coat or dip them in the solution ; they still require after this opera- tion to he subjected to pressure. This object might perhaps be best attained by passing them between rollers plunged in the solution. When a cloth is only coated with soluble glass, is put into the fire, it will remain incandescent after it is taken out. This is not the case when it has been properly im- pregnated with the solution. A still better purpose is answered in this case, wh^en li- tharge has been added to the solution. The stuff' in drying yields to the shrinking of the mixture, and becomes inseparable from it, which is the reverse of what happens when it is applied to wood. A single part of litharge in fine powder is sufficient for fourteen parts of concentrated liquor. 343 MODERN PRINCIPLES OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, Soluble glass is capable of many other ap- plications, and particularly as a cement ; for this use it is superior to all those which have hitherto been employed, for uniting broken glass, porcelain, &c. It may be used in place of glue or isinglass, in applying colours, although when emjdoyed by itself, it does not make a varnish which will preserve its transparency when in contact with air. — Mechanic's Magazine. THE STUDY OF SCIENCE, A FAMILIAR INTRODUCTION TO THE PRINCIPLES OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. As, among our readers, there may be some who have not had opportunities of becoming ac- quainted with the recent elaborate researches and ingenious speculations of learned men in the several departments of Natural Philosophy, we have determined to devote a certain number of pages monthly, to form a series of lectures in the several branches of science, by way of a familiar introduction to the study of Natural Philosophy with modern discoveries. GEOLOGY. Geology is a greek word, compounded of ge, the earth, and /o^os, a discourse. While it is obvious that it constitutes a very import ant and attractive study, it is equally plain that it is attended with considerable difficul- ties ; in consequence, especially of our inabi- lity to penetrate far below the surface of our globe, and in fact the restriction of our exami- nations to only a portion of the land. We stand on the borders of oceans and rivers, or look into ravines, mines, and the clefts of moun- tains, like insects that skim the surface or pace the rim of a small vessel of water, or traverse the little mole-hill in the foot-path. We might here advert to some of the sys- tems which have been framed to explain the present appearances of the surface or, as it has been called, the crust of the earth ; but statements of this nature will be better defer- red till some of the principal facts which have been observed shall have been stated. Great diversities of opinion have prevailed on many points among geologists; and although our knowledge of tacts is continually increasing, we cannot be said to have yet advanced be- yond the surface of the science. Naturally, one of the first subjects of remark is the position, relative situation, and general character of the rocks thatconslitute thestruc- ture of the earth. They not only differ tiom each other in their essential elements, but in their figure, magnitude, and position , as well as in other circumstances. They lie in strata or beds, and layers. The word stratum, of which strata is the plural, signifies bed, and is used to express the order of rocks. Hence, when a mountain, or series of rocks, is com- posed of a similar and undivided mass, it is Bgid to be unstratified ; which, however, is com- paratively rare. The crust of the earth, regard- ed as a whole, is disposed in layers or beds of earth, stone, and various materials, and is, therefore, stratified. These strata are, in one respect, regular ; in another, extremely irre- gular. In the order in which they occur, no- thing can be more regular ; but in the direc- tion or inclination in which they are found, the utmost irregularity prevails. Before giving a delineation of the order of rocks, we must remark, that, although this ex- hibits the law or rule as to the succession of strata, they following each other invariably after this manner, yet all are not found in every, or indeed together in any entire series, in any one situation. Many ofthe particular classes are always absent ; and there may be only two or three present. Butthe lawofsuc- cession is never violated ; that is, those which sustain others are never u ppermost and recum- bent upon them, and vice versa. If one, two, or more of a series is missing, the rest in going downwards are all rocks of the classes below the one in question ; or upwards, those which belong to a superincumbent series. In this respect, therefore, there is no confusion. The position of the strata, however, is ex- tremely irregular. Some are horizontal, some almost or quite perpendicular ; and the dip or inclination of others is diversified at every pos- sible angle. To a superficial observer, this disarrangement appears accidental, and he is naturally disposed to regard the directions, in- clinations, and frequent convolutions of the masses as mere confusion, as if all had been thrown together by some mighty povverintoa disorderly mass. This very disorder, however, is an unquestionable proof of design and wise superintendence, — a design v^hich pervades the universe as well in its apparent contingen- cies, as in its most consecutive arrangments and nicest adaptations. If all the strata or layers of rocks on the earth’s surface had been placed horizontally one above the other, it is evidentthat we could only have become ac- quainted with the superior series ; and beds of coal, salt, metals, and othersubstances which belong to the inferior strata, could never have been available. Upon the supposition, too, that these layers had been wrapped round the nucleus or solid body of the globe like the coats of an onion, the earth would have pre- sented nothing to the eye but a monotonous plain ; innumerable varieties of animal and vegetable life could not have existed; and the fertility which now results from the descent of dew, the formation of springs, the gathered FAMILIAR INTRODUCTION TO GEOLOGY, 349 waters of lakes and inner seas, and the flow of rivers, would have been precluded. What modifications of beauty, then, what combina- tions of utility every where challenge our admi- ration and love of His wisdom, power, and benignity who governs the universe ! 'I'he following sketch represents tlie manner in which different classes of rocks are disposed. *< Q 2 O c H *< < g TO a ' < s a Pi DIFFERENT KINDS OF ROCKS AND SOILS. Vegetable soil Sand clay, gravel, with bones of animals of species which now exist Deep beds of gravel, large loose blocks, sand, containing bones of extinct animals. iSand, clay, pebbles, beds of hard white sand- stone, many sea shells, bones of extinct animals Alternations of limestones, with fresh-water shells, clays, and limestones containing marine shells Thick beds of clay, with sea shells ; beds of limestone, extinct species of plants and , fruits, land, and amphibious animals 8. 10. f Chalk with flints \ Chalk without flints r Chalk marl ; I Green sand •{ Thick beds of clay j Yellow sand, with beds of iron ore . . . . (.Argillaceous sandstone r Limestones j Beds of clay j Limestones with corals . I Beds of clay I Thick beds of limestone I Thin beds of limestone and slaty clay . , Red marly sandstone 11. Limestone containing magnesia {Coal measures, containing various seams of coal, beds of ironstone, clay, sandstone, and freestones 13. Coarse sandstone and slaty clay . . . 14. { Thick beds of limestone, and slaty clay and sandstone alternately 15. Dark red sandstone, with beds of pebbles. . r Thick beds of slate and sandstone, occasion- 16. -I ally impressions of shells, with thick beds of limestone Slates and hard rocks alternating, in which f no trace of animal remains have been found (To be continued.) 350 THE INTERESTING CHARACTER OF ASTRONOMY. A POPULAR COURSE OF ASTRO- NOMY*. I. Introduction. There can have been no period in the history of mankind, in which they did not behold, with a desire to comprehend them, the changes which are daily taking place in the face of the heavens above them ; and there can have been none in which they did not perceive these changes to sympathize with others in the surface of the earth around them. He who looks out upon the heavens, beholds a canopy spread forth like the half of a great sphere, of which he appears to oc- cupy the centre. In the day-time, when it is of the colour of azure, — the hue of light in which his perception of its existence is most pleasant to him, — the sun daily takes his course, in a zone, across this fair canopy, ** like a giant that renews his strength.” As night approaches, the curtain of the heavens gradually loses its transparent azure tint, becomes opaque, darkens, and at length it is black as sackcloth of hair ; then come the millions of the stars, and are strewed like gems upon its surface ; and in her season the moon walks foi’th in her brightness, and holds sway amid the dreary watches of the night. These daily changes in the heavens appear to have but little relation to the changes of vegetable life, but over the whole of the animated creation their power is absolute. The song of the birds be- comes mute at nightfall, and again wakes only to welcome the returning sun. The beast lies down in the forest, the reptile crawls to his lair, and man himself sinks under the mysterious influence of the chang- ing heavens : and returning to that state of oblivion, out of which his birth first brought him, he stretches himself out to sleep. Such is the experience of a day. That of a year brings a still further knowledge of the won- derful sympathy between the changes in the heavens above him, and those in the things around him. He sees the sun not daily to describe the same path in the heavens, but at one time to travel obliquely across them in a higher, and at another time in a lower zone, so as at one time to have a longer course to run, and at another a shorter ; and thus at one time to give him a longer, and at another a shorter day. This chauge in the elevation and consequent length of the sun’s oblique path in the heavens, he soon perceives to be coupled with a change in his own perceptions of the intensity of heat and cold; when the sun’s path is lowest or most oblique, he is colder than when it is highest. And not only do his own feelings sympathize with this change, but all nature around him. The hand, that covered the beast of the forest with a coat of fur, now thickens its garment. The bird, whose path is free in the heavens, now guided by a spark of that intelligence which called it • This course will be succeeded by similar ones on other subjects. into being, becomes conscious of the existence of a warmer sky in some remote unseen region of the earth, and seeks it. The green herb withers, the blossom dies, the leaf becomes sapless, and falls to the ground. Is it pos- sible, that he who beholds all these changes around him, and who is thus deeply interested in them, who cannot but see that they are all bound together as by a chain, and made to sympathize with one another, should not seek to trace out still more of the mystery of their union, to know more of its nature and laws, and to unravel its cause. Man is necessarily, and from the very mode and nature of his existence, a speculative being. And of all subjects of speculation, the changes in the heavens are probably those which first arrested his attention. How earnestly must the master spirits of those days, when the secret of the universe was un- known, have wished and have laboured to account for phenomena which we now so readily explain, by means of our knowledge of the form of the earth : how must the mys- terious alternation of day and night, and the march of the seasons, have distracted them, wearied their imagination, and perplexed their reasoning. Quae mare compescaiit causae ; quid temperet annum; Stellas sponte sua,jussaBne vag'enter et erreut; Quid premat obscuruin lunae, quid proferat orbem ; Quid velit et possit rerum Concordia discors*. It was in these words that Horace described the sublime but very unsatisfactory specula- tions of his friend Grosphus. The mighty changes in the heavens con- trolling, as they do, all the phenomena of animal and vegetable life, necessarily couple themselves in the mind with the direct agency of the supernatural world, and thus it was that the astronomy of the ancients became incorporated with their mythology. The sky was Atlas or Uranus, — it was eternal and unchangeable ; the fixed stars were its organs of vision ; the planets, of which the control- ling power was the sun, rolled eternally, according to their notion, in concentric orbs of crystal around the earth. These planets they called gods, and their path was along the milky way. Est via sublimls, cnelo manifesta sereno ; Lactea nomeii habet; candore notabilis ipso. Hac iter est Superis ad magni tecta Tonantis, Regalemque domumt. * “ What causes set bounds to the sea, or vary the returning seasons ? Whether the stars move of themselves, or by the order of a higher power ? What darkens the face of the moon, or extends her to a full orb ? what is the nature and power of those principles of things, which, although always at variance, yet always agree ?” t “ There is a way in the exalted plain of heaven, easy to be seen in a clear sky, and which, distinguishable by a remarkable white- ness, is known by the name of the milky way. Along this the road lies open to the courts of the nobler deities, and to the palace of the great Thunderer.’'— Ovid. THE PROGRESS OF THE MIND OF MAN. 351 They represented them by letters in the order of their distances. Moon Mercury. Venus. Sun. A E HI Mars. Jupiter. Saturn. o r Saturn, the slowest of the planets, was taken as the symbol, and made the god of time, and, like time, Saturn destroyed his off- spring ; he took the wings of time and his name, Chronos. Jupiter, the most remarkable of the pla- nets for his splendour, supplanted his father Saturn, occupied the throne of the universe, and became the king of gods. Mars, of the colour of blood, and placed nearer to the sun, they imagined to be endued with the attributes of a warrior, and called the god of battle. Venus, whose clear bright light is some- times to be seen even through the daylight, at one time precedes the sunrise, and at another follows the twilight, alternately pursuing and pursued by the sun. They believed her to produce the fertilizing dews of the morning and the evening ; named her the goddess of fecundity, of beauty, and adored her under the names of Astarte, Astaroth, &c. Mercury, the swiftest moving of the planets, was taken as the symbol of speed and light- ness ; he became the god of motion ; and, being even seen in the immediate neighbourhood of the sun, was designated the messenger of Olympus. The Sun was adored as the author of light, order, and fecundity ; and the Moon, as des- tined to imbibe this influen^ from the Sun, in their conjunction, and transmit it to the earth. All the nations of antiquity erected altars to the Sun. In Egj'pt he was wor- shipped as Osiris, in Phenicia as Adonis, in Lydia as Athys, &c. A multitude of divines were thus frequently worshipped in the same being; a fact not to be wondered at, since the attributes which each nation assigned to their common object of worship, would necessarily partake in the errors of their knowledge of it, and the pre- judices which they had attached to it. And thus, until it pleased God to make a direct revelation of his will to mankind, the history of the development of the religious principle among them, was little other than a history of the wanderings and uncertainties of the human understanding, which, placed in a world it could not comprehend, sought, nevertheless, with unwearied solicitude, to develop the secret of it, which, a spectator of the mysterious and visible prodigy of the uni- verse imagined causes for it, supposed objects, and raised up systems ; which, finding one defective, destroyed it to raise another not less faulty on its ruins ; which, abhorred the errors that it renounced, misunderstood those which it embraced ; repulsed the very truth for which it sought ; conjured up chimeras of invisible agents, and dreaming on, with- out discretion and without happiness, was at length utterly bewildered in a labyrinth of illusions. How great is the contrast 1 Since the age in which the heathen mythology had its ori- gin, the religion of mankind has fixed itself upon the sure foundation of a revelation from God, and the human understanding has ac- quired for itself the master-secret of the uni- verse. The wanderings of the stars on the firmament of the heavens are at length un- derstood. The question, Sponte sua juss®ne vagenter et errent ? no longer perplexes us. We find throughout the whole of what appeared to our ancestors the capricious motions of powerful but isola- ted beings, evidences of one impulse, one will, one design, one Almighty power, originating, sustaining, and controlling the whole. These beings then, to whom, calling them their gods, it was natural that they should attri- Wte a separate, independent, and capricious existence, subject to the indecision, the error, and the feebleness of humanity, appear to us but as the creatures of one sovereign intelli- gence, bound down in as passive obedience to that intelligence, as the stone that falls from the hand, or the apple that falls from the tree ; v/ith no other thought, or will, or power, than that of any particle of duct blown about by the Summer’s wind. Thus the whole of the sublime and gorgeous page- antry of the heathen mythology vanishes like the baseless fabric of a dream. We know that this magnificent phantom retained its shadowy control over the intellect of man, in an age of great literary refinement, of profound knowledge in the philosophy of morals, and of high civilization ; and had no revelation interposed, there could be no- thing found in the mei-e literature, ethics, and civilization of our day, as distinguished from the literature, ethics, and civilization of theirs, to overthrow it ; thus we might still, in res- pect to these, be what we are, and yet the worshippers of a host of gods : but combine with these the science of our times, and the supposition becomes impossible ; a single ray penetrating the mystery of the universe is sufficient to dispel the illusion of Polytheism, and instruct us in the knowledge of the one only and true God. How prodigious has been the progress which the universal mind of man has since made, how wonderful the vantage ground on which we stand, when we look forth upon nature ; the human intellect now walks to and fro in creation, as with the strength of a giant, the growth of whose stature has been through ages, and who but yet approaches the noon- tide of his vigour. The first question which suggests itself to a mind curious to understand the phenomena of the heavens, is probably this — are the sun, moon, planets, and stars, really as they seem to be, at the same distance from us, and almost within our reach ? or are they, as we are told, some of them infinitely more remote from us than others ; and the near-~ 352 UTILITY OF THE STUDY OF CHEMISTRY. est of them distant more than half a million of miles ? Our first inquiry shall then be. What is the probable Distance of THE FIXED Stars ? Are they, as we are told, many millions of miles away from us ; so far, indeed, that their light, travelling as it does at the rate of 80,000 leagues in a second, has from the nearest been six or eight years in reaching us ? And if it be so, how is this known ? Let us suppose an observer to have travel- led about, far and wide, on the earth’s sur- face, and accurately to have observed, as he went on, the appearances of the heavens ; he will at once have perceived the stars to be bodies scattered about in that great space, whatever it may be, which contains the earth, and he will have remarked that they do not alter their apparent relative positions, as he moves about on it. Their apparent positions, with regard to the horizon, are, indeed, con- tinually altering; but with regard to one another, he finds them always the same. This will appear to him very extraordinary, when he considers that the various objects around him on the earth’s surface, are conti- nually subject to apparent changes of rela- tive position, as he moves about from one place to another. Thus for instance — let him be sailing along the sea-coast at night, and let him observe two lights upon projections of the shore. At one instant, when he is in the line joining the lights, they will appear to him to coincide, blending momentarily into one light ; as he proceeds, they will ap- pear to separate, or, in the nautical phrase, they will open ; and this opening of the lights will continue, until they have at length ac- quired a certain maximum apparent distance. They will then appear to approach one ano- ther ; and, as he finally leaves them behind him, they will go through all the same circum- stances of apparent motion as attended his approach to them. If the lights be suffi- ciently remote, all these changes in their ap- parent distance from one another, will be re- ferred to, and apparently take place upon, the circular margin of the horizon. They will seeiu like two beads of light moving to- wards one another on the circumference of that circle ; coinciding, then receding, and again approximating to one another.^ These apparent motions are called parallactic.* (To he continued.) * Parallax, the angle formed by two differ- ent lines of view drawn towards one and the same object. Suppose a point is seen from the two ends of a straight line, the two lines of view towards that point form, with the first line, a triangle, whose angle at the point seen is the parallax, or parallactic angle. Annual paraHaa?- the angle formed by two lines from the ends of one of the diameters of the earth’s orbit to a fixed star, which angle, on account of the immense distance of the fixed star, is too small to be observed. CHEMISTRY. THE WONDERFUL AND SUDDEN TRANS- FORMATIONS WITH WHICH CHEMISTRY IS CONVERSANT, THE VIOLENT ACTIVITY OFTEN ASSUMED BY SUBSTANCES USUAL- LY CONSIDERED THE MOST INERT AND SLUGGISH, AND, ABOVE ALL, THE INSIGHT IT GIVES INTO THE NATURE OF INNUME- RABLE OPERATIONS WHICH WE SEE DAILY CARRIED ON AROUND US, HAVE CONTRI- BUTED TO RENDER IT THE MOST PO- PULAR, AS IT IS ONE OF THE MOST EX- TENSIVELY USEFUL, OF THE SCIENCES ; AND WE SHALL, ACCORDINGLY, FIND NONE WHICH HAVE SPRUNG FORWARD, DURING THE LAST CENTURY, WITH SUCH EXTRA- ORDINARY VIGOUR, AND HAVE HAD SUCH EXTENSIVE INFLUENCE IN PROMOTING A CORRESPONDING PROGRESS IN OTHERS. — Sir John Herschel on the Study of Natural Philosophy. Chemistry is the art wherby compound bodies are changed into simple ones, or simple bodies into compounds. The former of these processes is called Analysis or Decomposition, and the latter Synthesis or Composition. As a science, it is the province of Chemistry to determine the chemical relation of simple bodies, and the structure and chemical rela- tions of compounds. Few of the operations of Chemistry, which are employed for the attain- ment of these objects, are either purely ana- lytic or synthetic ; a combination of these methods generally taking place in the pro- cesses of the chemist. Different kinds of matter, which are the ob- jects of Chemistry, possess certain active pro- perties, such as gravity or weight, cohesion, elasticity, expansibility, magnetic attraction, &c. All these properties are but so many dif- ferent modifications of attraction and repul- sion. Action, either attractive or repulsive, takes place between bodies situated at vari- ous distances from each other. Thus the at- traction of gravitation operates at indefinite and immense distances ; while the attraction of cohesion affects the particles of bodies only when placed in apparent contact. Repulsive action also takes place at different distances. Thus, the repulsion between bodies which have been subjected to the influence of electri- city or magnetism is sufficiently obvious to the sight ; and that electric or magnetic sub- stances, which repel each other, do not touch, may easily be perceived. The expensive pow- er of heat, on the other hand, probably af- fects particles of matter nearly in contact with each other. The various phenomena which constitute the objects of Chemistry, depend on the opera- tion of those modifications of attractive and repulsive force, which act on particles of bodies placed at insensible distances from each other, and are so minute as not to be cognizable by our senses, even when assisted by the most powerful magnifying glasses. There are two species of attraction which affect particles of matter when in apparent STUDY OP THE ATTRACTION OF COMPOSITION. m contact: 1. The Attraction of Aggregation, or Cohesion ; 2. The Attraction of Composi- tion. These powers both give way to the re- pulsive action of heat : but the former may also be overcome by mechanical force, which has no effect on the latter. The Attractionf)f Aggregation operates dif- ferently on different bodies, so as to produce the various degrees of cohesive force or consis- tence observable among them. The forms un- der which bodies appear are reducible to three classes, namely i Solids, Liquids, and Gases or Airs. These modifications of matter are influenced by the operation of mechanical pressure and the expansive force of heat, which seem to act as antagonist powers to each other. Some kinds of matter are capa- ble of existing either in a solid, liquid, or gaseous state, under different degrees of at- mospherical pressure and temperature. Thus, water, by the abstraction of heat, be- comes changed to ice ; by the addition of heat, it is, on the other hand, changed to va- pour ; and that change is facilitated or im- peded by lessening or increasing the atmo- spherical pressui'e. Mercury and several other substances exhibit analogous phenomena. Many bodies, however, commonly exist under only one or two forms of aggregation. Common air and other bodies, distinguished from vapours by the designation of permanent gases, were formerly supposed to retain the gaseous form under all circumstances ; but from the experiments of Dr. Faraday and Mr. Perkins, it appears that atmospheric air, car- buretted hydrogen, sulphuretted hydrogen, sulphurous acid, carbonic acid, protoxide of ' chlorine, nitrous oxide, cyanogen, ammonia, muriatic acid, and chlorine, all which, under common temperatures and pressures, are permanent gases, may be condensed to the j liquid state by the joint operation of intense cold and powerful compression. However, oxygen, hydrogen, and some other gases have hitherto resisted all attempts to reduce them to the liquid state.* Several dense : solids, as lead and glass, are readily melted by heat ; but there are others, as wood, which, though speedily decomposed, when heated with access of air cannot be liquified. I The facts already stated, and othei s which ji might be adduced, still lead to the conclu- l| sion that the solid, liquid, and gaseous states ; of bodies depend chiefly on their respective t’ relations to temperature and pressure; and, ! therefore, the distinctions founded on those states or forms of matter do not furnish suf- ficient grounds for general arrangements of bodies in separate classes. Some writers have treated of the chemi- j cal properties of gases or airs as an inde- I pendent branch of science, under the appella- I tion of Aerology ; but the operation of bodies under their different forms are so intimately ! blended, and the condensation of gases is so I commonly the effect of chemical combinations , I that it seems by far most convenient not to I separate Aerology from Chemistry, but to 1 regard it as a subordinate section or subdi- i vision of chemical science. ♦See Pneumatics, part ii. p. lO. In solid and liquid substances, the powers of attraction and repulsion counterbalance each other : while the latter predominates in gaseous bodies. Some have supposed soli- dity to result from the preponderance of the force of attraction over the force of repul- sion ; but this opinion seems incompatible with the well known fact of the expansion of water when it becomes solid. This, and some other phenomena of a similar descrip- tion, clearly show that the action of a repulsive force is not less obvious in solids than in fluids. They probably differ more in the arrangement of their particles, than in the manner in which those particles are united. The peculiar province of Chemistry, as might be inferred from the preeeding obser- vations, is the study of the Attraction of Composition, or the investigation of the properties of bodies, not as respects their organization, mechanical construction, form, or consistence, but with a view to the diseo- very of ther molecular composition, or the nature and mode of union of their component particles. Hence, there must necessarily be a wide distinction between mechanical and chemical combination. Any substances may be mechanically combined by mere mixture, which occasions no destruction or essential alteration of the sensible properties of the mixed bodies : for the compound formed by the union of two or more substances which have no chemical action on each other, will always exhibit their joint properties, modi- fied, perhaps, but not destroyed by their commixture. The effect of chemical combi- nation is very different, for bodies chemically united often become completely deprived of the peculiar properties they previously pos- sessed, and manifest new and sometimes very extraordinary powers, totally different from those of their constituent parts. “ If water be added to water, or salt, the effect is an increase of quantity, but no change of quality. In this case, the mu- tual action of the particles is entirely me- chanical. Again, if a blue powder and a yellow one, each perfectly dry, be mixed and well shaken together, a green powder will be produced ; but this is a mere effect arising in the eye, from the intimate mixture of the yellow and blue light separately and inde- pendently reflected from the minute parti- cles of each ; and the proof is had by examin- ing the mixture with a miscroscope, when the yellow and blue grains will be seen se- parate, and each quite unaltered. If the same experiment be tried with coloured li- quids, wich are siisceptible of mixing witho:ut chemical action, a compound colour is like- wise produced, but no examination with magnifiers is in that case sufficient to detect the ingredients ; the reason obviously being, the excessive minuteness of the parts, and their perfect intermixture, produced by agi- tating two liquids together. From the mix- ture of two powders, extreme patience would enable any one, by picking out with a magni- fier grain after grain, to separate the ingredi- ents. But when liquids are mixed, no mecha- 354 SCIENCE OF CHEMISTRY DISPLAYED. nical separation is any longer practicable; the particles are so minute as to elude all search. Yet ‘this does not hinder us from regarding such a compound as still a mere mixture, and its properties are accordingly intermediate between those of the liquids mixed. But this is far from being the case with all liquids. When a solution of potash, for example, and another of tartaric acid, each perfectly liquid, are mixed together in proper proportions, a great quantity of solid saline substance falls to the bottom of the containing vessel, which is quite different from potash or tar- taric acid, and the liquid from which it sub- sided offers no indications by its taste, or other sensible qualities, of the ingredients mixed, but of something totally different from either. It is evident that this is a phenonae- non widely different from that of mere mix- ture : there has taken place agreatand radical change in the intimate nature of the ingre- dients, by which anew substance is produced which had no existence before ; and it has been produced by the union of the ingre- dients presented to each other, for, when examined, it is found that nothing has been lost, the weight of the whole mixture being the sum of the weights mixed. _ Yet the potash and tartaric acid have disappeared entirely, and the weight of the new product is found to be exactly equal to that of the tartaric acid and potash employed, taken together, abating a small portion held in so- lution in the liquid, which may be obtained, however, by evaporation. They have, there- fore, combined, and adhere to one another with a cohesive force sufficient to form a solid out of a liquid ; a force which has been called into action by merely presenting them to each other in a state of solution.”'*' As it is the object of Chemistry to deter- mine the composition of different substances, therefore, if we could reduce all bodies to their elementary principles, and discover the proportions in which these principles must be combined in order to recompose such bodies, the science of Chemistry would be complete. This, however, is far from being the case, notwithstanding the extraordinai-y discoveries that have rewarded the labours of those philosophers who have paid attention to this important branch of knowledge. But though we allow that much remains to be achieved by future experimentalists ere Che- mistry can be said to make any near approach- es to perfection, yet it must be admitted, that the improvements which have taken place in this science in our own times are of no common importance, since its first principles have been fixed on the firm basis of experi- ment, and a luminous system, founded on facts, has superseded those obscure and hy- pothetical speculations which occur in the writings of the older chemical authors. Among the most important discoveries of modern philosophers, we may reckon those which relate to that inherent tendency wrhich matter possesses to form new combinations. * Herschel’g Discourse on the Study of Na- tural Philosophy, pp. 298, This property of matter gives rise to many of those operations of nature which we view ■without surprise, only because they are com- mon ; and it is not less concerned in seve- ral of the most striking and extraordinary phenomena of nature and art. Thus, when we procure light or heat by burning any combustible substance, as, for instance, wood, chemical action takes place between the inflammable matter contained in the wood, and part of the air of the room in which the wood is burned ; in consequence of which, a new kind of air is formed, the greater part of which flies off with the smoke. The respira- tion of animals affords another instance of chemical action. When air is taken into the lungs, a part of it combines with something which separates from the blood ; in conse- quence of which combination, the air becomes altered in its properties, as must be obvious to every one who considers that the atmos- phere of a crowded apartment, not properly ventilated, is soon rendered so noxious as to occasion considerable inconvenience, and even faintness, to those whose constitutions are delicate. On taking a survey - of the various bodies around us, -we may observe that some among them, which we reckon inert, because from the influence of habit, or other causes, they make but a slight impression on our senses, are yet endowed with active powers or pro- perties, which render them capable of pro- ducing remarkable changes in other bodies. Thus, water, which is insipid to the tongue, and which, in its operation on living animals and vegetables, acts slowly and almost im- perceptibly, will yet, if placed in contact with a lump of salt or sugar, speedily reduce either from the solid to the liquid state. Atmospheric air, though it is necessary for the support of animal and vegetable existence, and gives rise to scarely any sensations but such as depend on variations of temperature, yet this widely extended gaseous body, by its union with other substances, sometimes produces the most striking phenomena. Thus, the explosion of fire-damp in coal-mines can only happen when the inflammable gas, so called, is mixed with a certain portion of common air. One of the most obvious modes of distin- guishing bodies is that which depends on their different degrees of density ; whence the arrangement of substances into the respec- tive classes called solids, liquids, and gases, already noticed. But these distinctions can- not be advantageously employed as the basis of a chemical classification of natural bodies, for reasons which have been already stated. Hence, some other mode of discrimination and arrangement becomes requisite, and such a one may be most properly derived from considering the chemical relations of different kinds of matter, and the products derived from their action on each other. There are some bodies which, by no known mode of treatment without addition, can be made to form more than one species of mat- ter ; for, however they may be divided, or subdivided, each particle still possesses the 355 LECTURES ON CHEMISTRY. same chemical properties with the common mass from which it was taken. There are comparatively but few bodies presented to us by nature in this isolated state ; among the number may be mentioned, as examples, gold and the diamond. These, together with all other hitherto undecomposed bodies, must, in the present state of chemical science, be considered as elementary or simple sub- stances. Were it practicable to procure and exhibit all the elements of bodies in a detach- ed form, and to trace the various compounds resulting from their union. Chemistry would have attained perfection, and no object of inquiry Would remain for future experi- mentalists. But notwithstanding the great acquisition of knowledge derived from the discoveries of our contemporaries, they have, by no means, enabled us to determine the boundaries of the field of science, but merely ■ to form some conjectural ideas concerning its vast extent. No correct general knowledge of the nature and properties of different substances can be acquired without instituting comparisons between them, whence we may discover the various points of similitude or contrast among them, which will enable us to arrange them in groups or classes, bearing certain relations to each other. For the purposes of chemical inquiry, the most obviously convenient arrangement of bodies is that in which they are classed ac- cording to their composition, placing the simple bodies first in order, and then the compounds arising from the various combi- nations of the former. According to the ancient philosophers, the simple bodies or elementary principles from which all the varieties of matter are com- posed, were but four, namely. Fire, Air, Water, and Earth. This notion, after hav- ing for ages formed a part of the creed of the learned, has been completely exploded by the light of modern science, though it is not yet extinct among the vulgar. The al- chemical writers of the middle ages added to these principles some others, as Salt, Sulphur, and Mercury ; to which terms, however, they attached ideas very different from those that belong to them at present, and into the na- ture of which we shall not stop to inquire. Some of the alleged elements of the older chemists are now known to exist only in ima- gination, and others are ascertained to be, by no means, simple substances ; thus, Air is found to consist of two different elastic fluids or gaseous bodies, which may be sepe- rated by various processes, and exhibited apart from each other. Water, also, has been ascertained to be a compound which may be analyzed or decomposed, so as to produce two distinct kinds of gas, which may be separately collected ; and when again mixed together in proper proportions, they may be made to form water by their union. Other bodies, formerly esteemed simple, have yielded to the analytical processes of modern chemistry ; but there is a certain number of substances, which, either in the state in which they are presented to us by nature, or as they are procured in various operations by art, have hitherto resisted all attempts at farther decomposition, and which, therefore, as before stated, must be regarded as simple substances. Their num- ber is not very great, amounting to about fifty-four, and it is not unlikely that the future researches of chemists may demonstrate some of these bodies to be compounds ; at the same time, it is probable that additions may be made to the class of elementary sub- stances in consequence of future discoveries, several of those now admitted into this class having become known to us but very recently. Some of these elementary bodies are widely and abundantly dispersed thi’oughout the three kingdoms of nature, either alone or in a state of composition, while others appear to be of very rare occurrence, or, at least, they have hitherto been met with only in small quantities and in a few situations. The whole of the elementary substances may be arranged in two divisions : the first compre- hending those which are not of a metallic nature, the entire number of which now known amounts to only thirteen ; the remaining forty-one elementary bodies are all regarded as metals, though some of them exhibit pro- perties differing considerably from those which characterize gold, silver, mercury, lead, iron, and other bodies, to which the desig- nation of metals was originally applied. (To he Continued.) ELECTRICAL THEORY OF THE UNIVERSE. BY Mr. THOMAS S. MACKINTOSH. Continued from page 225. Development of the Theory of the Solar System. 1. Centre of Positive Electricity. — The body of the sun has a powerful affinity for electricity, and is intensely charged with electric fluid ; and is surrounded with an at- mospheie of electricity extending to the ut- most limits of the planetary systern, decreas- ing in density in a certain unknown ratio with its distance from the sun. The sudden appearance and disappearance of spots on the sun’s disc affords proof, even to demonstra- tion, that the elementary matter of the sun is, at intervals at least, in a state of violent commotion ; and when we consider that some of these spots are much larger than the earth, ho'v vast must be the effort to cause them to ap- pear and to disappear in so short a space of time as they have hi'en known to do 1 There is no known agent in nature capable of pro- ducing such vast results except electricity; and this consideration alone almost forces the conclusion upon us, that the sun is an im- mense spherical conductor, highly charged with electric fluid. “ The light obtained by voltaic electiicity exceeds in intensity any other that art can produce ; itisso dazzling as to fatigue the eye even by a momentary impression; it is a light which so nearly emulates the sun’s rays, as to be applicable 356 MACKINTOSH’S LECTURES-THE SOLAR SYSTEM. for the purpose of illuminating objects in a solar microscope. All this accords with the light of Uie sun.” We will not discuss the point asto how the voltaic lightis evolved, since, whatever may be the nature of the pro- cess, it appears that the presence of electricity is essential to its exhibition. We are, therefore, justified in the conclusion, that as both lights have some properties in common, they are to a certain extent identical. If this conclusion be correct, it might be supposed that we should be enabled to detect electi icily in the sun’s rays. In the Journal des Progres des Sciences, this is said to have been effected by Professor Salvenio Barlocci, of Rome, who states, that when two pieces of copper, painted black, one of them connected with the upper part of a frog, and the other^ with the hind feet, were placed one of them in the red and the other in the violet ray of the solar spectrum, and then brought in contact, that contractions took place in the muscles of the frog. This seems to indicate very pointedly the existence of a certain specific modifica- tion of electricity in the sun’s rays ; and if in the rays proceeding from the sun, the con- clusion that the sun is highly charged with electricity becomes irresistible. Although light and heat may be, to a certain extent, connected with our subject, we will pass them over for the present, as their consideration would lead us into too wide a field and create confusion. We wish to consider the sun simply as the prime, positive, electrical con- ductor of the solar system; and with a view to fix this idea permanently in the mind of the reader, we have denominated him the “ centre of positive electricity.” 2. Region of Negative Electricity. — That part of space which surrounds the solar system on every side beyond the range of the planets, we shall denominate ^he region of negative electricity. We shall assign no properties whatever to this region, unless va- cuity may be considered a property, not a perfect vacuum, but nearly so, and especially as regards the electric fluid ; it will, therefore, have a powerful attraction for electricity, which however, it cannot retain, for two rea- sons;— 1. 'I his region contains no substance upon which the electric fluid can fix; this is evident to the senses, for if the immense space between the earth and the fixed stars were filled with any substance but the most subtle ether, it would be utterly impossible that the stars could be seen. 2. There are strong reasons for the assumption, that all matter issuing from the sun becomes decomposed in this region, or undergoes some specific change, and returns to the sun under its new modifi- cation. That this process must be continual- ly going on is evident, otherwise even the immense bulk of the sun must have been dis- sipated long ere this time, from the vast vo- lumes of matter continually issuing from his surface. We consider, then, that this space is in a state of negation as regards the electric fluid, and, therefore, has a powerful attraction for electricity. An objection may be raised to this assumption, upon the ground, that as this region is alleged to contain no matter up- on which the electric fluid can fix, it cannot, j therefore, be supposed to attract electi icily ; but since we know from experiment that the more the air is rarefied, the less resistance is opposed to tlie passage of electricity, and that there is a constant tendency in the fluid t© escape from the charged body, as is evinced by its distribution in the surface— it may be ; conceded, that this region offers facilities to j the ready dispersion of the electric fluid from j the charged body, and this concession is all that is required. 3. If we regard the sun as the prime positive conductor of the solarsystem, very’ intensely ■ charged with electricity, it will not be difficult !■ to conceive him capable of emitting a body of I vapour containing a much larger quantity of J matter than any comet or planet in the system. If we consider that the sun is more than a million of times larger than the earth, the emission of a comet may be regarded I merely as aspark drawn from the prime-con- 'J ductor : comets of great brilliancy have been 1 observed receding from the sun, whose ap- j proach to that body had not been detected by j diligent observers ; in the absence of direct proof, this circumstance alone is almostsuf- ficient to justify the inference, that that body had just commenced its long and unwearied journey around the solar system. We might |i refer to volcanic eruption in the earth in sup- port of this hypothetical proposition ; but i' when we consider the vast concentration of I electrical power in the sun, and refer it to the i c imparatively feeble efforts of volcanic fire, the illustration is too faint to convey an adequate idea of the force of electrical action. An evi- |! dence of violent internal commotion is furnish- |; ed t y the immense moving spots that have been li observed on the sun’s disc ; and we know that j| in all the natural phenomena that come under our immediate observation, if thereis violent I internal action, tliereis a constant tendency in |j the excited body to relieve or deliver itself ofa !| portion, at least, of the exciting cause of the commotion. There is nothing extravagant then in tlie assumption, tliat comets are dis- charged from the sun: the supposition is in j perfect accordance with the known phenome- 1^ naof nature, and entirely within the range of natural probabilities. i 4. If the sun were in a slate of rest, a comet would be projected in a straight line, but as I he revolves on his axis with great rapidity, it n is projected in a curve, which is the beginning j of a ci'cle, thatis to be desciibed Iry the comet I in all its future revolutions around the solar \ system. If we might be permitted to use a ji homelyillustration, thitsbonld bring this ieiiods of vast duration ; compared with which, the age of human records is but as one day. We are assured by experiment, that the attractive and repulsive forces ofelectricity follow the same law as to its intensity, that is, the inverse ratio of the square of the distance. Lelthishe compared with the laws of Kepler, and we think the conclusion cannot be resist- ed, that the motions and distances of tlie planets are regulated and determined by this powerful and all-pervading agent. If we endeavour to estimate by the operations of sense the manner in which the planets aresaid to be propelled in their orbits with such amazing velocity, we feel a difficulty in perceiving tlie cause of motion — tiie effect is admitted, hut the cause is not discernable , but if we refer all motion to the agency of electricity, the cause and effect are joined before our eyes ; we refer it to an ev. r-active and known power, appreciable by the senses, pervading all known space, and whose rapid motion corresponds with the motion of the heavenly bodies ; and if we allow the assump- tion, that the quantity of positive electricity with which the earth and all the planets is 358 ELECTRICITY WITH WHICH THE EARTH IS CHARGED. charged, is a continually decreasing quantity, the cause of motion in their orbits becomes plain and palpable ; they are in effect attracted and repelled down an inclined plane by the power of electricity. 6. Earth’s Motion on its Axis.— Hitherto we have referred all motion to the agency of electricity, as it is developed and exhibited by the excitation of electrics ; but that we may be enabled todiscern clearly the cause of the earth’smotionon her axis, we must refer to the galvanic circle, a clear conception of which is necessary to a right understanding of this part of the theory, Now we hold, that the crust of theearlh. sea, and land, is nothing, more or less, than a galvanic circle, or, perhaps, more correctly, a series of circles, or rather a voltaic battery ; but we wish to preserve the idea of the simple circle, because it furnishes us with a more clear and distinct explanation of the cause of the earth’s motion on her axis than the voltaic pile. We assume, then, that there is a continuous stream of galvanic electricity cir- culating throughout the earth’s external crust, and that the main currentis round the equator ; that the earth's inclination to her orbit is determined by the direction of this current, and that it has more influence in raising the temperature of the climate within the tropics than that exerted by the sun’s vertical rays.. Now, it is evident, that if the galvanic circle were undisturbed, the fluid would continue to flow around the earth, and the earth would remain at rest ; but the induc- tive influence of the sun destroys the equilibrio, and the earth revolves. So satisfied are we of the truth of this part of our theory, that we feel convinced that if a sphere were mounted upon two centres, with a galvanic circle formed round its equatorial circumference, correctly balanced, and placed in a proper position between a positive and negative conductor, highly charged, the sphere would be found to revolve so long as the galvanic action continu- ed. And so long as the galvanic action conti- nuesin the earth, she will revolve upon her axis, and no longer. Upon this principle we assume, that the galvanic action in the moon has ceased altogether, or become so weak that the current cannot overcome the power of the earth’s induction; and as the planet .Tupiter turns on his axis in ten hours, whilst Mercury requires twenty-four hours, we infer from this that Jupiter is a good conductor of galvanic electricity, whilst in Mercury the fluid flows with more difficulty. 7. We have assumed that the quantity of positive electricity with which the earth and other planets is charged is a continually de- creasing quantiy. Before entering upon this proposition we would solicit attention to tlie following : — If there could exist a power having t/ie property of giving continual impulse to a fluid in one constant direction, without being exhausted by its own action, it would differ essentially from all the other knoton powers in nature, all the powers and sources of motion with the.operation of which we are acquainted when producing their peculiar effects, are expended in the same proportion as those effects are produced. Now we have laid it down as a fundamental law in this theory, that all moti- on is effected by the agency of electricity, and that the processes of vegetation, oxidation, and vitrification, and other processes respectively, are carried forward and effected by specifical- ly distinct modifications of the electric fluid. The effect of electricity in quickening the pro- cess of vegetation has been repeatedly verified by experiment, and is, therefore, to be consi- dered as an established fact in science. If a plant contained in a pot be subjected to the influence of electricity, the growth will be quickened, and the plant will arrive sooner to a state of maturity ; on the other hand, if the plant be secluded from the influence of the sun’s rays, and otherwise insulated as much as possible from the electric influence, it is found that it cannot be brought to maturi- ty by the most careful and elaborate processes of art. So essential is electricity, like a quic- kening spirit, in laborating and perfecting the process of vegetation. The powerful effect of voltaic electricity in eroding or oxidising metallic substances, is evinced by its action in the galvanic circle ; and to prove that its power and influence extends over the whole range of terrestrial substances, we need only refer to the experiments made with the battery of the Royal Institution, wherein it was seen, that \v hen the fluid was highly concentrated, platina melted in it as wax in the flame of a candle ; some of the more refractory substances, as quartz, the sapphire, magnesia, and lime, all entered into fusion ; fragments of diamond, points of charcoal, and plumbago, quickly disappeared, and seemed converted into vapour. Now, as the sources of motion are exhausted in the same proportion as the effects they produce, if this rule be applicable to voltaic electricity, we are justified in the inference, that the earth’s galvanic influence vvill exhaust itself. We make no attempt to limit the extent of its duration, or to fix the number of galvanic circles that may be formed successively, as each of the preceeding is exhausted ; all that we mean to infer is, that in every successive action the elements become changed in their chemical and electrical properties and affinities, and render- ed incapable of being acted upon again under the former circumstances ; and that when the whole round of chemico-electrical processes shall have been operated, chemical action will cease, the galvanic circle will be incom- plete, and the earth, like the moon, will cease to revolve on her axis. It is further assumed, that in proportion as the voltaic electricity circulating within the w seen of these once noble riveis but two shallow rivulets, one of which you may step across and the other hut a few yards wide. 1 he Hiijamree and Kedywaiee are the only two now favoied lo any extent by the fresh water, or which possess navigable channels into the main river ; the latter however can scarcely be called a branch, for it is merely a shallow cieek with a broad entrance ilial quits the vtnnnejah near its mouth- Above the Delta tivo more branches are ibiownoff by the Indus, the Pinyaree and Fu- lailee wliicb are rivers only dining the inundation : after it has subsided they dry up for miles, and are besides closed by bunds thiown across them above the Seaport towns. The Indus formerly reached the sea through eleven large mouths, but three of them now siillice in the dry season, to discharge its water ; of these the Phitiee, Pyiiliaiiee, Jonah and Iticliael belong to the Buggaur and the Hujamiee, Kedywaiee* Kookewaree, Kalieel,aiul Mull to iiie Sena; the Seer and Koree and entrances to the Pinyaiee and Fiilailee branches and complete the number. Be- sides these, there .are many small mouths, but as it would only tend to confuse, T sli all not iiaiiio them. At present the Kookewaree, which gives egiess to (he waters of the Miinnejah River-, is the grand embouchure of the Indus ; in the late iMa^is it is called the Gota, hut eri-oiieously so, for iliat mouth was deserted by the stream some years ago, and its site is now occupied by an extensive swamp. Between the Eastern and Western mouths the Coast of the Delta runs nearly in a strait direction to the N. \V. about 125 miles : in the charts now in use it is laid down above half a degree too far to the Eastward, and tlie same error will he found in every part that exists at the mouths of the Hiijam- ree and Koree, where the longitutle has been ascer- mined by numerous observations ; the foimer is in G7d.25ii, 21s. East, and tli.; latter in 68d. £0 in. East, rite shore is low and flat throughout, and at high water partially overflowed to a considerable distance inland ; witli the exception of a few spots covered with jungle it is entirely destitute of tre- s or sliiii'bs, and nothing is seen fur iiiaiiy miles hut a dreary swamp: wherever this occurs tlie land is scarcely discernible two miles from the slioie, but at those parts where tltere are hushes, it is visi- itle from the deck of a small vessel double tliat distniice. Oii a coast so devoid of objects and partly submerged at limes, it is often dilJicnlt to distinguish the moiiiiis of the different riveis, and l)ut few direciions can be given to assist (he navi, gator ill finding them. The Seer is known by 6 time sand-heaps topped with bnslies on its North point, whicli are sulliciently elevated to be visible some distance ; tlie Cntcli Pilots call tliis point Donppee and always stands into siglit it, before they gteei forthe Mitnnejah bank. I licre is a similar spot at the Riohael mouth, which also serves as a ciiide in approacliing Hie Hujatnree River iwo miles below it. Theoaiik every where piojecting (rom the coast, extends from the Bay of Coiachee to the N. W. extremity of Cutcii- In breadth it varies con- side rably ; off the mouth of the Setta, where liroad flats have been cast up by the greater streii^ih of the tide, it runs out in some places 5 or 6 miles, and at low water is eiieraUy prevail witb cold clear weaiber, but the wind sometimes Irlows very fresh from the N. li. and the aimospbere is ob- scured Ity clouds of dust. Tin? fine season is over lori'i lietoie it terminates on the Malabar Coast, and the navigation becomes very dangerous. Eaily in February the Westeily winds set in with con- siderable violence, and for the fust foitnight the weather is al\va3 s very tempestuous ; strong gaies are also someiinies encountered in this inooili, and there is a heavy tutnulittous sev continually i mining, which breaks acioss ibe mouths of most of the Uivers. In 1833 the Shannon Scliooner was cauttht in one ihai lasted 13 tiottrs, ami cause the destruc- tion of 10 or 1 2 laige boats which weie wrecked on diffeient pans of the coast. Slioit inteivals of fine weaihei occur afterwards until the middle of March, but after that dale the mouths of the Indus may be considered closed for the season. Besides the Munnejah or main river there is only one branch, the Hiijamree, now available fm the purpose of opening a communication with the up- per part of Ihe Indus : a iriaonometiical survey of it has heeti completed, and the former has been caiefiilly examined from Hyderabad to its month. The mouth of the Hiijainree opens like a funnel, and with the exception ttf that part where tire river lakes its course aloui; the tight bank, is occupied hy a broad flat, paitially covered with water: Ibis form^ a couiiuuatiou of the bank every where ex- tending from the coast which is here rather more than a mile in breadth. The best cbannel for cross- ing it runs in a N N. E. direction towards the North point of the river, and is COO yards wide: at the entrance iheie ate heavy breakers on either side, and at high water no greater depth is iVuind on the bar which is about half a mile insid^, than 13 feel. Besides this channel, there is another that crosses the bank in an liasterly line three or four hundred yards above it, but it is extremely shal- low, and can only be used by the smallest Ixiais in moderate weather. About ibis mouth, which is situated in 218’ 20) ; North Latitude, the land is eniirely destitute of objects that could lie pointed out as tnaiks to guide Hie navigator, and wiibout the assistance of a Pihti a stiaiiger would have some diiliculiy in finding it: Ihe Cutcla boatmen never attempt to steer for it until they have seen the Noiib point of the Ricliel, which being covered with mangrove jungle is visible some distance, and enaltles them lo ascertain their position coi- lectly, I’heie is however no danger in aitproach- iti'g it during the fine season, for the soundings decrease witb the greatest regularity up to the edge of the shoals, and the breakers on them are visible when in 4 or 5 faihoms water. (JTo be continued.) THK CINNAMON TRADE. The following from the Ceylon Observer is the official Statement of the Government Stock of Cinnamon on hand, and that of the Export for the year ending 31st August 1836, it will be seen that the quaiitiiy of the spice shipped during that time was about 5,818 bales, being within about 182 bales of vihai is said by Government to have been export, ed annually during the monopoly. If the high ■ prices that have lately been given for all sorts of Cinnamon, and the increased sale of the first quality be taken into consideration, we conceive that the state of the Tiade will soon, iiicontestibly, prove the erroneous views once maintained by those who would have preserved the 'peculiar monopoly of this A I tide fiom the idea that the abolition of it woud have luined the revenues of the Colony and even the Trade itself. From the manner in which the Government Sales are conducted they still* however, approach too nearly to a monopoly. A certsin number of bales are monthly put up to Auction at an upset price, and however great the demand may be no more will then be disposed of. Government are still almost the sole producers and proprietors of the ailicle, of which they might biiiig a much greater quantity into the market from their piesent stock, and continue to do so were common attention paid lo their Gaidens. Instead of doing this and disposing of a much larger quan- tity at a somewhat reduced lale, with their usual short-sighted policy they content themselves with selling a small quantity at a high pilce upon which they afterwards levy an exorbitant duty. How fre- quently has it been shewn that by this conduct they offer a bonus to foreigners to cultivate the spice, and in support of this conclusion we have lo slate another instance in the Dutch, who have now also become competitors in the cultivation of Cinnamon, of which they have grown excellent qualities at Java. Natural productions of India. To the Editor of the A^ra Ukhbar. Sir,— 1 lespectfully beg to offer for publication Ihe following memorandum on the refining of Carbonate of Soda from the impure inineial Alkali found in abundance throughout the Western Pro- vinces, and more especially in the vicinity of the Jumna, and which I am strongly inclined to lielieve must become a substance of great mercantile im- poilance and value, as soon as its properties, and extensive consumption in medicine, the arts, and manufactutes, become more fully known and ap- pieciated. If this specimen of the application of practical Chemistry merit approval, it mav be followed l>y some others executed with the view to facilitate I lie preparation of the indigenous productions of the Country, JOHN DOUGLAS, Apothecary, Landour, 30t/i Sept. 1936. My attention having been drawn last cold season to the aitiindant and inexhaustible supply of impute Caiboiiateof Soda CRae ka Muitee) found in the state of efflovesence on the surface of the ground throughout the vvesteru Provinces, and in particu- lar to the practicability, of refining it in the most advantageous and economical manner, so as to ren- der ii most suitable as an article of commercial speculation and export, I beg to hes)>eak an in- dulgent coiisideiation for the following metno- raiidum on the subject, the result of my observations and experiments. Regarding the natural phenomena which attend the formation of this mineral it may be briefly premised.— That, on an examination of those localities where it is found efflorescent in the greatest purity and whiteness, a superficial stratum of Cartiouate of Lime is almost invariably to be found in it under Ibe shape of kunkur, and tbe water in the kucha wells in the immediate neighbourhood is sali-ne and bitter, in short, it is generally so strongly impregnated with muriate of Soda as to be made available by the native salt makers for the manu- facture of Hie coarsest qualities of coiiniiy salt. On a consideration of these circumstances it may be inferred that a mutual process of decompo- sition is continually, and imperceptibly going for- ward between the Muiiate of Soda aiiri Carbonate of Lime promoted, and modified more or less by the influence of the solar heat, the Caibonate of 366 COTTON CROP IN SURAT, BROACH, POONA, &c. sixia is separated, and perhaps ahsorhins: Carbonic acid from lire aimospiiere, it spoiiianeonsly as- sumes effloiescenl state in vvliic!) il appears at ali times of the year when ilie weather is clear and dry, hut in the ijreaiest purity and perfection dn- tins the montlis of March, Apiii,May, and Jutie, in shoit until the commeticement of the rtiins. The efflorescent alkali when Katheied is mixed with, atid deteiiorated by earthy and calcaierms impurities, besides il is liable to he discoloured by the veoetahle niaitei with which it is found iti coti- lact, such as the roots of mass and tire decayed blanches, and twit's of trin>>aid hushes — the piin- cipal object, therefore, in rifmingii is to destroy and separate it from such iurpeiFections. For this purpose ditfeient plaits may he piir- sited; 1 prefei that which follows, beiiiii grounded ou actual e xpei intent, and the least expensive. A few fields may he selected on which the efflores- cence appeals most plentitul and c eun. (I'he tvaslieimen always know where such fields are to he found,; Let it he gathered in small heaps separa- ting as much as possible, the grass and its roots, the little stalks of rotten plants, the pieces ofkmi- kiir miisi also be picked out ; this will he best down in the baskets, in wbich it is to be taken up and cat lied to the vicinity of the kiln wliere it is to be collected and formed into a mound of a P5ramidal shape. I'he ground on which it is built being laiseda little so as to ptevenl it being injured try the dampness. I'he mound during its formaiioit may be tlioroirgh- ly beat down by wooden mallets, that it may he as solid as possible -iti the course of a lew days a lich and beautifully wliite efflorescence will appear on its sides, particnlaily on the side most exposed to the rays of the sun. This effl iresceuce as it torins, may be detached, or rather shaved off by a common grasscutters kuipah; it ntay then be transferred to a kiln to be calcined aird freed from its vegetable impurities. The common country kiln is veiy suitable for the purpose iutended, only it may be nar- rower and deeper in its construction, and of a capacity proportionate to the quantity of Alka i to be prepared. The calcination must be continued until the vegetable matter be completely consumed, and the carbonic acid dissipated, in short it will become caustic, and similar to lime after having undergone a similar process. Dry cow dung is an excel- lent and cheap fuel, and the calcination after it has commenced, may be continued by throwing in fresh efflorescent Soda by the top, whilst the calcined Soda may be drawn out from the air-hole at the bottom of the kiln. The calcined Soda may now be dissolved in clean soft water, and lixiviated so as to allow the insoluble matter to fall to the bot- tom, and obtain a clear caustic ley or solution. This solution may be further purified by pass- ing it through a filter of clean river sand and charcoal placed ou a wicker basket. The basket by means of a couple of crossed sticks may be fixed over the boiler, so that the solution may drop into it, and the evapora- tion may then commence which is the next step in the iirocess. The boiling mast be con- tinued, adding fresh ley through the filter until it begins to appear quiescent and smooth on the surface like oil; at this stage, a little of the solution maybe taken out and cooled on a bit of glass to show its strength by the quantity of salt that will remain upon it— if that be considerable, the fire may be with- drawn; the solution when cool will concrete into a mass of Soda of the most valuable and purest quality - and after it has been exposed to the atmosphere it will soften and become pasty, and then by the absorption of Carbonic acid it passes into a clean efflorescent Car- bonate, in the most advantageous state to be used in the numerous manufactures, for which it is in such general demand. If it be desirable to obtain the chrystalized Carbonate of Soda it may be dissolved in hot water and exposed to the night air, and if it be cold enough chrystals will be formed, which if slightly disco) oured will become quite jiure and white if spread out for a day or two in the heat of the sun. I apprehend the refining of crude Soda might be carried on under great advantage in the vicinity of Agra, because the crude mineral may be procured by the mere trouble of gathering it - the lands on which it is found being barren and sterile and useless for agri- cultural purposes ; the expence of fuel is easi- ly ascertained, as well as the attendance the process of manufacture would require. Aboiler such as is used for making coarse sugar, (Jag- ree,) would evaporate about a maund of alkali every second day, and the river is conveni- ently available to transport it to the Calcutta market. Analysis of a Sample of Chry-Stalized Car- bonate of Soda prepared in conformity to the method described in this memorandum is subjoined, for brevity ’s sake the results of the application of the tests are stated. First experiment- shewed the presence of an Acid either Cai'bonic or Sulphuric. Second experiment— shewed Carbonic. Acid, no Sulphuric. Third experiment. - The same experiment with a different test; again the same result. Fourth e.xperiment -indicated a small trace of Muriatic Acid. Fifth experiment— shewed a fixed Alkali either free or in Combination with Carbonic Acid. Sixth experiment - shewed the Alkali to be Soda in combination with Carbonic Acid. STATE OF THE COTTON CROP. We have published in a previous column an abstract from the official returns, lately re- ceived from the collectorates of Surat, Broach, Poona and Ahmudnuggur, of the extent of the cotton cultivation within those districts. In consequence of the unusually heavy falls of rain in Guzerat this season, an idea prevails that the ensuing crop of cotton will be greatly deficient. This, however,'seems likely to prove erroneous ; for, though the destruction of the early sowings in the principal cotton districts has been quite enormous, it will be counter- balanced in a great measure within those very districts hy the unusual exertions made to re- sow the lands that have suffered; while in the Deccan no losses have occurred, and the cultivation has more than doubled within a twelve-month. What the state of the crop is in Candeish, Katty war, and the Southern Mahratta country we cannot say, as no returns have yet been received from them; but it is certain that, in all these districts, the weather has been most favorable, tind as the causes which have led to the improvement in the Deccan have been such as operate throughout the country, it may be inferred that the effect has been equally general. The total decrease of cultivation in Broach and Surat is stated at 53,608 beegas. Allow- ing, therefore, 6 mauuds to the beega, those two provinces will produce 9,572 candies less than last .eeason. Against this, at the same rate of computation, we have an increase of 2,945 candies from the Deccan. It will not, therefore, supposing the yield to be as good this year as last require a very great increase in the produce of the other districts, to render the extent of the present crop fully equal to that of the last. - Bombay Courier . THE INDIA REVIEW OF WORKS ON SCIENCE. AND JOURNAL OF FOREIGN SCIENCE AND THE ARTS, EMBRACING MINERALOGY, GEOLOGY, NATURAL HISTORY, PHYSICS, &c. REVIEW. Sugar, as to the probability of an im- provement in the cultivation and quality of, either through Europeans or Natives, in case of an increased demand: From the report from the select committees of the Houses of Lords and Commons, appoint- ed to enquire into the present state of the affairs of the East India Company. 1830-31. BelVs Comparative View of the External Commerce of Bengal, during the years 1834-35 and 1835-36, pp. 106. A Treatise on the Cultivation of Sugar _ canes, and the manufacture of Sugar, comprehending instructions for planting , and saving the cane, expressing the juice, 8fc. 8fc. By W. Fitzmaurice, many years a planter in the island of Jamaica, pp. 69, 1830. The nature and properties of the Sugar- cane, with practical directions for the improvement of its culture and the manufacture of its products. By George Richardson, Porter Philadelphia, pp> 354-, 1831. From a remote period the natives of this country possessed the art of making sugar on the exact principles of manufacture pur- sued with so much success in the West Indies, and we learn from the work by Mr. Fitzmaurice that, on this account, the Court of Directors ordered, in 1792, a report to be drawn up on the subject, which was printed in that year by Debrett. From this report we find, that sugar, ever since the accession of the British to the territorial jurisdiction of Bengal, was a capital staple commodity, and drew annually into these provinces specie to a very considerable amount, which was wholly expended here in the purchase of that commodity for expor- tation, principally to the ports of aliens on both sides of India . We should have sup- posed that, under such favorable results, the sugar trade of this country never would have declined, but its history shows that the trade had been lost at a late period, the current totally reversed, and immense trea- sures exported hence, for the purchase of the same article in foreign ports. On refer- ring to the Bengal Consultations, Revenue Department, 5th of June, 1776, it will be found that the sugar trade had so alarmingly declined, that an address on the subject was presented to the Government of that period, by persons evidently conversant on the subject. The export had then ceased, a neglect of the proper system of manu- facture was the result ; for the peasant or ryot had few wants, and the raw cane, or a vis- cous juice expressed from it, supplied all his wants for temporary aliment or indulgence ; the juice being boiled into a syrup, and of a quality adapted for making the coarse kind of sweetmeats, supplied the demand. This syrup, called Gour or Jaggery, was how- ever plentifully exported to Europe. Now 368 SUGAR IMPORTED INTO ENGLAND IN 1792. can it be credited that the British policy in India led to the neglect of so im- portant an article of trade, of such essential importance to the public revenue, and not merely for use in the state in which it was ex- ported hence, but as a material for the great, opulent, and valuable body of sugar refiners, with reference to whose interests it ought to have been chiefly viewed. The quantities of sugar imported into England for a series of years previous to 1792, the period to which we are now adverting, prcv'e that nearly two hundred and seven millions of pounds weight passed through the hands of the British sugar dealers yearly ; and it was demonstrated that, on an average, one third of the whole of that quantity has been con- sumed within the British islands, one half of the ether two thirds, exported to depend- encies, and the other third, after undergoing the expensive operations of refining, wholly exported. So that, supposing no more to have been refined than the complete one third, ex- ported in that state, how necessary was it for the administration here, and particularly the merchant, to have known that the sugar of India was not of sufficient strength through the defective manufacture, and that it opened the markets for the direct and circuitous introduction of the more rich and yielding sugars of the French and the Americans. But this was not all ; the Chinese and the Dutch took advantage of this want of fore- sight in the Indian Government. The in- dustry and ingenuity of the former especial- ly, brought the manufacture of sugar to a state of the highest perfection and supplied the deficiency. Without occupying much space, we have endeavoured to prove that the Government of this country shut its eyes to a means within its power of enlarging its own resources, and of giving occupation and wealth to its peasantry, by a profitable exportation at a moment when a concurrence of unusual events in the West Indies and in Europe threw open the British markets with considerable and unprecedent- ed advantages to the East India speculation j when, in fact, the failure of the French sugar colonies, the abatement of the produce in the British, together with the popular prejudices raised by the numerous advocates for the ■abolition of slave ti’ade, had caused East India sugar of a very inferior quality to meet a reception and sale. But a new era has now dawned on India. Mr. Bell has already shewn that England will be under the necessity of drawing upon India for new supplies of sugar. The poli- tical aspect of our West India colonies tends to strengthen this impression. The ship- ments, during the last year, of nearly nine thousand maunds of sugar from Calcutta to North America, is evidence of deficiency somewhere; and, as Mr. Bell justly says, it is obvious that free labour in the West Indies, without taking into account the immense sacrifice already made to rescue it from the stigma of slavery, can never be brought low enough to compete with that of the Hindoo. Hitherto the people of England have been made to pay an enormous sum, to indemnify the West India planters for the loss of their slaves, and in return for this boon the people have been compelled to purchase the produce of the East at a much higher rate. The monstrous injustice, however, to which Mr. Bell alluded when his work was published, of bolstering up the interests of one country at the expense of another ; the maintenance of the unnatural price of sugar, by means of unfair restriction, now no longer exists ; and the day has arrived when England must look to this country for her only source of supply. We shall now proceed to examine the various reports before us to prove that the quality and manufacture of sugar may be brought to a state of the highest perfec- tion in this country. Mr. Bell shews satisTac- torily that the Otaheite or Mauritius cane does not degenerate in India under common care, the produce of which is quadruple that of the indigenous. He states that, under the direction of the Agricultural Society, it is expected that within four years the 369 CULTIVATION OF SUGAR CANE IN INDIA. country cane will be completely displaced — a prospect the most encouraging to our com - mercial community here. We shall there- fore, with the ample materials in our posses- sion, proceed to consider the cultivation of sugar cane in India. Mr. Fitzmaurice, who was many years a planter in the island of Jamaica previous to his coming to the East, observes that the groundintended for the cul- tivation of sugar cane must first be cleared of all shrubbery and grass, the roots carefully stocked up with hand-hoes, ploughed over once or twice, and levelled for laying out the whole into pieces of thirty, fifty, and seventy biggahs ; along these pieces it will be re- quisite, for the purpose of draining, to form a strait commodious trench on each side, at least four feet wide at top, “ Four feet deep, and proportionably narrow at bottom, that the banks may be sloped so as to prevent injury to the sides of the trenches in the heavy rains, which would, if the sides were du^ perpendicular, occasion the banks to fall in, thereby obstruct the passage of the water, and require continual labor in repair- ing them. The mold dug from the trenches will help to ra’se the internals, and make paths which should be formed, for ease, convenience, and dispatch, in carrying the cane to the wmrks. The main trenches must be eight hundred yards from each other, and thro’ the centre of the plantation, accoi'ding to its extent, there should be cross trenches of the same dimen- sions as those on the sides of the pieces, into which the latter should lead ; and as the water will find its own level, its direction should govern the line of the main trenches, to -which the inclination would be easily found or made by the same means. When the ground is thus prepared, it shouhi be laid out in beds of twenty feet wide ; or, if it is high ground, thirty feet beds will be preferable ; from a trench of two feet in width and depth between each bed, the mold of the trenches will raise the cane beds in the middle, and the rubbish collected in them taken out from time to time in hoeing and weeding the cane, will contribute to ma- nure and raise the beds, so that they will be found sufficient to convey all the superabun- dant water to the main trenches, as will be required when the rainy seasons are severe. The soil of Bengal being low, it is very requisite that the ground should be carefully drained, some time before it is planted ; for that purpose, therefore, a gang of sixty laborers ought to be hired to do this ; they may in a fortnight, dig and lay out all the trenches and intervals of a plantation of five hundred biggahs ; but this should be com- pleted some considerable time before the heavy rains set in, or the commencement of the regular planting season, in order that the trenches may be strengthened, harden- ed, and durable ; if this is done in time, the drains will afterwards continue in good repair, by cleaning out as often as the plan- tations are weeded ; and at the sarne time the manure acquired in the drains will raise the beds in the centre, nourish the'cane roots, and render the soil productive to a degree that cannot be withoixt expei'ience easily conceived or credited. When the plantation is thus far prepared, have it ploughed, the trenches cleaned, and the pieces marked olf, from one end to the other in the following manner prepare a line of a sufficientdength, and affix thereto, at every seven or eight feet distance, a piece of colored cloth, like a surveyor’s line ; stretch this across the beds as strait as pos - sible, so as to square with the sides, and ends of the beds ; be prepared with a number of pegs of about two feet long, place one in the earth at each of the cloth marks on the line ; this work may be performed by hoys, and girls ; when the first row is lined out, let the liners retreat about three and half feet, and line and mark another row, like the first ; still retiring three and half feet, till they have lined the whole piece ; when the liners have marked olf the first-row, the laborers may commence the digging of that row; four smart boys or girls may line, without fatigue, three biggahs per day ; with two or three more to collect the pegs, as fast as the holes and hanks are formed by the laborers. Much care and some pains are required, on the first laying out the ground, for trenching and holeing ; it ought to be carefully drain- ed, the beds shaped, and planted in such a manner, as that the superabundant rain water may drain from the cane beds, into the trenches, so that the canes may not be chilled, or injured by stagnant water, or too great a quantity of it, as it will contribute to the excellence and quantity of the crop, if the ground retains only an equal share of mois- ture throughout, to promote the spreading of the plants in vegetation ; each stock planted in this manner properly managed, will give twenty or more canes ; a single cane alone is produced from the root pianted ^ after the careless and improvident method of culture in Bengal. Should the land be high, let the liners be- gin at the top, and line it in an oblique or winding direction, gradually to the base ; the farmer who feels the spirit of cultivation, who will see his ground carefully prepared and planted, in his yielding, will find himself am- ply compensated for his trouble ; three big- gahs will contain about three thousand five hundred holes, three feet and half wide, the canes from which will yield on a fair average properly manufactured a ton and half of su- gar ; but it cannot be too much attended to in this branch, that the ground must be well ploughed, the earth pulverised, and carefully planted; fifty coolies can with ease, even in their mode of working, turn up three biggahs 370 ON PREPARING THE LAND FOR THE CULTIVATION OF SUGAR. per day, and half that number will prepare an equal quantity, when familiarized to the use of a mold plough, wherewith they can form the cane furrows and afterwards it will re- quire only a few hands to shape the banks, clean out the furrows, and preserve the whole in an orderly condition. When forming the banks, and furrows for planting, the earth must be dug in rows about six or eight inches deep, until they each shew an even pretty bank from one end to the other; then let the laborers fall back to the second row of pags, and so on till the whole piece is dug into narrow ridges, and strait and even trenches, which will appear, if properly attended to, square, parallel, and regular. It is recommended with the foregoing me- thod to have the laborers employed by daily task-work ; the employer, or a steady well tempered servant as overseer, or steward, to visit them often, and the owner as frequently as he can, to see that the work in every de- partment is well, neatly, and exactly per- formed. The soil, if newly turned up for cultivation, will require no manure, but if in any degree impoverished by repeated tillage, it will be found more productive if slightly manured for the growth of the sugar cane ; this part ot the planting business in Bengal will be found very easy, on account of cheapness of stock, and of labor; and as that best and most productive method of enriching a soil, \yill be so easily effected here, the construc- tion and use of moveable penns are worthy of adoption ; — with bamboo posts and rails form a number of light frames, which may be bound to each other as a fence, sufficient to enclose about two biggahs of ground at a time ; by removing the penns at the end of one week, one side of the penn to stand, and the two sides and the other end to be carried forward, and forming the penn on the outer or opposite ground of the standing part of the fence : thus the planter can go gradually thro’ his whole estate feeding, manuring, exercising his cattle, and following all up with turning up his soil for tillage. The stock should be fed every night with grass, or vines, and in crop time with cane tops, which are then plentiful, an hundred head of cattle will amply manure, with their dung and urine, be the soil ever so impover- ished, an estate of five hundred biggahs. The plantation should be divided into three separate parts, the first to be in manure and preparing for the/aZZjp/an^; by ploughing up the penns as they are so manured, the earth will be duly pulverised and in proper order, against the rainy season in time for planting ; the second division should be under cane to cut for the succeeding crop ; and the third division under rattoons, or roots of canes, which if moulded up, and hoe-ploughed be- tween the roots when young, will produce nearly as much sugar as the plants ; but should the soil be too poor to support rat- toons, let one-third lay over as fallow, and the other two-thirds under fall and spring plants for the ensuing crop ; if the rattoons are |i moulded up, and manured with rich earth I from tanks and ditches, as they spring up , after cutting, they certainly will be found de- !j serving the attention and care of the culti- vator ; the juices of rattoons are much richer than the juices of luxuriant plants, and on that account, both are mixed in crop in order ji to improve the sugar. j IVl oveable cattle penns afford the most easy, ; and certain mode of enriching, and nourish- ji ing the soil for the growth and culture of sugar ; repeated experience in Jamaica has I proved it ; and the farmers of Wiltshire who manure their fields by forming sheep-walks before ploughing in that manner, which they ; call flying penns, improve their crops very i considerably ; but whether the soil is poor or i not, it is recommended to the Bengal farmer [ to collect all the cleaning of his tanks, as well as all the manure about his yard, and heap it i up at or near the centre of the plantation, so | thatitmaybe convenient whenever it is re- | quired ; the manure heaped up should be covered from the sun with rich mold, to pre- vent the exhalation of its richness, and to keep the salts with which it is charged alive, ' the ricks or heaps should be at times mixed ’ and chopped up wdth hoes. As the seasons are usually regular in Bengal, the ryots may begin to put the canes in the ground a w'eek or ten days before the time the rains usually fall, and they will experience and derive from this practice con- siderable advantage, as the young plants will immediatly shoot up with the first showers. The part of the canes that ought to be pre- served for plants, and indeed the only part fit to plant, is the green watery cane top, with a few joints, which is unfit for manxxfac- turing ; if the ground is in want of manure, which the farmer will be the most competent judge of, from the appearance and stunted growth of his canes, or if his land is exhaust- ed from frequent cultivation, recourse must be had to his'heaps of manure; laying it slightly in small quantities in the holes as he plants the cane, or round the cane roots as they come up ; about twenty weight or about two Bengal bullock loads dung to every hundred feet of rich mold taken out of ditches or tanks wdll be found a salutary and nourishing manure. Should any white ants be observed in the ground under preparation for planting, or should they make their appearance after the canes have begun to vegetate, the most effec- tual mode of destroying them will be by poi- son,— in this manner, take a small quantity of arsenic, and mix it up with a few ounces of burned and pulverized ship bread, oatmeal, flour, or ripe plaintain, let this be mellowed with a little molasses, avoiding cautiously while handling it the noxious effects by breath- ing too near it when mixing ; or lest the wind should blow it into the eyes ; place the size of a turkey egg of this composition up- on a flat board, covered with a wooden bowd, and place several of those bowls with the mixture in different parts of the plantation ; the ants will soon take possession of the PROBABILITY OF THE RUSSIANS INVADING INDIA. 371 wooden vessels, and the poison will have a general effect, for those ants that die, being always eaten by the others, the whole estate will be effectually cleared of white ants ; this mode never failed of destroying white ants, during sixteen years in the West Indies ; rats will likewise be destroyed by similar means, mixing a little arsenic with ripe plan- tain or parched corn, ground and tied up in plantain leaves will be effectual; rats are ve- ry destructive to a field of cane, but when the poison is once taken, it is as effectual as if the animals were destroyed, for vermin of every kind will afterward shun the planta- tion. Chunam, where white ants are few, will help to destroy them, a small quantity of it thrown over or under the canes, when plant- ing, will preserve them from these insects.” {To he continued.) Art. II. — Notes on Persia, Tartary, and Afghanistan. By Lieut. Col. Mon- TEITH, K. L. S. of the Madras Engineers. — Madras Journal of Li- terature and Science. Defence of British India from Rus- sian Invasion. By Captain C. F. Head, Qt 0.. by heat, Saline matter, mostly Muriate of Potass, .... “ Cai’bonate of Lime, ” Phosphate of Lime, “ Oxide of Iron,. . 12 12 “ Silex, 156 139 “ Alumina, . . . . 6| 14| Total, 193| 19li “ Loss, 8| 200 200 The very unlooked for circumstance of only 2§ per cent, of vegetable matter being found in these specimens, appears to exclude the idea, that this is the fertilizing principle, or, at least, that it should be exclusively so ; j 0| o§ } 12| I6i } ^ while, on the other hand, from 6 to 8 per cent, of calcareous matter appearing in them, (when in an extensive series of experiments, on high- er soils, this was always found remarkably deficient, seldom more than 0-75 to 1 per cent.) points to the conclusion that the calcareous matter was, perhaps, the great agent, and, in as far as regards indigo, this was found, by experiment, to be the fact,; for a minute por- tion of lime was found to increase the pro- duce upwards of 50 per cent.” Mr. Alexander argues that the lands within the influence of the inundation, long since occupied for the cultivation of indigo, are annually richly manured by a process which impoverishes the higher lands. As the cultivation of indigo is advanced from the banks of the rivers, land is occupied which will not yield a produce equal to that obtain- ed in the soil renewed by annual deposits from inundation, unless the fertilizing matter washed away be replaced by manure. Our author deems it to be carbonic acid gas that acts as a powerful productive agent on the cMrs of the Ganges, and operates with the new soil annually deposited, in producing such fine indigo. The manure, when neces- sary, is therefore lime. The following shows the amount of crops for ten years. “ The crop of 1819, was 1.05,000 1820, „ 72,000 — 1821, „ 90,000 1822, ,, 1,13,000 — 1823, ,, 80,000 1824, „ 1,10,000 1825, ,, 1,43,000 ■ 1826, ,, 90,000 1827, ,, 1.47,000 1828, ,, 96,000 I divide these 10 seasons into two periods, of 5 years each; as it is generally considered, that in the season 1823-24 the spur to increas- ed cultivation was given ; and I may add, that, if over production of indigo was ever likely to take place, the last 5 years w^as the period for it. In the first period of 5 years, the difiPerence of crops annually w’ere as fol- lows : — maunds, 1820 the crop was less than in 1829, 33,000 1821 ditto greater than in 1820,. . 18,000 1822 ditto ditto 1821,. . 23,000 1823 ditto less than in 1822,. . 33,000 This gives the greatest difference between any two years, 33,000 maunds, and the average difference 27,000 maunds, in round numbers. For the next period of five years, the dif- ference of the crops annually were. 380 CULTIVATION OF INDIGO IN VARIOUS PARTS OF INDIA. maun (la the crop was g^reater than in 1823, 30.000 182S ditto ditto l82t, 33,000 ditto was less than in 1S25, 53,0:i0 l“27 ditto was greater than in 1826, .07,000 1828 ditto was less than in 1827, 53,000 The greatest difFerence between any two years in this period is 57,000 maunds, and the average difFerence, 45,000 maunds. By this comparison it would appear, that the uncer- tainty of production is increasing faster than the increase of production ; for, if we take the average of the crops from 1819 to 1823 to be 95,000 maunds, and the average difFerence of good and bad seasons to be 27,000 maunds, the average difFerence between good and bad seasons should be 33,000 maunds, thus : 95,000: 27,000: : 1,22,000 : 33,000 instead of 45,000, as already shown:— this increase may be considered to have arisen wholly from the lands occupied for the extended production of indigo. Whilst the cultivation was restricted to the lands most applicable for that purpose, the difFerence between good and bad seasons did not amount to much more than one-fourth of the average crop : when the increase of production took place, the difFerence between good and bad seasons, on the annual average increase, amounts to nearly one-half of the crop: the difFerence being 45,000 instead of 33,000, leaves an excess of 12,000 maunds against the average increase of the annual crop, which is 27,000 maunds, or nearly one-half.” Mr. Alexander is of opinion, from this view of our situation here, that we are not likely to extend the cultivation of indigo much beyond the demand. Since 1829, the average consumption is estimated at 95,000 maunds : during the last four years the con- sumption has greatly increased, keeping up with the increase of the crops. Mr. Alexander is of opinion that no factory can be called a really good one, which does not yield a profit when its produce is selling at 63. per pound in London ; and all factories not pro- ducing within this limit, will depend upon high prices for their existence. When good indigo comes down to 7s. or 8s. per pound, the increase in deliveries takes off the accu- mulations of the annual surplus. Our author says that the very inferior indigos have dis- GENERAL CATALOGUE OF PLANTS COLLECT- ED A r BOMBAY. By John Graham, Esq. We believe this to be the first attempt at communicating any information with regard to appeared, and that the planters are generally turning their attention to the quality of their manufacture. He apprehends no injury to the trade from the great increase in the production of indigo in Madras, Java, Manilla, and South America ; this country, possessing the greatest advantages in the cheapness of manufacture and excellence of quality of its indigo. With respect to its Cultivation in Bengal, Mr. Ballard states that it is confined principally to low alluvial tracts without regard to soil ; probably nine-tenths of the land bearing the crop is more or less under water by the end of July. The crop is therefore very precarious from the low sites which it mostly occupies, and is liable to be destroyed by annual inundations. Where such accidents do not occur, the crop becomes as profitable as any other. This uncertainty and the ordinary grain engagements lead the ryot to consider the indigo as quite a secon- dary product. The culture by the regular manufacturers is found expensive, and only profitable when the dye is at its highest rate. InTirhoot the soil selected is high and light, being less exposed to the risk of rain or river inundations. The next situation preferred is where the soil is a mixture of light earth and clay, — a soil more retentive of moisture in a dry season than any other ; heavy clay soils are generally avoided. Great care is taken to guard against soils which abound in saltpetre : light soil, with a substratum of sand, from 6 to 12 inches below the surface, is also to be avoided. There is scarcely any real alluvial soil in the district, with the exception of those factories situated on the banks of the Ganges and the great Gunduck. Throughout Oude the soil is light and sandy, inferior in general, for the culture of indigo, to that of Bengal, and particularly to its strong, dark, clayey laud. (To he continued.) _SCIENCE. the botanical productions of this beautiful part of the western peninsula of Hiu'lostan. Tlie catalogue constitutes tliegleaningsof a few occasional minutes snatched by our excellent friend (with whom we have spent many a pleasant liour in botanizing amid the sylvan BOTANICAL PRODUCTIONS OF BOMBAY. 381 recesses of India) from the ingrossing avoca- tions of Ills official duties. He has set an example which those who possess more spare time would do well lo imitate. —Ecf/f. 1. A1 pinia nutans. 2. Achyranthes nspera. A common weed. 3. Asclepias ^i^ardea. Very common thtougiiout India. The natives apply the milky acrid juice to sores. 4. Asclepias acidn. 'I'his is a rare plant ; I found it last August (1834) on the plains to the south of Aurungabad; also in the neigh- bourhood of Poona. 5. Asclepias annulare. 6. Asclepias formossisnma. I have only seen this species in gardens, but, I believe, it is a native of India. 7. Asclepias odoratissimn. This too I have only seen in gardens, and very rare. 8. Amaryllis Zeylonica. A very beautiful plant ; I do not think it is to be found within this neighbourhood. 9. Asparagus fulcutus. Large bushes of this shrubby species are common in the Dec- can ; it requiies support and is generally found overtopping some other shrub; it is rather a pretty plant. 10. Aloe Uttoralis. The fibres of its long leaves are extremely tough and might be used in making cord, if not cloth ; however, I am not aware of its being applied to any econo- mical uses. 11. Anacardium occidentale. Cashew' nut ; common in Salsette and on the island of Bombay, &c. The apples are seldom used, indeed they are not worth eating. 12. Adenanthera pavonia.* Id. Adenanthera uculeata, 14. Averhoa bilimbi. 15. Averhoa carambola. Both species are common in gardens, and the fruit is used for making tarts. The fruit of bilimbi grows from the thick branches and often from the stem of the tree in a singular manner, like the jack fruit. The carambola is called kutrmd by the natives, a word which signifies sour or sharp tasted. 16. Argemone Mexicana. A common weed, if not a native, it is, at least, completely naturalized. 17. Alangium 6-petalum, Grows on Ele* plianta. 18. Anona squamom. Custard apple, very common throughout India. Tlie fi uit is used as an article of food by the natives in times of scarcity ; it is produced in great abundance with the .slightest care ; the tree seems to grow indifferently on all soils and situations. \9. Anonz. reticulata. Bullock’s heart, so named from the shape of the fruit, wiiich is also eaten, though it is inferior to the custaid apple. The flowers ha ve a very sw'eet smell, something like the finest flavoured pears. This • This elegant flower (termed the peacock ^oicerj forms a prominent part of the bouquet with which the Musselmans present Euro- peans on Sundays. - Edit, species is not nearly so common as the other. It is generally to be found planted near tem- ples along with the other species. I'hey call them ram vhool and ceta vhool, in honour of a heathen god and goddess; vhool means flower.* 20. Adansonia diirUrirti. This tree appears to be naturalized. Several of them grow on Bombay Island, throughout tlie Concan and in Guzurat. I do not think any use is made of the fruit ; the tree assumes a very fantastic shape, the trunk very short and rapidly taper- ing ; it attains a great size-i' 21. Abr us precatoriits. A dimi er common in the hedges and jungles ; when the pods open and display its red bead like fruit, it looks very pretty. Tlie natives use the seeds for weights, and call them Gooneh. 22. Artemisia Indica. 23. Aiistolochia ladica. Tins is a rare plant, with dingy looking flowers and leaves. I liave found it on Malabar hill and Cross Island in tiie harbour. Humboldt telbs us, the South Americans use the flowers of some of their gigantic species for hats. 24. Aiitocarpus incisa. Bread fruit tree. I only know one tree on the island, it grows well and produces fruit, of some of whicii I have eaten. In times of scarcity it would bean invaluable tree, and as the soil and climate appear to suit it well, it is a pity tliat it has not been commonly planted. Its congener the jack fruit (A. integrifolia) is in common use among the natives, who call it Flamus^ and the wood of the tree is more used than any other for making household furniture, 'i'he tree attains a large size in Malabar;! have seen a single fruit larger than the largest turnip at home. When growing on the stem of the tree it has something the appearance of a hedgehog stuck to it. 25. Amaranthus tricolor tristis, oleraceits, varieties, I suspect; hajee is the native name, red, green, and variegated. TIrey are exten- sively cultivated and eaten like spinage. 26. Arum campannlatnm. Native name soo- ruu. The root somewhat resembles a pine apple, but it is globular. It is used by the natives in- stead of yams ; I have tasted it ; it is rather coarse. 27. Arum esculentum. Much cultivated by the natives who make use of the tubers in their curries, &c, 28. Arum •polyphyllum. Very common, springing up on waste land during the rains. 29. Acalypha ladica. 30. Areca Catechu. A very graceful look- ing tree, extensively cultivated for the nuU (betel) which are chewed by the natives. 31. Andropogon schoenanthus. Sweet lemon grass, grown in flower pots. 32. A. hchuemum. 33. A. Nurd us. * The author states in a letter to me that “ the properties of Indian plants are little known, and no dependence whatever can be placed on native names. In fact vtTy few have any place in their nomenclature. They are jungle ka vhool, i.e. wild flowers,”- Edit. t There is a fiiie specimen of this tree in Caranja Island. See Records, vol. i., 335.— Edxt, IMPORTANT EXPERIMENTS BY DR. THOMSON. 382 34. Adiantum lu/rulutitm. A fern covering oil) walls during ihe rains. 35. Avidcnnnia tomento-^a. Very common in salt maisiies. 1 have seen it as large as a middle sized tree; it adorns the banks of creeks and rivers, gi owing in the water as well as out of it. 36. Acanthus Sea holly, Looks pretty when in flower (dark blue colour) ; grows common among the Avidcennia plants. 37. Artahotrys oHorotissimuH. I have only seen it inggardens ; it is a pretty scandent ever- green plant, with very sweet smelling but insignificant looking flowers, as all the Anno- naceae have. Decandolle calls it Unona tincinntu. 3d. Aegiceras mr/;r;.s or can del. Found com- mon in salt marshes ; it has pretty dark green leaves with while flowers. 39. Argyreia cuneata Sprengel. A shrub with very beautilul blue bell looking flowers. When near any support it is scandent and sends out long slender branches. Roxbugh refers it to genus Lettsomia. I have only found it on a range of hills about 24 miles west of Poona near Wurgaum. It is grown as an ornamental shrub in tlie gardens at Poona, but I have never met wiili it here. 40. Agave Amerxca. 1 have only seen it in gardens at Seroor and Aurangabad. 41. Agrostis linearis. A common grass. 42. Anthericum tuberosum. Springs up during the rains on rocky waste land. 43. Boerhaavia diffusa. 44. Boerhaavia erccta. Found about 30 miles N. E. from Poona. Stems woody, as thick as a man’s finger. 45. Basella «//)n! and rt/6rn. Varieties cul- tivated as root lierbs ; the leaves are thick and succulent, and afford an excellent subsliiule for cabbage. 46. Bromelia naurtas. Pineapple. 47. Bambnsa ciruudinacea. Common and well known Bamboo. 48. Bryophyllum calj/cinvm. Growing in (.ocoa-nut groves; rather pretty when in ^Qwer ; grown in flower pots as an orna- mental plant. 49. B. uhiniaspecmsr)' •50. B. ,, Candida 51. B. ,, varieaata 52. B. ,, pnrviflora 53. Bergera AoufyO. Cultivated for its leaves wdiicluhe natives use in curries. The native doctors use the bark and roots as a stimulant. 54. B. integerrima. Found near Panwell on the main land. 55. Bassia long i/o/m. A common tree. The intoxicating spirit called mowra is distilled from the flower. Oil is also expressed from the seeds. It is a very common and useful tree. The oil obtained from the seeds is extensively used for adulterating glue. 66. Bignonia 4-locularis. Common in the jungles, and somewhat resembling the ash. The white flowers rising from the ends of the branches look showy at a distance, but cannot bear inspection. 67. Bignonia spotkacea. , r , 58. Bignonia radicans. I have only found these two in gardens ; both have pretty flowers, paiticularly the latter; it is a shrub of very slow growth, and was brought fiom China, I believe. (To be continued.) SUGAR FROM URINE. It has long been ascertained that the urine of persons afflicted with diabetes, contained pure sugar. '1 he following account of a loaf ot sugar from such a source shows that the manufacture has increased. Indeed the sugar vyotild, for cheapness of the raw material^ rival that either fiom the best cane or Indian corn ; but, unfortunately, diabetes is a disease ofraie occurrence, ami, with the exception of a few local instances, we are convinced that the supply from this source considered as absolutely nothing. “ M. Peligot has presented to the Societe^^Philoma- thique, a loaf of sugar which he had extracted from the urine of a patient now in the hospital of La Charit^, afflicted with the saccharine diabetes, ibis man voids about twenty quarts of urine a day, of which five parts in every hundred is sugar.” n EXPERIMENTS ON THE HEAT OR! COLD PRODUCED BY DISSOLV- ING SALTS IN WATER. By ThOxUas Thomson, M. D., F, R. S. L. & E., &c., Reo'ius Professor of Chemistry in the University of Glasgow. 1. 300 grains of crystallized carbonate of soda in povvder, were thrown into 1000 grains of water of the temperature 59° in a tumbler, and the mixture was stirred till the salt was. dissolved ; the thermometer sunk to 43« or 16 degrees. 'I he water of crystallization in 300 grains of carbonate of soda is 187§ grains ; which is one-seventh of l300 grains, the whole of the liquid and salt included. Now, the water of crystallization becoming liquid would absorb 140^ of heat. Hence the temperature oiivht to have sunk one-seventh of 140 or 20°. But the fall w'as only 16^; the difference is owing to the quantity of heat given out by the glass tumbler, wdiich of course would prevent the temperature fiom sinking so low as it otlierwise would have done. 300 grains of anhydrous carbonate of soda in powder, were thrown into 1000 grains of water of the temperature 57°'5, and stirred' with a thermometer till the temperature ceased to rise. The thermometer rose from 57°'5 to 79*^'5 or 22®' In another experiment from 6l® to 82®*5 or 2l®‘5* There remained undissolved 7-7 grains of salt. 'I he water of crystallization seems to be absorbed by ibis salt in the first place ; hence the reason of the rise of temperature. This water amounts to 182^ grains or about one-seventhc of the salt and water. Hence, the rise of temperature should be one-seventh of 140 j Trees with pretty ^ flowers, particu- larly the itar/cguta. S83 A TRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS OF THE ANCIENTS. or 20°. It exceeds this quantity a very little ; the reason ot wliich may be, tliat ihe bulb of (lie ihei mometer being at the bottom of the vessel wheie the Siili actually (liss^olyed, probably the lemneratuie in that spot inight iiave been lather higher than at the sutlace ol the liquid. The specific gravity of anhydrous carbonate of soda is 2'640. Tlie S| ecific gravity of a saturated solution of carbonate of soda at 80® is r2291. It is composed of water 1000 Anhydious salt 292’3 1292*3 The mean specific gravity of such a mixture is 1*1647. But the specific giavity of the so* iuiion i.s 1*2291. It is, tlieietoie, a good deal tlensei than tlie means. 'J’hiswill explain in paittlie reason why the temperature isgieater than it ought to be from iheory. 2. 300 grains of ciystallized sulphate of soda in powder, were thiown into ICOO grains of water ot the teui[)erature 57®*5, and the liquid was stifled about w ith a thermometer till the whole salt was dissolved. A longer time elapsed leiore the sulpiiate dissolved than was itquisite for the solution of tiie car* boiiate of soda. The thermometer sunk to 45° 5 or 12°. 300 giaiiis of anhydious sulphate of soda in fine [)Ouroduce tlie napli- thaline. 'I'hese are distilled and puiified by crysfallir.ation by means of alcohol. The specific gravity of its vapour is 4'528 by : experiment. Hence, we may consider its composition, lO alomsCarbon, .. 4*166= *75 10 atoms 5,, Hydrogen,.. *347 = -625 5,, 451 1 8 125 His, therefore, a bi-pcnta-carbydrogen or C10H5. . 1. CHLORIDE OF NAPHTHALINE* , of Laurent is obtained by combining chlo- , rine with naphthaline without heat. It is a . white powder, hut may be obtained in rhorn- buidal plates by solution in edter. Smell strong. Melts at 284f*. When distilled, it is decomposed, but it may be volatilized in an open lube. Insoluble in water ; little solu- ble in alcohol ; more soluble in ether. Boil- • ing sulphuric and nitric acids decompose it. ; Potash takes up m'lri.itic acid from it. Potas- ; sium destroys it. It consists of caibon 45, hydiogen 2.9, chlorine 521. ; 2.CHLORO-NAPHTHALASE.--When chlorine begins to act upon naphthaline, an V oil is formed which it is difficult to separate from the pieceding chloride and napluhaline. By dissolving it in ether, and allowing it to Stan 1 for some hours, the latter sepaiates. Lastly, by dissolving it in alcohol and allow- ing it to settle, we observe that the solid chlo- ride precipitates fii't, then the oilv chloride, and la-t of all, the naphthaline. In this way it may be i'olaied. It contains ci ibon 60 9, hydrogen 3 9. chlorine 35*2. . S.CHLORO.NAPHTHALESE.— When naphthaline is treated with chlorine; aft r being liquified, the matter becomes solid. A product is obtained whicli affords chloro-nao’i- •thalese by the simple action of potash. The product is placer! in a letori along with a strong solution of potash in alcohol. Heat is applied ami the alcohol collected. Pour a little water on the residue, the excess of potash and some chloiirle of potassium will be separated. An oil is deposited which is treated again withal- • Laurent employs .a new nomenclature to designate this numerous class of compounds. - It consists in changing the vowel of the final syllable of the name of the .substance in jiro- portiouasthe h.vdrogen is replaced by com- bining bodies. (Uiloro-naphlhatase will con- V tain ‘i atoms of hyilrogeii less than naphtha- line^ and will have gained 3 atoms of chlorine. Chloro-naphlh rlese will contain -4 atoms of -hydrogen less than naphthaline, and will > have gained 2 atoms of chlorine. Chloro-naph- thalise is not known. Chloro-naphthalosc jj , contains 8 atoms of hydrogen less than naph- thaliae. cohol and potash. It is then precipitated by water. In a few hours it becomes a pearly mass crystallizing by sublimation. Tliis Is cliloio-naplitlialese. It consists of carbon, Cl‘4, livdrogfMi 3', chlorine 35’6. 4 . P 1-: R Cl I LO R 0 - N A P H i ’ H ALES E .~I f, itisteail of treating the preceding f>ody with potash, we di-nil it, it is partly decomposed, and a portion passes over with an oil. By expressing the product between paper we ob- tain a pure substance which crystallizes by means of alcohol in needles w ith a rhorrjbpi- dal base. It is isomorplious with the preced- ing. If this pyrogenoiis compound is treated with a current of dry chlorine at the usual tempera- ture, the gas comi)ines witli it and forms- a solid, wiiich, when dissolved in ether, crystal- lizes in small prisms. It is colourless, insoluble in water, little solultle in alcohol, more so in ether. It may be di-^tilled. It consists of car- bon 25*4, hydrogen 1*2, chlorine 73*4. 5. CHLORO-NAPH rilALOSE. When napthaline is submitted to the action of chlo- rine it li |uifies, and muriatic gas is evolved. The matter becomes solid. By applying and continuing the action, a crystalline mass is olrtained, which may be |;urified by dissolv- ing it several times in alcohol or ether. 'I'he crystals are oblique pri-ms. Chloro-naplitiia- lose is white and insipid. It distils wdiliout change. Burns with a green flame. At a red beat, lime converts it into ciiloride ofcalcrnm and carbon. It consists of carbon ‘45*6, hy- drogen 1 *5, chlorine 52*9. 6. HYDRO-CHLORATE OF CIILO- RO-NAPHTH ALAS E.— This compound is piodnced by first pas-^ing a current of chlorine over naphthaline; this process should he stopped when the only product, wliich was healed dur ng the re-action, begins to deposit a while matter. This oil is a mixtuie of naph- tlialine, oily chloride, and solid chloride. When exposed to a tempeiaiure between 122“ and 140“ in a small capsule, then dissolved in ether and exfmsed to a cold of 14“, the greater part of the solid chloride is deposited. The efheieal solution wheji mixed with alcdliol and exposed to the air deposits ^ths of -oil. 'i'he remainder, when exposed to a heat , suf- ficient to expel ilie ether and alcohol, is frure hydroclilorale of chloro-naphthalase. It is only, slightly yellow, soluble in alcohol and ether. Chlorine converts it into hydio-chlorate of chloro-naphihalese. It is decomposed by potassium, and partially by distillation. Itscon- .stituents ate carbon 61*435, hydiogen 3;^25, chloiine 35*040. 7. 1 1 YD RO-C II LO R ATE 0 F C H LQ RO- NAPH rilALESE or solid cbloiide is ob- tained by the process just described, , Af- ter the action of the cliloiioe has ceased, it ia necessary to take up the oily matter wLib the ether, and to dissolve theresiduein this liquid with beat in a closed flask, anti to crystallize by cooling. Boiling sulpliuiic acid converts it, 1st, into a matter in‘-olubIe in water,, and soluble in ether. When this solution is evaporated a transparent varnish is left. 2d. Anotlier substance which remains in 'solu- tion and gives, with barjTes, anincrystallizabl© 388 THE RANK ASSIGNED TO SOME SPECIES OF FERNS, salt soluble in alcohol, whicli is probably a sul- {•ho--'a!t analogous tn tlie su ! plio-iiaplitlialales, Hydio-clilorate o! chioio-na()luliale?e coo'ists ot'carbon ,44'79. livdioaen 2'70 ehloiine 52‘51. 8. lUlO.MO-NAPli niALASE.— W lien a few drops of bi oinine aie poured upon napli- tlialine a lively action ensue-, lieai and liydio- broniic acid are diseni;a"ed, and aii oily pio- duct is formed. This consists of cai lain 50 9. hydrogen 2 9. 1 roinine 46’2. 1 liis oil is evi- dently a mixture of two substances, the first of which has not been separated, but the se- cond. 9. BROMO-NAPH l’HALESE may be obtained by distilling a mi.Ktuie ofbiomine and naplilhaline. Id ydrobiomic acid, a bro- mine oil, and charcoal come over, and towards the end oflhe process crystals of hromo-napli- thalese apjieai . d hese are formed most com- pletely when the bromine has been addeil in excess to the naphthaline. In dissolving this pioduct in alcohol and evaporating, we obtain six-sided prismatic neetlles. Tney are white, insoluble in water, volatile, very soluble in alcohol and ether. '1 hey consist ofcaibon 42'9, liydiosren 2'1 , bromine 55, 10. JiHOMIUE OF CHLOllO-NAPfl- TllAEliiSE is formed by irouring biomine upon chloro-naphthalese in a close flask. 'J'he latter dissolves and solidifies into a crystalline mass. When purified by alcohol iiie-ei-nbles the chloride of cliloro-naplithalese, and con- si.>ts of carbon 2l’5, hydrogen 1*05, chloiine and biomine 74‘45. 11. N1 1 KO-NArUTIIALASE i.s form- ed by the action of boiling nitric acid upon najdithaline. A new oil is obtained fir-t, which so’idifies very slowly by cooling, foim- ing a crystalline mass of large needles. It Consists of two bodies very soluble in alcohol and ether, the one is solid or niti o-na plithalase, tile othei IS li([uid. 'I'he foimer is expressed between folds of laper. It is then dissolved in alcolioi. On cooling, drops subside to the bottom of tlie vessel, containing much nitio- iiaphthalase, which is sepaiaitd by solution in alcohol. 'i he alcohol lets fbU cry.sials. 1 iiey aie fmir-sided piisn.s leiininaitd by acute pyramids. Colour sulphui-yellow. Volatile. Insoluble in water ; very soluble ia alcohol and ether, Auaiysis gave catbon 69 86, hydiogen 4 07, azole 8'53, oxygen 17-54. (To be continued .) THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE LIN- NEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. V^. XVII, part 3rd, 1836“. The number of communications in this portion of the transactions amounts to 12, most of which are important. BOTANY. REMARKS ON SOME BRITISH FERNS. By Mr. David Don, Lib. L. S. The object of this paper is to determine how far some species of ferns recently added to the British Flora, merit the rank which has been assigned to them. Aspidium dumetorum, of Smith he has ascertained to be merely a diseased state of A. dilatatum, which is shown by the sudden termination of the costae, and by the partial decay of the other segments. Nephrodium rigidum turns out to be the same with the plant of Swartz. It dif- fers from N. dilatatum and N. spinulo • sum, in having larger and more crowded sori, and a broader and more depressed indusium. The fronds are lanceolate and both the stipes and rachis are copiously clothed with long narrow ramentaceous scales, as in as- pidium aculeatum. In dilatatum and spi- nulosum the rachis is nearly naked, and the stipes is furnished with fewer and broader scales. From N. felix mas it is distin- guished by its more delicate fronds, having the pinulae pinnatified and a more scaly rachis. Asplenium filix foemina is observed in the shape of two different varieties, but neither of them are entitled to be regarded as a distinct form. Cgstea dentata or Polypodium dentatum of Dickson, who first distinguished it from fragilis, inhabits Clova, and appears pecu- liar to the Scottish Alps. Cgstea regia. Contrary to the opinion of Hooker, Mr. Don considers this plant dis- tinct from a/joma, being characterised by its more compact frond, by its shorter, broader and cuneiform segments, by the still more important characters of its more copious sori, and of its narrower and tapering indusium. In the Alpina the segments are linear and the sori much fewer, being mostly solitary on the lobes, and the indusium broader, truncate, and not taper pointed. No Bri- tish station now exists for this plant. DESCRIPTION OF FIVE NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS PINUS, DISCOVER. ED BY DR. COULTER IN CAUFOR- NIA. By Mr. David Don, Lib. L. S. Notwithstanding the addition of seven new species to this genus, by Mr. Douglas, wdth- in the space of a very few years, we have in this paper a detail of the character of five additional species discovered by Dr. Coulter, in California ; especially on the western flanks of the northera Andes, and the extensive parallel ranges of mountains which extend from south to north through that country. 1. THE P. COULTERI rises to the height of 8o or 100 feet at an elevation of from 3000 to 4000 feet above the level of the sea ; growing intermingled with the P. Lam- bertiana on the mountains of St. Lucia, near the Mission of San Antonio, in latitude GALLS AND MUSTARD PLANT OF THE HOLY LAND. 36®. 2. P. mMncafa attains a height of 40 feet. It was found at San Luis Obispo in latitude 35°. at an elevation of 3000 feet. 3. P. radi~ ata found about Monterey in latitude 36°, near the level of the sea, and growing almost close to the beach. It affords excel- lent timber, which is very tough and admira- bly adapted for building boats. 4. P. tuberculata, resembling in position and ap- pearance the preceding. 5. P. hracteata was found growing on the sea side of the mountain range of St. Lucia, about 1000 feet lower than P. Coulteri. The trunk rises to the height of 120 feet, not exceeding 2 feet in circumference and as straignt arrow. SOME ACCOUNT OP THE GA.LLS FOUND ON A SPECIES OF OAK, FROM THE SHORES OF THE DEAD SEA. By AYLMER Bourke Lambert, Esq., F. R. S., V. P. L. S. This paper contains a description with figures of some galls brought from the Holy Land by the Hon. R. Curzen, and which the author considers to be the “ mala insana,” or apples of Sodom of history. They grow on the Q vercus infectoria, a tree which grows abundantly in Syria, i he insect which tbrms them has been named by Olivier J)iplolepis. When on the tree the galls are of a rich purple, and are varnished over with a light substance of the consistence of honey, shining with a most brilliant lustre in the sun, which makes them look like a most delicious and tempting fruit. NOTE ON THE MUSTARD PLANT OF THE SCRIPTURE. By Mu. Lambert. The author considers this plant to be the same as that daily used among us. He con- ceives that the expression “ less than all the seeds that be in the earth,” used in Scripture was used comparatively and meant nothing more than a small seed. Captains Irby and Mangles have informed the author that our mustard plant, the sinapis nigra, grows in the Holy Land as high as their horses heads, and other travellers have seen it growing to the height of 10 feet. ON SEVERAL NEW OR IMPERFECTLY UNDERSTOOD BRITISH AND EURO- PEAN PLANTS. By C. C. Babington, F. L. S., &c. 1. HERNIARIA HIRSUTA, has been fouhd only at Colney Hatch Barnet, by Hudson, and Milne, and Gordon, but not since 1793. 2. H. GLABRA. — Near Newmiarket, Rev. Mr. Herosted. The description • under this title in Hooker’s Flora applies to H. ciliaia. 3. H. CILIATA. — Lizard point, Ray and Borrer. S89 4. CREPIb VIRENS. — Common on walls, &c. This plant has usually been confounded with C, tectorum, which does not appear to be a native of this country. It is distin- guished from by its ” very long fruit, equalling the pappus : attenuated above, its ribs rough ; the margin also of the upper leaves is revolute, that not being the case in C. virens.'” 5. C. BIENNIS. — Tnvolucrura, ovate, ob- long, both when in flower and seed, not be- coming ventricose as in C. virens. 6. ERICA TEI'RALlX. Seems branch- ed only towards the base. Leaves and sepals linear, lanceolate, downy, their margins secured so as almost to meet behind. 7. E. MACKAIANA, N. S. — Fol qua,tern. ovat. ciliat. supra glabris, floribus capitat. pedicellatis, sepalis ovat. ciliat. glabris, pe- dicellis piles, et comentosis, corolla oblong, ovatis, antheris anstat. inclusis, stylo exser- to.— Distinguished from E. Teiralix by the form and structure of its leaves and sepals, the glabrous upper surface of the former, and its total difference in habit. It agrees with E. ciliuris in the character ot its foliage, but differs from that plant by haying anthers awned. Gathered by the author on Craigha Moira, Connamara, Ire- land, in August, 1835. Mr. McCalla, of Roundstoae, directed his attention to it, as beim;, perhaps, a new British heath. It is nameu utcer iMr. M > ckay, of Dublin. Some botanists consider it as a variety of E. Tetralix. ' 8. POLYGONUM MARITIMUM.— Christchurchhead, towards Muddiford Bor- r°r ; Keime Bay, Jersey. Mr. W. C. Trevelyan. 9. IL RATI. — Intermediate between P. Maritimum and aviculare. The P. aviculare of Hook. Brit. Flora. 10. B. DUMETORUM— Wood at Wimble- don : Mr. .) . A. I laukev. 11. P. CONVOLVULUS.— Improved de- scription by the author. 12. EUPHORBIA PILOSA.— E. pilosa Q of Hooker. ^ 13. EUPHORBIA CORALLOXIDES — E pilosa a of Plooker : naturalized at Hen- fold, Sussex. 14. HA BEN ART A CHLORANTMA- Orchis bifolia a of Smith. 15. H. BlPt/LIA. — 0. bifolia ^ of Smith. 16. H. FORNICA PA— . A distinct species, having its anther rounded at the tip and hooded, and the cells parallel; plant smaller than H. bifolm. OBSERVATIONS ON THE SPECIES OF FEDIA. By Joseph Woods, Esq., F. L. S. This genus was originally made from the varieties of the Linnean species, Valeriana locusta, being separated from Valeriana by habit as well as by the want of a feathery crown to the seed. The name comes from Hoedus, or Foedus, a kid, and was introduced ^90 INSECTS OF BRAZIL AND VALPARAISO. by Adanson, although not applied by him to this genus. Decandolle divides it into four divisions. 1. Locusta: with one or two empty cells and a gibbous corky or spongy mass at the back of the fertile one. 2. Psilocoelue: the two empty cells, each reduced to a hollow nerve. 3. Plaiycoelae : two empty cells, near y as large as the fertile ones. 4. Selenocoelat : section of the fruit, crescent shaped, with two empty cells. Mr. Woods suggests that the European species may be divided as follows : A. Flow- ers ringent. 1. F. Cornucopioe : B. flowers nearly regular; A. fruit with a corky mass at the back of the seed. 2. F. oliioria. 3. F. (jibhosa b. section of the fruit crescent shaped, two barren cells, a. F. iurgida. 5. F. carinafa. 6. F. platiiloba : C. barren cells two, hardly touching in the middle ; di- vi'-ions of the calyxhooked; flowers in glo- bular heads ; upper leaves generally pinnati- fied at the base. 7- F. Hamata. 8. F. Coro- nata. 9. F. Ciliata: d barren cells two, hard- ly touching in the middle ; prolonged in to teeth or horns, but not forming a membra- nous calyx. 10. F. echinata, 11. F. frigo- nocarpa. 12. F. Sphaerocarpa. 13. F. pu- mila : e barren cells two contiguous ; crown erect. 14. F auricula : / barren cells four 15. F. vesicaria : g barren cells wanting, or reduced to a mere nerve ; panicle nearly fas- tigiate ; the lower flowers solitary. 16. F. lasiocephala. 17. F. eriocarpa. 18. F. den- taia 19. F. puberula. 20. F. microcarpa. 21. F. fruncata. 'J he paper isj illustrated by drawings. DE MERCH.\NT1 E 1 S AuctoreThoma.&c. Taylor, M. D., F. L. S. The species of this order of plants, although limited in nun bn-, are widely spread over the world, as \\e find from the Baltic sea to the Mediterranean in Europe, over all America and even the mountains of iXepaul. The author treats of sujh in this paper as have come under his notice, under the genera Marchanfia, FegaieUa, Fimbraria, Lunularia, Hygropgla. Those who are fond of the study of this beautiful order of plants, we cannot direct to a more distinct source for the solution of any difficulties which they may happen to meet with, although it would have more congenial to the acquirements of most botanists if the concluding remarks on each species had been couched in English instead of Latin. We approve of the use of the latter language for stating the specific characters, but to carry the use of a dead language any further is an abuse. ON THE ERIOGONEAE, A TRIBE OF THE ORDER POLYGOA'ACEAE. By G. Bentham, Esq., F. L S. The genus Eriogomm was first established “by Michaux in his Flora Borealu Americana' The number of plants now known which approach nearly to this genus amount to 40 species. In this paper Mr. Benthatn proposes to divide these into three genera. |' All the species are equally distinguished by their involucrate inflorescence and absence of ' stipulae, at least to thelower or cauline leaves. But a considerable difference of habit has induced him, at the suggestion of Mr. Brown, not only to separate generically 5 species with uniflorous involucres ; b\xt among these to isolate one (Mucronea) which has a ! compressed and bidentate involucre formed of two leaves instead of a triangular sexdentate 1 one formed of six leaves as in the four species {Chorizanthe). The latter genus is further confirmed and augmented by seven species collected in Chili by Macrae, Cuming, Bridges, &c. OBSERVATIONS ON I HE GENUS HO- SACKIA AND THE AMERICAN LOTI. By George Bentham, Esq., F.L.S. The author modifying his views expressed in the Botanical Register (vol. xv. tab. 1257,) in reference to these two genera, is now induced to confine the circumscription of Hosackia to the umbellate species, and propo. ses to consider the uniflorous ones as belong- ing to Lotus of which they would form a sepa- rate section, which, with reference to the size of the flowers, might be called Microlotus. !! The two genera would then be characterized i’ by the form of the flower ; and the peculiar!- 1; ties observable in the organs of vegetation ' would again be reduced to their proper level, j thatof subsidiary, not essential characters. In i the true Hosackiae the claw of the vexillum isr ;! always at some distance from those of the other j petals ; the alae adhere by their margins to | the Carina, and usually (if not always) spread at right angles from it ; the carina is usually j less rostrate than in Lotus and the stigma ; more distinctly capitate. In Microlotus the j flower does not present any essential differ- ences from that of our European Loti. The author describes 1 1 species of Hosackia, and i 5 species of Microlotus. j ENTOMOLOGY. | Descriptions, ^c., of the Insects collected Captain P. P. King, R. N., F. R. S. in the j: Survey of the Straits of Magellan. By John i Curtis, Esq., F. L. S. ; A. H. Haliday, Esq,^ M. A., and Francis Walker, Esq., F. L. S. The collection was formed along the coast : from St. Paul’s in Brazil to Valparaiso. It | is interesting to trace the similarity which ![ exists between the corresponding parallels of i the southern and northern hemispheres such ; as is afforded by the present collection. Thus i the genus Carabus appears unknown in S. America, excepting about lat. 50® where a j species of that group with a narrow thorax j has been found ; the genus culex also occurs, J The insects of S. America bear little resem- blance to those of S. Africa. Descriptions are given of species belonging to 55 genera ! of Hymenopfera, and of 78 genera of Diptera. •^Records of Science. | DR. O’SHAUGHNESSY’S EXPERIMENTS A T THE GOVERNMENT HOUSE. S91 CHARACTERS OF EMBI A, A GENUS OF INSECTS ALLIED TO THE WHITE ANTS (TERMITES), WITH DESCRIP- TIONS OF THE SPECIES OF WHICH IT IS COMPOSED. By J. O. Westwood, Esq., F. L. S. This genus is remarkable at present not only because it consists of species nearly allied to the white ants, but because it is com- posed of 3 exotic species, each from a dif- ferent quarter of the globe, wdiile a single specimen only of each has hitherto come under the observation of entomologists ; each pos- sesses also characters of a higher rank than mere specific distinction, whence he has been under the necessity of considering each as a distinct subi^enus ; these are Ernbia Savignii, Oligotoma Saundersii, anil Olynthia Brazi- liensis. Mr. Westwood has also observed two species imbedded in Gum Copal or Anime, which he has not been able sufficiently to iden- tify. ON A NEW ARACHNIDE UNITING THE GENERA GONYLEPTES AND PHALANGIUM. By THE Rev. F. W. Hope, M. A., , F. R. S., F. L. S. This remarkable insect with disproportion- ally long hinder legs, so long that it is dif- ficult to conceive of what utility they can be» was collected in Brazil by the late Mr. Ha- worth, a zealous promoter of entomology in all its branches. Mr. Hope terms it Dolichos- eelis Haworthii. ZOOLOGY. DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS CHAMELEON. By Mr. Samuel Stutchburg, A. L. S.. &c. CHAMELEON CRISTATUS. C. Super- ciliari occipitalique carina elevata et crenulatfi> caudae anteriori parte dorsique anophysibas elongatis cristam dorsalem constituentibus : squamis fere rotundis subsequalibus. The striking peculiarity of this animal consists in its having a dorsal crest, supported by the spinous processes of the vertebrae, by which character it approaches the basilisks. It was brought from the banks of the river Gaboon in Western Equinoctial Africa, and was pre- sented to the Museum of the Bristol Institu- tion, by Messrs. King and Sons of that city. THE PRACTICAL MECHANIC’S POC- KET GUIDE, &c. By Robert Wallace, a. M., Glasgow, 1836. p. 120. This is a very neat and useful little com- pendium of the most important rules for the practical mechanic, arranged under the heads of 1. Prime movers of machinery; 1st. Ani- mal power. — ^2d. Wind power. — 3rd. Water power. — 4th. Steam power. II. Weighty strength, and strain of materials. III. Prac- tical tables : let. Weight of metals.-~-2jxd. Specific gravity and weight of materials.— 3r(l. Steam and steam engines. — 4th. Spe- cific cohesion and strength of materials. — 5th. Mechanical powers. The section upon steam is illustrated by a good plate of the steam engine, and . a plan is appended to the work of the land which has been drained behind the town of Greenock, and of the great reser- voir which is supplied by these numerous drains. We have no doubt that Mr. Wallace’s book will be duly appreciated by those for whom it is intended, and we recommend it to the attention not of mechanics alone, but of all who are interested in this importaot branch of philosophy. THE INDIA REVIEW. Calcutta : December 15, 1836. LORD AUCKLAND’S SCIENTIFIC PARTY. Dr. O’ Shaughnessy demonstrated by ex- periments the nature and properties of oxygen and hydrogen gases, and the com- position of water, by introducing them in aclose glass vessel, theinside of which, though clean and dry before the experiment, became dewy. This was done with Cavendish’s ap- paratus, by exploding the mixture with an electrical spark. Dr. O’ Shaughnessy took that opportunity of bringing to the notice of his hearers that, within a week past, he had received information of a new experiment, by which it was shown that hydrogen gas was a complete test for arsenic, which Dr. O’ Shaughnessy considered an invaluable discovery* He placed a few drops of Fowler’s solution in a vessel with water, and obtained hydrogen by solution of zinc in sulphuric acid. The hydrogen being ignited was allowed to play in a small jet in a glass tube; where Dr. O’ Shaughnessy supposed it deposited the arsenic. Fresh lime water, added to a fluid con- taining arsenic, is said to have precipitated l-30th of a grain of the metal. But Dr. O’ Shaughnessy thought that hydrogen gas would detect the 500th part of a grain. We suppose this experiment has originated " from the well known test of water saturated xritii sulphurretted hydrogen gas, formedi by the actio n of diluted muriatic acid on sulphu- CONFLICTING OPINIONS AMONG CHEMISTS. retted iron, which has been considered a dedi- cate test, producing an orange-yellow precipi- tate or the hydro-sulphuret of arsenic. We prefer this to the experiment brought forward on this occasion, because 2inc sometimes contains arsenic. Dilute sulphuric acid dissolves zinc : at the same time that the temperature of the solvent is increased, and much hydrogen escapes, an undissolved resi- due is left which, Proust says, is a mixture of arsenic, lead, and copper. But Dr. Christison has maintained that the liquid tests have been found liable to many fallacies, and their details have seldom carried conviction to the Judge or Jury ; it was therefore desirable in his opinion to obtain evidence from reduction and sublima- tion. He endeavoured to show that the fourSi part of a grain might be presented in its metallic form, although it had been dissolv- ed in eight thousand parts of the most com- plicated vegetable and animal fluids. The experiments that he performed led to the conclusion, that the proof of the existence of arsenic becomes conclusive ; for no other known substance, says he, can yield with sulphuretted hydrogen a yellow precipitate from which a metallic crust can be sub- limed. Professor Silliman says that ** the reduction of the arsenic is perfectly deci- sive.” After this we might well ask, what need is there of other tests ? But professor Michell has performed nu- merous experiments ; and, having closely examined those made by Christison, come to the conclusion that the more he examined the subject the more he became convinced that, ” for the ascertainment of the presence of arsenic, no single experiment was sufficient," and that the appearances, of even the best marked and most characterestic ct'ust, arena t an infallible, or alone even a good test of the presence of the potent poison.” Rose de- clares that the free sulphur is always depo- sited along with the sulphurets precipitated from arsenical solutions by sul phuretted hydrogen, and which accounts for the yel- low or yellowish red ring occasionally sur- mounting the metallic crust obtained by the reduction of the sulphuret of arsenic. Dr. A. Murray of Edinburgh is not satisfied with Christison’s conclusions, and shows experiments by which, he says, it is easy to detect a quantity of arsenic, much less than i the most skilful chemist can reduce to the |i metallic state. Few persons, says he, can I depend upon reducing l-20th or even 1-lOth of a grain of arsenic ; but he felt con- vinced that it is easy, by his method, to de- tect 1-lOOOth part of a grain ; as a proof of which he took one grain of white arsenic, I and spread it out as much as possible upon f common writing paper ; and, by means of the 1 ammoniacal nitrate of silver, with great ease !| and even in a hasty manner, made upwards r of 400 separate and distinct yellow spots. ^ Dr. Paris recommends the suspected fluid i to be dropped on a piece of white paper, making with it a broad line ; along this line a stick of lunar caustic is to be slowly I; drawn several times successively, when a streak is produced of a colour resembling I; that known by Indian yellow. Dr. Murray { denies that nitrate of silver produces change | of colour with arsenic ; but with a phosphate | it readily occasions a beautiful yellow. Orfila is in the habit of testing by concentrated i liquid hydro -sulphuric acid. He obtains the i metallic arsenic, and specifies its physical j properties. Now, considering the importance of the ’ question we have been examining, these con- | flictingopinions induce us to implore those who I are likely to sit on British juries and gentle- | men of the Bar, seriously to consider this ! difference of opinion ; while we solemnly j protest against any bold assurance of our | chemical physicians lest they peril the j life of a fellow creature on the uncertainty of an experiment. Many of our profession, says Dr. Wm. Hunter, are a little disposed to grasp at authority on a public examination, by giving a quick and decided opinion, whereit should have been guarded with a doubt, — acharacter which no man should be ambitious to ac- quire, v/ho in his profession is presumed every day to be deciding nire questions on which the life of a patient juay depend. At)VlCE TO JUDGE AND JURY. 39S The Jurist should remember the words of Shakespeare — “ I have seen, When, after execution, Judgment hath Repented o’er his doom.” We are aware that archdeacon Paley ob- jects to the maxim that we ought to bear in our minds, that it is better that many guilty escape than one innocent man suffer. But Male, the able author of Juridical and Forensic Medicine, quoting the work entitled Considerations on the Criminal Proceed- ings of this Country,” still maintains that the maxim is a good one. On the conclusion of Dr. O’Shaughnessy’s experiments, Mr. James Prinsep proceeded to show the intense heat produced and directed on different metals, by a jet of flame consisting of hydrogen and oxygen gases. The gases were discharged from separate gasometers, and brought in contact at the orifices of small diameters. The Drum, mond light,already described in our Journal, was exhibited. Dr. Wallich attended with a most perfect Ross’s microscope, through which was distinctly seen the circulation or living principle of plants. The skeleton of an ox, prepared and set up by Mr. Pearson ; nu- merous fossils ; varieties of the Assam silk moth; Dr. MacClelland’s collection of birds ; very valuable specimens of Bactrian and other coins, collected by Mr. Prinsep, Col. Stacy, and Capt. Cunningham, and several plants, among which was the tea plant of Assam, were also exhibited. The whole party appeared much delighted, with the interest- ing and instructive entertainments. LAW OF PATENT, TO USE NEW MANUFACTURES REQUIRED FOR INDIA, So long as such a law is not mischievous, by raising prices of commodities, or hurtful to trade, we consider that it is essentially necessary for the protection of the property of individuals in this country. We should be glad to see a legislative enactment in favor of inventors, that those who labour with the in- tellect may be entitled to as effectual a pro- tection as those who labour with the body. We are led to the foregoing observations from having observed, in the London Jour- nal and Repertory of Arts, &c. for May last, a patent granted to Mr. Newton in M arch 1835, for a method of preparing animal milk, and bringing it into such a state as to allow of its being preserved for a certain length of time. We republish the article, in order to show our readers, that this, with very little alteration, is the mode by which Mr. Previte, now about to embark for England, has pre- pared his pulverized milk. We have ob- tained from Mr. Previte some information as to the cause of his not obtaining the patent to which he was so justly entitled,, for his important discovery, which, being of interest to the British community in India, we do not hesitate to lay before them. Mr. Previte’s discovery being sub- jected to the examination of several eminent medical men was, after many experiments, pronounced to be pure milk in a dry state, retaining the flavor of milk in full per- fection, imparting it to tea and coffee, as well as all culinary preparations where milk is required ; and being, from its nutritious properties and freedom from acidity, well adapted for children and invalids. As much attention, labour, and expense had been bestowed in prosecuting the ex- periments which led to the discovery, he applied, in a letter dated 14th May, 1834, to the Government, through the Secretary in the General Department, for a patent. The reply was thatno law existed under which pa^ tents could be given by the Government of In- dia to secure to the projectors or inventors of new machinery, or preparations of any kind, the property and exclusive benefit of their inventions. The propriety of eventually passing such a law, to give to the Govern- ment such a power, was to be considered by the Right Hon’ble the Governor Gene- ral of India in Council. Two years and seven months have passed away, however, and the result is that the patent has been obtained by another person in Europe, — one who is not the inventor ; for he acknowledges that it was a communication from a foreigner rg- siding abroad. And thus it is, that unless the 394 LAW OF PATKx\TS REQUIRED FOR INDIA. law be granted in favor of Mn Previte, the ori.. ginal inventor, his labour and expense must be lost. We consider this an exceedingly hard case, and we trust that it will induce the Government in India, without delay, to apply for a legislative enactment, for the protection of the right of inventors, &c. The following is the patent which we copy from the London Journal. To William Newton, of Chancery -lane, in the county of Middlesex, civil engineer, for a method of preparing animal milk, and bringing it into such a state as shall allow of its being pre- served for any length of time, toith its nutritive properties, and capable of being transported to any climate, for domestic or medicinal uses; being a communication from a foreigner resid ing abroad. — [Sealed 11th March, 1835.] The method of preparing animal milk, and bringing it into such a stale as shall allow of its being preserved for any length of time with its nutritive properties, and capable of being transported to any climate for domes- tic or medicinal purposes, consists in simply evaporatiuR the aqueous parts from the liquid milk, and leaving the other constituent parts of the milk in a concentrated state, unaltered by any chemical change, which 1 effect in the following manner : — Taking the milk in n fresh state as drawn from the animal, hav- ing first strained it, if necessary, to get rid of any dirt or other improper matter w’hich may have accidentally fallen into the pail or other vessel while milking ; I introduce into the milk a small quantity of pulverised loaf sugar, say from one-fiftieth to one-hundredth part in weight of the whole quantity of the milk, which quantity may how'everbe greater, dependant upon the desix-ed sweetness of the preparation when completed. On the sugar becoming perfectly dissolved, I subject the milk to tolerably rapid evaporation, either by blowing through the milk warm or cold air, by means of suitable apparatxis of any conve- nient form, such, for instance, as those at present in use for evaporating syrups, or by means of external warmth in connexion with a vacuum above the surface, produced in any of the ordinary ways as applied to evaporation. By whatever process, however, the evapora- tion is carried on, the milk may, with advan- tage, be subjected to a gentle warmth to quick- en the operation ; but that warmth Avill be best obtained from hot water, or from steam or heated air, applied to the outside of the vessel which contains the milk, as the direct action of fire upon the vessel may tend to injury the properties of the milk, and perhaps give it an unpleasant flavour. By evaporat- ing the aqueous parts of the milk in this way, its nutritive or essential parts may be concentrated, and its substance reduced to the consistency of cream, honey, or soft paste, or even into dry cakes or powder ; and may in the latter states be kept exposed to the air for a length of time without being impaired, the sugar tending to preserve it. By dissolving the milk so prepared in a proportionate quantity of warm or cold water, the original milk is reproduced, with all its properties, original flavour, and salu- tary qualities. It is desirable to dilute the concentrated milk at first in a small portion of water, and to add afterwards the necessary quantity to bring it into the liquid state ; otherwise it would be difficult to dissolve the milk com- pletely. This process of preparing milk, affords the means of conveying it without injury to any distance in any climate, and of retaining by concentration the delicious flavour of the milk peculiar to one country, and reproduc- ing it in another with its original qualities. When evaporated to the consistency of paste, it may be taken as food by pei'sons who, on account of the weakness of their digestive organs, cannot take milk in its liquid state. It is obvious that every kind of animal milk may be prepared in the same manner, whether it comes from the cow, the goat, the ass, or even from the human breast. When evaporated to the consistency of a syrup, it may be put in bottles or phials ; when concentrated to the consistence of honey, in suitable pots ; when brought to that of a thick paste, it may be shaped into lozenges, or dried and reduced to powder. Milk so prepared may,without losing any of its pro- perties, be afterwards combined w ith any me- dicinal, aromatic, or nutritious substance. When reduced into powder, milk may b« advantageously mixed with cocoa, and dried into cakes ; and by diluting it with warm water, will give excellent chocolate. When brought to the consistence of honey, it may be mixed with a strong infusion of coffee, or of tea ; and being further evaporat- ed, will keep, and afterwards yield, when dissolved with warm water, coffee, or tea, of the usual strength and flavour. This improved method of preparing milk is essentially different from all preparations of milk heretofore known ; and is particularly unlike the prepaiation described by Mr. Braconneau, inasmuch as milk prepared upon his plan is decomposed ; while by my pro cess it is only concentrated, without being chemically changed. The process of Mr. Braconneau consists in separating, by means of an acid, che serum from the other constituents of milk, and adding to the residuum (viz. the caseum and the buty^-ous substance) a sufficient quantity of carbonate of soda, to render it soluble in liquid. The milk so prepared must be re- composed for use, but it never can be brought to the perfect flavour and condition of real good milk, as many of its original properties are necessarily destroyed or modi- fied, how^ever exact the analysis, and how- ever great the skill of the operator : on the contrary, the milk thus prepared by me un- dergoes no chemical change, but concentrat- ea by its constituent substances are merely di’iving off or evaporating the aqueous parts ; and the milk, with all its original flavour and nutritious qualities, will be again restored by the addition of simple water. — \Jnrotledin the Rolls Chapel OJfice.] ( 395 ) PROGRESS OF SCIENCES, AS APPLICABLE TO THE ARTS AND MANUFACTURES; TO COMMERCE AND TO AGRICULTURE. PALMER’S PATENT EXCAVATING AND SELF-LOADING CART. In this railway age an invention which isre- presented to be capable of etfectinga saving of no less than “ 500 percent.” in the time and labour attending those fundamental railway operations, cutting and embanking, will be readily allowed to be one deserving of all possible attention. Whether so prodigious a saving could be actually realized by the apparatus we are about to describe, practice only can determine; and, for the present, we are inclined to think that to expect so much from it, is to take rather a sangxxine view of its capabilities. But we are sure every mechanical reader will join with us, at ail events, in admiring the ingenuity and skill with which it has been constructed. Fig. I is aside elevation of Mr. Palmer’s excavating and self-loading cart ; fig. 2, an end-view ; and fig. 3, a sectional view through the axle. The cart, it will be seen, is of the ordinary size ; it maybe drawn by one or two horses, and will hold half a ton. A A (fig. 2.) are the wheels, the rims of which are hollow, open on the inside, and divided by the pro- jecting partitions B B into as many separate chambers as there are spokes ; C C are iron cutters or excavators, resembling plough- shares, one to each wheel, which scoop out the earth and throw it upon the projecting partitions B B, which, as the wheels revolve, discharge the earth into the body of the cart H ; D is a beam, to xvhich each excavator is secured by two strong bolts ; and E, a lever, with a hooked termination, to which a chain G, proceeding from the excavator D, is at- tached, so that by the turning of this lever the excavator may be adjusted to any depth required, or raised altogether when the cart has completed its load. The means provided for emptying the cart are shown in fig. 2. The bottom is divided into two parts II, which are connected by the bars K K to a chain L, which passes round a projecting iron rod or pulley N. M is a winch-handle, which, being applied to the rod N, opens or shuts the bottom leaves of the cart at plea sure. P P are strong horizontal bars, made fast to the body of the cart, both in front and at back ; R R, diagonal braces, which con- nect the upper and lower bars P P ; and S S, braces , proceeding from the nave of the wheel to the bars P P. On the uppermost of these bars, immediately above the letter O, there is a stopper to retain the winch handle when necessary. The cart is stated to have been “ seen at work by many engineers, who have all given their most decided- approbation of it.”^ A model of it maybe seen at Mr. Hendries’, in Oxford-street. ON THE .CONSTRUCTION OP STEAM PLOUGHS. Mr. George Vaughan Palmer, the inven- tor, is now, we regret to say, numbered with the dead. In a slight biographical notice of him, with which we have been favoured by a friend, it is stated that he was a native of Worcester, where he was born, June, 1786; and a descendant of the ancient family of the Vaughans of Trebaried, county Brecon, and Hargest Court, Herefordshire. From early infancy he evinced a strong taste for mechani- cal pursuits; and, had he been longer spared to the world, would probably have risen to eminence as an inventor. Great part of his time was devoted, for some year previous to his death, to the construction of his excavat- ing-cart ; and he had but just completed, and secured his right to it by a patent, when he was seized with a rapid decay, of which he died in Jxiue, 1834, leaving a widow and four children, for whose benefit the patent is now to be sold. — Mechanics' Magazine. STEAM-PLOUGHS. The adaptation of inanimate power to the tillage of the soil must evidentiy liave been coiisideied by piaciical men lo piesent almost itisupeiable difficulties, or steam would, pro- bably, long since have been substituted for hoi'tsand oxen, a? the moving power of agri- cultuial implements. Certain light opera- tions of the farm, sucn as thrashing, churning, chafF-muiing, &r., which could be performed by bxed power, have partially occupied the attention of mechanics, and suitable machi- nery (Iriveii by water, wind, or small steam- engines. lias to some extent been advanta- geou.-ly used for such puiposes. But the idea of a “steam farm,” of a farm to be altogether cultivated by steam, in lieu of animal power, has hitlierto been treated as visionary and absurd, except by a lew individuals, and one or two agricultural societies, who have en- forced, in tiieir publications, the practica- bility and impoilance of applying sieam to effect the more laborious opeiationsoi agri- culture. This desideratum is at length accomplished. Mr. Heathcoat, M.P, for 'J'lvei ton, the inge- nious and well-known inventor of the lace ma- chinery, has the merit of having conceived and planned this additional and remarkable contribution to science, and to the w'ealth of his country. The invention, after years of costly expeiiment, has been rnatuied and pei/ecfed Ibrough tine enieipiisitig liberality of Ml. Meaihcoat, assisted by the mechaniial ingenuity and » fcistveii^nce ot Mr. Josiah Paikes, civil engineei, whom he selecteii lo cany lus designs into effeci, i ne bisi ma- cl. me has been cousnucttd explcs.^ly loi the cuiiivut.oti of bogs, and has, foi some months, bt ell pi tical iy and suci eNsfully worked in Lancashiie, on Red Moss, near Bolion- le-Moors. Duiing the Whitsuntide recess ofParlia- n.ent, a nunu-ruus assemf.lage of gentlenieii liurn diffennt pans of the country aiiended lo wiiness an exliibition oi this novel and iniei- esting invention; amoiign whom were Mi. M, L. Chapman, M. P., Mr. T. Cbapman, Mi. H. Handley, M. P., Mr. J. Featlieisione, of Griffinstownhouse, Westmeath (an enterpii- sing and successful bog reclaimer), Mr. F. Brown, ot VVelboui n,Lincolnsliire, Mr. James Sniitli, ot Deaiistoiie, near Stiiliug (well known to the mechanical woild by his inge- nious iriveniions, applied both lo agiiculiuie, and manufactures), Mr. B. Hick, and Mi. P. Rotbweli, engineeis, with oiiiei experienced judges ol mechanical contrivances. These gentlemen v\eie unanimous in pronouncing Hie invention to be the geim of great imprcve- ment.s intbe scienceand j. After this, ruh in the same manner -pints of wine, with a small portion of the polisli adrl- ed to it. and a most hiiiliant polish will be produced. If the outside has been previously polished with wax, it will he necess-jrv to clear It off' with glass paper. — Amer}C in Rnil- road Jouniul. SLAl'E TOP FOR WASH HAND Sl’ANDS. Sir, — The Caernarvon ulue slate, like India- ruhiier, is used for vmious purposes. Could it not he used for the table part of wash-hand Blands {* Not that il would he as beautiful as white marble, but that it wouLl be handsomer than painted wood, with the paint hall washed off, which is too oiten the case wn/i arti- cle of furniture. After polishing tlie slate, were figures cut in it, possibly it might be made to retain paint; or a kind of mosaic work might lie made of it f y inserting pieces of white mande in it ; or other means might be useii to ornament il. Yours, &c. An Amateur Mechanic. OBTAINING A POWER FOR PROPEL- LING CARS, BOATS, &c. Alexander M’Grew, Cincinnati, Ohio. — My improvement does not consist in the employment of any newly-invented machine- ry, but in the using of such power from falls, or currents of water, or other natural or ar- tificial sources of power, as has heretofore been allowed to run to waste, and employing the same for the purpose of condensing of air into suitable receivers ; the elastic force of which condensed air is to be subsequently applied to the purposes herein designated. In numerous situations in the courses of canals and railroads, and of other roads and water courses, there are falls of water, waste weirs, dams, sluices, &c., the power from which, if economised, would be ample for the attainment of all the ends proposed by me ; I bring this into use by taking the waste power from wheels, or other machine- ry already erected, or by erecting others where they do not already exist, using any • Tbis •ripplicalion of slate has alieady been made by Mr. fctiiliiig- See Hlech Mag. p. 231. of the known constructions of such wheels, or other machinery, as may be best adopted for the particular situations in which they are to be employed ; these 1 connect in the ordi- nary way with the piston, or pistons, of con- densing engines, constructed for the condens- ing of air, and force air thereby into suitable receptacles, or reservoirs, furnished with the requisite tubes, valves, or other appendages, by which they are adapted to the containing of the air thus condensed, and the supplying of the same in measured quantities, so as to Operate upon a piston for driving and propel- ing machinery, as high steam is now made to operate. The means of doing this does not require any description, being perfectly familiar to competent engineers. The air is to be condensed into one large stationary reservoir, and, by means of a connecting-tube and stop cock, transferred therefrom into other reservoirs connected with the vehicle to be propelled. What 1 claim as my im- provement in the art of propeding cars, boats, or other vehicles for transportations, is the employment of the waste power of water, wind, or other natural or artificial sources of power, to the condensation of air, in the man- ner, and for the purposes, hereinbefore set forth. REMARKS BY DR. JONES. It has been repeatedly proposed to drive railroad -cars, &c,, by means of condensed air, instead of by steam, and to erect station- ary engines for the purpose of filling the requisite reservoirs, and we believe that the thing was attempted in England. Were there not serious practical objections to the plan, it would certainly present many advan- tages, but these are so weighty, that they are not likely to be removed. Among them is the perpetually diminishing power of the condensed air, as every stroke of a piston must lessen its elastic force ; to graduate the quantity emitted from the reservoir, in proportion to this diminished force, would be very difficult ; and, besides this, there ought, when the reservoir is renewed, to be apressui’e of several atmospheres above what is requir- ed in a steam-boiler, or it will soon be so far exhausted as to be inadequate to the produc- tion of the intended effect, as they would have to be exchanged whilst under a pressure of two or three atmospheres. The present patentee does not propose to remove the foregoing, or any other objection to the use of condensed air, excepting it be the necessity of erecting stationary engines to effect the condensation , and to accom- plish this, he depends upon the employment of means which would generally be more difficult, precarious, and expensive ; in many places, the means of condensation proposed to be used would not be found within many miles of the stations where the reservoirs would be wanted, and there are, in fact, but few situations where the means of applying waste power would not be a costly under- taking. ROTARY PRINTING MACHINE, 399 ON THE USE OF PIPE-CLAY IN WASHING. Sir, — I take this opportunity of observing, in respect to the use of pipe- clay in washing, as noticed in the extract from a Dundee pa- per, at p. 80 in your 665th Number, that the discovery is by no means a new one. The detergent properties of pipe-clay, ful- lers-earth, and other saponaceous clays, have been long known and taken advantage of both in domestic economy and in various manufacturing processes. In the army, and in the navy in particular, pipe-clay has been long and extensively employed in washing and whitening of wearing apparel and is well known to increase the effect, and reduce the quantity of soap and labour necessary to produce the effect required ; although the actual saving of both is somewhat overrated in the article quoted as above. There is no question but that a more ex- tensive diffusion of a correct knowledge of the real properties of these substances, which are in many places exceedingly abundant, will tend to produce increased economy in the application of two costly mateidals — soap and labour. 1 remain, yours respectfully, W. Baddeley. Birmingham, June 27, 1836. ELECTRIC CURRENTS. At a late meeting of the Royal Society a paper was read “ On the reciprocal attrac- tions of positive and negative Electric Cur- rents whereby the motion of each is alter- nately accelerated and retarded,” by P. Cun- ningham, Esq. Surgeon, R. N., communi- cated by Alexander Copland Hutchison, Esq. The following abstract of which we quote from the Athenmum. — “ The author found that a square plate of copper, six inches in diameter, placed ver- tically in the plane of the magnetic meri- dian, and connected with a voltaic battery by means of wires soldered to the middle of two opposite sides of the plate, exhibited magne- tic polarities on its two surfaces, indicative of the passage of transverse and spiral electrical currents, at right angles to the straight lines joining the ends of the wires. The polari- ties were of opposite kinds on each side of this middle line, in each surface ; and were reversed on the other surface of the plate. The intensities of these polarities at every point of the surface were greatest the greater its distance from the middle line, where the plate exhibited no magnetic action. The au- thor infers from this and other experiments of a similar kind, that each electric current is subject, during its transverse motion, to al- terations of acceleration and retardation, the positive current on one side of the plate, and the negative on the other, by their reciprocal attractions, progressively accelerating each other’s motions, as they approach, in oppo- site directions, the edge round which they have to turn. After turning round the edge their motion will, he conceives, be checked, by coming in contact with the accelerated portions of the opposing currents to which they respectively owed their former increase of velocity ; so that the one current will be retarded at the part of the plate where the other is accelerated. To these alternate accelerations and retardations of electric currents during their progressive motion, the author is disposed to refer the alternate dark and luminous divisions in a platina wire heat- ed by electricity, as was observed by Dr. Barker.” PATENT ROTARY PRINTING-APPA- RATUS. A patent has recently been taken out by Mr. Rowland Hill for a rotary printing- machine. The types are imposed* upon cy- linders, to which they are firmly attached, and of which, except the marginal spaces, they occupy the whole surface. The pressure is given by blanket-covered cylinders of the or- dinary construction. The most important advantages of this ar- rangment are stated to be, first, That as the revolving type cylinder is constantly receiving its ink in one part of its revolution, and con- stantly impressing the paper in another part, the action of the machineis unceasing; where- by a saving of time of about three parts out of four is obtained in comparison with the ordinary printing machines, when moving at the same velocity ; because in those machines the backward motion of the form,* and the laying on of the ink, suspend for the time the process of printing. Further, as the motion of the type in this machine is continuous instead of reciprocating, the speed has been increased without difficulty or danger ; and by this additional velocity, combined with the saving of time just described, the rate of printing is brought to about ten times that of the ordinary perfecting machines, i. e. those vffiich print the sheet on both sides be- foi*e it leaves the machine. Secondly, the reciprocating motion of the heavy form, ink- ing table, and inking rollers of the ordinary machine entails such a loss of power and time, in comparison of the rotatory motion which is here substituted for it, that it is believed, from careful observation, that, notwithstand- ing the great increase in speed, any given quantity of work will be executed at the expense of about one-eighth of the power required in the ordinary machine. The facilities provided for fixing the type, detaching parts for correction, apppiying the ink, and regulating its supply, are said to be fully equal, if not superior, to those of other machines. Compared with the rapid machines used for printing the daily newspapers, the rotatory machine will print two sheets on both sides with accurate register*, while they print one sheet on one side with defective register. • These words are used technically. 400 A MINIATURE STEAM ENGINE. ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENT. A salad, consisting of mustard and cress, may be produced in a few minutes by an elec- tric experiment. The process is to immerse the seed for a few days previously in diluted oxymuriatic acid, then sow it in a very light soil, letting it be covered with a metallic cover, and next bring it in contact with the electric machine. By the same agents em- ployed in this process, eggs which require from nineteen to twenty-one days’ application of animal heat to hatch them, maybe hatch- ed in a few hours. Rain water, apparently free from any noxious animalcula, in an hour can be rendered full of living insects. Water, in a short period, decomposed of its two com- ponent parts, oxygen and hydrogen, and by the same power restored to its former state ; and platina, the most difficult of all metals to melt, in a moment can be fused and calcined by the discharge of an electric battery. An iron bar, by the discharge of a sufficient ac- cumulation of the electric fluid, will become magnetic to such a degree as to lift more than its owm weight ; and if a pound of red lead and a pound of sulphur be mixed toge- ther into a mass, which no human ingenuity can separate, a stream of the electric fluid will do it at once. — Cambrian, INGENIOUS PIECE OF MECHANISM. A very ingenious piece of mechanism, a miniaUrre steam-engine, has been con- structed by Mr. Richard Corfield, a young man in the employment of Messrs. Gittins and Cartwright, at the Eagle Foundery, Shrews- bury. It consists of an engine not exceeding an half inch cylinder, for the purpose of pro- pelling a steam-boat, working its propelling shaft at the enormous speed of five hundred and fifty revolutions per minute — travelling a distance of thirty miles in one hour. The boiler is so constructed as to admit a spirit- lamp in the centre of the w'ater, which affords sufficient fuel and steam for one hour. We should add, that the above is only one of many extraordinary specimens of useful, though miniature and elaboi’ate, works of art made by Mr. Corfield. — Ibid. BERLIN IRON ORNAMENTS. Some of these are so fine, consisting of rosettes, medallions, &c., that nearly ten thousand go to the pound. In the coarse fabrics the value of the mateidal is increased by manufacturing eleven hundred times, and in the finer nearly ten thousand times. — Arcana of Science. THE QUADRANT. In 1734 it was said, “ as soon as the com- mon prejudice against new things is worn off, and the instrument is well known, 1 do not believe any ship will go on a long voyage without one of these excellent quadrants.” THE RAILWAY SYSTEM. [i A railway between Liverpool and Man- chester, two towns of population, at a distance of little more than 30 miles, one the commercial, and the other the manufacturing I capital of tlie great “ northern line” of Kng- i- land,— has succeeded to such an extent, that I (aided by the attraction of its novelty, which j* draws pa-sengers to it not only fiom all parts of Great Britain, but of the Continent,) it pays | the shareholders between 9 and 10 per cent, on their capital.* | .And this amazing result has been sufficient to transform us all into a nation of specula- ! tors! Encouraged by this dazzlingly brilliant success, having this proof positive before us that a line of railway, in perhaps the most advanta- geous situation that could possibly be selected, vill actually yield a something over and above its expenses, we are ready at t!ie first blush to ! yield assent to the very reasonable proposition, 1; that every peddling market-town ought forth- \ with to be accommodated with a road, costing li the trifling sum of 30,000/, a mile If If the li Liverpool and Manchester has paid 100 per jj cent., instead of 10, the rage for railways could hardly have been greater than it is at present. |! ” Can these things be, and overcome us like i a summer cloud, without our special won- 1 der?” |l *■ * * * * # !| In point of cheapness, steaming by land \ can hardly ever equal steaming by water. |i We cannot expect, either on common road or i railway, to be conveyed to Hull for two shil- | lings — the presetit fare by sea (a distance of i at least 300 miles ;) nor, even if the suspen- sion-bridge across the British Channel were fairly erected, could the journey to Boulogne well be effected for less than five shillings, the present rate per steamer. Notwithstand- ing this. I believe it seldom happens that a railway projector does not calculate upon securing every particle of traffic on his line. ♦ We do not think this is by any means a fair view of the case. The Liverpool and Manchester Railway is by no means the only one which has furnished an example of great success to stimulate and justify the jirevailing fondness for railway speculations. The Stock ton and L arlington has paid still better than the Liverpool and Manchester, and is the older line of the two, (can it be that our intelligent correspondent has never heard of it?, the Edinburgh and Dalkeith, and the Publin and Kingstown, are also yielding handsome re- turns to their respective proprietors. It de- serves further to be observed, that the divi- dends of the Liverpool and Manchester Rail- way Company are limited by their Act of Par- liament to 10 per cent, (a limitation intro- duced through the influence, and for the pro- tection, of certain canal-owners) : and that but for this circumstance, they might be a great deal higher than they are. Thelimita- I tion of the dividends has the natural effect of keeping up the rates of conveyance, and these j again of restricting the amount of traffic.— Ed. M M. + This is the maximum rate. In many cases the expense does not amount to IO,OOOZ. a mile ; in some it is as low as 6,000/. and 7,000/ — Ed.M. M. CANDLES MANUFACTURED FROM CAOUTCHOUC. 401 to the exclusion of every other mode of transit. 1’he possibility of competition as an element, that never enters into the composition of a railway prospectus; the fortunate shareholders of the concern whose glorious prospects are being held out to view', are always to engross the whole trade, not only of their own line, but of all the neighbouring country, although perhaps at the same time half-a-dozen other rail-roads are projected in the immediate vicinity. NEW POWER. We learn from Frankfort that there has been communicated to the Society of Natural Sciences of that city a discovery of a new mo- tive power, created by means of a galvanic battery, the action of which will supersede the use of steam, be more powerful, much less expensive, and less dangerous. — Morning Herald. A NEW LIGHT OF THE AGE. In the course of a recent lecture on the properties of caoutchouc. Dr. Birckbeck introduced to public notice a pair of candles made of that material, at his own suggestion. After many unsuccessful attempts, they were at length fairly lighted ; and it is only justice to the worthy Doctor to say, that his invention is likely to prove of greatimportance, whenever it shall come to pass that candles which are very difficult to light, which burn badly and gutter immensely when they are lighted, and which pretty soon go out of their own accord, are considered a desideratum. Until then, those less expensive, but more appropriate articles — tallow and wax — are likely to remain in general use for the purposes of domestic illumination.— F. H. CHEAP LOCOMOTION. Such is the march of competition abioad, that (if we may put faith in coach- proprietors’ advertisements) the whole fare by diligence from Boulogne to Paiis is only nine shillings. If this were quite true, the journey from Lon- don to Paris throughout might be performed for no more than fourteen shillings, the fare per steamer to Boulogne being only five ! The fact however is, we believe, that what with the regular fee of the French conducteur, and other extras, the trip can hardly be expected to cost much less than a sovereign, or fully three farthings a miteI~F. H. A HINT. Mr. Alderman Wood, by his recent acces- sion of fortune, under the will of his name- sake Gloucester, enjoys a rare opportunity of immortalising his name. It is well known that the Alderman, some short time back, promulgated a plan for the general improve- ment of London, among other things, by throw- ing open Waterloo and Southwark Bridges toll-free to the public; erecting anew street froin the Mansion House to Southwark Bridge ; straightening the upper end of Holborn,so as to effect a direct junction with Oxford-street ; and executing divers other plans of unquestiona- ble utility. And all this, and more, the Aider- man calculated (it is not known by what ela- borate ptocess) might be done at an outlay of only 800,000/. ! By a turn ofFortune’s wheel, the projector of these mighty alterations has this sum at his own disposal ; and how could he more gloriously display his civic patriotism than by carrying into effect his magnificent ideas for changing the whole aspect of the metropolis over which he twice presided as Lord Mayor? It is to be feaied, however, maugre his own estimate, that he would ar- rive at the t)ottom of his purse, some time before be had got to the end of his trifling undertaking.— F. H. FRENCH THEORY AND ENGLISH- PRACTICE. It is not a little singular, that, while Eng- land is making so great a progress in the actual establishment of railways, the French have published a much larger number of works on their mathematical theory ; although this is, perhaps, not by any means the first instance in which the same state of thingshas occurred. A Colonel de Pambour has just added to the rather long list of publications by his coun- trymen on the subject, a very elaborate book of calculations on railway theorems, in which he lays down his positions rather mq^e dog- matically than his little experience (all appa- rently gained in England) seems to warrant. He has not, however, much to fear from his English competitors in the line, the principal of whom are Mr. Macneil, of “canal navi- gation” celebrity, and— John Herapath, Esq.!-F. H. TRUTH STRONGER THAN FICTION. It is a well-ascertained, but rather unac- countable fact, that, notwithstanding the amazing increase of late years in the manufac- ture of steel pens, there has not been the slightest falling off in the extent of the quill trade. —E. H. APPLICATION OF THE RISING AND FALLING OF THE TIDE TO THE PROPELLING OF MACHINERY, HENRY B. FERNALD, PORTS- MOUTH, MAINE. A buoy of sufficient strength and dimen- sions, connected by a rope or chain passing from the buoy under a pulley at the bottom of the water, with a wheel which moves the rnachinery. In the falling of the tide, or water, the weight of the buoy, filled with water by means of a stop-cock, or otherwise, operates as a propelling- power, being so connected by another rope or chain to another wheel, as to operate alternately with the wheel above- mentioned. 402 NEW MODE OF TEACHING INFANTS TO READ. “ What I specifically claim as my iaven- tion or discovery, is the principle of applying the rising and falling of the tide, and other water, to the propelling machinery.” A patent was granted on the 23rd of De- cember, 1829, to Henry M. Webster, for a “ tide power,” in which it is said that “ the object which the subscriber proposes to effect is to bring into value and use the rise and fail of the tide on the seaboard, and particularly in the principal cities of the Union, to be em- ployed in manufacturing and other purposes.” The two plans, it will be seen, are identical ; in the first patent it is proposed to use “ ves- sels or floats of great weight and buoyancy,” ” a condemned or other hulk of a ship of re- quired size,” being mentioned as suitable for the purpose.* LITERAL SPELLING. Sir,— It is an old maxim, to begin when you can with the egg ; and in this age of many beneficial and some Utopian reformations, I am of opinion it would be beneficial to re- form the mode by which our infants are first taught to read, and that would be effected by the abolition of absurd literal spelling. The words of our Language are made up of the sou7ids of its syllables, and 7iot of the soimds of its letters; and if so, why are the sounds of those letters taught 1 Several attempts have been made by Berthaud, Mr. Williams, and Anti-spelling, to accommodate the sounds of the letters to their sounds in words; but I would r'#l'orm it altogether, and abolish them. This may be thought too sweeping a measure, but if your readers will take the trouble of examining, they will find that literal spelling is altogether time lost and worse. Let them try the word leg — l,e,g. What are these sounds, leg or elegy? This foolish system is not followed in teach- ing music or French. A French master teaches his pupils the sounds of the French let- ters separately, as aw, bay, say, &cc. ; but he does not go on with this system, and say, “Now, my pupil, vay~o-oo-ace — tJoo (vous) : tay-o-oo-tay—too (tout).” It is too absurd and round about. He says at once, ” Look at that vous, it is voo ; at that tout, it is too ; don’t forget, they are voo and too in sound, and vous and tout in sight ;” and he remem- bers accordingly. There is a strong and prominent feature in most ( perhaps all) languages, and that is, the abundance of short vowels ; they suit the ear- ly state of speech, whether in infants, as ha, ma, pa, mam, pap, dad — or in low-cultivated nation, as the Eskimaux, in Ikmal-lik, Tus~ \ sarkit, Tennharpin, &c. These short sounds | far outnumber all the other vowel sounds put together ; and if all others were expunged from our tongue, they would still form a lan- guage capable of conveying an extensive range of ideas. 1 would only have to do with si//- | tables, as distinct sounds, at first. A child can j tell this : — ” is and, and why not this, and 1 this is g, and why not this, jee 1 this z, why ! not this, zed V’ Let any one dissect an Eng- j lish word as it is now first taught, and divide it into the simple sounds of which it is com- I posed, and he will immediately find out that a j child ( poor thing) is instructed first to utter I a number of simple sounds, and then expect- ed to combine them into a compound sound, of which they do not form the elements or component parts. The child is first taught that this letter a sounds like hay ; but pei haps the first syllable which it sees the letter in {ab) j falsifies its previous instructions, for the letter a does not sound like /uiy, but somewhat like hah — and if it meet with the letter in the word all, it sounds neither like hay nor hah, but like haw. I think the most judicious beginning would 1 e to teach these first short vowel sounds un- mixed. I intended publishing a first book on this plan, and had two sheets of it printed, but as 1 may not do so, T beg room for these remarks in your very useful work, and shall be glad of any comments upon them. My lessons are all of the following kind, reserving other vowel sounds for a higher grade or second book : — ab, ad, ak, al, pa, ra, sa, ta, dad, dan, fan. ed, ef, ek, en, beg, bed, bet, peg, pen, jet. ib, id, ik, in. it, ix, fit, pil, din, nit. ob, od, of, on, op, ox, bob, rob, pon, top. ub, uf, us, ut, urn, up, nup, rub, sud, sun. on it, an ox, it is, if it is, is it up, or at it. in a cap, it is a bat, mix it up, dad or mam, run not in mud, pin her cap on, Tom cut his pen. It cannot fit him, it is a bad job, it is as big as an ox. It is a bad peg lor his job, but Bob can lop it a bit for him. Put it in ajar, ora cup, in his gig, but let him not sit on it. Her bonnet is formal, but it is velvet. Benjamin cannot get it into his cabinet, &c. * The application of the tides as a motive power was suggested and discussed in the Me- chanics* Magazine, vol. xvi. pp. 3:5 and43o, and vol. xix. p, 167. The first mode proposed by our then correspondent differed altogether from either of these which have been patented in America. Dr. Gregory, too, in his “ Ma- thematics for Practical Men,” mentions that tidal power has been applied to pulling out old piles from rivers.— Ed- M. M. BIRDS TRAINED FOR AEROSTATION. 403 In these first lessons, all long, or other than short, vowels are excluded, so tlia,t when a child has once learned the sound ot' a vowel or letter; it continues the same (a very few anomalies excepted) through the book. 1 remain. Sir, Your most obedient servant, Saxula. AERIAL LOCOMOTION. Sir, — I was amused with an idea of one of your correspondents, that birds might be trained for aerostation; and as 1 have since 1826 had various thoughts on locomotion by mechanical means, 1 beg leave to lay before your readers my ideas on locomotive-balloons, in the first place, ihe form of body should resemble that of a fish ofgreat velocity— salmon or boneita. Next, I would have in the cen- tre of the body a fan-blast, or bellows, the vent being at the tail ; and beneath the belly a stage should be hung by copper rods, on which the winch to act on the fan-blast should be fixed. At the tail end 1 would have a large fan, to act as a rudder ; and on each side of the body a sort of fi'n, to regulate the rising and falling, acted on by strings or cords held by the person at the tail-fan. It is not necessary to go to great altitudes ; therefore 1 propose that the gas to fill the body should be only in sufficient quantity to render the whole mass of the same specific weight as the atmosphere, or a trifle less — then by working the fan, moliotj would result. To progress, a nearly fair wind should be blowing, as this mode of transit can only resemble the com- pound forces of a river and a boat crossing, which produce diagonal motion ; hence I con- sider the solution of the problem more curious than useful. I had an idea of propelling vessels in a near- ly similar manner, but have given it up for one more original, and perhaps better, as it will not require any sort of direct action of machinery on the water. The result will have all the appearance of a common sailer ; and fora vessel of war, all will be entirely out of the reach of shot; steam or other power will, of course, be required as usual. I am, &c. Kenans. April 30,1836. BRITISH IRON TRADE. [Extract of a letter from Mr. Gerard Ralston to the Editor of the American Railroad Journal.^ In my last letter you will recollect I men- tioned that the following advances in price had taken place in common (Welch) bars, viz. On 25th August the price at New port and Cardiff was per ton 5/. lOs. On that day the manufacturers advanced the price lOs. September l2th they advanced it again lOs, October 2d 10s. December 1st I2s. 6d. 21. 2s. 6d. 71. I2s.6d. I'hus you see there has been a further ad- vance of 12s.6d. per toii since my letter lo you. But the price of 71. 12-^. 6d., as fixed by the meeting of Welch iron-masters at Romney, on the Istinst., is not observed bysorne of the leading houses, who refuse to sell under 8/. per too, and others decline oiders at all, for the present, alleging that their engagements are already so heavy, and the prospects of the trade are such, that they prefer to confine them- selves to the execution ot orders on hand, and thus enable them to take advantage of in- creased prices in the spring. The meeting at Romney adjourned to assemble again on the l2th January next, when it is confidently ex- pected the price of 8f. will not only be gene- rally confirmed, but that a further advance of 10s.* 1 he iron market is in a most extraordi- nary state; the demand is fargi-eater than the supply, which it is impossible to increase immediately, owing to the inability to obtain competent workmen to mine the coal, iron- stone, and limestone, and to manufacture them into iron when procured. Aid cannot be expected from the lead, copper, tin, and other manufacturers of metals, which would be practicable if these branches were in a depressed state ; but so far from this being the case, these trades are in nearly asflourishing a condition as the iron trade. Hiijierto the iron masters always considered themselves fortunate, ifthey could getthrough the winter without a decline in prices. Now, in the month of December, the effoit of the most judicious among them is to prevent too frequent and too great advances of price, which they deprecate, lest consumption should be checked; and also, what they fear more than any thingelse, the workmen should combine, and ‘ strike’ for higher wages, You may inquii’e what effect has been produced on railway iron. 1 can answer, by quoting my own experience. I have with- in a week received an order for a very large quantity (so large that I have not revealed it to any one lest it should affect the market,) of railway iron from America. I have issued my circulars to all the houses in this line, and I find a most wonderful alteration in the tone of their communications ; formerly they were all eagerness to give an answer by return of mail, and they manifested the greatest an- xiety to secure the whole order, or as much ofit as possible. Now, some of them decline making tenders altogether, owing to t he magni- tude of engagements on hand ; others, rather than break off connexions, mention such high prices for very small parts of the total quantity wanted, that they think they will not be accepted. A decided indisposition is manifested to come under any further engage- * The present price (June 6thJ of British bar-iron is 12^. per ton. -Ed. M. M. 404 A STOVE FOR HEATING CARRIAGES. ment«, unless at exlioibitant prices, until it is ascertained wliat will be the result of the ad- jouined nieetinn at Romney on the 12th January. 1 very much fear tliat the same pattern of rail, wliich 1 put out in the middle of September last at 81. per ton, wall not now be contracted for under lo/. per ton, but I will do my best to screw them down to the lowest price. Notwithstanding the present high price, I have every reason to believe that prices will be still higher in the spring ; for since 1 wrote to you, 1 have traversed the whole iron region, visiting every establish- ment of any importance, and every where I found an activity and bustle which 1 never before witnessed during my long experience in this businf'ss. Every establishment is full, to excess, of orders, and the greatest exertions are makinir, day and night, to execute them. The Pacha of Egypt’s order for about 5,000 tons for the railway across the Isthmus of Suez, is about one-halfcompleted ; but others pour in from France, (there are two recently from that country lor about 6,000 tons,) from Germany, Belgium, America, and every part of this country, in a way to astonish even the most enthusiastic friends of the railway system. Besides this demand for railway iron, the con- sumption of other kinds of iron fully keeps pace with it. This country being in a more prosperous condition, and every branch of trade, cotton, silk, wool, flax, hemp, tin, lead, copper, &c., being more flourishing, than at any period since the termination of the Napoleon wars ; it is reasonable to suppose, and such is the fact, that iron, which is the foundation upon which the arts of civilized life rests, should be in great demand, when all other branches of industry flourish. Hence the demand for domestic consumption for ordinary purposes is very great, which, when added to the demand for foreign countries, and railway purposes, you may easily imagine will readily account for the present prices, and the prospect of still higher in the spring, unless war or some other calamity should ensue to check the brilliant progress of civi- lization arising from the long continuance of peace. POTATOE BEER. A professor of chemistry at Prague has suc- ceeded in producing a very excellent kind of beer from potatoes, dear as wine, pleasant to the taste, and strong. A WALKING-STICK. A walking-stick, recently presented to Mr. Sopwith, surveyor, of this town, contains, in the dimensions of an ordinary cane, the fol- lowing materials .'—Two inkstands, pens, penknife, ivory folder, Lucifer-matches, sealing wax, and wafers, a wafer-stamp, wax-taper, several sheets of post letter-paper and card - paper, a complete and highly-finished set of drawing-instruments, ivory rule and scales, lead and hair pencils, Indian-rubber, Indian- ink, a thermometer, and a beautiful and well- poised magnetic compass; the whole so arranged as to admit any instrument being used with facility. — Newcastle Paper. NEW CARIlIAGE-WARMEIl. Ur. M'Williams, of this city, has taken out a patent for a stove for heating carriages of all kinds, which is one of the most valua- ble inventions which has ever been made. It is remarkable in its structure, and may be sold for 6 or 8 dollars; and it consumes the most inconsiderable quantity of coal. The advantages of such a stove are almost too obvi- ous to be mentioned. Faking up very little room, they may be fitted to the tioitom of gigs or chaises, and of every variety of car- riage, and are particularly well adapted to railroad-cars. 'I'he expense of fuel is not above Scents for 100 miles travelling, at the ordinary rate. It is only necessary to make this invention known, to secure its introduc- tion very generally. For a trifling expense, a stage-driver may novv be as comfortably situated on his box, as by the by-room fire and the pleasure of sleigh-riding may be en- hanced a hundredfold. This stove is now used in the cars of the Baltimore and Wash- ington Railroad, and gives entire satisfaction. The passengers are kept warm during the whole journey, and are never annoyed by smoke, the stove being air-tight. - Washing- ton Mirror. PLOUGH BY STEAM. Some experiments were lately tried at Red Moss, near Bolton, in the presence of Mr. Handley, M. P. for Lincolnshire, Mr. Chap- man, M. P. for Westmeath, and other gentle- men interested in agriculture, with a new and very powerful steam-plough, constructed by Mr. Heathcote, M. P. Tiverton. About 6 acres of raw moss were turned up in a few hours, in the most extraordinary style, — sods 18 inches in breadth, and 9 inches in thick- ness, being cut from the furrow, and com- pletely reversed in position, the upper surface of the sod being placed exactly where the lower surface had been before. * * * The plough of Mr. Heathcote, though a very pow- erful machine, appears to us to be rnuch too complex and costly for common agricultural purposes; though we have little doubt that it might be used not only with efl'ect, but with advantage, in reclaiming large portions of moss land, such, for instance, as the bogs of Ire- land. Indeed, it is the opinion of Mr. Heath- cote himself, that it would not at present an- swer to employ it in reclaiming a smaller por- tion of bog than 1,500 or 2,000 acres, though it may probably be cheapened and simplified so as to make it ultimately useful on a smaller scale.— Literpoo/ Paper. RAILROADS IN THE UNITED STATES. It is estimated, on good authority, that at this time the railroads in the United States, either actually under contract or in progress of being surveyed, amount to more than 3000 I CONSTRUCTION OF A BOAT WITH DOUBLE CONES. 405 miles. Kach yard of the highest iion rails, fit for a railroad, weighs 6*2§lhs. As there are 1,760 yards in a mile, each mile of railroad, with a double track, will require 238 tons of rails, besides chains, screws, and bolts — amounting, in the whole, to at least 250 tons for iron per mile— 250, njrdtipiied by 3,000, is 750,000 tons of iron, th^^ill shortly be used in the United States in the construction of railroads. Such is the demand for railroad iron in England for the American market, tiiat common bar-iron, which one year ago was worth only 6/. 10.>. sterling in Wales, is now worth 9<. lO.s. at the Welsh works, as appears by the Biitish Prices Current. It is stated in the New York [)apers, that at this time contracts have been actually made in England, by American houses, for 400,000 tons of railroad iion to be shipped to this coun- try.— 9/. lOv. sterling is about 45 dollars of our money ; but railroad -iron costs more than common bar-iron, and is at this time worth at least 50 dollars per ton, at the works in W ales or Staffordshire. Four hundred thousand tons of iron, at 50 dollars per ton,\s twenty millions of dollars, Xhai the people of the United States are bound to pay to the English by their present contiacts for railroad-iion. If all the projected railroads of this country shall be laid down with British iion rails, we shall pay to the English nation, within the next seven years, at least fifty millions of dollars for railroad-iron. Ami yet we have in our moun- tains both iron ore and coal, of the best qua- lity, and in quantities sufficient to yield iron for the whole world. — American Railroad Journal. INTRODUCTION OF BURDEN’S BOAT INTO FRANCE. Baron Seguier, Member of the Institute, has constructed a boat after the plan of Burden’s, of two double cones lOO feet long, with the engine between them, which, with the boil- er, presents some improvements. M. Cave, a mechanical engineer, has also constructed a double boat, for the navigation of the canal of Somme. It differs from the preceding in being open at the surface, covered with a flooring, and has two keels and two helms. A similar boat has been constructed for the navigation of the Loire, between Nantes and Angers. — BuL Soc. Enc» i*Ind. Nat. SPECIFICATION OF THE PATENT GRANTED TO JAMES FERGUSON SAUNDERS, OF TENTERDEN STREET, HANOVER SQUARE, IN THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX, GENTLEMAN, FOR CERTAIN IM- PROVEMENTS IN CLARIFYING RAW CANE, AND OTHER VEGE- TABLE AND SACCHARINE JUI- CES, AND IN BLEACHING SUCH RAW JUICES.— Sealed September 1, 1835. To all to whom these presents shall come, &c. &c. — Now know yc, that in compliance with the said proviso, I, the said James Ferguson Saunders, do hereby declare the nature of the invention and the manner in which the same is to be performed, are fully described and ascertained in and by the fol- lowing description thereof (that is to say) : — The invention relates to submitting the juice of the sugar cane, and other juices containing saccharine matter, to a process hereafter described, whereby the oily, muci- laginous, and other matters prejudicial to crystallization, are separated and precipita- ted, previously to applying heat to such juices in the pi’ocess of manufacturing sugar. According to the ordinary practice of pro- ducing sugar, particularly from cane juice, the same is, as quickly as possible, submitted to the application of heat, which, together with the admixture of alkalies, or other materials, cause the mucilaginous and other impurities to rise to the surface, in the form of scum, which is removed by the scummer. This is not only a troublesome process, and expensive, hut, at the same time, is not fully effectual in clarifying the juice, and, owing to the necessary application of heat, in order to conduct this part of the process, much of the impurities or matters prejudi- cial to crystallization, are so embodied with the saccharine properties of the juices, that they cannot be separated the one from the other previously to crystallization, by any subsequent process ; but by the invention, as communicated to me from abroad, these matters are more entirely separated previ- ously to the application of heat, and, at the same time, the fm'ther process of bleaching such juices may be effected more advanta- geously than heretofore by the application of animal or other charcoal. The invention consists in mixing, in a suitable vessel, earth with raw cane, or other juices contain- ing saccharine matter, stirring the same re- gularly in one direction as the earth is ap- plied; by this means the earth and muci- laginous and oily and other matters, preju- dicial to crystallization, take to each other, and, when left, will quickly subside and leave the pure or clarified juice at the top, which is to be drawn off and submitted to the ordinary process of evaporation, in or- der to concentrate it for crystallization. It may be here desirable to remark, that, on an extensive practical inquiry, and applica- tion of this invention, it has not been dis- covered that one description of earth has a materially different effect to others, but all have a like property of taking to the muci- laginous, oily, and other impurities, and precipitating them, thereby separating the same from the pure saccharine matter con- tained in the juice. As juices, even from the same vegetable substance, vary in qua- lity, no definite proportions of earth can 406 INFORMATION IMPORTANT '] O SUGAR MANUFACTURERS. be given ; but a little attention and prac- tice will soon enable an individual to per- form the operation in process, with the fullest effect, and in order to facilitate this operation being fully understood, it should be stated that the earth is preferred to be taken sufficiently below the surface, to prevent any vegetable substance being in- troduced with it into the juice. The earth being first sifted, in order to remove stones, and by water is made wet, to about the con- sistency of thick mud ; it is to be gradually stirred into the juice, observing that when small streams of clarified juice follow the course of the stirring instrument or stick, no further earth will be required, nor will further stirring be necessary, and the quan- tity of earth will generally be found to be about one by measure to ten of juice. It is not desirable to continue the addition of earth during the whole time of stirring ; but, on the contrary, it is better to add the earth from time to time, watching the ef- fect of the stiri’ing, and judging whether a further application of earth is necessary: though the whole quantity of earth would be better if applied at once, if the operator, from experience, has obtained a knowledge of the proper quantity. Having thus far explained the nature of the invention, I would have it understood that the result depending on a porous pro- perty or affinity which the earth has for the oily, mucilaginous, and other impurities, and its being of a greater specific gravity than the juice which causes such impurities to be precipitated with earth that clarify the juice, it will be evident that those matters having similar properties, such for instance as pulverized pumice stone, will have a like effect. I do not thei’efore confine myself to any particular earth or material ; though, so far as experience goes, common earth is not only the cheapest but most ef- fective. The invention in respect of clari- fying the juices, it should be understood, relates to the process of precipitating the oily, mucilaginous, and other impurities, by means of the matei’ials described previously to the application of heat : having performed the operation of stirring and mixing, as above-mentioned, the whole is to stand quiet till the earth or other suitable material has precipitated with the impurities. The clarified juice may then be drawn off by suitable plugs or taps placed in the vessel, and it will be found that the earth and im- purities will retain but a very small portion of juice, the same drawing off very freely. It now only remains to explain the manner of bleaching the juice, in conjunction with the clarifying process. This consists in in- troducing into the receiver, previous to the juice running into it, a quantity varying a little according to the quantity of colour contained in the juice of animal or other charcoal, having known bleaching proper- ties reduced to fine impalpable powder, and saturated with water. This charcoal having been stirred up ten or fifteen minutes with the juice, earth ^ust be added, as in the former process, to precipitate the whole. The approximate proportion requisite will be a quarter of a pound of animal charcoal to a gallon of juice ; of other charcoal half a pound ; using in each case a double quan- tity in the first instance of either charcoal will insure it being sufficient for three oper- ations. Having now described the nature of the invention, as communicated to me from abroad, I would have it understood that I am aware that alkaline and other earthy substances, as well also as animal and other charcoal, have been used in various ways in the manufacture of sugar ; I do not therefore lay claim to the application of the same ge- nerally, but do confine the claim of inven- tion, secured by the present letters patent, I to the process herein described for clarifying and bleaching cane and other juices by pre- , cipitation, by means of the materials herein set forth, when such process is performed i previous to such juices undergoing the ap- j plication of heat, as above described. — In witness whereof, &c. j Enrolled September 1, 1835. i PERSPECTIVE MADE EASY. {Continued from page 243.) 10. If, in the ground plan, or the elevation, one part keeps another out of sight, the part hid must be drawn, before its perspective can be made. The dotted lines in the ground plan, showing the small moulding on the top of the pillar, and the dotted lines in the same plan, that show the round panels in the cube that is close to the picture-sheet, illustrate this remark. 11. If a picture is wmnted, in which the transparent plane does not stand perpendi- cular, the easiest way to make it, is to consi- der the picture-sheet perpendicular, and draw the figures, corresponding to the ground plan and elevation, as if the objects were put off the perpendicular, by elevating one side of the horizontal surface passing through the lowest point in them. 12. Sometimes after the ground plan of any object, or number of objects, is drawn, it may be considered better not to have the picture-sheet in this plan parallel to the top or bottom edges of this drawing-board, but in a direction such as the line b c, in fig. 4, is drawn. When this happens, draw, as in fig. 1, lines from all the paints in the ground plan to d, the point of sight ; then let fall COLLECTION OF OBJECTS OF NATURAL HISTORY. 407 perpendicular lines from the same points to the picture-sheet, b c ; after this, draw from a point c, (which is beyond the lines drawn from the place of the points in the ground plan to the picture-sheet,) the line ce, parallel to the top or bottom edge of the drawing- board. Then from the point c, where the lines b c and e c meet, with a pair of pencil bows draw circles to ec, from all points in h e, where the perpendicular lines, and the lines drawn to the eye from the points in the ground plan, meet it; also the point where a perpendicular let fall from the point d, to the picture-sheet meets it, must be transferred by means of the pencil bows to the line ec/ and perpendicular to e c, from this last point transferred, mark off the point/, at the same distance from e c, that d is from h c. It will now be evident, that transferring the points be to ee, and setting the point /, in the position mentioned above, produces the same effect, as if be, with all the points on it, together with d, the point of sight, moved with the same angular motion round the point c, as a centre, till » c came to the posi- tion e c. The point d would then coincide with /, and e c would be the picture-sheet with all its points upon it, brought into a position parallel to the bottom of the drawing-board. When the operation is thus far gone, through, the rest of the process is conducted, as if the ground plan had been drawm to suit the pic- ture-sheet in the position e c. In order that fig. 4 may be fully understood, I need only add, that h is an elevation of the object a in the ground plan, and k is the perspective view of it : g in the perspective view being the position of the eye, or the vanishing point of the lines running perpendicular to the pic- ture-sheet. Rather than draw a perspective view with the position of the picture-sheet in the ground plan inclined to the sides of the drawing-board, as in fig. 4, it will be better to shift the blade of the drawing square, so as to draw the ground plan of the objects at the required angle to the picture-sheet, when it is in a position as in fig. 1. 13. When a figure in the objects to be re- presented is parallel to the transparent plane theperspective of the figures is similar to the original one, but less in magnitude according to its discance. J W. THE S T U J) OF S C I E N C E, A FAMILIAR INTRODUCTION TO THE PRINCIPLES OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. As, among our readers, there may he some who have not had opportuniile.s of heroming acquainted with the recent elaborate researches and ingenious speculations of learned men In the several departments of Natural Philosophy, we have determined to devote a certain number of pages monthly, to form a series of le tures in the several branches of science, by way of a familiar introducttou to the study of Naturtil Philosophy with inoderu discoveries. THE TAXIDEHMIST; OR THE ART OF COLLECTING, PREPARING, AND PRESERVING OBJECTS OF NATURAL HISTORY. The advantages to be derived ‘from a col- lection of objects of Natural History, are too apparent to require any illustration ; and their beauty and variety of their forms have, in a preserved state, ever attracted the ad- miration of mankind, as being next in point of interest to the living animals. Although <408 A KNOWLEDGE OF CHEMISTRY ESSENTIAL TO THE TAXIDERMIST. good drawings and engravings will give us a perfect knowledge of the general appearance of animals, still they are deficient in many particulars ; for by them we cannot be made acquainted with the texture of the skin, nor the structure of the hair or feathers. The naturalist, on all occasions, prefers a reference to the stuffed animal to that of a pictorial representation, as by this means he is enabled to trace, compare, and decide, on the creature in its several characters and relations. In museums and cabinets are brought to- gether natural objects of all kinds, from the most extreme points of the globe ; and pre- sented in a form that enables us, as it w^ere, to look upon the mighty field of nature at one view ; with the additional advantage of hav- ing the various Classes and Genera placed in systematic order, to investigate which, in their native wilds, would be the business of several lifetimes. Besides, wre can here con- template, without dread, the most destructive and furious quadrupeds, and the most noxi- ous reptiles. Here we can muse upon and study the animals which have created in us the highest of sentiments w^hile reading the tale of the traveller, or the singularity of organization, pointed out by the naturalist. He who has attended to any branch of Natural History, will best know how difficult it is to collect even the animals, plants, or minerals of Britain ; because some of the individuals are extremely' local in their habitats. To instruct in the manner of Collecting, Cleaning, Prepar-ing, and Preserving these, is the object of the following Treatise. This ai't has been practised in a certain degree from very early times, but it was not till after the middle of the last century, that Taxidermy, or the art of preserving objects of Natural History, had reached any degree of perfection, and it is still susceptible of much improve- ment. We have seen that attempts at the preser- vation of animal substances were practised by the Egyptians in the instance of Mummies and the Ibis, which they always preserved along with their chiefs. But these were pre- pared in such a manner as to produce no leasurable sensations in examining them; eing remarkable only for their great anti- quity. It is to be lamented, that even to the pre- sent day chemists have not discovered means of elFectually resisting the universal law of decay, which, by certain fixed operations, reduces every kind of organised matter to its original elements. Methods have been devised of arresting for a time the progress of decay, but these seem gradually to lose their effect, and ultimately become mutilated and decom- posed. Animal substances are subject to the ravages of thousands of minute animals. This is probably brought about by the varied changes and penetrating powers of the at- mosphere, caused by its gases, heat, and mois- ture. We do not mean by this that the atmosphere creates minute beings, only its influence is favourable and indispensable to their reproduction. On uiiorgfuiised sub- stances, these are found to be ever acting and destructive agents. To devise the means of preventing these effects is the business of the 'I'axidermist, and upon his success the excellence of his art will depend. It will, therefore, easily be imagined how important and indeed indispensable to his art is a thorough knowledge of chemical science, for by experimenting on preservatives on established chemical principles, he may discover the best method of averting the progress of Time’s destroying hand. Although considerable advances have been made of late years in the art of Taxidermy, it is still far ft'om pei'fection. This is to be attributed, in a great measure, to the edu- cation of the persons who practise this art ; for among all I have met with employed in the presevation of animals, none have had the advantage of anatomical study, which is quite indispensable to the perfection of stuf- fing. One or two individuals, it is true, have attended to the structure of the skeleton of Man, and a few of the more common ani- mals, but this is far from the information which they ought to possess ; for nothing short of a general and extensive knowledge of comparative anatomy can qualify them sufficiently for an art which is so comprehen- sive and varied in its application. These obsei’vations are particularly appli- cable to Uuadrupeds and Reptiles ; for what are even the best stuffed specimens of the first museums in the world compared to the living svibject ? Nothing better than deformed and glaringly artificial productions, devoid of all the grace and beautifully turned points of living nature. A knowledge of drawing and modelling arealsoindispensable qualifications, to enable the stuffer to place his subject in a position both natural and stx'iking. It is the too frequent practice for the stuft’er to set about preserving the animal without having determined in what attitude he is to place it, so that it will appear to most advantage, and be in character with the ordinary habits of the creature This he leaves to the last efforts of finishing his work, and, consequently, its proportions and character are likely to be devoid of all appearance of animation. The first thing, therefore, to be attended to in all great national natural history esta- blishments, is to choose young persons who are yet in their boyhood, to be instruct- ed in this art, most important to science* Their studies should be commenced by deep attention to drawing, modelling, anatomy, and chemistry, while they, at the same time, proceed with the practical part of their art. Every opportunity of examining the habits and actions of the living subject should be em- braced, and its attitudes and general aspect carefully noted. Without strict attention to these points, so manifestly obvious, the art of preserving animals never will attain that degree of perfection which its importance demands. On the other hand, if this art is pursued in the manner here recommended, artists may be produced who will fulfil the ob- 409 ON THE PRESERVATION OF MAMMALIA. jects of their profession with honour to them- selves and advantage to their country. Would any person expect to arrive at eminence as a sculptor if he were unacquainted with the established preliminaries of his art, namely, drawing and anatomy? The thing is so self-evident, that I am only surprised it has not long ago been acted upon. Upwards of twelve years have elapsed since I pointed out these facts to the Professor of Natural His- tory in the University of Edinburgh, but things continue as they were before that time. Although these observations apply with their full force to the preservation of the Mammalia, or Quadrupeds, they are equally applicable to Birds and Fishes. It is quite true, that defects in ill -stuffed birds are not 80 obvious as in quadrupeds, because the feathers assist in a great measure to conceal such deformities ; and in Sshes, imperfections are also less observable, owing to the smooth and unmarked appearance of their external surface, from the circumstance of their bones being principally small towards their outside, and the larger bones being deeply concealed under the muscles. I am happy to find that the ingenious Mr. Waterton agrees with me on this important subject. “Were you,” says he, “ to pay as much attentiou to birds as the sculptor does to the human frame, you would immediately see, on entering a museum, that the spe- cimens are not well done. “ This remark will not be thought severe, w'hen you reflect, that that which was once alive, has probably been stretched, stuffed, stiffened, and wired, by the hand of a common clown. Consider, likewise, how the i lu- mage must have been disordered by too much stretching or drying, and, perhaps, sullied, or at least deranged, by the pressure of a coarse and heavy hand.' — plumage which, ere life had iied within it. was accustomeil to be touched by nothing rougher than the dew of heaven, and the pure and gentle breath of air. “ In dissecting, three thin'jjs are necessary to insure success, viz., a penknife, a hand not coarse or clumsy, and practice- The first will furnish you with the means and the se- cond will enable you to dissect, and the third will cause you to dissect well. These may be called the mere mechanical requisites. “ In stuffing you require cotton, a needle and thread, a little stick the size of a com- mon knitting needle, glass -eyes, a solution of corrosive sublimate, and any kind of a com- mon temporary box to hold the specimen. These also may go under the denomination of the former. But if you wish to excel in the art, if you wish to be in Ornithology, what Angelo was in sculpture, you must apply to profound study and your own genius to assist you. And these may be called the scientific requisites. •* You must have a complete knowledge of Ornithological anatomy. You must pay close attention to the form and attitude of the bird, and know exactly the proportion each curve or extension, or contraction, or expansion of any particular part bears to the rest of the body. In a word, you must possess Prome- thean boldness, and bring down fire and animation as it were into your preserved specimen. “ Repair to the haunts of birds on plains and mountains, forests, swamps, and lakes, and give up your time to examine the economy of the different orders of birds. “ Then you will place your Eagle, in at- titude commanding, the same as Nelson stood in, in the day of battle, on the Victory’s quarter deck. Your Pie will seem crafty, and just ready to take flight, as though fear- ful of being surprised in some mischievous plunder. Your Sparrow will retain its wont- ed pertness, by means of placing his tail a little elevated, and giving a moderate arch to the neck. Your Vulture will show his slu;?- gish habits by having his body nearly parallel to the earth ; his wings somewhat drooping, and their extremities under the tail instead of above it, — expressive of ignoble indo- lence. “ Your Dove will be in airless, fearless in- nocence. looking mildly at you, with its neck not too much stretched, as if uneasy in its situation, or drawn too close into the should- ers, like one wishing to avoid discovery ; but in mo derate . perpendicular lengths, support- ing the head horizontally, which will set off the breast to the best advantage.”'* To the traveller who wanders in search of knowledge, but without the means of con- veying skins of quadrupeds or birds, we would say a word or two. When he has killed and examined an animal or bird, which apuears new to him, after having noted down all its characters, he ought to attempt a drawiiig of the object, as the next best substitute for the skin. The indefatigable Wilson, whose unbound- ed zeal led him to explore the mighty wilds of America, in search of information regarding the feathered tribes, but who, without either money or patronage, could not transport their skin.3 across these nearly boundless wilder- nesses, was compelled to adopt these, the only means he ha 1, and to delineate their for. us and features, in their native colours, as fiithfully as he could, as records at least of their existence. Audubon adopted this method. He pinned the bird to a tree in some natural position, held out by wires, &c., then made a drawing while the animal was yet warm. By this means he could imitate those beautiful tints which are alone to be found in living nature ; and the forms being still those of the real subject, were likely to surpass those of stuffed specimens. * Wanderings iu South America, &c. by Charles Waterton, Esq , a work that cannot be too highly commended, from the many remarkable incidents contained in it, and the highly poetic and zealous warmth of its dic- tion. 410 PKtPARATORY STEP FOR STUFF1^G QUADRUPEDS. OF SKINNING, PREPARING, AND MOUNTING THE MAMMALIA, OR QUADRUPEDS. OF SKINNING. When a quadruped is killed, and its skin intended for stuffing, the preparatory steps are to lay the animal on its back, and plug up its nostrils, mouth, and any wounds it may have received, with cotton or tow, to prevent the blood from disfiguring the skin. A longitudinal incision is then made in the lower part of the belly, in front of the pubis, and extended from thence to the stomach, or higher if necessary, keeping in as straight a line as possible, and taking care not to penetrate so deep as to cut into the abdominal muscles. In some instances, the incision is made as high as the collar bone. In this operation the hairs must he carefully separated to the right and left, and none of them cut, if possible. The skin is also turned hack to the right and left, putting pads of cotton or tow between it and the muscles, as the skinning is proceeded with. If any fatty or oily substance should be noticed, it must be carefully wiped awa5^ The skin being removed as far in every direction as the extent of the incision will admit of, eacVi of the thighs must be separated at its junction with the pelvis, that is, by the head or ball of the Osfemoris,* or thigh bone. The intestinal canal is then cut across, a little way above the anus, and then the tail is separated, as close to the animal as possible. After this the pelvis is pulled out of the skin, and the skin separated from the back by inserting the handle of the scalpel cutting-knife be- tween it and the carcase. It is pulled gradu- ally upwards until the operator reaches the shoulders. The wdiole hinder parts and trunk of the body being thus out of the skin, the next operation is to remove the fore- legs, by separating them from the body at the shoulder-joint, or the base of the Os humeri. When the joint of one shoulder has been separated from the body, the leg is again put into the skin, and the animal then turned in order to repeat the same with the other side, the limb of which is also returned. The skin is then removed from the neck. The next thing is to separate the skin from the head by the assistance of the scalpel. It is taken olf as far as the point of the nose ; while great care must be taken not to injure the eyelids, and to cut the ears as close to the skull as possible ; and also to avoid cutting the lips too close. All this having been performed, the head and trunk of the animal are completely sepa- rated from the skin. The next operation is to remove the head of the animal from the trunk, at the upper bone of the vertebrae. The external muscles of the head and face are then carefully cut off with a scalpel, and the * Those who are unacquainted with the names of the difiFerent bones of the skeleton, will find a full detail of those of both Quadru- peds and Birds in our description of Plate I. bones left as free from flesh as possible. The occipital bones are next enlarged by means of a strong knife, or other instru- ment; and the brain all carefully removed. The fore legs are now pulled out of the skin, by drawing the legs one way, and the skin another, as far as the claws of the foot. All the muscles are then cut off the bones, while care is taken not to injure the ligaments and tendons. They should be left adhering to the knee. They are then returned into the skin again. The hind legs are treated in the same manner. The tail is the last part which is skinned, and this is a more difficult task than the other parts of the body. Two or three of the first joints or vertebrae are first laid bare by pulling the skin back ; they are then tied firmly with a strong cord, which must be attached to a strong nail or hook on the wall. A cleft stick is introduced between the vertebrae and the skin, the stick is then forced to the extremity, and the tail- bones come out of their enveloping skin or sheath. The skeleton head, having been divested of all its fleshy matter, tongue, palate, exter- nal muscle, and brain, is now returned to its place in the skin, which is in a condition for commencing the operation of stuffing. — Brown. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE I. Fig. I. exhibks the skeleton of the Falco Plnnted at any time during the monihs of Diceiiilier, Jannaiv, or Febiuaiy, andilteyoill lipeii in Noveiiibei , December, and Januaiy of (lie iollowiii^ season. The canes iiia) he safely taken entire on wheel- ed cari ia«es 1 1 any distante u hich such convey- ance can ii avt l in a moutli. l oaiiy ui>:iier distance they bad heiiei lie taken eiilier on camels, i a cane is put eniiie into the split ti (iiik of a |>lanlain tree, the piili of i\ liich will iitf'oid it snilieieni nioistme. All these modes of seixiing the cones iire well nndei stood at the plantaiion, and will he explained to the people Who aie sent for the cane. If cut lip and planted in boxes, the cnliin!:s con- tain eai li live or six joiins. and aie iiiseiied into the e:ii ill diagotiallv, so that the upper ends ot ilie cntiines ni:i) he above the eaitli, white the lowev ends ate about a fool below ilic sniiaee. lliiee or font of these cnltini;s are inseiled at each end ofibeliox, so that they cCmSs each other in the eaitli. 'I lie ea ih mnst he kept moist, hni not wei.dniino the joni iiey ; and an aw niiis: should he Used to delend them fiom tlie sno, hill lioi so close its to keep ilie ait fioiii the plan s, or to mb aeaiiist the ends that lise to the top oi, oi above the top of, the boxes riie best soil i.s what the natives call Voomuteeu : and the ticsi mannie is covv- dniiii. Ti-.'iil clay or veiy moist soils; llioiigh the cane may ihrive in them, the Juice will never he of good qnaliiy. The soil should lie prepared for ihe reception of the cane in ilie laiws; but, for itiese i xperimeiiis, evciv person has a small paicli cf l.ind in his gar- den, snilicieniiy j>repaied for the purpose at any lime, tile cams should he planted in cntiiiigs of ihree < r four Jiiinis cncli, and so placed ihai the upper end may lie at oi neai ii e sniiace.and the lowei end Some six inclies, oi moie htlowii; and that the shoots mi') he at the sides, and not up and down I he holes, in which the cntiines ate plaiiK-d, should lie ahoui a fool wide, and two feet Iona ; and they should he in rows fom feet asnudi-r. In each lovv the holes should inn Iciiutli- wi-e, and he two feet si paiaie fiom ifwli oilier at the I lids. Alter the g ton mi has hei ii iiiaiiii' ed in ihe Usual maniii I all ovei ilie space In he pliiined, it w ill he well lo have a little mannie pui into each hole and mixed tip wnli ilie caitii, to foiiii a licli lied for the cams to lie iipom. In caeli hole ilieie ehonid lie l from cadi end), whirl) ciosi each oilier iimiei the eaiih us above dcsciibed for tlie boxes. The lanes should he watered every eight dais, as Wi ll lo seem e I belli against w hiie anis ami other inseitsaslo nomisli iliem, bnl to water ibeiii of- lenci is, 1 believe, in jni ions. Tlie water iiiiisi he made to inn along beivvieii the row-, so dial it may irrigate the canes wiiboni lin g ih on iln iii ill pools ; nml toiiscqiieiii ly the gr iiml hciwr eii the rows must, tioin me lifsi, he a veiy liiile lower tliaii that I poll ihe canes, and heiweeii ihe ends of the seveial holes. Dmii.g ihe season of the rains ilie gioniid iiinst beiiiqmiiilv weeded, and kei t veiy clean, so that noiliiiig inay lieahoni the roots, or impede Ihe flee (iicniati' ii ol air. Any iaieial shoois miisi he removed (lom ilie canes :i.s soon as ihey aie discoveted ; but ibe leaves should he left uiiu/iithe.i, unless they are oead and jolting. I iiave found rats to he great depredators on the cane planiaiioii, and Ihe most etrectnal mode of keeping iliein out, that 1 have fumid, was laugh i to me hy a native planter. It Is strewing along he« tween the rows of cane some of the leafless hiaiiclies of a kind of coih tree, wiriel) the natives, I believe, call Huhee. 'Ihese biaiiches, when they lie on the ground, have much the appeniaiice of siiaki 9, from the ti.-snies in, iind consequent vaiied color of, their haikj amt they ceiiainly have had the effect of scat ing away the latsfroin my plantation. 1 need not say that each bianctl must lie singly on the giomid. W. It. SLEEMAN. DISCOVERY OF COAL IV THE VALLEY OF THE NEIlBUDDAll. We learn from the Agra Uklihar that this mineral | has heeii found by Captain Onseley, lying for 109 yards by 30 to £0 wide, and as far as excavated by the water, wliicli Captain Onseley dug 3 lo 4 yards iliitk. ji lie is of o|iiiiioM tlr, It very little expense would ho inclined in uoiking it. li is also sitnaled in the | pliiiii alioiit fiom I to 5 a mile fiom ilie liills to ihe |i soiiili, tile roa.l from lloslitiiigabail to Nuisiiigpoor 'i and Jubiinlp.ire bein' iieifectly level. ; 2.— 'I’lie expense < f working it rests entirely on |j Hie scale diieeteil, woikiiieii aie (iiocniable in aliiin* j (lance for 2 annas, Nag|iooiee bnllocKs 3 lo 4 annas, backeiies 0 annas pel diem. Ilefore a just estimate ' can lie made, I should desiie after Hie mills, to gO ' lo the iilace atui sink a shall or moie to asceriaitl Ihe leal thickness and exieiii of the coal downwards, 1 Ihe coneci dip of it and qiialily’ in the siiaia deeper. (hat I sent fur tiie liun bteameis, tu be tiled, ‘ gave in ! 0 iiimi 3 11)11!! of ashes, i b iiiii'i Biirchvan coal mmi of ashes. 1 Sbevving liiis lo he the belter- aiibongli laken from ! Hie .sill face - w liich has been acted on bi air ami | waier foi yeais; below, I d luni noiilie quality will piove as good as thni of Engiisli coal. 'Ilie most impoiiant pait of this discovery is, ibat it may lend tnwaids making a tail road lo Nuisiiigpoie, conlinned via Boorliaiipore to Bom- bay, when loioiiioiive engines would supersede Hie picsent slow vlak estahlishiueiit, the aliolitiun of wiiic!) would Create a Jnslifialile saving; iranspoit of public Eioi( s, guns, and piivaie pro|>ei ly , such as giain, salt . ami ol her weigluy a liii les of coinmei ce he- come easy ; as also iravelling ; coals would cf conise he sent foi the sieaiii iiaviyaiioii on Hie (ianges fi oiii hence, for depots in the Upper Pro- Vinces, and to Bombay for the Steameis to Eng- land . 'I he foiegoiiig siiggesiinn is, in onr own opinion, perfectly practicable, ami if the govemment were alive to its own interest , ami that of the people, it would lie instantly earned into excemion. Bat another highly iiiipoitnnt commnnication is made on this subject, fioin the intelligent source to which we have alluded. THE NAVIGATION OF THE NERBUDDAH. It appeals liiat the Government allowed Cupt, Onseley to survey the Net hiidd.ili, 'File survey of the Neibiiddali proved that foi the whole length of its conise it is now unlit for navigation ol any kind; iliai means of transpoitis iina vailnble. 'i be mines of iron ore are inexbansiiiile ; adjacent to the coni, foiests siinoniid it to supply cliaic< at, and limestone is abiimlant; it leqniies but the oiders of Govern* meiit to aiithoiize adequate outlay to cany into effect lhatj which would tend more to the improve- AN IMPORTANT COMMUNICATION OF SIR JOHN MALCOLM’S. «7. tnent of this cotintiy tliaii nny other means I am awaie of. 'I'o snperinieiul and coiiiiiict tucli a work, the (Jovei iiiiieiii (If) not want for scieiiiilic nicn.riiiU oiiis is ilieoiily treat |)f)\vei wliicli lias not liiilKMto rcsoiied to such icsomces for tiie iin- ptovenieiit of tlie country. The road from Miiza- poor to JIfaiisy Gl)atii, tlie Itoider of tiie Niiisiiiu- p. Df (list) ict, is alieady toinplete, aloii!; uhich the rails iniuiit 1)6 laid ; stone qaariit's ate nnnieroiis alo))i» the whole line of road, fi« m n hich sleepers foi la\ ill” the r.ii's in could he tot ; the tains would have no etfect whatever in injuiios; the utad, and Wells alieady sunk or other sii()plies of water at Convenient distances for tlie einaines- 'I’o work the foal, wiilioni sncit means for the removal, would he of no advantage, even sn()|)osin‘' that the exnense of seitditi!' coal to the Upper Piovinces from Cal- cnlia hetriken into consideration, land caniage so far (.itheiwise than byiail-ioad catiiage) would be too ex pensive- The folloivini; extract from a letter fiom Ma- jor Geneial Sir I. Malcolm, G c H. will show his opinion as to the iia\i”:dion of the Kei hnddah. I'lom a memoiandnm of Mr. Wehlie, lie- venue Sniveyor, in the office of Major Williams, and a well iiifoimed man, it ap|)e:iis, that for seven or eifjht months in the year, la. ge Innits navigate the Net htnidah, as high as 'l elekwarrai), without any inconvenience, and though they might go ten 01 twelve milts higher up the i iver, dti) iiig a few months when it is at the highest, I see no advantage ill llxingtlie depot of dehai kation for stores above this town, which, from its size, healtliincss, and the well cntiivateil country in its vicinity, is every way calculated for such a purpose. I have q')iie esiahlished by the surveys of Liienle- nants tlansaid aitd Mathias, that the Neil)nddah fioiti the Huinti I’ahc.l or Deei’s leap (as it is locally termed irojn the narrowness of the channel), wheie it enters the broken li Iges of the Santpoorali range, to below the fall of Mnkiee, a shot t distance above Telekwarrali, is, frutn the nigged nature of its bed. Its coniiacied sticams, immerons lapids, tind the formalioii of its haulms, iiicapalrle of ever being leii- deied navigable ihrongliont that spate. 'I liis f.ict makes i t i)idispensal)le to proceed front land by Telekwa) tall to some point at)ove the Hiiinti Pa- ha!, and 1 should fix the place for leceivin-g and proieciiiig such stores and goods at or near Clii- ciildali, from whence they could be le embaikcd and co)iveyed to Moheysii , of with a shot t passage of a few hnmlred \ards at Sahasni diintih (oi the thousand tails) to M niidle) sir, from w hence they can go with case foiiy or lilty miles higiier. A memo) adnm ft um Lien enant Mathias, shews, that even in At)iil, when the river was at its lowest, lie was able to go fiom Mnndletsir to the iiutnn Palial in small ctafi,an(l that he went to Bioach fiom Telekwariah in a boat of lolei- able size, as late as the month of May. 'the infoi mtitioii received by this officer fully con- lirms that given by Mr. ehh, hoili as to the size of the boats (as large as 12 ) caitdies or *2,400 mannds hnrthen) employed in the trade between Uioach and Telekwa i nih- Of the piaciicability of the navigation of the Nerhnddah hetweim Chicnldali and Mnndleysir .(with the easy pos age nuliced), 1 could have no doubt fiom Licnlenant Mathias’ ohsei vaiions, and I was also acquainted with the fact, that a liade between Cliicnidah and Mohej sir has always been carried on in small boats. But being anxious to establish this point, beyond the possil)iliiy of doubt, 1 leqnesicd Majoi Wilson accompanied by Capiaiii Stewart of the 1st Cavalry to pioceed to the Unrun I’alial, in tiie end of last month, when the small quantity of tain iliat liad fallen lendeied the river uncommonly low for tlie reason- 'I he result of the examination of this pail of tlie river was, that with tlie exception of the postages of SahasnrdU)iah near Moheysir, where tne river from the falls or rather ia|)ids is always very diffictili and soine- liines dangerous, the, navigation between Mm;, dleysir and Chiculdah was practicable for ligh^ craft nine or ten months in the year, and Major ^Yi!son fill titer informs me (hat fiom his inquiries, and from llie meteorological ohsei vaiions he has made since he went to Mnndleysir, the wind blows tliionghout this period almost alw'ays from the wesiwaid, increasing with the monsoon, and etiiihliiig boats, wiieii the cm lent is at its height of violence, to stein it and to come in iwo and three, and sometimes in one (lay from Chiculdah to Mu* hey sir. The laige and rather heavy passage boat in which he went down came tip lioiii Dherl (near the Hnrnn Palial) passing the lapids at Saha- snrdunah in lour dais. But the liver helweeii tiie Ilnrmi Pahal and Mnndleysir is almost jii^ stiaight line, which is a great advantage to the flat bottomed crti ft, as they have never to shift a sail in coming tip, while in going down they ate aided by the cm rent, and where that is slow and the water ghallow, they are punted. These facts w ill satisfy Government, there are no charges of any consequence likely to atise out of the execution of this plan, and the following may he eiinmeiated among the advantages with. which li will be attended. This Toicenow receives its arms, stores, and all Emopeaii at tides of piihltc supply from Cal- cutta, by the way of Agra, w hich may be calculated as a watei carriage of neaily four inmiihs, while the distance by land (which is 469 miles) may be computed as a march of two months. By the line prop. )sed, arms, stores, and stippltea of all desci iptions would come lioin Boinhay to Bioach, which is the Depot of that Presidency foi the ti()(>|)S employed ill its westei'ii ten iioiies, in four or five days, in an equal time, there would be landed at 'i'elekwai r:ih, and the journey of one butidred miles over good roads to the entrepot at Chiculdah would easily he accomplished in eiglii or ten days and the lemaining dislance by water to Mondieysii would not occii|)y more tbaii four or flve (lays, At Mitiitlleysir all that cottlil he conveyed on elephants, camels and liullotks would he w’iihin one (lays, marcli of the De|)ot Jam, and I wo of Mhow, while what required wheel cai i iage heiiijfv conveyed sixteen miles highei np the liver (and the iiiivigiitiuii is wiilioiit ohsti nciioii), would go in tliice days, march to Mhnw by the Sutiiiole Ghaut. From the above statement it appears that arms, stores, and all articles «f militaiy supply might be bi ought tiom Bombay in a foitiiighi t)y water, and a foitni'ihi by land caniage. The saving of money fiom this chang-e of ihe (.htinnel of supply must lie very great, and tlie dirteieiice of time between one and six months is also impoitant. But this even is not so essential as tlie coinpaiaiive siiength of the two lines. From Broach to Mnndleysir with the posts proposed at 'l elekwanah and Cliicnidah, 1 could piotertihe commnnicalion, iindei almost any circumstances, with a lew companies of infaii* liy, wheieas that with Agia is esjiosed in a degree tliiit would make it incapable of being kept open except by large bodies of men. This latter con- siil( ration may icfer to an impiohahle stale of ali'tiiis, hat sncli talcnlations man be made in the esiablisbmeni of all militaiy lines, and paiticular- ly those by wiiicli troops receive tlieir arms, am- innnilion, and sioies. M) iiti( niioii bas lieen directed to Die oltject of eveiitii.illy opening tlie foi met direct inteiconise between, Sniat and Malwa, by Tikiee and Snlian- poor, but this has been abandoned for near a ceiiiniy ami the greater part of it is completely over- grown. 'Lite conniry also is desolate, and the few scattered inlia'>iiants at e plnndereis yet to lie re- cliiimt d. Some yeais, therefore, must elapse be- fore this can be (lone. 'I iie late successful elforts of Ca)>t;iin Bi iggs in settling Ihe districts of Sn I tan- poor, and tlie disposition vvliich the Blieels have, recently sliewn to reform will no donlu accelerate, its accomplishment, hot that cannot affect the utility of the line now proposed, as the dislance h|r land from Suiat to Mundleysii by ibis direct route 418 EDITOR OF THE AGRA UKBAR ON IMPROVEMENTS IN INDIA. is not less than two Inindied and tliirty miles, wliicli is only ahont fifteen miles shorter than the road hy Sindwa atid Nnnderhiir, which has been the comaiun line of coniinniiication heiween Sniat and Malwadniing the peiiod the Mniiiatla (iovt'tii* nietu has lieen established over the latter pto* viiices. Now it remains to be seen whetlier theGovern- ment will Open its eyes to the immense advantage® to be (leiived hy these valuable discovei ies, for which we are jmlch'ed- to its faliMited and eiiter- piizing public servants. We cannot conclnde the •ubjeci witlmtit requestin': pai'iicnlar attention to the Bound lo<:ic atid able opinion of the Editor of the Agra on the foreioing snhjecls. Oiir readers will recollect that we recently an* noniiced the iliscoveiy of :i bed of coal near (iima- tvarti which we urged should be made tivailaiile for the navi.:ation of the (Jaiiues hy the cotisii nciion of a lail-ioad nmler ilie Vindluna Hills to Mirzapoor, a piojeci which a citizen of New Yoik or a memher of the Stock Exchange would at a glance snltsci iUe his money to, hut wliicit the Goveinment «jf India rrgaid as tiie sng'gestion of a heated imai:inaiioti or the inipiaclicahle sclieme of an ill-directed mind. 1 he pieseiice of ilie cotil thus discoveied, lemovis one at eat objection to ilieiniiodnclion of steam power oil the- Neiiindda, and ilins ilie piinctpal means of inaintaining a coii.>iaut commimicaiiiui open on two of the largest arteries of ilic coiniiiy, if we may so Use Ilie wokI, liie Gaiuies and Nei Imdda. at e pla- ced in oiii hands, and we only itqniie a little of that labour which iiaiuie wisely leqnii es of man, to fa- shion them to onr purposes. We need not dilate on Ilie elfecl tile full woiking out of this design would produce, oi coiisidei wiiai a change had hten bioii;:ht about in the state ol ilie conntiy, had it and ilie oilier projects we liave seen proposed of late yeais, hceii accotnplislied. 'I he mere mention of iheiii would Indeed atfoid a melancholy coiiltast between Iheai- doiir and activity of individuals, :md the apathy, not to siiy opposition, of (>oveinment. I he most pitmii- nent of liiese plans had for their object the lonna- tion ofaii iinintei I npied comniiinicaiioa. whicli would have enclicled the wliole of Central liiilia rioin Calcutta to Agiathe (Jaiiges and Jumna olfeieii an open anil easy passage, the juiiciioii of the latter liver with the Snilege, hy iiu tins of a canal, would have lenileied the line of comninn ication niihroKen to the most noithein part of onr (loniinions ; the opening of the Snilege and the Indus would have brought ns to Bomhay, and tli;' coiislmctioii of a go.odj'oad (;uid why noi a i ail-i oad), Iiom ilie latter to Calcutta, would have completed a loitte, wliicli would ciicnmsc rihe the best portion of India, while the opening ot tile Neibndda, and the foi mai ion of a road to Agia, would oll'ei an opening lliiomili the centre of the ciicle we liave desciiiied. All these projects have however been either Hied and ahaii- doned or totally neglected. Tlie esiahlishmeni of steam coiiiinunicaiioii heltveen Calcutta and Agia was tiled, piovfed successful, and then given up — a canal to join tiie Jumna and Snilege, fiiniished a few eOitoiials to the useful papers and was then foigotten ; Ihe opening of ilie Sntlege and Indus w'as as every one knows a pei feci farce, and might be likened to the opening of a liade iiiidet iiisnpporia- ble duties. Botli of these livers have been amt will remain closeil to ns. until men » f greater ability and cupalite of ihinkiiig moie lioldy and taking moie extended views, than either Capt. Wade or Coi. Potiinger, are eniplojed as the agents of onr Goveiiimeni in tiiese (iiiarters. The coiisii nciion of roads fiom llointiay to Calcutta and Agia, and tlie navigation of the Nerhndtla aie measures whicli have scarcely yet had time to be forgotten, recently as they Uave been proposed, though we can scarcely hope a belter fate for them taaa the oilieis. PROSPECTS OF STEAM NAVIGATION. The following is a tiuly valnalile communication, which we extract from the Bomliay Coniier. The llfst point to he adverted to, and hitherto aiiiiiist luiiveisally admitted in the discnssioii of litis quest ion, is I he iifcessity of liaving laige and ex- pensive ves?<'ls with lieavy poweis, ill ordcrloen- 8111 e ilKM'ei tain completion nfilie passage; for it is believed to he only in siu li, a Millicii'iu supply of fuel can hecaiiiedto i nti long disfatices. The lensoii of ihi.s is, that as the size of a \ essel i- eti- bifgetl, Ihe power may lie mnile lelaiivcl) less with Ilie same degi ee of speed ; and inns an increased tinmbei (»f days consumption of fuel can liecariied wiiiiiMit. iiKiking tiie vessel draw too much water. Foi iiist nice, lakitig Mr. Field’s tahie, put in he- Ibre the committee of tiir- II mse oi' C ••imiions. it leqiiirrs a hiindied hotse nowei to piopel a vessel of gi'.) Ions,:'.! ilieiia'.e of 10 milcspei honi ; while a two hundred and foitv hoise power is siinicieul topiopci a Vessel oflOOllions at tiie same rnie. The small vessel will only cany 5 days’ coal, while tlie laiger vessel will cany enough for 18 dajs’ cou- siimpiioii . So long as the correctness of this piiiiciple was aiimilied, and large extieiisiv e vessels vveie deemed iiecessaiy, it w:is cletiilv impossitde that any leiiirn wliieii steam communication con'd he expected to yield in this conntiy could he nt all proponionate to ilie outlay wliicli it was neca ssaiy to make, in Older to estaltlisli sticli commnniciiiioii, and its es- liihlisiiliH lit thus teemed tiltogellier a liopeless mill* let , unless goVei nmeiii took the thing u[)a.sapul)- lic measnie :md defrayed the deliciciicy of rciuni- fioiii the pnhiic tieasui > • roiiunaiely, how'evei, for Ilie cause, ciicnmslau. ces have tiecun eil of late veaist i show tin, it if tucli pidpoi lions at e necessaiy with paddle wheels of Ilie common foim, tliey aiehy no means so u lib paddle wlieels on Mr, Morgan’s principle, hut tliat ill vessels so filled Ihe (uopoition of power to ton- nage may he made the same in both large and small vessels, and that tlie small vessel will make her votage w iili uiie as much cirtainty as Uie laige one —Vice A(iiiiii:il Sir I’nlteiiy Malcolm, in his evidence heiore the committee of Ihe House of Coiiiiiions, w,is tile ftist who i ecommeiided inode, lale sized vessels with small poweis and .Motgan’s wlieels, as the l»esl adiipied for steam commiinica- lion hciweeii Ihimhay and Suez.— Ife lecommeiidy vessels of 43,5 ions with eiigiue.s of 100 Imise pow. Cl ; and liiis lecoiiimendaiion was in deatie> many yeai s’’ex pci ieiice ot w litii could he eifccteil In ves- sels of a'l sizes and power, fiom Ihe bieiiin Fiigitle Ihe P-Iedea, wiili 120 horse power, down lo ilie Columbia of SOt) tons and lOO ho.'se power, which Jailer vessel, h} -; !ie-hye, was fust (itled wiili en- gines of 1‘20 lioise power ; hut these weie laken out from li:i\ ing heeii found loo lieiivi and replaced by ilie present engines, and the vestels’ siieed in every respect impi oved. I he following leliers w ill, however, hear out this principle slill fnilliei, by fully simwing that even llie vetsels of 4^5 tons piopnsed by Sit Pniteny Mal- coJm, m;iy without disiidvaiitage, be still funlier re- duced,[wit li propoi itoiiaie dimiiiniioii of the cost of outlay, and w-jiii equal ceitainly of cnVcling’ liie passage in the same time ; for they sliow that the Transit, n vessel w by a inodeiate sized vessel with modeiatc power and onr wheels.” Very respecifully, Sir, sour’s obliged, ItICHD iVloilGAN. “The Transit was built for the vediteinniean and Levant Company, and was called the Otho.’* Glass House Fields, May 2d, ISao. “ Dba R s I Bj— i send you at foot, an exiiact of a leltei just received from our Lngine woiker on board ihe Transit, which will infuim }ou how very saiislaciorily she is going on.” Yom’s tmly, Jos. E. M iLciiB. “ Gentlkmkn,— 1 wiiie to infotm )ou that Ihe an iveil at this port (Lisbon) on Eiiday evening, in four days from Falnioiiih, against stiong contraiy winds, with a heavy sea. Ihe Engines peifoiiii very beautifully. 1 have not had any tiou- ble with Ihein at <11 The cojiper pipes answer the purpose veiy well, and we are now quite conifoita- ble in the Enppei Boileis at jg’43 per horse power 3,440 0 00 Duplicate pans i^goo 0 00 1 no more vessels at the same rale.. .. 88,480 0 OO One set duplicate boilers 3 4411 0 00 Lathes, tools and forges.... 1,500 0 00 47,660 0 00 Expence of sailing out 2,o0o 0 00 60,1(50 0 00 10 per cent, contingencies 6,018 0 Co N. B. — Sir Pulteny MalcoLn estimates ihe total cost ol 3 vessels of 433 tons each, and lOo horse power with duplicate (laits &c. built in England and sailed out lu Bo.iibay only at £6 1,600, so that the above estimate must be amply sufiicieni to cover every item of piime cost. The next point for consideration is theexpenc® ofinniiiiig such vessel; and on this point also there is much valuable iiifoiitialioii in the evitleiice of Sir I’lilteiiy Malcolm and Mi . Morgan ; and in Ollier lespccis where their estimates are too low, I have foniiiiately by me Hie immibly expeiiceof Ihe Hon’hle Company’s Sleaiuer//rfli/r;«r/y, a vessel of the same size and power as lltose now proposed j and this I have assumed as a settle for ineusuiiii" the expence of wages to the establislimeut. The next item is the quantity of coal which would be coiisunied and its cost.— In 01 dei to asceiiain this it is necessary to estimate Hie number of hoiiis dur- ing which each vessel must be under steam in each passage.- It would in every respect be most desira- ble, in Older lo economise in liiis respect, to divide the distance mote equally than is effecied by the present arrangt-iiient of dep6ts, and this from iafoi- III nion which 1 liave lately received seems exceed" iiigly feasible. Hie in 23 and 20 day s fioni Bomhav.— lleckoiiii,<» 18 day# under steam, each vessel with an 80 hoise power would consume 84 tons of coal per diem, or about 150 tons for a single passage, being for 18 passa-ea 2,;00 tons, and allowing 10 per cent for waMe It would require about 3t>00 tons coal per anniini to make 9 moiiHily double trips with vessels iich as those in question. -Supposing coal to cost in Bombay 13 Hiipees per ton, and I have reason to believe that it coyld beliad, under proper arraii»a- nients, at 12 Rupees, and supposing the cost in tlie Bed Sea lo be 23 per too, it give an aveia-e Ihroiighoiit, of Hiipees 20 per ton as Hie priccof coal, at which cost 1 have reckoned in the annexert estimate. The items, charge of engine room, repairs of ma- chinery and boilers, and maintenance of vessel ate extracted from Mr. Morgan’s estimate for a vessel 420 MORE PROPOSITIONS FOR STEAM NAVIGATION. ■of 400 tons aiitl lOo isorse power. Witli (liese re. marks pi erpised, I may aiitiex ilie ftiilowiu^ esti- iiiaie of ilie [irol)iible aiiuual cost of tnainiaiiiin^ Uiree vessels ? — Efitimate of the anmial expence of three vessels- Waues of one vessel, as per appeiniix No. 1. ai 2 300 per montli 27,600 Two more al the same rale ,'55,200 S,00o tons of coal, ui 11s. 20 pei ton CO.OOO Aiimial cliarge for euoine room tupplies lor one vessel 2.505 Repairs of inacliinery, ditto SjtOO Hepairs and replacing boilers, ditto ... 3,800 Mainteiiuiice of vessel, diUo, 2,800 11,100 Three vessels 33,300 176 mo Interest on outlay at 5 per cent...... 27,585 203, C83 .4.5 it may be doubtful wbeiher coal caiiiioi be deposited at a more iiiodeiaie rate via tlio Red Sea at Cossier, than via Alexaiidtia at Suez, it is sl- ed that ill tliis case tlie avliaale of the supply leqiiir- ed for the leiiii n iri() miulit in the fn st instance be deposited by ships iiami England at Camar:m is- land, from whence it mi^llt he conveyed to Cosseir iiicotinliy ciaft. The steamer mi<>lii halt six liouas at (’osseir on lier way lioili np and doavn,drop pas- lemrers wisliin!{ to land there, and in tier wav down pickino lip those waiiine for a passage. She coiild at ilie same time fill in stifficient coal in •’oing tap to take laei to Saaez aiad haack , aaad in qoiiig ilowia to take her loCamaian. whieli tvoaild thus becamaeilae principal depot iaa the Red Sea. If my i.ate for coal be reckoiaed too low at 20 Itn- pees per aoii, the kaiowledoe of iiaercaniile meai in Bombay can easily correct this item. The last poiaat for consideration, and the one of most iaiapoataiice is, whaltctnrii caanld be expected to meet the expenses of all this outlay , and the snt) joined estimate is liazaided as a loaieh approxima- tioia, on a scale by no iiaeans cxiiavagaiat :-500 Its. Is assaiaiied as ilie value a)f a passage to the ship, ieavihg passeiiiiers I* make their onii ai taiiuements wiili the Captain for their livinsj ; or the vaiions Bteaiiiers miuht have a siewaid or pm vey or who ni.ii-lit mniisli any liiimi called for, as well as hieak- fiist and (linnet , at fixed rences linpees. 2,188 N. R. If Govctnnient (as it is not iiiijU'oIntble they might,) would come foiwuid with a homis of anoilier lakh, oi lakh and a iialf of Itiipees, to assist the steam fluids in the first oiulay in pnichasing vessels and niaciiiiieiy, tliere is little douht that the returns would fully cover the cnireiit expenses, and even leave a profit : blit wliethei t his is done ornoi,ii is tiiMlei siiKid iliai government would pay fo'rilie nans, mission of ilieii dispatches at lliestmie rale as iiidi« vidnals, and that tlie Bi iiisli consul should see to ^lie tiansport of the mails tliiougli Egypt. APPENDIX- Stntement of the establishment of the fJon’ble Company's steam vessel h raivaddy, 'iW tons burthen, and 80 horse potver. New scale Crew- Old scale. from 1st Nov. 1820 I Commands 'l ablo alUnvaiite for Iiimsirlf 1 603 0 0 1 Chief oliiccr 251 0 0 200 0 0 I Enigiiiecr at 25) per im nth. 41. 10 S payable in Eiiglaiul 208 5 4 Tahle allow aiice to diuo, at 2 rupees per diem 60 0 0 1 Assistant Engineer 2i)0 0 0 I Carp enter 3.5 0 0 I Butler 20 0 0 • Cook |2 0 0 1 .Sei \aiit 8 0 0 4 Sea cnmiies, at 16 e.ycli per month 610 0 1 Syrang .. .. ... — 2o 0 0 2 I indalsat 15 eaciiper moiiiii 3.) 00 21 Lascars, at 9‘‘ do.. 216 (i 0 2 Idpasses, at 7 “ do.. 14 () 0 10 Slokeis, at 16 “ do.. leO 0 0 Victualling 47 men, at 4 per inoniU eacli 188 0 0 Sicca Bs .2,285 5 4 STEAM COMMUNIC \ TIO.V WITH INDIA VI.A SWAN ItlVEU. A correspondent of the Renga! Hiiikarii, mett- tions, a \Vesiein Ansli alian C ompany , or Assocl- a ion, b-iirg about tone formed , wliat say nauti- cal men to the inaclicabiliiy of Steam Navit;ation j between England and Bengal, via Swan Itiver Co- 1 tony ? Coals can be si-nt 10 the depots from Eng- ' land and New South Wales- ! England, Azores, or Wesleiii Isles, Madeiia, I .Santa Ciuz in TeiiiM iffe, St. Vi nceiils , Cape de, ! V'eid, or Salt, Islands, Eeriiando I’o, Cape of Good Hope, Isles of s. I’anl and Amsieidam. ! Days IO5 Swan Rivet, Western Australia. L5 j Keelini;, or ffoco, Isles, ti Ceylon, 2 iviadias, i 7 Calcutta, (ReiigaU 32 Days, Total 13? by .T. sail- j mg vessel, or by Steam 68 or -.6 days. TO CORRESPONDENTS. The works by Col. Sykes, and Proceedings | of the Statistical Society and other works tor ! Review will be noticed next month. The ji extent of important foreign Scientific intelli- j: gence in our present number has limited the I number of articles under Review. I THE INDIA REVIEW OF WORKS ON SCIENCE, AND JOURNAL OF FOREIGN SCIENCE AND THE ARTS, EMBRACING MINERALOGY. GEOLOGY, NATURAL HISTORY, PHYSICS, &c. REVIEW. Sugary as to the probability of an im- provement in the cultivation and quality ofy either through Europeans or Natives, in case of an increased demand From the report of the select commitees of the Houses of Lords and Commmons, appointed to enquire into the present state of the affairs of the East India Company, 1830-31. BelVs Comparative View of the External Commerce of Bengal, during the years 1834-35 awe? 1835-36, lC6. A Treatise on the Cultivation of Sugar canes, and the manufacture of Sugar, comprehending instructions for plant- ing, and saving the cane, expressing the juice, ^c. Sfc. By W. Fitzmau- RiCE, many yearsa planter in the island of Jamaica, pp. 69, 1830. The nature and properties of the Sugar- cane, with practical directions for the improvement of its culture and the ma- nufacture of its products. By George Richardson Porter, Philadelphia, pp. 354, 1831. A Dictionary, Practical, Theoretical, and Historical, of Commerce and Commer > cial Navigation ; illustrated with Maps and Plans. By J. R. McCulloch, Esq. Second Edition, / Corrected throughout, and greatly enlarged : with a Supplement, supplying the deficiencies and bringing down the in- formation contained in the work to October, Suo. jop. 1327. Long- man, Rees,Orme, Brown, Greene, AND Longman, London, 1835. (Continued from page 371.^ In our last we alluded to the views of Mr, Fitzmaurice on the cultivation of sugar in India. Before we revert to the evidence given before the Committee appointed by Parliament to enquire into the subject, by way of relief to ploughing, digging, and planting, we turn to the history of the sugar cane, in order to prefer the claims of this country to its discovery. Such informa- tion is at this moment of vital importance to the commercial community of British In- dia ; for, considered with reference to the vast amount of capital the sugar trade is likely to employ, and the extent of public revenue it will as a consequence yield, the trade will open an ample employment for our shipping, by commencing a steady and extensive market with all parts of the world, and such will be its increase that, by giving occupation to British sojourners in this country, distress, nay indigence, now too common among them, will disappear. Re- spectability and intelligence will result from the industry thus effected, and the mercantile interest of this country will pro - 422 THE HISTORY OF THE SUGAR CANE. bably be raised ere long above that of any other country in the world. In tracing the history of sugar, we naturally refer to the most ancient writings in Sacred Writ. The first passage in which it is mentioned, is Exodus, XXX. 23, wherein Moses is commanded to make an ointmentwith myrrh, cinnamon, kend,and cassia. Comparing this passage with that in Jeremiah, vi. 20, we findkene men- tioned as comingfrom a distant country. * ‘To what purpose cometh there to me incense from Sheba, and the sweet cane from a far country.” If any credit bedue to etymology, the word kend denotes the sugar cane, from the Latin word cana and the English word cane. This sugar cane must have come therefore from the East Indies. Strabo relates that Nearchus found it in the East Indies in the year before Christ 325. Dios- corides says that there is a kind of honey called saccharine which is found in India. Pliny alludes to its being produced in India. Arrian, in his Periplus of the Red Sea, men- tions sacchar as an article of commerce from India to the Red Sea. Thunberg found it in Japan; Marco Polo found it in abundance in Bengal. Porter, the author of one of the works under review, says that the Persians, Egyptians, Phoenicians, and Greci- ans, who went through the greater part of Asia, make no mention of the sugar cane before the period when merchants first began to trade to India. The merchants among the Jews, Christians, Romans,and Mahome- dans, learnt from the Indians, who carried sugar to Mustino Ormus, that it was obtained from a reed: upon this tradition it is stated that the inhabitants of Asia sought among their reeds for that one which yielded so precious a product, and found it in a kind of bamboo called mambu, the young suckers of which are filled with an agreeable juice alluded to by Lucian, ^^quique bibunt tene- rddulces ah arundine succos.-’ It is de- scribed to be a kind of honey which formed itself without the assistance of bees, (Strabo.) That it was a shower from heaven which fell upon the leaves of the reed (Seneca), and that it was a concretion of the reed in the manner of gum, (commentators on Pliny.) I The first correct account of traffic in sugar j! is given by Marco Polo: the merchants, ij who had before his time gone to Ormus ! for the purpose of traffic, with the Indians, ' brought away the sugar cane and silk j worm from thence ; thus the sugar cane was introduced into Egypt and Arabia. I Our authority for this fact is the works j of Bartheraa, Giovanni, Lioni,^&c. It is stated that, at the end of the fourteenth cen- ! tury, the cultivation of the sugar cane and [ the manufacture of its juice were known ; generally throughout Arabia, Egypt, and several other parts of Africa. According to | Giovanni, in the sixteenth century an ex ten- ' sive trade in sugar was carried on in Arabia Felix, Nubia, Egypt, Morocco, and Ethiopia. , We are ignorant as to the date of itsimporta- 1 tion into Europe. We find William the Se- cond, king of Sicily, giving to the monks of | St. Bennett a mill for grinding sugar canes. , In 1420, Don Henry introduced the sugar I cane in the island of Madeira from Sicily, where it was successfully cultivated, as well as in the Canaries. The Portuguese began the cultivation of the cane in the island of St. Thomas in 1820: this colony had more than 60 sugar manufactories (Racueil des Voyages). It was attempted to plant it in Provence, but the cold of winter destroyed it; it was, however, introduced in Spain, where sugar manufactories are at the present period. It was after Columbus discovered the new world, that Pierre d’Etienne took the sugarcane to Hispaniola, since called St. Domingo, and now Hayti. A Catalonian, named Michel Ballestro, was the first who expressed juice from it ; and Gonzalves deVelosa was the first who concen- trated this into sugar. At St. Domingo it grew to the size of a man’s waist, where in 1518 there were 28 manufactories. On the authority of MacLeod it is stated that its cultivation extended with such prodigious rapidity,and its produce was so considerable, that the cost of the magnificent palaces of Ma- drid and Toledo, which were erected in the reign of Charles the Fifth, was entirely de- frayed by the proceeds of the port duties on PRESENT STATE OF THE SUGAR TRADE. 423 the sugar imported from Hispaniola. The establishment of sugar plantations in Ame- rica took place at the end of 1580. Sugar was made by the English in the island of St. Christopher, in 1643 ; by the French at Gua- daloupe, in 1657. In 1466, however, the use of sugar was confined to medicine and feasts. What is very remarkable on looking back into the history of the sugar cane, we find that per- fection had been attained by the Indians in crystallizing sugar, according to the soundest principles of chemistry. The Venetians intro- duced sugar refining into Europe at the end of the fifteenth century. At first they imitat- ed the Indians, and sold the sugar which they purified in the shape of candy, clearing and refining the coarse sugar of Egypt three or four times over. They afterwards adopted the use of cones, and sold refined sugar in loaf. Sugar refineries were soon established in all the commercial cities in Europe, and were multiplied in the same ratio with the trade of America in sugar. With the foregoing outline we arrive to the sugar trade, and we are able, by the latest addition of McCulloch’s work now before us, to put our readers in possession of the most correct intelligence on this subject. SOURCE WHENCE THE SUPPLY OF SUGAR IS DERIVED, -The West Indies, Brazil, Surinam, Java, Mauritius, Bengal, Siam, the Isle de Bourbon, and the Philippines, are the principal sources whence the supplies required for the European and American markets are derived. The average quantities exported from these countries during each of the 3 years ending with 1833 were nearly as follows : — British West Indies, including Demerara and Berbice •• 190, OOO tons, Mauritius 30,000 Bengal, Isle de Bourbon Java, Siam, Philippines, &c 60,0o0 Cuba and Porto Rico.. 110,000 French, Dutch, and Danish West Indies 95,000 Brazil 75,000 — 560,000 tons. Loaf or 1 ump sugar is unknown in the East,"'® sugar candy being the only species of refined sugar that is made use of in India, China, &c. The manufacture of sugar candy is carried on in Hindostan, but the process is extremely rude and impel feet. In China, however, it is manufactured in a very superior manner and large quantities are exported. When of the best description, it is in large white crys- tals, and is a very beautiful article. Two sorts of sugar candy are met with at Canton, viz. Chinchew and Canton ; the former being the produce of the province of Fokien, and the latter, as its name implies, of that of Canton. The chinchew is by far the best, and is abou 1 50 per cent, dearer than the other, Chinese sugar candy is consumed, to the al- most total exclusion of any other species of sugar, by the Europeans at the different set- tlements throughout the East. There were exported from Canton, in 1831-32, by British ships, 32,279 piculs (38,427 cwt. ) of sugar candy, valued at 242,000 dollars ; and 60,627 piculs (72,173 cwt.) of clayed sugar, valued at 3l8, 256 dollars ; and during the previous year the exports were about 50 per cent, greater. 'I he exports by the Americans are also con- siderable. At an average, the exports of sugar from Canton may be taken at from 6,000 to 10,000 tons; but of this only a small quantity finds its way to Europe. The exports from Siam and Cochin-China are estimated at about 12,500 tons. CONSUMPTION OF SUGAR IN EU- ROPE, &c.— Mr. Cook gives the following Table of the imports of sugar into France and the principal Continental ports in 1831, 1882, and 1833, and of the stocks on hand on the 31st of December of each of these years : — Imports. Slocks, 3l8i of December. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1831. 1832. 1833. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons Tons Tons France.. .. .. 97,450 82,000 79.600 25,870 9,350 10,450 1 Trieste.. .. .. .. 17,950 22,400 13,800 6,000 11,900 6.840 j Genoa.. .... 9,500 10,500 6,800 1 5o0 2,200 2,180 Antwerp.. .... 6,240 8,780 12,80 1 2,000 2 OOO 5,100 Hotterdarn.. .. .. .... 10,700 11,600 8,650 1,800 3,900 3,350 . Amsterdam.. .. 18,370 22,380 20,100 2,200 3.400 6,300 Hatnburgli.. .. 38,800 37,930 S0,('00 9,O00 13,400 9,820 Bremen.. .. .. .... 12,380 12 500 7,350 3,230 6,800 3,550 Copenhagen . .. .. .... s.sso 6.850 5,560 800 2,370 1,830 Petersburgh . .. 11,170 23,100 18,600 8,440 11,660 16.600 293,910 237,040 203 060 61,740 65,980 64,020 This Table does not, however, give the im- But the consumption of Spain, only, has been ports into any of the ports of the Peninsula. estimated, apparently on good grounds, by ^ Loaf sugar is iiiaiiufactuitU in great perfecuou in Bengal. Edit. India lievieu\ 424 IMMENSE CONSUMPTION OF SUGAR. M. Montveran (Essai de Stotistique sur les Colonies, p. 92,), at 45,000,000 kilog. (4l,05o, tons). This may appear large for a country in the situation of Spain ; but the quantity is deduced from comparing the imports with the exports; and it is explained partly by the moderation of the duties, and partly by the large consumption of cocoa, and other articles that require a corresponding consumption of sugar. Mr. Cook’s Table also omits the imports into Leghorn, Naples, Palermo, and other Italian ports. Neither does it give those into Stettin, Kdnigsberg, Riga, Stockholm, Gottenburgh, &c. It is, besides, very diffi- cult, owing to transhipments fiom one place to another, accurately to estimate the real I amount of the imports. On the whole, how- j ever, we believe that we shall be within the mark, if we estimate those for the whole ) Continent at from 285,000 to 310,000 tons, including what is sent from England. The following Table, compiled from the best authorities, exhibits the total consumption of colonial and foreign sugars in France at differ- ent periods since 1788, with the population, and the average consumption of each indivi- dual.— (See Ddoniveran, Essai de Statitisque, \ p. 96., and the authorities there referred to.) j years. Consumplion. Population. Individual Constirnpiion. 1788 Kilo ft- 21,300,000 23,600,000 Kilu^. •906 1901 23,200,000 31,000,000 •813 8l2 16,000 OOo 43.000 000 •v72* 1816 in 1319 average 36,000,000 S0,00.>,0l)0 1-200 1819 — 1823 — . 47,000,000 30,833,000 1-666 1822 — 1824 — .. 47,260,000 31,103,000 1 513 1824 — 1826 — .. 66,750,000 81,280,000 1 •79-2 18-26 — 1827 — . . 62 500.000 31,625,000 1-976 1830 — 67 250,000 3l,84.3,OoO 2-126 This, however, is independent of the con- sumption of indigenous sugar— (see post), and of the sugar introduced by the contiaband trade, — both of which are very considerable. I’he entire consumption of all sorts of sugar in France in 1832, including from 8, 000, 000 to 9,000, 000 kilog. of beet-root sugar, and allowing for the quantity fraudulently intro- duced, may be estimated at about P8, 000, 000 kilog, or 193,000, 000 lbs. , which, taking the population at 32,000,000, gives an average consumption of Gibs, to each individual, being about fth part of the consumption of each individual in Great Britain! This extraor- dinary discrepancy is no doubt ascribable to various causes ; — partly to the greater poverty of the mass of the French people; partly to their smaller consumption of tea, coffee, punch, and other articles that occasion a large consumption of sugar; and partly and prin- cipally, perhaps, to the oppressive duties with which foreign sugars are loaded on their being taken into France for home consumption. The United States consume from 70,000 to 80.000 tons ; but of these, from 30,000 to 40.000 tons are produced in Louisiana. About 170,000 tons of sugar are retained for home consumption in Great Britain, and 17.000 tons in Ireland; exclusive of about 12.000 tons of bastards, or inferior sugar, ob- tained by the boiling of molasses, and exclusive also of the refuse sugar and treacle remaining after the process of refining. On the whole, therefore, we believe we may estimate the aggregate consumption of the Continent and of the British islands at about 600.000 tons a year ; to which if we add the consumption of the United States, Turkey, &c., the aggregate will be nearly equivalent to the supply. The demand is rapidly in- creasing in most countries ; but as the power to produce sugar is almost illimitable, no per- i manent rise of prices need be looked for. Taking the price of sugar at the low rate of 1/. 4.i. a cwt., or 24/. a ton, the prime cost of the article to the people of Europe will be 12.000. 000/. sterling; to which adding 75 per cent, for duty, its total cost will be 21,000,000/. I This is sufficient to prove the paramount im- portance of the trade in this article. Exclu- sive, however, of sugar, the other productsof ' the cane, as I um, molasses, treacle, &c.,are ' of very great value. The revenue derived by I the British treasury from rum, only, amounts to nearly 1,600,000/. a year. PROGRESSIVE CONSUMPTION OF i SUGAR IN GREAT BRITAIN.— We are | not aware that there are any authentic ac- I counts with respect to the precise period when sugar first began to be used in England, j It was, however, imported in small quantities ' by the Venetians and Genoese in the l4th and i 15th centuriest ; but honey was then, and long after, the principal ingredient employed |i in sweetening liquors and dishes. Even in i the early part of the l7th century, the quan- j tity of sugar imported was very inconsider- j able ; and it was made use of only in the I houses of the rich and great. It was not till || the latter part of the century, when coffee and tea began to be introduced, that sugar ll came into general demand. In I70O, the j quantity consumed was about 10,000 tons, or ! 22.000. 000 lbs. ; at this moment, the con- sumption has increased (bastards inclu- |j ded) to above 180,000 tons, or more than * Continental .system and empire. + In Marin’s Storia del Commercio de' Venesiani '■ (vol V. p. 306^, there is an account ofashipment made at Venice for England in 1319, of 100,000 l! 1 s. of sugar, and lO.OOo lbs. of sugar candy. j The sugar is said to have been brought from I the Levant. i EFFECTS OF DUTY ON SUGAR. 425 400.000. 000 lbs. ; so that sugar forms not ou'y one of the principal articles of importation and sources of revenue, but an important necessary of life. Great, however, as the increase in the use of sugar has certainly been, it may, we thinlr, be easily shown that the demand tor it is stil I very far below its natural limit ; and that were the existing duties on this article reduced, and the tiade placed on a proper footing, its con- sumption, and the revenue derived from ii> would be greatly increased. During the first half of last century, the consumption of sugar increased five-fold. It amounted, as already stated — In I700, to lP,000 tons or 22 OOO.OOO lbs. 1710, 14,000 — 31,860,000 — 1734. 42,000 - 94,080,000 — 1754, 63,270 — 119,320,000 - 1770— 1776 72,500 (average) 162,600,000 — 1786—1790 8|,00o — 181,500,000 — In the reign of Queen Anne, the duty on sugar amounted to 3s. 5d, per cwt. Small additions were made to it in the reign of George II.; but in 1780 it was only 6s 8d. In 1781, a considerable addition was made to the previous duty ; and in 1787 it was as high as 12s. 4d. In 1791 it was raised to 15s. ; and while its extensive and increasing consump- tion pointed it out as an article well fitted to augment the public revenue, the pressure on the public finances, caused by the French war, occasioned its being loaded with duties, which, though they yielded a large return, would, there is good reason to think, have been more productive had they been lower. In 1797, the duty was raised to l7s. 6d. ; 2 years after, it was raised to 20s. ; and, by suc- cessive augmentations in 1803, 1804, and 1806, it was raised to 30s ; but in the last- mentioned year it was enacted, that, in the event of the market price of sugar in bond, or exclusive of the duty, being, for the 4 months previous to the 5th of January, the 5th of May, or the 5th of September, below 49s. a cwt., the Lords of the Treasury might remit Is. a cwl. of the duty ; that if the prices were below 485., they might remit 2s. ; and if below 47s., they might remit 3s., which was the greatest re- duction that could be made. In 1826, the duty was declared to be constant at 27s., without regard to price ;but it was reduced, in 1830, to 24s. on West India sugar, and to 32s. on East India sugar. The duty on foreign sugars is a prohibitory one of 63s. a cwt. Sugar from the Mauritius is however, by a special provision, allowed to be imported at the same duty as West In- dia sugar. Art. IL— Notes on Persia, Tartary, and Afghanistan. By Lieut. Col. Mon- TEiTH, K. L. S. of the Madras Engineers. — Madras Journal of Lu terature and Science. Defence of British India from Russian Invasion. By Captain C. F, Head, Queen’s Royal Regiment. (Continued from page 374.J The author of this paper is well known for having drawn attention to steam navigation as being of public advantage and private accommodation in facilitating communication between India and Europe; but, above all, as an auxiliary either in maritime or territo- rial defence, should any European enemy at- tempt to approach the borders of Hindustan, Capt. Head thought, with many others who were capable of judging, that a political crisis may arise sooner than is expected, when the strength of western nations will be put forth, and a struggle take place, in which each vulnerable portion of the British empire will become appoint of assault. Our author does not hesitate to avow that Russia will endeavour to close with England in this country, and that success will de- pend on the development of her great mili- tary prowess, and where the co-operation of a maritime force is least required. The war between Russia and Persia demon- strated the strength and resources of the northern autocrat, but its result exposed the weak and compromising character of Asia- tics ; while it proved the alacrity with which the inhabitants of provinces contiguous to Russia will join in any expedition that promises a fair reward. In considering the question, says Capt. Head, “ It will be necessary to bear in mind, throughout the enquiry, that an invading army, of however crude and opposite materi- als it may be composed, will take the field with great odds in its favour, from the cir- cumstance of its object being defined, and the duty of every man being made apparent. Whereas, an army acting on the defensive can hope for no reward even after a hard- earned victory ; at the same time that they are liable to the harassing duty of continually watching the movements of their enemy. If the patriotic feeling which causes men to defend their soil, and feel a hatred towards the invaders, could be imparted to the natives of India, then would the territory of Hin- doostan be comparatively safe. But how little is this to be expected in the case we are contemplating, where the people of the coun- try have at the best of times so little perse- verance and energy, and where an army that 426 THE ROUTE FOR RUSSIAN INVASION. would be collected to defend any frontier must be composed of a variety of nations, differing in language and religion, strangers to the region they are fighting in, and assembled from provinces as little known to each other as are the various states of Europe. We must also consider the inherent desire in kings and in subjects for aggrandisement. Russia, which is now in direct collision with nations that are to be as easily overcome as were those of British India, will, no doubt, pursue her advantage and extend her boundary towards the East, and Great Britain will, in all pro- bability, ere long, have to contest her right of sovereignty over three-fourths of her subjects, included in the population of Hindoostan. When it is remembered that the colossal power of Russia has attained its present eminence in three half centuries, or since the master-spirit of Peter the Great brought his people to rank with civilized nations, and caused the empire, of which he laid the foun- dation, to increase in population from sixteen to sixty millions, a moment’s reflection willsuggest the prudence of speculating with regard to its future progress. At present the disciplined legions of Russia are rated at 900,000, and they have tried their strength with success against most of their neighbours. The nations towards the east and south have felt and ad- mitted the superiority of their discipline, and will hereafter prefer an amicable alliance to another useless struggle, 'i he territory of Russia has had a proportionable increase with her subjects, and has extended so much in Asia as to leave but a fiail barrier between the armed giant of the north, and the com- mercial Colossus of Hindoostan.’’ We do not consider the foregoing picture in the least over drawn. The opinion entertained by our author is that, of all men thoroughly acquainted with the subject, the Indian Government alone seem to regard it least. Our author proceeds to take a general view of the diflferent routes by which a Russian force may invade India. The widely extend- ed southern frontier of the Russian empire, which in longitude sweeps over nearly one half of the whole globe, admits of a military force advancing from that territory towards India from four distinct points. By the most westerly route the line of operations is the longest, and the subjugation of Persia would become necessary. These would re- quire a second campaign before Russia could reach India. The south shores of the Black Sea would be the basis for a first series of movements,and Herat, a city on the eastern boundary of the Persian empire, would be the station whence arrangements for a second campaign would emanate, and from which the invaders would advance towards our possessions. Another plan the enemy would adopt is, to pass from Russia to the Indus, by establishing a depot, by means of the Volga river at a station on the shore of the Caspian Sea. Our autho** is of opinion that by this route, the line of march would be considerably reduced, and a demonstration only towards Per- sia would be made on the south of the Black Sea. In effecting an invasion by this route, the co-operation of Persia, and not its subjugation, would be necessary — an auxiliary the most feasible and likely to be attempted. The third line of ad- vance is from the east shore of the Caspian Sea across a desert to Khiva, on the Oxus or Amu river, thence to Balkh, and by a caravan route to the Indus. These routes being more to the eastward are shorter, and an advance by them could be executed with rapidity. Captain Head is of opinion that the success of the enterprize would be more precarious than by the western routes, and might be looked upon in the light of a coup -de-main. All these routes have engaged the attention of the Government of St. Petersburg!!. We have ample information regarding these routes, furnished from statistical details col- lected by embassies which have proceeded from Russia to the cities of Kokhhand, Bo- khara, and Khiva, with a view of opening a communication with these places ; and opinions on the subject are freely circulated in the Russian capital. Captain Head is of opinion that, for a European power to un- dertake the invasion of Persia or India, there is no spot east of Constantinople better calculated for assembling a large force than the plains of Erzeroom ; horses and cattle are cheap, and abundant forage is every where to be procured in the spring and summer, and a considerable stock of corn may be collected from the neighbour- ing provinces. Erzeroom is but a short dis- tance from the port of Trebizond on the Black Sea, through which all requisite stores could be readily supplied. Erzeroom is,iu like manner, an advantageous position for an advance into Persia. As at the present mo- ment the public mind is directed towards INLAND NAVIGATION OF ASTRACAN. 427 Herat, and the apprehension being that it is the policy of Russia to occupy Persia be- fore a force is pushed forward to invade India, the campaign will be opened by hav- ing the eastern frontier of Persia or the city of Herat as the basis of operations. Those of our readers, who belong to the profession of arms,will be glad to have a description of the place. Herat is described as standing in a fertile plain, watered by a river, crowded with villages, and covered with fields of corn. The town contains 100,000 inhabitants. “ It holds a central position, at almost an equal distance from the cities of Rsr- man, Yezd, lubbus, Toorsheez, Mushed, Bokhara, Balkh, and Candahar. It is one of the greatest emporiums of the commerce or Asia, and could draw supplies from all the places we have enumerated, and from many more of minor importance- The city itseli is placed in a fertile and well watered valley, and is surrounded by extensive gardens and pastures. It enjoys a fine climate, it is amply stored with provisions at all times ; it could, as we have stated, draw supplies from all the countries around it, and it is capable of fur- nishing every article which these coutitnes afford. If any place is worthy to be designa- by vessels drawing from 9 to 10 feet water, ted, ‘ the key to India,’ it certainly is Herat." There are extensive fisheries on it, which interfere should be shewn by the Tartar tribes on the banks of the Oxus. The Persians have an hereditary and inveterate hatred towards the people of that country, and would readily accept the assistance of Russia, to be enabled to revenge themselves for former insult. Supposing, then, it became the policy of Russia to forego the conquest of Persia, and to purchase her co-operation by promises of future rewards, an army destined to invade India would proceed to the occupation of Herat by this last named route passing through the province of Khorassan. By means of the Volga, the Caspian Sea communicates with the heart of Russia, the inland navigation from Astracan, which lies at the mouth of that river, goes over a tract of 1434 miles, and passes through the most fertile regions of the empire. There is also a water communication between Astracan and St. Petersburgh, by means of the cele- brated.canal of Vishnei Voloshok.* Astracan is the great staple of the Caspian commerce, and is readily supplied with European mer- chandise from the ports of the Baltic. In the fourteenth century Europe was supplied with the produce of India, through the Caspian Sea and Astracan, and a direct communica- tion with India has continued by the same route, which is that we are about to inquire into. The Caspian Sea, which has a length of 640 miles, and a breadth of 200, is navigated We are also told that a considerable number of horses are bred in the Cabul dominions, and those of Herat are very fine. Camels are, however, on the whole, the animals most employed for carriage. The ox is used to plough, except perhaps in Balkh, where horses are so common.’'^ Having arrived at this favourable position, distant from the Indus between 700 and 800 miles, over roads that are in constant use tor caravans, it is necessary to remark that Herat is accessible from Russia by another route, the greater part of which passes through a fertile country, that lies between this city and the south of the Caspian Sea. It will be exa- mined, before we proceed to enquire into the nature of the intervening country between Herat and the Indus. The line of advance from the Caspian to Herat, is the second alluded to in the beginning of this enquiry. There can bo little doubt but it would be the one adopted by a Russian army, and it will be found about 600 miles in length. The distance will therefore be no more than be- tween 1300 and 1400 miles from the Caspian Sea to the Indus; the bare possibility ot its practicability ought to be considered with attention. . Whether Persia is or is not occupied, there would be a body of irregular horse of that country, at the command of Russia, to keep open the communication between the Caspian and Herat, in case any disposition to cause numerous vessels to be employed. Such facilities of conveyance formed to com- municate with St, Petersburgh, and other cities of the empire, would render the trans- portation of an army to the opposite shore of easy accomplishment, whilst the uninterrupt- ed navigation of the sea by Russia would also ensure a regularity of supplies. At Astracan there is a large and commodious harbour, with a dock yard and spacious quays. In July 1723, Peter the Great assembled an army at the city of Nijnei Novgorod, at the confluence of the Occa and Volga. From thence they proceeded down the latter river to the Caspian, and 33,000 men were landed at Daghestan, on the west side of the sea. He took the city of Derbent from the Per- sians, and extended his possessions, after which he returned to Astracan in October." At the south extremity of the Caspian, the bay of Astrabad admits of a secure haven, and may average a week’s sail from the opposite port of Astracan. Astrabad is a walled town, having 2 or 3,000 houses ; the surrounding country is scarcely surpassed for richness and beauty. At this place a dep6t could be formed,and the army assem- bled for further operations in their progress towards Herat. •Account of the Kingdom of Cabul, by the Honourable Mountstuart Elphinstone* '‘Coxe’s Travels in Poland, Russia, &c, 428 COUNTRY BETWEEN THE CASPIAN AND THE OXUS. " On the borders of Khorassan. and to the north of Astrabad.isthe province of Khauriztn, comprising the country between the Caspian and the Oxus; the wandering tribes breed sheep, camels, and horses ; the steppes that border on the Caspian abound in prodigious droves of cattle, and ‘ there is scarcely a man in Toorkaustaun so indigent as to walk on foot; even beggars travel on hoise-back, or at least on asses.*'* It is stated of those tribes, that ‘ next to their horses, the most valuable possession of the Toorkaumauns is the camels, of these are bred among them, and generally in Khoras- san, three different sorts.’i* Individuals are said to have as many as seven hundred camels. They are sold at from 120 to 200 Persian rupees each, and carry from 450 lbs. to IlOO lbs. English. I'owards the end of the last century, a Per- sian force of 60 or 80,000 men, under Aga Mahomed Khan, proceeded from Astrabad to Mushed. The following particulars of the country between those places are borrowed from an author already quoted, t and who visited Mushed in 1821*22. From Astrabad toward Mushed the road for eighty-two miles passes across a rich and verdant district, and ascends a mountain-pass at Goorgaun. A dreary desert, but with water, next extends over a rough country for ninety-two miles to Killa Khan. 'I'he road then passes through a fine cultivated country, presenting a highland scene, after which it descends into a valley by a road which carriages might have run. and reaches Sheerwan, a distance of seventy-six miles. Sheerwan is a populous town, the valley in which it is situated is so fertile that it gives credibility to the almost extravagant account of its produce. This valley begins considerably above Sheerwan, from whence the road continues to pass through it for thirty, two miles, and reaches Cochoon, having about 20,000 inhabitants. It is asserted that when the king was at Cochoon, with an army, and its followers of all sorts, amounting to no less than 300,000 souls, with nearly as many head of animals, baggage cattle, including corn and straw, were so plenty, that barley sold at the rate of 20 maunds, (or 140 lbs.) for a rupee, (2s. sterling) and that, in fact, revisions were so abundant in the camp, as ardly to be of any value”§. Passing Cochoon, and continuing 9l miles further in the same valley, the road reaches Mushed, the capital of Petsian Khorassan. The whole distance from Astrabad to this place by the above route is 373 miles. “ The valley of Mushed is of great length, it may be described as taking its rise ten or twelve miles to the north-west of Sheerwan, and extending almost uninter- ruptedly for fifty miles beyond Mushed — it has a low rocky pass of al out four miles, and probably extends greatest part of the way to Herat; it varies in breadth from twelve to thirty miles ; it contains in its limits several towns with their dependencies, and a great extent of cultivated land.lT Mushed is in the • Elphinstone. t Fraser- i Ibid. ^Ibid. % Ibid. dominions of Persia, it is the residence of a prince of the blood, and has about 32,000 in- habitants. The tribes in the vicinity, although of little consequence in regular warfare, are addicted to plunder, and are excellent horse- men; they are armed with spears and swords, or bows and arrows. There is another route fiom the south of the Caspian to Mushed, through Nishapoor. which reduces the dis- tance to Mushed to less than 300 miles, and passes over a country much like that above described. It is said of this route, “ the plains and district of Nishapoor have at all times been celebrated for fertility ; when look- ing from the top of the old ark, (castle) at the numerous villages on either side, and enquir- ing whether they were all inhabited, I was answered in the affirmative.”* When within fifty miles of Mushed, “ we enioyed a very noble view of this fine country, running from south-east by east, to north-west by west, for full eighty miles in length, by fifty to sixty miles in width, and well studded with villages.” We are sorry that our space compels us to break off here: we shall, however, continue our account of this interesting subject in our next. Art. Ill — 'Narrative of a Residence in Koordistan, and on the site of Ancient Nineveh; with Journal of a Voyage down the Tigris to Bagdad, and an Ac- count of a Visit to Shirauz and Perse- polis. By the late Claudius James Rich, Esqj, the Hon. East India Company's Resident at Bagdad, Author of “ an Account of Ancient Babylon." 2 VoU. Octavo. James Duncan, Paternoster-Row, London> 1836. The editor of the present work is a daugh- ter of that celebrated and lamented indivi- dual, Sir James Macintosh ; and to give our readers an immediate interest in the work, we shall proceed to give some account of that extraordinary man, Mr. Rich. He was of Bristol. At the age of fourteen, with little or no assistance, he made himself ac- quainted with many languages, but particu- larly with those of the east. Besides Latin, Greek, and many of the modern languages, he made himself master of the Hebrew, Chaldee, Persian, Arabic, and was capable of Fiaser. MR. RICH S EXTRAORDiNAHY ACaUlREMENTS. 429 deciphering Chinese. This ac(iuaiataace with, and study of, eastern languages, induced a vehement desire to proceed to India, and indulge the passion for eastern literature : to be brief, at the age of seventeen he obtained a cadetship. While at the India House the attention of Sir Charles Wilkins was called to young Rich’s aquirement in the oriental tongues. Sir Charles was so struck with his extraordinary proficiency, that he point- ed him out to the Court of Directors as a young person of singular and rare talents, — one that would amply justify and do honor to any exertion of their patronage. On this re- presentation of Mr. Rich’s merits was he presented with a writership by the late Ed- ward Parry, Esq. and appointed to Bombay^ and was attached as secretary to Mr. Lock, who was at that time proceeding to Egypt as Consul-General ; while on this detached service, his rank, contrary to the usage of the service, was allowed to run on in the same way as if he had repaired to India. Mr. Lock, however, died at Malta before entering on his mission. Mr. Rich, pro- ceeded to Constantinople and afterwards to Smyrna, with the view of making himself thoroughly master of all the niceties and pe- culiarities of speaking and writing the Turkish language, and of gaining an insight into the nature and extent of the acquirements of the raussulmans in the various branches of learning. He therefore became a fellow student with Turks of his own age. While in Egypt he perfected himself in the Arabic language and its various dialects, and devot- ed his leisure hours in attaining skill in horsemanship, and in the management of the scimitar and the lance ; thus, adding to mild- ness of manners and studious habits a man- ly deportment, and lively and sportive wit, he gained the esteem and friendship of the Franks within the circle of his acquaintance. Having attained the object of his visit to this country, and confiding in his knowledge of the Turkish language, he left Egypt in the disguise of a Mameluke, travelled over a great part of Palestine and Syria, visited Damascus, while the great body of pilgrims wereassein- bled there on their way to Mecca, and enter- ed the grand mosque, — an act which at one time would have proved fatal to any one known to be a Christian. His host, an honest Turk, captivated with his address, eagerly intreated him to settle at that place. From Aleppo he proceeded, by Mardin and Bagdad, to Bassora, whence he sailed for Bombay, which he reached in 1807. When here, being introduced by the Rev. Robert Hall, he resided with Sir James Mackintosh, We shall furnish our readers with Sir James’s opinion of Mr. Rich, expressed in a letter addressed to a friend. “ You may recollect, perhaps, to have read in the newspapers in 1B03, that Mr. Parry, the present chairman, gave a writership here, to a young man of the name of Rich, merely on Mr. Wilkins’s report of his extraordinary proficiency in Eastern languages, without interest, and, 1 believe, without even perso- nal ..nowledge. He came out as assistant to young Lock, who was appointed Consul at Alexandria ; and, since his death, has tra- velled over the greater part of Tuivish Asia, in various directions, with the eye and pencil of an artist, and with the address and courage of a traveller among barbarians. He acquir- ed such a mastery over the languages and manners of the East, that he personated a Georgian I urk for several weeks at Damascus, amidst several thousand pilgrims, on thek way to Mecca, completely unsuspected by the most vigilant and fiercest Alussulman bigotry, He was recommended to me by my friend Robert Hall, and I had several letters from him. 1 invited him to my house ; and at his arrival on this island, on the 1st of Septem- ber, 1807, he came to us. He far surpassed our expectations ; and we soon considered his wonderful oriental attainments as the least part of his merit. I found him a fair classical scholar, and capable of speaking and writing French and Italian like the best educated native. With the strongest recommendations of appearance and manner, he joined every elegant accomplishment and every manly exercise ; and combined with them, spirit, pleasantry, and feeling His talents and attainments delighted me so much, that I resolved to make him a philo- sopher ; I even thought him worthy of being introduced into the Temple of Wisdom, by our friend Dugald Stewart; and when I w'ent to Malabar, I left him at the house of my philosophical friend Erskine, busily engaged with the ‘ Philosophy of the Human Mind ” On my return, I found that this pupil in philosophy w'as desirous to become my son in law. He has uo fortune, nor had he then even an appointment ; but you will not doubt that i willingly consented to his marriage with my eldest daughter, in whom he had the sagacity to discover, and the vir- 430 MR. RICH’S TRAVELS AND RESEARCHES. tue to value, the plain sense, modesty, purity, and good-nature, which will, I hope, make her a source of happiness to him during life. Soon after, the most urgent necessities of the public called for a Resident at Bagdad. He alone was universally acknowledged to be qualified for the station. Hewas appointed : having thus, twice befoi'e he was twenty-four, commanded promotion by mere merit. They were married, and are gone to Bagdad.” At Bagdad, a high spirit, sound political views, a perfect knowledge of the native cha- racter, and a profuse generosity, speedily gained him the highest reputation both with the local government and with the people. He resided six years at Bagdad with no European Society save that of his accom- plished lady, and of Mr. Hine, the surgeon to the Residency, who was also his assistant. There, however, the leisure hours of Mr. Rich were occupied in making collections for a history, and for a geographical and statistical account, of the Pashalik of Bag- dad. He examined all the remains of antiqui- ty within his reach, and commenced his col- lection of Oriental manuscripts, which he spared no labour or cost to render complete. He formed a rich collection of medals and coins, and of the gems and engraved stones found at Babylon, Nineveh, Ctesiphon, and Bagdad. He made an excursion to Babylon for the purpose of examining the remains of that ancient city. In 1813 Mr. Rich, on account of ill health, travelled to Constantinople. In 1814 he pro- longed his journey through Bulgaria, Wal- lachia,and Hungary to Vienna, and thence to Paris. Mr. Rich, returning to Bagdad, passed through Switzerland to Milan, thence to Ve- nice. He crossed over to Trieste, whence he proceeded, by Corfu and the Archipelago, to Constantinople, touching at several of the islands, and landing to examine and explore the site of ancient Troy. From Constanti- nople he returned to Bagdad, through Asia Minor, taking as far as possible a different road from that which he had pursued on his way to Europe, noticing particularly the geography of the country and especially the lying of the chains of moun- tains ; and as he came nearer Mesopotamia, visiting the Syrian and Chaldean convents, and h collecting information regarding the singular race of Yezzidis. After his return to the Re- sidency he added so largely to his collection of MSS. as to render it perhaps the most extensive and valuable ever brought together by any private person in the East. In 1820 his state of health requiring again change of air, he made a tour into Koordistan, of which the work under review contains the Journal. On his return he visited the ancient Chris- tian churches of Chaldea, and was enabled to preserve and add to his library many valuable and xerj ancient Syrian and Chal- dean versions of the sacred Scriptures. Mr, Rich also made a tour to Shirauz and visited the ruins of Persepolis, the tomb of Cyrus, and the other remains of antiquity in that neighbourhood. While at Shirauz, the cholera broke out, of which this distin- guished in dividual died on the 5th of October^ With the exception of a few communica- tions printed in the Mines de 1’ Orient the only writings which he published in his lifetime were the Memoirs on Babylon. He has left however a considerable number of manu- scripts ; in particular an ample journal of his route from Bagdad to Constantionople. His magnificent collection of Oriental MSS, of coins and antiquities, was purchased by the British parliament, for the use of the British Museum. In the work before us the geography of Koordistan and the manners of the inhabitants are placed in a new and strong light, to which we shall advert particularly in our next. Art. IV. — Observations on the Flora of Court allum. By Robert Wight, Esq. m, d. — Madras Journal of Litera- ture and Science, 1836. Dr. Wight is already well known to most of our readers as a talented and in- defatigable labourer in the Science of Bo- tany. The following paper we are about to review is another valuable acquisition to our knowledge of the Botany of India. The paper opens with a description of SUBSTITUTE FOR IPECACUANHA— ANTIDOTE FOR SNAKE-BITE. 431 Cappartde^, A large and almost exclusively tropical order, a few species only being found in tem- perate zones, while they every where abound within the tropics : it is divided into two sections ; the Cleomecs, or genera with her- baceous stems and capsular fruit, and the Capparece, The next but small order our author notices is, Flacourtiane^ ; Most of the species of which are tropical : its essential character is that it has a one- celled ovary with parietal placenta. The flowers vary considerably in different genera, nearly one half of which have flowers without petals; some are dioicous, or monoicous, while Phoberos and others have them bi- sexual. Inhabit, they are all trees or shrubs, many of them armed with large strong thorns. Hydnocarpus\iediv& a fruit poisonous to fishes, on eating which they become unfit for food. The next is a large but principally extra-tropical order : VlOLARIE^. The species of lonidium, of which Dr. Wight found at Courtallum, are very widely distributed over India. They are used as a substitute for ipecacuanha. The next order is, POLYGALE^. In a botanical point of view our author considers this order interesting, as affording a good example of unsymmetrical flowers. The normal, or regular, form of a flower is to have 5 sepals, 5 petals, and 5, 10, 15, &c. stamens, or the sepals, petals, and stamens, regular multiples of each other. In place of ^his arrangement in Poly gala is found a calyx of five sepals, the two lateral ones petaloid, and much larger than the other three (usually called aloe or wings in the generic cha- racter) ; a corolla of three petals, the claws of which are usually united at the base, forming a single tubular three cleft petal, the middle lobe of which is frequent- ly furnished with a crest ; and eight stamens united into two bundles. Xanthophyllum, except the stamens, returns to the normal form, having five sepals and five distinct petals, but only eight stamens, six of which are opposed to the petals, in place of having ten, the normal number, opposed alternate- ly to the sepals and petals. The roots of several are said to be antidotes to snake bite. Xanthophyllum virens is a large timber tree, remarkably hard and useful. The next orders mentioned are, Elaline^,Caryophylle^,&Malvace^ The last is a large and an important order ; from the number and variety of products useful to mankind ; as food, clothing, and medicine. Its species are found widely distri- buted over the tropical and temperate zones, but disappear as we approach the frigid. The uniform character is to abound in mucilage, and to be destitute of unwholesome qualities. The medicinal qualities of marsh mallows are known to everyone: the Hibiscus suhdariffa is prized as a tart fruit. The Thespe- sia Hibiscus populnea affords an excellent close-grained wood for cart-wheels and gun- stocks. Among the herbaceous Malvaceoe, many species produce fine fibres of great tenacity, well fitted, if more care was bes- towed on their preparation, to be employed as substitutes for flax and hemp. The Hibis^ cus cannabinus is more cultivated for the hemp-like fibres of its bark than as a pot- herb. The great benefits derived from this shrub need not be enlarged upon. The great demand for cotton, and the millionsto whom its culture affords a livelihood by its fabri- cation into cloth, are well known. This Dr. Wight relates as being applicable to cotton as well as to sugar. He says that the cotton manufacture originated in India upwards of three thousand years ago : from that time to the beginning of the present century she may almost be said to have held the monopoly of this branch of industry ; so far as muslins and the finer sorts of cotton fabric are concerned. Our author’s views, as regards the improvements introduced by machinery, are worthy of being noticed, as well as his remarks on the CULTIVATION AND TRADE IN * COTTON. “ The Hindoo weaver, skilful, from long practice, in the use of his simple implements and having no competitors, did not think it necessary to tax his ingenuity, for the inven- tion of new and improved spinning and weay.. ing machinery, but went on, as his progeni- tors had done, spinning and weaving, with a wheel and loom still of the simplest construc- tion. 432 DR. WIGHT’S ABLE REMARKS ON THE CULTIVATION OF COTTON. The process of fabrication, by such piitni- tive methods, is so slow, that a man and liis family, in constant employment, can do little more than support themselves by their labour. When, on the contrary, the raw material is exported at heavy cost to Britain, and manu- factured there, with the aid of improved ma- chinery, it can be brought back and sold, after paying the expences of a second voyage, from 20 TO 30 per cent, under the produce of the same quality of the native loom. Owing to this difference, when the trade was ihrow'n open, and free access was allowed to British maiuifactuies, their cheai)ness soon drove the Indian ones out of their accustomed markets, and caused at first great distress to our manu- facturing population. Now, however, the scales are re-adjusting themselves to our alter- ed circumstances, anj the advantages of the change are becoming evident. The exporta- tion ol piece goods, from the comparatively small quantity that could be pioduced for ex- portation, and the gieat expence of fabrication, never could return a propoitional, if even a remunerating, pi ofii to the country. 'J'he raw material, on the contrary, owing to the unli- mited demand, the comparatively high price which it bears, and the small expense of pre- paring it for the market, not only remunerates, out returns such a profit, as to stimulate to a vastly increased production ; when we add to this, that our growers can novv clothe them- selves with English cloth mo:e cheaply than they formerly could with native, we can at once appreciate the advantages which India is in course of deriving from the English cot- ton manufactories ; and how much her future prosperity must depend on the extension and improvement of her cotton cultivation. I'he fulfilling of these conditions is, in truth, in- dispensable to a continuance of that commer- cial prosperity, which isnow beginning to dawn on us ; since, unless we labour diligently to improve the quality, and diminish the expor- tation price of our cotton, great as the demand now assuredly is, we can scarcely expect that it will be able to liold its present place in the English market, when opjosed by so many competitors, and, still more, by the long and expensive voyage required to bring it into that market. This is not the place to enter on the descrip- tion of the methods of cultivation, but 1 may mention, generally, that the soil of much of the Peninsula is well suited for raising some of the finer kinds of foreign cotton, such as the Bourbon and American green seed cottons. 'J'hose soils in which the former thrives best, at leastin the Tinnevelly district, are light, loose, and sandy, of a deep rusty red colour, and largely impregnated with iron ; for the lat- ter, dark soils, of a loose and friable descrip- tion, from containing a considerable admixture of sand, and that have formerly been under wet cultivation. I’o do the plants justice these should be ploughed with a deeper furrow than is usual in Hindoo agriculture, to allow of free access to the depth of at least a foot to a large descending, or tap, root with which it is furnished. The sowings are generally com- menced near the end of the rains; it would be better if they were done earlier, to allow the plants time to attain nearly their full size, be- fore the hot dry season set in. This is of con- sequence, because it is the check which it then receives, that determines to the foimation of flower b'lds, which, by t eing delayed till this more advanced stage, would probably be pro- ductive of larger crops and better cotton. Cropping the ends of the young shoots, at this lime, would still further lead to the same effect; by slopping the too rapid flow of the sap, and favouring the concentration of the sect eiions, and thereby the formation of flowers and fruit. I mentioned, at the conclusion of my last paper, the tendency of extreme luxu- riancy of vegetation to cause sterility. This is frequently the case with cotton; hence the almost constant failure of attempts to cultivate Bourbon and American cottons, on tv hat is called the black cotton soil , its extreme fer- tility causing them to run to wood and leaves, and produce no flowers. So different is the indigenous Indian cotton, in this respect, that on the red soils it gives both inferior crops, and cotton inferior quality, and at- tains its greatest perfection on the black. Pruning the extremities of the young nranches, is extensively practised in some coun- tries where the plant has been long and very successfully cultivated. Some practical writers however object to this practice, they say, as the result of experience ; but, as the experiments made to prove this position are not detailed wfith sufficient exactitude, to enable me to determine their value, by an examination of the circumstances that might iiave an unfavourable effect on the result, and as they are at variance with the principle of vegetable physiology, 1 feel disposed to doubt their accuracy. As this is a practical question of great importance, and one which can only be set at rest by a series of carefully conducted experiments, 1 must, for the present, leave it in the hands of those who enjoy opportunities of examining it in that manner, and shall feel much indebted to any one who can give me practical information, on this, or on any other, point connected with the cultivation of cotton. 1 have been induced to enter, thus largely, on the consideration of subjects connected with the cotton trade, for the sake of showing the advantages India is already reaping from her, as yet comparatively limited, engage- j ment in this branch of commerce, and of call- | ing attention to the much greater ones she i may expect to flow from it, as the rewards of industry and attention to increase the quan- tity, and improve thfe staple, of the article which forms its basis, in the hope of inducing practical men to lay the results of their expe- ' rience before the public, for the guidance of I their less informed neighbours. As there are but few Europeans engaged in this culture, I more especially address myself to intelligent and well iiiformed natives, many of whom are readers of this Journal, and, among whom, 1 feel assured, there are many, both able and willing, to furnish much really useful infor- mation, acquired during a series of years devo- ted to agricultural pursuits, but who ate kept back, either by supposing that they have no- thing new to communicate, or from a distrust HINTS OF INFORMATION ON THF CULTIVATION OF COTTON. 433 in their qualifications to reduce, to a suitat le foim for publication, tire results of their ex- perience, J o all such, the wiiler of these menioiand I offeis his assistance, and, in the, hope of more rapidly extending our knowledge of cotton cultui e, as svell as forwarding the wishes of government in the iniproveiiient of our commerce, will, willi pleasure, charge himself with the task of correcting for pul)li- cation, all really practical communications tiiat may be addressed to liim. The following are some of the points on which information is wanted:-— What is the depth to which the soil should be turned, by ploughing or digging, for cotton cultivation? What are the advantages or disadvantages of sowdng in rows as compared with broad cast 1 Would sowing during the earlier periods of the rainy season, be productive of larger crops, oi improve the staple of the cotton? What are the effects ofciopjung the top shoots about the time of flowering? In Spain, and the Is- lands of tlie Meditei raneao, where cotton has been long cultivated, and generally in America, the ground is turned to tlie depth of ten or twelve inches or more, in iliis country, rarely to half that depth. In these countries the rovv system is usually adopted, and a regular interchange ofseed practised, it being observed, that the crops deteriorate both in quantity and quality, when tiiis is neglected. In this couniry both practices are almost unknown. The question of the best time for sowing is a local one of season, and must be determined by comparative trials, made in the same field, and on plants placed, in every otlier respect, in the same circumstances. That of cropping must, in like manner, be determined by com- parative experiments on plants placed, in every respect, in similar circumstances. With respect to this operation, I may repeat that, as the object of it is to retard the two rapid flow of the sap, and favour the concentration of the secretions on which the formation of flowers and fruit depends, it is essential to its success, that it be done in verydiy weather, and on clear days (exposure to bright sun- shine prevents bleeding) ; consequently the state of the weaflier should be noted, in con- nection with details of experiments illustrative of this branch of the enquiry.” This is a valuable paper, and we shall refer to it again. Art. V. — On the employment of the Electro-Magnet as a moving power : with a description of a model machine worked by this agent. By W. B. O’Shaughnessy, m. d. — Quarterly Journal of the Calcutta Medical and Physical Society, Janu'iry, 1837- We have already alluded to the produc- duction of motion by magneto-electricity, and to mechanical contrivances by which a body might be made to move continuously by magneto-electric agency, and to the con- trivance of Dr. O’Shaughnessy exhibited at the Government House in November last ; the results of which our zealous professor has published, strange to say, in a work that will be read but by few. To rescue the meri- torious exertions of our friend from being buried in oblivion, and to spread far and wide every invention tending to promote useful and important results, we shall again curtail otlier leview^s this month in order to give the paper in full. “In the present and a succeeding paper I propose to give an account of some experi- ments I recently instituted with the view to apply the force of the Electro-Magnet as a practical working power. As there are seve- ral members of the Society to whom electro- magnetic phenomena are but little familiar, I will in the first place briefly touch on such of the facts previously established in this science, as are essential to the comprehension of the experiments and models i shall subse- quently describe. The leading fact connected with the pre- sent object, is the magnetic effect produced by electricity in motion through galvanic conductors. Let a plate of copper and ano- ther of zinc, not touching each other, be immersed in water acidulated with sulphuric or nitric acid, and then let a wire be made to touch both plates out of the fluid : the wire becomes magnetic itself, and, if placed at right angles to a bar of iron, renders the iron a magnet also. If the wire be removed from either plate, the electric circuit being thus broken, the magnetic effects instantane- ously cease, and both wire and iron regain their oi’iginal neutrality. In conformity with this principle, if we take a copper wire cover- ed with silk, and wind it in a close spiral coil round a bar of soft iron, and then bring each end of the wire into contact with the copper and zinc plates, the galvanic current flows at right angles to the bar through the spiral coil, (the covering of silk preventing any lateral communication) and the bar be- comes a powerful magnet. If swung so as to move freely it places itself in the magnetic meridian N. and k Its ends are strongly polar, N and S. respectively: it attracts iron and the dissimilar poles of other magnets with great power. If instead of using a bar we employ a piece of iron bent like a horse- shoe, with the terminating surfaces ground and polished, a powerful magnet is obtained, which will support a great weight, while the spiral is traversed by the galvanic current. Several very powerful temporary or electro- magnets of this kind, have been constructed by various experimentalists. The most remarkable is that made in America at the Albany College, which supported nearly a ton weight. Mr. Marsh of Woolwich has one the legs of which are but six inches long by one and a half square, which supports 500 lbs. 434 DR. O’SHAUGHNESSY’S EXPERIMENTS. The next remarkable property of these soft iron electro -magnets is, the instantaneous change of their poles on changing the direc- tion of the galvanic current. If the ends of the spiral in contact with the galvanic plates be made to change places, that which was originally in contact with the zinc being brought to the copper, and vice vers^, the poles of the temporary magnet are changed on the instant too : that which was north becoming south, that which was south be- coming north. Though itself is not quicker than the velocity w'ith which this change is accomplished, even in the largest bars of iron which have yet been made the subject of experiment. These facts are well known to all students in physical ''science. They have been esta- blished for some years, and are mentioned here but in connexion with ulterior matters. On observing and reflecting on them, it is impos- sible to avoid the impression, that, by appro- priate mechanical contrivances, this enor- mous and easily generated power could be made available as a mechanical force. But the difficulties which beset the attempt are many and important. In the first place, though the sustaining power of the electro- magnet be immense, the force operates through such a small distance, that the mag- net which would hold up one hundred pounds, would not lift one pound at the distance of two inches — nay, at one inch. Here it is true we have the magnetic attraction in antagonism with the attraction of gravita- tion, and it is but the difference of the two foi’ces which the electro -magnet is exei'ting; nevertheless, even when we exclude this counteracting force, as in arrangements afterwards to be described, the space through which the electro- magnet attracts is very limited, and varies according to the object on which its attraction is exerted. Thus with soft iron the distance is exceedingly minute ; the poles of another electro-magnet are drawn from a greater distance ; and the poles of a permanent steel magnet through greater still. The second obstacle we encounter is so well described by Mr. M’Gauley in his paper pub- lished in the Appendix*, that I shall advert to it but briefly hei-e. It is the power which the poles of a strong electro-magnet have of superseding the polarity of a weaker one. '1 hus, if we place the poles of a horse-shoe electro -magnet in contact with those of a weaker one, so that north is opposed to south respectively — if we change the poles of the strong magnet by reversing the direction of its exciting galvanic current, instead of the strong repelling the weak, it continues to attract the poles of the weak — these having, in fact, been reversed by the mere change of the strong one alone. To overcome these difficulties, and to pro- cure a machine moved by soft iron electro- magnets, several attempts have recently been made. I have collected and inserted in the Appendix every notice 1 could find on the subject. Of these Mr. M'Gauley’s contri- vance of the magnetic pendulum is infinitely the best : that of Signor Botto being on the same principle, but much less skilfully ar- ranged*.'Ihe American modelf is so obscure- ly noticed, and the paragraph relating to it so vei’y like a wild newspaper exaggeration, that it is impossible to form any precise idea as to its construction, its advantages, or its power. For Mr. M’Gauley’s model I may refer to his own clear and accurate descrip- tion. Its chief defect is the mode in which the power is applied. Though the pendulum moves through a wide arc, still it is acting merely as a pendulum through the whole of its vibration, except in the very small space, where the magnetic attraction is exercised. The force acquired by the pendulum in falling through half its arc, is necessarily expended in lifting it through the other half. In the whole of the intervening space, then, between the limits of the magnetic attractions at either side, no available force is in existence. Again, the motion, being a reciprocating one, has to be converted by a crank and a fly wheel into the rotatory one required for locomotive engines. Thus a great expendi- ture of force is occasioned, which, as I shall presently shew, may be economized by a dilferent mechanical arrangement. On commencing my experiments in July last, my principal object was, if possible, to apply the force directly to the moving of a wheel. Could this be accomplished, it seem- ed to me that we would use the whole of the magnetic force, unopposed by terrestrial gra- vitation— that we would act at the greatest possible mechanical or lever advantage — and that should one wheel succeed, a series might be so arranged together, that the maximum of several forces might be made to co-operate, so as to render a number of the small spaced magnetic powers (say 12 powers at half an inch), equivalent to one power acting uniform- ly through the whole space, say six inches. The first set of experiments was instituted for the determination of the circumstances under which the poles of one. electro-magnet overpower those of a second. A pair of semi- circular bars of equal size were provided, wound with spirals, each spiral connected with a separate galvanic battery, and the attracting poles of the semi-circles brought into contact: See fig. 1. On changing the poles of B, by moving the ends of the spiral wire from the copper to the zinc element and vice versh, the poles of the magnet A were overpowered and changed also, without disturbing their loires, so that the semi-circles continued to attract each other as before. Now in this experiment all cir- cumstances connected with the two semi- circles were as equal as possible. The bat- teries were of the same size and same strength, bars of the same weight and dimensions, cut of the same piece of iron, the spirals were of the same length, &c., still the magnet B overcame the poles of A. By reversing the experiment, that is, removing the wires of A * Vide our Review, page 335. * Vide our Review, page 337. + Vide our Review, page 401. DR. O’SHAUGHNESSY’S CONTRIVANCE DESCRIBED. 435 instead of B, still the same effect was pro- duced. I was for some time altogether un- able to account for this occurrence, but deem- ing it likely that the momentary interruption of the circuit, caused by moving the wires, might have enabled the electricity to accu- mulate and act with greater inducing energy on the restoration of the circuit, additional experiments were made which justified this view of the subject. If, when the pole wires of A were media, nically changed, the circuit was broken in B, by removing one of the wires for an instant from its plate, and then replacing it, both galvanic currents then acting with equal energy, the magnets held their respective polarities : no overpowering took place, and A ceased to attract B, which accordingly was repelled. I should oliserve, that mechanical supports and guides were used in the experi- ment, which I have not delineated in the diagram. This fact of the increase of magnetic energy given by interrupting the circuit, is one of much practical moment. It is a necessary consequence of the restoration of electric intensity, brought about by the breaking of the circuit which Marianini described in 1828, in his paper in the 38th vol. of the Annales de Chemie. I am not aware that the effect of this renovation of power on the electro- magnet has been previously studied. It is well exemplified by an experiment which may be readily performed. If we excite an electro-magnet by a battery of 10 pairs of Wollaston plates, 100 water, 2 sulphuric, and 1 nitric acid, by carefully but rapidly loading the magnet, we find its maximum sustaining power, say 20 lbs. ; add another pound, and the keeper and weights fall off. If we now attempt to load the magnet again, we find it will not support more than half its previous charge. But if we remove one of the wires for a moment from the circuit and then re- place it, the magnet will then sustain the same weight as at first. Or we may take the experiment under another modification. Load the electro-magnet with its known maximum weight, say 20 lbs., and allow the action to proceed till the weakening energy of the battery allows the weight to fall spontane- ously ; try to replace it on the instant ; the electro-magnet will seldom support as much as 5 lbs. ; but if we interrupt the circuit for a moment, it will support 18 or even 19 lbs., and allowing the successive charges to fall, and repeating the experiment, we find the magnetic force sink gradually to zero as the force of the galvanic action declines. To revert to the overpowering of the poles in the instances above mentioned, further experiments shewed that this action only occurred when the metallic surfaces of the bars were actually in contact, and that the interposition of even one leaf of paper glued on the polar surfaces prevented the effect in question. The practical applications of these facts in the construction of machinery to be worked by electro-magnet, will be sufficiently ob- vious in the sequel of this paper, and on pe- rusal of Mr. M’Gauley’s article in the Ap- pendix^. Another and an interesting question presented itself before any wheel model could be constructed ; viz. — whether, on the excite- ment of more than one electro-magnet by the same galvanic battery, the magnetic force was divided in any definite proportion between them. The apparatus, No. 2, delineated in the plate, was employed to decide this question. It consists of a small wooden table-shaped frame, on which several small electro-magnets may be placed, so that ends of the spirals of one or more may be dipped into little cups of mercury and removed at pleasure, without disturbing the general arrangement. One of the set is placed with its legs vertically, so that a keepei, scale, and weights can be at- tached to it. d’he experiments were made vvith 12 small horse-shoe electro-magnets, two inches long, half inch diameter, one inch interval between the poles, and each wound with an equal length of silk covered wire. The battery em- ployed was ten 4-inch plates of Wollaston’s construction — exciting liquid, as in all these experiments, lOOwaier, 2 sulphuricy 1 nitric acid. On exciting the trial magnet or No. 1, it supported 8 lbs. 4 oz. The wires of No. 2 were introduced, and No. 1 then supported but 4 lbs. 3 oz. Three were excited in the same way, and the weight supported was 2 lbs. lO oz. When four were excited. No. 1 held up 2 lbs. 2 oz. With five, 1 lb. 6 oz. The numbers continued falling by the suc- cessive partition.of the excitement, very nearly in a direct arithmetical subdivision. When all twelve were in connexion with the bat- tery, the trial magnetsustained butsix ounces. In all these experiments attention was in- variably paid to breaking the circuit on each fall of the weights, in conformity with the ex- periments a^ ove described. On completing the series ofl2, the first experiment on No. I by itself was always repeated, in order to as- certain how much of the decrease of power might be attributable to loss of power in the battery. With the proportion ofacids, above described, the action is so constant and gentle that the weight first sustained by No. 1 was easily supported again. This experiment was tried repeatedly, and always with the same results. It shews that the electric force, when thus '^arithmetically subdivided, induces a directly proportioaate and less degree of magnetic power. Having thus given a brief exposition ofthe electro-magnetic facts, essential to be under- stood as a clue to the formation of an electro- magnetic engine or machine, I proceed to de- scribe the model I have constructed, such as it was exhibited at Lord Auckland’s soirde on the9th of November. It consists essentially of the following parts. 1st, THlt. WHEEL, Of which the frame is made of liaht wooden disks, eight inches in diameter, two and half inches interval at the circumference lietween the disks, which are fastened on a coricentric woodvn sup- port, and mounted on a steel axle half an inch in diameter. Around this wheel, at imervais of two * Vide our Review, page 335. 436 BR. O’SHAUGHNESSY ON ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. inches, are disposed twelve small horse-shoe elec- tro>magne(8 of the dimeiisioiis already desciibcd. One end of each spiral (see fii. 3) is soldered to a disk of copper, c, one inch in diameter placeri on the axle conceniric with the wheel, and revolv- ing in a little cup of mercury m, connected hy a wire with one pole of a galvanic battery. The other ends of the spirals are arranged on a small ivory disk, so that the ends of fZ/ree dii> in a simi- lar cup of nieicuty, one always lising from, as the third enters, the surface of the mercury in coit- iiexion with the other pole of the battery, as is readily seen in the fig. 6. The wires on this, the interrupted disk, are further So arranged by gently twisting their continuations towards the wheel, that the wire of the magnet which is horizonial when the wheel is at rest, is perpendicular to and beneath the surface of the mercury. A glance at the figures 3, 4, 5, and 6 will make this description readily intelligible. Let ns now suppose this wheel mounted on pro- per supports, and conductois from a galvanic battery brought into contact with the wires leading to the mercuiial cisterns belonging to the wheel. If the wiieel he made to turn, the smaller copper disk revolves in the mercury continually, and hence all the w lieel irons are ready to be excited on com- pleting the galvanic circuit. I his is effected for tivo hy the interrupted disk revolving in the other cistern, so that of lire twelve irons, are always rendered eltclto-magiiets in succession as the wheel turns, as sh.ewn in fig. 7. henever the bent iron descends to the angle of 30« above the horizon, it becomes magnetic ; its second wire then touching thesuifareof the mercui iai cistet n at an acute angle. When horizontal it is still magnetic, its second wire being then perpendicular to and in the cistern. Wlien at an angle of 30® below the horizon, the wire then enterges from the meicury, and the iron loses all magnetic power. Thus, in the revolving wheel, two magnets are always exci- ted, their poles being in alternate order, and the magnetism of each only exists while the bent iron is passing ftomSO'* above to 30® below the hoiizon. Tire aliernale order of the poles is ensured by the ends of the spirals of each magnet being alternate- ly crossed, so that liie successive poles at the same side are in contact alternately with the zinc and copper ends of the battery , (see figures 3, 4, and 5.) The next essential part is the external or principal electro- magnet. It consists of a bar of soft iron, bent so that the legs are parallel to each other at the distance of two inches. The legs of the bar employed in my first expetiment, were but ibtee incbes long, | in diameter. It was wound with a double spiial in the usual iiiauner. Its sustaining force, when ex- cited by a ten-plate 4-inch Wollaston’s baiteiy, averaged 30 Ihs. It weighed with its spirals com- plete, 11 Troy ounces. This electro magnet was placed horizontally "U a wooden support- its legs on the same plane with, and close to, but not touching, the presenting legs of the hot izontal wheel magnet. 1 he ends of the spirals from this electro-magnet, were led to cups containing mercury, in connexion with the poles of a galvanic battery, through a moveable system of conductors, devised so that tlte revolution of the wheel changes the poles of the external magnet every tinre that one of the wheel-magnets becomes hot izontal, (see fig. 7) This part of the model I shall irext describe ; i term it simply THE POLE-CHaNGER; and its construction is illustrated iii the figs. 8, 9, 10, and 11. • . 1 j .1 The object of this contrivance is, to lead the current of electricity alternately to the right and leftside orlegrrf the principal external magnet. We accomplish this hy guiding the cut rent diagotral- ly (see fi“. 10) in one instant, and making it return diagonairy, so that its course from the battery and its return are exemplified by an 8 figure. In the second instant, fig. It, tlte crrrtettt proceeds di- rectly to the opposite leg of the principal magnet, attd returns as directly at the other side ; its course t < semblitig the letter O.* Twelve circular holes, each half an inch iti diame- ter, and half an inch in depth, are cut in a piece of wood at one inch distance from each other, as shewn in the figure, and fixed wiies are led from cavity to cavity ; so that 1, *2, 3 at e at tight attgles to, and in metallic conitexion with, each olhei. Iii3, 4, 5the same occurs, and so with tlte te- maining numheis, as may be seen in the plate (figs. 10 and 11.) Glass tubes two inches in depth are cemeuted into the cavities in the wood, and about f of an inch of mercury poured into each tube. Now by leading a silk covered wire from 2 to 8, attd another from 5 to li, it is obvious we make the galvanic current flow from 1 to 2, cross to 8, circulate round ihe magnet at 7, telurn from 6 to II, and reach the battery again at 12, rendering a .a north, and 6 a south pole. If then we remove these diagotial wires and insert wites from 3to4 and from 9 to 10, (see fig. 11,) the current takes exactly the different direction : instead of pro- ceeding to «, it goes to b, which instead of a south becomes a north pole. These connecting wires are accordingly so ar- ranged with a set of levers made of slendei wo >d, that when the lifting of Hie lioiizoiual long lever, shewn ill the diawing, causes ilie diagonal wires or drawbridge to rise from the mercuiy, the direct or lateral wires full in at the same moment; the c irreiit instantaneously cliaiiges ; and again, when the long horizontal lever escapes the lifter I shall presenily desciiiie, the diagonal wiies fall into the mercury, and a small square slip of ivory on which these wires are fastened strikes the ends of the litile lateial levers, and causes their wires to leave the meicury and break the lateral conimuni- caiioii. The lifting and falling of the long horizontal lever is effected by six wires placed parallel to the axle, half an iiicl) within the circumference of the wheel, and immediately across the legs of each alternate wheel-magnet ; see fig. 5, tv. w. By this arraiigemeiil the poles of the pi iiicipal magnet change every time that one of the twelve wheel-magiiets becomes horizonial. Let us then suppose these seveial parts placed on a frame, as shewn in the chief diawing, and the wheels and exieriial magnet excited eacli hy a Wollaston battery of ten-p'ates. The wheel is at rest; communication iliiough the pole-changer diagonal : the right side of the external magnet has, we will suppose, a norih pole, and the wheel-mag- net at the corresponding side at an angle of 30® above the horizon has a soiitii pole (and vice vers4 at tlie opposite side). The external magnet for- cibly attracts tlie internal one, which desceinls to the horizontal plane. At this inomeni the wire on the circumference of the wheel, acting on the long lever of the pole-changer, lifts the diagonal wires, and permits the lateral to fall; the poles of ihe external magnet change: they repel those of the internal or wheel-magnei, which they had just be- foie attracted, and they attract the next wheel- magnet exactly in the same manner, owing to the alternating anangement of the wheel-magnets pre- viously desciibed. When this, the next wheel.- magnet, becomes horizontal, the long lever of Ihe changer falls, the diagonal commniiicaiion is restor- ed, the lateral interrupted, and the poles of the external magnet again changed. Thus the extei- nai magnet changes its poles every time an inter* nal magnet presents; and as the change makes the opposite and horizontal magnets repellent, and the external and upper wheel-magnet attractive, rapid rotation forthwith ensues. The model thus constructed was finished on the 8th October, and immediately tried: and on the fust attempt it more than fulfilled my anticipa- tions. The moment the batteries were connected ' "•'T'-'-i." ■• ' ' '''''''' \ THE MECHANISM OF O’SHAUGHNESSY’S MODEL. 43^ wlih tlie masnets*, ihe vvlieel started off, and from Ihe first moveiiieni woikrd ilie polf-chaiigei wiili ease. Ihe velocity wiih whicli it revolved was very considerable - namely, lO revoliiiioiis in a iiiiiiiite ; ainl this velocity was perfectly iiniioim as loiii! as the galvanic excitement was sustained. 1 he' force was so great that the support of the ex- tetnal magnet was repeatedly diagged inwaids to the wheel, and the magnets came in contact with a stroke that made the fiame vibiate, to oliviate this we were obliged to tit iti another very sir -tig sup- port. Seveial experiments were subseqitetilly made with Ibis model, as well to deieiiiiine its actn I woikitig power, as to obtain tl,ie n<-ressary data for the construction of a larger macbine. A corti was aiiathed to the axle, made to iilav over a pnlle} hall an inch in diumeier, and con- nected with a scale. on starting the model, ihe axlelified 10 'toy ounces while the wheel wus re- volving forty limes, and a tiov i>onnd while ie- volving about tinny times per minnie. These exiir rimeiifs were made, ilie w'lieel being excited hr one of Wollaston’s ten-plate ■l-incb troughs, the external magnet by another iioogli piecisely similai. On adding a second I oagli to the magnet, the velocity liecame so la- pid we could with ditiicnlty coiiiii it by the eye. I be Velocity was similai l\ tiicieased in adding ibes.- coiid iiongh to ilie wheel in>icad of ilie external magnet. I'lie speed oi the wheel was also reniaih- ably inciensed, by conneciing wiili the baiterv the Second Spiral with wbicii the external o agm t was piovided. It is almost needless to mention lhai the inacliine was stopped at iileaMire l»y lemoving any one III the c<>nn»ciiiig wiiep, wlieinei of the wheel or of the exieinal magnet. In this state the model was shewn to seveiat ft lends , tind afte i wards exlii- bited at Liid Ancklaiid’s conv ei sa/.ioii6 on the 9tlt of Novembei. Remarks. The preceding description and drawings, together with the papers 1 may refer to in the Appendix, are quite sufficient to shew that the mechanism of this model is altoge- ther different from that of any electro-mag- netic machine hitherto invented, of which any account has been published. The pole-changer described by Mr. M’ Gauley is in principle the same as mine ; and had I received that gentleman’s paper when I commenced my experiments, I should not have deemed it necessary to construct a different one. My model was, however, finished and shown at Governm‘-n' House before I received the Philosophical Maga- zine containing tlie description in question. In all respects however, the detail- of these pole changer-r differ I’he mode of working the wires is peculiar to mine, and 'he glass tube- in mine serve the important end of guid- ing the wires to the mercurial surface, and preserving this from accidental derangement by the motion of the machine. The application of e’ectro-maanets to the direct attainment of a rotatory mo'icn being thus accomplished, and all intervening and weakening impediments of cranks, &c. alto- ♦ Only one of the spirals of the external magnet was used in the Qist ixpei iiiieni. gether avoided, the question of course pre- sents itself, Can this motion be rendered sufficiently powerful ? and if so, can it be pro- cured at so economical a rate as to justify the expectation that it may be made availa- ble as a mechanical or locomotive agent ? It is but with the utmost self-distrust that 1 would venture to discuss the first of these questions, since 1 cannot but be conscious that my knowledge of mechanics is too limit- ed to warrant my speculating on the subject but with the greatest caution. But 1 may perhaps be permitted to offer a few practical observations, in connexion with numerous experiments I have made and am still pursu- ing. Apparently the most obvious mode of in- creasing the power of the wheel would be by enlarging its diameter, preserving the same distance, two inches, betweenthe wheel mag- nets— by increasing at the same time the number of the wheel magnet, and diminish- ing the distance between each pair, say to one inch. A model was constructed with the view to determine experimentally the effect of these alterations. The wheel was 37§ inches in circumference, mounted with 32 magnets ; clear interval one inch. The arrangement of the disks, external magnet, and pole- changer, the same a-: before; — a uniform but extremely slow rotatmn ensued ; the pow er at the axle was very nearly the same as with the original model. Every alternate magnet was now removed, thus making the interval the same as in the first model ; the rotation became equally rapid, but the axle not more powerful than in the 12 magnet 8 inch machine. The sairte wheel was then fitted to a frame and series of supports, by means of which four external magnets, each of 30 lbs. power, with set arate pole-changers, were brought to net simultaneoushi on four sets of excited wheel magnets — viz. one set at each quarter of the wheel. 'I'lie experiments with this model were satisfactory but inconclusive. Each external magnet increased the power apparently in an arithmetical ratio; but hav- ing no more than five, sets of Wollaston’s plates at my disposal, I was unable to give ihe wheel magnets the fair quaniity of ex- citement which in the commenceraeni of this paper I have shewn them to require. I have little doubt that when sets of plates now in construction a'C completed, this form of model will work with four times the power of the first one, — or, in other words, lift 4 lbs. troy at its axle, the v.fheel revolving forty times per minute, A third model, on a different plan of com- bination, is now in construction. It consists of four vertical wheels, of the same dimen- sions as that in the first model, — all on one axle, and each wheel having an external prin- cipal magnet and separate pole-changer. The wheels and external magnets are so set that 438 the batteries TRIED IN O’SHAUGHNESSY’S EXPERIMENT. the raaximTam forces are exerted in succession from right to left, at an interval of half an inch and in an ascending plane. 1 hus the two inch distance or interval between the magnets is (with reference to the entire series of wheels considered as a revolving cylindor or drum) i educed practically to a halt inch^ — or, in other words, if a diagonal line be drawn from the magnet in the horizontal plane on the right, to ihat 30 degrees above the horizon on the left, in each ascending half inch of this diagonal there isa magnet constantly exerting its maximum po\ver. From this arrangement I anticipate the most favorable results. I see no reason why it should not answer. Should it prove suc- cessful, the applicability of the electro-magnet as a locomotive working power will cease to be a matter of speculation. The application of this power to locomotive engines on railroads is the first which I anti- cipate. 'I'he recent treatise on locomotive machines by the Chevalier de Pambnur makes me speak wdthsome confidence on this point- His admir.ihle investigations on the theory and working force of carriages on the Manchester and Darlington railways, shews that the I'ower necessary for the pulling of one ton at the average is actually only 'Zi lbs ! — that is, that a weight of seven pounds suspended over a pulley by a cord attached to the carriage wiP draw the ton weight on a level railway. My first model is by experiment proved to possess one-seventh of this power — or, in other words, to have a tractive force sufficient to move more than 3Q0 lbs. Now the weight of the model iiself was but 12 Ihs. its batteries 60 ; and trivial as is this weight, there are numerous facts which shew that it may be very much reduced. The magnets may be all holJow for instance, as I inferred from iMr. Barlow’s experiments and verified by my own, on magnets made from gun barrels. Acain, the most po werful oftheelectro-magne's hitherto made, viz. the American one, which support- ed a ton, only w^eighed 27 lbs. Numerous facts, too, seem to indicate that the size of the galvanic battery may be re- duced to very insignificant dimensions. The magnet now exhibiting in the Adelaide Gal- lery in London, and which sustains 300 lbs. weight, is rendered active by a set of plates which fit in a pint vessel ; and one belong- ing to Mr. Marsh ot Woolwich, which sup- ports 500 lbs. is excited by a battery contain- ed in a half pint mug. Professor Moll of Utrecht has made a ‘2ob lbs. m gnet. which has only a single galvanic disk one inchin diameter. These facts are extremely en- couraging, though their applications to the object now in view can only be made with great caution. At first sight, it migh; natur- ally appear that the sustaining power of a magnet would be a just measure of its avail- able force ; but I have found by repeated trials that very good sustaining magnets may be inferior in moving influence to magnets of far less sustaining attraction. I have found with my models that the longer the distance from which an electro- magnet attracts a small piece of steel, the better is its working ! power ; and in partial conformity with facts ! recently announced by Professor Ritchie, I I have found that the length of the attracting * di-tance is increased by prolonging the legs ' of the electro-magnet. But this only holds | good within narrow limits 1 had, for in- stance, three magnets made from one bar of iron. No. 1 was three inches ; 2, ten inches ; 3, three feet long, — all were xvound with single spirals, and each excited by one Wollaston’s though. The magnet No. 2 far exceeded all the others in distant attractive power. The appropriate batteries for these experi- ments, and some economical considerations as to the consumption of acid, zinc, &c., require to be cursorily noticed before 1 can conclude this paper. When r commenced these experiments I was impressed with the idea derived from the hooks i had consulted on the subject, that a single pair of copper and zinc plates of moderately large size were the best suited for the production of electro-magnetic forces. I soon, however, found ample leason to alter my opinion. I have made most extensive trials of a great number of batteries of diffi-r- ent kinds, and with tlie results I shall pre- sently detail,— premising, tliat the same kind of acid was used in each. The principal batteries tried were — I. Siiirveuii’s cniu ciiii ic copper and zinr cy liii- dei s, So lunch fsieemed as magnetic exciters. 3. A fine single i)l te cell, lielongiiig to Mr. Piiiisep. IJ feet wide, by 2 feet long, 3. All excellent pile of lOO 3 inch plates, beloin;- liio to the Medical College. 4 A Cl nickshaiik’s fifu -plate S inrii iroiigh. I 5. Ditto, ten plate 4-iiich iiouglisiii porcelain cell.s. 6. Wollaston’s ten-plate 4-inch tionghs, double coppers. 7. Six of Professor Paradny’s rerentiv enn- sirncied plates; see Philosopliical Transactions for 1831. 8. Professor Daniel’s new battery of cans and zinc cytiiidei.s, uiili animal rnembiane interposed, Willi sulpliaie of copper solution and dilute sui- phuiic acid. 9. A modification of llie aliove of my own con- struction, in i.roiii pssi ve sizes of 1,2,3, &c. to 20 square indies of copper siuface, the zinc cylinders aiiialgaiiiated. 10. A laiee spiral of ten feet of copper jiy two feet, wound l onnd a i)!ate of rolled zinc. II. A Wollaston’s ilouhle plate, four inches square- 12. A small spiral, 12 inches by 2, of annealed copper and sheet lead 13. A Wollaston’s plate one inch and half long by one hiond. The effects of all these batteries were observed on the same electro-magnet viz., that used ai the exteinal magnet in the first model. M’GAULEY’S OBSERVATIONS REFERRED TO BY O’SHAUGHNESSY. 431) KFIK TS No. VVfijjhi sustariied. 1 For ivli.ii, lime. Attiactiiig distance. 1. 9 li.a. 1.') iiiinuU's. Email. •2. 1,> ItiS. 1 2 or S iiiiniiies. smalt . S. llutK'. 4. none. 5. none. fi. 3s 2 lionr.8. great. 7. 9 I5 oiiiMite.'’. small. 8. ‘25 neailj 3 lii,nis. small. 9. Kxpei Inu'iits not vet completed, luit salisl'ac- tory. 10. No effect. 11. IS IlH. .4^ iK.iira. moderate. 12. 10 llKS. 3| iioni.8. loog. 13. 9 11)8. Until Zinc dissolved. long. These experiments were repeated with cor- responding results on electro-magnets of every variety of shape, and weighing from half sn ounce to 18 Ihs. Combinations of several of the previous batteries were also tried. I'lie Cruickshank’s troughs and cells, multiplied to any number, were invariably useless. But Daniel’s cans and Wollaston’s double plates gave very different results. Thus, though one Wollas- ton plate supports l3 lbs., ten of these plates support 38, and twenty plates 47 lbs. There are, I may mention, two modes by wliich these batteries may be associated, as is well known of course to all experimentalists in this department of science. One is the che- mical, where the batteries are arranged end to end, the terminal copperplate of one being connected with the zinc of the next. The se- cond is the magnetic, in which the troughs are placed side by side, and the final co[)per cells and zinc cells connected with the cells of the same name. Numerous experiments were made to ascer- tain whether doubling, tripling, or quadru- pling the number of troughs in either of these ai rangements gave a proportionate in- crease to the magnetic force imparted to the soft iron. The most conclusive of these trials was made with the apparatus previously de- scribed, (see fig. 2) VV iiile in the chemical ar- rangement the successive addiiions made but a trifling increment to the sustaining power, the second or magnetic arrangement gave very nearly a direct increase for every addi- tional battery. The copper and lead arrangement No. l2 was formed for the purpose of regaining from the solution the materials employed in the ex- citement of the galvanic action. The expe- riment answered so well that I mean to have a battery constructed on this princpie, by which 1 have no doubt 1 can recover a very great proportion of the acid and lead used, because the nitrate of lead formed, yield.s its acid at a red heat, and the rnetal is readily recovered by smelting the residue with char- coal. On the whole, as far as my experiments have proceeded, they shew that, contrary to what is stated by all authorities on this subject, ’‘‘quantity''' of electricity (that amount set in motion by asingle pair of plates) is not the sole influence required for the induction of great magnetic power. “ Intensity,” or the impetus given to quantity by increasing the number of plates, within certain limits seems equally, if not more, essential. Inten- sity adds to the sustaining power, and, 1 find by many experiments, increases the attractive distance. Nay more : — in almost direct con- tradiction to what has been stated by writers on this subject, I have reason to believe we may diminish the size of the plates even to one square inch of surface, provided we asso- ciated a numlier of these plates, as in Wol- laston’s arrangement. But the details on these curious points 1 must reserve for ano- ther paper. With respect to the economy of the mate- rials used, I may refer to Mr. M'Gauley’s interesting observations in the Appendix, In corroboration of bis views I may slate, that sulphuric acid is now sold in England for one penny the pound ; at which rate, and at the present cost of zinc, 1 would work my model, lifting a pound weight for twelve hours, for about, one shilling. Should we succeed in con.structing locomotive engines on the plan T have attempted to point out, the mate- rials will be more economical than the cost of steam, in the proportion at least of four to one. I am happy in being enabled to add, that, the subject is now engaging the attention of one of our most distinguished engineer offi- cers, a gentleman whose genius, acquirements, and opportmiitie.s give the amplest promise to all his undertakings. I am myself sanguine as to the result ; and though 1 feel that full success in the attempt is beyond my capacity and resources, 1 confidently expect to see, ere long, the ponderous, expensive, and dan- eerous machinery of steam, rivalled by the light, economical, and harmless engines which electro-magnetism will plaeeatour command.” 440 MR. GRIFFITH’S VALUABLE PAPER, Art. VI. — On the family of Rhizophorece, By Wm. Griffith, Esq., Madras Medical Service, Account of the Fin of the Balista. By J. W. Knight, Esq. Meteorological Register kept on board the Experiment Steam Flat, during a voyage from Calcutta to Allahabad. By J. W. Knight, Esq. From Assistant Surgeon Spry, Offg. Medical Storekeeper, to J. Swine y. Esq., regarding the manufacture of Glauber’s salts. — Transactions Medi- cal and Physical Society, Calcutta, 1836. The first and second of these papers will be read with great interest by most of our readers. We lament documents of thisnature should have been so long withheld from the public. The other articles are also of con- sequence, one showing the temperature whilst travelling in a steamer during the hottest months of the year ; and the other on the manufacture of Glauber’s salt. ON THE FAMILY OF RH IZOPHORE^. “ The first peculiarity I shall mention relates to the anthers, and appears to have been first noticed by Jacquin, in ids Hisioria Selectaruin Stirpium Americanaium, p. 142, and subse- quently by the illustrious Dr. Brown, who adverts to it in his matchless account of Rafflesia, (Linn. Trans, vol. l3, part 1, p. 214) in these words: “ In oilier cases, a separation of determinate poi lions of the membrane takes place, either the whole length of the theca, asin Hamamelideae and Berbeii- deae ; or corresponding with its subdivisions, as in several Laurinse; or lastly, having no obvious relation to internal structure, as in certain species of Rhizophora.” 1 was ac- quainted with this structure for the first time about three months ago ; and was then totally unaware that it was known to Dr. Brown. The first mention 1 saw of it was in Professor Lindley’s Introduction to Botany, in which the above quotation is cited, p. 128. As this structure appears to be confined to the genus Rhizophora, (that is, as I limit it,) it proba- bly lias some relation to internal structure. I have met with it in Rhizophora macrorrhiza, and from the examination of young anthers, presume it to exist in Rhizophora Candelaria , The anthers of these are nearly sessile, of considerable size, and compressed laterally, especially those of R. Candelaria. Their narrowest edges are internal and external ; or, in other words, situated aniicously and posii- cously with respect to the axis. On examin- ing their external surface more closely, we perceive numerous roundisli opaque bodies crowded together, and apparently imbedded in their substance, and towards their internal edge a depressed line running obliquely up- waids and inwards. This line is of small extent in R. Candelaria; in R. macrorrhiza it reaches nearly to the apex of the anther. If we make a transverse section at this stage, which, I should mention, is a short time before the expansion of the flower, we find that the body of the anther is cellular ; the cells towaids the centre being much the largest and most distinct. Around the periphery a con- siderable number of small sacs exist. Tltese are entirely closed, more or less ovate, and disposed without any obvious regularity. They are at this peiiod filled with somewhat immatuie pollen. They are of considerable depth, and perfectly tree from mutual com- munication. In R. Candelaria no sacs appeal to be developed along the outer or aniicous edge; in K. macrorrhiza, they aie developed around the whole periphery. They are however smaller and more compressed along the above edge than elsewhere. The circumferential tissue, or cuticle, as it may be called, is I ei lectly continuous with the mar- gins of the sac.s, and with the tissue interposed between them. In R. maciori hi/a, just before the expansion of the flower, this tissue or cuticle w'ill be found to have separated along the oblique line mentioned above, and from the tody of the anther. Two valves are thus formed, which, however, nece.ssarily remain in their original situation. After the expansion of the flovyer, theinner valve, which is the smaller of the two, separates fiom its base upwards, and becomes inclined inward.s. The outer is curved outwards, and remains attached both by its immediate base and apex. The body of the anther now presents an alveolar appearance, tlie alveoli being more or less filled with pollen. Traces of the original continuity of tissue remain adhering to the margins of the alveoli, as well as to those of the depressions visible on the inner surface of the valves, and which previously formed the lids of the alvtoli, or rather closed them in. There is no peculiarity of stiucture in the pollen connected with this singular and anomalous form of anther, which seems to lie allied to that of Viscum, so far as may be judged from the rO[)resentation given in A. L. De Jussieu’s Memoir on Captifoliaceae and Loranlhaceae, Annales du Museum, tom. 12, pi. 27. fig. E. The direction of the valves of the anthers may be explained by assuming, that the the- cae, which they may be said to assi?tin form- ing, are anterior and posterior, in which case each valve will be single. This assumption, however, appears to me to be coniraiy to all analogy, nor am I acquainted with an in- stance of such a disposition. Or, we may take the type of an anther, as Dr. Brown has stated, to consist “ of two parallel folli- culi or thecse, fixed by their whole length to the margins of a compressed filament;” the parallelism being transverse. In this view of the case, the valves will be compound; that is, each will be formed of half a valve taken from the right side, and half from the left: the line of union of the two halves being the line of separation in other cases. 1 do not SYNOPSIS OF THE RHIZOPHORE^, 441 know of any such absolutely analogous form of anther ; but analogous examples of de- hiscence occur frequently in fruits, forming that variety knownby the name of dehiscentiu loculicida. A similar position of the valves might result from a twisting of the filament; but this does not appear to take place in the present instance. The development of the pollen will necessarily present some peculiar- ities, but the great paucity of materials has prevented me from following it up. The mature cotyledons in Rhi2ophora, Kandelia, and Bruguieia decandra are con- solidated, and foim a mass which, towards the base (where it IS articulated with the collet), is cylindrical and hollow, towards ilie apex fleshy and coriaceous ; the upper half of this part leing generally somewhat constricted, and surrounded by fungous ti-'^sue. I'his tis- sue appears to oiiginate in the coats of the ovulum, which at some period become de- tached and pushed towards the bottom of the pericarpial cavity. In these the plumulais lodged in the hollow of the cylinder. Cor- responding with this structure, the ovarium is only f or § iofeiior, the upper part of the cori- aceous capsule being, as it were, exserted^. In Bruguieia pai viflora (W ightaud Arrioli), and probably in all the genuine species ot this genus, the cotyledons are distinct, fleshy, and plano-convex ; tliey are not articulated with the collet. They are besides enclosed in their original integuments, these being only open at tire point of exit of tlm radicle. In these two, the capsule is almost wliolly in- ferior, and entirely enclosed within the calyx. The plumulain B. pai viflora is lodged be- tween the cotyledon.'^, and surrounded with a transparent mucilaginous fluid. The mature radicles cou?ist of a central and peripherical system, the tissues of which, al- thougli continuous, present an ohviou.s line of demarcation. Tlie cliief bulk is cellular, the cells abounding in amylaceous matter. Tlie propoitionof woody fi tire varies extremely; in Uhizophora Candelaria and macrorrinza, it occurs throughout the central system, ami is excessively fine ; in Bruguieia decandra the proportion of fibre is exceedingly small, and confined to the circumference of the central system ; in Kandelia this tissue is veiy dense, and exists only towards the apex of the same system, and has no communication with tlie collet. The proportion of vessels is in the roots of some species exceedingly small, in others they appear to be altogether wanting. 1 may add, that the central system subsequent- ly becomes the wood ; the central cells, at least in Bruguiera parviflora, remaining un- occupied, and forming the medulla. With respect to the exsertion or lifting up of the axis (soulevement), I may remark, that to all appearance it occurs in the genus Rhi- • Both Jacquin and Gaertner have mistaken the structure of the fruit of Rhizophora. The consolidated cotyledons form the “ crus” of Jacquin, and the displaced integuments are the ‘‘ albumen” of Gaertner, and the “ calyptra” of Jacquin. According to this author the seed is limited to the radicle and plumula, while the cotyledons of Gaertner are the outer por- tions of the plumula. zophora, and is carried to its greatest extent, perhaps, in R. macrorrhiza It is not difficult to conceive this effect, when we take into consideration the number of roots that descend tiom the branches to the ground. These must, during their growth, meet with consider- able resistance at both extremities* The aich- ed lorm which they invariably assume, after penetration into the earth (the convexity looking Upwards), is a necessary con.sequence of that resistance. The Linnean Genus Rhizophora appears to contain the types of three genera. The celebrated De Candolle, however, keeps it entire. 1 may remark, that in an order the genuine con.stituents of which have, with one exception, definite stamina, their constant iiidefinity in that instance, may, 1 should imagine, f e relied on as a valid character , Kandelia seems theiefore, and on account of tlie structuie of the petals, a good genus : and IS adopted by Messrs. Wight and Arnott in their valuable Prodromus Floras Peninsulae Indise Orienialis. Bruguiera is not quite so satisfactory ; since B. de- candra, fvoxburgh’s Rhizophora decandra, the figure of which in his collection of colour- ed drawings belonging to the Honorable Company’s Botanic Garden at Calcutta is excellent, has the flower of Bruguiera and the fruit of Rhizophora. I shall conclude with a synopsis of the Rhi- zophoreae which I have met with on the coasts of the renasserim Provinces, between the parallels of 16^. 3o’ and 12?, north latitude. RnizoPHonE®, R. Brown Gen. Re" marks in Appendix to Flinders’s Voyage, vol. 2. p. 549. 1. Rhizophora Linn, (ex parte). Dec. Prodr. vol. 3, p. 3l, (ex parte). Wight and Arnott, Prodr. Florae Penins. Indise Orientalis, vol. 1. p.310. 1 may here remark, that if the peculia’’ stiucture of the anthers he confined totlii* genus, it will piove a valuable addition to the generic character,— It appears to me, that two very distinct species have been confounded under R. Candelaria ; these I propose to characteiise as follows : 1. Candelaria (Dec.) foliis ovalibus mu- cronato-euspidatis, pedunculis petiolo brevioii- bus saepius 2 floris, flotibus 9 — 12 atidris, fiuc- tibus subulaio-clavatis iiutantibus, Dec. loc. cit. p. 32. Wight and Arnott, loc. cit. p. 310. Pee Candel Rheed, Mai. vol. 6. p. 61, t. 34. Mangium Candelarium, Rumph. Amb. vol. 3. p. 108, t. 71, 72. Hab. add littora limosa maris et sestuario- rura orae Tenasserim, ubique Floret Anrili. Maio. Arbuscula corona lata feie hemisphaeric^. Floies albi. Petala angusta, sublaevia, per aestivationem stamina non amplectentia. Stami ria .saepissiniC 12, quorum 2 sepalo cui- que, 1 petalo cuique opposita. Radicula (exserta) 1-, l§-pedalis. 2. R. macrorrhiza, mihi, foliis ovali-ellip- ticis mucronato-cuspidatis, cymis nutantibus dichotomis petioles excedentibus. floribus 8 andris, fructibus subulato-clavatis pendulis. 442 RHIZ0PH0REJ2 ON THE COAST OF TENASSERIM. R. Manirle. Rovh- FI- Inclica, vol. 2 p. 459* Fjusdem icones piciaj in Horto Bot. Calcuttensi asservatJB, vol- t 115, l)ona. Flab, pecus iittora limosa marls circa Mer- gui, oree Tenasseriix), copiose. Floret April!, iVIaio. Arbor 25-pec!alis, corona parvil. Flores semper octandri, suaviter odorati. I^etala alba, conduplicata, marginibus villo-sis. Sta- mina 4 sepalis, 4 petalis opposiia et his per sestivationem amplexa. Radicula (exserta) maxima, 2| pedalis, sul venucosa. This appears to differ from R.MangleofLin- neus, a native or the vvestern hemisphere, in the form of the leaves. The habit of these two species is very distinct, as is likewise the form of their anthers, 'fhefactof the fruit of R-ma- crorrhiza being pendulous, results of course from the greater length of the peduncle. This in R. Candelaria isso short, that thegermina- ting fruit, which is at first erect, subsequently becomes curved downwards by itsown weight. II. Kandelia. Wight and Arnott. Rhizophora § Kandelia. Dec. The character of the ovarium, as given by Wight and Arnott, is at variance with the usual structure of the order, and with my own observations. 1 have found it to have the ordinary structure. K. Rheedei. Wight and Arnott. loc. cit. p. 311. dsjerou Kandel. Rheede. loc. cit. p. 63. t. 35. Rhizophora Kandel (Linn.) Dec, loc. cit. p. 32. Hab. ad ripas limosas fluminum orae Te- nasserim. prsecipue ostia versus. Floret Sep- tembi-e, Octobre. III. Bruguiera. Lam. • Floribus 8-petalis. 1 B. cylindrica ( W. and A.) foliis lanceo- lato-obovaiis subacutis, pedunculis 1—3 floris petiolis paullo brevioiibus, calycis fructus la- ciniis patenti-reflexis, fructibus cylindiaceis acutiusculis. B. cylindrica. Wight and Arnott. loc. cit. p. 3ll. Rhizophora cylindrica, ( Idnn.) Dec, loc. cit. p. 32. Kanil-Kandel. Rheed. loc. cit. p. 59. t. 33. Hab. secus Iittora limosa Insulas Pulo Gyoon et Madamacan, rarius ; florens No- vembre. Arbuscula. Flores viridescentes. Calycis laciniae lineares. Petala albiila, apicibus ciliato-pinnatifidis. Fructus penduli5 — 6 un- ciales. Rheede’s figure corresponds tolerably well with my plant, wliich is distinct from Rox- burgh’s Rhizophora parviflora. 2. B, parviflora. (W.and A .) foliis lance- olatis vel lanceolato-ovatis obiusiu^culis, pe- dunculis peiiolorum longitudine dicliotome 3- floris, calycis fructus laciniis erectis, tructibus obtusis. B. parviflora. Wight and Arnott. loc. cit . p. 311 (sine charactere). Rhizophora parvi- flora. Roxb. loc. cit. p. 461. Ejusdem leo- nes pictae Suppl. vol. 2. t. 4. Hab. inter alias Rhizophoreas in Insula parva, anglice Madamacan dicta, Mergui proxima. Floret fructnsque profert ab Oc- tobre usque ad Martium. Arbuscula elegans. Flores viridi Intescen- tes, sub-odorati. Calycis tubus elongatus,sub- fusiformis. Petala lutescentia. ciliata. Fruc- tus subcylindrici, 4— 5*unciales, penduli, api- cihus quasi truncati et rnedio foveolati. * * Floribus 10 —l3*petal !,■=. B. gyrnnoirhiza (Lam-) Wight and Ar- nott. ioc. cit. p, 311. Kandel. Rheede, loc. cit. p. 57. t,5l, optima, t. 52. mala. Man- giiim celsum. Rumph. Amb. 3. p, 102. t. 68. mala. Rliizophoia gyrtmorrhiza, (Linn.) Roxb. loc. cit, p. 460. fvjusdem icones picije vol. 84. 114- Hab- ad Iittora limosa orae Tenasserim ; flo- | rens per totum annum- * * * Species inter Rhizophoiam et Bru- I guieram media. | B- flecandra. mihiy foliis obovatis obtusi.s., [ simis, floribus dense capitulatis, calycibus 5- paititis, fiuctibus clavatis sulcatis. : Rhizophora decandra. Roxb- Flor. Ind, Synopsis. Ms. Ejusdem Icones, vol. 8. t. j 116, optima. Dec. loo. cit. p. 33. | Mab. ad Iittora limosa orae Tenasserim, ad Martaban et Mergui. Floret per menses calidos. Frutex saepiiis Immilis. Flores virides- ceini-albidi. Petala alba (demum coriacea et j brunuesceniia). conduplicata, apicibus inciso- j laciniata- Stan)ina pelalorum numero dui)la, ' 2 petalo cuique opposiia et per aestivationein ' eodem amplexa. Antherae biloculares. Calyx [ fructus semi'inferus, coriaceus ; laciniis pa- ' tentibus. Fructus erectus vel nutans, Radi- j cula (exserta) 5— 6-uncialis. Species flore Bruguierae.fructu Rhizophorae. IV. Carallia, Roxb. C. lucida. Roxb. Cor. PI. vol. 3. t. 2lT. Ejusdem icones pictae vol. 9, t. 19. mala. FI. j' Indica, voL 2. p. 481. Wight and Arnott, I loc. ci t. p. 312- I Hab. in humidis orae Tenasserim ad Moal- ]: main et IMeigui, Floret Decetnbre. Arbor humilis, ramulis compressis. Folia i ovala vel oblongo-ovata, crenulata, interdwm j integra, coriacea. Cyrui axillares, opposiii, 'j dichotomi, foliis breviores. Floies dense ag- , gregati, viridescenti-albidi, odoris forte ingrati. Petala aiba. Stamina petalorum numero dupla, alterna petalis opposita et per aestiva- i tionem iisdem amplexa. Antherae biloculares, longitudinaliter dehiscente.s. Ovarium 4- lo- culare, loculis 2-oviilati.s, Stylus flliformis; stigma 4-lobum. Ovula pendula. Tegumenta biua distincta. Foramen superum hilum prope. EXPLANATION OF THE FIGURES. || 1. Young anther of Rhizophora Candelaria. :J 2. Ditto ditto of R. macrorrhiza. ji 3. Transverse section of ditto of R. Cande- | laria. _ | 3. Am her of R. macrorrhiza about the jj time of expansion of the flower. i 4. Ditto ditto the valves detached. I 5. Ditto after expansion, the valves nearly jt in situ. I 6. Pollen of R. macrorrhiza. i ACCOUNT OF THE FIN OF THE ! BALISTA. j “ The Balistes, belonging to the family of the Sceerodermes, and order Plectognathi, |;| of the subbrachial Malacopterygians, (Cu- ■ vier,) possesses in its first dorsal fin, an of- t fensive and defensive weapon, the mecha- l| nism of which is curious and highly interest- :j Z, ■ ' /; Tk^z 4' ^ Ji- IEA€'^.^^ZI' ^ \ . Tzy. T'h'e'4?(^-ce--7-i-^^_ ^Zi(^^^^^Z?zvc-es4\ iZ. T?v^ Z 4 6 INTELLIGENCE INTERESTING TO TRAVELLERS. 44 ing : ft question might be raised, of its being really destined to the purposes I have attri- buted to it, and more particularly since Cu- vier and Lacep6de, who have given descrip- tions of this fish, have passed it over without notice ; but I hope to prove by the position, simplicity and firmness of its parts, thatii is equally qualified to fulfil the offices of a fin, and those above mentioned, which I have assigned to it. The fin consists of three spines, connec- ted by an elastic membrane, extending only to half the length of the first, covering the second and third, and attached to the inner border of the groove on the ridge of the back, in which the rays are contained when at rest. The accompanying sketch will serve to repre- sent a section of the cavity and accessory pieces of the machinery. 'J'he first spine curved and studded in front, with sharp serrse, presents posteriorly a groove, which is narrowed as it descends ; from thence alignment passes backwards to the ‘2nd spine — at the base are two small tubercles, looking inwards : it forms with capsular ligaments, and the inner margin of the trough, a ginglymoid articulation. The 2ud spine may be divided into the bo- dy, sharpened before its lateral edges, being slightly furrowed, for the reception of the groove of the 1st spine, and smoothed inferi- orly, where it plays over a fixed axis. An ascending process, and two descending pro- cesses, (one of which only is seen,) articulat- ed with the centre of the circle, of which the axis is a segment. The 3rd spine is connected to the 2nd by a ligament, and with a nodule of bone on the floor of the cavity forms another hinge joint. When erection is required, four small mus- cles, inserted on ihe sides of the 1st and 2nd spines, raise the fin, which from the mecha- nism described is fixed so firmly as to resist the strongest attempts at withdrawing it • the latter object is effected by a small muscle on the posterior surface of the 3rd spine, which contracting acts througii the ligaments on the whole chain of bones; releasing the body of the 2nd from the groove and tuber- cles of the 1st, it returns the instrument to its proper sheath. An engraving of the fish may be found in the 2nd volume of the Plates of the Diction- ary of Natural History, by the Professors of the Jardin des Plantes; but singularly enough they have omitted the membrane and ligaments, without which the fin would be rendered imperfect.” METEOKOLOGICAL HEGISTEK. KEPT ON BOARD THE EXPERlMENTSTEUvr FLAT. DURING A VOYAGE FROM CALCUTTA TO ALLAHABAD BY J W KNIGHT, LSQ. ’ Dates. < d o o 2 P. M. Sunrise, j 1 Winds, Morning and Evening. Remarks on the Weather. April 22nd, 23rd, 760 840 830 90 76 s. w. N. E. by E. — E. by s. Violent north-wester at night Cloudy morning, smart shower 24 th, 77 84 94 84 N. E. ^ E. — E. by s. m the afternoon. Fine, clear. 25 th, 78 88 88 88 s. by E. — N. w. by w. Ditto, ditto. 26th, 77 85 86 74 N. E. ^ N.— S. W. |S. Smart partial showers about 27th, 75 78 80 80 E. by s.— s. E. ^ s. 3 P. M. Heavy fall of rain from 6 till 28th, 74 81 85 86 s. w. by s. noon. Cloudy. 29 th. 72 82 84 85 boxing the Compass, e. Violent storm before day-break • fine day. ’ Fine, clear. 30th, 74 85 88 88 \ s. by w. May 1st, 74 83 87 86 N. E. — s. by w. Strong breeze ; fine day. 2nd, 78 88 88 88 round the Com- 1 , 3rd, 74 83 85 86 pass. j.v. byE. Variable, n. by e. Fine, clear. Ditto, ditto. 4 th, 75 87 89 78 N. E. Most furious hurricane from the 5th, 74 84 85 88 N. E. N. w. at§ pasts p, M. (Temperature of hot well, Seeta- 6th, 75 88 93 92 E. N. E, — N. N. E. coond, 1330; fine clear.) From 3 to 5, the J bermometer 7 th, 76 88 91 91 N. E.— N. N. E. was at 980 and lOO®. Fine, clear. 8th, 78 86 88 87 S. E. Strong breeze ; cirro-stratus. 9th, 76 87 89 85 E. S. E. ' Uittvy, ditto. loth, 76 87 87 87 S. E. jThermometer at 10 p. m. 94o ; nth. 79 88 90 90 N. B.— N. N. E, fine, clear day. ’ Fine, clear. 12th, 83 83 84 92 S. S. W.~N. N. E. Fine, clear, strong breeze at night. Fine, clear weather. l3th. 85 93 95 94 N. E. — N. N. E. l4th, 860 anchored in the Jumna, off the Fort of Allahabad, at i past 7 a.m. 444 ON THE MANUFACTURE OF GLAUBER’S SALTS. The foregoing register shows the tempera- ture of the atmosphere in the cuddy of the Experiment flat, which is in the after part of the vessel, and has a thin deck ; above which was a canvas awning. 'J’he temperature on deck was in general from 2 to 3 degrees high- er than in the cabins. There were 34 men undone woman (mili- tary detachment) onboard, who were accom- modated in the centre of the vessel, in a room 28 feet long, by 17 feet broad, and 4^ feet high, across which were 2 large beams which reduced the cubic space for each man o 5G cubic feet. This space receives air and light by 12 hatchways, of which eight were always open ; there are no side ports or other means of ventilation, except the hatchways, and one port, which influences ventilation indirectly, i. e. through the non-commissioned officers’ room. Mr. Knight considers the space and ventilation insufficient for the number of men who were embarked. It is less than in line of battle ships on the lower deck, when the men are all in their hammocks, as there are then es- timated 120 cubic feet for each man ; and at sea, one watcb being always on deck.butleav- ing their hammocks below, the space for each man would be double. However the detach- ment enjoyed good health, there being but few acute diseases, and those were readily cured. REGARDING I HE MANUFACTURE OF GLAUBER’S SALTS. 1. In conformity with the instructions of the board, as contained in their letter to you under date 4th November, 1830, 1 have the honor to report to you that 800 lbs. of the Glauber Salts have been manufactured at this Dep6t, to meet present demands. 2. In connection with this subject, I pro- ceed to lay before you the following details, in the collection of which no efforts have been spared to render them as accurate, and I trust as comprehensive, as the Board might wish. In the analytical part, I consider myself much indebted to Dr. Campbell, of the firm of Bathgate and Co., for the able assistance he has rendered me. 3. The salts are prepared from a mineral earth, known by the name of Khare Muttie ; Khare being the Arabic word for Alkali, and Muttie, the Sanscrit word for earth. 4. The only use made of it by the natives of Oude, as far as I can ascertain, is as a con- diment ; they give it to their sheep, mixed in the food, but to no other animal. It is supposed to have the effect of fining the fleece. 5. The face of the country whence it is brought is flat, and intersected by deep ravines. It abounds in the neighbourhood of Onaoo, a town about 10 miles from the banks of the river Ganges, and is brought to me in hard striated masses, mixed with sand. 6. In rendering the salt free from impuri- ties. little difficulty is experienced. The pro- cess adopted by the natives in this part of India is both easy and simple. It consists in boiling the Khare Muttie in little more than its weight of water, the whites of eggs havi^ been previously beaten up and mixed with it, until a pellicle forms. It is then allowed to stand for about half an hour, that the impu- rities may subside ; after which, the superna- tant liquor is set aside to crystallize. This process is repeated to free the crystals from any remaining impurities, and the salt is then laid apart for use. 7. Two pounds of earth, treated in this manner, yield one pound of pure Glauber Salts. A specimen of the salt, in its natural and manufactured states, 1 have the honour to transmit to you. 8. A series of analytical experiments were continued for seven days, and from the results which have been obtained, 200 parts of Onaoo earth were found to consist of, Dried Sulphate of Soda 145. 90 Dried Muriate of Soda, 6. 10 Alumina, 25. 0 Oxyde or Carbonate of Iron. . . 1. 5 Siliceous Earth, 9. 0 Trace of Lime, 1. 0 Loss 11. 5 200. 0 9. The regret I should have felt at not being able to state from my personal obser- vation, the capabilities of the different dis- tricts in the dominions of Oude, to furnish a supply to meet any demands the Board might be pleased to determine on, has been removed by the circumstance of you yourself, having had satisfactory proof during your recent tour of Hospital Inspection through that country. 10. I'he expence incurred in the manu- facture of 800 lbs. has been as follows : 1000 lb. of Khare earth, with carriage * o hire, ® 40 maunds of fire-wood, with coolie 1 hire, eggs, and earthen pans v ^ 150 or 3 annas per pound avoirdupois. 11. In searching for information regarding the existence of sulphate of soda, in a natural state, when first entering into the present inquiry, I was disappointed at finding only a short paragraph devoted to this article, in the Materia Indica. lately published by Mr. Ainslie. of the Madras Medical Service. It is to this effect, “ that Dr. F. Hamilton, in his MSS. account of the district of Furneah, alludes to a coarse kind of Glauber Salt being brought from Patna, and called Khare Neerauck but, adds Mr. Ainslie in a note : “ It is to be presumed, that it is a very im- pure sort.” Dr. Hamilton does not say whether it is prepared at Patna, or found native, which it often is in combination with oxyde of iron, and muriate and carbonate of soda, and sometimes efflores- ced on the surface of the soil, as in Hun- gary, and with this he dismisses the sub- ject. I perceive Dr. Ure mentions thal large quantities of it exist under the surface of the earth in Persia, Bohemia, and Swit- zerland. Dr. Campbell states, that the Khare Mut- tie exists in large quantities, and it is so rich as to yield by the common process of purification and crystallization full 60 per cent, offine sulphate of soda. ABERRiVNT LANIADAN FORMS OF NEPAL. 445 Art. VII. — Bengal Almanac and Com- panion, and City of Calcutta Register j in two parts, pp. 200. D’Souza and Co., Church Mission Press. Price Co. Rs. 2. Calcutta, 1837^ In every department, even that of Di- rectories and Almanacs, there appears to be progression and improvement. The one before us might have been properly called the Stranger's Guide, instead of an Almanac and Register, the least im- portant parts of the work. We have the names and situations of the streets of Cal- cutta, Government establishments, list of bazars in Calcutta, produce thoughout the year, law department, including those of the Supreme Court, Calcutta Police, and Court of Requests, every department in Com- merce, the description of colleges and public schools, literary, scientific, charitable, re- ligious, marine and river insurance societies, places of Divine worship, ecclesi- astical, civil, military, and marine lists, un- covenanted assistants in public offices, with a correct account of the streets and numbers in which every person of any consequence is residing in Calcutta. The work is credita- ble to the industry and zeal of the publish- ers, and we strongly recommend it to the notice of residents and persons visiting Cal- cutta. ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS. ON SOME NEW SPECIES OF THE MORE TYPICAL LANIIDyE OF NEPAL. By B. H. Hodgson, Esa. Resident in Nepal. For the India Review. To the account already given of the aber- rant Laniadan forms of Nepal I now pur- pose to add a notice of the more typical ones. Subfamily Lanian®. Genus Lanius (hodie dictus) Genus Collurio Vigors. Bhadrdya of Nepal (generiec^.) Species new. Nipalensis nobis. Form and size. 12§ inches wide by 11^ long, whereof the tail is 5§ and the bill 15-16ths. Tarsus l,15-16ths; central toe 12-16ths; hind toe 8-16ths : weight 2 oz. Make robust, with a large flat head. Bill shorter than the head (an 8th or more), very strong, possessing much and equal breadth and height at base, but extremely compress- ed forwards, with round ridges and vertical plane sides : culmen half concealed by the frontal plumes, distinctly arched in the whole of the free portion ; not keeled ; the hook and tooth, large : the lower mandible rising from the gular excavation, with its strongly up-curved point fitting into a deep palatal notch, and its margins very widely and Innately scooped on either side the point. Nares nearer to the tip than gape, elliptic, longitudinal, unfossed, scarcely membraned posteally, and scarcely conceal- ed by incumbent setse and hairs. Lores and frontal band, rigid ; rest of the plumage, soft and discomposed. Rictus to eye and strongly bristled. Wings, hardly exceeding the base of the tail, short, almost rounded, 4th or 5th quill longest, or both equal ; the 1st considerably more than half as long as them. Formulaof wing 4 inches long, whereof the Istquillis 2^, the 2nd 3f, the 3rd 3|-, the 4th 4, the 5thl-16th less; the rest regularly decreasing to the tertials, which are but f of an inch shorter than the longest prime. Tail nearly as long as the body, consisting of 12, rather narrow, round pointed, frayed feathers, the whole of which are gradated from below ; the ten centrals, slightly and equally ; the two extremes, abruptly and to the extent of l-g- inches. Tarsi elevate, strong, crossed in front by 6 or 7 distinct and even scales. Toes, medial, compressed, full-soled; the outer and central, basally connected ; the inner, scarcely cleft to its root ; laterals and hind, equal ; central, subelongate ; hind, stout and depressed. Claws, strong, moderately curved or acumi- nated. Tongue, short, flat, cartilaginous ; tip, pointed and subbifid or subjagged. In- testines, 10 inches long ; two tiny coeca near anal end. Stomach, muscular and red ; outer coat, of medial subequal thickness ; inner, tough and grooved. Food, all sorts of hard and soft, flying and creeping, insects,and their larvse and pupte ; also small lizaras, feeble birds, mice, and almost any living thing the bird can master. Has its perch on the upper and barer branches of trees and bushes, whence it descends to seize its prey on the ground : sometimes picks it from foliage, but very seldom seizes on the wing. Is common in the open country, in groves and gardens, during winter ; but resorts to the woods in summer. Has a harsh voice, very like the kestril’s, and is perpetually 446 TENTHA AND TENTHACA OF THE TARAI. vociferating from its perch. Bold and dar- ing in its manners, and easily caught by any insect bait. Colour. Above, deep slaty ; below, with the whole rump and upper tail coverts, bright rusty: chin and throat, centre of the lower belly, lining of wings and quills, internally and basally, rufescent white : wings, externally, black brown, with broad rusty margins including the coverts, and void of speculum.* Caudal plumes, red brown ; gradually diluted from the middle into pale sordid rusty, with which the tips of the centrals are sensibly marked. The black frontal band is narrow across the base of the bill, but spreads laterally, and ex- tends through the eyes and ears half way to the shoulders : bill and legs, jetty : base of the former, ruddy flesh colour : iris, dark brown. The female is as large as, or larger than, her mate : her slaty mantle is less deep, and her breast and flanks are crossed by transverse, sublunate zigzags of a blackish hue. She has, also, frequently a white superciliary line over the black band, which latter is usually deficient across the front. The young are lineated like the female ; at first, above as well as below, and inclu- sive of the wings and tail which have both a subraarginal dark zone. The black facial band is first grey, then brown in them : the mantle is brown smeared ; and all the colours are less pure and more diluted than in maturity, not excepting the bill and legs, which are brown black or dusky. In early youth the mere chin and mere belly, with the lining of the wings, are im- maculate. The changes of the plumage are truly perplexing.+ 2nd Species, new. Tricolor nobis. Rather smaller than the last, with charac- ters and habits identically similar. 10 inches by 11^ in expanse of wings, and 1| oz, in weight. Of the 10 inches of length the bill is 13-1 6ths, and the tail, 5f. Tarsus 1, 15-16ths; central toe 12-16ths. Hind 8-16ths. A closed wing, 4 inches; whereof the 1st quill is 2f, the 2nd, 3i, the 4th and 5th, subequal and 4 ; the 5th is usually the longest of all ; the tertials being § less. The gradation of the tail is 1^ to 2 inches, or more than in the prece- dent ; and the tail is longer in proportion to the bird. This, with the customary preva- lence of the 5th alar quill over the 4th (in Ni- palensisthe 4th is more often the longest), constitutes all the difference of external structure between the two species which the • The absence of the speculum is a fixed peculiarity of importance in distinguishing’ the speci es. ■i Possibly there may be a second species, bearing the same relation to Nipalensis as ex- cubitoroides does to excubitor; but I doubt it. most rigid examination can establish. The sexes entirely resemble each other ; nor does nonage afford any very obvious mark. Colour. Head and neck, superiorly, as far as the gape, with the top of the back, the wings, and tail, jet black. Body, superiorly and laterally, with the vent and tail coverts, brilliant rusty: body below, pure white, in summer subtinted rusty : lining of wings and quills internally and basally, the same : lateral tail feathers paled, basally and marginally, to rufescent white, and the whole broadly tipped with the same hue : tertials next the body with broad rufous margins : a white speculum on the primes, apert and appearing (as usual) from below the false wing : bill and legs, black : iris, dark brown. In the young, the colours are less clear and deep ; the black parts diluted with brown ; the caudal marks confused ; and the bill and legs by no means fully jet ; the former having a clear blue grey or fleshy hue towards the base and along the tomiae. 3rd Species. Ferrugiceps or Rusty- pate nobis. Structure essentially the same as in the two precedent, but assimilating with Collurio minor by its smaller size, longer wing, and shorter and more even tail. 8 inches long by 10§ in expanse: bill 12-16ths ; tail 3|^. Tarsus 1, l-16ths ; central toe,10-16ths ; hind, 7-16ths : weight 1 oz. Wings but 2 inches short of the tail, which has the extreme laterals gradated less than one inch, and the i*est trivially rounded. Crown of the head and rump, brilliant rusty ; the former margined to the front and sides with white : back, tertials, coverts, and cau- dal plumes, rusty-brown : primaries and false wing, black : no speculum : tertials and covex’ts with broad rusty margins : lores, lower part of orbitar region and ears, black. Below, wholly white, subrufescent on the flanks : legs and feet, slaty blue : bill, gray blue, with black tips : iris, brown. Female, similar, save that the facial black band is pale brown in her. Almost confined to the lower region of Nepal. Manners of the pre- ceding two species. LANIANiE. Genus T^nthaca nobis. T^ntha and T^nthaca of the Nipalese Tarai’. The birds of this proposed genus differ very signally from the typical Lanii (Collu- rio of Vigors) by a longer, straighter, slen- derer, and more conical bill, distinctly fossed at the base, and less incumbered by the fron- tal plumes, more suddenly bent at the tip, and less powerfully hooked and toothed ; by longer and stronger wings ; a shorter and even tail ; and much feebler legs and feet, with toes differently constructed and HODGSON ON LANIANiE. 447 more exclusively suited to perching. In all respects, there is a strong tendency towards our Edolian Bhuchangas, especially Albi- rictus, which has a bill almost exactly like that of our T^nthaca. Without museum or library, I can, however, but faintly indicate the probable novelty of this form or its true position ; and I shall therefore proceed to such and so careful an account of the struc- ture and proportions of the two species I possess, as will enable men of science in Europe to decide on the propriety and on the location of the proposed genus. 1st Species and type, new. Pelvica nobis. Structure and size. Bill from § to f longer than the head, straight, porrect, co- nico-compressed with roundish ridges, and sub-convex sides ; at base nearly as high as broad and gradually attenuated forwards : a third of the culrnen carinated and hid ; the rest, very gradually inclined to the hook, which is decided and sudden,, but much feebler than in the foregone : tooth, notch, and recurve, moderate. Nares somewhat advanced, but nearer to the gape than the tip, oval, subtransverse, placed at the fore end of a distinct, broad, and membraned fosse, shaded posteally and superiorly by a process of the fossal membrane and closely shut by an adpressed setaceous tuft. Rictus somewhat elongated and firm, reaching be- yond the middle of the tail, or If inches less its end. The 5th quill usually longest ; the 4th and 6th subequal to it ; the 1st more than half as long as the longest. Tertials, f inch less primes. Legs and feet, some- what feeble : tarsi, low, but longer than any toe : acrotarsia, strongly scaled. Toes rather short, depressed, unequal : fores, basally connected ; the outer, beyond the joint ; the inner, half way to it. Thumb stout, equal in length only to the inner fore. Claws very falcate, small, compressed, acute ; hind, strongest. Tongue, short, pointed, and bifid or jagged. Intestines, 11 to 12 inches long, with two tiny coeca near the end. Stomach muscular, of medial subequal thickness, and toughish only on the inside. Food, chiefly grilli, also mantides, crickets, carpenters, grubs (not worms), and caterpillars. Takes its prey either on the wing or amongst foli' age. Is shy, adhering to the forests, and has the unamiable voice of the typical Lanii. 9f inches long by 14f wide and 1^ oz. Bill 1, 3-16ths ; tail, 4; tarsus, 15-16ths ; central toe, lU-16ths; hind, 7-16ths. A closed wing 4f to whereof the 1st quill is2|, the 2nd 4, the 3rd 4f , the 4th, one or two, and the 6th two or three, lines less the 5th and longest : the rest, after the 6th, rapidly decreasing till they are taken up by the tertials, which occurs at the 9th quill. Colour. Half the nareal tuft with the upper surface of the head and neck, soft grey blue : the other half of the nareal tuft with the lores, orbits, ears, and part of the neck, black : body above, with the wings and tail, rusty brown ; a band across the croup, and the whole inferior surface, white : alar and caudal plumes, with their larger coverts, zoned all round, just within the pale edge, by a blackish zigzag line : lower part of the black, more or less lineated trarrsversely withthe same. Bill, black : legs, dusky slaty : iris, light brown. The female is rather larg- er than her mate, and has the cap and man- tle of an uniform greyish brown. She has no black band on the sides of the head : her bill is fleshy brown ; and her legs slaty or plumbeous. 2nd Species. Leucurus nobis. Size small : characters and habits of the precedent. 6f inches long,whereof the bill is 15-16ths, and the tail 2f . Above, sordid brownish grey, or stone grey : below, white, with a faint tint of fawn on the breast. Lores, orbits, and ears, black : nareal tufts, grey : longest superior tail coverts, black : the two central caudal plumes, concolorous with the body above, but darker ; the next, blackened, basally and internally, with gradual decrease and supercession by pure white : bill, dusky : legs, slaty : iris, dark brown. The female has a brownish instead of black facial band ; but is otherwise like her mate. Remarks. — Both the above species are much more common in the lower region of Nepal than in the central or northern. The resemblance of the bill to that of Bhuchanga Albirictus is (as already noted) striking. There is, also, a considerable likeness in this member to the rostrum of Phoenicornis princeps ; but it is longer in proportion, less plumed at base, less spreading laterally, more conical and slenderer, but, at the same time, stronger than in Phoenicornis. The feet, too, of our genus are very similar to those of both the above named species ; with, however, a much nearer approach in this instance to Phoenicornis. The wings have less power and acumination than those of Phoenicornis or of Bhuchanga, particularly the latter. But they have, and more palpably, a greater share of both qualities than the wings of the typical Lanii. I have no species of the restricted genus Lanius wherewith to compare our lYnthaca. But if (as is asserted) the bill and feet of Lanius be similar to those of Coliurio, there can be no que.stion that our genus differs most materially from Lanius in regard to those most influential members ; tho’ it ap- proximate thereto, in the structure of the wings and tail. Valley of Nepal, 1836. t '•48 1 GENERAL SCIENCE. CATALOGUEOF PLAN TS COLLECTED AT BOMBAY. By John G]?.aham, Esq. {Continued from page 382.) 69. Barleria pronilis. r Common on waste 60. ,, tongifolia 1 lands. 61. ,, cristata.* 62. Bomhan pent andrum. 63. ,, heptaphyllum. The first I have only seen in gardens ; the latter is a very common tree. Boih are deciduous, and the numerous large glowing red flowers of the latter make a very showy appearance when the tree is totally destitute of leaves. Fe- bruary and March are its flow'ering months. The cotton, I believe, which it produces, is of no value. 64. Butea frondosa. The immense clus- ters of red coloured pea flowers which this tree produces, have also a very showy appear- ance— they come before the leaves, — inde- pendent of the flow^ers, the tree has nothing to recommend it in the way of beauty. It is not very common ; several grow in Elephanta. 65. Butea superha. A very strong climber, with far more splendid flowers. It grows on Salsette— rave. 66. Bryonia grandis. 67. ,, scabra. 68. Borassus fiabelliformis. Tall Palmy- ra tree; common. 69. Borago Indica. Avery common an- nual springing up in the rains. 70. Bignonia Rheedii. I have only seen one tree. The flowers grow on a scape flve or six feet long, and give the tree a carious appearance at a distance. 71. Ceinna. Indica. 72. Costus speciosus. Found it on a hill near Wuzaum Poona road. 73. Curcuma montana. Very common on the top of the Ghauts. A species of arrow- root is made from it. 74. Cissus vitiginea. 75. ,, carnosa. 76. ,, 4-angularis. 77. ,, ripanda. 78. ,, crenata. 79. Convolvulus spmosMS. Elephant ci’eep - er. 80. vated. f9 batatas. Extensively culti- 81. turpithum. 82. grandiflorus. 83. paniculatus- * I have picked specimens of this plant in Danes* Island, Whuinpoa, China. A. very good figure of it is given in Osbeck’s voyage to Chi- na—a work which those who write on the bo- tany of that country should not fail to consult. — Edit. 84. pes-casprae * 85 tigridis 86. mu7-tcatus‘ There are seve ral other species of Convolvulus common, but 1 have not been able to identify them. 87- Colfea Arafeica In gardens only. 88. Capsicum annuum. Commonly culti- vated in gardens. 89. frutescens. Ditto. 90. Cocculus cordifolius, 91. Cicer or ietinuni. Extensively culti* vaied in the Deccan and Guzurat. The grain jilant. Horses are fed with it instead of corn. 92 Celosia margaritacea. An annual springing up every where in the rains. 92. Carissa Carandas. Curwund of the Natives; a very common shrub strongly armed, and producing black berries about the size of a sloe, which are eaten raw, or made into jellies, &c. 93. C. spinarum. Berr'es red. This spe- cies 1 have only seen in gardens. 94. Cerhera Thevetia. Only in gardens. 95. Ceropegia tuberosa. Very rare, I have only once seen it on Malabar Hill. 96. Crinum asiaticum. 97. Cardiospermum Halicacabum. 98. Cassytha. filif 07-mis. Common in jun- gles. 99- Cassia. Fistula. Elephanta and Salsette. 100. ,, Sumatruna. In gardens only. 101. ,. auriculata. Very common in the sterile parts of Deccan. 102. Cochlospermum Gossi/pium. ?in gar 103. ,, serratifolium. } dens. - 104 Coreopsis tinctoria. Grown in [;ots See., as an ornamental plant. 105. Crataeva religiosa- Commonly to be found in the neighbourhood of temples. 106. Cactus Ficus indica. 107. Calyptranthus caryophyllata. Native name Jamb ; the fruit is eaten. 108. Capparis Zeylonica. 109. ., trifoliud, or Crataeva religiosa, 110. ,, sepiaria. 111. ,, acuminata. 112. Calophyllum A Viry pretty tree, common in the Concan and Ma labar. Gil is expressed from the seeds and used for lamps by the poorer classes of natives 113. Corchorus acutanguhis. Annual common in the rains 114. Clerodendrum Siphonanthus In gar- dens only. 115. ,, infortunafumf 116. Clerodendrum in gardens. * This fine creeper occurs abundantly on the shore by the race course of Macao in China, occupying the place of the C. of the Scottish coast. — Edi:. t This plant occurs in Danes’ I. China. — Edit. CATALOGUE OF PLANTS AT BOMBAY. 449 117. CAeomc o-phylla. 1 IS. ,, viscosa. 1 19. (Yoiularia verrucosa. 120 Cli'orea Ternaka. 121. Citrus Decumfl/ia. Puminalo or shad- idock. commonly cultivated. 1 22 . Citrus Auranfium 123. ,, Limetta. 124. Cacalia sonc7u/’o?ta.* . 125. Chrysanthemum I'ndicion. 126. Cadsuarina rnwrica/a. Common in Bombay, where it is planted for ornament. It shouts unvery rapidly. 127. Coix Lacliryma. 128. Cicc’A disticha. Fruit sometimes used for arts 129. Cocos nucifera. 130 Caryota xirens. Thi.ection of the cross wires of the teles- copes to the object observed, which, though small of themselves, ate destroyed like those of the level by their fortuitous compensation in many thousands of observations. 'I hese errors exist also (though I may add in a less degree) in the observations made with large instruments, as the mural circles. For the error of pointing is still found, though diminished by the greater power of the teles- cope, and that of the level is represented by the error of the plumb line. But in this case the small number of observations does not admit of a compensation as exact as in the repeating circle. If we suppose that the ac- curacy of mean results is in the ratio com - pounded of the number of observations, and of the length of the rauius of the instrument, one hundred observations made with a repeating circle of two decimetres, or about eight Eng- lish inches radius, would be equivalent to one observation made with a mural circle of twen- ty metres radius, or about sixty-six English feet. “ Could we obtain such instruments,” says M. Biot, “ and, above all, could we em- ploy them in observations which require us to transport them from place to place ?” Now, though the repeating circle is, in the hands of an able observer, an instrument capable of great precision, yet we cannot assent to the extravagant eulogium thus betowed upon it by M. Biot in his Astronomic Physique, be- cause it rests on assumptions too gratuitous to be granted without qualification ; and, as we have already remarked, he has not alluded at all to the errors inseparable from its construe - tion, and the method of using it when executed by the best artists. However perfect the damping screws may be, yet still, by repeating the observations, repeated small relative motions by pressure must take place between the verniers and limbs, which remain as a constant error that no continuation of the process of repetition can remove, because it arises from that very principle. If, however, an equal number of observaiions at nearly equal zenith distances on opposite sides of the zenith be taken, then on the principles of probabilities, it may be expected that the errors from this cause will likewise have a tendency to destroy each other. Thus, by a judicious use of the re- peating circle, it may be employed to great advantage in all observations which require a moderately sized instrument capable of easy transportation. Still, however, the complex nature of its construction and the involved methods of observation are inherent disad- vantages, which render a commodious instru ment of similar dimensions but more simple in principle a desideratum to a numerous class of practical astronomers. The only other instruments, whose prices are moderate, and dimensions convenient, are Captain Rater’s circle somewhat enlarged, and Mr. 1 roughton’s portable altitude and 452 THOMSON ON THE FORM ACTION OF SHLPHURIC ACID. azimuth circle. In these the repeating prin- ciple so much recommended in Borda’s, is dispensed with for the purpose of securing stability and permanency of adjustment, which are the main desiderata in the other. Though the same principle of repetition cannot be practised by these instruments as in that of Borda, yet the observations may be repeated near the meridian with success, in which the constant error arising from the imperfection of the repeated damping on Borda’s plan, is thereby avoided, while by means of three verniers carefully made, com- bined with the motion of the celestial body in zenith distance during the time of repetition, the errors of division and pointing will, if not entirely destroyed, be greatly diminished — a proposition suiiported by uniform experience. In this country the use of the great mural circle permanently fixed in the meridian is generally adhered to, and by means of its size, the power of its telescope, and the num- ber of its reading microscopes, its errors are supposed to be almost entirely destroyed, though the principle of repetition be aban- doned. Thus by the introduction of one advantage, another is lost instead of attempt- ing a union of both. The smaller circles possessing the property of repeating the ob- servations, may, therefore, approach very nearly the precision of the larger, as has been proved in the measurement of the French arc of the meridian compared with the British trigonometrical survey. It is indeed difficult to say, whether the final results of the one or the other possess the superiority, though the former was executed chiefly with Borda’s repeating circle of about 16 inches diameter, or 8 inches radius both with regard to astro- nomical and geodetical observations, while the latter had the benefit of a zenith sector of 8 feet radius, and a theodolite of 3 feet in diameter, both without the principle of repe- tition adopted by Borda. Hence, it may in general be concluded, that the principle of repetition employed in one class of instru- ments was nearly equivalent in securing accu- racy of results to the advantage of large size, and the superior power of the telescopes in the other. Hence, we may also infer, that one of Mr Troughton’s objections to the repeating circle, namely, that wdien the in- strument has a telescope of small power the observations are charged with errors of vision which the repeating principle will not cure, is not borne out by experience. Indeed we can- not comprehend the notion why the errors of vision as well as of division according to the usual doctrine of probabiltties are, if not de- stroyed, at least greatly diminished, by the principle of repetition. MM. Lenoir and For- tin have lately improved the movements of the repeating circle in some respects according to Puissant, and Mr. Troughton has given some of its parts abetter position for dimi- nishing friction and insuring accuracy of motion, though on the whole it is still com- plex in its construction, and, so long as its peculiar repeating principle is retained, it cannot be much simplified. The late M. Reicheubach,of Munich, constructed repeating circles, which for some time have enjoyed great reputation, chiefly on account of the goodness of the tangent and damping screws, and the accuracy of the division. The superior telescope is also attached to a circle turning with ease and precision within the graduated circle and having their faces both in the same plane. On the recommendation of Laplace this artist const! acted a large repeating circle of this description for the Royal Observatory at Paris. Whatever properties it may possess yet it has been thought advisable to have also a large mural circle on the principles of Mr. rroughlon constructed by Fortin, which the French express a liope will contribute greatly to the advancement of astronomy. From these circumstances it seems to be admitted that the powers of the repeating circle have been overrated, and that the advantages deriv- ed from the repeating principle aie in a gieat degree counterbalanced by the delects of Its consliuction. May we, thereiore, irjfer that the smaller class of portable circles of the constructions of Troughton and Kater, which admit of repeating the observations near] the meridian a sufficient number of times to insure accuracy, are, from the compactness of their structure, their stability, and ac- curacy of motion, superior to the repeating circle. Of al! these circles Kater’s is the cheapest and susceptible of great accuracy when not too small. The size 1 would ven- ture to recommend would be about 6 or 8 inches in diameter with telescopes magnifying 20 or 30 times and the three verniers each reading 10 . To those who are willing and able to afford the expense, one of Troughton’s altitude and azimuth circles of 10 or 12 inches in diameter would prove an excellent instru- ment, liiough for travellers it would be rather to,) heavy. lu th >t case Katei’s would be a good substitute, and its efficiency will be snov\ trill the following observations. {To he continued.) ON THE FORMATION OF SULPHURIC ACID. By Thomas Thomson, M. D. F. R, S- L. and £. &c. Regius Professor of Chemistry in the University of Glasgouj. It is well known that sulphuric acid is ma- nufactured in this country by the combustion of sulphur. The sulphurous acid formed is passed into large leaden chambers, where it comes in contact with nitric acid and a small quantity of water ; the fumes of the nitric acid being sent into the leaden chamber at the same time with the sulphurous acid. Now, whenever any sloping part occurs in the leaden chamber at some height above the floor which is covered with water, there is a de- posit of a white saline matter. 453 THE RESULT OF THOMSON’S EXPERIMENT. This saline matter is in small scales. It has an excessively acid taste. When exposed to the air it gradually runs into a liquid, which is pure sulphuric acid. When thrown into water a violent effervescence takes place, nitrous gas is given off in abundance, and a solution of sulphuric acid remains. 1'his saline matter has been repeatedly examined. Davy considered it to be a compound of nitric acid and sulphurous acid. Dr. Henry examined it some years ago, and concluded from his experiments that it is a compound of hyponitrous acid and sulphurous acid. By the kindness of Mr, Tennant I have had repeated opportunities of examining this matter in a state of great purity. 1 have subjected it to various experiments, and have been led to form a different opinion from that entertained by Dr. Henry of its composition. How far the experiments which I shall detail warrant that opinion, I leave to practical chemists to determine. The analysis is not quite satisfactory, because we cannot deter- mine experimentally the quantity of water present. 1 . When a quantity of the saline matter is mixed with water in a retort, a strong effervescence takes place, and nitrous gas escapes in torrents. The whole dissolves in the water, with the exception of a small quantity of white matter, the weight of which varies in different specimens. This white matter when dried is a tasteless powder, insoluble in water. When heated it takes fire, and burns with a blue flame, while some sulphur sublimes. What remains is pure sulphate of lead. These phenomena characterize lead sulphite of lead. Hence, it is evident, that the saline matter from the leaden chambers contains sulphite of lead. From 550 grains of saline mat- ter 1 obtained 8*43 grains of sulphite of lead, or about 1.53 per cent. In another ex- periment ICO grains of the saline matter yielded 1’4 grains of sulphite of lead, or somewhat under one per cent. These two experiments show the two extremes ; in all the others the quantity was intermediate. 2. 58 grains of the saline matter were heated in a small retort. The solid matter became partially liquid and fumes of nitrous acid made their appearance. On increasing the heat an effervescence took place, and gas passed rapidly. It was yellow like nitric acid fumes, and like that acid acted on mercury, which prevented me from collecting th^^gas. When the effervescence stopped, a colourless liquid remained with a small deposit of sul- phite of lead at the bottom of the retort. This liquid was colourless, but it effervesced violently giving out nitrous fumes w’^hen mixed with water. It remained, therefore, the same mixture or compound as the original saline matter. 3. When the saline matter is triturated with carbonate of ammonia, combination takes place without any sensible decomposition. 4. It was triturated with a quantity of bi- carbonate of potash in powder, which from pre- vious experiments was judged capable of just saturating the uncombined acids. Ftimes of nitric acids were given off till the w'hole be- came quite dry. The trituration being continued, the mixture softened into a white paste, which was left exposed to the air for some hours. On examining this residue, it was found to consist chiefly of a mixture of sulphate of potash and carbonate of potash with a very little nitrate ; the nitric acid had been almost all dissipated during the tritu- ration. 5, 160 grains of the dry saline matter were put into a retort mixed with water and the deutoxide of azote collected as it was extri- cated. The quantity of this gas evolved, supposing the thermometer at oO'’ and the barometer at 30 inches, was 59 35 cubic inches. The liquid in the retort being freed from the sulphite of lead, was found to be a solu- tion of sulphuric acid in water, without any trace of nitric or sulphurous acid. This sul- phuric acid being obtained partly in the state of sulphate of soda, and partly of sulphate of barytes, amounted to 132.24 grains= 105*79 grains of sulphurous acid. The weight of the nitrous gas obtained was 1917 equivalent to 34 5 grains of nitric acid. The constituents obtained were. Sulphurous acid 105*79 Nitric acid 34*50 Sulphite of lead 1-40 Hrrg Loss 18‘3i 160- This loss must be water. The constitu- ents then are very nearly 1 atom nitric acid 6*75 5 atoms sulphurous acid. 20 00 3 atomswater 3*375 30*125 That the acid present is nitric and not hyponitrous I infer from the phenomena of the distillation of the saline matter ; and from our knowledge of the factthat nitric acid is actually introduced into the leaden cham- bers along with sulphurous acid, and there being nothing present to convert it into hyponitrous. There is no evidence from the analysis that the whole acid of sulphur was in the state of sulphurous acid. I am induced from the pro- portions found to suspect that 2-8ihs of it was in the state of sulphuric acid, and 3-5ths in that of sulphurous acid. On that supposition it is easy to see how the atom of nitric acid, by giving out 3 atoms of oxygen, converts the 3 atoms of sulphurous into sulphuric acid, while the acid thus decomposed makes its escape in the form of deutoxide of azote. The preceding analysis was repeated with very nearly the same result. If the supposi- tion of the saline matter containing 2-5ths of sulphuric and 3-6ths of sulphurous acid be 454 IMPORTANT DISCOVERIES IN SCIENCE. admitted, then the constitution of the portion examined must have been Sulphurous acid. 63*87 Sulphuric acid. 62 90 Nitric acid 34 50 Sulphite of lead 140 Water 7 33 160*00 his approaches pretty closely to 3 atoms sulphurous acid . . 12 2 atoms sulphuric acid . . . . lO 1 atom nitric acid 6 75 1 atom water 1*125 29*875 Probably the -water was in combination •with the sulphuric acid. — Records of Science. NOTICE OF SOME RECENT IMPROVE- mentsin science. electricity. electricity by CONTACT.-Ac- cording to Karsten, the metals, and, perhaps, all solid bodies, become positive in fluids; and the fluid in which they are plunged becomes negative. 2. A solid, which is half immersed in the fluid, acquires an electric polarity ; the sub- mersed portion possesses positive electricity, and that which is not immersed, negative electricity. 3. Solid bodies present a great difference in their electro-motive force, in relation to the same fluid, and this difirerence is the true cause of the electrical, chemical, and mag- netic activity of the circuit. 4. If two solid electromotors, but of differ- ent electro-motive force, are immersed in the same fluid without touching, the most feeble electromotor receives the opposite electricity to that of the strongest eleclfomotor, and be- comes, of consequence, negatively electric. 5. The half of the weakest electromotor, which rises above the fluid, exhibits the oppo- site electiicity to that of the immersed portion, and becomes, consequently, positively elec- trical. 6. The electro-motive electricity of a fluid depends on the property of being reduced by two solid electromotors, of difft-rent force, to such a state that the two electromotors re- ceive opposite electricities. In general, all fluids which are bad conductors of electricity, possess the properly which has been pointed out ; but not fluids which are not conductors, nor those which are good conductors. How- ever, the intensity of the electro-motive force of fluids does not depend only on the more or less imperfect conductibility, but on other relations which are not sufficiently known. 7. The electro-motive effects of two metals, which forma circuit in the same fluid, are founded upon the continual excitation and neutralization of the opposite electricities which take place in the fluid. They are produced by the electro-motive action of the strongest and weakest of the electromotors upon the fluid, and are accelerated by the immediate contact of two solid electromotors, when the latter are good conductors. 8. The chemical changes which take place in the fluid are, it is true, in proportion to the neutralization of the two electricities produ- ced by the solid elements of the chain. But these chemical changes, and the neutralization, do not follow as cause and effect. 9 In the system of chains which forms the pile of Volta, the opposite electricities are completely neutralized by the solid elements of each chain ; that rs to say, by the pairs of plates ; and there is no electrical current from one pair to the other. (UJmtitvt. 150.) ELECTRICITY FROM DEOXIDA- TION. Ir is well known, that when the peroxide of manganese is brought in contact with platinum, positive electricity passes into the platinum, and the negative into the finger, or whatever body the peroxide is touched with. De Larive has ascertained that the development of the electricity proceeds from chemical action, as it is very weak with distilled water, but becomes strong- er with acids or alkaline solutions ; for wood being substituted for the platinum, the same effects are produced when the finger is dipped in an acid or alkaline solution, and applied to it. (Ibid, 155.) PEROXIDE OF LEAD, according to Munck, when brought in contact with other electromotors, as copper, zinc, carbon, and peroxide of manganese, developes negative electricity much more strongly than any other body hitherto examined ; and forms an excel- lent conductor of electricity. Hence, it may be employed with great advantage in the con- struction of dry piles, and even in common piles, instead of copper. (Poggendorjf*s Ann, (1835-6.) CAPILLARY ATTRACTION. 1. Dutrochet, some years ago, observed, that when two distinct fluids in a tube are se- parated from each other by a partition having capillary pores, the liquid soon begins to pass in currents through the dividing medium ; but tlie quantity of liquid in each is not the same , so that one of the fluids acquires a greater vo- lume than the other. The stronger stieam Dutrochet terms endosmose, and the weaker current exosmoie. Some have supposed, that the difference in the adhesion of the particles of different liquors was the cause of this phe- nomenon ; and that the endosvwse always took place from the side of the less glutinous fluid. But when solutions of gum and sugar were tried, the endosmose took place from the gum to the sugar, even when the former was twice as much concentrated as the latter. Many acids, as nitric, muriatic, phosphoric, and acetic, when they are separated from wa- ter, by an animal membrane, receive the endosmose from the latter. Concentrated sulphuric acid destroys the membrane ; and, when diluted, exhibits no signs of endosmose. When oxalic acid and water are employed, the endosmose proceeds from the acid to the DRAPER’S AND MRS. SOMERVILLE’S EXPERIMENTS. 455 water, and increases in proportion to the strength of the solution. By itself, however, oxalic acid passes more slowly through ani- mal membrane than water. When a solution of tartaric acid exceeds the specific of 1‘05, the endosmose takes place from the water to the acid ; if it is lighter than 1‘05, the pro- cess is reversed. The same happens with citric acid. Dutrochet terms the passage of the oxalic acid to the water, inverse endosmose. The mineral acids do not exhibit this phenome- non; phosphoric acid, however, exhibits it for an instant, when reduced by the addition of water, to the specific gravity of 1*085. Change of temperature affects the passage of the acid through the membrane, as it does its specific gravity. This agrees with the experiments of Girard, upon the flowing of pure water, and water containing nitrate of potash, through capil- lary glass tubes. A solution of one part nitrate of potash in three parts water, at the tempera* ture of 40®, flows more readily through a ca- pillary tube than pure water ; while above 40® the reverse happens. Dutrochet has found these observations to hold only with animal membranes ; not with vegetable, or thin inor- ganic porous p\zXes.—{Pharmaceutisches Ceir tral-hlatt, Feb. 1836, 92) 2. Jerichau,*of Copenhagen, has obtained some interesting results on this subject, A forked glass tube, 1| line in diameter, was closed at one extremity with sealing wax, and then the closed leg was filled with water, the covered portion with mercury, and the open leg partly with an aqueous solution of sugar. '1 he tube was placed in a vertical position. In the course of a week the mercury in the closed leg rose a line, which might lead to the supposition that the wax hadnot been so close- ly applied to the glass as to prevent the exist- ence of any capillary opening between the wax and glass. To determine this point ano- ther equally curved tube was taken, fused at one extremity, and filled as before. To as- certain the smallest rise, a small mirror, with a transverse scratch upon it, was placed be- tween the legs of the tube, close to the bent legj so that the scratch, when it cut the re- flexion of the eye over the pupil, appeared as a tangent to the upper surface of the mer- cury in the tube. On a small rise of the mercury, the eye must be brought forward, when the scratch appears still to be the tangent of the mercury, and passes immediately through the middle of the reflexion of the eye. After trial, it was found that a tube fused at one end, and about a line in diameter, an- swered the desired purpose. This tube was filled with water, and then a globule of mer- cury, which occupied 0’7 line of the tube, was placed in it | some pulverized sugar was dis- solved in the water. The tube was then made fast to the mirror, and placed horizontally, in order that the mercury might not be pressed down by its own weight. The drop slowly progressed towards the closed end of the tube. After the lapse of a month, it had advanced about a line. The water which was expelled, mixed itself with the sugar solution ; and this was concentrated by evaporation, without de- positing any crystals. A solution of gum, sub- stituted for that of the sugar, gave the same result. In ten days, the drop of mercury ad- vanced 0*2 lines towards the closed end of the tube. The converse of this experiment was tried will) a portion of a straight tube, which was fused at one extremity. A dense solution of sugar was placed between the closed end and a drop of mercury ; and before the drop some water was introduced. If the latter evapo- rated, it was renewed. The drop advanced towards the open end of the tube, while the saccharine solution increased in volume by the absorption of water. Extending his researches in this way, with different liquids, Jerichau draws six inferen- ces from his experiments. 1. That liquids, separated by porous plates, reciprocally penetrate in part through these plates. This, however, has been previously stated. 2. The proportion of the volume, which passes from both solutions in equal time, de- pends on the nature of the solutions and par- tition as well as the temperature. It is not, however, a necessary condition, that a greater volume should pass through the plate from the one solution than from the other; or, that on one side of these plates a greater volume should enter, as Dutrochet erroneously thinks. 3. When the diffusion is terminated, tha volume remaining on each side of the parti- tion may be calculated from the original vo- lume, being inversely, as the square root of its density ; as Graham has shewn with regard to gases. If equal volumes of a saturated solu- tion of common salt, and solution of sugar of the specific gravity 1'078, are separated by a bladder, the first increases in volume at first but diminishes in specific gravity, in a great- er degree than would take place by a regular mixture. 4. The height to which solutions ascend in capillary tubes, is often proportionate to the quantity of liquid diffused. Thus, some solu- tions, which rise highest in capillary tubes, are conveyed in strongest streams, but there are many exceptions to this rule. 5. Liquids are not only conveyed through solid porous plates, but also through a short canal between mercury and glass. 6. By the chemical action of electricity, the proportion of the liquid which passes may be increased ; but this cause only operates, in so far as it separates acids, alkalies, and salts, OPTIC^. EFFECT OF LIGHT IN MAGNETIZING NEEDLES. — Mr. Draper* has repeated the experiment of Mrs. Somerville, which consist- • Journal of tlie Franklin Institute, Februa- ry, 1835. • Poggendorff’s Annalen, xxxiv. 613. 456 MAGNETO-ELECTRIC CURRENTS. ed in rendering a needle magnetic by placing it under a piece of glass, or blue ribbon, having half its length protected by paper. He did not succeed. He made a very delicate experiment, by admitting “ a divergent beam of light through a hole in the shutter of a dark room ; the cone of luminous matter, at its apex, was about 1*1 0th of an inch of diameter, and a hair, or other filament held in it, exhibited the phenomena of diffraction ; the colours being received into the eye by a lens. Across this beam a silver wire was adjusted, and each of its extremities con- nected v;ith cups of mercury, which commu- nicated with the poles of a voltaic battery. It was expected that, if there was any action between a magnetic filament and light, some derangement would be seen in the diffracted fringes, when the current passed ; but none such was observable.” He found also, that solar light concentrated upon a delicate needle, produced no effect, either in the air or in vacuum. “ A needle made of watch spring, about 4 inches long, which in an exhausted receiver, suspended by a filament of silk, exhibited no polarity, had one half of it exposed to the violet ray, cast by an equi- angular prism of flint glass. This ray was separated from the others, by passing it through a slit in a metallic screen, and half the needle shielded by a piece of paper. After two hours exposure, it was suspended again in the exhausted receiver, but still showed no token of polarity ; it was then exposed to the other rays successively, with the same result*” Mr. Boyle found, that a piece of amber would become electrified by exposure to a sunbeam. Mr. Draper produced the same effect on ruby from Ceylon, rolled sapphire, a tourmaline, a Brazilian emerald, a topaz, and likewise glass. He attributes this to the agency of the light, and not to the heat ; be- cause, when exposed to the action of heat from another source, in the same degree, no such consequence followed. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. hlETHOD OF DETERMINING THE ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIBILITY OF SMALL MASSES. — The usual method of determining this property in bodies, consists in interposing between an electrical somce and a metallic wire attached to a sensible electroscope, the body whose conductibility is to be ascertained. For this purpose, an electrical machine, a voltaic or a dry pile is employed. Several ingenious apparata have also been substituted, Lassaigne recommends a modification v/hich he has found to answer. To one of the wires of Schweigger’s multi- plier, he attaches a small platinum spoon con- taining dilute nitric acid ; above this spoon, is fixed upon a support, a small glass tube, 2*3 inches long, and ;19 inch in diameter. A wire of red copper curved at one of its extre- mities, traverses it for two-thirds of its length. To this distance the wire is flatten- ed into a spatula, or terminated by a disk. To this part of the ware the body to be tried is attached It is then touched on the other side with the end of the other wire of the multiplier, and then the curved portion of the copper wire is plunged into the nitric acid. If the body placed between the two wires is a conductor of electricity, the magnetic needle instantly deviates. He has also found, that a thermo-electric cylinder is very conve- nient ; it is formed, by soldering, end to end, two small cylinders, the one of Bismuth, and the other of Antimony. When placed in a glass tube and slightly heated at the point of union, it was placed in contact on one side, with one of the wires of a multiplier, and on the other, with the substance to be tried, and touched at its opposite extremity, with the other wire of the multiplier. The results werp. similar to those obtained by the first method ; Arsenic and Tellurium were found to be conductors.^ CHEMICAL ACTION OF ELEC- TRICAL CURRENTS.— The experiments of M. Botto lead to the conclusion, that the direction of a magneto-electric current has an influence, like that of a hydro-electric cui;- rent, upon the facility which it may have in passing through the same system of conduct- ors. Mr. Faraday has proved, that the dif- ferent substances which form a circle, expe- rience, in similar circumstances, an equal magneto-electric induction, and, conse- quently, a tendency to produce the same current. Botto has confirmed this fact. He disposed a magneto- electric helix, having two distinct and equal ends, in such a man- ner, that when it was traversed in a contrary direction by two currents developed by influ- ence, these two currents neutralized them- selves. If in the circle, which these currents are obliged to traverse, we place a vessel filled with acidulated water, and communica- ting with the conductors on one side by a wire, on the other side by a plate of the same metal, the currents are neutralized. But, if one of them is made stronger than the other, by a change in the number of the spirals in the magneto-electric helix, the effect upon the galvanometer which results from this dilference of intensity, is much more decided, when the most powerful current passes into the liquid from the wire to the place, than in the contrary direction. Hence, it would ap- pear, that w'e are to attribute the double phenomenon which the same heterogeneous circle presents, under the relations of electric conductibility, to the difference of chemical re-action which accompanies the passage of the currents.-f ATMOSPHERICAL ELECTRICITY. — M. Matteuci has lately made some inter- esting experiments upon this subject. 'They were conducted, in what is termed in Italy, an English wood (that is, one of small extent) consisting of Robinia pseudacacia, Platinus Occidentalis, Gleditzia iriacanthos, Melia, 8fc. The electroscope with which the experiments were made consisted of a stem of wood, at * Journ. de Cliim. Medic, i. 63r* t Bibliotheque Universelle, February, 1835. EXPERIMENTS OF M. LLAMBIAS. 457 the extremity of which was placed a common lamp ; a copper wire conducted the electricity from the flame to an electroscope. On rainy or windy days, a very thin portion of phos- phorus was substituted for the lamp, and was kept in a tube of glass terminating in a point. He found, that whenever the electricity of the atmosphere is positive (which is always the case in calm weather), it is impossible to have any traces of electricity in the interior of a wood. The most curious mode of observ- ing it, is to move, carrying the electroscope in the hand, either out of the wood, or above the leaves. The flame is scarcely removed 10 paces from the trees, when traces of electri- city begin to appear. These increase with the distance. In returning, the first tree is scarcely reached, when the electroscope ceases immediately to indicate the presence of electricity. These general results can only be explained by one of two hypotheses ; either, that the electricity of the air is discharged by the leaves and the vapour of water, and escapes by this means into the earth, or, that there is developed by the effect of vegetable life, — by the respiration of plants, enough of negative to neutralize the positive electricity of the surrounding air. The second hypo- thesis appears most plausible, because it is difficult to admit the second, when we attend to the conducting power of the flame, and of the column of hot air which is much superior to that of the leaves. The results of a great number of observa- tions showed that in the night, signs of elec- tricity are often absent, both in the air, and in the interior of a wood. At the approach of day, before the sun appears above the hori- zon, decided indications of negative electricity appear among the trees, while none are detect ed in the open air. We can readily under- stand this observation, if we admit that oxygen is disengaged from the leaves before the rays of the sun strike them directly. In this case, negative electricity appears. If the sky is calm, the signs of negative electricity disappear in the interior of the wood, at the same time that positive electricity is developed in the air- On three days, when the sky was cloudy, and almost stormy, negative electri- city was detected in the external air, and in the wood. Hence, it may be inferred, that ne- gative electricity is disengaged by vegetation during the dry, which is constantly neutra- lized by positive electricity. Matteuci has promised to continue his observations, and expresses a strong desire that similar investigations should be undertaken by meteorologists in other parts of the world, especially in reference to rain.* NEW METHOD OF MAGNETIZ- ING.— M. Aime recommends the following method, which consists in tempering and magnetizing a bar of iron at the same time. To effect this, a bar of soft iron curved in the form of a horse-shoe, is surrounded with a brass wire, covered with silk ; the two ex- * BibUotbeqne Universelle, May, 1835, 33, tremities of this wire are made to communi- cate with the poles of the voltaic pile ; a bar of steel equal in length to the distance betw’een the two extremities of thehorse-shoe is then ignited, and seized between a pair of pincers; the two poles of the horse -shoe are then applied to the bar, and plunged into a bucket of water ; in the course of a minute or two after immersion, the bar is detached from the horse-shoe, and a|similar operation performed with similar bars extracted from the fire. In order to prevent the brass wire from softening, care must be taken in dip- ping the apparatus in water to envelope the two extremities of the helix in a rag covered with mastic. The ends of the conducting wire were soldered to the zinc and copper poles of the battery ; a single wire was em- ployed. Aime, however, considers that it may be preferable to unite several into a bundle, or even to take a ribbon of copper covered with silk or varnish. The bar ought not to be detached too quickly from the horse-shoe ; it is necessary to wait until the interior of the steel has acquired a slight elevation of temperature, in order that the molecules may have time to arrange jthem- selves, conveniently, for magnetizing and tempering. The duration of the immersion varies with the size of the bar, and the temperature which it possesses when taken from the fire.* 9 MAGNETISM BY COMMON ELEC- TllICITY.f — M. Llambias has addressed a manuscript upon this subject to the French academy. The results of his experiments were, 1. In every metallic conductor travers- ed by the discharge of a Leyden phial, two magneto- electric currents are simultaneously discharged, which pass in opposite directions, one of which may be said to proceed from the vitreous to the resinous pole, and the other from the resinous to the vitreous pole. 2. The currents can be partly separated from each other. This separation may be effected in dividing a discharge between two or several different branches of the same circle, when in some particular branch there is an interrup- tion which gives origin to the spark. 3. This separation of currents is more or less practi- cable, and is comprised within certain limits, which can be nearly determined by experi- ments for each discharge, and for each of the other elements which produce the phenome- non. 4. The separation of these currents may take place in any portion of the circle sub- mitted to the discharge, at the same time that the other parts of the same circle are traversed by currents completely re united. 5. In every circle, or every portion of the circle, which the two currents traverse in union, it is, in general, the current which passes from the vitreous to the resinous pole, or the pri- mitive current which has the chief effect in communicating the magnetic influence. 6. Each of the currents magnetizes so much the * Journal de Chime. Medic, i. 370. t Ibid, i 3S, 458 RECENT SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. more strongly in proportion, as it is separated or disengaged from the other ; and in gene- ral, we may say, that the magnetic power, produced by a discharge of the Leyden jar, is only the effect determined by the simulta- neous union of two magnetizing, more or less unequal and opposed, forces. 7. The com- mon simple spark of the machine produces analogous phenomena. — lbid» NOTICE RESPECT ING DR. EHREN- BERG’S COLLECTIONS OF DRIED INFUSORIA, AND OTHER MICRO- SCOPIC OBJECTS. To Richard Taylor, Esq.., &c. &c. British Museum, 21st Jnne,1836. Dear Sir, DR. EHRENBERG of Berlin, well known for his elaborate work on the Infuso- ria*, has recently presented to the British Museum a series of dried microscopic objects, consisting chiefly of infusory animalcules, globules of blood, &C', accompanied by a short notice (too shoit indeed) of his method of pre- paring them, and a list of the subjects. Dr. Ehrenberg preserves these most minute and pe- rishable of known organic formsby meansof ra- pid desiccation on little plates of mica, in winch manner he informs us that he has succeeded in making a very satisfactory dried collection, not only of nearly 300 species of Infusoria, but also of other kinds of microscopic objects. He mounts them betwen double plates of mica, fixed in the cells of slides, in the usual manner of preparing the scales of butterflies and Po- durce, and other transparent microscopic ob- jects ; and thus, he says, “ I have not only preserved the form and colour of the shielded (cuirasses ) Rotatoria and Bacillaria, but al- so the softest and most delicate o( the polygas- tiic Infusoria, even these of the genus Monas ; as well as the tissue of plants ; the Spermato- zoa. and CercaricB ; the different sorts of glo- bules of blood, with their nuclei; globules of lymph, chyle, and milk; and the nervous tubes, &c., of a great number of animals, and of man.” A power of about 3o0 (linear) is sufficient for viewing these objects, “ but a lower power does not show them satisfactorily, however well they may be illuminated ” I subjoin a list of the subjects presented to the Museum, and remain, Dear Sir, faithfully yours, John Geo. Children. Slide^ No. 1- 1. Monas viridis- 2. Polysoma uvella, and Monas termo. 3. Spirillum undula, and Vibrio bacillus. 4- Euglenia acus; Eu. viridis ; Eu- pyrum* 5“ Coleps hirsutus.. 6‘ Volvox globator. No. 2. 1. Paramecium caudatuin. 2. Glaucoma scintillans. 3. Trichoda carnium. 4. Charchesium polypinum. 5' Epistyli-s nutans. 6. Euplotes Charon. No. 3. 1. Stentor niger. 2. Paramecium aurelia. 3. Glaucoma scintillans. 4. Stentor polymorphus. 5. Stentor coeruleu-. 6. Idem— compressed, to show the testiculi. No, 4. 1* Nassula ornata. 2. Nassula elegans. 3. Nassula aurea. 4. Idem— Cl ushed, to show the teeth. 5. Chilodon uncinatus. 6. Chlamydomonas pulvisculus. No. 5. 1. Hydatina senta. 2. Idem — crushed, to show the teeth, 3. Polyarthra trigla. 4. Brachionus pala—with its eggs. 5. Brachionus rubens — ditto. 6. Anuraea aculeata. No. 6. 1. Globules of blood of the Sheep (Ovis aries). 2. Ditto of the Frog (Rana temporaria). 3. Grains of the Retina of the Eye of the same. 4. Spermatozoa vespertilionis murini. 5. Arhnanthes longipes. 6. Meridion vernale ; Fragilaria rhabdosoma ; Navicula acus ; Na. amphisbaina. Philosophical Magazine, August, 1836, EHRENBERG’S NEW DISCOVERY IN PALAEONTOLOGY : TRIPOLI COMPOSED WHOLLY OF INFUSORIAL exuvive At the sitting of the Royal Academy of of Sciences of Paris, July 11th, the following letter was communicated, dated Berlin the 3rd of July, from M. Alexander Brongniart: — ‘‘I have today become acquainted with a discovery entirely new, for which we are in- debted to M. Ehrenberg, and which he has demonstrated to me in the clearest manner ; it is that the rocks of homogeneous appearance which are not very hard, friable, even fissile, entirely formed ofsiiex, and which are known by the names of tripoli, more or less solid (PoUerschiefer of Werner), are entirely com- posed of the exuviae or rather of the perfectly ascertained skeletons of infusorial animals of the family of the Bacillaria and of the genera Cocconema, Gomphonema, Synedra, Gaillo- nelLa, &c. These remains having perfectly preserved the forms of the siliceous carcases of these infusoria, may be seen with the great- est clearnsss through the microscope, and may easily be compared with living species, observ- ed and accurately drawn by M. Ehrenberg. DR. RANKEN’S INVENTION. 459 In many cases there are no appreciable dis- tinctions. The species are distinguished by the form, and still more surely by the number oi septa or transverse lines which divide their small body ; and M. Ehrenberg, who has been able to count them by tlie microscope, has observ. ed the same number of these divisions in liv- ing and in fossil species- They are the tripolis of Bilin in Bohemia, of Santa-Fiora in Tuscany, and of other pla- ces which I do not lemeraber with certainty* (of the Isle of France and of Francisbad near Eger, if I am not mistaken,) which have given occasion to these curious observations. I’he slimy iron ore of marshes is almost wholly composed of Gaillonella ferruginea. The greater part of these species are lacus- trine, but there are also some marine, parti- cularly in the tripoli of the Isle of France.— Vlnstitut, No. \66.—lhid. BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. The next Meeting will be held at Bristol during the week commencing on Monday, August, 22nd ; the Members of the General Committee will assemble on the preceding Saturday. — Ibid. THE INDIA REVIEW. Calcutta : January 15, 1837- LORD AUCKLAND’S SCIENTIFIC PARTY. Tuesday 'Evening., Zrd January, 1837. We rejoice to see our prediction, regard- ing the ulterior good to be derived from the instructive and interesting entertainments at the Government House, realized. The ingenuity of talented men has been in active exercise, and discoveries have been displayed, which will tend to the most im- portant results. Although we cannot con- cede to Dr. O’Shaughnessy the merit of hav- ing discovered the working machine for pro- ducing moving power by the application of electro-magnetic influence, yet we must ac- knowledge that his contrivance of another machine, the model of which was exhibited at the Government House, and is described in our present number, does him great credit for ingenuity, perseverance, and zeal, and will add to that professional renown for pro- mising talents which he has so Justly attain- ed. In addition to the foregoing on the present occasion. Dr. Ranken, officiating secretary to the Medical Board, — a gentle- man already distinguished for his mechanical genius by his invention of the thermantidote, an engine by which ordinary houses in India can be both cooled and ventilated, brought forward a plan for discovering shoals or ob- structions in the way of steam vessels. Dr. Ranken forwarded to us a model, from which we had a drawing taken (plate 3, fig. 8,). The following is the account for which we are indebted to the author. “ The apparatus is attached to the fore part of the vessel, and is intended to act as she proceeds in her course. “ This imperfect model is supposed to represent a steamer afloat, and the trough, in which it slides, the channel of the stream. A shaft or pole (1), equal to the length of the ves- sel, isprojected forward from the bow, where it floats on a level with the waterline. At the further extremity of this shaft is a cylin- drical cross-bar, (2), the length of which being optional, is here somewhat greater than the breadth of the steamer. The crossbar, perforating a row of feelers, (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,) supports them in a vertical position, where the channel is clear, but allows them to ro- tate freely and to fall down, when pressed by any thing under water. A lever extending horizontally backward, with holes in it for receiving a weight at different distanees from the top of each feeler, counterpoises the pressure of the water and the force of the current on the immersed portion of the feeler. “ These feelers, the essential part of the contrivance, descend under water as far as the.keel, and rise above so as to be fairly in view from the deck of the steamer. If the lower ends of any of the feelers, thus im- mersed, come upon a shoal, sand bank, or sunken tree, they are forced backward and upward, when of course the opposite ends or tops, visible above water, sink forward and downward. The exact situation of any obstruction or danger to the vessel may in this manner be indicated in time, it is be- lieved, to enable the helmsman to avoid it, 460 LORD AUCKLAND'S SCIENTIFIC PARTY. by steering where other feelers, still remain- ing vertical, shew the channel to be clear. ** The small paper tubes on the tops of the feelers shew where lanterns might be placed, throwing out sufficient light ahead, and rendering every motion of the feelers con- spicuous, if the river were navigated at night as well as by day. “ If it were necessary, a man or two could be stationed before the cross-bar where the figure of a boat (3) appears in the model, to see that the machinery keeps in order.” Several of the scientific and nautical gen- tlemen who examined the model at the Go- vernment House suggested partial objections to the use of the apparatus. Its great length, one observed, would probably im- pede the vessel in turning to either side. Another remarked that, though the long shaft could now be taken off and put on again at pleasure, it was not sufficiently un- der command while attached to the bow at the water line. To obviate these inconve- niences, the same gentleman proposed to let the apparatus down to the water from the foremast, or from a sort of crane by which it might be placed in its proper posi- tion or lifted up as circumstances should require. A third, whose knowledge of steam navigation gave particular weight to his opinion, thought the contrivance unob- jectionable in ascending the river at the aate of 3 or 4 knots an hour, but not cal- culated to be of any use in coming down, at double that speed or more, when the warn- ing given by the feelers would not be suffi- cient to enable the steersman to avoid the shoals in his way. To these and other remarks the inventor replied to the following effect, in the course of the conversation which took place. With the exception of the metallic rods, each a quarter of an inch in diameter, which are to form the immersed portion of the feelers, the whole of the machinery is in- tended to be so light as to float on the sur- face like a blown bladder. Having the least possible hold on the water therefore, it will scarcely be any impediment to the move- ments of the steamer. Were the long shaft of the apparatus ex- tended from a mast or crane elevated above the deck, the height would, in addition to the present length of it, cause the feelers to describe the arc of a larger circle, rising higher and sinking deeper than the keel in the pitching motion of the vessel. It might be an improvement to attach the shaft by a long fork to the middle of the vessel on each side, at the water line, where there is least motion. It is not generally believed that the velo- city of a body through fluid renders it more difficult to turn aside, or a ship less obe- dient to the helm. It is not meant that the paddles should be backed or the steamer stopped, when the feelers indicate a shoal in her way. When they shew the exact spot where the danger lies, and at the same time let us know where there is enough of water, turning the rudder a few points to larboard or starboard, will apparently make the steamer take a safe course the more rea- dily the faster she is going. No objection seemed to be urged against the principle of the contrivance, the doubts expressed having reference chiefly to the manner of employing it. Dr. Ranken ex- pected to find that so simple and obvious a means of sounding the bed of a river had already been tried and rejected by practical men for reasons which he could not disco- ver. But this appeared not to be the case, and adverting to the great importance of being able to navigate the rivers of this country with safety in the night as well as the day time, he offered to place a complete apparatus at the disposal of any competent person who had inclination and opportunity to give the contrivance a fair trial. Mr. Prinsep and Dr. Weifer exhibited the powers of the ox-hydrogen microscope, by which sections of wood, the structure of plants, forms and dispositions of cellular and vascular tissues, and fibres of plants, as well as organic fabrics, cotton, &c. were accu- rately developed. Entomological descriptions Imtia. lieTiew ^ ■ ; A . . \J.; :■ V -.jj K ., Cv ;; . . - b fel ';»'ii'v. ti.;' 5 o ■ „ :■ , -j::. %. -■>44. ' " ' . ! ■■x>i:' .u 3"*' . , •tlJi' f-r ''i. J > A.V' ■^ -VA-.-i >■ Ci ;■ . l3'5;j<' -i: •- i\i lo. I -vc/f.i J'.; & n ; ■f.'^/vr'S-tnrj ?o f' ■ • ' .,noCi.; %(n 'n '' . ' sx'.T ^ ax. . .c . 7oO •. ^ u ®'V;ijD'V'» h' ? ■ .V’ ' '■{ ' ’i - HaWw W '‘ ^ ■' r ■,.■.• ,0-«D • PM f;rn ^ ' . j’ ■' •' - ■ •..rAor) "gnoi & jj. ■ ‘)::.yi .i\iH - VV ;•; /-A, " ■■A'W »';.aCC-:’-'5'< VV-'i, V;i . ->■ .^. i. .Uv ■■ '■■•■ ■ " >ir. ^ -v'a-; ; >■ V,.' ., \.V(: ; ; ., ; ‘ .^. ,. :, c im " i •> • ■ : '•.^ ■'^■' , ■■ : ' ;: .•'i'l i'i At’vl- SY v-M 'A - .L x-v • jV -v . ' i . J-i . . ■ ■ . , V\n n->^y ■''■ :■ j tr^- - i‘.\., 3. ..:.''7 '-''6 '': , '’5 Y ’■'•> ',rr ^ dpr. u ■■ . -ax. .A_i „j fSu ,(.; iXio-'^ '! '■ ' ■■ '■ ^ ' i' ■; '■■! ■ > .vs.t .070'VS/n ■•' ... . u.;» .^D a 'a. idJi^o ■K A’- I’tJ? ?.>iyn\7 9. t inOJiTli\ , .. JIl; A 'I- , aii£'5 .a. ^ ..A;...; rti .■■- ; "' >a£! '; ■ .. - '■'; r, -.3 T ■ ■ Y.a '■ •'(}’:■ .n 9b vA ',1:: , pt.lsi O ' ,.y A.--.V r.-i .y. f.Tf! 4,{fr) {{:!'>?■'{:, " ■■'• ■? , ,;.'od £'.■’ s'^c^ ■'.■.* J p pp.v b9iin.3.;;^3 ’ -■ -.-.Y ;> a.A jita :;. ; ; .:/ r >•■;.'. -cob .1; :ti'kO .r/^ 5: ash Ag •■ . • ,0 ’:■ ■'A;-.-. ■.';■■>■ OA.;. ,; . a.pgaf; :■ -'e -gaars'' ^ ^ ■, i r';.J0'A7;a .■>:.(''A;ti^.7 r ; >£-7? 9y .' i ..isro odi lahmr -nAdi-' i . . d ; : ^ -ravr iic 0, .,.'7x;£j , ■ >0 --xs:.; ;,g siiJ.- ‘S'lgorrs?!! va5iha^7 i;::3v c Sr , exii jg '■ - '■ ■ -ridid:' a'HSH-AM-.ja =:'Y8aa;KH;jrAHa’0 die. w.v>fa'‘' \o a'ac^rb'=f ar} Jje.'?? •«'V? '.08 bxifileofboM at year, when I directed the maker to cam-e it to revolve ami rise,) i.s moved by hand.whicli is incon ven’ent in saveia! res- pects; first, if a hole is made, the radiant point of tlie lens is abered, and peifi cl dis- tinctness is gone : tile object glasses are en- dangered, and in opening the door to adjust the lime, a light is thrown into the room. Moreover, one of tiie cylinders of lime will only last one exhibiiion, wlieieas, by being turned lemilaily, it would do for seveial. The improvement consists in causing the lime to revolve regularly and slowly, and, at the same time, lise gradually, wliereby the same part never comes under tlm action of the flame twice. (See plate, 3 fig. 5.) ABC is an uprigtit shaft, upon the upper end of which the cylinder ot Tune A is put ; DE a grooved wheel to be driven by an end- less screw, E, which endless screw lias a cog- ged wheel FGH, wliichis driven by a spring having a train of wheels, the whole being re- gulated by a fly. The screw Bis for the pur- pose of raising the shaft ABC when turning. By this screw the shaft A B C is raised ; one whole revolution raising it the distance of one thread on the scie'v ; the grooved wiieel D E slides freely upon the shaft by a sliding piece K, having a square hole in it filling the shaft, and which causes the wheel to turn along with it. That the wheel D E may not rise or fall, a groove or slit is marie in K. which runs in a piece of board L H. fastened to the lower b is one of tlie grooves ; ccthoslip of wood, much nariower than the groove, so that it can be laid in its place, and forced light up by tjie wedges w iv. 1 he enipty parts of the grooves may seive to prevent the instruments rolling oftThe board. Y^ours, &c., James Hennell. J une 4, 1836. Ibid^ NOTES AND NOTICES. OIL FROAI FLIES. — A society ha® feen formed in Geirnanyto e\tr,ic.i oiLfrom fiies, for trrpasing \v\\ee\> - Camhri m. A EROS r A fl ON.— A balloon is being consirucled, under ihe diiection of Mr. Green, of siicii dimensions as to be cauable of carfy- itig lO persons. Tlie gores of silk by which it will he I’ofmed are iieaily 100 feel in length, the centre being about 4 feet in width, and verging al the extremity to nearly a pouit. When finished, the balloon will be about 70 feet high. It is made of the best manufac- tured silk, 'J’he net which will sunound it weighs 3 cwt., whije' the wliole apparatus, • .Ffj;-'\viieels, I suppose. <^Print6r's> De»U\ 463 STEAM SUPERIOR TO - OTHER FORMS ^'OF. MOTIVE POWER. including net, but wiilvput gas, ballast, or passengers, will weigh about 7 cwt. IMPROVEMENTS AND EMBEL- lilSHMEN TS INuPA RIS.— ;The granite for llie ped.e'^ial of the obelisii of l.uxoi has an i ved, and only awaits the decrease of the waters of the Seine to he landed. It consists of .seven blocks, one of which weighs 120,0001 Is. I’he Hotel Dieu, it is said, will shortly be taken down, to carry on the beautiful line of quays which extend along each bank of the Seine. The sick will be removed to the Invaiides, which establi.'hment will be broken up. and formed into several bianche.s, in various parts of the country, where articles of provision, &c. are cheap. — Paris Advertiser. 'BRITISH MUSEUM BUILDINGS.— With the exception of the interior finishings, the northern side of the British IVlu'eum is com- pleted: and when the inteiior of this part is finished, the temporary communication on the western side to the Elgin. Marble room, &c, will be lenioved, and made to correspond with the eastern sitle. It will he a tew yeais before the old soutbern Iront, and the buildings . 'round the entrance court-yard are taken down ; but when they are removed, and the new . buildings completed, the Biitish Museum will be one of the most elegant architectural .■edifices, in the Grecian style of aicliitecture, fin the metropolis. 'I’he architect to the new buildings i.s Sir Robeit Smiike. — Arclntectu- XtaL Magazine for July. APPLIGATION OF S IE AM -POWER TO THE CULTIVATION OF LAND. S' Sir,— During the last twenty year.s steam- ploughs have been frequently on the tapis, ■ and perliaps ere long we .shall see them going about and undertaking to plough field.s for whoever may desire their assistance, and with very little more preparation than is now re- quired to place a portable thrashing-mill, i About the time that the Leeds Railway was • done, when high-pressure engines were much improved, the idea of thrashing by steam led me to think of making a portable plough, applicable to all kinds of land. Now that pu blic companies are forming that will requiie the use of such things, perhaps my old plan may t e useiul to some oi them. I send you, therefore, a description of it, that you may publish it as soon as convenient. The sketch (see plate. 3, fig, 6.) shows "my arrangements, made long ago, both for ploiigliing and harrowing land by steam-power- AA represent a piece of land to be plouglied B, a carriage on small wheels (or rollers it tlie ground is soft), which carries the steam-engine to work the wheel C ; D is another carriage, at the opposite end of the field, to carry ; another wheel E. On these two wheels 1 put an endless chain or rope FG, which, when worked by the sieam-engine.willdraw a plough T1 and hairow 1 in different directions; and when they ariive at the end, 1 cause botlitiie ‘ carriagesBand D to be nioved the width of the furrow, either to the right or'left, and reverse the motion of the engine to draw the plough a:ud harrow back again. In , placeof ah end- less chain, a with cylinders will answer the sarne purpose, by u^ing proper conducting pulleys on the opposite carriage. To mention any smaller details, Tpresume, is useless. . . I am. Sir, ' Your obedient'^ervant, J. Dickson, C. E. 9, Charlotte-street, Biacldriars-ioad, - - Jxme, IHSG.-^MechaniCs'Mdgazine. STEAM VERSUS VVA:rER. , (From the American Mechanic's Magazine.) Few persons, even in this age of inquiry and improvement, seem to be awaie of tlie vast rmperiority of steam over every, other forrh of motive pow'er. Many aie still, by ibis asser- tion, reminded of tlie anecdote of the famous B indley- In giving evidence before a Com* riiitti-e of the Hou-e of Commons on the subject of Canal.s, bespoke of their superi- oiity as a mode of communication in such • locided terms, tliat a meml er asked for what lie tbouglii rivers were intended ? he unhesita- tingly replied, tofeed canals." Now, though we say that the manufacture will one day “ feed his boiler from tlie falls,’’ we think that the assertion is not a bold one, and tliat it floes admit of proof. Some time ago, our attention was directed to a comparison of the expense of the two forms of power in the village of Lowell, po.s* .se.^sed of the best water power in the Union- The expense of steam to water wa.s said to be as 100 to 125. VVe have since often had this subject in mind, in reference to the more improved use of steam, and particularly to the economy of the rotary-engine of Avery. Puisuing the comparison, we have collected some oftheniore piominent disadvantages, of the usual hydiaulic system, and the cories- poiidiiig advantage of steam-power- The first item of cost is that of the water - wrighr, over and above the value of the ground as increased by any other a(lvantage.s of locality. Thi.s expense is in no ca^e trifling, andsomelimes is positively enormous. 'I'here is. of course, no corresponding item of expen- diture in the use of steam, an engine work- ing as well on the top of a hill as in the bot- tom of a valley. 2d. The outlay upon wheels, dams, and other hydraulic works- This is often much greater than would be necessary for the aver- age pressuie, provided it were constant — that i'^, we are to erect woiks to support much more water than we have supplied through three quarters of the year- Freshets, &c- are to be provided against, at an increased cost. It is well known that in some locations the provision for such contingencies is no small portion of the whole capital employed. It is tins expense, other things being equal, that is to be compared with the cost of an engine, and the comparison is favourable to the latter, .. . kj 31. After every precaution, damages from floods are of constant occurrence, and their cepairis exceedingly costly. 464 MARBLE CEMENT INTRODUCED INTO AMERICA. 4i.h. The delay cau!«eteam, and they could 1 e produced in no other way. While speaking of this use of steam, we must notice an engine erected in the Astoi Huiel. This isasmall engine ofb-hoise power; its use is to pump water from the different ci-tems to all parts of the house— supply ilie. baths with hot and cold water— e corn, but the dres»i)i!r (sift- ing) of tlie meal into flour, pollard, bran, &c., are simultaneously performed. It is not, however, to be understood that these com- bined operations are effected by the nieie nnae.ratton of a dressing-machine to a mill, and driving them both together ; for in such an ar- rangement there would be neither novelty nor economy. But the combined operations of grinding and dressing aie in this new patent mechanism so simplified, and so intimate, that they are continuously going on, upon oneconti- tiiioiis snrfiice. The essential members of the machine are thereby reduced to onlytuari • one stationary, the other rotative. This re. tnarkable simplicity conduces to many advan- tages. which our mechanical rearlers will at tdnce appreciate, without our entering upon “ tlie details. The inventor has shown in his specificatian. and has actually put into beue- "flcial practice, several modifications of the principle so as to adapt the scale of their ope- rations to any required magnitude. We have selected for the present ai tide what the pa- tentee denominates his patent 'Jo/nest iV flour- • Analyst, No. 10. maker. Which is adapted to the manual force ofone man : but the power requisite to woik thi-i, may be diminished or incteast^'d at the pleasure of the operator, by a corresponding reduction or augmentation of the feed. oi quan- tity of coni permitted to pass under the opera- tion of the grindeis in a given time. In a sub- sequent Number we purpose inserting a de- scription of one of the same kind of machine.s, which is in use at the workhouse of Ail Saims near Heitford, where it i-s worked by any nuinlier of men, from two to ten (by a suitable alteration of the feed), and i-; capable of pro- perly grinding and dressing as much corn in a given time as other mills will giind only the estimated power required to vvork if effi- ciently,treing that of one horse. whetiier work- ed by that animal, or by wind, water, or steatn. VVe shall no-w proceed to describe the hand- mill with reference to the engraving befoie adverted to * (See plate 3, fig. 7.) a i> an axis, mounted in plummet-blocks bh, and turnetl by a winch c, assi>ted, if re- quired. by a handle d, fixed to one of the arms of the fly-wlieel ee. The axis a also carries a bevelled wheel, /, which drives a pinion jr fixed upon a vertical spindle h, that revolves in the centre of a metHllic hopper i, and car- ries at its lower extremity the upper grinder ; and to the perifihery of the latter is attaoiied a scries of brushes, that revolve together wdth it inside the circular case j, cast in one piece with the hopper t. The lower grinder is fixed in the centie of the flat top k of the pedestal ; and around the lower grinder, in the same plane as its superior surface, is an annulus of fine wire-gauze ; over the area of whicli the brushes sweep in their revolution, continually scattering every particle of the meal, as the same is constantly projected in minute quan. tities all around the peripheries of the grind- ers, on to the wire-work ; causing the flour to fall through the meshes into the drawer mnt below: wliile the bran and pollard, which cannot pass the wire-gauze, are continually be- ing freed from their adiiering flour by the ac- tion of the brushes, until they are diiven through an aperture, at llie outer circum- ference of the wire-gauze, on to an inclined screen of coarse wire-work, where the offal separates itself, in tlie mere act of falling, into pollard and bran ; both of which deposit themselves into separate compartments made in the drawer n. All is a screw for regulating the admission of the corn ; and at o is a lever, over an engiaved plate, which directs th'o operator which way to move it, according as he may desire to regulate the grinding, whether coarser or finer than it was previous- ly set. I'ltese adjustments are obvious to the sight, and unerring in their action. Amongst the advantajges which this ma- chine presents to the economist, may be stated its convenience, portability, and perfect clean^ liness, and there being no dust or waste of • Our draftsman, upon lookiifs! at this eiigravins, has ohsei vert i<> its,' that he. has jnaile ibe square pedesial or box latlivr too 8mal!l, vv4ii^:h lia-» given to I he iiiachinn an anpearance” of top-heaviitesi, which (he uiiginal does nut possess. 468 METHOD OF RAISING HULLS OF SHIPS. any kind. It is particularly adapted for the use of domestic families who aie desirous not merely to make their own bread, but to be sure that the flour which they use is a genuine product of good wheat. As respects its utility to emigrants and distant settlers, we have lea- son to believe tliat its merits have already been very satisfactorily tested , the dui ability of the grinding surtaces being such as to ren- der a renewal of them apparently unnecessary for a series of years. A mill of this kind may 1 e seen at No- 20, Paternoster-row,— iffec/m- fiic's Ma^uzine. PRESERVING PASTE. Paste made by putting acetate, or sugar of lead, into it, instead of the old way of mixing it with alum, keeps it from moulding, and quite moist for months together. — New Month'- ly MogaZXue- NEW LAMP. A lamp of a new construction, which de- scribes a circle of light of about thirty feet in diameter of the apparent intensity of sunshine, showing the objects within its sphere as dis- tinctly as those on the table of a carneia- nbscura, has been elected at the head of the inclined plane in St. Leonard’s depot. Its object is to enable the engine-men to have a cli.stinct view of the inclined ropes during the night, and this has been fully attained. 'I’he lam p consists of an aigand burner placed in the focus of a large speculum of a peculiar form, by which the whole light is distributed just on the space where it is required ; it is computed that the light on the above space is equal to that of twenty-five or thirty .-iini- iar hnrneis in common lamps. A lamp of this kind we have no doubt u ould be iiselul for Ollier purposes : it app'ears tons that the largest assembly loom might be brilliantly lighted by one placed at each end of the room, and one would he sufficient to light the stage of a theatre. 'I'he cost of this one is said to be about 200/., but we understand it saves an annual expenseof about half that sum. The inventor is a Mr. Rankin, and he names it the Colloidal lam p— probably because the light is thrown from it in the form of a cone. — Caledonian Mercury. CURRENTS IN WATER. In this last number of Silliman's Journal^ in an article on “ currents in water.” it is asserted, that if a tub or other vessel is filled with water, and a hole made near the middle of the bottom of it to discharge it, the water will acquire a rotatory motion from west to south, or opposed to the apparent motion of the sun ; and if means are used to produce an opposite motion, upon withdrawing those means the former direction will be resumed. This cannot be the effect of chance, but of natural laws constantly operating. — Guern- sey Star. HOUSEHOLD MANUFACTURE OF SUGAR. A remarkable proof of the facility with which beet root sugar manufactories may be established is presented at this moment at Wallers, in the department du Nord. Four of the villagers, by advancing 50 francs each, have formed a joint capital of 200 francs, and with this they produced between 40 and 50 lbs. of sugar, of rather inferior quality, a- day. 'I'hey employ curry combs to rasp the beet roots, which they put into a napkin- press to extract the juice, and then boil the syrup in common culinary boilers. — Ibid. NEW SHIPS’ SIGNAL LANTERN. A most admirable invention has recently been brought into use, and is likely to meet with general' adoption, intended to prevent those accidents which are the cause of so much loss of property, as well as the annual sacrifice of a number of valuable lives, it consists of a ship’s lantern, of copper, strongly and efficiently constructed, and possessing the means of being regulated so as to show a light of different colour, according to the tack upon which the vessel bearing it may be sailing, or the position in which she lies. A set of instructions accompanies each lantern, by which the master is inform- ed what light he is to show on each change of tack and position, and thus a mutual understanding is attained amongst navi- gators as to the meaning of the signals ex- hibited. The changes of colours are effected by the following simple contrivance : — The lantern contains an interior case, capable of being turned round, and having windows of glass of several colours. The lamp of the lantern has a strong reflector and powerful ‘‘bull’s eye,” or magnifier, to project the light, opposite which, in the outer case, is an aperture. By turning round the interior case, each coloured glass window is brought in front of the bull’s eye, and thus a light of the colour required is projected. — Hull Packet. KEMPS SUBMARINE APPARATUS. We understand another attempt is about to be made to raise the hull of the Cnmeleon, by Mr. Kemp, who, having obtained a patent for the buoying principlf, has received per- mission from Government to make an experi- ment on this ill-iaied vessel, and in the event of its proving successul, the wreck as it may be raised will beconie the reward of the enter- prise. Mr. Kemp’s apparatus consists of a number of empty punclieons, each open at one end, and having a bar of iron across, by wliich, after being sunk, thgyaie attached to a chain, previously passed round the wreck by the divers, who next employ themserves succes- sively applying to each cask the elastic tube through which they are filled by the air-pump. RECENT INTELLIGENCE IN MAGNETO-ELECTRICAL MACHINES. 469 and the wafer consequently expelled. The puncheons tlius charged with air acquire a perpendicular position, and a*'e so buoy, ant, as to render certain the raising of any weight pro- };ortionafe to the number of them employed. 'I’he operation of filling the puncheons with air will be comparatively easy in this instance, as from the favourable circumstance of the wreck lying in less than thirteen fathoms of water, little more than two atmospheres will be required, and scarcely any doubts arp entertained of the attempt proving suc- cessful.— Dover Telegraph. MASSIEAND RAN WELL’S PADDLE- WHEELS. A few days ago, the first public trial of this new paddle-wheel for steam-vessels was made on the River. Tt was affixed to the Red Ro- ver steamer, belonging to the Herne Bay Company, wliich conveyed the female emi- grants and agricultural families to the ship at Gravesend in which they embarked for Van Dieman’s Land. After the emigrants had left the steam-vessel, to the starboard side of which the new wheel was affixed, the larboard side being furnished with the common wheel, the Emigration Committee, visitors, and se- veral naval officers, proceeded to inspect the n^w paddle-wheel, a model of which was sub- mitted and familiarly explained by Mr. Massie and Mr. Ranwell. 'I'he principle seems to consist in the exposure of the entire surface of the float to the vvater while in the most ad- vantageous position for propelling, which upon approaching the suiface becomes divid- ed'intoa series of angular bars, which suffer the water to pass through the interstices, and thus transfer the action of the steam-power to the next floats in succe-sion, instead of use- lessly wasting it on the water-lift. A consider- able ferment in the water (though the swell was not so heavy) was apparent, which, how- ever, a little alteration m the construction will considerably diminish, and which the experiment will enable the inventors to ac- complish.— Weekly Dispatch. COINS IN THE CLOUDS! A Brighton physician lately adopted the following singular means of preserving some ofthecoinsof the realm. He enclosed several of the last impiessions in a ball of wax, which he placed in a balloon of India-rubber suffi- ciently inflated with gas to raise it several thousand feet above the earth, where, floating in space the memory of our nation and its monarch, may be recorded for hundreds of thousands of years. Within the ball of wax was also placed a slip of parchment with the following letters cut out ; — “ Anglia Martis X., IS36.'*— Dispatch. ON CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN THE CONSTRUCTION pF MAG- NETO-ELECTRICAL MACHINES, AND ON THE USE OF CAOUT- CHOUC FOR INSULATION IN VOLTAIC BATTERIES. By Fred. W. Mullins, Esa., M.P., F. S. S. To the Editors of the Philosophical Maga^ zine and Journal. Gentlemen, - I think it important to call the attention of the scientific readers of your valuable Journal, to some improvements fe- cenily made by me in the construction of the magneto-electric machine, which go far to demonstrate the still very imperfect state of these instruments, and form a fo'undation for alterations infinitely more important both in their mode of construction and application. The machine whose power 1 had an op- paitunity of testing was constructed on the most approved principle, and consists of two sets of bar-magnets arranged vertically, each set consisting of a do7en bars, and the upper poles of one set being unconnected with those of the other. I had previously seen and examined hoiizontal horseshoe machines, and, so far as I was enabled to institute a com- parison, considered the other mode of con- struction to be preferable. After trial, how- ever, it struck me that the power of all magneto-electric machines was very imper- fectly developed, and that it might be possi- ble to obtain considerably greater effects from the same number of magnetic bars liy esta- blishing a magnetic connexion between the poles of the latter, and this withotit much difficulty or increased expen.-e. With this view I procured two magnetized arcs of the shape given in the annexed figure, and of the same width and thickness as the bars of the machine. (Plate2.fig. 10.) I then applied them, one to the opposite poles of the outside pair of bars, and one to those of the inside, and on giving the shock to a gentleman who was present, and who had tried the power of the instrument when the poles were unconnected, the effect was so much increased that he refused to repeat it, and on trying it on my- self I found the power to be fully double what it had previously been. I was aware that connecting pieces of soft iron were sometimes used, but that their utility was said to be very questionable, and having myself tried them, I can safely say that soft iron as a mode of connexion is useless; it is evident, there- fore. that the increase of power does not depend upon connexion, unless when the substance forming the connexion is in a peculiar state, and thereby capable of exerting a certain influence on the poles of each set of magnets., which influence, it can be shovvn, does no# depend upon the size of the connecting magnets, for I have tried large horse-shoe magnetic bars, single and in sets, without any 470 LATEST INTELLIGENCE ON THE ELECTRO-MAGNET. increase of power beyond that obtained from the small magnetic arcs represented in the figure. Induction is certainly a cause, but not the sole cause oi the increased power ; there are other causes, as yet unexplained, which I trust may appear satisfactory to those who may peruse a paper which 1 am now prepar- ing on this highly interesting subject ‘. suffice it here to say, that in the future construction of the instruments in question, magnetic arcs in connexion with vertical bar-magnets should decidedly be used in preference to any otlier form or mode of construction at present known; and I would strongly advise any person who happens to have a machine of the horse-shoe form to cut off the bend as indicat- ed in the annexed figure ( Plate 2, fig.l 1 ) and re apply the same oi other pieces of the same size magnetized, for by so doing it wilt be founrl that a vast increase of power will be ob- tained. I liave thrown out these hints in the hope that lliey may lead to still greater im- provements in the mode of developing the povveis of combined magnets. In concluding this subject it may be well to observe that with my improved magnetic machine I have charged a l^eyden jar, and obtained by the same means various others results similar to those obtained from the action of the com- mon elecliical machine. In conclusion I would add, that in the various experiments I have made in regard to the best modes of developing and sustaining voltaic electricity, I have found that caout- chouc, or Indian-rubber, may be used with great advantage for insulation. I have applied it in place of glass in my intensity-sustaining battery ; and as it can be naade to adhere to the copper and may be laid oii as thin as common letter-paper, a combination of plates or cylinders may be brought so close together as to occupy only a third of the space filled by a similar combination in the batteiies at pre- sent used. In my intensity-battery, from the advantages derived from bringing the me- tallic cylinders as close as possible, this mode of insulation is most convenient and satisfac- tory. I am. Gentlemen, yours, &c. Fred. W. Mullins. Bouse of Commons, July 1, 1836. ON THE CAUSE OF THE REMARK- ABLE DIFFERENCE Bl/l'WEEN THE ATTRACTIONS OF A Pl RMA- NENT AND OF AN ELECTRO- MAGNET ON SOFT IRON AT A DISTANCE. By the Rev. William Ritchie, L. L. D., F. R. S,, Professor of Natural Philosophy in the Royal Institution and in the University of London* As soon as the electro-magnet was con- structed and employed to illustrate the im- » Communicated by the Author, mense magnetic power communicated to ; soft iron, it must have been observed that its ’ attraction for iron filings or pieces of soft iron j at a distance was much less than that of a ! permanent magnet of equal lifting power i! This peculiar property rendered the electro" ' magnet not well suited tor magnetic induc- tion at a distance ; and hence, after a few unsuccessful trials to substitute it for the permanent magnet in my apparatus for con-* tinned rotation, it was lone since abandoned. In a short paper by Mr. Rainey in the last Number of this Journal, p. 72, ihe fact is stated, and an explanation attempted to be given of this peculiarity ; bul 1 am afraid the explanation will not be found in accordance with the present stale of the science. This \ stibjecl having engaged my attention some !| years ago, I liad several times commenced a j paper intended (or the Philosophical Maga- jj zine, but other more pressing subjects prevent- i ed me from finisliing it. As the fact is a ne- j cessary consequence of the properties of ! electro-maguets which I formerly made pub- j lie in your Journal, I take the iiferty of i sending you the present investigation, wldch jj may be regarded as the completion of my for- I mer paper. |[ Expei iment 1. Suspend a piece of soft iron, | C D, at the extremity of a slender delicate balance of light wood; place a permanent lioi se-shoe magnet below it, and ascei tain its attractive force, by weights put into the scale ! G, when it is in contact, and also when it is removed to different distances from the soft iron- Remove the permanent magnet, and substitute a very short electro-magnet of equal lifting power. Remove it to the same distan- ces as before, and the attractive power will di* minish very rapidly compared with that of the permanent steel magnet- (See Plate 2, fig. 9). Exp. 2. Instead of the short electro-magnet substitute a very long one (one of two or three feet long, for example,) and of equal carrying power ; remove it to the same distances and asceitain its attractive power, and it will be , found (hat its attraction for the lifter at these I distances will ?iot diminish so rapidly as that of the short one* The longer the electro-mag- net becomes, the more does it approach to the character of the permanent magnet in all | its pioperiie-. . Exp. 3- Instead of making the electro- | magnet of soft iron, make it of hard iron or un. if tempered steel ; repeat the preceding experi- li ments. and its attractive power at a distance compared with its lifting power will he much greater than in the case of the electro-magnet of soft iron* These facts, which as far as I know, have i not belore been published, will enable us to account for this properly on principles pre- I viously recognised. 1 he perlect equality of ! action and reaction must 1)6 found to exist in | this case as well as in every other in which j /orce ofany kind is concerned. The electii- city which has been decomposed and arranged ; in the soft iron in the peculiar manner which constitutes magnetism, cannot decompose j and arrange the electricity belonging to the lifter without suffering a corresponding dimi- ON THE SYSTEMS OF COSMOGONY. nntron, and the more difficult the arrange- ment, in the lifter so much greater will be the diminution of power in tlieele* tro-magnet. Again, if tlie electricity in the electro-magnet be easily arranged by the induction of the voltaic helix, it will be easily forced back to its natural state by the reaction of that belong- ing to the lilter. Hence it follows that when the inducins' power of the electro-magnet is very great (which it is when the lifter is in contact with its ends), it will possess sufficient \ ower to vanquish the coercitive force of the lilter, arrange by induction a large portion of the electricity of the lifter, and thus exhibit powei ful attraction. When the lifter is re- moved to a certain distance, one-tenth of an inch for example, the power of the electro- magnet being much diminished in conse- quence of the distance, whilst the difficulty of overcoming the coercitive force of the lifter is incieased, the effect will be very small com- pared with the former. For, if the inducing power be only equal to the coercitive foice of the litter, no attraction whatever will take place ; and hence the impossibility of mag netizing a large bar of steel tempered as hard as possible, by means of a small permanent magnet with a soft temper. Now, if the coercitive force of the electro- magnet be incieased, which is done either by employing a long magnet, or using hard iron or untempered steel, such a magnet will sui- 4n fer a less diminution by the reaction of the lifter in the case of increased difficulty of arrangement in the lifter, than in the case of the short electro-magnet of perfectly soft iron. In the case of the permanent magnet of tem- pered steel, the electricity belonging to it was arranged with difficulty, and after repeated touches oi another magnet, and consequently it will easily vanquish the coercitive power of a piece of soft iron, and induce a magnetic state upon it, whilst the peculiar arrangement of its own electricity will remain nearly un- changed. Hence its attractive powers will diminish nearly as the squares of lire distances of the soft iron from its \)o\eSj or imaginary centres of accumulation, a law which cannot exist in the case of the electro-magnet the electricity of which is so easily put in motion i-oundthe elementary molecules of the iron by the reaction of the lifter. In the explanation given by Mr, Rainey the lifter is supposed to react powerfully on the electro;-magnet so as to increase its power, a supposition which cannot possibly be admitted- For the electro-magnet must, in the first place, give the lifter all its magnetic power, conse- quently the power of the lifter never can exceed tliat of the electro magnet, and consequently never can induce a higher magnetic state in it than what has already been done Iry the volatic helix. — Phil. Mag. for Aug» 1836, THE STUDY OF SCIENCE, A FAMILIAR INTRODUCTION TO THE PRINCIPLES OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. As, among our readers, there may he some who have not had opportunities of becoming' acquainted with the recent elaborate researches and ingenious speculations of learned men in the several departments of Natural Philosophy, we have determined to devote a certain number of pages monthly, to form a series of lectures in the several branches of science, by way of a familiar introduction to the study of Natural Philosophy with modern discoveries. GEOLOGY. {Continued from pa^e 349.) The proper object and design of geology, therefore, must be the study of the general structure of what may be termed the shell of the terrestrial globe ; for though specula- tions relative to the nature of the internal strata, or even the nucleus of the mass, are not wholly inadmissible, yet they must ever be regarded as of secondary importance, and should be no further pursued than they are •warranted by those facts and appearances ■which come immediately under our observa- tion. This consideration, however, was entirely lost sight of by those earlier writers, who; either incidentally or professedly treat- ed of the earth. It would be profitless labour to pursue at length the reveries of a host of bold theorists, who sprung up be- tween the period of the rivival of learning in Europe and the middle of the last century ; and whose systems of cosmogony, as they vainly styled them, have by more sober in- quirers been justly stigmatized as romances, indebted for their existence to the prolific powers of imagination. But while so many philosophers were busily employed in endeavouring to erect systems of cosmogony on the basis of their own most imperfect knowledge of the nature of mineral bodies, or drew their ephemeral theories solely from imagination, there were some who more wisely applied themselves to the observation of nature, and to the collection of correct information relative to the productions of the mineral kingdom in general, and especially concerning those fossils which exhibit traces of having originated from organization. 472 OPINIONS OF CELEBRATED PHILOSOPHERS. Bernax'd Palissy, a potter of Saintes towards the end of the sixteenth century, is said by Fontenelle to have been the first who ventured to assert in Paris, in opposition to the prevaling opinion, that petrified shells were the remains of testaceous animals that had formerly lived in the sea, and that all these were not deposited at the universal deluge. He wrote on the Origin of Springs from Rain-water, and other scientific works ; and he had the merit of displaying much juster views of the operations of nature than most of his contemporaries , though his ideas met, in his own time, with a very faint re- ception. Similar notions were advocated by Isi icholas Steno, a Dane, who became professor of anatomy at Padua in Italy, in 1669 ; and Hooke and Hay, in England, distinguished themselves by opposing facts to visionary theories. Leibnitz, in his Pi-otogsea, published in 1680, advanced the bold hypothesis, that the earth was originally a burning luminous mass, the gradual refrigeration of which produced the primitive rocks, forming at fiist a solid crust, and this being ruiitured, owing to irregular contraction, the fragments fell into the universal ocean formed by the con- densation of vapours on the surface of the globe. He proceeds to trace the production of inundations, convulsions, and attrition of solid matter, by its subsequent deposition constituting the various kinds of sedimentary or stratified i-ocks. Hence, he observes, may be conceived a double oidgin of primitive masses ; (1.) By cooling after igneous fusion; (2.) By re-concretion from aqueous solution.* “ Here,” says Mr. Conybeare, ” we have distinctly stated the great basis of every scientific classification of rock formations. ”+ The grand feature of the theory propounded by Leibnitz, relative to the candescent state and gradual cooling of the earth, was adopt- ed only by Whiston, but likewise more I’e * cently by BuflFon, Deluc, and other theorists. Among those men of science who con- tributed to the improvement of geology, by their researches into the actual structure of the earth’s crust, was Tilias, a Swede ; who, aware of the importance of an exact know- ledge of mineral bodies, published in 1750 several topographical descriptions illustrative of the geology of certain districts in Sweden. He was followed by Lehman, a German mi- neralogist. dii’ector of mines in Prussia, who, in an Essay towards a Natural History of the Sti’ata of the Earth, 1756, proposed a division of mountains into those formed before the creation of animals, and contain- ing no fragxnents of other rocks ; mountains which were derived from the partial destruc- tion of the primary rocks by a general i-evo- lution ; and those which resulted from local •“ Unde jam duiilex origo iutelligitur prl- nxoruin corporuin, una, cum ab ignis fusione refrigescereixt, aliera, cum reconcrescereat exsolutione aquarum.'* t Progress, Actual State, and Ulterior Pros- pects of Geological Science, iu Report of Bri- tish Association for x83i, p, 368, revolut ons, and in part from the Noachian deluge. Many other writers now appeared, who advantageously directed their attention to the investigation of particular topics connect- ed with this subject; as the causes and phe- nomena of earthquakes and volcanos, the formation of deltas or low tracts at the mouths of rivers, the actual structure and po- sition of the minei'al strata, and the descrip- tion of fossil remains of animal or vegetable origin. Among those who I’endered import- ant services to the cause of science by ad- vancing general views of the theory of the earth, were Dr. James Hutton, of Edin- burgh and Professor Werner, of Freyberg, in ^Saxony. These celebrated philosophers produced systems, in one respect, diameti’i- cally opposite to each other ; for while Hutton attributed the formation of the older rocks entirely 10 the agency of fire, Werner insisted that they originated from solution in a liquid. The German geologist deserves the cre- dit of having directed the attention of his pupils to the constant relations of mineral groups, and their regular order of superposi- tion; distinguishing the classes of pi’imary rocks, or those destitute of organic remains, as granite and gneiss; transition or secon- dai’y rocks, formed from the disintegration of the preceding, and occasionally exhibiting traces of organic remains, as gx’eywacke, a mechanical compound of agglutinated frag- ments ; floetz or tertiary rocks, including the coal sti'ata, chalk, and freestone, some of which abound in organic relics ; and besides these, alluvial strata and volcanic rocks, the latter of which he seems to have regarded as of little importance, for he asserted that in the primeval ages of the world there were no volcanos. The great merit of Hutton consists in his having demonstrated the igneous origin of basalt, and other trap rocks ; the high probability that granite is derived from the same source ; and that the other primary non fossilliferous rocks have been more or less subjected to the agency of fire. ‘‘ The ruins of an older woxdd,” said Hutton, ” ai*e visible in the pi’esent structure of our planet, and the strata which now compose our con- tinents have been once beneath the sea, and were formed out of the waste of pre existing continents. The same forces are still de- stroying, by chemical decomposition or me- chanical violence, even the hardest I’ocks, and transporting the materials to the sea, where they ai*e spread out, and form strata analogous to those of more ancient date. Although loosely de[)osited along the bottom of the ocean, they become afterwards altered and consolidated by volcanic heat, and then heaved up, fractured, and contorted.”* The theory of Hutton was admirably illustrated and ably supported by Professor Playfair, of Edinburgh, while it was assailed * Lyell’s Principles of Geology, 3d ed., 18 4, vol. i. pp, 88, 89; from Hutton’s Theory of the Earth, OPINIONS OF THE LATEST CULTIVATORS OF GEOLOGY. 473 •by Murray, Kirwan, Deluc, and oihers, a violent controversy being maintained between the partizans of Werner, who were calltd Neptunists, as ascribing the formation of all rocks to waier;and those of Hutton, styled Vulcanists. because they attributed the original formation of rocks to fire. The Neptunists, for a time, constituted by much the more numerous party ; liut in the course of these discussions, it was at length per- ceived that speculation had, on both sides, been carried further than was warranted by the extent of existing information ; and that ■while neither the theory of Werner, nor that of Hutton, could be considered as alFording an explanation of iill the phenomena, or mak- ing near approaches to perfection, there ■were many points with respect to which the researches and observations of both these philosophers contributed to the extension of our knowledge, and the improvement of the science. “ A new school at last arose, who profess- ed tlie strictest neutrality and the utmost indifference to the systems of Werner and Hutton, and ■who resolved diligently to devote their labours to observation. The reaction, provoked by the intemperance of the contending parties, now produced a ten- dency to extreme caution. Speculative views •were discountenanced ; and through fear of exposing themselves to the suspicion of a bias towards the dogmas of a party, some geologists became anxious to entertain no opi- nion whatever on the causes of phenomena, and were inclined to scepticism, even where the conclusions deducible from observed facts scarcely admitted of reasonable doubt. “ But although the reluctance to theo- rize was carried somewhat to excess, no measure could be more salutary at such a moment than a suspension of all attempts to form what were termed theories of the earth. A great body of new data w'as required, and the Geological Society of London, founded in l807, conduced greatly to the attainment of this desirable end. To multiply and record observations, and patiently to await the re- sult at some future period, was the object proposed by them ; and it was their favourite maxim, that the time was not yet come for a general system of geology, but that all must be content for many years to be exclusively engaged in furnishing materials for future generalizations. By acting up to these princi- ples with consistency, they in a few years disarmed all prejudice, and rescued the science from the imputation of being a dan- gerous, or at best but a visionary pursuit.”* One train of research, which was now pursued with great ardour, and which con- tributed much to the improvement of science, was respecting the nature of the organic re- mains, which were found imbedded in various strata indilferent parts of the world. Cuvier, the celebrated anatomist and zoologist, pro- fessor of natural history at Paris, acquired ♦ I, yell’s Principles of Geology, vol. i. pp, 102, 103. great distinction by the number, accuracy, and importance of the discoveries which he made relative to the generic and specific cha- racters of the animals, fragments of whose bones, and other constituent parts, occurred to notice in the course of his long and labori- ous investigations He ascertained that nu- merous living beings of different classes, which have no existing analogues, once inha bited the surface of the globe ; and that the relative priority of the several strata miiiht, to a certain extent, be inferred from the cha- racters of tlie organic remains included in them Among the recent cultivators of this branch of science besides Cuvier, may be named Alex. Brogniart, Lamouroux. La- marck, Deshayes, Marcel de Serres, Broc- ihi, Goldfuss, Parkinson, Buckland, Cony- beare, J. S. Miller, Mantell, Lonsdale, Say, M orton, and Harlan, who devoted their atten- t on chiefly to fossilized animal remains ; and Adolphe Brogniart, Witham, Bindley, and VV, Hutton, whose investigations have been es- pecially directed to botanical oryctology. The results of their researches relative to these subjects, and those of other geologists con- cerning the mineral ogical Structure and position of roc,s and mountains, and the modifying influence of existing causes on the surface of the earth, have greatly contributed lo the augmentation of our knowledge of the nature and arrangement of the superficial strata of the planet on which we dwell, which must be regarded as the only sure foundation of a true system of geognosy, which may verify or overturn the conjectural specula- tions of those philosophers who wrote during the infancy of the science. When we compare the result of ob- servations in the last thirty years, with those of the ihree preceding centuries, we cannot but look forward with the most sanguine ex- pectations to the degree of excellence to which geology may be carried, even by the labours of the present generation. Never, perhaps, did any science, with the exception of astro- nomy, unfold, in an equally brief period, so many novel and unexpected truths, and over- turn so many preconceived opinions. The senses had for ages declared the earth to be at rest, until the astronomer taught that it was carried through space with inconceivable rapidity. In like manner was the surface of this planet regarded as having remained unaltered since its creation, until the geolo- gist proved that it had been the theatre of reiterated change, and was still the subject of slow but never-ending fluctuations. This discovery of other systems in the boundless regions of space was tbe triumph of astronomy ; — to trace the same system through various transformations — to behold it at successive eras adorned with different hills and velleys, lakes and seas, and peopled with new inhabitants, was the delightful meed of geological research. By the geo- meter were measured the regions of space, and the relative distances of the heavenly bodies ; — by the geologist myriads of ages were reckoned, not by arithmetical compu- 474 ON A RECENT ELECTRICAL THEORY. tation, but b^f a train of physical events — a succession of phenomena in ihe animate and inanimate worlds — signs which convey to our minils more definite ideas, than figures can do, of the immensity of time,’’* By the discoveries of a new science, (the very name of which has been but a few years ingrafted on our language,) we learn that the manifestations of God’s power on earth have not been limited to ihe few thou- sand years of man’s existence. The geo- logist tells us, by the clearest interpretation of the phenomena which his labours have brought to light, that our globe has been subject to vast physical revolutions. He counts his time, not by celestial cycles, but by an index which he has found in the solid framework of the globe itself He sees a long succession of monuments, each of which may have required a thousand ages for its elaboration. He arranges them in chrono- logical order, observes on them the marks of skill and wisdom, and finds within them the tombs of ihe ancient inhabitants of the earth. He finds strange and unlooked-for changes in the forms and fashions of organic life during each of the long periods he thus contemplates. He traces these ehanges backwards through each successive era, till he reaches a time when the monuments lose all symmetry, and the types of oiganic life are no longer seen. He has then entered on the dark age of nature’s history; and he closes the old chapter of her records. This account has so much of what is exactly true, that it hardly deserves the name of figurative description. ”t (To be continued.) ELECTRICAL THEORY OF THE UNI- VERSE. By Mr Thomas S. Mackintosh. {^Continued from page 359.) In the concluding part of our last paper we remarked, that in treating of the moon’s appi’oximation we should be enabled to draw our arguments and inferences from two sources, astronomy and geology. Let us examine, in the first place, what support our theory derives from astronomy. We have laid it down, that if two or more comets settle into the planetary state about the same period, the larger attracts the smaller to its sphere, and these become its secondaries. Now, a slight glance at the planetarium, or a scheme of the planets , will at once convince us of the extreme probability of this assump- tion. Here we see the planets and satellites in the following order and_ proportion ; the number of moons are found in regular grada- tion, corresponding with the age of each planet, with only one exception, but even this disappears when viewed in connexion with the other parts of our theory ; this ex- ception is Mars, and the asteroids or minor * LyelL’s Principles of Geology, vol. i, pp, 106, i07. + Discourse on the Studies of the University, by Adam Sedgwick, M. A F. R. S., Wood- wardian Professor, and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1834, pp. 25, 26 planets. Mars has no satellite : and the asteroids, which are no larger than satel lites, and appear, from their situation, as if they ought to have been attached to Mars, revolve in orbits round the sun like the primary planets. According to our hypotliesis, this exception to the general rule admits of an easy explication. From the relative situa- tions of Mars and the asteroids, the former appears to have settled at a period too remote to admit of the latter coming within the sphere of his attraction ; nor are they, from their equal magnitudes, capable of attracting each other. If we allow this explication, the whole series will stand as follows, taking Mars and the asteroids as a planet and his satellites : — rnmaiies. ni^ijiure irom No. of Sun III Milf!-. JJooiis. Mercury 36 000,000 0 Venus 68,000,000 0 Earth 95,000 000 1 Mars 144 000.000 asteroids.... 4 Jupiter .... 494 000 000 4 Saturn .... 906,000,000 7 Uranus.. . . 1822,000,000 6 Had the minor planets been attached as satellites to Mars, it is probable, judging by his distance from the sun as compared with the earth and Jupiter, we should not at this time have found more than two remaining. We should also remark, that it is by no means improbable that Mars was attendedby one or two satellites during the early stage of his planetary existence. It is further to be remarked, that Uranus, the most distant, and, according to our theory, the most recent of all the known planets, is represented as having only six satellites to accompany her, being one less than Saturn. But this number only represents the satellites of Uranus that have been discovered hitherto. Astronomers are agreed, that, with more powerful instru- ments, it is extremely probable that several more might be discovered. Upon the whole, we are satisfied, if this, table be considered attentively, in conjunction with the fore- going hypothesis, that the truth, or extreme probability of our theory, is a conclusion that must press itself very closely upon the mind. In the older astronomical works we find the moon’s mean distance from the earth set down at 240 000 miles ; whilst in the more recent worts it is valued at 235,000. It is said that this difference has arisen from the imper- fect means of observation possessed by the early astronomers ; and that the moderns, with rnoie correct instruments and improved modes of observation, have been enabled to calculate the meandistancewith more accura- cy, and that, therefore, the modern calculation is a much nearer approximation to the truth. To a certain extent this may be the case ; but when we consider that Thales, the philo- sopher, was enabled to calculate and foretell an eclipse 600 years before Christ, it would appear that the ancients had a more extended knowledge of astronomical science than is generally conceded them by the moderns. It is inconceivable that the early a.stronomers, excelling as they did in mathematical know- ledge, should, in computing the moon’s mean distance, have committed an error amounting AN IMPORTANT PAPER ON ELECTRO-VEGETATION. 475 to a 48 li part of the whole value ; especially whe'i it considered that the inoon’s distance, astrdtion.icaliy speakin", is comparatively small, arid n)ic;ht be asceit.iined with tolerable accuracy, by observations on her horizontal parallax. V e aie, therefore, induced to conclude, that ihi-i difference has aiisen, to a certain extent, from the moon’s a ppi oximation. If we iiad a true and invariable standard of time to vvhich we could refer, it mii;ht possibly furnish us with a natura vvheieby to determine the rate of the moon’s approximation. Ac- cordiriff to our tlieoiy.the moon’s rate of mo- tion in her mbit is a continually increasin'^ quantity, and the mean time from node to node is, coi'.sequently, continuallv decreasing. But as the earth i- also sunject to tlie same iav\ 5, it is eviilenl that her motions and time must also vary in a direct ratio v\ith those of the moon ; and, therefore, a true measure of the duration of time cannot be obtained by assuming as a standard the periorl of tlio earth’s annual revolution, or that ofthe moon, or, indeed, of any ai/ig/e planet in tlie solar system. If the tiue time of the planets were carefully ascertained and compared with each other, we might obtain a mean time that should approacli very nearly to the truth. But perhaps the only true and unvarying standaid of time in the solar system is to be derived from the sun’s rotation on his axis , as, from his situation in the centre of the system, he is not affected by the same causes, it is probable that his rotary motion is uniform and con- stant. It would appear, also, that even the motions of the earth, as compared with each other, are not constant and uniform ; that the velo- city ill her orbit is increasing, whilst the diurnal motion lemains stationary, or perhaps, agreeable to our theory, we ought to say, that the latter suffers a retardation. In the time of Julius Caesar, the length of the year was settled at 365 days and 6 hours ; and in the time of Pope Gregory XIII., in 1582, it was found that tire equinox had gone backwards lO days, in consequence, as it was supposed, of the year having been fixed at too great a length ; it was, therefore, determined tlrat the calendar should be reformed, and the length of the year was settled at 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 51 '6 seconds. This was done by the ablest men in Europe with great care and circumspection, and after extending their observations throughout a long series of years ; and yet it has lately been discovered, as appears in Dr. Playfair’s “ System of Chronology,” that the Gregorian year is too long. As usual, this discrepancy is attributed to the reformeis of the calendar, and no one seems to suspect, that the year is gradually becoming shorter. It may be objected, that the difference is extremely small as compared with so long a period. But we must recol- lect, that all the works of nature are carried forward by slow, sure, and imperceptible de- grees ; and, therefore, the smallness of the difference only shows, that this work is in strict comforraity with all her other opera- tions. Our theory assumes, that the planets and satellites are maintained at their respective di-tances fiom the sun and each other by the relative quantities of positive and negative electricity with which ea( h is charged, or, in other w'okIs, by the solid contents of matter contained in each, and the quantity of electric fluid with vvhich that matter is charged or satuiated. Now, as we can (letennine by exoeriu ent the exact state of two electiified bodies by the atiiactive and lepulsive forces wbicb they exert on each other ■ and 'veknow that these forces follow ibe >;ame law as to the intensi’y ot the fluid, namely, tlie inverse ratio ofthe squaie of the rlistance-ihi' might birnisli us with a rough datum h r ascertain- ing tlie moon’s electrical state, that is. how far slie ha's receded toc.aids a conijilele ne- gative cond t'on ; and as tlie power wiiirh she exerts upon the tides is governed by the sairte law tliat regulates her own distance, vve niight, by caiefully eslimating the difference of her attractive and repulsive forces in apogee and perigee, be enabled to obtain a tolerably correct measure of his inductive influence. 'J'he ocean may be regarded as a great natural barometer, indicating the state of the electrical atmosphere by which tlie earth is surrounded; but as it is moved by three forces at the same time— the moon, the sun, and the earth’s galvanic circle— all these elements of power must be nicely adjusted before vve can expect to arrive at any thing like an accuiate calculation. (To be continued,) ELECTRO-VEGETATION. - By T. Pine, Esq. Whatever opinion may be formed respecting the identity of the fluid which emanates from the sun, and that which is the cause of electricity, the principle of the extraordinary conducting virtues of plants through their acute extre- mities will, I trust, be admitted from the facts which are there adduced. I have alluded to some other facts and expe- riments, tending to show that this conduct- ing virtue is intimately connected with their vegetating properties. In connexion with this most energetic influence continu- ally exerted by plants, it appears to be of the greatest consequence to determine how far they are furnished with supplies of the electric fluid in the medium by which they are surrounded ; and at what seasons, and under what circumstances, this supply ap- pears to be most abundant in the ordinary course of nature. With a view to a satis- factory answer to this question, I turned my attention to the observations of those elec- tricians who have made numerous experi- ments on atmospheric electricity, and in particular to those of Mr. Cavallo, from the second volume of whose work on electricity 476 PINE ON ELECTRO-VEGETATION. I have deduced the following particulars : — The electricity of the air, as distinguished from that of clouds and storms, was not the object of his researches, till it incidentally fell under his observation in the course of his experiments with the view to the latter object. But he soon discovered, contrary to his expectations, that a clear atmosphere was attended with a constant positive elec- tricity ; while a generally clouded atmo- sphere either afforded comparatively feeble indications, or, as the clouds gathered to blackness, usually gave signs of a strongly negative influence. His general inference, that “ the air appears to be electrified at all times, and that its electricity is con- stantly positive fi was the result of frequent experiments made in the course of two years, by means of a kite with a wire extended through its string, and by an insulated elec- trometer of pith balls, affixed to the end of a rod, projecting from the upper part of his house at Islington. Having, however, ob- served a passage in Sir H. Davy’s “ Ele- ments of Chemistry,” in which he speaks of ” clouds as being usually negative,” and inclines to the conclusion, that plants are acted upon by a positive electricity in regard to the atmosphere, I took the liberty of re- questing the opinion of my friend, Mr. Sturgeon, as the result of the numerous ex- periments which I knew he had made upon the electricity of the atmosphere, and was favoured with the following obliging and satisfactory reply: — “ In the first place, I perfectly agree with you as to the solution of the results of Sir Humphrey Davy’s experiments on corn ; for the positive pot of a voltaic battery would supply the animating electric fluid to the germinating seed in precisely the same manner that nature supplies it from the atmosphere to the ground. As he does not state from what ‘ experiments made on the atmosphere,’ he draws his conclusion that * clouds are usually negative,’ I am unable to form any opinion respecting them ; but I must beg permission to state, that such a conclusion is quite at variance with the re- sult of my experiments. It is true, I have obtained negative charges at the kite-string, but the instances are very few indeed. Those which did occur were only whilst heavy clouds passed over the kite ; the indications both before and after the clouds’ transit being invariably positive. And even in those temporary exhibitions of negative electricity I am very far from concluding that the clouds themselves were negatively electric. The indications were those of the kite, which was floating much lower than the clouds; and the air in the vicinity of the kite was consequently the only part of the atmosphere explored during each experi- ment; which air probably became nega- tive, or deprived of most of its natural elec- trieity by the repulsive force of the accu- mulated electric matter in the positively charged clouds. This assertion can hardly be construed into ‘ begging the question” or ‘ straining a point,’ because such phe- nomena are easily produced by experiment, and must frequently occur in nature, “ The results which I have obtained from experiments made at nearly all the seasons of the year, and at all times of the day, and many at night, induce me to believe that the general electric state of the atmosphere with its contained clouds, vapours, &c., is with reference to the earth positive. All electrical phenomena are relative, and con- sequently all our calculations respecting them have no other object than the ever-varying degrees of those relations ; but the relations themselves appear to be constant and uniform. Therefore I con- clude generally, and my conclusions are from direct experiments, that the atmosphere taken as a whole is constantly in an electro- positive state, with reference to the earth, and that in the atmosphere itself, the upper regions are constantly electro -positive, with reference to all those situated nearer to the surface of the earth. In corroboration of Mr. Sturgeon’s statement, my friend, Mr. Weekes, informs me, that about twenty years since, though little more than a youth, and knowing but litttle of what had been done by philoso- phers, but being exceedingly attached to electrical experiments, he mounted a large pole on the top of a very high tree ; on the top of which was fixed a large, sharp iron rod (insulated), and from it a wire commu- nicated with a rather large but delicate elec- trometer, placed in an adjoining cow-shed. “ I have,” he observes, “ turned to my ma- nuscript notes of that period, and, with sin- gular pleasure, I find that upwards of 90 observations made with this apparatus dur- ing seven months, from December to July, are in perfect accordance with the experi- ments of our friend, Mr. Sturgeon, as well as your own theory.” The facts, then, of the constant presence of electric fluid in the atmosphere, and of the superior conducting efficacy of the points and tubes of vegetables above that of pointed metallic rods, or any other sub- stances in nature, are, I trust, sufficiently established ; from whence the constant mu- tual action between them appears a neces- sary consequence. The tubes of plants are continually imbibing the fluid from the at- mosphere, which is as constantly replenish- ed from some other source. That that source is no other than the sun, appears IMPORTANT PARTICULARS ON ELECTRO-VEGETATION. peculiarly manifest from the following ex- periments of the Abb^ Mazeas, made in the months of June, July, and October. He erected an iron rod, 370 feet in length, on an elevation of 90 feet above the horizon. Being insulated by silken cords, sheltered from the rain, at Chateau de Maintenon, when he began his experiments on the 17th of June, the electricity of the air was sensi- bly felt every day, from sun-rise till seven or eight in the evening, except in moist weather, when he could perceive no signs of electricity. In the driest nights of the summer he could discover no ^gns of elec- ti icity in the air ; but it returned in the morning when the sun began to appear above the horizon, and vanished in the evening, about half an hour after sun-set. The strongest common electricity of the at- mosphere during that summer (1753) was perceived in the month of July, on a very dry day, the heavens being very clear, and the sun extremely hot. The distance of ten or twelve lines was then sufficient for the ap - proach of light particles to the conductor, in order to see them rise in a vertical direc- tion, like the filings of iron on the approach of a magnet ; whereas, in ordinary dry wea- ther, the wire attracted the dust at no great- er distance than three or four lines.* I am unable to conceive of any facts which can more directly and evidently show that elec- tricity, in common with light and heat, de- rives its origin from the sun as its source and centre ; it is shown to accompany him with the same constancy as light and heat, and to exist with the greatestintensity in union with his intensest beams. Some observations made by me in the course of the last summer appear admirably to accord with this conclusion. By inverting glass jars upon the soil in the day and night seasons in generally dry weather, I observe that, when neither the light and heat of the sun, nor his heat when the light was excluded, would extract any moisture from the earth, moistui’e was copiously given out from it during the absence of the sun, which was again absorbed on his return. As these effects appear to be the reverse of the ordinary results of light and heat upon moist bodies, I can only account for it from the opposite electrical states of the earth and atmosphere in the presence and absence of the sun. During the continual dispersing of the solar rays in the atmosphere by day it is positively electrified with respect to the earth, the moisture of which being also negative, does not combine with the fluid in the form of vapour ; but, on the contrary, absorbs it while remaining in the liquid state. As night approaches, on the other • Priestley’s History of Electricity, pp. 363, 364, 477 hand, large quantities of moisture having transpired from the leaves, which, together with the extraction of oxygen from them in the form of gas, occupies a large portion of the solar rays in the atmosphere, the small qnantity which is left in the soil combining with the rays which it has imbibed, they become positive in regard to the atmosphere, the superabundant solar or electric fluid combines with the residuum of water in sufficient quantities to transform it into va- pour, in which form it rises to be almost immediately recondensed in dew, by the attraction of the fibrous and other acute extremities of the tender herbs. What the reciprocal effects produced by the mutual action of the atmosphere and of plants upon each other actually are, is so beautifully shown in the experiment to which I have alluded in the Atlas for August 24, 1828, that I am tempted to transcribe it : — “ For the double purpose of ascertaining the power of spires in modifying the elec- tric relation of the atmosphere and the earth, and in effecting the progress of vegetation, by their electric influence, M. Astier insu- lated a sextuple spire of the gleditzia tria- canthus, at the top of his house, and brought a wire from it to an insulated flower- pot, in which were planted five grains of maize ; a similar sowing was made in an uninsulated pot for the purpose of compari- son. The experiment continued from the 6th to the 20th of June, including two stormy days. The electrometer gave considerable signs of electricity in the flower-pot, and by using the condenser sparks were produced. The electrified grains were found to pass more rapidly than the unelectrified grains through the first periods of vegetation. When Bengal rose-trees were submitted to the same experiment, the flowers of the elec- trified plant appeared more rapidly and more abundantly than in the other case.” The narration is brief, and one important particular seems not to have been determined, viz. whether the electricity plus or mi- nus; though, from the foregoing considera- tions, little doubt can be entertained that the fluid issuing from the sun had rendered the atmosphere thus strongly positive, in a re- gion in which his beams are so copiously dis- pensed. Admitting this to have been the fact, here is a clear illustration of the principle that the atmosphere, receiving a constant supply of electric fluid from its great source in the centre of the solar system, is continu- ally imparting of its superabundance to the vegetable kingdom through its acute extre- mities, and thus causes or promotes its ger- mination and growth — while a portion of it being transmitted to the earth, that approach 478 THE WONDERS OF INSECT ARCHITECTURE. towards an equilibrium which is essential to the general harmony of nature is maintain- ed. That the electricity of the atmosphere in the night season should occasionally be negative, and that it should ordinarily be in a less degree positive than during the pre- sence of the sun, agreeably to the experi- ment above related, appears to be in perfect accordance with the very different states and operations of plants by day and night res- pectively. The transpiration of vapour, and the yielding of oxygen gas from the leaves, are processes peculiar to the day season, and to which the action of the solar rays is es- sential ; whereas, during the absence of the sun they appear to be occupied by the attrac- tion of vapours and of carbonic acid. Such, at least, are the facts which have constantly been offered to Iny observation in the course of the last summer, by means of numerous experiments, which I may have occasion more particularly to relate hereafter. It is true this representation does not literally coincide with the statement of Mr: Cavallo, and ray friend, Mr. Sturgeon, respecting the constant positive electricity of the atmo- sphere. But their observations being prin- cipally confined to the day season, and with- out any particular reference to the state of vegetation, must, I conceive, be considered as mainly relating to that portion of time ; while experiments relating to the variations occasioned by the presence and absence of the sun, and by the different operations of plants by day and night, and at different seasons of the year, are, I apprehend, reserv- ed in a great degree for futtlre investigation. In the mean time, the facts of the general positive electricity of the atmosphere, of the extreme conducting activity of plants in im- bibing this superabundance and transmitting a portion of it to the earth, while the residue is efficacious in promoting their germination and growth^ is, I trust, in a great degree, established by what has been advanced. Many particulars will, however, transpire in the course of a more detailed inquiry, which may conduce bo conform and illustrate these positions. Should it be thought that in the above statements I have made too liberal a use of the experiments and observations of others, I can only plead that my general object, in a manner, obliged me to search for assistance from, any, autlrentic sources of information from whence it could be derived, and that thus they are brought to support principles which do not appear to have been in the contemplation odf the excellent electricians to Vv^hom we are indebted for the facts ; those I mean which are taken from printed docu- ments, with the exception of M. Astier’s, wJiose further communications are indeed most desirable. As to those of my two most ingenious and excellent friends, .they being communicafSd for the express purpose of aiding me in the general inquiry, I could do no other than thus to bring forward the decisive evidence with which they have so generously furnished me in support of posi- tions which must otherwise have remained in a great degree in the state of mere hy- pothesis. (To be continued.) INSECT ARCHITECTURE. It can hevcr be too strongly impressed upon a mind anxious for the acquisition of knowledge, that the commonest things by which we axe surrounded are deserving of minute and careful attention. The most profound investigations of Philosophy are necessarily connected with the ordinary cir- cumstances of our being, and of the world in which our every-day life is spent. With regard to our own existence, the pulsation of the heart, the act of respiration, the voluntary movement of our limbs, the con- dition of sleep, are among the most ordinary operations of nature ; and yet how long were the wisest of men struggling with dark and bewildering speculations before they could offer anything like a satisfactory solu- tion of these phenomena, and how far are we still from an accurate and complete know- ledge of them ? The science of Meteorology, which attempts to explain to us the philo- sophy of matters constantly before our eyes, as dew, mist, and rain, is dependent for its illuetrations upon a knowledge of the most complicated facts, such as the influence of heat and electricity upon the air ; and that knowledge is at present so imperfect, that even these common occurrences of the wea- ther, which men have been observing and reasoning upon for ages, are by no means stitisfactorily explained, or reduced to the precision that every science should aspire to. Yet, however difficult it may be entirely to comprehend the phenomena we daily wit- ness, every thing in nature is full of instruc- tion. Thus the humblest flower of the field, although, to one whose curiosity has not been excited, and whose understanding has, therefore, remained uninformed, it may ap- pear worthless and contemptible, is valuable to the botanist, not only with regard to its place in the arrangement of this portion of the Creator’s works, but as it leads his mind forward to the consideration of those beautiful provisions for tbe support of vege- table life, which it is the part of the physio- logist to study and to admire. PROGRESS OF SCIENCE IN THE MOFUSSIL. 479 ’Phis train of reasoning is peculiarly appli- cable to the economy of insects. They constitute every large and interesting part of the animal kingdom. They are everywhere about us. The spider weaves his curious web in our houses ; the caterpillar constructs his silken cell in our gardens : the wasp that hovers over our food has a nest noT; far re- moved from us, which she has assisted to build with the nicest art ; the beetle that crawls across our patch is also an ingeni- ous and laborious mechanic, and has some curious instincts to exhibit to those who will feel an interest in watching his movements ; and the moth that eats into our clothes has something to plead for our pity, for he came like us, naked into the world, and he has destroyed our garments, not in malice or wantonness, but that he may clothe himself with the same wool which we have stripped from the sheep. An observation of the ha- bits of these little creatures is full of valua- ble lessons, which the abundance of the examples has no tendency to diminish. The more such observations are multiplied, the more are we led forward to the freshest and the most delightful parts of knowledge ; the more do we learn to estimate rightly the extraordinary provisions and most abundant resources of a creative Providence ; and the better do we appreciate our own relations with all the infinite varities of Nature, and our dependence, in common with the ephe- meron that flutters its little hour in the sum- mer sun, upon that Being in whose schema of existence the humblest as well as the highest creature has its destined purposes. “ If you speak of a sto^,” says St. Basil, one of the Fathers of the Church, “ if ycru speak of a fly, a gnat, or a bee> your conver- sation will be a sort of demonstration of His power whose hand formed them; for the wisdom of the workman is commonly perceiv- ed in that which is of little size. He who has stretched out the heavens, and dug up the bottom of the sea, is also He who has pierced a passage through the sting of the bee for the ejection of its poison.” If it be granted that making discoveries is one of the most satisfactory of human pleasures, then we may without hesitation affirm, that the study of insects is one of the most delightful branches of natural history, for it affords peculiar facilities for its pursuit. These facilities are found in the almost inex- haustible variety which insects present to the entomological observer. As a proof of the extraordinary number of insects within a limited field of observation, Mr. Stepherra informs us, that in the short space of forty days, between the middle of June and the beginning of August, he foxind, in the vici- nity of Ripley, specirhens of above two thou- satid four hundred species of insects, ex- clusive of caterpillars and grubs, — a number amounting to nearly a fourth of the insects ascertained to be indigenous. He further tells us, that among these specimens, although the ground had, in former seasons, been frequently explored, there were about one hundred species altogether new, and not before in any collection v.^hich he had inspected, including several new genera ; while many insects reputed scarce were in considerable plenty*. The localities of in- sects are, to a certain extent, constantly changing ; and thus the study of them has, in this circumstance, as well as in their manifold abundance, a source of perpetual variety. Insects, also, which are plentiful one year, frequently become scarce, or dis- appear Eiltogether, the next — a fact sti'iking- ly illustrated by the uncommon abundance, in 1826 and 1827, of the seven-spot lady- bird {Coccinella septempunctata), in the vicinity of London, though during the two succeeding summers this insect was compa- ratively scarce, while the small two-spot lady-bird {Coccinella bipunctata) was plen- tiful. {To be continued,) ♦ Stephens’s Illustrations, vol. i., p. 72, note. THE SPIRIT OF THE INDIAN PRESS, OR MONTHLY REGISTER OF USEFUL INVENTIONS, AND IMPROVEMENTS, DISCOVERIES, AND NEW FACTS IN EVE^Y DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE. ORGANIC REMAINS IN THE SEWALIK rented to the museum by Captain Cautley of HI LLiS. Bengal artillery. These organic remains come fro m the range of hills formerly called We observe in the Delhi that a Sewalik, which skirt the base of the Himalayah magnificent collection of fossil bones was pre- mountains from the Ganges to the Sutlege 480 HIGH ROADS AND RAIL ROADS. rivW, or from N. L. Si)® to 3lo They abound in part of the range to the westward of the Jumna river and belong to the genera Masto- don,Elephant, Hippopotamus, Rhinoceros, Hog« Anthracotherium, Horse, Ox, Deer, Antelope, Canis, Felis,Garial, Crocodile, Emys, Trionyx , besides fish and shells. Among the fossils there were some considered to be new genera, and one which Capt. Cautley and Dr. Falconer have called Sevatherium. The monkey of a large species has been found fossil in the Se- walik Hills, THE HIGH ROAD BETWEEN BOMBAY AND CALCUTTA. The feasibility of this plan has been long since shown, and when the British Government in In- dia begins to look to its own interests and those of the people, no doubt such a road will be open- ed. The Friend of India makes the following observations on the subject. The advanlages to he derived from layino open this cnuniiy hy means of a great liiali nay, and a free coinninuication will] tile nioie civili/ed dis- tricts east and west, are such as to give a siionj* cast of benevolence to tlie project. The uact of land tliiongh which this route would pass, mea- suring about 4U0 miles square, is at present one of the wildest wliich can he conceived. The greater part of it is overgrown with thick forests attd jrrrt- gles, the abode of wild beasts, while the patches of cultivation which occasionally intervene, are occupied hy men little elevated above the brute. Yet the country is eniiiienil> endowed by nature with advantages, it abounds in hills, ricli in ore, and in valleys capable of tite highest cultivation . It requires only the progress of civilization to fill the region with smiling villages and iltiivirtg towns The productions of extensive conn- tries are very imperiecily known. It is ceiiain however that they abound generally with firte tliir- hers 1 he lac and trrssar silk insects afford tlieir products pleniifrtily ihronghout. The hills gerte- rally, and the eastern ones in pat ticrrlar, are rich in iron ores. 'I he Palamow district possesses ex- tensive fields of coal, The soil in Sirgoojah, it is stated hy Hamilton, “is siiigiilarly rich, and so tvell supplied with moistute that even the tops of the Iiilis are marshy ” The valleys yield vastquarr- tities of Tickoor (circuma anguslifolia) from which the Natives prepare a farinaceous powder scatcrly to be distinguished from the arrow root of the vvest Indies. Tlie district of Sumbhulpore prodrrces ahundaiice of rice, cottoir, and irott, and also dia- monds and gold dust- The high lairte land of Mynput, which is considered saluhr ions, is situa- ted in this district. The uplands generally of these countries are represented ti> be well adaiited for dry grains and pasturage, while the valleys yield the most abundant crops of rice. I heie being no outlet however from these provinces hy rivers or roads, no produce is raised beyond what the irtha- bitaiits themselves reqrtire, attd ibiis no means are afforded them of bettering tireit condition, by bar- tering their own produciiorrs for those or tireir neighhonrs. Like every other tract itt a state of na- ture it is partially unhealthy ; hut after cleat iiig the first ranges of the Hutabhooti aitd Singhhoorn hills, the country exiaiids inio extensive grass plains, and reaches an altitude of between two and three thousand feet, wliich secures it a mode- lats temperature in the hot weather, and ihe ad- vantage of bracing cold in the winter By car- rying a high way thtongh this country, the first step would be lak^i to Ittiiig this wild waste Inbv cultivation attd to impart the blessings of civilizaiion to its ittde inhahitanrs. In a commercial point of view, Ihe construction of such a road olfets tlte most advaitiageous pros- pects. Singular and even iitcredilde as it may appear, it is unless true that, at tneseitt the only roirte for nieichattdi/.e fromNagpore and its vicinity to Calcuita. is by Jrthhnipore, Rewalt, attd Vlitza- pore. riip direct distance between Nagpore and Calcinfa is 500 utiles, the route now iravetsed hy merchandize exceeds InOO ; and of this mute, that portion of which liesbeiweeti Nagpore and jnhhul. pore can scttrcely be called a road . It is certainly no stitall inconvenience m trade, that tire valua- ble productions of Berar, ate iliiis obliged to de- scribe a circuit of a thousand miles before iliey reach the port of Calcutta- But were a toad ottce onetted, as we have lieett proiiosittg, the produce of that king lorn would he imported direcily into Calcutta, at only half the outlay of time and titottey wltich is at presetrt indispertsaltle, wltilellte greatest facilities woitld he alFotdid for pouring British mattriiaciutes into the provinces in the centre of India. Itt a military and political poirrt of view, the ad- varrtage of a high road ttrmugh tlie certtre of Ittdia, i from Bombay to Calcrrtta, are loo obvious to treed recupitirlatiori, and it may he sntlicietrt therefore | to cite the opittioti of iliat eminerrt statesman Sir , John Vlulcolm, who, in Iris evidence liefore rite | House of Cttmttiotts, says, “1 Itave ihtts eiidea- i voured to shew that the consirnciion of a direct | Highway from Calcnila to Nagpore would he pro- dttciive of great attd permanent advanlages in a poliiical, commercial, and ntililary point of view, — what the advantages fiotn the land revenue ofsucli a country ntight (itove when improved and settled, I shall not venture to calculate ” The same paper has the following sensible remarks on a. BOUIE BETWEEN BAJMAHL AND CaL- cur f A. By one of the late arrivals we learn that the rail road between Utica and Schenectady in America has just been completed at au expense of about £ 310,000. Ihe disiaiice heiweeii the two places is ah'iut seventy-seven miles; so tliat the outlay has lieeii at the rate of about 40,000 Rupees a mile. Ihe modeiaiioii of this expense, compared with heavy charges incurred iti Kiigland, in the con- st! iiciion ot similiar works, naturally leads the mind to cotitemrilate the possiltility at no distant period of giving this country the inesiitnahle be- nefit of rail roads; and as a fust expel imetii, of con- necliiig the Wesleiii Provinces with the Port of Calcutta hy such a contiivance. We apprehend that all the iron employed in the Oliio road was iinpotted fioin England, iind at a rate of freight not iiiiich utiove that which olttains between Liver- pool and t alculta. The nature of the ground on tlie American line of road, must also itave been similar to that of the plains of India, to account for so small an outlay ; as it is welt known that tlie greatest portion ot the expense of these enter- pnzesin England arises fioni the hilly natiiie of the locality over which the mad passes, and the charge foi constructing viaducts. It may theie- fore, We think, lie assumed, tliat th' outlay oiia road across tlie plains of Bengal, would not greatly exceed that which has been incut red on the present occasion in America, If this supposition aptiroach the tiuih, the exueiice of a rail toad irom Rajmalil to Calcutta, Ihe distance in a straight line being one liiindied and sixty miles, would tie about sixty- foui lakhs of Rupees, which is not more than four- teen lakhs above the charge yjhich the canal be- tween Bajmahl and Culna, so long contemplated, yvns estimated to cost. Wlienever, ihert-foie, the runds of the State ate sntflcienily strong to autho- lize the adoption of means for facilitating ibiscoin- THE FRUITS OF THE MOFUSSIL PRESS. 481 m«nic.ilioii, we think there csm be little question (liat a laii-vvay will ite f8 will be taken to encourage geographical aud statis- tical researches at this Presidency, and to place the documents which may be collected on these subjects ou record. SUGAR CANE IN INDIA. Our readers will perceive from our nume- rous extracts from the Mofussil papers, the value of the press, beyond the Mahratta ditch. The following, from our able contemporary of the Meerut Observer, will not, we presume, be deemed unimportant at this moment. As the country cane is far inferior to the canes of Otaheite and Mauritius, especial care has been taken to naturalize them, and the at- tempt has so far succeeded that they have af- ter nine years’ cultivation not been found to degenerate in India under common care, tieen proved to yield four times as much as the ceuntry canes, and that hopes are entertain- ed that in four yeai*s more the country cane will be completely displaced. That this is not a chimerical hope we beg to record a fact which, however astonishing it may appear, is vouched for in the high authority of Capt. Cautley. Two years since Colonel Colvin re- ceived from Calcutta about seven living Ota- heite canes ; from these he has succeeded in raising a large plantation ; last year he sent nine canes lo Capt Cautley, who planted them at Manuckmow, and reaped this year no less than squ < anes from them, being a sixty - fold return for the cuttings planted ; nearly the whole of these Capt. C. purposes replanting with the view of distributing the produce amongst the Zuineendars of his neighbourhood. The Horticultural Society of Meerutt has re- ceived a sti ply of cuttings of tiie same cane from Dr. Stevenson at I ucknow, from Colo- nel Colvin’s plantation at Dadoofioor, from Capt Cautley, and from Capt Sleemaiv’s Jub- bulpoor Establishment, which ought to enable the Committee to raise a sufficient quantity of cuttings for next year, to distribute amongst the neighbouring planters. From the same paper, we extract the fol- lowing It I- marks on The corn of the spring t"ROl’, IN I'HF, VoUTHF.ll DIVISION op THE DOAB, IN THE Ul’PlUl PROVINCES OF INDIA. By Capt. Brown, Revenue Surveyor. Considerable aitenlioii has lately been paid to- wards tlie impiovement of certain products adapted for exporiatioii. |t may be thoiight worthy of consideiatioii to ascertain whether luoduce for home consnmpi ion, particularly the more valuable sorts, may not be equally capable of improvement with great heiiefii. ITie mass of the population of India being almost wholly employed in Agricitllural pursuits, has long been considered prejudicial to the improvements of the conntiy, the fiist step to vvhicli must natur- ally be looked for lo a new system, and cannot be better commenced, titan bv acquiring superior pio- ducp as the first stimulant to further industry. The .Agricultural products of India, as far as regards Coin, have probably never undergone any changes. Althongli in Europe great advantages from time to lime have been derived by the iiitro- diiciinti of superior foreign grain, the aileniion of Agiiciilturists seems still to be drawn to the subject, and new aud impoitaiii r.cquisilious to i..j English farmer have lately been made in the Victoria Wheat. The light Corn of India as at present grown may be best suited for dry light upland soils without ii tigation, but the rich and irrigated soils certainly desei ve a better and heavier description of giaiii than that n-A. J. Murchison, Esq., general secretary, in the room of Mr. Daly, who had resigned. SCIENCE IN A BALLOON. Dr. Kent's Account of his Ascent loith Mr. W. Green from Vauxhall- Gardens, on Tues- day, August 30, 1836. Every arrangement having been completed for launching the balloons, the signal was given at five minutes past six o’clock, p. m , and they immediately rose, the wind blow- ing gently from S. W. The atmosphere be- ing remarkably clear, every object beneath us was seen with the greatest distinctness. We crossed the river a little to the eastward of London bridge, and the view at that period was most magnificent; St. Paul’s seen a little to westward ; the Monument nearer to us in the same direction ; the Tower almost immediately below us, the London Docks, the shipping, the extended view of the river, and the beautiful and highly- cultivated coun- try all around the metropolis, forming a coup d'oeil of the most sublime grandeur, which sets at defiance every attempt at de- scription. We crossed the river Lei a little to the northward of Stratford, at which time we had attained our greatest altitude, and en- tered a different current, which took us a little more to the eastward. M5e then passed over Epping Lower Forest and Wanstead Park, descending very gradually until we again reached terra firma at seven minutes pas'- seven, in a beautiful grass field, close to the Maypole, on the border of Hainault Forest, four miles N. E. of Ilford. Mr. C- Green having got into a different current, we soon parted company, but we had an exceedingly interesting view of his balloon until within a few minutes of his descent. This took place at Romford ; our chaises, however, met at Ilford, and we arrived together at the Gar- dens, Vauxhall, at eleven o’clock, p. m. It is but justice to Mr. W. Green to state, that his management of the balloon wa.s most skilful, and that the descent was accomplish- ed in the most easy and delightful man- ner. The greatest depression of the mercury in a barometer was 24.75 inches, which was its register at 6 h. 33 m., its height on leaving the ground having been ascertain- ed to be exactly 30 inches. The thermometer, which stood at 63 deg. Fahrenheit, or 17 deg. Centigrade, on leaving, sunk to 5l deg. Fahrenheit, or 10,4 Centigrade, at which point it stood at the abovementioned time. There was consequently a depression of 5.25 inches in the height of the mercury of the barometer, and of 12 deg. Fahrenheit in the thermometer, indicating the greatest eleva- tion to have been about 5,863 feet, or 1 mile and 580 feet. A much greater altitude could have been attained, but it was thought de- sirable to make the descent before it became so dark as to render it probable we might be delayed in the emptying and packing the balloon. The management of the machine in the hands of an aeronaut so practised and intelli- gent as Mr, W . Green appears to be extreme- ly simple. After leaving the earth his atten- tion is first directed to the state of the dis- tension of the balloon, more particularly if the sun’s rays are falling on it. I'wo causes are then in operation which produce the effect of rarefaction and consequent expansion of the gas in the balloon ; one, the diminished atmospheric pressure, and the other, the ca- loric imparted by the rays of the sun. Should these causes act powerfully, it becomes ne- cessary to allow the escape of a small volume of gas from the safety-valve. Here ihe judgment of the aeronaut is called into ex- ercise, as he must allow a sufficient quantity of gas to escape, to prevent any undue disten- sion at the same time that it is necessary for him to bear in mind that he will have again to return into the same dense atmosphere he has left, when the balloon will, of course, contract into a smaller space than it previ- ously occupied. As long as the machine continues to rise, or is sailing along at the same altitude (which is ascertained by the barometer, or by the less scientific but readier method of throwing out small pieces of tissue paper and observing the direction they ap- pear to take), the above is the only point which requires his attention. When it is determined to commence the descent, either a small quantity of gas is again allowed to escape, or (if the balloon has already a ten- dency to descend) ballast is no longer thrown out, excepting as much as is sufficient to counteract in some measure the condensa- tion of the gas by the increasing density of the atmosphere. Having descended to within 100 or 150 yards of the earth, an eligible spot for landing is selected, and the bal- loon is then allowed to descend again until the grappling-iron brings it to anchor, or the cord is secured by some of the persons attached to the spot. It is then drawn down gently by them, and as soon as the car rests on the ground, the valve is open- ed wide, the balloon is quickly emptied, and the whole being packed within, the car is re- conveyed to the spot from which a few hours before it arose. The safety-valve is situated at the top of the balloon, and is about eight- een inches in diameter. It is divided into two equal parts, each of which is kept closed by the action of powerful springs. Cords are fastened to either of these valves, which pass through the centre into the neck of the balloon, within reach of the individuals in the car. The valves are prevented from being opened too far by small pieces of twine fas- tened to them and to the ed^e of the aperture. When the ground is reached, and the machine secured, these are broken by a sudden jerk of the cords, the gas escapes rapidly, and the balloon collapses. Owing to the excellent management of Mr. W. Green, the balloon has not receiv- ed even a scratch by which it is damaged. Benjamin Archer Kent, m. h. 20, Harley-street, Cavendish square. BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCUNCE. 485 Our kind friend and contemporary of the Oriental Observer, Mr. Rushton, has been so fortunate as to receive the la- test number of the Athenceum j the entire columns of which have been devoted to the report of the proceedings of the British association. No expense has been spared to make it full and sa- tisfactory. We shall continue to furnish cur readers with the result of the even- ing meeting so that it shall not inter- fere with the regular number of our Review. We are sure that our readers will share in our sense of obligation to Mr. Rushton for this spirit and zeal he has evinced in the cause of science by enabling us to diffuse expeditiously this important and highly interesting intel- ligence. SIXTH MEETING OF THE BRI- TISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. [From our own Correspondents.^ SATURDAY’ AUG. 2,0. At the Meeting of the General Com- mittee, a letter was read from the Mar- quis of Lansdowne, stating his regret at being unable to take the chair, in consequence of the alarming illness of his eldest son (the Earl of Kerry), though all his arrangements were com- pleted for leaving London on that even- ing. It was then proposed that the Marquis of Northampton should be ap- ointed Vice-President, in the room of . Harford, Esq., who had resigned from ill health. The motion was una- nimously adopted, and an express des- patched to secure his Lordship’s at- tendance on Monday evening. Some temporary arrangements were made, to facilitate the distribution of tickets, and • it was agreed that the officers intrusted with this duty should be at their posts at eight o’clock on Monday morning. Sectional officers and committees were appointed, after which the General Com- mittee adjourned to twelve o’clock on Saturday, 27th August. To prevent the final meeting of the Association from interfering with the deliberations of the Commitee as in Dublin, it was resolved. that the close of the meeting should take place on Saturday evening, in the Theatre. It was gratifying to' observe,, that all traces ofthe temporary estrange- ment of Sir David Brewster firom his old colleagues in the Council had dis- appeared. The members seemed eager to welcome him, and he was equally eager to show that past differences were’ forgotten. The Marquis of Northampako some early opportunity of bringing these observations more immediately under the notice of the Section ; at Newcastle, under the direction of Mr. Briddle; at W^earrnouth, under the care of Mr. Anderson; near Manchester, and at Northampton, under the direction of Mr. Hodgkinson : and -within a few days. Professor Phillips had been ena- bled, through the kindness of a friend, to place a thermometer in a deep coal mine at Bedminster, in this immediate vicinity (Bristol). The results of these observations, so far as they had as yet proceeded, amply confirmed the fact of i the increase of temperature in the parts under the earth’s surface. As one ex- ample, the Professor stated, that in a mine, the perpendicular depth of which, below the surface, was 525 yards, the thermometer in the rock stood at 7^“, while the temperature in the open air at the mouth of the mine, varied from 300 to 800, the mean temperature of the place being 47^®. Professor Forbes then gave, from me- mory, an account of the experiments which he had been the means of instituting in the Lead Hills. Before he did so, however, he w'ished to state that he had been in- formed that an artesian well had lately been met with in granite ; and he then gave a general description of artesian wells. It was to this effect : that here- tofore, in making borings in certain districts through certain alternations of clays, and at length through certain rocks, a supply of water was reached, which rapidly rose through the boring to the surface, and continued to over- flow at the top, sometimes, as the term fountain indicated, in considerable quan- tity, and with considerable force. He instanced the artesian wells or fountains of the London clay districts; and added that the temperature of these waters was found universally to increase with the depth of their source beneath the surface of the earth. Heretofore, no such well had been obtained by boring through the granite ; and if the account, which he had received, were correct, and of its correctness he entertained little doubt, this would be a matter of considerable interest as well to the geo- logist as to those who were engaged in scientific pursuits similar to those now under consideration. The observations made under his directions in the Lead ON POLARIZfib LIGHT. 493 Hills, alluded to by Professor Phillips, were almost entirely conducted by Mr. Irvine. These observations were par- ticularly interesting, from the fact, that the mines, in consequence of a strike among the workmen, had not been worked for many months, and at the same time it most fortunately happened that they were selfdrained, that is, by machinery worked by external power, without the aid of either animals or steam. This most fortunate concur- rence of favourable circumstances, which could be expected to be met with in so very few instances, at once disembar- rassed the observations from many sources of error, which, but for this, would have still left considerable doubts of the results being, partially, at least, affected by the heat generated by ani- mals residing and working in the mines, as Well as artificial fires kept up for the purposes of ventilation or of originating power. It was upon these grounds that he perceived the importance of them, but had it not been for the valuable as- sistance afforded him by Mr. Irvine, who descended into the mine, and placed the thermometer and made the observa- tions, he could scarcely have been as successful as the results already obtained warranted him in hoping he should be. These results, which, of course, h^d not as y’^et reached the degree of accu- racy which he still looked for, lead to the conclusion that the temperature in that mine increased about 50 of Fahren- heit for a descent of ninety-five fathoms. — Professor Stevelly stated, that as prac- tical utility was one of the principal ob- jects of the British Association, he might be permitted to add, that the waters of these wells, in consequence of their temperature being in general ele- vated above the mean temperature of the place at which they delivered their waters, had been applied to the very important practical purpose of freeing machinery of ice in winter, insomuch, that by their instrumentalitj% machine- ry, such as water-wheels, &c., which had alwa5’'s previously been clogged by ice for a considerable part of the winter, to the great loss of the owner’s manu- factory, were, by the aid of the waters of these fountains, kept constantly free, while the same water had even been previously, in some instances, conduct- ed through the factory itself, with a view to keep up a uniform and elevated temperature within its walls, thus af<* fording a second and a very valuable practical application. The Rev. Mr. Craig now read a pa- per on Polarized Light. He stated, that he conceived the term ])olai:iza- tion of light” had been hastily adopted, and tended to mislead, by directing the mind to a class of phenomena, with which he thought the effects upon light were by no means to be chssed. In fact, he conceived that the phenomena usually attributed to ])olarization, were only particular instances of the ap])lica- tion of a general principle resulting from the very nature of light, namely, that light, when strong, could pass through the substances of several pecu- liarly constructed media, in a manner which, when its impulse has been pre- viously weakened, which by several means it may be, it could by no means similarly pass. The Rev. gentleman then exemplified in the common optical changes made upon the course of light, and called reflection and refraction, how rays, which before incidence had gone on together, were by these pro- cesses so separated as to produce to- tally separated images, and even suc- cessions of images ; in this and similar cases, he conceived that the division of the rays was accompanied with a weakening of the force of each part, insomuch that they would now no longer pass through media in the same way that they would have passed pre- viously ; and thus, in certain cases, re- sulted an inability to pass even through regular structures, such as crystals of Iceland spar, tourmaline, &c , without exhibiting phenomena arising out of the peculiarity of such structures, and which afforded diversities, as he con- tended, fully sufficient to account for all the phenomena usually denominated polarization. He then went in detail over five common methods of polariz- ing light : viz. 1. By reflections at cer- tain angles from plates of glass ; 2. By reflections from similar plates, having their under surfaces blackened, so as to absorb the rays upon their coming to the back surface of the glass, and to this glass he would refer the effects of all polished surfaces, such as varnished mahogany tables and trays, j apanned metals, burnished leather, &c., and he instanced the total disappearance of all 494 PHOSPHATE AND PYROPHOSPHATE OF SODA. diversity of colour from varnished card of several colours, when viewed under certain circumstances, through eye- pieces of tourmaline, Iceland spar, &c, (we omit the detailof these experiments, as every one of them have been shown to he consequences of the undulatory the- ory of light) ; 3. By transmitting the ray through certain crystalline sub- stances, such as Iceland spar ; 4. By passing the ray through crystals of tour- maline cut by planes parallel to the axis of the crystal ; 5. By the use of Nicholls double fosion of Iceland spar, of the action of which upon light, the rev, gen- tleman took, as it appeared to us, an entirely erroneous view, for he stated that the. rays which had been separated within these prisms, were reunited upon their emergence, whereas the very nature of the prism is to prevent that reunion, by causing a total reflection of the ordi- nary ray at the oblique common surface of the two prisms, (between which, the Canada balsam is interposed). The rev. gentleman then proceeded to explain, in connexion with his theoretic views, the play of colours observed within certain kinds of crystals of Iceland spar, the dis- tinction between right-handed and left- handed quartz crystals, and numerous other instances derived from facts fami- liar to those who have studied this branch of science. Section B.~CHEMISTRY AND MINERALOGY. President - Rev Professor Cdmming. Vice P residents ••'Dr . Dalton, Dr Henry Secietaries-'^Yir Apjohn, Dr. C Henry, W. Herapath, Esq Committee --Tir Barker, Professor Daubeny, Charles T Coathupe, Esq., Rev. W Vernon Harcourt, Professor Hare. Professor John- ston, Georg:e Lowe, Esq , F R. S. Professor Miller, Riclnrtl Phillii)s, Esq , Dr. Roget, Dr Ro' er, D Thomson Dr. Turner, Dr. T Thomson, T. Thompson jun.,Esq., Henry Hou^hWatson, Esq., Wil iam West, Rev. Wil iam Whewell, Dr. Tellowly, Colonel Yorke, Mr, Watson read a paper on the Phos- phate and Pyrophosphate of Soda; — one, however, of so much detail, as scarcely to admit of compression. The results at which he arrived are the fol- lowing : — 1st, That Phosphoric acid given off water in being converted into the pyropbosphoric acid, and that hy- drogen and carbon are component parts of the former. 2nd, That phosphoric and Pyrophosphoric acids are alto- gether different, — different in their i composition and their atomic weight ; | that of the phosphoric being 36T, and that of pyrophosphoric, acid, ' 31.7. 3rd, That the precipitate given by pyrophosphate of soda and lime water, when calcined, is black ; that afforded by phosphate of soda and lime water white. 4th, That, contrary to the prevailing opinion, a solution of the pyrophosphate of soda does not spontaneously change into phosphate. [The statement con- tained in this paper appeared to us ra- ther startling, and, we must add, in- conclusive.] Mr. Ettrick on a new form of Blow- pipe.— The principal novelty in this apparatus was the method employed for maintaining a constant blast indepen- dent ed to refer all the phenomena of atmospherical electri- city. This hypothesis is undoubtedly novel ; but, as far as it appe rs to us, not in very strict accordance either with facts, or the fundamental principles of electrical science. It did not excite any discussion. 496 VERTEBRATED ANIMALS IN THE CRAG OF NORFOLK. 8KCTION r.-GEOLOr,Y AND GEOGRAPHY. Prciftfenf-.-Rev . Dr Buceland, Vice Presidents CJaiyFixa, Esq., G. B. Geeenocgh, Esq., (For Geography) R I Murchison, Esq. Secretaries‘—W. Sanders, Esq , S. Stutchbb* RY, Esq., T. j. Tohrie, Esq. (For Geography) F Harrison Rankin, Esq €ommittee--~n T. De la Becl»e, Esq., M. Van Breda, Jos. C-irne, Esq, Penzance, Edward Charlc.sworlli, E.q , Major Clerke, l ord Cole, Rev. William Conybeaie, R. Grilfith, Esq , Rev William Hopkin.s, Robert Hotton Esq , Boscawen lbho.stson, Esq., Rev. T. T. Dewis, JamesMacadam Esq ,SirGeor^e Mackenzie, M . Van (lor Mclen. Lord Northampton, Pro- fessor Pariq , T C Fly ton, Ksq , E Uowinan, Esq W C, Hewitson . Professor Scouler, Dr. aci)b, Rev Mr. Ellei I'lnbe, G . . .lelfrys. Esq , R M Bail Esq , Colonel Sykes, .1 L. Knapp, Esq..-Vi{^ors, Esq , E Forster, Esq Dr. Richardson commenced the pro- ceedings of the Section, by reading the introductory portion of his report ‘ On the Zoology of North America.’ It did not appear probable that the progress of colonization had, as et, extinguish- ed any one species of animal from the country. The great similarity existed between the animals of North America and those of Europe, as regarded their generic distinctions, connected with the dissimilarity of their species, rendered them well adapted to inquiries connect- ed with their respective geographic dis- tribution. Hitherto, the trivial names bestowed by the colonists upon many of those of North America, had tended to mislead naturalists. The observations, in the present report, would principally refer to the western parts of North A- merica, including New Mexico, the Peninsula of Florida and California, down to the well-defined limits of the very different South American zoologi- cal province. Dr. Richardson then proceeded to describe the physical struc- ture of thi' country, of which the Roc- ky Mountains formed a most remarka- ble feature. The altitude of many of their peaks rose above the limits of per- petual snow, and their sides were flank- ed by zones of different temperature, affording passages for animals from the Arctic circle to the Table Lands of Mexico, without any great alteration of climate throughout the whole extent. The temperate zones of both hemispheres might, in this way, be connected, were it not that the Cordilleras were greatly depressed at the Isthmus of Panama, and that a plain extended from sea to sea, a little further to the south. As yet, we possess no informa- tion of the elevation of the backs of these mountains, independent of the heights of some of the peaks, and the elevation of the base of the range is equally unknown. The depths of some of the transverse valleys are considerable, and these afford passages for the mi- j gration of animals. Most oftheprin- j cipal rivers flowing to the east cut | across the chain, and one actually rises to the west of the crests of the range. ! On the Atlantic side, are prairies, com- [losing plains, gently inclining to the ' east, and there is an extent of land wdiichmaybe likened to a long valley, which stretches from the Arctic sea to Mexico, witlu'ut any transverse ridges dividing it, but merely affording three ; distinct water-sheds. The greatest width of the jdain is about 15" of longitude, in the 40® to 50® of north latitude. This configuration gives great facility for the range of herbivorous quadrupeds from north to south, and for the migra- tion of low flying birds, whilst the Mac- l' kenzie furnishes a channel by which i the anadromons fish of the Arctic Sea i can [lenetrate 10'^ or 11® of latitude to j the southward, and the Mississippi enables those of the Gulph of Mexico 1 to ascend far to the north. The most i remarkable chain east of the Mississippi, | is the Alleghanies, which are about 100 i miles broad, rise from a base between , 1,g00 and 1,200 feet, and attain an eleva- ■ tion from 2,000 to 3,000 feet above the sea. The strip of land between them | and the Coast is two hundred miles I broad in Southerly to the 5® of latitude these forming also the Carolinas ; be- j' comes broader still in Georgia, and ' sweeping round the northern extremity i of the chain, joins the valley of the Mis- i sissippi. This strip influences the dis- ■ tribiition of animal life, by extending a barrier to the progress of anadromous fish from the Atlantic to the bottom of the Gulph of Mexico. With reference to ; Physical Geography, Newfoundland ap- 1 pears as a prolongation of the Atlantic i coast line, and its zoological and botani- cal productions correspond to those of j Labrador, When the canals already projected shall have opened a communication be- tween the several great inland seas which ;i exist in North America, an interchange will take place between the fish of wide- ly diverging waters. SUGAR— MALT— ARDENT SPIRITS. 499 The great proportion of water to land, forms a striking feature of the north east continent. This may be zoologically di- vided into two districts — viz. the nor- thern or barren grounds, and the south- ern, or woo led. The temperature is here materially influenced by the inland sea of Hudson’.s Strait.s, and thus its capa- bility of supporting animal life tnuch aifected On the west of the Rocky Mountains, the northern corner appears to be similar to the eastern side or bar- ren (j rounds. The general character of the country bordering the Pacific is mountainous. With respect to the climate of North America, the eastern coast has a lower mean temperature than the western, at least in the higher latitudes. Probably the isothermal, and even the isotbseral lines of the banks of the Columbia and New Caledonia correspond nearly in latitude with those of the east coast of Europe. But on the eastern side, down to the 56th parallel of latitude, the subsoil is perpetually frozen. Even in the 45th parallel, on the north side of the great Canada lakes, there is upwards of six months of continual frost, and the grallatorial and most of the graminivor- ous birds can find nothing to subsist them in the winter season ; and, conse- quently, the migration of the feathered tribes is here much more general than in the countries of Europe lying under the same parallel. The pricipal cause of this great difference between the cli- mates of the eastern and western dis- tricts, may be ascribed to the configura- tion of the coast land, which detains the ice in its bays and gulfs, and this, in melting, materially depresses the sum- mer heat. The decrement in the mean annual heat, corresponding to the in- crease in latitude, is greater in North America than in Euro{)e, and there ex- ists a wider difference between the tem- peratures of summer and winter. Dr. Richardson then concluded this intro- ductory portion of his report, by details concerning the temperatures which had been observed at different places in the county under consideration. A discussion then ensued, in which Mr. Rootsey, Dr, Fiske, (of America,) Rev. G Tibbetts, and Mr. G. Webb Hall, took part, respecting the best mode of obtaining both a registry of facts and an appreciation of the causes upon which atmospheric changes depend. with a view to improve our knowledge of the law by which climate is regulated. It was thought that a propositi(‘n might be made by this Section, recommending a scheme for instituting both local and general observations to this effect. Mr. Rootsey exhibited a living speci- men of a large spider, which he consi- dered to be the Aranea aincularia, Linn,, or Mygale avicularia, which was taken at Bristol, in a ship from the Bay of Cam- peachy, laden with logwood. He noticed some of the e traordinary stories which were commonlv reported of this animal, such as its extremely venomous nature, &c , but which he had thus obtained an opportunity of refuting It was also a common notion, that this species caught hummingbirds, by springingupon them. — Mr. Lister mentioned, that he had seen a living specimen, obtained likewise from a vessel coming from the same port, and that it fed very readily on a beetle, which was presented to it. — Mr, Hope did not consider the specimen ex- hibited as the true Mylage avicularia, but believed it to be a closely allied species described by Spix and Martins. He possessed the true Mygale aviculia in bis own cabinet, and had seen a specimen of this insect which was washed ashore alive in Essex, with many other exotic insects, from a wreck which occurred on that coast. Mr. Rootsey exhibited specimens of sugar, malt, and an ardent spirit, which he had extracted from mangel wurtzel, and considered that this root might, un- der certain circumstances, be grown to great advantage in this countr3’-, for the purposes of manufacturing the above ar- ticles. He considered the opinion of its not being liable to injury from the attack of insects, as erroneous, and exhibited specimens of the common turnip fly, Haltica nemorum, which he had found feeding upon it. By the selection of par- ticular geographical strata for its cul- ture, the average crop might be increas- ed from 40 or 50 tons, to 70 tons per acre. He remarked, that the refuse, af- ter expressing the juice, appeared to be nearly or quite as nutritive to cattle as before ; and that, by drying this at a pe- culiar temperature in the malt-kiln, a material was procured which, in smell, flavour, and other qualities, closely re- sembled malt; excepting that it was slightly bitter. With this malt, an ex- cellent beer had been made. He stated 500 ACCELERATION OF THE GROWTH OF WHEAT. tlie several opinions which had been formed respecting the different kinds of su^ar obtained from the cane, grapes, and other plants, and had found, from numerous experiments, that the analysis of the sugar of grapes was within the average afforded by those of different cane sugars, of which he considered that there existed two distinct kind. Upon subjecting the sugar from the mangel wurtzel to the same processes as those to which the East India sugars were submitted, he had obtained crys- tals in no respect different from those of the cane sugar ; and he, therefore, considered the two kinds in every res- pect identical. He considered, that the quarter of a cwt, of the malt from man- gel wurtzel was equivalent to a i)ushel of common malt, for the purposes of brewing. The climate best adapted to the growth of the plant, was that of the vallevs rather than on the tops of hills, and from c ■imputation, he thought that there were in England about .500,003 acres of land favourable to its culture. Mr. G. Webb Hall stated, that he had been an extensive grower of this plant, and that from experience, he was not prepared to take so sanguine a view of the benefits likelv to he derived from its cultivation as Mr. Rootsey. Although crops might occasionally grown, which yeilded 6 ) or even 90 tons per acre, he considered, that 4-0 was above the average. But i' was not the case, that the quantity of sugar to be obtained from any crop increased in pro])ortion to the weight of the crop from the same ground; and in France it was found, that one crop of 23 tons would often yield as much as another of 40. In lEssex, it had been found, that the plant which before Christmas ynelded sugar would after Christmas furnish only a molasses, incapable of beir>g crvstallized. 'Fhe great difficulty of crystallizing the sugar, arose from the rapidity with which the acetous fermentation took place, and which in our climate it was extremely difficulty to avoid. In the West Indies, the process was accom- plished in three days. He considered, that sugar prepared from the mangel wurtzel in England could never com- pete with that from the cane ; and if the manufacture of it were successful in France, it was rather to be attributed to the government regulations, by which it was protected, than to any other cause. even admitting the climate of that coun- try to be more advantageous than that of England for its growth. Some crystalline fragments of pure white and transparent sugar, resem bling sugar candy, and of considerable dimensions, which had been naturally formed in the flowers of Rhododendron Ponticum, were then exhibited to the Section, Professor Henslow. There is minute glandular spot near the base, and on the upper surface of the ovarium, whence exudes a thick clammy juice, which, on desication, crystallizes into the substance here mentioned. Mr. G. Webb Hall read a communica- tion ‘On the Acceleration of the Growth of Wheat.’ After pointing out the ad- vantages which might accrue to agricul- ture,from the attention given by scientfic men to certain su'Jects with which it was connected ; and the absolute neces- sity which now existed for making the most extensive and careful investigations concerning many j)oints of great impor- tance to the success of agriculture, he proceeded to call the attention of the Section to a statement of facts, by which it would he seen that the usual period allotted to the occu|)alion of the ground for a crop of wheat might be very ma- terially abridged. At an average, this might he estimated at ten months, though twelve, and even thirteen, were not unusual, and eight might Ije consi- dered as the shortest period for tiie or- dinary winter wheat. By a selection of particular seed, and a choice of peculiar situation, wheat sown early in March has been on different occasions, ripened before the middle of August, a period scarcely exceeding five inontlis. Mr. Hall considers it an unquestionable law of vegetation that the offspring of a ])lant of early maturity itself se^ks to l)ecome so likewise, even when jdaced in unpropitious circumstances, and that it recedes with reluctance from the con- dition of its parent. Hence the seed of a crop which has been ripened in five months has a better prospect of produc- ing another crop equally accelerated than that from a crop which has been longer in ripening. He also asserted that the acceleration of a crop was fur- ther promoted by thick sowing, which likewise might be considered advantage- ous in checking and stopping the mil- dew. SPECIMENS OF THE TERMINAL SHOOTS OF A PINUS. 501 Dr. Ricbardson referred to the re- mark of Humboldt, that in South Ame- rica the wheat crop was ripened in ninety days from the period of sowing, and stated, that about Hudson’s Bay this period was only seventy days. He suggested the probable advantage that might arise from importing seed from the latter country for the purpose of furthering Mr. Hall’s views ; but this gentleman stated, that he had found that seed imported from a distance (and he had tried some from Italy) was lia- ble to become diseased. — As connected with the subject of the acceleration of the growth of seeds. Professor Hens- low mentioned the results of experi- ments which he had tried upon seeds of a species of Acacia, sent by Sir John Herschell from the Cape of Good Hope, with directions that they should be steeped in boiling water before they were sown. Some of these were kept at the boiling temperature for three, six and fifteen minutes respectively, and had yet germinated very readily in the open border whilstthose which had not been steeped did not vegetate. It was suggested that these facts might lead to beneficial results, by showing agricul- turists that they may possibly be able to steep various seeds in water suffici- ently heated to destroy certain fungi or insects known to be destructive to them, without injuring the vital principle in the seed itself. — Mr. Hope mentioned a practice common in some parts of Spain, of baking corn to a certain ex- tent, by exposing it to a temperature 150® or upwards, for the purpose of destroying an insect by which it was liable to be attacked. — Dr. Richardson mentioned, that the seeds sold in China for the European market, were previ- ously boiled lor the purpose of destroy- ing their vitality, as the jealousy of that people made them anxious to prevent their exportation in a state fitted for germination. Upon sowing these seeds he had. nevertheless, observed that some few of them were still capable of vegetating. Mr. Curtis exhibited some specimens of the terminal shoots of a Pinus, which had been attacked by the Hyluryus pini- perda and made a few remarks upon the habits of this insect. Dr. Daubeny communicated to the Section the partial results which he had obtained from a series of experiments he was carrying on at Oxford, respect ing the effects Which arsenic produces on vegetation. He was led to under- take these experiments from having received a communication from Mr. Davies Gilbert, in which he stated that there was a district in Cornwall where the soil contained a larj/e proportion of arsenic ; and that no plants could grow in it except some of the Leguminosae. By analysis, this soil yielded him about 50 per cent, of arsenic, in the form of a sulpburet ; the rest being composed principally of sulphuret of iron and a little silica. He had already ascertain- ed that a little of the sulphuret mixed in soils produced no injurious effect on Sin apis alba, barley, or beans ; and that they flowered and seeded freely when grown in it. Although the want of so- lubility in the sulphuret might be assigned as a reason for its in- activity ; yet it was certainly taken up by water in small quantities, and imbibed by the roots of plants. Upon watering them with a solution of arsenious acid, he had found that they would bear it in larger proportions than was pre-supposed. The injurious efiPects of arsenious acid on vegetation in the neighbourhood of the copper- works of Bristol and Swansea was noti- ced by Mr. Rootsey; and Mr. Stevens mentioned the circumstance of the trout in some streams of Cornwall having been destroyed by the opening of some new mines in their neighbourhood, from which arsenical compounds were discharged, though the vegetation did not appear to be injured by them ; and it was further stated, that horses were considerably injured, and rendered sub- ject to a remarkable disease, by the effects of arsenical compounds in the same districts. Section E.-ANATOMY AND MEDICINE. Present Dr. Roget. Vice Presents Dr Bright, Dr . Macartney . Secretaries Dr . Symonds, G. D. Fripp, Esq, Committee— . o’Beirne, Dr Bernard, Dr. .lames Bernard, S. D. Broug'hton,Esq., R. Carmichael, Esq., Dr, Carson, Bracey Clarke Ksq , E Cock, Esq., .1. W. Cusack, Esq , H . Daniel. Esq , J. B. Estlin, Esq , Dr. Evan- son, W Hetling, Esq , Dr. Hodgkin, Dr. Houston, Dr Howell, Dr James Johnson, R. Keate, Esq , O King, Esq , Dr Prichard O. Rees, Esq, Dr. Riley, Richard Smith, Esq.,J. C. Swayne, Esq., N. Vye, Esq , Dr. Yellowley . Dr. Roget opened the business by a few words on the nature and objects of the Association, and then, for himself per-? 502 ON A Work on tetanus. sonally, entreated the indulgence of the members, as he had been lately suffer- ing from a severe attack of ophthalmia. Dr. O’Beirne then read the following Report of the Dublin Committee on the Pathology of the Nervous System ; — “ The Committee appointed in Dub- lin to investigate the Pathology of the Brain and Nervous System, feel com- pelled on the present occasion to con- fine themselves to an analysis of the cases of nervous affections, which have come under their observation, during the short period which has elapsed since they have considered themselves to be regularly appointed. “ They are of opinion that, in order to arrive at accurate Pathological con- clusions on a subject so extensive and on which the most eminent authorities are found to disagree, a very great num- ber of cases should be first submitted to their examination— then, the symptoms of each case carefully registered, and, subsequently, accurate postmortem ex- aminations made, in the presence of the Committee, to ascertain the structural lesion or lesions which with the symp- toms co-existed. As far as their investigations have yet extended, they see that the subject, if considered in all its details, will re- quire a considerable length of time be- fore they can accumulate such a num- ber of cases and matured observations, as would justify them in drawing general conclusions. Further they have to state, that they have collected some valuable facts relating to injuries and diseases of the nerves, which seem to throw light up- on the disputed points of the physiolo- gy and pathology of this portion of the nervous system. They ate of opinion, however, that more extended observa- tions the branch of the subject, are re- quired to be made. They would also submit the necessity of repeating those experiments on animals, upon which so many authorities rely as a foundation for their doctrines. ** The Committee, influenced by the above considerations, have decided on avoiding for the present, any attempt at drawing general conclusions. They consider it more judicious to collect and arrange for a future Report, should they be re-appointed, the abundant materials, which their opportunities ena- ble them to supply. “ In furtherance of this object, they have been for some time engaged in re- gistering the history and symptoms of cases of nervous affections in the wards of the House of Industry, Dublin, and the different hospitals connected with it. This Institution contains, indepen- dently of crises of paralysis, (estimated at about 150), the following cases of mental and nervous affections, arranged as follows : — Males. Females Chronic Insane.. .. 14: 179 Epileptic ditto ... 21 33 Congenital Idiots. 69 63 Epileptic Idiots... 14 20 178 294 Total, 479 “ The number of cases which the Committee have hitherto been enabled to examine with sufficient accuracy, amounts to 4-1. Of these they have made ! analysis. They also have some cases of affections of individual nerves. (Signed') James O’Beirne, M. D. George Greene, M. D. John Macdonnell, M. D. R. Adams, A. M.T. C.D.” “ Dublin, August 17, 1836.” Dr. O’Beirne then read a paper entitled, ‘ An Abstract of a Work on Tetanus,’ in which he pointed out the use of tobacco enema, and dwelt at con- siderable length on the differences be- tween the spurious tetanus and the true. At the close of the paper. Dr. O’ Beirne, in reply to questions put to him by some of the members, observed, that with respect to arguments deduced from the exhibition of poisons, he thought they must be drawn from ana- logy, and be unsatisfactory ; there was no poison which produced tetanus, without producing other symptoms not peculiar to tetanus, and that all cases referred to in illustration of the subject ought to be shown in all their bearings. One gentleman in relating a case had stated, that there was tenderness of the abdomen, whereas in real tetanus there is no such symptom ; and he believed that many others referred to as tetanus, were far from genuine. — Mr. Bracey Clarke stated, that he had observed some remarkable appearances in the bodies of horses which had died of te- tanus. The intestines were always constricted, and he uniformly found on dissection, either great congestion, or positive inflammation, of the lungs. PRESENT STATE OF GLASGOW. 503 Bleeding had been found to effect a cure. — A member inquired of Dr. O’ Beirne, whether he had ever used oil of turpentine in this disease ; he had found it beneficial as an enema ; the proportion he used was ^ij oil Tereb. to 5j of laudanum ; and pouring cold water on the head at the same time. Dr. O’Beirne had no objection to the use of the oil, but he wished not to complicate the treatment. Mr. King related a case, which terminated favour- ably after an immense living lumbricus had been voided. A short description of a case of A- neurism of the Arteria Innominata, furnished by Sir D. H, Dickson, was then read. Section F.—STATISTICS. President . - S\v Chari.ks Lkmun, Ban. Vice Presidents. - H. HAllam, Esq., Di. J erra NU Secretaries. -Kes. J E. Browby, C. B. Fripp, James Heywoou. Esq Committee. - i . W. Cowell, Esq., M. Dupin, Lord King-, 'Vi. Von I’.aumer, Bight Hou l, S. It ice, Profes-or Babbage, Dr. Bowring, M. P., 1 . Wyse, W. P , Bev. E. Stanley, Col. Sykes, Dr. W. c. Taylor, Henry VVoolcombe, I sq. J Sinnpson, Esq , Major Clerk, Porter, Esq., Professor IVJounier, Lord sandon, Lord Nugent, carpenter Bowe, Esq, Ihonaas Moore, Esq., Bev. W L Bowles. A report was read, entitled ‘ A few Statistical Facts, descriptive of the for- mer and present state of Glasgow,’ by James Cleland, L.L.D. This report was so comprehensive, and entered into such minute detail, both as to the past and present state of the city, that we must be content to extract the more interesting passages. — Church Accommodation. — In conduct- ing the government census for 1831, Dr. Cleland embraced the opportunity of ascertaining the number of sittings in the churches of the Establishment, and in the chapels of the Dissenters. The results are as follows ; — Sittings in the various places of wor- ship in the city and suburbs, 73,425, — viz. in the Established church, 30,928 ; Seceders, Dissenters, Episcopalians, and Roman Catholics, 42,497 ; being in the proportion of only one sitting to 2. 75-100 persons, or 20,291 sittings less than what is required by law, viz. church accommodation for two-thirds of examinable persons. When this statement came to be considered by the religious part of the community, efforts were made to procure additional church accommodation. A society was formed for ‘ erecting additional parochial churches in Glasgow and its suburbs,’ and although it has been instituted little more than two years, upwards of 24,000^. has been subscribed, and al- ready six churches are built, or are in course of erection. Assuming the po- pulation in 1836 to be 235,000, and that 60 sittings should be provided for every 100 of the population, it is found that although every sitting in every church of every denomination were occupied, there would be a deficiency of church accommodation to the extent of 6 1 ,594 sittings. To supply this want 6 1 additional churches would be re- quired. Roman Catholics. — Being desirous to obtain an acurate account of the num- ber of Catholics in this city and suburbs. Dr. Cleland requested Dr. Scott, the Roman Catholic bishop, to allow him to examine this register of births and babtisms for 1830, when he found that they amounted to 915; and as he had previously ascertained that there was one birth forevery2947-100th persons in the comunity, he concluded that tha number of Catholics in the dis- tricts referred to must be 26, 965 souls. — ■ Having a desire to know the increase in the number of Catholics in the city and suburbs during the last five years, he applied to Bishop Murdoch, the coad- jutor of Bishop Scott, who also allowed the register of births and baptisms, to be examined, and calculating on the same principle as in 1830, Dr. Cleland considered that the Catholics in this city and suburbs, at the end of 1835, amount- ed to 46, 138 souls. Trade. — The increase of trade at Glasgow, in consequence of the improve- ments on the river, almost exceeds belief. Less than fifty years ago, a few gabbarts, and these only about 30 or 40 tons bur- den, could come up to Glasgow. The recent improvements have been such, that in the year 1831, vessels drawing 13 feet 6 inches water were enabled to come up to the harbour; and low large vessels many of them upwards of 300 tons burthen, from America, the East and West Indies, and the continent of Europe, as well as coasters, are often to be found three deep along nearly the whole length of the harbour. During the year 1834, about 27,000 vessels passed Renfrew ferry ; and at some period of the year, between 20 and 30 in / 604 PRESENT STATE OF GLASGOW. one hour. A few years a^o the harbour was only 730 feet lon^ on one side ; whereas it is now 3340 feet lon^ on the north side of the river, and ] 260 on the south. Till of late years there were only a few punts and ploughs for the purpose of dredging the river ; now there are 4 dredging machines, with powerful steam apparatus, aed 2 diving bells Till 1834, the river and harbour dues were annu- ally disposed of by public sale, but now they are collected by the trustees, con- sisting of the members of the Town Council, and five merchants appointed by them. Amount of Revenue, Expenditure, and Debt. Date. Revenue. Expenditure, Debt. ^tuT 0 10 ^2,680 4 ll ^>2,533 4 \ 1836 31,910 19 3 29,609 13 11 121,003 l3 9 It appears from the evidence of Mr. James Russel, harbour master for the department of steam vessels, before a Committee of the House of Commons, in May, 1836, that there were 75 stea- mers plying to and from Glasgow, tonnage 688,568, and that during 1835 there were 8101 arrivals of steamers, twenty of them of the largest class, and some of these about 200 feet long (equal in length to frigates of the first class). Amount of Customs Duties collected at Glasgow in Years ended 6th January. Year. Duties. Year. Duties S. d. £- s. d. 1812. ...3,124 2 182.5.. ..41,154 6 7 lS13. ...7,511 6 5^ 1826.. ..78,658 1.1 8^ 1814., . ..7,119 12 8| 1827 . ..71,929 8 04 1815 , ...8,300 4 1828 .. ..74,265 0 n 1816 . .. 8,492 9 2| 1829.. ..70,964 8 4 1S17., . .8,290 18 1830.. ..59,013 17 3 1818 . . . 6, 802 1 3 1831.. ..72,053 17 4 1819.. ..8,384 3 4 1832.. ..68,741 5 9 1820.. . 1 1, ooo 6 9 1833.. 97,041 ll ll 1831 . .16, 147 19 0 1834.. .199,913 3 3 1899 . 16, 847 17 7 1835.. .270,667 8 9 1823.. .22, 7 ’.8 17 2^ 1336.. .314,701 10 8 1821.. , .29,926 15 0 It is probable, from present appear- ances,that the duties for 1837 will amount to 400,000Z. Steam Vessels. — The whole race of steam propeling projectors having left the field one by one, without being able to effect the object of their ambition, the ground was occupied by Mr. Henry Bell, who was bred a house carpenter. Having a turn for mechanics, and a great desire to follow out what others had abandoned, he employed Messers. John Wood & Co. of Port Glasgow, to build a boat for him, which he called the Comet, and having himself made a steam-engine of three horse power, he applied the paddles. After several ex- periments, the Comet plyed from Glas- gow to Greenock, on the 18th January, 18 12, and made five miles an hour against a head wind, while in a short time, by simply increasing her power, she went seven miles an hour. This was the first vessel that was successfully pro- pelled on a navigable river in Europe ; and it is very remarkable, that notwith- standing the great progress in mecha- nical science, no improvement has yet been made on Mr. Bell’s principle, al- though numerous efforts have been made, here and elsewhere, for that pur- pose. It is true, that boats go swifter now than formerly, but the propelling system remains the same. — All the new boats, either for the out sea or river trade are of greater engine power, and are much more splendidly fitted up for the accommodation of passengers. The speed is also greatly improved. The Liverpool steam-boats, in 1831. were thought to have made good passages, when they performed the rup from Li- verpool to Greenock, a distance of 220 miles in twenty-four to twenty-six hours. It is now done much sooner. On Wed- nesday, 24th June, 1835, the City of Glasgow steam-packet left Greenock and arrived in Liverpool, in the unpre- cedented short period of seventeen hours and ffty five minntes ; and the steam- packet Manchester left the Clarence Dock, Liverpool, on Monday evening the 15th DecemlDer, 1834, and arrived in Glasgow, a distance of 240 miles, discharged and loaded her cargoes, and was back again in the same dock, with- in the short period of sixty hours. The cabin fares of the river boats, are rather less than one penny per mile, and those of the out sea packets rat^i er more. The fare from Glasgow to Liver- pool is IZ. 55. Stage Coaches. — Stage coaches were first introduced into Scotland in 1678* On the 6th August, in that year, Pro- vost Campbell and the other Magistra- tes of Glasgow contracted with William Hume, of Edinburgh, that he should run a coach between Edinburgh and Glasgow, a distance of 42 miles. The following is an abstract of the inden- ture, which is rather curious. Hume engaged with all diligence to run a coach with six able horses, to leave Edinburgh every Monday morning, and return (God willing) every Saturday HUMAN LIFE IN GLASGOW. 505 night; the passengers to have the liber- ty of taking a cloak-bag for their clo- thes ; the Burgesses of Glasgow to have a preference to the coach ; the fare from the Jst March to the 1st September, to be 4?. 165. Scots (85. sterling); and during the other months, Si. 85. Scots. As the undertaking was arduous, and could not be gone into without assist- ance, the Magistrates agreed to give Hume 200 marks a-year for five years. The coach was to run for that period whe- ther passengers applied or not, in con- sideration of his having actually receiv- ed two years' premium in advance^ 22/. 45. S^d. sterling. Dr. Cleland has obtained the follow- ing curious information from Mr. Dugald Bannatyne’s scrap book: — The public have been so long familiar- ised with stage-coach accommodation, that they are led to think of it as having always existed. It is, however, even in England, of comparatively recent date. The late Mr. Andrew Thomson, sen, informed me that he and the late Mr. John Glassford went to London in the year 1739, and made the journey on horse-back. That there was no turnpike- road till they came to Grantham, within one hundred and ten miles of London, That up to that point they travelled up- on a narrow causeway, with an unmade soft road upon each side of it. That they met from time to time strings of pack horses, from 30 to 40 in a gang, by which goods seemed to have been transported from one part of the country to another. The leading horse of the gang carried a bell, to give warning to travellers com- ing in the opposite direction ; and when they met these trains of horses, with their packs across their backs, the causeway not affording room to pass, they were obliged to make way for them, and plunge into the side road, out of which they sometimes found it difficult to get back again upon the causeway. Intercourse with Glasgow. — Dr. Cle- land has published the names and des- tinations of 61 stage coaches, which arrived and departed during 313 lawful days, each averaging 12 passengers. This gave 458,232 persons in the year. By 37 steam-boats, 25 passengers each, 579,050; by the swift boats on the Forth and Clyde Navigation and Union Canal, 9L 976 ; by the light iron boats on the Paisly Canal, 307j275 ; by the boats on the Mailkland Canal, 31,7B4 and by the Glasgow and Garnkirk Rail- road, 118, 882. These together i>.ake the gross number of persons passing and repassing to Glasgow daily amount to 1,587,198. Populations. — -The following table shows the amount of population in Glasgow and suburbs, at the time of the Reformation contrasted with the last government census in 1831 In 1580.. 4,500 1740 . . . l7,0.=54 1831 .. .202,426 The population fell < ff immediately after the restoration of Charles II, ; and it is a curious fact, that it required more than half a century to make up the de- falcation. Mortality Bills. — The marriage regis- ters in this city and suburbs, may be held as correct for all statistical pur- poses. The same thing applies to the register for burials ; and from having been appointed to take the sole charge of conducting the enumeration and clas- sification of the inhabitants of the city of Glasgow and suburbs, for the govern- ment census of 1821 and 1831, Dr. Cleland can vouch for their accuracy. Bills of Mortality are understood to contain a list of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, from parochial registers, at stat- ed periods, in connexion with the popu- lation. Births and Baptisms. Keturiis from Clergymen Males. Females. Total. and Lay Pastors 3281 3116 6397 And still*i)orn to do.... 246 225 471 Total.. . of this number there 3527 3341 6863 were registered only .. . Nnmber unregistered ex- 1678 1547 3225 clusive of still-iMtrn . . . . 1603 1569 3172 The following results are derived from the census of 1830-1. Malt'S. Females. Births ...... 3,527 3,341 Excess of Males 186 Under 5 years . 1.5,422 14,855Excess<)f!VIales 567 Uinler 10 years 28, •'>49 •27,435Excess<)fMalesl,l l4 Under 15 years 39,040 38, 15.5 Excess of Males 885 Under *20 yeais 47,529 50,411Excess of Fems2,822 Under 30 years 62,706 73,4l9ExcessofFemsiO,783 *^"latiou'^^^^ J 93,724 l03,702ExcessofFenisl4,978 Burials 2,701 ‘2,484Excessof Males *217 Probability of Human Life in Glasgow which partakes of a Manufacturing and Commercial Population. — Population, 202,425 ; burials 5,185 ; rate of morta- lity, one in 39 4-lOOth persons. In 1820-l,with similar machinery, the population being 147,043 ; burials, 3,686 ; the rate of mortality was one in 39 89-lOOth persons, or, in other words, as near as may be to the mortality of 1830-1. 506 COTTON TRADE AT GLASGOW. In the government Parish Register Abstract,” ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, on 2nd April, 1833, it is shown, in Vol. iii. p 496, that the rate of mortality in the metro- polis, on an average of years from 1811 to 1821, was one in 39.7 persons ; and the same official document show that on an average, from 1821 to 1831, the rate of mortality was one in 39-8 per- sons. In the kingdom of the Netherlands, where the registers are as correctly kept as any in Europe population, 6,166,854; deaths, 158,800, viz. males, 81,742 ; fe- males. 77,058. Rate of mortality, one in 38 82-lOOth persons. Births, 207,388 viz. males, 106,481 ; females, 100,907 ; there is one birth in 29 7‘l-10CM;h per- sons. Births in Glasgow, 6,868; population, 202,426 - there is one birth in 29 47- 100th persons. The marriages being 1,919, there is one marriage for 105 4-lOOth persons. The births being 6-861, and marriages l,9l9, there are 3 57-lOOth births to each marriage. The number of families being 41,965, there are 4 82-lOOth persons to each family. Cholera. — From tables, kept by Dr. Cleland and Dr. Corkendale, it appears, that there were three eruptions of cho- lera, marked by the reduced number of cases. Each eruption had a period of increase, and also of gradual de- crease. In the first eruption, persons poorly fed, of irregular habits, and dwelling in the crowded ill-aired parts of the city, were chiefly affected. The second eruption was more severe ; the attacks were more spread over the town, and many healthy persons, and in easy circumstances, fell victims to the disease. The last eruption was milder than the second, but still sur- passed the first, both in the number of cases, and in the healthy and good condition of many of the sufferers. The total number of cases 6208, is about one for every 32^ of the popula- tion. The total number of the deaths, 3,005, is about one for every 67i of the population. The progress of the disease was such, as to have seized one victim for about every six^ and to have occasioned one death for about every thirteen, families. Glasgow in 1699. — According to the report of the Municipal Corporation Commission in 1835, there were in the year 1699, 15 ships belonging to Glas- gow. The foreign trade amounted to the sum of 20, 500/. Scots — that the merchants retailed 20 tons of French wine ; 20 butts of sack ; 12 butts of brandy yearly, and 1000 bolls of malt monthly. That by the decay of trade 500 houses were uninhabited, and that the rent of those inhabited had fallen nearly a third. That the best houses did not exceed the rent of lOOZ. Scots, and the worst 4?. Scots, except some taverns. It appears from an official do- cument, that at that period the city of Glasgow, now the first in point of popu- lation and mercantile enterprise in Scot- land, was ranked only as the fifth, and that the proportion of every lOQ/. of taxation was, for Edinburgh, 38/. 25. 8c/. — Dundee, 9/. 105. 8c/. — Perth, 7/. , 125. — Aberdeen, *Jl. 45. — Glasgow, 2/. | 135. 8c/. Cotton Trade. — The manufacture of | linens, lawns, cambrics, and other arti- ' cles of similar fabric, was introduced ' into Glasgow about the year 1 and ‘ continued to be the staple manufacture I till they were succeeded by muslins. On ' the 2 1st of July, 1834, Mr. Leonard Hor- ; ner, one of the Parliamentary Factory j Commissioners, reported to Parliament, | “ That in Scotland there are 134 cotton j mills ; that, with the exception of some i large establishments at Aberdeen, and one at Stanley, near Perth, the cotton manufacture is almost entirely confined l to Glasgow and the country immediately j adjoining to a distance of about 25 miles ' radius, and all these country mills, even I including the great work at Stanley, are ' connected with Glasgow, trade. In Lan- ■ arkshire (in which Glasgow is situated) ' there are 74 cotton factories ; in Renfrew- ' shire, 41 ; Dumbartonshire, 4 ; Bute- shire, 2; Argyleshire, 1; Perthshire, 1. In the six counties there are 123 cotton mills, nearly 100* of which belong to Glasgow.’ Power Looms — have increased greatly of late years — some idea may be obtained of the extent of their use in Glasgow | when it is known that in 1831 four hou- ses employed 3040 looms. These looms, on an average, weave fourteen yards each per day. Allowing each loom to work 300 days in a year, these four com- panies would throw off 10,101,000 yards of cloth, which, at the average price of i 44c/. per yard, is 189,393/. 155. per CHEMICAL WORKS AT GLASGOW. 507 annum. The power and hand Ipoms belonging to Glasgowin 1831 amounted to 47, viz. steam looms, 15,127 ; hand looms, in the city and suburbs, 18,537 ; in other towns, for Glasgow manufactures, 13,463. Since that period power looms have greatly increased. Steam Engines.— lHhexQ are in Glas- gow and its suburbs 310 steam-engines, viz. 176 employed in manufactories ; 59 in collieries ; 7 in stone quarries ; and 68 in steam boats. Average power of engines, 2O.40-lOOth j total horses’ power, 6.406. Coals. — In 1831 the quantity sent to Glasgow amounted to 561,046 tons, of which 124,000 were exported, leaving for the use of families and public works 437,049 tons. Average Price of Coals delivered in quantities in Glasgow during Eleven Years. Per T5 1810.. 27,598 6 0 1832 .. 86,053 0 0 «8|5.. 35,784 16 0 1833 . 36,481 0 0.^ 1820.. 34,533 2 3 1834 .37,483 3 4 1825.. 3j,l90 17 1835.. 39 954 4 6 1830.. 34,978 9 0^ Markets. — Prior to 1784, when the Highland Society of Scotland was insti tilted, the cattle slaughtered in Glas- gow were small and ill fed ; since that time the quality of butcher’s meat has been greatly improved. Inl763, when deacon Peter Brown became apprentice to the butcher trade, the slaughter of bullocks was not known here ; a few milch cows only were killed through the year. At Martin- mas every family that could af- ford it killed a small Highland cow, which, was called their mart, and this served them through the greatest part of the year Dr. Cleland has ascertained, that from the 1st of May, 1827, till 1st of May, 1828, there were 17,840 Wllock- slaughtered in this city and suburbs, and 144,900 sheep and lambs. Value of butcher’s meat for the above year (details published in the Annals of Glasgow), 303,978Z. I4s. 5d. ; bread, 177, 266Z. 105. 8d. milk, 6 7, 34 2 Z. 105. Total value of meat, bread, and milk, 548,587Z. 155 Id. Since 1821, a great number of rumps of beef has been sent to this mar- ket yearly from Edinburgh. In 1835, there were upwards of 7,530 rumps sent here from tliat city, the average value of each was 205. The rumps are cured as hung beef. Live Cattle Market. — Prior to 1808, the principal butchers in this city were frequntly obliged to travel a circuit of seventy or eighty miles, to purchase cattle in lots, and to rent expensive parks in the neighbourhood of the city to graze them in. The mode of supply is now completely changed. In 1808 a spacious market place for the sale of cattle was fitted up between the south and north approach to the city in Gra. ham Square, in which there is a com modious inn, stable, sheds, a byre to hold 120 bullocks in view, and 2G0 pens to contain 9,360 sheep. This marker place, which is allowed to be one of the most complete in the kingdom, occupies an area of 29,561 square yards, or ra- ther more than six imperial acres, is paved with whin, and inclosed from the streets by ashlar stone walls. The dues, which are moderate, were let by auction at Whitsunday 1836, for a period of years, at the annual rent of 1,285Z a sum which, after paying the interest of the debt, the grount-rent, rapairs, and other expenses, leaves a profit to the trust fund of upwards of five hundred pounds per annum. Public Executions — From 1755 to 1830, both in-clusive, 89 persons have been executed in Glasgow of whom 5 were females. During the first 12 years only six persons were executed, while in the last 12 there were 37. During 66 years previous to 1831, there were 27 in which there were no executions l5 in which there was one each year, 10 two, 7 three, 4 four, 1 five, and 2 in which there were six. Shops. — In 1712 there were only 202 shops in the city, the highest rent 5Z. and the lowest 12Z., average about 3Z. In 1831 there were 3184 shope ; some of them were rented at upwards of 300Z., the supposed average about 40Z. Pawnbrokers. — Prior to 1813 there were no regular pawnbrokers in Glas- gow. On the 8th June, in that year, John Graham, a retired town officer, opened a pawnbroker’s shop in Bell Street. In 1830 there were nineteen licensed pawnbrokers in this city ; their pledges amounted to 410,400, and the capital employed in the trade to 24’apOZ. GLASGOW EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY. 509 Theatre — It does not appear that any theatrical representation was allowed in this city from the Reformation till 1750, when Mr, Burrell, a teacher of dancing at the Bell of the Brae, gave the use of his hall for that purpose. A temporary theatre was erected against the wall of the arch-bishop’s palace in 1752, and in a shcTi't time thereafter it was demolished by a part of a congregation who had been hearing the celebrated George Whitfield preach in the High Church Yard, who denounced it as the devil’s house. At that period pQ|)ular feelings against theatrical amusements were so great that dress parties were escorted to the theatre by a military gaurd, — Inl 762 the magistrates refused to give their Patronage ■ to Messrs. Jackson Love, and Beate, for building a theatre, and no person could be got to sell ground for that purpose. At length a theatre w'as erected in Grahamston, and opened in the spring of 1764, by Mrs. Bellamy and other performers. Theatrical re- presentations continued to be so obnox- ious to the people, that a mob set fire to the stage, and burned the scenery and machinery on the first night of performance. When the damage was repaired, the performance went on occa- sionally till 17«2, when, at one o’clock in the morning of 16th April, the theatre was burned to the ground. Some time after this a small theatre was built in Dunlop Street and opened in January, 1715; but the play-goers thinking it too small for the city, erected one in Queen Street, which was opened on 24th April, 1805, at an expense of 18,500/., raised in shares of 25/. It was let on lease at 1200/., but the lease failed; it was then let at 800/., but this could not be paid. The rent was then reduced to 400., and ultimately, the building was sold at a price only equal to the out- standing debts and ground rent. On the forenoon of iOth January, 1829, this splendid edifice was also burned to the ground; and since that time the play-goers have contented themselves with the old theatre in Dunlop Street. Newspapers. — ^'fhe first Newspaper printed in the West of Scotland was the Glasgow Courant, which appeared In 17 Id. It was published three times a week, consisted of twelve pages in small quarto, and was sold for three halfpence or “ one penny to regular customers’^ Since 1715 there have been 18 attempts to establish newspapers in the city, and out of that number 10 survive. Education. — From the Reformation till 1620, there were numerous Acts of the Scotch Parliam.ent for encouraging learning ; but it would appear that these Acts had not much weight with the then Presbytery of Glasgow, as that reverend body, on 18th July, 1604-, complained to the magistrates of a plurality of schools. — “ They thought that the Grammar School, and that taught by John Bucha- nan, quite sufficient.” In 1816, exclu- sive of the University, and thirteen insti- tutions where youths were educated, there were 144 schools ; including the public institutions, there were 16,799 scholars, of wffiom 6,51 6 were taught gratis in charity or free schools. It must, however, be observed, that there were not 16,799 individual scholars, as several of them attended more schools than one. Sabbath Schools were esta- blished here in 1786. In 1820 there were 106 schools, 158 teachers, 4663 scholars, viz. boys, 2235 ; girls, 2433 ; besides three adult schools where there were 3 teachers, and 25 male, and 54 female scholars. Of late years an im- provement in the mode of education has been effected in this city, by the intro- duction of infant, juvenile, and normal schools ; and although a number of be-> nevolent individuals, composing the Glasgow Educational Society have lent their aid in accomplishing this object, everyone will acknowledge that but for the unwearied and meritorious exertions of Mr. David Stow, the schools would not have been brought te their present state of perfection. The Report concluded with an * Ab- stract View of the State of Society in Glasgow at various Periods, from which we shall give a few extracts : — From 1550 to 1600 — The Reformation took place during this period. The great body of the people, however, still re- tained their fierce and sanguinary dis- position. This is strikingly marked in thsir being constantly armed ; even their ministers were accoutred in the pulpit. The number of murders, cases of incest, and other cirminal acts, which were turned over to the censures of the church’ but too plainly point out the depraved character of the people. Froml650to 1700 — ^The people had become more civilized, and paid more attention to moral and religious duties . 510 COL. SYKES’ PAPER ON BILLS OF MORTALITY. Towards the beginning of this period, nine covenanters were hanged in Glas- gow, and their heads stuck on pikes on the jail.' Their graves were covered with what are called the “ Martyr’s stones,” one of which is now placed on the north facade of the Cathedral. The Union with England opened up a spirit for trade hitherto unknown in Scotland. This great measure, which met with so much opposition in Scot- land, and nowhere more so than in Glasgow, contributed greatly to the prosperity of that city. At the time of the Union, and for half a century after it, the habits and style of living of the citizens of Glas- gow were of a very moderate and frugal cast. The houses, in the early part of this century, were, almost without ex- ception, covered with thatch, and those occupied by the highest class of citizens contained only one public room, a di- ning-room, and even that was us'ed only when they had company ; the family at other times usually eating in a bedroom. The people were in general religious, and, about 1745, particularly strict in their observance of the Sabbath, some of them, indeed, to an extent that was considered by others to be extravagant. There were families who did not sweep or dust their houses, did not make the beds, or allow any food to be cooked or dressed on the Sabbath. There were some who opened only as much of the shutters of their windows as would serve to enable the inmates to move up and down, or an individual to sit at the open- ing to read. Influenced by a regard for the Sabbath, the magistrates employed persons,, termed “ compurgators,” to perambulate the city on the Saturday nights, and when the approach of twelve o’clock, these inquisitors happened to hear any noisy conviviality going on, even in a private dwelling-house, they entered it and dismissed the company. Another office of these compurgators was to perambulate the streets and public walks during the time of divine service on Sunday, and to order every person they met abroad, not on necessary duty, to go home, and if they refused to obey, to take them into custody. The employ- ment of these officials was continued till about 1750, when upon their taking Mr. Peter Blackburn, father of Mr. Black- burn of Killearn, into custody for walk- ing on the public green on Sunday, he prosecuted the magistrates for an un- warrantable exercise of authority, and, prevailing in his suit in the court of session, the attempt to compel this obser- vance was abandoned. The wealth introduced into the com- munity after the Union, gradually led to a change in the habits and style of living of the citizens. About the year 1735, several individuals built houses to be occupied solely by themselves, in place of dwelling on a floor entering by a com- mon stair, as they had hitherto done. This change, however, proceeded very slowly, having been retarded by the effects of the rebellion of 1745, so that up to the year 1755, very few of these single houses had been built At that period, there were only three houses from Virginia street to Anderston, about a mile distant, excepting a few hovels, malt-kilns, and barns ; now the whole line is filled up with elegant houses Previous to the breaking out of the American war, the Virginians who were looked up to as the Glasgow aristocracy had a privileged walk at the cross, which they trod in long scarlet cloaks and bushy wigs ; and such was the state of society, that when any of the most res- pectable master tradesmen of the city had occasion to speak to these tobacco lords, he was required to walk on the other side of the street, till he was for- tunate enough to meet the eye of the patrician, for it would have been pre- sumption to approach him. Col. Sykes directed attention to the portion of the paper containing the re- sults derived from the bills of mortality, which show that there is an excess of males from I to 15, but from 15, upwards an excess of females. He also remarked, that the common law of mortality, 1 in 59, must be too favourable for duration of life, since Dr. Cleland’s returns and the Belgium tables gave the result only 1 in 39, and the French tables give 1 in 44 for the northern provinces, and 1 in 40 for the southern provinces of France. — Mr. Hallam was of opinion that the average obtained in Glasgow for dura- tion of life was not a decisive proof of inaccuracy in the general standard ; because the rate of mortality must be greater in Glasgow, which was a close manufacturing town, than in agricul- tural districts. — Dr. Bowring said, that until the new registration bill came into full operation, the data for calculation MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS. 511 in England must be very imperfect. He thought that the excess of females over males, above the age of fifteen, might be accounted for by the dangerous occu- pations in which men are engaged after that age, and also from the well-known fact, that male emigration is infinitely greater than female. — Dr. W. C. Tay- lor observed, that no stronger proof of the inaccuracy of the data, hitherto sup- plied to statisticians, could be given than the fact that the number of unregister- ed births in Glasgow, according to Dr. Cleland,'very nearly equalled the num- ber registered. He had always under- stood that the Scotch system of regis- tration was superior to the English; and if those registers were actually defi- cient by one-half, he should be almost disposed to question the accuracy of every conclusion which has been hitherto deduced from parochial and official returns. — Mr. Fripp directed attention to the fact, that the number of Dissen- ters who objected to infant baptism was much greater in Scotland than in Eng- land, and that this might in some degree account for the great desperately between the registered and unregistered births. — Col. Sykes said, that in a report em- bracing such a vast variety of subjects as that of Dr. Cleland. it was scarcely possible to avoid desultory discussion ; he should not, therefore, apologize for passing at once to the subject of pawn- brokers, whose rapid increase in Glas- gow was, he feared, no good sign of the comfort or morals of the lower classes of the population. — The Colonel has suggested, said Dr. Bowring, a subject well worthy of the consideration of the Section ; namely, how a series of inqui- ries could be framed which should pro- cure information on topics similar to that now under discussion : in France the government had direct superinten- dence over the pawn-offices, and thus in- formation in that country was attainable. He did not know how similar informa- tion could be procured in England, but he felt assured that an accurate return of the number and nature of articles pledged in pa'Wn-brokers’ shops would throw great light on the moral condition of the lower orders of society — Mr. Fripp agreed with Dr. Bowring ; and added, that he had procured from Dr. Cleland a return from the largest pawn- broking establishment in Glasgow, by which it appeared that women more fre- quently had recourse to this mode of raising money than men. As the subject would probably again engage the atten- tion of the Section, he would, .with the Chairman’s permission, read it. (At this moment the Right Hon. Spring Rice entered the room, and was very warmly cheered.) — Mr. Fripp then read the fol- lowing return of articles pledged at the largest pawn-broking establishment in Glasgow : 639 men’s coats. 84 bed-ticks. 35.6 vests- 108 pillows. 288 pairs of trousers. 263 pairs of blankets. 84 oairs of stockiii»s, 300 pairs of sheets. 1980 womens’s gowns, 162 bed. covers. .540 r>etiicoai9. 36 table-clotlis. 1.32 wrappers. 48 nmbrellas- 12,4 diifli.s- 102 bibles- 90 pelisses. 204 watches. 240 silk handkerrbiefs- 216 rings. 294 shil ls and shifts. 48 Waterloo medals. 60 hats. It was agreed that this subject should be deferred for future consideration ; and most of the members intimated their intention of endeavouring to devise some plan by which more extensive information might be obtained on the subject of pawn -broking. A long and desultory conversation followed on various topics mentioned by Dr. Cleland. The chairman re- commended that the discussion of this Report should be resumed at a future day. Col. Sykes recommended the part relating to Education to the atten- tion of the meeting, as that important subject w’ould soon be brought under discussion by a Report from the Man- chester Statistical Society, on the state of education in the borough of Liver- pool. Section.— G.MECHANICAL SCIENCE, President— "D Gilbert, Esq. Vice Presidents^ l. BnUNKL, Esq, John lloBisoN Esq. Secretaries— "V. G. Bunt, Esq., G. T. Clarke, Esq., William West, Esq., Committee- Gausa'wx Chapman, G. Cnbitf, Esq , J.S. Eiiys., E- Hodgkinson, Esq., Dr. Laidner, Professor Moselev, M. Le Pla5 e. Sir, Jolm Ben- nie, George Bennie, Esq , John Taylor, Esq-, Bev. W. Taylor. This Section of the Association is an off-set from the Section of Mathematics and Physics. At each of the previous Meetings it has been found necessary to appointment a Sub-Section, for the discussion of a variety of questions, having reference to the application of Physical Science in Mathematics — ques- tions which, in the present mechanical 512 THEORY OF LOCOMOTIVE CARRIAGES. transition state of society, have great interest and importance, and which, having specially occupied the attention of a certain class of men eminent in science, seem to claim for thomselves a separate discussion. From this neces- sity resulted, last year, the Sub-Section, which has this year merged in Sec- tion E. At eleven o’clock the Hall of As- sembly was filled by Members of the Association, among whom we recog- nized some of the most distinguished of that class of individuals who, under the name of civil engineers, are work- ing a change in the face of society, more remarkable, and, perhaps, more durable, than any which history has to record of the legislator or the conquer- or— conquerors where victory is over space and time, and bloodless, and who achieve it, not by the increase of hu- man suffering, but by the increasing profitable employment of human la- bour. The discussions were opened by some observations of Professor Mose- ley on the theory of Locomotive Carriages. — It appeared to be the ob- ject of these remarks, to establish the importance of causing to enter into the discussion of the theory of locomotion on Piail-roads, the friction of the ma- chinery of the locomotive carriage it- self. This friction, the Professor stated to be composed of two distinct elements —one of which he termed the passive resistance of the machinery, being that which would oppose itself to a force applied to turn the wheels of the loco- motive carriage if it were lifted from the rail-road. This friction he stated to amount, in some cases, to 120lb. and in others, to 170 or 180lb. in the carri- ages employed on the Manchester rail- road. Besides this passive resistance of the engine itself, independent as it is of the load, the elevation of rail- road, the velocity, or any other cause \vhich effects the other conditions of locomo- tion, the Professor stated that there was a second element of the friction of the machinery, which was dependent upon, and proportional to the load, inasmuch as it was dependent upon, and proportional to, the traction, which, in its turn, was dependent upon, and proportional to the load. The friction of the machinery being thus composed of turn elements, one constant, and the other proportional to the load, the Professor stated that the third element of the resistance was the traction itself, being the friction of the train. The resistance being transferred, and operating upon one side of the piston, that which overcame it on the other side w-^as the pressure of the steam, which, supposing the vaporizing power of the engine to be constant, va- ried inversely as the velocity. More- over, w'hen the machine had acquiied its constant velocity, he stated that these two pressures must have become equal. These results and reasonings be stated not to be new, but not to be generally known: for the application of them to the theory of inclined planes, which followed, he claimed en- tire novelty. If (said the Professor) a locomotive carriage be made, with its train, to ascend an inclind plane the following modifications will be made in the resistance to the motion of the machine and train. The passive fric- tion of the machine will remain un- changed— the friction resulting from the traction wdll increase in the propor- tion in which the traction is increased, — the traction will be increased by the resolved portion of the gravity in the direction of the plane, and it wdll be diminished, in so far as the friction of the train is concerned, in a ratio pro- portional to the course of the elevation. This diminution of friction of the train, he stated, nevertheless, to be counter- balanced by the increased distance through which the w^hole mass is moved ; so that, on the w^hole, its effect was the same as though the whole had traversed a horizontal plane; so that on the whole, the traction of the train, arising from friction, and the friction of the machinery resulting from this cause, remained unaffected by the as- cent. Again, the increased traction from gravity in ascent, he stated to be compensated by the diminished traction in descent, or, if the angle be greater than that of repose, by the actual acceleration in descent. But there remains, said the Professor, another clement to be considered — namely, the friction of the machinery, which results from that increased traction produced by gravity in the ascent. This he stated to have no compensation in the descent. II ji i LARDNER ON THE THEORY OF RAIL-ROADS. 513 by the ascent of the carriage the trac- tion upon it might be increased double the friction of its machinery would then be doubled; but, by the descent, the carriage and its train being equally ac- celerated, the friction resulting from traction would, indeed, be reduced to nothing, but it could assume no negative form compensating the friction of the machinery in the ascent : so that, on the whole, there was lost the whole increased friction of the machinery in the ascent, compensated by no corres- ponding diminution in the descent. These remarks the Professor stated to apply exclusively to the case of inclined planes having an elevation greater than the angle of repose. The loss of power in this case he stated tobe considerable, amounting, perhaps, to one-fifth of the traction, and, since an inclined plane will not unfrequently double or triple the traction, amounting in the whole to a considerable fraction of the force expended and the coal consumed. The great loss of power thus resulting from the increased friction of the machinery in an ascent not compensated in the subse- quent descent, the Professor stated to be an element neglected in the computations usually made on th^ expense of differ- ent lines of rail-road. Dr, Lardner stated his entire concur- rence in all that had fallen from Pro- fessor Moseley, and then proceeded to enter upon the discussion of a variety of facts of great interest and importance connected with the theory of rail-roads, to which having had his attention of late called by frequent examinations before committees of parliament, he had devoted much time. The traction resulting from friction on a horizontal plane, he stated to have been estimated differently by different engineers, at from 81b. to lllb. per ton ; from some . experiments of his own, made with much care, he concluded it to be about 7|lb., by which sum the traction was increased by each additional ton of loading. He alluded to a variety of circumstances by which this fraction may be modified, and mentioned, in particular, the effect which wetting the rail appeared to have upon it — the car- riages, after a shower of rain, travelling with much greater speed and facility than before it ; and he suggested, that watering pots might, with great ad- vantage, be placed before a train of carriages, washing the rail continually for the wheels which were to follow it. The condition of the rail opposite to this, of its greatest freedom from fric- tion, was that in which it was covered with particles of earth, triturated stone or dust ; to try the effect of this condi- tion of the rail he had strewed sand on the surface of the rail, where it had an inclination above the angle of repose, and had found the friction of this sand sufficient to counteract the tendency of the train to descend by its gravity. It having appeared, from some of Dr, Lardner’s remarks that he considered the loss of force produced by the work- ing of a carriage over an inclined plane to result from the necessity of applying the break when the angle is greater than that of repose, and from no other theoretical cause, although practically there was a sacrifice in the working of the engine by reason of the superfluous stream thrown off in the descent. Pro- fessor Mosely inquired, whether in the event of the steam thus lost being by some means husbanded from the peri- od when the train commenced its des- cent, and the break not put on, he would consider any force to be lost in the whole transit of the carriage over the incline. The Doctor having de- clared that to be his view of the matter. Professor Mosely stated that he had not then fully understood the bearing of his remarks, or did not agree in them* The resistance to the motion of the carriage, he again stated to be compos- ed of a constant element, and an ele- ment varying in every case with the traction : — the constant element in working an incline, to be worked round the two sides of a triangle instead of the one side, which it would traverse if there were no incline; — and the other element, varying with the trac- tion, and dependent upon the friction of the machinery of the engine, to be greatly increased in the ascent of the plane, and to be evanescent in the des- cent ; thus presenting itself in the descent in no negative form, under which it might compensate the loss in the ascent. — The Section having been addressed by two of its members, whose names were unknown to us, one of whom stated the method of watering the rails to have been adopted with success on some of the tram-roads in Wales, the President rose and shortly 514 ON THE TRACTION OF BOATS IN CANALS. went over the arguments which had been used, and pointed out some of their practical relations, — mistaking, however, as it appears to us, a remark which had been made, that the effect, of the friction of the train, as distin- guished from the engine, would on the whole, be the same, whatever be the inclination of the plane ; this assertion (made by Professor Moseley) he ques- tioned ; not, it appears to us, having paid attention to the Professor’s ex- planation, that this friction, varying in amount, as the co-sine of the incli- nation, and its whole effect being esti- mated by its amount, multiplied by the distance through which it operates, that product must, both in the ascent and the descent, vary as the product of the length of the plane by the co-sine of the inclination ; that is, it must vary as the horizontal base of the plane, and be the same as though the carriage were worked along that base instead of up the plane. The discussion here terminated, and Mr. Russell, of Edinburgh was called upon to lay before the Section the result of certain experiments, made by him, on the traction of boats in canals at different velocities. The researches of Mr. Russell on this subject had al- ready occupied the attention of the Association, and are published among the reports of its last Meeting ; and it is one of many instances that may be produced of the advantages which have been already conferred by it on the cause of Practical Science, that the ap- probation which was so largely and so justly given to Mr. Russell’s communi- cation of last year, has encouraged him to make these further investigations, of which this communication is the result. On the general principle, of the resis- tance of fluids to bodies moving in them, was grounded the conclusion, that it would be an impracticable thing to move the cumbrous boats upon canals at any but very low velocities, except by an expenditure of power so great that the ordinary methods of conveyance by roads would be cheaper. It was believed, that the resistance would in- crease with the velocity, by a law so rapid in its variation, that for two miles an hour speed, there would be four times the resistance of one mile ; for three miles, nine times that of one mile ; for four, sixteen times ; and so on, as the squares of the velocities. Here, there was an obstacle to rapid communica- tion by canals, which appeared insu- perable. Mr. Russell has shown that there is practically a circumstance which so completely modifies the application of this principle, that when over a cer- tain point of speed is attained, the re- sistance, instead of increasing when the speed is yet further increased, in point of fact diminishes. In one of his ex- periments, he found, for instance, that the resistance to the traction of a canal boat, estimated by a dynamometer, increased with the velocity of its mo- tion nearly according to the law of the squares, up to 7| miles per hour, being then 330lb ; the speed being then in- creased to 8^ miles per hour, instead of further increasing the resistance, fell to 2101b. The speed was yet further increased, and it increased again the resistance to 2361b ; yet, less, be it ob- served, than at 7| miles ; 12 miles an hour brought it to 3521b. Scarcely more than the resistance of 7§ mes. These results, confirmed by a number of others, had manifestly a practical application, and they have been applied to the work- ing of fast canal boats in Scotland. Mr. Russell has devoted himself to the ex- planation of them. He states, that where the water of a canal is disturbed by any cause, as, for instance, the ad- mission of a rush of water momentarily into one extremity of it, or the impeding of a body moving in it, there is genera- ted a certain wave, whose motion along the canal is altogether independent of the nature or velocity of the impulse given to it, and dependent only upon the depth of the canal ; its velocity being precisely that which a stone would ac- quire in falling down one half the depth of the canal. With this velocity, the wave moves uniformly and steadily to the very end of its motion, moving slower, (if the depth of the canal remain unchanged,) but only diminishes its di- mensions, until it disappears, and this not for a very considerable space. He stated, that he had himself followed waves a mile and a half, and that they had been traced unbrokenforthree miles from the spot where they originated. The velocity of the wave depending on the depth of the canal, it is manifest, that each canal, differing in depth from another, will have a different velocity of wave, and that each part of the canal INTELLECTUAL ENJOYMENT FROM THE ASSOCIATION. 515 differing from another will alter the velocity of its wave, and thus the waves near the sides will move slower than near the centre of the canal, if the side he shallower than the middle. How, then, have these facts their application to the phenomenon observed ? Thus, in the experiment described above the velocity of the wave, ascertained by numerous experiments, was eight miles an hour. As long, then, as the boat moved at three, four, five, six, or seven miles an hour, it remained in the rear of the wave, the wave had no effect on it, as the law of the velocities was the theoretical law. At eight miles an hour the boat was, in point of fact, on the wave, and it might, indeed, be seen about the centre of the boat lifting it out of the water and diminishing the trac- tion upon it. — (See Section A, Tuesday.) The reading of this paper was follow- ed by a discussion, in which Mr. Whewell, Professor Moseley, and Dr Lardner took a part, and the meeting adjourned. PUBLIC DINNER AT THE HOR- TICULTURAL ROOMS. Nearly 500 persons were present. Dr. Lloyd, Provost of Trinity College, Dub- lin, in the Chair — supported on his right by the Right Hon. the Marquis of Northampton. Professor WhewheJ, Pro- fessor Hare (Philadelphia), Davies Gil- bert, Esq., Rev. W. Vernon Harcourt, John Taylor, Treasurer of the Associa- tion, Dr. Roget, Dr. Macartney, Dr. Bowring, &c. &c. On his left, by Dr. Dalton, Lord Nugent, Professor Pea- cock, Rev. W. Conybeare, T. Moore, Esq., Sir D. Brewster, Professor Mose- ley, Dr. Lardner, Dr. Lee, Sir Charles Lemon, Bart, Professor Henslow, &c. — The usual toasts were given, and the customary speeches made; and a little after seven the company adjourned to the GENERAL MEETING AT THE THEA- TRE. Soon after the doors were opened the house was filled — gallery, pit, boxes — from the top to the bottom ; and it is presumed that not less than 2,000 persons must have been present. At eight o'clock the Rev. Dr. Lloyd, Provost of Trin. Coll. Dublin, took the chair, as President of last year’s meeting. He soon after came forward, and thus ad- dressed the assembled members : — My Lords and Gentlemen. — Ever since the origin of this Association, I have looked forward to its annual meet- ings in the assured expectation of the highest intellectual enjoyment; and it is scarcely necessary for me to add, that in these delightful anticipations I have never been disappointed. Indeed, when I consider the purposes for which you are associated, and the powers by which those purposes are to be effected, it would seem to me impossible that any hopes of this kind, however sanguine, should end in disappointment ; — for here it is my unspeakable privilege to mix with the elite of this great country — with all that are distinguished by talents and attainments in each of the numerous departments of science ; and not more distinguished by those high qualifica- tions, than they are by the exalted pur- poses for which they are met together. Those purposes are, by a more rapid and extensive communication of the lights of science as they are struck out, and by carrying these things home to the doors of all, to awaken to exertion those gigantic powers of mind, which are not confined to a few favoured spots, but which are everywhere to be found ; and by establishing a more immediate and intimate communication among those engaged in kindred pursuits — to unite their exertions, as it were, into one simultaneous effort, and thereby to ac- celerate the progress of discovery in every line in which the mysteries of na- ture may be penetrated by the ingenuity and perseverance of man. Leaving to others to seek their intel- lectual entertainment in the way most agreeable to their own tastes, the efforts of this Association are directed to the investigation of those realities by which we are surrounded; and of the power with which they are invested, which, whilst they point to the being and the attributes of the One Great Source of all Existence, whom to know is to adore, do also constitute the means which He has placed within our reach, and in our hands, for the improvement of this our present condition. This is a labour in which all of every grade are alike interested, and in which all will, at least, bid you God speed. Accordingly, it will be observed, that 516 LADIES ADMITTED ON THE PLATFORM. the regards of all, of humble as well as of those in the most exalted stations, are directed towards your proceedings ; and that every where multitudes continue to press around you, not merely as curious spectators, but as active workmen. Here the mechanic repairs to lay before you his inventions for giving increased effect to human industry, as well as the philosopher who seeks to render the forces belonging to inanimate matter a substitute for manual labour, and there- by to ease mankind of more than half their toils; and here also the statesman seeks to perfect himself in the knowledge of the nature and extent of the materials at his disposal, for effecting the improve- ments he contemplates in the social edifice. Though myself unprofitable spectator of your exertions, I would claim to be con- sidered as one greatly interested in your success. I arn fully sensible that this is but a poor claim to the notice with which I have been honoured, and I can assure you, gentlemen, that any language aft my command would be no less poor to convey the feelings it has excited; I can- not therefore trust myself in making the attempt, but must confine myself to the simple declaration, that the feelings awakened by your unmerited kindness, far from any admixture of self-com- placency, are those of the humblest, as of the warmest gratitude. With respect to the Presidency itself, with which I have been so highly hon- oured, I think that it maybe compared to a brilliant gem, to which it bears many striking analogies, but chiefly in this, that whilst it dignifies every thing with which it is connected, its own na- tive lustre can neither be impaired nor improved by any adventitious circum- stance. Yet in returning this precious gem with my unfeigned acknowledge- ments, you will permit me to offer my hearty congratulations, that the sphndid setting it is now to receive, is in so much better keeping with its own inhereiit beauty and its inestimable value. At the conclusion of his address, Pro- vost Lloyd resigned the chair to the Mar- quis of Northampton, who immediately came forward and said, that he should mark his accession to sovereign power by an act of royal favour. Ladies were, by law, excluded from the platform reserved for the General Committee; but as there were many ladies greatly incon.. venienced for want of seats, he would however, without fear of the imputation of tyranny, suspend that law, and invite as many to come upon the stage as it would admit. The Rev. Mr. Coneybeare (who acted as Vice President), said he would, with much pleasure, countersign and issue the ordonnance. The Marquis then alluded to the cause which had deprived the meeting of Lord Lansdowne’s services : he was sure that there was no person present wi>o did not -eel a sympathy for the afflicted father, and a sincere anxiety for the recovery of the suffering son.* The subject was a painful one ; but the ill- ness of a young nobleman of such high promise as the Earl of Kerry would, he was assured, be deemed a grievous affliction to all who knew his merits ; and secret prayers would be offered for his recovery in every heart in the as- sembly. His Lordship congratulated the meeting on the great accession of mem- bers which the Association had receiv- ed in Bristol. Some persons had doubted the utility of these reunions ; but if any such sceptics were present, he would reply to them in the words of the sublimest epitaph ever written, Monurnentum si quaeris, circum- spice.’’ Was it possible, when so many enlightened minds were thus brought together, — when such a blaze of light was thus kindled, that its cheering rays should not extend to other minds, and light up in other bosoms the same holy fire ? The effects of such assemblages were political and moral. Here ivere men of every shade of denomination and opinion engaged in one united effort in the cause of science and truth — eminent men from foreign lands, united by the glorious brotherhood of mind, were here assembled, to cement the intellectual union of nations. This he regarded as a political result of the highest and most gratifying order. The moral effect of the Association arose from truth being the great object of all its labours ; and every truth directly led the mind to the consideration of the Eternal Being who had given us facul- ties to appreciate the wonders of his * Whose death, we aie sony to ha\e to amioiince as havitig occmied the verj d;t) ol tois udiiresv SPLENDID RESULTS OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. creation, and the wisdom by which the universeof matter was accommodated to the universe of mind. He alluded es- pecially to Astronomy, as leading us to reflect on the Omniscience 'I'hat had framed such laws. Which blit to eiiei;S a Newton made immortal- Every true philosopher was a religious man ; and he who was not religious, was pro tanto not a philosopher. He need not recommend the foreign mem- bers to the attention of the citizens of Bristol : the natal place of Sebastian Cabot was already too well acquainted with the advantages to be derived from commercial intercourse with distant lands. He should, however, try to enlist the ladies in the service of the As- sociation ; they already possessed great influence ; he would rather see it in- creased than diminished ; he wished that they could persuade their husbands and lovers that science was as beauteous as themselves. Seriously (said his Lordship) much is in their power : the lessons taught by maternal love cling to memory with a fond tena- city which no future instructions can ever attain : they linger there when other lessons have been effaced by worldly cares, or removed by more ur- gent interests : and who shall say that it was not the maternal affection point- ing out the beauties of a shell a butterfly or a flower, that first lighted up the sparks of genius in many an infant breast, which now is shining gloriously forth, the pride and wonder of the world ? Dr. Daubeny, the Secretary, then read the following REPORT. Gentlemen, — The practice of the three preceding Anniversaries has pre- pared you to expect, Rt the first Gene- ral Meeting that may be held, a short address, explanatory of the nature of those scientific objects which had chiefly occupied the Association on the former occasion, and, in particular, of the con- tents of the last published Volume of Transactions, in which the results of your labours are recorded. This it has hitherto been usual for the Local Secre- taries of the year to prepare ; and it seemed but a fair division of labour that such a task should, in the present instance, be allotted to the one on whom from unavoidable circumstances, the smaller share in the other duties of the 5ir office had devolved. It was this con- sideration, indeed, which reconciled me to the undertaking ; for had I not felt that the framing of this Address was only part of the functions of the Secretary that could be discharged at a distance from the intended place of meeting, and that the time of my colleague would be engrossed by the preparatory arrange- ments, in which from my absence, I was unable till lately to participate, I should have shrunk from the responsi- bility of a task which involved the con- sideration of questions of a high and abstruse character, to several of which I feel myself but ill-qualified to do jus- tice. It is therefore with extreme dif- fidence that I enter upon a task which has, at former meetings, been executed by men so eminent in science and pre- sume, though one of the humblest members of this great body, to exhibit to you a brief sketch of the labours of some of those individuals, whose presence amongst us sheds a lustre over our proceedings, and has contributed, more than any other circumstance, to draw together this great concourse here assembled. There is, indeed, one circumstance, and one only that gives me some claim to address you I mean that of my having attended at all the meetings of this As- sociation up to the present time, and hence having traced its progress through all its various stages, from its first small beginnings at York, up to this period of its full maturit)’’, and having thus been enabled, by an actual participation in the business of all meetings, to form a juster estimate of the ’real condition of the Association, and of the services it has rendered to science, than could have been collected by the public at large. Thus circumstanced, I have become sensible of results, flowing from the meetings of this great body, which can scarcely figure in a Report, or find ex- pression in the accounts transmitted by the periodical press, — I have been struck by the enthusiasm elicited by the con- course of congenial minds — the friend- ships formed and cemented — the trains of experiment first suggested, or prose- cuted anewafter being long abandoned ; above all, the awakening of the public mind to the just claims of Sciences by the celebration of these Anniversaries. 518 HEAT, ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. But it seems almost superfluous to dilate, to those actually present at such a meeting as this on topics of the above description, when the mere fact of iheir being congregated here in such num- bers, conveys the best assurance that such is already their conviction. Nor is it merely the assembling of so large a portion of the respectable inhabitants of this city and neighbourhood, nor yet the attracting from a distance so great a number of the mere amateurs of science, which justifies me in this con- clusion, but it is the presence of so many hard-working, so many successful cultivators of physical research, and their devoting to the service of the As- sociation that most valuable of their possessions, their time, which gives me a right to assume, that the minds of those qualified to judge on such mat- ters, are already made up respecting the beneficial influence which this Asso- ciation is e.xerting. The volume, in- deed, which now lies upon the table, and which contains the results of our last year’s proceedings, not only amply sustains the former character of these Transactions, but even shows more strongly than those which have preceded it, the power which the Association has been exercising in the direct advance- ment of Science. It contains, in the first place, several valuable contributions to our knowledge of Magnetism — a branch of science which, within a few years, stood in a manner isolated from the rest, but which now, thanks to the researches of living philosophers, is shown to be intimately connected with, or rather to be one of the manifestations of that mysterious, but all-])ervading power, which seems to be displayed not less in those molecular attractions that bind together the elements of every compound body, than in the direction imparted to the loadstone ; perhaps even in the light and heat which attend upon combustion, no less than in the awful phenomena of a thunder storm. Considering the connexion that sub- sists between the science of Heat, Elec- tricity, and Magnetism, and considering, likewise, the cjffbrts made with various degress of success, and by men of very unequal pretensions, to develope the laws of each of these sciences in accord- ance with mathematical formulae, one cannot wonder that the Association should have been anxious to assign to a member, no less distinguished for the depth of his mathematical attainments, than for the range of his acquaintance with modern science, the task of draw- ing up a Report on the theories of these three departments of Physics, consider- ed in relation one to the other. This, accordingly, has been executed by Mr. Whewell, whose Report stands at the commencement of the volume. The point of view in which he was directed to contemplaie the subject, possesses an interest to all who are en- gaged in the investigation of natural phenomena, whatever may have been the particular bent to which their re- searches have been directed. All the physical sciences aspire to be- come in time mathematical :^he summit of their ambition, and the ultimate aim of the efforts of their votaries, is to ob- tain their recognition as the worthy sisters of the noblest of these sciences — Physical Astronomy. But their reception into thi'^ priveleged and exalted order is not a point to be lightly conceded; nor are the s()eculations of modern times to be admitted into this august circle, mere- ly because their admirers have chosen to cast over them a garb, oftentimes ill- fitting and inappropriate, of mathemati- cal symbols. To weight the credentials of the three physical sciences which have been pointed out as mathematical, was therefore a proper office for the Associa- tion to impose upon one of its members; and I believe it will be found that no small light has been thrown upon the subject by the manner in which that trust has been discharged. With regard, however, to Magnetism, which forms one of the subjects of Mr. Whewell's Report, much still remains to be done, before the mathematician can flatter himself that a secure founda- tion for his calculations has been esta- blished ; and the materials for this foun- dation must be collected from such a variety of isolated points, distant one from the other, both in time and place, dependant for their accuracy upon the occurence of favourable circumstances, and, after all, demanding from the ob- server an uncommon union of skill and experience, that there is perhaps no sci- entific undertaking for which the co-operation of public bodies, and even of governments, is more imperiously demanded; and the Association has, in consequence, both engaged its members DISTRIBUTION OF THE EARTH’S MAGNETISM. 519 in the prosecution of these researches, and has proposed to obtain for them the national assistance. To call the atten- tion therefore of the scientific world, in a greater degree, to the present condi- tion of our knowledge as to Terrestrial Magnetism, was the object of Captain Sabine’s Report in the present volume of these Transaction ; and this he has accomplished by presenting us with an elaborate abstract of the work which Professor Hansteen,of Copenhagen, had published upon that subject. This mathematician, in the year 1811, constructed a chart, in which were laid down, so far as could be ascertained the lines of eq ual variation and dip of the mag- netic needle in all parts of the world. It is curious to observe the degree of coinci- dence which exists between these lines representing the distribution of the magnetic force, and the isothermal lines by which Humboldt has expressed the distribution of heat over the earth’s surface ; and this apparent connexion, the cause of which remains a mystery, is calculated to stimulate our zeal for investigating the phenomena of both. Nor is it less interesting to trace in what degree these later observations appear to confirm the general conclu- sion arrived at by the celebrated Halley more than a century before. That astronomer had inferred, from a general review of all that was then known wdth regard to the variation and dip of the needle, that there must be two mag- netic axes ; whilst the gradual shifting of the line of no»variation from west to east, led him to propose the ingenious, though whimsical hypothesis, of a moveable globe existing in the interior of the earth we inhabit, actuated by the same forces as those which propel the hollow sphere surrounding it, and, like it, possessing a north and south magnetic pole. This interior globe, if it be supposed to move with somewhat less rapidity than the exterior shell, might, as he concieved, produce a gradual shifting of poles from east to west, and thus account forthe difference observed from time to time in the posi- tion of the magnetic axes. Now the researches of Professor Hansteen confirm the existence of two magnetic axes, though they led him to discard the hypothesis by which Hal- ley accounted for their progressive shift- ing, which, indeed, the recently-dis- covered connexion between Electricity and Magnetism gives us hopes of ex- plaining more satisfactorily, as has been shown by Professor Christie in the Re- port read by him at our third meeting. Since the publication, however, of the great work to which his Magnetic Chart is appended, Professor Hansteen, aware of the mystery which still over- hangs the subject, has been zealously employed in attempting to remove it, by ascertaining the present state and progressive change of the magnetic forces. He has accordingly employed himself in making observations on the line of no variation, or, as he prefers to call it, the line of convergence which passes through Siberia ; and, by a for- tunate concurrence of circumstances, the north-western expedition lately un- dertaken by British navigators, has af- forded the means of obtaining, at the very same time, corresponding ones on the similar line, which extends from Hudson’s Bay through the United States of America. Thus the position of these lines in these two most inter- esting localities, has been almost simul- taneously determined with an exact- ness before unequalled. In conjunction with Captain Sabine, Professor Lloyd, of Dublin, has con- tributed, in anotherway, at the instance of the Association, to extend our ac- quaintance with the empirical laws of this interesting department of science. This they have effected by determining the dip and variation of the magnetic needle in different parts of Ireland, which it was considered the more im- portant to ascertain, from the situation of that island in the most westerly point of Europe, at which observations could be instituted. The distribution of the earth’s mag- netism through this country was deter- mined by the above-named observers, first by a separate series of observations relating to the force of that portion of the magnetic influence which operates horizontally; secondly, by a similar series on the dip of the needle ; thirdly, by means of observations both on the dip and intensity of the magnetic force made at the same time and with the same instruments. It would occupy too much of the time of the Association, were I to attempt to point out, however briefly, the precautions adopted, andthe correc- 520 THEORY OF THE WET-BULB HYGROMETER. tions applied in order to arrive at accurate results. I shall therefore only remark, that the method by which the intensity of the magnetic force was ascertained, resembles in principle that by which philosophers determine the force of gravity. For as a pendulum when set in motion oscillates on either side of the verticle line by the force of gravity, so the needle, when drawn out of its natural position, will oscillate on either side of the magnetic meridian by the earth’s magnetic force, and hence, in either case the force may be inferred to vary, inversely as the square of the time in which a certain number of vi- brations are performed. In order, however, to arrive at trustworthy re- sults, many precautions must be adopt- ed, which are pointed out in detail in Professor Lloyd’s memoir, and in par- ticular one relating to temperature ; it being found that the same needle will vary in force about 1-4 000th part for every degree of Fahrenheit. Hav- ing, however, arrived at a determina- tion of the intensity of the magnetic force at the two extremities of the Is- land by a sufficiently extended series of observations, namely, at Limerick by Captain Sabine, and at Dublin by Professor Lloyd, and having compared the results with those obtained by means of the same needles at a spot out of Ireland, whose magnetic intensity had been previously settled, by avail- ing themselves of the observations of Captain James Ross, at London, our authors proceed to estimate the rela- tive intensity of the magnetic force at twenty- five different places within the compass of Ireland, by observations made at each of these simultaneously with others at Dublin or at Limerick. They thus obtained data by which to ex- hibit the law of I'errestrial Magnitism in Ireland, in a similar manner to that by which Humboldt laid down the laws of the distribution of Terrestrial Heat. The same principal was adopted in determining the lines of dip as of in- tensity, and the general result was ob- tained, that the angle which the lines of dip in Ireland make with the meri- dian of Dublin is 560 48’, and that the dip increases one degree for every dis- tance 10 of miles in a direction perpen- dicular to these lines. The preceding method of estimating the intensity by the number of vibra- tions in a given time, only applies to that portion of the earth’s magnetic force which operates in a horizontal di- rection. In order, , therefore, to deter- mine the whole amount of this force, ovservations, of the kind above alluded to, must be combined with others on the dip. This third series accordingly was instituted at twenty-three different sta- tions in Ireland, and the result arrived at was, that the lines of absolute inten- sity make an angle of 330 40]| with the meridian of Dublin, and that the inten- sity increased in a direction perpendi- cular to these lines by the 1-lOOth part for every 95 miles of distance. The importance of these researches in extending our knowledge of Terrestrial Magnetism, and affording the data on which a correct theory with respect to this subject may hereafter be based, will be felt even by those who do not fully appreciate the skill and labour they re- quired, and no better proof could be afforded of the substantial benefits aris- ing from such an institution as the Bri- tish Association, than that of having originated such an inquiry On the subject of Heat, Dr. Hudson, of Dublin, has detailed some experiments the tenor of which he considers incom- patible with the commonly received the- ory respecting its radiation, which we owe to Professor Prevost, of Geneva, in- asmuch as their tendency would be to establish that cold is equally radiated with heat — a result inconsistent with the notion of the former being a negative quality. He consequently leans rather to the views of Professor Leslie, who supposed heat to be radiated in conse- quence of the alternate expansion and contraction of the air around, producing a series of aerial pulses. In compliance with a wish expressed by the MeteoroLgical Committee, Dr. Apjojin has investigated the theory of the Wet-bulb Hygrometer, and commu- nicated an account of his experiments on this subject at the Dublin Meeting. His paper, having been already publish- ed in the Iransaction of the Dublin Academy, does not appear in our Re- port, which, however, contains two very interesting communications on subjects of Meteorology. Mr. Snow Harris has presented a statement of the variations of the ther- mometer at the Plymouth Dock-yard, EFFECT OF IMPACT UPON BEAMS. 621 as noted down by the wardens and of- ficers of the watch, during every hour of the day and night, commencing on the 1st, of May, 1832, and terminating in December, 1834, which are also checked by a concurrent series of ther- mometrical observation, registered eve- ry two hours, at the request of the Asso- ciation, by the late lamented Mr. Har- vey. Thus have been afforded us, for two complete years, observations to con- trast with those taken during 1834 and 1835, at Lieth Fort, under the superin- tendence of the Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Mr. Snow Harris has deduced from an everage of these observations the following important results 1st, The mean temperature of various seasons, as well as that of the entire year. 2ndly, The daily progression of tem- perature. 3rdly, The two periods of each day at which the mean temperature occurs. 4thly, The relation between the mean temperature of the whole twenty-four hours, and that of any single hour. 6thly, The average daily range for each month. 6thly, The form of the curves des- cribed by the march of the temperature between given periods of the day and night. In this manner has been accomplish- ed one of the first undertakings suggest- ed by the British Association to its num- bers, and promoted by its funds, and the true form of the diurnal and annual curves in an important station of our southern coast been attained, as a stan- dard of comparsion with that arrived at by Sir David Brewster in the latitude of Edinburgh, and from which they exhi- bit in the results some extremely curi- ous and important discrepancies. Professor Phillips and Mr. Gray have presented us with a continuation of those curious observations on the Quan- tities of Rain falling at different eleva- tions, which had formed the subject of two preceding communications publish- ed in these Transactions. ' In the first series of these, it had been shown that the difference between the quantities of rain that fell depended on two conditions — 1st. the height, and 2nd- ly, the temperature; the former circum- stance determining the ratio of the dif- ference between the two stations, and the latter its amount. In the second series he showed that the ratio likewise varied at diflferent seasons. The present or third series presents us with a formula for expressing these variations, and points out its corespon- dence with the observations made. That the quantity of rain which falls should be greater at lower than at high- er elevations, is a result which, though at first sight it may to appear parado- xical, is quickly perceived to harmonize with the fact, that drops of rain descend from a colder to a warmer atmosphere and consequently condence a portion of the aqueous vapour which exists sus- pended in the lower strata. But that the rate of increase should actually be found reducible so nearly to a mathe- matical formula, is certainly far more than could have been expected, and its successful accomplishment is calculated to give us hopes that other meteorolo- gical phenomena, which seem at present so capricious as to baffle all calculation, may at length be found reducible to certain fixed principles. So far as relates to the rain that falls at York, the results are regarded by Professor Phillips as sufficiently complete, but he strongly urges the advantage of instituting in other spots selected m different parts of the kingdom similarobservations, which, if executed simultaneously, would mutually illustrate each other, and be likely to throw much additional light on the theory of rain, and on the distribu- tion of vapour at different heights An important practical paper has been published in our Transactions of this year by Mr. Eaton Hodgkinson, on the effect of impact upon beams. It is a continuation of some researches which he communicated at the preceding Meeting, on the collision of imperfectly elastic bodies. In these experiments he had laid down the general principles relating to the collision of bodies of dif- ferent natures, and had obtained, a- mongst other results the following, — namely, that all rigid bodies possess some degree of elasticity, and that a- mongst bodies of the same class the hardest are generally the most elastic. It remained to be seen whether this difference in elasticity influenced the force of their impact, and this he has shown in his present memoir not to be 522 UNIFORM SYSTEM OF NOTATION. the case, the hardest and most elastic substances producing no more effects upon a beam, than any soft inelastic body of equal weight. Various other conclusions of much practical as well as theoretical importance are stated in the above paper, and the results are sever- ally borne out by an elaborate and care- ful series of experiments. Our Foreign Associatie, Mons. Q,uetelet, has presented to us a sketch of the progress and actual state of the Mathematical and Physical Sciences in Belgium, of interest, not only from the information it conveys, but likewise as the contribution of a distin- guished foreigner, who had evinced al- ready his respect for this Association by attending one of its meetings. The appearance of this Report, together with that published in the preceding volume by Professor Rogers, of Philadelphi, on the Geology of North America, I re- gard as a new proof of our prosperity. It shows that the Association has begun to exert an influence over the progress of Science, extending even beyond the sphere which by its name of British, it claims for its own, and that it has enlis- ted in its behalf the sympathies, not only of our Transatlantic brethren, who speak the same language, and boast of a com- mon extraction, but likewise of those Continental nations, from whom we had so long been severed. On the subject of Chemistry, our transactions of this year contain only a short report by Dr. T>irner, explanatory of the sentiments of the members of the Committee which had been appointed the preceding year, to consider whether or not it would be possible to recommend some uniform system of Notation, which, coming forward under the sanction of the most distinguished British chemists, might obtain universal recognition. In the discussion which took place Vv'hen this subject was brought before us at Dublin, three systems of Notation were proposed, differing one from the other, no less in principle, than in the end proposed by their adoption; — the first was that suggested by the venerable founder of the Atomic Theor)'’, Dr. Dal- ton, who aimed at expressing by his mode of notation not merely the number of atoms of each ingredient which unite to form a given com- pound, but likewise the very mode of their union, the supposed col- location of the different atoms re- | spectively one to the other, He pro- || posed, therefore a sort of pictorial repre- j; sentation of each compound which he I specified, just as in the infancy of wri- ji ting, each substance was indecated ; not | by an arbitrary character, but -by a sign bearing some remote resemblance to i the object itself. This, therefore, may ' be denominated the Hieroglyphical mode of Chemical Notation ; it was of great use in the infancy of the Atomic i Theory, in familiarizing the minds of |j men of science to the mode in which combinations take place, and thus paved a more ready way to the reception of ' this important doctrine. Even now, it may have its advantages in conveying 'i to the mind of a learner, a clearer notion of the number and relation of the ele- i ments of a compound body one to the otlier ; and in those which consist only of j two or three elements; a symbolic repre- ;i sentation after Dr. Dalton’s j)lan might || be nearly as concise as any other. But it | would be difficult, consistently with bre- f vity, to e.\ press in this manner any of I those more complicated combinations ]|l that meet us in every stage of modern j chemical inquiry, as for instance, in the compoundsof Cyanogen, or in proximate principles of organic life, j The second mode of Notation is that j in which the method adopted in Alge- bra is applied to meet the purposes of Chemistry. This method, whilst it is j recommended by its greater persjiicuity, and by its being intelligible to all edu- cated persons, has the advantage also of involving no hypothesis, and being j equally available by persons who may I have taken up the most opposite views of the collocation of the several atoms, | or who dismiss the question as altoge- I ther foreign to their consideration. This j therefore, may 1 e compared to th® j alphabetical mode of writing in use [ amongst all civilized nations ; the cha- i racters indeed may differ, the words for- I med by a combination of these charac- ' ters may be very various, but the prin- ciples on which they are put together to express certain sounds and ideas are ' in all countries the sam&. j The third method of Notation, which I has been recommended by the authority J of several greatContinental chemists, and j especially of Berzelius, resembles rather j a system of shorthand than one of ordi- nary writing ; its express object being | DR. JACOB’S REPLY TO THE ZOOLOGICAL COMMITTEE. 523 to abbreviate, so far as is consistent with perspicuity, the mode of Notation last described. But although most che- mists may find it convenient to employ some of these abbreviated forms of ex- pression, it seems doubtful whether any particular amount of them can be re- commended for general adoption, since the necessity for it will vary according to the habits of the individual, the na- ture of his inquiries, and the objects for which his notes are designed. A chemist, for example, the character of whose mind enables him quickly to perceive, and clearly to recollect minute distinctions, may find a much more ab- breviated style of Notation convenient, than would be at all advisable to others; one who is engaged m the analysis of organic compounds will be more sensi- ble of the utility of such symbols, than another who is conversant chiefly with a less complicated class of combinations: and one who notes down the results of his experiments for the benefit of private reference, and not with any immediate view to others, may indulge in a more concise and complex system of Notation, than would be convenient, where either of the latter objects were contemplated. As the shortest road is proverbially not always the most expeditious, so in Chemical Notation more time may often be lost in correcting our own blunders and those of the compositor, where dots and commas of many sorts are introduced in the place of initial letters to express certain elements, than was gained by the more compendious method of expression employed. Add to which, in the preference given to one set of dots over another, or in the parti- cular collocation of them, above, below or at the side of the symbol to which they are referred, we have no fixed principle to guide us, and can therefore only be determined by the greater or less frequent adoption of one method than of another. Perhaps, therefore, all that can be hoped from a Committe of British Chemists would be, to set forward the the various uses of some system of Che- mical Notation, the purposes for which each of those broughtbefore them seems chiefly applicable, and the degree of pre- valence which one has obtained over the rest. If I may be allowed to offer my own humble opinion on a point which has been so much debated amongst British chemists, I should remark that for the purpose of rendering more intelligible to beginners the mode in which various bo- dies are supposed to combine, the Dalto- nian method of Notation may still be of use, just as pictorial representation often comes in aid of verbal description to convey the idea of a complex object. But that where the design is to state in the clearest, and least hypothetical terms, the nature of a series of combinations, a mode of Notation as closely as possible approaching to that adopted in algebra seems preferable — remembering always that as in algebra we omit certain signs for the sake of greater brevity, so it may be allowable to do in applying its princi- ples to Chemistry, these abbreviations being of course the most advisable in cases where by reason ofthe greater num- ber of elements involved, the expression of them at whole length would occupy so much space as to })revent the whole from being comprehended at a glance. The above remarks will not, I believe, be found inconsistent with the spirit of the brief report which Dr. Turner has communicated, and which is to the fol- lowing effect : — 1st. That the majority of the Commit- tee concur in apjrroving of the employ- ment of that system of Notation which is already in general use on the Continent, though there exist among them some difference of opinion on points of detail. 2ndly. That they think it desirable not to deviate in the mannerof Notation from algebraic usage, except so far as conve- nience requires. And 3dly. That it would save much confusion if every chemist would state explicitly the exact quantities which he intends to represent by his symbols. But I must hasten on to those few other Reports which the present volume contains, but on which I shall have the less to say, as they relate to subjects con- nected with Anatomy and Physiology, of less general interest to a mixed audi- ence. Dr. Jacob has replied to a query pro- posed by the Zoological Committee at a former meeting with respect to the uses ofthe infra-orbital cavites in Deers and Antelopes, and has pronounced them to be designed as the receptacles of a pecu- liar odoriferous secretion. 524 QUANTITIES OF ELECTRICITY APPRECIABLE BY THE BALANCE. Dr. Hodgkin and Dr. Roupell have detailed a series of experiments and observations relative to the specific mode of action of acrid poisons, which, whether at once introduced into the sto- mach, or the circulation, by injection into the veins, seem to operate primarily in the same manner as irritants to the mucous membrane. The Dublin Sub- committee, appointed for the purpose, have given in a report connected with a subject of great pathological interest, respecting which none but the experien- ced medical practitioner ought to pretend to p^ss a decided judgment ; — neverthe- less, when I look back to the early period of my own professional studies, and recollect the obscurity in which diseases of the heart appeared then to be involved, when their remedy seemed so desperate, as to suggest to one of the most distinguished writers on the subject the motto ‘ Hcsret lateri lethalis arundo' as appropriate to his work and as signi- ficant of the probabilities of cure, and when their very nature was known but partially, and could only be guessed at by methods purely empirical, — when I recollect all this, I cannot refrain from congratulating those of my brethern who are engaged in the duties of the profes- sion from which I am myself a deserter, on the discovery of a new instrument of investigation in diseases of this nature, the use of which being founded on phy- siological principles, seem susceptible of greater improvement and more extended application in proportion as our know- ledge of the animal economy advances. But in order properly to avail our- selves of the indications of desease af- forded by the differences of sound trans- mitted through the integuments by the heart, it is necessary that we should be acquainted with the nature of its pulsa- tions, and of the sounds occasioned by them in a healthy state, and this infor- mation it has been the object of the Dub- lin Sub-committee to embody in the report which was communicated by them last year to the Medical Section. Such are the principle contents of the volume which records the scientific la- bours instituted at the express sugges- tion of the general body, and prepared for its last Meeting ; but, exclusively of these, many very valuable and elaborate investigations were submitted to the several Sections without any such soli- citation. I may instance in particular the views with respect to the classification and the geological distribution of Fishes, ex- pounded to us with so much ability by Mons. Agassiz, whose important labour might perhaps have been suspended, but for the timely assistance dealt out to him by this bod5% and the opportunities which its Meetings afforded, for giving them that publicity which they deserved- I may point out likewise the impor- tant results submitted to the Geological Section by Mr. Murchison and Profes- j sor Sedgwick, with reference to the Si- i lurian formations of Wales and Shrop- ! shire, and the multitude of facts illus- trative of the physical structure of Ire- j land, which were elicited by the exhibi- ' tion of Mr. Griffith’s Geological Map» | an undertaking which, coupled with the | researches of Mr. Mackay on the plants i indigenous to that country, promises to i render us as w’ell acquainted with the i Natural History of this portion of the i Empire, as we already are with respect i to Great Britain itself. Nor must I forget the researches on Comparative Anatomy laid before the ;i Medical Section by Dr. Houston, who | pointed out the existence of reservoirs | connected with the veins leading to the ( lungs in the Cetacea, an admirable con- [ trivance, by which Nature has provided I for the unobstructed circulation of their blood, in spite of the enormous pressure i which they have to sustain at the great I depths to which they are wont to dive. The Members of the Association had I also the satisfaction of witnessing the , ingenious manner in w'hich Mr. Snow | Harris contrives to render quantities of |! Electricity appreciable by the balance, I like those of any gross material sub- stance ; whilst such as could enter upon the more refined branches of i mathematical analysis must have listen- ] ed with profound interest to the exposi- j tion given by Professor Hamilton, of | the ingenious labours of Jerrand, of this city, in solving Equations of the higher orders. i; What proportion of such inquiries may be attributable to the influence of p this Association, and how much might have been merely the result of that in- : creased taste for physical research to I which the Association itself owes its existence, I do not pretend to determine j j this however, at least, must be allowed, ; THE AGE FOR PHYSICAL SCIENCES, 525 that many of the most important truths communicated, might have been long in winning their way to general recog- nition, and in ridding themselves of those exaggerated and mistaken views which are the commo'i accompaniments of every infant discovery, had it not been for the opportunities which these Meetings afford, of examining the very authors of them, with respcet to their own inquiries ; of confronting them with others who have prosecuted simi- lar trains of research ; of questioning them with respect to the more doubtful and difficult points involved ; and of ob- taining from them, in many instances an exhibition of the very experiments by which they had been led to their conclusions. And it is this personal in- tercourse with the authors of these great revolutions in Science, which in itself constitutes one of the principal charms of these meetings. Who would not have listened with delight to a Newton, had he condescended to converse on the great truths of Astronomy ; to a Jussieu, imparting to a circle of his intimates in his own garden at Trianon, those glimpses with respect to the natural relations of plans, which he found it so difficult to reduce to writing ; or to a Linnaeus, discussing at Oxford his then novel views with respect to the vegeta- ble kingdom, and winning from the reluctant Dillenius a tardy acknowledg ment of their merits ? And in like manner, who does not value the privilege of hearing a Dalton discourse on these occasions on his own AtomicTheory, or a Faraday, (.who, however, I regret to say, is on this occasion prevented by illness from attending), explain orally the steps by which he has traced the relations be- tween Electricity and Magnetism, al- though every one is aware that the prin- cipal facts, both with respect to the one and the other, have long since been made public by their respective authors, and have been abundantly commented upon by others. And nowhere, perhaps, is it more desirable to instil those senti- ments to which I have alluded, than within the precincts of those provincial cities which the Association now pro- poses to visit. The inhabitants of those great emporiums of Commerce and Ma- nufactures are indeed often enough re- minded that processes directed by the guidance of Chemistry and Mechanics constitute the very basis of their pros- perity, but they are too apt to regard these and other kindred sciences, as the instruments merely of material wealth, and to deem it superfluous to prosecute them further than they are seen to con- duce to that one end. That such no- tions are short-sighted, even with refer- ence to the practical applications of the Arts, it would not be difficult to show ; hut I am ambitions to place the question on a higher ground, and the presence amongstus of such individuals as I have mentioned, will do more towards that object than volumes of argument would effect. It will convince us at least, that other roads to distinction besides that of mere wealth are opened to us through the instrumentality of the Sciences, for although, thanks to the spirit of the age, which in this respect at least stands advantageously distinguished from those preceding it, the discoverers of import- ant truths are not, as hertofore, allowed to languish in absolute poverty, yet tho debt which Society owes to them would be but inadequately paid were it not for the tribute of respect and admiration which is felt to be their due. It has indeed been sometimes object- ed, that too large a share of public at- tention is in this age directed to the Physical Sciences, and that the study of the human mind, the cultivation of literature, and the progress of ths Fine Arts have been arrested in consequence. In what degree the accusation is well founded, this is not the place to inquire, although when we look round upon the many literary characters that adorn this age, we should rather suppose the re- mark to have arisen from the increasing interest in Science, than from any dimi- nished taste for other studies. If this complaint however had any foundation in truth, it would only supply a strong- er argument in favour of an Associq,tion like the present, the express object of which is to correct that narrowness of mind which is the consequence of limit- ing ourselves to the details of a single sci- ence, or it maybe, to a single nook and cor- ner of one, and therefore to render the prevailing taste of the times more sub- servient to mental culture, and therefore a better substitute for the studies it is alleged to have superseded. An As- sociation too, which, with no narrow and exclusive feeling towards those pur- suits which it is designed to foster, ex- tends the right hand of fellowship t© I»26 NEW VIGOUR INFUSED IN THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. men of eminence in every department upon which the human mind can be exercised, and which would have felt that no higher honour could have been bestowed upon its present Meeting, than by the attendance of the great poet, and the great sculptor, who own Bristol as their native city. To alter indeed the character of the period in which we live, is as much be- yond the efforts of individuals, as to fix the time of their birth, or the country and station in which their lot is cast ; and it is perhaps inevitable, that an age and country so distinguished above all others for the advancement of arts and manufactures, should attach an increased importance to those sciences on which both the latter are depended. But it is at least cosolatory to reflect, that Provi- dence has attached to every one of those conditions of society through which na- tions are destined to pass, capabilities of moral and intellectual improvement, and that the very sciences which so am- ply minister to our physical enjoyments, also afford the means of those higher gratifications which spring from the exercise of the taste and imagination. Thus, although it may not be easy for the citizen to indul. e to any extent in studies alien from the pursuits which engross his hours of business, yet it cannot be deemed incompatible with the latter, to mount up to the principles of those sciences which are connected with the arts he practises ; to study their relation one to the other ; and to ac- quaint himself with the steps by which they have reached their present emi nence. It cannot but be useful to the chemical manufacturer to study the laws of that molacular attraction which binds together the elements of the sub- stances which he prepares ; to the mechanic to examine the process of the arts in connexion with the general laws of matter ; to the miner or landsurvey- or, to inform himself with respect to the physical structure of the globe ; to the agriculturist, to become acquainted with tbe principles of vegetable physiology, and the natural relations of plants. For my own part, intimately connect- ed as I am, both with the first of the commercial cities, and also with the fiistofthe universities, that welcomed the British Association within its pre- cincts, warmly interested in the pros- perity of both, and officiating as Local Secretary on either occasion, I have felt personally gratified at seeing the selection of the«e places justified by the cordiality of our reception in both, and at witnessing the new vigour which has been infused into the Association, in consequence of the support it has there- in received. But how much will that gratification be augmented, if it should be found hereafter, benefit in either case has been mutual; that these Meetings have cemented those bonds of union be- tween the academical and the commer- cial portion of the British community, which it is so desirable to maintain ; and that, whilst the University to which I belong has reaped advantange, by hav- ing its attention called to the interest felt in physical sciences generally throughout the kingdom, my fellow- citizens here will in like manner catch the spirit which pervades our body, and will engage in the pursuit of science with a juster conception of its high ob- jects, and with a zeal and devotion to its cause, which will not be less practi- cally useful, because it is stimulated by a more disinterested love of truth ; less capable of ministering to the operation of the arts, because it is also rendered subservient to mental discipline and improvement. John Taylor, Esq. Treasurer of the Association, then read the account of the receipts and expenditure, made up to the middle of July this year ; from which it aj)peared that the B.ilaiice ill iiand at ilm last w.t9 £5oa 16 3 Ueceived from Members at Duliiiii. and since 2173 0 0 Amoniit of Interest, Dividends, &c. .. I27 in <> Sale of volumes of their rransaclion .. 375 S fl £3185 15 0 The F.xoenditnre was as follows ; — F.xpenses of meetinii at Dublin £^^5 18 0 Viiiioiis local pxpens.-s 121 19 0 Piticbase of £i000. Three per Cetit, Consols 916 5 0 Snlaries 230 0 0 Grants for various Scientific piiri. OSes. 457 0 6 Printing Third Volume of Transac- tions 517 16 0 Other Printing 6118 0 Sundries 43 8 7 ,^2577 4 7 reaving a balance in hand at present of about The total amount of property belong- ing to the Association at present, includ- ing the value of a number of copies of their Transactions, is about 4,564/. Mr. Taylor further states that the num- ber of tickets issued up to that time was at least 1000, the largest number that LAWS OF THE MOTIONS OF WAVES EXCITED IN WATER. 527 had ever been issued at that sta^e of their proceedings ; the probability, therefore, seemed to be, that the num- ber of members attending the Associa- tion would be larger than ever they were before, and the pecuniary benefit pro- portionably greater. TUESDAY, AUG. 23. Section A. -MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICAL SCIENCE. The president upon taking the chair this morning called upon Mr. Russel, of Edinburgh, for his * Notice of a Series of Experimental Researches regarding the Laws of the Motions of Waves excited in Water.’ This notice regarded one department of a series of investigations In Hydro- dynamics, in which the author has been engaged for three years. — (See Sec. G, Monday.) It was discovered in the course of these investigatins, that the pheno- mena of waves interfered with the phe- nomena of resistance, to such an extent, as to render an investigation of the laws of the propagation of waves essential to the farther prosecution of the inquiry into the laws of resistance. The importance also of these inquiries, in connexion with the investigations of Mr. Whe- well and of Mr. Lubbock, regarding the tide-wave, gave an importance to the inquiries which had induced Mr. Russel to prosecute the investigation in such a manner, as to render it subservient to the improvement of a department of sci- ence, of which the applications are so highly important. Much confusion has arisen from con- founding different species of waves fol- lowing different laws. Mr. Russell has observed four species ; — 3. Waves of the first species are seen in what is com- monly called ripple on the surface of a pool ; these may be called dentated, and are not propagated beyond the place of their generation ; 2. Waves of the second species, or oscillatory waves, are found when a stone is dropped into a quiescent fluid, and these succeed each other in concentric rings — these are the waves of Newton and Young, and correspond to the second species of Poisson ; they are propagated with a velocity proportioned to the magnitude of the displaced fluid ; 3. The third species of waves are called breakers, surges, and tidal-bores; and 4. The fourth species of waves, is the solitary wave, analogous to the great tidal wave of the ocean; it is propagated with nearly a uniform velocity. The two last species, tlie surge and the solitary were, are the subjects of this investiga- tion. It was observed, 1st, When a considerable and permanent addition is made to the volume of a limited portion of fluid contained in an open reservoir, such addition produces an elevation of the surface of the fluid, which is propa- gated in the form of a solitary wave, moving with a velocity nearly uniform. 2nd, The velocity of the propagation of such waves, is equal to that vvhich would be acquired by a heavy body, in falling through a space equal to half the fluid. 3rd, The length of such a wave is nearly constant for a given depth. 4th. The height of the wave varies with its volume, and must be added to the depth of the fluid, in calculating the velocity according to art. 5th, When the height of a wave exceeds twice the depth, it form ceases to be a form of equilibrium, and it breaks. Gth, When the anterior part of a wave is found at a depth less than that of the posterior portion, and the height is greater than twice the depth, the wave curls forward, forming the common surge. 7tb, when the width of a channel diminishes in an arithmeti- cal ratio, the height of the wave increases in a geometrical one, until it exceeds twice the depth, when it breaks. The Members expressed their satis- faction at the ingenious devices by which Mr. Russell had contrived to effect his observations — as where he noted the arrival of the wave at a given position, by placing a white rod across the top of the canal along which the wave was propagated, and watching its image in the approaching wave: while the inclined part of the wave was passing under it, the reflected image of the white rod was transferred, of course, to a considerable angular dis- tance, ; but as soon as the top came under the rod, a very small portion of it being horizontal, the reflected image assumed a position exactly beneath the rod. By this most ingenious contri- vance, he was enabled to determine both the velocity of the wave, and, to some extent, its length, and ultimately its form. The clear manner in which his experimental results explained the change of form of the greater wave, by the incompatable velocities of two waves of a lower height, at first generated, un- 528 EFFECTS OF WIND UPON THE HEIGHT & VELOCITY OF THE WAVE. til ultimately the two lesser were absorb- ed by the greater, and disappeared altogether, was unexpected, and sur- prisingly exact. The manner in which the wave changed its form, piqueing more and more up, as its height beca>n3 greater and greater, in proportion to the depth of the canal, until at length, upon a shelving bottom, the form ended in the surge of breaker — the manner in which this explained every minute familiar phenomenon, called forth re- peated applause ; and we would particu- larize the curved form of the surge along the coast, as by the course marking the equal depth of the bottom below the surface, as soon as that depth reached the surging limit ; also the circumstance that the surge frequently made its appearance first at one particular point, and then ran off in a kind oi ftu, dejoie^ sometimes in only one direction along the curved lines of surging depth, some- times in both directions ; these, and many other particulars, which we find it impossible to insist on, met with the most minute explanation. The Rev. Mr. Scoresby, better known to our readers as Captain Scoresby, beti- ged leave to ask Mr. Russell whether in waves generated in the deep ocean, as in the Atlanjfic, this explanation would not lead us to infer a velocity of the wave greater than that of a cannon ball. He also begged to suggest to him the consideration of the effecc of deep indentations upon the coast, on the waves ; he had known, and he described some instances, where the indented form of the coast had a tranquillizing ef- fect upon the waves of the sea outside, so as fiequently to produce almost still water. — Mr. Lubbock put several ques- tions to Mr. Russell, for the purpose of eliciting information and explanation upon topics, on which, from the rapidi- ty with which the interesting results succeeded each other, he had not receiv- ed full satisfaction. He felt peculiar interest in this question, from its direct bearing upon the tides, a subject to which he had latterly much devoted himself; he asked Mr. Russell, whe- ther any of his experiments had been conducted in covered canals, of whether he had observed any facts connected with the effect of the wind, either upon the height or upon the time of propaga- tion of the wave. — Mr. Russell stated, as we understood him, that he had not used covered canals; that he had noted several of the effects of wind upon both the height and velocity of the wave, but he had only time to note these very roughly, but these effects were both con- siderable and important, and he was even led to expect, that by this influence wdll at length be explained among other interesting effects, the surging of the waves in deep seas, which takes place in consequence of the form of the wave being changed into one piqueing up at the top. Mr. Roberts inquired what means of measuring time Mr- Rus- sell employed, and to what part of a second he could observe? — Mr. Russell replied, that he chiefly used ship chro- nometers, and that he never tried to come nearer than half a second; in that time, as he had in the course of the pa- per observed, the ordinary wave of the experimental canal he used, progressed about six feet. Mr. W he well observed, that experi- ments had, in some instances, borne the most ample testimony to the correctness of the theory of this intricate portion of hydrodynamics ; although, in the greater number of instances, by outstripping that theory, it exhibited the deplorable state of dificiency in which it still exist- ed. The learned Professor congratulated the Section upon the prospect which now brightened before them, for he had little doubt but that these experimental results, in the hands of some expert, analyst, would at length conduct to an advance of the theory which in many branches of science would be of much importance. To himself, the obvious and very close connexion of these researches wdth the subject of the tides was matter of the most intense interest The learned gentleman then proceeded to particular- ize some leading and valuable examples of that connexion. The propagation of the great tide wave was a direct case of the propagation of the waves of the spe- cies, to the tracing of whose laws Mr. Russell had chiefly applied himself. And this led him directly to an answer to one of Mr. Scoreshy’s questions; for, since that tidal wave could be shown to he propagated from the Cape of Good Hope to the ports along the coasts of Spain in about twelve hours, surely here was an instance of propagation of these waves in deep waters, not only equalling, but far surpassing, the velo- city of a cannon ball. REFRACTIVE INDICES OF SEVERAL SUBSTANCES. 529 Sir William Hamilton congratulated Mr. Russell upon the most successful issue of his researches thus far, and strongly urged upon him the continua- tion of them, and even the extension of of them. The fund upon which Mr Russell drew for bearing the expense of his experiments, conducted, as they had obviously been, upon the most splendid scale, of course left nothing to be de- sired if it still continued unexhausted ; but to him it appeared that if there was the least chance of a difficulty in procu- ring funds, those of the British Associa- tion could not be applied to a more legitimate ora more important purpose; and he felt little doubt that, if there was any necessity for such application, it would be successful. Professor Powell then read a paper respecting the Refractive Indices of se- veral substances. The Professor commenced by giving an explanation of the term Refractive Index, and pointed out the changes of meaning which it had undergone since the time of Newton. He then explained what was meant by the “dispersive power” of a substance. The determina- tion of the refractive indices for definite rays of the coloured image of the sun, or solar spectrum, marked by the dark lines of Wollaston, from direct observa- tions of their deviations, produced by prisms of various substances, was first proposed by Frauenhofer ; and, by the aid of instruments of extraordinary de- licacy and exactness, executed by him, obtained for ten media solid, and was carried on by Mr. Rudberg for ten more. The absolute necessity of an ex- tended series of such determinations, %vas pointed out by Sir J. Herschel and Sir D. Brewster, and was further urged by a special recommendation of the British Association; but Mr. Powell, finding that no other person was stepp- ing forward to undertake the task, stated, that he was himself most reluc- tantly induced to endeavour to make some progress in this matter, so highly important in a practical point of view. The apparatus of Frauenhofer, besides its extreme complexity, required in the using, a skill and accuracy, possessed by few but himself. This, and other con- siderations induced the learned Pro- fessor himself to procure the aid of Mr. Simms in constructing a much simpler apparatus, the essential parts of which are a graduated circle, with the prism of its centre diameter 10 inches — an achromate telescope, with cross wires at its focus — an arm, projecting from the centre, carries the prism with two motions, one to adjust it to paralle- lism, with the slit through which the light is admitted, and which is about the I-20th of an inch wide, and then round its axis. For liquid media, hollow jwisms, or troughs, of different angles, were provided, whose inclined sides are of plate glass, formed with truly parallel surfaces and the angles accurately de- termined previously. For seeing some of the lines of the sjiectrum, the light of the sun is required, in which case one or more thickness of purple glass is used, and, by means of the lines themselves, the most perfect parallelism of the prism with the slit can be obtained ; and, since the lines become indistinct, except in or near the position of minimum devia- tion, that position is always adopted; this last deviation is accurately observed by the focal wires. The absolute devia- tion is observed directly from the za ro point of the circle, or that which corresponds with the telescope direct- ed to the slit. This instrument, the Professor stated, although comparative- ly so simple, admitted of a degee of ac- curacy, even greater than what he cared to wait for obtaining, his object being a great number of approximations to the truth, rather than the attainment of the utmost precision. He then proceeded to notice the care required in attending to diversities of temperature, since he had found the greatest differences to result from this source. He alluded briefly to the precautions used, and then stated the means by which he had obtained the oils, alcohol, and chemi- cal substances, which were the subjects of these experiments, Mr. Allen and Professor Daubeny giving him the most essential aid in this important part of his labours. The fluids that he ex- amined were oil of cassia, oil of aniseed, sulphuret of carbon, balsam of Peru, kreosote, oil of sassafras, oil of pimento oil of angelica, sulphuric acid, muriatic acid, nitric acid, alcohol 39 =.8 15, solu- tion of chromate of lead in nitric acid, solution of chromate of potass, of mu- riate of lime, muriate of ammonia, ni- trate of potass, sulphate of magnesia, nitrate of mercury, muriate of barytes^ sulphate of soda, muriate of zinc, nitrate 530 POLARIZING STRUCTURE OF THE LENS. of bismuth, nitrate of lead, superacetate of lead, subacetate of lead, distilled water the same as that in which the solutions were made. Of these the re- fractive indices of many were very high, and most of them of such a nature as to render them scarcely possible to be re- duced to the proper form. In conclu- sion he stated, that many crystals of various kinds of substance, if got pure would be invaluable for aiding in these researches — he particularized lead. The learned gentleman concluded by some notice of the researches of Dovey. Sir David Brewster stated many mo- des in which some of the most perplex- in difficulties met with by Mr. Powell might be avoided. He stated, that he could render very imperfect crystals ayailableby covering up their imperfec- tions with China ink ; also, we under stood him to say, that sometimes he interposed silk ; but he universally suc- ceeded inmaking the dark lines visible, by using the triple oxalate of chromium and lead as an interpo'jing substance. He also remarked that it would be very important to note accurately, the angle which the ray or beam of light made with the edge of the refracting angle of the prism, and illustratedits importance. ■ — Mr. Powell showed, that in the very construction of his apparatus this was provided for. — Prefessor Forbes bore testimony to the extreme simplicity of the apparatus, and its capability of ac- curate investigations. H e had only just come from Oxford, where he had, had the pleasure of seeing and examining it, and from his own experience he could say, that any one, at all accustomed to such experimenting, might be readily trained to use it. 4 A paper was then read, contributed by Sir. D, Brewster, ‘On the Polarizing Structure of the Crystaline Lens of the Eyes of Animals after Death. ^ The eyes examined were those of oxen and sheep, the tendency of the lens to indurate was prevented by immersion in distilled water ; the polorazing struc- ture was then examined ; great changes were stated to take place in that struc- ture in the eyes of aged animals. From these investigations, the writer was led to the results that there is in the crystal- line lens a capability of being developed by the absorption of the aqueous hu- mour; that a perfect structure is not produced until the animal frame is com. pletely formed ; and that when it begins to decay, the lens changes both its den- sity and focal length, and sometimes degenerates into the disease termed hard and soft cateract. Sir. D. Brewster is led to entertain a hope, that these re- I searches may furnish a means of preven- ting or curing that alarming disease. The Rev. J. W. M’Gauley then read ‘A series of Experiments in Electro- jll Magnetism, with reference to its appli- S cations as a Moving Power.’ ] Previously to the detail of the ex- ■ pcriraents on this subject, he thought it !j might be interesting to the Section to relate what he had done since the last 1 Meeting of the Association, in the ap- plication of electro-magnetism to ma- .j chinery. He had intended, originally, 1) to have exhibited the improvements, ; but should content himself, for the pre- J sent, with the detail, rather than the j| exhibition. He was obliged to confess, j that he was the less anxious prema- | turely to publish results, since he found ij that the working model of last year, |j given to the section, undoubtedly with \ the intention of its future improvement, |j or the pursuance of experiments by other i| Members, had led’ on several occasions, j to the production of papers, and the I exhibition of models, by those from I it might not be expected — with a pre- I tension to originality, but with no !| change in the principle, and almost I in the details. ! The working model exhibited to the j Sections at the last Meeting of the Association must be acknowledged as a | proof, to some extent;, at least, of the applicability and the manageable- ji ness of electro-magnetism as a moving 1! power; but the question then remaining was, whether or not it was likely to be : applied to useful purposes ; for this, several things remained undone, ' 'j Powerful magnets were to be con- structed. The ordinary formation of | electro-magnets furnishes us, at best, ! with an apparatus clumsy in the extreme, and, as we shall see, of very j; limited power. This arises from the I very nature of an electro magnet ; for ' the lifting power may be very great, although the attracting power at a !■ small distance may be very trifling. There must be a limit, also, to the size of these magnets, for, if the mass of iron be too great for the helix, it is not saturated with magnetism, and the j M'GAULEY ON ELECTRO MAGNETISM. 531 helex cannot be unlimited, as, beyond a certain distance from the iron, its action is nothing,— in some cases, perhaps, as we shall see, even injurious. The effec- tive distance of the helex from the iron cannot be great, since its action, })robably, decreased in the inverse pro- portion of the square of that distance. The difficulty cannot be obviated, as some have imagined, by causing the electrical currents to circulate through the mass of iron, uniting together a number of coiled bars. This would present an arrangement probably similar to a permanent magnet, the masses of iron acting on each other by induction, the reversion of the poles would be very slow, or altogether impossible. The action of the magnets, rather than their masses, must be united; but in this, new difficulties occur. Their action must be simultaneous, or the machine- ry will be broken, or ineffective ; the time after reversion, and during which a har can be thrown off a magnet, is extremely short — hence one reason why it is difficult to unite the action of several magnets. But let us suppose that we have obtained a simultaneous reversion of the poles and throwing off x)f the bars — a thing totally impossible, he conceived, from the number and complication of circumstances by which it is influenced — how shall this action be applied to machinery? If the fly- wheel of a steam-engine, from the shut- ting off of the steam, be not impelled by the engine while it continues in motion, it drags the piston, uninjured, through the cylinder ; but suppose something to retain the piston in one position, without stopping the wheel, the effect were highly injurious — this is exactly what must frequently happen in electro-manegetism. It is impossi- ble to reverse the poles even of one magnet, in such a manner that the position of the bars shall always corres- pond with the position of the crank and fly-wheel.* Let M m’ be two magnets, m m’ be the space through which b, the bar, travels in causing half the revolutions of the crank c’ x, while b is moving, so that its extremity shall be at p’ then c’ X shall have become c’ x’ while it is going to p”, c’ x’ shall be- come c’ x’” but if when the crank c’ x is in the position c’ x’” one of the dead points, the bar is not ready to leave m’ ; or, in other words, if the magnet which holds it be not ready at once to send it off — a thing very probable — the fly-wheel continues to revolve by its own inertia, and the machinery is broken, or the bar is torn from the magnet, which offen has a curious and perj)lexing ef- fect on the reversion of the poles. A better reversing apparatus was to be obtained.* Again, the form of the apparatus, whether mercury be used or not, must be changed, and the principle of the one now exhibited to the Section adopted, since the apparatus, which will reverse the poles of one magnet, will not with speed of certainty reverse the poles of two or more, when worked by the en- gine itself. The apparatus shown to the Section had been used with great suc- cess in (he reversion of the poles of four powerful magnets. The attachment of the reversing ap- paratus to the machine becomes difficult, when more than one magnet is used, for reasons with which he would not then occupy the Section. He believed he might mention, that he possessed an en- gine of considerable power, in which these difficulties were overcome. The e.xperiments he should detail to the Section were numerous and compli- cated ; he had taken ev^’ery means to secure their accuracy ; some of them ap- pear anomalous, but were undoubtedly modified by circumstances, many of which are so obscure, that he has not been able yet to detect them. He re- marked, that it was obviously important to make experiments in considerable number, and on a large scale, since the former secures a greater accuracy, the latter the notice of results which, from their minuteness, might otherwise es- cape observation. His inquiries resolved themselves into two points — the nature of magnetism — the best means of pro- ducing it. The means of overcoming the difficulty arising from the necessari- ly limited size of the iron and the helix, he might probably treat at a future pe- riod- To place everything in exactly the same circumstances, without which a fair comparison could not be made, the battery was cleaned, the charge renew- Sfle plate iv. fig 6. * See Plate iv. fig 1 532 M‘GAULEY’S EXPERIMENTS^. ed, and the arranf^ements examined be- fore each of the following; experiments, and the materials of the charge were, as far as possible, not merely similar, but identically the same. First Series. The Helix. No. 1. — A horse-shoe soft iron bar 13^ inches across, to the extreme edges of the poles, interior, 7f exterinn length. The diameter of the bar 2| inches, its weight 29| lb. The keeper used was 13|- inches long, 21 wide, f- thick; its weight, with ring, /fib. This keeper was used in all experiments with magnets of the same size. This, like all the other magnets, was well coated with sealing-wax varnish; it was coiled with I69O feet of No. 13 copper wire, in 10 equal coils. The battery was one foot square^ double cell, charged with 1 in 50 sulphuric acid, 1 in 100 nitric acid, and water. Keeper distant from poles 3-10 inch, it lifted 4| lb. 3-20 9i Magnet No. 1, of 5th Series, connec- ted wdh the battery, at the same time, lifted in contact 9|lb. He removed one of the coils, used the same battery, and a similar charge, at the distance, 3-l0 inch, it lifted 7i lb. 3-20 37 i. . 26i The one of last year, though perfectly successful, required the agency of mer- cury, which, for many reasons, is ob- jectionable ; it becomes oxidated, then contact is imperfect, and the level in the cups, which is of the last import- ance, is destroyed : it is liable to a thousand accidents, not speak of its destroying the wires of the apparatus itself.* The spark, on breaking contact, was very brilliant. Same magnet, battery, and similar charge, but the poles of the battery and the magnet thicker wire, it lifted at. 3-10.. ]4i lb. 3-20..^ 24 i . . 32i Same magnet, battery, and charge, but thicker zinc plates, it lifted at. i . . 32i lb. Same magnet, &c. thin- ner plate. i . 60 Same magnet battery, and charge, one coil of the same wire, 150 feet in * See plate iv. fig 1. length,, i perceptible in contact 12i ft). Same magnet, battery, charge, &c., 2 separate coils, each 150 feet 1-16.. 5f ft). Same magnet, battery, charge, and coils, the two coils formed into one of 300 feet, at same distance f lb. Same magnet, battery, and charge, 3 coils, making together 450 feet f . . . 2| lb. i ....3i i ....4f 1-16.. 9i The wire was coiled in larger quanti- ty near the poles. Same magnet, battery, and charge 4 coils, 600 feet, it lifted at i 2| ft). i .... 3^ i ...3f 1-16.. 12i Wire coiled equally over the magnet. Same magnet, battery, and charge, 5 coils, 750 feet, at 4 perceptible. i ....3i lb. i ,...2h i ...,4i 1-16. .12i Wire rather more on one pole. Same magnet, battery, and charge, 6 coils, 900 feet, at | 3| lb. I ....3 i .. 3 i . . . . 7i 1-16. i8i Same magnet, battery, and charge, 7 coils, 1050 feet, at ^ "I percepti- 1/ ble i ....2i lb. i ..5f 1-16. 19i Wire coiled evenly. Battery dimi- nished in energy almost immediately. Same magnet, battery, and charge, 8 coils, 1200 feet, at. . . . i . . . . 7| tb. ^ . . . . 04 1-16 30A Wire coiled more on the poles. When it lifted at 1-16 30^ tb, its energy was so far diminished as to be at i inch scarcely perceptible. Same magnet, battery, and charge, 9 coils, 1350 feet, at. .. . ^ , .5^ lb. I . . . . 6i i ....91 i .. ..8i 1-16 .2li M’GAULEY'S EXPERIMENTS. 533 Same battery, magnet, and helices, charge 300 drachms water, lOg sulphu- ric, 5^ nitric acid. 1-I6.l7ilb. The wire was coiled evenly, and filled the inside curve of the magnet. SECOND SERIES. Same magnet and battery, charge 400 drachms water, 8 sulphuric, 4 nitric acid ; all the coils remaining on those nearest to the iron connected with the battery, lifted, at 1-16 inch, the follow- ing quantities. Average of a great number of Experi- ments : — 9 coils.1350 feet.l9|lbs.' 8.. .. 1200.. ,. 26| 7.. . 1050.. . .22f 6.. . . 900. . .. 18f 5. .. 750.. .. 13§ 4.. . . 600. . ..lU 3. .. 450.. .. 7i 2.. .. 300.. . . 1.. .. 150.. .. 2i The ninth helix on this occasion oc- cupied nearly ^the same place "as the tenth on the former, and like it, was injurious to the effect. THIRD SERIES. Same magnet, battery, charge and helices, 2 helices arranged so as to form but one, lifted at 1-16 inch 5| lb. 3 helices forming one 4^ 4 7i 5 6 0 1 4f FOURTH SERIES. Magnet No. 1, horse-shoe bar, 9l exterior length, from extremity of poles to highest joint of exterior* curve, diameter of bar 1-58 inches, dises surmounting the poles 4 inches diameter, 1-8 thick. Coiled with 500 feet of No. 15 iron wire, in 5 equal he- lices. Keeper 9i inches long, 4 3-16 wide, f thick, weight, with ring, 91 lb., battery 1 foot square, double cell, charge 400 drachms water, 8 sulphuric, 4 nitric acid. Flannel casings of the zinc plates new. At 1- J 6 of an inch this magnetlifted 61bs. Magnet No. 2, same size, &c. coiled with 500 feet of No. 13 copper wire, in 5 equal helices, same arrangement, bat- tery, and charge. This magnet lifted at i inch 4 lb. 1-16.... 71 Magnet No. 8, same size, and coilled with 500 feet of No. 12 iron wire, same arrangement, battsry charge, &:c. This magnetlifted at i . . . . 1^ lb. 1-16.... 4 When the keeper was in contact with this magnet, reversion of the poles was not effected. The reversing appa- ratus used was that exhibited to the Section last* year. Magnet No. 4, same size, &c. except that the ground dises at the poles were replaced by pins, for the purpose of re- taining the wire. Coiled with 500 feet No. 12 iron wire, in 5 equal helices, same battery, charge, &., hardly any magnetic effect, although Magnet No. 2 of this series, when connected at the same time with the battery, was pow- erfully excited fig. Magnet No. 1, same battery &c. Flan- nel cases of zinc plates had now been used several times, at 1-16 inch lifted. . 2| lb. Magnet No. 2, again at i inch . . . . 5^ 1-16 l4i I had frequently remarked an electro- magnet to improve by use. FIFTH SERIES. Magnet No. 1, soft iron square horse- shoe bar, interior length 5.15-16, exte- rior 7f inches, f inch square, coiled with one helix of 90 feet No. 13 copper wire. Magnet No. 2, cast iron^ same size, si- milar helix. Magnet No. 3, wrought iron, same length, but round bar, f diameter ; coil- ed with a similar helix in two lengths, each coiled over the entire bar. Magnet No. 4, same size, &c., coiled with 60 feet of same wire in two helices, one helix on each half of the bar, the coils increasing in number from the centre to the poles; battery 1 foot square, double cell, charge 300 drachms water, 6 sulphuric, 3 muriatic acid. This charge remained unchanged throughout this series. Keeper No. 1, 5| inches long, i wide, I thick, weight 12§oz. Keeper No. 2, same length, double thickness, weight 18t oz. ; there was, of course, but one ring to the larger as to the smaller keeper, which See plate iv fig 2; • See plate iv. fig 3. 534 THE RESULT OF M’GAULEY’S EXPERIMENTS. accounts for the former not being double the weight of the latter. lb. oz. Magnet No. 1. with keeper No. 1 lb. oz. lifted 25 3^ 2.. 8 Hi 3 *39 3i 4 39 3i 3 25 3i 2 . 7 3 1 .30 2i Magnet No. 1, with keeper No. 2, lifted 32.11; an accidental stirring of the battery accounts for the increase. Magnet No. 4, with keeper No. 1, lifted 84 3i 2 26 3 1 .... 24 2i 2 .... 15 3i Sixth Series. To test, with as much accuracy as possible, the comparative excellence of various charges, he tried the following experiments. The galvanometer con- sisted of small, but exceedingly good, electro- magnet m, a * battery, b, two inches square, single cell, zinc plate i inch thick at commencement of ex- periments, and a delicate needle, n, made to stand at zero when the battery was not connected with the magnet. The least magnetism produced by con- necting the battery with the magnet, tended to deflect the needle. He pre- ferred this galvanometer, on this occa- sion, to the ordinary one, for many rea- sons. The battery was well cleaned af- ter each charge. The first deflection on connecting the battery with the mag- net, carefully noted the number of de- grees at which the needle rested, and the decrease of deflection every quarter of an hour for six quarters. Rain-w'-ater was used. The specific gravity of the sulphuric acid 1840; nitric acid 1410; muriatic 1175. The solution of caustic potash con- tained 2 in 7^ of the liquor. * See plate iv fi g 4-. TAifLE OF RESULTS OF THE EX P E It 1 11 1- N iS. 1 in Rain water and niiiic acid .. I in 2I parts .... I ill 3i I ill 41 I in 51 Rain water and sulphuric acid I in til I ill 31 1 in 41 1 in 51 Rain water and muriatic acid l in 4l 1 in 51 Solutions of caustic and potash Rain water & suipb. acid 1 in 4l| nitric I in 1 in 26| 1 in 161^ I in 2011 Rain water and muiiat.. 1 in 52 sniph nitric 1 in 5‘2^ sniph Solution of caustic potash, and sulph. and iiiiric and nniiiat Sea waterfioni Dublin Bay Sea watei & sulpliuiicacici.. and nitric ac:d.. .. Rain watei and nitric, I in 53, sulph 1 in 53 and muiiat. 1 in 53 1 in 40.=-, I in 52 I ill 52 1 in to 1 Mil 51 I in 1 III I in I in First Deflection, Needle settled doivn to 1 Deflection in \st quar- ter decreased to. 1 /n 'Ind quarter. j ■5= n* 908 52® 32i® 11^® 4f® 3%^ 38 •-i'l 15^ 13 64 Sk 46 46 31 H 3g H 38 84 * m 75 5 3 88 44 15i 13| 9^ 84 H 49 3(ti 10 5 4 67 44 15 8| 4 4| 4 33t ‘24 3| 3 U 0 97 33^ 73 H 8 0 0 58 •22i 9 H 0 0 0 80 19 7 H 98 -iS 24 II 7| 6 H 82 40 •24 154 85 H 23^ S()| 4 •1 k 0 50 23 H 0 0 0 0 35 25 44 11.5 6-1 •28* 15I 10 0 85 46^ 10 6 85 0 0 88 4.5 H If 4 0 0 43 0 + 0 0 0 0 0 23 Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83 26 13 8 f)| H 0 95 55 33^ 16^ 0 0 95 59 40 16 iO 3 0 In two minutes it ran up to 85®, settled down to 51®. t Would not deflect the needle even with renewed charge, EXPERIMENT’S ON THE GALVANIC BATTERY AND ITS CHARGE. 535 Mr. M’Gauley thought it would be unbecoming in him to suggest anything to the British Association; but he be- lieved nothing would be more condu- cive to the interests of science, than that the Association should cause to be instituted a series of experiments on the Galvanic Battery and its Charge, which would set all questions on the matter at rest for ever. Before he left this part of the subject, he thought it well to recall the attention of the Sec- tion to the nature of the power obtained by electro-magnetism. In steam, one great cause of the varying power of the engine arises from the varying leverage of the crank. Let b and b’ be posi- tions of the extremity of the pistonrod, c’ R and c’ r’ corresponding positions of the crank, the leverage of the crank is measured by the perpendicular c’ p and c’ p’. It varies as that perpendi- cular. But in electro-magnetism, the force at b, say the bar traversing be- tween the magnets, is always varying. He would not then enter into some curious results obtained by calculation on this matter.* He had been anxious to satisfy him- self, by his own experiment, of the truth of the law of magnetic attraction being in the proportion of the inverse square of the distance, but abandoned the inquiry for the present, when he found that a magnet, with a seemingly appropriate bar, would lift at one-six- teenth of an inch only five pounds ; though with a different bar it lifted the same weight at twelve times the distance; and that the greater the distance through which powerful attraction might be exerted, the less the lifting power appeared. Identity of Magnetism and Electricity. — In examining the identity of electrici- ties derived from different sources, it seemed to Mr. M’Gauley that we some- times forget that electricity may be modified both as to quantity and inten- sity ; and that if either be changed, or both, we cannot expect the same results. To test, therefore, the identity of any agent with electricity, we must not use those means which are the measure of, or dependent on, either quantity or in- tensity ; for if in such experiments the electrometer or galvanometer be not af- fected, we only arrive at a negative con- • See plate Iv. fig 6. elusion— that if the agent under consi- deration be electricity, it differs from the ordinary electricity in quantity, intensity or both. For though we never had been able with galvanism to cause the leaves of the electrometer to diverge, or with machine electricity to deflect the galva- nometer, or with electricity to produce magnetism, or with magnetism, electri- city, with electricity to produce heat, with heat, electricity — their non-identity would by no means follow. To examine with ease and certainty the identity of anything with electricity, we must find some property of electricity, which is not modified by, nor dependent on, quantity or intensity. We know, and chemistry furnishes us with one proof, that the elements of things may be the same as to quantity, and as to the intensity of mu- tual action ; and yet maybe productive of vastly different effects. Thus we know, that from two equal volumes of carbon and hydrogen, may be formed at least three very different substances. The following facts seem to afford ad- ditional evidence of the perfect identity of electricity and magnetism; and that magnetism does not require, nor sup- pose, the circulation of electrical cur- rents. 1st. A shock and spark are obtained by means of an electro-magnet only af- ter battery communication is broken ; for no matter how long this communica- tion is maintained, neither shock nor spark shall be perceived. 2ndly. The shock and spark are not the effects of the battery ; for to obtain a shock — (this shock he had not seen remarked by any experimentalist) — it is not ne- cessary to form a part of the communi- cation between the copper and zinc, but merely between the extremities of the helix, or between either extremity of the helix and the copper or zinc of the battery. 3rdly. The shock and spark do not arise from the magnetism of the bar included in the helix, since the more perfectly the bar is demagnetized in breaking contact the better. Besides, it is curious that a powerful shock and bril- liant spark may t)e obtained without any iron, and from a heap of wire thrown without any heliacal arrangement. This, Mr. M‘Gauley remarked, would lead to a very simple and effective electrical apparatus, one easily managed, and al- ways ready for use; the length and number of the coils, with a given calori- 536 PROFESSORS RITCHIE AND STEVELLY’S REMARKS. meter, has an effect on the shock and spark. Mr. M’Gauley exhibited to the Section wire coiled with the greatest ac- curacy, by a machine he had construct- ed, which was capable of covering any wire, manufacturing pianoforte strings, &c., in any length, without any care on the part of the operater, to the enor- mous extent, if necessary, of 7000 feet per hour. The wire which he exhibited, as several in the Section knew, was not more perfectly manufactured than the many thousand feet he had covered lately. He thought the shock and spark might arise in this way ; a current of electricity passes through the wire from copper to zinc ; its inductive action on the wire ceases suddenly, by the contact with the battery being interrupted; the disturbed equilibrium of the wire is sud- denly restored. The electricity of the battery seems, in passing through the helix, to acquire an augmented intensi- ty ; but from these 'facts it is evidently not so, 4thly. The spark and shock appear to demonstrate that currents do not circulate around the magnet. If they do, as is evident, they are capable, as we know from secondary currents, of producing a spark and shock. The helix, of itself, is capable of these ef- fects; let the helix and the magnet act conjointly; these effects ought to be doubled; the contrary is the fact; they may be annihilated, and they ought, for the magnet, by its electrical action, retains the helix in a' state of exci- tation. The universal — at least in other cases — law of electrical induction, if applied to magnetic phenomena, easily explains them. He did not think it by any means certain, that electrical action consists in the transmission of a fluids and not the mere arrangement of part- tides : this idea seemed opposed by an experiment he made some time ago. He never could believe that the action of the galvanic battery consisted in the passage of electricity through the fluid from zinc to copper, and along the con- necting wire from copper to zinc; he thought that the repulsion which sent the electricity through the fluid— an im- perfect conductor — ought to prevent its return along the wire. He constructed a small box of wood, being a cube inter- nally of three inches, divided it into twelve water-proof cells by well-cement- ed glass plates ; placed in the cells six copper and six zinc plates, one in each, in the usual galvanic order; filled the cells with a charge of J in .19 sulphuric acid, 1 in 100 nitric acid, and water, and connected the ex- treme plates with a delicate galvanome- ter, but no effect yjroduced, except when the copper and zinc were in the same cell, or the cells were in conducting com- munication ; but he did not deem this experiment conclusive against his idea, since, although induction might occur from particle to particle, through an im- perfectly conducting fluid, it by no means follows this inductive influence should take place through the particles or glass, since the very insulating power of glass, | or other substances, may arise from the ji incapacity of their particles for electrical j arrangement. ! If it be true, that electrical effect is the arrangement, and not the transmis- sion, of particles, he thought we might easily understand the agitation of the muscles of a frog, caused in hreahing contact with galvanic battery, even of a single circle; the dangerous effects to those in the neighbourhood of the dis- charge of lightning from cloud to cloud ; and the spark and shock obtained from a quantity of wire — all of w'hich proba- bly arise from the same cause, and are the consequence of the same universal law. II ii Professor Ritchie rose to remark that without intending to convey the least censure on the gentleman, he could not but observe, that he had been so entirely occupied with his own researches as not to have intended to anything done by others, for there was really nothing new in this paper — and he gave examples. Professor Stevelly remarked, that if the only objection to it were the crank and magnetic pendulum networking to gether, in a large machine that could be at once remedied, by M^hat was well known in practical mechanics, a slipping coupling, as, when the steam-engine and water-wheels were made to work together, was generally done, or as in the winding part of the common clock. The great objection was the small dis- tance through which the power worked, onesixteenth of an inch ; thus, even if a magnet could be produced that would lift IjOOOlb, would still render the nu- merical value of the horse-power almost evanescent compared with the steam- engine. REDUCTION OF CHEMISTRY TO MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES. 537 Section B.— CHEMISTRY AND MINERALOGY. Mr. Exley’fe; paper on the reduction of Chemistry to mathematical principles, was the first read. Mr. Exley commen- ced with a division of atoms, into what he denominated the tenacious, the ethe~ real, thQ electrical ; the first being distinguished by posessing the great- est, the last by enjoying the least absolute force, while in this particular the electri- cal occupied an intermediate position. In reference to these atoms, two propo- sitions were then laid down, the first of which affirmed the atoms to attract each other according to the inverse square of the distance up to a particular point, when the attraction was converted into repulsion ; the second, that dissimilar atoms differ in the relative energies of their attractive and repulsive forces, though these forces vary according to the same law. Mr. Exley having compar- ed his views with those of Newton and Boscovich, and pointed out the particu- lars in which they differed, proceeded to state the grounds which led him to conclude that water was a ternary, not a binary compound ; or, in other words, that sixteen, not eight, was the atomic weight of oxygen. Having disposed of these preli- minary topics, Mr. Exley entered upon the developement of his views in the form of a series of sixteen propo- sitions. It is scarcely necessary to say, that this part of his paper does not admit of popular explanation; and it would be presumptuous in any individual to undertake the task, who was not deeply versed in the mathematical sciences, and who had not had the advantage, not only of per- using, but of studying the profound re- searches of Mr. Exley. We have, how- ever, no hesitation in asserting that these researches are deserving of ma- ture consideration. According to New- ton, before a hypothesis is admitted, it must be proved true, and adequate to the explanation of phenomena. The former test is sometimes very difficult of application, and would be particular- ly so in the present instance. But, as respects the latter criterion, it must be admitted to pronounce in favour of Mr. Exley’s theoretical postulates; for, by following these out, and applying to them mathematical reasoning, he is en- abled to anticipate and explain a varie- ty of the most important facts in che- mistry and general physics. Thus, he deduces with facility from his princi- ples the ordinary laws of chemical com- bination, Gay-Lussac’s law of volumes, and even the variations of volume, which the gases are known to experi- ence when submitted to various tem- peratures and pressures. But the most striking evidence of the truth of his theorems, adduced by Mr. Exley, re- mains to be mentioned. He has calcu- lated by his abstract methods the spe- cific gravities of fifty-seven substances, supposed in the gaseous state, (some, such as alcohol, oil of turpentine and camphor, being compounds of an ex- tremely complex nature,) and found the results to correspond as closely as could in such investigations be expect- ed, with those obtained by direct ex- perimental means. Doctors Dalton and Thomson of Glasgow, as well as other competent judges, bore testimo- ny to the ingenuity and talent shown in Mr, Exley’s paper. Mr. Babbage next exhibited a ther- mometer, recently discovered in Italy, and supposed to be one of those origi- nally manufactured for the Societa del Cimento. It appeared to be filled with alcohol. The bulb was spherical, and the stem was divided into fifty equal parts by beads attached to it by fusion at equal distances. These instruments, as is well known, being graduated without reference to fixed points, do not give indications comparable with those of the modern thermometer. Li- bri, it is generally understood, and the circumstance was stated by Professor Babbage, has attempted the interpre- tation of the scale of these instruments, partly by a comparison with each other of ancient and modern meteorological registers, and partly by taking with them the temperatures of certain tepid waters in the Pyrennees, which had been previously examined by the Flo- rentine Academicians. Dr. Daubeny observed upon the inaccuracy of the latter method, as that springs undoubt- edly undergo, in process of time very considerable changes of temperature. An essay on Gaseous Interference, by Dr. Charles Henry, was next read, — It is universally known to chemists, that if oxygen and hydrogen be mixed, and brought into contact with metallic platinum in the state of wire or foil, or 538 A PAPER ON ARSENICAL POISONS. more especially in the spongy form, the combination of these gases is very ra- pidly achieved, and, if mixed in the pro - portion, they are converted, usually with the phenomena of ignition, alto- gether into water. It is also well known and was first noticed by Dr. Turner, that if into an atmosphere of oxygen and hydrogen, mixed in the ratio neces- sary for forming water, certain other inflammable gases, such as carbonic, oxide and olefiant gas be introduced, the combination of the oxygen and hydrogen is, if not altogether suspend- ed, at least materially interrupted. This is what Dr. Henry denominates gaseous interference. The cause of this remark- able effect has, at different times, at- tracted the attention of eminent che- mists. Dr. Turner has ascribed it to the soiling of the platinum by the in- terferings, Dr. Faraday to some peculiar condition induced in the metal ; while Dr. Henry himself, at a period long prior to the present, conceived it to arise from the fact of carbonic oxide and olefiant gas, having a stronger affinity than hydrogen for oxygen gas. In his present paper. Dr. Henry in- vestigated the entire question. The pro- minent facts and inferences appeared to be that carbonic oxide retards and li- mits, but does not altogether prevent the action of platinum on the usual explo- sive mixture, and the same may be said of olefiant gas. The interfering power, however, of the former is vastly greater than that of the latter, their ratio being represented by the numbers 18 and 1. In the case of carbonic oxide, carbo- nic acid is always produced, the amount depending on the form of the platinum employed, the quantity of the inter- fering gas, and the temperature at which the experiment is conducted ; and, as a general rule, it may be laid down, that the interfering influence of the gas bears an inverse relation to the energy with which the platinum acts, and the degree of heat — conditions, however, which may be considered as identical. The diminution, and even disappearance, of interference at high temperatures. Dr. Henry attributes to a relative augmentation of the affinity of hydrogen for oxygen, an hypothesis indeed established by othery and inde- pendent facts. That Dr. Henry’s theory of gaseous interference is the true one he infers from the general fact of no gases exercising any such influence but those which have an affinity for oxygen ; and that it is strictly true, at least in the case of carbonic oxide there can be no ques- tion, seeing that some of the oxygen is actually employed in the production of carbonic acid. — Dr. Turner expressed his conviction of the value of Dr. Henry’s paper, of the ability with which it was drawn up, and of the cor- rectness of the solution of the problem of interference, and such appeared to be the prevailing opinion. — In the course of the paper several other interesting facts, of a collateral description, were stated, and, amongst others, that platinum causes, though slowly, the combination of a mixture of oxygen and carbonic oxide, but that the process is facilitated by the introduction into the jar of a little caustic potash. This latter circumstance he attributed to the re- moval of the carbonic acid by the potash as fast as it was produced, but Dr. Dau- beny, wdth much probability, viewed it as a case of disposing affinity. Mr. Herapath then read a paper on Arsenical Poisons, and drew the atten- tion of the Section to the case of Mrs. Burdock,, in which he he was profes- sionally employed, and which proved to be one of Realgar. While engaged in chemical investigations connected with this case, he ascertained that Realgar is convertible into orpiment by hydrosul- phuric acid, and the soluble hydrosul- phates, and that it undergoes, as might have been anticipated, an analogous change in animal bodies submitted to putrefaction. Mr. Herepath also stated, if we understood him rightly, that Real- gar favours the conversion of animal mat- ters into adipocire, a fact, undoubtedly of a very novel description, and one not very reconcileable with those researches of Chevreul and Gay-Lussac, which have demonstrated this fatty substance to be an ammoniacal soap. This gentle- man concluded by exhibiting some ex- periments illustrative of his methods of toxicological investigation. Section C.— GEOLOGY AND GEO- GRAPHY. Dr. Buckland in the chair. — ^The first paper was. A Classification of the old Slata Rocks of Devonshire, and on the true position of the Culm deposits of the central portion of that country,’ by ON THE POSITION OF CULM DEPOSITS IN DEVONSHIRE. 539 Professor Sedgwick and Mr. Mnchison. — The authors began by observing that this was a mere outline of a more detailed memoir on the physical struc- ture of Devonshire, which they were about to lay before the Geological So- ciety of London. In the published geological maps of that country, the whole system of the older slate rocks was represented under one colour, with- out any attempt at subdivision ; and one colour also represented different limestones, without any discrimination. The object of the authors was, to re- medy these defects, — to ascertain and represent the true position of the suc- cessive deposits and their natural sub- divisions, so as to compare them with corresponding deposits in other places. They also wished to determine the true place of the remarkable carbonaceous deposits of central Devon, which had been previously regarded as belonging to the lowest portion of the grauwacke formation. A section was exhibited of part of that country, from the north coast to one of the granite peaks of Dartmoor immediately south-west of Oakhampton. \The following is a description of the Diagram which will he found to art fi9- 7-] ascei^ding series of devonian rocks. Cambrian Hocks, {a) Slaty schists, with some calcareous courses and oruauic remains. (6) Purple, red, and grey- saiidstoiies, with beds of iron ore in upper mem- bers—-peculiar fossils near tbeii junction iviiU lire over l> ing limesloiies- Veins of lead and copper. Upper Cambrian (c) Calcareous aroupof Combe Martin 8c llfraeombe — fossils very abmidani — slaiey cleavaue. or Devonian Rocks, (d) Slates with quaitzose veins and beds-^-incolierent schists, &c. Mauganeset mines. (g) Slaty sandstones and scbisis - cleavage pass ing thro’ the beds of organic remains. if) Ditto, yviili cuiicielionary limestones, and many well kuoyvn Silut ian fos- sils, chiefly of the lower pan of the system. (g) Culmiferous or black lime* Slone, with poitionsof stone coal, and fossils distinct from any 'oimd in the inferior groups- Wavelliie occurs in the beds below this lime- stone. Ch) Culm beds with underly- ing and overlying sue. cessions of sandstone and shale often highly pyritous, with many no- dules of iron ore, fre- quently coiiiaininu coal tiiants.and never iiffect- ed like the older rocks by slaty cleavage. (i) New ted sandstone resting uiiconfoi mably on the « at bonaceous detiosits. (k) Giatiiteof Daitmoor and Ehan Dyke, Itoiii eiupt- ed tlirouijh the culm de- posits. In the ascending order this section exhibits — 1. A system of slaty rocks, containing a vast abundance of organic remains, generally in the form of casts. These rocks sometimes pass into a fine glossy clay slate, with a true transverse cleav- age; sometimes into a hard, quart- zose flagstone, not unusually of a reddish tinge ; sometimes into a reddish sandstone, subordinate to which are beds of incoherent shale. In North Devon they are very rarely so calcareous as to be burnt for lime, but in South Devon, rocks of the same age appear to be much more calcareous. 2. A Series of rocks characterized by masses of hard thick-bedded red sand- stone, and red mecaceous flagstone, subordinate to which are bands of red, purple, and variegated shades. The red colour occasionally disappears, and the formation puts on the ordinary appear.^ ance of a coarse, silicious grauwacke, subordinate to which are some bands of imperfect roofing slate. In this series are very few organic remains. It is several feet in thickness, occupying the whole coast from the west end of the Valley of Rocks to Combe Martin. 3. The calcareous slates of Combe Martin and Ilfracombe, of very great aggregate thickness, abounding in organic remains, and containing in a part of their range at least nine distinct ribs of limestone burnt for use. This limestone is prolonged into Somerset shiie, and appears to be the equivalent of that on the flanks of Quantock Hills. 4. A formation of greenish and lead- coloured roofing slate of great thickness, and occupying a well-defined zone in North Devon, its upper bed alternating with and gradually passing into a great deposit of sandstones of various colours and mycaceous flagstones. These sili- cious masses alternate with incoherent slates, and are in some places surmount- ed by great masses of red unctuous Siluiiaii Rocks. Culm Deposits =C«al-field of Pembroke. 540 SILURIAN AND CARBONACEOUS SYSTEMS. shale, which, when in a more solid form, generally exhibit cleavage oblique to the stratification. 5. The Silurian system resting con- formably on the preceding, and of great thickness, on the north-western coast, containing many subordinate beds and masses of limestone. In its range to- wards the eastern part of the county it gradually thins off, but its characters are well preserved, and it everywhere con- tains vast numbers of characteristic organic remains. 6. The carbonaceous system of De- vonshire, in a direction east and west across the county, in its southern boundary so close to Dartmoor that its lower beds have been tilted up and al- tered by the granite. It occupies a trough, the northern border of which rests, partly in a conformable position upon the Silurian system, and partly upon older rocks, probably of the division No. 4. Its southern border also rests on the slate rocks of Launceston. It everywhere exhibits a succession of violent contortions. In some places it is overlaid by patches of green sand, and west of Bideford by conglomerates of the new red sandstone. The lowest portion of this vast deposit is generally thin bedded, sometimes composed of sandstone and shale, with impression of plants, sometimes of indurated compact slate, containing wavellite. These beds are surmounted by alternations of shale and dark-coloured limestone with a few fossils. Subordinate to these, there are on the western side of the county thin veins and flakes of culm or anthracite ; but this is wanting on the eastern side, and the calcareous beds are more ex- pended. The higher beds of this depo- sit are well exhibited on the coast west of Bideford. These often contain im- pressions of vegetables. Though in a state of greater induration than the or- dinary coal-measures of England, and even in many places destitute of of any trace of coal, still these beds do not differ from the great unproductive coal- field of Pembrokeshire. They conse- quently concluded, that from the order of superposition. — from mineral struc- ture— from absence of slaty cleavage peculiar to the older rocks on which this deposit rests, and from the specific character of its organic remains, it may without hesitation be referred to to the regular carboniferous series. In the course of the details, the authors alluded to a remarkable elevated beach, occupying two miles of coast on the north side of Barnstaple Bay, a more special account of which is being prepared for the Geological Society. Mr. De la Beche objected to the con- clusions of Messrs. Sedgwick and mur- chison, although he did not dispute the correctness of the section of the country which they had exhibited to the meeting. He conceived that he had traced the carbonaceous rocks passing into what had been termed the Cambrian sys tern, although he was not prepared to say that it really was that sys- tem. He was also unable to make that separation of the contorted rock, sug- gested by the authors of the paper. He spoke of the overlying greenstones in different places, and considered that those were of different ages ; also of the changes produced by granite on rocks of every kind in contact with it. He allud- ed to the former opinions of the rocks called by the general name, Greywacke, which opinions have, of late years, been totally altered. He attached very little importance to mineral characters ; un- less the consideration of the imbedded organic remains was made of the first importance, we were sure of falling into error. Are the organic remains in these carbonaceous rocks of Devon really the same as those of the general carbonifer- ous system ? He stated, that he con- ceived there was evidence to prove that there was a regular band of rocks sur- rounding Dartmoor, which had been thrust up through the hollow in the middle. He could nowhere discover any line of separation between the carbona- ceous and the older rocks, so that he was unable to reconcile the deposits of coal with those of other parts of Eng- land, and with the age of these older rocks all were agreed. In the Alps, or- ganic remains of the coal formation are found in beds, alternating with oolites, so that we must not limit too strickly the range of these organic remains as we should be certain of all the conditions under which coal plants can be accumu lated. We should recollect, that the re- mains of the vegetation of a mountain may be entombed at its base, so as to be shifted from its original habitat ; and that, although the disposition of organic remains may hold true for a certain ex- tent of the earth’s surface, we have no CARBONACEOUS STRATA OF CORNWALL, 541 right to consider such a disposition uni- versal— Mr. Sedgwick remarked, that he could with certainty distinguish four calcareous strata in North Devon — viz. one at Linton, a second at Ilfracombe, and two others at Barnstaple. The dif- ference of the limestones of South De- von was also very remarkable ; that of Plymouth being essentially distinct from that of Dartmoor. These carbo- naceous strata also extended several miles into Cornwall. — Mr. Conybeare considered that the public had exagge- rated the difference of opinion then be- fore the meeting. He was rather inclin- ed to coincide with Messrs. Sedgwick and Murchison in considering the strata in dispute as referable to the general carboniferous system, and from the ge- neral resemblance of the formations of those of Pembrokeshire, the probability was much strengthened. — Professor Phillips conceived that it had been satis- factorily proved, that there existed a coal basin in the interior of Devonshire, although, at first sight, from the unpro- fitable nature of the contained coal, be- ing the kind called Culm, some hesita- tion might have taken place as to assign- ing it its true position. But doubts must vanish on inspecting the organic remains: and here he might observe, that it was a mistake to suppose that Dr. Smith, the founder of English Geology, had ever intended to limit the range of these remains as some had accused him of. We might readily assume, and ob- servation has confirmed, that some or- ganic remains of one stratum may be found in contiguous strata, associated with fossils of different kinds, so that organic remains alone are insufficient to point out distinctions in strata. But, the general appearance of the limestones of Devon was precisely similar to those of the north of England, in regard both to mineral character and imbedded fos- sils. From their appearance, he had expected their interstratification with shales, and Mr. Murchison had confirm- ed this supposition. The Devon lime- stone corresponded indeed with the up- per bed of the Yorkshire limestone ; in the^ former he had detected a shell, a species of Anodon, which he had not observed in the latter : but the species of Posidonia found in both exactly cor- respond. Perhaps one cause of mis- take might have been the little attention paid to the black limestone of Craven, by Mr. Conybeare, and to this lime- stone there was a most striking resem- blance in the black variety of Devon- shire. He alluded to the extraordinary anomaly of coal plants having been found in the Alps, associated with ooli- tes, but this might be an exception from the general law, and exceptions there must be ; still it must be allowed, that organic life must have a constant rela- tion to the state of the actual surface. He came to the conclusion, that the Devon district would not offer any anomaly in geological arrangement, but that it would correspond in ar- rangement with the other parts of the country, and that a fruitful source of error is the hitherto vague term Greywacke, which has been applied indiscriminately to a great variety of rocks, so as to include many of different ages throughout this country. — Dr. Buckland congratulated the meeting on the difference of opinion among the geo- logists present, such a difference produ- cing discussion, which was the sure means of arriving at truth. He con- sidered, that the true solution of the question at issue would be in the middle course ; that, no doubt, it could not be easily granted, that the series under con- sideration was carboniferous, when no true coal was contained in it ; but, were we to adopt the new term culmiferous, we should get rid of the difficuty. This culmiferous series he regarded as the lowest portion of the coal formation, and as resting upon the Silurian rocks. He alluded to the difficulty of making theo- logical maps ; these must be constantly modified, according to extent of investi- gation : errors of omis.sion must be committed by every pioneer in Geology, which can only be corrected by the researches of succeeding observers. After the discussion was closed, Mr, De la Beche rose to submit some consi- derations on the connexion of the Geolo- gical Phenomena of Cornwall and Devon with the Mineral Veins of those coun- ties. He commenced with defining the local Cornish terms of lode, cross course, counter, and elvan, the first three refer- ring to veins of metallic, the latter to a vein of granitic matter. A number of these had been laid down in his geological map of Cornwall with the most perfect mathematical accuracy. He next men- tioned the overlying masses of green- stone, which are of different age, and ijj 542 ZOOLOGY OF NORTH AMERICA. some are imbedded portions of the slate rocks. Granite must have been protrud- ed last of all the rocks, as it cuts off the greenstone in many places ; but the phenomena of the veins are still more singular, as first the elvans, and then the lodes, cut through everything. He referred to certain faults in the green- stand district of Blackdown, and, most singular to relate, these faults exactly corresponded in direction with those of Cornwall, although the latter were high- ly metalliferous veins, while the former were fissures destitute of any valuable content. He therefore laid out the con- ditions of a profitable metalliferous vein, as deduced from the experience of prac- tical miners, that it should be near the granite, and that the best signs were an elvan and a cross course. In the parish of St. Just these phenomena are in the highest degree remarkable ; and, near Penzance, where the elvan courses are traversed, metals are sure to occur. The lodes of slate rocks are generally unproductive. Mr. De la Beche was particularly anxious to impress these facts on the public in general, as mining speculations had been of late so much the rage, that the more theore- tical knowledge that could be diffused the better, so as to cause inquiry to be made respecting the geology of the mi- ning district about to be entered upon by a joint stock company, before capital was invested in a hazardous, and perhaps ruinous enterprise. Mr. Hopkins was called upon to make some observations regarding the direc- tion of the fissures mentioned by Mr. De la Beche, but he did not enter very fully into any discussion, as he proposed, on the following day, to bring the gene- ral consideration of fissures before the Section. He observed, however, that there must have been one great axis of disturbance, to which the smaller fis- sures must either have been parallel, or have circulated around it — indeed, Mr. De la Beche had supposed the great line of fissures from Blackdowm to Corn- wall had been curved by the intervening granites. He stated, that there must be a connexion between the width of lodes and their mineral contents — also, that in the production of fissures there must have been several periods of elevation. Mr. Fox then mentioned a remarka- able experiment which he had made upon the yellow sulphuret of copper. having changed it by electricity into the grey sulphuret. In a trough a mass of clay was placed, so as to divide it into two portions, in one of which was sul- phate of copper in solution, in the other dilute sulphuric acid. On the electric communication being made by placing the yellow sulphuret in the solution, and a piece of zinc in the acid, the change of sulphuret took place, and crystals of native copper were also formed up- on it. — Mr. Taylor bore testimony to the importance of geological informa- tion to mining agents, who now were informing themselves, not only in prac- tice, but in theory. He spoke of the exertions of the late Mr. Phillips in drawing up a geological map of Corn- wall, so far back as 1800. He suggested the propriety of tracing the lines of fis- sures into the coal districts, and also wished the directions of the lead lodes of the mountain limestone to be ascer- tained, as likely to lead to general re- sults — Messrs. Conybeare and Sedg- wick made some observations on the importance of maling use in Geology of such an agent as Electro-Magnetism. Section D — ZOOLOGY AND BOTANY. Professor Henslow in the chair. — Dr. Richardson resumed the reading of his Report on the Zoology of North Ame- rica. In touching upon the geographi- cal distribution of the mammalia, he remarked the great similarity which existed between them and the European species; whilst there was the greatest dissimilarity to those of South America. The boundary line separating the Fanas of North and South America, was not at the Isthmus of Darien, but at the tropic of Cancer. No Quadrumana occur to the north of the Isthmus of Darien ; though in Europe there is a species which ranges as far north as the rock of Gibraltar, in latitude 36®. In the order Carnivora, and family Cheiroptera, all the North American species belong to that tribe which pos- sesses only one bony phalanx in the index, and two in each of the other finger, to which tribe also all the Euro- pean bats belong, except an Italian speices of Dinops. None of the sixteen speceis recorded as natives of North America have been found elsewhere; two only have been traced over any great extent of country, and one of ON THE LONGEVITY OF THE YEW TREE. 543 these (resembling the European Pipis- trellus) ranges through 24-^ of latitude, and is the most northerly species in America. There must be still many bats to be discovered in that country, as those of Mexico, California, and the whole tract of the Rocky Mountains are entirely unknown. Of the family Insectv’ora, ten species i were enumerated ; and it was stated I that North America differs more from Europe in this family, than in any other of the order Carnivora. Three of the European genera do not exist in North America, and the three genera found in North America do not exist in South America. The North American species of Sorex, however, closely resembles those of Europe. Of the family Marsupiata, inhabiting the New World, only three species reach into North America, the rest being confined to the south of the Isthmus of Darien. Two of these occur no higher than Mexico ; but the third (the Verginian oppossum) range to the great Canadian lakes on the north, and to Paraguay on the south. About forty species of the family Carnivora have been noticed ; and this family includes a greater number than any other which are common to both North America and Europe ; though possibly a closer acquaintance with some which are at present considered identi- cal, may enable us to discriminate be- tween them. The generic forms of North America are the same as those of Europe, excepting in a very few cases, which belong to the South American group. A few of the more northern forms also cross the Isthmus of Darien to the south. In the family Plantigrada, two, of the four bears of North America, are un- doubtedly peculiar to the New World; and one of these, is the most northerly quadruped it contains. The American Glutton, or Woverine, according to Cuvier, is identical with that of the Old World, Among the Digitigrada, the range of the Mustelee is limited south, wards, to the northern or middle^ dis- tricts of the United States. Whether any of the American and European species of this genus be really identical, is involved in great uncertainty. Of the three Otters of north America, one appears to be identical with that of Eu- rope; and another, if correctly identified as the Lutra Brasiliensis, has a most extensive range, from the Arctic Sea through great part of South America, — Eight species of the genus Canis are found in North America; but there is great difficulty in distinguishing the species, and in indentifying them with any of those of Europe. The domestic dog breeds with the wolf and fox, and their offspring is prolific. Eight species of the genus Felis were mentioned by Dr. Richardson, three of which, extend from South America into the south western territories of the United States, and some of the others are still doubtful as North American species. The nine species of Amphibia found in North America, are mostly common to the northern seas of the Old and New Worlds : the genus Otaria alone being confined to the North Pacific ; and even these range to the Asiatic coast. The specific identity of some of the seals is involved in very great doubt. In the order Rodentia, there have been between seventy and eighty spe- cies discovered; and here North Ame- rica surpasses every quarter of the globe in the abundance and variety of form which these animals assume. The squirrels are not yet satisfactorily de- termined. The marmots are numerous excepting in the sub-genius Spermo- philus. There is only one which may possibly be common to the New and Old World. There is only one of the restricted genus Mus, which is une- quivocally indigenous to North Ameri- ca; and these closely resemble the European M. sylvestris. Other spe- cies have been introduced from the op- posite side of the Atlantic. Mr. Bowman read a communication respecting the Longevity of the Yew- Tree ; and mentioned the result of his observations upon the growth of several young trees, by which it appeared, that their diameters increased, during the first 120 years, at the rate of at least 2 lines, or the one-sixth of an inch per annum ; and that under favourable cir- cumstances the growth was still more rapid. In the church yard at Gresford, near Wrexham, North Wales, are eigh- teen yew-trees, which are stated by the parish register for 1/26 to have been planted in that year. The average of the diameters of these trees is 20 inches. 544 THE GREAT AGES OF TREES. Mr. Bowman then remarked on two yew-trees of large dimensions, from the trunks of which he had obtained sec- tions. One is in the same churchyard as those above mentioned, and its trunk is 22 feet in circumference at the base, 29 feet below the first branches. This gives us a mean diameter of 1,224 lines, which, according to De Candolle’s rule for estimating the age of the yew, ought also to indicate the number of years. From three sections obtained from this tree, Mr. Bowman ascertained that the average number of rings deposited for one inch in depth of its latest growth, was 34-23. Comparingthis with the data obtained from the eighteen young trees, he estimated the probable age of this tree at 1,4 1 9 years. The second of these trees is in the churchyard of Darley in the Dale, Derbyshire, and its mean diameter, taken from measure- ments at four different places, is 1,356 lines. Horizontal sections from its north and south sides, gave an average for its latest increase, at 44 rings per inch nearly, which gives 2,006 years as its age, by the mode of calculation adopt- ed by Mr. Bowman. He then pro- ceeded to state his opinion of the reasons why so many old yew-trees were to be met with in churchyards : he considered that might have been planted there at a period anterior to the introduction of Christianity, under the influence of the same feelings as those, which prompted the early nations of antiquity, to plant the cypress round the graves of their deceased friends. Mr. Ball exhibited the skulls of a species of seal common in Ireland, with the view of eliciting information, as he considered it to be new to the British Fauna, and very distinct from the two already recorded. The present species was never known to become tame, whilst the Phoca vitulina, generally con- sidered the more common species of our coasts, was very easily tamed — Prof. Nilsson, of Leind, at once pro- nounced this species to be his Halio- chcerus griseus, forming a distinct genus from Phoca, and described by him in the year 1 820. It had been previously recorded by Fabricius, under the name of Phoca gryphus. It is common in the Baltic and North Sea, and to be met with in Iceland, and attained to a size of eight feet in length. In Sweden it was emphatically termed the Sea-seal, in contradistinction to those which in- habited gulfs. He remarked that the name of Phoca vitulina had been appli- ed by Linnaeus, and subsequent au thors, to three distinct species, to which he had himself given the names of har- hata, variegata, and annellata. Of these he had ascertained that a specimen, captured in the Severn, and now in the Bristol Institution, belonged to the annellata. — Dr. Scouler remarked that the species which Prof. Nilsson had identified as his Haliochcerus griseus, [ predominated in Ireland over the Pho- | cha vitulina, though it had been hitherto | neglected ; and that the great differ- ;i ence in the teeth of these species justly j entitled them to be considered as form- I ing distinct genera. — Dr. Riley exhibi- ted the stomach of the specimen al- luded to, as having been captured in the Severn, in which he had found from thirty to forty pebbles, and states that ^ other instances had occured of a similar nature ; and that it was a popular notion, | that they assisted the seal in the way of j l)allast whilst catching his prey, which i he did by rising vertically upwards, and i seizing it from below. But Sir Francis i Mackenzie then asserted, that he had ; repeatedly seen the seal chase salmon j into the nets, and that it was not usual for it to capture its prey in the way des- cribed. Neither he, nor Professor Nil- | sson, nor Mr. Ball, had ever found ; stones in the stomach of this animal. Dr. Hancock read a paper on a new species of Norantea, from Guiana, termed by the natives Corocoromibi, This grows on the banks of rivers, and in moist places, and its botanical cha- racters closely resembling those of the Norantea Guianensis; he had long con- founded it with that species. As Aublet’s I plant is, however, described as a tree | which grows eighty feet in height, and : as the present species is a large climber they must be distinct ; and Dr. Han- cock then detailed the botanical cha- racters of the latter. Mr. Hope exhibited a remarkable , specimen of the Lucanus Camelus, Fabr. from. North America, the right side of ' which had the configuration of the male, and the left of the female sex. This monstrosity was analogous to one which had been observed in the lucanus cervus, a closely allied species of Eu- rope. The exhibition of this specimen led to a discussion, in which Mr. Cuttis EFFECTS OF LIME AS APPLIED TO DIFFERENT SOILS. 545 Dr. Riley and Mr. Yarrell took part concerning those principles of develop- ment, by which monstrosities of the above description were reducible to the operation of general laws. Mr. Yarrell particularly noticed the occurrence of both male and female organs, on oppo- site sides of various hermaphrodites, in lobsters, and birds, which he had dis- sected, and stated that he had met with an instance of a fish, which had a hard roe on one side, and a soft one on the other. He had met with a very extra- ordinary example of double sex in a fowl, which he had not yet made public and of which he now detailed some of the more interesting particulars. Mr. Hope read a communication, expressive of the probability that some of the early notions of antiquity were derived from the observation of insects. In attempting to account for the appa- rently spontaneous generation of those in- sects, which rise in myriads from the mud left by the waters of the Nile, the philosophers of antiquity turned their earliest attention to the operation of the external influence of the elements, and Mr. Hope, supporting his opinion by numerous quotations, showed that they considered the sun as the chief and efficacious power in producing this efiect. The opinion of spontaneous generation was universally adopted, and in full force till the middle of the six- teenth century, and is still retained in the greater part of Asia and Africa, and even held by certain eminent naturalists in Europe. The origin of the doctrine of a metempsychosis, he considered, might be deduced from their actual ob- servation of the metamorphosis of cer- tain insects. This doctrine is now con- fined to the Gawrs of Persia, and some other idolatrous nations of the Asiatic continent. Mr. P. Duncan offered a few re- marks upon the subject of Mr. Hope’s speculations. M- G. Webb Hall commented on the effects of lime as variously applied to different soils, and considered the general effects of this substance, with respect to its value as calcareous earth, and its septic qualities as facilitating the decay of vegetable matter. In the latter capacity it was found to be most beneficial in a humid climate like that of Devonshire. He pointed to the ne- cessity of a scientific inquiry for the purpose of obtaining more precise in- formation than we yet possessed, as to the requisite proportions in which lime should be furnished to land of different qualities. He had found that less was required, and a greater benefit pro- duced by employing lime fresh from the kiln, and ploughing it, into the ground within twelve hours of its being laid on the surface. He bore testimony to the value of gypsum as a manure for lucerne. Mr. Rootsey was sceptical as to the ill effects so universally attri- buted to magnesian limestone, and which had been alluded to by Mr. Hall, as he knew an instance where very large crops were obtained from a dis- trict, where this rock prevailed. Section E.— ANATOMY AND ME- DICINE. Dr. Roget in the chair — The first paper read was entitled, ‘ Observations on Remedies for Diseases of the Brain, ^ by Dr. Prichard, of Bristol. — Dr. Pri- chard remarked, that perhaps all cura- tive attempts in cases of disease affect- ing the brain resolve themselves into the modifications which medical art is capable of effecting in the vascular state, of parts within the skull. We can promote by various means either fulness or inanition of the blood-vessels in the brain : whether anything beyond this is in our power, is very uncertain. Besides general and local bleeding, all those means belong to the same class, which act by refrigerating or heating the surfaces either of the head or of other parts. Refrigerant applications to the head have the effect of contracting the calibre of the arteries, and thereby di- minishing the quantity of their contents. Pediluvia, or other means of applying warmth to the lower extremities, pro- duce a similar result by augmenting the capacity of vessels remote from the head, and causing a greater quantity of blood to be determined into them. All these means plainly owe their effi- cacy to the modification which they bring about in the state of the vascular system of the brain. The only class of remedies respecting the modus operandi of which any question can be raised, are those which produce what is termed counter-irritation ; and perhaps the doubt which exists in this instance arises from the obscurity of the subject. It is very generally supposed, and perhaps cor- 546 ON REMEDIES FOR DISEASES OF THE BRAIN. rectly — at least it is very difficult to find any other hypothesis on the sub- ject that is more probable — that the means of counter-irritation, such as rubefacients, vesicatories, and issues, produce their eflfect by lessening- an hypoplethoric state of the vessels in internal parts, and that they bring this to j)ass by increasing the fulness of the vessels in surfaces to which they are immediately applied. There are facts which it is very difficult to reduce under this sort of explanation ; as, for example, the relief obtained in cases of pneumonia or of bronchitis, by means of blisters applied to the parity of the chest, there being in these in- stances no continuity of structure that might render the proposed explanation in some degree intelligible. On the other hand, there is little doubt that such remedies are most efficacious when they are applied over surfaces nearly juxta-position with the seat of- disease ; and this fact, if not called in question, goes far towards establishing the notion before alluded to as to their mode of operation. A case has lately occurred in my practice at the Bristol Infirmary, which strongly exemplifies the efficacy of the treatment which I have recommended, and which I have fortunately an opportu- nity of bringing before the Medical Section in the most convincing way. A youth, aged about eighteen, came into the Infirmary, labouring under complete amaurosis, which had been coming on gradually for a week or ten days before his admission. At that time it had become so complete, that vision was entirely lost, and the pupils were totally insensible to light even when the rays of the sun were suffered to fall immediately into the open eyes. At first he was freely and repeatedly bled from the arm and temporal artery, had leeches applied to the scalp, blisters to the nape of the neck, and took calo- mel so as to render his gums sore. Finding that no effect whatever was produced by these measures, I gave up the expectation which I had at first entertained of his recovering sight, but was resolved to give the remedies a complete trial. I ordered him to be bled ad deliquium. This took place after a small quantity of blood had flowed from his arm while he was in an erect posture. After a few days (he was still perfectly dark) an incision was j made over the sagittal suture from the j forehead to the occiput. It was filled ! with peas. In three or four days, pre- cisely at the time when suppuration began to take place, the patient declared that he perceived light, but was scarce- ly believed, since the pupils were still widely dilated and quite insensible to a strong light. In the course of a few days it was quite evident that he saw — he could tell when two or three fingers were held up. For some weeks the iris was still quite irritable, though vision had become in a great degree restored. The subsequent treatment of the case j consisted chiefly in occasional leechings, j purging, and low diet. When the issue I healed, which was not till it had been ' kept open for some months, a seton in the neck was substituted ; under this treatment the case has terminated in a j complete recovery of the blessings of sight. j Dr. O’Beirne stated, that treatment I was perfectly new to him, and he should feel himself amply compensated if he derived no other benefit than hearing this paper from his attendance at the British Association. — Dr. Carson stated, rather as an objection, that if an animal were bled to death, the same quantity of blood would be found in the cranium, and that the doctrine of determination of blood to the head was unfounded, and frequently led to great errors in practice. The second paper read was by Dr. Houston, on a human foetus without heart or lungs. Several drawings were exhibited, and the reading of the paper led to a short discussion, in which Drs. Prichard, Carson, O’Beirne, Macartney, and Mr. Carmichael, took part. The third paper was by R. Carmi- chael, Esq., on Tubercles. — M. Carmi- chael commenced with some remarks on the great prevalence of these formations, and then proceeded to detail their ap- pearances according to Laennec and Carswell. He adverted to the use of term Scrofula, which he considered a cloak for ignorance ; and, having stated that Drs. Todd, Clark, and Carswell, believe in the identity of Scrofula and Tubercle, disputed this position, and likewise their opinion, that tubercles are inorganizable deposits. Among other objections he ur- ged the inconsistency of representing enlarged cervical glands and pulmonary tubercles as identical, since it is well REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. 547 known that former may be injected, but not the latter ; & of maintaining the non- inflammatory origin of tubercles, together with the view that these bodies are life- less matter; since, if such is their nature, they must excite inflammation in the tissues which contain them. He allowed, however that the scrofulous constitution disposes to tubercles, but only in the same manner as to cancer. Mr, Carmichael next adverted to the generally-re-cognized connexion between Scrofula and disordered digestion, and claimed the priority of this observation by reference to a work which he pub- lished in 1810. He then proceeded to argue, at considerable length, in favour of the parasitical origin of tubercles, pointed out the absence of vascular communication between these bodies and surrounding parts, and observed, so long as the former retained their vita- lity, no inflammation takes place. The author declared his opinion, that Carci- noma must likewise be arranged among the Entozoa ; and, having indicated the division of a cancerous formation into a medullary cartilaginous portion, assign- ed to the former an independent vita- lity, the latter being only a barrier which nature sets up against the parasite, and observed, that the containing cyst be- longs to the surrounding tissue. The cartilaginous portion he stated might be injected, but not so the medullary tuber- cles, which he considered more allied to Carcinoma than to Scrofula. Having spoken of a difference between Fungus Medullaris and Fungus Hsematodes, he proposed to arrange the formations which had passed under review, as constituting four species of Entozoa : — 1. Tubercles found in the lungs. 2. Tubercles found in the abdominal organs, 3. Fungus Me- dullaris and Fungus Haematodes, 4. Carcinoma. Mr. Carmichael next considered the exciting cause of tubercles, and conclud- ed by urging that practitioners must direct their attention rather to the pre- vention than the cure of the disease. A short discussion followed. Some objections were brought forward by Dr. Macartney, and answered by Mr. Car- michael. Section F.— STATISTICS. Mr. Kingsley presented and described several forms of tables, for more accu- rately displaying the revenue and expen- diture of the United Kingdom, and procuring accuracy in Parliamentary Returns of the state of Savings Banks, &c. Dr. Bowring observed, that those who complained of the imperfection of par- liamentary returns, forgot that they were ordered, not for the service of ge- neral science, but to serve some special purpose, or as the foundation o? particu- lar motion. The means for procuring an accurate return of the revenue did not exist in this country. In most con- tinental nations the whole gross amount of revenue is paid directly into the Ex- chequer; but, in England, several de- partments arrest the amount necessary to pay their own expenses in transitu, and the number of these departments ren- ders the accounts of British finance very complicated. — Mr. Tiarcks said, that measures had been taken to remedy the abuses from the former mode of super- intending savings banks. Weekly re- turns were now made to the National Debt Office of the most minute descrip- tion. In the savings bank of Moorfields, the deposits amounted to 520,000/., every penny of which was accounted for weekly. Baron Dupin addressed the Section on the subject of a paper he had laid upon the table, entitled, ‘ Researches relative to the Price of Grain, and its influence on the French Population.’ He had extended his survey over a space of fifteen years, from 1815 to 1832, but had stopped at the latter year, in conse- quence of the special derangement pro- duced by the cholera During this in- terval, the price of corn in France had varied from 805. to 345. per quarter, and he proposed to examine the eflfect of this enormous disproportion on the elements of social life, — deaths, births, and marriages. From a variety of ta- bles it appeared, that a difference of more than 100 per cent, in the price of corn produced an incomparably less va- riation in mortality than other causes which are unperceived ; and that the effect of scarcities in the nineteenth cen- tury on mortality must be reduced to the rank of secondary causes, which can only be evolved by the artifices of cal- culation, and by grouping together a great number of years. The effect on births is scarcely greater — an increase of 50 per cent, on the price of grain pro„ 548 PRICE OF CORN IN RELATION TO THE FUNCTION OF VITALITY, duced onl)’’ a diminution of 13-1000 in the births. On inarriao'es the effect was rather more marked : there were 918 less marriages for every million during the year of greatest scarcity than there were during the year of abundance : but the years of greatest abundance were not the years of most marriages, nor of the greatest social happiness. Society was most prosperous when- provisions were at an intermediate price. 'fhe small annual variation in births, deaths, and marriages, even for years of great difference of price, induced the Baron to search for a function of these three social elements, which would both ren- der the variations more perceptible, and, correcting one by the other, would re- move the perturbations arising from ac- cidental causes. This function is the mean between the number of births di- vided by the number of deaths, and the number of marriages divided by the number of deaths. It is sufficiently ob- vious, that this function is independent of the amount of population, and the Baron considered that its magnitude is a very fair test of social prosperity. He proposed to name it the Function of Vi- tality. In the years of extreme scarcity, the function of vitality averaged 0.5937. In the years of high prices it averaged 0.609'2. In the years of intermediate prices it averaged 0.6168. — He then ob- served, that, according to Dr. Cleland’s paper, read on the preceding day, the function of vitality in Glasgowwas about O.70OO — a clear proof that social happi- ness was greater in England than in France. He trusted that this function would be calculated for the principal continental nations and for different epochs, in order to compare their social prosperity by a precise and identical standard. As one valuable result, he showed that this function was far less in England during seasons of commercial depression than of agricultural distress. In illustration of the Baron’s views respecting the price of corn, and its re- lation to the function of vitality, Mr, Porter read the following table:— Pi ice. Baptisms. But iais. Marti J80J.. 115. 1 237 v04 67 1802.. 67.9 273 199 90 180.1.. 67.1 294 203 94 IglO. . 10.1.2 S98 •i08 81 1812.. , 122.8 soa ISO 82 181.7.. , 63.8 3 14 197 69 1822 43.3 370 220 98 Lord Nugent remarked, that, while the population of France was notorious- ly increasing, the number of births ap- peared to be stationary. Baron Dupin said, that this was owing to the pro- gress of civilization ; fewer children, comparatively,, were born, and fewer died. Mr. Porter read the following table, - in confirmation of the Baron’s views : — LONDON* BILLS OF MORTALITY. Deaths under 20 years of Age. I7.'5l— 60 ..<5 J per ceni J76I 70 ...50| — 17 . .S'T — 1781 - iO . ..49| ■ — 1791 - l.«00.. 493 ■— l.'-Ol - 10.. ..47| 18 I-V0 . ..451-10 — IS21-80 ...46i — IS3t -33 421-3 — , Diff'*rence beiiveen V first and last of I these rlecennial pe- j riotls, 1| per cent. DifTerei'ce between 17)1-60 and the last of these riece Jiary periods, 7^ per cetit. Deaths in Christ’s Hospital. 1814- l«t I ill i()0 1819-23 I - 12^ 1824 24 I — 1.35 1829—33 1 — 1574 Births M-.irtia'jes- neath.s. lrtP7 ISnO ...I in 36 ...I ill 18....1 in i23 I80i3 - 1820.. .. I — 32 ...1 — 49 I — l2l Ir26 - 183i) ..1 - 3l ...1 - — l28 Some inquiry was made respecting the effects of Vaccination, to which Mr. Porter replied by producing the follow- ing table : — Persons dying of Small Pox within the London Bills of Mortality. 1 T.-tO - 1760 . . 91 ill luOo 1770-17 0 .. 102 — 1810-1820... 43 - 1820-1830.. . . .. .15 — 1831 — 1833.. 23 — Mr. Fripp thought it a great anomaly that a low price of corn should not, of necessity, produce a high function of vitality, and he attributed this to a want of forethought in the labouring popula- tion, owing to their deficiency of educa- tion.— Dr. W. C. Taylor said, that the anomaly was explicable on elementary principles. A very slight excess of supply above demand produced a very disproportionate fall in price. He in- stanced two or three cases in which the disporportion had been very great. Baron Dupin had noticed the great dis- disproportion between the fall in price and increase of supply, both in the essay before the Section, and in his memoir on National Industry, addres- sed to the Institute in 1831. Dr. Tay- lor was of opinion that this was pre- cisely the case in which Statistics failed us, for, whether the excess of supply over demand was small or great, of course within certain limits, the fall in A NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL PRODUCTIONS OP INDIA. 549 price was sure to be excessive. — Mr. Harman Visger supported Dr. Taylor’s views. — Colonel Sykes and Dr. Turner stated, that from the result of their in- quiries It appeared evident that human happiness always increased with the cheapness of the necessaries of life. — Baron Dupin observed, that when he said the greatest social happiness ap- peared at the intermediate price of corn, he did not intend the mean between the highest and the lowest, but a price a little above the lowest. — After some de- sultory conversation, the Delegates from the Asiatic Society were called upon to state the subject of their mission. Col. Sykes said, that a proposal had been laid before the Asiatic Society by the Right Hon, Holt Mackenzie and Dr. Royle, for establishing a commit- tee, with affiliated branches, to collect statistical information with respect to the natural and artificial productions and wants of India. The project has been already explained in the report of the Asiatic Society, published in this journal.* Col. Sykes read several ex- tracts from the communications made to the Asiatic Society, by Mr. Macken- zie and Royle, showing that the re- sources of India were yet comparatively undeveloped, and that a vast supply of materials for manufacture might be derived from that country. He dwelt particularly on cotton, for which we were now principally dependent on America. — Dr. Taylor observed, that our empire over India was completely the supremacy of knowledge. He en- tered at considerable length into the question of the trade between India and the ports on the Levant and Euxine, which he stated to be constantly and rapidly increasing ; and detailed some particulars of the markets of Cabul, Bokhara, and Herat, obtained from recent publications of the Calcutta government. He instanced, as a proof of the benefit that would result from the proposed series of inquiries, the advantages which British commerce had derived from the information col- lected by recent travellers in the East. — Mr. Porter confirmed this statement, and directed attention to the rapid in- crease of trade between London and Trebezond. — Mr. Visger stated, that he • See Aiheuffiuui, No, 447. was engaged in a branch of manufac- ture which depended on the supply of lichens ; and he could assure the Sec- tion that this branch of industry, al- most entirely unknown, was rapidly rising, both in extent and importance. Lichens were imported to the amount of lOO.OOOZ. per annum ; but the supply of the more valuable sorts was already beginning to fail, and gentlemen ac- quainted with botanical science had been engaged to travel in search of them. Should this part of the subject engage the attention of the proposed Com- mittee, he would gladly supply speci- mens of lichens, with descriptions, to the Asiatic Society ; for he felt as- sured, from all the accounts he had read, that India was likely to be the habitat of some of the most valuable plants of the lichen tribe. — Dr. Robison, of Edin- burgh, said, that there were two pro- ducts of India likely, when sufficiently known, to become valuable articles of commerce ; he meant a pulp for the manufacture of paper, obtained from Nepaul, the paper derived from which was the only one that resisted the action of worms ; and a wood-oil which, from its durability and fragrance, was parti- cularly worthy the attention of house- painters. — Lord Sandon, after some al- lusions to our ignorance of Indian sta- tistics, dwelt very strongly on the ne- cessity of attending to the cultivation of cotton in India. The stock of raw cot- ton, on the manufacture of which so large a portion of our population depen- ded for subsistence, was often in a very precarious state. Of his own know- ledge, there was a period, about eighteen months ago, when the stock on hand would not have supplied six weeks’ con- sumption. We now depend on the United States of America for supply. He would not refer to the possibility of war with that power. God forbid that two nations, bound together by identity of origin, interest, and civilizing influ- ence, whose bonds of amity were the strongest this world ever witnessed, should again engage in what was almost civil war. But he need not remind the Section that the Southern States, from which our supply of cotton is derived, are in a very ticklish state, owing to the existence of slavery, and the question of negro emancipation, which is likely to precipitate some sudden conclusion of no very peaceful nature by the Tex- 550 MODIFICATIONS OF THE PILE OF VOLTA. ian war . — Several gentlemen from the manufacturing districts professed their anxiety to aid the views of the Asiatic Society, in establishing the proposed Committee. Section G.~MECHANICAL SCIENCE. The sitting of the section occupied but a short time, during which two pa- pers were read, one of some interest, by Mr. Henwood, on Naval Architecture, and a second by Mr. Coosham on cer- tain improvements in Napier’s rods. Dr. Daubeny also exhibited an ingeni- ous instrument for taking up sea water from any given depth, for the purpose of chemical analysis, being an improve- ment of an admirable invention for that purpose sent out in the Bonite. EVENING MEETING. In consequence of the incessant rain, the intended promenade and horticul- tural exhibition at Miller’s Gardens was abandoned, and notice given that the Geological, Statistical, and Mechanical Sections would meet in the evening. In the Geological Section, Dr. Hare, of Philadelphia, entered upon a history of the many modifications of the Pile of Volta, and in particular drew attention to a form of it, devised, and long since described by himself, but which he conceived had not in a sufficient degree attracted the attention of European phi- losophers. His apparatus is compact, portable,and, what is a capital advantage, admits in an instant, and by the sim- plest manipulation, of being put in action, and having this action suspend- ed. A prodigious quantity of acid is thus saved, which would otherwise go to waste, and the operator is enabled to avail himself, as often as he chooses, of that superior influence which is so well known to be manifested by the pile at the first instant of its excitation. Dr- Hare concluded by the exhibition of some striking experiments illustrative of the igniting or deflagrating efficacy of his Voltaic arrangements. Prof. Philips followed with an account of the distribution over the northern parts of England of Blocks or Boulders. The Association, he observed, had for- merly proposed a question regarding this distribution, and the present was a partial attempt at its solution ; and it |i was interesting both to the geologist and ( the geographer, as it involved the effects of running water in modifying the surface ' of a country. In glancing over the north of England, we find a great variety of rock formations, from the oldest slates to the newer tertiary ; the country gene- ' rally slopes to the east, with the excep- j tion of the group of Cumbrian moun- j tains, which form a local conical zone, ji One striking feature in its physical f geography, is an immense valley running j north and south, and passing through a j| great variety of formations; the Wolds of York being chalk, of Whitby oolite, j the vale of York new red sandstone, | while the carboniferous rocks are dis- played in Northumberland and Durham, All the country from the Tyne to the ■ Humber is covered with the transported | boulders, many of which are of rocks | quite different from any near the spots j 'where they occur, and some even not i recognizable as British rocks. Could | Mr. Lyell’s ideas regarding the office of j icebergs be true, that they had been the | means of transporting gravel to distant j places? Boulders of the S hap Fell gra- nite had been found in the south-eastern part of Yorkshire? in the interior, there were great acurnulations of them in many places ; their directions seemed all to converge to a certain point, in what is termed the Pennine chain, but on this chain no boulders have been observed, except at one point, from which you look tow'^ards Shap Fell ; towards the north they have been drifted nearly as far as Carlisle, but there is no trace of them towards the west. We also may find boulders from Garrick Fell carried to Newcastle and the Yorkhire coast, and these have been drifted over the same point of Stainmoor. Mr. Philips gave several conflicting opinions of dif- ferent geologists, to account for this ex- traordinary transportion ; the bursting of the banks of lakes; the alternate elevation and depression of mountain chains, and the supposition that the en- tire country had been under the s ea, when the distribution of boulders had taken place. — Mr. Sedgwdck then rose, and remarked that the direction of transport of the blocks may have been modified by the surface over which they were carried ; and that Sir James Hall STEAM COMMUNICATION WITH INDIA. 55 1 had been the first who had observed the Sharp Fell boulders. These boulders Mr. Sedgwick had noticed on the shores of the Solway Frith, mixed with gravel from Dumfrieshire. He alluded to the action of water upon the crests of mountains, and to the occurrence of transported blocks at considerable ele- vations. It was well known that moun- tain lakes were gradually filling up ; and he had shown in a paper to the Geological Society the relation of a lake to the age of the valley containing it. With the diluvial gravel over the coun- try we find the associated organic re- mains,— a strong proof that the land must have been dry when the transpor- tation took place. — Mr. Murchison had observed these boulders associated with recent shells atvarious elevations, — con- sequently, the land must have been at one time under the sea, and have been subsequently elevated. There must have been a relative change of the level of land and sea; and Professor Esmark, in Norway, had been the originator of the idea of the icebergs transporting gravel. He referred to the valley of the Inn, in the Tyrolese Alps, as illustrat- ing this alteration of level : boulders of granite had been found on calcareous mountains composing one of its sides, elevated five or six thousand feet above the sea level ; and this valley could not have been scooped out. — Dr, Buckland was of opinion that the land must have been dry before the action of the water that had transported these blocks. There was a great number of organic remains mixed with the gravel, derived from ani- mals existing on dry land ; and this was not only true in England, but confirm- ed by observations in the continent of Europe. In the Statistical Section, Dr. Lard- ner delivered a lecture on Steam Com- munication with India — a subject on which we have dilated too recently, and at too great a length, to return to it in the present crowded state of our columns. In the Section of Mechanical Science, Mr. Whewell gave a short account of the present state of the science of the Tides. Though there can be no doubt, he observed, that the tides are to be reckoned among the results of the great law of universal gravitation, they differ from all the other results of that law in this respect, that the facts have not, in their details, been reduced to an accord-^ ance with the theory ; and the peculiar interest of the subject at the present moment arises from this, that the resear- ches now going on appear to be tending to an accordance of theory and observa- tion ; although much in the way of cal- culation and observation remains to ba still effected before this accordance reaches its ultimate state of complete- ness. With regard to observation, the portofBristolofifers peculiar advantages ; for, in consequence of the great magni- tude of the tides there, almost all the peculiarities of the phenomena are mag- nified, and may be studied as if under a microscope. With regard to the theory, one point mainly was dwelt upon. By the theory, the tides follow the moon^s southings at a certain interval of time, (the lunitidal interval,) and this mean interval will undergo changes, so as to leave less than the mean when the moon passes three hours after the sun, equal to the mean when the moon passes six hours after the sun, and greater than the mean when the moon passes nine hours after the sun ; and the quantity, by which the lunitidal interval is less than the mean when the moon is three hours after the sun, is exactly equal to the quantity by which the lunitidal is greater than the mean when the moon passes nine hours after the sun. And this equality of the defect and excess of the interval, at three hours, and at nine hours, of the moon’s transit, is still true where the moon’s force alters by the al- teration of her parallax or declination. Now we are to inquire whether this equality of excess and defect of the inter- val in all changes of declination, &c. is exhibited by observation. It appears at first sight, that the equality does not exist; that is, if we obtain the luniti- dal interval by comparing the tide with the nearest preceding transit. But, in truth, we ought not to refer the tide to such a transit, because we know that the tide of our shores must be produced in a great m.easure by the tide which re- volves in the Southern Ocean, and which every half day sends off tides along the Atlantic. The tide therefore, which reaches Bristol, is the result of a tide wave, which was produced by the action bf the sun and moon at some an- terior period. It is found, that if at Bris- 552 ACTION OF THE SUN AND MOON. tol we refer each tide to the transit of the moon, which took place about forty- four hours previously, we do obtain an accordance of the observations with the- ory in the feature above described, that although the moon’s force alters by the alteration of her declination, the defect of the luntidai interval fora three hours’ transit of the moon is equal to the excess of that interval for a nine hoars’ transit. And thus, in this respect at least, the tide at Bristol agrees exactly with the tide which would be produced, if forty- four hours before the tide, the waters of the ocean assumed the form of the sphe- roid of equilibrium due to the forces of the moon and sun, and if this t^e were transmitted unaltered to Bristol in those forty-four hours. THE INDIA REVIEW OF WORKS ON SCIENCE, AND JOURNAL OF FOREIGN SCIENCE AND THE ARTS, EMBRACING MINERALOGY, GEOLOGY, NATURAL HISTORY, PHYSICS, &c. REVIEW. Sugar, as to the probability of an im- provement in the cultivation and quality of, either through Europeans or Natives, in case of an increased demand, : from the report of the select commitees of the Houses of Lords and Commons, appointed to enquire into the present state of the affairs of the East India Company, 1830-31. BelVs Comparative View of the External Commerce of Bengal, during the years 1834-35 1835-36, 106. A Treatise on the Cultivation of Sugar- canes, and the manufacture of Sugar ; comprehending instructions for plant- ing and saving the cane, expressing the juice, 8fc. 8fc. By W. Fitzmau- RiCE, many years a planter in the island of Jamaica, pp. 69, 1830. The nature and properties of the Sugar- cane, with practical directions for the improvement of its culture and the ma- nufacture of its products. By George Richardson Porter, Philadelphia, pp. 354, 1831. A Dictionary, Practical, Theoretical, and Historical, of Commerce and Commer- cial Navigation : illustrated with Maps and Plans. By J. R. McCulloch, Esa. Second Edition, Corrected throughout, and greatly enlarged : with a Supplement, supplying the deficiencies and bringing down the in- formation contained in the work to October, 1835. Qvo. pp. 1327- Long- man, Rees, Orme,Brown, Greene, AND Longman, London, 1835. (Continued from page 425.^ Having considered the history of sugar- cane, we proceed to other important par- ticulars regarding the various parts of the cane, and their development. Saccharum officinarum is a genus of the triandria di- gynia class ; it has no empalement, but a woolly down, longer than the flower which encloses it : the flower is bivalve ; the valves are oblong, acute-pointed, concave, and chaffy ; it has three hair-like stamina, the length of the valves, terminated by oblong summits, and an awl-shaped germen, sup- porting two rough styles, crowned by single stigmas ; the germen becomes an oblong, acute-pointed seed, invested by the valves. Bruce says that the cane may be raised from seeds in this country. It is, however, easily propagated by cuttings, and multiplies itself surprisingly. The torrid zone is most favor- able to its production, but it may be cultivated as high as the 40® lat. The period at which it arrives at full maturity is from twelve to twenty months: there is, however, an Otahei- tan variety, which comes to maturity in ten months ; this is only in elevatedspots. In vale and low alluvial soils, where the land has not 554 DEVELOPMENT OF THE VARIOUS PARTS OF THE SUGAR CANE. been much cropped, the plant is oftener from 12 to 16 months in becoming fully ripe. It contains three sorts of juice ; one aqueous, another saccharine, and the third raucous, the relative proportions of which and the quality of the two last depend upon particular cir- cumstances, the knowledge of which is of great importance as regards cultivation. The cane, as in reeds,and other gramineous plants, has a knotty stalk, and at each knot, or joint, there is a leaf and an inner joint. The stole is distinguished into two parts ; the first is formed of several peculiar joints, varying in number from five to seven, which are placed very near to each other, having rows of little points at their surface, which are elements of roots. These joints are called radicles, because their function appears wholly to con- sist in sending forth roots. They are divid- ed from each other by a leaf called the radi- cal leaf. The whole of these joints form the first part, or 'primitive stole. The joints are endowed with several rows of points, elements of roots, which develope themselves when requisite, and form, with the joints whence they issue, a secondary stole ; they thus form roots, till the joints are suffi- ciently strong to put forth and sustain those which are to follow them, and form the stalk. The second part of the stalk becomes very strong, and seems to serve, alone, for the filiation of all the remaining joints. The roots issue from the develop- ment of the sap vessels, which are disposed in concentric rays, round each point, on the surface of the joint. The sap vessels of the root, cut transversely, exhibit a circular sur- face of a cellular tissue, and are covered with a skin, which is first white, and then brown or black. The roots are very slender and al- most cylindrical ; they are never more than a foot in length ; a few short fibres appear at their extremities. The number of joints of the stalk or cane vary from 40 to 60 in the Brazilian cane ; these are much fewer in that from Otaheite, its joints being further apart, some of which are eight or nine inches long. Mr. Porter says, that — “ The finer specimens of those of Brazil are from two to three inches in length. The joints vary very much in their dimensions ; they are short or long, large or little, straight or bulging ; and several of these differences are sometimes found in the same cane. The knots of the canes a re not simple enlargements, as in the greater part of reeds, and the gra- mineous family of plants. They are rings, from an eighth to a quarter of an inch wide. Four or five rows of semi-transparent points go round their circumference. A circular semi-transparent line very perceptibly divides the outer from the inner joint. At the upper part of this there is a slight circular hollow, called the neck, which is terminated by the leaf belonging to the joint. The inner joint is entirely subordinate to the outer one, both in its development and growth. It is destined to perform a most important function ; in it the juice, after having undergone various modifications, arrives at the state of its es- sential salt.* There is on every joint a bud, which encloses the germ of a new cane. If the intimate structure of the various parts of the cane be minutely examined, its sap and proper or returning vessels will be readily discovered. The sap vessels are abundantly large and very numerous, being more in number than 1500. They are both simple and compound, and when cut transversely, one opening appears in a simple vessel ; but if compound, two, three, or even four open- ings are distinctly seen by the aid of a magni- fying glass. The function of the proper vessels is to separate the peculiar juices, pro- per to the plant, in the leaves, the rind, and the interior of the cane. They are symme- trically arranged, especially in the interior of the inner joint, in hexagonal cavities, similar to those of a bee-hive, forming, at equal dis- tances, cells, placed horizontally, one upon the other. At a point somewhat raised on the stalk, each sap vessel divides itself into two parts, one continues the vertical direction, the other becomes horizontal ; the latter grows interlaced with the vertical portion, and after having formed a partition of about a sixth of an inch in breadth, they unite themselves into a bundle or fasciculus, which pierces the rind, and forms the bud, which incloses the germ of a future generation. The buds always grow alternately on the opposite sides of the joints. The partition formed by the horizontal vessels separates the joints internally, and prevents all communication between them, as far as regards the peculiar function of each. The vessels which continue in a vertical direction have, through the whole extent of the outer joint, one of their sides convex, and the other concave, till they again become round by the meeting of other vessels ; the points of this union are marked by a semi- transparent ring, which forms a line of demar- cation between the outer and inner joints. This is the part of the cane where it is weakest^ and most apt to break. The space left be- tween the sap vessels, running from one par- tition to another, is filled by cells, which form the symmetrical disposition of the pro- per vessels. ♦ We denominate by this term, that portion of the Juice which will crystallize. THE CULTIVATION OF PLANTS ON ENLIGHTENED PRINCIPLES. 555 The rind of the cane consists of three dis- tinct parts: the rind, (properly so called,) the skin, and the epidermis. The rind is formed of sap vessels, ranged in a parallel direction, on a compact circular surface. The skin, which is very thin, is at first white and tender; it then becomes green, then yellow, as the joint approaches to maturity, the period of which is shown by streaks of deep red. 'J'he epidermis is a fine and transparent pel- licle, which covers the skin. It is almost always white. At the upper part of the inner joint the rind divides itself into two parts. The inner part forms the rind of the following joint. The sap vessels of the outer part are joined by seve- ral other sap vessels from the interior, with which they rise, supported by a reticulated tissue, and form the leaf, upon which the skin and epidermis of the rind are continued. All the leaves, except the three first radi- cals, are divided into two parts by a nodosity. The lower part of the leaf is sometimes more than a foot long; it envelopes the upper joints, folding itself very closely round them. Its inner surface is white, polished, smooth, and shining. Its outer surface is slightly indented, and bears a great number of very minute white thorns. The upper part is four feet, and sometimes even more in length. After rising out of the ground it gradually recedes from the cane as it grows, and forms with it a proportionate greater angle in approaching to maturity. Its greatest width is two inches, thence tapering to a narrow point. The nodosity is about half an inch broad ; the texture of its skin is softer, thicker, and of a darker colour than the other parts of the leaf. It has, on the inside, a very thin mem- branous fold, very tightly applied round the body of the cane. A channel for the rain is formed by the upper part of the leaf, and this fold, which is, at the same tine, a barrier against extraneous bodies, and protects the young joints, at the time of their development, from the attack of insects, which might otherwise destroy them. The leaves are placed alternately on the joints, and expand at top in a kind of fan.” The author, from whose able work we have just quoted, adds, that the natural history of plants shows the phenomena of the fructification and fecundation of the germ, the laws which this germ follows in its development, the different revolutions which the plant undergoes from its birth to its total decay, and the various accidents of the different periods betweeen these two terms. “ To conduct the cultivation of a plant on enlightened and rational principles, it is in- dispensable that the cultivator should have a thorough knowledge of its natural history. This will teach him what soil and what climate agree best with the plant. In under- standing the most favourable circumstances of its vegetation, he discovers the causes of all the accidents to which it is liable, and is best able to guard against their recurrence, at the same time that he is necessarily con- ducted to the better knowledge of the nature and the quality of its products. All the parts of the cane form, develope, grow, and rise, successively, one upon the other, in such a manner, that each particular part is a whole, which appears to pursue its own course, independent of the other.” We quote the foregoing, because there are among our readers some who may deem the description we have given above as not necessary to the cultivation. Mr. Porter thus traces the development of the plant. “ The bud consists of the germ, tightly en- closed within little leaves. The develop- ment of this germ is necessarily governed by the same laws, in every part of the cane in which there is a bud. The radical knots can easily be perceived and examined in their first development, especially upon buds developed on the upper part of a cane. If the head of one be cut off, its buds, then receiving the juices which would have continued to nourish the head, are sometimes sufficiently developed to throiv out twenty joints. After having removed the radical leaves, the first cane joint is generally discovered under that of the fifth knot — it is known by the appearance of the bud ; if it be without this, it must be reck- oned a radical knot, then the following joint will have the bud ; but if that, too, be with- out, which very rarely happens, the bud will certainly be found on the next or seventh knot. It is from the centre of the last radical knot that the germ of the first cane joint springs. This germ encloses the vital prin- ciple of the cane, and of the generation of the joints. The first, in forming itself, becomes the matrix of the second, — the second of the third,— and soon, in succession. '1 here is always a degree of difference in the various revolutions of each joint, marked by the time of its generation ; so that the joints of the cane may be considered as concentric circles, the centre of which is always occupied by a point, which, expanding into a circle itself, js re- placed by a new point ; circles which, rising successively one upon the other, enlarge, and arrive, in a’ given time, at their greatest diameter. When circumstances are very favourable for vegetation, it often happens that, im- mediately after the first development of the cane joints, which form the secondary stole, the bud of the first of these joints throws out its radical roots, and forms a second filiation on the first , the bud of the first cane joint of this second filiation also sometimes developes, and forms a third ; these two last soon be- come very nearly as forward as the first, and, like it, form canes. 566 INFLUENCE OF SOIL AND CLIMATE ON THE SUGAR CANE. Two distinct operations are carried forward in the cane; the one belongs to the sap ves- sels, and, leaching to every part, sheds its vivifying power through the whole plant; the other belongs to the system of its proper vessels, and maintains the functions proper and peculiar to each joint. It would, perhaps, be tedious minutely to follow the plant through all the different shades of its developement and growth. Its juice is, of course, variously modified in all its different stages : in its first formation it has all the characteristics of that of unripe mucous fruits; after a while, it very much resembles, both in taste and smell, the juice of sweet apples; by degrees it loses this, and takes the smell and taste peculiar to the cane. The first joint requires four or five months for its entire growth, and, during this time, fifteen or twenty joints spring from it in succession, and the same progression conti- nues as, by degrees, each joint arrives at the period of its growth, which is ascertained by the decay of its leaf: this is the peiiod of its maturation. When the leaves of the two or three first joints which appear out of the earth have died away, there are then about twelve or fifteen leaves at top, disposed in the form of a fan. If the cane be considered in its na- tural state, it has at this period acquired all its growth, and arrived at the usual epoch of its flowering if it blooms, the principle of life and generation passes entirely to the de- velopment of the parts of fructification ; at this period, the joints which spring foitli are deprived of their bud ; and the sap vessels, with which they were supplied, pass into the leaf; whence it happens that, as the number of these vessels are constantly diminishing, the joints in a similar proporUon become longer, and their rind thinner. The last joint, which is called the arrow, is four or five feet long ; it is terminated by a panicle of sterile flowers, which are eighteen or twenty inches high. If the period of flowering is delayed by cultivation, then the principle of life passes to the generation of new joints, and this con- tinues till the sap vessels of the stole become woody, and do not afford a passage to the aqueous juices.” The other particulars, to which we beg to call the attention of those interested in this important subject, is the influence of soil and climate, in the cultivation of the cane. It is to he understood that plants containing mucous juices feel most sensibly the influence of soil and climate. Porter observes — * The flowering rarely happens, and never but to a very small proportion of some very few fields. Those canes which flower have very little juice left, which is by no means so sweet as that of the vest.- Roxburgh. On some soils, when the cane is planted early, and a vigorous vegetation is suddenly checked, it is often found to flower. “ Their juices abound more in saccharine matter in light and loose calcareous soils, than in ■ rich and marshy lands. They requirea favour- ' able situation for receiving the influence of ' solar light and heat, as well as air ; most im- portant agents in elaborating and peifecting ' the saccharine portion of the plants. Although the cane appears not to differ in j. kind, thete are great modifications in it, as ! well as in its produce from the same kind of , cane : these are marked in the most decided ’ manner, not only in different islands, but in different parts of each. Rumphius, who has considered the cane only as a naturalist, re- ! marks three varieties, and, according to this I author, the Chinese distinguish two. The first, J they named Tecsia, which has a thin rind, the [ second Gamsia, whose rind is thick. / The French introduced plants from the i East Indies into their West India Islands, J whence they found their way into some of | our colonies. Sir John Laforey, who plant- ed some of these, as well as some canes fiom Otaheite, in Antigua, soon discovered their superiority over tlie old canes of the West Indies, lie gives the following account of tiiem. One sort was brought from the Island of Bourbon, reported by the French to be the growth of the Coast of Malabar. Another sort fiom the Island of Otaheite. Another sort from Batavia. | The two former are much alike, both in | their appearance and growth ; but that of Otaheite is said to make the finest sugar. I'hey ate much larger than the Brazilian, the | joints ofsome measuring eight or nine inches ' long, and six in circumference.* * * * § They are ' ripe enough to grind at the age of ten months they appear to stand the dry weather better, ^ and are not so liable to be attacked by that destructive insect, the borer. § Indeed, these * Their colour, and that of their leaves, also differ from ours, being of a pale green ; their leaves broader, their points falling towards the ground as they grow out, instead of being erect like those of our Islands. Their juice also, when expressed, differs from that of our canes, being of a very pale, instead of a deep green colour.- Sir JoAn Laforey, f A few cut for trial, above twelve mouths old, were judged to have lost part oftheir juice by standing so long.— Ibid. J I observed, that after a drought of long continuance, when the leaves of our own canes began to turn brown at their points, these con- tinued their colour throughout. — § A gentleman of Montserrat had some plants given him in the year 1791 by Mr. Pinnel, one of the most considerable planters of Giiada- loupe, who told him that, in the preceding year, when an exceeding great drought had prevail- ed, he had, amongst a large field of tbe Island canes, half an acre of these; that the want of rain, and the ravages of the borer, had dama- ged the former so much that he could not make any sugar from them, but that the latter had produced him three hogsheads. In the spring of this year, 1794, a trial was made of the Malabar canes on one of my plan- tations; 160 bunches, from holes of five feet square, were cut, they produced upwards of THE BATAVIAN AND OTHER SUGAR CANES. 557 are considered so much superior to the old canes, that their adoption has nearly banished the original Brazilian plant from our Islands. The Batavian cane is of a deep purple colour on the outside ; it is small in circum- ference, but bunches exceedingly, and vege- tates so quickly, that it springs up in one- third of the time that the common cane does. In new and moist land, such as the colo- nies of Dutch Guiana, the cane grows to the height of twelve, fifteen, or even twenty-feet. In arid calcareous soils, it sometimes does not attain a greater height than six feet, and one of ten feet is considered long. Dutrone mentions five varieties, which he classes in rather a fanciful manner. Perhaps these varieties may be merely the effects of different soils and situations. But even if this be the case, his observations are made with so much laborious accuracy and acute com- ment, that they may be found useful in irn- parting a thorough knowledge of the cane in all its beaiings ; he will therefore give a slight sketch of these varieties. He says, “ After the numerous observations I have made upon the changes and modifications which the cane receives, not only from soil, climate, and cultivation, but from the influence of the seasons, from the air, the light and the sun, from moisture or dryness, 1 believe I am able to enumerate all the varieties of this plant. I distinguish the cane as hardy and tender, and 1 again distinguish in these two states, particular gradations.” We will not be quite so diffuse as the author in describing these. The most hardy kind is firm upon its stole, resisting the wind which never lays or breaks it. It supports, equally well, much moisture or dryness, and goes through its progressions slowly ; it rarely begins to decay before eigh- teen or twenty months; This sort of cane is the best and most rare. The top part has fifteen or sixteen joints, the leaves of which are verg long and wide, their colour is of a fine green, the joints of the cane are very large and bulging, and about two or three inches long. They are yellow ; sometimes they have a green tint, especially when the land is new. The buds are very large ; the number of joints is ordinarily from thirty-five to forty-five. 350 lbs. of very good sugar ; the juice came into sugar in the teache in much less time than is usually required for that of the other canes, and threw up very little scum. The produce was in the proportion of 3500 lbs. to an acre. The weather had then been so very dry, and the borer so destructive, that I am sure no one part of that plantation would have yielded above half that quantity from the other canes in the space of ground.— In April, 1798, two acres and a half of Bourbon-canes, in. St. Thomas in the Vale, one of the most exhausted parishes in Jamai- ca, yielded near eight hogsheads of above six- teen hundred-weight each, of clear and strong grained sugar ; which gives above 5,700 lbs. for the produce of each caue. A writer from Tobago says, this cane passes wonder, and renders the appearance of the old canes unpleasant- I could not, as a plant- er, have credited on report, what I have wit- nessed of \i,—Macpherson's Annals of Com- merccy 1805. This cane is very little affected by a backward season. Its juice is abundant. The great proportion of mucilage which it contains,. ren- ders it difficult of clarification. It is rich in sugar of excellent quality, the concentration of which is very easy especially when the de- gree of heat does not exceed 230^ of Fahren- heit. 'J'his cane must never be cut before eighteen or twenty montbsgrowth. The cane in the next degree hardy, must be cut at from sixteen to eighteen months. It has ge- nerally from thirty to thirty-five joints, not so large as the hardiest cane. Its juice is very abundant, and easy to clarify, yielding the essential salt abundantly. The cane in the third degree hardy, grows on high grounds, and requires abundance of rain : it ought to be cut at fifteen or sixteen months. The top has from ten to thirteen joints, with short straight leaves of a yellowish-green. The cane has from twenty to thirty joints, which are very little bulged, sometimes quite straight ; they are only one or two inches in length, their colour is yellow, a backward season has a very sensible influence over it. Its juice is not very abundant, but it is of very good quality, sometimes it has a great deal of mucilage, which renders the clarifying diffi- cult, and impedes the extraction of its essen- tial salt, especially when it is exposed to a great degree of heat ; 238° or 239°' of Fahren- heit is decidedly too high: when so highly heated, the mucilage is found in the greatest proportion, and is most prejudicial. The tender plants are divided into good and bad, the former is most general ; it grows in the plains. Its constitution is modified, but not changed, by the nature of the soil; much rain still further weakens and renders it bad. Extreme dryness causes it to wither ; its maturity is dependent on the season, it being commonly completed at eleven or twelve, but sometimes not until fifteen or six- teen months. The wind often lays and some- times breaks it. It is frequently bent and crooked. The top part has twelve or fifteen joints, with leaves two or three feet long, the colour of which is a very delicate green. 'J'he cane has twenty or thirty joints, the thick- ness of which depends on circumstances ; they are about three or four inches long, very little bulged, often straight, and sometimes even slightly going in. Their colour is a deep yellow, with streaks of red, which ap- pear as they approach maturity. The juice, which is sometimes very abundant, is easy to clarify. In favourable seasons it is rich in essential salt of good quality . in a backward season, the juice is very poor; it requires a very moderate heat for its granulation. The bad sort of the tender cane grows in humid and marshy lands, it also grows iu lands which have been newly put into cultivation. Ex- treme dryness is favourable to it, as much rain always injures the formation and secre- tion of its saccharine matter. It is weak on its stole, as the wind always lays, and very often breaks it. Its period of decay is from fifteen to sixteen months. Its top has fifteen or sixteen joints, with long wide leaves, of a deep green colour. The cane consists of 558 ON THE PRODUCTION OF SILK AT KAMPTEE. twenty or thirty joints, four or five inches long, rarely l)ulging. The colour is a pale yellow, sometimes approaching to green. Its juice is often very abundant, the clarifying is always easy, and after a long drought, the best are rich in essential salt which is very tine, and easily obtained, if the boiling be well conducted. After abundant rains, particular- ly in a backward season, the juice is very poot , and contains a gieater or less proportion of mucous juice, which has been prevented by these circumstances from forming into essen- tial salt. Tlie boiling must consequently be managed with the greatest care, to obtain the essential salt. The cane is often badly made and crooked. From all these particu- lars, it is evident how needful it is, to tlie suc- cessful cultivation of the cane, that its general nature and peculiar functions should be un- derstood, so that we may know how, most judiciously, to direct and assist the action of the various agents of vegetation and matura- tion. Water being one of the most powerful of these agents in the vegetation of the cane, the cares of the cultivator should be directed towards the best means for supplying it, and for causing the cane to profit, as much as possible, by all that it receives, either in the form of rain, or by irrigation. As a principal means of effecting this, the ground sliould be very much loosened round the plant, the faci- lities for which operation necessarily vary according to the nature of the land, and many other circumstances.” Before giving our author’s directions for diminishing or removing these obstacles, it will be necessary to allude to his opinion as to what soil is most favorable to the pro- duction of the cane ; whence may be deduced the remedies required to approximate other soils ; but we must postpone the subject until our next. Art. II. — On the production of silk at Kamptee, By Miss Anna Calder, with Mr. Prinsep’s Report on the Raw Silk, from a printed copy forwarded to the Agricultural Society of India. By George Norton, of Madras, Experimental cultivation in Western In- dia. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Shake- spear, on an improved method in winding silk. On the Silks of Assam. By Captain Jenkins. — Trans. Agricultural and Horticultural Society, 1836. We shall now proceed to present our readers with some valuable papers in the Transactions of the Agricultural Society of Calcutta, for 1836, in order that the dis- coveries of zealous horticulturists may be diffused not only throughout our Indian pos- sessions, but spread into Europe and America. We shall first consider the various articles on the culture of the mulberry plant, mode of rearing the worm, and the manufacture of silk. The first article is from Miss Cal- der, who observes, that the specimen of silk forwarded by her, was collected — “ From November, 1827, to August in the following year, in which month I was oblig- ed to give them up ; and during the first two I met with many accidents in i*earing the insect, being then perfectly unacquainted with all its enemies, of which I found, by ex- perience, a host to contend with. 1 had but a trifling produce, merely sufficient to teach me the cultui’e and the spinning it off the cocoons, in which I wasted much, having no instruc- tion or any thing to guide me but my own ideas ; after that, my stock increased, and was generally from three to four thousand, sometimes not near so many, in the month. I was however very limited in my means for keeping them, having only a small bathing room for the purpose, and in attendance also, for the care, spinning, and all was performed by myself and two little girls under the age of twelve years (natives), one of whom is with me now', and equally anxious with me about our industrious little favourites ; neither had I then one mulberry leaf in my own compound. The skein which I send is but the sixteenth part of what I can produ, besides I have used some and given much away to my acquaintance, never supfiosing that I should offer myself as a candidate for support in the culture of silk ; but 1 find myself in a station so adapted to the purpose, that I have no doubt, with a little assistance, I could make the article an object with every poor person who had a spot whereon to plant a mulberry-tree, so simple is the mode I adopt in the care of it. Here, within the limits of my own compound, I have suffici- ent food for millions, large overgrown trees of the finest description ; and 1 even think 1 shall be able to make the worm feed itself, after a while ; but as I never had an oppor- tunity of trying that experiment, I wdll not be positive ; time will tell. Just now my object is to see what my own single effort would be likely to produce from this spot ; but as I have not the means of accomplish- ing that, I should require assistance, for the purpose of raising sheds with chunamed re- servoirs for water, a couple of men to attend the trees, bullocks to w'ater them, and women or girls, whom I would teach to collect and wind the silk, whilst the insect itself would require the care of one steady person and some boys, all of eourse under my own eye. Now all this I cannot afford to do ; but my positive belief is, that it would, in the course of twelve or eighteen months, amply repay MISS C ALDER ON THE CULTURE OF SILK. 559 tlse trouble and expense. There are other things, such as wheels, baskets, &c., requir- ed. It is not many years I believe since the Government made an allowance for a like experiment, but without a similar prospect of advantage to that which I foresee, and my most anxious wish is, that it should reap one through the efforts of a female, whose great- est reward and pride would be to see the general culture of an article which consti- tutes her greatest amusement, extend itself over a country where it has been hitherto unknown, and where, of all other places, it is the most suitable. During the short period 1 kept them, they drew my admiration so en- tirely that I studied them with the most intense interest, and am now so well ac- quainted with their habits, that I could detect a sick one amongst a thousand. Should my Ian meet your approbation, and the specimen send be worth acceptance, I shall be most happy. I must, however, say it is not worth so much notice now as it has been, having lost much of its brilliancy during the long time it has been laid by, and by the many hands it has passed through for inspection. The thread has been wound through hot-water, and con- tains fifteen or sixteen of the cocoon threads. ‘‘ Some months ago I did myself the pleasure to address the Society on the culture of silk, although I had not at the time suc- ceeded in procuring a number of worms, having since been many times disappointed by the insects dying on the road and even being destroyed by ants in the banghy. 1 have now the pleasure to state that I ultimately suc- ceeded in having,from a parcel which arrived on the 31st of December last, about forty- two, but in a very weak state, and though I afterwards got a few others, I consider those as the parent stock. It will serve perhaps as a proof that on care and good feeding depends all, when I say that those sent were wretched bad cocoons and took 39 days to spin, they then remained 14 in the crysalis state, but from care 1 found them improve every time, and that they now spin in eighteen days and remain enclosed but nine. How much they may improve I shall be able to say hereafter. The late two months of hot winds prevented my doing more than to keep them for stock, and I have now a number in high health. As I had so few at first I did not collect the co- coons until the third generation ; and after saving a great many for eggs I found to my surprise I had upwards of twenty-ohe lbs. weight, when the winds put a stop to them : though, were proper places erected to keep the worm, I am convinced they could be rear- ed at all times as the mulberry is in as firm a state then as at any other time. I perused with great interest a letter from Messrs. Dover and Norton, read at one of your meet- ings some time back, and the specimens which accompany this, 1 collected as well as I could after their directions; 1 also remark- ed at your last meeting the silk sent from Bombay. That I now send is, No. 1, the first ever taken at this place and by myself, No. 2, also by me, and No. 3, the work of a native woman who never attempted it be- fore, and to whom, with a strict injunction as to care in not wasting it, 1 gave one ounce of cocoons ; whether the produce be suffici- ent 1 am unable to say ; 1 labour under sad ignorance as to gathering the silk, nor can 1 comprehend what the gentleman meant, whose opinion was quoted on that from Bombay, by saying it would be better if col- lected in the Bengal manner, being twisted by a wheel ere it reached the reel. Could I be informed on this subject, it would be the means of forwarding my ob- ject greatly ; indeed, were a proper apparatus forwarded to me through your kind inter- ference, 1 should be most thankful, and gladly bear any expence that might be incurred as to the making, carriage, &c. also I should like much to know in what manner the re- fuse silk, such as the perforated cocoons, and so on, disposed of. I submitted this silk, through the Resident, for the inspection of His Highness the Rajah of Nagpoor, who was greatly pleased, and sent it to a com- mittee of native silk merchants, whose report was mighty flattering to me, so much so, that His Highness has kindly volunteered to assist me by bestowing some ground and giving people to cultivate it for a year. 1 only now, therefore, require information on the subject, as even here the natives seem most anxious about it, flocking in numbers and offering their services, so aware are they of what is likely to be the result. As a proof of the improvement 1 send two or three of the original cocoons and as many of the last.” Mr. Prinsep, inforwarding Miss Calder’s communication to the address of Mr. Robi- son, observes that-— “The principal defect in her silk is, its want of staple, and it is one of most serious con- sequence ; by this is understood a want of adhesion of the various fibres which compose the thread, and I should conceive it to be owing to its not receiving the usual twist while being run off from the basin to the reel. This twist is acquired by winding always two threads at the same time, each being composed of its proper number of fibres or cocoons. They pass in a parallel direction to an iron director which has two small holes in it for the threads to run freely through, and then the two threads should be crossed round each other from four to eight times, according to the strength of the cocoon fibres, before they again pass through the eyes of the reel- guide on the reel accord- ing to the following ground plan : This crossing, while the thread comes soft from the warm water, gives a consist- ence to it which can not be acquired by any other means ; it also serves greatly to clear it of imperfections which will invariably fly up from the cocoons during the rapid pro- cess of reeling. To make the reeling per- fect also it is necessary that the reel-guide should have a lateral motion while the reel goes round, it will then lay the thread cross ways upon the reel and prevent its becom- 560 EXTENT OF THE IMPORTATION OF SILK. ing entangled when the skein is taken off; but perhaps the Society will send her up a small model of the Italian Novi reel, which is most approved in the Company’s factories. In reply to some queries regarding the process of the w^orm itself, I have the plea- sure to add some particulars from which Miss Calder may, by comparison, estimate the value of the produce of the worms of Kamptee, which from her description appear to be of very different character ft-om those of Bengal. We have two descriptions of worms, the annual and the monthly one; of the first the worms are kept in a close vessel for a twelve-month, at their term of ripeness, they eat for forty-three days, they remain dormant one day, and then complete their spinning in two days. In fifteen days more they eat their way out, if not killed in the inside of the cocoon, by exposure either to the noon-day sun or to the heat of an oven ; on the same day that they emerge from the cocoon, they will, in twelve hours, lay on the average 400 eggs, and they then die. One maund of 80 sicca to the seer of these cocoons will yield about 3 seers of good silk in the skein. The other worms, called generally the small cocoons, which ripen almost every month during the year, in different parts of the country, are of very inferior quality. The egg hatches in eight days, the worm then eats for twenty-four days, remains dormant one day, completes its spinning in one day, and will emerge in eight days, if not destroyed as above-mentioned. In three hours after emerging, it lays 300 eggs on the average. One maund of eighty sicca weight to the seer, will yield on average about 2f seers of good silk in the skein. There will be produced at the same time, from this weight of cocoons, 25 chittacksof chassum, or waste silk, the remainder is dirt or dead cocoons. Should Miss Calder require further infor- mation regarding any stage of the production of raw silk, I shall be most happy to make my experience, or my services in enquiry, available to her, and I shall be more punctual, I hope, in doing so. 1 shall be very glad to see the result of her comparison of our co- coons with her own, as well as specimens of her future filature.” The most important documents, however, are the following. RAW SILK, FROM A PRINTED CO- PY FORWARDED TO THE AGRI- CULTURAL SOCIETY OF INDIA, BY MR. GEO. NORTON, OF MA- DRAS. “ The immense extent of the importation of this production from the Eastern part of the world, and the great probability that it will still largely increase, and enable the skill and exertions of our manufactures to make this country the mart of the world for silk, as it is for cotton manufacturers, are we think, suffi- cient reasons to draw strongly the attention of all those connected with our trade and pos- sessions beyond the Cape of Good Hope. We will first attempt, in the clearest man- ner we are able, to describe the climate best adapted for the cultivation of the worm,-— how such cultivation is practised, —and the aptest method of drawing from the cocoons or nuts, which the insects spin, sufficient fibres to form a thread. The climate best adapted for the cultivation of the worm, is the borders of a mountainous or high country, where the air is warm, yet temperate and regular. Thus, the best cul- tivated in Europe is in Piedmont, the Milanese, and the Tyrol ; which countries boraer on the Alps : and indeed the silk produced in all patts of the North of Italy, which are mountainous, is good , for there the sky is clear, and the air warm, yet temperate and pure. The worm cultivated in the val- leys, where the warmth is great, exudes a looser and more irregular fibre, and the thread formed from it becomes rather harsh and sticky. The manner of cultivation practised in Italy is as follows: — First, there are the growers of mulberry trees, who, when the trees have arrived at sufficient growth to allow of the leaves being plucked without injury to them, pluck andsell the leaves hy weight to the breeders of the worms : of which there are two sorts ; first, those who breed to sell the eggs which the worm produces, always re- serving a sufficient quantity to keep up the stock; next, those who purchase such eggs, which are also sold by weight, merely to feed the animal until it spins its nut (or cocoon as it is called) — which nut or cocoon, in order to destroy the worm within (which would otherwise break all the fibres it had spun in easing its way out, when in the course of its various transmutations it would be called by nature again to life and activity), is either baked or suffocated by steam. The latter is by far the better method ; for without great care in baking the fibres of the cocoons get burnt, which creates much waste. These last breeders sell the cocoons, by the weight, to those who draw the fibres from them to form the thread ; which is called reeling, or filaturing, the silk. This is per- formed in the following manner ; first, the cocoons ought to be always, and are so, in regular filatures, carefully sorted into the vaiious sizes of the fibre upon them ; then the quantity of cocoons intended to form the thread is put into a small bason of hot water, which enables the fibres to run freely from them : then the fibres from each of the said quantity of cocoons are passed through an eye in a small wire, extended above the bason of water, in order that in joining together they may receive a slight twist, which gives the thread an elasticity, and the greater such elasticity, the more valuable the silk. After that, they are fastened to a reel, which is not circular, but should be formed of four projecting sticks of wood, with even tops to them about one inch broad and four inches wide, with borders at each end to prevent the silk, in reeling, from slipping off ; and the extent of such projecting sticks should be such as to form a skein of about 30 inches AN IMPROVED MACHINE FOR WINDING SILK. 561 diameter. Then the reel is turned round, and the fibres drawn from the cocoons until a skein is made. Now, great and particular care must be taken by the person who su- perintends the cocoons in the bason of hot water to brush them properly with a small birch broom, in order to loosen the fibres, and keep the cocoons clear of the fluff upon them, which, if allowed to run into the thread, ren- ders it woolly and wasty (which is much the case in all Bengal silks), and also to take care that never more or less than a given quantity be running at the same time, otherwise the thread will become uneven, which uneven- ness is a very great fault, prejudices the silk in a very great degree, and essentially spoils it for many purposes of manufacture, as, in weav- ing, it will show the unevenness in the cloth. To sum up all in a few lines, —the valuable properties of silks are, that the colour be clear, and the thread clean, even, and elastic. The clear7iess of the colour is produced by the pureness of the atmos- phere in which the worm is bred, and the care taken to filature the cocoon in a proper situation, d'he clearness of the thread arises from the attention of the person who presides over the cocoons, when in the bason, to keep the water clean, and to brush away all the fluff. 'J’he evenjiess of the thread is owing to the regularity of the number of co- coons. And the elasticity is acquired by having pure soft water, and keeping it always heated to a degree somewhat beyond tepid. ’ Dover and Norton. Great Winchester S treet, London. The quantity of cocoons to make a thread are various j and in Company’s Bengal silk they are distinguished by letters. '1 hus, A. 1. is 4 to 5 cocoons ; that is to say, the thread is formed of not less than the fibres of 4, or more than the fibres of 5, cocoons : A. 2. is 1 to 8 cocoons ; B. 1, lo to l2 cocoons ; B. 2, 12 to 14 cocoons, and so on ; making, as the thread gets larger, a difference of two, instead of one, cocoons ; as, from its size, such a difference will not cause any percepti- ble irregularity. But, in Italy, in filaturing, or reeling, some of their finest silks, they are so particular and attentive to the evenness of the thread, that they will commence with three cocoons, and, when they are run towards the end, they will then add another cocoon ; as the worm spins its fibre smaller as it draws to a close. Next, the situation of the filatures to reel the silk sliould be particularly attended to. They should be where the air is pure, temperate, regular, and d ry ; and in the neigh- bourhood of good soft water, which is of the utmost consequence, as none but what is soft, or made so by some means, would do; for which purpose, it would be always better, to have the water drawn into a large cistern, and stand exposed to the sun for some lime, in order that it may |>eneirate and soften it. Indeed, so delicate is the nature of silk, that a cloudy day will have an injurious effect upon it ; and the reeling should, if possible, be on such occasion avoided. In Bengal, where they have several harvests, those silks which are filatured in the rainy season; are always much inferior in the colour, more wasty, and loose in the thread. Now, after paying strict attention that the silk is filatured in the manner we have point- ed out, care must be taken to keep each sized thread from the other, to separate the yellow gum, from the white gum silk, and haveeach sort, both colour and size, packed in separate bales. There is a fault which also attaches to some of the Company’s inferior filatures, which is, that a larger reel is made use of than the one we have described, and (he long and short reels are mixed together in the same bale. This ought to be studiously avoided. The next co mmunication to which we shall allude, is ON AN IMPROVED MACHINE IN WINDING SILK. Extract fi'om a Letter from Mr. Shake- spear to the Board of Trade, 2d June, 1832. Reporting on the new arrant’e- meni of a coii- (liiitin or drying room whereby to improve ihe tneans of pro- tecting Raw Silk from (lamp and of getting up . Ihe Honnnra- ble CompaM)’s investment at the Gonatea Sc Ran- gamatee Facto- ries. Condemned in 1828, by the Ex - ecuiive Officei. but retained at the sniraesiion of the present Ue- sident. 1. When last in Calcutta, I met with a pamphlet of considerable celebrity on the subject of the “ Silk trade” in which there are some very apposite remarks on the great advantages arising from the public drjdng, or condition rooms, in Lyons, founded by Government in 1805 * 2. Fully impressed with an opinion that the princi- ple, if practically followed up in these factories, would be infinitely beneficial in protecting newly spun Silk from the sudden changes of weather in Bengal, and the extreme humidity of the at- mosphere acting upon so absorbent a fibre, especially during the manufacture of the cocoons Silk of the rainy bunds, (which are reeled off with all practicable expedi- tion in their green state, or unovened) I have not hesi- tated to fit up, with glass doors, Venetians, and shut- ters, a large old godown at Rangamattee (measuring 40 feet by 30) as ” a condition or drying room,” in which are placed two pair of my pottery ghye stoves having • Dr. Lardner ia his Cabinet Cyclopasdia does not touch on this material point in the manufacture of silk. 562 ST. HELENA SILK WORMS. Simply a water jar, of about 2 feet (tiameter, cut into two parts, which cap thetwo stoves; each havinsa valve or smoke pipe to draw off the smoke to the usual circu- lar chimney shaft of the pottery gbje* Found to ave- rage between 2 and 3 chittacks per raaiiiid, Fe- bruary 1833. At the trifling outlay of Rs. 287- 15-4, paid for out of the profits on the potteiyghyes. hemispherical tops (ia sub- stitution of the cocoon basins). Thus a moderate temperature, by no means oppressive, regulated by a thermometer and ventilator, may at all times be kept up, and the room being glazed, the process of weighing, sorting, and packing, will all be carried on with great security in the worst wea- ther, now altogether im- practicable without the cer- tainty of the bales being packed damp, an evil so much complained of at the Export Warehouse, and by the brokers in London. The injury increasing by the heat of the ships hold. 3. The new silk of each day will be hung up in the usual mosses, or bundles of skeins, or distributed on horses and shelves made for the purpose, and thus remain 24 or 48 hours, ac- cording to circumstances, before being weighed, sorted and embaled. The decrease in weight will be very tri- fling, no factitious practices being resorted to by the ope- ratives in Bengal, as in Europe by the throwsters, to moisten and increase the weight by soap and dirt, which is there paid for as silk by the manufacturer. 6. I am induced to hope that the elFect of this ar. rangement may prove be- neficial to the investment, consequently satisfactory to your Board. And that it may accordingly be brought to the notice of Govern - mentas an expedient hitherto 1 believe never thought of or had recourse to at any of the Honourable Company’s Factories. “ Quinonproficit, deficit.” Mr. Secretary Macnaghten^s Reply of the llth of June, 1832, to the foregoing. “The Board being persuaded that you were actuated by the most praise worthy motives in incurring the expence of Sa. Rs. 287-15-4, as reported in your letter of the 2d instant in the preparation of a “ drying room” at the Rangamattee Factory, they do not hesitate, in the present instance, to sanc- tion that expenditure.” (A True Extract.) Colin Shakespear, Resident. REMARK. Of the advantages of this scheme I can now speak with confidence : many hundred bales of Raw Silk having been packed in the past year, in a state of “ dr^agre” and per- fection hitherto unknown. \ 5th February , 1833. C. S. The following paper on disease among silk worms is important. TRANSMITTED TO THE SOCIETY THROUGH GOVERNMENT. To L. R. Reid, Esq. Secretary to Government. Sir, — I have the honour to inform you that 1 have dispatched from Darwar a fur- ther quantity of St. Helena silk-worms’ eggs to the address of the Secretary to the Bengal Government, Territorial Department. 2. I had found that most of the country worms in and about Darwar were cut off by disease within the last two months, and that the portion of the Italian worms already hatched from the St. Helena eggs had shared the same fate, I therefore took the liberty of sending off the remainder to Bengal as the only chance of saving them. 3. With reference to your letter of the 13th ultimo, enclosing the copy of a communica- tion from the Commercial Resident at Soo- namooky, 1 have to report that I have com- menced supplying cuttings of the white mul- berry by the letter post as desired, and that I shall continue to do so until I receive in- formation from Mr. Shakespear that a suffi- cient quantity has been sent. 4. I have to express my thanks to Mr. Shakespear for his remarks on the cultivation of the mulberry in Bengal. 'I'he two varieties which I have sent for introduction to Bengal are distinct from those of which Mr. Shake- spear was so kind as to forward specimens. The “ dasee” or “ indigenous mulberry” is cultivated about Poona and in the southern Mahratta country.* The “ bedasee” I take to be the same as a third variety 1 received from St. Helena with entire pointed leaves and a whitish bark. Ad- mitting the morns alba and moms Indica to be originally specially distinct, I should say that the “ dasee” and “ bedasee” are vaiie- ties oi' morns Indica, and that the larger white mulberry (entire leaved,) and the “ doppia foglia” are varieties o^morus alba. However, the several kinds of mulberry used for feeding worms have been so modified by cultivation, as to render the distinguishing marks between a species and a mere variety extremely dif- ficult to ascertain. In order to prepare the way for more correct information on this subject, 1 herewith forward specimens of several kinds of mulberry, with an outline of an arrangement of the genus morns, which I beg to request may be sent to Bengal for comment or correction. 5 There are two important points yet to be established with regard to the several kinds of mulberry. * Vide Specimen. INDIGENOUS MULBERRY ABOUT POONA. 563 IsL Wliat kinds do the worms prefer I 2d. What kinds will grow best as standard trees, and what are the best adapted for the field cultivation on the Bengal plan? 6, It is with a view to decide the above questions that I wish to continue the subject brought forward by Mr. Shakespear. 1 was before aware of the system of cultivation pursued in Bengal so far as it is published in a work considered as authority “ On the Husbandry and Commerce of Bengal,” hut as there are some crude notions abroad in this Presidency on the subject of mulberry culti- vation, a decision of ti)ese questions from competent authority and experience may prevent much waste of time and capital. BENGAL CULTIVATION AS DE- SCRIBED BY MR. SHAKESPEAR. 7. The Indian mulberry plant is not allowed to rise above a foot and a half or two feet. It is cut twice a day as required to feed the worms. The plant is thus exhausted in about the third year, and it is then rooted out, but is easily renewed by cuttings, and planted in rows with just room enough between to admit of the cultivator weeding, dressing, and earthing up the roots. EXPERIMENTAL CULTIVATION IN WESTERN INDIA. The mode introduced at Darwar and Poona about ten years since differs but little from that described opposite. Tlie mulberry cut- tings are allowed to grow about three or four feet high, and as they are always irrigated, they produce leaves at this height. They are not rooted out under seven years. I am my- self convinced that the more frequently this kind of mulberry is cut down, , the better and more tender leaves are produced, and that old trees become straggling, and produce in ■ feiior leaves. But my experience only amounting to four years, during which time I have cultivated the plant at Dapooree, my autho.ity may be thought insufficient. I therefore beg to submit the proposed Deccan plan for an opinion from Bengal. Plantations of mulberries, dasee, and per- haps also the bedasee, are now forming about Poona and Ahmednuggur upon the (2) Italian plan, the cuttings having struck, are trans- planted, and set from 8 to 12 feet apart, and trained up as standard trees, the leaves of which it is proposed not to gather for four years. 8. The following information is desired from Bengal. 1st. Has such a plan ever been tried in the Bengal provinces, and, if it has, with what success ? 2d. Will the leaves be improved or other- wise, as food for the worms, in this climate, by being produced from old trees ? 3d. Provided the trees and the leaves be improved by age, and produce a larger crop as they grow older, still will it be possible with any supposable rate of profit to com- pensate for the capital of a silk farm lying dead for four years, and in a country where labour is dearer than in Bengal and irrigation neces- sary ? I have to remark with regard to the two varieties of white mulberry before men- tioned, that they are of much slower growth than the common kind, and will probably make good standard trees. They do not so readily root from cuttings. I have found budding them on the common mulberry the most eligible way of propagating them, as a single bud inserted into a stock serves the purpose of fivo or six buds sa'crificed fora cutting ; besides gaining a year's growth by the age of the stock. This is of course only a temporary expedient to facilitate the quicker introduction of the plant into the country. I have the honour to be, &c. (Signed) Charles Lush, Siqjt. Botanic Garden, Dapooree. Dapooree, Poona, 3\st January , 1833. GENUS MORUS. Species that have been cultivated or propos- ed to be cultivated for feeding silk worms. 1. FRUIT ROUNDISH. 1. Morns nigra. The common officinal. Black mulberry (not in India ?), used in some parts of France and Italy for feeding worms. The only species common in England. 2. FRUIT CYLINDRICAL. A. Fruit very long. 2. Morn's latifolia. Leaves rough, various- ly divided. A large tree common in gardens in the Deccan. The worms do not flourish on it. B. Fruit short. 3. Morns Indica. Leaves smooth, entire, or divided, heart-shaped, equal at the base ; fruit deep purple ; stem shrubby and diffuse. VAR. DASEE. 2. Bedasee. (Is this morns Tartarica of some Botanists ?) 4. Morns alba. Leaves smooth, entire, or divided, heart-shaped, unequal at the base ; fruit whitish or variously coloured, pink or purple; siem arborescent varieties ; common simple leaved white mulberry. 2. “ DOPIA FOGLIA.” The above varieties differ in the form of the leaves. There appear to be others depending on the colour of the fruit. The cause of the confusion that exists in the nomenclature of species and varieties of this genus, may be traced to the circumstance of Botanists having taken their characters almost exclusively from the leaves. Now it happens that, in those species which have not been cultivated for fruit or leaves as the Morus Mauritiuna M. Scandens* and perhaps also in the M. latifolia/, the character of the leaf is sufficiently marked to determine the ♦ Both those are growing in the Botanical Garden, Calcutta, and at Dapooree- 564 DE VERINNE ON THE MULBERRY TREE. species, while in those kinds of mulberry on which silk worms are fed, an almost endless variety of leaf may be found. This being the case, it becomes of importance that cha- racters should be taken from the fruit, stem, stipula, or parts of the plant To do this properly every known variety must be pro- cured for comparison, a task which can scarcely be completed satisfactorily by any individual in India.* The following are the replies of J. M. De Verinne, to the queries submitted by Dr. Leish to this Government. 5th Par. of Dr. Leish’s letter. — There are twm important points yet to be established with regard to the several kinds of mulberry. 1. Wliat kinds do the worms prefer? 2. What kinds will grow best as standard trees ? 2. Cont. What are the best adapted for the cultivation on the Bengal plan ? 8t!i. Par. of Dr. Leish’s letter. 1. Kas such a plan ever been tried in the Bengal Provinces, and, if it has, with what success ? I'his relates to the plantation of mulberry now' forming at Poona and Ahmed- nuggurupon the Italian plan. 2. Will the leaves be improved or other- wise, as food for the w'orms in this country, by being produced from old trees ? 3. Provided the leaves and the frees be improved by age, and produce a larger crop as they grow older, still will it be possible with any supposable rate of profit to compen- sate for the capital of a silk farm lying dead for four years, and in a country where labour is dearer than in Bengal, and irrigation is necessary ? The kind with the small leaf of a dark colour, rather thick, called double leaf, more difficult to pick and has been found to be the best cultivated for the nutrition of silk worms in Italy. Species Morus alba. Both the species called Morus alba, of a white beri'y, and the Morus nisjra, of a black berry, wdth upright large trunks, dividing into large branchy very spreading heads ris- ing tw'enty feet high and more — further valuable information on this subject may be gained by a reference to the “Treatise of Monsr. L’Abbd Boissier de Sauvages, de la Socidtd Royale des Sciences de Montpellier, de L’Acaddraie Imperiale Physico-Botanique et de celles des George Fili de Florence,” for the treatment of standard trees refer to pages 35 to 54 inclusive. * The lately published volume of Dr. Lard- ner’s Cabinet Oyclopoedia “ on the culture and manufacture of Silk,” is full of loose statements and contradictious regarding- the species used in India, China, &c The infer- ence is that very little is accurately known on this subject. I think the common “ Dasee” Morus In- dica is the best adapted for the cultivation on the Bengal plan, (as described by Mr, Shakespear) which is pretty nearly the same all over Bengal ; in some places however they strip the leaves off the stems instead of cut- ting both together. I cannot say w'hether it has ever been tried in Bengal. In Europe old mulberry trees produce bet- ter leaves than young trees, and as the trees grow older, the leaves diminish in size and improve materially, so that they at last at- tain a very excellent quality, and 1 should think the same effect would be produced here. _ 3. On referring to pages 349 to 361 inclu- sive, of Dandolo’s Treatise, this question will be found, in a great measure, to be satis- factorily answered, and will apply equally to this country, as it does to the one where it was written. The St. Helena silk worm eggs, mentioned in the 2d par. of Dr. Leish’s letter, were re- ceived by me in November last, reared and hatched in January and February last ; spun their cocoons, became moths, and laid their eggs ; which eggs have again hatched, the beginning of this month, and will give a se- cond crop. The worms w'ere fed entirely on the common “ dasee” Morus Indica, intro- duced by me on the farm, and planted and cultivated on the Bengal method. If I could procure some cuttings of the Morus alba, I would give them a fair trial here as standards according to the best methods adopted on the continent. It is astonishing to observe that no ad- vantage is taken of the wide field open in this country for the improvement in the cul- tivation of the mulberry tree, more especially the species which is known to be the best adapted for the food of the silk worm either as standards, half-standards, dwarLstand- ards, or shrubs, and the breeding and rearing of silk worms by those who are properly ac- quainted with the minutiae of this particular study, and the fact is, that those who do really understand it, do not meet with the proper support and encouragement they re- quire, and when this is wanting, no material improvement will ever take place in this branch of Indian commerce. Mr. Storm states that there are four kinds of mulberry used for feeding the silk worm in the districts adjoining Calcutta. The native names are, saw, bhore, dasee, and China. The two first produce fruit (black), but the last two have no fruit. The leaves of the saw are very large, but they are not given to the worm till they have passed two goomes. The leaf of the bhore is small and jagged. The leaf of the dasee is small and plain, and the China leaf is also small, but jagged at the stem. The leaves are considered all equally good for feeding the worm. JENKINS ON THE SILK OF ASSAM. 665 The mulberry tree is not cut down for 5 years. It is then allowed to grow for 5 years more, when it is rooted out.” Another communication is ON THE SILKS OF ASSAM, BY CAPT. JENKINS. Muneeram gives me the following account of the silk of Assam : — The worm that gives the common fawn- coloured moonga silk when fed on the most common plants, gives a whitish silk when fed on the leaves of other trees : the plants it feeds upon are named and estimated as follows : — No. 1. Champa* — The silk produced from the worm feeding on this plant gives the finest and whitest silk, used only by the Ra- jahs and great people, and is called Champa pattea moonga- The thread from 11 to 12 Rupees a seer. No. 2. Maizankurry ,-f called also Addakur^ ry. — The leaves of this tree also give a white silk and is called Maizankurry moonga, the old trees are cut down, and the jungle about burnt, and the worms are fed upon the tender leaves of the off shoots for one year, when the leaves become too old and hard for the worm. Silk from 6 to 7 Rupees a seer. No. 3. Soom.X — This is the common tree in this vicinity : the silk from the worms fed on this give the finest sort of fawn-coloured moonga. Silk to 4 Rupees per seer. No. 4. Soahalloo.^ — This is also a brown silk of inferior quality. This plant is most common in Dhurumpore and about Russa- chokey. No. 5. Dighittee.\\ — Ditto ditto, but the worms fed on the leaves of this tree increase much in size. The moonga worm gives broods five times a year, and the cocoon is very large, but thin. Weight from 5 to 6 grains. No. 6. Pattee hoonda.% — I could only ob- tain silk the produce of worms feeding on Nos. 3 and 4, and manufactured into cheap cloths for the lower classes. The ara or area pat is the produce of an- other worm and very inferior in appearanee to that of the other ; though 1 believe it is equally lasting ; the worms are fed in the • Miclielia. + Perhaps of the Laurel family, looks mar- vellously like a willow, though it is most pro- halily not of that genus. t A species of Tetranthera or Laurus, ^ Tetranthera macrophylla — iioa?. 11 A plant of the Laurel tribe belonging to 'Tetianthera. Hamilton calls it Tetranthera diglottica.- W. Much the same (quality (>f the silk) as the .foregoing, H Laurus obtusifolia. - iioar. W. houses and entirely upon the leaves of the arund (castor oil plant), if they are procur- able, and if not, on other trees in the order following . — GREEN RED. 1. The Ricinus coramums ov viridis — v. is a misnomer of Wild : s. 2. Kisseroo, a plant I know not as yet. 3. Rengala aloo, a common plant, divided leaves like that of the papeeah. I know not its name as yet. 3. latropha manihot. 4. The common hair, Zizyphus Jujuba. 5. Keora kaura* — This 1 know not. 6. Gooluncha phool, Assamese name, the Bengalee Bherondo, latropha curcas. This worm produces broods every month or every month and a half; its cocoon is much less than that of the foregoing. It is smaller in size considerably, but thicker, only about a grain lighter. The chuddurs made of this silk are thick and very warm and lasting. Weight from 4 to 5 grains each. N. B. This worm and its produce is no- ticed by Dr. Buchanan in his account of Dinagepore; vide Asiatic Journal. Besides these worms they have in Assam the true silk worm which is fed on mulber- ries. This silk is from 6to8Rs. a seer according to qualities.” We derive additional information from the following extract from the Calcutta Daily Commercial Advertiser. “ We have much pleasure in answering the call made on us by Mr. Gaisford, in his interesting letter on silk, in another column. After making every enquiry in our power, we have no hesitation in recommending the immediate adoption of the plan suggested, of I’aising a capital of Rupees 30,000 for the purpose of forming plantations of the mulberry, and establishments for reeling silk in the neighbourhood of Yewla (Ahmed- nuggur). It will be observed that Mr. Gais- ford recommends the tree cultivation, and the Chinese reel. — Of the propriety of the latter, in that district, we have no doubt, considering that the supply is for native markets, in which they are accustomed to the quality of silk and length of skein, which the Chinese reeling produces. Of the sufficiency of the capital also we are satisfied, since Signor Mutti informs us that he believes the amount proposed would even be sufficient for an establishment embracing his own system of reeling, on an ample scale, which of course would require a greater out- lay for buildings and reels than the plan of ♦ Sapim schiferuin. It would be S. baccha- tura, if it were not for the glands on tlie leaves.— W. 566 ESTABLISHMENTS FOR REELING SILK. Mr. Gaisford, We hope this gentleman will lose no time in following up the proposal with a full prospectus, and for a want of a better agency we shall, pro tem - pore, be most happy to receive proposals for joining this undertaking. It is likely that this will be only the forerunner of other establishments formed on similar principles. — There must be many spots of waste about Ghats and in this neighbourhood where, if merassee and other claims could be purchased out, and compounded for with the sanction of government, we should in a few years see a manifest improvement in the resources of the immediate neighbourhood of the pre- sidency. In such places, Mr. Mutti’s plan altogether, for the export trade, would pro- bably be the favorite, i. e. trees, with the Italian reel. Mr. M. has lately brought some very fine silk from Kutroor, in quality considerably above “ Tsatlee” ; but when his own account of his progress appears in print, we shall be the better able to judge. In the mean time he informs us that he has made a calculation by weight of the pro- duce of his St, Helena trees as compared with the Bengal field planting. The same quantity of land (an acre), which produces sixteen seers pucka or 321bs. of leaves per annum, will,if cultivated with trees, produce 71 pucka seers or 1421bs. commencing from the 5th year, and for many years progres- sively increasing. This result we consider sufficiently important, not merely to induce persons on our side of India to plant the stand- ard tree, but to awaken the silk growers of Bengal to the necessity of experimenting on this subject. We shall anxiously await Mr. Gaisford’ s detail of the plan, and the prospectus of the first joint-stock purse proposed for agricul- tural improvement. — Courier^ January 21. TO THE EDITOR OE THE BOMBAY COURIER. Sir, — Some years have now elapsed since the commencement of attempts to introduce silk cultivation in the Deccan. These at- tempts have in no case been prosecuted under favourable circumstances, the Poona experiments having until lately been retarded by a conflict of opinions and unfortunate occurrences, and those at Ahmednuggur, by want of practical knowledge, and the proprietor’s unavoidable absence from the country. Still they have abundantly prov- ed, not only the capability of the country to produce this important article of com- merce, but its superiority over many of those where it has long been a source of wealth to the people. Various species of mulberry grow with wonderful rapidity and luxuriance. The white standard tree thrives better than in the richest silk countries of Europe ; and in four or five years is fit to afford sustenance to the worm, by which time it has attained such size as to be little liable to injury, and independent of all but the most mode- rate attention and expense. The climate is eminently suited to the silkworm which spins at all seasons ; passes through its metamorphoses more rapidly than in the South of Europe ; requires no costly buildings for its protection, and no artificially regulated temperature. The price of labour is very low, and that kind required for the manipulation of silk might be performed at their own homes by the women and childi-en, whose manual dexterity and delicacy of touch especially adapt them for it. All this has been repeatedly brought for- ward, and most fully by Dr. A. Graham in his treatise on the amelioration of India, and all who have had opportunity of forming a judgment, are agreed on the superior qualifications of the Deccan in the above particulars. Still nothing is done. Year after year is permitted to pass, leaving all these advan- tages unimproved. Vast tracts of country remain waste. A multitude of people are almost starving in idleness, and silk is all the while largely imported into the very parts which are so capable of supplying the demand of local manufactures, and exporting the raw material for our own in England. The government, it would appear, can do nothing except wish well, and give some slight encouragement, to the individuals who make a commencement. Officers are the servants of government, and cannot enter into these pursuits. From the natives nothing can be expected : the wealthy saokar will not embark capital in an enterprize un- suited to his habits, and, if he is in any way connected with the China trade, prejudicial to his interest : — to hope anything from the miserable cultivator, is futile. Is then the introduction of so important a product to be left to the weak efforts of two or three individuals, who, if successful amid their present difficulties, can only derive a small, and slowly wending, and scarcely obseiwable rill from a source which a single vigorous effort might open at once, and effectually to the whole country ; for its benefits once palpably set forth, this branch of trade would rapidly ramify and extend through the length and breadth of the land. I say then, let a Company be formed. Leaving all considerations of interest out of the question, there are well-wishers enough of the people to fill the list of shareholders. SPECIMENS OF THE SOIL AND SALT OF SAMAR. 567 30,000 Rupees, in three hundred shares of 100 each, would be sufficient capital. Details of management may be easily ar- ranged, and there is a vast extent of waste land on the banks of the various rivers and streams of the Deccan. Instance the neighbourhood of Phoon- tamba, on the Godavery, as excellently adapted to the purpose. The supply of water is inexhaustible. Very simple ma- chinery would raise it in copious streams from the bed of the river. The ruined streets of the town afford any required quantity of building materials ready to hand. Yewla, the greatest manufactory of silks on this side of India, lies within 15 miles, and is celebrated for the beauty and durabi- lity of its dyes. Government, which has shewn so much liberality in the encouragement of sugar and cotton, would doubtless grant the land on most favourable terms ; and we have for our successful guidance the experience of those who have felled the way before us — So I pray you, Mr. Editor, stir the good people up. I am, &c. T. Gaisford. Patoda Jungles, Jan. 12, 1837. Art. III. — Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, edited hy the Secretary, December, 1836. This is the completion of the fifth annual volume, edited by our talented friend James Prinsep. Esq. While there is scarcely a task more difficult of execution and more meritorious in its object, than that of con- veying to posterity discoveries in science and the progress of oriental literature and researches, there is scarcely one less noticed or supported by the generality of mankind. Nothing can be more striking than the support the nworthy and esteemed editor of the Asiatic Journal has experienced as the result of his valuable labours, not only have they been performed gratuitously, but he has been actually minus of some thousands of rupees. We are glad therefore to find him in- creasing the amount of subscription to his work, and we are satisfied that they who duly estimate the value of his efforts will rejoice that he has done so, and endeavour to remove a burthen which should never have been im- posed : the numbers published monthly have been enlarged from 62 to 80 pages ; the in- creased rates of subscription therefore, which is only eight annas per mensem, is not pro- portionate to the value received. We hope that our allusion to the subject will multiply the number of subscribers to this ably con- ducted work. We turn however from pecu- niary considerations to a field of matter be- fore us. An article ON SPECIMENS ofthesoil AND SALT OF SAMAR, COLLECTED BY LIEUT. CONOLLY, AND ANALYZED BY MR. STEVEN- SON, is important. The following is the ana- lysis, accompanied with the editor’s remarks. EXAMINATION OF SELECTED SPE- CIMENS OF THE SOIL. BV J. STEPHENSON. A No. 1. — Mud from the bed of Sambhip' Lake. An average portion digested in distilled water, and the filtered solution (which appear- ed of a reddish brown colour), subjected to the usual tests, gave the following results. Nitrateof barytes,. . Copious white’, precipitate. Nitiate of silver,.. . .Ditto flambent grey ditto Prussiate of potash,.. No change. Oxalate of ammonia. Ditto ditto. Litmus pafier, ..... Ditto ditto. Turmeric ditto,. . . . Ditto ditto. 300 grains exposed to a gentle heat in or- der to drive off the moisture lost 107=35, 6 per cent, 100 grains of the dry mud were now put into solution, and the insoluble matter collect- ed on the filter, washed, dried, and weighed, gave 70 grains. The filtered solution treated with nitrate of barytes threw down a precipitate of sulphate of barytes, together with the colouring mat- ter, which, after washing, drying, and weighing, gave 17 grains= 10.4 sulphate of soda. The solution now freed from the sulphate was next treated with nitrate of silver, from which a precipitate of muriate of silver was obtained, weighing 42 grains = ig.S muriate of soda. Insoluble matter, 70 0 Sulphate of soda, lo 4 Muriate of soda, l9 5 Loss 0 i 100 0 EXAMINATION OF THE INSOLUBLE MATTER FROM A NO. 1, AFTER J HE SEPARATION, AS ABOVE. OF THE SULPHATES AND MURIATES. Fifty grains of the insoluble earthy matter now freed from theextraneous salts was treated with muriatic acid. A strong effervescence took place, and the digestion was continued for 12 hours, as there was reason to suppose that carbonate of lime was present. It was now repeatedly washed with pure water, and 568 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF THE SALT OF SAMAR. the remaining earthy matter, which the acid had not dissolved, separated, and collected on the filter, well dried and weighed: it amounted to 37 grains. The muriatic solution was now treated with oxalate of ammonia, which threw down a copious precipitate of oxalate of lime. This being welt washed, and dried, weighed ll grains = 8.6 carbonate of lime. The remaining solution contained a con- siderable portion of loose muriatic acid, which being neutralized with pure liquid ammonia, a portion of alumina (tinged with yellow oxide of iron) was precipitated. I'liis being separated by the filter, washed, dried, and weighed, gave 4 grains. Calculating then for per centage, the com- position of this earthy matter will stand as fol- lows : Matter insoluble in muriatic acid (silica,) 74 0 Carbonateof lime, 17 2 Alumina and oxide of iron, . . 8 0 Loss, 0 8 lOO 0 A No. 10.— This I found to be chiefly composed of sulphate of soda, with the car- bonate and muriate of soda in considerable proportion. A No. 15. — This gave a trace of sulphate ; otherwise good salt ; though the crystals are small. A No. 22.— When tested gave traces of sulphate. A No. 24.— Crystals of a pink colour, which disappear in the filtered solution ; the colour- ing matter appears to be volatile— sulphate of soua [jicdominatesinthissarnpie ; nocarbonate of soda present. B No. \.fro7nan old deep re-operted after 100 years. Exajnbuition by tests. Nitrate of silver,. .. . Copious precipitate. Nitrate of barytes, . . Very copious ditto. Oxalate of ammonia, No change. Prussiate of potash, Ditto ditto. Litmus paper, ... . Ditto ditto. Turmeric ditto,. .. . Ditto ditto. A fair average sample was taken through the whole thickness of the lump. 100 grains exposed to a gentle heat lost 5.5 grains moisture. 100 grains treated with nitrate of barytes gave a precipitate, which, after having been well washed and dried, weighed 136= 83 sulphate of soda. I'he filtered solution treated with nitrate of silver produced a precipitate of chloride of silver, which, after having been well washed and dried, weighed 22 grains = 10.4 muriate of soda. The composition of this sample rs then as follows : Insoluble matter, 1 0 Moisture, 5 5 Sul phateofsoda,(and carbonate?) 83 0 Muriate of soda, 10 4 Loss, 0 1 100 0 A No. 6. — The salt of which got mixed with scum while forming, appeared very wet. When tested, this sample appeared to con- tain a considerable portion of alkali, especi- ally the reddish coloured part called scum in the list. lOO grains dissolved, and the insoluble mat- ter separated by the filter, washed and dried, gave 2 grains. To the filtered solution was added acetic acid till the alkali became neutralized ; after which it was treated with nitrate of barytes ; the sulphate of barytes was precipitated, and having been well washed and dried, w'eighed 84 grains = 5l sulphate of soda. Nitrate of silver threw down a precipitate of chloride of silver that weighed (after wash- ing and drying) 30 grains = 14 muriate of soda. In order to ascertain the quantity of alkali in this sample, lOO grains were dissolved in pure water, and treated (diop by drop) with sulphuric acid of specific gravity 1.116 till the exact point of saturation was ascertained, by frequently testing with litmus paper. To- wards the point of saturation a strong efferves- cence took place. 'I'he solution was neutra- lized after 96 grains of the acid test liquor had been used, which is equal to 10 per cent, of carbonate of soda. This sample being very wet, the moisture was ascertained in the usual way, and amount- ed to 23 per cent. This sample, or rather what is called scinn in the list, is composed of ■ Sulphate of soda, 5l 0 Aluriate of soda,.. l4 0 Carbonate of soda, 10 0 Insoluble matter, 2 0 Aloisture, 23 0 loO 0 ^ Samples A Nos. 25 and 26, called good and superior salt in the list, when tested, gave traces of sulphate; with this exception the crystals are good and pure. The conclusions to be drawn from the pre- ceding details are somewliat at variance with the general impression regarding the Samhhur salt lakes. At least my own idea, derived from conversation with natives engaged in the salt traffic, was, that the lake water was a deep saturated brine, which left so thick a cake of salt on evaporation in the hot weather, that it was cut out in blocks on the margin and brought away on bullocks. It would seem, however, that the shallow lake or inundation, would of itself leave a de- posit too thin to be profitably worked ; and that it is customary to dig reservoirs or kiydfs wherein several feet depth of water, alieadj nearly concentrated to brine, are allowed (o deposit their crystals on drying ; or the eva- poration is aided by the introduction of sticks, up which the saline incmstaiion rapidly creepiv COLLECTION OF PLANTS FROM ASSAM, 569 The vel ocity of the spontaneous evaporation under the fierce sun and scorching winds of the western desert, is well exemplified by specimens A 15, the bacheh or infant crystals of one day’s growth, through 16, 17, 18, to 19, the 8th day’s produce ; in the last the crystals are cubes of full half an inch base. Again we find crystals of the same size in No. 22, from the evaporation of 8 out of l2 fingers’ depth of water in 20 days of the hottest season. In No. 23 the crystals from 6 inches depth of water are of | inch base. The size, however, of the crystals depends greatly upon the un* disturbed continuation of the process, and does not give us a clue to the quantity of salt deposited from a given depth of water, whence we might calculate the saltness of the lake itself at various periods of the season. The rate of evaporation itself may be estimated from the above data tolerably well ; thus — “6 fingers in 8 days” — “ 12 fingers in -0 days” — will be nearly half an inch in depth per diem ! The pits dug for the reception of the brine seem sometimes to be very deep, 10 or l2 feet ; in these when deserted the deposit proceeds for several years, forming solid strata of salt separated by a streak of earth washed in dur- ing the rainy season. The accumulation is then dug out in mass; but in general the salt for sale is collected as it forms in the brine pits in a granular state, by which means it is freed from the more soluble salts witli which it is accompanied. The pakkd salt of the byopdrts or traders (Nos. 25,26), is of a large grain, -the latter indeed in half-inch crys- tals,— and not very clean. A circumstance of chief importancseolicited by Lieut. Conolly’s specimens, is'the pre- sence of the carbonate and sulphate of soda inconsiderable abundance among the saline products of the Samkhur lake. The greater frart of the substance described by the manu- acturers as refuse or scum, which is stated to be thrown away as useless, turns out on ana- lysis to be carbonate of soda, contaminated with sulphate and muriate; and it is well de- serving of inquiry, whether the discovery of so •xtensive a store of natron in a state of great purity, may not be turned to profitable ac- count. In all the strata cut from the neglect- ed kiydrs the carbonate is seen overlying the mixed sulphate and muriate, of an efflorescent snowy consistence. Sometimes the formation of the salt is prevented by its abundance (as in A 4,5,6); No. 5 I find on analysis to contain 40 per cent, of carbonate, with 30 of each of the other salts-and a little care in separating the crystals of these would leave it nearly pure. Spicular crystals resembling nitre are seen in some of the specimens (All); they bear 0 very small proportion to the general mass. It is but necessary to refer to Mr. Stephen- son’s examination of other specimens, to form a clear idea of the conditions best suited for the separation and collection of the different salts; thus in the old deserted pits ( B No. 1), the sulphate is obtained nearly pure ; in A 6, 10, it is mixed with carbonate ; in A 5, the latter predominates. As for the muriate, from its inferior solubility, this salt is readily sepa- rated in a state of purity from the brine. The small proportion of lime in the earthy residue of A I, from the bed of the lake, rather militates against the expectation enter- tained by Lieutenant Conolly from native report, of a subjacent stratum of this mineral „ 'i’he points now wanted to complete Lieute- nant Conolly’s description of the Sambhur salt manufacture, and the questions naturally induced from the information he has already given, are : 1. A topographical account of the lakes, their extent, general depth, position relative- ly to adjacent plains, sands, or hills. 2. The extent of the manufacture, produce, possible increase, price, and other statistical data. 3. Whether the carbonate and sulphate are worked and used? the quantity and price of these. 4. The exact process followed by the na- tive manufacturers or collectors. 5. The specific gravity of the water, both of the lake and of the brine pits, at different seasons ; which may be found in the absence of the means of determining it on the spot, by bottling off a portion at stated times. This would also enable us to ascertain whether the carbonate existed in the water, or whether u was formed during the evaporation, by the action of the lime or other eartlis. The pre-^ senceof magnesia, of potash, and of iodine^ also remains an undecided point, as well as the nature of the pink or amethystine colour- ing matter remarked in some of the speciioens (A No. 24). To conclude this hasty note. I may men- tion that I have found M. Gay Lussac’s alkalimeter a very convenient instrument for examining these mixed salts. By prepar- ing three standard bottles of dilute nitric acid, nitrate of barytes, and nitrate of silver, adapted to his centesimally-divided dropping glass, the per centage of carbonate, sulphate, and muriate, is obtained successively from the same specimen with great ease and rapidity.” Another valuable paper is from Mr. Griffith, on a collection of plants from UPPER ASSAM. The plants collected amount to about 1500, which may be considered about one-fourth of the Flora. The portion of Assam seen by Mr. Griffith may be compared to an exten- sive plain, intersected in various manners by belts of jungle , the breadth of which is not very great, and towards the eastern boun- dary the spots unoccupied by jungle become fewer and less spacious. Between Kujoo Ghat on the Noa Dehing, and Nun- groo on the Booree Belling^ and in the whole of that direction, the country is occupied with jungle. Mr. Griffith’s collection wait 570 THE BOTANY OF ASSAM. almost entirely formed at Sadiy&, a plain intersected by narrow belts of jungle. “ The peculiar feature of especially its lovver and central divisions, consists in the vegetation of its churs, or tracts of sand, very often of great extent, which are stretcher) along the Bitrhampootur . The breadth of these tracts, taken together, is, in some places, from 8 to 10 miles. '1 hey may be said to be throughout their whole extent exclusively clothed with dense grass juaule. Up to Run^poor the eye meets nothing but grasses, and an occasional Bombax, a tree remarkable for its ramificaiion, the branches being nearly apptoxirnaled in whorls, and forming right angles with the trunk. About Bii^gooa Mookh. lielts of. jungle begin to ap- pear, here and there approaching to the banks of the river. From this place upwards the belts increase in extent and number, and from Seloni Mookh just below the confluence of tlie Dihong with the Burhamyootur to Sndii/ti, they preponderate much over the grassy tracts. Above Sadiy(i^ these tracts recommence at least on the northern bank, but they disap- pear soon entirely: the grasses that clothe the churs are, especially thioughoul Lower and Central Assam, of gigantic size, some of them often measuring 20 feet in height. 'I'hey con- sist of four or five species of Saccharum, the kuggra, mog, (white,) molaha, (red) and telee, (blackish,) of the Assamese, and a species of Ai undo, which is perhaps the long- est of all, the nul (or podomolee* ) of the na- tives. Towards however, very large tracts are covered with Imperata Cylindrica. the ooloo-kher of Assam^ which grows to the heightof5to7 feel. As tiie genus Saccharum far preponderates over the others, and is per- haps during its inflorescence one of the most conspicuous genera of the order, the appear- ance presented by the churs during the flower- ing of their occupants, can be more easily conceived than described. It may perhaps be convenient to consider the botany of Assam under the following heads. 1. Botany of the Burhampoolur^ including the churs. Of these, Gramineae form, as I have said, almost exclusively the Flora. Of the imme- diate banks, the predominant order is,— Com- posit®, Polygone®, Scrophularine®, Grami- ne®, (among which is a species of Alopecu- rus,) Boragine®, have several representatives from Jorhath upwards to Dihoroo Mookh, a large annual Ranunculus occurs extensively, and throughout the same distance large patches not uncommonly occur of a species of Irematodon,, (I. sahulosns, mihi.) a species of Polentilla is also not uncommonly met with. IL Botany of the plains. Predominant plants. Gramine®; of these the most common about Sadiyd are Imperata cylindrica, Saccharum spontaneum, Sac- charum fuscum (Rosb.) in wet places, and a probably new, large, and coarse species of See Buchanan’s Diwc/p***** ?• 168 — Ed. Panicum, Among these may be found two or three Orchide®, Pnlygone®, Leguminos®, Cyperace®, one Viola, and a species of Exa- cum which is particularly conspicuous from its bright blue flower.s. Those parts of the plains which have at a previou-i periorJ been cleared for cultivation, but are now unoccupied, present the usual tropical features; and are occupied ciiiefly by Cyperace®, among which occur one or two Gramine®, several annual Scrophulari- ne®, and small Alismace®. III. Botany of the belts of jungle. • IV- Botany of the foot of the boundary hil is- On this last I a.m not able to offer any re- marks. It will be found excessively rich in feins, and next to these perhaps in Cyrthan- drace®. I hecmly opportunity that has hither- to been allowed me of visiting any portion of these boundaries above Gawahatti, occurred at Giibi 0(1 Purhiit ; and I was then fortunate enough to meet with an Alsophila 30 feet higli, a Sollyana, (mihi.) and Kaulfussia Asamica. Of the thud division, the botany is very varied ; so much so, that no one pro- minent feature seems to present itself. It is to this section that by far the greater number of species contained in the collection vrill be found to belong; and 1 shall hence pass in review tire orders composing it — reserving the few observations I have to make on the most interesting plants to a subsequent part of this paper. To those o'dets. the presence of which in- dicates the climate of northern latitudes, or of a tropical one at considerable elevations, I have appended an asterisk ; and to those which, though iisually iiopical, include plants whi* h have hitireito only been found at com- paiativeiy high elevations, I have appended a cross. DICOTYLEDONES. • Ranuncu'a< ese, 3 • Magnoliace®, . I Auonace®, 6 • Umbel lifer®, 7 Araliace®, 3 Ampelide®, 15 Onagrari®, I Loranthace®, I Alangie®, I Metastomace®, 6 Meinecyle®, a IVlyrtace®, .... 4 Cucurr itace®, 19 Begoiiiac.e®, I • Crucifer®, 3 Capparide®, 3 • Violarie® 9 Guttifer®, . . . . 2 • Temstr®miace®, 3 Sapindace®, 3 • Hippocastaue®, | Hercuiiace®, 1 Bythneriace®, l Ma vac.e®, .• 4 Dipterocarpe®, 9 Ti iace®, 5 El®ocariie®, 1 Lythrarie®, I tVleliace®, 8 Aurantiace®, 7 Rhatnne®, 5 Euphorbiace®, !5 TWO NEW GENERA OF PLANTS. 571 IJippocrateacetB, l Malpighiacese, 2 • Conariae, 1 Traiithoxyleas, 5 Balsaminese, 5 Casyophylleae, ; .5 • Rosacea, fl Leguminosae, 41 Connaraceas, 2 • Cupu iferae, 2 Urticeae, 24 Artocarpege, 18 Stilagiiieee, 2 • Clorantheas, I •Saurureas, . , 1 Piperaceae, 5 • Thyineleae 1 Proteacese, 1 Laurinese, . , 6 A maranthaceae, 5 t Polygoneae, 1 2 t "Vienispermeae, 19 • Piimulaceae, I viyrsiaeae, 6 Styraceae, 3 OoiivolvulacesB, 6 Runiaceae, 36 Loheliaceie, 1 ‘ Campauulaceae, 2 • Satnbuceae, . . . I • Viburneai, . . 2 C> rthandraceae, 7 Vert enaieae, 11 Labiatae, 14 Acauthaceae, 8 Scrophulariiieae, 20 Oro'iancheae, I Compositae, 39 • Plautagineae, • • Gentianeae, t Apocyneae, 8 Asclepiadess, ... 9 Oleinae, 5 Jasmineae, 2 • Boragineae, 3 Cordiaceae, l Bhreliaceas, 4 Solaneae, 6 Giietaceae, . I Iucert% sedis, including Roydsia .. 3i Total,.. 523 MONOCOTYLEDONES. Scitamineae, 9 Cannes, i Hyposideae, 1 Amaryllideae, I Hydrocharideae •• .... 4 Arordeae, 3 tSrnilaceae, 7 Dioscoreiae, — 2 Ponledereae, 2 •Orchjdeae, tS Polarnogeton, I • Junceae, 2 Palmae, 3 Tupistra, i + Butoineae 1 Alisinaceae, 10 Eriocauloneae, 1 Graininese, ^7 Cyperaceae, 28 Total, . 126 ACOTYLEDONES Equlsetaceae, 1 Lycopodiaceae, 5 Filicest, 34 Total, ... 40 J Chiefly from the foot of the Abor Hills, on the Dihong- Of Anoi/acea 1 shall only notice Sphoro- stemma, Blume. In this genus the connecti- vum IS highly dilated, and the cells oi the anthei at a considerable distance from each other; and yet from the arrangement of the stamina, bilocular anthers with contiguous loculi result It affords another instance of the existence of the peculiar tissue, until lately supposed to be characteristic of Gymnospermee. In addition to this singularity, its medulla is traversed longitudinally by bundles of dense, occasionally branched, woody fibre, which consists of a superposition or “ emboitement” of several layers. Cucurbicacece. Among these plants occur two genera which appear to be new, so far at least as the Prcdromus of M. De Candolle is concerned ; in which book the article on Cucurbitaceae (by M. Seringe.) appears to me to be very unsatisfactory. Of one of the above genera, 1 have only seen the male; it is remarkable for the involute, or rather gyrate involution of the petals. The second 1 pro- posecalling Actinostemma : it is chiefly re- iriarkaole lor the complete separation of its sta- mina; for the “ dehiscentia circumcisa’* of the fruit , and, above all, for the pendulous direction of the seeds. It appioaches in some points to Zanonia. I am not aware whether the peculiar nature of the arillus of this order has been explained or not ; it is a separation of that portion of the tissue originally sur- rounding and in close contact with the ovula. Hence it is a shut sac ; and hence, too, it is wanting in Actinostemma, in tvhich the ca- vity of the ovarium is not filled by a produc- tion from the placentae. Conariee, In Conaria, of which I have one species from the Abor Hills, the raphe is certainly external with regard to the axis. I have not been able to ascertain whether this ilepends upon any torsion of the funiculus, which Mr. Brown has stated to be the case in oilier instances of a similar anomalous situa- tion. Of Saurnreae. Houttuynia is the only example. This plant, which was originally described by I’hunberg, appears latterly to have been more misunderstood than by the original ciescriber. I have had no opportu- nity, however, of examining the work of TnuNBERGin which the plant is described. And 1 ought, perhaps, to expect M. Meyer, who has published** DeHouiluynia atque Sau- rureis,” with which work I am unacquainted. I find each flower throughout the spike, ex- cept perhaps the terminal one, to be subtend- ed by a very small bracte. Of these, the four lowermost, rarely only three, are highly developed and petaloid, forming the spatha. 'I he number of stamina to each flower is, excepting those at the apex of the spike, al- most invariably three, and alw'ays equal to the carpella entering into the formation of the fe- male organ ; and of these the third is always next the axis. The terminal flower has from five to seven stamina ; the space between this and the uppermost friandrous hermaphrodite (?) flowers is occupied by an assemblage of bn TWO SPECIES OP GENUS STAUNTONIA IN ASSAMo male flowers, with a variable number of sta- mina, but never greater than three, and usu- ally, think, two. Tliat such is the structure of this portion is proved by the presence of bractea, similar to those of the lower portion, interspersed among the stamina. Dr. Wal- LicH says, in Flora Indica, I. 362 — “ In the numerous spadices which I have examined, I have with Father LounEtno invariably found three staminas, and as many styles attached to each ovarium ; the former above the base, the latter at the apex of its angles. I have not, therefore, hesitated continuing this most interesting plant in the very class and order where it has been placed in the Flora of Co- chinchina. As there is no reason for consider- ing it at all different from the original Javan plant, I am at a loss to account for the diffi- culty which the celebrated Chevalier Thun“ BERG experienced in determining its station In tlie sexual system ; nor can there be at present any doubt of its neither belonging to Heptandria, Polyandiia, or Monaecia.” Thunberg was, however, so far as I can see, right ; for he paid, in ail probability, exciu* sive attention to the composition of the termi- nal flower, on which, in certain cases, the Linnaean rules lay much stress. Taking this into consideration, Houttuynia may be refer- red to Heptandria, Polyandiia, or Monaecia ; most correctly to the latter, and least correct- ly to Polyandria. But as, — so far at least as regards the Linnaean system,— the most obvi- ous characters are the best, it is advisable to keep the plants still in Triandria Trigynia. The structure of the seed has been likewise totally mistaken. In the Flora Indica, loc. cit* the embryo is placed at the wrong end of the albumen, and is mistaken for the embryo- nary sac- The real embryo is a much more minute organ contained in this, “ the vitellus,” or membrane of the amnios of Mr. Brown- Dp. Hooker describes Dr. Wallich’s ac- count as most correct ; but he does not define the situation of the embryo otherwise than by saying that it is situated at one end of the seed- Lastly, the plant does not belong to Aroi- de» nor even to Monocotyledones. Not- withstanding the apparent solidity of true em- bryo, yet the more important nature of the structure of the stem is sufficient to pointout that it is Decotyledonous, or rather Exoge- nous ; and among these, its true place is, be- yond doubt, Saurureae. Of Thymele(B one species only occurs, which is apparently referrible to no publish- ed species of the order. To this I have at- tached the MSS. name of compliment to Captain F. Jenkins, Agent to the Governor General on the North-East Frontier, to whom Botany, among other sciences, is considerably indebted- Of Menispermetn the majority are interest- ing. Cissampeios is the only genus with which I am acquainted, in which the ventral suture of the ovarium is anticous, or not next the axis. 1 am not certain whether the most correct way of understanding thecuriousstruc- ture of the female flowers is not to assume the aggregation of four flowers, which, in the only species I have examined, appears constant. as a coin plete quaternary divisionof one only. It remains to be ascertained whether the sin- gular reversion of the situation of the ventral suture is more uncommon in aggregate than in solitary carpella. Of the genus Stanntonia, Assam has two species, but only one is contained in my col- lection. The anomalous structure of the fruit has no doubt been explained by Dr. VVal- LiCH in his Tentamen Florae Nipalensis, in vyhich it is published under the name Holbbl- lia. but w hich I am at present unable to con- sult. I find that the placentaiion of this genus is similar to that of Flacourtianeae, with which order 1 am not acquainted, and to that of Rutonneae ; and hence the anomalous situa- tion of the seeds. At the peiiod of expansion of the flower, the ovula are much less deve- loped than is almost universally the case : they present indeed the appearance of ovula at the earliest stages of development. I refer to this order a plant with long racemes of ternarily aggregate fruits, notwithstanding that it has milky juice, and that the Cotyledons are large, foliaceous, and obliquely situated with regard to each other. Among the CyrthandraceasL species occuTSf (Chiiiaridra obovata, mihi,) remarkable for the structure of its mature anthers. These dehisce in a labiate and incompletely bivalvu- lar manner, the lower and smaller valve being alone half reflexed. This valve is compound, and due to the mutual adhesion of tlie origi- nally distinct inner locellus of each loculus. To this formation I have adverted in a short memoir on Rlilzophoreaj, published in the Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society of Calcutta, although 1 was at the time ignorant of the existence of an example. Assam contains another interesting species of this family : this, which is remarkable for its pentangular petaloid calyx, and the“dehis« centia circumcisa,” of its fruit, in which it approaches to Aikinia of Mr, Brown, I propose calling Cyananthus. Scrophularianece aflTord one new genus, (Synphyllium torenioides, mihi,) an account of which will appear in the Journal of the Madras Literary Society, edited by my friend Mr. Cole. AsclepiaHex contain some interesting spe» cies, of which one constitutes probably a new genus, unless, indeed, it is referrible to Dr. Wight’s Heterostemma, from which it would appear to differ in the valvular aestivation of the corolla. This species is remarkable for the aliform processes running along the larger veins of the under surface of the leaves. To this order, or to jiApocynese, is to be re- ferred a remarkable plant, distinguished by the numerous longitudinal foliaceous alae of its follicles, and, I speak from memory, its serrated leaves. This plant, which I have seen near Mergui on the Tenasserim coast, seems to have been sent by Captain Jenkins to Dr. W ALi.iCH, with many others, none of which appear, however, to have excited much attention. Among.the jBoragi«e -ROUTE FROM MUSHED TO HERAT. 673 Anchusae, appears to be not referrible to any genus of the oicier. 'l he‘‘ umuilicus” oc- cupies the centre of each carpellum, and is surrounded by an osseous elevated margin. The origin of this is totally distinct from that of Myosotis, and is wholly independent of fecundation. The radicle is in addition in- ferior. The Monocotyledonous forms are chiefly those of other parts of India. Among the Or- ehidecs two species of Calanthe, and two of Pogonia occur, as well as one species of Spir- anlhes. Among the Graminese the most in- teresting is a Diandrous species of Alopecu- rus, which genus is, I believe, new to India; at least to any portion of the plains. Of the Cyperacese, 1 shall only advert to the existence of four species of Carex, two of which are, however, from the Abor Hills; a third, which was originally sent by Captain JpKiNS to Dr. VVallich, appears to be widely distributed, extending from Gnwahati toJorhdth; thefouith I have Only met with about Sadiyd. But perhaps the most interesting plants of the whole collection are contained among those “ incertse sedis,” a division, always to a beginner, of great extent. Most of these are from the lower ranges of the Abor Hills ; and the appearance of these is quite sufficient to ensure their being of great interest” Art. IV. — Notes on Persia, Tartary, and Afghanistan. By Lieut. Col. Mon- TBITH, K. L. S. of the Madras Engineers. — Madras Journal of Li- terature and Science, 1836. Defence of British India from Russian Invasion. By Captain C. F. Head, Queen^s Royal Regiment. (Cvntinued from page 428.^ Captain Head is of opinion that, if any difficulty exists of an army accomplishing the march to which we have alluded, it would be in crossing a bad road from Astrabad, in ascending the mountain pass, and crossing the desert beyond it : but these obstacles might be avoided, if steps were taken at an early season of the year. It must, therefore, be admitted that an army, possessing the re- sources of the country , might be transplanted from the Caspian Sea to Mushed without any great privation or delay. At Mushed provi- sions are in general plentiful and reasonable. From the ready communication between this place and the frontier of the Russian empire, a force would have little difficulty in com- pleting the necessary arrangements for pur- suing their route from Mushed through the fertile valley that extends the greatest part of the way to Herat. Midway between these places is a large town, called Toorbutejam, the chief place of a fertile and well-peopled district. The only obstacle in this route is a rocky pass which extends for four miles ; there is another route between Mushed and Herat, of about 238 miles, by which a Russian force can march from Astrabad to Herat through a country already as prac- ticable as others in the East, and without the probability of any material suffering ; and arrive at the latter station by a journey of 610 miles. There are other routes from the Caspian Sea to Herat , which are at all times frequented by caravans trading be- tween Russia and the East. “ The position and resources of Herat have already been adverted to ; and to con- template its occupation by a rival European power, must be a subject for much speculation and alarm. The vicinity of that city to the Indus, and its communication with different places on the banks of that river, by well- known and perfectly practicable roads of no more than between 700 and 800 miles, would produce external and internal agitation, that could not fail to endanger a government orga- nized like that of India, It will be much the safer plan to lay bare the probable conse- quences of such a contingency, and make preparations to oppose them while there is time to do so. There is less objection to this mode of treating the subject, because timely attention to it and precautionary measures may effectually prevent the attempt of Russia in any endeavour to reach India ; whilst a longer neglect of the British Government to establish its influence, if not its power, as far as the banks of the Indus, must accelerat,© the execution of a project which, in its most favourable termination, would be attended with large and ruinous expense. The remainder of the distance over which a force would have to pass from Herat to reach the Indus, is included in the kingdom of Cabui.” The city of Candahar is half way from Herat to the Indus. The distance is about 370 miles. The interjacent country is a vast sterile plain, without wood, pasture, corn, or habitation, and in many places destitute of fresh water. Around Candahar, the coun- try is fertile and highly cultivated, the city wealthy and flourishing, and fruit and provi- sions cheap and abundant. Arrangements 5,74 ROUTE BY WHICH CARAVANS PROCEED TO INDIA. would be required to enable an army to effect this march, but it does not appear there can be any material obstacle to check their ad- vance. “ No tract of country can possess a less portion of the necessaries of life than the Desert betvveen Cosseirand the Nile ; and yet that sterile tract was crossed in l801 t y seve- lal thousand men oi the British army with Imt a trifling loss; and when arrangements were afterwards matuted, a battalion marched over it in June, the most unfavourable month in the year, with the loss of only a boy.” It appears that from Candahar there are different routes by which caravans proceed toindia. One to the south crosses the Indus by boats at Meerpoor, which is near the city of Moultan, and is at a distance of 350 miles from Candahar. This presents no obstacle to an advance, and has been pursued by former invaders. “ This is, perhaps, our most vulnerable frontier, and after the passage of the Indus, the nature of the country, which is flat, and abundantly supplied with provisions, offers no serious impediments to the advance of a large body of men.” Another route ascends to Ca- bul, the capital of the Afghan Empire, and passes on to the city of Attock, where the Indus is fordable. This route was used by Alexander, and has been followed by modern conquerors, of whom Sultan Mahmood, with an army of 30,000 infantryaud lOO, 000 cavalry, passed Attock and skirted the mountains of Cashmere, from whence he descended into the plains of Hindoostan. The route from Candahar to Cabul, by a road of 176 miles, passes over a country in several parts well cultivated and productive- At Cabul piovis'.ons are found in considerable quantities. A river, fordable in dry weather, passes this place, skiitingthe chain ot moun- tains, and falls into the Indus near Attock. The road from Cabul passes through Paisha- weer, “ a beautiful valley on the Indus. The town of Paishavseer is still ofsome magnitude, having 100,000 inhabitants.”* fhe distance of this place from Cabul is 180 miles, and fioin Paishaweer to Attock on the Indus is50 miles. The vicinity of Attock is the only place wherethe Indus can be conveniently crossed; here the river is of great breadth, black, rapid, and interspersed with islands, all of which may be easily defended. t Ano- ther authority says, “ The Indus indeed was forded above the junction (at Attock), by Shauh Shuja and his army, in the end of the winter of 1809 ; but this was talked of as a mira- cle wiought in the king’s favour ; and I never heard of any other ford on the Indus, from the place whence itissuesfrom the mountains to the sea.”J * Elphinstone. i Macdonald Kinneir. J Elpbiustone. The route from Candahar to Attock would appear to he 406 miles, and to offer little ob- stacle to the regular approach of an army. On the east side of ihti Indus at Attock is the Punjab, or ” five waters,” from the five cele- brated rivers that flow through it. “ The climate is exceedingly healthy ; and the coun- try is highly cultivated and veiy populous.”* By the information we have been able to collect, the distance from Herat to Attock is 776 miles, and the whole maich from the shores of the Caspian to the latter place would be by a route of 1377 miles. There is nothing either iu the nature of the countries to be passed through, or in the dis- position of their inhabitants to vender this undeitaking one of insurmountable difficulty, or of necessary protraction. It ought to be expected whenever the policy of the govern- ment of Russia may hold it fit to separate from its friendly alliance with Great Britain. At present the European energies of the Bri- tish government in India aie chiefly confined to the ports of Calcutta, Madias, and Bom- bay, and other places near the coast. It will suffice at this moment to remark that the prin- cipal dep6t, above mentioned, of these three, is by the dak, or post route, 1480 miles from Attock, or agreater distance than a Russian force would require to march to reach the same place. Madras is yet farther from the point of contact than Calcutta. Bombay is nearer the Indus than either of the other Presidencies, but its military establishment is very inferior in numbers. An attempt will be made heareafter to point out, that through the medium of steam navigation on the Gan- ges, and by the western shore of India and the Indus, effectual steps may be taken to improve the communication with the probable point of contact, to remove, in a great measure, or totally to dispel the danger to be apprehended from any attempt that might he made by Russia to subvert Biitish ascendancy in India.” {To be continued.) Art. V. — Narrative of a Residence in Koordistan, and on the site of Ancient Nineveh; with Journal of a Voyage down the Tigris to Bagdad, and an Ac- count of a Visit to Shirauz and Perse- polis. By the late Claudius James Rich, Esq., the Hon. East India Company's Resident at Bagdad, Author of ** an Account of Ancient Babylon." 2 Vols. Octavo. James Duncan, Paternoster -Row, London, 1836. {Continued from page 430.) The editor of this work states that the heat for five months at Bagdad is scarcely Sir John Malcolm. VISIT TO THE RUINS OF KARA OGHLAN. 675 paralleled in any part of the world. The natives are obliged in consequence to take refuge in cellars under ground, and at night to sleep on the roofs of their houses, the rooms of the house during that period being uninhabitable. The thermometer generally rises to 115®, in a shady verandah, and it has been seen as as high as 120®, in the middle of the day, and 110® at ten at night. Great are the sufferings from a burning hot wind, smelling strong of sulphur. To escape the great heat of a Bagdad summer Mr. Rich determined to visit the mountains of Koor- distan. Another inducement for him to visit these mountains was that they were little known in Europe. Mrs. Rich accom- panied the traveller, who was obliged to pro- ceed in his official character: the former was obliged to submit, therefore, to the disagree- able restraint of performing the journey in a covered litter or takht-revan, attended by women servants, and all the state of a haram. Nothing occurs worthy of our notice until Mr. Rich arrives at Kifri, where he found a small community of Jews who had a syna- gogue. The following is a description of a visit to the ruins of Kara Oghlan. “ About half a mile S. E. of Kifii, in the bed of the loi rent, aie some appearances of low walls or foundations, which were laid open by the late rains. One of the walls ex- hibited a piece of plaster of stucco, with or- naments on it. I was anxious to lay open more of the ruins, in order to come at some notion of the design and age of if. By dint of digging we laid open a small room, or rather all that remains standing of it, viz., about four feet high of wall with a door-way ; the room is very small, say about twelve feet square ; the walls are built of unshapen stones (as at Kasri ,Shireen), of gypsum covered with plaster, on which are wrought ornaments in compartments. We dug out pieces of plas- ter, with ornaments of flowers or arabesques painted on them in fresco, the outline being black and filled up with bright red, and the ground being the colour of the plastei ; the colours were beautifully fiesh. As the sides bore no appearance of painting, I imagine these pieces to be fragments of the ceiling. Some pieces of chaicoal were also found. We laid open this room and part of another. This appealed to form part of a range of cells, extending a short way W.S.W. andE.N.E., of which there seem to be traces of five or six : they are in single file. The north side is strengthened with small round buttresses. East of this, under the hills on the margin of the torrent, (by which its west face has in- deed been out down,) is a very large high mound, of a square figure, from which a quantity of earthen jars have been dug out, so'tie pieces of whicir were brought to me. They were of coarse earthenware, varnished bl.nck in tlie inside, and perfectly resembled those found at Seleueia ami Babylon. I have also a small earthen lamp which was found iheie. It is like the lamp novv used by the villagers. Gold and silver coins are also f:eqnently found here, whicii the villlagers immediately melt down. I much regret not having f een able to see any one of these, wiiicii might have enabled me to form some l etter genera! idea of tiie age of ih-se luitis. d'he jars or sepul- chral urns, however induce me to refer them to the Sassanians. On the top of this mound are traces of buiUling ; ami all along to the foot of the hills, and up as far as opposite Kifri, are also vestiges of buildings, many of which consist of square basements, something like ihO'C at Kasr Shireen and Maoush Kerek, though not standing so high above the soil. 'I'he extent of the ruins in length may be a mile ; in bieadth about a quarter of a mile. We (iug in several places, but found notliing. Tiieie are also some vestiges of a wall on the western bank of the torrent ; and, crossing it diagonally about Kifri, are fragments of im- mense solid buildings, oveiibiownby the floods which the peasants suppose to have been a damaciossthe torrent, but which 1 rather imagine to be the city wall. The style is just like the other pai ts of the ruins, ol rough stones, - strongly cemented together with linie. It is evident, fioni the remains in the very centre of the torrent, that it could not have flowed in this way when the city existed. Indeed, in all likelihood it was confined, and diiected to cultivation. The inhabitants attribute these works to the Gliiaours, or infidels. What place this real- ly was it would be difficult, from our imper- fect knowledge of the Sassanian empire, to say. I doubt its being in any line of the Roman operations against that empire, by which alone we know anything about it. Farther up the torrent, on the N.N.W., are some excavations in the rock, called Ghiaour houses. Mr. Bellino went to see some of the same kind in the hills, ten minutes’ ride from the S. extremity of the ruins. He found ex- cavated sepulchral chambers, with very low doors, and, in the inside, three places to lay out bodies, but they were of small dimensions, about five feel long. The plan of these exca- vations resembled the Achaemenian sepul- chres at Nakshi Rustam ; but there was no writing or carving of any description about them. Faither on, about three miles from the ruins, on the top of a hill, are some vestiges of building, which the people ca'l KizKalasi, or the Gil l’s Castle. Here urns and bones are found ; Mr. Bellino saw one of the former ; but the place has nothing else remarkable : it is nearly opposite Oniki Imaura.’’ Approaching Eski Kifri is an immense artificial mount, like the Mujelibe, with al- most perpendicular sides, except where the 576 GYPSOUS CHAIN OF HILLS NEAR KIFRL rains hav6 made deep cuts or furrows. In one of these furrows a small vault had been discovered ; it was of coarse -baked brick, and contained many sepulchral urns, in some of which gold coins were found. In digging, small pieces of human bones were discover- ed, and fragments of arms, all of which had a black varnish on the inside ; but the pottery was of different quality, some coarse and unornamented ; others of a finer kind ; and the finest, with figures of deer or cows in small circular compart- ments. “ I had given orders to bring me any coins or other antiques that might be procurable among the peasants here. To day Reuben brought me, from his Israelitish friends, three coins and a small intaglio : but so far from throwing light upon the age of the neighbour- ing ruins, they are as if purposely designed to obscure and to confuse one : one being Arsa cian ; another, Sassanian ; the third, Coufic ; and the intaglio, a Roman victory.” The following is a curious instance of Turkish tyranny. At a place called Oniki Imam, about fourteen miles from Kifri, in the gypsous chain of hills, there are naphtha springs. “ One small spring was discovered a year ago in the same hills, a few minutes west of Kifri. The peasant who discovered it was seized by the Turkish government, and se- verely bastinadoed, to make him confess if he had sold any of the naphtha before the disco- very became public. In consequence of the persecution which he suffered on account of this unlucky discovery, he was obliged to emigrate with his family into Persia, where he says he is very comfortable. He happened to be here on business, and told me the story himself. “ God,” said he. “ did not allow the Turks to profit by their tyranny ; for the spring, which was a very copious one when I discovered it, became dry when 1 was bas- tinadoed, and now only yields a few drops of no consequence.” We observe that the Eastern form of flat- tery exists equally among the people we are now describing as in all parts of Bengal and Hindustan. ** We passed through much cultivation, principally of barley ; some portion of which was already ripe, and they were cutting it. The reapers brought us some sheaves, which they threw into the road before my horse, ex- claiming, “May your enemies be thus !” and they expected a few paras in return. In the East, everything is seized upon as an occasion for extracting a bakshish or present-” Our travellers reach Toozkhoormattee, which is situated close to the gypsous hills of Kifri. On this pass is a well of naphtha and salt ; and further south in the hills, is another spring of naphta, but no salt. Mr. Rich reaches the Beiats, and proceeds to view the curiosities of the neighbourhood, the account of which will be better described in the lan- guage of the author himself. “ I sallied forth this morning to view the curiosities of the neighbourhood- The naphtha- pit is in the pass of the hills about a mile S.E, of the town ; and, being in the bed of the toiv , rent, is sometimes overflowed by it, and, for a time, spoilt, which was the case during the heats last summer. The pit is about fifteen feet deep, and, tothe height of ten feet, filled with water; on the surface of which the black oil of naphtha floats, small air-bubbles continu- ally rising to the surface. They skim off the naphtha, and ladle out the water into a channel, which distributes it into a set of oblong, shallow compartments made in the j gravel, where they allow it to crystallize, when it bcomes very good salt, of a fine, white, brilliant grain, without any intermix- | ture of bitterne-s Great quantities of this are exported into Koordistan ; and it is worth i annually about 20,000 piastres, which is * distributed among the different members of j the family of the late Defterdar*. The oil i of naphtha is the property of the village. Part of it is consumed by the Menzil Kha- j neh +, or sold for its support, and part for i religious establishments, &c. About two j jars, each containing six okasj, or one Bag- dad batman, of naphtha may be skimmed j from this well in twenty-four hours. The spring is at the bottom of the pit or well ; and once a year they cleanse the well, on i which occasion the vrhole village turns out ; victuals are distributed to all the poor, and sacrifices of sheep are made, to the sound of drums and oboes, in order to insure the good flowing of the spring again — a ceremony, in j all probability, derived from remote antiquity. i The principal naphtha-springs are in the bills, | a considerable distance south of this, towards j Kifri, 1'hey are five or six in number, and ! are much more productive than this pit, but , no salt is found there. Indeed, it is probable ' that naphtha may be found in almost any ' part of this chain. Near the naptha-pit in i the hills are alum (zak or sheb) and chalk | ('^fceheshin), of a very fine, close, white grain ; i but the natives make no use of these produc- j tions. An earth is found, which they employ to give an acid flavour to some of their dishes ; no doubt it is vitriolic. Sulphur is also j found, and is used by the peasants to cure the itch in their cattle and themselves. • The treasurer of the Porte, father of Omar Bey. t Post-house. I A.n oka contains about two and a half lith pints. ROXBURGH’S FLORA INDICA. 677 I oow come to a description of the pass it- self. It runs nearly E. and 'VV-> and resem- bles that of Kifri in its composition and ap pearance. though on a larger scale. On the west side of the hill, which faces the plain, the strata are horizontal and parallel. On the north side of the pass they are inclined downwards at an angle of about 45^, and somewhat curved or convex. On tHl south side of the pass the hills are more more earthy, and have been furrowed and crumbled down by the rains ; and in one part some pillars, as it were, of the hill are left detached. The naphtha-pit may, indeed, be said to be situated in these de ^ris on the edge of the torrent’s bed ; gypsum is apparent in every part. On the north side is sandstone ; and at the bottom of all, as I saw in an arch or cavern in the very foot of the clilf, is clay- s.iate, or hardened clay of a blue colour. The determination of the water is all to the north side of the pass, where it has cut down the hills into a preftipice or cliff. On the summit of this clilf are the ruined walls of an old castle, the age of which it is difficult to de- termine : it may be Sassanian. At the foot of this is a little hollow in the rock, contain ing a naphtha-pit. The top has been arched over with large square blocks of gypsum, and is apparently a very ancient work. I had forgotten to say, that in the great naphtha-pit is a beam of wood, just above the surface of the water, fixed at both ends into the side of the pit. This wood, they say, is as old as the time of the Ghiaours, and has been preserved by the virtue of the naphtha oil. . They also attribute the castle to the Ghiaours*. In the earth about the foot of the castie-hill, near the small naphtha-pit, i saw many stains of a bright yellow, and per- ceived a strong smell of sulphur. The people consider this clilf as a great preserver of Toozkhoorraattee ; they say it turns off the torrent and gives it an inclination from the town. On the summit of the hills, on the north side of the pass, overlooking-the plain, is a .small kumbet or dome, marking the site of some foolish story about Ali. They say, on the eve of Friday, a little lamp is seen to burn of itself there : it is most probably a similar phenoznenOn to Baba Goorgoor*. After having finished our observations on the naphtha-pits, we rode round the town by the torrent to the w^est, to see some ruins, but we found little worthy of observation. A party of peasants were employed in cleans: ing a canal, to the sound of the zoorna, or trumpet, and double drum. The reapers were at work in some places. On the west * tihiaour, originally Geber or fire-worship- per, is now synonymous with Kafer, and is applied to the people who preceded the Maho- metans, as well as to Europeans. ♦ Baba Goorgoor is the name given to a spot three miles from Kerkook, where, in a little circular plain, white ith naphtha, flames of fire issue from many places. There appears to be little doubt, as D’Anville conjectures, that this is the Korkura of Ptolemy.— See “ D’Anville on the Euphrates and Tigris.” Quarto edition, p. 108, of the town are some mounds of rubbish, with nothing to .characterize them. I'hey may possibly be ancient, as antiques are said to be found here ; but I have not yet been able to procure any. On a little square platform of a building is one pier of it stand- ing, of coarse masonry, apparently not very ancient. Farther north, are six piers stand- ing, forming part of an oblong building, whose direction is east and west, and it appears to have been composed of a body and two aisles, or verandahs. The door is west, and ano- ther corresponding recess or opening on the east has been supported on each side by a semi-circular pilaster or buttress. The whole has been vaulted ; the masonry is extremely rude. I should conjecture this to have been a church ; it greatly resembles the ruins of Chaldean and Syrian churches I have seen. The mounds are scattered about to a great extent, and prove this to have been, at some former period, a considerable place. From the principal mound the Hamreen mountains were in sight, in the western horizon ; the distance is said to be about nine hours We could also see plainly where the Karatepeh or Zengabad range strikes off from the Ham- reen, and pursues a more easterly direction,’ Here we must part with our interesting travellers for the present. We hope to accom« pany them in our next. * Art- — VI. A Tabular View of the Gene- ric Characters in Roxburgh’s Flora Indica, compiled by H. Piddington, Esa. The above has appeared forming an ap- pendix to the Journal of the Asiatic Society for the benefit of travellers. We beg to exhi- bit them in the following form. MONANDRIA MONOGYNIA. GENUS, Canna, Linn. Schreb. FLOWER — Style, spatulate ; growing to the tube of the corol. Stigma, linear. Anthers, single ; attached to the edge of the petal-like filament. FRUCTIFICA- TION— Capsule, three-celled. Seeds, several ; naked. GENUS, Phrynium, Willd. FLOWER — Style, growing to the tube of the corol. Stigma, infundibuliform. Anthers, sin- gle ; terminal, on a short, erect filament. FRUCTIFICATION— Capsule, three- celled ; three-valved. Seeds, solitary ; arilled at the base. Embryo, uncinate, and furnished with a perisperm. GENUS, Hedychium, Kdn. FLOWER — Anthers, Double ; naked. PERIANTH — Corol, with a long, slender tube ; both borders three-parted ; inner resupinate. 578 ROXBURGH'S FLORA INDIUA. FRUCTIFICATION— Capsule, three- celled; three-valved. Seeds, numerous; arilled. Embryo, simple, with perisperm and vitellus. GENUS, Ksempferia, Linn. Schreb. FLOWER — Anthers, double, with a two- lobed crest. PERIANTH— Corol, with a long slender tube ; both borders three - parted. FRUCTIFICATION— Capsule, three-celled ; many -seeded. GENUS, Curcuma, Linn. Schreb^ FLOWER — Anthers, double ; base bi- calcarate. PERIANTH — Corol, both bor- ders three-parted. FRUCTIFICATION— Capsule, three-celled. Seeds, nume- rous ; arilled. Embryo, simple, with peri- sperm and vitellus. GENUS, Amomum, Schreb. FLOWER — Anthers, double ; surmounted with an entire, or lobate crest. PERIANTH — Corol, interior border unilabiate. FRUC- TIFICATION—Capsule, three-celled ; three-valved. Seeds, many ; arilled. Em- bryo, simple, with perisperm and vitellus. GENUS, Zingiber. FLOWER— An- thers, double ; crowned with a single horn-shaped beak. PERIANTH — Corol, interior border unilabiate. FRUCTIFICA- TION— Capsule, three-celled; three-valv- ed. Seeds, many; arilled. Embryo, simple, with perisperm and vitellus. GENUS, Alpinia, Schreb. FLOWER —Anthers, double ; naked. PERIANTH — Corol, interior border unilabiate. FRUCTIFICATION— Capsule, three- celled ; berried. Seeds, few, or many ; arilled. Embryo, simple, with perisperm and vitellus. GENUS, Globba, Schreb. FLOWER— Filament, very long ; base tubular and winged with a cuneiform lip. Anthers, double, with an appendix, or naked. PE- RIANTH— Corol, with the interior border two-lobed or none. FRUCTIFICATION — Capsule, one-celled ; three-valved. Seeds, many ; attached to three parietal receptacles. Embryo, simple, with peri- sperm and vitellus. GENUS, Salicornia, Schreb. PERI- ANTH— Calyx, Gibbous, like an aril, lining the inside of the cavities of the fruc- tification in the joints. Corol, none. FRUCTIFICATION— Seed, one. DIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. GENUS, Nyctanthes, Schreb. PERI- ANTH—Calyx, campanulate. Corol, salver-shaped. FRUCTIFICATION— Cap- sule, superior, obcordate-, compressed, two-celled, two-valved. Berries, one or two. Embryo, erect, without perisperm. GENUS, Jasminum, Schreb. FLOWER — Germ, two-celled, one seeded. PERI- ANTH— Corol, salver-shaped. FRUC- TIFICATION— Seeds, solitary. Ber- ries, one or two ; superior. Embryo, erect, without perisperm. GEJ^US, Phillyrea, Schreb. FLOWER — Germ, two-celled, two-seeded. PERI- ANTH— Calyx, four-toothed. Corol, one- petalled, four-cleft. FRUCTIFICATION — Berries, or drupe ; superior ; one or two-seeded. Embryo, inverse, and with a perisperm. GENUS, Millingtonia, Roxb. FLOWER — Germ, two-celled, two-seeded. PERI- ANTH— Calyx, three -leaved, calycled. Corol, three-petalled ; nectarial scale on the inside of each. FRUCTIFICATION — Seeds, solitary. Drupe, with one or two-celled, two-valved nut. Embryo, curved and folded, with little or no perisperm ; a ' curved, inferior radicle. ! GENUS, Olea, Schreb. FLOWER— j Germ, two-celled, two-seeded. PERIANTH I ■ — Calyx, four-cleft. Corol, four-cleft, j FRUCTIFICATION— Drupe, superior ; | one-seeded. Embryo, inverse, and with a j perisperm. GENUS, Chionanthus, Schreb. FLOW- ER— Germ, two-celled, two-seeded. PE- RIANTH— Calyx, four-parted. Corol, one-petalled ; segments long. FRUCTIFI- CATION— Drupe, superior ; one or two- seeded. Embryo, Inverse, vnthout peri- ! sperm. I GENUS, Schrebera, Roxb. PERIANTH I — Calyx, bilabiate. Corol, salver-shaped. ] FRUCTIFICATION — Capsule, superior; turbinate ; two-celled, two-valved. Seeds, several ; membrane-winged. GENUS, Eranthemum. Lin. Flor. Zeyl. FLOWER — Filament, four, two of them | sterile. PERIANTH — Calyx, five-cleft. | Corol, hypocrateriform ; border cellular, ! or nearly so. FRUCTIFICATION — Cap- I suLE, two-celled, two-valved; bursting with ! elasticity opposite to the partition. j GENUS, Justicia, Schreb. PERIANTH . i — Corol, one-petalled ; irregular. FRUC- j TIFICATION — Capsule, superior ; two- I celled, two-valved ; bursting with elasticity j contrary to the partition. I GENUS, Gratiola, Schreb. FLOWER —Filament, two, sterile, affixed to the j lower lip of the corol. Anthers, double, | and connected. PERIANTH — Corol, one- petalled ; irregular. FRUCTIFICATION I — Capsule, superior ; two-celled, two- | valved. Seeds, numerous. , GENUS, Utricularia, Schreb. PERI- I ANTH — Calyx, two-leaved. Corol, rin- ROXBURGH’S FLORA INDICA. 579 gent, and generally calcarate. FRUCTI- FICATION— ■Capsule, superior ; one- celled. Seeds, numerous. GENUS, Lycopus, Schreb. FLOWER —•Stamina, distinct. PERIANTH — Corol, four-cleft, with one of the divisions emargi- nate. FRUCTIFICATION— Seeds, four; refuse. GENUS, Salvia, Schreb. FLOWER— Filament, two-forked. Anthers, on the superior filaments. PERIANTH — Corol, irregular. FRUCTIFICATION— Seeds, naked. GENUS, Boerhavia, Schreb. FLOW- ER—Germ, one-celled. PERIANTH— Calyx, inferior ; gibbous, entire, perma- nent, and becoming an envelope for the seed. Corolla, campanulate ; inserted on the calyx. FRUCTIFICATION— Seeds, solitary. Ovula, single ; erect. Embryo, conduplicate ; with inferior ra- dicle and central perisperm. GENUS, Fraxinus'^. PERIANTH— Calyx, none ; or four-parted. Corolla, none; or four-petalled. FRUCTIFICA- TION— Samara, one-seeded, with lan- ceolate wings. GENUS, Ligustrum. PERIANTH— Corolla, four-cleft. FRUCTIFICATION —Berries, superior ; of two cells, with two seeds in each cell. DIANDRIA TRIGYNIA. GENUS, Piper, Schreb. FLOWER— Germ, one-celled; with a single erect ovulum. PERIANTH— Corolla, none. INFLORESCENCE — Ament, filiform ; imbricated, with peltate scales. FRUCTI- FICATION— Berry, one-seeded. Em- bryo, inverse, and furnished with an ample perisperm. TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. GENUS, Valeriana, Schreb. PERIANTH — Calyx, none. Corolla, superior ; one petalled, gibbous on one side of the base. FRUCTIFICi^ION— Seeds, one. GENUS, Olax, Schreb. FLOWER— Germ, one-celled. PERIANTH — Calyx, Entire. Corolla, three-petalled. Nec- tary, of a few abortive filaments inserted on the petals. FRUCTIFICATION— Drupe, half hid in the enlarged calyx ; one-seeded. Ovulum, one, erect. Em- bryo, inverse and amply furnished with a perisperm, GENUS, Loeflingia, Schreb. PERI- ANTH— Calyx, five-leaved. Corolla, five-petalled. FRUCTIFICATION— Cap- sules, superior ; one-celled, three-valved. * Pol)gain<)Us. • GENUS, Hippocratea, Schreb. FLOW- ER—Germ, three-celled. PERIANTH — ■ Calyx, five-parted. Corolla, flve-pe- talled. FRUCTIFICATION— Capsules, three ; one-celled, three-valved. Seeds, membrane-winged. Ovul^e, a few ; attached to the axis. Embryo, erect, with- out perisperm. GENUS, Johnia, Roxb. FLOWER— Germ, three-celled. PERIANTH — -Calyx, inferior; five-leaved or five-parted. Co- rolla, five-petalled. Nectary, or recep- tacle of the stamina and pistil sub -globular. FRUCTIFICATION— OvuLJE, one or two in each cell ; peltate. Embryo, with- out perisperm ; direction various . GENUS, Iris, Schreb. FLOWER— Stigma, petals four, corolled to bilabiate. PERIANTH — Corolla, six-petalled. Pe- tals, unequal, alternate, jointed, and spreading. GENUS, Morea, Schreb. FLOWER— Stigma, three-cleft. PERIANTH, Co- rolla, six-petalled ; the three inner spread- ing, and narrower. GENUS, Commelina, Schreb. PERI- ANTH—Calyx, inferior ; three-leaved. Corolla, three-petalled ; often dissimilan Nectary, or sterile ; filaments three ; with a cuneiform head. FRUCTIFICATION — Capsules, two or three-celled. Seeds, one, or more. Embryo, simple, and fur- nished with a perisperm., GENUS, Sonerila, Roxb. FLOWER— Germ, three-celled ; cells many-seeded ; attachment central. PERIANTH — Calyx, superior ; three-toothed. Petals, three ; on the mouth of the calyx, alternate with the stamina. FRUCTIFICATION— Cap- SULES, three-celled. Seeds, numerous, and minute. GENUS, Xyris, Schreb. PERIANTH — Calyx, or perianth beneath ; three- leaved. Corolla, three-petalled, equal waved. Nectary, three ; bifid. INFLO- RESCENCE— Head, with roundish one- fiowered scales. FRUCTIFICATION— Capsules, one-celled ; three-valved. Seeds, numerous ; on parietal receptacles. GENUS, Fuirena, Schreb. PERI- ANTH— Corolla, three-petalled. IN- FLORES CENCE — -Ament, imbricated on the sides, with tailed scales. FRUCTIFI- CATION— Capsule, one; naked. GENUS, Kyllingia, Schreb. PERI- ANTFI— Calyx, of two chaffy valves. Corolla, of two chaffy valves. INFLO** RESCENCE — Ament, imbricated. FRUC- TIFICATION— Capsule, one. GENUS, Tringa, Roxb. PERIANTH — Calyx, one-valved ; one-flowered. Co- 580 NEW SPECIES OF CARNIVORA. # ROLLA, two-valved. INFLORESCENCE — Ament, ovate ; imbricated on all sides, FRUCTIFICATION— Seed, naked. GENUS, Schoenus, Schreh. PERI ANTH— Calyx, or corol. FULCRA AND ENVELOPES— Glumes, several. FRUC- TIFICATION— Seed, one naked. GENUS, Cyperus. PERIANTH— Co- ROLLA, none. FULCRA AND ENVE- LOPES— Glumes, chaffy ; bifariously im- bricated. FRUCTIFICATION— Seed, one, naked. GENUS, Scirpus. PERI ANTH— Corol- la, none. FULCRA AND ENVELOPES— Glumes, chaffy; imbricated on all sides. FRUCTIFICATION— Seed, one. {To he continued.) Art. VII. — Indication of a new genus of the Carnivora^ with description of the species on which it is founded. By B. H. Hodgson, Esq. Resident in Nepal. Asiatic Researches, or Transactions of the Society, for enquiring into the History, the Antiquities, the Arts, and Sciences, and Literature of Asia, vol. xix. 213. Calcutta, 1836. There are some important communica- tions in this volume, especially on the fossils found among the Sivalik hills, by Dr. Falconer and Capt. Cautley, and to which we alluded in a former number. We have only space this month to advert to one pa- per from Mr. Hodgson of Nepal, viz. indi- cation of a new genus of the carnivora, with description of the species on which it is founded. FAMILY CARNIVORA. TRIBE PLAN- TIGRADES. genus ursitaxus. mjhi. 4. 4. Cheek Teeth of ursine flatness almost, hut musteline disposition f the tuber- cular of the upper jaw, smooth-crowned, • 1 hat IS, a disposition partially transverse, exhibited in the inner heel of the carnivorous tooth, and the whole body of the tuberculous one of the upper jaw. This arrangement of the teeth appears to be appendant to the true cutting type, and is not therefore developed in Ursus, or in other true plantigrades. A- mongst the digitigrades it is common, and particularly so in the mustelidae. harrow, parallelogrammic, and smaller than the Carnivorous : none in the lower jaw : two false molars above and three below on either side : general conforma- tion of the animal similar to that of the Badger, but wanting external eai'S : anal glands as in Mydaus. Remark. — The natural affinities of this Genus are with Ursus, Taxus, and My- daus ; but chiefly with Taxus. The single animal from which the above characters are drawn was procured by me in 1829, since which period I have in vain endeavoured to obtain another : and, as I see no immediate prospect of better success in my search, I shall not longer defer giv- ing such account of it as my materials en- able me to supply.* The specimen I ob- tained was a mature male. It was recently killed, but had had the intestines removed before it was brought to me from the vale of Muckwanpiir , at the southern base of the last mountainous range towards . India, whence I infer that its habitat is the hilly portion of the southern region of Nep&l. Species — Ursitaxus Inauritus. Ear-* less Ursitax, Mihi. See plate VI, figs. 2,3,4,5, 6,7. This is a low- legged unwieldy massive animal, with the general conformation and size of the Badger, from which, however, it differs most materially in its system of den- tition, and more obviously in the want of external ears, the harshness and scantiness of its single coat of hair, and the disposition and number of its palmary tubercles. The Earless Ursitax or Bear- Badger is thirty-two inches from the snout to the root of the tail, which is five inches long, or six and a half if measured with the terminal hair. The girth of its body, be- hind the shoulder, is twenty -nine inches, and the massiveness thence inferrible is main- tained uniformly throughout its proportions. It is purely plantigrade and fossorial, dwell- ing in burrows on the sou||iern slopes of the hills, and very seldom appearing abroad by day. The face, though not elongated, is conic and suddenly sharpened towards a neat, round, immobile, clearly defined, and ungrooved muzzle in which the nostrils are opened to the front, but have a narrow pro- longation to the sides. The lips are closely applied to the jaws and entirely void of mustachios ; nor are there any bristles on the cheeks, above the eyes, or on the chin ; the cheeks are full and fleshy; the head broad, and as much depressed almost as the ® This animal is mentioned by the local name of Bharsiafi, in the catalogue of Nipalese viam- mals, ( 83-) ; and its peculiar dentition is therein summarily described. :si:a ^e trr. XJRSITAXUS INAURITUS. 581 Otter’s : the eyes small, round, level with the cheeks, possessed of a third lid which may be drawn two-thirds over the cornea, and of a round pupil ; their position nearly equi-distant from the snout and ear. The nude ears are shaped and disposed pretty much as in the human subject ; but the he- lix is wholly wanting, being replaced by a marginal obtuse swelling of the skin merely. The parallel portion of the anti-helix is rather more sharply defined ; but the trans- verse is wholly absent : the tragus distinct, but the anti-tragus and lobe evanescent. The coach is elongated vertically like the rest of the organ, with but a small cavity and no superior definite limitation : the opening into the interior simple, apert, and round : the neck of the animal short and very thick: the body still thicker; being as deep almost as the length of the limbs, which are short and powerful, parti- cularly the anterior ones. The digits are 5 in all four extremities, blended with the metacarpal and metatarsal joints so as to constitute solid pads for the feet, the anteal half only of the last phalanges being free, and connected superiorly by a small strong membrane which is firmly attached to the nails. The inferior surface of the hands and feet, to the back of the wrist and to the os calcis, is perfectly nude, the palms and soles being full, soft, and fleshy. At the forward end of each anterior digit is a very large ball, suitable to keep the huge nails from embarrassing the animal’s walk ; but the bases of all the 5 digits rest on one, undivided, round, pad, behind which is an- other, as large almost, and of similar shape, for the metacarpi. The balls of the hinder extremities resemble those of the fore, save that the metatarsal pad lies less centrally behind the termino-digital one, and is some- what less developed. The gradation of the anterior digits is thus : the central largest, then the index, next the annular, then the external finger, retracted as in our hand, and with its nail similarly diminished ; last the internal one, sub remote as with us, but much the feeblest of all. The hind feet are considerably smaller than the fore : they have the external digits less retracted ; the talons of the whole much less developed ; more nearly equal in size ; and gradated upon a different principle — the outermost being the stoutest, and the rest gradually but trivially diminished in strength tdwards the inmost. The nails of the anterior ex- tremities are typically fossorial, sub-arched, shallow, stout, obtuse, obliquely compressed with broad convex backs, and a sharpened edge below. The feet and hands of Ursitaxus are pre- cisely similar to the same organs in the Bears, except that the digit answering to the thumb is rather remote in our animal — not so in Ursus — and that the interval be- tween the terminal balls of the digits and their confusion with the palmary mass is nude in Ursitaxus — clad with soft hair in the Bears. The anal glands of the Ursitax differ considerably from those of the Badger, agreeing point by point with the same organ in Mydaus (Horsfield), save only that the excretory ducts are rather longer in our animal and have their termination in the rectum rather nearer to its orifice and to one another. The tongue of the Ursitax resembles that of the Badger, being wholly covered with small papillm, neither horny nor aculeated backvrards. The covering of our animal consists of harsh hair only, and that very scantily furnished. It is about two inches in utmost length, straight and adpressed, sufficient in quantity to hide the skin upon the superior aspect only of the head, neck, and body ; the face, neck, and body below, with the limbs internally, being partially nude. The colours are dirty yel- low and black, clearly defined by a line passing from the brows along the flanks to the edges of the tail, and leaving all above it of the foi’mer — ^below it, of the latter, hue. The dirty tinge of the yellow upon the superior parts is caused by an admix- ture of yellow and black hairs, of which the former are more abundant and longer too than the latter, but both of similar harsh character. The tail, 5 inches long and scarcely reaching to the middle of the buttocks, is cylindrico-tapered and covered with hair like the back, the point being fine and a little recurved. The following are the detailed dimensions of our animal — Ft. In, Tip of snout to base of tail, .... 28 Tail only,. . 0 5 Tail and hair, 0 6^ Carpus (inclusively) to longest finger, 0 41- Heel to longest toe,. 0 4§ Length of the head, . . .... .... 0 6f Nose to fore-corner of eye, 0 2 Thence to opening of ear, 0 Girth of body, behind shoulder,.. 2 5 Longest fore-nail, . . 0 1§ Ditto hind ditto, 0 Of The skull is 5| inches long, 3f wide, and 2% high. The width is taken, not between the zygomatic arches but between the aim of the transverse crista. There the lateral dimensions are largest owing to the grftat development of the transverse or lambdoi- dal ridge of the skull before it sweeps upwards to join the zygomatic arches. 582 DIMENSIONS OP URSITAXUS. The scull bears, upon the whole, so great a similitude to that of the Otter, that it may be very well illustrated by pointing out the differences merely between the two. These consist in the slight arcuation of the outline along the parietal portion of the skull in Ursitaxus ; the greater ,develop- ment of the frontal, nasal, and malar, bones ; the diminished length of the zygo- matic arches ; the rather more incomplete and less advanced orbits ; the very small size of the infra-orbitar foramina — which are besides two on either side — and, lastly, the larger development more) of the tympanal bones. In respect to the teeth of the two animals there is no very noticeable difference in the incisors and canines which indeed are apt to assimilate in most of the carnivora.* The canines, however, are thicker, shorter, and blunter in our animal than in the Otter. The molars, too, of botli are formed upon the same ultimately secto- rial model and have a similar arrangement in the skulls : but they are fewer in num- ber in Ursitaxus ; and the trenchant pro- cesses of the crowns are almost oblite- rated. And, as if to defy all exclusive- ness of system on our part, the Otter, with its sharp processes, has a very large flattish heel to the upper carnivorous tooth, and an extremely broad transverse tubercular be- hind it. On the other hand, the heel of the same tooth in Ursitaxus, though flat- ter, is smaller ; and the tuberculous tooth behind it exhibits a much less, but a smoother surface. I regret that I have no Badger’s skull wherewith to compare that of the Ursitax. Independently, as far as may be, of all comparisons, the skull and teeth of our animal have the following characters. The SkulL — It is very thick and solid, with numerous rugosities all over its sur- face ; is rather depressed than compressed, and very slightly but uniformly arched along the vertical line : parietes amply de- veloped, affording a large cerebral cavity and shallow temporal fossae : the cristae of medial height, but running unbrokenly from the bifurcation of the brows to the zygomatic arches ; their chief development being at the point where they sweep round to join those arches : frontal bones of con- siderable length and width : nasal, short but wide : both slightly convexed across ; and, lengthwise, the former convex, the latter, sub-concave : malar bones uncom- ♦ In the form of the incisor teeth Ursitaxus diners entirely from Mydaus, with which ani- mal it has several points of affinity, other differences occur in the structure of the ears and of the extremities -not to mention the cardinal distinction between the molar teeth of the two. pressed, with two small infra-orbitar fora- mina on either side : zygomatic arches, short, stout, considerably bulged outwards : orbits medial, very incomplete, there being no process from the zygoma, and but a small one from the os frontis : frontal sinuses medial or largish : occipital bones dipt vertically from the junction of the lambdoidal and sagittal sutures, so that the condyles of the foramen magnum are neither posteal nor anteal to that junction. There Ij is a short but strong vertical crista on the occiput, and a transverse one of much’'greater ' extent, parallel and closely approximated to I the lambdoidal ridge. The bony separa- j tion of the cerebrum and cerebellum is very strong aud much developed, leaving a long, ' elliptic, vertical foramen in the midst, nearly twice the size of the great foramen : the I tympanal bones amply developed, semi- ovoid, and reaching forwards to the articula- tion of the jaws, which is so complete, in 1 the cylindrical binge manner, that the lower jaw can be barely removed from ! the skull. The rami of the lower jaw are nearly straight, very powerful, short, un- i compressed, or remote, and furnished with ' large subvertical coronoid processes, and small styloid ones : the condyles nearly on ' a line with the upper ch eek teeth. The Teeth. — The incisors are all dispos- ed rectilinearly to the front, erect, strong, cylindrical in their bodies, and broad- | crowned ; the crowns of the lower ones I being horizontal — of the upper, obliquely sloped inwards. The external incisors are the stoutest, and the rest gradually decrease in thickness to the central pairs. These teeth are all in contact with each other ; and, in lower range, with the canines also : but the front teeth of the upper jaw have a necessary interval from the canines for their passage. The canines are short, stout, obtuse, conic, and of equal size above and below. They are mutually scarped by friction against each other, but exhibit no i heel. The upper canines are straight ; the lower, subcurved. All the molars are in contact with each other, but not quite with the canines. They are sixteen in all — four on each side of either jaw, of which the two first of the upper, and three first of the lower range are false molars ; the 3d above, and the 4th below, the carnivorous tooth ; and the 4th above the tuberculous one. Below there is no such tooth. All are dis- posed lengthwise, save the tuberculars of the upper jaw which have a transverse ar- rangement, causing a triangular vacancy between them and the internal heels of the carnivorous teeth of the same jaw. The molars gradually increase in size as they recede from the canines in the lower jaw ; PLANTS COLLECTED AT BOMBAY. 583 but, in the upper, the carnivorous tooth is considerably larger than the tubercular; which latter is of the form of an oblong, narrow, parallelogram, with a perfectly smooth concave crown. All the molars are fanged and essentially constructed as in the digitigrade or normal carnivora ; but, owing to the nearly obsolete development of the cutting processes of their crowns they bear a character of greater resemblance to the molars of the typical plantigrades. The scissor action or true cutting process must in respect to these teeth be limited to the carnivorous ones, and even there be more than matched by the crushing action of one crown on another. ,The whole of the molars are longer considerably than broad : but they are almost as evidently broader than high. Heretofore it has been remarked that in proportion to the diminish- ed number of the molars is the high deve- lopment of their sectorial attributes : but in Ursitaxus we have molars less only in number than those of the cats proper, which yet are distinguished for the remarkable flat- ^mess of their crowns.* • I make due allowance for detrition by use owing' to the age of my specimen : hut there still remains a remarkable flatness of crown in the molars, greatly exceeding that of the GENERAL CATALOGUE OF PLANTS COLLECTED AT BOMBAY. By John Graham, Esa. {Continued from page 449.) 172. Datura /as^Mosa. Common. 173. Dracaena /errca. In flower pots only. 174. Dimocarpus In gardens, though not common. It bears fruit here but not equal to that obtained from China.* 175. Dalbergia arborea, native name Ca- runj. A very pretty tree ; leaves deciduous in the cold weather, 176. Sissoo. Black wood used exten- sively in making furniture. 177. ,, scandens. 178. Dolichos tuberosus. 179. ,, cultratus. A species of Doli- chos is much cultivated and eaten like French beans, the tetragonolohus. • The Litchi forms the favourite fruii in Chinese deserts. It resembles somewhat the fruit of the Maple {Acer Campestre) in exter- nal appearance. The tree grows in a wild state in French and Danes’ Islands, Wham- poa. -Edit. Deeply imbedded in the cellular mem- brane at the outlet of .the pelvis and cen- trally on either side the large anus, the Ursitaxus has an oblong, spheroidal, hollow gland, which communicates, by a distinct tubular canal, with a round pore opening on the caudal margin of the anus. Each gland is If inch long and f wide,beinglarge enough to contain a walnut ; and each has its own canal and its own pore. These pores or anal orifices of the glands are about f of an inch apart. The ducts uniting them with the glands take a superior direction to open at the upper margin of the anus, under the tail ; and they exhibit at either end a mus- cular ring. The walls of the glands are about f inch thick, and purely glandular ; and their lining membrane lies closely in contact with the walls and is secretory throughout. But no pores can be traced on this lining for exuding the secretion which yet is contained in the cavity of the glands whence it passes Joy the tubes and anal pores into the rectum. The secretion found in the dead subject was dark, thick, and very foetid. seraifrugivorous Paradoxuri for example. Such teeth, being only sixteen in total numi>er, of which but two are tuberculous, constitute surely a singular and unique type amongst the Carnivora. SCIENCE. 180. ,, pruriens. 181. Dioscorea sa^ira. Common yam. 182. ,, bulbifera. 183. Diospyros Ebenum. 184. Daemia reticulata, 185. Dillenia speciosa. 186. Diospyros montana. 187. ,, hirsuta. 188. Daphne Bholua. 189. Dendrobium, ? On the Ghauts. 190. Dombeya pa/mafa. In gardens only. 191. Exacum /ncoZor. 192. Evolvulus hirsutus.* 193. Euphorbia Tirucalli. Common milk bush. 194. ,, antiquorum. 195. ,, tithymaloides. Used for edg- ings instead of box. 196. ,, neriifolia. 197. ,, hirta. A common weed. 198. Eugenia ^am&05. Jambler, rose ap- ple, • • Is this not a variety of E. alsinoides^ m common plant in Chinal—EniT, 584 PLANTS COLLECTED AT BOMBAY. 199. ,, Malacciensis. 200. Erythrina Indica. A deciduous tree. It flowers in March, and makes a very showy appearance. 201. Eupatorium Zelonia. 202. Eclypta prostrata. 203. Elephantopus scaher. 204. Feronia elephantum. Wood apple, a large handsome tree. 205. Ficus Carica. In gardens only. 206. ,, religiosa. Pepul tree. 207. ,, Indica. Banyan tree. 208. ,, elastica. 209. ,, racemosa. 210. ,. pubescens. I 211. Flacourtia In gardens only 212. ,, sepiaria. Elephanta. 213. ,, inermis. 214. Guazuma MZmi/bZia. 215. Gardenia radtcons. In gardens only, cultivated for its beautiful, white, sweet smelling flowers. 216. Gardenia lucida. Elephanta. 217. ,, dumetorum. 218. ,, esculenta. 219. Getonidi. ^ribunda. 220. Grewia orientalis. 221. Gomphrena globosa. In gardens only, cultivated for its flowers.* 222. Gloriosa super .a. Common during the rains. 223. Guilandina bonduccella. 224. Gartner a racemosa. 225. Garcinia Covoa. Common in the Concan. 226. Grewia Asiafica. 227. Gerardia delphinifolia. 228. Gmelina arbor ea. 229. ,, Asiatica 230. Gossypium herhaceum. 231. Glycine Sinensis, 232. purpurea. 233. Garuga pinnaZa. 234. Grislea tomentosa, 235. Hoya carnosa. Cultivated as an or- namental plant. 236. ,, viridijlora. 237. Hyperanthera Moringa. Very com- mon. 238. Helicteres ixora. 239. Hibiscus popuZraews. Bhendy tree. 240 ,, rosa Chinensis. Cultivated as an ornamental plant. 241. ,, mutabilis. Ditto ditto. 242. ,, Sahdariffa. Iropille, used in making jellies, tarts, &c. 243. ,, esculentus. Commonly cultiva- ted. 244. ,, surratensis. 245. ,, cannabinus. 246. ,, tricuspis. 247. Hedysarum gyrnns. 248. ,, sir 0 bilifer um . » 249. ,, tuberosum. 250. ,, vespertilionis. 251. Hemidesmus Indicus. . 252- Ixora coccinea. 253. ,, parvijiora. * Indigenous to China. -Sdit. 254. Ipomoea Quamloquit. Cupid’s flower,* 255. ,, /ragrantissima 256. ». tuberosa. 257. Impatiens Balsamina.f 258. Inula Indica. 269. Jasminum Samhac. Mogrel, native name, extensively cultivated for its flowers. 260. ,, odoratissimum\ 261. ,, latifolium. 262. ,, undulatum, 263. ,, auriculatum. 264. Justicia picta. Common in flower pots. 265. Justicia nerwoso. 266. ,, bivalvis. 267. ,, montana. 268. Jonesia pinnata. On Salsette. 269. Jatropha curcas. Used for forming hedges., 270. ’ ,, manihot. In gardens only, very rare. 271. ,, multifida. In gardens, as an ornamental plant. 272. Kydia fraterna. 273. Kyllingia um/)eZZaZc Grass. 274. Loranthus Several species. 275. Lawsonia inermis. Used for forming hedges. 276. Laurus cinnamomum. In gardens only. 277. M Persea. In gardens only. ' 278. Limonia monophyllum. 279. ,, trifoliata. 280. Lagerstroemia regrina. In the Concan. 281. „ Indica. 282. ,, parvijiora. 283. Lantana purpurea. 284. Lepidagathus cristata. • 285. Menyanthes cristata. 286. ,, Indica. 287. Mussaenda/roudosa. On the Ghauts. + 288. Morinda Indica. 289. ,, citrifolia.^ 290. Mirabilis Jalapa. In gardens. 291. Mangifera Indica. 292. Mimusops elengi. 293. „ hexandra. Both pretty trees commonly planted by Musselmen a- round towns, such as Aurungaba'd &c. In gardens only. Neem tree. In gardens. In gardens, rare. 294 Murraya exotica. 295. Melia azidiraltea. 296. Myrtus communis. 297- Maumea America. 298. Michilea champaca. 299. Momordica charambee. Commonly cultivated as an article of food. 300. Menispermura cordt/oZium. 301. MusaparadZ^aica. Plaintain. 302. Musa, ? On Ghauts. 303. Mimosa pudica. 304. ,, cinerea. 305. „ Araoica. Babool tree; com- mon : in extensive use as firewood. • This plant is indigenous to Danes’ Island, China. — Edit. t This species occurs in China. ^Edit % Abundant on I rench Island, Whampoa, China.— Edit. 5 A native of China.— Edit, GALBRAITH'S ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS. 585 306. M scandens. On the Ghauts. 307. ,, Sirissa. 308. ,, glaucit. 309. „ dulcis. {To be continued.) ON SOME METHODS OF ASTRONO- MICAL OBSERVATION. By William Galbraith, A. M., Teacher of Mathematics, Edinbursrh, (Continued from pat'C 452.) ON THE METHOD OF FINDING THE VALUE OF THE DIVISIONS ON THE SCALES OF LEVELS applied to altitude and azimuth cir- cles, REGISTERING OBSERVATIONS, &C. All the more usual astronomical instru- menis have a level applied to them so as to insure the verticality of their axis, or to make the necessary allowance for their deviaiion from it. The scale of the level is so graduated as to show single seconds, or some multiple of the second, and reads most conveniently from a central zero. In those instruments that revolve in azimuth, which all the smaller, and more especially the portable, circles do, (andeventhe largeeight feetcirde at Dublin, though provided with a plumb line ratlier in- conveniently situated, and the most accurate, perhaps in principle, of any hitherto con- sti ucted,) the observations are repeated several times in pairs near the meridian, reading the divisions at both extremities of the air bubble on the scale of the level each time along with the verniers or microscopes. When there are three vernieis and aliout six observations made, it is advantageous to have a simple and convenient method of registering the obser- vations, tak’ing the means, and allowing for the effects of the level. The value of the divisions of the level is generally got from the maker, or it may be readily found by an instrument called the level trier, consti ucted expressly for this purpose. If the observer has not had these communi- cated to him, or if he wishes to satisfy him- self with regard to the accuracy of the values given to him along with the instrument, he may either ascertain these by tiie circle itself, when the verniers or reading microscopes are competent to the purpose, or he may have recourse to the following methods, which, in the course of my experience, I have found very convenient. 1. Put up the usual levelling rod of the best constiuction truly vertical, at such a distance from the circle as may be most con- venient, tliough somewhat considerable. 2. Set the level exactly in the direction of two of the feet screws, or one perpendicular to the line joining the other two, when there are three; clamp the verniers, and direct the intersections of the cross wires of the telescope to the mark on the sliding vane, which must be moved up or down till an exact coincidence takes place. 3. By turning one of the feet screws cause the bubble to move through a given number of the divisions of the scale, comprehending those usually employed in recording observa- tions, while at the same lime the sliding vane must be moved till its mark again coincides with the intersection of the cross wires in the telescope, still clamped to the circle, and the number of divisions on the rod which it has passed over to thoasandths, or, at least, hun- dredths of a foot, by this motion must then be recorded. 4. Measure the horizontal distance with great care between the eentre of the circle and the levelling rod. These afford data for computing trigonometrically the value of the divisions of the scale of the level. 5 To investigate foimulse for this purpose let R be the length of an arc equal to the radius in seconds, D the horizontal distance, d the distance passed up or down by the vane A" the arc in seconds subtended by d, at the distance D then by the principles of trigono- metry, R" X d — If L be the length of a given number of se- conds. a ’ on the scale of the level, and r the length of the whole run in the same measure as D and d, D X «■' X r L- .. (2) R X d Indeed, if any four of the five quantities, D, d,r, a", and L he known, the value of the fifth may be found by transforming the pre- ceding equation, tlius; R" X L d «■ = — T (3) D X >• If n be the number of divisions in the run of the level , R" X d = (4) D X w If p be the radius of curvature of the level, R" X L R' X r p=—— .. .. (5) a" A" Examples for the use of these formulae. 1. Tlie cross wires of the telescope of an astronomical instrument, at tlie distance of 250 feet from a levelling rod, moved over two inches in a run of tlie bubble through an inch and a half, by turning the feet screws in the flirection of the level and rod, what was the value of the whole arc A ' passed over by the bubble, and the length L, of a division of a" (10 ) on the scale of the level ? R" X d By formula (1) A” D 206264"-8 X 2 =137' ’.5l 3000 By formula (2) L ^ 30OO X 10 X 1.5 D X a" X r R X d 2062G4’8 X 2 :Oa09 in. 686 GALBRAITH’S ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS. From this last formula, a scale may he rea- dily adapted to a level. 2. Let the length L of one of the divisions of the scale of a level be oue-twentietii of aa inch, the run of the bubble two indies, the distance d one inch, and a fifth, and D five hundred feet, required a the value of one division of the scale in seconds ? R'" X L X d By formula (3) a" — _ D X r 206264”'8x 0-05 X 12 =1 ’*103 6000 X 2 3. At the distance D = 90‘6 feet, the vane of a levelling rod passed over 0-06 of a foot in a run of 25 divisions of the level, what was tlie value a ' of one division of the scale, and the radius of curvatuie of the level, L being one-lenth of an inch ? R’ X d By formula (4) a ' 206264"*8 X 0-06 X n — =5"*5 90 6 X 25 By formula(5) p = R'X L a" R* X T*(> ^ T 5 5'.5 5-5 X lOX 12 206264-8 =312 5 feet. C6o This result 5"-5 is nearly the value of one division of a level attached to a six-inch travelling circle ol Captain Kater’s consii uc- lion, made by Robinson. It is obvious, that the same method may be applied to determine the value of the divisions of a level belonging to larger instruments when required, and it is susceptible of very considerable accuracy when sufficient care is taken in performing the necessary operations. II. After having determined the value of the divisions of the scale of a level, it is next proper to adopt a simple and ready method of applying its effects to observations. Let e be the eye end of the telescope next the observer, o the object end, a' the value of one division of the level in seconds, n the numberof observations, and I theii effect when applied to the zenith distance. (e — o)a- l=- (6) 2 n The sign must be changed when applied to the altitude. III. When three or more verniers are ap- plied to a circle, and the observations are re- peated and read each time, the mean result will be readily determined by the following formula in which X ^ ‘s the sum of the read- ings of all the verniers or microscopes, n the numberof observations,?; the number of ver- niers, and m the mean value of the whole. n V These formuise will apply with ease and ceitainiy to any case likely to occur in prac- tice. and are more simple than any I have seen. ly. The case to which they are now to be applied is one of a series of otrservations made by a small circle of Captain Kater’s construc- tion, to determine theobliquiiy of the ecliptic at the laie summer solstice, at Edinburgh* in latitude 55® 57’ 15” 67 N. It may seem to bean attempt much beyond the poweis qt so small an instrument, one of six inches diamelei, fu-nished with three verniers, each showing 15 and a level, indi- catinir: by each division only to tlie accuracy of 5 "5. \ el, the conectnessof the final result, w'hu'li differs from Bessel’s by about 1 §, and from mine, qi'tained Iry a comparison of the late obseivaiion^ made at Greenwich, with those ol Fiiadley, reduced with the best tables by I §, shows hovv much may be accom- plisireo with moderate means. With what pleasure would modern astronomers have con- templated the observations of Hipparchus and Ptolemy had they been made with such precision ! 'i'o determine the obliquity of the ecliptic intlren.ost accutaie manner, the sun’s de- clination (daily if possible), near the solstices, must, it is well known, lie observed carefully for some time, and tlie results, by means of appropiiate fortnulre or tables, are_ieduced correctly to the moment of the solstice com- puted trom the best solar taldes, or obtained from corresponding observations. (To be continued.) EXPERIMENTS ON THE ABSORP- TION OF AIR BY WATER. By Thomas '1 hobtso.v, M. D., F. R. S. L. AND E., &c., Regius Professor of Chemistry in the Univer- sity of Glasgou). Not being aware of any direct experiments upon the sulijects mentioned in the litle of this paper, 1 amused myself, during the ear- ly part of the present summer, in making a few trials to satisfy myself whether the opi- nions at present entertained on these sub- jects were enlilied to corffiJence. I shall state my experiments on each of the different sui'jecfs in order. I.-OF THE QUANTITY OF AIR CONTAINED IN CLYDE WATER. The city of Glasgow is supplied with water pumped out of the river Clyde, and convey- ed to resei voirs in the higher parts of the town, from which it is conveyed in pipes to every house. As one of these pipes supplies my laboratory, I have only to turn a stock cock to obtain as much river water as I have occasion for. 1. 1 filled a retort, the belly of which held 168 cubic inches, and its throat and beak 75 ABSORPTION OF AIR BY WATER. 587 cubic indies more, with river water, plunged the beak into a water trough, and placed a snaall inveited jar (ull of water over the extremity of the beak. 1 then boiled the water till it ceased to give out any air. I col- lected 5*25 cubic inches of air. Baio- nieter at ‘29'5 inches. Thermometer 5^^. f In this experiment 168 culiic inches o water gave out 5*23 cubic inches (making the requisite corrections) of air, supposing the barometer at 30 inches and the thermometer at 60°. The 75 cubic inches which filled the thioat and beak of the retort became hot, and no doubt gave out a little air; but not much ; because, as soon as the water in the retort began to boil briskly, the water in the throat and beak was driven out by the steam, and never boiled at all. Thus, it appears that 100 cubic inches of Clyde water contain 3Tl3 cubic inches of air. 'J'he experiment being repeated in precisely tlie same way, the product of air was so nearly the same that it seems unuecessaiy to state the particulars minutely. II.-COM POSITION OF THE AIR THUS EXTRACTED. I let up lOO volumes of this air into a small jar, filled with water and standing over the water-trough, and put into it a stick of phos- phorus of such a 1 ngth that it reached fiom the bottom to the top ol the jar. and traveised all the air. In 24 hours the bulk of thi« air was reduced to 7r48 volumes of azotic gas. Hence, the air extricated fiom the water was composed of 71*48 volumes of azotic, and 28 52 volumes of oxygen gas. The air extricated during the second ex- periment, analyzed in the same way, was composed of 70 32 volumes of azotic, and 29 63 volumes of oxygen gas. If we take the mean of these two analyses, we get the constituents of the air extracted from Clyde water by boiling as follows : Volumes of azotic gas . . . 70*9 A^olumes of oxygen gas . . . 29*1 100-0 ill.-ALTERATlON PRODUCED ON THIS AIR WHFN LEFT STAND- ING ON THE WATER-TROUGH. 1. The 5*25 cubic inches of air extracted by boiling water from the Clyde, were put into a small cylindrical glass capable of hold- ing lieu' ic inches, and left inverted over the water trough. Every 24 iiours I cubic inch (or iOO volumes) of this air was taken out, and left till next day with a stick of phosphorus passing through it. The follow- ing table shows the composition of the air af- ter standing over the vvater. Azotic. Oxygen. 1. extracted of. . 7l-48 -j- 28.52 After one day After two days After three days After four days 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. The 5*25 cubic inches extracted from he second quantity of water by boiling was 74*43 + -25 57 75 38 + 24*62 77*51 -f 22*49 80 97 H- 19*03 treated in the same way : excepting that tlie 11 cubic inch jar containing the air, instead of standing open on the water-trough, was corked tight. The result was as follows ; Azotic. Oxygen, 1. A ir newly extricated composed of .70*32 4- 29*69 2. After one day . 72*5 27*5 3. After two days . 73'44 26*54 4. After three days . 73*35 4* 27*65 5. After four days . 77*43 -j- 22*57 Here, as in the first case, the oxygen was absorbed more rapidly than the azotic gas ; but the rapidity of this absorption was some- what diminislied by corking the glas.s in which the air was kept. IV. -ALTERATION PRODUCED ON COMMON AIR BY LEAVING IT STANDING IN A GLASS VESSEL INVERTED ON iHE WATER- TROUGH. Curious to know whether a similar diminu- tion in the quantity of oxygen in common air would take place when left standing over the water-trotigh, as had taken place in the pre- ceding experiments with air extricated from water by boiling, I put ten cubic inches of common air, collected at the windovv of my laboratory on a windy day. into a cylindri- cal glass jar and left it standing inverted over the water-trough, analyzing every day one cubic inch by means of phosphorus, til! the whole was exhausted, d'he following table shows the result of these analyses. Azotic. Oxvgea. 1 . After standing 24 hours 79-47 -f- 20 53 2. After two days .. .. 79 27 4-20-73 3. After three days .. .. lost 4. After four days .. .. 79*65 -f* 20*35 5. After five days .... 79-65-420-35 6 After six days .... 82*99 -j- 17-01 7. After seven days .... 8o-7j 19-29 8. After eight days 80 -4-20 9. ilfter nine days 80-84 l9*i6 lO. After ten days 82 26 -J- 17 74 On the ninth day, after analyzing the gas, 1 dissolved some sulphate of iron in the water- trough. This is the reason of the greater proportion of azotic gas found in the last cu- bic inch of the air, which was analyzed on the tenth day. If we compare these experiments with the former ones, we must be struck with the great difference between them. The air extracted Iroin water by boiling is much richer in oxygen than common air, containing rather more than 29 per cent., while common air contains only 2o per cent, by volume. But this excess of oxygen diminishes rapidly ; so that after four days itdoes not contain more than common air does. Common air, on the contrary, may be left upon the water-trough for ten days without undergoing any sensible alteration in its composition, indeed I left nine cubic inches of air in a tube standing inverted over water, from the first of May to the 25th of that month, and found its constituents unaltered. If we take the mean of the constituents of sir from the preceding table, leaving out the 588 DISTINCT CRYSTALS OF MANGANATE OF POTASH. last term, because the sulphate of iron had in ' with the air, as Edwards and Chevillot created the quantity of oxygen absorbed, we have already shewn. But the green com- obtain pound may be obtained equally well, when Azotic gas .. .. 80-32 volumes. the binoxide of manganese is ignited with po- Oxygen "as .... l9 63 ,, tash in a retort shut up from the aii. Thus " ** ” lO grammes of binoxide of manganese, heated lOO-OO Now this differs very little fiom the compo- sition of air. If we analyze air without remov- ing previously the carbonic acid gas and the moisture which it contains, we always find the volume of its oxygen below 20 per cent. CTo be continued.) ON MANGANIC AND HYPKRMAN- GANIC ACIDS, ON HYPFRCHl.O- RIC ACID, AND THE SALTS OF IHESE ACIDS. By E. M itscherlich.* Scheele first observed a part of the pheno- mena, which, as I shall immediately show, are produced by two acids foimed from man- ganese ; and after him chemists of eminence have repeatedly turned their attention to the subject. Chevreui, Chevillot, and Edwards, Forchhammer, Fromheiz, and U nverdorben, have added mote or less interesting facts to those pieviously known, although they have by no means exliausted the subject. 'I he-e compounds, however, would unquestionably have been long ago completely investigated, had not the great difficulty of obtaining the pure acid in sufficient quantity rendered their examination almost an impossibility. I'hey are decomposed very easily by a great num- ber of circumstances ; their solutions cnunot be filtered, nor their crystals laid upon paper, because they are instantaneously decomposed by organic substances. Very distinct crystals, which 1 obtained of manganate of potash, enabled me to deter- mine their shape, and as it was found to agree in every respect with that of the chromate, seleniate, and sulphate of potasii. this circum- stance, which is particularly interesting in the elucidation of the connexion of the crystalline shape of bodies with their composition, indu- ced me to investigate more closely these acids and their compounds. I.-ON THE ACTION OF POTASH ON THE BINOXIDE OF MANGA- NESE. When equal parts of potash and binoxide of manganese are ignitedtogether, and the igni- ted mass treated with water, a green solution is obtained, which contains in solution, carbonate of potash, caustic potash, and a compound of potash with manganese in a higher degree of oxidation, wliile a brown powder remains undissolved. Oxygen is ab- sorbed when the mass is ignited in contact • Poggendorff’s Ann., xxv., '2H7. (The pub- lication of this interesting paper is rendered necessary to illustrate that of Dr.Clark, print- ed in Records, vol. iii. 433, and vol. iv. ‘la. — Edit.) with potasli without the access of air, and treated with water, gave a solution, which, when the acid was decompostul, and the man- ganese precipitated and ignited, yielded 1 gramme of the red oxide (oxidum mangaaeso- maaganesicum.) In this case, the higher degree of oxidation of tJie manganese is produced in the same manner in whicii the biovvn oxide of lead is formed from red lead, when the latter is treat- ed with nitric acid, and the brown residue wiiich is left, when the green compound is dissolved, consists of hydrated sesqui and hi- noxides of manganese, but whether mixed or chemically combined, 1 cannot venture to decide. I'lie manganic acid is formed by a pail ot the binoxide giving up a portion of ils oxygen to the remainder , by vvliicb it is chang- ed to stsquioxide, but the quantity of manga- nic acid tormed, sliows that a poition of tlie binoxide remains undecomposed. If we pour off the deep green solution, after allowing the brown insoluble poition to sub- side. and allow it toevapoiale over sulphuric acid, under the exhausted receiver of an air pump, we obtain beautiful pure crystals of a gieen colour, mixed with abundance of crystals of hydrate and carbonate of potash. I'hese crystals must be laid on poious tile or clay, which absorbs the moisture without producing decomposition. If the solution be allowed to evaporate in contact wiili the at- mospbere, red crysiltals, the composition of which I shall attend to afterwards, may be formed by ibe action of the caibonic acid of the air. If the green crystals be treated with water, a red solution is obtained, wliich, by evafjora- tion, yields red crystals. I'he green crystals consistoi manganateof potash, whicli is isomor- phous with sulphate ol potash, while the red liave tiie same form as the peichlorale of po- tash. Accurate analyses have shown that botli the perchloric acid and the highest degree of oxidation of magnanese, contain 7 propor- tions of oxygen. It appears to me, therefore, to be convenient to denominate that degree of oxidation of manganese which corresponds with sulphuric, seienic, and chromic acids, licid, while the highest degiee of oxidation ol manganese may be called hyper~ rniin^anic add, and that of chlorine hyper- chloric acid, following the nomenclature of Gay Lussac with respect to /ir/po-sulphuric acid.^ ( To he contimied.) t la this investigation I have been greatly aided in the preparation of the substances by my assistant, .Vi. WolfiF, a very skilful phar- maceutist. STURGEON’S IMPORTANT EXPERIMENTS. 589 ON ELECTRO-PULSATIONS AND ELECTRO-MOMENTUM. By William Sturgeon, Lecturer on Experimental Philosophrj at the Honourable East India Company's Military Academy, Addiscombe, It is very well known to the readers of the Philosophical Magazine, that I have long considered electric currents, when transmitted through inferior conductors be- tween the poles of a voltaic battery, as the effect of a series of distinct discharges, in such rapid succession as not to be individu- ally distinguished by the senses. Such currents I have called electro-pulsatory. See my theory of magnetic electricity in the London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine, vol. ii. p. 202. By following up these views of electro- pulsations, I was about two years ago enabled to dispense with all acid or saline liquids, in the employment of galvanic bat- teries, for the purpose of galvanizing, as it is called, either to satisfy the curiosity or as a medical process ; and my plan, which answers very well, I have found to be pro- ductive of a considerable saving in the ex- pense necessarily attendant on the use of voltaic batteries when excited by acid solu- tions. It is well known that a Cruickshank battery of about a hundred pairs will, by employing water alone in the cells, charge to a certain degree of intensity almost any extent of coated surface of glass that we please ; and that the same degree of charge is given to it by a single contact of the con- ductors, however short its duration. This being understood, and understanding also that the shock produced by any discharge from a given intensity would be propor- tional to the quantity of fluid transmitted in a given time, it was easy to foresee that a series of shocks in rapid succession might be produced by some mechanical contriv- ance, and that the degree of force might be regulated by varying the extent of coated surface. My first experiments were made with a hundred and fifty pairs of three-inch plates, and about seven feet on each side of coated glass ; and ray apparatus for producing a rapid succession of shocks was one of Mr. Barlow’s stellated electro-raagnetic wheelsf which was soldered to an iron spindle and put into rotatory motion by a wheel and • Communicated by the Author, t [See Phil. Mag., First Series p. xi. vol lix, 241. -Edit.] band ; the points of the wheel touching in succession a copper spring in connexion with the positive surface, and thus producing a discharge at every contact of the wheel and copper spring. When the two surfaces are connected by wires with two basins of salt water, and the hands immersed one in each basin, the effect experienced is precisely that of the dis- charge of a voltaic battery. Tlie discharges can be made in such rapid succession as to prevent the sensation of distinct shocks ; and if the process were to be concealed it would require some experience to distin- guish be tween the effects on the animal oeconomy from this apparatus and those from a voltaic battery charged with acid and water. My views being so far verified, the next attempt was to simplify the apparatus and make it more portable ; and as it was rea- dily seen that if one hundred pairs would charge glass of considerable thickness, thinner glass might be charged by fewer pairs ; this was done ; and eventually the glass entirely dismissed, and its place sup- plied with well-varnished Bristol-board. These boards answer exceedingly well as a reservoir for low intensities ; they may be coated to within an inch of the edge all round, and placed upon their edges either on a piece of glass or on a board properly prepared, and arranged to any required ex- tent like the plates of a voltaic battery, but when considerable intensity is wanted, it is better to use thin glass. From these facts we learn that metallic surfaces of many acres of extent may possi- bly be charged to a low intensity in the in- terior of the earth, by having a thin inter- vening stratum of inferior conducting mat- ter sufficient to insulate from each other their dissimilar electric surfaces. It may now be understood that the slightest accident which would suddenly break through the insulation, such as the sinking of a mass of metalline matter from one stratum to the other, would cause a sudden rush of an immense ocean of the electric fluid, which might be productive of subterranean lightenings and tremendous explosions sufficient to shake an extensive range of country on every side. ^ Connected with the preceding facts there are others which may be conveniently men- tioned in this place, and which would lead us to similar explanations of the causes of subterraneous convulsions. Electric cur- rents of considerable magnitude when sud- denly checked, or diverted to a new chan- nel, produce a momentum not very genrally understood ; but which I will endeavour to explain. A coil of copper wire excited 590 ON THE POSITION OF THE SOUTH MAGNETIC POLE. by magnetic action will become a channel for an electric current; and whilst the whole circuit is metallic, the velocity of that current would be considerably greater than if any, even a small part of the circuit were of worse conducting materials : and if the current were suddenly transferred from a channel of the former character to one of the latter, by any contrivance whatever, it would meet a resistance on entering the new channel, which the momentum it had pre- viously required would have to overcome ; and a sudden disturbance of the electric fluid, previously at rest, would take place, and a violent rush of the current would as suddenly follow. It is in this manner that shocks and sparks are produced by magnetic electric machines, where the current, previously in rapid motion, is suddenly transferred to a new channel of inferior conducting charac- ter ; and all the fluid in the revolving coil rushes through a person properly situated for the new route, and who experiences the electric shock, or else through a thin stra- tum of air at an interruption in the metallic circuit where the spark is produced. These, then, are some of the effects of electric currents, or of the momentum of the electric fluid in a state of motion, after the exciting cause is entirely cut off. The shock thus produced may very conveniently be compared to the blow given by Mont* golfier’s hydraulic ram. Electro -momenta may be produced by any mode of excita- tion whatever, and the effects will be pro- portional to the velocity and quantity of the electric fluid first put into motion ; and the length of the original channel is also to be taken into account. If then electro-mo- menta, capable of producing violent shocks and vivid sparks, can be produced by a few hundreds of feet of thin copper wire, what is it that might not be expected from the electro-momenta of nature, arising from currents of many miles in extent, kept in motion either by heat, saline solutions, or by other causes, amongst the metalline strata below the surface of the earth ? A sudden disruption in the circuit would insure the blow, and an earthquake might be the result. — Philosophical Magazine, 1836. ON THE POSITION OF THE SOUTH MAGNETIC POLE. By Edward Rudge, Esq,., F.R.S., S. A., L.S. and H.S * The experiments detailed by Captain James Clark Ross, R.N. , &c., which led to • Read before the Royal Society, Feb. 19, 18^5 ; and now communicated by the Author. the important discovery of the north magne- tic pole, and which are published in the Phi- losophical Transactions for the year 1834, suggested to me as an object of interesting inquiry, whether any similar affection of the horizontal magnetic needle had ever been noticed by any former navigator of the south- ern hemisphere , from which an approach to the magnetic pole could be surmised. No such appearances seem to have been observed by Anson, or any one after him ; but prior to his circumnavigation of the globe, Captain Abel Tasman, who was ap- pointed for the discovery of southern countries by direction of the Dutch East India Company, sailed from Batavia with two vessels on the l4th of August 1642, in his account of the voyage, gives the follow- ing particulars of an observation made on the 22nd of November of the same year, when, by a prior and subsequent observation of November the l5th and 24th, he was in about latitude dSsilS., and longitude from Paris 160«. “The needle was in continual motion without resting upon any of the ei^ht points of the compass,” which he says, “led him to conjecture that there were some mines of loadstone on that spot.” Tasman’s Journal, written in Low Dutch, is now an extremely rare book : a translation of it is given in Dr. Hooke’s Philosophical Tracts, p. 179, for the year 1682; in Nar- borough’s and in Correal’s Collections of Voyages ; and also by Harris, who gives a new translation of it in the second edition of his Collection of Voyages, where, although he notices Dr. Halley’s theory of the magne- tic poles, which was published in 1683, he does not seem to suspect that Tasman’s ob- servation of this very remarkable affection of the magnetic needle was made in the imme- diate vicinity of the south magnetic pole, at that period in that particular situation, as- certained by the horizontal needle only ; the dipping-needle, invented by Norman in 1681, being then unknown. Dr. Halley was of opinion that the north magnetic pole was not far from Baffin’s Bay, and that the south magnetic pole was in the Indian Ocean, south-west from New Zealand ; whether he ha I availed himself of the observation made by Tasman in forming this opinion, does not appear. Euler places the north magnetic pole for the year 1757 in latitude 76^^ north, and longitude 96® west from Teneriffe ; and the south magnetic pole in latitude 58^ south, and longitude 158^ west from Teneriffe. It has been ascertained by observation, that the magnetic poles were on the meridian of the poles of the earth at London in the year 1657, being fifteen years after Tasman’s observations, and that it reached its utmost degree of variation west in the year 1818, when it became stationary at 24° 26' west, and has since in respect of London been re- trograding towards the east, completing one quarter of the circle round the poles of the earth in 16! years at the rate of 11 or 12 minutes of a degree in a year ; so that, pre- suming Tasman was on the south magnetic RUDGE ON THE SOUTH M.^GNETIC POLE. 591 pole on the 22nd of November 1642, it would now be found in or about the forty -third parallel of south latitude to the south-east of the island of Madagascar, a convenient situa- tion, when compared with that of the north magnetic pole for ascertaining the exact position of the south magnetic pole, and where experiments with the horizontal and dipping-needles to lead to its discovery and determine the comparative intensity of the south magnetic power might with facility be made. In pursuance of this desirable object the progress of the south magnetic pole might be accurately ascertained by annual observa- tions ; whether its distance from the south pole of the earth is uniform in its progress and if in an exact opposite direction to the north magnetic pole ; to trace the point at which the axis of the magnetic poles, crosses that of the earth ; and thus by a continued series of observations and experiments a wide field mis’ht be opened to enlarge our hitherto imperfect knowledge of this myste- rious power, which might be considered of so much importance in guiding and directing the motion of the earth on its axis and in its orbit. TABLE OF THE OBSERVATIONS ON THE MAGNETIC NEEDLE MADE BY CAPTAIN JOHN ABEL TASMAN FROM THE BEGINNING TO THE TERMINATION OF HIS VOYAGE; EXTRACTED FROM HIS JOURNAL. Time. Latitude. Longitude from Paris. V ariation of the Needle. 1642. October 8 to 22. 40®40’S. 23°24°&2°5°\V 22. 49 47 89'’44’ 260 45 w. Nov. 6. 49 4 114 56 26 15. 44 3 140 32 18 30 W. 21. 158 4 W. 22. The needle in conti- nual agitation. 24. 42 25 163 50 The needle pointed to- wards the land now first discovered and called Van Die- men’s Land. Dec. 1- 43 10 167 55 3 E. Frederick Henry bay. Van Diemen’s Land, 9. 42 37 176 29 5 E. New Zealand. 18. 40 50 191 41 9 E. 1643. January 8. 30 25 192 20 9 E. 12. 30 5 195 27 9 30 E. 16. 26 29 199 32 8 E. 19. 22 35 204 15 7 30 E. 21. 21 20 205 29 7 25 E. 25. 20 15 206 19 6 20 E. March 2. 9 11 192 46 10 E. 14. 10 12 186 14 8 45 E. 20. 5 15 181 16 9 E. 25. 4 35 175 10 9 30 E. 1 April 1. 4 30 171 2 8 45 E. 12. 3 45 167 10 E. 14. 5 27 166 57 9 15 E. 20. 5 4 164 27 8 30 E. May 12. 0 54 153 17 6 30 E. 18. 0 26 147 55 1 5 30 E. 27. 6 12 S. 1 127 18 1 Returned to Batavia after 10 months’ absence, having sailed round the Australian continent without seeing any part of it but the extremity of Van Diemen’s Land. [Philosophical Magazine, for 1836. 592 ON A SPECIES OF THE GENUS MITRA. PROCEEDINGS OF LEARNED SOCIE- TIES. ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1836. Specimens were exhibited of numerous Shells of the genus Mitra, Lam., and of one species of Conoelix, Swains., forming part of the collection of Mr. Cuming ; and an ac- count of them by Mr. Brouerip was redd, commencing as follows ; •• The species of the genus Mitra, Lam., which I am about to describe, had been sent by Mr. Cuming, in whose cabinet they are, to Mr. Swainson, whose intimate acquaint- ance with this family renders him so particu- larly competent to the task of describing them. I'hey weie named by him, and he also made notes respecting them before returning them. In the following account of them 1 have retained Mr. Swainson’s name in every in- stance but one : and whenever he has made any written obseivations 1 have quoted ihem. Characters, habitats, ike. of the following species were then given, and are printed in the “ Proceedings.” Genus Mitra (Lam. and Swains.). Mitra fic6w(osa( representing MMbiZa, Type 5, 1, Sw.;, {Supainsomi (Type 1 , i.), Ahcillides (5,(2?L mawra (representing Tiara Joraminutu, Tyie (1. 4.),Julvei>cens (5, 1.), testacea (5, 1. repre- senting/M/i7aJ,/Mtoa var. (I, 2. representing Tiarai, chrysostoma (5, ). representing/er- ruginea), ti-istis (2,4.), ‘eind ejf'usa fl, 5.). Genus 1 iara, Sivains. (Miira, Lam.) T'iara foraminata (representing Mitra maura, 1 ype 2, 4 ), luuricuta, mucronuta, catenata (1,3.), multicostuta, rosea niillecostaia (the close-set longitudinal ribs and cancel ated base give this shell, which may not have at- tained its full growth, the aspect of a Can- cellaria), lineata (5, 1), nivea (5, 3.), au- rantia, tereOralis, crenaia (5,3, or 3, 3.), rubra (1, 2 ), semiplicata, and attenuata (5, 1 )• Mr. Swainson had wiitten on the pa; er containing Tiura terebralis, " '1 ype 4,4. This is one of tiie most extraordinary shells in the collection, as it so closely resembles the Mitra Terebralis that, but for its possessing the generic characters of Tiar t , it might pass for the same species. It IS one of the most slender of its genus, and has very much of the general character and form of a Terebra ; and its resemblance to Terebra is increased by the circumstance of its having one spiral groove, more deeply impressed than the others, placed at about one third of the length of each volution be- fore the suture. The points of contact of the decussating with the longitudinal grooves are deeply impressed, There is a fine specimen in Mr. Broderip’s collection. Mr. Sowerby has furnished me with the account of this species. Genus Conoelix {Sioains.). Conoelix Virgo (representing Conus Virgo). The following observations by Mr, Swain- son elucidate his notes in relation to the Mitres, appended to most of the characters of the shells above named : “ I'o render my explanation of the notes and references attached to the different species of the Mitrance more intelligible to conchologists, it wdll be necessary for me to state, in as few words as possible, the result of my investigation of this subfamily, and the principles which have regulated these numeri- cal indications. ” I have already, in another work, charac- terized the family Volutidee.. which appears to be that primary division of the Carnivorous Gasteropoda {Zoophaga, Lam.), which i-epre- sents the Rasorial type among Birds, the Ungulata among Quadrupeds, and the Thus a- nura among perfect Insects (Ptilota) : these analogies being of course remote, although founded on the structure of the animal, no less than on its testaceous covering. It thus follows that the Lamarckian Mitrce, instead of a genus, constitute a subfamily, w^hich ap- pears to be the subtypical group of the circle. The five genera composing this circle I have long ago characterized ; and here, for some years, my analysis of the group terminated. The inspection, however, of the numerous species brought home by Mr. Cuming, and the gradually augmented number in my owm cabinet, seemed to invite a still further and more minute investigation, for the purpose of ascertaining if any, and what, subgenera were contained in the more crowded groups of Mitra 'And Tiara. This investigation was carried on, at intervals, for nearly twelve months ; and the result surpassed my most sanguine expectations. It has convinced me that not only does each of the genera of the Mitrance represent analogically the corres- ponding groups of the Volutince, but that the same relations can be demonstrated between the minor divisions of the genera Tiara and those of Mitra : in other words’ that these latter represent all the subfamilies and genera of the other Volutidee, while they preserve their own peculiar or generic character. What I have just said on the parallel relations of analogy between the Mitrance and the Volutidee, is strictly appli- cable, in fact, to the genera Mitra and Tiara, the [irimary divisions of each of which can thus be demonstrated subgenera. Nor is this all : the materials I have been for so many years collecting have enabled me to ascertain, in very many instances, that the variation of the species, in each of these subgenera, is regulated on precisely the same principle. Hence it follows that the two circles of Mitra and Tiara, like the two divisions of Mr. MacLeay’s Petalocera, contain species representing each other, so that if their generic character is not attended to, it is almost impossible to discriminate them even as species. Many instances of this extraordinary analogy might be men- tioned, independent of that here alluded to, between Mitra Terebralis and Tiara Terebralis, “ Selecting this shell to illustrate the numbers “ Type 4, 4,” I may observe, that ‘ Type 4’ signifies that it belongs to the PROCEEDINGS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL'SOCIETY. 59; fourth subgenus of Tiara, in which group it is the fourth subtype, uniting to Mitramaurn, which is the fourth stibtype of the first or typical subgenus. Mitra maura, again, as representing this latter shell, consequently becomes the fourth subtype of the first or typical subgenus, and is therefore marked “Type I, 4.” The first figure always denotes the subgenus, and the last the staiion which the species appears to hold in its own subgenus, “ 1 am unacquainted with any group in the animal kingdom which demonstrates more fully than this does the law of representation. It may be mentioned, also, that nearly all the divisions I had long ago characterized, from the formation of the shells alone, have more recently been confirmed by a knowledge of their respective animals : a knowledge for which we are entirely indebted to the able naturalists who accompanied the French expedition onboard the Astrolabe.’’ — W, S, Specimens were exhibited of several hi- herto undescribed Cowries most of which have been brought to England within the last few years. They were accompanied by characters and descriptions, by J. S. Gaskoin, Esq., which are given in the “Pro- ceedings” under the following names, viz. Cyprceaformosa (Cape of Good Hope), rii- Hnicolor, producta, candidula f'Mexico. Cpp. approximans, Beck, Cyp. olorina Duclos, but first described by Mr. Gaskoin), acutiden- tata ^^Isle of Muerte, Bay of Guayaquil), Pe diculus, var. labiosa, vesicularis (Cape of Good Hope), and Bec' res restored to its original width, repaired, , and several small bridges erected ; the road l also continued to Range Ghaut. i Construction of a pucka road from Allaha- j bad to Burdwan. | ROADS AND OTHER PUBLIC WORKS IN INDIA. 595 Raising and repairing a road from Puttah Ghaut, which joins the military road near Hurripaul. 1815 : Laying down mooring chains, and construc- tion of a depdt for marine stores at Saugor. Completion of the town hall. Erection of a mausoleum at Ghazeepore, to the memory of Marquis Cornwallis. Erection of lighthouses at Saugor Island, Point Palmyras, and certain floating lights there ; likewise of one at the island of Moya- poor. (In 1821 the construction of the light- house at Saugor was abandoned, and one on Edmonstone’s Island authorized in its stead ; which was also afterwards abandoned, and a second lighthouse on Moyapoor constructed.) Building a bridge over the nullah at Mee- rut. Cutting a road twelve feet wide for beasts of burthen from Bumouree to Almorah, and building bridges. 1816 : The clearing of the island of Saugor, au- thorised. Rebuilding the houses of the botanical garden. Establishment of a native hospital at Patna Erection of a lighthouse at Kedgeree. Repairs and alterations to the government houses at Calcutta, and in the park at Bar- rackpore, and erecting guard-rooms and sta- bling for the body guard : completed in 1827. 1817 : Repair of an ancient aqueduct in the Deyra Dhoon. Restoration of the Delhi canal : completed. Restoration of a canal in Goruckpore. Construction of a new road at Moochu- collah. Erection of telegraphs between Calcutta and Nagpore- Construction of a road from Tondah to Bumouree. Completion of the new road from Patna to Gyah. The road from Puttah Ghaut to the mili- tary road near Hurripaul widened. 1818 : Eight bridges built for the entrances on the land side of the city of Delhi. The road repaired between Mahratta bridge, Calcutta, and a bridge connecting the main road with the gate of the hospital at Dum Dum. Construction of a well in the centre of the proposed Gunge at Bumouree and Tondah (this work was in 1820 abandoned, in conse- quence of the unhealthiness of the situation) ; road leading from Calcutta to Dum Dum repaired. Construction of a road from Puttah Ghaut to Hurripaul. The I’oad between Patua and Shehargotty raised, and drains and watercourses added for the purpose of promoting cultivation. 1819 : Construction of a chapel at Benares. Extension as far as Ruderpore of the road constructed from Bumouree to Tondah in Kumaoon, for the purpose of opening a com- munication between the Plains and Almorah. Repairing the bridge over the Ramgunga, and constructing a new bridge over the Soor- joo rivers in Kumaoon. 1820: Erection of an exchange by the merchants of Calcutta on a site of ground granted by government. Formation of a botanical garden at Saha- runpore- Construction of part of a road from the Barrackpore cantonments to a spot opposite the village of Buddee Pautee, where lime- kilns have been constructed- Construction of sangha bridges over the Bulleah and .Soowal rivers in Kumaoon. Sinking two pucka wells at Deyrah in the Dhoon. 1821 : Measures for building a Scotch church (St. Andrew’s), and a grant of government in aid of its erection, which was completed in 1824. Erection of two chapels at Benares and Dacca ; also. Completion of a new chapel at Futtyghur. Construction of a church at Foit William, and of a new chapel at Calcutta. Measures adopted for improving the routes of communication between the principal posi- tions of the army, by opening and repairing roads at and between t!ie following stations, so as to make them available during the dry season for any description of transport car- riage ; viz. From Agra to Mliow via Lakheree and Mokundiah. From Mhow to Delhi, by Neemutch and Nusseerabad. From Asseerghur to , Hussingabad, thence to Mhow via Mundlasir, and to Nagpore via Berhampore and Ellichpoor- From Cawnpore to Saugor through Bundle- cund, and thence to Nagpore by two routes, viz. by Jubblepore, and by Hussingabad. From Calcutta to Nagpore, through the Singboom country. 1822: Excavation of a canal to unite the Hoogh- ly with the Ganges, through the Salt-water Lake- ( I'his work was proposed in this year, and the line surveyed, but the opera- tions were only commenced in 1829 ) Additional moorings laid down at Kedgeree. ■Measures for the survey and improve- ment of the port of Cuttack Arrangement respecting the moorings laid down off the esplanade for government ves- sels, sanctioned. Formation of a teak and sissoo plantations at Bauleah, Sylhet, and the Jungle Mehals. Construction of a line of telegraphs from Fort William to Chunar. Construction of a road from Chilkea to Howel Baugh in Kumaoon for mules and ta- toos for commercial purposes, and more parti- cularly for facilitating the commerce between Tartary and the Plains. 596 ROADS AND OTHER PUBLIC WORKS IN INDIA. Three new sangha bridges built, and a fourth reconstructed, over the rivers in the Kumaoon district. Increased naeans employed for making a part of the new road from Calcutta to Nag- pore via Sumbulpore. Construction to Puttah of the new road from Barrackpore to Buddy Pautee. 1823 : Construction of a hospital for the pilgrims resorting to Juggurnaut. Excavation of a canal to unite the Damra and Churramunnee rivers : still in progress. Re-opening of Feroze Shah’s canal in Delhi: completed- Restoration of Zabita Khan’s canal in the Upper Dooab, The course of Ali Murdher’s canal drawn into Delhi. Works on the Seetabuldee hills- Construction of buildings on the eastern bank of the Hooghly, and of pucka pillars as beacons to be made subservient to telegraphic communication. Execution of certain works at Diamond Harbour ; moorings at the new anchorage ; bridle chains and spiral buoys for the anchor- age westward of the Kanacka river. Erection of a new mint at Calcutta : now in pi-ogress. 1824:: Wooden bridge built across the river Pabur ’ at Raeen; military road between Nagpore and Ryepore. Erection of a chapel at Dum Dum, and another at Meerut. Construction of two churches at Cawnpor®. Erection of a church at Dacca- Erection of an additional church at Cal- cutta. Erection of a church at Burdwan. The Cutcha sides of the road from Dum Dum to Shaum Bazar bridge, raised and turfed ; revetments of timber and planking as an embankment to the Ganges at Dina- pore, to preserve public buildings- Construction of two new tanks at Nussee- rabad. Construction of a new road from Mirza- pore to Saugor, Jubbulpore, Nagpore, and Omrawatty to Bhopalpore, Mhow, &c. 1825 : Establishment of a botanical garden at Singapore ; erection of bungalows and ser- aies for travellers in the military road from Calcutta to Benares. Replacing certain bunds destroyed by the torrents from the Damooda river, and repair- ing the damage done to the military roads between Hurripaul and the eastern bank of the river. A road constructed from Cuttack to Pada- moondy or Aliva ; particularly desirable for the transit of military stores at all seasons. Two pucka bridges over two nullahs on the road to Jaugemow at Cawnpore- 1826: Erection of a new Madrissa, or Mahomedan college, in Calcutta- Erection of a new Sanscrit college in Calcutta. Construction of a new dawk road between the presidency and the new anchorage. Construction of rope suspension bridges, known afterwards as “ Shakesperian Bridg- es,” was first introduced. Additions, alterations, and repairs to the Lower Orphan School at Allipore- Construction of two bridges over the Sing- hea Khal, and Sodepore Khal nullahs, on the new Benai’es road. 1827 ; Improvements of the dawk road, through , Shakespeare’s Pass to Channel Creek, and j| the construction of a Shakesperian bridge over the Kowar Torrent on the Benares road. I A new building for the Madrissa or Ma- I homedan college. Erection of the Hindoo college : completed. I Four Shakesperian bridges thrown over the Ramgunga,Kummee, and Ramghur rivers. 1828 : Operations for the removal of the rocks which obstruct the navigation of the Jumna : still in progress. Erection of staging bungalow's on the road from Shergotty to Gya, and thence to Patna. Erection of an asylum at Benares for the destitute and blind, by Rajah Kali Shunker Ghosaul, the expences of which in part are to ' be defrayed by government. ! Construction of three beacons towards the | eastern end of the Straits of Malacca. Construction of a bridge and boundary pil- i lars at Agra. | Nine iron chain bridges thrown over the rivers in the province oif Kumaoon. ' 1829 : ! The formation of roads in the districts of Jounsai and Bhowar. ! Construction of a road from Balasore to the sea-beach. 1830: Formation of a new road from Cuttack to Ganjam via Khoordah, intended as a high , road of communication between Bengal and i Fort St. George : in progress. , Construction of the Jyntaroad. A road to be constructed via Hooghly and i Burdwan to Bancoorah : now in progress. Staging bungalows and seraies at Gopee- ‘ gunge, Allahabad, Shajadpore, Futteepore, < Cawnpore, Koostan, and Gya : now in pro- gress. j Telegraphic towers on the semaphore prin- | ciple at Kedgeree lighthouse, Coverdale’s | Tree, Mu,d Point, Moyapoor, Fort William, and at Middle and Diamond Points : now in progress. | Two pucka wells constructed at Meerut, one for the use of the natives, and for water- ing the roads of cantonments ; and the other ' for the use of the public libraries- Construction of a small bridge of masonry over a branch of the Nucteah nullah, near Bareilly ; also bunds for securing the east bank of the same nullah. HINTS FOR THE DISTRICT CHARITABLE COMMITTEE. 597 1831 : The “ Strand Road” at Calcutta, towards the completion of which, Court’s contribu- tion has been requested.’’ In our next we shall notice the public works in Madras and Bonabay, as well as the surveys which have been effected. BORING.— FORT WILLIAM. A brass plumb by the break! ng of the string having remained at the bottom of the tubes used for the artesian spring in Fort William, among other means adoptejj to bring it up, a mud shell-augur was used to push it out of the way or to raise it ; having laid hold of it, the force required to bring it up was so great as to break the shoulders of the instrument. The Sappers and Miners, we are happy to say, have suc- ceeded in bringing it up from a depth of 326 feet, by breaking of the valve at B. (see plate VI, fig. 14 and 15,) and disen. gaging the plumb by means of a jumper^ after which the conical worm -augur laid hold of the hinge of the valve of the mud shell-augur, the cutters of which were bro- ken off. The greatest praise is due to the Sappers who superintended, for their unremitting attention to the work. It is believed no da- mage has been done to the tubes, and we have no doubt, by the same talent and per- severance which have been hitherto evinced in this great scientific undertaking, tha^- they will now get to the depth at which water will be found. LIKENESSES OF DISTINGUISHED INDIVIDUALS. We have in our possession some very correct likenesses of distinguished individu- als who have lately left India, and of others who are still residing in this country ; we shall give one or two every month. There are some persons to whom deep scientific research and mechanical discoveries have no particular allurements. By making ourpublicationinterestingin every particular, we hope to win them to the love of studies of not less importance to themselves than to the community at large. FLOUR-MAKING RECOMMENDED AS AN EMPLOYMENT FOR THE POOR. We beg to call the attention of the Go- vernment and the District Charitable Com- mittee to Hebert’s flour-maker, described in our present number and illustrated by a drawing. It appears to us that much good would be effected, were the prisoners now in our native jails employed in flour and rope, rather than in road-making,on which, in our opinion, proper work people alone should be employed. To guard against the imposition of those who prefer idleness to industry, we conceive Hebert’s flour-maker might be used by the District Charitable Committee as profitable occupation for such as are dependant upon its bounty, on account of not obtaining employment elsewhere. Were the society to which we allude to rent a work- house, rope-making, cotton -spining, and other profitable labour might be introduced, and large returns for their present expendi- ture secured, and by extending such means of doing good give a moral character to the people and enforce permanent habits of industry and a thirst for improvement. LORD AUCKLAND’S FOURTH SCIENTIFIC PARTY. January 14, 1837. At this meeting Dr. O’Shaughnessy per- formed part of the eigth series of Farraday’s experimental researches, which will be found described at page 18 of our Review. He also exhibited, with much better effect than on the former occasion, his working model of a machine, producing moving pow- er by the application of electro -magnetic influence. Several splendid specimens of fos- sils were on the table, especially those considered to be new genera, others which Captain Cautley and Dr. Falconer have called sevatherium, found by them in the S ewalik hills. 598 HIGHLY FINISHED DRAWINGS BY DR. CANTOR. There were several mineralogical speci- mens from New South Wales, also some birds collected by Mr. Cracroft ; among the latter was a beautiM specimen of the white haw^k . From Mr. Irwin a fine specimen of the ornitho - rynchus. Two boxes exhibiting numeroug kindsof timber collected at TavoybyT. Main- gy> Esq. Upon the same table were displayed some highly finished drawings of fishes pecu- liar to India, by Dr. Cantor. PROGRESS OF SCIENCE, AS APPLICABLE TO THE ARTS AND MANUFACTURES; TO COMMERCE AND TO AGRICULTURE. TO JOHN HEATHCOAT, OF TIVER- TON, IN THE COUNTY OF DEVON, ESQ., FOR HIS INVENTION OF CERTAIN NEW Ab}D IMPROVED METHODS OF DRAINING AND CULTIVATING LAND, AND NEW OR IMPROVED MACHINERY AND APPARATUS APPLICABLE THERE- TO ; WHICH MACHINERY AND APPARATUS MAY BE APPLIED TO DIVERS OTHER USEFUL PUR- POSES. Sealed 15th May, 1882. The subject of this patent is, in a nation- al point of view, particularly as regards Ire- land, one ofthe most important that has been introduced to the public. It is principally designed to afford the means of cultivat- ing such boggy waste lands as are of too spongy a character to sustain the feet of horses. The apparatus consists principally of a locomotive steam-engine sustained upon a platform, which moves very slowly over the surface of the bog, upon a very broad end- less band, which is nearly impervious to water, and presents such an extended sur- face as to prevent its sinking. From this machine ploughs and other implements of husbandry for cutting and turning over the surface of the moss are work- ed out and in, to the distance of a quarter of a mile on each side at right angles to the course in wdiich the engine is slowly advan- cing, and the power of the steam impels the ploughs in place of horse or other manual labour. Upon the merits of this invention and its important advantages volumes might be written, and no doubt will be ; but our limits at present only allow us to give the details of the contrivances as set out in the speci- fication, observing, however, that we have withheld our report under the expectation of being enabled to speak practically of the effect of its operation. We have several times within the last two years witnessed the action of the ma- chinery upon Red Moss, near Bolton-le- Moors, in Lancashire, under the super- intendence of a skilful engineer, Mr. Josiah Parks, and have now the satisfaction of communicating to our readers the fact of its most unqualified success. The new or improved methods of drain- ing and cultivating land, consists in the employment of certain machinery and ap- paratus to be worked by steam or other power, for the purpose of ploughing, cut- ting, rolling, harrowing, trenching, and draining lands, and for effecting other ope- rations of husbandry as are or may be per- formed by traction, which machinery and apparatus is particularly adapted for use on lands which cannot be so conveniently worked and tilled in the ordinary manner by the agency of horses or other cattle. This machinery or apparatus consists of a carriage with a steam-engine, or other motive engine mounted thereon ; and also of auxiliary machines or apparatus, sup- porting and conducting extended ropes, bands, or chains, at a distance from the motive engine. The power of the engine is designed to to draw ploughs and other agricultural im- plements to and fro, between the principal and auxiliary carriages at right angles, or any other convenient angles, and also to give locomotion to the principal carriage in w'hich the engine is mounted. In order to render my methods more evident, I shall proceed to describe the general features of my machinery or ap- paratus, wdth the objects they are intended to effect, and some of the variations and modifications of which they are susceptible. First, I employ a carriage of large dimen- sions, designed for the support of a steam- engine, or other machinery, capable of DRAINING AND CULTIVATING LAND. generating or communicating motive power ; this carriage is mounted on a series of wheels, w'hich conduct an endless flexible floor rail- road or way, within and upon which the carriage travels. The endless flexible floor, rail-road, or way, affords an extremely broad and ex- tended surface, for the purpose of sustain- ing a carriage of great weight upon soft, swampy, boggy, or unstable land. Secondly, in place of the series of wheels and broad flexible endless floor, rail-road, or way, I substitute, in certain cases, rollers or drums, presenting considerable surfaces to the ground ; I employ carriages mounted on such broad rollers or drums on lands or soils which naturally possess or have acquired sufficient solidity to sustain their weight. Thirdly, I modify thecarriageby mounting it upon wheels suitable for travelling on land of a sufficiently firm and compact nature, in order to simplify the application of the machinery and apparatus to the culture of such soils. Fourthly, I employ auxiliary carriages, which I place on each side of the principal carriage, at a distance from and parallel therewith, and by means of ropes, bands, chains, or other media of traction, issuing from and actuated by the machinery of the principal carriage ; and passing round a wheel, pulley, or barrel, on the auxiliary carriages, I drag the ploughs or other agri- cultural implements to and fro between the said principal carriage and auxiliary car- riages at right angles, or at any other con- venient angles, to the line of progress of the principal carriage. By these means, a wide extent of land is brought under operation by my machinery and apparatus. These auxiliary carriages are mounted on wheels, rollers, drums, or flexible flooi’s, rail-roads, or ways, similar to those provided for the principal carriage, and suitable to various soils, by which means they are ca- pable of being made to advance or retro- grade as circumstances may requrie. Upon the platform of the principal car- riage described under the first, second, and third heads, I fix a boiler and the several parts of a steam-engine or other actuating machinery, which, through the agency of wheels and suitable gearing, I employ for the purpose of giving locomotion to the carriage in its longitudinal direction, and also for driving the drums or barrels, that work the track ropes, bands, or chains, which draw the ploughs or other implements to and fro between the principal carriage and the auxiliary carriage. 59i> In the accompanying drawings, see Plate 5, the same letters are used to denote similar parts in all the figures. Fig. 1, is a plan or horizontal view of the skeleton or frame of the principal carriage, showing- twelve large wheels, a, flf, a, and also twenty- four wheels, b, b, b, of smaller diameter, supporting the carriage. These wheels are fixed upon shafts lying transversely to the length of the carriage, the shafts of the larger wheels being mounted on pedestals standing upon the upper beams or timbers, of which the framing of the carriage is con- structed, and those of the smaller wheels turning in pedestals fixed on the lower beams of the framing. Round the six wheels a, a, a, and under the twelve smaller wheels b, b, b, on each side of the carriage, an endless flexible floor is extended, the upper part being removed in this figure the better to show the parts ; the w'eight of the upper part of these floors being sustained in the middle by wheels placed at suitable distances, to allow the iron plates of the endless floor, hereinafter de- scribed, to rest upon and pass over them, as shown in the side elevation of the locomo- tive engine at fig. 3, and which wheels are supported from the platform of the carriage. This endless flexible floor e, c, c, I pro- pose to make of painted or tarred sailcloth, which is stretched transversely by the bars of wood d, d, bolted at intervals to endless strips of sheet iron e, e, upon which strips or bands of iron the wheels run. The heads of the bolts by which the stretchers are connected with the iron bands (excepting those which would come in contact with the teeth of the spire wheels m, and n,) are made so long as to project inwards about two inches ; the space between the heads of each pair of bolts is somewhat greater than the width of the rims of the wheels, and the insides of the heads are bevelled in order to allow the wheels to enter more freely between them. Thus the bolts serve not only to unite the several parts of the flexible floors, (that is to say) the endless iron bands and trans- verse wood stretchers with the sailcloth held firmly between them, but also to keep the iron bands in the tracks of the wheels. In some cases I propose to dispense with the sailcloth, and in lieu thereof to use a greater number of wooden stretchers, placed as near to each other as may be necessary, in order to bear the weight of the carriage, and prevent its sinking too deeply into the land or soil. The construction of the endless flexible floor is represented in several of the annexed figures. 600 IMPORTANT INVENTION FOR DRAINING LAND. Fig. 2, is a horizontal view of the loco- motive carriage, exhibiting the platform or floor on which the boiler, the engine, the gearing, and other machinery, are fixed. In the side elevation, fig. 3, the boiler and one of the steam-engines, with its append- ages, is exhibited ; and in fig. 4, which is also a side elevation, the mode of mounting and driving one of the track rope barrels only is represented. Fig. 5, is an end view of the locomotive carriage and engine, exhibiting the endless flexible floors passing over the wheels. The auxiliary carriage is shown in a plan or horizontal view at fig. 6, and in side ele- vation at fig. 7. It is mounted on broad rims or rollers, and exhibits the wheel or pulley round which the cord is passed from the principal carriage. Fig. 8, is a plan or field view, upon a very minute scale, of the relative position of the principal and auxiliary carriages, as they are to be employed, together with the manner in which the power of the engine is communicated to the ploughs or other implements, through the agency of the track ropes, bands, or chains. I intend, wherever the surface of the land operated upon shall permit, to make drains on each side of the track of the carriages, as represented in fig. 8, which , drains will serve the double purpose of laying dry the roadways on which the carriages travel, and of receiving and discharging the -water issuing from the drains which may require to be made between the parallel roadways of the principal and auxiliary carriages. These drains, being at right angles to the road- ways, may be formed in part by the traction of draining ploughs, or other suitable im- plements of drainage, by the steam-engine, and their intersections with the roadway drains may be completed by hand labour. I also intend to lay down these roadways in grass or herbage, which will be benefitted, rather than injured, by the passage of the carriages over its surface. This application of my invention is more particularly suitable to bogs and mosses, which, from their extent, will admit of being laid on a plan of parallel roadways at given distances, cross- ed at right angles by similar roadways. These arrangements will prevent the expense of constructing hard stone roads : no land will be lost, as I contemplate that the culti- vation, by my machinery and apparatus, of such lands, will be more economical and convenient than the employment of horses and other cattle, even after they shall have acquired sufficient solidity to bear horses or other cattle, and carriages of the ordinary description. The steam-engine, which I deem most convenient for the purposes of this inven- tion, is constructed upon the high-pressure principle, with two horizontal cylinders, which, through their connecting rods, give motion to the crank shaft. The steam whereby the pistons are worked is generated in a boiler a, and passes from thence through pipes b, n, to the induction valves and cylinders c, c, which are furnished with suitable valves, and the eduction steam is discharged from the cylinders after each stroke by the pipes D, D, into the chimney e, e. The boiler is supplied with water by the force pumps f, f, worked by rods attached to tlie slides of the piston rods. The power of the engine is communicated to the machinery by which the carriage is moved, and also to the machi- nery designed to work the ploughs and other apparatus for draining and tilling the land, through t he agency of the crank shaft f. On the crank shaft /, there is a sliding pinion g, which, when thrown into gear with the wheel A, gives rotary motion to the train of wheels and pinions A, i, k, I •, by which means the large spur wheel m, fixed on the shaft of the wheels a, a, will be driven round, and with it the wheels a, a, also. Upon an elongation of the shaft of the pinion I, (which is broken off in the draw- ing, fig. 2, to avoid confusion, but shown by dots,) a similar pinion is fixed, which takes into the other spur wheel n ; and, consequently, with the wheels a, a, connect- ed thereto, the endless floors or bands will be made to revolve simultaneously. Thus, by the connexion of the sliding pinion g, the carriage supporting the steam-engine and other machinery is, when required, made locomotive. At each extremity of the crank shaft y*, there is a small spur pinion o, o, in gear with the wheels jo, j!?, fixed on the counter shaft q, q. These counter shafts each carry a pair of mitre wheels turning loosely thereon, which take into the teeth of a similar mitre wheel fixed on the end of the axle for each of the drums or barrels r, r. To these barrels track ropes, bands, or chains, are attached, for the purpose of drawing the ploughs, or other implements, to and fro between the principal and auxiliary carriages. A clutch box s, slides upon each of the counter shafts between the mitre wheels ; and when either of the barrels are to be put into operation, the clutch box must be slid- den so as to lock it into one of the mitre wheels, which causes the barrel, by its rota- tion, to wind or coil the extended rope or chain, and draw the plough, or other imple- DRAINING AND CULTIVATING LAND. 601 ments attached thereto, over the ground. Of course it will be seen that the rotation of the barrels may be reversed by sliding the clutches into the opposite mitre wheels. In order to work the ploughs or other implements, I first place the auxiliary car- riages at convenient distances from the principal or locomotive carriage, and parallel therewith, as shown in fig. 8, and then make fast one end of a rope, band, or chain, to each of the barrels r, r, on the locomotive carriage. I then coil thereon a quantity of the rope, band, or chain, sufficient, when uncoiled, to extend from the principal to the auxiliary carriages. I then stretch out a continuation of such ropes, bands, or chains, to, and pass them round the pulleys or drums t, on the auxiliary carriages, bring- ing the ends back to the main carriage, and there make them fast to the barrels in such a way that when the barrels revolve, the rope, band, or chain, may travel round the pulleys of the auxiliaiy carriages, one end of the ropes, bands, or chains, coiling on the barrels r, whilst the other ends are uncoiling therefrom. To these track ropes, bands, or chains, I attach ploughs, or other agricultural imple- ments, and then (the steam-engine being at work) I throw the barrels r, into gear by means of the clutch boxes s, s, which will cause the ropes, bands, or chains, to travel over the spaces of ground between the main carriage, and the auxiliary carriages drawing the ploughs or other implements through or over the ground in the line or space com- prised between the principal and auxiliary carriages. When the plough or other implement shall have been drawn out to the required distance, it may be turned round by an at- tendant at the auxiliary carriage, and the barrel r, be made to revolve in an opposite direction, so as to cause the plough or other implement to be drawn back again towards the principal carriage. It is evident that the train of wheels and pinions may be so arranged as to cause the carriage to be advanced or retrograded through a space equal to the width of the land operated upon, and completed by the plough, x’oller, harrow, or other implement, during the time occupied in the passage of such implement between the principal and auxiliary carriages. Or the principal car- riage may rest, during the time of perform- ing such operations, and be put in motion at required intervals, by thi’owing the pinion g, on the crank shaft/*, into and out of gear, with suitable trains of wheels. The auxiliary carriages must be advanced or retrograded at rates corresponding with the progress of the principal carriage, whe- ther the latter be moved continuously or at intervals : this may be effected through the pinion u, shown in the plan or horizontal view, fig. 6, which pinion takes into the teeth of a wheel v, on the axle bearing the broad rollers or drums w, to; and, by turn- ing the axle of the pinion by a hand spike a?, the carriage will be moved. Another obvious mode of communicating motion, and one capable of giving various speeds to the auxiliary carriage, is the em- ployment of a train of wheels and pinions, actuated by winches, gearing into the spur wheel on the shafts, bearing the two drums or rollers. The auxiliary carriages must be sufficiently heavy to resist the drag or force exerted upon the cord, when the plough or other implement is drawn from the principal carriage towards it. In cases when a very great power may require to be exerted, the auxiliary carriage must be weighted accordingly ; or it may occasion- , ally be made fast to stakes fixed at proper distances in the soil by a cord or chain, so as to oppose the greatest resistance to the pull of the track rope : in other cases, where operations may have to be performed at considerable intervals or distances, the one from the other, and draining ploughs or other implements requiring great force may , have to be used, the pulley, round which the cord passes from the principal carriage, may be attached to stakes or posts driven in the soil at proper distances, or a porta- ble crane may be employed for this pur- pose. I do not claim as any part of my inven- tion,the particular construction of the steam- engine delineated. I have adopted it, as well suited for impelling the carriage, and for accomplishing the various objects of my invention ; but other forms of engines, as well as other agents than steam, may be applicable as a motive force. Upon mosses or bog lands, where coal or other fuel may be too expensive, or too dif- ficult to obtain, I propose to use peat to work the engine ; in which case, it v/ill be necessary to make the furnace or fire-box of the boiler sufficiently capacious, for con- taining such a quantity of this bulky kind of fuel as will produce t’ne requisite abundance and foi’ce of steam ; and as, in such situa- tion, water is at most times procurable from the drains, I propose to supply t’ne boiler either directly from the drains, or from holes formed at convenient distaxices, by attaching a hose to the pipe of the pump. I do not intend to confine myself to the precise material or construction, arrange- ment or dimensions, of the parts of the HEATHCOAT’S IMPORTANT INVENTIONS. 602 principal carriage, or auxiliary carriage or carriages, or to the distances at which such carriages are placed asunder, as shown in these di'awings ; nor to the manner in which the engine is combined with them. I propose, in some cases, to make use of a carriage having only one endless flexible floor, rail-road, or v/ay ; and to place the engine on such carriage, instead of placing it between tv^ro endless flexible floors, as hereinbefore described ; in which case, it will be necessary to pass the chimney in a horizontal direction, in order to clear the edge of the upper part of the endless flexible floor, whence it may be raised vertically to the required height. I propose also to employ a modification of the carriage mounted on broad rollers or drums, and impelled by a steam or other engine, and serving as a heavy rolling machine, in order to consolidate the soil, or to break down lumps or clods. I sometimes employ a cai-riage mounted cn three broad rollers or drums, furnished with a steam-engine of small dimensions and compact form, as represented in figs. 9, and 10. The power is to be communicated by suitable gearing to the two drums, and the machine may be directed into a new path, and be made to travel over fresh ground, after having reached the end of an enclosure or field, by turning the axis of the single drum at an angle to the axis of the two rol- lers or drums, by means of a rack and pinion acting on the bearing of one end of the axis, the other end being mounted in an adjust- able bearing, as shown at fig. 10. The motion of the engine must then be reversed, and one of the two rollers or drums be disengaged from the engine, and allowed to turn freely upon its axis ; while the other is locked into the gearing of the engine, and turned round by it. In this manner the machine may be made to take up fresh ground, without being tm-ned completely round. This machine may also be employed to drag ploughs or other agricultural implements, in connexion with auxiliary carriages, by adapting to it barrels fixed and worked in a manner similar to those already described : for this purpose, it may be necessary to apply a wheel in each side of the single roller, in order to give suflicient stability to the carriag'e. These wheels are shown, dotted in fig. 10, as also the barrels. The v/heels are mounted upon temporary axles bolted to the framing, so as to be removed at pleasure. The wheels, a, a, a, of the principal car- riage, are represented as formed of wooden spokes and fellies, with naves of cast iron ; but I propose to make them stronger, in cases where the weight of the carriage and ©ngines may require it, by filling in between the spokes with wood, so as to form com- plete discs ; or it may be still more advan- tageous to employ wheels of cast or wrought iron. In case the wheels should have a tend- ency to slip round within the endless floor without carrying it with them, then the two inner straps of iron e, e, may be made with teeth or cogs fastened upon them at proper intervals, which shall take into the spaces of the wheels m, n. I have now described my new or improv- ed methods of draining or cultivating land, and have shown the manner in which the machinery and apparatus are to be ap- plied to the culture of various soils. I have before stated this invention to be especially serviceable on lands which cannot he so conveniently worked and tilled in the ordi- nary manner by the agency of horses and other cattle. The cultivation of bogs or messes, require more numerous drains than drier and firmer ground ; and, when horses or other cattle are employed, it is necessary that most of the drains should be covered, in order to enable the horses or other cattle to pass over them ; but by the system of cultivation by traction obtained from motive power, combined with the arrangement of the pi’incipal and auxiliary carriages herein- before explained, I am enabled not only to drain, plough, roll, and work the soil by suitable implements, without its being poached or injured by the feet of horses or other cattle ; and also to leave the drains open, by which they may be cleansed and deepened, as the water shall subside and the land consolidate. If, in the progress of these soils, boggy grounds become consolidated, all the original drains, which I propose to make very nume- rous, should no longer be necessary, a por- tion of them may be filled up ; and of the remainder, such may be left open, and such covered, as circumstances of cultivation may require. As regards the utility of this invention in a national point of view, I anticipate also that several advantages will result from the substitution of steam power for horses and other cattle, and from the use of peat as fuel for the steam-engines to be employed in the culture of mosses or bog lands : amongst the advantages, will he the abund- ant and profitable engagement of an unem- ployed population in the raising and pre- paring of peat for feeding the steam-engines, and as labourers in reclaiming and cultivat- ing lands which are at present utterly un- productive ; and further, that the produce of the soil will be available as food for human beings, instead of being consumed MACHINE FOR DRAINING LAND. 603 by horses and other cattle employed in the cultivation. It will be obvious, as the principal car- riage hereinbefore described is capable of locomotion, and contains a steam or other engine of power, that it may be placed in convenient situations, where the power of such engines may be advantageously used for the working of corn mills, thi'ashing machines, chaff cutters, pumps, or other machinery. — {Inrolled in the Rolls Chapel Office, November, 1833.*] Specification drawn by Messrs. Newton and Berry. “ During the Whitsuntide recess of Par- liament, a numerous assemblage of gentle- men from different parts of the country at- tended to witness an exhibition of this novel and interesting invention ; amongst whom were Mr. M. L. Chapman, M. P., Mr. T. Chapman, Mr. H. Handley, M. P., Mr. J. Featherstone, of Griffinstown-house, Westmeath (an enterprising and successful bog-reclaimer), Mr. F. Brown, of Welbourn, Lincolnshire, Mr. James Smith, of Dean- ston, near Stirling (well known to the me- chanical world by his ingenious inventions, applied both to agriculture and manufac- tures), Mr. B. Hick, and Mr. P. Rothwell, engineers, with other experienced judges of mechanical contrivances. These gentlemen were unanimous in pronouncing the inven- tion to be the germ of great improvements in the science and practice of agriculture, as well as eminently fitted for the particular purpose to which it has, in the first instance, been applied, •'fwo ploughs of different construction w^ere put in action, to the admiration of the spectators ; particularly the one last invented, which is houbie-act- ing, or made with two shares in the same plane, so that it returns at the end of a ‘ bout,’ taking a new furrow, without loss of time. The perfect mechanism of this plough — the action of the working coulters and under-cutting knives, which divide every opposing fibre of the moss — the breadth and depth of the furrow turned over — the application of a new and admirable means of traction, instead of chains or ropes — together with the facility with which the machine is managed, and the power applied to the plough, especially interested and surprised all present. The speed at which the plough travelled was two miles and a half per hour, tuiming furrows eighteen inches broad by nine inches in depth, and completely reversing the surface. Each furrow of two hundred and twenty yards in • In this instance, eighteen months have teen allowed for inroUing- the specification. length was performed in somewhat less than three minutes ; so that in a working day of twelve hours this single machine would, with two ploughs, turn over ten acres of bog land. The machine which bears the steam- engines is itself locomotive ; but as the ploughs are moved at right angles to its line of progress, not dragged after it, the ma- chine has to advance only the width of a furrow, viz. eighteen inches, whilst the ploughs have travelled a quarter of a mile ; in other words, the machine has to be mov- ed only eleven yards in the time that the ploughs have travelled five and a half miles, and turned over a statute acre of land. This is, in truth, the prime distinguishing feature of the invention ; it is the contriv- ance on which the genius of its author is more particularly stamped, and which seems to be essential to the economical application of steam to husbandry ; for it is evident, that were it requisite to impel the machine with a velocity equal to that of the ploughs, by dragging them wuth it, a great propor- tion of the engines would be uselessly ex- pended. Another valuable property appertaining to the machine, and which conduces great- ly to its economy as a bogcuitivator, is, that it requires no previous outlay in the forma- tion of roads, no preparation of any kind, further than a drain on each side of it. That a locomotive machine of such great dimen- sions and power could be so constructed as to travel on mere raw bog, was an excellence the more appreciated, as it was unexpected, by those persons who are conversant with the soft, unstable nature of bog. The Irish gentlemen present also pronounced Red Moss to be a fair specimen of the great mass of the flat, red, fibrous bogs of Ireland, and that neither the machine nor the ploughs would have any difficulties to encounter in that country, which had not been already overcome on Red Moss, the field of experi- ment. The engines are capable of working up to fifty horses power ; but the operations subsequent to ploughing wdll require a small force compared with that necessary for breaking up the surface of the bogs, to the depth and at the speed effected by these ploughs. The power consumed by each plough is estimated at about twelve horses ; and the weight of the sod operated upon by the plough, from point to heel, is not less than thi’ee hundred |30uads. The boil- er is of unusually large dimensions for lo- comotive engines, being suited to the use of peat as fuel, so that the culture of a bog will be effected by the produce of its drains. At Red Moss, however, coals are so cheap, be- ing found contiguous to and even undel: it, 604 IMPROVED ENGINE FOR that they are used in pref erence to turf. Eight men are required for the management of the machine and the two ploughs, or at the rate of nearly one man per acre ; but it must be understood that this number of men will only be required for the first heavy process, and has no relation to any subsequent operations in the cultivation of bogs, nor to the application of the inven- tion to the culture of hard lands. After passing a sufficient time on the Moss to witness the exhibition of the ploughs, and the various other functions and properties of the machine, the party expressed to Mr. Heathcoat the extreme pleasure they had received, and their earn- est hope that he would extend the sphere of his exertions by applying the invention to the culture of stiff clay soils ; and more especially, to carry into effect those im- portant operations of sub-soil ploughing and improved drainage recently introduced to the agricultural world by Mr. Smith, of Deanston. To effect these processes great power is essential ; and it was evident that Mr. Heathcoat’ s invention vras equally well adapted to them, and would be attend- ed with results no less important than those which will arise from its application to the reclamation and culture of bogs.” — London Journal. TO JOHN ERICSSON, OF THE NEW- ROAD, IN THE COUNTY OF MID- DLESEX, ENGINEER, FOR HIS IMPROVED ENGINE FOR COM- MUNICATING POWER FOR ME- CHANICAL PURPOSES. . Sealed 24th July, 1830. This invention is a steam wheel or rotary steam-engine ; it consists of a tight circular box or chamber, within which another hol- low circular box is intended to revolve. The outer box or chamber is made station- ary, by being mounted upon a frame or standard. The inner box, called a fly drum, is fixed upon a revolving axle which extends through the former, its ends bearing upon anti-friction rollers. Three radial wings or partitions, as steam stops, are introduced within the rotary drum ; but they are in- dependent of it, being affixed to, and made stationary with, the outer box, Plate 5, fig. 11, represents a sectional elevation taken through the machine in the direction of its axis ; a, a, is the box or outer chamber, into which steam is admitted by the pipe b. The box or chamber a, is made stationary, being fixed upon a base with end frame and standard. Through this chamber a shaft or axle e, is passed, bearing upon anti-friction rollers at its ends ; and COMMUNICATING POWER. to this shaft c, the inner box, called the fly drum d, d, is attached by flanges. Three radial partitions or wings e, e, e, shown in fig. 12, are fixed upon a boss or collar f, and made stationary, by the collar being attached to the outer box, and the axle passing through it. The fly drum encloses these wings, but is enabled to revolve freely round them. Steam being introduced into the external box a, it passes through slots or openings into the fly drum, and from thence escapes by an aperture near the axle into the exit chamber and eduction pipe g, g. It is intended that the steam, when in the inner box, shall press against the sta- tionary partitions or wings e, e, c, and also against inclined planes on the sides of the openings or induction apertures, by the force and resistance against v/hich the fly drum is intended to be made to revolve, and, by the rotation of its shaft or axle, to com- municate a power capable of driving other machinery. The Patentee observes, “ It will be seen that the wdngs e, e, must have notches or spaces cut in them, to allow the channels to pass by them in the course of the revolution of the fly drum. With reference to these channels, it is absolutely necessary to ob- serve, that they must be so constructed, that the length of the channel shall always exceed its depth, in such proportion that the channel itself shall always move at a greater speed than the steam acting against its bottom ; for when the length is to the depth as two for one, the motion of the acting steam toward the bottom of the channel, will only be one-half as rapid as the motion of the channel itself.” It is unnecessary for us further to recite the Patentee’s details and comments upon this invention, as it must be perfectly ob- vious in what way he proposes to obtain a moving power. We cannot, however, help remarking, tliat any means of packing the edges of the working parts (which consti- tutes the most difficult feature in all rotary steam-engines) is not once mentioned in this specification ; and, upon the whole, the scheme is of so crude a character, that even its practicability (not to say any thing of its usefulness) appears extremely equivocal. — Inrolled in the Petty Bag Office^ Janu- ary, 1831. — Ibidem. DR. CHURCH’S STEAM-COACH. We have much pleasure in stating that Dr. Church has at length completely and satisfactorily accomplished the construction of a steam- carriage, in every way suited to run on ordinary roads. PLATE b SB^Ui^So [Viqia p, f U-. . f. ' - 'tn ccrnim v'm^ali/nq K^k'j ibo. lit coap INSTRUMENT FOR ASCERTAINING THE DEPTHS OF RIVERS. 605 The external appearance of the carriage is made exactly to resemble a stage-coach, and is about the same dimensions. It consists of a frame-work with a casing enclosing the boiler and engines ; the furnace, fuel- box, water-chamber, and condenser, all of which hang upon springs, supported by the running wheels, require no auxiliary tender. The casing is formed and painted like an ordinary stage-coach, the conductor sits for the purpose of steering in the place of a coachman on the box in front ; the engineer who attends the fire and the machinery, and has command of the steam, stands also in front, in an open compartment, below the conductor. There are seats for persons on the roof before and behind, as in other stage-coaches; but as this carriage is intended merely to be the locomotive engine for impelling a train of carriages connected to it, the seats upon this are to be considered as of an inferior class. Some of the most important features of the locomotive carriage as now completed, viz. the peculiar construction of the boiler and arrangement of the working parts of the machinery, form portions of the subject of a patent granted to Dr. Church, on the 16th March, 1835 ; the specifications of which, embracing other matters, is too elaborate for insertion in our present number, but will most probably appear in our next. As several partially successful, but, in our opinion, very unsatisfactory attempts have been made by other persons, to impel carriages on ordinary roads by steam-power, we consider it necessary to point out some of the peculiarities in Dr. Church's present carriage, which we consider to be its strik- ing features of advantage.— Firstly, though the engines wmrk at high-pressure, the eduction steam is so effectually condensed after passing from the working cylinder, that no visible portion of it escapes into the air, but the whole is converted into water, and re-conducted into the boiler in a heated state. Secondly, the flues are so constructed and arranged, that no smoke is allowed to escape from the chimney; and the consequences of these two novel features, as regards locomotive engines running on ordi- nary roads, are very important, viz. that neither is there any perceptible noise arising from the discharge of steam, or any offensive effluvia emitted from the combustion, so that the carriage proceeds along the road without, in the slightest degree, attracting the attention of horses which may pass it. We have only space to say further, that the Birmingham and London Steam -carriage Company, with whom the Doctor is con- nected in this invention, are perfectly satis- fied with the carriage as now completed ; and though alterations and slight improvements may and will necessarily be adopted in the future exercise of the plans, yet they deem the present carriage to be so fully effective and satisfactory, that they have advertised for a practical engineer to superintend the erection of a sufficient number of these carriages at their works, exactly according with the model produced. We understand it to be the intention of the company to establish three stations between London and Birmingham for their trains of carriages to halt at, and to supply a fresh locomotive engine at each station, in order that the engines, after running about twenty- six miles, may be severally examined, and such little matters as cleaning, oiling, and adjusting parts attended to : which arrangement will avoid subjecting passengers to the inconvenience of delay, and tend greatly to prevent accidents. We have only to add, that having wit- nessed the manner in which this carriage performs its duty on the public road,we have no hesitation in saying that we are now satisfied steam may be safely, and, we be . lieve, economically employed, in connection with Dr. Church’s improved machinery, as an effective substitute for horses, in the oi’dinary transit of stage-coach passengers on all the turnpike roads in the kingdom.—" Ibid. TO JOHN ERICSSON, OF ALBANY. STREET. REGENT’S-PARK, IN TH'E COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX, CIVIL ENGINEER, FOR HIS IN- VENTION OF AN INSTRUMENT FOR ASCERTAINING THE DEPTH OF WATER IN SEAS AND RIVERS. Sealed 14th November, 1835. The invention now before us, is what is commonly called a sea- gage, and one in which the principal difficulties that these gages are subject to are entirely removed. Some of these difficulties are, firstly, the es- tablishment of a correct register, to point out the depth to which the sounding instru- ment has gone ; little liable to be disar- ranged by accident, and which will not re- turn to its former position when the pres- sure of the water is taken away. Another, is the graduation of the scales, as the de- grees must diminish very rapidly when the instrument is at a considerable depth ; and finally, the preservation of the instrument entire, whilst it is subjected to the enormous pressure of the water at a considerable depth, and which always proves so destruc- tive to hollow instruments. The Patentee 606 HEBERrS FLOUR-MAKING MACHINE. has, in a very ingenious and simple manner, effectually guarded against all these diffi- culties. The invention is shown at fig. 3, Plate 5, which represents a vertical section of the instrument, consisting of a glass tube a, open at both ends, and firmly fastened, by means of cement, in the cast iron tube h : c, is the graduated scale of fathoms ; d, is an air chamber communicating with the external atmosphere by the short pipe e; f, is a crooked pipe, fastened on to the top of the glass tube a, and communicating with it. When the instrument is to be brought into operation, the stop cock g, at the lower end of the glass tube, is closed, so as to stop up the end of the tube, and prevent the escape of the water. As the instrument goes down, the water presses upon the air in the short tube e, and compresses the air in the chamber d ; and as the air is com- pressed, the water rises in the chamber, and when it reaches the top of the bent tube/, it will run dovm into the glass tube fl, and in this manner register the number of fathoms to which the instrument has gone. The use of the bent tube /, is to prevent the water, when it has once got into the glass tube, from returning into the air chamber d, except it is literally turned bottom upwards, which it is not very likely to be, though it may, by the current, be turned on one side. It will be evident, that the pressure of the water cannot have any destructive effect upon the instrument, as it is subject to the pressure of the air and water inside, and by that means the exterior pressure is neutralised. When the instru- ment is drawn up, the depth is ascertained by referring to the height of the water in the glass tube ; the water is then let out of the glass tube by means of the stop cock g, and the instrument is again ready for use. — \_In- rolled in the Inrolment Office^ May, 1836.] —Ibid, HEBERT’S FLOUR-MAKER. {See Flate vi, Figure 1.) We fulfil our engagement made in a former Number (665), of giving a description of the larger kind of “ Hebert’s Patent Flour- makers and we adopt for this purpose, the machine which we stated was in successful operation at the workhouse of All Saints, near Hertford, in preference to another ma- chine on the same principle, which the pa- tentee assui’cs us is greatly improved — be- cause, in the first place, we fulfil our pro- mise to the letter; and, in the second place, because the practical demonstration of actual advantages has move weight with us than any deductions from theory, however plausi- ble. And until the inventor shall have given to us equal proofs to those which we are about to submit to our readers of the success of his more recent improvements, we shall rest satisfied with what is before us. We live in an age when improvements are occurrences of every day, yet it is singular that the process of grinding and dressing wheat is nearly the same as it has been for centuries. The French burr stones, awkward, massive, and troublesome, have hitherto been free from the inventive assaults of enter- prise and genius ; and when we reflect how long the miller has been wedded to his upper and nether millstone, we can hardly expect this invention to attract his attention, but we think it a subject wmrthy of consideration to those who are friendly to manual labour, either as employment or punishment, to in- quire how far a cheap process can be intro- duced in the manufacture of an article of the first consumption; and should it appear that England possesses within herself the means of effectually superseding the French burr stones, the greater honour will rest on those who are the means of its introduction. The engraving fig. \,) exhibits a perspective sketch of the flour-maker con- structed by Mr. Hebert, for the workhouse at All Saints, where it has been constantly at work, without the slightest deterioration of the grinding surfaces, for a period of time, that would, in ordinary mills, have required a renewal of them many times. For the pur- pose of ascertaining the efficacy of this new machine, the followdng questions were ad- dressed to the Guardians of the Union and the Master, to which the former replied in general terms that they were “ satisfied with the working of the machine,” while the latter answrede each question categorically in the w'ords which we subjoin. 1. How/ao men are competent to work the machine, so as properly to grind and dress 1 — One. 2. How many men can you efficiently employ in working the same.^ — Fourteen. 3. Can you employ bogs equally as well as men ? — Yes. 4. What is the opinion of the millers at Hertford of the quality of the flour produ- ced ? — Their opinion is, that the quality of the flour is good. 5. Do you find that the number of persons at work makes any difference in the quality of the flour or other products ; or does that circumstance affect only the quantitg of work done } — It makes no difference in the quality, but only afl’ects the quantity. 6. Do you find any difficulty in making the necessary adjustments, especially as relates to the means of proportioning the work ac- cording to the number of labourers employed } — No difficulty. 7. Do you find the superintendence and management of the machine absorb much of your time ? — No. 8. Has your experience in the working of the new ” Patent Flour-maker” convinced MR. GREEN’S SUCCESS IN BALLOONING. 607 you that the presumed difficulty of grinding and dressing simultaneously is in this new machine completely obviated ? — Yes. 9. Do you consider that the skill and super- intendence of a regular miller is in this new machine at all necessary ? — No. 10. Do you consider that the machine works as perfectly now as when first erected ? — Yes. The answer to the 9th question appears to us to be one of considerable importance, as relates to the economical working of the ma- chine, especially in a workhouse ; for inall other mills that we are informed of, the ex- pense of a professed miller to superintend their operations is entailed upon the establishment. This is, indeed, unavoidable with the ordinary stone-mills, as their surfaces require frequent dressing or re-cutting, at least once a week when constantly in use. Besides the stop- page or loss thus occasioned of one day in every week, it i-equires great practical skill (at necessarily high wages) to execute such work in an efficient manner. The wear and tear of tools and machinery is also consider- able ; the repairs amounting in the mill worked at Giltspur-street Compter to 20L a year , and this is in addition to a miller and two assistants. It has heretofore been deemed impractica- ble to grind and dress simultaneously ; but we have been informed, that all the millers who have seen Mr. Hebert’s machine have entirely changed their opinions in this res- pect, the flour produced by it being unexcep- tionably good ; and it is perhaps worthy of remark, that, owing to the grinders being entirely metallic, there is no possibility of having gritty flour from them, which is sometimes excessively unpleasant in bread made from flour produced by the ordinary mill-stones. It appears, however, from the specification of the patent, that the invention does not consist in the material of which the machine is formed, but lies in the mechani- cal arrangements, which are defined to be these, if we recollect rightly : — The grinding and dressing of wheat, or the reduction and separation of other substances, by means of a single machine, in which the grinding and dressing operations are conducted upon one continuous surface ; or v;herein the meal, as it is projected from the circumference of the grinders, is received into a sieve whereon it is dressed. The patentee seems to give the preference to metallic surfaces on the ground of his having made great improvements thei’e- in, especially as relates to the easy means afforded of giving the grinding surface an unusual degree of truth ; and that kind of roughness which so nearly approximates to the french burrstone, as he expects will lead to the entire abandonment of the latter. An example of the application of burr-stones to these patent “ flour-makers” is, however, given in the specification, as the invention equally embraces them. It has long been anxiously desired by phi- 'lanthropic legislators, that a substitute might be found for the horrid and degrading pu- nishment of the lash. Now, we are strongly impressed with the idea, that a machine of this kind, but of the size described in our previous Number (665), is admirably adapt- ed to effect the object in view, as the offend- er might thereby be easily made to atone in confinement for his offence, by grinding a given quantity of corn, as the condition of his liberation—say, for instance, a bushel for getting drunk, a sack for insubordination, and so forth. — Mechanic'' s Magazine. AERONAUTIC OBSERVATIONS. Since Mr. Green’s first attempt at balloon- ing he has travelled through tlie air above 5000 miles, having made 2l8 ascents, and has had a bird’s-eye view ot every pait ol Eng- land. On the last occasion, when Lord Clanricarde went with him, he observed that surveyors and architects could with greater facility take plans of noblemen’s estates by ascending in a balloon, as they could have a biid’s-eye view of every locality, and if they only once adopted that method tliey would never lelinquish it. Since the suggestion an artist named Burton called on Mr. Green to obtain him the plan of a balloon constructed so as to act in the above way, it being con- nected to the car by a swivel. The inventor proposes to build a waggon, for the purpose of fastening a balloon to it, vvhich, when filled with gas, which can be done in various parts of the country at gas company’s gaso- meters, may be conveyed to any place a surveyor requires, vvheie, on a calm day, he can take plan.?, carrying with him the proper instruments. The balloon will then be fas- tened by ropes to the spot most favourable for observation, and raised to an elevation of 300 or 400 feet, as necessary. In this way a bird’s-eye view can be taken of any town or city. Mr. Green is willing at any time that his balloon, by way of experiment, may be made use of in that way.- Globe. NEW LOCOMOTIVE-POWER. Mr. Mullins, M. P. for Kerry, has made a very important discovery in the scientific world, that of applying galvanism, instead of steam, for propelling vessels and carriages. He is now building a carriage upon his prin- ciple, and several of the first engineers, who have seen it, say there is every prospect of success, and that it will supersede steam. Limerick Star. The Dublin Evening Post claims the merit of this invention for the Rev. J . W. M’Gauley, who, it will he remembered, brought foiward something of this kind at the meeting of the British Association of Science in Dublin last August. — Mech. Mag. CONSUMPTION OF OPIUM IN CHINA. “It is a curious circumstance,” says the Quaiterly Revieiv, “ that we grow the poppy in our Indian territories to poison the people of China, in retuin for a wholesome beverage which they prepare, almost exciusivelv, for 608 M. BIOT— A NEW BRANCH OF SCIENCE. 113 ” From the following statement made by Mr. Davis, late Chief Superintendent at Canton, it appears that the money laid out by the Chinese on their favourite drug far exceeds wiiat they receive for their tea ; — Imports in 1833. Dollars. Opium n,6l8,l67 Other Imports 11,858,077 23,476,244 Exports in 1833. Dollars. Tea 9,133,749 Other exports 11,309,521 20,443,270 The Chinese smuggle all this opium , and pay the difference between the price of it and 4hat of the tea they export in silver. — Ihid. TELEGRAPH. A new telegraphic system, applicable to nautical purposes, invented by M. Claude Sala, has just been presented as laying claim to the Monthyon prize. It is described as remarkable for its simplicity; for, by the aid of eight signs, it produces, without diffi- culty, all the w'ords of the vocabulary, and, by means of two lanterns, it can carry on a nightly correspondence. — Athenfeum. ARSENIC. M. Schweiger Seidel has invented a very simple method of ascertaining the presence of arsenic in food, &c. however small the quantity may be. He puts a portion of the matter to be tried, and double its w’eight of soda, into a little glass tube ; he closes the open extremity of the tube with blotting pa- per, and heats the other end with a taper : the arsenic is sublimated in a few moments, and adheres to the sides of the tube in the part which is not heated. — Ibid. SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION. An instance of spontaneous combustion is reported in the French paper, to have taken place at Aunay, in the department of Avalon. A very fat woman, aged 74 years, and ad- dicted to drinking l^randy at 27 degrees, lived alone, and one evening returned home as usual, but, as she did not appear among her neighbours the next morning, they knock- ed at her door. No answer being returned to repeated demands, they summoned the mayor, who forced the door, and exposed a hoiTible spectacle, accompanied by an ex- traordinary smell. Near the chimney laid a heap of something burnt to cinders, at one end of whichwas a head, a neck, the upper part of a body, and one arm. At the other end were some of the lower parts, and one leg, still retaining a very clean shoe and stocking. No other traces of fire were to be seen, ex- cept a blue flame which played along the sur- face of a long train of grease, or serous liquor, which had been produced by the com- bustion of the body. The mayor found it impossible to extinguish this flame, and sum- moned all the authorities ; and, from the state of the apartment and comparison of circumstances, it was concluded among them, that, previous to going to bed, for which she had evidently been making preparations, the woman had been trying to ignite some embers with her breath. The fire communicating with the body by means of the breath, com- bustion probably took place, and would ap- pear! to confirm an opinion enterained by several learned men, that that which is called spontaneous combustion of the human frame never takes place without the presence of some ignited body near the person predisposed to combustion. A surgeon, who bled an habitually drunken person, accidentally put the blood extracted near a candle, when im- mediately a blue flame appeared on the sur- face, which he found extremely difficult to extinguish.— Mccft. Mag. M. BIOT. The learned and scientific M.Biot has been delivering some very remarkable lectures at the College de France. He has proved, that, by means of polarised rays, it is possible to ascertain the chemical action which takes place between bodies held in solution, in va- rious liquids ; an action which has not yet been discovered by less delicate means. 'J’his is a new branch of science, created as it were by this great natural philosopher, from which the most important and curious results may be expected. — Ibid. CORN AND COTTON-PLANTING MA- CHINE. A free man of colour, Henry Blair by name, has invented a machine called the corn-planter, which is now exhibiting in the capital of Washington. It is described as a very simple and ingenious machine, which, as moved by ahorse, opens the furrow, drops (at proper intervals, and in an exact and suitable quantity,) the corn, covers it, and levels the earth, so as, in fact, to plant the corn as rapidly as a horse can draw a plough over the ground. The inventor thinks it will save the labour of eight men. He is about to make some alterations in it to adapt it to the planting of cotton. — Neio York Paper. DR. ARNOTT’S NEW STOVES. At a meeting of the Philosophical Society of Edinburgh, which took place lately, one of Dr. Arnott’s new stoves was exhibited, it is an oblong box, about three feet long, two broad, and two deep, carefully made air-tight on every side. A partition within divides it into two parts, apertures above and below enabling them to communicate with each other. An aperture is arranged for the free admission of air, and another for carrying off the smoke ; an air-tight door admits fuel. NEW THEORY OF TIDES BY CLARK. 609 A stove made of earthenware, and placed on one side of the partition, contains all the fuel required, and the hotair circulates round and round the partition before it is eventually car- ried off by the small tubular chimney. An extensive surface of 32 square feet is thus presented to the air at a moderate elevation of temperature, about 212 ; and, accordingly, scarcely any thing passes up the chimney which has not been almost entirely exhausted of its heat. This stove saves equally time, trouble, and fuel, and is quite free from the dust of a common fire. DR. REID’S SYSTEM OF VENTILA- TION. At the conclusion of the same meeting, the Society adjourned to a new apartment, constructed by Dr. Reid, illustrative of his arrangements for* ventilation, &c. It is 32 feet long, and 18 broad, the floor being pierc- ed with 50,000 apertures for the admission of air. A series of experiments have since been commenced in it, in one of which, in- tended to show the working of the flues, lOO individuals remained in it for upwards of an hour, the room having been alternately fi^ed with warm and cold air, and partially charged with ether and nitrous oxide, at different times. The air was completely renewed by a slow and insensible current every five minutes, and the various changes so gradually induced, that it was impossible to tell when they commenced. The plan is equally appli- cable to public buildings and private dwell- ing-houses, as well as to hospitals, churches, public assemblies, and all tho and on the skin being brought over them , they had the best effect imaginable ; and gave the complete appearance of the shoulder in the living animal. This method may be ex- tended to the other visible muscles of the body with great effect ; and it is very easily and speedily accomplished. In short, every legitimate means of this kind should be thought of and adopted, at whatever expense and trouble it may be, to obtain the end in view ; namely, as close an imitation of the living subject as possible ; for one well mounted spe- cimen is worth fifty indifferently executed. A board is now prepared, on which to place the Cat. But before fixing it permanently, the animal should be set in the attitude in which it is intended to be preserved, and the operator having satisfied himself, then pierces four holes for the admission of the feet wires, which must be drawn through with a pair of pincers till the paws rest firmly on the board. Small grooves are then made for the reception of the pieces of wires which have been drawn through, so that they may be folded back and pressed down in them, and not be beyond the level of the back of the board ; wire nails are now driven half in, and their heads bent down on the wires to prevent them from get- ting loose, or becoming moveable. 'I he staffer next directs his attention to the position and final stuffing of the head and neck. 1 he muscles of the face must be imi- tated as correctly as possible, by stuffing in cotton at the opening of the eyes, as also at the mouth, ears, and nostrils. To aid in this also, the inner materials may be drawn forward bythe assistance of instruments, such as are represented at plate VI. figs, 10 and 11, also small pieces of wood, formed like small knitting meshes. Our next care is the insertion of the eyes, which must be done while the eyelids are yet fresh. Some dexterity and skill are required in this operation ; and on it will depend most of the beauty and character of the head. The seats of the eyes are supplied with a little ce- ment, the eyes put in their place, and the eyelids properly drawn over the eyeballs ; but if rage or fear are to be expressed, a con- siderable portion of the eyeballs must be ex- posed. The lips are afterwards disposed in their natural state, and fastened with pins. If the mouth is intended to be open, it will be necessary to support the lips with cotton, which can be removed when they are dry. Two small balls of cotton, firmly pressed together, and well tinctured with the arse- nical soap, must be thrust into the nostrils, so as to completely plug them up, to prevent the air from penetrating, as also the intru- sion of moths ; and besides it has the effect THE TAXIDERMIST. (>18 of preserving the natural shape of the rose after it has dried, 'i'he same precaution should be adopted with the ears, which, in the Cat, require but little attention in setting. We must again recommend the stuffer to see that he has sufficiently applied the pre- servative soap ; and the nose, lips, ears, and paws, being very liable to decay, must be well imbued with spirits of turpentine. 'I his is applied with a brush, and must be repeated six or eight times, at intervals of some days, until we are certain of the parts being well primed with it; and, after all, it will be ad- visable to give it a single coating of the solu- tion of corrosive sublimate. The methods of stuffing, which we have pointed out in the preceding pages, are ap- plicable to all animals, from a Lion down lo the smallest Mouse. Animals of a large description require a trame-work suited to their dimensions ; these we will point out in their systematic order. 1 hey are also some animals, whose pectiliarity of structure re- quires treatment differing a little from the ordinai’y course. (To be continued.) EXPLANATION OF THE PLATE. Plate vi, fig. 2, exhibits the manner of inserting the wires in mounting a Cat. Fig. 8. — The wires as they are put together before being placed in the skin ; a, the tail wire ; b, c, head and neck wire ; d, e, and f, leg wires. Fig. l3. — Wire employed for forming a double ci-oss in the larger quadrupeds. Fig. 12, exhibits the manner of articu- lating the joints of the large quadrupeds, in setting up skeletons, a, an iron plate ; h is the nut which tightens the screw of the iron peg ; c is the head of the second iron peg, the nut and screw of which are the same as that shown in front, and is placed behind. THE SPIRIT OF THE INDIAN PRESS, OR MONTHLY REGISTER OF USEFUL INVENTIONS, AND IMPROVEMENTS, DISCOVERIES, AND NEW FACTS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE. RUSSIAN INFLUENCE IN CHINA. We observe, from the following letter in the Bengal ITurJcaru, that Russian influ- ence is extending in a quarter least expect- ed. “ You observe, in your paper of to-day, that the affairs ot tlie Foreign Barbarians in the celestial Empire, appear to have arrived at a ciisis. My own impie-sion is, that, although the present may be a passing cloud, the crisis will verv speedily come in earnest. But why ? — whencel- wherefore? Why should the “ Outside Barbarians” be either more fiercely dealt upon in person, or more ham- pered in all their commercial transactions than heretofore ? Have the Chinese Govern- rpent suddenly become blind to all the bene- fits attending their trading relations, with the Empire ? Have the Barbarians them.‘;elves been guilty of any greater contempt for the ■^on of Heaven or of any greater violations of his edicts touching foreign dirt than they have for the past twenty years? Where then arises this sudden and loud clatter of edicts, this more than ordinary activity of respecta- ble functional ie.s not to he allayed even by the accustomed bribe ? We .see things, hut as through a glass darkly; yet a occurs to me, and 1 know not how it has escaped your attention, and that of your contempora- nes, which accounts for these things. Mv own Idea, and I should like to see it worked out by persons more capable, and better in- foiuned on suen points. is-That Russian influence IS at the bottom of the lohole. The eyes 0/ tlm great vulture are never for a mol ment withdrawn from the affairs of the ink not that her astute Government is so absurd as to contemplate a “ houra” upon Bornbay or Calcutta. Russia knows that whatever she may threaten, and her official organs do threaten, her advance to the Indus must be by sap and mine. The creeping process of a siege with all its zig-zags, and not a rush after the fashion of Attila or Ti- moor. But in the meantime she mav make our Indian Empire too costly to he worth the hoidtng ; indeed, 1 look upon that as the na- tuial termination of our dominion in the East. he may embarrass our Commerce and our Finances : all that is trouble and loss to us IS gam to her. In a memoir addressed to the Emperor by one of his diplomatic agents, credit is taken for Russian policy in contributing to those Commercial disasters in this Country from which we are but now recovering. Kuissia ROADS IN INDIA. 619 has a College at Pekin. Do you imagine that the students who affect to be lost in the inteni^e delight of studying tlie language of Tse have no other object in learning that charming tongue than interpreting at fairs on the Siberian frontier ? They are withdrawn into Russia after remaining at Pekin five years and replaced by new students. It would be curious to see the information they carry away as well as the instructions from the Autocrat of all the Russias to the Freshman ! Be assur- ed that there is no lack of Muscovite roubles or Muscovite intrigue at Pekin ; and to what object on earth is it so likely to be directed as the embarrassment of the most formidable of Russia's antagonists in Europe. In the last number of the Port Folio which has reached me, the attention of the British public is cal- led to this very poir^t. Here, in collision as we may almost say with the wolf of the north, with only a border and debateable land be- tween us, it behoves that we be doubly vigi- lant. Russia is adding two hundred thousand men to her army. Prussia is her thrall. Austria will not oppose her single-handed. France! alas for France ! Louis Phillippe is her King, ■not by the grace of God. The German states are ridden rough shod by Prussia andRussia ; Spain is in convulsions ; Portugal a cypher. England alone can be an object of fear to Russia even for a moment. Her embarras- ment, her distraction, those are the ob- jects of Russian policy, and Russian policy weaves its net of mingled perfidy and blood and gold, from the tropics to the poles. One great mesh is, to my mind, now looking up in China. What would not the Muscovite, no niggard paymaster, award to the fortunate agents who should shatter the prosperity of British Indian, and British European com- merce in that Empire. Yea, shatter it only for a moment : for in that very moment Nico- las casts his glance around him, he sees Eng-, land convulsed by the great contest of the people and the Peers ; Ireland, her right arm, paralized or menacing ; India crippled in her resources through Fvussian diplomacy in China. He sees these things — he cries march! and without withdrawing a man from his vast de- fensive force, two hundred thousand Scythians defile before him on that ominous road where .stands Catherine’s prophetic direction post, To Constantinople!” While Russia has a College in Pekin, we should demand at the cannon’s mouth the same privilege for Great Britain, and make a similar use of it — well employed, it would be worth a thousand Amhersts and Macartneys.” ROADS IN THE EAST OF BENGAL AND CACHAR. The Benzal Herald of the 29th instant has an article, by tire Reformer, on dL road from Calcutta to Assam through the Cassiah Hills. 'I he information which it conveys is valuable, but we fear that the locality through which the route lies, will be found so unfavourable for the construction of a durable road, that the project must be postponed till other wants of more immediate importance are supplied. The whole of the tract of country vvhich lies between the Megna and the Cassiah Hills is so repeatedly intersected with streams, that the construction of a road will be found an object of no ordinary difficulty. During the rains the road even between Dacca and the Megna is impassable except by water. From Dacca to Sylhet, during seven months of the year, the dawk is conveyed in a little dingy, and it is impossible to traverse that vast lagune except in a boat. The whole surface of the country is one sheet of water ; and the villages, built on gentle elevations, have all the ap- pearance of little islands studding a wide ocean. The first instruction given to boys and girls in that district is in the management of the paddle ; and in some of the most com- mercial towns, the passengers cross the streets in little canoes. For a moment one might almost fancy himself transported Venice and surrounded with gondolas. Over a, country of this, description, no road can be carried but at an expense, which it would be unwise to incur until there is a probability of greater traffic than now exists. The export of tea from Assam to Calcutta, will, eventually, furnish the element of a large commerce; but it is much to be doubted, whether the tea merchants would not find it more to their advantage to move down the tedious and long-winding Berhampootur, than to traverse the Cassiah Hills, with their bulky chests. There are also some awkward tor- rents which cross that route, and the descent from Chairra to the plainswill of itself be found a most formidable obstacle to the adop- tion of this road for commercial purposes. At present, moreover, those mountains are not sufficiently peopled, and are too deficient in draft cattle, to afford any adequate assistance to any active commerce. But all our ideas on the subject must for the present be neces- sarily vague. The provinces on our eastern frontier have hitherto been famed only for their lime and oranges, and we are therefore comparatively ignorant of the state and con- dition of the country. If the tea trade should assume any magnitude, a rapid and increased intercourse will necessarily commence with the metropolis, and thus constrain us to look for the most expeditious and safest route to Calcutta. One thing however is certain, that if the tea plant be discovered to grow with ease at Sadiya, and if we once acquire the mystery of manipulation, the cultivation of this plant will not long be confined to that re° mote and almost inaccessible province. The hills and mountains between Sylhet and Munipore which lie much nearer to Calcutta will soon be covered with tea gardens. It is impossible to revert to these fair re- gions without being strongly reminded of the untimely removal of the individual, who re- ceived charge of Cachar when it was a com- parative desert, and turned it into a flou- rishing province. The strict interpretation of the new military law which prescribed the number of officers who might be absent at 620 SPIRIT OF THE INDIAN PRESS. one period from their corps, deprived that country of the benefit of his services. All those who were acguainted with its condi- tion and its wants, felt at the time that it was an unwise policy, which made the greater object bend to the less, and re- gaided the welfare of a whole people as subordinate to the punctilious ob- servation of a very questionable rule. The former superintendent brought all his energies to bear upon the improvement of this interesting country ; but just at . the moment when he might reasonably have looked for- ward to the full realization of his benevolent views, he was snatched fiom this scene of usefulness, and buried in the dull routine of regimental duty. We offer him many apolo- gies for thus intruding this painful subject on public attention, without his permission ; but the exertions which he made to revive and re- animate Cachar are historical facts, and as such are in a measure public property ; and we may, on this ground, plead an excuse for this expression of sincere regret at the [pre- mature termination of his labours. — Friend of India, Februa ry 2. IMPORTANT TO MARINERS. The following is a translation of a notice issued by the French Government, and is highly important to Navigators. Notice TO Navigators. — Navigators fre- quenting the coasts of Coromandel are aware that there exists at Porto Novo 10 leagues South of Pondicherry, a smelting furnace, the chimney of which is very lofty and throws out from its summit a light so brilliant as to be taken at times for a light-house. They should be cautious of confounding this light with the one at Pondicherry, or by such a mistake they might touch the bank of Coleroon for want of water. At the northern point of the Bank, in four fathoms, the chimney bears W. 59° N. The best way of ascertaining whether they have reached Pondicherry as Porto Novo is after they have shaped their course to stand in boldly to the shore and keep the lead going. To the East and N. E. of the bank, the soundings diminish rapidly, in'some places a fathom at a cast. In the neighbourhood of Pondicherry on the other hand the soundings diminish gradu- ally and uniformly. The Bottom off the Coleroon bank is of sand and good for anchorage, if the sea breeze is not too strong. Ibid. (SignedJA. Henry, Lieut, of the Harbour Ship MR. NIGHTINGALE THE NATURA. LIST. We understand that Mr. Nightingale, the eminent n^tuialist, and Son of Sir John Nightingale, Baionet, who arrived heie in the Tigris, has proceeded to Kandy to prose- cute his scientific researches into the natural productions of the Island. Mr. Nightingale is well known to the British public as the Author of a delightful little volume “ Oceanic Sketches.” We are informed that the col- lection which he is at present making is in- tended to enrich the Cabinet of the Duke of Northumberland. — ColornboOhserver, Jan. 13. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Scalpel’s communication will be very ac- ceptible ; it shall be printed across as desired and copies furnished. Mr. Hill’s communi- cation has been mislaid ; we shall esteem it a great favor if he will kindly send us a copy for our next number. We have just re- ceived Mr. Hodgson’s communication, In- dication of a new genus of Insessores. Dr. Forbes’ Topographical Report ofHid- gelee shall appear in the next Medical Jour- nal. Some valuable meteorological tables will also appear. To avoid double postage and the dis- agreeable necessity of having their copies returned to us, we shall feel obliged if our subscribers will, immediately on change of residence, inform us of their new address,. THE INDIA REVIEW OF WORKS ON SCIENCE, AND JOURNAL OF FOREIGN SCIENCE AND THE ARTS EMBRACING MINERALOGY, GEOLOGY, NATURAL HISTORY, PHYSICS, Ac. REVIEW. Memoir on the Geology of the Neelgherry and Koondah Mountains. By P. M. Benza, Esa. M. D. of the Madras Medical Establishment. On the Granitic Formation, and direc- tion of the Primary Mountain Chains, of Southern India. By Captain James Allardyce, 23c? Regiment Madras Native Infantry. On the Tree which produces the Gam- boge of Commerce. By R. Wight, Esq., M, D. — Madras Journal of Li- terature and Science, October, 1836. We have just received two numbers of this valuable periodical : they contain matter of deep interest to the scientific reader and afford striking proof that science is making rapid strides in India. Dr. Benza’ s memoir on the geology of the Neelgherry and Koon- dah mountains contains matter of con- siderable importance, of which we proceed to give an outline. It opens with a de- scription of the group of hills, called Neel- gherries, and considered as the southern termination of the western Ghauts, which at this place end in abrupt, lofty, and almost vertical precipices ; the extensive valley of Coimbatore dividing them from the Paul- ghaut chain, which, following the same direction as the Ghauts, extends down to Cape Comorin. The Neelgherries form an elevated pla- teau, projecting in an easterly direction, from the line of the Ghauts, in the form of a triangle, the base of which is the continua- tion of the Ghauts themselves. They rise abruptly from the table-land of Mysore, in stupendous cliffs, with an ele- vation of many thousand feet. Two rivers encircle them, as it were, running round their base. The Bowany river, rising in the western side of the Koondah and among the hills of that group, runs in an east- erly direction along the foot of the outside of the Neelgherries, and, just below the apex of the triangle, it is joined by the Moyar, which, together with the Pykarra, having their origin in the Neddiwattum range pre- cisely opposite the sources of the Bowany, and making a sharp curve after leaving the hills, runs an easterly course, joining the Bowany at Danikancottah, and under that name, after running about thirty miles, they discharge their waters into the Cauvery. The Neelgherries*, being the highest hills in the whole of the peninsula, south of the Himalaya, possess a greater degree of geo- * “ The Neelgherry Hills are situated be- tween the parallels of 11'’ 10' and 11® 32' N. latitude, and 76'’ 59' and '37® 31’ E. longitude from Greenwich ; their gr^^atest extent in an oblique direction, from S. W. to N. E. is from 38 to 40 miles, and their extreme breadth 15; taking in account the great undulations of the surface, and the breadth above stated being pretty constant throughout, their superficial extent may be fairly estimated at from 6 to 700 square geographical miles,”— JSatArie’i Ob- serrations an the Neelgherries. 622 THE CONTOUR OF THE ROCKS OF THE NEELGHERRIES. logical interest than any other group in this extensive region. Their being almost in the middle of a district, in which one of the most interesting rocks in the Indian formations (the laterite) is found developed in all its characteristic features, adds not a little to their importance in a geological point of view. On account of their superior elevation, they ought to be carefully e.xamiued by the geologist, before he extends his researches to the other parts of the chain, of which they form the most elevated point. Dr. Benza says that the experienced eye of the geolo- gist can easily guess the nature of the rock composing a hill ora system of hills, by the simple inspection of its outlines : thus, spiry peaks show the formation to be pri- mitive ; rounded smooth outlines are indica- tive of calcarious mountains ; while the castellated ruin4ike appearance of a moun- tain is proper to the sandstone formation. Although the contour of the rocks forming the Neelgherries is even, smooth, rounded, and, as it were, undulating, the fundamental rocks of which they are composed belong to the primitive class. Their outline resembles those hills and eminences we meet in districts, resulting from tertiary or alluvial deposits. What t})e rock is, which gives those hills the rounded form they exhibit, will be shewm hereafter. With the exception of some vertical cliffs and mural precipices, seen in the boundaries of this elevated plateau, and a few project- ing masses of the fundamental rocks on the summits and declivities of these hills, the whole group is uniformly covered by a thick stratum of vegetable earth (No. 1*), which, overlaying a thicker stratum of red earth (to be described in the sequel), supports numerous plants, chiefly grasses, which, growing most luxuriantly in thick contigu- ous tufts, give the surface a smooth carpet- like appearance. This vegetable earth in general is clay, and of a grey colour, and * The figures refer to illustrative specimens presented tor deposit in the Mineralogical Cabinet of the Madras Literary Society - Editor. very friable. On this soil we occasionally see small rounded pieces of the decomposed subjacent rock, bestrewed particularly on those spots where blocks of the decomposing rocks are seen jutting through the soil. This vegetable soil is replaced in the low valleys and flats at the foot of the hills, by a black soil, such as we frequently see form- ing the peat-bog in swampy grounds, in which a large quantity of vegetable matter is being decomposed. This soil is of a black, or deep browui colour; of tenacious consistence, when moist ; crumbling into powder, and often splitting into prismatic masses, when dry. At first sight it resembles the black soil of the plains of India. From this last, however, it seems to differ greatly, in containing a large quantity of carbona- ceous matter, and much oxide of iron. To deprive this black soil of the greater portion of its humidity. Dr. Benza exposed it to a heat, sufficient to melt lead, and, after having weighed a certain quantity of it, subjected it to an intense heat for an hour ; after this, it had lost more than 25 per cent, of the original w^eight, and had changed into an ochrey red powder. In many other localities the author remarked a most luxuriant vegetation of innumerable ferns, of which the roots are seen decaying into a black powder. Our author’s attention was greatly excit- ed to see (at Kotagherry) those tubular bodies traversing the thick stratum of black earth, which overlays the yellow clay, with- out having a particle of it in their composi- tion. As if the roots, by a kind of capillary attraction, sucked up through the black soil, without mixing with it, the particles of the yellow clay which, undisturbed by the vicinity of the black soil, arranged them- selves concentrically to the root ; and the latter decaying has left the cavity of the tube empty. Immediately below the vegetable soil, in almost all places, we find a stratum of de- tritus (in general not above a few inches thick), which is different in different loca- lities, according to the nature of the rock THE CHARACTER OF THE ROCK OF THE NEELGHERRIES, 623 on which it rests. Thus, it is ferruginous on those places where iron ores are found ; quartzy and silicious above the thick veins of quartz, which intersect these rocks. Below the detritus, in almost all places on the hills, Dr. Benza found a thick stratum of an ochreous red earth, which occasionally assumes both the appearance and the com- position of lithomarge, and for this reason the author hereafter indiscriminiately deno- minates it either lithomargic, or red earth. In general, this red earth is of a mottled colour, or streaked with different hues of red, yellow, crimson, white, and grey or brown. It feels unctuous to the touch, and crumbles into dust when pressed between the fingers. It does not form a paste with water, but subsides to the bottom of the vessel. The different colours of this earth are separate and distinct, having a decided line of demarcation, so as to show that they are produced by the decomposition of separate and distinct minerals. This red lithomargic mould is evidently the result of the decomposition of two of the rocks, which almost exclusively form the Neel- gherries ; viz. the sienitic granite, and the hornblende rock, or primitive greenstone. Dr. Benza, after visiting and examining the summits of some of the highest hills, found a variety of pegmatite forming many of the most prominent rocks on them. Such are the summits of Doodabetta, Elk Hill, Kaitee pass, some of the peaks of the Koondah, and probably many other places which he did not visit. It is undoubtedly to some of the erratic blocks and rolled masses of this rock, or to the decomposition of those beds of pegmatite, into which the true granite of the high hills seems to pass, that the porcelain earth is owing. Of these blocks, still in an undecomposed state, many are seen in the valley of Kaitee ; derived, in all probability, from the summit of Doodabetta, or from that of the rock of Kaitee where the pegmatite is seen in situ. Our author states that the por- celain earth is not to be confounded with that which results from the decomposition of the pure felspar veins, so frequently seen in the sienitic granite. He found it between two large blocks of decomposing sienitic granite, or rather hornblende rock, with garnets, close to the bund of the lake. Alluding to magnetic iron ore, he states that the two places on the Neelgherries, where he had seen this ore very rich in metal, are, one near the village of Vartsigiri (Kotagherry), and the other close to, and traversing, the lake of Ootacamund in two places. Tim specimen from Vartsigiri is very compact and rich in metal. He took it from a large block, probably the outgoings of a thick bed at the southern extremity of the valley, at the other end of which tlie village stands. The appearance, composition, and proportion of the ingre- dients of this magnetic iron ore are very different in different places ; nay, in the same vein. Dr. Benza mentions that it is the belief of some people, that owing to the similarity of the rocks, of the detritus, and of the quartz veins, of the Malabar coast, and of these hills, gold may be found in this last, as well as in the former. Iron ores are so common on these hills, independ- ently of the oxides of that metal contained in the minerals forming the rock, that many springs of water are of the chalybeate class=^. The next species of iron ore on the Neei- gherries is the hrematitic, forming immense beds, and sometimes whole hillocks, among the hornblende rocks, and sienitic granite. The most extensive formation of this hsematitic ii’on ore is seen on both sides of what Sir F. Adam calls Scotland Valley. t The rock of the Neelgherries is by no means so cavernous, and has not so many tubular sinuosities as 'the laterite of the Carnatic, Northern Circars, &c. ; it seems also to be richer in metal, and, what appears to constitute a marked difference, it is en- tii’ely divested of any quartz, or sandy par- ticles, which abound so much in the laterite of other places. Dr. Benza alludes to the opinion of Dr. Heyne, that in the laterite * Baikie’s Observations on the Neelgherries, page 14;. + Sir Frederick Adam, Governor of Marlras, called it i>y that, name, on acco\mt. of a vesf^m- blance he saw in it to some place in Scotland. 624 VEINS OF TITANIFEROUS IRON ORE. of the Red Hills, Nellore, &c. a marl or carbonate of lime is occasionally one of the ingredients ; no traces of this carbonate are found in the stone of the Neelgherries. That this rock of the Neelgherries is to be classed with hsematitic iron ore, rather than with the true Indian laterite (an overlaying rock), is very probable, considering that rocks similar in appearance to it are found in Europe, while the last is peculiar to India. Hitherto no organic remains have been found in this rock on the Neelgherries, which appears also to have been the case with thelaterite ofthe otherparts of the peninsula. Under the name of laterite two, or rather three, sorts of rocks are included ; to say nothing of the common mistake of misap- plying the name to the decomposed rocks of the primitive class, or to any other that has a red, ochreous colour, and softish consist- ence. The third species, which abounds all along the intervening land, from the foot of the western Ghauts to near the sea-shore, resembles very much the modified haemati- tic iron ore (not the pisiform), being cavernous, not tubular, abounding with quartz pieces and sand ; having not only the cavities lined with powdery felspar, but, in the compact portion of the rock, having small pieces of the same mineral in the compact state. Dr. Benza is not positive regarding the existence of manganese on these hills. Colonel Cullen says, that it is found mixed in the iron ore near the lake. Dr. Benza found a straggling piece of this ore in the valley of Kaitee, which he has not analysed, but which has the external characters of one. True granite, composed of felspar, quartz, and mica, is not of rare occurrence ; it frequently occupies the sum- mits of the highest hills : thus it is seen in some of the Koondah range, and of the Doodabetta group ; Dr. Benza never saw it, except in the form of erratic blocks, in the low valleys. The sieuitic granite varies in the proportion of its component minerals, and therefore in appearance ; it sometimes ap- proaches diabase (primitive greenstone), and at others, granite. It almost always contains garnets as one of the minerals composing it ; and when this mineral is abundant in the rock, the quartz diminishes in proportion. In some places, the garnets, instead of be- ing either amorphous, or in angular crystal- lized pieces, assume the granular form, re- sembling colophonite ; in which case, the rock containing it assumes a stratified ap- pearance, and at others being lamellar, and of the dodecahedral species ; in this case, it resembles cinnamon-stone, or essonite. Descending from the Kaitee pass towards the valley, after the second turn of the road and not a hundred yards from the huge mass which overhangs the road. Dr. Benza came upon a thick vein of quartz, intersecting it nearly in an east and west direction ; and, on examination, he saw that it contained numerous veins of titaniferous iron ore. The rounded oblong hill, on the sides of which the new road is constructed, and which is intersected by the vein of titani- ferous iron ore, is formed of the granitic rock, which prevails in all the eastern range of Kaitee ; viz. an unstratified rock, composed of four minerals in genei’al, hornblende, granite, felspar, and quartz, occasionally, in some masses, a few plates of mica. The vein of quartz appears to extend from the eastern to the western nullahs ; and, although protruding in the eastern side of the hill, it does not reach so high as the surface of the convex summit of the hill. Dr. Benza found in the western nullah some straggling pieces of the same ore. The breadth of this titaniferous vein is 250 ordinary paces, measured in the cut of the road ; and, although evidently unstrati- fied, yet, in some of the masses, particularly those in which there are many veins of the ore, it puts on an appearance of stratifica- tion. In general the composition of the vein is this — the quartz is granular, and, when mixed with a great quantity of the ore, becomes friable, crumbly, and full of little cavities, the greatest number of which are full of an ochreous, or yellowish earth. But the same rock, in other parts of the vein, assumes a great degree of hardness, although having the same appearance as the friable one, but with less metal. The THE WATERFALL OF KAITEE. 625 titaniferous iron is contained in thin rami- fications through the quartz; in some places alternating in laminar plates of cer- tain thickness with it ; in others in thin strata by itself. It is sometimes seen like a black, shining varnish over the surface of the stones ; but, chiefly, in thin veins tra- versing the rock not exceeding a few lines’ thickness. Occasionally, between the metal and the quartz, in the seam, there are little irregular cavities, the metallic side being lined sometimes with a most brilliant green, precisely the colour and brilliancy of oxide of uranium ; at others, golden, scarlet, red, or, lastly, it has a jet black, velvety enduit. The titaniferous iron has a semi-conchoi- dal fracture — the lustre is adamantine, and, in some of the specimens, glimmering — it scratches glass — alone it is infusible before the blowpipe, but forms with borax a reddish globule, in which the particles of the metal are still seen, changed into the same colour — not magnetic, even after the action of the blowpipe. These two last qualities, toge- ther with the probability of its containing uranium, would make this metal approach to nigrine or iserine, more than to menacca- nite. Judging by what we see in the bank of the road, this metal cannot be scanty in quantity. In this locality our author also found two pretty large loose pieces of an iron ore apparently different ; fracture scaly — it shines brilliantly — is powerfully magnetic, and looks like chromate of iron. Descending into the hollow, at the head of Kaitee Valley, Dr. Benza found numerous large masses of a granitic rock, in which it is interesting to observe some portions of them entirely composed of sienite, and others of regular granite ; in both kinds the felspar being red. Many other masses (loose) were formed of a fine grained greenstone, which, when struck, rung powerfully. To finish the description of the whole valley of Kaitee, it only remains to say a few words, regarding the tract which ex- tends from the farm to the waterfall. This cascade is about four miles from the farm, and is formed by a small river, resulting from the waters of the valley . This valley^ although undulated with numerous eminences and hillocks, offers a very poor field for the geologist, their surface being uniformly covered by a thick stratum of red earth, and all rocks and asperities in the formations concealed beneath this stratum, which gives them all a tame, smooth aspect. Following the course of the river, within a quarter of a mile of the waterfall, we meet with immense tabular masses, slightly convex, of horn- blende slate, scarcely above the level of the soil, over the middle of which the water of the river flows. The strata are nearly ver- tical at this place, and the water has cut a passage in them, making a kind of trough. This has not been effected by the mere erosion of the rock by the water, but by its displacement in the following way. On arriving at the waterfall, the ledges forming the steps, down which the water precipitates itself, are clearly stratified ; there are two cascades, a very romantic parterre intervening between the two. It seems that this last spacious ledge is formed by immense tabular masses, or strata, placed in a horizontal position ; while those, which recede perhaps a hundred feet back, and then rise abruptly two hundred feet or more, forming the walls of the first fall, are verti- cal, and in them there is an excavation, similar to the one already described ; its depth being ten feet, but its length not ex- ceeding one half of the former ; specimen is from its side, which is the usual horn- blende slate. The rock which prevails in the Kaitee range, as well as in other places, is the one which abounds with hornblende and amorphous garnets. These last some- times are of a large size, and not dispersed through the rock, but, as it were, in nests. Although this primitive greenstone is. occasionally seen on the summit of some hills, in general it occupies the declivities or the lowest parts of them ; and it often assumes a brilliant, laminar crystallization, being then exclusively formed of hornblende. Dr. Benza has seen it passing into horn- blende slate at the foot of the Neelgherries, at the bottom of the Koonoor pass. Going from Ootacamund, towards this Seven Kairn’s hUl, a few hundred paces before the junction of these two rivers, a little to 626 KOONOOR— DYKE OF BASA-LT. the right of the path, our author perceived a small knoll, forty or fifty feet above the level of the river, extending from the S. W. On the uppermost convexity of this knoll, are erected two enclosures for cattle, now probably deserted, no human habitation, for miles round the place, being seen. The floor of these enclosures is formed by an immense ledge of rock, which, in their interior, is level with the soil, and on the outside, rises a few inches above it. The rock appears unstratified, at least what is visible of it, and its composition is the fol- lowing : lamellar garnets, some of them half an inch in diameter, which have the appearance of the dodecahedral species of that mineral — cinnamon-stone, or essonite. Of all these minerals it seems that the cinnamon-stone is the most liable to decom- pose, or disintegrate ; since we see, in some parts of the surface of the mass, small cavi- ties, in consequence of the falling out of the disintegrated crystals of this mineral. This rock is very compact, exceedingly heavy, and takes a brilliant polish. In the Koonoor pass, not more than a mile from the bridge down the pass, and just below the village of Koonoor, in the road, many of the blocks which have been blasted, are traversed by a dyke of basalt. This basalt is very compact ; has a dull, even fracture ; but, in one portion of the dyke, Dr. Benza, had the opportunity of observing that the part which was in contact with the granite had the appearance of a crystalline hornblende, which passed into compact hard basalt towards the centre of the dyke. Another enormous dyke of this rock is seen in the chain of hills which connects Doodabetta with Kaitee pass. The summit of the hill, which is between’ those two mountains, is formed of basalt in huge masses, some of which affect the prismatic figure. In general the large blocks are not so compact as the thin ramifications of the dyke traversing the rock, but the horn- blende in the former is nearly granular and shining, somewhat approaching primary greenstone. About two miles from Ootaca- mund, along the Neddiwattum road, there is a small rivulet, close to the road, the first met in this direction. A basaltic dyke, like a ledge, half in the water and half out, is seen in an oblique po- sition, N. E. and S. W. dipping north. On ascending to the summit of this hill, which extends in the usual rounded form eastward, we see that it is entirely formed of basalt, in a dyke probably a diramation of that of the rivulet, and extends all along the small ridge for nearly a quarter of a mile. Basaltic dykes are not rare in those pla- ces, which Dr. Benza had an opportunity of visiting in the plains of India. He has seen them through granite and gneiss in Mysore ; through porphyry, near the euritic hill of Pallicondah ; through hornblende slate, near Mateepolliam ; through por- phyry, near Garabunda (Northern Circars), and in many other places. Following the Koondah road, in less than a mile we come upon the continuation of the magnetic iron ore, which, intersecting the lake, extends to this place, very much alter- ed in appearance and composition, looking more like a stratified ferruginous sandstone, than the continuation of the metallic vein near the lake, many of the strata being con- torted and waving and containing hardly any metal. Descending from the eastera Koondah pass, and crossing the field, a little knoll is seen, traversed by a basaltic dyke in an east and west direction ; it is flanked by, and has burst through, sienitic granite, crossing the road : on ascending the ridge opposite to the Avalanche, this land- slip comes at once to view. There has evidently been no sinking of the land in the declivity of the hill; but it seems that a thick stratum of the rock, lying almost vertically on the declivity of the hill and between which and another the present rivulet runs, whose waters having undermined the stra- tum (which might have overlaid thick beds of clay, the result of the decomposed rock), the w’eight of the superincumbent mass, together with the almost vertical position of the stratum, made it slip — hurling rock, soil, and jungle into the valley below, leav- ing a deep ravine, bounded to the north by a mural precipice of undecomposed rock„ llAGNIFICENT SCENERY. 627 some hundred feet high, and to the south by the remainder of the declivity, which is seen undisturbed in its place, having the same la- titude as the opposite boundary. On as- cending the Ghaut, the view from all points of the ascent is described as really grand. Dr. Benza does not recollect having seen any- where such a wild, yet magnificent, spectacle as the ravine formed by the tw'o hills — the one of the Avalanche chain, the other one of the eastern range of the Koondahs. The thick impervious jungle, extending its whole length, occupies also the lower half of the steep declivity of both the hills, and is then succeeded by the usual carpet-like covering of dense turf, which extends to the very pin- nacles of their prodigious altitudes. While ascending this pass, at every turn of the road a most striking and. superb coup ff’ceeYpresentsitself — the nearly vertical side of the Avalanche hill, with its precipitous battlement-like summit — the enormous prismatic masses, three or four in number, bursting, as it were, through the turf-cover- ed soil of the steep declivity of the hill ; one of which, in particular, looks like a huge martello- tower stuck to the nearly ver- tical side of the mountain — while the mag- nificent ravine to the left completes the striking view before us. This assemblage of wild and grand objects cannot but pro- duce sensations of wonder and admiration. On arriving at the gorge of the pass, of course the view’, becoming more expanded and enlarged, has a superior degree of beau- ty, particularly that of the extensive undu- lated tableland, of which the Doodabetta group to the east, and the Koondah and Himigala ranges to the west, are the bound- aries. '1 he expression undulated table-land is used, because such is the appearance of that tract of the country, seen from such a height, although many of these apparent undulations have thousands of feet of elevation. The rock composing the Avalanche hill is hornblende slate in the declivities, w^hich passes into sienitic granite, and to true granite at the summit, with much mica. In ascending from the bungalow to the gorge, Dr. Beuza observed basaltic dykes, in more than one place, and thick beds of pegmatite. But when ascending from the gorge to the summit of the Avalanche hill, the greatest number of the projecting rocks was granite, mica having entirely replaced hornblende. In the opposite hill of the Himigala range, is seen a pretty cascade, which, although of no great dimensions, j^et, having such stu- pendous scenery as a back ground, and the water precipitating itself down eleven steps formed by the strata of hornblende slate, making as many cascades, has, if not a grand, at least a romantic effect. Judg- ing from the numerous rolled masses of basalt in the bed of the Koondah river, into which the cascades fall, trap must be of frequent occurrence in these hills which join the Avalanche with the Himgala range. Descending a mile along the banks of the Koondah river, the traveller joined the new road. Itsfoot, facing the Avalanche, is washed by a small river, the protruding rocks in the bed ofwhich are granite, are composed of fel- spar, golden mica, and a little smoky quartz. It is a fine-grained rock, of a greyish black colour on account of the dark hue of the quartz. Half way up the hill are three large basaltic blocks, implanted in the soil, the fracture of which is glimmering, on account of the numerous needle-shaped crystals of augite entering into its composition. In more than one place thick beds of black soil underlay the vegetable mould, on the declivities of hills, and always in the low valleys. Five or six miles from the eastern Ghaut, we come to a round backed hill, all formed of the lateritic iron ore, precisely si- milar to that in other localities on these hills. Descending this hill, the author came to a val- ley, which, on account of its great length, is called Long Valley. The greater number of blocks jutting above the soil (at this side of the Koondahs the hills have the same round- ed appearance as those of the Neelgherries), on both sides of the valley, are schistous diorite, mixed with many others which are granitic, composed of the three usual mine- rals. The rocks from this place to Sispara are granite, decomposing and decomposed. 628 MOUNTAINS OF CEYLON AND WESTERN GHAUTS. We have thus given an abstract of Dr. Benza’s paper and shall resume our notice of it in our next. We proceed to give an abstract of the next article by Capt. Allardyce. The circumstance most remarkable in the INDIAN GRANITE FORMATION is perhaps the great prevalence of that kind of rock called primitive trap, greenstone, or hornblende rock ;* * it does not form, as in other countries, patches of limited extent, but surrounds and intersects the whole peninsula ; it seems to have its regu- lar place among the granitic strata, with which it is confluent at the line of junction, passing gradually from green to red and white felspar rocks : it generally cuts off and terminates all the other granites. Pos- sessing this character, it may be considered the oldest rock here unfolded in the gra- nitic series ; for if the primitive mountains are the subverted fragments of a formerly horizontal crust, which all observation and experience tend to prove, then, according to the laws of subversion that prevail in the more recent formations, the stratum found encompassing the others will be that which was earliest formed and originally under- most in the series. The primitive trap, together with its as- sociate the small-grained sienitic granite, is by far the most extensive and continuous of the Indian rocksf. On the western coast ♦ The Palaveram rock is a good example of the primitive trap: being nearly allied to sienitic granite, it appears to be sometimes distinguished by the same name ; it has been called also primitive greenstone, hornblende rock, and gneiss when distinctly stratified. The composition is, in most cases, at least two thirds felspar, of a bottle green colour, or usually some shade of green, which changes to a light sandstone hue in decomposition; mica, quartz, garnet, hornblende, and schorl also occur, but in minor proportions, the essential ingredient being felspar. In the western Ghauts near Goa this trap consists of a paste of bluish grey felsiiar with scarcely any other ingredient, perhaps the distinguishing mark of trap that will apply most generally is its difiference in texture from granite ; the one being a compact vitrious paste, the other a more freely granulated this sense the term is here used, for any defini- tion founded on origin or manner of eruption will not hold good with regard to the primi- tive traps. + If sienitic granites are to be distinguished by the presence of hornblende, it will be found that, according to the present unlimited appli- it seems to extend uninteruptedly from Surat to Cape Comorin, or rather to Ceylon, for the mountains there appear to be of the same character as the western Ghauts, and are besides nearly on the same line. From Ootacamund to the N. E., at least as far as Madras, this rock extends in full character; but does not constitute the mass of the eastern Ghauts at Nakanary, which in this respect differs from the western chain. The mountains of the Northern Circars are said to form a very continuous and well-defined range of trap hills, but elsewhere in the line of eastern Ghauts, or between Salem and the Kistnah, the strata appear to be of various kinds. Connecting the western Ghauts at Surat with the eastern at Balasore or Ram- ghur, is the Vyndiah range also of this trap : so that the trap or green felspar rock appears to surround the peninsula on every side. Numerous similar and smaller chains cross the interior, generally in a direction S. W. and N. E. Travelling westward from Pala- veram, where green felspar prevails, we do not again meet with the same rock until reaching the western Ghauts on the opposite coast. The identity of the Palaveram rock with that of the western Ghauts, the dis- similarity of the eastern range at Nakanary, and the non-occurrence of the green granite in the intermediate space, are circumstances indicative of a particular arrangement. The direction of stratification at Oota- camund, on all the hills near the canton- ment, is W. S. W.* at Trichinopoly the same, and at Nakanary not very different. The lines of stratification cross the Ghauts diagonally at Nakanary, or, perhaps more cation of the word, there is scarcely a granite in this part of India that might not be included as sienitic : but, if we regard them simj)ly as intermediate between granite and trap, it is better at present, for the sake of perspicuity, to drop the dubious term sienitic granite, and pass on to the trap, which will include the granites next to it having a close texture and vitrious aspect. • An exception to this occurs on the north side of the cantonment where the direction of a piece of gneiss or rather trap more strati- fied than usual runs N. and S. and has fallen besides to an angle of 45'^., the dip being to the westward. This fragment includes at least three small hills, the convexity and ex- foliation of which have the usual direction with regard to the horizon, and are not influ- enced by tbe oblique position of the rock. IGNEOUS ROCKS IN THE SOUTHERN PART OP THE PENINSULA. 629 strictly speaking, the line of fracture running N. and S. crosses diagonally the lines of stratification. We see from this that there are mountain ranges having their stratifica- tion parallel with their direction, and others having it oblique ; it will follow also that if disruption take place across lines of subvert- ed strata, a variously composed ridge will be the result ; whereas, if the dislocation proceed parallel with the subverted strata, there will be in consequence a continuity of the same rock elevated. This is a rule that will be found to hold good in most cases as applied to primitive strata, and, where secondary ranges occur, the subjacent rock is more to be considered as the true mountain ridge than the overlaying crust. The Gujunder Ghur hills, for example, although a sandstone range, are based on granite ; owing their superior elevation to the rising of the granite underneath : an- other example is the sandstone of the Nag- gery hills. It has been remarked that while the primitive trap ranges, with the exception of that on the western side (namely, the Ghauts), have a tendency N. E. and S. W., inferior ranges supporting secondary strata run more N. and S. — it requires observation to prove how far this is the case. Throughout the southern part of the peninsula, igneous rocks greatly prevail, there being scarcely a trace of aqueous strata ; and among the primitive rocks clay-slate is wanting, although it is found in abundance further north : in certain places clay-slate and limestone tracts, of the transition series, are of vast extent, and, considering the almost invariable presence of valuable metallic ores in such districts, they are not the least interesting in a com- mercial point of view. In the Konkan north of G-oa the elevation of the Ghauts is clearly pointed out as sub- sequent to the formation of laterite ; the table-land is covered with a thick crust of this substance, as well as the lower level of the Konkan ; and hills, which appear rising from the low ground as detached portions of the table-land, are flat-topped, with a crust of the same laterite, while their slopes, like the general escarpment of the Ghauts, are covered only with a loose debris. The Carnatic, and several other similar tracts, occurring along both coasts, are, as granitic plains, surprisingly level : the slight tertiary diluvium with which they are co- vered, cannot be considered as a principal cause of this uniformity, for the rock itself is everywhere found near the surface ; every appearance here indicates that the granitic formation has at one time been a great deal more flat than it is generally understood to have been. The Neeigherries rise from a plain nearly as level as the Carnatic, and their summit bears evident marks of having been once on a level with the Mysore and Coimbatore plains. Like elevated regions in other parts of the world, the Neeigher- ries shew also traces of a diluvial current ? that is, the gravel and loam are arranged in such a manner as could only take place by deposit from water ; the gravel being lowest in a thin stratum by itself, with the lighter loam covering it, to the thickness of several feet, and without gravel. The carbonaceous black cotton soil occurs here as on the plain, and it is found under the general gravel line as well as above, shewing it to have been lodged among the broken strata, before the passage of the later diluvial cur- rent over the surface : the indications are that this current has passed before the hills attained their present elevation, which last seems an event so recent, as to be only an- terior to the formation of kankar. As no secondary strata occur near the Neeigher- ries, none need be expected on their sum- mit ; but, on the eastern Ghauts at Naggery, sandstone is found, and serves to point out that the hills there have been elevated since the sandstone period. It is probable that the other parts of the Ghauts havejbeen raised about the same time : every thing tends to show that the elevation of these ranges is a comparatively recent event. Geologically viewing these chains in conjunction with the table-land, it appears that the surface, nearly as far to the east- vrard as Salem, has been forced to a con- siderable height, with the Cauvery ranges 630 THE GAMBOGE OF COMMERCE. for its boundary ; but beyond this it breaks short of the trap ranges, and the dislocation runs north, through the interior of the basin or compartment, towards Nakanary. The fracture, in this instance, departs from its usual course, and excludes the northern part of the Carnatic from the level of the table- land. The eastern Ghauts preserve nearly the same character, until reaching the lati- tude of the Naggery hills, where green fel- spar strata again occur. The connection of these with the Ghauts might be determined by taking their direction ; as long as the direction of the strata continues E. and W., while that of the ghauts is N. andS., a pro- gressive change or succession of strata may be looked for : and different rocks, which originally had nothing to connect them into a mountain chain, receive, by cross fracture, the new character of elevation in a common line. Of the Himalayan chain we are told that the principal valleys are perpendicular to its direction, running N. E. and that the es- carpments are generally on the N. W. side, while the S. E. is shelving ; but we are en- tirely ignorant regarding the direction of strata, whether the chain in its progress crosses many different kinds of rock in suc- cession, or whether there are continuous rocks of anyone kind extending from Bootan to Cashmere. Gneiss is said to be the most predominant of the primitive rocks, and strange to say ‘‘ gneiss reigns paramount in the Andes” : the fact seems to be that all granite, when fully exposed to view in large masses, is more or less stratified ; and hence is as liable to be called gneiss as granite. Much of this gneiss may on comparison prove the same as our primitive trap, which appears to be a very widely extended rock, for green granite is mentioned as entering into the composition of the Hindoo Koosh. The next paper we shall quote is on remarks on the TREE WHICH PRO- DUCES THE GAMBOGE OF COM- MERCE ill consequence of the following observations on it, by Dr. Graham, Profes- sor of Botany in Edinburgh, communicated by him in a letter dated I2th March, 1836. “In consequence of having received spe- cimens from Mrs. Walker of the tree which in Ceylon jnelds gamboge, I have been attending to the subject lately, and, on Monday last, read some observations to the Royal Society (of Edinburgh) about it. I have been obliged to dissent wholly from Arnott and you, that it is the Xanthochy- mus ovalifolius, and Arnott now agrees with me so far, but he has fallen into at least as great a blunder. It is undoubtedly, as I think, the Garcinia (Mangostana Goert.) morella of Desrousseaux and Goertner. Arnott now thinks it Garcinia Zeylanicttf which it cannot be, if Roxburgh describes this with any degree of truth. In fact the Garcinia morella, which I have said it is, is no Garcinia. Murray says the tree is Sialag- mitis Cambogioides, but his description will not apply to my plant, from which I have a great quantity of excellent gamboge. I have sent a specimen to Mr. Don to request that he will compare it with the specimens in the Bankean Herbarium, from which Murray’s description was taken. If the same, the generic name Stalagmitis may yet be retained, and the description only altered. If not the same, it must form the type of a new genus, to which I find Garci- nia elliptica of Wallich also belongs ; it is especially characterized by the stamens, of of which 1 send you a figure.” The point on which Dr. Graham finds it necessary wholly to dissent from us is thus briefly stated at page 102 of the Pro- dromus. “ Thei’e can now be little doubt of this (Xanthochymus ovalifolius) being the only plant in Ceylon that yields gam- boge fit for the arts, and that consequently the specific name of Gambogia gulta Linn, ought to have been applied to this species and not to Garcinia Gambogia)'' The evidence contained in Dr. Graham’s letter seems so completely to invalidate the correctness of our statement, that it might appear useless to attempt any refutation ; yet I am not satisfied that he is either whol- ly right, or that we are wholly wrong. I do not think him right in considering the tree of which he has got specimens, as the only one that produces gamboge fit to be used in the arts, nor do I think it is the one which produces the true Ceylon gamboge. I do not think so, because it has been long and well known, that there are two sorts in use, one from the eastward, Siam,Cambogia, China ; and the other from Ceylon : the lat- ter considered inferior to the former. The gamboge, from the tree in question, speci- mens of which I have seen, is apparently of the best quality, and much superior to the common Cej^lon gamboge, having a fine, rather light, colour and glassy fracture. The THE GAMBOGE OF COMMERCE. 631 true Ceylon gamboge is darker coloured, and mixed with dark brown spots. The Ceylon tree which produces the fine gam- boge is rare, as Colonel Walker informs me he has only met with it in one place, and that an old garden near a former Dutch set- tlement, not far from Negombo, It cannot surely be supposed that a tree, so exceedingly rai'e as this is represented, can be the one which affords all the gamboge produced in that island, still less so when it is borne in mind, thatthat obtained from it differs in qua- lity from that usually produced there, and known in commerce under the name of “ Ceylon gamboge.” From thesefacts I think we are entitled to conclude,that Dr. Graham has drawn a wide inference from insufficient data, or, in other words, has attempted to form a general rule from a solitary example. 1 do not, however, wish it to be supposed, that I insist on our statement being held strictly correct, because a degree of uncer- tainty attaches to the tree or trees from which this substance is procured, that all the efforts of botanists for the last century have been unable altogether to remove ; all that I have attempted, or indeed wish to prove is, first — that facts adduced by Dr. Graham are not sufficient to invalidate our position, that the Xanthochymus ovalifo- lius is the only, indigenous plant in Ceylon that produces gamboge fit to be used in the arts ; though I fear, from further enquiries, that we were premature in hazarding so strong a statement ; and secondly — that the tree, from which Dr. Graham’s specimens were procured, is of exotic origin. I shall now attempt to account for the appearance in the island of that tree which is- neither a Garcinia nor Xanthochymus. About the beginning of the 17th century, the Dutch first imported gamboge into Eu- rope from China, and, not long after, they expelled the Portuguese from Ceylon, and formed setlements of their own there, which they retained until near the end of the 18th century. Is it at all unreasonable to sup- pose, that, in the course of that long period, they should endeavour to procure from their own territories a lucrative article of com- merce, in place of having to purchase from others all, of the finer sorts, required for their European trade t If not, we may readily suppose they imported the plants above referred to, and which have remained unnoticed by the English, until Colonel Walker accidentally discovered them about two years ago, in just such a situation as one might expect to find introduced trees, name- ly, in a garden close by a Dutch settlement. A most interesting discovery it is, since it seems to prove that they are of exotic origin, that the soil and climate are suitable for its growth and propagation, and leaves room to infer, that it might be introduced with success on the west coast, at least, of India, the climate of which corresponds in many respects with that of the south-west coast of Ceylon ; and, lastly, because, it, in part at least, sets this long agitated question at rest, by making us acquainted with the probable source of the best gamboge used in the arts. Botanically considei'ed, this plant presents some points of considerable interest, which may be the means of directing more of the attention of botanists to the peculiarities . of the order to which it belongs, than it has hitherto received. Dr. Graham shows that his plant is not a Xanthochymus., neither is it a Garcinia, and, unless there is an error in the description, that it cannot be a Stalagmitis, but that it forms a new genus, essentially characterised by its stamens, the filaments of which are united into a single square column, and the anthers one-celled, opening at the apex by a calyptra, or lid, in place of two-celled, bursting longitudinally, as in all the other genera of guttiferce ; characters amply suffi- cient to separate it from every other genus of the order. To the conviction expressed that this new genus is undoubtedly Goertner’s Mangostana morella, I can offer no objection, as I am altogether unacquainted with that plant, except through the figure, and because Dr. Graham has not stated the evidence on which he grounds this conclusion ; but if it should prove correct, I must acknowdedge it goes far to establish the fact of its being a native of Ceylon, and, consequently, that the juice of it, as well as of other trees, maybe drawn for gamboge as that of Garcinia pic- tor ea ’^Roxb. Another member of this new genus is in Malabar. Here the question must for the present rest ; as it can only be finally decided by reference to authentic specimens of the plant described by the older botanists (who usually paid much attention to useful plants), as the “ Arbor Indica Gummi Gutiam fundens,” and which has now been bandied about from species to species, till it seems to have multi - plied itself into about half a dozen different trees ; but I trust that Ceylon botanists will now be induced to take up the subject in ear- nest, and ascertain, by actual inspection and the preservation of specimens, the tree, or trees, for there may be several, from which its gamboge is derived, and further to deter- mine whether the trees, which have given rise to this fresh agitation of the question, are of indigenous or exotic origin. 632 THE GAMBOGE OF COMMERCE While writing on the subject, I shall avail myself of the opportunity to offer a few ob- servations on the essential characters of the genera, named in the above remarks, name- ly Garcinia, Cambogia, Mangostana, Sfa~ lagmifis, and ^ant?iochginus ; with, the view of directing attention to some points of structure, which, it appears to me, have not been sufficiently attended to in the construc- tion of these genera, giving rise, in conse- quence, to much confusion and uncertainty as to the species that ought respectively to belong to them. In 1737, Linnseus published his genus Garcinia, formed from Rumphius’ Mangos- tana, assigning as its essential character 16 stamens (Doclecandria) and an eight-seeded berry. In 1748, he published, in his Flora Zeylanica, Cambogia, assigning to it numer- ous stamens (Polyandria) and a pomacious, eight-celled and eight-seeded fruit. Pomum 8-loculare, semina (i. e. in each cell,) soli- taria. In 1789, Professor Murray of Got- tingen published his genus Stalagmitis, as- signing to it a quaternary proportion of sepals and petals, pentadelphous stamens, and a one-celled, three-seeded berry. In 1791, G(Krtner attempted, from an examination of the fruit of three species, to reform the Linnean genera, and, on carpologicai charac- ters, united Garcinia and Cambogia under Eamphius’ name Mangostana, assigning to his new genus a quaternary proportion of parts, indefinite stamina, and a four to eight-seeded berry. This genus, with the exception of the name, has been adopted by all succeeding writers. In 1798, Roxburgh published his Xanthochymus (Cor. PL), well distinguished from the former by its quinary proportion of parts ; five sepals, five petals, five fascicles of (pentadelphous) sta- mens, and an unequal (three to five) S'Ceded berry. The characters of all these gene- ra, it may be observed, are, with the excep- tion of the last, incomplete, owing to the authors having overlooked their polygamous inflorescence, and neglected to avail them- selves of the peculiarities of the male flower ; an imperfection not felt, so long as every plant of the order, with a quaternary propor- tion of organs, was referred to Garcinia, but to which, now that a new genus is add- ed, agreeing in that particular, it is neces- sary to attend : the more so, as some of the species of Garcinia approach the new genus by having their stamens united into a head ; while others approach XantkocJiymus by having theirs fascicled, and are only to be distinguished by their proportion of parts. It is of great importance to attend to proportion in this tribe, as we are thus enabled to discover what Murray’s Sialag- ■mitis really is. We have seen that Rox- burgh’s Xanthocliymus has a quinary pro-' portion of parts, pentadelphous stamens y and an unequal (3-5) seeded fruit. In Garcinia the quaternary proportion prevails with an equal ('4-8-12) seeded fruit. In Stalagmitis both ai-e said to be combined, an union, which all must acknowledge to be most improbable.* Petals and sepals are deciduous, or,' may be carelessly examined ; not so the fascicles of stamens, they are small, and must be examined carefully if to be seen at all, and the number of seeds are not subject to accidental loss in drying or examining. The quinary proportion of stamens and uneven number of seeds afford, I think, almost irrefragable proof of the identity of Stalagmitis and Xanthocliymus, the petals and sepals only being erroneously described. This view is confirmed by Mr. George Don, in his edition of Miller’s Dictionary, having reduced Roxburgh’s. Xanthocliymus to Stalagmitis, I presume on the authority of Murray’s own specimens which he could examine in the Bankean Herbarium ; an arrangement in which we, not sufficiently adverting to his opportunity of determining the identity of these genera, did not think it safe to follow him. By thus uniting Gar- cinia to Cambogia, and Stalagmitis to Xan- tkochymus, the confused assemblage is re- duced to two very distinct genera. The only question that remains to be con- sidered is, whether or not it is advisable to leave them as they now stand.” Art. 11. — Sugar, as to the 'probability of an improvement in the cultivation and quality of, either through Europeans or Natives, in case of an increased demand : from the report of the select committees of the Houses of Lords and Commons, appointed to enquire into the present state of the affairs of the East India Company, 1830-31. BelVs Comparative View of the External Commerce of Bengal, during the years 1834-35 1835-36, 106. A Treatise on the Cultivation of Sugar- canes, and the manufacture of Sugar ; comprehending instructions for plant- ing and saving the cane, expressing * Since writing’ the above I find that Rox- burgh describes the flowers of XantkochymuH oraliiolius, as having occasionally four se|)als and four petals, which identifies it with Mur- ray’s Stalagmitis Cambogio des, the Ceylon Camboge plant of that author. SOIL FAVOURABLE FOR THE CULTURE OF THE SUGAR CANE, 633 the juice, Sfc. Sfc. By W. Fitzmau- RICE, inany years a planter in the island of Jamaica, pp. 69, 1830. The nature and properties of the Sugar- cane, with practical directions for the improvement of its culture and the ma- nufacture of its products. By George Richardson Porter, Philadelphia, pp. 354, 1831. J Dictionary, Practical, Theoretical, and Historical, of Commerce and cial Navigation : illastrated with Maps and Plans. By J. R. McCulloch, Esa. Second Edition, Corrected throughout, and greatly enlarged with a Supplement, supplying the deficiencies and bringing down the in- formation contained in the work to October, 1S35. 8vo. pp. 13^7- Long- man,Rees,Orme, Brown, Greene, AND Longman, London, 1835. ('Continued from page 558.J The soil most favorable for the production ■of sugar-cane, is a mixture of clay and sand, or what is called brick-mould. “ Although the effects of rain on this soil are apparently soon over, its surface quickly drying, the inner portion retains a considerable degree of moisture even in the driest weather, and it has the advantage of seldom requiring trenches to be made even in the wettest season. This soil very much predominates in St. Domingo; in Jamaica it is confined to par- ticular districts, and even in those districts to particular spots.* * * * § Next to this, black mould of several varie- ties is favourable for the production of the cane. There is a species of this mould in Jamaica, which abounds with limestone and flint on a substratum of soapy marie. Black mould on clay is more common, but it is gene- rally only in a very thin stratum, and the clay is tenacious and retentive of water : this last sort of land, therefore, requires great labour, both in ploughing and trenching, to render it profitable ; but, properly pulverized and manured, it becomes extremely pro- ductive. The best black mould is found in Barbadoes . Antigua, and some other of the Windw'ard • Plant-canes in this soil have been known in very fine seasons to yield two tons and a half of sugar per acre. — JSdit’flrdff’s H'est Iiicies. Islands. But the very best soil for the pro- duction of sugar of the finest quality, and in the largest proportion, is the ashy loam of St. Christopher’s. The alluvial soil of Guiana is most favourable to the vegetation of the cane, but not to the elaboration of its saccharine juice, except in old settled planta- tions having the benefit of the sea- breeze without receiving its spray. Canes will not flourish on a merely sandy soil : to make them grow there, requires a great expense for manure, as well as frequent rains, or the command of water for irriga- tion.*” “When land is unproductive, w'^e should inquire into the cause of its sterility, w^hich must necessarily result from some defect in the constitution of the soil.” “in such cases, the cause can only be as- certained by chemical analysis ; then the noxious principle which exists will be easily discovered, and most probably easily de- stroyed. If any of the salts of iron be found present, they may be decomposed by lime. If any inert vegetable matter be indicated, this can be removed by lime, paring, and burning. If there be a deficiency of vege- table matter, it may be supplied by manure. If there be an excess of silicious sand, a mixture of marie will eminently correct it. In stilf, heavy soils, chalk and sea-shells are used with great advantage. Low, swampy grounds, besides the assistance of lime, chalk, or sand, according to the nature of the soil, should be well drained, and every facility given for the escape of the stagnant waters, and the overplus of those which collect after storms.” “ Lime is beneficial to almost any soil, particularly new and especially w'herethe salts of iron are found.-h Where carbonate of lime already exists in the soil, lime and chalk are useless, inasmuch as there is little or no undissolved vegetable matter. J Marle§ mixed with sandy clay materially improves the soil, it is understood that the * There is, however, a peculiar sort of laud on the north side of Jamaica, chiefly iu the parish of Trelawney, that cannot be passed over unnoticed, not only on account of its scarcity, but its value; few soils producing finer sugar. The land alluded to, is generally of a red colour; the shades of which, however, vary considerably, from a deep chocolate to a rich scarlet ; iu some places it approaches to a bright yellow, but it is every where remark- able, when first turned up, for a glossy or shining surface, and if wetted stains the fin- gers like paint. Ibid. + Wood sorrel, coarse tufts of grass, and various sour herbage, indicate the presence of oxide of iron, in Europe. i Lime should never he applied with animal manures, unless they are too rich, or for the purpose of preventing noxious effluvia. It is injurious when mixed with any common dung, and tends to render the extractive matter insoluble. — Ure'’s Dictionary of Chemistry. § Marie, a mixture of clay and carbonate of lime. 634 KNOWLEDGE OF THE CHINESE IN CULTIVATING SUGAR CANE. agriculturists of the West India Colonies are now better acquainted with the advan- tages they possess, and use these valuable substances, wherein some of the Islands abound.* In a loamy soil (which consists of sand and clay,) lime may be used with advantage. Lime acts immediately in producing bene- ficial effects, chalk not so soon, but it is more permanent in the advantages it affords to the soil. In this country about two hundred bushels of lime are found sufficient for each acre, and from fifteen to twenty of two-horse cart loads of chalk per acre. These are to remedy the defects of soil. Animal and vegetable manures are to renovate worn out lands, by supplying new soluble and gaseous matter, for the nourishment of the plant. This is not a permanent good, and requires to be constantly renew'ed ; as it is found by universal experience, that vegetable and animal substances, used as manure, are consumed during the process of vegetation.'!' The properly manuring of lands is a most important operation in sugar planting ; even the best soil requires occasional assistance, and there is much yet to be learnt by agricul- turists in the management of this most essen- tial branch of husbandry. The Chinese appear to understand the mat- ter better than most other people : every animal and vegetable refuse, every thing of disgusting appearance and offensive effluvia. • Perhaps Bryan Edwards drew their at- tention to this matter by asking’, “ Why for instance are not the manures of lime and sea-sand, which abound in these Islands, and have been found so exceedingly beneficial in Great Britain, brought into use ? Limestone alone, even without burning, (the expense of which might, perhaps, be an objection,) has l>een found to answer in cold, heavy, and m dst lands ; no other trouble being requisite than merely to spread it over the ground, and break it into small pieces by sledge hammers. Of this the quantities are inexhaustible. Marie is another manure of vast and general utility in Great Britain. It enriches the poorest land, opens the stifFest, and sweetens and corrects the most rank. Lands have been raised by the use of this manure from two shillings per acre to a guinea annual rent- Now there is no country under the sun. wherein a soft unctuous marie more abounds than in Jamai- ca.”-jBt/wards’s West Indies. In the present day, however the Jamaica planter takes advantage of the fortunate cir- cumstance of possessing these substances, and more or less employs them all. fThese can only nourish the plant iiy afford- ing solid matters capable of being dissolved by water, or gaseous substances capable of l)e- ing absorbed by the fluids in the leaves of vegetaliles. The great object in the application of ma- nure should be to make it afford as much solu- ble matter aspossitile to the roots of the plant; and that in a slow and gradual manner, so that it may be entirely consumed in forming its sap and organised parts- lire's Dictionary of Che- mistry. Art. Manure. they carefully collect and use as beneficial agents in vegetation, thus converting the loathsome and revolting, into the wholesome and inviting. The sugar planter might advantageously follow the example of the Chinese in this respect. Great improvidence and waste are too often practised, and the land, as a ne- cessary consequenee, suflrers. The cane trash, which is used as fuel, would make excellent manure, and therefore it is of importance to be as economical in fuel as possible.* The lands are at present imperfectly manur- ed, and yet very frequently cattle are kept for the sole purpose of providing manure. Recourse also is obliged to be had to sup- plies from England, and much compost is sent out from this country to the Colonies. The manure which is used, is generally a compost made of 1st. The coal and vegetable ashes drawn from the fires of the boiling and still-houses. 2d. Feculences discharged from the still- house. mixed up with rubbish of buildings, &c. &c. 3d. Refuse or field trash, that is, the decayed leaves and stems of the canes. 4th. Dung obtained from the horse and mule stables, and from fixed and moveable pens. 5th. Good mould collected from ravines, or gulleys, and other waste places. The first is supposed to be a manure in itself for cold and stiff clays, and it is the custom, in some places in which this soil is found, to carry the ashes out in autumn, and place them, unmixed in large heaps. VVhen the land is holed, a quantity of about fifteen or twenty pounds is put into each hole, and mixed with the mould, at the time the plants are put into the ground. But ashes thus applied cannot be very beneficial, as they neither afford soluble matter for the nourish- ment of the plant, nor correct any defects of the soil. In very wet lands, ashes may prove advantageous, absorbing the superflu- ous moisture, but then they should be spread outside, not be mixed with the earth. The compost is used in the same manner as ashes, not being carried to the land till just before it is required. The moveable pens are, however, the chief dependence of the Jamaica planter; in the Windward Islands manuring is more carefully applied. From all cares on this subject, the colonists of Dutch Guiana are at present exempt, as their soil can be efficiently manured, as well as irrigated, by admitting the rivers to over- flow the lands, the deposit w'hich these leave being very fertilising. But as the process is attended by the production of unhealthy miasmata, it would perhaps be to their ad- vantage to renew the fertility of their front * Cane trash which we reckon the richest manure we have, when ]>roj!>erly pre- pared. - ^ir John huforey. 635 ON PREPARING THE SOIL FOR SUGAR CANE, lands by manure, rather than by a process so unhealthy; and we have reason to believe that this opinion is every day gaining ground. A moveable pen is made of light railings tied together, and to posts fixed firmly in the ground enclosing a piece of ground propor- tionate to the number of cattle to be turned into it ; at the end of a week it is shifted, by leaving one side standing, and moving the other three sides on the opposite face of the remaining side, thus enclosing a second piece : into this fresh enclosure the cattle are turned for another week. In this manner it is moved every week till the planter gradually goes through his whole estate, and follovysit up by turning up the soil for tillage, i his is considered a very advantageous practice ; indeed, some overseers entirely trust to it, and give the ground no other dressing.* But it is by no means sufficient on plantations that have been much worn and exhausted by cultivation. In Barbadoes the practice is to tether cattle to stakes driven into the ground. The spot is covered with good mould, and then well littered with dry and green vege- table matter, which, with the animal manure from the cattle, make a compost heap suffi- cient for a certain space of ground. When this is completed the stakes are withdrawn, and placed in another part of the field, in which the same process is renewed. By this system much animal and vegetable manure is accumulated on the fields to be manured, but as much labour is required to bring mould and dry and green vegetable matter to form successive layers, some planters adopt the Jamaica plan of moveable pens already described. I he common allowance of manure where this branch of husbandry is best understood, is a cubic foot to each cane hole, but it is obvious that no precise rule can be laid down as to the most beneficial quantity to be used. This must depend upon the nature of the soil, and upon the quality of the manure. Much less of this, properly prepared, and in a fit State for use, will, of course, be required, than of that which has the fertilising princi- ple in an inferior degree. In employing manure, we must endeavour to procure for the canes, not the greatest possible, but the most profitable vegetation, for a too luxuriant growth is prejudical to the elaboration of the saccharine juice. If too little be used, it is unavailing and lost. The canes are then soon scorched up, the sun causing the rapid exhalation of those few aqueous parts, which a too weak vegeta- tion has only had the power of forming, and the saccharine juice becomes closely united to an empyreumatic oil, which entirely viti« ates it. • In hilly and mountainous districts, it is considered impractical ie to manure in any other manner. Then the pens are made in a somewhat more durable manner, and the cat- tle remain in them, till they have furnished manure for a greater portion of land than that in which they are enclosed. It is requisite to allow the lands occasion- ally to lie fallow'. This is found to restore them as much as the usual quantity of ma- nure. But the w^eeds must by no means be sulfered to gain dominion over them while in this state, since these exhaust the land as much as those plants which are useful.* Much difference of opinion has prevailed as to the state in which manure ought to be ploughed into the ground ; whether recent, or when it has gone through the process of fermentation. Those who have considered the subject chemically, entertain no doubts ; and the great authority of SirH. Davy seems to be conclusive, that recent manure is most valuable. As soon as dung begins to de- compose, it throws off its volatile parts, which are the most valuable and efficient. Dung, w'hich has fermented to a mere soft cohesive mass, has geoeraily lost from one- third to one-half of its most useful consti- tuent elements. T Perhaps, however,it would be advisable to allow a slight degree of fer- mentation to take place before it is exposed, in divided quantities, to the scorching heat of the tropical sun. The Guadaloupe planter, whom we have just quoted, strongly depre- cates the pernicious practice (as he terms it,) of using recent manure in hot climates. The Barbadoes system of making manure permits a certain degree of fermentation to take place previous to its application to the soil, whilst it is covered with mould until it be so applied ; thus preventing the action of air upon it to a certain extent.” • I have made a num ber of experiments upon the advantage of allowing the ground to lie fallow. The successful results of all these have confirmed me in the adoption of this method. Among others, I made trial upon two pieces of ground of the same nature and quality, the one situated in the highest part of iny plantation, the other on ihe sea coast. These two pieces received two ploughings during the six months they were fallow ; and, planting them afterwards, without any manure, I oittained very superior crojjs; Imt the caues of the sea coast were better than others. This observation induced me to put into each hole of a neighbouring piece of ground some sea- water at the time of planting, and the experi- ment succeedeil admirably.- I>e i’ Exploita- tion des Sucrcries. t To prevent manures from decomposing, they should be preserved dry, defended from the contact of the air, and kept as cool as possible. All green, contain saccharine or mucilaginous matter, with woody fil)re, and readily ferment. They cannot therefore, if intended for manure, be used too soon after their death. If dung cannot be immediately applied to crops, the destructive fermentation ofitshould be prevented very carefully. The surface should be defended, as much as possible, from the oxygen of the atmosphere; a compact marie, or a tenacious clay, offers the best protection against the air; and before the dung is covered over, or, as it were sealed up, it should be dried as much as possible. — Ure’fi Dictionary Chemistry ^ Art. Manure. ^36 CUSTOMS OF THE PERSIANS AND TURKS, Regarding the culture of the sugar- cane, in addition to the opinion given by Fitzmaurice, we shall in our next advert to that alForded by Porter. Art. III. — Narrative of a Residence in Koordistan, and on the site of Ancient Nineveh: ivith Journal of a, Voyage down the Tigris to Bagdad, and an Ac- count of a Visit to Shirauz and Perse- polis. By the late Cl.\udiu3 James Rich, Esq., the Hon. East India Company's Resident at Bagdad, Author of “ an Account of Ancient Babylon." 2 Voh. Octavo. James Duncan, Paternoster-Row, London, 1836. (Continued from page 577.J Our author states that the population of Toozkhoormattee is estimated at about 5000 souls. Towards the latter end of April, the thermometer stood at 6 a. m. at 64*^, at noon 70«>, and at 3 p. m. 66° ; wind south east, blowing hard. Our travellers quit Toozkhoormattee in May. We find nothing worthy of notice until our author alludes to the Kifri hills. “ The easternmost branch of the Kifri hills (which is, ill fact, the main trunk or artery) passes by Kei kook, and Altoon Kinpii, thence runs off l elow Arbil to the iigiis, and is there called the Karaichukdagh. 'I his east- ern branch contains gypsum and naphtha. The VVestein, or Metara hills, are pure sand- stone and giavel, and resemble in every res- pect the Hamreen chain most completely, 'i'hey offer many circumstances worthy of note. On entering them in the pass ot Jumeila, we lode through a ridge or two of perfectly vertical strata, looking as if they had been forced up into their present position. These are succeeded by some perfectly hori- zontal strata, also of pure bare sandstone, large blocks of which have tumbled out, and are strewed about; the rest look of a crumbling texture , and indeed the whole range bears strongly the appearance of a mountain in ruins. We next came to inclined strata, and, what is curious, the inclination of it is exactly as at the Hamreen. These bills slope to the east, at an angle of 60? from the vertical, or 30 below the hori- zontal. All the strata, throughout the chain, are exactly paiallel, and have precisely the same direction, as if they had been drawn with a line N. 45 W. The ascent is very gentle, in an easterly direction ; but winding in the narrow clefts worn by the rain in the sandstone. We reached ai twenty ininules before eight a dismal plaleau, or wide extent of gravelly ruins, in heaps, and wild-looking furrowc. Our load through it was N 50 1'.. At eight we came to oilier ndves of incdined strata, answering the former description ; but more and more covered with gravelly soil as we advanced. Here ami liiere were patches of bailey. We met a small Koordisli caravan, laden with myrtle (mord), packed in bags ; it gave out a delicious fragrance. It is used, I believe, in the dyeries. The soil and gravel now predominated, as in the east (ace of the Hamreen ; ami at a quarter before nine we readied a spot, overlooking tile plain of Leilatj, where the hills slope gradually and gently down.’’ Capt. Rich relates a custom prevailing among the Persians and Turks which belong to the people of this country, that is, of the villagers keeping their grain in pits or wells near the village, which, when covered over and levelled with the soil, cannot always be discovered, even by the native armies, with- out some one to show them the spot. The country between Leilan and Kerlook is a perfect plain, with several artificial mounts scattered all over it. Travelling along the Leilan stream, its course is marked by a suc- cession of hills, each of which has a small round tower of stone attached to it, which makes it look like a little fort. In one, a miller was crying out ‘Ver, Allah F Give, God ! — the constant practice when the mill is empty ; upon which those who have grain to grind bring it to the mill. Our travellers reach the mount of Tchemtchemal, from which Captain Rich surveys the country and gives the following description of the Koordish ranges of mountains. “ The line which we see immediately be- fore us, extending from N. to S. E. is a nar- row precipitous bare ridee, which is called the Bazian mountains. To tiie north of the pass of Deibenl i Bazian, which, as I have already remarked, is just before us, the mountains soon make a turn towards the west, where they form the mountains called Khalkhalan, which hound the Pashalik of Keuy iSanjak on the south. To the south of the pass of Derbent, the ridge is continued in a straight line south and a little east. Here is another pass called Derbent i Bas- terra ; beyond which the ridge, continuing in the same line, assumes the name of Karadagh, and becomes vvell wooded. Here is the third road intoKoordistan from the plains of Assyria. It is called Seghirmeh, or ladder, and, passing directly over the crest of the mountain, has been esteemed difficult, if not impossible, for an army. CAPT. RICH’S ARRIVAL AT SULIMANIA. 63? Abdurrahman Pasha, the late governor of Sulimania, fortified all these passes, at the time he was endeavouring to render Koordi- Btan independent ; but having been defeated at Derbetit i Bazian by Kutclmic Suliman Paslia of Bagdad, his fortifications were de- molislied. Karadagh is bounded by the Diala. Just south of the pass of Basterra, t)ie /englieneh hills come out west from the Karadagh, and are at fi^st much lower ; but turning south, as if to form a parallel line with Karadagh, they become of an almost equal elevation. J ust behind this part, that is E. of it, appears a higher summit, belonging to 1 know not what range, which ispartof the district of Dilleo. Just before, or W. of the high part, which to appearance forms the termination of the Zenghaneh range*, are little hills, scarcely discernible ; where is Ibrahim Khanjee, and Ghilli on the Turkish frontier. Still farther W., the Kifri and Toozkhoor- mattee line of hills is seen coming up to unite with, but a little in the rear of. the Kara Hassan hills we have just left; which are prolonged a little to the f'lt- They then dis- appear by turning west ; and leave an open horizon, as far as the Khalkhalan hills. There were no villages discernible from Tchemtchemal mount, they being all situat- ed in hollows, by the sides of the little streams. I'he villagers are all now dispersed about, in little encampments of black tents, for the convenience of pasturing their cattle, and attending to their harvest. All cultivation in Koordistan is watered solely by the rains|, there being no artificial irrigation. Thermometer — 5 a.m. 49** ; 2 p.m. 79® ; 10 PM. 59®. During the day, light N .W breeze, night calm. — I he cold was so great last night as to be pretty severely felt by our relaxed frames, though the thermometer at 2 p,m. was 79: it however continued only half an hour at this height.” Arriving before Sulimania, Capt. Rich is visited by the Pasha, a plain, reasonable, mild, and gentleman-like man. The following is our a,uthor’s description of his entrance into Sulimania. May 10. — This was the morning which the astrologers seemed to have decided upon as the proper one for my entering into his capital, and public reception by the Pasha. About half an hour before the appointed time, the celebrated Osman Bey, about whom I had heard much, the Pasha’s younger and • Having a lateral view of the Zenghaneh hills, I could see that the strata of all parts of that range incline to the E. in the same man- ner and degree as the Hamreen mountains. + The road from Kerkook to Derbent, call- ed the Ghisheh Khan road, passes over these hills. t The kini of cultivation which is carried on by means of rain is called by the natives Dem, which is an Arabic word. Rice and cotton must be artificially watered in conn- tries where there are no tropical rains. more dashing brother, came to conduct me into town, accompanied by all the members of council on horseback, and an immense party of Koords on foot. The Bey was mag- nificently mounted on a very fine Arab horse, which he got from the Anazee Arabs, and which is said to have cost him 13,000 piastres. All the people were gaily clad. 1 was much struck with the appearance of the Bey. He was not large, but lightly and well made ; the outlines of his face were perfectly regular; he had a crispy or wavy black beard, dark blue eyes, with black eyebrows and lashes, and a manly tint ol brown over a fine, clear, and ruddy complexion. He was altogether a very handsome young man. In horsemanship, and all their favourite military exercises, he is said to be unrivalled among his country- men. He is likewise famous for his courage and generosity ; but, on the other hand, he ia reported to be rather dissolute in his morals, and tyrannical in his disposition. He met me with an easy and polite address, in which was something of frankness but not the most distant tincture of coarseness. He was perfectly well bred in his manners. I could see he was well aware of the advantages of his person. He was magnificently attiied in the Koordish taste; his gown was of a rich, flowered, gold Indian stuff; he had a superb Cashmere shawl ornamented with gold fringe on his head, put on in a wild loose manner; his upper dress was a capot. or cloak, of ciimson Venetian cloth, with rich, gold fiogs, or bosses, on it. 'I'he age of Osman Bey is thuty-two ; that of his brother, the pasha, thirty-five. Their mother is a sister of Khaled Pasha, and consequently also of the principal branch of the Behbeh* * family. Osman Bey was dis[)Osed to talk rather more freely of the state of Koordish affairs than I chose to encourage ; and it was easy to perceive he was not of the d'urkish party. He looked at his watch several times in the course of the interview, and seemed anxious that we should not miss the precise moment of mounting. At last, when they told him it was the appointed instant, we rose together and set forward in the followingorder : — a guide; then my trumpeter and . — k — 18^ , and ^ being small cos. fc = 1 4- . 2 24 stituted in formula (81 it becomes, , A® A* (1 _ 1 + 2 24 tan. X— — A** 720 A® 4 — 720 &c. If this value of cos. k be sub- &c.) tan. w 2 H- (9) A'^ 720 &c.) tan. 3 w 0*1883608, 1 (_4.. 2 24 Now taking w = 23^1 27' 40'', tan. iv = 0*4340056, and tan. 2 to By introducing these values into equation (9) it becomes, 0*2170028 — 0*0180836 A^ 4* 0*0006028 a®^ tan, X — 1*1883608—0*0941804 A^ 4“ 0*0078483 a'* —0*0002616 a® tan. 0;*= 0*18260684 a^ — 0*0007454 a^ — 0*00075777 A® (10) in which a is the length of the circular arc to radius unity. It is new only necessary to adopt the co-efficients of formula (10) to degrees of arc or minutes of time, as these are the terms in which the right ascension of the sun is generally given, while tan. x may in like manner be converted into seconds of arc. This is accomplished by applying the logarithms of R‘^, R", &c. to the logarithms of the co-efficients of formula (10), and they become those for a expressed in degrees and X in seconds. I. II. HI. Const, logs. 1*0596970, 5*154114, 1*64523, . (A) Similarly are obtained the logs, of the constants for minutes of time when the right ascension is given in time, and the distance from the solstice is known in minutes of time and decimals. I, II. III. Const, logs. 9*8555770, 2*745874, 8*03287* . ^) To render these co-efficients generally applicable, it is necessary to find the variatiom of X corresponding to a change of one second in w. For this purpose from formula (9) we get A^ tan. ic tan, X 1 4*’ tan. 3 w 5 X — — A ® sin. 1" tan. w 12 Differentiating equation (H) and x‘~ 5 ^ w “ — A® ^ 12 cos. 3 to — A ^ ^ nearly, and thence, 12 (H) — — A sin. 1" tan. co. cos. 12 3 ® O”.7170955 a2 - 0»Vo0000005570i4 A4 - &C. GALBRAITH’S ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS. 655 cos. since tan, cos. == R3 = 1. But == cos. therefore sin. 5 cos. w. V) X sin. 1" ^ w ^ X = — ^2 sin. l"^tan. to X X 12 sin. w cos. 2 zp sin. w cos. w and since the sin. 2 w = 2 sin. vj cos. we have 2 sin. T' a? ^ w sin. 2" ^ cc = — . . . . (12) sin. 2 sin. 2 w Taking ^ w — I’ , substituting for sin. 2 w its value when w =: 23® 27’ 40", formula (12) will become ^x = 0-0000132748a? . . . (13) Log. of 0’0000132748 is 5-1230279 By this means the correction for the variation of w from 23® 27' 40" may be readily obtained, by adding this constant logarithm and the log. of § tc in the given case to the sum of the logs, under I, the sura will be the log. of the correction of x. Example 1. Let w = 23® 27" 43' *76, ^ = 60“ § 3' *76, required the re- duction to the solstice. I. 11. III. Const, logs. . . 9-8555770, 2-745874, 8-03267 A = 60m log. A ^ = 3-5563025, a ^ = 7-112605, a® = 0-66891 1— 4. 43 1"-54 log. 3-4118795 9-858479 8-70178 2- — 0-72 C. L 5-123 2d = — 0‘'-72 3d == --O' -05 3= — 0-051og.^;^0-575 4= + 0-13 9-110 -I- 43 0-90 4th=*-{. 0"-13 Cor. — 00 OOOOiL(«h4h^ , the forces in R N. oppose each other, and act hy their differ- ence; but in other cases by their sum; again, the forces in g d. always act according to their sum ; and, as these forces are supported by equal forces on the opposite side, the constant effect is to condense ethereal matter on the line R N, where the most powerful ethereal atoms, and especially the electric atoms, will be chiefly collected, for the reasons assigned above. Hence, there will be an atom, as s, in a. b, undisturbed in the middle, w'hen a b, are equal, in other cases, nearer to the less powerful atoms : and the atoms condensed in the line a 6 will be equally pressed and suppoited or all sides by the contiguous atoms. EXLEY’S PROPOSITIONS. 661 €o>\ When electric atoms are in the ves- sel, they also will retain small atmospherules el' ethercdl matter, which, although lessdense than those of iiie leiiacious atoms, vvill have considerable densitj, if the spheres of repul- sion of the electiic atoms he very small, which is probable. It is also manifest, that the at- mospherules of both the tenacious and elec- tric atoms will be more dense, when tlie ethe- real atoms are more compressed or ciowded together. Prop. 2. Things being as in prop. 1, the actions of any two atoms on each other, com- bined with the mutual actions of the whole mass on each of the two, will be a repelling force between them, inversely proportional to their distance. Let sbe the centre of the vessel in which ethe- real atoms of one sort are compressed by a consideratiie force : then, since the absolute force of the ethereal atoms is very small, the distance between their centres vvill also be ex- ceedingly small, constituting points in a sphere such as in Newton’s 73rd Prop. B. I. Prin., and by that proposition any corpuscle or atom r?, placed at any point of this sphere, will, by tlie mutual actions of the whole mass be attracted by a force proportional to its distance from the centre s; hence, if the atom a were left to the action of lliis resultant, undisturbed by any other influence or obstacle, it would move to the centie by a velocity determined by this law. The same reason- ing applies to any other atom h, in the sphere ; therefore, both would, in the absence of all obstacle, or other force on eachother, approach, and at the same time meet in the centre, and always their distances from each other would be ptoportional to that of either from the centre: but this measures their accelerating force, which is, therefore, as tlieir distance. But, besides the mutual actions, which alone would produce the above motions, the atoms a and h act independently, and directly on each other, by an accelerating force, inversely, proportional to the square of their distance, (1st prin.); this must, therefore, be compounded with the former ; thus, the force between them varies as the distance, directly, and as the square of the distance, inversely ; that is, as the distance inversely. Again, since one of the centres of every two contiguous atoms is within the sphere of repulsion of the other; riie force, here in- vestigated is a repelling force ; which also ap- pears from this, that if the compressing force were removed, f^the atoms would separates hence, the proposition is true when the ethereal atoms are of one kind. But, it any number of these be removed, and ilieir places supplied by other atoms, in such manner, that exactly the same equilibrium may be maintained, we shall still have the same conclusion. Prop, 3. If the absolute forces or spheres of repulsion of ilie tenacious atoms be in- creased or diminished, the resultant repelling force, as determined in the last proposition, will not be altered : provided that none of the atmospherules of tenacious atoms are pene- trated by the centres of others, so as to dis- place the atmospherules on the contiguous sides ; that is, on the parts between the two tenacious atoms. For their tendency to separate depends, not on their absolute forces, or spiieies of repulsion, as is evident from the last proposi- tion ; but on tiie law of force, and the given pressure, and these remaining, the repelling force between the atoms a and b v/i!l also remain unaltered. Or thus ; let one of the atoms be mcreased in its absolute force in any ratio; then the force between it and every other atom in the vessel is increased in the same ratio; but the repulsion between it and contiguous atoms, and, consequently, between all contiguous atoms, is increased in that ratio : therefore, the equilibrium continues ; that is, a variation in the absolute force produces no change of equilibrium, and their tendency to separate remains as before. The truth of the proposi- tion is manifest, when the sphere of repulsion only is changed. Def. 1. A single group of atoms is a collec- tion of tvvo or more tenacious atoms, such, that all tlieir centres are within the sphere of repulsion of some one of them, as in fig. 4. Def. 2. A double group of atoms is two tenacious atoms or two single groups, or one atom or single group connected by a third atom or single group, such that the connect- ing atom or group displaces the greatest part of the ethereal and electric atoms between the two atoms or groups which it connects, and the parts of their atmospherules on the contiguous sides, as in fig. 5 and 6. Cor. 1. Considering a single group as one atom, there will be always in equal volumes of different gases an equal number of atoms, the pressuie being given. For, 1st, when the tenacious atoms are distinct, and separate, and of the same kind; this follows from the 2nd and present pro- positions ; since, being in the’ gaseous form, they are kept apart by intervening ethereal mailer; and, since they are of the same kind, they will be uniformly arranged in the vessel ; therefore, on the other hand, if two gases of two given sorts occupy equal, volumes, and contain an equal number of tenacious atoms, the centres will be equi-distant ; therefore, the separating forces (by this and the pre* ceding proposition) will be equal ; and hence, they will sustain the same pressure; tlierefore when the pressure is given, the num- ber of atoms is equal. 2nd. It is manifest from the same propo- sitions, that a single group will occupy a volume equal to that occupied by a single tenacious atom; for, since the centres of all the atoms in the group are within the sphere of repulsion of one of them, the centre of gravity of the group may be considered as the centre of a single atom, and the contour of the spheres of repulsion as a surface of repulsion of greater magnitude ; hence, it will have a single distinct aimospherule, and will act as a GS2 FLORA OF CASHMERE. single atom, and occupy (by this;,;and tlie preceding proposition) liie same volume; hence, the cor. is noanifest. Cor. 2. When two tenacious atoms are connected chemically, yet so as not to form a single condensed group, they will occupy, in a gaseous body, tlie same volume as they did before the connexion took place. For, according to this and the last pioposi- lions, they are kept apart by the same force, as that by which they were before separated. The connecting link will be considered afterward^ : such may be called cohesive cornhioaiions. C'or. 3, A double group will occupy in a gaseous body exactly twice the volume of a single tenacious atom, or of a single croup. For the atom or single group connecting two others, as in def. 2, displaces ilie ethe- real atoms, and tire parts ofihe atmnspheiules between tiiem ; and. because of the given pressure, tire same equilibrium will be main- tained ; so that the connecting atonr svill per- form the effects of the displaced ethereal mat- ter, and, tlrerefoie, will not alter the distance between the connected atoms; the .same argu- ments apply to single groups as to single atoms. Cor. 4. When gases are mixed, and no chemical union, or only cohesive corrrbination occurs, the volume is not changed. This is manifest from the proposition, since an alteration in the absolute force or sphere of repirlsion drres not alter the distance between the centres of the atoms, so that each .still occupies the same volume. Iiemc,rk.-~]J zn objection be made to this proposiliorr and its cors. by an appeal to f.ct, that the .specific gravity of sulphur vapour i.s 96, that of hydrogen being 1. while the aloirric weight of sulphur is only 32; itis easily ob- viated ; for there will be perfect agreement, if the vapoui- of sulphur consists of single groups of two atoms each ; and this is ii.'cely, since sulphur has two fusing points, and the liquid is less limpid after the second than after the first, besides other peculiarities. If the atomic weights of phosphorus and arsenic be l6 and 38. their vapours are in single gioiqts oi four atoms each, probably rn tetr.ahedroits, rendering them isoinorpliou.s. It is well known that experiment bears out these mathernalicai conclusions. ( To be continued.) ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE EOT .-l NY. AND OTHER BRANCHES OF THE NAIURAL HISTORY OF THE HI- MALAYAN MOUNTAINS, AND OF THE FLORA OF CASHMERE. By J. F, Roylb, Esq., f. l. s,, f. g. s., &c. of the H. E, 1. C, Medical Estahlishmerd. “ The Convolvidacerz are well known for the purgative properties of the roots of many of the family, as of Jalap, Scanamony, &c. Convolvulus panduratus is substituted in the United States for the former; so, in India,/ Ipomaa Turpethum, toorhud of the Arabs, supposed to be a corruption of the Sanscrit trivrif, Hindee nusof, is accounted a power-/ ful cathartic, and by Dr. Wallich an excel- lent substitute for Jalap, (v. Gordon, in Roxb, Fi, ind, ed. Wall. 2, p. 58) ; so the seeds of Ipomoea ecerulea. liu^^ool-nil, kala^ dana, are accounted purgative in India, as are several others of this family, The annual shoots not having secreted the due proportion of resin, are inert, and even edi- ble ; as the stalks of C. edulis and repens. The tubers of Batatas edulis, or sweet potato, have long been employed as food. “ Convolvulus Scammonia^ of which the dried resinous juice forms scammony, suk~ moonpa,of the Arabs, is chiefly produced near Smyrna and Aleppo ; but only inferior kind.s find their way to India, though there is little doubt that it might be produced of the best quality in Northern India. The Jalap ex- ported from Vera Cruz was supposed to be produced in that neighbourhood, or in that of Xalapa, by Macrorhiza ofMichaux. But it was known to Humboldt (New Spain, vol. iii. p. 36), and also to Dr. Coxe (v. Thomson. Elem. of Mat Med. ii. p. 289). to be the produce of a different plant. 'I'he lat- ter calls it I. Jalapa, and the former says, ‘ that the true Purga de Xalapa delights only in a temperate climate, or rather an almost cold one, in shaded valleys, and on the slope of mountains.’ The true plant has been fully described by Professor Don, in a paper read before the Linnean Society, from spe- cimens grown from seeds sent by Dr. Schiede^ which he procured from Chiconquiera, on the eastern declivity of the Mexican .Andes, at an elevation of 6,000 feet, Mr. Don retains for this the name I. Jalapa, instead of Schiedeana Purga, given it by Zuccarini and Wenderoth. The discovery of the true loca- lity is important, as shewing that the Jalap requires a cool climate, and may no doubt therefore be cultivated in the Himalayas.” Page. 308. “ The genus Rheum, or Rhubarb, so irnportant in a commercial point of view, is more interesting than any other in its geo- graphical distribution. R. Rhaponticum is found in several parts of Russia on the shores of the Bosphorus and of the Caspian Sea, eastwards in Siberia, and the lower moun- tains of the Altai range: R. Si'^ericum and xindulatum of Pallas are considered by Lede- hour to be only varieties of this. 11. Leucor- hizurn {nanum Sievers) is also found in the Altai mountains and the deserts of the Kirgliis, Neither of these afford the rhubarb of commerce, which is not found within the Russian territories, but well known to be brought by the Chinese to the Russian frontier town of Kiakbta, according to the treaty formed between these powers in 1772. 'i'he Chinese obtain the rhubarb produced in China Proper, from that part of Shensee, nOw called Kansu, situated betweeen N. lat. 35® and But the best, according to the Mis- ROYLE’S BOTANY OF INDIA. 663 sionapies. who say, it is c?u\e^Tai hoang, in the province of Setchuen, from the mountains call* ed Sue-chan, or of snow, which extend from N. lat, 26^ to 33*% and .from about 100^^ to 105*^ of E. longitude. 'I hat, from the lat- ter province probably forms much of what is called China rhubarb : the hiissionaries met large quantities of it brought down in the months of October and November. That from Kansu may afford some of what is called Russian rhubarb ; but both Pallas and Rehman have ascertained that the greater portion, if not the whole of this, is obtained in April and May, fi’om the clefts of rocks in high and arid mountains sur- rounding lake Kokonor. Bell also learnt that it was the produce of Mongolia, and Marco Polo, of Succuir, in d'anguth. Dr. Rehman ascertained that the trade is in the hands of one Buchariaii family, who farm the monopoly from the Chinese government, and reside at Si-ning, a Chinese town on the very frontiers of Tibet, 3,000 verstes from Kiakhta, and twenty days' journey from Kian-sin and Schan-sin, d'angutian towns, where the Buchavians go to purchase rhubarb. I'his would bring the rhubarb country within 95® of E long, in 35^ of N. latitude, that is, into the heart of 'i’ibet. As no naturalist has visited this part, and nei- ther seeds nor plants have been obtained thence, it is as yet unknown what species yields this rhubarb. Pallas thinks it may be R, compacturn, as the leaves are said to be round and toothed ; the rhubarb merchants, to whom he showed the plant, did not know i2. palmatum. Both these were obtained from China and i'artary, as well as R. tataricum and undulatum. It is probable, therefore, that some of these yield a portion of the rhubarb of commerce, as they have some of very good quality, when cultivated in England and France. But as it is improbable, from the nature of the country, that the best rhu- barb is confined within very narrow limits, it becomes interesting to ascertain how near it approaches the British territories in India, in order to share in the trade, or attempt the cultivation. “That this might very reasonably be un- dertaken within the British territories, will be apparent from the distribution of rhubarb in the Himalayas. Passing from Hindoo- khoosh, where is found Rheum Rihes of the Persians), mentioned by Chardin, &c., more recently by Lieut. Burnes, who also met with rhubarb at Caubul and Bokhara, ■we find rhubarb common in the Himalayas, as on Choor, near Jumnotree, onjochoin Kemaon, Gossainthan in Nepal, and near Tassisudon in Butan, that is, from30® to 27®, and from E. long. 79oto89®, and at elevations of 9,000 and 10,000 feet. Mr. Moorcroft discovered rhubarb at Niti, and next day between Niti and Gotung, that is, at elevations of 12,000 feet. His companion, Major Hearsay, thought he saw three kinds, and has described two of them to me, one ro'und-leaved and long- stalked, and the other short-stalked, but large and broad- leaved (R. Moorcroftianum, nob.), with the root more purgative than that of the former. 'I’hese are called doelooh or dooloo by the Bhoteas, and tanlara (Webb), rantra (Hearsay). One of these appeals to be the rhubarb described by Dr. Meisner under the name R. Einodi R .Webl iannni, nob.), which diifers from the original R. Emodi, described by Mr. Don, urrder the name, .ff, Australe, If we turn our attention to the northern face of the Himalaya, which has so many features of a Tatarian climate, we find R, spiciforme, nob., discovered by dir, Inglis on the Khe- rang Pass, and at several places beyond. Dr. Gerard describes the table-land of 'I'atary as covered with rhubarb, at elevations of l6,O00 feet. Mr. Moorcroft sent some rliubarb, which, for com[»actness of texture, colour, and .properties, was as fine as any 1 ha ve ever seen, from near Ludak, in N. lat. 34«, and E. long. 77i°. “But these are only the western bounda- ries of the elevated, cold, and bleak regions, known under the names of Tatary, Mongolia, and 'Fibet, of which Kunawur is essentially a part, participating in the same great phy- sical features, climate, and vegetation ; al- ready possessing one, if not two species of rhubarb, and having the best growing in its immediate vicinity. There can therefore be no rational doubt about the successful cul- tivation of the true rhubarb in territories within the British influence, as in Kunawur, or the Bhoteah pergunnahs of Kemaon, and that with little more labour than placing the roots or seeds in favourable situations, and this in a country where little else can be pro- duced fit for export. The only difficulty will be to obtain specimens or seeds of the true rhubarb. But it must be considered, that even the eastern boundaries of the country producing the best rhubarb, and which, to make their purchases, the Chinese reach, after a journey of twenty days, is only one half the distance from the British territories in Upper Assam, that it is from the Russian town of Kiakhta. Also, that there is reason for supposing rhubarb may be found much further to the westward, and consequently still nearer to the Himalayas. It would not therefore be difficult from Kuna’.vur, or Upper Assam, or for such active and intelligent officers as Messrs. Traill and Hodgson, in Kemaon and Nepal, to obtain some of the seed or roots. They might at the same time succeed in establishing a trade in rhubarb with 1 ibet or Western Mongolia, by means of the Tatars who resort to the hill fairs. 'I'his trade might easily be en- couraged by the government purchasing all the rhubuab it requires, which might thus be employed for hospital use after crossing the frontiers, instead of, as now, after making a journey of 20,000 miles, or nearly the cir- cuit of the globe. “ Even this would not probably be so difficult as at first sight appears; for the whole of the Tatarian rhubarb trade is not engross- ed by the Russians, as much of it takes a western ' direction, and has always formed 664 BOTANICAL PRODUCTIONS OF INDIA. one of the imports from China into Bokhara, whence passing to Smyrna, it is known in Europeas Turkey rhubarb. Chardin, treat- ing of that known in Persia, states — ‘La meilleure vient du pais des Tartares Orient- aux qui sont entre la Mer Caspienne et la Chine’ (Voyages, ii. p. 12). Rhubai’b, also of the best quality, and closely resembling the Russian, is to be purchased in the bazars of N. India, under the name rewund-khitaij from the old name Cathay ^ of Northern China. This is sold for ten times the price of the Himalayan rhubarb, which makes its way into the plains of India through Khalsee, Alraora, and Butan, and is probably, from its usual dark colour and spongy texture, the produce of either or both B.. Eniodi and Weh- bianum* 'I'he roots of R. specif orme and Moorcrofti'inum are lighter coloured and more compact in structure. Rhubarb is, in India, commonly denominated rewundcheenee (rivend tchini in. Persia, Chardin), with, raw- und assigned as its Arabic, and reon as its Greek name. I he above are evidently the rewund of Avicenna, nd the rawed seni of the tran-^lators of Mesue. 'I'hree kinds are de- scribed in Persian works on Materia Medica, 1. Cheenee ; 2. Khomssanee : 3. Hindee. “ 'J'he roots of rhubarb we have seen to be pretty uniform in secreting the peculiar principle, called Rhabarbarin, possessing properties which ma ,e them useful as pur- gative medicines ; but these are also accom- panied by astringent properties, while -the stalks secrete acid, chiefly acetic and tartaric •with oxalate of lime (Fde) oxalic acid ( I'urner) ; this is most fully developed in Sorrel [Rumex Acetosa and Acetosella), while the astringent principle, dependent on the presence of gallic acid and tannin, in many of the roots of the Poly^onsoe, is most fully secreted in Coccoloba uvfera, and ‘ so power- ful as to rival gum kino in its effects.’ (Lind- ley). Some of the Poh/gomms are, however, acrid, as P. Hydropiper and acre ; and others, as P. tinctorium, chinense, and barbatum, • “ That the rhubarb of this species is not willi- out some valuable propel ties, we may learn fiom Dr- Twiniiig’s report on expeiiinenis made on foily-ihree cases in the general liospital, Calcitiia, of which (lie following ate extracts; -Dr. I', states, that it has* less aroma and more asiringency to the taste than the best l uMtey rhuhnib; in doses of 2 or 3 dis. it has a good purgative clfect, operating three or four times, nearly as fieely as the best l urkey rliubaib, 'I be eftecls of small doses of the remedy, as a tonic and astiingent, are iiigliiy satis- factory, as far as four or (i ve cases can be relied on. In Ibis respect its efficacy appears to be snpeiior to corresponding quantities of the best rlmbaib. On the whole, it appears not an eligible remedy in obstinate cosiiveness, on account of its aroma and asti ingency ; ‘ it is not apt to giipe," but it is very etiicacioiis in moderate doses for such cases as rhubarb is generally used to purge ; and its cultivation at tlreViussooree gaiden may be expected to afford a very valnalde remedy, which is less disa- greeable to lake ihau the best Tim hey rliubai b,neai ly equally efficacious as a purge, and veiy supei ior in small doses as a tonic and astiingent in piofluvia ” — Trans. Med, and Physic Soc.'of Calcutta, vol. iii. p. 44!. yield a blue dye, like indigo, in Cochin-chins, China, and Japan, 'i'he albumen of Polygo- nece being farinaceous, and in some consider- ably developed, has been used for food, a» buckwheat, Pigopyrum esculentum, and ta^ taricum, cultivated in many parts of Europe, and in the Himalayas with P. emarginatum. The two first are no doubt originally in- habitants of the mountains of Central Asia, and were first known in Europe under the name of ‘frumentura Sarracenicum.’ Both are much cultivated iu Russia and Siberia ; the first is usually preferred in other parts of Europe, but the second grows in every soil, and requires less time. Professor De Con- dolle says it is preferred to F. esculentum in Piedmont in the Luzerne valley, because it ripens quicker, and therefore in late years, and at higher elevations in the Alps. In the Himalayas, Fagopyrum esculentum fpha- phra and kooltoo of the natives) is also most commonly cultivated, frut F. emarginatum (ogla) which comes very near the Linnean specimens of F. tataricum, is preferred in higher and drier climates, as in Kunawur. Thus the more closely we examine the distribution of plants and the agriculture of different countries, the nearer do we ob- serve the correspondence m practical results among those which participate in the same peculiarities of climate ; and we cannot but admire the bounty of Nature which affords even in what appear sterile wastes, some article fitted for the food of man. and suited to the climate, with others which are adapted for commerce, as buckwheat, borax, musk, and rhubarb, from the three kingdoms of Nature, in the cold, bleak, and arid plains and mountains of l atary.” Page 314 to3l7. “ The herbaceous parts of many of this invn\\y,{f'henopodi.ethpsticum is that employed in the Society and Friendly Islands, under the name of Avaor Kara, to produce by fer- mentation a pungent and stimulant leverage, P,inehrians is sursiitnted for it. P. nnisa- tum, as its name implies, smells of Anise ; other species possess the general pungent and stimulaiitpropeities of the family. P. Cubeba, grown in Java and Penang, affords the well known Cuhebs, which are the kubaheh of the Atabs, hubah-cheenee of the Hindoos; for these kurjiyoon is assigned as the Greek name, intended probably for Corpesium, as tlris has been supposed by some authors to be cuirebs. 1 he seeds of tezhul, Xanthoxylum hostile, p, 157, are said to he one kind of cubebs. They have much the same warm, pungent, and stimulant pioperties.” Page 332 to 333. “The Ht.MP (Cannabis sutiva), so well known in Asia, from affording an intoxicating drug, and in Euiope the strongestfihre for rope- making, is cultivated for the foimer product in small quantities every wliere in the plains of India, near villages: but in the Himalayas it is extremely abundant, at elevations ofG OOO and 7,000 feet, and of vei y luxuriant growth, rising sometimes to a height of ten and twelve feet. Here, though it likewise affords an intoxi- cating drug, it is also known for the tenacity of its fibre, which is employed by the moun- taineers in Gurhwal and Siimore for making a coarse sackcloth, and strong lopes for cros- sing their rivers. Considering tliat this fact was early made known by Col. Kiikpatrick inliis account of Ne['a!, ascertained by Gen. Hardwickein iiis journey to Srinuagur, and repeated by Dr. Roxburgh in his account of experiments on substitutes for hemp ; it is remarkable that no one should yet have attempted to obtain it for commercialpurposes, particularly, as during the late vvar so many attempts weie made to find an efficient sub» stitute for this impoi tant plant; and so many others are cultivated in India for the product which this yields of so superior a quality. It may be mentioned, that 1 have seen it abund- ant in theDeyra Doon and plains of North- ern India, especially in the upper part of the Doab Canal ; of these only a small portion is employed for making bhang ; but this might , RECENT DISCOVERIES. 667 probably be obtained from the leaves, even while the stems yielded the fibre. “ The hemp is supposed by some to be a native of India; it no doubt is so of some part of Asia, It appears to be wild in the Himalayas. The Arabic name Idnnuk is thought to have been corrupted into the Dutch hennep, whence we no doubt have owhemp; kinnabis is given as its Greek name by tlie eastern writers on Materia Medica ; hunj as Peisian and and bhang as Hindee. It is said by Herodotus to liavebeen made into clotli by llie Thracians, and is now well known to be extensively cultivated in Italy, Poland, and Russia to the sou'h of Moscow, with a small quantity only in England. It lequiresa rich soil and moist situation ; is pulled when in flower, if the fibre alone be required, but if the seed also, then the male plants are pulled as soon as they have shed tiieir pollen, and the others when the seed is ripe. These yield oil, which is employed by painters, or they are used for feeding poultry, so that every part of the plant is turned to some account. The leaves are sometimes smoked in India, and occasionally added to tobacco, but are chiefly employed for making bhang, and subzee, of wliicli the intoxicating powers are so well known. But a peculiar substance is yielded by the plants in the hills in the form of a glandular secretion, which is collected by the natives pressing the upper part of the growing plant between the palms of their liands, and then scraping off the secretion which adheres. 'J'his is well known in India by the name cherris, and is consideicd more intoxicating than any other preparation of this plant, which is so highly esteemed by many Asiatics, serving them both for wine and opium ; it has in consequence a variety of names applied to it in Arabic, some of which weie tianslated to me, os ‘ grass of fuqeers,’ — leaf of delusion,’ — ‘increaserof pleasure,’ — ‘ exciter of desire,’ — ‘ cementer of friendship,’ &c. Linneuswas well acquainted with its ‘ vis narcotica, phan- taslica, dementens.’ It is as likely as any other to have been ilie Nepenthes of Homer. Besides kinnabis, it has dejroonus assigned as a Greek name. “ It is inteiesting- to find in the same family with the hemp, the Urtica tenacissima of Calooee ofMarsden, of the Malays, a native of Sumatra, also of Rungpore, where at is called kunkomis, and which Dr. Rox- burgh found one of the strongest of all the vegetable fibies, which he subjected to ex[)e- riment. Average weight with which lines made of the dift’erent substances broke, were, Asclepias tenacissima, Jetee ol the Raimahl mountaineers, 248 ; TJrtici tender it less saleable. As soon as the peculiar flame of hydrogen ceases, all the opening, both of the air tubes and flues, must be closed by shutting their stofjpers with clay, and covering them with caps of sheet iron containing clay, d he di\y earth is removed from the cover, and it is plas- tered with earth mixed with water. The charcoal thus shut up will take sixty to eighty hours to cool. ® ^ A plan and section of this description of kiln is represented in plate viii, figs. 1, 2 3 4, and 5. » » s Fig. 1, and 2, being plan and section of one formed in an excavation, and Fig. 3, and 4, of one built above ground. Fig. 5, cover of sheet iron applicable to either. ^ A. Interior of kiln. B. Wail, or lining of earth. C. Chamber in which the tar may be con- densed. d. Pipe leading to the condenser for pyro- lignous acids. e, e, e. Air-vaults. . />/» /• Openings by which the external air IS admitted. 682 HANCOCK’S STEAM CARRIAGE. At the Benuington furnace, a kiln of simi- lar form was constructed of brick, above the level of the ground, and covered by a perma- nent dome of brick. In the wall a door was left for the introduction of the wood, and this was subsequently bricked U(). Vents were formed by leaving bricks loose in the wall, and when the process was complete, the fire was extinguished by means of water. An unexpected benefit was found to arise from the latter operation ; for the coal, becoming charged with aqueous vapour, was as fit for immediate use, as that which had been pre- pared for several months. It is estimated that the product of kilns of this kind in France, is about 25 per cent more than in a coal-pit. "i he experiment at the West Point Foundry was more advanta- geous, the product having 50 per cent more than was obtained in tbe usual method. In France the main object w'as the pyrolignous acid, which at West Point was neglected ; and this difference in the object will account for the difference in the results. The mode of placing the wood was also different ; the French using that which has been descri- bed above, while at the West Point it was placed vertically. In the pine forests of Sweden, an appara- tus better suited to the collection of the tur- pentine that kind of wood furnishes, has been invented by Schwartz. '1 his kiln is composed of a vault, built of brick or silicious stone laid in a mixture of clay and sand. Common mortar must not be used, as it would not only be effected by the heat, but would be completely destroyed by the pyrolignous acid. The vault is closed at each end by a vertical wall of the same kind of masonry. The floor of the kiln is of earth, and has the figure of two planes slightly inclined, and meeting in a gutter in the middle of the longer sides of the vault. In each end wall are two fire places, and in one of them are four openings for in- troducing the wood and withdrawing the char- coal. The smoke and vapour are carried off by flues of cast iron at the level of the ground, and proceeding from the middle of the larger sides of the vault ; these rainate in channels where the vapour is condensed, and which convey the smoke to two vertical chimneys. A section of this kiln is represented in fig. 6. The advantage of this arranament is, that no air can enter the kiln without passing through the fire-places which are kept full of burning fuel ; and that the fuel w’hich is best suited for this purpose (small branches and twigs), is useless in making charcoal. In placing the wood, the pieces are laid parallel to the largest sides of the vault, and in such manner as to leave as little space as possible except in the neighbourhood of the flues, which must be kept free for the escape of smoke and vapour. Two days are sufficient to con- vert the wood into charcoal, and the end of the process is known by the appearance of the blue flame of carburetted hydrogen at the chimneys. The whole of the openings are then closed, and luted with clay. At the end of two days, two holes, left for the purpose in the arch of the vault, but which have during the process been carefully closed, are opened, and water thrown in to cool the charcoal ; these holes are then closed again. At the end of three or four days more, one of the doors in the end wall is opened, and more water thrown in ; but the charcoal will not be ready to be removed, until all the external parts of the apparatus have become as cold as the surrounding air. This kind of furnace has been much used in Europe, and the quantity of charcoal obtained is one -third more than is obtained from coal-pits. The turpentine and acetic acid are also saved, which in other cases are lost. There can be no doubt that it might be introduced to advantage in those parts of our country where iron is manufactured by means of charcoal prepared from pine wood. In using kilns of either description, it be- comes a matter of calculation whether it be cheaper to manufacture the charcoal in the woods in the usual nanner, or to carry the wood to the kiln. Thd weight of the charcoal to be transported will be only seventeen parts of that of the wood ; while the charcoal ob- tained by the kilns will be certainly one-third more than that procured from the pits. It must therefore appear that the value of the additional charcoal shall be at least equiva- lent to the cost of transporting the wood to the kiln. It is also to be remarked, that charcoal prepared on the spot where it is to be used is better than that which has here been handled and carried over rough roads, and that all waste is avoided.— MecAvmcs’ Magazine. MR. HANCOCK’S STEAM-CARRIAGE AUTOMATON,” AND STATEMENT OF HIS LATE I'RAFFIC BETWEEN THE BANK AND PADDINGTON. On our frontpage* we present our readers with an engraving of the “ Automaton,” the last steam -carriage built by Mr. Hancock. One or other of this gentleman’s carriage.^ have been travelling, without intermission, since the 1 Ith of May last. I hat steam-loco- motion on common roads is both practicable and safe to the passengers and the public, he has proved ; it remains for him to show(which it will be seen by the following letter, contain- ing a statement of his late performances, he promises shortly to do), that his travelling has been economical, so as to return a fair profit to any capitalist who may embark his money in a speculation of the kind. Mr. Hancock is now the only engineer witha steam-carriage on any road. Sir Charles Dance, Colonel Maceroni. Dr. Church, Messrs. Ogle, Summers, Squire, Russel, Redmund, Hea.tou, Maudsley, Frazer, and a host of others— where are they? Echo an- swers— “ Where !” Strange to say, however , we see steam-carriage companies advertised, - whose engineers have either never yet built a ♦ See plate viii, fig'. 7. SUCCESS OF THE STEAM CARRIAGE. 683 (carriage, or whose carriages when built have oever stirred out of the factory yard. Sir, — Tuesday evening, the 20th inst., completed twenty weeks’ continued running on the Stratford, Islington, and Paddington roads, during this year, and I beg to hand you as faithful an account as I can of the performances of my carriages. Since the last notice in your Magazine, a new carriage, the “Automaton,” has been brought upon the road, the only difference between which and those preceding it is, that the engines are of greater power (having cylinders of 12 inches diameter, whilst those of the others are of 9 inches) , and the carriage altogether of larger dimensions than the others, it having seats for 22, whilst they are only calculated for 14 passengers. It is an open carriage like the “ Infant and although only calculated for the accommo- dation of 22 passengers, it has carried 30 at one time, and would then have surplus power to draw an omnibus or other carriage con- taining 18 more passengers, without any material diminution of speed ; its general rate of travelling is from 12 to 15 miles per hour. On one occasion it performed (when put upon the top of its speed, loaded with 20 full-grown persons) a mile on the Bowroad, at the rate of 21 miles per hour. The first time the “ Automaton” was brought upon the road (the latter end of July) it conveyed a party to Romford, and back, at the rate of 10 to 12 miles per hour, without the least interruption or deviation in its working, although it was the first, or as I may calHt, the day of proving ; nor has it required any repairs whatever to this time. After this digression in describing the “ Automaton,” I will return to the actual work done on the public roads and streets of the metropolis during the last twenty weeks, or five months, in as concise a manner as 1 can : — The miles run, about . ^ 4,200 Passengers carried 12,761 Trips— City to Islington, and back . 625 Do. .. Paddington do. .. 143 Do. .. Stratiord do. .. 44 Supposing Ihe carriage had always been fulf, the passengers carried would have been 20,420 Average time a carriage has run each day - 6 hours, I75 minutes. An exact account of the number of times that the carriages have gone through the City in their journeys has not been kept, but I should suppose that it mast be more than 200. For the last five weeks a carriage has been at the Bank twice a day, viz. between the hours of 2 and 3 and 5 and 6 in the afternoon. It was on one of the morning trips from Stratford to the Bank, through the City, that the steamer became entangled with a waggon at Aldgate ; and which, 1 am happy to say. is the only accident worth recording. The shafts of the waggon were swung by the the contact against the projecting front of a shop ; the damage done was trifling, and occasioned by the wheels of the steam carriage having got into the iron gutter, and out of which it is not an easy thing to gain the fair surface of the street with any ordinary car- riage in so confined a situation as that part of Aldgate in which the accident happened ; and it should be observed, that this occurred in making way for another carriage passing at the time. I will now give you an account of all other accidents (which have all happened to the damage of the steamers themselves) viz. the chain pulley of the “ Enterprise” once broke on the axletree ; the same occurred once to the “ Infant,” which were permanently and immediately replaced by castings from the same pattern, with a greater thickness of metal, and which have since stood well. The severe test afforded by the state of the City Road and onward to Paddington, caused these failures ; for the pulleys had stood well on other roads, for many miles. Another accident was ahind-wdieel of the “ Erin” coming off in the New Street, near the Bank, on which occasion the carriage sunk only about eight or nine inches, in con- sequence of the frame-work of the machinery taking the ground ; and so little was the coach thrown out of the level, that the inside passengers were surprised when informed that the wheel was off. The concluding accident was by the steerage chain of the “ Infant” being too slight, and breaking at Islington, when the carriage turning short round, with one of the fore wheels against the curb, the wheel was broken. This wheel was an old one, of much slighter constructioa than 1 now make them. In the early part of the five months’ run- ning, the close-bodied carriages. “ Erin” and “ Enterprise” were about equally em- ployed— in the latter part, and to the present time, in consequence of the fine weather, the open carriages *• Infant” and “ Automaton” have been running. I have occasionally examined the boilers and engines of all the carriages, and found that the engines have in most parts actually improved, whilst the boilers and fire-places have suffered a deterioration, less than could have been expected, from the use they have undergone. It may be remarked, that both boilers and machinery are suspended on well acting springs, and which account for the state of all the parts being so well preserved. Some of the boilers have been in use for two or three years. There have been consumed in the before- mentioned traffic, 55 chaldrons of coke, which is equal to 79 miles per chaldron, or about 24§d. per mile for fuel ; but this on long.journeys would be much reduced by the application of the moveable fire-place, patent- ed by me about three years ago, as our greatest expenditure of coke in these short journeys is in lowering and again raising the fire. 684 NEW SYSTEM OF GEOLOGY. I cannot conclude without noticing with gratitude the general civility and attention which I have met with, and my pleasure in discovering that the antipathies which ex- isted in the earlier part of my career are gradually subsiding, and that in fact, I never now meet with incivility expecting with a few carters or draymen, who consider the introduction of steam- carriages as an in- fringement upon the old-established use of horse-flesh. Years of practice have now put all doubts of the economy, safety, and superiority of steam travelling on common roads at rest, when compared with horse travelling ; and I have now in preparation calculations founded upon actual practice, which, when published, will prove that steam locomotion on common roads is not unworthy of the attention of the capitalist, though the reverse has been dis- seminated rather widely of late by parties who do not desire that this branch of improve- ment should prosper against the interests of themselves. After twelve years of incessant labour in steam-locomotion, Your obedient servant, Walter Hancock, Stratford, Sept. 22. 1836. Mechanics Magazine, Sept. 1836. NEW SYSTEM OF GEOLOGY. Sir, — I have read with much interest the various articles upon the Electrical 1 heory of the Universe,’’ and I am glad to find, from Kinclaven’s last letter on the subject, that no great danger is to be apprehended of this earth or any of the other planets being “ whirled into the body of the sun.’’ But, Mr. Editor, there is another new system of geology which is now making some noise, the following account of which I copy from the catalogue for the present year of the Society for the Illustration and Encourage- ment of Practical Science, Adelaide-street : — “ No. 10. p. 46. — A Geological Globe, presented by Sir John Byerley. This globe, the invention of which is due to M. Guesney, of Constance, in Nor- mandy, is intended to show the changes on the earth’s surface, produced by the preces- sion of the equinoxes, whereby the pole of the equator revolves round that of the eclip- tic in 25,920 years (Delambre). “ The fixed circle is the ecliptic, or that line to which the sun would be vertical in the course of a tropical year, were there no diur- nal motion. The moveable circle represents the equator, preserving the same angle with the ecliptic by cutting it in different points at every succeeding equinox ; by which means the pole of the earth passes through 46^ 56' of latitude in about 13.000 years; by this means the Oural mountains become in the latitude of Mexico and Kamschatka within the tropics. The pole will pass over France and Germany ; and then Edinburgh will be due south of London. The author thus accounts for the variation of the magnetic needle, the discovery of tropical fossils in the polar regions, the advance and retreat of the sea, the relative height of mountains, earth- quakes, volcanoes, &c.” According to Mr. Mackintosh’s theory, all the inhabitants of this earth on some luckless day are to be roasted alive ; but, according to the above theory, all the inha- bitants of Europe , at least, are to be frozen to death unless they remove their quarters. Edinburgh is to be due south of London in the space of 13,000 years! When this takes place, England will not be troubled with many Scotchmen— they may then blow up the bridge of Berwick, for “ Sandy” will still direct his course to the south (a favourite Scotch point of the compass), and will arrive at what is now the polar regions, but which will then be a most delightful climate. But, Mr. Editor, on this subject I should like to have the opinions of some of your scientific correspondents ; my present opinion of the matter is, that it is all nonsense. — I/jid, WRITINGS OF ROGER BACON. The Academie des Sciences Morales et Politiques was on Saturday informeil by M. Cousin, that he had just discovered some manuscripts which are important to scholas- tic and philosophic history. They are writings of Roger Bacon, the celebrated philosopher of the 13th century. Roger Bacon was an Englishman by birth, but passed nearly the whole of his life in France. He became a Franciscan friar, and lived a long time in the convent of the Cordeliers, to which he was confined by order of the General of the Franciscans.. 'J his, notwith- standing the silence of JMontfaucon and the other bibliographs, induced M. Cousin to believe that there must be manuscripts by Roger Bacon still existing in France. He began by making searches at Douai and St. Omer, where there were formerly English Colleges, 'i hese searches have been suc- cessful. 'J'he only work of Roger Bacon hi- therto known is his first letter to Pope Cle- ment IV., which Bacon entitled Opus Maii/s., Clement IV., who protected Bacon, desired that he would give him an exposition of the state of science in the 13th century. Bacon, receiving no answer to his first letter, ad- dressed a new work to the same Pope, under the title of Opus Minus. I'he second letter also remainingunanswered. Bacon remodelled his work, and addressed a third letter to the Pope, which he called Opus Tertium. '1 he Opus Majus -was published at Loudon in 1733. England possesses a manuscript of the Opus Minus, and it has hitherto been believed that there was no other in existence; but M. Cousin has discovered at Douai a manuscript containing a considerable fragment of it. This work, in his opinion, is of no great im- portance. It is not, however, the same with the Opus Tertium, which may be considered A SOCIETY OF BOTANICAL AMATEURS. 685 as the la«t words of Roger Bacon ; a manu- script of which has been discovered by M. Cousin, and is the only copy to be found in France. He has, besides, recently discover- ed at Amiens another manuscript by Bacon, the existence of which had never been sus- pected. It contains questions on the physics and metaphysics of Aristotle. These three manuscripts, of which M. Cousin is preparing a memorial, will throw a light upon the his- tory of scholastic philosophy^ and inform us whether or not Roger Bacon was really, as has been asserted, the inventor of the telescope, the microscope, and gunpow'der. This is a question wdiich, for want of authen- tic documents, it has hitherto been impossible to solve. — French Paper. PORCISLAIN COLOURS. The pink colour which ornaments the Eng- lish porcelain has been hitherto unknown in France, and w-hen required in that country was always bought here. M. Mallagutti, of the manufactory of Sevres, has analysed this colour till he is now able to compose it. In the course of his experiments he discovered another colour similar to crimson lake, which is much more durable than any derived from the animal kingdom, and which may be advantageously employed in oil-painting.— Mechanics' Magazine. BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. A number of botanists, amateurs, &c. have recently held several meetings at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, Strand, for the purpose of forming themselves into a So- ciety, bearing the above title. One striking feature of this Society is, that ladies will be admitted members ; this we think highly deserving of commendation, as many ladies are not only excellent botanists, but they can generally devote a considerable portion of time daily to practical botany. Among the leading objects the Society propose are the following : — The advancement of botanical science in general; the particular cultivation of descriptive and systematic botany; the formation of a library, herbarium, and mu- seum; the reading of original papers, extracts, and translations ; the exchange of specimens with other societies or individual colections ; and every other available means that may promote the objects of the Society. It is further intended that the Society shall consist of the following classes of members ; viz. resident,! corresponding, honorary, and life members. We are glad to find, among: the mighty mass of bricks and mortar, ladies and gentlemen so ardently devoted to so healthy and endearing a pursuit as botany. We shall be happy to hear of their complete success. — I: id. WIRE FOR MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. — Admiring much the tones- ot the newly invented musical instrvtmeat; the Seraphine, I endeavoured to construct one, and have succeeded in accomplishing the task ; but find great disappointment in its not keeping in tune. In making the tongues, or vibra- tors, I have tried both brass and German silver ; the latter producing the finest tones, but subject to the before-named defect. If any of your intelligent correspondents could point out the best metal to articulate quick, and stand in tune, and sufficiently flexible as not to be liable to break with the pressure of air during its vibration, and also where it can be be purchased, he would much oblige A Mechanic. August 30, 1836. — Ibid. BALLOONING ADAPTED FOR INDIA Sir, — I think that if, as has been lately- stated, there are at different altitudes op- posite currents of air always blowing in the same direction, aerostation may, notkwith- standing all that has been said about it, prove a pleasant but sure method of travel- ling to the Contiuent and back again. Now, as is well known, directly any portion of the atmosphere gets heated, it becomes rarefied, and as such it is lighter than it was before, and consequently it rises, and the cooler air rushes into the space that it before oc- cupied, and thus forms a wind. As the sun may be considered always over the equator, the air directly under it, or that in the mid- dle of the torrid zone must become consider- ably warmed, and ^consequently rise, and there must be a coi’respondi'ng rush of cooler air below from the north and south to supply its place. That there is such, is known in the form of the trade winds, and the reason of their not being due north and south is owing to the whirling of the earth ; but the heated air becoming cooled as it ascends, must in the upper regions form an opposite blast to the trade winds ; and it has been clearly seen that there is such, by large masses of clouds being observed rapidly moving at a great height in a contrary direc- tion to the wind, at the surface of the earth. A balloon taken to almost any part, within thirty degrees of the equator, would quickly ascertain at what height the change took place, and ballooning might prove of utility- out there, if it never does in this country. Although the winds near the earth in the temperate zones are not, from various local circumstances, very steady, there is great probability that there may be different currents at some height, and it could be easily ascertained by a few aerial trips made by an experienced person onji purpose for that intent. With respect to guiding balloons by sails, supposing that by placing them obliquely you were enabled to obtain a little side way, it would, 1 think, be too trifling, compared with the length you would have gone in the same time with the wind, to be of any prac- tical advantage, and to compensate for the greater size and expense of the balloon. It is as unreasonable, in the words of Dr. Ar- 686 IMPORTANT TABLES IN CHEMISTRY. nott, to suppose that an insect, driven along at the rate of eight or ten miles an hour by a river torrent, should have power to stop or sail against the steam, as a man in a balloon by means of wings or sails, could resist or change a motion in the air generally exceed- ing i fifty miles an hour. I remain Sir, Your obedient servant, Vincent Brown. THE STUDY OF SCIENCE, A FAMILIAR INTRODUCTION TO THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENCE AND THE ARTS. classes, namely, the non -metallic element® and the metals ; to which are annexed the names of those chemists by whom they were discovered, or by whom their elementary nature was first ascertained, and the date of the discovery. CHEMISTRY. (Continued from page 355.) The following table exhibits a list of all the elementary or simple bodies hitherto discovered, divided into these two TABLE OF SIMPLE SUBSTANCES. I. Non-metallic Elements. Date of Discoverers. Discovery. 1 Oxygen Dr. Priestly, in England ; and Scheele, in Sweden 1774 2 Chlorine Scheele, in Sweden .. .. .. 1774 3 Iodine Courtois, in France . . .. .. .... 1811 4 Bromine .. .. Balard, in France .. .. .. 1826 5 Fluorine -f accurately investigated by Scheele ; but * * * ' 1_ it has never been exhibited in a separate state 6 Hydrogen Cavendish, in England 7 Nitrogen .. .. Dr. D. Rutherford, in Scotland 8 Carbon 9 Boron .. .. Sir H. Davy, in England 10 Silicon Berzelius, in Sweden 11 Phosphorus.. .. Brandt, at Hamburgh 12 Sulphur 13 Selenium Berzelius, in Sweden II. Metals. 15 ■ ■ ; : } 16 Lithium Oxide discovered by Arfvedson, in Sweden .. 17 Baryum .. ..1 18 Strontium .... V Sir H. Davy, in England .. ,, 19 Caleium . . . . J 20 Magnesium. . . . Bussy, in France 21 Aluminum.. .. Wohler, in Germany 22 Glucinum . , . . Oxide discovered by Vauquelin, in France . . 23 Yttrium Oxide discovered by Gadolin, in Sweden 24 Zirconium . . Berzelius, in Sweden 25 Thorium . . . . Berzelius 26 Cerium . . . . Mosander, in Sweden 27 Tellurium . . Klaproth, at Berlin . . f Appears to have been known to Paracelsus, in the 28 Arsenic . . . . s century ; but first accurately examined by Geo. Brandt, i in Sweden 29 Antimony.. 30 Chromium Known to Basil Valentine Vauquelin, in France j 16th I irandt, ^ about 1766 1772 1807 1824 1669 1818 1807 1818 1808 1829 1828 1797 1794 1824 1804 1797 1733 1450 1797 SIMPLE SUBSTANCES IN CHEMISTRY EXPLAINED. 687 . . Sefstrom and Berzelius, in Sweden . . Klaproth, at Berlin r Scheele, in Sweden • * I Reduced to the metallic state by Hielm . . MM. D’ Elhuyarts, in Spain f Oxide discovered by Hatchett, in England ; . . Ekeberg, in Sweden |_ Reduced by Berzelius Vauquelin, in France . . Known from time immemorial Gahn, in Sweden Bergman, in Sweden Brandt, in Sweden Henckel mentions its reduction in Stromeyer in Germany . . Known from time immemorial. Do. Do. Mentioned by Geo. Agricola Known from time immemorial. Do. .... Do. Charles Wood, Assay-master in Jamaica . . Dr. Wollaston, in England , . . . The same “ * ’ I Tenant, in England . . . . 1830 .. 1789 .. 1778 .. .. 1782 .. 1781 and by 1 1801 1824 .. 1796 .. 1774 .. .. 1775 .. 1733 . 1721 .. 1817 about 1530 1741 1803 1804 1803 31 Vanadium . . 32 Uranium . . 33 Molybdenum 34 Tungsten .. 35 Columbium 36 Titanium .. 37 Iron 38 Manganese . . . . 39 Nickel 40 Cobalt . . 41 Zinc 42 Cadmium 43 Lead 44 Tin. 45 Copper 46 Bismuth . . 47 Mercury . , 48 Silver 49 Gold 50 Platina 51 Palladium 52 Rhodium ., 53 Iridium 54 Osmium As some of these elementary bodies enter into the composition of a vast variety of substances of common occurrence, and as it is impossible intelligibly to describe chemical phenomena without the frequent mention of them, or allusion to their proper- ties and modes of action, some short notices of them may here be advantageously intro- duced, previously to a review of the laws of chemical affinity, and a more extensive de- scription of the simple bodies in general, and of the most important compounds arising from their relative action upon each other. We shall thus avoid the necessity of repeat- ed explanations of the nature of these bodies each time they are mentioned, or the still greater inconvenience of referring to the properties and effects of substances with which the reader may be supposed to be unacquainted. Among the thirteen non-metallic ele- ments there are some which at all com- mon temperatures exist only in the gaseous state, while the others at moderately low temperatures are solids. The first and most important of the elementary bodies is that called Oxygen, from two Greek words, denoting the power of producing acids, be- cause it was formerly thought to be the uni- versal acidifying principle, though it is now known that there are many acids in which oxygen is not contained. One of the grand characteristic properties of this gaseous ele- ment is that of being a most powerful sup- porter of combustion, so that most inflam. mable bodies burn in it rapidly and brilli- antly. Its more peculiar properties will be subsequently described ; and we shall only add here that it unites with all other ele- mentary substances (except possibly fluorine), and with many of them in various propor- tions. Nitrogen of Azote, is also a gase- ous body, the mixture of which with oxygen in certain proportions constitutes atmosphe- ric or common air. The name azote, de- rived from the Greek, implies its being improper for the purpose of respiration, as animals confined in this gas soon die. It is therefore owing to the oxygen contained in atmospheric air that it is capable of sup- porting animal life, for none of the higher classes of animals can exist long in any kind of air which does not contain oxygen. The term Nitrogen has been applied to the gas now under notice, in conse- quence of its being found to be a constituent part of nitric acid, or as it is vulgarly called, aqua fortis, which is a chemical compound containing a very large proportion of oxygen united to the nitrogen. There are also other compounds of oxygen with nitrogen, among which may be mentioned that some- times called nitrous oxide, and which, though it contains more oxygen than atmospheric air, may yet be breathed for a time with safety ; but it produces very re- markable effects when thus used, generally occasioning a state of excitement somewhat similar to that caused by drinking wine or 688 SIMPLE SUBSTANCES IN CHEMISTRY EXPLAINED. spirits, and . hence it has been popularly named intoxicating or laughing gas. Nitro- gen enters largely into the composition of most kinds of animal matter. Hydrogen is likewise a gas, being that which when combined with oxygen forms water, as its name, which is derived from the Greek, implies. It was, when first dis- covered, called phlogiston, and inflammable air. The former of these terms was attach- ed to it in consequence of an erroneous opi- nion, at one period generally adopted by chemists, that all metals were composed of various kindvS of calces or earths, each res- pectively united to an inflammable principle named phlogiston. Now as it was observed that when any metal becomes dissolved in a diluted acid as when iron or zinc are thus treated with sulphuric acid and water, in- flammable air was always given off during the process, it was conjectui’ed that the air in question was derived from the metal ; though it is now known that, in the case proposed, it arises from the decomposition of the water with which the acid is diluted, and that this sort of air never makes its ap- pearance in the course of such metallic solutions, unless water or some other body containing hydrogen be present. This gas, though highly inflammable when mixed with oxygen, and some other simple and com- pound gases, yet is incapable of supporting combustion, for if a burning body, as a lighted candle or match, be introduced into it, the flame will be immediately extin- guished. Hydrogen enters into combination with most other substances, producing many remarkable compounds, among which may be mentioned that formed by its union with nitrogen ; the result of which is an alkaline gas, formerly called volatile alkali, and now ammonia. This compound, which at com- mon temperatures exists only in the state of gas, is rapidly absorbed by water or spirit of wine, communicating to it a peculiar pungent odour, with which most persons are familiar, as belonging to spirit of hartshorn and smelling salts. Chlorine is the last of the simple bodies existing in a gaseous state at common tem- peratures ; but,while those already mention- ed are not only transparent but colourless, this gas exhibits a yellowish-green tint, whence its name chlox’ine.* It was origin- ally obtained, by Scheele, from the decom- position of muriatic acid, or spirit of salt, in which he found it combined with hydro - * Chlore in French— from the Greek chloros the green colour of sioung hertage. gen, then called phlogiston ; and therefore he gave to the newly-obtained gas the name of dephlogisticated marine acid. It was subsequently supposed to be a compound of muriatic acid, and oxygen ; but Sir. H. Davy ascertained its real nature, and gave it its present name. Chlorine unites with many other simple and compound bodies, forming with several of them acids ; and in other respects it ex- hibits chemical properties analogous to those of oxygen, being like that gas a supporter of combustion. It is largely dis- persed throughout nature, but always in a state of combination, as in sea-water and rock-salt, or that procured from brine springs, in which it is united with the metal sodium. This gas is by no means adapted for respiration, and when mixed with much atmospheric air it still proves highly irritat- ing, provoking cough and defluxion from the nostrils. As it combines rapidly with many other gases, it has been found useful to purify air loaded with infectious mias- mata. It is on this account that the chlo- ride of lime, in solution, is used to sprinkle the floors and walls of rooms, and to purify clothes and other articles, which have been tainted by putrid or infectious vapoui's. Chlorine has alsoa powerful effect in de- stroying vegetable colours, and the chloride of lime is therefore extensively used in the process of bleaching linen cloth and other substances. The four preceding bodies, o.xygen, hy- drogen, nitrogen, and chlorine, exist at common temperatures and pressures only as gas. There are other substances, as, for instance, carbon (charcoal), and the more rare bodies, called silicon and boron, which are found only in the solid state ; and some, like iron and most of the metals, though usually solid, become liquefied at respec- tively various temperatures ; and there is still another class of bodies capable of ex- isting under the three several forms of aggregation. Among these last are sulphur, phosphorus, and the substances called bro- mine, iodine, and selenium, which are of less frequent occurrence. Carbon is a solid body, hitherto unde- composed and therefore supposed to be elementary, which enters largely into the composition of most substances belonging to the animal and vegetable kingdoms, and which also forms the basis of many of the combustible minerals, as bitumen, coal, plumbago, and amber. In the form of charcoal, procured by charring, or distilling without the access of air, wood and some other substances, carbon is obtained in a MACKINTOSH’S ELECTRICAL THEORY OF THE UNIVERSE. separate state, or merely intermixed with small portions of earths or salts ; and it exists in a state of the greatest purity in the diamond ; for it has been ascertained, by chemical investigation, that the diamond, when ex[iosed to a very high temperature, and especially if confined in oxygen gas, will burn like charcoal, exhibiting the same product ; that gem consisting entirely of crystallized carbon. {To he continued.) ELECTRICAL THEORY OF THE UNIVERSE. By Mr. Thomas S. Mackintosh. {Continued from page 475.) It is found to be a direct consequence of the law of electrical induction, that if a small body weakly electrified be placed at a distance from another and a larger body more highly charged with the same species of electricity, it will, as usual, be repelled ; but there is a certain distance within which if it he brought, attraction will taJce place instead of repulsion. This happens in consequence of the inductive influence pro- ducing so great a change in the distribution of the electricity as to give a preponder- ance to the attractive forces of the adjacent parts of the two bodies over the repulsive forces that take place in the other parts, and which would have alone acted if the fluid had been immoveable. From this it appears, that when the moon has approach- ed within a certain limit, the repulsive will be overcome by the attractive force, and she will be precipitated upon the earth’s surface. We cannot at present pretend to determine this limit, or to speak with any degree of certainty concerning the period that may elapse before this catastrophe takes place. If the principle of this theory were sufficiently investigated to enable us to deduce with precision the electrical states of Jupiter and Saturn, we might perhaps be able to draw conclusions from the respect- ive distances of their satellites with regard to this point ; but, in the present state of our knowledge, we can offer no date that could be at all relied upon. However, we will give a table of all the known satellites in the solar system, with their respective distances from their primaries, as afford- ing a reasonable ground of hope, even grant- ing the truth of our theory, that such a catastrophe will not take place for a very considerable period of time. (To he continued.) 690 THE FIGURE OF THE EARTH. GEOLOGY, FIGURE AND MAGNITUDE OF THE EARTH, ITS MEAN DENSITY, SUPERFICIAL CONFORMATION AND STRUCTURE. {Continued from page 474.) Befere we proceed to describe the pre- sent state of the crust of the earth, and investigate the probable causes of its origin and structure, with the nature of the strata or more irregular masses of which it is composed, it will be requisite to notice those facts concerning the general figure, dimen- sions, and density of the terrestrial globe, and of the contour of its surface, as a body of land and water, for a knowledge of which we are indebted to the researches of astro- nomers and geographers. That the figure of the earth is sphei'i- cal, or rather spheroidal, though a matter of dispute among ancient pJiilosophers,and still disbelieved by the vulgar, is now admitted as an incontestable truth by all well inform- ed persons. The curved surface of the sea when viewed from the shore, and the obser- vation that the upper rigging of an approach- ing ship becomes visible to a distant spec- tator before the hull comes in sight, while the hull first disappears when the vessel is receding, prove that the object in question must be moving in the circumference of a g reat circle. A similar conclusion may be drawn from the changing aspect of the heavens to an observer travelling fi*om north to south. For though the stars and the constellations they form will be found to maintain the same relative positions with respect to those around them, and the points on which the celestial dome appears to revolve remain unaltered, yet the angle which its axis of revolution forms with the horizon continually lessens; and thus any star, which at the place whence it started, seemed to the ob- server to have reached its greatest elevation to the south of the point directly above his head, now that he has altered his position, will appear, when highest, on the north of that point ; clearly indicating that his path on the earth’s surface has not been a right line, but a curve, of which the con- vexity is turned towards the sky, correspond- ing, in fact, more or less, with a meridian of longitude. The appearance of the moon when eclipsed, likewise furnishes demonstrative proof of the spheroidal figure of the earth, for lunar eclipses are caused by its circular shadow intercepting the light of the sun from the moon’s disk. It has been found, however, both from astronomical and geodesical observations, that the earth is not a perfect sphere, but that its figure is that of an oblate spheroid, or such a solid as would be foniQed by the revolution ^of a fluid mass in open space. Huygens and Newton deduced the real figure of the earth frota the doctrine of central for- ces of bodies revolving in circles, and their conclusions were subsequently verified by ac tual measurements of degrees of the meridiau in various latitudes. It appears, however, that though the polar diameter of the earth is certainly smaller than its equatorial diame- ter, the exact difference between them has not yet been accurately ascertained. It has been estimated by some at 1 -305th part of the equatorial axis, by others at 1-31 0th part ; Wt Professor Wallace says : “ We may assume, without sensible error, that the equatorial axis is to the polar as 334 to 333 ; the difference, therefore, of the semiaxes, compared with the equatorial radius, will be 1 part in 334. The fraction of 1-334, that is, the difference of the semiaxes divided by the equatorial radius, is called the compression of the earth at the poles. ”* The determination of the figure of the eai’th leads to conclusions respecting its mean density, which also has within certain limits been sufficiently ascertained. Sir Isaac Newton, reasoning on the supposition of uniform density in the earth, estimated its compression at the poles as 1-230 of its diameter. Now, since experiment has de- monstrated that the compression is less, amounting at most to 1-305, it may be con- cluded from the observations of Clairault, that if the earth is a spheroid of equilibra- tion, it is denser in the interior than at its surface; and from the experiments of Dr. Maskelyne and Mr. H. Cavendish,* it has been inferred that the mean density of the earth is about five times that of water, and therefore double that of the substances which compose the crust of the earth, collectively considered. {To he continued.) ♦Murray’s Encyclopaedia ofGeograpliy,1834, part ii. t». i. ch. 19, p. 128. “ A.S the earth has a movement of rotation about its axis, all its parts will l)e animated with a certain degree of centrifugal force, which must be more or less considerable as the parts approach or are distant from the axis. Under the equator will be the points of greatest distance from the axis, and the centrifugal force directly opposed to that of weight or gravitation, ought to reduce the latter there more than at any other place; and at parts intermediate between the poles and the equator, the diminution of weight ought to become less sensible, in propertion as they are nearer the poles. At either pole the centrifugal force will vanish, and bodies will have the same weight as if the earth were at rest. “ As gravity must be normal at the surface of the sea, and as it is the resultant of terres- trial attraction and centrifugal force, it will be obvious that it must vary at different places; and that if the earth was originally a fluid, it could not, in consequence of its rotation, preserve the form of a sphere, but that it must assume that of a flattened spheroid, which would be generated by the revolution of an ellipsis round its smaller axis. This also is demonstrated by experience, and that the flattening at the poles renders the axis l-310th less than the diameter at the equa- tor.”— FranccBur Traite de Mecanique Etemen- teire,l825, pp.287, 288. See Scientific Class Book pt. i. Mechanics, "S os. 106, 107, and 114 to 123. ♦ See Scientific Class Book, pt, l,pp. 40, 41 [ 691 ] THE SPIRIT OF THE INDIAN PRESS, OR MONTHLY REGISTER OF USEFUL INVENTIONS, AND IMPROVEMENTS, DISCOVERIES, AND NEW FACTS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE. The following is on the HISTORY AND CENSUS OF CAL- CUTTA, by Captain Birch, from the Reformer.''^ “ In the year 1998, the English, who had already established themselves in these parts as merchants, and had obtained a firmanixom. the Emperor of Delhi, to carry on their commercial transactions, being an- noyed by the intrigues of the Dutch, sent their agent, Mr. Walsh, to Prince Azeem Ooshan, one of the grandsons of the Empe- ror Arungzebe, who was then at the head of affairs in Bengal ; and solicited from him, among other privileges, the grant of the villages of Sutanutty, Govindpoor, and Co- licotta. Kali Kurtd. After a delay of two years in negociations the above villages were purchased by the Company from the zemindars to whom these places belonged. These possessions extended about three miles on the eastern side of the Bhagurutty river, and about one mile inland. The name Calcutta, some say, was derived from the goddess Kaly, to whom a temple is dedicated, the same which now stands at Kaly-ghat. The English factory, which had been fortified to resist the attacks of the various rebels who disturbed the lower provinces, received about this time the appellation of Fort William, in honour of the then reigning sovereign of England. In consequence of the security afforded to property within the Company’s possessions, and facility for trade, several opulent natives were soon induced to make Calcutta their residence. This circumstance, however, excited the jealousy of the Fouzdar of Hooghly, who wanted to send his people to administer justice to the natives, liv- ing under the protection of the English flag ; but he was prevented by the same means as those which had obtained for the English the oppression of these places, viz. large bribes to the Prince Azeem Ooshan. About the year 1718, that is ten years after the purchase of the villages of Kali Kurtdf &c. we find the new town in a flou- rishing state. It was then inhabited by several Portuguese, Armenian, Hindoo, and Mogul merchants, who carried on their commerce under the protection of the English. The shipping in the port at this period amounted to about ten thousand tons. The English Authorities, however, found it necessary to conciliate the Nawab frequently, by presents, in order to carry on their commerce without molestation at the subordinate factories. The security of property and freedom of trade allowed within the English possessions, caused the town to increase in prosperity. Things continued in this state until Seraj- ood-Dowlah, in 1756, took into his hands the uncontrouled government of Bengal. Among other acts of oppression, he demand- ed from Rajbullub, the Deputy Governor of Dacca, a large sum of money, and so alarmed him, that he privately sent off his family and property to Calcutta. The refu- sal of the English to give up to the Nawab Kishenbullub the son of Rajbullub, exceed- ingly irritated Seraj-ood-Dowlah, and he turned his wrath from every other quarter against the English. One of his first acts of aggression was the taking of the factory at Cossimbazar by force, and imprisoning the Englishmen he found there. He then proceeded directly towards Calcutta. The Hindoo and Mogul merchants residing at Calcutta in vain endeavoured to assuage the anger of the Nawab, who appeared determined to attack Calcutta. At this critical juncture, the English applied for help to the Dutch and the French, who both declined assistance, the latter adding an insulting offer of protection to the Eng- lish, if they would proceed to Chander- nagore. On the 15th of June, 1756, the fort was besieged by the Nawab ’s troops. This building was situated on the banks of the river : its length from east to west was two hundred and ten yards, its breadth on the south side was one hundred and thirty yards, and on the north only one hun- dred yards ; it had four bastions, mounting each ten guns. The gate-way on the eastern side projected and mounted five guns, and along the river a line of heavy cannon was mounted in embrasures of solid masonry. But as this fort was entirely overlooked by 692 CENSUS OF CALCUTTA. the buildings in the town, which fell into the hands of the Nawab, resistance became impossible. On the 18th of June the out- posts were stormed by the besiegers, which caused the native troops, hired by the Eng- lish,amounting to 1,500 men, to desert.* The besiegers in a few days obliged Mr. Drake, the governor, to take refuge in a ship then anchored in the river, leaving m the fort 190 Europeans, with Mr. Holwell, one of the members of council at their head. These also wanted to embark, but no ship would come near the fort for fear of the firing kept up by the Nawab’s .troops. Notwithstanding every effort of the besieged, the fort was taken by storm on the 20th of June, whilst Mr. Holwell was treating with the Nawab the terms of capitulation. The English then surrendered their arms, and the Nawab’s people desisted from bloodshed. Having thus got possession of the fort, the Nawab sent for Mr. Holwell, and, after enquiring about the treasures which he said the English had hidden there, dismissed him with assurances of safety. On his return to his companions, who were then 146 persons, he found them surrounded by a strong guard. About 7 o’clock in the evening of the 20th of June, these unfortu- nate people were locked up in a room used for the confinement of disorderly soldiers, which was not above 20 feet square. The time of the year which is well known for its heat in this climate, and the smallness of the room, caused 123 of these miserable sufferers to expire in the same night. The next morning only 23, among whom was Mr. Holwell, were taken out, scarcely able to stand. The spot, called the black hole, where this room stood, is situated just at the north-west corner of the Tank-square, where at present a triangular patch of grass may be seen. On this spot Mr. Holwell afterwards causdS a monument to be erect- ed, which has since been removed. The Nawab, after a short stay, returned to Moorshedabed, leaving Manick Chund, the Fouzdar of Hooghly, in charge of Cal- cutta, with a garrison of 3,000 men. Hol- well and the other survivors from the black hole were soon after released, and, joining Mr. Drake and those who had taken shelter in the ships, continued there until news having reached Madras, an expedition was proposed against the Nawab, ‘which, con- ducted by Admiral Watson and Lord Clive, retook Calcutta in January 1757, and though the Nawab brought a large force against them, he could not drive out the English from their possessions. A treaty * It is to be hoped the ruling powers will learn hereby a lesson when Russian invasion is threatened. --Edif. India Review, was the consequence, and since that time to the present, Calcutta has remained in the undisturbed possession of the English, daily increasing in importance, wealth, and pros- perity. The contrast, between the position of Calcutta in 1756, as shewn by the forego- ing accounts, and that which it at present occupies as the capital of the most power- ful country in Asia, is so striking, that it ^ cannot escape the eye of the most negli- gent observer. There is no comparison between its present condition and that in which it was at the time to which the above account relates. With the increase of the British possessions the seat of their govern- ment has continued to increase. The po- pulation of a city, circumstanced as this has been, would, no doubt, increase in pro- portion. Now, we find, by a report of Mr. Holwell to Mr. Drake, the Governor of Fort William, that the Town of Calcutta was in his time divided into four principal dis- tricts, viz. Dee Calcutta, Govindpoor.Soota- nutty, and Bazar Calcutta. These four districts contained 5,472^ bigahs of ground, on which the Company received ground rent at three rupees per bigah, per annum, some few places excepted as lakheraje or rent-free lands. Besides the above lands, there was also 3,050 bigahs possessed by proprietors independent of the English ; but situate within the bounds of the Company. The number of houses in Calcutta at that time, Mr. Holwell says, was 51,132, and reckoning 8 inhabitants to each house, which he considers a very moderate estimate, he states the number of souls in Calcutta at 4,09,056 as the constant inhabitants of the town, without reckoning those that came in and went out. In the year 1800, according to the report of the police committee, furnished to Lord Mornington, the population was stated at 5,00,000; and in 1814, according to the cal- culation of Chief Justice Sir Hyde East, it amounted to 7,00,000. These calculations are supposed by some to have included the suburbs of Calcutta and Garden Reach. But Mr. Holwell’s account, which assigns to Calcutta about 4,09,056 inhabitants in 1752, bears out the calculations made in 1800 and 1814. There can be no doubt, as we have stated above, that the popula- tion of this city has been on the increase since. Accordingly, at the present moment, the number of souls in Calcutta ought to be considerably more than at the time of Mr. Holwell. But instead of it, we find by the census of Captain Birch, that they amount to 2,29,714 only about one-half the num- bers stated by Mr. Holwell. Under these CHESNEY ON STEAM NATIGATION. 693 circumstances we could have been inclined In 1821, five assessors were appointed, by to doubt the correctness of Captain Birch’s whose calculations the population of Calcutta census ; but, by the follov/ing statements, amounted to 1,79,917. But the magistrates we find it apparently borne out : — in their report calculated as follows. Upper-roomed houses .5,430 X 16 = 86,880"] Lower ditto ditto 8,800 y 8 = 70,400 [ « oa -ra Tiled huts 15,790-^4>C 5^= 21,714 f Straw ditto 35,497-f.4X 5|^=51.558j But making certain allowances ] Resident Inhabitants 2,0.5,600 their definite calculation was J Influx daily 1,00,000 In 1831, Captain Steel made it 1,87,081 These calculations do not agree with each other, and they differ very widely from the former calculations. But there are two cir- cumstances which make us very doubtful as to the accuracy of the data on which Captain Birch’s calculations are based. The one is that Captain Birch states the total number of houses in Calcutta at 65,495, and the total number of occupiers at 2,29, 714, which gives an average of a little above 3 souls for each house. Now, according to Mr. H dwell, 8 souls per each is a mode- rate estimate, and we know it, from personal knowledge, that 5 souls per each house is considered a scanty population in the in- terior. There can be no doubt that in Cal- cutta, particularly the Native parts, where the rent is high and many more persons congregated together than in the villages, a higher average, viz. that of Mr. Holwell, would be nearer the truth. Therefore, if we reckon 8 souls per house, which is an opinion we have heard hundreds express, and take for granted that the number of houses stated by Captain Brich is correct, we would have the population, calculated on these data, to amount to (65,495 X 8=) 5,23,260, which is a near approximation to the calculations we have quoted above. The other circumstance which inclines us to doubt the accuracy of the calculations made by Captain Birch is, that at the time he sent out the Police peons to make the enquiry, people had an impression on their minds, that the Inland and Towmduties hav- ing been abolished, it was intended to levy some other tax instead, and that the enqui- ries were being made in order to ascertain the extent to which each house could be taxed. This led the people to mention a much fewer number of inmates than was really the case, and this sort of false report was given more in reprd to the females whom they are always anxious to keep out of sight, and who being generally in the purdah, their exact number is much more difficult to ascertain. Hence we believe the males are stated by Captain Birch at. . 144,911 and the females at only, 84,803 2,29,714 On these grounds we very much doubt the accuracy of the census given by Captain Birch, and the others which approximate to it. We should, however, like to see this question settled on unquestionable data, so far at least as such data are obtainable in a work of this description.” The following observations on STEAM NAVIGATION, by Colonel Chesney, will be read with interest. “ The records kept at Bussora shew that a regular overland communication was maintained from 1792 until 1800 (at least) by means of sailing vessels, leaving this port the 1st of each month ; with a mail in duplicate, to be dispatched at the same time for London yhom Bussora, the one via Aleppo to Constantinople, and the other through Bagdad to the same city. The usual time of the sea voyage was a month and a half, during the monsoon and about 24 days the rest of the year. The Dromedaries reached Aleppo (from Bus- sora) in 11 or 14 days; — 13 more are con- sumed to Constantinople, and about 22 from thence to London. — The communications back and forward, seem to have been very regular ; viz. in about 9 1 days in the mon- soon, and 71 the other 8 months. — 4 vessels were employed on this service. The Antelope Brig of ... . 185 Tons. The Fly Galliot of 29 only. The Viper Cutter 90 And the Abel Schooner. ... 85 The mails were opened by the Arabs occasionally in search of gold, but I have only met one instance of a packet being lost. — The whole expense was about 52,000 Rupees ; but the actual returns from the letters are not stated : the postage how- ever was 10 Rupees for ^ of Rupee weight from hence to London. If despatches were carried in former times through the desert with such a degree of safety, there is no reason why the route might not be resumed just now, with better vessels or, if possible, steamers. — The line 694 STEAM NAVIGATION— NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. is already established all the way every month from Falmouth to Beirout ; and the line of dromedaries now about to be put in operation between the latter place and Mohammerah, will soon decide the question better than mere speculation ; but, to try it fairly, there should be a steamer plying between Bombay and Mohammerah ; for which one vessel would suffice to go ; and come alternate months. Supposing, there- fore, that the Hugh Lindsay were to be allotted to this service partially (if not ex- clusively)— there is nothing more to he done as far as letters are concerned ; and a mode- rate postage would most likely pay every expense. But with reference to public feeling, and convenience.', it is to be hoped that some- thing more satisfactory will be attempted when the new steamers reach India. — Three steamers with the assistance of a sailing vessel occasionally, and having two small steamers on the Euphrates at the annual cost of £ 500 each, would, considering the shorter voyage to Mohammerah, enable the Government to open the Red Sea as well, by alternate monthly voyages during the next 18 ; or, other times as might be suffi- cient to demonstrate to the world, all the advantages and disadvantages of each : be- fore we establish one of them permanently, or both at different seas ons, should this be more suitable. It appears to me that there are several good reasons for opening both routes at the same time. 1st. The three steamers cou Id not keep up a monthly communication to Suez ; but, by going the shorter voyage alternately to the Gulph, they might keep up the 12 voyages for a time, say 9 voyages in each direction. 2d. We are not quite sure that either of the routes would be practicable at all seasons, and a continued experiment can alone decide this point, and at the same time the relative speed, expense, &c. 3d. Plague is said to exist in Egypt and Syria almost always at different times, there- fore the one might be open whilst the other is shut, either from this cause, or war, dis- turbances, &c. 4th The .commercial and piratical rela- tions of the Persian Gulf, and our interests in Persia itself, require, at least, occasional and regular communications, which would be secured by the double line of the Red Sea and Euphrates ; and if neither of them should fully answer our expectations, there will be the resource of experimenting on two others ; the one being along the river Tigris to Trebezonde, and from thence by Sea to Constantinople, Malta, and Eng- land ; whilst the other would be through Persia to Trebezonde, and thence by the Danube and the Rhine to England, which may be said to be almost open already. The grand object is to have some regular communication or other, but in the present progressive state of steam, we ought to be- gin with the shortest and cheapest lines possible, looking forward to more daring at- tempts some 10 or 20 years hence, whence the monsoons may not only be overcome, but paying voyages made from Madras and Cal- cutta to Suez, as well as round the Cape : These objects cannot however be obtained until vessels are constructed to carry fuel at a cheaper rate, and for double the time that has been accomplished as yet ; conse- quently, we ought to be content for the pre- sent, with what may be actually practica- ble from Bombay either to Suez, or the Persian Gulf ; as experience may decide for, or against the latter. But lest “ I should be further tedious to you’ ’ I shall merely add that if the Euphra- tes where only to contribute its mite to the good cause, by being used at such times as^ the Red Sea may not be available from any cause whatever, it would still deserve some dispassionate consideration, as a mere auxiliary ; especially, as great moral- and commercial benefits may be the consequence of renewing our former intercourse through Arabia : and, after all, it would not be much to boast of, that the subjects of a sailor king, should be able (with the assistance of steam) to do as much as those of Queen Elizabeth did only with sailing vessels, — that is making the Great River a high road to India, where our present Sovereign has, as he feels quite as much at stake, as her Majesty had ; and if it had depended up- on King William instead of Parliament, both lines would have been in operation at this instant. — Madras Herald.'^ TO CORRESPONDENTS. The valuable communications from Mr. Baddeley and Mr. Hodgson have been received. INDEX: Achromatism Powell, Acid, carboni the lungs Acid, cyanilic Acid, uric of the eye, by Baden expiration ©f, from chains of Southern India Almanac, Bengal, notice of Ammelide . . . , . , Am incline Ammonia ferro-cyanodide of copper ginc ^ ^ _ — . . . mercury. magnesium 126 7 166 166 Arithmetical frames A.rracan, topography of Arracan, character of the hills in . Arracan, population and extent of. Arseniate, white, of iron Arseniate, blue, of copper 146- 2 b -197 208 299 1 Acid, manganic ‘ . . .... ■588 Arsenic . . . . 1 Aerial ship, the first, the Eagle . . .’. 25 Arsenic glance . . . . .... 1 Aerial locomotion .... .... 403 Arsenic, method of ascertaining the Aeronautic observations .... 607 presence of . . . . .... 608 Aerostation .... .... 462 Arsenic, effects of, on vegetation. . . . 501 Afghanistan, Central Asia by way of Arsenical pyrites . . . w . 1 India and . . .... 361 Artesian wells to actuate machinery 24'- Afghanistan, great tribes of .... 373 Asiatic Researches, vol. xx., notice of 211 Air, absorption of, by water .... 586 Assam, plants from 569- Air, composition of . . .... 587 Association^ British, proceedings of Air violin, an . . . „ .... 138 the .. .... 211—483- -485 Alcohol and its compounds .... 166 Associatien for the advancement of Aldehyde .. .. .... 166 science, India .. .... 286 A.lgebraic equations, general solution Astacidee, fossil .... .... 213 of . . . . . . .... 491 Astracan, inland navigation of .... 427 Allardyce, Captain, on the, mountain Astronoraim cometicse synopsis .... 172 Anagyris fetida Analysis, on the plan of Volta, of gaseous mixtures Anatomy and physiology Anatomy, comparative Andalusia, geology of Andrews on changes in the blood from bleeding " , . . , .... Aneurism of the arteria innomiuata Angustura bark, spurious, a genus of strychnos , . Animal and vegetable kingdoms . . . Animal kingdom, principles of clas sification in the Animal matter, preservation of ... "^ Animal power .... ... Animals verteb rated . . ... Apparatus., Kemp’s submarine ... Apparatus for assaying silver Arachnide uniting the genera gony leptes and phalangium Aranea avicularia, specimen of Arches, construction of, without cen tring Architecture, insect . . ... ^Ardent spirits Argentiferous ores, smelting of . . . 621 445 165 165 .94 94 94 :94 331 495 43 96 214 Astronomical observations 383 — 483 — 585 —■653 Astronomy . . . . .... Auckland’s (Lord) scientific party 334- —459—597—671 Aurora borealis, Herapath on .... Azote, compounds of Bacon, Roger, writings of .... Baddeley’s description of a dipterous fly, the larva of which produces a kind of gall . . . . .... description of a species of 350 ■391 495 164 684 274 ichneumon Balista, fin of the . Ballooning . . . 329 ... 442 295-685- 8 Balloon, science in . . .... 484- 503 Barometer, description of a .... 92 Barometer, self-registering .... 231 289 Barometrical observations .... 333 12 Barometrical fluctuation 333 Beams, effect of impact upon .... 521 332 Bedstead, cylinder . , .... 466“ 338 Bedsteads, improvements in, by 611 Cherry . , . , .... 338'-' 497 Bee -hive, Dewhurst’s . . .... 69 468 Beiemnite, genus . . . . .... 214 93 Benza’s (Dr.) paper on the Neilgherry hills .... .... 621 391 Benzimide . . . , . , , , 170 499 Benzoine .. .. .... 170 Benzoyle .... 170 297 Berzelius on a new force acting in 478 the formation of organic compounds 667 499 Bismuth, sulphuret of 334 131 Blood, changes in the, from bleeding 8 I^JDEX. Blood, researches on the Blood, arterial, colour of . , , . Blowpipe, practice of the Blowpipe, new form of . . .... Boat of Indian rubber . . .... Boat, sailing and rowing treble .... Boat, Burden's, introduction of, into France . . . . .... Boats, traction of, in canals Bodies, living, subject to continual changes .... .... Booth’s method of lighting coal- mines .... .... .... Boring — Fort William . . .... Botanical Society of London .... Botany of Cashmere and Himalaya . . Brain, remedies for diseases of the . . Bramley’s introductory lecture Brande on floor-cloth manufacto! Breakwater at Madras . . . , Brett’s hospital Bromelia pinguis, a specimen of Bude light .... Burman empire, communication of, with the British possessions Burners, supply of gas for . . Cab, new safety .... Cabul, relics from Cachar and Arracan . . Calculating machine .... , by Babbage .. 27 Calcutta, bistoi’y and census of Calico-printing, patent for improve- ments in . . • , Thomson on 21 — 63 — 103- —243 Calorimeter, Hare’s Canal between Rajmahl and Culna . . Canton and Macao, temperature of . . .... .... Caoutchouc, spirit distilled from. . . . manufacture . . . , 227- substance described .... -,the uses to which applied . . -for cbirurgical purposes .... for insulation in voltaic batte- ries . . . . .... Capillary tubes in metals . . .... Capillary attraction . , .... Carbonate of lead and zinc Carbonate of soda Carbonic acid, solidification of .... Carnivora, indication of a new genus of the . . . . .... Cart, excavating and self-loading .... Cashmere, flora of . . .... Catamaran .... .... Cement, marble .... .... Census of Calcutta . . .... Cerium, examination of the salt of . . Chameleon, new species of .... Charcoal, optical properties of .... , improved modes of prepar- 9 218 68 494 27 129 405 514 13 234 597 685 662 545 290 23 303 675 171 32 299 192 293 360 299 24 —32 691 239 -141 495 301 237 217 -344 228 229 230 469 342 454 1 365 386 580 395 622 101 464 691 123 391 275 Chemical facts .. .. .... 217 Chemistry . . .... 352 — 686 , application of optics to .... 238 reduced to mathematical prin- ciples 537— 660 -, important facts in, by Exley 657 .392 693 618 506 1 220 166 365 Chemists, conflicting opinions among Chesney on steam navigation .... China, Russian influence in .... Cholera .... Chrome iron ore Chromium, oxalate of .... Chromium, oxide of, in crystals .... Cinnamon trade . . .... Cinnyris, a new species of, inha- biting Nepal . , Clairant, theory of .. .... Clay found in the bottom of caverns Clelland, Me, the zealous geologist . . Cloth, drawing on . . .... '^■^Coal, rocks anterior to .... Coal in the valley of theNerbuddah Coins, silver and bronze, of the Roman Republic Coins in the clouds Colours, accidental . . . . . . -, porcelain 272 42 173 335 192 214 416 Combustion, spontaneous .... Copper sheathing, preservation of. . . . Corn in the spring crop .... Corn, price of, in relation to the function of vitality .... Cotton, cultivation of .. . -, preparation of, for the mar- .. 127 .. 469 .. 20 .. 685 49—608 .. 294 ket India progress of cultivating, in -, Sea island, perennial culture of, in Persia and Central India , .... in the Doab and Bundelcund in Ava . . .... 263— in Cachar and Dacca .... on the Harrow hills .... — — . — Wight on the cultivation of . . crop, state of the Courtallum, flora of, by Dr. Wight. . Cramaux - . . • . • Crosse’s extraordinary experiments by voltaic power Crosse, Mr. a visit to . . .... Crystallization, phenomena of .... Cutter, straw . . .... Cyanamide • • • • Cyanogen - . . • • • Cylindrical tube, simultaneous vibra- tion of a • • . . Davy’s safety lamp .... Deers, uses of the infra-orbital cavi- ties in . . .... Definite proportions .... Depth of water in seas and rivers, instrument for ascertaining .... 680 Discoveries in science, recent 481 548 204 205 206 207 261 262 -264 315 316 431 366 430 37 483 676 385 144 166 166 106 184 523 81 605 36 INDEX. Ill ' •Disks, action of flashes upon rapidly floating •••• 168 Draining and cultivating land .... 599 Drawing papers, straining of .... 462 Dykes in Mayo and Sligo .... 213 Dynamics, general method in . . 42 — 221 Dynamometer .... 611 Dysluite • • • • 37 Eaine . • • • • • • 36 Earth, figure and magnitude of the. . 690 Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions 93 , prodigious force of. . . . 130 Edolian and ceblepyrine subfamilies of the laniidse of Nepal .... 324 Electric light . . .... 109 currents .... 399 — 456 V Electrical phenomenon .... 172 relations of certain metals. . . . 220 theory of the universe 222 — 355 —474—689 shock from a sheet of paper. . 293 ■ experiment . . .... 400 conductibility of small masses. . 456 Electricity, atmospheric . . . . 6—456 , Harris on .. .... 16 , Faraday’s experimental re- searches in . . . . 18 — 220 , experiments on the velocity of 41 ,passage of, along a platinum wire219 by contact . . .... 454 from deoxidation . . . . ' , peroxide of lead an excellent conductor of . . .... , magnetism by common. . . . Electrolyzation, intensity necessary for . . .... Electro-magnet, Dr. O’Shaugbnessy’s experiments on the employment of the, as a moving power .... Electro-magnet, cause of the remark- able difference between the attrac- tions of a permanent, and an, on soft iron at a distance .... Electro-magnetic moving power .... forces, application of, to manufacturing purposes. . . . power, application of, to mechanics . . . . .... Electro -magnetism, McGauley on , Ritchie and Ste- velly’s remarks on Electrometer, modified .... Electro-pulsations and electro-mo- mentum . . 389 Electro -vegetation 475 Elephants in A.byssinia .... 238 Embia, characters of, by Westwood 391 Embossing on wood .. 138-610 Entomology of the Mauritius .... 593 Equatorial depression .... 333 Eudiometer, Hare’s . . .... 494 Exley on the reduction of chemis- try to mathematical principles .... 537 Fabrics, elastic, method of v,reaving.. 132 454 457 39 433 470 137 105 337 531 536 218 Faraday on electricity .... 18 — 220 Fedia, species of .... 389 Ferns, British, Don’s remarks on. . . . 388 Fibrine, action of saline solutions on. . 86 Finance, British .... 547 Fii'e-engine, metallic .... 28 Fishei*y, pearl .... 299 Fishes, fossil .... 214 — 277 Flax, home-grown .... 610 Floor-cloth manufactory, Brandeon. . 23 Flour-making machine, Hebert’s — 467 — 606 Flour-making an employment for the poor . . , . 597 Flowering of a West Indian plant in the open air .... 238 Flowers of oerithera, luminous appear- ance on the .... 173 Fly, dipterous, the larva of which produces a kind of gall .... 274 Fly, house, guard against 297 Footmarks of unknown birds and ani- mals in new red sandstone .... 333 'Mi’orbes on the compressibility of water 295 Force, permanent, of a horse .... 613 Fox on the electrical relations of certain metals ..., 220 Free School examination .... 149 Fusion of refractory substances .... 494 Gadolinite, chemical analysis of .... 123 Gahnite .... 2 Galbraith’s astronomical observations 383 —449—585—653 Galls found on a species of oak .... 389 Galvanism, Fox’s experiments in. . .. 483 Galvanism, terresrtial 678 Gamboge, on the tree which produ- ces . . . . .... 630 Gas, cooking by .... 32 for burners, and for stopping the same .... 192 Gases, specific heat of .... 218 ■MSastric juice .... 170 Gauley, Me, on electro-magnetic mov- ing power .... 137 Geological revolution .... 6 character of the mountain ridge between Sylhet and Assam . . 300 Geology and geography 212 • of Kemaon . . 151 — 199 — 247 • of Spain .... 214 , of the country b etween Ma- dras and the Neilgherry hills. . 256 — 305 , recent researches in .... 276 , .. 348— 471— 690 , opinions of celebrated philo- sophers concerning .... 472 — , opinions of the latest cultiva- tors of .... 473 of the Neilgherry and Koon- dah hills . . .... 622 of Southern India .. .. 628 , new system of 684 Glasgow, present state of .... 503 — , church accommodation at, , » . 503 IIS D EX. 2V' Glasgow, Roman Catholics in ... 50.i , trade in .... 50.3 ■ , revenue, expenditure, debt, customs, steam vessels, and stage coaches in .... 504 , intercourse with, populations, mortality bills, probability of human life which partakes of a manufactur- ing and commercial population .... 505 — — — , cholera at, cotton trade and power looms in .... 506 , timber trade, iron works, che- mical works, coals, &c. in .... 507 — — — — , post office markets, public executions, shops, pawn-brokers.. . . 508 , theatre, newspapers, educa- tion .... 509 Glass plate .... 128 , manufacture and use of solu- ble .... 345 Glauber’s salt, manufacture of .... 444 Globe, state of the, at its formation.. 3 Gmelin and Tiedemann’s researches on the blood .... 9 Gold, native chemical composition of.. 2 Gold from different localities .... 2 Gold, silver, and platiiia, extensibility of • .... 233 Granite .... 5 Grasshopper, specimen of a .... 172 Gravel, a mass of shelly, in Wexford. 214 Greenland, South, geography of . . . . 213 Gypsum in agriculture .... 44 ■ , action of, on vegetables .... 331 Hair salt, examination of .... 122 — 175 Haltica nemorum, specimens of .... 499 Hancock’s steam carriage .... 682 Hand water-engine .... 138 Harris on electricity .... 16 Head on Russian invasion, . 371 — 425 — 573 —641 Heat, terrestrial .... 3 , Powell on the action of .... 47 , animal .... 88 , specific, of bodies in relation to their atomic weights .... 120 , reflected, measured .... 237 and light .... 274 , and cold, experiments on .... 382 Heathcoat’s steam-plough . . 396 — 598 Hebert’s flour- maker .... 467 — 606 Hematine, crystallized .... 220 Himalaya,magnificent scenery of ... . 200 Hodgson on a new species of cynniris inhabiting Nepal .... 272 on some new species of the edolian and ceblepyrine sub-families of the laniidss of Nepal .... 324 on some new species of the more typical laniidse of Nepal .... 445 on a new genus of insessores 650 Hosackia, genus, observations on,.. 390 Human body loses its weight, experi- ments in which the .... 281 Hydraulic blast- wheel .... 197'^ Hydrostatic engine, new .... Hygrometer, wet bulb, theory of ... . 520 Ichneumon, a species of, inliabiting the interior of the gall .... 329 Ichthyology, Li^nard on .... 593 India, natural and artificial produc- tions of .... 549 , botany of . . .... 663 surveys in . . . . . . ■ 674 Indian Press, spirit of the. . 298 — 360— -415 — 479—618— 691 Indica, flora, Roxburgh’s .... h77 Indices, refractive, of several sub- stances .... 529 Indigo, experiments on .... 190— -240 , culture ef .... 377 in Tirhoot .... 377 in Oude .... Z11 , manufacture of .... 377 , cultivation of .... 377 Indus river .... 299 steam navigation company 301— -364 Infusoria, Dr. Ehrenberg’s collec- tions of .... 458 Ink distributer, self-operating .... 145 , Indian .... 192 Insects collected by Capt King .... 390 , senses of .... 615 architecture .... 478 Insessores, Hodgson on a new genus of . . . . .... 650 Invention's, recent , . .... 674 1 odides of gold .... 219 Journal, Madras, of literature and science .... 210 Ireland, geological map of .... 212- -213 Iridium .... 2 , native .... 2 Iron, corrosion of, by sea-water .... 215 , hot air blast applied to the ma- nufacture of .... 218 ore, sparry .... 5 ornaments, Berlin, .... 400^ trade, British .... 403 Isinglass .... 332 Isle of France, cursorv notes on the.. 211 267—320-374 Judge and jury, advice to .... 393 Koondah mountains, geology of ... . 622 Laidlow, Mr. extraordinarv treatment of 155 Lake, salt water, of Calcutta .... 361 Lamps, phenomena presented in ... . 217 ■ , new .... 468 Langstaff, J. Esq,. .. .... 680 Laniidse, edolian and ceblepyrine sub- families of the, of Nepal .... 324 * , typical, of Nepal .... 445 Lantern, new ship’s signal .... 468 Laterite found in various parts of In- dia . . . . .... 258 and its varieties .... 259 — of volcanic origin .... 260 V Laterite, uses of . . 2(50 Lavas . . . . .... 5 Lead, carbonate of . . .... 1 pipes, corrosion of .... 219 ■ , safety of, protected by tin ; .. .... 341 Lens, polarizing structure of the .... 530 Leuciscus, or dace family of fish .... 97 Level, relative, of land and sea .... 487 plan for fixing the . . .... 488 Levelling, efiectual mode of .... 23(5 ]-iife- apparatus, travelling .... 99 Light, the Newtonian and undulatory theories of . . .... 45 , Powell on the dispersion of .. 173 , filtration and cooling of ... . 237 phosphoric, emitted by flowers 238 and heat .. .... 274 , new, of the age .... 401 ■ , polarized . . .... 493 Light-house illumination, practical improvement in . . .... 238 Light-houses, metallic .... 344 Likenesses of distinguished indivi- duals . . . . .... 597 Lime, eifects of, as applied to difierent soils . . . . .... 545 Limestone, carboniferous .... 497 Litharge, native . . .... 1 Loadstone, the most powerful .... 384 Locomotion, cheap .. .... 401-' ■ , aerial . . .... 403-' Locomotive, carriages, theory of ... . 512- power, new .... (50 7’'' London, improvements in .... 401 Longitude at sea . , .... 344 Loti, American . . 390 Lunar theory, empirical 490 Lungs, carbonic acid gas from the. ... 7 Lycium of Royle . . .... 96-' Machine for draining land .... 603 : , for planting corn and cot- ton .. .. .... 608 Madras, geological features of .... 256 Magnesia, carbonate of, Daubeny on .... 217 Magnet, effect of melted iron on ... . 216 • , powerful natural .... 384 Magnetical observations at Nerts- chinsk . . . . .... 93 Magnetic influence produced by the electrical machine. . . .... 93 forces applied to manufactur- ing purposes .. 105 characters of the metals .. 386 pole, position of the south 590 Magnetism, terrestrial .... 6 — 221 of tlie earth .... 93 • , heat, and electricity .... 518 , earth’'s, distribution of the 519 Magnetizing needles, effect of light in . . . . 455 j new method of .... 457 ::x. Magneto- electric induction .... 340 Magneto-electrical machines, construc- tion of. . . . .... 469 Maldives, survey of the .... 299 Malt, Thomson on .... 98 — 142 — 244 , _ .. 499 Mammalia, preservation of .... 409 , spinning, preparing, and mounting .. .. .... 410 ^ “ — of the Norfolk crag .... 496 of the Mauritius .... 593 Manganese, sesqui-sulphate of .... 87 black oxide of, for manufac- turing purposes . . .... 336 Manganic. and hypermanganic acids, and salts of these acids .... 588 Mangel wurtzel, sugar from .... 499 Manufacture of pens 24--'’ Mariners, important to .... 620 Masupial animals, generation of ... . 43 Matter, organic .... 6 Mechanic, practical .... 611 Mechanical arts .... 58 Mechanic’s pocket guide .... 391 Mechanism, ingenious piece of .... 400 Medals, anew method of engraving 497 Medical college .... 291 Meeting, public, at the Town hall .. 678 Melamine .... 164 , nitrate of .... 165 , oxalate of .... 165 , acetate of .... 165 ^ phosphate of .... 165 Merchantieis, de, auctore Thoma, &c. 390 Meteoric stones .... 36 Meteorology and tides .... 221 Microscope, hydro-oxygen .... 462 Military Orphan School .... 150 Milk, mode of preserving, for long voyages ....24 — 394 Mineralogical specimens from New South Vvales .... 598 Mineralogy, geology, and mineral ana- lysis, by Dr. Thomson .... ] 73 Mineral waters .... 36 Mines, report on accidents in .... 181 w^orked by the aid of the safety lamp 183 Mining 301 ' Mitra, specimens of .... 592 Mollusca of the Mauritius .... 594 Moon inhabited .... 138- Mortality, law of, for British India 253-321 Moth silk .... 187 Motion, laws of, of floating bodies . . 105 Mountains, principal, comparative view of .... 245 Mulberry, indigenous, about Poona. , 563 tree, DeVerinne, ou .... 564 Museum buildings, British 463 Mustard plant of the Scripture .... 389 Nagpore, population of .... 300 Naphthalase, chloro .... 387 , hydro-chlorate of chloro 387 INDEX. Naphthaiase, bromo .... 388 Physiology (Tiedemann’s) of man 10 -, nitro .... 388 —54—85—118 Naphthalese, chloro .... .387 Pinus, five new genera of , . 388 , perchloro .... 387 501 ^ hydro-chlorate of chloro 387 Pipe clay in washing 399- , bromo .... 388 Plagionite 1 , bromide of chloro .... 388 Planet, changes in the physical con- Naphthaline and its compounds .... 386 dition of our 278 , chloride of .... 387 Plants, changes of the inferior orders Naphthalose, chloro .... 387 of . . 97- -170 Naticidm form a distinct family from •, spontaneous .... .332 the neritidae .... 97 ■ of Bombay, catalogue of .380 Nature, external, Kidd on .... 414 -448—583—652 Needle, variation of the, at Pekin Neilgherry hills, geology of .... Nerbuddah, navigation of the Nervous system, pathology of the .. Nickel, sulphuret of .... , bin-arseniet of .... Nightingale, Mr. .... Nitrification Nitrogen gas evolved from fresh springs ' . . . . Notation, uniform system of .... Nux vomica bark, notice of .... Oerstedite .... Oils, vegetable .... Oil from flies .... Opium, analysis of .... , consumption of, in China Optical images, mathematical re- searches on properties of charcoal machine Optics, application of, to chemistry Organic compounds, Berzelius on Ornithology of the Mauritius 93 621 416 502 334 334 620 6 1/2 522 287 334 294 462 91 607 173 275 295 238 667 593 new British and European from Assam Platina, gold, and silver, extensibility of .... Platinum and tin, compounds of . . Ploughs , steam .. 138- Pneumatic railway 59- Poisons, acrid, mode of action of .. arsenical Poisson on light and heat .... Polarized rays, Biot’s experiments with Polybasite .... Polypi, tubular and cellular Potash and soda, method of deter- mining the proportions of, when mixed together Potatoe beer .... Power for propelling cars, boats, &c. , new, by means of the galvanic “ battery, to supersede steam .... -, steam, applicable to the cul- 389 569 233 2 217 -396 -101 524 538 274 608 43 tivation of land , Ericsson’s 169 404 398- 401 463 instrument for Osmium .... 2 communicating 604 Overland route, expenses of 362 , animal .... 611 Paddle-wheels, efficiency of 42 , horse .... 613 Painted binding .... 137 Printing, calico.. 21 — 63 — 103 — 141- -243 Palseontology, Ehrenberg’s new dis- press, portable .... 29 covery in .... 458 apparatus, patent rotary. . . . 399 Paper prepared from turf .... 219 Prospects for the people of India .... 177 Papyrus from Syracuse .... 127 Pump, patent, Wood and Quantrille’s 66 Parallax, or declination, variations of 489 hydro-pneumatic . . .... 67 Paris, improvements and embellish- , improved suction .... 144 ments in .... 463 Pyroligneous acid , . .... 51 Partridge fight, curious account of a 640 Paste, preserving .... 468 Patents, law of, required for India. . 393 Pearl fishery, .... 299 Pens, steel, manufacture of, and the quill trade .... 401 People, voluntary instruction of . . . . 238 Peroxide of iron, separation of ... . 219 Perpetual motion .... 65 Persia, dissensions in .... 373 Perspective made easy 139 — 193 — 241 — 406 Phoenician history .... 196 Physical structure of Ireland .. 212 sciences, age for .... 525 Physics, Reid on the extension of the study df / . . 108 , purification of .... ,a newfluid prepared from Pyroxilic spirit and its compounds. . . . Quadrant, the . . .... Quadrupeds, stuffing . . .... Quarterly journal of the Medical and Physical Society . . .... — meeting of the Medical Re- tiring Fund . . .... Railroad system in America .... , Saugor . . .... Railroads . . . . .... in the United States .... Railway transit, quick and cheap mode of 53 219 89 215 400 615 291 292 130 482 .301 404 109- INDKX. Kailway bars, Woodhouse’s angular.. 110 ■ phenomenon .. .... 145 transit . . 233 system 400 • , French theory and English .. 459 an 46- .. 177 7 . . . . 33 77—111 practice .. .... 401 Railways, benefits of .... 610"' Kanken’s (Dr.) invention of discover- ing shoals or obstructions in the way of steam vessels Relic, a learned disquisition oi ancient Resources of India Respiration, Thomson on Reviews : — Journal of the Asiatic Society A Tibetan medical work Journal of a tour through the island of Rambree ..115—160—208—270 McClelland’s vrork on the geology of Kemaon 151 — 199 — 24 7 Works relating to the culture of cotton 204—260—314 Madras journal of literature and science .. •••• 210 — 621 Asiatic Researches, vol. xx 211 Cursory notes on the isle of France 211 —267—320—374 Transactions of the Asiatic So- ciety . . 253—322 Law' of mortality . • • • • • 253 Notes on the geology of the country between Madras and the Neilgherry hills, by Dr. Benza . . 256—305 On the geological position and asso- ciation of the laterite, by R. Cole, Esq. .. 256 Bell’s external commerce of Bengal 265 —317 Notes on Persia, Tartary, and Afgha- nistan 308 — 371 — 425 — 57.3 — 641 Tea plant, in Assam ; memorandum of an excursion to the tea hills ; Journal of the Asiatic Society . . Works on the cultivation of sugar —421—553—633 M^orks on the culture and manufac- ture of indigo Rich’s narrative of a residence in Koordistan . . 428 — 575- Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society Works on the manufacture of silk . . . . • • • • Geology of the Neilgherry and Koondah moim tains, by Dr. Benza . . On the mountain chains of Southern India, by Captain Al- lardyce . . On the tree which produces the gamboge of commerce, by Dr. Wight 311 367 371 -636 440 558 621 628 630 Rhizophorse, family of the .... 440 Rich, Mr. extraordinary acquire- ments of .. .... 429' Road betw'een Bombay and Calcutta 480 Roads and public works in India 594 — 671 , in Bengal and Cachar .... 619 ■ Rock salt, cr5'-sta]s of . . .... 486 Rocks, decomposition of 5 , veins of . . .... 5 , McClelland’s tabular ' arrange- ment of .. .. 201—252 ' Rocks anterior to coal and posterior to the primary strata .... 214 ■ , slata, of Devonshire .... 538 , Sedgwdck and Murchison on 539 Rocky strata, variation of temperature in .... 237 Rohunna bark, or'swietenia febrifuga 287 Rope-rnaking machniery .... 465 Route of the Russians to India .... 372 between Rajmahl and Calcutta 480 Royal Institution .... 23 — 45 Royle, Mr. .... 292" Royal’s flora of Cashmere .... 662 Rudge on the south magnetic pole. . 590 Russian invasion 371 — 425 — 573 — 641 Russian influence in China .... 618 Safety lamp, Ettrick’s improvement of Davy’s .... 215 ^ Martin’s .... 292 Safety method of lighting coal-mines 234 Saline springs .... 36 Salts, constitution of certain .... 216 Salt of Samar .... 567 — , analysis of .... 567 Sand and clay found in the bottom of caverns .... 173 Sausage meat, machine for cutting, and stuffing sausages .... 297 Scavenger power .... 233 Science, practical, gallery of .... 235 Secular inequalities .... 220 Senses of insects .... 615 Sewalik hills, organic remains in the 479 Shaughnessy’s, Dr. O’, experiments 391 Sheathing, gum elastic, for vessels and buildings .... 145 Shoe-making machine, horse .... 144 Silica, production of .... 285. Silk, French, proof of .... 109 , insects producing .... 186 , production of, at Kamptee. . . . 558 , raw ,... 560 , an improved machine for wind- ing .... 561 , cultivation of, in Western India 563 of Assam . 565 — 643 , establishment for reeling .... 566 , the process of dyeing .... 645 -worms, breed of .... 647 , epidemics among the 648 discovered on the pipul tree . . . . . 649 tree INDEX. Silk, mooga and eria, cloths made from . . . . .... Silver, description of aji apparatvis for assaying .... •, gold, and platina .... Silurian and cambrian formations. . . .. Slate manufacture, ornamental .... top for wash-hand stands .... Smith, Dr. .... Snow, inflammable .... Society, Ashmolean, of Oxford r2()- V Soda and potash, proportions of, when mixed together, .... Soda, phosphate and pyrophosphate of Solanere and verbascinte in reference to Indian species .... Soldiery, native, deaths among the. . Sougragne, water of .... Soultz .... '*^South cooler than the north .... Spectra, prismatic .... '^Spelling, literal Sphynx ligustri, nervous system of. . Spirit, pyroxilic Spirits, ardent Spontaneous combustion 49- Stars, fixed . . . . 352- Statistics and geography of India . . "N Steam, substitute for .... , water a substitute for ploughs 138- vessels, plan for propelling by a current of air vei-sus water .... , navigation of the Atlantic by .company, Calcutta , prospects of communication with India 420- fiat, meteorological register kept on board the Experiment coach, Dr. Church’s .... boat novelty .... engine, pendulum , new rotative, of increased power .... , improvements in the carriage automaton , .... navigation . . .... Sternbergite .... Stick, a walking .... Stoves, Dr. Arnott’s new Strength, human Strychnos, spurious angustura bark of the genus . . , . , , Sugar, cultivation of .... 362- , imported in England .... from Endian corn .... from beet root . . ... — from urine . . .: . ', manufacture of .... , consumption of,in Europe 423- — , household manufacture of . . 619 93 233 276 397 398 291 36 -171 169 494 95 255 37 37 238 50 402 41 215 499 -608 -486 481 109 134 -396 64 463 179 225 418 -551 443 604 610 65 106 109 682 694 1 404 608 611 289 -633 368 138 238 382 159 -424 468 — , maise . . ..610 trade . . . . 42.3 Sugar-cane, cviltivation of, in India. . 369 , preparing land for the cultivation of , . .... 370 — 635 , raw, improvements in clarifying : ,niode of planting and trans- planting . . . . . . history of the . . . . in India . . . . -{development of the vari- ous parts of the . . . . . . >, cultivation of the, on en- lightened principles , influence of soil and cli- mate on the . . .... — ^ Batavian . . .... knowledge of the Chinese 405 415 422 481 554 555 556 557 634 637 452 219 37 216 in cultivating the Sulimania, description of the city of Sulphuric acid, Thomson on the for- mation of . . .... — in prussic acid Sulphurous waters "Symbols, chemical Syphon tubes, long, easy method of filling .. 343 Tartar tribes, account of the . . 309 Taxidermist, the 407 — 615 Tea forests in Assam 301 — 311 Telegraphic system, invention of a new Telescope, twenty-five feet zenith . . Temperance societies in India .... ' Temperature of the ground at various depths of Canton and Macao . . Temperature in rocky strata, varia- tion of , inferior, of the earth .... -and time measurer .... Tertiary., formation in Yorkshire . . Tetanus, abstract of a work on Tetraphylline Thermometers Themometer exhibited by Babbage. . Tides and meteorology • • . • , rising and falling of, applica- ble to the propelling of machinery , observations of, by Lubbock , new theory of 608 221 148 126 237 237 491 610 214 502 330 128 537 211 401 486 609 9 118 Tibdemann and Gmelin’s researches on the blood • • • • Tiedemann’s physiology 10 — 54 — 85 Timber, preservation of, from decay 144-359 Tin plate, or tinned iron, protec- tion of, from corrosion in sea- water • • and platinunm, compounds of 217 Tobacco, Virginian and Irish, values of .. , 219 Tomlinson on accidental colours. ... -0 INDEX. Topography of Arracaa 146 — 197 Torpedo, Davy's observations on . , 41 Tracking or towing boats, machinery for .... 188 Transactions, philosophical 16 — 39 of the Linnean Society of London .... 95 — 284 — of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society .. 156 Trees, large, transplanting .... 298 Triphylline .... 330 Tropseolum pentaphyllum of Lamarck 96 Tunnels, ventilation of .... 181 Universe, of the .. 411 ■ , electrical theory of the 222 —355—474—689 Uric acid .... 166 Ursitaxus inauritus .... 580 Wapour-engine, Howard’s . . 32 •Ventilation, Reid’s system of . , 609 Verbascinse . . 95 Violin, air . . 138 Visit to BIr. Crosse . . .... 676 Volta, modifications of the pile of . . 550 Voltaic battery .... 40 , constant .... 286 Voltaic power, improvements in the 483 Warmer, carriage, new . . 404 Wasp, natural history of the .... 127 Wasp’s nest made in a hollow in a sugar loaf .. 172 IX Waters, acidulous Water a substitute for steam Water-engine, a hand Water, compressibility of , currents in -, bath, composition of 37 134 138 295 468 494- Waves, laws of the motion of, excit- ed in water • .... Weaving elastic fabrics, method of Wells, bored Wheat, acceleration of the growth of Wheels, paddle 42 — 469 Wight, Dr. on the gamboge of com- merce . . Winds, curvilinear direction of .... Wind, effects of, on the height and velocity of the wave .... Wolfrom, analysis of Wood-polishing Wood, embossing on Works, public, in India Worm which had apparently destroyed a grasshopper Worms, intestinal . . . , Yew trees, longevity of the Yttria, examination of the salt of Zinc, carbonate of , preservation of tin plate by 104 — 216 Zoological Society, Transactions of tile .... 592— 669 Zoology of North America . . 542 Zoophytes .... 43 527 132 236 500 630 237 528 125 397 138—610 597 172 593w. 543 123 1 1^^7 0 7