THE INFLUENCE OF DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY ON THE THERMOREGULATION OF SMALL BIRDS By CHARLES GERALD YARBROUGH A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 1970 .^NIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08552 3131 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I have profited from many discussions v/ith David W. Johnston and Brian K. McNab . Dr. IIcNab also provided the data on the Black-throated Trogon. David Niles and S. A. Rohwer of the University of Kansas kindly obtained the Harris' Sparrov/s for me. The equipment and facilities of the University of Florida were used throughout the study. The work was done while in tenure of a National Science Foundation Traineeship. I wish to credit my v/ife, Hazel, for her constant encouragement. 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements ii List of Tables iv List of Figures V Abstract viii Introduction 1 Materials and Methods 5 Results 7 Discussion 28 Heat Loss and Heat Gain 28 Metabolism 30 Conductance 34 The Physical Model 36 Determination of the Level of Tu^ 39 Body Size Effects 44 Precision of Tj^ Regulation 46 Ecological and Distributional Relationships 51 Conclusions and Summary 56 Appendix A - Symbols and Expressions Employed 59 in This Paper Appendix B - Scientific and Common Names for 61 Species Discussed in This Study References 64 Biographical Sketch 68 111 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Parameters of the energetics of T, 22 regulation in sone small 'birds Table 2 Energetic parameters of small birds 32 selected from the literature IV LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Responses of body temperature and oxygen 9 consuinption to ambient temperature in Spizella passerina and Zonotriohia albicollis . Figure 2 Responses of body temperature and oxygen 9 consumption to ambient temperature in Passerculus sandwichensis and Ammodramus savannarum. Figure 3 Responses of body temperature and oxygen 11 consumption to ambient temperature in Melospiza melodia and Melospiza georgiana. Figure 4 Responses of body temperature and oxygen 11 consumption to ambient temperature in Pooeaetes gramineus and PassevelZa itiaaa. Figure 5 Responses of body temperature and oxygen 13 consumption to ambient temperature in Zonotrichia querula and Zonotrichia Zeucophrys . Figure 6 Responses of body temperature and oxygen 13 consumption to airJDient temperature in Parula americana and Vevmivora pinus. Figure 7 Responses of body temperature and oxygen 15 consumption to ambient temperature in Dendroica pinus, Vermivova celata, and Mniotilta varia. Figure 8 Responses of body temperature and oxygen 15 consumption to ambient temperature in Dendroica covonata and Pvotonotaria oitvea. Figure 9 Responses of body temperature and oxygen 17 consumption to ambient temperature in Wilsonia aitrina and Dendroica dominica. Figure 10 Responses of body temperature and oxygen 17 consumption to ambient temperature in Seiurus novehovacensis and Seiurus auro- capillus . Figure 11 Responses of body temperature and oxygen 19 consumption to ambient temperature in Dendroica palmarum and Trogon rufus. Figure 12 Responses of body temperature and oxygen 19 consumption to ambient temperature in Sayornis phoebe and Geothlypis trichas . Figure 13 Responses of body temperature and oxygen 21 consumption to ambient temperature in Empidonax viresoens and Contopus virens. Figure 14 Responses of body temperature and oxygen 21 consumption to aribient temperature in Myiarchus crinitus and Ty rannus tyrannus . Figure 15 The relation of basal metabolic rate to 27 body weight in some small birds. Figure 16 The relation of thermal conductance to 27 body weight in some small birds. VI Figure 17 The relation of the observed thormo- 38 regulatory quotient (Mi-,/C)q to body weight in some small birds. Figure 18 A plot showing the effect of body weight 38 on thermoregulation data taker, from birds used in this study and from the literature. Figure 19 The relation of the extent of the thermal 41 buffer to the thermoregulatory quotient expected from body size alone. Figure 20 A plot of the extent to which body temper- 4 8 ature is buffered, as a function of the combined ratios (M]-j/C)j- and (M\^/C) q. Figure 21 A plot of the degree of sensitivity of body 50 temperature to changes in ambient temper- ature (ATj^/AT^) as a function of body size (Mj^/Og in some small birds. Figure 22 The relation of body weight and the ratio 50 (Hb/C)j- to the lower limit of therraoneutral- i ty . Vll Abstract of Dissertation Presented to the Graduate Council of the University of Florida in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy THE INFLUENCE OF DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY ON THE THERI^IOPxEGULATION OF SI^LL BIRDS By Charles Gerald Yarbrough June, 1970 Chairman: David W. Johnston Major Department: Zoology Data from the present study and the literature show that the energetics of thermoregulation in small birds are accurately described by the Newtonian model of heat loss. The level of body temperature is closely correlated with basal metabolic rate, thermal conductance, and body weight. Tropical and desert birds generally have lower relative thermoregulatory quotients than expected (less than 1.0) on the basis of weight alone, and cold-climate species have high relative ratios. The relative ratio is a measure of the impact of ecology and climate on thermoregulatory capacity. Larger body weight can compensate for a low relative ratio, within limits. Bird data now available indicate that ecology, particularly food habit, limits the distribution of birds outside the tropics and deserts, and that thermoregulatory viii parameters are adapted primarily to climate. Studies of the energetics of T^ reaulation in non- D desert tropical birds should give information as to the impact of ecology on this process, in that the climatic variable would be absent. IX INTRODUCTION Thermal homeostasis and its energetic cost for endothermic animals have been extensively documented over the last 20 years. The Newtonian model of heat loss has been used as a unifying method of looking at some of the parameters of body temperature regulation. This relation- ship is usually stated as: dQ^/dt = C (T}3 - T^) in which (dQ^/dt) -*- is the rate of heat loss, T^^ is body temperature, T is the ambient temperature, and C is a proportionality factor known as thermal conductance. In thermoneutral or cooler ambient temperatures with no radiant energy source, it is obvious that (dO-r/dt) - rate of heat gain = metabolic rate (M) , if the animal is going to hold T, constant. The zone of thermoneucrality for an endotherm is a range of T over v;hich 11 is constant and independent of T . If the animal is postabsorptive and quiescent, M is equal to the basal metabolic rate (I-']-,) over this T range. In this zone, heat balance is maintained by physically changing the conductance (e.g., fluffing or compressing the fur or feathers) . Ambient temoeratures below the thermo- 1 All symbols and expressions used in this paper are defined in Appendix A. 2 neutral zone result in an increase in M, and the pro- portionality of this increase to the (T. - T-,) difference is a measure of C. T^ above therraoneutrality also result in increased M values, nainly because of muscular activity associated with panting and the van ' t Hoff effect on chemical heat production. The energetics of mammalian T, regulation are better understood than those of birds. This stems from a number of reasons. Interest in avian thermoregulatory studies developed rather slowly, major stimuli being the series of papers by Scholander et al. (1950a, b, c) and studies of hummingbird metabolism by Pearson (1950). Avian species studied subsequently have not been as representative of the diversity in size, ecology, and distribution v;ithin the class as has been the case with mammals. In many instances, avian thermoregulatory studies have been in- com.plete because of the absence of precise measurements of the 1^ that is being regulated. Failure to report precise T, values for M measurements often will introduce bias b into calculations, and greatly reduce the further useful- ness of the data. The review of energetics and thermoregulation in birds by King and Farner (1961) has been of considerable value in giving direction and perspective to this area of investigation. From the data then available, they derived an equation relating M, and body v;eiglit (W) in small birds {aa. 100 grams or less) and another equation for birds larger than 100 3 grams. A standard equation relating conductance and W in birds is given by Lasiev/ski' et al . (1967). Both of these equations will be discussed later. A few attempts have been made at analyzing thermo- regulation in terms of environmental demands , especially heat stress and evaporative cooling (e.g., Bartholomew et al. , 1962; Calder, 1964; Dav/son and Fisher, 1969; Ligon, 1969) . Scholander et al. (1950c) have placed the emphasis on insulation for thermoregulatory adaptation to low T . It is now apparent (for example. Hart, 1957) that the basal metabolic rate may also be adaptive. The adaptive nature of body temperature is equivocal. From Nev7ton's heat loss relationship, one could anticipate that in response to environmental stress (thermal and/or nutritional) an animal could (1) behaviorally or physiologically alter the (T, - T ) difference, (2) physically change its conductance, (3) chemically alter the rate of metabolism, or (4) achieve some suitable combination of these features. The behavior of these parameters in relation to ecology and climate has been investigated in some mammals, particularly by McNab (1966b, 1969, 1970; McNab and Morrison, 196 3) . The relationships among thermal and ecological factors involved in thermoregulation have not been critically studied in birds. Ecological and distributional correlations have been made with differences in Mj^ and/or C in only a few species (Wallgren, 1954; Lasiev/ski and Dawson, 4 1964; Johnson, 1968; Ligon, 1968). No attempt has been made to synthesize into a rational whole the relation- ships that may be of general application in birds. McNab (1966a) has suggested that T^ in birds is determined by the ratio of Mj^ : C, much the same as in mammals. He has also indicated (1969) that in neotropical bats the {11^3/^)0 ratio, and thus thermoregulatory capacity, is ecologically determined, especially by the reliability of the food supply. The present study compares the behavior of thermo- regulatory parameters in response to thermoneutral or cooler T^ for representatives of three avian families having different food habits. It v;as suspected, in viev/ of the great mobility of temperate zone birds, that food habit might be more influential on distribution than on the thermoregulatory capacity. These studies on sparrows, warblers, and flycatchers were undertaken to explore this possibility. Representative data on thermoregulation from the literature have been incorporated in the analysis of physical and ecological correlates of general application in birds. MATERIALS AND METHODS All specimens used in this study were caught in mist nets. Most of the flycatchers were "obtained in the coastal plain of North Carolina, the Harris' Sparrows"'" near Lawrence, Kansas, and the Black-throated Trogon along the Rio Negro near the junction with the Rio Branco in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. All other birds were caught in the vicinity of Gainesville, Florida, during 1968-69. The time of year in which measurements were made for each species is indicated in Appendix B. The Harris' Sparrows were maintained in captivity, but all other specimens were caught during the day (usually afternoon) and were used for metabolic determinations the same night. Small birds were fasted for at least five hours and large birds six to seven hours before data collection was begun. Only data obtained between 2100 and 0500 hours were included in the study. Specim.ens were kept in complete darkness during the study interval. All data from birds suspected of being in Zugunruhe were excluded. Metabolic rate was measured at three different ambient temperatures: 10°, 20°, and 30.5° C, or as otherwise indica- ted in a few cases. An open flow system was employed, and Scientific names of all birds used appear in Appendix B. 6 air flow rates were sufficient to maintain a concentration of at least 20 per cent oxygen in the metabolism chamber. This .chamber had a volume of one gallon, and was immersed in a large, constant-temperature v;ater bath. VVhen a tem- perature change was desired, the chamber was sv;itched to another water bath preset at the desired temperature. An interval of about two hours was allowed for the bird to adjust to the new temperature before data were used. The partial pressure of oxygen in the air stream was measured by a Beckman G-2 Paramagnetic Oxygen Analyzer after carbon dioxide and water had been removed. Oxygen concentrations were recorded on a Honeywell strip chart recorder. When a satisfactory metabolic reading was attained, the bird was quickly removed from the chamber and the pro- ventricular body temperature was measured by a YSI tele- thermometer. The bird could be removed and its T, measured b in less than one minute. Thus, each metabolic value has a corresponding Tj^ reading. RESULTS Data obtained in this study from 29 species of small birds are shown in Figures 1-14 and are summarized for each species in Table 1. These figures depict, species by species, the effects of different ambient temperatures on body temperature and metabolic rate (as measured by oxygen consumption) . Metabolic measurements made within the zone of thermoneutrality are basal levels (Mj^) . At T^ below the lower limit of this zone, oxygen consum.ption increases. The slope of a line describing this M increase with declining T^ is considered to be the thermal conductance (C) of the species. General patterns of these responses are indicated later in this section. For all species studied, the data indicate that 30.5°C is well v/ithin the zone of thermoneutrality. This is support- ed by the fact that most of the metabolic records obtained at this T, were quite smooth, whereas records taken at 10° or 20° C usually showed oscillations between maximal and values , presumably due to periodic bursts of shiver- ing or other m.uscular activity. Thus, metabolic values taken at 30.5°C are probably basal rates, and represent the lowest constant level maintained for 15 minutes. For metabolic measurements belov; thermoneutrality, the repeatable minima are used. This procedure minimizes both I-L and C. 7 Fig. 1. Responses of body temperature and oxygen consumption to ambient temperature in Spi zella passerina and Zonotriehia albicollis . The lower part of the graph shows the relationship betv/een oxygen consumption (M) and ambient temperature (T^) . Horizontal lines indicate the mean basal metabolic rate for each species. The absolute value of the slope of each line in the lower part of the graph represents the mean thermal conduct- ance for each species. The upper portion of the graph gives the body temperatures (Tj-^) corresponding to the M values belov;. The slanted line in the upper part is a reference which equates the temper- ature axes. Fig. 2. Responses of body temperature and oxygen con- sumption to ambient temperature in Passerculus sandwichensis and Ammodramus savannarum. See the legend of Fig. 1 for explanation. r i" u 1 ;.■"•■ 10 • « c > ■rK^wrr'^'v g.]W-»"F'.'Jy^*r^i^~. Vi-— ^"'^J^ryw is' ' »^ "t anuwa**-" l^^.-c) ^Spi^plla pasr.gfina |; " /fonotrictna ?ji;lr;pjlis_ l' tJ •::jcii35S^«:^-j^' ffiris?^E^r?:^:niT..'xz?l3;'i-dEl*E'-!k 20 7.1 Cc ) 30 40 f3" [ !» ";: < 3iT!ijiBatreOT«j!nM!!B«2i=iCTvjmr!K=»c««ra»=s=air^ ., ('. ^ ,<' t!tl 139 .,' J3 b ':j3 ^ li: i^ :. ii*^Tnscj:-:£T.-^c'.':rr:r/fi^^\^ if r ** A.nrnodramijs savannaruni.. ■"^ "•^^ II, 20 i(] »--.^j.-.».^ Fig. 3. Responses of body temperature and oxygen consumption to ambient temperature in Melospiza melodia and Melospiza georgiana. See the legend of Fig. 1 for explanation. Fig. 4. Responses of body temperature and oxygen consumption to ambient temperature in Pooecetes gramineus and Passerella iliaca. See the legend of Fig. 1 for explanation. 11 T3 Co I O 2 V°c) Tare) Fig. 5. Responses of body temperature and oxygen consumption to ambient temperature in Zonotrichia querula and Zonotrichia leucophrys . See the legend of Fig. 1 for explanation. Fig. 6. Responses of body temperature and oxygen consumption to ambient temperature in Parula americana and Vermivora pinus . See the legend of Fig. 1 for explanation. 13 Ta (\) o 8 20 30 Tare) Fig. 7. Responses of body temperature and oxygen consumption to ambient temperature in Dendroica pinus , Vermivora aetata, and Mniotilta varia. See the legend of Fig. 1 for explanation. Fig, 8. Responses of body temperature and oxygen consumption to ambient temperature in Dendroica ooronata and Protonotaria citrea. See the legend of Fig. 1 for explanation. 15 Tf,(°c ) iPoiidroica piriu? □Verrnivo^a f.el;it3_ T^LSji^'iiLsXESsaihiiiiEdssEa;^^ Talc I f O ! - 2 J f l tOcndroica coronala -•-y-Prctonotaria citrea TJ"c) 20 30 40 I TaTr. Fig. 9. Responses of body temperature and oxygen consumption to ambient temperature in Wilsonia citrina and Dendroica dominioa. See the legend of Fig. 1 for explanation. Fig. 10. Responses of body temperature and oxygen consumption to ambient temperature in Seiurus noveboracensis and Seiurus aurocapillus . See the legend of Fig. 1 for explanation. 17 20 Ta Cc ) I r f I. ■■■■J 10 JO X Spiurus noveboracensis • S. aurocaiiillus Ji I I aJ 1 a ( \. ) Fig. 11. Responses of body temperature and oxygen consumption to ambient temperature in Dendroica palmarum and Trogon vufus . See the legend of Fig. 1 for explanation. Fig. 12. Responses of body temperature and oxygen consumption to ambient temperature in Sayornis phoebe and Geothlypis trichas . See the legend of Fig. 1 for explanation. 19 r \ >*sg'gTafjgtTr.^;:L-jjJtS3S?iasg?3g^aij.Tif-r;r-'t- ,}{ o u ttPenciroica palmgrumj '^ Tro.g.nri fuUiS TaCc; 7" io » -4 a « K .^sa .■ • ■ K u 4 ^l> ■.»•!, ■i£ micjxTS:^rrtn-c-a«s:SiW; ? • Sayomis phoebfl X Gcothlypis tri.-has lEJ ni "z v^^sstDfsssijsnz:/: ^irr^ Th(°0 ...;.^.. -:-^^--.rjT3;:j^!jErv^£;:S2-H::i£iilT2; 30 40 Ta (°c) Fig. 13. Responses of body temperature and oxygen consumption to ambient temperature in Empidonax virescens and Contopus vivens . See the legend of Fig. 1 for explanation. Fig. 14. Responses of body temperature and oxygen consumption to ambient temperature in Myiarchus ovinitus and Tyrannus ty r annus . See the legend of Fig. 1 for explanation. '21 o 10 TaCi I i 1 . 1l • ••X ••• -* Myj^rcliu'; Cf initus 10 ^0 30 Ta (°c ) 1" ••a 4 1 'lO "•{• 39 38 I '^(•c) 37 22 ■a m 1 B A n H 0 6 « 0 « 3 u o •H V b V c V (A 0. ^ H J3 u a, Ul o I o I 9\ 00 (A N O a F p.^ CO 0 to * ta o> 0 t. t1 3 ••4 .c t^ •c n ^ in in O U ^ 00 in (Tt ID r* \c m vD CO :^ < t« tj to 24 ^ H u ^ ^ o 3 C c o u ^ H u a> a in t. iH in «-t 0 0 X •i X , >. (U »H <-^ 00 U) a ^ 03 O M-1 m m O in in o o o 1 o u o 1 c n S ( •o S 0 0) S 0 ■H a» > 00 ■u u (N 00 u -v « o ^ a) 00 ■ * § (M r- 00 U) t (U +J \ . a o •>H ^ to :^ o 0 \ u e > Q) ■o o \ « 0 u > u 1 0 M 4^ § CJ Ij > s *J VI •D ^ u 3 < at XI VI m 0^ ^ dl X E 0 J3 0 J3 r4 ^ C ■^ 0 c 0 r* • — p C i-i to 10 0 § II II II CI 0 B ^ j: a (0 £ 0 0 kl 4J a u < 0) II u U u k< II \ \ ^ U 0) 0 § df ^ 2^ ^ 1 U) ;s o *-' *^ >J 25 The mean M, for ten species of sparrows is 92.6 per cent of that expected from the equation of King and Farner (1961) for small birds, and C is 75.0 per cent of the value expected from the equation of Lasiewski et al . (1967) (Figs. 1 - 5, 15, 16, and Table 1) . Of the families studied here, the sparrows have the most northern v/intering distribution, and contrast with the tropical Black-throated Trogon, which has a M, only 77 per cent of that expected and a very high C (161 per cent) (Figs. 11, 15, 16, and Table 1). The mean M, for all v/arblers is 89.2 per cent of that expected and C is only 72.4 per cent of the expected value (Figs. 6 - 12, 15, 16, and Table 1). Eight species winter- ing as far north as the southeastern United States have lower M, and C values (85.8 and 66,5 per cent) than five species wintering farther south (94.6 and 82.0 per cent). These values indicate a considerable reduction in energy expenditure. The five species of flycatchers have a collective M, which is 100 per cent of that expected. C is 83.6 per cent of that expected, and the Acadian and VJood Pewee have a lower C (75.5 per cent) relative to that expected than the larger flycatchers (89.0 per cent) (Figs. 12 - 14, 15, 16, and Table 1) . Each metabolic datum is accompanied by a T, value (Figs. 1 - 14) . The mean T, for sparrows and warblers in thermoneutrality was identical (40.3 °C) , but v/as less than that of flycatchers (41.1 °C) . Very small birds (<10 grams) usually have Tj^ that are lower and more sensitive to cool T^ than those of larger species. Fig. 15. The relation of basal metabolic rate to body weight in some small birds. The line is a plot of the King-Farner (1961) equation for small birds (log M]-, = log 7.29 - 0.341 log V7) . Each point is the mean value for a species. Fig. 16. The relation of thermal conductance to body weight in some small birds. The line is a plot of the equation of Lasiewski et al . (1967) (log C = log 0.84 8 - 0.50 8 log W) . Each point is the mean for a species. 27 • Warblers O Flycatr.hcrs X Cp;trroJ fj *4-t ■H 4^ •0 4^ *H a » •0 •0 a U ei b c Tt * T n Q> c c «.! v^ K * fl 'O u ID m H) m o •o O V4 V0 vD o VO a\ u X ^o § k ■H Q o\ a\ 0^ T-H w J2 Ul in Ul Ul Ul 10 -3 ui I-) h] vJ If S o (U O U) § u n) a c ^ H p- as ^ U O ^ « a rH »H rH 1-4 O O^ u> C^ fM in r^ r* fO r- ■V 00 o t-i O ro M n CM (N (N i-t .-* CD IN in f -t *£• o U> r- a* u-i in O 00 a 0 b- O 3 o a t3> O 3 K «. O c <3 •J 33 ■o •a u u 0 0 H Eh VJ5 ■0 •O u 4- o u u o o 3 c •H c o o u o (0 a o p o ^^ • ^ o fH , . CO tn a. rr CO o (M 01 m o , in o 0 o 1 o u o 1 c ro S 1 ■0 S 0 a) 3 0) ■H a* > CD 4J 1-1 (N CO ^ ^r a 0 T o 00 • • c ^ r~ 00 M 0 -p fO \ . XI o ■M <-( in ^ o 0 \ u E ."> m •a o \ re o ^ > 1} 1 0 u tM § Q) u > ? jj m Ci u u 3 < 0) XI i;i a «n V, O X e 0 XI 0 0) X3 limm 0.5 1.0 1.1 I! y 0 • Wd'blc'S o f lycslciic y ^ X *■>! Jf'Owi X I A TfOKon I.] 1.4 l.» I.E IS 20 iC ^K^jsamBj^maiaA>/Hu V 'itA-*si^'.imt ir* — i i^ ■ !■■■ wi m^i ■ni» ■■■iwmLhwi \m • (.3 0 4 0.{ ol IP 39 be rearranged and partitioned so that: ■^b = ^^/C^o + K and ■ (6) Tb = (Mb/C)r (^%/C)e + K (7) where K is the lower limit of thermoneutrality (McNab, 1969, 1970). Since equation (7) has the general form y = ax + b, the fit of available data to this model can be checked. A biological check is also possible by rearranging equation (7) so that: Tj3 - K = (Mb/C)j- (M^/Oe (8) where Tj^ measurements on the left side of the equation are compared with metabolic measurements on the right. Graph- ically represented, when {T-^ - K) is plotted against (Mj^/C) , a line from the origin having a slope of (Mv^/C) should in- tercept the corresponding data point (Fig. 19) . In a more dramatic way, when (Tj^ - K) is plotted against (Mj-^/C)j. (Mj^/C)g (equation 8), the data should fall along a straight line having a slope of 1.0. In Figure 20, which is a plot of this relationship, the closeness of fit is evident. Determination of the Level of T^ It is apparent that K is determined by Mj-j and C, both by the weight factor [lA-^/C] q and the relative ratio (M^/C)^. Therefore, adaptation to climatic and ecological conditions, along with W, sets the lower limit of the energetic quantity (T]3 - K) . This difference is the buffer between the bird's regulated Tj^ and the necessity for increasing energy expendi- ture. The magnitude of (Tj^ - K) is a good indicator of the Fig. 19. The relation of the extent of the thermal buffer to the thermoregulatory quotient expected from body size alone. Numbers at the left terminus of each line are slopes. The number accompanying each point is the (Mj^/Oj. value. The mean (Mb/C)j- value for encircled points is equal to the slope of the line through the circle. Symbols are as in Fig. 20. See Tables 1 and 2 for data and references. 41 o o it-: I ■o 15 - C-Vi^i^//! I I ! ! I I I ...1 J.^Jo ° // iO 12,.. V '" 16 '8 2° V C /c .. 8.59 W"-^" 42 extent of cold stress to v;hich a bird is subjected in its habitat. The question as to whether Tj.^ is a dependent or in- dependent parameter is more complex. It is logical to agree with Hammel's (1968) contention that an initial step in the evolution of homoiothermy was necessarily the acquisi- tion of an adequate insulation. Then, it becomes energetically feasible to invest in a fairly high M, . The eventual thermo- regulatory quotient and size of the endothermic avian stock likely resulted in a (Tj^^ - K) that was satisfactory for the thermal environment in which these animals lived. This original T, would have been dependent on II , C, and W. As the advantages of thermal homeostasis asserted themselves (whatever they may be) , it is reasonable to assume that temperature-specific neural, enzymatic, and other systems also evolved. These systems could be more efficient if T-^ were precisely regulated. So, there must have been a parallel evolution of the energetic machinery making endo- thermy possible and a regulating system that would maintain Tjj stability in the interest of physiological efficiency. Ontogenetic evidence lends support to this speculation. Nestlings of some altricial species of birds show a chronological improvement in insulation, and at some rather well-defined stage begin a rapid development of metabolic heat production and thermoregulatory capacity (e.g., Dawson and Evans, 1957, 1960; Yarbrough , 1970b). In cool environ- ments, such nestlings first are able to regulate their Tj^ at a lower level (e.g., 31 - 33 °C) than that of the adult 43 (about 40 °C) . The regulated Tj^ increases with age until the adult level is achieved. So, it would seem that the regulatory mechanism becomes functional at a stage when (\/C)o ^"^ ^^ reach an acceptable level, but the set point of the thermostat (the reference temperature for the regulating mechanism) is elevated as (Mj^/C) q and W increase. For the original data presented here, as well as for the data from the literature, equation (6) predicts Tj^ with an average error of only 0.3 °C. One might well have expected experimental and mechanical error to exceed this value. Thus, the level of Tj^ is very closely correlated with the interaction of Mj^ , c, and W in birds, as it is in mammals (McNab , 1966b, 1969). However, I feel that the existing evidence does not warrant classification of Tw as a completely dependent factor, except possibly in an evolutionary sense. Of course, it is true that in thermo- neutrality a given Tj^ depends on a particular balance of C and M^, but the Tj^ set point may influence the level of M . The distinction lies between physical and physiological dependence. In the absence of the proper interrelations among M-^ , C, and W, the thermostat is ineffectual. Under usual circumstances the regulating mechanism acts as a fine- tuning device within the limits prescribed by the thermal characteristics. It may be that the 1-^ set point is an integral part of the evolutionary thermoregulatory complex, and, as a result, is to some extent adaptive. (In this case, M^^ , C, W, and Tj^ might be more accurately termed interdependent.) Scholander 44 et al. (1950c) and most subsequent investigators have concluded that Tj_^ is non-adaptive, but there is now some evidence that mammalian T, levels may be capable of some adaptive variation independent of !l , C, and W (McNab, 197C) . However, the avian class apparently shows much less variation in T^^ than is the case in mammals. This reduces any adaptive effect of T , and increases the significance of ecological and climatic impact on M, and C. Body Size Effects The impact of V? on thermal relations is considerable. This is largely due to the change in surface : volum.e ratio with weight. Surface area (A) is theoretically the most satisfactory unit for heat loss calculations, except that it is practically impossible to get an accurate estimate of A. This is especially true in birds, where one would have to decide what surface area must be considered. For example, what relation does A of the exposed parts (legs, head, beak) bear to the feathered surface? Alterations in peripheral circulation, particularly to the extremities, and postural changes complicate definition of the effective surface area. Use of kW^/^ as a value of A does nothing to solve these problems; it simply obscures them. Therefore, it is con- sidered that, at present, W is the most undeceptive unit for discussing body-size relations in birds. The relationship of fV to W in small birds (<100 grams) has been described empirically by King and Earner (1961) as following an equation equivalent to : !'^ (cc02/g - hr) - 7.29 w'^-^^^l (9) 45 where W is in grams. Likewise, Lasiev^ski et al. (1967) considered C to be related to "W (grams) by the equation: C (cc02/g - hr °C) = 0.848 w-0-508 (^q) which is similar to the C equation of Herreid and Kessel (1967). Thus, both Mj^ and C increase as W decreases. However, lA^ increases less rapidly with small size than does C, and the thermoregulatory quotient increases as W increases: (Mj^/C)e = 7.29 wO . 341/o . 848 W-0.508 (n) = 8.59 wO-167 where W is in grams. So, it can be seen that a species can attain a given (Tj^ - K) either by adaptively changing (r-lj-j/Oj. or by possessing a suitable body size (Mi^/C) . The effect of W on (Tj^ - K) v/hen (Mj^/C)^ is constant is shown in Figure 18. McNab (1969) suggested that there is a "critical" weight in mammals below which T, is dependent on W, but above which Tj^ appears to be independent of W. Departure of (M]^/C)j- from 1.0 can compensate for W changes, and thus alter this "critical" weight. A "critical" weight is also indicated for birds (McNab, 1966a, 1970). So far as can be determined from published accounts and the data presented here, Tj^ in birds appears to be W-dependent throughout the size range, with the highest T,^ values occurring at about 20 grams. Above this size, Tj^ declines very gradually, and below it, precipitously. Much of the data scatter is probably due to the (M^/O^, effect. Apparently the "critical" 46 weight is also variable. In warblers it occurs at 10-11 grams, in flycatchers at about 15 grains, and at 18-20 grams in sparrows. The significance of these apparent differences is not now obvious, although it may be similar to the case in mammals (McNab, 19 70) in which temperate species have lower K values than tropical forms. Precision of T-^ Regulation The birds studied to date fall into two categories: (1) those that regulate very well at moderate T at all times until W (energy) loss results in weakening and death, and (2) those that regulate very well at T^ of 10-30 °C but can go into torpor in times of stress or inactivity ( birds, goatsuckers, some swallows and sv/ifts). Thus T^^ in birds would superficially appear to be less sensitive to T^ changes than is the case in m.any mammals. It should be noted, however, that most of the species of birds which one would suspect as being poor thermoregulators are found in the tropics. The physiology of tropical birds is essentially untouched. Birds employed in the present study are adequate to good thermoregulators. The change in T, per unit change in T^ (AT, /AT ) is a measure of the sensitivity of Tj_, to T^. Figure 21 shows that there is little change in Tj^ over T^ from 30° - 10 "C. Although there is a greater change in the smaller species of each family or those having a low (Mv,/C)^, the poorest thermoregulator is precise when compared with values for some mamjnals (McNab, 1966b, 1969). Values of ATj^/AT^ > 0.10 are found only in those species v/ith both very small Fig. 20. A plot of the extent to which body temperature is buffered, as a function of the combined ratios (Mj^/Oj- and (Mb/C)g. The line is expected from Newton's lav/ of heat loss. See Tables 1 and 2 for data and references. 48 24 ©Warblers 0 flycatchers X Sparrows ATrogon AHumminEbirds FjlCaprimuIgids I /f Small Finches ^C Vidua Ik Crossbills jn Jsys i-' Small Owls iX Evening Grosbeak 12 IC 20 24 j~ f — - ' 28 34 36 m m Fig. 21. A plot of the degree of sensitivity of body temperature to changes in ambient temperature (ATj-j/AT^) as a function of body size {11^/ C) q in some small birds. Fig. 22. The relation of body weight and the ratio (MV)/C)-j- to the lov;er limit of thermoneutrality . Arrows indicate the climatic zone v/hich is the wintering limit for each general food habit type. See the text for further explanation, and Tables 1 and 2 for data and references. Symbols are as in Fig, 20. 0.0 2 0.05 O.IO Ta = 30.5 »L ,1.15 IJI 1.36, ,1.16 1.28 1.3! •U6 ,W >.3i..29 /OO^UB 1.21 .1.03 ,1.10 ,1.19 U3 ,I.M J.23 50 • Wtifblers 0 Flycatchers X Sparrows ,1.45 0 .1.38 ,109 1.12 JJJJ.X1-IJUJ^JJIJJJ^UJJJJJLXL11JJJJJ^ (»e = «•" -"■" Food h^bil nofi - Itmiting Wintering large, aerial insect ivores with capacity for torpor Nectar (eetJers -, WinlRnng tcaging ins*-ctivore5 WmtBdiK gianivores and carnivores "i^n — I — r-T — i — I — 1 — I — I — I — r~"T — i C orf~T^^ 51 body size and low (Mj^/C)^., the Parula Warbler and the Acadian Flycatcher. -The amount of energy reserves (fat) is an important factor in the precision of regulation. :7eight deviations greater than five per cent from the species mean are positively correlated with Tj^ deviations greater than 0.5 °C from the species mean. Such an analysis will account for 83 per cent of the variation in warblers, 77 per cent in flycatchers, 61 per cent in Zonotvichia sparrows, and 100 per cent in sparrows smaller than 20 grams. Adults of small species v/ith altricial young probably live near the limits of their energy reserves during the breeding season, particularly during the nestling period. This is an especially acute problem for insectivorous species, if that season happens to have frequent inclement v;eather. The frequency of thunderstorms during the nestling period of 19 69 was abnormally high in eastern North Carolina. Results of several metabolic tests of the small flycatchers (particularly the Acadian) had to be discarded because the birds were in swch poor nutritional condition. If Acadians were captured before noon prior to nocturnal testing, some- times they V70uld weaken and die by the following morning. Even in a species that forages and f lycatches , such as the Blackpoll Warbler {Dendroiaa striata) , body lipid content may be almost completely exhausted during parts of the breeding season (Yarbrough, 1970a). Ecological and Distributional Relationships Some of the v;ays in which ecology and climate may affect 52 the behavior of various thermoregulatory parameters have been discussed above. It is my intent in this section to summarize some of the general relationships that exist between the physical model and patterns of avian dis- tribution. Consideration of all the factors in the heat loss model accurately accounts for non-experimental variation in the data (Fig. 20). The various species spread out along the theoretical line, with very small birds or desert and tropical species nearest the origin, and birds that are larger or adapted to cold T farthest from the origin. A more meaningful representation of this information is given in Figure 22. The lowest thermoneutral T for a species is connected with the origin. The data point is placed where this line intersects a line between the weight and (li^/C) characteristics for the species under consideration. These thermoregulatory parameters can then be related to climatic or latitudinal distribution. The climatic zone which is the winter thermal limit for birds having certain food habits is also indicated. The picture could be more precise if we understood the impact of ecological factors other than food habit on the distri- bution of birds. Lines A, 3, and C are empirical thermo-ecologic boundaries for small birds up to about 100 grams in weight. Movement from one zone to another is possible by changing W or {H^/C)j.. For example, the birds in the tropical-desert 53 zone are not generally cold-stressed in nature and have become adapted for coping with- heat stress and water scarcity. This may involve being very small (small finches and Paradise Widowbird) or having a low thermal index (T, - K) , such as that of the Black-throated Trogon and some caprimulgids. The capacity for torpor serves as a buffer to reduce energy outlay in times of food deprivation and occasional cool weather. Birds wintering in the cold-temperate to subarctic zone must have a high (M, /C)^ and cannot be smaller than about ten grams. The thermoregulation of northern chickadees {Varus hudsonicus and P. cinctus) should be exajnined from this standpoint. Food habit is U3ually limiting in this zone, since only herbivores and carnivores (including scaven- gers, such as gulls and ravens) are found here. Steen (1958) has found that some small, cold-climate species can allow T, to drop as lov/ as 30 °C at night as an energy conservation measure. He also suggests that under natural conditions these birds avoid severe cold stress by means of their roosting habits. The majority of species used in this study fall into the temperate zone, having K values between 22° and 25° C. It is of interest to note that all the flycatchers studied, except the Acadian, are thermally capable of wintering in the temperate zone. This is an obvious case of avian dis- tribution being limited by food habit (and possibly evolu- tionary history) . The warblers that winter as far north as 54 the southeastern U. S. fall into zone C (temperate) , where- as those that winter from the -Caribbean area southward fall into the subtropical zone on the graph. The winter range of the Pauraque does not extend as far north as that of the Poor-will. Yet, on a thermal basis the Pauraque is much better equipped to regulate at low T^. It would be germane to know if the Pauraque can or does enter torpor as readily as the Poor-will. The lower K-^ of the Poor-will may indicate a greater external heat load than is true for the Pauraque. The three small owls of the southwestern U. S. and Mexico that have been studied are distributed as one would predict from Figure 22. The Saw-whet has thermoregulatory characteristics that coincide with its actual cold-temperate distribution. The Giant Hummingbird has the thermal capa- bility for a subtropical distribution, instead of tropical as is the case with smaller hummingbirds. Its actual dis- tribution extends from the montane tropics southward into Peru and Chile. Range extension of some hummingbirds beyond the thermal limits suggested by their thermoregulatory parameters is probably due to their capacity for torpor. The present state of knowledge concerning T^ regulation in birds does not allow conclusions to the effect that food habits determine thermoregulatory capacity, as they apparent- ly do in bats (McNab, 1969). Food habit mainly affects the distribution of most birds studied to date. Species with seasonal food problems usually migrate; thus, thermoregulatory 55 adaptation is unnecessary. There may be correlations of food habit with lA^ and C in some species, but other factors such as heat and water stress would complicate any analysis. In birds, it appears that thermoregulatory parameters are adapted primarily to climate, and are only indirectly or secondarily related to food habit. Therefore, large climatic differences must not be introduced into data that are used to determine the impact of ecology on therm.oregu- lation. Such data have not yet been gathered. Consequently, the need is obvious for extensive studies on tropical birds of all sizes, ecological characteristics, and taxonomic affiliations. CONCLUSIONS AND SUMflARY The energetics of T regulation in small birds are accurately described by the Newtonian model of heat loss. A thermoregulatory quotient (Mj^/C)q which considers both heat production and th6 coefficient of heat loss is a more satisfactory indication of thermoregulatory capacity than either parameter alone. Climatic and ecological adaptations of these parameters are indicated by (M^/C) , which compares (I%/C)q to the value (1.00) expected from VI alone {Mj^/C)g. Tropical and desert species generally have low (Mj-j/C)j-, and birds that must tolerate cold climates have high values. Birds living in cool climates may partially compensate, within limits, for low (K, /C) by having an increased body size (Mj-,/C)g, the capacity for torpor, or both. Mj^ may be lower than expected in desert species mainly to reduce the heat load and evaporative water loss. Tropical, non-desert species may also have a lower Mj^ than expected for other birds in order to reduce the heat load, to conserve energy (if the food supply is unreliable) , or simply because they are not faced with the need for a higher rate of heat production. Some cool-climate birds may also have a reduced M, to conserve energy. This is b particularly true if the birds are very small and dependent 56 57 on a variable food source (such as insects). In this case, C is also reduced. It is suggested that M, differences betv;een any two avian groups are actually correlated with ecological and climatic differences in the birds sampled, not taxonomy per se. C is generally high in tropical and desert forms, and low in cold-climate species. However, the effect of environm.ental stress on M, may militate against this strategy in some cases. Likev;ise, K, cannot be radically altered if the environment precludes compensatory changes in C. Mj^ and C must evolve as complementary thermal parameters. The level of Tj^ is very closely correlated with M, , C, and W. Non-torpid birds are very precise thermoregulators , as compared to most mammals. A combination of very small body size and a low (M. /C) may reduce the precision of T, regulation, as may a drastic loss of W during extended food deprivation. Presently available information indicates that the dis- tribution of avian species outside the tropics and deserts is limi.ted by ecology, particularly food habits. Thermo- regulatory parameters are primarily adapted to climate. Thus, in order to determine the extent to vmich food habit can affect thermoregulation, significant climatic differences must be circumvented. The ecological impact on T, regulation in birds must remain poorly understood pending investigation of troDical faunas. APPENDICES APPENDIX A Syinbols and Expressions Employed in This Paper Symbol Description Units W Body weight • Grams M Metabolic rate cc02/g - hr M, Basal metabolic rate cc02/g - hr Mj^% Mj-,% expected from W by the King- Per cent Earner (1961) equation: R^ (cc02/g - hr) = 7.29 w~0-341 C Thermal conductance cc02/g - hr A°C C% C% of that expected from W by the Per cent equation of Lasiewski et at. (1967): C (cc02/g - hr °C) = 0.848 w~0-508 (Mj^/Oq Observed thermoregulatory quotient "C (Mv/C)g Thermoregulatory quotient expected °C from W by the King-Earner and Lasiewski et al. equations (see above): (M^^/C) =8.59 W*^-!^"^ (Mvj/C)^. Relative thermoregulatory quotient None (riv,/C)o/(Mb/C)e Tj^ Body temperature ''C Tg Ambient temperature ''C 59 60 c APPENDIX A (continued) Symbol Description Units ATj^/AT Change in body temperature per unit None change in ambient temperature K Lower limit of thermoneutral zone °C T -K Extent of thermal buffering °C Qj^ Heat loss cc02/g or cal/g t Time Hours k Cooling constant 1/hours 2 A Surface area cm Specific heat cc02/g °C or cal/g "C APPENDIX B Scientific and ComiT^on Maraes for Species Discussed in This Study Species for Which Original Data Are Presented Sparrows Spizella passerina Chipping (W) Ammodramus savannarum Grasshopper (W) Melosipiza melodia Song (W) M. georgiana Swamp (W) Passerculus sandwichensis Savannah (W) Pooeaetes gramineus Vesper (W) Zonotrichia albicollis White-throated (VJ) Z. leucophrys White-crowned (W) Z. querula Harris' (W) Paseerella iliaoa Fox (W) Flycatchers Ernpidonax viresaens Acadian (S) Contopus virens Wood Pewee (S) Sayornis phoebe Phoebe (W) Myiarchus arinitus Crested (S) Tyrannus tyrannus E. Kingbird (S) -'- The symbols indicate the time of year when species were captured and studied: (W) v/inter, (S) summer, (M) migrant, not in Zugunruhe . 61 62 APPENDIX B (continued) Wood Warblers Parula americana Vermivora pinus V. aetata Mniotilta varia Dendroica dominiaa D. palmarum D. coronata D. pinus Geothlypis trichas Wilsonia citrina Protonotaria citvea Seiurus noveboracensis S. auTocapillus Trogon Trogon rufus Parula (S) Blue-winged (M) Orange-crowned (W) Black-and-v;hite (W) Yellow-throated (S) Palm (W) Myrtle (W) Pine (W) Yellowthroat (W) Hooded (S) Prothonotary (S) N. Waterthrush (M) Ovenbird (M) Black -throated Species for V7hich Data Were Obtained from the Literature Otus triahopsis Glaucidium gnoma Micrathene whitneyi Aegolius acadiaus Phalaenoptilus nutballii Nyotidromus alhiaollis Chordeiles minor Eurostopodus guttatus Whiskered Owl Pygmy Owl Elf Owl Saw-whet Owl Poor-will Pauraque Common Kighthawk Spotted Nightjar 63 APPENDIX B (continued) Eugenes fulgens Rivoli ' s Hummingbird Lampornis clemenciae Blue-throated Hummingbird Patagona gigas Giant Hummingbird Vidua paradisea Paradise Widov/bird Perisoreus canadensis Gray Jay Cyanocitta cristata N. Blue Jay Hesperiphona vespertina Evening Grosbeak Loxia curvirostra Red Crossbill L. leuooptera White-winged Crossbill Taeniopygia oastanotis Zebra Finch Estrilda troglodytes Black-rumped Waxbill REFERENCES BartholoKiew G. A, , Hudson J. W. & Howell T. R. 1962. Body terepsrature , oxygen consumption, evaporative water loss, and heart rate in the poor-will. Condor 64, 117-125. Bartholomew G. 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Lipid deposition in wintering and premigratory myrtle warblers. Wilson Bull. 77, 175-191. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Charles Gerald Yarbrough was born October 13, 1939, at Lumberton, North Carolina. He was graduated from Bladenboro High School (N. C.) in May, 1957. In June, 1961, he received the degree of Bachelor of Science with a major in Biology from Wake Forest University. From 1961 until 1963 he was a teaching assistant and graduate fellow at Wake Forest, where he received the Master of Arts degree in Biology in June, 1963. He attended the University of Michigan as a teaching fellow during the academic year 1963-1964. During the summer of 1964 he did ecological research in the Canadian subarctic on a Chapman research grant from the Arierican Museum of Natural History. He was employed as Instructor in Biology at Campbell College for two years, 1964-65 and 1966-67. During 1965-66 he worked as an Interim Instructor in Zoology at the Univer- sity of Florida. From September, 1967, until the present time he has pursued his work toward the degree of Doctor of Philosophy while in tenure of a National Science Founda- tion Traineeship at the University of Florida. In 1968, he worked as an avian ecologist at an Atomic Energy Commission project on Amchitka Island, Alaska. Charles Gerald Yarbrough is married to the former Hazel Ruth Hill, and is the father of two sons. He is a member of 68 69 Sigma Xi , Phi Sigma, the American Ornithologists' Union, the Cooper Ornithological Society, and the Wilson Ornitho- logical Society. This dissertation was prepared under the direction cf the chairman of the candidate's supervisory committee and has been approved by all members of that committee. It was submitted to the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and to the Graduate Council, and was approved as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. June, 1970 Dean, College of Arts an lences Supervisory Committee; Chairman 77 Dean, Graduate School J7/"v^^ L~ ^. a y6-«^ A cy Al- .}