Influence of Type of Graftage, Age of Plant, and Certain Environmental Factors on the Loss of Water by Young Mango Budlings »■ MORTIMER J. SOULE, JR. UNIVCasiTY OP FLORIDA ACKMOW1.EOOXMEKT8 Slaetr* ♦*>«»■*»» »• •xtendad to eeinmlttoo ehoinaao, Or. Gnrgo D. RooUo, Dr. R. Bmea Lodla, Dr. Jota L. Uoleolsa, ud othor mombora e/ tho Sab-Treple«l E^^rlmoat SUUen. portteBUrly Mr. Dot* Robortf. (or tholr wbela -baaxUd ceoparatiaa, adaiea, and aaaiataaea daring tba eoaraa of tha roroareh condaetad at Bomaitaad, Florida. Ur. U. R. Oalladn, O. S. Dapartmaot of Agricoltara, Baraan of Plant taduatTf. SoUt. and Agricultaral EUginaariag. Homo* ataad, and hia ataff wara moat gaaarooa with thair tlma and aqnipmaat on avory poaaibla ooeaaimi. Dr. Warras O. Haaaoa, Aaalataat Profaaaor, Dapartmaot of Agroaomjr, Onlvaraltp of Florida, OalneavUlo, providad israluabla aaaiaUaea la aatUng ^ and intarprating tha atatlatleal aaalraaa. Daop appraeiatlon la ai^reaaad to Mr. Rap Malaen. SaparlntaBdaat. Daivaraitp of Miami E^arlmoatal Farm, Riebmoad. Florida, for parfermlag tha graftaga eparatloBa on badliaga aaad la 19SS. Or. H. 8. WoUa, Baad Profaaaor of Horticaltara, Co-Chairman, and Dra. Lathar C. Hammond. Aaalataat Profaaaor of SoUa, and Robart D. Powall, Aaalataat Profaaaor of Botaap, aaombara of tha eemmlttao, gava mneh naodad aaaiataaca tad critleiam in tha writar'a graduata program aad la praparatloa of tha dlaaartatlea manaaeript. 3 + sa3 TABLE or CONTENTS L INTKOODCTIOH n. REVIEW or LFTERATURE A. WaUr L«ia B. LmI Ar*a Uaaiiucintat* m. EXPERIMENTAL MATERIALS AND METHODS . . . A. Water Loai Esp«rlm«Bt—19S2 Plaat Material CoUactios ol Date Curarlloa of Data B. Loaf Area Maasaremaata C. Water Loaa XiqiarliDaBt**19S} Plaat MaterUla Ea^arimaatal Procadora ......... Tanaioa taUa Proaadara for leaUaf poti E^arimaatal arraagamant and inatru- meatatloa Watering aehadala CollactloB of Data CeBToraloa of Data . IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Water Loaa Exparlmant— 1952 Rate of Water Loaa Daily ratea par hour Dally ratea par hour par unit laaf aroa Ratea par hour for thraa parloda daring tba day . EffaeU of EnviroBmaatel Factort on Ratea of Water X.oaa Effacte of aaTiroamaatal factora on daily ratea of water loaa par hour . , . ill 3 S s 9 IS 16 IT 19 23 23 29 27 29 29 29 43 94 59 95 Et{*et «( «nvlranm«Btal factor* on rntas of wotor loot ftt dUfazont Umaa of tha dor (7 8. Laaf Azaa MaaaaramaBta Tl C. Vataz i and 4 vaaka). (4) Ta datarmlna tta affaeta af cartain anviranmantel laetara {air tamparatara, nver praaanra daQalt, wind valoeltr. light intaaaitp, aail tan^aratara, and laal tanparatnra) on watar letaaa. 'cba plant aga. liwaaka. II. aeviEw or the LiTsaAToaz A. Wat«r_Loai, LltazftUir tbeviuds of artielaa bar* b*» pubUabad daring tha paat tbraa eaatariaa an tba Tarleaa ^waaa of tranaplraUaB and ba laeteri affoetSog It. Maap aneaUant gaaaral traatiaaa, aaminariaa. and aoTiawa haaa a^aarad pariodieaUy. of wMeh ttoia by MlUar (193a), Klagat (1942). Road (1942). Crafts. Carriar, and Stocking (1949), Kzanor (1949). Cnrtls and Clark (1920), Mayor and Aadorson (1912), Richards and ^Vkdlaigb ( 1 922), and Richards, Hagan, and HeCalla (’922) ara soma of tha most racant. Millar (1922) la partlcn- lar has piasaatad an aakanstivs rarvay of water lossas whlla Crafts, Carrier, and Stocking (1949) hara axamlaad tha antira llald of plant water relations with emphasis on tha Interaal phasas, Beth Crafts, Carriar, and Stocklag (1949) and Road (1942) hara taken preminaat natlea of tha hlatortaal backgroand andarlylng prasant>day Inrastigatlant on the physiology of aratar In plants. Msyor and Andaraen (1922) and Cartts sad Clark (1920) bars. Uka Millar, prasantad gaaaral sarraya of transpiratioa in coanactlen wlfli other plant physiological preesssss. Tbs older llteretara ralatlag to the water raqairamsnt of plants has boon sammarissd by Briggs and Sbanta (1911a, b), Klassalbacb (19)4) and Sbanta and Piamaiaal (1927). Ki«g«s (1942) kxB glren u «xMad«d r«v1*« ef varlviu climatie {actors la ralatloa to crop predaction. Kraraor (1949) has rsrlawsd plaat aad soil watar rolatleasUps from tka staadpoiat e{ plaat pkrsl- elogr, vhUa Rickards aad Wadlaifk (1952) bars traatad tka saaia sak- jaet irom tka vlawpoiat of sail phjrsles. Rickards, Hapaa. aad McCalla (1952) karo pahUskad aa aataaalva aamaiarr of tka lafluaBco of soil taaiparatara oa plaat grewlk sad bahavlor. Skirtap ( 1945) aad Parkar aad Bortiiwlck (1950) kava rariawad tka affsets of tigkt ea traaapiratloa aad atksr plaat proeassas. Ballap, Rottackar, aad Coaualags (1952) hava raeaatlp pre- Tidad a eritieal oomparisoa of tka cobalt eklorlda papor aad frarl* matrie atatkods of maasaria| traaspiratioa. aslag blask oak (Quareas aalatlaa), vhlta oak (O. alba). Ubacco, garaalan. aad toouto saad* llaga as tost plaats. Tkap ooacladad frein Oialr si^riaiaats tkat fta cobalt ehlorido laotkod was of qaalttativa sigalfieaaca oalp aad coald aot ba aaad far tka qaaatitatlTa aiaasuramaat of asolstara lossos la field stadias. Tka aboTa*n>aetleBad aotkers all glra stora or loss datailad aeeeaata of tka matkods of atoasaramaat aad tppas of asparlmaats aaad la proaleoa water loss stadias. Tkay kava also prasaated gaaaral laformsUoa as to tko magaltado aad variatioa of traaspiratioa la aiaay spaclas of plaats as wall as of tka affacts of eartala aavirMiaaatal factors so tkat alaboratiea of tkaaa potato Is oaaaeassary. IB aoafermlty with Ike ilBtomeBt kf Ak«tih*ad. meaUeBed Ik* latredBetieB, a ■•aiek of Ao pUal aeioaco Utorataro kaa ael ro- raalad a siafle artUla coBcaralng tka affect of type of graftaga ea water laia by plaata. Obb n»ct perforce eoBcleda ttat exparlmaBtal erl- daace ea Ibla queeHoa probably deet aot aaiat. A aearly ilnflar illit' atioB li true with regard to tka water relatioBablpi of tke maago. Wblla data are arallable oa raqalramaBta of the maago ai te aoil melatara, amooBt ead dlitrlbatloa of raiafall, aad air tamparatara from the ataad- polat of ealtaral praetiaae la mamy parta of tka world (Seale 19Sla). a ebert paper by Latkra aad Skarma (1946) oa tka eeadacdvity aad Uatol- ogy of yoaag grafted maago akoota, made wltk laarckad (appreack- graftad) l.aagra badllaga la tedla. eetiatftatae tka praaaat aataat of kaowladge ea water leaa from maagoa. B. Leaf Area Meaaarameata Oaa of tka amet popalar matkeda of raportlag traaeplratlea data kaa baaa oa a baaia ef leaf area, aiaca oompariaaaa oaa bo made mack mere readily thaa, for aaaaopla. ea graea waigkt per loaf or aema almilar crltarloa. kfillar (1931) Hated aad deaeribad five matkada for aieaoariag leaf areaai (1) by traciag the eatUaa ef the leaf ea paper aad latar irlag tka aaeU by maaaa ef a pUalmatar, (7) by traciag th* eatlia* of tho l*«f om papor of Ibowb might par valt oroa, {)) bp phetograpUBf tha laaf oa laultiBtd p^r aad aithar maaasrlag or migUag tha aaeloiod araa. (4) bp raagh SBoaaaratnaat of tha loaf aad dataraiiaiag tha araa bp diraet ealealatlea, aad (S) bp maaouraataat with a phetoalaetrle eoll. Darrow (>9)2) addod thraa addlHoaal natheda which had aet baaa daaeribad pravioaalp; (I) tha iaaf-prodaet mathod, (2) tha matehlag laathod, aad (S) tha ad)aatabla>platforB9 plaalmatar mathod. Tha laaf'predaet mathod lavolvad tha maaaaramaat of loaf laagth aad widtha aad corralatiag thaao valaoa with araa. Tha matehiag aiattod lavelTad catting oat ^ form ia paataboard or aoiaa otbar aaitabla matorial of tha largaat loaf maaaarod; than tha eatllaai of a lariaa of amallar laavai mra drawn oa tha tamplata. If a wlda raaga ia laaf alaa ma aacoaatarad, aaroral tampUtoa eenld ba aiada, Tha adjaat- abla-platform plaaimotar mathod eoaaiatad of a pertahla ctaad ao eoa* atraatad that a laaf eoald ba plaoad o*ar a ahaat of oallophaaa attacbod to it aad traead with a plaalmatar. All thraa madtoda wara roadllp adapted to tha ataaaaramaat of attaehod loavaa. Bopatoa aad Rarrla (I9S0) praaaatad data for tha oatlmatiea of tha atoaa of matara laaraa of Melatotb appto, Elbarta poach, aad Italian pnaa with tha nao of tha prodact of loaf laagth aad laaf width. Corralatieaa of Melatoah ^pla loaf araaa with leagth timaa wldtt, luifth klosa. id widtti «loM war* fauad to bo oxtromaljr U|h (r ■ 940, .931, aad.OM, roapoetivalr). III. BXPERIUETITAL MATERIALS AND METHODS TU* wt* coBdoctad at tha Dnivaraltjr ef Florida Sob* Trs^eal E^^ariixiasi SUtioa, Homeataad, Florida. Tka ««tar loaa exporboaBta wara parfonsed sndax graaakouao eoodttioaa. Loaf araa maatBramaBta ware made oa laavaa eoUaetad from baarlag maago badllaga la Eaparlunaatal Block T Bad Irem pot-growa aaedliaga la the £:qparlmaat Statloa Baraerp. A kap to tiw ayrobela aaad la tba Ageraa aad taUaa la givaa U Table 1. A. Tatar Loaa Eaaarlmaat--1951 Slaca a aaareh ai the ma^o litoratara ravaalad ao iadleatioa aa to tba xaagaitada of traaapiratioa by pot- or Hald-growa traaa, aa azploratorr aitoorimaat araa aat ap dariag tba latter part of the aamnai of 1992. Tba Immadlato objaetlTa waa to obtala laforanatlea oa tba arar-all water loaaaa aaatalaad bp pouag badllaga aad tbalr aaadllag ehaoka wbaa tba plaata ware watered at latorrala longer tbaa that of aormal bortlealtoral proeadara. Plant UntarUli Badlin|i * - -£omr ZUl variatr mange iMaatlfern Indio Lr. )i ▼eneer-grafted Februrr !9i 1952, on Turpeatln* orietr reetatoeki from ■••d* planted in Augnat. 1951. Saadllngs>-ldur Terpentine variety mango (Uuflfara iiuiif. L. )i eeede planted in Aegeet, 1951. The •eedlinge for ebservatieB and far eia ai reotateeke for tba bedlinga ware grown In tba Ei^erlmeBt Station naiaerjr in aaphalt roofing felt tebea of rlah potting aeU (appronlinata eompoaitioa: ona- balf Rockdale clay loam. oae*fourtk aandy meek, one-fbertb peat). Abeot one weak before the water leaa inveatigatlo waa began, the planta were broaght into the greaabouae from tiM naraery hardeslag area and repotted in two-gallon glared eroaka with aa little diaturbance of their root ayatama aa poaalbla. Additional potting aoll waa aaad at needed to bring the aoll laval in each ereek to abeat one inch from tta rim. At the time of repotting and for aeveral daya thereafter, aneagh water waa applied to moiaten the aoll aaftieiantly to give drainage from the amall aide bolea at tte bottom of tte eroeka. The planta were divided Into two groape of two aeodllnga and two badlinga each, one eat (pota No. S and Ko, T aeadUaga; No. 4 and No. 5 badtinga)"dealgaated at ’’opeB'‘--baing left open, and the ether (pota No, I and Me. 5 aeadlingai Wo. 1 and He. 6 badUnga)--deai«nated *Acqalred from a previona anperlment eondnctad by Ibrahim Fahmy. ’'eleaad " — hvrlag vlajrllta plaitle I. Tha plaitie earars for aack araak eoaaiatad of tve lapara with thair opaalafa atag- gerad at 90* . Tha iaaar ahaat waa hold dawn iaaida tha evoefc rim by a wira ring aad tha ootar Had aeearaly arith twina arausd fta ootalda ef ttio crock. Jl diridad cork Itnad with cotton waa placed on tha plant ataie two inebaa above aoU laval and held in poaitioa by maaaa of a radiator taoaa clamp ta ani^art tha eovara. All opaainga ancapt tiia oataida adgaa ef the plaatic ahaata ware aaalad with malted haaawan- parafOa grafting wan. Provialon far watering the aaalad pata waa made by Inaarting a 0. S in. diamatar glaaa tube about four Inehaa into Ika aail abont mid- way batwaan the plant atom and tha crock rim. Tha opan pata ware watarad avanly ovar tha aoU aarfaca. Tharmamatara far Bail tampar- atara maaauramanta ware almilarly Bank in tha aail about two Inebaa deep on Iba aide ef tha creeka oppoaita tha watering tobaa In tha "eleaad’' pota and at a^uivalant apota in two of tha “opon" pata (Ho. 9 and No. 4). Tha opanlnga ttrough which tha watering tubaa and thar- mamatara ware inaartad la the "cloaad'' pota ware aaalad in maanar daacribad above. In order to fellow ehangaa in aoU maiatnra during tha couraa of the aiq^rimaat, palra of nylon aoU maiatura raaiatanca blocha (Bonyoaeoa 1949) wore inaartad in tkraa of tha eroekoi He. 1, Ha. Z, MmA No. S, oa« blocV«*d9$lgftftt«d at '‘bottom' “boiag tot odgowloo oboot OBO Iscb oboTo tbo bottom e( tbo crock cad naar tba eoBtor of too toil maio. Tho other bleek»doilgiiatod at "top"--wai plaeod obeat cfbo inch bolow toe tell rarlaco. Soil motetaro eamplot were sot takes- TnW«l waighto aad ooeontlallr eemparabla eoU moietaro eoB* toBte wore ebtalaad bp waterlag too eight plaato mfflelaatlp to giro coopago from too email beloe at too bottom of the oroeko , The pete wore parmittad to drain for 48 hoora bofora too drals holeo wore atop* pored and tbo topa of too "oleaad " erocka wore aaalad off. All waigblaga for lha experlmant vara mado on ralrbanka aealaa haring a eapacltp of 20 kg. aad aeaaitiritr of 20 gma. par dlrlalon. Tbo plasta vara apaead aingle file in aanorieal order at inter* rala of about double tba creek diameter along a BOrto*aoutt eantar heaeh and near the oeuth aad of too graoitoo«aa. Ab additiosal masga aardliBg not laelndad 1b the InraatigatieB protected too and plant (He. 8) from undue affacta of wind from a doorwap about tan feat awap. Tare aata of arot bulb-drp bulb toarmomatara arare euepandad at plant height naar each end of toe roar arlto two raeordlBg toermograpba undamaato them. Air ton^araturaa for toe entire greenhouaa arara read from a tharmomotar on the north aide of a peat near too eantar of tba beuaa, To aaeortain too affect of length of arataring epele on arater loaaea, all eight planta arara aratorod at Intarrala of 28 dapa, baginnlag AvgBCt IS. 1952, with 250 tnl. of nuti ttioB* plu «>ougb tap watar to briag aaeh crook back up to its Initial wolfbt. Plaata No. 5 Ihroath Ke. 5. taclaoivo, raealvo4 oi^plainaatarjr watoriago with tap watar on the flftaoBtk dap of aach epela. Oa Oetebaz 22. 1952, all plaata racalvad a talaroButrlaat aprap aad oa Noraiabar 25, aa oll*parathioa aeaUelda. ^ raagialdal apzapi wara aaaaeaaaarp aa tha plaata had roeaivad ragular ■aaol-maathlp applieatioat while tbap wara oat of doora. Tba aaparimaal waa lamlaatad Daeainbar 5, 1952, aftar tba complotloa of four St-dap watarlag epelaa. ^ CoUaetloa of Datt Tba data eeUaetad dotiag tba eaaraa of tba ai^arlmaat map ba BUBimariaad aa followa: (1) Float walgblag. air tamparataraa, wot holb tan^arataraa, aoll tamparataraa— thraa tlmaa dallp bfoadap through Fridap (approai* matalp 5 A. If . , 1 2 bf . , aad 4 P, If. ) aad twlea oa Saturdap (4 P. bf. waigbiag, ate. . eatittad). ^Thirtp grama VHFF high aaalpala aalnbla fartUiaa* par galloa of watar. ^Nlaatp grama of 90 par eaat all plaa 9 gma. paratidoa to two galloaa of watar. ’From SapUmbar 1 to Dacambar 5, 1952, Ifr. Dava Robarta eoUaeUd tba data. 'Cbarta from tbarmograpba wara ebangad oaca a waak. 13 (Z) Boairotteoa Taaiatue* brl4g* raadiagf let *oU molatara-- two te thraa Umaa waaUf. (3) Laa/ laaftha, laal wUtha, auinlMa (aa4 eemdittaa) af laavaa par pUat, atam diamatar at two laebaa abova aell Ural, and balght-* twica moatUjr. Coavaraloa o( DaU At tba caaelvaloa of tba aiqtarlniaal, tha data war# eaavartad from plaat walgbta, aM. , te forma mera auiUbla for comparlaea aad aaalrala. Of tba llZ dajra laelodad la tha a^arimaat, threa waliMaga, ate. , vara made ea each of 74 dapa. two oa 17 dapii eaa ea eaa dap, aad aeaa ea IS dapa. Water loaaaa batwaaa waigbtaga ware eompvtad for each ^aat. Siaea tha aambai of hesra batwaaa welgUag a ware aot tha aama dariag a glraa dap or la aema eaaaa ea aaecaaalva dapa, tha water laaa valaaa ware radaead te grama water leaa par hear aad grama water leai par bear par IS dm, ^ leaf area for three parlada of tha dap, meralBg (appreaimatalp S A. U. - 12 bf. ), aftaraooa (^roximatalp 12 M. • 4 P. kt. ). and araalsg (appreximatelp 4P.bL-IA.3d.), aadte dallp* water leaa par hear aad dallp water leaa par hear par IB dm. ^ Walaaa for dapa ea which ae welgbiage, ate. . ware made, Saadapa aad boUdapa, ware obtalaed bp avaraglag tha figaraa from eaa walghlag te tba aezt erar tha 46-hoar ar 72-heor parted aa the eaaa sal^t be. l«*f tXM (ftpp«ealiBftt*ljr 8iLU.>IA.U.). Tk* w«r« eemp«t«d for air toniparataraa (* C. ), w«t balb tamparatu* (* C. ). aad roU tamparabira (* C. ). Tba vat balb tamparataraa vara aabtractad from tba air tan^rabiraa to ebtala dapraailoa ralaaa vUek vara thaa aaavartod to rapor praatara daSelU (am. Rg) by naaaa of ataadard Waatkar Baraaa payekroinatrlc tablaa, Tka total laaf araaa of aaeh plant (Tabla 2) at tba btwaaUy eoUaatiOB datoa vara aaeorad by aanunlag toa todlvidaal laaf araaa (an, caleolatad from laaf laagtka vlth tka aqaatlea tor tka eompaalto laaf aampla glvaa la Tabla 28. Tkaaa valaaa vara than plettad agaiaat ttna ea a aaBtUagarithaale aeala to parolt day by day iatarpelattaaa. Slaea tka plaata droppad aaaaacaai laavaa fram tlaiia to tlaia. aaltabla aerraetleaa arara aaaaaaary. If tka datoa of fall vara kaavm, tka laaf araaa vara aabtraetad from tba plaat Utala for thair raapaetlra dayai If mot. tkay vara preratod ia vhola laaf ralta at iatarrala avar tka tvo* vaak parted to lAleh tka drop oecmrrad. Tka eerraetod laaf araa valitaa for aaah day vara maad for tba ceairarBlaa cl vater laaa par komr to vatar loaa par hoar par 10 dm, ^ laaf araa. Siam araaa {am. akovm to Tabla 2, vara darlrad from tka eerraaporndtog dlamatara amdar tka asaomptiom that tka atoma vara ^Dally avaragaa vara eampmtod from tka parlod araragaa valgktod by tka mambar of baora batvaaa aaeh colloetiai of data. IS elrcvlar. Soil meiotuo rooioloaeo roodlaga (ohm*) woro eoaoartod to o lo|orlttnde ooolo to tocilltoto plottlag. Attar too eoBTOraloBO woro oemplotod, it woo fooad toot doto for too xBorniog, oftontooa. oad oroaiai poriedo of 7) dopo tod doUp Totooo fee 1 'Z dopt^ woFo ovoUoUo for aoBporlooa ood ooolpoit. B. Loof Aroo MoooaroBtooto Ai opet ehocka doriOf too tmnunor »t 19SZ to dotormloo too suaroi rolotloooUp botwooo loof oroo ood loof loofto or loaf widto of potof tBOOgo badliofo tod ooodUo|o ohewod a Ugh dogrot of rogalorltp. t otrioo of loaf lomploo woo tokto doriog foot tod Jolp. I9S3, Tko foUowiog eoUoeticot, all at roodom, wara nadat (1) liOOToa from botrlog Hadaa inaago Vadlioga io Eiqtoriaitatal Blook 7. (a) 200 Matara (loar Iota of SO) froo oeo-earroot growto flnakaa. (k) 100 JvToallo^ (two lota of SO) from carroot grewtli ftmahaa. *Dallp avaragoa wara oompatad from too parlod avoragoa waightod kp too oamkor of koart bahraoa aaek aollaetiea of data. Slod or ligkt graoa la eeler. •-7«Br*old Tnrp*BtlBi* niaafO ■••dUag* ia aart«>)r tab**. (a) SO H*alth)’->froiD carrvat aad aea'carraat (b) SO hUUenaad— from sarraat tad aas-earraat growth lla*b«i. L*tf tr*«i (eiB. (or tb* Ortt two lett o( mttar* Htd*a latYat wor* ebttlaad bjr traelag * tlaaa, Tb* data war* *abj«et*d to rograiiloB aaalpal*. C. Water Lo»* Eaaarianaat — lOSS Oa 01* bail* of tb* laformatlaB darlvod from tt* lOSi *^ri- m*at a* to tb* ralaUv* magaltada ot nolatar* to**** from laalad aad op«a eeatalaar*. tb* 19SS water lot* *iqp*rlm*Bt wa* Usalted to plaat* la **al*d pot* bat e^aadad to laelad* tb* lafluaae* of t]rp* of graftag*. ag* of plaat, aad *ia *ariroaai*Btal (actor*. Plaat MsMrUl* Sclom*--IIa4Mi vari«9 mugo (Muglten ^cs L. ). Rootatoek* (aad (••dliag eb»eka)--TBrp«a«" rariaty masgo inm aaa4a plaatad Aly. i9SZ. TaU« i akawa tk« typaa at ■aaftaga, ^ dataa of graftaga. aad aambar of pUata l^ladad la tha I9SJ watar loaa a^rlaooBt. Tka aetosa wara obUlaad fiom yovBg yigoroaa baarlBg taaaa. Tka rootatoeka aad aaadliBg ebaeka waaa grow* ta tka EbTarimaat Statloa aaraary la aapkalt roofiag fait takaa aad No. 10 aaaa of aaraary potUag aoU. (or dUfaraaeaB la tka kalght of tka aBioaa, apprealmataly IS on. abera aoU laral, aad tka axtoat to which tka rootatoeka waro eat hack aftar tka aeioaa had apreatad, ^ IS to 20 eni. abora tka aaloa. tka aaaal BBraary practleaa wltk ragard to propagatioa aad aftar-eara of ^ badUaga wora Mlowad. la aplu of aani-niaBtUy faagieidal apraylBga aa a part of tha aaraary aaalataaaBeo program, tka laaroa ea tka aaadliaga aad a faw of tha badUaga wara maUermod aa a raaalt of lafaetiaa by aatkraeaeaa tCollatotrleham aleaoaporiotdaal aad maago aeab miataoa maaatfaraal. *Mr. Roy Nalaoa, SaportataadaBi, Ualvoralty of tdlaaol Eaparlmaatal Farm, Rlekaioad. Florida, propagatod tbo badllaga. ^Tba abaarmally leag rootatoak ataba protaetad tika aaloa ahoata from braakaga dariag kaadUag. 18 Bi^arlsisaitol Proc*dara PT«Ua»la»ry ayratt— «- --Ab««t taa dafa bafara tha watar laaa taat parlod. tba pUsta waia brought isto tha graeahoaaa aad eara- fcUf rapottad late touad Ha. 10 caaa. Aftax lha pUaU vara giraa a thoroagh aeakiag to pravaat tha aoU (ram eranbliag, Oa battama a( tha eaaa vara ramarad with a eraak*drlvaa eaa opaaar. Daabla thlek- saaaaa af aabUachad naalis eat Into tan Inch aqaaraa wara than al^ad udar tha eana and laatoaad lata plaea with nbbar bands. Tha planta vara aat an a baneh is tta graanhosaa and aaparatad isto ala bloeha eontalalag 18, 18, 14, 14, 18, and 18 traatmaata. raapaetiTalp. Tha Haekt and traateiaata vara raadamiaad aeeardlsf to a pattam pravionalp varkad aat with plasrlag earda. b> ardor te mlnliniaa dUfaraaeaa la anpaanra te light asd wind, Hia bloeka vara oriaatad north and lastt along tha eaatar baneh of tha graanbonaa. Two aata af thraa parallel rova vara placed on alihar aide. Tha apaea batwaan rova vaa abaat eight inehaa and batwaan aata abont two faat, tha latlar apace being racarvad far inatnamaata. L,atar, ttia arrangamaat vac bond to ba too erawdad far aacy maalpulatloa. praliBlaary datanninatlaaa far nainbar af taavaa, loaf lang4a (cm. ), atam dlamatare (am. ), and haighta (cm. ) vara made on each plant at tUa tima. Tvalva thannoGoi^aa, conaiatlag of 28 gs> copper •eonatantin glaac'innlatad wlraa abaat three faat long with oxygan-gaa faaad 19 joneiioaa (borut flux), v«r« xt dsptbs midway b«tw««a th« top and bottom af toa loU aad a« elaaa to toa tap root aa praetlcaWa 1b aaeh af 12 aantaiaara, two par black, tor tba maasHramaat oi aoU ton^arataraa. A aimilar sambar af tbarmoeo^alaa af 30 ga. cappar- coaataataB glaaa-lBaalatod wlraa ^aat flva fact laag with exygaa-gaa fitaad Jasetioaa (barax flux) waza tkraadad tkrexgh wall axpaaad laavaa OB lha aaaaa plaata for laaf tamparatora maaaaramaato. Tba jimetlaBa wara pvahad tbroogb toa laaf bladaa fram balow at a paint aaar tba eaatar of tba laaf laagthwiaa la elaaa proxiinlty to tba B!>ldrib aad bald la paaitlaa by maaat af grafting wax appUad abova aad balaw, Tba trlraa wara lad down al«g toe itama, imatl lampi af wax balag aaad to hold tbam la plaea aa tba cppar parta aad rahbar band* oa tba lawar. Figaro 1 ahawi tba laaf aad lall tbarmoeoaplaa la place togathar wltt flu Laeda aad Nortbiup tbarmaeaitpla potaaflonaatar need far maaaarlag lamparatarat. Tba tbarmaeaiq^laa wara placed la aa many diffaraat traetmanta aa paaaibla aad tba ladlrldoala carrylag tbam apacad o«t wltUa each block aa aa to prevlda a rapraaaatatlva dlatrllmttoB arar tba teat area. Taaaloa tobla. —Soil malatara aamplaa ware aot takaa. A aail coatatora taaalaa tobla (Learner aad Sbaw 1941) harlag a water eoloma balght of 40 cm. ' (aa eOacUra water tobla 40 cm. balaw tba call molaiura taaalon mcaavred aa 40 to 100 am. of water la ragardad aa tea vppar limit of tba flald eapaelty range (Ricbarda and W»dlalgh, 1992). 21 werUai nxUet) WM eoaitnutod m tb« iMaeli, Iwwavar, to a*nra toat all of tka eeotoiaara wa«14 hava tha tama ralatlaa malatara CMtont. Tba toaaiaa taMa eonalatod af a 36 br 26 to. aquaaa ahaat a( 16 fa. falvaaUad atoal witk a 3/16 la. tola dalllad to toa castor. A aartoa of foor atoal asfla IrMa was plaead aa top of tka boards of too graoBkoaso bsseh for ssppert. A abort lasfth of 1/4 to oi^ar tobtog aoldorad to tha csdaraida of too tobla to lisa wito Iba bale to too ahaat, a Tjrgos tobtog alaova, as4 a placa of 1/4 to. glass toMng wlto as "8" basd at tha lawar asd asd |ast long aaoogb to clear tha greasd bp two to throe toebas cemplstod too celoma prepar. Tba appar porttoo of tha toBSion table ecsststod of a 32 bp 32 to square of galvaalsod window seraaatog sad as absorbing aarfaec ^ 1 /2 to. thiek asbastos absottog eat so aa to overly tha secaoa wire bp at toast Ihraa tochaa as all sldaa. Both tapars wars earafallp laidi the asbastos shoot was saolsd aroosd tha odgas with aatomebila wtodew scalar compoosil oo as to provost tho astrsaea of air bubblas. As epoa*bettomad wood frasia bos 36 bp 36 bp 36 to wtto torso atatiOBarp aidas asd top of wall beard and osa side ranovabla, eeverad with plastic cold-frasM cloth, was placed over tha taaaloa table to ardor to hasp down avaporatlen losaas. As eosstraetod, too tonstoa tabla would bold 23 plants witboat erewdtog. 22 Tka procadai* for sparaUng tha tantian taUa caBaittod ^ lloadisg tha aarfooa with watar and i^lpiBg gaatla luattoa ta tha watar ealnina taba wifo a watar aaplrator oatil lU air babblaa wara ramerad from tha apatam. Tha ajteaaa watar waa aUawad ta drain awap and, prarldad tha eolamn ramainad vabiekan aftar a half hanr or mara with foa box door aloaad and aaalad with damp clotha, tha tabto waa raadp for uaa. C tha watar eolomn brtiu within foa parlod mantioaad, tha laak waa fonnd and plnggad with aaalar eompound. Shortlp bafora foap warn ta ba pvt on tha tanaian taUa. tha planta wara plnngad af ta foa can rima in a tab af watar vntU foa aoU waa aataratad. Thop wara than aat la placa and tha laaida of tha box aprapad with a flno atraam of watar to radaea araperatioa. Tha box door araa eloaad and aaalad aravnd tha adgao with damp clotha. Tha watar column waa Inapactad from time to ttma to ba aura It had not broken during the SO to 4S havra^ which tha planta ramainad an tha tanalon taUa. Inaofar aa poaaihla eomplata Uecka of planta wara aat on tha tablo togathar ao that anp diffarancaa botwaan aueaaaalTO rvna would ba manifaatod botwean blocka and not among traatanaata in a glvon raplleatl ataxa tiama* tar (em. ), halfU (cm. ), and mtsabar af laaraa far aash plaBt; kyjre- Tha agqMrimaat waa tarmlnatad Saptomber S, 19S3. CesYaralen of Data Loaaaa ia pfaat waighta batoraaB aueeaaaiva watgUaga wara radaead to iratar loaa par bear (gma. ) for tbraa parloda ef tba dap. meralag (g A. M. • IZ P. M. ). afteraaoa (12 U. • 4 P. U. ). aad oToalag (4 P. M. • S A. td. ). aad daUy -water loaa par boar (gma.; Corroapaadiag araragaa far tba taroa parloda ad tba day wara abtaiaad for air temparatara (‘ C. > fram bygrotaarmogr^b raadiaga), rapor praaaara dafiolt (mm. Bg, oalaalatad fram hygratbarmagrapb ralatfra bamldlty raadiaga and wat bolb-dry balb tempaiataraa by maaaa of ataadard Waataar Baraaii paycbromatala tablaa)» wiad moaamant (10 ea. m. par boor), Ugbt iateaalty (lamaaa par am. *}, aail temparatara (* C, }, aad laaf temparatara (* C. ). Tba total laaf araa («m. par pUat (TaUa 4) for aaeb of tea woakly data eoUaotleB dataa waa darirad from tea aammattea af tea ladlvldaal laaf araaa calealatad fram laaf ^Tba data wara raeordad to tba ardor giraa] four data eelloetlooa wara mado daily for tba parted Aag. If teroagh Aag. 20, toelaalvo, bat wara radacad to a teraa timaa dally aebadala far parpaaaa af aaalyala. 28 l«agtk* * with tke of •qoaUena 4 snd 9 gives la Table 2t. The reealtiag flgsree wexe plotted egalnet time oa eemllogexlthmle paper lo that the leaf area valaei for each daf of tte experlineBt ooold be obtalaed diroetlp. Coxrectlosa for leave! which had fallen off between coUeetioa date! were prorated leaf bjr leaf^ If tto actual date of dreppage waa unknown. Stoek^ •tern areaa (am. ware derived from the eorraapondlng dlamatera, onder flia aaewaptlen &at tta trunka were elreolar la oroaa aoetlon. *Zn caaea where a dropped leaf could net be feead, the area of Oe oldeat leaf oa the plant waa aobtractod aa a unit. *Stem diametera ware meaenred oa the atock at the height of tte middle of tiie ualea aoae for tte budllaga and at 15 cm. above ground level for the aeedllng ehecka. IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. W«Wr L>i» E»p«rini«at"19B? Rat* si Watsr Le** Daily rats* iw» ho»g. •-b essfsrmitjr with prsvlsas rsporta isr a BBinbsr si •psclsi by Bri|gs asd Shanta (19lSa, b| 191T)< Kistasibaeh (1916)i aad obsr wsrksrs, th* rat* sf wat*r los* Irsm yssBS maags tr*s* *hsw*d wlda variatioa* Irsm day ts day aad Irsm ptaat ts plaat. Tbs** polati ar* wall illuatratsd b ngarsi 3 ts 7 asd Tahlsi 5 and 6 Isr daily watsr ls*a per hsor (gn*. ) sy*r losr 2S*day eyel*f ta 19S2 sad thslr avsrags. It may b* nstsd that Isr th* Orst sia sr eight days alter the plaats were watered th* rates raaged Irsm I. 98 to i. 46 gm. /hr. Isr the saadllBg aad Irsm 1. 29 te S. 42 gm. /hr. Isr the budliag b "elsaed" esatabsrs watared at 28>day btervala. Th* ratal ol plaats b "^*a" esatabsr* yarbd Irsm 1. 68 to 8. 12 gas. /hr. Isr th* sesdlbg and Irsm 2. 08 ts 8. 33 gm. /hr. br ths bsdlbg. The esrrespsadbg valses Isr plaats watared at 14-day btervala were 1. 92 ts 9. 88 gm. /hr. Isr th* ssadlbg and . 73 to 7. 29 gm. /hr. br ths badlbg b "ebsad" esatabersi b "spea" eontabsrs, th* rates varied Irsm 2.92 ts 10. 96 gm. /hr. br th* seedling aad Irsm 2. 08 to 10.81 gm. /hr. br ths budliag. Th* geaeral pattora el daily water bss ratos br th* four plaats 29 ri|, J. — n«- ) o* m^ngo tad- Ubi« «sd TupwUM •Mdlisgi f»0WB i» eloi«4 »ad open eontalBar* lor ^waUriBf ereU P* 15 to Soptombor 1 1. 1952. (I - soodllag "eloiod", 2 - bodUng "eloood", 5 - ■■•dltaig "op«", 4 - budlisg ”op«". 5 - •••dliiig "cloiod", 4 - badlisg "etoood", 7 • ■••dllBg •■opm". g - bodUag "epoa”. ) ric. i. >*0«lly vmter let* p*x tour lea* pax hcmr ((m*. | el ZIU Nage bed* Uag* asd TurpaatiBa taadUaga frown is cloaed and open eontslsar* ler tba watarlsf ercl* el Oetobax 10 to November 6. 1992. (1 - aeadllng ''cloaad", 2 - bedUng ''elet*d’'i 2 • aeadlisg "epan'', 4 - bedlisg "opas” 9 - aaedUag "eloaed", 4 - bedlisg "elo**d"i T • aeedllag ’'opes'', 6 - bedlisg "opes" . ) ri(. (. ••DbU)' Vktar lo*s per boor {gma. ) of Zill maafe b«d> ling a aad Tarpaatiaa laadUaga gram ta eleaad aad apaa eoataiaart iar «w vatariag er«la af Navambar 7 ta Deeambar 4. 19S2. (1 - aaadliag ■•elaaad”, 2 • badliag ''elaaad”, i - aaadUag "apaa”. 4 - badUag "apaa^ 9 • aaadllag ''elaaad”, i - badUag ’‘eleaad", 7 - aaadllag "apaa", 8 - badliag "apaa". ) rif. 7. ••Oallr mtar loi* par hoar (fm*. ) of ZUl muc» bad* Ungi oad TarpCBtlB* ■•adUa|f grawa la alaaad and apaa eaatalaara for tha araraga of fear watariag crclaa la 17SZ. (1 - laadllBg ''elatad”, Z - budllBg "el»aad"i J - aaadUag "epaa”. 4 - bodUag “opaa''i S • aaad- Uag ’*aloaad''a 4 • badliag "cleaad", T * laadliag "apaa'', I - badllag "apaa", ) 40 wktorad at latervala ei U dar* (riguzaa 3 to 7, top aad TaUa S} waa aatkar tmlform from cjrclo to ejrcla. la Uio firat efela, Aagaat If- Saptambar tl> tim rataa of all fear plaata wora U|k tka firat dajr, aoma* »bat lower tka aacoad aad tklrd, Ugkai ea the feartir, and ttan grada* alljr taporad off te fiia twaatp-aigbtk day wltk miaor laeraaaaa aad dacraaaaa along tka waf. la tka aacoad CfCla, Saptambar lZ*Octobor 9, ^ rataa gradanlly iaeraaaod from an laral about kalf that of tka firat erele mptou maalmum on tta fearth te alxtk dajra, after ^ick ttajr daeraaaad. The rataa of tka third crclat October 10-Novam- bar t, raaamblod theaa of tta firat aacapt Aat the did not occur natil the aavaatk dap. Tka rataa of tka fourth cpcla, Navambor 7-Oacambar 4, ware almllar to Ooae of the aacoad cjrelo aacapt ttat maatmam rataa ware eemawkat lower, occurred m the foarth aad fifth dapa after watarlag, aad ware alao more variable ever tta aatlra cycle. Wkaa the avaragn of fear cyclaa ware coaaidarad, tka rataa for each plant aakibitad maidma aa &a fourth or fiftt aad oa tta alav* antk or twalftt daya after watariag, tta aacoad peak baiag aomaiAat lower than the firat. Tka daya after watarlag oa which tha rata occurred for any given plant varied from tha twaaty-thlrd to tha twaaty*alxth. Moderate iacraaaaa in rataa at tha vary and of tta cycle ware obaarvad for botit aaadliaga aad tka "opaa" budliag. The two n^t-haad colomaa in Table 9 abow the dlffaraacaa In into* b«t«*«n pnis* of plant!, "^an" and "cleaad" aatdUnia and badUngt. Thaaa data am oC latamat malnlp to iUoatrata tba doeldad varlablUtjr in tbo partonaaaca of palva of plaata from dap to dap. at •vidtneod bp tto aumaroat mlsaa Ub||, glTcn in right-hand coliunna el Table ii abewad trtda vnrl- atiea althengh fewer negative vnlnea were obtained than with the Zd-dnf plaata. Unlike the latter, however, tte dlffarenea between the ratea of tte 14-dar aeedUnga waa aa lifceljr to he larger aa amallar on a given day than that between ^ ratea of the 14-day bndllaga. Certain ganaraliaad Inforencea may be drawn from dto data on dally water loaa per hear proeentad thna far. Under the eondltiena of the ej^arlmeat, the "cloaed" aoadlings of both the 28-day and 14-day watering cycle greepa were nanally found te have eomewhat lower ratea of water loaa than ttie ''cloaed" bndllnga. On the other band, the "epan" aeadlinga ware generally obaerved to have aemev^t higher ratea of water loaa than the "^aa" bndllaga. The ratea of tbo 14-day cycle plaata were generally higher diaa thoaa of the 28-day plaate for tto correapoadiag portion irf fteir ctreloa. The difiaranea la rates between the "^an" and the "elosa#' palre war noted te ha lower, wlft atany more nagatlva valnaa, for tho 28-day plaata, an indlcatlan of greater plant variability. Kooghly 25 to 50 par cant of the water loaa from flie "open" plaata appeared te be the reeialt of evaporation. The lag period in ^ two aete afUr the plaata were watered and before the water loaa rater reached a y— — appeared to be a function of fte roll moiature atreea attained in the preceding cycle, aiace tbe 14-day 41 plute raqiftirsd om sr two Iota to attalB a rata in manf laataacoa. ^U2_rataa^a£^eo£_£a£^^t_Iaafaraa. "Whoa plant ala# dlf* faraaeoa wara ramevad bp eOBTartlBg flia dally watar laaaaa pal baai la dally watar loaa par beur par 10 dm. ^ laai araa> flia figaraa praaaatad a qolta dUfaraat aapaet. Aa ahowa ia Flfaraa 0 to 12 aad Tablai T and I, tba rataa wara mneb radacad and toalr raagaa eorraapoadlsgly raatrlctad. For aaamplai toa "epaa" laadliag of ttia 20-day waWrlag cycle (roiq> had rataa varyiag from 1.49 to 6. 71 gm. /hr. /lO dm, ^ laai area darlag tha firat ala to eight daya after watarlagi while tooaa of toa earraapoadlag "elaaad" aaadliag ranged from 1.02 to 1, 4$ gm. /hr. / 10 dm. ^ leaf area. Whtla tha rata earroa on a laaf-araa haala for aaah plaat af bath tha 20-day aad 14-day watering eyela gronpa wara flatter toaa ttair par-plaat eeantarparUi toa poaitiea af tha and minima wara nachaagad, Tha ehlaf eaatraat batweaa toe two aaU of data lay la tha affact on tha dlfbraaca batwaaa tha "apaa" aad "elaaed" plaat palri produced by remarlng plaat rise rarlatleaa. Far tha 20-day eyela palra, tha aaadllaga ahawed larger diffaraacaa from day to day with fewer aagatl'ra valaai than tha badllaga, Oba valaac for tha latter being nagatlva about iO par eaat of toa Uma. Tha aaadliag pair again aahlbitad larger dll- faraaeai from day to day la tha l^day eyela group than tha bodUagCi rig. t. —Oallr watar ioa« pax hour pax >0 dm.^ laal araa (gma. ) of ZiU mange bodUsgt and TurpanUna aaadllngt grewn In elaaad and epan eestainaxa for llw watering cjrela of Angaat IS to SapUmbar 11. 19S2. (1 • laadllng "cloiad", 2 - bodUng ’■cloaad’', j . aaadUng ’’open''. 4 * tmdUag “opan", 5 - laadUng "cloiad”. 4 - budling "eloaed", 7 - aaadUng ''apan”, < - bndling ''epan”.) leaf onaf9a3.) Doj^a after U3terin9 VC-'V'I 1352 Fig. 9. '-Daily water loaa par boor par 19 4m. ^ laaf araa (gma. ) af ZUl mango budlinga and Turpantlaa laadliBga grown la eloaad and open eaotalnara lor tta watering ajrela of Saptambar 12 to Oatobar 9, 19S2. (I - laadllng ' eleaad", 2 - bodUag ''aloaad", i -aead ling “apan'', 4 - bodllag "^an", S • laadUag "eloead", 6 - bodling "aleaad", 7 • aaadUag ''epaa". 8 - badUng "apan". ) ‘!/(Z-(0/‘) I35i Fig. 10. “Dally watar lot* par hoar par 10 em. ^ laaf araa (gma. ) ef Zill manga budUnga and TairpaBtlBa aaadUngt grawn la elaaad aad apan eoatalaara iar tba mtarlag eyela al Oetabar 9 ta Na* rambar 6. 1902. (1 - aaadUag "elaaad", 2 • bodllng ''elaaad", ) - aaadllag "i^aa", 4 - badUng "open", S - aaadUag "elaaad", 4 * badUag "elaaad", 7 - aaadllag "apas", 0 - budllng "apan".) LQii/hi./ia6»' Inf ''yO-ll/6 ' “ '“ fc;,. ri|. II. “Dailr ««t«T loM par koar per 10 dm. ^ leaf area (gme. ) of Zill msafo badUnfa and Tarpesttne aaedlln|a (rem in cloeed and open containerc for the watering eyele of Hevember 7 to December 4, 19S2. (1 - eeedUng ■•closed". 2 - bndling "closed", 3 > seedling "open", 4 - budling "open''. 9 " seedling "closed". 6 * bndling "closed", T - seedling "open". 0 - bndling “opetf*. ) Vef dm(9ins4 *^7'/2/4- Daus after Watering IS32 Fl(. 12. —Dailr wmte* loti p*r hoar par 10 d». * laaf araa (gBia. ) of ZiU mango bodliaga and TorpanUaa aaadliaga grows Is elaaad asd opes eostalaara for tha avaraga of foor watartag epelaa is I9S2. (1 - aeadllng "oloiad", 2 - badlisg "elaaad’'. > • aaadUikg ’apas". 4 - bsdUsg "apas”, 9 - aaadllsg "eloaad", 6 - badUsg ”elotad”, T - aaadllng "opas". 8 - bodUsg “^as". ) 53 ■sd leofhly 20 p«r east of tiu TSloa* waia nafativa. Tlu badlisf paiv. OB tha othar hand, had Bagattva valaaa on 101, aad aaro dUfaxaBca oa two, out of 112 dayi. Jt la manlfaatlr ImpoailUa far a plaat la aa opaa eeatalaar to loaa water bp tranaplratioB fram tte laavaa aad aot leaa water hr avap- oratlaa fram tea aall; teaa, tea aalp logleal laterpratetloB ei teaaa data la teat tea plaate uaad la thia aj^arimaat had a wlda variation la tealr rater af water laaa pat unit laaf araa. Furtear lafaraacaa ara ua> warraated tlaea, aa la tea eaaa of tea budUaga of tea 14'dajr watering epela groi^, altear tea "^aa” budli^ map hava had a ratear low rate or tea "cloaad" bndllag a rathar high rate of water loaa par nalt araa. Alteraativalp, both eaaditloaa might havo aalated. Itatea oar hour far thraa parloda darlaa tea dap. ••Water loaa par hear date wara avallabla for tea moraiag, aftaraeoa, and araaiag parloda of TS dapa. Aa tea data shawad a much wldar dap>to^dap raaga among tea right plaate within a givaa parted than dailp water tear par hour valnaa, thap wara avaragad. Tha date ara pramted graphleallp la rlgnraa IT, IS, aad 19 aad anmarleallp in tea laft hand data eolunma of Tablaa II, 12, and 13. Tha avaraga rater of water lara par hour wara namallp Ughar la tea afternoon parlod teaa la tea moraiag, whila teoaa of tea avaning wara far oBoallar *>>•* aithar of tea otear two. For oxampla, tea morning rate of loai aa Saptembar IT ma 19. Oi gm. /k>, , th« altai 1.96. AlMut 40 p»T eant of vatai loi* Oariag Iha dar oaearrad ia tha nendag, 91 par eaat tn tha aftamoos, and 9 par caat in tha avaalag. Ob Kovambar ZS. tha merBlBg rata of loia waa 19.00 gm. /hr. , tha aftanuMB, 10.42, aad tta avaaiag, 0. S3. Abont 96 par cant of tha watar loaa daring tha dajr eceorrad 1b tha morning, 39 par cant in tha aftar- noen, and 5 par cant in tha aranlng. Whlla tha aaact valnaa rarlad from day to day, tha watar toaaaa daring tha ovanlng parlod raraly axeaadad 19 par cant of tha daily totala. Tha ratao far aaeh parlod abotrad tha aama pattam daring tha eaoraa of tha wataring eyelaa aa tha dally watar loaa par boor rataa, although thay wara maafcad aemawhat by tha vida day-to-day raaga. Effaata of Earironmantal raetora on Ratoa of Watar Loaa Effacta of aartramantal faatora on rataa of daily watar laaa par hour. —Tha araraga dally Taluar far air tamparatora (* C. ), rapor praaaara daficlt (mm. Hg), and ! oil tamparatora (* C. ) daring tha four 20-day wataring ayclaa ara glvan in Flgaraa 13 and 14 and Tahla 9. Whan enma of tha asyironmantal faetora ara eamparad with thoaa for dally watar loaa par hour (on oithar a par-plant ar onit-loaf-araa baaia), it la notad that ahlfta la watar loaa rata ^ad from cyela to eyela may bo tracad for tha moat part to eerraapondlng ehaagoa la rapor praaaara dof leit and air tamparatora. Tha earvaa for rig. 1 J. —Dallir avariga ais tamparatara (* C. ), aapor praa> aaza daflelt (bib. Hg), and aoU tamparatara (* C. ) far vaUriag cfclaa of Angoat IS to Saptambar lli Saptambar 12 to Ostabar 9i and Oatebar 10 to Hovambar i, 1952. 57 Fig. 14. --OkUr ftv«r4ge all tampsr&taz* (* C. ). vipez pr»i> sura dafleit (mn. Hg), and toil Mmpaiaiuza (* C. ) iox vatarlng cjrela at Koaambaz T to Dacambar 4, and avaraga af fonz iratorlng erclaa la 19S2. 59 (0 ■ell tonaparetor* goerally leUevad tkoaa for air tamparatara, but «a cartala eeeaaioBa ttay dUfarad markadlyat, for axampla, on the aiglrtb ta alavaetb dayi aitar irataring in tha Srat eyela aad (ram the (Utaaetli (a aavaataaath day* la tha (earth eyela»aad pradoced eerre* apoBdlBg ehangKla tha water leaa eorva*. A* ahawB la Flfaraa 19 aad Id aad Table 10, tha leg aall mei*- tore zasiataaeai (ehmi) a( tta twe "eleaed" coatalaari e( the U-day watering eyola grat^ (plant* Ke. 1 aad No. 2} aanally iaeraasad at a •emawhat *lewar rat* than ttoaa e( d>* "epaa" plant (Mo. 3). Appar - aatly, *eU meictara waa balag daplatad meat rapidly from tha "epen” eoatalaar (Me. 3) and taa*t rapidly (rem the "aleaad” ereek in aWch tha budling waa grown (No. 2). B the ^proximat* aeil motatnra real** tanea ralaaa Uatad by Bonyaacea (1949) (or (laid capacity. 2900 ehma, and permanent wilting point, * 300, OOO ohma, oi modarataly baary aaila are eenvartad to thalr legarithmie aalaaa, 9. 390 and 9. 47T, reap*** tiraly, aad ^pliad to that* data, tha aoil melatar* ot tha "^an" can- tainar (No. 3), aa maaaarad by ^ ”B" bleak, reached field capacity batwaaa the aecend aad eleventt day after watering in tha (irat cycle, between tha aighfli and tha eleventh in the aacand cycle, between tha alghtaantt aad twentieth in tte third cycle, aad on tha fifteenth la the Iroil dlaenaalena of field capacity and pormanant wilting point are given by lUeharda and Wadlalgh (1992). Flf. li. ''Log (Oil mel«tttr« re«i*UBe« (obm) o< pain et Bpl«> Mil moldure laaUtanc* blacKa laiertod ia coaUlaan tuildiag 4 ZUl maago budllBg 6t a TurpaatlBa Beadliag, (or tha waUrlag erelaa o< Aagiiat IS to Septambor 11 and Soptainbar 12 to Oetobar 9> 19S2. (I - aeadllBg la "cleaod" eoatalaar, Z • badllag la "eloaad" contalBer, 3 - aaedliag In "opaa" CMtainari B- block leeatod 1 incb abora boltotn o( eoatalaar* T - block locatod 1 lack below coll aariaco. ) 62 is log Soil AoUturo raistivcfshni) H/7'12/4 Ooi^s After VAtering 1952 6S foora OTcl*. Tb« parmaaant vilttng point wn« romekad batwoon alavanth and aintaanth dnjr aftar wataring In tba firat cjrela. batiraan tta alghtaantb and twaatlatb in tba taeond cycle, n tba twanty-aarantt in tba ftlrd oycla. and batwaan tba twanty-fUlh and twanty-aavanth in tba fecrtb eycla. Tba aail moiatnia of tba ‘'claaad” eontalnar in vUab tba aaadling wai gaown (No. 1) laaabad Oatd capacity batwaan tba aacond and alovantb day aftar wa taring in tba Orat eycla, batwaan ^ aigbtb and alavanft in &a aacond eycla, batwaan tba dtirtaantb and alxtaantt in tba third eycla, and batwaan ttta alovantb and thlrtaantii in tba (ourA eycla. Tba parmanant wilting point waa not attalnad at any tlnu. Tba "cloaad" eontalnar (No. 2) in wblcb tba budling waa grown raaebad (laid capacity bataraan tba olavontb and alntaanfli day after watering in tba firat eycla, batwaan tba ftlrtaan& and flftaantb la tba aacond eycla, batwaan tiia twontyaaeond and twanty-Oftb in tba ddrd eycla, and batwaan tta twanty-flftb and twanty-aavanth in dM fovtb cycle. Tba parmanant wilting point waa net raaebad. Tba teg aoll melatnra raaiataneaa of tba tap bleeka (marked T la tba grapba) foUowad ranghly tka aama pattern ac tba bottom blaeka but, aa may ba noted in dta Sguraa, tbay ware daeldodly mara arratie in tbair performance from eyela to cycle. TUa raaultad in part from ^Ir loeatlca with raapaet to tba main root maaaaa, ainea tba bottom btocka were eomplataly anrrounded with roota wbaraaa tba top btoeka 66 lw4 eompu4tlT«l7 few root* ereud Iksm. The eoatlauel leee ef meie> taue from the toll to the etoeed or open etanoepheree wee deobfieia elae a eeatrlintsrr feeter. la the oeee of the "cleeed" eenteiaere eeU mela* tore wae eeaetaatly beisg OTOpereted ud enbaeqaentty betag oesdeaeod OB the pUftie eerere. The water that removed wae aet leit to the plaate bat draped back oa ^ loil aroaad the edgec of &e coetalaere, &aa la effect redletrlbutiBg the molatare to the detrlmeat the ceatral portloa ef the apper qaarter ef Oa aeil mala where the "tep" realituee blocfci ware located. The "opea" crack (No. d), oa the otter head, feat loU meietore directly t» the air. If it ie aaiomed that the 14-day wateriag cycle plaate depleted the aeil meiitara ef their reapactive coatalaari te Qeld edacity or to the permaaeat wiltteg poiat ia a anmber of daya aqalvaleat te tta par- formaace the 28-day plaate, the higher ratal of water leee in each cyolo, like tta ibortar lag periode before ratal of water loaa wore attaiaed. appeared te be a fuaettoa of the eoU aialetBro itreaa reached ia tta pracedlag cycle. Outward evideace aa te the effect ef Mil moietaro etreea waa laekiag ilaea aoae of the plaate wilted durlag tta eourie ef the eaperlmaat^ aad elx of the eight put oa aaw fall flaabaa ‘The plaaW ware ro«atared oa December 5, 19S2, at the ead of the fourth cycle aad ttaa ware permitted te go without furttar addl- tleae uatU they died. Oa rabruary 6, 19S5, two full moatta later, the "opea" plaate were abowlag aevore drought aymptoma, aa avideaead by their ihrivalod atemi, parched, laattery leavaa, aad partial dofeliatioa. while the "cleaad'' iadividaak appeared to be normal ia every roapoet. 67 af growth is Saplamtiar and Octebar. KHaet ol aarlraamaalal faetcra an rataa W watar toaa at dUlat- aat tlmoa of tha day, --Avaraga watar loaa par hanr (gma.), air tatnpar- atara (* C. )> vapor praiaura daftcit (mm. Hg), and aell tamparatua {* C. ) valaaa ara praaantad in ngorai IT. IS, and 19 and TaUaa 11, 12, and 13 far tha morning, aftamoen, and avaalng parloda of 73 dajra during 1992. SInea vlaaal anamination of tha earvaa far avarago rata of watar loaa and tha aavironmantal faetora ahowad many apparant dlaarapaaclaa, flu data wara avbjaetad to ragraaalcat analpala. Tha ragraaalan analyaaa for tha threa parloda of tha day takan aapazataly and tha totala of tha tbraa parloda of tha day takan aaparataly ("wtthln parloda") ara glmn In Table 14. Tha total (znaltlple) corra- latlon eoafflcianta, ai^ratalng flu relatloauhlpa batwaan average watar loaa par hoar and air tamparatnra, vapor praaaara dafielt, and aoll tamparatnra, of tha fbnr aata wara all far largar than eoald bo axplalnad OH the baala af aampllng variation. Tha partial corralatton eoafflcianta, «9roaalng Oa relatlanahlpa batwaan average watar leia par banr and ana anvlreamantal factor whlla tha other two eonatant, far lall tan^aratnra In tha morning, vapor proaenro dafleit In tha evening, and aoll tamparatnra In flu "within parloda" wore all aignificantly largar flun aampllng variation. Tha partial earralatlen eoafflelont far v^f praaanra daOeit In "within parloda" wna mneh largar than eenld ba Fig. It. »Log toll meUtaxe raiicteac* (ohm«) ef ^ra oi aylea leil moiatara rasiatuea Uoeki laiarUd is eostainara holdist osa 7.111 masge bndllsg and two Tarpastino aaadUsga, for Sw watarisg eyelaa Oetobar 10 to Novoxabor 6 and Norainbar T to Decassbar t* 19SZ. (1 - taadlisg In "elotad" eontalnar, 2 - bbilllBg in ''eloaod*' eoatslnoT, 3 - aaadUsg In "opan" aontainari B - blook locatad 1 ineb above bottom of eatoisat, T> block loeatod 1 lack bolev tail onrfasa. SI isi 4 -:i| ks i|i 4 !l! 73 74 aeceoBtad iai by lampUnc vmUUoo. W two «xc»ptl«B«, tba oimpla coriolatieB cwtfic>«Bt»» ai^rotoiBg tbo rolattoaoUpi botwaas avaraga watar leaa par tour aad aaeb ol tba anvlraamaaUl faetora aaparataly. wara Ukawlaa bighly atgalflcant. Tba avanlag aoU tamparatara coto- pariaoB waa noa-aigatflcaat wbUa tba meralag aoil tamparatara com* pariaen waa aigniftcant, With tba axcaptieBa aetad, tba (aragoiag atatamaata imply that tba tbraa aavireamaatal taatera. ladividaally aad coUaattvaiy, bad a daflaita baariag ea tba magaitada of watar loaa rataa for aay period of tba day ar far periada takaa aa aaita aad luaipad togatbar. Tba aiae of tba earralation coaffieiaata wltbin any giraa groap ia Table 14, ia aitbar a horUoatal (period to period) or vartleal (factor to laetor) dl- raetioB, iadleataa which factor bad tba graataat iaflaaaca ea the watar loaa rataa. Far oaampla, air tamparatara aceouatadfor a greater prepertioa of tba avaaiag watar loaa raUa tbaa aitbar vapor proaaaro dafieil or ceil tamparatara wbaa tba aavlroomoBtal faetora wore eom- parad aiagly. Howavar, if air tamparatara aad aell tamparatara ware bald eonataat, vapor praaaara deficit had tba largaat iaflaaaco on rataa. Vapor praaaara dafieit bad a greater iaflaaBca an both tba moraiag aad tba aftaraooa rataa tbaa aitbar air or aoU tamparatara, when tba faetora (aad parieda) wara eoaaidarod aoparataly. aad played a aemawbat larger rola la datarmlalag the aftaraooa rataa tbaa tbeaa of tba maraiag period. 7S Vh«n 1b« »^et« of tba aavlr«uxi«at>l bcter* me compered ea « unit, tbay ecooimted for a larger proportloa ol the ratea in the afternoon than la either the morning or evening. The data In Table Id ere Informative, but they de not give aa)r indication aa to whether or not a given environmental factor had an appreciable Influence on the differeneea la water loaa ratea of Um three parloda. Two aeta of aaalyaee were ran, taata of algaiflcanee for ^ partial ragreaalon coefflcleata eemparlng paira of parloda and analfana of covarianee for the Indlvidoal emirenmental factore. The taata of aigalflcancs for &a partial ragreBaien ceeffictenta eomparing paira of periods are ehown in Table IS. The OgnTas reveal that 8ie regraacion of watsr loaa rates on soil tampsratere, while holding air temporatnrc and vapor presaure dafieit eenatant, had a Ugblf algnU* leant influence on tta comparative rates of water loea of tta morning and evening perlode. The variations la water loss rates of the morning and evanlng periods were that affected by ehaagas In soil temperetere, when the ofear two factors were held eonataat, to such aa extent feat fee ebaaeea of their being fee result of sampling error wore laea than one la 100. Similarly, fee odds ware somewhat leas feaa one In 20 feet fee regraaelens ef water teae ratal on ceil temperature, while holding etr tamparatare and vapor presaure daflelt eonataat, for fee afternoon and ovenlag perteda and ef water loss ratea on v^r prssaare daflelt. 76 vhll* bolding olz and ooU tompeiature conitaat. for tbo oftorBoon and •voalng pcriodo voro tbo roonlt of ounpUng vnrUUen. All of the otbor eompnrioena obswod that — wipH>n vnrlationo vero great encnigb to eb- ■cox* aajr offeeta whicb might have been preient. The analjriB* of covariance for ratot of water looa and the individoal enviroamoatal factor* aro proeentod in Tabloe 16, 17, and 16, for air tomperataro, vapor proMur* deficit, and eeU temperature, raepeetively. Each analyele eonelite of three parte: (a) the comparteon of mean ratee of water loee for the morning, afternoon, and evening pariode after the rate* have been adjoetad to a common level of the given factor; (b) the proportion of the uner^lalnod variahlUtr of tbo unadjuated period moan* removod by the aaalyilt; and (e) a comparison of rate* of water loae adjusted to a common level of the given fseter within each of the texoa periods. The ceiculatlone for air tamperatara. Table 16 A, permit the conclaeion that the adjusted mean rata* of water lea* for each period were eufZicIsn&y different a* to practlcelly sUm- inete tea poeelhUity of chance varletlen. b tee ahaeoee of an anelyeis of variance, tele teat showed teat tee ratoe of water lot* for tee terse periods dUfartd by highly slgnlflcant amounts, thus bsarisg out te* visual impression given by the water lota data in TaUes 11. 12, and IS. Table 16 B indicates teat the analysis of eovariane* romovud a largo preperUoa of the una:9lalBod variability of tea (unadjusted) mean ratal 77 of fax 100 )avaaila Hadaa laavaa la Tabla 21, far SO healthy (anlajarad) Tnrpaatlaa laavea ia Tabla 25, aad far SO maUannad Taxpaatltta laaTaa in Tabla 26. Tha data wara aaalyaad la twe wayai rixat, maltlpla xagraiaieBt waxa raa ea tha matara Hadaa asd juraalla Hadaa laa^lai to cempara &a llaaax xalatlaBah^a of leaf axaa, laagtb, aad width. Saccad, earvUlaaar ragraiaiaaa ware rea aa SO laaraa of aaeh af tha foer aampUa aad ea a eempaalta aaaipla af ISO laavaa, SO from aaeh ai tha two Hadaa aad tha haaltby TarpaatiBa groapi, ta aom> para tha logarlthmla ratatloaahlp of leaf area aad leaf laagth. Aa ahowa ia Tablai 20 aad 22 far matara aad jaraaita Hadaa 7» r«(p*etlT«lr, fha F«UMoBrtlpi b«twa«n laaf u*», tad vldtk, txtwtan laaf araa aad l«a(th while koldlaf width CMihUat or tIc* batwaan leaf a>aa aad laagtb, aad batwaaa leaf area aad wldtt vara all far largar than eeald ba aeaeutad tor oa toa baila oi TariaUaoB Tha atnpla cerrataltoa eaaffieiaatf bava partieolar lataraat alsaa tbajr tolar that leaf araa mar ba aattoiatad frem altbar laaftb or width with a probabla aeaaraer af at laaat 80 par cast tor batb aata el laaraa aaparatalp. Tba araaa of a mtoad aampla toeludtog boto matara asd jaraaila Hadan laaraa eaBut ba aatlmatad from laaf laagtba o& a Itoaar baalt, bavarar, aa iUuatratad br Flfara 20, atoea tha lalatiM- ahlp la daftoitalr earviltoaar. Tba laaf araaa aad laagtba af SO laaraa aaeh from tha twa Hadaa aamplaa aaalysad pravleaalr ptoa two lota of tha aama alaa of haalthy Torpaattoa aad maltormad Tarpaattoa apaeimaaa vara oomrarted to lofarlOtmie form aa flraa to Tablaa 2S, 24, 2S, and 24. Tha data tor aash aat vara than raanalyaad. Whaa tha raaalta ahowad that at laaat 8S la 43 par eaat af tha aidattog rarlatloa eatdd ba aeeeaatad tor, tha thraa aamplaa of oatojarad laavaa wara eembtoad (Tabla 27). Aa toe ftfaraa to Tabla 28 todieata, laaf araaa of uatojarad laaraa mar ba aatl- Btatad from laaf laa(tha, rla a lo(arlthinic tranatormatlea, with a prob- abla aecaraer of at laaat 95 par eaat, prorldad tha aquattoa tor tha Fig. 20. — Le»f ar«ai (cm. and laaf length* (em. ) of 200 metare end tOD jnvanlle leeve* from **T«n-F«eT>old Heden Bienga tadllBge. 81 LMf orMfcfl'} Leaf IcngthlcMj 82 Goa^slt* aunpl* U usd. Stmllutjr. ths srsas •£ msUermsd luvss mar ^ astlmatod wltt a pnbaUt seeuacf about 90 psi cost bp msau of Ow oqutiOB far malfarmod Uavot. Tbs vorr blgh dajisa of eorro* latiea ia tbo two aata mar ^ •••> rifuraa 2t sad 22, pertrarlng tho cou^oalta aampla aad maUermod Turpoatlu loarai raapoetlTalr. C. Wstar I.OSS »:»i««>. ud l«4l l«B|tht (en. ) ai a eenpoaito Uaf umpU conUiai>( SO matar* 1ut«* Irana lam-rw- old Hadas mania badUnfa, 50 jaTaalla laavai faom laTaa-raar-ald Hadaa lmdlis|a and SO baalthp laavaa Iram ena-raar-ald Tiupantina aaadllnfa. 7 ■ / / / / -i i /y ■h f ^ • nature Maden leaf ti r Juvenile Hoden leaf /'■' ® Healthy Turpeirtine leaf // // ' ....// I 4610 20 40100200 SOOKXM Leaf lenjthfcm.) (X) ri|. 22. “Leaf araa* (eai. mad l«4f (a™- ) ^ naUoraad Uaraa Irom OM-jraar-old TarpaatlM maago aaadliagi. Lt.f ,r~ („•) •7 Bxia plot* ud M dapa after waterlsf aa aab-plata aad a apUt-^Ut* plotadte teraa parioda dallp aa aab-avb-plota. Tba daalpaa ceaprlaad tea erlgtaal raadeniaad block Upeat of tea ai^ortmaat wlte om or two apctamatlc aabdlrlaiosa (dapa aad parleda) anparlmpaaad ob U. rtfaraa 2S and 24 ara achamatie drawtega af tea apUt-plet aad apUteapUt-ploti raapaattvalp. Four aata af aaalpaaa «ara aaeaaaarp alaea tea ahlald> bod tppa of graftaga vaa arailaUa for oalp tea Map I data. Tbla traat* meat had to ba eoa^arad aaparatolp la daaigaa almllar to tea above bat which entalaad faar main plate |iaar tppoa of graftaga far a aiagla data) laatead of 12 (teraa tppoa aad foar dataa of graftaga). Tha aaalpaaa af variaaea wora eemplicatad bp aa aaagaal aaa>> bar of rapUaatlaaa for tha tppaa af graftaga oa each data of graftaga. tea chip bada aad ahlald bada havlag foar, tha vaaaar grafta, Sva, aad tea aoodllag ehaeka, ala, Slaoa it «aa thoaght daairabla to ratala tha axira raptleatlesB af tha vaaaar grafta aad aaadllag ehaeka, over aad abova tha foar raqalrad for aqoalltp, tea aaalpaaa waro made with oaaqaal bat praparttaaal cobolaaa aanabara la which tha varlatioaa aiaoag rapUaatlaaa (blaeka) wara abaorbad Into aaparinaostal arror. ta addition to tha la* eraaaa In aaparluMBtal arror, tea afCaeta of tha anaqoal Bombar of tap* Ucatlona wara alao manlfaatad la tea dagraa of praciaioa attaehad to tea eompariaoaa lavolviag tea dlffaraat tppaa of graftaga, tha aaadllag rig. 2S. —DUgranuMtle akatek of apUt*plot daalgn »t*d tor asalyaaa of TorioBca of tba 19SS wotar toaa a:9arlmaBt Mala plota {dataa aad typoa of graftaga), aab-ptota (daya aftar watorlag). Soo TaUa 1 tor oxplaaatlon of aynbelB. WATEAING WATERING PERIODS Fi|. 24. —Uairanunfttie (katoh af ■ptit'aplit-plot dail(B naad lot asalrita af aarluea af tba 19SS nta* leai a:^aiiiiiaikt: Mala Plata (dataa and tppaa af (raftaaa), anb-pletf (dapa aftax watarlnf), *ab-a«b'plata (ttmaa af dap). Saa Tabla 1 tar aspUaatSoa of apmbola. wiTEmus 92 ekaek* havlBf tb* lad ««»« of vatar lata par boor for tjrpaa of graftaga, dataa of graftaga, or tap* liaatlana, ilace a aiogla roadlag vat mada for air toiaparatora, r^or prataara dafielt> wind toovomaat, and light Isteoaltf at orarp waighlag. Tvalva roadlaga, two par rapUeattea. arara aada for tell tamparatora tad loaf tamparatara, bot tbop ahowad a ratbor tauU vartattoa fron block to block at anp glraa time of dap. Ceaaiataat dlffaraacaa la thaaa factera botwaaa Uoeka for a partleolar loeatioB aa toa graoabauta boaek or boaaa which nilght otoarwlaa hara wdotad vara maakod bp thiftiag tba hlocka aa ualta after a Tory walgUag. Ratoa of Water Loot Oailp ratot of wator lota. — Aa axamlaatiaa of the dailp water loot par hoar data for M peoag maage bodliBga asd toadUagi prior to toalpaio raraalod too axiotaoca of largo aod variable dlffarancoa aimilar to theta faoad too procadiBg pear. At portrapod la the Ogorat la Table 29 roprataatlBg the caaot of fear watariag parloda, aad ia the flrat data ^Aa toit tppo waa availabla for ealp oao data of graftaga, eaaf parlaoat iavolvlag it waold ba loot pradoalp aotlatatad iheaa with tba chip bada iridch had too aaaa aombar of ropUeotiawa par data of graftaga bot ware availabla for foor dataa. 93 eolvma ef T4bU 30 ihawlsg m«(a« on a aingls watoTlBg parted batia. tea raiaga tad magnltwda of dally water loaa par boar wara alao narkadly dUfaraat lor tea vartena traatmoBta, Tba erdar tl maaa ratoa ter teraa tjrpaa of graftaga at any glvon date of graftega (Tabla 30) ana aaadliag ebaek. vaaaar graft, and eUp bod In tea appraidaaate ratio of 2. Sil.Stl. Slmllaxly. tea ordar of moan ratea for four datea of graftaga wan Uay 9, ^rll 14, 2aly 4, July 21 In tea approximate ratio 2tl. Oil. 2il, and ter tea teraa daya after watering. It waa aaeond. telrd, and flrat, wite raapaetlva rattea of 1. 2il. lil. After tea dally water loaa par hoar date ware aabjaetad to anal* yala of varlanea, TaUa 36, It waa found teat tea rangaa In ratea among typao of graftaga (G), datea ef graftega (D)i and daya after watering (T) wara all far toe largo to bare boon eanaod by chanea rariatleo. Tba eamplated analyala of varlanea. Table 36, abowed teara wara blgbly olgnlfleant dlffarencaa batwaan tba vanaor grafta (T) and chip buda (C) and batwaan tba badUnga and tea aaadllng ehaeka (Ck). Tbara war aloe a highly algnlflGaat dlffaranea batwaan tea J^ll 14 (A) and May S (B) datea ef graftaga eemblaad aa comparad to tba July 4 (C) plaa July 21 (O) datea alteougb tea rariatlOBa batwaan April 14 and May S wara non* olgnlfleant, aa wara teeaa of tea July datea, b tba daya -after -watering convarlaena, tea flrat day waa highly algnlfbantly diffarant from alteor tea aaeond or tea telrd. Llkawlaa. wban tea flrat tad third daya wara 94 eotDbla»d, their «v*r«g* performaace war hlghlr aigalfieaatlr 4U(*r««t frem Mcend dap, b«t that af fiis firit pl«a the taeond eamparad to the third waa Bes>alfBlfieast. Tor tha iataraetiasa ot osa fre«9 of main traatmanta with aaathaz, tha dataa va. tjrpaa of graftaga (D z O), dataa of graftaga va. dapa after watariag (T a S). and tppaa af graftaga va. dapa after watartag (T x G) eompartanta ware aaa>aigalflcaat, highlp aigBiScaat, aad algiBifleaat, raapactlvalp. Tha additianai break* downa eerreboratad pravioea atatamaata made for tha maia aOaeta and thalr lataraetloBa, b btarprating tha ferageiag raaalta, It maat ha raeogalBad ttat ba dailp water laaaaa per hear ware avbjaet to blaa Is tha farm ef plant aiaa, aa ehown bp tha atoek-atam-araa and laaf-araa valnaa b Table 4. Tha aaadUag ehaeka ware larger planta than too budliega, arUla toe leaf araaa of toe vanaar grafta ware alaa larger ban tbeaa ef ttia chip bade, aneapt in one or two eaaaa. b general, toa aaedUag ehaeka havtag the graataat a^anaa at loaf area ware aaalgaad, paralp bp random aalaetion. to toe twe aarliar dataa ef graftaga. The bndUnga ware alee raadllp dtviaible bte two greapa, ftioBa of the two aarliar dataa af graftaga forming ana eat and toeaa of the two later dataa another. Tha tofiaanca of plant aiaa on tha variationa in rata for each dap after watering waa not dlaeemibla. Tha dlfCaraneaa in rata b tola aaaa ware prebahlp tha raault of aail meiatara eondltloBa b tha ftrat few dapa 95 aft«r tlM plaati war* wmterad. «• Randriefcioa (1921) aad l«a(talot (1945) bofli sotad that toil moiatara vaa daplatad bp traaapiratlaaal loaaaa at a vary Ugh rata during tha 46-bMr pariod Immadtatalp (el* lowing irrigation. It would appear from a eomparlaon of the aell mola* tara ragimet for tha 1952 and 1955 water loaa aj^rimanta that tha Dagaltuda of rata Ineraaaa wai a firaettea of tha lell tneittsre atraaa davalopad prior to watering aa wall ai dap to dap anrlronnental con* dltlone. Tha graphic and numerical praaentattena of tha three dailp water loaa par henr intaraction tablet, OnO, T a S, and T a G, la Figure 25A and Table 31 far maana and Table 29C*E for totala help to aaplaln Qia concluaioaa raachad la tha aaalptii of variance. For aaam* pie, it map be noted that tha tppee-of-graftage ratae wiftln a given data (Table 51A) varied in a regular pattern, aa did tha datet*ef*graftaga valuai within a given tppe, fte net raanlt being Aat dlfferencet wUch might have ealatad tended to cancel thamaelvaa out when taken over tha enttre 12 treatmanta. The tame ragularitp did net axlit, howavar, in either of tha otter two Interaotleaa. Tha diffaraneat in rate were highlp significant for the date*ef*graftaga v«. dapa*af(ar*walaTlag Intaracttea (Table 31B). The valuea for each dap after watering tbewed a atralght line (linear) tread againet datat of graftage (right hand Fignre 25A), but tte reveraa plot, of datea againet dape (net ehown). ravaalad aa equal ri(. Z9. --A. D«ll]r water Ui* par honr (fms. ) mauu (baali ot liacl* watertof iaterral) ter thra* aati af traatmaat eamparlMsa (rom tea 199} water laai aaparimaat; Typa af (raftesa *t. date af (raftaga, dapa after wateri^ rt. date af graltaga, and tppa af graftega va. dapi after watering. B. Dallp water laaa par koar par cm. ^ item araa (gma. ) maaaa (baiia af alagla watering interval) ter teraa late af teaataiaat eampariaana team tea 1993 water laaa ntearimant: T^pa af graftega date of graftega, dapa after watering va. date af graftega, and tppa af graftega va. dapa after watering. 97 98 te&d*n6y towards straight lins and cnrviiinsar (qosdratlc and cubic) trends. The diffsrsaoss In rate wars slgnillcant for the typc*o(* graftais vs. days-aftor-waterlng Interaction (Tahls 316). The tread el type el graltefe against days alter watering was distinctly enrvi- the same for each ^e el graltage.and than dropped. The major inferences^ which may be drawn from the daily water less per hour data are that rates el loss by veneer grafts, chip buds, and seedling checks are dilfarent when dates of grnltage are ignored, and rates of loss by plants of lour dates of graltage fall into two separate groins when types el graltage are ignored. The rates of the plants taken as a greiqi differ according to the number el days alter watering. In addition to the analysis on a par-plant basis, the daily water loss per hour data lor 12 treatinsats were conTortod to rates per cm. ^ stock stem area and to rates per 10 dm. ^ leal area ter tos purpose of removing the plant else bias manttonad previously. Tbs converted values wars subjected to analyses el variance. The means fsr main treatments el daily water loss per hour per cm. ^ stock stem area arc shewn in the second data column of ‘Based on a statistical probability el the dilferences noted being the result of ebanca In less than one per cent of the observattens. 99 Ttble 30j the corraepondiag meuia for intoractiost are lifted in TaUe 32 end iUaetrated in Fifnre 2SB, The analiraia of varianee if gives in Table 37. The dalif lose per hoar per 10 dm. ^ leaf area data were ana* Ijraad twice, once witti four chip-bad replications and once with three chip-bad replications. Ae naajr be feen from a penual of the right hand data columns of Table 30 for main treatment meant and Tables 33 and 34 for means of the interacttons , fte water toss rates were Inllaenced to a aarhed degree bp the chip-bod treataoents, partieiilarlp for the July 4 and Julp 21 dates of graftags (Tables 33 and 34). A atndp of the original data showed that two plants, number 33 in the Inly 4 group and number 76 In the Julp 21 group (Table 4), had extremsljr small leaf areas during part or all of the test period so that a very small dally less of water produced an extremely high rata per unit leaf area, many tlmea higher than ttat of any ottier plant in the sntlrs experiment. Slnse re- moval of Just these two plants would have given disproportianate numbers, it was nocaasary to remevs an entire rsptlcatten, or one plant from each date of graftaga, before reanalyaing the data. The analysis of varianas for dally water loss per hour per 10 dm. ^ leaf area with four chip-bud replieatiaas is given la Table 38 and that with three chip-bad raplicatiens^ *This analysis and the chip-bud {*C) trsatanaat with three repUcatiess have both been given asterisks to minimise confusion with the analyais with four eUp-bad replications. Tabu 31. The the (BteractloBi for the Uttar graphically ia Figare 26, The relatioathlps of the fear dally water loee analyeei are •aininarlaed U Table* 30 and 35 for main traatmaat mean* and "P* vain**, reepectlvely. (The latter were obtained from the analyel* of variance table* by dividing the mean *quar* for a given treatment or Interactlen by the appropriate mean cqaare for error. Since the "P* valnae are ratio*, their magnltnde Indicate* the level of probability for each comparlaon. ) tt may be noted In Table 35 for "F" vnloa* that converting dally water lee* valna* to a «nlt-*toek-*tera-araa ba«l* changed the eoncln»lon prevlonily reached for valtM* on a per-plant bael* ia bnt two oaee* of note. The eompartion between veneer graft* and eUp bud* *hewed that dlSerenee* ia rates of the two treatment* on anlt-itoch- *tam*araa bails were apparently a* result of chance varUtlon; on the other hand, the budliag* saodllng eheeh eomparlsen revealad a much higher probability level (1. e. , vary hlgUy ilgnmeant) ttian wa* found on a plant bail*. The day*-aft*r*wat*rlag date*of*graftsge Interaction was nsa-fignificant on a Bnlt-*teck>*tem-area heel*. All of the comparison* for daily water lea* per hour per 16 ^ le*^ area (4 chip-bad replication*) were aon-signlficant except that between bndllng* and seedling cheek*. A* may be seen from ^ full ri(. 26. —Dallr* nt«r par hear par 10 dna. ^ laal araa (sni. ) naaaa (baili of alngla watariag iatarral) for thras aatt of Iraatmaat eompariaona from tka 19S3 watar lota a^arlmaat; l>pa of (raftafo data of (raftafo, daya aftar watarlag to. data of grafta(a, and typo of graftaga va. daya after watering. 102 ef V . date 0^ CnAage alU' Uatma^ «3. Dole at GmfUgr , ■ro , a-V ■ ■V- « V» Tjff QmSUlf D.,, after Uile-»g 103 ■nalycl* ot ▼Brlmae*, T«bl« It, th* «i9*rlm«at>l arrer gTsitega and tjrpa*o{>graitega traatanant altacte, araa about tha sama magnituda as tba eorraapetidiiig sum of aqaanaa la tbs otbsr teaaa analyasa, or rougblr SO timaa normal alas, b eoatraat, asraral of tba eemparltoat for dnilp dwater losa par bear par 10 dm, ^ laaf araa (thraa chlp'bud raplicattoas) wars aitbar atgaiflcaat or Ugblp afgaifiaaat, tba matt aotabla balag budllags saadllag ebaeka aad first ra. aacond and flrat TS. third dajra after arateriag. Tba analyaaa abowad that plants of any data of graftaga bad asaaatlaUy tba aama rates of lota par uait laaf araa but teara wara dilfarsncsa b tba ratea of tba two typaa of bodliaga aad of tba asadllng ebacks. It may ba aetad from tha raluaa b Tablaa 31 and 34 and tba liaaa b Figaras 2SA aad 26 that tba ordar of rates for tba thraa typaa of graftaga ebangad markadly from tba par-plaat to tba nait>laaf>araa batia. Aay of four laetora may hava eoatrlbntedi a lowar uait-laaf>araa rate for tha saadllag ebaeka aa eomparad te the budllags ea ba basis of vurbtal ebaraeterlatles, dlffaraaeat b rates aa tba result of a larger aross-saetbaal atom area at ba unlea b tha easa of ba budUaga, varbtioas b rate as ba rstolt of dlffaraacas b total laaf araa par plaat, or varlatioaa b rate as ba rsault of patholegieal eonditbaa. Uallka tha data for dally water baa par uait laaf araa of Zlll budlbga aad Tarpon* tba aaadlbgs b bs 10S2 aaparimant, whleb abowad faw dlfbraacas 104 4ttribttUbla to tk* vsriatla* u asch (eatnjpara laaf axaaa In TaUa I nrltk ratoa of lata in rifnra 3 to T at 0 to 12), tka Hadan badUnga al tha 1903 a^^rinaat bad a Ugkar rata at water loaa ^r utot laaf araa ta*" tka Tarpaatlaa taadUng ehacka. Tha dUfaraaeta In rate natad batwaan badllnga and aaadllng chacka wara ondaabtodly iaflBanead bjr patoalo|ieal oondltlona ainea inanj af tka laaraa an tha Uttar planU vara Infaetad with nntkracnoaa {Callatatrltk— tlaaaaaartaldaal and manga acab (Catoaa "»»wt**«»ae). Ikifraaair (1010), Chlldara, Uarthall, and Bradp (1941), and LMatalat and Hamilton (1941), amang atkara, hart rapartad that ratoa af water lata vara adraraalp affaetod b]r dlaaaat ar intact dapradatlont. Bzeapt far tha axtoamaly Ugh ratoa af water late fannd far plante with Tary amaU laaf araaa, tha eklp-baddad Hadan pUnta thavad lavar ratal par unit laaf araa than tka vanaar grafta in tpite af tha fact that tea Uttar bad a Urgar total laaf araa par plant U naarly all eaaaa (Tabla 4). If It vat actumad, havavar, teat tha bndUngt af a glran data af graftaga had tea aama patantUl rata af water lati par aalt araa. tha dlftaraneaa In actual ratoa natad batwaan ranaar grafta and eUp bada ^paarad to ba a fanctloB af tka raUtlTa araa af contact e< -the atom tlaauaa^ formad after graftaga at too point of «■"*<«» batwaan Igaa eemmaata by Sanla (1901b) on too anaWmleal faataraa of mange graft ualona. ■«ioa aad roet«toek. les Ai noted et tiu boiiaaiiig oi tto dUeuotioB of doiljr water- looo rate!, tea lUold'bad traatmost wai avallaUa for tea Mar ^ (raft* a|a date ealjr. A taparate (ro«p of aaaljrtaa ware made oc tea date (atearad from tea plaate af tea Map i grafta(a date for dallp water laao par hoar ea a por-plast baaia. oa a aBit*atom*atoek-araa baaio, aad oa a aiiit*laaf*araa baola. Tba erlfisal data (oam of {bar watering potleda) arc sbowB In Table 40, tea maaas for main traatmOBta in Table 41. tee inaaai lor iateraetioai la Tablea 42, 4), oad 44 and Tlgara 2T, a •aamarp of "F" valooe ia Table M, and tea aaaljraea of varlaaea in Tablea 44. 47, and 4B. la genaral, tea analraea for foar tppos of graftaga on tea Map 4 date garo tee aasaa eonelniina ae thooa for tereo tppeo of graftaga and fear datea oa a por-plant baaia, aait*atam*araa baali, or aalt*leaf* area baola. Tba major exeaptloae were the rororoal in order af mean ratea of water loaa on a aait-laaf-area baaia (ngare 2TC and Table 41) for tee TOBaar-groft end eUp-bad treatmaata and teo aon-algalfleanee af tea ranaar-graft to. chip-bad eomparlaon. It map bo toon in Table 49 teat diffarancaa la ratea of tea terae tppaa of badllnga and the aaad- llag ebaeke ware far largor teas eoald bo ospocted on tea baaia af ehosea vaHatlon. The shlald*bnd ratea ware dafinltalp unlike the aaadUag* cheek ratea cat a par-plant or nnlt-ateefc -stem-area baaia bat had a ri(. 2T. --A. Oallr W4t«r par hear (gma. ) maaaa (baiii oi aiaila watarlag iatarral) for cma traatmaat eomparlaaa from tha Uap S graftaga date of tka 19S) watar leas aaparlmaat: Typa ti graftaga vt. dapa aftar watariag. B. Dailp «atar laaa par hoar par eaa. ^ atan araa (gma.) maasa {basia of aiagla vatarlag lotarral) for eaa traateiaat eomparlaoe from tha May 9 graftaga daU of tho 1993 water loaa aaparl- maat: Typa of graftaga wa. daya aftar watarlag. C. Dally watar loaa par hoar par 10 dm. 2 loaf araa (gma. ) « (baala 9l alngla watarlag iatarral) for ana traatmast comparlaoa fram tha htoy 9 graftaga date of tha 1993 water Uaa a^rl* maati Typa of graftaga dayi after waterlog. 107 10* zathar lew protabUttjr level ea e nit-leaf-eree bade. When eempaved with chip bade, the eUeld-bad ratee dUfered hjr a alpilflcaBt askonat ob a leal-area baele ealp. When eestpazed with veneez fzalta, tbep dillezed bf a pzehaUlltr level el 1 la 100 es a per-plaat hade only. A dnllaz level el prohahilltf wee attached te comparleeBa ol the veneez grafto ve. eeedllBg cheeha and chip bade eeedliag eheeke ea a vait-leal-area batia. The dUfereaeea in ratee in veneer pralt ve,- aeedllni cheek ceae- parieen on a pez-plant baele were probably the reaalt el eampllng errora. be aplte d the eemplen Interrelatlcaeh^e ehewn by tta Uay S fzaltaga data analyeee. eartain Inlarencai may etUl be made. Ilagard- loea el the basla ea which they are >idged, the ratee el badllaga and aeedllac ebeeka are dlatlaetly dilferant. 'Wittia the fzet^ el bvdUage. the aUdd'bad rataa dllfar Izom tteae el the chip bade bat de aot dllfar Irem tteea ol the veneer gralta ea a oait-laal-area baala, v^a tte raverca la troa on a plant baele. The dmereneea la mean ratee el water leaa el the three typea el bodllaga ea a aalt-leal-arae baala. Table 41. a^ear again te be attrlbetable te varUUeaa la the arena el eeattaaeoa xylam tlaana botweaa aelon aad reeUtoek. Ratee el water leaa darlna the meralag, alte a. ev^««l perloda ol the day, --Data lor 00 young mango bodllaga aad aaadllaga in 12 mala treataienta .^three typea and fear datea el gvaftaga— ware ex- atniaed te aeeartala the relative affect of time el day oa heorly rataa 109 ef vBtor leas 4i»ia( tbzaa daya aitar watailng. Aa oatad is 1952. tAa magaltada el water late par hour waa found to TUrp greatlp in tha man- iac, aftanaoB, and avaalnf parieda from ona dap to tha aaat. Tha rataa 1b 199S ware higher aa a rule, hawarar, IB the moraiag thaa la Qie afterBeaa, while Oa aTealag rataa ware ^preulmataly a taada of the dap-tlma valuaa. Tha flguraa for water toaa par hear wara aaatpMd la foa aaaaa manaar aa theta on dailp water late par hour) L a. , aaalptat e( vari- ance wara eeadnetad for rataa aa a par-plaat, ualt-atoeh-atam area, and nalt-laaf -area haala, wifo twa aata for the laat (oaa with (ear chip- bud rapUeatfoat, the other with three). Tha data for water late par hour (nm af four watering parlode) are ahowa la Table 49, foe maaaa for mala traatmaata ia Table SO, the maaai far flret order' lateracttaae la Fifurea 28. 29, and 30 and Tablet 91 to 54? a aammarp of "r" valuae la Table 55, and the eaparate aaalptae af variaaea la Tablet 56 to 59. The eanclueiaae laforrad prerlautlp from tha aaalpaee of dallp water late par hour have baaa euetalaed, la ganaral, for tlmilar traatmaata la foe watar-leei-par-hour aaalpBae. Although the ladividul ^ha maaaa for tha water lata par hoar par 10 dm. ^ leaf area (fear chip bud rapUeatiiaa) firat order iateraettoae are nt glraa. Fig. 2#. — W»t«r le*« t** ) «»•«»• (bfttU •iagU watazlBg iBtarvtil) for (lx iota of trootenoat eomporltoaa from tbo 19SS valor looo oxporlnOBt: Tr»o of grafUgo 4ato of grafUgo, dayo after vatorixg to. date of graftage, type of graftage to. daye after watering, Hmo of day to. date of graftage, type of graftage tlste of day, and time of day re. daye after wateriag. Fij. M. — W*t«» !©•• p»r p*r em. * item UM (*m*. ) {bail* ol watartaf iaterral) lor ilx ooti ol t»oatjM®t eom^rlowo Iron fl>o I9S3 water leal a:q^rlinaati Tfpo ol gralteg* Yi, date ol traltego, daya alter waterlog date ol graftaga, tjrpa ol »aftega va. daya alter watering, time ot day ra. date ad graftaga, typa ol graftaga va. tima of day, and time of day va. daya after watering. 113 tlf. 30. — *T4Ur lo«s par hoar par 10 dm. ^ laal area (gmi. ) maana (baaia a( alngla waUrlaf Istorval) fax tis aaU af traatmaat eomparlaana from tha 10S3 voter leaa aaparlmeatt Typo of graftaga «B. data af graftaga. daya after vateriag va. data of graftaga. typa of graftaga daya after vatarlag, time af day n. data of graftaga. typa of graftaga ra. time of day. aad time ot day ra. daya after rtua tor trpai a/ lU nlaat arc lar(*r, tba ralatlT* order of tho mou froftago aad dataa of groitefo haro ramatood nnrtiangad (eMBpare Tablat 30 and SO), and whara tha ratoa vara hlgUr algnifltaat or nan- atgnifleant in tka daily lat, thay hara ramaiaad ao, vith ana axeaptloa. whan aaalyaad agalnat Uma of day (compara TaUaa SS and SS). Tha aaeaptloa, fta aanaar-graft to. eUp'bad eomparlaon on a par*pUnt baala, waa klgUy aignifieaat in tha dally aat bat Bon-aigalScaat In tha tlina*of-day aat. Stsiilarly, ^ typa*of-graftaga data-ef-graltaga (D z O) eemparlaoa (top laft Ptgoraa 28 to 30 and Tablaa SIA, S2A. S3A. and S4A tor maana and Tabla SS tor “r" raluaa) ramalaad non- algaiflcmt. Tha daya*aftar-watarlng aontparlactta and tataraetiena with typa of graftaga and data of graltaga (top right and eaatar iaft rlgoraa 28 to 30 and Tablaa SIB. C, S2B. C. SSB, C tor naana and Tahla SS tor "F” valoar) thawad ao markad aarlatloBa of-graftag« ra, tlme-of'daf IntaraetloB (bottom toit rifuioo 28, 29, ud M oad ToMoi SIE. 92B, 93E. aad 94S for DOOBi aad Toblo 99 tor ’T" rmloao) ohowod highly algslfieuit dlf* (araacaa on aay baala (osoapt laaf aroa with toor chip-bad rapUeatlona), Tha laat lataractloii. daya aitar watarli^ ttma of day (bottom right rlgaraa 28, 29, aad 30 aad Tablaa 9tr, 92r, 93F, asd S4F tor maaaa aad Tabla 99 tor "r' valaaa^waa toaad to ba highly algnlfleaBt whaa aaalyaad ea a por-plaat baala, algalfieaat oa a aalt-ateek-atam-araa baala, and aoB-algalfieant on a ualt-laaf-araa baala. Tha raaaoB tor tha Uma-of-day aa. dato-ef-graftaga lataraetloa balag highly algalfieaat oa a par-plaat or aait-atoch-atom-araa baala bat Boa-algaifleant oa a anlt-laaf-araa baala la raadlly apparoal la tha eaatar right gr^ha in Flgaraa 28, 29, aad 38. to tha flrct two eaooa, both moralag aad aftamoea rataa rary In more or laaa parallel toahloa from oaa data to toa next, while tha arealag rataa ahow a very dUforaat pattora. Ob tha othar hand, all thrae Unaa in emter right Figaro 38 are aaarly parallel. Similarly, toe bottom graphs In PlgBras 28, 29, and 30 tor toe latoraetlena of type of graflaga n. time of day and tims of day^. daya after watering display onmlstakabla tresda, For axampla, too saadUng ehaeha (Ck) ahow a more preelpltma drop In rata from aftomoon to evening in too bottom laft graphs of Flgaraa 28 and 29 toan da dtoar of toe badlings, aad In Figaro 30 tha rataa of toe two badllnga US b«th Ml mor* (baxplx tluB th»t al th* a«*dllag chaeki. Virlationa in tha atepa* of tha Uaaa la tha bottom right grapbi ia Pigoraa ZS, 29. and 90 for tha iateractloa ef tln>a of d«f dajra aftar watarlag aiplala ^ eoBclaaioai which ware raachad ia tha aaaljrala of variaaca. A aaparata group of aaaljraae waia mada for tha Majr 5 data of graftaga watar loai data to that eemparlaaaa might ba availahla for tha tUald'bud typa of graftaga. Thraa aaaljriai of variaaca wara CM- doctad, oea aaeh for Oa Uajr S flguzat oa a par-plaat. unlt-atoek-ttam- araa, and aalt-laaf-araa batla. Tha data far watar-laaa-par>hoar {tam of four watariag parlodt) ara praiaatad in Table 60, fha meaat for main treatmanta (four typaa of graftaga) in Tabla 61), &a maani for flrat ardar Intaractloaa is Flgnraa 91A, B and 32 and TaUaa 62, 69, asd 64, the "T” valuaa is Tabla 6S, and the asalyaaa of rarianca is Tablet 66, 6T, and 66. Eseapt for the maasa being larger fas alaa, tha data for water Iota daring Orta tfanaa of ^ day ravaalad eonclualona oaaastiall)r diffaraat from thoao ahom by tha dally water loat valuet for Bia May S graftaga data mala traatmasta or intaractieaa la only thraa isataneaa. Tha vaiseer -graft va. chip-bud eompariaon waa highly algslfleaat for water lata par hour os a sslt-laaf-area baaia; tha daya-aftar-watorlsg eomparitoa waa highly tigslficast far water lota per hour os ajsy haalai and cempariaona of tha firat va. aacond assd flrat va. third daya aftar Fig. 31. “A. Wfttar lost F«r hour (gxn>, ) m*ui« (baila af ■lagle vAtarlsg iatarval) for thr«« of trootmoat eeznporUenr from tha hUy S groftogo date of ttia 19SS water loio o»p«rlmoBt! Typo of graftego days after wateriag, typo of graftago timo of day. aad ttma of day to. dayo after waterteg. B. Voter loao par hoar par cm. ^ ttem aroa (gma.) maaaa (baaia of aiagla watering interval) for thrao tote af traatmont eompariaena from tha May 5 graflaga date of tha 19SS water loaa a^qiarlmant; Typo of graftego ite. daya after wateriag, typo of graftego n. tima of day. aad tlma of day ite. daya after 120 B. Flf. 32. — Water loci par boux per 10 da. ^ laaf area (faa. ) aeaoi (baaia of aingle waterl&| Intarral) for thrae aata af traataaBt coapariaoaa from tea teap S (raftage date of the 1953 water toaa eaparlmant; Tppa of graltege dajra after wateriag, tjrpa of graftega va. time of dajr. and time of dajr dajra after watering. 122 12) w«(«rtag war* UfUy aigiilfleaikt fer watar leat par hoar aa a aalt-atack- atam-araa baaia (compara Tablaa 4S and 69). Tha bttaraetiOB of tppa of graftaga with dapa aflar watarlag war oaifermlp aoa*aignUtcaat. Tha tlma*of>dap rataa wara hlghljr aignlfteaat throaghoat (TaUa i)). bat tha moralBg va. aftaraooa eomparlaon a>aa aigalficaat for a>atar leaa par hour oalp as tha haata of aalt laaf araa. Tha ialaracttoa of ^aa of graitaga with tima of dap waa hl^p algallicaBt throaghont, bat that far dapa aftar atatarlag ra. tlma of dap uraa Boa>aigBlficaat. Tha graphic praaaatattoaa of tha maasa for tha iotaractioBB (aiBgla*watariBg*pariod baaia} la rtgoraa llA, 91Bi aad )2, for vatar loaa par haar ob a par-ploBt, aait-ateek-Btam-araa, aod aait-laaf-araa haalOi raapaetlTalp. raraal tha raaaeaa for tha aigalflcaBea or BOB'clgBlflcaaca of tha varloua eamparlaoaa. It ia af eoBaldarabla iBtaraat 1b fliaaa aad tha pracadiag grapha for iBtaractioB maaBa to aota tha ralativa ordar of tha tppaa of graft* aga rataa from oaa baaia of maaauraaiaBt to aaattar. Tor axampla, tta ahlald-bud rataa ara tha levaat of tha four ia Tlfuraa >1A aad )1B but ara tha next to tha lowaat is Tlgura )Z. Tha Baadllag-ehaok rataa ara &a hlghaat la tha Brat tare aata of grapha aad tha lowaat la tha third, Aa Btatad aarltar, tha low rataa par nalt laaf araa for tha aaadUag ehaeka map hara baaa tta raault of a aarlatal eharactarlatie, a raductioB eauaad bp fimgaa dlaaaaaa oa tha laaaaa, or bp a ralatitralp amall araa of watar 124 eoBdactlBf tttnu i> tba «t«m. * Tk* •tetai of tba aUeld bi>4 fta badlls(( mojr bo ottrlbnted te « loot woU*hoolo4 vaios or s omaUor oroo of coatiiniotta x]rlom tioooa from rootstock to seioa. 1b b soe^talotloa of rotot oi wotor lest by I'Obbi maafO bud* U>fs sad toodUagt, It maj bo stotod tost bvdUatt and ssodUagt differ morksdly Ib thalr rotos of voter lossi tbs fermor bovlBg lower rotes OB a por*ploBt boats sod tbs letter OB o OBlt-leef-orao bosit. There ore also cleor cot dUfaraaces betweaa veaeer grafts sad eUp bods ea 4 oalt-leof-oreo basis, tbe former hovtag tbs higher rotos. Shield bode hove lever rates of voter less tooa either of the other two trpes of bodUags, bot the dtfferaaeas ora clear cot oaly vbaa the rates ore oa O oalt-leof-oreo basis. The plasts of toe fear dates of graftoge fall late two groins— April Id-hfop S sad Xslr 4~Jolr 21— lAaa their rotes ore oa 0 plaat basis, bot thsjr do set differ n eltoax o oalt-etoek-eteai-oreo or a oalt-laaf-oreo basis. The ratea of voter lose bp bodliags cad saed- liag t ora U^ar la toe moralag toaa la the oftaraoca. The mesa voter leas oa o per-plaat basis for toe moralag la aboot 44 per caat, tor toe aftaraecB, 41.2 par ceat, aad tor toa avealag, 14. S per caat of the doUp total. Two factors whose ealsteaee must be reeogalaad. If oatp ^Soola (IfSlb) has ehowa toe diameter of aplem reseats to be larger la tisaoes laid dowa bp plaats subseqoeat to graftoge toaa prior 12S today, kTs toa du and conpodUoa •£ plant aunpla tor aaek tppa af gialtoia and tba asTironmanto) esndittona nndar ariiich tha 1913 wator leaa aaparlmant was eondnetad. Aa ahom in TaUa 9, fira Tanaar-gzalt, loar cUp'bod, and lix aaadllacehaek raplicaaona vara avallaUa for aaeh of four data! of graftoga, and fonr ahiald-bad rapUeatloM for oaa data of graftoga) tbaa, too tma moan ratoa of wator loaa vara moat praalialy aatlmatad for too aaadUag ekaoka and laaat aa for too aUald boda. Coaaidarlng toa vlda ranga In ratoa from ona plant to anotoar wltoln too aama typa (and data) of graftoga ahevn by toa 1993 and 1992 oi^riiaaata, toa infarancaa fram too data akoold not ba ^pliad India* crlminataly to all yoang mango planta nadar all anrireamantal eondlttoaa. On too etoar hand, toa infarancaa oUeh bara boon mada could aarra aa a gwaral gnlda la aaeh clrcamatoacaa If at toa aama ttmadna raeog- nitloa la takaa of toa fact that toalr gaaaral validity meat ba aobataattotad ovar a aariaa of almllar aa^arlinaato. prafarably la dlfforaat yaara and oadar a vartaty of aavironmaato. Aa toay ataad, toa eoacluaioaa ara ragardad aa bdag i^pUeabla to toa parttcnlar varlotlaa, tppaa of graftoga, agaa of planta, and onvlronmantol condlUona of toa two yaara' anparl* i2i Effect of Cextela Eaviroamestel Feetoti oa Hates of Water Less As steted te tee btrsdsctlMk, eas ef tea inajor sbjeetlvss of tea water less azparlmsBte was to asesrtaia tee offset ef ala aavin»« znsBtal factors oa rates of water loss ef jreunf maago badUag s sad seed* lings. It was not psssiblsi for rsasoas giran prsWouslr. to cempars tea rates for difCarast tTpas and dates of graftoga with anvireamantel faetors, but tea dlffarsneas batwaan traateaaats wara mlalialsad Insofar as pessl* Ua within tea llBlta ef tea asparimanti slasa tea plants la aasb block or rspUeatlen wara shifted from oaa location to anothar on tea greaahousa banch and boxsi after avary wslghlag. Ussa arater loss par bear and avaraga air temparatura, v^r prassora dafidt. wind meramant, light Intoaaitr. sell tomparatars. sad leaf tomparatars values ars prasaated la Tables 70. and 71 for tee moralagi afteraooa. and svaalag periods, rsspsetivalr. ef 19 daps la 1953. Thar era lUustrated la Jigaras 33. 34. sad 39. As oos may readily see from tbs aguxas. tee effects ef tea aaviroamaatal faetors. takaa alteer eelleettTaly or Isdtvidually. ea tea rates ef water less for say period ef the day wars rather complex, so moeh so teat iaterpratatioas baaad on visual ebsarvatien aleaa were coB' siderad to be ef little value. The date for each period aad tee totals of each period ("witela parleda'') were subjected to multiple ragrasslea aaalysls. A sanuaary of tbs eorrolatloa eeafflciaate. moaas. partial !i(. 3S. mtar leva par kear (f»a. )■ air tomparaPua (* C. ), vapor praaaara daflcit (nun. H|). wind aMTamant (10 ca. m. / kr. ), UfktlBtanaitp(lvaians/cni. aail tamparalara (* C. ). and leaf tamparalara (* C. ) for &a moralai pariad ol 10 dapa la 10S3. 128 Fig. 34. ••Mean water tear par boor (gnr. ), air teioparatara (* C. ), Taper praaaora daflelt (nn. Hg), wind meTanant (10 an. m. / br.), light Intaniltjr (lamaBi/em.^), toil temperatera (*C. ). tad taaf temparatara (* C. ) ter tbe afteraoea parted of 19 dapt la 19S3. 130 rig. 35. — M«4a «»t*i loaa par hear (gma. ). air tamperatora (• C. ). vapor proaaoro Aoflclt {u>m. Bg), wind movameut (10 ca. hi. / hr. ), light lataaaitjr (lumau/cia. ‘), aoil tamparatora (* C. ). and laal tamparatora (* C. ) ter the avaaiag period of 10 dajra la 1953. 132 133 eo*ttlel«aU, »nd multlpla r«frai«iea mputlena is prsssatsd iB TaUs 72. Tbs total eerratatloa eoaUiciaats, siqirattlag tba ralatioaaUp batwaaa msaa watar less aad tha sis asTtroninantal (aetesi takas eel* IscHvsly, wars (euad te ba larfe anongh Oat tts eomMssd aSsct of tka aavireoiBaBlal iaeters sa maas watar lost ratal eeatd sat kava basB tta rasolt of aampltag variatloB darlag any of Oa tiiraa periods of the day er tbalr combinatleB. They atewad that apprexlmataly Sd par sent ol the rarlations Ib msaa watar lass rataa caold ba aeceuatad far Ib Hia moralBg porlsd, 39 par eaat Is tha aftamaew, 32 par east in tbs avaalBg, BBd 32 par cant is "wlthiB pariods’’. Tha ''within parlads" coafClciaBt was arataga eerralattoB of tha Oraa parlads. Tha total aa wall as tha partial and tha simpla corralatiOB ceafflelaBtSi tritieh are dlscossad la tha MlowlBg pages, all sbewad that ^ anviroBinaBtal factors srara iBtarrolatad to a rafltsr dagraa. Tha sis factors did sot aeeauat for mors ttsB a raladraly small proportion of tha rariablUty la rates of watar less at any givsB tims of day. Ib otiiar wards, onksewn factors had at least as great an affect on rates of watar loss as teas which ware naasnrad. It may ba BOtad la Table 72 ttiat tha means of rates of watar less sad of tha antrlranmantal factors ware snbstantlally alike la tha merBlng and aftaraeOB. wharaas theso in tha aTsning ware much smallar iB MBrlr ftU 134 lapping in tha zang* oi &a dip aniatad. caaaa. A cartaln amoant of oaez] Indivldoal Taluoa azonnd ttalr maana undonbtai Tha partial eorralatlOB ooa^eianta, anpraaaisg tha ralationaUpa batwaaa naan watar lota ratal and ona of tba anTtronmantal faetoza whUa holding tha zamainlng fiva conatant, wara found to ha UgUp lignifleant fez light in tta avanlng parlod and aon*aigBfOeant for all of tha ettazi. Tha markad influaaea of light on ttia Tariattona in tta araning wataz loaa zataa appaarad to ha a ceniaquaaea of tha tlnia at «hieh tha light Intanaltp raadlnga for &la parlod wara takan. Tha araning light intanaitjr ralnaa wara araragad from raadlnga mada about four o'clock in tha aftamoon and about ai^t o'clock In tha morning and raflactad tta fact ttat tha araaiBg parlod actnallr includad batwaan fear and fiva henra of dapUgbt. Tha influaaea of aoil tampazatura aaamad to ba manifaatad mora atroaglr than that of aavaral of tha othar factora ai a raault of a dallr lag bahlnd air tamparatura (and Ona of othar atmoipharle factora) of from two ta thraa houra and in tta amoant of four to fiva dagraaa at tha tlma of tha aftaraoon weighing. At tha morning waighlng, air and aoil tanyorataza nanallp eolncldad within a faw tantti of a dograa and, at tha nooatima waighlng, tha format waa aormalljr aavaral dagraaa higher. While tta affacta of air tamparatura. vapor pi deficit. US wind moramnat, and laaf toinparatiir* ware all tee tmall te ahow a aif* alflcant Inflaeaca on water lota rataa at aajr Umo of the daf, tka ralattra aiaa ^ thalr partial eerrelatlen coaMcltnta dUtarad from eaa parted to another. For anaespla, wind movamant (r^j^ ahewad tta amallaat effect ef anjr factor in Ilia morning, bnt ttia largeat in tiia aftameon. and the naict to the amallaat in flia evening. The almpla cerralatlan ceaffleleata, axpraaaing the calationaUp between mean water loaa par hour and each ef fiia aln anvtroamcntal factore, ahowad that aoil tamparatore or leaf tamperatora whan taken aaparatelp had a hlghlp algni0cant influanea on water loaa rataa In the memiag. Air tamparatura and vapor preaanra daSelt ware foond to have a aigniflcaat effect on rataa in die morning and in the evening. Vapor praaaura deficit, arlnd movement, and leaf tamparatura ware all algnlficant in the aftameon. The "within perieda" eolnmn ravealad that tta average eorralatlOBa ef the parloda for five of die aix faetera ware too large te be attributed to aampling varlatlani wind movement, alone ef die faetera, waa non-aignlficant. The foregoing raanlta indicate that no ona factor waa racponelbla for moro than a email portion ef the combined iafluenee ef anvironmental eandldone on mean water loaa rataa at any givan period ef the day, daaplta die faet that the total anvironmantal affect waa clgnifloant for >y period and highly aigniftcant the andra day. Tafcan Individually, 136 tka iactora ofUa axaitad daciiiv* in£La«ne* over water leee rata*. Oalj Baa at the «<«, vapor praaaura deficit, tbowed a ccoialetast afiact oa rataa daring aach of the fiiraa period#, kut all of tka factara aacapt wind movemaM ware iafloeafial over tka aoUra dap. Tka partial ragraeaioB coaffictaata, ai^raaaizLg the cbaaga la maaa water loaa rata with unit lacraaaa of osa aaviroamoatal factor «aa BBB*ai|alficaat. Tka latter raaalt woald ia- dleate tkat Ika effaata of vlad movamoat ea ratea of water loaa ara too variakla to radoea tka naai^lalaod varlatlMia ia tka maaa rate for aacb parted by aipniflCBat amoaata. Tka aaalyala for lifkt iBtaaalty, TaUa 77, raraala tka aamo coaelaateaa aa testa for air tamparataroi howavar, aa tkowB la Takla 770, tea water loot ratea wlteia aach parted fellewad a traad diffarsat from that of tea parted laaaBa. tea dlvargasea kalai Ugkly alfkificaat. Ik tela eaaa, tea iaflaaaca of light tetaaaitf set oaly varied from day to day far tea tama tlma of day, hot tea traad waa alto dUfarMt from tea affect ea ratea ia tea texaa perioda. Aay affect Meh teit factor might kava kad waa abacarad by etear aavlroamaatal faetora. Tka aaalytat for toll temparatora aad loaf temparatera, Tablaa 71 aad 79, raapaetively, provide eoaeluaioaa Idaatlcal to tboaa for air tampar- Tka racalta of the aaalyaaa af eovarlaaca parmlt tka lafaraaca tkat Boaa of tea ate aavlreamaatal faetora itelek ware maaanrad axar* eitad a coatreUiag laflaaaca ea ratea of water loaa daapita teolr bateg Ugkly aigalfieant la moat laatoncaa. Adjattanaat of ratea of water loot 140 to » eosooMS loTol s( a givan factor r«mor«4 a oobitaatlal properUoa of tko anaaplaiBod variattOB. bongh of tho Uttar romaUad. kowavai, to iadlcata Oat othar oavlreeinaatal faetara wara probabljr of at Uaat aqaal ia^rtaaeo. U tha eaaa of raper praaonra doficit, tba off act of tUa factor oa ratao of vatar loao dlffarod from oaa parted to tha to a Ughlp algaiOcaat dagroa, aad with light iataarttjr, tha dlraetioa af tta a&aet rartad aa wall. Tha tirflaaaca of tha ramalatag faetara oa rataa waa aoB-aigalCcaat, bat dtrargaaeat darlag tha moral^, aftar- aaen. aad araalag parioda wart raadUjr apparaet. To tttm op tha aita> atton, tha aaalpaaa of covariaaea amphaaiaad Ua iatarprotatlaaa made prartoatlpi 1. a. ■ Ua affaeta af tha aaviroamaatal faetara oa rataa af water leaa are latarralatad to a raUar Ugh dagroa, aad tha ala faetara which wara maaaarad did aot aeeeaat for more thaa a raUtlvalp aatall proportloa of tha varlahiUt|r la rataa at aajr gWaa time. V. 8DMUAHT AND CONCLUSIONS 1. TeoBg Tasaar-graftvd ZIU muge budliag* aad Tatpotlaa maago ■aadllBga gxawa 1b cloaad aad opaa coBtalaara mdar graaakattaa eoBSltlaiia abovad lovar rataa at water laaa par hoar wfaaa waterad at 28plaat baaia waa S9. Sgma. and on a nnit-laaf>araa baaia, 80. Sgma. Fortp-four par cant of tba naan dallp loaa of water occurred in tba morning, 41. 2 par cant, in tba aftomoon, and 14. 8 par cant, in tba aranlng. 24. Uultlpla ragraaaion analpaaa wara eemduetad on maan water loaa par beur and aSn anvirenmental faetera->alr tamparatara. Taper praaoura deficit, wind moramant. light Intanaltr. aoil tamper' atara, and leaf tamporataro'-for tba maming, aftamoon, and aroning partoda of 19 dapa in 1983. 25. The total eerrelatien coaffictanta (or maan water laaa par boor and aix anvlronmaatal faetora taken coUacfiTolp wara aignlfl' cant for aaeb ci tba morning, afternoon, and arening partoda. 24. Tba partial eorralatiaa eeafllelaata for mean water loaa per boor and one anTlreamantal (aetar while holding the ramaining (iTa eonatant arara bighlp algnlfleaat for light in tbo oraning period. 27. Tba almpla correlatien coafflclanta for maan water loaa par boor with each anrironmental factor taken aaparatalp wara highlp 146 •ifnUictBt for loil tcmpertttus and laal taaparatare in tha moraingi they were lisiilileBnt for air tasoperatore in the momlnj and avaaing. ler vapor preaanra deficit in the morning, afiemoon. and avaniag. ter wind movamant in the afternoon, and for leaf temperatara In the after- noon. Zt. Daapite the validity of tta previoni atatamenta (25. 26, and 27), no one of tta ain envlronmantal faetora waa found to havo a controlling inflneneo on ratae of water loaa at any timej in meat in- ■tancaa, the faetora maaauzad did not account for mere Bian a email preporUea of the variability in ratea, and a Ugh degree of interrelatiM exieted among the faetora. 14T TABLE 1 KET TO 8TWBOLS 08ED IM TABLES AMO riOUKES D - Dstoa of frafta|« (A. B, C, A - AprU 14 B - Mojr S C • Air 4 o - Air >1 C.- Typos of (rafUfO (V. C, 8> Ck) V - TOBOor graft (5 ropllcotloBo) C * eUp bod (4 roplleattOBs) •C - cUp bud (3 zaplleatioBs) S - sUsld bod (4 repUeatloas) CK • •oodliBg ckoek (4 ropUcatloBa) T - Dayo after watering (1, t, 3) P • Timss sd day {Oi bi e) a - monking b - afteraoea D a 0> T a D, ate. , ara iateractieaa of tba appropriate traatmaata d.f. - dagrasa of fraadam a, a. (aoa>aigBlfieaat) - Tha varlatiaaa or dlffsroaesa la tea ralaaa (rates) baiag eomparod ara small eaoagb teat teay ara probably tea raaolt of aampliag arrora. * (algalfleaat) - Tha dlffaraaeaa ara saffleloatly large teat tears la Isas tean oas ebaaes la twaaty teat teay ara tea raaalt of aampliag arrora. aa (blgbly algal fie apt) - Tha dlffaraaeaa ara sofOclaally largo that tears la lass than aaa eham a la 100 teat teay ara tea raaalt of aampliag arrora. 148 TABLE 1 — c Stadaat'i "t" ud tabnUr TSlma lor 'T" war* obUiMd from Snodceer (1946). R__ 1234S6 ' Total (moltlpla) eorralatiea eoafflcloat of dapoadoat rariabla (T) aad iadapondaat rarlablaa ( , X2, Xjv X4« Xj. X4). r^l _ 23486 * eorralatloB eoalllcloat of dopaadoat varlaUa (T) aj^ iadapaadoat varlaUa (Xj) irUla holdlag tha ramalaiag ladapaadoat rariablaa (X2> X), X4, X5, X^ CMitaat. r_| - aimpla (Uaaar) earralatloa eaafflciaat of dopaadoat rariabla (T) a^ ladapaadoat rariabla (Xj }. b_j_ 23486 * Partial ragraaf ee eoafflelaat of dopaadoat rariaUo (T) oa ladapaadoat rariabla (X|) vUla bolding lha ramaialaf iadapaadoat rarlablaa (Xgi Xj, X4, Xg, Xg) eeaataat. t or T • aapaetad or pradictad ralaoa of dopaadoat rariabla (T). ^ X^ - maaaa of T and Xi, roopactlralr, found bjr dlrlding tha eorraapaadlac total bp tbo aambar of Itama laeladod la It. J • dataa for flrat watarlng latarrali Augaat 20* 21* 22* 1983. k - dataa far aacoad watariag intarrali for bloeka 1, 2. 3i Aagaat 24, 28, 26) for bloeka 4, 8. 61 An(aat28, 26, 27, 1983. 1 - dataa fOr tblrd watariag latorral) for bloeka 1, 2, 3: Aagaat 28. 29. 30) for bloeka 4, 8. 61 Aagaat 29. 30, 31, 1983. m • dataa for fourth watariag iatarvali Saptambar 3, 4, 8. 1983. 149 TABLE 2 LEAF AREAS (iO OU.^) FOR P1.AMTS VSEO IN 1962 WATER LOSS EXPERUtENT D>t* e( Aag. 7* 1.190 Aag. 29 1.890 8*]rt. 11 1.890 Sapt. 29 1.880 Oet 9 1.990 Oet. 23 1.990 Nor. 4 2.090 Nor. 20 2.090 Dm. 4 2.090 Loai Atm (10 4m. *) P1a»« — 2 3 4 1.430 1.260 1.660 1.430 1.260 1.660 1.430 1.260 1.660 1.430 1.189 2.040 1.430 1.260 2.420 1.430 1.260 2.420 1.430 1.260 2.420 1.430 1.260 2.420 1.430 1.230 2.420 A«|. 7 1.130 Aag. 29 1.130 Sapt. 11 1.640 Sapt 29 1.660 Oct. 9 1.660 Oet. 23 1.660 Nor. 6 1.710 Nor. 20 1.660 Dae. 4 1.660 6 7 8 110 1.890 2.140 no 1.880 2.140 110 2.360 2.140 110 2.390 2.680 lie 2.440 3.380 070 2. 440 3. 380 070 2. 440 3. 380 070 2. 390 3. 380 070 2.390 3.380 ‘Value for aasli data ware calcolatad bom leaf laagtha with tka fellowlsg equtloBE log leaf area (ccn. = (2. 2398 log leaf length (cfo. ) - 1.1282) X 10. and plotted on aemilogarithmic Bcale against time (days) to provide for interpolation between dates; dropped leaves were sobtracted prorata over the period in which they were lost. 150 TABLE S DATES or GRAFTAOE, TTPE8 OT O&AFTAGE, AND NCUBEK or PLANTS VTILIZEO IN 1553 WATSK LOSS EXPERIMENT of Oraftofo Tjrpo of OrofUgo Ifombor of PUbU* * AprU 14 VoBoor oroft^ 6 4 (4) SoodliBf ehoek 4 (4) Mor 5 VoMor poft** 4 (5) Chip bu^ 4 (4) 8Uol4 boS^ 4 (4) Soodliap chock 4 (4) foly 4 Vooooc izoft^ 4 (S) Chip hod^ 4 <4) mold had^ 5 (0) Soodllai ehoek 4 (4) inly 21 ToBoor »oft^ 4 (S) Chip bud* 4(4) Shield bud* 2 (0) Soodliag ehoek •MJS) *Niunbore 1b puzaEthoooi doBOto ploBto ovoiloblo for ototU* Heal OBolyoli at tha coselBoioa of the o^arlmoBt Sopt. 5, 1553. *Propagatod by 3(r. Roy NoliOB. SuporlBtoadoBt. IWYoraity of Miami Enporimontal Earm. Bichmasd, Floridai iB accordaaeo «lth pioeodarea oatliBod by Lyach aad hteatord (1551). ISl TJkBLt 4 STEM AAJUS AND 1.IAF A&£A£ Or SlXtT-rogil F1.AHTS OF 19S3 WATXK DOSS KXPXRmXHT No. DodfUtloB (cm. Aag. 20 Aag. 2* As|. 2S Sort. 3 30 2*A*T 3# 3-A»T (3 4-A-V 42 9-A>T SO 4-AA*Ck 49 4-A-Ck 1.09 1780 1780 1.04 2293 2243 . 79 2439 2439 .87 1000 1000 .91 1248 1 248 1780 1780 2177 2114 2439 2439 1000 943 1233 1233 17 2.04 1.94 1.43 714 718 947 840 480 714 718 947 840 780 714 718 947 840 832 714 718 947 840 832 It 1-B-C 29 2-B-C 41 3-B-C 49 4>B-C 8 1-B'Ck 2. 04 2.01 1.77 790 750 750 191 191 191 237 237 228 79S 79S 795 IS12 1912 1912 7S0 191 228 799 1912 14 2-B-Ck 31 3-B-Ck S2 4-B-Ck SS S-B-Ck 47 4>B*Ck 1.09 2271 2271 .83 1483 1483 2. 78 2470 3249 1. 33 2074 2043 . 92 1047 1047 2271 1483 3441 1999 1047 162 TABl-£ 4 — Cogtimte^ Plant PlMit Co4e* St«n Am ttm, *1« No. Oool|Batioa (eia,2| jm(. 20 JMg, 14 AMf, U Sopt. 3 i 1‘C‘Y 18 2-C-V 48 4->C»T 87 5-C-V 69 6-C>V 1.41 2. 27 1.82 1.21 148 lie M2 lie IS 148 122 690 271 217 141 772 416 Ml 148 314 761 483 688 18 1*C«C 28 2-C-C S3 i-C-C 81 4-C-C 12 l>C-Ck 161 343 347 1117 22 2-C>Ck 84 4-C-Ck M 8-C-Ck 68 6*C*Ck 709 746 1828 1151 1491 709 829 1796 list 1491 789 876 1666 1181 1491 709 822 1663 MSI 1491 4 1-D-V 20 2-D-T 36 3>D*V 43 4-D-T 89 8»D-T 1.23 136 2. 49 209 1.21 300 1.63 284 1.68 417 136 148 343 468 314 320 286 258 411 412 193 566 320 260 426 7 1-D^ 24 2-D-C 76 8-D-C 83 6-D>C 2 1*0-Ck 380 429 602 389 391 402 27 143 402 306 424 450 1406 1541 1541 26 2>0-Ck 37 3-I>>Ck 44 4-D>Ck 61 8-D-Ck 66 6-D-Ck 2. 19 932 920 1.48 1 550 1 865 99 452 M2 83 820 837 952 1579 665 453 847 153 TABLE 4 - plMl Plant Ceda* No. Daaigaation stem AMa' (em. *) * Leaf Ana iam. *1* Aag. 20 Aag. 24 Aag. 26 Sapt. 9 9 1-B'S 1.66 172 172 179 181 T2 3-B-8 1.6? 269 269 271 277 •1 6-B-S l.SS 710 712 714 714 n s-B-s I.S6 519 MO ISO 960 ‘BlMk ae. , data graftoga (A a April Id. B a Majr S, C a Jttly 4. D a JOly af graitaga (T a aasaar grail, C a chip bad, Ck a laadliAg aback, 8 a ahlcld bud). ^akaa aa aaiaatlaUr conataat erar 19>dap a^erimaatal parlad; maararad aa ctoek at aaioa oabadUaga and IS am. above aoU n laadlli^ ehacka. ‘Calealatad irom laaf laagtha (en. ) aritb aid ei aqaatleaa abora ia Table Z8| iatarpolatlena or aatrapolatiana iretn tha datea ahewa ware made irem leg laai area plettad againat dapa £ox aaeb plaat. All laal araa valaaa ware noltipUad bv 10*^ (to eesvart irem cm, ^ te ID dm. ier tba aaalpsaa ef varla&ca ao ^at the water leaa data waold ba la tarma ei grama par plaot, par em. ^ atam araa, far 10 dm, ^ laai araa. 154 TAB1.E 5 DAILT WATER LOSS PER HOOK (CMS. ) DITRINC 70TTR Zt-DAT WATERING CYCLES IN 19SZ FOR TWO TtRlPENTINE MANGO SEEOLIMGS AND TWO VENEER -GRAFTED ZILL (ON TURPENTINE) BUDLIHOS GROWN IN OPEN- AND CLOSED-TOP CONTAINERS Watering SaaSUa^a Vaaaar Orafte DUfaraaea (Onan-ClMaO Cjrela after ClaaaS Opaa Claaa4 Opaa Saadliaga Vaaaar Orafta aaJ Date Waterlag (1) (3) (2) (4) (3-1) (4-Z) 5.TT T.3Z 4.12 4.18 4.36 5.81 Z. 80 4.77 4.36 S.81 2.80 4.77 5.06 7.16 3.78 6.74 4.84 7.01 3.71 8.24 1.97 1.97 2.95 4.53 3.75 3. 13 1.88 1.88 1.88 4.79 3.54 2.92 2.39 2.39 3. 75 2. 29 2.08 1.88 1.88 6.67 5. DO 3.75 2.92 2.92 .41 1.04 .51 .51 Z.9Z 2.71 1.67 1.04 1.04 2.08 1.46 2.00 2.92 2.08 3.84 2.29 3.75 1.67 2.29 1.88 2.92 1.67 1.88 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.08 2.92 16 1.01 .41 17* 1.01 .41 18* -1.01 .41 19 1.26 1.90 20 1.25 1.88 1.66 1.52 1.66 1.52 1.66 1.52 1.48 2.11 1.46 1.B4 - .60 • .60 - .60 .64 63 .83 .83 1.29 1.67 .41 1.46 .41 1.46 .83 .42 1.25 1.46 1.25 .83 1.88 .83 1.88 .83 1. 04 . 82 21 •1.05 •1.09 - .41 ISS TABLE S — CoaBau*4 Cjrel* after CUa«4 Opaa Clata4 Opaa SaadUafa Veaaei Osafta and Data Watarlat (1> (3) (2) (♦) (3-1) (4-2) A«g, IS* Sapt. 11 (Cast. ) _ Sapt. 12- Oct. 9 .63 .S3 .83 4.S8 4. St 4. 2S 4.44 .42 1.21 1.04 3. 7B S.t3 S. S3 T. SO 8. 12 .43 1.25 .83 2. SO 4. IT 4. IT S.42 S.42 .21 .13 1.88 3.S4 S.T3 S. T3 t. 33 T. OB 1.04 1.S6 1.S4 2.91 4.44 S.S8 8.40 3. 13 3.13 1.12 5. 00 T. 08 4. IT 4. IT S.42 8.33 3. TS 5.42 4. IT T.29 2. TO 3.TS 2.70 3.7S 1.64 - .St 1.04 1.04 11 12 13 IS 3. 13 3. 13 2. 18 1.S4 1.6T S.27 4. T9 3.37 1.98 2. 92 3. TS 2.92 2.7T S. 42 S.42 3. ST 2.44 2. SO 1.87 2. TO .80 14 17» 19 20 1.4T 1.47 1.47 1.2S .83 2.08 2. 08 2. SO 1.44 1.9S 1.98 2.08 1.44 2. 08 2. 08 2.08 1.44 1.47 . 18 . 10 0. 00 0. 00 .21 .42 .83 .43 .43 1.2B .43 1.04 .43 .43 1.47 .42 1.04 1.04 .63 .93 .52 .93 .52 .83 1.45 .42 .41 .42 1S6 TABX.X S -- Coptto««d Watariaf Days 8— dUM« V«a«T Or«ft« Dlg«r«nc« (Op«»-Ctc»>d> Cycl* tftar Clofad Op«a Clo«*4 Op«a Sccdlisf* V«a«*r CrafU ^ Ott, TTatarli Q) ») U) (4> (3-1) (4-2) n Zi .83 l.ZS .83 1.04 . 4Z .Z1 S«pt. 12* ZT .42 l.ZS l.ZS 1.88 .83 .63 Oct 9 Zt .63 l.ZS .42 1.67 . 62 l.ZS (Cent ) m Oct 10> Mot. 6 2.08 2.08 1.98 1.88 1.98 1.88 2. SO 2.08 3.SS 3.33 1.4S Z.08 1.4S 2.70 l.U 2.70 1.29 2.29 2.29 S.OO 0. 00 - . 10 4.1T 3.79 S.83 6.83 4.S8 3.79 2.17 3.7S 2. 17 3. 7S 2. 90 2.90 2.91 2.92 1.66 2. 90 2.90 11 S.OO 9.83 4,17 12 3.7S 3.94 2.90 13 2.70 1.88 1.29 14 2.90 2.92 1.46 15 2.50 2.08 1.46 16 2.92 4.58 3.02 IT* 2.92 4.58 2.03 18 1.67 2.92 1.46 19 2.08 3.75 2.70 20 2.08 3.54 2.90 6.67 . 83 2.90 9.00 - .21 2.90 2.29 • .82 1.04 3.33 .42 1.87 2.92 - .42 1.46 4.79 1.66 1.77 4.79 1.66 1.77 2.92 1.29 1.46 3.79 1.67 1.05 3.33 1.46 .83 1.67 3.94 1.04 2.92 1.15 2.50 1.19 2.90 1.29 2.90 2.70 2. 70 2.90 2. »D 2.08 1.87 1.88 1.35 1.39 l.ZS 26 27 28 .83 .83 l.ZS 2. 29 1.67 3. 17 1.67 1.25 1.67 1.29 2. TO IS7 TAB1.X S — Coatlnurt WlariM D«Ti Y— » Qr»fU DUtoM— tOB«»«a»MT> Crcla aftar Cleaad Opaa Ciaaad Opaa SaaAlBgt Vaaaaa Qzafla aad Data WaUriat (U ($) (1) (4> (»♦!) (4-2) IV 1 3.7S 4,S« 3. Not. T- 2 3.39 3.67 2. Dae. 4 3* 3.89 3.67 2. 4,79 3.96 3.79 2.08 4 I 2.08 1.46 2 I 3.96 2. I 3. 67 2. 1 I 3, 67 2. 1 2.70 6 1.67 4. 2.86 2 1.96 2.19 1.36 2.19 2.90 9.13 1.67 3.13 1.29 1.46 .83 1.67 1.29 9.68 4.43 2.89 4.09 3.69 4.30 2.73 4.29 3.69 4.30 2.73 4.29 4.69 9.44 3.49 9.64 4.94 9.87 3.67 9.63 2. 90 2. 90 2.90 2. 72 3. 34 2. 71 V 1st 'i TASIpS S •• Contilwed Watartag Dajri Cjrela attaa asd Data Vatazisg Saailtinai Vasaar Ozaita niff«»atir« Cloaad Opaa Araraga of 6 4.34 S.IO 3.2t 4.09 .74 2.81 4 Crelaa T 4.24 4.11 3.02 5.14 - .13 , 2.14 (Cost. ) t 4.11 4.43 2.97 5.14 .32 2.14 9 2.73 3.S7 2.24 4.04 .84 1.77 10 2.73 3.17 2.29 4.04 .84 1.77 11 3. 42 4. It 3.18 5,14 .44 1.98 12 3. It 4. 22 2.40 5.10 1.04 ' 2.50 13 2.24 2.72 1.89 3.29 .44 1.40 2.04 2.42 2. 15 2. 52 .58 .37 IS 2.03 2.34 1.82 2.71 .31 .89 U 1.74 2.32 2.00 2.80 .53 .80 17 1.74 2.32 2.00 2.80 .53 .80 10 1.71 2.23 1.82 2.47 .53 14 1.54 2.54 2.04 2.44 1.00 .42 20 1.33 2.04 1.42 1.93 .74 .31 21 1.04 1.42 1.33 1.72 .88 22 1.20 1.70 1.53 1.40 .58 23 .74 1.41 1.58 1.11 .74 • .47 24 .74 1.48 1.58 1.11 .74 2t 1.04 1.57 1.30 1.35 .53 .05 24 .99 1.51 1.15 1.15 .52 0. 00 27 .77 1.34 1.25 1.30 .59 28 .94 1.73 1.18 1.98 .79 .83 HoBd&r* Qr helldajri bo roodlag ■ wora takas. 159 TASLS ( DAU.T WATEB. LOSS PER HOUR (CMS. ) DURWC EIOHT l«*l)AT WATERWO CTCLES IN 1952 FOR TWO TURPENTINE MANGO SEEDUNOa AMD TWO VENEER -GRAFTED ZILL (ON TURPENTINE) BUOLINGS CROWN IN OPEN- AMD CLOSED-TOP CONTAINERS W«t*rlBg Oa)'* DUtorAW (Ostm-Cla— SI Cyela after CloaaS Opaa CloaaS Opaa SaadUagt Yaaaar Crafts aad Date Watering (S) (T) (t) («) (T-5) (8-S) 4. U S.2S 1.42 4.45 3.42 4.43 5.27 T.S« 4.94 4.59 3. S< LIT 2.79 2.92 1.64 1.64 1.57 1.77 1.57 1.77 2.92 3.75 4.56 6.04 1.52 7.94 1.52 7.94 1.52 7.94 5.5616.94 4.79 8.77 3.75 4.04 3.54 3.94 1.47 2.50 1.47 2.50 2. 0< 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.25 1.68 1.47 2.92 71 4.38 13 5.70 13 5.70 04 8.43 34 7.83 00 5.64 17 4. 17 so 2.92 60 2.40 50 2.40 08 1.88 92 3.33 47 .63 92 4.79 3.21 3.21 2. 31 64 8.33 26 4.37 26 4.37 28 4.37 52 9.47 04 7.50 36 5.40 38 4.56 29 2.29 29 2.29 73 2.29 44 1.47 92 2.50 06 4.17 160 TAB1.S 6 » Ccntlntttd Wfttarlai Dara »— 4U—« Y»m«» CrafU DUfa»««c> CyeU aiUr Cl«**d Opn ClsiaO Opam Saadliafa TaMW Orafta and DaU Wajariag (8) |7) (6) (1> <7-S) 2. 29 2. 92 29 2. 90 3. 75 26 1.25 1.67 27 1.08 2.90 20 1.45 .03 3.79 5.00 1.80 4.79 7.92 3.13 4.79 7.92 3.13 5.4010.41 3.50 4.90 8.33 3.75 3.33 7.00 3.54 1.08 3.33 1.03 2. 70 5. 00 2. 50 2.29 4.00 0.00 2.29 4.00 0.00 3.79 4.15 1.25 1.00 2.00 . 42 3. 31 2. 70 .62 2.70 .83 - .62 3. 13 9.01 3. 79 2.30 1.71 1.71 m-a 1 2.08 1.12 1.49 2.90 1.04 1.05 Oet 10-23 2 2.29 3.23 1.39 2.70 .94 1.39 3* 2.29 3.21 1.35 2.70 .94 1.39 4 2.00 1.12 1.49 2.08 1.04 .63 9 3.79 5.40 1.00 2.92 1.65 1.04 161 TABLE 6 — Continuad wTTrH^7'^STt'*Taa55g^^aaaa^rS5^tS»aBc^Op5^Cl5adl Cycla after Cleaad Opan Cleaad Opan StadUnga Vaaaar Orafte and Date Watertog (5) (7) (6) (8) (7-5> (8-6) 6.76 5 S. 00 8 3.76 6 4.28 4. 28 4.81 Ii2 TABLE i — CoBtlnmd D»y« Twf Oi»fti DUUrmtm tOp— -O— •<> Cjrelai after Clatad Opaa Ctoiad Open SaadUaft Vaaaar Oratte and Itetea Waterim (») (7) (6) (8) <7-S) (»-6) tV-a U Nov. 7-20 12 (Coni.) 12 14 2.13 4.17 2. SO 3.32 1.47 2. OS 1.22 2.4S 2. OS 4.SS 2. 50 3. 33 1.67 2.30 1.43 2.6S 2.05 2. 19 2. 19 4. 37 4.17 3.33 2.70 2.70 6.25 6. 58 1.25 1.25 1.25 2. OS 2.50 3. 75 3. 29 3.29 7. OS 7.29 1.23 2.50 2. 04 5. 00 4.79 20 2. 29 2. 60 21* 2.29 2.60 22 2.59 3.15 23 2. 67 3. 78 24* 2. 67 3. 78 3.02 3. 52 4. 56 4.56 2. 29 2.29 3.67 3. 67 27 2S 3. 75 4. 17 3. 13 .83 4.38 1.67 5.00 1.25 4.38 1.04 4. 38 1.05 1.04 .63 3. 55 3.33 3. 13 3.34 Avara|o of 1 4 a Cjretaa 2 3. 63 5. 87 2. 65 5. 19 3.64 5.95 2.81 5.46 3.64 5.95 2.81 5.46 4.40 7.15 4.08 7.00 4.73 6.98 4.36 6.98 2.34 2. 65 2.65 2.92 2.62 4.01 6.04 3.28 6.10 3.59 5.21 3.28 4.90 2.97 4.48 2.97 4.74 2.70 3.54 2.29 3.80 2.70 3.54 2.29 3.80 2.03 1.62 74 74 11 12 14 2.92 3.60 2.41 4.12 2.24 3.07 2.76 3.60 1.65 2.11 1.54 2.11 2.15 3.19 1.94 3.56 TABLE « — Contiau«d Wrt»riM D»T» Y»>»«y 0>4ft« DtKTSSnSBwT^iMptl CyeU ftftor dM«d OpM Cloa«4 Opaa *— ^*^1:* and D*U W»««rlai <») <7) til t«) <7«») (a»t) Averaga of 1 4 b Crelaa 1 18 S. 03 84 (.44 84 (.94 81 7. IS 81 8.M 3.08 8.21 3. 2( (. 38 S.2( (.38 3.3( 7.01 4.03 8.20 3.88 (.48 3.07 4.61 3.10 4.49 2.B2 3.48 2.S2 3.48 (. 28 4.40 4. 74 3.78 3.78 2.(0 1.14 1.39 .93 .93 2.80 3.28 2. 14 2. (1 1.93 2.7( 2.M 2.87 2.(( 3.49 2.09 2.81 2.80 2.92 2.29 3.39 83 .42 1. 10 ^SoBdajri az bolidara TABl^E T DAILY TATER LOSS PER HOUR PER 10 DU. ^ LEAF AREA (GU6. ) DURWG FODR 28-DAT WATERING CYCLES IN 1952 FOR TWO TDRPEHTINE UANOO SEEDLINGS AND TWO VENEER- GRAFTED ZILL (ON TDRPENTINE} BUDLING8 CROWN IN OPEN- AND CLOSED-TOP CONTAINERS Watorlai Obti Cjrel* aftar Ctoaad Opea Cloaad Op«s Saadllaga Vaa and Date Watariag (3) {2> (4) (9-1) (4-2) 1.7S 2. 11 2.9Z 3.37 2.92 3.31 3.79 4.76 3.79 3.9« 3.79 4.61 2.62 3.07 2.92 3.94 1.49 1.99 1.69 1.96 2.62 2.66 .66 1.36 .43 1.00 2.32 2.32 2.76 3.26 .68 2. 12 .66 1.24 .43 1.23 .33 .62 .66 .23 1.07 1.65 1.61 .66 1.02 1.49 1.01 1.12 1.02 1.49 1.01 1.12 1.26 1.66 . 67 . 96 1.61 2.64 1.60 2.07 1«( TABU T — Coatlnutd Cyela after Clei«4 Op«n Ctei«A 0p«> SaadllBg* T«M«r Orafto *«d Pate Watering (1) {») W <«) (3-1) (4-^> m « 2, 13 Oat. 10- T 2.96 Nov. 6 • 2.32 (Cent.) 9 1.10 10 1.10 11 2.S3 12 1.09 13 1.36 14 1.26 15 1.2S 16 1.4S IT 1.43 10 .02 19 1.02 20 t.OI 21 .01 22 .91 23 .06 24 .56 23 .60 26 .40 27 .40 20 .60 IV I 1.79 Nov. T> 2 1.04 Doe. 4 3 1.04 4 2.29 9 2.29 6 1.09 7 1.20 0 2.19 9 1.79 10 1.79 2.90 1.31 1.90 .09 4.63 3.20 3.10 1.67 2.90 2.04 1.09 .66 2.90 1.73 2.07 1.00 2.90 1.79 2.07 1.00 4.63 2.92 2.76 2.10 2.01 1.79 2.07 .92 1.49 .07 .99 .13 2.32 1.02 1.30 .06 1.69 1.02 1.21 .40 3.64 2.11 1.90 2.19 3.64 2.11 1.90 2.19 2.32 1.02 1.21 1.50 2.98 1.09 1.99 1.96 2.81 1.79 1.38 1.00 2.01 1.09 1.12 2.00 2.32 1.09 .99 1.81 1.90 1.79 .73 1.42 1.90 1.79 .73 1.42 1.98 1.49 .06 1.30 1.82 1.17 . 69 1.42 1.33 .87 .52 .93 2.52 1.73 1.12 1.92 3.64 2.33 1.01 1.03 2.91 1.79 1.64 1.07 2.91 1.75 1.64 1.07 3.97 2.33 2. 19 1.60 3.97 2.33 2.19 1.68 2.90 1.49 1.09 I.Q9 1.65 1.02 1.03 .49 3. 14 1.09 2.07 .99 2.91 1.49 1.89 1.12 2.91 1.49 1.89 1.12 .67 • . 10 • .19 .32 .32 - .16 .32 .00 .36 . 19 - .13 - . 13 .19 - .37 - .77 - .94 • 1.02 •1.02 - .99 - .39 • .63 TABLE T — Coatiauad WataTlag Day* BaadUaia Vanaar Qaafta lMfta»a«ta <0»a«-CXaaad) Cyala aftar Ctoaad Oyaa Cleaad Opaa SaadUafa Ttaaav Qnfla aad Data Watering (1) (3) (Z) (4) (8-1) C«-Z» rr U 1.94 ).3I 1.84 2.23 1.32 .33 Mar. 7- 12 I.T4 3.91 1.19 2.30 2.12 .01 Dae. 4 13 1.20 2.04 1.17 1.81 1.44 .04 (Caat) 14 1.17 2.92 2.00 .84 1.73 ‘I.IO IS .90 1.82 1.02 1.03 .92 .01 .73 1.74 1.20 2.48 .80 2.48 .00 1.10 .37 1.00 .70 .33 .00 1.03 .48 .99 .30 1.19 1.89 3.34 1.99 2.13 .91 2.21 ..91 2.24 2.41 2.98 2.34 4.72 2.38 3.29 2. 30 4. 12 2.21 3.31 2.11 3.37 1.39 2.81 1.39 2.81 1.83 3.37 1.02 3.39 1.13 2.18 1.03 2.10 2.22 2.41 1.82 2.42 1.32 1.38 1.30 1.19 168 TABLE 7 — Coatiinud WatariBf D>r* Csrel* aiUi ud D*t* WaUzlBg ■Mlliasa TiMaa Ovaft* OtfCaMM Cl«Md Opn (1» (8) QoMd OpM l—dllBia T«>M* Onfti U) «4» (»-l) <4-21 16 .90 1.67 1.40 1.26 .97 - .16 4 Cfelai IT .90 1.67 1.40 1.26 .97 - .16 (C«Bt. ) 18 .66 1.61 1.27 1.20 .96 - .07 19 .79 2.06 1.42 1.22 1.26 - .20 20 .68 1.67 1.18 .67 .99 - .26 21 .12 1.29 .95 .79 .77 • .16 22 .60 1.42 1.07 .62 . 82 - .46 28 .87 1.16 1.10 .60 .81 - .60 24 .37 1.16 1.10 .60 .61 • .60 28 .62 1.26 .91 .60 .78 - .61 26 .44 1.20 .60 .49 .76 - .81 27 .89 1.08 .67 .66 .69 26 .49 1.88 .60 .91 .89 .11 169 TABLE 9 DAILT WATER. LOSS PER HODR PER 10 DU.^ LEAP AREA (GlilS. ) DTlROfa EIORT 14-DAT WATERINQ CTCLES IN 1952 FOR TWO TURPENTINE MANGO SEEDLOtCS AKD TWO VENEER- CRATTBD ZILL (ON TURPENTINE) BUDUNG8 GROWN IN OPEN- AND CLOSED-TOP CONTAINERS WktoTlnf D>r* S»«41Ia«» Y«a»«r QrafU DUtoroco (Op«a-Clo»«41 Cycle »lMr Cleecd Op«a Cleied Opca 8«*4U>g( V«b««> Ocefta aad Dste Wctcriag 6) I-b 28 Aag. 29- 28 8«pt. 11 27 (Cont. ) 28 1.88 .78 2.4« 1.07 1.08 .78 1.82 .78 .79 .81 2.83 1.17 1.02 1.24 1.87 1.98 -1.89 •1.48 .08 . 12-28 2 2. 71 8 8 2.71 3 4 8.21 2.28 2 1.78 2 1.80 09 4. 32 2. 08 2. 82 .98 - 2.82 .98 - 1.98 . 68 - 2.88 8.91 8.91 4. 34 1.82 2.84 2. 88 02 14 -1.86 -1.88 •1.28 -1.28 2.13 2.94 1.38 1.90 1.21 1.21 1. 10 1.82 1.28 1.28 81 0. 00 .88 - .92 - .92 TABLE 8 — Conttnmd WtteriBg Dar* Cfcls after Cleiad Opes Cleaad Opaa Saedlingi Vaster Grafts and Data Wateriag (S) (7) (£) (8) (7-S) (8-«) n-b Sept. 26< Oet. 9 (Cost. ) Oet. 10-23 29 1.11 1.99 29 .79 .99 27 1.19 1.03 28 . 87 . 34 1.89 1.28 1.19 1.32 1.19 1.32 1.09 1.28 1.89 2.21 3.38 1.28 1.69 .93 3.00 .82 2. 43 . 29 •1.09 •2. 18 -2.18 - .87 - .42 • .42 - .99 - .83 1.99 2.39 2.91 9.99 1.99 2.39 1.89 2.21 2.29 9.38 2.28 2.29 2. 29 .90 1.09 .90 92 •1.08 -1.99 - .69 - .99 - .99 1.99 2.96 1.58 1.94 1.09 1.20 1.39 1.71 1. 13 1.11 3.23 3.19 3.23 3.19 1.90 1.92 2. 10 2.28 .97 2. 14 2. 22 1.73 .99 1.30 1.39 2. 92 2.92 1. II 2.34 1.23 2.22 97 19 39 02 07 07 12 • .29 - . 18 - .33 • . 12 2.89 2. 39 3. 00 2.99 2.99 1.88 2.34 2 2.73 2.73 1 14 29 08 17 19 • .12 -1.00 -1.00 •1.99 -1.99 172 TABLX 8 -- Contto»»a Watariot Dayi PUfawca (Opaa-Claaadt Cjrela miter Claaad Op«B deled Open SeedUagi VexieeT Grafte and Date Watertef (S) (7) (8) (8) (7‘S) (B-i) m-b OoL 24- Nov. 6 (Cent. ) 28 I.M 1.84 26 1.47 1.20 27 .86 1.02 28 2.19 1.88 3.11 .93 - .06 3.11 .74 • .27 2. 34 . 62 . 16 3.11 1.23 • .31 •2. 18 -2.37 -1.72 IV -a Nov. 7-20 2.68 2. 80 2. SO 2.81 2.85 2.86 2.30 2.30 2.90 2.90 2.52 2.05 2.05 2.73 2.73 1.73 1.84 1.54 1.97 1.97 12 20 20 09 05 2. 22 1.73 1.97 1.69 1.69 2.05 1.71 2.14 1. 66 1.66 1.94 1. 17 1.94 1.56 1.56 1.66 1.17 1.66 1.27 1.27 - . 17 - .02 . 17 • .03 - .03 - .28 - .28 - .29 - .29 1.89 1.71 1.51 1.36 1.01 .08 .73 1.03 18 18 16 1.28 1.32 1.32 2.63 2.81 1.39 1. 13 1. 13 2.62 2. 75 1. 17 1. 17 1. 17 1.94 2.34 1. 11 .97 2. 09 2. 16 14 19 19 01 24 • .06 • .20 • .20 . 15 - .18 1. 38 1.38 1.86 1.61 1.61 .89 1.04 1.35 1.35 - .29 - .29 - .03 - .03 .21 0.00 .52 .82 17J TABLE t -- Coattofd Waterlog Dara BaadUaga Vanar Orafte Dtftettetea lQ»a«-g»aa4> Crala after Claaad Opas Cloaad Opaa Saadliagi Vaoaar Oaafta aad Date Wateriag Tamp. V, P. D, Sail Tamp. 4.48 7.4J 13.96 29.0 27.6 30.7 6 20 32. 5 7 21 31.7 S 22 23. 5 9 23 32. 0 10^ 24 32.0 1 1 25 29. 3 12 26 30.3 13 27 32.2 14 23 31.3 15 29 33.5 9.63 31.6 7.69 30.9 3. 39 23. 1 T. 62 23. 5 7. 62 23. 5 4. 67 27. 9 6. 03 29. 4 10.27 31.1 3.33 30.7 12.63 31.3 16 30 32. 17^ 31 32. 13^ Sapt. 1 32. 19 2 33. 20 3 32. 21 4 31. 22 5 32. £*- 7 23. 25 3 23. 26 9 27. 27 10 23. 23 II 23. 19.11 29.1 10.11 29.1 10.11 29.1 14.24 31.6 to. 30 30.3 7.25 30.4 9.31 31.3 5. 37 27. 1 5. 37 27. 1 4.93 27.3 3.51 26.7 6.31 27.9 5.47 26.1 17* TABLE 9 ■- Cen^uft^ W»tarlag Cyel* D>TI after ▼ateriac 1952 Air Tstsp. CC.» V. 9. D. {mm. Hf) Sell Temp. {•c.) n I SmL 12 50.3 7.29 29.1 1> 50.4 8.29 27.5 14 50.4 8.29 27.3 15 50.4 9.21 28.8 I* 51.1 9. 5* 28.4 17 31.4 11.89 29.3 18 29.0 3.34 27.3 19 31.0 7. 88 29.3 1.44 23.7 le^ 21 23.9 1.44 23.7 11 22 50.0 4. 29 28.1 12 25 31.4 6. 53 29.0 12 24 50.3 4.49 28.4 14 25 28.9 4.17 24.7 IS 24 29.7 8.99 27.7 1* 27 50.4 9.84 24.8 IT» 28 30.4 9.84 24.8 If 29 31.2 8.04 29.0 36 29.4 7.09 27.8 20 OeL 1 29.2 8.59 27.7 21 2 24.3 2.02 24.4 22 3 27.4 5.03 25.4 4 24.9 2. 85 25.8 5 24.9 2. 85 23.8 *» 4 28.8 3.17 27.0 2* 7 27.4 3.30 24.9 27 8 28.7 3.21 27.0 21 9 23. 1.88 23.4 :77 TABLE 9 •- Contteoed 171 TABLE 9 - - Contuiaad Iter* »iut W»t»rto« Data All Tamp. V. P. O. SeU Teny. 1952 (• C. J (mm. Hg) (• C. ) IT 7 24. 5 I 29.0 9 29.0 0 27.2 1 27.2 19. 1 29.2 29.2 22. 3 20.7 22.2 10. a 10.8 19.0 14.9 1.96 1.96 3. 37 2.07 14.6 14.6 19.9 20.0 20.3 27 22.9 20 26. 9 29 29.9 90 29. 9 I 21. 1 20.9 20.9 10.9 10.9 10.6 2 21.9 9 22.0 4 21.9 9. 99 9.99 1.94 19.2 TABLE 9 179 WiMrlsg D»te Alt Trap. V. P. D. SeU T«mp. Watering ***^ ai 4 Cjrcli *7.9 2* *. 4 6.19 2S.7 $.20 24.4 9.20 24.4 6.94 26.8 29.8 27.1 27.2 26.4 26.4 29.6 29.6 U 12 19 14 18 17 18 19 20 27.9 *7.9 28.1 26.2 26.0 29.9 29. 1 24.9 27.9 27.9 27.8 26.7 6.94 6.94 6.19 7. 26 9.94 29.9 29.5 29.2 29.6 24.6 *1 22 29 29 26.2 28.9 26.9 26.9 26.1 29.5 26.0 29.4 *8iac« th* BuslMr af boar* p«r period ksd p«r dop rariod. tho 4T0ro|4 dolly vol«o« «or« obtolBod by mult^lyla( aaeh of tbo flgoreo tor tho morslos, olterBOOB, and ovoalnf porlodr by tho mabor of beori io oaeb period aad dloidlag by tho namber of boera to the day) tor caoBi^e, the air tamparatore tor AS|. 21 wee (92. 9 a 4) 4 (94 a 9} 4 (90.8 a 17)/ 24 a 91.7asd<»Aac. 29. (91. 8 a 2. 9) 4 (92. 0 a 4$. 9)/48 ■ 92.0. ^Soadayr or holidays •baa bo raadtofS were takeai the figarai preseBtad kavo baaa calenlatad as tor Aag. 29 to the abora aaampla. II Hf |l tlflff =5|;;; : : : !! iliiiiiiilM N N N «i >i V « « « « : mmm NMlillilfiM 0 1.6990 2. 4771 4. 6021 S.4152 S.4771 liissilEE ««« siiisilES = = = ilsiS|i55 ilsIiilElilj N M N n' Tan^. V. P. D. SsU Tamp. W^rla* Hr. {gna.) fC.) 4** 4var*g«> el two feennoinotT* aad two ^nBegr>pii*i owper praarazo dallcita ara ealealatad Taloaa from two dry b«llt*wot bolb tBatallatioari aoll tomparotuvoa aro aoarmgaa of aix aoU dMrmomatarai aad watar loaaaa par bear ara awarafoa ol aight plaau. rk tta boasdarlaa of watariag epclaa. 186 TABLE 18 An TEMFSaATURES, VAPOR PRESSURE DBPlCtTS. SOIL TEMPERATURES, AND WATER LOSSES PER HOUR FOR THE A7TSRNOOH PERIODS OP SEVENTY ‘THREE DATS DURING 19SZ^ Water Loll/ Air Tamp. V. P. D. SoU Tamp. WMrteg c , g j (T) (Xj) (X3> Auf. IS IS. 00 30.3 9.S 29. S ^ 17. SO IT. SS IS. 75 33. B 35.1 35.7 3S. 0 35.3 SS. I 31.2 25 .63 26 3. 12 27 B. 33 2S 11.04 29 16. ST 30.9 33.3 34.9 34.3 36.6 IS.S 13.3 19.0 SS.7 IB. 33 12.50 9. 37 9.37 3.96 36.8 3S.6 36!° 30.9 18.4 17.6 9.2 6.8 36.4 34.0 39. B 30.6 9 1. 25 29.4 6.2 10 3.96 32.0 11. S 11 7.29 29.4 4.6 29.3 32.0 27. 1 15 16 18 13. 96 29.79 24.79 23.96 12.08 9.8 16.9 16.6 8.0 32.4 32.2 32.3 29. S 187 TABLE 12 -- Ca»tUM»«d WaUring Cjr«l« Data Vatar Laia/ Air Tamp. V. P. D. Sell Tamp. Hr. {fma.) {*C.» (mm. H|) (‘C.* m (X,) (Xj) (Xj) □ Sapt. 18 16.(7 (Cant. ) 22 IS. 62 23 12.08 24 a. 12 28 8.83 26 12.29 29 12.92 30 6. 8? Oet 1 8.84 2 3.33 3 6.04 6 6.28 T 7.29 8 3.78 m 10 8.62 13 6. 67 14 11.87 15 11.46 16 20.42 17 18.12 20 18.00 21 13.12 22 6.87 23 12.08 24 6.28 27 8.83 28 14. 79 29 13. 84 30 8. 12 34.8 13.1 33.2 32.8 11.4 30.9 34.7 1 4 2 32,8 32. 1 9. 6 30. 6 31.8 6.4 29.7 32. 1 10. 1 30. 4 344 13.6 32.7 33.0 11.1 32.4 32.3 11.0 31.7 27.6 2.8 26.8 30.8 7.7 28.0 32.3 11.4 30.4 29.3 8.9 24 0 32.4 8.8 30.9 27.6 4.0 24.6 28.8 3.3 28.8 29.6 4 2 28.0 30.0 8.8 28.0 32.9 12.6 29.3 31.6 8.6 28.0 29. 8 6. 7 28. 1 27.4 8.8 26.6 26.7 4.0 23.7 28. 8 4. 8 28. 1 27.3 3.0 2 4 6 27.6 3.6 28.2 29.8 7.9 28.6 28.8 9.1 23.8 27.6 8.8 22.9 188 TABLE >2 — Cw>ttoa»a W.»— T— ./ V. P. D. 8ail Tamp. VatariBg (mm. Hg) rc.) (T) (3t3» m Not. i 8. 54 29.0 9.3 26.6 (Coat.) 4 5.83 29.1 9.4 Z6.2 5 7. 29 28.7 10.6 27. 1 t 12.92 29.6 10.9 24.6 TV 1 12. 29 28.6 9.8 24.2 12 13.96 28.1 5.8 24.8 13 9.37 26.4 4.9 21.9 14 12.71 28. 1 8.8 24.9 17 10.21 27.8 6.9 23.4 18 12.92 27.6 9.0 24.3 18 7.92 28.0 7.1 23.8 20 6. 86 24.9 2.7 22.3 9.37 23.0 4.3 18.0 24 7. 29 26.3 8.7 21.7 28 10.42 27,3 7.0 23. 1 28 9. 17 26.2 4.7 20.8 Dao. 1 8.03 24.4 5.6 21.3 2 6. 66 26.3 6.8 21.8 * 3.78 26.8 5.4 22.4 8 7.80 8.1 21.7 *A1t toinp«r4ta7«a »*• two tharmomaMTa and tw© ttamograpbai vifer pxaaaara daficlta ata ealealatad aalnaa (ram two dry balb'wat balb Inatallattoiiai aaU tan^parataraa ata avatagaa o( alx aeil tbanaomatarai aad wataz loaaaa pat hoar ara avarafaa a( aight bR. tba booBdarlaa af watarlng eyclaa. 189 TABLE 13 AJE TEUPERATtnUS, VAPOR. PRESSURE DEFICITS, SOIL TEUPeRATURSS, AND WATER LOSSES PER HOUR FOR THE EVENING PERIODS OF SEVEHTT-THREE DATS DURING 1982* Watering Crsu Water Lo«a/ Air Tanp. V. P. D, Soil Tamp. Hr. (gmi.) CC.» (»Bi. Hg) »*C,| iV (Xjl (Xj) Ang. IS 2.72 30.0 9.8 28.8 ^ 18 19 20 22 .80 1.28 .20 .04 .77 29.8 32. 1 11.0 27.9 29.4 31.2 30.8 27.8 28 20 27 28 29 so 32. 6 74 32. 1 20 30.3 18 32.0 14 27.8 14.0 30.8 8. 9 30. 0 0.5 30.0 7. 0 30. 8 4. 2 27. 1 18 10 17 IS .88 .81 1.77 1.07 1.07 30. 0 0. 8 28. 9 29. 8 7. 8 28. 4 30. 7 8. 2 28. 3 31.3 11.4 29.8 26.4 4.8 20.7 190 TABLE 13 •• CeatliBwd Watai Lai*/ Air Tamp. T. P. D. Sell Tamp. W^rlag Ht. {!«•.) fC.) (mm. Bf) CC.) (T) {X^) (Xj) (Xj» n Sapt. 19 (Cent. ) 22 23 21 13 30.2 07 29. 3 33 30.8 30 30. 2 48 27.9 7. 1 28. 9 9. 2 27. 9 7. i 28. 7 9.9 28.4 3.2 24.0 24 29 Oat 81 29.3 77 30. 4 64 28.3 37 28. 2 37 26. 2 5.2 27.7 7. 1 28. 4 9.9 27.3 4. 0 27. 2 1. 4 24. 1 18 18 37 24.4 28.3 28.3 24.9 28.4 23.2 23.3 29.8 24.8 24.4 23 40 27.9 70 27. 4 40 24.4 91 23. 3 24 24.3 4.0 23.8 3.1 23.2 3.8 23.4 2. 4 23. 1 2. 4 24. 2 37 37 42 23. 1 22.8 22.3 19.2 20.8 i91 TABLE 13 — Contliwud Wstar L»ft/ All Tamp. T, P. D, SoU Tanp. WaUriai Da» H». Jgaia. ) {• C. ) (mn. Hg) (• C. > (V) (Xi) (Xj) (X,) m Mo*. 3 (Coot. ) 4 9 .11 ZS. 2 . 04 24. S . 07 23. 1 1.21 23.2 4. 9 22. 9 9.0 22.3 4.2 21.3 9. 8 22. 2 IV 23.9 24.4 2.4 2.3 4.2 20.9 22.0 20.7 22.0 21.1 10 19 20 24 22 23.7 23 23. 3 74 20. 2 99 18.0 59 22.0 3.9 20.7 2.0 21.3 1.7 10.3 1.4 13.0 3.4 19.4 Dac. 29 28 .33 1.03 .22 . 33 .07 22.3 27.0 20.2 19.9 21.3 9 .29 22.2 20.9 ‘a1* tan^arataraa ara avaragaa ef two thariaouiatara aad two tharmof rapha ; *apor praaaura daflclta ara caleolatad raluai from two drjr balO-wat bolb iaataUatloaai tell tamparataraa ara avaragaa ol tlx toll tbannomaterat aad water leataa par hear ara araragaa of light plaata. tha beoBdariaa «I waterlog eyelat. 19a TABLE 14 SOMMABT or COUELATIOM COErriCUMTB. MEANS, PARTIAL REOUSSION COErriClEKTS. AMO MULTIPLE ESORESSION EQUATIONB TOR MORNINC, ATTERNOON. EVENINO, AMD WITHIN PERIODS, OVER SEVENTT -THREE DATS IN 1991^ VarlaU* MornlBg AfternMB ETaaiai Carr«l»ttw> Ca«fticl«nt» .4239*a .49S1«* .9144** .1898 . 0447 . 0H2 . 2820 . 3470* . 3446** . 2779 . 3062 . 2234* . 4396M . 5884** . 32S7«* .5791** .3B38M .4274«* .33UM .1087 .2»18«* M««B« .8 27. 1 28. S .4 4. 9 6. 7 .9 21.1 26.0 T (Wftterlei«/br.,fm«.} 10.12 lO.SO .62 7.09 Partial R>«rn>i«» C— MIcioato b.| 23 .9149 1.2439 . 0243 . 2604 b-2 13 -0031 .0767 .6184 b'l‘l2 -l-SSn -1.1101 -.1426 -.7611 »7l.*9 V-is '73. 12 .1263 .2623 .3614* . 3222M .4218** .2283* X| {Ala tamp. . * C, } X2 (▼. P. a . «H>. H|) X. (SoU temp. , * C. ) iy» TABI.S 14 — CoatlM»d Mcralaf! T ■ 4.714Xj * .421 Xj - 1.53ZXj • Z4.1U. AfterBSsa: ErMlag; Vittla P«rl»d«: T ■ 4L244X1 * .SyZXj • l.llOXj 4 9.W. f ■ 4.024) Xj 4 .OTOTX, • .143X3 4 >• f ■ 4.Z64Xj 4 .6UX2 - .741X3 - 21.994. *TmbBlar Valu44 fax R •> xi i.L He. YaxUMo .01 .01 Pexiad ■ 124 . 304 ) MoxBiafi AftexaeoB, .217 . 203 ) Evealai 213(200) 217(200) 4 . 194 . 234 ) ViOis Feriode 2 .130 .101 ) ^Slsee Ike eaelxele ie me am vetex leee/hx. and eselxoameBtel feetexe vlthla eaeb pexlede, fte degxeae ei fxeedem axe (73 >1)4 (73 - 1) 4 (73 - 1) e Z14tetali lax (■ • 4). 4.(. e 213(br(a<2), 4.1. e 21s. 194 IV I'- ll 2’ 3 i r. I h I ^ I 31 5 1 I* SS s • s’a i li 0 a. » 116 I" y lli It £ " as- 1 ? ir 92 If ss$ iin sss sss it 1 1 ^ a? I - ?,l i 1 i 1 I ijll! Ill, ' PlH nil I ll i I»7 19S i I I 199 200 P ■9 § 1 j " s5 II h :5: £ ?S s| = I 9S8 si$ liii Hi I 111 1 I I I i|i|| I l?lH I ITi I 201 TABLE 19 LBAT LENOTHS, LEAf WWTHS, AND LEAT AJIEAB OF 2D0 UATURE LEAVES OF SEVEN-YEAR-OLD HADEN MANOO BDOLINGS Laaf No. L*af L«sgth (em. > <*1> 1 2S.B 2 29.9 } 17. S 4 21.3 5 27.4 6 27.2 7 21.9 S 17.2 9 2S.4 10 29. 3 11 IB.I 12 20.3 13 22.S 14 24. 3 19 27.0 14 22.2 17 17. B IB 23.4 19 24.4 20 27. 3 21 27.3 22 22.3 23 22. 4 24 24.4 25 29. 1 24 29. 3 27 23.4 22 19.2 29 20. 3 30 27.4 LMf Wldtt (cm. ) Lm2 Area (cm. >) (T1 9. 9 123. 44 7.1 192.28 3.7 49.20 9.4 24.29 B.9 110.70 4.7 10B.09 4.3 49.12 4.0 47.99 4.4 122.04 4.4 124.92 3. 4 34. 70 4. 2 47. 09 2.9 22.4B 9.9 90.74 4.4 120.17 4.2 112.04 3.2 49.27 4. 2 72. 22 9. 4 97. 14 9.7 103.72 4.0 110.31 4.1 119.94 4.4 70.84 9.7 104.41 4.1 102.01 4.0 104.77 9.2 24.34 4.9 6.7.44 4.2 42.94 9.2 103.91 ZS2 TABLE 19 •' Contlaaad LM(Ne. Laaf L«S(th (cm. ) L*4f Width (em. } L««f Azu (exh. (14» (T) 61 26. B 62 26.4 63 27. 4 64 34.2 6B 23. 3 66 3«.2 67 23. 3 6* 24.6 69 2B. 7 76 23. 7 4.9 93.74 ».B 9B.4I 6.1 11B.32 7.7 117.03 4.9 79.76 6.7 136.96 4.7 6S.61 6.2 62.00 6.0 102.12 9.4 67.66 71 72 73 79 6.3 106.92 3. 9 92. 61 6.7 113.16 9.6 119.99 4. 6 49. 07 76 77 79 60 4.4 99.66 6.1 123.46 9.6 113.67 9. 1 76. 32 4.6 72.03 9. 4 69. 95 4.9 60.92 6.6 106.39 4. 3 99. 49 9. 9 67. H 9.9 103.74 6.7 117.96 6.9 116.16 6.6 124.46 4.9 69.42 tabu: 19 I#Mf No. Loaf Lomftb (cm. ) Uaf Widft |em. ) L^ol Axoa (oso. CXi» (Xt) (T) 111.94 99.97 90. 92 9.6 119.09 S.t 104.91 5.6 104.71 4.9 69.94 4.9 67.62 9.0 99.00 4. 9 62. 00 9. 7 09. 90 6. 9 190. 92 4. 9 99. 06 11 29.2 12 21.9 14 26.9 19 26.7 4.9 71.10 4.7 60.06 9.9 96.49 6.0 102.12 7.0 121.10 79.16 99. 61 90. 92 60. 29 TABLK 19 -* ContiMed LskfNe. LmI Lanctti (cm. ) L*>f WidUi (em. ) Ar*> (em.'l W (XjJ (cm.) L«af Width {em. } LMf Axm 151 If. 152 24. 1S2 28. 184 2T. 188 39. 84. fO 86.12 m.i6 106.00 132. f2 8.2 fl.22 6. 0 ff. 28 6. 6 f6. 88 6.0 109.62 8. 1 83. 68 161 24. 162 22. 162 21. 164 22. 168 28. 94. T7 77.42 138.47 130.97 101.29 166 167 168 169 170 196.48 118.12 118.49 136.28 88.61 171 28. 172 28. 173 22. 174 23. 172 28. 94.06 117.29 80.00 82.77 84.71 176 28. 177 24. 178 20. 179 24. 180 If. 96.64 94.84 66.82 82.13 68. 88 20T TABLE 19 -- Contlnu«d L«afHo. Laaf L«Bftlk (en9. ) L««l Width (cm.) L«kf Axes (cm. 9) (T) lai 24.9 9.4 99.93 112 22.7 9.9 91.97 113 29.2 4.4 114.52 114 21.7 4.0 99. 52 las 24.4 4.4 114.24 lae 23.2 4.0 91.59 IIT 17.7 3.7 44.97 laa 21.9 9.9 92.00 27.3 9.7 103.03 29.9 9.9 99. 02 lai 24.9 9.4 95. 14 23.3 9.4 79. 19 193 21.4 4.9 44.44 194 29.2 5.9 199 24.4 9.4 04. 92 196 29.4 9.2 91.47 20.2 4.1 59. 00 199 21.1 9.4 44.79 199 23.9 9.9 79. 97 2oe 19.4 4.2 50.00 208 TASl^ 20 MEAMB, aEOaSSSION COErriClENTS, COUIELATION COETriCIENTS. AMD MOX.TIPi>E UGaSSSlON £QDATK>H EXPRE3S1NC EELATlOMSHtPS AMONG LEMOTHS, HIOTHS, AND AKEAS or 200 UATURX 1.EAVS8 FROM BEVEN>TEAR-OLD HADBN UAMOO TREES iMl l*af& ■ X| Luf width ■ Xj iMihit ■ Y Re«w»ton CeafflctoM v.» m 4.1S * • ■ 14.64 t • (t gj at 200 4. L IS. 65** 12.I6** • 2.601) X| « 24.79 X} • *.*2 T ■ 92.273 R«gT«i«l^ Eouattoa T > 4.15 Xj 4 14.64 X^ • 91.13 Corialatloa Coaffteluta Tatal (noltiple): R^ * •9»61** d.E 197 PartUl Tabular Taluai 'ri.2 • 't2.1 “ .7446*» . 6660** 197 197 r , B .9199«* 198 r^i s .B939** 198 jr* ■aaarjr Car stgalilaaiiea at .01 Laval: R or r at 200 d. L and 3 variabloa b , 212 at 200 d. L aad 2 rartaUat ■ . Ill 209 TABLE 21 LEAT LENGTHS, LEAF VIDTB8. AMD LEAF AREAS OF 100 JUVENILE LEAVES FROU SBVEM'YEAR'OLO HADEN UANGO 8UDLINGB L«af He. Laaf L«Bf& (em. ) LMf Width (em. ) Laaf A»a» (en. 2) JXj2 OCjj 59.36 4.2 51.42 4. 5 56. 52 3.4 31.94 5 16.2 9 IT. 6 10 15.4 44.20 49. 29 36.20 43.62 27.74 11 16. 12 12. 13 9. II «■ 3.4 32.84 2.5 19.18 1.9 9.36 1.1 2.84 1.7 9.74 2.3 18.03 3.5 37.23 5.5 66.84 3.8 42.78 3.8 42.26 3.5 40.39 3.8 47.23 3.7 38.00 2.8 24.71 3.0 28.12 3. 1 30. 19 2.0 12.91 1.8 9.39 2.2 15.19 2.1 15.03 210 TABLE 21 — Coittln>i»< 40.81 30. 6S 25.42 IT. 14 61 62 6S 64 6S 66 6T 6« 69 70 72 72 7S 76 77 70 79 80 81 82 82 84 88 211 TAB1.K 21 — Ccnttcmd Luf LcBoth Icm. ) L—i Width (cm. ) Aru (cm. h ^ 6.7 1.4 7.7 IS 8. SS 6. 84 6. 19 11.42 12.89 12.8 16.5 17.2 20. 1 17.22 25.61 27.55 44.52 52. 78 17.4 14. 1 14.2 21.52 27.81 22.81 28.97 24. 00 9.2 17.0 8.8 8. 1 7.2 11.29 25.62 11.29 6.90 4.90 6.7 15.7 10.2 15.4 4.97 20.00 16.90 17.0 2.6 28.07 24.5 5.2 82.20 18. 2 2. 8 40. 91 18.2 2.8 40.91 18.8 4.0 49.87 21Z TABLE 21 — Contlamd No. Loaf Loagth (era. ) (X,) Width (era. ) (Xj) Loaf Azaa (era. ITI ia.i 3.4 42. 24 19.1 4.2 49.23 92 1S.2 3.9 44.58 94 17. 1 3.4 39. 14 95 13. 1 2.7 20.49 94 13.3 2.4 22.92 97 11.2 3.4 49.44 94 4.1 1.3 4.97 99 3.0 1.0 3.34 100 4.4 0.9 2. 19 213 TABI.E 22 USAMB. &XO&ES8ION COEmClENTS, CORRELATION COEFflCIENTS. AND MULTIPLE RECRESSIOH EQUATION EXPRESSING RELATIONSHIPS AMONG LENGTHS, WIDTHS. AND AREAS OF lOQ JUVENILE LEAVES FROM SEVEN-TEAR-OLD BADEN MANGO TREES L«f lanffik • X| Lul width w Xj L*af ar«m ■ T RagfMloa CcMBclant* byj , . 1.22 t-4.SI** '»y2. 1 • (t,oi»t»7d.t • 2.427J Xj > 13.SS Xj a 2. as 7 a 27. 3S2 Regreialon Eqaattoa T a 1.22X| ^2*1 ■> -MSiaa 97 Slzapla 7,, a .9630aa 9$ .** a .974Saa 9S Taholar Taluai Hacaaiarf iar Sigalfleasea at . 01 Lavali R or r at 1 00 d. E and 3 varlaUoa a r at 1 00 d. f. and 2 varlabloa a .297 TABLE ti LBAT LEHQTHS, LOO LEAF LENGTHS, LEAF AKEAS, LOO LEAF AUA8, LOO PEEDICTEO LEAF AEEAB, AND PEEOICTEO LEAF AREAS OF FIFTY UATOEE LEAVES OF SEVEN- TEAE-OLD HAOEN MANGO BUDLWOS L«af Leaf L«aftt lof L«al L«ii ^aa lOf Laaf lo| PraSietaS Pradletad Na. (cm.) LaBfth (am.*) A*aa Laaf «aa* Laaf Aiaa (la| XI {T) (log Y» (las T) (T) (log T) (log f ) (t) Zfc 23.3 1.4031 104. 77 2. 0273 2. 0003 100.13 Z7 23.4 1.3492 34.34 1.9240 1.9342 •3.93 Z» 19.3 1.2943 47.44 1.3290 1.7920 41.94 20.3 1.3073 42.94 1.3135 43. 09 » 27.4 1.4409 103.31 2.0149 2. 0744 113.47 31 24.4 1.4214 93.39 1.9724 2.0344 103. 73 3Z 23.3 1.4318 122.91 2. 0395 2.0957 124.40 S3 23.3 1.4343 124.04 2. 0934 2. 1014 124. 33 34 27.7 1.4423 lit. 30 2. 0749 2.0773 119. 53 33 24.0 1.3302 •8.27 1.9433 1.9337 90.30 34 19.3 1.2900 S3. 33 1.7470 1. 7793 60.15 3T 19.3 1.2900 41.29 1.7374 1.7793 40.15 33 23.9 1.4133 95. 14 1.9733 2.0204 104.03 39 23.7 1.3747 91.34 1.9430 1.9430 •7. 70 40 24.3 1.3392 94.41 1.9750 1.9733 94.03 41 27.2 1.4344 114.35 2.0401 2.0421 113.33 4Z 27. 1 1.4330 114.15 2. 0375 2.0329 114.53 43 23.0 1.3417 •9.31 1.9413 1.9193 •3.03 44 23.0 1.3002 91.99 1.9437 1.9537 90.30 43 22.3 1.3379 79.97 1.9029 1.9121 31. 47 44 23.3 1.4031 92.49 1.9470 2.0003 100. 13 47 23.3 1.4343 2. 1230 2. 1014 124. 35 43 21.2 1.3243 43.40 1.3343 1.8503 70.35 49 23. 9 1. 3784 •3.24 1. 9204 1.9322 •9.53 30 21.3 1.3324 44.97 1.3127 1.3442 73. 13 obtained bj oelvlag tto rogroooloa oqaatioB with the eorroopoadiag log X. 216 TABLE 24 LEAF LENGTHS, LOG LEAF LENGTHS, LEAF AEEAS , LOG LEAF AEEAS, LOG PEEDICTEO LEAF AEEAS, AMO PREDICTED LEAF AREAS OF FIFTT JUTENILS LEAVES OF SEVEN-TEAR-OLO HADEN MANGO BUOLINOB L«>i Leaf L«B(lh ls| Leaf Laal Araa log Laaf log Prodietad Prodietod No. (cm.) Loagth (cm. Araa Leal Aroa* Loaf Araa (X) (logE) (T) (logT) pogf) Coatlan»d Lwf Ltftfth log Loof Loof Aroo leg Leaf log Pzodlctod Predicted No, (cm. ) L.eegth (em. Aroe Leaf Area* Loai Area (X> Qog X) fiog f) (f) 2« 27 S.t 1.1903 30.19 0.0 1.0000 12.91 8.9 0.9494 9.39 1.2 1.0492 IS. 19 0.2 1.0086 18.03 1.4799 1.8114 32.48 1.1109 1.0867 12.21 0.9727 0.9737 9.41 1.1818 1.1966 18.72 1.1769 1.1089 12.73 31 32 33 34 38 1.1303 20.90 1.2648 43.81 1.2148 32.68 1.1303 28.42 1.0792 17.16 1.3201 1.3776 1.6416 1.6779 1.8139 1.8663 1.4081 1.3776 1.2348 1.2636 23. 88 46. 63 18. 38 1.1614 26.39 1.2201 34.39 1.1461 28.42 1.1878 30.84 1.0648 17.81 1.4218 1.4471 1.8364 1.8281 1.4081 1.4129 1.4892 1.8884 1.2806 1.2307 27.99 37.88 28. 87 32. 02 17.01 2.8 1.0969 20.78 3.0 1.1139 22.39 7.2 0.8873 4.32 7.8 1.2430 44.91 8.0 1.1761 30.88 1.3177 1.3031 20.00 1.3800 1.3410 21.93 0.6388 0.7681 8.86 1.6823 1.6293 42.60 1.4884 1.4799 30.19 4.8 1.1703 27.74 6.8 1.2178 34.84 8.3 1.1847 31.23 9.3 1.2886 83.16 2.6 1.1004 19.87 1.4431 1.8421 1.4946 1.7286 1.2983 1.4670 1.8723 1.4991 1.7244 1.3109 29. 31 37.38 31.86 83.01 20.46 ^altto oMalnad by lelTlag Oia ragrataloa aquattoB vltt tba eercoapeadiag lag X. 218 TABLS 25 UCAT 1.ENOTHS, LOG LEAF LENGTHS, LEAF AEEAS, LOG LEAF AUAS, LOO PSEDICTED LEAF AREAS, AMO PREDICTED LEAF AREAS OF FIFTY HEALTHY LEAVES OF OKX , 1.1847 39.48 1.9901 1.5449 34.48 2 24.3 1.3854 84. 84 1.9284 1.9479 92. 80 24. T 1. 3927 94. 00 1.9823 1.9818 99.90 22.0 1.3424 77.29 1.8881 1.8809 74. 02 5 21.7 1.3345 90.91 1.9981 1.8490 73.98 t 17.S 1.2499 44.49 1.4483 1.4844 48.54 T 2S.S 1.4082 89.42 1.9314 2. 0129 103. 00 24.4 1.3909 82.71 1.9171 1.9782 95. 10 24.9 1.3942 110.77 2.0443 1. 9888 97.49 to 24,9 1.3892 100.97 2. 0040 1.9748 94.37 11 29.4 1.4082 87.81 1.9435 2.0129 103. DO 12 22.4 1.3902 80.13 1.9038 1.8949 78.80 13 19.9 1.2900 97.74 1.7415 1.7797 99.47 14 19.7 1.2949 41.91 1.7890 1.7848 40.92 »» 22.9 1.3998 81.41 1.9118 1.9158 82. 37 IS 22.4 1.3941 78.77 1.8944 1.9043 80.21 29.8 1.4114 124. 07 2. 1273 2.0197 104.49 18 21.4 1.3304 79. 29 1.8747 71.92 19 20.9 1.3118 79.48 1.8779 1.8199 44.00 20 21.4 1.3304 72.71 1.8414 1.8548 71.92 21 19.4 1.1931 35.41 1 a«>K 1.5813 38. 13 22 15.9 1.1903 34.19 1.5339 37.44 23 14.3 1.2122 49. 34 1. 4933 1.4194 41. M It 15.9 19.1 1.2014 1.1741 35.48 32.07 1.5374 1.9040 1.9980 1.9472 39.43 39.24 219 TABLS 21 — ContlniMd Last LM2 lo| LmI L.U1 Aiu lag Laaf lag Pradlcta4 P?adletad Na. 2i 27 29 30 I. 1703 1. 19S9 1.2625 1.3222 1.5069 1.6479 1.S8SB 1. 7046 1. 7969 1.5356 1. 5900 1.5869 1.7206 1.8403 38.63 52. 55 69.25 23.7 22.6 19.3 19.0 16.5 1.2788 1.2175 1.8819 1.9263 1.6812 1.9610 1.7112 1.9457 1.9043 1.7669 1.7533 1.6303 88.24 80. 22 58.47 56. 67 42.70 36 21.3 37 14. 4 38 24. 1 39 18. 1 40 16.4 1.3284 1. 1584 1.3820 1. 2577 1.2148 1.8153 1.9767 1.8071 1.6000 1.8528 1.9603 1.7109 1.6249 71.25 32.49 91.27 15.4 20. 3 21.7 1.2856 1. 1673 1. 1875 1.3075 1.3365 1.7906 1.6403 1.5492 1.6535 1.8939 1.7669 58.47 1.5296 33.86 1.5701 37.17 1.8108 64.69 1.8690 73.97 46 17.8 47 22. 6 48 23.2 49 14.7 50 ID. 1 1.2504 1. 3541 1.3655 1.1673 1.0043 1. 6338 1.8953 1.5356 1. 1216 1.6963 1.9043 1.9273 1.5296 1.2025 49.69 80.21 84. 55 33. 86 15.94 ^Talaa abulaad by aelvlBg tha tagiataloa aqutioa with Am corraipOBdiag lag X. 220 TABLE 26 LEAF LENOTH8, LOO LEAF LENGTHS, LEAF AREAS, LOO LEAF AREAS. LOG PREDICTED LEAF AREAS, AMD PREDICTED LEAF AREAS OF FIFTY UALFORMED LEAVES OF TURPENTINE MANGO SEEDLINGS Leaf Lui LcBftt 1«| Laal Laaf A|aa log Laaf log Pradletad Paadlctad No. (cm.) Laagth (em.^) Area Laaf Area* l.aaf^aa (X) flagX) (T) PoiT) Oagf) noAXl (T1 P0.T1 (latfl (ft 0607 2095 9023 892i 0569 1618 0493 7243 21 W 9494 6721 9956 9168 0755 0374 9685 9956 9590 •195 6097 5678 3671 4008 6634 3029 8470 7725 8549 3243 7144 5886 2410 4401 2279 1319 4725 7033 3509 2110 2999 8698 3715 3579 2610 2195 9633 1284 4364 3295 3715 3148 0984 *VaIiu obtalaad by (olTinf tha lagraaBioB a eoryaapoBding lag 3L tqaatloB with tha 222 TABLE 2? LEAF LEMOTBS, LOO LEAP LENOTHS, LEAF A&EAS, LOO FU> OICTEO LEAF A&EAS. AMO PKEOICTSD LEAF AREAS OF ISO LEAVES, FIFTY EACH OF UATURE AND JUVENILE SPECJUENS FROM SEVEN-YEAE-OLD HADEN MANOO TREES AND HEALTHY SPECIUENS FROM TURPENTINE MANGO SSEDUNOfi Laaf Laagtk lag L«ai (em. ^ Langth W (log 30 lag P>adletad PraSietad l.aaf Area* La^ Araa aog t) m 2S04 3204 4378 4344 334S 2315 4S33 4454 2340 3724 3944 4342 105.09 45.12 47.55 128. 04 124.92 U0.31 115.94 70.84 2.1132 2.1770 1 . 4724 1. M71 2. 0922 2.0850 1.8508 1.4390 2.1249 2.1573 1.5378 1.8003 1.9132 1.9752 2. 0778 2. 1200 p. 4558 1.9458 1.9871 2. 0885 2. 0884 2. 1235 1.8944 2. 0599 2.0144 81.88 94.44 119.50 122. TO 132.90 78. 88 113.75 ZZi TABLK Z7 — ConttotJ LmI LmI Lasftt leg Leef Leef Area leg Predicted Predieted Me. (cm.) Leagtt (cRi.^) Le«C ^pa* LeaiArea JlegX) (T) (leg f) (f> Zfc 25.3 1.4031 106.77 2.0144 103.38 23.4 1.3692 84.34 1.9383 87.80 Zl 19.8 1.2965 67.44 99. 67 29 20.3 1. 3973 62.96 1.1003 63.14 M 27.6 1.4409 103.91 2. 0991 129. 63 31 26.4 1.4216 93.89 2.0559 113. 73 32 28.3 1.4318 122. 91 2.1235 192.90 28.5 1.348 124.06 2. 1302 136.96 34 27.7 1.4423 118.80 2.1027 126. 67 3S 24.0 1.3802 88. 27 1.9631 91.89 36 19.3 1.2900 95. 89 1.7611 87.69 37 19.3 1.2900 61.29 1.7611 37.69 38 25.9 1.4133 95.16 2. 0373 108.97 39 23.7 1.3747 91.84 1.9500 89. 29 40 24.3 1.3892 94.41 1.9833 96. 22 4, 27.2 1.4346 114.89 2. 8850 121.63 42 27.1 1.4330 114. 19 2.0814 120.63 43 23.0 1.3617 89. 31 1.9217 83.8 44 23.6 1.3802 91.99 1.9631 91.87 43 22.8 1.3379 79.97 1.9132 81.87 46 23.3 1.4031 92.69 2.0144 103.38 47 28.3 1.4348 132. 74 2.1302 134.96 48 21.2 1.3263 68.60 1.8424 69. 36 49 23.9 1.3784 83.26 1.9391 91.02 to 21.3 1. 3314 64.97 1.8783 79.60 SI 19.4 1.2878 89. 36 1.7562 97. 04 32 13.3 1.1847 32. 82 1.3293 33. 32 S3 18.8 1.2742 81.42 1.7237 32.17 34 20.0 1.3010 96. 92 1.7857 61.03 S3 14.9 1.1732 31.94 1.4999 31.39 224 TABLE 27 — Contliiii»d L—1 Loagtb lof Luf LufAraa log Pr* fiog X) (Yt (log f) rf) 54 IT. 8 1.2504 57 18.5 1.2595 58 15.2 1.2095 59 IT. 5 1. 2455 60 15.4 I.18TS 61 16.1 1.2068 52 12.9 1.1105 63 9. 3 0. 9585 54 5.2 O.TI50 65 8. 1 8. 9085 65 10.3 1.0128 67 16.3 1.2112 58 17.9 1.2529 69 15.3 1.2122 70 17.1 1.2355 71 17.5 1.2430 72 19. 1 1.2810 73 15.8 1.2253 74 14.3 1.1553 75 14.6 1.1644 75 15.5 1.1903 77 10.0 1.0000 78 8. 9 0. 9494 79 11.2 1.0492 80 10.2 1.0086 81 13.5 1.1303 82 18.4 1.2648 83 16.4 1.2148 84 13.5 1.1303 85 12.0 1.0792 44.20 1.6724 47.03 49.49 1.7152 51.9 36.20 1.5808 38.09 43.62 1.6614 45.85 27.74 I.SSI5 34.00 32.84 1.5748 37.57 19.12 1.3593 22.87 9.36 1.0410 18.96 2.84 0.47SS 2.99 9.74 0.9066 8.07 16.03 1.1402 13.83 37.23 1.5869 38.63 66.84 1.6782 47.67 42.78 1.5869 38.63 42.46 1.6390 43.55 40. 39 1. 6558 45. 27 47.23 1.7410 55.08 36.00 1.6162 41.32 24.71 1.4594 28.66 28.12 1.4798 30.18 30.19 1.5378 34.1 12.91 1.1116 12.93 9.39 0.9982 9.96 15.19 1.2218 16.66 15.03 1.1308 13.52 20.90 1.4034 29.32 43.81 1.7047 50.46 32.65 1.5927 39.15 25.42 1.4034 25.32 17.16 1.2890 19.45 225 TABLE 27 — ConUnifd L«af Le46 Laagtli log Loaf Loaf Aroa leg Pro41oto4 Pro41cto4 Ne. Loagth icmJ) Loaf Area' (X) (io3 X> m (log (f) 86 14.8 1.1614 26. 39 1.4731 29. 72 IT 16.6 1.2201 34.89 1.6046 40. 24 88 14.0 1.1661 25.42 1.4388 27. 46 89 18.4 1.1875 30.84 1.5315 34.00 90 11.6 1.0645 17. 81 1.2560 18.03 91 12.8 1.0969 20.78 1.3286 21.31 92 18.0 1. 1189 22.39 1.3667 23. 26 93 7.2 0. 8873 4.32 0. 7920 6.19 94 17.8 1.2430 44.91 1.6558 45. 27 98 18.0 1.1761 80.88 1.5059 32. 06 96 14.8 1.1708 27.74 1.4929 31.11 97 16.8 1.2178 34. 84 1.5987 39.68 98 15.8 1.1847 31.28 1.8252 S3. 51 99 19.8 1. 2856 88. 16 1.7512 56. 39 IM 12.4 1.1004 19.87 I. 2020 101 18.8 1.1847 35.48 1.5252 33.51 102 24.8 1.8856 84. 84 1.9751 94.41 108 24.7 1 . 3927 96. OD 1.9910 97.94 104 22.0 1.8424 77. 29 1.8784 75.59 108 21.7 1.3865 90.81 1.8612 73.32 106 17.6 1. 2458 44.49 1.6613 48.84 107 28.6 1.4082 88. 42 108 24.6 1.3909 82. 71 1.9870 97.04 109 24.9 1.3962 110.77 1.9989 99. 75 24.8 1.3892 100.97 1.9832 96.2 111 25.6 1.4082 87.81 2,0258 22.4 1.3902 80.13 1.8958 78.68 U3 19.8 I. 2900 57.74 1.7618 57. 68 19.8 1.2945 61.81 1.7711 22.9 1.8898 81.61 1.9174 82. 67 226 TABl^ 27 — Coottomd ti—l Loaftti leg IrMf NO. (cBi, ) Leaftli W <10i H) 116 22.6 1.3541 117 2S.S 1.4116 116 21.4 1.3304 119 20.5 l.SllS 120 21.4 1.3304 121 15.6 1.1931 122 15.5 1.1903 123 16.3 1.2122 124 15.9 1.2014 125 15.1 1.1761 126 14.8 1.1703 127 15.9 1. 2614 128 15.7- 1.1959 129 16. 3 1.2525 130 21.0 1. 3222 131 23.7 1.3747 132 22.6 1.3541 133 19.3 1.2656 134 19.0 1.2786 135 16.5 1.2175 136 21.3 1.3264 I3T 14,4 1.1564 136 24.1 1.3620 139 16.1 1.2677 140 16.4 1.2148 141 19.3 1.2856 142 14.7 1.1673 >43 15.4 1.1875 144 20.3 1.3075 145 21.7 1,3365 Leaf Area leg Pradletad (eta. Leaf Araa* (Y) (log 78.77 1.9046 124.07 2.0334 75.29 l.eslS 75.48 1.8096 72.71 1.8515 35.61 1.5440 34.19 1.5377 49.36 1.5969 35.48 1.5626 32«r 1.5059 32.13 1.4929 44.45 1.5626 38.77 1. 5502 50.65 1.6994 62. 65 1.8331 76. 19 1.9507 84.39 1.9046 48.00 1.7512 61.42 1.7363 51.42 1,5986 65.36 1.8470 37.68 1.4663 94.78 1.9671 64.13 1.6887 38.91 1.1926 61.74 1.7512 43.68 1.4862 35.42 1.5314 45.03 1.8005 78.32 1.8652 Predletad Laaf Area (*> 80.27 108, 00 71.04 64.53 71.04 35.00 34.49 38.62 36. 52 32.06 31. 11 36. 52 36.52 50.05 68. 10 89. 26 80. 28 56. 39 54.49 39^68 70. 30 29.26 92,70 46.83 39. 14 56. 39 30.64 34, 00 63, IT 73.32 227 TABLE 27 •• Contiau>d LmI Leai LcBgtii leg Lsaf Leaf Acaa leg Predicted Predicted Hei (cm. > Length (cm, Leaf Arga* Leaf Are (X) (leg X» (Y) (leg T) (f J 1.36SS 1.1673 1.0043 1.6723 1.9046 1.9301 1.4862 1.1211 *Valiae ebtainad bj eelrlBg the regraaslen equation with the serzeapendlng leg X, 228 (V) n 229 230 lirt 5.^1 □ 1^ IS- 232 1 2 5-- fc 1 S’ 5-5 1 1 s- s £ “ S S 1 ili ¥ ssg s 1 s 1 If" s si - T " i ” " " O. 5 jl L. 1 a 2~ sit I H § S«§: s 1 f ^ 1 ■ 1 ^ O • >• t ■1 1 1 |3 S5S5 1 1 Ws g a 0 t 21 1 1 1 s I s 1 fi i H P 1 H i 5 Q » TABLZ 31 UEAM DAILY TTATKE LOSS PER HOOR (GUS. ) FOR THREE SETS OF TREATMENT COMPARISONS (FIRST ORDER INTERACTIONS) ON SINGLE WATERING PERIOD BASIS A. Data of Craftaga va. Tjrpa of Craftaga (D *0) AprU 14 May 5 July 4 July 21 (G) Maaaa (C) (D) Tjr^ of Craftaga Z. Z7(M)* 3.09 Z.08 ,91 1.0! 1.47(192) S.9U72) 4. 19 2.88 2.28 3.31(2881 (D) Maaaa 2.81(140) 3.26 1,75 m 2.36(720) B. Data of Graftaga Dayt after Watering (T a O) April 14 ZUy S July 4 July Z1 (T) Maaaa f*l (C) (») Dajra aftaa Vatariag 2. 76(60} 3.01 1.58 1.46 2.20(240} Z.9S 3.49 1.79 1.70 2.48 3 2.72 3.28 1,87 1.67 2.39 (O) Maana 2.81(180} 3.26 "TtS nn 2.36(720) C. T]rpa of Gaaftaga Dayt after Vatariag (T a O) (C) (Ckl m Maaaa Daya after Vatariag 1 1.75(80) 1.39(64) 3.15(96) 2.20(240) Z 2.03 I.SO 1.98 1.95 3.28 2.99 (O) Maaaa 1.92(240) 1.47(192) 3.31(288) 2.36(720) *Fl(ur*« la daaoto Bnmbar e( it««a pcf m««a- 23£ TABLE SZ MEA» DAILY WATER LOSS PER HOtlR PER CM. * STEM AREA (GMS. ) TOR THREE SETS OF TREATMENT COMPARISONS (FIRST ORDER INTERACTIONS) ON SINGLE WATERINC PERIOO BASIS A. Data af Oraftaga ra. Typo of Graftaga (D x G) AprU 14 May 5 July 4 Jaly 2 1 (G) Maaaa T7pa of Oraflaga (V) (C) 1. 54(40)* l.K(4S) 1.76 .68 .73 1.27 .91 .58 % ft 2.92 1.78 1.19(240) .97(192) 3.01(288) (D) Haaaa z.M^ieo) 2.36 iTs? TlT 1.86(720) B. Data of Graftaga Days after Watorleg (T a D) J^rU 14 XUy 9 July 4 July 21 (T) Maaaa (Bt ICI (D) Daya after Watarlag 1 2 2.50(60) 2.70 2.30 2.28 1.29 1.03 2.46 1.42 1.20 2.33 1.49 1.19 1.76(240) 1.94 1.87 (0) Maaaa 2.N(U0) 2.3& i.if l.U<729) C. Typo of Graftefo n. Days after Waterlsg (T a G) (* oi Onftef* v«. Tfpa of Graftaga (D.s O) 14 May 8 Xoly 4 July 1 1 (G) Moana (C) (D) Tjrp* «f CruIUf • 3. 86(M)* 3.03 3.42 8.09 3. 4e(M) 4.84 11.93 8.63 6.47(192) 2.31 2.44 2.40 2. 37(288) (D) Maani 3. 18(180) 3.49 i. M ■ CTT 4. Os/tU^ B. Out* of Graiteg* ti. Day* aftai Wataring (T s O) AprU 14 May 8 July 4 July 1 (T) Moana ») 1C) (O) D*r* •<*•' Vatartna 3. 04(40) 3.17 8.88 3.59 3. 84(240) 3.31 3.72 8.61 4.5C 4. 29 3 3. 10 3..U 4. 70 4. 39 3.94 (D) M.»>i 3. is(ifcr 3.49 8.30 4. it 4. 02(720) C. Tjrp* of Groftoi* £•■ Ooya aftar Wataring (T z C) (C) ICk) IT) Moan* D»Y* *fUr Wotniag 3.90(60) 6.08(64) 2.28(96) 2 4.22 7.04 2.51 L29 6. 30 2. 33 3. 94 (D» Main* 4.08(240) 6.47(192) 2.37(288) 4.02(720) *Flg Type of Graftage (V) 3. 86(40]*> 3.63 3.42 5.09 4.05(240) (*C)» 3.18(36) 3.76 2.72 3.09 3.19(144) (Ck) 2.34(72) 2.31 2.44 2.40 2.37(288) (D) Mean* 3.06(168) 5716 05 Ol 3. 15(672) B. Date of GrafUge n. Daya after Watering (T x D) (D) Meaaa April 14 May 5 July 4 July 21 (T) Meana (A) (B) (C) (P) 2.95(56) 2.86 2. 65 3.33 2.95(224) 3. 21 3. 37 2.94 3.72 3.31 3.02 3.25 2.97 3.49 3.18 3.06(168) 06 05 3751 05(572) C. Type of Graftage tb. Days after Watering (T x G) Daya after Watering (Q> Means (V) (*C) (Ck) (T) Means 3.93(80) 2. 63(48) 2.28(96) 2.95(224) 4.22 2.39 2.51 3.31 3,99 3. 55 2.33 3. 18 .C*?(2Wr3. 19(144) 2.37(288) 3.15(672) ^Contains three instead of four chip bud replications. ^Figures in parentheses denote number of items per mean. 239 TABI.E 35 SUMMAHT OF "F" VALUES OBTADJED PROM ANALYSES OF VARIANCE OF DAILY WATER LOSS PER HOUR, DAILY WATER LOSS PER HOUR PER CM. ^ STEW AREA, AND DAILY WATER LOSS PER HOUR PER 10 DM. 2 LEAF AREA (TWO ANALYSES) Dally Daily Daily Daily Water Water Loss/ Water Loss/ «WaterLoss/ Loss/Hr. Hr. /Cm. 2 Hr. /lODm.^ Hr. /lODm.^ Stem Area Leal Area Leal Area^ Db A Bts. C. D (T) ^L (t’V” 5.24* 240 TABLS 35 — CMtl»u«d oi Variatlan DaUp Watar Loaa/Ilr. Dallp Dallp Wataa Lot*/ Watar Lott/ Hr. /Ck.‘ Hr. /lOPaa.^ Siam Araa Laaf Araa DaUp •Watar Lot*/ '■ Hr. /lO Om.> Laaf A>aa> TxC ii,*o l.fB Tq*0 4.12 3.72* n.a. n.a. •CasUla* af iM> eUp bad r^Ueattou. Hobaeripta L and Q rafar ta Unanr and qnadratie laiaaaalon eompananta, raapaatlvaljr. Itana In paaaatbaaai daneta addltiaaal braakdawna ol traateanu Immadlatalp praeading tkami aOslaaa markad atbanriaa (alngla>atartad or a. ai )> tba prababUltp laral la laaa &an . 01. r- h : I I I 'S I i 3 as SSS VMM* tsz 2^S '* tt. sss .<<4 4 g g 5“ s53=s ' S2S3S 2S=2S slifPl sas'-c laoQ E 246 248 249 250 2S1 TABLE 40 DAILY WATEB. LOM PEE HOOE (OM3. ) FOE PLANTS OF THE UAT i OEAFTAGE DATE (8UU OF FODE WATEEXNO PERJ006) A, Wat«T Loss DaU EapllcaUon Dajra No. after Waterlat Tvoa af Oraflaca tV) (C> <6) (CkJ 11.S6 12.14 1.24 17.14 12.34 13. 28 3. 16 17.90 I 12. U 13.41 2.26 17.63 36.43 34.36 i.61 MM 10.43 3. 74 2. 29 17. 57 2 11.3* 6. S3 3. 30 16.06 6. 22 3.33 17.64 S3. 32 10.36 9.62 IS. 27 j j 12.40 2. 69 6.67 13.10 12.67 4.42 6.97 14.13 12.63 7. 62 14.41 36.12 11.03 21. U 4 1 12.44 9.37 6.23 21.80 2 13.20 10.76 3. 26 31.23 lO.Sl 3. 62 25.47 41.40 30.64 IT. 13 74.02 8.46 10.21 2 14.16 10.44 12.60 6.M If. Tt 24. M 6 1 14.36 16.26 14.64 43.46 lUlU 44.V3 V3.'04 301.64 Craad total 641.06 2S2 TABUE 40 •* C«attoB«d B. Tfp* at Graftag* ^ 1. Dara aftoz Wateriag (T a O) TrM GaaitoM Dajra afUr (V» Vatorlaa O) (C) MaOBt m (C) (SI (Ck) (T1 Moomo r WoUirlMf 1 I.T7(M)* -71(>6) 1.46(24) 1.95(76) 2 l.«4 1.74 .41 3.73 2. 11 3 1.46 1.31 . B2 3, 37 2. 02 1.74}ie) 1.27(44) .74(44) 3. 49(72) 2.03(224} ^Flfuro* In port 2S6 MEAN DAILY WATER. LOSS PER HOUR PER 10 DU. ^ LEAP AREA (CVtS. ] FOR PLANTS OF THE MAT 5 GRA7TAOS DATE FOR ONE TREATUENT COMPARISON (FIRST ORDER INTERACTION) ON 3WOLB WATERING PERJOO BASIS Type of Giaftoga v*. D»y« after Watarlni (T s C) Dajri after WaMrlag 1 S.SUIO)* 4.14(16) 2.74(16) 2.24(24) 3.08(76) 2 4. 10 S. 30 3. 17 2. 36 3. 60 3 3.88 8.00 2.00 2,32 3.43 IGi Maaaa 3. 83((i8) 4.M(48) 27M(48J 2.31(72) 3. 37(228) sbar af Itema per 2S7 TABU *S SUUUART or ••T" VALUES OBTAINEO FEOU AMALTSB8 OF VARIANCE or DAILY WATER LOSS PER HOUR, DAILY WATER LOSS PER HOUR PER CM. ^ STEM AREA. AND DAILY WATER LOSS PER HOUR PER 10 DM. ^ LEAF AREA FOR PLANTS OF THE MAY 5 ORAFTAOE DATE Sonrca ei VkriatloB D4lty Watar L0*a IHi. Daily Watar Loaa/ Hr. /Cm.2 Staai Araa DaUy Watar Leia/ Hr. /lO Dm.* 0* 8.W** V. C. Sra. Ck 17. TO V, C. 8 9.06 V ra. C a. a. 8va. Ck 23.00 (o> V, Ckra. S. C 21.44 V *a. Ck a. a. (O) “ V, Sva. C. Ck 4.33 Vra. S 0.99 Cn. Ck 11.00 6.09 32. 17 14.40 21.96 «TJ 1, 3va. 2 1 3 *Itama ia paraatkaaaa daaota addlUoaal braakdawaa af traatmaata Immadlataly praoadlaf tham. ^alaaa markad otkarwiaa (aiagla'atarrad ar a. a. ), tka probability lavol la laaa ttaa . 01. Z39 ta J if §P:S s ^ 1 ^ ;is |Sa ssa p 30 IKoi I Z62 263 iS-'E 55-SS fiilH” &J. SSSS 7S8S SZmSS 1“ ss-s s?-s R8~|52 S2 i' > P' 9 I, I III SE ^ ss-si ■ii ii-i 5i: is-'li ss"ss « is as- 8E |5E is as; s- ssslll Seslll SSslIL iSall I I I? I April 14 tAl tUyiCB) U5 W {. =s». X K- a X aas as- • ! r 5 1 ... 0 ^ «»S •> 9 s =- X ass a s ass as- as3 P 1 1 d J |1? “S' s X SIS'" A S{ j 3 |P ii- ^ «n ' 1 s.s r *- >■ I'S 323 1 ,ii . 1- as3 ,* - L i S sS psU ^ ! 3 5 3S» a s a 35- 3 S2 ' : 9S5 3 SS" 2C3 3 3SS 1 1 i 1 - 1 a A&2 1 u ii-ii sa-s si ii-i as; as- 2S i. ..j- Hi - 1,.! * ii^ s; id S5 s|d =d“5 s . J .. J as sss] i-‘ iii il! il; lit U' sign's i' Is SSSg PSS5 SS-S! ii-i r MS- M I- II sd' II J SM-S5 3eJ 5SS3 ss^' 268 3 ssss 2- SS3S 2d-S SSKS 33-S 3:::3§ 2“ ‘2 ISSjl I Z70 3“ I u 1 1 ► J'sl ill -i-ii j j J«lT 4 (Cl

|P “•= ‘s 22-5?; 5S~K tzs 2i • S2» imi fii im S5- S5S a- sss -2- s?s i- ■ SS2 2i~ I’a Vit .J 2eS| , 32211 ■ 1 273 274 3 H A 1 H g JS _ a rTg 1 ps 5 iii d H h |S2 s - p - sss .1® i J' Pi s i ” 1 _ 1* JS s St s 8''-. S M N s its s ^|a SS| R 1 1 9 22 E s « 2SS g ? 3® PI i 2Sg 0 1 f A _ * ^ 8 - ||S 2 » 1 2 ■3 |s 1 ss; S S ^ |s r iii t SI I f , 1 I S 3 ■3 Ofeoi 1 8 ■3 1-"" 1 1 1 h J >■ H i h Q 8 i § 6 Q 26I8!bi(IS0) 27S g ? . f g 1 1 tss a 1 H ? S £ a 1 Jssa gls 1 iP 1 & tiH i .J 1 i|g lea 1 1" S3SB 2 s «|- «| IP 1 1 ^ m ^ s h & I’S » **• 3 5 1 S!3as fi i U i H (? ft s- s ^ ? - 1 1 s f 5 t?5 a 1 jE tss 2 •3 ?ssl II- 1 1 i a > hi 2 J f iP'i H i\ 1 I p ■3 |3SS 1 ff S ■3 e H ? Jsis H 1 H 5 > ‘a 1 ^ a ^ 1 H C d m 277 TABl^ SI MEAN WATEE I-OS5 PER HoOR (CMS. ) FOR SIR SETS OF TREATMENT COMPARISONS (FIRST ORDER INTERACTIONS) ON SINGLE WATERING PERIOD BASIS A. Data U OrafMga Tfpa of Craftaga (O s O) Tfpa of Oraftaga April 14 May S July 4 loly 21 (O) Maaas IM (B) (Cl (D1 4.28(180)* S.89 1.98 2.41 2.44(720) 3.48(144) 4.01 1.72 2.20 2.81(974) 7.13(214) 7.48 1.29 4.28 4.091144) 5. 2o(f^ “ i. lb ri! Tot 4.4U21M) B. Date of Graftega Day# after Watering (T z O) April 14 May 9 Jaly 4 Joly 21 (T) Maana .63 .74 .44 .4(1 .88 (D) Uaaaa t.iol^) i.l6 3.26 i.6? 4.41(2160) E. Typo of CraAoga va. Tima of Day (P x C) (V) (C) (Pt Maaaa Tima of Day (•) 8.49(240) 4.27(192) 8.98(288) 6, 56(720) 8.48 6.12 (OUaana .50 .44 .68 .88 ~ 4. 05(720) 4.84 4.34 4.41(2160) ^Plgmraa la yoranthaaea daaota Biazo1>a> of itama par 27» TABLE S2 USAM WATER LOSS PER HOOR PER CM. * STEM AREA (OMS. ) rOR SIX SETS or treatment comp arsons (FIRST ORDER lNTERACTIONS)ON SINGLE WATBRINO PERIOD BASIS Data at Graftal • va. Tjpa at Graftaga ( D z O) T;r« of Craftaga Agrll 14 May * JUy 4 JUy 2 lAl nil (Cl (D> 2.91(110)* S.S2 1.2T 1.S4 2.92(144) 2.S0 .94 1.20 l.90(ST4) (Ck) 9,07(2141 4.40 4.W (:a IM i:XA B. Data of Ozaftago va. Daya aftar Watarlag (T a D) April 14 )4ay 0 July 4 Jaly 21 (T) Maaaa IBl (C) (D) Daya aftar Watartng 1 4.50(100) 2 0.29 S 4.04 4.17 2.20 1.90 3.21(720) 4.10 2.74 2.42 3.03 4.23 2.44 2.48 3.30 (O) Maaaa 4.TS(i40) 4. 42 2. 04 TTO 3.47(2140) C. Typo of Grattaga va. Daya aftar Watariag (T a Q) Id (Ckt (T) Maaaa Daya after Waterlog 1 2. 10(240) 2 2.40 0 2.20 1.70(192) 0.15(280) 3.21(720) 2.12 4.12 3.03 l.ST 0.30 3.30 (G) Maaaa 2. 24(720) 1.90(074) 8.04(844) 3.47(2140) 280 TABLE S2 — Coattett»d D. Data of Craftago vt Tina of Day (P z O) ApaU 14 May 5 My 4 Jaly 21 (P) Moobb Ttma of Dajr (>) T. 10(180) 8.93 4. 32 3. 19 9. 18(720} (b> 8.64 8.13 4.91 2.99 4.82 .94 .H .44 . 28 .a (O) Moaaa 4.78(940) 4.42 TiJ 2.19 S.47(2li0) E. T]rpa of Goaflago n Tlaia of Day (P a O) fai (Pt Moaaa Tim# of Day 3.41(240) 2.81(192 8.18(288) 9.18(728) zooaa. :ei TABUC SS MEAN VATE& LOSS PX& HOU& PEA 10 DU. ^ LEAP AREA (OUS. ) FOR SDC SETS OF TREATUENT COUPARIBONS (FIRST ORDER INTERACTIONS) ON SINOLE WATERING PERIOD BASIS A. Dftt* of OrkfUf* T«. Tfp* of OrkfUfS (V) (C) (Ck> (D) Uaant Type ef Greftege (D April 14 34ey 3 aC) Jaly 4 Jaly 21 (G) Ueeai 7. TS(IM)“ 4. 8S(144) 7.24 9.40 A 31 4.90 9. 46 23.43 23.93 4.44 4.44 7. 49(720) 14. 00(974) 4. 04(Me) 6.44 10.39 11.34 4. 41(2140) B. Dkt* el Orettege ts. Deyi efiar Weteriag (T a D) April 14 MeyS JUy 4 Jaly 21 (T) Ueeai lA) - (B) (C) (D) Deri efter Wetoriag 1 S.64(U0| 4. 13 10.99 12.98 9.24(720) 2 4.47 7.31 11.93 19.92 9.44 3 S.Tl 9. 07 7. 47 7.23 (D) Ueeei T. i4(S40) ~ 10.39 11.94 4.41(2i£0) C, Type ef Oreftege re. Deyi efter Weteriag (T a C) (V) m u.... Deyi efter Weteriag 1 7.47(240) 17.30(192) 4.09(248) 9. 24(720) 2 4. 24 19.30 4. 89 9.46 3 7. 3S 11.40 4. 39 7.23 ”7. 49|fn> le. UU(»(e) 4. 44(044) 1. 41|21U) 282 TABLE 53 — C<«tiBa»d D. Date ol Orafiafa va. Tina ot Dar (P n D) AfrU 14 Mar * jnir 4 Mr 21 (p) Maaaa lA) TlsM ot Dajr W 9. 12(180) 9. 96 17. 78 14. 37 12.81(720) 8. 34 9.25 12.40 18.64 12.15 (a) .64 .74 1.06 1.06 .87 (O) Maaaa 6. 04(940) i.U 16. U ii. 8. il(2168) Z. Tfpa of Oraflafa Tima o( Dar (P * Q) (V) (C) (Pt Maana Tin af Oar (a) 11. 58(240) 23.66(192) 6.58(288) 12.81(720) (k) 23. 02 6. 18 12. IS (c) .87 .86 .57 .87 (O) Maana 7. 69(720) 16.00(576) 4.44(864) 8.61(2160) F. Sara attar Vatarlag va. Tlaa of Oar (P x T) 1 2 3 (PI Maana Tina of Oar > 12.60 IS. 91 7. 18 12.15 .67 .76 1. 18 .87 (T) Uaaaa 9. 24(720) 9.86 7.23 8.61(2168) in pnranfiMiai danote annbar oi Itomi p»r uaan. 2(3 TABLE S4 UEAN’VATEE loss per hour per 10 DU. ^ LEAP AREA {GUS. f FOR SIX SETS OF TREAIUENT COUPARISOIS (FIRST ORDER INTERACTIONS) ON SINGLE WATERING PERIOD BASIS A. Date oi Graftaga «ji. Typo of Oraftaga (D x G) AprU 14 May 5 July 4 July 21 (G) Maana im Trpa of Giaftago fV) <*C)« 7.48<1S0)*> i. 38(10<) 4. 30(2141 7. 24 6. SO 7.49 5.34 4.31 5.10 9.56 6. 04 4.48 7.69(720) 6. 32(432) 4. 44(864) (D) Uaani 5. 88(504) To4 5.47 4. ii 6. 00(2016) B. Data of Craftaga Daya after Wateriag (T x D) AprU 14 (A) May 5 Joly 4 July 21 (T) Maana (D) Dara after Watariag 2 3 5.49(148) 6.45 5.68 5.54 5.29 6. 70 5. 66 5.88 5.46 5.93 7.49 6.47 5. 56(672) 6. 58 5. 87 (D) Uoaaa 5. 88(504) 6. 04 8.47 6.63 6.00(2016) C. Tjrpa of Qraftaga Daya after Watering (T x C) (•C) (Ck) (T) Staaaa Dafo after Wateriag 2 3 T. 47(244) 8.26 5.33(144) 4.09(288) 5. 7. 14 4. 89 6. 6. 47 4. 35 5. 56(672) 58 (G) Maaaa 7.69(720) 6.32(432) 4.44(864) 6.00(2016) 284 TABLE S4 — Coptinu«d D. Date •/ CiUteg* Tin* of Day (P z D) April 14 May S My 4 Jaly 21 (P) Maazs t*l ) («) 8.90(168) 8.9T 8.26 10.02 8.10 8.43 T.46 9.12 .43 .71 .78 .78 9.04(672) 8.28 .70 (D) Maaai 8. 88(804) 4.04 IT?7 STB" “ToopSTo) E. Typo of Gaaftoga Tima of Day (P z C) IPl u.... Tima of Day (a) 0>} 11.88(240) 9.74(144} 6.48(288) L8.63 8.86 6.18 .87 .65 .87 9. 04(672) 8. 28 .70 (G) Maaaa 7.64(7^0) 6.82(432) 4.44(664) 6.66(i616) T. Oaya after Watering Vf. Tima of Day (P z T) 1 2 3 «P« U...a Tima ef Day M W 8.36(224) 9.83 8.92 7.70 9.29 7.84 .62 .61 .86 9. 04(672) 8.28 .70 (T) Maaaa 8.56(672) 6.88 Tbt Xoo(2or!) ^Cooteiza thrao Izatead of foor chip bod raplieatiaBa, ^rlfaaoa la paraa^aaa daoote aamboT of Item par maaa. 8UUMA&T or ''r~ VALUES OBTAINED TBOM ANALTSE8 OT VARIANCE or WATER LOSSPERHOUR, WATER LOSS PER HOUR PER Ckf, 2 STEM AREA. AND WATER LOSS PER HOUR PER 10 OM.^ LEAT AREA (TWO AMALTSES) Water Water Loaa/ Water LoM/ Water L«a«/ L*at/Br. Wt./Cm? Hr./IODn.* U*./l9Dm} Stem Araa Laaf Araa Laaf Araa* A. B VI. C. D 49. 92‘ C VI. D a. I. 44. 04 42. >3 19.10 11.11 20. 29 27. 09 1.11* 4.02* 4.19 9. 99 14. 03 a-X’ TABLE SS — Conttnutd WftteT Water Lm*/ Water Laaa/ *WaterLaaa/ Leia/Br. Hr./Cm.Z Hr./lSOiD.^ Br./lOOm.* Stem Araa Laai Araa Laaf Araa* Pl»d Pq«D (P a%J P*I>1, ^^r (2.09 4.01* 29. 92 •6.(9 7.(2 *Contate* thiaa tettoad of tear eUp bad rapUcatioaa. *‘Sobaerlpte L aad Q rofar to Uaaar aad gaadrade ro|raaalo> roapaettvoly. Xtema la paroatoaiai daaete addltloiial troatmoata immadlatolr proeodiac team. I. >. tea 287 289 y y III II ii .} 55 5 5 3 ■'si 5 3 -'«■ 5 y 5ls $5 II III iJ Is s's 51 5 J oq " >• 8 , ifi> iflVOi t O o H »• H N K H f £ u 'f it I in I* II s *1 ]l U .11 291 cS uh 6-sfi ilil is§g & s’ 'i- s’ < B. J. 0. mi Sug§ ® a ^ M I- H I a J I j £ •4 292 1= fa r s I I s s s s N m si II l.l 11 55 4 P id s- ss =! =s s3s “I is s;s ds 4 i 'd is « -dd s-' - - i I iiliiliiiliiiiii f i iuwmmun d I I 1 I s 295 296 297 1= P S S o n « b Ss £ S 5 S r W ri « o « II Id Is -■.- Sd dd -: g fl ^ r: 0 fl ^ a fl fl ! 55; 8= II ss H 5;= « ISg 1= is is is 1=3 a s S SS S2 2- : ill 1 1 illliilii 1 5 = 1 3 3 iiiiiiiii 1 -'2- £ S S2SSSSP P ! L=. •S i 0. ft, a. 11. a. fi ai 299 300 301 .1 3- ii a. & b S 3 I I 5 ? s 1 I r t h.n H ®a !J 11 iol TABi.E M VAT£* LOSS PER HOQR (CU8. ) FOR PLANTS OF THE UAT » CRAFTACE DATE (SUM OF FOUR WATSRINO PERIODS) A. W*ter La«t B>t> Tw M R*pU- Days Tlm« utisB tftar ai M*. n.w (y) (C) (S> (Ck) > 1 (4) 36. S2 33.06 6.36 46.33 31. 10 26. 06 3.03 43.82 l«) 2. il 2.H 0.00 D4f nMatil 70. IS 63.60 9.61 93.69 2 (4) 31. 16 26.96 13. 21 64.40 (k| 37. 78 68. 96 10.64 39. 26 (4) 3. 26 2.67 0.00 3. 76 Day taMMal 72. 18 76.69 107. 64 3 (a) 34.26 38. 18 7.32 a, a, 0>) 29.31 33. 16 6.11 61.33 (4) 2.21 2. 21 .63 3.79 73. <3 14.06 92. 73 RapUeiMaa Mtal 200. 07 64. U 2 1 (4) 33. 30 20. 17 3.37 30. 29 29. 33 12, 33 6. 60 32.41 (■} 1.36 .63 .63 3. 68 D4T aabMal 66. 19 33. 13 16.60 68.28 2 (4) 31.71 13.21 11. 61 63.24 0») 33.67 23. 30 14.66 30.23 (*) 2. 96 1.40 . 31 3.62 Dav nMatat U. 32 39.91 27. 00 99. 09 2 (4) 30.90 19.23 6. 63 66.06 Oi) 21.06 16. 72 7. 30 37.64 lsi_ .63 1.27 3.04 IMfMife sl.*> M.M It!»S U'.li rfvR ITiS RJmT rfi.M 30) TABLX M — A. Watei Lasa Date (Coat. ) Kapil- Dapa Tima cattoB after af Ka. Vatartea Oar m (C) (8) 24.81 3. 00 18.42 33.42 2.84 1. 38 3. 14 Dar aaMatet 48,39 18.83 42.80 74.90 RapHaiHaa tetel 213. li lil. i3 lk.M 29.48 2T.38 14.30 S3. 20 (fcj 34. 9T 23.84 13.49 T1.44 2.T4 1.33 1.24 T.TI Dar anbtatel 49.41 34.92 31.23 132.41 i (a) 4T.14 33. IT IT. 83 88.98 3T.44 23.57 13.34 43.72 1.88 .32 4.01 Dar BBMatel 8T. 3T 42.42 31.33 " ifi-Tl » (a> 39.01 28.47 IT. 02 44.03 (fc) 34. 97 32.07 13.03 T8.I9 <«) 3.48 3.10 .91 7.M Dar aahtetel li.u J1.9* 1II.I2 RapUaaMaa tetel “nm *I.W i41.i4 304 TABLX M — CoaanB»d A. Water Laai Date (Cant.) Rapli* Dajri Tim* eattea after of Tvsa of Graflaaa ro (C) (S) (Ck) 23.04 27.04 24.78 1.14 2.80 02.18 U.U 44.50 32.88 33.01 24.37 1.89 09. 14 33. 07 24. 13 34. 70 20. 92 72.24 RarUoattentetel 2« 31.31 72.80 48. 72 (fc) W . 42. 04 37.23 244. 34 Tatela IOo'o.*42 077. 14 327.49 Grand Tatal 3422. 18 TABLE M » CaatteB»d B. Typ* oi Ofaftnga Snyi after Taterlng Totela (Tn G) Tn>* •( Oralteaa Day* after Wateilna (▼» (C) (8) (Ck) (T) Tetel* 2 } 323. 23(19)* I79a9(12) 93. 99(12) 919. 79(19) 399. SO 209. 39 129. 99 900. 10 347. 97 192. 90 107. 04 939. 29 1110. 79(97) 1324.94 1199. 99 (O) Tatel* 1099. 42 (*) 944.99(19) 649.99 991.22 1792.45(97) 920.92 639.49 940.94 1997.11 49. 39 42. 74 94. 93 142. 92 (T) Tetel* 1110.79(97)1324.94 1199.99 3922.19(171) In parnntlMi** dcnot* mmb*r of item* inelodad In tetel. 306 TABUC 61 COMPASLISON or KEAN WATER LOSS PER HOUR, USAH WATER LOSS PER HOUR PER CU. ^ STEM AREA, AND MEAN WATER LOSS PER HOUR PER iO DM. ^ LEAP AREA FOR PLANTS OF THE MAT i ORAFTAGE DATS MAIN TREATMENTS (SINOLE WATERING PERIOD BASIS) Watar Watar Loai/Ho/ Watar Loat/Hr. / Loia/Hr. Cm.^ Siam Araa 10 Dm. * Laaf Tppa ef OrofUga (O) VaaaaT graft (V) S. 69(180)* 3. 32(160) 7.24(160) Chip bod (C) 4.01(144) 2. 50(144) SUaM bod 2. 26(144) 1. 29(144) Saadliag aback (Ck) 7.64(216) 6.60(216) Dayt afUr waiarlag ID 4. 37(226) 3.67(228) 5. 95(228) 2 6.61 4.20 3 5.21 3.66 6.23 Tlzoa af Day (P» Mamiag 7. 62(226) 6. 64(2U) 9. 63(228) AftarBoaa Maaaa Tima of Dap (a) S.T»(60) 9.92(48) 3.99(48) 11.23(72) 7. 82(228) (b) 1. 26 9.71 9.17 10.77 7.44 (•) . 69 .40 .41 1.03 .63 (0> Maaaa 9.B9(180) 4.01(144) 2.20(144) 7. ^2li) 5. M(684) C. Dapa aftar Watarlag ra. Tima of Dap (P a T) 1 2 s Tima of Dap (») 7.17(76) 8.91 7.78 7.82(228) (b) 6.89 8.96 7.12 7.44 (•) .60 .96 .72 .69 (T) Maaaa 4.87(228) 9.81 5.21 9. 90(684) *Flguz*s la puanihaasa daaote anmbar s( Item* par maaa. TABLE i3 UEAH VATSK LOSS PER HOUR PER CU. ^ STEM AREA (GMS. } FOR PLANTS OF THE UAT 5 CRAFT AGE DATE FOR THREE SETS OF TREATMENT COMPARISONS (FIRST ORDER INTERACTIONS) ON SINOLE WATERING PERIOD BASIS A. Tn>« of Oroftoio vo. Dayi after Waterteg (T x G) (V) (C) (8) (Ck) m Maaaa Daft after Rhtariag 1 3. 19((0}* 2.36(4S) 1.33(48) 4.19(72) 2 3.ST 2.73 1.78 7.34 3 3.20 2.42 t.Sl 4.29 3. 87(228) 4. 20 3. 44 (G) Maasa 9.32(188) 2.88(144) 1.84(144) 4.40(214) 3.81(484) B. Tppa *f Graftega Tlmo of Dajr (P k G) CV) (C) (8) (Ck) (P) Maaaa Tima of Day (a) (b) (e) 4.99(40) 3.41(48) 1.84(48) 9.78(72) 4.82 3.98 2.13 9.20 .44 .38 .19 .87 8. 44(228) 9,29 .49 (G) Maaaa l.S4) (e) 5,30(74) 4.07 8.94 4.92 4.04 4.89 .49 . 48 . 92 9, 44(228) 5,29 .49 (T) Maaaa 3. 87(228) 4. 20 3. 44 3. 81(484) *Fi(U»* lA p«r«Btbaii** d«nat« munb*r ol ttomi p«r nwMt. 309 TABLE 04 UEAN WATER LOSS PER HOOR PER 10 DU. * LEAP AREA (CU3. ) POR PLANTS OP THE UAT S ORAPTAOE DATE FOR THREE SETS OF TREATUSNT COUP ARISONS (FIRST ORDER INTERACTIONS} ON SINGLE WATERING PERIOD BASIS A. Type of Graftal* vi. Day* afttr Vataring (T s O} (8) (Ck) (T) Ueasa Day* after Vatarlai 1 4. T«(te>* 8. 43(48) 2 7.99 10.34 t 7. 04 24 9.29(48) 4.00(72) T.88 4.74 S. 27 4. 18 9.99(228) 7.43 6. 29 (G)U*ana 7.24(180) 9.48(144) 6.19(144) 4.91(216) 4.99(684) B. Type af Graftege r*. Tim* of Day (8) (Ck) (PI Uaaaa Tima ef Day (a) 10.73(40) 14.49(48) (b) 10.21 12.80 9. 94(48) 4. 91(72) 8. 96 6. 04 .90 .99 9. 83(228) 9.09 .49 (a)M*u* 7.24(180) 9.40(144} 4.19(144) 4.31(214) C. Day* after Vatarlai v*. Tim* of Day (P s T) 1 2 9 fPt Uaaaa Tim* ef Day (a) 9.09(76) (b) 8. 14 10.81 9.61 10.84 8.29 .44 .81 9.83(228) 9.09 .69 (T) Uaaaa 5. 98(228) 7.49 6.23 6. 99(484) *PifU*« In pnT*ntk«a«s duet* nombar ef it*ma par maaa. )10 TABLE is 5UUMA&T or "F" YALQES OBTAINED FROM AMALT8B8 OF TARIAMCE (SUM OF FOUR WATERING PERIODS) OF WATER LOSS PER HOUR PER 10 DM. ^ LEAF AREA FOR PLANTS OF THE MAT S ORAFTAOE DATE Senrea •{ Vatlatioa V, Ck n. C, 8 20. 09 VTi. Ck m.». Cv«- B » T, 8 TS. C. Ck S. S2* V v>. S 9. 08 C V*. Ck 10. U 18.89 19. 02 S.OO* 5.78* S. 11* 6. 06* 48. 02 828. 41 270. 08 S88.U 2.92* 311 TABLE U — ContlBXd Sonrco of Vartottoa Wator Looa/Hr. Tatar Loaa/ Hr. /Cm.* atom Araa Tatar Loaa/ Hr. /lO Om.2 Loaf Araa PaC 14.99 23.70 0. 10 23. 24 37. 74 14.03 6. 74* 9.01 a. a. PzT a. a. a. a. a. a. Pq»T “ 4.24* *8mbfcript* L ud Q to Itoa&r ud qa»dr»ti« ragrasiiaa eompaaaato, r*s;«BtlT*l]r. Itoin* to d«B»to «ddtMaml brMkdawBi of trootmoato immodtotoljr preeodtog thorn. ^alooo markod ethorvloo (itogU-otorrod probability loTOl to toot than . 01. . or a. 0. ), too 313 ji»s eia. L L "!l!l - SI - 51 314 II }iS 31« ! ! s 3 “ « 51 " " o « ■> |>|u d "18 « ;|«s 8 "e'ltl *E'lj| "!l!| ► >->o O § § g I . j|« II ^.51 £ 317 9 S i 1- H h PS la 1 5" II 1 1 N a — s Ips i «< •i 1 1 !i' -8 i! 1 ja s . 1 « a 3i« S19 I 322 1 . i -i a ssss 1 1 ‘-- •"1 5j iS S- f i •' «' ■' S' i -- £ 1 iB 1 ^ 5sS5 » 1 1 n\ IH i II- I fiin 1?:^ : pi VM I III 32} IS |gd isi !!>S 3 5!S “ ip m fi 5 is i -t| !IR A § s 1 !" 3| s S-a f I - 5 a^ss:! rfSas siSsa l^sSS aSSsa aSHs mn ^si'^sa ^’si^as \i.9i.9 aaisss asisa: isaaa dasfaa s*i'-‘5 Ntt4>{otif 324 1 2 5^Sr- r H O j. 1 " i“5 SSSS ■9| 2| & « & £ r: N «’ ••< ^ ■'ft '•5*‘S #.• .a > I r: -* (Light ixtaxai^, _ lam«A*/em. V X (SeU-tomp. , * C. ) Xg (LMlton^. , *C.) T (W»t«r lo«f/hr. , gira. ) 1.401 29.5 S2» TABLE n — CoatiBuad VAdmbla UoratSf AftaneOB Evanlng Within Pnrlada^ M. 23486 V2. 13456 ‘rS. 12456 >2356 Ss. 12346 12345 Pnrtlnl B««r« . 39433 - . 14616 .34914 . 25305 .00036 .03156 .30966 - .31255 .59697 - .61527 .67543 i. 31217 ■torn r»«fHcl— 1« .16674 -.19034 .03044 .11576 .03314 .01114 1.16003 .15351 .02234 - .06674 • .05055 . 42167 UorBlai: f Aftaraooaj T Evaalng: 9 Within P«Fied*i T ■ .394Xj - .349X2 ^ .00036 Xj 4 . 3097 X^ ♦ .597Xj + .675X4 ■ 39.817. ■ 6.96 - .646X, 4 .259X2 * * - .3i3X^ • .615Xj 4 1.313X4. ■ .167X, 4.0304X2 +-®331Xj 4 1.160X. 4 . 0223 Xj - . 0551 Xj - 2. 980. ■ -2.033 - .190 X, 4 .ll6Xj 4 .OlUX 4 .1535 X^ - .0667X2 4 .422X4. 7 .722 .602 ) IdOFnlnfi Aftarnnon. 2 .456 .975 ) Evanlng 7 .432 .901 ) WltUaPariodi 2 . 273 . 352 ) ^iBca ^ uialjrai* la ran on watar loaa/hz. and anairoamaatal within oach parloda. tta dofraaa of fiaadom ara (16 -1)4 (19 - 1) • I) a 54 total) far (n - 7). d. f. - 47) fax (a - 2), d.i. a 92. 6 pi l§s ill i m Ull 3a- Is* S S SS3 SS rss 22 ssniilssssi iiiiii sSs SS2 ssi 5s3 Isi sis il5=5l=Sip5 Uifsi ZSZ 3K2 S3S SS$ 3S2 lil|!f|!flfi||!lff !lel? !IS|'' !I5I? !l!l? !lei:' rl!l!' II II II II II II Ml ill ill III ill III -.1 Is "I 'll |2 frf Ir p:^ a K ^ J ■9 r -5 330 II Se « So 3 n 3 aS 5i k B fs Ss I l “: I n « ; p s I II ■ k =^|5- 1 r* :-_ SI 1 I'' ii < - is fli « 2 & » S 33- S3: III 1 ill 1 Ms I III 5 331 i s I f Cm P si M ^ ^ u ai i j‘: I i II m III -S3 .5. 3S5 1 I 1 S as 85: r 3 S“*| I ^ I .! “ _ |a Hit' I s f I ■V* ils III i;l I! |lf III 3J3 li o " ►> s s s j 8 ^ irf - ill »{»■„ S85 11“ = s* 5i I '8 Si i? II j 22. fi| ? ? I ltl i I r I liJi! IMU If. • ..-j.-s lili I iii I I s s 2 5 I 1 £ i f I ! I s s i 5 1 I I t I s 3 ! I 3 ” •va i| = |U "3 1|3 iil 33S S '3 3 5 ■ ill I's si I II fif- lili ; i t1| m III 111 n Ill I f I Cs«3r)*/s«s^ 336 ii n a 5» nr 1 “4 I ; h S I ll : "-I*. s >•■ P h llP ^£5 I =L -vl Ii! 'i s : i Ip I lie SJ7 - 4 cBrlieB- maatal (aetera an Uaf tamparataiea. O. Light iaUadtir aad ralatlOB of traBiplratlaB to &a thofmal death point. Amor. Joar. Bot. I)!217-231. 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Ha waa a^polnUd Aaaiatant in Snrvajring, Dapartnaat al Agrlealtaral bglnaarlng, is Jasnarjr, 1942. Prom Uareb. 194},to Uareh, 1944. ha workad lar Eaatman Kedah Campanf, Kochaatar, How Tark. Pram AprU, 1944, to Janaarf, 1949, ba oparatad a lasdaeapa maiatasanca and angiaaariag firm in St. PaUrabarg, Plorida. b Pabraary, 1949, ba waa admittad to tta Oradaata School, Hnlvaraity oi Mtamlj ha raeaivad tha M. S. dagraa in Pabraary, 19S1. Prom Pabraary ta Angaat, 1931, ha waa Kaaaarch Aanlatant. V. T. Swingla Cltrna Kaaaarch Projact. InSaptambar, 1931, ha aalarad tta Univaraity of Plorida. Ha waa appolstad Uradaata Aaaiatant in Hortlcultars Soptambar, 1951. Ha la a mambar of Alpha Zata, Bata Bata Bata, Dalta Phi Alpha. Pi Alpha XI and Sigma XI (Aaaaeiata). 33} Thil ditf*rt>UOB prapuad oadar ^ dlraetlaa oI tta cbalnDAB of tho eondidote’s nporrlferv commitUo »>d bo* boon op* prorod by oU mombori of tha eemmtttaa. It waa aubmlttod to tha Doan of