Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. mF Es ELE EAL ES LORELEI AA A IE AD-33 Bookplate (1-68) + % a bk | ae e ¥e a « LIBRARY OB HOD AH DMd4 NATIONAL a Pr kates TMMAPRE RAN» ‘Watie® Nes Lae ig hig psa ER, a a Bore Seen ‘egy SEEN fe beens oe Fear i ( oe Delivery Senices. Brapah | + USDA, National Agricultural Library i [ Nat Bid as i} 10301 Baltimore Blvd, i pa Gia MD re Ge: bis i ee ee ie ) . SRAM SE LoS ie aesthetic cs ere tana th INSECTS OF EASTERN FORESTS U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service ASAD RWOUOUOAUNNN] xX < Www w w w conan nm ERERRGOS & S mn Miscellaneous Publication No. 1426 December 1985 HLH fH NAW OW This publication supersedes ‘‘Eastern Forest Insects,” Miscellaneous Publication No. 1175 ABA oo co SI Washington, D.C. NANA N Ow f& ee [23 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office 137 Washington, D.C. 20402 iii Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 82-600590 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Insects of eastern forests. Misc. Publ. 1426. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service; 1985. 608 p. Highlights the description and biology of numerous species of harmful and useful insects found in forests and forest products east of the 100th meridian. This manual provides the forest practitioner and others with the means for identifying these insects and their related organisms. KEY WORDS: damaging arthropods of America north of Mexico; entomological manual; forest pests in the United States: sap feeders, wood borers, bark beetles, and defoliators in North America; tree and wood-product pests. ii Contents Gauci, ACKnOWIEdEIMeMUS 62.2 aes Gere a Hes a eho Rei dithe eae ateasret eon ated Medd one 8 Vv PIRSIIS™ 35 SARS elie ery ceitee ed OR Re Or ce oe 1X ROneS iMG GUSH eats Sint sacat alanis Such, eds aut aie MG me Ro Seed tau l assesvcause diy fOneSt MNSECtS ssi. Sv eicy passe 4s a east chet ts sake, oye Ree 2 OTe stMMSCCM SUV. Cie core dien 2 sh. Stee he apes Hae pies A emetyae ha De ake Z ForestaincecteCOmmOh 2 i 2s tee ti ea Sales wis Sa Gog Bale oe oe ee es 5 IN MUA EC OMELOMSM en reritaeaes nS ne. Mab One eR eda We uae aia gah eum ou 5 EDP Ga COMO ls trast nts Heide Lote SS eek ars. aa wee Ta Se pele ee 8 SINC WIC RCOMULON Me ctkee war aie vets Sa sa wisiny Ly otha ee a ee 9 Physicalcand mechanical methods of control... . 2. 66s eet ee ee 2 RerUlAlOmmeconerO leer att xr ct aus en das.4 Oat aad net coe @ hme a Mg Ee 10 BIOlOICAlBCOMEOl Oe ee ek wy kee Dea ek Gs bn Sees eA wa 4 13 ChiermcalPeominoleeces Fre ah le gas Ge es a baa eee whe bade 14 Othcrmapproacnes-to. COntrol.<. Foye we te se he Pd a ca ee eee 16 intesratedspestemanapemient |. Fe ee a en cea eee ee en 18 InSectseandeaireeDISCASES. ans eb Lawigive ewe Bone settee ee mete aed ade 20 Insectscandrixelated Ore anisms. se eles Pe a ened sale eda ke eee na ene 25 BhylumeWollusca—=-Shipworms -. e200. 2 ce ee Mee cee een ee be 2 iy AME ACO O PO aust: kak aes Ss Go ey tate gl pulp ain e Ge ons Pale eee dee 26 Classa@nustacea—_WOOd Tice: eis kh Sey tn wees dew ee ea dg eeu ee px | GlasssDiplopoda=—Millipedes:\to.. ne gs Ba lee Ra ene a es 27 Class*Ghilopoda=-Centipedes ees ii eis oe eee yb ota eee ee a ees 28 Class Arachnida—Scorpions, spiders, mites, ticks, and allies ........ 28 Chasssiniscc ta MMSCCIS iw pach tes wy Miklal cen oo See ee sb we as hawt 33 Keys to the Orders and Families of Forest Insects and Allies ........... 34 lmportantzandeSeleeted: Orders of Forest Insects: e.8 be eee ee ee we Ordenslhysanmura=—Bristletaus. soo. he nS ee ee oe 44 OrdemiCollcmbola——Springtails | i012 is led ee Ne ek ee ee eds Ad @idersEphemeroptera==Mayilies® tases Pia is le ce eb ene Ae} Order Odonata—Dragonflies and damselflies ...................... 45 @rdewPlecopiera——Stoneflies 5. alo oe Se ea ee a de 45 OrdermPsocoptera—Booklice and psocids 0.02)... ee eed. 46 Order Miallophaga—Chewine iCe- 3 oy che Fe a ee be es ee 46 OndemAnoplura=——Sucking Hee ioe ey we ce cally ee ee ee ee wee 46 Ordewmhysanoptera——T hrips: 2... we a a ee 46 Order Neuroptera—Dobsontlies, lacewings, antlions, and allies ...... 47 Ondem Siphomaptera—Fleas Goat oak Geos occa eens gee ee tk be es 48 Order Orthoptera—Grasshoppers, crickets, mantids, and allies ....... 48 Ordcmlsoplera.— lermitess ae ee ia ee eke bs Ea eae es ool 54 @idemblemiptera— mie DUS ei ce eG Sen ees ca wae os 63 ~ Order Homoptera—Aphids, spittlebugs, scale insects, and allies ...... 69 Order Lepidoptera—Butterflies, moths, skippers ................... 123 Order Coleapteras- Beetles soo ic ie ee eee ew ew i eae es 237 ii Order Hymenoptera—Ants, bees, sawflies, wasps, and allies ........ S74. Order"Diptera--PHCS. oak mca eae ne eas eg ee fee ee ee 440 Peteranre Cited). 2.2 sccane sea gree ee te ee 455 Common and Scientific Names of Host Plants ....................... 529 Index tou lnsects bY FlOst- Plans 5 ot agaansaes een eas Oe ee 537 ISCCE SOK