41 Flippance Haniff and Best '•v ■ ;:<% V . ' ■ . • . = ■ * . - " - ■ ’ - ' \ ‘ iS % . V. . >• s ' . »> h 3$, V . • ' v . ' r _ ‘ - . - / . ■ • A' • - I i > - ; £ • " ? ' ’ ' .-ft*, >■- . . >. •■.-.) ■. . //'i f • : • , •• - . ■ ■ - <*■ % ^ - ■■ T. ! if. • {■ - 'fu ,.?>'! ’ \ • * ■- ' >1 - f ■ i -ra* & ••/. > ^ i v,. V Y: ' :a , 1 -/ m .'n. “l v W; ■ v „.' •* ■ - ' - V 1 <• iff •. : > <>■.. V t ■ r- . \j ; ■ ■ . ‘ T • . :>• ,! ~ x■ . .. * . -■i Jg\ 1 '■ •“•'•& ■ - *Jfc**r‘ i v /My ■ ' - ■ \r S j f i"'v : ■■ ' • .• x ■ >v r ;- ' 7 - ;... :: ■ ' . ■ 7 ' '< • ' "t , ) ■ v ste ' : ',e */-<•/ * t ‘ v' ■ + v W ' 7 ^ •C' mm \ < *> - ■^ -\ r .. . •,Vv , ■ . v * r 4 : r f ‘-4> aV 1 ■ - , * - , i:- : " 4 ■ ^ ■ m ■■ <■, t il ; - '■ ■ <' : -- • . ■' ■ * • i .*. ■ ' . * . 1 • . ^ - ■ . ' - ■ . r 11 s 'f f V-f r r . ■ ■ - ' : .7 r:V.> x .f F jn Whom Place Date SUBJECT. f Connected Papers, MINUTES. No Minute? should be written on this pnge., A separate ha!f=sheet to be used if required. 1 * I V Instructions to Idr* tflippance. ^ ^ Ozig of U8 t you or 1 w j 11 -■ Of i’ebruary or the beginning of Match- °L rf le fZ* at the ® nd pr sent takes the ie« K +v-r , ‘ a f° h - and the Government At wish to get out Crown Agents' orde^« U n»+ g ?’y In elther oaa ® 1 shall I .want you thereforl & list ^ he f of U9 e°® 8 « 192o from England. Attached il l rougj sur ,wv ll needed in In using up your XMKXtt vfor lQyp ^ y ? ur stor ® 9 * you might spend it on X9 ‘ i2< if nl0ne > r 13 available sublimate for herbarium paper * spirit and corrosive over the roadside' Sin near £»•£“ gra ? ite , 8laba a bridge y ° U lf Wi tv 1 ne ° d “ 0Bt of the moSr^for oirtaS ^ d ®rstand that Miscellane ousels"" well 8 * hu carta «* ie P a i^ for from the vote can be told that the" cartafee fwm^i l**, atorea and 2 ® ala . he unusual nature, namely for ^ork J® celianceu8 »* cartage of an prefer to keep the “no™Ii * f+ P **?* stream aide, and that ± he will not ask. *’ -ar^-age and it separate. But probably MisceUaneana ^te^Jp C? 2 J^| tl# “ 8 be P aid *»* from your ordered *cInnot''"J* delivert’ ■ ? boat P^nt-pots. If those the money »o freed ill L«r ^ Pald /°f fron thiG y® a ™ vote for garden leaEither til \ I® U,w<1 in S et ting materials £ld” 2 irCn ’ W ?f * *• oan d0 with a |t 8 le«t ’six lore i |f| + il 1 wl//° r s in \T vlll i°! er N «thKoad, .v 8 i»Pl«rS«M S. l^wd upper rolds ah ° Uld ^ t0 see *^***rX' purposes also. *® ® that you require timber for other $1 III t ^‘to^^jJSfJ?£ en £ 8 \ c * ronlol ®‘ and ^ «*® eoua, ’ unicipality. The latter come® from M iscellan «, 5;, ™«PlM..«l ln U» Crown Mont, Mil. r pply •»"e~"; h e?1 .ss y z?x X 1 **; 8 soft, it mav be +>,.,+ " saj.a shat I did not want no as we ordered ^and reallv nw - i a i® reoel twice as much wire owe it and there e tha “oneyj but if we do not So mttch for aooounts. ^ ®* "" ' lSar that the aum must la P s ® me with 0t »llk i ? 1 a Uarden ’ in Astern Road a *anna that is ne w to be worth acquiring if pllsibl^ 1 ^ leaire6 * lv is P^tty and would ^js^-erv rr sa &.S. •••” . ho Lvr-..;^- - “ the new gr |agl«. 18 Want ® d in the strea “ to d « f l® c t the current off I he thf!k 4i ?i n ? p ®ly alt hias can be cut out. the turn If III u£S" nuffibers »™l d look well at and Phoenil till a” thSf £lCng Wlth the the rs » -- - un - above “arden enguiry could *S" mafil of # ST ^rilf ofTb-slirdrlin pipes from tolching tll Lt* t™™*. 'L ke6plng the Mpl-UnU «?2 the tow I? I l , t r l n ° f the Cent ™l Bridge. A batten along top of the iron painted white might serve. B my annual rejor 1°. ^ °" ® arly * 1 8h0Uld lika earl y notas .-ests A inowl9d « e of th « flora of the *eninsula su t ge f: - £p- - 6 x «sa e ss; r a r; i " Plant^ , l.nri 80 ! 8 fir6t 8hould ta h® wardian cases to liSi.^xius: Cyrtisiii* 1 under 8UrV9in “ 08 - > - y IS I 0 VYhen you go home # Mr. Best will act* As I want to keep your house for the use of the department if possible, should -*. J* Flippanoe go home first you will lose it unless jou chum with someone* See if it can be arranged tfith the Executive Engineer and that Mr* Best' just steps into your place when you go* Enquire plaae and report upon the cost and means ct employ* ing a Chinese gardener, with recoLnnendation where he would li^ and where his work place would be* The Committee desires this* t t < i i *=v • i - .1 l l l Instructions to Mr* Flippance* l^th Oct* J.922 Funds . There is exactly enough for our expenditure over the rest of the year under the head Coolies and under the uead Travelling: go that the number of coolies must not be altered nor must anything be put against the travelling vote beyond your cycle* which 1 am told the Govt4~ allow* But I have no t seen the papers yet* You should buy plant-pots and manure to the amount arr nged by the Committee: and you can buy timber and cement as you suggest costing #76.80 and $ 28.00 for we save about 150 on the year’s purchase of tools. Watch the bills carefully so as to get all into ; iscellan- eous that is not properly Stdrew ot Tools* The Gardener vote shows that we can add a man or two* As the special work is lagging; X should like if ossi e _ see these extra men or this e tra man used on the Stream bank. Of course you could have 6 men on the stream on Monday and none over the rest of the week* forthat would be equivalent to using the extra man daily on the stream. The big boulders which deflect the current at the uead oj you new cut should be moved by means of crowbars u‘il they deflect the current in the other direction. I think that it will not be economical to let the stream carry the e:ingle down* but^j£— that it should be dug across* . Municipal land * We must make a beginning of planting on iy. Some young trees could be put in at once* x want to know what amount of wire netting will ba, required to fence the land. Line s* Allot yourself the new godowns; and then see that no women are left in the bachelors lines* All rough partitions that the men have been allowed to put up within them should be removed. Post up ih the office the allotment. B el Hetiro* Monthly after going up* advise the Resident Woun- cillor what work is necessary and leave him to decide how much of it he will do on his vote. It may be expedient to tell Fernando what your reconmendations will be* so that he ? ay the better understand what will be demanded possibly* A copy 0^° my recommendations is supplied heb^with. Work. There are no major orders. The wish of the Commit to see the PolyalthAae down may be acceded to so far that the worst may be/ removed* The ex eriment should be watched* that we may know if the interplanted Poinciana is th^better tor* *^atesbaea* and the anti-leprosy plants should be planted out. An Araucaria in the yard should be planted out if possible* r\ 'r \ • ! i It . t : i •i \ f. V t 4 - 6 / n&c'UAJLKj 'Lt. <5f (X tVlA,/ l/vL r / t*-v OtJ - if 7 l\ , CUtA CLQ ^ /6^ ^lax/^A Jr ZZcV f\As*s>A^ K . IXA 7 CSV' {jL, cl f(XjJ' ^ts( //*-*- {J^i, /\A Cju^ /\jl /^nru^~V> f CXjlaA Cy^r^xK^t^ JJaJL,( 1 CLXA. COl\ "LX>\jtvy '/La /7>i *cJ ^ Aj&jl*+_j VC/Xlj^ jLiAr* ,/^Lv Oi/ts{ /^ i^o^AJ ^ dX>ccc '/h< x/s^f L'V '* ^ '- , *—6^>C (I l/\aX. / y^hxSt*-^(J (/jtJLsf LA£XjuJ<. Jt&L+rj) T V 9 n tu L ^tc^r /^sfcLAA, fU* /L. to Cljuia) /£- A. / "L Cl IXyf /4 a./ £L<^ : <-tov_ ;' r ^L ClAaj^ I A tC/lA^lAAj / /A ^6t*4 CcA^CiJt&C c»J a A " A — L A, \*~ oLAaaa. &- it . 7U, YU l\Cu^ M- C\A^J a Olk. h^A//A,'ts\A-'~* 4 /j^uf /» / /: y / AC A// cw. tAccn <2,0^ ^ f f 2C .) A / 6^v fay /v^v- Cx>/ /lUz/^M. i*j ~C*jvC A *' 1 G-*c/ / 4a ^aj~* tcAA. UAul^ . CcjCu* /^UX3 A*' v ^'^7 / J_tA_ ^ ) 4/i >v6LX-4^ y A^ " & &A V /^LA O-^r^o a o4 ^4TO W/ CU.C (xA / ff & £ Lca-*~ Ugs^ JfUr^C~S> /> £ k 7 /uA i|& : Mo u u ' ' ' . / / //. (_/ HWH ' - z o 4 6tsJL y- 4 'V J t > y i U of.. ['■ l ui .r Vj ra-o 4m$t 4^dx! Qju cl Ujuiziv- t * ^C£ / cSt-/ tLAOuc^ cLtc^r QjjJ) Coz i «■ /■> / \ Ac/ AX. 6 *’ 0\Ma... U d S) ! ^ uJMa- 0/ ly^J ^ Lr&it i ( 5 W! 3. rdener v oJfeM et tfi is f course v.i. thoi-t any alteration in hi; r» t * It ia very necessary to watch the ey « ?nciitu * ■ ^ 4 ore r iOOls # etc,, as we have no margin. The Jonn.it tee has arranged the order r Of Sp f 4 Ci«l r^'c Thib ie ■ ork to d ne without any increase of means i taa men ir such time as c an he gi^en to X ■ . fi st work is t makin*., 2 .nd lacing of v ' re capes « foot cf the stream bark just below the office with the oujeci 4b i row j ng tne .current across to the nor 1 : cl.- >Jc * ihe s ' 4 e t te •' ire cages iT-uuld be Iriso than ^*1 v A *•* i . cn is in tne yard. r ’he second piece building up of thf tank fcy olant-lious' i < . f5 1 piece v-i woi ic* the nakin t of a long cui/ed shrubs towards the road on the front of the o J« ■ Garden. vf ter these only cornea the -ran hi L v-i 0 the hollow xr the upper ;arl of / rde; • • • ■ cy the prop )s^d s soil drains f-nd ol the ■/ The cprpentpr will maxe the posts r*r<* . t motorist .ill e prevented from ;;oi..g u‘ ov. the » • “ • au' 4i e and tne f*abel-printer will also make ;* ■ o*■ ru pre t < ir* from railing between the nort -eaat cor-er o the Plant- o no. 9 and the ^andstand. '“he watchmen ust se** t rr ■■!.;-■ ao rot halt* ' e watchmen’s uniform. should b* 5 < aen .o* T? o t e; of th v an dismissed should serve the n^ r n ii ousi i until now clotn it in* x tc not like is reu r. c f on hi ^n/*.d* * * xe r \x> e*Bt of the l Ll -collector and t ie lal ol*-printer for sro^rter 'ours is nob reasons 1* mi- cut reo <■> i u / te mi .utes of meet nf;a raid o. m t. iit 0 to e supplied to ail member s. ?m tiie cir; ii-iioii oi a copy o> the uvh . , . . confirms ion* r, he Resident c^i cil^o to ..ay that he will cxrcm ;te 1 t i© L. J . r # ^. C- «' ■ Plants rooter in the masonry of the Aqueduct pulled out and lax/;e sprawlere encouraged to 4. rov j (> j •' *. O .,* 1. ! ' ; ur pose the new draff shod! he *ent to hit.. it is cone3 r rrd necercary t : 1 tin* bi* ould- x cut .nr v e the upper ridge l oulu ] j 'pulled do*• .ndei 1 bridge; for the purpose a lock ana a : rt ,y r . xx.» ••ill i'm by the ou a<> liceti' n. iO; *>V- It , 4 r i ^ 1 r IRSTRUCTIOHS to Mr. Flippancy 6th Dec. 1921 It is n«ot3i.a y now to reduce the number of coolies, so that tbs monthly expsnditurs in 1922 is no mors than ons- twelfth of ths vote. You will find, unless the budget is further altered that you have £325 p.m. for Gardeners, and $353.33 for Ooolies. It is forbidden to pay ^arcleners from the Coolie vote; but it is not necessary that all men drawing pay from the ^ardener-vote should be drawing the maximum pay of any grade of Gardener. I hare asked permission to neet the deficit on the rotes for ardeners and Coolies from the same Simgapor® rotes. To fp make this easy I suggest that you draw three bills for each in December. The first bill will be for the period December 4 1st to 14th. and will be the part paid from the Singapore rotes. The seoond bill will be for thel5th to 22nd, and must reach your Treasury not later than the 22nd. The third bill will be for the rest of the month and paid early in January as the circular permits. Thus you will be able to pay all dues to labour fro this year's rotes. hold the pay up a little so that you do not hare men bolting; but it is hardly likely that they will. Spend up as far as possible the rote Miscellaneous on objects that do not hare a definite place in the Stores and loola vote. Snter into possession of. the Ifenicipal land at th« u ate; tr trim the hedge and plant behind it. You will not hare labou for more at present. I should like to see a nicely curved fence fron our gate downwards; but before making alterations it would be well to ses just where the boundary is. Our map • « disagrees with the position of the fence. In the - ardens the most important work to be done is to build up the stream banks . After that the drainage of the hollow in the upper half of the ^arden. A few more seats are desirable; and possibly the iron work them mi ght b • got 0ut Of th- for thorn might bo got out of tho roto Miscellaneous. I • notico that a group of Nepheliums io full of fungu# I should likw the funguo to bo sent to Dr. Butlor at Kow Tho trooa will havo to bo cut out. Whoro they ar o and also a littlo higher up whoro tho Ficus was lost in September planting will havo to bo done afrosh. ' ho d osi dosiro of Ponang to bo able to show its fruit and spico trros should bo gratifiod and could not bo bettor gratifi by planting thorn on this spot. X sm inclinod to think that tho Hibiscus shrubs at tho office want repainting,, and an effort made to keep them / , formal and of tho same size. It will bo ®; ? oJ to find a plawo elsownsre for Hibiscus bushes unt rimmed. XX the Tunku &ainal Kashid does not moot his bill in a wekk or ton days a note to Hr. Mac Arthur will got him to pay: and if Mr Elliot does not pay similarly, a note should bo sont to Messrs Paterson, Simons asking them if thoy moot the Manager’s billo, and if so would thoy kindly moot tho one of which a copy is enclosed. INSTRUCTIONS to Hr. FLIPPANCE, 26th, September, 1921 As yet you are not pulling your weight, and the Government ie not receiving from you six hours of work within the u arde*l£ working hours* You will be more successful if you work yet more than six hours* X thinlyf, and the esident Councillor thinke, as well as the rest of the Cpmmittee, that you must get abrtthd before breakfast* Your morning inspection should commence at 7 a*a«; after which you can return from the G ar- dens for breakfast* Certain of tho work for the Municipality can be dons after 11 a*m* and before your lunch* It is desired to leave details to your discretion; but you must entev your times in a diary which I shall require to see, for thQ* present, monthly; and the Resident Councillor may perhaps ask for it* The Diary will record your work and the work in hand, in the “ardensj also any information which Kay be use* ful for my annual report* You have taken over from Mr* Haniff: you must take the work up which Mr* Haniff did; and you are held responsible for everything that he was held responsible for* Your relations to Mr* n aniff call for mention* Mr* Haniff is none the less capable yf.-Vw.i ? V ■/ i-a<>» * * “ ^ I -x. V-TL,. * > 4 5 w s "V <* # ; / "Su* > ^ ■—A> * ^ ^ A t-6. ,,/ _ -c^ zzx* ^ ^ ••-«*• /Y ■,^"' ^ ' rr 4 ^f< '-« '>-v„, "* *f ^ «. ( >4*-i> r y Ju ■ £~a-f ! */ 'C^ U*^L -">- ' -'^u 1 ooe on the one half, while the top of the epiit bamboos would on the other half treated pdllns ana new w be given and then wire nettfhg placed over tne top. no« 3 needs no immediate cAang®, _ end no! 4 should have ataps completely on the south aide, and atape as now on the north side. It needs new pn.lin meranti treated with jodellite no. 5 as no 4 but with openings over botja paths 6i8 all right _„*■ .vimiid be no • )))) 1 iiw no. 8 will need attention later , e.g. wire netting no 9 also . and should be as now no! 10 is satisfactory, or will be when the °™ p#r ^$*{ 0 UP «= vourself free to be in Kuala i-umpur on the Uth, and to tour from K.-L. with a collector until you have used ui the available ? 180 other Cratoxylon that can be got. 6. I want »«eds o. w D !^ out alterations which will make 7. I am addressing the P.W.D. about surer altered he must a watchman's quarters useful for Arifi. out tib. Au U aA'££fc- (0 . /0 /&/. . V tAxA '* A - * 4 4 ( /t44d / O* (2U Ux. tccc/Ycj , A. ^ (xy ^4jtA, Instructions to Hr. Best. !• You have money enough for 53 men as well as the Chinese gardener, so increase the foree to that. 2* You have seen the minutes of the Committee and should spend to the amounts fixed therein under stores and Tools. 3. ^r. Haniff is to go to Aler Star and to Taiping for me. In Aler Star, he purchases a set of fancy timbers from A adji :5ndut, and dx*ugs from bomoha ^sbai ^shak and allsh. ^ebai Ishak lives in Alor sl erah next to the house of &yad Mo¬ hamad ex-State treasurer. The residencies of the others he he seeks My, * t ao u ill who will instruct his mandor to put him WM into touch with bomohs and others who use c. tintry produce. 4. It will probably be possible to arrange for you yourself to tour in ^uly and to end up at ^uala ^^umpur for the agricultural Show, 1 do not like any one to go into the forest alone. Kalimuthu er someone else should accompany any one touring. 5. Is it required that ir. Flippancy should bring out any¬ thing; If so early action ia required. 6. Te get the Chinese gardener working is the first thing upon the programme. Aftsr that to fill house no. 10. 7. Tfce resonstrucjiien of house ne 2 is tc be left until after those two tilings arc acucc:plished. 0C4A 2z ; n.. 2 y- /. /£ /^A. ^W' i ? / "Ls r-'Ci^J 1 H.c/ A IU /1 /CL cLk £f A t^O A OCi>U tfcV^ A tktftW A/cl t /^ C l**v\L^j^ (O chrXsL LLAj) U^jla^ / V%/ U isK- 'yfo-tyi / fu. ^ , UC ^ ( tt l/ IAAA. ^ Or ^c/ / 2a< &J {fWcA £ /* d /fcr / . i 6l*4Sk £^OC-<->C-CcA^» /W C. &#»u4i V^f r C^La^ -O fcw/ >/ -4. w 4. /o^s L*A~C (JUtkJO-X- <>4U*A. A- Jc^/ JjL lt)‘ C*~- ^Xa^J* 4/^L^O * ^ V^V^/ /4 ,^LxX- ^ A^£L*- Aoi e £i>iA-evx~*-^ 7T dLCCx^ Clas- c *‘ 2ti_A.lAa-6- ' f ' A_~ yj'yic*/ t n^A r*Aw^.-' 3 A A*-V~ijxXaJ L ^W“«^ /4m a / / O ^Vo-CA. /. / ^ ^ SU 4 f H t j > ! ^ / 1 C/\rv L<^* }/iin- Z *■/ /4^, / T'f^. u CkJL* Ua^ t/C t? i C'jAx^*-' ‘ £n*(p. L*~a /^c / /otX ** £k^J *V ■ ^ x^d^- *~o%~ C^CuS / J / St ^ za-'jJL /dddA ^ *■*, ^ J */^ J £t/l£f ^<-x ■\ L**< & $ ^ 4-t^vv^. Itcc+aA. *- * -c ^ /W aPw~<-<. k~ fyu*. dsL*~r»l- / W^vt^^V' A 1 ' -Av. <0 3 ) Date From Whom r P.^ce SUBJECT. 0UW G4, Connected Papers. MINUTES. /(h^6uU* sled tUJ C cu^t . /3. 1 m*/ & /£L Q/\xa*0& F m b> No Minutes should be written on this page. A separate half-sheet to ♦ be used if required. ari. o Garfi iagaporo, £9tfc, August, ±922 » D©ar Mr, Ha 13 , Affair* h^r '* !kefp no, and other arrangefflente on fall that T shall not reach r enarg kefor* tho 70th of September, You will not trand having the “Waterfall M ardf*n.o Committefi meeting in the first woeh of October, T trust. Ir a few day* I expect to write to you about Plipparce’s viol to to 3«1 ^etiro, I am waiting for a statement from him. r • y sk/uu- (< t*** ■{yik A* »4 4 M 4 - lc» ^>Ku. W-/ * f"* ^~ ;/ ec A, **£ * t4/u ^ * ^ . f *»u*1 r ■**7‘ ( * cr ** f «M 2* ^ . ujk L a^n' A*. /l * /k+ft*A' /i ‘ / '*l'f ^ / 9vu^t~u~ / £- Jtc4 tu^t^S yy^ *j £ u4+~ L. 'Ur><'~ ^ « fX< U+*~>vv<- *j A**- VU CU^i^Lf / Y\^C4 Cds\ iX<*. / l+*4 {£***. 1*SL+J '* „ J /W iL i f* ^ ^ / L'fr 7 ^ ^ i^cJ~ Ssrt^ (XisujL lOOU. ' ct i U%^rf A^-Vu, Zt ff 1 %. L jt 4^, j£i*~JL 4' t >k^^. X*o~ i't i CtrJk Gat Lx' fy ^ //t frun^/c r A- ^ 4 u f/u Cc/ar ^a. ^ 4r*& OOU*^ 'Yx **4.~ Xx*-t % fciAT **^U'C_ ^U+lUJi M 'Ay JU^JL , ^ £ /] n <£**. A'*yf /f\ tAjUA^* (X.4JL-4 - > * * ^ ^<£t-OA a// . *t ; 2^&e(. &U ^,JL. tU^t 'ti-U- ■&&L pi* +u* -Ur-lMA , ^ fiw cLi+A~^ cJ9\ Ck4^Ux A #J2C J ^ Ui / { : *. 1 1 'f i < } t I t * * t /■ 0 V Botanical Gardens Singapore 27 th, October 1922 Si**, I hew© the honour to forward to you for ■» #• your information a list as arranged ©f the fixed outside inspection duties of the assistant Curator, Waterfall Gardens, Penarg. for t!i« rent of hio tiiii’*, he io to be in the Waterfall hardens. Bel Re tiro, Penang Hill, a visit in the second half of each month. Da to Kramcit Gardens - a visit In the 1st. '•*;• k of «nch month* Ayer Xtam Reservoir a visit in the 3rd. week of each l**w J1 b**+ Waterfall Reser'/oi- a ‘visi: *ioout onc< a wjok. Roadside trees in tn^ Dnio Kraioat neighbourhood in the # 1st, r >ek Gf each month. Roadside trees in t-owr in the 2nd. rr H rt cn the south of town ir. the *rd. reek, in the north of ^owr in the 4th, week. n If the periodic visit shows him that ar.other it: inrirdiritely necessary, h^ rill act accordingly. He will also be called on by th» Honourable the Resident Councillor ana the i&inicxpal Commissi oners for such advice as they need. 1 have etc. Sd. I.H. 3urkill The Hon 1 ble the Colonial Secretary Singapore fui/oG J* V Vj i , , > I 4 D. of 1 f the Diary, as I have not considered them of sufficient importance# | t Amongst these are inspections of various private gardens when my + \ « advice has been sought on various matters. 5* It would be a good th ing to forward t hi^jj^tt ach ed paper s 4±0 tha Col. Sic ^ in connection with my transport allowance. Perhaps it would then be realized that much ground is covered by me in discharge of my many dutiesand that the latter are heavier than might be inferred from the letter attached. Assistant Curator, Gardens Dept, Penang. ■t 4 K IJL * * /■ , k O J h'l 3« . y 'Y 9 ' 0 Penang, 2bth: August, 22 . % Sir, I have the honour to ask if in your cl bin fl'tstd'o.nV Cu r 4 i* * opinion # the list of iiiepectior duties , as * quoted in letter Ho. 1039- 21 in me C.S. 3786*82 8 a copy of which waa i'orwardod to the Preaideht 18 Municipal Corunissiohere by the Resident? Councillor • on $lkU October, 91 $ hare been fully and satis- p + f act only carried out. d ■ .* 0 Municipal engineer, Georgetown, 0 I have ’ the honour to be, $1 r. Your obedient servant, Assistant Curator, Gardens d»ept; Penang. •7* op p MJT/l/TK. Municipal Engineer’s Office, George Town, Penang, 31st; August, 1922# The Assistant Curator, Gardens Department, PENANG, > 1 Sir, 1 have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated August • 28th with regard to the 'it Municipal work carried * out hy the Assistant » Curator of • Q&rdene, Penang. y ♦ * 2, ' The duties ♦ as suggested in letter No.1039/21, and which have been carried out, 4 are satisfactory• 3. I shall he glad if you will inspect the • * trenches about to he dug hy the dide of the trees in Kelawei Road hy the Water Department. ■ *> a I have the honour to he,* Sir, 0 ■ Your obedient servant , Municipal Engineer, i ♦ N / c/ /4 ' /4 jriuisf n n f C tf r " i'o r, 7 ' ? £* - /* ^ «/ -V* /K C iardtns &'}>•; 1 tuang* fs.) From ifl>emoranbum. (G 39) To 192 *» tfPrst Jan: 5th Feb; 6th ,, I7th * • Mar: 6th ,, I3th Apl:27th ,, 28th May: 1st ,, 2nd ,,• 6th »$ 26th; § • t 1 r • (K \ V Waterfall Gardens Penang, 2nd; September, 1922 4 List of Work classed under Para* 3 of letter, extracted from Diary Municipal Inspected Town Hall Garden, Trees around Municipal Offices and reported • Inspected trees front of Mosque Burmah Road, Inspected trees in Burmah Road, c Inspected Old cemet£*y Northam Road* Jan; 20th 9 Feb: Ilth; ,, I4th Mar: 21st Mar: 25th to Inspected tree in MacalisterApl: 4th Govt: Govt: House re-plants for beds. Visited Mr,L,C,Brown*s garden. Collecting up the hill, Pangkor Road, lifting Palm for Singapore, To Singapore on .duty. June I5th: tt * i 28th: July I8th: ,, I9th: Aug: 1st: 9 9 9th: ,, I6th; lf 22nd: Road, Inspected trees in Park Road Compounds, Inspected trees front of Chetty Temple & reported, J Inspected Angsana at Bato Krsmat & repo,rted. Met M.E. at Bato Kramat, Inspected trees in York gd. with reference to Rambutart Orchards. Site for new house for President, Municipal Commissioners- pegged out places for trees and lines of hedges. Evening - Inspection M Ascot Ayer Itam Road, with reference to removal of trees from compound. Inspected planting Race course Rd- Site for P.M.C. new house. Bato Kramat marked out for planting along Anson & J oho re Roa^is, Inspected above work. Inspected planting at site for P.M.C*s house • Inspected trees newly planned along Anson & Johore Roads. Inspected above* Inspected tree in Burmah Rd,. and sent in report. inclusive May; 2nd: ) 3rd; 5th: 6 th 9th: »* 9 9 IOth: Ilth: I6th: 17th: I8th: 20 th: 2Iat: lb ‘- W )- re 9 I 22nd: 51 ,, 23rd: ,, 24th: ,, 25th: Penang Club- saw Secretary with reference to H.R.H*s visit. PeH^fa^rTclub plants for use during visit. Penang Club- ditto(all needed topdressing and compound put in order. Govt: House - putting Garden in order. Ex. Engineer - re expenses of making decorations, Penang Club- plants as above. Mr.Love- re decorations. Penang Club- re plants as abcfve. Evening- Visited Batu Ferringi re materials for decorations. Penang Club- estimated number of plants required. Penang Club- to see arrangement of tables. Mr.Love- re decorations. (Sunday) 8. a.m, Penang Club- receiving plants from Gardens. 12.45}*. Called to Govt: House by Mrs .James. 4.00J To gardens - selected plants for Govt.House. Penang Club- putting in plants • 6,15 To garden to select more plan ts for Govt.House. Penang Club- did table decoration. (Public Holiday) at work till i p.m, Visite’d Mh. L.C.Brown Garden. Ex,Engineer- re transport of plants from Club to Gardens. Penang Club- to put plant s outside ready for transpo rt. Govt: i * July 4th: ,, I3th: * ,, 20th: i > »» Aug: I2th: * f i» » t 17th: I8th: 26th: 29th;. 31st: R#C 1 b Office special journey. St: George’s Church - met Col, Chaplain re planting. Residency - went round garden with R.C. and advised on various matters. Penang English School f Northam Road - met Mr# Cheeseman re planting Bamboos. Golf Club - 8a.m. appoint¬ ment with Sec. re supply of plants. Inspected trees in Prison and later reported. Govt. School, Northam Rd- inspected hedge. Ex.Engineer - planting at St. George’s Church. Golf Club- re plants • Rev. Keppel Gamier re planting at Church. * to ' . fi. t jr Hsc. 56) « it * 1(2,000—7/20 ) A 1 : / 4* A J -r s, J* \ \ It is reque&lwd that the 1'ollowintf number be quoted in the reply to this letter. No. Botanic (Sarbens, Singapore, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, per.: u i 2th : Jr-.iv. , 192 - Sir, i t-i it* i r Pel Retirp I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt or ted i5th: l)oez her, :' * I, below ry reasons for the vise or a -aifcir when cir. .u-' to J el Retire on I. duti . eft (i) (U) (iii) • { h) (i) (ii) neesene for Chair . Length of visit to Pel He tiro if uncertain tv. c } cure may rulTiee for ircyection, hut or. the other ta na the jrer ter Aart or the day t. a> he required - After walking up one arrives vet through with perspiration and without e bath and change one would prof.ably catch colci * nd. perhaps something nore serious. In this sense it is had. 2 row both personal hnd business points of view. The cplbectir: of plants in the Valleyt,either for the uardans or Pel Retiro, is r.uch more exhausting than walking up the hill and cannot be carried out ir. addition to the latter. % Recovery of actual expenses for chair hire when going up Per.any Hill on duty is allowed by G,0.67(3) g ases ir, w hich chai r has been and is allowed , Officers and Suboruinates of the ?. W. h, are allowed a chair. on £1-12-11.the Colonial Engineer and Executive Engineer Penan. , had chairs both up and down the hill, # Bisters of the General Hospital Stuff are allowed chairs for pcip the hill on short leave. * .On S'-I-gg I walked up the fill to Pel Ketiro. At the express ish of H.S.Lady Guillemard the Private Secretary to the H.E.the Governor ordered a chair lor i.y return*to the hill foot., I have the honour to be, Sir, Ycur obedient servant, he Direct r, Bo tan r* ho A W V . ra,ns, 4 y y•&/->/« S I » (r A. P 0 K B . F 41 j 31+ Assistant Curator, Gardens J cuing* €0 3 > From Whom Place 4 SUBJECT. Connected Papers, MINUTES, f ‘h \m 1 Minutes should fee written on this page, A separate fm!f=sheet to be used if required. j * * 35 1 I V ; ^rt/O >Z . 5. e 2 /. C*-C * . U L (j A. t ^ ^.cc*s ' .'if-Ct-t- Yt «^._< it */'- £ S i C£cl*J „ /*? L CUt {7K^ Crf 4t/?-vvvCv^ f O-m, rw^Z^* *?. /uLtA*- ^ r>>\tftxxy f>vO«. ^-*3 /O^ w t/ \ j ^c*s/~ . cctMjij M /f ^>&-*} Ji o-xi ctA^Y , /\j CLaaJ 3 O^t^v-VX l l xx^VO 4 1&L&* ^T\AA * / /Ly^V>\ ft-CC •" p£ ^flh^sUy rYY\j£*jL. fU-> ^ IiaJIt * /f\f\r^*jL. Fc^O ata^-Ai/ f / & CLi^ f /\ Os£*^r*y £c/2mL^ faxjttd ^hiGLOO CLtu^ Y ^C/y /c>u\ j j Cuvuttuy thjL . zJ*f Cl / f &4^dtsO a**,*, y r /ks&uLA. ; Vt/VVA ^ y^/E/\^C4<<- ^ cx^-e^/al tuu/tuy yra^y ■ iKcL^Ajt*\ ^ /y^Zoa^^v Lhu/iyfii j . A****' O^vu^/ t • fu^ /L€ 4 SuxJ C ^{'^a*\j£ i s\ ^■” ^ ^f~ t *4. /4 ■' /l^c^ t % y*. f,0u>-( ("J-vi sa-ic ^a. ^ It) / '%A*t/U f y a /4c AX’*. m. y CL*A*y tfi) ^-k»c^ Aa 4 4c^. 4 ^*-yi ! $k ^Ar 4 La* jfxt^j - O cy/£t 4/ A< $Cti* Ucyl&jLuitAA— , &*s/ 4m &t*y 4v\. 4 w?- /• ^ ^Vcgut mMA„ Uu y ' Jjnr^K. ^ ^WWH (s/la*. .^r/VH, /^'u/^ ;/ . . r Ca^a* /v &&***> t *t~ 4 P2S // I , 4 b’JlJ ty{ 4u^y /, yiA**/ o *tc a. /$~Lm,\ jj JluAAJ ^ fltb/ /ui^r y^*-' A^l^a +%$y r M> r-t & Ka . <^Kv /" hu.l£() ,^>-n«rvc /^4 k-<. '^7 <-^'- ! ^- A - ^ cfeue - C^cyU ... ''4c v r ^4" s ^ O^tUA uV) A r-^i ^>vy4^,v4fu /h**t tyet-u. ^ Us 4m , /i ®Lc 4'4u~> A A/ A *~ C V ^ "~fL^ C j'V. 4 J isfruy f £s> tjf l/ ^ Lf '- riltlc Oyitus 4 /o (V • J a_ /a^-eX /y-yi^AXt^ Asi &rv-iA A*.'^ritViXA., dx^ 'yi Ae. /4c_ /jaXcXc^u. J &6 (j/ - cmc 4 &^ *y *zr%L r /-^ J 4 ^1 /£. £~4 /^s-5’. %\ Lj*~f- fL~ &«p~ *■ f*Y- JT^_/u »<~ J ^ v -'-‘~'“'^ i | 9 V^/ o~~ '&■*■-, ^A. * * y ' 7^4^ s ■ * ^ 1~ A /—* V^ ^2/ ^rwl J^YISJ Ca^/ a f s y^Si £lat£a « ^^ ^ t fiza /L~^ Z ^ ‘““ / " 5 ~ TgSit ^ **■*&-+& ^ 1 >. 000—? f '20 i (Misc. 56) It is n-t;ni'buj that the following number be quoted in the reply to this letter. Botanic (Barbens, Singapore, No. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, , 192 • /. '% «** K /"■ Ko. «*-&/ ' 3U ^ J Jut /^UuV>U. i/ l ''.' £ ' . J /. AW >&* a ! / A H > t£v r /u^vw. /’ a ^. » OULA-A-iTV^vl , 2/ v yy Chk ^ 2^ Ir/M . lu< /W’ • ^An IV al^^A , ^ ~ J~A~' c " a ? , /v / - * <7^ J* , • /I UJltk* fa iA/\ k *W ^ h. %*4 js2 *$**~W' 7 / U- fir, . / ,., . i£ t . Ctl*u,/ h/vit*- /j . 7 c vLJjm’ fa*** U . /?. / A /pw j ^ [y ^C4 kOC fl^axo, f i 'U^ * Jj t TTO;-.rr-^ 4z fL ^-^ d >■ \*jJUa* ts, ■ 2* 3 ~f“ /? £T\ / +- r ^- + ** / O^P “f i o 2. Zo S +- Z.V- *+ 7T5 /u-W f/£( f 7 uo i> % 4 i ) !; iL Y (' V. w C ^CaR^s^D - /C CcmT y ^ ^ 4: L*-*-*' ^ A <0-^ irw/ % <2^1 <*>^ * AzxR*^* Cc< li)~$uK^< 9^1 -sr^f ‘ L£ A J*-* /v -^ / iM*J'; 2 , ^ol2 a£( 4^la2£ca L CLa •£, Ol^o /■* X< 6>£s/~ - a / I cl^T^y'/UA AoT \ CX^otr^j „ j£f , /^ z^// /^7 tc^ ^ 1 Ij\Ak C cl^. A~ ^A/A y - t/ Se-jCx^ts, Jr~~^\ uR] 6L.J t?cX( /t}-&JLW J>C~ip XnL^/ / ^€_- ^-(/i^/o^J t / 'tyL^*y / 4^. ' ,y //£ ^ -*y(/U*Ji . -?& % f^y /yv /^4, f^ct^cx ‘ojt-cJL -ty Kftt /hpa ^ /A&a^Kttj Zk*. U^Ljl^ ^ <2-6r£-^~/ r * f 4 /£/ &l M* />cu/£~ Z A. Vl LlTW*-> JLu, ClxJ,£l^ &tu6t f 6 , XAu4/v ccJ)'i> ^zcxuj sZ) Zi/ s$) Cl*/? PZXZ tx*uj zx~ , / ^ . /f feC-j/j 41 /ciu/Z X 'Xt. t lA. 6/ /17 'ICtJujyf fttiJUA* Ctr>\L~ ffv ^-€?c~ (Z J^U, /ZcCT ZtcAfa-AcxSXZ 42^< ^ q Z /\Z^ U fwoLcl Zz , /i 4_ZslL^_ou~u, , c*-^i *y^\ ou^t*4 r ^ ■u o-o-i £ y{^y ZXt^y Uj^X /Zcl*ul < ^~ ^U-y/tV Z £*-v . Z{ Ox CXlO-L^J^ ^ &S~iAr* - °XX' C*/V\Z<-S , X/lZX '^vt cluXcl. Cl Z l*£- je^ /Zl Zc'\uKjutuL Xcz Cj ZllZ^ ZZlXvaX -LL?OjX wZtjZ* f>>cx^/ t-«V? ci^sZu\ ^Zjl ’ r«l<4 Zrvy0 ®u , /J '/£ P LJ, 49. ^ VAw Cul/ ; ^2^(4,/ 2^. \TO u+^e£*-£z<^ / IV 3$'^ i f $ / S^J~& &*/ c£> /nr. kTQ C& fa*S cC. A 7 /X- ^cvw ^ V'£/u». c ^rtrt t -^i_ , 0 'tt* . o- ► o^* kAia-^£- yX^ j -i /i/^. yj'wj ^ ?^T ^UaJ, J^L ^ £ '£>-+ ^Cv*sf~ & 1 -V (/\f £c*s% jIm to j. JL Cl^ r 4 -h 5 ^ F u-l / fco 4 hfi _ 6. <7t a ~^SUM h***. /{ & «yCt*s* * /&l <$~h /& l^i+Am.Kc^ try ^y't/m^k mi ^ ^ ^ ■cvo 9^ ^h^-- tv, tUfi^pi. tf lic4^uyf i*X /Vv- ^ t,m 4 ^ tKc*uy>{< 4 r 7 M*. ftrA*,\ a*c tf y^t/ v^rwvM tv£sv^ / a»/~ 4 t Y^ x sfj - ^rrvv frUxX M -^/( 14SJL &* (^ iaJAaa/ £24A*y*L- h/ flo* ^Ax/i» tAsJl 4Ma-w-^J r _ V'*-v^*/‘ ^ */ <*■ Z^vr/ C ^tv. /%£- , A JL 4/ryw SI ^ yivwi^4 vw. ^ /w^tZ /L^ 1+/xam£U (? From Whom .... j Place . Ostc .... .... • r . Former Papers . MINUTES. Final Paper. 7 U* 2Jf Ov\ £a* 2 2 ^Cc^> 4-' ‘ . i A r A* it ' f ?U H k- i f < X4 / - • J A ^ f ' V t'-. A t . '■ ' - t : ■ (j j % < ’ • ^ ’i. •*'« /* <4.^ t-V\ // < i / ‘C‘ j „ ^ V ' < *• !u K# S'xAsfA* L ic i /* / / A- * ; ' t /. y ■ -./it.- '•• •* d. t* ' '7&A. J - ' ■-. (,/ ? :* faLU / -t-c t4 /.ttl?. i ■ ■ . y tC ■ /liiir tffc. p/- - / < /* * i J54 - ^ ' * y* / A' l a » ^ / /t fjX.4JLAt. 'm*\ JL 1 X > 4 Ul> A ( > < *?. >/ A t' /'/' La - / LA j *4 ' f / 'V -w. •'**- ^ < ?4 4* £6d W ' * S L Mu4kCMA ‘A L’ 2d * /« 4, A V • r /i / y .. *7^^ ^A/di/A / *y / 3 . / / ^-* /S~A'A<'^j^ r_j£ A&Z £t^c*sr*. I'C^? r "y ^ * y/dY/^ - ^ /-k <£-*-<. S A t< c / . /k' gc0>&f{ ^V A* ^^ V AcfcA.t^ flV C/l^? *C~^st ✓ tffct i ^^7/ /2*tC rp€?f4 Z^C.o a/(£^A. P /a /A(f /e /2 JtG^cs*'. /-*v C / ut fit. +~*\ £ / / ' / ^ 7 //C< ^ rC>L < x s A7< ^vW. '/* A (7c* /-tfti. ' £> . /? A* yea /'t At-**, e f S&*.r-L-. l^ttei^-e. #7 7 7\ ft /It f cv /{* < ^ n e J t Yt.'z^ / //-^ ^'/"ee^C, / ' f> /£ t< /f ff9? -c-t /cuy. ^J-/t.'r / / /^~/J 4"P\ / ShS 4f/€/'f£ / 2 rer^ J-e) 0 ; ft /LA ct*. 9z n 7J y(<,/>//+4 0 / rA ~ &pi**- '?/3 1^ —i ^l\ Kdfc** / f £/\ / /-t^V/t>*i Cb« ^ 9)tr Ays*~ r i'v i ^ O * /pf} *y //’/'- tft J /l ( ^Vrt* //i*v , / ' / £ 7. /?si fl<4~ A^t '/l /• % ^ V/ * i <^*» '/*„*■+. / * / 9 /& // Psrf f ^ 5^^ /x/L/f // *t^T //P* 7f /' / // £-i.x rfre -»^c c^ /?^/ 1 *£ /2 c c ■C'ct. A<£Z**C4s*/ ^ • '2 . 7 ^ As / //* 7 7 ■£/<-* /tv .'Ze^-Ti+'<-*■ //iA , / fs7 /) * /& f fit f/ltfc £t^ f'C'f /£a f&'Tt // 9l/tO^y^S& , /{ht ^/ JSI*' l///L* v/^2 /^£ Pfr^p> S ALs 9 Psl £ 5/^f y* AftA'* A* /Ac* Ak A , t z^A £Z'fS(S'/'Ae &'4 ‘Ac* ^ /£ a, bfferfe*^ Vfibc /tsfOcfS Ac ^ f ^ ' / /f An/^ ' y /£** ’ f % . AO/sfiu* ~C*~ z A /. $ , //’■ £ f c-/£t* ^tA/Az/ei /l~ /A* . JC yck/x (filo /? - < Akt 4*ftS A l Aj? fi>AA A*AAre* fs^/S fifsA Af /ZJ^.AcXiAJ A AAj> ■ 6js W ^rti**** A wt. A£c /u.cA{ /£Ce X/ / (//O i ^a77***>* Aj : C/ r /7<-£~)Ac<^* r^“; ✓* £«, 7 S'£&'Z ✓ Z . J ' W C€ *% i*y i~ »-*_.: /*. //w 2 3 *'*' S /O c < i ++* /AS ?l< +t~^ ^ j/fz< **^A s/A /* a /t* 01'tS/l/y /'H /At s*/S 7< ✓v Tin M-fe >. -y^ cf^ // s t ■** * r ' y ?'■ ., /C v . ^ % /ff A/ ^ ^ O A^A> AAS / /-> i<.. AAfsl^f C'C'? -t<-^ /v ✓? r/f ^v ^ **V ’/~ t 4 sc* S2*pt^ * aAa'c/ # y^ /W?^t/ cS ^ / //'C^ /D' Ap ^•<4 .,__ .. , A f A/S tKsll**» PrTrp**-^ Afcsgjte'. r ; ^c*€ a) s A X #1*V*C4SZ Ay AhS/AA^ /rSSc^S /^ ^/sA S ^fc#4^ ^-7 / AAAt ' 4^ A /w //' , ^*fr^ A* / *4. ^ ' < 2 ^ t (sASA* *' A/L4si(/}”PP?4sC*+. t/C&A /? *<. tSi^A aAaa^ //? A / i t Sr % . /■ l /r /* t r frfti / y tfg+-te+~y* jfe r It'S //“. f+J %/. M 7 // ^ r/ f fcnPi //' 7* £ )'cc C <* Fm-i I hi /0 2 f* /£^. ; /c // c/S? fe /Zi-o/y lis- r\ i's / ' e 7 c ^ / / //** 7 /- ** ?ff&c*. ^//U* / />s4gs£~*J }£*€&*+* z A' g /£<^k ^ i^s f tr-*,♦ 1C f/ y /* / .' «-c < & r ,«>*. ^trT^eJ /£*csi*y , f* lC ^■c Ak i^» ^ . c y f*t+~ ->£ £*. Cc+*J '€^ r -y. Jyr ?T^£sC*sz.^ Y>i /Y*. V ^f-/^Av2 ^7 e/\-Y%LrS*, , ?/rYt, r y/- fez /If * f ?* . /c-C V v i / ~e^t Aj/AA Ay * f’e^+A //c*. ^t-A. f ccA AA. CJL /5 ^ iCc V?" ?*-?€— A . 7 ^^ 2 * AtyA 4* ^ , ^z-£ £t*.c±-y *1? ra //L* £& 's>c **A/6>ij*Z _ < 2y# / /^ l^C^ >7 'fffe 2&t % 'f t-c^c. ^V 4U ' y P Sce^i?£^r ,^‘4sC/ tst^ /£jZ * VV ^ /e y /-> /2?5 Jy~^ iPCQCc^ / ^*/-yjL ^C/yy 1 Z'O^c^yy* ■ /£ ^yZ&^c-^y cu-y^tst* ■** /< <-< £*~f #*€. > ztx^ y r yb>z4**i ^ v*y^ 'y<£s*y S <-*. z ^ y^C-t^ ^ / /Cj^ r/ yr ^ -* < ^<^v%l //^ yc4x-^- s^tn^yZ: * 1'istst^y' ^ T^y^G^yZy /* F^l^. £ sf /^€^fr C^ S^ 4jt /^C f' # ' , . y y . ^ ^ . - t z' /^Ljf 4^^y /v>’ ( 6c.rfr.ccjf’ Ztc^t Scf^c A-c-^ /£ y y CC--fin- / 7 Cc^// ^ j ,/tn,' /£~c^r ot^x. /£-€— s J/Tr't ? / £o£f fo~ lLVtX & l/'f '^ ^ fZ'-C-'f'x. ***** ^9* ** / £*%**~^t —C. ^o ^4 / sfut- ffZ fZc /WV Lc^J* £ Cc^cS ** rfrt^t^y Zyfr^t. 6cZ*f’*y Pfrtcky 'J<—*(l*. Z**~* ft't^/Or^.'cjL^A * .O- / Z A ^Z > ' />**~*- /'f*c~ Cf y 6*y- Cc*? Cc*^*f i4j^V/6-' ^- 7 *i Z' j? G. *y-fr £ 62 jf.ef fr s’ /i*L£c*fj>'. y Ir/rS / //7*~i> ' ' - . F*! jw ^ /5 >/ ^t<«- ^ 7 " &C£-~r . / ^■x—"'^' A/ >> *£/ <* /^r ^ • ^ ? 0«- £-£> /V r^, ^ ^ ^ f CL~ ■' ■ ' •», /*" ^£*>2 /^t ^-n- (p0~Tf ^ *£ >f ^ ^ J £ y / 7 - / A 7 //-or . / ^t,4 t?y^c /C / 'ey y—f i -* / y , * ' y£s%- t / ^£^-C-i*-o%si S-esZA-^ > nys (T^^yy j*y% ^ 4 //--r/S Sc /e^v-, /?*%*-} l/O^y /y^e. .yZ^-^c^-y A^-0/..y^-T ^ /lA--o-^e. ^rr //i/Ziy /y<--£ /^/ Z> //te^ 4 -t /L, s / ^ y* 2</c^ s~r / < / &7^ct~-*Oc- < ^ ^ yC* ^-- ^ C /<*-4^ 4^, ^^f i t^ ( . 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