THE INTERNAL SECRETORY ORGANS: THEIR PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY (R r* O^"_ **"* **~ CD >M *-— r- O O U 0) efl _ZZ £Z C ADRENAL SYSTEM Chrome-brown cells in the abdominal ganglia (P and Sommer). Adrenalin chemically and phys: logically demonstrable (Biedl). -o J "6 |l "5XJ bc-O "H D ^ C- —. »— o> •— ; •£ •*•* 5 !1| ell i|i ^ "3 o "o .ti ""5 G Ig _H O < a Paired chrome-brown bodies (Suprarenal bodies Balfour) attached throughout the entire abdomir cavity to the segmental arterial branches of t aorta and the ganglia of the sympathetic _chaii arrangement, metameric in Squalides and dismet meric in Rajides. _ > — *J Q-, CD ^ i- t^-i o •5 S J2 ^-. »C C C |s|^1 •" o '53 2 O C -G C ^-- '" •« s! I'slJ'f g T3 M tS '1 ^J-'i ^ ^ ^ ^ C _ ^5 u D. | c S « s 2-2^ s g S cj u Chrome-brown cells situated in the walls of t cardinal veins from the posterior to the anteri (jugular) veins. Distributed between the lobes the cranial interrenal organ (Giacomini). Chrome-brown cells in the whole region of t trunk, attached to the intercostal arteries, in t walls of the posterior cardinal vein and of the ve azygos dextra (Giacomini). 2 % i i t/J .S »'o -u ^ 5 ^""" *""" rt QJ o 4-J ^ . o -g •3 «) § ^ "<*4 SS|'o -o c .si s •£ _c ^ 1 « 1 2 •55 •" -3; "^ jr c "S be CD -5; ~ _j £•5 n~( *^~ - '^•''3 ^ [V U .S c 0.« p S s ^ "5 JJ ^o ^— '^— * 3 'u rs ^ § U « C 2 *rrt ^~* '? S^ "rt ^ (L) C W C ,-M 1} ^ •*— ' "c < 3 ^ -= = I!- Is! ^ ° r* S ° >^ 'U S •S | •- o •" CJ f rt 5 co ^* *"O ^^ *"^ ^**g ^ *t_J ^ u i * • ^ • 2 ^— ^ c *~"^ — _J- c .2 j^ Q> L, (/} "") "*^* Q <™ oo •g 'i « 1 -.s g | ."5 ^ ^ | lf^ T'« « c CD , — . •manent l^ljl ifi ill o.1^ 'S 'S .2 — O WJ Ji ,— S — 4° £ Ojl JT^ J^rG U U Jrj e -" hi 2 ^ 'S -" 2 CD 5 3 ^ J S s u Pw "G o o '""' § p i •si"" cll-S §•'3^13 rt'S «i z £ •£ 'So_G "" V PH ^ G ^^* t/; C w M ^a *S s jc Jr ^ n-gl 1 c CD IM c/; c 1 o 5 2f 'CD S > U tn " rt *H * S3 -a CU tlj = ^"o 2 1 tn O G z ^ --H Z3 C "^'O "^ g S WE t/) Q C tO O O a K "3 <1 C U 'S •x § ^2 c ^ a; ^oj .2 !3 K ^^ ^t •* _ *^3 r3 QJ 2 2 ^ -c 6 ^C CD D 'O t" /i o *ij *ij **j ^i us cd '""' o 3 .^ 2 ^x: y cj c o ,^, — ^'o 2 •3-^ GC^^ c3'! 'c'C3 W"S " _G XT3 >, bo •^ °'5""^'^o "<3 2 Tt- ^ " S s - S C c ^"o§ D- C rt S -O g N -~ "5 ^ ^ B-S 0^ 'a o cE "§ > ^ § §3^ V l_ 1 w t> 2^ - to r^ •— -^ o ^" " -^ *"^ 3 C ^ ^* c N 12 t* .£ t3 "B •"_. * J2 w> O u 13 ° S HH ^ o'^ r^_^ ^ ^ y "J^ P -° -G a! ^ "rt t« "15 fJ __ 'C 3 0 ^ 1) O t O .2 ^ T; c c c o jr ^ £ ^ £ "3 •MUs |i^c rt 4J a 1 o rt g g g c w c « « «^ s>s E en r-" *-» .2 ~ •— ' "— .2 S % U U "53 2 t^ 4-* r^* ^ tjo •s r- *-» c *-> ^ o ^S j^ S^1"* ^ ^ .^fl^l, T- i^— w C^f^ c 0 " > c3 S" « * "5 •° c3 •! ^-g ^s go'3g(nS.H-S u O ft u Ifltffljl? lllljlll l^.s^^^is^ i^i-2?!^^ u > u £ 2 o ^ <« „•£ w.-S rt~-2 ""•sl'-al-ls's Oii-u ^j 4> "C CX.O i-JSTJ^C0 » Q^ 4j il!f85la ^j_i4_i(U=;4-.|/)ra S-§'^3|- tJD^~* i * w ^ ^ u ^ J ' "^/r i tn ADRENA "3 2 a 3 u 6 o 3 y 15 0 O ~ 5 o> , fcfl G. ° — o c x c So g o "§ _. £? ^O -£j « £0 •"^ 4) ^ 3 X ^ ctf 4> U! •" de up of isolated bodies and com- posed of issue and chrome-brown cells, y arranged side by side, :ely interwoven with one another <-t-l C vj 1 ! 3 ^ 1/1 0 •3 ^ •" 0) 1 1 s > ^ 2 > fiJ'S"! iS-s^l ^3.0 g g.S s^ S^s^ IS,|^ '«5 S.| *rt -" a; ^ ial, situated between the vena cava tal gland, attached to the renal vein, composed of and chrome-brown tissue placed dorsally (lizard and in part, penetrat ing the interrenal tissue (snakes) d Cortex composed of medullary (chrom- affine) cells 1 attached to the vena renalis efferen bourhood of the genital glands, composed of and chrome-brown tissue somewhat closely interwoven w c *-i ,— r- CS O ^ rt rt S — c &.T: W7 '^ ^ £ n -u 11 i UU rt 4= o S S° 3 a « " I* 5 0 § "rt rt u **•£ G fc .2 fr 13 Q. o> .3 £ -^"3 2 c - (£ C r— ( i- 0) 4) eS ,Q l- 1 .§ S jj S ^ 2 S « CL. ej 3 CL « g T3 t S S 'S £ ii 1 III '5 K g ^ 8 £ §"^r "3 M -" C _ (U o ••" u 11 P c 5* o 'S _"c .£ ~5 s w « IH So s~_l VS c w C "^ ^ £ S "c5 c S c S £« >, J5 '— H Q) c C^ ^. U .2 °- S M u «f2 *-"• o 4J ^~" -" C C/J IH •73 £c = •T3 C £ c « Jj £ 13 > cn a ^S C OJ ^ .« "^ > ^2 C ^ "" u .2 >^ '5 .S c ^ J 8 ^O rt D U! ^ U-( k4 ° 5 H ° O wi 1*0 |J 2 V- — O *^ ' — h 1: S 05 J-> cu ^ M 2 •<-• K*~» C "*" ci u_i C C 4-» (J *^ i — > r_ *~^. K K o r^ rt 0) J3 4-J *J3 pfl Qj D 4J ^ •S 4) C 4-1 ^ — hfi G g 1 . (J u f~ 5^ O M S,c^ p^ ^^"cn U C a •£ •" D ^ ,-j-J A W "~ £ "S g '-^ •£ tc w ^_ » IS 6 i> u rt s'l •5 rt 11 (/) IS S § rg 3 '5 o w ^C (A CL C "3 O C ^j '• ^j o rj 1H 0 S rh CL, <° P 1 "H w / BIOIUUJBUV B^oiuuiy s ^ g ..-'.o e — 2 ^ '" « 'S . 0. -O'OjiaS^ 0^jj;D.O>,urt^c«Cpgcs ™.H > ~ OJ >- O M i_j I TO LO • >— ' - , o (U X S- t • - " g — o o c °"a d 1879 no publication dealing with the experimental side appeared. Nothnagel's experiments in 1879 supplied a fresh stimulus to investigation. He, together with other scientists both of his own and of a somewhat later day (Foa, Burg, Russo-Giliberti and Di Mattei, Tizzoni, Alezais and Arnaud), endeavoured by means of lesions of the most varied description (crushing, cauterization, £c.) to produce chronic inflammatory processes of the suprarenals, in the hope of obtaining experimentally the clinical complex of Addison's disease, as seen in man. These experiments were of little value in determining the vital import- ance of the suprarenals, for, in the large majority of cases, there is no proof that by the methods employed the whole of the supra- renal tissue was removed. It is much more probable, and the experimental evidence points directly to it, that where the animals lived for some time after operation, portions of suprarenal tissue had been left in situ, and that, as a result of regenerative pro- cesses, these remnants became enlarged later. This accounts also for the statement that animals will live for some time after sup- THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 139 pression of both suprarenals, provided that they are destroyed separately, several weeks being allowed to elapse between the two operations. From the results of his experiments with dogs and rabbits, Tizzoni came to the conclusion that the destruction of one or both suprarenals is followed by death. He believed that death may occur soon after operation or. that it may be postponed for weeks and even months, and that it occurs as the result of serious changes of the central and peripheral nervous systems. He describes far- reaching disturbances of the nerve-fibres and ganglion-cells, accompanied by pronounced congestion, changes in the vessel walls, haemorrhages, and leucocyte infiltration into all parts of the nervous system. Tizzoni 's experiments do not prove that the suprarenals are essential to life, for his animals sometimes sur- vived experiment for months and even years. Moreover, definite proof of a relationship between the operative procedure and the post-mortem findings would have to be forthcoming. Such proof is lacking; and, in view of the method of operation employed, by which total extirpation of the suprarenals has rarely been accomplished, Tizzoni's experiments seem rather to show that animals with even serious lesion of the suprarenals may live for a long time without pathological signs, provided that these organs are not entirely destroyed. Tizzoni's statement that, whether one suprarenal or both were extirpated and, in the latter case, whether they were removed together or singly, the results were in all cases the same, is a proof of the unreliability of his conclusions. This statement was challenged by H. Stilling in 1890. Stilling found that young rabbits, in which the left suprarenal had been destroyed, lived for several months to over a year without showing signs of disturbance. Stilling was able to show that, after extirpation of the one suprarenal, the other became very much larger, and in fact showed compensatory hypertrophy. This is a discovery of the greatest importance in determining the functional significance of the suprarenals. According to Stilling, the weight of both suprarenals in the rabbit is on an average o.i grm. to 1,000 grm. of body weight, but after extirpation of the left gland he found that in six cases the right gland weighed 0.17 to 0.43 grm. per kilo of body weight. He also found that after the removal of both supra- renals, the remnants of tissue which it is almost impossible to avoid leaving upon the right side, may by proliferation of the undamaged cells, become as large as the normal suprarenal. Stilling, like Canalis, found accessory suprarenals in normal rab- bits in two cases out of forty, and in every case where the principal organs had been removed; he makes the interesting statement that, after extirpation of one suprarenal, accessory suprarenals are 140 INTERNAL SECRETION very frequently found in the vicinity of the vena cava and vena suprarenalis. In his view, the suppression of the suprarenal function causes a strong proliferation of the isolated suprarenal bodies which, in the embryonal stage, split off from the main organs. This proliferation produces a compensatory hypertrophy which may end by completely replacing the suppressed suprarenal function. Stilling's suggestive work contains the important statement that these newly-formed, accessory suprarenals possess a structure resembling that of the cortical substance, and that they contain no medullary tissue. Stilling, moreover, was the first to describe cells structurally similar to those of the suprarenal medulla. These cells stain brown with the chromium salts ; and they are found, sometimes singly and sometimes formed into small bodies with a structure similar to that of the medulla, in the ganglia of the abdominal sympathetic and in the intercarotid ganglion. Stilling thinks that, owing to the presence of these cells, a pro- portion of medullary substance is present in animals from which both suprarenals have been removed. This, in combination with the fact that the cortical substance is always built up again by accessory suprarenals, explains the impossibility of completely destroying the suprarenals and of producing the clinical complex of Addison's disease experimentally in animals. The Addison's disease of human pathology is due to the destruction of the suparenals, and perhaps also of the structures by which the suprarenal function may be replaced. Enlargement of the accessory suprarenals and of the chromophile bodies would explain the occurrence of suprarenal derangement unaccompanied by Addisonian symptoms. Stilling's work did not receive the recognition which it deserved. It appeared at a time when physiologists were first beginning to understand the importance of the blood glands. Brown-Sequard had introduced his theory of the internal secre- tions, and had expressed his conviction of the necessity of the suprarenals to the life of the organism. Stilling's discoveries seemed to contradict this view. In Richet's physiological laboratory, a number of experi- ments were undertaken with the object of determining the essential character of the suprarenal function. Special attention was devoted to the technique of these experiments, and the removal of the suprarenals was effected according to the most approved rules of modern surgery. Abelous and Langlois (1891) next showed that, in frogs, the destruction of one suprarenal is not attended by results ; but that the destruction of both glands invariably causes death, winter frogs living for twelve to thirteen days and summer frogs dying at the end of forty-eight hours. The animals also die after partial destruction of both suprarenals, unless at least a quarter of each THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 141 organ is left intact. In such cases the animals live the same length of time as after one-sided extirpation. Albanesi and Gourfein obtained similar results. The latter, however, was unable to confirm the difference in the duration of life in summer and winter frogs. Experiments with tritons showed that one-sided suprarenal extirpation was borne without ill-effect, while the removal of both organs invariably caused death at the end of a few days. When, however, a portion of tissue the size of a pin's head was left in situ, the animals lived from eighteen days to nine weeks. Abelous and Langlois obtained similar results from their experiments with guinea-pigs, and Langlois with experiments upon rabbits. Removal of one suprarenal was attended by transient emaciation only ; removal of both was followed within quite a short time, nine to twelve hours, by death. The animals lived for a few hours longer if an interval of one to twro weeks was allowed to elapse between the removal of the glands. Donetti found that guinea-pigs lived from fifteen to forty-eight hours. Somewhat later (1897) Langlois published the results of a large number of experiments with dogs. He found that, after total extirpation, the maximal length of life was forty to fifty- two hours ; where an interval was allowed to elapse between the removal of the glands, the average length of life was twenty-eight hours, and still shorter where both glands were removed at once. There is some diversity of opinion as to the length of life in dogs after total suprarenal extirpation. De Domenicis (1893) gives it as two to four hours; Szymonowicz (1896) gives an average of fifteen hours; Thirololois (1893) gives twenty-five to forty hours; Kuclin- zew (1897) gives eighteen to twenty-four hours. Soddu (1899) and, more recently, Mariani (1906) describe experiments on dogs where the animals lived one to two days. From the results of their experiments with dogs, Pal (1894) and Santi Rindome Lo Re (1895) disputed the essential character of the suprarenal function in the life of the organism. Pal found that of eight dogs from which the suprarenals had both been re- moved, three lived for two to three days; two lived for six days; and one lived for four months and eight days. He was unable to discover in this animal either remnants of suprarenal tissue or, at least within the area of operation, accessory suprarenal bodies. One of Santi Rindone's dogs lived for thirty-six days after total extirpation. Numerous reliable extirpation experiments upon dogs, cats, and rabbits are described by E. O. Hultgren and O. A. Andersson (i8g8). They found that extirpation of one suprarenal together with partial destruction of the other, was followed by a passing emaciation, but that the animals did not die. The removal of both suprarenals at the same time was followed, in cats, by death 142 INTERNAL SECRETION after an average of sixty-eight hours ; where the suprarenals were removed in two sittings, death followed after 134 hours; and where by three, in eighty-eight hours. In rabbits, after removal of both organs at the same time, death followed in five to six days ; where, however, the organs were removed separately, with a long interval between the operations, the animals remained alive for months. These authors also state the remarkable fact that previous castration doubles the length of life of such animals. According to Krychtopenko (1906), rabbits frequently survive the total extirpation of their suprarenals. From the results of their very careful experiments, H. Strehl and O. Weiss (1901) concluded that all animals, from which both suprarenals have been removed, die. The following table shows the results of their experiments : Length of Life after Number Species Operation; in hours of Animals Dogs Dogs Cats Cats Rabbits Guinea-pigs Rats Mice Hedgehog Weasel 22-75 7 75-138 3 15-28 15 28-47 2 8-14 ... 26 4-9 20 15-19 4 8-13 10 14 t 21 ... ... I Frogs 22-45 25 One cat lived for a week after operation without showing signs of pathological disturbance. After death, a suprarenal of about the size of a pea was found attached to the spermatic vein. The other animals died in every case, and the post- mortem finding was negative. Where the suprarenals were removed separately, with an interval of a month between the operations, the animals lived longer. Thus, four dogs lived 109 to 214 hours; five cats 30 to 170 hours; nine rabbits 21 to 76 hours; twenty-one frogs from 30 to 66 hours. In every case the suprarenal which was removed last was enlarged. My own method of extirpation, and one which I have practised on numerous dogs, cats, and rabbits, differs from those of the earlier investigators in certain important particulars. In each case, I first performed a lumbar section by which I was enabled to dislodge the suprarenals in a dorsal direction. Leaving the glands attached by means of the blood-vessels, I sewed them in between the cuticle and the muscular structure of the back. In this way they remained alive, and were readily accessible without the necessity of opening the peritoneum. Three or four days later, they were exposed by cutting through the cuticle ; the vessels were ligatured, and the organs removed in the easiest THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 143 manner possible. Many animals bore the extirpation of one gland without any sign of derangement, and lived for months afterwards. After the removal of both glands death invariably followed within two to four days. In two rabbits which lived respectively sixteen and twenty-eight days, there were accessory suprarenals of about the size of a pea, situated close to the vena cava, below the renal veins. These experiments undoubtedly prove that the suprarenals are essential to the life of the organism. For not only was the extirpation of the dislodged organs followed shortly by death, but the operation was performed in such a manner that there were no secondary lesions, and there was no danger of infection. The results of experimental extirpation of the suprarenals in rats and guinea-pigs require to be discussed separately. It must be remembered that, in the first accounts which were given of animals which survived the extirpation of both suprarenals, the subjects of the experiments were rats (Harley). In a large number of his publications, Boinet lays particular stress upon the fact that grey rats will live for one to six months after extirpation of both suprarenals, whether these are removed separately or simultaneously, though many animals die a fewr days after operation. Abelous and Langlois explain this peculiar state of things by the fact that, in ten rats out of eleven, two to three accessory suprarenals are present in the neighbourhood of the principal organs and the hinder surface of the renal vein. Boinet next tried the effect of removing these accessory structures as well as the principal organs; he found that, out of twelve animals, seven survived the operation, and of these some lived for several months. He concluded from this that the vicarious function of these accessory organs is generally over- estimated, and he emphasizes the fact that these accessory supra- renals contained no medullary substance. Wiesel found that accessory suprarenals without medullary substance, or, as they would now be termed, accessory interrenals, were present in about 50 per cent, of the rats which he examined. They were situated between the testicles and the lower pole of the epididymis, and he found that, after removal of the suprarenals, these structures undergo compensatory hypertrophy. We shall again refer to the significance of this finding in the light of the remarkable frequency with which rats survive double extirpation of the suprarenals. It must, however, be pointed out that, contrary to the opinions of H. and A. Christiani — who found that, after total extirpation of both supra- renals, rats died in ten to twenty hours (out of twenty-nine animals only three survived) — white rats, especially male animals which have attained sexual maturity, in the greater number of cases, bear the removal of their suprarenals without evil results. It is evident from this that results obtained from experiments with rats 144 INTERNAL SECRETION do not furnish conclusive evidence as to whether or no the supra- renals are essential to the life of the animal organism. A peculiar interest is attaching to the guinea-pig as the subject of experimental epinephrectomy, owing to the fact that there is no record of any instance where guinea-pigs survived the removal of both suprarenals ; moreover, it is generally believed that accessory suprarenals are never present in these animals. A. Velich has devoted special attention to the study of the guinea-pig, and he found that, out of 100 animals over the age of six months, only five possessed accessory suprarenals. In each case the structure was extremely small, about 1.5 mm. in diameter, and was placed, in four cases upon the right and in one case upon the left, of the vena cava, at the spot where the renal vein opens into it. He also found that, in young guinea-pigs, after extirpation of one suprarenal there was not only a compensatory hypertrophy of the other together with partial regeneration of the tissue left behind from the extirpated organ, but that accessory supra- renals, 2-3 mm. in diameter, were invariably formed at the right of the vena cava, and that these new structures were entirely composed of cortical tissue. The further development of the minute accessory suprarenals — which frequently consist only of isolated cortical elements — after the partial extirpation of the principal organs, shows that even these structures are capable of compensatory activity. They are not able, however, entirely to replace the complete suppression of the principal organ, and for this reason total extirpation of both suprarenals of guinea-pigs invariably results in death. Experiments have been undertaken quite recently which aim at the destruction of the suprarenals by means of specific cyto- toxins. Several investigators (Bigart and Bernard, Abbot, Yates, Sartirana, Gildersleeve, Van Calcar) have endeavoured to pro- duce an epinephrotoxin or suprarenolysin, but their attempts have been principally confined to a description of the pathological changes which take place in the suprarenals, and little has been added to our knowledge of the function of these organs. A, Bogomolez recently obtained a suprarenolytic serum from rabbits with the suprarenals of dogs, and from dogs with the suprarenals of cats; he found that the injection of this serum was followed by a marked increase in blood-pressure, a stronger cardiac impulse, an acceleration of the pulse and of the respiration, and later, by a period of prostration, which was, however, transient. He regards these symptoms as the result of the increased activity of the suprarenals and their consequent exhaustion, and of the medullary substance more particularly. Histological examination showed profound changes in the suprarenals of animals which had been treated with injections of suprarenolytic serum. The proto- plasm of the cells of the medulla had become markedly spongy and vacuolized, and was, in parts, entirely dissolved. Amorphous deposits of basophile substance, which the author regards as THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 145 the products of secretion, were not present in the medullary cells. With the exception of moderate enlargement of the vessels, the cortical substance presented no signs except those of an increased secretory activity. L. della Vida employed immune serums obtained separately from the cortex and medulla of the suprarenals of guinea-pigs. He states that the action of the medulla-serum was toxic to his animals and produced hyperaemia of all the organs, together with degenerative changes in the suprarenals, kidneys, and liver. It is more than probable that the cytotoxic sera employed by della Vida were strictly specific in vitro, but that at the same time they were more or less haemolytic in their activity ; this renders it difficult to distinguish the toxic effects of the haemolysis from any specific disturbances which may have taken place in the suprarenal tissue. From the results which have been obtained by extirpation of the suprarenals the following conclusions may be drawn :- (1) From the fact that it is followed by no pathological signs, the removal of one suprarenal must be regarded as negative in its effect upon the organism. The compensatory hypertrophy which invariably takes place in the remaining organ and in any accessory organs which may be present, shows that this negative effect is not due to an absence of functional significance, but to the fact that the suppressed function is replaced by the vicarious activity of the remaining organ and of other similar tissues. This hyperfunction is expressed anatomically by hypertrophy. (2) Extirpation of both suprarenals is as a rule followed by the death of the animal, whatever its species, within a very short space of time (hours or a few days). That this is not due to the severity of the operation or to secondary causes, such as infection, &c., but occurs solely as a result of the suppression of the func- tion of the organs, is shown by the constancy of the result ; for death follows even in those cases where, the organs having been previously dislodged, the operation is a slight one. It is evident then, that the suprarenals are not only important to life, but that they" are essential to it. (3) Whether the suprarenals are removed together or singly, with a longer or shorter interval between the operations, the final result of complete epinephrectomy will be the same. But where both the organs are removed at once, the duration of life is much shorter, and it would appear from this that the sudden suppression of the suprarenal function is not compatible with a continuation of life. That the duration of life is longer where the suprarenals are removed separately is explained by the fact that, in the interval, any accessory suprarenal tissue which may be present undergoes compensatory hypertrophy and, after removal of the second suprarenal, does what it can to replace the suppressed function, though necessarily to an insufficient extent. 10 146 INTERNAL SECRETION (4) In certain exceptional cases, where animals have survived the extirpation of both suprarenals and where the result is not due to imperfect extirpation, it arises from special anatomical con- ditions. In some animal species, as the dog and cat, such excep- tional cases are extremely rare; in others, as in the rabbit, they are of more frequent occurrence ; in rats, they are rather frequent, and extremely rare in the case of guinea-pigs. In these cases the survival of the animals is doubtless connected \vith the presence of accessory organs. These structures are very rare in dogs and cats ; they occur in about 15 to 20 per cent, of rabbits; in nearly 50 per cent, of rates; in guinea-pigs, at the most, 4 per cent. (5) Partial destruction of the suprarenals, either by the removal of one and large portions of the other, or by partial destruction of equal portions of both, may be borne without results, or it may cause death. Survival depends, in the first instance, upon the amount of tissue destroyed. Repeated experiments have been made with the object of discovering the amount of suprarenal substance necessary to life. Mathematically precise results were hardly to be expected. Langlois found that, in the case of rabbits and dogs, one-sixth to> one-eleventh of the total weight was sufficient. I myself found that cats, rabbits, and dogs always survived if, after the removal of one suprarenal, one-quarter of the second was left in situ — that is to say, one-eighth of the whole amount of suprarenal sub- stance. In isolated cases even smaller quantities sufficed. H. and A. Christiani found that, in the case of rats, the extirpation of one suprarenal together with half of the other, \vas born& without ill-effects. If more than half of the second suprarenal was removed, they found that some animals survived, while others died. These authors are of the opinion that a very small quantity, less than one-quarter of the total weight, of suprarenal tissue may suffice to support life. THE RESULTS OF THE EXTIRPATION OF THE CORTICAL AND MEDULLARY SUBSTANCES. I found in the course of my experiments that partial supra- renal extirpation was followed by certain phenomena, which led me to the conclusion that the amount of tissue left in situ is not the only factor of importance, but that the part of the organ from which the remnant is derived is also of considerable significance. Experiments undertaken with the object of determining whether or not the suprarenals as homogeneous organs are necessary to animal life, served also to determine the significance of the different parts and the vital importance of the interrenal and adrenal systems. The question as to whether it was the cortex or the medulla THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 147 which rendered the suprarenals necessary to life, seemed at first to have already received an answer. The specific physiological effects of suprarenal extract, to which we shall refer later, were known. It was also known, or at any rate suspected, that the active principle of the extract was derived from the medullary substance, and that this essence passes intra vitam into the blood-stream by way of the suprarenal veins. In view of the known physiological activity of the medullary substance, the conclusion seemed obvious that animals from which both suprarenals had been removed, died from the lack of an essence, elaborated by the suprarenal medulla, which is neces- sary to the performance of a large number of bodily functions. According to Cybulski, this essence maintains in a state of normal tonus, the activity of those nervous centres which control the cardiac and vascular muscles, the respiratory musculature, and perhaps the muscular tissue of the entire body. After re- moval of the suprarenals the animal dies, because, in the absence of perpetual stimulus, these nerve centres, the activity of which is essential to the life of the organism, cease to act. The evidence in support of this theory is that, in dying animals from which the suprarenals have been removed, the blood- pressure is extremely low, while interference with respiration, as by occlusion of the trachea, does not produce either a dyspnceic increase in blood-pressure nor dyspnceic cramps. The injection of suprarenal extract is followed by an increase in blood-pressure accompanied by a certain improvement in vitality, and the dyspnceic blood produces the usual symptoms of suffocation. These experiments have no great value as evidence, especially when we consider that, in all moribund animals, there is a low arterial blood-pressure and a slight reaction to dyspnceic stimuli, and that the injection of suprarenal extract into moribund animals is always followed by a rise in blood-pressure and a certain return of vitality. What seems to be more reliable proof of the part played by the medullary substance in death from suprarenal suppression, is the fact that extirpation of both suprarenals is immediately followed by a considerable reduction in arterial tension. Strehl and Weiss attribute this fall in blood-pressure to the cessation of the supply of the substance which stimulates blood-pressure. Their views are founded upon the results of the following experi- ment with rabbits. If, after removal of one suprarenal, the vein leading from the other is severed or ligatured, in certain cases, " though in a small minority only," there will be a marked fall in blood-pressure. If the ligature is released, the blood-pressure will rise to the normal. Young and Lehmann performed a similar experiment upon dogs; they found that the ligature of both suprarenals gradually produced a slight reduction in arterial pressure, and 148 INTERNAL SECRETION that the loosening of the ligatures was followed, in from ten to thirty minutes, in three out of eight cases, by a distinct rise in blood-pressure. The results of Strehl and Weiss's experiment, though in- teresting, have in my opinion been very much overrated. The experiment really only shows that the specific substance elaborated by the suprarenal is perpetually conveyed into the blood-stream by the blood from the suprarenals. If, after complete extirpation of the suprarenals, death is due to the absence of this substance, or rather to the reduction in blood-pressure caused by its absence, we should expect the operation to be immediately followed by a somatic sinking of the animal, accompanied by a continued fall in blood-pressure. The fall in blood-pressure described by Strehl and Weiss was, however, only transient, the authors describing it as lasting several seconds. Lewandowski found that thirty minutes after extirpation of both suprarenals the blood-pressure was normal. I myself found that, after removal of the suprarenals from •the extraperitoneal situation in which I had placed them, there was a fall in blood-pressure lasting fifteen to thirty minutes, except in cases when the animal was much affected by the opera- tion and the anaesthetic. At the end of that time the blood- pressure gradually rose and, by the next day, had reached the normal. Where the anaesthesia is more profound and the supra- renals are removed by laparotomy, the blood-pressure becomes very much reduced and in some instances there is no recovery. As a general rule, however, where the method of operation is technically above reproach, animals from which both supra- renals have been removed usually appear to be perfectly well, with normal blood-pressure for two or three days, after which they die (Hultgren and Andersson). This applies more particu- larly to cases where the suprarenals have previously been dis- lodged, the ultimate removal taking place extraperitoneally. A few hours before death there is a distinct gradually increasing fall in blood-pressure, though the same phenomenon is observed in all moribund animals. As neither ligature of the veins nor removal of the suprarenals is followed by an appreciable decrease in blood-pressure, there is no actual proof that death is due solely to the suppression of the agent which stimulates blood- pressure. The cause of death after complete extirpation of the suprarenals is, at present, unknown. The assumption that death after total suprarenal extirpation may, in some measure, be due to intervention of the cortical portion — or, in other words, that the interrenal tissue is essential to life — is justified upon various grounds. It has been repeatedly proved that the accessory organs which, after removal of the suprarenals, suffice to maintain life, are entirely composed of cortical tissue, or, in the terminology THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 149 of the present day, belong exclusively to the interrenal system. There is also undoubted proof that, after extirpation of the supra- renals, this tissue undergoes compensatory hypertrophy. These are the two points upon which 1 base my assumption that the interrenal tissue has a vital significance in the economy of the organism. In the course of my investigations into the question of the amount of suprarenal tissue necessary to the maintenance of existence, I found that mammals (rabbits and dogs) would live with one-eighth, or less, of their suprarenal substance, provided that the portion left behind was composed of cortical tissue. Further experiment showed that, after removal of one suprarenal in toto together with the medullary substance of the other, more or less of the cortex being left in situ, the animal not only continued to live, but showed no signs of pathological disturbance. I found in one of five surviving rabbits two small accessory inter- renal structures situated to the right of the vena cava. In a number of other instances, the destruction of the medullary por- tion, in so far as this was possible by operative means, was entirely negative in its results ; but I have never succeeded in keeping animals alive after removal of the cortex and preserva- tion of the medulla, no matter how carefully the operation was carried out. These results are not, however, confirmed by those of Vassale and Zanfrognini (1902). They found that the complete destruc- tion of the medulla was followed, in cats and rabbits, by death in exactly the same way as total extirpation of both glands ; while, after partial destruction of the medulla, the animals lived for three weeks and then died, showing signs of pronounced cachexia. This fatal termination was ascribed by these authors to the absence of the medullary tissue, while in those cases where the animals survived, they attribute the result to the presence of extracapsular chromaffine bodies. H. and A. Christiani concluded from their experiments with rats, that in the case of these animals very minute portions of suprarenal tissue suffice to support life, always provided that the remnant contains a sufficiency of sound medullary tissue. Larger portions, if composed wholly of cortical substance, will not pre- vent a fatal termination. Without a knowledge of the method of operation, it is very difficult to judge of the value of the results obtained by Vassale and Zanfrognini. The experiments of H. and A. Christiani, though apparently free from objection, are of little value in the present connection, owing to the fact that accessory interrenal structures are frequently present, especially in the testicles, of the species which they employed as subjects. Rats always possess a large amount of interrenal tissue and in some recent experiments I found that these animals, especially adult males, 1 50 INTERNAL SECRETION very frequently survive the removal of both suprarenals. This shows that the remnants of tissue left in situ by Christiani have no appreciable functional significance. A. Kohn, who emphasizes the physiological importance of the chromaffine tissue and lays special stress upon its importance to life, is inclined to doubt the value of the last-mentioned experiments. He says : The complete destruction of the medullary substance is supposed to cause death. But in many mammals, such as cats and rabbits, a considerable quantity of chromaffine tissue lies externally of the suprarenals upon the ventral surface of the abdominal aorta. Why is it that these structures do not prevent death, if a small portion of medullary tissue when left in situ is able to do so?" According to Kohn, it is even more difficult to reconcile this view with the results of experiments on amphibia. " In the amphibia, the amount of extracapsular chromaffine tissue in the sympathetic is considerably in excess of the medullary substance, and yet after complete destruction of the suprarenals, frogs and newts (tritons) invariably die. How is it that the large amount of extracapsular chromaffine tissue which remains after operation, does not prevent the death of these animals, if a minute propor- tion of suprarenal tissue, which may not even contain chromaffine cells, is able to maintain life for many weeks?" My answer to this question is : That the animals will survive without medullary tissue, for, in the free portions of the adrenal system they possess a sufficiency of extracapsular chromaffine tissue. If it were possible to extirpate all the free portions of the adrenal system, which is, of course, technically impracticable, then and then only should we be justified in referring the death of the animal to suppression of the function of this system. The specific activity and physiological significance of the adrenal system, together with that of its subdivision, the supra- renal medulla, cannot, in face of the evidence, be doubted. That it is important and even essential to the life of the organism we know, but the proof of this is not supplied by the results of experimental extirpation. These experiments tend rather to show that the cortex, or more correctly the interrenal tissue, is necessary to the life of the animal. EXPERIMENTAL EXTIRPATION WITH FISH. During my stay at the zoological station at Naples, in 1899, I undertook a series of experiments with the object of determining the vital importance of the interrenal tissue in fish. The most favourable conditions appeared to me to be provided by the topo- graphically separate interrenal and adrenal organs of the Selachii. I was compelled at the outset, however, to abandon all attempts at extirpation of the adrenal system on account of its intimate association with the cardinal veins. Even the first pair of large THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 151 adrenal bodies, formerly called the "axillary heart," cannot be removed. Conditions relatively more favourable for extirpation .are offered by the interrenal system. The interrenal body of sharks (Squalidas) is a long narrow band, situated between the kidneys and partly covered by them ; it is continued towards the cranium as a detached band, or in separated dot-like bodies. The interrenal body is exposed by raising the kidneys from the dorsal abdominal wall. In some species of Squalidae, the interrenal body is embedded in the sub- stance of the kidney and is only visible in preparations. I em- ployed small specimens of Scyllium cattulus and Scyllium canicula .as subjects for my investigations, and in twelve cases I succeeded in removing the interrenal body. Of these, one lived for eight and one for ten days, while the remaining animals lived for three weeks, after which they were destroyed. Anatomical examination of the first two animals showed an entire absence of interrenal tissue. In all the other cases, post-mortem examination showed remnants of interrenal tissue of a varying size, which upon histo- logical examination were found to be hypertrophied. Experiments with Raiidas (skates and rays) were more in- structive, and the anatomical conditions were decidedly more favourable. In most Raiido?, round or oval paired bodies are found to right and left of the middle line between the kidneys ; occasionally they are united by a bridge of varying width. In the species which I employed (Torpedo marmorata, T. occellata, Raia batis, R. punctata, R. clavata), there is generally a largish interrenal body, situated either to right or left, generally at the caudal point of union of the kidneys; while upon the other side, more in a cranial direction and at the medial border of the kidneys, a row of smaller bodies is sometimes found. For anyone who is acquainted with the anatomical conditions it is possible to remove the whole of the interrenal tissue ; care must be taken, how- ever, to avoid any isolated interrenal bodies which may be present. In t\venty-seven cases out of thirty-two, post-mortem examina- tion revealed no trace of interrenal tissue; in one case there was a portion of about the size of a grain of millet seed, and in four cases portions as large as a pea. Animals which died within forty-eight hours were excluded, for these cases always showed changes which sufficiently explained the cause of death. Apart from violent haemorrhage and destruction of the renal tissue, the severing of the abdominal sutures and consequent prolapse of the viscera was the most frequent cause of death. In successful cases, for the first three to four days after operation, there was no appreciable change in the condition of the animals, the first sym- ptoms making their appearance at about the seventh or eighth day. The animals first showed a loss of liveliness and readiness to move about ; spontaneous swimming about the aquarium became less frequent; and, compared with control animals in the same 152 INTERNAL SECRETION aquarium, they were much paler in colour ; fourteen to eighteen days after operation they had become so weak muscularly that they could scarcely be induced to swim at all ; their colour was very pale ; and they lay all day in a corner of the aquarium, refusing all food. Their reaction to stimuli almost entirely disappeared, and at the latest, three weeks after operation they died with all the symptoms of general prostration. Post-mortem examination re- vealed no definite cause of death ; the stomach was invariably empty and the blood pale in colour. Of the five fish in which portions of interrenal tissue were accidentally left behind, one lived for over four weeks without symptoms of muscular weakness. It was finally destroyed, and was found to possess an interrenal body the size of a pea. Both in this case and the other four, all of which showed symptoms of suppression of the interrenal function, there was distinct histological proof of hypertrophy of the interrenal tissue left in situ. In my opinion, these experiments incontestably prove that the complete destruction of the interrenal tissue is incompatible with the continuation of life; and that death occurs under condi- tions similar to those which follow extirpation of the suprarenals. The results of my experiments with cartilaginous fish appear, however, remarkably antagonistic to those obtained by Pettit and by S. Vincent with osseous fish. Both these investigators found that eels lived for months after extirpation of the suprarenals and showed no change in their general condition. They considered that the suprarenals of osseous fish were represented by the cor- puscles of Stannius, situated upon the ventral or dorsal surface of the kidneys and composed exclusively of interrenal tissue. These experiments with eels appeared to contradict the results which I obtained with Selachii, and the discrepancy seemed to me the more significant in view of the careful methods adopted by both Pettit and Vincent and the remarkable unanimity of their results. I was unable to detect the slightest inaccuracy either in their methods or observations, and for this reason it seemed that a repetition of their experiments was hardly likely to yield fresb results. For some time, I was unable to find an explanatioa of this difference in the behaviour of Teleostii and Selachii, but Giaconimi's recent anatomical work has explained the mystery in the most satisfactory manner. Giacomini shows that in the eel, in addition to Stannius's body and the interrenal tissue dis- tributed in its vicinity, which he calls the posterior or caudal interrenal organ, an anterior cranial interrenal system is also present, composed of isolated bodies situated at the anterior edge of the head kidney and attached to both the anterior and posterior cardinal veins. The wide distribution of this anterior interrenal system, together with the large amount of interrenal tissue present, makes it very certain that the removal of Stannius's corpuscles THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 153 alone supplies no evidence as to the essential character of the interrenal tissue in the economy of the organism. The large amount of tissue remaining in the system explains why eels invariably survive the removal of their suprarenals.* SYMPTOMATOLOGY OF SUPPRESSION OF THE SUPRARENAL FUNCTION. The symptoms which, in different animal species, follow the removal of the suprarenals, have been variously described. This is chiefly due to the fact that the duration of life after operation is so short, that it is difficult to determine which symptoms arise from suppression of the organ, and which are complications result- ing from the operative intervention. The clinical complex pre- sented by suprarenal suppression is by no means uniform, and is, moreover, so ill-defined in character that its classification as a clinical entity is impossible. Where operation is immediately followed by pronounced muscular weakness, extreme nervous depression which may amount to a paralytic condition, reduced cardiac and respiratory activity, and a lowered temperature, the idea which inevitably presents itself is that we have to do with the after-effects of serious surgical disturbance. If, however, the suprarenals are removed by less drastic surgical means, the operation is not followed by any of the above symptoms, the animals appearing quite normal a few hours after their recovery from the anaesthetic. Where the suprarenals have been previously dislodged, they may be removed from their position under the skin of the back without an anaesthetic, and the animals will remain free from symptoms for one to two days. Upon the second day in some cases, though usually not until the third, there is loss of appetite. About twenty-four to forty-eight hours before death, which occurs four to six days after operation, the animal becomes spiritless and wears a pathetic look; it ceases to move about and refuses all food. The apathy and muscular weakness increase and there is considerable stiffness and uncer- tainty of movement of the hind legs. Extreme prostration follows, the animal becoming too weak to move ; it has a flaccid paresis of the hind legs and lies in a peculiar position, flat on the abdomen with the extremities extended. At this stage the tem- perature is very low, respiration becomes increasingly difficult and laboured, the heart's action is irregular and weak, and the animal soon dies. Immediately before dissolution, single muscular con- tractions are sometimes observed and, though more rarely, con- vulsions. * In a recent publication (Ascher-Spiro, Ergebnisse der Physiologic, Qth year, IQIO, p. 537) S. Vincent compares his experiments with eels with mine with Selachii, and he concludes that the cortex of the suprarenal is not essential to the life of the organism. It is evident from this that Giacomini's anatomical work (1908) has not come to Vincent's notice. 154 INTERNAL SECRETION Let us take these symptoms singly and examine them more closely. The initial symptom, a reduction of 2-4° in temperature immediately after operation, has very little clinical significance. This fall in temperature is quite transient, the figure becom- ing again normal twenty-four hours after operation. Personally,, I have never observed the initial fall in animals operated upon by my method. In cases, however, where the results of operation are complicated by haemorrhage, prolonged narcosis, &c., the initial fall in temperature may be continued and progressive. As a general rule the temperature begins to drop forty-eight hours before death, after the asthenic symptoms have appeared. From then onwards the reduction is progressive. The normal rectal temperature of 39° C. drops to 34° C., and immediately before death to 30° C. and under. Hultgren and Andersson regarded this abrupt fall in the temperature curve before death as charac- teristic of animals from which the suprarenals had been removed. The emaciation which follows removal of the suprarenals may, with greater justification, be regarded as characteristic of the con- dition. There is a considerable reduction in \veight immediately after operation, and thus reduction is slowly progressive. The loss is undoubtedly partly due to the lack of appetite, the animal in the later stages refusing all food. That a relationship exists between the emaciation and the suppression of the suprarenal function is proved by the fact that the removal of the suprarenal from one side only is followed by a considerable loss of weight. This lasts from two to three weeks, when an increase in weight takes place. It is an interesting fact that intestinal derangements and diarrhoea are not usually associated with the condition. Investigation of the metabolic conditions and systematic examination of the urine of animals from which the suprarenals have been removed, has rarely been undertaken. According to Alezais and Arnaud, the amount of phosphates in the urine of rabbits is increased after extirpation of the suprarenals. Noth- nagel considers that the indican reaction, sometimes afterwards observed in the urine of rabbits, is due to secondary conditions. Many authors report polyuria. Investigation of the metabolism of albumin was first carried out with rabbits and cats after both single and double suprarenal extirpation by Hultgren and Andersson. They found that there was no change in the metabolism of albumin. Where the animals were able to take nourishment, food containing a large proportion of carbohydrates possessed the same property of storing up albumin as in normal animals. Where the animals refused to take food, the decomposition of albumin was the same as in the normal fasting animal. Interesting information concerning the metabolism of the carbohydrates in suprarenalless animals has recently been pub- THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 155 lished. Bierry and Malloisel (1908) describe hypoglyca^mia in dogs. O. Forges found that, a few hours after double suprarenal extirpation, the sugar contents of the blood are subnormal. He also found that, in three cases of Addison's disease in man, the sugar contents of the blood were below the average. Frank and Isaak, who experimented with rabbits, deny that there is a con- nection between hypoglycsemia and suprarenal suppression, but their experiments cannot be regarded as conclusive. Eppinger, Falta and Rudinger showed the phlorizin pro- duces only slight glycosuria in suprarenalless dogs. They also found that, in certain cases of Addison's disease, the toleration of sugar is remarkably high ; while L. Pollak was unable to produce glycosuria with 2 mg. adrenalin in a case of Addison's disease. Similar doses when" exhibited in normal people invariably pro- duced glycosuria. Andre Meyer describes his failure to obtain results by means of adrenalin injections; his results are confirmed by those of Kahn. It appears from the foregoing that the regulation of the sugar contents of the blood is a function of the suprarenal, or rather of the adrenalin-secreting, tissue. In a communication dated December 17, 1909, O. Schwarz describes certain appearances which follow extirpation of both suprarenals. He found that in sexually mature male rats, which it is well known live without any symptom of disease for long periods after removal of both suprarenals, phlorizin exercised its full glycosuric action ; but that it produced toxic effects which, under certain conditions, were counteracted by the exhibition of adrenalin. Rats deprived of both suprarenals also showed a marked reduction in the amount of glycogen, an increased decom- position of albumin, and, in spite of these factors, an increase in weight. These findings of Schwarz have a peculiar interest, but in my opinion they represent the results, not of suprarenal suppres- sion, but of the suppression of a portion of the adrenal system. It is probable that many symptoms should properly be ascribed to a decreased function of the interrenal system ; this applies parti- cularly to the remarkable change in the behaviour of rats, wild and ferocious animals frequently becoming tame and quiet after operation. Schwarz thinks that, o\ving to the frequency with which accessory interrenals occur in white rats, these animals are not suitable subjects in which to study the functions of the supra- renal as a whole. Rats which have been deprived of their supra- renals are not in reality suprarenalless, they merely possess a more limited adrenal system than normal animals. Moreover, they cannot be regarded as suffering from the absence of adrenalin, but — and perhaps only temporarily — merely from scantiness of it. We know from the experiments of v. Haberer and Stoerk that adrenal tissue may undergo a very high degree of hypertrophy. 1 56 INTERNAL SECRETION In connection with these findings of Schwarz's, O. Forges reports that he found a diminution in the quantity of glycogen in dogs without suprarenals. These results, when taken in conjunction with observations to be described later of the glycosuric activity of adrenalin, point to the fact that the internal secretion of the adrenal system affects the mobilization of the sugar in the blood as \vell as the new formation of glycogen in the economy. The most conspicuous symptoms of suprarenal suppression are undoubtedly the muscular weakness, asthenia, and apathy, which increase to complete paralysis shortly before death. The extreme indolence of the muscular movements is very conspicuous in frogs ; it makes its appearance upon the second day after operation and in the case of the hinder extremities passes ulti- mately into paralysis. Abelous and Langlois compare the condi- tion with the effects of curare poisoning, for they found that the sensibility of the muscles to indirect electric stimulus by way of the nerves disappeared shortly before death, while the sensibility to direct stimulus remained. These results were not confirmed however by later investigators (Gourfein, Hultgren and Anders- son, Biedl) with either frogs or warm-blooded animals. It is very important to remember that the clinical picture presented by suprarenal suppression bears not the slightest resemblance to that of curare poisoning, either at the beginning, when the condition is characterized by extreme muscular weakness and prostration, or later, when total paralysis has made its appearance. On the other hand, a liability to fatigue, first pointed out by Albanese, and an extreme sensitiveness to violent muscular exertion, are undoubted characteristics of all animals with suprarenal in- adequacy. To compel such animals to extreme muscular effort is to greatly shorten their lease of life, and, in many cases, the animal falls dead while making the muscular effort. The blood of animals which have lost their suprarenals is said to possess a peculiar toxicity. According to Brown-Sequard, the blood of such animals shortens the life of animals of the same species which have likewise lost their suprarenals, while the life of the latter is prolonged by the blood of normal animals. Abelous and Langlois found that symptoms of exhaustion were produced in frogs, guinea-pigs and dogs, and, in the case of epinephrec- tomized animals, death was hastened, not by the blood only of animals which had lost their suprarenals, but also by alcoholic extracts of their muscles, especially of tetanized muscles ; similar effects were produced by extracts of tetanized muscles of normal animals. The intravenous injection of these extracts into healthy animals produced transient symptoms of poisoning. These find- ings are confirmed by Boinet and Mariani. Boinet also found that the viscera of epinephrectomized animals was markedly toxic, while Mariani found that there was an increased toxicity of the urine. THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 157 Mariani affirms that the increase in blood-pressure, which is induced by the exhibition of suprarenal extract, is immediately abolished by the blood of epinephrectomized animals. According to Strehl and Weiss, there are certain data which point to the conclusion that the toxic action of the blood of suprarenalless animals may be counteracted by means of suprarenal extract. These findings, together with those of Soddu concerning the favourable effects of blood-letting and saline infusion upon supra- renalless animals, would seem to show that the peculiar prostra- tion of such animals and their eventual death is due to an accumulation, more particularly in the muscular structure, of the harmful products of metabolism. These results supply the foun- dation for the theory that it is the function of the suprarenals to render innocuous certain toxic products of metabolism, the chemical nature of which is as yet unknown. According to Charrin and Langlois, the suprarenals exercise this neutralizing activity upon other toxins also, such as nicotine and the bacteria toxins. This is a point, however, wThich we shall have occasion to discuss more fully later. To return to the signs of suprarenal suppression ; there still remain the conditions governing the morphological elements of the blood, and the question as to the deposition of pigment after suprarenal extirpation. Brown-Sequard's original view was that death followed epinephrectomy as the result of an accumulation of pigment in the blood, whereby emboli and haemorrhages were produced in the brain. This view did not find favour with later authors. Boinet alone held the opinion that, after removal of the suprarenals, a black pigment accumulated in many organs and tissues, and for this reason he employed the term "experimental' Addison's disease. Pigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes of rabbits was observed by Nothnagel in three cases, by Tizzoni in thirteen (twelve cases of single and one of double suprarenal extirpation). F. and S. Marino-Zucco found that fourteen to twenty-four days after the removal of one suprarenal from rabbits, slate-grey patches the size of a linseed appeared upon places where the skin had been shaved. These patches at first increased in size, but at the end of two months had entirely disappeared. Similar patches were seen in rabbits which were not albinos after inocu- lation of the suprarenals with Pfeiffer's pseudotubercle bacilli and Eppinger's cladothrix, as well as after the subcutaneous injection of neurin. But it has been pointed out by many that these pigmented patches are quite accidental, and are frequently observed in rabbits which are not albinos. Of the later investi- gators, no one has been able to record anomalies of pigmentation in animals after removal of one or both suprarenals. The blood of epinephrectomized animals presents no analogy with the anomalous conditions seen in Addison's disease in man. 158 INTERNAL SECRETION Szymonowicz found that removal of the suprarenals was followed by an increase in the number of the red blood corpuscles, while Bornet describes a decrease in the red and an increase in the white blood cells. But Hultgren and Andersson found that after very exact experiment they were unable to show any change in the haemoglobin contents of the blood and in the number of its cellular elements. SUPPRESSION OF THE SUPRARENAL FUNCTION IN MAN. Complete suppression of the suprarenal function may occur in man as the result of the congenital absence of these organs. The accounts of the older authors of the absence, believed to be congenital, of the suprarenals from the cadavers of adult persons are entirely valueless, and are, in any case, very scanty. More recently such a finding has been described in the case of one person, aged 40, who had died of phthisis (Martini), and in one boy aged 6 (Averbeck) ; but in these instances no account was taken of the probable presence of accessory suprarenals. The absence of one suprarenal which, as experiment seems to show, is by no means dangerous to life, is of the rarest occurrence. With regard to hypoplastic infantilism of the suprarenals, many instances of malformation have been described by J. F. Meckel. Weigert, Lomer, Zander, point to the hypoplasia of the suprarenals as a frequent occurrence in certain disturbances in the embryological development of the brain, more especially in anencephaly and hemicephaly. According to Zander, a reduction in the size of the suprarenals is to be expected in cases where, at a certain stage of embryonal development, the anterior portions of the cerebral hemispheres have perished. Czerny found that, in the five cases of congenital hydrocephalus which he examined, there was complete absence of the medullary substance of the suprarenals, the cortex remaining intact. Total aplasia of the medulla in adults has been occasionally described as an accidental finding (Ulrich, Klebs). In these cases the suprarenals were atrophied, and consisted only of cortical substance. The condition of the extracapsular chromaffine tissue was not described. vSpecial interest is attaching to Wiesel's findings of hypo- plasia of the chromaffine system. One case was that of a girl of eighteen with posteriolateral curvature of the spine, who died of cardiac insufficiency. The second was in a case of sudden death after heat stroke, and the third was in a youth of eighteen with status thymicolymphaticus. Hedinger describes hypoplasia of the chromaffine system in a number of cases of sudden death in the status thymicolyphaticus. Acute suprarenal suppression is not infrequently brought THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 159 about in man by haemorrhage into the organ. Such suprarenal haemorrhages are seen in still-born children, and these may per- haps occur intra partum. Sudden destruction of the suprarenals may, however, take place in later life as a result of haemorrhage or suppuration of the organ. The symptom-complex of this form of suprarenal disease was first described by Virchow. There are very severe nervous symptoms, together with peritonitis, and these end rapidly in death. Post-mortem examination shows that, in the greater number of these cases, the haemorrhage is due to trauma, emboli, or thrombi ; in rare cases, acute suppuration was found. Acute suprarenal suppression to a certain extent resembles the condition produced in animals by the extirpation of both suprarenals. In subacute cases pigmentation of the skin is rarely absent. The cases of chronic suprarenal suppression which have been described have a greater significance. Bittorf has recently classified chronic suprarenal insufficiency under two headings. The first group includes those cases in which the disease is primary and is due to atrophy, hypoplasia, or cirrhosis of the organ. The second comprises those cases where the suprarenal insufficiency is secondary, and occurs as the result of tuberculosis, syphilis, or tumours. In the literature of the subject, Bittorf found accounts of forty-seven cases of primary atrophy, and to these he added five cases which came under his own observation, and of which two were clinical only. Anatomically, these were all cases either of simple atrophy or of chronic, inflammatory, connective tissue cir- rhosis. The degenerative changes were not confined to any particu- lar portion of the organ. In some instances the cortex only was affected ; in others the medulla only ; but in the majority of cases both portions were affected, though unequally. Clinically, all these cases were characterized by more or less clearly marked symptoms of Addison's disease; the pigmentation of the skin, in particular, was always present, though in a varying degree. Primary disease of the suprarenals is of comparatively rare occurrence, secondary conditions such as those which form the groundwork of Addison's disease being of far greater frequency. The typical anatomical finding in Addison's disease is tubercu- losis of both suprarenals, which may be the sole finding, or it may be associated with a tuberculous condition of other organs. As a general rule, there is complete, or nearly complete, caseation and fibrous induration with chalky deposits or caseous softening. More rarely, syphilitic processes and tumours have been observed. This extreme and very typical suprarenal degeneration is, however, not present in all cases. As early as 1885, Lewin col- lected 381 cases of typical Addison's disease, and of these the suprarenals were affected in only 281 cases, in 37 they were intact. In a later communication he describes 316 fresh cases, l6o INTERNAL SECRETION and in 25 of these the suprarenals were sound. The occurrence of cases which present all the clinical signs of Addison's disease with anatomically sound suprarenals, when taken in conjunction with certain pathological changes which have been observed in the sympathetic system, suggest that the pathogenetic factor in this condition does not lie with the suprarenals, but is to be sought in the sympathetic system itself. Nevertheless, a critical con- sideration of the material at his disposal compelled v. Kahlden (1896) to adopt the view that the changes in the sympathetic system, and especially in the spinal cord, generally slight in character, though occasionally severe, are without any patho- genetic significance in this condition. The nervous or sympathetic theory assumed that Addison's disease originated in a pathologically demonstrable affection of the nervous system, but in its original form this theory is no longer tenable. A certain measure of etiological responsibility is ascribed to the sympathetic system by Neusser, who regards Addison's disease as a systemic affection which may take its rise in any portion of the chain — in the spinal cord, the sympathetic nerves, or the suprarenals. Neusser's view is supported by a fact which I have proved, namely, that certain fibres of the splanchnic nerves act upon the suprarenals as vaso-dilators, while others may exer- cise an influence upon suprarenal secretion. Owing to the advances which have been made in anatomy and embryology, the sympathetic theory has necessarily changed in form, but in certain directions it receives a measure of support from Wiesel's recent publications. Wiesel does not find, how- ever, that the cause of Addison's disease lies with the nervous system itself, he believes that it is to be sought in the adrenal system, so intimately connected with the nervous system genetically, anatomically, and functionally. He describes six cases in which there was serious degeneration and even destruction of the chrome-brown cells, not in the medullary substance of the suprarenals only, but also in the free parts of the adrenal system in the neighbourhood of the sympathetic. In one case, that of severe double tuberculosis of the suprarenals unaccompanied by symptoms of Addison's disease, not only was there no absence of the chrome-brown tissue, but there was distinct hyperplasia of it. If these findings show that Addison's disease is due to a pathological condition of the chrome-brown tissue, then all the earlier observations of cases of " Addison's disease with sound suprarenals " lose their significance. For those observations were founded upon an imperfect knowledge of anatomy, the adrenal system being at that time little understood. Moreover, there was always the possibility that in such cases the intracapsular portion of the adrenal system, the suprarenal medulla, had at first remained sound, the free portions only being primarily or more severely affected. On the other hand, cases of " suprarenal affection un- THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM l6l accompanied by symptoms of Addison's disease " are to be ex- plained, in the light of our present knowledge, by a pathological condition of the cortex only. Where, however, there were demon- strable changes in the medullary substance, the functional activity of the adrenal system might be carried on by its extracapsular portions. Wiesel's findings are confirmed by those of Beitzke, but both v. Hansemann and Karakascheff are opposed to his views. The latter even goes so far as to ascribe Addison's disease to a pathological condition, not of the chromaffine tissue, but of the cortex of the suprarenals. He describes a case in which, notwith- standing complete caseation of both suprarenals, the symptoms of Addison's disease were absent. But in this case there was an accessory suprarenal consisting only of cortical substance — an accessory interrenal. Bittorf and Beitzke are of the opinion, however, that not only does Karakascheff's case prove nothing against Wiesel's theory, but that it does not establish his own,— that, namely, of the paramount importance of the cortex in the etiology of Addison's disease. Bittorf believes that the patho- genesis of Addison's disease does not lie solely with the chromaffine system. He bases his view upon the localization in the suprarenals of the atrophic disturbances described above; and upon one case in which distinct symptoms of Addison's disease were present, in spite of the fact that the chromaffine tissue was intact, the suprarenals being only partially destroyed by hypernephrometastases. As Karakascheff and Bittorf pointed out, the chief evidence against Weisel's theory lies in certain findings by him and Hedinger of extreme hypoplasia of the chromaffine system, unaccompanied by any symptoms of Addison's disease. It is still more difficult to account by Wiesel's theory for those typical cases of Addison's disease where there is either complete disorganization of the suprarenals or pronounced destruction of the cortex, the medulla being comparatively sound. In the latter class of case, considerable portions of the medullary substance and of the extracapsular chromaffine tissue may still be intact. Wiesel explains these cases by the assumption that, owing to the intimate topographical relationship between medulla and cortex and the fact of their common circulatory system, the affection of the cortex is a secondary condition resulting from the primary disease of the adrenal system. But until very definite grounds upon which to base such an assumption are forthcoming, the only tenable theory concerning the pathogenesis of Addison's disease is that which refers it to the suprarenals as a whole, and not to certain portions of them. From such a point of view, whether the medulla or the cortex is the part primarily affected is immaterial, for the functional disturbance of one part is invariably followed by that of the other ; and it is the disease of the entire ii 1 62 INTERNAL SECRETION organ, whether the destructive process is partial or entire, which produces the typical symptom-complex of Addison's disease. Bittorf, like Neusser, adopted the view that derangement of suprarenal function may be caused, not only by disease of the organ itself, but also by a pathological condition of the secretory nerves which regulate its function. Those cases of Addison's disease in which the suprarenals were apparently sound, are readily explicable by the assumption of a primary affection of the secretory nerves. Moreover, as Bittorf points out, and his view is confirmed by Beitzke, the recent literature of the subject con- tains no conclusive accounts of cases such as these, and he believes that the frequency of the findings is in an inverse ratio to the accuracy with which the cases were observed. Cases of one-sided partial destruction of the suprarenals unaccompanied by Addisonian symptoms, are readily explained by the presence, either of functionally active suprarenal tissue in larger or smaller quantities, or of accessory suprarenals. It is a more difficult matter to account for those cases where one-sided suprarenal disease is accompanied by symptoms of Addison's disease. Neusser believes this to be due to trie transmitted influence of the diseased organ upon the sound one, but Bittorf believes that the influence is rather chemical. He regards as analogous the " transmitted " anuria which, with other symptoms characteristic of total suprarenal suppression, is seen in one-sided suppression ; and he points moreover to those cases of one- sided suprarenal tuberculosis, \vhere the removal of the diseased capsule is followed by complete cessation of all symptoms of Addison's disease. This theory derives no support, however, from the results of experimental pathology. One-sided suprarenal suppression is not attended here by symptoms of a deranged organic function, and there is no insufficiency of the half of the pair which remains intact. On the contrary, there is rather a functional hyperactivity, which may ultimately be expressed by anatomical hypertrophy, of the sound capsule. It is evident from this that the pathogenesis of Addison's disease, where associated with the destruction of one suprarenal capsule, is in need of further investigation. We are in a more favourable situation in regard to those cases, formerly so much discussed, in which, though the clinical signs of Addison's disease are absent, post-mortem examination shows a more or less complete destruction of both suprarenals. As Bittorf with justice points out, these are usually cases where the clinical observation has been faulty, the absence of the pigmentation of the skin in many instances being regarded as sufficient ground for the exclusion of Addison's disease, other clinical signs passing unnoticed. The clinical observation of these cases, if it is to be of value, requires to be scrupulously exact. THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 163 Moreover, it must be borne in mind that, though the destruction of the suprarenals means the suppression of a considerable portion of an organic system, the suprarenals form a portion only of that system, the probability being that the adrenal system is not appreciably affected by such suppression. Moreover, consider- able portions of interrenal tissue, which vary in size in individuals, may be present as accessory interrenals. A critical survey of the facts which we possess concerning the pathogenesis of Addison's disease leads inevitably to the conclusion that Addison's theory, according to which the clinical complex presented by the condition is the result of an anatomical disease of the suprarenals, explains the large majority of cases, and that the instances in which the functional derangements are not associated with appropriate anatomical findings are excep- tional. But the pathological anatomy of Addison's disease is as yet unable to explain the physiological and pathological signifi- cance of the different parts of the suprarenal system. We are not at present in a position confidently to assert that the suppression of a definite suprarenal system is the cause of the condition, and we are even less justified in forming conclusions upon the homogeneity of the suprarenal function from the pathological-anatomical conditions as seen in man. THE SYMPTOMATOLOGY OF ADDISON'S DISEASE. Addison's description of the clinical symptoms of chronic .suprarenal derangement is so significant and comprehensive that, though the exhaustive clinical investigation of the last fifty years has strengthened and defined his view, it has added little to the symptomatology of the condition.* Experimental pathology has not as yet provided a satisfactory explanation of the genesis of individual symptoms. As we have already pointed out, the destruction of the suprarenals is not followed in animals by a symptom-complex analogous to that seen in man ; such an analogy, as we know, exists in the case of thyroid suppression. The well-defined and characteristic signs of Addison's disease as seen in man are represented in animals by 'vague and ill-defined symptoms of acute suprarenal suppression. This difference is most easily accounted for by the radical differ- J f' ence in the two subjects in the duration of functional suppression. It seems almost as if, in the case of the animal, there was not sufficient time after acute destruction of the suprarenals for the •development of symptoms of chronic disease. Owing to the fact that partial destruction of the suprarenals gives rise to regener- ative processes and to the vicarious activity of the sound portion, * A comprehensive description of the clinical appearances in diseases of the suprarenals is given in a monograph by Bittorf, and also by v. Neusser and Wiesel. 164 INTERNAL SECRETION it is not possible to produce chronic progressive suppression of the suprarenal function experimentally and, by this means, acquire a more intimate knowledge of the consecutive symptoms. Moreover, as the results of extirpation of the suprarenals do not in any way resemble the clinical symptoms of Addison's disease, our reference of the individual symptoms of the latter condition to a suppression of the suprarenal function is, neces- sarily, more or less hypothetical. What is known of the physiological activity of the internal secretion of the adrenal system makes it easy to understand that the reduction or suppression of the function of that system should be followed by hypotonus, reduction in blood-pressure, and the consecutive symptoms of cerebral anaemia. There was also at one time a disposition to explain the adynamia — the extreme muscular weakness so characteristic of Addison's disease, which has been demonstrated objectively by Langlois by means of Mosso's ergograph — by a lack of the tonic suprarenal secretion. But a better acquaintance with the physiological effects of adrenalin shows that there is no justification for ascribing to this substance a controlling influence upon the tone of the striated muscles. As we shall see later, adrenalin affects the sympathetic nerve-endings only. The muscular asthenia of Addison's disease is to be explained only by the most complicated hypotheses. The most tenable theory is that, adrenalin being essential to the metabolism of the carbohydrates, its reduction is attended by a loss in the metabolism of glycogen, glycogen being essential to the performance of muscular function. The asthenic symptoms and the gastro-intestinal disturbances are by many authors attributed to the antitoxic activity of the suprarenal cortex. The sole symptom wrhich invariably follows suppression of the suprarenal function in both man and animals, is emaciation. Up to the present, however, we have no knowledge of the metabolic changes in animals to which this emaciation is due. The information which we possess con- cerning the metabolic changes in Addison's disease in man is of too scanty a nature to supply an answer to the problem. The origin of the pigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes, the typical bronze skin (melanoderma) of Addison's disease, is very difficult of explanation. Once again let it be said that, up to the present, no one has succeeded in producing, under experimental conditions free from objection, a pigmentation of the skin in animals. The pigmentation of the skin is a fairly constant, and frequently a very early, symptom in Addison's disease. It first shows itself in the face and hands, then it affects the neck and arms and, finally, spreads to the trunk and lower extremities. The parts of the skin which are normally pigmented are usually attacked first and acquire a deeper colour. The distri- bution is affected by external conditions, such as exposure to- THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 165 strong sunshine, pressure, and friction. Even more characteristic than the discoloration of the skin, is the affection of the mucous membranes of the cheeks, lips and gums, and of the conjunctiva. Anatomically, the pigment is principally deposited in the cells of the rete Malpighii, and, as far as we know (v. Kahlden, Riehl, Schmorl) is conveyed there from the blood-vessels of the cutis by means of wandering cells (chromatophores). It is almost exclusively deposited in the lower epithelial layers, the upper cefls generally remaining free from pigment. The pigment is free from iron, but nothing further is known regarding its chemical constitution, though, as far as we can judge, it is identical with that of other cuticular pigments. Its formation is generally believed to be associated with a colourless pre-stage in the blood, though certain observers consider that it may be formed autochthonously within the epithelium. It has also been referred to the increased destruction of blood corpuscles in Addison's disease, together with the retarded flow of the stream due to the decrease in blood-pressure, but there is no ground to warrant such an assumption. The effects of adrenalin upon the pigment of Addison's disease have recently been investigated. v. Furth and H. Schneider found that, when tyrosinase was added to tyrosin, the latter acquired a red, then a violet, and finally an ink-black coloration. Neuberg next discovered that the extract of a melanotic suprarenal tumour acted upon adrenalin in such a manner that pigment was formed; and he discovered a ferment in the ink-bag of Sepiidas which converted adrenalin into a black product of oxidation. Adami supports the view advanced by Halle and Frankel that tyrosin is the matrix of adrenalin, and he believes, further, that in suprarenal disease the matrix (tyrosin and allied bodies) is unable to form adrenalin, and therefore accumu- lates in the tissues. Where the skin is exposed, these substances become converted by the action of oxydases into a black-coloured pigment. The entire question of pigmentation in Addison's disease is urgently in need of further investigation. SUPRARENAL SUBSTITUTION. Numerous experiments have been undertaken with the object of counteracting the results of suprarenal suppression in animals by means of a substitution therapy. This has been attempted by two methods, the one by the exhibition of the organic extract (organo-therapy), the other by transplantation. ORGANO-THERAPY. Speaking generally, experimental organo-therapy has not been attended by satisfactory results. Abelous and Langlois attempted, but without success, to keep frogs, from which both 1 66 INTERNAL SECRETION suprarenals had been removed, alive by means of watery supra- renal extract obtained from animals of the same species. They obtained better results with guinea-pigs, and succeeded in pro- longing the lives of these animals for a few hours by means of injections of suprarenal extract, given immediately after removal of the second capsule. In a later publication, Abelous asserts that he succeeded in keeping suprarenalless frogs alive for as long as twelve days, by the injection of alcoholic extract of the suprarenals of dogs. At almost the same moment, Brown- Sequard communicated the fact that the injection of suprarenal extract will produce a marked improvement in the condition of moribund epinephrectomized guinea-pigs. Numerous accounts are forthcoming of the favourable effects of organotherapy upon both the general condition and individual symptoms, in animals reduced to extreme prostration after extir- pation of their suprarenals. Many authors lay special stress upon the fact that the intravenous injection of suprarenal extract raises the low blood-pressure and improves the much impaired respir- atory activity. Hultgren and Andersson found, in addition, ftiat the subcutaneous injection of suprarenal extract prevented the terminal fall in temperature, that it improved the general condition, and to a certain extent relieved the extreme muscular weakness. But in face of what is now known of the physiological activity of suprarenal extract, these results cannot be regarded as in any way establishing a specific substitution therapy. The results which follow the exhibition of suprarenal extract in suprarenalless animals are identical with those observed in normal animals and in dying animals, whatever the cause of death. To establish the value of a suprarenal substitution therapy, it is not sufficient to point to the results observed after a single exhibition (Einverleibung) of suprarenal extract. In my opinion such a conclusion would be justified only if it were possible to show, as in the case of substitution by the other organic extracts, that the exhibition of suprarenal substance is able to prolong the lives of suprarenalless animals. The material which is forthcoming does not, however, provide any such proof. Langlois's epinephrectom- ized rabbits and Hultgren and Andersson 's epinephrectomized cats lived, after treatment with suprarenal extract, for at the most twenty-four hours. Strehl and Weiss were able to keep the animals which they treated with suprarenal extract alive for only nine hours longer than the control animals. I have treated a large number of animals, by feeding them with suprarenal tabloids previous to epinephrectomy, for periods varying from a few days to several weeks, the treatment being continued after operation by means of subcutaneous injections of the watery extract of suprarenal. But in spite of the flooding of the organism in this manner with suprarenal substance, there was little difference after operation in the condition of these THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 167 animals from that of the control animals. Also, the average length of life of the animals under treatment was very little longer than that of the control animals. From the results which I obtained I was led to conclude that suprarenal substitution is not practicable by these methods. Seeing that the exhibition of suprarenal extract is attended by doubtful results in experimental suprarenal suppression, it is not surprising that in Addison's disease the method has not accomplished all that was at first expected of it. Charrin and Langlois were probably the first to attempt the treatment of this condition by means of subcutaneous injections of the glycerine extract of suprarenal, obtained from dogs and horses. Since then the effects of organo-therapy in Addison's disease have been tried by many. According to Gilbert and Carnot, the clinical material may be classified, according to the results obtained, in four groups. (1) Those cases in which organo-therapy was attended by harmful results, the general condition becoming aggravated and the fatal termination hastened (Rendu, Foa and Pellacani, Zucco, Pitres, Posselt). Boinet, more particularly, has drawn attention to the symptoms of intolerance which follow treatment with organic extract in Addison's disease. He found that prolonged treatment produced nervous symptoms, the most frequent being a tremor similar to that of Graves's disease. (2) The large group of cases in which the results of treat- ment were negative (Langlois, Chauffard, Grainger-Stewart, Murrel, Darier, P. Marie, Galliard, Allaria and Varanini, Bendix, Turner, Trevithick, Box, Huismans, Christomanos, Lange, Bockhaus, Osier, Ringer and Phear, Sibley, Bittorf). (3) Those cases in which an improvement in certain sym- ptoms was observed. The most frequent signs were a diminution of the muscular asthenia, improvement of the digestive derange- ments, and an increase in weight (Langlois, Mahe, Maragliano, Dieulafoy, Marie, Schafer, Rolleston, Osier, Vidal, Hayem, Yollbracht, Dupaigne, Spillmann, Edel, Faisans, Anderodias, Althaus, Byrom-Bramwell, Gullau, Vernescu, Foster, Raven, Decks, Engelhardt, Ebstein, Sellier and Verger, Posselt). (4) Those rare cases in which complete recovery is reported. Schilling found that, in the case of a patient 16 years old, a three- months' treatment with suprarenal (^ to i suprarenal capsule per day) was followed by the disappearance of all previous Addisonian symptoms, namely, the asthenia, anorexia, diarrhoea, and even the pigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes. The weight rose from 69 to 99 Ibs. Some time after recovery the patient died suddenly from pneumonia, and the post-mortem examination showed that there was sclerosis and softening of both suprarenals. Beclere, Hirtz, Lambotte, and Androdias also describe cases 1 68 INTERNAL SECRETION of recovery from Addison's disease. Kinnicut publishes the statistics of forty-eight cases of Addison's disease which were treated by organo-therapeutic measures. Of these, in two cases there was aggravation of the condition ; in eighteen, the condition remained unchanged; in twenty-two, there was an improvement; and in six cases there was complete recovery. It is evident from this that the treatment of Addison's disease by means of suprarenal extract is very variable in its results. The few cases of recovery are nullified by those where an aggravation of the condition ensued. In the large majority of instances the treatment produced negative results or the amelioration of single symptoms only. The muscular weakness and the digestive derangements appear to be the symptoms most favourably influenced. That suprarenal extract, when given by the mouth, should affect the reduced cardiac activity, and the lowered blood-pressure is hardly to be expected. Nevertheless, Griinbaum asserts that, although suprarenal extract, when given by the mouth, does not raise the blood-pressure of normal subjects, it does have that effect when given to persons suffering from Addison's disease. Falta has recently shown that in man, the subcutaneous injection of adrenalin brings about a rise in blood-pressure. The symptom which is least affected by this method of treat- ment is undoubtedly the pigmentation. The foregoing accounts of the effects of suprarenal extract in Addison's disease suggest certain definite ideas. Of these, the most important concerns the influence of adrenalin upon the symptoms. But a certain measure of efficacy must be ascribed to other substances present in suprarenal extract, and notably those which are derived from the suprarenal cortex. Experiments with animals seem to suggest that the exhibition of suprarenal substances in Addison's disease provokes hypertrophy of the portions of the organ which, in this condition, undoubtedly remain intact, and that by this means the functional inadequacy of the organ is reduced in a quantitative sense. The negative and harmful effects of suprarenal treatment are probably seen in those cases where the suprarenals have become completely destroyed. TRANSPLANTATION OF THE SUPRARENALS. The second method of suprarenal substitution is that of the surgical transplantation of the organ. In 1887 Canalis attempted the implantation in the kidney of small portions of suprarenal tissue, but the results which he obtained were purely negative, the implanted portions becoming necrosed and undergoing resorption. The experiments of Abelous, and later those of Abelous and Langlois, with frogs were equally unsuccessful. Courfein implanted the suprarenals of frogs and guinea-pigs in THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 169 the lymph-sac of frogs, but in all his cases the implanted organ perished. Boinet implanted suprarenals intraperitoneally in rats and found that the implanted organ became atrophied and, in some instances, resorbed. De Dominicis removed the left supra- renal of dogs, leaving the vascular stem intact, and implanted the organ below the kidney ; he found that, at the end of nine to ten days, there was no change. Jabulay implanted fresh suprarenals from dogs in two patients suffering from Addison's disease, and in each instance death followed after twenty-four hours. Hultgren and Andersson implanted suprarenals in three cats, in each case without result. There is a special interest attaching to H. Poll's transplanta- tion experiments. He removed the left suprarenal of rats and implanted it under the skin, or in the muscles of the back, of the same animal or another of the same species. By this means he was enabled minutely to follow the histological changes in the transplanted organ. Poll found that, during about the first week, regressive changes preponderated. A largish necrosed focus appeared in the centre of the implanted suprarenal. In addition to the central medullary tissue, the zona reticularis of the cortex and the inner portions of the zona fasciculata underwent degenerative changes, and were destroyed. During the second week, a large part of the necrosed tissue became gradually resorbed, giant cells being formed in the process. At the same time the cells of the zona glomerulosa and the external portion of the zona fasciculata became destroyed, while peculiar, light, transparent cells, filled with vacuoles, were formed in the cortical tissue, which afterwards disappeared, leav- ing a pigmented scar. From the third week onwards, signs of progressive new formation appeared. Minute regenerative foci were formed which lay, partly internally and partly externally of the thickened con- nective-tissue capsule. They developed into largish bodies, shaped like the segment of a sphere, with cord-like arrangement of cells. Later on, these cell agglomerations assumed the exact appearance of cortical substance. The regeneration of the cortical tissue and the degeneration of the medullary tissue were observed by Christiani in experi- mental transplantation performed on rats. And Stilling found that, when the suprarenals of rabbits were transplanted in their testicles, they showed typical cortical tissue for as long as one and a half to three years. Further information concerning the results of transplantation is given by Imbert. He implanted the suprarenals of dogs in their kidneys and found, in one instance, a pseudolipoma, in another, a cyst, at the site of implantation. Strehl and Weiss sewed the suprarenals into pockets between the muscular structure and the 1 70 INTERNAL SECRETION abdominal cavity; they also placed them free in the abdominal cavity; and they implanted them in vascular organs, such as the kidney and liver. But in every instance the implanted organs perished. Small portions of implanted suprarenal tissue did not, in the vast majority of cases, heal in. Better results were obtained by Schmieden, who implanted small portions of suprarenal tissue in the kidneys of rabbits and, in a large number of cases, these healed in. But he does not believe that these implanted portions are likely to remain alive for any length of time, and his experiments seem to show that one year is the maximal period. Payr used the spleen with considerable success as the site of implantation for the thyroid, but in the case of the suprarenals the choice of this locality was followed only by transient healing in, no permanent results being obtained (Coenen, Kreidl, Biedl). Shiota found that a suprarenal, when transplanted into the spleen or kidney of rabbits and cats, contained adrenalin during the first forty-eight hours only, the substance disappearing at the end of this time. Although the cortex will remain in a fairly healthy condition for from ten to seventeen weeks, the medullary substance ceases to slain with chromium twenty-four hours after implanta- tion. The admirable experiments of v. Haberer and Stoerk resulted in successful suprarenal transplantation with complete functional activity. Their method was to remove the suprarenal without severing its vascular peduncle and to implant it in the kidney. De Dominicis had already dislodged the left suprarenal without cutting through the peduncle (his experiment has been described in a previous chapter) and I had removed the suprarenals to an extra-peritoneal position, leaving their vascular stalk intact. These results undoubtedly showed that, if the normal nutritional con- ditions were maintained, the transplanted organ would preserve its functional activity. In 50 per cent, of their cases, v. Haberer and Stoerk succeeded in producing permanent results which were functionally, as well as anatomically, demonstrable. In the un- successful cases, the result was invariably attributable to insuffi- cient nourishment of the .implanted organ. Microscopic examination of these successfully transplanted suprarenals showed that in no case did the organ retain its original structure, but that, in addition to sound and hypertrophied tissue, it invariably contained regressive and necrosed substance. In the first few days after transplantation with preservation of the peduncle, there is a regressive metamorphosis of the organ which is occasionally so widespread that the only part which remains alive is that in the immediate vicinity of the peduncle. Com- paratively soon after operation, generally in the first week, active proliferation commences at this spot, the proliferating parenchyma spreading into the regressive or necrosed portions of the organ. THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM iyi From this a chaotic mixture of living and hypertrophied, and regressive and necrosed tissue results. The hypertrophied tissue may in a later stage again become regressive and, in some cases, even necrosed. This interchange of proliferation and regression goes on for some time, and necrosed tissue may be observed for as long a period as three months. The newly-proliferated cell agglomerations may assume the structure characteristic of the normal suprarenal ; or there may be a re-arrangement, not only in the cells of the cortex, but also in the relative position of the cortex and medulla. The medullary substance frequently breaks through the cortex and forms en- closures between the cortical cell complexes ; or these enclosures may be placed sub-capsularly, and even extra-capsularly. In many instances the regenerated cortex, when complete, assumes a form similar to that of suprarenal adenoma. It was formerly believed that, in successful transplantation, the cortex only re- mained intact, but it is now certain that the medullary substance also retains its vitality and its capacity for regeneration, and that it undergoes hypertrophy in the same manner as the cortex. About five months after transplantation, the alternation of regenerative and degenerative processes ceases and the conditions become more stable. In the majority of cases an entirely new suprarenal has been formed ; by proliferating into the old structure and becoming regeneratively hypertrophied, the newr cortical and medullary tissue crowds out the regressive, necrosed tissue and replaces it. The tests which have been made of the functional capacity of the transplanted suprarenal yield the following results : In experi- mental one-sided transplantation — and this applies to cases where the histological findings are unequivocal — it is not possible to pronounce upon the functional activity of the healed-in organ, for there is always the possibility of the function having been under- taken by the sound one of the pair. One-sided implantation is usually borne without symptoms by dogs, rabbits and cats, v. Haberer describes a control-experiment with a dog, in which one-sided suprarenal extirpation was accompanied by distinct symptoms of suppression, namely, pronounced spastic paresis of the hind extremities, failing appetite and general depression. The dog died at the end of eight days, the post-mortem examination showing that the second suprarenal was slightly hypertrophied. In a second group of experiments, both suprarenals were transplanted into the kidney, each capsule being transplanted separately and a varying length of time allowed to elapse between the two operations. In many cases, where the first suprarenal had become necrosed or atrophied and had ceased to function while the preliminary regressive changes were still in progress in the second, the animals died as the result of suprarenal inade- quacy. This group of experiments also brought the interesting 1 72 INTERNAL SECRETION fact to light that after suppression of one capsule, the condi- tion of the second does not render it more favourable for trans- plantation ; it does not, as a priori assumption would suggest, become hypertrophied but, on the contrary, it almost completely perishes. The functional capacity of a transplanted suprarenal is tested by removing the second capsule some time after the first. In cases where there was pronounced necrosis of the implanted supra- renal, the animals lived for a short time only after the second operation. In nine cases, animals with only one transplanted suprarenal remained alive for many days and even for months. Subsequent microscopic examination revealed, in these cases, a splendid healing-in of the implanted capsule with new formation and reconstruction of the suprarenal tissue, together with com- plete degeneration of the original peduncle and a new vascular system derived from the kidney. As accessory suprarenals were in no case present, it is certain that these animals continued to live with their only suprarenal implanted in their kidney and that they showed no pathological signs. But these cases, as well as those of double transplantation, supply another remarkable fact, namely, that the animal has a better chance of life if an interval of about eleven to sixteen days is allowed to elapse be- tween the transplantation of one suprarenal and the extirpation and implantation of the other. Where the interval is longer, the results are frequently unsuccessful. The impression conveyed is that the suprarenal function is so completely taken over by the sound capsule, that the regenerative processes in the second, damaged capsule are retarded. If the sound capsule is injured or removed at a moment when the regenerative process in the second organ is at its height, the new formation of tissue will receive an additional stimulus. Yet another group of experiments comprises those in which the transplantation of both suprarenals is undertaken separately, and one kidney, together with the suprarenal implanted in it, is removed by means of a third operation. Of eleven animals experimented upon, six died after the third operation as the result of suprarenal inadequacy. In each of these cases, how- ever, it happened that the suprarenal removed was well healed in and hypertrophied, while the condition of the second, as seen post mortem, was regressive. Five dogs lived for years after the third operation and showed no pathological signs, and in these instances the extirpated transplanted suprarenal was also hyper- trophied. The degree of functional activity of the transplanted supra- renal has been further tested, by examination of its adrenalin contents by means of blood-pressure experiments and experiments with frog's eyes. The results showed a complete agreement be- tween the microscopic structure and the adrenalin contents. THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 173 The value of the experiments of v. Haberer and Stoerk, which will be described more fully later, lies in the proof which they supply that the suprarenal may be transplanted with success, both functional and anatomical, provided its vascular stem is left intact. Further, these experiments were the first to show that, after transplantation, the medullary substances lives and becomes hypertrophied in exactly the same manner as the cortical sub- stance. The conclusion drawn by the authors from these findings, namely, that the part played by the medulla in suprarenal function is of equal importance with that of the cortex, is the more in- controvertible seeing that other observations have supplied proof, not only of the vital necessity of the medulla, but also of its functional significance. But, in my opinion, the successful trans- plantations of v. Haberer and Stoerk are decided evidence against the view, that the medulla is the only part of the suprarenal capsule which is essential to life. This theory was based upon experiments where transplantation, though technically successful, was followed by death, and it depended upon the fact that degeneration of the medullary substance, together with preservation of the cortex, were always found in such cases. All that these older experiments prove, however, is the greater sensibility and lability of the medulla. They show, and this is confirmed in other directions, that a reduction in the vascular provision and a limitation of the nutri- tional conditions invariably kills the medulla, but that the cortex has greater powers of resistance. Free grafting of chromaffine tissue is successful in those cases only where this tissue is normally situated upon a free surface as, for instance, the dorsal surface of the kidney in reptiles (Christiani's experiments with lizards). Parodi's experiments show that embryonal suprarenal tissue, in which the medulla lies upon the surface, possesses very little regenerative power ; and, in an experiment recently described by Neuhauser, the trans- plantation of embryonal tissue into the kidney of a rabbit was followed by a tumour-like growth. The results of experimental transplantation, as far as they go to-day, not only prove the internal secretory function of the supra- renals and their vital importance to the organism, but they also justify the hope that the clinical symptoms produced by supra- renal suppression may be more successfully treated by surgical means than has been possible, up to now, by organo-therapeutic measures. THE ACTIVITY OF SUPRARENAL EXTRACT. Investigation of the clinical activity of extract of the supra- renals, has effected a clearer insight into the function of these organs. As early as 1879, Pellacani demonstrated the toxic action of 174 INTERNAL SECRETION subcutaneous and intravenous injections of the watery extract of suprarenal. He did not believe that this action was specific, for he found that similar results were produced by means of other organic extracts. But very soon after, Ziino and di Mattei denied the toxicity of suprarenal extract and they referred the results which followed its exhibition to infective processes, more particularly the influence of products of the decomposition of the albuminoids introduced into the system with it. On the other hand, Pellacani and Foa (1883) proved that the toxic substance in the suprarenal cannot be identical with the fibrin ferment, which is present even in the alcoholic extracts of these organs and is specific to the suprarenal. Guarnieri and Marino Zucco (1888) confirmed the extreme toxicity of the watery extracts and they considered that the active agents were neurin and the organic phosphorus compounds. The brothers Marino Zucco even went so far as to believe that the symptom-complex of Addison's disease could be produced by means of neurin injection. These authors, together with Dutto, proved that neurin was present in the urine of persons with Addison's disease, and, towards the end of the 'eighties, a hypothesis arose that the physiological function of the suprarenals consisted in the neutralization of neurin, which was a product of the decom- position of the nervous tissue. This doctrine seemed to find a support in Albanese's experiments with frogs. But both Boinet and Langlois were unable to confirm the experiments upon which the theory was founded; while Supino further showed that the toxic conditions which follow the injection of neurin are entirely different from the clinical complex produced by suprarenal extir- pation. Alezais and Arnaud, and later Tizzoni, denied the exist- ence of a toxic agent in the suprarenal, confirming the view of an earlier observer, namely, Alexander. They attributed the effects of suprarenal extract to post-mortem changes in the tissues. The discovery by Oliver and Schafer (1894) °f the specific physiological action of suprarenal extract, drove all previous con- clusions as to the general toxic activity of these organs into the background. The experiments which followed were, naturally enough, chiefly concerned with the more minute analysis of in- dividual pharmacodynamic effects. But since the discovery that these effects are principally due to an active substance present in the medulla and, more particularly since the isolation of this active principle in the form known as adrenalin, inquiry into the general effects of suprarenal extract has somewhat languished. The lack of any method of exact dosage is a serious drawback to experiment. A consideration of the material furnished by the subject shows that there is no sufficient justification for identifying the general effects of suprarenal extract with those of adrenalin. For, in .addition to adrenalin, suprarenal extract contains other substances THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 175 derived from the cortex, concerning the activity of which we as yet know nothing. Moreover, therapeutic measures, especially those aiming at substitution in the case of suprarenal suppression in man, have been attempted almost exclusively with preparations derived from the whole suprarenal. The fresh raw organ, the organ dried and powdered, suprarenal tabloids, and the watery extract of suprarenal, have all been employed in this connection. Until something is known of the physiological activity of the cortex, the empirical method of treatment with the whole organ must be regarded as superior to treatment by means of the active principle, adrenalin. The following experiments serve to illustrate the present position. Oliver and Shafer injected the watery extract of the suprarenal of calves into dogs, guinea-pigs and cats without pro- ducing toxic symptoms. In guinea-pigs and dogs, large quanti- ties of the extract were followed by transient disturbances of the pulse and respiration, as well as by a fall in temperature. The subcutaneous injection of large doses into rabbits resulted, after a few hours and in some instances after a few days, in a fall in temperature followed by death. In frogs there were symptoms of central paralysis. According to Cybulski the toxic action of suprarenal extract is seen in rabbits only after intravenous injection ; it affects the central nervous system. According to Gluzinski, watery glycerine extracts of the suprarenals of cattle, calves, pigs, dogs and rabbits produce a high degree of intoxication in normal animals. Intravenous injection is followed by paralysis and loss of sensibility in the hinder, and convulsions in the fore, extremities; there is acceleration of the respiration and enlargement of the pupils, dyspnoea and wide- spread paralysis, ending in death. Subcutaneous injection is less deadly; the animals sicken and the- temperature becomes sub- normal, but unless the doses are too large they recover. Dubois found that suprarenal extract derived from rats was very deadly. When injected in even quite small doses, it pro- duces lassitude, paresis, and in many cases paralytic symptoms ending in death. The degree of the toxicity of the extract varies; it is increased if the animals are fed upon decomposing food, and after experimental infection. Suprarenal extract derived from rats kept in captivity is less toxic than that obtained from free- living animals. The medullary substance contains a larger pro- portion of toxin than the cortex. The amount of the extract tolerated varies with individuals, and muscular fatigue previous to injection renders the animals more sensitive to its toxic action. According to Dubois, suprarenal extract contains at least two substances, one of which causes general vaso-dilation and is in- soluble in go per cent, alcohol ; while the other, which is soluble in alcohol, produces widespread paralysis, reduced cardiac activity, and asphyxia ending in death. 1 76 INTERNAL SECRETION By treating watery glycerine extracts of the suprarenals of cattle, sheep and calves with strong alcohol, Gourfein obtained a precipitate which was insoluble in alcohol and which, when dissolved in water, was less toxic in its action. The substance which remained dissolved in the alcohol and which resisted heat, produced progressive difficult respiration and weakness of the heart-beats, but it did not produce paralysis. The autopsy showed that the lungs were severely congested. According to Wybauw, the extract of the suprarenal of guinea-pigs is less toxic than suprarenal extracts derived from other animals. Very complete experiments are described by S. Vincent. The extract which he employed was mostly derived from sheep, though occasionally from oxen, dogs, cats and guinea-pigs, and was obtained by the agency of saline solution both with and without boiling. He found that the subcutaneous injection of this extract, if given in sufficiently large doses (equivalent to 0.5 to 0.6 grm. of the fresh organ) produced more or less pronounced muscular weakness, occasional paresis with ultimate paralysis of the ex- tremities, accelerated and shallow, followed by deep and slow respiration, occasional dyspnceic convulsions, and a fall in tem- perature ending in death, in all the animals experimented upon (frogs, toads, rats, mice, rabbits, guinea-pigs). Hasmaturia and bleeding from the nose and mouth are not infrequently seen in rats and guinea-pigs. The injection of small doses of the extract is followed by a partial immunity lasting several weeks. Thirst is the first noticeable symptom in dogs, which drink water greedily and afterwards excrete a great profusion of urine. After a short stage of excitement accompanied by increased muscular activity and tremor, these dogs develop paresis and finally paralysis. The most noticeable symptom in cats is the quickened respiration, the paralysis being less marked. Late effects, those which only make their appearance after hours or even days, have never been observed. The administration of the extract in sufficiently large doses is invariably followed by symptoms within a few minutes. According to Vincent, the symptoms take their rise in the central nervous system, and are the outcome of the activity of the medulla, no toxic substance being present in the cortex. Vincent also tested the physiological effects of separate ex- tracts derived from the interrenal and the adrenal tissues of fish. He found that the Stannius's body of Gadus morrhua, composed exclusively of interrenal tissue, and the interrenal body of Selachii produced no effect when exhibited in mice, while the extract of the suprarenal body of Scy Ilium canicula and Raia clavata, when in- jected under the skin of mice, produced quickened respiration, reduction in temperature, and convulsions terminating fatally within, at most, five minutes. The toxicity of the extract of the suprarenal bodies of Selachii, when injected into the veins of dogs and rabbits, is confirmed by Biedl and Wiesel. THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 177 The discovery that the intravenous injection of the watery extract of suprarenal is followed by specific and well-defined physiological results, started a new era in suprarenal investiga- tion. This discovery was announced by Oliver and Schafer before the Physiological Society of London on May 10, 1894. A year later, Cybulski and Szymonowicz published their results which, though obtained independently, coincided in the main points with those of Oliver and Schafer. An enormous number of experi- ments followed, which not only explored the physiological and pharmacodynamic activity of suprarenal extract down to the minutest detail, but utilized the facts so won to reconstruct in its entirety the chemistry of the suprarenals. CHEMISTRY OF THE SPECIFIC ACTIVE SUBSTANCE PRESENT IN THE SUPRARENALS. As early as 1856, Vulpian made the discovery that the supra- renal contains a substance which is distinguished by its remark- able colour reactions. It colours green with ferric chloride, and takes on a pink to carmine-red colour when exposed to the air and treated with alkalies or with oxydizing agents, such as iodine-water and chlorine-water. Virchow, who confirms Vul- pian's discovery, found that the characteristic colour reaction is associated with the medullary substance and that it is demonstrable in microscopic sections. According to Virchow, the chromogenic colouring substance is identical with the substance which colours green with ferric chloride, and is not associated with the morphotic elements, but with the secretion, the intercellular substance. In 1885, Kruckenberg drew attention to the important fact that this suprarenal chromogen possesses certain properties in common with pyrocatechin, and Brunner (1892) believed that the two substances were identical. Oliver and Schafer ascribed the peculiar hasmodynamic action of suprarenal extract to the medullary substance and, following them, Moore found that the substance which produces increased blood-pressure is identical with chromogen, but that its pharmaco- logical properties are entirely different from those of pyrocatechin. S. Frankel (1896) was the first to suggest that the substance which raises blood-pressure is a derivative, containing oxygen, of the pyrocatechin group. The experiments of v. Fiirth and Abel were of great importance because they prepared the way for the isolation, in a state of chemical purity, of the active principle of the suprarenal. In 1901 Jokischi Takamine succeeded in obtain- ing this substance in a crystalline form, and he gave it the name of adrenalin. Almost at the same time and quite independently, Aldrich produced the same substance from the suprarenal, also in the form of well defined crystals. The methods of isolating adrenalin are based upon the fact 12 1 78 INTERNAL SECRETION that,- when alcohol or acetate of lead are added to suprarenal ex- tract, the by-substances are released, and the addition of concen- trated ammonia results in the precipitation of adrenalin in the form of microscopic crystals. These are further purified by repeated solution in acids and precipitation by means of ammonia, until eventually, clusters of crystals composed of prismatic needles and rhomboid scales are formed. These adrenalin crystals dissolve slowly in cold water and somewhat more readily in hot. They dissolve freely in diluted acids, and form salts ; their reaction upon litmus paper is weakly alkaline. They are not readily soluble in alcohol, and they are insoluble in chloroform, amylic alcohol, carbon bisulphide, ether, acetone, and benzine. In accordance with its phenol nature, adrenalin is soluble in the caustic alkalis, but not in the alkali carbonates and ammonia. It cannot be precipitated by means of potassium mercuric iodide, picric acid, tannic acid, phosphoromolybdanic acid, phosphoro- wolframic acid, or mercuric chloride ; but it is reducible by Fehling's solution and by ammoniated solution of silver. When exposed to the air, the watery solution colours red and after- wards turns brown ; the addition of ferric chloride produces the characteristic green coloration.* Numerous experiments were undertaken by Aldrich, Bertrand, Abderhalden and Berger, Jowett, Friedmann, v. Fiirth, Pauly, Stolz, with the object of analysing the elements and ascertaining the weight of the molecules, and these revealed the more intimate characterization of adrenalin (epinephrin, according to Abel, suprarenin, according to v. Fiirth). This substance is empirically formulated as C9H13NO3. The following formula expresses its constitution : — OH CH2NH.CH3 Adrenalin contains a benzol nucleus which is substituted in the 2, 5, 6- position. Three hydroxyl groups (OH) are present in the adrenalin molecule and, of these, two are placed in the vicinity of the benzol nucleus in the 5, 6- position. The molecule contains a methylimid group. Stolz succeeded in obtaining a substance, by a synthetic process, which possesses pharmacological properties exactly similar to those of adrenalin. If chloracetopyrocatechin — which is obtained from the action of chloracetylchloride upon pyrocatechin — is treated with ammonia * The preparation known as "Adrenalin Takamine " (put upon the market by Parke, Davis and Co.) is adrenalin in combination with hydro- chloric acid, in a solution (i : 1000) of sodium chloride and chloreton, the latter being a derivative of chloroform and aceton. THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 179 or with primary aliphatic amine, amino, methylamino-, and ethylaminopyrocatechin are obtained according to the following formula : C6H3(O.H)a.CO.CHa|Cl + H| .NH2 = C6H3(OH)2.CO. CH2NH3 Aminoacetopyrocatechin TH .NH.CH, = C6.H3.(OH)2.CO. CH2NH.CH3 Methylaminoacetopyrocatechin TH[ .NH.C2H5 = C6H3(OH)2.CO. " CH2.NH.C2H, Ethylaminoacetopyrocatechin According to Lowi and Meyer, the manner in which these bodies act is exactly similar to that of adrenalin, but the strength of their action is very much less. By reducing these ketone bases, Stolz obtained, by the addition of two hydrogen atoms, the complementary secondary alcohols, namely, amino-ethanol-, methylamino-ethanol-, and ethylamino-ethanol-pyrocatechin. In their action these alcohol bases are not only qualitatively identical with adrenalin, they also approach it quantitatively. Methylamino- ethanolpyrocatechin, or orthodioxyphenylethanolmethylamin, is chemically identical with adrenalin obtained from the suprarenal.* This synthetic adrenalin differs only from natural adrenalin in that it is optically inactive, while the natural substance diverts the polarized ray of direction towards the left. This synthetic racemic suprarenin is composed of equal parts of d- and 1-supra- renin ; it was split up into its component parts by Flacher. Synthetic 1-suprarenin is, both physically and chemically, absolutely identical with the natural adrenalin obtained from suprarenal. The experiments of Cushney, Abderhalden and his co-workers show that the physiological action of the synthetic substance is both quantitatively and qualitatively the same as that of natural adrenalin. The physiological action of d-suprarenin is in every respect similar to that of the natural substance, but is very much less intense ; while the racemic body, in accordance with its composi- tion out of d- and 1-suprarenin, occupies a middle position. The question which now arises is, of which substances is the organic adrenalin composed? The theory that adrenalin is formed from the waste products of muscle-metabolism (Boruttau, Battelli) is unsupported by any known fact. The experiments of Abelous, Soulie, and Toujans, which appear to confirm this assumption, and which also point to the cortex as the site of origin, will be discussed later. The information which we possess in regard to the chemical * The Hochster Farbwerke have recently put upon the market a i : 1005 solution of this combination, to which they give the name of " Supra- renium hydrochloricum syntheticum." At present they supply the 1-supra- renin only under this name. 1 80 INTERNAL SECRETION process by which adrenalin is formed, is very scanty. As far as its preceding stages are concerned, Friedmann supposed that adrenalin might be derived from an oxyphenylserin or an oxyphenylmethylserin, which substances might possibly have been previously formed in certain albuminoids. According to Halle and Frankel, tyrosin and phenylalamin may possibly be waste products. The conversion of tyrosin into adrenalin is supposed to be a combination of four chemical processes (oxida- tion, evolution of carBonic acid, methylization of nitrogen, and a second process of oxidation of the lateral chain in the @ position), in the course of which para-oxiphenylethylamin is formed as an intermediary product. This supposition is supported by the results of experiments showing that the addition of tyrosin to an emulsion of ox's or pig's suprarenals, is followed after six days in an incubator by an increase in the adrenalin contents of from 14 to 33 per cent. Neuberg found that the extract from a melanotic tumour con- verted adrenalin in a short time into a dark brown product ; and he also discovered that a melanin ferment obtained from the ink- bags of cuttle fish (sepia) gives a similar melanin reaction with para-oxy-phenylethylamin and tryptophan as with adrenalin. By means of the tyrosinase from the fungus Prussula delica, Abder- halden and Guggenheim obtained the same colour-reactions with tryptophan and the derivatives of tyrosin (d-alanyl-1-tyrosin and 1-leucyl-l-tyrosin) as with 1- and d-suprarenin. From these results it appears highly probable that the products of the decomposition of albumin, and especially tyrosin, are the matrix of adrenalin. The most important chemical test of the presence of adrenalin in liquids and tissue secretions is the characteristic colour reaction, namely, green with ferric chloride and pink with iodine water. The same reactions have also been employed as quantitative tests in colorimetric experiments; ferric chloride by Battelli, and the iodine reaction by Abelous, Soulie and Toujan. But the results obtained by these methods cannot be regarded as by any means exact, for they are dependent upon the operation of certain extraneous conditions. The substance must be employed in a state of chemical purity and with an almost neutral reaction, for the presence of free acids and other bodies prevents the ferric chloride reaction, which, in any case, is common to all derivatives of orthodioxybenzol, and is not specific to adrenalin. Iodine stain- ing is prejudiced by the fact that adrenalin solutions which are exposed to the air and light take on a red colouring. In the last two years a number of chemical tests for adrenalin have been published. The method described by G. Comessatti is based upon the fact, first observed by Muhlmann, that the addition of sublimate to suprarenal extract produces a red colour. A few drops of a THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM iSl 1-2 : 1000 sublimate solution are added to the liquid containing adrenalin when, after one to three minutes, a diffuse red color- ation is seen which lasts for several hours. Comessatti employed his method also as a quantitative test of the amount of adrenalin present in the suprarenal. In his view, the red coloration is due to the formation of oxyadrenalin (Battelli), and is identical with the red colour which adrenalin solutions acquire when exposed for some time to the air. Of allied substances, pyro- catechin gives a green reaction with sublimate, salicylic acid and resorcin produce shades of red. According to Comessatti, this reaction gives positive results with attenuated solutions, where Vulpian's ferric chloride reaction is doubtful (0.0025 grm. adrenalin : 1000; or, one drop adrenalin in twenty distilled water; or, one drop adrenalin in 100 to 130 cm.3 tap water). On the other hand, K. Boas found that, in the case of even concentrated extracts, the reaction did not take place at room-temperature, but that it made its appearance only after boiling. Another chemical method of differentiating adrenalin is that of Cevidalli. If hydrochloric acid is added to suprarenal extract prepared with physiological saline solution, the albuminoids will be precipitated; the filtrate is then rendered alkaline with NH3, and a few drops of a concentrated solution of ferricyanide of potassium are added, when a pinkish colour makes its appearance which, after several hours, changes to a brownish black. By this method, Cevidalli and Leoncini carried out a series of .investi- gations into the amount of adrenalin present in the suprarenals after death from various causes. They found that the " docimasia surrenale " is sufficient to decide the medico-legal question as to whether death has taken place suddenly, or is the outcome of prolonged illness. In the latter case, the reaction is weak, but it is very strong after sudden death. The colorimetric method of A. Zanfrognini depends for its results upon the fact that, where adrenalin is present, the brown manganese dioxides are converted into the colourless lower oxides, in the course of which the solution acquires a red stain. The intensity of the colouring is proportional to the amount of adrenalin present in the solution. The reaction is extremely sensitive, and is clearly perceptible in a solution of i : 1,000,000; it remains unchanged for hours ; and takes place independently both of the reaction of the medium and the presence of neutral salts. The reagent (3 grm. permanganate of potassium dissolved in 24 distilled water, with the addition of 8 lactic acid) is added drop by drop to the liquid containing adrenalin, and it immediately loses its characteristic colour and acquires a distinct pink coloration. An excess of the brown reagent does not affect the result, the superfluity being immediately carried off by the addition of a minimal quantity of peroxide of hydrogen. The colorimetric result is ascertained by 1 82 INTERNAL SECRETION progressive weakening of the liquid to be tested until a reaction takes place, which, in regard to the intensity of the stain, is equal to a standard adrenalin solution of i : 1,000,000. The amount of adrenalin in the suprarenal is ascertained by cutting the organ into small pieces and reducing it to a paste by means of quartz sand; ten times the bulk of a 2 per cent, acetic acid solution is added, and the mixture is allowed to stand for about twenty-four hours ; the filtrate is then twice treated, each time with five parts of the same acetic acid solution, in a water-bath at 70° C., and is again filtered. The filtrate, which still retains its brown colour, is bleached with ammonium sulphate, and is then ready for use. According to Zanfrognini, the adrenalin present in the human suprarenal remains unchanged for several days after death. S. Frankel and R. Allers describe a new and extremely sensitive and characteristic adrenalin reaction. It depends upon the fact that hydroidic-acid, or potassium biniodide and dilute phosphoric acid, when added to adrenalin solution and heated, change in such a manner as to produce an eosin pink colour in weak solutions, and a splendid rose-red colour where stronger solutions are used. On the further addition of ammonia, the red colour changes to a rust-brown. The reaction is obtainable with an n/50no- adrenalin solution, which is thus a .00365 per cent, solution, or, in other words, contains i 1300,000. The reaction is wholly specific to adrenalin, and none of the substances for which adrenalin may be mistaken give a similar red stain. The characteristic coloration is probably due to the formation of an iodo- or an iodoso-combination on the part of the adrenalin. As G. Bayer has shown, the adrenalin colour reactions with ferric chloride and with chromates, as well as with the Frankel- Allers test, may be rendered more sensitive by the addition of aromatic amidosulphonic acids (a-naphthylaminosulphonic acid, p-amidobenzolsulphonic acid). The sulphanil acid modification of the ferric chloride and chrome reactions ought to have a distinct value in microscopic and histological work. The iodine reaction of adrenalin is intensified by alanin and by phenylalanin, and probably also by other products of the decomposition of albumin. A method of testing the urine for adrenalin, recently described by Schur, makes use of the red iodine reaction in the following manner : an excess of tincture of iodine is added to the liquid to be examined; the surplus iodine is then removed by repeated shaking-up with ether, and this is continued until the ether ceases to acquire a yellow tinge. Where adrenalin is present the specimen stains pink, and though this colour is permanent in pure adrenalin solutions, in urine it disappears after some time. Adrenalin can be detected by this method in urine, in a proportion of i : 200,000; in normal saline solution, in a proper- THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 183 tion of 1:1,500,000. Pure urine frequently gives a similar positive reaction, and Schur thinks it possible that adrenalin is one of the constituents of normal urine. The sensibility of this iodine reaction may also be made use of in quantitative adrenalin tests. The biological methods employed for the detection of adren- alin will be discussed later. THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF ADRENALIN. Of the physiological effects of adrenalin, that which it exer- cises upon the vascular apparatus is the most important and the most characteristic. This is readily seen if a certain quantity (about one-twentieth mg.) of adrenalin is injected into the veins of an animal, and its blood-pressure registered by means of a kymograph. The injection is followed almost immediately by a rapid increase in blood-pressure which rises to a considerable height, but this is partly concealed by the fact that, soon after injection, the pulse becomes extremely slow. The increase in blood-pressure lasts a short time only, from thirty seconds to two to three minutes according to the dose, and the maximum is obtained for a few seconds only. The retardation of the pulse soon disappears also, and is followed by a gradual fall in pressure, the starting point being reached in two, or at the most four, minutes. The increase in pressure is very much more perceptible if the fall in the pulse-rate is avoided. This is done by eliminating, by means either of atropine or resection, the inhibitory influence of the vagi upon the cardiac contractions. If this is done, the blood-pressure rises to twice, or even three times, the normal figure. Blood-pressures reaching 250 to 300 mm. Hg. may by this means be observed in dogs and rabbits, figures which are not obtainable by the action of any other substance. Where breathing is spontaneous, the respiratory fluctuations in blood- pressure disappear during the rise and while the tension is at its height; they reappear as the tension gradually diminishes. A rise in blood-pressure follows the exhibition of even minimal doses; the amount of the increase and its duration are to a certain extent proportional to the amount of substance injected. A typical increase in pressure of about 15 to 25 mm. Hg. is obtainable with .0005 mg., and is certain with .001 mg., to every kilo of body-weight, of both the natural adrenalin and the synthetic suprarenin. A dose of .005 mg. will raise the blood- pressure 50 mm. Hg. ; and after .01 mg. it may be increased by as much as So to 100 mm. Hg. An increase in the dose gradually prolongs the period of hypertension. The maximal degree of pressure is usually obtainable with .1 mg. adrenalin, while a further increase of two to tenfold in the amount of the dose 184 INTERNAL SECRETION frequently produces only toxic effects, such as fluttering or sudden arrest of the heart, and occasionally cedema of the lungs. These conditions militate to a certain extent against an accurate estimation by means of blood-pressure readings, of the quantitative value of adrenalin solutions. The presence of an amount less than .001 mg. in i cannot be proved with certainty by means of animal experiments. The approximate values of solutions containing a larger proportion of adrenalin may be estimated by means of dilution. The effect of adrenalin in raising blood-pressure is primarily the result of vaso-constriction, that is to say, of a contraction of the walls of the peripheral blood-vessels. This constriction of the blood-vessels is clearly shown by the pale colour of the mucous membranes. By means of oncometric experiments, Oliver and Schafer ascertained the volume of the different organs. They found that the abdominal viscera supplied by the splanchnic nerve, such as the spleen, kidney, and intestine, become con- siderably reduced in volume ; while the volume of the extremities becomes increased, owing to the rush of blood into them from the splanchnic region. A. Velich found by direct inspection that there was a distinct reduction in the volume of the intestine, kidney, and conjunctiva. With regard to the origin of this peripheral vaso-constriction, Cybulski and Szymonowicz assumed that it resulted from stimu- lation of the central vaso-motor apparatus in the medulla oblongata. But other experiments have shown that suprarenal extract produces an enormous rise in blood-pressure after resec- tion high up the spinal cord and destruction of the medulla (Oliver and Schafer), after destruction of the entire central nervous system (Biedl, Velich), and after resection of both splanchnic nerves (Boruttau). I have kept the arterial pressure of animals in which the central nervous system was entirely destroyed, at 140 to 160 mm. Hg. for hours at a time, by means of continuous transfusion of a diluted solution of suprarenal extract. The rise in blood-pressure also takes place where, as the result of profound chloroform or chloral anaesthesia, the intervention of the central nervous system is excluded (Gottlieb). That the vaso-motor nerve-centres play a part in the production of the vaso-constriction cannot be denied, if the quantitatively stronger action in the sound animal, and the increased pressure which immediately follows the direct introduction of adrenalin into the cerebral circulation (injection into the carotid towards the brain, Biedl and Reiner) are taken into account. It is probable that the stimulation of the vascular centre is not direct, but is a secondary effect brought about by the local anaemia. The vaso-contraction does not affect all parts of the system equally. The introduction of adrenalin into the general circu- lation affects primarily those vessels whose innervation proceeds THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 185 from the splanchnic nerve, and these undergo the maximum degree of contraction. As Jonescu has pointed out, the renal vessels are the first to contract, and this effect is produced by doses which are too small to raise the pressure of the circulation as a whole. If then, constriction within the splanchnic region gives rise to a marked increase in tension, the increase in pressure will produce a passive dilatation of the vessels in other parts of the system, and this dilatation will be most pronounced in those portions of the circulatory system which are not actively affected by the constricting agent. Portions of the circulatory system which are comparatively slightly affected by the vaso-constriction are, apparently, the vessels of the extremities (passive increase in the volume of the extremities has already been referred to), the cerebral vessels and vessels of the retina, the pulmonary vessels, and the coronary vessels of the heart. Spina showed that the intravenous injection of suprarenal extract produces so marked a dilatation of the cerebral vessels, that the opening of the dura mater may be followed by hyperagmia amounting to cerebral hernia. But Biedl and Reiner found that the cerebral vessels may be induced to contract by the direct application of the agent. As soon, however, as the increase in tension becomes general throughout the circulation, this cerebral anaemia disappears as a result of the general high pressure. That adrenalin causes the cerebral vessels to contract was proved by Wiggers, who allowed Locke's fluid, to which adrenalin had been added, to stream through the brain of a dog ; he found that the liquid, after leaving the brain, was considerably reduced in quantity. Velich was the first to discover the effects of suprarenal extract upon the pulmonary circulation. He found that there was a slight increase in pressure in the pulmonary artery, but believed that this might be due to back pressure from the left auricle. Direct inspection of the lungs showed that neither the intravenous injection nor the direct application of adrenalin was followed by the blanching observed in other organs under similar conditions. Gerhardt also observed a slight increase in tension in the pulmon- ary artery, and he ascribed it to the fact that, owing to the contrac- tion of the systemic vessels, a larger amount of blood is carried to the right heart. According to Gerhardt, the pulmonary vessels are unaffected by suprarenal extract, and Brodie and Dixon were unable to prove a vaso-constriction of these vessels after the employment of adrenalin. They ascribe this result to inade- quacy on the part of the vaso-motor innervation of the pulmonary vessels. Plumier found that large doses were followed by distinct vaso-contraction of the pulmonary vessels, and Petitjean arrived at the same conclusion in regard to these vessels as Biedl and Reiner in regard to the vessels of the brain. Petitjean believes that adrenalin induces the pulmonary vessels to contract, but that 1 86 INTERNAL SECRETION the contraction is very quickly counteracted by the passive dilatation. The effect of adrenalin upon the coronary vessels of the heart is, in one particular, quite distinctive — it does not induce con- traction. It will be shown later that strips cut from the coronary vessels react to adrenalin differently from other vessels, and the cause of this startling phenomenon will be explained. It will, moreover, be shown upon which factor the localization of the vascular effects depends. The vaso-contraction produced by adrenalin may be observed, in both warm-blooded animals (Pick, Biedl) and in frogs (Lawen), by allowing the substance to circulate through organs removed from the living body (iiberlebend) ; the effect is shown by the marked reduction in the venous outflow. Lawen transfused a liquid composed of two parts suprarenin (Hcechst) to ten million parts Ringer's fluid, through the hinder extremities of Rana esculenta, and he found a reduction of 87 to 96 per cent, in the amount of the outflow; while a solution of ten times less concen- tration produced a reduction of 50 to 81 per cent, in the outflow. If the vessels are washed out with an indifferent liquid, they resume their normal size. Owing to the sensitiveness of this reaction, it is possible to employ artificial circulation through the excised living organ both as a test for the presence of adrenalin and as a means of estimating its physiological value. The effect of adrenalin in producing local vaso-constriction is well known and forms the basis of its therapeutic employment. Adrenalin produces a high degree of vaso-contraction in very vascular, and especially in hyperaemic, localities. It was intro- duced into the therapeutics of ophthalmics by Bates and Darier, who employed it as a means for the reduction of the hyperaemia of inflamed and reddened conjunctivas. It has also been employed to produce local anaemia in oto-rhinology and dermatology. The work of H. Braun suggested this substance as an adjuvant to cocaine and its congeners, and it has been largely employed in minor surgery for the production of local anaesthesia. Adrenalin was early employed as a styptic, more especially in paren- chymatous haemorrhage. As early as 1895, I made use of the vaso-contractor properties of adrenalin by employing it in experimental surgery to reduce parenchymatous haemorrhage. I also recommended, and with good result, tampons soaked with sterilized suprarenal extract as a remedy in profuse uterine haemorrhage. To-day, adrenalin is largely employed for the reduction of hyperaemia; as an adjunct to other measures in the production of focal anaesthesia ; for the prevention or reduction of haemorrhage in operation ; and as a styptic. Adrenalin is unable to penetrate the epithelial cover, hence it produces no apparent effect upon the normal skin and mucosa as long as these are intact. For therapeutic purposes, adrenalin is THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 187 usually introduced into the tissues by subcutaneous injection ; where, however, the mucosa are acutely inflamed and hyperasmic, the local application, either by instillation or by painting the sur- face, has a similar effect. J. Baum has pointed out that the effect of suprarenal sub- stance in producing blanching of the skin will be the more energetic, prompt, and sustained, the more nearly the condition of the vessels approximates to the normal. In acute inflammatory conditions the action is marked ; where, however, the condition of the vessels is chronically pathological, as well as in all forms of destructive disease, the anaemia produced by adrenalin is slight and very transient, and telangiectatic veins do not become emptied. As soon as the anaemia passes, normal tissue regains its normal appearance, and hyperaemia supervenes only after repeated employment of the drug ; but where there are chronic pathological changes in the tissue, the first application is followed by pronounced venous hyperaemia. Upon which part of the vessels does adrenalin act ? There is no doubt that, in large and small arteries with muscular wrails, adrenalin produces a contraction of the musculature. It is a remarkable fact that, where adrenalin is employed locally, those injections disappear first which are described as parenchymatous, and it is more than probable that this is due to an enlargement of the capillaries. Further, it has been observed that, where adrenalin is applied locally to reduce parenchymatous haemor- rhage, not only do the great vessels not contract, but, owing obviously to the increased peripheral resistance, the great arteries have a stronger beat. If the circulation of frogs is watched through the microscope it will be seen that, after the introduction of adrenalin, the circulation in the capillaries is suspended at a moment when the blood in the arteries supplying them is still flowing with undiminished rapidity (Bukofzer). When adrenalin is injected into the veins, the volume of the organ decreases and the parenchyma becomes pale, but the great arteries which supply the organ are rather dilated than otherwise, and their beat is stronger; this is well seen in the mesentery, after the exposure of a loop of the intestine. Since the contractility of the capillaries and their motor inner- vation was proved by Steinach and Kahn, the part played by this portion of the vascular system in the vaso-contraction produced by adrenalin, can no longer be doubted. These authors showed that there is a similarity of process between the contraction of an artery and the contraction of a capillary; for, in response to certain stimuli, the branched cells in the capillary wall (discovered by Rouget and S. Mayer) contract, and may so reduce the vessel as to entirely obliterate the lumen. An object eminently suited to observation of capillary conditions is the nictitating membrane of the living frog; if this is watched under the microscope, it 1 88 INTERNAL SECRETION will be seen that stimulation of the isolated sympathetic is followed by a contraction of the capillaries. The constricting effect of adrenalin upon the veins seems to be slight, and has, up to the present, received little attention. The characteristic effect of adrenalin, namely, the increase in arterial tension, is chiefly the result of an increased peripheral resistance due to the contraction, and consequent reduction in the size of the lumen, of the smaller arteries and the capillaries. The enormous power \vhich suprarenal extract has of pro- ducing vaso-contraction, forms the rationale of its therapeutic employment in all those conditions, where the circulation threatens failure in consequence of the sluggishness of the stream. Of these, the most comprehensive are : vascular paralysis, such as may be produced experimentally by destruction or inhibition, by means of toxins (chloral hydrate, chloroform), of the vaso-motor centres, and which is frequently seen in the last stages of some infective diseases and in many toxic states ; and cardiac asthenia, in which, owing to inadequacy of the heart muscle and the vascular paralysis, those symptoms of decreased circulation make their appearance which are known as " shock " or " collapse." Paralysis of the vessels and cardiac weakness both produce a fall in arterial tension, and lead to a deficiency in the blood supply to the vital nervous centres, as well as to an insufficient filling of the chambers of the heart, cardiac anaemia, and ultimate arrest of the heart's action. By producing contraction of the engorged vessels in the splanchnic area and so raising the blood- pressure, adrenalin effects a more favourable distribution of blood ; it promotes the filling of the chambers of the heart and increases the supply of blood to the nervous system. I found that, even in cases where the nervous system was entirely destroyed, suprarenal extract not only prevented the cessation of the circulation, but that, by its aid, a normal circulation with a respectable arterial tension was maintained for some considerable time. It \vas upon the basis of these findings that, in 1895 at Professor Albert's Clinic, I injected sterilized suprarenal extract into the veins in two cases of cardiac and vaso-motor paralysis. In one case, the results were negative, but here the autopsy showed that death was due to embolism of the pulmonary artery. The second case was one of extreme collapse with arrested respiration, the result of chloroform narcosis, and here the effect of adrenalin was really startling. The injection was immediately followed by deep, slow- respirations which gradually became more frequent, and a full radial pulse was perceptible, which was, however, somewhat slow at first. The resuscitating effect of adrenalin has been repeatedly shown in a large number of animal experiments where, owing to haemorrhage, or the arrest of cardiac and respiratory activity in THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 1 89 chloroform anaesthesia, a fatal termination was threatened. Similar results have been observed in cardiac paralysis induced by potas- sium salts (Mankowski, Winter, Thenen). Kothe recommends the clinical employment of an intravenous injection of J to i c.crn. of a i : 1000 adrenalin solution in extreme collapse ; where haemorrhage threatens a fatal termination, he advises the addition of a few (6 to 8) drops of adrenalin to the normal saline solution employed for transfusion. Heidenhain observed that adrenalin in saline transfusions was attended by favourable effects in septic peritonitis, this condition, according to Romberg and Passler as well as Heinecke, arising from paralysis of the vaso-motor centres. Diluted adrenalin solution in large quantities has been em- ployed with favourable results in the cardiac inadequacy of diphtheritic children (Pospischil). Quite recently, F. Meyer showed that the intravenous injec- tion of adrenalin saline solution into rabbits poisoned with diphtheria toxin and already moribund, was followed by a rise in blood-pressure and in the pulse-rate, an appreciable improvement in the respiration, and a return of the corneal reflex; death did not supervene until seven hours later. In addition to its effect upon the vessels, adrenalin, as we have already seen, exercises a tonic influence upon the heart muscle, and for this reason its exhibition is indicated in all forms of circulatory inadequacy. Kothe's dictum : ' That adrenalin is the most powerful analeptic which we possess ' is justified by clinical experience (Meissl, Rothschild, Calmann, John). In considering the other physiological effects of adrenalin, it must be well borne in mind that this substance exercises an intensifying influence upon a number of muscular and glandular organs which derive their innervation from the sympathetic sys- tem. Lewandowsky (1899) was the first to show that the intra- venous injection of suprarenal extract into cats produces a contraction of those muscles of the eye and orbit which have a sympathetic innervation, and this finding was confirmed by Borut- tau. Langley, and after him his pupil Elliott, next showed by means of the most careful experiments, that the action of adrenalin is wholly confined to tissues with a sympathetic innervation ; and, moreover, that the effect of adrenalin, in any part of the body, is identical with that produced by electric stimulus of the sympathetic nerve supplying that part. Where the influence of the nerve is stimulatory, exciting contraction or promoting secretion, the action of adrenalin will also be stimulatory. Where, however, irritation of the nerve is followed by inhibition, the injection of adrenalin will also produce inhibition. Before passing to a consideration of the grounds upon which this hypothesis is founded, it is proposed to give a brief summary of the doctrine of the innervation of the vegetative organs, as formulated by the English school of physiologists. 1 90 INTERNAL SECRETION THE VEGETATIVE NERVOUS SYSTEM. It has been the custom hitherto upon anatomical and func- tional grounds, to divide the entire nervous apparatus into two great systems, namely, the cerebro-spinal or animal system, and the sympathetic or vegetative system. The first, by means of efferent nerve fibres, supplies impulses to the voluntary, striated muscles, and, by means of afferent nerves, receives communications from the organs of sense. The second controls all the involuntary functions; it innervates the unstriated muscular tissue throughout the body, as well as the secretory glands and the striated muscle of the heart ; and it also controls certain striated muscle cells at the beginning and the end of the intestinal tract and in the external genitals. From the results of descriptive anatomy it has long been known that the two systems are not entirely distinct, and this is confirmed by experiment. The sympathetic system is not in- dependent, but is connected by means of numerous rami communi- cantes with both the brain and the spinal cord. The essential difference between the two systems lies in the fact, that communi- cation between a striated muscle and its nervous centre is effected by means of a single neuron, composed of a ganglion cell, a peripheral nerve-fibre, and the terminal expansion of the latter ; while in the case of the vegetative system, ganglia are interspersed along the entire length of the nerve, from its source of origin in the brain or cord to the organ where it ultimately terminates. This arrangement is carried out, in the first place, by the ganglia of the prevertebral chains, and, later, by ganglia of the second and third order. These ganglia possess a special physiological significance, for they represent breaks in the continuity of the neuron, each ganglion cell with its nerve fibre marking the commencement of a second neuron. Thus the vegetative system is anatomically characterized by the presence of pre-ganglion and post-ganglion fibres. That this distinction has a functional sig- nificance, in other w^ords, that a change in the nature of the stimulus takes place in the ganglion cells, is shown by the fact that stimulation of the pre-ganglion nerve fibres before and after inhibition of the ganglia (as the result of anaemia or of the action of nicotine, w?hich has a specific paralysing influence upon these ganglion cells) produces entirely different effects. The English physiologist, Gaskell, has further drawn atten- tion to the fact that, though all the anterior roots of the spinal nerves supply motor nerves to the voluntary muscles, the efferent fibres supplying the vegetative organs (which Gaskell calls the ' visceral nervous system ") do not leave the cord in an unbroken series, but are divided into three groups, separated from one another by the nerve roots of the plexus of the anterior and pos- THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM terior extremities. The system has been variously named " vegeta- tive," "sympathetic," "organic," and " ganglionary," but Langley abandons these terms in favour of the more comprehen- sive word " autonomous." Following Gaskell's division of the system into three groups, he names them as follows : (i) the cranio-cervical ; (2) the thoraci-columbal ; (3) the sacral. The central portion of the thoraci-columbal system, together with the thoracic and ventral chains and their plexuses and branches, forms the "sympathetic" system in its more limited sense; and with these must be included the plexuses which Anerbach and Melssner regarded as forming a separate intestinal nervous system. The term "autonomous nervous system," as employed by Langley and the English authors following him, includes, then, all those nerves by which the involuntary organs are supplied, and according to this nomenclature the " sympathetic system " is a subdivision only of the great autonomous system. Other later authors, and the Germans more particularly, regard the sym- pathetic as distinct from the autonomous system ; they include under the former heading, the prevertebral chains, and those nerve fibres whose roots are centred in the cord in a series extending from the first thoracic to the fourth lumbar nerves. Under this system of classification the autonomous system comprises : (i) the cranio-bulbar nerve fibres, which are derived from the meso- cephalon and the medulla oblongata, and which include the oculomotor (III), the facial (VII), the glossopharyngeal (IX), and the vagus (X) nerves ; (2) the sacral nerve fibres, which proceed from the lower lumbar and sacral portions of the spinal cord, and which combine to form the pelvic nerve. This system of classification is based upon the fact that nearly all vegetative organs possess a double innervation. The sympathetic system supplies the involuntary muscles all over the body, including those of the organs and of the vessels, and it also innervates the glands. But an exclusively sympathetic innervation belongs only to the sw7eat glands, the hair muscles of the skin, and a portion of the muscular structure of the intestinal vessels. In all other parts of the body there is, in addition to the sympathetic innervation, a cranial-autonomous or sacral-autonomous innervation, and in certain instances, as in the vasodilators of the extremities, there is also a spinal nerve supply. In many cases, the autonomous nerves are actually the physio- logical antagonists of the sympathetic nerves, influencing the voluntary muscles, the glands, vessels and heart in a manner diametrically opposed to that of the sympathetic nerves. Where the sympathetic in such instances promotes activity, the auto- nomous nerves inhibit it. It was at first believed that the stimulatory and inhibitory nerves must be derived from different portions of the nervous system, the one belonging to the sympathetic, the other to the VEGETATIVE Autonomous Nerves. ACTION OF 3 5 0 COURSE PERIPHERAL GANGLION EFFECT OK STIMULATION Pilo- carpin Atropine Nitrites after Frcihlich and Lewi . c e c £"3 Peripheral ganglia of the pelvis Vessels of the rectum and anus ... I. Muscles of the colon and rectum... F. Muse, rectococcygeus ... ... F. Anal sphincter ... ... ... I. F. F. No A. F. ! S ^ C V _ S rt Urinary bladder : Detrusor ... ... ... . . F. F. No A. F. ! <3 1 C/} .- o > rt Sphincter ... ... ... ... I. A. I. 0) &.'-' Urethra ... . . I. A. I. tn HH 12 ^ External genitals : Vessels ... ... ... ... I. A. I. . Muscles (retractor penis) ... ... I. A. I. F. = Promotion of function (muscular contraction, acceleration of the heart's I. = Inhibition of function (muscular relaxation, retardation of the heart's action, NERVOUS SYSTEM. Sympathetic Nerves from the Thoraco-htmbar Roots. AcTIO^ I OK ORIGIN EFFECT OF STIMULATION Adren- alin Ergotoxin after Dale Stimulation of the sympathetic or by adrenalin after ergotoxin Retractor muscle of the nictitating mem- brane ... ... ... ... ... F. F. I-IIITh. I Muscle of the eyelid ... ... ... F. Orbital muscle ... ... ... ... F. F. F. \ F. and A. F. Slight or no F. I-II Th. Muse, dilator pupilke ... ...(I.)andF. F. II-IV Th. Cerebral vessels ... ... ... .. F. F IV-VIITh. Vessels of the ear and head ... ... F. Muscles of the hair of the face and neck. F. F. F. A. F. NoF. II-IV Th. Submaxillary and sublingual glands : Secretion... ... ... ... ... F. F. A. F. NoF. Vessels F. F. Mucosa of the tongue : Secretion ... F. F Vessels F. F. Mucosa of the cheek : Secretion Vessels ... ... ... ... ... I. F. (?) I-V Th. Heart muscle ... ... ... ... F. F. A. F. Slight or no F. r Muscles of the gastro-intestinal canal : (Esophagus ... ... ... ... I. I. Cardia ... ... ... ... ... I. I. Stomach .. ... ... ... I. and F. I. F. and A. F. I. U] Small intestine ... ... ... ... I. I. I. O O Gall-bladder F. and I. Gall-duct F. I. F. and A. F. I. 1 J Ileocoecal sphincter (cat) ... ... F. Secretion of the pancreas ... ... F. F. F. (?) F. and A. F. Negative action. II Thoracic— IV t— *- Vessels of the lung ... ... ... ? Vessels of the intestine as far as the descending colon ... ... ... F. Vessels of the other abdominal viscera F. and I. Muscles of the spleen and of the ureter F. Muscles of the internal genitals F. and (I.) Vessels of the upper and lower ex- tremities ... ... ... F. and (I.) Muscles of the hair ... ... ... F. Sweat glands . . ... F. F. F. F. F. jr. F. and A. F. F. and A. F. F. and A. F. F. and A. F. F. and A. F. F. and A. F. A. F. L| Fall in blood j f pressure r'. i. i. ? Negative action. tn 4-» O o Vessels of the rectum and anus ... F. Muscles of the colon and rectum ... I. Anal sphincter (cat) ... ... ... F. F. F. and A. F. I. 1 S-< Urinary bladder : Detrusor ... ... ... ... I. I. I. Sphincter . . ... F. F. 1 F. and >J Urethra ... F. F. A. F. - Negative action. J> HH h- 1 External genitals : Vessels F. F. - Muscles (retractor penis) ... ... F. F. F. and A. F. Negative action. activity, vasoconstriction, secretion). A. F. = Arrest of function, vasodilation). A. I. = Arrest of inhibition. ! = Noteworthy exceptions. 13 194 INTERNAL SECRETION autonomous system.* Further investigation reveals the fact, how- ever, that fibres which produce entirely opposite results are not necessarily derived from different sources. Indeed, it has been shown that both systems frequently send nerve fibres to the same organ and that the function of the fibres is apparently identical ; on the other hand, nerve fibres producing completely opposite results appear to proceed from the same system. We must assume that the complete nervous supply to a vegetative organ comprises a fourfold innervation, namely: (i) autonomous stimulatory ; (2) autonomous inhibitory; (3) sym- pathetic stimulatory; and (4) sympathetic inhibitory. A number of instances of such fourfold innervation are already known, but investigation of the subject is of so recent a date that the informa- tion which is forthcoming is necessarily very incomplete. The conditions under which the innervation of the various vegetative organs takes place offer a wide field for inquiry in the future. The table upon pp. 192 and 193 shows all that is at present known concerning the innervation of the vegetative organs. They also show the relationship between the individual organic func- tions and certain poisons. The study of the action of certain toxins has brought im- portant functional characteristics to light, and has revealed func- tional differences between the animal and vegetative systems on the one hand, and the autonomous and sympathetic portions of the vegetative system on the other. These differences are for the most part fundamental and in accordance with certain Iaw7s ; and they depend upon the chemistry of the organs and, more particu- larly, upon the chemical differentiation of the nerve endings. Langley showed that nicotine has an elective affinity for those ganglion cells, which, throughout the vegetative system, pro- duce an anatomical break in the continuity of the neuron, and in which a functional change in the nature of the nervous stimulus takes place. After the intravenous injection of nicotine — and the effect is even more marked if a diluted nicotine solution is applied directly to a ganglion — there is a transient stimulus, followed by paralysis, of those ganglion cells in which commutation of stimulus takes place. Electric stimulus produces certain effects upon nerve fibres of the vegetative system, and the results of this stimulus, whether applied before or behind a ganglion, are identical. But the effect of nicotine is to paralyse the obstructing ganglion cell — and its influence is entirely confined to this cell— with the result, that stimulus of the pre-ganglion fibre is negative, while the post-ganglion fibre responds in the ordinary way. * Following a system of nomenclature adopted by English physiolo- gists, it is proposed to describe any action, whether a muscular contraction, an increase in the cardiac function, a contraction of the vessels, or the promotion of the secretion of an organ as motor effect or function (F.). The prevention of function of whatever nature (muscular relaxation, cardiac insufficiency, vasodilation) is termed inhibition (I.). THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 195 It is evident from this that the effects of nicotine are confined to the vegetative nervous system, for the efferent fibres of the cerebro-spinal system are nowhere interrupted by ganglia. Such being the case, nicotine may be used to determine whether certain results are due to stimulation of the vegetative or of the animal system ; moreover, it will decide the question as to whether or not certain ganglia act as physiological commutators to certain nerve fibres. Anatomical investigation shows that each vegetative nerve contains several ganglia, but it is evident from the effects produced by nicotine that an actual interruption in transmission occurs at one point only in its course. The elective action of other toxic substances upon the vegeta- tive nervous system serves to differentiate between the activity of the sympathetic and the autonomous nerves. The elective, and at the same time antagonistic, effects produced upon certain organs and organic functions, by atropine on the one hand and by the so-called muscarine group of substances (muscarine, pilocarpine, physostigmine) on the other, have long been recognized and have, in a certain measure, been turned to account for therapeutic pur- poses. The substances of the muscarine group exercise a stimu- latory effect upon those functions which are inhibited by atropine. Closer investigation shows that the organs influenced by these substances are exclusively those which possess an autonomous innervation, such as the eye, the salivary glands, and the organs supplied by the vagus nerve, namely, the heart, the bronchial mus- culature, and gastro-intestinal canal. The sweat-glands form a remarkable exception, for, although they are equally affected by the action of these toxins, their innervation, as far as we know at present, is entirely sympathetic. Moreover, as will readily be seen by referring to the table on pp. 192 and 193, the stimulatory action of pilocarpine, as representative of the muscarine group, and the inhibitory action of atropine, do not extend to all the nervous effects produced by the autonomous system, but are confined to those whose influence consists in the promotion of function. Pilocar- pine is, then, a toxin which promotes autonomous activity; atropine is a toxin which inhibits autonomous activity. In the case of the heart muscle, on the contrary, the action of pilocarpine is inhibitory, while that of atropine is stimulating. Frohlich and Lowi were able to prove that the nitrites are also inhibitory toxins whose action is confined to the autonomous nerve endings, but that their influence is extended solely to those whose function is inhibition. Adrenalin is a substance possessing an elective affinity for the sympathetic system. The foundation for this theory will be fully discussed in the following chapter. It will be seen from the table given above (pp. 192 and 193) that adrenalin affects those tissues only which have a sympathetic innervation ; and that its effects are identical with those which may be obtained by stimu- IQ6 INTERNAL SECRETION lating the sympathetic nerve fibres of certain organs. The in- variable effect of adrenalin upon the sympathetic nerve fibres is to intensify their activity, whether the nature of that activity be stimulatory or inhibitory. With regard to the two last columns of the table, the follow- ing facts must be borne in mind. The column before the last shows the effects of ergotoxin upon the sympathetic system, while the last column shows the effects of stimulation, by electricity and by adrenalin, upon a sympathetic system which has been poisoned by ergotoxin. Dale has shown that the toxic influence of pre- parations of ergot, and especially of ergotoxin, produces a stimu- lation, followed by inhibition, of the sympathetic nerve endings, this toxic influence being solely confined to their function-pro- moting activity, their function-retarding activity remaining un- changed. An injection of adrenalin given under these conditions produces, therefore, a paradoxical result. The conclusions to be drawn from these phenomena will be discussed later. THE PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF ADRENALIN UPON THE SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM. The Vessels. — The striking effect which the active principle of the suprarenal has in producing contraction of the vessels, naturally suggested the question : Is this result due to the direct action of the substance upon the contractile elements of the vessel walls ; or is it a secondary result, the outcome of the stimulation of peripheral structures included in the sympathetic system ? Oliver and Schafer at first assumed a direct action upon the muscular tissue, and among the proofs which they advanced in support of this theory was the effect produced by suprarenal extract upon the heart and upon the striated muscles. Support is given to the theory of a direct action of the sub- stance upon the vessel walls by the fact that, at a developmental stage when nervous elements are not demonstrable in the vessel walls, a distinct contraction of the vessels may be produced in the embryo chick by the direct application of a drop of suprarenal extract (Konigstein). By the artificial circulation of adrenalin through the hinder extremities of dogs, I discovered that the contraction of the vessels, which is shown by the decrease in the venous outflow, will also take place if the animal is first paralysed by means of large quantities of curarin, or if curarin has been previously added to the blood circulating through the extremities. Tillie proved that curarin produces paralysis of the vaso-constrictor nerve terminals, and these experiments of mine go to show that the effect of the substance in producing vaso-constriction is due, at least in part, to a direct action upon the muscular structure. I THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 197 found that the effect of suprarenal extract is much stronger be- fore than after the exhibition of curarin, and it seems certain from this that the peripheral nervous elements play the chief part in the production of vaso-constriction. Langley found that, in the case of the submaxillary gland, even where the post-ganglionary fibres had undergone degenera- tion, the intravenous injection of suprarenal extract was followed by constriction only of the vessels, and he believed that the action of the substance was, in all probability, directly muscular. He emphasizes the fact, however, that the effects of suprarenal extract vary in different parts of the vascular system, and he draws atten- tion to the parallel between the action of this substance and the effects of electric stimulus upon the sympathetic nerves. According to Brodie and Dixon, the fact that the influence of adrenalin upon the pulmonary vessels is negative, is a sufficient proof that this substance affects the sympathetic nerve endings and these only, and has no influence whatever upon the unstriated muscles. In order to test the effects of adrenalin upon the nerve ter- minals, these authors first induced, by means of cocaine, curarin, or apocodein, a paralysis of the systemic vaso-constrictor nerve fibres. They were unable to obtain satisfactory results with cocaine, but they found that, after curarin, the action of adrenalin, although not entirely neutralized, was very much slighter in effect. Lawen, on the other hand, found that the effects of suprarenin, when introduced into the circulation of frogs previously treated with curarin, were in no way diminished; he concludes from this that there is not a direct antagonism between curarin and supra- renin, and he believes that suprarenin exercises a direct action upon the muscular structure of the vessels. Dixon 's experiments with apocodein bring an even more certain proof of the effects of adrenalin upon the nerve terminals of the vessels of both the heart and the intestine. Dixon showed that apocodein, which is an alkaloid obtained by dehydration from codein, when given in moderate doses, affects the sympathetic nerve cells in exactly the same way as nicotine. A moderate dose of apocodein causes vaso-dilation with consequent hypotension ; it accelerates the heart's action ; and it intensifies the autonomous movements of the unstriated muscles of the intestine. Apocodein in moderate doses does not in any way affect the physiological action of adrenalin. When given in large doses, apocodein produces a paralysis of the nerve terminals of the striated muscles, similar to that caused by curarin ; a paralysis of the vagus terminals in the heart, similar to that produced by atropine ; and a complete para- lysis of the vaso-motor nerve endings. At this stage of apocodein poisoning, adrenalin does not provoke a rise in blood-pressure nor does it affect the portions of the intestine which have a sym- igS INTERNAL SECRETION pathetic innervation. Substances such as barium, which exercise a direct influence upon the unstriated musculature of the vessels, produce an increase in blood-pressure even under these condi- tions. Dixon concludes from this that adrenalin acts on the sympathetic nerve endings. That the effect of adrenalin upon the blood-vessels is identical with that produced by stimulation of the sympathetic nerves could not be doubted if proof were forthcoming that, where the sym- pathetic innervation is inhibitory and therefore vaso-dilator, the effect of adrenalin is also to produce vaso-dilation. Dastre and Morat point out that the sympathetic system fur- nishes vaso-dilator fibres to the bucco-facial region, and R. Brad- ford discovered that it also supplies vaso-dilators to the kidneys. Elliott was unable to obtain a primary vaso-dilation by means of adrenalin in any part of the body; upon the principle that the vaso-dilator nerves react to very slight stimuli, he reduced his doses to the minimum, but was still unsuccessful. Sollmann and Pari observed an occasional dilation of the renal vessels after adrenalin, while Jonescu has recently pointed out that minimal doses are followed by a constriction of the renal vessels. Elliott and Dale were successful in proving the vaso-dilator properties of adrenalin by means of chrysotoxin. After the intra- venous injection of 100 mg. of chrysotoxin, stimulation of the splanchnic nerve is followed, not by a rise, but by a fall in blood-pressure. Under similar conditions adrenalin also produces a fall in pressure, which lasts for about the same length of time as the rise which takes place under normal conditions. This fall in blood-pressure, whether brought about by the agency of adrenalin or by electric stimulus, is probably due to stimulation of the vaso-dilator nerve endings. The vaso-dilator effect of adrenalin may also be seen in the coronary vessels of the heart. It has long been known that adrenalin rather increases than diminishes the circulation of blood through the heart, and this result has been attributed to the in- creased cardiac activity. Elliott showed that adrenalin will produce an increased circulation in a portion of ventricle flooded with Locke's fluid. Owing to the fact that portions of arteries respond actively to the influence of adrenalin after their removal from the living body, a great deal of information has been obtained concerning the effect which adrenalin has upon the vessels and its dependence for this effect upon the nature of their innervation. The experi- ments of Bayliss, MacWilliam and v. Frey show that isolated blood-vessels, if suitably treated, will remain alive and sensitive to stimulus for days. Prompted by the results of these experiments, O. B. Meyer succeeded in working out a method by which the influence of different drugs upon the vessels might be studied. A circular strip is cut from an artery and suspended lengthwise in THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 1 99 some Ringer's solution, which is kept at the temperature of the body and through which oxygen is allowed to circulate ; the altera- tions in the length of the specimen are recorded graphically by means of a lever. The walls of the large arteries of cattle become appreciably shortened by the addition of adrenalin, and the degree of the contraction is, up to a certain point, proportionate to the amount of adrenalin added. The concentration necessary to pro- duce an effect was found to be .000015 mg. to 15 Ringer's solution (1:1000 million); by increasing the concentration, the amount of contraction was increased ; and maximal results were obtained with a concentration of i : 50,000. Owing to its sensitiveness, this reaction is a reliable biological test both for the presence and the quantity of adrenalin. Meyer proved the presence of adrenalin in defibrinated bul- lock's blood or serum by this method. We shall consider later the extent to which Meyer's method may be employed as a test for the presence of adrenalin in the heterogeneous blood serum. I have proved the sensitiveness of the reaction in numerous experi- ments. I was able, by this means, to detect adrenalin in the ganglia of the ventral nerve-cord of leeches; and I found that an extract, obtained from the fresh ganglion chains of ten leeches in 2 of normal saline solution, produces a vascular con- traction equal to that obtained with io-8 to io-7 adrenalin con- centration. In this instance, the ferric chloride reaction was un- certain. Fraenkel's adrenalin test with the uterus taken from a living rabbit (to be described later) gave results almost identical with those which I obtained with portions of arteries.* Meyer proved by his method that, not only does adrenalin act upon the customary preparations from the carotid and the subclavian arteries of bullocks, but that it also reduces the length of sections taken from the pulmonary artery and of longitudinal strips from the jugular vein. He also found by this method that there is an antagonism between the effects of adrenalin and those of atropin, curarin, and cocaine, and he assumes, therefore, that adrenalin affects the nerve terminals. As further proofs in sup- port of his theory, he adduces the following : (i) That adrenalin is active in low concentration and within certain temperature limits only ; (2) that it ceases to affect preparations which are a few days old, at a stage when they are still sensitive to muscular electric stimulus; and (3) that adrenalin stimulates the vascular muscles, while it inhibits the contraction of intestinal muscles which have been removed from the living body. O. Langendorff obtained conclusive proof, by Meyer's method, * The statement which appears in a monograph by v. Neusser and Wiesel, to the effect that " according to Wiesel " the physiological activity of the ganglia of the ventral cord of invertebrates exactly coincides with that of the chromaffine tissue of vertebrates, is the result, Wiesel informs, me, of a mistake in the name of the author. 2OO INTERNAL SECRETION that the effect of adrenalin upon the vascular muscles depends upon their vaso-motor innervation. The treatment, with adrenalin, of portions taken from the coronary vessels of the ox is followed, not by shrinking, but by a distinct lengthening of the specimens. In this instance, therefore, adrenalin does not provoke contraction but dilation. This result is explicable if we take into consideration the fact that the sympathetic innervation of all peripheral vessels is constrictor, while, according to P. Maass, the sympathetic nerves supplying the coronary vessels of the heart (which include the first thoracic ganglion and the ansa Vieussenii) contain only dilator fibres, the contractors being conveyed by the pneumo- gastric nerve. It may be noted in passing that the antagonism, which Langendorff discovered between the cardiac vessels and the other peripheral vessels, is demonstrable by means of substances other than adrenalin. Eppinger and Hess found that, unlike adren- alin, pilocarpin, physostigmin and cholin hydrochlorate (Merck) produce a shrinking — that is to say, a contraction — of portions taken from the coronary vessels, while in the case of the peri- pheral vessels, they induce dilation as shown by the increase in length. Certain substances influence both sets of vessels in the same manner, barium chloride, calcium salts and the digitalis bodies producing contraction, while atropine, ergotin and the nitrites produce dilation. According to Pal, pilocarpin contracts the coronary, mesenteric and femoral arteries and dilates the renal artery. The observations described above justify the conclusion that the site of the influence of adrenalin is to be sought, not in the muscular structure of the vessels, but in those apparatuses which are in communication with the sympathetic nerve endings. The Heart. — As we now know, the full effects of adrenalin upon the heart are to be seen only after the inhibitory vagal nerve endings have been paralysed by means of atropine. If the vagi are allowed to remain intact, the predominant effect will be the slowing of the rhythm, due to the increased arterial tension. Even the resection of the vagi at the neck does not entirely over- come the tendency to a retarded rhythm, interrupted by single arhythmic beats. The slowing of the pulse and the extra-systolic arhythmia are sufficiently explained by the increased venous ten- sion and consequent impossibility of completely emptying the left ventricle. The full action of adrenalin may, however, be observed in the mammalian heart in situ after the vagal terminals have been paralysed with atropine. There is, as a rule, a further accelera- tion of the contractions and there is, especially, a stronger ventri- cular systole which is well seen by registering the contractions or by means of a plethysmograph. This increased cardiac activity is the result, not of improved circulatory conditions arising out THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 2OI of the heightened blood-pressure, but of the direct action upon the heart of the substance itself. Thus, the intravenous injection of suprarenal extract will bring back life into an animal poisoned with chloral, in which the action of the heart is almost or entirely obliterated. The injection is followed by a progressive increase in the rapidity and power of the contractions ; the blood-pressure, which had fallen almost to nothing, rises ; and, after a second injection, the heart resumes its normal activity which is main- tained. A similar result may be obtained after poisoning with potassium salts, which bring about a cessation of diastole and thus are typical cardiac poisons (Gottlieb). The resuscitating effect of adrenalin upon the heart — the man- ner in which it hastens and strengthens cardiac contraction — is undoubtedly an important factor in the analeptic action, already described, which this substance has in conditions of collapse due to paralysis of the vessels or to temporary cardiac insufficiency. The action of adrenalin mav also be observed in hearts j which have been removed from the living body. Oliver and Schafer experimented with isolated frogs' hearts through which normal saline solution was allowed to circulate. They found that suprarenal extract produces spontaneous contraction in a motion- less heart ; in the case of a feebly beating heart, the beats become stronger and more rapid, the irregularity disappears, and rhythm is restored. The tonic influence of adrenalin upon the isolated mammalian heart when flooded by Langendorff's method is very clearly shown by the acceleration and remarkable increase in power of the contractions (Gottlieb, Hedbom, Braun and Mager, Cleg- horn). Weakness of the heart's action, arising from prolonged deprivation of the nutrient fluid or from the action of toxins, is invariably corrected by the application of adrenalin, and it is not until after the method has been continued for some time that the reduced cardiac activity again becomes apparent in the guise of arhythmia and reduction in frequency. Hering-Bock found that an increase in the pulse-rate and a stronger cardiac contraction also followed the employment of adrenalin in the isolated cardio- pulmonary circulation. Gottlieb endeavoured to discover with isolated frogs' hearts, whether suprarenal extract acts directly upon fhe cardiac muscles or upon the ganglia. The action of the ventricle was arrested by means of the first ligature of Stannius between the sinus venosus and the auricle ; by the injection of a small quantity of suprarenal extract, it was next induced to contract rhythmically in the same manner as after the so-called second ligature of Stannius. After the application of the second ligature of Stannius, however, the ventricle, which was then entirely deprived of its ganglia, failed to contract even in response to injections of suprarenal extract, and it responded to mechanical stimulus with a single contraction 202 INTERNAL SECRETION only. These results led Gottlieb to the conclusion that supra- renal extract is a powerful stimulant of the vaso-motor ganglia of the ventricle. The question as to whether the effect produced by adrenalin upon the heart represents a direct muscular action, or is due to an affection of the sympathetic nerve endings which reaches the heart by way of the nervi accelerantes, has formed the subject of much recent discussion. The following results are advanced as evidence in favour of the latter hypothesis. According to Elliott, the cardiac action of adrenalin is not observed in all animal species. The heart of invertebrates, as the crab, does not appear to react to it in any way. Gaskell's experiments go to show that, in the heart of turtles and birds, the auricle is provided with augmentary fibres, while the ventricle possesses neither stimulatory nor inhibitory fibres. Elliott found that, in the turtle, the effect of adrenalin is to strengthen and accelerate the contractions of the auricle only, the ventricle remaining entirely unaffected. When the heart is undamaged, the acceleration probably affects the ventricular rhythm only, though this has the effect of shortening the contrac- tions. The isolated hearts of birds (pigeons) become very much stimulated if adrenalin is added to the fluid circulating through them. After separation of the auricles, the ventricular beat is suspended for a time and adrenalin produces no effect upon the activity of the ventricles, but portions of the auricle respond to- the action of adrenalin by accelerated contractions. As a general rule, those parts of the heart react more readily to adrenalin which are innervated, either wholly or in part, by the sympathetic system ; thus the auricles react better than the ventricles. The effect of suprarenal extract upon the hearts of fish is to produce a much stronger contraction of the ventricles. This is clearly shown in the experiments which I carried out in 1899 with the object of finding the curve of the cardiac activity of torpedoes. The rhythm of the heart when in situ is rather retarded than other- wise. The blood-pressure, which was taken at a branchial artery,, rose to very nearly twice the normal figure. A similar effect was obtained \vith extract of the suprarenal bodies of animals of the same species. By means of experiments with isolated hearts, Gatin- Gruzewska and Maciag have recently discovered that the hearts of cold-blooded animals are much less sensitive to adrenalin than those of warm-blooded animals. The effect of adrenalin upon the former is to increase the duration of systole and this is followed by a slowing of the rhythm ; while in the case of hearts taken from rabbits, the use of minimal doses is followed by stronger and more rapid contractions. In the case of the embryonal heart, the effect of adrenalin seems to depend upon whether or not it possesses a separate THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 2OJ sympathetic innervation. Scott Macfie found that the cardiac movements of an embryo chick, two to three days old, were entirely unaffected by adrenalin. According to Kuliabko, the heart of the human embryo is very little influenced by this substance. Quite recently, I found that the heart of the embryo chick is insensitive to adrenalin at a time when the vessels of the vascular area contract readily in response to this substance. Upon the fifth to seventh day, when the intrusion of sympathetic elements has already taken place and a substance which, upon the ground of its biological reactions, is assumed to be adrenalin, is present in embryonic extract, the response of the heart to adrenalin stimulus is clearly shown in the acceleration of the contractions and in single arhythmic beats. Dixon's experiments with apocodein supply definitive in- formation concerning the actual site which adrenalin affects in the mammalian heart. The immediate effect of apocodein is to produce a paralysis of the inhibitory vagal nerve endings in the heart. At this stage, adrenalin acts in the same manner as upon a heart in which the vagal terminals have been paralysed by means of atropine ; that is to say, it brings about an increase in the rate and the volume of the beats. Further doses of apocodein have the effect of entirely neutralizing the action of adrenalin. The increase in the pulse- rate (from 93 to 211 a minute) produced by adrenalin almost en- tirely disappears (93 to 101), and a still further application of apocodein is followed by an actual fall (87). Even when used in large doses, adrenalin fails to either accelerate or strengthen the systole. The effect of apocodein is to paralyse the acceleratory nerve endings, upon which adrenalin exercises a stimulating influence. These results seem to show that the action of adrenalin consists in a stimulation of that portion of the sympathetic apparatus whose function it is to promote cardiac activity. This assumption is confirmed by certain phenomena, recently observed after intravenous adrenalin injection by means of the electrocardiograph, by R. H. Kahn, some of which phenomena are also obtainable by means of strong artificial stimulation of the vagus nerve. Such are the prolonging of the refractory period, the heart-block, and the automatic and weakened ventricular beat. The phenomenon which is specific to adrenalin is the disassociation of the auricular and ventricular beats, which is continued for some time, and in the course of which the ventricular beat gives normal electrograms. After resection of both vagi, all these phenomena disappear, and the rise in blood- pressure is recorded without important changes in the electro- cardiogram. The Digestive Tract. — Strips cut from the cesophagus or stomach of frogs, when fresh, possess considerable tone, but 204 INTERNAL SECRETION after they are wetted with suprarenal extract they become relaxed, cease to contract spontaneously, and are less sensitive to electric stimulus (Boruttau, Botazzi). The inhibitory action which adrenalin has upon the rhythmic contractions of the stomach-ring of frogs or eels, is observed with a concentration as low as i :io-G (O. B. Meyer). Langley found that the intravenous injection of adrenalin into rabbits was followed by an immediate relaxation of the cardia, in consequence of which a fluid present in the oesophagus was permitted to pass. In no case was there a contraction of the oesophagus muscles, and even the spontaneous contractions disappeared. The action of adrenalin is the reverse of that of the vagus, for peripheral irritation of the vagus is followed by a contraction of the gastric sphincter. If the stomach is exposed, it will be seen that the action of adrenalin is to produce inhibition of the spontaneous movements. As soon as the relaxation of the cardia ceases, rhythmic contractions of the stomach take place ; thus the effect of suprarenal extract resembles that of irritation of the splanchnic nerve. Elliott was also able to show that the spontaneous movements of the stomach are inhibited in the same manner, by both the action of adrenalin and by stimulation of the splanchnic nerve, the entire muscular structure becoming relaxed; irritation of the vagus, on the other hand, produces contraction of the stomach and peristaltic move- ments. The pylorus, in rabbits, contracts in response to adren- alin in the same way as after stimulation of the splanchnic nerve. The effect of suprarenal extract upon the small intestine is shown by inhibition of the peristaltic and oscillatory movements, though after a few minutes these reappear (Boruttau, Pal). According to Kuliabko and Alexandrowitsch, adrenalin improves the tone of the intestinal muscles, and gives rise to oscillatory movements. The inhibitory action of suprarenal extract is even more marked in the case of the large intestine. In the rabbit there is relaxation of the internal anal sphincter and blanching of the mucosa. In the cat and the dog there is a contraction of the sphincter similar to that produced in these animals by irritation of the sympathetic nerve-fibres. The similarity of the effects produced by adrenalin and by stimulation of the sympathetic are demonstrable along the entire length of the gastro-intestinal tract. With the exception of the three sphincters (pyloric, ileo-cascal, internal anal), which con- tract, there is a general muscular relaxation. This similarity of result persists in the intestines of birds and amphibians, in spite of the fact that here the innervation conditions are not the same. The oesophagus of frogs and turtles relaxes, and the stomach contracts in response both to adrenalin and to stimulation of the sympathetic. In fowls, THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 205 adrenalin produces a tonic contraction of the duodenum and, to a certain degree, of the rest of the small intestine; the large intestine relaxes, and the ileocascal and internal anal sphincters contract. Irritation of the vagus produces the reverse effects; and irritation of the spinal roots of the sympathetic produces results identical with those of adrenalin. The Urinary Bladder. — Lewandowsky found that the intravenous injection of suprarenal extract was followed by a relaxation of the detrusor fibres, which was shown by a reduction of the internal pressure. Langley found that the results which he obtained were similar to those produced by stimulation of the inferior mesenteric ganglion or of the hypogastric nerve. The local application of suprarenal extract produces blanching accompanied by local contraction, which is, however, followed by relaxation. Elliott investigated the innervation conditions of the bladder and urethra in different varieties of mammals, and he found that the effect of adrenalin upon the muscular structure of the bladder was in all cases coincident with a sympathetic innervation. In all mammals, sympathetic fibres proceed from the lumbar spinal roots to the urinary bladder by way of the hypogastric nerve, and autonomous fibres pass to it from the sacral roots by the agency of the pelvic nerve (errigens). Electric stimulation of the hypogastric nerve is followed, in cats, by a brief contraction of the bladder, which principally affects the fundus, and this is succeeded by considerable relaxation of the bladder accompanied by a violent contraction of the urethra. The intravenous injec- tion of adrenalin immediately provokes a short contraction of the fundus and of the urethra, together with a complete relax- ation of the body of the bladder. While the effect of adrenalin lasts, stimulation of the pelvic nerve fails to produce contraction. In the ape (Macacus rhesus), the effect both of adrenalin and of hypogastric stimulation is to produce a slight relaxation of the bladder. In the rabbit, irritation of the hypogastric produces a slight increase in internal pressure and contraction of the urethra, similar effects being obtained with adrenalin. The urinary bladders of the guinea-pig, the hedgehog, and the rat do not react to adrenalin. In the dog, stimulation of the hypogastric produces only very slight contraction of the fundus, and the influence upon the muscular structure is equally insig- nificant. In the ferret (Mustelus putorius, var. domestica), irritation of the hypogastric is followed by complete contraction of the bladder. It is a remarkable fact that, in this animal, the motor innervation of the bladder is derived from the sympa- thetic system and the inhibitory innervation from the sacral autonomous system. A small quantity of adrenalin given intra- venously is also followed, in this animal, by violent and prolonged contraction of the bladder. The remarkably strong 206 INTERNAL SECRETION peristaltic movements of the ureters are not influenced either by adrenalin or by stimulation of the sympathetic. In spite of the close relationship between the Mustelides and Herpestes mungo, the bladder of the latter does not react to adrenalin. The urinary bladder of goats and of the Indian civet-cat (Viverra zibetha) responds in the same manner as that of the ferret. This difference in the innervation of the bladder in mammals serves to show very clearly that adrenalin may exercise an inhibitory action upon unstriated muscles, if these muscles receive an inhibitory innervation from the sympathetic. The muscular inhibition produced by adrenalin is entirely independent of the blanching provoked by this substance ; for, in the cat, the latter effect is almost entirely absent, while the relaxation of the muscles is perceptible in every part of the bladder, and may be produced by direct local application. That the specific action of adrenalin is, in the case of certain tissues, independent of the blanching process, is also seen in the heart, where the coronary vessels remain uninfluenced, while the rapidity and strength of the contractions is considerably increased. The direct effect of adrenalin independently of the blood supply, namely, relaxation and cessation of spontaneous movements, may also be observed in a portion of living intestinal wall after its removal from the body. The External Genital Organs. — After the intravenous injec- tion of suprarenal extract, these organs become blanched and •contract in a manner similar to that which follows stimulation of the lumbar sympathetic (Langley and Anderson). The tunica dartos of the testicle has a different reaction — it does not contract in response to suprarenal extract. According to S. Lieben, the intravenous injection of adrenalin provokes relaxation of the tunica dartos. The Internal Genital Organs. — Langley observed a high degree of contraction and marked blanching of the vagina and cornua in rabbits and cats, after the intravenous injection of .adrenalin in small doses. In male animals, there was a contrac- tion of the vas deferens. The similarity between the effects of adrenalin upon the uter- ine muscles, and those of stimulation of the sympathetic, will be fully discussed later. For the present purpose, the following will suffice. The effect which adrenalin has upon the uterus is among the most perfect and startling of the phenomena which this remarkable substance calls forth. The blanching and contrac- tion are well seen in the virgin uterus, but these appearances are nothing short of astonishing in the uterus of the pregnant or puerperal animal observed in a normal saline bath. The intravenous injection of adrenalin produces a degree of uterine .anaemia and a violence of contraction, not obtainable by the THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 207 agency of any other substance. I found that, in pregnant animals, the intravenous injection of adrenalin was frequently followed by abortion. If, in the later stages of pregnancy, a prem- ature birth is obtained by artificial means, it is usually accom- panied, at least as far as my experience goes, by serious, or even incurable, haemorrhage. The intravenous injection of .1 mg. adrenalin will, however, immediately arrest such haemor- rhage. It will be seen by direct inspection that adrenalin pro- duces a high degree of contraction of the uterine muscles as well as of the vessels, and this is sufficient to account for the cessation of the haemorrhage. Adrenalin not only produces uterine contractions, but it increases the excitability of the organ to such a degree, that it reacts to direct or nervous stimuli to which it was previously insensitive. The specific action of adrenalin upon the uterine muscles was turned to account by Neu in the therapeutics of obstetrics. He recommended the direct injection of adrenalin into the substance of the relaxed and enlarged uterus. By this means the desired contraction was obtained, while the possible ill-effects of intra- venous injection were avoided. I have found from personal experience that the method is free from objection. The action of adrenalin upon the living uterus is also seen after the removal of that organ from the body. Acconi, and after him Franz, proved the effects of certain pharmacological reagents upon both the automatic movements of the uterus, and upon portions of extirpated uterine tissue obtained from man and animals. Kurdinowsky next discovered that it was possible to prolong the life of the uterus of a rabbit for days at a time by the transfusion of Locke's fluid into the aorta. He found that adrenalin, even in very weak solutions, acts more powerfully upon the uterus than any known substance. By adopting Magnus's method with the intestine, Kehrer obtained graphic tracings of the spontaneous movements of the uteri of rabbits and cats. Still more recently, A. Fraenkel employed the uterus removed from the living body of rabbits as a quantitative test of adrenalin. He found that adrenalin solutions reacted upon portions of the uterus in such a manner as to produce a specific change in the curve of the spontaneous contraction-waves. The lever rises rapidly and very decisively to a point above the summit of the highest normal wave; it remains in this position for several minutes, oscillating slightly; and then falls slowly to the abscissal line, at the same time making wide oscillations. The curve produced by the action of adrenalin is the expression of the transitory maximal contraction effected by this substance. This contraction takes the form of a tonic stimulation, starting promptly and increasing slowly until, in some instances, a tetanic condition obtains. According to Fraenkel, and I am in a position to confirm his results, the uterus of rabbits responds to an adrenalin 208 INTERNAL SECRETION solution of i :2O million. The amount of contraction is dependent, within certain limits only, upon the size of the dose. When employing this method as a quantitative test, the degree of contraction must not be taken as the standard ; the latter is obtained by accurate estimation of the degree of concentration which will produce a typical tonic increase. Of the biological tests for adrenalin, registration of the uterine contraction is undoubtedly the most effective. The Hair Muscles. — As Lewandowsky pointed out, supra- renal extract produces a contraction of the erector muscles of the hair in cats, and an erection of the quills in sea-urchins. Langley next discovered that, in the cat, the erection of the hair of the head takes place in the same wray after extirpation of the superior cervical ganglion and degeneration of the post-ganglionary fibres. Taking this finding in conjunction with the fact that all the pilomotors are included in the sympathetic system, he con- cludes that suprarenal extract exercises a direct influence upon the unstriated muscle-fibres of the hair. The unstriated muscles of the skin show a remarkable departure from the phenomena usually associated with the action of adrenalin and the results of sympathetic stimulation. The back and tail hairs of cats stand up immediately in response to stimulation of the corresponding sympathetic fibres, but they react only slightly and tardily to the injection of even large doses of adrenalin. In the ape, the hairs are observed to move upon the temples and forehead only. In the dog, the injection of adrenalin is followed by the erection of the hairs of the neck, and in Herpestes mungo by prompt erection of the tail hairs. Elliott believes that the difference in the behaviour of the erector muscles of the hair is attributable to differences in the demand made upon them under normal conditions. The English domestic cat rarely puts up its hair, while the hair of the mongoose rises in response to every passing emotion. Thus, in the latter species, adrenalin acts very promptly upon the hair. The feathers of birds have a sympathetic innervation, and adrenalin causes erection in this case also ; it is best seen in the cock, and is less clearly marked in hens and pigeons. Elliott found in the case of his own skin, the hair muscles of which normally possessed a very sensitive reaction, that subcutaneous injection of .03 mg. adrenalin produced a stronger effect upon the hair muscles than upon the vessels. The Bronchial Muscles. — According to Einthoven, Beer, Brodie, and Dixon, the involuntary muscles of the bronchi receive their innervation from the vagus nerve. Stimulation of this nerve produces a contraction of the bronchi, and consequent contraction of the bronchial tubes. According to Roy and Brown, and also to Sandemann, the vagus contains fibres which cause the bronchial muscles to expand. As far as we know at THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 2OQ present, then, the innervation of the bronchial muscles is autonomous in the sense of motor stimulation, while the presence of a sympathetic innervation has not, up to now, been demon- strated. From Dixon and Brodie's careful experiments, it seems as if suprarenal extract exercised very little effect upon the bronchial muscles. Small doses do not produce either contraction or expansion of the bronchioles, while large doses have been followed in isolated cases by transient contraction. These findings are confirmed by my own experiments with adrenalin. In anaphylactic shock (Auer and Lewis) in guinea-pigs, as well as after the intravenous injection of peptone (Biedl, Kraus), there is acute cramp of the bronchial muscles which is promptly relieved by atropine, the action of which is to paralyse the vagus. In cases such as these, the intravenous injection of adrenalin is negative in its result. According to Jagic, bronchial asthmatic spasm in man may be checked by the subcutaneous injection of i adrenalin. Eppinger and Hess explain this result by the assumption, that the stimulation of the sympathetic by adrenalin overpowers the muscular cramp arising from the increased stimu- lation of the vagus. In view of these divergent findings, further investigation of the innervation conditions of the bronchial muscles and of the effect which adrenalin has on them, appears to be imperative. The Eye. — The intravenous injection of adrenalin provokes retraction of the nictitating membrane, elevation of the eye-lid, exophthalmos, and dilation of the pupil. Thus, the musculus palpebras tertius, the unstriated muscles of the eye-lid, the musculus protrusor bulbi, and the musculus dilatator pupillas, are all induced to contract in the same manner as after electric stimula- tion of the sympathetic nerve in the region of the neck. Adrenalin produces effects which are similar and even more powerful, after extirpation of the superior cervical ganglion and consequent degeneration of the post-ganglionary fibres (Lewand- owsky, Langley). It seems certain from this that the site directly affected by adrenalin is peripheral. The effect which adrenalin has in enlarging the pupil was next studied, and from two points of view. In the first place, it has been turned to account as a test for adrenalin and as a method of determining its physiological significance. Wesseley, and later Meltzer and Auer, found that, when applied to the eyes of frogs, adrenalin produced mydriasis, and the latter authors suggested (1904) the frog's eye as a suitable adrenalin reagent. They pointed out that the reaction takes place even after enu- cleation of the bulb. Ehrmann next showed that, when preserved in isotonic fluid, the enucleated frog's eye is considerably more sensitive than the bulb in situ, and upon these findings he based his quantitative adrenalin test. Ehrmann found that adrenalin reacts upon the dilator muscles of the pupil in a solution of i :2O 14 2IO INTERNAL SECRETION million ; in other words, the dilation of the pupil demonstrates the presence of adrenalin in a quantity as small as .000025 m§"- This mydriasis of frogs' eyes was subsequently employed as a test for adrenalin in liquids of the most varied description (blood, urine), but the results were not in all cases unequivocal ; that is to say, they were not characteristic of adrenalin only. It has since been discovered that, in addition to adrenalin, a large number of substances provoke dilation of the pupil of isolated frogs' eyes. Waterman and Boddaert produced this effect with weak watery solutions of pyrocatechin, with salicylic acid, hydrokinone, and resorcin ; they think the reaction is dependent upon pyrocatechin. Ehrmann found that acetic acid and ammonia produce irregular dilation of the pupil, but that the pupil also contracts in response to these reagents. According to Pick and Pineles, tyrosin and phenylalanin produce mydriasis of the frog's eye ; Cramer, Borchardt and Pal attribute the same effect to pituitary extract; Ranzi and Tandler to thymus extract. Pick and Glaessner obtained a mydriatic reaction with the pan- creatic juice of man and of dogs, which was particularly marked where - these subjects had been previously fed upon meat. According to Comessati and Diem, the mydriasis of frogs' eyes, when employed as a test for the presence of adrenalin in urine- or in concentrated saline solutions, has very little value. We shall have occasion to speak later of the mydriatic action of the blood serum, and of the theories which have arisen concern- ing the presence of adrenalin in the plasma under both normal and pathological conditions. For the present, it is sufficient for us to notice the fact that the mydriasis of frogs' eyes is, in itself,, not a conclusive proof of the presence of adrenalin in the blood serum ; this test should always be reinforced by other biological and chemical reagents. The action of adrenalin has also been put to practical use in another direction. Lewandowsky was the first to discover that the instillation of suprarenal extract into the conjunctiva is, in the case of both man and animals, without effect upon the pupil. Melzer and Auer next showed that, after extirpation of the superior cervical ganglion of both rabbits and cats, the instillation of adrenalin produces a considerable enlargement of the pupil. We know that the sympathetic contains fibres which promote contraction of the dilator muscles of the pupils. If, therefore, stimuli which are inactive or only slightly active in the case of normal eyes, react strongly upon eyes which have lost their ganglion, we must assume the presence of sympathetic inhibitory fibres which take their rise in the ganglion and by which the peripheral irritability is reduced. O. Lowi assumed that the occurrence or non-occurrence of mydriasis after adrenalin instillation, was an expression of the functional activity of the sympathetic inhibitory nerves. He therefore endeavoured to find THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 211 out whether mydriasis takes place under certain special conditions, in which a suppression of the sympathetic inhibition is assumed. He found that, after the instillation of adrenalin into the con- junctiva, enlargement of the pupil was invariable in dogs and cats from which the pancreas had been removed ; that it was occasional in artificial pancreatic insufficiency; and that it was present in many clinical instances of diabetes and Graves's disease. Lowi assumes from this that the inhibition of certain organs with a sympathetic innervation is a normal function of the pancreas. He regards the mydriasis produced by adrenalin in Graves's disease as the expression of an increased irritability of the sympathetic, brought about by hyperthyroidism. This increased irritability is as readily attributable to a suppression of the inhibitory nervous function, as to an increase in thf> stimulatory nervous function. Eppinger, Falta and Rudinger succeeded later in producing adrenalin mydriasis in normal and thyroidectomized dogs by continuous treatment with thyroid extract. The Glands. — Langley found that, when suprarenal extract is given in moderately large doses, it provokes a profuse secre- tion on the part of all the salivary glands, as well as of the mucous glands situated in the mouth, oesophagus, and trachea. This increased secretion becomes apparent a little later than the rise in blood-pressure, it quickly reaches the maximum, and then gradually subsides. Hence the irritability of the cervical sym- pathetic and of the chorda tympani is not by any means reduced, that of the latter being, in fact, rather augmented. That the secretory stimulus does not proceed from the central nervous system, is shown by the fact that it continues unchanged after resection of the superior cervical ganglion and of the chorda tympani. It is the outcome of peripheral stimulation, and it remains constant, "though somewhat diminished in intensity, after comparatively large doses of nicotine. Moreover, atropine, in a quantity sufficient to paralyse the fibres of the chorda, does not inhibit the increased secretion, though this disappears in response to atropine in large doses. It is evident, from these results, that suprarenal extract stimulates those elements — whether nerve terminals or glandular cells — which are inhibited by the action of atropine. Adrenalin excites the secretion of saliva even after extirpation of the ganglion and degeneration of the post- ganglionary fibres, and this makes it certain that the effect cannot be due to stimulation of the sympathetic nerve terminals. Under the influence of adrenalin, the vessels of the sub- maxillary gland contract and the gland blanches; after an interval of thirty seconds it becomes increasingly red until its colour is deeper than before the injection. The blanching is less than after stimulation of the sympathetic, the flushing less intense than after stimulation of the chorda. Here also, vaso-constriction 212 INTERNAL SECRETION takes place after degeneration of the post-ganglionary fibres and must, for this reason, be regarded as the outcome of the direct action of suprarenal extract. The intravenous injection of suprarenal extract produces an increased secretion on the part of the lachrymal glands, and this persists after removal of the superior cervical ganglion. Suprarenal extract increases the secretion of bile. This result is not apparent, however, unless the cystic duct is occluded ; otherwise the relaxation of the gall bladder permits the gall to escape down it. According to Langley, adrenalin does not apparently induce pancreatic secretion, but it does promote the activity of a secret- ing pancreas. In large doses, adrenalin inhibits pancreatic secretion (Bendicenti, Glasener and Pick). According to a communication by Yukawa, the gastric secretion increases under the influence of adrenalin. As we know, the blood supply to the kidney is very much affected by the action of adrenalin. Minimal doses produce an appreciable reduction in the volume of the organ, consequent upon the contraction of the vessels; this is succeeded by pro- nounced vaso-dilation and increase in volume. The experiments of Bardier and Fraenkel show that the urinary secretion is in- fluenced in such a manner that there is, first, a reduction in the amount of urine excreted by the ureters, or there may even be complete cessation of the flow ; this is followed by marked polyuria which lasts for some considerable time. These authors found that, in those cases where vaso-constriction is absent, the primary reduction in secretion also fails to appear, and it seems evident from this that the changes in renal secretory activity which are brought about by the agency of adrenalin, are largely attributable to changes in the circulatory conditions. According to Schlayer, adrenalin, when given intravenously, acts under certain conditions as a diuretic upon animals con- taining much fluid. Biberfeld found that the subcutaneous injection of suprarenin, in doses of 1.5 to 2.5 mg. per kilo, produced a marked diuresis in rabbits, together with a considerable decrease in the sodium chloride contents of the urine. The manner in which the suprarenals themselves react to the influence of adrenalin has, up to now, received but little attention. As far as the suprarenal circulation is concerned, I found that the intravenous injection of suprarenal extract pro- duced an increase, followed by a decrease, in the venous outflow. These changes in the circulation are due only in part to the altered hamiodynamic conditions. In part, they represent the results of the action of the extract upon the vessels themselves, and they are comparable to those effects, partly constrictor and partly dilator, which are obtained by stimulation of the sym- pathetic nerves supplying the organ. THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 21$ The increase in the amount of lymph excreted from the thoracic duct which, according to Camus, follows the intravenous injection of adrenalin, is in all probability largely due to changes in the circulatory conditions. It cannot be denied, however, that adrenalin may possibly exercise an effect upon the formation of the lymph itself. After the subcutaneous injection of adrenalin, oedema fre- quently appears at the site of injection, and the lymphatics lead- ing away from it are sometimes found to be full. If the same quantity of adrenalin is employed, but in a very dilute solution, the cedematous swelling becomes much more marked and may last for some time. These phenomena must be largely due to a reduction in resorption, brought about by a local constriction of the vessels at the site of injection. This accounts for the fact that the subcutaneous injection of adrenalin produces so little effect upon the blood-pressure ; to a certain extent, the substance blocks the way of its own resorption. The gradual resorption of the adrenalin in minimal quantities explains why it is that the subcutaneous injection of even large doses does not produce a rise in blood-pressure, but is followed by considerable periodical changes in pressure (Biedl). Lowi and Meyer found that when methylaminoketone, which is closely related to adrenalin, is injected subcutaneously in large doses, the blood-pressure becomes elevated and will continue so for over an hour. This result is explained by the fact that methyl- aminoketone is considerably less active than adrenalin, hence the possibility of its better resorption. Meltzer and Auer found that the intramuscular injection of adrenalin produced an increase in blood-pressure ; but Patta pointed out that, whether given intra- muscularly or subcutaneously, the injection of adrenalin is not followed by a rise in blood-pressure in animals, unless the sub- stance is introduced by accident into a blood-vessel. In man, the subcutaneous injection of adrenalin produces an increased blood-pressure (Falta). A. Exner showed that the intraperitoneal injection of adrenalin is followed by a reduced resorption on the part of the lymphatics of the peritoneum. For it is not only those toxins which enter the system by way of the blood-vessels, which under- go a tardy resorption after the introduction of adrenalin into the peritoneum or into the stomach; the same is seen in the case of substances which, owing to their physical properties, reach the blood-stream through the agency of the lymphatics. Langley found that the sweat glands of the cat were un- affected both by the intravenous injection of adrenalin and by its subcutaneous introduction into the ball of the paw. Elliott found that a subcutaneous injection of .025 mg. of adrenalin did not provoke secretion of the sweat glands in the palm of the hand in man ; on the contrary, owing to the extreme local anaemia, 214 INTERNAL SECRETION secretion at, and surrounding, the site of injection was rather diminished than otherwise. The failure on the part of adrenalin to stimulate the secretory activity of the sweat glands is undoubtedly a very remarkable phenomenon, for it is quite certain that these glands are fur- nished with a sympathetic innervation. Adrenalin stimulates the sweat glands of the frog to active secretion. After the injection of small quantities of adrenalin into the dorsal lymph space, the entire body of the animal becomes covered with secretion. If the secretory process in the glands of the nictitating membrane is observed under the microscope (Strieker and Spina), it will be seen that the introduction of adrenalin is followed by progressive enlargement of the glandular epithelium and by the extrusion of drops of secretion, in exactly the same manner as after stimulation of the sympathetic nerves (Drasch). S. Lieben found that adrenalin produced marked contraction of the pigment cells of the skin of frogs, a dark-coloured frog becoming light in the space of ten minutes. This effect of adrenalin upon the pigment cells is not brought about by the local anaemia, nor is it a reflex effect ; it is the result of the direct action of the substance. According to Gaup, the pigment cells are controlled by the sympathetic. Adrenalin exercises a similar agglomerating effect upon the pigment granules in the pigment epithelium of the retina of frogs, but this is seen only after local application. This agglomerating action may even, to a certain extent, inhibit the migration of the pigment in response to the stimulus of light, and where this for- ward movement has already taken place, a further agglomeration of the pigment granules will be produced in a varying degree by the action of adrenalin (Klett). Among the physiological effects of adrenalin, those must be included which this substance produces in the composition of the blood. According to Foa, adrenalin reduces the alkalinity and produces acidity of the blood. Falta and Berterelli found that the injection of adrenalin is followed by an increase in the specific gravity ; by hyperglobulia with isolated erythroblasts ; and by marked leucocytosis affecting the neutrophile polynuclear cells, the eosinophile cells being very much reduced. In dogs with hypereosinophilia of about 12 per cent., the injection of adren- alin is followed by a reduction to .3 per cent. Eppinger and Hess discovered that the physiological eosinophilia of rabbits is reduced by the action of adrenalin. The morphological structure of the blood is influenced by adrenalin in a manner the reverse of that of pilocarpin which, it is well known, produces lymphocytosis and eosinophilia in both man and rabbits (Neusser). Metabolism. — The influence which adrenalin exercises upon metabolism demands special consideration. The investigations of THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 215 Kraus and R. Hirsch, as well as those of Quest, show that there is little alteration in the metabolism of nitrogen in healthy dogs after the intravenous or injection of adrenalin. The slight increase in N-metabolism is explicable by the glocosuria which is coincident with it, as well as by the necrosis of the skin which follows subcutaneous injection. Eppinger, Falta and Rudinger found that, in starving animals, adrenalin caused a marked increase in the metabolism of albumin ; feeding with fatty foods still further increased the effects of adrenalin. The increased excretion of nitrogen which, in starving animals, immediately followed the injection of adrenalin and which was also observed by Underbill and Closson, cannot in the nature of things be re- ferred to necrosis of the skin. Eppinger, Falta and Rudinger regard the increase in the metabolism of albumin and of fats as the expression of an improved thyroid function. According to the investigations of Ealta, Bolaffio and Tedesko, adrenalin excites an increase in the metabolism of salt. The amount of phosphorus excreted in the urine may be increased to three times, that of potassium and sodium to four times, the normal. With regard to the metabolism of purin, Falta declares that the excretion of uric acid and of allantoin are both consider- ably increased. This effect which adrenalin has in accelerating metabolism is regarded by authors of the Viennese school as an expression of the condition of increased excitability which this substance produces in the sympathetic system. That aspect of metabolism which, it is conclusively proved, lies within the province of the sympathetic system, is the metabolism of the carbohydrates. The influence which adrenalin exercises upon these conditions has, therefore, a special interest. When Blum, in IQOI, made the important discovery that the experimental subcutaneous or intravenous injection of suprarenal extract produces glycosuria, which follows with equal certainty in both starving animals and those deprived of the carbohydrates, there was a general inclination to regard this result as the mani- festation of a toxic activity on the part of suprarenal extract. It formed the subject of keen and very minute investigations, and these have revealed the fact that the glycosuria which follows the exhibition of adrenalin, is the expression of a physiological action on the part of this remarkable substance. Blum's discovery was tested and confirmed in many direc- tions. It soon became evident that the glycosuria makes its appearance after the exhibition both of the extract of the supra- renal and of adrenalin, its active principle. For this reason, it was very generally believed that glycosuria is one of the physio- logical effects of adrenalin. The sole author \vho opposed this view wras Landau, who ascribed the glycosuria to a substance derived from the suprarenal cortex. 2l6 INTERNAL SECRETION The following facts concerning adrenalin glycosuria may be regarded as proved. The glycosuria makes its appearance after the exhibition of comparatively small doses (.01 to .1 mg.) of adrenalin, and is, on the whole, more readily provoked by subcu- taneous or intraperitoneal, than by intravenous, injection (Lowi). The cause of this remarkable phenomenon will appear later. The subcutaneous introduction of i to 2 mg. adrenalin is followed after half an hour, at the latest after two hours, by a glycosuria lasting about three hours. The repeated injection of similar doses into the same animal is not, however, followed by the regular appearance of the glycosuria. One day the urine will contain a large quantity of sugar, the next day perhaps none at all, and in the end the glycosuria may entirely disappear. It has been observed by several authors that the glycosuria which follows the exhibition of adrenalin is accompanied by hyper- glycsemia. The increase in the amount of sugar in the blood was proved by Bierry and Gatin-Gruzewska, and by Noel Paton, in the case of rabbits and dogs. These authors also showed that when given to starving animals, adrenalin diminished the amount of glycogen present in the liver and muscular structure, and may indeed be regarded as a certain method of eliminating glycogen from the system. Drumont and Noel Paton were unable to produce changes in the glycogen of the liver of well-fed rabbits by means of small doses of adrenalin, such changes being brought about by doses large enough to produce acute toxic symptoms. Later investigations have proved beyond any manner of doubt, that the glycogen largely disappears from the liver and muscles where the adrenalin action is very intense (Agadchanianz, Doyon, Morel, and Kareff). L. Pollak recently pointed out that, after previous feeding with glycose or levulose, the glycogen stored up in the liver may be induced completely to disappear by means of large doses of adrenalin. Small doses of adrenalin differ considerably in their effect, according to whether the glycogen accumulated in the liver is formed from glycose or levulose. Levulose-glycogen is markedly the more resistant. Since Blum's first communication it has been definitely proved that, after prolonged fasting, glycosuria is present in all animals. Pollak's experiments testified to the remarkable fact, that the repeated exhibition of adrenalin in fasting rabbits and in rabbits which have been rendered absolutely free from glycogen by means of strychnine, is followed, not only by sugar in the urine, but by the accumulation of glycogen in the liver. The amount of glycogen which collects in the liver is as large as that which is usually seen only in animals fed with carbohydrates. It has been shown (Underhill and Closson, Eppinger, Falta and Rudinger) that adrenalin causes a very considerable increase in the metabol- ism of albumin in starving animals, and the remarkable phenom- enon described above is probably attributable to the storing-up of THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 2iy glycogen as a result of this increase in albumin-metabolism. Pollak is not inclined to explain the large quantities of glycogen which he found, solely by the theory of an increased metabolism of albumin ; he is disposed to leave the question open for the present. In answer to the question as to why the intravenous injection of adrenalin is not invariably followed by glycosuria, and why the repeated subcutaneous injection provokes signs of tolerance, frequently expressed by the absence of glycosuria — Pollak dis- covered that, though the intravenous injection of adrenalin invari- ably causes hyperglycasniia, this is not sufficiently marked to produce glycosuria, seeing that there is, under these conditions, an invariable reduction in diuresis. Where, however, simul- taneously with the adrenalin injection, measures are adopted with the object of promoting diuresis, sugar is invariably present in the urine. After subcutaneous injection of adrenalin, the hyper- glycasmia is so pronounced that glycogen will be present in the urine apart from artificial promotion of the diuresis. The repeated subcutaneous injection of adrenalin produces a high degree of hyperglycasmia, such as is usually observed only in cases where there is no simultaneous diuresis. As, however, the glycosuria is not always present, it must be assumed that, either the kidneys acquire a tolerance of their large glycogen contents resulting from the continued employment of adrenalin, or that they are subjected to some specific influence. W. Straub and his pupil, H. Ritzmann, have done much to further a more detailed knowledge of adrenalin glycosuria. Kretschmer discovered that the remarkable absence of constancy in the effect of adrenalin upon the vessels, depends upon the readiness with which adrenalin undergoes oxidation, and that a permanent adrenalin action upon the tone of the vessels is to be obtained only by a permanent employment of the drug. Ritzmann next showed that the glycosuria lasts for exactly the same length of time as adrenalin is present in the blood. If adrenalin in very weak solution is allowed to enter a vein and to flow continuously into the blood stream, it will be found that an adrenalin solution of a concentration of i :2 million, introduced at a velocity of about to the minute, does not provoke glycosuria. Sugar does not appear in the urine until the velocity reaches 3 to 4 per minute. Within certain limits, there is a direct proportion between the concentration of the adrenalin in the blood and the amount of sugar excreted in the urine ; so that, other things being equal, each velocity of a solution of given concentration provokes a glycosuria which invariably yields the same amount of sugar within a given space of time. The glycosuria does not make its appearance immediately, but is preceded by a prolonged latent stage, which is probably accounted for by the fact, that a certain amount of time is required for the completion of the chemical process by which the sugar is set free. There is, moreover, an 2 1 8 INTERNAL SECRETION intimate connection between the glycosuria and the amount of glycogen present in the economy. In animals which have a large amount of glycogen in their economy, half the usual dose of adrenalin will produce an excretion of sugar quantitatively equal to that provoked in normal animals by the full dose. Where, however, the animal economy is poor in glycogen, similar results will be obtained only by the agency of much larger quantities of adrenalin. According to Ritzmann, where experiments are undertaken with the object of studying the physiological processes by which adrenalin glycosuria takes place, it is essential that the adrenalin should be introduced directly into the blood stream ; for the method of introducing it into the economy by a single subcu- taneous injection does not reproduce the natural conditions. It has, moreover, been proved that, where adrenalin is injected subcutaneously, the quantity required to produce certain glyco- suric effects is considerably larger than in cases where the substance is introduced by continuous intravenous transfusion. For example, in one case, a subcutaneous injection of 2 mg. adrenalin was required to produce 0.64 grm. sugar in the urine, while the same result was obtained by means of intravenous transfusion with a diluted solution containing 0.4 mg. adrenalin. Thus of the 2 mg. which were injected subcutaneously, 1.6 mg. or So per cent, were destroyed without producing glycosuria. It is evident from Pollak's experiments described above, that the glycosuria produced by the intravenous exhibition of adrenalin is dependent upon the diuresis. And Ritzmann mentions that, in several of his experiments, the diuresis entirely ceased, and the animals died without excreting any part of the fluid which had been introduced into their economy. Even where adrenalin is introduced continuously into the blood stream, a velocity which is at first active becomes inactive after a time (this effect being the reverse of that demonstrated by Kretschmer in the case of the blood-vessels), and the glycosuria is restored only by increasing the concentration of the solution. This phenomenon is explained by a transitory exhaustion, either of the sugar supply or of the ultimate products of the sugar. From the results of these investigations into the mechanism of adrenalin glycosuria, it seems highly improbable that adrenalin directly affects the formation of sugar in the urine. It is far more likely that it influences the process of the distribution of sugar in the blood. We know that, in its influence upon the blood-vessels, the effect of adrenalin is equal to that of stimulation of the sympathetic ; and it is also well known that the diabetes produced by Claude Bernard's puncture is the outcome of hyperirritation of the sympathetic. The analogy between the mechanism of the glycosuric and the vaso-constrictor effects of this substance, suggests the hypothesis that the actual THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 2 19 site of the direct action of adrenalin is to be found in those fibres of the sympathetic, the central irritation of which produces effects similar to those of puncture of the fourth ventricle. Through the agency of the sympathetic system, adrenalin increases the tone of the vessels, and in a similar manner it increases the sugar-tone (Zuckertonus) — that is to say, it increases the concentration of the sugar in the blood, so producing hyperglycasmia, which is followed by glycosuria. Blum first pointed out the similarity which exists between the effects of Claude Bernard's puncture and the glycosuria produced by adrenalin, and he suggested that the former is expressed through the agency of the suprarenals. A. Meyer next showed that puncture of the floor of the fourth ventricle does not produce glycosuria in rabbits from which the suprarenals have been removed; and more recently, Waterman and Smit found that puncture of the floor of the fourth ventricle, similarly to stimu- lation of the sympathetic, increases the amount of adrenalin present in the blood. The far-reaching analogy between the effects of puncture of the fourth ventricle and experimental adrenalin glycosuria, is still further confirmed by the experiments of Eppinger, Falta, and Rudinger. These showed that, if the thyroid gland is extirpated, in neither condition does glycosuria result ; but that a mobilization of carbohydrates takes place, as shown by the decreased excretion of nitrogen, and that this is consumed by the agency of the now hyper-active pancreas. A further similarity between the two conditions is shown by the behaviour of dogs from which the pancreas has been removed. These animals showed increased glycosuria and hyperglycaBmia, both after puncture of the fourth ventricle (Hedon and Kaufmann), and after the exhibition of adrenalin. The authors conclude from these results, that the excretion of sugar after puncture of the fourth ventricle represents a discharge from the chromaffine system . The difference in the processes by which glycosuria and hyper- glycasmia result from puncture of the fourth ventricle and from the exhibition of adrenalin, lies in this : that, in the case of adrenalin, the results are brought about by peripheral stimulation of the sympathetic ; after puncture of the fourth ventricle they are due to stimulation of the sympathetic centres. L. Pollak found that, after resection of the splanchnic nerve, adrenalin invariably produces glycosuria; while the experiments of Claude Bernard and Eckhard show that, after such resection, puncture of the fourth ventricle is not followed by glycosuria. In the case of puncture of the fourth ventricle, irritation of the sugar centre in the medulla is conveyed by way of the sympathetic (splanchnic nerve) to the liver, where it excites that organ to part with its glycogen. Resection of the splanchnic nerve breaks the communication between the centre and the sugar-forming organ, 220 INTERNAL SECRETION thus hyperglycagmia becomes impossible. Adrenalin, on the other hand, affects the peripheral sympathetic nerve-terminals in the liver in exactly the same way as it does those of other organs, and for this reason, the glycosuria is uninfluenced by the resection of the communicating nerve. Observation of experimental adrenalin-glycosuria has revealed the intimate relationship which subsists between the action of adrenalin and the internal secretory activity of the pancreas. That adrenalin-glycosuria is in some way related to pancreatic diabetes is evident from the results obtained by Herter and Wakeman. These authors discovered that, if the pancreas is painted with adrenalin, the resultant glycosuria is more intense than that which follows the application of adrenalin to other organs. Vosbourgh and Richards obtained marked hyperglycasmia by the same means. Herter and Wakeman assume that, whatever the site at which adrenalin is applied, its glycosuric action reaches the pancreas and reduces the capacity of that organ for the oxidation of sugar. If this view is correct, adrenalin should not produce an increase in the glycosuria present in animals which have lost their pan- creas ; and results obtained by Lepine, as well as by Bierry and Gatin-Gruzewska, seem to point in this direction. Velich, on the other hand, found that though extirpation of the pancreas is not followed by glycosuria in well-nourished frogs until after several days have elapsed, it may be brought on immediately after operation by means of adrenalin. Noel Paton produced glycosuria by this means in geese and ducks after the removal of the pancreas ; while Doyon, Morel, and Koreff found that the injection of adrenalin was followed by an increase in the sugar contents of the blood of dogs which had lost their pancreas. It is very evident from the results of these experiments that the theory that adrenalin glycosuria is a form of pancreatic diabetes, is insufficiently grounded. Zuelzer adopted a different theory. He found that, in dogs without pancreas, if adrenalin was prevented from entering the blood stream by ligature of the suprarenal veins, the glycosuria was minimal. He succeeded in preventing glycosuria in rabbits by injecting them with pancreatic extract, and he concluded that Minkowski's " pancreatic diabetes ' is in reality a positive ' adrenalin diabetes." In experiments which I undertook with Offer, we succeeded in producing both inhibition of the adrenalin glycosuria and inhibition of the adrenalin mydriasis of frogs' eyes, with chyle from the thoracic duct. These experiments were based upon some observations (to be described later) which I carried out in 1898, and which showed that chyle contains a substance which influences the amount of the sugar consumption of the organism. I found that, in the case of dogs which had become diabetic owing to the fact that the THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 221 chyle was prevented from flowing into the blood stream, Lowi's characteristic mydriasis reaction after adrenalin instillation was not obtainable. This seems to suggest a parallel between the origin of pancreatic diabetes and that which follows ligature of the lymphatic duct. Upon the assumption that chyle contains the internal secretion of the pancreas, which is necessary to the normal metabolism of sugar, we tested the action of chyle in adrenalin glycosuria ; we found that the subcu- taneous injection of 80 to 120 of chyle from dogs, markedly reduced, and even completely neutralized, the glycosuric action of adrenalin when exhibited simultaneously. Adrenalin glycosuria in rabbits is promptly suppressed by the intravenous injection of hirudin, and also, as I discovered later, of the extract of the muscular structure of crabs; it is, therefore, amenable to sub- stances which, according to Heidenhain, are included in the group Lymphagoga, Order I. By following up our experiments, Tomaczewski and Wilenko found that all the Lymphagoga pos- sess the property of suppressing adrenalin glycosuria.* In the course of their investigations into the interactivities of the internal secretory glands, Eppinger, Falta, and Rudinger discovered that, in dogs without pancreas, in which the metabolic derangement is at its height, the excretion of sugar and of nitrogen are enormously increased by the subcutaneous or intraperitoneal injection of adrenalin. The excretion of sugar becomes so much increased that the proportion of the quotient D : N may rise to over seven. It is the view of these authors that, in addition to an excessive and perverted mobilization of the carbohydrates, adrenalin produces inhibition of the pancreatic function. The glycosuria which follows the exhibition of adrenalin results from the operation of both momenta. Zuelzer's experiment, in which he effected the inhibition of adrenalin glycosuria by means of pancreatic extract, is explained by the supposition that, in this instance, the excess of sugar set free by the adrenalin was metabolized by the action of the reinforced pancreatic hormone. That adrenalin exercises an inhibitory influence upon the activity of the pancreas, may be assumed from Bendicenti's obser- vation that pancreatic secretion is inhibited by large doses of adrenalin. By experimenting on dogs with pancreatic fistula, Glassner and Pick proved that the pancreatic secretion completely ceases after large closes of adrenalin, while, at the same time, a marked glycosuria makes its appearance. Acting upon the assumption that the internal secretion of the pancreas is governed by the autonomous vagal nerve, and that * According to Aronsohn, adrenalin glycosuria is inhibited both by fever and by heat-puncture. According to Richter^ Ellinger and Selig, the heat puncture does not affect the glycosuria, which seems to be reduced only where there is simultaneous bacterial infection. After renal injury there is no glycosuria. (Ellinger and Selig.) O NH H W E H < Cu S > c/a u DC Z O O r-1 o O > os W O H a O O ac CO a OH S O OJ »-i 1 ^ cd « c O "> E "33 o c ^-~ o c a .2 aj J3 rt w 'a O frj Q 2 . ! ^ . 0 £ "a? . •— "u C : P > ^— . ^> *^* 1—1 s 2 < (U cu jj J c 3 _ — *-> S in =O £ . S .5 £ 5 '• w S in afl g rt t/: 3 S 13 'S O Eb O 3 oil ^. on rt ^'.I'c ; & i w o ' ' C e '.n o r^. gig u. c O •— T: u. .2 o •*"* " TZ u _0 u ~ u : rt |3 -g '£ 1m> '£ "^ 'B •£ "cog ^L-^. & £ 5 5 C 3 C O e/3 o CJ CJ 6 ,_; . . .., 13 : C " • C : • 'o rt ^_^ rt rt M ^~) . u - y T3 7, 4) T3 i- *J *•* 0) JJ ^ i> I * — : c "f U i. *£ 4J 15 T; S S S l-c U .— rrj • rt ' ® * U — II P§ !•*•• — en V J3 O -r5 ci — ' 'Sj J!^: c g c c ati a -r a .2 r~ •*— • *-• § w a « s 4-t ^ *-• (^ 4-» fj rt yj c3 t^p cd ^^ CQ CM P3 Q {Constrictior _ i ^: C ,_ *Q 6 D O - U ^M M 0 - 0 *o 'O : : ; : C ' • : : : : : c c c O nj c . • . * • O y. cd rt *r^ ,,i_. o .M £j 0 C *jj 4-> H *2 *" cj -^ ° 2 r— •yj J£ "GJ t^ "C U QJ 'f *T3 c ^ r^ .M ; '. '. *•* K -4-» Jr • tu • c g ^C T~j * — - 01 Q w C c ^"0 -0 o 5 o W Q Q *J C tJ ^ •B :^S O tJ3 (/i ^ >• — > • — *r? _j CJ O CJ ' ^^^ ^ C "iy "^ •^ *^ 'TZ ^ -" In ••"C 'k. e 'S <-. C c-1 U pq ca ^ M "ZQel o ii U <*-. 1^ CM « O O c C '— 'So o o CJ U < In " c ~ 0 ^> O . — U : UJ , •— . • c • • ; o c* •^ V M •^ : 2 wi : . . . . '1 1 r- *""' ^ U • ^ • 1) c^ • CJ .... D T1 : ~ : .S£ cr en ' s" ' '2 ^ C ' "£ U-. '> H •2 ^"g s CS "o ° » ** Q i • .2i • o ^3 •p- _. M "3 • .£ . . Z I • • I PQ ^2 • • ^i u 5 w o ^ • ? I '• '• '. < ^ CU r^ C O • * "*~* "^^ " «5 ^ *iT^ S o _ i — j^ c/3 rt ' . " " c; HI O s 2 u ^ w S S c/l in "S _2 •£ •* > ^ S o s ^£ Tg-^S^gl -S '5| Is-S^|§|^ ..J >"^ o " 5^3 —r « w i! C en .s s "s r 1 "3 e "" £ ^ S= 3 « ^ S u-5 5. S u •"* ^" 3 w H O O •^ (JJ U QJ D 3 u su $ U > e,> Dilatation (nervus pelvicus ^» /) ^ u 3J3 U /5 3 > « U I a S k« 'e? O > ' — w r- c« I'H 'S O -i * • C Jo - — - o u 0 43 •£ § cJ O C 3 ID 43 C^ qj 3 U."S CL, ; 4-) a : v J5 tf tn 4: ^j rt a. '3 ^ cj *** -. "* ^ o _o tn O cS ** ..-i — 0) 43 —1 . c ', — . '• C > "~2 en d - o • *^H (O CO o *— ' w ^^ 4-1 _- *T3 " M ^ «-H u • ^- rO "^ O ID "t/3 7/5 i> *. » *^^ GJ • •-< T3 -g 0; C ^*- c/: 2i c 0 . C o 0 " ""S O • U - :s co o ~ w S t»_* •5 CL.O U : U en en K cs : : C . . : T: *t T3 "TD " . > 3 • 4— 1 O •r c 4-J — CO *^-< (/) CS rt u r \ Constriction Direct action : const: Intravenous injectio passive dilatation Secretion ) » ... ,, (sympathe saliva) Secretion ? (Yukaw: Slight secrelion of L Increased secretion Vaso - constriction dilatation Primary inhibition lowed by i n c r e secretion (Bardie Frankel). No secretion ! Secretion Increased (cedema) created flow of from the thoracic (Camus) Retarded. Raised (glycosuria) 'cO , . . . ' '5 • • g • • • : (U o- 1 4-1 3 ! 1 : : : c IM O 0 - CL, . .r Efl ~V 3 " SB ' " 'S ttl S o > t3 • -irf • c C n CO Efl o ^ 43 t/7 •— ' c r— *— t CL, •3S 12 13 -^- ^£ t/3 y) •- c en C tfl CA *" - hy ) """^ * . . C <1J (U rt'O'd *T3 OJ Q ""^ " • • rt rt __W ' w -*-J M-H O Internal External IM O tfl D to w « -T3 ^ C > cS Lachrymal Mucous gl; Salivary gl Stomach g' Liver ... Pancreas Suprarenal c g W en t) j O ^ OJ 11 ca ^3 O 1 -I ^ r^* 6 o VH tn o c/j lj A o 0) A H J c .12 r D A '£ • « w "Sg i.S^T .S| : : : • : : P b o c/7 3 O -gj ||f ^.|£§ l|^. c c O f- v^. 0 Tfl rt T3 ".£ •^ EFFECT of the autonoi EC tfi C CC CrS OOG c = ^ occu 2eS •22d |.2« |.2$5 iiS •>; ^ ^g 5 «.-= 2-^^ cgj2^ ^ ^ -a gJ2^ §-crt uu M u u o "rt . 6 I i I ' ' 'o t _o „, f B . U ^H : : : : : : : : : : ympathe lumbar r c c c G ^ O C o c ° .2 5 '-=.2 -^ o 'S c o - u! 1 S U K U 2 : • : : : i : : : : : : M : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Q «£ ACTION OF . c c G c c o c o - o I 1 .11 1 I 1 x" 15 ~±;* a '2 i: '" C ^-c C C T3 •-; o t> O "S K £ UK U « U » » Relaxation 9 * 1 » Contraction »! D • : : i : : : i : : : : LO H l ^ en ha CU _ ^— . . " "^ w 2 O c: o tn ° r/) cy « .5 u, : : : S : '-^ J£ : S 4-. 3 .. -2 13 OCJ S c5 tj) __£ T3 ocE _• tt "T™ ^ w Wl Cj ^ .^ ,-• c7) ^•S -£.2 g £ -2 "3 -? = « "2 w A o ^n e cu • •— xi ,„ , ^« ^ M vrj «2J1 IU W^« "3 I-5 « ^ |Su t>5 o o c^ S O 1 .« s ft " 6 " -g « uJ C 03 O -S.S :O hJ C — ' O o _ C §i J'G .*-» f. o o> rt > S s § c C ne ary Contraction § I 'H bfl o O c .— « S « rt QJ cs *» •» x fee £ " " "^ "e O C _o u II I g « 2 c^ y^CJ c o o rt o o o "2 5 •*-• o c 02 U o o rt o e '.B.S 13 tj •2 C3 3 cj O x to - 03 •— — " C o rong cont ntraction c3 x c O axation C o 4-> i i; c ,-, c .2 '5 g 8P-B o 8'g .* OS M^ i; £30 Q CA IH QJ f p; .^T !"£ -3 e Q. O .11--? 5^1 u rt £ C^ oJ £ <= ^d .2^0 O °" s da oi nhi s c o o « i. U ta ^-'S C Q, _ en jj on ac ^/ c ^ 4-1 ^ cnU yj >*' »--^ ij i»» . +J • (J (^ !5 PU U : en : O ^~ . . . . . . . c • : : : : : : : : : : : : : : x— • s *~«* rt J3 c c o I t~ ' : : : : : : : : : : : • : : " " rt • — ' . • "3 • • : : o • • 'So ^ w — • ti ' : : • M > IM S in' - . rt . . uT ^ 3 1) V*-t (U , rt in 4> i? rt 5 s wi a cf^ c rt ^ aj i- — • SuQlufe , .2 U I *— *• c.S .3 iJ 226 INTERNAL SECRETION stimulation of the vagus produces hypersecretion of the pancreas, Eppinger, Falta, and Rudinger tested the effect of pilocarpin — which is a specific toxin to the autonomous stimulatory system — in adrenalin glycosuria, and found that its action in this con- dition was completely inhibitory. The conclusions to which the results described above seem to point are : that adrenalin exercises an inhibitory influence upon the internal secretory activity of the pancreas ; and that the internal secretion of the pancreas limits the action of adrenalin in certain directions. The pancreas hormone regulates the metabolism of sugar in the organism, and its influence may serve to limit, or even to prevent, the hyperglyccemia and glycosuria which result from the superfluity of the carbohydrates, brought about by the agency of adrenalin. Lowi's reaction points further to the conclusion that the pancreas hormone exercises an influence upon the inhibition of certain organs possessing a sympathetic innervation. Where the activity of the pancreas is normal, the mydriatic action of adrenalin is not manifested, but appears only after suppression of the pancreatic internal secretion. The manner in which the action of adrenalin is modified by the thyroid apparatus has already been discussed at length. It will be remembered that, according to Eppinger, Falta, and Rudinger, adrenalin fails not only to produce glycosuria, but also to raise the blood-pressure in animals which have been deprived of their thyroid. Ritzmann pointed out that, in animals with an excess of glycogen, the glycosuric action of adrenalin is less affected by thyroid suppression than the vaso-constrictor. Removal of the parathyroids increases adrenalin glycosuria. According to these authors, then, the thyroid promotes the action of adrenalin while the parathyroids inhibit it. They ascribe the increased metabolism of albumin and of fats, which follows the exhibition of adrenalin, to promotion of the thyroid function ; so that it appears that adrenalin, in its turn, promotes the activity of the thyroid and inhibits that of the parathyroids. There is yet another direction in which the animal organism is affected by the action of adrenalin, namely, the temperature of the body. The subcutaneous and intraperitoneal injection of adrenalin sometimes produces a considerable rise in temperature ; the effect of intravenous injection is less marked. Whether this increase is due to an increased production of heat or to a diminished radiation, is at present unknown. It may be that both factors are in operation, the increase in combustion arising out of the excess of carbohydrates, the decrease in radiation from the extreme vaso-constriction. The analogy between the conditions under which the metabolism of the carbohydrates takes place, suggests a comparison between the effect which adrenalin has upon temperature and the so-called " heat-puncture " ; for adren- alin raises the heat-tone (Warmetonus) by acting upon the THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 227 peripheral terminals of those nerves, the central stimulation of which produces the effect of " heat-puncture." The tables on pp. 222 to 225 show the effects of adrenalin in so far as they are at present known. For purposes of comparison, they also include all that is at present known concerning the sympathetic and autonomous innervation of the vegetative organs. THE SITE OF ACTION OF ADRENALIN. In his rlrst work upon the effects of suprarenal extract (1901), Langley emphasized the fact that the results produced by this substance are never identical with those obtained by stimulation of the cranial-autonomous or sacral-autonomous nerves. Phen- omena exactly similar to those obtained in the eye, by stimulation of the oculomotor; in the heart and intestinal canal by stimulation of the vagus; in the rectum, urinary bladder, and internal genitals by stimulation of the pelvic nerve, are never produced by supra- lenal extract. The increased secretion of saliva cannot be regarded as an exception to this rule, for it is not accompanied by vaso-dilation such as that which accompanies stimulation of the chorda tympani. On the other hand, it is noticeable that the effects which suprarenal extract produces are, in nearly all cases, similar to those obtained by stimulation of the sympathetic autonomous nerves. In many instances, the effect of the extract and that of electric stimulus of the sympathetic are identical. These results seem to point directly to the view that suprarenal extract exercises a specific stimulatory action upon the sympathetic nerve- terminals. Vet, in view of the fact that, in the case of the eye, the vessels, the submaxillary gland, and the muscles of the hair, this action is constant after degeneration of the post-ganglionary fibres, Langley was compelled to admit that suprarenal extract may also have a direct influence upon the unstriated muscles. Four years later, Elliott drew attention to the fact that, in spite of the difference in the method of the sympathetic innervation in different animal species, the effects of adrenalin upon the involuntary muscles were everywhere the same as those produced by stimulation of the nerves supplying them. The strength of the effect varies only with the frequency of the normal physiological impulse, which individual muscles receive during life by the agency of the sympathetic. The physiological stimulatory action of adrenalin is undoubtedly peripheral, but the question as to which portion of the periphery is the site of its activity demands further investigation. This site is most probably to be sought, either in the peripheral sympathetic nerve-terminals, or in the unstriated muscles themselves. That adrenalin exercises a direct action upon the muscles, was suggested by various phenomena and was, until recently, assumed by the greater number of authors. Lewandowsky and even 228 INTERNAL SECRETION Langley were inclined to adopt this view, chiefly on account of the fact, so frequently illustrated, that the action of adrenalin is unaffected by so-called degenerative resection of the sympathetic nerves — that is to say, in cases where degeneration of the resected nerve has already taken place. On the other hand, the experi- ments of Brodie and Dixon show that, \vhere the sympathetic nerve endings are paralysed by apocodein, adrenalin is inactive, in spite of the fact that the muscles have retained their contract- ility, as shown by the effect of agents, such as barium chloride, which have a direct action upon the musculature. It is hardly possible to imagine a chemical destruction of adrenalin by apocodein, hence the only assumption open to us is, that apocodein suppresses those portions of the tissue which, under normal con- ditions, react to the influence of adrenalin. Dixon and Brodie localized the seat of action of adrenalin in the sympathetic nerve-terminals. These they defined as " con- necting links between muscle and nerve, which do not, however, form a component part of either the muscular or the nervous fibres." They assume, moreover, that after resection of the nerves, this " neuro-muscular junctional tissue " does not undergo degeneration ; and that this explains the constancy of the effects of adrenalin after degenerative resection of the nerves. The histological evidence in favour of this theory is to be found in a discovery described by Fletcher (1897). By intra vitam staining with methylene blue, he discovered a nervous network in the retractor muscle of the penis of the rat, which does not undergo degeneration after resection of either the motor or the inhibitory nerve supplying it, but which does disappear after resection of both. If such a peripheral network were present in all involuntary muscles with a double innervation, the constancy of the action of adrenalin after degenerative resection of the sympathetic would be explained by the fact of this network remaining intact. Elliott next investigated the manner in which different muscles react to adrenalin after : first, denervation (degenerative resection of the post-ganglionary sympathetic nerves) ; and second, decentralization (degenerative resection of the preganglionary sympathetic nerves). He found that he was unable to provoke contraction by electric stimulus of a denervated portion of the retractor of the penis of the dog, but that adrenalin was more active upon such muscle than upon that portion in which the innervation \vas normal. After decentralization and denervation, stimulus of the hypogastric and pelvic nerves produced no effect upon the urinary bladder of cats, though relaxation of the bladder and constriction of the urethra were obtainable by means of adrenalin. After removal of the superior cervical ganglion and the ciliary ganglion, together with the ciliary nerves, the instilla- tion or intravenous injection of adrenalin provoked dilation of the THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 22Q pupil of maximal duration, while physostygmin produced myosis of the normal control eye only. All that these experiments prove is, that the tissue which reacts to the influence of adrenalin becomes increasedly sensitive to the action of this substance after decentralization, and even more so after denervation. But in the case of the retractor muscle of the penis, which undoubtedly possesses a double innervation, this result can hardly be due to the persistence of Fletcher's nervous network, seeing that the integrity of the latter is dependent upon the nerve cells of the peripheral ganglion. It is evident from this that the site of the activity of adrenalin cannot be situated in the nerve endings in the general sense of the term ; that is to say, in so far as they are demonstrable, anatomically by methylene blue, and physiologic- ally by degeneration after nervous resection. Upon the other hand, it is very difficult to account for the effects which adrenalin has upon the unstriated muscles, and especially for the different effects (contraction and relaxation) which it produces upon muscles of similar structure, by the theory of a direct action upon the muscles themselves. Hence, the seat of the elective influence of adrenalin can only lie in the junction of the sympathetic nerve-fibres with the muscles. We must, then, assume that the neuro-muscular system is composed of cell, fibre, and terminal derived from the nerve, and of muscle-cell and contractile fibrilla derived from the muscle, and that these two portions are connected by means of a third, the myoneural junction. During the embryonal period, the muscle fibrilla possesses a direct contractility only, and in certain parts of the unstriated muscular structure, especially in the lower vertebrates, this developmental stage persists throughout life. But in the course of ontogenetic and philogenetic development, the greater number of the unstriated muscles acquire a relationship to the sympathetic nervous system. The myoneural junction, derived partly from the muscular substance, and partly from the sympathetic nerves, develops to form the mechanism \vhich controls the manner in which the muscles react in response to nervous stimuli. Whether the muscle is influenced in a positive or a negative sense, whether in response to such influence it contracts or relaxes, depends upon the myoneural junction. Adrenalin exercises a specific stimulatory effect upon this portion of the neuromuscular system, and this is proved by the following facts : first, it does not influence muscles which have not a sympathetic innervation (as, for instance, the muscles of the bronchi); and second, it does not affect all muscles in the same way, but produces contraction or relaxation according to the nature of the myoneural junction through which it acts. This specific action of adrenalin has revealed the fact, that the neuro-muscular junction tissue is characteristic of the sympathetic system and distinguishes it from the cranial and sacral autonomous 230 INTERNAL SECRETION systems. In the case of the latter systems, the relationship between nerve and muscle is biochemical and similar to that between nerve and muscle in striated muscles. The sensibility of a muscular tissue to adrenalin is propor- tional to the degree in which the myoneural junction is differenti- ated, and this, in its turn, seems to depend upon the frequency of the impulses which, under normal conditions, it receives through the agency of the sympathetic. In other respects, its irritability is independent of the nervous impulses. Owing to the fact that its trophic centre is situated, not in the nerve cell but in the muscular nucleoplasm, the irritability of the myoneural junction is not destroyed by degenerative resection of the nerve. On the contrary, we sometimes encounter the startling phenomenon of a denerved and decentralized tissue having a hypersensibility to chemical stimulation by adrenalin. The " paradoxical dilation of the pupil ' which, after denervation (extirpation of the superior cervical ganglion), follows the instil- lation of adrenalin into the eye of rabbits and of cats, while the normal eye of these animals does not react to adrenalin, has already been described. As wre then pointed out, this phenomenon is explained by the suppression of the inhibitory sympathetic fibres. Elliott believes, however, that it is rather due to increased irritability of the denerved peripheral tissue. After denervation, the blood-vessels, the retractor muscle of the penis, and the hair muscles all react to adrenalin. That, after denervation, adrenalin also increases inhibitory activity, such, for instance, as that of the urinary bladder, is highly probable, but as yet without definite proof. This hypothesis explains a number of peculiarities in con- nection with the action of adrenalin, some of which have long been recognized. It is wTell known that, in cats, while adrenalin is active, stimulation of the vagi does not produce cardiac inhibition, stimulation of the depressors is not followed by a fall in blood-pressure, nor stimulation of the nervi erigentes by con- traction of the urinary bladder. As soon as the effect of adrenalin has passed off, the muscles respond to stimulus in the usual manner. There was a general disposition to ascribe to adrenalin a transitory paralysing action upon the terminals of the cranial and sacral autonomous nerves. We now know that adrenalin effects an almost maximal stimulation of the myoneural sympathetic terminals, and that it produces results which are dependent upon these. It is obvious, therefore, that, in each organ, the response to electric stimulus can be changed by the action of adrenalin only in a manner and to a degree such as would result from a strong stimulation of the sympathetic nerve- fibres. While adrenalin is active, stimulation of the sympathetic does not produce more intense activity. When the adrenalin action has passed off, the results of such stimulation are neither THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 23! increased nor diminished, but represent the normal response. In those organs, however, in which, in addition to a sympathetic, there is also an antagonistic autonomous innervation, the result of the specific action of adrenalin will be so marked an increase in the strength of the sympathetic effects, that the autonomous inner- vation will appear to be paralysed. Similar results are observed after the simultaneous stimulation of the sympathetic and autonomous nerves of any organ, the sympathetic effects, in this case also, far outweighing those of the autonomous innervation. In cases where, while the sympathetic is under the influence of adrenalin, stimulation of the antagonistic autonomous nerve (vagus, pelvic nerve) is without effect, the result is due, not to paralysis cf the latter, but to a preponderance of the chemical over the electric influence upon the nerve-terminals. Hence, as soon as adrenalin ceases to act upon the sympathetic, electric stimulus of the autonomous nerve produces the customary result. In the course of his investigations into the physiological action of the ergot preparations, namely, cornutin (Kobert), sphacelotoxin (Jacoby), chrysotoxin or ergotoxin (Dale), A. H. Dale discovered certain remarkable departures from the known method of action of adrenalin, to which a special interest attaches. The first effect produced by small quantities of the ergot preparations is a stimulation of all the organs possessing unstriated muscle structure. Such doses bring about contraction of the blood-vessels and consequent increase in blood-pressure, together with contraction of the uterus and of the sphincter muscle of the iris. We have as yet no certain knowledge as to the site of origin of this stimulatory action. Larger doses produce progressive inhibition of the motor elements which were previously stimulated. At this stage, adrenalin fails to effect either a rise in blood-pressure or uterine contraction. A still further increase in the size of the doses of ergot produces the paradoxical result, that adrenalin in quantities which, in the first instance, effected an enormous rise in blood-pressure and were negatived where the ergot dosage was moderately increased, now bring about a fall in blood-pressure, the degree and duration of which is propor- tionate to the amount of adrenalin exhibited. In the same way, a quantity of nicotine which at first increased the tension of the vessels now diminishes it. Stimulation of the splanchnic nerve or of the spinal cord, instead of producing the customary rise in arterial tension, is followed by a fall. Moreover, substances such as barium chloride, which, under normal conditions, exercise a direct stimulatory action upon the involuntary muscles, are now followed by a rapid increase in arterial tension ; while pituitary ex- tract, the action of which is to raise blood-pressure, increases the tension of the vessels in animals at the third stage of ergot poisoning. It is, moreover, easy to prove that this effect of adrenalin in 232 INTERNAL SECRETION lowering blood-pressure is not due to a decreased cardiac activity, but is the expression of a peripheral vasodilation. A similar gradual inversion of the characteristic action of adrenalin is also seen in the case of other organs. The behaviour of the uterus is entirely analogous. After moderately large doses of ergot, the pregnant uterus will not contract in response either to adrenalin or to stimulation of the hypogastric nerve ; on the contrary, both methods produce considerable uterine relax- ation. This applies to the rabbit and the ape. In the case of the cat, stimulation of the sympathetic, whether direct or by means of adrenalin, inhibits the movements of the virgin uterus, while, in the pregnant uterus, it produces strong contraction. Toxic doses of ergot do not alter the inhibitory action of adrenalin upon the virgin uterus of the cat, but the pregnant uterus responds, no longer by contraction, but by relaxation. The spleen which, under normal conditions, responds to adrenalin by contraction, after ergot poisoning responds by relaxation. The internal sphincter muscle of the cat, in which the action of adrenalin normally produces contraction, likewise relaxes under the toxic influence of ergot. The stimulatory effect observed in the urinary bladder of the ferret, as the result either of adrenalin or of irritation of the hypogastric nerve, becomes inhibitory under the toxic influence of ergot. Acute ergot poisoning produces no change in the nature of the results which follow stimulation of the cranial and sacral autonomous nerves, or of the nerves supplying the skeletal muscles. Stimulation of the vagus produces the customary effects of inhibition of cardiac activity and contraction of the stomach, intestine, and gall-bladder. Stimulation of the chorda tympani provokes secretion of saliva ; and stimulation of the pelvic nerve is followed by the customary contraction of the urinary bladder and large intestine, and by dilation of the vessels of the penis. After poisoning by ergot, the skeletal muscle contracts in response to stimulation of its motor nerves in the same manner as under normal conditions. It is evident, then, that the inhibitory action of ergot is confined to the myoneural junctions of the sympathetic system. A closer investigation shows, however, that this conclusion is subject to certain modifications. The following table shows the effects which adrenal has in stimulating the sympathetic nerves, both under normal conditions and after large doses of ergot. The results which this table includes may be classified in three groups : (1) Where the sympathetic innervation is exclusively inhibitory, as in the stomach, intestines, urinary bladder, and virgin uterus, ergot poisoning produces no change in the effects brought about by adrenalin and by stimulation of the sympathetic. (2) Where the sympathetic innervation is exclusively stimu- THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 233 latory (motor), as in the arteries of rabbits, in the heart, the ileoco^cal sphincter, the urethra, the dilator muscle of the iris, the pilomotor muscles and the retractor muscle of the penis, the stimulatory action of adrenalin upon the sympathetic system is more or less weakened by ergot poisoning, or may in some cases even be abolished. Organ Vessels (cat, dog) ,, (rabbit) Heart muscle Spleen (cat) ... Stomach (cat) Small intestine (dog, cat, ape) Large intestine (cat) Ileocaecal sphincter (cat) ... Internal anal sphincter (cat) Gall-bladder Fundus of the urinary bladder (cat) „ ,, „ (ferret) Urinary bladder and urethra (cat) Pilomotor muscles Dilator muscle of the iris Uterus (virgin, of the cat) Uterus (pregnant, of the cat) ,, (rabbit, ape) Retractor of penis (dog) ... Effects of sympathetic stimulation and of intravenous adrenalin injection Under normal conditions After ergot poisoning s. s. s. s. I. I. I. s. s. I. I. s. s. s. s. I. N. or weak S. N. or weak S. I. I. I. I. N. I I. I. I. N. N". N. with adrenalin, weak S. after electric sympathetic stimulation. I. or S. and I. ... I. S. ... I. S. ... I. S. N. S = stimulation ; I = inhibition ; N = negative result. (3) Where the sympathetic innervation is twofold, both stimulatory and inhibitory in character, the stimulatory action preponderating under normal conditions, as in the vessels of the carnivore, in the spleen, the internal anal sphincter, the urinary bladder of ferrets, the uterus of rabbits and apes, and the pregnant uterus of cats, the action of adrenalin and the effect of electric stimulation of the sympathetic are exclusively inhibitory after ergot poisoning. It is evident from this that structures having a sympathetic innervation do not all respond to the action of ergot in the same manner. Those with inhibitory sympathetic innervation are entirely uninfluenced; those with stimulatory in- nervation become paralysed; where both stimulatory and inhibitory fibres are present, the inhibitory function, which was previously masked by the activity of the stimulatory fibres, becomes apparent as soon as these are put out of action. Dale's experiments show that the same structural elements are influenced by the active principle of ergot as by adrenalin, and that the site of this influence lies in the sympathetic myoneural junction tissue. The inhibitory action of ergot is, however, con- fined to the motor myoneural junction tissue. Whether or no in organs with a double sympathetic innervation, the stimulatory and inhibitory functions are associated with the* same substratum 234 INTERNAL SECRETION or are morphologically differentiated, is a question to which these observations of Dale's do not supply an answer. The results included in Group 3 render the former supposition the more probable; and these results are, moreover, evidence in favour of Langley's theory of the existence of a " receptive substance." The results described above, together with extensive investi- gation into the action of nicotine and of curare, suggested to Langley that the cells possess two component parts: (i) a sub- stance which performs the specific function of the cell, contraction and secretion ; (2) receptive substances, which react to chemical influences and nervous stimuli and which are able, in their turn, to affect the metabolism of the cells. According to this view, toxins such as nicotine, curare, atropine, pilocarpine, adrenalin, and strychnine, which were believed to exercise an influence upon the nerve terminals, do not act upon the terminals but upon a constituent of the reacting cell. This theory supplies a final answer to the question as to whether adrenalin acts directly upon the muscle itself, as Langley at first supposed, or whether it acts upon the sympathetic nerve endings. The myoneural junction forms a portion of the receptive substance, and is situated in the neighbourhood of the nerve terminal. The cells may contain either stimulatory or inhibitory receptive substances, or they may contain both ; the effect of nervous stimulation will depend upon the extent to which both receptive substances are influenced by the nervous impulse. According to Langley, not adrenalin only but other products of secretion, such as thyroidin and the internal secretion of the reproductive glands, react upon receptive substances in the cells- which are not necessarily connected with nerve fibres. THE BY-EFFECTS OF ADRENALIN. In addition to the physiological effects already described,, adrenalin exercises certain other influences, partly physiological and partly toxic in character, which it is convenient to describe as "by-effects." Such a physiological by-effect is the stimulation by adrenalin of the vasomotor and vagus centres in the medulla oblongata, to which reference has already been made. From what we now know of the action of adrenalin, those phenomena which appear after intravenous injection as the outcome of the stimulation of certain nervous centres, are due, not to the direct action of the substance itself, but to changes which it brings about in the circulatory conditions. In regard to its action upon the vagus and the consequent slowing of the pulse, there is no doubt that the result is due to stimulation of the vagal centre in consequence of the increased blood-pressure (Biedl and Reiner). The fact that the slowing of the pulse is immediately relieved by resection THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 235 of the vagus or by atropine paralysis of the vagal terminals, is almost certain evidence in favour of this theory. It is, however, a more difficult matter to prove that the influence upon the vasomotor centres is secondary, though from what we know of the effects of high blood-pressure upon these centres, the assump- tion seems highly probable. Moreover, the exhibition of adren- alin is followed by other phenomena, due to the stimulation of certain other centres, which are certainly not provoked by the action of the substance itself, but are the result of the increased arterial tension. To this group of phenomena belong the changes which are observed in the respiratory conditions after the injection of supra- renal extract or of adrenalin. After the injection of therapeutic doses, the respiration becomes shallow and diminishes in frequency. The shallowness is due to diminution of the inspiratory movements, the reduction in frequency to the pro- longing of expiration. Sometimes there are isolated gasps and sighs, or there may be several prolonged expiratory pauses. If the injections are repeated, the shallowness remains, but the prolonged expirations disappear, and the breathing becomes slightly accelerated (Kahn). At the same time, the height of the expirations remains at the former level. The inspirations gradually become deeper, until, by the time the blood-pressure has fallen to the normal, the depth and frequency of respiration has also reached the normal. Boruttau attributed this influence of adrenalin upon expir- ation to a direct inhibitory action, or at least to a reduction in the sensibility to stimuli of the respiratory centre in the medulla oblongata. It would be more accurate, perhaps, to speak of ' ' an increased sensibility to stimulus on the part of the inhibitory centres," especially since Kahn has shown that the respiratory reflexes produced by centripetal stimulation of certain nerves, undergo a marked increase in intensity after the injection of suprarenal extract. Such are, the improved inspiration which follows weak stimulation of the central vagus stump ; the improved expiration which follows stimulation of the superior laryngeal nerve ; and the suspension of expiration (Kratschmer's reflex) which follows stimulation of the nasal branches of the trigeminus. We have no proof that these changes in respiratory activity are the result of the direct action of adrenalin upon the respiratory centres; hence we are compelled to regard them, like the changes which take place in the bulbar and vagal vasomotor centres, as the result of changes in the circulatory conditions. Among the effects of adrenalin of which we at present know very little, are those influences, perhaps physiological, but more probably toxic, which it exercises upon the striated muscles. According to Oliver and Schafer, suprarenal extract, like veratrin, provokes an extension of the graphic curve of contraction of the 236 INTERNAL SECRETION gastrocnemius of frogs, as well as of the forearm muscles of dogs. According to Langlois, suprarenal extract produces a paralysis of the motor nerve endings, similar to that provoked by curare. Boruttau compared the action of adrenalin upon the striated muscles to the changes which take place in the first stage of fatigue. On the other hand, Dessy and Grandis believe that fatigued nerve muscle preparation of the frog is stimulated to renewed activity by the action of adrenalin. Panella, who con- firmed this view, found that, in frogs, the action of the active principle of suprarenal was antagonistic to that of curare; it neutralizes the inhibitory effect which minimal doses of curare have upon the muscles, and in cases where curare paralysis has already made its appearance, it hastens the return to normal conditions. The results of Joteyko's investigations into the nature of adrenalin, seem to show that it produces neither stimu- lation nor inhibition of muscular action, but that it affects the muscular sarcoplasm in such a way as to render it more sensitive to nervous stimulus. These changes in irritability are, however, so slight as to be demonstrable only by special methods. The experimental evidence which we at present possess is not sufficient to decide the question, as to whether the influence which adrenalin exercises upon the striated muscles is physio- logical or toxic in character. Observation of the heart muscle yields results which seem to point to the latter conclusion. For, in addition to the changes which have been described, certain phenomena are occasionally observed in connection with the heart muscle, which it is impossible to regard as other than toxic. In dogs, especially, both large doses of adrenalin and the injection into the veins of extract of the chromaffine bodies (Biedl and Wiesel), are frequently followed by arhythmia, and in some instances by a sudden fluttering which terminates fatally. TOXIC ACTION. When given in moderate doses, the influence of adrenalin is purely physiological, but when employed in large quantities its action is violently toxic. It exercises a destructive influence upon a number of tissues, and produces acute symptoms which may end in death. The amount of the toxic dose of adrenalin is, to a certain extent, dependent upon the animal species and upon the method of exhibition. The intravenous injection of .1 to .2 mg. per kilo usually proves fatal to dogs, rabbits, and guinea-pigs. Amberg gives the toxic dose of epinephrin — though this is probably not identical with adrenalin — as i to 2 mg. per kilo in dogs. Cats, as a general rule, tolerate somewhat larger doses of adrenalin, the toxic ^ose being as high as .5 to .8 mg. per kilo (Lesage). The size of the dose, the intravenous injection of which is immediately THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 237 followed by death, is larger in proportion to the distance of the site of injection from the heart. When injected subcutaneously, ten to fifty times the amount is borne. The lethal dose is about 8 to 10 mg. per kilo in guinea- pigs and rabbits, 5 to 6 mg. in dogs. Frogs tolerate a dose ten times larger in proportion to their weight than rabbits. About .1 mg. injected subcutaneously is fatal to mice weighing 10 to 15 grms. Abderhalden and Slavu employed a similar dose of 1-suprarenin. These authors found that, in the case of mice, the. lethal dose was followed, either by convulsive symptoms lasting a few minutes, or by coma lasting several hours \vith a terminal fall in temperature. They found the action of d-suprarenin much less toxic, the fatal dose being .1 to .5 grm. The same authors also discovered that, if the animals are previously treated with increasingly large doses of d-suprarenin (.2 to 5 mg.), they acquire a definite tolerance of the 1-component and will bear an, amount two to ten times as large as under ordinary conditions. According to Watermann, the immunizing action of d-suprarenin. is observed not only in regard to the fatal dose of 1-suprarenin,, but also in the case of the dose which provokes glycosuria. 2 mg. 1-suprarenin produced little or no sugar in the urine of rabbits, which had been previously treated with increasing doses (10 to 50 mg.) of d-suprarenin, though under ordinary conditions, such a dose of 1-suprarenin is invariably followed by glycosuria. A. Frohlich found that the intravenous injection of d-supra- renin (2 to 5 mg.) induced a condition in dogs and cats, in which the blood-pressure \vas entirely unaffected by the injection of natural adrenalin, by 1-suprarenin in doses of i mg., or by stimulation of the splanchnic nerve. In this state, death by asphyxia is not preceded by any rise in blood-pressure. Accord- ing to Frohlich, the non-toxic d-suprarenin, when given in large doses, combines with certain nervous or muscular portions of the blood-vessel cells and renders them completely inaccessible to the action of 1-suprarenin, to which these cells are, as a rule, very susceptible. Abderhalden, Kautzsch and Miiller were unable to confirm Frohlich's findings; they believe that the results of his experiments wrere largely influenced by the presence, in his ani- mals, of relative cardiac insufficiency. There is no doubt that the organism acquires a certain tolerance of the toxic action of adrenalin, for, by giving it at intervals of twenty-four hours or longer in increasingly large doses, rabbits, for instance, will take quantities up to .4 mg. without signs of untoward effects. Moreover, it has been definitely proved by Elliott and Durham, that, where animals are under continuous adrenalin treatment, adrenalin antibodies are not formed in the organism. When injected into the peritoneum, the lethal dose of adren- alin is about the same as when the injection is given subcutan- 238 INTERNAL SECRETION eously. Falta and Ivcovic recently discovered that, if exhibited by way of the stomach or intestines, or if given intravesicularly, enormous quantities of adrenalin are tolerated without toxic symptoms of any kind. No signs of poisoning followed the introduction with the probang of 20 mg. of adrenalin into guinea- pigs, 1 6 to 50 mg. into rabbits, and 150 mg. into dogs. The amount of adrenalin in the urine, after both subcutaneous and intraperitoneal injection, was insignificant. After exhibition by the mouth, however, considerable quantities of adrenalin, or of a substance possessing the chemical, physiological and toxic properties of adrenalin, were found in the urine. The authors believe that, when introduced into the stomach, adrenalin becomes fixed, either in the mucosa of the gastro-intestinal canal, or by the agency of the digestive secretions ; that in this manner it loses its specific physiological and toxic properties ; and that, when present in large quantities, it is again released in the kidneys. Although adrenalin undoubtedly has a wide therapeutic application, it must be remembered that it is by no means a harmless substance. In its clinical employment, the subcutaneous injection of i mg. is frequently sufficient to provoke toxic symptoms, such as palpitation and headache, while in older people whose vessels are sclerosed, there may be rigors (Falta). Some time ago v. Fiirth pointed out the danger attaching to the indiscriminate employment of suprarenin. The symptoms shown by animals dying of adrenalin poison- ing, as well as the cause of death, vary to a certain extent with the method of employment of the drug. After the injection of large quantities into the jugular vein, the animals usually collapse at once and die after a few respiratory movements. In such cases, death is due to momentary arrest of the heart's action or to fluttering, consequent upon the cessation of circulation. The injection of the simple lethal dose, more particularly into the peripheral veins, frequently produces cedema of the lungs in rabbits, the animals dying within a few minutes. Many of the symptoms which appear in connection with the respiratory apparatus, such as the shallowness and infrequency of the breath- ing, the progressive dyspnoea, together with the fact that the animals may be kept alive for a long time by means of artificial respiration, point to inadequacy on the part of the respiratory nervous apparatus. This nervous inadequacy may be primary or, and this is more probable, it may be a secondary result of the •changed circulatory conditions. The subcutaneous or intraperitoneal injection of sufficiently large doses is, at first, followed by a stage of intense excitement, accompanied by repeated vomiting and sanguineous diarrhoea; later on, there is increasing weakness and, finally, extreme prostration with complete paralysis ; death follows after a few hours — twenty-four at the most. The autopsy reveals a high THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 239 degree of hyperaemia of all the internal organs; a serous, and occasionally sanguineous, fluid is present in the pleural, peri- toneal, and pericardial cavities; there are sub-pleural, sub- pericardial, and epicardial ecchymoses, relaxed heart muscle, pulmonary haemorrhages and, occasionally, pulmonary oedema. The abdominal viscera, especially the intestine, are not only markedly hyperaemic, but they are frequently covered with exten- sive haemorrhagic patches. There are, undoubtedly, good grounds for ascribing the fatal termination which follows the intravenous injection of large quantities of adrenalin, to profound circulatory disturbances; but where the substance is introduced either subcutaneously or into the peritoneum, there is no evidence as to the cause of death. The destructive influence which adrenalin has upon the tissues, which will be fully discussed later, suggests, however, that the cause of death in these cases is to be sought in a destruction of the vital tissues. Of the toxic effects which adrenalin exercises upon individual tissues, the most conspicuous is the necrosis which it sometimes produces at the site of either subcutaneous or intraperitoneal injection. As far as my observation goes, this process is of very frequent occurrence; it affects the subcutaneous cellular tissue and is more marked in proportion to the weakness of the adrenalin solution employed. The subcutaneous injection of .1 mg. of the usual solution of i : 1000 into rabbits, rarely produces necrosis; but necrosis almost invariably appears if the same dose is diluted with large quantities (50 to 100 of sterilized normal saline solution. If this method is employed, marked oedema will appear at the site of injection, and this will be distinctly visible the next day, becoming haemorrhagic later. In the course of the next few days, the skin becomes more or less extensively necrosed and finally heals, after forming a scab. The subcutaneous or intravenous injection of adrenalin is followed by inflammatory and degenerative changes, not at the site of application only, but also in organs distant from it. These changes are observed after a single injection and are more marked where the injections are repeated. The kidneys show signs of inflammation and infiltration, together with haemorrhages and necrosis; there are haemorrhages and necrotic and cirrhotic changes in the liver; symptoms of inflammation appear in the lungs ; and necrotic processes are seen in the mucosa and muscular structure of the stomach, intestines and urinary bladder. Schlayer found that the injection of adrenalin was followed by changes in the renal tissue resembling those of contracted kidney. Both Erb and Fischer found that the repeated injection of adrenalin into the veins of rabbits, was followed by multiple cerebral haemor- rhages, associated with pathological changes in the substance of the brain. The cause of these haemorrhages probably lies in a primary lesion of the cerebral vessels. 240 INTERNAL SECRETION The most conspicuous of the toxic effects of adrenalin is that which it exercises upon the circulatory organs. The repeated injection of adrenalin produces serious changes in the heart ; hypertrophy of the left ventricle, myositis fibrosa, ischa^mic in- farction, foci which have undergone hyaline degeneration, and necrosed patches, have all been observed. Of the changes effected by suprarenal extract, or by adren- alin, upon the circulatory apparatus, those which may be experi- mentally induced in the arteries have received the most attention. It is expedient to the present purpose to enter rather more fully into this subject. Josue was the first to show, in 1902, that the repeated injection of adrenalin into the veins of rabbits produces atheroma of the vessels. Jores had previously tried to produce changes in the vessel walls by means of suprarenal tabloids given by the mouth, but his experiments were quite unsuccessful. Later, experiments were carried out upon animals of varying species with the different suprarenal preparations; with adrenalin obtained from the suprarenal and with synthetic preparations, such as methylaminoacetopyrocatechin, by Sturli ; and with syn- thetic suprarenin and its components, 1- and d-suprarenin, by Biedl. Experiments with dogs have produced somewhat variable results. Fischer and Mori, as well as Pearce and Stanton, obtained negative results ; while Tarantini and Braun found that the intravenous injection of adrenalin was followed by vascular changes similar to those seen in rabbits immediately after such injection. According to Loeper, Lissauer, v. Hansemann and Boveri, the symptoms are intensified by feeding the animals with calcium ; moreover, animals, the normal diet of which is rich in calcium, such as the hare, horse and cow, are more susceptible to vascular changes than animals whose normal food contains but little calcium (dog, cat). The rabbit is a very reliable subject for such experiment,* and has been employed in the great majority of cases. It is evident that, in the first place, the appearance of changes in the vessel walls is dependent upon the manner in which the drug is exhibited. The results of subcutaneous injection have occasion- ally been positive, but far more often negative, in character. After intratracheal injection, Kiilbs observed typical changes in the aorta; Fischer found that intraperitoneal injection was not fol- lowed by such changes ; Erb noticed slight changes in the aorta ; d'Amato observed similar changes after the introduction of Vassale's preparation, ' paraganglin," into the stomach; and Tarantini obtained only negative results by the latter method. ' Klotz and Bennecke think that the large calcium contents of rabbits' blood is significant in this connection. THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 241 The most reliable results have been obtained by means of intravenous injection (Erb, B. Fischer, K. Ziegler, Lissauer, Braun, Minorescu, Scheidemandel, v. Koranyi, Pearce and Stan- ton, v. Rzentkowski, Kiilbs, Hedinger, Loeb, Loeper, v. Frey and Meyer, Pic and Bonnamour, &c.). Kaiserling is the only author who is not convinced that the changes in the aorta are directly due to the action of adrenalin. The vast majority of authors hold the opinion that the results of adrenalin experiments are in no sense accidental, and that there is, as far as we know at present, no reason to doubt that the changes observed in the vessels of rabbits are the outcome of the action of this substance. The vascular changes take place in response to quite small quantities of adrenalin. Braun found that, after a single in- jection of .1 mg., several calcareous foci were present in the aorta; he found, also, that the repeated injection of .001 mg. of Clin's adrenalin, or even of fractions of this quantity, offered the best means of studying the preliminary stages of "adrenalin sclerosis." Speaking broadly, these changes take place more readily in old animals than in young ones;* there are, moreover, certain idiosyncrasies peculiar to individuals and to varieties,! but there is no sex incidence (Bennecke) ; and it is certain that diet exercises a modifying effect (v. Koranyi). J Where small doses are employed, the changes are distributed throughout the entire vascular system (Braun). Of the observers who employed larger doses, the greater number describe changes in the aorta only. The changes appear first and are most marked in the upper portion of the thoracic aorta, though they are occasionally met with in a slighter form in the abdominal aorta. According to v. Rzentkowski, the most frequent site is at the fork where the vessel branches. The macroscopic findings, as described by different authors, agree in their main points with those originally set forth by Josue. At first, small, whitish, granulated patches, of about the size of a pin's head, make their appearance upon the inner surface of the aorta, and gradually combine to form round or band-like plaques. They early undergo calcification, patches no larger than a pin's head assuming an indented cup-like form. Later on, cup-like, round or oval aneurysmal pouchings are formed, often with rough chalky ridges between them. Diffuse calcification is also observed, though its occurrence is somewhat rare. The histological changes (Braun) consist, in the first instance, * Josue thinks that young; rabbits are not susceptible to adrenalin. This view is confirmed by O. Loeb and Githens, but is disputed by Ben- necke. t Albinos and the more finely-organized breeds are less resistant to adrenalin. + According to v. Koranyi, rabbits fed on carrots have a greater power of resistance than those fed on oats. 16 242 INTERNAL SECRETION of serous infiltration of the media; proliferation of and hyper- trophic changes in the muscles of the vessels, and injury of the elastic elements in the vessel walls, especially of the lamina elastica interna, together with consecutive, and probably com- pensatory, proliferation of this tissue. In its earlier stages, it is difficult to define the exact nature of the injury to the muscular portion of the vessel walls. It is certain, however, that at a very early stage there are softening of the tissue, nuclear changes, and thickening of the fibres, the latter being probably compensatory. In the case of vessels of the muscular type, the changes in the intima — the " hyperplastic proliferation of the intima ' —are, as a rule, apparent when the media are only slightly affected. At a later stage, the proliferation of the intima in vessels of both kinds becomes degenerative. The final stage consists in necrosis of the muscle cells (Erb, Torri, Fischer, Hedinger, Lissauer, Kiilbs, Ziegler, Saltykow, &c.), together with calcification of circumscribed areas, and various changes in the elastic fibres. The question as to whether the muscular changes are preceded by fatty degeneration has been differently solved by different authors. Klotz, Saltykow, Pearce and Stanton, Lissauer and Bennecke believe that this is the case; on the other hand, Fischer, d'Amato and Flagella, and Scheide- mandel have never observed fat. Where there are foci of calcification, the elastic lamella? fre- quently appear to be stretched; their normal undulations dis- appear; and "granulated, elastic' fibres are observed. Later on, where the lesion is very pronounced, the elastic lamella? may tear, or rather break, afterwards splitting and crumbling until they finally disappear. Fatty degeneration of the elastic fibres has also been described (Klotz). Calcification is frequently present at a very early stage. According to Trachtenberg and Miesowicz, formation of cartilage also takes place. At the beginning, the calcified foci are, as a rule, sharply defined from the sound tissue. Where the media is completely destroyed, a deep and progressive pouching of the wall gradually takes place and an aneurysm is formed. The foci and the chalky scales upon the media become surrounded later by cellular proliferations, which consist of leucocytose and lym- phocytose infiltration, granulation tissue and proliferation of muscle cells. It is my own experience (Biedl and Braun) that all these changes take place. The descriptions which have been given of giant cells are doubtless well founded. The hyper- trophic muscle fibres, especially in section, closely resemble cartilage cells. In the later stages, there is connective tissue formation (Ziegler), diffuse sclerosis, fibrous degeneration of the media (Scheidemandel, Torri), reactive inflammation, mesarter- itis, and endarteritis (B. Fischer). The changes in the intima consist, at first, of endothelial pro- THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 243 liferation (Erb, Kiilbs, Saltykow) ; fatty degeneration of the proliferated endothelium (Saltykow, Klotz) ; and connective tissue thickening of the intima (Papadia, Watermann). According to K. Ziegler, the proliferation of the intima is wholly compensatory, its purpose being to rill up the inequalities of the inner surface of the vessel. This can apply, however, to a small proportion of cases only. F. Falk has frequently observed proliferation of the intima and of its component parts in portions of the small vessels \\hich had become pouched as a result of the process. Fissure of the lamina elastica interna is frequently observed, as well as the occurrence of nuclei (unstriated muscles) in the intima of the small vessels. It is probable that changes (softening) do not take place in the media of the small vessels, or if they do, they can only be of the slightest description. Here and there, pronounced connective tissue traits appear in the portions of the media border- ing upon the adventitia (Falk). K. Ziegler explains the sporadic appearance of the diseased condition by the implication of the vasa vasorum. With regard to the primary localization of the disease, all authors, with the exception of Loeper, Papadia and Boveri, are agreed that the changes in the media are essential, the changes in the intima secondary, in character. Whether, however, this rule applies equally to the small vessels, is a point upon which no certain pronouncement can at present be given. The tissue which is first affected is the muscular structure of the vessels (B. Fischer, Falk, &c.), although v. Rzentkowski, Marchand, Scheidemandel and Trachtenberg localize the site of earliest affection in the elastic portions of the vessel walls. The pathogenetic factors in the changes brought about by adrenalin in the arteries are : its effect in raising blood-pressure ; its toxic action upon the vessel walls ; and perhaps, also, a direct influence upon the vasa vasorum. Changes similar to those in the aorta are also observed in the pulmonary artery, in the veins (d'Amato), and in the lymphatics (Donzello and Vito Tardo), in all of which the con- ditions governing pressure could hardly be altered, to any appre- ciable extent, by the action of adrenalin. These facts militate against the view that the increased blood-pressure is the sole pathogenetic factor. Moreover, L. Braun, and later Waterman, both observed identical changes in the arteries in cases where, by injecting adrenalin in combination with amyl nitrite, they had excluded every possibility of increased blood-pressure. Similar results were obtained where adrenalin was administered simul- taneously with other substances which lower blood-pressure; Boveri, for instance, employed adrenalin with opothyroidin ; Mironescu adrenalin plus euphthalmin, which is a substance of the atropine group. B. Fischer proved that changes in the vessels may be also 244 INTERNAL SECRETION brought about by the agency of many substances which do not raise pressure, if these are administered in a suitable manner. Such substances are: normal saline solution in large quantities; hydrochloric, phosphoric, and lactic acids ; calcium phosphate, potassium bichromate, uranium nitrate, chloral amide, phlorizin, trypsin, pepsin, thyroidin, and dried mammary gland. It must be conceded, however, that these substances never produce changes as marked as those which result from the action of adrenalin. The toxo-chemical action of adrenalin is still further proved by the results of Falk's experiments. While ignoring the rise in blood-pressure produced by adrenalin, he succeeded in intensify- ing or reducing the arterial changes which followed it by injecting, together with adrenalin, substances which have no influence upon blood-pressure, their action being purely chemical.* According to Falk, a repeated, transitory rise in pressure and functional hyper-stimulation of the muscles of the vessels, are essentially the predisposing causes of necrosis of the vessels. " High blood-pressure alone never gives rise to serious injury of the media, that is to say, to regressive changes; for hyperactivity is, in itself, far more likely to lead to a gradual hypertrophy of the various layers forming the walls of the vessels. It is in this way that Falk explains the results of experiments in which changes in the vessels, in every way resembling those provoked by adrenalin, were brought about by repeated mechanical hypertension induced by the injection of gamboge or croton oil, with simultaneous compression of the abdominal aorta. In company w*ith L. Braun, I investigated the effect which purely mechanical hypertension exercises upon the vessels. We found that, in the rabbit, sheep, and ape, repeated compression of the aorta above the point of departure of the renal artery gives rise to lesions of the vessels, which upon the whole, are analogous to those produced by adrenalin. From the results of experiments carried out under special conditions, we concluded that the vascular lesions depend, not only upon the hypertension, but also upon the extreme pressure fluctuations which take place in the arterial system, and which make special demands upon the elasticity of the vessel walls. f * The arteriosclerosis was either prevented or arrested by the simul- taneous injection of chemotaxic substances, such as : dead staphylpcocci, pyocyaneusprotein, oil of turpentine, aleuronate, and sesame oil ; it was enormously increased by the subcutaneous injection of croton oil, gamboge, and bacterial toxins. Falk thinks that the absence of arteriosclerosis is due to the increase in the amount of lymph. After Biedl and Offer had proved that the glocosuric action of adrenalin is inhibited by lymphagogue sub- stances, Falk found that the injection of extract of leeches, which increases the circulation of lymph, was likewise unattended by changes in the vessels. t A detailed account of " compression sclerosis " as observed by Braun and myself appeared in the Sitzungsberichten der k. Akad. d. Wissensch. in .Wien. Vol. 119. IQII. THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 245 Serious changes in the aorta of rabbits after compression of the abdominal aorta are described by W. Henwood Henry; and Klotz observed similar changes in rabbits after they had been repeatedly suspended with the head downwards. These experiments illustrate the important part played by changed haemodynamic conditions in the etiology of lesions of the vessel walls. They serve, moreover, to establish the prob- ability of this agent as a factor in the causation of adrenalin sclerosis. The discovery that similar changes are produced in the vessel walls by other substances, whose property it is to increase blood-pressure, such as digalen, digitoxin, strophantin, barium chloride, ergotin, nicotine, and formaldehyde, may be regarded as confirmatory evidence, although it is not possible in these instances to exclude the operation of chemico-toxic factors. In spite of much searching investigation, it has not been possible, up to the present, to arrive at any conclusive decision concerning the pathogenesis of adrenalin arteriosclerosis. But the increase and the fluctuation in pressure, on the one hand, and the toxic injury to the vessel walls, on the other, are undoubted factors in the causation of the condition. These findings are confirmed by the results of certain experi- ments which I recently undertook, with the object of discovering the changes brought about in the vessel walls by means of 1- and d-suprarenin. I found that, when given in quantities too small to provoke a rise in blood-pressure, serious sclerotic changes followed the employment, not only of the 1-component whose property it is to raise blood-pressure, but also of the d-component which, owing to its slight toxicity, may be given in larger doses. In no case did I find that treatment by subcutaneous injection of d-suprarenin created a tolerance of subsequent intravenous injec- tion of 1-suprarenin. The changes in the vessels to which d-suprarenin gives rise are undoubtedly in the nature of toxic injury, brought about by the agency of a substance, the affinity of which to certain components of the vessel walls is suggested' by certain experiments of A. Frohlich's, which have already been described. The following facts are known concerning the part played by certain physical conditions in the causation of a sclerosed condition of the vessel walls. Pregnant animals appear to be less susceptible than others to the influence of adrenalin (Loeb and Githens, Loeper, Boveri, v. Koranyi). It is certain that the conditions of pregnancy, castration (Thevenot), cachexia (L. Loeb and Githens, Pic and Bonnamour), and fatigue (Thevenot), are not favourable to the development of adrenalin lesions. During the period of lacta- tion, the resistance to the action of adrenalin is lowered (Pic and Bonnamour, Thevenot). As far as the effect upon thyroid- ectomized animals is concerned, opinions are divided. It must 246 INTERNAL SECRETION be conceded that, upon the whole, the effect which different physical conditions have upon the enlargement of the vessels as induced by adrenalin, is at present insufficiently investigated. The influence which certain drugs have upon the changes in the vessels produced by adrenalin, has formed the subject of extensive investigation. Of these, iodine has received the most attention. v. Koranyi found that the simultaneous exhibition of adren- alin and iodine inhibits the changes which adrenalin provokes in the vessels. Boveri arrived at the same conclusion, but Biland obtained quite opposite results. He found that the simultaneous exhibition of iodide of potassium and suprarenin favoured the appearance of changes in the aorta. Hedinger, Loeb, and Fleisher, as well as Kalamkarow, bring forward a large amount of evidence in confirmation of Biland's findings; Klienenberger, on the other hand, is unable to show that the effects of adrenalin are inhibited by the action of iodine. The inhibitory influence of iodipin upon the development of adrenalin sclerosis, depends upon the amount of sesame oil which it contains (Schrank). According to Mansfield, the simultaneous employment of cholin with adrenalin does not arrest the changes in the vessel walls. The vast majority of authors who have occupied themselves with the question of the changes which adrenalin produces in the vessels, have discussed this condition in its relation to the clinical form of arteriosclerosis. The views which different authors hold upon this subject are, however, very diverse. Josue, Loeper, Gouget, Gilbert and Lion, Boveri, Braun, etc., believe that the two conditions are more or less identical ; while Fischer, v. Rzentkowski, Scheidemandel, Hedinger, d'Amato, Lissauer, Loeb, Klotz, Saltykow, etc., lay stress upon the differences which subsist between the two conditions. Certain signs, such as the calcification of the media as seen in the clinical condition, are believed by many authors (v. Erb, Biland, Bennecke, Klotz, Marchand, Saltykow, etc.) to be common to both pathological forms. ADRENALIN AS A SECRETORY PRODUCE OF THE ADRENAL SYSTEM. It has been shown that adrenalin is a well defined chemical substance, minimal quantities of which produce definite physio- logical results. The next step is to discover whether this sub- stance is formed and passes into the circulation during life, or whether it comes into existence post mortem. The first question to be decided, however, is — in which of the two suprarenal systems is adrenalin formed? As stated in an earlier chapter, Vulpian and Virchow were able to obtain the colour-reactions characteristic of adrenalin with the medullary substance of the suprarenal only; with that tissue, in fact, which,. THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 247 as Henle proved, stains brown in watery solutions of chromic acid and the chromates. Oliver and Schafer next discovered that the specific action of suprarenal extract is obtained exclusively with the extract of the medulla, extract of the cortical substance being negative. It was shown by both Langlois and S. Vincent, that blood-pressure is raised by those extracts only which are obtained from animals, the suprarenals of which are composed of medullary and cortical portions. Vincent found that extracts of the so- called suprarenal bodies (Balfour) of Selachii, were physiologically active and, in combination with Moore, he succeeded in obtaining with these substances the chemical reactions characteristic of the chromogen of the suprarenal medulla. Extracts of the interrenal bodies were partially active owing, Vincent believes, to the inclusion of a proportion of medullary substance; extracts of the bodies of Stannius of Teleosteii were completely inactive. These tests were only employed to prove toxicity. I next found that extracts obtained from the adrenal organs of Selachii possess all the physiological properties of adrenalin. It is a noteworthy fact that, if adrenal organic extract is injected into the branchial arteries of rays or torpedoes, a rise in blood- pressure takes place similar to that which follows the injection of adrenalin. Finally, it was shown by Biedl and Wiesel, that extracts of the extracapsular chromaffine tissue, more par- ticularly extract of the accessory sympathetic organs in the neighbourhood of the abdominal aorta of children (Zuckerkandl), produce contraction of the peripheral vessels and increased cardiac activity, by which a rise in arterial tension is effected. These authors also discovered that the substances exercise a transitory injurious effect, first upon the right heart, and afterwards upon the left, which is manifested by the occurrence of arhythmic beats. They emphasize the fact, and in this they are supported by A. Kohn, that the physiological reaction which is regarded as the specific effect of suprarenal extract, is a property of the extract of the chromaffine cell-group. In view^ of these results, it is hardly possible to doubt that adrenalin is a chemical component of that tissue which is distinguished, histologically, by the chrom- affinity of its cells, and which has received the name of adrenal tissue. A certain amount of information as to the quantity of adren- alin present in the suprarenal and in the free portions of the adrenal system, is supplied by histological investigation. The chromaffinity of the adrenal cells, that is to say, the property which their cytoplasm has of staining brown or yellow-brown with chromium salts after suitable fixation, is the measure of their adrenalin contents. The most suitable fixing fluids are mixtures of potassium bichromate and formalin (Kohn, Wiesel). The objects must be as fresh as possible when put into the fixing fluid, for the chrome reaction disappears with remarkable rapidity after death, the cells 248 INTERNAL SECRETION refusing to stain after twelve or, at the outside, thirty hours. It should be further borne in mind that all cells do not stain equally intensely, and that their chromaffinity is by no means always parallel to their adrenalin contents, as revealed by other methods. In the experiments of Schur and Wiesel, in which prolonged narcosis in rabbits was followed by reduction and total disappear- ance of the chromaffinity of the suprarenal medulla, I found a dis- crepancy between the chromaffinity of the suprarenal extract em- ployed and its effect in raising blood-pressure. For instance, the hypertensive action of one extract was of about normal intensity, but the chromaffinity of the suprarenal from which it was derived was very much reduced. Whether, in these cases, the slight chrome reaction is due to insufficiency of the adrenalin contents, or to the presence of non-chromophile pre-stages of adrenalin, is at present undecided. Whatever the cause, however, findings such as these show very clearly that Henle's chrome reaction can be employed at best as a provisional quantitative test only for adrenalin. Battelli was the first to attempt to record in actual figures the amount of adrenalin contained in the suprarenals. For this purpose, he employed a colorimetric method of his own with ferric chloride, but was able to obtain only approximate results. Battelli and his pupil, S. Ornstein, measured the amount of adrenalin in the suprarenals of man, rabbits, and guinea-pigs, by estimating the increase in blood-pressure produced by the extracts of those organs. The results of their experiments showed that the adrenalin contents of both suprarenals are approximately the same in the dog and the rabbit, but that in the guinea-pig the amounts differ, the excess being in the right or left organ indiffer- ently. They also proved that, in the case of the dog and the rabbit, extirpation of one capsule did not lead, at any rate within the next few days, to a change in the adrenalin contents of the other. In the case of the dog, however, a reduction was occasion- ally observed in the adrenalin contents of the capsule left in situ. Battelli's tables show that i grm. of suprarenal substance contains, upon an average, i mg., or slightly more, of adrenalin. It was estimated that 18 grm. of suprarenal substance of cattle contained a mean quantity of 4.3 grm. of medullary substance, and .031 grm. of adrenalin ; that is to say, .75 per cent, of adrenalin was present in the medullary substance. According to Battelli, the adrenalin contents of the suprarenals of different animals, to every 1,000 kg. of body weight, are as follows : Man 0603 grm. adrenalin per 1000 kilo. Ox .074--077 Horse ... .0816-. 12 ,, ,, ,, Sheep U5-.I2I ,, „ ,, Pig .o;S-.oS4 ,, ,, ,, Do£ ... .o666-.ii6 ,, ,, ,, Rabbit ... .083 Guinea-pig ... .229 ,, THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 249 Although these figures possess an approximate value only, they show that the adrenalin contents in proportion to body weight are very much the same in different animals. The guinea-pig forms the only exception, the adrenalin contents in this instance being twice, or nearly three times, as large as in other animals. Quantitative chemical tests for adrenalin have not as yet been carried out by means of the more improved modern methods. The following facts have been ascertained concerning the adrenalin contents of the suprarenals under both physiological and patho- logical conditions. Langlois and Rehns found that the suprarenals of foetuses yielded, at the end of the first half of pregnancy, extracts which produced a rise in blood-pressure, and also gave a positive reaction with ferric chloride. Judging by the chromium reaction, the portions of the adrenal system which are external of the supra- renals contain adrenalin earlier in the life of the embryo than the cells of the medulla (Wiesel). That the adrenalin contents of the suprarenals are affected by changes in the physiological conditions, was first shown by Battelli and Roatta. These authors found that the amount of adrenalin in the suprarenals of dogs, which had been allowed to run in a treadmill until completely exhausted, was reduced to a third of the minimal normal amount. Where the muscular exertion was followed by muscular repose of several hours dura- tion, the adrenalin contents became increased until far in excess of the normal. Schur and Wiesel confirmed these results also with dogs. They found that, after running at the treadmill for six to seven hours, there was a distinct reduction in the cells of the medulla and total disappearance of their chromaffinity ; there was no reaction to ferric chloride; and extract of these suprarenals failed to produce mydriasis. By means of the last-named test, they proved that, at the same time, the blood contained a large amount of adrenalin. Schur and Wiesel also discovered that prolonged anaesthesia, as the result of ether, chloroform, or A.C.E. mixture, produced in rabbits a reduction, or even complete disappearance, of the adrenalin in the medulla as well as of the chromaffinity of the latter, while at the same time adrenalin was found to be present in the blood. Kahn, however, was unable to confirm the results of Schur and Wiesel, either after muscular fatigue or after prolonged narcosis. Considerable interest is attaching to the manner in which the adrenalin contents of the suprarenals are modified by pathological conditions. It has long been known that, in certain infective diseases, changes take place in the suprarenals, and these have been studied by means of experiment. Roux and Yersin described a high degree of hypera?mia in the suprarenals of guinea-pigs, after experimental diphtheritic infection or poisoning 250 INTERNAL SECRETION by toxins. Charrin and Langlois found that the injection of pyocyaneus toxin was followed by pronounced hypenemia and increase in the volume of the suprarenals, and Pettit observed histological degenerative changes. Bogomolez discovered serious changes in the suprarenals, namely, necrosed and hemorrhagic areas, after infection with diphtheria bacilli ; and Tscherwenzow observed similar signs after infection with plague bacilli, Labzine after streptococcus infection. According to Langlois, the amount of the active substance which raises blood-pressure is apparently unchanged in the hyper- aemic suprarenal ; while, after chronic infective conditions, the capsule, though increased to three or even four times its original volume, yields extracts which are totally inactive. According to Luksch, the suprarenals of rabbits poisoned with diphtheria toxin or by the injection of other bacterial toxins (tuberculosis, typhus), do not contain a substance which either raises blood-pressure or produces enlargement of the pupil. This author also found that suprarenal extract obtained from ura^mic animals or those poisoned with phosphorus, is inactive, but that positive results were yielded by extracts obtained after hunger, fever, poisoning with hydro- chloric acicl, and resection of the spinal cord. Schur and Wiesel found adrenalin in the blood after double nephrectomy, and after the excision of wedge-shaped pieces from the kidneys ; there was, moreover, a change in the chromaffinity of the suprarenals, the medullary substance containing cell- groups which were strongly chromophile, together with other groups which were achromophile. After prolonged renal injury, both the suprarenal medulla and the free chromaffine bodies present appearances which suggest hypertrophy of the chromaffine tissue. Molnar and Goldzieher found adrenalin in the blood of rabbits after the subcutaneous injection of pounded and rubbed-down kidney. They also found histological signs of hypertrophy in the suprarenals in thirty clinical cases of chronic nephritis. There has been, up to now, no systematic investigation of the adrenalin contents of the suprarenals in different clinical condi- tions ; and exact information as to the amount of adrenalin present in the suprarenals in Addison's disease is particularly scanty. In two cases of Addison's disease, I found that the extract obtained from the suprarenals, which had undergone serious pathological changes, when injected intravenously, produced no effect upon the blood-pressure. In a clinical case described by Neusser, which he believed to be one of suprarenal hypertrophy, I found that the extract obtained from the suprarenal, which had undergone pro- nounced carcinomatous degeneration, was exceptionally active. A portion of a suprarenal, obtained from a case of extreme cardiac hypertrophy, which was handed over to me by my colleague Stork, yielded an extract with strong hypertensive properties. On the THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 251 other hand, I have always found that extracts of hypernephroma are negative in their results. The above data concerning the variation in the adrenalin contents of the suprarenals, point with some degree of certainty Lo the suprarenal tissue as the site of origin of adrenalin. The question as to whether adrenalin is formed during life, and is continuously supplied to the blood-stream by way of the veins of the suprarenal capsule, has already been answered in the affirmative in a communication of Vulpian's. Vulpian found that the blood in the suprarenal veins contains the substance which gives a green reaction with ferric chloride. By means of the vaso-contractor action of blood from the suprarenal veins, Cybulski showed that the active substance is formed continuously in the suprarenals and continuously discharged from them into the blood-stream. His results have been confirmed in several direc- tions (Langlois, Biedl, Dreyer), and it has, moreover, been shown that the production of the active substance of the suprarenals is subject to the influence of the nervous system (Biedl). Ehrmann next proved, by means of his more sensitive test with enucleated frogs' eyes, that there is a continuous supply of adrenalin from the suprarenal to the blood-stream. Fie was able to show, more- over, that the amount of the substance supplied varies in different animal species, while in individuals of the same species it is substantially the same. The adrenalin contents in cats is low, in rabbits it is high. Ehrmann concludes that, upon the whole, those animals are most sensitive to adrenalin which have the larger amount of it circulating in their blood. The amount of adrenalin present in the blood in the suprarenal veins of rabbits, is equal to an adrenalin solution of between one in one million and one in ten million, that is to say, .0000005 £rm- 'n l of blood serum. Watermann and Smit found that blood serum from the vena cava produced mydriasis when undiluted only, and they estimated the adrenalin contents of the caval blood at .000001 grm. per cubic centimetre. They found that electric stimulation of the suprarenal, by which all the sympathetic nerve fibres e'ntering the organ are stimulated, produced an increase in the adrenalin con- tents of the blood in the vena cava, for the serum of such blood caused enlargement of the pupil, even in a i : 10 or i : 12 solution. The suprarenal secretory process has long proved a subject of interest and investigation to the morphologist. The first point to be considered in this connection is the activity of the chrome- brown adrenal tissue, which was investigated by Stoerk and v. Haberer under exceptionally favourable conditions. They were able to study the secretory process during excessive muscular exertion, and also to study the hypersecretion which accompanies compensatory suprarenal hypertrophy. As the result of their efforts, considerable light has been shed upon the nature of the secretory process of the suprarenal medulla. 252 INTERNAL SECRETION Seeing that the morphology of the adrenal system is every- where the same, what is known of the secretory processes of the suprarenal medulla may be taken as typical of the entire suprarenal system. Whether forming the medullary portion of the supra- renal capsules, or present in the form of isolated bodies, either unattached or associated with the sympathetic nervous system, adrenal tissue is invariably composed of rows and spheroid agglomerations of cells, held together by a delicate structure of connective tissue, and forming a large-meshed net. The parenchymatous cells are always placed close against the blood- vessels, and are, as a rule, separated by the endothelium only, though occasionally also by a delicate connective-tissue sheath, from the lumen of the capillaries and the enlarged sinus-like veins. The cytoplasm of the living chrome-brown cell contains extremely minute granules, which are, however, coarser in certain animal species. Some of these granules cluster closely together, while others are arranged more loosely ; they are not so highly refractive as fat-granules; they dissolve in water and in alcohol, but are not soluble in ether, acetic acid, the etherial oils, or in xylol. In fresh unhardened and unstained preparations, these granules are scarcely visible; they do not stain satisfactorily by any known method, the best, however, being iron-haematoxylin with which they colour a pale grey. When unstained, they are most easily recognizable by means of a mixture consisting of Miiller's fluid and formaline or by the various osmium solutions. By using Zenker's fixing fluid, it is sometimes possible to obtain a good eosin coloration. According to Poll, these granules have a cer- tain relationship to the nuclear colouring substances. They colour pale pink with Ziehl's solution, lake by van Gieson's method, mauve with methylene-blue eosin, and greenish with Unna- Pappenheim's methylene-green pyronin mixture. It is principally these fine granules which respond to the ferric chloride and chromium tests, and give the reaction which is characteristic of adrenalin. It is true that microscopic prepar- ations with ferric chloride are not entirely free from objection. But with fixing fluids containing chromium (chrome formol), these granules take on a characteristic coloration varying from yellow to brown, which does not, however, equally affect either all the cells or all the granules in the cells. Ciaccio suggests that the granules are of two kinds; that they at first stain brown with chromium and afterwards pass into the iron-green stage, which represents the end product of secretion. The evidence in favour of this theory is, however, wholly insufficient, and particularly so in face of the fact that adrenalin itself reacts to both tests. In addition to the fine granules, other cell-contents, such as pigment granules, lipoid granules, etc., have been described. Stoerk and.v. Haberer have described the occurrence of large rods THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 253, and wedge-shaped granules which are arranged in a peculiar manner in the protoplasm, and which stain black with iron heematoxylin. But the biological significance of these bodies, that is to say, their relationship to the secretory process, is by no means clear. According to Stoerk and v. Haberer, the process of the secre- tion of adrenalin takes place in the following manner : the chrome- brown secretion is formed by the fine granules, which become gradually more heavily charged until a certain secretory climax is reached, when the chrome-brown secretion is discharged into the intragranular cytoplasm. The cytoplasm, which is character- ized by its pronounced affinity for basic aniline dyes, becomes saturated with the chrome-brown secretion and, at this stage, yields the diffuse ferric chloride reaction. The nuclei of the adrenalin-forming cells are distinguished by their small provision of chromatin, and by their peculiar situation at that cell-surface which is farthest removed from the vein against which the cell is situated. They sometimes react to chromium, which suggests that they also are saturated with the secretion. When the cell contents have, up to a certain point, become saturated with the secretion, the latter gradually becomes diffused through the cell membrane and the capillary wall into the blood. At the same time, the cytoplasm and the granules gradually cease to react to chromium, and the process starts afresh. It appears from this that, if classified according to the nature of its secretory processes, the adrenal system belongs to the group of meroendo- krinal glands (Poll). After its transference from the cells to the blood-stream, the substance is easily recognizable in the capillaries by its yellow- brown coloration. Its tardy solubility in serum, and certain microscopic appearances, give it a certain resemblance to the mucous type of secretion. This adrenal substance is characteristic of the vessels of the suprarenal medulla, and is found neither in the vessels of the cortex nor in other vessels. It is distinguishable by its peculiar refractivity in native preparations, and was formerly observed in the venous blood of the suprarenals as a plastic mass (Gottschau, Biedl). It was at that time erroneously believed that the granules in this amorphous mass were the actual secretion. As Stoerk and v. Haberer showed, these shining granules are not identical with the chrome-brown granules, though their functional significance is, up to the present, not clear. It may be regarded as proved that the product of the adrenalin- producing cells reaches the blood-stream in fluid form. Stilling supposes that the transference of the viscid secretion is effected by means of the numerous and important lymphatics ; but in this he is wrong, for this function is performed by the veins. The suprarenal vein plays the part of excretory duct to the medullary substance of the suprarenal. 254 INTERNAL SECRETION PHYSIOLOGICAL ADRENALIN.EMIA. The secretion from the intracapsular portion of the adrenal system is continuously supplied to the general circulation by way of the suprarenal vein ; thus the blood always contains a certain amount of adrenalin, and a physiological adrenalinsemia is maintained. Battelli was the first to prove the presence of adrenalin in the peripheral blood. After suitable concentration, he tested the vaso- constrictor action of normal serum from dogs, and found that its action was equal to that of an adrenalin solution of i :io to i : 20 millions. Ehrmann was unable to obtain mydriasis of frogs' eyes with serum from the peripheral blood of rabbits. According to Schur and Wiesel, both Ehrmann's reaction and the ferric chloride test are invariably negative. O. B. Meyer, however, proved the presence of adrenalin in normal blood serum by means of portions of blood-vessels from the living body, this test being more sensitive than the above-named reactions. By the same method, Schlayer proved the presence in human blood-serum of a sub- stance which produces vaso-contraction. Fraenkel advanced conclusive proof of the presence of .adrenalin in the serum of blood in the peripheral vessels. He found that serum from rabbits and cats, when diluted to twice its volume, was invariably active in the uterus of rabbits after removal from the living body. Human sera from healthy subjects, either undiluted or in solutions of 1:5 and i : 10, produce phenomena similar to those resulting from adrenalin. Similar results have been occasionally obtained with solutions of i :2 and i =40 and, in three instances, with i 150. Judging by the results of Fraenkel's experiments, the minimal adrenalin contents of i of peripheral blood may be estimated at .0000001 mg., the maximal adrenalin contents at about .0000025 mg. Using these figures as a basis, the total adrenalin contents of a dog weighing 15 kg. is as follows : The whole of the blood provision is 1200 and contains a minimum of .00012 mg., .a maximum of .003 mg. adrenalin. Now compare with these figures the amount which passes from the suprarenals into the vena cava. Before this can be done, however, we must know^ the velocity of the blood circulating in the suprarenals. There is no direct information as to the volume of the blood in the suprarenal veins. In certain older experiments of mine, I estimated the amount of venous outflow by counting the drops as they left the veins, and I reckoned that, in a dog weighing 15 kilo, the maximal velocity of the stream was roughly .1 per second. These figures are the same, though this is by the way, as those more exact results which Burton-Opitz obtained with Hurthle's velocity register (Stromuhr) in the case of the blood flowing through the THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 255 submaxillary gland. According to my figures, then, 6 blood pass per minute from the suprarenals into the general circulation. If Ehrmann's calculation, that i suprarenal venous blood contains .0000005 mg. adrenalin, is correct and, judging from the comparatively slight sensitiveness of his method, this figure is probably too low — certainly not too high — .000003 mg- adrena- lin passes into the circulation per minute. The total produc- tion of adrenalin would be .00432 mg. in twenty-four hours, but the quantity demonstrable in the blood is only .00012 mg.— about the fortieth part of the daily supply from the suprarenals. Even by Fraenkel's quantitative test for adrenalin, which is much more accurate, the maximal total of .003 mg. in the blood is far less than the amount produced, as revealed by Ehrmann's not very sensitive reaction. These figures represent approximate data only, but they show that a considerable portion of the adrenalin supplied to the blood very rapidly disappears from it. The transience of the physiological effects of adrenalin injection points in the same direction. The increase in blood- pressure passes off at the end of a few minutes, and this happens equally after an amount which, when given refracta dost, would serve to produce vaso-contraction 100 times or more. What ultimately becomes of the adrenalin in the blood is a question which early came under discussion. Oliver and Schafer held the view that, when injected intravenously, the active sub- stance of the suprarenal accumulates and is, for a time, stored up in the tissues in which it eventually becomes active. They were, however, thinking chiefly of the muscles. They believe that the disappearance of the substance from the blood results, neither from its destruction in the blood, nor from its accumulation in the supra- renals, nor yet from its excretion in the urine, but from the fixation of the substance and its secondary oxidation within the reacting tissues. This theory is confirmed by Cybulski and Szymonowicz, with this reservation : that, seeing that after the exhibition of large quantities of suprarenal extract, the active substance is demonstrable in the urine, it is to be 'assumed that a certain proportion of the active substance is excreted by way of the kidneys. It seems hardly probable, however, that an appreciable pro- portion of the adrenalin present in the blood is excreted in the urine. Urine drawn off from the bladder shortly after the intravenous injection of large quantities of adrenalin does not contain a substance which increases blood-pressure (Embden and v. Fiirth). That a minimal proportion of the adrenalin in the blood may pass into the urine is undoubtedly possible. Abelous and Bardier account for the vaso-contractor effect which normal human urine has, after suitable concentration, by the presence of a substance identical with or closely related to adrenalin, namely, 256 INTERNAL SECRETION urohypertensin. But it must be remembered that the accounts both of " urohypertensin " and of " urohypotensin," which is described by the same authors, are in need of further confirmation. As Comessatti showed, Ehrmann's reaction is useless as a test for adrenalin in the urine. Whether or not the substance, which Schur found by his chemical test to be present in normal human urine, is identical with adrenalin, is a question which must for the present remain unanswered. As previously stated, according to Falta and Ivcovic, adrenalin, when introduced in large doses into the stomach, does not attain to specific activity within the organism, but is excreted in the urine. More important than its excretion by \vay of the kidneys, is the manner in which adrenalin becomes destroyed within the organism itself. Such destruction takes place, in the first instance, in the blood and depends principally upon the alkalinity of the latter. According to Embden and v. Fiirth, .1 grm. of hydro- chloric suprarenin, if added to 200 of defibrinated ox-blood and continuously aerated at incubation temperature, disappears, almost entirely in two hours. In " laked " blood, the disappear- ance is even more rapid. A .1 per cent, soda solution has a more energetic action than either blood or blood-serum. The relatively lower activity of the blood is probably due to the fact that a proportion of the alkaline contents of the blood is fixed. That the degree of the alkalinity of the blood plays an im- portant part in the disappearance of adrenalin, is shown by Kretschmer's experiments. By means of the intravenous injec- tion of acids, he succeeded in prolonging to five or six times the normal, the hypertension produced by adrenalin in rabbits. The addition of acid-ions, inhibits the destructive action of the hydroxyl-ions in the blood and the tissues, upon the adrenalin. Another factor in the destruction of adrenalin is the liability of the adrenalin molecule to oxidation, more especially in alkaline solutions. Langlois believed that the destruction of adrenalin was princi- pally oxidative. He and Athanasiu found that the vaso-contractor constituent of suprarenal extract may be rendered negative by means of ozonized air (aeration) and by the oxidase of crabs' blood. The fact that, in cold-blooded animals, the vaso-constrictor effect may be shortened by warming and lengthened by cooling, is accounted for, in Langlois's view, by the dependence of processes of oxidation upon temperature. He believes that all the tissues, and especially those of the liver, intestine and, to a certain small extent, the lungs, take part in the oxidative destruction of adrenalin. He bases his conclusion chiefly upon the results of experiments in which solutions of suprarenal extract were rapidly rendered inactive by the addition of the fresh pounded liver and intestine of rabbits; while, on the other hand, the artificial circu- THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 257 lation through the lungs of saline solution containing suprarenal extract, produced only a slight lowering of the activity of the suprarenal extract. Battelli found that the artificial circulation of blood containing adrenalin through the liver destroyed the activity of that substance, the alkali and the influence of oxygen converting it, as in vitro, into oxyadrenalin. Livon found that, when added to the pounded liver and striated muscles of guinea-pigs, adrenalin became rapidly reduced in quantity. According to Embden and v. Fiirth, however, the addition of pounded liver, lung or muscle to adrenalin solution and the artifi- cial circulation of blood containing adrenalin through the liver or lungs, is followed by only slight reduction, if any, in the amount of the adrenalin. They suggest that this persistence of adrenalin has a connection with the formation of acids in the organs. They do not think that the transience of the effect upon the vessels is due to a rapid oxidation of the adrenalin, but explain this phenomenon by the fact that the contraction of the vessel muscles ceases as soon as, owing to diffusion or dilution with blood or tissue lymph, the concentration of die suprarenin falls below a certain point. According to Elliott, however, the excessive quantities of adrenalin employed in these experiments render them unreliable as evidence regarding the disappearance of adrenalin from the tissues. He himself found that artificial circulation through the lungs did not reduce the adrenalin contents to any appreciable extent, but that artificial circulation through the intestine was followed by a marked diminution in the amount of the substance. From the results of certain experiments, Langlois concluded that the liver played an important part in the destruction of adrenalin. These experiments showed that the amount of supra- renal extract which, when injected into the jugular vein, produced marked hypertension, produced no effect whatever when injected into a mesenteric vein. Carnot and Josserand found, howrever, that the pharmaco- dynamic effect upon blood-pressure of a given adrenalin solution, was very much reduced where such a solution was injected into the carotid or femoral artery and allowed to flow with the stream in a peripheral direction, the adrenalin thus traversing the vessels supplied by these arteries before entering the general circulation. Passage through the liver also affected the action of adrenalin, but to a less degree. The loss wras greatest after circulation through the intestine, the injection into a mesenteric artery of .064 mg. adrenalin to every kilo of body wreight producing no effect upon blood-pressure. The absence of hypertensive effect on the part of adrenalin in localities where it normally produces intense vaso- constriction, may further be explained by the fact that the 17 258 INTERNAL SECRETION substance, to a certain extent, blocks its own passage into the general circulation. It is able to overcome, to a very small extent only, the resistance produced by the extreme contraction of the vessel walls ; thus the major portion of the substance passes gradually, by a process of diffusion, into the surrounding tissue. Elliott, whose experiments confirmed those of Carnot and Josserand, holds the view that the disappearance of adrenalin from the blood is in direct ratio to the development of its effects in the tissues. That a comparatively small amount of adrenalin dis- appears in the liver, in spite of the large amount of tissue which that organ contains, is probably explained by the fact that the vaso-constrictor effect produced by adrenalin in the liver is also comparatively small. Although these observations seem to point to the fact that adrenalin is used up and destroyed by the tissue elements which it excites, they do not supply a sufficient explanation of the transience of the 'effect of large doses of adrenalin. It has been shown by experiments of the most varied descrip- tion that, after the specific action of adrenalin has passed off, the substance has not by any means disappeared from the blood. Weiss and Harris injected adrenalin into the general circulation of frogs after ligature of one iliac artery and observed the results in the webs of both feet. After the vaso-constriction had entirely passed off in the wreb of one foot, they removed the ligature from the artery and found that intense vaso-constriction appeared in the web of the other. These authors, similarly to Ehrmann and Miller, also found that blood taken from an animal after the effects of adrenalin had passed off, could be used to produce hypertension in a second animal. These observations show beyond all doubt that, after its introduction into the blood-stream, adrenalin neither disappears nor does it undergo any depreciation of its pharmacodynamic value. In face of this fact, the question as to the mechanism by which adrenalin achieves its effect requires further consideration. The experiments of Straub and Kretschmer, which supply evi- dence of the most valuable description concerning the part played by adrenalin in the physiology of the organism, also throw im- portant light upon this matter. These experiments are based upon facts supplied by Straub concerning the mechanism by which the effects of muscarin are brought about. These facts are as follows :- (1) A toxin which has already penetrated the cell which has a specific sensibility to it, is inactive. (2) A toxin which has not as yet penetrated such a specific sensitive cell, is also inactive. (3) It is only in the course of, and by means of, the penetration of the toxin into the cell, that the specific toxic action takes place. The observations, to which reference has been already made, THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 259 of Weiss and Harris and others, seem to show that the action of adrenalin is similar in type to that of muscarin ; that when, at the site of activity, a certain degree of saturation has been reached, no further effect is possible ; and certainly that no permanent effec, is obtainable by repeated exhibition of tlie substance. Kretsch mer's experiments consisted in the repetition, at regular intervals, of the intravenous injection of a certain fixed quantity of adrenalin. They showed that, although the same hypertensive effects could be produced successively and as frequently as desired, a permanent rise in blood-pressure was not obtainable by the non-continuous exhibition of adrenalin, however large the doses. It is evident from this that, in the case of adrenalin, unlike that of muscarin, there is no cessation of absorption on the part of the specific cells, and that a condition of chemical balance does not obtain. A permanent increase in blood-pressure, lasting for three hours, was, however, obtained by the continuous transfusion of adrenalin, the velocity being maintained at .00001 to .00002 grm. per minute.* The hypertensive action increases the velocity of the transfusion up to a certain maximal point, beyond which the increase in velocity does not produce a further rise in blood- pressure. Interruption in the flow of the adrenalin is followed by a return of the blood-pressure to the normal, while the duration of the after-affects will be in proportion to the amount of adrenalin present in the blood at the moment of interruption. In view of the fact that the action of adrenalin lasts only as long as the substance is present in the blood, Kretschmer believes thai adrenalin acts as an irritant poison, and that the method of action is, up to a certain point, similar to that of muscarin, trie action in both cases depending upon the difference between the con- centration in the blood and the concentration in the cytoplasm. Adrenalin differs from muscarin, however, in that the balance between the two concentrations, which takes place in the case of muscarin, is absent in the case of adrenalin. The disturbance of balance is probably due to the continued rapid destruction of adrenalin which goes on in the interior of the cell. What is known concerning the action of adrenalin upon the vessels applies equally, as Ritzmann pointed out, to its glycosuric action. Observation of the method by which adrenalin produces glycosuria supplies certain data concerning the physiological significance of this substance. These suggest that the continuous flow of adrenalin, producing a condition of physiological adrena- lina^mia, may exercise an immense influence upon the permanent tone of organs with a sympathetic innervation, more particularly upon the vascular tone and upon the sugar tone (Zuckertonus). * By continuous transfusion of very dilute suprarenal extract I suc- ceeded in obtaining and demonstrating (1805) a protracted vaso-contraction, so that the blood-pressure which, after destruction of the entire spinal cord, had fallen almost to zero, rose to 160 mm. Hg. and remained at this level for several hours. 260 INTERNAL SECRETION The regulation and the maintenance of tone in every depart- ment of the sympathetic system, is a function of the internal secretion of the adrenal system. EXPERIMENTAL SUPRARENAL STIMULATION, EXPERIMENTAL HYPERSECRETION. Although the symptoms of suppression which follow extirpa- tion of the suprarenals have formed the subject of exhaustive study, experiments in stimulation, by which the organs are impelled to hyperactivity, are becoming increasingly rare. In the course of his observations of the innervation of the intestinal movements, Jacobj (1892) found that extirpation of the suprarenals was fol- lowed, in fasting animals, by spontaneous intestinal movements; and that epinephrectomy, similarly to resection of the splanchnic nerve, negatives inhibition of intestinal movement without, how- ever, producing paralysis of the vessels. These results induced him to attempt experimental stimulation of the suprarenals. He found that electric stimulation of these organs, as well as of the nerves which connect the suprarenals with the ganglion coeliacum, has the effect of arresting intestinal movements which are already in progress. The secretion of urine is at the same time very much diminished, and in two instances he found that suprarenal stimu- lation was followed by an increase in arterial pressure. According to Jacobj, the suprarenal nerves contain fibres which inhibit in- testinal movement. These observations were not confirmed by later authors (Pal, Apolant), but in the light of our present know- ledge concerning the action of adrenalin upon blood-pressure, peristalsis, and urinary secretion, they have a certain interest. In 1897, I investigated the physiology of the innervation of the suprarenals, a subject which, up to then, had received no attention. I found that the splanchnic nerve contains fibres which cause vaso-dilation writhin the suprarenal area, and that stimula- tion of these fibres produces suprarenal hypera?mia, the direct result of the active vaso-dilation. That the suprarenals possess also a vaso-constrictor innervation is to be inferred from the effect which suprarenal extract has upon these organs, although I was unable to trace the anatomical course of the vaso-constrictor nerves. I also investigated the secretory process of the supra- renals, together with the manner in which it might be modified by the presence of secretory nerves. I made use of the vasotensor action of the venous blood to determine the amount of active sub- stance produced, but I was unable to obtain definite proof by this method of the presence of suprarenal secretory nerves. The results of my experiments, however, make it appear highly probable that both the production of the secretion by, and its transference from, the gland — or, more correctly, the medullary portion of the gland- are subject to the control of the nervous system ; and that, more- over, the splanchnic nerves contain suprarenal secretory, in addi- THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 261 tion to suprarenal vasodilator, fibres. My results have since been confirmed by Dreyer, and completed by the successful demonstra- tion of an increased vaso-constrictor action of the suprarenal blood during stimulation of the splanchnic nerve. Erhmann was unable to discover, by means of the high'ly sensitive frog's-eye test, that the adrenalin contents of the blood in the suprarenal veins was changed by the addition of pilocarpin or atropine. As we have already pointed out, Waterman and Smit found an increase in the adrenalin contents of the blood in the vena cava after faradic stimulation. These authors showed at the same time that puncture of the floor of the fourth ventricle produces, in addition to glycosuria, an increase in the adrenalin production, the peripheral blood which is normally inactive acquiring a mydriatic action after this operation. This finding completes A. Mayer's discovery, already described, namely, that after total epinephrectomy puncture of the fourth ventricle ceases to produce glycosuria. These experiments prove beyond a doubt that the secretory process of the adrenal system is under the control of the sym- pathetic nervous system ; that the peripheral vasomotor and secretory fibres are contained in the splanchnic nerve ; while their centre is probably situated in the medulla oblongata. There have been, of course, numerous attempts to produce, by experimental measures, alteration in the function of the supra- renals and variation of their adrenalin contents. The results of such experiments have already been described and, as we have seen, a reduction in the adrenalin contents may be brought about by the most varied methods, more particularly by the experimental production of toxic and infective states. These findings are the expression of hypof unction on the part of the organ. It is probable that hypersecretion on the part of the adrenal system is illustrated by the results of an experiment made by Battelli and Roatta. They found that, in the interval of repose which followed exhaustive muscular exertion, there was an increase in the adrenalin contents of the suprarenals of dogs. It is probable that the changes in the suprarenal medulla and in the extracapsular chromaffine substance observed by Schur and Wiesel after renal injury, and regarded by them as- hypertrophic, also belong in this category. An experimental hyperadrenalism is produced in animals after each exhibition of adrenalin ; owing, however, to the transient action of the substance the effect is very fleeting. By means of Kretschmer's method of continuous transfusion of minute quantities of adrenalin, a condition of hyperadrenalinaemin may be maintained for several hours. The method seems likely to throw still further light upon the results of this condition. The prolonged exhibition of adrenalin by subcutaneous, in- traperitoneal, or intravenous injection does not, apparently, lead to hyperadrenalinism. These methods serve, however, to illus- 262 INTERNAL SECRETION trate the effects, either physiological or toxic, according to the size of the dose, which result from the action of adrenalin. In addition to the changes in the vessels, chronic glycosuria is observed, together with progressive emaciation. The autopsy shows that, in addition to the changes in the vessels and the organs, there is sometimes a marked increase in the volume of the suprarenals and hypertrophy of the suprarenal cortex. PATHOLOGICAL ADRENALIN^EMIA AS SEEN IN MAN. Neusser was the first to assume a pathological hyperfunction on the part of the suprarenals. He based his conclusion upon a clinical case, in which the symptoms pointed to chronic Bright's disease, while the autopsy revealed carcinomatous degeneration of one suprarenal capsule, together with numerous cerebral haemorrhages. Neusser was inclined to regard the arteriosclerotic changes and the thickening of the vessels, which Kolisko observed in young persons with suprarenal affections, as results of the continued high blood-pressure, brought about by suprarenal hypersecretion. A large number of French authors (Darre, Pilliet, Vaquez, Aubertin and Ambart, Josue, Widal and Boidin, Menetrier, Monod and Loumeau) emphasize the fact that the hypertension in chronic nephritis and in arteriosclerosis may be traced back to hypersecretion on the part of the suprarenals, the latter con- dition finding its anatomical expression in hyperplastic and adenomatous changes in those organs. The anatomical changes which they describe affect the suprarenal cortex only. Wiesel, wrho was the first to inquire into the condition of the adrenal system in renal diseases, found that, in all the cases associated with cardiac hypertrophy of long standing, there was marked hyperplasia of the chromaffine tissue in the suprarenal medulla, in the solar plexus, and in the neighbourhood of the left coronary artery. He assumed from this that the cardiac hypertrophy present in renal affections, as well as certain cases of idiopathic cardiac hypertrophy, are of suprarenal origin. This discovery of WiesePs paved the way for the experiments of Schur and Wiesel, undertaken with the object of demonstrating the presence of adrenalin in the blood-serum of persons with chronic renal disease; they found that such sera produced mydriasis of frogs' eyes and gave a positive ferric chloride re- action. The fact that the blood serum of persons with chronic nephrosis produces mydriasis is confirmed by a large number of authors (Kaufmann and Mannaberg, Goldzieher and Molnar, Eichler, Comessati, Reicher, Makaroff, Miesowicz and Macziag). Pal describes the frequent presence of mydriatic substances in the urine of pregnant women and persons with nephritis. Accord- to Diem, however, the urine of persons, both with and with- THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 263 out nephritis, gives a positive Ehrmann reaction in about the same percentage of cases ; though Comessati believes that the Ehrmann test for adrenalin has a very limited scope when applied to urine. As we have already pointed out, the mydriasis produced by blood serum is not a conclusive test, that is to say, the reaction is not confined to adrenalin. Bittorf, for instance, obtained mydriasis with the serum of healthy persons after the exhibition of salicylic preparations. That adrenalin is present in the serum in chronic nephritis, is not confirmed by other biological tests. Schlayer found that normal human serum produced marked con- traction of portions of arteries removed from living oxen, while the contractions produced in such portions of arteries by the serum of nephritic persons were, in the greater number of cases, much weaker. The significance of these negative findings is, however, very much modified by a later discovery of Schlayer's; to the effect, namely, that O. B. Meyer's test for adrenalin by means of portions of arteries, is practicable with blood obtained from animals of the same species only. In the case of blood from animals of a different species, an increase in the adrenalin con- tents has the effect of reducing the contractions. That chronic nephritis is not associated with pathological adrenalinasmia, is well shown by the results which A. Fraenkel obtained, by the most reliable of modern biological methods, with the uterus re- moved from living rabbits. He found that, in chronic interstitial nephritis with pathognomic hypertonicity, the variation in the adrenalin contents was the same as in the blood of subjects with sound kidneys. It must be borne in mind that, although a pathologically increased adrenalina^mia, producing abnormal tonicity of the vessels, would supply a satisfactory explanation of the hyper- tonicity and cardiac hypertrophy in chronic renal disease, certain proof of the existence of such a condition is, up to the present, by no means forthcoming. Schur and Wiesel, who based their experiments upon the assumption of a direct connection between hypertension and adrenalinaemia, were compelled to abandon this theory. They were unable invariably to produce mydriasis with serum from nephritic patients, and they were unable to establish a parallel between this reaction and a hypertonic condition.* The possibility was recently suggested by v. Neusser and Wiesel that a primary hyperplasia of the chromaffme system might lead to true renal processes. Conditions which demand an increased consumption of adrenalin, and of these the most important is forced muscular exertion, may produce hypertrophic processes of the adrenal system. In such a case the increased amount of adrenalin would cause a permanent vaso- contraction, which might give rise to anatomical changes in the renal vessels, which would prepare the way for the development of a nephrosis. The authors lay stress upon the fact that, in cases of true contracted kidney, the etiology of which is still obscure, hyperplasia of the chromaffine tissue is invariably present. 264 INTERNAL SECRETION An abnormal activity on the part of the adrenal system would, in my opinion, not only produce a heightened vascular tone, but would also manifest itself in other signs of irritation on the part of the sympathetic nervous system. A manifestation of such a condition, in the form of a well-defined clinical entity, is, ho\vever, at present unknown. As far as we can judge, Graves's disease is invariably associated with an increase in the adrenalin contents of the blood, which is proved both by the mydriatic property of the serum and by the tonic action of preparations of the uterus. Fraenkel found that the adrenalin contents of the blood in Graves's disease were increased to from four to eight times the normal, the total amount in these patients being 50 to 100 mg., as against the 12^ mg. present in the blood of normal per- sons. It is remarkable in this connection that an increased blood- pressure is not, as a rule, associated writh Graves's disease. THE FUNCTION OF THE ADRENAL SYSTEM. From the facts which have been presented in the foregoing pages, the nature and functions of the adrenal system may be defined as follows : — The adrenal system is an essential portion of the body of all vertebrate and some invertebrate animals. It has a specific struc- ture, characterized morphologically and genetically by peculiar features ; the nature of its function is distinctive and is probably dependent upon origin. The structure of the adrenal system is characterized by the peculiar nature of the elements of which it is built up, namely, the chromaffine cells. The adrenal system is distinguished anatomically by its wide distribution over the wThole of the body,^as well as by the lack of independence of its parts. These conditions are explained by the history of the development of the system. The chromaffine cells are derived from the same primordial beginning as the sympathetic ganglia and they develop, up to a certain point, as part of the sympathetic nervous system. A con- siderable portion of the adrenal system permanently retains its genetic relationship with the sympathetic, becoming associated only in part with the blood-vessels. The so-called free portions of the system are, however, found distributed all over the body in connection with the sympathetic nerves and ganglia. They occur partly in the form of more or less extensive agglomera- tions of chrome-brown cells, called paraganglia (Kohn) ; and partly as isolated structures attached to the great vessels — such as the suprarenal bodies of the Selachians, the carotid gland, and the accessory organs of the sympathetic (Zuckerkandl) — though the relationship of these bodies to the adrenal system has been recognized only in comparatively recent times. The lack of in- THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 265 dependence is shown by the fact that, at a very early develop- mental stage, a portion of the adrenal system attaches itself to the embryonal interrenal and, in the higher vertebrates, combines with it to form an apparently homogeneous organ, the suprarenal. The medullary substance of the suprarenal is merely a somewhat considerable, intracapsular portion of the adrenal system and, as Kohn aptly remarks, is to be regarded as a large ganglion, the suprarenal paraganglion, formed by the fusion of several smaller ganglia. In order to understand the functional significance of the adrenal system, an accurate knowledge of the quantitative value of the suprarenal medulla is essential. The fact that the medullary substance of the suprarenal was earlier recognized and has become altogether better known than the extracapsular portions of the adrenal system, produced this result, that morphological and physiological investigation has been almost exclusively con- fined to the intracapsular adrenal tissue. Investigation re- vealed the existence of an important internal secretory process, and this was at first regarded as a function of the suprarenal as a whole. But even later, after the peculiar position of the chromaffine tissue had been recognized, the physiological importance of the suprarenal medulla was very much over-estimated. There w*as an inclination to ascribe to the suprarenal medulla all the functions which are the property of the chromaffine system in general, for the sole reason that these functions had been proved to be attributes of the medullary por- tion of the system. For this reason it is very important to re- member that the free portions of the adrenal system are not only genetically and structurally identical with the medullary substance of the suprarenal, but that they possess the same functional signifi- cance and that there is definite proof of this (the survival of animals without suprarenal medulla, compensatory hypertrophy of the extra-capsular chromaffine tissue, the similar effects of para- ganglion extract). Not only is the suprarenal medulla not the sole active portion of the adrenal system, but it is not even the most important part of it. When we remember the wide distribu- tion of the nervous system in the body, and consider that large and small groups of chrome-brown cells are attached to every one of its ganglia, that they lie in many plexuses and are found almost everywhere where sympathetic fibres and cells occur ; and that, in addition to these, the adrenal system includes a number of in- dependent structures — we can hardly doubt that the free portions collectively present a far larger mass of active, functional tissue than that section of the system which is enclosed in the supra- renals. These are facts which must not be lost sight of in any attempt to estimate the physiological significance of the activity of the adrenal system. Functionally, the adrenal system belongs to the group of the 266 INTERNAL SECRETION internal secretory organs. The morphology of the secretory pro- cess is well known. The product of secretion is formed in the granules in the cells and is transferred to the blood-stream in fluid form. Not only have we morphological proof of the secretion, but its presence in the venous blood has been demonstrated chemically ; in the face of these facts, it is not possible to doubt the secretory function of the adrenal tissue. The objections which Kohn advanced upon morphological and genetic grounds against the inclusion of the adrenal system among the internal secretory organs, is, however, justified to this extent ; the chromamne cells do not conform to the type of the epithelial cells ; and agglomera- tions of chromafBne cells do not conform to the type of the true glands. But from the physiological standpoint, the specific pro- ductive activity of the adrenal tissue fully justified its inclusion among the internal secretory organs. There is a continuous formation by the adrenal system of a substance of known chemical constitution, named adrenalin, which may also be obtained synthetically. This substance passes into the circulation and is carried by the blood-stream into all the tissues of the body. The passage of adrenalin by way of the nerves, which Lichtwitz assumed, has no physiological signifi- cance. Adrenalin is a typical dissimilatory hormone, which acts upon certain tissue elements and reinforces their katabolic activity. The activity of this hormone is exclusively confined to organs with a sympathetic innervation, and it invariably coincides with the results produced by electric stimulation of the sympathetic nerves supplying those organs. Adrenalin produces its effect, not upon the specific functional portion of the reacting cell nor upon the nerve-ending itself, but upon a portion of the cell body situated in the neighbourhood of the nerve-ending, the so-called receptive substance which, in the involuntary muscles, is termed the myo- neural junction. The activity of the hormone elaborated by the adrenal system, is the permanent expression, during the life of the individual, of the genetic relationship between the adrenal and the sympathetic nervous systems. It must not be imagined that adrenalin is merely a sympathetic stimulant and therefore of use only in promoting the functions of the organism ; on the contrary, its activity is fundamentally and un- ceasingly necessarv to the normal function of the entire sym- pathetic system. The parallel between the developmental pro- cesses and the dependence, shown in many directions, of the activity of the sympathetic upon the presence of adrenalin, as well as the continuous formation of this hormone — expressed by its presence as a physiological constituent of the blood — point to the fact that adrenalin is essential to the maintenance of sym- pathetic tone and to the normal function of the sympathetic system. These factors show, moreover, that changes in the condition of THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 267 excitability of the sympathetic system, especially in so far as they make themselves felt in the periphery, are associated with varia- tions in the activity of the adrenal system. That the maintenance of tone by the sympathetic system in the cardiac and vascular muscles is an important factor in the normal circulation of the blood, has long been known and has been duly appreciated. A far-reaching significance is also attach- ing to the tonic innervation of all vegetative organs, this tone being maintained, partly by stimulation, and partly by inhibition, on the part of the sympathetic system. The sympathetic also regulates the sugar contents of the blood, and in this way exer- cises a determining influence upon the metabolism of the carbo- hydrates, which plays so important a part in normal muscular exertion. It seems probable from recent observations that the metabolism of albumin and of salt, as well as the composition of the blood, undergo a certain degree of modification by the. agency of the sympathetic. Seeing that adrenalin is the hormone by which the irritability of the sympathetic system is regulated, it is evident from the foregoing, that the functional significance of the adrenal system is enormous. It will be readily understood that the peculiar anatomical arrangement of the adrenal system renders its total suppression, wrhether experimentally or by pathological processes, impossible. Once again it must be pointed out that extirpation of the supra- renals is followed, not by suppression but, at the most, by in- adequacy of the adrenal system, and that signs of a lowering of the sympathetic nervous tone would hardly be the outcome of such a condition. The most important of the symptoms of a lowered vascular tone, namely, the fall in blood-pressure, is, as a matter of fact, absent. It is true that accounts have been given of changes in the metabolism of the carbohydrates. Moreover, the symptomatology of Addison's disease does not permit the in- ference that the condition is exclusively the outcome of the cessa- tion of activity on the part of the adrenal system. For it is highly probable that the symptom-complex of Addison's disease includes the signs of disturbance of the suprarenal cortex, a dis- turbance of which anatomical proof has frequently been forth- coming. The effects which an abnormally increased adrenalina?mia has upon the organism may be exactly estimated by means of experi- ment. A condition of acute hyperadrenalinism is invariably accompanied by symptoms of increased irritability on the part of the sympathetic system. THE TNTERRENAL SYSTEM. The interrenal system is present in all vertebrates ; it takes the form of paired or unpaired bodies of various sizes. It is 268 INTERNAL SECRETION distinguished structurally by its lipoid cell contents and genetically by its mesodermic origin in what is known as the interrenal zone. During embryonal life, the interrenal system is extended over large portions of the body, but as development progresses the space which it occupies becomes more restricted. Principal bodies are formed by the amalgamation of several suprarenal buds, by regressive processes, and by the fission of single accessory bodies. In the cyclostoma and in fish, the interrenal system remains at this developmental stage. From the amphibia upwards, a large portion of the interrenal system combines, at the next develop- mental stage, with certain portions of the adrenal system to form either a row of small bodies, as in the amphibia, or an isolated organ such as the suprarenal of the amniota. In mammals and more particularly in man, the principal mass of the interrenal tissue is represented by the suprarenal cortex, while the structures which were formerly regarded as buds split off from the principal organs, or as accessory suprarenals, are now known to be in- dependent portions of the interrenal system, or accessory inter- renals. Such accessory interrenal structures (see table, p. 1,37) are fre- quently, though -not constantly, found attached to the suprarenals and forming part of them ; in the neighbourhood of the kidneys and suprarenals; in the genital region — the ligamentum latum in the female (Marchand, Rossa), and the spermatic cord, epididymis, and testicles of the male (Dagonet, Wiesel, Chiari) ; and occasion- ally in other parts of the abdominal cavity. The accessory interrenals of the higher vertebrates have a considerable structural similarity with the cortical substance of the suprarenals. Occasionally these bodies possess all three layers, though, as a rule, the two outer layers only are present. In the earlier accounts of these organs, they are described as having a medullary portion ; it is probable, however, that the error arose from mistakes as to the identity of the innermost zona reticularis. That the free portions of the interrenal system have a func- tional significance is proved by the progressive development of the split-off portions; by the compensatory hypertrophy of the so- called accessory suprarenals in mammals, after removal of the suprarenals (Stilling, Velich, Wiesel) ; by the compensatory hyper- trophy of portions of interrenal bodies left in sitii in Selachians (Biedl) ; and by the survival of Teleostians after the removal of all except their anterior cranial interrenal system (Giacomini). Experiments with the object of determining the function of the interrenal tissue are, at the present moment, chiefly concerned with that portion of the interrenal system which is represented by the cortical substance of the suprarenal. There is no lack of hypothesis, but the only fact supported by experiment which sheds light upon the functional significance of the suprarenal cortex is THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 269 the following : The removal of the cortical substance — providing a 1 \\ays that it is not replaced by the vicarious intervention of highly developed accessory interrenals, as in some animal species, notably rats — is not consistent with the continuance of life. j Some interesting anatomical data are to hand. Elliott and Tuckett compared the weight of the suprarenals in different animals and found that, as a general rule, the size of the supra- renal increases with the weight of the body and with the develop- ment of the muscles. They found, moreover, that the increase in the size of the organ is principally due to an increase in the cortical portion. The lower the status of the species in the order of vertebrates, the larger in proportion is the adrenal system and the part which it plays in the formation of the suprarenal ; while, at the same time, the amount of interrenal tissue, and especially the suprarenal cortex, is proportionally reduced. There is, more- over, an increase in the volume of the suprarenal cortex in the course of the development of the individual. The medullary sub- stance increases only slightly with the growth of the individual, but the volume of the cortical substance becomes very much augmented. In the guinea-pig, for instance, a five-fold increase in the weight of the body is accompanied by a twelve-fold increase in the weight of the suprarenal cortex, the medullary portion re- maining practically unchanged. The exceptional size of the suprarenals is characteristic of guinea-pigs and is almost entirely the result of extreme development of the cortical part, this portion being in the guinea-pig nearly ten times as large as in the dog. The increase in the size of the cortex during extra-uterine growth is also observed in the cat, dog and rabbit. A still further growth of this portion of the suprarenal takes place during pregnancy. Suprarenal hypertrophy in pregnancy was first observed by Guieysse in guinea-pigs and has since been observed in animals of different species (Stoerk and v. Haberer) and in man. This hypertrophy is not entirely the result of an increase in the cortical substance, although the cortex is the part chiefly affected. There is at the same time an increase in the chromaffine cells, in which numerous karyokineses are observed. The similarity between the cells of the suprarenal cortex and those of the corpus luteum verum is specially commented upon by Mulon, Wallart and others. Mulon even regards the corpus luteum verum as a temporary suprarenal cortex. That there is a connection between the suprarenals and the activity of the sexual glands, is shown by the observations of Marassini, Cecca, and Teodossieff. These authors found that, after castration, there was an increase in the weight of the supra- renal, principally due to hypertrophy of the cortical substance. Marchand describes suprarenal hypertrophy in pseudoherma- phroditism. On the other hand, the observations of Bullock and Sequeira, Adams, Shattock, Linser, Thumin, Brotz, and others> 270 INTERNAL SECRETION have shown that tumours and hypertrophy of the suprarenals are associated with pubertas praecox ; and it is believed by many that the suprarenals, and the cortex more especially, exercise an in- fluence upon the genital glands and upon the somatic and psychic development of the individual during puberty. In Addison's disease (Kyrle) and in congenital hypoplasia of the suprarenals (Tandler), there are extensive changes in both the generative por- tion and the interstitial cells of the testicles. According to Elliott and Tuckett, there is no relationship between the suprarenals and the reproductive glands. The occurrence of hypertrophy of the suprarenal cortex and of tumours of different kinds is by no means rare. Epithelial new- formations may proceed from the cortical substance of the supra- renal and also ifrom the accessory interrenal tissue. Of these, the most important are the renal hypernephroma, described by Grawitz under the name of struma suprarenalis ; tumours of the female genitals, proceeding from Marchand's accessory suprarenals ; and epithelial tumours of similar structure in other parts of the body. All these pathological findings have as yet, ho\vever, supplied no explanation of the function of the suprarenal cortex. The physiology of the interrenal system is at present confined to the investigation of its chemical composition and the more minute study of its structure and of the structural changes which, under special conditions, are observed in the suprarenal cortex. The physiology of the interrenal system as it stands to-day is chiefly the histo-physiology of the suprarenal cortex. HISTOLOGY OF THE SUPRARENAL CORTEX. The connective tissue sheath of the suprarenal is connected with the centre of the organ by means, partly of thickish strands conveying the nerves and blood-vessels, and partly by delicate connective tissue lamellae which radiate from the periphery to the centre. A short distance from the capsule, these strands and lamellae become connected by cross and oblique anastomoses, and by this means the outer cortical zone is defined. Since Arnold's time this layer has been called the zona glomerulosa. These con- nective tissue processes, some of which are vertical, while others are joined together by means of a portion which curves outwards, enclose long fan-shaped portions, 20, 40 and 60 microns in breadth, which are again divided into smaller roundish spaces by means of transverse processes. It is in these rounded spaces thai the parenchyma cells are situated. In the median portion of the cortex, the radial arrangement of the connective tissue strands become more open, enclosing parallel spaces in which isolated connective tissue septa conveying capillaries are arranged trans- versely and diagonally (zona fasciculata, Arnold). In the internal portion of the cortex, the connective tissue processes become still THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 271 more delicate and, in the neighbourhood of the medulla, they break up into a line net, composed of the finest connective tissue threads (zona reticularis, Arnold), in the meshes of which single parenchyma cells are situated. At the boundary between medulla and cortex there are again a certain number of thicker connective tissue threads running tangentially. The fans formed by the lamellae of connective tissue are divided into meshes of different sizes by delicate septa running transversely and diagonally. These meshes contain the cortical cells, not as Ecker described them, in the form of bladders or tubules, but, both in man and in animals, in typical, solid cell- columns without cavity — the cortical cylinders of Kollicker. These cell-columns are usually composed of a single row7 of cells, though occasionally of two or three; they traverse the external layer either directly or in a winding fashion, and end in the transverse con- nective tissue processes, or they may curve back like an arch and terminate in one another. In the median layer, these cell-cylinders are arranged in drawn-out radiating columns, in accordance with the shape of the meshes formed by the longitudinal connective tissue threads. In the interior, the columns break up into a net- work formed by single rows of cells, in the meshes of which the tine capillaries are situated. The meshes of the network, which at first are rounded, become flattened radially as they approach the medulla. The form and size of the cells in the individual layers, varies with the changes in the arrangement of the connective tissue struc- ture and of the cell columns. The cells in the external zone are, upon the whole, small in size and are of various shapes. In the human suprarenal these cells are mostly polygonal ; in tangential sections they appear in the form of rounded balls and cell nests enclosed in connective tissue. The cells in the median layer are larger in size ; in form, they are rounded polygons which are occasionally elongated in the direction of the column ; and they are arranged several together, side by side, transversely of the column. As they approach the internal layer, the cells become smaller in size and either cubic or polyhedral in form; while the cells in the innermost cylinders are frequently oblong. The connective tissue which runs between the cortical cell cylinders carries numerous capillaries and veins. These vessels pass between the cell columns and are somewhat dilated in the outer layer; they are especially numerous in the internal zone. Actual main arteries are not present in the cortex. The cortical cells are placed directly against the thin vessel walls, which are composed of endothelium and are sometimes enclosed in a delicate connective tissue membrane. The arrangement of the cortical parenchyma is, in the main points, the same in all mammals, though the form, size and arrangement of the cells varies. In many species the zona 272 INTERNAL SECRETION glomerulosa is absent altogether. The form of the cortical cells is polygonal in man only; in the greater number of mammals the cells of the outer zone are long, narrow and cylindrical in shape. The most perfect cortical cylinders are observed in the horse and the dog. In microscopic sections taken from these animals the cell strands appear as perfect rings which closely resemble tubular glands. Whether or no the cortical cell groups enclose a lumen is a question of the utmost importance to both pathological and physiological histology, and one which has recently been sub- jected to searching investigation by Stoerk. He showed that, under normal conditions, there is no free space within the loop- like arrangement of cell cylinders, although the appearance of these sometimes closely simulates a lumen formation. Where, for instance, owing to the over-tilling of the suprarenal vessels, there is extravasation of blood into the external cortical layer, the cell columns become detached from the connective tissue by which the vessels are conveyed; thus, appearances are produced which, where the extravascular blood is not demonstrable as such, bear a misleading resemblance to transverse and oblique sections from glands. This effect is heightened by the fact that compression of the cell contents produces an apparently basal position of the nuclei. From the nature of his findings, Stoerk is convinced that the suprarenal cortex does not assume the formation of a true gland under either normal or pathological conditions (hyper- trophy, adenoma). The most important structural characteristic of the cortical cells is supplied by the lipoid granules which they contain ; these resemble fat granules and are usually known as the cortical granules. The chemical nature of these granules will be described later; their histological characteristics are, briefly, as follows :- If the cortex of a fresh mammalian suprarenal is teased out in physiological saline solution, the result will be a granular mass containing, in addition to single perfect polygonal cells filled with granules, an enormous number of free spheroids. These are pale yellowish in colour, very bright, double refractive, and i to 4 microns in size. Occasionally, these spheroids run together to form, in some cases, largish drops, in others, what are known as myelin forms. The large drop formation is very well seen after the addition of glacial acetic acid, concentrated mineral acids, or 33 per cent, liquor potassa? solution ; though, when diluted, the same acids and potash solution produce no change. The cortical granules are soluble in fat solvents (ether, chloroform, xylol, alcohol, though more slowly by the latter), and the addition of water to these solutions produces the same globular formations. The cortical granules do not stain with either fuchsin, methylene blue, or other similar colouring agents ; but they stain vividly with the specific stains for fat (alkanna, sudan III, scarlet R) ; and in perosmic acid they colour a profound black. If, after colouring THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 273 with osmium, the preparations are treated with alcohol, chloro- form, or xylol, or cleared and mounted in Canada balsam or bergamot oil, it will be seen that the granules have become dis- solved, leaving a diffuse brown coloration in the cells. Mounted in oil of cloves, however, they remain black for weeks, and in glycerine for even longer. The cortical granules are best seen by means of the specific dyes for fat, provided that, after fixing the portions of suprarenal, no powerful fat solvents such as ether, chloroform, or alcohol, are employed in the further treatment. The best method of preparing the specimens is to fix in formalin, cut frozen, and stain with sudan III or scarlet R, when the granules will take on a red colour. If subsequently treated with osmium (twenty-four hours in Altmann's mixture), however, the granules in these frozen sec- tions— unlike fat, which usually stains black immediately — take on a brown colour and become black only when further treated with alcohol. If, however, after treatment with osmium, the frozen sections are treated with bergamot oil, the brown granules will immediately dissolve ; if ether or xylol are used, solution follows very rapidly ; chloroform and benzine are slower in their effects, but solution follows within a quarter of an hour. If, after treat- ment with osmium, the granules are treated with alcohol until they become black (twenty-four hours), they will still dissolve rapidly and entirely in bergamot oil, though to a less extent in the other fat solvents ; they will still dissolve, though very slowly, in ether and xylol, but they cease to be soluble in benzine and chloroform. For the study of the cytological structure of the suprarenal cortex, the best results are obtained by fixing in formalin, formalin- Mtiller, Zenker's fluid, and particularly in the different osmium solutions. By these methods the cortical granules are at first browned and become black only after treatment with alcohol. On account of the solubility of the granules in ether and xylol, these reagents cannot be used to prepare sections for paraffin imbedding; the granules are, however, insoluble in chloroform or benzine, and these may be employed. Sections should not be cleared in xylol or mounted in Canada balsam, as the cortical granules are to a large extent dissolved by these, so that, after a few days, only a few blackened or brown, osmium-stained cortical cells remain. When mounted in oil of cloves, the granules last for some weeks. The most satisfactory results are obtained by clearing and mounting sections which have been stained with osmium in glycerine or a saturated solution of potassium acetate. In addition to the lipoid granules of the cortex, Alt- mann's fuchsinophile granules stain readily, even in embryonic suprarenals (Plecnik). These are round bodies of the same size as the lipoid granules; they are composed of several layers 18 274 INTERNAL SECRETION arranged in such a way that the smallest is nearest to the nucleus. At the cell periphery they are surrounded by the layer containing the lipoid granules. Where, however, as the result of the group- ing of the cortical cells, the juxtaposing cell surfaces are free from lipoid granules, in fuchsin preparations these areas are seen to be crowded with fuchsinophile granules. There is no evidence to show that these granules are changed into lipoid granules. The effect of ether upon sections is to dissolve, not only all the lipoid granules stained with osmium, but also a large proportion of the fuchsinophile granules, the remaining portion of the latter remaining unchanged (Plecnik). The cells of the suprarenal cortex also contain pigment. This is seen in the inner layer, the zona reticularis, where it takes the form of yellowish granules, even in sections coloured by the ordinary nucleus and cytoplasm stains. These granules colour black with Heidenhain's iron haematoxyjin, and a deep grass- green with Unna's polychrome methylene blue and differentiation with glycerine ether. In these preparations, even small quanti- ties of pigment are clearly visible against the blue nuclei and the unstained cytoplasm. The sections should not have been pre- viously fixed in osmium solutions. When fixed in Altmann's mixture the pigment loses its yellow colour, becomes a dirty green, and is readily distinguished from the intensely black lipoid granules. The embryonal suprarenal contains no pigment ; Plecnik found that it was present in very small quantities in the suprarenal of an infant 6 days old. The pigment is found both in free cells and in those which contain cortical granules. If sections which have been stained with osmium are treated with ether and then coloured with iron hasmatoxylin, large clear spaces will be observed in the zona reticularis in place of the black lipoid granules; while the pigment granules, also coloured an intense black, will still be visible in the alveolated body of the cell. According to Dostojewsky, this alveolate network represents, not the filamentous portion only, but the entire cell-plasm. Thus it appears that the lipoid granules occupy the plasmic spaces, while the pigment granules are situated in the cytoplasm itself (Plecnik). CHEMISTRY OF THE SUPRARENAL, EXCLUSIVE OF ADRENALIN. In spite of the immense interest which has been aroused in the physiologically active substance of the suprarenals, or perhaps because attention in general, including that of chemists, has been focused upon the physiological side, the advanced methods of modern chemistry have, up to now, supplied only the first begin- nings of a knowledge of the chemical constitution of the supra- renal. THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 275 Nabarro's experiments have acquainted us with the albu- minoids of the suprarenal. These experiments show that the suprarenal contains an albumin which coagulates at 70°, certain globulines which coagulate at between 56° and 75° ; and one or more nucleoproteids. Thus far, then, the suprarenals do not differ from the other organs, seeing that the globulins and the nucleoproteids are present in all tissues. According to the older accounts, the suprarenal contains also the following : of the pro- ducts of regressive metamorphosis it contains hippuric and tauro- cholic acid (Vulpian and Cloez), benzoic acid and taurin (accord- ing to Seligsohn, but not confirmed by Stadelmann), leucin, tyrosin, xanthin bases (xanthin, methylxanthin, hypoxanthin, epiguanin, according to Okerbloom), inosit (Kiilz) ; of the carbo- hydrates it contains glycogen (Lubarsch), a substance resembling jekorin (Manasse), and salts, of which potassium phosphate is present in exceptionally large quantities (Halliburton). A. C. Croftan discovered a diastatic ferment, and M. Jacoby an oxidative ferment, an aldehydase, in the suprarenal cortex. The suprarenal further contains a nuclease which splits up nucleo- proteids, xanthin bases being formed (Jones). The proof of the presence of cholin in the suprarenal was a discovery of the highest importance. As early as 1888, it was stated by Guarnieri and F. Marino-Zucco that w^atery extracts of suprarenal contain neurin (in the terminology of to-day, cholin) and they assumed that the neutralization of the neurin in the body was a function of the suprarenals. Exact proof of the pre- sence of cholin was, however, first offered by Lohmann (1907). It wTas Lohmann Ts object to isolate from the suprarenal the substance present in suprarenal extract which produces an effect first observed by Giirber, namely, the lowering of blood-pressure. The suprarenal was first freed from fat and cut into small pieces, and, by means of hot water with the addition of a small amount of acetic acid, a triple extract was obtained. The concentrated extract was purified by Kutscher and Steudel's method with tannin, baryta and oxide of lead, and afterwards precipitated with phosphorotungstic acid. The precipitate was split up with baryta and the alloxur, or purin, bases were first extracted by means of nitric acid, and a further group of bases, " the arginin fraction," was afterwards extracted with baryta. The filtrate was again precipitated with phosphorotungstic acid, the precipitate again split up with baryta, and, after removal of the superfluous baryta with carbonic acid, the bases were reduced to a thick syrup. A concentrated extract of this syrup was obtained by repeated treat- ment with boiling absolute alcohol. The bases obtained from the alcohol extract possessed marked hypotensive properties. The concentrated alcoholic extract was precipitated with alcoholic solution of platinic chloride. The platinates, which were in- soluble in alcohol, wrere converted into chlorides with sulphuretted hydrogen, and then, by the addition of a watery solution of auric 276 INTERNAL SECRETION chloride, the aurate of cholin is obtained. By crystallization twice repeated, and by ascertaining the melting-point and the amount of gold present, the insoluble aurate was found to be homogeneous and was analysed. The result yielded by analysis was cholin auric chloride. The aurate was converted into the chloride with sulphuretted hydrogen, and this was employed in experiments upon animals. It appeared that, when injected into the veins of a cat in a quantity of .036 grm. in .5 of Ringer's solution, this cholin chloride produced a sudden fall in blood-pressure and violent lachrymal and salivary secretion, followed by the death of the animal. That the influence of cholin was antagonistic to that of adrenalin was shown, not only by the effect upon the blood-pressure, but also by the effect upon portions of intestine removed from the living cat. The action of adrenalin in produc- ing relaxation of the intestine was arrested by the addition of cholin, and violent muscular contractions followed. In further experiments, Lohmann tested the effects of adrenalin and cholin upon the heart when taken from the living rabbit ; he found that the increased and accelerated cardiac activity produced by adrenalin was negatived by the weakening and slowing of the contractions which followed cholin. The antagonism between adrenalin and cholin was found to be mutual ; it was especially noticeable that the profuse salivary flow produced by the sub- cutaneous injection of cholin, was absolutely controlled by the simultaneous injection of adrenalin. Lohmann was no more able than Frank and Isaac later, to prevent the occurrence of adrenalin glycosuria by means of cholin. According to Mansfeld, the sub- cutaneous injection of cholin will arrest the development of the changes in the vessels brought about by adrenalin. Lohmann next investigated the distribution of cholin in the suprarenal and he discovered that it is possible to obtain nearly nine times as much from the cortex as from the medulla. He ascribes the cholin contents of the medulla to the presence of cortical substance and arrives at the conclusion that, in the same way that adrenalin is formed only in the medulla, so cholin is formed solely in the cortex. Lohmann also described the manner in which he obtained a further auric salt, by the slow concentration of the mother-lye of the cholin auric chloride obtained from suprarenal extract. This auric salt was crystallized and found to be neurin gold.* This * The formula of neurin (trimethylvinylammonium hydroxyd) is as follows : — CH3— N This base is obtained from cholin by the splitting off of a molecule of water out of the ethylalcohol, by which the latter is converted into the vinyl residue. THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 277 gold combination was converted, by means of sulphuretted hydro- gen, into the chloride and was employed in experiments upon animals. The intravenous injection of .01 grm. of neurin chloride into rabbits produced a fall in blood-pressure immediately fol- lowed by a considerable rise. There were at first several strong expiratory movements, followed by a reduction in the respirations. That cholin was present in the animal economy had long been knowrn, and the nature of its pharmacological activity had re- peatedly been investigated (Gaehtgens, Bohm, Brieger, Cervello, Asher and Wood, Formanek). Cholin (trimethyloxethylammonium hydroxyd) : — CH2 OH CH3-N formerly called neurin, was first discovered in the bile by Strecker, and afterwards found, as a product of the decomposition of lecithin or of protagon, in watery extracts of the brain, and by Mott and Halliburton, in the cerebro-spinal fluid. The latter authors were inclined to regard the fall in blood-pressure observed by Schafer and Moore after the injection of extract of the brain, and by Schafer and Vincent after the injection of that constituent of pituitary extract which is soluble in alcohol, as an effect of cholin. Osborn and Vincent found that the injection of extracts of any portion of the nervous system produced a distinct temporary fall in blood-pressure. They concede that these extracts contain cholin in small quantities, but they do not ascribe the result to the action of this substance ; for the lowered tension persisted after full doses of atropine, whereas, according to their experiments, the effect of atropine upon cholin is invariably to convert the vaso-dilator action into a vaso-contractor one. Vincent and Sheen next discovered that a substance which reduces blood-pressure is obtainable from muscular tissue of all kinds, as well as from the kidney, liver, spleen, testicles, pancreas, ovaries, lungs, thyroid, thymus, supra- renals and the hypophysis cerebri. Vincent and Cramer showed that watery extracts of nervous tissue contain two groups of sub- stances, both of which, when injected intravenously, reduce blood- pressure. One group dissolves readily, the other is scarcely soluble, in absolute alcohol. The alcoholic solution contains two depressant substances. The action of the one is neutralized by atropine, that of the other is unaffected by it. The alcoholic solution yields a slight precipitate with platinic chloride, and this precipitate, when purified, yields prismatic crystals, the platinum contents of which are 32.8 per cent., which corresponds to the platinic double salt of dicholinanhydride. These observers found no cholin in extracts of the brain, and they are of the opinion 278 INTERNAL SECRETION that the hypotensive action of these extracts is independent of cholin. The wide distribution of cholin in the organism was em- phasized by Claude and Blanchetiere (1907), who also pointed out that cholin is present in the greater number of tissues and secretions of the body, though not in a free state but in combina- tion with lecithin, v. Fiirth and Schwarz showed that cholin is present in intestinal extract and in secretin (so-called), and that it stimulates the secretory activity of the pancreas and of the salivary glands. The effect of cholin upon secretion is com- pletely neutralized by atropine. They also found that the con- stituent of the thyroid which lowers blood-pressure, is identical with cholin. Schwarz and Lederer found depressant substances, which they identified with cholin, in extracts of thymus, spleen and lymph glands. Finally, Gautrelet found cholin in the pancreas, spleen, ovary, thyroid, kidney, testicle, pituitary and salivary glands, bone marrow, and gastric and intestinal mucous membranes of animals of various species. He came to the conclusion that the common active principle of the extracts of those organs which were included by Livon in the description " hypotensive glands," is cholin, the activity of which is antagonistic to that of adrenalin. He divides the internal secretory organs into those which are cholinogenic and those which are adrenalinogenic (chromaffine), and he believes that the regulation of arterial pressure is brought about by the interactivity of these two antagonistic systems. The evidence which these observations supply of the almost ubiquitous occurrence of cholin in the animal economy, has largely diminished the importance of Lohmann's discovery. The presence of comparatively large quantities of cholin in the supra- renal cortex can hardly be regarded as proof of the production of cholin as a specific function of that tissue. It is far more probable that cholin represents a product of the decomposition of the phosphatides which all organs contain, and that the comparatively large quantities of cholin which are present in certain tissues, merely show that such tissues are very rich in those lipoids. These phosphatides are very liable to hydrolytic decomposition, in the process of which they give off cholin. The presence of cholin is not a proof of its pre-existence under physiological conditions. But the physiological activity of cholin, and especially its antagonism to adrenalin, requires more careful investigation. Modrakowski showed that the cholin (Merck) of commerce brings about a fall in blood-pressure and a slowing of the pulse, which may be arrested by means of atropine ; that it also produces increased salivary and pancreatic secretion as well as increased secretion of urine; but that these results are wholly attributable to products, resembling muscarin, of the decomposition of cholin, and more particularly to trimethylamin. Pure cholin is a com- THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 279 paratively non-toxic substance and, as Blum pointed out, in doses of .6 to 2 mg. per kilo of body weight, produces only a transitory increase in blood-pressure, and has no effect whatever upon the secretions. I was able to convince myself that Modrakowski was right in his findings, and they have since been confirmed by Busquet and Pachon. A pure cholin which was prepared by my colleague, S. Fraenkel, when injected into the veins of dogs in quantities of 4 mg. to every kilo, produced a distinct, though very transitory, increase in blood-pressure. After being kept for a few days, the preparation acquired a distinct odour of trimethylamin, and in doses of even 2 mg. produced marked hypotension and slowing of the pulse. After atropine, a fresh injection of the substance produced slight hypertension. This substance proved, after keeping, to be actively toxic, for animals into which it was injected in doses of i mg. per kilo died within a few hours. According to these findings, then, cholin is neither specific to the suprarenal cortex, nor is its action antagonistic to that of adrenalin. The suprarenal contains yet other substances, the importance of which to the vital processes has only recently been discovered. These are the lipoids. The presence of fat and substances similar to fat is mentioned in some of the older writings upon the supra- renals, but at that time our knowledge of the chemistry of these substances was very scanty. It is only recently, and indeed very recently, that we have arrived at any definite knowledge of the nature of the lipoids. The interest which has been aroused in both physiologists and pathologists by the lipoid substances in general, has drawn a certain amount of attention to those of the suprarenal in particular. I have occupied myself with researches — in which I made use of the most recently discovered chemical methods — into the nature of the lipoid substances; and, in so far as my results concern the lipoids present in the suprarenals, they may be given here. In order fully to understand these results, it is necessary briefly to explain the older views, based almost entirely upon histological and biochemical material, and to show the manner in which recent chemical science has modified our views concerning the nature of the suprarenal lipoids. It has long been known to morphologists that the suprarenal cortex, or rather the entire interrenal system, occurring in verte- brates of whatever species, possesses a remarkable cytological peculiarity, namely, the presence in the cells of fat-like lipoid granules, from which the name ' lipoid tissue," used to describe the interrenal tissue, is derived. However much the structure and arrangement of the interrenal system may vary— and according to H. Poll these variations are constant in mam- mals of the same species — the lipoid granules, or cortical granules as they are called, are a constant and characteristic feature both 2 So INTERNAL SECRETION of the cortical cells and those of all interrenal tissue. What was known of the morphological relationships and the microchemical properties of these granules supplied the material for the investi- gation of their chemical composition. This occurrence of peculiar granules in the suprarenal cortex was first described by Simon and Ecker (1846), and has been confirmed by all subsequent investigators. The older authors regarded them solely as fat-granules, and were content to describe their distribution in animals of different species and the quantities in which they were to be found in the different parts of the cortex. According to Kolliker, there are animals, such as carnivora and rodents, in which the amount of fat in the suprarenals is so large that it lends a yellow-whitish colour to the entire cortex. There is also a large amount of fat in the external portion of the cortex in the horse; while in the swine and in ruminants, on the other hand, the cortex is grey in colour, the cells being pale and having apparently little fat. The suprarenal of man occupies a middle place between the two, there being in youth but little fat, though this increases by degrees until finally the entire cortex, with the exception of the inner zone, acquires a yellow-white appearance. The greater number of authors find that the granules, which they believe to be fat globules, are most numerous in the median portion of the cortex; that they diminish considerably in number towards both the inner and outer cortical boundaries; and that the cells of the inner layer contain, in addition to the cortical granules, certain other cell-contents, more particularly pigment. Moers and Arnold described the resistance which the more shining of these granules offer to alkalies and acetic acid; "but A. von. Brunn was the first to inquire into the actual nature of these bodies. He found that the numerous shining granules in the cells of the external zone did not dissolve in acetic acid and ether, and that they did not stain black with osmic acid ; he con- cluded from these findings that they could not be composed of fat. For the same reasons, Braun believes that the more strongly refractive bodies in the suprarenal cortex of reptiles are only partially composed of fat. Gottschau also describes the highly refractive granules, present in the inner layer of the cortex in mammals, as insoluble in acetic acid and liquor potassa?. A detailed account of the microchemical relationships of the cortical granules was first given by H. Rabl. He found that cortical granules from the suprarenal of the hen were soluble in alcohol, ether and chloroform ; that they stained black with osmic acid and red with alkanna. While, however, fat treated with osmium was insoluble in choloroform and bergamot oil, the blackened cortical granules proved to be soluble in these reagents and in xylol. For these reasons, Rabl held that the cortical granules, though not fat, were allied to it. These findings were confirmed by M. Pfaundler in the case of the dog and the THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 281 horse. Alexander, however, lays special emphasis upon the fact that cortical granules did not stain black with osmium, but that they acquired a brownish tone, and for this reason must be composed of a chemical substance other than fat. In 1895, Kaiser! ing discovered that by far the greater number of the cortical granules are double refractive to polarized light. They had long been known to have a high refractivity, and Orgler, who carried Kaiserling's experiments still further, gives the following account of their microchemical nature. The granules measure .4 to 18 microns, and have an average dimension of 4 to 5 microns. They are soluble in water, readily soluble in ether and chloroform, and dissolve slowly in alcohol. They are unaffected by caustic soda solution, acetic acid, and concentrated sulphuric acid. They stain red with sudan III., at the same time losing their double refractivity. When treated with osmic acid they take on a grey-black tone, and if allowed to remain for a longer period in osmic acid- fixing by Altmann's method, for instance — they stain black. Treatment with osmium, as well as fixing and hardening by other methods, destroys their anisotrophy, thus their optic differenti- ation from the fat-granules disappears. They are soluble in xylol, chloroform, and bergamot oil, and at this stage this is the only distinction between them and fat-granules treated with osmium, the latter being insoluble in these reagents. Orgler concludes that the cortical granules are not identical with fat ; from their double refractivity, the manner in \vhich they are influenced by osmium, and their resistance to acetic acid and caustic soda solu- tion, he thinks it highly probable that they are related to the myelin of the medullary nerve-fibres. The chemistry of the cortical granules was minutely investi- gated by Hultgren and Andersson. These authors found that the microchemical reactions of the cortical granules were in every case the same as those of fat. Their greater solubility after treatment with osmium is their only point of difference. Alexander showed that lecithin is present in the suprarenals in large quantities, and Hultgren and Andersson incline to a relationship between this substance and the cortical granules, taking further into consider- ation the large quantity of so-called myelin forms which appear in the etheric solution after the addition of water. They W7ere unable to demonstrate phosphorus in the cortical granules, and were thus compelled to leave the question of their lecithin contents unsolved. All that they could say was that the cortical granules are composed of fat, but that they probably differ in certain respects from the other known fats. In 1902, P. Ewald discov- ered that the suprarenal cortex coloured a diffuse pale pink with scarlet R., and he believed that this was due, not to fatty degener- ation, but to infiltration of fat. Plecnik's observations (1902) are of exceptional interest. He 282 INTERNAL SECRETION found that, in the suprarenal cortex of a human embryo 5 cm. long, all the cells contained granules, though these were smaller in size and in number than in the adult. In an embryo 12 to 15 cm. long, the granules had increased considerably in size, and were much more numerous, especially in the peripheral cells. These conditions are maintained through the later developmental stages, and change very little during the post-embryonal period. The comparative maximal number of cortical granules is reached during the second six months after birth ; from then onwards the number is subject to variation which is largely unexplained. But an increase in the number of granules in the cortex is by no means to be regarded as the result of fatty degeneration. Plecnik's experiments shed important light upon the nature of the cortical granules, because he applied to the suprarenals the test which Lewinson gives for fats, namely, a modification of Weigert's chrome-ha?matoxylin stain for the medullary sheath of the nerves. He found that, after the suprarenals had been hardened for some time in Miiller's mixture, the granules in the cortex were stained blue in exactly the same manner as the fat in the interstitial cells of the testicles, while subepicardial fat and the fat of phosphorus kidney did not stain by this method. The granules in suprarenals treated by this method frequently colour black after treatment with Altmann's mixture and rinsing in water. This is not the case, however, with subepicardial fat and phosphorus kidney fat. By means of i per cent, osmic acid, Bernard and Bigart (1902) were able to differentiate between two cell types, or more properly, two cell conditions, in the external layer of the zona fasciculata, the so-called zona spongiosa. Of these two cell types, one contained larger or smaller globules of common fat which stained in the usual manner with osmium, \vhile the other contained granules which, in response to osmium, took on a shade varying from light to dark grey. Mulon next showed that the grey granules are soluble in turpentine, xylol, bergamot oil, and cedar-wood oil. The cells known as spongiocytes are, according to Mulon, cells the protoplasm of which is filled with granules resembling fat. Their spongy appearance is merely the result of the secondary solution of the globules during mounting. Bernard and Bigart call this substance " labile fat," and consider that it is a product of normal cell-function, while ordinary fat may, under conditions, be a pathological product. Bernard, Bigart and Labbe believe that labile fat is lecithin or a mixture of lecithins. By extraction with ether and alcohol, they estimated both the total amount of fat and the total amount of phosphorus in the suprarenal, and found that the proportion of the phosphorus fat to the whole amount of fat was as follows : — 45-3 : 100 in the horse, 48.8 : 100 in the sheep, 52.7 :ioo in the rabbit. In the horse, the phosphorus fat forms 6.77 per cent, of the organ ; in man the proportion of lecithin fat to the whole amount of fat is 13.1 : 100, the lecithin fat THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 283 amounting to 2.08 per cent, of the total weight. According to these authors, lecithin is actively produced by the suprarenals. They found that, during muscular exertion, there was a consider- able increase in the number and size of the labile fat granules in the spongiocytes, but that the ordinary fat remained unchanged. Mulon (1903) points out the double refractivity of the cortical granules in the suprarenals of guinea-pigs, though this, as we know, had already been discovered by Kaiserling. Mulon also comments upon the fact that, as early as 1866, Darest described double refractive granules in the ovum, in the suprarenals, and in other tissues ; and that Dastre, in 1877, showed that these granules are composed of lecithin. According to Mulon, oleate of soda and lecithin are the only double refractive granules which are soluble in ether and alcohol. He calls the zona spongiosa the zone lecithinogene. He found that the cortical granules, like those of the medullary sheaths, stain blue by Regaud's modification of Weigert's ha^matoxylin copper method. Bonnamour and Policard proved that the cortical granules of the suprarenals of frogs possess the following characteristics : they stain grey-black with osmium ; they are afterwards soluble in Canada balsam and in xylol ; and they colour blue with Weigert's hasmatoxylin. These authors consider that the cortical granules are composed of a phosphorus fat belonging to the lecithin group. These double refractive granules, which were believed to be a specific product of the suprarenal cortex, were also found by Kaiserling in an amyloid kidney with pronounced fatty changes; and Kaiserling and Orgler discovered similar granules in organs which had undergone regressive and fatty degenerative changes, for instance, in regressive changes in the thymus, fatty degener- ation of the intima cells of the vessels, in large white kidney, &c. They believed these double refractive granules to be identical with the myelin globules found by Schmidt and F. Mu'ller in the bronchial mucus, and they described the granules which they had discovered as " myelin " without, however, attaching a chemical significance to the term. Albrecht also described as myelin the globular formations and the figures which appear in the cell-body as the result of nuclear decomposition — as seen for instance post mortem in the kidney if kept at the temperature of the body — and which, unlike the nucleus, stain red with neutral red. Dietrich and Hegler also described the occurrence of myelin figures which were formed by autolysis in organs kept under aseptic conditions. By rapidly bringing crushed suprarenal cortex to a moderate degree of heat under the microscope, Albrecht produced every possible change in the appearance of the double refractive granules, from slight increase in size to enlargement equal to that of the globules seen in fatty infiltration of the liver, together with pronounced double refraction, and, in many instances, distinct formation of myelin forms. Certain other authors (Orgler, Loehlein, Rosenfeld) believed that the double-refractive substance 284 INTERNAL SECRETION seen in fatty degeneration and cloudy swelling is protagon, and this is in accordance with the theory of Kaiserling and Orgler. O. Herrmann (1905) minutely investigated the double refrac- tive substances resembling myelin present in the suprarenal cortex. The double refractive substances are present in varying quantities as physiological constituents of the human suprarenal from the embryonal state until old age. They are present in the form of round globules of varying size, and they are characterized by the following reactions : they resist alkalies and acetic acid ; they stain slightly yellow with Lugol's solution ; when warmed, pink with Millon's reagent; they are readily soluble in chloroform and ether ; in alcohol they dissolve slowly ; they stain brown with osmium, at the same time losing their double ref ractivity ; when fixed in Flemming's solution they stain black. The most important thing about these double refractive sub- stances, however, is their attitude towards neutral red ; they do not stain w7ith this reagent. On the other hand, in addition to the globules, myelin masses are found, and these stain with neutral red. In badly fixed sections where the nuclei do not stain, the neutral red staining of myelin bodies is more easily recognized. It is evident then that the double refractive granules are not identical with the myelin substances, which colour with neutral red (Albrecht). After hardening in formalin, needle-shaped crystals stained with fat-ponceaux are observed in addition to the globules; these crystals take up dyes, and are in many instances still refrac- tive. Double refractive globules similar to those in man are found in large numbers in rats, but they are not present in guinea-pigs, nor, as a general rule, in rabbits. The cells of the suprarenal in rabbits are filled with small, polyhedral granules, which frequently combine to form largish scales, are not double refractive, and in fresh preparations do not stain with neutral red. These granules stain with neutral red in preparations in which autolytic processes have occurred, either when kept in an incubator, or in the abdominal cavity, free or enclosed in india- rubber bags. Their double refractivity is not, however, increased, and there was no actual proof of the transformation of the poly- gonal granules into larger myelin forms or into globules. Colour reactions show that fatty acids are present in the external layer of disconnected suprarenal grafts. This is most readily explained by the assumption that the leucocytes in combination with the fluids of the body which penetrate into the external layer, -bring about a process of resorption, which is attended with a splitting up of myelin. Herrmann was unable to obtain from the results of his experiments any further information concerning the nature of the amorphous masses in the suprarenal of rabbits, as well as of the double-refractive globules which occur in profusion in the supra- renal of man, and in small quantities in the suprarenal of rabbits. THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 285 Napp (1905) published the results of his investigations into the fat-contents of the suprarenals in different pathological con- ditions. He takes no account, however, of the manner in which the double refract! vity is affected, and he describes as fat only that portion of the cell contents which stains with sudan red. Babes and Jonesco have also published communications respecting the distribution of fat in the suprarenals. These authors assert that the distribution of fat in the suprarenal cortex differs with the age and species of the individual, and that its amount is very much diminished by different pathological conditions, such as inanition and acute and chronic infective diseases. They found, further, that there is a reduction in the number of the fat-granules in the suprarenal cortex of rabbits, if hypertrophy of the organ is induced by the intravenous injection of adrenalin. Babes finds that, in suprarenals containing a large amount of fat and in suprarenal adenoma, the cortical cells are filled with crystalline double refractive granules, the reactions of which are similar to those of protagon. These double refractive granules may entirely crowd out the ordinary fat. Elliott and Tuckett (1906) undertook minute investigations into the histology of the cortical granules. They found that the cortex contains four different substances, all of which may be regarded as the products of secretion ; these are the fat granules, the double-refractive substance, the pigment granules of the cortex, and the chromaffine substance of the medulla. The fat in the suprarenal cortex differs from other fats in its ready solubility in etheric oils; it colours red with scarlet R. The double refrac- tive substance which is soluble in ether occurs in the suprarenal cortex in association with true fat, though the distribution of the two substances is not identical, and they may occur in different parts of the cortex. In the guinea-pig, true fat is found in the external third of the cortex only, \vhile the double refractive sub- stance occurs throughout the whole cortex. In the cat, the double refractive substance is generally situated in the external cortical layer, though it is sometimes met with in the internal layer, com- pletely separated from the fat. In the rabbit, the distribution of faj, is regular and, when viewed with a polarization microscope, glittering crystals appear to be also regularly distributed through the cortex. In the human suprarenal the conditions are the same. In certain species, though fat is present, the double refractive substance is absent, as for instance, in the case of the cortex of the sheep and the whale. In others, on the other hand, as for instance in the hen, the double refractive substance is present in such large quantities that the entire cortex appears to be filled with large needle-shaped crystals, irrespective of the cell boundaries. According to Elliott and Tuckett, the fat and the double refractive substance are two different secretory products of the suprarenal cortex, but are, however, intimately related to one another. When the body is in the resting state, the amount of the double refractive- 286 INTERNAL SECRETION substance increases, while the fat is reduced in proportion. Where muscular exertion is prolonged to fatigue, the double refractive substance disappears, and the fat spreads through the whole of the cortex. The authors point out, however, that these substances may neither of them represent the most important general product of the secretory activity of the cortex, for they may be absent in certain species, as in the case of the sheep. The brown pigment- granules are specific to the suprarenal cortex of guinea-pigs. These accumulate during repose and disappear very rapidly during exhausting muscular exertion, fat being formed in the cytoplasm in their place. These authors give no account of the chemical nature of the double-refractive substance; but they point out that it cannot be identical with fat, and they think that its refractive power probably points to myelin in combination with lecithin. As we have seen, this double-refractive lipoid substance was almost invariably believed to be lecithin. The assumption was justified by Virchow's discovery, as early as 1857, of the presence of a substance which he described as myelin (medullary) in the suprarenal, and which, from its chemical nature, he identified with the substance which Gobley described as lecithin. A little later, Bennecke pointed out that cholesterin, in combination with a peculiar substance of fatty nature, plays the chief part in the formation of myelin substances. But the peculiar richness in lecithin of the suprarenals was again emphasized by Alexander. He obtained his exceptionally high figures by multiplying by 8.8, the phosphorus contents of the etheric extract of suprarenal. The brothers Marino-Zucco, as well as Guarneri and Marino-Zucco, obtained neurin and glycerite of phosphoric acid from etheric extract of suprarenal. Manasse obtained a body from the supra- renals, the phosphorus contents of which were 4.44 per cent., and which, after decomposition by means of acids, yielded a carbo- hydrate. Manasse concludes that this lecithin-carbohydrate com- bination is jecorin. Orgler (1904) analysed the suprarenals with the object of ascertaining if they contained a body resembling protagon. Liebreich gave the name of protagon to a homogeneous substance which he regarded as the matrix of the lipoids found in the brain.* By means of alcoholic and etheric extraction, Orgler '7 Later on, protagon was erroneously regarded as a body chiefly com- posed of cerebrin and lecithin, because it yielded, as the products of decomposition, cerebrosides, which are free from phosphorus, and phospha- tides. Cerebrin is a body containing CON, as yet not exactly defined; while, from the results of Strecker and Diakonow's investigations, lecithin was commonly regarded as di-stearyl-glycerinite of phosphoric-acid-cholin. But Thudichum had already suggested, and it was afterwards proved by Fraenkel, that saturated lecithins of this description do not exist; that all lecithins are unsaturated phosphatides ; and that Diakonow himself had isolated the unsaturated oleic acids from his own lecithin. Thus the finding of a saturated di-stearyl lecithin must be attributed to erroneous description of the experiments on the part of the text-books. THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 287 obtained a yellow-white body from the suprarenals, which was found under the miscroscope to consist of fine, slightly bent needles arranged in rosette form. After repeated crystallization he obtained a snow-white body which, as it did not stain with osmium, he believed to be free from lecithin. The phosphorus contents were 1.6 per cent.; higher, therefore, than the figure given for protagon by the majority of authors. Owing to the small amount of substance at his disposal, he was able to test for the carbohydrates by colour-reactions only, and the results of these were positive. From the results of his investigations, Orgler held the double refractive granules to be protagon. After, however, Panzer had shown that the double refractive substances in the kidney are not protagons — that is to say, they are not combinations with phosphorus — but are cholesterinesters, Adami and Aschoff continued the investigations made by Lehmann and Schenk into the nature of the fluid crystals. They endeavoured to obtain by synthesis, combinations corresponding to those of the double refractive globules found in the body, corres- ponding therefore to the fluid crystals. They found that the most important ingredients are cholesterinesters, whether pure or in combination with oleic acids, fats, or cholesterin. These experi- ments pointed to the probability of the double refractive substance of the suprarenal being of a cholesterinester-like nature. On the other hand, Wright pointed out that mixtures of cholesterin with oleic acids may also yield double-refractive globules, and he lays stress upon the fact that the suprarenal cortex contains a mixture of cholesterin with lecithin and oleic acids, and that these are to be regarded as products of secretion. Rosenheim and Tebb isolated a white crystalline substance from the suprarenal cortex of the ox, which contained 3.4 per cent, phosphorus, and the physical properties of which corresponded to Thudichum's diamidomonophosphatide, sphingomyelin, the most important constituent of the so-called cerebral protagon. This substance possessed a characteristic, which they describe, namely, that of sphere-rotation, and it crystallized into anisotropic sphere- crystals. In 1909 the same authors published their further investigations into the nature of the suprarenal lipoids. In the first extract of dried suprarenal obtained with acetone, they found a large quantity of a crystalline substance which con- sisted principally of stearic acid, mixed with the cholesterinesters in small quantities. The latter were not identified, but their nature wras assumed from analogy with the cholesterinesters which Panzer isolated from large white kidney. From the matrix of the cold acetone extract, they isolated free palmitic acid, an unsaturated oleic acid, and fat. From the hot acetone extract they obtained a smaller quantity of a crystalline substance from which they isolated cholesterin 288 INTERNAL SECRETION stearate and cholesterin palmitate in a state of chemical purity. They obtained, further, the phosphatide, sphingomyelin, and the non-phosphoric galactocide, phrenosin. The phrenosin was identified by polarimetric estimation of the galactose obtained after hydrolysis. Free cholesterin was carefully \vatched for, but was not found to be present. Even with Windau's extremely sensitive digitonin reaction, free cholesterin could not be detected in either the hot or cold acetone extract of suprarenal. These authors lay stress upon the fact that their results do not support Powell White's assumption, that the double refractive substances of the suprarenal consist of a mixture of free cholesterin and fatty acids. On the contrary, the results of these experiments confirm another view held by Powell White, to the effect, namely, that the pure cholesterinesters do not yield double refractive granules, but that when in combination with fatty acids, the granules which they yield are double refractive. Seeing that the presence under physiological conditions of true cholesterinesters in the organism is denied by Biinz, Tebb, and by Moore, this account of cholesterin palmitate and cholesterin stearate in the suprarenal is very remarkable. According to Rosenheim and Tebb, the double refractive sub- stances of the suprarenal consist of a mixture of free stearic and other fatty acids, together with a small proportion of sphingo- myelin. In his review of the morphology of the lipoicl substances (1909), Aschoff affirms, upon the ground of results yielded by his own experiments, that the following bodies may show double refractive myelin forms, and, occasionally, globules : (1) The phosphatides, including lecithin, though the latter is difficult to obtain in a state of chemical purity. (2) The soaps of the oleic acids. (3) The cholesterinesters. (4) Solutions of cholesterin in the phosphatides, in the oleic acids, and the fats. (5) Solutions of the cholesterinesters in the fats (perhaps also in the phosphatides, though, up to now, this has not been tested). Of the double refractive substances included in these five classes, the cholesterinesters alone constantly and readily yield permanent emulsions of double refractive globules. The sub- stances in classes i and 2 frequently yield transient accidental globule formations with double refractivity, but the results cannot be relied upon. The substances in classes 4 and 5, on the other hand, invariably yield emulsions containing globules, but these are either not double refractive, or there is coarse crystalline pre- cipitation of the globules without typical crystalline formation. In all essentials, then, the double refractive substance is repre- sented by the cholesterinesters. In regard to the colour reactions of the cholesterinesters, THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 289 Aschoff affirms that they colour a yellowish red with sudan, a weak reddish colour with Nile blue sulphate, and grey with osmic acid ; that they do not stain with neutral red or by Golodetz's method ; and that, after fixing with chrome, they are converted into insoluble lipoids with a positive colour reaction to sudan red. The colour reactions of the double-refractive globules are identical with those of the cholesterinesters. They stain with sudan, Nile blue sulphate, and ponceau red in the same manner as the neutral fats, and they are unaffected by the Golodetz process which, by means of a mixture of formaldehyde and sulphuric acid, stains the smallest traces of cholesterin a brown to violet colour. Aschoff adopts the view that the presence of the double refractive globules may represent only a modification of the ordinary fatty degeneration, a special sort of storing-up of fat, and that the occurrence of the double refractivity does not point to a degenerative, endogenous formation of the globules. The processes are invariably pure infiltration processes. This is shown by the occurrence of isotropic and anisotropic globules side by side in the same cell, and especially by the physiological occurrence of such granules in the cells of the suprarenal cortex. Nothing definite can be said concerning the physiological significance of anisotropic substances. The view which prevails at present is that, of the lipoids, lecithin plays the part of stimu- lant of the ferments which serve as protective agents to the cholesterins. It has been definitely proved by experiment that with substances of a saponin nature (saponin, digitonin), choles- terins give additive combinations which are insoluble and which do not decompose readily. Of the functions of the globular formations which are described as " myelin," we know practically nothing. In most cases where the double refractive substance is of pathological origin, the process appears to be one of resorption or of accumulation, characterized by marked profusion of the cholesterin combinations. Up to the present, no explanation has been found for the physiological occurrence of the double refractive substance in the suprarenal cortex. The assumption of Bernard and White, that the suprarenal cortex secretes lecithin and cholesterin in combin- ation with fat, is pure hypothesis. Aschoff also mentions Ciaccio's finding, that treatment with chromates renders the so-called myelin-forms of the suprarenal cortex difficult of solution, and that at this stage, in spite of treatment with alcohol and xylol and embedding in paraffin, they show a very distinct sudan coloration. Ciaccio carried out certain experiments with what he believed to be pure lecithin and protagon, and he considers, from the results which he obtained, that this sudan reaction is specific to lecithin, and he believes lecithin to be a product of cell-metabolism. 19 2QO INTERNAL SECRETION the other hand, as Aschoff justly points out, Ciaccio's chemical tests cannot be regarded as of any very great value, seeing that protagon does not exist as a chemical entity and that pure lecithin is scarcely obtainable. The term lecithin is not applicable to the lipoids of the suprarenal ; all that can be posi- tively stated is, that they are lipoids, that like the medullary substance of the nerves, treatment with chromates renders them insoluble, and that they give a sudan reaction. From what has been observed up to the present, it seems far more probable that they are cholesterinesters and sphingomyelin. In my own researches into the nature of the so-called lipoid substances, the material was provided by the suprarenals of swine, while the method which I employed was an adaptation of S. Fraenkel's method for fractional distillation of the lipoids of the brain.* It must be explained, first of all, that the process consists in extracting the different groups of lipoid substances in such a manner as to separate the groups in the process of extraction. The tissues are first dehydrated with cold acetone, and are then successively subjected to the action of a number of suitable organic solvents. By this means, the cholesterin group is separated from that of the unsaturated phosphatides, and this again from that of the saturated phosphatides and the sphingo- galactosides. By weighing the extracts it is possible to ascertain, not exactly, but approximately, the amount of the total lipoids as well as that of the single lipoid groups, together with the relationship which these bear to the total amount of lipoids. It has been shown by Fraenkel and his co-workers that every organ contains lipoids which are, as a rule, characteristic of it ; and that the same organ, in different classes of animals, contains phosphatides and lipoids which are also chemically differentiated. The differentiation which exists between the lipoids of different organs in different species on the other hand, is both qualitative and quantitative. Finally, it must be borne in mind that, in spite of their ready crystallinity, the lipoids which are normally present in the tissues may not be demonstrable by histological tests, for they may be present in a state of solution in one another. Under pathological conditions, the breaking-up of such a state of in- solution may cause the one or the other substance to appear. My experiments were conducted in the following manner : Fresh pig's suprarenals were freed from the surrounding fat, cut up in the mincing machine, dehydrated with plenty of cold acetone, and then exhaustively distilled by means of boiling acetone. The acetone extract contains the entire group of the cholesterins, free cholesterin, cholesterinester, possibly also the * These experiments were carried out under S. Fraenkel's direction in the laboratories of the L. Spiegler Institute in Vienna. A detailed account, together with chemico-analytical results, will be published in the " Biochemischen Zeitschrift." THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 2C)I neutral fats and fatty acids, together with single phosphatides soluble in acetone. Distillation with benzine follows, and this process carries off the whole of the unsaturated phosphatides, together with minute quantities of the sphingogalactocides. Sub- sequent distillation with benzol, absolute alcohol, diluted alcohol and ether yields the saturated substances. The results of my analysis of the suprarenals of pigs were as follows : The organs contained 74.61 per cent, of water to 25.39 per cent, of dry substance. Of this dry substance, 61.12 per cent, was albuminoids, &c., and 38.88 per cent, was lipoid substances, together with extractive substances not as yet chemically defined. These figures show the richness of the suprarenals in lipoid material. But it must be remembered that, by employing the whole suprarenal for these experiments, no distinction between medulla and cortex is possible, and that the scantiness of the medullary lipoid contents considerably lowers the relative lipoid figure. By itself, the cortex would show a far higher lipoid proportion.* In any case, however, the suprarenals are among the organs which are richest in lipoids, for more than a third of the total dried substance consists of lipoids. TABLE OF RESULTS OBTAINED BY DISTILLATION OF THE SUPRARENALS OF PIGS. 25.39 Per cent, dry substance to 74.61 per cent, water. Percentage of Dry substance 61.12 per cent, proteins, &c., 38.88 per cent, lipoids, &c. lipoid substances Cold acetone extract (undefined extractive substances, cho-j -M 8 ) -jlesterin, cholesterinesters, unsaturated r ^Q' \6o.l " " I phosphatides, possibly fats j Benzine extract (unsaturated phosphatides) ... ... ... ... 24.68 Benzol extract . I I . 1.^4^ 15.2 Alcoholic and etheric extracts f saturated grouP j .. ... 13.86j The figures which K. Linnert obtained by the same process writh the brain of pigs are given for the sake of comparison. 23.09 per cent, dry substance to 76.91 per cent, water. Dry substance 37.38 per cent, proteins, &c., Percentage of and 62.62 per cent, lipoids lipoid substances Acetone extract ... ... ... ... ... ... 22.48 Benzine extract ... ... ... ... .. 41.16 Benzol extract ... ... ... ... ... ... 25.02 Alcoholic extract ... ... ... ... ... n-35 From the hot acetone extract a cholesterinester was obtained in crystalline form which, from the shape of its crystals, its To obtain a clear idea of the lipoid contents of the interrenal tissue, experiments should be carried out with Selachians, and these I propose to undertake within the near future. Our knowledge in this direction is at present confined to Grynfellt's statement, that Ville found fat in the inter- renal bodies of Selachians, and that, upon saponification, this fat yielded oleic acid, palmitinic acid, and stearic acid. Only the microscope test was employed. 292 INTERNAL SECRETION melting point, and its elementary analysis, was identified with cholesterinpalmitate C27H45O (C10H31O). This substance was present in a comparatively large quantity. .8 grm. was obtained in a state of chemical purity from 2,320 grm. of suprarenal. Special interest is further attaching to the discovery of a cholesterinester which crystallized into very fine needles, which became illuminated under crossed Nicol's prism; molecular weight, 740. Elementary analysis showed figures corresponding to the formula C51H92O2 ; thus the substance may be described as carnauba-acid-cholesterinester. These findings supplied material for a further investigation of the question as to whether or no the suprarenal is the source of the cholesterinester present in the blood. It is well known that Hiirthle found cholesterinoleate, cholesterinpalmitate, and cholesterinstearate in blood serum. The examination of pigs* blood for cholesterinester shows that cholesterincarnaubate is not present in the blood in demonstrable quantities. Of the further results of my experiments, I propose to mention here only that the benzine extract contains the monoamidomono- phosphatide cephalin. The diamidomonophosphatide discovered by Rosenheim, namely, sphingomyelin, must be present in the alcoholic fraction, but, up to now, I have failed to isolate it. My investigations into the nature of the suprarenal lipoids cannot be regarded as complete, and it is proposed to pursue them further at a future date. They show, however, that Aschoff's view, that the double-refractive substance present in the lipoid granules is represented by the cholesterinesters, receives con- siderable support from the results of chemical analysis. They suggest, moreover, that the cholesterinesters are substances specific to certain organs, and perhaps also to certain species, which are produced in the suprarenal, but which cannot be re- garded as products of secretion, destined to be carried off by the blood-stream. THEORY OF THE FUNCTION OF THE INTERRENAL SYSTEM. At a first glance, the remarkable profusion of the lipoid substances in the suprarenal cortex suggests that this tissue is the locality in which the lipoid substances required by the entire organism are formed. Hence the hypothesis arose that the lipoid substances, the presence of which in each cell was believed to be essential to the acquirement by that cell of its nutritive material, were formed by a process of secretion in the suprarenal cortex, or rather in the suprarenal tissue. The evidence in favour of a secretory process on the part of the cortex was supplied by the different nature of the lipoid contents in different cells ; by the dif- ference between cells in different parts of thecortex, containing little THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 293 fat, but much of the double refractive substance; by the finding of fatty spheroids furnished with a double refractive cap ; and by other phenomena indicative of a developmental cycle on the part of the lipoid substances. Bardier and Bonne, who investigated the structure of the suprarenal cortex after tetanizing the muscles, found that there was an increase in the number of the cell vacuoles, together with an increase in the volume of the cortical granules; they interpreted these changes as the signs of an in- creased secretory activity. Not only the lipoid granules, but the pigment granules and other cell contents, were at that time re- garded as products of cortical secretion. A further consideration of the arguments in favour of secre- tion led, however, to the conclusion that they were insufficient to establish the existence of a secretory process occupied with the elaboration of certain definite substances. The evidence merely shows that the cortical cells are the locality in which certain substances, more particularly the lipoids, are formed, and that these lipoid granules form cell-contents of a kind subject to con- siderable variation in the matter of number and size ; but it does not show that these cell contents are destined to pass into the blood-stream. Comparative chemical examination of the supra- renals and of the blood lends no support to this theory in so far as the lipoids are concerned. Bonnamour's own experiments, together with a critical survey of the literature of the subject, led him to the conclusion that the findings which, up to now, are forthcoming, do not justify the assumption of a secretory activity on the part of the interrenal tissue. Bonnamour regarded the suprarenal cortex as an organ which, owing to its high lipoid contents, is peculiarly suited to the absorption and neutralization of the toxic products of meta- bolism. The earlier investigators ascribed an antitoxic activity to the suprarenal as a whole. According to the brothers Marino-Zucco, the suprarenals neutralized neurin ; Abelous and Langlois believed that they rendered harmless those products of muscular activity which produce the symptoms of fatigue. The antitoxic activity of the suprarenals was believed to extend also to exogenous toxins, and there are a number of communications (Oppenheim and Loeper, Bernard and Bigart) which describe the effects of supra- renal and of suprarenal extract in reducing the activity of various toxins. In so far as these results are concerned with toxins- such as phosphorus, strychnine, cyanide of potassium, &c. — the effect of which is antagonistic to that of adrenalin; the apparently antitoxic action is sufficiently explained by the slowing of re- sorption which, as A. Exner showed, is a property of adrenalin. It may be mentioned here that the neutralization of strychnine by adrenalin which Falta and Ivcovic described, is, in Jaunschke's opinion, partly accounted for by this property of adrenalin and is in part the result of adrenalin stimulation. 2Q4 INTERNAL SECRETION Matters are quite otherwise, however, in regard to the anti- toxic activity of the suprarenal cortex. The anatomical and histo- logical changes which take place in the suprarenal in infective diseases, and in experimental poisoning with bacterial toxins, have been described in an earlier chapter. Later experiments (Oppen- heim and Loeper, Bernard and Bigart, Moschini, Nicolas and Bonnamour) have shown beyond all doubt that poisoning with metals is accompanied by structural changes in the cortical cells, changes in the nature of the lipoid granules, as well as signs of hyperplastic processes in the suprarenal cortex; and that these changes are even more marked in experimental infective and toxic states induced by bacterial agents. The suprarenal lipoids are able te fix and neutralize toxins in vitro. Myers showed that cobra toxin loses its toxicity if mixed with an emulsion of suprarenal cortex, but that its toxicity is unchanged by emulsion of the suprarenal medulla. According to Elliott, diphtheria toxin is not neutralized by suprarenal ex- tract. Takati's experiments show that both phrenosin and the oleic acid obtainable from it (Thudichum's neurostearic acid), neutralize large quantities of tetanus toxin. Rosenheim and Tebb drew attention to the large amount of oleic acids which the suprarenal cortex contains. Further experiment is required, however, before the anti- toxic activity of the interrenal system and the part played therein by the lipoids can be established. It is the business of future investigators to decide whether the antitoxic process extends to the products of normal metabolism, and whether the neutralization of endogenous toxins is a physiological function of the interrenal tissue. An antitoxic activity on the part of the suprarenal cortex, and a relationship between this activity and the elaboration of adrenalin in the suprarenal medulla, have long been assumed, but the hypothesis is without sufficient foundation. A closer investi- gation of the arguments in its favour shows that there are no grounds for the assumption of a combined antitoxic and internal secretory activity on the part of the suprarenals. If, however, we consider the possibility of the interrenal system being a true internal secretory organ, which supplies a specific hormone, different from adrenalin, to the blood-stream, the assumption is supported by observations which point to the suprarenal as an influential factor in the growth of the body, the development of the sexual glands, and the changes which take place during puberty in the normal human organism. There is sufficient evidence in this direction to justify the inclusion of the interrenal system among that group of organs which, like the thyroid, thvmus, hypophysis cerebri, and the sexual glands, exercise either a direct or indirect influence, by means of their assimilatory hormones, upon the somatic and psychic develop- ment of the individual. THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 295 THE SUPRARENAL CONSIDERED AS AN ENTITY. In the absence of any certain knowledge regarding the physiological activity of the interrenal system, it is difficult to arrive at a conclusion concerning the functional relationship be- tween the portions of the interrenal and adrenal systems which are united to form the suprarenals. The two systems are morpho- logically so different and, in a large number of animal species, are topographically so entirely separate, that an independence and an autonomous functional activity on the part of both must be assumed. Even the anatomical union of portions of the two systems into a single organ cannot be regarded as proof of a functional interdependence. For the topographical association of morphologically and physiologically differentiated tissues is not without analogy — on the contrary, it is of frequent occurrence in the organism. But it cannot be denied that the inclination on the part of the interrenal and adrenal systems to unite to form a morphologically homogeneous organ — an inclination which in- creases and becomes more intimate with phylogenetic develop- ment— suggests that this specific association is not without sig- nificance. There may also be a functional connection, a co- ordinate or subordinate relationship between the two systems, which thus unite in the suprarenal for the performance of a higher organic function. The absence of definite facts has not, however, militated against the formulation of hypotheses concerning the function of the homogeneous suprarenal. Even before it was known that the suprarenal system was biologically made up of two parts, Langlois attempted to combine into one the two theories at that time current concerning the function of the suprarenals. He believed that the internal secretory and the antitoxic activities were interdependent. This view, which was adopted by Neusser, Boruttau and partly also by Battelli, may be formulated as fol- lows : That certain toxic products of metabolism, chiefly the result of muscular exertion, are neutralized by the suprarenal cortex, and that from the material thus supplied the adrenalin necessary to the working of the economy is elaborated by the medulla. The experiments of Abelous and Langlois, already described, constitute the evidence in favour of the accumulation and neutra- lization, within the suprarenal, of the products of muscular fatigue. Boruttau then concluded that, after the transformation process, portions of the original products of fatigue remained un- changed in the suprarenal. His view is based upon experiments in which a change in the contractions, similar to the first stages of fatigue, was produced in frog's muscle after treatment with curarin by the application of suprarenal extract. Battelli and Roatta found a decrease in the adrenalin contents of the supra- 296 INTERNAL SECRETION renal of dogs exhausted by muscular exertion, and a progressive increase during recovery from such exhaustion. Battelli explains these findings by, in the first instance, an abnormal expenditure of the finished adrenalin ; and in the second, by the deposition and accumulation of fresh precursors. He supposed that these precursors, which he terms proto-adrenalin, represented the material for the progressive increased production of adrenalin during repose. Schur and Wiesel demonstrated the increased adrenalin contents of the blood during muscular exertion by means of Ehrmann's pupil reaction, and the diminution in active substance present in the suprarenal by the weak chromium re- action. These findings of Schur and Wiesel's were, however, not confirmed by Kahn's very exact experiments. Abelous, Soulie and Toujan investigated the formation of adrenalin in the suprarenal by means of a series of experiments, and the results at which they arrived are very remarkable. It must be assumed that these authors employed, as a quantitative adrenalin test, the colorimetric method with iodine which they themselves formulated. They first showed that there was an increase in the adrenalin contents of pounded suprarenal, if the latter was kept for twenty-four hours at a temperature of 40°. In their view, however, this post-mortem formation of adrenalin takes place principally in the cortical substance. For they found that, after twenty-four hours in an incubator, the adrenalin con- tents of the pounded cortex were 33 to 60 per cent, higher than those of the control specimen kept at o°. These results led them to the conclusion, that adrenalin is formed in the cortex and is only stored up in the medulla. In a further series of experiments, they next showed that the addition to pounded suprarenal of a small quantity of tryptophan, obtained by auto-digestion of the pan- creas, was followed by a considerable increase in the adrenalin contents ; and they think it probable that tryptophan is one of the matrices of adrenalin. They found, however, that the addi- tion of pure tryptophan did not produce anything like the same effect as the fluid product of pancreatic auto-digestion. They tried, therefore, the effect of autolysates or extracts of putrefying organs, and found that here also there was an increase in the adrenalin contents of the pounded suprarenal ; from this they conclude that adrenalin is formed post mortem in the cells of the suprarenal. The fact that putrid substances from the muscles produce a very large increase (the double and over) in the adrenalin contents, appears to them a proof of the relationship between the formation of adrenalin and the chemical processes of the muscles. Toujan next carried out experiments supplementary to these; he summed up the results in a definite statement, that the supra- renal cortex contains a precursor of adrenalin, and that adrenalin is formed from it. THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 297 Toujan found that cortical extract, which had been so com- pletely freed from medullary substance that it ceased to give a chromium reaction, contained a vasotensor substance which did not react to ferric chloride. He regards this cortical product as a crude precursor of adrenalin and gives to it the name of pro- adrenalin ; he identifies it with the granules which are histo- logically demonstrable in the cortical cells, and which are com- bined with a body of fatty nature. He found that, after twenty- four hours in a thermostat, the specific action of cortical extract is very much more intense than that of fresh extract, and he considers this sufficient proof of the formation of adrenalin from the crude substance which he discovered in the cortex. The results communicated by Toujan are in need of further confirmation. H. Poll, who expected to be able to confirm " these remarkable findings," reports as follows : " Proadrenalin and adrenalin, cortical extract and medullary extract, all react to most tests; they respond in the same way to oxidizing substances (Battelli's iodine method), they produce glycosuria, contraction of the unstriated muscle fibres, and mydriasis of frogs' eyes." In regard to the latter, Poll mentions that the reaction was effected by Ehrmann ; in the other instances he does not make it clear whether the experiments were his own or not. In regard to the glycosuria test, it must be mentioned that Landau also believed that glycosuria originated with a substance present in the suprarenal cortex. In opposition to the well- founded view that adrenalin is present in the medullary substance and in extracts of other portions of the adrenal system, Landau suggests the possibility that adrenalin obtained by Takamine's method is derived from the suprarenal cortex. He states that, after the intravenous injection of cortical extract, death followed rapidly, the same symptoms and post-mortem signs being ob- served as after the injection of medullary substance and of adrenalin. Landau's statements do not, however, bear analysis. The only exact proof, up to the present, of the formation of adrenalin after death is supplied by G. Bayer's experiments, and these do not confirm the hypothesis advanced by Toujan. Bayer found that, when pounded suprarenal was diluted with putrid material, a stronger and more rapid mydriasis was pro- duced than when the suprarenal was diluted with water. But when employed alone, the putrid fluids also produced mydriasis, probably due to the presence of phenylalanin, and this was fol- lowed by myosis. An increase in the adrenalin contents was not demonstrable by Ehrmann's reaction. The iodine test produced a stronger reaction in suprarenal cells to which putrid fluids were added than in the control cells which were treated with water. Further experiment showed, however, that this result was not due to the post-mortem formation of adrenalin, but to an intensification of the chemical test. According to Bayer, the 298 INTERNAL SECRETION putrid liquids contain alanin, phenylalanin, and probably other products of the decomposition of albumin, and by these the colorimetric iodine test for adrenalin is intensified. Bayer be- lieves that the increase in the amount of adrenalin which Abelous, Soulie and Toujan describe, is apparent only. Thus the only experimental evidence which has been ad- vanced up to the present, in favour of a functional inter- dependence between cortex and medulla, is proved to be un- reliable. Poll writes as follows concerning the hypothesis of a unity of function on the part of the suprarenals : "Whether right or wrong, it is undoubtedly true that this hypothesis brings into line in what is, at first sight, a most remarkable manner, a number of anatomical and physiological facts which are other- wise obscure." The morphology of the homogeneous suprarenal, and its vascularization — especially the intimate vascular association between cortex and medulla in mammals — undoubtedly suggest an important functional relationship between the two parts. The remarkably rich vascularization of the suprarenal, and the peculiar relationship which subsists between the parenchyma cells and those of the surrounding capillaries — and there is no doubt that the capillaries act as ducts for the conveyance of the medullary secretion — have already been described. The circu- lation throughout the entire organ is remarkable and unique, and demands a short description. The older scientists, of whom Ecker (1844) was the first, noticed that, in certain classes of animals, the suprarenal possesses a portal system of its own. Ecker's descriptions and drawings of the suprarenals and their vessels in the adder (Coluber natrix) show7 that these organs lie close to the ven^e renales revehentes, on the inner surface of the ovary in the female, and on the inner surface of the testicle and vas deferens in the male; that they are furnished with venous vessels (vena? suprarenals advehentes) formed by the combina- tion of two or three intercosto-spinal veins, which extend to the external surface of the organs where they form arcade-like anas- tomoses. From these proceed the minute branches which, to- gether with the hair-like arterial vessels, form the capillary system of the suprarenals. Numerous fine venous branches are given off by the capillary network, and these combine to form larger veins leading away from the organ (vena? suprarenales revehentes) and opening either into the vena renalis revehens sinistra, or directly into the vena cava posterior. According to Ecker, then, Ophidians possess, in addition to hepatic and renal portal veins, a third or suprarenal portal system, the roots of which are situated in the wall of the body and the spinal cord, while its branches are distributed through the suprarenals. Ecker also states that the vascular conditions in Chelonians and tailed Batrachians to some extent resemble those in Ophidians. THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 2Q9 The small portal system of the suprarenals was minutely in- vestigated in different animal classes by S. Jourdain (1859). He found that it was present, not only in Ophidians, but in Chelo- nians, crocodiles and Saurians (Corti, 1847), thus in all the reptilian orders. In this " Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Venen- systems der Amnioten " (1892) F. Hochstetter gives a detailed description of the suprarenal portal system in reptiles, together with an excellent drawing showing the conditions in Lacerta viridis. In a later work he describes the suprarenal portal system in Crocodilns niloticus. In Batrachians (anura), according to Jourdain, the branches of the vena renalis efferens, before uniting in the median line to form the vena cava posterior, form long anastomoses and a series of long arcades, which surround the yellowish bodies of the suprarenal, and to some extent pass into the suprarenal tissue. Jourdain does not, however, venture upon a decision as to whether this arrangement constitutes a suprarenal portal system. Jourdain found that, in Selachians, a small number of fine venous branches led into the external layer of the suprarenal cortex, while the median layer contained numerous veins leading into the venas cardinales ; he believes that this represents a small portal system. In Jourdain 's drawings, the " suprarenals " are invariably asso- ciated with arterial branches, but it is not possible to say whether these suprarenals are interrenal bodies or whether they are adrenal organs. The intimate association, in fish, between the suprarenal system and the arterial and venous vessels, has been commented upon by all the more recent investigators, but a suprarenal system as such has not been described. A special interest is attaching to the conditions which obtain in birds. The suprarenals are here furnished with two separate veins upon both sides. Upon the median side of the suprarenal —that which is nearest to the vena cava — is a comparatively short and broad vein (vena suprarenalis interna), which opens into the vena cava. Upon the lateral side of the organ is a second vein (vena suprarenalis externa), the course of which is complicated. In the majority of birds, the vena externa is formed by the union of one or two dorsal intervertebral and intercostal veins, together with a perforating dorsal cuticular vein. More rarely, a sacral intervertebral vein and a vein from the upper suprarenal surface empty themselves into the vena externa. As early as 1844, Neugebauer foresaw the real significance of this vena externa. The comparatively large size of the lumen at the place where the vein enters the organ, together with the absence of a direct com- munication with the vena interna, suggested to him the idea that this vein might convey blood to the organ. A few years later, the existence of a vena afferens upon the external surface of the suprarenal of birds was proved by Gratiolet. 300 INTERNAL SECRETION Jourdain found that it was present in more than thirty species, and he discovered that fluid injected into the vena externa passed readily into the vena interna, and vice versa. He believes, how- ever, that the communication between the two vessels is not direct but that it is effected by means of a network of capillaries, the vena externa representing the afferent, and the vena interna the efferent, portion of the portal system of the suprarenal. He was unable, however, to bring direct proof in support of his theory. Since Jourdain, there has been, as far as my knowledge goes, no further investigation into the relationship between the two suprarenal veins in birds. It seemed to me advisable that the matter should be elucidated, and Professor F. Hochstetter was kind enough to lend me his help in the matter. Up to the present it has not been found possible to obtain the venous capillary network of hens by means of corrosion preparations. But I was able to follow the course of the vessels very exactly in a series of sections obtained from the embryo of a sparrow immediately before hatching. I found that the vein which approaches the suprarenal from the lateral side, enters the organ, forms large sinuous spaces within it, and probably afterwards breaks up into capillary vessels. In sections taken more towards the cranium, large veins filled with blood are seen at the median surface of the suprarenal; these are the ven^e suprarenales ; they run in an oblique direction towards the vena cava and open into it. The arterial vessels also approach the organ upon the median side. It is evident from this that a suprarenal portal system is present, not only in reptiles, but in birds, and that blood is con- veyed to the suprarenals by veins as well as by arteries. In mammals, however, blood is supplied to the suprarenals by way of the arteries only. According to Pettit, conditions resembling the portal system of birds are encountered in certain mammalian species. The last intercostal vein proceeds directly to the suprarenal, and opens into the vena cava at the place where the kidneys form an angle with it, in which angle the suprarenal lies, close against the walls of both vessels. If one or more branches from the suprarenal veins empty themselves into the intercostal vein, the appearance produced will suggest that the latter is not an efferent, but an afferent, vein. Pettit draws atten- tion to a peculiar venous distribution which he has observed in monkeys and in certain rodents (kangaroo, sheep), and which has been observed in man by some French anatomists (Ouenu and Lejars). Single branches proceed from the venous arches of the adipose capsule of the kidney to the suprarenal, which they cover, finally penetrating into the interior of the organ. Pettit is inclined to regard these venous branches as indications of a suprarenal portal system. It is, however, very doubtful whether these rudimentary venas afferentes suprarenales have a functional significance in mammals. THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 30! However this may be, the vascular distribution in the suprarenal — that is to say, the arrangement of the arteries leading to it and the manner in which they communicate with the great central vein leading from it — is very remarkable. Flint's excellent work and the experiments of Srdinko have supplied very exact infor- mation concerning the suprarenal in mammals, and this is supple- mented by Landau's corrosion preparations. Based upon the representations of these authors, the suprarenal circulation appears to be as follows. A large number of the arteries which enter the suprarenal break up in the cortex into a network of capillaries, which traverse the connective tissue septa in a manner which accords with the structure of the latter, being straight in the zona fasciculata, and forming a network in the zona reticularis. After traversing the entire cortex, the blood reaches the medulla in wide sinus-like vessels ; in the medullary capillaries it flows round the chromaffine cells, and afterwards collects in small veins which increase in size, and all of which open into the great central vein. The arteries, and probably the afferent veins which supply the suprarenal capsule and the portions of the zona glomulerosa abutting on to it, also- break up into capillaries, which again combine to form the vena? revehentes. A certain number of the arterial vessels, the arterias per- forantes (Srdinko) penetrate the cortex and reach the medulla directly ; there they break up into capillaries, which also follow the course of the cell columns, and finally discharge their blood into the great efferent vein. This separate blood supply of the medulla is the outcome of the secondary invasion, during fcetal life, of the interrenal organ by adrenal tissue. This peculiar vascular distribution has been interpreted in the following manner (Poll). It is suggested that, in the first place, the blood from the body which has become deprived of its adrenalin contents, is carried by the vessels which exclusively serve the medulla directly to the adrenalin-forming cells, that these part with the secretion with which they are charged, and that the blood, with its reinforced adrenalin contents, is again returned to the general circulation. In the second place, the venous blood dis- charged from the cortex contains the products of the metabolism of this tissue, which constitute the raw material for the elaboration of adrenalin, and this raw material is immediately conveyed to the medulla. It would seem from this that, in certain species in which the adrenalin demand is very high, as in mammals and birds, there is a combination on the part of the two apparatuses which contribute to the elaboration of adrenalin, thus establishing a perfected method of production. In species in which the two suprarenal systems are independent, the semi-product supplied by the interrenal bodies is carried through the entire circulation before it reaches the site of its ultimate completion, namely, the adrenal tissue. 302 INTERNAL SECRETION This assumption of a function on the part of the interrenal tissue by which the raw material of adrenalin is provided, would explain the importance of the interrenal tissue to the life of the organism ; and would account for those instances where animals survive double epinephrectomy, by the presence of accessory inter- renals which thereafter become hypertrophied. In such cases as these, Poll believes that the organism returns, to a certain extent, to a previous developmental stage, that at which the two supra- renal systems are topographically independent, as in fish. Fascinating though this hypothesis of an interdependent function on the part of the two suprarenal systems may be, it must be remembered that its sole foundation at present is upon morphological grounds ; that it rests entirely upon the ontogenetic and phylogenetic association of portions of the interrenal and adrenal systems, together with the peculiar conditions which govern the vascular communication between the two systems. It must not be forgotten that, up to now, all attempts to prove a homogeneity of function on the part of the suprarenals, whether by experimental biology or from the results of human pathology, have signally failed. It must be frankly confessed that, as things are at present, we have as little certain knowledge concerning the functions of the homogeneous suprarenal as we have of the function of the inter- renal tissue; and it is only by means of investigation of the latter that we can hope to arrive at any definite information concerning the former. CAROTID GLAND AND COCCYGEAL BODIES. The carotid gland, wrhich we have learnt to regard as a por- tion of the adrenal system, may be briefly described as follows. In man, this organ measures 5 to 7 mm. in length, 2^ to 4 mm. in breadth, and ij mm. in thickness. It is situated at or within the bifurcation of the common carotid artery and, on account of its situation and its considerable nervous provision, was, by the older anatomists, called the intercarotid ganglion. Luschka (1862) was the first to undertake an exact micro- scopic examination of this body ; his findings led him to the conclusion that it was a glandular organ auxiliary to the cervical sympathetic. He believed it to be a nerve gland, and named it glandula carotica. Arnold (1865) next declared that the glandular structure described by Luschka was, in reality, an arrangement of blood-vessels, the walls of these vessels being formed of several layers of epithelium ; he recommended that the organ should be called glomeruli arteriosi intercarotici. According to Eberth (1870), however, the cell-agglomerations resembling epithelium by which the vessels are surrounded, do not form a true epithelium, but a vascular perithelium. Waldeyer (1872) compared the epithelial THE SUPRARENAL SYSTEM 303 cells which he found in the vessels of the testicles with Eberth's perithelial cells from the glandula carotica, and with other peri- vascular formations also composed of large cells from the coccygeal bodies. Waldeyer classed these three structures together under the name of " perithelial organs." The supposed glandular character of the carotid organ appeared at hrst to be borne out by the history of its development. Stieda (1881) came to the conclusion that the glandula carotica was a glandular organ developed from the epithelium of one of the branchial clefts. Jakoby (1895) lnen proved that the epithelial derivative of the third branchial cleft, which was supposed by many authors to be the primordial beginning of the carotid organ, is, in reality, the beginning not of that organ but of the external para- thyroids (glandula parathyroidea III). This was confirmed by later authors (Prenant, Simon, Groschuf, Verdun, Fusari). At the present day, the branchial origin of the carotid organ is main- tained by Alaurer, but only in this sense, that he believes that it splits off from one of the parathyroids which take their rise in the second branchial cleft. These embryological discoveries have, to a large extent, undermined the theory of the carotid organ as an epithelial gland. The examination of certain tumours of the glandula carotis led Marchand (1891) to the conclusion that this organ repre- sents neither the development of a vascular network, nor is it a gland or a ganglion ; he regards it as a rudimentary organ for which he proposes the name of nodulus caroticus. R. Paltauf (1891) studied the development of the carotid organ and its tumours, and he classed this structure with the glandular organs, in the sense in which we are accustomed to describe the lymph-glands and the thymus as " glands." This definition involves neither a definite physiological function, nor a histological or histogenetic uniformity. Schaper (1892) particularly emphasizes the fact that the typical cell agglomerations in the carotid organ are neither vessel- wall cells nor gland cells; that, moreover, the organ is in no sense rudimentary, but, like the coccygeal gland and other large or small agglomerations of similar cells (perithelial cells and plasma cells), it may possess a definite physiological function. Stilling (1892) was the first to describe cells in what, like the other authors, he terms the ganglion intercaroticum, which, like the medullary cells of the suprarenals, stain brown with potassium bichromate. He compared these cells with those which he found in the smaller bodies attached to the abdominal sympathetic. Stilling says : The intercarotid ganglion is neither a simple vascular network, nor a rudimentary organ : it is a vascular gland, or blood-gland, with a structure analogous to that of the suprarenal capsules." The absence of any certain knowledge concerning the 304 INTERNAL SECRETION character of this organ is expressed by the fact that, in the new anatomical terminology, its designation was glomus caroticum. A. Kohn's (1910) minute histological investigations have com- pletely elucidated the systematic position occupied by the carotid organ. It is essentially composed of a largish agglomeration of groups of chromaffine cells, and is traversed by a considerable number of nerve fibres, the majority of which are without medulla, and in which the cell balls and single ganglion cells are situated. The organ is extremely vascular and the structure and arrange- ment of the vessels are not in any way characteristic. Its pri- mordial beginning is in embryonal ganglion cells of the inter- carotid sympathetic nerve plexus. According to Kohn, the most fitting name for the organ would be " paraganglion inter- caroticum," and it should be included in the group of the paraganglia, which he regards as members of the sympathetic nervous system. But, as we have previously shown, the para- ganglia form part of the adrenal system, and the paraganglion intercaroticum cannot be classed separately from these. The coccygeal body (glomus coccygeum) was termed by Luschka (1859) glandula coccygea, and was described by him as a reddish yellow body of about the size of a small pea, situated at the tip of the os coccyx and depending from the terminal branches of the medial sacral artery. Luschka himself held that this organ " might prove to be an integral portion of the sym- pathetic nervous system, but that in the meantime, owing to certain external characteristics, it w7as expedient to include it in the mixed company of the ductless glands." And there the so- called coccygeal gland has remained. The structural analogy between this organ and others of the same group (hypophysis cerebri, glandula carotis, suprarenal) has frequently been pointed out. Waldeyer compared the round cells of the interstitial con- nective tissue of the testis with the coccygeal and carotid glands, and classed them together under the name of perithelial organs. Not only is there a similarity of structure between the carotid and the coccygeal glands, but, according to Jacobsson, they also resemble one another in their histogenetic relationship to the sympathetic. According to Kohn, the carotid and coccygeal glands are only the terminals of the continuous paraganglion chain by which the sympathetic is accompanied. Schapper ex- pressed the same view. And yet O. Stoerk (1907) showed that the cells of the coccygeal gland do not react to chromium during either fcetal or post-fcetal life ; and further, that they probably have a genetic connection with the media of the vessels. According to Stoerk, moreover, the coccygeal gland has no developmental relationship to the sympathetic; the structures which Jacobsson identified with the primordial beginnings of this body have no connection with it whatever, but are in reality young chromaffine bodies. HYPOPHYSIS CEREBRI 305 In his book on comparative anatomy and embryology (1907) S. v. Schuhmacher shows that the coccygeal gland of man corresponds to the glomuleri caudales of lower mammalian species, and that both are to be regarded as arterio-venous anastomoses. The primal origin of the coccygeal gland in man is to be found in a local thickening of the medial sacral artery and its branches. The muscular fibres of the vessels assume an epithelioid appearance even in the embryo. In adults the cells of the muscular structure of the artery are shortened and broadened, the nuclei are spheroid and react weakly to dyes. Thus it appears that the layers which, in the anastomotic vessels, are the continuation of the arterial muscles, have been taken for everything except what they are, namely, modified vessel muscles. According to v. Schuhmacher, this organ in man should rightly be termed glomus coccygeum ; like the glomeruli caudales of animals, it consists of a network of branched and convoluted vessels, which cannot in any sense be credited with an internal secretory function. HYPOPHYSIS CEREBRI (CEREBRAL APPEND- AGE,* PITUITARY GLAND). From the earliest times the pituitary body has been regarded as an organ possessing a secretory function. Galen and Vesalius believed that the mucus (pituita) formed in the brain was excreted by the agency of the pituitary body. Later authors, however, (Willis, Vieussens, Sylvius, Boerhave, Monroe) inclined to the view that the cerebro-spinal fluid was secreted by that organ. Magendie (1847), who investigated the genesis of the cerebro- spinal fluid, regarded the hypophysis as an organ resembling the lymph glands, and he believed that it collected the lymph from the brain and conveyed this lymph into the circulation. Liegeois (1860) was the first to include the hypophysis among what were at that time known as the vascular or blood glands ; he described histological findings which he believed pointed to the formation of blood in this organ. It is interesting to note that the brothers Wenzel (1810) believed that epilepsy was due to an accumulation of colloid in the hypophysis. After the formulation of the doctrine of internal secretion by Brown-Sequard, a large number of observations were published which sufficiently justified the inclusion of the hypophysis among the internal secretory organs. The fundamental argument was supplied by Rogowitsch, who found that extirpation of the thyroid was followed by hypertrophy of the hypophysis. The * Before the introduction by Soemmering of the term Hypophysis cerebri, the following names were also used : Glans pituitam excipiens Vesalius, caput rosse, colatorium, labrum, lacuna, infusorium, concha pelvis, cmbotum, pelvis colatoria, sentina encephuli. 20 306 INTERNAL SECRETION decisive evidence was, however, brought forward by Marie (1886) who, under the name of acromegaly (abnormal growth of the " acral " portions of the body), described a clinical condition, not sharply separated from gigantism, which had previously attracted the attention of a certain number of authors (Friedreich, hyper- ostosis of the entire skeleton ; Lombroso, general hypertrophy or macrosomia ; Fritsche and Klebs, gigantism). In combination with Marinesco (1891), Marie showed that changes of the hypo- physis, generally tumours, are invariable in this condition, and it seemed from this that the cause of the peculiar anomalies of growth must lie with the pathological condition of the hypophysis. This momentous discovery of Marie's excited an immense amount of interest in the clinical and pathologico-anatomical aspects of anomalous development, while at the same time it pointed to the hypophysis as the centre of interest. These re- searches extended to the morphology of the organ and its patho- logical changes, with the result that a considerable number of facts have been brought to light which largely explain its functional significance. Physiological research was first conducted by means of experimental extirpation. An important advance was made by Oliver and Schafer (1894), who discovered that the watery extract of hypophysis possesses distinct physiological properties. The most instructive 'results have been obtained, however, by means of hypophysis surgery in man, and these results have been confirmed and completed by recent experiments with animals. ANATOMY. The hypophysis is situated within the cranium at the base of the brain ; it is connected with the latter by the infundibulum ; and it more or less completely fills the sella turcica. The sella turcica is lined with dura mater, which, in the form of a fibrous lamella (diaphragma sellas turcica?), covers the surface of the hypophysis, leaving a circular opening through which the in- fundibulum passes. The lateral boundaries of the hypophysis are formed by the walls of the cavernous sinus. The infundi- bulum is surrounded by the circular sinus of Ridley, formed from small anterior and posterior venous branches. The hypophysis is separated from the internal carotid artery by the sinuses of the dura mater. It lies in the anterior angle of the optic commissure, the posterior portion of the organ being occasionally covered by the anterior edge of the commissure. The hypophysis is flattened from back to front and upon the surface. Its average size in an adult man is given by Erdheim as follows: breadth, 14.4 mm.; thickness, 21.5 mm.; height, 5.5 mm. The average weight at the average age of 33 J years is given by Comte as 59 eg. Caselli found that in fifty men HYPOPHYSIS CEREBRI 307 the average weight was 66.7 eg., in fifty women, 73.1 eg. His figures are high owing to the fact that his subjects were mentally alienated; it is said that, in this class of case, the weight of the hypophysis is in inverse ratio to that of the brain. According to Erdheim and Stumme, the average weight of the hypophysis in the male is, in the second decade of life, 56.3 eg. ; in the third decade, 59.3 eg. ; in the fourth decade, 64.3 eg. From then onwards the weight gradually declines ; in the fifth decade it is, on an average, 61.4 eg. ; in the sixth, 60 eg. ; and in the seventh, just a shade higher, 61.2 eg. The average weight of the hypophysis in women who have never borne a child is, decade for decade, almost identical with that of men ; in women in whose pregnancy anamnesis is unknown, the average weight is generally higher — 71.6 eg. as against 60. i in nullipara and 61 in men. During pregnancy the hypophysis undergoes a remarkable increase in weight. The minimum weight of 65 eg. in a primapara is larger than the minimum weight in a nullipara; even the maximum known weight of 75 eg. in a nullipara does not equal the average figure of 84.7 eg. in the primipara. The increase in the size of the hypophysis takes place almost ex- clusively in the length and breadth ; in the anterio-posterior diameter it is barely noticeable. At the termination of pregnancy the weight is again reduced, but should pregnancy again occur it rises to a figure even higher than before. The average weight of the hypophysis in the multipara at the termination of normal pregnancy is 106 eg., a figure considerably in advance of the weights which have been ascertained in the case of the primipara. The difference in the maximal weights is even greater, that of the multipara being 165 eg. and that of the primipara no eg. The increase in weight is accompanied by structural changes which will be described later. The hypophysis is supplied with blood by means of minute branches from the internal carotid artery; the blood is carried away into the circular sinus by small veins. Section of the hypophysis shows, even to the naked eye, that the organ consists of two parts ; the anterior portion is a hard, kidney-shaped lobe, concave posteriorly, pale yellow to grey-red in colour, and represents the epithelial or glandular portion of the hypophysis (the true pituitary gland). The posterior portion is a smaller, rounded, white, soft lobe, situated in the concavity of the anterior lobe; it represents the nervous or infundibular portion of the organ (the true hypophysis or neurohypophysis). The two lobes are joined together and enclosed in a common fibrous capsule. The hypophysis is attached to the brain, as previously mentioned, by means of the funnel-shaped infundi- bulum. The latter is a prolongation of the floor of the third ventricle, the tuber cinereum ; it first forms a hollow sphere which represents a prolongation of the third ventricle, it then penetrates 308 INTERNAL SECRETION the diaphragma sellas turcicas and the dura mater, and finally enters the hypophysis, where it terminates in a slightly thickened end. The infunclibulum usually enters the hypophysis at the centre of the hilus of the anterior lobe, though occasionally it enters the lobe itself. The tissue connection is always with the infundibular portion only. HISTOLOGY. The anterior lobe of the hypophysis consists of a connective tissue framework, with longish oval interstices at the periphery and larger rounded ones in the interior. These spaces contain groups of cell columns, which sometimes form glandular tubules provided with a lumen. Flesch divided the glandular cells of the anterior lobe into two classes in accordance with their size, form, and specific colour reactions ; namely, the chromophile cells, and the chromophobe or adelomorphous cells. Of the chromophile cells, some are spheroid or polyhedral ; with a nearly homogeneous protoplasm, which is full of fine granules and stains strongly with eosin ; while the nuclei are small and round, frequently in the centre of the cell, and stain well with ha^matoxylin. These are known as the eosinophile cells. A second group is composed of somewhat large cells, of regular shape, which stain a very good dark blue with hasmatoxylin ; they are filled with coarse granules, the nuclei are placed eccentrically, and the plasm contains rounded vacuoles. These are known as the cyanophile or basophile cells. The chromophobe principal cells (Hauptzellen) are undefined in outline; the plasm is sometimes brittle and does not fix well by the ordinary methods; while the nucleus is large, either round or irregular in shape, and possesses a chromatin network which stains readily. The topographical distribution of these three groups of cells is by no means constant. As a general rule, the principal mass of the eosinophile cells is found in the hinder portion of the anterior lobe, while the basophile cells usually lie towards the front. The principal cells are not peculiar to any precise locality, but are characterized by their topographical relationship to the chromophile cells ; they frequently occupy the centre of alveoli or cell cylinders, thus becoming surrounded by chromophile cells. The changes which Erdheim and Stumme observed in the enlarged hypophysis of pregnant women, chiefly take place in the tissue of the anterior lobe of the organ. The cut surface, which is normally grey-red in colour, becomes remarkably light and reddish-grey to grey-white ; it becomes softer and yields a milky juice. These changes in colour and consistency are due to the appearance, in enormous numbers, of a new kind of cell, namely, the pregnancy cells; and these outnumber the eosinophile HYPOPHYSIS CEREBRI 3CKJ cells which, under normal conditions, largely predominate. The actual number of the eosinophile cells remains unchanged, but they are noticeably reduced in size. The basophile cells are entirely unaffected, the whole of the pregnancy changes taking place within the principal cells. These practically cease to exist as such, being almost entirely transformed into pregnancy cells. The pregnancy cells have large, light, irregular nuclei, with abundant plasm which is distinctly granular and stains red with eosin. They accumulate in large numbers in the two lateral por- tions of the hypophysis; in the posterior portion, where the eosinophile cells are ranged in compact masses, they are scanty but not entirely absent. The pregnancy cells are grouped in broad columns and in alveoli, generally occupying the centre of the alveolus. Occasionally, when pregnancy is at its height, these cells form agglomerations which suggest adenomatous hyperplasia. After parturition, involution of the pregnancy cells takes place and they largely reassume their former appearance of principal cells. There is, however, an increase in the number of the principal cells now present, and at the next pregnancy these undergo changes similar to the last, so that the result, though qualitatively the same as at the first pregnancy, is quanti- tatively very much more intense. In the hinder boundary layer of the anterior lobe (Pere- meschko's medullary layer, Thaon's region inter globulaire), a fissure is frequently, though not invariably, observed in the neighbourhood of the hilus ; it is lined with a single layer of cubical cells or, more rarely, ciliated columnar cells, and its hollow- is either empty, or contains a substance which stains pale blue with haimatoxylin. This fissure represents the embryonal hypophysal cavity. Two kinds of vesicles or follicles are also observed in this region. By the side of the fissure, and sometimes in place of it, rounded vesicles are occasionally seen, which are lined with columnar epithelium and filled with an amorphous mass ; they are probably formed from depressions in the posterior wall of the embryonal hypophysal cavity. A second variety of vesicles, found in the same neighbourhood, is considerably larger ; both in appearance and in their colloid reactions, these vesicles are reminiscent of the follicles of the thyroid. The vesicle wall is composed of cubical cells, which do not stain readily and con- tain large nuclei ; the lumen of the vesicle is sometimes filled with an amorphous homogeneous mass. In addition to a finely granu- lar basophile substance, an eosinophile substance resembling the colloid of the thyroid is sometimes seen. Vesicles of this descrip- tion are usually encountered in the posterior medullary layer, and occasionally also in the interior of the anterior lobe. By means of Golgi's method, Gentes and Pirrone discovered nervous elements in the walls of these vesicles, similar to those in the sensory cells of the olfactory region of the nasal mucous membrane. 310 INTERNAL SECRETION Pisenti and Viola, as well as Caselli, found cells with large nuclei in this layer of the hypophysis, which might be regarded as residues of the endodermal portion of the embryonal hypo- physis (v. Kupffer). According to Launois and Mulon and to Thaon, changes also take place during pregnancy in the posterior portion of the anterior lobe, which these authors interpret as signs of glandular hyperplasia and hypersecretion. The communication between the posterior lobe of the hypo- physis and the brain, represented by the infundibulum, varies in man both in length and thickness; it is composed of glia fibres with few nuclei and the upper portion encloses a canal, the re- cessus infundibuli, which is lined with ependyma cells and repre- sents the continuation of the third ventricle. This hollow is occasionally prolonged into the hypophysis and in some species, notably cats, it constantly extends as far as the posterior lobe. The posterior lobe of the hypophysis, the pars nervosa, is considerably smaller than the anterior lobe; "it lies posteriorly, in the hollow formed by the glandular portion, the opening of which is downwards. This lobe extends into the sella turcica, in the posterior wall of which a groove for its reception is sometimes observed. Histologically, the posterior portion consists of a loose stroma, which is a mixture of connective tissue elements and neuroglia, the latter predominating. In preparations coloured by Weigert's glia method, Thaon observed a small proportion of fine collagenic fibres, together with a manifold but not close network of glia fibres, in which isolated light, round nuclei were distributed. The tissue had few blood-vessels, and frequently appeared to be infiltrated with an amorphous substance, which re- sembled the substantia gelatinosa Rolandi of the spinal cord. The question as to whether the nervous portion of the hypo- physis contains nerve cells has formed the subject of repeated investigation. Both Krause and Berkley describe true nerve cells and nerve fibres; Ramon y Cajal found cells of an undefined kind in young rats, together with delicate fibres which were cer- tainly nervous and which proceeded from nerve cells situated at the base of the brain behind the chiasma ; these nerve fibres descended through the infundibulum, formed a plexus in the posterior lobe and terminated in free branches. Kolliker, as well as Caselli, did not believe that true nerve cells were present in the posterior lobe; they considered the cell elements present in it to be glia cells and ependyma cells. Gentes discovered a considerable network of nerve fibres by Golgi's method, and this finding was confirmed by Thaon. According to A. Kohn, the foundation tissue of the neuro- hypophysis is to be regarded as primitive glia in this sense, that its elements are invariably associated with the ependyma, the matrix of all glia elements. He points to the occurrence of a peculiar pigment, which is found chiefly in the glia fibres and HYPOPHYSIS CEREBRI 31 1 to a small extent only in the glia cells. This pigment is neither a fat nor a lipochrome, but is probably a product of decomposition quantitatively increasing with age. In consequence of the in- timate relationship between the anterior and posterior lobes of the hypophysis, together with the penetration of epithelial cells into the neuro-hypophysis, the latter contains a considerable pro- portion of epithelial, glandular elements and products, all of which are derived from the anterior lobe and, in a histological sense, belong to it. Kohn is unable to confirm, from the morphological standpoint, Joris's view that the posterior lobe of the hypophysis is a secretory gland. The structural indifference of the posterior lobe of the hypo- physis forms a remarkable contrast to the proved physiological activity of the extract obtained from this portion of' the organ. Secretion. — Owing to its histological characteristics, and especially those presented by the anterior lobe, the hypophysis has been accredited a secretory function, though the views adopted concerning the nature of its secretory product are somewhat diver- gent. The fat granules which it contains are, however, unani- mously regarded as a physiological product of cellular secretion. According to Erdheim, fine fat granules make their appearance at the beginning of post-fcetal life, and these become progressively larger until old age, when they are larger than nuclei. They are found in all the cells, in the shape of rings and spheres as well as in different vacuole forms. The granules in the chromophile cells are large in size, but few in number; those in the adelo- morphous cells are small and very numerous. They colour with sudan, scarlet R. and osmium; they are soluble in ether and alcohol ; and they are not double refractive. According to Thaon, the treatment of sections stained with osmium reveals different degrees of solubility, and he concludes from this that the granules are composed of fats of different kinds. He finds that the fat granules of the hypophysis contain little oleic acid, and believes that they are combined with an albuminoid molecule. The cell granules represent another product of hypophysal secretion. Saint Remy and Benda, more particularly, do not regard the chromophile and chromophobe cells as different cell varieties, but they believe them to represent different stages of secretion on the part of a single cell variety. According to Benda, the adelomorphous cells which contain no granules and only isolated basophile fragments, are the young forms, the secretory starting point; the cells filled with acidophile granules represent the secretory climax ; while the pale nuclear groups filled with dust-like amphophile granules are the product of the final secretory stage. Benda believes that the acidophile granules represent the measure of the secretory activity of the hypophysis cells; that they are produced during functional activity, and that at the resting stage their formation ceases. 312 INTERNAL SECRETION Quite recently, however, Gemelli expressed the view that the chromophile and chromophobe cells represent two different cell varieties. Pirrone, Guerini, Launois, Thaon and Joris adopt Benda's view, with this modification that they regard colloid as the end product of the secretory process. The amorphous substance resembling the colloid of the thyroid is regarded by Benda, Gemelli and others as the product of degeneration. Erdheim regards it as rudimentary and re- miniscent of a time when the organ possessed an external secretory function. By many authors, particularly those of the French school, the colloid substance is regarded as the product of normal secretion. Of the chemical nature of this colloid, all that is known is that it is insoluble in water, alcohol and ether; that it does not yield gelatine after boiling; and that, unlike mucin, it swells in acetic "acid and afterwards dissolves. It has been identified with the colloid substance of the thyroid and this is confirmed by the discovery of iodine in the hypophysis. The colloid substance is present in the hypophysis of the human embryo at three and a half months; in adults, it is found in the cell columns and is particularly abundant in the vesicles in the neighbourhood of the hilus, and in the blood-vessels. In addition to a strongly coloured, eosinophile, homogeneous colloid, the hypophysis, like the thyroid, also contains a less homo- geneous, granulated, basophile substance resembling coagulated albumin. The colour differentiation of the colloid substance depends upon the different granulation of the acido- and baso- phile cells. The presence of the colloid substance between the cells, in the vesicles, and in the lumen of the capillaries is regarded as proof of its excretion by way of the blood-stream. Thaon showed the manner in which the secretion is excreted in series of sections from hypophyses which showed signs of hypertrophy. In addi- tion to colloid, he found fat granules between the cells and in the capillaries; he was unable to demonstrate the presence of lym- phatics in the hypophysis. According to Thaon, the secretion is eliminated from the hypophysis in two ways; one, through the cell base into the blood-vessel with which it is in contact; the other, through the opposite cell wall into the lumen of a vesicle, where present. The presence of colloid in the vesicles may be considered to be evidence of the deposition of this substance ; thus it is possible to regard the hypophysis as a storage gland, similar in character to the thyroid apparatus. Thaon believes that the physiologically active substance of the posterior lobe, is merely the secretory substance elaborated by the anterior lobe, which accumulates in the vesicles in the neighbourhood of the hilus. The method of preparing pituitary extract does not permit of any separation of HYPOPHYSIS CEREBRI 313 this medullary layer from the posterior lobe. Silvestrini also locates the active substance in the medullary layer ; Salvioli and Carraro, on the contrary, believe that it is contained in the pars nervosa. It should be mentioned that Livon held the view that the internal secretion of the hypophysis passes into the brain by way of the nerve fibres in the peduncle. HISTORY OF DEVELOPMENT. Since the. earliest investigations by Rathke in 1838, the development of the hypophysis has formed one of the most widely discussed problems in the department of embryology. Even to-day, the views held concerning it are very divergent. The subject of the earliest discussion, in which, in addition to Rathke, Reichert, Luschka, Kolliker, Fr. Miiller, His, Maclay, and Duvry were concerned, was the supposed relationship between the hypophysis and the epithelium of the buccal cavity, Rathke's pouch more particularly. Mikalkovics's experiments with mam- mals, Goette's experiments with amphibia, and Dohrn's experi- ments with ammoccetes, appear to show that the hypophysis is exclusively ectodermal in origin. This view was shared by the vast majority of embryologists and finds expression in the text- books of the subject. The development of the hypophysis is described by Hert\vig as follows : In the embryo of a rabbit, 6 mm. in length, at a developmental stage when the cephalic flexure and the stomadseum have already made their appearance, the site of the future hypo- physis is situated anteriorly and dorsally of the spot where the anterior end of the chorda dorsalis immediately approaches the insertion of the pharyngeal membrane. After the perforation of the pharyngeal membrane (in the chick on the fourth day, in the human embryo in the fourth month), a groove is formed, shallow at first, but gradually becoming deeper, which is known as Rathke's pouch or the hypophysis pouch. This groove, which develops in the direction of the funnel-shaped, depending base of the thalamencephalon, becomes clothed with several layers of cylindrical cells, and eventually forms a longish pouch (embryo rabbit, 12 mm.). At a later stage, this pouch is almost completely divided from the primitive mouth cavity by the development of the carti- laginous base of the skull, a narrow opening only being left. At the same time, the posterior wall of the pouch has reached the infundibulum and has been pushed backwards by it into the cavity of the pouch (embryo rabbit, 20 mm.). A little later, the lumen becomes obliterated and the pouch forms a solid cell column. In Selachians, the pouch persists throughout life as a hollow canal, one end of which penetrates the cartilaginous base 314 INTERNAL SECRETION o of the skull, while the other communicates with the epithelium of the oral mucosa. The hypophysis is now a closed structure, but in the human embryo, in the second half of the second month, hollow tubes' are formed in the anterior and ventral wall of the cavity ; these penetrate into the surrounding connective tissue, which is very vascular (embryo rabbit, 30 mm.), and become cut off from the cavity of the hypophysis to form isolated structures. The whole of the pouch now breaks up into tubes in the same way, thereby forming the anterior lobe, in the posterior portion of which traces of the original cavity still remain. The anterior lobe is now joined by means of connective tissue to the posterior lobe, which has in the meantime developed from the infundi- bulum. Traces of embryonal development are observed in the human hypophysis during the entire course of post-fcetal life. The fissure lined with epithelium which is present in the anterior lobe, is the post-fcetal representative of the original pouch ; while the cavities filled with colloid, by which this fissure is frequently replaced, are the outcome of the division of the pouch. Erdheim discovered that, from uninvolved remnants of that portion of the hypophysis cavity which is inserted in the anterior lobe, agglomerations of pavement epithelium are formed; these are encountered within a circumscribed area of the anterior lobe, either in isolated groups or associated with adelomorphous cells or vesicles. According to Erdheim, these agglomerations of pavement epithelium may develop into pituitary tumours of the kind known as pavement epithelium sarcoma. The road traversed by the hypophysis in the course of its development is represented', in all except a few isolated instances, by a bony channel which passes through the sphenoid bone and is called the canalis cranio-pharyngeus. In and under the mucosa of the pharyngeal roof of new-born infants, Erdheim discovered a cord composed of hypophysis tissue which he named the ' pharyngeal roof hypophysis " (Rachendachhypophyse). Haber- feld, who carried Erdheim's investigations still further, found that this cord, which he termed " hypophysis pharyngea," was constant in man at all ages; he did not regard this structure as an embryonal remnant, but believed it to be a fully developed accessory hypophysis, with a function identical with that of the true hypophysis. Haberfeld showed that, in isolated cases, remnants of hypophysis tissue visible to the naked eye are situated along the entire length of this cord, and that they may form the site of origin of hypophysal tumours. As a matter of fact, Erdheim observed such a tumour in an unusual situation, the course of its development extending below the sella turcica, while the hypophysis, which was normal in size and shape, retained its position undisturbed. These findings point to a purely ectodermal origin of the HYPOPHYSIS CEREBRI 315 hypophysis, but the view has been contested upon many sides. First Hoffmann, and later Orr, assumed a relationship between the hypophysis and the ectoderm of reptiles. As the result of his later investigations (1894), v. Kupffer, who had previously accepted the ectodermal origin of the hypophysis in all verte- brates, arrived at the conclusion that, in addition to the ectoderm, the entoderm — the epithelium of the archenteron in particular- is concerned in the formation of this organ. According to him, the hypophysis has three primitive sources of origin ; the first is ectodermal and is a remnant of a phylogenetically old oral cavity (palasostoma), situated above the spot where the mouth afterwards develops, and which, later, becomes Rathke's pouch ; the second, which is entodermal, is situated behind the pharyngeal membrane and is formed by an outgrowth, sometimes hollow and sometimes solid, of the cephalic intestine (preoral intestine), the blind end of which forms the pouch described by Seessel ; the third or cerebral portion is provided by the infundibulum and infundi- bular gland. In the monorhines and myxinoids, the infundi- bular gland only is present, the palasostoma forming the perma- nent nasopharyngeal passage. In Petromyzons, Elasmobranchii, and Teleosteii, the infundibular gland and the dorsal gland-com- plex of the naso-pharyngeal passage are both present. v. Kupffer's view is shared by Valenti and partly also by Nussbaum ; but the inclusion of the entoderm in the formation of the hypophysis is denied by St. Remy in the case of birds and mammals, by Hoffmann in the case of Selachians, and by B. Haller in the case of all vertebrates. Valenti, who has carried out a fresh series of investigations with embryo chicks and rab- bits, maintains the view, however, that the hypophysis contains an ecto-entodermal portion, derived from the preoral intestine. Corming and Rossi, on the other hand, insist upon a purely ectodermal origin. PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HYPOPHYSIS. Experimental Extirpation. — It was Horsley (1885) who, in order to compare the results of the removal of the hypophysis with those which follow thyroiclectomy, first undertook the extir- pation of that organ. His experiments, like those of Dastre (1889) and Gley (1891) were completely negative, the animals dying immediately after operation. Following the theory pro- pounded by Marie and Marinesco concerning the pathogenesis of acromegaly, Marinesco (1892) next carried out extirpation experiments with cats. Since that date, hypophysectomy has been performed on animals of different species, and according to various methods. But these attempts, if we except quite the most recent, supplied no satisfactory information concerning the importance of this organ to the life of the organism and the nature 316 INTERNAL SECRETION of its functional significance. The animals most frequently em- ployed were the cat and the dog, though a certain amount of material has been provided by other animals (frog, tortoise, hen, rabbit). Experimental extirpation from the oral cavity of the hypo- physis of frogs, as carried out by Caselli (1900), did not yield results of any value. Gaglio (1902) operated upon frogs and tor- toises by the same method, however, and found that, though some of his animals died very shortly after, apparently as the result of infective conditions, others lived one and a half to three months without pathological symptoms. Bofeano, a pupil of Paulesco's, describes (1906) extirpation of the hypophysis of frogs by the supra- and latero-cranial methods ; he found that, two to three days after total extirpation, his animals invariably died, with sym- ptoms of neuro-muscular asthenia; while control animals operated upon by the same method, the hypophysis being only partially removed or left intact, remained perfectly normal, with the exception of slight symptoms of central nervous stimulation. G. Fischera (1905) operated upon hens. He obtained access to the organ from the base of the skull, by means of an incision at the edge of the lower jaw ; with the aid of the thermocautery, he divided the basal sphenoid bone in the middle line, thus laying bare the hypophysis. Of forty hens, eleven died shortly after operation, twenty-nine survived and were destroyed after four months. The autopsy showed that, in eight cases, the hypophysis Was undamaged; in seventeen, it was partially injured; and in four, completely destroyed. Operation was followed in the first few days by symptoms of fatigue and depression, which soon passed off. Two of the hens in which the hypophysis had been entirely destroyed showed signs of arrested development. The results of Fischera's experiments led him to conclude that, in young hens, the hypophysis is not essential to life, and that the symptoms which follow its removal are in no way characteristic. Even the arrestation of development cannot be regarded as a constant symptom. The extirpation experiments which Gley carried out with rabbits are, on account of their faulty technique, of very little value. Experiments with cats and dogs are the only ones which have supplied reliable information concerning the function of the hypophysis ; this is attributable, not only to the frequency with which these animals have been employed, but to the better operative technique by means of which such experiments have been accomplished. Cats and dogs have been employed as sub- jects for hypophysectomy by a large number of authors (Marinesco, Vassale and Sacchi, v. Cyon, Caselli, Gatta, Kreidl, Biedl, Friedmann and Maass, Delia Vedova, Lo Monaco and van Rynberk, Pirrone, Gemelli). The method which was first employed and was later in most frequent use, was that of opening HYPOPHYSIS CEREBRI 317 up the hypophysis from the base of the cranium by way of the oral cavity. The organ was usually destroyed either with a thermocautery or by the injection of chromic acid ; removal was effected with spoon-forceps, generally of the operator's own design. Lo Monaco and van Rynberk followed up Gley's experiments with rabbits, the method they chose being from the vertex of the skull. After opening the dura mater, these authors penetrated between the hemispheres at a spot previously determined upon, and after passing through the corpus callosum they reached the infundibulum and from there they were able to reach the hypo- physis. In twenty-eight cases out of forty-four they succeeded in removing the hypophysis by this method. This method was very justly condemned by Paulesco ; he pointed out that it is faulty in all essentials, for it inevitably pro- vokes secondary lesions of more or less grave a character, that it is accompanied by serious risk of infection, and that it does not properly accomplish what is, after all, the chief object of operation, namely, the exposure of the organ. Paulesco (1906) introduced a new method of hypophysectomy ; he employed the lateral approach, beneath the temporal lobe. I have employed this method myself in a large number of experiments. In my earlier experiments with cats, I used the buccal method of reaching the hypophysis, but in the later experi- ments with dogs which I carried out with Dr. M. Silbermark, wre invariably employed the intercranial operation. This method, which was also adopted by Gushing, fulfils all requirements. After practising upon the cadaver, we \vere able to perform the operation with a considerable degree of certainty, and out of a series of fifty animals we did not lose one from post-operative haemorrhage, meningitis or sepsis. It may be remarked in pass- ing that this method may be employed with equal success for the purpose of exposing any structure at the base of the brain in the median cranial fossa, and is especially suited to the inter- cranial resection of the second to sixth cranial nerves. What is fundamentally new about the method is that it permits of a con- siderable dislocation of the brain without damage to it. An opening of suitable size is made in the squamous portion of both temporal bones, and the dura mater is opened upon both sides. With a flat bent spatula the temporal lobe may now be lifted and pressed to one side, without in any way crushing the substance of the brain. In a good light, after mopping out the cerebro- spinal fluid, the hypophysis will be seen hanging like a berry on a stalk in front of the optic nerve, by the side of the internal carotid artery, and behind the oculomotor nerve. The organ is now clearly visible under conditions eminently suited to operative intervention. It may be severed from its peduncle and left free in the cavity of the brain; or it may be entirely removed; or 318 INTERNAL SECRETION single lobes or portions may be removed. This operation is very rarely followed by haemorrhage. After operation, the elevator is removed, the brain returns to its position, the dura mater is put into place and kept there by the temporal muscles, and the incision in the temporal cuticle is sewn up.- We found, in our experiments, that Paulesco's resection of the zygomatic arch was unnecessary and, provided that the openings in the squamous portions of the temporal bones are sufficiently large, the structures in the sella turcica may also be easily reached without such resection. What, then, are the results of experimental extirpation of the hypophysis ? In order to arrive at a clear answer to this question, it is necessary to consider separately the results yielded by the older experiments, before the introduction of Paulesco's method. In a large number of instances the animals operated upon by the older investigators died either immediately or very shortly after operation. Under these circumstances it was not possible to decide whether death was due to the removal of the hypophysis, or whether it resulted from the serious surgical intervention with its attendant danger of infection. A small proportion of animals survived for a brief period, one for three weeks, and some lived even longer. It will be remembered that Lo Monaco and van Rynberk destroyed their animals after thirty-five to eighty-six days. The relative short span of life after extirpation was regarded by many as a proof of the vital character of the hypophysis, though other investigators, whose animals lived for longer periods, ascribed the fatal termination to momenta other than suppression of the organ. Lo Monaco and van Rynberk, especially, laid great stress upon the fact that, after their transcerebral operation- which was undoubtedly very drastic, seeing that it necessitated a serious lesion of the infundibulum and the opening of the ven- tricle— their animals survived and showed no pathological sym- ptoms. Single animals, with what the autopsy showed to be an uninjured hypophysis, yet showed all the symptoms of hypo- physis suppression ; while others again, in which the hypophysis was found to be absent, remained normal. These contradictory views concerning the results of hypo- physectomy are explained by the ill-defined and obscure nature of the symptoms by which the operation was accompanied. In a large number of cases, on the one hand, symptoms of depression are described, ranging from dulncss and apathy to paralysis and even coma; while in others, symptoms of motor stimulation, fibrillary tremors and tonic cramps are reported; and in yet other instances, no symptoms, either of stimulation or of depression, were observed. The effects upon the vegetative nervous system were also very differently described. Many authors found polyuria, unaccompanied by abnormal constituents ; others describe albuminuria; others again, glycosuria; while many were unable to report changes in either the circulation, secretion, or respiration. HYPOPHYSIS CEREBRI 319 The only decisive observations are those obtained from later experiments carried out by Paulesco's method. Paulesco and Gushing have described the results of such hypophysectomies. I employed the method myself in combination with Silbermark, as well as with Leishner and Denk. Paulesco performed total hypophysectomy with twenty-two dogs and two cats. His animals lived for ten to forty-eight hours at most. The autopsy revealed neither haemorrhage nor suppura- tion at the site of operation, and the other findings were also negative. The autopsy showed that, in fourteen dogs, extirpation was not complete, portions of hypophysis tissue of varying size having been left in situ. These animals lived three to seven to ten days; where the amount of tissue left behind was large, they lived longer (seventeen, twenty-three, sixty-seven, 151, 158, 196, and 395 days). The almost complete suppression of hypophysal activity was not revealed by any marked symptoms, and Paulesco found that even those animals which survived for a considerable time did not show any signs of trophic disturbance. In three dogs, a portion of the anterior lobe only was removed. These animals lived without special symptoms for twenty-three, sixty-six, and 932 days respectively. The complete destruction of the cortical substance of the anterior lobe with the thermocautery proved fatal to seven dogs, death following as rapidly as after total hypophysectomy. Five animals survived the removal of the posterior lobe for thirteen and sixty-nine days, eight months, and two years respectively ; there were no pathological signs, and the animals eventually died from accidental affections. The loosening of the hypophysis from the sella turcica was found to be quite negative. According to Paulesco, death follows' separation of the hypophysis from the base of the brain by resec- tion of the peduncle, as rapidly as after complete, or almost complete, extirpation. That this result is not due to the opening of the third ventricle, is proved by the fact that the opening of the third ventricle alone is not followed by death. Neither can the fatal result be ascribed to the lesions at the base of the brain, for in the control animals such lesions produced only symptoms of motor stimulation, and these were invariably absent after removal of the hypophysis. Paulesco concluded that the hypophysis is an organ which is essential to life, and that the suppression of its function is rapidly followed by death. In his opinion, the vital portion is the cortical substance of the epithelial anterior lobe. Gushing confirms Paulesco's view of the vital character of the hypophysis. Nevertheless, his experiments seem to show that the results of total extirpation are less rapid in young dogs than in old. He was able to prolong the lives of his animals by the previous or simultaneous transplantation of the anterior lobe, as well as by the injection of extract of the anterior lobe. Accord- ing to Gushing, total extirpation of the hypophysis is followed 320 INTERNAL SECRETION within a few days, or at latest a few weeks, by symptoms character- istic of cachexia hypophysopriva, terminating in death. After extirpation of the posterior nervous lobe, the inter- mediate portion being generally removed with it, animals usually survive and show no pathological signs. Partial extirpation of the anterior lobe is consistent with the continuance of life. In isolated cases, however, it leads to remarkable symptoms, such as increased deposition of fat, polyuria, transitory glycosuria, and falling of the hair. The most striking result, however, was the reduction in sexual activity, shown anatomically by atrophy of the testicles and ovaries. Acute thyroid hypertrophy was also an occasional sequel to hypophysectomy. Judging by Cushing's experiments, the anterior hypophysal lobe represents the vital portion of the organ, the complete extirpa- tion of which is followed by death, its partial extirpation by dis- turbances of growth and of metabolism and by derangement of the activity of the sexual organs. From the results of my own experiments I am able emphatic- ally to confirm Cushing's views. We found that complete extirpation of the hypophysis was rapidly followed in both adult and young growing animals by death; the post-mortem findings were negative. Where the posterior lobe only was removed, the animals lived without symptoms for months, ultimately dying of intercurrent disease. Where extirpation was performed only on the anterior lobe, a portion of the tissue being left in situ, the animals lived for weeks and months, the autopsy showing, how- ever, a remarkable deposition of fat in the omentum and retro- peritoneal space, together with pronounced atrophy of the entire sexual apparatus. The ovaries and uterus of a 3-year-old bitch presented appearances similar to those of an animal of a few weeks old. Quite recently (December 3, 1909), B. Aschner described extir- pation experiments with dogs, in which he employed' the older method of reaching the organ, namely, by way of the oral cavity. He succeeded in removing the complete hypophysis by this means. A proportion of his animals died within the first eight days, and he ascribes this to the removal, with the hypophysis, of too large a portion of the infundibulum. Other animals survived operation for several months. In full grown animals the results wrere practically nil ; there was a certain change in the metabolism of the carbohydrates, similar to that seen in thyroidless dogs. The effects of adrenalin in producing glycosuria and symptoms of stimulation of the sympathetic were much less marked in these dogs than in normal dogs, and the different phases of alimentary glycosuria were much reduced. The suppression of the hypophysis was followed, in young animals, by profound disturbances. These animals were very backward in growth and weight as compared with control HYPOPHYSIS CEREBRI $21 animals ; there was a shortening of the skull and especially of the muzzle, hypoplasia of the genitals, anomaly in the growth of the hair, considerable deposition of fat, even fatty degeneration of the internal organs (liver), and temperamental changes. The dogs ceased to bark, they breathed heavily, they became somewhat apathetic, the sensibility to electric stimulus and to pain became very much less, while their movements were indolent, and they seemed to have become less intelligent. In male animals, sperma- togenesis ceased, in female animals there was involution of the ovarian follicles. A glance at the material provided by experimental extirpation of the hypophysis shows that a good deal of light has been shed upon the functional and physiological significance of that organ. It is evident, in the first place, that the hypophysis is an organ of vital importance to the organism, the removal of which is followed by death. This is conclusively proved by the results of Paulesco's method of complete hypophysectomy, the contradictory results obtained by certain investigators being probably attribut- able to the faulty nature of their technique. " Total hypo- physectomy " can only be described as such where, in addition to the removal of both lobes, the hypophysal peduncle is also severed. The peculiar significance of this peduncle is shown by the fact that, even where the hypophysis is allowed to remain in situ, death follows resection of the peduncle as promptly as after complete hypophysectomy. This remarkable phenomenon was first observed by Paulesco, and has since been confirmed by me ; all that we can do is to record the facts, for no explanation of them is at present forthcoming. The results of experimental extirpation also show the differ- ence in the physiological value of the two lobes of the hypophysis. The removal of the posterior lobe is unattended, over a period of months, by pathological signs. Total extirpation of the anterior lobe, on the contrary, is immediately fatal. It appears, however, that this applies only to older animals, young dogs having a longer duration of life. The results of total or partial destruction of the anterior lobe are also best seen in young animals. The suppression of function is manifested in a considerable increase in the fat body, which may amount to adiposis universalis, with pronounced hypoplasia of the sexual glands, together with arrested development and infantile habit. The influence which the hypophysis has upon the sexual glands is seen also in the case of older animals, partial destruction of the anterior lobe being followed by marked atrophy of the genitals. PITUITARY EXTRACT. Since the discovery by Oliver and Schafer of the vaso-con- tractor action of pituitary extract, the symptoms which follow the 21 322 INTERNAL SECRETION exhibition of this substance have formed the subject of manifold investigation ; further evidence, moreover,, has been furnished of the internal secretory activity of the organ. The chemistry of the hypophysis has, up to now, been hardly sufficiently investigated. We know that it contains a relatively large proportion of phosphorus and calcium ; iodine (Ewald and Schwitzler), bromine (Paderi), and traces of arsenic (Gautier) have all been discovered. According to Gautrelet, the hypophysis, like many other organs, contains cholin. Of the active pharmacodynamic substance of the hypophysis we know only that it is dialyzable ; that it is not destroyed by reducing agents, such as boiling; and that it is insoluble in alcohol and ether. For experimental purposes, as well as in clinical medicine, the dried organ obtained from cattle, sheep, horses, cats, and dogs is employed, or extracts prepared from the dried or fresh organ in normal saline solution are used. As may be imagined, the dosage of such pituitary preparations is not very exact. An extract obtained with chloretone from the posterior lobe of the hypophysis has recently been put upon the market by Messrs. Parke, Davis and Co., under the name of hypophysin or pituitrin ; the manufacturers state that i of this extract is equal to o.i grm. of the fresh, and .01 grm. of the dried, substance. Pituitrin does not react either to ferric chloride or to the sublimate test given by Comessatti for adrenalin, or to the Frankel-Allers test. It does, however, produce mydriasis of frogs' eyes. According to Allers, when boiled with caustic soda solution it gives off a distinct odour of alkylamin, while the liquid becomes brown ; this author considers it probable that the hypo- physis contains a substance which, similarly to adrenalin, possesses an alkaline amino-nitrogen constituent. The general toxicity of pituitary extract is inconsiderable and not to be compared with that of adrenalin or suprarenal extract. Numerous accounts are given of extracts equal to ij to 3 fresh hypophyses (Mairet and Bosc, Conti and Curti, Gamier and Thaon, Salvioli and Carraro, Etienne and Parisot, Renon and Delille, Hallion and Carrion) being exhibited as a single dose, while Urechia reports a case in which the extract of ten ox-hypo- physes was tolerated in a single dose. The direct effects of intravenous or subcutaneous injection of pituitary extract are transient apathy, somnolence, occasionally accelerated respiration and increased secretion of urine. After the intraperitoneal injec- tion of large quantities of pituitrin (10 to 15, I observed transient excitement, followed by marked depression and muscular weakness, which afterwards developed into complete paralysis of the hinder extremities and terminated, at the end of twenty-four hours, in death. The intravenous injection of large quantities of pituitrin is sometimes followed by a sudden arrest of cardiac HYPOPHYSIS CEREBRI 323 activity or by pulmonary oedema. After repeated exhibition of small quantities of the substance there was a marked loss in weight. The phenomena which Urechia observed after the rein- jection of pituitary extract after an interval of ten days, were probably anaphylactic in character. According to Delille, there is an essential difference between the toxic action of the anterior and the posterior lobes, the toxicity of pituitary extract being principally or even exclusively the property of the posterior lobe. THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF PITUITARY EXTRACT. It was first ascertained by Oliver and Schafer that the injec- tion of extract of the hypophysis into the veins produces a prompt and very marked increase in arterial pressure ; this differs from that produced by suprarenal extract in its duration, which is longer by several minutes. This hypertension results, partly from contraction of the vessels, and partly from increased cardiac activity, and it is not disturbed by resection of the cord or of the medulla. The peripheral effect of this hypertension is illus- trated by the fact that, if a fluid containing pituitary extract is circulated through the hinder extremities of frogs, there is a marked reduction in the venous outflow. The increased cardiac activity was shown in the myographic curve which Oliver and Schafer obtained with the heart after its removal from the living body. The effect of pituitary extract upon the circulatory apparatus is, in many respects, analogous to that of suprarenal extract, though it differs in certain important particulars. The vaso-con- strictor action is much slighter, and the marked slowing of the pulse, together with inhibition of auricular contraction, produced by suprarenal extract where the vagi are intact, is absent in the case of pituitary extract. On the other hand, after resection of the vagi, pituitary extract produces, not an acceleration, but rather a retardation of the cardiac beats. The findings of Oliver and Schafer were confirmed in all important particulars by later investigators. Howell next dis- covered that the substance which produces vaso-constriction and slowing of the pulse is principally contained in the extract of the posterior lobe, the pars nervosa. He also discovered the remark- able fact that a second injection, given half to one hour after the first, has practically no effect upon the circulation. Howell's findings were confirmed by Schafer and Vincent, who discovered, further, that the second injection is followed by a fall, instead of a rise, in blood-pressure. According to these authors, the fall in pressure is brought about by the action of a second substance with depressant properties, which is obtainable by extraction with 324 INTERNAL SECRETION absolute alcohol, treatment of the alcoholic residuum with ether, and solution in sodium chloride. If the substance obtained by this method is injected into the veins, a transient primary hypo- tension is observed, which is probably due to peripheral vasodila- tion and is not preceded by a rise in blood-pressure. This hypo- tension is similar to that obtained by the injection of cholin, but unlike the latter, it is unaffected by atropine. Osborne and Vincent next showed that extracts of nervous tissue (brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves) give rise to a con- siderable transient fall in blood-pressure, which is also unaffected by resection of the vagus and by atropine, and which is brought about by peripheral vasodilation. Contrary to the view expressed by Halliburton, it is certain that this result is in no way due to the action of cholin. According to v. Cyon, pituitary extract contains two sub- stances which possess entirely different properties. The one, hypophysin, which is obtained by boiling pituitary extract, has an influence upon the heart; its intravenous injection is followed by groups of slow, strong beats, and this effect persists after resection of the vagi. Extracts obtained at a temperature of 38 to 40° C. usually possess a vaso-constrictor effect which v. Cyon believes to be brought about by inhibition of the nervous depressor. The effects of pituitary extract in raising pressure and slowing the pulse — the latter only where the vagi are intact, however — are confirmed by Livon, who includes the hypophysis in the group of the hypertensive glands ; while Silvestri, on the contrary, obtained only a fall in blood-pressure with extract of the posterior lobe. After the injection of a quantity of infundibular extract equal to about one-fifth of the posterior lobe, Gamier and Thaon observed a rapid rise in pressure with slowing of the pulse, followed after ten to twelve seconds by a rapid transient fall in pressure, which was again followed by a marked rise. The slowing of the pulse was not observed after the resection of the vagi. Similar phenomena are described by Salvioli and Carraro, Pal, Lockhart-Mummery, and Legge. By means of plethysmographs of different organs, Hallion and Carrion showed that the rise in pressure brought about by pituitary extract is associated with a vasoconstriction in different organs, in the nasal mucosa and thyroid gland more particularly. In the kidney there was, after an initial vaso-con- traction, a continued vaso-dilation. These authors point out the antagonistic effects of pituitary to those of ovarian extract, the latter, as far as their experiments showed, producing a fall in blood-pressure together with a characteristic vaso-dilation in the thyroid gland. Quite recently (December 17, 1909), Falta and Ivcovic stated that they injected 2\ of an extract obtained from the glandu- HYPOPHYSIS CEREBRI 325 lar portion of the hypophysis into dogs and rabbits, and produced a profound fall in blood-pressure which, in atrophied animals, lasts for a comparatively long time. The lowered pressure, which, at the end of forty seconds, spontaneously returns to the normal figure, may be relieved by means of adrenalin. In two instances, after injection of the extract, the blood-pressure fell to zero, and respiratory and cardiac activity ceased. In one case the animal was saved by the injection of 2 pituitrinum infundibulare ; the heart-beats recommenced, the blood-pressure rose rapidly to normal, and the animal completely recovered. Finally, L. Etienne and Parisot found that the repeated injec- tion of pituitary extract into rabbits produced permanent hyper- tension and cardiac hypertrophy, which were apparent fifteen days after the last injection ; there were, however, no sclerotic changes in the vessels. The results which have been described comprise the whole of the material at present available concerning the influence of pituitary extract upon the circulation. It may then be taken as proven that pituitary extract, or rather the extract of the posterior hypophyseal lobe, produces a high degree of blood-pressure, which differs from that provoked by adrenalin in its slighter intensity and longer duration. The diminished, or negative, action of a second injection may be regarded as specific. The hypotensive action of pituitary extract described by cer- tain authors demands further investigation. It is very necessary that we should know whether the fall in pressure is a by-effect of pituitary extract, or whether it is due to a specific activity on the part of the glandular portion of the organ. There is no doubt that the rise in arterial tension is mainly the result of peripheral vaso-contraction. But further investiga- tion is necessary both to locate the seat of this vaso-contraction and to decide whether the vaso-contraction which takes place in the thyroid gland and the nasal mucous membranes, and the vaso-dilation which takes place in the kidney, are specific effects of pituitary extract. Pituitary extract also influences the action of the heart, by slowing and strengthening its beats. This effect is in part attributable to stimulation of the cardiac inhibitory nervous centres. The experiments of Hedboom and Allen, Cleghorn, and, later, Herring, \vith the living heart from frogs and mammals, have proved, however, that the slowing of the pulse is unaffected by resection of the vagi, and it seems probable from this that pituitary extract also exercises a direct action upon the muscular substance of the heart. This conclusion is further justified by the fact that the constriction of the vessels is produced not, as in the case of adrenalin, by stimulation of the peripheral nerve- terminals, but by a direct action upon the involuntary muscles; moreover, the effect which pituitary extract has upon the muscles is also demonstrable in the case of other organs. 326 INTERNAL SECRETION That pituitary extract exercises a direct contractor influence upon the vessel walls is proved by Salvioli and Carraro's experi- ments with artificial circulation. Dale's experiments, to which reference has been made in a previous chapter, show that pitui- tary extract resembles barium chloride, which is known to stimu- late the involuntary muscles, in that it produces a rise in blood- pressure at that stage of ergotoxin intoxication at which a fall in blood-pressure is produced by adrenalin. Pal, de Bonis, and Susanna tested the action of pituitary extract by O. B. Meyer's method upon portions of arteries obtained from the living ox. According to Pal, pituitary extract produces a contraction of the carotid, mesenteric, and femoral arteries in the same manner as adrenalin, while its action upon the cardiac and renal vessels is the opposite to that of adrenalin. The coronary arteries, which enlarge in response to adrenalin, contract under the influence of pituitary extract. The peripheral portion of the renal artery which is situated in the pelvis dilates in response to pituitary extract, while the proximal portion contracts. The direct muscular action of pituitary extract was proved by Cramer and Borchardt, as well as by Pal, by the enlargement of the pupil of enucleated frogs' eyes. Special interest is attaching to the discoveries of v. Frankl- Hochwart and Frohlich concerning the effect of pituitrin upon the urinary bladder and the uterine muscles. In cats and dogs, pituitrin stimulates the muscles of the urinary bladder to a mode- rate degree, but it also increases the sensibility to electric stimulus of the autonomous motor nerve to the bladder, namely, the pelvic nerve. The sensibility of the inhibitory sympathetic, the hypo- gastric nerve, is unaltered. Maximal contraction of the uterus muscles of the rabbit is sometimes produced by pituitrin, and at the same time the uterus becomes considerably more sensitive to the influence of the uterine nerves which are supplied by the hypogastrics. Both these results occur independently of the blood-pressure and, like the effects upon the heart and vessels, they are observed after the first injection only. On account of its effect in increasing the sensibility of the muscles of the urinary bladder and the uterus, these authors suggest the employment of pituitrin as a therapeutic agent. The effect which the extract of the posterior lobe has upon the muscles of the uterus and intestine is also described by Blair Bell. According to v. Frankl-Hochwart and Frohlich, hypophysin does not affect the sensibility of either the nerves of the salivary glands or the chorda tympani, nor does it influence erection, in so far as the latter is produced by peripheral stimulation of the autonomous erection nerve. In opposition to v. Cyon, these authors state that the sensibility of the autonomous vagus supplying the heart is unaffected by the influence of hypophysin. HYPOPHYSIS CEREBRI 327 An ordered relationship, such as that which exists between the action of adrenalin and certain nerve terminals, has not been proved in the case of hypophysin. Very characteristic of the action of pituitary extract is the increased diuresis which, according to Magnus and Schiifer, fol- lows intravenous injection, and, if the injections are repeated, continues for some time. This is in accordance with the increase in the volume of the kidney, as shown by oncometric methods. Schiifer and Herring next proved that the substance which pro- duces diuresis is contained in the posterior lobe of the hypophysis ; that it is dialyzable, is insoluble in ether and alcohol, and is not destroyed by boiling ; the extract of the anterior lobe they found to be non-diuretic. Moreover, they found that diuresis is also produced by pituitary extract when injected intravenously or into the peritoneum. Borchardt found that the subcutaneous injection of pituitary extract into rabbits produced hyperglycasmia and glycosuria. With regard to the manner in which metabolism is influenced by pituitary extract, Schiff found that, in one clinical case of acromegaly and one of paralysis agitans, there was an increase in the excretion of phosphorus, which he ascribed to the decom- position of organs containing much phosphorus, such as the nervous system and the bones. In one case of acromegaly Moraczewski found retention of Ca and P2O5 ; the administration of pituitary tabloids reduced the excretion of Ca, Mg, and P2O5. The exhibition per os of pituitary tabloids in man is followed in the normal subject by increased metabolism of gases ; in per- sons with acromegaly, metabolism is only very slightly increased (Magnus-Levy, Salomon). Experiments intended to show the effect of pituitary extract upon metabolism in animals have produced conflicting results. Osward found that pituitary substance, when given by the mouth to dogs, produced no effect upon the excretion of phosphorus and nitrogen. Thompson and Johnson, on the other hand, found an increased excretion of nitrogen, urea, and phosphorus in the urine, together with a reduction in the weight of the body. Malcolm exhibited the glandular and nervous portions of the hypophysis separately; he found that, when given by the mouth, the anterior lobe produced retention of phosphorus, the posterior lobe excretion of phosphorus. The excretion of Ca, Mg, and N was increased by the exhibition of the fresh gland, but rather diminished than otherwise by the exhibition of the dried gland. According to Falta, Bolaffio and Tedesko, the effect of pituitrin upon the metabolism of salt is similar to that of the thyroid substances. They found that, in fasting dogs, there was an increase of the quotient N:P2OS in the urine, together with an increased excretion of phosphorus in the faeces. The excess of the calcium excreted carries a proportion of phosphorus with 328 INTERNAL SECRETION it into the intestine. The proportion of the alkalies to nitrogen in the urine also increases after the exhibition of pituitrin in the same way as after thyroid. Thus both thyroid and pituitary increase the general metabolism of salt, the larger part of the excess being carried off by the intestines. After the injection of pituitrinum infundibulare into dogs with normal nitrogen metabolism, Falta and his co-workers found that, whether the animals were fed on flesh or on milk and white bread, there was invariably an increase in the metabolism of albumin. As far as the metabolism of purins was concerned, there was a rise in the excretion of uric acid with simultaneous reduction in the allantoin nitrogen. This is probably clue to the increased diuresis, owing to which a larger proportion of uric acid is with- drawn from oxidation to form allantoin. A definite influence of pituitary substance upon the metabol- ism of the carbohydrates has not been observed. The sugar- contents of the blood are not augmented; but the exhibition of adrenalin in dogs which have previously been treated with pituitrin is followed by a remarkable increase in the excretion of sugar. It is interesting to note that four rabbits, which Delille treated with injections of pituitary extract over a period of fourteen months, became very fat. What is at present known concerning the effect of injections of pituitary extract upon the growth of the bones, is insufficient to justify a definitive pronouncement. Caselli was unable to influence the processes of growth in young dogs and rabbits by means of glycerine extract of pituitary. Cerletti found that the subcutaneous or intraperitoneal injection of such extract pro- duced backwardness in weight and in the development of the bones; the long bones, especially, were short in comparison with those of the control animal. Taking into consideration the fact that large quantities of the, by no means indifferent, extract were employed in these experiments, the results cannot be regarded as conclusive. EXPERIMENTAL STIMULATION OF THE HYPOPHYSIS. The changes produced in the general circulation by the mechanical and electric stimulation of the hypophysis were investi- gated by E. v. Cyon. Upon the results of these investigations, together with the known properties of pituitary extract, he based his theory concerning the function of the hypophysis, v. Cyon regarded the hypophysis and the thyroid as protective organs to the brain, whose function it is to prevent a dangerous flush of blood to that part. These organs, acting in concert, regulate the HYPOPHYSIS CEREBRI 329 intercranial circulation and the conditions governing blood- pressure within the cranium. The regulation of pressure is to a certain extent automatic, for every rise in pressure within the cranium mechanically stimulates the hypophysis; this stimulation is conveyed reflexly to the vagus centre and a slowing and strengthening of the cardiac contractions results ; while, at the same time, the vaso-dilator fibres contained in the vagus nerve produce an enlargement of the vessels in the thyroid, and by this means the superfluous blood is carried away from the brain. The intracranial rise in pressure also causes the hypophysis to part with a larger amount of its active substance, which produces a chemical stimulation of the vagus and simultaneous rise in blood-pressure. Thus, the auto-regulation by the hypophysis of intracranial blood-pressure is effected by stimulation of the vagi upon the one hand, and by increased arterial tension resulting from contraction of the peripheral vessels upon the other. With regard to the latter point, v. Cyon believed that the contraction of the peripheral vessels resulted in a reduction in the amount of blood circulating within the cranium. But it must be remembered against this that, as all evidence up to the present goes to show, processes which give rise to a contraction of the vessels of the systemic circulation, thus producing an increase in arterial tension, also augment the blood contents of the cranial cavity. The higher the arterial blood-pressure, the larger the quantity of blood circulating through the brain, which, under these conditions, may amount to several times the normal. Thus it is evident that a temporary anosmia of the brain cannot be effected by this means, and that the effect produced upon the cranial circulation bv the active vaso-tensor constituent of the J hypophysis wrould be, not the result anticipated by v. Cyon, but one diametrically opposed to it (Biedl and Reiner). As far as the stimulation of the vagus centre is concerned, the conditions are as follows : The dilation of the thyroid vessels as the result of stimulation of the vagus, which v. Cyon described and which forms the groundwork of his theory, is not confirmed by Lusenna, who found that the vaso-dilators of the thyroid are contained, not in the vagus, but in the sympathetic. It is un- deniable, however, that increased pressure within the cranial cavity produces stimulation of the vagus centres, and that by this means a slowing and strengthening of the cardiac beats is effected. But the question arises as to whether this so-called vagus phenomenon occurs as the result of high blood-pressure, brought about by the agency of the hypophysis. In support of this assumption v. Cyon states : (i) That mechanical or electric stimulation of the hypophysis produces changes in the blood- pressure curve, such as would follow a sudden compression of the aorta, namely, hypertension, slowing and strengthening of the heart-beats, and the so-called vagus pulse ; (2) that the vagus 330 INTERNAL SECRETION phenomenon does not accompany compression of the aorta in cases where the hypophysis has iirst been destroyed. After the destruction of the hypophysis, it is not possible to produce the vagus pulse by either aortic compression or reflex stimulation of the aorta (by way of the nasal mucosa or trigeminus), the result in every instance being to accelerate the pulse. According to v. Cyon, there is no doubt that stimulation of the vagi, in con- sequence of hypertension within the cranial cavity, is effected by the agency of the hypophysis ; in other words, that the increased pressure acts directly upon that organ and the stimulation of the vagi is re flex ly produced by the stimulation of the hypophysis. These statements of v. Cyon's do not, however, stand the test of minute investigation and they are entirely unconfirmed by later authors (Biedl and Reiner, Caselli, Pirrone, Lo Monaco, and van Rynberk, Livon, Gaglio). It is true that stimulation of the hypophysis, and electric stimulation more particularly, occa- sionally produces increased pressure and changes in the frequency of the pulse, together with respiratory changes, but similar phenomena may be produced in the same way by stimulation of the greater portion of the cerebral cortex and of the cerebral ganglia. Livon even states that the hypophysis itself is incapable of stimulation, and that the changes are due to the leakage of the faradic stream into the surrounding portions of the brain. The destruction of the hypophysis does not bring about changes in either the pressure of the blood or the frequency of the pulse. Moreover, the vagus phenomenon in company with high blood-pressure is observed after, as before, this operation (Biedl and Reiner). The theory of a mechanical hypophysal function must be regarded as demolished. The only author who confirmed the phenomena observed by v. Cyon after stimulation of the hypo- physis is F. Masay, and he believes that stimulation of the hypo- physis promotes the flow of secretion from the organ into the blood, and that by its action upon the muscles of the vessels a rise in blood-pressure is produced. In the present state of our knowledge, the only assumption possible is that, if the hypophysis does influence the circulation, this result is effected by the agency of a chemical hormone, and is to be regarded as the outcome of the internal secretory function of the organ. DISEASES OF THE HYPOPHYSIS IN MAN. Of the clinical conditions which are associated with patho- logical changes in the hypophysis and the pathogenesis of which is undoubtedly in some way dependent upon that organ, the most important is the condition first described by P. Marie under the name of acromegaly. This disease usually attacks individuals HYPOPHYSIS CEREBRI 331 who have reached the adult stage; the predisposing cause is unknown. The first symptoms are manifested through the nervous system ; they are lassitude and muscular pain, progressive apathy and somnolence, and eventually headache. Derangement of sexual activity occurs very early in the course of the disease, shown in women by the cessation of menstruation and in men by impotence. The first pathognomic symptoms consist in changes in the external appearance of the patient; the face be- comes distorted, due partly to unequal growth of the soft portions and partly to enlargement of the facial bones. In advanced cases, the entire face is enlarged, the eyebrows are prominent, the eye- lids thickened, the nose enormously increased, the lips swollen and the zygomatic arches and lower jaw extremely salient. The peculiar appearance of persons with acromegaly is enhanced by the over-development of the soft parts of the mouth, the tongue in particular being so large as almost to prevent the closing of the mouth. Simultaneously with these appearances or somewhat later, gradual progressive deformity of the extremities takes place. The hands and feet become clumsy — larger and broader than the normal — the long bones, however, remain almost unaltered. The enlargement of the ends of the extremities is due in part to a thickening of the skin, especially of the subcutaneous tissue, and in part to a characteristic growth of the bones of the terminal phalanges of the ringers and toes. The clinical appearances of acromegaly are generally, though not invariably, accompanied by symptoms which point to the presence of a cerebral tumour. These are : headache, giddiness, vomiting, failing intelligence, and somnolence. Other symptoms permit of the localization of the tumour and point to the hypo- physis as the site of the lesion. Of these, the most important are disturbances of vision, which consist, in the first instance, of bitemporal hemianopsia, followed by progressive amblyopia and amaurosis. At first the fundus is normal, later on there is pri- mary atrophy of the optic nerve and, occasionally, choked disc. Exophthalmos is by no means rare, but it is noticeable that the projection of the eyeballs, like the derangement of vision, is periodic in character and is obviously dependent upon changes in the volume of the tumour. Paralytic symptoms are sometimes observed in other cerebral nerve areas. A valuable aid to the diagnosis of hypophysal tumours has recently been furnished by radiological methods. Skiagrams show a deepening of the sella turcica, the floor of which appears to be thinner; the dorsum sellas shows usure and appears elongated. Where the tumour is outside the sella turcica and is developed from the cranio-pharyn- geal canal, the sella is flattened and the entrance to it is enlarged ; the further growth of the tumour may completely destroy the floor of the sella turcica (Schliller). 33 2 INTERNAL SECRETION Of the other clinical symptoms, glycosuria is the most im- portant and is of comparatively frequent occurrence. The fre- quency of acromegalic diabetes, as reported up to now, is 10 to 35.5 per cent, and over. The intensity and the course of the glycosuria are subject to considerable variation. The other metabolic changes observed in acromegaly are not typical. In some instances the total metabolism has been found to be increased (Magnus-Levy), in others it has been found to be unaltered (Salomon). Several authors found retention of nitrogen, and they associated this with the abnormal growth of the tissues. With regard to the metabolism of salt, several authors (Moraczewski, Edsal and Miiller, Parhon) found reten- tion of P, Ca, and Cl. Franchini found retention of N, CaO and MgO, accompanied by excretion of P and Cl. It is very difficult to estimate the metabolic changes in acromegaly, owing to the fact that the condition is frequently associated with myx- oedematous symptoms (Pineles). On the other hand, Magnus- Levy points out that the metabolic changes of acromegaly possess certain analogies with those of Graves's disease; such, for in- stance, are the excessive perspiration, so frequently observed; the increased combustion, proved in a certain number of cases; and slight or severe glycosuria. The course of the disease is usually chronic and extends over a period of years. Cases are occasionally met with, however, where, owing to the rapid growth of the hypophysal tumour, the fatal termination takes place sooner and is accompanied by the general symptoms of intercranial pressure. In many instances the patients die as the result of intercurrent affections. In the typical course of the disease, progressive emaciation and cachexia make their appearance at the end of a term of years and lead, ultimately, to death. Of the pathologico-anatomical findings in acromegaly, the most important are the changes in the hypophysis itself, first described by Marie and Marinesco. Before considering the pathogenetic significance of these changes, it is expedient first to describe the post-mortem findings in the other organs and tissues. The increased volume of the soft parts is brought about by thickening of the epidermis, hypertrophy and enlargement of the papilla? of the skin, and pronounced infiltration of the sub- cutis, with proliferation of the subcutical connective tissue. The connective tissue proliferation extends also to the deep-lying soft parts and to the interstices of the muscle fibres ; the latter show enlargement and proliferation of the nuclei and, later on, de- generative changes. The hypertrophy of the mucosa, especially noticeable in the case of the tongue, is caused by hyperplasia of the mucous membranes, proliferation of the papilla?, and multi- plication of the connective tissue. Occasionally the visceral organs are also enlarged. A hyperplastic thymus is by no means HYPOPHYSIS CEREBRI 333 a rare rinding, and the thyroid may have undergone strumous degeneration or be markedly atrophied. The changes in the bones are not as pronounced as the clinical symptoms would seem to show. The ends of the bones and the terminal phalanges are undoubtedly broadened and en- larged, but this is chiefly due to exostoses and irregular absorption of the cortical layers, and to bony outgrowths at the joints- changes which must be regarded as secondary results of the hyperplasia of the soft parts. The clavicle is usually very much enlarged. In addition to the changes in the sphenoid bone, the bony skull shows premature obliteration of the sutures ; exostoses, especially at the muscle attachments ; enlargement of the antrum and of the frontal sinus; increase in the volume of the superciliary arch, the zygomatic arch, and the inferior maxilla. Investigation of the histology of the bones shows that these results are due, not to specific pathological processes, but to the deposition and resorption of bony substance, in a manner identical with that of the normal growth of the bones. In addition to these changes, hypoplasia or degeneration of the sexual glands is a frequent accompaniment of the condition. The most important point in regard to the pathogenesis of acromegaly is undoubtedly the behaviour of the hypophysis. Marie and Marinesco found that changes in the hypophysis were a constant feature of the condition ; these consisted in increased volume, with hyperplastic proliferation and secondary sclerosis of the connective tissue, together with various neoplasms. The frequent, indeed almost constant, association of changes in the hypophysis with acromegaly is commented upon by the majority of the later authors. Enlargement of the hypophysis was found in forty-four out of forty-eight cases by Hutchinson, and in sixty-five out of seventy cases by Modena. In a large number of cases the hypophysal tumour is the expression of hypertrophic and hyperplastic processes writhin the organ. According to Benda, the process consists in an increase of the glandular epithe- lium of the anterior lobe, especially of the chromophile and eosinophile cells. The hyperplasia may even extend to the forma- tion of adenomatous strumas. In the majority of cases, the tumours of acromegaly are true hypophysal tumours — adenoma, adenocarcinoma, sarcoma and, more rarely, teratoma and tera- toid growths. Those cases of acromegaly in which no tumour was found (according to Cagnetto they are six in number) are probably explained by the fact that the new formation was situated externally of the sella turcica in the hypophysis pharyngea, and thus escaped observation. Pathological changes in the hypophysis in acromegaly may be regarded as constant post-mortem findings. It is no longer possible to consider the hypophysal tumour in the light of an unimportant by-symptom, or as a co-ordinated 334 INTERNAL SECRETION splanchnomegalic symptom, of no etiological importance ; on the contrary, it is essential that we should recognize its fundamental pathogenetic significance. Now that we know that pathological conditions of the hypophysis may produce widely different clinical conditions, the occurrence of hypophysal tumour without sym- ptoms of acromegaly, can no longer be adduced as evidence against the hypophysal origin of acromegaly. So long as our knowledge of the nature of the changes in the hypophysis which lead to acromegaly is incomplete, these negative cases must be regarded with special interest ; in so far as the pathogenesis of acromegaly is concerned, however, they are irrelevant. The relationship between hypophysal tumour and acromegaly has been variously interpreted. The original view of Pierre Marie, which was adopted by a large number of authors, was that acromegaly was the expression of insufficiency or suppression of the hypophysal function, in the same way that myxcedema expresses insufficiency on the part of the thyroid gland. This theory is supported by the frequent occurrence of destructive changes in the hypophysis. A further very strong piece of evi- dence in favour of this view is afforded by the acute form of acromegaly described by Stern berg, in which the condition, in its most clearly defined clinical form, develops practically under the eyes of the observer. In all these cases the post-mortem re- vealed an acute progressive tumour, frequently sarcoma, of the hypophysis. It wras already known to Marie that the hypophysal changes frequently consisted only in hyperplastic processes, though this seems hardly consistent with the theory of a reduced activity on the part of the organ. It has been pointed out upon many sides, that simple glandular hyperplasia and adenoma are of far more frequent occurrence than destructive tumours asso- ciated with connective tissue proliferation. With regard to the malignant form, Hanau and Benda found that tumours, which at first sight appeared to be sarcomatous, contained cells derived from the hypophysal epithelium and they described these tumours as hyperplastic, malignant adenoma. Hanau suggests that the same adenomatous form may have been present in other cases which have been described as sarcoma. Certain animal experiments which seem to show that the extirpation of the hypophysis does not produce pathological changes in animals, were at one time regarded as important evidence against the assumption of a suppression of hypophysal activity in acromegaly. But to-day this argument has little weight, for we know that the suppression of the hypophysis in animals, as in man, is not by any means an indifferent occur- rence; on the contrary, it is followed by a number of pathological symptoms. The backwardness in development so clearly seen in young animals after hypophysectomy may be taken as proof of an influence exercised by the hypophysis upon the growth of HYPOPHYSIS CEREBRI 335 the bones. Judging by this, the increased development of the fl acral " portions is to be interpreted, not as a sign of reduced, but rather as the manifestation of an intensified, functional activity. But it is a remarkable fact, that the extirpation of the hypophysis of animals produces results in one direction, which are similar to those brought about by acromegaly in man ; both lead to arrest of development, and particularly to defective function on the part of the sexual glands. A second hypothesis, first propounded by Tamburini, regards acromegaly as the result of two pathological processes in the hypophysis. There is at first hypertrophy, leading to hyper- function of the organ, and this explains the signs of increased growth in different parts of the body. The second phase consists in degeneration and reduction of functional activity, which pro- duces the cachexic symptoms observed in the later stages of the condition. The assumption of a hyperpituitarism, of an increased internal secretory activity on the part of the hypophysis, was supported by a discovery of Benda's, since confirmed by others, that, in certain cases of acromegaly, the diffuse hyperplasia and hyperplastic adenoma, commonly known as struma, show not only regular increase in the number of the cells, but also a remarkable multiplication of those eosinophile cells, which Benda regards as the active functional elements of the hypophysis. A case of acromegaly described by Lewis is particularly interesting in this connection, for here, though the macroscopic appearance of the hypophysis was normal, the microscope showed that the number of the eosinophile cells was increased. Benda, who regarded the hyperplastic proliferation of the chromophile cells as the cause of increased hypophysal secretion, was at first inclined to support Tamburini's theory. In a later publication, however, he modified his view. He pointed out that it is not possible to regard the clinical course of acromegaly as assuming two distinct phases, for in the classical form of the disease, malignant acromegaly, the development of the tumour in the hypophysis is intimately associated with the derangement of growth and the general deterioration of the organism. Benda regards the developmental disturbances as constant, but purely symptomatic, accompaniments, and defines the true primary disease as a tumour-like, connective tissue new formation, having an undeniable resemblance to myxcedema and elephantiasis; he ascribes the pathological symptoms to the excessive supply of a secretion of specific toxic action, the function of which, under normal conditions, is unknown, but the over-production of which produces serious lesions of the tissues of the body. Benda believes that the granules resembling zymogen in the chromophile cells represent the secretory product of the hypophysis. The absence of any foundation for this last assumption, to- gether with a critical appreciation of the known facts, led Cagnetto 336 INTERNAL SECRETION to deny the theory of hypersecretion in the causation of acrome- galy. He pointed out that cases occur in which the hyperplasia and adenomatous struma of the hypophysis are associated with multiplication of the chromophile cells, but in which the symptoms of acromegaly are not present. Moreover, cases of acromegaly with adenoma of the hypophysis are observed, in which the adenoma do not contain chromophile cells. It must be borne in mind, however, that the chromophile cells are, almost certainly, not the only secreting element, and that, as Erdheim and Stumme showed, in the hypophysal hypertrophy of pregnancy, it is the chromophobe cells which play the leading part. That acromega- lous thickening of the nose, lips and hands frequently takes place during pregnancy is another piece of evidence in favour of the hyperpituitary origin of acromegaly, although it contradicts Benda's assumption of the primal importance of the chromophile cells. The whole of the anatomical material which we at present possess points to the hypophysal tumour, and consequent increased hypophysal internal secretion, as the causative factors in the production of the symptom-complex of acromegaly. The weightiest argument in support of this theory is the fact that, in all cases where hypophysal tumour is associated with acromegaly, the tumour is composed of true hypophysal tissue. It remained for operative surgery to prove, in so far as experimental measures permit, the dependence of acromegaly upon hypophysal affection, and by this means to provide decisive evidence in favour of the theory of hypersecretion. Sir Victor Horsley was the first to recommend the extirpation of the hypophysal tumour in acromegaly. The operation was first performed by Caton and Paul in 1893, but without success. In 1906, Horsley described the results of thirteen operations, without, however, supplying information as to the indications and symptomatic features of these cases. He obtained access to the hypophysis by opening up the dura mater from the central cranial fossa. Schloffer next considered the question as to whether or not the hypophysal tumour is operable, and by what methods; he concluded that the extracranial nasal method was the most prac- ticable. In one instance,- he operated for hypophysal tumour with what at first appeared to be favourable results, but after two and a half months the patient died. v. Eiselsberg next performed hypophysis operations upon three patients, one of whom presented the clinical signs of acromegaly and died as the result of acute sepsis. The other two cases will be described later. Borchardt also describes the result of extirpation of a hypophysal tumour in an anacromegalous case, the operation, in this instance, lead- ing to an improvement of the headache. Hochenegg (1908) was the first to succeed in removing, by way of the nose, a hypophysal tumour from a woman of 30 HYPOPHYSIS CEREBRI 337 with typical acromegaly ; the promptness and the success of his results were literally startling. Five days after operation, the acute headache and periodic disturbances of vision had disappeared, and the teeth in the upper jaw had closed up ; from the eighth day, the hands and feet became noticeably smaller ; at the end of three months, with the exception of insignificant traces of thicken- ing of the soft parts, the involution of the acra was complete. Menstruation reappeared and became regular. At the end of six months, the acromegalous symptoms had entirely disappeared, but the patient had an enlargement of the thyroid gland. Histo- logical examination of the extirpated tumour showed it to be a malignant adenoma and quite free from typical chromophile cells. Another case, that of partial recovery from acromegaly, is described by Gushing (1909). He performed partial hypo- physectomy of the hypertrophied anterior lobe. The symptoms of intercranial pressure did not entirely disappear, but there was an appreciable reduction of the acral parts. A second case of acromegaly was successfully treated in Hochenegg's clinic and is described by A. Exner. The patient was a woman, aged 37 ; seven years previously the menses ceased and the power of vision became progressively reduced ; increased growth of the acral parts had been noticed for four years, and abnormal growth of hair for three. At the time of operation, the symptoms of typical acromegaly were well developed, and a tumour the size of a walnut was removed from the hypophysis. After operation, the headache, which had previously been very violent, ceased ; the skin of the hands and feet became thinner ; the circumference of the ringers became smaller ; the bristly moustache hairs fell out ; the teeth closed up ; and the tongue became reduced in size. In this case also, the thyroid developed a middle lobe which could be distinctly felt upon palpation. In this case, as in the first, the tumour was a malignant adenoma (Wurmbrand). The therapeutic results of hypophysis extirpation in acrome- galy supply the last conclusive link in the chain of evidence in favour of the theory, that the causative factor in acromegaly is to be sought in hypersecretion of the hypophysis. Such being the state of things, it is not surprising that, in those cases where hyposecretion was assumed and the condition was treated by organo-therapeutic methods with pituitary substance, the specific acromegalic symptoms remained unchanged. In those rare in- stances where benefit has been derived from the use of pituitary substance, the subjective symptoms, especially the headache, were affected, while the developmental changes were entirely unaltered. If we regard acromegaly as a manifestation of hyperpituitar- ism, the question arises as to why spontaneous recovery does not take place in cases where there is malignant degeneration of the hypophysal tumour and where, from the nature of the histological 22 338 INTERNAL SECRETION conditions, a reduction of the secretory elements is to be assumed. This, however, is readily understood, if we remember the enormous difficulty of estimating the functional activity of the different structural elements; moreover, judging by experience in other directions, it is by no means improbable that the specific function of the tissue of a malignant tumour is similar to, and may be even stronger than, the specific function of the normal tissue. It is a by no means rare thing in acromegaly for the anomalies of growth, after progressing to a certain point, to arrive at a stand- still ; there may even be regression, followed later by cachexia with regressive nutritional disturbance. It was upon these facts that Tambtirini founded his hypothesis. Finally, it must not be forgotten that hyperfunction of the hypophysis is associated with changes in the activity of other internal secretory organs, the influence of which upon the general economy may continue, though in'a perverted sense, after the primary factor, the hypo- physal hyperplasia, has either ceased to exist or has undergone regressive changes. This latter possibility leads us to the question : What is the primiim m ovens in acromegaly? From the nature of the evidence, it appears unquestionable that the hypophysis is the site of origin of acromegaly, and that the nature of the illness is dictated by hypersecretion on the part of that organ. But the question as to whether we are to regard the pathological condition of the hypo- physis as primary, or merely as the secondary result of organic affection in other parts of the body, remains unanswered. The latter assumption is permissible, for numerous experiments have shown that there is a physiological interrelationship between the hypophysis and other internal secretory organs, namely, the thyroid, thymus, suprarenals, and especially the sexual glands. Moreover, pathological conditions of these organs are associated with profound changes in the hypophysis. The interrelationship between the thyroid gland and the hypophysis has already been described. Rogowitsch first showed that thyroidectomy is followed by hypertrophy of the hypophysis, and his finding is confirmed by all later observers. In the depart- ment of human pathology, it has also been shown that, in myx- (Kdema and other related subthyroidic conditions, there is frequently enlargement and pathological change of the hypo- physis. Of the manner in which hypophysectomy in animals affects the thyroid gland, we know only that Caselli found hypertrophy of the entire thyroid apparatus. In the two cases which recovered after hypophysectomy at Hochenegg's clinic, there was distinct increase in the volume of the thyroid. Pineles emphasized the clinical relationship between acromegaly and myxcedema, which he believes to be shown, not only in the comparatively frequent co-existence of the two conditions, but also in the similarity of many of the symptoms and in the occurrence in acromegaly of HYPOPHYSIS CEREBRI 339 pathological changes in the thyroid gland. It is an undoubted fact that, in many of its aspects, acromegaly resembles Graves's disease. Enlargement of the thyroid apparatus is frequently observed in acromegaly, and Lancereaux believed that this condi- tion results from a stimulation of the processes of growth, brought about by the enlarged thyroid gland, and modified and controlled by the hypophysis. As things stand at present, it is difficult to estimate the significance of the part played by the thyroid appa- ratus in acromegaly. That hypothyrosis produces an enlarge- ment of the hypophysis is undoubtedly true, but it can hardly be regarded as the primary cause of such enlargement. There is an equal probability that the hyperpituitarism brings about a reduction of function, and consequent atrophy, on the part of the thyroid. The assumption of an interrelationship between the activities of the two organs is justified by clinical experience, and it remains for experimental pathology to crystallize this assump- tion into a certainty. Persistence of the thymus in acromegaly is by no means rare. The inconstancy of the finding, however, deprives this pheno- menon of the causative significance attributed to it by Klebs. The relationship between the suprarenals and the hypophysis, especially in acromegaly, has not as yet been sufficiently investi- gated. After extirpation of the suprarenals, Alquier observed signs of moderate hyperplasia of the hypophysis in a dog; Boinet found that hypertrophy was exceptional in rats; while Marenghi found marked hypertrophy in guinea-pigs, rabbits and cats. Hyperplastic changes in the hypophysis have been described in suprarenal disease in man (Thaon, Delille) ; while, on the other hand, adenoma and cystic degeneration of the suprarenals have been observed in acromegaly. Delille points to the frequent occurrence of suprarenal hypertrophy; together with Renon, he discovered that hyperplasia of the suprarenals may be produced by the repeated intraperitoneal injection of pituitary extract. Best known is the interrelationship between the hypophysis and the sexual glands; the part played by the latter in the causa- tion of acromegaly is as yet, however, undecided. The changes in the sexual organs observed in acromegaly, and especially the cessation of the menses in women, are among the earliest sym- ptoms of the disease. Later on, there is cessation of sexual desire and sterility, accompanied by atrophy of the genital glands. The changes in the sexual glands in acromegaly have been minutely described by Tandler and Gross. Not infrequently, the secondary sexual characteristics disappear and there may be even a partial return to the heterosexual type. Many authors (Freund, Ver- straeten, Campbell, Breton and Michaud) believe that the changes in the sexual glands are a causative factor in the production of acromegaly. There is a certain amount of foundation for this assumption, for it has long been known that the sexual glands 34O INTERNAL SECRETION exercise a considerable influence upon the general processes of growth. In the meantime, a large number of physiological, patho- logical and experimental facts have come to light which show the influence of the sexual glands upon the hypophysis. Comte and a number of later authors (Launois and Mulon, Guerrini, Morandi Cagnetto, Thaon) found that the hypophysis regularly enlarges during pregnancy, and that during lactation it returns to the normal. These changes were from the first regarded as signs of hyperfunction, and the discoveries of Erdheim and Stumme after- wards supplied incontrovertible evidence of hypophysal hyper- trophy during pregnancy and of the changes which take place in the structure of the organ. Fichera's valuable work next showed that the changes in the hypophysis during pregnancy are due to a reduction of activity on the part of the ovary. After the castration of male and female animals, he found hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the hypophysis which exactly resembled the hypertrophy of pregnancy. The weight of the hypophysis in capons and oxen, as well as in castrated female animals, was twice as large as in normal animals, and this hypertrophy was reduced by the exhibition of extract of the sexual glands. By examina- tion of the skulls of skeletons, and by means of skiagrams of living castrated animals, Tandler and Gross next showed that there was anatomical enlargement of the sella turcica. In three animals from which the testicles or ovaries had been removed several years previous to death, Rossle found considerable en- largement of the hypophysis; as also in one animal, the uterus of which had been extirpated four days previously. The association of hypophysal hypertrophy with aplasia of the genitals and with the results of castration, was conclusively proved by Jutaka-Kon's investigations. If the excessive growth of the hypophysis in acromegaly is considered in the light of these facts, it is readily conceivable that, as certain authors believe, the derangement of the internal secre- tory function of the sexual glands may be the primary cause of the condition ; that it gives rise to secondary proliferation of the hypophysis ; and that the latter, in its turn, brings about the typical changes of acromegaly. Stumme regards the anomaly of the internal secretory function of the sexual glands as a primary metabolic disturbance leading, where there is congenital pre- disposition, to tumour formation in the hypophysis. It cannot be denied that, in many of its aspects, the clinical complex of acromegaly suggests a primary affection of the sexual glands. It is suggestive in this connection, that the development of hypophysal tumour and of acromegaly are frequently preceded by symptoms of chlorosis, a condition which has been regarded as connected with the genital tract. On the other hand, there are reliable observers who affirm that, in many cases, the changes HYPOPHYSIS CEREBRI 341 in the genital organs in acromegaly do not appear until the con- dition is far advanced. In the present incomplete state of our knowledge, it is not possible to define with certainty the primary origin of the hypo- physal changes which give rise to the symptoms of acromegaly. It may be that the condition is not the outcome of a single, definitive cause. Hypertrophy of the hypophysis may take place primarily as the result of adenoma formation, which is extremely frequent in that organ; or it may be a secondary condition, the result of the primary affection of other internal secretory organs and of the sexual glands more particularly. From the known interrelationship between the hypophysis and the sexual glands, as well as from the fact that atrophy of the sexual glands is invariable at some stage of acromegaly, it seems highly probable that suppression of the function of the sexual glands plays a part, first in the causation of the clinical complex of acromegaly, and, afterwards, in the furtherance of the processes of growth by which the disease is characterized. Knowing, as we do, the manifold interactivities which subsist between the various internal secretory organs, it is not difficult to see that other internal secretory organs besides the hypophysis may be concerned in the production of acromegaly, in the same way that Graves's disease is attributable to the influence of organs other than the thyroid. Regarded from this point of view, acromegaly belongs to the group of the poly- glandular diseases. A second pathological condition which is associated with the hypophysis is gigantism (gigantismus, macrosomia). The classi- fication of gigantism as a pathological condition is justified by the facts : first, that abnormal longitudinal development of the bones and increase in the volume of the organs must be regarded as a perversion of the processes of growth ; and second, that abnormality of growth rarely occurs singly, but is almost invari- ably associated with derangements of the function, and of the anatomical constitution, of different organs. It is only the giants of fairy tales who, in addition to their size, are favoured with exceptional physical and mental advantages. A closer acquaint- ance with the giants of our day, as well as a careful analysis of the descriptions which have come down to us of the giants of old, shows that normal giants — that is to say, persons of exceptional size and free from deformity or other pathological signs, such as were assumed by Langer, and later by Sternberg — are very rarely encountered. The vast majority of giants are undoubtedly abnor- mal and belong to the class of pathological individuals. Launois and Roy, who have made a special study of this phase of abnormality, define the condition as follows : Gigantism is an anomaly of skeletal growth which leads to a height of the body in excess of the average dimension of the race, and is associated with characteristic morphological and functional de- rangement. 342 INTERNAL SECRETION Gigantism attacks men more frequently than women, and usually takes its rise at the period of puberty. Thus at the age of 1 8 to 20, the height of the subject may be 190 to 200 cm., or more ; and at 25 to 30, when the normal individual has long ceased to grow, it may be still increasing. The parts principally affected are the extremities, especially the lower ones, while the trunk is only slightly influenced, and the skull appears small in comparison with the rest of the body. The excessive length of the lower part of the body, as compared with that of the upper part, is characteristic of typical gigantism. Separation of the epiphysal synarthroses, and hypertrophy of the osseous substance of the long bones, may be seen in vivo by means of skiagrams. Subsequent anatomical investigation confirms these findings, and shows the persistence of the cartilage at the junction between the epiphysis and diaphysis, as well as the imperfect ossification of the sutures and various signs of hyper- ostosis. The vertebral column frequently shows postero-lateral curvature (kyphoskoliosis). The most remarkable point about gigantism, however, is that, in the majority of cases, the skeleton of the face and of the acral portions shows changes which are distinctly characteristic of acromegaly. Exaggeration of the zygomatic arches, marked projection of the supraciliary arches, prognathism of the lower jaw, thickening of the bones of the skull, enlargement of the antrum and sinuses, and deepening of the sella turcica, are the usual facial characteristics of the gigantic subject. With these, changes of the hands and feet, entirely analogous to those of acromegaly, are frequently associated. Of the internal findings, the most interesting is undoubtedly the condition of the hypophysis. The deepening of the sella turcica points to an enlargement of the organ, and this was established by Launois and Roy, who found that, in ten cases of gigantism which they examined post mortem, there was more or less marked increase in the size of the hypophysis. In the majority of cases there was hyperplasia of the glandular tissue and adenoma formation ; more rarely there was vascular struma ; and in a few cases there was sarcoma and epithelioma. In the majority of cases of gigantism, the weight of the brain is remarkably small in proportion to that of the body. The reports of the condition of the thyroid glands are not unanimous. In the greater number of cases, the thyroid was much enlarged, the weight varying from two to six times the normal. In one case, Wells showed that the iodine contents, though rela- tively normal, were absolutely very much increased. On the other hand, there are descriptions of cases of gigantism in which the thyroid was normal or even comparatively small. Persistence of the thymus has not been described. The most remarkable changes in gigantism are those pre- sented by the sexual glands. Reduction of sexual activity, HYPOPHYSIS CEREBR1 343 absence of menstruation in women, and sterility in both the male and the female, are among the clinical symptoms of gigantism. In rare cases, a preceding stage of sexual hyperactivity has been observed (Buday and Jancso). In contrast to the other internal organs, which show hyperplasia, the sexual glands are usually atrophied with signs of degenerative lesion. The secondary genital organs and genital excretory ducts (prostate and penis, uterus and vagina) are also, as a rule, remarkably defective in development, and signs of infantilism are by no means infrequent. Lack of intelligence; mental apathy and indolence; lack of mus- cular tone and power ; poorness of hair all over the body, especially that of the pubes, axillae, and in the male, of the beard; and, in many cases, excessive development of the panniculus adiposus — these are all signs that the organism has remained at an infantile stage of its development. The slight powers of resistance of the subjects of gigantism is shown by the fact that they usually die at an early age as the result of accidental illness. Those cases of gigantism which pass on into definite acromegaly are the only ones which offer a better prognosis concerning the duration of life. The anomalies of metabolism are, as yet, unin- vestigated. The comparatively frequent occurrence of glycosuria or even of serious diabetes, is worthy of remark. The pathogenesis of gigantism was first discussed by Pierre Marie in the course of his investigations into the nature of acromegaly. Marie believes that true gigantism is characterized by an excessive increase of all the processes of normal bony growth ; and that it is to be distinguished from those cases of symptomatic gigantism in which there is abnormal growth of certain portions only, as, for instance, in acromegaly, elephanti- asis, and certain forms of congenital syphilis. The similarity between certain of the symptoms in gigantism and in acromegaly — especially the enlargement of the sella turcica as seen in museum specimens — together with the fact that the subjects of gigantism frequently develop the typical signs of acromegaly, led many authors to dispute this theory of Marie's. Brissaud and Meige adopted the view, based upon the relation- ship between acromegaly and gigantism, that the conditions both originate in the same pathological processes, and that they differ from one another only in the moment at which the pathological process takes place. According to Brissaud, gigantism is the acromegaly of the period of growth, acromegaly the gigantism of the adult stage; and acromegalic gigantism is the result of a pathological process, which commences during the period of growth and continues on into the period in which growth has ceased. This theory received valuable support from the exhaustive investigations of Launois and Roy. These authors also dis- tinguished between two forms of gigantism, the acromegalic and 344 INTERNAL SECRETION the infantile ; but they lay stress upon the fact that the number of cases included in the former class increases as the two forms are more carefully studied, and that it would be hardly possible to bring forward a case of infantile gigantism which did not present some of the signs of acromegaly. The subject of infantile gigan- tism, if he lives until his epiphyses are ossified, becomes acrome- galic. After that, he ceases to increase in height and the endochondral is replaced by periosteal hyperossification. Launois and Roy showed that the skeleton of the giant Constantin, whose skeleton they very minutely investigated, presented the infantile type of gigantism in the extremities and the acromegalic type in the skull. Gigantism is the acromegaly of those individuals, irrespective of age, whose epiphysal cartilage has not undergone ossification. If all the subjects of gigantism are not acromegalic, they may at least become so. The fact that disturbances of growth are invariably associated with pathological changes in the hypophysis, led these authors to regard that organ as the source of origin of gigantism. That the hypophysis plays a leading part in the pathogenesis of gigantism is undoubted. This applies to those cases particu- larly in which gigantism has, from the first, been associated with acromegaly. In infantile gigantism, on the other hand, primary disgenitalism must be included as a probable causative factor. This is suggested by the similarity of the symptoms in this con- dition with those observed after castration before the onset of puberty, as well as by the relatively slight changes in the hypo- physis and the lateness of the stage at which these take place. According to Fichera, these changes are also only secondary results of the suppression of the activity of the sexual glands. The peculiar disposition of the hypophysis to pathological change, to which reference has already been made, may be the reason why, in these cases, the processes of growth are more prolonged, and the dimensions of the individual thus greater than is commonly the case after castration. A further factor in favour of gigantism is supplied by the thyroid gland. After early castration the thyroid generaliy atrophies and the suppression of its function brings about an inhibition of the processes of growth. But in the majority of the subjects of gigantism the thyroid has been found to be normal or even hypertrophied ; it seems possible that the condition may, in part, arise from the fact that the abnormal stimulation of the processes of growth, which results from the suppression of the sexual glands and the hypertrophy of the hypophysis, receives no inhibitory check from the thyroid gland. A few attempts have been made to treat gigantism by organo- therapeutic methods with ovarian and testicular extracts, but success has been very rare (Maisonave, Dor, Hudovernig). The results seem to show, however, that the primary genetic factor in HYPOPHYSIS CEREBRI 345 infantile gigantism is supplied by the defective internal secretory activity of the sexual glands. Fischera succeeded in modifying the changes in the hypophysis after castration by the exhibition of extract of the sexual glands, and this seems to suggest the employment of the method in the treatment of secondary hypo- physal disease. All researches into the pathogenesis of gigantism suggest that the condition is the outcome of hyperpituitarism ; that, in the acromegalic form, this hyperpituitarism is the primary cause of the abnormal development of the body; while, in the infantile form, it is probably the secondary result of primary disgenitalism, and acts in concert with the latter. Another pathological condition associated \vith changes in the hypophysis is hypophysal obesity, or dystrophia adiposogenitalis (Bartels). This condition was first described by A. Frohlich (1901). He found that, in a case which showed' symptoms of hypophysal tumour, there was a very rapid increase in corpu- lence, together with infantile character of the sexual glands, and he assumed that this peculiar clinical complex was produced by a specific action on the part of the hypophysis. Since that time Frohlich 's type has been described by a large number of observers. The most striking symptom is the obesity, which may attain enormous dimensions. It consists, partly in the deposition of fat in certain localities — particularly the breast and the abdomen — and partly in a general increase of the entire fat-body. At the same time the skin is remarkably dry and low in temperature, the secretion of the sweat glands is reduced, and there are trophic disturbances of the hair and nails. The second important symptom is the hypoplasia of the genitals, which is associated with imperfect development of the secondary genital organs, together with infantile habit. Symptoms of cerebral tumour, with suggested localization in the hypophysis, complete the clinical picture. The etiological significance of the hypophysis in this con- dition receives remarkable confirmation from a case described by Madelung, that of a Q-year-old girl, who developed signs of general obesity after a bullet wound in the head, the bullet remain- ing lodged in the sella turcica. But Erdheim disputed the hypophvsnl origin of this form of obesity, and showed that, in isolated cases, the hypophysis is found under the microscope to be entirely normal. He believes that the cause of the condition lies in an influence exerted by a tumour in some area at the base of the brain, and inclines to the infunclibulum, in which a trophic centre may be assumed. According to Marburg, however, Erdheim's observations do not supply proof of his theory; but even if we allow it to stand and assume that the infundibulum only is affected by the lesion, the condition might yet be due to indirect disturbance of the hypophysis, owing to the destruction of the glandular nerves which enter the hypophysis by way of the infundibulum. 346 INTERNAL SECRETION Dystrophia adiposogenitalis is regarded by some authors (Schiiller, Tandler, and Gross) as the result of primary genital atrophy. The influence of the internal secretory activity of the sexual glands upon metabolism, and especially the obesity which has long been known to follow the suppression of these organs, will be "described in a later chapter. If we consider, however, that the hypoplastic constitution shows, in addition to the signs of infantile habit, hypoplasia of the genitals, together with a remarkable development of the fat-body, we cannot be far out in assuming adiposis cerebralis to be the result of defective genital function together with secondary changes in other internal secretory organs. It is, however, worth noticing that, out of thirty-two cases of hypophysal obesity, twelve only showed genital atrophy; and that genital involution was not always observed in the earlier stages of the disease. It is hardly possible, in view of the results of experimental extirpation, to doubt the primary significance of the hypophysis in the causation of dystrophia adiposogenitalis. The extirpation of certain portions of the hypophysis, as well as of the entire organ, is followed by symptoms in animals which have a profound resemblance to the clinical type of hypophysal disease which Frohlich described. Experimental investigation by Gushing and by Aschner, as well as the results of my own experiments, all show that partial hypophysectomy is invariably followed by a considerable increase in the fat body, and by hypoplasia of the sexual glands and of the entire genital tract. In the young- animals which Aschmer operated upon there was also persistence of the infantile habit. These experimental results show, more- over, the nature of the derangement which takes place in the hypophysal function. If the symptoms described are induced in animals by experimental apituitarism, it is safe to conclude that the clinical type described by Frohlich results from reduced hypo- physal activity or hypopituitarism. This assumption does not appear to be confirmed, however, by the results of the operative treatment of dystrophia adiposo- genitalis. One of the first operations for hypophysal tumour successfully performed by v. Eiselsberg was upon the patient described by Frohlich. The operation was followed by the dis- appearance of the local symptoms due to the presence of the tumour, while at the same time there was an improvement in all the general symptoms which were attributable to the hypophysis. The weight fell, the obesity was reduced, hair grew at the pubes and in the axillae, and sexual activity manifested itself by erec- tions. The disappearance of the dystrophic symptoms after the removal of the hypophysal tumour appeared to be a weighty argument against the theory of hypopituitarism. There is, how- ever, another side to the question. If we assume that the tumour only was removed, and that the hypophysal tissue was otherwise HYPOPHYSIS CEREBRI 347 left intact, it is obvious that, with the removal of the tumour the obstruction of function was abolished, the latter being allowed to resume its normal course. This supposition is rendered more probable by the subsequent history of the case. The improve- ment lasted for nearly three years, the symptoms principally affected being those which had been caused by the tumour, while, after the first amelioration, the general symptoms ceased to make further progress. At the present time the patient is still of infantile habit, and there is no appreciable reduction of the corpu- lence. In three other cases of the same kind upon which v. Eiselsberg operated successfully, the tumour symptoms and the general condition were improved, but the state of the genital organs and the corpulence underwent no progressive improvement. The indication for surgical measures lies, not in the trophic dis- turbances, but almost exclusively in the progressive signs of cere- bral tumour, such as violent headache and threatening blindness; hence, if these symptoms show improvement, it is perfectly justifi- able to describe the result as " satisfactory." In certain cases, the operative removal of the tumour is undoubtedly the most rational method of procedure. The results which have just been described do not, however, disprove the significance of hypo- pituitarism as a factor in the etiology of dystrophia adiposo- genitalis. The results of organo-therapy in this condition are not unfavourable to the hypothesis of hyposecretion. Several accounts (Levy and Rothschild, Axenfeld, Delille) have been given of the beneficial effect of pituitary extract upon the obesity and the reduced sexual activity. On the other hand, there is a general consensus of opinion that the exhibition of pituitary extract in acromegaly is not only useless, but that in many instances it aggravates the symptoms. In considering the diseases which originate in the hypophysis, the fact is brought home to us — perhaps more nearly than in the case of the other internal secretory organs — that disturbance of the function of one organ is so intimately associated with dis- turbance of the function of others, that it is sometimes difficult to decide with certainty in which organ the primary pathological affection is to be sought. As long as ten years ago, Pineles pointed out the fact that there appears to be an intimate anatomical and physiological interrelationship between the different blood glands, which is manifested clinically by the fact that the patho- logical disturbance of one gland is accompanied by symptoms pointing to the functional derangement of one or more of the others. Knowing, as we do, the many sided interactivity which subsists between the different internal secretory organs, it is readily conceivable that isolated diseases of single organs of this group are very much rarer than, at a first glance, they would appear to be. In the present state of our knowledge, the only course of 348 INTERNAL SECRETION investigation which is open to us, is to start with the known results of the functional derangement of any organ, and, by following these up, to seek the primary link in the pathological chain. The scantiness of our knowledge concerning the function of the hypophysis and the experiments which have been undertaken, largely without success, with the object of determining the scope of the hypophysal function in animals, probably account for the fact that, in clinical conditions associated with changes in the hypophysis, other internal secretory organs (thyroid, thymus, sexual glands, pancreas, suprarenal) have always been accredited with an equal and simultaneous participation. This was the origin of the polyglandular syndrome of the French authors. Under the designation insuffisance pluriglandulaire, Claude and Gougerot (1907) described a symptom complex which they assumed to result from the general atrophy and functional insuffi- ciency of a number of internal secretory organs. Since then, a number of similar cases have been described. That we have not to do here with a well defined clinical entity is shown by the fact that the functional derangement, in either the positive or negative sense, of one organ is not by any means always followed by •corresponding changes in the activity of other organs of the group; for it more often happens that the hyperfunction of certain internal secretory organs is associated with hypofunction on the part of others, and vice versa. As a matter of fact, cases have been described in which polyglandular insufficiency was associated with either hyperpituitarism or with hypopituitarism (Delille). The formulation of a separate clinical entity of polyglandular origin, appears upon the whole to be premature. There is no doubt that clinical observation and experimental research will shed a good deal of light upon the interrelationships between the different internal secretory organs ; but until experimental investi- gation is put upon a sound physiological basis, we cannot hope for any certain illumination of the pathogenesis of the newer clinical types. THEORY OF THE FUNCTION OF THE HYPOPHYSIS. The study of the morphology, physiology and pathology of the hypophysis has supplied a good deal of information concerning the functional significance of that organ, but up to the present it has not sufficed to create a definite and finished picture of its physiological activity. The best that we can do is to draw from the facts at our disposal an approximate conclusion concerning the nature of the hypophysal function. Morphologically, the hypophysis appears to be an organ com- posed, both genetically and structurally, of two entirely different portions. The anterior lobe may justly be regarded as a secretory HYPOPHYSIS CEREBRI 349 gland; while the posterior lobe, which belongs genetically to the nervous system, is found to consist later of indifferent glia tissue. The intimate anatomical connection between these heterogeneous tissue formations is very remarkable. The importance of the anterior glandular portion is shown by the results of physiological investigation and of clinical obser- vation ; for we know7 that the removal of this part of the organ is inconsistent with the continuance of life, and that its pathological disturbance is followed by marked clinical symptoms. On the other hand, it is not apparent from either post-mortem findings or the results of experimental extirpation, that the suppression of the posterior portion is attended by any consequences whatsoever. If, however, the functional significance of the two portions is tested by the activity of the extracts which they supply, the results arrived at are very different. It must be remembered, however, that we possess no proof of any kind that the active substance present in pituitary extract, is formed in the organ during life and by it passed on into the blood-stream. The assumption of such a performance on the part of the hypophysis is founded upon analogy, and receives considerable support from the fact that the activity of pituitary extract is well defined and quite specific. It is, moreover, a very remarkable thing that the true glandula pituitaria yields an extract possessing no definite physiological properties ; while the extract obtained from the neurohypophysis produces definite and characteristic effects upon the animal organism. Such are the vaso-constriction and immense rise in blood-pressure produced in a number of organs; the stimulatory action upon certain muscular structures, such as the heart, and especially the uterus; and finally the increased diuresis. But neither the operative removal of the neurohypophysis nor the clinical symptoms which accompany hypophysal disease, supply any proof that the suppression or perversion of the activity of this part is accompanied by appearances pointing to the absence or superfluity of the specific active substance. In face of these facts, it is only with the greatest reserve that the substances in the infundibular portion of the hypophysis can be described as physiologically active hormones. The internal secretory activity of the neurohypophysis and its functional significance are in need of further investigation. We are more favourably placed in regard to the anterior lobe. In spite of the fact that the product of secretion has not as yet been obtained in the organic extract, there is no doubt that this portion of the hypophysis stands in intimate correlation with a number of other organs, and that their interactivity is effected by chemical means. That the £rlandula pituitaria belongs to thp group of the internal secretory organs is proved by two sets of facts. In the first place, anatomical changes — that is to sayr 350 INTERNAL SECRETION increased volume as the result of hyperplasia of the glandular cells — are produced in the anterior lobe of the hypophysis by alteration of function on the part of certain other internal secretory organs. Suppression or modification of the thyroid function and that of the sexual glands is followed by such hypertrophy. In the second place, functional and anatomical changes in the hypophysis are associated with changes in the thyroid gland, the genital glands, and perhaps also in the suprarenals. The exact manner in which these consecutive changes take place is not, as yet, exactly known. It is probable that hyperf unction of the hypophysis is associated with hypertrophy of the cortical portion of the suprarenals, together with a diminution both of function and of volume in the thyroid. The correlationship between the hypophysis and the genital glands appears to be even more complicated. Experiments with animals and observation of Frohlich's dystrophia adiposogenitalis show that hypoplasia of the genitals is combined with reduced hypophysal function ; while acromegaly and gigantism, which are regarded as manifestations of hyperpituitarism, are also characterized by defective sexual activity. The internal secretory activity of the hypophysis is mani- fested, moreover, in the influence which this organ has upon the metabolic processes which take place in the body. The most important is undoubtedly the effect which it has upon develop- ment. Even the hyperactivity of the hypophysis which is observed during pregnancy as the result of inhibition of the ovarian function, is associated with developmental changes which affect not the soft parts only, but also the bones. A greater degree of hyperpituitarism leads to abnormal growth in height and to remarkable increase in the volume of the acral portions. On the other hand, the removal of the anterior lobe of the hypophysis is followed in young individuals by a marked arrest of development. That form of hypopituitarism which leads, both in animals and man, to a conspicuous increase in the deposition of fat shows how important is the part which this organ plays in the metabolism of fat. THE PINEAL BODY. (GLANDULE PINEALIS, EPIPHYSIS, CONARIUM). The structure which Descartes believed to be the seat of the soul must, upon clinical grounds, be included among those organs which, by the agency of their internal secretion, exercise a demonstrable influence upon the somatic and psychic develop- ment of the individual, as well as upon the nutritional condition •of the body and of certain tissues. In a work published last year, O. Marburg gives a very complete account of the normal and THE PINEAL BODY 351 pathological histology of the pineal gland, together with a description and critical survey of the available clinical and patho- logico-anatomical material concerning the affections of that organ. Anatomy. — The pineal gland of man is, in the adult, a small flattened body, nearly trilateral in shape, which is suspended free between the anterior pair of corpora quadrigemina, with its base directed forwards over the roof of the third ventricle; it is con- nected with the posterior commissure of the third ventricle by means of a medullary lamina issuing from its ventral portion. A second medullary lamina, called the commissura habenularum, issues from the dorsal part of the pineal body; it tails off into a thin band, the pineal peduncle or habenula, and this is attached to a thickening, the trigonum habenula;, situated at the posterior end of the optic thalami. Between the two lamina; is the narrow passage, blind at its caudal end, of the recessus pinealis. The tela choroidea lies against the posterior portion of the dorsal surface of the pineal gland ; with the anterior portion it forms a pouch, the recessus suprapinealis, which opens into the third ventricle. Embryology. — From the roof of the thalamencephalon (diencephalon) of the lower vertebrates, according to Edinger, two buds are developed, which, proceeding dorsally, represent : (i) the paraphysis; and (2) the pineal tubercle or dorsal pouch. The paraphysis is not present in mammals, but the dorsal pouch is represented by the recessus suprapinealis. At the boundary of the thalamencephalon and the mesencephalon, are two other buds : (3) the parietal vesicle ; and (4) the epiphysis. From the parietal vesicle, in the lower vertebrates (fish, reptiles), the parietal organ is formed (though many authors believe it to be formed from a vesicular portion of the epiphysis), which breaks through the •cranial capsule at the parietal foramen and persists as the so- called " frontal patch " ; or, in saurians, as the parietal eye, which has a formation similar to that of the eye of invertebrates. The changes which take place in the position of the organ during the embryonal stage are shown by the course of the parietal nerve, by which communication with the ganglion habenula? is effected. In the loose connective tissue between the recessus suprapinealis and the pineal gland of new-born infants, Marburg found a structure resembling the parietal nerve and ganglion of reptiles. The pineal body is developed from the epiphysal protuberance, which throws out lateral buds, becomes vascular, and gradually changes into a glandular structure composed of solid cell masses. This gland is not furnished with ducts; it communicates with the brain by means of the pineal peduncle and the posterior commissure. Histology. — In new-born infants the pineal gland consists of irregular lobes held together by a small quantity of connective tissue; the lobes are composed of cells of almost the same type, 352 INTERNAL SECRETION but arranged irregularly, being crowded together in the interior of the organ. The pineal cells have a pale tinted protoplasm and very characteristic nuclei, these being large and oval, and crowded, over their entire circumference, with granules. Dimi- trowa distinguishes four different nucleus forms. Other im- portant histological details are : (i) The peculiar nature of the ependyma of the recessus pinealis, in which cubical epithelium and epithelium composed of goblet-like cylindrical cells alternate ; and (2) the cysts which are observed at the base and in the interior of the pineal gland of new-born infants, and which probably represent obliterated blood-vessels. The pineal gland shows signs of involution before the age of puberty, the first symptoms being observed in the seventh year. The concretions known as pineal sand or acervulus, which consist of calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate, are found in the glia layer which covers the commissura habenularum. As age increases, a distinct increase of the connective substance at the expense of the glandular tissue takes place. The glandular lobes are replaced by plaques composed of connective tissue and a very fibrous glia tissue, and these plaques contain isolated glandular cells. The connective tissue septa further undergo hyaline degeneration, and may completely calcify. Occasionally, homogeneous masses are observed in the septa or in the interior of the glandular lobes and, after the deposition of calcium salts, corpora arenacea are evolved from them. The glandular cells also present signs of involution, but, even in extreme old age, glandular cells are encountered which are intact and, apparently, still functionally active. Cysts formed, in the majority of cases, from the glia plaques as the result of obliteration of the blood-vessels, are a very common, finding in the pineal gland of adults. Physiological experiments with the pineal gland are described by E. v. Cyon. This author investigated the activity of extract of the pineal gland of oxen and sheep. He found that, when injected intravenously, they produced no effect upon blood- pressure, but that small doses accelerated the heart's action, while large doses retarded and strengthened it. Irregularity of the cardiac beats, bigeminal and trigeminal pulses were also fre- quently observed. According to v. Cyon, extract of pineal gland, when given in small doses, excites the nervi accelerantes only; in large doses it simultaneously stimulates the inhibitory cardiac nerves, but in so irregular a fashion that the harmonious counter- activity of the two sets of nerves is unbalanced. The cardiac beats become irregular, but these irregularities disappear after resection of both vagi. Further experiments showed that glycero- sodium phosphate acts in the same manner as weak doses of pineal extract, while glycero-calcium phosphate produces action beats, as they are called, in the same way as' large doses of pineal extract; but unlike those produced by pineal extract, these action THE PINEAL BODY 353 beats continue after resection of the vagi. The results of these experiments led v. Cyon to assume that it was the function of the pineal gland to store up certain salts in organic combination ; and that the physiological action of pineal extract is explained by the presence of these salts, in comparatively large quantities, both in the concretions in the spaces and distributed throughout the tissue of the pineal gland. Calcium phosphate forms the larger proportion of these salts. v. Cyon also describes the results of direct experimental stimulation of the exposed pineal gland of rabbits. He found that electric stimulation produced contraction, together with a change in the length and the shape of the organ. He supposes this contraction to be produced by the striated muscles, the presence of which in the pineal gland of oxen and calves has been proved histologically by Nicolas and Dimitrowa. According to v. Cyon, a contraction combined with a shifting of the pineal gland would regulate the in- and out-flow of the cerebro-spinal fluid in the third ventricle. Thus the pineal gland would fulfil the mechanical function of automatically controlling the flow of the fluid in the aqueduct of Silvius, enlarging or reducing the channel in accordance with the pressure in the third ventricle, v. Cyon thinks that, like the thyroid gland and the hypophysis, the pineal gland belongs to that group of organs which, acting partly alone and partly in physiological concert, control inter- cranial pressure. v. Cyon's experiments have not, as yet, been confirmed. As far as the effect of pineal extract is concerned, Dixon and Halli- burton (IQOQ) state that its intravenous injection is without definite effect either upon blood-pressure or the cardiac contrac- tions. The effect of pineal extract upon respiration, the intestines, and the urinary secretion, is negative. Pathological Anatomy. — Virchow was the first to draw atten- tion to the pathological formation of cysts in the pineal gland. Cysts have been recently described, the presence of which was attended by no clinical signs whatever. In a number of in- stances, serious pathological symptoms were present. Teratoid formations are of frequent occurrence in the pineal gland. Since Weigert's classical description (1875), several accounts of pineal teratoma have been given. Askanazy (1906) regarded these formations as developments from a germ which gained access to the pineal gland at the earliest stage of embryonal life. Marburg believes the starting point of pineal teratoma to be the primordial beginning of the parietal eye. In so far as the clinical results are concerned, Askanazy supposes that these tumours act like a foetus and produce certain anomalies of growth to be described later. According to Marburg, these anomalies of growth are the result of premature destruction of the active func- tional pineal tissue. 23 354 INTERNAL SECRETION Tumour forms of the most varied description — glioma, sar- coma, carcinoma, and tumours composed of different kinds of tissue — have all been observed in the pineal gland. Clinical Signs of Pineal Affection. — Disease of the pineal gland is accompanied by certain very characteristic clinical signs, which are to an extent analogous with those which accompany pituitary disease. Total destruction of the pineal gland, such as may be brought about by malignant tumours, was in six cases accompanied by profound cachexia with trophic derangement (decubitus). In a case of pineal carcinoma described by Hempel, there was obesity during the early stages which later developed into serious fat- atrophy. In a case observed by Marburg, that of a 9-year-old girl with symptoms of cerebral tumour, there was extreme obesity. The autopsy showed a compound tumour of the pineal gland. The literature of the subject provides other instances in which pineal tumour is accompanied by remarkably good nutritional conditions and exceptional development of the fat-body. Genital atrophy, which invariably accompanies hypophysal obesity, is absent in pineal disease, and Marburg is inclined to regard pineal obesity as the result of increase in the amount of the active functional pineal tissue, in other words, as a manifestation of hyperpinealism. This deduction is by no means conclusive, for, in the first place, as Marburg himself points out, it is extremely difficult to form an opinion concerning the condition of the gland ; and in the second, an exceptional development of the fat-body is also observed in forms of pineal disease, which both the clinical sym- ptoms and the anatomical findings show to be the outcome, not of an increase, but of a reduction of the active functional pineal tissue. Of paramount interest are the observations published by Ogle, Gutzeit, Oestreich-Slawyk, and more recently by v. Frankl- Hochwart. In boys of under 7 years, in addition to symptoms of cerebral tumour and disease of the corpora quadrigemina, these authors observed abnormal growth in height, abnormal growth of hair, premature development of the genital organs and of sexual instinct, and mental precocity. The autopsy revealed pineal tumour, generally teratoma. In these cases, the abnormal growth, the premature mental and physical development, and the remarkable genital hypertrophy were associated with a diminution of the pineal tissue, or with what Marburg defined as dispinealism. These data point inevitably to the conclusion that the pineal gland is an internal secretory organ which influences metabolism, though the details of its functional activity are at present not ascertained. Still more important is the fact that, during the period of its complete development, that is to say, until the seventh year, this organ exercises a definite and apparently inhibitory influence upon the development of the sexual glands, and it is THE GENERATIVE GLANDS 355 probable that it has a secondary effect upon mental develop- ment. The destruction of the pineal gland at this stage of exist- ence leads to mental and physical precocity. That there is an antagonism between the activity of the pineal gland and that of the hypophysis is certain, for we know that pituitary insufficiency produces hypogenitalism. I have occupied myself for some time with experiments, the main object of which has been to determine the clinical results of pineal suppression. I have succeeded, so far, in extirpating the pineal gland by a method similar to that which I employed in hypophysectomy. As far as my observations go, the pineal gland in the adult animal is a negligible quantity ; my experiments with young animals are not as yet complete. THE GENERATIVE GLANDS. The generative glands possess chemical interrelationships with a large number of other organs and tissues. The importance of the part which these glands play in the general economy of the organism is shown by a wealth of evidence such as is forth- coming in the case of no other organ. It will be shown in the following pages that, not only are physiological and pathological processes modified by the function of the sexual glands, but that the activity of these organs is associated with the profoundest problems of general biology and embryology. The first problem is concerned with the sexual characteristics. In almost every class of animal, the type is represented and maintained by two different groups of individuals, which differ more or less widely from one another in habit, anatomical struc- ture, functional activity, and certain other attributes. These groups are defined as the male and female sexes. The question arises as to whether this difference in the organization of the sexes, this dimorphism, as it is called, is the outcome of the differ- ence in the nature of the organs of reproduction. That these organs are described as ' sexual ' organs is an illustration of the prevailing inclination to regard the stigmata of sex as de- pendent upon the organs of generation. Before the days of anatomy, and the view prevails to-day among primitive peoples (the Russian scopts, according to Pelikan, and the natives of India, according to Roberts), the external genital organs and, in women, the breasts, were regarded as the factors responsible for the characteristics of sex. The Russian scopts believe that women are rendered sterile by the removal of the breasts and the external genitals. Helmont said: " Propter solum uterum mulier est quod est," and this dictum was modified by the French physician Cherau into : ' Propter ovarium solum mulier est quod est." Virchow expressed the same view in these words : " Woman is 356 INTERNAL SECRETION woman by reason of her generative glands. All the peculiarities of her body and mind . . . everything, in fact, which in the true woman we admire and revere as womanly, is dependent upon the ovary." There are others (Geoffrey St. Hilaire, Klebs, Puech, Hegar), however, who adopt a different view. Quite recently, weighty arguments have been advanced by several authors (Hegar, Halban, Pfluger) against the dependence of somatic and psychic sexual characteristics upon the genital glands. In order to grasp the precise significance of the problem, we must first ask ourselves the question : What is the decisive factor in the determination of sex? What is it which decides whether from the fertilized egg, which contains both maternal and paternal chromosomes in equal number, a male or a female individual shall proceed ? It is possible that sexual distinction exists in the unfertilized egg; that, in fact, there are male and female ova which, after fertilization, develop in accordance with an already determined sex. In certain of the lower forms of life this is actually the case. Under certain favourable external conditions, the aphis produces only females ; at a low temperature with slight atmo- spheric humidity, both males and females are produced, and these pair. The pregnant female does not produce young, but lays eggs, and from these, females are again hatched out. It is evident that the sex of the individual is here determined in the unfertilized egg. Korschelt showed that Dinophilus apatris, a small worm, lays eggs of two different sizes and that, from the larger of these, females develop, while from the smaller, males proceed. Both Nussbaum and Maupas found that, in the case of wheel- animalcule (Hydatina senta}, the larger eggs of which develop into females and the smaller into males, the results were affected by external factors acting on the mother, such as surrounding temperature and nutritional conditions. A second method of sex differentiation, and one which recent discoveries have shown in process of action, is by two distinct varieties of spermatozoa. In certain insects, hemiptera and ortho- ptera, two kinds of sperma cells are present, which differ from one another in their chromosome contents. According to Wilson, females proceed from eggs fertilized by cells with accessory chromosome, males from eggs fertilized by the other cells.* In bees, ants and wasps the conditions are different, there being only one kind of egg and one kind of spermatozoon. Males are produced by parthenogenesis, females proceed from fertilized ova. The queen bee is impregnated once only, the semen being * According to Omelczenko, Selenew and others, two kinds of sperma- tozoon are also present in mammals and in man. Gram stains the body of the one violet, of the second red. The two kinds of spermatozoon-bodies are supposed to represent the two sexes. THE GENERATIVE GLANDS 357 retained in the receptaculum seminis. From the eggs into which the sperm cells penetrate, females — that is queens and workers- are hatched, while from the unfertilized eggs, males — that is drones — proceed. Lenhossek thinks it possible that the sperm cells find access only to those eggs which possess female charac- teristics and that they do not penetrate the male eggs. These observations show that, in the lowrer forms of life, sex differentiation may already exist in the unfertilized egg, or it may be determined in the course of, or immediately after, fertilization. But it must not be imagined that these observations apply indiscriminately to animals of the higher orders. On the contrary, where these are concerned, we know neither the factor which determines sex nor the moment at which sex is decided. The fact that twins from one ovum — which are probably the out- come of division of the germ at a very early stage of segmenta- tion— are almost invariably of the same sex, suggests that the determination of sex in man also takes place at a very early developmental stage. This assumption is contradicted, however, by a large number of facts. In the first place, the primordial beginning of the body is, in all vertebrates, sexually indifferent. It is not until the embryo has made considerable advancement — at the fifth week in man — that a differentiation of the primitive genital trace into a unisexual genital gland takes place. It may be that in vertebrates, as well as in invertebrates, both male and female glands develop simultaneously from the same primitive genital trace. As Pfliiger showed in the case of Bufo cinereus, there is a developmental stage of true hermaphroditism, which later passes off. Cases of herma- phroditismus biglandularis are sometimes, though rarely, met with in man ; these are individuals in which the generative glands of both sexes are present either on one or both sides, or a female gland on one side and a male gland on the other side. These findings show that the sex of the individual is not determined until a late stage of development, and that the differentiation of the unisexual glands does not take place until after the develop- ment of the undifferentiated sexual cells. If the specific generative gland is regarded as the charac- teristic of sex, the body of the embryo must be regarded as sexless as long as the primitive genital trace remains undif- ferentiated. Such being the case we should be compelled lo admit that the determining factor in the differentiation of sex is, as far as our present knowledge goes, unknown. We simply do not know why it is that, at a certain moment in the life of the embryo, the primitive genital trace develops, in one instance into a testis, in another into an ovary, and in certain very rare cases, into both. But sexual dimorphism is not confined to dimorphism of the cells of generation ; it extends to other bodily characteristics. 358 INTERNAL SECRETION There is a striking difference, in the two sexes, in the structure of the excretory ducts from the genital glands and in the external genitals, as well as in those organs which are called the secondary genital organs. The study of embryology shows that the primitive beginning of these apparatuses is, in both sexes, common and indifferent. In addition to the primitive genital trace, it comprises the Wolffian body or primordial kidney, the Wolffian duct or primordial ureter, and Muller's duct. The latter runs along the lateral side of the Wolffian duct and has a common opening with the latter into the sinus urogenitalis. At the end of the third month of embryonal life, this primitive beginning becomes differentiated in accordance with the characteristics of one or the other sex, and develops to form either the male or the female sexual apparatus. But whichever the sex of the individual, portions of the charac- teristics of the other sex remain as rudimentary organs. If a testis develops from the primitive genital trace, an epididymis is formed from the head portion of the Wolffian body ; the caudal portion forms blind ducts which eventually become the paradidymis and aberrant ducts ; and the Wolffian duct be- comes the vas deferens. Muller's duct disappears, but the caudal and cranial portions remain to form the hydatid of Morgagni and the sinus pocularis (uterus masculinus). Where the primitive genital trace develops to form an ovary, Muller's ducts form the Fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina. That portion of the Wolffian body which is in communication with the ovarian tract shrivels up to form the parovarium (epoophoron), which corresponds to the male epididymis. Vestiges of the caudal portion of the Wolffian body persist as the paroophoron, situated in the ligamentum latum, and occasionally also as structures cor- responding to the ductuli aberrantes. The cranial portion of the Wolffian duct forms a portion of the epoophoron with the appen- dix vesicularis, while the remnants of the caudal portion form the so-called ducts of Gaertner. This brief sketch of the developmental history of the sexual apparatuses shows that the primordial beginning of the secondary genital organs is independent of that of the generative glands. The secondary genital organs have a bisexual origin and, in the adult animal, these show a certain degree of hermaphroditism. This bisexual origin leads occasionally to the development of both sets of genital ducts and external genitals, thus producing instances of pseudo-hermaphroditism. Pseudo-hermaphrodites are individuals in whom the genital glands are unisexual, while the rest of the genital apparatus is, either wholly or in part, bisexual. As a general rule, the development of the excretory ducts proceeds in accordance with the sexual character of the genital glands, though malformations have been observed which seem THE GENERATIVE GLANDS 359 to disprove such dependence. Such are the cases of double con- genital agenesis of the genital glands, with complete development of the external and internal sexual organs. Interesting cases of hermaphroditic malformation have been observed in animals. Kolliker describes a pig 15 months old, which had well-developed testes, shrivelled seminal vesicles and Cowper's glands, and a large uterus with two cornua. v. la Valette St. George describes the findings in a striped water-newt (Triton tccniatus) as follows : Testicles and male secondary sexual stigmata, large ovaries but no oviduct. Gerhartz observed a Rana esculenta with proponderating male characteristics, which also possessed a well-formed oviduct, but had no ovaries nor were eggs present in the testes. These observations show that the secondary genital organs are not only not derived from the same primitive beginning as the genital glands, but that their further development also is sometimes independent of the latter. There are certain exceptions to the rule that the sexual character of the secondary organs is in accordance with that of the genital glands. In addition to the differentiated genital organs, which form the primary stigmata of sex, there are other phenomena by which the sexes are characterized. J. Hunter described these as " secondary sexual characteristics " and includes under this head- ing all the specific appearances which are not directly concerned with the processes of reproduction. It is true, as Darwin pointed out, that this definition is a loose one, for it is extremely difficult to decide in individual cases whether a detail of structure or of function is concerned with reproduction or not. The term " secondary sexual characteristics ' is inexact for another reason, namely, that it suggests a dependence of these characteristics upon the genital glands, and of this we have at present no proof. As we have shown in dealing with the secondary genital organs, such proof is difficult to obtain. The only justifiable grounds for distinction is the differentia- tion between the cells of generation and the other somatic cells, which is manifested in their biological behaviour. The somatic cells are independent and capable of fission, but they are transitory structures. The cells of generation, on the other hand, are not autonomous, but they possess the capacity of forming another individual after their nuclear portion has combined with that of cells of the opposite sex. Thus in all organisms with a sexual digenetic method of re- production, there are two types of biologically incomplete cells of generation, the male and the female, and these only attain completion by means of the process of fertilization. The somatic cells are completely autonomous, and a bio- logical differentiation, such as that which characterizes the cells of generation, is superfluous to their development; sexual dimor- 360 INTERNAL SECRETION phism is absolutely excluded. But experience shows that there are recognizable differences between the greater number of the cells and tissues in the two sexes. Apart from the genital apparatus and the organs associated with its functions, such as the mam- mary glands, male and female individuals differ widely from one another physically, as in the details of the skeleton, the dis- tribution and the amount both of the adipose tissue and the hair, the development of the larynx, &c. ; and these physical differences are accompanied by equally marked psychic divergence. These facts suggest the question : Are the somatic cells sexual in character ? That is to say, are they formed from a male or female primitive origin ? There is a second possibility, namely, that the sexual differentiation of the somatic cells is secondary and dependent upon the unisexual cells of generation, that is, upon the reproductive glands. Both these hypotheses have their sup- porters. A large number of authors, Tandler and Gross more par- ticularly, have laid stress upon the fact that what are called the secondary sexual characteristics are, in reality, only characteristics of the species, that is to say, properties peculiar to a species or an order of vertebrates and having no primary relationship with the organs of generation. Thus the mammary glands are the out- come of an agglomeration of sweat glands which, later, became the engine of a different function and was included within the sphere of influence of the organs of reproduction. The beard of the anthropoid apes and of man was also originally a charac- teristic of species, for the upper lip of the human fcetus is clothed with a hirsute growth which attains equal development in both sexes. The antlers of the cervida?, again, were originally specific characteristics of unknown function, which afterwards acquired a secondary relationship to sex. Tandler and Gross were able to prove that in the fcetus of the roe-deer there is a primitive antler trace, the appearance of which is exactly similar in both sexes, the only difference being that in the case of the male development is progressive, while in the female further develop- ment takes place in very rare instances only. The formation of the antlers of reindeer is identical in both sexes, and the develop- ment of the antlers in the female is unaffected by castration. But this translation of the characteristics of sex into charac- teristics of species merely postpones the solution of the problem ; it does not supply any evidence in favour of either of the current hypotheses. The characteristic signs of species are undoubtedly foreshadowed in the embryo, but the direction of their subsequent development must depend on one of two determining causes : either thev already possess a tendency to develop in a certain manner, that is to sav, thev have sex ; or their development is modified and differentiated by the internal secretory activity of a genital gland. Both are possible. If the secondary sex THE GENERATIVE GLANDS 361 characteristics are regarded as characteristics of species, then the assumption of a primitive trace, which is equally developed in individuals of both sexes and which undergoes secondary dif- ferentiation through the agency of the genital gland, supplies a more probable hypothesis than that of Tandler, who held that the sexual nature of the secondary characteristics, like that of the genital glands, is determined in the ovum. But even if we accept the first hypothesis, we are compelled to concede that the normal development of the modified characteristics of species is dependent upon the existence of an active genital gland; and that the sexual differentiation of new-born infants is the outcome of the activity of the genital gland during foetal life. We will now proceed to a closer examination of the two conflicting hypotheses concerning the origin of the sexual dimor- phism of the somatic cells. The one theory assumes that all the primordial embryonal cells are sexually differentiated, and that the differentiation of the somatic cells takes place before that of the cells of the primi- tive genital trace. The assumption is that the unknown factor, which decides whether the indifferent genital beginning shall develop into a testis or an ovary, also acts upon the somatic cells, thus laying the foundation for those differences of body in the case of the two sexes, which make their appearance at a later developmental stage. The evidence in support of this view is supplied by the follow- ing facts :- In foetuses and new-born infants, a large number of tissues are already sexually differentiated. That female babies have smaller hands and feet and a lower average weight when born than males, is well known. There is also a difference in the brain of the two sexes and there is a very marked differentiation of the bony framework of the pelvis. It is also known that certain anatomical variations occur only in the male, certain others only in the female. According to Rabl and Fischel, supernumerary ribs and vertebra? are more frequently observed in males, while a deficiency in the number of lumbar vertebrae is most frequent in females. These observations cannot, however, be regarded as con- clusive ; for differences between the tissues of male and female fcetuses do not make their appearance until after differentiation of the genital glands, and the possible influence of the latter can- not be excluded. Fehling was unable to observe female charac- teristics in the pelvis before the fifth month of fcctal life, while the primitive genital trace undergoes differentiation in the fifth week. The condition of pseudo-hermaphroditism has supplied a large number of facts which point to the independence of the sexual differentiation of the somatic cells from that of the ceils 362 INTERNAL SECRETION of generation. Not only does the genital apparatus in pseudo- hermaphrodites show abnormal development, though in a vary- ing degree, but these individuals possess secondary somatic and psychic sex characteristics which are not in accordance with the type of their sexual glands. There are, further, those numerous and undoubtedly bona fide instances in which individuals, with normal unisexual genital glands and normal internal and external genitals, possess more or less clearly marked heterologous sexual characteristics. Such are the large-boned muscular women with flat chests, narrow hips, deep voices, and more or less beard; and the beardless men with rounded outlines and soft flesh, with well-developed mammary glands and high-pitched feminine voices. Halban suggests the name hermaphroditismus secundarius for this class of abnormality, thus enlarging the definition of hermaphroditism to include the secondary stigmata of sex. Moreover, Halban considers that the psychic properties and peculiarities of character, which are described by the terms "masculinity" and "femininity," are congenital characteristics of sex, and' the perversion of these he also includes under the heading of secondary pseudo-hermaphro- ditism. To consider the more detailed aspect of hermaphroditism and to describe the abnormal combinations of sexual stigmata which have been observed would take us too far afield. The literature of the subject is considerable. Neugebauer, in his recent report, describes 1,300 cases of pseudo-hermaphroditism; but these observations do not furnish certain evidence either for or against the dependence of somatic sexual distinctions upon the cells of generation. It is affirmed upon all sides that anomalies of the sexual system are very frequently accompanied by structural de- fects in other parts of the body, and that these defects are of a kind which arise, in part, at a very early stage of development (Hegar). So experienced a scientist as Neugebauer regards pseudo-hermaphroditism as actually one of the symptoms of general malformation. And Pick has recently shown that the genital glands of pseudo-hermaphrodites are primarily malformed from the time of the primitive genital trace; he points to the remarkable preponderance of teratoma and tumours developed from a teratomatoid primordial origin among the new formations of pseudo-hermaphrodites. Pick regards these tumours as tissue proliferations from a previous embryonal malformation, in a malformed embryonal organ. It is interesting in this connection that Bertkau, who has brought together all the known instances of hermaphroditism among arthropoda, arrived at the conclusion that all conditions leading 'to abnormality of any kind are favourable to the development of hermaphroditism. These observations seem very clearly to suggest that the cause of the absence of the somatic stigmata of sex is to be found in the imperfect differentiation of the cells of generation. THE GENERATIVE GLANDS 363 The presence of heterologous sex characteristics has been explained in various ways. Benda adopted the view that in the higher vertebrates the primitive trace of the entire sexual apparatus is female, and that the male type is a modified form of the female, the outcome of specific influences at present unknown. Herbst, on the contrary, assumes a primary male primitive trace, together with stimulatory and inhibitory activities on the part of the genital glands, by which the development of the sex characteristics is affected. These hypotheses are superfluous, however, in view of the now certain fact, that the primitive genital trace is originally in- different, therefore bi-sexual and, in the true sense of the term, hermaphroditic. Moreover, true hermaphrodites are not so rare as was formerly believed to be the case. We now know that true hermaphroditism, in the morpho- logical sense of the term, is observed in man, and that it occurs in the form which formerly appeared most doubtful, namely, hermaphroditism of the glands (ovotestis). It has been asserted that physiological hermaphroditism, by which is meant the presence of both sets of glands in a state of physiological activity, is never encountered among the higher vertebrates; that certain species of fish (myxina, serranus, and some carp) are the only representatives of physiological herma- phroditic vertebrates. If, by the function of the genital glands, we understand the production of semen and the release of ova, this pronouncement is undoubtedly right. But in view of the internal secretory func- tion of these glands, we are justified in describing as physiological hermaphroditism those cases where tissue of the genital glands of both sexes is morphologically demonstrable ; or rather, those tissue elements to which a specific internal secretory activity is ascribed. From the accounts of zoologists and veterinary sur- geons, it appears that hermaphroditic glands, that is to say, genital glands composed of both testicular and ovarian paren- chyma, are of very frequent occurrence. A communication made by Tourneux is particularly interesting; he states that in the female mole there is, in addition to a functionally active ovary, a rudimentary testicle, that is, rudimentary seminiferous tubules with interstitial cells. It is highly probable that the cells of Leydig in the testicle and analogous cells in the stroma ovarii, represent the internal secretory tissue of the genital glands. If this is the case, the findings described in the previous paragraph must be regarded as proofs of the existence of physiological hermaphroditism in mammals. Whether glandular hermaphroditism, either partial or com- plete, occurs in man is a question which can be settled only bv exact anatomical and histological investigation. But, owing 364 INTERNAL SECRETION partly to the indefinite localization of hermaphroditic glands, and partly to the undefined nature of their histological characteristics, such observation is very difficult to carry out. If definite proof of glandular hermaphroditism were forthcoming, it would be easy to account for the presence of heterologous sex characteristics. The assumption would necessarily be that male and female forma- tive influences are mutually exclusive, and that the sex charac- teristics of the body are in accordance with the nature of the genital gland which is best developed and functionally most active. But the important point in this connection would be, not the conditions governing the functions of external secretion (sperma- togenesis, ovulation), but the degree of development and func- tional activity of that tissue of the genital gland by which the internal secretion is elaborated. It is only by the assumption of a hermaphroditic primitive genital trace, together with the dependence of the somatic and psychic sex characteristics upon the internal secretory activity of the genital glands, that we can explain those cases in which com- plete alteration of single sex characteristics, or even of the entire sexual character, takes place during the life of the individual. These cases appear to be by no means exceptional, though they have not received the attention which they deserve. A case of Friedrich-Grawitz's, recently described by Alberti, is very interesting in this connection. The subject wras a girl of 20, with clearly defined female habit, well-developed mammary glands, and regular menstruation, who gradually reverted to the masculine type, with cessation of the menses. The adipose tissue diminished and the body became covered with hairs; the breasts, which \vere previously very well developed, became soft ; the hair of the head became short and thin ; the voice deepened ; and thick, dark whiskers and moustache made their appearance. Three years later she was operated upon for ovarian tumour ; and she eventually died of peritonitis, the outcome of twisting of the pedicle by rotation of a multilocular cystoma. A large number of analogous cases have been described, in which the female stigmata have, after puberty or even late in life, reverted to the male type, and vice versa (Zambini, Freund, Hegar, Wilson, Parhon and Goldstein, Hammond, Djemil- Pascha). In some instances, there was more or less complete disappearance of certain well-marked stigmata of the one sex, their place being taken by corresponding characteristics of the other. As a general rule, however, the alteration in the sex characters followed pathological processes, of traumatic or idio- pathic origin, in the genital glands. Important evidence in favour of the hermaphroditic nature of the primitive genital trace and of the dependence of the characteristics of sex upon the internal secretion of the pre- ponderating specific genital tissue, is provided by those not very THE GENERATIVE GLANDS 365 rare cases in which the physiological cessation of the function of the genital glands is followed by more or less alteration in the sex characters. Women at the menopause have been known to develop male characteristics, such as a deep masculine voice and hirsute growth upon the face and body. Castration late in life is not followed by any demonstrable changes in the sex characteristics, and prepubertal castration, as we shall see later, produces not heterosexualism, but infantilism. But the perverted sex characteristics described above are the result of the suppression of the ovarian function. These facts suggest that in the case of castration, extirpation of the genital glands includes the removal of the rudimentary portions of heterosexual tissue ; while in cases of ovarian inadequacy, these heterosexual rudiments have acquired a determining influence upon the de- velopment of primitive beginnings which are present in in- dividuals of both sexes. The same theory accounts for the perversion of sex charac- teristics in animals ; such are, male sheep and goats which yield milk, and female goats and sheep with beard and horns; antlered females among the cervidae ; hens with cock's plumage or arrhenoidia, the reverse condition, thelyidia, in cocks, &c. The phenomenon of cock's plumage in hens has been extensively investigated by A. Brandt. It appears that the changes are not confined to the plumage, but that these birds acquire other male characteristics; they crow or sing and, in the absence of the cock, thev lead the other females. j Brandt points out that arrhenoidia and thelyidia are normal conditions in certain species of birds, where they occur in- dependently of changes in the genital glands, as the expression merely of variability of the external sex characteristics. They are congenital, however, in hermaphroditism and in other anomalies; they are acquired after loss or degeneration of the internal genitals ; and they occur most frequently as accompani- ments of senile degeneration of the ovaries with sterility, and of obliteration of the oviduct. A. Rorig has made antler formation and the manner in which it is influenced by the reproductive organs the subject of careful investigation. The antlers of the stag are acquired secondary characteristics, developed at a period when "the strong projecting canine teeth, the original weapons of his forefathers, had proved an inadequate means of defence, and the method of fighting forehead to fore- head during the rutting season had been evolved." The sexual character of the antlers is shown by the fact that ' these organs of aggression invariably attain to full development at a period immediately preceding the rutting season, and that they are shed a short time after its close." Rorig brings forward a large amount of material, chiefly 366 INTERNAL SECRETION anatomico-biological in character, to show that the absence of one or both antlers does not affect the virility of the animal. Absence of antlers may accompany abnormal formation of the male sexual organs. Old females, which have become sterile, incline to antler formation, as do also females with diseased internal genitals. The antler development of hermaphrodites is said to be more influenced by the epididymis than the testes. Rb'rig is unable to give a satisfactory explanation of abnor- malities, and he closes his treatise with the remark that the originating cause of the malformation of antlers will probably remain a problem for some time to come. Those cases in which the secondary sex characteristics are changed on one side only, usually upon the same side as the gland with which they correspond, may also be taken as evidence in favour of the theory that sex characteristics are dependent upon the genital glands. The one-sided development of the mammary glands in men and the development of a single antler in female cervidas are frequently advanced as instances of one-sided pervertion of the stigmata of sex. But that these deductions are inconclusive is shown by the fact that very different accounts are given of the manner in which the antlers of stags are affected by one-sided castration. Some authors state that one-sided castration is fol- lowed by loss of the antler on the same side ; others again affirm that it is the antler of the opposite side which is lost. A case described by M. Weber is frequently quoted as an instance of asymmetry in the somatic sex characteristics. Weber observed a finch (Fringilla coelebs] \vhich possessed a right testis and had male colouring and plumage upon the right side; the left side was female in colouring and plumage, and was furnished with an ovary. This freak of nature is very difficult of explana- tion. Halban, and later Pfliiger, regarded this bird as a one-sided hermaphrodite, not only in regard to the arrangement of its genital glands, but also in its somatic sex characters. Nussbaum, on the other hand, regards this case as proof of the great influence of the nerves upon the secondary sex characteristics. The stig- mata of sex are usually arranged symmetrically upon both sides of the body; but it is important to remember, in this connection, that Vircho\v laid special stress upon the fact that, in the male pseudo-hermaphrodite Katharina Hohmann, the left side of the body, in which the genital anomaly was situated, was generally (extremities, rump, face) less well developed than the right. The results of castration in both man and animals have fre- quently been advanced as evidence in favour of the congenital origin of the characteristics of sex. It is an undeniable fact that, if the genital glands are removed at the earliest possible date from two individuals of the same species, but of different sex, these THE GENERATIVE GLANDS 367 individuals will not show complete identity of habit, either imme- diately after operation or later ; certain characteristics, such as beard and the mammas, will develop in accordance with their original sex. Castrated males grow a certain, though scanty., amount of hair on the face. These results are accounted for by the fact, that the sexual differentiation of the tissues probably takes place during fcetal life through the agency of the already dif- ferentiated genital glands, and that after suppression of the genital glands the primitive beginnings of individual stigmata continue to grow and attain a certain imperfect degree of develop- ment. The same applies to Ondermann's much-quoted experiments with Oeneria dispar, and those of Kellog with silk-worms. Cas- tration of the caterpillar did not obliterate the signs of sexual dimorphism in the butterfly. In all these cases, castration was performed at so late a period that the possible influence of the genital gland upon the develop- ment of the somatic stigmata was not entirely excluded. In order to decide the question as to whether the sex of the soma is congenital or not, it would be necessary to extirpate the undifferentiated sexual glands of the foetus. The only evidence on this point is that supplied by Nature in the case of the so- called parasitic castration of crustaceans. It has long been known that certain crabs are attacked by parasites which belong to the isopods of the family Bopyrida?. These parasites are never found in fully-developed male crabs and for this reason it has been asserted that female crabs are their only hosts. Giard, who investigated this question very thoroughly, found that the Bopyridas enter their host only during the early youth of the latter ; that they attack both male and female individuals; and that they effect the destruction of the genital glands of their host. The result of this early gonotomy is that the host does not develop sexual characteristics of any kind, but becomes neuter in every sense of the term. Even more interesting is the fact that, in certain orders (Slenorynchus), the males which have been castrated in this manner, after casting their shell several times, assume the habit of the female type so completely, that for a long time they were believed to be females or were regarded as of a different species. I believe myself that this remarkable occurrence is explained by the fact that the invading parasites are females only, which attain to sexual maturity within the body of their host, and that the female genital gland of the parasite has a determining influence upon the de- velopment of the sex characteristics of the host. It appears then, that we have to do here with an instance of early castration accompanied by simultaneous transplantation of the heterosexual genital gland, and the results seem to show that the somatic sex characteristics are dependent upon the cells of generation. 368 INTERNAL SECRETION We are justified in assuming from the evidence which has been brought forward that the stigmata of sex are, from their earliest beginnings, dependent upon the genital gland, and that for this reason they are very rightly termed " secondary." That they attain to complete development by the agency of the cells of generation only, is a point which has never been questioned. That the somatic differences between the sexes are dependent upon their genital glands is shown, in animals, by the signs which accompany the periodic recurrence of the rutting period, and in man by the phenomena of puberty. The maturity of the organs of generation at the rutting period is accompanied by remarkable changes in the structure and functional capacity of the body, which last only so long as the increased activity of the reproductive organs is maintained. Every one is familiar with the brilliant coloration of the plumage, the rich, full song, and the activity and love-play of birds in the mating season. In other classes, the amphibia, for instance, the males and females are distinguished by certain peculiarities during the mating season in the spring and early summer. The male water- salamander acquires a head-comb, the male batrachian, callosities upon the thumbs. Nussbaum's careful experiments have proved beyond all doubt that, in the case of animals with recurrent mating season, the internal secretion of the genital gland of the male has an enormous influence, not only upon the genital apparatus, but upon the rutting organs which are closely related to the processes of reproduction. In the brown land-frog, Rana fusca, the seminal vesicles, the thumb callosities, and certain of the fore-arm muscles undergo annual cyclic changes which accord with the rutting season. These organs swell up, become hypertrophied, and at the expiration of the spawning period undergo involution. The removal of the testicle from one side has no effect upon the rutting organs, but if castration is performed during the period of sexual quiescence, the rutting organs will not develop at the next rutting season. Nussbaum introduced portions of testicle into the dorsal lymph-space of such castrated male frogs, with the result that the rutting organs began to hypertrophy in exactly the same way as those of uncastrated animals. The portions of testicle did not heal in but gradually became resorbed, while at the same time the seminal vesicles, thumb-callosities and forearm muscles diminished in size. These experiments prove beyond any manner of doubt that the testicles supply a material to the economy which promotes development ; in other words, they elaborate an assimilatory hormone. In the course of further experiments, Nussbaum discovered that after resection of the nerve of one fore-arm, neither the muscle of that fore-arm nor the papilla? and glands of the thumb- callosity of that side underwent hypertrophy at the spawning- THE GENERATIVE GLANDS 369 period, but that those of the sound side hypertrophied as usual. He concludes from this that the testicular secretion stimulates certain nervous centres and certain groups of ganglia only, and that these produce, by means of centrifugal nerves, changes in the form and the metabolism of the organs innervated by them. It is not possible to adopt this assumption without further proof, however. As Pfliiger points out, the arrest of the motility and sensibility of the vaso-motor and secretory nerves produced by resection, is sufficient in itself to account for the absence of hyper- trophy. It is superfluous, at the very least, to assume that the internal secretion of the genital gland produces its effect, not directly, but by the agency of the nervous system. In man, the secondary sex characteristics attain their full development at puberty, that is to say, at a time when the genital glands are fully developed, and the individual has attained to sexual maturity. It is apparent, from what has gone before, that the beginnings of the somatic sex characteristics are largely present in the embryo, and that, like other tissues, they continue to develop from birth until puberty. It is a remarkable fact, however, and one which points to an intimate association of the sex stigmata with the genital glands, that several of the attributes of sex do not make their appearance until the maturity of the genital glands is proclaimed by the development of their external secretory processes (spermato- genesis, menstruation, ovulation). The maturity of the secretory function of the genital glands is shown, in boys, by a slight enlargement of the testicle. In girls, it is expressed by the menstrual haemorrhage which accompanies ovulation, that is, the expulsion of the ovum ready for fertilization. Many of the changes of puberty are common to both sexes ; such are the rapid skeletal growth and the appearance of hair at the pubes and the axilla? ; others, such as the growth of hair on the face, the altera- tion in the voice, and the appearance of hairs all over the body, are peculiar to the male; while others again, such as the develop- ment of the mammary glands, the peculiar pelvic formation, and the deposition of fat in certain localities are essentially feminine. Among the secondary sex characteristics which make their appearance at puberty, are those reflex nervous mechanisms which are concerned in the performance of the sexual act. Through the agency of the internal secretion of the genital glands, the apparently low nerve centres which are here concerned acquire a specific sensibility. Goltz showed that, during the spawning season, the male frog reacts to every touch upon the skin of the chest with the embracing reflex, and that this reflex may still be obtained shortly after removal of the testicles and even after decapitation. That the increase in reflex sensibility is not general, is proved by the fact that the muscle-contractions are not obtained in response to every kind of touch, but are only provoked by the 24 370 INTERNAL SECRETION specific stimulation of the skin ; the reflex movement is confined, moreover, to a certain group of muscles. But the changes of puberty are not confined to the lower centres of the spinal cord. That the functions of the cerebral cortex are also affected is shown by the occurrence of sexual desire and by the psychic changes which accompany the ' ' storm and stress period." That all the somatic and psychic characteristics of puberty are dependent upon the maturity of the genital glands, is rendered probable by coincidence ; the fact is made certain by the results of castration. Before passing on to this subject, however, it is expedient to give a short description of the condition known as pubertas praecox. Both the older literature and that of recent date contain numer- ous descriptions of premature puberty, especially in girls. Those cases, formerly regarded as freaks, in which girls of very tender age showed menstruation, development of the mammae, growth of hair at the pubes and axillae, and excessive growth, have been repeatedly brought together and criticized (Kussmaul, Ploss, Gebhard, Strassmann, Neurath). According to Neurath (1909) the known cases of precocious menstruation are eighty-three in number, but the descriptions of these are not in every instance complete. Precocity in boys has been observed in forty-three cases, many of which have been wrongly described as gigantismus infantilis. The similarity between these cases and gigantism is apparent only, the sole common symptom being the early tallness of the subjects. The abnormal skeletal growth is the outcome of very different causes. Skiagrams show that, in pubertas praecox, there is accelerated ossification, and a rapid approach of epiphysal ossification to the stage when the synarthroses close (Neurath). This finding is in accordance with that of physiological puberty, for in the latter condition also, the proliferation of the epiphyses soon ceases. Gigantism, on the contrary, is characterized in all its forms by persistence of the epiphysal synarthroses and the abnormal height to which this leads. Pubertas praecox virilis is a condition affecting boys of 3 to 9 years of age. These children are remarkably large, heavy, and well developed, and they show all the signs of puberty — com- mencing growth of hair on the face, pubes and axillae, deep voice, and strikingly large external genitals, the testicle being the size of a plum when in accordance with the age it should not exceed the size of a bean. The psychic development sometimes corres- ponds to that of puberty, though the subjects are more frequently mentally defective, or even idiotic. The most important point in regard to the etiology of pubertas praecox is whether or not the condition is primarily the outcome of precocious development of the genital glands. We know that THE GENERATIVE GLANDS 371 the development of the genital glands is influenced by a large number of internal secretory organs, and we have to take into consideration the fact that hypergenitalism, and the pubertic precocity which accompanies it, may be the secondary results only of the primary affection of other organs. This applies to cases in which tumours were present either in the suprarenals or at the base of the brain, and especially where these affected either the pituitary or the pineal glands. Hypophysal affections are frequently associated with perversions of growth in the direction of gigantism, though as a general rule these are accompanied by genital atrophy. The cases of pineal tumour which have so far been described show all the signs of pubertas prascox; namely, abnormal growth in height and premature genital and sexual development, with corresponding mental precocity. The presence of suprarenal tumour in sexual precocity is remarkably frequent. Out of seventeen cases examined post mortem and four surgical cases, suprarenal tumours were found in eleven, nine being girls and two boys (Bulloch and Sequiera, Linser, Adams). All these cases were remarkable for the exceptional development of the body, considerable obesity, and physical precocity, together with the habit of sexually mature persons, more especially extreme hypertrichosis ; the functions of the sexual glands and certain secondary sex characteristics, such as the mammae in girls, were not, however, developed in proportion. In many instances, single heterosexual characters were peculiarly well developed. If we exclude these observations, a large number of cases remain which cannot be explained otherwise than by primary hypergenitalism. Such is the case of the boy R. K., described by W. Knopf elmacher (1903 and 1906), who, at the age of 6, was 132 cm. in height, and weighed 38.8 kg. The testicles were the size of a plum, the secondary sex characters wTere almost fully developed, the amount of hair at the pubes being especially remarkable, while there was a distinct moustache, and the voice was deep. Skiagrams (Schiiller) showed that the sella turcica was normal in size, while the inner surface of the skull manifested no signs of intercranial pressure. The case described by Sacchi is even more instructive. The patient was a boy of 9^, who, until the age of 5^, was both physically and mentally normal. At that age, his entire being underwent a gradual and progressive alteration. His bones grew very rapidly, and his muscles became very much developed ; the voice became deep ; hair appeared at the pubes and upon the face ; and his mental condition changed. At 9^ years of age he was 143 cm. in height, and weighed 44 kg.; he had a lone black beard and long hair upon the pubes, chest and legs. The left testicle, owing to tumour formation, was enormously enlarged. After removal of the diseased testicle, which the microscope 372 INTERNAL SECRETION showed to be an alveolar carcinoma, the pubertic symptoms gradually disappeared, and the boy became mentally and physic- ally the same as other boys of the same age. In this case the connection between the premature signs of puberty and the pathological hypergenitalism is abundantly clear. Before passing to a consideration of the influence which cas- tration has upon the secondary sex characteristics, it is expedient first to consider the significance of that organ which is regarded as the pronounced characteristic of the female sex, but which has no recognizable relationship to the function of reproduction, namely, the mammary gland. This gland is present in the embryonal beginnings of both sexes; in new-born infants it is confined to a few ducts in the neighbourhood of the nipple, which may produce a transient secretion known as " witches' milk ' (Hexenmilch). A remarkable development of the mammary gland takes place in female individuals at the period of puberty, though this increase in size is largely the result of the deposition of fat. The enlargement during puberty of the mammae of boys is probably entirely due to fatty deposition ; and gynaecomastia — that is, abnormal development of the mammae in males — is probably due, in many instances, to testicular hypoplasia, or to atrophy of the testicles as the result of pathological processes. Males which show abnormal development of the adipose tissue at certain points of predilection, are to be regarded as eunuchs or semi-eunuchs. An extremely instructive instance of such pseudo-gynaecomastia is described by Foges. As far as the female mammary gland is concerned, there is no doubt that its development at the period of puberty is influenced by the genital gland. It has been proved experiment- ally that the mammary gland does not develop in animals which have been castrated in early youth ; while normal development takes place after ovarian transplantation. That the influential factor is supplied by the ovaries and not, as the simultaneous uterine atrophy suggests, by the uterus, has been proved by experiment (Foges). The periodical swelling of the mammas observed in many women during menstruation, and the occurrence of similar phenomena in animals during the rutting period, are undoubtedly attributable to the internal secretory activity of the ovaries. The most important changes in the mammae are those which take place during pregnancy. At the commencement of this state, what must be regarded as a true hypertrophy takes place, which continues until parturition. There was at one time an all-prevailing view that the mam- mary hypertrophy of pregnancy was the result of communication, effected by way of the nervous system, between the mammary planet and the pregnant uterus ; this theory has, however, long THE GENERATIVE GLANDS 373 been disproved. An experiment by Goltz and Ewald is interesting in this connection. These authors found that, after extirpation of the entire lumbo-sacral portion of the spinal cord of a bitch, the mammas underwent normal enlargement during pregnancy, and that lactation after parturition was also normal. Ribbert trans- planted the mammary gland of a guinea-pig into the neighbour- hood of the ear, and found that it hypertrophied during pregnancy and secreted milk after parturition. There is, then, no doubt that the growth of the mammary glands during pregnancy is the result of a chemically active stimulant. The next step is to discover the source of origin of this hormone. Pregnancy is associated with changes in the ovary (formation of the corpus luteum verum) and in the uterus (development of the muscles and mucosa) ; the foetus, moreover, develops; and from the combined maternal and foetal tissue the placenta, an organ by which the foetus obtains nourishment, is formed. The active hormone may be the product of any one of these four factors. Consideration of the clinical material which the subject offers led Halban to the conclusion that neither the ovary nor the uterus is the source of the hormone. In the first place, castration early in pregnancy does not prevent the hyper- trophy of the mamma?, and castrated women are able to suckle their children ; in the second place, the development of the mam- mary glands is constant in extra-uterine pregnancy, in which the uterine hypertrophy is slight ; and in the third place, after extirpation of the uterus, secretion of milk takes place in the same way as under normal conditions. It would appear from this that the cause of the hyperplasia must lie with the ovum, that is to say, with either the foetus or the placenta. From the fact that pregnancy changes take place in the mammas where the embryonic body is absent, as, for instance, in molar pregnancy, Halban concludes that the stimulus cannot be supplied by the foetus; by a process of exclusion he thus arrives at the result that the source of origin of the hormone is the placenta, especially the trophoblast and the chorion epithelium. Similarly, he regards the growth of the mamma? in the foetus at the eighth lunar month, as due to reaction on the part of the fcetal tissue to the stimulatory action of the placental substance. According to Halban, then, the substances supplied by the ovary and the placenta produce similar results, those produced by the placental substance being, however, much more intense. During pregnancy, when the ovary ceases to be active, its internal secretory function is undertaken by the placenta, by which it is very much intensified. Starling and Lane Claypon endeavoured to discover the origin of the hormone by experimental measures. They injected extract of foetus, ovarv, and uterine mucous membrane under the skin 7J4 INTERNAL SECRETION ^J I I of virgin rabbits, with the object of obtaining hypertrophy of the mammary glands. In six cases they actually succeeded in producing a certain degree of hyperplasia with foetal extract, but the experiments with extracts of placenta, ovary, and uterine mucous membrane were negative in result. In one case, the injection of the watery extract of 160 foetuses was followed by the formation of secreting acini at the periphery of the mammary gland. The conclusiveness of Starling's experiments is disputed by Halban, who regards the number as insufficient to establish proof ; he also points to the possibility that the changes in the mammary gland observed after injection of foetal extract were in reality symptoms of rut. This pronouncement of Halban 's induced me to submit the question to further experimental test, the experi- ments being undertaken with the aid of Dr. R. Konigstein. While our experiments were still in progress a communication of Foa's appeared, in which he confirmed the findings of Starling and Claypon, and supplemented them with the statement that the action of the hormone is not confined to the species from which it is derived. Thirty-five injections of an extract obtained from fresh foetuses from cows produced swelling of the mamma? in a virgin rabbit, and on isolated occasions a secretion resembling milk was observed. Our experiments, which will be fully described in another place, showed that neither the repeated intraperitoneal injection of placental extract, nor the implantation of fresh placentas of rabbits in the abdominal cavity, produced histological changes of any kind in the mammary glands of virgin rabbits. There was, however, a more or less marked development of the mammary glands of all virgin animals treated by means of intraperitoneal injection of embryonal extract or by the intraperitoneal implanta- tion of one or more embryo rabbits. Numerous glandular ducts appeared, frequently with well marked branches, or, at the least, formation of buds ; the lumen of the ducts became enlarged, con- taining in some instances a cellular secretion ; the number of epithelial layers usually increased; in nearly all cases there was hyperaemia ; acini formation was isolated onlyj the excretory ducts were enlarged and much more fully developed. The intensity of these changes was in direct ratio to the amount of extract injected or of material implanted. The glandular hyper- trophy was more marked in animals treated by means of injection than in those in which embryos were implanted. The results of these experiments seem to show that, contrary to the view expressed by Halban, the foetus is the source of origin of the hormone which stimulates the growth of the mammary glands. K. Basch has recently published a work which is chiefly concerned with the experimental investigation of those cases THE GENERATIVE GLANDS 375 among animals, in which hyperplasia of the lactic -glands persists for a short time after parturition. Basch states that he was unable to obtain hyperplasia of the mammary glands of virgin animals by the implantation of placental tissue. But the implantation of the ovaries from a pregnant bitch under the skin of the back of a i-year-olcl nulliparous bitch, was followed, fourteen days later, by proliferation of the mammary gland of the latter ; at the end of six weeks the enlargement was considerable ; and after eight weeks secretion of milk was induced by the injection of placental extract. Microscopic examination revealed the per- fect picture of a gland in full secretory activity, while at the same time the uterus retained its virgin character and the ovaries were very small. Basch concluded that the hyperplasia of the mammary gland in pregnancy depends upon certain chemical substances, which are developed in the ovary, and which prepare the gland for prolonged functional activity. It is difficult to reconcile this assumption of Basch's with the observations of other authors, which show that the internal secretory activity of the ovary is inhibited during pregnancy. It is, moreover, inconsistent with the fact that the hypertrophy of the mammary glands is sometimes unaffected by castration at an early stage of pregnancy. That the enlargement of the mammae at puberty and during menstruation is the result of ovarian influence, is not to be denied; but the cause of the hypertrophy of pregnancy must be sought, not in the ovary, but in the foetus which develops from the fertilized ovum. Before solving the further question, namely, as to why the secretion of the hyperplastic gland does not commence until after parturition, we must consider what happens upon suppression of the ovum, that is, of both foetus and placenta. It has long been known that after intra-uterine death of the ovum milk forms in the mammary glands and the lacteal secretion begins. The same thing happens if the foetus is removed by surgical methods during the second half of pregnancy. Halban concluded from this that the important factor lay, not in the death or removal of the foetus, but in the removal of the placenta, and that it was the biological suppression of the placenta which supplied the impulse to the secretion of milk. He and others find confirmatory evidence of this theory in the "witches' milk" of new-born infants, which they regard as the expression of the puerperal involution of the fcetal organs, which had previously reacted to the conditions of pregnancy. Basch found that, by the subcutaneous injection of placental extract, he was able to produce secretion of milk, sometimes in considerable quantities, in animals in which the enlargement of the mammae had persisted after the termination of pregnancy ; he regards the results of these experiments as proof of the depen- dence of the lactic secretion upon a substance found in the o/ 76 INTERNAL SECRETION placenta. In so far as they illustrate the therapeutic uses of placenta secretin, these experiments of Basch's are both important and interesting, but they do not afford a satisfactory explanation of the mechanism by which the impulse to secretion of milk after parturition is supplied. If \ve assume that this impulse is supplied by the placenta, we are faced with the further problem, namely, that during the entire course of its development in pregnancy, this organ fails to excite the secretion of milk in the mammary glands; and that its activity in promoting secretion is developed at the moment when its connection with the uterine wall ceases. If the secretory hormone were elaborated in the placenta, it w-ould be active during pregnancy. This physiological inconsistence is not explained by the assumption (Keiffer, Basch), that the amount of secretion supplied by the placenta to the blood stream is very much increased during labour. The secretion of the hyperplastic mammas is not difficult of explanation, if viewed in the light of the theory laid down in Part I. of this book. The growth of the gland is the expression of an assimilatory increase of material with simultaneous inhibition of disassimilatory decomposition. The growing gland produces no secretion, or very little (colostrum). With the suppression of the assimilatory hormone supplied by the foetus, that is to say, at birth or by termination of the pregnancy during the second half, disassimilatory decomposition, as expressed by the secretion, is enabled to proceed unchecked. The mammary gland is an organ which is present in the primitive genital trace of both sexes ; during intra-uterine existence it undergoes a certain degree of development, and later assumes the part of a secondary characteristic of the female sex, attaining to further development under the influence of the ripening female genital g-land. The function of the mammary gland, so intimately associated with the process of reproduction, does not become apparent until after the formation (of the fcetus from the fertilized ovum, for the developing fcetus supplies a hormone which pro- motes hyperplasia of the glandular elements, and it is the suppression of this hormone which permits the onset of the secretory function. THE RESULTS OF CASTRATION. The operative removal of the sexual glands is followed by a group of symptoms which, both in man and animals, has formed a subject of exhaustive investigation. The results of castration differ to a certain extent according to the age at which the opera- tion is carried out. The castration of young males is one of the oldest forms of operation, and one which is still in frequent practice in the East. THE GENERATIVE GLANDS 377 The castration of domestic animals, such as stallions, bulls, rams, cocks, &c., is also frequently performed, and at an early age. The first result of prepuberal castration is the defective development of the genital apparatus. Post-mortem examination shows that the seminal vesicles and the prostate of eunuchs are small and atrophied. The penis does not, as a rule, become atrophied, and for this reason it is customary to amputate the penis of eunuchs employed as harem guards. Atrophy of the seminal vesicles and prostate is observed in castrated animals, especially in rats which have been deprived of their genital glands at the age of 4 to 6 weeks (Steinach). That the removal of the testes not only produces inhibition of prostatic development, but leads to involution of the fully-formed organ, is shown by a large number of animal experiments as well as by Athanasow's careful histological investigations. These observations suggested castration as a therapeutic measure in the treatment of hypertrophy of the prostate; the method was first carried out, with good result, by Ramm of Christiania in 1893. The results which have since been obtained justify us in regarding castration as a rational method of treatment in prostatic hypertrophy and one leading to complete or partial cure. It is somewhat difficult, however, to find a satisfactory explanation of these results. The inhibition of development in the case of the growing organ is readily explicable. The hormone supplied by the testis is essential to the normal development of the seminal vesicle and the prostate. Walker showed that prostatic atrophy may be pre- vented in castrated dogs by the subcutaneous injection of testicular extract. In the case of hypertrophy of the prostate, which usually appears at a time when the external secretory activity of the testis is reduced, we have to assume an increase in the testicular internal secretion. Otherwise we are compelled to refer the results of castration in this condition to the operation of other momenta. The suppression of the external secretion of the testis might also lead to the atrophy of disuse in the secondary genital organs. It was this view which suggested the operative treatment of prostatic hypertrophy by the removal of one testis, and by the ligature or resection of the vas deferens. Both methods were found to be unsatisfactory and have been abandoned. The etiology of hypertrophy of the prostate is to-day much less obscure than formerly, when the internal and external secre- tions of the testicle were regarded as functions of the same tissue, namely, the spermatogenetic elements. Now that we know that Leydig's cells in the interstitial tissue of the testicle are the probable seat of its internal secretory activity, it is a rational supposition that senile hypertrophy of the prostate results from the over-production of the hormone in combination with a reduced 37& INTERNAL SECRETION external secretion ; and that for this reason the total suppression of the testicles may lead to the involution of the enlarged prostate, a result which is not obtainable by the suppression of the testicular external secretion only. The secondary male characteristics do not as a rule attain complete development where castration is performed before the age of puberty. Observation of man and of animals of widely different species shows, beyond any manner of doubt, that castra- tion does not impart characteristics peculiar to the opposite sex, and that transformation into the heterosexual type is never observed (Tandler and Gross). All eunuchs show one male skeletal characteristic, namely, the development of the margo supraciliaris. The pelvis, moreover, is not female, but infantile in type. The hair on the body is scanty and is absent from the neighbourhood of the anus, but is present, though in small quantity only, at the pubes and the axillae. The face is usually hairless, though well-developed beard and moustache may be present, especially in old age. The larynx of eunuchs is not of the female type, but resembles the enlarged organ of a child ; there is no prominentia laryngea, and ossification has not taken place. For this reason the voice retains its childish character and in no way resembles a woman's voice ; it is a childish soprano which, late in life, undergoes the changes in timbre and tone characteristic of mutation. The general increase in the fat-body, which is sometimes very striking, is the only feature which may give to the eunuch a somewhat feminine appearance. Moreover, the mental and psychic develop- ment after castration in no wray approaches that of the female, though the quiet, phlegmatic temperament of castrated men and animals is very characteristic. The dependence of the secondary sex characteristics upon the genital glands is well seen in the domestic fowl. The cock, the male bird, is distinguished by well differentiated sexual signs, and it has been customary from the earliest times to castrate the cock in order, for domestic purposes, to produce the capon, in which the male characteristics are merely rudimentary. That there is a direct relationship between the genital gland and the sex characters of the cock, is shown by Berthold's experiments, but the incontestable proof of this w?as reserved for more recent researches. It has further been shown by various authors (Rieger, Sellheim, Foges) that the capons of commerce are not physiological capons ; that is to say, they are not eunuchs, but animals produced by a combination of factors ; namely, attempted, but rarely complete, castration ; simultaneous removal of the primitive origin of the external sex characteristics; and forced feeding. It may be remarked in passing that Sellheim showed that castration is never really carried out with hens, for the reason THE GENERATIVE GLANDS 3/9 that complete extirpation of the ovary is impossible. Poulards are not castrated birds, but hens which have been crammed before arriving at sexual maturity, the oviduct being severed at the same time, so that the eggs are deposited in the abdominal cavity. The true capon type is characterized by shrivelling of the comb, wattles and spurs ; poor development of the neck and tail feathers; hoarse voice; and excessive deposit of fat. This type is obtainable only by the complete castration of young cocks. Whether castration is perfect or not is revealed only post mortem. Where the extirpation of the testicles is incomplete, the secondary characters of the cock are retained ; in cases where these have already attained a certain degree of development they will continue to develop, provided that even a minimal amount of active testicu- lar parenchyma is left in situ. Where, however, the amount of tissue is less than minimal, the secondary characters will not develop (Foges). Transplantation of the entire testicle is invariably unsuccess- ful in castrated animals, and this explains the negative results t)f R. Wagner's experiments. According to Foges, it is possible to get small portions of testicle to heal in so well, that months later they contain living spermatozoa. Castrated cocks with transplanted portions of active testicular tissue, do not acquire all the characteristics of normal cocks, but they cease to be true capons. The wattles and comb still retain their capon-like character, but the plumage and the entire external appearance of the bird, with the exception of the head, resembles that of the true cock. Whether the incomplete character of the male stig- mata is due to the small size of the implanted portions of testicular tissue (Foges), or to absence of communication between them and the vas deferens (Nussbaum), is at present unknown. The first view finds support in the fact that A. Lowy observed a better growth of the comb and wattles in capons fed with testicular substance than in the control birds. In the case of other animals (cattle, cervidas), the invariable result of castration is insufficient development of the secondary sex characters, never transformation into the heterosexual type. A castrated cock never adopts the habit of a hen, a castrated bull never resembles a cow, and in the same way castrated men never resemble women. When viewed in the light of the fact that cessation of the function of the genital glands, whether physiological or patho- logical, produces heterosexualism, the fact that castration never produces the positive characteristics of the opposite sex but results in a certain fixation of the infantile type, supplies a weighty argument in favour of the hermaphroditic origin of the sexual glands. The information which we possess concerning the results of castration before the age of puberty in women, is extremely 380 INTERNAL SECRETION scanty. Roberts's observations in India have little value in this connection, for the operation in his cases consisted in mutilation of the external genitals only. It is known from the results of experiments with animals (Hegar, Kehrer), that if both ovaries are removed from female animals which have not reached sexual maturity, the development of the entire genital apparatus will be retarded, the uterus and Fallopian tubes remaining rudimentary. By transplanting the extirpated ovaries under the skin, Halban effected perfect development of the sexual apparatus, thus proving that the protective influence of the ovaries is effected, not by means of trophic nerves, but by the agency of an internal 'Secre- tion. Castration is frequently performed on women who have passed the age of puberty. It is common knowledge that this operation is followed by regressive changes in the secondary genitals, shrivelling and atrophy of the uterus and vagina being invariable findings. This atrophy was formerly explained by the suppression of a trophic nerve centre supposed to be present in the ovary. But Knauer's experiments have shown that, if the ovaries are removed from their place .and implanted in another part of the body, atrophy of the uterus will not take place. Fur- ther experiment (Ribbert, Grigorieff, Rubinstein, Herlitzka, Marshall and Jolly, Carmichael and Marshall, Daels, &c.) next showed that the presence of even a portion of one ovary in any part of the body is sufficient to maintain the complete anatomical integrity and functional activity of the genital organs. Preg- nancy may even occur after intraperitoneal transplantation of the ovaries, and this result is a measure of the success which may be obtained by ovarian transplantation in women. The implantation of ovaries from animals of another species has been repeatedly performed with successful results (Schultz, Katsch, Carmichael and Marshall, Bucura). These ovaries (for instance, those of the guinea-pig in a castrated rabbit, Bucura) not only heal in but remain functionally active, for their follicles become mature and atrophy of the uterus does not take place. The implantation of testes into a female animal succeeds to this extent, that the spermatogenetic tissue elements of the implanted organs remain intact and spermatozoa may even be produced, but the presence of the male genital gland does not prevent uterine atrophy. The implanted testicle does, however, exercise a certain influence upon the metabolism of the castrated female, the increase in the weight of the body being considerably less in these cases than after simple castration. The subcutaneous injection of ovarian extract, whether from the same or another species, does not prevent uterine atrophy after castration (Jentzner and Beuthner). Bucura found that the injection of ovarin into castrated animals was followed, not only by atrophy of the muscles of the uterus, but by an increased dis- THK GENERATIVE GLANDS 381 appearance of the interfascicular connective tissue. The exhibition of ovarin 'merely reduces, to a certain extent, the obesity \vhich follows castration. The influence which the ovary has upon the uterus is further shown by the fact that, after cessation of ovarian activity, menstruation ceases in women, and the analogous rutting sym- ptoms in animals disappear. That menstruation is dependent upon the ovary was first suggested by Sintema in the iSth century, though upon no positive grounds. It was Bischoff (1844) who first suggested, upon histological grounds, that ovulation, that is the periodical maturity and release of the ovum, was coincident with menstrua- tion, and that the latter was an expression of ovulation. Pfliiger (1865) explained this relationship as follows : Stimuli accumulate in the maturing Graafian vesicle which, acting reflexly through the nerves, bring about a superfluity of blood in the genital organs ; this causes the bursting of the follicle and release of the ovum on the one hand, and on the other, the discharge of blood from the uterus. Strassmann succeeded in producing symptoms resembling rut by increasing the blood-pressure in the ovaries of bitches, and these results seemed to confirm Pfliiger's theory. But isolated findings in both man and animals suggested the possibility that the relationship between the ovary and the phenomena of menstruation and of rut, was effected by a chemical agent. Halban's experiments with apes proved that this assump- tion was well founded. Female baboons (Cynocephalus) have a menstruation similar to that of the human female. When the ovaries of these animals were extirpated and implanted under the cuticle of the abdomen, menstruation occurred in the same way as under normal conditions; it ceased, however, as soon as the implanted ovaries were removed. According to Marshall and Jolly, the implantation in castrated bitches of ovaries in a state either of, or preceding, rut, or the injection of the extract of such ovaries, is followed by swelling of the vulva and other phenomena of the rutting state. It has frequently been found possible to maintain the process of menstruation in women by the re-implantation or transplanta- tion of the ovaries (Cramer, Pankow). van cler Velde's statement that menstrual haemorrhage may be procured at the physiological climacteric by means of ovarian tabloids, must be accepted with a certain amount of reservation. It is evident then, from what has gone before, that the hor- mone which is formed in the genital glands and by them passed on into the blood-stream, supplies stimuli which are necessary to the normal development and subsequent anatomical integrity of the genital organs, as well as to their physiological activity. It is certain, however, that the influence of the genital glands 382 INTERNAL SECRETION is not confined to the organs which are functionally related to them ; that this influence extends to other physiological activities is shown by the following observations. The menstrual flow is sometimes accompanied by certain nervous phenomena known as the molimen menstruale, and by regular fluctuations affecting different functions, such as tempera- ture, pulse, blood-pressure, and muscular power. For this reason it is customary to speak of " undulations" in the female vital processes. These menstrual waves are not dependent upon the periodic loss of blood nor upon the activity of the uterus during menstruation ; for the phenomena persist for a varying length of time after hysterectomy. In such cases, moreover, molimen menstruale without menstruation is also sometimes observed. But both menstruation and the menstrual wave dis- appear after suppression of the ovarian function, as at the meno- pause ; after the operative removal of the ovaries ; and as an after- consequence of hysterectomy (Mandl and Burger). It is a common clinical experience (Chrobak, Landau) that the symptoms which follow cessation of the ovarian function, all the derangements, in fact, by which the climacteric is accom- panied, are favourably influenced by the exhibition of ovarian extract. Bucura has recently recommended the milk of rutting cows in the management of the physiological or artificial meno- pause. THE SEXUALLY UNDIFFERENTIATED ACTIVITY OF THE HORMONE IN THE GENERATIVE GLANDS. The influence of the internal secretion of the generative glands is not confined to the development of the secondary somatic sex characteristics, but has a far-reaching effect upon a large number of organs and upon the general metabolism. The pro- found influence which this hormone has upon the organism is apparently independent of sex, and is thus not specific to the male or the female genital gland. Of paramount importance is the effect of the genital glands upon the growth of the skeleton. That this is the case in man (eunuchs, and young males with atrophied testicles) was known to, and pointed out by, the older authors. Sellheim found that the castration of cocks has a modifying effect upon the growth of the bones. Changes take place in the skull, in the pelvis, and in the bones of the extremities; and these consist in increased longi- tudinal growth with retarded ossification of the epiphysal carti- lages. Similar changes were afterwards observed by Sellheim in castrated dogs, horses, and cattle; and his results are confirmed by Poncet, Briau, Pirche, Mobius, and many others, whose observa- tions extended to animals of other species. Poncet found that the entire skeleton was more powerfully formed; that the skull, THE GENERATIVE GLANDS 383 as in eunuchs, was dolichocephalic ; and that the epiphysal carti- lages persisted longer than in normal animals. The experiments of Launois and Roy and those of Tandler and Gross supply undoubted proof that in man, as in animals, castration is followed by excessive longitudinal growth, a lack of proportion between the length of the extremities and that of the trunk, and persistence of the epiphysal synarthroses (as seen in skiagrams) beyond the normal age. Protracted epiphysal separation may result not only from the operative removal of the generative glands, but also from hypoplastic sub-development of them. The presence of this symptom in combination with the persistence of other juvenile traits, is described as immaturity of the organism or eunuchoidia (Tandler and Gross). These cases do not altogether fall into the group of pathological conditions classed as infantilism. For infantilism is characterized by the small size of the skeleton and its infantile proportions, namely, long trunk and short extremi- ties. But hypoplasia of the genital glands is presumably accom- panied by symptoms analogous to those of suppression ; namely, abnormal longitudinal growth, especially in the legs, and con- siderable increase in the fat-body. Thus the only true cases of hypogenitalism would be those of infantile gigantism, already described, which are characterized by abnormal growth of the long bones, imperfect secondary sex characteristics, and deficient mental development; and in \vhich the testicular atrophy and the absence of any signs of pituitary disease justify the assumption of primary hypogenitalism. Several authors (Alt, Schiiller) ascribe mongolism to insufficiency of the genital glands. Moreover, genital insufficiency may well play a part in the pathogenesis of general hypoplasia (Bartel), for these cases are also charac- terized by abnormal height, well developed fat-body, and imperfect secondary sex stigmata. That pregnancy is accompanied by reduced ovarian activity is shown by the changes which take place in the skeleton. Young women frequently grow in height during pregnancy (Halban), and changes are known to take place in the pelvis in this con- dition (Breuse and Kolisko). According to Tandler, the age at which genital maturity takes place has a paramount influence upon the growth of the skeleton. The effect of late maturity, like that of genital hypoplasia, is to increase the height, and especially the length of 'the legs; while early maturity brings about premature closing of the epiphyses, and is consequently associated with shortness of the legs. In women, the upper part of the body is usually long in proportion to the legs, and inhabitants of warm countries are generally small of stature; these results are attributable to early sexual maturity. Among animals, those which develop early are characterized by the shortness of their extremities. 384 INTERNAL SECRETION In pubertas prascox, the acceleration of growth is accom- panied by premature ossification and closing of the epiphysal synarthroses (Neurath). In chlorosis, precocity is said to be expressed by shortness of the legs and premature disappearance of the epiphysal synarthroses (Tandler). A certain amount of evidence is also forthcoming concerning the effect upon growth of the administration of extracts of the genital glands. Lowy showed that the skeletal pecularities described by Sellheim are not observed if young capons are given testicular substance, and that a premature arrest of skeletal growth may be obtained in young hens by feeding them with ovarian substance. Dor and Maisonave, Parhon and Antoniu, and Monziols describe inhibition of bony growth after the subcutaneous injection of testicular extract. These observations all prove that there is an intimate relation- ship between the development of the skeleton and the internal secretory activity of the genital glands. In order to arrive at a fuller understanding of this relationship, it must be borne in mind that the increased skeletal growth is a secondary result, due to the imperfect ossification of the epiphysal synarthroses ; this fact suggests that the genital glands elaborate a hormone which stimulates the processes of ossification. The interrelationships which subsist between the genital glands and those other internal secretory organs which are known to influence the growth of the bones, are also very remarkable. This nexus finds expression in the fact that castration is followed by changes in the thyroid, thymus, and hypophysis ; and that, further, the removal of the latter organs produces alteration in the structure of the genital glands. In a eunuch dissected by Tandler and Gross, the thyroid apparatus was found to be remarkably small (weight 13 grm. as against 45.8 grm. in normal persons) while thymus-persistency, so frequently observed in animals after castration (Calzolari, Henderson, Noel Paton), was observed in this instance also. By means of skiagrams of living scopts these authors further dis- covered hypophysal enlargement, their results being confirmed by the fact that in the eunuch which they dissected there was increase in the length, breadth, and depth of the sella turcica. That the removal of the genital glands is associated with an increase in the size of the hypophysis was first shown in the case of animals by Fichera (1906), who succeeded in rapidly reducing this enlargement by the injection of testicular extract. It is very difficult to estimate the extent to which the skeleton is directly influenced by the genital glands, owing to the fact that the thymus, thyroid, and hypophysis all affect the growth of the bones, their combined influence being extremely complicated, in part antagonistic, and in part co-operative. The same applies to the influence of the genital glands upon THE GENERATIVE GLANDS 385 certain other organic systems. It is only in isolated instances that we are acquainted with the mechanism by which the sexual glands produce changes in localities far removed from them. Thus, we are justified in ascribing certain developmental changes of pregnancy, which are reminiscent of acromegaly, to primary hypogenitalism and secondary hyperpituitarism ; while other symptoms, we know, are due to secondary changes in the thyroid apparatus. Whether directly, or indirectly through the agency of other hormone-producing organs, the genital glands exercise an influ- ence upon the entire habit, as well as upon many of the functions, of the animal organism. With the maturity of the genital organs the juvenile habit makes its first appearance, and this is expressed by a youthful freshness and vigour of the entire being, affecting both the physical and mental capacities. The progressive physio- logical diminution of the function of the genital glands is accom- panied by senile changes in the cuticle and cuticular glands, in the hair and teeth, and in the muscular and nervous systems. Castration is followed by changes, even in young persons, which largely resemble those of senile degeneration ; and it is evident from this that senility, whether physiological or premature, bears a relationship to hypofunction of the genital glands. As we have shown in a previous chapter, senile decay is associated with regressive changes in other internal secretory organs, and especi- ally in the thyroid. There is, however, no justification for ascribing a preponderating influence to one or more internal secretory organs in the causation of senile cachexia, seeing that we have as yet no definite information concerning the sequence of the different processes. The effect which the genital glands have upon the general metabolism is very marked. That castration leads to increased deposition of fat is one of the oldest pieces of human knowledge, and has been utilized since very early times in the fattening of animals for market purposes. That the localization of the fatty deposit is dependent upon the sexual differentiation of the develop- ing genital glands, and that it represents in part a sexual charac- teristic, is shown both at and after puberty. The suppression of sexual activity, in women during preg- nancy and at the menopause, and in men with advancing age, is accompanied by increased deposition of fat, the localization of which is peculiar and, to some extent, characteristic in both sexes. Certain forms of obesity, such as are observed in early childhood and in boys of feminine habit with shrivelled or cryptorchidic testes, and which are frequently associated with imbecility, should probably 'be regarded as the outcome of primary hypoplasia of the genital glands. It is frequently, however, a matter of extreme difficulty to distinguish between obesity of genital origin and that provoked by changes in the hypophysis. 25 386 INTERNAL SECRETION Exceptional obesity of castrated males is not invariable in man ; and cases of abnormal leanness have been observed. Never- theless, the obese type is very frequent among eunuchs and scopts, the entire fat-body being markedly over-developed and, at certain sites, such as the mamma?, the ventral region, the nates and the hips, attaining colossal proportions. Conspicuous obesity is observed in women both after castration and at the menopause, the percentage of cases in both classes being 42 to 52 per cent. With the object of determining the nature of this change in the nutritional conditions, as well as of discovering the cause of the abnormal deposition of fat — which was presumably to be sought in the changed manner of life, both physical and mental, the alteration, in fact, of the entire temperament — Lowy and Richter estimated the total metabolism (i.e., consumption of oxygen and excretion of carbonic acid) of castrated dogs of both sexes. They found that, aTter castration, metabolism was reduced in the proportion of 14 to 20 per cent, per kilo of body-weight, and that this reduction was maintained for months or even years. They found, moreover, that not only was there a fall in metabolism in proportion to body-weight, but that there was a considerable reduction in the total metabolism apart from body-weight, the latter frequently attaining a higher figure as the result of increased adiposity. The authors concluded from these results that the reduction of metabolism after castration is due to a diminution of the processes of oxidation ; that the obesity is not necessarily degenerative, but may be constitutional. Pachtner (1906) confirmed the results of Lowy and Richter. Liithje obtained different results from his experiments with a dog and a bitch, but this is explained by the fact that obesity after castration is by no means invariable, being present in only 50 per cent, of the cases under observation. L. Zuntz's statement that, of four castrated women, only one showed reduced oxidation during the resting stage, also offers no evidence against the theory of Lowy and Richter, for Zuntz's subjects did not become obese. This theory is very strongly supported, however, by the discovery that it is possible to raise the depressed metabolism to as much as 30 to 50 per cent, above the normal by the exhibition, either sub- cutaneously or by the mouth, of ovarian or testicular substance. In normal, sexually mature animals, the exhibition of these sub- stances is entirely negative. In the case of castrated animals, both male and female, the ovarian substance was found to be the more active, the effects of testicular substance being slight in males and negative in females. As far as the influence of the sexual glands upon the meta- bolism of albumin is concerned, the experiments of Liithje, Neumann, Vas, and others show that at no period of life does castration lead to changes in Ihe metabolism of albumin ; and that the increased excretion of nitrogen observed by certain THE GENERATIVE GLANDS 387 authors after the exhibition of ovarian substance is to be ascribed to increased administration of food containing nitrogen. These experiments prove, then, that the increase in the general metabolism which follows the exhibition of ovarian or testicular substances is entirely due to the decomposition of sub- stances in the body which do not contain nitrogen. In view of the relationship which has been assumed between osteomalacia and the genital glands, a certain interest is attach- ing to the influence which these organs exercise upon the metabolism of calcium and of phosphoric acid. The results which have been obtained up to the present are inconclusive. Curatolo and Tarulli, Neumann and Vas report reduction in the excretion of calcium and phosphorus after exhibition of ovarian substance ; while Falk and Schulz, as well as Llithje, were unable to demonstrate any change in the metabolism of calcium, phos- phoric acid, and magnesia. Heymann's finding, that in ovariectomized rats there is a marked progressive reduction in the total phosphoric acid con- tents, especially of the bones, seems to contradict the well-known fact that, in osteomalacia, castration inhibits the softening pro- cesses in the substance of the bones, and thus brings about a cure. The pathogenesis of osteomalacia, which is still very obscure, requires a few \vords in passing. Fehling's theory that this disease originates in pathological hyperfunction of the ovaries, appeared to derive a certain support from the favourable effects which were observed after castration. It is, however, rendered practically untenable by the fact that the minutest histological investigation has repeatedly failed to prove that osteomalacia is accompanied by specific changes in the ovary, wrhether in the follicular apparatus, the germinal epithelium, or the corpus luteum. Wallart has recently observed peculiarly marked develop- ment of the interstitial stroma cells in cases of osteomalacia in both pregnant and non-pregnant individuals. The discovery of the interrelationships which subsist between the different internal secretory organs, especially between the ovaries and the thyroid and suprarenal glands, suggested the thyroid or suprarenal as the primary agent in the pathogenesis of osteomalacia. The thyrogenic theory was first propounded by Hoenicke (1904), and afterwards worked out by Parhon and Goldstein. That this hypothesis rests upon very insufficient foundation is shown by the fact that its authors have been unable to decide whether osteomalacia is the manifestation of hyper- or hypo-thyroidism. Even more unsatisfactory is Bossi's theory, which explains the pathogenesis of osteomalacia by an affection of the suprarenals. That there is a relationship between the sexual glands and the suprarenals, or rather the suprarenal cortex, is suggested by the results of certain observations. There is no evidence to show 388 INTERNAL SECRETION that the suprarenal cortex has a direct influence upon the meta- bolism of the bones. The results of my own experience lead me very strongly to contest Bossi's statement that total or partial epinephrectomy is followed in animals by changes in the skeleton resembling osteomalacia in man. The sole evidence in favour of Bossi's view is the fact, which he observed and others have since confirmed, that the subcutaneous injection of adrenalin produces favourable results in osteomalacia. It is a question, however, and one which must for the present remain unanswered, whether this result is due, less to the pathogenetic significance of the suprarenal, than to the pharmacodynamic action of adrenalin. In the present obscure state of our knowledge, we are hot justified in regarding osteomalacia as the expression of the patho- logical affection of a definite internal secretory organ or organs. We can only assume that several of these organs are concerned in the production of osteomalacia; that the principal role is played by the ovary (perhaps, also, as Bucura suggests, the parovarium) and, judging by the incidence among men, by the testis. The supposed relationship between the ovarian function and chlorosis led to investigation of the effect of castration upon the composition of the blood. Pinzani found that after castration there was increase of the haemoglobin and red corpuscles in the blood of bitches, while Liithje was unable to observe any change in these elements. Breuer and Seiler carried out very exact experiments with bitches which had been castrated at the commencement of sexual matur- ity; they found that there was an invariable reduction in the haemoglobin contents and in the number of erythrocytes, and that this reduction disappeared again in the course of a few months. Unlike the conditions which obtain in human chlorosis, it was found that, in experiments with animals, the pigment contents always diminished in direct proportion to the number of red corpuscles. From the earliest times, the ovaries have been credited with a pathogenetic significance in chlorosis, and the condition has been supposed to result from ovarian anomaly expressed by ner- vous or humoral agency throughout the entire organism. Similar views were held by the great physicians of antiquity, Hippocrates, Galen, and Avicenna. The theory which prevails to-day is that chlorosis is the manifestation of an alteration in the internal secretory activity of the genital glands. The nature of this alteration — whether hyper- or hypo-function — is, however, still unknown. The premature disappearance of the epiphysal synarthroses, as seen in skiagrams, is regarded as a sign of genital precocity (Tandler). Of the later theories the most interesting are those which attach a special significance to indi- vidiual tissue elements of the ovary. According to Wallart, there THE GENERATIVE GLANDS 389 is a connection between the internal secretion of the so-called interstitial ovarian gland and the formation of the blood; while Villemin regards chlorosis as a toxic condition, due to the presence of the internal secretion of the corpus luteum, which has failed to discharge itself with the menstrual flow. This theory is suggested by the lipoid contents of the corpus luteum and the known hasmolytic effect of the lipoid substances. There is yet another hypothesis to which reference must be made in passing, that, namely, of the polyglandular origin of chlorosis. EXTRACT OF THE GENERATIVE GLANDS. It was by means of the peculiar and characteristic activity of testicular extract that Brown-Sequard obtained the first proof of internal secretion, and it is proposed, for this reason, to enter rather more minutely into the nature of the activity of the genital substances. Since that date, liquide testiculaire has found therapeutic application in a large number of instances, but the scientific value of these experiments is very small. The same may be said of "spermin," first prepared by Poehl. The formula of this substance is C5H14N2 ; it is not identical with the base, the phos- phates of which form perfect crystals, which Schreiner originally discovered in seminal fluid, but which has since been demonstrated in other organic fluids. According to advertisements, this ' Sperminum Poehl" acts as a "physiological catalytic" and ferment of intraorganic oxidation, and in this capacity is said to improve the general condition and increase muscular energy and cardiac activity, to promote appetite and sleep, and, above all, to stimulate sexual activity. Up to the present, exact and care- fully controlled experiments with this substance have not been described. It has been largely employed by clinicians, but in estimating the results which in certain instances have been obtained, the suggestive influence of such measures is a factor to be reckoned writh. The influence of testicular extract upon muscular function has been demonstrated by Zoth and Pregl, by means of con- clusive experiments (1896). These authors systematically excluded every possibility of error, including that of suggestion, and they found that the subcutaneous injection of orchitic extract, continued over a period of weeks, did not produce an increased capacity for muscular energy ; but that when combined with muscular exercises, there was an increase of as much as 50 per cent, in the muscular performance, as shown by the ergograph and by dumb-bell experiments. The other effects of the genital substances have been discussed in a previous chapter, where it was showrn that the administration of these substances usually abolishes symptoms of suppression, 390 INTERNAL SECRETION and that both metabolism and the functions of certain individual organs may be intensified by this means. According to the experiments of G. Loisel, extracts of the ovaries and testicles of fishes, frogs, birds, and mammals, all contain toxic substances and, when injected subcutaneously, these extracts may provoke serious pathological symptoms or even death (frogs, rabbits). Extracts of birds' eggs and, according to Lambert, extract of the corpus luteum may produce toxic condi- tions when injected under the skin of frogs. The lesions produced in the Graafian follicles of normal animals by the repeated subcutaneous injection of ovarian extract obtained from animals of a different species, or even to a certain extent of the same species, are also very remarkable. The follicles may indeed be completely destroyed, while the rest of the ovarian tissue remains unchanged (Bucura). The effect described by certain authors which extracts of the genital glands have upon the circulation of normal animals can hardly be regarded as physiological. According to Baum, spermin produces local vaso-dilation. According to Hallion, extract of dried ovaries, when injected intravenously in quantities of 5 mg. into dogs, produces a fall in arterial pressure with reduction in the volume of the kidney and of the nasal mucosa ; at the same time the thyroid gland undergoes a preliminary diminution, followed by an enormous increase in volume, which is said to result from active vaso-dilation. Hallion regards the effect of ovarian extract in producing vaso-dilation writhin the thyroid as specific. I have carried out very careful hasmo- dynamic tests with ovarian extracts prepared in a variety of ways, but, personally, I have never been able to confirm this finding. The results which I obtained were never specific, but invariably pointed to the presence in the extracts of substances which pro- moted coagulation. Serralach and Pares have made an interesting discovery, namely, that the internal secretion of the testis plays a part in the production of the genito-vesicular reflex. It is well known that the ejaculation of semen is accompanied by the muscular closing of the neck of the bladder, and by a relaxation of the bladder walls, the capacity of the bladder being by this means enlarged and the discharge of its contents at the same time prevented. Serralach and Pares found that the intravenous injection of a glycerine emulsion of testicular substance produces the same changes in the bladder as the genito-vesicular reflex. The chemical constitution of the genital hormone has received as yet but little attention. A. Lowy's investigations are the first in this field of inquiry. They show that the active substance of the ovary must be an extremely labile body. The best effects are obtained with the dry substance, even after ethereal extraction ; glycerine extracts are also very active; extracts obtained with THE GENERATIVE GLANDS 39 1 physiological saline solution are very much weaker ; and after precipitation with acids the effects are very uncertain. Alcohol seems to destroy the active principle. According to Dixon (1901) the active constituents of testicular extract are nucleoprotein and certain toxic bases. Loisel arrived at a similar conclusion, as the result of his experiments with the ovaries and testes of animals of different species. THE INTERNAL SECRETORY TISSUE ELEMENTS OF THE GENERATIVE GLANDS. Although the correlative chemical activity of the generative glands has long been known, the question as to whether this internal secretion is the property of histologically differentiated portions of the organ and which tissue elements are the ones concerned, is of very recent date. The problem first arose about ten years ago, but has only latterly formed the subject of investi- gation. It was very generally assumed, though upon no very definite grounds, that the secretory elements of the sexual glands performed a double function ; that they elaborated the specific external secretion, which was carried off by the excretory ducts; and that they also produced specific substances, which were con- veyed by the lymphatics or the vessels into the general circulation, and which became active in distant parts of the organism. The genital glands were regarded as typical instances of glands with two surfaces, in which the epithelial cells elaborate both the internal and external secretions. In 1906, Nussbaum adopted the theory that the generative portion of the testis is the site of pro- duction of the hormone. The coincidence of the development of the rutting organs with the most rapid development of the sper- matic cells, suggested that it was the secretion of the spermato- gonia, namely, the spermatides, which at the rutting season sup- plied the impulse to the development of the seminal vesicles and other rutting organs. It had long been known that, in addition to the seminiferous tubules, the testis contained other morphological elements, but owing to the nature of their genesis and structure, these were not suspected of having an internal secretory function. It was not until- after the most searching investigation in comparative morphology, chiefly by Bouin and his co-workers, that the biological differentiation of the elementary constituents of the male sexual gland was recognized. The situation in regard to the internal secretory element of the ovary was more favourable. In this case also, it was at first assumed that a double secretory function was performed by the generative portion of the gland ; but the persistence of the Graafian vesicle after the completion of ovulation suggested that the internal secretorv function of this or^an was not simultaneous 392 INTERNAL SECRETION with, but subsequent to, its external secretory function. Prenant (1898), and later Born and Fraenkel, recognized that both in genesis and structure the corpus luteum, which persists after the ejection of the ovum and is of epithelial origin, possesses the characteristics of an internal secretory gland. Later on, another ovarian tissue formation of connective tissue origin, which had long been known to histologists, but was first minutely investi- gated by Limon (1902), was recognized by Bouin as possessing internal secretory functions. In describing the secretory elements in detail, it is expedient that the male and female glands should be treated separately. Testis, — The germinative portions of the testicle are the semi- niferous tubules which, in addition to the spermatic cells (sperma- togonia, spermatocytes, spermatides and sperma), also contain the syncytium of Sertoli's cells. In addition to these, however, the testis of all mammals contains peculiar elementary constituents which are known as " interstitial " cells or " Leydig's between- cells." These cells have formed the subject of repeated investi- gation and it has been shown that they are characterized by special genetic and structural features. They are of mesodermal origin and appear in the primitive genital trace at a very early phase of embryonal development, before the seminal cells have assumed their cytological character. Enclosed in the cytoplasm of Leydig's cells are granules which stain with osmium and hsematoxylin-copper-lake (Regaud), acidophile and basophile granules, pigment granules, and peculiar cell-crystals ; and these enclosures give them a structural resemblance to secreting gland- cells. Leydig's cells are situated in the interstitial tissue be- tween the seminiferous tubules ; they are sometimes few in num- ber, but they may be present in extensive clusters, especially where, owing to lack of development or atrophy of the semi- niferous tubules, there is room for fission to take place. These between-cells were universally regarded as trophic tissue elements, whose function it was to take up nutrient material from the blood-vessels, and pass it on to the Sertoli's cells. This theory received fresh support from the discovery by Regaud (1901) that a substance passes from Leydig's cells to Sertoli's cells. Reinke, however, who had proved that the cell crystalloid discovered by him in the human testis passes into the capillary lymphatics, suggested as early as 1896 that Leydig's cells might elaborate an internal secretion which plays an important part in the production of sexual instinct. Regaud and Policard, Loisel, Mosselmann and Rubay also ascribed the internal secretory function of the testis to this tissue element, but Bouin and Ancel were the first to describe this tissue as the " glande interstitiellc du testicule." In a large number of publications (1903-1904), these latter authors brought forward the proofs in support of their hypothesis, that this interstitial gland performs all the functions THE GENERATIVE GLANDS 393 with which the internal secretion of the testicle has up to now been credited. This ingenious theory was based, partly upon observations of the cryptorchidic testis, and partly on the results of experiment. In the greater number of instances (man, pig, horse, dog, ram) of cryptorchidic testicle, there is not only malplacement, but also, as histological investigation shows, complete absence of sperma- togenesis ; the cells of Sertoli in the seminiferous tubules are well preserved and the cells of Leydig are more or less developed. That animals with bilateral cryptorchidism are sterile has long been known to breeders, but it is equally well known that such animals possess normal, or even excessive, sexual instinct and that all the male sex characteristics are well marked. The external genitals and supplementary glands are fully developed. Where the cryptorchidism is unilateral, the removal of the normal testicle renders the animal sterile, but it retains its male appearance and habit. The completely castrated stallion is, in Germany, called "Walach," while the bilateral cryptorchis, or the unilateral cryptorchis from which the normal testicle has been removed, is called " Klopfhengst." Cryptorchidic individuals in man in- variably show normal development of the external genitals and male secondary stigmata. Later histological investigation (Felizet and Branca, Cunneo and Lecene, Nielsen, Tandler, &c.) confirms the finding that cryptorchidism is invariably associated in both animals and man with suppression of spermatogenesis, defective development of the seminiferous tubules, and apparently normal development of the cells of Leydig. Similar changes are produced in the testicular tissue by experimental ligature of the vas deferens. Spermatogenesis ceases; the spermatocytes, and later the spermatogonia?, degenerate and, at the end of a few months, they disappear. There is at first no change in Sertoli 's cells of the seminiferous tubules, and the cells of Leydig retain their morphological integrity. No change is produced, however, in the manifestation of sexual instinct, nor in the development of the secondary signs of sex. Ligature of the vas deferens has frequently been performed by veterinary surgeons in place of castration, but as the animals retained the characteristics of the stallion, the results up to now can hardly be regarded as satisfactory. Similar results have occasionally been observed in cryptorchidic animals from which, in place of the testicle, the enormously developed epididymis was removed. According to Shattock and Seligman, ligature of the vas deferens of sheep and poultry does not prevent the development of the secondarv sex characters. Further evidence in support of Bouin's theory is supplied by the results of clinical observation. Serious changes in the epidi- 394 INTERNAL SECRETION dymis (tumours, inflammation leading to atrophy of the vas deferens) do not inhibit sexual instinct nor do they affect the male secondary traits. These observations prove that the internal secretory function of the testis does not lie in the generative elements. The question which now arises is, in which of the two remaining elements, Sertoli's cells or the cells of Leydig, is this function lodged. In the hope of solving this problem, Bouin and Ancel endeavoured by experimental measures to separate the functions of these two groups of cells. Their course of reasoning was as follow6 INTERNAL SECRETION Frankel, supplied the incentive to extensive experimental and morphological investigation, which produced no actual confirma- tion of the theory, taut which supplied valuable information con- cerning the sites of origin of the ovarian hormones. The point in regard to which the least confirmatory evidence is forthcoming, is Frankel's theory that the originating cause of menstruation is to be sought in the corpus luteum. A small number of findings have been described (Magnus, Lindenthal) which seem to point to such origin; but the value of Frankel's cautery experiments is disputed by the majority of authors, who bring forward the well-known fact that, for no assignable reason, menstruation frequently fails to appear at an expected date. The hypothesis assumes that the bursting of the Graafian follicle takes place ten to fourteen days before the commencement of menstrua- tion, that corpus luteum being at the same time formed, the secretory activity of which produces the menstrual period follow- ing. Confirmation of this assumption was obtained in several instances by Ancel and Villemin, \\lio found that, in ovaries removed from women ten to twelve days before the date of the next menstrual period, the Graafian vesicles were burst and quite recent corpora lutea were present. This finding is less significant than it appears, however, when we consider that the menstrual swelling of the uterine mucous membrane takes place concurrently with the ripening of the ovum in the Graafian follicle; that it cer- tainly begins before the bursting of the follicle (Ahlfeld),and that it cannot, for this reason, be due to the agency of the corpus luteum. In one operation Mandl actually observed an ovary containing a mature, but intact, Graafian follicle, together with a uterus in which the mucosa had undergone premenstrual changes. The experiments of Hitschmann and Adler, to which reference has already been made, next proved conclusively that the haemorrhage is the least important of the menstrual phenomena ; that it is, as a matter of fact, merely an accompanying symptom of the cyclic changes in the mucosa ; and that it is these which constitute the essential feature of the menstrual process. It is hardly possible that a stimulus of short duration, such as that provided by the bursting of the Graafian vesicle, can be the forts et ori^o of the entire cyclic process, nor can the haemorrhage itself be directly due to that cause ; but the two processes, ovulation as well as haemorrhage, must be regarded as the co-ordinated results of an increased determination of blood to the q-enital organs. The prevailing views upon the relationship between menstru- ation and ovulation are in need of considerable revision in the light of Leopold and Ravano's investigations. The material at the disposal of these authors was very large, and the conclusions at which they arrived are as follows :— Menstruation, that is, the periodic emission of blood by the uterine mucous membranes, depends upon the presence of the THE GENERATIVE GLANDS 407 ovaries and the development of the uterine mucosa, and not solely upon the bursting of a Graafian vesicle. In the greater number of instances there is, both before and during the bursting of the vesicle, a determination of blood to the ovary. This is, in all probability, the reason why ovulation and menstruation are frequently coincident. Ovulation may take place in accordance with a specific periodic cyclic process, or its occurrence may be irregular; as a general rule, however, its periodicity coincides with that of menstruation. In more than a third of instances, ovulation and menstruation are not simultaneous. Ovulation may take place at any time, and is not necessarily accompanied by uterine bleeding. This fact makes it appear extremely probable that conception also can •occur at any time. Menstruation may take place without ovulation. At the period when the ovaries undergo senile involution, they sometimes contain normal Graafian follicles and corpora lutea, which seems to show that the process of ovulation may outlast that of menstrua- tion. It is evident from the above statements that Frankel's theory of the dependence of menstruation upon ovulation and upon the internal secretory function of the corpus luteum, is untenable. As Rcgaud and Dubreuil have shown, rut in rabbits has no connection with the corpus luteum. Frankel's further assumption that the corpus luteum regulates the nutrition of the uterus from puberty to the menopause, is also unfounded. This theory is based upon experiments in which the destruction of the corpora lutea of rabbits was followed by permanent nutritional disturbances of the uterus, similar to those which follow bilateral castration. The results of exposure of the •ovaries to the action of the X-rays — atrophy of the genitals, accompanied by diminution in the size of the ovaries and dis- appearance of the corpora lutea or Graafian follicles, with persistence of the interstitial cells — have alreadv been described, and these are advanced bv Bouin, Ancel, and Villemin as further evidence in favour of the internal secretory function of the corpora lutea. Vet the results of both sets of experiments really only prove the functional importance of the corpora lutea and the Graafian follicles in the maintenance of the anatomical integrity of the genital tract. Both tissues are destroyed by the action of the X-rays, and the possibility of damage to the Graafian follicles by cauterization of the corpora lutea cannot be excluded. Bucura's experiments, however, resulted in negative findings with regard to the corpora lutea. These experiments proved that atrophy after castration may be prevented by the transplantation of the ovary from an animal of another species, provided that the ovary contains developing Graafian follicles, the presence of an intact corpus luteum being alone insufficient to affect the result. That 408 INTERNAL SECRETION the Graafian follicles are the sole agents in the prevention of the uterine atrophy, is proved in the most conclusive manner by a case of Bucura's, in which a remnant of the ovary was left in situ after castration, and in which atrophy of the uterus did not take place. Examination of sections in unbroken series showed that this remnant consisted solely of maturing Graafian follicles, neither stroma cells nor any traces of corpus luteum being present. Bern's original hypothesis, that the function of the corpus luteum is to provide for the nidation in the uterus and subsequent development of the fertilized ovum, finds considerable support in the results of morphological investigation as well as in Frankel's experiments. If the ovum, after its emergence from the Graafian vesicle, becomes fertilized, lutein cells are formed from the epithelial cells of the membrana granulosa, probably in the same way as at the menstrual period ; but the corpus luteum of preg- nancy persists and, in accordance with both its genesis and structure, may be regarded as a secreting gland. What is the nature of its function ? The similarity of structure and develop- ment which subsists between the menstrual and the gestative corpora lutea, inevitably suggests that the latter carries out, only in a more intense degree, the function inaugurated by the former- If the corpus luteum menstruationis prepares the uterine mucosa for the reception of the ovum, the corpus luteum graviditatis is- responsible for the nidation of the fertilized ovum and for its further development. But, seeing that we are unable to attribute the responsibility for the menstrual changes in the mucosa to the corpus luteum menstruationis, the premises for the conclusion that the corpus luteum graviditatis also possesses a preparatory function cease to exist. On the other hand, Frankel's experi- ments undoubtedly appear to bear this interpretation. These experiments show that in the rabbit, suppression of the corpora lutea in the first week after fertilization prevents the occurrence of pregnancy, and that suppression between the eighth and twentieth days terminates it. With regard to the latter point,, however, Kleinhans and Schenk found by very careful experiments that the removal of the corpora lutea after nidation does not necessarily terminate a pregnancy of more than nine days' dura- tion, and it seems evident from this that the corpus luteum has- no significance in the after-development of the ovum. The function of the corpus luteum could only be to safeguard the nidation of the ovum. But even this manifestation of activity seems improbable in the light of an experiment carried out by Mandl. The left ovary of a pregnant rabbit was removed and implanted between the fascia and the abdominal wall. After littering, pregnancy again took place, and two days later the second ovary was removed. The pregnancy ran a normal course, in spite of the fact that a corpus luteum graviditatis could not possibly have been present in the transplanted ovary, and post- I THE GENERATIVE GLANDS 409 mortem examination subsequently showed that there was no " spurious " corpus luteum. It is very evident from this experi- ment that the corpus luteum is not indispensable to either the nidation of the ovum or to its after development. Frankel explains the results of this experiment by assuming that, in this instance, the function of the corpus luteum was vicariously under- taken by an atretic follicle, but this assumption is a complete departure from his own theory. For, as we know, the atretic follicle is entirely a connective tissue structure and the theca-lutein cells, formed in the course of its involution, compose the inter- stitial ovarian tissue. This proves the importance of the inter- stitial gland in the nidation of the ovum, while at the same time it reduces the function of the corpus luteum to a probable partici- pation in this process. Having disposed of Born and Frankel's hypothesis, we return to the view, first expressed by Prenant and since confirmed by others (Sandes, Srobansky), that the internal secretory function of the corpus luteum persistens consists in the inhibition of ovarian activity and, more especially, in the prevention of ovula- tion during pregnancy. It is common knowledge that, as a general rule, neither ovulation nor menstruation take place in pregnant women. In the cow, persistence and hypertrophy of one corpus luteum are by no means infrequent findings, and in such cases there is no recurrence of rut at the usual intervals of twenty-one days ; if the hypertrophied corpus luteum is removed by surgical means, how- ever, the signs of rut will appear a few days later. In the case of the mouse, the corpus luteum persists after littering, sometimes until after the second or even third pregnancy (Sandes, after Mandl). Ravano shows that the current notion that, in women, the corpus luteum graviditatis persists during the entire period of pregnancy, is mistaken ; it may even completely disappear, though the occurrence is rare. In about 5 per cent, of cases, complete ovulation takes place during pregnancy, while a ten- dency to ovulation is shown by the large majority of pregnant women. The material we at present possess supplies no decisive evidence as to the part played by the corpus luteum in the inhibition of ovulation and the other ovarian functions during pregnancy. As we have previously shown, these processes may result, with equal probability, from hyperfunction of the inter- stitial cells and reduction of activity on the part of the other tissues, particularly of the Graafian follicles. The atresia, which extends during pregnancy to numerous follicles, consumes the material for the maturing of the ovum. It is evident from the above that the third and most con- siderable tissue constituent of the ovary, the Graafian follicles, 4IO INTERNAL SECRETION may possess important secretory functions. With the exception of the cyclic symptoms in the genital iract, and certain processes which take place during pregnancy which are referable to the activity of the hormone of the interstitial gland, the Graatian follicles are probably responsible for all the chemical correlation- ships which are ascribed to the ovary as a whole. There is proof that the maintenance of one important sex characteristic, the female genital tract, is dependent upon these follicles. The question as to which tissue is the primary origin of this, as of the other, female .secondary characters, has scarcely as yet come under discussion. That the tissue which performs the function of external secretion is also the site of production of the ovarian non-sexual hormone, which exercises an alterative influence upon a large number of tissues and functions, is suggested by analogy with the male sexual gland. In conclusion, reference must be made to Bucura's assump- tion of an internal secretory function on the part of the parovarium or epoophoron (remains of the Wolffian body), and his experi- mental attempts to prove such secretion. Bucura's investigations confirm the reports of earlier authors, that the epoophoron is an organ which continues to develop after birth, that it attains the summit of its development at puberty, that it apparently hyper- trophies during pregnancy, atrophies with old age, and, from the nature of its structure, may possess an internal secretory function. He found that the uterus reacts differently to ovarian extirpation if the parovarium is removed with it, and that both these results differ from that which fellow's the customary method of extirpating the uterine appendages. The difference in the appearance of the uterus is due to the manner in which the con- nective tissue is affected. Owing, however, to the extreme scarcity of experimental material, it is impossible at present t<> arrive at any definite conclusion concerning the function of this appendage of the female genital gland. INTERNAL SECRETION OF OTHER PARTS OF THE GENITAL APPARATUS. Prostate. — It is \\ell known that the prostate is a glandular organ possessing an external secretion which promotes the activity of the soermatozoa, partly by a specific stimulatory influence, and partly by diluting and increasing the fluidity of the testicular secretion (Fiirbringer, Exner, Steinach). From the results of experiments and from clinical observation, Serralach and Pares (1907) assumed an internal secretion on the part of the prostate. They found that after removal of the prostate of dogs, there was cessation of ejaculation of semen and suppression of the secretion of the preputial glands, temporary cessation of spermatogenesis THE GENERATIVE GLANDS 411 and atrophy of the testes. The administration of glycerine extract of prostate subdued these symptoms or prevented their occurrence. The conclusiveness of Serralach and Pares' experiments is questioned by |. P. Haberern on the justifiable grounds that prostatectomy, as carried out by them, was not complete. As I know from my own experiments, total extirpation of the prostate of dogs is attended by considerable technical difficulties, and I am prepared to support Haberern in his view, that the internal secretion of the prostate can be proved only by extirpation experi- ments which are free from objection, reinforced by the results of the transplantation of the organ. The implantation site most suited to the prostate is the bone tissue. Primary atrophy of the prostate in man may cause aspermatism. Glycerine or watery extracts of the prostate of bulls (Thaon, Posner, and Kohn) and of dogs (Biedl) are extremely toxic. The intravenous injection of a few cubic centimetres produces a marked rise in arterial tension, followed by an equally marked fall ; there is arrest of the heart's action and asphyxia. These symptoms are most probably due to intravascular coagulation. lrterus. — The difference in the symptoms of suppression which follow extirpation of the uterus, extirpation of the ovaries, and extirpation of both uterus and ovaries, led O. O. Fellner (1908) to assume that the uterus possesses an internal secretion. the action of which is both toxic and vaso-contrictor, and which starts the menstrual wave. Fellner supposes that there is an antagonism between the internal secretory activity of the uterus and that of the ovary, the function of the ovarian secretion being to neutralize the toxic product of the uterus. There is no experi- mental foundation for this hypothesis. As far as is at present known, extract of uterine tissue is physiologically inactive. As Fellner himself pointed out, the toxic effect which is obviously produced by the intravenous injection of homologous uterine extract, is probably the result of intravascular coagulation, brought about by the comparatively large amount of thrombo- kinase present in the uterine mucosa. In the course of my own experiments, I have been unable to confirm an effect of ovarian extract which is described by certain French authors (Hallion, Delille), namely, that it produces hypotension and has an elective vaso-dilator effect upon the vessels in the thvroid gland. The production of such a result by the intravenous injection of ovarian extract could hardly be regarded, moreover, as proof of an intern il secretory function on the part cf the ovaries, for, as we have frequently pointed out, depressants are present in many tissue extracts. Placenta. — The internal secretion of this organ plays an important part in the modern theory of eclampsia. We will confine ourselves to a few brief comments upon the subject. 412 INTERNAL SECRETION Schmorl's anatomical finding of emboli composed of placenta cells in the lungs and other organs in eclampsia, paved the way for Veit's syncytiolysin theory (1905). Syncytiolysin is supposed to be an antibody, formed in the maternal organism in consequence of the passage of albumin from the syncytial villous coating. If the formation of this antibody does not take place, or is insufficient to combat the flooding of the organism with placental albumin, the latter acts as a toxin and produces the toxic condition known as eclampsia. Ascoli, on the contrary, regards the syncytiolysin as the toxic substance, while, according to Weichardt, the eclampsia toxin is a form of endotoxin which is liberated from the placenta cells by syncytiolysin. The premises for these different and entirely contradictory hypotheses^ are provided by experiments which show that extracts obtained by various means from placental tissue, have a toxic effect ; that after intraperitoneal injection they produce albumin- uria and other derangements ; and that after intravenous injection they may cause death. A more careful investigation showed, however, that the results are due in part to the action of albumin obtained from animals of a different species (Lichtenstein), and in part to intravascular coagulation (Dryfuss, Martin, Freund, Mathes) caused by the presence of thrombokinase in the placenta. Liepmann found that the normal human placenta is prac- tically non-toxic to rabbits, while the eclampsic placenta is extremely toxic, but Dryfuss was unable to confirm these results. He, like Hofbauer, Dienst, and others, holds the view that ferments, in certain cases in increased quantities, pass from the placenta into the maternal blood-stream ; that these break up the leucocytes and bring about increased formation of fibrin-ferments and fibrinogen ; and in consequence of this thromboses and degenerative processes occur in the liver and kidneys. According to Massini, under normal conditions the placental toxin is neutralized in the thyroid gland, and eclampsia takes place only where there is thyroid insufficiency. According to Vassale, eclampsia is a motor neurosis due to decreased function of the parathyroid glands; he recommends the administration of parathyroidin, and describes favourable results. THE INTERNAL SECRETION OF THE PANCREAS. In the year 1889, v. Mering and Minkowski discovered that extirpation of the pancreas of dogs is followed, not only by digestive disturbances due to the absence from the intestine of the pancreatic secretion, but by the continued presence of sugar THE INTERNAL SECRETION OF THE PANCREAS 413 in the urine and by all those further symptoms (polyuria, poly- phagia, emaciation ending in death) which we are accustomed to associate with pronounced diabetes mellitus. An intimate rela- tionship between diabetes and pancreatic disease had already been suspected by several clinicians, who, upon anatomical grounds, ascribed a pathogenetic significance to the pancreas in that condition. Their hypothesis was now supplied with an experi- mental foundation, while at the same time a new and previously unknown function of the pancreas was brought to light. A similar discovery to that of v. Mering and Minkowski was made, at about the same time and quite independently, by de Domenicis, though he failed to recognize the significance ol his findings. The results have since been confirmed by means of many hundreds of experiments, undertaken by numerous authors (Lepine, Hedon, Gley, Thiroloix, Caparelli, Harley, Schabad, Cavazzani, Sandmeyer, Selig, Rumboldt among others). That glycosuria is a constant finding after extirpation of the pancreas was disputed by isolated authors, but these exceptional cases are fully explained by the, at first sight, remarkable fact, that characteristic sequelae are observed only after complete, or almost complete, extirpation of the organ. If one-third to one- fifth of any part of the gland is left in situ, glycosuria will not appear. If the remnant becomes destroyed by secondary pro- cesses, or is removed by surgical means, serious diabetic sym- ptoms will make their appearance. These observations pointed to the fact that the cause of the metabolic derangement could not lie in the digestive disturbances arising from the absence of the pancreatic juice ; they showed, moreover, the relative unimpor- tance of the changes brought about by operative intervention, in the conditions governing the blood supply and the innervation of the organ. Minkowski, followed by E. Hedon, whose work, however, was quite independent, next showed by a well planned series of experiments, that neither lesion of the vessels nor of the nerves, nor suppression of the external secretion of the organ, is the causative factor in the production of pancreatic diabetes. The method employed was to remove that portion of the pancreas of the dog which is situated in the mesentery of the duodenum, and which Pfliiger named processus uncinatus, and to implant it, together with its vascular peduncle, under the skin of the abdomen. If this transplanted portion is sufficiently vascularized and nourished, the rest of the pancreas may be removed by a second operation without producing diabetes. But if, by a third, very slight extraperitoneal operation, the transplanted portion of the pancreas is also removed, serious diabetes will follow, and death will ensue. As the result of these experiments, pancreatic diabetes became the subject of eager experimental investigation. Total extirpation of the pancreas was next carried out with animals of different 414 INTERNAL SECRETION species. Minkowski observed diabetes not only in the dog, but in the cat and the pig, and Hedon observed the condition in apes. Destruction of the pancreas is followed in rabbits by slight diabetes expressed by alimentary glycosuria. In carnivorous birds, removal of the pancreas is followed by slight diabetes (Weintraud) ; while the herbivorous varieties show marked hyper- glycaemia and reduction in the glycogen contents of the liver, but no glycosuria (Kausch). Aldehoff found that, of cold-blooded animals, the frog and the tortoise show glycosuria after pancreas- ectomy. Markuse and Pfliiger also investigated the conditions in frogs, and found that, if the liver is removed with the pancreas, glycosuria does not appear. With regard to fish, in t\vo cases out of eleven, Caparelli observed slight glycosuria in eels after pancreatic extirpation, while Diamare observed constant hyper- glycaemia and glycosuria in Torpedo m arm oral a. The dog has formed the subject of the vast majority of pancreatic experiments, and it was with this animal that an exact experimental analysis in diabetes was first obtained. Total extirpation of the pancreas of dogs is followed by sugar in the urine in the course of a few hours or, at the most, a few days. If, during the following days, the animals are fed, the amount of sugar increases progressively, and, at the end of three to five days, reaches the maximum of 8 to 12 per cent. If the animals are kept fasting, the urine will contain sugar, but in smaller quantities. Taking into consideration the fact that, in addition to glycosuria, there is a very high degree of polyuria, the absolute amount of sugar excreted is considerable. Dogs weighing 10 to 15 kilos, and fed on a mixed diet containing a large proportion of carbohydrates, excrete i to ij litres of urine containing 8 to 10 per cent, sugar in twenty-four hours — that is, about 1 20 to 150 grms. in the twenty-four hours. The other diabetic symptoms evidenced by these animals are polyphagia and polydypsia ; in face of the large amount of food taken, the progressive emaciation is very remarkable. This is first shown by a rapid decrease in the adipose tissue, but the fleshy parts also soon show a marked falling away; and three to four weeks after operation the animals are reduced to skeletons and perish of extreme inanition. The emaciation, however, is attributable only in part to the digestive derangements which accompany the sup- pression of the external pancreatic secretion. The glycosuria persists until the end, the sugar disappearing from the urine on the day preceding death. In addition to sugar, the urine contains acetone, aceto-acetic, diacetic, and /3-oxybutyric acid. The duration of life depends, in the first place, upon the operative technique; in the second, upon whether the removal of the organ is effected without infective complications, especially, as so frequently happens, duodenal necrosis with subsequent peritonitis and perforation. It must also be borne in mind that, T-HE INTERNAL SECRETION OF THE PANCREAS 415 owing to the long time which it takes to heal, the surgical wound in experimental diabetes constitutes a certain danger to life. In the absence of all by-factors, however, the metabolic disturbances lead to death in three, or at most four, weeks after operation. Should the animal live for a longer period, it is safe to assume that extirpation was not complete, and that minute portions of the pancreas were left in situ. The autopsy shows that, with the exception of emaciation, there are no noticeable changes in the organs. Fatty degenera- tion is sometimes present in the liver and kidneys, dilatation and hypertrophic changes are observed in the gastro-intestinal canal, and, according to Boccardi, there are changes in the central nervous system. Partial Extirpation of the Pancreas. — If a portion only of the pancreas is removed, a quarter or one-fifth of any part of the organ being left in situ, glycosuria will not take place. An even larger proportion of the pancreas may be removed and, provided that the remaining portion is sufficiently well nourished and vascularized, the glycosuria will be transient only. Whether the remaining portion is left in situ, or is transplanted externally of the abdominal cavity, is a matter of indifference. The trans- plantation of the processus uncinatus with its vascular peduncle to a position under the abdominal cuticle, prevents glycosuria. Resection of the peduncle did not, in Hedon's experiments, pro- voke glycosuria ; but Lombroso has recently shown that the subsequent ligature of the peduncle produced slight transient glycosuria. In one instance, where the implanted portion of pancreas was efficiently vascularized by a large cuticular artery, the removal of this portion eight days after implantation led to serious diabetes, which terminated fatally. Extirpation is sometimes partial as the result of accident, small portions of pancreatic tissue being unintentionally left in situ. Such conditions produce " slight " diabetes, sugar appear- ing in the urine only after administration of the carbohydrates, and disappearing again with a flesh diet. Tn many instances, this remaining portion undergoes progressive degenerative atrophy, in consequence of which the diabetes passes from the slight into the severe form (Sandmeyer's diabetes). METABOLISM IN PANCREATIC DIABETES. The derangements of metabolism which follow extirpation of the pancreas are expressed by the glycosuria and the hyper- glycasmia of which it is the immediate outcome ; by the disappear- ance of the glycogen reserve ; by the peculiar behaviour of the organism with regard to the different carbohydrates; by the increased formation of acetone bodies, due to the absence of the carbohydrates ; by the over-charging of the blood with acids 41 6 INTERNAL SECRETION (acidosis), with its attendant danger, coma diabeticum ; and by changes in oxidation and general metabolism, as well as by the secondary effects which these produce upon the nutritional con- ditions (polyphagia and emaciation). Glycosuria. — The characteristic symptom, which appears -earliest after pancreasectomy and is most readily demonstrable, is the presence of grape-sugar (dextrose) in the urine. The amount and the intensity of the glycosuria is subject to immense variation, partly the result of external factors, such as muscular exertion, surrounding temperature, &c., chief among which is the amount and nature of the diet. Assuming these factors to be -equal, however, the condition falls into two distinct types con- nected by transition stages, and these types correspond in all essential particulars to the " slight " and " severe " clinical forms of diabetes. The essential differences which Seegen pointed out between the two clinical conditions are not observed in experi- mental pancreatic diabetes. The differentiation is merely quan- titative and depends upon the degree of pancreatic inadequacy. The extirpation of relatively large portions of the pancreas produces slight glycosuria; extirpation of the entire organ is followed by severe glycosuria. If the portions left in situ undergo secondary atrophy, the slight condition may pass into the serious stage (Sandmeyer). Slight diabetes is characterized clinically by the fact that sugar appears in the urine only after a diet containing carbohydrates, and disappears rapidly if the carbohydrates are excluded from the diet. In the severe form, sugar is always present in the urine and, though the quantity is diminished by fasting or by an exclusively meat diet, the sugar never entirely disappears. As Minkowski showed, when the metabolic derangement, after total extirpation of the pancreas, has reached its height, the glycosuria has a certain definite in- tensity, which may be estimated by the proportion between the sugar and the nitrogen in the urine, and which, after fasting or a diet free from carbohydrates, is expressed by the quotient D:N=2.8:i. It has been shown by numerous subsequent ex- periments that Minkowski's quotient of 2.8 varies but slightly in diabetes produced by total extirpation of the pancreas of dogs ; and that within the limits of this quotient, sugar is formed from albumen. As we showed in a previous chapter, the previous or simultaneous ex'tirpation of the thyroid of dogs without pancreas raises the quotient D :N to 3.5, or even higher (Eppinger, Falta and Rudinger). Alimentation increases the absolute amount of sugar excreted. Feeding with albumen is followed by a fluctuation of the sugar contents in proportion to the amount of nitrogen present in the urine (Minkowski, Berger, Lehmann, Bendix). The administra- tion of fats does not, as a rule, increase the glycosuria, though Falta, Eppinger and Rudinger observed a transitory, but very THE INTERNAL SECRETION OF THE PANCREAS 417 marked, rise in the quotient D :N in dogs without pancreas after feeding them with fats, and this result was intensified by the injection of adrenalin. With regard to the different carbohydrates contained in the nutriment, Minkowski discovered that by far the greater number (starch, grape-sugar, milk-sugar, cane-sugar) are excreted, almost without residue, in the form of glucose. Levulose is the only carbohydrate of which a large proportion is used up in the organism. After the administration of levulose, a considerable deposition of glycogen takes place in the liver and in the muscles. These findings of Minkowski's were confirmed by Sand- meyer and, more recently, by Pfliiger. According to Eppinger and Falta, the pathological decomposition of albumin observed in dogs without pancreas is reduced practically to the normal by the administration of levulose; and it seems evident from this that a portion of the levulose is really consumed. Of the other factors which contribute to the intensity of the glycosuria, the most important is the surrounding temperature. According to Liithje, the quotient D:N is very high when the surrounding temperature is low, and very low when the surround- ing temperature is high. Minkowski and Allard, Falta, Mohr were unable to confirm this relationship between the amount of the glycosuria and the surrounding temperature. The intensity of the glycosuria is influenced, moreover, by the temperature of the body. The increased combustion and the increased decomposition of albumin by which a heightened tem- perature, especially fever temperature, is accompanied, may pro- duce an intensified glycosuria. But, as a general rule, the be- ginning of infective peritonitis and general sepsis in animals after operation, is accompanied by a marked diminution or even complete disappearance of the glycosuria. If experimental toxic nephritis is induced (with cantharidin or chromic salts) in dogs without pancreas, the condition wrill be accompanied by a con- siderable decrease in the amount of sugar excreted in the urine (Biedl). It is known that in spite of the fact that consider- able hyperglycasmia is present, dogs with pancreatic diabetes cease at the preterminal stage to excrete sugar (F'alta, Grote and Stahelin). Similar findings in the clinical condition (reduction in the sugar excretion with hyperglycaemia, in nephritis with fever) are explained by v. Noorden as the result of the increased impermeability of the renal filter to sugar; and this assumption is accepted by L. Pollak in explanation of the reduction in the glycosuria after repeated injection of adrenalin. The effect which muscular exertion has upon the sugar excretion in animals with pancreatic diabetes is at present insuffi- ciently investigated. Heinsheimer observed that glycosuria — sub- maximal, it is true— was favourably influenced by extreme mus- cular exertion ; while Falta, Eppinger and Rudinger's dogs, 27 41 8 INTERNAL SECRETION which were totally devoid of pancreas, showed rapid decline both of the temperature and of the N. and D. excretion after an hour in the treadmill, and a few hours later they died. Hyperglyccemia. — The immediate cause of glycosuria in pancreatic diabetes, as in all the experimental forms, except so- called renal diabetes (phlorizin, renal toxins), is an abnormal increase in the sugar contents of the blood. The renal filter is impermeable to the normal sugar contents of the blood, which are about .1 per cent.; but if the sugar contents of the arterial blood exceed this figure, and especially if the hyperglycaemia is maintained, the kidney is unable to withstand the sugar in the blood and it passes, in consequence, into the urine. A high degree of hyperglycaemia is invariably the result of extirpation of the pancreas ; it is present also in those cases, such as herbi- vorous birds, in which glycosuria is absent (Kausch). The cause of hyperglycaemia lies in a derangement of the regulatory mechanism by which the normal sugar contents of the blood are guaranteed. It is not proposed to enter here into a discussion of the nature of this derangement ; it will be sufficient for the present purpose if we describe the phenomena by which hyper- glycaemia is accompanied. A factor of the first importance is supplied by the conditions covering the glycogen contents of the body. Very early after pancreas extirpation the glycogen in the liver is reduced until only traces of it remain. In all cases of severe pancreatic diabetes, the glycogen in the liver is reduced in the first few days to a minimal amount and this does not subsequently disappear. Even after generous feeding with carbohydrates only traces of glycogen are to be found. In the slight form of diabetes, the liver may contain considerable quantities of glycogen. Suppression of the pancreas is also attended by a marked diminution in the amount of glycogen in the muscles, though the muscles do not part with their glycogen as readily as the liver. In face of the disappear- ance of glycogen from the liver, the remarkably high glycogen contents of the leucocytes is very striking (Ehrlich) ; the proba- bility is that these become crammed with superfluous glycogen from the blood. Not all the carbohydrates, however, escape con- version into glycogen. As Minkowski proved, the administration of levulose leads to a storing-up of glycogen in the liver and in the muscles. It has been already pointed out that the administra- tion of levulose does not increase glycosuria; certain later observers (L. Pollak, Neubauer) regard this as the expression of a greater resistency on the part of levulose-glycogen than upon that of glucose-glycogen. As S. Fraenkel justly points out, the administration of any one of the carbohydrates is invariably fol- lowed by the formation of, the same glycogen substance, that, namely, which directs the polarized ray to the right, and which, after hydrolysis, yields dextrose. No one has, up to the present, THE INTERNAL SECRETION OF THE PANCREAS 419 observed glycogen in another form, and for this reason the ex- planation of the levulose experiments must lie in some cause other than the formation of a different glycogen substance. Fraenkel draws attention to Henri's experiments, which have attracted little notice, and which show that levuiose has an in- hibitory influence upon the action of invertin. This result sug- gests that levulose may have an inhibitory effect upon the fer- mentative processes in the liver. Liberation of the glycogen reserves cannot be the only source of the increased sugar contents of the blood, for these are independent of the conditions governing glycogen in the organ- ism. After the exhaustion of the glycogen reserves and the rapid excretion of any carbohydrates which may have been present in the food, the source of the surplus sugar in the blood can only lie with the albuminoids and fats. Given a diet free from carbo- hydrates and rich in albumin, it is possible that glycogen would be formed as an intermediate stage in the conversion of albumin into sugar. This line of argument is excluded where the diet consists of fats, yet in this case also the glycosuria and hyper- glycasmia are considerable. The defective metabolism of the carbohydrates is the principal cause of another important symptom of diabetes, namely, the increase in the amount of the acetone bodies (oxybutyric acid, aceto-acetic acid, acetone) present in the urine, or, as it is called, the acidosis. Under normal conditions, the acetone bodies are formed, in part from the amino acids of the albumin (Embden), but principally free from oleic acids, as an intermediary product in the conversion of fat into carbohydrates. Although the cause is at present unknown, it is an undoubted fact that ketonuria, that is, excretion of the acetone bodies in the urine, takes place only when decomposition of the carbohydrates in the economy has ceased. This explains the occurrence of acetonuria in inanition and in those pathological conditions in which the nutritional con- ditions in general, and the assimilation of the carbohydrates in particular, are very much reduced. In severe diabetes, in addition to the carbohydrates contained in the diet, the major portion of the sugar obtained from other sources is also excreted; thus there is an enormous increase in the formation of acetone substances and, consequently, ketonuria of a very pronounced character. The overloading of the blood with oxybutyric acid and aceto- acetic acid gives rise to acid intoxication, which Naunyn and his school regard as the cause of diabetic coma. The organism of carnivora possesses a chemical protective substance in ammonia, w7hich is formed by the decomposition of the albumin molecule, and this substance is able to neutralize the superfluous acids. In consequence of this, the increased production of acids increases the ammonia in the urine at the expense of the urea. But the amount of the ammonia is insufficient to combat the continued formation of acids, and a demand is made upon the fixed alkalis 420 INTERNAL SECRETION of the tissues ; the amount of the fixed alkalis, calcium, and magnesia, present in the urine becomes increased (D. Gerhardt and W. Schlesinger) ; while the alkalescence of the blood and tissues in very much diminished; and, as a result of the alkaline reduction, coma supervenes. This theory of the origin of diabetic coma rests upon a sound clinical and experimental basis, and to-day is very generally accepted. The failure of the alkaline therapy, which \vas founded on this theory, led v. Noorden to conclude that diabetic auto-intoxi- cation is attributable, not only to the over-production of acids in general, but also to the specific toxic action of isolated inter- mediary products (oxybutyric acid and aceto-acetic acid). Acetonuria is a constant symptom in dogs without pancreas ; its presence is the more remarkable from the fact that acetone bodies are not normally present in the urine of these animals, while it is extremely difficult to obtain ketonuria experimentally. The clinical picture presented by diabetic coma is by no means rare in dogs which have lost their pancreas and, in many instances, it is a terminal feature. The general metabolism undergoes a fundamental change after the extirpation of the pancreas. The accumulation of sugar in the blood w7as formerly regarded as due to imperfect oxidation of the carbohydrates and a lowering of the processes of oxidation in general. Falta, Grote, and Staehelin (1907) showed, however, that in dogs with pancreatic diabetes, the processes of oxidation are enormously increased, for the metabolism of albumin of such animals when in the fasting stage may attain to three times the normal. The decomposition of fat is also very much increased. These findings suggest a toxogenic decomposition of albumin. According to Eppinger, Falta, and Rudinger, the increased oxidation which follows removal of the pancreas is due to the fact that, owing to suppression of the inhibitory influence nor- mally exercised by that organ, the activity of the thyroid in promoting metabolism is allowed to proceed unchecked. It is certain that, owing to the increased metabolism, there is a reduction in the amount of the albumin, and that this gives rise to emaciation. The emaciation is further accounted for by the permanent caloric deficiency, due to the defective metabolism of the carbohydrates. The increased demand for, and consump- tion of, food (polyphagia) does not entirely counteract the deficiency in the caloric, and does not prevent the rapid emaciation of the body. Dogs which have lost their pancreas become extremely emaciated within quite a few weeks, and usually perish of inanition. THEORY OF PANCREATIC DIABETES. Since it was first discovered that diabetes follows extirpation of the pancreas, this condition has formed the subject of searching THE INTERNAL SECRETION OF THE PANCREAS 42 1 and laborious investigation, as well as of lively discussion ; never- theless, no final theory embodying a satisfactory explanation of its causes has up to the present been forthcoming. We are com- pelled, therefore, to confine ourselves to a short account of the theories concerning the condition which have been advanced by different authors. v. Mering and Minkowski, the discoverers of pancreatic diabetes, believed the condition to be the outcome of the cessation of a specific function of the pancreas, a function which is essential to the normal employment of sugar by the organism. After con- sideration of the possible causes, Minkowski concluded that the pancreas supplies some substance which aids in the decomposition of sugar within the organism. He believed the cause of diabetes to lie in a cessation of the internal secretory, or positive, pan- creatic function, using the term in the sense in which v. Hansemann employed it. This conclusion was, however, opposed by de Domenicis, whose discovery that glycosuria followed extirpation of the pancreas was almost simultaneous with that of v. Mering and Minkowski, though he worked independently of them. In his opinion, glycosuria is not a constant result of pancreasectomy, but is merely an expression of the serious nutritional disturbances which are brought about by suppression of the external pancreatic secretion. Owing to the absence of this external secretion, the digestion of the nutrient material by the intestine is defective ; toxins are formed and resorbed, and these disturb the chemistry of the tissues, and thus give rise to the formation of sugar. In the course of these earlier researches, de Domenicis discovered that the intestinal extract of dogs without pancreas produces glycosuria, though in a slight degree, in normal dogs. In a recent publication he has asserted that severe, permanent glyco- suria may be produced by the injection of the duodenal secretion of dogs without pancreas. It is not to be denied that the external pancreatic secretion has a certain influence upon the resorption of nutrient substances in the intestine. Sandmeyer showed that the administration of pancreatic tissue promotes digestion, and resorption of nutriment. Similar results were observed by Lombroso after the introduction of pancreatic juice into the duodenum. In animals which have lost their pancreas, ho\vever, this method merely increases the sugar excretion, and where diabetes is precent in the slighter form it provokes true glycosuria. The transplantation experiments carried out by Minkowski, Hedon, and Thiroloix prove beyond any manner of doubt that diabetes is not dependent upon the external pancreatic secretion. The possession by the pancreas of an internal secretory function \vas, however, denied for other reasons. In the case of the pancreas, as in that of all organs with internal secretion, the removal of which provokes pathological symptoms, the results of extirpation were explained by the nervous injuries inseparable 422 INTERNAL SECRETION from such operation. The brothers Cavazzani, as well as Thiroloix, endeavoured to explain the results of pancreasectomy by the injury to the nerves of the pancreas and liver ; their view was based upon experiments in which extirpation of the solar plexus, or of the nerves in the neighbourhood of the pancreas, was followed by glycosuria. The theory of the nervous origin of pancreatic diabetes has recently been warmly advocated by Pfliiger. He points out that, in his experiments with frogsr glycosuria followed, not extirpation of the pancreas only, but also resection of the duodenum and resection of the mesentery between the intestine and the pancreas; and that, in spite of the avoidance of any injury to the pancreas or disturbance of the pancreatic circulation, this result was constant. Herlitzka obtained similar results. The experiments in which dogs showed glycosuria after extirpation of the duodenum are not regarded as conclusive by Pfliiger, for the reason that the duration of life in such animals is very short ; but he draws attention to the earlier experiments by de Renzi and Reale, in which permanent glycosuria lasting until death was observed in dogs after resection of the duodenum. That true diabetes follows duodenal extirpation was not con- firmed, however, by Lauwens, Ehrmann, Rosenberg, and Minkowski, who ascribe the occasional slight glycosuria which they observed to nutritional derangement of the pancreas. Minkowski's experiment with a dog — in which, after transplanta- tion of the pancreas, the entire duodenum was excised, the animal remaining free from glycosuria for four weeks, at the end of which time the pancreas was removed, when severe diabetes made its appearance — is decisive evidence against the occurrence of duodenal diabetes. The sole evidence in favour of the duodenum as a causative factor in diabetes is supplied by two clinical cases of Zak's, in which glycosuria followed cauterization of the duodenum ; as well as by the results of certain experiments carried out by the same author, in which, after cauterization of the duodenum, sugar was found to be present in the urine and adrenalin present in the blood (frog's eye test). The results of experimental transplantation of the pancreas, and of the extirpation of the organ when performed in several sittings, have completely destroyed the theory that pancreatic diabetes is the result of nervous lesions, Pfliiger suggested that, in cases where the pancreas is implanted under the skin, a minute nerve branch may remain intact, and that by this means the resected nerve fibres mav resume their connection with the nerve centres; this assumption is, however, almost too chimerical to need refutation. Pfliiger himself has modified his views to this extent, that in his latest publication he concedes a certain degree of internal secretory activity to the pancreas. That this internal secretion may be influenced by the nerves is readily conceivable. THE INTERNAL SECRETION OF THE PANCREAS 423 That the pancreas possesses an internal secretory function must be conceded upon general grounds. But the two-fold significance attaching to the idea, and especially the earlier idea, of internal secretion, namely, that of positive production together \vith negative neutralization, suggests the possibility that the regular pancreatic function may consist in the destruction of so- called diabetogenic substances; that, after the extirpation of the organ, these substances accumulate in the body ; and that they have a deleterious influence upon the normal metabolism of the carbohydrates. This is a theory which has been advanced by several authors (Hedon, in his first publication, Tuckett), and which seemed to derive support from Gaglio's statement, that ligature of the thoracic duct prevents glycosuria after pancreasec- tomy. This latter finding received no confirmation, however, from later investigators (Lepine, Hedon, Biedl). The views of Harley and of Vani are based upon de Domenicis's theory; both authors believe that the suppression of the pancreatic func- tion gives rise to an auto-intoxication, the essential features of which are severe nutritional disturbances, glycosuria, and nervous symptoms being among the manifestations of the latter. Accord- ing to Vani, this auto-intoxication is due to suppression of the endocrinal function of the pancreas. The assumption that pancreatic diabetes is the outcome of an auto-intoxication never obtained much support. It has since been entirely abandoned; for the hypothesis that auto-intoxication occurs as the result of organic suppression becomes more and more limited in its application, owing to the fact that proof of the existence of toxic substances has never, as yet, been obtained. The possibility was recently suggested by Zuelzer that, after extirpation of the pancreas, harmful substances are retained in the economy which, under normal circumstances, would be excreted or destroyed by the agency of that organ. Zuelzer's findings permit, however, of a different interpretation. All the known facts concerning pancreatic diabetes, and especially the profound changes in the metabolism of the carbo- hydrates to which it gives rise, point unequivocally to suppression of an internal pancreatic secretion — which, under normal con- ditions, plays a decisive role in the metabolism of the carbo- hydrates as the originating cause of the condition. As evidence against a positive secretory function and forma- tion of hormones by the pancreas, it is pointed out that the brilliant results expected of organo-therapy have been conspicu- ously absent in pancreatic diabetes. From all 'accounts, the results of the administration of fresh or dried pancreas and the subcutaneous injection of pancreatic extract, seem to be uncertain both in clinical pancreatic diabetes and in the parallel condition in animals deprived of their pancreas. The reports are, however, exceedingly contradictory. Positive results were observed by 424 INTERNAL SECRETION Caparelli, Zuelzer, Dohrn and Mayer; negative results by Hedon, Gley, Lepine, Forschbach, and others. For the reasons given in the first part of this book, the failure of organo-therapy does not necessarily disprove the internal secretory activity of the organ under consideration. It is no more reasonable to expect a restora- tion, by means of the administration of pancreatic extract, of the injured metabolic processes of pancreasectomised animals, than it is to expect the prolongation or the saving of life by means of suprarenal extract in the case of suprarenalless animals. In face of the results obtained by a far more practical method, namely, that of pancreatic transplantation, the uncertain and contradictory results of organo-therapy lose their value as evidence against the formation of a pancreatic hormone. Instances are supplied by Minkowski's experiments, in which portions of the organ were transplanted together with their vascular stem ; at a later stage, the vascular stem was severed and the healed in portions of pancreas sufficed to avert diabetes. Pfliiger's unsuc- cessful implantation of the pancreas under the skin of the back in frogs has no bearing upon the question. That the pancreas does possess an internal secretion has been absolutely proved by Forschbach's parabiotic experiments. The extirpation of the pancreas of one parabiotic dog wras followed by slight glycosuria only. The manner in which the wound healed and the absence of cachexia further showed that the metabolic derangements characteristic of diabetes were absent. The internal secretion of the one pancreas sufficed for the needs of both animals. After separation, however, the animal which had been robbed of its pancreas developed diabetes. Lepine was the first to formulate a theory concerning the nature and method of action of the internal secretion of the pan- creas, and this supplied a new outlook in many directions and offered a stimulus to fresh investigation. But a glance at the results of nearlv twentv vears shows no discovery which in any . ~? «' J * way elucidates the causes in which diabetes takes its rise. Accord- ing to Lepine's theory, a substance is formed in the pancreas which is necessary to the normal metabolism of sugar. The sup- position is that the normal sugar in the blood is broken up and conveyed to the tissues by a glycolytic ferment, which is formed in the pancreas, reaches the blood by way of the thoracic duct, and attaches itself to the white corpuscles. By extirpating the pancreas, the source of origin of this ferment becomes destroyed. In both experimental pancreatic diabetes and in the spontaneous clinical condition, the amount of the glycolytic ferment present in the blood becomes very much diminished and, as a consequence, the decomposition of the sugar molecule is less than in normal blood. Thus an accumulation of sugar takes place in the blood and the excess is excreted by way of the kidneys. If we inquire more closely into the fact upon which Lepine THE INTERNAL SECRETION OF THE PANCREAS 425 based his theory, namely, the diminution in clinical diabetes of the glycolytic ferment in the blood, we are led to the conclusion that the theory is untenable. Moreover, the disappearance at blood-temperature of sugar from the blood is no proof of the presence of a glycolytic ferment ; for, on the one hand, it is difficult to ascertain the exact amount of sugar present in a fluid containing albumin, while, on the other, the alkaline contents are sufficient to account for an apparent decomposition of sugar (Bendix and Bickel). It is evident, then, that Lepine's theory is lacking in foundation. Lepine himself, however, abandoned his original theory and assumed the existence in diabetes of a substance inhibitory to glycolysis. He and Boulud succeeded in isolating crystalline bodies from the urine of diabetic and other patients, the exhibition of which produced glyrosuria in healthy animals. This sub- stance is said to become decomposed by passage through the vessels of the pancreas. More recently still, Lepine again asserted his belief in a pancreatic internal secretion with the function of promoting glycolysis. Although it was advanced against Lepine's theory that the normal decomposition of sugar takes place, not in the blood, but in the tissues, it seemed probable that the site of this decomposi- tion lay in the pancreas. In such a case, absence of the pancreatic parenchyma would give rise to insufficiency of the glycolytic ferment and to consequent hyperglycasmia and glycosuria. This view was adopted by Baldi and was supported by the results of experiment. Pal, however, was unable to find a difference be- tween the sugar contents of the arterial blood and those of the venous blood in the pancreas. Baldi, on the other hand, found a smaller amount of sugar in the pancreatic vein than in the carotid artery ; he also found a diminution in the sugar contents of blood mixed with dextrose, after it had been allowed to circulate through the pancreas. Lepine discovered further that watery pancreatic extracts have a glycolytic action, and that this action is intensified by the addition of acids. From these findings Lepine assumed" that a preferment was present in the pancreas, and that this preferment was converted, by the action of the acids, into a glycolytic ferment. The presence of a destructive ferment in the pancreas has been confirmed by a large number of authors, but it has since been recognized that, not the pancreas only, but a number of other organs, such as the spleen, liver, lungs, kidneys, muscles, £<-., exercise a glycolytic influence. The decomposition of sugar by the tissues even, was regarded as due to the action of oxidative ferments distributed through them. According to later experi- ments by Jacoby, Blumenthal, and N. Sieder, it seems probable, however, that glycolysis is a process sui generis, the details of which are still somewhat obscure. Stoklasa and his pupils re- 426 INTERNAL SECRETION garded glycolysis, in both the animal and vegetable economies, as typical alcoholic fermentation. Stoklasa found that, in addi- tion to alcohol and carbonic dioxide, lactic acid, and later acetic and formic acids, were formed by organic enzymes in the process of the decomposition of sugar; according to him, the enzymic processes in the protoplasm are as follows : (i) Primary, the formation of lactic acid by lactolase ; and (2) the formation by means of alcoholase, of alcohol and carbonic dioxide. The pro- cess of decomposition is completed by the enzymes acetolase and formylase, while combustion into carbonic dioxide and water is effected by the addition of oxygen. It is true that the processes by which the oxidation of sugar is effected within the organism are in need of further investiga- tion, yet this much may be taken as certain — that glycolysis is a process carried out by ferments which are present in all the tissues, and that in all probability the pancreas possesses no specific function in this respect. As Ehrmann and Wohlge- muth's very careful experiments have recently shown, the blood in the pancreatic vein does not contain a larger proportion of diastatic ferment than that in other vessels. A specific function in the decomposition of sugar was ascribed to the pancreas by O. Cohnheim, and simultaneously with him but quite independently, by R. Hirsch. According to Cohnheim 's experiments, neither the expressed juice of the muscles nor that of the pancreas possesses any marked glycolytic action when employed alone ; a complete destruction of glycogen is effected only by the combined activity of the two. Cohnheim assumes that the glycolytic ferment contained in the muscles is rendered active by an agent present in the pancreas. This ' activator ' is not destroyed by boiling, it is soluble in water and alcohol and insoluble in ether; hence it does not partake of the nature of a ferment, but is an internal secretion. Cohnheim investigated the activity of this a^ent in increasing quantities, and found that its action was inhibited at excess; he regards this as analogous to the complement deviation reaction. Rahel Hirsch found that the glycolytic action of pounded liver was considerably strengthened by the addition of pancreatic ex- tract. She assumes that either a preferment or a kinase is sup- plied by the pancreas, and that this lends to the liver a glycolytic activity. Cohnheim's results at first received a measure of confirmation (by Arnheim and Rosenbaum and by Sehrt, whose experiments, interesting to relate, were conducted with muscles from mummies of a period previous to 300 B.C.): but Claus and Embden, who carried out a series of very careful experiments in v. Noorden's laboratory with the object of verifying Cohnheim's results, were unable to find any proof of the existence of a pancreatogenic activator, and they ascribe the disappearance of the suear to THE INTERNAL SECRETION OF THE PANCREAS 427 bacterial impurity. Also J. de Meyer and Nanking were both unable to confirm Cohnheim's results. Like Lepine, J. de Meyer (1904) believed that the decom- position of sugar took place in the blood. According to his experiments, the glycolytic ferment is situated, not in the muscles, but in the white blood corpuscles, and is rendered active by the agency of the pancreas. He believes that the pancreas contains a " sensibilizing substance," which changes a proferment —which is present in the leucocytes and is secreted by them and v. hich possesses properties analogous to those of the fibrin ferment —into the active glycolytic ferment. De Meyer also believes that the cause of diabetes after extirpation of the pancreas lies in the suppression of the internal secretion, and that the latter is the agent which activates the glycolytic ferment. The evidence against this hypothesis is supplied by the arguments which were advanced in disproof of Lepine's theory. Vahlen (1908) was also unable to demonstrate the presence in the pancreas of a substance which splits up sugar and thus promotes oxidation. He believes it possible, however, that the pancreas may contain a substance, at present unknown, which, without giving rise to direct fermentative decomposition, may yet bring about an increase in the decomposition of sugar in the organism. He succeeded in isolating a constituent from the pancreas which appreciably accelerated the alcoholic fermentation of sugar, and, in the case of phlorizin animals, effected a con- siderable reduction in the excretion of sugar. Vahlen did not, however, carry out conclusive experiments with pancreasec- tomized animals. If we review the publications which, beginning with Lepine's theory, have attempted to explain the nature of pancreatic dia- betes, it is evident that conclusive proof of the assumption that the pancreas supplies a substance which promotes glycolysis, or which is essential to the general metabolism of sugar, is not forthcoming. The generally accepted view, that pancreatic dia- betes is a derangement of metabolism which consists in the arrest of the normal conversion of sugar, has not, as yet, been suffi- cientlv confirmed, and for this reason, has little positive value. The older hypothesis, that diabetes is the expression of an increased formation of sugar, has recently been revived; it is reinforced by certain new arguments and has received a large measure of support. This tendency marks a return to the teach- ing of Chauveau and Kaufmann (1893) which, at the time of its inception, found few supporters. The central point round which the process of the metabolism of the carbohydrates revolves, is what Claude Bernard described as the " gly co genie animate"; the process, that is, by which glycogen accumulates and sugar is formed in the liver. From the carbohydrates derived from the nutriment, glvcogen is formed 428 INTERNAL SECRETION in the liver and accumulates there as reserve material. It is probable that, when the supply of carbohydrates is deficient, the formation of glycogen from albumin also takes place in the liver ; and here, also, the conversion of glycogen into the form in which it is used by the tissues, namely, grape-sugar, takes place. The sugar is withdrawn by the organs from the blood and is in part employed directly in the performance of function ; in part, and in the muscles more particularly, it is converted into glycogen. The process of converting dextrose into a colloid polysaccharide, of condensing the glycogen, and of again converting it into sugar, is the common reversible function of the cells. The sugar contents of the blood are dependent upon the amount of sugar formed in the liver. According to Chauveau and Kaufmann, this process is regulated and controlled by the nervous system. These authors believe that two nervous centres exist, one in the medulla oblongata and one in the cervical spinal cord, and that by means of the centrifugal nerves contained in the sympathetic, these regulate the formation of sugar, one centre exercising an inhibitory, the other a direct stimulatory influence upon the sugar production. According to the original theory of these authors, the nervous impulses are first conveyed to the pan- creas, whence they pass by way of the nerves to the liver, and there bring about changes in the sugar production. Taking into account the many facts which point to a chemical correlation, these authors modified their view to this extent, that they ascribed to the pancreas an internal secretion influencing the liver, which was conveyed to the liver by the agency of the blood-stream. The production of the secretion they believed to be under the control of the nervous system. Regarded in the light of our present knowledge, the theory of Chauveau and Kaufmann signifies that the influence of the internal secretion of the pancreas is exercised directly upon the liver in part only; its main influence is directed to the nerve centres which control the sugar production, the effect upon the stimulatory centre being inhibitory and the effect upon the in- hibitory centre stimulatory. In this way, a two-fold hindrance to the formation of sugar in the liver is effected by the pancreas with the aid of the nervous system. The suppression of the in- ternal secretion of the pancreas not only abolishes inhibition, but it also relieves the check upon stimulation, and, in consequence, a pronounced glycosuria make its appearance. The suppression of inhibition appears, however, to be the decisive factor; for Hedon and Kaufmann discovered that the hyperglycaemia, or rather the glycosuria, of pancreatic diabetes is by no means maximal and may be increased by puncture of the floor of the fourth ventricle, in other words, by irritation of the stimulatory centre. According to this theory, then, pancreatic diabetes con- sists in an increase in the sugar formation brought about by a THE INTERNAL SECRETION OF THE PANCREAS 429 disturbance somewhere in the functional chain, that is to say, in either the central nervous system, the pancreas, or the liver. A similar view was expressed by Thiroloix and, more re- cently, by Pfliiger. These authors assume that the sugar con- tents of the blood are dependent upon two opposing factors, both of which are under the control of the central nervous system. Of these two factors, one is the mechanism by which sugar is formed in the liver, which is governed by the centre in the medulla oblongata. The other factor, antagonistic to the first, is supplied by the so-called anti-diabetic activity, which limits the production of sugar ; it is situated in the pancreas and is also under the control of the nervous system. Thiroloix assumes that the inhibitory action of the pancreas is performed by the agency of an internal secretion which is regulated by the nervous sys- tem ; Pfluger, on the other hand, believes that its anti-diabetic property is supplied to the pancreas by nerves which originate in the duodenum. This view is supported by Herlitzka. But Pfluger concedes that the glandular substance of the pancreas may play a part in Sandmayer's diabetes; he suggests that the epithelial cells may possibly supply an anti-diabetic ferment to the blood-stream. It is evident from these theories concerning the nature of pancreatic diabetes, that the conception of the pancreatic function as an inhibition of the formation of sugar, lies at the root of all the later teaching. Further information concerning the field of activity of the pancreatic hormone, hence a new point of view in regard to pancreatic diabetes, has recently been supplied by the discovery of the relationship between the metabolism of the carbohydrates and the activity of the other internal secretory organs. Particularly important was the discovery and analysis of adrenalin glycosuria, for it showed the enormous influence of the suprarenal, or rather of the adrenal system, upon the sugar economy of the organism. Further, we know that adrenalin, by mobilizing the reserve glycogen and thus promoting the forma- tion of sugar from other material, raises the sugar contents of the blood. The antagonism between the activity of adrenalin and that of the pancreatic hormone is chiefly symptomatic in its expression. The action of adrenalin is modified in certain direc- tions by the internal secretion of the pancreas. In Zuelzer's experiments, the effect of pancreatic extract in inhibiting adrenalin glycosuria might be explained by the assumption that the excess of sugar in the blood undergoes combustion by the agency of the pancreatic hormone introduced into the economy. Zuelzer's results permit, however, of another explanation. It may be that the antagonistic effect of the two substances is the outcome of their antagonistic influence upon the same physiological site; in other words, the activity of an apparatus may be inhibited by 43° INTERNAL SECRETION the pancreas and stimulated by the adrenal system. What we know concerning the site of the activity of adrenalin suggests that the pancreatic hormone has an inhibitory action upon the nervous apparatus which regulates the formation of sugar. Lb'wi's reaction also points to an inhibitory action, on the part of thi.' pancreas, upon organs with sympathetic innervation. The investigations of Eppinger, Falta and Rudinger, to which frequent reference has been made, show that a certain in- fluence is exercised by the thyroid apparatus upon the metabolism of the carbohydrates, and that this influence is apparently brought into play by the agency of the pancreas. The results of their experiments seem to show that, while the activity of the thyroid is opposed to the internal secretory activity of the pancreas, that of the parathyroids is favourable to it. The assumption is that the thyroid hormone stimulates the function of the vegetative nervous system ; and that the pancreatic hormone affects that function in the opposite sense. From the data which have here been set forth, we are justified in concluding that the pancreas, by means of its internal secretion, inhibits the formation of sugar in the liver, and that this inhibition is effected through the agency of certain nervous apparatuses. Suppression of pancreatic activity abolishes the normal check upon the formation of sugar, in consequence of which the glyco- gen present in the organism is released; that is to say, the glycogen derived from the carbohydrates in the food or, in de- fault of these, from other material, is converted into glucose; and as a consequence hyperglycasmia and glycosuria follow. The pancreatic hormone appears to affect the same peripheral nervous apparatus as adrenalin ; for, as Kaufmann showed, resection of the splanchnic nerve is followed by pancreatic diabetes in exactly the same manner as adrenalin glycosuria. Attempts to isolate the pancreatic hormone have, up to now, been fruitless. Nothing definite is known concerning its chemical nature and we are forced to fall back upon hypothesis. The most probable assumption is, that the substance is of the nature of a ferment, and that it influences that process by which the decom- position and new formation of glycogen take place in the liver. The fact that, after extirpation of the pancreas, deposition of glycogen in the liver may be effected by the administration of levulose, suggests that suppression of the pancreatic function does not prevent the formation of glycogen, but that it permits the unchecked splitting up of this substance. The normal pan- creatic hormone is a substance which inhibits the cliastatic con- version of glycogen into sugar. Many experiments have been undertaken with the object of discovering the path along which the pancreatic hormone travels, and the results were described by me in 1898. I discovered that in the large majority of instances (66 to 86 per cent.), ligature THE INTERNAL SECRETION OF THE PANCREAS 431 of the thoracic duct at the neck, or the diversion of the chyle by means of a fistula, was followed by permanent glycosuria, which was unaffected by either the fasting state or by feeding with carbohydrates. The fact that the thoracic duct is not the only channel by which the chyle is carried off, explains the negative cases. The results of these experiments led me to conclude that a substance is contained in the chyle which influences the meta- bolism of sugar in the organism. I resumed this line of in- vestigation in association with Offer in 1907, and we discovered that the instillation of adrenalin into the conjunctiva produces a mydriasis, which, according to Lowi, is characteristic of pancreatic diabetes. We discovered, further, that the chyle in the thoracic duct possesses an inhibitory action in regard to adrenalin, and that adrenalin glycosuria may be reduced, or even abolished, by the subcutaneous injection of chyle, as well as by intensifying the normal lymph secretion by means of lymphagogue substances. It would appear from this that the substance contained in the chyle which influences the metabolism of the carbohydrates, is identical \vith the pancreatic hormone. The pancreatic substance which possesses the property of inhibiting the formation of sugar, reaches the circulation by way of the lymphatics. Such being the case, then, it is to be expected that the in- jection of chyle from the thoracic duct of normal dogs into the veins of dogs without pancreas, will be followed by a diminution of the glycosuria. As a matter of fact, positive results were obtained in one case by Lepine, though Falta's results were negative. In my later experiments, the action of the chyle in reducing glycosuria after pancreasectomy, w~as very clearly shown, the best results being obtained in cases where, owing to the presence of small remnants of pancreatic tissue in situ, the derangement of metabolism had not attained the maximal. On the days upon which large quantities (200 to 500 of chyle from healthy dogs were injected subcutaneously, the animals showed a diminu- tion of the quotient D :N to 1.5 or 1.2; while upon days when no lymph was given the quotient reached 1.8, and later even 2.1. It should be noted in passing that these results suggest the therapeutic employment of chyle, or of lymphagogue substances, in those cases of clinical diabetes which suggest pancreatic in- adequacy, but not pancreatic suppression. The analogy between the symptomatology of true clinical diabetes and the experimental pancreatic form is so far-reaching, that it is not surprising that \ve frequently encounter the opinion that the metabolic disturbances of clinical diabetes are also pan- creatogenic in their origin and are the expression of diminished or internal secretory activity on the part of the pancreas or its suppression. It should be borne in mind, however, that a 432 INTERNAL SECRETION pathological alteration may take place at any point in the com- plicated mechanism by which the sugar economy is regulated ; and that a pathological condition of any one of the internal secretory organs associated with the metabolism of the carbo- hydrates, and consequent disturbance of their interrelationships, may give rise to slight glycosuria or even to permanent diabetes. But in these cases a relative insufficiency of the pancreas must also be assumed. Such being the state of affairs, the question as to whether anatomically demonstrable changes take place in the pancreas in clinical diabetes, acquires an increased significance. Lesions of the pancreas in clinical diabetes were described before experi- mental pancreatic diabetes had been discovered, and the patho- genetic significance of these lesions was suggested by several authors. The comparative scarcity of instances in which diabetes is accompanied by serious anatomical lesions of the pancreas, and the enormous preponderance of cases in which no anatomical pancreatic lesion is demonstrable, together with the doctrine that serious disease of the pancreas may be unaccompanied by diabetes, are weighty arguments against the pancreas as a constant factor in the pathogenesis of clinical diabetes. The changes which are observed in the pancreas in diabetes have recently become a subject of increased interest to anatomico- pathologists. The morphological findings throw some light upon the question as to which tissue element it is which elaborates the pancreatic internal secretion. These, however, will be discussed later. All we need say here is, that recent investigations show that pancreatic lesions of the most varied description, chronic inflammatory and degenerative changes, atrophy and neoplasms, are observed in a comparatively large proportion (according to v. Hansemann about 70 per cent.) of diabetic patients. It is true that these are ahvays cases in which the disease is present in its severest form ; information concerning the slighter aspect of the disease, though its pathogenesis is far more interesting, is very scanty. Negative anatomical findings in the pancreas can- not be regarded as evidence against the pathogenetic significance of this organ : the disturbance of the metabolism of the carbo- hydrates may originate primarily in other links of the functional chain, or the chemistry of the pancreas may be altered without demonstrable morphological changes. THE INTERNAL SECRETORY TISSUE ELEMENTS OF THE PANCREAS. As in the case of all glands possessing an external secretion, it was at first assumed that the glandular cells of the pancreas were bipolar, that is to say, that both the internal and external secretory functions wTere performed by the same epithelial cells. THE INTERNAL SECRETION OF THE PANCREAS 433 But in addition to the acini and their excretory ducts, it was known from Langerhans's description (1869), that the pancreas contained irregularly distributed cell groups, which were later named, after their discoverer, the islands of Langerhans. The structure of these elements suggested that they might possess an internal secretory function. The islands are composed of polygonal cells with ill-defined boundaries, containing large round nuclei and comparatively small and sparsely distributed granules. They are remarkably well furnished with capillary blood-vessels which are intimately associated with the cells, and they are surrounded with a delicate connective tissue sheath (Flint, Laguesse). A question of paramount importance in the determination of function, namely, whether these islands contain lumina com- municating with the excretory ducts of the pancreas, is not as yet definitely decided. Lumina within the insular area have been described by Gianelli and Giacomini in reptiles, by Dale in toads, and by Vincent and Thompson in Kinosternon and in Amia call) a. According to both Lewaschew and Mankowski, the islands in mammals may be injected from the excretory ducts, though this is denied by other authors (v. Ebner, Dogiel, Rossi). Laguesse found that, in the snake, the islands contained lumina which had an unbroken continuity with those of the acini. Well- developed excretory ducts have also been occasionally observed in the interior of the islands of the human pancreas. In his investigation of the regenerative processes which take place in portions of pancreatic tissue implanted in the spleen, Kyrle ob- served proliferation of the epithelial cells of the excretory ducts, in consequence of which the acini and the islands were formed separately and excretory ducts were present in the islands when fully developed. The embryological investigations of Weichsel- baum and Kyrle led them to conclude that the islands of Langer- hans are derived from the epithelium of the excretory ducts, and that their formation takes place, not during foetal, but during the early part of post-fcetal life. The islands of Langerhans were regarded by the older scien- tists, as well as many later authors, as lymph follicles to which no particular functional significance was attaching. A more exact knowledge of their genesis showed, however, that the cells of the islands are of epithelial origin. By some authors (Gian- nelli, Oppel) they are even regarded as the rudimentary remains of an atavistic gland. Many scientists held the view that, though the acini and the islands differ structurally from one another, they are not functionally differentiated. Harris and Gow, Gibbes, Gianelli and Giacomini assume that the islands play a part in the production of the external pancreatic secretion, especially of the diastatic ferment. Jarotsky observed signs of increased secre- tory activity on the part of the cells of the islands after the ad- 28 434 INTERNAL SECRETION ministration of carbohydrates in large quantities. According to Lewaschew and Pischinger, the islands are really acini in a state of functional exhaustion which, after a period of rest, resume their secretory activity. Laguesse (1893) was the first to adopt the view that the internal secretion is elaborated by the cells of the islands of Langerhans, the islands thus possessing an endocrinal function which is of importance in the metabolism of the carbohydrates, while the external digestive secretion is supplied by the acini. The supposition is that a continuous transformation of acini into islands, and vice versa, takes place, by which the two secretory processes are carried out. Laguesse's theory principally depends upon the presence of transition forms ; these he described with extreme minuteness and his findings are confirmed by a large number of observers (Mankowski, Gentes, Perdrigeat and Tri~ boudeau, Dale, Vincent and Thompson, Marrassini). Changes in the number and size of the islands, and transition forms be- tween acini and islands and vice versa, have been obtained by certain experimental measures, such as the injection of secret! ne, pilocarpine and phlorizin ; fasting; and over-feeding. But these transformatory changes of acini into islands and vice versa have been questioned by several authors, first by Vassale, then by Diamare, Stangl, Rennie, and others, and more recently by Weichselbaum and Kyrle. In his critical survey, Lombroso arrived at the conclusion that the morphological findings, obtained from experimental and comparative anatomical investigation, were insufficient to justify the theory of mutual transformation. According to Lombroso, mutual transformation does not prove a sharp differentiation of the internal and external secretions as functions of the two pan- creatic tissues, acini and islands ; but it confirms his view that both functions of the pancreas are undertaken by both tissues. There are numerous authors, however (Kohn, Massari, Dia- mare, Rennie, Opie, &c.) who deny Laguesse's theory of the intimate morphological relationship between the acini and the islands of Langerhans; who regard the latter as independent tissue formations, but believe them to be ductless glands — epithe- lial organs analogous to the parathyroids, the suprarenal cortex, and the anterior lobe of the hypophysis — and whose property it is to elaborate the pancreatic hormone. Within the last fifteen years, clinical diabetes has provided a certain amount of anatomico-pathological material, which has a considerable bearing upon the internal secretory elements in the pancreas. The numerous investigations which have been made have led, however, to very divergent results. The findings which they observed led a number of investigators to adopt the insular theory (Opie, Ssobolew, Herzog, Weichselbaum and Stangl, Sauerbeck, THE INTERNAL SECRETION OF THE PANCREAS 435 Diamare, Visentini, &c.) ; while others (Hansemann, Gutmann, Karakascheff, Herxheimer, Schmidt) ascribed the internal secre- tory function to the acini. Others, again (Reitmann), adopted the view that both pancreatic tissues are concerned in the etiology of diabetes. According to Lombroso, the anatomico-pathological findings are distinct evidence against the assumption that the internal secretion of the pancreas is the function of one tissue formation only, whether of the acini or of the islands of Langer- hans. Experiments undertaken with the object of ascertaining the structural changes in the pancreas, which follow the exhibition of substances believed to have an action in increasing or diminish ing the hormone production, have also yielded contradictory results. Ssobolew and Lepine found that, in the dog and the guinea-pig, the intravenous injection of grape-sugar was followed by a reduction in the size of the islands and by a diminution in the number of granules in the island cells; while Diamare, on the contrary, observed a remarkable profusion of granules in the island cells of a Teleostean (Motella tricirrata), of frogs, and of guinea-pigs. Marrassini describes hypertrophy of the islands of Langerhans in rabbits, where prolonged administration of grape- sugar was accompanied by continued glycosuria, and this hyper- trophy was of so intense a nature that the neighbouring acini were flattened, deformed and atrophied. The island cells con- tained an enormous number of fine fuchsinophile granules. Re- ports of the effects produced by the injection of phlorizin and adrenalin upon the structure of the pancreas are equally con- tradictory. After the repeated injection of phlorizin into dogs, Ghedini observed a marked reduction in the volume of the pan- creas, due to degenerative atrophy and necrosis of the acinous tissue, no cell changes taking place in the islands. Lazarus described marked hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the islands of Langerhans in guinea-pigs after prolonged treatment with phlori- zin and adrenalin, and here also the acinous tissue was unchanged. After the administration of adrenalin, Herter and Wakeman found necrosed foci in the pancreas and changes in the cells of the islands of Langerhans; in chronic poisoning with arsenic, mor- phia, and phosphorus, Carnot and Amet found hyperplasia, to- gether with frequent fatty degeneration, of the islands. Lepine and Vigliani observed absolutely normal histological conditions after the exhibition of phlorizin ; and Tiberti reports similar findings after the injection of phlorizin and adrenalin, as the result of his very careful experiments with guinea-pigs and rabbits. The latter author, like Heiberg, believes that the hyper- trophied islands which Lazarus described are normal formations in the pancreas of guinea-pigs. A second experimental method of physiological differentiation between the two tissues of the pancreas seemed to promise better 436 INTERNAL SECRETION results. The method was based upon the known fact that ligature of the excretory ducts of the pancreas, and the injection of foreign substances into them, suppresses the external secretion and may lead to more or less pronounced atrophy of those portions of the gland by which the external secretion is elaborated. It was soon found that glycosuria did not, as a rule, make its appearance in experiments of this sort, and that the tissue of the islands of Langerhans remained in comparatively good condition. After ligature of the excretory ducts of the pancreas of guinea-pigs, Schultze observed disappearance of the acini, with persistence of the islands and absence of glycosuria ; similar findings were described by Ssobolew in rabbits, dogs and cats ; and by Laguesse in rabbits. Sauerbeck observed transient glycosuria in rabbits after ligature of the pancreatic duct ; but the incidence, course and intensity of the glycosuria was said to run parallel with changes in the islands of Langerhans. Tiberti describes similar findings, while different results were obtained by other observers (Hansemann, Mankowski) who employed the same method. From the results of his own experiments and those of other scientists, Lombroso concluded that, after ligature of the pan- creatic duct of rabbits, changes take place in the acini, but that the acini do not entirely disappear, and that the islands also undergo modification, though more slowly. Glycosuria is either absent, or occurs in isolated instances only. He ascribes a par- ticular significance to the fact that the resorption of nutriment remains unchanged. In pigeons, ligature of the excretory ducts produced changes in the pancreas similar to those observed in rabbits ; but though glycosuria was not present, the birds died after two to three weeks, in consequence of the derangement of the absorption of food. It must be remembered, however, that the absence of glycosuria in birds is no proof of the continuance of the hormone production ; the diabetic disturbance of metabolism which follows extirpation of the pancreas is expressed only by hyperglycsemia, though Lombroso failed to take this fact into consideration. The numerous and very careful experiments which have been carried out with the pancreas of dogs all show that, not only do the acini not disappear after ligature or resection of the excretory ducts, but that they do not undergo appreciable change. Lom- broso found perfectly preserved normal acini fourteen days after operation. This finding has been explained by the presence of supernumerary excretory ducts, by which the passage of secretion from the gland was facilitated (Hess and Sinn). Lombroso re- jects this explanation, however, and he emphasizes the fact that well-developed acini were present in .implanted portions of pancreas which sufficed to prevent the occurrence of diabetes. A consideration of all the available experimental material led Lombroso to conclude that both the epithelial tissues of the THE INTERNAL SECRETION OF THE PANCREAS 437 pancreas, namely, the acini and the islands of Langerhans, are concerned in the internal secretory function of that gland. According to this author, the internal secretion of the pan- creas not only influences the sugar economy, but also plays a part in the absorption of nutrient material. Previous to Lom- broso, de Domenicis, as has been shown, believed the or/gin of pancreatic diabetes to lie in the disturbance of absorption which he observed after pancreasectomy. Abelmann's experiments (1890) showed that the decomposition of fat is, in a quantitative sense, only slightly affected by total extirpation of the pancreas, but that the absorption of fat entirely ceases after this operation. Fat absorption persists in a greater or less degree after ligf'ure of the excretory ducts, as well as after partial extirpation and transplantation of a portion of pancreatic tissue to a position where it is in communication with the intestine. The absorption of fat in the latter instance has been explained by the assumption that the external secretion of the pancreas becomes re-absorbed and reaches the blood-stream, whence it is conveyed to the in- testinal mucosa. Lombroso found that the capacity for the absorption of fat was diminished by extirpation of the pancreas. The fasces of animals without pancreas contain precisely the same amount of fat as their food. If oleic acid is given, a portion becomes absorbed and this is replaced by fat having a higher melting point. After ligature of the excretory ducts, or where the pancreas has ceased to discharge secretion into the intestine, the absorption of fat amounts to about 80 per cent, of the amount of fat given. This absorption is not due to the agency of an external secretion, conveyed by some means into the intestine, but must be ascribed to an internal pancreatic secretion, the activity of which is neces- sary to the metabolism both of the fat in the tissues and that introduced from the exterior. It has been advanced against this conclusion that, in Lom- broso's experiments, the measures taken to prevent the external pancreatic secretion from reaching the intestine were insufficient. Hess and Sinn suggest supernumerary excretory ducts ; Visenti points to the possibilities of the ligatured ducts again becoming passable, and of the formation of new ducts. Burckhardt, in one instance, obtained contradictory results and he believes that, in the case of animals with pancreatic fistula, the pancreatic secre- tion may be returned to the intestine by the animals licking themselves. Lombroso's results have, however, been confirmed by Zunz and Mayer, and more recently, by R. Fleckseder in a series of extremely careful experiments carried out by methods designed to obviate all sources of error. Fleckseder's conclusion is that the absorptive power of the intestinal mucosa is chiefly dependent upon the internal pancreatic secretion. There is, however, com- 438 INTERNAL SECRETION pensation for the suppression of this secretion. Where the function of the pancreas has gradually become completely sup- pressed, the consequent severe diabetes may be unaccompanied by derangement of absorption, and the assimilation of nutriment may at this stage be better than where an active pancreatic fistula is present. Lombroso, also, believes the internal secretory function to be the property of both pancreatic tissue formations. THE INTERNAL SECRETION OF THE GASTRIC AND INTESTINAL MUCOSA. Claude Bernard's observation, which later formed the subject of considerable investigation, first showed that the secretion of pancreatic fluid is dependent upon the filling of the duodenum and that it reaches its maximum when the ingesta have passed from the stomach into the duodenum. From the results of numerous experiments, admirable both in conception and tech- nique, Pawlow came to the conclusion that the mechanism by which the pancreatic secretion is elaborated is by a reflex process on the part of the nervous system ; the impulse proceeding from the gastric mucosa is carried by centripetal vagal fibres to a centre in the medulla oblongata, and from this centre stimuli are sent out which, travelling by way of the centrifugal vagus or splanchnic nerve, cause the pancreatic gland to secrete. Under Pawlow's direction, Popielski next showed that, if acids are introduced into the duodenum, the pancreatic secretion appears after resection of both the vagus and the splanchnic nerves, after extirpation of the solar plexus, and even after destruction of the spinal cord. Similar findings were observed by Wertheim and Lepage and they, as well as Popielski, con- cluded that the results were the outcome of a local peripheral reflex. Bayliss and Starling, however, discovered that the pancreatic secretion is elaborated if acids are introduced into the lumen of a coil of the duodenum which has been freed from all nervous connections. This result showed very clearly that the release of the pancreatic secretion depends upon a chemical substance, and that chemical stimuli are conveyed to the pancreas by way of the blood-stream. According to Wertheim and Lepage, the direct introduction of acids into the blood-stream has no effect upon the pancreatic secretion ; hence the only possible solution was that, by the aid of acids, a substance was formed in the mucous membrane of the intestine. Bayliss and Starling obtained an extract by treating mucosa scraped from the upper part of the small intestine with hydrochloric acid, and this extract, when injected into the veins, provoked pro- SECRETION OF THE GASTRIC AND INTESTINAL MUCOSA 439 fuse pancreatic secretion. To this active substance, which is not a ferment because it withstands boiling and is soluble in alcohol, they gave the name of " secretin." Bayliss and Starling assumed that, by the hydrolytic action of the acids, secretin is formed from " prosecretin," a precursor present in the cells of the duodenal mucous membrane. The secretin formed in the mucosa reaches the pancreas by way of the blood-stream ; for Enriquez and Hallion succeeded in proving that, if the blood- stream is conveyed from the vessels of a dog A into those of a dog B, pancreatic secretion will make its appearance in B after the injection of acid into the small intestine of A. These experi- ments proved the existence of an internal secretion of the intestinal mucosa, and they showed at the same time that there is a correla- tion of function between the intestinal mucosa and the pancreas, which is effected by the agency of hormones. Bayliss and Starling's discovery has been subjected to repeated tests, and the actual findings have received almost general confirmation. The specific activity and the intimate chemical nature of secretin have formed the subjects of a controversy, into the details of \\hich we cannot enter here. Suffice it to say that Popielski believes secretin to be identical with peptone, a product of the decomposition of albumin ; while according to v. Fiirth and Schwarz, secretin is not a homogeneous substance, but is a mixture of several substances possessing the property of exciting secretion, of which the most important is cholin. A far greater interest is attaching to the manner in which this discovery affects our conception of the mechanism by which the external secretion of the pancreas is effected. Is the secretory process entirely due to the agency of a hormone, as Bayliss and Starling are inclined to believe ; or are the nervous reflexes, which Pawlow's experiments revealed, also brought into play? This question remains for the present unanswered. Several authors (Fleig) assume, and apparently with justice, that two simultaneous processes are concerned in the passage of the chyme into the duodenum. Of these, one is the formation of secretin, which induces, by chemical means, secretion of the pancreas; the other is provided by the acid contents of the duodenum, which stimulate the nerve-terminals, and the reflex action of these also leads to pancreatic secretion. According to Bayliss and Starling, the secretin formed in the duodenal mucosa stimulates the secretion of bile and increases its quantity. With regard to the secretion of the intestinal juice, the succus entericus, opinions are divided. The intestinal juice serves to activate the proteolytic property of the pancreatic secretion, for the trypsinogen contained in the latter is converted into the active trypsin ferment by the agency of the endokinase in the intestinal juice. The elaboration of the intestinal secretion is effected, 440 INTERNAL SECRETION according to Pawlow, first, by the mechanical stretching of the intestinal canal, and second, by. the presence of the pancreatic juice. Bayliss and Starling believe it probable that the flow of intestinal juice from the glands in the intestinal wall is provoked by the chemical stimulus supplied by the pancreatic secretion ; while Delezenne and Frouin hold the view that the discharge of all the three secretions which are active in the upper part of the small intestine, namely, the bile, the pancreatic fluid, and the intestinal fluid, is effected by the same mechanism, namely, the elaboration of secretin in the intestinal mucosa after the passage into the intestine of the acid contents of the stomach. According to Frouin, the elaboration of secretion by the intestine may be increased by the intravenous injection of intes- tinal fluid. Pawlow's careful experiments have shown that the secretion of the gastric fluid is largely the outcome of nervous impulses. But two to three hours after food the gastric secretion becomes increased; according to Pawlow, this increase is maintained after resection of the vagi, and it appears to be dependent upon the nature of the food. Edkins next discovered that an extract is obtainable from the pyloric mucous membrane by extraction with hydrochloric acid, as well as by rubbing down with dextrose, maltose, or peptone. When injected into the veins in repeated small doses, this extract causes secretion of the gastric juice. According to Edkins, the active substance, gastrin, is not destroyed by boiling and appears to belong to the same class of bodies as pancreatic secretin. This " gastric secretin," as Starling calls it, is present only in the pyloric mucosa, extracts of the mucous membrane of the fundus being inactive. THE INTERNAL SECRETION OF THE KIDNEY. The assumption of an internal secretory function on the part of the kidney is among the earliest dicta of the Brown-Sequard doctrine. As early as 1869, Brown-Sequard suggested that uraemia either was not, or was not exclusively, the result of the accumulation of urinary constituents in the blood, but was due to suppression of the internal secretion of the kidney. Following his first experiments with testicular extract, Brown-Sequard with d'Arsonval endeavoured to obtain practical proof of his assump- tion. A large number of clinical observations of anuria of long duration, in which uraBmic symptoms were almost entirely absent, led him to conclude that the occurrence of uraemia does not depend solely upon the presence of urinary constituents in the blood, and that it is not the result of stimuli supplied by the diseased kidney; but that it is principally due to changes in the chemical composition of the blood, brought about by suppression of the THE INTERNAL SECRETION OF THE KIDNEY 44! renal internal secretion. Experiment showed that animals die much more rapidly after the removal of both kidneys than after ligature of both ureters, in spite of the fact that the retention of urinary constituents is the same in both cases, and this fact seems to bear a similar interpretation. Brown-Se"quard and d'ArsonVal further showed that if renal extract obtained from guinea-pigs and rabbits is injected into the veins of nephrectomized animals of the same species, symptoms of uraemia will appear later, and will be less intense in these animals than in control animals which have not received similar treatment. In animals treated with renal expressed juice, the duration of life was as long, or longer, than in animals with ligature of both ureters. Lepine's observations have an important bearing upon the passage of substances from the kidneys into the blood. He found that the ligature of both ureters of rabbits produced a fall in temperature, vomiting, and diarrhoea, terminating in death. An entirely different symptom-complex resulted, however, when the ureters were connected by means of cannulae with a vessel containing normal saline solution, the pressure in the vessel being higher than that in the ureter. This procedure produced, not a fall, but a rise in temperature, dyspnoea and convulsions. Accord- ing to Lepine, the filtrate of a kidney rubbed down in water, when introduced into the blood, also produces a rise in temperature, dyspnoea, and stronger movement ; and Lepine believes that thermogenic and dyspnogenic constituents are present in renal substance. E. Meyer, a pupil of Brown-Sequard's, next discovered that the blood of ura?mic animals is inactive in normal animals, but that, in nephrectomized animals, it produces a remarkable dyspnceic slowing of respiration. In a second series of investi- gations, Neyer studied the periodic respiration, resembling the Cheyne-Stockes type, of urasmic dogs ; he found that this remark- able ura^mic symptom is reduced by the injection of renal expressed juice, as well as by the injection of normal defibrinated blood, the effect being so marked that for a short time the respira- tion becomes normal. Blood from the renal veins is said to produce particularly good and well-marked results. These reports of prolonged life and improved ura?mic sym- ptoms in nephrectomized animals after the administration of renal extract or blood from the renal veins, have been tested by many investigators (E. Vanni, Manzini, Vitzou, Ajello, and Parascan- dalo, Mori, Bozzolo, Gilbert and Carnot, Spineanu, Maragliano, Chatin and Guinard, Fiori), but with very conflicting results. A definite pronouncement is hardly possible, however, seeing that the duration of life in nephrectomized animals is, in any case, very variable. As I know from my own experience, dogs and rabbits sometimes live five to six days after the removal of their kidneys, while other animals of the same species, operated upon 442 INTERNAL SECRETION in a manner precisely similar, perish at the end of thirty-six hours. In the second place, the appearance and course of the clinical symptoms of uraemia is not, in such animals as these, a reliable criterion of the condition. Many animals from which the kidneys have been removed show no symptoms for two, three, or four days, and then die, either suddenly or within a few hours, without having shown any characteristic signs. In the case of other animals, there is repeated vomiting and dyspnoea as early as the first day after operation ; recovery is frequent, or there may be a condition of chronic uraemia lasting for several days. Given such conditions, I hardly think it possible to estimate the results of any therapeutic measures at their proper value. Moreover, to base a so-called physiological treatment of uraemia upon the results of such experiments, and to apply this treatment, by the exhibition of renal extract, to clinical nephritis, in my opinion, shows a grave lack of judgment. Attempts have been made to prove the elaboration of an internal secretion by the kidneys by means of renal extract. Oliver and Schafer proved that the kidney belongs to that class of organs the extract of which, when injected into the veins, invariably produces an increase in arterial tension. Tigerstedt and Berg- man n next showed (1898) that a substance is obtainable with cold water from the fresh kidney which, when injected into the veins of rabbits, produces within a comparatively short time a more or less marked rise in blood-pressure. This active substance, to which the name of " renin " was given by the discoverers, is derived from the cortex, and, in very small quantities, from the medulla ; it is not dialyzable, it is soluble in water, in dilute saline solution, and in glycerine; it is insoluble in absolute and in 50 per cent, alcohol; it withstands heat up to 54 to 56°, but is des- troyed by heating in anvater bath and by boiling. A rise in blood-pressure is produced by this substance in very small quantities, and is due to the effect which it has upon the peripheral vessels, upon the nerve terminals, and perhaps also upon the muscles. From the results of two experiments, Tigerstedt and Bergmann assume that, under normal conditions, renin is con- veyed into the blood which circulates through the kidneys. In these experiments, blood from the renal veins was injected in quantities of 2 into the veins of rabbits which had been nephrectomized one to two days previously, and a rise in blood- pressure of 13 to 25 per cent, followed. These experiments were afterwards tested by Le\vandowsky, who found that the results produced with 5 to 6 of renal venous blood were in no way different from those produced by the same amount of venous blood from other parts of the body ; for this reason he is not prepared to ascribe a specific vaso-contractor action to the blood in the renal veins. The effect which renal extract has in raising blood-pressure THE INTERNAL SECRETION OF THE KIDNEY 443 had been confirmed by various authors (Riva-Rocci, Vincent and Sheen, Batty Shaw), who believe that the tonic internal secretion of the kidney forms the connecting link between renal disease on the one hand, and arterial hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy on the other. Seeing, however, that the hypertensive effect of renal extract is not specific but is the property of extracts obtained from a large number of other organs, it can hardly be regarded as proof of an internal secretion on the part of the kidney, and still less as a satisfactory explanation of the cardiac hypertrophy of renal disease. Rautenberg recently described marked cardiac hypertrophy and sclerotic changes in the vessels of rabbits after temporary ligature of the ureter. The formation of what are known as ' autonephrotoxins," has been regarded as a further argument in favour of the passage of the renal substance into the blood-stieam. Lindemann was the first to show that, after the repeated injection of the expressed juice of the kidney, an active poisons heteronephrotoxin, is formed in the serum of immunized animals, which has a specific and very injurious effect upon the kidney in animals of the same species as that from which the expressed juice was obtained. Nefediew next showed that blood taken from animals after ligature of the ureters or of the renal artery, produced diffuse nephritis when injected into animals of the same species. Lindemann 's experiments showing that the blood of rabbits with chromian- nephritis produced a parenchymatous nephritis in other rabbits, provided further evidence in favour of the existence of auto- or iso-nephrolysins. As in the case of the other cytotoxic sera, however, these autonephrolysins do not represent physiological processes; they represent the toxic activities of substances formed under conditions of immunization, and are probably not even organ-specific. Timofeew, a pupil of Lindemann's, has recently endeavoured to prove that nephritic oedema is chiefly the outcome of the presence in the blood-stream of decomposed constituents of the renal cells. These substances, which he calls " nephroblaptins," act in a manner similar to that of Heidenhain's lymphagogues of the first class. According to Timofeew, the suppression of renal activity which accompanies lesions of the renal parenchyma, produces disturbance of the osmotic interbalance between the organic fluids, and this leads to the retention in the tissues of an excess of water. The substances which pass from the diseased kidney into the blood-stream bring about changes in the blood similar to those produced by lymphagogues of the first class; and the consequent venous and capillary engorgement increases the permeability of the vessel walls. The excess of fluid in the organism, in combination with the increasing permeability of the vessel walls, produces oedema. 444 INTERNAL SECRETION Timofeew showed that the watery extract of healthy kidneys (emulsions and filtrates), when introduced into the blood-stream of healthy animals, increases the flow of chyle from the thoracic duct to as much as eight to twenty-two times the normal. Normal blood serum, whether obtained from the systemic arteries and veins or from the renal vein, and blood from animals which have undergone double nephrectomy and are dying of uraemia, have no lymphagogue action. In animals in which only one renal artery or one ureter is ligatured, the flow of chyle from the thoracic duct is increased to twice or even eight times the normal ; and the serum from animals such as these has a marked lympha- gogue action upon normal animals. Kast (1902) has already pointed out that the blood of indi- viduals with nephritic oedema contains a lymphagogue substance. Starling recognized that the cedematous fluid of persons with kidney disease was a strong lymphagogue. Blanck discovered (1906) that, if the serum or cedematous fluid from rabbits with uranian nephritis is injected into rabbits which develop nephritis without oedema after the exhibition of chromium or aloin, the latter animals become cedematous. According to Timofeew, the serum of nephrectomized animals is markedly toxic to healthy animals, but it does not increase the flow of chyle. It is said that sera from individuals with parenchymatous nephritis mani- fest both properties when exhibited in man ; while, according to Strauss, sera from individuals with interstitial nephritis have a toxic property, but Kast does not believe it to be lymphagogue. Timofeew assumes that the lymphagogue action of the serum depends upon the presence of nephroblaptins, its toxic properties upon the presence of other substances. Non-albuminous oedema may occur without the participation of the kidneys, brought about by the products of the decomposition of other organs which also possess a lymphagogue action. These results require further confirmation, but they suggest that, where pathological changes take place in the kidneys, sub- stances are supplied to the blood which may have a special significance to the organism. One thing is clear, however, and that is that these experiments supply no proof of a physiological internal secretion on the part of the kidneys. The following observations have an interest in this connection. The experiments of J. R. Bradford (1899) showed that striking changes in metabolism may be produced by the reduction of the renal parenchyma. My own experiments, which have extended over a period of years, but have not as yet been published, have yielded interesting results. In dogs in which the nitrogen- balance was maintained for weeks, and whose daily excretion of urine was ascertained, the excision of a wedge-shaped portion of the kidney, equal to about a quarter of the organ, led to the following remarkable change, which was more pronounced after THE INTERNAL SECRETION OF THE KIDNEY 445 removal of the other sound kidney. The daily excretion of urine was considerably increased, and amounted to two, three, or even five times the normal, v. Haberer also observed polyuria after reduction of the renal parenchyma. The daily excretion of nitrogen also increased, though the diet was unaltered. This negative nitrogen-balance disappeared when the amount of food given was very much augmented. The animals showed con- spicuous thirst and considerable appetite, and by increasing the amount of the food until the nitrogen was two to two-and-a-half times the former quantity, it was found possible to maintain the nitrogen balance. Reduction in the amount of the diet was followed by a progressive decrease in the excretion of nitrogen until a nitrogen deficit was again observed. The condition of animals in which the renal parenchyma had been reduced in this manner underwent no other change. According to Bradford, the nitrogenous extractive substances of the blood and tissues, and especially of the muscles, are con- siderably increased in such animals ; he believes that there is rapid decomposition of the tissues, particularly of the muscles. It is expedient that mention of these metabolic changes should be made here, though it is not possible at present to determine whether they arise from suppression of the internal secretion of the kidney or not. LITERATURE. The reference table, although very extensive, makes no pre- tention to include the entire literature of the subjects dealt with. The older literature, that anterior to about the middle of the last century, has been omitted altogether. Detailed accounts of the manner in which our knowledge concerning the individual internal secretory organs has grown are given by various authors, and, as a general rule, these accounts include summaries of the older literature. To them the student is referred (Thyroid : Horsley, Hellin, Langendorff, W. Scholz ; suprarenal: Pellegrino, Biedl ; hypophysis cerebri : Caselli, Paulesco ; generative glands : Hegar, Moebius). The following list includes all the publications of which mention is made in the text, together with all works of a physio- logical or morphological nature. The clinical references include only those works which may be regarded as fundamental ; while very few of the numerous publications of a casuistic or therapeutic nature have found mention. In order to avoid repetition, the works are arranged, not according to subject, but under the authors' names, which are arranged in alphabetical order. The list of references is com- plete up to the end of the year 1909; a few publications of the year 1910 also find mention. List of Contractions used in the Literature References. A. A. = Archiv f. Anatomic und Phy- siologic. Anatomische Abteilung. A. P. — Archiv f. Anatomic und Phy- siologic. Physiologische Abteilung. A. A. P. = Archiv f. Anatomic, Phy- siologic und wissenschaftl. Medizin von Joh. Miiller, Reichert und du Bois-Reymond. A. B. := Archives de Biologic. A. d. F. •= Archivio di Fisiologia. A. d. P. = Archives de Physiologic normale et pathologique. A. E. M. = Archiv f. Entwicklungs- mechanik. A. G. = Archiv f. Gynakologie. A. H. = Archiv fiir Hygiene. A. i. B. - Archives italiennes de Biologic. A. i. Ph. = Archives Internationales de Physiologic. A. J. A. = American Journal of Anatomy. A. J. P. ~ American Journal of Physiology. A. J. M. S = American Journal of Medical Science. A. k. Ch. = Archiv f. klinische Chirurgie. A. m. A. — Archiv fiir mikroskopische Anatomic. A. m. e. = Archives de medecine experimentale et d'anatomie patho- logique. An. An. = Anatpmischer Anzeiger. A. P. P. ~ Archiv fiir experimentelle Pathologic und Pharmakolopie. LITERATURE 447 A. V.=Archiv fur Verdauungskrank- heiten. B. C. = = Biochemisches Central- blatt. Bph. C. = Biophysikalisches Central- blatt. B. d. ch. G. = Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. B. G. G. Hegars Beitrage zur Geburtshilfe und Gynakologie. B. k. W. = Berliner klinische Woch- enschrift. B. Z. == Biachemische Zeitschrift. C. a. P. = Centralblatt flir allgem- eine Pathologic und pathologische Anatomic. C. f. B. = Centralblatt fur Bakterio- logie. C. Ch. = Centralblatt fur Chirurgic. C. G =- Centralblatt fiir Gynako- logie. C. G. M. C. = Centralblatt fur die Grenzgebiete der Medizin und Chirurgie. C. i. M. = Centralblatt fiir innere Medizin. C. k. M. = Centralblatt flir klinische Medizin. C. m. W. : Centralblatt fiir die medizinischen Wissenschaften. C. P. = Centralblatt fiir Physio- logic. C. r. A.. = Comptes rendus de 1'acade- mie des sciences. C. r. S. B. = Comptes rendus de la societe de biologic. D. A. k. M. = Deutsches Archiv fur klinische Medizin. D. Ch. = Deutsche Chirurgie. D. K. = Deutsche Klinik. Diss. = Inaugural-Dissertation. D. m. W. == Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift. D. Z. N. -Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir Nervenheilkunde. E. B. = Sitzungsberichte der physikal. med. Societal in Erlangen. E. P. = Ergebnisse der Physiologic (Asher-Spiro). F. M. = Fortschritte der Medizin. G. m. = Gazette medicale de Paris. H. B. = Hofmeisters Beitrage zur cheniischen Physiologic und Patho- logic. I. M. — Internationale Monatsschrift fiir Anatomie und Physiologic. J. A. M. A. == Journal of American Medical Association. J. o. A. a. P. = Journal of Anatomy and Physiology. J. A. P. =: Journal de 1'Anatomie et de la Physiologic. J. B. Ch. = Journal of Biological Chemistry. J. K. — Jahrbiicher fiir Kinderheil- kunde. J. d. P. == Journal de la Physiologic de riiomme et des animaux. J. d. P. P. = Journal de Physiologic ct de Pathologic generale. J. E. M. == Journal of Experimental Medicine. J. o. P. =- Journal of Physiology. J. o. P. B. =Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology. L. O. Lubarsch-Ostertags Ergeb- nisse der allg. Pathologic und patholog. Anatomie. M. G. G. == Monatschrift fur Geburt- shilfe und Gynakologie. M. G. M. C. -= Mitteilungen aus den Grenzgebieten der Medizin und Chirurgie. M. K. - Medizinische Klinik. M. m. W. = Miinchener medizinische Wochenschrift. M. P. = Monatschrift fiir Psychiatric. M. U. = Moleschotts Untersuchungen zur Naturlehre. N. C. — Neurologisches Centralblatt. P. A. = Pfliigers Archiv fiir die gesamte Physiologic. P. m. — Presse medicale. P. m. W. = Prager mediz. Wochen- schrift. P. R. S. == Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. P. V. — Prager Vierteljahrsschrift. S. A. = Skandinavisches Archiv f. Physiologic. S. m. = Semaine medicale. S. W. A. == Sitzungsberichte der k. Akademie zu Wien. Mathematisch- naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. Th. G. : Therapie der Gegenwart. Th. M. Therapeutische Monat- shefte. V. A. == Virchows Archiv fiir patho- logische Anatomie und Physiologic und klinische Medizin. V. a. G. == Verhandlungen der ana- tomischen Gesellschaft. V. d. N. A. == Verhandlungen der deutschen Naturforscher und Arzte. V. d. p. G. =: Verhandlungen der deutschen pathologischen Gesell- schaft. V. 10. C. M. = Verhandlungen des 10. Congresses fur innere Medizin. V. g. M. Vierteljahrsschrift fur gerichtliche Medizin und offentl. Sanitatswesen. V. H. ; Virchow-Hirsch" Jahres- berichte. W. B. = Sitzungsberichte der physi- kal isch-medizinischen Gesellschaft, Wiirzburg. W. K. == \Viener Klinik. \V. k. \\". == Wiener klinische Woch- enschrift. W. k. R. == Wiener klinische Rund- schau. 448 LITERATURE W. m. P. = Wiener medizinische Presse. W. m. W. - Wiener mediz. Wochen- schrift. W. V. = Verhandlungen der physi- kalisch-medizinischen Gesellschaft, Wiirzburg. Z. A. == Zoologischer Anzeiger. Z. a. P. - Zeitschrift f. allgemeine Physiologic. Z. B. -= Zeitschrift fiir Biologic. Z. Ch. -= Zeitschrift fiir Chirurgie. Z. e. P. = Zeitschrift fiir experiment- elle Pathologie und Therapie. Z. G. G. - Zeitschrift fiir Geburt shilfe und Gynakologie. Z. H. = Zeitschrift fiir Heilkunde. Z. k. M. = Zeitschrift fur klinische Medizin. Z. ph. Ch. = Zeitschrift fiir physio- logische Chemie. Z. w. Z. = Zeitschrift fur wissen- schaftliche Zpologie. Ziegl. B. = Zieglers Beitrage zur allg. Pathologie und pathologischen Anatomic. Z. r. M. — Zeitschrift fiir rationelle Medizin. ABADIE. Traitement chirurgical du goitre exophtalmique. La France Med., No. 2, 1898. ABDERHALDEN, E. Lehrb. d. physiolog. Chemie. 2 AufL, Wien, 1909. ABDERHALDEN, E., and BERGELL, P. Uber Epinephrin. M. m. W., 1904. - Zur Kenntnis des Epinephrms (Adrenalins). B. d. ch. G., 37, p. 2022, 1904. ABDERHALDEN, E., and GUGGENHEIM, M. Weitere Vers. iiber d. Wirkung der Tyrosinase aus Russula delica auf tyrosinhaltige Polypeptide u. auf Suprarenin. Z. ph. Ch., 57, 1908. ABDERHALDEN, E., and MULLER, F. Uber das Verhalten des Blutdruckes nach intravenoser Einfiihrung von 1-, d- und dl-Suprarenin. Z. ph. Ch., 58, 1908. ABDERHALDEN, E., and THIES, F. Weitere Studien iiber das physiologische Verhalten von 1-, d- und dl-Suprarenin. II. Mitt. Z. ph. Ch., 59, pp. 22-29, 1909. ABDERHALDEN, E., and SLAVU. Weitere Studien iiber das physiologische Verhalten von 1-. d- und dl-Suprarenin. Z. ph. Ch., 59, pp. 129- 137, 1909. ABDERHALDEN, E., and KAUTZSCH. Weitere Studien iiber das physio- logische Verhalten von 1- und d-Suprarenin. Z. ph. Ch., 61, p. 119, 1909. ABDERHALDEN, E., KAUTZSCH, and MULLER, F. Weitere Studien iiber das physiologische Verhalten von 1- und d-Suprarenin. V. Mitt. Z. ph. Ch., 62, 1909. ABEGG. Zur Kenntnis der Addisonschen Krankheit. Diss., Tubingen, 1889. ABEL, J. J. Further observations on the chemical nature of the active principle of the suprarenal capsule. Bull, of Johns Hopkins Hospital, No. 90, September-October, 1898. - Uber den blutdruckerregenden Bestandteil der Nebenniere, das Epine- phrin. Z. ph. Ch., 28, 1899. - On epinephrin, the active constituent of the suprarenal capsule and its compounds. — On the formation and composition of highly active salts of epinephrin. — - On the presence of cholin and neurin in the intestinal canal during its complete obstruction. The Chemistry of the Melanins. A. J. P., 2, March i, 1899. - Further observations on epinephrin. Johns Hopkins Hospital Bull., No. 1 20, March, 1901. — On the behaviour of epinephrin to Fehling's solution and other charac- teristics of this substance. Ibid., No. 128, November, 1901. - On a simple method of preparing epinephrin and its compounds. Ibid., No. 130, 1902. — On the elementary composition of adrenalin. On the behaviour of the suprarenal gland towards Fehling solution. On the oxidation of epinephrin and adrenalin with nitric acid. A. J. P., February 8, 1903. — Weitere Mitteilungen iiber das Epinephrin. B. d. ch. G., 36, p. 1839,, 1903; and 37, p. 368, 1904. LITERATURE 449 ABEL, J. J., and CRAWFORD, A. On the blood-pressure raising constituent of the suprarenal capsule. Johns Hopkins Hospital Bull., No. 76, July, 1897. ABEL, J. J., and TAVEAU, R. On the decomposition products of epinephrin hydrate. J. B. Ch., i, p. i, 1905. ABELMANN. Uber die Ausnutzung der Nahrungsstoffe nach Pankreasexstir- pation. Diss. Dorpat, 1890. ABELOUS, J. E. Greffe de capsules surrenales sur la grenouille. C. r. S. B., 44, P- 864, 1892. - Contribution a 1'etude de la fatigue. A. d. P., pp. 437-446, 1893. - La physiologic des glandes a secretion interne. Rev. gen Scienc., p. 273, 1893. — • Des rapports de la fatigue avec les fonctions des caps, surren. A. d. P., 1893- Toxicite du sang et des muscles des animaux fatigues. A. d. P., 26, 1894. — Sur 1'action antitoxique de corps surrenales. C. r. S. B., 47, p. 458, 15 juin, 1895. - Des rapports de la fatigue avec les fonctions des capsules surrenales. XI. Cpngres intern, a Romej and A. i. B., 22, 1895. — Sur 1'origine musculaire des trouble consecutifs a la destruction des glandes surrenales. C. r. S. B., 56, p. 951, 1904. — Les troubles de pigmentation de la grenouille a la suite de la destruction des glandes surrenales. Ibid., p. 952, 1904. ABELOUS, J. E., and BARDIER, E. Action hypertensine de 1'urine de 1'homme normal. Premieres recherches sur 1'urohypertensine. J. d. P. P., vol. x, p. 627, 1908. - L'urohypotensine. J. d. P., vol. xi, p. 34, 1909. — Uber Urohypotensine und Urohypertensine mehrere Mitteilungen in C. r. S. B., vol. 64-66, 1908-1909. ABELOUS and BILLARD. Recherches sur les fonctions du thymus chez la grenouille. A. d. P., p. 898, 1896. ABELOUS, J. E., and LANGLOIS, P. Note sur les fonctions des capsules surrenales chez la grenouille. C. r. S. B., 43, p. 292, 1891. — La mort des grenouilles apres la destruction des caps, surren. Ibid., P. 855- — Note sur Faction toxique du sang des mammiferes apres la destruction des capsules surrenales. Ibid., 44, p. 165, 20 fevrier, 1892. — - Destruction des capsules surrenales chez le cobaye. Ibid., 44, p. 388, 7 mai, 1892. - Capsules surrenales. Toxicite de 1'extrait alcoolique des muscles dc grenouilles privees de capsules surrenales. Ibid., 44, p. 490, 1892. — Rech. exper. sur les fonctions des caps, surren. de la grenouille. A. d. P., 1892. - Sur les fonctions des capsules surrenales. A. d. P., pp. 465-476, 1892. — Sur les fonctions des capsules surrenales. C. r. S. B., 47, pp. 334-335, 1895. ABELOUS, LANGLOIS, CHARRIN. Maladie d'Addison, Traces ergographiques. Diurese par injections de capsules surrenales. C. r. S. B., 44, p. 623, juillet, 1892. - La fatigue chez les addisoniens. Ibid., p. 721 ; A. d. P., 24. 1892. ABELOUS, J. E., and RIBAUT, H. Sur la substance hypertensive qu'on peut extraire par 1'alcool des extraits de muscle putrefie. C. r. S. B., 64, p. 907, 23 mai, 1908. ABELOUS, RIBAUT, SOULIE and TOUJAN. Sur la presence dans des macera- tions des muscles putrefies de subst. elev. la pression arterielle. C. r. S. B., 58, i, 1906. - Sur la presence dans les macerations des muscles putrefies d'une ptomaine elevant la pression arterielle. Ibid., p. 530, 1906. ABELOUS, SOULIE and TOUJAN. Dosage colorimetrique par le jode de 1'adrenaline. C. r. S. B., 57, i, p. 301, 1905. - Sur la formation de 1'adrenaline par les glandes surrenales. Ibid., _ P- 533, 1905- - Sur 1'origine de 1'adrenaline. Ibid., p. 574, 1905. - Influence des extraits et des produits de 1'autolyse des organs et tissus sur la formation de 1'adrenaline par les glandes surrenales. Ibid., 57, ii, P- 589, 1905- 2Q 450 LITERATURE ABELOUS, SOULIE and TOUJAN. Sur Tidentite d'action des extraits des sub- stances corticale et meduliaire des capsules surrenales. Ibid., p. 530, 1905. — Influence des extraits et des organes et des tissus animaux soumis a 1'autplyse sur la production de 1'adrenaline (2nd note). C. r. S. B., 58, ii, p. 16, 1906. - Sur un procede de controle de dosages chimique et physiologique de 1'adrenaline. Ibid., p. 174, 1906. ABOTT, A. C. The adrenal gland and its active principle in their relation to cytolysins and antitoxin production. C. f. B., 34, p. 696, 1903. 1 ABT. Le corps thyroide et la grossesse. These de Paris, 1904. ACHARD, M. Recherches cliniques sur le cceur, le pouls et la tension arterielle dans quelque convalescences. These de Montpellier, 1906. ACHARD and LOEPER. Gigantisme, acrornegalie et diabete. Nouv. Icon. Salpetr., 13, 1900. ADAMI, J. G. The internal secretory activity of glands, &c. New York Med. News, No. 19; and Montreal Med. Journ., May, '1897. - The Myelins and potential fluid crystalline bodies of the organism. J. A. M. A., 48, 1907. - Principles of pathology. Phil, and New York, 1908. ADAMI and ASCHOFF. On the myelins, myelin bodies and potential fluid crystals of the organism. Proc. Roy. Soc., 78, p. 359, 1906. ADAMS, E. W. 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Intorno ad un caso di capsula soprarenale accessoria nel corpo pampiniforme di un feto. Arch, per le scienze, med., S, pp. 203-306, 1884. — - Su di una struma soprarenale accessoria in un rene. Bollet. delle sc. med. di Bologna, Ser. 6, vol. xvii, p. 9, 1886. AKOPENKO. Uber die Wirkung der Thyreoidektomie auf das Wachstum und die Entwicklung des Knochen- und Nervens3rstems bei jungen Tieren. L. O., 5, 1898. LITERATURE 451 ALAIKE, P. Le role de la fonction interne de 1'ovaire et les essais de 1'opotherapie ovarienne en pathologie nerveuse et mentale. These de Montpellier, 1906. ALAMARTINE, M. H. La secretion interne du testicule et la glande inter- stitielle. Gaz. des hop., 79, 1906. ALBANESE. Recherches sur la fonction des capsules surrenales. A. i. B., 18, 1893. — La fatigue chez les animaux prives des capsules surrenales. A. i. B., 17, 1892. ALBARRAN, J., and BERNARD, L. Etude sur les cytotoxines renales. A. m. e., p. 13, 1903. ALBERS-SCHONBERG. 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Marseille medical, p. 637, 1889; pp. 81, 225, 1890. - Sur le caractere du sang efferent des capsules surrenales. Ibid., 393, 1891. - Recherches experimentales sur les capsules surrenales. Ibid., pp. n, 94, 131, 195, 1891. - Etude sur la tuberculose des capsules surrenales et ses rapports avec la maladie d'Addison. Revue de med., n, p. 283, 1891. ALEZAIS and PEYRON. L'organe parasympathique de Zuckerkandl chez le jeune chien. C. r. S. B., p. 1161, 1906. - Particularites de devoloppement des paraganglions lombaires. Ibid., 1907. - Sur les tumeurs dites gliomateuses des capsules surrenales. Ibid., p. 551. - Un groupe nouveau de tumeurs epitheliales : les paragangliomes. Ibid., 65, 1908. ALLARA, V. Der Cretinismus, seine Ursache und seine Heilung. Ubersetzt von H. Marian. Leipzig, 1894. ALLARD, E. Uber die Beziehungen der Umgebungstemperatur zur Zuckeraus- scheidung beim Pankreasdiabetes. A. d. P., 59, p. in, 1908. 452 LITERATURE ALLARD, E. Die Acidose beim Pankreasdiabetes. Ibid., 59, p. 388, 1908. ALLARIA, G. B., and VARANINI, M. Ricerche sul ricambio in un caso di morbo di Addison curato con 1'opoterapia surrenale. Clinica med. ital., p. 40, 1902. ALLEN. Zur Frage der Tetanic bei Magendilatation usw. A. V., 5, 1898; B. k. W., 1899. ALLERS, R. Zur Kenntnis der wirksamen Substanz in der Hypophyse. M. m. W., 1909. ALMAGIA, M. Allattamento e funzione tiroidea. A. d. F., 6, p. 462. ALMAGIA and EMBDEN. Uber die Zuckerausscheidung pankreasloser Hunde nach Alanindarreichung. H. B., 7, p. 298. ALONZO. Sulla funzione della glandola tiroide. Rif. med., vi, p. 208, 1891. ALQUIER, L. Recherches sur le nombre et sur la situation des parathyreoides chez le chien. C. r. S. B., 58, ii, p. 302, 1906. - Sur les modifications de 1'hypophyse apres 1'exstirpation de la thyreoide ou des surrenales chez le chien. J. d. P. P., 9, p. 492, 1907. ALQUIER, L. and SCHMIERGOLD. Deux tumeurs de 1'hypophyse. L'en- cephale, ii, No. 3. ALQUIER, L., and THEUVENY, L. 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Delia natura e del significato delle lesioni aortiche prodotte dagli estratti di capsule surrenali. Ref. Bph. C., I. AMBERG. Uber die Toxizitat des wirksamen Prinzips der Nebennieren. Arch, intern. Pharmacod., n, p. 57, 1902. AMBROSIUS, W. Beitrage zur Lehre von den Nierengeschwiilsten. Diss., Marburg, 1891. AMOUROUX. Etude experimentale de 1'atherome tabagique. These de Toulouse, 1906. AMPT. Uber das Parovarium (Epoophoron). Diss., Berlin, 1895. ANCEL, P. Histogenese et structure de la glande hermaphrodite d'Helix pomatia. A. B., t. xix, 1902. - Les follicules pluriovulaires et le determinisme du sexe. C. r. S. B., 55, p. 1049, 1903. - Sur le determinisme cytosexuel des gametes. Periode de differenciation sexuelle dans la glande hermaphrodite de Limax maximus. Arch, de zool. exp., i, 1903. ANCEL, P., and BouiN, P. Recherches sur le role de la glande interstitielle du testicule. Hypertrophie compensatrice experimentale. C. r. A., decembre, 1903. — L'apparition des caracteres sexuel secondaires est sous la dependence de la glande interstitielle du testicule. Ibid., Janvier, 1904. - Histogenese de la glande interstitielle du testicule chez le pore. C. r. S. B.j 1903. — Sur 1'existence de deux sortes de cellules interstitielles dans le testicule de cheval. C. r. S. B., 56, i, p. Si, 1904. - La glande interstitielle du testicule. Examen critique des essais de verification experimentale de son role sur Porganisme. Ibid., p. 83. - Sur la glande interstitielle du testicule des mammiferes. (Rep. a M. G. Lpisel.) Ibid., p. 95. Tractus genital et testicule chez le pore cryptorrhide. Ibid., 56, i, p. 281, 3 fevrier, 1904. le par le corps jaune. iDia., 07, p. 400, 1909. LLEMIN. Sur la degenerescence de la glande seminale deter- ar Pablation du feuillet parietal de la vaginale. C. r. S. B., LITERATURE 453 ANCEL, P., and BOUIN, P. L'infantilisme de la glande interstitielle du testi- cule. C. r. 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S. m., 1907; C. r. S. B., 63, p. 595, 1907. AULD. Preliminary report on the suprarenal gland and the causation of Addison's disease. Brit. Med. Journ., May 12, 1894. - A further report. Ibid., p. 745, October 6, 1894. - A third report. Ibid., ii, p. 10, July, 1896. AUSTOM, A., and TEDESCHI, H. Sugli effetti degli estratti di ghiandolle surrenali e di iporisi sul sangue. R. Accad. v. Padova Sed., January 29, 1909; Bph. C., iv. AVERBECK, H. Die Addisonsche Krankheit. Erlangen, 1869. AXENFELD. Sehnervenatrophie und Menstruatiqnsstorung. D. m. W., 1903. AZAM, J. Syndrome d'insuftisance hypophysaire aux cours des maladies toxi-infectieuses. These de Paris, 1907. BABER. Researches as to the minute structure of the thyroid gland. Philosoph. Trans, of the R. Soc. , 172, 1881. BABES, V. Les rapports entre la graisse, le pigment et des formations cristallines dans les capsules surrenales. C. r. S. B., 64, p. 83, 1908. — - Lesions des capsules surrenales dans la tuberculose. 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Montpellier med., ser. i, 47, 134, 1882. - Capsules surrenales et melanodermie. Paris, 1889. — Nouvelle theorie pancreatique de diabete sucre. Montpellier med., 1889. BAYER, G. Methoden zur Verscharfung von Adrenalin- und Brenzkatechin- reaktionen. B. Z., 20, p. 178, 1909. — Uber den Einfluss d. Driisen mit innerer Sekretion auf die Autolyse. S. W. A., 118. BAYLAC. Atherome experim. de 1'aorte consecutif a Faction du tabac. C. r. S. B., 1906. BAYLAC and ALRAREDE. Recherches experimentales sur 1'atherome de 1'aorte consecutif a 1'action 1'adrenaline. C. r. S. B., 56, ii, p. 640, 1904. BAYLISS, W. M. On the local reactions on the arterial wall to changes of internal pressure. J. o. P., 28, p. 220, 1902. — Die Innervation der Gefasse. E. P., 5, 1906. BAYLISS, W. M., and STARLING, E. H. The mechanism of pancreatic secre- tion. J. o. P., 28, pp. 325-353) 1902; and ibid., 29, 1903. — Die chemische ^Coordination der Funktionen des Korpers. E. P., 5, 1906. BAYON, G. P. Erneute Versuche liber den Einfluss des Schilddriisenver- lustes und der Schilddriisenfutterung a. die Heilung der Knochen- bruche, W. V., 34, 35. - Beitrag zur Diagnose und Lehre von Kretmismus, &c. Ibid., 30, 1903. - Uber angeblich verfriihte Synostose bei Cretinen. Ziegl. B. 36. BEADLES, C. Tumour of the suprarenal body. Transact, of Path. Soc., London, 1898. BEARD, J. The development and probable function of the thymus. An. An., 9, 1894. — The sources of leucocytes and the true function of the thymus. Ibid.,. i 8, 1900. BEAUJARD, E. Les lesions surrenales dans les nephrites. S. m., 1907. BECKER. Beitrag zur Thyroidinwirkung. D. m. W., 1895. BECKER, Ph. F. Der mannliche Kastrat mit besonderer Berliksichtigung seines Knochensystem. Diss., Freiburg i, Br., 1898. - Uber das Knochensystem eines Kastraten. A. A., p. 83, 1899. BECLERE. Opotherapie surrenale. Bull. 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BENDA. Uber den normalen Bau und einige pathol. Veranderungen der menschlichen Hypophysis cerebri. A. P., p. 373, 1900. - Beitrage zur normalen und pathologischen Histologie der menschlichen Hypophysis cerebri. B. k. W., 1900. - Uber vier Falle von Akromegalie. D. m. W., 1901. - Die Akromegalie. Deutsche Klinik, iii, 1903. LITERATURE 459 BEXDA. Patholog. Anatomic der Hypophyse in Flatau-Jacobsohn-Minor. Handb. d. path. Aunt. d. Nervensystems. Berlin, 1904. - Die Arteriosklerose im Lichte exp. Forschung. Th. G., IQOQ. BENDER and LERI. Atrophie des caps, surren. chez les foetus anencephales. C. r. S. B., 1903. BENDIX. Intermittierende Polyurie bei Addisonscher Krankh. D. A. kl. M., 82, 1903. — Beitrage z. Kenntn. des glykolytischen Fermentes. Z. f. diat. u. phys. Th., 1899. BENDIX and BICKEL. Experimentell kritische Beitrage z. Lehre v. d. Glykolyse. D. m. W., 1902; and Z. k. M., 48, 1903. BENEDICENTI, A. L'azione dell' adrenalina sulla secrezione pancreatica. Giorn. della R. 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Ibid., p. 1029, 1905. - Processus involutif des follicules ovariens apres roentgenisation de la glande genitale femelle. C. r. S. B., p. 105, 1907. - Alterations de la glande interstitielle apres rcentgenisation de 1'ovaire. Ibid., p. 274, 1907. BERKELEY and BEEBE. Extract of parathyroids. Journ. Med. Res., February, 1909. BERKLEY, H. J. The nerve elements of the pituitary gland. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1894, and Brain, 1894. BERNARD, CL. Legons de Physiologie exper. au College de France. Paris, 1855. .Memoires sur 1'extirpation du pancreas. C. r. A., 1856. - Legons de pathologic experimentale (au College de France, 1859-60), publie 1871. - Rapport sur les progres de la physiologic generale en France, 1865. - Vorlesungen Uber Diabetes, libers. Berlin, 1878. 460 LITERATURE BERNARD, CL. La science experimentale. Paris, 1890. BERNARD, L. Les syndromes surrenaux. P. m., 1905. - Du role des glandes surrenales dans les etats pathologiques. Rev. de med., 1907. BERNARD, L., and BIGART. Etude anatomo-pathologique des capsules surrenales dans quelques intoxications experimentales. J. d. P. P., iv., pp. 1014-1029^ 1902. - Sur les reactions histologiques generales des surrenales a certaines influences pathogenes experiment. C. r. S. B., 54, p. 1219, 1902. - Reactions histologiques des surrenales au surmenage musculaire. Ibid., p. 1400, 1903. - Sur activite fonctionnelle des glandes surrenales dans 1'intoxication satur- nine experimentale. Ibid., 56, i, p. 59, 1904. - Les processus secretoires dans la substance corticale de la glande surrenale. Ibid., 57, ii, p. 504, 1905. - Lesions des glandes surren. au cours de 1'intoxication biliaire experim. Ibid., p. 410, 1906. — Etude anatom. pathologique des glandes surren. des tuberculeux. J. d. P. P., 1906. BERNARD, L., BIGART, and LABBE. Sur la secretion de lecithine dans les capsules surrenales. C. r. S. B., 55, ii, p. 120, 1903. BERNARD, L., and LAEDERICH. Nephrites experimentales par action locale sur le reins. C. r. S. 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Ibid., 57, p. 229, 1891. BERTRAM, R. Betrachtungen liber Adenomknotchen an den Nebennieren Neugeborener und liber Tumoren der Nebennieren. Orth. Festschr., 1903. BERTRAND, G. Sur la composition chimique et la formule de 1'adrenaline. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 18, p. 672; Bull. soc. Chim., 3, ser, t. 31-32, pp. 1188, 1289, 1904. - Sur les relations du chromogene surreaal avec la tyrosine. C. r. A., 138, 649, 1903. - Sur la composition chimique et la formule de 1'adrenaline. Ibid., 139, 12, p. 502, 1904. BERTRAND, M. L'infantilisme dysthyroidien. These de Paris, 1902. BESNIER. Degenerescence cancereuse complete des deux capsules surrenales. Bull. soc. anat. de Paris, 1850. - Melanodermie generalisee avec pigmentation des angles, de la muqueuse buccale et du prepuce, sans signes certains de cachexie surrenale. C. r. des reunions clin. de 1'hop. St. Louis, Paris, 1888-89. BESSMERTNY, CH. Studien iiber antagonistische Nerven. Z. B. 47, p. 400, 1906. BEST. Uber Glykogen, insbesondere seine Bedeutung bei Entziindung und Eiterung. Zieglers Beitr., 33, p. 585, 1903. - Uber lokale Anasthesie in der Augenheilkunde. Vossius' Samml., vi, H. 3, 1905. BESTION. Le sue ovarien. Effets physiol. et therap. These, Bordeaux, 1898. LITERATURE 461 BlAGI. L' azione del principio attivo della medollare della capsule surrenale sulla fibra muscolare liscia dell' utero. Rassegna di Ostetr. e Ginec., 1905; Ref. B. C., iv, p. 762. BIASOTTI, A. Dell' influenza dell' estratto di ghiandiole surrenali sull' acceleramento dell'ossificazion dello scheletro. Soc. ital. di ostetr. e ginec., 1908; Pathologica, 1908. BIBERFELD, J. Beitrag zur Lehre von der Diurese. XIII. Uber die Wirkung des Suprarenins auf die Harnsekretion. P. A., 119, p. 341, 1907. - Pharmakologische Eigenschaften eines synthetisch dargestellten Supra- renins und einiger seiner Derivate. M. K., 1906; Pharmac. Journ., 1908. - Uber Dosierung des in den Wirbelkanal gespritzten Suprarenins. D. m. 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A., 90, p. 617, 1902. — Gefassdriisen und Gesamtorganismus. P. A., 105, p. 625. — • Neues u. Altes z. Physiologie und Pathologic der Schilddriise. V., 23, C. M., 1906. BLUMENTHAL, F. Uber zuckerabspaltende Korper im Organismus. B. k. W., .. - Uber das giykolytische Ferment. D. m. Yv., 1903. - Uber Organsafttherapie bei Diabetes mellitus. Z. f. diat. u. phys. Ther. , i, 1898. - Uber die nichtdiabetischen Glykosurien. Halle, 1909. - Glykolyse. Eulenburgs Realenzykl., 5, 1909. BLUMREICH", L., and JACOBY, M., Exp. Unters. liber die Bedeutung der Schilddriise und ihrer Nebendriisen fur den Organismus. B. k. W., 1896; P. A., 64, 1896. BOAS, K. Zur Methodik des Adrenalinnachweises. C. P., 22, p. 825, 20 Marz, 1909. — Uber den Wert der Sublimatreaktion des Adrenalins. Ibid., 23, p. 252, 1909. BOCK and HOFFMANN. Uber eine neue Entstehungsweise der Melliturie, Durchspiilungsglykosurie. A. P., p. 550, 1871. BOHM, B. Fortgesetze Unters. liber die Permeabilitat der Gesfaszwande. B. Z., 16, 1909. BOEHM, R. Uber d. Wirkung d. Barytsalze. A. P. P., 3, p. 216, 1875. — Uber d. Vorkommen u. d. Wirkung d. Cholins. A. P. P., 19, p. 87, 1885. BOENINGER, M. Beitrag zur Frage des Nierendiabetes. D. m. W., 1908. BOERMA. Zur therapeut. Verwendung des Antithyreoidin. Arztl. Rundsch., 1905. BOESE and LORENZ. Kropf, Kropfoperationen und Tetanie. W. k. W., 1909. BOTTCHER, B. Eine neue Synthese des Suprarenins und verwandten Verbindungen. Chem. Ber., 42, p. 253, Januar, 1904. BOGOMOLEZ, A. Zur Frage liber die Yeranderungen der Nebennieren bei experimenteller Diphtherie. Zieglers Beitr., 38, p. 510, 1905. - Zur Physiologie der Nebennieren. Folia Serol., iii, 1909. BOGULJUBOFF, W. L. Zur Chirurgie der Nebennierengeschwiilste. A. k. Ch., 80, 1906. BOIXET. Resultats eloign. de soixante-quinze ablations de deux capsules surrenales. C. r. S. B., 47, p. 162, 1895. — Resistance a la fatigue chez les rats decapsules. Ibid., p. 273, 1895. — Nouvelles recherches sur la resistance a la fatigue de rats decapsules. P. 325- - Ablations des capsules vraies et accessoires chez le rat d'egout. Ibid., p. 498. 464 LITERATURE BOINET. Action comparee de la fatigue et de la decapsulation sur la toxicite des extraits musculaires du rat. Ibid., p. 646, 1895. - Maladie d'Addison experimentale chez le rat d'egout. Ibid., 48, p. 164, 1896. - Action antitoxique des capsules surrenales sur la neurine. Ibid., p. 364, 1896. — Nouveaux cas de la maladie d'Addison experimentale. Ibid., 49, pp. 439 and 473, 1897. — - Diminution de resistance des rats decapsules a 1'action toxique de divers, subst. p. 466. - Rech. experim. sur les fonctions des caps, surren. Ibid., 51, p. 671, 1899. - Troubles nerveux et tremblements observes, chez un Addisonien, a la suite de trop frequentes injections de capsules surrenales de veau. Ibid., 51, p. 891, 1899. - Recherches experimentales sur la pathogenic de la maladie d'Addison. Revue de med., pp. 136-143, 17 fevrier, 1897. - Dangers de 1'adrenaline dans certains cas de maladie bronze d'Addison. C. r. S. B., 55, pp. 1471 and 1474, 1903. - La mort dans maladie bronzee d'Addison. Arch. gen. de med. I., 1903. - De 1'Addisonisme. Ibid., ii, 1904. BOLAU, H. Glandula thyrcoudea u. Gl. thymus bei d. Amphibien. Zool. Jahrb., 12, 1899. BOLDT. Glokosurie nach Kropfschwund. D. m. W., 1904. DE BONIS. Action des extraits d'Hypophyse sur la pression arterielle et sur le coeur normal ou en etat de degenerescence graisseuse et de la nature du principe actif de 1'hypophyse. A. i. Ph., p. 211, 1908. DE BONIS, W., and SUSANNA, V. tiber die Wirkung des Hypophysenex- traktes auf isolierte Blutgefasze. C. P., 23, p. 169, 1909. BONNAMOUR, S. Recherches histologiques sur la secretion des capsules surrenales. C. r. assoc. anat. Montpellier, 1902. — Etude histologique des phenomenes de secretion de la capsule surrenale chez les mammiferes. These de Lyon, 1905. BONNAMOUR, S. and PINATELLE. Note sur 1'organe parasympathique de Zuckerkandl. Bibliogr. anat. T. xi, pp. 127-136, 1902. BONNAMOUR, S. and POLICARD. Sur la graisse de la capsule surrenale de la grenouille. C. r. S. B., 55, p. 471, 1903. BONNAMOUR and THEVENOT. Variations de resistance des lapins a 1'adren- aline. C. r. S. B., 66, p. 509, 1909. Toxine diphterique et adrenaline dans la production de I'atherome experimental. Ibid., pp. 66 and 387, 1909. BONNET, R. Lehrbuch der Entwicklungsgeschichte. Berlin, 1907. BORCHARDT, L. Experimentelles liber den Diabetes bei der Akromegalie. Ref. D. m. W., 34, p. 946, 1908. - Die Hypophysenglykosurie und ihre Beziehung zum Diabetes bei der Akromegalie. Z. k. M., 66, p. 332, 1908. - Diskussion zum Vortrage Hochenegg. Congr. d. G. Chirurg., 1908. - Funktion und funktionelle Erkrankungen der Hypophyse. Erg. d. inn. Med. u. Kinderh., iii, p. 288, 1909. BORN, G. tiber die Derivate der embryonalen Schlundbogen und Schlund- spalten bei Saugetieren. A. m. A., 22, 1882. BORRMANN, B. Ein Fall von Morbus Addisonii zufolge entzundlich-hyper- plastischer Wucherung der Nebennieren auf traumatischer Grundlage. D. A. k. M., 86, 1906. BORUTTAU, H. Erfahrungen iiber die Nebennieren. P. A., 78, 1899. — Uber den jetzigen Stand unserer Kenntnisse von den Funktionen der Blutgefaszdriisen. D. m. W., 1899. - Zur Entstehung des Adrenalins im Tierkorper. C. P., 21, 1907. - Innere Sekretion. Nagels Handb. der Physiologic, ii, 1907. BOSSI, L. M. Die Nebennieren und die Osteomalacie. A. G., 83, p. 505, 1907. Nebennieren und Osteomalacie. C. G., pp. 69, 172, 1907. - L' influenza delle capsule surren. sulP ossificazione d. scheletro. Gin. mod., 1908. — The influence of the suprarenal glands on the bone skeleton in relation to osteomalacia and rickets. Brit. Med. Journ., 1908. LITERATURE 465 BOTEANO, E. R. Contr. la physiol. glandei pituitarc la brosca. These. Bucarest, 1906. Zit. n. Paulesco. BOTTAZZI, F. Azione dell'adrenalina sul tessuto muscolare liscio esofageo di Bufo vulgaris. Atti della R. Accad. med. di. Geneva, XVIII; C. P., IQ, p. 100, 1904. - Sur quelques alterations de globules rouges du sang a la suite de la thyroidectomie. A. i. B., 23, 1895. BOTTAZZI and COSTAXZI. Nuove recerche sull' azione dell' Adrenalina (Clin.) e della Paraganglina (Vassale) sui muscoli lisci. II torn., 1905; Ref. C. P., 20, p. 279, 1905. BOTTAZZI, D'ERRico and JAPPELLI. Wirkung des Adrenalins auf die Speichel- und Harnabsonderung. B. Z., vii, p. 431, 1908. BOTTAZZI, F., and TORRETTA, A. Azione dell'adrenalina sulla muscolatura longitudinale dell' esofago di Bufo yulg. A. d. F., i, pp. 325-331, 1904. BOUCHARD, CH. Involution senile. Traite de path, gen., 1900. BOUCHARD and CLAUDE. Recherches experimentales sur Padrenaline. C. r. A., p. 928, 1902. BOUCHARDAT. Monographic sur le diabete. Paris, 1875. BOUCHART. Infiltration de la cornee et mydriase persistante attribuables a 1'adrenaline. La clin. opht., 1904. - - Accidents attribuables a 1'adrenaline. Rev. d'opht., 1905. BOUCHE, F. Gegenseitige Beeinflussung von Adrenalin und Verdauungs- storungen. Diss., Freiburg, 1909. BOON. Les deux glandes a secretion interne de 1'ovaire, la glande inter- stitielle et le corps jaune. Rev. med. de 1'Est., 1902. — L'infantilisme et la glande interstitielle du testicule. C. r. A., Janvier, 1904. BouiN, P., and ANCEL, P. Sur les cellules interstitielles du testicule des mammiferes et leur signification. C. r. S. B., 14 novembre, 1903. - Sur la signification de la glande interstitielle du testicule embryonnaire. C. r. S. B., 19 decembre, 1903. - La glande interstitielle chez les vieillards, les animaux ages et des infantiles experimentaux. Ibid., 13 fevrier, 1904. - Recherches sur les cellules interstitielles du testicule chez les mam- miferes. Arch, de Zool. exp. et gen., vol. i, 1903. - Sur les variations dans le developpement du tractus genital chez les animaux cryptorchides et leur cause. Bibl. anat., torn, xiii, fasc. 2, 1904. — Sur 1'hypertrophie compensatrice de la glande interstitielle du testicule. Reponse a M. G. Loisel. C. r. S. B., 56, ii, p. 97, 1904. - Sur le determinisme des caracteres sexuels secondaires et de I'instinct sexuel. Ibid., 56, ii, p. 335, 1904. — La glande interstitielle a seul, dans le testicule, une action generale sur 1'organisme. Demonstration experimentale. C. r. A., Janvier, 1904. — Recherches sur la signification physiologique de la glande interstitielle du testicule chez les mammiferes. J. d. P. P., vi, 1904. — La glande interstitielle du testicule et la defense de 1'organisme. Hypertrophie ou Atrophie partielle de la glande interst. au cours de certaines maladies chez Thomme. C. r. S. B., 57, i, p. 553, 1905. — - Hypertrophie ou atrophie partielle de la glande interst. dans certains conditions experimentales. Ibid., p. 554. - A propos du trophospongiu'm et des canules du sue. Ibid., 57, ii, p. 221, 1905. — Differenciation d'une membrane propre d'origine epitheliale. C. r. S. B., 65, 1908. — Sur le follicule de de Graaf mur et la formation du corps jaune chez la chienne. Ibid., p. 314. - Sur les homologies et la signification des glandes a secretion interne de 1'ovaire. Ibid., 67, pp. 464 and 497, 1909. BOUIN, P., ANCEL, P., and VILLEMIN. Sur la physiologie du corps jaune de Tovaire. Recherches faites a 1'aide des rayons X. C. r. S. B., 58, ii, p. 417, 1906. - Glande interstitielle de 1'ovaire et rayons X. Ibid., p. 337, 1907. 30 466 LITERATURE BOULLEXGER. De Faction de la glande thyroide sur la croissance. These de Paris, 1896. BOULUD and FAYOL. Sur le dosage colorimetrique d'adrenaline. C. r. S. B., 55, P. 358, 1903. BOURNEVILLE. Comparaisons entre les enfants norm, et anormaux au p. d. vue d. 1. persistance ou 1'absence du thymus. Progr. med., IQOO. - Idiotie myxcedemateuse ou myxcedeme infantile. Traite de med. de Brouarde et Gilbert, ix, 1902. BOVERI, P. Uber die Wirkung des Jods auf das durch Adrenalin erzeugte Atherom der Aorta. D. m. W., 1906. - Arteriosclerose experimental chez le singe. C. r. S. B., 65, p. 597, 12 decembre, 1908. BOYCE and BEADLES. Enlargement of the hypophysis cerebri in myxcedema, &c. J. o. P. B., October, 1892, and February, 1893. BOY-TESSIER. L'adrenaline dans 1'hypotension cardio-vasculaire. C. r. S. B., 57, i, p. 880, 1905. - Duree de 1'action de 1'adrenaline. Ibid., p. 1097. Bozzi. Unters. uber die Schilddruse, £c. Zieglers Beitr., 18, 1895. BOZZOTO. Rapport sur 1'opotherapie. Congr. med. de Turin, 1898. BRA, M. La methode Brown-Sequard, Traite d'histotherapie. Paris, 1895. BRACCI, C. Timo e ricambio del calcio. Rivist. di Clinica pediatrica, iii, p. 572, 1905. - L'echange du calcium et le calcium des os dans la Thyroidectomie experimentale. Gaz. des malad. infant, et d'obstetrique, septembre, 1905. BRADFORD, R. J. The results following partial nephrectomy and the in- fluence of the kidney on metabolism. J. o. P., 23, p. 414, 1899. v. BRAMAXX. Uber Schilddriisenimplantation bei Myxodem u. Kretinismus. D. m. W., 1909. BRAMWELL, BYROM. Acromegaly in a giantess. Brit. Med. Journ., p. 21, 1894. - A case of tetania treated by thyroid extract. Ibid., p. 1196, 1895. Two clinical lectures on Addison's disease. Ibid., January, 1897. - Ansemia and some diseases of blood-forming organs and ductless glands. Edinburgh, 1899. - A case of Addison's disease in which great improvement took place under open-air treatment and the administration of suprarenal extract. Brit. Med. Journ., October 28, 1905. BRANCA, A. Le testicule chez Paxolotl, en captivite. C. r. S. B., 56, p. 243. - Cellules interstitielles et spermatogenese. Ibid., 350. BRANDT, ALEX. Anatomisches und Allgemeines liber die sogenannte Hahnenfedrigkeit und uber anderweitige Geschlechtsanomalien bei Vogeln. Z. w. Z., 48, p. 101, 1889. - tiber den Zusammenhang der Glandula suprarenalis mit dem Paro- varium resp. der Epididymis bei Hiihnern. Biolog. Centbl., 9, 1890. BRANHAM. Tetany following thyroidectomy3 &c. Ann. of Surg., August, 1908. BRAT, H. Zur Wirkung des Chlorbaryums und Barutins. B. k. W., 1905. BRAUER, A. Entwickelung der Excretionsorgane der Gymnophoinen. Z. A., 23, 1900. - Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Entwickelung und Anatomic der Gym- nophionen. III. Die Entwickelung der Excretionsorgane. Zool. Jahrb., xvi, pp. 1-176, 1902. BRAUER. Beitrag zur Lehre von den anatomischen Veranderungen des Nervensystems bei Morbus Addisonii. D. Z. N., 7, pp. 54 and 415, 1895- BRAULT, A. Maladie du rein et des capsules surrenales. Traite de med., v, Paris, 1893. BRAULT, A., and PERUCHET, E. Maladie d'Addison. S. m., 1892. BRAUN, H. Uber den Einflusz der Vitalitat der Gewebe auf die ortlichen und allgemeinen Giftwirkungen lokalanasthesierender Mittel und iiber die Bedeutung des Adrenalins fvir die Lokalanasthesie. A. k. Ch., 69, ^ p. 541, 1903; and C. Ch., 1903. - Cocain und Adrenalin. Berl. Klinik. Heft 187, Januar, 1904 - Uber einige neue ortliche Anasthetica (Stovain, Alypin, Novocain). D. m. W.j 1905. - Die Lokalanasthesie. Leipzig, 1905 and 2. AufL, 1907. LITERATURE 467 BRAUN, H. Zur Freilegung der zentralen Teile usvv. Z. Ch., 87. BRAUN, L. Zur Frage der Arteriosklerose nach Adrenalinzufuhr. W. k. W., 1905. - Uber Adrenalinarteriosklerose. S. W. A., 116, 1907. - Zur Pathogenese und Behandlung der Arteriosklerose. M. K., 1908. BRAUN, M. Das Urogenitalsystem der einheimischen Reptilien, entwick- lungsgeschichtlich und anatomisch bearbeitet. Arb. a. d. zool.-zoot. Inst., Wiirzburg, iv, p. 113, 1878. - Bau und Entwicklung der Nebennieren bei Reptilien. Ibid., v, p. i, 1882. - Uber Bau und Entwicklung der Nebennieren bei Reptilien. Z. A., 1879. BREARD. Contr. a 1'etude de myxoedeme spontane et son traitement. These, Paris, 1899. BREGMANN. Zur Klinik der Akromegalie. D. Z. N., 17. BREGMANN and STEINHAUS. Zur Kenntnis der Geschwiilste der Hypophyse und der Hypophysengegend. V. A., 188, p. 360, 1907. - Deux cas de tumeurs de 1'hypophyse. J. de Neur. de Bruxelles, 1907. BREISACHER, L. Unters. iiber die gland, thyr. A. A., Suppl., p. 509, 1890. The clinical application of some thyroid gland experiments. J. A. M. A., 1903. BREMER. An improved method of diagnosing diabetes from a drop of blood. New York Med. Journ., March 7, 1896. BRETON. La syndrome infantilisme, sa nature dysthyro'idienne. These de Lille, 1901-02. BRETON, A. Note sur 1'adrenaline. Gaz. des hop., p. 761, 1903. BRETON and MICHAUT. Deux cas d'acromegalie. Ibid., p. 142, 1900. BREUER, R. Beitr. zur Atiologie der Basedowschen Krankheit und des Thyreoidismus. \V. k. W., 1900. BREUER and v. SEILLER. Uber den Einflusz der Kastration auf den Blut- befund weiblicher Tiere. A. P. P., 50. BREUSS and KOLISKO. Die pathologischen Beckenformen. \Yien, 1900. BRIAN, O. Uber eine aus Knochenmark bestehende Geschwulst zwischen Niere und Nebenniere. V. A., 186, p. 258, 1906. BRIAU. L'innervation du corps thyroide. These de Lyon, 1897. - De Tinfluence d. 1. castration test, et ovar. sur le developp. du squelette. Gaz. hebd., 1901. BRIGIDI, V. Delle capsule suprarenali accessorie. Lo Sperimentale, p. 581, 1882. BRIN. De 1'evolution des tumeurs propres a la capsule surrenale. These de Paris, 1892. BRINCKMANN. Uber Therapie bei M. Basedowii. Inaug.-Diss., Mlinchen, 1905. BRISSAUD. De Tinfantilisme myxoedemateux. Nouv. Icon, de la Salp., - Myxoedeme thyroidien et myxcedeme parathyroidien. P. m., 1898. - Legons clin. sur les maladies nerveuses. 2e serie, p. 440, 1899. - LTnfantilisme vrai. Nouv. Icon, de la Salp., 1907. BRISSAUD and MEIGE. Gigantisme. Rev. neurol., p. 1101, 1904. Type infantil du gigantisme. Nouv. Icon, de la Salp., 1904. BRODIE. An experiment upon the glomerula function of the kidney. C. P., p. 492, 1901. BRODIE and DIXON. Contributions of the physiology of the lungs and some observations on the action of suprarenal extract. J. o. P., 30, p. 476, 1904. BROOKS, H. and KAPLAN, D. M. The effect of prolonged adrenalin medi- cation on the human circulatory organs with report of case. Med. Rec., New York, p. 708, 1908. BROTZ. Nebennieren und Geschlcchtscharakter. A. G., 88, H. 3. BROWN-SEQUARD. Recherches experimentales sur la physiologic et la patho- logic des capsules surrenales. C. r. A., T. xliii, p. 422, 25 aout, 1856. - Recherches experimentales sur la physiologic des capsules surrenales. Ibid., t. xliii, p. 542, 8 septembre, 1856; Moniteur des hopitaux, Paris, 1856. - Recherches experimentales sur la physiologic et pathologie des capsules surrenales. A, gen. demed., pp. 385-401, 572-598, 1856. 468 LITERATURE BROWN-SEQUARD. Nouvelles recherches sur les capsules surrenales. C. r. A., xlv, g fevrier, 1857. — Nouvelles recherches sur 1'importance, des fonctions des capsules surrenales. Ibid., t. xlv, p. 1036, 21 decembre, 1857; Journ. de phys., i, 1858. — Des effets produits chez 1'homme par des injections souscoutanees d'un liquide retire des testicules frais de cobaye et de chien. C. r. S. B., pp. 415, 420, 430 and 451, 1 889. - Experience demontrant la puissance dynamogenique chez 1'homme d'un liquide extrait de testicules d'animaux. A. d. P., p. 651, 1889. - Expose de faits nouyeaux a 1'egard de 1'influence sur les centres nerveux d'un liquide extrait de testicules animaux. A. d. P., pp. 201 and 443, 1890. — Remarques sur les effets produits sur la femme par des injections souscoutanees d'un liquide retire d'ovaire d'animaux. Ibid., pp. 456 and 651, 1890. — Expose de faites nouveaux montrant la puissance du liquide testiculaire centre 1'affaiblissement du certaines maladies et en particulier la tuber- culose pulmonaire. Ibid., p. 224, 1891. - Remarques sur la spermine et liquide testiculaire. Ibid., p. 401, 1891. - Faits montrant 1'influence du systeme nerveux sur la nutrition et secre- tions. Ibid., p. 747, 1891. - Injections de liquide extrait de la gl. thyroide dans des cas de myxcedeme. Ibid., pp. 178 and 752, 1892. - Liquide testiculaire. Ibid., pp. 151, 406 and 754, 1892. — Progres de nos connaiss. a 1'egard de liquide testiculaire. Ibid., pp. 205 and 796, 1893. — Importance de la secretion interne des reins. Ibid., p. 778, 1893. — Influence de 1'extrait aqueux des capsules surrenales sur des cobayes presque mourants a la suite de 1'ablation de ces organs. C. r. S. B.r p. 410, mai, 1892. - Influence heureuse de la transfusion du sang normal apres 1'exstirpation des capsules surrenales chez le cobaye. Ibid., p. 467, 14 mai, 1893. BROWN-SEQUARD and D'ARSONVAL. Recherches sur les extraits liquides retires des glandes et d'autres parties de 1'organisme. A. d. P., p. 491, 1891. — • Injection dans le sang des extraits du pancreas du foie, du cerveau. Ibid., 1892. - Nouvelles remarques sur les injections souscutanees et intraveneuses d'extraits organiques. Ibid., p. 200. 1893. — Influence physiolog. et therap. du liquide orchitique sur Torganisme. Ibid., p. 539, 1893. BROWN, O. H., and GUTIIRIE, C. C. The effects of intravenous injections of bone marrow extract upon blood-pressure. A. J. P., 14, p. 328, 1905. BROWN and JOSEPH. The effects of intravenous injection of extract of the bone marrow of swine on the blood-pressure in dogs. Ibid., i6T p. no, 1906. BRUCHANOW, N. Zur Kenntnis der primaren Nebennierengeschwiilste. Z. H., 20, 1898. BRUCKNER, J. Sur 1'absence de 1'adrenaline dans le sang des chiens thyroid- ectomises. C. r. S. B., 64, pp. 1123-24, 1908. - Sur la secretion thyroidienne. Ibid., 66, p. 481, 1909. BRUCKNER, J., and JONNESCO, V. Sur la resistance globulaire apres thyreoid- ectomie. Ibid., 64, 1908. BRUCKNER, J., and GiASCU, A. A. Disparition de la graisse des capsules surrenales apres fistule pancreatique chez le chien. C. r. S. B., 65, p. 697, 1909. BRUGSCH, Th. Der Einflusz des Pankreassaftes und der Galle auf die Darmverdauung. Z. k. M.., 58, p. 518. BRUGSCH, Th. and BAMBERG, K. Zur Frage der Azidosis beim Pankreas- diabetes des Hundes. Ccntb. f. Phys. u. Path. d. Stoffw., 3, 1908. BRUHN, J. Ein Fall von Addisonscher Krankheit. Diss., Kiel, 1869. BRUN, VlTTORIO. Azione dell' estratto di ghiandole paratiroidi contro gli effeti di veleni convulsivante. Lo Pediastrio, No. 6, 1908. BRUNEI, L. Etat mental des acromegaliques. These de Paris, 1899. LITERATURE 469 BRUNN, A. v. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des feineren Baues und der Ent- \vicklungsgeschichte der Nebennieren. A. m. A., 8, pp. 618-638, 1872. - Uber das Vorkommen organischer Muskelfasern in den Nebennieren. Nachr. d. K. Ges. d. Wiss. Gottingen, pp. 421-422, 1873. - Verdauungsorgane. Ergebnisse der Anat. u. Entw., 4, 1894-5. BRUXNER, H. Zur Chemie der Lecithine und des Brenzkatechins, Bestand- teile der Nebennieren. Schweiz. Woch. f. Chem. u. Pharm., 1892. BRUNNERj K. Experimenta nova circa Pancreas accedit diatriba di lymphae et pancreatis usu. 1863. BRUNO, J. Uber Morbus Addisonii. M. m. W., 1902. BRUNS, P. Zur Frage der Entkropfungs-Kachexie. Bruns Beitr. , 3, 1888. - Uber den gegenwartigen Stand der Kropfbehandlung. Volkmanns S., No. 76, 1884. — Weitere Erfahrungen und die Kropfbehandlung mit Schilddriisenfiit- terung. Beitr. k. Chir., 13, 1895 and 16, 1896. BUBNOW. Beitr. z. Unters d. chemischen Bestandteile d. Schilddriise. Z. ph. Ch., 8. BUCHSTAB. Arbeit der Bauchspeicheldriise nach Durchschneidung der Splanchnici und Vagi. Diss. St. Petersburg, Ref. B. C., i. BUCURA, K. J. Nachvveis von chromaffinem Gewebe und wirklichen Ganglienzellen im Ovar. W. k. W., 1907. — Uber die Nerven in der Nabelschnur und in der Placenta. Z. H., 1907. — Beitrage zur inneren Funktion des vveiblichen Genitales. Z. H., 28, 1907. - Zur Therapie der klimakterischen Storungen und der Dyspareunie M. m. W., 1909. BUDAY, K. Beitr. z. Cystenbildung in suprarenalen Nierengeschwiilsten. Zeigl. B., 24, 1898. BUDAY and JANCSO. Ein Fall von pathologischem Riesenwuchs. D. A. k. M., 60, 1898. BUNZ, R. Uber das Vorkommen von Cholesterinestern im Gehirn. Z. ph. Ch., 46, 1905. BURGER. Stoffwechsel d. gesunden Menschen b. Schilddriisenftitterung. Diss., Halle, 1895. BURGER and CHURCHMAN. Der Plexus coeliacus und mesentericus und ihre Rolle beim Abdominalshock. M. G. M. C., 16, pp. 507-549, 1906. BUKOFZER, M. Uber Adrenalin und seine Wirkung auf die Kapillaren und deren aktive Kontraktilitat. Allg. med. Cent. Zeit., 1902. - Die Reaktion der Nasen- und Kehlkopfschleimhaut auf Nebennieren- extrakte (Adrenalin). D. m. W., 1903. BULIUS. Osteomalazie und Eierstock. B. G. G., i, 1898. BULKELEY, F. S. The serum treatment of exophthalmic goitre. Boston Med. and Surg. Journ., clviiii, p. 626, 1907. BULLOCH and SEQUEIRA. On the relations of the suprarenal capsules to the sexual organs. Trans, of the Path. Soc., Ivi, London, 1905. BULTSCHENKA and DRINKMANN. Blutunters. nach Exstirp. d. Schilddriise. Allg. med. Cent. Z., 1897. BUQUET, H. and PACHON, V. Sur 1'action vasoconstrictive de la choline. C. r. S. B., 67, p. 218, 1909. - Additions d'effets hypotenseurs de choline et d'adrenaline. Ibid., 67, p. 274, 1909- BURANI. Caso classico osteomalacia mascuile. Rass. d. scienc. med. Modena, ii, 1887. BURCHARD, O. Acromegalie und Myxcedem. St. Petersb. med. Woch., p. 481, 1901. BURCKHARDT, G. Uber die Leistungen verlagerter Pankreasstucke fur die Ausniitzung der Nalirung im Darm. A. P. 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P. A., 121. - Uber die Stromung des Blutes in dem Gebiete der Pfortader. I. Das Stromvolum der Vena mesenterica. P. A., 124, p. 469. — A method to demonstrate the changes in the vascularity of the sub- maxillary gland on stimulation of the secretory nerves. J. o. P., 30, p. 133, 1904. BURY, S. and JUDSON. A case of Addison's disease in a child treated with suprarenal extract without benefit ; characteristic lesions found post mortem. Lancet, 1897. BUSCH and v. BERGEN. Suprarenal transplantation with preservation of function. A. J. P., 16, p. 144, 1906. BUSCHAN. Kritik der modernen Theorien liber die Pathogenese der Base- dowschen Krankheit. W. m. W., Nos. 51, 52, 1894 and No. i, 1895. — • Die Basedow'sche Krankheit. Wien, 1894. — Die Brown-Sequard'sche Methode (Organsaft-Therapie). Heuser, 1895. — Myxcedem und verwandte Zustande. Leipzig, 1896. — Schilddriisentherapie. Eulenburg Realenc., 1896. BUSE, O. Uber Bau, Entwicklung und Einteilung der Nierengeschwiilste. V. A., 157, 1899. BUSSANO, G. Contribute alia fisiopatologia della ipofisi. II Tommasi, No. 23, 1908. BUSSCHER. A propos d'opotherapie renale. La belg. Med., No. 4, 1904. BUTLER, H. O. A practical experience with adrenalin as a cardial and vasomotor stimulant. Lancet, March 3, 1906. CACASE. Giorn. dell' ass. Napoli. dei medici e naturalist!, 1903 zit. nach Morat u. Doyon. CACCIOLA, S. Un caso di capsula surrenale accessoria aderente al rene. In : Alcune osservazioni anatomiche. Padova, 1885. CADEAC and GUINARD. Quelques fails relatifs aux accidents de la thyreoid- ectomie. C. r. S. B., p. 468, 1894. - Remarques sur le role du thymus chez les sujets atteints d'une altera- tion du corps thyroide ou ethyroides. Ibid., p. 508, 1894. - Modific. fonctionelles relevees chez les anim. ethyroides. Ibid., p. 509, 1894. CAFIERO. Sulle alteraz. istolog. ind. nei tessuti da! succhi di organi e dai sieri citotoss. Rif. med., Nos. 30 and 31, 1903. CAGIATI, L. Sul rapporto fra le alterazioni delle capsule surrenali ed il morbo d'Addison. Ibid., vi, 92, 1890. CAGNETTO, G. Hypophyse et acromegalie. Arch. p. Scienze med., 31, p. 80, 1907. - Anatomische Beziehungen zwischen Akromegalie und Hypophysentu- moren. V. A., 176, 1904. - Neuer Beitrag zum Studium der Akromegalie. Ibid., 187, 1907. CAILLAU. Notice sur les glandes surrenales suivie d'un discours prononce sur le meme sujet de Montesquieu en 1718. Ann. clin. d. 1. S. d. med. de Montpellier, 1819. CALCAR, R. P. VAN. Immunitatsreaktionen und einige_ ihrer praktischen Verwendungen fiir Klinik und Laboratprium. Leipzig, 1908. CALDERARA, A. Mixedema di atrofia della tiroide con ipertrofia della ipofisi. Giorn. R. Ace. med. Torino, vol. 13, fasc. 7-8, 1907. CALLARI. Gerodermie, infantilisme, feminisme. Gazz. d. osped., 1901. CALOGERO. Nebennierenexstirp. und access. Nebennieren bei der Ratte. These de Paris, 1901 ; C. r. S. B., 1903. LITERATURE 47 T CALZOLARI, A. Recherches experim. sur un rapport probable entre la fonction du thymus et celle de testicule. A. i. B., xxx, i, S. 71. CAMIA. Ricerche sulla funzione del timo nella Rana. Riv. di pat. nerv. e ment. I, 3, 1900. CAMIS. Sul consumo di idrati carbonic nel cuore isolate funzion. Z. a. P., 8, 1908. CAMPBELL, A. \V. Notes of two cases of dilatation of the central cavity or ventricle of the pineal gland. Transact, of the Path. Soc. of London, 50, p. 14, 1898. CAMUS, L. Action de 1'adrenaline sur I'ecoulment de la lymphe. C. r. S. B. 56, 1905. — Greffes parathyroi'diennes chez 1'animal normal et chez 1'animal par- tiellement ethyroide. Ibid., p. 439, 1905. - La secretine de 1'intestin du foetus. Ibid., 61, p. 59, 1906. CAMUS and LANGLOIS. Secretion surrenale et pression sanguine. Ibid., 52, p. 210, 1900. CANALIS, P. Contribution a 1'etude du developpement et dc la pathologie des capsules surrenales. I. M., 4, pp. 312-334, 1887. - Contribute allo studio dello sviluppo e della patologia delle capsule soprarenali. Atti della R. Accad. delle Scienze di Torino, xxii, 8 maggio, 1887. CANNIZARO. Uber die Funktion der Schilddruse. D. m. \Y., 1892. CANTANI. Trattato delle malattie del ricambio. II Diabete, Napoli, 1875. Deutsch von S. Hahn, Berlin, 1880. CANTER, Ch. Contr. a Tetude des fonctions de la gl. thyroide. Merc, med., 1895. CANTURI, A. Sul gozzo esoftalmico. Gazz. Osped. e Clin., No. 62, 1908. CAPELLE. Ein neuer Beitrag zur Basedowthymus. M. w. M., 1908. — • Die Beziehungen der Thymus zum Morbus Basedowii. Beitr. kl. Chir., 58. CAPOBIANCO, F. La pneumonite da tiroidectomia e quella da recisione del vago nei conigli. Rif. med., p. 166, 1892. - Sulle fine alterazioni dei centri nervosi e delle radici spinali dopo la tiroidectomia. Rif. med., 1892; A. i. B., 18, p. 306, 1893. — La tiroidectomia nei mammiferi. Congr. med. int. Roma, 1894; Rif. med., 1895. - Ricerche microsc. e sperim. su gli effetti della tiroidectoma. I. M., n, 1894. - Sur les effets de la thyroidectomie chez les animaux. A. i. B., 22, 1895. — Reperto rarissimo e presenza di fibre muscolare striate nelle glandola tiroide. Rif. med., Ann. IX, vol. i, No. 73; Boll, di soc. di naturalisti in Napoli. — Dell' azione di alcuni estratti organici sul lavoro muscolare. Atti della R. Ace. d. Sc. Fis. e Matem. Napoli, n giugno, 1904. CAPOBIANCO, F., and MAZZIOTTI, L. Su gli effetti della Paratiroidectomia. Giorn. intern, delle sc. med., 1897 and A. i. B., 31, 1899. CAPOLONIGO. Sulla penetrazione per diffusione dell' adrenalina nella camera anteriore. XVII. Ophthalmologenkongresz. Annalen der Ophthalmologie, 1905-6; Bph. C., ii, p. 119. CAPPARELLI. Zur Frage des experimentellen Pankreasdiabetes. Biol. Cbl., 495, 1893. CARBONE, T. Das Neurin und die Nebennieren. Congr. int. med., Rom, 1894; C. a. P., 5, 1894. - Esperience sull' estirpazione della ghiandola timo. Giorn. della real. Accad. di Torino^ ix, 7, 1897. CARLE, A. Uber die Exstirpation der Schilddruse. C. P., p. 213, iSSS. CARLES, J., and MICHEL. Du pouvoir nephrotoxique de la maceration renale administre par ingestion. C. r. S. B., 58, p. 276, 1905. CARLIER. Note on the structure of the suprarenal body. An. An., 8, 1893. CARMICHAEL and MARSHALL. The correlation of the ovarian and uterine functions. Brit. Med. Journ., 1907. - Compensatory hypertrophy in the ovary. J. o. P., 36, 1908. CARNOT. Diabete apres injection de culture bacterique dans le conduit pancreatique. C. r. S. B., 1894. CARNOT and AMET. De la degenerescence des ilots dc Langcrhans en dehors du diabete. C. r. S. B., 57, ii, p. 359, 1905. 472 LITERATURE CARNOT and DELION. Parathyroidie tuberculeuse. Ibid., 57, li, p. 321, 1905. CARNOT and GILBERT. Action d'extrait hepatique sur la glycosune exp. Ibid., 1896. CARNOT and JOSSERAND. Sur la valeur hemostatique de 1'adrenaline. Ibid., 54, p. 1346. - Des differences d'action de Tadrenaline sur la pression sanguine suivant les vois de penetration. Ibid., 54, p. 14/2, 1903. - Influence du travail musculaire sur 1'activite de 1'adrenaline. Ibid., 55, P- 5i, 1903- CARO. Schilddrusensekretionen und Schwangerschaft in ihren Beziehungen zu Tetanie und Nephritis. M. G. M. C., 17, 1903. - Wechselwirkung der Organe mit innerer Sekretion. M. K., 1910. CARPENTER, MACCARTY. Fall v. malignem Hypernephrom bei einem Kinde. B. k. W., 1905. CARRACIDO, R. J. Un dato quimico para la explicacion de la glucosuria pancreatica. Revista ibero-americ. de ciencias medicas. T., xi, p. 294, Madr., 1904. CARRARO, A. Studio comparative sugli effetti delle inizioni di estratto d'ipofisi e di ghiandofa surrenale. Arch. sc. med. Torino, 32, pp. 42-80, 1908; and A. i. B., 32. CARRARO and KUSCHNITZKY. Regeneration der Nebenniere. B. k. W., 1909. CARREL, A., and GUTHRIE, C. C. Exstirpatipn et Replantation de la glande thyroide avec reversion de la circulation. C. r. S. B., 57, ii, p. 413, ^1905. CARRIERS, G. Structure et fonctions du corps pituitaire. Arch. clin. d. Bordeaux, 1893. CARRIERE, N. Des dangers de la medication thyroidienne. Nord. med., IQOI. CARRIERE, G., and DELEARDE, A. Sur un cas d'epithelioma atypique symetrique des capsules surrenales. A. m. e., 12, 1900. CARRIERE and VANVERTS. Etude experim. sur Faction de la thyroidine dans la consolidation des fractures. C. r. S. B., p. 535, 1900. CASELLI, A. Studii anatomici e sperimentali sulla nsiopatologia della glandola pituitaria. Reggio Emilia, 1900. - Influence de la fonction de 1'hypophyse sur le developpement de 1'organisme. Riv. sper. di fren., 37, 1900. - Hypophyse et glycosurie. Ibid., 38, 1900. - Sui rapporti funzionali della glandola pituitaria colPappareggio tiroparatiroideo. Ibid., p. 468, 1900. CASPER, M. Stoffwechselregulierungsorgane bei Tieren. L. O., i, p. 522, 1896. CASTAIGNE, J. De 1'elimination du pigment noir dans la maladie bronzee. Bull, de la Soc. anat., xi, 13, p. 510, juin-juillet, 1897. CASTEIGNE, J., and RATHERY, F. Ligature unilateriale de 1'artere renale. C. r. S. B., 1901. Sur les nephrotoxines. Ibid., 17 mai, 1902. - Toxicite de la subst. renale et nephrotoxines. P. m., 13 aout, 1903. - Action exercee in vitro sur Tepithel. renal par les serums. A. m. e., 1903. - Nephrites primit. unlat. et lesions consec. de 1'autre rein. Ibid., 14, 1902. DU CASTEL, J. Thyroide et formula leucocytaire. C. r. S. B., 65, pp. 443- 444, 1908. oASTIGLIONl, G. Un nouveau cas d'acromegalie emeliore par 1'opotherapie hypophysaire. Gaz. med Italiana, March 23, 1905. C.ATON and PAUL. Notes of a case of acromegaly, &c. Brit. Med. Journ., 1893. oAUSSADE, G. Consid. sur la pathogenic de la maladie d' Addison. Union med., 1895. Sur les effets de 1'injection souscoutanee cTextracts de capsules sur- renales chez les animaux. C. r. S. B., 18 Janvier, 1896. 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Proprieta terapeutiche specifiche del siero di sangue di animali immunizzati con siero di animali stiroparatiroidiati. Riv. Sper. di Freniatria, igp3. CENTANNI, E. La citoprecipitina e il suo valore diagnostica. Rif. med., igoi, 10,02. — Neurotoxin. Rif. med., igoo; C. f. B., p. gSS, igoi. — Uber die Autozytoprazipitine. Ibid., pp. gi, 23g, 362, igo3. - Uber Autozytoprazipitine. 2 Abteilung. Ibid., H. 5 and 6, igo7. — Sugli edemi nefritici. Pathologica, No. i, igoS. CERLETTI. Effets des injections de sue d'hypophyse sur 1'accroissement somatique. A. i. B., 47, p. 123, igo7. CERLETTI and PERUSINI. Journ. of Mental Pathology, vii, No. 5, igo6. CERTENET DE DEMAY. Traitement des hemorrhoides par 1'adrenaline. Journ. de Med de. Bordeaux^ No. 20, igo4. CERVELLO, V. Notices preliminaires sur 1'action de la neurine. A. i. B., 5, p. igg, 1884. - Sur 1'action physiologique de la neurine. A. i. B., p. 172, 1886. CESA, D. and BIANCHI. Osservazioni sulla struttura e sulla funzione della cosidetta ghiandola interstiziale dell' ovaia. A. d. F., iv, H. 6. CESARI, L. La choline dans le liquide cephalo-spinal du chien soumis a 1'epilepsie experimentale. C. r. S. B., p. 66, igo7. CESARIS, DEMEL. Adenocarcinoma del pancreas. Arch, per le Scienze mediche, iSgs. CESTAN and HALBERSTADT. Epithelioma kystique de 1'hypophyse. Rev. neurol., p. 1180, igo3. CEVIDALLI, A. Di alcune reazioni dell' adrenalina. Lo Sperimentale, 62, igoS. CEVIDALLI, A. and LEONCINI, F. Ricerche sul comportamento post-mortale del principio attivo delle capsule surrenali. Lo Sperimentale, p. 175, igog. — - La docimasia surrenale nella diagnosi medico-forense della morte in compendio. Ibid., p. 733, settembre-ottobre, igog. CHAMPXEYS, F. H. A note on the history of the toxsemia of pregnancy. Journ. of Obstet. and Gyna;c., August, igoS. CHAMPY, CH. Note sur les cellules interstitielles du testicule chez les batraciens anoures. C. r. S. B., 64, p. 8g3, igoS. CHANDLER, G. Hypernephroma as a result of traumatism. N. Y. Med. Journ., igo4. CHANTEMESSE and MARIE. Les glandes parathyroi'diennes de Fhomme. Soc. med. Hop., 10, p. 202, i8g3. CHARPENTIER, A. Ecrans testiculaires ayant pour base 1'extrait de glande interstitielle. C. r. S. B., 56, p. 828. CHARRIN, A. Sur les elevations thermiques d'origine cellulaire. A. d. P. 21, p. 683, iSSg. — Les toxines; mecanisme de leur action. Rev. gen. des scienc.. pp. 24-32, 15 Janvier, iSgs. — Les fonctions des capsules surrenales en physiologic pathologique. S. m., i8g6. — Les defenses naturelles de 1'organisme. Paris, i8gS. - Les poisons de 1'organisme. 2 Bande, Encycl. scient., Paris. 474 LITERATURE CHARRIN and LANGLOIS. Lesions des caps, surren. dans Uinfection. C. r. S. B., p. 812, 1893. - Action antitoxique du tissu des capsules surrenales. C. r. S. B., p. 410, 1894. - Hypertrophie experimentales des capsules surrenales. C. r. S. B., p. 131, 1896. - Du role ces caps, surren. dans la resistance a certaines infections. Ibid., 1896. CHARRIN and LEVADITI. Action d. pancreas sur la toxine diphtherique. Ibid., 51, 1899. CHASSEVANT and LANGLOIS. Des gaz du sang efferent des capsules surrenales. C. r. S. B., p. 700, juillet, 1893. CHATELAIN. De la peau bronzee ou maladie d'Addison. These Strassbourg, 1859; Ref. Canst. Jahresb., iv, p. 281, 1861. CHATIN and GUINARD. De la secretion interne du rein. A. m. e., p. 137, 1900. CHAUFFARD. Maladies du foie, etc. Traite de Med. Paris, i, iii. 1892. - L'intoxication addisonienne. Sem. Med., p. 74, 1894. CHAUVEAU and KAUFMANN. Le pancreas et les centres nerveux. C. r. A., p. 463, 1893. - Pathogenie du diabete. Ibid., 226, 1893. CHENU and MOREL. Localisation de 1'iode dans les glandules parathyroides externes. C. r. S. B., p. 680, 1904. CHESNEAU. Tuberculose des capsules surrenales et insuffisance capsulaire. Paris, 1900. CHEVALIER, J. L'adrenaline. Bull, de therap., p. 856, 15 juin, 1903. - Sur la preparation et le tirage des produits opotherapiques. Ibid., 1908. CHEVASSU. Tumeurs de testicule. Paris, 1906. CHEVREL, R. Sur 1'anatomie du systeme nerveux grand sympathique des elasmobranches et des poisson osseux. These Paris, Arch. zool. exp. et gen., v, Suppl. p. i, 1889. - Recherches anatomiques sur le systeme nerveux grand sympathique de 1'esturgeon. C. r. A., 117, p. 441, 1893; Arch, de zool. exp. et gen. ser., 3, i, ii, 1894. CHIAJE, S. DELLE. Uber ein Zytotoxin, welches die Fettentartung des Eierstocks hervorruft. C. G., p. 705, 1908. CHIARI, H. Zur Kenntnis der akzessorischen Nebennieren d. Menschen. Z. H., 5. 1884. CHIARUGI. Di un organo epiteliale, &c. Mon. zool. Ital., 9, 1898. CHIDICHIMO, F. Azione dell' adrenalina sui muscoli lisci (utero, stomaco ed intestine). La Ginecol., ibid., 1906; Ref. B. C., v, p. 297. CHIENE, G. L. Observations on the use of Eucain-B and Adrenalin as a means of inducing local anaesthesia. Scott. Med. Journ., September, 1904. CHIRIE, J. L. Les capsules surrenales dans Peclampsia puerperale et la nephrite gravidique. C. r. S. B., 64, p. 799, 9 Mai, 1908; S. m., 1908. CHOAY, E. Influence du mode de preparation sur 1'activite des extraits opotherapeutiques. Bull. gen. de Therap., August, 1908. CHRETIEN, H. De la thyroidectomie. These, Paris, 1887. CHRISTENS. Insuffisance parathyroidienne chez la chevre. C. r. S. B., 57, p. 337, 1905. CHRISTOMANOS. Uber die Zahl der roten Blutkorperchen in z\vei Fallen von Nebennierenerkrankung. B. k. W., 1899. CHROBAK, R. Uber Einverleibung von Eierstockgeweben. C. G. , 20, 1896. CHROBAK, R., and ROSTHORN, A. v. Die Erkrankungen der \veibl. Geschlechtsorgane. Nothnagels spec. Path. u. Ther., Bd. xx, II. Miszbildungen. Wien, 1908. CHURTON. On the effects of total and of partial destruction of the supra- renal bodies. Lancet, i, p. 245, 1886. CHVOSTEK, F., SEN. Suppurative Entziindung der linken Nebenniere. W. m. P., 1880. CHVOSTEK, F., JUN. Storungen der Nebennierenfunktion. L. O., 3, 1896. - Pathologische Anatomie der Nebennieren. Ibid., 9, 2. Abt. 1903. - Bemerkungen zur Atiologie der Tetanic. W. k. W., 1905. LITERATURE 475 CHVOSTEK, F., Jux. Beitrage zur Lehre von der Tetanie. Ibid., 1907. - Myasthenia gravis und Epithelkorperchen. Ibid., 1908. — • Die menstruelle Leberhyperamie. Ibid., 1909. - Diagnose und Therapie der Tetanie. D. m. \V., 1909. ClACClO, C. Sopra i canaliculi di secrezione nelle capsule sopraren. An. An., 22, 1903. - Sopra una nova specie di cellule nelle capsule surrenali degli anuri. Ibid., 23, 1903. - Ric. sui processi di secrezione cellul. nelle capsule surrenali. Ibid.. ^ 23, 1903. - Sui caratteri citologici e microchimici delle cellule cromaffini. Ibid., 24, 1903. - Sui processi secretorii della corteccia surrenale. Ibid., 28, 1906. - Sur la fine structure et sur les fonctions des capsules surrenales des vertebres. A. i. B., 43, p. 17, 1905. - Rapporti istogenetici tra il simpatico e le cellule cromaffini. Arch. ital. di anat., vol. v, F. 2, pp. 256-267, 1906. — - Sur la secretion de la couche medullaire de la surrenale. C. r. S. B., 1906. - Sur la topographic de 1'adrenaline. Ibid., pp. 333, 334, 1906. - Sur Penterokinase. Ibid., p. 676, 1906. - tjber das Vorkommen von Lezithin, &c. C. a. P., 20, 1909. - Contribute alia conoscenza dei lipoidi cellulari. An. An., 35, 1909. GIANNI, A. Azione dell' adrenalina nel morbo maculoso di Werlhofi. Rif. raed., 1906. CIMORONI, A. Sull' ipertrofia dell' ipofisi cerebrale negli animali stiroidati. Lo Sperim., 61, H. i, 1907; and A. i. B., 48, H. 13, 1908. ClOFFl, E. Contribute alia patologia e terapia dell' uremia. XII. Kongr. int. Med. in Rom, novembre, 1902. Ref. B. C. i, p. 94, 1903. - Contribute sperimentale alia patogenesi e cura dell' uremia. G. i. d. s. med., 1903. - Sulla pretesa specificite delle nefrolisine. Clin. med. ital., 43, No. 5, 1904. - Smidollamente delle capsule surrenali in due tempi. Clin. med. ital., H. 6, 1905; Bph. C., i, p. 270; Gazz. d. Osp., anno 26, No. 4. CITRON, J. Uber die durch Suprarenin erzeugten Veranderungen. Z. e. P., 1905. CiUFFO, G. Azione antitossica sull' adrenalina del siero di animali scap- sulati. Soc. fra i cultori delle sc. med. e. nat. Cagliari, June 18, 1905; Ref. B. C., iv, p. 752. CIVALLERI, S. Glandula paratirodea dell' uomo. Policlinico, No. 3, 1902. - L'hypophyse pharyngienne de rhomme. Anat. Kongr., Marseille, 1908. CLAIRMOXT, P. Uber ein Hypernephrom-Impfrezidiv in den Bronchiallymph- driisen. A. k. Ch., 73, 1904. CLAUDE, H. Acromegalie sans gigantisme. L'Encephale, ann. ii, No. 3, pp. 295-298, mars, 1907. - Syndromes d'hyperfonctionnement des glandes vasculaires sanguines chez les acromegalique. C. r. S. B., 57, ii, p. 362, 1905. CLAUDE and BLANCHETIERE. La choline dans le sang. J. d. P. P., pp. 86- 101, 1907. CLAUDE, H., and GOUGEROT, H. 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Action antagoniste des sels de potassium. Ibid., p. 614. — Sur les roles de sels dans 1'activation du sue pancreatique. Specifite du Calcium. C. r. S. B., 57, ii, pp. 478 and 481, 1905. DELITALA, F. II fegato del cane dopo Tablazione completa dell' apparato tiro-paratiroideo. Lo Sperimentale, anno xli, fasc. 4. 31 482 LITERATURE DELILLE, A. L'hypophyse et la modification hypophysaire. Paris, ^1909. Daselbst zitiert mehrere Arbeiten desselben Autors mit Renon,. Monier-Vinard, Vincent. 1907-10.09. DEMIEVILLE. Deux cas de maladie d'Addison. Rev. med. de la Suisse rom., iv, No. 9, 1884. DEMOOR, J., and A. VAN LINT. La serum antithyroidien et son mode d'action. Memoires couronnes de 1'acad. de Belgique. Bruxelles,. 1903. DERCUM. Adiposis dolorosa. Univers. med. Magaz., 1888. - A subcutaneous connective tissue distrophy, &c. A. J. M. S., 1892. DERCUM and CARTHEY. Autopsy in a case of adiposis dolorosa. Ibid., 1902. DERRIEU, E. 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I corpuscoli surrenali di Stannius ed i corpi del cavo. addominale dei Teleostei. Notizie anatomiche e morfologiche. Bollet. soc. natur. Napoli, ix, 1895. — Ricerche intorno all' organo interrenale degli Elasmobranchi ed ai corpuscoli di Stannius dei Teleostei. Mem. soc. ital. sc., x. Roma, 1896. - Sulla morfologia delle capsule surrenale. An. An., 15, p. 357, 1899. — Del valore anatomico e morfologico delle isole di Langerhans. An. An., 16, 481, 1899. — Sulla constituzione dei gangli simpatici negli Elasmobranchi e sulla morfologia dei nidi cellulari del simpatico in generale. An. An., 20, 418, 1902. - Metaplasma ed immagini di secrezione nelle capsule suprarenale. Archivio zoolog., vol. i, pp. 121-178, 1903. — Sullo sviluppo e morfologia delle capsule suprarenali. Bollet. soc. natur. Napoli, vol. xvii, pp. 55-62, 1903. - Varieta anatomiche dell' interrenale. Arch. ital. d'anat., vol. iv, H. 2, pp. 366-369, 1905. - Studii comparativi sulle isole di Langerhans. I. 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The chemical mechanism of gastric secretion. J. o. P., 34, P- 133, 1906. EDKINS, E. S., and TWEEDY, M. The chemical mechanism of gastric secretion. Ibid., 38, p. 263, 1909. EDMUNDS, C. W. Experiments of, on the thyroid and parathyroid glands. J. o. P., 1895- . - Further observations and experiments on the thyroid and parathyroid. J. of Path, and Bact., i, p. 64, 1899; ii, p. 71, 1901; iii, p. 288, 1903. — - Thyroid of puppy of thyroidless bitch. Transact. Path. Soc. London, 51, p. 221, 1900. — The pathology of exophthalmic goitre. Brit. Med. Journ., 1901. - The parathyroid glands. Lancet, vol. 174, 1908. The treatment of Graves's disease with the milk of thyroidless goats. Lancet, April 10, 1909. EDMUNDS, W. The influence of digitalis, strophanthus and adrenalin upon the velocity of the blood current. A. J. P., 18, pp. 129-148, 1907. EDSALL and MILLER. Chemical pathology of acromegaly. ALed. Bull. Univ. Pennsylvania. EECKE, A. VER. Corps thyroi'de et echanges organiques. 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Ibid., p. 137. — Zur Physiologic und experimentellen Pathologie der Adrenalin- __ sekretion. A. P. P., 55, p. 39, 1906. - Uber d. Einfl. d. Ausschaltung des Zwolffmgerdarms auf die Zuckeraus- scheidung. P. A., 119, 1907. - tiber Substanzen, die die Zuckerausscheidung nach Injektion von Adrenalin zu hemmen imstande sind. B. k. W., 1908. - Beitrag zur Physiologic der Nebennieren und liber im Blut vorhandene und andere pupillerierweiternde Substanzen. D. m. W., 1908. — Zur Methode des qualitativen und quantitative!! Nachweises kleinster Adrenalinmengen in Blut und Korperfliissigkeiten. D. m. W., 1909. — Bemerkungen zu der Arbeit von R. H. Kahn zur Frage der inneren Sekretion des chromaffinen Gewebes. P. A., 129, 1909. EHRMANN, R., and LEDERER. R. Uber das Verhalten des Pankreas bei Achylie und Anaziditat des Magens. D. m. W., 1909. ElCHLER, F. Uber die adrenalinahnliche \Yirkung des Serums Nephrek- ^ tomisierter und Nierenkranker. B. k. W., 1907. — Experimentelle Beitrage zur Diagnose der Pankreaserkrankungen. Ibid, 1907. LITERATURE 487 TIICHLER, F., and SILBERGLEIT. Uber Glykosurie, hervorgerufen durch Veratzung und Verschorfung der Innenflache des Darmes. B. k. W., 1908. ElJSSELSTEYN, G. VAX. Een geval van Morbus Addisonii. Needed. Week- blad, 14 Mai, 1898. EISELSBERG, A. v. Uber Tetanic im Anschlusz an Kropfoperation. Wien, 1890. Weitere Beitr. z. Lehre von d. Folgezustanden der Kropfoperation. Festsch. f. Billroth. Stuttgart, 1892. - Uber Vorkommen und Behandlung der Tetania parathyreopriva beim Menschen. Beitr. Phys. Path. Festschr. Hermann, pp. 1-21, 1908. Uber erfolgreiche Einheilung der Katzenschilddriise in die Bauchhohle und Auftreten von Tetanie nach deren Exstirpation. W. k. W., 1892. Wachstumsstb'rungen bei Tieren nach friihzeitiger Schilddrusen- exstirpation. A. k. Ch., 49, 1895. - Schluszbemerk. zu H. Munks Aufsatz. V. A., 154, 1898. - Diskussionsbemerkungen zum Vortrag von Exner. Ref. M. m. W., 1909. - Die Krankheiten der Schilddriisen. D. Ch., Lief, 38, 1901. - Diskussion zum Vortrag Erdheim. W. k. W., 781, 1906. - Uber operative Behandlung der Hypophysentumoren. W. k. W., 1907. Diskussion zum Vortrage Hochenegg. Kongr. d. d. Ges. f. Chir. Berlin, 1908. EISELSBERG, A. VON., and FRANKL-HOCHWART, L. v. Operative Behandlung der Tumoren der Hypophysisgegend. N. C., No. 21, 1907. — Neuer Fall von Hypophysisoperation bei Degen. adiposo-genitalis. W. k. W., 1908. EISELT, R. Vymena latek pri onoemocneui Addisonoen (Uber den Stoff- wechsel bei der Addisonschen Krankheit). Sbornik lekarsky, X. H. 5, 1909. ElSENLOHR. Zur Kasuistik der Tumoren der Hypophysis. V. A.. 68, 1876. ELLENBERGER, W. Vergleichende Histologie der Haussaugetiere. Berlin, 1887. ELLINGER and SEELIG. Der Einflusz von Fieber, Infektion und Nieren- schadigung auf die Suprarenin-Glykosurie. M. m. W., 1905. Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Max Jaffe, p. 347, Braunschweig, i go i. ELLIOTT. On the innervation of the ileocolic sphincter. J. o. P., 31, p. 57, 1904. - Antiperistaltic and other muscular activities of the colon. Ibid., 31, p. 272. The action of adrenalin. Ibid., 32, p. 401, 1905; and Brit. Med. Journ., 1905. ELLIOTT and DURHAM. On subcutaneous injections of adrenalin. Ibid., 34, p. 490, 1906. ELLIOTT and TUCKETT. Cortex and medullar in the suprarenal glands. Ibid., 34, p. 332, 1906. ELOY, CH. La methode de Brown-Sequard. Paris, 1893. ELSASSER, O. Uber die Haufigkcit und die Bedeutung der isolierten primaren Nebennierentubcrkulose. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. path. Anat. u. Bakt. v. p. 45, Tubingen, 1904. EMBDEN and ALMAGIA. Uber Zuckerausscheidung pankreasloser Hunde nach Alanindarreichung. H. B. , 7, p. 298, 1905. EMBDEN, G., and FURTH, O. v. Uber die Zerstorung des Suprarenins (Adrenalins im Organismus). H. B., 4, pp. 421-429, 1904. EMBDEN and SALOMON. Uber Alaninfiitterungsversuche am pankreaslosen Hunde. H. B., 5, 507; 6, p. 63, 1904. EMBDEN, SALOMON, and SCHMIDT. Uber Azetonbilding in der Leber. H. B., 8, 1906. EMBDEN, LUTHJE and LIEFMANN. Uber den Einflusz der Auszentemperatur auf den Blutzuckergehalt. H. B., 10, p. 265, 1907. EMERSON, H. Cardiac insufficiency due to high arterial pressure. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. Med., vol. v, pp. 1-3. EMERY, C. Zur Morphologie der Kopfniere der Teleostier. Biol. C., i, pp. 527-529, 1881. - Studi interne allo sviluppo ed alia morfologia del rene dei Teleostei. Mem. R. Accad. Lincei Roma, vol. xiii, pp. 43-50 (see also A. i. B., T. ii, 1882). 488 LITERATURE EMERY, C. Zur Morphologic der Kopfniere der Teleostier. Erwiderung an Herrn G. Grosglick. Z. A.., No. 212, Jahrg. 8, pp. 742-744, 1885. - La determinazione del sesso dal punto di vista biologico. Bologna, 1904. EMMERT, J. Die Wirkung subkutan einverleibten Adrenalins. V. A., 194, p. 114, 1008. ENDERLEN. Untersuchungen liber die Transplantation der Schilddriise in die Bauchhohle von Katzen und Hunden. M. G. M. C., 3, p. 474, 1898. ENGEL, C. Uber Diabetes insipidus. Z. k. M., 67, 1909. ENGELBERTZ. Morbus Addisonii. Diss., Bonn, 1892. ENGELMANN, F. Die Placentartheorie der Eklampsieatiologie. C. G., 33, 1909. — - Adrenalinbehandlung bei Osteomalacie. Ibid., 32, 1908. ENGELMANN, K. Uber die Beziehungen von Erkrankungen der Nebennieren zu Morbus Addisonii. Diss., Wiirzburg, 1906. ENGLANDER, B. Adrenalin bei Knochenerweichung (Osteomalacie). C. G., 1909. ENRIQUEZ, E., and LEREBOULLET, P. Un cas de melanodermie arsenicale generalisee simulant la maladie d'Addison. Gaz. hebd., xlvi, 54, juillet, 1899. EPELBAUM. Contribution a 1'etude de 1'organotherapie. Corps thyroide. Capsules surrenales. These Paris, 1895. EPPIXGER, H, FALTA, W., and RUDINGER, C. Uber die Wechselwirkungen der Driisen mit innerer Sekretion. Z. k. M., 66, 1908; vorl. Mitt., W. k. W., 1908. - II. Mitteilung. Z. k. M., 67, 1909. — Uber den Einflusz der Schilddriise auf Stoffwechs.el und Nervensystem. V. 25, C. M., 1908. - Bemerkungen z. Arbeit Tomaszewski u. Wilenko. B. k. W., 1908. - Uber den Antagonismus sympathischer und autonomer Nerven in der inneren Sekretion. W. k. W., 1908. EPPINGER and HESS. Zur Pathologie des viszeralen Nervensystems. I. Mitt., Z. k. M., 67, p. 345, 1909; II. Mitt., Ibid., 68, p. 205, 1909; III. Mitt., Ibid., 69, p. 231, 1909. - Zur Pathologie der Basedowschen Krankheit. 26 C. i. M., Ref. C. i. M.r p. 539,, 1909. Versuche liber die Einwirkung von Arzneimitteln auf liberlebende Coronargefasze. Z. e. P., V. p. 622, 1909. ERB, W. Acromegalie. D. A. k. M., 42, 1888. ERB, W., JUN. Uber experimentell erzeugte Arterienerkrankung beim Kaninchen. V. 21, C. M. April, 1904. - Experimentelle und histologische Studien liber Arterienerkrankung nach Adrenalininjektionen. A. P. P., 53, 1905. - Uber Gehirnblutungen bei Kaninchen nach Adrenalininjektionen. Zieglers Beitr., Festschrift fur J. Arnold, S. 500, 1905. ERBEN, F. Notiz zur Therapie des Diabetes mellitus. P. m. W., 1908. ERDHEIM, J. Beitr. z. Kenntnis der branchiogenen Organe des Menschen. W. k. W., 1901. — Zur normalen und pathogischen Histologie der Glandula thyreoidea, parathyreoidea und Hypophysis. Zieglers. Beitr., 33, p. 158, 1903. — Uber Schilddriisenaplaisie bei Cretinismus. Geschwiilste des Ductus thyreoglossus. Uber einige menschliche Kiemenderivate. Zieglers Beitr. 35, p. 366, 1904. — Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomic der menschlichen Epithelkor- perchen. Z. H., 25, Abt. f. pathol. Anat., 1904. - Uber Hypophysenganggeschwiilste und Hirncholesteatome. W. S., Ii3v3, 1904. — Zur Kenntnis einiger Kiemenderivate. An. An., 29, 1906. Tetania parathyreopriva. W. k. W., 1906; M. G. M. C., 16. 1906. - Uber Epithelkorperbefunde bei Osteomalacie. S. W. A., 116, 1907. - Uber einen Hypophysentumor von ungewohnlichem Sitz. Zieglers Beitr., 46, 1909. ERDHEIM and STUMME. Schwangerschaftsveranderung der Hypophyse. 37. Chirurgen-Kongresz, Berlin, 1908. B. k. W., 25 Mai, 1908. — Uber die Schwangerschaftsveranderung der Hypophyse. Ziegl. Beitr., 46, 1909. LITERATURE 489 ERLANDSEN, A. Exper. Unters. liber den Phloridzindiabetes. I. B. Z., 23, igio. ERLANGER. Les capsules surrenales. These de Paris, No. 162, 1902. ESAU, P. Exper. Unters. liber den Phloridzindiabetes. M. G. M. C., 19, igoS. ESCHERICH, TH. Bemerkungen Uber den Status lymphaticus der Kinder. B. k. W., 1896. - Zur Kenntnis der tetanischen Zustande des Kindesalters. M. m. W., 1907. - Die Tetanic der Kinder. \Vien, 1909. ESSEN-MOLLER. Doppelseitige Ovariotomie im Anfgang der Schwanger- schaft. C. G., 28, 1904. ESSER. Ein typischer Fall von Morbus Addisonii. D. m. W., 1899. ETIENNE and FRITSCH. La role atheromatisant du chlorure de calcium dans 1'atherome experimental n'apartient pas a sa chaux. C. r. S. B., p. 937, 1909. ETIENNE, G., and PARISOT, I. Action sur les vaissaux de 1'adrenaline em- ployee simultanement avec les vaso-dilatateurs codes. Congr. franc.. Med., Paris, 1907. - Atherome aortique et extract d'hypophyse. C. r. S. B., 64, p. 751, 7 avril, 1908. - Les composes iodes jouissent-ils de proprietes anti-atheromatisantes. Soc. de Med. de Nancy, 26 fevrier; Revue Med. de 1'Est, i juin, 1908. - Pression arterielle et arterio-sclerose. Congr. de Med. Geneve, sep- tembre, 1908. - Action sur 1'appareil cardio-vasculaire des injections repetees d'extrait d'hypophyse. Comparaison avec 1'action de 1'adrenalinc. A. m. e., 20, 1908. - La role de 1'elevation de la pression arterielle dans 1'etiologie de 1'atherome. J. d. P. P., x, pp. 1055-1065, 15 novembre, 1908. ETTLINGER and NAGEOTTE. Lesions de cellules du systeme nerveux central dans 1'intoxication addisonienne experimentale (decapsulation). C. r. S. B., 48, 1896. EULENBURG. Antithyreoidinbehandlung der Basedowschen Krankheit. B. k. W., 1904. EULENBURG and GUTTMANN. Die Pathologic des Sympathicus. Berlin, 1873- EULER, H. Pulpentod, natiirliche und synthetische Nebennierenpraparate. Diss., Wien, 1907. EUSTACHI, BARTH. Opuscula anatomica. De renum structura officiis, ed administratione. Cap. vi, Venezia, 1563. EWALD, C. A. Die Erkrank. der Schilddriise. Nothnagels. Hdb., 1896; 2 Aufl. Wien, 1909. - Klinische Vorstellung von Hypophysistumoren. M. m. W., p. 1853, 1908. - Dercumsche Krankheit. Encyclop. Jahrb. , 16, 1909. EWALD, J. R., and ROCKWELL. Exstirpation der Thyreoidea an Tauben. P. A. 47, 1890. EWALD, P. Fettgehalt und multiple Adenombildung in der Nebenniere. Diss., Mlinchen, 1902. EWANS, H. W. Addison's disease following enteric fever. Lancet, 19 June, 1900. EXNER, A. Kehlkopfnerven und die Funktionen der Thyreoidea. P. A., 68, 1897. - Uber die durch intraperitoneale Adrenalin-Injektion veranderte Resorp- tionsfahigkeit des tierischen Peritpneums. Z. H. 24, 1903. - Uber durch intraperitoneale Adrenalininjektion verursachte Verzogerung der Resorption von den In den Magen eingebrachten Giftcn. A. e. P., 50, p. 313, 1904. - Exstirpation der Hypophyse bei malignem Adcnom, gefolgt von Bes- serung. W. k. W., 15 Januar, 1909; and V. d. N. A. Ref. in M. m. W., No. 39, 1909. - Beitr. z. Pathol. u. Pathogenese der Akromegalie. M. G. M. C., 20, 1909. EXXER, S. Physiol. d mannl. Geschlechtsorgane. In Fritsch-Zuckerkandls Hdb. d. Urologie. 49° LITERATURE EXNCR, S. Mannlich und weiblich. Beitr. z. Geb. u. Gyn., Festschr. Chrobak. Wien, 1903. FABOZZI, S. Sugli effetti del succo di capsule surrenali negli animali scap- sulati. II Morgagni, 42, p. 177, igoo; Gazz. d. Osp., xxi, p. 116, Milano, 1900. FABRITIUS, J. Uber Cysten an der Tube, &c. A. G., 50, 1896. FAIRBAIRN. A renal tumour arising from adrenal remnants. Transact. Path. Soc. London, vol. 53, p. 184, 1902. FALK, F. Uber die durch Adrenalininjektionen a,n Kaninchen hervor- gerufenen Gefaszveranderungen und deren experimentelle Beeinflus- sung. Z. e. P., 4, p. 360, 1907. — tJber Adrenalinveranderungen an den Gefaszen und deren experi- mentelle Beeinflussung. M. m. W., 1907. — Uber die Adrenalin-Arterionekrose. W. k. W., 1909. FALKENBERG. Zur Exstirpation der Schilddrlise. V. 10, C. M., p. 502, 1891. FALTA, W. liber den zeitlichen Ablauf der Eiweiszzersetzung im tierischen Organismus. D. A. k. M., 86, p. 517. - tJber die Gesetze der Zuckerausscheidung beim Diabetes mellitus. IV. Mitt., Z. k. M., 65, p. 300; VI. Mitt., ibid., 65, p. 463; VIII. Mitt., ibid., 65, p. 489 and ibid., 66, p. 401, 1908. - liber physiologische Bedeutung des Pankreas. W. k. W., p. 1559, 1907. — Diskussion zum Vortrage Biedl-Offer. W. k. W., 1907. - Beziehungen zwischen der inneren Sekretion der Schilddriise, des pan- kreas und des chromaffinen Systems. V. 25, C. M., 1908. — Uber den Eiweiszumsatz beim Diabetes mellitus. B. k. W., 1908. - Weitere Mitteilung liber d. Wechselwirkung d. Driisen m. innerer Sekretion. Ibid., 1909. - Concerning diseases that depend on disturbances of internal secretion. A. J. M. S., 1909. - Uber die Bedeutung der Blutdriisen in der Pathologic des Diabetes mellitus. P. m. W., 1910. - Die Therapie des Diabetes mellitus. Ergebn. f. i. M. u. Kinderh., ii, 1908. FALTA, W., and GiGON, A. Uber die Gesetze der Zuckerausscheidung beim Diabetes mellitus. V. Mitt., Z. k. M., 65, p. 313, 1908. - liber den Einfluss stickstofffreier Energietrager auf den zeitlichen Ablauf der Eiweiszzersetzung. B. Z., 13, p. 267, 1908. FALTA, GROTE and STAEHELIN. Versuche Uber den Kraft- und Stoffwechsel und den zeitlichen Ablauf der Zersetzungen unter dem Einfluss verschiedener Ernahrung beim Hund. H. B., 9, p. 333, 1907. - Uber den Stoffwechsel u. Energieverbrauch bei pankreaslosen Hunden. Ibid., 10, 1907. FALTA, RUDINGER, BERTELLI, BOLAFFIO and TEDESKO. liber Beziehungen der inneren Medizin zum Salzstoffwechsel. V. 26, C. M., 138-149, 1909. FALTA and WHITNEY. Zur Kenntnis des Eiweisz- und Mineralstoffwechsels pankreasdiabetischer Hunde. H. B., 11, p. 224, 1908. FALTA and IvcoviC. Adrenalin als Antidot. B. k. W., 1909. - Uber die Wirkungsweise des Adrenalins bei verschiedener Applikation. W. k. W., 1909. FANO, G., and Rossi, G. Sulla viscosita del siero sanguigno nelle lesioni sperimentali dell' apparecchio tiroparatirioideo. A. di Fisiol., ii, 1905. FARRINI, A., and VIDONI, G. Azione degli estratti di tiroide delle soluzione di tiriodma, degli estratti di timo sistemo circolatorio. Lo Speriment., 62; and A. i. B., 52, 1909. FASSIN, L. Role de Tiode dans 1'augrnentation des proprietes du serum sous 1'influence des produits thyroi'diens. C. r. S. B., ii, p. 457, 20 mars, 1904. FASSINI, R. Effetti terapeutici della paraganglino Vassale in alcune forme dispeptiche della tuberculosi pulmonarc. Gaz. Osp. e Cliniche, 1908. FAURE, L. Contr. a Tetude de la maladie d'Addison. These Paris, 1898. FAURET-FREMIET, E. Sur une secretion interne chez le cochliopodium pellu- cidium. C. r. S. B., 58, p. 905, 1906. LITERATURE FAVORSKI, A. V. Traitement de 1'acromegalie. Revue Neurcl, IQOO. FEDERICI, F. Delia struttura delle capsule surrenali e delle alterazioni consecutive alle infezioni sperirnentali. Lo Sperim., 58, p. 419, IQO4. FEDOROFF, S. P. Uber Befund von Adrenalin in einem Nierentumor. Folia Urologica, H. 5, 1908; Bph. C., iii, No. 1626. FEHLIXG. Die Form des Beckens beim Foetus und Neugeborenen. A. G., 10. - tJber Wesen und Behandlung der Osteomalacie. A. G., 28. 1890 and 29, i SQL FEILCHENFELD. Fall von Tumor cerebri (Gliosarkom) der Zirbeldriise. N. C., 1885. FELDK.IRCHNER, J. Zwei Falle von Morbus Addisonii. Diss., Lindau, 1871. FELICINE, L. Beitrag zur Anatomic der Nebenniere. An. An., 22, p. 152, .. - Uber die Beziehungen zwischen dem Blutgefaszsystem und den Zellen der Nebenniere. A. m. A., 63, pp. 283-312, 1903; and Diss., Bern, 1905- FELIZET and BRANCA. Histologie du testicule ectopique. J. A. P. 1898. - Recherches sur le testicule en ectopie. Ibid., 38, 1902. - Sur les cellules interstitielles du testicule ectopique. C. r. S. B., 53, IQOI. FELLNER, O. Uber die Tatigkeit des Ovariums in der Schwangerschaft. A. G., 87, 1909. - Die wechselseitigen Beziehungen der innersekretorischen Organe, insbesondere zum Ovarium. Volkmanns Sammlung, No. 508, 1908. - Zur Histologie des Ovariums in der Schwangerschaft. A. m. A., 73, p. 288, 1909. - Uber physiologische Graviditatserscheinungen bei Mutter und Kind. Z. G., 1909. - Uber intravasale Gerinnungen nach Injektion von Uterusextrakten. C. P., 23, 1909. FELLNER and NEUMANN, tiber Rontgenbestrahlung der Ovarien in der Schwangerschaft. C. G., 30, 1906. FENYVESSY, B. v. tiber die Wirkung Schilddriisenstoffe auf die Zirku- lation, &c. W. k. W., 1900. FEODOSSIEW, N. E. Hypertrophie der Nebennieren nach Entfernung der Eierstb'cke. Russkij Wratsch., No. 5, p. 135, 1906; Ref. Bph. C., ii, p. 160. FERE, C. L'instinct sexuel evolution et dissolution. Paris, 1899. - L'adipose douloureuse, syndrome de Dercum. Rev. d. med., aout, 1901. - Rapports des testicules avec le corps thyroide. C. r. S. B., 57, p. 436, 1905. FERE and BECHASI. Etude de Faction du sue ovarien sur le cobaye. Gaz. hebd., 44, .1897. FERGUSSON, J. S. The veins of the adrenal. A. J. A., 5, p. 63, 1906. FERRARI. Contr. a 1'etude des glandes parathyroi'diennes. These Geneve, 1897. FERRANINI, L. Uber von der Schilddriise unabhangigen Infantilismus und Stoffwechselbilanz in einem Fall von Mitralinfantilismus. Arch. f. Psych., 38, p. 296. - II geroderma genito distrofico. Policlin., Suppl. 1898 u. Congr. ital. med., Roma, 1899. - Gifte und Toxine auf das iiberlebende Saugetierherz. C. R. du XXI Congr. de la Soc. ital. de chirurg., Rome, October 27-29, 1908; J. d. P. P., xi, p. 341, March 15, 1909. FEUILLE. Contribution a 1'etude de Tatherome experimental. These de Lyon, 1905-1906. FICHERA. Hypertrophie du corps pituitaire consecutive a la castration. II policlinico, sez. chir., juin-juillet, 1905. - Sur Thypertrophie de la glande ])ituitaire consecutive a la castration. A. i. B., 43, p. 405, 1905; and Boll. Ace. med., Roma, 1905. - Sulla distruzzione dell' ipofisi. Lo Sperim., 59, 1905. FILATOW. Uber den Einfiuss der Blutscra auf das Auge. Diss., Odessa, 1908. FILEHXE. Zur pathogenese der Basedowschen Krankheit. E. B., 14 Juli, 1878. 492 LITERATURE FILIPELLO, G. R. Sopra un caso di acromegalia. Annali di frenatria, 12, p. 57, 1902. FlLlPPl. Azione della adrenalina sulla musculatura della stomaco di rana. Sperimentale, p. 764, 1904. FlNKELXBURG, R. Klinische und experimentelle Untersuchungen liber Diabetes insipidus. D. A. k. M.. 91, 1907. FlNOTTl. Zur Pathologic und Therapie der Leistenhoden nebst einigen Bemerkungen tiber die groszen Zwischenzellen des Hodens. A. Ch., 57, 1897. FINOTTI, R., and TEDESCHI, S. Alterazioni delle capsule surren. e pellagra. Rif. med., 1902. FlORI, C. Legatura dell' uretere e suoi esiti. Clinic. Chirurg., Modena. - L'azione dell' estratto renale e del siero di sangue sottoposti alia nefrec- tomia bilaterale. Gazz. degli osp., 1903. - Sull' azione delle iniezioni di sangue venosa emulgente e di emulsioni di parenchyma renale negli animali della stessa specie. Pisa, 1903. - Patologia sperimentale del rene. II policlinico, 1903. FlSCHEL, A. Untersuchungen iiber die Wirbelsaule und den Brustkorb dcs Menschen. Anat. Hefte, 31, p. 463, 1906. FISCHER, B. Uber Arterienerkrankung nach Adrenalininjektionen. V., 22, C. M., 1905. - Experimentelle Erzeugung von Aneurysmen. D. m. W., 1905. - Experim. Arterienerkrankungen durch Adrenalininjektionen. M. m. W., 1906. - Zur Frage der experim. Arterionekrose durch Adrenalininjektion. B. k. W., 1907. FISCHER. Ub. Veranderungen d. Pankreas u. d. Leber bei Diab. mellitus. V. A., 172, 1903. FISCHER, J. Die Schilddriise und der weibl. Genitalapparat. W. m. P., 1895. FISCHER, M. H. Uber die Hervorrufung und Hemmung von Glykosurie durch Salze. P. A., 109, 1905. FISCHER, PH., and HOPPE, J. tiber Pankreon. M. m. W., 1907. FlSCHL, R. Experimentelle Beitrage zur Frage der Bedeutung der Thymus- exstirpation bei jungen Tieren. Z. e. P., i, 1905. FLACHER, F. tiber die Spaltung des synthetischen dl-Suprarenins in seine optisch aktiven Komponenten. Z. ph. Ch., 58, 3, pp. 189-194, 1908. — The resolution of synthetic suprarenin into its optically active com- ponents. Pharm. Journ., January 9, 1909. FLATAU. Die Ovariotomie wahrend der Schwangerschaft. A. G., 82, 1907. FLECK. Zur Frage der inneren Sekretion von Ovarium und Plazenta. C. G., 29, 1905. FLECKSEDER, K. Uber die Rolle des Pankreas bei der Resorption der Nah- rungsstoffe aus dem Darm. A. P. P., 59, 1908. FLEIG, C. Essai de preparation d'une antisecretine. C. r. S. B.. 57, ii, 795, 1905. - Les sues digestifs normaux et les sues d'hypersecretions provoques artificiellement. C. r. S. B., 64, 1908. FLEINER, W. Addisonsche Krankheit mit Nebennierenkrebs. B. k. W., _ 1889. — • Uber die Veranderungen des sympathischen und cerebrpspinalen Nerven- systems .bei zwei Fallen von Addisonscher Krankheit. V. 10, C. M., 1891 ; D. Z. N., 2, 1892. — Uber den heutigen Stand der Lehre von der Addisonschen Krankheit. Volkmanns Sammlung, No. 38, 1892. — Neuer Beitrag zur Lehre von der Tetanie gastrischen Ursprungs. D. Z. N., 5, 1900. - Zur Frage der Tetanie bei Magendilatation. A. V., 5, 1901. - Uber die Tetanie gastrischen und intestinalen Ursprungs. M. m. W., 1903. FLEISCHMANN, L. Die Ursache der Schmelzhypoplasien. W. k. W., 1907, und Osterr.-ungar. Viertelj. f. Zahnk., 1909. FLEISCHMANN, P., and DAVIDSON, H. Tiber Zytotoxine. Folia serol., i, p. 173, 1908. FLEISCHER, M. S. Uber die Einwirkung von Jodopin und einigen anderen Substanzen auf die durch Adrenalin hervorgerufenen Arterien- veranderungen, sowie iiber die Wirkung sehr groszer Adrenalindosen. Ca. P., 20, 1909. LITERATURE 493 FLEMING, R. A., and MILLER, J. A family with Addison's disease. Brit. Med. Journ., April 28, IQOO. FLEMMING. A case of acromegaly. Clin. Soc. Transact., 23, p. 253, 1890. FLESCH. Uber die Hypophysis einiger Sauger. V. d. N. A., Magdeburg, 1884. FLINT, J. M. Reticulum of the adrenal. An. An., 16, 1899. The blood-vessels, angiogenesis, organogenesis, recticulum and histology of the adrenal. Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports, ix, pp. 153-229, 1900. The framework of the glandula parathyreoidea. A. J. A., 4, 1905. - Das Bindegewebe der Speicheldriisen und des Pankreas und seine Ent- wicklung in der Glandula submaxillaris. A. A., p. 61, 1903. FLOCKEMANN. Beeinflussung der Ausfallsersch. kastr. Frauen durch Ovarial- praparate. M. m. W., 1901. FLOERSHEIM, S. The use of suprarenal capsule in diseases of the lower air passages. Med. Record, November 17, 1900; N. Y. Med. J., May 14 and 18, 1901. - A report of forty-five unpublished cases of haemorrhage treated by the internal administration" of the suprarenal capsule. Am. Med. News, p. 17, January 4, 1902. ^ The status of suprarenal therapy. Med. News, p. 587, April i, 1905. FOA, P. Contribuzione allo studio della malattia dell' Addison. Riv. chir. di Bologna, 1874 and 1879. FoA, C. Contr. anatomica e sperimentale alia patologia delle capsule sur- renali. Arch. p. 1. scienze med., 24, No. 22, 1900, and 25, p. 437, 1901. - SulP innesto delle ovaie e dei testicoli. Riv. gen. d. biol., 1901 ; and A. i. B., 35. - Contribution anatomique et experimentale a la pathologic des capsules ^ surrenales. A. i. B., 35, p. 250, 1901; ibid., 36, p. 237, 1902. - Sui fattori che determinate la funzione della ghiandola mammaria. A. d. F., 5, 1909. FoA and GATIN-GRUZE\VSKA. Action de Padrenaline sur la reaction du sang. C. r. S. B., 57, ii, p. 145,^1905. -^ Influence de la piqure diabetique sur la reaction du sang. Ibid., p. 144. L' OA and PELLACANI. Sur le ferment fibrinogene et sur les actions toxiques exercees par quelques organes frais. Arch. p. 1. scienz. med., vii, p. 9, 1883; A. i. B., iv, 1883. - Interno agli effetti tossici delle diluzione aquose degli organi freschi. A. per le scienz. med., iii, p. 24, 1879. FODERA and PITTAU. Studi sull' Hypophysis cerebri. Pathologica I, 1909. FODERE, F. M. Uber den Kropf und Cretinismus. Aus d. Franz, v. Lind- mann. Berlin, 1796. FOLGER, A. Untersuchungen liber die pathologische Anatomic der Neben- nieren bei einigen Haustieren. Biolog. Ges. in Kopenhagen, 1907; S. A., 21, p. 277, 1909. FORSTER. Fall von Markschwamm mit ungewohnlich vielfacher meta- statischer Verbreitung. V. A., 13, p. 271, 1858. FORSTERLING, W. Kasuistische Beitr. z. Kenntnis d. Morbus Addisonii. Diss., Berlin, 1898. FOGES, A. Zur Hodentransplantation bei Hahnen. C. P., 1898. - Schwangerschaftshypertrophie der Mammae und Nebenmammae. W. k. W., 1901. - Zur Lehre von den sekund. Geschlechtscharakteren. P. A., 93, p. 39, 1902. - Ein Fall von Hermaphroditismus masculinus internus. Beitr. z. G. u. G., Festschr. f. R. Chrobak. Wien, 1903. - Ovarientransplant. in d. Milz. W. k. W., p. 615, 1907 and p. 271, 1908. - Zur physiolog. Beziehung zwischen Mamma u. Genitale. C. P., 19, 1905 ; W. k. W., 1908. FOISY. Nouveau precede d'anesthesie des tissus enflammes. C. r. S. B., 55, IQ03- FOXTANEL, P. L'Asthenie motrice bulbo-spinale. These de Lyon, 1905. FORMAXEK, E. Action de la choline sur la circulation. Arch, intern, d. Pharm., 10, 1903. FORMANEK, E., and ElSELT, R. Uber die therapcutische Wirkung des Nierenextraktes bei chronischer Nephritis. Ibid., xvii, p. 231, 1907. 494 LITERATURE FORMANEK and HASKOVEC. Uber die Funktion der Schilddruse. Klin. Z. u. Streitfr., g, Wien, 1895. FORSCHBACH, J. Parabiose und Pankreasdiabetes. Vorl. Mitt. D. m. W., 1908. - Zur Pathogenese des Pankreasdiabetes. A. P. P., 60, 1909. - Behandlung d. Diabetes mellitus mit Zuelzers Pankreasjiormon. D. m. W., 1909. FORSYTH, D. The Parathyroids. Quart. Journ. of Med., vol. i, p. 2, 1908. The comparative anatomy, gross and minute, of the thyroid and para- thyroid glands in mammals and birds. J. A. P., 42, 1908. FOSSATTI, G. Di alcuna proprieta dell' estratto etereo dell' urine specie in rapporte al puerperio ed all' allattamento. Ann. Ostetr. Ginec., 28,. p. 88. FOSTER, A. Case of Addison's disease treated with suprarenal extract. Lancet, June 10, 1899. FOSTER, N. S. Cases of diabetes treated with secretin. J. B. Ch., 2, p. 297,. 1907. - Beobachtungen liber die Wirkung des Sekretins bei Diabetes und Betrachtungen liber seine Anwendung. M. K., 1907. FRAENKEL, A. Uber den Gehalt des Blutes an Adrenalin bei chronischer Nephritis und Morbus Basedowii. A. P. P., 60, p. 395, Juni, 1909. FRAENKEL, F. Ein Beitrag zur Therapie des Morb. Add. mit Nebennieren- praparaten. Diss., Berlin, 1900. FRAENKEL, L. Versuche tiber den Einfluss der Ovarien auf die Insertion des Eies. V. d. d. Ges. f. Gyn., 1901. - Zur Funktion des Corpus luteum. A. G., 68, 1902. - Weitere Mitteilungen liber die Funktion des Corpus luteum. C. G., 28', 1904. - Vergleichende histolog. Unt. Uber das Vorkommen driisiger Forma- tionen im interstitiellen Eierstocksgewebe. A. G. , 75, p. 433, 190. - Ovarialankorper und Osteomalakie. M. m. W., Nos. 25 and 26, 1908. FRAENKEL and COHN, F. Experim. Unters. liber den Einfluss des Corpus luteum auf die Insertion des Eies. An. An., 20, 1901. FRAENKEL, S. Praparate aus der Nebenniere und Schilddruse. W. k. W.,. 1896. — Beitrag zur phys. Chemie der Thyreoidea. W. m. Bl., Nos. 13-15, 1896. - Beitrage zur Physiol. und physiol. Chemie der Nebennieren. Ibid., Nos. 14-16, 1896. — Uber Gehirnchemie und die Phosphatide der Gewebe. W. m. \V., 1909. - Gehirnchemie. E. P., 8, 1909. — Uber Lipoide. VI. Mitteilung. Uber ein neues Verfahren der frak- tionierten Extraktion der Gehirnlipoide. B. Z., 19, 1909. FRAENKEL, S., and ALLERS, R. Uber eine neue charakteristische Adrenalin- reaktion. B. Z., 18, p. 39, 1909. FRANKEL, STADELMANN and BENDA. Klinische und anatomische Beitrage zur Lehre von der Akromegalie. D. m. W., 1901, and Leipzig, 1901. FRANCHINI, GUISEPPE. Beitrage zum chemischen und histologischen Studium des Blutes bei Acromegalie. B. k. W., 1908. - Contrib. a 1'etude de 1'acromegalie. Riv. sper. di fren., 33, p. 888, 1907. FRANCHINI, G., and GIGLIOLI, G. J. Encore sur 1'acromegalie. Nouv. icon. de la Salpetriere, No. 5, p. 325, 1908. FRANCILLON, M. Essai sur la puberte chez la femme. These de Paris, 1905. FRANCIS, E. Suprarenal extract in Addison's disease. Brit. Med. Journ., May 2, 1896. - A case of haemophilia treated with adrenalin chloride. Ibid. May 28, 1904. FRANCK, FR., and HALLION. Recherches sur 1'mnervation vasomotrice du corps thyroide. J. d. P. P.} x, pp. 442-454, 15 mai, 1908. FRANKE. Akromegalie. Th. M., p. 35, 1896. FRANK and ISAAC, C. Die Bedeutung des Cholins und des Adrenalins fur die Erforschung des Zuckerstoffwechsels. Z. e. P., vii, p. 326, Oktober, 1909. FRANKL, O. Zur Frage der Plazentartoxine. Gynaek. Rundsch., Bd. 3, H. 3. FRANKL, TH. tiber den Antagonismus der Chloride der Erdalkalien und des Kaliums gegenliber dem Adrenalin. P. A., 130, 1909. LITERATURE FRANKL-HOCHWART, v. Die Tetanic der Erwachsenen. Wien, i8gi. 2. Aufl., 1907. - Die Schicksale der Tetaniekranken. W. m. W., 1906; and X. C., Xos. 14 and 15, 1906. - Diskussion liber Bergers Fall. Verein f. Psych, u. Neurol., 10 Mai, 1904. - Die Diagnostik der Hypophysentumoren ohne Akromegalie. 16. Int. med. Kongr., Budapest, 1909; \V. m. W., 1909. - Uber die Diagnose der Zirbeldrusentumoren. D. Z. N. , 37, p. 455, 1909. FRANKL-HOCHWART, v., and FROLICH. Uber die Wirkung des Pituitrins. W. k. W., 1909. FRANZ. Aus experimentellen Arbeiten liber Adrenalin, seine physiologische Wertbestimmung und Wirkung. M. K., 1907 (Sammelreferat). - Exstirpation eines groszen Nebennierentumors. \V. m. W., 1904. FREDELI. Ricerche sull'azione terap. dell'ovarina in rapp. con una nuova teoria della clorosi. Rif. med., 1896. FRERICHS. Uber den Diabetes. Berlin, 1884. FREUND, H. W. Beziehungen der weiblichen Geschlechtsorgane zu anderen Organen. Z. Ch., 18, 1883; L. O., 3, 1898. - Uber Akromegalie. Volkmanns klin. Vortr. , Nos. 329-330, 1889. FREUND, H. Lokalanasthesie mittelst Eukain-Adrenalin. C. G., 1904. FREUND, R. Zur plazentaren Eklampsie-Atiologie. B. k. W. No. 15, p. 682, 1909. FREY, H. On the suprarenal capsules. Todd, Cyclopaedia of Anat. and Physiol., London, 1849. FREY, v. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Adrenalinwirkung. W. V., 1905. FREYER, O. Zur Kenntnis der von versprengten Keimen der Nebenniere ausgehenden Abdominalgeschwiilste, &c. Diss., Kiel, 1901. FRIEDENTHAL. Zur Wirkung der Schilddriisenstoffe. Ai. m. W., 1908. FRIEDJUNG, J. K. Erkrankungen der Thymus, Status lymphaticus und plotzliche Todesfalle. Handbuch der Kinderheilk. von. Pfaundler und Schloszmann, Bd. iii, 2. Aufl., 1910. FRIEDLAND, F. Uber einen Fall von accessorischen Nebennieren in den beiden Samenstrangen. P. m. W., 1895. FRIEDLEBEN, A. Die Physiologic der Thymus in Gesundheit und Krankheit. Frankfurt, 1858. FRIEDMANN. Rhachitol bei Rachitis. Der Kinderarzt, 1900. - Uber Nebennierensubstanz in der Therapie der Rhachitis. Th. G., p. 283, 1901. FRIEDMANX, E. Die Konstitution des Adrenalins. H. B., 6, 1904; ibid., 8, p. 95, 1906. FRIEDMANN, F. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Anato'mie und Physiologic der mannlichen Geschlechtsorgane. A. m. A., 52, 1898. FRIEDMANX and MAAS. Uber Exstirpation der Hypophysis cerebri. B. k.W., 1900. - Xoch einige Erfahrungen liber Exstirpation der Hypophysis cerebri und liber Transplantation von Carcinom u. Thyreoidea auf die Hypo- physis. B. k. W., !<)»;:. FRIEDREICH. Psammoma kystomatosum haernorrhagicurr, der Glandula pinealis in Kombination mit Medullarsarkom. V. A., 33, p. 165, 1865. FRISCH, A. v. Adrenalin in der urologischen Praxis. W. k. WT., 1902. FRISCO. Giorn. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1897. FRITSCHE and KLEBS. Beitrag zur Pathologic des Riesenwuchses. Leipzig, 1884. FROHLICH, A. Fall von Tumor der Hypophysis cerebri ohnc Akromegalie. W. kl. Rundschau, 1901. - Eine neue physiologische Eigenschaft des d.-Suprarenins. C. P., 22, 1909. FROHLICH and LOEWI, O. Unters. z. Physiologic und Pharmakologie des autonomen Nervensystems. A. P. P., 59, 1908. FROMAGET, C. De Textrait aqueux de capsules surrenales en ophtalmologie. Ann. de la Policl. de Bordeaux, V. 8, p. 613, mars, 1898. FROMME, V. Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur parathyreoidalen Insuffi- zienz in bezug auf Eklampsie und Tetanic mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der antitoxischen Funktionen der Parathyreoideae. AI. G. G., 24, 1906. 496 LITERATURE FROUIN, A. Sur les variations de la secretion du sue intestinal. C. r. S. B., 58, p. 653. -Action du sue intestinal sur la secretion enterique. Ibid., p. 702; C. r.j 140, p. 1 120. - Action secretoire du sue gastrique sur la secretion stomacale. Ibid., p. 887. - La secretion et 1'activite kinasique du sue intestinal ne sont modifies par le regime. Ibid., p. 1025, 1905. - Sur la presence et 1'origine d'acides organiques dans le sue gastrique pur. Ibid., SQ, p. 392, 1905. - Influence des produits de la digestion des albumino'ides et des sucres Sur 1'action .secretoire de 1'HCl sur la secretion pancreatique. C. r. S. B., 63, p. 519, 1907. - Ablation des capsules surrenales et diabete pancreatique. Ibid., 64, p. 216, 1908. - Sur la possibilite de cqnserver les animaux apres 1'ablation complete de 1'appareil thyroidien, en ajoutant des sels de calcium eu de magnesium a leur nourriture. C. r. A., Bd. 148, p. 1622, 1908. - Sur 1'asepsie du sue pancreatique. Arch. int. de Phys., vi, p. 253, 1908. FROIN, G., and RIVET, L. Adenome des capsules surrenales et 1'hyperten- sion dans I'hemorrhagie cerebrale. Gaz. des hop., No. 67, 1906. FRUGONI, C. Adrenalin-Glykosurie und ihre Beeinflussung durch das Extrakt und den Saft des Pankreas. B. k. W., 1908. - La glycosurie adrenalinique et 1'influence qu'exercent sur elle Textrait et le sue pancreatique. A. i. B., 50, p. 209, 1908. FRUGONI, C., and GRIXOXI, G. Tubercolosi e tiroide. Riv. crit. clin. med., 10. • — • Einflusz der wirksamen Elemente der Schilddriise auf die experi- mentellen, tuberkulosen und pseudotuberkulosen Infektionen. B. k. W., 1909. FRUGONI and STRADIOTTI. Interno alia funzione dell' isole del Langerhans. Lo Sperimentale, 1909: and A. i. B., 51, p. 186, 1909. FUCHS. Zur Friihdiagnose der Hypophysistumoren. W. k. W., 1903. - Die Diagnose des Hypophysentumors. Jahrb. f. Psych., 26, 1005. FURBRINGER. Die Storungen der Geschle^htsfunktionen des Mannes. Nothnagels Handbuch, 19, 3. Teil. FURTH, O. v. Zur Kenntnis der brenzkatechinahnlichen Substanz in den Nebennieren. Z. ph. Ch., 24, p. 142, 1897; H. Mitt., ibid., 26, 1898; III. Mitt., p. 105, IQCG - Mahnung zur Vorsicht beim Gebrauche von Nebennierenpraparaten. D. m. W., IQO2. — Zur Kenntnis des Suprarenins. H. B., i, p. 243, 1901. — Zur Kenntnis des Suprarenins (Adrenalins). S. W. A., 112, 1903. - Neuere Untersuchungen iiber die chemische Zusammensetzung der gefaszverengernden Substanz in den Nebennieren. B. C., ii. 1903. — Die Beziehungen der Schilddriise z. Zirkulationsapparate. E. P., 8, 1909. FURTH, O. v. and SCHWARZ, K. Tiber physiol. Wirkungen d. Jodothyrins. W. k. W., 1908. — tiber die physiologischen Wirkungen des Jodothyrins und der Schild- driisenextrakte. V. 25, C. M. Wien, p. 400, April, 1908. - tiber die Einwirkung d. Jodothyrins auf d. Zirkulationsapparat. P. A., 124, 1908. - tiber die Natur der blutdruckerniedrigenden Substanzen in den Schild- driisen. P. A., 124, p. 361, 1908. - Zur Kenntnis der Sekretine. P. A., 124, 427, 1908. - Bemerkungen zur Jodothyrinfrage. C. P., 22, 1909. - Zusatz zu der Abhandlung : fiber die Natur der blutdruckerniedrigenden Substanzen in der Schilddriise. P. A., 125, 1909. FUHR. Die Exstirpation der Schilddriise. A. P. P., 21, 1886. - Der Kropf im Altertum. V. A., 112, 1887. FUHRMANN, F. Der feinere Bau der Nebenniere des Meerschweinchens. An. An., 24, p. 606, 1904, and Z. w. Z., 78, p. 522, 1905. FURNIVALL. On a case of acromegaly, &c. Transact. Path. Soc., 49, London, 1908. FUSARI, R. Osservazipni sulle terminazioni nervose e sullo sviluppo delle capsule surrenali. Rendic. d. Accad. dei Lincei, 6, p. 250, 1890; and A. i. B., 16, p. 191, 1891. LITERATURE 497 FUSARI, R. Contribuzioni alia studio dello sviluppq delle capsule surrenali e del simpatico nelle polio e nei mammiferi. Arch. p. le scienze med., 16, p. 14, 1892; and A. i. B., 18, pp. 161-182, 1893. - Sullo sviluppo delle capsule surrenali. 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GAMGEE, A., and JONES, W. Liber die Nukleoproteide des Pankreas, der Thymus und der Nebenniere, &c. H. B., iv, p. 10, 1903; P. R. S., -i, p. 385, 1903. GALDI. La glycosuria surrenale. II Tommasi, 1907. GALEOTTI. Z. Kennt. d. Sekretionsersch. in den Epithelzellen d. Schild- driise. A. m. e., 1896. GAXGHOFXER, F. Uber plotzliche Todesfalle im Kindesalter. V. d. N. A., 1902. GANFIXI, C. Alcune particolarita morfologiche e topografiche delle glandulae suprarenales dell' uomo. Arch. ital. d'anat., iv, F. i, pp. 63-80, 1905. GARBINI, G. La structure de la fonction de 1'hypophyse dans qq. formes graves, congenitales ou consecutives, de psychopathic. Riv. di pat. nerv., x, p. 449, 1905. - Contr. clinique et anatomo-pathologique a la connaissance du myx- cedeme postoperat., avec considerations sur la fonction de 1'hypophyse. Ibid., xi, 1906. GARDNER, W., and ALLEX. Azoospermia. Boston Med. and Surg. Journ., 134, 1896. GARXIER, CH. Les filaments basaux des cellules glandulaires. 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Diss., Gieszen, 1889. GAUCHLER and ROUSSY. Sur un cas d'acromegalie avec lesions associees de toutes les glandes vasculaires sanguines. Rev. Neur. , p. 356, 1905. GAULTIER, R. Glycosurie experimentale par destruction etendue de la muceuse duodenale a 1'aide d'un caustique. C. r. S. B., 64, 1908. - Recherches sur la role de la tension arterielle dans la production de Tatherome experimental par 1'etude de Faction simultane de 1'adrena- line substance hypertensive et de " 1'extrait aqueux de gui " subst. hypotensive. Ibid., 64, p. 1150, 1908. GAUPP, E. Anatomic des Frosches. Braunschweig, 1901. GAUSSEL. Un cas d'acromegalie. Nouv. Icon, de la Salpetriere, 19, p. 391, 1906. GAUTHIER, G. Un cas d'acromegalie. Le Progr. med., p. 1109, 1890; p. 4, 1892. - Les toxines microbiennes et animales. Paris, 1896. - Localisation, elimination et origine de Farsenic chez les animaux. Bull. acad. de med., 1900. - Fonctions du corps thyr., pathogenie du goitre endemique, du goitre sporadique, du goitre exophtalmique, &c. Revue de Med., 20, 1900. - La fonction menstruelle et le rut animaux. Bull. ac. med., 1900. - Les medications thyroidiennes. Paris, 1902. - Reactions comparees de Fadrenaline et de la pyrocatechine avec le permanganate de potasse. C. r. S. B., 66. p. 426, 1909. - Remarques sur la reaction d'Ehrmann. Ibid., 67, p. 426, 1909. - Application de la reaction d'Ehrmann a la mise en evidence de 1'adrena- line dans les surrenales de la grenouilles. C. r. S. B., 67, p. 490, 1909. GAUTRELET, J. Presence de la choline dans certains glandes. Action de leur extrait sur la glycosurie adrenalinique. Ibid., 64, p. 174, 1908. - Mecanisme de 1'action hypotensive de certains glandes. Ibid., p. 176, 1908. - Choline et glycosurie adrenalique. C. r. S. B., 65, pp. 173-174, 1908. - La choline dans 1'organisme antagonisme des appareils chromaffme et cholinogene. Ibid., 65, p. 448, 1908. - Du role hypotenseur de la choline d. 1'organisme. C. r. A., 148, 1909. - La choline, son role hypotenseur dans 1'organisme. J. d. P. P., xi, p. 227, 1909. GAUTRELET, J., and THOMAS, L. Le serum normal neutralise la glycosurie adrenalique. C. r. S. B., 66_, p. 438. - L'ablation des surrenales supprime la glycosurie adrenalique, et gly- cosuree phloridizine. Ibid., 66, p. 798, 1909. - La respirations apres ablation des surrenales. C. r. S. B., 66, p. 1042. - La choline dans le serum de chien de capsule. Ibid., 66, p. 1090, 1909. - Contribution a 1'etude du cceur est de la pression arterielle chez le chien decapsule. Ibid., 67, p. 231, 1909. - Chez le chien decapsule, 1'excitation du splanchnique ne produit pas de glycosurie. Ibid., p. 233. - Action hypotensive du serum de chien prive de surrenales. C. r. A., 149, 12 juillet, 1909. LITERATURE 499 GAUTRELET, J., and THUAX. Influence de la polypnee sur la glycosurie adrenalique. C. r. S. B., 04, 1908. GAVME. Essai de pathogenic basedowienne. Dauphine medical, Nos. 8 and Q, 1899. GEBHARD. Menstruatio praecox in Veils Handb. d. Gynakologie, 3, i, 1898. GEDDES, A. G. Examination of the acromegalic subject. Edinb. Med. Journ., IQOQ. GEIS. The parathyroid glands. Annals of Surg., 47, p. 532, 1908. GELLE. Du retentissement des lesions canaliculaires sur le parenchyme pancreatique et leur importance dans la genese du diabete. J. d. P. P., iv, p. 645. GEMELLI, A. Contr. alia conosc. d. struttura d, ghiand. pituitaria. Bull. Soc. med., Pavia, 1900. Nuove ric. sull' anatomia e embriologla dell' ipofisi. Ibid., 1903. - Structure du feuillet juxta-nerveuse d. la portion glandulaire de 1'hypophyse. Ibid., 55, 1903. - Contribution a la physiologic de I'hypophyse. A. d. F., iii, novembre, 1905. Les processus de la secretions de I'hypophyse des mammiferes. A. i. B., 47, 1907. - Nouvelle contribution a la connaissance de la fonction de I'hypophyse. Societa milanese di medicina e biologica, December 13, 1907. - Ulteriori contrib. alia conosc. della funz. d. ipofisi cerebrale. Rif. med., 1908. GENTES, L. Morphologic et structure des ilots de Langerhans chez quelques mammiferes; evolutions et signification des ilots en general. These de Bordeaux. Ilots de Langerhans du Pancreas du chien. C. r. S. B., 54, 535; and ^ibid., 55, 334. Note sur la structure du lobe nerveux de I'hypophyse. C. r. S. B., 55, 1903. Lobe nerveux de I'hypophyse et sac vasculaire. Ibid., 5 mars, 1907. - L'hypophyse de vertebres. C. r. S. B., 63, 1907. - La glande infundibuiaire des vertebres. Ibid., 3 juillet, 1907. GEORGIEWSKY, K. Wirkung der Schilddriisenpraparate auf den tierischen Organismus. Z. k. M., 33, 153, 1897. GEORGOPULOS. Exp. Beitr. z. Frage d. Nierenwassersucht. Z. k. M., 60, 1906. GERBER, H. Nebennierencarcinom mit in den rechten Vorhof reichender Geschwulst. Thrombose der Vena cava. \V. m. W., 1904. GERHARDT, D. Uber die Wirkungsweise d. blutdrucksteigernden Substanzen der Nebennieren. A. P. P., 44, 1900. - Diskussionsbemerkung zum Vortrage von Kocher. V. C. M., 1906. GERHARDT and SCHLESINGER, W. Uber Kalk- und Magnesiumausscheidung beim Diabetes. A. P. P., 42, 1899. GERHARTZ, H. Geschlechtsorgane und Hunger. B. Z., 2, p. 154, 1906. - Rudimentarer Hermaphroditismus bei Rana esculenta. A. m. A., 65, 10,05. - Zur Physiologic des Wachstums. B. Z., 12, p. 97, 1908. - Mannliche Geschlechtsorgane in Oppenheimers Handb. d. Bioch., iii, i, 1909. GESSARD. Sur le pigment des capsules surrenales. C. r. A., 138, 1904. GETROWA, S. Uber die Thyreoidea von Cretinen und Idioten. Diss., Bern, 1905. _ - Uber die Glandula parathyreoidea. V. A., 188, 1907. GHEDI.M, G. Untersuchungen tiber die Wirkung einiger Organextrakte. C. f. B., 34, p. 721, 1903. - Contrib. alia anat. patol. del pancreas. Rif. med., 933, 1904. - Adipose non-douloureuse. Gaz. degli osp., p. 1639, 1907. GHEDIM and MASCHERPA. Sulla glicosuria adrennlinica. Ace. med., Geneva, aprile, 1909; Pathologica, i, No. 12, i mai, 1909. GHIKA, C. Etude sur le thymus. These de Paris, 1901. GIACOMIXI, E. Sulle terminazioni nervpse nelle capsuli surrenali degli uccelli. R. Accad. dei Fisiocritici di Siena. November, 1897; A. i. B., 29, pp. 482-483, 1898. - Sopra la fine struttura delle capsule surrenali degli Anfibii. Ibid., 1898. 500 LITERATURE GlACOMlNl, E. Brevi osservazioni intorno alia minuta struttura del cqrpo interrenale e del corpi soprarenali del selaci. R. Ac. dei Fisiocritici di Siena. 10, p. 835,, 1898. — Sopra la fina struttura delle capsule surrenali degli Anfibii e sopra i nidi cellulari del simpatico di questi vertibrati. Contribute alia morfologia del systema delle capsule surrenali, 1902. — Sull' esistenza delle sostanza midollare nelle capsule surrenali dei Teleostei. Monit. zool. ital., anno 13, pp. 182-189, 1902; Ibid., 13, 7, 1903. - Contribute alia conoscenza del sistema delle capsule surrenali dei capsule surrenali dei Petromizonti. Ibid., pp. 1-20, 1902. - Contribute alia conoscenza delle capsule surrenali dei Ganoidi e parti- colarmente sulle esistenza della loro sostanze midollare. Ibid., anno 15, pp. 19-32, 1904. — Contribute alia conoscenza delle capsule surrenali dei Ciclostomi. Sulle capsule surrenali dei Missinoidi. R. Accad. delle sc. dell' Istituto di Bologna, 29 maggio, 1904. — Contribute allo conoscenza del sistema delle capsule surrenali dei Telostei. Sulla sostanza midollare (organi soprarenali o tessuto cromaffine) di Aiurus catus. R. Accad. delle Sc. dell' Istituto di Bologna, pp. 183-189, 1905. — Sulle capsule surrenali e sul simpatica dei Dipnoi. Ricerche in Pro- topterus tanectens. Rendiconti della R. Ace. dei Lincei, vol. xv, i° sem., ser. sa, fasc. 7°, 1906. — II sistema interrenate e il sistema cromaffine (sistema feocromo) nelle anguilla adulte, nelle cieche e nei leptocefali. R. Accad. d. Science di Bologna. 24 maggio, 1908. — A propos de 1'action physiologiques des capsules surrenales. Biol. med. Ann., 6, pp. 133-158, 1908. GIANNELLI, L. and GIACOMINI, E. Ricerche istologiche sul tubo digerente dei rettili 3 nota. Intestina media e terminale, fegatopancreas. Ace. d. Fisiocritici di Siena, 1896. GIANNELLI, L. Sullo sviluppo del pancreas. R. Ace. dei Fisiocritici Siena, ser. 4j 10, 1898. — Sul valore morfologico degli accumuli di Langerhans. Ibid., 12, 1900. — Sulla disposizipne degli accumuli di Langerhans nel Pancreas degli anfibi urodeli. R. Ace. dei fisiocritici Siena, 1899; and Monit. Zool. Ital., 12, p. 207, 1900. - Pancreas interepatico negli anfibi urodeli. Monit. Zool. Ital., 10, Suppl., 1899. — • Ricerche istologiche sur pancreas degli uccelli. Monit. Zool. Ital., 13, 1902. GIARD, A. De 1'influence de certains parasites rhizocephales sur les carac- teres sexuels exterieurs de leur hote. C. r. S. B., 103, p. 84,^1886. — Sur la castration parasitaire chez 1'Eupagurus Bernhardus Linne et chez la Gebia stellata Montagu. Ibid., 104, p. 1113. — Sur un Copepode (Cancerilla tubulata Dalyell) parasite de 1'Amphiura squamata, Delle Chiaje. Ibid., 104, p. 1189. - Sur la castration parasitaire de 1'Hypericum perforatum par la Ceci- domya hyperici Bremi et par 1'Erysiphe Martii Leo. Ibid., 109, p. 324- — Sur la castration parasitaire de Typhlocyba par une larve d'Hymen- optere et par une larve de Diptere. Ibid., 109, p. 708. - Comment la castration agit-elle sur les caracteres sexuels secondaires ? C. r. S. B., 56, p. 4, 1904. GIARD and BONNIER, J. Sur la philogenie des Bopyriens. C. r. A., 104, p. 1309. GIARD, A., and JULIE, A. La castration parasitaire et ses consequ. biolo- giques. Rev. gen. de sciences, ann. v, No. 15, 26 aout, 1904. GIBBES. On some points in the minute structure of the pancreas. Quat. Journ. of Micrqsc. Science, 24, 183, 1884. GIBELLI, C. La funzione delle capsule surrenali in rapporto col processo di riparazione delle fratture e coll' etiologia dell' ulcera gastrica. Pathologica, i, p. 131, 1909. GIERKE, E. Das Glykogen in d. Morphologic des Zellstoffwechsels. Zieglers Beitr., 37, p. 516, 1905. LITERATURE 5OI GlERKE, E. Das chromaffine System und seine Pathologic. L. O., 10, P. 503, IQ06. - Uber Knochenmarksgewebe in der Nebenniere. Ziegl. Beitr., Festsch. Arnold, 1905. - Die Persistenz und Hypertrophie der Thymusdriise bei Basedowscher Krankheit. M. m. W., 1907. - Driisen mit innerer Sekretion. Handb. d. path. Anat. von Aschoff, 2, p. 751, 1909. GIGON, A. Die Menge des aus Eiweisz entstehenden Zuckers beim Diabetes. D. A. k. M., 97, p. 376, 1904. Uber die Gesetze der Zuckerausscheidung beim Diabetes mellitus. III. Mitteilung. Z. k. M., 63, 1907. GILBERT and CARNOT. L'opotherapie, Paris, 1898. GILBERT and CASTIGUE. Infection thyroidienne et goitre exophtalmique. C. r. S. B., 51, p. 463, 1899. GILDERSLEEVE, N. A study of the properties of the serum of rabbits treated with the adrenal glands and erythrocytes of guinea-pigs. Univ. of Pennsylvania, Med. Bull., 17, p. 183; Ref. B. C., iii, p. 169. GlNSBURG. Contr. to the anat. of parathyroid bodies. Un. Pennsylv. med. Bull., January, 1908. GIOFFREDI, C. La distruzioni dell' adrenalina nel' organismo. Arch. Farmac., vi, p. 145, 1907. GIOFFREDI, C., and ZllNO, A. Contr. alia pathologia del Morbo di Addison. Rif. med., 1895. GIORDONI. Diagnostic des tumeurs de 1'hypophyse par la radiographie. These Paris, 1906. GiUFFRIDA-RuGGERl. Considerazioni antropologiche sull' infantilismo e conclusioni relative all' origine delle varieta umane. Monit. zool. Ital.j aprile and maggio, 1903. GIZELT, A. Einflusz des Darmextraktes und des Pepton Witte auf die Harnsekretion. P. A., 123, 1908. GLASER. Untersuchungen Uber Cholesteatome und ihre Ergebnisse fur die Lehre von der Entstehung der Geschwiilste. V. A., 122, 1899. GLASERFELD, BRUNO. Die Epithelkdrperchen und ihre Beziehungen zur Pathogenese der Tetanic. B. k. W., 1909. GLASSNER, K., and PICK, E. P. Uber d. Ausscheidung d. Arenalins. V. 25, C. M., 1908. - Unters. iib. d. gegenseitige Beeinflussung v. Pankreas und Nebennieren. Z. e. P., 1909. GLEY, E. Determination de la toxicite du serum sanguin chez les chiens thyroidectomises. A. d. P., p. 283, 1894; 771, 1895. - Sur les effets de 1'exstirpation du corps thyroide. C. r. S. B., 1891. - Note sur les fonctions de la glandule thyroide chez le lapin, &c. C. r. S. B., p. 843, 1891. - Sur le diabete alimentaire chez les animaux prive du pancreas. Ibid., 752, 1891. Des effets de la thyroidectomie. Remarque a Moussu. Ibid., 1892. - Des troubles tardifs consecutifs a la thyroidectomie chez le lapin. Ibid., p. 666, 1892. - Action d'un liquide extrait du pancreas sur les chiens diabetiques. A. d. P., 753, 1892. - Effets de la thyroidectomie chez le lapin. Ibid., 1892. - Nouvelles recherches sur les effets de la thyroidectomie chez le lapin. Ibid., 1892. — Contr. e 1'etude des effets de la thyroidectomie chez le chien. Ibid., 1892. — Remarques sur quelques travaux de la phys. de la glande thvroide. Ibid., 1892. - Glandes et glandules thyroides du chien. Ibid., p. 217, 1893. - Nouyelle preuve de 1'importance fonctionelle des glandules thyroides. Ibid., p. 396. - Accidents consecutifs a la thyroidectomie chez deux chevres. Ibid., p. 453, 1894. Les resultats de la thyroidectomie chez le lapin. Ibid., 1893. - La question des rapports entre la rate et la glande thyroide. Ibid., 1894 and 1895. - Des effets de 1'exstirpation des glandules parathyroides chez le chien et le lapin. Ibid., p. 18, 1897. 502 LITERATURE GLEY, E. Bemerkungen iiber die Funktion d. Schilddriise. P. A., 66, 1897. — Glande thyroide et thymus. C. r. S. B., p. 1017, 1909. Resume des preuves des relations qui exist entre la glande thyroide et les glandules parathyroide. V. Physiol. Kongr. Turin. Progr. med., p. 251, IQOI. — Essais de philosophic et d'histoire de la biologic. Pans, 1900. Donnees exp. sur les correlations fonctionelles chez les animaux. Ann. biol., i, p. 313, GLEY and CHARRIX. Diabete experimental. C. r. S. B., 836, 1893. GLEY and LANGLOIS. Sur 1'antagonisme reciproque de secretion deverses dans le sang par divers glandes. C. r. S. B., p. 109, 1898. GLEY and NICOLAS. Recherches sur les modif. histologiques, £c. Ibid., p. 216, 1895. GLEY and PHISALIX, C. La nature des glandules thyroidiennes des chiens. C. r. S. B., 1893. Sur les effets de la thyroidectomie chez la salamandre. Ibid., 1894. — Sur la fonction des glandules thyroides. Congr. med. int. Rome, 1894. GLIKIN, W. Zur biologischen Bedeutung des Lecithins. B. Z., vii, 286, 1907. GLUCK, TH. Thymuspersistenz bei Struma hyperplastica. B. k. W., 1804. GLUZINSKI. Physiologische Wirkung der Nebennierenextrakte. W. k. \V., 1895. - Sur la toxicite de 1'extrait des capsules surrenales. Przelgrad lek., March 2, 1895. — Einige Bemerk. z. klin. Bilde des Klimakteriums. W. k. W.. 1909. GLUZINSKI and LEMBERGER. Einflusz der Schilddriisenbehandlung beim gesunden Menschen. C. i. M., 1897. GODALL, A. The postnatal change in the thymus of guinea-pigs. J. o. P., 32, p. 191, 1905. GODARD. Recherches sur les monorchides et les cryptorchides chez Phomme. C. r. S. B., mars, 1856; and Ibid., 1857. GODART. Recherches sur la transplantation de la glande thyroide. Journ. d. med. Bruxelles, 49, 1894. GOBELT. Versuche liber Transplantation des Hodens in d. Bauchhohle. C. a. P., 9, 1898. GORL. Em neues Feld fur Radiotherapie (Strumenbehandlung). M. m. W., 1905. GOETZE, J. Physiologic uncl Pathologic der Nebennieren. Diss., Berlin, 1897. GOTZL and ERDHEIM. Zur Kasuistik der trophischen Storungen bei Hirn- tumoren. Z. H., 1905. GOLDBERG. Der Einflusz der Schilddriisenexstirpation auf die Entwicklung junger Tiere. Podwyssozki' Arch. f. Path., 8, p. 912, 1897. GOLDBERG, B. Das Prostatasekret bei d. Prostatahypertrophie. Folia urolog., 1907. GOLDSCHMIDT, A. Anwendung des Nebennierenextraktes in der Therapie der Nasen- und Halskrankheiten. Monatsch. Ohrenhk., p. 358, 1902. - Beit z. Kcnntnis der Pathologic d. menschl. Nebenniere. D. A. k. M., 98, 1909. GOLDSCHMIDT, B. Unters lib. d. Vorkommen v. alim. Glykosurie bei M. Basedowii. Diss., Berlin, 1896. GOLDSCHMIDT, S. Materialien zu einer Monographic iiber Nebennieren und Nebennierentherapie. Dis,s., Halle, 74 pp., 1904. - Adrenalin in der Urologie. D. m. W., 1902. GOLDSTEIN, L. Die Krankheiten der Nebennieren. Zuelzers Handbuch, 1894. GOLDZIEHER and MOLNAR. Bcitrage zur Frage der Adrenalinamie. W. k. W., 1908. - Pathologic der Nebennieren. Orvosi Hetilap, No. 16, 1908. GOLODETZ, L. Neue Reaktionen fur Cholesterin und Oxycholesterin. Chem.-Ztg., 1908. GOLTZ. Einflusz des Nervensystems auf die Vorgange wahrend der Schwangerschaft. P. A., 9, 1874. GOMES. De Popotherapie ovarienne. These de Paris, 1898. GOMEZ, OCANA. Nuevos hechos y viejas kysotesis sobre et aparato tireideo. Riv. ibero-amer. d. sc. med., 1890; Ref. J. d. P. P., i, 1899. LITERATURE 503 GOMEZ, OCAXA. Sur les secretions internes des glandes. Phys. Congr., Brussels, 1904. - Assoc. font, entrc thyroidc et les testic. on les ovaires. Madrid, 1904 (Spanish). GONIN. Du tractement de 1'uremie par les inj. souscout. de nephrine. Lyon. Med., 1894. GONTIER DE LA ROCHE. Modification histol. du pancreas apres exclusion partielle chez le cobaye. Biol. anat., 11, 232, 1902; and These de Lyon, 1903. GONTSCHARNKOW. Uber die Herstellung eines fur die Schilddnise spezi- fischen Serums. C. a. P., xiii, p. 121, 1902. GOODSIR, J. On the suprarenal, thymus and thyroid bodies. Philos. Trans. R. Soc., pp. 633-641. London, 1846. GORDEEFF, J. M. Die sekretorische Arbeit der Magendriisen bei verschie- denen Speisesorten. Arb. d. Ges. russ. Arzte, November, 1905. GOTTLIEB, R. Beitr. z. Physiologic und Pharmakologie der Pankreas- funktion. A. P. P., 33. - Uber die Wirkung von Schilddriisenpraparaten an thyreoidektomierten Hunden. D. m. \V., 1896. - Uber die Wirkung der Nebennierenextrakte auf Herz und Blutdruck. A. P. P., 38, pp. 99-112, 1896; and Ibid., 43, p. 286, 1899. - liber Herzmittel und Vasomotorenmittel. V. 19, C. M., 1901. GOTTSCHALK, S. Fall von akzessorischer Nebenniere im Ligamentum sus- pensorum ovarii bei einer Erwachsenen. Z. G. G., 38, p. 332, 1898. - Uber die Kastrationsatrophie der Gebarmutter. C. G., 1896. C-OTTSCHAU, M. Uber die Nebennieren der Saugetiere und des Menschen. ^ W. B., pp. 454-462, 1882. - Struktur und embryonale Entwicklung der Nebennieren bei Saugetieren. A. A., pp. 412-488, Jg. 1883. - Uber die Nebennieren der Saugetiere. Biolog. C., iii, pp. 565-576, 1883. GOTTSTEIX. Versuche zur Heilung der Tetanie m. Implant, v. Schilddr. D. Z. N., 6, 1895. GOUGET, A. Maladie bronzde. Bull, de la Soc. anat., 5, p. 77, n juillet, , 1897-. - Saturnisme experimental. Hypertrophie considerable des capsules surrenales Sclerose aortique. C. r. S. B., 55, pp. 1659 and 1953. - Injections d'adrenaline et serum atheromatogene. C. r. S. B., 66, p. 375, 1909. GOUIXET and AXDEXARD, P. Fonction clu thymus chez les bovides. Ibid., 60, pp. 34^-344- GOURFEIX. Recheches physiologiques et chemiques sur une substance toxique, extraite des capsules surrenales. Rev. med. de la Suisse rom., xv, 10, p. 513, 1895. - Contribution a 1'etude pathologique des capsules surrenales. Ibid., Janvier, 1895. - Recherches physiologiques sur la fonction des glandes surrenales. Ibid., ^ xvi, 3, p. 113, 1896. - Sur une substance toxique extraite des capsules surrenales. A gen. de med., p. 500, 1895; C. r. A., 121, p. 311, 1895. - La role de 1'autointoxication dans le mecanisme de la mort des animaux decapsules. Ibid., 125, p. 188, 1897; C. P., p. 423, 1897. Trav. du Labor, de Phys. de 1'Univers. de Geneve, 1900. GOURLAY. The proteids of the thyroid and the spleen. J. o. P., 16, 1894. GRAFEXBERG, E. Eine Nebcnnierengeschwulst der Vulva als eine Metastase eines malignen Nebennierentumors der linken Seite. V. A., 194, pp. 13-32, 1908. GRAESER. Adrenalin gegen Darmblutung bei Typhus. M. m. W., 1903. GRAF, R., and LAXDSTEIXER, K. Versuche iibcr die Giftigkeit des Blut- serums bei Eklampsie. C. G., 1909. GRAFTS, L. M. Glandes a secretion interne et le metabolisme. J. A. M. A., 1908. CRAMEGXA, A. Un cas d'acromegalie traite par Radiotherapie. Rev. Neurol., 1909. GRAXDCLEMEXT. Comment et dans quel cas faut-il employer d'adrenaline pour guerir le glaucome sans operation. Lyon. med., 37, 2, 1905. GRAXDRV, M. Sur la structure de la capsule surrenale. J. A. 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Influence de la thyroidine, de la spcrmine et de l.'adren- aline, de 1'ablation du corps thyroide et des testicules sur les pro- cessus d'oxydation, la toxicite urinaire et les echanges gazeux chez les animaux. Russia Wratsch., 1907-1908; Ref. J. d. P. P., x, p. 1103, 15 novembre, 1908. 516 LITERATURE JOUKOVSKY. Hydrocephalie et tumeur congenitale de la glande pineale chez un nouveau-ne. Rev. mens. des maladies de 1'enfance, xix, p. IQ7, IQOI. JOUNG, J. A., and LEHMANN, J. E. Internal secretion of the suprarenals. J. o. P., 37, 1908. JOURDAIN, S. Sur le systeme V. porte renale. Ann. des sc. nat. ser., iv, t. 12, 1859. JOVANE, A., and PACE, C. Capsule surrenali e rachitismo. La pediatria, B. xvii, p. 195. JOWETT. Journ. of the Chem. Soc., p. 193, 1904; Jahrb. f. Tierchem., 34, p. 581, 1904. JULIEN. Rech. sur les suites eloignees de la castration chez la femme. These de Lille, 1900. JULIN, CH. Le systeme nerveux grand sympathique de 1'Ammocoetes (Petro- myzon Planeri). An. An., pp. 192-201, 1887. — • Recherches sur Tappareil vasculaire et le systeme nerveux peripherique de 1'Ammocoetes (Petromyzon Planeri). A. B., vii, pp. 759-902, 1887. KAESSMANN, F. Adrenalinbehandlung der Osteomalakie. C. G., 31, p. 1376, 1907. KAHLDEN, v. Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomie der Addisonschen Krankheit. V. A., 114, p. 65, 1888. - tjber Addisonsche Krankheit. Zieglers Beitrage, 10; D. m. W., 1891. - Uber Addisonsche Krankheit und liber die Funktion der Nebennieren. Zusammenfassendes Ref. C. a. P., 7, pp. 464-509, 1896. KAHN, R. H. Beobachtungen liber d. Wirkung d. Nebennierenextr. A. P., pp. 522-537, 1903- - tlber Beeinflussung der Gefaszweite in der Netzhaut. C. P., 18, 1904. — tJber die Beeinflussung des Augendruckes durch Extrakte chromaffinen Gewebes. C. P., 20, No. 2, p. 33, 1906. - Zur Frage nach der inneren Sekretion chromaffinen Gewebes. P. A., 128, p. 519, 1909. - Die Storungen der Herztatigkeit durch Adrenalin im Elektrokardio- gramm. P. A., 129, 1909. KAHN and LIEHEN. tiber d. scheinbaren Gestaltsanderungen d. Pigment- zellen. A. P., 1907. KAISERLIXG, D. Beitrag zur Wirkung intravenoser Suprarenininjektionen auf die Kaninchenaorta. B. k. W., 1907. KAISERLING, G., and ORGLER, G. Uber das Auftreten von Myelin in Zellen und seine Beziehung zur Fettmetamorphose. V. A., 168, pp. 296-310, 1902. KAJIURA, G. La choline se trouve-t-elle dans le liquide cephalo-rachidien des epileptiques ? Quart. Journ. of Exper. Physiology, i, pp. 291-296, 1908. KALAMKAROFF, J. G. Zur Frage liber experimentelle Atheromatose der Aorta beim Kaninchen und liber die Wirkung der Jodverbindungen auf diesen Prozesz. Diss., 1907; Ref. Bph. C., iii, No. 674. KANTOROWICZ, L. Zur Histologie des Pankreas. Diss., Gieszen. KAPLAN, D. On the hypodermic use of adrenalin chloride in the treat- ment of asthmatic attacks. M>ed. News, 86, 19, p. 871, May, 1905. KAPLAN and FEDOROFF. Adipose douloureuse. Rev. suisse d. med. , 1902. KARAKASCHEFF, v. Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomie der Nebennieren (Atrophie, vikariierende Hypertrophie, Tuberkulose). Ziegl. Beitr., 36, p. 401, 1904. — Weitere Beitr. z. pathol. Anatomie der Nebennieren. Ibid., 39, p. 373, 1906. - Uber das Verhalten der Langerhansschen Inseln des Pankreas bei Diabetes mellitus. D. A. k. M., 82, 1904; and ibid., 87, 1906. KAREWSKI. Zwei exstirpierte Nierentumoren. B. k. W. , 1904. KARG. Uber Hautpigment und Ernahrung der Epidermis. An. An., p. 377, 1887. KASAHARA. Uber das Bindegewebe des Pankreas bei Krankheiten. V. A., in, 1896. KASCHKE. Cachexia thyreopriva und Myxodem. Diss., Berlin, 1892. KASSEL, K. Epinephrinum solutum. Th. M., p. 422, August, 1903. KAST. Uber lymphagoge Stoffe im Serum Nierenkranker. D. A. k. M., 73, IQO2. LITERATURE 5 I 7 KASTSCHENKO. Das Schicksal der embryonalen Schlundspalten bei Sauge- tieren. A. m. A., 30, 18X7. KASSOWITZ. Allgemeine Biologic. 4 Biinde, 1899-1906. - Infantiles Myxodem, Mongolismus und Mikromelie. Wien, igo2. KASTEN, F. Ub. d. therapeutischen Wert d. Nebennierensubstanz. Diss., Rostock, 1902. KATZ, A. Harnuntersuchungcn in einem Falle von Morbus Addisonii. W. m. BL, 1890. KATZ and WINKLER. Experimentelle Studicn iiber Fettgewebsnekrose des Pankreas. A. V., 4_, 289, 1898. KATZENSTEIN. Uber Veranderungen in der Schilddriise nach Exstirpation der zufiihrenden Nerven. A. P., 1897 and 1899. - Uber exp. Beobachtungen an der Schilddriise. D. m. W., 1899. KAUFMANN. Sur le diabete pancreatique et le mecanisme de regulation dp la glycemie normale. A. d. P., p. 200, 1895. - Mode d'action du systeme nerveux dans la production de 1'hyper- glycemie. Ibid., p. 266. KAUFMANN, E. Uber Zwischenzellengeschwtilste des Hodens. V. d. p. G., n, 1907. KAUFMANN, M. Stoffwechselbeobachtung bei einem mit Nebennierensub- stanz behandelten Falle von Morbus Addisonii. C. Stoffw. u. Verdauungskr. , ii, 7, 1901. - tiber Diabetes und Psychose. M. m. W., 1908. - Organotherapie der Nephritis. F. M., pp. 633, 665, 1905. KAUFMANN and MANNABERG. Diskussionsbemerk. zu Schur u. Wiesel. W. k..W., 1907. KAUSCH. Uber den Diabetes der Vogel nach Pankreasexstirpation. A. P. P., 37, p. 274, 1896. KEDZIOR and ZANIETOWSKY. Zur pathologischen Anatomic der Basedow- schen Krankheit. N. Z., No. 10, p. 438, 1901. KEHRER. Zur Menstruationslehre. B. G. G., 2, 1884. - Versuche iiber Kastration und Erzeugung von Hydrosalpinx. Ibid., 1887. KEHRER, E. Physiologische und pharmakologische Untersuchungen an den iiberlebenden und lebenden inneren Genitalien. A. G., 81, p. 129, 1907. KEIBEL, F. Uber die Entwickelung des Urogenitalapparates von Echidna. Erganzungsheft. An. An., 22, pp. 14-19, 1903. KEISAKU-KOBUKO. Uber die kongenitale Syphilis der Nebennieren. C. a. P., 14, 1903. KEITLER. Uber das anat. und funkt. Verhalten der belassenen Ovarien und Exstirpation des Uterus. M. G. G., 20, 1904. KELLER, K. Uber den Bau des Endometriums beim Hunde. Anat. Hefte, 118, 1909. KELLY, A. O. J. Uber Hypernephrome der Niere. Ziegl. Beitr., 23, 1898. KENWORTHEY, WM. B. The use of suprarenal capsule in haemoptysis. New York Med. Record, p. 415, 1901. KERKIS, C. Les vasoconstrictions des serums normaux. These de Geneve, 1905. KING, J. H. The influence of the thyroid on carbohydrate metabolism. J. E. M., 1909. KINNER. tiber die Behandlung der Rachitis mit Nebennierensubstanz. Diss., Breslau, 1901. KINNICUT, F. P., A clinical study of the therapeutic value of the calcium salts in gastric tetany. A. J. M. S., 138, pp. i-io, 1909. KINZLER. Uber den Kausalzusammenhang zwischen Zerstorung der Nebennieren und Bronzed skin. Diss., Tubingen, 1895. KlRKALDY, J. W. On the head-kidney of Myxine. Quart. Jour, of Micr. Scien., 35, 1894. KIRCH, R. tiber Adrenalinamvendung bei schweren Blutungen. D. m. W., 1903. KlSCH, H. Die Schilddriisentherapie bei Fettleibigkeit. W. m. P., 1899. KlSHI. Beitrage zur Physiologic der Schilddriise. V. A., 176, 1904. KLAPP, R. Experimentelle Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Wirkung der Neben- nierenpraparate. Z. Ch., 71, p. 187, 1904. KLEBS. Handb. z. path. Anat., i, Abt. ii, 1876; and Allg. Path., ii, 1897. 518 LITERATURE KLEESTADT, W. Uber cystische Tumoren im Bereiche des Infundibulum. Diss., Miinchen, 1906. KLEIN. Uber die Bedeutung der bei Morbus Basedowii im Zentralnerven- system nachgewiesenen pathol.-anatomischen Befunde. D. Z., p. 431, 1904. - Neue Arbeiten liber sog. fotale Rachitis. C. a. P., 12, 1901. KLEINHANS, F., and SCHENK, F. Experirnentelles zur Frage nach der Funktion des Corpus luteum. Z. G. G., 66, p. 283. KLEMPERER, G. Addisonsche Krankheit. In Eulenburg, Real-Enc.. 4. Aufl., i, 1907. KLEMPERER, G., and UMBER, H. Z. Kenntnis d. diabetischen Lipamie. Z. k. M., 65, 1908. KLETT. Zur Beeinflussung der phototropen Epithelreaktion in der Froschretina durch Adrenalin. A. A. Supplemented., p. 213, 1908. KLIENEBERGER, C. Lib. d. Wirkung v. Nebennierenpraparaten auf die Kaninchenaorta bei gleichzeitiger Anwendung von Jodipin und Jodkali. C. i. M., 28, 1907. KLOTZ. Experimental production of arterio-sclerosis. Brit. Med. Journ., 1906; J. E. M., viii. KNAFFL-LENZ, v. Beziehungen zw. Lipoidverflussigung und Zytolyse. P. A., 123, 1908. KNAUER. Einige Versuche von Ovarientransplantation am Kaninchen. C. G., 20, p. 524, 1896. - Uber Ovarientransplantation. W. k. W., 1899. - Die Ovarientransplantation. A. G.. 60, p. 322, 1900. KNOPFELMACHER, W. Alimentare Glykosurie und Myxodem. W. k. W., 1904. -- Demonstrationen. Ibid., 1903 and 1906. KNY, E. Fall von isoliertem Tumor der Zirbeldriise. N. Z., p. 281, 1889. KOCHER, TH. Uber Kropfexstirpation und ihre Folgen. A. k. Ch., 29, 1883. - Vorkommen und Verteilung des Kropfes im Kanton Bern. Bern, 1889. - Zur Verhiitung des Kretinismus. Z. Ch., 34. - Die Schilddriisenfunktion. Korr. Schweiz. A., 1895. - Zweitausend Kropfexstirpationen. A. k. Ch., 64, 1901. - Die Pathologic der Schilddriise. C. i. M.3 Miinchen, 1906. — Chirurgische Operationslehre, 1907. KOCHER, A. Uber Morbus Basedowii. M. G. M. C., 9, 1902. - Uber die Ausscheidung des Jods im menschlichen Harn und ihre Beziehung zum Jodgehalt und zur Verkleinerung der Strumen. M. G. M. C., 14, 359, 1905. KOCUREK, R. Uber Zwergwuchs. V. d. naturf. V. Briinn, 45. KOHLER. Einflusz der Auszentemperatur auf experimentelle Glykosurien. Z. k. M., 1908. KOLLIKER, y. Mikroskopische Anatomic oder Gewebelehre des Menschen. Leipzig, 1854. - Handbuch der Gewebelehre des Menschen. 2. Aufl., 1855; 3. Aufl., 1859; 4. .Aufl., 1803; 5. Aufl., 1867. - Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen und der hoheren Tiere. 2. Aufl.. 1879- Jber Z \vitterbildungen bei Saugetieren. VT. B., 1884. - Uber die Nerven der Nebennieren. V. d. N. A., 66, p. 363. 1894. - Uber die feinere Anatomic und die physiologische Bedeutung des sympathischen Nervensystems. W. k. W., 1894. KONIG. Uber ein Psammosarkom der Zirbeldriise. Diss. , Miinchen, 1894. KONIGSTEIN. Anwendung des Extracturn suprarenale haemostaticum. W. m. P., 1897 and 1898. KONIGSTEIN, JUN. Demonstration von Sekretbildern im Epithelkorper. W. k. W., p. 778, 1906. KORBER, E. Kann Nebennierengewebe durch biochemische Reaktionen nachgewiesen werden ? Diss., Greifswald, 1903. - Uber die Croftansche Methode zur Erkennung von Nebennierengewebe auf biochemischem Wcge. V. A., 142, p. 356, 1908. KOHN, A. Studien iiber die Schilddriise. I, A. m. A., 44, 1895: II, Ibid., 48, 1806. - Die Nebennieren der Selachier nebst Beitragen zur Kenntnis der Morphologie der Wirbeltiernebenniere im allgemeinen. A. m. A., 53, PP- 281-312, 1898. LITERATURE 519 KOHX, A. Uber die Nebenniere. P. m. W., pp. 104-105, 1808. - Die chromaffinen Zellen des Sympathicus. An. An., 15, pp. 293-400, 1890- - Die Epithelkorperchen. Erg. d. Anat. u. Entw., ix, pp. 194-252, 1899 and 1900. Uber innere Sekretion. P. m. W., 1900. - Uber Bau und Entwickelung der sogenannten Carotisdriise. A. m. A., 56, 1900. - Chromaffine Zellen, chromaffine Organe, Paraganglien. P. m. W.,. 1902. - Die Paraganglien. A. m. A., 62, pp. 263-365, 1903. - Das chromaffine Gewebe. Erg. d. Anat. u. Entw., xii, pp. 253-348, 1902 and 1903. - Die Blutgefaszdriisen. P. m. W., 1903. - t)b. d. Entwicklung d. sympath. Nervensystems d. Saugetiere. A. m. A.,. 70, 1907. Uber das Pigment der Neurohypophyse des Menschen. Ibid., 75, P- 33/J..IQIO. KOLISCH. Uber sklerotische Veranderungen durch Phloridzinzufuhr. G. d. A., 1905. KOLISCH and PICHLER. Ein Fall von Morb. Addisonii mit Stoffwechsel- untersuchung. C. k. M., 1893. KOLLARITS. Hypophysentumor ohne Akromegalie. D. Z. N., 28, p. 88, 1905. KOLLE, W. Uber Ziele, Wege und Probleme der Erforschung des endemischen Kropfes. Korr.-Bl. Schweiz. Arzte, 1909. Kox JUTAKA. Hypophysenstudien. Zieglers Beitrage, 44, 2, 1909. Koi'LlK. Sporadic cretinism and its distinction from idiocy. N. Y. Med. Journal, 1897. KORAXYI, A. V. Uber die Wirkung des Jods auf die durch Adrenalin erzeugte Arteriosklerose. D. m. W., 1906. - Berichtigung zu meiner Mitteilung iiber die Wirkung des Jods auf die durch Adrenalin erzeugte Arteriosklerose. Ibid., 1907. KOSE, W. tiber das Yorkommen chromaffiner Zellen im Sympathicus des Menschen und der Saugetiere. Lotos, No. 6, 1898. Uber das Vorkommen einer Carotisdriise und der chromaffinen Zellen bei Vogeln. An. An., 22, pp. 162-170, 1902. - Uber die Carotisdriise und das chromaffine Gewebe der Vogel. Ibid., 25, 1904. - Die Paraganglien bei den Vogeln. A. m. A., 69, 1907. KOSTLIVY, S. Leber- und Pankreaslasionen in ihren Beziehungen zum chromaffinen System. M. G. M. C., 19, pp. 616-636, 1909. KRAUPA, E. Untersuchungen iiber das synthetische Suprarenin. M. K., 1908. KRAUS, F. Uber die Zuckerumsetzung im Blute auszerhalb des Gefasz- systems. Z. k. M., 21, p. 315, 1892. - Uber das Kropfherz. W. m. W., 1899. - Myxodem, Cachexie pachydermique. v. Mehrings Jahrb. d. inn. Med., 1901. - Uber Fettdegeneration und Fettinfiltration. V. d. p. G., 6, 1903. - Pathologic der Schilddruse. V. C. M., Miinchen, 1906. KRAUS, F., and FRIEDENTAL, H. Uber die Wirkung der Schilddriisenstoffe. B. k. W., p. 1709, 1908. KRAWKOFF. De 1'action des prep, jodees sur Tarterionecrose experim. Wratsch., 1908; Ref. J. d. P. P., 10, p. 549, 1908. KRECKE. Chirurgische Behandlung des Morbus Basedowii. M. m. W., 1909. KREHL, L. tiber die Storung chemischer Korrelationen im Organismus. D. A. k. M., 88, pp. 351-384, 1907; and V. d. N. A, Stuttgart. KRESS, K. WTirkungsweise einiger Gifte auf den isolierten Diinndarm. P. A., 109, 1905. KRETSCHMER, W. Uber den Mechanismus der Adrenalinwirkung und dauernde Blutdrucksteigerung durch Adrenalin. A. P. P., 57, p. 348, 1907. - Uber die Beeinflussung der Adrenalinwirkung durch Siiure. Ibid., 57, p. 438, 1907. KREUZFUCHS. Erfahrungen iiber innere Adrcnalindarreichung. W. m. P., 1906. 52O LITERATURE KRUCKMANN. Adipositas universalis bei 2 Geschwistern. D. m. W., iQo8. KRUKENBERG, C. FR. W. Die farbigen Derivate der Nebennierenchromo- gene. V. A., 101, pp. 542-571, 1885. KRYCHTOPENKO, A. Caps, surrenales. These de St. Petersb., 1904; A. d. sc. biol., 12, 1906. KUDINZEW. Zur lehre von den Glandulis suprarenalibus. Wratsch., 1897; Ref. St. Petersburger m. W., 22. KUHN, A. Uber das Vorkommen von akzessorischen Nebennieren. Z. r. M., 28, 1866. KULBS. Exper. Studien iiber die Wirkung des Nebennierenextraktes. A. P. P., 53, P- MO; M. m. W., 1905. KtJLZ, E. Beitr. z. Pathologic u. Therapie d. Diabetes. Marburg, 1874 and 1875. KULIABKO and ALESSANDROWITSCH. Wirkung verschiedener Substanzen auf die automatischen Bewegungen des isolierten Darmes. C. P., 18, p. 280, 1904. KURSTEINER. Die Epithelkorperchen in ihrer Beziehung zur Thyreoidea und Thymus. Anat. Hefte, 1898. KtJSTER. Zur Entwicklung der Langerhansschen Inseln im Pankreas beim menschlichen Embryo. A. m. A., 64, 158, 1904. — Uber Gliome der Nebennieren. V. A., 180, pp. 117-130, 1905. - Chirurgie der Nieren der Harnleiter und der Nebennieren. D. Ch., 52, 1902. KUH, S. Treatment of acromegaly with pituitary bodies. J. A. M. A., p. 295, 1902. KUMITA. Lymphgefasze der Nierenkapsel und der Nebenniere. A. A., p. 49, 1909. KUMMER. Zur Kenntnis des Morbus Addisonii. Korresp.-Bl. Schw. A., No. 15, 1886. KUNDRAT, H. Uber Wachstumsstorungen des menschlichen Organismus. Wien, 1890. KUPFFER, v. Die Deutung des Hirnanhangs. Sitzungsber. d. Gesellsch. f. Morph. u. Phys. Miinchen, 1894. KURDINOWSKI. Physiologische und pharmakologische Versuche an der isolierten Gebarmutter. C. P., p. 323, 1904; A. P., Suppl. 3, 1904. KUSMINE, K. Untersuchungen iiber die Lymphe. 6. Mitt. Uber den Einflusz der Lymphagoga (Lebergifte) auf die Lymphe. Z. B., 46, p. 554. KUSSMAUL, A. Uber geschlechtliche Fruhreife. Wiirzb. med. Zeitschr. , 3, 1862. KUTSCHERA, A. v. Zur Epidemiologie des Kretinismus. Off. Ber. iiber den Amtsarzte-Kongresz. Deuticke, Wien, 1909. - Das Groszenwachstum bei Schilddrusenbehandlung des endemischcn Kretinismus. W. k. W., 1909. KYRLE. Uber die Regenerationsvorgange im tierischen Pankreas. A. m. A., 72, 1908. LABADIE-LAGRAVE. Maladie bronzee ou maladie d'Addison. Traite des mal. du sang, Paris, 1893. — Toxicite urinaire chez la cobaye en gestation. C. r. S. B., 4 juillet, 1897. LABADIE-LAGRAVE and DEGNY. Associations morbides de 1'acromegalie. Arch. gen. de med., N. S., i, p. 129, 1899. LABBE, H. V. Physiologic pathologique des diabetes sucres. Rev. de med., 1907. LABBE and GIRAUD, G. Dosage de Piode contenu dans les corps thyroides des tuberculeux. C. r. S. B., 65, pp. 371-372, 1908. LABZINE, M. M. De la regeneration des glandes surrenales. Arch, scienc. biol., ii, p. 319, 1905; These de St. Petersbourg, 1904. LAWEN, A. Quantitative Untersuchungen iiber die Gefaszwirkung von Suprarenin. A. P. P., 51, p. 415, 1904- - Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Gefaszwirkung von Supra- renin in Verbindung mit ortlich anasthesierendcn Mitteln. Z. Ch., 74, p. 163, 1904. - Die ortliche Anasthesie bei Zahnextraktionen, mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Cocain-Adrenalingemische. A. k. Ch., 72, p. 231, 1904. LITERATURE 52 1 LAFOND, M. Sclerodermie et Corps pituitaire. These de Lyon, 1901-1902. LAGUESSE, E. G. Sur la formation des ilots du Langerhans. 1893. - Structure et developpement du pancreas. J. A. P., 1894. - Sur la variabilite du tissu endocrine dans le pancreas. C. r. S. B., p. 900, 1899. - Structure d'une greffe chez le chien. Ibid., p. 853, 1902. - Sur la structure du Pancreas chez quelques Ophidien et particuliere- ment sur les ilots endocrines. Arch, d'anat. microsc., 4, 1901. - Ilots de Langerhans et secretion interne. C. r. S. B., 57, ii, p. 368, 1905. Numeration des ilots endocrines dans le pancreas humain. Ibid., p. 504, 1905. Lobule et tissu conjonctif dans le pancreas de 1'hotnme. Ibid., p. 539. - Ilots endocrines et formes de transitions dans le lobule pancreatique, P- 54-- Etude d'un pancreas de lapin, &c. Arch, d'anat. microsc., 9, p. 90, 1906. - Le pancreas. Lyon, 1906-1907. - Sur les rapports des ilots endocrines avec 1'arbre excreteur dans le pancreas de 1'homme adulte. Ibid., 65, p. 139, 1908. - Preuve exper. du balancement dans les ilots endocrines du pigeon. ^ Ibidv 67, p. 94, 1909. - Sur 1'evolution des ilots endocrines dans le pancreas. Arch, d'anat. microsc., n, 1909. LAGUESSE and GOXTIER DE LA ROCHE. Les ilots de Langerhans apres ligature. C. r. S. B., p. 584, 1902. LAIGXEL-LAVASTINE. Application de Pimpregnation argentique de Cajal a 1'etude histo-chimique de la cellule medullo-surrenale. C. r. S. B., 58, p. 661, 1905. - Structure des cellules nerveuses de la substance medullaire de la surrenale humaine. Ibid., pp. 697-700, 1906; pp. 331-332, 1905. - Inclusion surrenale d'un ganglion solaire. Bull, de la soc. anat., Paris, No. 5, 1905. - Les troubles glandulaires dans les syndromes neuropsychiques. Trib. med., 1908. - Des troubles psychiques par perturbation des glandes a secretion interne. XVIIIe Congr. des medecins alienistes et neurologistes. Dijon, 1908; Sem. med., 1908. - La correlation des glandes a secretion interne et leurs syndromes pluri- glandulaires. Gaz. des Hop., p. 1563, 1908. LAIGXEL-LAVASTINE and AUBERTIX. Adenome medullaire de la capsule surrenale. A. m. e., 20, 1903. LAIGXEL-LAVASTINE and BLOCK. Syndrome de Basedow. Arch. gen. med., 1904. LAIGXEL-LAVASTIXE and HALBROX, P. Trois cas le tuberculose surrenale sans melanodermie. Bull, de la soc. anat. Paris, Xo. 4, 1907. LAMBERT. Sui Faction des extraits du corps jaune de Tovaire. C. r. S. B., 62, p. 18, 1907. LANCERAUX. Notes et reflexions a propos de deux cas du diabete Sucre avec alteration du pancreas. Bull. acad. de med., III. ser., 7, 1215, 1877. - Nouveaux faits de diabete sucre avec alteration du pancreas. Ibid., iSSS. LANCERAUX and THIROLOIX. Le diabete pancreatique. C. r. A., 115. - Les rapports des lesions des capsules surrenales et de la maladie d'Addison. Arch. gen. med., p. 5, Janvier, 1890. - Les glandes vasculaires. Sem. med., 1893; Cinquant. de la Soc. de Biol., 1899. - La trophoneurose acromegalique. Sem. med., 1895. LANDAU, E. Zur Morphologic der Nebenniere. I. Mitt. Protokolle d. Naturf.-Ges. b. d. Univ. Dorpat, 1901 ; II. Mitt. Allruss. Versamml. d. Naturf. u. Arzte, St. Petersburg, 1901; III. Mitr. Sitzungsber. d. Naturf.-Ges. b. d. Univ. Jurjew [Dorpat], 190;; IV. Mitt. I.M., 24, pp. 431-446, 1907- - Uber die anatomischen Veriinderungen in den Nebennieren bei Arterio- sklerose. Z. k. M., 64, p. 237, 1907. — Altersveranderungen des Venensystems der Xebennicrcn. Petersb. m. W., 1908. - Experimentelle Xebennieren-Studien. Dorpat, 1908. LANDAU, M. Zur Behandlung der Beschwerden der natiarl. u. anticept. Kiimax mit Eierstocksubstanz. B. k. W., 1896. 522 LITERATURE LANDERER, P. Zur Kasuistik der Addisonschen Krankheit. Diss., Tubingen, 1878. LANDO. Veranderungen der Pankreas bei Lebercirrhose. Z. H., 17. LANDOIS, F. Die Epithelkorperchen. Erg. d. Chir. u. Orthop. I. IQIO. LANDOLT. Uber die Verwendung des Nebennierenextraktes in der Augen- heilkunde. C. Augenh., xxiii, p. 321, November, 1899. LANDSTROM, J. Neuere Anschauungen iiber die Basedowsche Krankheit. M. K., IQOQ. LANE, M. A. The cytological characters of the areas of Langerhans. J. A. Z., 1907. LANGE, O. Uber die Anwendung des Adrenalin bei Blutungen. M. m. W.,. 1903. LANGENDORFF. O. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Schilddriise. A. A., Suppl. 218, 1889 - Altere unJ neuere Ansichten iiber die Schilddriise. Biol. C., 9, 1889. — Uber Veranderungen in den periph. Nerven bei Cachexia thyreopriva. V. A., 128, 1892. - Uber die Innervation der Koronargefasze. C. P., 21, 1007. LANGER, C. Wachstum des menschlichen Skeletts mit Bezug auf den Riesen. Denkschrift d. Akad. d. Wiss. Wien, 31, 1872. LANGERHANS. Beitrage zur mikr. Anatomie der Bauchspeicheldriise. Diss., Berlin, 1869. - Nebennierenveranderungen beim Morbus Addisonii. V. d. p. G., 7, p. 254, 1903. LANGERHANS and SAWELIEW. Beitr. zur Physiologic der Brustdriise. V. A., 134, 1893. LANGHANS. Uber die epithelialen Formen der malignen Struma. V. A., 189, 1907. LANGLEY, J. N. Observations on the physiological action of extracts of the suprarenal bodies. J. o. P., 27, p. 237, 1901. - On the reaction of cells and nerve-endings to certain poisons. Ibid., 33, p. 375, 1905; and 39, p. 235, 1909. The sympathetic and other related systems of nerves. Schafer Text- book of Physiol. ii, 1900. - Das sympathische u. verwandte nervose System der Wirbelthiere. E. E., 2, ii. p. 818. LANGLOIS, P. Destruction des capsules surrenales chez le chien. C. r. S. B.f p. 444, 1893; A. d. P., pp. 488-498, 1893. - Maladie d'Addison. Richet Diction, de Phys., i, 1895. - De 1'opotherapie dans la maladie d'Addison. P. m., 19 septembre, 1896. - Action differente de Fextrait des capsules surrenales sur la pression san- guine suivant 1'etat d'alteration morbide de ces organcs. C. r. S. B., p. 942, 1896. - Sur 1'homologie fonctionnelle des capsules surrenales des grenouilles et des mammiferes. C. r. S. B.3 pp. 184-186, Paris, 1897. - Action des agents oxydants sur 1'extrait de capsules surrenales. Ibid., p. 524, 1897. • - Du foie cornme organe destructeur de la substance active des capsules surrenales. Ibid., p. 571, 1897. - Physiopathologie des capsules surrenales. A. d. P., 30, p. 125, 1897. - Les capsules surrenales. Paris, 1897. T. iv des travaux du labor, de Phys. de Ch. Richet. - Le mecanisme de destruction du principe actif des capsules surrenales dans rorganisme. A. d. P., 30 Janvier, 1898. - Sur 1'identite physiolog. des corps surrenaux chez les batraciens et les mammiferes. A. d. 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Ann. d. mal. d. org. gen. ur. , 1894. - Les cellules siderophiles de 1'hypophyse chez la femme enceinte. ^ C. r. S. B., 55, 1903. - Glycosurie et hypophyse. Arch. gen. d. med., 1903. - Recherches sur la glande hypophysaire de rhornme. These de Paris, 1904. - La cellule pancreatique dans 1'intoxication par la pilocarpine. C. r. S. B., p. 245, 1904. - Diapedese et secretion pancreatique active. Ibid., 56, p. 2117, 1904. - Action de la pilocarpine sur la secretion pancreatique. Ibid., p. 570. - Contr. a 1'etude histophysiol. de la secretion pancreatique. A. i. Ph., 3, 1905- Traveaux recents sur 1'anatomie fine des capsules surrenales, particuliere- ment en ce qui concerne la cellule chromaffine. Biol. med., No. 7, pp. 265-283, 1905- - Contribution a 1'etude du serum des animaux ethyroi'des. C. r. A., 147, p. 263, 1908. - Nouvelle contrib. a 1'etude du serum des animaux ethyroides. Ibid., 147, 1908. LAUXOIS and ESMEN. Essai d'interpretation du syndrome de Basedow. IXe Congr. frangais des Medicins. 14-16 octobre, 1907. LAUNOIS, EOEPER and ESMONET. La secretion graisseux de 1'hypophyse. C. r. S. B., 56, 575, 1904- LAUNOIS and MULON. Etudes sur 1'hypophyse humaine a la fin de la gesta- tion. Arch, de gyn. et d'obstetr., 1904. LAUNOIS and ROY. Etude biologique sur les geants. Paris, 1904. - Gigantisme et infantisme. Nouv. Icon, de 1. Salp., 1902. - Gigantisme et castration. Rev. intern, med., 1903. LAURECK. Zur Kasuistik des Morbus Addisonii. Diss., Bonn, 1889. LAUWENS, R. Exstirpation des Duodenum. Brief an den Herausgeber. P. A., 120, 1907. LWRONA. L'action de 1'iode sur les processus pathologiques experimentaux provoques par 1'adrenaline dans les vaisseaux sanguins. Arch, scienc. biol., 13, 1909. LAWRENCE. Tumour of pineal body. Transact. Pathol. Soc. London, 50, 1898. LAZARUS, P. Experimentelle Hypertrophie der Langerhansschen Pankreas- inseln bei der Phloridzinglykosurie. M. m. W., No. 45 and Ncs. 51 and 52, 1907. 524 LITERATURE LECKY, H. C. 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Ibid., 57, ii, p. 160, 1905. - Influence des globules blancs sur la glycolyse. Ibid., 58, i, p. 901, 1906. - Sur le pouvoir glycolytique du sang des animaux phloridzines. Ibid., 58, ii, p. 93. - Effets sur la glycemie de la compression de 1'aorte pres de sa bifurcation. Ibid., 62, p. 1108, 1907. LITERATURE 525 LEPINE, R., and BOULUD. Sur la glycosurie sans hyperglycemie. C. r. A. B., 143, ix Q4Q, 1907. Sur le sucre total du sang. Ibid., 147, 1908. LEPIXOIS, E. Etude sur le chromogene des capsules surrenales et sur 1'origine de la coloration rouge, que ces glandes prennent au contact de Pair. C. r. S. B., 51, pp. 310, 315, 1899. LERMITTE, A. Suprarenal gland extract as a haemostatic. Brit. Med. Journ., 1899. LERMOVEZ, M. Un grand medicament de 1'avenir : 1'adrenaline. Presse med., No. 37, 1902. LESAGE, J. Recherches experimentales sur 1'adrenaline. Arch. int. de Pharmac., 13, 1904. — - Toxicite de 1'adrenaline en injection intraveneuse pour le chien. C. r. S. 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Ibid., 6 juin, 1907. — Etude sur la physiopathologie du corps thyroi'de et de 1'hypophyse. Paris, 1908. - Le syndrome oculaire de 1'instabilite thyroidienne. C. r. S. B., 66, 1909. LEVY. Ein Beitrag zur Kasuistik der Hypophysentumoren. Diss, Berlin, 1890. LEVY, A. G. The blood-changes after experimental thyroidectomy. Brit. Med. Journ., 1898. LE WALD. A case of Addison's disease. New York Path. Soc., p. 237, 1901. LEWANDOWSKY, M. Uber die Wirkung des Nebennierenextraktes auf das, Auge. C. P., 12, p. 599, 1898. - Uber die Wirkung des Nebennierenextraktes auf die glatten Muskeln, im besonderen des Auges. A. A., p. 360, 1899. - Zur Frage der inneren Sekretion von Nebenniere und Niere. Z. k. M., 37, 1899- Wirkungen des Nierenextraktes auf die glatten Muskeln der Haut. C. P., 14, 1900. 526 LITERATURE LEWANDOWSKY, M. Das histologische Bild der Schilddriise in Beziehung zu ihrer Funktiqn. Festschr. , Leyden, ii, 1902. LEWASCHEW, S. W. 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Vergleichend chemische Gehirnuntersuchungen. W. k. W., 1910; and B. Z., 26. LINOSSIER, G., and LEMOINE, G. H. Note sur 1'action nephrotoxique des inj. de serum normaux. C. r. S. B.,25 avril, 1903. LlNSER. Uber die Beziehungen zwischen Nebennieren und Korperwach- stum, besonders Riesenwuchs. B. z. kl. Ch., 37, p. 282, 1903. LIPSCHITZ, B. Uber Myxoedem. Diss., Berlin, 1897. LITERATURE 527 LiSix, F. Rech. exper. sur les medicaments cardiovasculaires. Arch. intern. Pharmacod., 17, p. 465, 1908. LISSAUER, M. Experimented Arterienerkrankung beim Kaninchen. B. k. W., 1 005. - Zur Kenntnis der Nebennierenblutungen. V. A., 193, pp. 137-148, igoS. LlSSER. Traitement du diabete par les lavements de pancreas. P. m., i8g6. LiviNl. Parathyroi'des et lobules thymiques. A. i. B., 34, igoo. Livox, CH. Secretions internes, glandes hypertensives. C. r. S. B., p. g8, 25 Janvier, iSgS. - Corps pituitaire et tension sanguine. C. r. S. B., 51, p. 170, iSgg; and C. r. 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B., 55, p. 1452. - L'action de 1'adrenaline sur 1'appareil cardiovasculaire et sur la capsule surrenale. Ibid., p. 1453, 1903. LOEPER, M., and CROUZON, O. L'action de 1'adrenaline et des extraits surrenaux sur le sang. Ibid., 55, p. 1376, 1903. - L'action de 1'adrenaline sur le sang. A. m. e., 16, p. 83, 1904. - Purpura hemorrhagique traite par 1'adrenaline, guerison. Bull, med., 1903. LOEPER and ESMONET. La secretion graisseuse de 1'hypophyse. These de Paris, 1904; C. r. S. B., 56, p. 575, 1904. LOEPER and OPPENHEIM. Maladies des capsules surrenales. Paris, 1906. LOEPER and ROY. Glycosurie et hypophyse. C. r. S. B., 55, pp. 382-384, 1903. — Gigantisme et acromegalie. Nouv. Icon, de la Salpetriere, 16. p. 163, 1903. LOEWENSTEIN. Die Entwicklung der Hypophysisadenome. V. A., iSS, p. 44, 1907. LOEWENTHAL, N. Lesions cerebrales des chiens ethyroides. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1887. — tiber eigentiimliche Zellengebilde im Sympathicus des Frosches. I. M., n, 1894. LOWENTHAL and WIELRECHT. Die Behandlung der Tetanic mit Nebenschild- driisenpraparaten. M. K., 1907- LOEWI, O. Eine neue Funktion des Pankreas und ihre Beziehung zum Diabetes mellitus. W. k. W., p. 747, 1907; and A. P. P., 59, 1908. - Arzneimittel und Gifte in ihrem Einflusz auf d. Stoffwechsel. v. Noor- dens Handb. d. Pathologic d. Stoffwechsels, ii, 1907. LOEWI, O., and MEYER, H. Uber die Wirkung synthetischer dem Adrenalin verwandter Stoffe. A. P. P., 53, p. 213, 1905. LOEWIT, M. Diabetesstudien I. Kaltediabetes und Organfunktion. II. Em Beitrag zur Lehre von der Adrenalinamie beim Frosche. A. e. P., 60, p. I, 1909; ibid., 60, p. 420. - Diabetesstudien. III. Mitt. D. Pankreasdiabetes b. Frosche. A. P. Th., 62, 1909. — Vorlesungen liber allgv Pathologic. Fieber, Jena, 1898. LOEWY, A. Neuere Unters. z. Physiologic der Geschlechtsorgane. E. P., 2, 1903. LOEWY and RICHTER. Sexualfunktion und Stoffwechsel. A. P., Suppl., 1899. — Zur Frage nach dem Einflusz der Kastration auf den Stoffwechsel. C. P., 1902. LOHMANN, A. Cholin, die den Blutdruck erniedngende Substanz der Nebenniere. P. A., 118, p. 215, 1907. - tJber die Verteilung des blutdruckherabsetzenden Cholins in der Nebenniere. C. P., 21, p. 139, 1907. — Zur Physiol. d. Schilddruse. Sitzungsber. d. Gesellsch. Naturw. Mar- burg, 25 Mai, 1908. — tJber die antagonistische Wirkung der in den Nebennieren enthaltenen Substanzen Suprarenin und Cholin. P. A., 122, p. 203, 1908. — Neurin, ein Bestandteil der Nebennieren. P. A., 128, p. 142, 1909. LOISEL, G. Grenouille femelle presentant les caracteres sexuels secondaires du male. C. r. S. B., 53, p. 204, 1901. — Terminaisons nerveuses et elements glandulaires de 1 epithelium seminifere. Ibid., 54, p. 346,, 1902. — Sur 1'origine embryonnaire et 1'evolution de la secretion interne du testicule. Ibid., p. 952, and 1037, 1902. - Etude sur la spermatogenese chez le monceau domestique. J. A. P., pp. 112-177, 1902. — La sexualite. Revue scient. serie 4, t. xix, No. 22, mai, 1903. — Croissance comparee en poids et en longueur des foetus male et femelle dans 1'espece humaine. C. r. S. B., 55, pp. 1235 and 1237, 1903. Les poisons des glandes genitales. Premiere note. Recherches et experimentation chez 1'oursin. Ibid., 55, p. 1329, 1903. Sur les secretions chimiques de la glande genitale male (a propos d'un pretendue glande inter stitielle du testicule). Ibid., 56, p. 27, 1904. Contributions a 1'etude des secretions chimiques des glandes genitales. Les pigments elabores par le testicule du poulet. Ibid., 56, p. 104, 1904. LITERATURE 529 LoiSEL, G. Les caracteres sexuels secondaires et le fonctionnement des testicules chez la grenouille. Ibid., 56, p. 446, 1004. - Sur 1'origine et la double signification des cellules interstitielles du testicule. Ibid., p. 448. - Recherches sur les ovaires de grenouilles vertes. Ibid., p. 504. - Recherches comparatives sur les toxalbumines contenues dans divers tissus de grenouille. Ibid., 56, pp. 883 and 88g, 1904. - Les poisons des glandes genitales (suite.) IV. Recherches sur les mammiferes. Conclusions generates. Ibid., 57, i, p. 77, 10,05. - Conservation des poisons genitaux. Ibid., p. 80. - Substances toxiques des ceufs extraites de tortue et de poule. Ibid., P- 133- - Les phenomenes de secretion dans les glandes genitales. Revue generale et faits nouveaux. J. A. P., ann. 15, pp. 536-562, 1904; and 41, p. 58, 1905. - Sterilite et alopecie chez les cobayes soumis anterieurement a I'influence des poisons ovariens de grenouille. C. r. S. B., 57, ii, p. 463, 1905. - Recherches des graisses et des lecithines dans les testicules de cobayes en evolution. Ibid., 57, ii, p. 584, 1905. - Les substances graisses dans les glandes genitales d'oursin en activite sexuelle. Ibid., p. 586. - Considerations generates sur la toxicite des produits genitaux. Ibid., 57, ii, p. 511, 1905. - Experiences sur la toxicite des oeufs de canards. Ibid., 57, ii, p. 460, 1905. Toxicite des oeufs de poule et de tortue. Ibid., p. 403. - Croissance des cobayes normaux ou soumis a Faction du sel marin ou du sperme de cobaye. Ibid., p. 506. Toxicite du liquide seminale de cobaye, de chien et de tortue. Ibid., p. 509. - Contribution a 1'etude de 1'hybridite. (Eufs de canards domestiques et de canards hybrides. Ibid., p. 5^7 . - Experience sur la toxicite des oeufs de canards. Toxicite des oeufs de poule et de tortue. Ibid., p. 400. LOMBROSO, U. Sul diabete sperimentale e la secrezione pancreatica esterna. Giorn. R. Accad. Medic, di Torino, 1902. - De I'influence des phenomenes lipolytiques dans 1'absorption des graisses chez les chicns depancreatises. C. r. S. B., 55, p. 400, 1904. — Observations histologiques sur la structure du pancreas du chien, apres ligature et resection des conduits pancreatiques. Ibid., 57, p. 610, 1904. — • Observations histologiques sur la structure du pancreas du pigeon, apres ligature et resection des conduits. Ibid., p. 611. — - tiber die Rolle des Pankreas bei der Verdauung und Resorption der Kohlehydrate. H. B., 8, p. 51. — Sui fenomeni consecutivi all' estirpazione del pancreas non piu funzion- ante regolarmente. Giorn. della R. Accad. di Med. di Torino, ii, anno 68, pp. 5-6, 1905. — • Sur la structure histologique du pancreas apres ligature et section des conduits pancreatiques. J. d. P. P., No. i, 1905. - Sugli element! che partecipano alia funzione interna del pancreas. Arch. di fisiol., 3, F. 2, 215, 1906. — Sulla funzione del pancreas nel ricambio materiale. Torino, 1906. — tiber die Beziehungen zwischen der Nahrstoffresorption und den enzy- matischen Verhaltnissen im Verdauungskanal. P. A , 112, 1906. - Uber die enzymatische Wirksamkeit des nicht mehr in den Darm sezernierenden Pankreas. H. B., IT, Si, 1907. - A proposito della nota del dottore Visentini : Sulla Funzione del pan- creas. Gazz. med. Ital., No. 48, Pavia, 1907. - Zur Beantvvortung von O. Hess : Die Ausfiihrungsgange des Hunde- pankreas mit Bezug auf Fettresorption. Med. Naturwiss. Arch., i, Heft, 3, Berlin. - Zur Frage liber die innere Funktion des Pankreas mit besonderer Riicksicht auf den Fettstoffwechsel. A. P. P., 56, 1907. — Su gli elementi che compiono la funzione interna del pancreas. Arch. Farmac., 5, 201, 1908. 34 530 LITERATURE LOMBROSO, U. Sulla lipasi del secreto intestinale. Rend. R. Accad. del Lincei, 17, ser. 3, 136. Roma, 1908. - Kann das nicht in den Darm sezernierende Pankreas auf die Nahrstoffe einwirken ? A. P. P., 60, p. 99, 1908. . — Influenza di un segmento di pancreas cqmpletamente separate dai suoi normal! rapporti nervosi. Boll. Associazione cultori Scienze mediche e natural!. Roma, 1908. — Sulla teoria umorale degli " Ormoni." II meccanismo della secrezione pancreatica ed intestinale. Lo Sperimentale, 1908. Zur Frage der Beziehung zwischen innerer Pankreasfunktion und Nervenwirkung. Folia Neurobiologica, iii, No. 2, 1909. — La secrezione interna del pancreas. II Tommasi, 1909. — Die Gewebselemente, welche die innere Funktion des Pankreas besorgen. E. P., IX, 1909. LOMBROSO, N., and SACERDOTE, A. Sulle modificazioni istologiche del pan- creas di coniglio dopo la ligatura del dutto di Wirsung. Rend. R. Accad. di Lincei. Roma, 1908. LOMER, R. Eigentuml. Verhalten der Nebennieren bei Hemicephalen. V. A., 98, P- 366, 1884. - Antithyreoidin Moebius bei Basedowkrankheit mit Psychose. M. m. W., Lo MONACO and V. RYNBERK. Sulla funzione dell' ipofisi cerebrale. Atti Accad. dei Lincei, 10, pp. 117, 212 and 265, 1901. - Ric. sulla funzione della ipofisi cerebrale. Riv. di Neuropath. Roma, Nos. 9 and 10, 1901. LONGWORTH, S. G. The action of some suprarenal preparations. Brit. Med. Journ., 1902. LORAND, A. Les rapports du pancreas avec la thyroide. Ibid., 56, p. 488, 25 mars, 1904. — Pathogenic du diabete dans Facromegalie. Ibid., 56, p. 554, i avril. — On the blood glands as pathogenic factors in the production of diabetes and obesity. Transact, of the Path. Soc. of London, 57, i, 13, 1906. — Klinische Beitrage zur Frage iiber die Beziehungen der Schilddriise zum Diabetes. 79, V. d. N. A., pp. 40-41 ; Klin, therap. W., 1907. — Sur les rapports de la thyroide avec les reins, avec consideration sur la pathogenic de la goutte. C. r. S. B., 62, p. 129, 1907. — Note sur la pathogenic de la narcose. Ibid., 6p, p. 908. - Die rationelle Behandlung der Zuckerkrankheit. Berlin, 1909. — Das Altern. 2 Aufl. Leipzig, 1909. LORD. The pineal gland, its normal structure, some general remarks on its pathology. Transact, of the Path. Soc. of London, 50, p. 18, 1898. LORTAT-jACOB, L. Influence de la thyroidectomie partielle sur la gestation et la lactation chez la lapine. C. r. S. B., 56, p. 61, 1904. LORTAT-JACOB, L., and SABAREANU, G. Pathogenic de 1'atherome artenel et thyroidectomie. Ibid., 19 novembre, 1904. — Du role de la castration dans la production de Fatherome experimental. Ibid., 57, P- 583, 17 avril, 1905. LOTHRINGER. Untersuchung an der Hypophysis eimger Saugetiere und des Menschen. A. m. A., 28, p. 257, 1886. LUBARSCH, O. tiber die Abstammung gewisser Nierengeschwiilste von embryonal versprengten Nebennierenkeimen. V. A., 137, 1894. — Beitr. z. Histologie d. von Nebennierenkeimen ausgehenden Nieren- geschwiilste. Ibid., 135, 1894. — Allg. Pathol. u. path. Anatomie der Nebennieren. L. O., i, p. 488, 1896. — Uber d. Vorkommen kristall. Bildungen in d. Zellen d. Hodens. V. A., 145, 1896. - Uber die Bedeutung der pathologischen Glykogenablagerungen. V. A., 183, 1906. LUBLINSKI. Jodismus acutus und Thyreoiditis acuta. D. m. W.,^1906. — - Uber die Anwendung des synthetischen Suprarenins. B. k. W., 1907. LUCIANI, L. Fisiologia dell' iiome. II. Le secrezioni interne protettive. Milano, 1904. LUCIBELLI. Contribute all fisiopatologia della capsule surrenali. Gazz. d. osp., p. 1221, 1901. LUCIEN, M. Thymus et athrepsie. C. r. S. B., 64, p. 559. — Etude anatomo-pathologique sur Fhypertrophie du thymus. Ibid., 64, p. Q2I. LITERATURE 531 LUCIEN, M. Consideration anatomo-pathologiques sur 1'athrepsie. Reun. biol. de Nancy, 10 juillet, igo8. — Capsules surrenales et athrepsie. C. r. S. B., Marz, 1908. LUCIEN and PARISOT. Etude physiologique et anatomique du thymus dans 1'athrepsie. Ibid., 64, p. 747. — Variations ponderales de Thypophyse consecutivement a la thyroid- ectomie. Ibid., 65, pp. 261 and 771, 1908. — Influence de la thymectome sur la croissance. Soc. med. Nancy, 22 Juli, iQpS. LUDKE, H. Uber Zytotoxine mit besonderer Berlicksichtigung der Ovario- toxine und Thyreotoxine. M. m. W., 1905. - Die Antikorperproduktion als zellularer Sekretionsprozesz. B. k. W., 1905. LUTHJE, H. Zur Frage der Zuckerbild. im tier. Organismus. M. m. W., 1902. — 1st die Zerstorung des Zuckers nach Pankreasexstirpation vollstandig aufgehoben ? Ibid., 1903. — Uber die Kastration und ihre Folgen. A. P. P., 48 and 50, 1903. LUTZONE, E. Uber den Einflusz von diuretisch wirkenden Mitteln auf das Zustandekommen der alimentaren Glykosurie. Diss., Gottingen, 1907. LUFF, A. P. On the uses of the calcium salts in morbid conditions. Brit. Med. Journ., 1909. LUKSCH, F. Funktionsstorungen der Nebenniere bei Allgemeinerkrank- ungen, Intoxikationen und Infektionen. W. k. W., 1905. - Uber die Storung der Nebennierenfunktion bei Infektionskrankheiten. B. k. \V., 1909. LUNA, E. La morfologia delle ghiandole soprarenali dell' uomo nelle varie fasi del loro sviluppo. An. An., 33, p. 383, 1908. LUNDBORG. Die Entwicklung der Hypophysis bei Knochenfischen und Amphibien. Z. A., 7, 1894. — Spielen die Glandulea parathyroideae in der menschlichen Pathologic eine Rolle ? D. Z. N., 27, p. 217, 1904. • — Hypothese betr. d. Natur d. kataton. Symptomenkomplexe. Centbl. f. Nervenh., 1905. LUP6. Tiroidectomie. Alterazioni nei centri nervosi. Progresso med., Napoli, 1888. » LUSCHKA, H. Die Steiszdruse des Menschen. V. A., 18, 1859. — Der Hirnanhang und die Steiszdruse. Berlin, 1860. — Uber die driisenartige Natur des sog. Ganglion intercaroticum. V. A., pp. 405-411, 1862. LUSENA, G. Sulla patogen. del morbo di Basedow. Cron. d. Clin. med. di Geneva, 1897. — Sull' organoterapia paratiroidea. Ibid., 1898. — Fisiopatologia dell' apparecchio tireoparatiroidea. Diss., Florenz, 1899. - Sui rapporti funzionali fra la tiroide e la glandule paratiroide. Ibid., i goo. - La resistenza alle intossicazioni bacteriche dopo 1'estirpazione delle cap- sule surrenali. Boll, della R. Acad. med. di Geneva, anno xviii, No. i, 1903; Ref. B. C., ii, p. 246. — Nuove ricerche sull' apparecchio tireoparatiroidea. Rif. med., 1906. LUSK, G. The influence of cold and mechanical exercise on the. sugar excretion in phlorizin glycosuria. A. J. P., vol. 22, p. 163, 1908. — The production of sugar from glutamic acid ingested in phlorizin gly- cosuria. Ibid., p. 144. LUSTIG. Sugli effetti dell' estirpazione del plesso celiaco. Lo Sperim., 1890-1891; Arch, per le scienz. med., 13, p. 129, 1889; Zieglers Beitr., 7, p. 431, 1889. — Uber die Atiologie des endemischen Kropfes. X. Kongr. intern. Berlin, 1890. LYMAN GREEN, CH. Akromegaly associated with symptoms of myxcedema. New York Med. Journ., October, 1905. MAAS, O. Uber Veranderungen im Zentralnervensystem nach Unterbindung der Schilddriisengefasze. B. k. W., 1902. MAAS, P. Exper. Untersuchung liber die Innervation der Kranzgefasze. P. A., 74, 1899. 532 LITERATURE MACAROFF, G. Action mydriatique du serum et de 1'urine dans les nephrites et chez les animaux nephrectomises. Presse med., 13 Janvier, 1909. MACCALLEN, F. Adrenalin und Drucksteigerung. Engl. ophth. Ges., 6, 5, 1903. MACCALLUM, W. G. On the production of specific cytolytic sera for thy- roid and parathyroid, with observations on the physiology and path- ology of the parathyroid gland, especially in its relation to exoph- thalmic goitre. Med. News, October 31, 1903. - Tumour of the parathyroid gland. Johns Hopk. Hosp. Bull., 16, No. 168, 1905. — Die Beziehung der Parathyroiddriisen zu Tetanie. C. a. P., 76, igc-S- — On the relation of the islands of Langerhans to glycosuria. Bull. Johns Hopk. Hosp., 20, p. 265, 1909. MACCALLUM, W. G., and VOEGTLIN, C. On the relation of the parathyroid to calcium metabolism and the nature of tetany. Bull, of the Johns Hopk. Hosp., 19, p. QI, March, 1908; and C. G. M. C., n, 1908. — On the relation of tetany to the parathyroid glands and to calcium metabolism. J. E. M., n, p. 118, 1909. — On the relation of calcium metabolism to tetany and the cure of tetany by administration of calcium. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. Med., vol. v, P- 84. MACCARRISON, R. Observations on endemic cretinism in the Chitral and Gilgit valleys. Lancet, October 31, 1908. — A summary of further researches on the etiology of endemic goitre. P. R. S., vol ii, p. i, 1909. — Further researches on the etiology of endemic goitre. Quart. Journ. of Med., vol. ii, 7, p. 279, 1909. MACCURDY, J. The influence of thyroidectomy on alimentary glycosuria. J. E. M., xi, p. 798. MACCRUDDEN. The effect of castration on the metabolism in osteomalacia. A. J. P., xvii, p. 211. The composition of bone in osteomalacia. Ibid., xvii, p. 32. MACKENZIE, DAN. Suprarenal gland extract in the epistaxis of haemophilia. Brit. Med. Journ., pp. 1009 and 1226, April 27, 1901. MACLANTHLIN. Report of a case of Addispn's disease. Med. News, 1895. MACLENNIN, A. An experimental investigation into the function of the thymus gland. Glasg. Med.' Journ., August, 1908. MACLEOD, J. J. R., and DOLLEY. Studies in experimental glycosuria. I. On the existence of afferent and efferent nerve fibres, controlling the amount of sugar in the blood. A. J. P., 19, p. 338, 1907. — The effect of expressed tissue juices of muscle on the mammalian heart beat. Ibid., p. 426. — Studies in experimental glycosuria. II. Some experiments on the nature of the glycogenolytic fibres in the great splanchnic nerve. Ibid., 22, p. 373, 1908. — Studies in experimental glycosuria. IV. The cause of the hyper- glycaemia produced. by asphyxia. A. J. P., 23, p. 278, 1909. — Experimental glycosuria. J. o. P., 32, July, 1905. MACLEOD and Run. Studies in experimental glycosuria. III. The influence of stimulation of the great splanchnic nerve on the rate of disappear- ance of glycogen from the liver, deprived of its portal blood supply or of both its portal and systemic blood supplies. A. J. P., 22, p. 397, 1908. MACMUNN. Sulle funzione della capsule surrenali. II Morgagni, ii, No. 9, p. 106, 1889. MACWILLIAM, MACKIE, and MURRAY. Intravascular injection of salts and of nucleo-proteid. J. o. P., 30, p. 381, 1904. MADELUNG. Uber Verletzungen der Hypophysis. A. k. Ch., 73, p. 1066, 1904. MAGENDIE. Rech. physiol. et cliniques sur les liquides cephalo-rachid. Paris, 1842. MAGNUS. Uber das anatomische Verhalten der Nebennieren, der Thy- reoidea, Thymus und des Sympathicus bei Hemicephalen. Diss., Konigsberg, 1889. - Ovariets betydning for svangerskabet med saerligt hensyntil Corpus luteum. Norsk. Mag. f. L., Ref. in Frommels Jahresber., 1902. LITERATURE 533 MAGNUS. Serumbehandlung von M. Basedo\vii. Norsk Magazin fur Lage- videnskob., No. 7, 1905. - Uber die Entstehung der Hautoedeme. A. P. P., 42, iSgg. - Suprarenin bei Sipunculus, Wirkung auf glatte Muskeln. A. P. P., 50, 1903. - Die Bewegungen des Darmkanales. Zusammenfassend. E. P., 7, igo8. MAGNUS-LEVY, A. Uber den respiratorischen Gaswechsel und den Einfluss der Thyreoidea, &c. B. k. W., 1895. - Untersuchung zur Schilddrusenfrage, Gas- und Stoffwechseluntersuchung bei Schilddrusenfiitterung, Myxodem, Morbus Basedowii und Fett- leibigkeit. Z. k. M., 33, 1897. - Uber Myxoedem. Ibid., 52. Die Therapie des Myxoedem. Th. G., 1907. Untersuchungen iiber Azidosis bei Diabetes mellitus. A. P. P., 45, 1901. - Die Azetonkorper. Erg. d. inn. Med. u. Kind., i, 1908. - Organtherapie und innere Sekretion. Mod. arztl. Bibl., Berlin, 1906. — Der Stoffwechsel bei Erkrankungen einiger Driisen ohne Ausfiihrungs- gang. Noordens Handb. d. Path. d. Stoffwechsels, ii, pp. 352-354, 1907. - Der respiratorische Gaswechsel in Krankheiten. C. k. M., 1906. — Chylurie und Diabetes. Z. k. M., 67, 1909. MAGNUS and SCHAEFER. The action of pituitary extracts upon the kidney. J. o. P., 27, p. 9, 1901-02. MAKE. Essai sur le traitement de la maladie d'Addison. These de Paris, 1894. MAHU and ICHARD. Adrenaline. Journ. de med., 10 avril, 1904. MAIGNON, F. Mode de repartition du glycogene musculaire chez les sujets alimentes et inanities. C. r. A., 145, p. 334, 1907. - Du role des graisses dans la glycogenie chez les sujets sains et les diabetiques. C. r. S. B., 64, pp. n and 14, 1908. MAINZER. Vorschlag z. Behandlung d. Ausfallserschein. nach Kastration. D. m. W., 1896. MAIRET and BOSC. Recherches sur les effets de la glande pituitaire adminis- tree aux animaux, a 1'homme sain et a 1'epileptique. C. r. S. B., p. 348, 1896; A. d. P., p. 600, 1896. MAISCH, CH. O. Three cases presenting indications of Addison's disease during infancy and childhood, with post-mortem and histological reports on two. Postgrad, 14, 1899. MAISONAVE. Contr. a 1'etude de 1'opotherapie orchitique. These, Lyon, 1903. MAJ, A. Su di un caso di Morbo d'Addison venuto a guarigione. Clin. med. Ital., 1901. MALCOLM, JOHN. On the influence of pituitary gland substance on meta- bolism. J. o. P., 30, p. 270, December, 1904. MALSEN, H. v. Geschlechtsbestimmende Einfliisse und Eibildung des Dinophilus apatris. A. m. A., 69, p. 63, 1907. MALVOZ, E. Corps thyroide et immunite. C. r. S. B., 65, pp. 69-70, 1908. MAMLOCK. Zusammenfass. iiber Adrenalin. Zietschr. f. diat. u. phys. Ther. , 7, 1904. MANASSE, P. Uber die hyperplastischen T.umoren der Nebenniere. V. A., 133, 1893- - Uber die Beziehungen der Nebennieren zu den venen und dem venosen Kreislauf. Ibid., 135, 1894. - Zur Histologie und Histogenese der primaren Nierengeschwiilstc. V. A., 143, p. 278; ibid., 145, pp. H3-I57, 1896. - Uber zuckerabspaltende phosphorhaltige Kb'rper in Leber und Neben- niere. Z. ph. Ch., 20, p. 478, 1895. MANCA, P. II rene del cane dope 1'ablazione completo dell' apparecchio tiroparatiroidea. Arch, di biol. norm, e pathol., 59, 1906. MANDL, L. Beitr. z. Kenntn. d. Funktion d. weibl. Keimdruse. Festschr. f. Chrobak, 1903. - Diskussionsbemerkungen zu Fraenkels Vortrag. C. G., 28, 1904. MANDL, L., and BURGER, O. Die biolog. Bedeutung der Eierstocke nach Entfernung der Gebarmutter. Leipzig, u. Wien,. 1907. MANDLEBAUM, F. S., and CELLER, H. L. Contr. a 1'etude de 1'anatomie pathologique de la myasthenie grave. J. E. M., x, 3, 1908. MANICARDI G. La paraganglina Vassale nelle atonic gastro-enteriche. Rif. med., 1903. 534 LITERATURE MANKOWSKI, A. Nouvelles donnees sur la microphysiologie du pancreas, le role des ilots de Langerhans. Seance du XIII. Congr. int. de med., a Paris, 1900, 3, p. 302. - tiber die mikroskopischen Veranderungen des Pankreas nach Unter- bindung einzelner Teile. A. m. A., 59, 286, IQOI. — tJber die belebende Wirkung des Nebennierenextraktes bei drohendem Chloroformtode. Wratsch., 1897, Ref. St. Petersb. med. W., 1897. - Les moyens les plus simples pour preparer 1'extrait des capsules sur- renales et son action sur 1'organisme animale. Arch. rus. de Path., iii. 3) P- 387, mars, 1898. MANKOWSKY. Zur Frage nach den Zellgiften (Zytotoxinen). Russki Wratsch, 1902; Russ. A. f. Path., xiv, i; Ref. in C. f. B., 32, No. 19. MANKIEWICZ, O. Uber die bosartigen Tumoren der Nebenniere. Diss., Strassburg, 1888. MANN, J. DIXON. On Addispn's disease. Lancet, p. 655, March 2.1, p. 711, March 28, p. 764, April 4. London, 1891. MANN, FR. Uber Bronzehaut. Diss., Greifswald, 1893. MANOUCHINE. Blutgerinnung, Leukocyten und Pepton. Wratsch, J. d. P. P., xi, 1909. MANSFELD, G. Die Verhiitung der Adrenalinarteriosklerose. W. k. W., p. 1650, 1908. MANSFELD and RABDELEO. Die Verhinderung der Adrenalinarteriosklerose. Orvosi Hetilap, 1908. MARAGLIANO. Maladie d'A-ddison. Rif. med., 1894. - La cosa della malattia di Basedow. Gazz. Osped., 1900. - Note clinic, chim. e sperim. sulle nefriti. La Clinic. Med. Ital., p. 437, 1902. MARASSINI. Dei fenomeni consecutivi all' estirpazione del plesso celiaco. A. Sc. Med., Pavia 97, 1903. - Ricerche sopra 1'azione tossica dei nucleo-proteidi del fegato. Con- tributo allo studio del meccanismo d'azione delle cosidette citotossine specifiche. Ref. B. C., i, p. 804, 1903. — Contribution a 1'etude de la structure et de la fonction des capsules surrenales. A. i. B._, 46, pp. 73-82. - Sopra le modificaziqni che si hanno nelle capsule surrenali in rapporto con alcune variazioni della funzione genitale e della funzione renale. Lo Sperim., 40, p. 197, 1906. - Sopra la minuta struttura dei vari element! delle capsule soprarenali e sul loro probabile valore funzionale. Monit. zool. Ital., xvii, Nos. 2 and 3, pp. 42-60, 1906. - Contr. sper. allo studio della funzione dell' isole di Langerhans. Riv. d. Sc. Nat., Pavia, 1907. - Sopra una particolare modific. delle glandule duoden. dopo 1'alla- ciatura d. cond. d. Wirsung. Ibid., 1908. MARBE, S. Les opsonines dans les etats thyroidiens. I. Les opsonines des animaux hyperthyroiides. C. r. S. B., 64, p. 1058, 13 juin, 1908. - II. Les opsonines des animaux ethyroides. Ibid., p. 1113, 20 juin, 1908. - III. Les opsonines et la phagosytose chez les myxcedemateux. Ibid., 12 decembre, 1908. - IV. Actions directe, in vitro, du corps thyroi'de. Ibid. 13 mars, 1909. — La phagocytose chez 1'animaux hyperthyr. et ethyr. Ibid., 26 Juni, 1909. MARBURG, O. Die Adipositas cerebralis. Beitr. z. Pathol. der Zirbeldriise. W. m. W., 1908. Zur Kenntnis der nprmalen und pathologischen Histologie der Zirbel- driise. Die Adipositas cerebralis. Arb. a. d. neurol. Institute a. d. Wien Univ., xvii, 1909. MARCHAND, F. Uber eine eigentumliche Erkrankung des Sympathicus der peripherischen Nerven (ohne Bronzehaut). V. A., 81, 1880. — Uber akzessoriche Nebennieren im Ligamentum latum. V. A., 92, 1883. - Beitrage zur Kenntnis der normalen und pathologischen Anatomic der Glandula carotica und der Nebennieren. Festschr. f. R. Virchovv, i, p. 537, 1891. - Uber den Prozesz der Wundheilung. D. Ch., Lief. 16. Stuttgart, 1901. MARCHES:. La meccanica respiratoria dei cani tiroi'dectomizzati. Arch. p. le Scienc. Med., 17. MARCHETTI, S. Uber eine Degenerationszyste der Nebenniere mit kompen- satorischer Hypertrophie. V. A., 172, pp. 472-47Q, 1903. LITERATURE 535 MARCHETTI, S. Beitrag zur Kenntnis dcr pathologischen Anatomic der Nebennieren. Ibid., 177, pp. 227-247, 1904. - Schilddriisenprazipitine. Rif. med., 1907. MARCUSE, \Y. Uber die Bedeutung der Leber fur das Zustandekommen des Pankreasdiabetes. Z. k. M., 26, p. 225, 1894. MARENGHI, G. Sull' esportazione delle capsule surrenali in alcuni mammi- feri. Rendiconti del' Inst. Lombard., 2, 36, p. 543, 1903; Autoref. in B. C., ii, p. 152; and Lo Sperim., 57, 1903. MARESCH. Kongenitaler Defekt der Schilddruse, &c. Z. H., 19, 1898. MARIANI, F. Ricerche sperimentali sulla funzione delle capsule surrenali. Clin. medic. Ital., 1906. MARIE. Sur deux cas d'acromegalie, hypertrophie singuliere non congenitale des extremites superieures, inferieures et cephaliques. Rev. de med., p. 298, 1886. - L'acromegalie. Nouv. Icon, de la Salpetrierc, i, p. 173, iSSS; 2, p. 45, 1889; Progres med., 1889. - Acromegalie. Brain, 12, pp. 59-81, July, 1890; and Soc. m. Hopit., 1896. MARIE, P., and MARINESCO, G. Sur 1'anat. patholog. de 1'acromegalie. A. m. e., 1891. MARINE, P., and LENHARDT, C. H. Relation of iodine to the structure of human thyroids. Relation of iodine and histologic structure to diseases in general, to exophthalmic goitre, to cretinism and myx- cedema. Arch. Int. Med., iv, p. 440, 1909. - Effects of the administration or the withholding of iodine-containing compounds in normal, colloid or actively hyperplastic (parenchy- matous) thyroids of dogs. Ibid., iv, p. 253, 1909. MARINESCO, G. De la destruction de la glande pituitaire chez le chat. C. r. S. B., 44, p. 509, 1892. Trois cas d'acromegalie traites par des tablettes de corps pituitaire. Semaine med., p. jS'4, 1895. Tetanic d'origine parathyroidienne. S. m., 1905. - Contr. a 1'etude de la myasthenie grave pseudo-paralytique. Ibid., p. 241, 1908. MARIXESCO and MIXEA, J. Note sur les changements morphologiques des cellules des ganglions greffes sur des animaux prives de leur appareil thyro-parathyroiden. C. r. S. B., pp. 239-241, 1908. MARINESCO and PARHON, C. Sur 1'influence de la thyroidectomie sur la survie des animaux en etat d'inanition. C. r. S. B., 67, p. 306, 1909. - L'influence de 1'ablation de 1'appareil thyro-parathyroidien sur la graisse surrenale. C. r. S. B., 64, p. 768, 1908. MARINI, N. Considerazioni sulla patogenesi dell' ateromasia adrenalinica e dell' ateroma in generale. Gaz. degli Osped., 26, 22, 1905. MARlNO-Zucco. Recherches chimiques sur les capsules surrenales. A. i. B., 10, 325, iSSS. - Presence de la Neurine dans le sang. A. i. B., 21, p. 437, 1894. MARINO-ZUCCO and DUTTO. Chemische Unters. iib. die Addisonsche Krank- heit. M. I)., 14, p. 617, 1892. MARlNO-Zucco, F., and S. Untersuchungen u'ber die Addisonsche Krank- heit. Ibid., xiv, pp. 59-63, 1892. 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Sull' estirpazione del pancreas. Giorn. R. Accad. Med. di Torino, 348, 1888. — Sui fenomeni consecutivi all' estirpazione del pancreas. Ibid., 338. - Contribution a 1'etude des capsules surrenales. Giorn. della R. Ace. di med. di Torino, Iv, pp. 299-301, 1892; A. i. B., 27, pp. 284-286. - Sur les alterations des capsules surrenales consecutives a Pocclusion des veines centrales respectives. A. i. B., 49, pp. 236-240, 1908. MARUM, A. Uber die Beziehungen iiber den Glykogengehalt der Organe und der Azidose beim Phloridzindiabetes. H. B., x, p. 105, 1907. MASAY, F. L'Hypophyse. Etude de Physiologie pathologique. These de Bruxelles, 1908. - Recherches sur les effets d'un serum hypophyse toxique. Ann. de la Soc. med. et nat., p. 91, 1908. MASOIN, P. Influence de 1'exstirpation du corps thyroide sur la toxicite urinaire. A. d. P., 1894. - Influence de. 1'exstirp. du corps thyroide sur la quantite d'oxyhemo- globine. Acad. de med. Belg., 1895. MASSAGLIO, A. Contribute alia patogenesi del mixedema. Rivista di patol. nervosa e mentale, /; and ibid., 13; A. i. B., p. 343, 1908. - L'influenza della fatica nei cani parzialmente sparatiroidati. Gazz. degl. Osp., 1907. - II trattamento del mal di mare con la paraganglina Vassale. Gazz. Osped., 1907. MASSAGLIA, A., and SPARAPANI, G. Eclampsie experimentale et eclampsie spontanee des animaux. A. i. B., 48, pp. 109-114. MASSALONGO. Sull' Acromegalia. Rif. med., 1892. MASSARI. Sul pancreas dei pesci. R. c. della R. Accad. dei Lincei, 7, 139. Roma, 1898. MASSINI. Contr. al estudio del patogen. de la ecclampsie. Ref. C. G. , 1908. MASSONE, M. II sistema cromaffine addominale in casi di " encephalos- chisis." Pathologica, i, October i, 1909. MASTRICHT INDEMANNS. Die Storungen der inneren Sekretion der Gefasz- driisen und ihrer Beziehungen zueinander. Centrbl. f. Therap., Mai, 1909. MATHES, P. Beobacht. an mit Plazentarsaft durchstromten Hundenieren. Z. G. 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Nouvelle Iconographie de la Salpetriere, P. 2ig, IQO2. - Le gigantisme. Arch. gen. med., 1902. MlEGE and FEINDEL. Infantilisme myxoedemateux et maladie de Reckling- hausen. Revue Neurologique, p. 837, 1903; Nouv. Icon, de la Salp., juillet-aout, 1903. MEINERT. Tetanic in der Schwangerschaft. A. G., 55, 1898. MEISEXHEIMER, J. Ergebnisse Uber einige Versuchsreihen von Exstirpation u. Transplantation der Geschlechtsdriisen bei Schmetterlingen. Zool. Anz., 32, 1908. MEIXNER. Zur Frage des Hermaphroditismus verus. Z. H., 26, p. 318, 1905. MELCHIORI. Nebennierentherapie bei Aorteninsuffizienz. Gazz. degli Osped.. No. _77, 1908. MELLIX. Uber die Einwirkung einiger Gifte auf den kleinen Kreislauf. S. A., 1904. MELTZER, S. J. Geschichte der Schilddriisentherapie. New York med. Monatsschr., 1895. - Wandert Adrenalin in den Nerven ? A. P. P., 59, p. 458, 1908. - Ideas and ideals in medicine. J. A. M. J., 50, p. 1577, 1908. - Bemerkungen zur Wirkung von Adrenalin auf die Froschpupille. D. m. 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The action of ergot upon the stomach and intestines. A. J. P., xvii, p. 143, IQOO. MELTZER, S. J., and SALANT, W. Study on the toxicity of bile. The effect of intravenous injections of bile upon blood-pressure. J. E. M., vii, p. 280, 1905. MENARD. De Porigine thyroidienne du rheumatisme chronique. These Paris, 1908. MEXDE, R. v. Ein Beitrag zur Anatomic der menschlichen Nebenniere. Diss., Konigsberg, i, P. 1902. MENDEL, E. Ein Fall yon Akromegalie. B. k. W., 1895. - Obduktionsbefund eines Falles von Akromegalie. Ibid., 1900. - Diskussionsbemerkung betr. operatives Eingreifen bei Akromegalie. Ibid., p. 67, 1903. MENDEL, K. Myxodem und Kretinismus. Diss., Berlin, 1896. MENETRIER, P. Note sur les rapports des adenomes des caps. surr. avec la nephrite interst. atroph. Soc. hop., 19 fevrier, 1904. - A propos de la hypertension arterielle. Sem. med., 1904 and 1005. MENGELBERG. Adrenalin und Atropin. Wochenschr. f. Ther. u. Hyg. d. Auges. VI, 1902. MERCKEL. Krankheiten der Nebennieren. 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Basedowii mit Blut und Milch von thy- reoidektomierten Ziegen behandelt. Norsk Magazin f. Lagernd., .No. 7, 1905. MEYERS, M. K. Die Wirkilng von intravenosen Injektionen von Hypo- physenextrakt und Brenzkatechin, sowie von einmaligen Adrenalin- injektionen auf die Aorta von Kaninchen. C. a. P., 20, 1909. MEZNICESCU. Les modific. du sang apres 1'estirpation clu corps thyroide. A. m. e., 1902. MICHAEL, J. Zum Vorkommen der akzessorischen Nebennieren. A. k. Ch., 43, 1888. MlCHAELIS and ROXA. Untersuchungen uber den Blutzucker. B. Z., 14, 1908. MICHALSKI. Die Therapie des Morbus Basedowii. Bruns Beitr., 49, 1906. MlCHELSON. Uber die Wertlosigkeit des Zusatzes von Nebennieren- praparaten bei der Lumbalanasthesie. M. m. W., 1907. MIESCHER, F. Histochem. u. physiolog. Arbeiten. Leipzig, 1897. MlESOWICZ, E. Untersuchungen iiber die Veranderungen in den inneren Organen des Kaninchens nach intravenoser Injektion von Adrenalin. Bull, intern. Acad. d. Sc. Cracovie, pp. 257-265, 1906. - Uber experimentelle Herzhypertrophie. W. k. W., 1909. MlESOWICZ, E., and MACIAG, A. Beobachtungen iiber das Verhalten der mydriatischen Substanzen im menschlichen Serum. Gazeta lekarska, No. 49, 1908; Fol. serol., ii, Januar, 1909. MlGXOX. Neue Verwendungsart des Adrenalins in der Rhinologie. A. int. Laryng., 1903. MlHALCOVICS, V. v. Untersuchungen uber die Entwicklung des Harn- und Geschlechtsapparates der Amnioten. I. M., 2, 1885. - Beitrage zur Anatomic und Histologie des Hodens. Ber. d. sachs. Ges. d. Wiss., 1873. - Entwicklung des Gehirnanhangs. C. m. W., 1874. - W'irbelsaule und Hirnanhang. A. m. A., u, 1874. MIKA. Infantilisme (Type Lorain). Revue Neurolog., p. 250, 1902. MIKLASSEWSKI, W. Neuere Anschauungen iiber das Wesen der Addi- sonschen Krankheit nebst einem selbst beobachteten Falle. Kronika Lekarska Warschau, Nos. 17-19, 1899; V.-H., ii, p. 57, 1899. MIKULICZ. Uber die Resektion des Kropfes. C. Ch., 1885. - Uber Thymusfiitterung bei Kropf und Basedow. B. k. W., 1895. MILIAN, M. G. Le prurigo dans la maladie d'Addison. Gaz. hebdom., No. 45, 1897. MILLER, J. L. The action of the extract of the suprarenal gland and the method and indications for its use. J. A. M. A., 48, pp. 1661-1664, May 18, 1907. - Experimental arterial degeneration. Ibid., p. 593, April, 1907. Uber Lebererkrankungen nach intravenosen Adrenalininjektionen beim Kanninchen. M. K., 1908. MILLER, J. L., and BENXET. Dangers in the use of adrenal preparations. Brit. Med. Journ., 1906. MILLS. Adrenalin in hsematemesis. Brit. Med. Journ., March 28, 1903. MIXELLI, SPARTAEO. Sopra un casp di angiosarcoma primitive di una capsula surrenale con metastasi. Gaz. med. ital., 38-39, p. 372, 1904. MIXERVIXI, R. Des capsules surrenales. J. A. P., 40, pp. 449-492. 634-667, 1904. MINERBI and A.LESSANDRI. Akromegalie und Adams-Stokes' Symptom. M. m. W., 1908. MINKEL. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Addisonschen Krankheit. Diss., Bonn, 1893- MINKIEWITSCH. Tetania parathyreopriva und Hyperparathyreosis. Diss., Basel, 1908. MlNKOWSKlj O. Untersuchungen iiber den Diabetes mellitis nach Pankreas- exstirpation. A. P. P., 31, 1893. 54° LITERATURE MlNKOWSKI, O. Storungen des Pankreas als Krankheitsursache. L. O., i, 1896. - Diabetes nach Pankreasaffektion. B. k. W., 1899. - Bemerkungen liber den Pankreasdiabetes zur Abwehr gegen Eduard Pfliiger. A. P. P., 53, p. 331, September, 1905. - Die Totalexstirpation des Duodenums. A. P. P., 58, p. 271, 1908. - Zur Kenntnis der Funktion d. Pankreas beim Zuckerverbrauch. Ibid., Suppl., 1908. MINNICH, W. Das Kropfherz. Leipzig and Wien, 1904. MlNOT, CH. S. Morphology of the suprarenal capsules. Proc. of the Amer. Assoc. for the Advance, of Science, xxxiv, 1885. - Lehrbuch der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen. Deutsch von S. Kastner, 1904. MlRONESCU, TH. Beitrage zur Wirkung des Adrenalins und Euphthalmins auf den Blutdruck beim Kaninchen. Romania med., 1905 and 1907; Th. M., 20, p. 39, 1906. - Sur qq. lesions des glandes parathyroides chez les pellagreux. C. r. S. B., 64, p. 515. MITSAKURI, R. B. On the development of the suprarenal bodies in mam- malia. Quart. J. Micr. Sc., 22, pp. 17-29, 1882. MITTENZWEIG. Traumatische Verblutung aus den Gefaszen der rechten Nebenniere. Zeitschr. Medicinalb., p. 616, 1893. MIWA, SA., and STOLTZNER, W. 1st das Jod ein notwendiger Bestandteil der normalen Schilddriise ? Jahrb. Kinderh., 45, 1897. MLODZEJEWSKI, W. K. Zwei Falle von Morbus Addisonii (russisch.) M. Rundsch., 1895. MODENA. L'Acromegalia. Riv. sperim. di Fren., xxix, 1895. — Un cas d'acromegalie avec Myxoedeme suivi d'autopsie. Annuario del Manicomio provinciale di Ancona, 1903. MODRAKOWSKY, G. Zur Innervation des Pankreas. Wirkung des Atropins auf die Bauchspeicheldriise. P. A., 114, 1906. - Uber das gegenseitige Verhaltnis der Wirkung von Atropin und Physo- stigmin auf das Pankreas. P. A., 118, p. 52, 1907. - TJber die physiologische Wirkung des Cholins. Ibid., 124, pp. 601-632, 1908. MODUGNO, G. Sui nidi cellulari del simpatico della Rana. Contribute alia conoscenza dei caratteri citologigi delle celluli cromaffini. Boll. Soc. Natur. Napoli, Bd. 20, p. 42. MODIUS, P. J. Schilddriisentheorie. Schmidts Jahrbiicher, 210, p. 237, 1886. - liber das Wesen der Basedowschen Krankheit. N. Z., p. 8, 1887. - Uber Morbus Basedowii. D. Z. N., i, 400, 1891. - Die Basedowsche Krankheit. Nothnagels Handb., 22, 1896. - Uber das Antithyreoidin. M. m. W., 1903. - Uber die Wirkungen der Kastration. Leipzig, 1903; and Halle, 1906. M6LLER, J. Om Adrenalinet Nordisk Tijdskrift f. Terapi Copenh. Ref. V.-H., ii, 1903. MoLLER, S. Kritisch-experimentelle Beitrage zur Wirkung des Neben- nierenextraktes (Adrenalin). Th. M., 19, pp. 547, 622, 1905; 20, pp. 25, 85; Diss., Wiirzburg, 1906. MONCKEBERG. Die Tumoren der Glandula carotica. Zieglers Beitr., 38, 1905. - Uber die reine Mediaverkalkung der Extremitatenarterien und ihr Verhalten zur Arteriosklerose. V. A., 171, p. 141, Jg., 1903. MOERS. Uber den feineren Bau der Nebenniere. V. A., 29, pp. 336-358, 1864. MOFFIT, H. C. Kidney tumours of adrenalin origin. Ref. V.-H., i, p. 731, 1904. MOHR. Bemerkungen zur Behandlung der Hydrocele. Adrenalinein- spritzungen in den Sack. M. m. W., August, 1908. MOHR, L. Uber die Herkunft des Zuckers im Pankreasdiabetes von Hunden. Z. e. P., ii, 1906. - Uber die Zuckerbildung aus Eiweisz. Ibid. — Uber die Beziehungen der Fette und Fettsauren zur Zuckerbildung. Ibid. - liber die Ausscheidung von Aminosauren im diabetischen Harn. Ibid. — Untersuchungen iiber den Diabetes mellitus. Z. e. P., iv, p. 910, 1907. LITERATURE 541 MOHR, L., and FREUND, R. Exper. Beitr. zur Pathogenese der Eklampsie. B. k. W., 1908. HOLLOW, TV. Uber Yorkommen von Mundschleimhautpigmentierung. M. K., 1909. MOLNARj V. Uber die interne Anwendung des Adrenalin mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die scarlatinose hamorrhagische Nephritis. W. k. R., 1904; Orv. Hetilap., 1904. MOLON, C. Sulla glicosuria adrenalinica. Gazz. d. Osped., 1908. MONERY, A. Sur un nouveau cas de concretion osseuses dans la glande thyroide. J. d. pharm. et d. Ch. (6), IQ, p. 203. - Recherches sur la fonction jodee de la glande thyroide. Ibid. (6), 19, p. 288. - Etudes nquvelles sur le metabolisme de 1'iode dans 1'economie et sur la fonction thyroidienne. J. d. P. P., Bd. vii, p. 611. MONTUORI, A. Sulla termo secretina. Gazz. med. int. di med., No. 13, , 1905- - Sull' importanza del fegato nel diabcte pancreatico. Gazz. d. Osped., 1895- MONTUORO. Sulle cellule midollari dell' ovaje del coniglio. Arch. d. Anat. e. Embr., 1903. MOON, R. O. Acromegaly with illustrative cases. Lancet, p. 27, January 2, 1909. MOORE, B. On the chemical nature of a physiologically active substance occurring in the suprarenal gland. J. o. P., 17, 1895. - On the chromogen and on the active physiological substance of the suprarenal gland. Ibid., 21, pp. 382-389, 1897. MOORE, EDIE, and ABRAM. On the treatment of diabetes mellitus by acid extract of duodenal mucous membrane. J. B. Ch., i, p. 28t 1906. - Further observations on the treatment of diabetes mellitus by acid extract of duodenal mucous membrane. Ibid., p. 446, 1906. MOORE, B., and PURINTON, C. On cardiac thrombosis following complete removal of the suprarenal glands. A. J. P., 4, pp. 51 and 57, 1900. - On the effects of complete removal of the suprarenal glands. A. J. P., 5, p. 182, 1901. - On the absence of the active principle and chromogen of the suprarenal gland in the human embryo and in the child at birth. Ibid., 1900. - Uber den Einfluss minimaler Mengen Nebennierenextrakts auf den Blutdruck. P. A., Si, 1900. MOORE, B., and VINCENT, S. The comparative chemistry of the suprarenal gland. P. R. S., 61, pp. 280-283, 1897. - Further observations upon the suprarenal capsules with remarks upon the non-existence of suprarenal medulla in Teleostean fishes. Ibid., 62, pp. 252-256, 1898. MOORE, F. C. Cholesterin. Medical Chronicle, December, igo7. MORACZEWSKI. Stoffwechsel bei Akromegalie, &c. Z. k. M., 43, p. 336, igoi. MORANO. Studio sulle capsule s'urrenali. Napoli, 1870. MORANDI. Ricer. sulP istologia norm, e patol. della ipofisi. Arch. sc. med., 28, 1904. MORAT, J. P., and DOYON, M. Traite de physiologic. I. Secretion interne. Paris, 1904. MORAT and DUFOURT. Les nerfs glyco-secreteurs. A. d. P., i8g4. MOREAU, C. Contr. a 1'etude de la thyroi'dectomie. Acad. med. Belg., 1890. - De 1'opotherapie ovarienne dans la maladie de Basedow. These Paris, 1899. MOREL, L. E. L'adrenaline. Progres med.,, Nos. 31 and 32, pp. 65 and 81, 1903. - Les parathyro'ides dans 1'osteogenese. C. r. S. B., 67, p. 780, igog. MORESCO. L'opoterapia soprarenale. Gazz. degli osped., No. 98, igo3. MORI, A. Sull' uso terapeutico del succo renale per iniezioni. Clin. Med. Ital., i8gS. MORISON, B. G. Suprarenal haemorrhage in an infant. Lancet, 1908. MORKOTUN. Uber einen phosphorhaltigen Eiweiszkorper in der Schilddrtise im Zusammenhange mit der Frage tiber die Funktion derselben. Petersb. m. W., 1895. MORLAT, A. Infantilisme et insuffisance surrenale. These de Paris, 74 pp.> Ref. J. d. P. P., 6, p. 166, 1904. 542 LITERATURE MORRIS, H. Primary tumours of the suprarenal .gland and their removal by operation. Brit. Med. Journ., November, 1899. MOSCHINI, A. Sulle alterazioni delle capsule surrenali nella morte da scqttatura. Gaz. med. Lombard., 1905. - Studio sulla capsula soprarenale. Atti Fondaz. Cagnola, Milano, vol. 21, 176 pp., 7 tav. MOSKOWICZ. Zur Technik der Operationen an der Hypophyse. W. k. W., 1907. MOSSE, M. Beitrag zur Lehre von der Autointoxikation beim Morbus Addisonii. F. M., 15, p. 21, 1897. Uber Leberzellenveranderungen nephrektomierter und hungernder Tiere, ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Azidose. Z. k. M., 60, p. 373, 1908. - Zwei Falle von Morbus Basedowii. Reichs-Medizinal-Anz., No. 18, 1905. MOSSE. Etat actuel de 1'opotherapie. VI. C. m. frangaise, Montpellier, 1898. - Note sur deux cas d'acromegalie. C. r. S. B., p. 686, 1895. MOSSE, P., and OULIE. Influence de 1'ovariotomie double et de 1'ingestion d'ovaires sur quelques elements de la secretion urinaire chez la chienne. C. r. S. B., 51, p. 447, 1899. MOSSELMAN and RUBAY. Cryptorchidie et Spermatogenese chez le cheval. Ann. de med. veter. Bruxelles, 1902. Mosso. Le leggi della fatica. Atti della R. Acad. dei Lincei, 1888. MOTT and HALLIBURTON. Physiological action of choline. J. o. P., 24, ix, 1899. The suprarenal capsules in cases of nervous and other diseases. J. o. P., 34, iii, 1906. MOURET, J. Contribution a 1'etude des cellules glandulaires (Pancreas). J. A. P., 1895- - Lesion du pancreas produites par 1'injection d'huile dans le canal de Wirsung. C. r. S. B., pp. 132 and 23, 1895. - Sclerose de greffes du pancreas chez le chien. Ibid., p. 221. MOUSSET. Note sur 1'adrenaline. C. r. S. B., 54, 36, p. 1471, 1903. - Les principes actifs des capsules surrenales, leur emploi en therapeu- tique. Paris, 1903. MOUSSU. Recherches sur les fonctions thyroidienne et parathyroidienne. Paris, 1887. - Effets de la thyroidectomie chez nos animaux domestiques. C. r. S. B., p. 271, 1892. - Sur la fonction thyroidienne. Ibid., p. 972, 1892; pp. 280 and 394, 1893. - Fonction parathyroidienne. Ibid., 1897-98. - De la medication parathyr. C. r. S. B., 51, p. 242, 1899. - Influence de 1'alimentation thyroidienne sur la croissance reguliere. Ibid., p. 241. MOUSSU and LE PLAY. Recherches experimentales relatives a 1'exstirpation et a la destruction des capsules surrenales. Ibid., 66, p. 36, 1909. - Essais de greffes de capsules surrenales sur la rate. Ibid., p. 83, 16 Janvier, 1909. MOXTER. Beitr. zur pathol. Anat. der Akromegalie. Char. Ann., 24, 1894. MOYER, FLEISHER, S., and LOEB, L. The influence of the addition of adrenalin to solutions of sodium chloride upon the production of urine ascites and intestinal fluid. J. E. M., n, pp. 470-479 and 480-488. MUDGE, G. P. On intravascular coagulation in albinos and pigmental animals and on the behaviour of nucleo-proteids of testes in the pro- duction of intravascular coagulation. P. R. S., Ser. B., 79, p. 103, 1907. MUHLMANN, M. Zur Histologie der Nebenniere. V. A., 146, 1896. - Zur Physiologic der Nebenniere. D. m. W., 1896. MULLER, B. Uber die Verwendung der Nebennierenpraparate. W. klin.- ther. W., 1904. - Uber eine kiinstliche Blutleere. M. m. W., 1904. — Zur Anwendung des Suprarenins und Adrenalins bei Blutungen. W. k. R., 1904. MULLER, JOHANNES. Lehrbuch der Physiologic. I, Koblenz, 1844. MULLER, F. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gefaszmuskulatur. A. A., Suppl., p. 41 1, 1906. LITERATURE 543 MtiLLER, H. F. tiber einen bisher nicht beachteten Formbestandteil des Blutes. C. a. P., /, p. 929, 1896. MULLER, L. R. Beitrage zur Histologie der normalen und der erkrankten Schilddriise. Zieglers Beitr., 19, 1896. MULLER, \V. Beitr. z. Lehre von der Addisonschen Krankheit. Diss., Gottingen, 1900. - Das Verhalten der Langerhansschen Inseln beim Diabetes mellitus. Diss., Berlin, 1905. - Uber die Beeinflussung der Menstruation durch zerebrale Herder- krankungen. N. C., p. 790, 1905. MULLER. Uber Ent\vicklung und Bau der Hypophysis cerebri und des Proc. infundibuli. Jena. Zeitschr. f. Nat., 6, 1871. MUNZER, A. Die Hypophyse. Sammelref. B. k. W., 1910. MuLON, P. Note sur la constitution du corps cellulaire des cellules dites spongieuses des capsules surrenales chez le cobaye et le chien. C. r. S. B., 1310, 1902. — Excretion des capsules surrenales du cobaye dans les vaissaux sanguins. Ibid., 54, p. 1540, 1902. — Reaction de Vulpian au niveau des corps surrenaux des plagiostomes. ^ Ibid., 55, p. 1156, 1903. r — Sur une reaction de 1'adrenaline in vitro son application a Tetude des surrenales. Ibid., 56, p. 115, 1904. — Specificite de la reaction chromaffine glandes adrenalogenes. Ibid., ^ 56, p. 113, 1904.^ — Graisse internucleaire dans les surrenales des mammiferes. C. r. A., 129, 1904. — Les glandes hypertensives ou organes chromaffines. A. gen. de med., No. 52, 1904. — Sur la couche germinative de la corticale des surrenales chez le cobaye. C. r. S. B., 57, p. 592, 1905. — Evolution de la corticale surrenale du cobaye avec 1'age de I'animal. Ibid., 57, p. 337, 1905. — Sur la reaction osmique de la medullaire des surrenales. Ibid., p. 757. - Sur le pigment des capsules surrenales (cobaye). Bibliogr. Anat., xiv, pp. 177-182, 1905; ibid., pp. 223-234, 1905. - Parallele entre le corps jaune et la cortico-surrenale chez le cobaye. C. r. S. B., 6i3 p. 292, 1906. - Sur certaines cellules des corps jaunes chez le cobaye. Ibid., p. 615, 1906. - Importance fonctionelle du pigment dans la surrenale. C. r. S. B., 62, p. 905, 1907. - A propos de la fonction des corps jaunes chez le cobaye. Ibid., 64, p. 265, 1908. — Cristaux de pigment dans les surrenales. Bibliogr. Anat., xvi, F. 4, 1907. MUNK, F. Kommen doppeltbrechende Substanzen (Myelin) bei der fettigen Degeneration vor ? Diss., Berlin, 1908. MUNK, H. Untersuchungen Uber die Schilddriise. Ber. d. preusz. Akad., 40, 1887. - Weitere Untersuchungen liber die Schilddriise. Ibid., 1888. - Zur Lehre von der Schilddriise. V. A., 150, 1897; and Ibid., 154, 1898. MUNSCH. L'injection intraveineuse d'adrenaline comme moyen de traitement de la mort apparente. Semaine med., 18 mars, 1903. MUREL. Case of Addison's disease treated unsuccessfully with extract of suprarenal capsules. Lancet, 1896. MURET. De 1'organotherapie. Rev. med. Suisse Rom., 12, 1896. MURRAY, C. R. Myxcrdema, its treatment. Brit. Med. Journ., 1883. - Remarks on the treatment of myxoedema with thyroid juice. Ibid., 1892. — • The signs of early disease of the thyroid gland. Ibid., November 25, 1909. MYERS, W. A preliminary note on the antidotal properties of normal tissue emulsions with respect to cobra poison. Path. Trans., 49, p. 368, 1898. MYRTLE, A. S. Adrenalin in neurotic heart. Brit. Med. Journ., April, 1904. NABARRO, D. N. The proteids of suprarenal capsules. J. o. P., 17, 1895. NAGEL. tiber die Struktur der Nebennieren. A. A. P., 366 ff., 1836. 544 LITERATURE NAGEL, \V. Die weiblichen Geschlechtsorgane. Hdb. d. Anatomic, vii, 1896. NAGY, L. V. tiber die chromaffinen Organe. Orvosi Hetilap, p. 452, 1905. NAKAHARA. tiber Veranderungen des Nebennierenmarks nach Nephro- und Nephrektomien. V. A., 196, pp. 68-73, iQog. NAPIER. Note on administration of animal extracts during the menopause. Brit. Gyn. Journ., 46. NAPP. tiber den Fettgehalt der Nebenniere. V. A., 182, p. 314, 1895. NARBOUTE. L'hypophyse cerebrale et sa signification pour 1'organisme. St. Petersbourg, 1903. NAUNYN. Diabetes mellitus. Nothnagels Hdb., 7, 1898, 2 Aufl., 1906. NAZZARI. Contributo allo studio anatomo-patologico delle cisti dell' ipbfisi cerebrale e dell' infantilismo. II Policlinico, 1906. NEBOUX. Contr. a 1'etude des he'morrhagies surren. d. les infect, et intox. These Paris, 1905. NEFEDIEFF. Serum nephrotoxique. Ann. de I'inst. Pasteur, p. 17, 1901. NELSON, L. tiber das Thymamin : ein Protamin aus der Thymusdriise. A. P. P., 59- NERKING, J. Narkose und Lezithin. M. m. \Y., 1908. — Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Knochenmarkes. B. Z., 10, p. 167, 1908. — Zur Verteilung des Lezithins im tierischen Organismus. Ibid., p. 193, 1908. NESS, R., and BARCLAY. Case of probable Addison's disease associated with leucoderma and tuberculosis. Glasgow Journ., October, 1900. NETTER, A. Le chlorure de calcium dans la tetanie, les spasmes de la glotte, la laryngite striduleuse, les convulsions. Revue neur. d. mal. d'enfants, p. 187, 1907. NETTER, E. Die Behandlung der Rhachitis mit Nebennierensubstanz. J. K., p. 600, 1900; ibid., 52, p. 601. NEU, M. Experimentelles zur Anwendung des Suprarenins in der Geburt- shilfe. Gynak. Rundsch., p. 507, 1907. - Verwendbarkeit des Suprarenins in der geburtshilflichen Therapie. Th. G., 1907. - Adrenalin bei Osteomalakie. C. G., 31, 38, 1907. - Untersuchungen liber die Bedeutung des Suprarenins fur die Geburt- shilfe. A. G., 85, pp. 617-711, 1908. NEUBAUER, E. 1st der Unterschied im Verhalten der Glykogenbildung aus Lavulose bzw. Dextrose beim Diabetes fur diesen charakteristisch ? A. P. P., 61, 1909. NEUBAUER, O., and LANGSTEIX, L. Uber die chemische und biologische Bedeutung der Osmiumschwarzung. V. d. N. A., Karlsbad, 1902. NEUBERG. Zur chemischen Kenntnis der Melanome. V. A., 192, p. 514, 1908. - Enzymatische Umwandlung von Adrenalin. B. Z., 8, p. 383, 1908. NEUBERT, W. Uber Glykogenbefunde in der Hypophyse und im Zentral- nervensystem. Zieglers Beitr., 45, igog. NEUGEBAUER, F. Eine Gefahr des Adrenalins. C. Ch., p. 1417, 1903. - Hermaphrodismus beim Menschen. Leipzig, 1908. NEUHAUSER. Liber die Fortentwicklung jugendlicher in die Niere im- plantierer Nebennieren. D. m. W., igog. NEUJEAN, V. Contr. a 1'etude exp. de 1'adrenaline. Arch. int. de pharma- codyn., 13, p. 45, igo4. NEUMANN, H. tiber den mongoloiden Typus der Idiqtie. B. k. W., i8gg. - Heilung eines Falles von Addisonscher Krankheit. D. m. W., 1894. - tiber das Zusammentreffen von Graviditat u. Diabetes mellitus. Z. k. M., 69, 1909. NEUMANN, M. Zur Kenntnis der Zirbeldriisengeschwulste. Monatschr. f. Psych., 9, 1901. NEUMANN, P. Ein neuer Fall von Teratom der Zirbeldriise. Di§s., Konigsb., 1900. NEUMANN and VASS. Uber den Einfluss der Ovariumpraparate auf den Stoffwechsel. M. G. G., 15. NEURATH, R. Die vorzeitige Geschlechtsentwicklung. Erg. d. inn. Med. u. Kinderheilk., 4, ii, 46, igog. - Die vorzeitige Geschlechtsentwicklung (Menstruatio praecox). W. m. W., 1909. LITERATURE 545 NEUSSER. Die Pellagra in Osterreich und Rumiinien. Wien, 1887. - Die Erkrankungen cler Nebennieren. Nothnagels Handb., 18, 1899. NEUSSER, v., and WIESEL. Die Erkrankungen der Nebennieren. \\"ien, IQIO. NICCOLLINI, C. Sulla citotossica renali. Boll, dclla R. Accad. di Geneva, xvii, No. 6. NICHOLSON, B. ST. Abnormal position of suprarenal gland. Brit. Med. Journ., 1894. NlCOLAIDE and MELLNISSOS. Untersuchungen liber einige intra- und cxtranu- cleare Gebilde im Pankreas der Saugetiere auf ihre Beziehung zu der Sekretion. A. A. P., i8go. NICOLAS, A. Contribution a 1'etude des cellules glandulaires. Les elements des canicules du rein primitif chez Ics mammiferes. I. M., viii, 1891. - Le protoplasma des elements des glandes albumineuses. A. d. 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Policlinico, 12, 1905. - Le moclificazione del pancreas dopo Pocclusione dei canali pancreatici. Ric. Lab. Anat. Roma, 1907. - Utenore contr. alia questione dei rapporti fra pancreas e diabete. I! Tommasi, 1907. PENZA, A. Osservazioni sulla distribuzione dei vasi sanguigni e nervi del pancreas. Boll, della Soc. medico-chirurg. di Pavia. 24 giugno, 1904. PEPERE, A. Sulla penetrazione delle capsule surrenali accessorie dei paren- chimi degli organi addominali. Monit. zool. Ital., 24, pp. 261-273, 1903. - Schwangerschaftseklampsie und Parathyroidkorpeninsufficienz. V. d. Ital. path. G. in Rom, 1905: Ref. C. a. P., 17, p. 313, 1906. - Della cosidetta sostanza colloide paratiroidea. Clinica Moderna, 13, fasc. 16. - Le ghiandole paratiroidea. Ricerche anatomico e sperimentale. Torino, 1906. - Di un sistema paratiroides assessoria (timica) costante in alcuni mammi- fere. Giorn. - Sur les modifications de structure du tissu parathyroidien. A. m. e., 20, 1908. - Real. Accad. medica di Torino, 1907, Nos. 7-8, 1909. PEPPER, W. A study of congenital sarcoma of the liver and suprarenal, with report of a case. A. J. M. Sc., March, 1901. PEREMESCHKO. liber den Bau des Hirnanhangs. V. A., 38. PERRIN, M., and JEANDELIZE, P. Sur la posologie des produits opotherapeu- tiques. IXe Cong, frang. de Med., Paris, 1907. - Moindre resistance des lapins thyroidectomises a 1'intoxication par le chlorure mercurique. C. r. S. B., 67, pp. 849 and 851, 1909. PERSHING. A case of acromegaly, &c. Journ. of Nerv. and Ment. Dis., 21, 1894. PETERS, C. Zur Anwendung des Adrenalins und ahnlicher Nebennieren- praparate in der Gynakologie. Der Frauenarzt, No. 12, 1904. PETERSEN. Anatomische Studie iiber die Glandulae parathyroideae des Menschen. V. A., 174, p. 413, 1903- PETITJEAN. Action de quelques medicaments vasomoteurs sur la circulation pulmonaire. J. d. P. P., 10, p. 412, 1908. PETREN. Uber das gleichzeitige Vorkommen von Akromegalie. V. A., 190, p. i, 1907. PETRONE and BAGALA. Le modificazioni della milza e del timo in alcune anemic sperimentali. La Pediatria, p. 505, 1903. PETTIT, A. Sur les capsules surrenales de Pormthorynchus paradoxus. Bull. Soc. Zool., 25 decembre, 1894. - Sur les capsules surrenales et la circulation porte surrenale des Reptiles. Ibid., 10 decembre, 1895. - Remarques anatomiques et physiologiques sur les capsules surrenales des Teleosteens et des Dipnoiques. Bull. d. Mus., No. i, 1896. Sur les capsules surrenales et la circulation porte surrenales des Oiseaux. Ibid., No. 3, 1896. 552 LITERATURE PETTIT, A. De Faction de quelques substances toxiques sur la glande surrenale. Ibid., No. 4, 1896. - Sur le mode de fonctionnement de la glande surrenale. C. r. S. B., 1896. - Recherches sur les capsules surrenales. Journ. de Tanat. et de la phys. Par. Annee 32, pp. 301-362 and 369-419; and These de Paris, 1896. - Modifications structurales des glandes surrenales developpees chez des nouveau-nes son 1'influence des maladies de la mere. Cinquantenaire de la Soc. de Biol., p. 516, Paris, 1899. PEUKER. Uber einen neuen Fall v. kongen. Defekt d. Schilddriise. Z. H., 20, 1899. PEXA, VACLAV. O purodo tetanic detske. (Uber Atiologie der Tetanie bei Kindern.) Sbornik lekarsky, x, H. 4, 1909. PFAUXDLER, M. Zur Anatomic der Xebennieren. S. W. A., 101, p. 518, 1892. PEEIFFER, W. M. Uber Addisonsche Krankheit. Diss., Freiburg i. P., 1896. PFEIFFER, H., and MAYER, O. Uber funktionstiichtige Einheilung v. trans- plantiert. Epithelkorperchen. W. k. W., 1907. - Exper. Beitr. z. Kenntnis d. Epithelkorperchenfunktion. M. G. M. C., 18, 1907. PFEIFFER, TH., and SCHOLZ, W. Stoffwechsel bei Paralysis agitans und im Senium. Einfluss der Schilddriisentabletten. D. A. k. M., 63, 369, 1899. PFORRIXGER. Zur Entstehung des Hautpigments bei Morbus Addison. C. a. P., n, i, 1900. PFLUGER, E. Uber die das Geschlecht bestimmenden Ursachen und die Geschlechtsverhaltnisse des Frosches. P. A., 29, 1882. - Die teleologische Mechanik der lebendigen Natur. Ibid., 15, Bonn, 1877. - Uber die Eierstocke der Saugetiere und des Menschen. Leipzig, 1863. - Uber die Bedeutung u. Ursache d. Menstruation. Unters. a. d. phys. Labor., Bonn, 1865. - Le glycogene. Dictionn. de physiol. (Ch. Richet.), Paris, 1905. - Das Glykogen und seine Beziehungen zur Zuckerkrankheit. 2 Aufl., Bonn, 1906. - Ob die Totalexstirpation des Pankreas mit Notwendigkeit Diabetes bedingt. P. A., 106, 1905. - Ein Beitrag zur Frage nach dem Ursprung des _im Pankreasdiabetes ausgeschiedenen Zuckers. Ibid., 108, H. 3-5, Mai, 1905. - Das Fett wird als Quelle des Zuckers sichergestellt. Ibid., 108, H. 8-9. - Prof. Minkowskis Abwehr gegen meine ihn treffende Kritik. Eine Antwqrt. Ibid., no, H. 1-2. - Uber die durch chirurgische Operationen angeblich erzeugten Gly- kosurien. Nachtrag zu meiner zweiten Antwort an O. Minkowski. Ibid., in, 1906. - Ob der Zucker im Harn durch Garung mit Sicherheit nachgewiesen werden kann. (Eine Antwort an E. Salkowski.) P. A., in. - Untersuchungen iiber den Pankreasdiabetes. Ibid., 118, 1907. - Uber den Einfluss einseitiger Ernahrung oder Nahrungsmangels auf den Glykqgengehalt des tierischen Korpers. Ibid., 119, H. 3-4, 1907. — Uber die Natur der Krafte, durch welche das Duodenum den Kohle- hydratstoffwechsel beeinflusst. Ibid., 119, H. 5, 1907. - Bemerkungen zu Rud. Ehrmanns Exstirpationen des Duodenums. Ibid., 119, H. 5, 1907. - Unter gewissen Lebensbedingungen nimmt die im Tierkorper enthaltene Menge des Glykogens trotz vollkommener, iiber Monate sich aus- dehnender Entziehung der Nahrung fortwahrend erheblich zu. Ibid., 120, H. 6-9, 1907. - Uber den Duoclenaldiabetes der Warmbluter. Ibid., 122 and 267, 1908. - Durch neue Experimente gestiitzte Bemerkungen zu den jiingsten Arbeiten iiber den Duodenaldiabetes des Hundes. P. A., 123, p. 323, 1908. - Uber die durch Resektion des Duodenums bedingten Glykosurien. Ibid., 124, H. 1-2, 1908. - Die Aufklarung, welche Errico de Renzi und Enrico Reale soeben (August, 1908) iiber ihre den Duodenaldiabetes betreffenden Versuche gegeben haben. Ibid., 124, H. 11-12, 1908. LITERATURE 553 PFLUGER, E. Uber Parabiose und Pankreasdiabetes. Ibid., 124, H. 11-12, 1908. - Experimentelle Untersuchung iiber den Darmdiabetes. Ibid., 128, H. 3, IQOQ. —Ob d. Entwickl. d. sekund. Geschlechtscharakt. v. Nervensystem abhangt. P. A., 116, 1907. PHILIPEAUX. Note sur 1'exstirpation des capsules surrenales chez les rats albinos. (Mus rattus.) C. r. A., 43, pp. 904 and 1155, 10 novembre and 22 decembre, 1856. - Ablation successive des capsules surrenales, de la rate et des corps thyroides sur des animaux qui survivent a Toperation. Ibid., 44, p. 396, 23 fevrier, 1857. PHILIPS. Addison's disease with simple atrophy of the adrenals. J. E. M., 4, p. 581, 1899. PHILOCHE. Action comparee de 1'amylase et du sue pancreatique sur le glycogene et 1'amidon. C. r. S. B., 57, i, p. 263, 1905. Pic and BOXXAMOUR. Contribution a 1'etude du determinisme de Tatherome aortique experimental. Ibid., 57, ii, p. 219, 1905; J. d. P. P., p. 460, 1906. PICK, E. P., and PINELES, F. Uber die Beziehungen der Schilddriise zum Gefasssystem. V. 25; C. M., p. 360, 1908. - Uber die Beziehungen der Schilddriise zur physiologischen Wirkung des Adrenalins. B. Z., 12, pp. 473-484, 1908. - Unters. lib. d. physiologisch wirksame Substanz d. Schilddriise. Z. e. P., 7, 1999. PICK, F. Uber Beeinflussung d. ausstrom. Blutmenge durch d. Gefassweite andernde Mittel. A. e. P., 42, 1899. PICK, L. Die Marchandschen Nebennieren und ihre Neoplasmen nebst Untersuchungen iiber glykogenreiche Eierstockgeschwiilste. A. G., 64, pp. 670-835, u. Festschr. f. L. Landau; B. G. G., pp. 434-603, 1901. Tetanic und Graviditiit. C. G., p. 1312, 1902. - Uber Umbildungen am Genitale bei Zwittern. A. G., 76, p. 191, 1905. PICKART, M. Die Beeinflussung des Stoffwechsels bei Morbus Addisonii durch Nebennierensubstanz. B. k. W., 1898. PlERSOL. Uber die Entwicklung der embryonalen Schlundspalten und ihrer Derivate bei Saugetieren. Z. w. Z., 47. PILLIET, A. H. Tuberculose d'une capsule surrenale sans melanodermie. Bull, de la Soc. anat., 65, 4, octobre-novembre, 1890. - Debris Wolffien surrenal de l'epidid}"me chez le nouveau-ne. Bull. Soc. anat., 65, p. 471, 1890. - Recherches sur 1'adenome des capsules surrenales. Ibid., 66, avril, 1891. - Capsule surrenale dans le plexus solaire. Ibid., 66, pp. 267-268, 1891. - Capsule surrenale situee sous la capsule fibreuse du rein droit. Ibid., 68, 1893- - Etude htstologique sur les alterations seniles de la rate, du corps thyroide et des capsules surrenales. A. m. e., 5, 1893. - Pigmentation et hemorrhagies experimentales des capsules surrenales. C. r. S. B., pp. 97-99, ^94- - Etude experimentale sur les lesions des capsules surrenales dans quelques empoisonnements. A. d. P., 27, 1895. PILLIET, A. H., and VEAU, V. Capsule surrenale aberrante du ligament large. C. r. S. B., pp. 64-68, 1897. PIXELES, F. Die Beziehungen der Akromegalie zum Myxodem und zu anderen Blutdriisenerkrankungen. Volkmanns Samml., N. F., 242, 1899. - Uber die Beziehungen der Akromegalie zum Diabetes mellitus. Jahrb. Wien. Krankenanst., 1899. - Uber Thyreoaplasie (kongenitales Myxodem) u. infantiles Myxodem. W. k. W., 1902. - Zur Physiologic und Pathologic der Schilddriise. Ibid., 1904. - Klinische und experimentelle Beitrage zur Physiologic der Schilddriise und der Epithelkorperchen. M. G. M. C., 14, 1904. Uber die Funktion der Epithelkorperchen. S. A. W., 113, 1904; and 117, 1908. - Zur Pathogenese der Tetanic. D. A. k. M., 85, 1906. Tetaniestar - - Zuckerstar -- Altersstar. W. k. \V., 1906. - Zur Pathogenese der Kindertetanie. Jahrb. f. Kinderkh., 66, 1907. 554 LITERATURE Pl.XKLES, F. Behandlung der Tetanic mit Epithelkorperpraparaten. Arb. neurol. Inst., 1907. - Uber parathyreogenen Laryngospasmus. W. k. \Y., 1908. PIRCHE. Influence de la castration sur le squelette. These Lyon, 1902. PIRONE, R. Contribution a 1'etude des tumeurs renales d'origine surrenale hypernephromes). Arch, de scienc. biol., 10, No. i, 1903. Nouvelle contribution a 1'etude des tumeurs des reins d'origine surrenale (hypernephromes). A. m. e., 1903. - Sulla fina struttura e sui fenomeni di secrezione delT ipofisi. A. d. F., ,2, 1905- - L hypophyse dans la rage. A. m. e., p. 688, septembre, 1906. PIRRONE, D. Contr. sper. allo studio della funzione dell' ipofisi. Rif. med., 19, 1903. PISENTI. Sulla interpret, da darsi ad alcune particolarita istol. d. gland. pituitaria. Gazz. d. Osp., 16, 1895. PISENTI and VIOLA. Beitrag zur normalen und pathologischen Histologic der Hypophysis, etc. C. m. W., 28, 1890. PiscHINGER, D. Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Pankreas. Diss., Miinchen. Pi SUNER and TURRO. Sur 1'inconstance de la glycosurie apres 1'exstirpation totale de Pancreas. C. r. S. B. , 66, 1909. PITINI, A. Influenza dell' adrenalina sulla secrezione biliare. A. int. Pharmac., 16, 1906. Ricerche farmacologiche sugli amminochetoni. Nota II. Arch, di Farmac., 12, 1907. PITTARD. La castration chez 1'homme. C. r. A., 1903. PLAUT, H. W., and STEELE, P. Treatment of serous effusions by injection of adrenalin chloride. Brit. Med. Journ., July 15, 1905. PLATO, J. Die interstitiellen Zellen der Hoden und ihre physiologische Bedeutung. A. m. A., 48, 1896. - Zur Kenntnis der Anatomic und Physiologic an Geschlechtsorganen. Ibid., 50, 1897. PLAY, L., and CORPECHOT. Action des Nephrolysines. C. r. S. B., p. 207, 1904. PLOSS, H. Das Weib in Natur- und Volkerkunde. Herausg. von Bartels. 6 Aufl., 1899. PLUMIER, L. Action de 1'adrenaline sur la circulation cardiopulmonaire. J. d. P. P., 6, pp. 655-670, 1904. PLECNIK, O. Zur Histologie der Nebenniere des Menschen. A. m. A., 60, p. 4M, 1 902. POCHON. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Langerhansschen Inseln des Pankreas. A. wiss. u.'prakt. Tierrheilk., 34, p. 581, Oktober, 1908; Bph. C., iii, No. 1719. POEHL. Einwirkung des Spermins auf den Stoffumsatz bei Autointoxika- tionen. Z. k. M., 26, 1894. - Verwendung physiologischer Katalysatoren als Heilmittel. D. m. W., 1903. POEHL, A., TARCHANOFF and WACHS. Rationnelle Organotherapie. Ubersetzt aus dem Russischen. Petersburg, 1905. POLL, H. Uber das Schicksal der verpflanzten Nebenniere. C. P., 1898. - Veranderungen der Nebenniere bei Transplantation. A. m. E., 54, 1899 ; Diss., 1900. - Die Anlage der Zwischenniere bei den Haifischen. Ibid., 62, pp. 138- 174, 1903. - Nebenniere, Enzyklopadie der mikroskopischen Technik (herausgegeben von Ehrlich, Krause, Mosse, Rosin, Weigcrt), 2, pp. 920-925, 1903. - Die Anlage der Zwischenniere bei der europaischen Sumpfschildkrote (Emys europaea) nebst allgemeinen Bemerkungen iiber die Stammes- und Entwicklungsgeschichte des Interrenalsystems der Wirbeltiere. I. M., 21, pp. 195-291, 1904- - Allgemeines zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Zwischenniere. A. A., 24, 1904. - Die yergleichende Entwicklungsgeschichte der Nebenniercnsysteme der Wirbeltiere. O. Hertwigs Handb. d. vergl. u. exp. Entwicklungs- gesch., iii, i, pp. 442-618, 1006. - Die Biologie der Nebennierensysteme. Zusammenfassender Bericht B. k. W., 648, 1886, 1973; 1909. LITERATURE 555 POLL, H. Zur Lehre von der Nebennierentransplantation. A. A. P., 1906; M. K., 1905. - Gibt es Nebennieren bei Wirbellosen ? G. d. naturf. Fr., Berlin, igo8; S. pr. A. W., 36 and 88Q, 1909. POLL, H., and SOMMER, A. Uber phaochrome Zellen irn Zcntralnerven- system. V. Physiol. Ges. Berlin, p. 77, Jg., 1902-1903. POLLAK, L. Demonstration eines Falles von Morbus Addisonii. W. k. W., 1909. - Experimentelle Studien Uber Adrenalindiabetes. A. P. P., 61, p. 149, 1909. Kritisches und Experimcntelles zur Klassifikation der Glykosurien. Ibid., 61, p. 157. - Untersuchungen bei Morbus Addisonii. W. m. W., 1910. POLLAK, O. Kritisch-experimentelle Studien zur Klinik der puerperalen Eklampsie. Wicn, 1904. POLTE. Paranephrin, ein neues Nebennierenpraparat. Arch. Augenh., 51, p. 54, 1904. POXCET. Influence de la castration sur le develop, du squelette. Congr. Ass. franc.., Havre, 1877. PONFICK. Myxodem und Hypophysis. Z. k. M., 35 and 38, 1899. - Uber die Beziehungen zivischen Myxodem und Akromegalie. C. a. P., 1899. - Zur Lehre vom Myxodem. Verb. d. p. G., 1899. POXTOPPIDAX. Ein Fall von Tumor der ZirbeldrUse. N. C., p. 553, 1885. POOL. Tetany parathyreopriva. Ann. of Surg., October, 1907. POPIELSKI, L. Uber das peripherisch reflektorische Nervencentrum d. Pan- kreas. P. A., 86, 1901. - Die Sekretionstatigkeit der Bauchspeicheldriise unter dem Einfluss von Salzsaure und Darmextrakt (des sog. Sekretins). P. A., 120, p. 451, 1907. - tiber den Charakter der Sekretionstatigkeit des Pankreas unter dem Einfluss von Salzsaure und Darmextrat. Ibid., 121, H. 5-6, 1908. — Uber die Wirkungsweise des Chlorbaryum, Adrenalin und Pepton Witte auf den peripherischen, vasomotorischen Apparat. A. P. P., Suppl., pp. 434-442, 1908. - Uber eine neue blutdrucksteigernde Substanz des Organismus auf Grund von Untersuchungen von Extrakten von Glandula Thymus. Speichel- driisen, Schilddriisen, des Pankreas und Gehirns. C. P., 23, p. 137, 1909. - Uber die physiologischen und chemischen Eigenschaften des Peptons Witte. P. "A., 126, H. 9-10, 1909. - Uber die physiologische Wirkung von Extrakten aus samtlichen Teilen des Verdauungskanales (Magen, Dick- und Dunndarm) sowie des Gehirns, Pankreas und Blutes und Uber die chemischen Eigenschaften der darin wirkenden Korper. Ibid., 128, H. 4-5, 1909. POPIELSKI, L., and PANEK, K. Chemische Untersuchung Uber das Vaso- dilatin, den wirksamen Korper der Extrakte aus samtlichen Teilen des Verdauungskanales, dem Gehirn, Pankreas und Pepton Witte. P. A., 128, 1909. POPPER, R. Uber die Wirkungen des Thymusextraktes. S. W. A., 114, 1905 ; ibid., 1 15, 1906. POPPER. Das Verhaltnis des Diabetes zu Pankreasleiden und Fettsucht. Ost. Z. f. prakt. Heilk., No. n, 1868. PORCHER. Sur la physiologic de la mamelle. Journ. de 1'ec. vet. de Lyon, 15 septembre, 1905. FORGES, M. Exp. Beitr. z. Wirkung u. Nachwirkung v. SchilddrUsengift. B. k. W., 1900. PORGES, O. Wirkung der Nebenniere auf den Blutzucker. Ibid., p. 2817, 1908. — Diskussionsbemerk. zu. Pollak. " Ein Fall von Morbus Addisonii." W. k. W., 1909. - Uber Hypoglycamie bei Morbus Addisonii sowie bei nebennierenlosen Hunden. Z. k. M., 69, p. 341, 1909- POROSZ, M. Das Tonogen suprarenale sec. Richter, Adstringens und Anastheticum. Monatsschr. f. Dermat., 39, 1904. PORTIS, M. Experimental study of the thyrotoxic serum. Journ. of Infect. Dis., i, p. 127. 556 LITERATURE POSCHARISKI, J. F. Uber Hypernephrome. Wratschcb. Gaz., N-. 41, 1904. POSNER, C. Die norm. u. path. Physiol. d. Prostata. Cong. int. d'urologie., i, 1908. POSPELOW, J., and GAUTIER-DUFOYER, E. W. Zur Kasuistik und Patho- genese des Melasma suprarenale. (Morbus Addisonii.) Arch. f. Derm. u. Syph., 66, 3, p. 355, 1903. POSPISCHIL. Uber Diphtherietherapie. Versuch einer Behandlung der schwersten Falle mit Adrenalin-Kochsalzinjektionen. W. k. W., 1908. POSSEK, R. Lassen sich Linsentriibungen organtherapeutisch beeinflussen ? W. k. W., 1909. POSSELT. Bericht Uber fiinf zur Obduktion gelangte Falle von Morbus Addisonii. Ibid., pp. 630, 652, 672, 714, 1894. - Morbus Addisonii. Ibid., pp. 17 and 24, 1897. POTSEK. Schilddriise und Auge. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenhk., Beilageheft, 1907. POTTIEN. Beitrage zur Addisonschen Krankheit. Diss., Gottingen, 1889. POWER, D'ARCY. Symmetrical tubercular disease of the suprarenal capsules. Path. Trans., xi, p. 300, 1890. - Case of haemorrhages into the suprarenal capsule of both sides. Lancet, April 5, 1890. PRANDI, T. Syndrome myasthenique post-typhoidique. Gaz. degli osped., 28, 1907. PREGL, F. Zwei weit. ergograph. Vers. ub. d. Wirk. orchitischen Extraktes. P. A., 62, 1896. PRENANT, A. Etude sur la structure du tube seminifere des Mammiferes. These de Nancy, 1887. - Contribution a 1'etude du developpement organique et histologique du thymus, de la glande thyroide et de la glande carotidienne. La Cellule, 10, i, 1900. - Sur le developpement des glandes accessories de la glande thyroide, etc. An. An., xii, 1896. - Rectification au sujet de la commun. de M. Maurer : Die Schlundspalten- derivate von Echiona. Ibid., xvi, 1899. - De la valeur morphologique du corps jaune son action physiologique et therapeutique possible. R. gen. d. sc., 1898. PRESBEANU, N. De 1'hypophyse dans I'acromegalie. These de Paris, 1909. PREVOST, J. L., and MIONI, J. Convulsions de la thyroide par courants alternatifs apres exstirpation. C. r. S. B., 57, p. 69, 1905. PRIBRAM, H. Beitr. z. Kenntn. d. Schicksals d. Cholesterins u. d. Chlosterin- ester. B. Z., i, 1906. PRIBRAM, E., and PORGES. Uber den Einfluss verschiedenartiger Diat- formen auf den Grundumsatz bei Morbus Basedowii. W. k. W., 1908. PRIEUR, G. Le tabac et 1'appareil vasculaire. These de Paris, 1905. PROCA, G. Insuffisance thyroidienen et bacillus mucinogenes de 1'eau. C. r. S. B., 60, p. 989. PROTOPOPOFF. Action de 1'adrenaline sur la circulation intracranienne (russisch), Ref. J. d. P. P., 6, p. 1122, 1904; and 7, p. 145, 1905. PROUCHINSKY, J. Uber den Einfluss von Adrenalin auf das Zirkulations- system. (finn.). Ibid., 6, p. 1121, 1904; and W. k. W., 1904. PROUST, R. La chirurgie de 1'hypophyse. Journ. de chir., 1908. PRUNEAU. Note sur la secretion interne du testicule. Rec. de Med. veterinaire, 1900. PRYM. Milz und Pankreas. II. Teil. Versuche mit Infusen beider Organe. P. A., 107. PUECH. Des Ovaires et leur anomalies. Paris, Levy. PUPPEL, E. Behandlung der Osteomalakie mit Nebennierenpraparaten. C. G., 1907. PURTSCHER, D. Uber Starbildung und Kropf operation. Cbl. f. Augenh. , 1909. PUTNAM. Case of myxcedema and acromegaly, treated by sheeps' thyroids. A. J. M. S., June, 1893. The clinical aspects of the internal secretions. Ibid., 1898. PUGLIESE. Zur Lehre v. d. Schilddriise v. H. Munk. V. A., 150, 1897. - Wirkung v. Thyreoideapraparaten nach Exstirpation d. Schilddriise. P. A., 72, 1898. PUGNAT, CH. A. Recherches sur 1'histologie du pancreas des oiseaux. J. A. P., 33, P. 268. LITERATURE 557 PUGXAT, CH. A. Xote sur la structure histologique du pancreas des oiseaux C. r. S. B., 48, p. 1071. QUADRI, G. Un caso di albuminuria delle gravido curato con la para- tiroidina. Gaz. Osp. e cliniche, No. 116, 1908. QUEXU and LEJARS. Etude sur la systeme circulatoire. Paris, 1894. QUERVAIN DE. Uber Yeranderungen des Zentralnervensystems bei exp. Cachexia thyreopriva der Tiere. V. A., 133, 1893. QUEST, ROBERT. Uber den Einfluss der Ernahrung auf die Erregbarkeit des Nervensystems im Sauglingsalter. \V. k. W., igo6. - Uber die Bedeutung der Nebennieren in der Pathologic und Therapie der Rachitis. Z. e. P., 5, p. 43. QuiNCKE, H. Uber Athyreosis im Kindesalter. D. m. W., 1900. RABAUD, E. Foetus humain paracephalien hemiacephale. J. A. P., 39, 1903. RABL, C. Theorie des Mesoderms. Morph. Jahrb., 19, pp. 85-144, 1893. - Uber die Entwicklung des Urogenitalsystems der Selachier. Ibid., 24, p. 756, 1896. — Zur Bildungsgeschichte des Halses. P. m. \\ ., 1886. RABL, H. 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B. k. W., 1904. SABOLOTNOW, P. Zur Lehre von den Nierengeschwiilsten suprarenalen Ursprungs. Ziegl. B., 41, 1907. SABRAZES, J., and BONNES, J. Examen du sang dans 1'acromegalie. C. r. S. B., 57, 1905. LITERATURE 563 SABRAZES, J., and HUSNOT, P. Hypertrophie avec adenomes enkystes mul- tiples des surrenales chez les vieillards. C. .r. S. B., 61, p. 445, igo6. Tissu interstitiel, macrophages et cellules a 1'engrais des capsules sur- renales chez 1'homme et les animaux. Gaz. hebd. de Bordeaux, 1907. Tissu interstitiel des glandes surrenales. Folia hsematol., iv, 10,07. - Nevromes et fibromes des surrenales. A. m. e., 20, 1908. SACAZE. Syphilis avec syndrome Addisonien. Gaz. des hop., p. 58, 1895. SACCHI. Di un caso di gigantismo infantile con Tumore del testicolo. Riv. sper. di freniatria, 21, p. 149, 1895. SACHS, H. Die Cytotoxine des Blutserums. B. C., i, 1903. SACERDOTE. A proposite d. Marassini : " Sopra una particolarita, etc." Riv d. Fisic. Sc. Nat. Pavia, 9, 1908. SACERDOTTI, C. Sui nervi della tiroide. Ace. d. Torino, 29, 1893. - Uber die Nerven der Schilddriise. I. M., n, 1894. SAINTON, P. Les troubles psychiques dans les alterations des glandes a secretion interne. L'Encephale, Nos. 3 and 4, 1906. - Pathogenic et traitement du goitre exophtalmique. IXe Congr. franc m., 1907. SAINTON, P., and FERNET, JEAN. Corps thyroi'de et glande mammaire. Progr. med., 1908. SAINTON, P., and FERRAND, J. L'adipose douloureux ou maladie de Dercum. Gaz. des hop., p. 957, 1903. SAINTON, P., and PISANTE. Goitre exopht. traite par le serum de mouton ethyroide. Revue Neurol., p. 1109, 1904. SAINTON, P., and RATHERY, F. Myxaedeme et tumeur de 1'hypophyse. Soc. med. hop., 1908. ST. REMY. Contribution a 1'histologie de 1'hypophyse. C. r. A., 1892; and A. B., 12, 1892. — • Sur la signification morph. de la poche pharyngienne de Seessel. C. r. S. B., 1895. SAIZ, G. Beitrag zum Vorkommen u. zur Behandlung der Tetanic. W. k. W., 1908. SAJOUS, DE. The internal secretions and the principles of medicine. I, Philadelphia, 1903. — Physiological action and uses of adrenal extractives. Med. Rec. New York, 70, p. 800, 1906. - Les secretions internes, 1'appareil hypophyseo-surrenal, son role a 1'etat normal et a 1'etat pathologique. IXe Congr. frang. de med. Paris, 1907; Gaz. des. hop., 1908. SAKORRAPHOS, M. Examen du sang dans Pacromegalie. C. r. S. B., 57, p. 831, 1905. SALECKER. Verwendung v. Nebennierensubstanzen z. brtlichen Analge- sierung. D. militararztliche Z., p. 1904. SALMON. L'hypophyse et la pathogenic de la maladie de Basedow. Rev. de med., 1905. - Sur 1'origine du sommeil. Ibid., 26, p. 368, 1906. SALOMON. Gaswechsel bei Morbus Basedow u. Akromegalie. L. O., 5, 1900; B. k. W., 1904. SALTYKOW. Atherosklerose bei Kaninchen nach wiederholten Staphylokken- injektionen. Ziegiers Beitrage, 43, p. 147, 1908. - Uber experimentelle Arteriosklerose. V. d. D. p. G. , 1908; C. a. P., 19, 1908. - Experimentelle Forschung in der Lehre der Arteriosklerose. C. f. Stoffw., iii, 1908. SALVIOLI. Du mode d'agir de 1'extrait des capsules surrenales sur le tissu musculaire lisse. A. i. B., 37. SALVIOLI and CARRARO. Sulla fisiologia dell' ipfisio. Arch, scienze med., 31, 1907; and A. i. B., 49, 1908. SALVIOLI and PEZZOLINI. Sur les differents modes d'agir des extraits medul- laire et cortical des capsules surrenales. A. i. B., 37, p. 380. — Contr. a 1'etude de la fonction des capsules surrenales. Ibid., 37, p. 390. SALZER, H. Zur Entwicklung d. hypophyse bei Saugern. A. m. A., 51, 1898. - Zur Frage der Schilddriisentransplantation. A. k. Ch., 89; W. k. "\V., 1909. SAMBERGER, F. Uber die Wirkung wiederholter Injectionen von Nebcn- nierenextrakt. W. k. Rundschau, p. 577, 1902. 564 LITERATURE SAMUEL. Uber Gewebssafttherapie und innere Sekretion. D. m. W., 1909. SANCTIS DE, S. Gli infantilisme. Riv. Sperim. di Fren., 31, 1905. SANDES. The corpus luteum of Dasyurus viverrinus. Zit nach Sobotta. SANDMEYER. Die Folgen der partiellen Pankreasexstirpation beim Hunde Z. B., 31, 1894. SANDSTROM, J. Uber eine neue Driise beim Menschen und bei verschiedenen Saugetieren. Ref. in Hofmann-Schwalbes Jahresb., ix, i Abt. ; Schmidts Jahrb., 1880. SANO, T. Uber die Entgiftung v. Strychnin u. Kokain d. d. Ruckenmark. P. A., 120, 1907. SANQUIRICO. Sur 1'exstirpation du corps thyroide. A. i. B., 9, 1888. SANQUERICO and ORECCHIA. Accad. d. Fisiol. d. Siena, 6, 1887 and 1893. SANSOM. Addison's disease treated by suprarenal extract. Brit. Med. Journ., November 16, 1895. SANTI RINDONE LO RE. Sulla estirpazione delle capsule surrenali. Rif. med., 1895. SANTIDE. Parathyroidgeschwulst. Laryng. Ges., London, 1899; Int. Cbl. f. Laryng. ^ 1900. SARTIRANA. Neuer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der zytotoxischen Sera. C. f. B., 36, 37, 1904. SATA. Uber die VVirkung und die Spezifitat der Zytotoxine im Organismus. Zieglers Beitr., 36 and 39, 1906. SATRE, A. Insuffisance hypophysaire traite avec succes par 1'opotherapie. Dauphine medical, 1907. SAUERBECK, E. Die Langerhansschen Inseln des Pankreas und ihre Bezie- hung zum Diabetes mellitus. V. A., 177, Suppl. u. L. O., 8, p. 473, 1902. — Zur Frage des Pankreaszytolysins. Kritische Bemerkung. C. f. B., 34, 1905- - Neue Exper. z. Frage n. d. Bedeutung d. Langerhansschen Inseln. V. d. p. G. , 1904. SAUR£, L. Physiologic du Pancreas. Arch. gen. de med., p. 25, 1908. SAVAGNONE, E. Contr. alia conosc. della fine struttura dell' ipofisio. Riv. ital. di Neuropath., In Patalog. , i, 1909. SAVARI, M. Ub. d. giftigen Bestandteil des Hams bei Eklampsie. H. B., n, 1907. SAVIOTTI, G. Untersuchungen iiber den feineren Bau des Pankreas. A. m. A., 5, 1869. SAWELIEW, S. Uber die Wirkung der Adrenalininjektionen auf das Blut und iiber Adrenalinimmunitat. Diss., St. Petersburg. SCAFFIDI, V. Feinerer Bau und Funktion der Hypophysis des Menschen. A. m. A., 64, 1904. SCIALLERO. L'organoterapia testiculare et 1'orchipina. Rif. med., Jg. 21, No. s- SCHABAD. Uber Diabetes pancreaticus. Diss., Moskau, 1895. Ref. V. H., ii, 1895. SCHADE, H. Diabetes und Katalyse. M. m. W., 1907. SCHAEFER, E. A. On internal secretion. Brit. Med. Asso. Lancet, ii, p. 320, 1895; Brit. Med. Journ., ii, 1895. - On certain practical applications of extract of suprarenal medulla. Brit. Med. Journ., 1901, April 27, 1901. - Schafer's Text-book of Physiology, i, 1898; ii, 1900. - Les vaisseaux coronaires ont-ils des nerfs vasomoteur ? A. d. sc. biol., n, Suppl. Festschrift fur Pawlow, p. 251, 1904. - On the present condition of our knowledge regarding the functions of the suprarenal capsules. Brit. Med. Journ. ; Lancet, i, 1908. - Functions of the pituitary b,ody. P. R. S., Si, p. 550, October, 1909. SCHAEFER and HERRING. The action of pituitary extracts upon the kidney. P. R. S., 77, p. 571, 1906; Phil. Trans, of the Royal Soc. of London, ser. B, 199, 1907. SCHAEFER and MOORE. On the contractility and innervation of the spleen. J. o. P., 20, 1906. SCHAEFER and SCHARLIEB. Chloroform poisoning. Trans. Roy. Soc. of Edinb., 41, 1904. SCHAEFER and VINCENT. On the action of the pituitary extract injected intravenously. J. o. P., 24, xix, 1899; and ibid., 25, p. 87, 1899. LITERATURE 565 SCHAEFFER, G. La physiologic de 1'appareil thyro-parathyroidien d'apres les travaux recents. Biol. med., ann. 4, pp. 1-34. SCHAFFLE, KARL. Notes on family goitre. J. A. M. A., lii, p. 212, January 16, 1909. SCHAFFER, J. Uber das Vorkommen eosophincr Zellen in der menschlichcn Thymus. C. m. Y\T.S 1891. - Uber den feineren Bau der Thymus. S. \V. A., 102, 1893. SCHAFFER, J., and RABL, H. Das thyreothymische System des Maulwurfs und der Spitzmaus. I. u. II. Th., S. W. A., 118, IQOQ. SCHAPER, A. Beitrage zur Histologie der Glandula carotica. A. m. A., 40, pp. 287-319, 1892. - Uber die sogenannten Epithelkb'rperchen. A. m. A., 46, 1895. - Einige Bemerkungen iiber das Wesen und die mqrphologische Stellung der Glandula coccygea (Glomus coccygeum.). An. An., 25, 1904. SCHATILOFF, P. Die Nierensekretion im Lichte der Adrenalinwirkung. A. A. P., 1908. SCHEEL, OLAF. Uber Nebennieren. Sekretkb'rnchen-Odem-Gewicht. V. A., 192, 1908. - Erwiderung auf E. O. Hultgrens Bemerkungen. V. A., 194, p. 566. SCHEIDEMANDEL, E. Uber die durch Adrenalininjektionen zu erze^ugenden Aortenverkalkungen der Kanninchen. V. A., 181, p. 363, 1905. SCJJENK, F. Giftwirkung des menschlichen Plazentasaftes bei Kaninchen. C. G., 1909. SCHEULT, R. A case of Addison's disease in a negress. Lancet, ii, 1907. SCHIEFFERDECKER, P. Uber das Verhalten des Bindegewebes bei der Hyper- trophie und Atrophie der Muskeln und iiber die Schliisse, welche man aus diesem Verhalten iiber die Symbiose verschiedener Korpergewebe machen kann. S. d. niederrhein. Ges. f. Natur- u. Heilk., pp. 75-91, 26 Oktober, 1903. — Nerven- und Muskelfibrillen, das Neuron und der Zusammenhang der Neuronen. Ibid., pp. 85-93, Bonn, 1904. — Uber die Neuronen und die innere Sekretion. Ibid., pp. 46-54. 23 Oktober, 1905. - Uber Symbiose. Ibid., pp. 44-54, 13 Juni, 1904. - Indikationen und Kontraindikationen des Radfahrens. Leipzig, IQOI. — - Neuronen und Neuronenbahnen. Leipzig, Barth, 1906. SCHIEFFERDECKER and SCHULTZE. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Myotonia con- genita, der Tetanic mit myotonischen Symptomen, der Paralyse agitans und einiger anderer Muskelkrankheiten, zur Kenntnis der aktiven Hypertrophie und des normalen Muskelbaues. D. Z. N., 25, 27, 345, 1903- SCHIFF, A. Beeinflussung des Stoffwechsels durch Hypophysis- und Thy- reoideapraparate. Z. k. M., 32, Suppl., pp. 284-290, 1897; W. k. W., 1897. SCHIFF, M. Unters. iiber d. Zuckerbildung in d. Leber. Wiirzburg, 1859. Zur Physiologic des Pankreas. A. f. Heilk., 271, 1862. - Sopra 1'estirpazione delle capsule soprarenali. L'imparziale, pp. 234- 237, 1863; Union medicale, p. 347, 1863. — Bericht iiber eine Versuchsreihe betr. die Wirkungen d. Exstirpation der Schilddriise. A. P. P., 18, 1884; and Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Nos. 2 and 8, 1884. — Gesam. Beitr. z. Physiologic. 3 Bande. Lausanne, 1894. SCHILLING, F. Morbus Addisonii und Organotherapie. M. m. W., 1897. SCHIPEROWITSCH, W. Zur Atiologie und Therapie des Morbus Addisonii. (Russisch.) Wochenschr. prakt. Med., No. 13, 1895. SCHIROKOGOROFF. Die skleroitische Erkrankung der Arterien nach Adre- nalininjektionen. V. A., IQI, p. 482, 1908. - Sur action phagocytaire des capsules surrenales. C. r. S. B., 65, p. 300. 17 octobre, 1908; Wratsch. Gaz., No. 44, 1908; Fol. haem, iii. SCHLAGENHAUFER and v. WAGNER. Beitrage zur Atiologie und zur Patho- logic des endemischen Krentinismus. Leipzig-Wien, 1910. SCHLAYER. Zur Frage der drucksteigernden Substanzen im Blute bei chronischer Nephritis. D. m. W., 1907; and M. w. M., 1908. SCHLAYER and HEDINGER. Exper. Studien Uber toxische Nephritis. D. A. k. M., 90, 1907. SCHLECHT, H. Einfache Methode zur Priifung der Pankreasfunktion. M. m. W., 1908. 566 LITERATURE SCHLESINGER, H. Therapeutische Erfahrungen bei Behandlung schwerer innerer Blutungen mit Nebennierenextrakt. W. k. W., 1904. SCHLESINGER, W. Uber den Ursprung des diastatischen Fermentes im Blute und iiber Beziehungen zum Diabetes mellitus. D. m. W., igoS. SCHLOFFER. Erfolgreiche Operation eines Hypophysentumors auf nasalem Wege. W. k. W., p. 621, 1907. - Berichtigung zu dem Artikel " Erfolgreiche Operation." W. k. W., No. 22, 1907. - Weiterer Bericht iiber den Fall von operiertem Hypophysentumor. W. k. W., 1907. - Zur Frage der Operation der Hypophysis. Bruns. Beitr. z. k. Ch., 50. SCHMALTZ. Zur Kasuistik des Morbus Addisunii. D. m. W., 1890. SCHMID, E. Der Sekretionsvorgang in der Schilddriise. A. m. A., 47, 1896. SCHMID, J. Beeinflussung von Druck und Stromvolumen in der Pfprtader durch die Atmung und durch experimentelle Eingriffe. P. A., 126, 1909. SCHMIDT, E. Beziehung der Langerhansschen Insel des Pankreas zum Diabetes mellitus. M. m. W., 1902. - liber Cholin, Neurin and verwandte Verbindungen. Lieb. Ann., 337. SCHMIDT, M. W. Uber Pseudo-Hermaphroditismus bei Rana temp. A. m. A., 72, 1908. SCHMIEDEN. Erfolgreiche Einheilung exstirpierter Nebennieren b. Kanin- chen. P. A., 90, 1902. - Erfolgreiche experimentelle Verlagerung von Nebennierengewebe. Z. Ch., 70, 1903. Si'HMIERGELD, A. Lesions des glandes a secretion interne dans deux cas d'alcoolisme chronique. A. m. e., 21, 1909. - Les glandes a secretion interne dans la paralyse generale. L'Encephale, ii, 1907. SCHMORL., G. Patholog.-anat. Untersuchungen Uber puerperale Eklampsie. Leipzig, 1893. - Zur Kenntnis der akzessorischen Nebennieren. Zieglers Beitr., 9, 1891. SCHNAUDIGL, O. Das Suprareninum. Opht. KL, No. 13, 1903. SCHXEIDEMUHL. Vergl. anat. Unters iib. d. Ban der Cowperschen Driisen. D. Z. f. Tierm. u. vergl. Path., vi. SCHNITZLER and EWALD. Uber das Vorkommen von Thyreoidin in der Hypophyse. W. k. W., 1896. SCHON, N. Zwei Falle von Infantilismus. Moskau, 1898; Ref. N. C., 1899. SCHONBORN, S. Zur Wirkung der Thyreoideastoffe. A. P. P., 60, 1909. SCHONDORFF, B. Uber den Einfluss der Schilddriise auf den Stoffwechsel. P. A., 67, 395, 1897. - Ausscheidung von Zucker im Harn von gesunden Menschen. Ibid., 121, 1908. SCHONE. Transplantation von Geschwiilsten und normalen Geweben. B. z. k. Ch., 61. SCHONEMANN. Hypophysis und Thyreoidea. V. A., 129, 1892. SCHOLZ, W. Untersuchungen iiber den Kretinismus. Zusarnmenf. Arbeit, Berlin, 1906. - Uber den Stoffwechsel der Kretinen. Z. e. P., 2, 1905. - Schilddriisenbehandlung und Stoffwechsel bei Morbus Basedowii. C. i. M., 1895. SCHOLZ, W., and ZINGERLE, H. Beitr. z. path. Anatomic der Kretinengehirne. Z. H., 1906. SCHRANK, F. Experimentelle Beitrage zur Wirkung der Jodpraparate auf die Adrenalin-Arterionekrose. Z. k. M., 64, p. 471, 1908. Uber die Wirkung des Spermins bei Adrenalin-Arterionekrose. Ibid., 64, 1907. - Zur antagon. Wirkung des Adrenalins und Chlorkalciums. Ibid., 67, 1909. SCHRAUBE, K. Die Beziehungen der Thymusdriise zum Morbus Basedowii. Diss., Miinchen, 1908. SCHREIBER, L. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Entwicklung und des Baues der Glandulae parathyreoideae (Epithelkorperchen des Menschen). A. m. A., 52, 1908. SCHRYVER, S. D. Autolysis, the influence of the thyroid. J. o. P., 32, P- 159- SCHUBIGKR-HARTMANN, F. Adrenalin. Schw. Korr.-BL, 1902. LITERATURE 567 SCHUCKLXC;. Hautverfiirbung nach Injektion von Nebennierenextrakt. M. m. W.j 1903. SCHULLER, A. Keimdriisen u. Nervensystem. Arb. a. d. Neurolog. Inst. Wien, 1007. - liber Infantilismus. W. m. W., 1907. - Die Schadelbasis im Rontgenbild. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgenstr. Erganzungsbd. n. SCHULLER. Antithyreoidinserum Moebus bei 5 Fallen von Morbus Base- dowii. D. m. Z., 1905. SCHUTZE, A. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der zellenlosenden Sera. D. m. 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SCHUR, H., and WIESEL, J. tiber eine der Adrenalin wirkung analoge Wirkung des Blutserums von Nephritikern auf das Froschauge. W. k. W., Nos. 23 and 27, 1907. - Beitrage zur Physiologie und Pathologic des chromaffinen Gewebes. V. d. p. G. Dresden, n ; and W. k. W., No. 40, 1907. - tiber das Verhalten des chromaffinen Gewebes bei der Narkose. W. k. W., 1908. - Zur Frage d. drucksteigernden Subst. im Blute bei chron. Nephritis. D. m. W., 1907. SCHWARZ. Alcune considerazioni a proposito delle consequenze della com- pleta tireoidectomia. Lo Sperimentale, 1891. Tumeur de la capsule surrenale droite ; neprectomie. Bull, et Mem. de la Soc. Chir., p. 764, 1893. SCHWARZ, C. Beitrag zur Wirkung des Cholins auf die Pankreassekretion. C. P., 23, No. 16, 1909. SCHWARZ, C., and LEDERER, R. tiber das Vorkommen von Cholin in der Thymus, in der Milz und in den Lymphdriisen. P. A., 124, 1908. SCHWARZ, O. tiber einige Anfallserscheinungen nach Exstirpation beider Nebennieren. W. k. W., 1909. 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Berlin, 1900. SEELIG. Beitrag zum Diabetes pancreaticus. B. k. W., 1892. 568 LITERATURE SEEMANN, CHAVE. Uber eine neue Methode der Transplantation des Schild- driisengewebes. Z. Ch., 96, 1908. SEEMANN, J. Die blutbildenden Organe. E. P., 3, I. Abt., p. 45. SEESSEL. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Vorderarms. A. A., 1877. SEHRT, E. Zur Fermentwirkung des Mumienmuskels. B. k. W., 1904. SEIDELL, A. The determination of iodine in thyroid. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 31, p. 1326, 1900. SEITZ. Die Follikelatresie wahrend der Schwangerschaft, insbesondere die Hypertrophie und Hyperplasie der Theca-interna-Zellen (Theca- Luteinzellen) und ihre Beziehung zur Corpus luteum-Bildung. A. G., 77, 203, 1905. - Eklampsie und Parathyroidea. A. G., 89, 1909. SELLEI, J. Tonogen in der Urologie. Orvos. Lapja, p. 895, 1904. SELIGSOHN. De pigmentis pathologicis ac morbo Addisonnii, adjecta chemia glandularum suprarenalium. Diss., Berlin, 1858; and V. 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Das Urogenitalsystem der Plagiostomen und seine Bedeutung fur das der iibrigen Wirbeltiere. Arb. a. d. zool.-zoot. Inst. Wtirzburg, 2, pp. i95-5OQj 1875. - Stammesverwandtschaft d. Wirbeltiere u. d. Wirbellosen. Ibid., 2, 1875- SENATOR, H. Osteomalacie und Organtherapie. B. k. W., 1897. — Untersuchung des Stoffwechsels bei einem mit Nebennierensubstanz behandelten Falle von Addisonscher Krankheit. Charite-Ann., 22, p. 235, 1897. SERGENT, E. L'insuffisance surrenale aigue. P. m., 1902 and 1903. SERGENT, E., and BERNARD, L. Note pour servir a 1'etude de la pathol. des caps, surren. C. r. S. B., 1898. - Sur un syndrome clinique non Addisonien a evolution aigue, a 1'insuf- fisance capsulaire. A gen. ined., nouv. ser., ii, 1899. - L'insuffisance surrenale. Encycl. scient. Paris, 1902. - Les Surrenalites chroniques d'origine infectieuse et 1'insuffisance sur- renale lente. A gen. de med., i, No. i, p. 14, 1904. - Le Diagnostic du syndrome d'lnsufKsance surrenale pure. Soc. d. hopit., 1904. SERRALACH and PARES. Quelques donnees sur la physiologic de la prostate et du testicule. C. r. S. B., 63, p. 790, 1907. SEZARY. Les glandes surrenales des tuberculeux. C. r. S. B., 65, p. 603, 12 decembre, 1908. - Structure metatypique de la corticale des surrenales. Ibid., 65, p. 430. SHATTOCK, C. G. Ovarian Teratomata. Lancet, February 15, 1908. - Cretinism in calves. J. o. P., 29, 1903. SHATTOCK, C. G., and SELIGMANN, C. G. Some experiments made to test the action of extract of adrenal cortex. P. R. S., So, pp. 473-477. 1908. — Verschluss d. Vasa deferentia. Ibid., 72, Februar, 1904. - Example of incomplete glandular hermaphroditism in domestic fowl. Ibid., 1907. SHAW, H. BATTY. Organotherapy. London, 1905. — Autointoxication. Goulstonian Lect. Lancet, i, 1906. LITERATURE 569 SHIMA, R. Uber die Erweiterung der Pupille bei Adrenalineintraufelugen in ihrer Abhangigkeit vom Zentralnervensystem. P. A., 126 and 127, 1 909. - Zur Frage der nach Adrenalinwirkung auftretenden Veranderungen des Zentralnervensystems. N. C., 1908; and Arb. a. d. neurol. Inst. Wien, 1908. SHIOTA, H. Uber das Schicksal und die Funktion der transplantierten Nebennieren. P. A., 128, 1909. SHORT-RENDLE, A. Blood-pressure and pigmentation in Addison's disease. Lancet, 1506. SlCARD. Surrenalite hemorrhagique. Sem. med., 1904. SICK, K. Flimmerepithelcysten in der Nebennierenkapsel. V. A., 172, 1903. SIEGEL. Abkuhlung als Krankheitsursache. D. m. W., 1908; Z. e. P., 5, 1908. SIEGERT. Zur Pathologic der infantilen Myxidiotie, des sporadischen Kretin- ismus oder infantilen Myxodems der Autoren. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., 1901. SIKEMEIER, W. Adrenalin und Cocain-Adrenalinanasthesie. A. k. Ch., 78, 1905. SILVESTRI, E. L'opoterapia renale e la teoria delle nefrolisine. II Poli- clinico, 9, 53, 1904. SILVESTRINI, E., and TOSATTI, C. Degli effetti della capsulectomia in cavie e coniglie gravide. Soc. med. chir., Modena, 7 dicembre, 1908; Pathologica, 1909. SILVESTRINI, R. Sull' azione dell' estratto acquoso del lobo posteriori dell' ipofisi sulla pressione sanguinea e sul cuore. Riv. crit. di clin. med., No. 28, 1905. SILVESTRINI, R., and BADUEL, A. Recherches pour preciser quelle est la partie active du lobe posterieur de 1'hypophyse. Nouv. Icon, de la Salp., 13, 1900. SILVESTRINI, R., and DADDI, G. Ricerche istologiche in un caso di morbo di Addison. Settimana med., lii, 1898. SIMMONDS, M. Uber kompensatorische Hypertrophie der Nebenniere. V. A., 153, 1898; and M. m. W., 1898. - tiber Nebennierenblutungen. V. A., 170, pp. 242-256, 1902. - Uber Nebennierenschrumpfungen bei Morbus Addisonii. Ibid., 172, 1903. Weitere Beobacht. lib. kompensator. Hypertrophie der Nebenniere. C. a. P., 13, 1902. - Uber Bronzediabetes und Pigmentzirrhose. B. k. W., 1909. - liber die Einwirkung von Rontgenstrahlen auf die Hoden. Fortschr. a. d. G. d. Rontgenstr., 14, 1909-10. SIMON, CH. Thyroide laterale et glandule thyroide chez les mammiferes. These de Nancy, 1896. SIMON, J. A physiological essay on the thymus gland. London, 1845. SIMONOWITSCH. Contr. a 1'etude de Faction et d'empoi' d'adrenaline. These de St. Petersb., 1903; Ref. J. d. P. P., 6, p. 564, 1904. SINGER, H. Die Nebennieren und ihr wirksames Prinzip. Th. M., 1902. SlNIBALDI. Arch, d'anat. patholog. e sc. affin., fasc. ii, 1906. SINN. Der Einfluss exper. Pankreasgangunteroind. auf d. Nahrungsresorp- tion. Diss., Marburg, 1907. SLXNHUBER, F. Beziehung der Thymus zum Kalkstoffwechsel. Z. k. M., 54, 1904- SlPPEL. Ein typisches Krankheitsbild von protrahiertem Chloroformtod. A. G., 88, 1998. SKROBANSKY, K. Uber Immunisierung von Tieren mit Ovarien einer anderen Tierspezies. Russ. Zeitschr. f. Geb. u. Gyn., Januar, 1904. - Diskuss. zu Fraenkels Vortrag. C. G., 1904; and M. m. W., 1903. SLADE, J. G. The physiological action of muscle extract. J. o. P., 35, 1907. SLATINEANO. Recherches sur le serum thyreotoxique. C. r. S. B., 57, ii, p. 76, 1905. SMALLWOODj W. M. Adrenal tumours in the kidney of the frog. An. An., 26, 1905. SMIRNOFF, A. Struktur d. Nervenzellen im Sympathicus d. Amphib. A. m. A., 35, 1890. SMITH, T. A case of " Thymic Death." Lancet, 1908. 57° LITERATURE SOBOTTA. Tiber die Bildung des Corpus luteum bei der Maus. A. m. A., 47. - tiber die Entstehung d. Corpus luteum d. Saugetiere. An. Hefte, n, IQOI. SOCA. Sur un cas de sommeil prolonge pendant sept mois par tumeur de 1'hypophyse. Nouy. Icon, de la Salpetriere, 13, p. 101, 1900. SODDU, L. Intorno agli effetti della estirpazione delle capsule surrenali nel cane. Sperimentale, 52; Ref. C. i. M., 20, i8gg. SOEDERLUND, G., and BACKMA.X.X, A. Studien iiber die Thymusinvolution. Die Altersveranderungen der Thymusdriise beim Kaninchen. A. m. A., 73, 1909. SOKOLOFF, B. Uber die Bauchspeicheldriise in verschiedenen Phasen ihrer Tiitigkeit. Diss., St. Petersburg, 1883. - Einfluss der Ovarialexstirpation auf Strukturveranderungen d. Uterus. A. G., 51. SOLDI, T. Casi di osteomalacia guariti colla terapia adrenalinica. Patho- logica, 1908. SOLGER. Nebenniere. In Zuelzers Handb., 1894. SOLI, U. Les testicules chez les animaux ayant subi 1'ablation de thymus. P. m., 1907. - Comment se comportent les testicules chez les animaux prives de thymus. A. i. B., 47, 1907. - Influenza del timo sullo sviluppo scelettico. Soc. ital. di Patol. Modena,. 1909. SOLLIER and CHARTTER. L/opotherapie ovarienne et hypophysaires dans cer- tains troubles mentaux. Congr. de Dijon, aout, 1908. SOLLMANN, T. The comparative physiologic activity of some commercial suprarenal preparations. A. J. M. S., 47, pp. 792-793, 1906. SOMMER, A., and FLORCKEN, H. Uber die Funktion der Thymus. Sitzungs- ber. d. phys. med. Ges. z. Wiirzburg, H. 3-4, 1908. SOUZA-LEITE. De Pacromegalie. These de Paris, 1890. SOULIE, A. Sur les premiers stades du developpement de la capsule sur- renale chez quclques mammiferes. C. r. de 1'Assoc. des Anatomistes, IVe session. Montpellier, 1902. - Recherches sur le developpement des capsules surrenales chez les verte- bres superieurs. Journ. de 1'anat. et phys. These de Paris, 1903. - Sur le developpement de la substance medullaire de la capsule surrenale chez quelques mammiferes. C. r. de 1'Assoc. des Annt., 5 sess., p. 63, Liege, 1903. SOULIE and VERDUN, P. Sur les premiers stades du developp. de la thyroide, C. r. S. B., 1897; and J. A. P., 33, 1897. SOUPAULT. Maladie de Basedow. Bull, de la Soc. d'Anat., p. 592, 1897. SOUQUES and MOREL. Traitement de I'hemoptysie par Tadrenaline. Soc. des hop., 1902. SriLLMAN, L., and HOCHE, L. Maladie d'Addison a denouement rapide. A. gen. de med., ii, p. 2369, 1903. SriNA, A. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber den Einfluss von Riicken- marksdurchtrennungen auf den Kreislauf des Gehirns. W. k. 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Beitrag zur vergleichendt n Anatomic und Embryologie der Nebenniere, 1903. - tiber die Blutzirkulation in der Nebenniere der Wirbeltiere. I-IV. Sitzungsb. der bohmischen Kaiser - Franz - Joseph - Akad. Prag (bohmisch), Nos. 12, 16, 28, 1905. - TJber die Kreislaufbahnen in der Nebenniere des Menschen und deren Beziehungen zu gewissen Affektionen dieser Driise. Ibid., 1905; Ref. Schmidts Jahrb., 291, p. 33. — Beitrag zur Sinusoidenfrage (bohmisch), 1905. - Eine sichere Methode zur Differenzierung der Rinclen- und Markelemente in de.r Nebenniere, besonders bei Saugetieren und Menschen. An. An., 26, 1905. - tJber d. Entwicklung d. Nebenniere bei d. Lophobronchien (bohmisch). 1907. SSAWELJEW. Uber den Einfluss der subkutanen Adrenalininjektion auf das Blut und liber Adrenalinimmunitat. Ref. B. C.. iii, No. 326, 1904. SSOBOLEW, L. W. Zur normalen und pathologischen Morphologic der inneren Sekretion der Bauchspeicheldriise. V. A., 168; Diss, St. Petersburg, 1901. — Uber die Struktur der Bauchspeicheldriise. C. a. P., 16, 1902. - Uber die Struma der Langerhansschen Inseln. V. A., 177, Suppl., 1904. - Zur Lehre liber die Entwicklung von Paraphysis und Epiphysis bei den Schlangen. A. m. A., 70, p. 318, 1907. STABEL, H. Vers. m. Thryrojodin u. Thyraden an thyreoidektom. Hunden. B. k. W., 1897. STACHINI. Rivista sperimentale di Freniatria, 29; and Rev. Neur. , 1903. SXADELMANN. Uber das Vorkommen von Gallensauren, Hippursaure und Benzoesaure in den Nebennieren. Z. p. Ch., i8,_p. 380, 1893. - Zur Lehre von der Akromegalie. Z. k. M., 55, 1904. STAMATIADE, A. Beitrage zum Studium der Lasionen der Nebennieren bei verschiedenen Krankheiten. Diss., Bukarest, 1907; Ref. C. i. M., p. 764, 1907. STANGL, E. Zur Histologie des Pankreas. W. k. W., 1901; V. 6 d. p. G., 1902. — Tumor der chromaffinen Nebenorgane d. Symphaticus (Zuckerandl). W. k. W., 1902. - Zur Pathologic der Nebenorgane des Symphaticus. V. G. d. N. A. 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Intorno alia struttura dell' ipofisi nei vertebrati. Padova, 1904. STIEDA. Untersuchungen iiber die Entwicklung der Gl. thymus, Thyreoidea u. Carotica. Leipzig, 1881. - Uber das Verhalten der Hypophyse des Kaninchens nach Entfernung der Schilddriise. Zieglers Beitr., 7, 1890. STILLING, H. Zur Anatomie der Nebennieren. V. A., 109, pp. 324-346, 1887. - Uber die kompensatorische Hypertrophie der Nebennieren V. A., 118, 1889. - Note sur 1'hypertrophie compensatrice des capsules surrenales. Rev. med., T. 9, pp. 459-461, 1888. - Quelques experiences nouvelles sur la maladie d'Addison. Ibid., 10, 1890. - Du ganglion intercarotidien. Recueil inaugural. Lausanne, 1892. - Zur Anatomie der Nebenniere. II. Mitt. A. m. A., 52, pp. 176-195, 1898. - Die chromophilen Zellen und Korperchen des Symphaticus. An. An., 53, 1899- Einige Fragen als Antwort auf die Erwiderung von A. Kohn. A. m. A., 53, 1899- - Die Entwicklung transplantierter Gewebsteile. V. d. p. G. , 1903. - Uber das Ergebnis der Transplantation von Nebennierengeweben. Zieglers Beitr., 37, pp. 480-484, 1905. - Versuche iiber Transplantation. III. Mitt. Uber den Bau und die Transplantation des Epoophoron. Zieglers Beitr., 43, p. 26^5, 1908. STINA, NADEJDA. Des fonctions de la thyreoide. Lausanne, 1900. STOHR, PH. Lehrbuch der Histologie. Jena, 9 Aufl., 1901. - Uber die Thymus. S. d. phil. Ges. Wurzburg, 8 Juni, 1905. - Uber die Natur der Thymuselemente. An. Hefte, 95, 1906. STOLTZNER. Behandlung der Rachitis mit Nebennierensubstanz. J. K., 51, 1900. - Histologische Untersuchung der Knochen von 9 mit Nebennierensubstanz behandelten rachitischen Kindern. Ibid., 53, iii, 5 and 6, 1901. - Pathologic und Therapie der Rachitis. Berlin, 1904. - Die Kindertetanie eine Calciumvergiftung. J. K., 63, p. 661, 1906. - Nebennieren und Rachitis. M. K., 1908. - Menstruatio praecox. M. K., 1908. STOLTZNER and SALGE. Vorkommen von eigentiimlichen Krystallen in den Knochen von mit Nebennierensubstanz behandelten rachitischen Kin- dern. B. k. W., 1900. STOERK, O. tiber Protagon. W. k. W., 1906; and S. W. A., 115, 1906. - Ub. Chromreaktion v. Gl. coccygea u. Bezieh. z. N. sympathicus. A. m. A., 69, 1907. - Beitrage zur normalen Histologie der Nebennierenrinde. I. Gibt es eine Lumenbildung an den Rindenzellenverbanden. B. k. W., No. 16, 1908. - II. Uber adenomartige Bildungen in der Nebennierenrinde. Ibid., No. 19, 1908. - Zur Histogenese der Grawitzschen Nierengeschwiilste. Zieglers Beitr.. 43, 1908. STOERK, O., and HABERER, H. v. Beitrag zur Morphologic des Nebennieren- markes. A. m. A., 72, pp. 481-496, 1908. - Uber das anatomische Verhalten intrarenal eingepflanzten Nebennieren- gewebes. A. k. Ch., 87, 4, 1908. STOKLASA, J. Alkoholgarung im Tierorganismus. P. A., 101 ; dort zahlr. Arb. v. Stoklasa und seinen Schiilern. LITERATURE 573 STOLZ. Uber Adrenalin und Alkylaminoacetobrenzkatechin. B. d. ch. G., 37, 1904. — Synthese der wirksamen Substanz der Nebennieren, synthetisches Supra- renin. V. d. N. A. Stuttgart, 1906; Pharm. Zeitg., No. 80, 1906. STOOKEY, L. B., and VERA-GARDNER. On the pharmacology of the iodides. Proc. Soc. exper. Biol. Med., 5, pp. 122-123. — Relation of the thyroids to autolysis. Ibid., 5, p. 120. STOOKEY, L. B. On the physiology of the thyroids. Ibid., 5, p. 121. STRADIOTTI, G. Di un tentative di cura del Morbo Flajani-Basedow mediante un siero tireotossico. Riv. crit. clin. med., No. 7, 1907. — Paraganglioprecipitine e siero ipotensivo. Ace. med. fis. fiorent., 1905. STRASSMANN. Beitrag zur Lehre von der Ovulation, Menstruation und Kastration. A. G., 52, 134. - Handb. d. Geburtsh. v. Winckel, i, 1903. STRAUB, H. Akuter Morbus Addisonii nach doppelseitiger Nebennieren- thrombose. D. A. k. M., 97, H. i and 2. STRAUB, W. Mechanismus der Adrenalinwirkung und die mogliche Be- deutung der Substanz fiir den Kreislauf. M. m. 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P., 9, 18 - Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Schilddriisenfunktion. A. k. Ch., 63. SUNNER, A. Sur 1'action inhibitoire du sang uremique sur la secretion urinaire. C. r. S. B., Bd., 58, p. 775. — • Sur le pouvoir antitoxique des reins. J. d. P. P., vii, p. 935, 1905. SUPINO. Sur la physio-pathologie des capsules surrenales. A. i. B., 18, 1893- - Sulla fisio-patologia delle capsule surrenali. Rif. Med., Settembre, 1892. SURY, K. v. Uber die fragl. Bez. der sogenannten Mors thymica zu den plotzlichen Todesfallen im Kindesalter. Viertelj. f. ger. Med., 36, 1908. SUTHERLAND. The differential diagnosis of Mongolism and Cretinism. Lancet, 1900. SUZUKI. Chromaffiner Tumor des Nebennierenmarkes. B. k. W., 1908. 574 LITERATURE • SVEHLA, K. Exp. Unters. iib. d. Einwirk. des Thymussaftes a. d. Kreislauf. W. m. Bl., 1896. - Experimentelle Beitrage zur Kenntnis der inneren Sekretion der Thy- mus, der Schilddriise und der Nebennieren von Embryonen und Kindern. A. e. P., 43, IQOO. SYMINGTON, J. tiber Thyreoidea, Gl. parathyreoideae und Thymus beirn Faultier. A. A. Suppl., 1897 SzUREK, ST. Die Lehre von Alexander Poehl und die mit seinen Praparaten erzielten Erfolge. W. k. W., 10,08. SZYMONOWICZ, L. Uber die Erscheinungen nach der Nebennierenexstirpation bei Hunden und liber die Wirkung der Nebennierenextrakte. Anz. d. Krak. Akad., 1895. - Die Nebennieren vom Standpunkte der Morphologic und Physiologic (polnisch). Krakau, 1895. - Die Funktion der Nebenniere. P. A., 64, pp. 97-164, 1896. TADDEI, D. Contr. allo studio del cosidetto ipernefroma del rene. Rif. med., IQOQ. TAKAMINE, J. The isolation of the active principle of the suprarenal gland. J. o. "P., 27, p. xxix, 1901; A. J. P., 73, 1901. TALBOT, E. Cases of haemorrhages into the suprarenal capsules. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., 1900. TAMBACH. Zur Chemie des Jods in der Schilddruse. Z. B., 36, 549, 1898. TAMBRONI and LAMBRANZI. Una varieta di mixoedema frusto. Riv. di pat. nerv., 1899. TAMBURINI, C. Beitrag zur Pathogenese der Akromegalie. C. f. Nervenh. u. Psych., 1894. - Contribute allo pathogenesi dell' acromegalia. Riv. sperim. di fren., vol. xx, 1894. TANDLER, J. Untersuchungen an Skopzen. W. k. W., 1908. - Uber den Einfluss der innersekretorischen Anteile der Geschlechtsdriisen auf die aussere Erscheinung des Menschen. W. k. W., 1910. - Einfluss der Geschlechtsdriisen auf die Geweihbildung bei Renntieren. Anz. d Wien, Akad., 1910. TANDLER, J., and GROSZ, S. Einfluss der Kastration auf den Orgnisnius. W. k. W., 1907- - I. Mitteilung : Beschreibung eines Eunuchenskelett. A. E. M., 27, 1909. - II. Mitteilung : Die Skopzen. Ibid., 30, 1910. - III. Mitteilung: Die Eunuchoide. Ibid., 29, 1910. TANTUURI. Osteomalakie, geheilt mit den Adrenalineinspritzungen. C. G., 1907. TARABINI, L., and MASSAGLIA, A. La paratiroidina Vassale contro il tremore senile. Gaz. Osp. e clin., No. 149, 1908. TARAMASIO, P. Etude toxicologique de 1'adrenalin. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 22, 1902. TARANTINI. Contribute allo studio delle alterazioni aortiche prodotte del la paraganglina. II policlinico, 13, p. 321, Luglio, 1906. TARCHANOW. Uber einige physiologische Wirkungen des Adrenalins auf Tiere. Russki Wratsch, No. 47, 1902; Ref. B. C., i, p. 369, iQ°3- TARGETT, J. H. Accessory adrenal bodies in the broad ligaments. Trans. Obst. Soc., 39, 1898. TARGHETTA. Etude sur le thymus. A. i. B., 30, 1898-99; These de Paris, 1902. TARUFFI, C. Sulla struttura delle capsule soprarenali. Boll. d. scienc. med. Bologna, 1866. - Delia Microsomia. Riv. clin. di Bologna, 1878. - Hermaphroditismus und Zeugungsfahigkeit. Ubersetzt von Teuscher. Berlin, 1903. TARULLI. Sur les effets de 1'exstirpation du Thymus. A. i: B., 37. TARULLI, L., and LOMONACO, D. Ricerche sper. sul timo. Boll, della R. Accad. Med. di Roma, p. 311, 1898. TASSINI, R. Effetti terapeutici della paraganglina Vassale. Gazz. Osp. e Clin., 1908. TAURET, C. Sur 1'ergotinine. Journ. de Pharm. et de chim., Bd. 24, p. 307. TAUSZK and VAS. Beitr. z. Stoffwechsel bei Akromegalie. Pest, med.-chir. Presse, 1899. TEBB, CH. The cholesterins of the brain. J. o. P., 34, 1906. LITERATURE 575 TEDESCHI, B. Contr. a la pathogenic du goitre exophtalmique. Rev. Neur., p. 683, 1902. - Ancora sulla Patogenesi del gozzo esoftalmico. Autoref. B. C., i, p. 631, 1903. TEISSIER, J. A propos 1'hypertension arterielle. S. m., 1904. — • Arteriosclerose et atheromasie. Paris, 1908. TEISSIER and FRAENKEL. Effets phys. des inj. souscont. d'extrait renal. A. d. P., 1898. TEISSIER and THAON, L. La pression arterielle dans la scarlatine de Padulte. J. d. P. P., 15 mai, 1908, p. 481. TEISSIER and THEVENOT. Antagonisme de la choline et de 1'adren. C. r. S. B., 64, p. 425. TESCIONE. Modific. istolog. della gland, tiroide in seguito all' ablazione dell' ovaie. Arch. ital. d. Ginec., 1907. THAON, P. Note sur la secretion de 1'hypophyse et ses vaisseaux evacuatcurs. C. r. S. B., 62, avril, 1907. — Toxicite des extraits de prostate ; leur action sur la compression arterielle et de rythme cardiaque. C. r. S. B., 63, p. in, 1907. - Contribution a Petude des glandes a secretion interne : L'hypophyse a 1'etat normal et dans les maladies. These de Paris, 1907. THEOARI, A., and BABES, A. Uber ein gastrotoxisches Serum, mit eineni Studium des Chemismus des Magens und der von diesem Gastrotoxin veranlassten histologischen Veranderungen. C. f. B., 38, H. 6; 39, H. i and 2. THEVENOT. Atherom aortique experimentale. Paris, 1907. THIBIERGE. Maladie d'Addiscn chez un negre arabe. Gaz. cles Hopit., 1899. - Radiographie dans un cas d'infantilisme myxosdemateux. Ibid., 10 fevrier, 1899. THIELE-NEHRING. Untersuch. des respir. Gaswechsels unter dem Einfluss von Thyreoideapraparaten. Z. k. M., 30, 1896. THIEMICH. Anatomische Untersuchungen der Glandulae parathyreoideae bei der Tetanie der Kinder. Monatsschr. f. Kinderhk., 5, p. 165, 1906. - Entwicklung eklamptischer Sauglinge in der spateren Kindheit. J. B., 1906. THIENGER. Einige Beobachtugen iiber Moebius' Thyreoidin. M. m. W., 1905. THIES. Der Gebrauch des Adrenalins zur Unterstiitzung der Lokalan- asthesie. Diss., Leipzig, 1903. - Wird die Giftigkeit des Cocains durch Kombination mit Adrenalin herabgesetzt ? Z. Ch., 74, p. 434, 1904. THIROLOIX. Diabete pancreatique. Bull, de la Soc. anat., 62, 1891. - Fonction des capsules surrenales. Soc. anat., p. 207, 1892; C. a. P., 5, p. 87. - Precede d'ablation sur le chien des capsules surrenales, ectopie de ces organes. Mercredi medic., p. 557, 1892. Donnees exp. p. servir a eclairer la pathogenic du Diabete sucre. Gaz. Hop., 1894. THOINOT and DIAMARE. Etude sur le pancreas diabetique. A. m. e., 19, 1907. THOM. Unters. iiber d. norm. u. patholog. Hypophysis cerebri. A. m. A., 57, 1901. THOMPSON. Die physiologische Wirkung der Protamine und ihrer Spal- tungsprodukte. Z. ph. Ch., 29, 1900. THOMPSON, G. Atrophy of the parathyroid glandules in primary infantile atrophy. A. J. M. S., October, 1907. THOMPSON and HARRIS. Path, histology of the parathyroid glands, &c. Journ. of Med. Res., Boston, 1908. - A study of Addison's disease and of the adrenals. Ibid., October, 1893. THOMPSON and JOHNSON. Note on the effect of pituitary feeding. J. o. P., 33, iQOS- THOMPSON and LEIGHTON. The results of chronic parathyroiditis in the dog. Ibid., 1008. THOREL. Zur Frage der Erweichungescysten in den Geschwiilsten der Nebenniere. Festschr. d. Niirnberger arztl. Vereins, 1902. THUMIN, L. Geschlechtscharaktere und Nebenniere in Korrelation. B. k. W., 1909. — • Beziehungen zwischen Hypophysis und Eierstocken. Ibid., 1909. 576 LITERATURE TIBERTI, N.. -^yber die Sekretionserscheinungen in den Nebennieren der Amphibien. Zieglers Beitr. , 36, p. 161, 1904. - Intorno alia estirpazione totale del duodeno. Lo Sperimentale, 62, 479, 1908. - Intprno-al modo di comportarsi dell' isola del Langerhans in seguito alia ligatura del condottp pancreatico. A. i. B., 51, 1908. - Intorno alia rigeneraziqne del pancreas. Arch. d. Fisiol., 5, 1908. - Ulteriori ricerche sperim. int. all' isole di Langerhans. Sperim., 62, 1908. TIBERTI, N., and FRANCHETTI, A. Sugli effetti della estirpazione parziale e totale del pancreas ne cani. Sperimentale, 62, Si-iiS, 1908. TIGERSTEDT, R., and BERGMANN. Niere und Kreislauf. S. A., 8, 1898. TILLE. L'opotherapie ovarienne dans la maladie de Basedow. These de Paris, 1899. TILNEY, F. Un cas de myasthenie grave pseudoparalytique avec adenome du corps pituitaire. Neurograph. New York, vol. i, March 20, 1907. TlMOFEEW, S. Zur Frage von der Pathogenese der nephritischen Odeme. A. P. P., 60, 1909. TITO. Morbo maculoso Werlhof curato con injez. ipoderm. d'adrenalina. Gazz. d. Osped., 1904. TIZZONI. Physiologie et pathologic des capsules surrenales. A. i. B., 5, 1884. - Ric. sper. int. alia fisiopat. di corpo tiroide. Gazz. d'Osped., 1885. - Sur physiologic pathologiques des corps surrenales. C. r. A., p. 832, 1886. - Ablations des capsules surrenales chez le chien. A. i. B., 10, pp. 372- 378, 1888. - tjber die Wirkungen der Exstirpation der Nebennieren auf Kaninchen. Zieglers Beitr., 5, pp. 3-100, 1889. TizzONI and CENTANNI. Sugli effetti remoti della tiroidectomia nel cane. Arch, scienc. med., 14, 1890. TODARO. Sur 1'epiphyse et 1'hypophyse des Ascidiae. Arch, de Biol., 1881. TOGAMI. Experimentelle Untersuchung liber den Einfluss einiger Nahrungs- und Genussmittel auf die Pankreassekretion. Z. physik.-diat. Th., xii, p. 403, 1908. TOMASZEWSKI and WlLENKO. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der antagonistischen Wirkungen des Arenalins und der Lymphagoga. B. k. W., 1908. TOPOLANSKI. Zur Frage des chromaffinen Systems. W. k. W., 1907. TORETTA. Les glandules parathyroidiennes chez les mammiferes. Ann. malad. de 1'oreille. Ref. C. Ch., 1902. TOROPOFF, D. J. tiber die pathologisch-anatomischen Veranderungen des Gefasssystems bei intravenpser Injektion von Adrenalin. Diss., Petersburg, 1907; Bph. C., iii. TORRI. L'ipofisi nelle infezioni. Pisa, 1904. TORRINI, U. L. Ricerche sperimentali sulla modificazipni istologiche delle ghiandole surrenali in seguito ad alcuni interventi operatorii sul rene. Lo Sperim., 63, pp. 79-98, 1909. TOUJAN, G. S. P. Recherches experimentales sur 1'adrenaline. Son dosage, sa formation, son origine, sa destruction. These de Toulouse, 1905. TOURNADE. Etudes sur les modifications du testicule consecutives a 1'inter- ruption du canal deferent. These de Lyon, 1903-04. TOURNEUX, F. L'organe de Rosenmueller (Epoophore) et le parovarium (Paroophore) chez les mammiferes. J. A. P., 24, 1886. - Hermaphroditisme de la glande genitale chez la taupe femelle adulte et localization des cellules interstitielles. Ass. des Anat., VI session. Toulouse, 1904. TOURNEUX, F., and HERRMANN. Sur 1'evolut. histologique du thymus. C. r. S. B., 1887. TOURNEUX and SOULIE. Sur les premiers devel. d. 1. pituitaire ch. 1'homme. Ibid., 1898. TOURNEUX, F., and VERDUN, P. Sur le developp. de la thyr., du thym. et de gl. parathyr. J. A. P., p. 305, 1897. TRACHTENBERG. Uber experimentelle heteroplastische Knorpelbildung in der Aorta bei Tieren. Charkower med. Journ., No. 5, 1906; Ref. Bph. C., ii. TRAINA. Ric. sperim. sul sistema nervoso degli animali tireoprivi. Poli- clinico, 1898. LITERATURE 577 TRAINA. Sulle modificazioni delle paratiroidi del cane in diversi stati morbosi sperimentali. Lo Speriment., H. 1-2, igoS. TRAMONTI, E. Contr. clinique a 1'etude de 1'acromegalie. II Policlinico, IQO6. TRANCHINI. Ricambio materiale in Acromegalia. Boll, scienc. med., Bologna, 1905. TRANJEN. Das Altern als abwendbare Krankheit. Halle a. S., 1908. TRAUTMANN, A. Anatomic und Histologie der Hypophysis cerebri. A. m. A., 74, 1909. TREBITZSCH, H. tiber eine ungewohnliche Form der Hautpigmentierung beim Morbus Addisonii. Z. k. M., 32, Suppl.-H., p. 163, 1897. TREUPEL. Stoffwechselversuche bei Myxtidem. M. m. VV., p. 885. TREROTOLI, A. Sull' azione deiP estratto acquoso del lobo posteriore dell' ipofisi nei cardiaci e nei ncfritici. Riv. crit. clin. med., 8, 1907. TREWITHICK, E. G. Addison's disease; treatment with suprarenal extract. Lancet, 1900. TRIEPCKE, O. Uber Blutcysten in Nebennierenstrumen. Diss., Greifswald, 1901. TRINCI, GiULIO. Cellule cromaffine e " Mastzellen " nella regione cardiaca dei mammiferi. R. Accad. delle Scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna, 26 maggio, 1907. TRIVAS. L'adrenaline en otorhinolaryngologie. These de Bordeaux, 1892; C. r. S. B., 1903. TROUSSEAU. Maladie d'Addison. Bull, de 1'acad. de med., seance du 26 aout, 1855. TSCHASSOWNIKOFF, J. Ub. d. histol. Veranderg. d. Bauchspeicheldriise nach Unterbindung des Ausfiihrungsganges. A. m. A., 67, 1906. TSCHEBOKSAROFF. Sur les nerfs secreteurs des surrenales. Russki Wratsch., viii, 873. 27 juin, 1909; Ref. J. d. P. P., n, p. 962. TSCHERNIACHOVSKI, E. Gibt es einen Duodenaldiabetes ? Z. B., 53, 1907. TSCHERWENTZOFF. Des alterations des capsules surrenales dans la peste bubonique. Arch, de Scienc. biol., 12, St. Petersbourg, 1906. TSCHIRKOFF. Blutveranderungen bei der Addisonschen Krankheit. Z. k. M., 19, 1891. TSCHUEWSKY, J. A. Uber den Blutstrom in der Schilddruse. P. A., 97, 1903. TSUBOI, H. Experimentelle Studie u'ber die Uramie. M. med. Fak. Tokio, vii, 1907. TUFFIER. Le capsule adipeux du rein. Revue de Chirurgie, 1890. TUFFIER and LEJARS. Les veines de la capsule adipeux du rein. A. d. P., 1892. TUNICLIFFE. Uber die Wirkung des Piperidins auf den Kreislauf. C. P., 10, p. 777, 1896. TURNER, F. CH. Spindle cell sarcoma of pineal body containing glandular and carcinomatous structures. Transact, of the Path. Society of London, 36, p. 27, 1885. — A case of Addison's disease in which the blood-pressure was taken two days before death. Lancet, June 10, 1899. TURRO, R., and SUNER, A. Inkonstantes Auftreten von Glykosurie nach Totalexstirpation des Pankreas. C. f. Phys. d. Stoffw., 1909. - Der Mechanismus der natiirlichen Immunitat. C. f. B., 39. UHTHOFF. Ein Beitrag zu den Sehstorungen bei Zwergwuchs und Riesen- wuchs, respektive Akromegalie. B. k. W., 1897. ULRICH, A. Anatomische Untersuchungen iiber ganz und partiell verlagerte und akzessorische Nebennieren und iiber die Frage der von den Neben- nieren ausgehenden Geschwiilste. Ziegl. Beitr., 18, Diss., Zurich, 1895. UMBER, F. Uber die wirksamen Substanzen der Nebennieren. Th. G., August, 1902. UNDERBILL, F. P. Certain aspects of experimental diabetes. J. B. Ch., i, p. 113. UNDERBILL and CLOSSON, O. E. The mechanism of salt glycosuria. A. J. P., 15, 1906. — Adrenalin glycosuria and the influence of adrenalin upon nitrogenous metabolism. Ibid., 17, 1907. 37 578 LITERATURE UNDERBILL and CLOSSON, O. E. The influence of subcutaneous injections of dextrose upon nitrogenous metabolism. J. B. Ch., ii, 10,06. UNDERBILL and HILDITSCH, \\7. W. Certain aspects of carbohydrate meta- bolism in relation of the complete removal of the thyroids and partial parathyroidectomy. A. J. P. October 25, IQOQ. UNDERBILL and KLEINER. Further experiments on the mechanism of salt glycosuria. J. B. Ch., iv, p. 395, 1908. UNDERBILL and SAIKI, T. The influence of complete thyroidectomy and thy- roid feeding upon certain phases of intermediary metabolism. Ibid., v, p. 225, October, 1908. URECHIA, C. J. Action de 1'extrait hypophysaire en injections intra- peritoneales. C. r. S. B., 65, p. 278, 1908. USPENSKI. Organotherapie. St. Petersburg, 1896 (Russisch). VABLEN, E. Pankreas und intermediarer Stoffwechsel. C. P., 22, No. 7, 1908. - Uber die Einwirkung bisher unbekannter Bestandteile des Pankreas auf den Zuckerabbau. I. Mitt. Z. ph. Ch., 50, p. 194, 1909. YALENTI, A. Del ricambio materiale nello gravidanza e nell' allattamento. Arch. Farmacol., vii, H. 8 and 9. VALENTI, G. Sulla sviluppo delle capsule surrenale nel polio ed in accuni mammiferi. Atti d. Soc. Tosc. x, Pisa, 1889; and Accad. med. chir. di Perugia, 1894. — Sulla origine e sul significato dell' ipofisi. Ibid., 1895. — Sopra la piega faringea. Monit. zool. Ital., 9, 1898. VALENTIN, F. Der Einfluss letaler Verbrennungen auf das histologische Bild der Schilddrtise. V. A., 191, p. 42. LA VALETTE, A. v. ST. GEORGE. Zwitterbildung beim Wassermolch. A. m. A., 45, 1895. VALUDE and DuCLOS. Effets de 1'adrenaline en instillations longtemps pro- longees. Ann. Ocul., Paris, 138, p. 115, 1907. VAMOSSY, Z. V., and VAS, B. Experimentelle Untersuchungen u'ber die Wirkung des Jodothyrins. M. m. W., 1897. VANNI, E., and MANZINI. Sulla parte che spessa al rene nella patog. dell' uremia. Gazz. degli Osped., 16 dicembre, 1893. VANORI, L. Sugli effetti dell' estirpaz. del pancreas. A. ital. clin. med., 33, 1894. VAQUEZ, H. Hypertension arterielle et ses consequences au cours de Tintoxi- cation saturnine aigue de Peclampsie et de 1'uremie. Sem. med., 1904. VAQUEZ and AUBERTIN. Cceur de Traube et hyperplasie medullaire des surrenales. C. r. S. B., 62, 967, 1907. VARALDO, F. Capsule surrenali aberrenti nell' ovajo. Arch, d'ostetr. e ginec., xi, 1905. VARIOT and BEZANCON. Independance de la spermatogenese et de la secretion testiculaire proprement dite. Bullet, de la Soc. d'Anthropologie de Paris, ser. 4, T. iii, 1892. - Influence de la secretion testiculaire sur le developpement organique. Independance de cette fonction et de la spermatogenese dans certains cas. Gaz. med., 1892. VAS. Uber das Chromatin in den sympathischen Ganglienzellen. A. m. A., 40. VASSALE, G. Ricerche niicroscopiche e sperimentali sull' alterazioni del pancreas consecutive alia legatura del dutto di Wirsung. Reggio Emilia, 1889-1891. - Ulterior! esper. int. alia gland, tiroide. Riv. sper. fren., 1892. Tetanie provoquee par 1'allaitement chez une chienne partiellement para- thyreoidectomisee. A. i. B., 30, p. 49, 1897. - Funzione paratiroidea e funzione tiroidea. Riv. sperim. di fren., 27, 1901. - L'hypophyse dans le myxcedeme et dans 1'acromegalie. Ibid., 38, 1902. - Physiopathologie de 1'appareil des capsules surrenales. A. i. B., 43, p. 256, 1905. - Le traitement de 1'eclampsie gravidique par la parathyroidine et con- siderations sur la physiopathologie des glandes parathyroi'des. A. i. B., 43, p. 256, 1905. Srhwangerschaftseklampsie und Insuffizienz der Parathyr.oiddriise. M. m. W., 1906. LITERATURE 579 VASSALE and DONAGGIE. Les alterations de la moelle epin. chez les chiens operes d'exstirp. des gl. parathyroidiennes. A. i. B., 27, 1897. VASSALE, G., and GENERAL:. Sur les effets de 1'exstirpation des glandes ^ parathyroides. A. i. B., 25, p. 459; 26, p. 61, 1896; and 33, 1906. Sopra le ghiandoli paratiroidee dell' uomo. Rif. med., 2, p. 631, 1897. - Ulterior! ricerche intorno alle ghiandole paratiroidee. Ibid., 3, p. 77, 1897. - Intorno agli effetti dell' estirpazione delle ghiandole paratiroidee. Ibid., i, p. 800, 1897. - L'alimentazione tiroidea contro gli effetti dell' estirpazione delle ghiandole paratiroidee. Ibid., 2, p. 235, 1897. VASSALE and ROSSI. Sur la spleno-thyroidectomie chez le chien. A. i. B., 21, 1893. VASSALE and SACCHI. Sur la destruction de la glande pituitaire. Ibid., 1893. - Sulla distruzione della glandola pituitaria. Riv. sperm, di fren., 18, 1892 ; and 20, 1894. VASSALE, G., and ZANFROGNINI. Sur 1'exportation de la substance medullaire des capsules surrenales. A. i. B., 38, p. 175, 1902; and Rif. med., 1902. VECCHI, DE. liber experimentelle Tuberkulose der Nebennieren. C. a. P., 12, 1901. - Wirkung einiger Organextrakte bei den akuten Infektionsprozessen. C. f. B., 35, pp. 577 and 708. \ EDOVA, DALLA. Per la funzione dell' ipofisi. Bull. Ace. med. Roma, 29, 1903 and 1904. - Ein Fall von Hypernephrom der Leber. V. A., 177, 1904. VEIEL, TH. Pruritus cutaneus bei Erkrankung der Niere und Nebenniere. A. Derm. Syph., So, 1906. VEIT, D. Verschleppung der Chorionzotten. Wiesbaden, 1905. VELDE, VAN DE. Uber den Zusammenhang zwischen Ovarialfunktion, Wellenbewegung und Menstrualblutung. Jena, 1905. VELICH, A. Uber die Einwirkung des Nebennierensaftes auf den Blut- kreislauf. W. m. Bl., Nos. 15-21, 1896; and Allg. W. m. Ztg., 1897. — tJber die Folgen der einseitigen Exstirpation der Nebenniere. W. k. R., 1897- - Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber die Einwirkung des Pipendins und des Nebennierenextraktes auf den Kreislauf. W. k. R., 1898. - tJber die Einwirkung der ortlichen Applikation des Nebennierenextrakts auf die Blutgefasse der Haut des Menschen. W. m. BL, 1897. - Beitrag zum Experimentalstudium von Nebennieren. V. A., 184, 1906. VELITS, D. v. tiber Adrenalinwirkung bei Osteomalakie. C. G., 31, 29, p. 929, 1907. VELLESEN. Morbus Basedowii mit bes. Berticksichtigung der Pathogenese. Z. k. M., 1899. VERDUN. Sur les glandes satellites de la thyroi'de dans les mammiferes. These, Toulouse, 1897. - Derives branchiaux chez les vertebres superieurs. Toulouse, 1898. VEREBELY, J. v. Beitr. zur Schilddrusenzirkulation. M. G. M. C., 17, 1907. - Beitr. zur Pathologic der branchialen Epithelkorperchen. V. A., 187, 192. VERNON. Intercellular Enzymes. London, 1908. VERSTRAETEN. L'acromegalie. Rev. d. med., pp. 377 and 493, 1889. VERTRA and ANGIOLELLA. Manicomio moderno. Nos. i and 2, 1899. VERWORN. Allgemeine Physiologic. 4 Aufl., Jena, 1903. — Zur Analyse der dyspnoischen Vagusreizung. A. P., p. 65, 1903. VIALLETON. Anat. des caps, surrenales. Montpellier med., 1898. VlCOLlNl. Cura del prolasso rettale con la paraganglina. Gaz. d. Osped., 1906. VIDAL and BOIDIN. Adenomes des capsules surrenales avec atRerome generalise et hypertension arterielle. Soc. med. des hopit., seance du 21 juillet, 1905; Sem. med., p. 356, 1905. VIDAL, ROY and FROIN. Un cas d'acromegalie sans hypertrophie, £c. Rev. de Med., 1906. VIDAL and SUTIER. Atrophie congenitale complete des testicules. Absence d'infantilisme et de feminisme. Bull, de la Soc. med. des hopitaux, 20 mai, 1902. VIGLIANI, R. Contr. allo studio delle funzione del pancreas. Lo Sperim., 1905. 580 LITERATURE VIGOUREUX and DELMAS. Infantilisme. Bull, de la Soc. anat., p. 686, 1906. VlGNES. L 'Adrenaline en ophtalmologie. Presse med., 10 mai, 1902. VILLEMIN. Sur la regeneration de la glande seminale apres destruction par les rayons X. C. r. S. B., p. 1077, 1905. - Sur le role du corps jaune ovarien chez la femme et la lapine. Ibid., 64, P- 363, 1908. - Sur les rapports du corps jaune avec la menstruation et le rut. Ibid., P- 444- L'ovulation est-elle spontanee chez la lapine? Ibid., p. 662. - Le corps jaune considere comme glande a secretion interne de 1'ovaire. These de Lyon, 28 Janvier, 1908. VINCENT, S. The suprarenal capsules in the lower vertebrates. Proc. of the Birmingham Nat. Hist, and Phil. Soc., vol. 10, pp. 1-26, 1896. The physiology of the suprarenal bodies. Birmingham Med. Rev., 1896. The suprarenal gland. Brit. Med. Journ., 1896. - Contribution to the comparative anatomy and histology of the suprarenal capsules. The suprarenal bodies in the fishes and their relation to the so-called head-kidney. Trans. Zool. Soc., vol. 14, part 3, pp. 44-84, 1895. Published 1897. The comparative physiology of the suprarenal capsules. P. R. S., 61, pp. 64-77, 1897. - On the general effects of the extracts of the suprarenal capsules. J. o. P., 22, pp. 111-120, 1897. The effects of subcutaneous injections of extracts of suprarenal capsules. J. o. P., 21, 1897. - On the morphology and physiology of the suprarenal capsules in fishes. An. An., 13, pp. 39-48, 1897. — The effects of extirpation of the suprarenal bodies of the eel. P. R. S., 62, 1898. The nature of the suprarenal bodies of the eel and the effect of its removal. J. o. P., 22, p. 48, 1898. - On the suprarenal and the lymphatic tissue of Teleostean fishes. An. An., 14, pp. 151-152, 1898. The comparative histology of the suprarenal gland. I. M., 15, 1898. - Addison's disease and the functions of the suprarenal capsules. Birming- ham Med. Rev., 1898. - Further observations upon the comparative physiology of the suprarenal capsules. P. R. S., 64, 1899. The carotid gland of mammalia and its relation to the suprarenal cap- sule, with some remarks upon internal secretion and the phylogeny of the latter organ. An. An., 18, pp. 69-76, 1900. - A discussion of some points in connection with the suprarenal glands, cortical and medullary. J. A. P., 38, pp. 34-48, 1903. - On the results of extirpation of the thymus gland. J. o. P., 30, 1904. - Internal secretion and the ductless gland. Lancet, I, 348, p. 1198, 1906. The ductless glands. Science Progress, No. n, January, 1909. - Innere Sekretion u. Driisen ohne Ausfiihrungsgang. Zusammenfass. Ref., E. P., ix, 1910. VINCENT, S., and CRAMER, W. The nature of the physiologically active substances in extracts of nervous tissues and blood, with some remarks on the methods of testing for choline. J. o. P., 30, pp. 143-154, 1904. VINCENT, S., and HARRISON. Spleen and lymphatic glands. J. o. A. and P., 31, 1887- VINCENT, S., and JOLLY, W. A. Function of thyroid and parathyroid glands. Ibid., 32. VINCENT, S., and SHEEN. The effects of intravascular injections of extracts of animal tissues. Ibid., 29, 1903. VINCENT, S., and THOMPSON, F. D. On the relation between the islets of Langerhans and the zymogenous tubules of the pancreas. I. M., 24, 1907. VIRCHOW, R. Die Bronzekrankheit in Canstatts Jahresber., 1856-1858. - Zur Chemie der Nebennieren. V. 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An experimental study of the sugar content and extravascular coagulation of the blood after administration of adrenalin. A. J. P., 9, 1903. VULPIAN. Note sur quelques reactions propre a la substance des capsules ^ surrenales. C. r. A., xliii, pp. 663-665, Paris, 29 septembre, 1856. - Note sur quelques reactions propres au tissu des capsules surrenales chez les reptiles. Ibid., p. 223, 1856. - Lecons sur 1'appareil vasomoteur. T. ii, p. 38, 1875. VULPIAN, A., and CLOEZ, S. Note sur Fexistence des acides hippuriques et choleriques dans les capsules surrenales des animaux herbivores. C. r. A., xlv, 7 septembre, 1857. WAGNER v. JAUREGG, J. Uber die Folgen des Exstirpation der Schild- driise. W. m. Bl., No. 25, p. 771, 1884. — Weitere Versuche Uber Exstirpation der Schilddriise. Ibid., No. 30, . P- 93i. - Uber endemischen und sporadischen Kretinismus und dessen Behand- lung. W. k. W., 1900. - Behandlung des endemischen Kretinismus mit Schilddriisensubstanz. 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ABORTION following injection of adrenalin, 207 Accessory hypophysis, 314 - organs, compensatory hyper- trophy, 19 Aceto-acetic acid, 419, 420 Acetone bodies, normal formation, 419 in urine, increase of, see Ketonuria. — , hot, used in distillation of pigs' suprarenals, 290, 291 Acetonitril, subcutaneous injection, resistance to, increased by blood from subjects with Graves's disease, 109 increased by oral ad- ministration of thyroid extract, 108, 109 Achondroplasia, 78 Acidosis, 419 Acromegaly, clinical appearances of, — , exophthalmos in, 331 — , glandular hyper-function in, 17 — , hypophysal tumour in, 332, 333 — , metabolic changes in, 332 — , pathologico - anatomical findings in, 332 — , sexual derangement in, 331 — , symptoms in, gigantism similar to, 343 — , therapeutics of, 347 — 3 tumours of hypophysis associated with, 306 Addison's disease, 126 — , adrenalin contents of supra- renal capsules in, 250 — 3 asthenia in, 164 — , clinical signs absent, with destruction of suprarenal cap- sules, 162 — , with healthy suprarenals, 159, 1 60 — j emaciation in, 164 — , " experimental," 157 — , fatality of, 126 — , nervous or sympathetic theory of, 160 — , normal processes becoming hypoplastic in, 17 — j pigmentation in, 164, 165, 168 — — , symptoms, 126, 163-165 — , symptom-complex of, 267 — , treatment by suprarenal ex- tract, 168 39 Addison's disease, typical findings in, ISO Adiposis dolorosa, 74 Adrenal cells, measure of adrenal contents, 247 organs, Selachian, extracts ob- tained from, 247 system, 129, 130, 131 — , condition in renal diseases, 262 — , connected with nervous system, 160, 162 — , development, 132 — , distribution over body wide, 264, 265 — , effect of extirpation of supra- renal capsules on, 267 — , functions, defined, 264 — , nature, defined, 264 — , secretory process, how con- trolled, 261 — — — , morphology, 266 , total suppression impossible, 267 tissue, chrome-brown, activity of, 251 Adrenalin, 177 — , action of, altered by increase of doses of ergot, 231 — large doses on dogs, 236 - — — •, limited, by internal secretory activity of pancreas, 226 — , modification by thyroid appar- atus, 226 , by body temperature, 226 — , peculiarities in, 230, 231 — • • — , relation to internal secretory activity of pancreas, 220 — , site, 227, 228 — , specific, different from blanch- ing process, 206 — , tables showing, 222-225 — , action on blood-pressure, 213 — , altered by administration of ergot, 231, 232 - on blood-supply to kidney, 212 - on bronchial muscles, 208 - on composition of blood, 214 - on digestive tract, 203, 204 — on embryonal heart, 202, 203 - on eye, 209 - on gastric secretion, 212 - on genital organs, 206 - on hair muscles, 208 - on heart after removal from living body, 201 588 INTERNAL SECRETION .Adrenalin action, experiments to de- termine nature, 202 - neutralized by apocodein, 203 - on heart of cold and warm blooded animals compared, 202 - on lachrymal glands, 212 - on lymphatics of peritoneum, 213 - on metabolism, 214, 215 - on muscles, 228, 229 - on organs innervated by sym- pathetic system, 189 - on pancreas, 212 - on pigment cells and granules of frog, 214 - on pregnant uterus, altered by ergot, 232 - on pupil, 230 - on respiration, 235 - on salivary glands, 211 - on submaxillary glands, 211 - on sweat-glands, 214 - on sympathetic and autonomous nervous system compared, 230, 231 - contrasted, 231 - on urinary bladder, 205 - on uterus, 200, 207 - as quantitative test, 207 , therapeutic, 207 — , amount in suprarenal capsules, 182, 248, 249 — • — , modification by path- ological conditions, 249 — , antagonism of cholin to, 276, 278 — , by-effects of, 234-236 causing abortion, 207 mydriasis in Graves's disease, 21 I — , cells producing, 253 — , chemical tests for, in liquids and secretions, 180, 181 - — • — , colorimetric methods, 181, 182 - contents in cats and rabbits compared, 251 - of dog, 254 - of suprarenals in Addison's disease, 250 — , conversion of tyrosin into, 180 — , destruction of, factors in, 256, 257 — , diabetes, 220 --, disassimilatory hormone, 206 -, disassociation of auricular and ventricular beats under, 203 , drugs antagonistic to, in action, 200 , effects after thyroidectomy and thyroparathyroidectomy, 54, 55 — , modified by previous adminis- tration of curarin, 196, 197 - determined by Meyer's method, 1 99 - on arteries, 198 - on coronary vessels of heart, 186 Adrenalin, effects on heart, how and when determined, 200 - on nerve-endings, 197, 198 - on pigment in Addison's disease,. 165 - on pulmonary circulation, 185 - vessels negative, 197 - on thyroid gland, 28 — , excretion of, 256 - of lymph from thoracic duct promoted by, 213 —, formation of, relation to chemical processes of muscles, 296 — , function of, 266 — , connected with sympathetic system^ 266, 267 Adrenalin-glycosuria, 215, 259, 429 - accompanied by hyperglycsemia,. 216 — , effect of subcutaneous injection of chyle on, 431 — , experimental, and puncture of fourth ventricle, 219 — , inhibition of, 220, 221 — , by fever, 221 (footnote) — , by hirudin, 221 — , by lymphagoga, 221 — , by pancreatic extract, 429 — , by pilocarpin, 226 — , mechanism of, 217, 218 Adrenalin in blood, 250, 251 — , disappearance, 256-258 — , persisting after cessation of. specific action, 258 — , ultimate fate of, 255 — , see also Adrenalaemia in collapse, 188, 189 in heart failure, iS'S, 189 - following diphtheria, 189 — , increases secretion of bile, 212 — , inhibitory influence on activity of pancreas, 221, 226 — , injection of, contraction of blood- vessels following, 196 followed by glycosuria after parathvroidectomy, 68 — , not followed by glycosuria in thyroidectomized animals, 68 — , intravenous injection, antidote to poisoning by chloral, 201 - causing dilatation of cerebral vessels, 185 - in urine, method of testing for, 182 — , isolation methods, 177, 178 — , matrix of, 180 mydriasis, inhibition of, 220 — , neutralization of strychnine by,. 295 — , organic composition, 179, 180 — , physiological activity, 183 effects on sympathetic system, 196 poisoning, symptoms of various animals dying from, 238 — , portion of blood-vessels acted on by, 187 — , precursors of, 296, 297 INDEX 589 Adrenalin, production of anirmia by, 187 of hyperaemia by, 187 raises heat-tone, 226 — , reaction of suprarenal capsules to, 212 — , resuscitating effect on heart, 201 -, rise in blood-pressure due to, 183, 184 — , secretion of, process, 253 — , stimulation of myoneural sympa- thetic terminals by, 230 - sympathetic nerves by, under normal conditions and after large doses of ergot, 232, 233 — , subcutaneous injection followed by hyperglycaemia, 217 —3 synthetic, 178, 179 — , toxic action, 236-246, 259 — , on dogs, 240 — , inflammatory and degenera- tive, 239 — • — , intravenously, 236, 239 — , on rabbits, 239, 240 , subcutaneously, 237, 239 — , on various animals, 236, 237 — , on vascular system, 240-246 — , toxo-chemical action, 244 — , toxic dose, 236 -, transfusion, continuous, perma- nent increase of blood-pressure under, 259 — , tyrosin and, 165 — , tests for, 297 — , therapeutic applications, 188 — , time of formation, 251 — , vasoconstriction due to, 184 — , vasodilator properties of, 198 and apocodein, action on muscles compared, 228 and muscarin, action compared, 258, 259 and sympathetic system, 219 as diurecic, 212 as secretory process of adrenal system, 246 — , see also Phloriz'm and adrenalin Adrenalinaemia and Graves's disease, 264 — , mydriasis as test for, 262, 263 — , pathological human, 262 — , physiological, 254-260 — , transient, 255 Alanin, 298 Albumin, decomposition of, 13 — , metabolism of, 267, 386 — , after extirpation of supra- renals, 154 Albuminoids in suprarenal capsules, 275 Albuminuria in tetany of animals, 43 Ammonia poisoning, experimental production, by formation of Eck's fistula, 10 Amniota, suprarenals of, 129 Amphibia, organs representing supra- renal capsules in, 129 Amphibia, suprarenal bodies in, development, 133 Amphioxus, absence of structure similar to suprarenal tissue in, 129 Anaemia following exhibition of adrenalin, 187 Animals, cold and warm-blooded, action of adrenalin on hearts of compared, 202 — , endemic cretinism in, 83 — , extirpation of hypophysis in, 334 — , goitre in, experimental production, 82 ---, natural development, 82 — , suprarenal-less, metabolism of carbohydrates in, 154, 155 — , thyroidectomized, changes in, 62- 7i — , various, histology of suprarenal cortical granules in, 285 Anisotropic substances, 289 Antibodies, formation not provoked by hormones, 16 Antigens, hormones and, 16 Antitoxic action of suprarenal cap- sules, 293, 294 activity of thyroid glands, 108 Antlers as secondary sexual charac- ters, 360, 365 Aorta, atheromatous degeneration fol- lowing thyroidectomy, 63 — , toxic action of adrenalin on, 241 Apathy following suprarenal suppres- sion, 156 Apes, acute tetany in, 41 — , parathyroid glands in, 36 Apocodein, 197 and adrenalin, action on muscles compared, 228 neutralizes action of adrenalin on heart, 203 — • paralysing effect on nerve endings, 197 Arhythmia, production of by large doses of adrenalin and extract of chromaffine bodies, 236 Arteries, changes due to toxic action of adrenalin on, 241, 242, 243 — , effect of adrenalin on, 198 • — , when isolated from bodv. 198 — , isolated, suspension in Ringer's solution, 198, 199 — , muscles of, effect of adrenalin on, 200 — , sympathetic innervation, 200 — , treatment with adrenalin, 199, 200; see also Meyers method, Arteriosclerosis due to adrenalin, 245,. 246 — , hypertension in, 262 Artery, pulmonary, toxic action of adrenalin on, 243 Athyrosis and dwarfism, 80 and endemic cretinism, 80 — in man, 71 590 INTERNAL SECRETION Athyrosis, operative, changes follow- ing* ?i , 72 Asthenia in Addison's disease, 164 — following suprarenal suppression 156 Asthma thymicum, 122 Atropine, paralysis of vagal nerve endings by, 200 and pilocarpine, action compared, Auto-intoxication in pancreatic dia- betes, theory of, 423 Auto-nephrotoxins, formation of, 443 BARIUM chloride, action of, altered by increase in doses of ergot, 231 Basophile cells, 308 Batrachians, suprarenal capsules in, 299 Benzoic acid, affinity for glycocoll, 9 Bile, secretion, increased by adrena- lin, 212 Biology, problems of, solved by doctrine of internal secretions, 23 Birds, acute tetany in, 41, 42 — , castration in, results of, 378 — , heart of, action of adrenalin on, 202 — , perversion of sex characteristics in, 365, 366 — , portal system of suprarenals pre- sent in, 300 — , suprarenal capsules in, 128, 130, 133, 299., 300 — , thyroid apparatus in, 36 Bladder, urinary effect of pituitary extract on, 326 action of adrenalin on, 205 — , experiments to determine, 205 — , innervation of, differences in mam- mals, 205, 206 — , experiments to deter- mine, 205 Blood, action of thymus extract on, 121 --, adrenalin in, 250, 251 --, disappearance, 256-258 — , remaining after cessation of specific action, 258 — , ultimate fate of, 255 — , see also Adrcnalscniia — , alkalinity of, disappearance of adrenalin under, 256 — , changes in, following extirpation of suprarenals, 157, 158 — , following thyroidectomy, 66 — , cholesterinester in, source of, 292 — , circulation of, and humoral path- ology, 2 in suprarenals of mammals, 300, 301 — , pulmonary, effects of adrenalin on, 185 — , composition of, action of adrenalin on, 214 — j effect of castration on, 388 Blood formation, influence of thyroid gland on, 37 — , sugar-contents of, on what de- pendent, 428 --, toxicitv after extirpation of supra- renals, 156 Blood-letting in tetany, 56 Blood-pressure, action of adrenalin on, 213 — , altered by previous adminis- tration of ergot, 231, 232 of methylaminoketone on, 213 — , condition of, after extirpation of suprarenal capsules, 147, 148 — , effect of intravenous injection of organic extracts on, 21, 22 of pituitary extract on, 323 - of renal extract on, 442, 443 — , fall of, induced by cholin, 276, 277 — , increase induced by suprarenal extract, how abolished, 157 — , intracranial conditions governing, 329 — , permanent increase following con- tinuous transfusion of adrenalin, 259 — , rise in, due to adrenalin, 183, 184 Blood-serum, mydriatic, 262 Blood-supply to kidney, action of adrenalin on, 212 Blood-vessels, contraction, drugs in- ducing, 200 — , contraction following injection of adrenalin, 196 — , dilatation, drugs inducing, 200 — , effect of pituitary extract on, 326 — , portion of, acted on by adrenalin, 187 — , pulmonary, effect of adrenalin on, negative, 197 — , toxic action of adrenalin on, 240 Boiling, activity of thymus extract not affected by, 121 Bones, changes in, in acromegaly, 333 — , growth of, effect of pituitary ex- tract on, 328 — , influence of generative glands on, 382 Brain, blood-vessels of, dilated by adrenalin, 185 — , fourth ventricle, puncture of, and experimental adrenalin-glycos- uria, 219 of pigs, lipoid substances in, 290, 291 — , relationship of tetany to, 60, 61 -, weight of, in gigantism, 342 Bronchi, muscles of, action of adrena- lin on, 208 CACHEXIA, chronic, following thyroid- ectomy, 63 — , following total thyroidectomv, 71, 72, 73 — , strumipriva and Graves's disease, symptoms common to, Q9 INDEX 591 Cachexia strumipriva, treatment by thyroid extract, 87 thyropriva, symptoms compared with those of Graves's disease, 94, 95 — , see also Myxcedema, post- operative Ca-ions, n Calcium metabolism in relation to parathyroid glands, 57 salts, treatment by, of tetany, 58, 59 Capons, characteristics of, 378 Carbohydrates, metabolism, action of adrenalin on, 215 —, after extirpation of suprarenal capsules, 154, 155 — 3 central point respecting, 427 - — , in Graves's disease, 99 — , in suprarenal-less animals, 154, 155 — , influence of thyroid apparatus on, controlled by pancreas, 430 --- , in thyroidless animals, 67, 68 Carbonic acid, affinity for urea, Q -- , effect on respiratory centre, 15 Carnauba-acid-cholesterinester, 292 Carotid organ (gland), 302 — -- , origin, theories respecting, 303 Castration, effects of, 17 — • — -, on composition of blood, 388 — , on thyroid gland, 344 — , hypertrophy of hypophysis after, -—, in relation to thymus gland, 116 — , obesity after, 386 — , results of, 366 — , in animals, 379 — , in birds, 378 — , on generative glands, 376-382 — , in man, 378, 380 — , weight of suprarenals increased after, 269 Cat, acute tetany in, 39, 40 — , adrenalin contents in, 251 — , effect of iodothyrin on circulatory apparatus in, 90 — , parathyroid glands in, 35 — , suprarenal capsules in, experi- mental extirpation, 141 Cell-altruism, 5 Cell-complex of ovary, 399 Cell formation of hypophysis, 308 Cells of generation, 359, 362 — , somatic, 359, 362 Cerebellum, relationship of tetany to, 60, 6 1 Cervida?, secondary sex character- istics in, 360, 365 Children, hypothyrosis in, 76, 77 Chloral, poisoning by, adrenalin anti- dote to, 201 Chlorinester, crystallizing, from hot acetone used to distil pigs' supra- renals, 292 Chloroform anaesthesia, sudden death at commencement of, in status lymphaticus, 123 Chlorosis, relationship to ovarian function, 388 Cholesterin palmitate and stearate in suprarenals, 288 Cholesterinesters, 287, 288 — , colour reactions, 289 in blood, source of, 292 — , permanent emulsions of double refractive globules yielded by, 288 Cholin, antagonism to adrenalin, 276, 278 — , constitutional formula, 277 — , distribution throughout body, 278 — , in combination with leci- thin, 278 — , effects of, 324 — , fall of blood-pressure induced by, 276, 277 in suprarenal capsules, 275, 276 — , method of extraction, 275, 276 — , origin of, 278 — , physiological activity, 278, 279 Chromaffine bodies, 304 — - — , extract of, action on dogs, 236 cells, 132, 133 — - — , derivation, 264 — — , staining of, 247, 248 system, effect on metabolism, 70 — — , hypoplasia of, 158 — , effect, 123 — , in sudden death in status thymicolymphaticus, 158 - - tissue, 6 — - — , free grafting of, 173 — , extracapsular, extracts from, action, 247 — — , hyperplasia, in true contracted kidney, 263 (footnote) — , in suprarenal medulla, hyper- plasia, 262 Chromates, treatment of myelin forms of suprarenal cortex with, 289 Chrome-brown cells, attached to gan- glia of nervous system, 265 Chromophile cells of hypophysis, 308. 3ii Chrysotoxin, action of, 198 Chyle, flow of, how increased, 444 — , subcutaneous injection, effect on adrenalin-glycosuria, 431 Circulatory system, effect of pituitary extract on, 323 — — , physiological effects of thyroid extracts on, 89, 90 Coccygeal gland, 304 , human, primal origin, 305 Collapse, adrenalin injection in, 188, 189 Colloid in parathyroid glands, 33 - substance of the hypophysis, 312 Coma, diabetic, cause of, 41.9, 420 592 INTERNAL SECRETION Conarium, see Pineal body Corpus luteum, function of, 400, 402, 407 — - — , hypothesis, 404 , menstruation originating in, 406 verum, cells of, similarity of cells of suprarenal cortex to, 269 Crabs, parasites causing neuter charac- teristics in, 367 Cretinism, endemic, 79 — • — , and athyrosis, So — , clinical signs, 79 — , deaf-mutism in, 79 — , geographical distribution, 79 — , same as that of endemic goitre, 8 1 — , in animals, 83 — , metabolism in, 89 — , treatment by thyroid extract, 87 . Cryptorchidism, suppression of sper- matogenesis, 393 — , unilateral, 393-394 Curarin, effects of adrenalin, modified by previous administration of, 196, 197 Cyanophile cells, 308 Cytotoxins, specific, attempted de- struction of suprarenal capsules by, 144 DEAF-MUTISM in endemic cretinism, 79 Decomposition, products of, effects of over-irritation by, 15 — , formation in intestinal canal, 7 Dercum's disease, sec Adi-posis dolorosa Diabetes, changes in pancreas in, 432 — , clinical, and experimental pan- creatic, analogy between, 431, 432 — , duodenal, 422 — , pancreatic, 220 and auto-intoxication, 423 — , experimental in animals of different species, 414 -, in dog, 414 — , failure of organo-therapy in, 423, 424 — , glycosuria in, factors in- fluencing, 416, 417 — , metabolism in, 415 — , mydriasis characteristic of, production, 431 —, nervous origin, theorv of, 422 — , permanent factors originating, 432 — , theories respecting, 420-432 — , see also Adrenalin-diabetes Diet, effect on glycosuria in pan- creatic diabetes, 416 Digestive tract, action of adrenalin on, 203, 204 Dimorphism, sexual, 361 Diphtheria, heart failure following adrenalin administration in, 189 Diseases, reflex manifestation of, 2 Diuresis due to pituitary extract, 327 Diuretic action of thyroid extract, 91 — , adrenalin as, 212 Dog, acute tetany in, 39, 40 — , adrenalin contents of, 254 • — , effects of large doses of adrenalin and extract of chromamne bodies on, 236 — , effects of ligature of excretory ducts of pancreas on, 430 — j effect of thyroidin on, 92 — , emaciation in, following extirpa- tion of pancreas, 420 — , extirpation of hypophysis in, 319, 320 — , parathyroid glands in, 35 — , supernumerary, 35 — , production of pancreatic diabetes in, 414 — , suprarenal capsules in, experi- mental removal, 141 — , thymus gland in, 113 — — - — , extirpation, results, 114, 117 - implantation into, 119, 120 — , thyroidectomized, changes in, 65 — , staggering gait of, 61 — , toxic action of adrenalin on, 240 Ductless glands, functions of, early discoveries, 3 — • — , importance of, 17 Duodenum, see Diabetes, duodenal Dwarfism, 78 — , athyrosis and, So Dystrophia adiposogcnitalis, 17, 345 ECK's fistula, formation of, leading to ammonia poisoning, 10 Eels surviving removal of suprarenal capsules, 153 Eggs, fertilization of, 356 Electric current, thymus gland and reaction of motor apparatus to, 1 20 Emaciation in Addison's disease, 164 following extirpation of pancreas, 420 — - following extirpation of supra- renals, 154 — , following thyroidectomy, 66 Embryo, development of hypophysis in, 313 Enzymes, organic substances formed by, in process of decomposition of sugar, 426 P^osinophile cells of hypophysis, 308 Epilepsy, colloid in hypophysis, as cause of, 305 Epinephrectomy, sec Suprarenal cap- sides extirpation Epinephrin, 178 -, toxic dose, 236 Epiphysis, see Pineal body Epoophoron, 410 Ergot, administration of, increase in, alters action of adrenalin, 231 — , alters action of adrenalin on preg- nant uterus, 232 INDEX 593 Ergot, effect of adrenalin on blood- pressure, altered bv, 231, 232 - , inhibitory action of, site of dis- cussed, 233, 234 — , poisoning by, acute, 232 — , stimulation of sympathetic nerves by adrenalin after large doses of, ^32, 233 Ergotoxin, effect on sympathetic system, 196 Excretion, distinction from secretion, 3 Excretory organs, expulsion of toxic substances by, 8 Exophthalmos in acromegaly, 331 — in Graves's disease, 96, 97 Extremities, upper, effect of mountain climbing on, 14 Eunuchs, characteristics of, 378 Eye, action of adrenalin on, 209 — , diseases of, in acromegaly, 331 — , symptoms following intravenous injection of thyroid juice, 92 FASTING, prolonged, followed by gly- cosuria, 216 Fat, absorption after ligature of ex- cretory ducts of pancreas, 437 - ceases after total extirpation of pancreas, 437 distribution in suprarenal cap- sules, 285 granules in epithelial cells of para- thyroid glands, 32, 33 — , labile, in spongiocytes, 282 Fatigue, muscular, suprarenal cap- sules in relation to, 295 Fats, metabolism of, effect of thyroid- ectomy on, 71 Females, incidence of Graves's disease among, 102 Femininity, 362 Ferments in suprarenal capsules, 275 Ferret, motor and inhibitory inner- vation of bladder in, derivation, 205 _ Fever, inhibiting adrenalin glyco- suria, 221 (footnote) Fish, cortex and medulla of supra- renal capsules distinct bodies in, 130 — , embryology of pineal body in, 351 — , heart of, action of adrenalin on, 202 — , interrenal body in experimental extirpation, 150, 152 — , suprarenal capsules in, extirpation not fatal, 152, 153 — , thyroid apparatus in, 36 Fistula, pancreatic, 437, 438 Flesh-free diet in Graves's disease, 107 Foetus, extract of, effect on mammary gland, 373 — , sexually differential tissues in, 361 Fowls, extirpation of thynuis in, 1 14, 1 16 Frog, extirpation of hypophysis in, ' 316 Frog, extirpation of thymus in, results, 115 — , pigment cells and granules of, action of adrenalin on, 214 — , suprarenal capsule in, experi- mental extirpation, 140, 141 Frog's eye, isolated, action of adrena- lin on, 209, 210 Function, suspension of, effects, 10 Functional equilibrium, disturbances of, explanation, 2 GANGLION" cells, particular, affected by nicotine, 194 Gastric and intestinal mucosa, internal secretion, 438 secretion, action of adrenalin on, 212 Generation, cells of, 359, 362 — , organs of, female, physiological association of thyroid gland with, 37 Generative glands, developmental history of, 358 —3 effect of Rontgen rays on, 396 — , extract of, 389-391 — , hormone in, sexually un- differentiated activity of, 382-389 — , influence upon growth of skeleton, 382 — , internal secretory tissue, ele- ments of, 391-410 — , relationship to ostcomalacia, 387 — , results of castration, 370-382 Genitals, defective, in gigantism, 342, 344 (external), action of adrenalin on, 206 — , female, tumours of, derived from Marchand's accessory supra- renals, 270 — , internal secretory tissue, elements of, 410-412 — , hypoplasia of, 340, 349 (internal), action of adrenalin on, 206 Genito-vesicular reflex, 390 Gigantism, infantile type, 344 — , pathogenesis of, 343 — , relationship to hypophysis, 341 — , sex incidence of, 342 — , symptoms in acromegaly similar to, 343 — , weight of brain in, 342 Glandulae pinealis, see Pineal body Glandular secretions, classification, 8 — , deficiency or superfluity effects, 3 Globules, double refractive bodies showing, 288 — , colour reactions, 289 Glycogen, accumulation in liver, 427, 428 — , content of leucocytes, increase in, cause, 418 594 INTERNAL SECRETION Glycogen, conversion into grape- sugar, 428 — , deposition in liver after extirpation of pancreas, how effected, 430 — , formation in liver, 216 in liver, reduced after extirpation of pancreas, 418 in muscles, diminishing after extirpation of pancreas, 418 Glycogenesis, 4 Glycogoll, affinity of benzoic acid for, 9 Glycolytic ferment in muscles, 426 — , 'theory of, 424, 425 Glycosuria, absent after adrenalin injection in thyroidectomized animals, 68 - after partial extirpation of pancreas, 415 — , alimentary, in Graves's disease, QQ — , factors originating, 432 following administration of adrenalin, sec Adrcnalin-glyco- sitria following inhibition of internal secretion of pancreas, 428 ligature of thoracic duct, 431 prolonged fasting, 216 total extirpation of pancreas, .413 — in acromegaly, 332 in pancreatic diabetes, factors in- fluencing, 416, 417 — , immediate cause of, 418 — , marked after adrenalin injection following parathyroidectomy, 68 — , production following phlorizin in suprarenal-less animals, 155 — , site of origin, 207 — , slight, follows extirpation of larger portions of pancreas, 416 — , test for, 2Qy Glycuronic acid, affinity for mercap- turic acid, 9 Goat, parathyroid glands in, 35 — , tetany in, 41 — , thyroidectomized, administration of thyroid extracts to, 86 — , changes in, 64, 65 Goitre, cardiac symptoms, 103 — , causal agent unknown, 82 — , endemic, etiology, Si, 82 —i geographical distribution of endemic cretinism same as that of, 8 1 — , extirpation, preservation of para- thyroid glands during, 44 — , geological distribution, 81 — , hyperplastic, reduction of amount of iodine-thyroglobulin in, 30 in animals, 82 in Gravest disease, 95 — , relation of iodine in thyroid gland to, 29, 30, 31 — , removal, thyroidectomy must be partial in, 73 — , simple, 102 Goitre, simple, functional aspect not identical with hyperthyroidism, 103 — , soil in relation to, Si — , transmission by drinking water, Si Goitre-heart, 19 Graafian follicles, bursting of, 406 — . function of, 401 Grape-sugar, conversion of glycogen into, 428 — , intravenous injection, effect on islands of Langerhans, 435 Graves's disease, 93 — , alimentary glycosuria in, 99 and cachexia strumipriva, sym- ptoms common to, 99 — associated with adrenalaemia, 264 — , blood from, increases resist- ance to acetonitril, subcutaneously injected, 109 — , due to flooding of organism with thyroid substances, 102 — , etiological connection with thy- roid gland, 100, 101 — , exophthalmos in, 96, 97 — , flesli-free diet in, 107 — , glandular hyperf unction in, 17 -, goitre in, 95 — , hypertrophy of heart in, 96 of thymus in, 96 — , incidence among females, 102 — , metabolism in, greatly in- creased, 98 — , mydriasis produced by adrena- lin in, 211 - myxocdema and, difference be- tween, 99 — , reduction of amount of iodine- thyroglobulin in, 30 — , symptoms and organic changes in, 95-98 compared with those of cachexia thyropriva, 94, 95 - in relation to those of experi- mental hyperthyroidization, 103 - resembling those of found in other diseases, 99 — , treatment by adrenalin causing mydriasis, 211 by serum-therapy, 100 by thyrotoxic immune serum, 101 — - — , operative, 100 by organo-therapy, 100 by X-ray, 100 — , vasomotor excitability in, 97 Guinea-pig, suprarenal capsules in, exceptional weight of explained, 269 - experimental removal, 141, M4 — , thymus gland in, 113 extirpation, results, 116 Gynaecomastia, 372 H.EMOLYSINS, action of, iS INDEX 595 Hair-muscles of different animals, action of adrenalin on, com- pared, 208 Heart, action of adrenalin on, experi- ments to determine nature, 202 — — • — , neutralized by apocodein, 203 after removal from living body, action of adrenalin on, 201 — , coronary vessels of, effect of adrenalin on, 186 - — , effect of adrenalin on, how and when determined, 200 — — of pituitary extract on, 323-325 — , embryonal, action of adrenalin on, 203 — - failure, adrenalin in, iSS, 189 following diphtheria, adrenalin in, 189 — , hypertrophy accompanying hyper- trophy of thymuSj 19 — , in Graves's disease, 96 — , resuscitating effect of adrenalin on, 201 — , toxic action of adrenalin on, 240; see also Goitre-heart Heart-beats, auricular and ventricular, disassociation under adrenalin, 203 Heart-muscle, chemical changes in, nature, 14 Heart-puncture, 221 (footnote), 226 Heart-symptoms of goitre, 103 Heat-tone raised by adrenalin, 226 Hens, extirpation of hypophysis in, 316 — , thyroidectomizecl, changes in, 64 Hermaphroditism, 357, 362 — , glandular, 363 Hippuric acid, where formed in body., 9 Hirudin, suppression of adrenalin- glycosuria by, 221 Homoeopathy, isopathy, a branch of, 2 Hormone, 5, 6 — , definition of, 5 — , dissimilatory, action of thyroid gland secretion as, 109, no • — • - — , adrenalin as, 266 — , genital, relationship of Leydig's cells to, 398 — • in generative glands, activity of, 382-389 — , mammary, origin of, 374-376 — , pancreatic, 431 — , action of, 429, 430 — , isolation, so far, impossible, 430 Hormones, activity of, 12 and antigens, 16 — j chemistrv of, 16 — , classification, 13 — , dissimilatory, 13, 109, 266 — , distinction from nutrient secre- tions, 13 — , formation of antibodies not pro- voked by, 16 Hormones, inhibitory, 14 — , negative properties, 16 -, origin of, 15 — , pancreatic, 423, 424 — , production of, 8 Hydrogen ethyl sulphates, toxic bodies with affinity for, 9 Hyperaclrenalinism, experimental, 261 Hyperremia> following exhibition of adrenalin, 187 Hyperglycsemia accompanying adrena- lin-glycosuria, 216 — • following subcutaneous injection of adrenalin, 217 — , immediate cause of glycosuria in pancreatic diabetes, 418 — • in suprarenal-less dogs, 155 — , phenomena accompanying, 418 — , source of, 419 Hypernephroma, extracts of, 251 — , renal, 270 Hyperparathyroidism, diseases follow- ing, 46 Hyperpituitarism, 335, 337, 345 Hyperthyroidism, experimental, 92 — , following administration of thy- roid extracts, 90 — , functional aspect of simple goitre not identical with, 103 — , human, following administration of thyroid extracts, 92, 93 — , true, conditions classed under, 93 Hyperthyroidization, experimental, symptoms in relation to those or Graves's disease, 103 Hyperthyrosis in man, 71 Hypoparathvroidism, diseases follow- ing, 46 Hypophysectomy, experimental, 315- Hypophysis, accessory, 314 — , anatomy of, 306-308 — , chemistry of, 322 — , change in function, no — , death following removal of, 319- 321 — , development of, history, 313 — , diseases of, 330-348 — , effects of, 326 on blood-pressure after stimu- lation of, 329 — , embryonal, development of, 313 — 3 enlargement, following thyroid- ectomy, 63, 66 — , experimental extirpation of, 315- 3 '9, 334 - stimulation of, 328-330 — , function of, 306 — , determined by experiment, 18 - theory of, 305, 309, 348-50 — , histology of, 308 — , hyperf unction of, 338 — , hypertrophy of, 335 — following extirpation of thy- roid, 19 — , influence of pregnancy on, 307, 309, 310 596 INTERNAL SECRETION Hypophysis, nervous portion of struc- ture of, 310 — , physiology of, 315-321 — , relationship to gigantism, 341 to sexual glands, 339-341 — • to suprarenals, 339 to thymus, 339 to thyroid gland, 338 — , sarcoma of, 334 — , secretion of, histology of, 311 — , sources ot origin, 315 — , tumour of, extirpation of, in man, 330 — , in acromegaly, 306, 332, 333 — — , obesity associated with, 345-347 — , weight of, 307 — , see also Pituitary extract Hypothyrosis, metabolic changes in, 88' in children, 76, 77 Humoral pathology, 2 — - — and circulation of blood, 2 INDICAN reaction in urine after re- moval of suprarenal capsules, Infantilism, 77 — , dystrophic, 77 — , following thyroidectomy, 64 — , myxcedematous, 77 Infants, laryngeal spasm of, 122 — tetany in, 45 Infective diseases, mortality from, great among subjects of status thymicolymphaticus, 124 Internal secretion, definition and limitation of term, 5 — , doctrine of, date of origin, 4 — , when first formulated, 3 Interrenal body in fish, experimental extirpation, 150 bodies, accessory, 131, 134 — • — , compensatory hypertrophy of portions of, 268 in fish, experimental extirpa- tion, fatal, 152 — structures, accessory, 268 — , connection of suprarenal capsules with, 268 systems, 129-131, 267-270 — , development, 131, 132 — , functional significance of free portions, 268 , function of theory as to, 292- 294 tissue, importance of to life, 302 Interrenals, accessory, in white rats, 155 Intestinal canal, formation of products of decomposition in, 7 mucosa, secretion, mechanism of, 440 — • tract, atrophy present in senile degeneration, absent in myx- (jedema, 76 Intestines, action of adrenalin on, determined by experiment, 204 Intracranial blood-pressure, conditions governing, 329 Invertebrates, adrenal system in, 135 — , suprarenal systems in, tables illus- trating, 135-137 Invertin, action of, inhibited by levu- lose, 419 Iodine, distribution in human organs, 30 in thyroid gland, 29, 30, 106 — , relation to goitre, 29, 30, 31 lodine-thyroglobulin, 30 — , reduced in hyperplastic and ex- ophthalmic goitre, 30 lodization, process of, in thyroid gland, 105 lodothyrin, 30 — - , administration of, after thyroid suppression, 87 — , effects on circulatory apparatus, in animals, 90 — , function, 37 lodothyro-globulin, effects on circu- latory apparatus, 89 Ions, function of, 1 1 Islands of Langerhans, see Latigcr- hans, islands of Isopathy, branch of homoeopathy, 2 — , defined, 2 JECORIN, 286 KETONURIA, experimental, difficult to obtain, 420 — , symptoms of diabetes, 419 Kidney, blood-supply to, action of adrenalin on, 212 — , contracted, true hyperplasia of, chromaffine tissue in, 263 — , disease of blood from subjects of, containing lymphagogue sub- stance, 444 disease, condition of adrenal system in, 262 — , effects of pituitary extract on, 325, . 3^7 — , internal secretion, 440 — , effect of renal extract on, 442 — , parenchyma of, reduction of, effects, 444, 445 — , transplantation of suprarenal cap- sules in, 170, 171, 172 LACHRYMAL glands, action of adrenalin on, 212 Lactic acid and respiratory centre, 15 Langerhans, islands of, concerned in internal secretory function of pancreas, 436, 437 — , effect of injection of phlorizin and adrenalin on, 435 - of intravenous injection of grape-sugar on, 435 — , function, 433, 434 Lecithin, cholin combined with, in body, 278 INDEX 597 Lecithin, function of, 289 — , pure, hardly obtainable, 290 in suprarenal capsules, 280 Lecithin-carbohydrate, 286 Leucocytes, glycogen content, cause of increase, 418 Levulose, administration of, effect, 430 — , experimental results, 417, 418, 419 — , inhibits action of invertin, 419 " Leydig's between-cells/' 392 Leydig cells, 394 — , relationship to genital hormone, 398 Lipoid granules in cells of suprarenal cortex, 272 substances, 21 in suprarenal capsules, 292, 293 Lipoids, suprarenal, 279, 287 Liver, accumulation of glycogen in, 427, 428 - — , deposition of glycogen in, after extirpation of pancreas, how effected, 430 — , effect on destruction of adrenalin, 257 — , formation of glycogen in, 216 - of sugar in, inhibited by pan- creas, 430 — , how controlled, 428, 429 urea by, antitoxic function, 9 — , glycogen in, reduced after extir- pation of pancreas, 418 Lutein cells, origin of, 401 tabloids, therapeutic use of, 405 Lymph, excretion from thoracic duct, promoted by adrenalin, 213 glands, cells of thymus gland not identical with those of, 112 Lymph-vessels, passage of thyroid secretion into, 28 Lymphagoga, suppression of adrenalin- glycosuria by, 221 Lymphagogues, 443, 444 — , blood from subject of kidney dis- ease acting as, 444 Lymphatic ducts, ligature of, 221 Lymphatics, peritoneal, action of adrenalin on, 213 MAMMALS, blood-circulation in supra- renals of, 300, 301 — , cortex and medulla of suprarenal capsules amalgamated in, 130 — , innervation of bladder, differences in, 205, 206 — , suprarenal bodies in, develop- ment, 133 Mammary glands, 355, 360 — , development of, 372, 375 Marchand's accessory suprarenals, tumours of female genitals derived from, 270 " Masculinity,-'' 362 Menstruation, connection of ovulation with, 403, 406 — , disordered, in acromegaly, 331, 337 — , origin of, 406 — , relationship of ovarv to, 381 Mental changes following thyroid- ectomy, 65 Mercapturic acid, affinity of gly- curonic acid for, 9 Metabolic changes in hypothyrosis, SS — , how influenced by thyroid extract, 88 Metabolism, action of adrenalin on, 214, 215 — , effects of pituitary extract on, 327 — , thyroid extract on, 91 — , end-products of, function, 15 in endemic cretinism, 89 in Graves's disease greatly in- creased, 98 in myxcedema, 88, 89 in pancreatic diabetes, 415 — , processes of, changes following thyroidectomy, 67 — , glands accelerating, 70 - retarding, 70 Methylaminoketone, action on blood- pressure, 213 Meyer's method, effects of adrenalin determined by, 199 Mice, parathyroid tetany in, 41 Milk diet in acute tetany, 107 — , secretion of, 372, 375 Mongolism, diagnosis from sporadic myxcedema, 78 Monoamidomonophosphatide cephalin, 292 Mors thymia, sec Status thymico- lyin'phaticiis, sudden death in Mountain climbing, effect on upper extremities, 14 Muscarin and adrenalin, action com- pared, 258, 259 Muscles, action of adrenalin on, 228, 229 and apocodein on, com- pared, 228 -3 chemical processes, relation of formation of adrenalin to, 296 — , effect of pituitary extract on, 320 — , glycogen in, disappearing after extirpation of pancreas, 418 -3 glycolytic ferment in, 426 — , involuntary nerve supply to, 191 , toxicity of, following extirpation of suprarenals, 156 — 3 unstriated, action of adrenalin on, 229 — , and sympathetic nervous system, 229 — , vascular, see Arteries, muscles of Muscular exertion, effect on glyco- suria in pajicreatic diabetes, 417 weakness following suprarenal suppression, 156 598 INTERNAL SECRETION Myasthenia gravis pseudoparalytica, cause of, 46, 47 Mydriasis, characteristic of pancreatic diabetes, production of, 431 due to adrenalin in Graves's dis- ease, 211 due to blood-serum from chronic nephrosis, 262 due to pituitrin, 322 following suppression of sympa- thetic function, 210, 211 following treatment by thyroid extract, 211 of frog's eye, due to adrenalin, 209, 210 produced by adrenalin in Graves's disease, 211 — , production of, 297 — , test for adrenalremiu by, 262, 263 — , see also Adrenalin mydriasis ; Pupil, dilatation of Myelin, 283 — , double refractive substances in suprarenal cortex resembling, 284 forms, double refractive bodies showing, 288 Myoneural junction, 229, 233, 234 Myotonia congenita, cause of, 46 periodica, cause of, 46 Myxcedema, abortive, 74 — , appearances in, 72 — , atrophy of intestinal tract present in, 76 • — , congenital, 76 following thyroidcctomy, 66 — j infantile, 70 — , metabolism in, 88, 89 — , normal processes becoming hypo- plastic in, 17 — , post-operative, 38, 71 — , sporadic, diagnosis from mon- golism, 78 — , treatment by thyroid extract, 87, 107 — and Graves's disease, differences between, 99 NECK, organs of, development, 33 Nephrectomy, experimental, 441, 442 Nephritis, chronic, hypertension in, 262 — , toxic, experimental results, 417 NephroblaptinSj 443, 444 Nephrosis, chronic, blood serum from, causing mydriasis, 262 Nerve cells in hypophysis, 310 Nerve-endings, effect of apocodein on, 197 — , sympathetic, as site of action of adrenalin, 228 — , effect of adrenalin on, 197 — , myoneural, stimulation by adrenalin, 230 — , vagal, paralysis by atropine, 200 Nerve-fibres, efferent, supplying vege- tative organs, 190 Nerve-roots, spinal anterior, function, 190 Nerves, autonomous, table showing, 192 — , resection, experimental, to dis- cover seat of tetany, 59, 60 — , sympathetic and autonomous,, effects of stimulation on, com- parative table showing, 222-225 — , stimulation by adrenalin, under normal conditions and after larger doses of ergot, 232, 233 — , table showing, 193 Nervous centre, impressions conveyed from periphery to, effect of, i excitement, effect on thyroid gland,, 28 origin of pancreatic diabetes, 422 system, autonomous, 191 — , definition, 191 — , differentiation from sym- pathetic, 194, 195 — , adrenal system connected with,. 160, 162 — , central, regulation of organic function bv, i — , centres of, in relation to forma- tion of sugar, 428, 429 — , cerebrospinal, 190 — , classification, 190, 191 — , effect of extirpation of thymus on, 1 20 --, ganglia of, chrome-brown cells- attached to, 265 — j sympathetic and autonomous, action of adrenalin on, com- pared, 230, 231 — , adrenalin and, 219 - and autonomous, action of adrenalin on, contrasted, 231 — , effect of adrenalin on organs controlled by, 189 - on dilatation of pupils.. 210 — , function, 191 — • of adrenalin connected! with, 266, 267 — — , hyperinflation of, 218 — , physiological effects of adrenalin on, 196 — , unstriated muscles and, 229. — , vasodilator function, 198 — , vegetative, 190-196 — , effects of nicotine confined to, 195 — , effect of internal secretory organs on, 70 — , effect of toxic substances on, 105 — — , irritability of, no Neural theory of correlation of organs, 2 Neurin, constitutional formula of, 276 (footnote) — gold, 276, 277 N euro-hypophysis, histology of, 310 INDEX 599 New-born infants, pineal gland in, , Sexually differentiated tissues in, 361 Nicotine, action of, altered by increase in doses of ergot, 231 _ effects confined to vegetative ner- vous system, IQ5 _, particular ganglion cells affected by, 1 94 , Nitrogen, excretion after reduction ot renal parenchyma, 445 ? metabolism of, in Graves s disease, 99 Nutrient secretions and hormones, dis- tinction between, 13 OBESITY associated with hypophysal changes, 345 — , origin of types ot, 3^5 3 reduction by thyroid extracts, 91 Organic extracts, intravenous injec- tion, effect on blood-pressure, 21, 22 3 physiological action, 21, 22 — . — , toxic action, 21 Organotherapy, 20 after experimental extirpation ot suprarenal capsules, 165-168 t failure in pancreatic diabetes, 423, 424 — , forerunners ot, 2 — in Graves's disease, 100 — , uses of, ii Organs of body, chemical correlation, j experimental extirpation, ad- vantages, 18 — — , by-effects, 19 } internal secretory, 6 } partial destruction, 19 — — , potential energy, 10 Ossification, effect of extirpation of thymus on, 117, n8 ? influence of generative glands in, 382 — , retardation of, following thyroid- ectomy, 63 Osteomalacia, relationship to genital glands, 387 Ovarian extract, effects of, 380 Ovaries, relationship of, to chlorosis, 388 — , transplantation of, 380 Ovary, influence of X-rays on, 403 — , internal secretion of, 398-406 — , interstitial tissue of, 399, 4°2 — , relationship to menstruation, 381 Ovotestis, 363 Ovulation, connection of menstruation with, 403, 406 Ovum, nidation of, 408 Oxidation, increased, following extir- pation of pancreas, 420 Oxybutyric acid, 419, 420 PANCREAS, action of adrenalin on, 212 Pancreas, agency in influence of thy- roid apparatus on carbohydrate metabolism, 4.1° — , changes in, in diabetes, 432 effects on metabolism, 70 — , excretory ducts, experimental liga- ture, results, 436 — , absorption of fat after, — , external secretion, mechanism ot, extirpation, deposition of glycogen in liver after, how effected, 430 __ __5 experimental, change in meta- bolism following, 420 . ? increased oxidation follow- ing, 420 . — , emaciation following, 420 _ , partial, not followed by gly- cosuria, 4^5 of large portions followed by slight glycosuria, 416 — , total, followed by cessation of fat absorption, 437 . — } followed by glycosuria, 413 ; see also Diabetes (pancreatic) . _3 reduction of glycogen in liver under, 4l& -, function of, inhibitory, 2 1 1 ? in relation to decomposition ot sugar, 426 -, internal secretion of, 412 — , inhibition followed by gly- cosuria, 428 - of formation of sugar in liver by, 430 - secretory activity of, action ot adrenalin and, 220 — , inhibited by adrenalin, 221, 226 , limiting action of adrena- lin, 226 . — , elements of, 432-438 , function, 18, 421, 423 _ — , acini and islands of Langerhans concerned in, 43^, 437 — , transplantation experimental, 422 and metabolism of sugar, 424, 425 and thyroid gland, relationship between, 60,, 70 — , see also Hormones, pancreatic ; Langerhans^ islands of Pancreatic extract, inhibition of adrenalin glycosuria by, 429 Paralysis agitans, cause of, 46 Parathyroid extract, 49 — , physiological activity, 49, 5p — - — , treatment by, of post-operative tetany, 49 glands, accessory, 31 — , anatomy, 31 , colloid in, 33 . — . — , comparative anatomy, 34 — , development, 34 -, effect on metabolism, 70 6oo INTERNAL SECRETION Parathyroid glands, extirpation, re- sults, 38 — , fat granules in epithelial cells, 32, 33 — , function, 55 — , determination of, 18 — , functional derangement, diseases, following, 46 —5 glycogen in, 33 — , histology, 3- — , preservation, at extirpation of goitre, 4.4 — . — , in relation to calcium meta- bolism, 58 — , secretory function, 32 — , supernumerary, 35 — . — , transplantation, 48 - and thyroid gland, relationship between, 51-55; see also under Thyroid gland Parathyroidectomy, effects of, 53, 54, 55, 84 — , experimental, results, 41 — , tetany following, 55 with remnant of thyroid tissue left, result, 106 Parietal eye in saurians, 351 Parkinson's disease, see Paralysis agitans Penis, retractor muscle in rat, nervous network, 228, 229 Periphery, impressions conveyed from, to nervous centre, effect of, i Peritoneum, lymphatics of, action of adrenalin on, 213 Phenylalanin, 297 Phlorizin, action on suprarenal-less dogs, 155 and adrenalin, injection, effect on islands of Langerhans, 435 Phosphates in urine after removal of suprarenal capsules, 154 Phosphorus, excretion of, due to pituitary extract, 327 Phrenosin, 288 Pigeons, effects of ligature of ex- cretory ducts of pancreas on, 436 Pigment cells and granules of frog, action of adrenalin on, 214 Pigmentation, anomalies of, following extirpation of suprarenals, 157 — , disordered, in Addison's disease, 164, 165, 168 — • , effect of adrenalin on, 165 Pigs, brain of, lipoid substances in, 291 — , suprarenals of, lipoid substances in, 290, 291 — j thyroidectomized, changes in, 64 Pilocarpin, adrenalin-glycosuria in- hibited bv, 226 — effect on thyroid gland, 28 and atropine, action compared, 195 Pineal body, anatomy of, 351 — , clinical signs of diseases of, 354 Pineal body, embryology of, 351 — , histology of, 351 - in newborn infants, 351 — , pathological anatomy of, 353 Pituitary body, see Hypophysis extract, action of, altered by in- crease in doses of ergot, 231 — , cardiac effects of, 323-325 — , characteristics of, 349 — , effect on circulatory system., 323 - on metabolism, 327 — , hypotensive action of, 324, 325 in acromegaly, 347 , physiological activity of, 323 — , toxicity of, 322 — , vasoconstrictor action of, 321, 324 - gland, see Hypophysis Pituitrin, mydriasis due to, 322 Placenta, extract of, effect on mam- mary gland, 374 — , internal secretion, of, 411 Pneumothorax following experimental extirpation of thymus, 117, 119 Poisons, inorganic, resistance to, small after thyroidectomy, 108 Polyuria after extirpation of supra- renals, 154 — following reduction of renal paren- chyma, 445 Portal system of suprarenals 298, 299 - in birds, 300 - in reptiles, 299 Potential energy of organs of body, 1 1 Precocity, sexual, 370 Pregnancy, enlargement of hypo- physis during, 340 — , increase of weight of hypophysis in, 307, 309, 3io - of suprarenal capsules dur- ing, 269 — , interstitial ovarian tissue de- veloped during, 400 — , mammary growth during, 372, 375 — , mydriatic blood serum in urine of, 262 Progeria, 75 Prostate, effect of castration upon, 377 — , hypertrophy of, cause of, 377 — , internal secretion of, 410 Protagon, 286, 287 — - not a chemical entity, 290 Proto-adrenalin, see Adrenalin, pre- cursors of Pseudo-hermaphroditism, 358, 362 — , hypertrophy of suprarenals in, 269 Puberty, precocious, connection of hypertrophy of suprarenals with, 270 — , sexual development at, 369 Pulse, effect of pituitary extract on, 323-325 Pupil, action of adrenalin on, 230 — , dilatation of, effect of sympathetic system on, 210 INDEX 601 Pupil, dilatation under adrenalin, 209; see also Mydriasis . Of frog's eye (isolated), action ot adrenalin on, 209, 210 — , of various drugs on, 210 Pvlorus, action of adrenalin on, 204 RABBIT, acute tetany in, 40 , adrenalin contents in, 251 ^ effects of ligature of excretory ducts of pancreas on, 436 — , extirpation of hypophysis in, 3*7 — , gestation in, 404 — , parathyroid glands in, 35 — , suprarenal capsules, amorphous masses in, 284 . in, experimental removal, 139, Ui — , thymus gland in, 113 — — , extirpation, results, 114, 115, 116 — , toxic action of adrenalin on, 239, 240, 245 Rats, effect ot suppression of supra- renals on, 155 , retractor muscle in penis of, ner- vous network, 228, 229 , suprarenal extract from, toxicity, , survival after extirpation of both suprarenals, 143 — , tetany in, 41, 43 — , white, accessory interrenals in, 155 Reflex manifestation of diseases, 2 Renal extracts, administration, effects of, 44i , - and internal secretion or kidneys, 442 — , effect on blood-pressure, 442, 443 Renin, production ot, 442 Reptiles, embryology of pineal body in,. 35i — , suprarenal bodies in, 128, 130, 133 Respiration, action of adrenalin on, 235 Respiratory centre, effect of carbonic acid on, 15 — , lactic acid and, 15 Ringer's solution, suspension of isolated arteries in, 198, 199 Rb'ntgen rays, action of, on spermatic cells, 397 — , elective destruction of tissue foundations by, 19 1 influence on ovary, 403 -, treatment by, of Graves's disease, 100 Rutting and menstruation, 403 SALIVARY glands, action of adrenalin on, 211 Salt, metabolism of, 267 , increased by adrenalin, 215 — — , effect of thyroidectomy on, 71 Secretin, discovery of, 439 Secretin, formation of, 5 — , function of, 439 — , nature of, 439 Secretion, distinction from excretion, 3 Secretory organs, internal, 6 — tissue elements of generative glands, 391-41° Selachians, suprarenal capsules in, 299. Senile degeneration, 75 and thyroid gland, 75 ? atrophy of intestinal tract pre- sent in, 76 Sera, cytotoxic action of, 19 Sertoli's cells, 394 Serum (immune) in tetany, 56 therapy in Graves's disease, 101 ^ — , thyrotoxic immune, in Graves's disease, 101 Sex, determination of, 356 Sexual characteristics, 355 — , development of, 358 — , secondary, 359 — dimorphism, 361 — derangement in acromegaly, 331 glands, activity of, connection with. suprarenals, 269 — , changes in, in gigantism, 342 — , relationship to hypophysis, 33Q- 341 — , secretion of, changes following suppression, how explained, 2 — organs, changes following thyroid suppression, how effected, 110 — , removal, changes following, how once explained, 3 precocity, 370 stigmata, 362, 364 Shark, interrenal body of, 151 Sheep, parathyroid glands in, 35 — , thyroidectomized, changes in, 64 Skeleton, influence of generative glands on growth of, 382-384 Soil in relation to goitre, 81 Somatic cells, 359, 362 Spasm, laryngeal, of infants, 122 Species, characteristics of, 360 Spermatogenesis, suppression of in cryptorchidism, 393 Spermatozoa, varieties of, 356 " Spermin," 389 Sphingomyelin, 288, 292 Spinal cord, relationship of tetany to, 60 Spleen, action of adrenalin on, altered by increase in doses of ergot, 232 — , enlargement, following thyroid- ectomy, 67 — , implantation with thyroid tissue, results, 86 — into which thyroid had been implanted, extirpation, effects, 85 — , transplantation of suprarenal cap- sules into, 170 Spongiocytes, 282 — , labile fat in, 282 <602 INTERNAL SECRETION Staining methods for granules of suprarenal cortex, 274 Stannius, corpuscle of, 129, 152 .Status thymicolymphaticus, 122 — , enlargement of thymus in, 122, i?3 — , mortality from infective diseases great among subjects of, 124 — , sudden death in, 122, 123 — • — • at commencement of chloroform anaesthesia in, 123 - in, with hypoplasia of chromaffine system, 158 — • — , symptoms, 122 Stigmata, sexual, 362, 364 .Stomach, action of adrenalin on, 204 .Struma suprarenalis, 270 Strychnine, neutralization by adrena- lin, 293 Submaxillary glands, action of adrenalin on, 21 1 Succus entericus, 439 .Sugar-contents of blood, on what dependent, 428 Sugar, decomposition of, function of pancreas in relation to, 427 — , formation in liver, how controlled, 428 — , inhibited by pancreas, 430 — , nervous centres in relation to, 428, 429 — , metabolism of, in relation to pancreas, 424, 425' — , oxidation of, 426 Supernumerary ribs and vertebrae, 361 Suprarenal capsules, accessory, 134, 139, M3 — , compensatory hypertrophy after removal of suprarenals, 268 — , compensatory power of, 140, 146 — , connection of interrcnal structures with, 268 — , tumours of female genitals proceeding from, 270 — , active substance in chemistry, 177, 178; see also Adrenalin — , adrenalin contents in Addison's disease, 250 — , adrenalin in, how to ascertain amount, 182 — 3 albuminoids of, 275 — , amount of substance necessary for life, 146 - and activity of sexual glands, connection between, 269 — , antitoxic action, 293, 294 — , attempted destruction by specific cytotoxins, 144 — , blood circulation of, in mam- mals, 300, 301 — , chemistry of (excluding adrena- lin), 274-292 — , cholesterin, palmitate and stearate in, 288 — j cholin in, 275 Suprarenal capsules, chrome-brown cells of, granules in, 252 — colour of, 133 — , comparative morphology and embryology, 127 — , connection with precocious puberty, 270 — , cortex of, 128, 131 — , cells of lipoid granules, 272 — , method of examining, 274 — , pigment in, 274 — • • — , essential to life, 268, 269 — , experimental extirpation, 146-150 — , histology, 270-274 — , hypertrophy, connection with tumours, 270 — , granular, comparative his- tology, 285 — - — , granules in, 280 — • - — • — , double refractive, 283 - chemistry, 286, 287 — . — • — , resembling myelin, 284 — , staining of, 284 — , histology, 285 — • — - — , micro-chemical relation- ships, 280 — - - — , importance of, 148, 150 - and medulla, amalgamated in mammals, 130 , methods of staining gran- ules, 274 — — , myelin - forms, treatment with chromates, 289 — • — , similarity of cells to those of corpus luteum verum, 269 — — , destruction without clinical signs of Addison's disease, 162 — , development, 133 — , disease of, see Addison's dis- ease — , effect of injected toxic sub- stances on, 250 — , extirpation, anomalies of pig- mentation following, 157 — • — , changes in blood, 157, 158 — — - — , effect on adrenal system, 267 — 3 experimental extirpation, 138 — • of one after another, finally fatal, 141, 142, 145 — — — of both, survival after, 146 — , condition of blood-pre- sure after, 147, 148 — - — — of one, not fatal, 141, 144, 145 - of both at once, rapidly fatal, 138, 140, 141, 145 — of one, followed by, Com- pensatory hypertrophy in other, 139, MS — • — • — , not followed by death in rat, 143 INDEX 603 Suprarenal capsules, experimental ex- tirpation, death following, 142 . - — , followed by toxicity of blood, 156 — -. — . — — , followed by toxicity of muscles and viscera, 156 — - — , organotherapy after, 165- 168 — , symptoms, 153-158 , fat-contents, distribution, 285 — . — , ferments in, 275 — , functions of, historical account of discoveries, 124-127 — , in relation to muscular fatigue, 295 — , suppression chronic, 159 — , due to haemorrhage into organ, 159 — , symptom - com- plex, 159 — • in man, 158 — , symptoms, 153-158 — , hypersecretion, experimental, 260; see also Hy-peradrenalism — , hypertrophy in pseudo-herma- phroditism, 269 — , hypofunction, 261 — , hypoplastic infantilism of, 158 in adder, 298 in Batrachians, 299 in birds, 299, 300 , indispensable to life, 17 in fish, extirpation not fatal, 152, 153 , innervation, physiology of, 260 in Selachians, 299 — — , lecithin in, 286 —3 lipoids in, 279, 287, 292, 293 , medulla of, 128, 131 — , experimental extirpation, 146-150 — , hyperplasia of chromaffine tissue, 262 — , quantitative value, 265 — , over-estimated, 265 — , secretory processes, morph- ology, 252 — , total aplasia of, 158 , not homogeneous organs, 127 of pigs, distillation with hot acetone, 290, 291 — , lipoid substances in, 290, 291 of rabbits, amorphous masses in, 284 — , physiology of, 134, 138 — • — , portal system, 298, 299 — in birds, 300 in reptiles, 299 — , primary disease, rare, 159 , reaction to adrenalin, 212 — • — , reduction in size of, 158 — , relationship to hypophysis, 339 , secretory process of, 251 , sound, but with clinical signs of Addison's disease, 159, 160 40 Suprarenal capsules, stimulation, ex- perimental, 260 -3 substitution, 165 , transplantation, 168 — , functional capacity. 171 — , histological observations, 169 — , regression and proliferation of tissue following, 170, 171 — , site of, 170, 171, 172 — , successful, 170 — , conditions for, 173 — , tuberculosis of both, typical feature of Addison's disease, 159. — , vascularization of, 298 — , weight of, increased after cas- tration, 269 — , increase during pregnancy,. 269 in different animals, 269 extract, blood-pressure increased bv, how abolished, 157 in Addison's disease, 168 — , physiological action of, 173,. 174 — , specific action centred in adrenal body, 247 — , toxic action, 175, 176 — , watery, intravenous injection, 177; see also Adrenalin — organs, accessory, 131, see also- Intcrrctial bodies, accessory systems in invertebrates, tables illustrating, 135-13? Suprarenin, 178 — , d, toxic dose, 237 — , 1, toxic dose, 237 — , synthetic racemic, 179 Sugar in urine, see Glycosnria Surgery, operative, knowledge as to- internal secretions obtained through, 17 Sweat glands, action of adrenalin on, 214 — , innervation of, 191, 195 TACHYCARDIA, following administration of thyroid extracts, 90 Temperature, bodily, modified bv action of adrenalin, 226 Testicle, cryptorchidic, 393 — , development of, 366, 369, 371 — , secretory elements of, 392 — , watery extract, 21 Testicular extract, effects of, 389 — , injection of, effect, 4 Tetania parathyropriva, 38, 39, 47 Tetany, acute, experimental, 37, 39, 40- — , milk diet in, 107 — , secondary symptoms following, 43 — , tuberculosis and, 46 — , chronic, experimental production, 43 — , experimental, albuminuria accom- panying, 43 604 INTERNAL SECRETION Tetany, following" extirpation of thy- roid gland, 38 parathyroidectomy, 55 — , human, 44 — , infantile, 45 , causative factor, 120 — , localization of seat of, experi- ments for, 5Q — , undetermined, 61 — , post-operative, 44 , treatment by parathyroid ex- tract, 49, 50 — , puerperal, 44, 45 — , relationship to brain and cere- bellum, 60, 61 - to spinal cord, 60 — , symptoms of, latent, 45 — , toxin of, 55, 56 — , nature of, 56 — , point of attack, 50 — , treatment by blood-letting", 56 — — • bv calcium salts, 58, 59 - by immune serum, 56 by thyroid extract, 50, 51 Thomsen's disease, see Myotonia con- genita Thoracic duct, excretion of lymph from, promoted by adrenalin, 213 , ligature causing glycosuria, 43i Thvmus extract, action of, 121 on blood, 121 — , depressant, 121 — , toxic, 121 — , activity not affected by boiling, 121 gland, no — , anatomy, in — , cells of, not identical with those of lymph glands, 112 — , development, 34. ru — , enlargement in status thymico- lymphaticus, 122, 123 — , extirpation, effect on nervous system, 120 — , experimental, 115 • — , effect on ossification, 117, 118 — , followed by pneumo- thorax, 117 — , hypertrophy in Graves's dis- ease, 96 — ,' accompanying cardiac hyper- trophv, 19 — , implantation, experimental, 119, 120 — , normal weight in man, 113 — , involution, 112 — , persistent and enlarged, follow- ing thvroidectomy, 65 — , physiology, 113 — , reaction of motor apparatus to electric current, 120 — , relation of castration to, 116 — , relationship to hypophysis, 339 Thymus extract, secretion, action as disassimilatory hormone, 109, 1 10 — , size in dog, guinea-pig, and rabbit, 113 Thyroglobin, 29 Thyroglobulin, 28, 31 Thyroid apparatus, 26 — , influence on metabolism of carbohydrates controlled by pan- creas, 430 — - — j modification of action of adrenalin by, 226 extract, administration after sup- pression of thyroid function, 86 in cachexia strumipriva, 87 in endemic cretinism, 87 — , followed by hyperthyroid- ism, 90, 92, 93 - by tachycardia, 90 in myxoedema, 87 — , oral, resistance to sub- cutaneous injection of acetonitril, increased by, 108, 109 — , physiological effects, 89-92 , antitoxic theory, 104, 105 — , diuretic action, 91 — , effect on metabolism, 91 — , favourable influence on tuber- culous processes experimentally produced, 108 in myxoedema, 107 — , neutralizing activity, 108, 109 — , physiological effects on circu- latory system, 89, 90 — , reduction of obesity by, 91 — , treatment by, mydriasis follow- ing, 211 — gland, administration, effect on metabolic changes in hypothy- rosis, 88 , anatomy, 26 — , antitoxic activity, 108 - autotransplantation, 73 , chemistry of, 29 — , colloid of, 27, 28 — , comparative anatomy, 34-36 — , development, 34 , diseases of, cause of pathologi- cal conditions following, 107 — , effect of adrenalin on, 28 of castration on, 344 on metabolism, 70 of nervous excitement on, 28 — of pilocarpin on, 28 — — , etiological connection with Graves's disease, 100, 101 — , extirpation, followed by hyper- trophy of pituitary gland, 19 — 3 function, secretory, negative, 104 — , positive, 104 , suppression, 105 — , histology, 26, 27 — , influence on blood-formation, 37 INDEX 605 Thyroid gland, iodization process in, 105 — , iodine in, 29, 105 , ligature of vessels leading away from, result, 106 — — , parenchyma of, 27 — , physiological association with female organs of generation, 37 -, physiology, 62 , theories as to, 36, 37 , relationship to hypophysis, 338 , secretion, passage into lymph vessels, 28 , secretory processes, 27 — , storage in, 28 — , substitution of, treatment by, 83 — , suppression, changes in sexual organs, how effected, no , transplantation, 84 , experimental, 47, 83, 84 — , processes following healing in, 85 — and pancreas, relationship be- tween, 69, 70 and parathyroid glands, rela- tionship between, 51-55 - experimental evi- dence, 52, 53 • and senile degeneration, 75 — glands, accessory, 62, 63 insufficiency in youth, 76 — , partial, 107 juice, intravenous injections, eye- symptoms following, 92 — preparations, treatment by, of tetany, 50, 5 1 substances, Graves's disease due to flooding of organism with, 102 — tissue, implantation into spleen, results, 86 Thyroidectomy, effects of, 53, 54 adrenalin after, 54 — , experimental, 62, 63 — , changes following, 62-71 — , resistance to inorganic poisons, small after, 108 , results, 63 — , partial, 42 1 necessity for, in removal of goitre, 73 — , results, 37-40 — , symptoms following, how aborted, 84 — , total, cachexia following, 72, 73 Thyroidin, 30 — , effect on dogs, 0,2 Thyroparathyroidectomy, effects of adrenalin after, 54 — , results of, 68 Thvroplasia, 76 Thyrotoxalbumin, formation of, 105, 107 Tissue-formation, elective destruction by Rontgen rays, IQ Tortoise, parathyroid bodies in, 36 Toxic substances, effect on vegetative nervous system, 195 — , chemical neutralization, 9 , expulsion by excretory organs, 8 — , injection, effect on suprarenal capsules, 250 Toxins, chemical affinity for sub- stances occurring in body, 9 — , method of production, 105 — , see also Tetany, toxin of Transplantation of glands, results of, 379 — of organs, n, 20 - of body, see also Spleen, Thy- roid, Parathyroid glands Tritons, experimental removal of suprarenal capsules in, 141 Trypsin ferment, 439 Tryptophan, 296 Tuberculosis and acute tetany, 46 — , experimentally produced, effect of thyroid extracts on, 108 of both suprarenal capsules, typical feature of Addison'b disease, 159 Tumours, coexistence with hyper- trophy of suprarenal cortex, 270 Turtle, heart of, action of adrenalin on, 202 Tyrosin and adrenalin, 165 — , conversion into adrenalin, 180 UREA, affinity of carbamic acid for, 9 — , formation by liver, 9 Ureters, ligature of, experimental, 441 Urine, acetone bodies in, increase of, see Ketonuria —, adrenalin in, method of testing for, 182 — , examination after removal of suprarenal capsules, 154 of pregnancy, mydriatic substances in, 262 — , sugar in, see Glycosuria Urohypertensin, 256 Uterus, action of adrenalin on, 206 — , altered by increase of doses of ergot, 232 — , effect of pituitary extract on, 326 — , internal secretion of, 411 — , muscles of, action of adrenalin on, 206, 207 — , pregnant, action of adrenalin on, altered by ergot, 232 VAGI, stimulation of, effect on blood- pressure, 329 Vagus nerve, assimilatory activity, 14 Vas deferens, ligature of, effects of, 3Q3, 395 . Vaso-constriction due to adrenalin, 184 - to pituitary extract, 321, 324 Vaso-dilator effect of adrenalin, 198 Vasomotor excitability in Graves's disease, 97 6o6 INTERNAL SECRETION Vegetative organs, innervation of, table showing, IQO, 192, 193, 194 Vertebrates, embryology of pineal body in, 351 — lower than Batrachians, two systems of bodies replacing suprarenals in, 129 Viscera, toxicity of, produced by ex- tirpation of suprarenals, 156 Vision, disturbances of, in acromegaly, 33i, 337 WATER (drinking), transmission of goitre by, 81 Women, castration of, results of, 380 — , sexual characteristics of, 355 X-RAYS, see Rontgen rays YOUTH, thyroid insufficiency in, 76 ZONA glomerulosa, 270 reticularis, 274 — spongiosa, 282, 283