Given in Loving Memory of Raymond Braislin Montgomery Scientist, R/V Atlantis maiden voyage 2 July - 26 August, 1931 2K KK KK KK Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Physical Oceanographer 1940-1949 Non-Resident Statf 1950-1960 Visiting Committee 1962-1963 Corporation Member 1970-1980 KK KKK Faculty, New York University 1940-1944 Faculty, Brown University 1949-1954 Faculty, Johns Hopkins University 1954-1961 Professor of Oceanography, Johns Hopkins University 1961-1975 1738 “Mth 4 b@seboo TOE O WIM WQUAQ NA 1OHM/181ll institutio: MISTHULION is €3 o= es ce Oo <¢c + oxo nd ae rey a] b fek a) |} & w © .o) 2G w ae. | ae 6S @ ae S 2 ..5.....-......-+-ss98e8 fo Oceanographic research outside oceanographic institutions...........................05. 74 Ave bivAtlesibyuCOUTETICS ycpoterntns oles SER oer aie cete eS R Vac ES eae Feseieree eerone ea 74 ittundstavailableionoceanorraphicimesearchemaerce eerie seer eerie reenter ce eee 76 Analysis of the activities of the institutions according to subject...........................-. Ue SeISMOlO Gyles. tose ie ces eer het ties mich ty Mee ALON ccd ae Ea ys 77 iy drograp hi cisurvieyShycracteeicasem cheeses scaisiee eR eee eee 77 Tdalkerecordstandtresearchs Soo tee cca ha ate ece cae hearers ee ee ee 77 Rvecordsoltemperature andisalinityeaene sere ee cei nae eee 77 PV YSICS syste ba acre toy cock pTONONERS ASS TELS oe ohne De Oe nee ea 77 @hremistrysed it wt eerste stor sete cus sralera a sgeiere rebel site dera elena nete Mareen erate ed Dynamicalioceanography i. atctrot tree eta ceca ee. Sane oe Ee ae Eee 77 Sediments saan hater nse ate mine | BR Por a Ne 3 | Aah oR gee 77 Mieteorolop yet tttciis oie cists cence ako hake eke nae Oe el ate an ce Eee ie ee eee U0 (CREAN AC NA er ba eel aah aA Ce a ee AR ae pe Se ea San n cliclS oid.0 6.6 77 PETrestri al Tia. em CtISM<--- ceseoe oes eos cust wie caste clevem Me ea re oh ae ne oe ete eRe oe ee 78 URISWETI Si Na hy em Suh ap ere baie eh Aa op Resto) Sel ee ea 78 I Erb a(S] 6) (0) Loy eee eae Reena ae Faeroe gene ete Eee als in Sin A ema Anta esa 78 Instructionunioceanorraphy: smc cet irs to selec ans cece tee etek en eer eet 78 List of institutions engaged in oceanographic work and their activities................... 80 InternationallinstitutioMsremesne erect sree ne Sereno te er nat ote Ci een ee (aera eee 89 Institutions; east side‘of the Atlantic and connecting’seas\....5......-.2-s. 252s. - mene osc 104 Al vera: torbrancemMinclusiverar ce mcocc a ke scree acer Oe eae ie en SRO ee Cn Era 104 Germany: touMonacosinclusivies ca. sie ae. eo cece as cre EOC eee eee 124 Netherlandsito! Yalgoslaviasinclisiviesmaset, one 1 acne cee ceeie Ce ee eee eee 137 WE Si Sse Pwestermiparting sc sce: sucess sirsres ane aie tote adie ches ets et cushe mveioucior te tor aie ete ake ene et a ee 155 Institutions sswestisideroimbthesAt antic! © cesnmen rier nerrnen note te cence ect eee 164 Britishydominionsey ean sew ose nee ele aac ences Nee een TARR one ree eee 164 WinitediStatesm ye tcc oes Ache hehe e OTA Grea eR Eee eet 168 HasternisouthrAimenca ashe cyte ein ey Tepe eet iets cent ee tgs en ee eee en cent Tt ee 188 Imstijutionsyexst sidejomthereaciticlOcesne areas teeter eno on Soe 191 COP NGY NG eee ee Ae er eee MRE eg iat eae 4 ata Ana Meg ater aire an en a | et ae, Rae ttc Be 69 0'c 191 WmitedsS tat ese tery. hs ete ie TNO Oe Rc perers © (BNI ‘B2Das® Ks? Ones-120 OF cing ses O O17 Hy 384 \ C17 H; 386 us63¢ i 017 Hj 387 \ ( @. \ uses \' CB 32 €17 H) 398 ,C17 403 CIT) Ole (C17 Hj OS CON Gt croni{its cr7Hj 80 Cr Kj se CIS MISS, CITHBE ce os C20) 650 20H; 467 Cie C17 Hj 12S “fe 4322 Y bs er N260 cre Hj 80 (20H) 378 C19 Hj 187 IN C20; 381 NoRWEGIAN SeA, OBSERVATIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY AT 500 Mrvers 2000, 10006, ethan, WOM, 500 m. BL, (Ubris- 55 — a AAYTAAIIMAT FO @MOITAVAZeaO — .293T3M 002 TA © YTWIIA2 OMA 10H), 500 m9. o Reb sot daar A aoe nr a NT) pt, a gba 1.) V, Hydro: C4 jviheon bay recd@g5 , di On thei eiragraphy of + » deg Wize. Dileeg i (poe GNI ag ers cepry te \(Riel 10% cs re Sere si the ie wy ant ig at “4 uber ie = a Te ae Cea . : ean lT Anup Baarvow: =e Bn tess , | Berd ; yi id Maritimen Meteorolagie Tata : Y (SEosburg] 1912) "S ? LY rgang, He (Bertin 1927 Kaggowrrscu, J ‘ ip . Scuriz, 0 , , ~ . istische Unterstise I (St. Petertiaate eastal O02 TA yriumaaG ama anuTAagIMaT Fo exorravaaedO .498 ywatoawao INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY PLATE 2 50° 40 30° 20° 10wo’ : Fe AL TITI 30 AW OBSERVATIONS OF TEMPERATURE (e) || AND SALINITY (©) AT 1000 METERS. 170) NorwWEGIAN SEA, OBSERVATIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY AT 1000 METERS Ls i BEE BNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY PLATE 3 ° 40 30° 20° 10wo0° 10. 20° Za Lek ht a8 Bee, Ci LEE v4 OBSERVATIONS OF TEMPERATURE (e) AND SALINITY (©) AT 2000 METERS. ° Ci9Da S142 NORWEGIAN SkA, OBSERVATIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND SALinity Av 2000 Mrerrrs gt fos “oe ope TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY 11 der deutschen Wiss. Komm. fiir Meeresforschung. Neue Folge, B. III, H. 3. (Berlin 1927) Scuuutz, Bruno and Wutrr, ALFRED: Hydrographie und Oberflichenplankton des westlichen Barentsmeeres im Sommer 1927. Berichte der deutschen Wiss. Komm. fiir Meeresforschung. Neue Folge, B. 1V, H.5. (Ber- lin 1929) Souvorow, E.: An Expedition to the Cheskaya Bay in the Year 1926 and its Hydrographical Works. Transac- tions North. Scientific and Economic Expd. No. 438, (U.S.S.R. Sei. Techn. Dept. No. 278). Moscow 1929) Timonorr, V. V.: Zur Frage iiber das hydrologische Regime der Strasse zwischen dem Weissen und dem Barents- meere, in Institute Hydrologique de Russie. Explora- tion des mers russes. Fasc. 1. (Leningrad 1925) Wasnerzov, W. A.: Hydrographische Beschreibung der Tschesskaja Bai nach den Materialen der 10ten Expedi- tion des Wiss. Meeresinstitutes. Berichte des Wiss. Meeresinstitutes IV, Lfg. 2. (Moscow 1929) Wigesz, W.: Scientific Results of the Expedition with MatycauIn in Barentssea 1928. Transactions of the Institute for Exploration of the North. No. 45. (Moscow 1929) Wiese, W.: Scientific Results of the Expedition to Franz Josephs Land in the Summer 1929. (Wiese and Lak- tionoff: Tiefseebeobachtungen) Transactions of the Institute for Scientific Exploration of the North. No. 49. (Moscow 1931) Zusow, N. N.: Hydrological Investigations in the South- western Part of the Barents Sea during the Summer 1928. Transactions of the Oceanogr. Institute, Vol. II, No. 4. (Moscow 19382) Sources or Data, THe Kara Sea, SIBERIAN SEA, ET CETERA NansEN, Friptusor: The Norwegian North Polar Expedi- tion 1893-96. Scientific Results. Vol. III. (Chris- tiania 1902) Sverprvup, H. U.: The Waters on the North-Siberian Shelf. The Norwegian North Polar Expedition with the Maup 1918-1925. Scientific Results, Vol. IV, No. 2. (Ber- gen 1929) Vega-expeditionens Vetenskapliga Jakttagelser. Bd. 2 (Stockholm 1883) Wasnerzov, W. A.: On the Hydrology of the Kara Sea. Transactions of the Oceanogr. Institute, Vol. I, No. 2-3. (Moscow 1931) Wiess, W. J.: Etude hydrologique des mers: des Laptevs et de la Siberia orientale. (Giving complete list of litera- ture up to 1926) Materiaux de la Comm. pour 1’étude de la Republique ASS Iakoute, Livr. 5. (Leningrad 1926) Sources or Data, THe Arctic AREA IN GENERAL Breirruss, L.: Das Nordpolargebiet (1913-31); Geogr. Jahrbuch XLVII. (Giving list of literature 1913-31). (Berlin 1932) Sources or Data, Bauric SEA Bulletin Trimestriel des Résultats acquis pendant les croisiéres périodiques. Publié par Conseil Interna- tional. Copenh. Année 1902-03, 03-04, etc.-1908 (Danish, Finnish, German, and Swedish observations). (Copenhagen 1903-08) Bulletin Hydrographique. Publié par Conseil Interna- tional (as continuation of the above series) Copenhagen. Année 1908-09, 1909 etc. 1914. 1920-21-22-23, 1925 etc. 1931. (Danish, Esthonian, Finnish, German, Polish (below 100 meters), Russian and Swedish observations. The Finnish observations later than 1928 incl. may also be found in Havforskningsinstituttets Skrift No. 66, 70 etc.) (Copenhagen 1910- ) Havforskningsinstituttets Skrift. No. 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16, 20, 21, 26, 27, 30, 32, 34, 38, 39, 45, 46, 49, 51, 58, 65, 66, 70, 75, 78, 81, 82. (Helsingfors 1920- ) No. 1: Hydrographische Untersuchungen im Nordlichen Teile der Ostsee etc. 1898-1904. (Helsingfors 1907) No. 7: Rolf Witting: Zusammenfassende Ubersicht der Hydrographie des Bottnischen und Finnischen Meer- busen etc. nach den Untersuchungen bis Ende 1910. (Helsingfors 1912) No. 8: Rolf Witting: Beobachtungen von Temperatur und Salzgehalt an festen Stationen in 1900-10. (Helsing- fors 1912) No. 10: Rolf Witting: Jahrbuch 1911 enthaltend hydrogr. Beobachtungen in den Finland umgebenden Meeren. (Helsingfors 1912) No. 12: Rolf Witting: Jahrbuch 1912 enthaltend et cetera. (Helsingfors 1913) No. 13: Rolf Witting: Jahrbuch 1913 enthaltend et cetera. (Helsingfors 1914) A.: Hydrologische und hydrochem. 1908. (St. LEBENDINZEFF, A. Untersuchungen d. Ostsee Aug.—Sept. Petersburg 1910) Purtnins, R.: Die hydrographischen Ergebnisse der let- tischen Terminfahrt and Purnins, R.: Observations de profondeur du Bateau de VEtat Hirocrars Folia Zoologica et Hydrobio- logica. Vol. I, 1929. (Riga) Rurrin, Ernst: Die Belt- und die Ostsee im November 1912. Annalen der Hydrographie und Maritimen Meteorology, Heft 6, 1913. (Berlin 1913) Scuuuz, Bruno: Hydrographische Untersuchungen beson- ders ueber den Durchliiftungszustand in der Ostsee im Jahre 1922 (Forschungsschiffe Naurtitus und SKa- ceRAK). Aus dem Archiv der deutschen Seewarte) XLI, No. 1. (Hamburg 1923) Sonutz, Bruno: Hydrographische Beobachtungen ins- besondere ueber die Kohlensiure in der Nord- und Ostsee im Sommer 1921 (Forschungsschiffe PosEIDON Aus dem Archiv der deutschen (Hamburg 1922) und SKAGERAK). Seewarte, XL, No. 2. 12 INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY ATLANTIC OCEAN: HORIZONTAL DISTRIBUTION OF TEMPERATURE, SALINITY AND DENSITY, AT STANDARD DEPTHS! By GEORG WUST Institut fiir Meereskunde, Berlin, Germany Puatss 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 1. THe Source MaTERIAL In an endeavor to indicate the thermohaline constitution of the oceans in relation to the deep circulation of the water masses, the procedure is not by presenting the data in horizontal and vertical sections but by presenting them as curved surfaces which correspond to the contours of the core layers (Kernschichten) of the stratospheric water bodies. After having first achieved in this way a representa- tion in space of the extension and the mixing of the core water masses, we are prepared for a complete understanding of the horizontal distribution of temperature, salinity, and density at standard depths. Therefore, the construction of the charts, with which the work originally began, is placed at the end of our investigation. The first fundamental preparation for this goes back to A. Merz himself, who, before the expedition, had planned (after 1922) a card catalogue of all hydrographic observations in the three oceans after the dates of the CHALLEN- GER and GAZELLE expeditions; and for the Atlantic Ocean had completed it for the condition of research up to the beginning of the Mrrror expedition. A. Merz? has reported in detail in another place on the initiation of the card catalogue, with the preparation of which at that time Doctor H. H. F. Meyer was especially entrusted, and on the point of view, which fixed the method for obtaining values at standard depths. After the end of the expedition the author has carried forward along the lines laid down by Merz the card catalogue for the Atlantic ocean, concerning which more detailed information is given in volume 4 of this work, pp. 7 et seq. Work on the exhaustive collection of all available, uniformly reduced, and prepared observa- tional material took, as a result of the greatly increased number of deep-sea investigations since the Mrtrror Expedition, so extensive a scope that it could be handled only by a series of codperators, 1 Translated by T. Wayland Vaughan from ‘‘Schichtung und Zirkulation des Atlantischen Ozeans,’’ Zweite Liefer- ung ‘‘die Stratosphire.’’ Wissensch. Ergeb. der Deutschen Atlantischen Expedition auf dem Forschungs und Ver- messungsschiff Merror 1925-1927, Vol. 6, Ist Pt., pp. 224— 233, 248-251, Beilagen 32-35, 1935. 2 Preus. Akad. Wissensch. Phys.-Math. K]., Ber., 1925, vol. 31, p. 58. of whom special mention should here be made of Doctor G. Béhnecke, Doctor G. Dietrich, Doctor H. H. F. Meyer, and the technical assistants, Misses M. Asché, J. Peter, and J. Zietz. The number of the stations recorded in the card catalogue soon exceeded 10,000. In order not to jeopardize the execution of the Merz plan to represent the constitu- tion of the oceans on charts of oceanographic factors, the author next eliminated all of the shelf regions and adjacent seas except the Caribbean Sea, and devoted attention only to stations exceeding 200 meters in depth in the open Atlantic Ocean. For the open Atlantic Ocean the northern limit was taken as the 65th degree of latitude at the Faroe- Shetland Swell; the limit for the Pacific Ocean was fixed at the 70th meridian of west longitude; and that for the Indian Ocean at the 35th meridian of east longitude. After the exclusion of the stations for which there are only bottom observations, the results obtained from a study of those that exceed 4,000 meters in depth are presented elsewhere,’ and after the elimi- nation of all defective series, there remain a total of 3,440 stations with serial measurement of tem- perature and about 3,100 with simultaneous serial measurements of salinity, executed by about 70 research vessels in the years between 1873 and 1934. For each station large scale vertical curves of tem- perature and salinity were constructed. When necessary the results of the different expeditions were uniformly reduced to depths in meters, tem- peratures to degrees centigrade, and, salinities were reported in conformity to Knudsen’s hydrographic tables. The values for salinity were, when it appeared necessary, recalculated? and tested by the correlation Temperature and Salinity in order to recognize those of defective values, and to calculate the corresponding salinity for the intermediate depths in which there were only temperature data. The vertical curves were, in so far as possible, laid out in geographical order so that in working up the series comparisons could be made between neigh- 3 This volume, Ist Lieferung. 4For example for the CHALLENGER and other series compare: L. Moller: Zur Kritik und Aufbereitung der Dichte- und Salzgehaltswerte alterer Expeditionen: Veroff. Inst. f. Meereskde., Reihe A, H. 15, Berlin 1926. TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY 13 boring stations. While the plotting of the observa- tion points was mostly assigned to technical as- sistants, the vertical curves were constructed with the greatest possible care by scientific workers. From these curves the temperatures and salinities were taken with estimates to parts per hundred for the standard depths, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1,000, 1,250, 1,500, 1,750, 2,000, 2,500, 3,000, 3,500, 4,000, 4,500, and 5,000 meters. For the older temperature- series Professor Merz, himself, had completed the work. These values together with the abbrevia- tions of the names of the expeditions and of the months of the observations, with the appropriate isobaths, were plotted on surface-true charts on a scale of 1:20 million; for the regions in which there are more numerous observations such as the South Antilles Sea, Newfoundland, and the west European continental slope, special charts on a larger scale were constructed. On the basis of the interpolated values of temperature and salinity, the density values were calculated, which because of the general greater constancy at deep levels made _ possible another test of the data. In the case of strongly discrepant values it was possible in most instances to decide whether the error lay in the measurement of the temperature or in the determination of the salinity, or whether in the construction of the vertical curves insufficient attention was paid to the correlation of Temperature-Salinity and whether a subsequent equalization of the curves for both factors was necessary. It results from this graphical investigation of the values at standard depths and from the construction of horizontal charts, tempera- ture, salinity, and density, that the curves may not be constructed one independently of the other, but that because of the essential relation between the three factors every bulge in a salinity curve necessarily requires a definite course of the tem- perature curve, and that the density in depth should show no irregularities. So far as it is attainable by present state of the investigation, the charts of the three factors must be drawn so that one is com- parable with the other. Naturally it is not possible to exclude all errors in working up so heterogeneous material. Many bulges and peculiarities in the isotherms, isohalines, and isopyenics apparently are attributable to such sources of error. Among the sources of error, above all other uncertainties that manifest themselves, are those which result from interpolation from observations with relatively wide vertical observational intervals. These uncer- tainties, especially in the temperature, exceed in most cases all other sources of error in the measure- ments; they are uncontrollable in amount if inter- mediate maxima or minima occur between the points at which measurements are made. A. TEMPERATURE In this presentation of facts it seems superfluous to give a critical review of the methods of measuring temperatures on the different ships, as has been done for the measurement of bottom temperatures.® Also for the present purpose the deep sea thermome- ters used since 1873 may in general be regarded as sufficiently precise. With the old observations by means of maximum-minimum thermometers, the errors in measurement are mostly due to the subse- quent displacement of the index. Systematic deviations even in the depth of the intermediate temperature maxima, where such deviations are to be expected on account of the principle of measure- ments on which the extreme thermometers are based, are so insignificant that they play no réle on the horizontal charts. Rather is it necessary to reckon with systematic errors in the measure- ments with reversing thermometers of the old construction in the years 1885 to 1905. Then in most cases, because of the absence of an auxiliary thermometer, the subsequent expansion of the broken quicksilver mass was not eliminated from the thermometric reading. The temperatures re- ported by such research vessels as the ALBATROSS, Beutaica, Princess Auicr, and probably also in part those of the Gauss and Pourquor Pas, are notably too high, particularly in the great depths of the tropics and the subtropics. With the excep- tion of the Mrrror, ATLANTIS, and in part the DruTcHLAND, which controlled the depth of the reversal by thermometric measurement, we must consider in all serial measurements systematic errors which result from the failure to take into account the wire angle produced by the drifting of the vessel. Because of the strong vertical gradients there, errors due to this cause occur in numerous serial measurements in the upper water layers of the tropics. The strikingly high values which occur in numerous series of the NaTIoNAL, occasionally also in those of the Bertin, Discovery, MARGRETHE, and VALDIVIA can be attributed to too great wire angle. Finally there remains to be considered that the measurements were made in different months and years since 1873, and that even the deeper layers 5 Compare, this volume, Ist Lieferung, pp. 12 et seq. 14 INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY obviously are not free from marked periodic and secular changes of oceanographic factors which on the horizontal charts are expressed as local devia- tions. In the higher latitudes, where such secular changes are especially marked, the stations occupied during the summer half of the year are strongly predominant. But, as has been said, in addition to all of these errors and disturbing factors, comes the uncertainty contingent upon interpolation from inadequate vertical observational intervals, and this source of error is many times the most important. All strongly discrepant values were placed in paren- theses on the horizontal charts, as soon as they could be attributed with some probability to one of the designated sources of error, and in the construction of the isotherms they were considered either not at all or only with caution. The following table 38 gives a statistical summary of the number of sta- tions with the serial measurement of temperatures, made since 1873 by research vessels and cable ships in the open Atlantic Ocean and available at the Institut fiir Meereskunde at the beginning of 1934.° Four layers, 200-1000 m., 1250-2000 m., 1250-2000 m., 2500-4000 m., and 4000-5000 m., are recognized. The catalogue of sources is given in the Appendix. The detailed station list and the four charts (supple- ments XXXII-XXXVI) of the source material make clear the status of the investigation of the open Atlantic Ocean in the four principal layers below 200 meters. Both of the uppermost layers (200-1000, 1250-2000), considering the great extent of the ocean, can be regarded as relatively well investigated (although in the second layer there are less than one half as many serial measurements as in the uppermost layer). But for the deeper layers, greater than 2000 meters, the only relatively well explored regions are the regions investigated by the Mrreor, and the South Antilles Sea, the prin- cipal region of work of the Discovery Expedition. Of the 743 serial measurements which have yielded the material for the layer between 1250 and 2000 meters the Mrerror has supplied 275 series (includ- ing the Greenland voyage), and the three ships of the Discovery Expedition have supplied 254 series, which are predominantly in the South Antilles Sea. Then follows the ATLANTIS with 173 series of closely 6 For this opportunity I express the thanks of the Institut fiir Meereskunde to Professor H. Bigelow and Dr. Seiwell for making available manuscript material of the ATLANTIS Expeditions, to Professor Fleming and Professor H. U. Sverdrup for similar material of the CarNEGr£ Expedition, and to Professor Helland-Hansen, Professor H. U. Sver- drup, and Doctor H. Mosby for such material from the expedition of the Norvecta. spaced stations, along lines of special profiles in the northwest Atlantic. As the charts show, the Meteor in its investigation has placed great weight on the investigation of the deepest levels (> 4000 meters), which as a rule have been neglected. Of the 126 series which have supplied values for the horizontal charts (4000 and 5000 meters), the Mereor has contributed 77. B. SALINITY AND DENSITY In the source material of the salinities we have recognized two fundamentally different groups: (1) Those in which the salinities were determined by physical methods—hydrometer, electrical con- ductivity (salinity-tester)—which show great un- certainties; and (2) Those which depend upon the chemical method of chlorine titration and which because of the standardization of the method (normal water) are mostly comparable. The series of salinities obtained by the use of hydrometers, which constitute only about three per cent of those for the uppermost layers and a still smaller propor- tion for the lower layers, notwithstanding modern methods of handling data, are eliminated from the observational material above considered. After the elimination of entirely defective values through the correlation—salinity, such data are utilized only as auxiliary points in regions that are poor in observa- tions. The method of electrical conductivity (salin- ity-tester), used on the vessels of the Ice Patrol and on the CaRNEGIE’ apparently because of ther- mal disturbances, is also not sufficiently accu- rate to recognize the finer differences in salinity in the greater depths. In depths of more than 2000 meters we have therefore placed in parentheses those values obtained in this way. Our salinity charts therefore represent only the distribution of the chlorine content which has been transformed into salinity according to the recognized relation of chlorine to salinity. As already noted, the salinity 7 According to a communication in a letter from Pro- fessor Sverdrup the limit of error of the electrical method in comparison with that of titration for chlorine reaches about 0.04 °/,, in salinity. On our salinity charts for 1500-4500 meters in depth the Carnzcie salinity in the open Atlantic Ocean shows on the average around 0.03-0.04 °/,, too low, as does also a comparative consideration of the curves S-f (t) of the CARNEGIE stations with the neighboring stations of other expeditions. (In some places the devia- tion of the CarneEGIE salinites varies between —0.10 and +0.02 °/,.). 8 Since doubt has recently been expressed as to whether the composition of sea water is sufficiently constant for such a calculation, it has been proposed by Carter, Moberg, Skogsberg, and Thompson, that it would be more precise to abandon this transformation and in its place present charts of chlorine-content. The author cannot agree to this step TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY 15 values were tested by the construction of the curves showing the relation of salinity to temperature, and defective measurements were recognized in this way and discarded; for the intermediate depths in which only temperature data were available, tiepoints were found for the construction of the salinity vertical curves. Faulty determinations were ex- cluded through this procedure and comparability with temperature made sure. But the uncertainties of interpolation which are due to the many times too great vertical intervals between observations could not be eliminated, and to such sources of error are attributable many irregularities in the isohalines and isopyenics. Table 39 gives the statistical summary of the number: of salinity series which constitute the source material for the horizontal charts of salinity and density in the four layers. In the uppermost layer (200-1000 m.) lie the impressive number of 3047 stations with serial salinities, which are only slightly less than the corresponding number of serial temperatures. The great progress which is shown in the investigation of the salinity of the deeper layers since 1921 is obvious when one calls to mind that W. Brennecke® could base his first incomplete attempt to construct charts of the salinity distribution for six deep horizons in 200- 1000 m., on only about 100-150 stations, and in some parts of the ocean, because of the absence of observations, had to leave out entirely the drawing of isohalines. Highly noteworthy is the number of serial salinities, 1226, in the next layer (1250- 2000 m.). Only 622 stations have supplied material for the layer 2500-4000 m. When one considers the corresponding station chart, he recognizes that up to now, work has been done in a systematic way only by the Mrreor, 238 series, in its two regions because we must take into account conclusions based on the usage for many years of the determined salinity values. It may be recommended, however, that in the future for these determinations the symbol Sq) be used. ® Deutsche Seewarte, Archiv., 1921, p. 165 and plates 13 and 14. of work in the south and north Atlantic; and by the Discovery, 154 series, in the South Antilles Sea; while the ATLANTIS has worked along profiles the important number of 100 series. For the two lowest horizons (4600 and 5000 m.) the Mrerror has contributed 72 series, that is two thirds of the total material. The charts show with clearness the gaps in the thermo-haline investigation of the Atlantic Ocean: North of 15° north and also in the South Polar Sea there is a series of 5°-fields from which there are no serial measurements of tempera- ture and salinity at depths of 2500 meters and more; and as regards its greatest depths, the water of the north Atlantic Ocean north of 20° is almost un- explored. The results from the working up of all available source material are presented on 45 charts? of which 15 are devoted to temperature, salinity, and density. The foregoing account of the horizontal distribu- tion of temperature, salinity, and density at standard depths in the Atlantic Ocean by Professor Wist should be supplemented by mention of “A Study of the circulation of the Western North Atlantic,” by C. O’D. Iselin.!! This memoir makes important additions to knowledge of the oceanography of the part of the Atlantic with which it deals. The bibliography accompanying it contains references to several papers published subsequent to the com- pletion of Wiist’s manuscript. Another paper of importance in this connection is one by C. G. Rossby entitled “‘Dynamies of steady ocean currents in the light of experimental fluids mechanics.’”2 This publication deals rather with a possible interpretation than with the presentation of data. 10 Atlas to this volume. 11 Papers in Physical Oceanography and Meteorology, published by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 101, August, 1936. 2 Pap. in Phys. Oceanog., Mass. Inst. Technology and Woods Hole Oceanogr. Institution, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 43, 1936. Lists or Sources OF Data Abbreviations of the Ships’ Names and Indications of the Sources ABREVI- NO. ATION SHIP YEAR OF OBSERVATION 1 A “Acadia” 1915 2 Ab ““Albatross”’ 1884-85 1919-20 SOURCE AND REMARES P. Bjerkan, Results of the hydrographical observations made by Dr. J. Hjort in the Canadian Atlantic waters. Ottawa 1919. C. H. Townsend, U. S. Fish Comm. Report for 1900, Wash- ington 1910. Report U. S. Comm. of Fisheries for 1920. App. III, Wash- ington 1921. 16 No. 3 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ABREVI- ATION Ah Al Cha INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY SHIP “‘Armauer Hansen’’ “Albacora’”’ “Antarctic” “Atlantis” “Bache’”’ “Belgica”’ “Berlin” “Buccaneer”’ “Cinco de Outubro” “Carnegie”’ “Challenger”’ “Challenger”’ “Chance” “Deutschland” “Tyana’’ “Discovery” “Discovery II” “Eduardo Dato”’ “Explorer’’ “Frithjof”’ YEAR OF OBSERVATION SOURCES AND REMARES 1913-14 Bj Helland-Hansen u. F. Nansen, The eastern North Atlan- tic. Geofysiske Publikasjoner. Vol. IV, Nr. 2. Oslo 1926. 1922 Ebenda. 1925-26 Rapports et procés-verbaux (Conseil permanent interna- tional pour l’exploration de la mer). Bd. 40 u. 44. Kopenhagen 1926 u. 27. 1927-29 Ebenda. Rapport Atlantique (Cons. perm. intern.). Bd. 55 u. 70. 1927-29. Kopenhagen 1929, 1931. 1901-02 O. Nordenskjéld, Die ozeanographischen Ergebnisse. Wiss. Erg. d. Schwed. Siidpolar-Expedition. Bd. I, 2. Stockholm 1917. 1931-32 Bulletin hydrographique 1932 nebst Appendice pour 1931 (Conseil perm. internat.). Kopenhagen 1933. 1914 Report U. 8. Comm. of Fisheries for 1915. App. V, Wash- ington 1917. 1898 Rés. du voyage du S. Y. “‘Belgica’’ 1897/99. Océanog- raphie. Antwerpen 1908. 1924 Handschrift der Beobachtungen des Kreuzers ‘‘Berlin’’ im Institut f. Meereskunde Berlin. 1886 J. Y. Buchanan, The exploration of the Gulf of Guinea. The Scottish Geogr. Magazine 1888 (abgedruckt in: J. Y. Buchanan, Scientific papers, Cambridge 1913). 1923 Rapports et procés verbaux. (Cons. perm. internat.) Bd. 35. Kopenhagen 1925. 1928 Handschriftliches Material der Carnegie Institution (Prof- Fleming). 1873-76 Report on the scientific results of the voyage of H. M. S. Challenger, Physics and chemistry. Vol. I, London 1884, 1932 Bulletin hydrographique 1932. (Cons. perm. internat.) Kopenhagen 1933. 1926 C. Iselin, A report on the coastal waters of Labrador. Pro- ceedings Americ. Ac. of Arts and Sciences. Vol. 66, Nr. 1. 19380. 1911-12 W. Brennecke, Die ozeanographischen Arbeiten der Deuts- chen Antarktischen Expedition 1911-12. Aus dem Archiv d. Dt. Seewarte, Hamburg 1921. 1921-22 The Danish Expedition 1920-22. Oceanogr. Reports Nr. 1, Introduction by J. Schmidt. Kopenhagen 1929. 1925 J. P. Jacobsen, Contribution to the hydrography of the North-Atlantic. The Dana Exp. 1921-22. Copenhagen 1929, S. 54. 1931 Bulletin hydrographique 1931. (Cons. perm. internat.) Kopenhagen 1932. 1932 Bulletin hydrographique 1932. (Cons. perm. internat.) Kopenhagen 1933. 1926-27 Discovery Reports Vol. I. Station List 1925-1927. Cam- bridge 1929. 1930-31 Discovery Reports. Vol. IV. Station List 1929-1931. Cambridge 1932. 1927-28 Rapports et procés verbaux. Rapport Atlantique (Cons. perm. internat.) Bd. 55. Kopenhagen 1929. 1929-31 Bulletin hydrographique 1929 u. 1931. (Cons. perm. in- ternat.) 1910 Kopenhagen 1930 u. 1932. F. Nansen, The waters of the north eastern North Atlantic (Internat. Rev. d. ges. Hydrobiol. u. Hydrogr. Hydrogr. Suppl. 2. Serie). Leipzig 1913. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Hl Hx Ms Mt SHIP “Falken” “Plinders”’ “Gazelle” “Gauh’’ “General Greene’”’ “Godthaab” “Goldfinch” “Grampus” “Goldseeker’’ “Helga’’ “Huxley’’ “Ingolf”’ “Moltke”’ “'Margrethe’’ “Modoe”’ “Mowe’’ “Muirchu”’ “Michael Sars’’ ““Meteor”’ TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY U7 YEAR OF OBSERVATION SOURCES AND REMARKS 1912 Bulletin hydrographique 1911-12 (Cons. perm. internat.) Kopenhagen 1913. 1928 Bulletin hydrographique 1928. (Cons. perm. internat.) Kopenhagen 1929. 1874-76 Die Forschungsreise 8. M. 8S. “‘Gazelle’’ 1874/76. Hrsg. v. d. Hydrographischen Amt der Admiralitait. Bd. II, Berlin 1888. 1901-03 E. v. Drygalski, Ozean und Antarktis. Deutsche Siidpolar- Expedition. Bd. VIII. Berlin 1925. 1931-32 International Ice Observation and Ice Patrol Service 1931/32 (U. S. Treasury Department, Coast Guard Bull. 21). Washington 1932/33. 1928 Bulletin hydrographique 1928. (Cons. perm. internat.) Kopenhagen 1929. 1902-03 List of oceanic depths for 1903. Hydrogr. Department of the Admiralty. London 1904. 1914-16 H. B. Bigelow, Doc. 969. Bureau of Fisheries. Washing- ton 1927. 1906-07 Bulletin des resultats Année 1906-07. (Cons. perm. in- ternat.) Kopenhagen 1908. 1909 Ebenda. Année 1909/10. Kopenhagen 1910. 1910-11 Ebenda. Année 1910/11. Kopenhagen 1912. 1905-13 Bulletin des résultats. (Teil B) bzw. Bulletin hydro- graphique. Année 1904-05, 1906-07, 1908-09, 1909-10, 1910-12, 1912-18. (Cons. perm. internat.) Kopen- hagen 1906-1914. 1909 Bulletin des résultats. Année 1908-09. (Cons. perm. internat.) Kopenhagen 1909. 1895-96 M. Knudsen, Hydrography. The Danish ‘‘Ingolf’’ Expedi- tion. Vol. I, Nr. 2. Kopenhagen 1899. 1882 Annalen der Hydrographie usw. 1882, 8S. 741. 1913-14 Bulletin hydrographique. Année 1913-14. (Cons. perm. internat.). Kopenhagen 1915. J. P. Jacobsen, Contri- bution to the hydrography of the Atlantic. Medd elelser f. Komm. f. Havundersggelser, Hydrografi, Bd. II, Nr. 5, Kopenhagen 1916. 1925-26 International ice observations and ice patrol service 1925, 1926 (U. S. Treasury Department Coast Guard, Bull. 13, 15). Washington 1926, 1927. 1911-12 G. Schott u. B. Schulz, Die Forschungsreise 8. M. S. “Mowe.’’ Aus dem Archiv der Deutschen Seewarte. 1914. H. 1. Hamburg 1914. 1925-30 Rapports et procés verbaux (Cons. perm. internat.). Bd. 40, 55, 70, 76. Rapport Atlantique 1925, 1927. Kopen- hagen 1926, 1929, 1931. 1932 Bulletin hydrographique 1932. (Cons. perm. internat.) Kopenhagen 1933. 1900-02 Bj. Helland-Hansen und F. Nansen, The Norwegian Sea. Kristiania 1909. 1902 Bull. des résultats. (Cons. perm. internat.) Kopen- hagen 1903. 1910 Bj. Helland-Hansen, Physical oceanography and meterol- ogy. Results of the ‘‘Michael Sars’’-North Atlantic deep sea expedition 1910. Vol. I. Bergen 1930. 1924 Rapports et procés verbaux. (Cons. perm. internat.) Bd. 56. Kopenhagen 1929. 1925-27 G. Wiist u. a., Das ozeanographische Beobachtungsmaterial (Serienmessungen). Wiss. Ergebn. d. Deutschen At- lantischen Expedition auf dem Forschungs- und Ver- messungsschiff ‘‘Meteor’’ 1925-27. Bd. IV, Zweiter Teil. Berlin 1932. 18 NO. 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 ABREVI- ATION Mv Pol St INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY SHIP YEAR OF OBSERVATION SOURCES AND REMARKS “Marques de la Victoria’’ “National” “Norvegia”’ Portugiesische Bewach- ungsschiffe “Planet”’ “Proserpina”’ “Polaris” “Pourquois pas?” “Princesse Alice” ” “Romanche “‘Rambler”’ “Research” “Rosemary” “Scotia’’ “Stephan”’ Thor)” “Tanche”’ 1929-30 1925 1889 1927-31 1910-11 1906 1926 1932 1909 1912-13 1921-22 1902-03 1904 1883 1895 1900 1929-30 1903-04 1913 1911 1903 1904-05 1906-10 1908 1923 H. Wattenberg, Das chemische Beobachtungsmaterial und seine Gewinnung. Ebenda Bd. VIII, Berlin 1933. Handschrift der Beobachtungen der Grénlandfahrten 1929/30, im Institut fiir Meereskunde Berlin. Rapports et procés verbaux (Cons. perm. internat.). Bd. 40. Kopenhagen 1926. O. Krimmel, Geophysikalische Beobachtungen. Ergeb- nisse der Plankton-Expedition. Kiel 1893. Handschriftliches Material des Geofysiske Institut in Bergen. O. Pettersson, Einige Bemerkungen zu G. Schotts Geog- raphie des Atlantischen Ozeans. (Internat. Revue d. ges. Hydrobiol. u. Hydrogr.) Leipzig 1913. W. Brennecke, Ozeanographie. Forschungsreise S. M. S. “Planet”? 1906/07. Bd. III. Berlin 1909. Rapports et procés-verbaux (Cons. perm. internat.). Bd. 44, Kopenhagen 1927. Bulletin hydrographique 1932. (Cons. perm. internat.) Kopenhagen 1933. J. Rouch, Océanographie physique. Deuxiéme expédition antarctique frangaise. Paris 1913. J. Charcot, Temperatures et salinités recueillis dans |’ At- lantique, le Golf de Gascogne et la Manche occidentale. Annales hydrographiques 1921. Rapports et procés-verbaux (Cons. perm. internat.). Bd. 29 u. 31. Rapport Atlantique 1921. Kopenhagen 1923. J. Thoulet, Mémoires océanographiques. I. Serie. Résul- tats des Campagnes Scientifiques, accomplies sur son Yacht par Albert Ier. Fasc. 29. Monaco 1905. G. H. Allemandet, Analyse des échantillons d’eau de mer recueillis pendant la campagne du yacht ‘Princesse Alice’ en 1904. Bull. de Musée océanographique de Monaco Nr. 43. 1905. M. Martial, Sur les sondages effectués par le Romanche. Annales hydrographiques. Paris 1884. List of oceanic depths 1895. Hydrographic Department Admiralty. London 1896. List of oceanic depths 1900 usw. London 1901. Bulletin hydrographique 1929 u. 1930. (Cons. perm. internat.) Kopenhagen 1930 u. 1931. W.S. Bruce, The temperatures, specific gravities and salin- ities of the Weddell Sea and of the North and South At- lantic Ocean. Transactions of the Royal Society. Edinburgh Bd. 51, Teil I, Nr. 4. 1906. Report on the work carried out by the S. S. Scotia 1913. London 1914. Handschriftliches Material der Kabeldampferreise von Prof. A. Merz. Im Institut fiir Meereskunde Berlin. Bulletin des résultats. Année 1903-1904. Teil B (Cons. perm. internat.). Kopenhagen 1904. J. N. Nielsen, Contribution to the hydrography of the north-eastern part of the Atlantic. Meddelelser fra Komm. f. Havunders¢gelser, Serie Hydrografi. Bd. I, Nr. 9, Kopenhagen 1927. Johs. Schmidt, Report on the Danish Oceanographical Ex- peditions 1908-1910 to the Mediterranean and adjacent seas. Vol. I. Kopenhagen 1912. Bulletin des Résultats. Année 1907-08, Teil B (Cons. perm. internat.). Kopenhagen 1908. Rapports et procés-verbaux. Bd. 35 (Cons. perm. inter- nat.). Kopenhagen 1925. SUMLATA, OOOT-00G SHLAA ‘SHAT, CAVANVIEG LV ALIGN, ANY ALINIIVY ‘aunLvamaWay, ‘NVGOG oIMNVIGY AOLL MUsHgA ‘61 Buejuy puers d . \: 9p0/909 LRphi4y~2/S400I09 SOP VOZUB/ me mee 8 7 . he \ A _ = é So " hsty Pe fa : Ce : (asona soca spjoosases jasey coy sop epyespoi9¥ZZA\ GG / < ; vevoynys wyeus spo 9 11u seppespoo aA / hy pase i ; > q eeywoor-o[__| pve7[__} ° ¥ Yi HTH N syoyabz/pg sop pun Ay ‘ ; 4 Ny act Me: UnaweALe Jap VOBURKPOGORY 4/U/ URWOYOIS® , oy aa a vf | @ beige 3 s 5 ; , 0 Staph unporedury sep vEbunsyoDqoag d/l) VAIS « S mo “7 5 ©4011 W OOOL-002 0S a sho | 0 5 a ee ahaa a“ AJJEYSUOIYES A — hs Fo yal 0 5 ‘ i 5 < \ Ss = IW IW ips *A=BIN 2 y dp aay 880% ——— Bp. 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IBY D* | \ "cee" _/ = i 0602 7) + 99,10 1 SBIN® ZBI 2 BIW ® BBV 2 6 f VEL 469, ae It. anne ie |deiwe Ne : IW ® | LEINV® BN e045 FIN, og a oeto Le a_e E777 a see [RIN ty Eng tee Ag cong CLUN AR HO “ff ache 1679 , SeW® £29, 10. a OdToUeL Op Wea 2 HEINE L922 ae? o 5 igo =] io} POLL YZ WV BSLV AN) 0/0 ORIN® | 277) ‘S) Wis é 2 7 2929) | eIW® “ A o TL Sa, fear i eae 9LYI" | Heo 77 61g» SSF “9 ER I Wie Z 229 | CZ). YN yh Heipye OnLy? ng? 7 Trl, a AMT te 2he “Mu y® Zhe f W824) 4 a aaa d on MEN 4) Cd eed) ih e {Os «std eee? £9. Bild ® 972° ”7® eal O22 Wy Key PELL OT DELZ B21 ees , | 7- DAU logge iasa6i BON Be Pa aa (Guilt oye tl 93LW1d Cieloga esuiya | Sala ew os 4s IV® ° BE sey" | EISV* | $949. wy “40 mi? _- YD. 24/5 OGMv22N97,99126711S9M,OLL AHdVHDONVI0O JO SLOadSV TWNOILWNYSLNI SUALAT OOOS-00SF SHIAaCE ‘SHIAGC] GUVGNVIg LY AGISNAQ GNV ALINITYG ‘AYALVUGANaAT, ‘NVGOG OILNVILY *muaag’A.Q9'8D7'14S0 .0S 4SOM'D MU ~ Xe a iets I9*73, c? | eo T j \ \ eee \ unas Yue 7X \ a", SH) xz a =a Fs \ s = \ aJ81 W 0005-008 z | gp aRUMLOP oes ae ; 5 a PANE LE ay, 0e7 S SPIEHSUOHEIS ul Bri myospne, ] a igs SS aS ipa F1W® Zits “HW® SIN TBE? 49g a Len 2 eat 8 eng: yyy boo) oS es ., No StGh q a —s ee eh eLL Ege ° Sa, oS View Ale ay 5) =, ey = lt / “. O2UE- O70 6 ORIN { a Ei P ar = esi 6g Nee ay ae 02 Saee fa ‘ i) . ” Ly hte? = APS A) . S ow \* a oy a [ POS EIUUEY, 17 ; | / LS PLepOyy T Dp nus BL 2 |p Osi" \. a De UAIACP AS < L2/S26L Looe aya $ . ae j S. . e / ? — / ys rs a. fist 4 : gw N 2 r . 2 x, ve 45 Za 0G ™u8849. O41 867'1180,98 : ogmuee9n. 01257 11S2M.0L tad AHdVHSONV300 JO SLOadSV TWNOILWNHAINI INTERNATIONAL®ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY PLATES [ SYMBOLS TEMPERATURE SALINITY DePTH (METERS) » D 500-1000 e Oo 1000-3000 i Oo OVER 3000 Srations Occurimp By DISCOVERY II 1n tHe Soutn ATLANTIC AND THE SouTH Paciric, 1933-1935 Ee TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY 19 ABREVI- NO. ATION SHIP YEAR OF OBSERVATION 59 Td “Tadorne”’ 1925 60 Tp “Tampa’”’ 1925-29 61 Vi “Vitiaz”’ 1886-89 62 Va “Valdivia”’ 1898 68 —OVi “Viking” 1913 64 Vk “Vikingen”’ 1929-30 1930 65 Wa “Waterwitch”’ 1894-95 66 WS “William Scoresby”’ 1926-27 1928-29 1929-31 67 xX “Xauen”’ 1930 1932 68 o. N. Ohne Namensangabe 1927 SOURCES AND REMARES Ebenda Bd. 40. Kopenhagen 1926. International ice observation and ice patrol service. 1925 ff. (U.S.Treasury Department Coast Guard.) Washing- ton 1926 ff. Makaroff, Le Vitiaz et l’océan pacifique. 1894. G. Schott, Ozeanographie und maritime Meteorologie. Wiss. Ergebn. der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition auf dem Dampfer ‘‘Valdivia.’’ Jena 1902. Th. P. Funder, Hydrographic investigations from the Danish school ship Viking in the South Atlantic and Pacific. Meddelelser fra Komm. f. Havundersggelser. Bd. II, Nr. 6. Kopenhagen 1916. Journal du Conseil (Cons. perm. internat.) Vol. V, Nr. 3. Kopenhagen 1930. Hvalradets Skrifter. Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi Oslo Nr. 2. Oslo 1932. List of oceanic depths 1894, 1895. Hydrographic Depart- ment Admiralty London 1895, 1896. Discovery Reports Vol. I, Station List 1925-1927. Cam- bridge 1929. Discovery Reports Vol. III, Station List 1928-1929. Cam- bridge 1930. Discovery Reports Vol. IV, Station List 1929-1931. bridge 1932. Notas y resumas. 1931. Bulletin hydrographique 1982 (Cons. perm. internat.). Kopenhagen 1933. Bulletin hydrographique 1927 (Cons. perm. internat). Kopenhagen 1928 (schottisches Beobachtungsschiff). St. Petersburg Cam- Serie II. Nr. 39, 50, 51. Madrid 1930, SERIAL SECTIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY IN THE MEDITERRANEAN AND ADRIATIC SEAS MEDITERRANEAN SEA PLATE 9 On the chart for the Mediterranean Sea a few stations are shown in the Adriatic but the work done by the Austrians and the Italians codperatively between 1911 and 1914 was of such outstanding importance that a special chart of the Adriatic has been prepared on which the positions of those sta- tions that were worked to depths of one hundred or more meters are shown. A list of the publications giving the results of these cruises is also hereto attached. In order to make the bibliography com- prehensive a reference to a paper by Merz on hydrographic investigations in the Gulf of Trieste has been included. Because of its dealing with the oceanographic features of the Mediterranean in general, mention is made of the paper by Prof. Gerhard Schott entitled “Die Gewiisser des Mittelmeeres. Vorzugsweise nach den Arbeiten des danischen Forschungs- dampfers, THor, 1918-1910.”"* As a few records were taken from this article, it is also cited in the list of sources of data. Sources of Data The sources of the data for the Mediterranean Sea plotted on the chart are as follows: (The letters after the ships’ names are the abbreviations used on the chart.) ADMIRANTE Loso (AL): de Buen, Odén, Croisiére océanog- raphique du transport ApMrrANTE Logo: Cons. Inter- nat. Expl. Mer, Rapports, vol. 37, pp. 33-57, 1925. ARMAUER-HANSEN (AH): Helland-Hansen, Bjgrn, Avdeling A. Hydrografi: Det geofysiske Institutt, Saertrykk av Bergens Mus. Arsberetning, pp. 2-11, 1930-31. Dana (D): Dana Expedition. List of Stations, Dana Report No. 1, pp. 17-78, seven plates, 1934. Stations 3520-3530, pp. 19, 20; stations 4026-4071, pp. 64-71. (The Carlsberg Foundation’s Oceanographical Expedi- tion Round the World 1928-1930, and previous Dana 13 Ann. d. Hydr. usw. 1915, Heft 1, pp. 1-79, 8 plates. 20 INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY Expeditions, under the leadership of Prof. Johannes Schmidt.) Erwer and Sréno (ES): Richard, J., and Sirvant, L., List des opérations faites dans les parages de Monaco & bord d |’Erper et du Sréno pendant années 1907, 1908, 1909: Musée Océanogr. Monaco, Bull. 160, pp. 1-153, 1910. GiraLpa (G): de Buen, Oden. Croisiére de la GrraupAa (1920-21); Musée Océanogr. Monaco, Bull. 445, pp. 4-15, 1924. Herrua (HE): Luksch, Josef, und Wolf, Julius, Berichte der Commission fiir Erforschung des oestlichen Mittel- meeres: Akad. Wissensch. Wien, Denkschr., vol. 59, pp. 17-82, 1892. NasaveE (N): Schott, Gerhard, Die Gewisser des Mittel- meeres: Hydrogr. und Marit. Meteorol. Annalen (1915), pp. 1-79, 1915. NuNez pe Bausoa (NB): de Buen, Oden, El Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia y sus primeras campafas por Oden de Buen: Trabajos de Oceanogr. y Biologia Marina, Mem. no. 1, pp. 6-24, 1916. Poa: Luksch, Josef, and Wolf, Julius, Berichte der Com- mission fiir Erforschung des oestlichen Mittelmeeres: Ak. Wissensch. Wien, Denkschr., Bd. 59, pp. 22-49, 1892; Bd. 60, pp. 91-108, 1893; Bd. 61, pp. 72-91, 1894. Tuor (T): Schmidt, Johannes, Danish oceanographical expeditions 1908-1910 to the Mediterranean and adja- cent seas: Report, vol. 1, 1912. XAUEN (X): de Buen, Rafael, Resultados obtenidos en las campanas del XaveEn por el Estrecho de Gibraltar en 1929: Inst. Espanol Oceanogr., Notas y Resumenes, Serie 2, no. 39, pp. 1-27, 1930. ADRIATIC SBA PLATE 10 Sources of Data CrctorE (CI): See Italian publications in attached list. Nasape (NA): See Austrian publications in attached list. Literature Especially on the Periodic Cruises by the Austrians on the NAsADE and by the Italians on the C1cLoPE Verein zur Férderung der naturwissenschaftlichen Erforsch- ung der Adria in Wien. Die erste Kreuzungsfahrt 8. M. 8. Nasape in der Hochsee der Adria, 25. Februar bis 7. Marz 1911. Vor- laufiger Bericht im Auftrage des Vereines zur Férder- ung der naturwissenschaftlichen Erforschung der Adria in Wien, erstattet von Prof. Dr. Ed. Briickner. K. k. Geograph. Gesellsch. in Wien 1911, Heft 4, 35 pp. — Bericht tiber zweite Kreuzungsfahrt S. M. S. Nasape in der Hochsee der Adria, 16. Mai bis 4. Juni 1911. Im Auftrage ete., erstattet von Fregattenkapitin W. V. Kesslitz, Prof. Dr. A. Grund, Prof. Dr. C. I. Cori, idem, 1911, Heft 9, 19 pp. Die dritte Terminfahrt S. M. 8S. Nasapr in der Hochsee der Adria, 16. August bis 5. September 1911, etc., erstattet von Prof. Dr. Ed. Briickner, idem, Wien, 1912, Heft 1 u. 2, 37 pp. Die vierte Terminfahrt 8. M. S. Nasapm in der Hochsee der Adria, 16. November bis 8. Dezember 1911, ete. erstattet von Prof. Dr. Alfred Grund, idem, 1912, Heft 4, 6 pp. Die fiinfte Terminfahrt S. M. S. Nasapr in der Hochsee der Adria, 16. Februar bis 11. Marz 1912, etc., erstat- tet von Prof. Dr. Alfred Brund, idem, 1912, Heft 9 u. 10, S. 503-511. Die sechste Terminfahrt 8. M. S. Nasapr in der Hochsee der Adria, 17. Mai bis 18. Juni 1912, ete., erstattet von Prof. Dr. Alfred Grund, idem, 1912, Heft 11 u. 12, S. 639-349. Die siebente Terminfahrt 8. M.S. Nasape in der Hochsee der Adria, 16. August bis 11. September 1912, etc., erstattet von Prof. Dr. Alfred Grund, idem, 1918, Heft 3, S. 164-176. Die achte Terminfahrt S. M. S. Nasapr in der Hochsee der Adria, vom 16. Mirz bis 1. April 1918, Tdem 1918, Heft 9 u. 10, S. 471-487. Die neunte Terminfahrt S. M. S. Nasapr in der Hochsee der Adria, vom 16. Mai bis 1. Juni 1913, Vorlaufiger Bericht tber die Fahrt und die hydrographischen Ergebnisse derselben im Auftrage des Vereines zur Forderung der naturwissenschaftlichen Erforschung der Adria in Wien, erstattet von Prof. Dr. Alfred Grund, Jdem 1913, Heft 11 u. 12, 8. 652-663. Die zehnte, elfte und zwélfte Terminfahrt S. M.S. NasapE in der Hochsee der Adria, in der Zeit vom 16. August 1913 bis 9. Marz 1914, Vorlaufiger Bericht tiber die Fahrten und die hydrographischen etc., erstattet von Prof. Dr. Alfred Grund, Jdem 1914, Heft 5 u. 6, 16 pp. Hydrographische Untersuchungen im Golfe von Triest, von Dr. Alfred Merz. 11 Taf. 1. Karte, Kaiserl. Akad. Wissensch. Math.-Naturw. K1., Band 87, 107 pp. Wien, 1911. Permanente Internationale Komission fiir die Erforschung der Adria. Berichte tiber die Terminfahrten. Osterreichischer Teil, herausgegeben vom Verein zur Forderung der Naturwissenschaftlichen Erforschung der Adria in Wien, redigiert von Prof. Dr. Ed. Briickner, No. 1-4, Beobachtungen auf den Terminfahrten 8S. M. S. NasapE im Jahre 1911. 1. Terminfahrt: 25. Feb- ruar bis 7. Marz 1911, S. 1; 2. Terminfahrt: 16. Mai bis 4. Juni 1911, S. 19; 3. Terminfahrt 16. August bis 5. September 1911, S. 47; 4. Terminfahrt: 16. Novem- ber bis 8. Dezember 1911, 8. 83-119. 1912. Tafel 1-4. Berichte iiber die Terminfahrten. Osterreichischer Teil, etc.,... No. 5-7, Beobachtungen auf den Terminfahr- ten S. M.S. Nasapr im Jahre 1912. 5. Terminfahrt: 16. Februar bis 11. Marz 1912, S. 1; 6. Terminfahrt: 17. Mai bis 18. Juni 1912, 8. 39; 7. Terminfahrt: 16. August bis 11. September 1912, S. 77-114. 1913. Tafel 1-3. Berichte itibder die Terminfahrten. Osterreichischer Teil, etc. No. 8-12, Beobachtungen etc. in den Jah- ren 1913 und 1914. 8. Terminfahrt: 16. Marz bis 1. April 1913, S. 1; 9. Terminfahrt: 16. Mai bis 1. Juni 1913, S. 21; 10. Terminfahrt: 16. August bis 1. Septem- ber 1913, S. 41; 11. Terminfahrt: 16. November bis 6. Dezember 1913, S. 59; 12. Terminfahrt: 16. Februar bis 9. Marz 1914, S. 81-102, 1915. Tafel 1-4. INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY TEMPERATURE SALINITY DEPTH (METERS) oa ODESSA 12) ° a 1000 METER |ISOBATH ARMAUR HANSEN ADMIRANTE LOBO EIDER & STENO GIRALDA HERTHA NAJADE NUNEZ DE BALBOA POLA THOR XAUEN DANA BARCELONA ISTANBUL 42 SMYRNA +f GRANADA MepirerRANBAN SpA, Serra SecTIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY Sek yadmetaemaal excrnaarone aye YHIARDONAIIO: 40 ec PATS OOO) I ae i. hee OR we O80. STMARIMGA!. Seotetaliie | ouaTe e Rang! dgrand, idby * p # »\ ane gre hwirye a4 <> ye mgr ot he fog wit ws : Magen in ti Tal, 1. MY Goweienion fur 4 qT INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY PLATE 10 TEMPERATURE SALINITY DEPTH (METERS) c 100 - 500 TRIESTE D 500 - 1000 VENI . E ee @ 1000 - 3000 NAJADE (CISII-1914) CICLOPE (I9Il-I914) }OOO-METER ISOBATH| ba bo Yeh e # caTTARO ORTONA in Ss = © BD. Ou © Dp c cl LOTORA Dna” De “r Nun whe Ba Be : [ an Be _ hah pet , i \\ 28" \ a. ‘ b Ls Apriatic Sea, SERIAL SECTIONS or TEMPERATURE AND. SALINITY tepsToMs HTIZG YNWidAe = AAUTARSaMeT Cee -12) AOavan CHEE 39D USID Tago! A2Tav-oo0 PLATE 11 INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY TEMPERATURE SALINITY OEPTH (METERS) o too - 500 DB 500. - 1000 e) 1000 - 3000 ia} OVER 3000 HANNIBAL (1934 -1936) MABEL TAYLOR ATLANTIS DANA 1000 METER ISOBATH aha nS @* fp on ® QQ Orr Our ar Par 3 ‘ a arp, Bar Br, o © wT Our ™ @ar Gutr or Mexico AND CARIBBEAN Spa, SertaL SecrionNs oF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY eee @ Masawh ane Maaaaima Doan oomaM to WoW TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY 21 R. Comitato Talassografico Italiano. Risultati fisico-chimici delle prime cinque crociere Adriatiche (Agosto 1909-Febbraio 1911). Luigi di Marchi. Memoria III, Tab. pp. 83, 1-30, Tavole 1-11, 1911. Risultati di esperienze con Galleggianti, per lo studio delle correnti del Mare Adriatico negli anni 1910- 1914. Di Appendice. Le correnti dell’Adriatico secondo la distribuzione superficiale della salsedine e della temperatura. Di G. Feruglio e L. de Marchi (con 25 tavole ed 1 fotografia). 10 charts. 1920. G. Feruglio. Memoria LV, pp. v—xv, 1-129. Commissione internazionale permanent per lo studio dell’- Adriatico. Boll. delle Crociere Periodiche. Ricerche Italiane esequite dal R. Comitato Talasso- grafico, Fase. 1, Osservazioni fatte durante le 3 crociere della R. N. Cictopx, 1. a (25 Febbraio-14 Marzo).—2. a (16 Maggio-11 Giugno)—3. a (17 Agosto-6 Settembre 1911) 53 pp., 1912. Fasc. 2. Same title, 4. a (15-21 Agosto)—5. a (17 Novem- bre-16 Dicembre 1912). 41 pp., 1913. Fasc. 3. Osservazioni fatte durante le 5 crociere della R. N. Cicropre, 6a (26 Febbraio-9 Marzo 1913); 7a (14 Maggio-4 Giugno 1918); 8a (16-31 Agosto 1913); 9a (16-24 Novembre 1918); 10a (16 Febbraio-1 Marzo; 19 Marzo-30 April 1914). 93 pp., 1914. SERIAL SECTIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY IN THE GULF OF MEXICO AND CARIBBEAN SEA PLATE 11 The stations in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea for serial sections of temperature and salinity shown on the accompanying chart were derived from three sources. First, Messrs. A. E. Parr and C. Iselin II, compiled on a chart the posi- tions of all stations occupied by the Mane. TayLor and the ArLantis for the determinations of sub- surface temperatures and salinities. Reference is made to the two papers by Doctor Parr cited below." The next source of information is the United States Hydrographic Office and the Scripps Institu- tion of Oceanography. The Hydrographic Office supplied information on the positions of the stations occupied by the U. 8. S. Hannispau. Some of the chemical work on the water samples collected at the HANNIBAL stations in the Caribbean Sea was done at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and from it some of the information incorporated on the chart was received. The third source of information is the DANA 14 Parr, A. E., Report on hydrographic observations in the Gulf of Mexico and the adjacent straits made during the Yale Oceanographic Expedition of the Manet TayLor in 1932: Bingham Oceanographic Collection Bull., vol. 5, Art. 1, September, 1935. Parr, A. E., A contribution to the hydrography of the Caribbean and the Cayman Seas. (Based upon the obser- vations made by the Research Ship Aruantis, 1933-34.) Bingham Oceanographic Collections Bull., vol. 5, Art. 4, January, 1937. Expedition in 1928. The title of the publication in which information on the stations is given is contained in the footnote below. On the chart the abbreviations for the different vessels are as follows: ATLANTIS (AT) Dana (D) HANNIBAL (H) Maseu Taylor (MT) Some consideration was given as to whether stations occupied a number of years ago by the U.S. 8. Buake should be included but it was decided that it was preferable to omit them. Although the BLAKeE’s temperature records appear trustworthy, as they were taken with Miller-Casella maximum- minimum thermometers, the depths records are not so accurate as those reported more recently by vessels that use unprotected thermometers for the determination of depths at which observations and collections are made. The older determinations of salinity by the use of hydrometers, in general, are not accurate enough for modern oceanographic work. 1 Dana Expedition. List of Stations, Dana Report No. 1, pp. 17-78, seven plates, 1934. Stations 3804-3809, 3812-3973, pp. 45-60. (The Carlsberg Foundation’s Oceano- graphical Expedition Round the World 1928-1930, and pre- vious Dana Expeditions, under the leadership of Pro- fessor Johannes Schmidt.) PACIFIC OCEAN SERIAL SECTIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY PuateE 12, 13, 14A, 14B, 15, 16, 17 For the compilation here presented the chart entitled “Hydrographische Reihenmessungen seit 1870 im Stillen Ozean mit Beobachtungen von mehr als 1000 m. baw. 3000 m.,”’ published by Defant? is used as a base. The data indicated on Defant’s chart have been used by Wiist? in his article cited in the footnote. Defant plotted on the chart pub- lished by him the data available in the Institut fiir Meereskunde up to February 1, 1928. Subsequent to the date of publication, 1929, of the paper by Wiist, cited above, other important con- tributions to the knowledge of the oceanography of the Pacific Ocean have been published. Some of these are listed opposite the names of vessels that have conducted oceanographic expeditions in the Pacific during the past few years but a few others should be mentioned. Attention will first be called to the monumental work of Gerhard Schott* entitled ‘“‘Geographie des Indischen und Stillen Ozeans,’”’ published in Ham- burg in 1935. This work, besides describing the general oceanographic features of the Pacific and presenting many excellently executed charts, con- tains numerous references to literature, and there are two chapters devoted to the history of explora- tion and research in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Another paper is entitled “A Report on Oceano- graphical Investigations in the Peru Coastal Cur- rent,’ by E. R. Gunther,! and a third is ‘The Hydrology of the Southern Ocean,” by G. E. R. Deacon.® Although an endeavor has been made to plot on the charts of the Pacific as many as possible 1 Defant, A., Die systematische Erforschung des Welt- meeres: Gesellsch. fiir Erdk. Berlin. Zeitsch., Jubilaums- Sonderband, 1928, pp. 459-505, pl. 32, figs. 18-31. 2 Wiist, Georg, Schichtung und Tiefenzirkulation des Pazifischen Ozeans: Institut fiir Meereskunde, Berlin, N. F., A. Geograph.-Naturwissensch. Reihe, Heft 20, pp. 1-64, 4 pls., 14 figs., 1929. -3 Pp. xix, 413, 114 text figs., 37 pls., Section on bottom deposits by W. Schott, and a chapter on life in the Indian and Pacific Oceans by E. Hentschel. 4 Discovery Reports, vol. 13, pp. 107-276, pls. 14, 16, 1936. 5 Discovery Reports, vol. 15, pp. 1-124, pls. 1-44, 1937. of the stations occupied for the subsurface deter- mination of temperature and salinity, it is known that there are at least two deficiencies. More sta- tions have been worked by the Japanese than have been put down on the charts. In addition to the stations which had already been plotted by Defant, there have been plotted stations occupied by the Mansyv in its operations between April, 1925, and March, 1928, as recorded in the list of sources from which information was taken. The report on the result of the operations of the Mansyu was pub- lished in 1933. There have also been added the sta- tions occupied in the Japan Sea by the fisheries steamer Soro Maru in 1932. The Japanese, how- ever, have done much more oceanographic work than is shown by these stations. For references to the Japanese literature ‘The Records of Oceano- graphic Works in Japan,” should be examined. In this series there are classified lists of papers and reports on oceanographic subjects published in Japan. The publications are classified under the captions “Physical and Chemical Oceanography,” “Fundamental Marine Biology,” and “Fisheries and Fisheries Technology.” During recent years the Japanese have become very active in oceano- graphic research and their later work meets in its precision the requirements of modern oceanographic research. Although the Russians have been active in oceanographic work in the northern part of the Sea of Japan, the Okhotsch Sea, and in the northwest Pacific east of Kamtchatka, records of the stations occupied have not been available for use in the prep- aration of this report except those for two vessels the Krasny VimprL and the Vorovsxy. The names of both of these vessels are entered in the list of the sources of data and references are given to the U.S. S. R. Hydrometeorological Observations of Hydrographic Expeditions. Except the deficiencies above enumerated it is hoped that the records of the sources of data are practically complete. TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY 23 Comment should be made on the data taken from the manuscript records of several of the vessels. The final reports on the operations of the CARNEGIE in the Pacific are now in press as publications of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Not only the details of the observations made at the stations will soon become available in print but also the scientific interpretations. Dr. Harald U. Sverdrup has had charge of the preparation of the reports on the physical oceanography. The hydrological results of Discovery I under the direction of Sir Douglas Mawson will also soon be in print. The interpretation of the hydrological data has been undertaken by Doctor Sverdrup who has prepared that section of the report. The report on the results of Discovery I will deal with the southwest corner of the Pacific and will extend entirely across the southern Indian Ocean. The records of stations occupied by Discovery II and the WinL1AM ScoresBy were sent to me in the form of a manuscript chart by Dr. Stanley Kemp, without distinction between the stations occupied by each vessel. The chart did not indicate the depth to which scientific observations and collec- tions were made, and I have not yet seen any pub- lished lists of those stations, but I have seen copies of the station lists for the south Atlantic Ocean. Therefore on the chart of the Pacific and also on that of the Indian Ocean for the stations occupied by the Discovery II and the WiLi1Am ScorEsBy a triangle, without indication of depth, has been used to indicate the positions of the stations, instead of other symbols that give definite depths. Dr. Stanley Kemp also sent me manuscript charts showing the positions of the stations occupied by the WILLIAM Scoressy off the west coast of South America. For some of the stations the depth to which observations and collections were made were indicated but not for quite all of them. Therefore for those stations for which information is not com- plete the same kind of a triangle has been used as that used for the stations of the Discovery II and the Winu1amM Scorgssy around the Antarctica for which information on depths was not available. It may be confidently expected that the station lists for the Discovery II and the Wiii1am ScoresBy will, before a great while, become available in print. The two papers by Messrs. Gunther and Deacon, cited above, used information derived from the work of the Discovery II and the WiLL1amM ScoresBy in the south Pacific. Sources or Dara For THE NortH Pacrric OCEAN Listed by A. Defant NAME OF SHIP TIME OF WORK POSITION OF STATION 34-54°N, 121-130°W 20-29°N, 144°W-160°E 51-54°N, 153°W-168°E 22-38°N, 137°E-160°W SOURCES OF DATA Makaroff, Le Vir1az et l’Océan pacifique, Petersburg 1894. Note: The original source, G. E. Belknap, Deep sea sound- ings in the North Pacific Ocean, ob- tained by U. S. S. Tuscarora, Wash- ington 1874, U. S. Hydrographic Office Nr. 54 could not be examined nor could the manuscript of the serial temperature on the voyage Hawaii—Phoenix Islands, Fiji Islands 1875-76. The Report of the Scientific Results of the voyage H. M. 8. CHALLENGER dur- ing the years 1873-1876, vol. 1, Physics and Chemistry, London 1884, pls. 123, 124, 126-129, 132, 134, 148, 150, 180. Forschungsreise 8. M. 8., hrsg. vom Reichsmarineamt, Physik und Chemie, Bd. 2, Berlin 1888/89, p. 40. Kapitin z. S. Wickede, Tiefseebeobach- tungen S. M. S. Exvisaperu, Annalen der Hydrographie 1878, p. 319. TUSCARORA 1873 January/April 1874 June 1874 41-44°N, 145-150°E July/August 1874 CHALLENGER October/Nov. 1874 & | 0-17°N, 117-126°E January 1875 J February 1875 4-6°N, 124-130°E March 1875 2-19°N, 141-146°E April, June, July 1875 August 1875 20°N, 157°W GAZELLE June/July 1875 0-2°N, 134-147°E ELISABETH February 1878 27°N, 140°W RAMBLER June/July 1890 2-20°N, 115-125°E Hydrogr. Department of the Admiralty, List of Oceanic Depths 1890, London 1891, pp. 10, 11. 24 NAME OF SHIP ALBATROSS PENGUIN ALBATROSS PENGUIN EGERIA WaTERWITCH ALEXANDER AGASSIZ Mansyu CHALLENGER GAZELLE EGERIA MyrMIDON RAMBLER ALBATROSS PENGUIN WaTERWITCH PENGUIN INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY TIME OF WORK February/April 1891 November/Dec. 1891 April/May 1892 August 1893 August 1895 May/September 1897 June 1899 July 1901 June/August 1911 and February 1913 October/Nov. 1927 POSITION OF STATION 0-10°N, 78-96°W 0-19°N, 115-126°E 54-56°N, 172-175°W 54-55°N, 167-172°W 0-18°N, 152-166°W 42-46°N, 128-132°W 15°N, 118°E 32-33°N, 117-120°W 25-34°N, 128-146°E 10-30°N, 122-137°E SOURCES OF DATA C. H. Townsend, Report of the U.S. Fish Commission for 1900, Washington 1901, p. 495. Hydrogr. Department of the Admiralty, List of Oceanic Depths 1891, London 1892, pp. 10, 11. C. H. Townsend, Report of the U.S. Fish Commission for 1900, Washington 1901, pp- 498-500. Hydrogr. Department of the Admiralty, List of Oceanic Depths 1897, London 1898, pp. 44-45. Ibid 1899, London 1900, pp. 16-17. Ibid. 1902, London 1903, pp. 16-17. E. L. Michael and G. F. McEwen, Hydro- graphic, plankton and dredging record of the Scripps Institution for biological Research of the University of California 1901-1912, University of Cal. Publica- tions, Zoology 1915-1916, vol. 15, Berkeley 1916 und Continuation 1913- 1915, Ibid., vol. 15, No. 2. Hydrogr. Department Tokyo, Hydrogr. Bulletin Tokyo, from 1925. Sources or Data FoR THE SouTH PaciFic OcEAN June 1874 July 1874 August 1874 September 1874 February/March 1875 September 1875 October 1875 November/Dec. 1875 May/June 1875 Oct. 1875/Nov. 1875 December 1875 January 1876 December 1887 June/August 1888 Nov. 1888-June 1890 November/Dec. 1888 June 1890 26 March 1891 August/Sept. 1894 February—August 1895 May/December 1895 May/June 1896 July 1896 November 1896 December 1896 May 1897 September 1897 November 1897 Listed by A. Defant 34-39°S, 154-166°E 25-40°S, 177°E-172°W 12-19°S, 146-178°E 5-6°S, 130-134°E 0-2°S, 138-147°E 0-17°S, 149-151°W 23-40°S, 112-149°W 33-45°S, 73-105°W 2-7°S, 125-130°E 19-34°S, 156-179°E 14-18°S, 168-178°W 92-51°S, 80-165°W 37-39°S, 133-138°E 22-34°S8, 175°W-178°E 12-29°S, 173°W-176°E 5-8°S, 129-131°E 0-3°S, 126-131°E 0°20'S, 85°8’W 12-21°S, 155-161°E 10-35°S, 153°H-174°W 11-39°S, 154°E-176°W 21-33°S, 153-170°E 8°S, 179°E 26°S, 177°E 40°S, 160°E 1-13°S, 168°W-176°E 1-11°S, 163-173°W 21°S, 150-179°E Report of the scientific Results of the voyage H. M. 8S. CHALLENGER during the years 1873 to 1876, vol. 1, Physics and Chemistry, London 1884, pls. 103, 105, 106, 108, 109, 111-113, 116, 119, 121, 122, 137-139, 190, 197, 201, 206, 209-218, 215, 216, 218, 219, 221, 222. Die Forschungsreife S. M. S. GazELLE, hrsg. vom Reichsmarineamt, Physik und Chemie, vol. 2, Berlin 1888/89, pp. 40, 42. Hydrogr. Department of the Admiralty, List of Oceanic Depths, 1888, pp. 2-5; 1889, pp. 14, 15; 1890, pp. 10, 11, London 1889, 1890, 1891. Ibid. 1888, London 1889, pp. 4, 5. Ibid., 1890, London 1891, pp. 10, 11. C. H. Townsend: Report of the Wo Bb Fish Commission for 1900, Washington 1901, p. 495. Hydrogr. Department of the Admiralty, List of Oceanic Depths 1894, pp. 10, 11; 1895, pp. 16, 17, London 1895/96. Hydrogr. Department of the Admiralty, List of Oceanic Depths 1895, pp. 20-21; 1896, pp. 16, 17, London 1896/97. Ibid., 1896, pp. 16, 17; 1897, pp. 42, 435 1898, pp. 14, 15: 1899, pp. 18, 19; 1900, pp. 30, 31; 19038, pp. 20, 21; London, 1897 to 1901, 1904. NAME OF 8HIP EGERIA BELGICA DIscovERY ALBATROSS PLANET PLANET SUPPLEMENTAL Sources OF DATA ON THE PactFic OCEAN The positions of the stations plotted by Defant There were plotted with chart and on more de- ae AAG are without abbreviations. abbreviations on Defant’s TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY TIME OF WORE December 1898 January 1900 April 1902 Sept./Oct. 1897 19 February 1899 8 January 1902 Nov. 1904/Febr. 1905 October 1906 June/September 1908 POSITION OF STATION 22-33°S, 157-175°W 43-44°S, 143-144°E 31-34°S, 154-177°E 17-24°S, 72-74°W 70°30'S, 94°12’W 70°10’S, 173°22'E 4-22°S, 79-133°W 3°S, 151°E 1-14°S, 147-156°E 25 SOURCES OF DATA Ibid., 1897, London 1898, pp. 48, 49. H. Arctowski und H. R. Mill, Oceanog- raphie, Rélations thermiques, Expedi- tion Antarctique Belge. Résultats du voyage du S. Y. Beueica 1897-99, Antwerpen 1908, p. 35. Hydrogr. Department of the Admiralty, List of Oceanic Depths 1904, London 1905, pp. 17-25. A. Agassiz, General Report of the Expedi- tion to the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Report on the scientific Results, Vol. 5, Memoir of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, Cam- bridge 1906, p. 24. Die Forschungsreise 8. M. S. PLANET, hrsg. vom Reichsmarineamt, vol. 3, Berlin 1909, p. 61. Salzgehaltsbestimmungen aus dem siid- westlichen Stillen Ozean, Annalen der Hydrographie 1909, 491. (Compiled by Hans H. F. Meyer.) tailed charts of certain areas, the positions of sta- tions, of dates mostly subsequent to February 1, 1928. A list of the sources of data for the stations J that were added is as follows: (The letters follow- ing the names are the abbreviations used on the et ; ane Fic. 1. Key Cuart to SHow THE Positions oF Five SpecIAL CHARTS Puates 138, 14A, 14B, 15, 16, or AREAS IN THE PAcIFIC 26 INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY AupacorE (A): Bigelow, Henry B., and Leslie, Maurine, Reconnaissance of the waters and plankton of Monterey Bay, July, 1928: Mus. Com. Zool., Harvard Coll., vol. 70, No. 5, pp. 4380-581, 1930. Auparross (F): Manuscript at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. BusHNELL (B): Manuscript records from U. 8. N. Hydrogr. Off. and Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Carneaig (C): Manuscript from Dr. John A. Fleming, Dept. Terres. Mag., Carnegie Inst. of Washington. (Reports in press.) Catratyst (CT): Manuscript from Dr. T. G. Thompson, Oceanographie Laboratories, University of Wash- ington. CHELAN (CH): Zeusler, F. A., Thompson, T. G., and others, Report of Oceanographic Cruise, U. 8S. Coast Guard Cutter CHELAN, Bering Sea and Bering Strait, 1934: U. 8. Coast Guard special mimeographed publication June, 1936, pp. 72, many plates and tables. Dana (D): Schmidt, Johannes. Manuscript from Dr. Helge Thomsen. Subsequently published. List of Stations, Dana Report No. 1, pp. 17-78, seven plates, 1934. Stations 3548-3803, pp. 21-45; stations 3810- 3811, p. 45. (The Carlsberg Foundation’s Oceano- graphical Expedition Round the World 1928-1930, and previous Dana Expeditions, under the leadership of Prof. Johannes Schmidt.) Discovery I (DI): Manuscript from Sir Douglas Mawson. Reports in press. Discovery II and Wiuuiam Scoressy (DS): Around Ant- arctica and off the west coast of South America. Manu- script from Dr. Stanley Kemp. Discovery II: Manuscript from Dr. N. A. Mackintosh. Across the south Atlantic and south Pacific, and western Indian Oceans, 1933-35. Special chart. No abbrevia- tion for name. Gannett (G): Manuscript records from U. 8. N. Hydrogr. Off. GuipE (GU): Manuscript, data from U.S. C. and G. 8. at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. HANNIBAL (H): Manuscript U. 8. S. Hannrspau data 1932- 1936, through U. 8. Hydrographic Office and Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Part of data published. Dynamic Oceanographic Data for the central eastern Pacific Ocean, Collected by U.S. 8. Hannipat and the yacht VeLEROo III. U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office publication H. O. 212, pp. V, 1-41, 1934. International Fisheries Commission (IF): McEwen, George F., Thompson, Thomas G. and Van Cleve, Richard. Hydrographic sections and calculated currents in the Gulf of Alaska 1927-1928: Internat. Fish. Comm. Re- port No. 4, pp. 5-86, 1980. Manuscript, data from Internat. Fish Comm. Subsequently published. Thompson, T. G., McEwen, G. F., and Van Cleve, R. Hydrographic Sections and Calculated Currents of the Gulf of Alaska, 1929. Internat. Fish. Comm. Report, No. 10, pp. 32, 1936. Krasny Vimpet (KV): U. S. S. R. Hydrometeorological Observations of Hydrographic Expeditions, 1926, Issue No. 6, pp. 46-48. LovisviLLE (L): Manuscript records from U.S. N. Hydrogr. Off. and Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Mansyv and other Japanese vessels (J): The report of oceanic survey in western part of the North Pacific Ocean carried out by H. J. M. 8S. Mansyu from April 1925 to March 1928: Hydrogr. Dept., Imperial Jap. Navy Bull. vol. 6, text pp. 496, 1933, Charts, vol. 6, pls. 135, 1933. Norweatia (N): Manuscript from Hakon Mosby and J. K. Eggvin through Prof. H. U. Sverdrup. Records of a considerable number of stations are contained in Mosby, Hakon, The waters of the Atlantic Antarctic Ocean: Norwegian Antarctic Expedition, 1927-28 et seq., instituted and financed by Consul Lars Christen- sen, Scient. Results, No. 11, Det Norske Videnskaps- Akademi i Oslo, Oslo 1934; Rustad, A., Antarctic Enphausiids from the Norwrai1a Expeditions, 1929- 30, 1930-31, Norw. Antarct. Exped. Scien. Results, no. 12. Oauaua (OG): Manuscript records from U. 8. N. Hydrogr. Off. PronEER (PI): Manuscript data U. 8. Coast and Geodetic Survey at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Scripps (SC): Michael, Ellis L., and McEwen, George F., Hydrographic, plankton, and dredging Records: University of California Publication in Zoology, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 1-206, July 15, 1915; and vol. 15, no. 2, Nov. 29, 1916, pp. 207-254. Manuscript data at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Skogsberg (SK): Manuscript data from Dr. T. Skogsberg. Soro Maru (JF): Uda, M., Hydrographical studies based on simultaneous oceanographical surveys made in the Japan Sea and in its adjacent waters during May and June, 1932. Records of Oceanographic Works in Japan, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 19-107, March, 1934. Vorovsky (VA): U.S. S. R. Hydrometeorological observa- tions of hydrographic expeditions, 1926, Issue no. 6, pp. 45-46. WILLEBRORD SNELLIUS (SN): van Everdingen, E. The Sneviius Expedition. Conseil International pour l’Exploration de la Mer, Journal vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 320- 328, 1930. van Riel, P. M. ‘‘Derde Bulletin van de WILLEBRORD SNELLIUS Expeditie, pp. 1-12, Indisch Comite voor Wetenschappelijke Onderzoekingen. Wituiam Scoressy (S): Manuscript data from Dr. Stanley Kemp. PLATE 12 INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY 140° 150° 160° 10° 160° 140° 120° 10° tebe Fo Sig 77 Sate ae a 160° 180° 160? 140° — 120° 100° 90° 80° 70° lo° 120° 130-140? Paciric Ocean, Gpnerat Cuarr Serial Sections of Temperature and Salinity. Stations without Abbreviations, after A. Defant, up to February 1, 1928. Stations with Abbreviations, subsequent to that date. alt eo om 300 Ao 2t939eA WO 2793 he ee ee Si) Sse Le? : | & a 2 as VHA Taishi) AUDU o1a10AT HOY EP yan! of-40 JavteCL’A rotia eiroiatverddA Juottiw enolate oniiiilae baw omderseore'? Io sitoidgael loge j 1 j INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY PLATE 13 VOROVSK PEIPING 4 TEMPERATURE SALINITY DEPTH (METERS) O 500 D - 1000 (@) 3000 3000 SHANGHAI © oe'o: oe O@ + 3 © @ aL ® @ ® © J @@, oe SNELLIUS MANSYU SOYO MARU VOROVSKY KRASNY VIMPEL # sarawak © e@ eae (9) SN psn b BRISBANE FF\, JAPANESE ISLANDS TO East INnpriEs, SerRTAL Sections OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY C283TaM) HT930 YTIALIAS SAUTSASIMST oo - «oof oo, ‘a oot 13) RavO oO INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY PLATE 14 500 - 1000, ; O 00 - 3000°._ a OVER 3000 CHELAN (1934) OGLALA (1935) GANNET (i933> 1000 METER ISOBATH = On TEMPERATURE SALINITY DEPTH (METERS) 500 - 1000 1000 - 3000 OVER 3000 CATALYST (1932-1936) CHELAN (1934) OGLALA (1935) GUIDE (1936) INTERNATIONAL FISH COMMISSION 1000 METER ISOBATH SEATTLE SAN FRANCISCO B. Gur or AuasKA TO San Francisco, SertAL SECTIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY (38@) £5RI00 (662 TIWMAD WTABOC! AITIM COG — w===nne~ yrs aKa sxoranasmaT to enorroa® waimat zavadel vasroasA oar OT neaoatck each ovamoO A (2A3T3M) WTS3G YTitsAe SAUTARZOMOT ooo - coe a * Q00£ - O00r oO s OO0E FSVO Go (QEQI-SEa) T2YIATAD (@Ee HAIGHO (2620 AJAIJOO (25m) 3GHUD - i YrMUAe uA BAOTAHAINET YO evorTINa cing ooeweAaT VRP OT azaarA qo G0) «AL INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY PLATE 15 | TEMPERATURE SALINITY DEPTH (METERS) . = 500 . 1000 - 3000 OVER 3000 SAN | FRANCISCO 1000 METER ISOBATH ALBACORE CARNEGIE ALBATROSS GUIDE PIONEER SCRIPPS SKOGSBERG Orr Coast or SouTHERN CALIFORNIA, SERTAL SECTIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY YHOIAROONATIO J a 3 2 wy ue 1 2 ae a u - = | - | ~< i | t ‘ H | ‘. aa ; * | / n _ wrivisa8 dea SeOTAR@IWAT TO BVOTrmAaR wAIKAa wIMAomd B Tea? ta INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY PLATE 16 PANAMA TEMPERATURE SALINITY OEPTH (METERS) Oo 100 = 500 D 500 - 1000 1e} tooo) =—-_=S—s 3000 ia} OVER 3000 HANNIBAL (1933-1936) CARNEGIE DANA WILLIAM SCORESBY VELERO lil ALBATROSS 1000 METER ISOBATH Orr Coasts or Costa Rica, PanaMa, AND NorTHERN SourH AMERICA, SERIAL SECTIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY The triangular symbol signifies, depths not available (2aaTam WTaga ¥TMisae | oo = 0 Ps eoor +) =— GE G * cone - OOH . oooE = FBV . (QECI-EEC) JARIAKAK i BOSBMRAD oe AAG : Yeesscce MAIJW it ORZU3V BEORTAE HTABOZI AITIM OCD HHO Pah ay - a ve - ¥ : yriwnsa® aaa SauTasaiwaT 16 ararrend Ata jaoinawA arT08 voces a a ; AWAY |ADIS Aro) oO sldgliayva ton bsg esttiagia lodarges 1a ) INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY PLATE 17 TEMPERATURE SALINITY DEPTH (METERS) 8) 100 = 500 D soo - 1000 oO 1000.—- 3000 1000 METER ISOBATH MAGNAGHI POLA SNELLIUS MABAHISS + KHARTUM MASSAWA 4 Rep Sea, SERIAL SECTIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY et es , fon TtMigse yA SauTAdaweeT 40, snore nae eS oe : [er Oe e666 os _ ah s 7 a, a ee thst eis each Fee ae 7 x (ened ea creme drieiaataieemeti RED SEA AND INDIAN OCEAN RED SEA, SERIAL SECTIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY Puate 17 The sources of the data for the Red Sea plotted on the chart are as follows: (The letters after the ships’ names are the abbreviations used on the chart.) Sources oF DaTa Masauiss (MA): Station list pp. 3-29, 1 chart. John Mur- ray Expedition to the Indian Ocean 1933-34. Under the leadership of Lt. Col. R. B. Seymour Sewell, C.1.E., F.R.S. Stations A, 1-11, 203-209, M. B. I. in the Red Sea. Manuscript list from Dr. C. Crossland for sta- tions occupied in 1934 and 1935. Maenacui (M): Picotti, Mario, Ricerche de Oceanografia Chimica, Part I—Tabelle generali della analisi clo- rometriche e dei di temperatura, salinitd e densita: Inst. Idrograf. della Reg. Marina., Ann. Idrograf., vol. 11 Bis, no. 3048, pp. 1-47, 1927. Poua (P): Koss, Karl, Expedition S. M. Schiff Poua in das Rothe Meer: Berichte der Commission fiir Oceano- graphische Forschungen, 6 Reihe 1895-1896, pp. 1-572, 1898, and 7 Reihe, pp. 1485, 1897-1898, 1901. Wiutesrorp Snexiius (SN): van Riel, P. M., Einige ozeanographische Beobachtungen im Roten Meer, Golf von Aden, und Indischen Ozean: Ann. Hydrogr. und marit. Meteorol., 60 Jahrg. (1932), Heft 10, pp. 401- 407, 1932. INDIAN OCEAN, SERIAL SECTIONS OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY Puate 18 As the base chart of this compilation there was used Defant’s chart entitled, ‘‘Hydrographische Reihenmessungen seit 1870 im Indischen Ozean.”! The indicated data have been used by Lotte Moller in her paper cited in the footnote.2 After the data obtained by the Dana were in condition for use Helge Thomsen published the paper cited below,’ and it was followed by a discussion by Lotte Moller.‘ Because of the additional data procured by the Dana, Thomsen thought Moller’s interpretation of the deep-water circulation of the Indian Ocean required modification. He questioned the existence of a southward moving current between depths of 2,000 and 3,000 meters. In 1932 Lt. Col. R. B. Seymour Sewell’s ‘‘Geographic and oceanographic 1Defant, A., Die systematische Erforschung des Welt- meeres: Zeitsch. der Gesellsch. fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin, Jubiliums-Sonderband, 1928. 2 Moller, Lotte, Die zirkulation der Indischen Ozeans: Inst. Meeresk. Berlin, Veréffentl. N. F., A. Geograph.- naturwissensch. Reihe, Heft 21, pp. 148, 24 Abbild. im Text, April, 1929. > Thomsen, Helge, The circulation in the depths of the Indian Ocean: Cons. Internat. Expl. Mer., Jour., vol. 8, pp. 73-39, 1933. ‘Moller, Lotte, Zur Frage der Tiefenzirkulation im Indischen Ozean: Ann. d. Hydr. usw. 1933, Heft 7-9, pp. 233-236, pls. 29, 29a. 27 research in Indian waters’’® was published. It marked a distinct advance in knowledge of the oceanography of the northern part of the Indian Ocean, and served as a basis of a discussion by G. Wiist® of the origin of the bottom water of the Indian Ocean as inferred from potential temperatures. In 1933-34 there was an important expedition to the Indian Ocean on His Egyptian Majesty’s ship Masauiss under the leadership of Lt. Col. R. B. Seymour Sewell. This was the first expedition the expenses of which were defrayed from a fund set aside from the estate of the late Sir John Murray. Therefore the expedition is called the John Murray Expedition to the Indian Ocean. The reports giving the results of the expedition are now being published by the British Museum (Natural History). The station list of the expedition has just ap- peared in print. Professor Defant plotted on the chart published by him the data available in the Institut fiir Meeres- kunde up to February 1, 1928. The sources of his data for the Indian Ocean are as follows: 5 Asiatic Soc. of Bengal, Mem., vol. 9, 1932. 6 Wiist, G., Anzeichen von Beziehungen zwischen Boden- strom und Relief in der Tiefsee des Indischen Ozeans: Die Naturwissensch, 1934, Jahrg. 22, Hft. 16, pp. 241-244, 1934. 28 NAME OF SHIP CHALLENGER GAZELLE ELISABETH INVESTIGATOR PENGUIN INVESTIGATOR WaATERWITCH Srork VALDIVIA Gauss SEALARK PLANET SEALARK Mowe MERLIN AMMIRAGLIO MAGNAGHI ORMONDE INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY Sources oF Data FOR THE INDIAN OCEAN TIME OF WORK December 1873 March 1874 March 1875 April 1875 May 1875 9, January 1877 October 1887 April 1891 April 1892 October 1892 & 1893 January 1895 April/May 1897 January 1898 December 1898 January 1899 February 1899 March/April 1899 Dec. 1901—May 1903 29, September 1905 April 1906 May 1906 June 1906 April-May 1909 January/February 1913 November 1920 April 1924 April/Mai 1927 After A. Defant POSITION OF STATIONS 45-46°S, 34-48°E 42-50°S, 123-134°H 22-36°S, 58-72°E 28-36°S, 76-122°E 8-16°S, 117-124°E 39°S, 26°E 6-10°N, 90-91°E 22-27°S, 110-111°E 9-15°N, 74-81°E 12°N, 70-73°E 39°S, 23-27°E 2-6°N, 55-56°E 34°34’S, 25°54’E 56-62°S, 14-59°E 36-15°S, 78-96°E 7°N-1°S, 76-96°E 9°N-5°S, 43-53°E Siidwestindischer Ozean, Subantarktisches Gebiet 10°S, 51°E 49°31’S, 29°16’N 5-6°N, 80-82°E Route: Kapstadt, Dur- ban, Beira, Lindi 4°N, 85-93°R 11°55’N, 45°50’E 12-13°N, 44-47°E SOURCE OF DATA Report on the scientific Results of the voyage of H. M. 8. CoatLencsr during the years 1873-1876, Physics and Chem- istry, vol. 1, London 1884, pls. 93-95, 98-100. Forschungsreise 8. M. 8S. Gazeuue, Hrsg. vom Reichsmarineamt. Physik und Chemie, vol. 2, Berlin 1888/89, p. 40. Kapitin z. S. Wickede, Tiefseebeobach- tungen S. M. 8. Exisapera, Annalen der Hydrographie, 1878, p. 319. Hydrogr. Department of the Admiralty, List of Oceanic Depths, 1888, London 1889, pp. 8, 9. Ibid., 1891, London 1892, p. 10, 11. Ibid., 1892, London 1898, pp. 10, 11 und 1893, London 1894, pp. 10, 11. Ibid., 1895, London 1896, p. 20. Ibid., 1897, London 1898, pp. 50, 51. G. Schott, Ozeanographie und maritime Meteorologie. Wiss. Ergebnisse der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition 1898/99, vol. 1, Jena 1902, Text figs., pls., 18, 20-22, 24-26. EK. v. Drygalski, Ozean und Antarktis, Meereskundliche Forschungen und Er- gebnisse der Deutschen Siidpolar-Ex- pedition 1901-1903, vol. 7, Berlin 1925, pp. 476-483. Hydrogr. Department of the Admiralty, List of Oceanic Depths 1905, London 1906, pp. 30, 31. Die Forschungsreise 8. M. 8. Puanet, hrsg. vom Reichsmarineamt, vol. 3, Berlin 1909, pp. 57-59. Hydrogr. Department of the Admiralty, List of Oceanic Depths 1909, London 1910, p. 24. Ozeanogr. Arbeiten S. M. S. Mowe im westlichen Indischen Ozean 1913, An- nalen der Hydrographie 1915, p. 341. Hydrogr. Department of the Admiralty, List of Oceanic Depths 1920, London 1921, p. 23. Campagna idrografica nel Mar Rosso della R. N. Ammrraciio Maenaaut 1923/24, Ricierche di oceanografia fisica, Part 4, Annali Idrografici 1926. D. J. Matthews, Temperature and Salin- ity Observations in the Gulf of Aden, Nature 1927, London 1927, p. 512. INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY PLATE 18 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100° 10° 120° 130° ‘ _ fog! ji 5 ON . “4s. Freomaay . 20 20° é y C (| e \ 10° 10° °° o° 10° 10° 130° 20° 20° 20° 30° J ite) 40° 40° 150° 0° 160° 10° 20° 30° SYMBOLS TEMPERATURE SALINITY DEPTH (METERS) » D 600-1000 e Oo 1000-3000 | ao > 3000 A A NOT_AVAILABLE InpIAN OcEAN, GENERAL CHART Serial Sections of Temperature and Salinity. Stations without abbreviations taken from Defant, prior to February 1, 1928; stations with abbreviations added to Defant’s charts, mostly subsequent to February 1, 1928. 8. raise H peer 18 cary Seu (eaataM) nag yrets@ anutAasaaT q 9001-003 q Qoos-woor ° & O0O0E < a) ge ASSAIIAVALTON A a THAN) danwael mwazoO warayl i2S@l L ysawido'l of soing taxioM mo nedad anviteivordda tuodtiw envitate -xsinila® baa gietewqneT to acoltent aive8 BGI I yxasiade% oF dasupoadue yitsoor ,sitede a'inaisd of bebbs anoWaiverdda siiw eevitate i \, i a TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY 29 SUPPLEMENTAL SOURCES OF DATA FOR THE INDIAN OCEAN The positions of the stations plotted by Defant are without abbreviations. There are added with abbreviations the positions of other stations, mostly of dates subsequent to February 1, 1928. A list of the sources of the data is as follows: (The letters after the ships’ names are the abbreviations used on the chart.) Dana (D): List of Stations, Dana Report No. 1, pp. 17-78, seven plates, 1934. Stations 3804-3809, 3812-39738, pp. 45-60. (The Carlsberg Foundation’s Oceanographical Expedition Round the World 1928-1930, and previous Dana Expeditions, under the leadership of Prof. Johannes Schmidt.) Discovery I (DI): Manuscript data from Sir Douglas Mawson. Reports in press. Discovery II and Witiram Scoresspy (DS): Manuscript data from Dr. Stanley Kamp. Masauiss (MA): Station list pp. 3-29, 1 chart: John Murray Expedition to the Indian Ocean 1933-34. Under the leadership of Lt. Col. R. B. Seymour Sewell, C.I.E., F.R.S. Stations 12-202 in the Indian Ocean. Eceria, INvEsTIGATOR, PLANET, VALDIVIA, and ViTIAz (E) (1) (PL) (VA) (V): Sewell, R. B. Seymour, Geo- graphic and Oceanographic Research in Indian Waters: Asiatic Society of Bengal, Memoirs, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 357-424, 1932. WILLEBRORD SNELLIUS (SN): van Riel, P. M., Einige Ozeanographische Beobachtungen im Roten Meer, Golf von Aden, und Indischen Ozean: Ann. Hydrog. u. marit. Meteorol., vol. 60, Jahrg. 1932, Heft 10, pp. 401- 407, 1982. CHARTING THE BOTTOM OF THE OCEANS SOUNDED AND UNSOUNDED AREAS Puates 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 The accompanying charts showing the sounded and unsounded areas of sea bottom are based upon charts prepared by the United States Hydrographic Office. Several years ago that office published five charts, one each for the north and south Atlantic, one each for the north and south Pacific, and one for the Indian Ocean, on which were shown the sounded and unsounded areas in the three oceans. These charts were intended to guide United States Naval vessels, equipped with sonic-sounding ap- paratus, in complying with instructions that when practicable their courses be laid across unsounded areas, so as gradually to complete surveys of the ocean bottom for bottom configuration. The sup- plemental information, much of it not yet published, that had been assembled in connection with this report has been added to the charts already drawn. It is hoped that these charts represent with fair accuracy what has been done in ascertaining the configuration of the sea bottom, and that they may serve to guide vessels of other countries, as well as those of the United States, to those areas on which there is inadequate information. It is pertinent here to refer to the article. ““The bathymetric soundings of the oceans,”’ by Lt. Com. H. Bencker, published by the International Hydro- graphic Bureau, June 1930, and presented at the meeting in Stockholm of the Section of Physical Oceanography, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, August 1930. This paper, in addition to a general account of the growth of knowledge of the bathymetry of the oceans, contains five appendices, one of which is “Chronological list of oceanic explorations from the year 1800,’ and another is “List arranged by oceans, of principal oceanic deeps.” Mention may be made of converting the sound intervals of echo soundings into true depths. Data on subsurface temperatures and salinities in the oceans are now becoming so extensive that the time is ripe for a revised edition of the British Admiralty’s “Tables of the velocity of sound in pure water and sea water for use in echo-sounding and sound-rang- ing,’’ published in 1927. Those institutions that 33 have acquired pertinent data would render meri- torious service to oceanography by codperating with the British Admiralty in perfecting that valuable publication. It should be practicable to deduce almost instantaneously the true depth from the echo time-interval. A glance at the accompanying charts shows that for the more general features the north Atlantic and the north Pacific have been mostly, but not entirely, covered. Recently, largely because of the activities of the Mertrror and Discovery II, knowledge of the south Atlantic has been greatly increased, but the lines of soundings north of latitude 50°S. are still so far apart that only the outlines of the grosser features may be surely recognized. Exploration of Antarctic waters has been intensely prosecuted since 1925 by the Discovery II and WitiiamM Scoressy, and, beginning somewhat later, by D1s- covery I and Norwecta. So many additional lines have been run that it should now be possible to construct a new bathymetric chart for the seas around Antarctica, south of about 50°S. latitude. There are also lines from Antarctica to southern Africa, southern Australia, New Zealand, and southern South America. The Masautss_ has recently, 1933, greatly added to knowledge of the northwestern Indian Ocean, as shown in an article by Wiseman and Sewell.1. Other important recent work on the bathymetry of the Pacific comprises new bathymetric charts of the South China Sea by the Institut Océanographique de |’Indochine, of the seas adjacent to Japan by the Hydrographic De- partment of Imperial Japanese Navy, of Philippine waters by the Philippine Coast and Geodetic Survey, and of the Netherlands East Indies by the SNELLIUS Expedition. The last mentioned charts constitute one of the finest publications on bottom topography ever issued.? Plate 1, composed of two sheets, is a colored bathymetric chart of the eastern part of the 1 Wiseman, J. H. D., and Sewell, R. B. S., The floor of the Arabian Sea: Geolog. Mag., vol. 74, pp. 219-230, pl. 11, May, 1937. 2 van Riel, P. M., Bottom configuration in relation to the flow of the bottom water: SNeuurus Expedition, vol. 2, Oceanographic Results, part 2, chapter 2, pp. 63, 6 pls., 16 detailed charts, 1934. 34 INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY East Indian Archipelago on a scale of 1:2,500,000. Plate 2 is a colored bathymetric chart of the East Indian Archipelago on a scale of 1:5,000,000. It is also gratifying to record that the International Hydrographic Bureau is publishing a revised edition of the Carte bathymétrique générale des Océans. The foregoing few notes on recent progress in the study of sea-bottom configuration are gratifying, but there are still two enormous areas of sea bottom on which only a little information is available. These are most of the Pacific Ocean, except near its shores, between the Equator and 50°S. latitude, and, except adjacent to Antarctica, most of the Indian Ocean east of longitude 70°E. and south of latitude 10°S. There are other areas on which information is inadequate, such as that between the Hawaiian Islands and the American coast, but the two above indicated are the most outstanding large areas on which there is little or no inform- ation. The remarks so far made apply to the larger fea- tures of bottom configuration, but before leaving the subject some consideration should be given to the more minute features of relief. It would require considerable searching of literature to discover who was the first to recognize that there are on the ocean floor earth-forms that are trench-like, others that are precipitous and simulate fault-scarps, et cetera, but we do know that the invention of radio-acoustic position-finding and the invention of echo-sounding devices has made possible the recognition of minutiae of sea-bottom configuration that was entirely im- possible only a few years ago. While in sight of land, by making closely spaced line-soundings it is possible to develop the side walls and floor of a trench, as Shepard has done,’ but when farther out at sea other methods of successive place-finding are essential. It has now been convincingly shown that the continental shelf off the east coast of the United States is incised by numerous trenches which can be traced to depths of 1,800 meters or more. The origin of these features is one of the great enigmas of geology and oceanography. They are mentioned here in the hope that research on them may be extended to other parts of the world. 3’ Shepard, F. P., Continued exploration of California submarine canyons: Amer. Geophys. Union, meeting 1936, Trans. pp. 221-2238, 1936. ‘Smith, Paul A., Submarine valleys: U. S. Coast and Geadene Surv. Field Engineers Bull. No. 10, pp. 150-158, ec. : INDEX CHART OF UNSOUNDED AREAS NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN INTERNATIONAL ASPEC ; ak tee = ae = ma aS a4 SETS STE A a a ie ne gee ee ot = Out Gat | INDIAN OCEAN INDEX CHART OF UNSOUNDED AREAS PLATE 7 INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY ~ res! WZ, fais \ b es ith EXPLANATION <= , : SS See SS ve === See = = a = = ae NO AA =e al a * SE TE oe ’ iB j : tet ene Oe a Be a — _— PUR ly \ose or a. - rates ac ¢ Se — la ie de MARINE BOTTOM DEPOSITS No general review of the subject of marine bottom deposits will be attempted here but a sufficient number of references to literature will be given to show the present status of mapping the material on the sea-floor. Nearly all, if not all, modern research expeditions have systematically collected samples of the sea bottom, and reports on the ma- terial obtained have either been written or are in preparation. Since the later reports utilize the information contained in the earlier publications, it is necessary to mention only recent reports. Although the material collected by modern expedi- tions has been or is being utilized, it must be recog- nized with regret that there are enormous collections of marine bottom samples procured by earlier ex- peditions that have not been critically studied— for example, there are thousands of such samples in the United States National Museum awaiting study. There have been far too few students of marine bottom deposits. The only large museum that has on its staff a member whose major duty is to study marine bottom samples is the British Museum of Natural History. Several of the oceanographic institutions have specialists on the subject attached to their staffs, but the researches of most of the investigators are incidental to other activities. For the Atlantic Ocean the most comprehensive reports are those on the results of the Mrrror Expedition. Two of them, by Correns and his associates! have been published. The study of the samples obtained in the south Atlantic was en- trusted to O. Pratje, who has published one Lieferung on his results,? and it is understood that another part will follow. Until now no chart presenting the results for the entire Atlantic has appeared. Three reports on collections made by the Dis- 1Correns, Carl W., A. Die Verfahren der Gewinnung und Untersuchung der Sedimente: Die Sedimente des aquatorialen Atlantischen Ozeans, Wissench. Ergeb. Mereor, vol. 3, 3d pt., Ist Lief., pp. 42, 1935. Schott, W. B., Die Foraminiferen in dem Aquatorialen Teil des Atlantischen Ozeans: [bid., 1st Lief., pp. 43-134, 3 Beilagen, pls. 1, 2, 1935. Correns, Carl W., C. Zusammenstellung der Untersuch- ungs Ergebnisse nach Stationen geordnet; D. Auswertung der Ergebnisse, mit Beitrigen von V. Leinz und O. E. Radezewski: [bid., 2d Lief., pp. XII, 135-298, pls. 3, 4, 1937. 2 Pratje, O., Gewinnung und Bearbeitung der Boden- proben: Die Sedimente des Siidatlantischen Ozeans, Wissensch. Ergeb. Mrreor, vol. 3, pt. 2, 1 Lief., 1935. 35 covery II and Witiiam Scorgssy have appeared.’ Two papers by Thorp are cited in a footnote.‘ The second paper by Thorp is concerned with only shallow-water deposits of the kind indicated in the title. It contains references to all important litera- ture on the subject, for both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. For the Pacific and Indian Oceans, W. Schott® has given a comprehensive review, accompanied by a bibliography, of the subject up to the end of 1934. Thorp, in the short paper cited below,® describes the shallow-water calcium-carbonate deposits of another area in the Pacific. Of the Discovery Reports already published only the one Neaverson, already noted, deals with Pacific sediments. An extensive report by Roger Revelle on the bottom samples collected in the Pacific by the CARNEGIE is now in press as a publication of the Department of Terres- trial Magnetism of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. P. H. Kuenen has in preparation a report on the marine bottom samples collected by the WrILLEBRoRD SNELLIUS in the Netherlands East Indies. The specimens collected by the Mapauiss are being studied by J. D. H. Wiseman, who has published an interesting article on volcanic rock dredged from the bottom off Providence Is- land? and the paper by him and R. B. 8. Sewell, “The floor of the Arabian Sea,’ already cited, con- 3 Matthews, L. Harrison, The marine deposits of the Patagonian continental shelf: Discovery Reports, vol. 9, pp. 175-206, pls. 2-14, 1934. Moore, Hilary B., Faecal pellets from marine deposits: Discovery Reports, vol. 7, pp. 17-26, 1 text-fig., 1933. Neaverson, E., Sea-floor deposits, I. General characters and distribution: Discovery Reports, vol. 9, pp. 295-350, pls. 17-22, 1934. 4 Thorp, E. M., Descriptions of deep-sea bottom samples from the western north Atlantic and the Caribbean Sea: Scripps Inst. Oceanogr. Tech. Bull., vol. 3, pp. 1-81, 5 text-figs., 1 chart, 1931. Thorp, E. M., Caleareous shallow-water marine deposits of Florida and the Bahamas: Carnegie Inst. Washington Pub. no. 452, pp. 37-148, 14 text-figs., 5 pls., Dec. 1935. 5 Schott, W., Die Bodenbedeckung des Indischen und Stillen Ozeans: in G. Schott’s Geographie des Indischen und Stillen Ozeans, pp. 109-122, pl. 5, 1935. 6 Thorp, E. M., The sediments of the Pearl and Hermes Reed (Midway Islands): Jour. Sed. Petrol., vol. 6, pp. 109- 118, 1 fig., 1936. 7 Wiseman, J. D. H., The petrography and significance of a rock dredged from a depth of 744 fathoms, near to Providence Reef, Indian Ocean. Linn. Soc. Zool. Trans. ser. 2, vol. 19, pp. 437-443, 3 text-figs., 1936. 36 INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY tains information on material on the bottom of the Indian Ocean. Basaltic lava, dredged at two places, is noteworthy because of its low radium-content. The relative exploration of the sea-bottom for material composing it is only approximately indi- cated by the distribution of stations for serial sec- tions of temperature and salinity, for numerous bottom samples have been collected at places for which information on the physical features of the water is lacking or inaccurate. There are large areas in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, the same areas for which other information is deficient, from which few or no collections of bottom material have been made. During recent years there have been great changes in the methods of studying marine sediments due to the application of the principles of physical chemis- try to numerous problems of the sediments them- selves and to problems of the seawater associated with the sediments and due to the utilization of X-ray analysis. It is not necessary to discuss the methods of this later work for they are described in connection with the reports on the samples col- lected by the Mrrror, Carnecin, and other re- search vessels, and in other papers on marine sediments. It is pertinent to call attention here to a volume “Symposium on Recent Sediments’ now in preparation by the Committee on Sedimentation of the United States National Research Council, under the editorship of Parker D. Trask. Many specialists are codperating in the work. Another development of significance is the im- provement of the older, and the invention of new devices for obtaining cores of the sea bottom. There have been numerous modifications of Ekman’s bottom sampler, which depends upon a weight to drive a tube into the bottom. One helpful modifi- cation is that of Trask.2 A commendable feature of Trask’s design is its cheapness, the cost need not exceed about five dollars. Another valuable device is that of Kuenen.? The most noteworthy advance in the design of coring devices is that of Piggot.!° The power to 8 Trask, Parker D., Oceanography and oil deposits: Amer. Geophys. Union, Trans., Nat. Res. Council Bull. no. 61, pp. 235-242, 1927. Trask, Parker D., Origin and environment of source sediments of petroleum: Gulf Pub. Co., Houston, Tex., 1932. See p. 12, fig. 1, C. ® Kuenen, Ph. H., Die Viermeter-Lotréhre der SNELLIUS Expedition: Ann. d. Hydrogr. u. marit. Meteorologie, March, 1932. 10 Piggot, C. S., Apparatus to secure core samples from the ocean bottom: Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., vol. 47, pp. 675- 684, 3 pls., 1 fig., 1936. drive the tube into the bottom is derived from an explosive, that is the upper part of the apparatus is a gun. The numerous cores, up to ten feet long that have been taken, retain the stratification of the material sampled and make possible a study of the stratigraphy of the bottom material. It may be confidently expected that the Piggot gun will come into general use for sampling sea-bottom material, and that those samplers that take material only from the surface of the bottom will be replaced. Provisions for operating the Piggot gun have been made on the research vessels of both the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. It is probable that similar arrangements will be made on other vessels. The incentive that led Doctor Piggot to invent his gun was to procure core-samples for the study of the radium-content of marine bottom-deposits. He determined the amounts of radium in a series of samples collected by the CaRNEGIE by means of a snapper-type of sampler. The results were not altogether satisfying—cores were needed. He has kindly prepared the following summary statement for this report. Radium Content of Marine Bottom Deposits, by C. §. Piggot, Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington. Though many determinations have been made of the radium content of various rocks from many localities on the continental surfaces of the earth, very few such measurements have been made on the materials comprising the ocean-bottom sediments. The reasons for this are obvious, but when the vast area covered by these sediments is considered, and especially their high radium content, it is apparent that they may have a geophysical significance of very great importance. The meagerness of the available data is empha- sized when it is pointed out that only some sixty- eight determinations have been published, of which Joly published twelve in 1908,!! Hans Pettersson twenty-eight in 1930,” and Piggot twenty-eight in 1932, and these represent a material covering nearly three-fourths of the surface of the earth. Further- more, these sediments are of unknown thickness, and as there is little likelihood that direct measurements of the thickness will ever be made, a knowledge of Joly, J., Phil. Mag., vol. 16, p. 190, 1908. 2 Pettersson, Hans, Teneur en radium des dépots de mer profonde: Résultats de Campagnes Scientifiques par Albert Tet Prince Souverain de Monaco, fascicule 81, 1930. 13 Piggot, C. S., Radium content of ocean-bottom sedi- ments: Amer. Jour. of Sci., vol. 25, pp. 229-238, March, 1933. MARINE BOTTOM DEPOSITS 37 this factor can be got only by a study of the rate of deposition. The most promising method for ac- complishing this is one based upon radioactive considerations. Therefore, a study of ocean bottom sediments from this point of view is of the greatest importance in securing fundamental information about these vast deposits. The radium content of the granitic rocks of the earth varies from about 1-3 X 10-” grams of radium per gram of rock; and of the basaltic rocks about 1 on the same scale. The sedimentary rocks average less than the basalts, whereas the ocean bottom sediments are found to contain several times as much as even the granites. The average for Joly’s twelve determinations is 17.8 X 10-" grams Ra per gram of sample, which is considered to be rather high. Pettersson’s twenty-eight determina- tions average 10.96 X 10-” grams/gram, with a maximum of 49.5 X 10-" grams/gram. Piggot’s results average 6.52 X 10-" grams/gram with 21.40 X 10-” grams/gram as the greatest. These high concentrations of radium are the more remarkable when one considers that the uranium represented by this radium must come originally from the igneous rocks. Apparently it did not concentrate to any great extent in the sedimentary rocks at the time of their formation presumably in shallow seas but has concentrated to a considerable extent in those sediments which are now accumulat- ing slowly in the deeper and more remote portions of the ocean. Usually the red clays contain a higher concentra- tion of radium than do the other deposits. Of the samples examined by Pettersson and Piggot whose characters are definitely known, 27 red clays average 12.1 X 10-” grams Ra per gram, and 13 Globigerina oozes average 4.1 X 10-” grams Ra per gram of sample. Joly suggested that the minute organisms of the sea abstract uranium, more or less selectively, from the water and when they die their skeletons carry it to the bottom with them. However, the higher > radium concentrations are not found associated with any of the various skeletal deposits. Pettersson found high radium concentration associated with evidences of volcanic activity and he suggests that the unusual concentrations are brought about by submarine volcanism. Pettersson’s ex- planation seems rather specialized to be of general application. Piggot points out that the oxides of uranium like those of iron and manganese are among the least soluble of its compounds and that it is in those portions of the ocean bottom, in general, where the oxides of manganese and iron are separated, as re- vealed by the nodules of these elements, that the uranium concentration as revealed by the radium content is the higher. This accords with the observations of the oxygen content with depth made by the Carnerarg, which revealed that though the oxygen content fell off very rapidly down to about 1000 fathoms, it increased from then on and soon attained a magnitude about two-thirds of that at the surface. Therefore the deep, undisturbed areas, far from land and detrital débris, furnish an oxidizing environment where the uranium separates out, and appears in the highest concentrations at those places of slowest sedimentation. The geophysical significance of this highly radio- active material depends upon its thickness and its history subsequent to being formed. If it be of great thickness or have served to take such concen- trations of radium into the structure of the earth’s crust, its influence must be considerable, either as insulating the flow of heat into the ocean, as re- quired by Joly’s thermal cycles, or as providing sources of intense energy for any part of the earth’s crust within which it may become incorporated. Obviously the elucidation of such questions awaits considerable further research and more particularly the development of some device which will provide core samples, from a study of which some knowledge of the character and rate of deposition may be obtained. SUBMARINE EARTHQUAKE EPICENTERS, MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS AT SEA, TIDAL RECORDS v iy ve i ny i iH e ie ie : . (eeaaity | rh Raa THE STRUCTURE OF THE OCEAN BASINS AS INDICATED BY SEISMOLOGICAL DATA AND EARTHQUAKE EPICENTERS By B. GUTENBERG Balch Graduate School of Geological Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif., U.S.A. Contribution No. 226 THE STRUCTURE OF THE OCEAN BASINS When an earthquake occurs, two different kinds of waves are generated: waves which travel through the interior of the earth (space waves), and waves whose energy is propagated chiefly along surfaces (surface waves). The records of both kinds of waves can be used to study certain physical proper- ties of the several layers of the earth, especially of the earth’s crust. According to theory and to observations there are two different types of space waves: longitudinal waves, caused by the propagation of changes in volume (either compression or rarefaction, there being no difference in propagation between these cases), and shear waves (transversal waves), due to the propagation of a shear. The velocities of the longitudinal waves (V) and of the transversal waves (v) are connected with the bulk modulus k, the coefficient of rigidity u, and the density d of the material in which the wave is propagated, by the following formulae: From the seismograms we find the times of arrival of the different phases. Further, in very many cases we are able to calculate the position and depth of the focus, and the time of origin. In such cases we can find the travel time (time between occurrence of the shock and the arrival of a certain phase at the station), and plotting these travel times against the distances, we get the “travel-time curves’ which allow us to find the velocities of the several kinds of waves as a function of the depth. Unfortunately it is very difficult to get travel times of near shocks whose waves run only through AS INDICATED BY SEISMOLOGICAL DATA the material at the bottom of the ocean. To get true velocities, the instrument must be in contact with the material of the earth’s crust beneath the ocean. It is very difficult to state how far this is true in the case of instruments installed on islands. The only observations which may fulfill such condi- tions to a certain degree, have been published by Angenheister! using seismograms near shocks regis- tered at Apia (Samoa). They show that both kinds of forerunners arrive earlier than in other regions considered so far, and they were the first indication of the fact that there are large inequalities in the earth’s crust. Another way to find data on the differences in the earth’s crust has been suggested by B. Gutenberg and C. F. Richter.2. The amplitudes of waves reflected from the surface of the earth depend on the velocities at the point of reflection, in addition to other quantities. The observations show that waves reflected at the bottom in the Pacific basin, with the exception of a few limited areas, and in the Polar basin show usually much smaller amplitudes than waves reflected under otherwise equal condi- tions in the continents, the Atlantic or Indian Ocean. The maximum difference occurs for epicentral dis- tances of about 5000 km.; at distances of this order Pacific reflections, on an average, have only about ; of the amplitudes of continental reflections, indi- cating a higher velocity of waves in the surface layers of the Pacific. The observations of surface waves, that is waves 1 Angenheister, G., Beobachtungen an pazifischen Beben. Géttinger Nachrichten, 1921. 2B. Gutenberg and C. F. Richter, On Seismic Waves (Second Paper). Gerlands Beitr. zur Geophysik, vol. 45 (1935) pp. 280-360. 41 42 INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY which are propagated along the surface of the earth, also can be used to find the velocities of waves in different regions. In a medium which is not homogeneous, the velocity of surface waves depends upon the period. Short waves are propagated only in a thin layer, whereas the energy of long waves is propagated in a thick layer. In general, a con- siderable amount of the energy of these waves is propagated in that part of the earth’s crust with a thickness several times as great as the wave-length. With increasing depth the energy propagated by elastic surface waves diminishes exponentially. If, for example, we have two layers, the upper one with a thickness of ten kilometers and a velocity of three kilometers per second for transversal waves, the lower, with a velocity of four kilometers per second, surface shear waves with a period of one second (wave-length of the order of three kilometers), will be propagated with a velocity of three kilo- meters per second; if the wave has a period of ten seconds, the wave-length will be greater than the thickness of the layer, so a noticeable part of the energy will be propagated in the deeper layer, and the velocity of the wave will be between three and four kilometers per second. If, finally, we consider a wave with a period of 60 seconds, the wave-length (nearly 240 kilometers) will be large as compared with the thickness of the layer, nearly all the energy will be propagated in the deeper layer and the velocity of this wave will be nearly four kilometers per second. As the whole matter is somewhat complicated, we will not go into detail. If instead of two layers with constant velocity in each we have a material in which the velocity in- creases with depth, the effect will be similar; in this case, too, the velocity of the waves will increase with the period. In using this method B. Guten- berg found in 1923 the difference in structure be- tween the Pacific basin and all other regions of the earth.$ Combining the most recent data found from the various investigations mentioned so far, Gutenberg and Richter‘ arrived at the following conclusions: The crust of the earth is divided in most regions into several layers, the uppermost is the layer of sedimentary rocks, with velocities of longitudinal waves from about 1 km./sec. in very unconsolidated 3?B. Gutenberg, Dispersion und Extinction von seismis- chen Oberflichenwellen und der Aufbau der obersten Erd- schichten. Physikal. Zeitschr. vol. 25 (1924) pp. 377-381. 4B. Gutenberg and C. F. Richter, On Seismic Waves (Third Paper). Gerlands Beitrige zur Geophysik, vol. 47 (1936) pp. 73-131. recent material to at least 6 km./sec. in very old, consolidated sediments. The thickness of the sedi- mentary layer varies locally within very wide limits; it may be totally absent, or may extend to depths of over 12 km. (Depths of this order have been found in the Los Angeles Basin by the use of applied seismic methods.) Beneath these sedimentary rocks is a layer which in many cases is known to consist of granitic rock, in which the velocity of longitudinal waves is about 5.5 km./sec. In some regions the sediments are directly underlain by basaltic rock; where data are available, usually one or two deeper layers have been recognized within the crust. The base of the granitic layer has been found, in the continental regions where it has been studied, at depths between 15 and 20 km. In these same regions the total thickness of the crust (depth of the first major discontinuity) has been found to be from 30 to 50 km. Relatively small values for this thickness have been found for the southwestern United States, western Europe, and northeastern Japan; about average thicknesses occur in central and western North America, and in South America. The largest values found thus far are in the region of the Alps. In the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, the total thickness of the crust is only a fraction of that on the continents; the seismological data offer no evidence as to the nature of the rocks composing the crust in these areas, but in both oceans there still is a well-marked discontinuity between the crustal rocks and the mantle. There is no evident vertical discontinuity between these oceans and the adjacent continents. In the region of the Pacific basin no marked dis- continuity between crust and mantle exists; except for local accumulations of erupted basaltic material, it does not appear that the elastic constants near the rock surface differ significantly from those in the mantle. Data for the north polar basin definitely indicate the existence of a considerable area with properties similar to those of the Pacific basin. All available evidence indicates that a continental type of structure exists in certain outlying areas of the Pacific Ocean. This is the case in the Poly- nesian region, including the area west of the Bonin, Marianne, and Caroline Islands. Besides, there is evidence for continental structure in a limited area in the southeastern Pacific, at considerable distance from the coast of South America. The problem, of what materials the various layers consist has not been solved completely yet. In crystalline rocks, velocities of 44-6 km./sec. have STRUCTURE OF OCEAN BASINS been found for longitudinal waves, in basalt 5-53 km./see. It is very probable that the values found for the upper layer beneath the continental areas correspond to granite under somewhat higher pres- sure. No waves through more basic rocks have been investigated by means of explosions. It seems to be very probable that the continental layers consist of granite at the top, and rocks with increasing basicity at greater depths, that the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean is formed by the same types of rocks, the layers being noticeably thinner, and that the entire bottom of the Pacific Ocean and all regions of the earth at depths of more than 50 kilometers consist of a very much more basic material than is characteristic of the uppermost part of the con- tinents. There are other observations confirming these results. Surface waves undergo a certain amount of extinction when propagated. For very long waves, this seems to be the same everywhere. Indeed, the energy of these waves is propagated almost com- pletely at considerable depths, the wave-length being a few hundreds of kilometers, and the structure at that depth apparently is the same in every region of the earth. But if we use short waves we find a very definite dependence of extinction upon the region. The least values are to be found at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and on the continents. The values for the bottom of the Pacific Ocean are somewhat scanty, as in this case epicenter and sta- tion must be situated in the ocean (Honolulu, Apia). They do not differ much from those just mentioned; however, noticeably larger loss of energy is found for waves which have traversed the boundary of the Pacific Ocean, even if the station is situated very close to the ocean. In particular, the values found from paths along the coast (Japan-Manila, Japan- Batavia) are very high, indicating that it is not a high absorption of the energy at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean that is the cause of the large values there, but the fact of the crossing of the coasts. No corresponding effects have been found from waves passing the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean. In this case, no surfaces between layers of different material must be crossed, but as we found before, and as is stated by the investigation of the extinction of surface waves, the physical coast of the Pacific Ocean (Japan-Philippines-New Guinea) is the boundary, between two completely different kinds of material. The large losses of energy of the surface waves crossing this vertical surface between the material at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean FOCAL DEPTH + zzxz=z Z2Zz ©e©oo°o o ° £aB8 0 Lr ow oo> 2a6 50 - 43 C.F.RICHTER AFTER B.GUTENBERG AND YEARS. IN RECENT OEEP-FOCUS EARTHQUAKES Fig. 2 LARGER OF rs ° = 2) £ c = o> (2) 44 and the very much less basic material in the upper layer of the continents, are caused by reflection and refraction of the energy which arrives there. The vertical extent of these vertical surfaces cannot be more than a few tens of kilometers, as the very long waves seem to show no effect of the kind men- tioned. Nevertheless these vertical discontinuities may affect the conditions down to a few hundreds of kilometers. Investigations on the depths of foci of earthquakes® have shown that everywhere in the earth depths of foci of not more than 40-50 km. prevail. In many earthquake regions there are found, in addition, foci at depths down to 100 km. Still greater depths occur in some earthquake regions as in the Hindu Kush (200-250 km.), in the south Atlantic (about 150 km.), Central America (about 130 km.), eastern Mediterranean region (150-200 km.), and many regions surrounding the Pacific Ocean. Earthquakes originating at depths of three hundred km. and more, however, are found only in a relatively narrow belt around the Pacific Ocean. They have been located thus far in Man- churia, Sea of Okhotsk, south of Japan (near 30°N., 140°E.), in the Central East Indies about Celebes, in the Solomon Islands, the Fiji-Kermadec area, and western South America, but not North America. (See figure.) The greatest depths, of between 600— 720 km. thus far have been found in almost all these regions, but especially in the Fiji-Kermadec area and in western South America. In general the distances from the Pacific Ocean increases with increasing depth. In South America, for example, the normal shocks are close to the coast, shocks with depths between 100-250 km. are beneath the Andes and a third group of shocks with depths between 600-700 km. have been located east of the Andes. It has been found, besides, that in general the type of movement is the same regardless of EARTHQUAKE EPICENTERS IN INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY depth. That means that if we have a movement towards the north on one side of a fault near the surface, the movement is also in general in a north- erly direction on the same side at larger depths. The data available so far are rather scanty in some areas; however, they leave no doubt about the fact that the Pacific Ocean basin bears a unique relation to the occurrence of deep shocks. No similar phe- nomena have been observed around other ocean basins nor at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. If we summarize our results we find that the region comprised within the limits of the Pacific Ocean as given above has one kind of structure and all other regions of the earth, perhaps excluding a part of the Arctic basin, another. In these latter parts of the earth (non-Pacific area) there is a continental layer which consists of several shells. Its thickness is about 40-50 km. under the conti- nents but decreases towards the Atlantic and probably the Indian Ocean, where its thickness is of the order of 20 km. There is no indication that the continents have broken during any geological time and drifted apart; however, our findings would be in agreement with the assumption that in early geological times the thickness of the continental crust was different in many localities from what it is today and that plastic flow in the continental crust may have changed the distribution of land and sea in the area including all continents and the Atlantic and Indian Ocean. The basin of the Pacific Ocean proper is a unique element of the earth’s crust and its boundaries affect the layers down to many hundreds of km. As it is not evident how the continental crust could have been removed in a gradual way from the Pacific Ocean the conclusion seems to be probable that the Pacific Ocean either never has had such a crust or that it has been removed by a cosmic event. OCEANIC REGIONS AND ALONG CONTINENTAL BORDERS Priates 24, 25, 26 The accompanying charts are intended to give a general idea about earthquake epicenters rather than to present a map of specific shocks. The following symbols are used: 5B. Gutenberg and C. F. Richter, Depth and Geo- graphical Distribution of Deep-focus Earthquakes. Paper, presented at a joint session of the Geological Soc. of Amer- ica, Cordill. Sect, and the Seismological Society of America at Berkeley, April 10, 1937. © Strong shocks frequent in that region. In most cases one symbol stands for a few or even many shocks! @ Occasionally strong shocks in that region. © Occasionally medium size shocks (about like the Long Beach shock), but strong shocks rare. + Occasional shocks, but no recent strong shocks. As in many cases the epicenters are not known to a higher degree of accuracy each symbol refers to a region with a radius of a few hundred km. An INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY PLATE 24 140° 130° 120° 110° CONTINENT 2000 mM CONTOUR 4000 M CONTOUR 5000 M CONTOUR OCCASIONALLY STRONG SHOCKS IN THAT REGION (e) OCCASIONALLY MEDIUM SIZE SHOCKS ABOUT LIKE \ = r THE LONG BEACH SHock POS F oe, 8. BUT STRONG SHOCKS LESS FRE + QUENT + OCCASIONALLY SHOCKS BUT NO RECENT STRONG SHOCKS R IN MOST CASES ONE SYMBOL N I= QQ age EM as STANOS FOR A FEW OR EVEN J MANY SHOCKS <5) PQ _ S02) 6G, SOW Onmn POEUN 4O- ATLANTIC OcEAN, EARTHQUAKE EPICENTERS (Base chart, after G. Wiist) we FHETKHOIW FHAUpRYRAM wasoO naranl (daais® .A retla diads oaef) STRUCTURE OF OCEAN BASINS 45 endeavor has been made to eliminate the effect of the different density in distribution of the earth- quake observatories but it may not have been entirely successful. For example, the Atlantic- Arctic region, on which there have been a few detailed investigations made, may be less active than the map indicates. In the Southern Hemi- sphere, on the other hand, as there have been only a very few investigations, many earthquakes of moderate size may have escaped attention. But it is my belief that the difference between the bottom of the Pacific Ocean and the surrounding regions is not exaggerated. Our records for recent years have confirmed the indicated relations, the regions with the most epicenters are more distant from us than the quiet regions. The following is a list of the charts of the different oceans showing the position of earthquake epicen- ters on the sea floor and on the continental margins: 1. Chart of the Atlantic Ocean. 2. Chart of the Pacific Ocean. 3. Chart of the Indian Ocean. LIST OF SEISMOLOGICAL STATIONS OF THE WORLD By No He HnCkK Captain, United States Coast and Geodetic Survey PLateE 27 NO. STATION LOCATION NO. STATION LOCATION 1 Aachen Germany 48 Cambridge USA 2 ~~ Abisko Sweden 49 Cape of Good Hope South Africa 3 Adelaide South Australia 50 Cardiff Wales 4 Accra West Africa 51 Carloforte Italy 5 Agra India 52 Cartuja Spain 6 Aidu Japan 53 Cernauti Roumania 7 Akita Japan 54 Charlottesville USA 8 Albany USA 55 Chatham Islands South Pacific 9 Alger-Bouzaréah Algeria 56 Cheltenham USA 10 Alicante Spain 57 Chiavari Italy 11 Alipore (Calcutta) India 58 Chicago (Loyola) USA 12 Alma-Ata USSR 59 Chicago USA 13 Almeria Spain 60 Chihuahua Mexico 14 Amboina Dutch East Indies 61 Christchurch New Zealand 15 Ambulong Philippine Is. 62 Chur Switzerland 16 Andalgala Argentina 63 Chiufeng China 17 Andijan USSR 64 Cincinnati USA 18 Angra do Heroismo Azores 65 Clausthal Germany 19 Ann Arbor USA 66 Clermont-Ferrand France 20 Apia Western Samoa 67 Cleveland USA 21 Arapuni New Zealand 68 Coimbra Portugal 22 Asahigawa Japan 69 Coire Switzerland 23 Ascension Is. of Ascension 70 Colaba (Bombay) India 24 Athens Greece 71 Colombo Ceylon 25 Awomori Japan 72 Columbia USA 26 Bagnéres-de-Bigorre France 73 Copenhagen Denmark 27 Baguio Philippine Is. 74 Copiapé Chile 28 Baku USSR 75 Dairen Japan 29 Balboa Central America 76 Dakar West Africa 30 Barcelona Spain 77 Dannevirke New Zealand 31 Basle (Bale) Switzerland 78 De Bilt Netherlands 32 Batavia Java 79 Dehra Dun India 33 Beirut Syria 80 Denton USA 34 Belgrade Yugoslavia 81 Denver USA 35 Benevento Italy 82 Des Moines USA 36 Bergen Norway 83 Dubrovnik Yugoslavia 37 Berkeley USA 84 Ebro Spain 38 Besancon France 85 Edinburgh Scotland 39 Bidston (Liverpool) England 86 Eger Czechoslovakia 40 Bochum Germany 87 Eskdalemuir Scotland 41 Bogota Colombia 88 Florence Xim. Italy 42 Bozeman USA 89 Florence Italy 43 Budapest Hungary 90 Florissant USA 44 Buffalo USA 91 Foggia Italy 45 Bunneythorpe New Zealand 92 Fordham USA 46 Burlington USA 93 Fort de France Martinique 47 Butuan Philippine Is. 94 Frunse USSR 46 STATION Fukui Georgetown Gifu Glenmuick Gottingen Gorje Graz Grennoble Greymouth Guadalajara Guam Haboro Haiwee Hakodate Halifax Hamada Hamamatsu Hamburg Harvard Hastings Hatidyézima Havana Heerland Heidelberg Heijo Helgoland Helsingfors Helwan Hikone Hilo Hiroshima Hof Hohenheim Hoko Hong Kong Honolulu Huancayo Hukuoka Husan Husiki Hyderabad Idzuhara lidia Imola Innsbruck Irkutsk Ishigakijima Ishinomaki Ithaca Ivigtut Jena Jinsen Johannesburg Kabansk Kagoshima Kakioka Kalocsa Kamakura Kanazawa Karenko Karlsruhe LIST OF SEISMOLOGICAL STATIONS OF WORLD LOCATION Japan USA Japan New Zealand Germany Yugoslavia Austria France New Zealand Mexico Mariana Is. Japan USA Japan Canada Japan Japan Germany USA New Zealand Japan Cuba Netherlands Germany Korea Germany Finland Egypt Japan Hawaii Japan Germany Germany Formosa China Hawaii Peru Japan Korea Japan India Japan Japan Italy Austria Siberia Japan Japan USA Greenland Germany Korea South Africa Siberia Japan Japan Hungary Japan Japan Formosa Germany NO. 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 STATION Keeling Islands Keijo Kew Kingston Kiyosumi Kobe Kochi Kodaikanal Kodiak Kofu Kona Konigsberg Kosyum Ksara Kucino Kumagaya Kumamoto Kure Kushiro Kyoto Kysuyu La Jolla La Paz La Plata Lawrence Leipzig Le Mans Lemberg Leningrad Lima Lisbon Little Rock Livorno Ljubljana Lund Madison Madrid Maebashi Makeevka Malabar Malaga Manila Manzanillo Maron Marseilles Matsumoto Matsuyama Mauritius Mazatlan Medan Melbourne Mera Merida Meszstetten-Ebingen Milwaukee Mineo Mineral Misaki Misima Mitaka Mito LOCATION Cocos Island Korea England Br. West Indies Japan Japan Japan India Alaska Japan Hawaii Germany Formosa Syria USSR Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan USA Bolivia Argentina USA Germany France Poland USSR Peru Portugal USA Italy Yugoslavia Sweden USA Spain Japan USSR Java Spain Philippine Is. Mexico Java France Japan Japan Mauritius Mexico Dutch E. Indies Australia Japan Mexico Germany USA Italy USA Japan Japan Japan Japan 47 STATION Miyako Miyatsu Miyazaki Mizusawa Mobile Moncealieri Montecassino Montezuma Morioka Mostar Mt. Hamilton Mount Wilson Munich Muroran Muroto Nagano Nagasaki Nagoya Naples Nase Nemuro Neuchatel New Haven New Orleans New Plymouth Niigata Niihama Nordlingen Numazu Oaxaca Obihiro Oiwake Okayama Okinawa Omahama Ooita Ootomari Osaka Ottawa Oxford Padova Palo Alto Pare Saint-Maur Pasadena Pavia Perth Piacenza Piatigorsk Pic du Midi Pittsburgh Philadelphia Plauen Plymouth Point Loma Ponta Delgada Port-au-Prince Potsdam Poughkeepsie Prague Prato Puebla LOCATION Japan Japan Japan Japan USA Italy Italy Chile Japan Yugoslavia USA USA Germany Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Italy Japan Japan Switzerland USA USA New Zealand Japan Japan Germany Japan Mexico Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Canada England Italy USA France USA Italy Western Australia Italy USSR France USA USA Germany England USA Azores Haiti Germany USA Czechoslovakia Italy Mexico NO. 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY STATION Pulkovo Quito Ravensburg Reno Reykjavik Rio de Janeiro Riverside Riverview Rocea di Papa Rome Saga St. Boniface St. Helena Island St. Louis Sakai Samarkand San Fernando (Cadiz) San Juan Santa Barbara Santa Clara Santiago Sapporo Sarajevo Sasebo Saskatoon Scoresby-Sund Seatoon Seattle Sebastopol Sendai Seven Falls Shimonoseki Shionomisaki Sibenik Sikka Simferopol Simizu Sion Sitka Sofia Spokane State College, Pa. Stockton Stonyhurst Strasbourg Stuttgart Subiaco Sucre Sumoto Suttu Suva Sverdlovsk Swarthmore Sydney Tachkent Tacubaya Tadotu Taihoku Taiku Tainan Taitd LOCATION USSR Ecuador Germany USA Iceland Brazil USA Australia Italy Italy Japan Canada Is. of St. Helena USA Japan USSR Spain Porto Rico USA USA Chile Japan Yugoslavia Japan Canada Greenland New Zealand USA USSR Japan Canada Japan Japan Yugoslavia Japan USSR Japan Switzerland Alaska Bulgaria USA USA USA England France Germany Italy Bolivia Japan Japan Fiji Islands USSR USA Australia USSR Mexico Japan Formosa Korea Formosa Formosa —_—" INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY PLATE -“ re ia wet aot ect ra Pa lh rT ES . GREENLAND bn ALASKA - case un al NORTH PAGIFIC = @ UNITED STATES NORTH ° DOCr He s ATLANTIC OCEAN Mey & May Ws —— ey ag 37a CARIBBEAN SEA Gane vende Seen 5 Berean re) 3 SS Cae | Nard = A es “st = | = E SOUTH } ATLANTIC j OCEAN | | SQUTH PACIFIC care ’ | a4 OCEAN roe ie =I PS : ZS, | + ? SEISMOLOGICAL STATIONS a OF THE WORLD é 1937 20" 22 Yaw te | * ee- r ; e 4 | | « w ~ _ oe e no a s STATION Taitya Takaka Takata Takayama Tananarive Tarente Taunus Technology Theodosia Tiflis Tinemaha Titibu Togane Tokushima Tokyo Tokyo Toledo Toronto Toyooka Travnik Trenta Treviso Trieste Tsingtao Tsitsishima Tsu Tsukuba-san Tuai Tukuba Tucson Tunis Tyosi Uccle Ukiah Unzen-dake Upsala Utsunomiya Uwazima Uwekahuna Uzhorod Valle di Pompei LIST OF SEISMOLOGICAL STATIONS OF WORLD LOCATION Formosa New Zealand Japan Japan Madagascar Italy Germany USA USSR USSR USA Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Spain Canada Japan Yugoslavia Italy Italy Italy China Japan Japan Japan New Zealand Japan USA Africa Japan Belgium USA Japan Sweden Japan Japan Hawaii Czechslovakia Italy NO. 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 STATION Venice Vera Cruz Victoria Vienna Vladivostok Volcano House Wakayama Wellington Worcester Yagi Yalta Yamagata Yokohama Yokosuka Zagreb Zi-kawei Zinsen Zurich Additions Phu Lien Rathfarnham West Bromwich Woodstock Fairbanks Salt Lake City Weston Butte Ferndale Fresno Kaitaia Monowai Rotorua San Francisco Williamstown 49 LOCATION Italy Mexico Canada Austria USSR Hawaii Japan New Zealand USA Japan Crimea Japan Japan Japan Yugoslavia China Korea Switzerland China Ireland England USA Alaska USA USA USA USA USA New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand USA USA The numbers in the foregoing table appear on the ac- companying map (Plate 27) showing the positions of the seismological stations of the world, but because of the im- practicability of publishing the map on a larger scale, !they can be read only with a reading glass. MAGNETIC SURVEY OF THE OCEANS By J. A. FLEMING! PuatTEs 28, 29, 30 The large portion of the Earth’s surface covered by the oceans makes the determination of accurate values of the magnetic elements at sea a major ob- jective of the world-wide magnetic and electric survey. It was not until 1905 that full realization of this objective had its beginning through the systematic oceanic magnetic survey then sponsored by the Carnegie Institution of Washington through its Department of Terrestrial Magnetism. The first attempt to accomplish a magnetic survey at sea was the expedition of Halley between 1698 and 1700. He was placed in command of the Paramour Pink and was told by King William III to proceed with her ‘‘on an expedition to improve the longitude and the variations of the compass.”’ Halley made several voyages in the North and South Atlantic oceans determining magnetic declina- tion only—instruments for measuring magnetic inclination and magnetic intensity at sea had not then been devised. The results were embodied in Halley’s chart ‘Lines of equal magnetic variation”’ of the Atlantic for the year 1700—the first isomag- netic chart. The next really important undertaking was the expedition under the general direction of Sabine of the Errsus, the TERRorR, and the Pacopa during 1840-45, chiefly in southern waters. On these all three magnetic elements were observed, the Fox dip-circle for measuring the magnetic inclinations and intensity at sea having been just devised. The Austrian frigate Novara measured magnetic declination while cirecumnavigating the globe in 1857-60. During the notable cruises of the CHALLENGER in 1872-76, and of the GAZzELLE, a German vessel, in 1874-76, observations of the three magnetic elements were made over various oceans. Magnetic observations at sea were also made more recently by the naval services of various countries and by later Antarctic expeditions, notably the Discovery and the Gauss. The accompanying plates 28 and 29 and fig. 3 show the tracks of chief 1 Director, Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Car- negie Institution of Washington. 50 vessels on which magnetic observations were made during 1839-1916. All these observations were of varying degrees of accuracy set by available instruments and by the disturbing factors originating in the magnetic character of the vessels, while their distribution, both as regards position and epoch, was not such as to yield coérdinated charts applying to definite periods. Therefore, when planning in 1904 for the magnetic and electric survey of the HKarth the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington, gave careful considera- tion to the oceanic survey. The Institution’s earliest work at sea was done with the chartered vessel GALILEE during 1905-08. The experience gained during her three cruises proved conclusively that oceanic observations of the magnetic elements sufficient for practical and scien- tific needs could be assured only by a vessel designed specially for such work. The CARNEGIE was designed in 1908 primarily for magnetic and electric surveys and investigations and her construction and equipment were completed in 1909. The first of the seven cruises of this unique vessel during 1909-29 in all oceans was begun in 1909. The theoretical and practical values of the knowledge acquired and of the resulting discussions of the Earth’s magnetic and electrical fields are attested by many expressions of appreciation made by the leading hydrographical establishments and by investigators of geophysics in all countries. The observational work accomplished before the destruction of the CarNnrGriE by explosion and fire at Apia, Western Samoa, November 29, 1929, was obtained during the seven cruises which aggregated 297,579 nautical miles. The data obtained during these cruises and the three previously made by the GALILEE, include declination at 3844 points, in- clination and horizontal intensity at 2321 and 2322 points, respectively, and atmospheric-electric ele- ments on 1913 days. The extent of the Institution’s survey on land and sea is shown by plate 30. MAGNETIC SURVEY OF THE OCEANS While more information on secular-variation changes in the Earth’s magnetism is required for navigation, yet future magnetic and electric data over the oceans are far more necessary to advance ore PERE TE] 51 continue the work of the CARNEGIE because further surveys of like accuracy will enhance the theoretical value of the work already done. As an example, attention may be called to the apparent diminution Ae Tag ae Tracks of Chief Vessels on Which Magnetic Observations Were Made in the Indian Ocean, 1839-1916 Carnegle, 1911-1916 --———*———*_ Erebus and Terror. 1839-1843 --—--—"-—-- Challenger, 1872-1876 Discovery, 1902-1904 Novara, 1857-1860 «ceseccrerere Gauss, 1902-19133 —-—-—-——-- = theoretical studies. The full value of magnetic results of the few earlier expeditions under various governments has never been attained because of the shortness of the cruises. It is of first importance to Reeth, (2S === Guile 10. Ce ee of the intensity of the Earth’s magnetic field dis- covered by the Department’s investigations of the data thus far obtained, this dimunition being marked over oceanic areas, especially in the Southern 52 Hemisphere. The interpretation of such data doubtless will be important in geophysical and geological research to advance understanding and interpretation of Earth phenomena. For example, from observed earthquake-wave velocities and reflections for different regions and depths the crustal layer, which under most of the 90°E INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY tribution of magnetic secular-variation agrees with, that of land-areas (see figs. 4 and 5, after Fisk, based upon data from 75° north to 65° south?)— as witness the moderate rates of annual change over the Pacific as compared with those over the Atlantic and adjoining continental areas. Further data bearing on correlation thus indicated between SCALE OF LONG/TUDE MAGNETIC POLE ARCTIC CIRCLE NORTH SCALE OF LATITUDE & 9° kK x > g w ANTARCTIC CIRCLE SOUTH MAGNETIC POLE Fig. 5. LatirupinaL DistTRIBUTION OF PRopoRTION OF ANNUAL CHANGE (AH/H) or HorizonTat INTENSITY continental and water-covered continental struc- tures is about 25 km. thick, is indicated as either lacking or quite thin under the Pacific Ocean includ- ing possibly the Arctic region. Under the Atlantic and Indian oceans this layer is of appreciable depth. Thus under the Pacific Ocean the basic surface of the Earth’s mantle is practically exposed. There then we may expect different geological and geo- graphical properties from those found elsewhere. Thus the observed longitudinal and latitudinal dis- the surface-distribution of the secular-change ac- tivity promise conclusions concerning secular-varia- tion processes localized in the crustal layer and 2 In these graphs showing distribution of annual change (AH/H) of magnetic horizontal intensity the lower curves represent the average positive values of AH/H in each lune between the meridians (upper figure) and between its paral- lels at 20-degree intervals while the upper curves represent the numerical magnitude of the average negative values. Thus the shaded areas between the curves are measures of the excess of the negative over the positive annual change. MAGNETIC SURVEY OF THE OCEANS 53 only where this layer is present. Thus continued secular-variation surveys at sea should bring to- gether seismic and magnetic methods of approach to crustal adjustments and possibly gravimetric work. On the side of practical application the increasing use of the oceans in the commerce of nations by sea and air makes the continuation of the survey a matter of international concern and benefit. Those theoretical investigations demanding con- tinuation of the oceanic survey in terrestrial mag- netism include, among others, the following: (a) Determination of secular-variation of progressive changes of the Earth’s magnetic field involving particularly their accelerations which the data accumulated so far indi- cate can not be extrapolated reliably over periods as long as five years. A definite control is necessary for a number of epochs to facilitate the investigation of causes producing 90°E during the cruises of the CARNEGIE is desirable in several directions. Among these are the following: (a) Additional determinations to establish changes in the values of the atmospheric-electric elements with geographic position. Such distribution-data are necessary for the further investigations of the origin and maintenance of the Earth’s electric charge and of the relations to its magnetic condition. (b) More and widely distributed determinations of the diurnal variations in atmospheric electricity particularly to confirm the discovery that such variations in the potential gradient progress with universal time—a deduction first indicated from results obtained on the CARNEGIE. Condi- tions at sea for such work are superior to those on land where variable meteorological disturbances and topography mask the true characteristics of the phenomena. (c) Determinations and investigations of earth-currents— a field not yet touched at sea. Two outstanding character- istics of the water-area of the globe are (1) its extent and (2) its far greater homogeneity as compared to the land-area. 16 SCALE OF LONG/TUOE PERCENTAGE OF LAND AREA EVROPE AFRICA AUSTRALIA 3 = x x $ w 2 +) ve & w Qa ) x s % NORTH ME RICA SOUTH AMERICA Fic. 6. VARIATION WITH LONGITUDE OF AH/H (annual change averaged without regard to sign), OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE PRoporTION OF LAND AND WATER AREAS, AND OF SECULAR-CHANGE AcTIVITY APPROXIMATELY DETERMINED BY THE DENSITY OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF Isoporic LINES and governing these progressive changes which, it appears, would be favored by accurate knowledge of their accelera- tions and distribution. The importance of the determina- tion of secular-variation over the oceans may be readily seen by a study of figure 6. Figure 7 showing world dis- tribution of foci of rapid annual change of magnetic declination also emphasizes the continued need for secular- variation data at sea. (b) The study of regions of local disturbance and particu- larly of those indicated by the work of the CARNEGIE over “deep-sea’’ areas including accompanying determination'!of oceanic depths by sonic-sounding devices and of gravity. (c) The determination of additional distribution-data in a few large areas not already covered. As regards the domain of terrestrial electricity continuation of the survey of the oceans initiated The question arises whether the theoretical requirements might not be met in a less expensive way than through construction and maintenance of vessels similar to the Carneaiz. A careful study was made by the Department after the loss of the CaRNEGIE to determine what might be done in an attempt to control magnetic secular-variation data through observations on land only over the oceans between 60° north and 60° south latitude. [In any case requisite additional data on land- and ocean-areas in the polar regions beyond the parallels of 60°—less than one-seventh of the surface of the globe—can be secured only, as in the past, through or in codperation with special expeditions by land or 54 INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY air.| The maximum control so effected would result from 150 secular-variation stations along the coasts of the continents and on islands; about 90 of these have been occupied by the Carnegie Institu- tion of Washington one or more times during 1905 to 1937, but the remainder include the more inac- cessible islands of the oceans and are subject, gen- erally, to magnetic local disturbance. Such dis- turbance introduces uncertainties both in the effects upon secular-variation changes and in the relation between the normal and the island value, even though the inaccessibility of stations insures possibility of exact reoccupations. The reduction to common epoch would be more difficult because of the length of intervals between reoccupations and GSS LF ORGS. Om His Ci \ CPS Hang SARS on by 900 miles in the southeast Indian to the south of Australia. [Local disturbances existing at many of the possible stations on islands, which doubtless would make data from a majority of them unsuitable for discussion actually make these areas greater than indicated in Figure 7.]_ The need of continued work at sea is emphasized because these areas involve portions of the Earth’s surface where there are at present the greatest irregularities in the progressive character of the secular variation, namely in the central and south Atlantic, Indian, north Pacific, east central Pacific, and south Pacific oceans. Failure to provide a vessel suited for magnetic and electric observations also would mean that future data for the distribution of the absolute values LS OF cae aN 8h ras t ae ORY: ne “is eo ee 8 7, + * « fe Oo le Wn | MOTOMIMZAW 30 HOITUTIT2UI. SIOSVAAD .M2ITAVOAM JAINT23AR3T 30 THAMTRAS 30 YaVAUe DIATOZI3 GMA DITINOAM 4 Véei~é0e TIDES By H, A. MARMER United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Puatss 31, 32 With regard to systematic tidal investigations at the present time, it may be said that with but few exceptions they are being carried on by govern- mental agencies and not by educational or research institutions. Furthermore, the governmental agen- cies engaged in tidal work are carrying on this work primarily as a necessary adjunct to other work. For example, in the United States the tidal work is centered almost exclusively in the Coast and Geodetic Survey which carries on this work pri- marily in connection with its hydrographic and geodetic surveying operations. The three major oceanographic research institutions in the United States do not include tidal investigations in their programs of study, although each of these codperates with the Coast and Geodetic Survey in maintaining a tide station at its institution. This almost complete indifference on the part of educational and research institutions to tides has naturally acted to limit drastically the number of students of tidal phenomena. Furthermore, the governmental agencies engaged in tidal work are necessarily interested in its technical rather than in its scientific aspects. As a consequence, tidal investigations in recent years have been largely concerned with technical problems rather than with scientific research. The status of tidal investigation at the present time, so far as the observations are concerned, is well pictured in the two maps shown here which are generalized from a manuscript chart showing the locations of tide stations given in Special Publi- cation No. 31 of the International Hydrographic Bureau, now in press. The red dots indicate tide stations in operation in 1935, the blue dots the loca- tion of tide stations at which observations have been made previously. Because of the small scale of the chart, red lines are used to indicate a number of stations in operation along the particular coast, while blue lines indicate the location of a number of stations which were in operation in previous years. 57 These maps do not attempt to show all places where tide observations have been made, but rather the places where systematic observations have been carried on. Since the tide varies from day to day, month to month, and year to year, it is obvious that scattered observations of a few days or even more can give nothing but qualitative information relating to the tide. Such scattered observations on the range and time of the tide are not shown on these maps as they do not furnish sufficiently precise data and do not lend themselves readily to the harmonic analysis, the results of which are of primary importance in tidal research. In passing, too, it may be noted that no attempt has been made to indicate the locations in the Arctic and Antarctic where tide observations have been made. A glance at these maps brings out immediately two important facts. First, that along large stretches of the coast there are no tidal observa- tions available. And secondly, out in the open sea observations are wholly wanting except for a few islands. With regard to the continental coast, it may reasonably be expected that such observations will become available over the greater part of the world in the not distant future in connection with the hydrographic surveys and with the securing of tidal data for tide tables. In the open sea the problem of securing tide observations is a difficult one. While pressure gages have been used in shallow depths, they do not lend themselves for observations at considerable depths. But advantage might be taken of the islands scat- tered through the oceans. The cost of a tide gage is relatively little and its operation is extremely simple. After installation it can be maintained in operation by a local resident. Tide observations in the tropical regions are especially needed not only to bring out the local tidal features and their relations to the tidal phe- nomenon as a whole, but also in connection with the 58 INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY question of changes in sea level which is of basic importance in connection with the coral reef problem. Quite apart from the purely tidal problems for which tide observations are necessary, such ob- servations furnish the basic data for problems of a wider scope. One of these may be mentioned here, namely, that relating to sea level. From long continued tide observations it can be determined whether the relative elevations of land to sea at any given place are changing. This problem is obviously of importance in various practical and theoretical fields. Two tidal bibliographical undertakings which are now being carried out on a comprehensive scale should be mentioned in this connection. The first, by the Committee on Tides of the Association Internationale d’Océanographie Physique. This bibliography lists in a concise form all the publica- tions issued during a period of years under definite groupings which are of especial value to research students of the subject. The second is the List of Harmonic Constants issued from time to time by the International Hydrographic Bureau, which covers the whole world. Mention should also be made of a publication on Sea Level and Its Varia- tions which will give the monthly and annual values of sea level at various tide stations throughout the world and which is now in press, being published by the above-named Committee on Tides. INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY 5 = CFM ITI RRRS QF igs i“ LSS SS St Myo Z ri A ae GATARIIO VIZUOWSAY MGITAT2 30IT Q3TAATIO YIZUOWVART 2AOITATE IGIT oe | Me atianatenod ava enaanO whtawl ayn. oreenicd avoir tanT : 1] Vp, Lind | fe ka i) | a i} Ss 2 > oe = sot) . ae eee tee ot <7 . - ee pw neay of 850 ora an at = c 4 ‘So ees OR) y a | Fi i J aa \ : he) es ae are & mee og 7 oO a : a a0 GATAAIIO YJeUOIVIAT NOITAT2 3aiT + G3TAAIIO YIZUOIVIAS QNOITATS SOIT ee ; MR 6 = AREA WK aurroannod ana waa orus.D axoiware taarl ) iy - 7 a RESULTS OF MARITIME GRAVITY RESEARCH, 1923-32 RESULTS OF MARITIME GRAVITY RESEARCH, 1923-32 By Dr. F. A. VENING MEINESZ Professor of Geodesy, University of Utrecht PuaTtes 33, 34, 35, 36 GENERAL STATEMENT This report has been made at the request of Prof. W. Vaughan, for inclusion in his report on the status of oceanographic research. The following expeditions have been made by the writer for determining gravity at sea: 1923, from Holland via Suez to Java o/b Hr. Ms. Subm. K II 1925, from Holland to Alexandria, o/b Hr. Ms. Subm. K XI 1926, from Holland to Java via Panama, o/b Hr. Ms. Subm. K XIII 1928, from Washington to the West Indies, o/b U. S. Subm. 8 21 1929/30, three expeditions in the East Indies, o/b Hr. Ms. Subm. K XIII 1931, research in the North Sea o/b Hr. Ms. O 13 1932, expedition in the West Indies o/b U. S. Subm. S 48 1932, expedition in the Atlantic o/b Hr. Ms. Subm. O 13 The expeditions o/b Dutch submarines have been made for the Netherlands Geodetic Commission, the expedition o/b the U.S. Subm. S 21, where the writer was codperating with Dr. Fred E. Wright and Elmer B. Collins, for the Carnegie Institution of Washington and that o/b the U. S. Subm. S 48, during which the writer was assisted by Dr. Harry Hess and by Mr. Townsend T. Brown, for the International Expedition to the Bahamas under the Directorship of Dr. Richard M. Field. The observations have been made by means of the multiple pendulum method, which is described and discussed at length in ‘Theory and Practice of Pendulum Observations at Sea,’ by the writer (published by the Netherlands Geodetic Commis- sion, Waltman, Delft) and which is likewise treated of in the publication of the U. S. Naval Observatory of the Expedition of the U.S. S. 8-21. In 1931 the Italian Navy has organized an expedi- tion in the Western part of the Mediterranean; Prof. Gino Cassinis took the direction of the gravimetric research. The results of this expedition are not yet available. Most of the results of these expeditions are represented on the three accompanying maps, one map giving the results of the expeditions of 1923, 1925, and 1926 between Holland and the Indies, another containing the gravity data found in the Netherlands East Indies and adjoining parts and the third representing the results for the West Indies found in 1926, 1928, and 1932 supplemented by a great many values on land determined by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. The maps contain the gravity anomalies in milligal, i.e., the observed values after isostatic reduction according to the system of Hayford- Bowie,! minus the value for normal gravity as it is given by the formula of Cassinis: = 978.049 (1 + 0.0052884 sin? @—0.0000059 sin? 2¢) The study of these results reveals two remarkable rules that appear to be fairly generally valid. These rules are: 1°. The positive anomalies seem inclined to occur in fields, while the negative anomalies are mostly occurring in strips; the positive fields coincide often with deep basins: 2°. The anomaly shows a tendency to increase, in a positive sense, when going from shallow water towards deep water; this seems to occur as well for continental coasts as for island coasts. Instances of the second rule are found at the Atlantic end of the English Channel, near the Azores, near the southeast coast of Spain, near Suez, near Sokotra, near the Maldive Islands, near the south coast of Ceylon, at the Atlantic side of the 1The isostatic reduction of the results has been made at the Bureau of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. 62 INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY Bahamas, in the gravity profile West of Cuba, at the West coast of America between Panama and San Francisco, and in many places in the Nether- lands East Indies. The basins in the Bahamas are an exception to this rule. Instances of the first rule are found in the Nether- lands East Indies, where a narrow strip of strong negative anomalies is found, bordered on both sides by fields of positive anomalies and where other strips of slighter negative anomalies can likewise be detected. The same disposition is found in the West Indies, where the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean and the sea West of Cuba show positive fields while negative strips are found North of Porto Rico and Haiti, West of N. W. Cuba, near Gr. Cayman Island, near Jamaica and in the inland seas of the Bahamas. A third instance has been stated in the investigated part of the Atlantic, where an extensive field of positive anomalies was found, interrupted by strips of lesser anomalies near the Azores and in a few other places. We shall consider these rules again at the end of this report. THE GRAVITY RESULTS IN THE NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES AND ADJOINING REGIONS Because of the world-crisis the results have not yet been supplemented by gravity research on the islands but the field is already complete enough for drawing conclusions and these conclusions are important for many problems of the Earth’s crust. The results show strong deviations from isostasy of which the main feature was mentioned above: a strip of great negative anomalies (maximum — 204 mgal; mean about — 100 mgal) of a width of only 50-100 miles, running through the whole archipelago and bordered on both sides by fields of positive anomalies (maximum + 166 mgal, mean about + 45 mgal). Considered as a whole, the region is nearer to isostatic equilibrium; the mean of all the anomalies is + 20 mgal. The correlation of the strip with the distribution of earthquake-centers confirms the obvious supposi- tion that it is connected with the tectonic action in the crust. Taking this for granted, it gives a valuable indication of the course of the geosyncline, that is considered responsible for this action. It proves that the Alpine-Himalayan geosyncline, which is known to continue through Malacca and Sumatra, does not go on through New Guinea, but that it bends Northwards in the Eastern part of the Archipelago and that it continues in the Pacific geosyncline running along the east coast of Asia. It proves likewise that the Australian continent does not play the prominent part in the tectonics of this region that the supporters of the Wegener hypothe- sis of migrating continents think; instead of the anomalies being more intense, where the strip is bordering on this continent, as it ought to be expected in the light of this theory, they are just as pronounced where the strip is bordering on the Indian or the Pacific Oceans. If we follow the geologists in considering this geosyncline as a region of strong lateral compression of the Earth’s crust, we may draw the important conclusion that the crust under these parts of the oceans offers the same resistance to the compressional stresses as the Aus- tralian continent. The strip shows only in a slight degree some dependence on the topography and this dependence corresponds to the second rule: the strip is mostly coinciding with a submarine ridge, while the positive fields coincide with the deeper parts. The strip shows often a correlation with the deeps but it is besides them, as it is for instance the case for the Java Deep and the Weber Deep. ‘The fact that the anomalies for those parts of the strip that are near deeps are not stronger than for other parts, clearly indicates that deeps are not independent features, but that they are accompanying features of much greater phenomena. Gravity surveys of deeps will, therefore, have to encompass wider areas than the deeps themselves. The fact that the strip is not coinciding with the deeps but mostly with submarine ridges, prevents explaining it by incomplete compensation of surface features. It is neither acceptable to explain them by assuming recent surface movements that are not yet compensated; the course of the strip makes this assumption unlikely as it would assume the down- ward pressing of the ridges. So the only explana- tion that is left is to assume abnormal light masses in the upper layers of the Earth. It will, however, hardly be feasible to locate this whole mass-defect in the sialic layer, because we should then have to assume densities that are too small for being acceptable. For a great part at least we shall have to ascribe it to a protuberance RESULTS OF MARITIME GRAVITY RESEARCH 63 at the lower boundary of the crust of the lighter sialic layer in the denser simatic layer. In case we assume a second density-discontinuity in the crust itself, a part of the mass-defect will occur in the same way at this latter boundary. This explanation leads to the hypothesis that the crust of the Earth of a thickness of some 25 km is buckling inwards along the axis of the strip and that only a relatively shallow upper layer is folding and overthrusting outwards and causing the regular topography of the Archipelago. This hypothesis is in agreement with the Airy view of the isostatic balance of mountain-chains, which assumes great roots of lighter surface-material below the mountains. That these roots are only coming into existence along one axis in the present period, seems mechanically sound, as it would be difficult to understand that the crust should give way simul- taneously along several lines of weakness, one behind the other. Accepting this hypothesis, we have to realize that the crust is bulging downwards in regions where the temperature is higher. So we may safely assume that its plasticity will gradually increase and we have to expect that, at least partially, the protuberance will flow away laterally along the lower boundary of the crust. The melting and the corresponding expansion of these masses will prob- ably bring about a rising of the mountain area and this agrees with the geomorphological facts: many mountain-chains have shown rising in the period following on the folding. The melting and flowing away of part of the downward protuberance will also bring about a decrease of the negative anomalies and a widening of the strip. Besides this cause, there is another reason for a decrease of the deviations of isostasy in the later stages of the phenomenon, viz. the fact that the lateral movement of the crust towards the strip will automatically bring about a concentration of the surface formations over it; this tends likewise towards a reestablishment of isostasy. So we cannot expect older ranges to have concen- trated roots of the same kind as in the Netherlands East Indies and showing the same narrow strip of negative anomalies. We may, however, expect that isostasy has not been quite reestablished and that there will still be left a remnant of these anoma- lies. This appears to be the case; we find, after isostatic reduction, an area of negative anomalies below the Alps and a similar thing is found in the United States under the old range of the Appalachi- ans and in other instances. In these last cases it is, however, possible that the anomaly may be explained by deviations of density in the crust itself. The Indian Archipelago shows likewise an instance of a strip of smaller negative anomalies that is likely to be the remnant of an older folding phenomenon, i.e., a strip running over the are of lesser Sunda Islands and continuing over the inner Banda Arc. It is possible that there are more of these strips in the western half of the Archipelago, but the lack of gravity values on the islands prevents any cer- tainty on this point. The geologists? have, however, found a strip of another kind in the Archipelago which merits special mention in this connection. This is a strip of strong sedimentation in recent times, which discloses some evidence of folding but no effects of strong lateral compression, as is found on the islands in the strip of strong negative anomalies (Timor, Key Islands, Ceram). This other strip is found in east Sumatra, in north Java, in S. W. Celebes and in east Borneo; it is not continuous but it is interrupted in some places. Where gravity has been determined above this strip, it shows small negative anomalies or at least smaller positive ones than those in the neighborhood. I think we may safely interpret this strip as a down-bending of the crust, without buckling, and a filling up of this trough with sediments. The negative anomalies may be explained by the smaller density of these sediments without its being necessary to assume mass-defects at the lower boundary of the crust by the replacement of denser subcrustal material by lighter crustal material We may thus consider this as an instance of a strip of small negative anomalies, that has another meaning than a remnant of an older folding phenomenon. We may conclude that we have to be careful in interpreting these strips of smaller negative anomalies; they may point to old folding but they may likewise be ex- plained by a thick layer of sediments which has formed in a sunken strip of the crust. Getting back to the main feature of the gravity field, the strip of strong negative anomalies, I may mention that the root at the lower boundary of the crust must have dimensions of some 25 x 50 km in order to explain the magnitude of the anomalies. Assuming that the crust has a thickness of 25 km, the root must have a width of at least 50 km, 2 “Het Neogeen in den Indischen Archipel,’’ by Prof. Dr. J. H. F. Umbgrove; Tydschr. Ned. Aardryksk. Genoots- chap, 1932, no. 6. 64 INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY according to the buckling hypothesis, and we get a shortening of the crust of about 50 km. This figure is confirmed by other considerations. This confirmation has to do with the gravity anomalies found west of Sumatra and east of the Philippines. Here the strip has no longer the same symmetric character that it has in the middle part of its course through the Archipelago; the negative anomalies are smaller and the transition to the positive values on the ocean side is less sudden. Taking into account the character of these gravity profiles and the fact that in these parts the direction of the strip is nearly parallel to the most probable direction of the stress, S. S. E., the most likely interpretation of the phenomenon seems here to be that Sumatra and the Philippines are sliding along the line of the strip combined with a slight over- riding of the ocean-floor. This would mean that the movement is nearly parallel to the strip with only a small component perpendicular to it. The downward bending of the ocean-floor would bring about a gravity profile of the character that is mentioned above. South of the Philippines, near the Talaud Islands, and south of Java, the direction of the strip changes and makes a greater angle with the direction of the stress; the gravity profile assumes at once another character that points to a buckling of the crust in the way we have discussed it. We found a figure for the shortening of the crust, corresponding to this buckling, of about 50 km. Now it is a remarkable coincidence that the geologists are inclined to think that Java has moved southward with regard to Sumatra and that the amount of this movement is estimated at about 40km. It is likewise remarkable that the bathymetric curves south of the Philippines show a similar bulging towards the east of the same amount; this topography is now known in detail thanks to the expedition of the SNELLIUs under the leadership of Van Riel which has made more than 30,000 soundings in the Eastern part of the Archi- pelago. These facts provide us with a welcome confirma- tion of the buckling hypothesis; they point at least towards a connection of the gravity field with horizontal movements of the crust. Another still stronger confirmation is given by the fact that the only islands where great overthrusting has been stated since the beginning of the Tertiary period’, are those islands that are located over the strip: Timor, Tenimber Islands, Key Islands, Ceram, Buru, and the eastern part of Celebes; the other islands over the strip are not yet known sufficiently. These overthrustings date from the earliest part of the Miocene, which puts them about 8,000,000 years back. It is a remarkable fact that these islands have not experienced great deformations in the more recent periods. Still it seems probable that the great tectonic phenomenon is continuing in the present period, because the earthquakes are violent and frequent and the localization of their centers indi- cates that it is still the same strip that is active. These facts suggest the continuation of the lateral compression of the crust without the taking part of the surface layer. It makes the impression as if the crust is pushing together under the islands and disappearing downwards, while the islands have been elevated above the region of compression, so that they are not partaking of the great deformation save some block-faulting movements that have been going on on some of these islands; this block-faulting proves that the apparent quiescence is not real and that greater phenomena are going on in deeper layers. A comparison of this hypothesis with what is known about the tectonic history of the Alps gives promising outlooks for the understanding of the mechanism of mountain-formation; I may refer here to another paper about this subject.’ Lastly I wish to mention a remarkable correlation of the course of the strip of strong negative anomalies with the distribution of volcanoes in the Archipelago. Nearly every curve of the strip is accompanied on the inner side by a parallel row of volcanoes at a distance of a few hundred kilometers. This corre- lation appears to be in harmony with the buckling hypothesis, which makes it understandable that the crust, when moving towards the strip from the inner side of a curved part, is subject to tensile stresses in a sense parallel to the strip. That this circum- stance will facilitate the formation of voleances, seems acceptable. Examining the fields of positive anomalies in the Archipelago, we see that there are three fields of especially strong anomalies and these fields coincide with three deep basins, the Celebes Sea, the N. W. Banda Sea, south of the Sula Islands, and the Banda Sea, west of the inner Banda Are. With the exception of the typical throughs, all other parts of the seas in the Archipelago are less deep. These basins show all the same morphological type, a smooth and even bottom and steep sides. Taking the evidence together, we get the im- 3 The Mechanism of Mountain-Formation in Geosyn- clinal Belts, by F. A. Vening Meinesz, Proc. Amsterdam Acad. Se. Vol. XXXVI, No. 4, 1933. RESULTS OF MARITIME GRAVITY RESEARCH 65 pression that we have to do here with three areas, where the Earth’s crust has been subject to an increase of density and that this is the cause of the positive gravity anomalies as well as of their sinking away. Apparently this sinking has not continued so far that the isostatic equilibrium has been com- pletely reestablished. This view is hypothetical and the cause of the supposed density increase is still more so. It is obvious to bring it in connection with the great lateral stresses that have been as- sumed in the Archipelago, but whether we can ex- plain it exclusively by elastic compression of the crust or whether we have to assume also changes of state or temperature, seems as yet impossible to decide. THE GRAVITY RESULTS IN THE WEST INDIES AND ADJOINING REGIONS Geologically speaking, the West Indies are similar to the East Indies. They are likewise tectonically active and the morphological properties of both regions show much resemblance: island rows of mountainous character, separated by deep basins, and great volcanic activity. The tectonical char- acter is in both cases of the geosyncline type. We need not be surprised, therefore, that the gravity results of the West Indies show many points of resemblance to the results of the East Indies. The Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean and the sea west of Cuba show positive anomalies in the same way as the deep basins of the East Indies. The same remarks may be made concerning them. North of Porto Rico, north of Haiti and near Windward Passage a similar strip of strong negative anomalies was found as that which has been dis- cussed for the East Indies. The continuation of this strip to the westward is still uncertain. It is possible that the negative values obtained in the Bahamas, although less intense and not concen- trated in a narrow strip, may be considered as such, but the most probable interpretation of the data seems to be that the critical zone continues along the Bartlett Deep and that, for this part of the strip, the relative movement of the two parts of the crust is nearly parallel to it. In this way there would be no compression perpendicular to the direction of the trough and it might even be that there is a small component of the relative movement of both crustal parts away from each other. This would explain the deep as a rift-formation in con- trast to most other deeps, which, from the point of view of the buckling hypothesis, have to be con- sidered as compressional features, revealing the downward movement of the crust in the buckling zone. This explanation of the Bartlett Deep is in harmony with the irregular submarine topography, suggesting sunken blocks.? It is likewise in agree- ment with the gravity field, which shows irregular 4 This agrees with the views of Taber expressed in several of his publications. and not very intensive anomalies over the Bartlett Deep. There is no clear evidence of a narrow strip of negative anomalies, as has been found near all the East Indian deeps and over the Nares Deep north of Porto Rico. The gravity profile over the strip north of Porto Rico is nearly identical with the profiles over the strip south of Java; the horizontal dimensions as well as the difference between the negative anomalies in the axis of the strip and the positive anoma- lies beside it are about the same. This suggests a similarity of both phenomena. This suggestion is further confirmed by the fact that the more westward profile, the gravity profile over Windward Passage, shows much resemblance to the profiles west of Sumatra, ie., the negative anomalies in the strip are less and the transition to the positive anomalies on the Atlantic side is more gradual than north of Porto Rico. In the same way as for the strip west of Sumatra we have here that the most probable direction of the relative movement, EH. N. E., is nearly parallel to the strip and this suggests the same explanation of this changed gravity profile: no buckling but an over- riding of the northern block by the southern block because of a small component of the relative move- ment perpendicular to the strip. If the above explanation of the Bartlett Deep is right, this component gets zero and changes sign where, still further westward, the strip gets again another direction. The gravity field in the Bahamas merits a short discussion. The whole area shows negative anoma- lies but the deep basins are stronger negative than the islands. In this regard this region is one of the few exceptions to the second rule; the anomaly does not increase, in a positive sense, when going from shallow water to deep water but we find the reverse. The most probable interpretation seems to be that we have to do here with a stiff crustal block that has been sinking away and on which the islands have been elevated by the coral-reef-builders; 66 INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY according to this view the islands are surface loads on the crust, that are not in local isostatic compen- sation and so the gravity on the islands is greater than over the neighboring basins. For further details of the gravity results in the West Indies I may refer to the publications of the two expeditions of the U. S. Navy, that have been mentioned in the introduction. The four gravity profiles that have been made, perpendicular to the coast, between Panama and San Francisco all show rather strong positive anomalies over the foot of the shelf and about nor- mal gravity over its top. In two instances this profile can be continued in the continent, in Mexico and near San Francisco. In Mexico this continua- tion shows fairly strong negative anomalies in a strip parallel to the coast and so we get the im- pression that we have here another instance of the same feature: a strip of negative anomalies bordered on both sides by positive anomalies. The profiles perpendicular to the coast look as if they are the outer parts of profiles over this strip. The correla- tion with the earthquake activity appears to con- firm this view. More research will be necessary before we can be sure about it and before we know if this strip is the continuation of the critical zone in the West Indies, which appears to continue through the Bartlett Trough. The second profile, over San Francisco, confirms our supposition up to a certain degree, but the strip is less intense than those in the East and West Indies. The greatest negative value, found outside the coast, is only —57 mgal. Another deviation of this gravity profile from the normal profile in the Indies is, that the anomaly remains slightly negative in the U. S. up to a great distance from the coast, instead of showing the positive values found else- where besides the strips. After this more detailed discussion of two regions, we may shortly consider again the two general rules mentioned in the beginning. We found both rules valid in the East and West Indies and we have discussed a hypothesis about what is going on in these parts. If this hypothesis is true we have to do with a buckling towards the inside of the Harth’s crust along a curved line and this buckling brings about a thickening of the crust along this line. This is accompanied with strong negative anomalies because of the accumulation of light crustal ma- terial and in most parts with a submarine ridge because of the outward bulging of the surface layer. We find thus both rules realized by this phenome- non: the coming into existence of strips of negative anomalies and a tendency of the anomaly to in- crease, in a positive sense, when going from smaller to greater depths. We have further found that the deep basins in the East and West Indies show positive anomalies and this is also in harmony with the two rules. A well- founded explanation of these positive anomalies is still lacking, but there seems to be little doubt that there is some connection with the tectonic phenomena in these regions. We are now confronted with the important ques- tion whether the other instances, where these rules have been found valid, can also be explained in the same way, or, in other words, whether all these instances can be considered to be related to the same tectonic phenomena, active or extinct, that are going on the East and West Indies. Or are there other phenomena, bringing about similar results for the gravity field? This important question cannot yet be answered; future research will have to provide the data for attacking this problem. As far as the gravity research is concerned, the following program seems indicated. First the further investigation of tec- tonically active areas for the elucidation of the great geophysical problems of these regions. Secondly the investigation of the distribution over the Earth’s surface of the fields of positive anomalies, that occur in some regions, e.g., in the Atlantic and, though less intense, in the Pacific, in order to see if they are of the same kind as the fields of positive anomalies in the deep basins of the East and West Indies. Thirdly, the investigation of the gravity transition for all steep submarine slopes, e.g. near continental shelves and near island coasts. This further research may provide us with important possibilities for the investigation of the Earth’s crust under the oceans. INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY eau f 6 rc * A of | “6 418 +8 DP ; a: COS en a ie ee . ~ —— GRAVIMETRIC MAP OF THE EAST INDIAN ARCHIPELAGO. MOA WAIGM! T2A3 3HT 3O aAM DIAT AMI oy ee VAAD im 000 ie - i shy ANS vy : ae | AN “gute oe eeytititm, that “e. be Gee Allentie andy @ order vo eee if INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY PLATE 34 © -» 7 Oe =38 MEXICO A.GRAVIMETRIC SURVEY OF THE GULF OF MEXICO AND THE CARIBBEAN SEA ON U.S.NAVAL SUBMARINES S-2! AND S-48 AMERICA B.ROUTE AROUND THE WORLD OF THE DUTCH SUBMARINE K-XIIl AND THE GRAVIMETRIC STATIONS OCCUPIED. ooixau |. SORTER ADIAIMA HTuOR { ADIASMA “On aa ee “> *O81 (AD SAT OUR WXEMPAMAAMEVe HOTUA 3HT FO GIAOW 3HT OMUOAA 3TUOR 8 RESULTS OF MARITIME GRAVITY RESEARCH 67 SUPPLEMENTAL STATEMENT Puates 35, 36 Since the foregoing paper by Professor Vening Meinesz could not be promptly published after he submitted his manuscript, a supplement is needed. The notes that follow do not claim to be exhaustive but they indicate the activity in gravity deter- minations at sea by five different countries. The fundamental significance of such research is force- fully presented by Vening Meinesz in the first publication by him cited below. After his manuscript was prepared Vening Meinesz himself made a voyage in 1935 on a submarine Vening Meinesz, F. A., with collaboration of Umb- grove, J. H. F., and Kuenen, Ph.H., Report of the gravity expedition in the Atlantic of 1932, and the interpretation of the results: Gravity Expeditions at Sea, 1923-1932, vol. 2, pp. 208, 4 pls., text figs., 1934. (Publication of Netherl. Geod. Com.) Vening Meinesz, F. A., Interpretation of the anomalies of gravity: Hydrogr. Review, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 107-108, May, 1937. (Translated from the French, reproduced from an article published in Bulletin Géodésique, no. 46, Paris, 1935.) Vening Meinesz, F. A., The gravity expedition of Hr. Ms. Submarine O 16 in the north Atlantic, January 7) NAVY-GEOPHYSICAL UNION GRAVITY EXPEDITION 1936-7 © GRAVITY STATIONS OCCUPIED BY US SUBMARINE BARRACUDA Fic. 9 from the Netherlands across the Atlantic to Rio de Janeiro and thence by the Cape of Good Hope and Australia to the East Indies, and in the early months of 1937 he made another voyage across the Atlantic, from the Netherlands by way of the Azores to Chesapeake Bay, and he returned by a more northerly route. Except the indicated itinerary other information on these voyages is not yet available. Three publications by Vening Meinesz, one in collaboration with Umbgrove and Kuenen are as follows: 11-March 16, 1937: Konink. Akad. Wetensch. Am- sterdam, Proc. vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 382-388, 1 chart, 1937. The chart illustrating the route is reproduced as plate 36. It would be interesting to insert here the inter- pretations of the results procured by Professor Vening Meinesz and his associates but that is not now practicable. During the winter of 1936-37 there was an expedi- tion on the U. 8. Naval Submarine Baracupa to the West Indies. A note on this expedition is 68 INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY contained in the following paper by Capt. H. E. expedition to the West Indies.” The route and the Kays: stations occupied are illustrated by fig. 5, here : reproduced as fig. 9 of this work.) Kays, H. E., The oceanographic work of the Hydro- ; ; ; graphic Office and the United States Navy from At the same meeting of the American Geophysical @© STATIONS ASHORE STATIONS AT SEA CHART SHOWING THE GRAVIMETRIC STATIONS OCCUPIED BY THE ITALIAN SUBMARINE VETTOR PISANI. Fic. 10 April, 1936, to April, 1937: Amer. Geophys. Union, Union the following papers which will be published 17th Ann. Meeting 1937, Trans., pp. 194-201. (One in the Transactions of the meeting, were also section of this report is entitled ‘(Gravimetric presented: RESULTS OF MARITIME GRAVITY RESEARCH 69 Ewing, Maurice, Gravity measurements on the U.S.S. BaARACUDA. Hess, Harry H., Geological interpretation of results of the cruise of the U. 8. 8S. Baracupa—a preliminary report. The Italians have been active in studies of gravity at sea. References to their work are as follows: L. T. (L. Tonta), Short note on the measurement of the acceleration of gravity at sea and on an Italian gravimetric cruise in the Tyrrhenian Sea: Hy- drogr. Review, vol. 8, pp. 243-248, 1931. Cassinis, G., An Italian gravimetric cruise in the Mediterranean: Hydrogr. Review, vol. 9, pp. 148- 149, 1 fig., 1932. Cassinis, G., I resultati della crociera gravimetrica del R. Sommergibile Verror Pisani e la gravita in Italia: Soe. Ital. Progr. Scienze, 22 Riun., Bari, Oct. 1933, Atti, vol. 2, 1933. Abstr., Hydrogr. Review, vol. 11, pp. 185-186, 1934. Figure 10 shows the route of the vessel and the positions of the stations occupied. The French have also done some work in the Mediterranean. A note on their expeditions is contained in the following article: Cot, D., L’Etude de la pesanteur sur la mer: Assoc. internat. d’Oceanogr. phys., Gen. Assemb., Edin- burgh, Sept. 1936, Proc.-Verb., no. 2, pp. 163-164, 1937. (Note on cruises of the French Navy in the Mediterranean in 1933 and 1936.) The Japanese for several years have been active in the study of gravity at sea over the Nippon Trench and adjacent areas. References to three publications are as follows: Matuyama, M., Measurements of gravity over the Nippon Trench on board the I. J. Submarine RO- 57, preliminary report: Imper. Acad. Proc., vol. 10, pp. 626-628, 1934. Matuyama, M., Distribution of gravity over the Nippon Trench and related areas: Ibid., vol. 12, pp. 93-95, 1 fig., 1936. Matuyama, M., Gravity survey by the Japanese Geo- detic Commission since 1932: Internat. Union Geod. and Geophys., Sixth Gen. Assemb., Edinburgh, 1936, Japan Nat. Com. Geod. and Geophys. Rept. no. 2, pp. 8, 1 fig., 1936. Plate 35 is a reproduction of the chart presented in the third paper by Professor Matuyama. This chart is interesting in that it shows a distribution of gravity anomalies similar to those that have been discovered in both the East and the West Indies fie ee PLATE 35 y sy) “4 » Bol? x eet AS aeinnc en p--0S4 ‘ , z NEL LL: : > 50 m1 5 | os =-"0 OF sero Se Q : nO, “ ass = oy SOR eg Pr go =I 77 ent 2S ssacer,” . ~ Isobathic lines . oo © B AS) B = c 1S ----— Isanomaly lines a Nippon Trench b Tokaid6 c Bos6 Peninsula d Suruga. Bay e Hatizy6-zima D f Titizima INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY Since 1932 RAVITY SURVEYS BY THE JAPANESE GEODETIC COMMISSION G £0 RRL som woeeiumoD crvadoxD seaxacal. aur ve aravase wrevaan INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY F. A. VENING MEINESZ: Tue Gravity-ExPepiTion oF Hr. Ms. SUBMARINE O16 IN THE NorTH ATLANTIC, JANUARI 11— Marcu 16, 1937. — ORS A ”d PTs ara Us ee 4 | Sees ~- ae etn “ atane. o£ i iat ae Proceedings Royal Acad. Amsterdam, Vol. XL, 1937. Tue Rovre or H. M. Susmarine O16 in tHe Norra Ariantic 1s InpicaTep BY A Fun Lins. Tas Roures or Former Expepirions H. M. K. XIII, O. XIII, anv K. XVIII sy Dorrep Lines. Tue Few Srations Near Europe Oxsrainep with H. M. K. II anp K. XI ayeH Been Appep. Tue Srarions py THres Expepirions oF THE Unitep SraTes Navy IN THE West Inpies AND Apsornine Warers By U. 8. 8. S-21, S-48, anp Tap Baracupa Have Auso Been Pour on THE CHART PS ape) OA ee gong 10 syinamave 2WP “MEHL Ao: monrtdadxt- SH Rais reece eat sa fe Toy ate * ? $ peered = 5 : st fsa a ty ; et NEO! EX loV ,msbrsienA .ba2A IsyoR epaibssec ‘a , en 7. ‘ 2 a etoread es aren 4a saree! wT. dee PR Pa eae sia el er err tao. awry wt OL aeormwarG .M .H yo eroof aT aA aie oot erode “Eyoriudex Dao T Ye aitohiers ial xe Head Hove TL OL aya LM OE wriw aamrarad:. 5 " < 7 a THAN sat no ToD waetl oerA avaH Gl CATALOGUE OF INSTITUTIONS ENGAGED IN OCEANOGRAPHIC WORK " Mts yh in i i " 1) ay wa i i Thy Pee ae iy Y : aed i ao AW 2 } i | Te i co nd) : en 5 ay ah GENERAL DISCUSSION PREVIOUS CATALOGUES In 1910 Charles Atwood Kofoid published a volume entitled “The Biological Stations of Europe,’! in which accounts are given of both the marine and fresh water biological laboratories and also the stations for fish culture in Europe. A number of the institutions, of which Kofoid gives accounts, are included in the present volume but in the twenty-seven years that have elapsed since Kofoid’s book was published there have been many changes. Some of the stations have undergone great development, while others have been aban- doned. Although it might be interesting to compare conditions in 1910 with those at present it does not seem necessary to do so. A succinct history is given in the present catalogue of each station for which information could be procured. Those who wish to do so may make the eomparison. One feature of Kofoid’s book is an extensive bibliography of earlier publications dealing with the European stations. In 1927 Prof. G. Magrini published a catalogue entitled “Instituts et Laboratoires s’occupant de létude de la mer.” (Edition provisoire.)? This catalogue is preceded by another entitled ‘Liste des océanographes des pays adhérants 4 l'Union.” (2e Edition)? Another catalogue is that of the marine stations of the Pacific. Accounts of several important oceanographic institutions are included in the two volumes Forschungsinstute; ihre Ges- chichte, Organisation, und Ziele edited by Brauer, Ludolph, and others. Numerous magazines carry accounts of institutions. One of them is the Collecting Net, published by Ware Cattell, during the summer months at Woods Hole, Massachusetts. The Year Book issued by the International Hydro- graphic Bureau at Monte Carlo gives an up-to-date list for each year of the hydrographic services for all countries and constitutes a valuable book of ref- erence. METHOD OF PROCURING INFORMATION AND DATES OF ITS VALIDITY The journey that the author of this volume made around the world has been mentioned in the preface. While on the journey, conferences were held in each country with those who were believed to be the best informed regarding oceanographic institutions in that country. With the help of these advisers lists were made for each country of the institutions on which information was desired. Some information was obtained on the ground by visits to many insti- tutions but the chief dependence was put upon the replies to questions that were sent to each institu- tion. It has already been stated that the responses to requests for information were most gratifying. The accounts as given can for nearly all institutions be credited to the chief officer of the institution. For such countries thanks are here expressed to all who helped assemble information. For some coun- tries, as has already been stated, an individual undertook to obtain the various accounts for his 1 United States Bureau of Education, Bull. whole number 440, pp. XIII, 360, 55 pls., 48 text figures, Washington Government Printing Office, 1910. 73 country. A list of those who rendered such as- sistance has already been given. The information as first assembled was of the date of about January 1, 1934, but, as has been stated, the manuscript of the report could not be completed at the expected time. Therefore it was necessary to get the information as nearly as possible as of the date of January, 1937. In the catalogue of the institutions, after the name of the institution, the date of the information has been given, usually as 34 or 737. It will be seen that answers were received from nearly all requests for revisions. Only a few of those to whom inquiries were ad- 2Cons. Internat. Rech., Union Géodés. et Géophys. Internat., Sect. d’Océanogr., Bull. no. 7, pp. 115, 1927. 37bid., Bull. no. 6a (1 re livraison) (Afrique du Sud, Algérie, Australie, Bahamas, Birmanie, Canada, Egypte, Espagne, France) pp. 33, 1925; Bull. no. 6b (2 iéme livraison) (Etats Unis, Grande Bretagne, Italie), pp. 67, 1927. 4 Vaughan, T. W., Catalogue of marine stations of the Pacific, in International Committee on the Oceanogaphy of the Pacific—report of the Chairman: Fifth Pacifie Sci. Congr. Proc., vol. 1, pp. 361-380, 1934. 5 Hamburg, 1930. 74 INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY dressed failed to respond, and these may be excused on the probability of the requests not having reached them or because no revisions of statements already submitted were needed. A very few of the records are taken from the list of Professor Magrini (27) cited above. Regarding the institutions in Spain, it should be said that Prof. Rafael de Buen helped to get accurate records of the Spanish insti- tutions for about the summer of 1934—they were probably accurate to the end of 1934. Because of the distressing civil war in Spain the records have been left as they were submitted by Professor de Buen. It is not possible to forecast what the conditions will be after the war is ended. OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH OUTSIDE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTIONS Although the account of oceanographic institu- tions is intended to give a picture of the researches conducted by them it does not cover all the im- portant oceanographic work, for example, Prof. V. Bjerknes, the father of modern dynamical oceanog- raphy, is connected with the Department of Physics at the University of Oslo and is now not a member of the staff of any oceanographic institu- tion, although he was at one time connected with the Geophysical Institute at Bergen, Norway. Prof. Johan Hjort and his assistants are preparing reports on oceanographic collections in the biological laboratory of the University of Oslo. Prof. H. H. Gran is the head of the botanical institute in the same university. Prof. V. W. Ekman, another leader in dynamical oceanography, is professor of hydrodynamics at the University of Lund. The names of others might be mentioned. It was desirable to include in this report a cata- logue of oceanographers, but that was not practi- cable. The list of oceanographers prepared by Professor Magrini has been mentioned. For those who care to do so an extensive but incomplete list of the research workers in oceanography can be compiled by taking from this report the names of those who are members of the staffs of the different institutions and the names of others who are men- tioned in the discussion of various topics. Much valuable oceanographic research is done at institutions in which such investigations are only incidental to other activities. An instance of this is the investigation of the various aspects of marine bottom deposits at the United States Geological Survey. An investigation now under way at it is the study of the bottom cores obtained in the northern Atlantic by the use of the Piggot gun mentioned at another place in this report. Many museums conduct, on collections, sent them, re- searches that are of great value to oceanography. In general these museums are not listed in this catalogue, but a few will be mentioned here. The British Museum of Natural History conducts investigations on collections obtained by oceano- graphic expeditions and it is not restricting its researches to biological material. Recently Dr. J. D. H. Wiseman has been appointed a member of the staff of the Mineralogy Department and he will work on marine bottom deposits. Another museum at which valuable work is done is the one at Hamburg. Nearly all of the large museums, that serve as depositories of oceanographic collec- tions, make by the researches of the members of their staffs valuable contributions to oceanography. ACTIVITIES BY COUNTRIES The catalogue here presented contains the names of 245 institutions, after eliminating the Pouraquor Pas? which was destroyed in September, 1936. It is probable the names of a few inactive or abandoned institutions, names taken from Magrini, 1927, are included, and it is also probable that there have been some omissions, but it is believed that a fair picture is given of the provisions for work on the various aspects of the oceans in the different coun- tries. The distribution of the institutions by countries is indicated by the following table, but it does not necessarily follow that the oceanographic output of a country can be inferred from the number of institutions or marine stations in it. In some countries the work is concentrated. In Germany, for example, instead of there being a number of marine biological stations, as in France, the United States, and Japan, there is one large excellently equipped station on Helgoland. A large number of small stations helps the students of many uni- versities to get access to the sea and its inhabitants. France has large stations as at Roscoff and Arago CATALOGUE OF INSTITUTIONS—GENERAL DISCUSSION 75 Distribution by Countries of Institutions Engaged in Oceanographic Work COUNTRY NUMBER Internation aleeer ses aecemcie en coe: Sess ide atemeeade 9 PAN ered here areretet re cry srovelaustare seuaiievtve: cvsvshevelelsvce\a.n dich os, ecegsponnere ays 2 IRE opto pO SORBET OCR PO OURO E Ien S ETE Here ner 2 @zechoslovakiaseas i. ane cfelaclsete neice setae Gereeetisie ese 2 Bernt ain koersevney totes syeistnatars os oysroe el she si sieinid soe a Gus’ Aare = snssvs 3 1D aif Diogo CODES OO OID ICR GRRE RID oe ERO I ERee Ie eee ToT 3 Jay AEN Ys las Gurgereuee noobie Ob SHdne DO cee REE nner nee ere 10 PRIS COM Bere rerne ele o ceciay hs cLereieT Nevorer er susieiele\ ss a)sis eTerelcrs: Siaieyar seis 1 Binlan deen cach pierre aerial cing nee ane c erdmelae leas 4 IEDC CMe ees cirstcic er stos chered derherer neha’ sea loess nl bicueveus (elena ten die ccs sanhaunea 17 Greenmamyerr cassie ita tersraisial sc sueielsisicsnsioiee oat stergiewes 8 (Cite onooresteo coach boa pods Hee peor eC HOe Gein ee aera 2 MEAN Ar TRY PN a soe eee fo ever snsi seve esse dyey ei steteaiere lene Rie'el sual 1 HOG EING eodince oie Guo ODOC Com CCIE nC Cer ne ack aea a 1 Mires] sara epee pers tote Pa cet a or hers. cay ay dea (oratere car aveye Voss iay rere eyepe ciel acarets 1 SLA VPRO Rea erste isso) sae Scho fe alata yohclete mus ciel arsys tava ete /Aeis ate 15 ILE AO a ae aah DOE SIO In Ren coCInIS OCC Ceara 2 GUGM Mayra teeters raya Sey excrete orceerare a siete ar nvoreretach tisersiepa 1 IM IGEN EOS, damon cme aa OTe EEE ee iG ROR CRer hae eee ROR 1 ING Ger aI Sess sie etapa cre seis css syste fev ah sic) n/s ears: stove/epouetotsvers /evanecs 3 UNOTWEY forsee cteyaecteistenaioteis starsiatera ese cisds.a visio elgpayacoer sia ave 8 Leta) eine aoe as aeere Bore OO EOC Ra potortac it roe ae 1 SOU Alpe eyavsterste vate Sasray ee aeav aver ora slsvarafevere. ohera av algperer a teisy hc a's 2 TRUITT oe eok oe ace DemOlS BHA OE RSE Decision een 2 Scotland septs es cece ioe ontins oe PUG Ieee 3 Shop Wileaodto Sa SOC Ob a OROR ee IOEC Otc maa One Tor Aree oenre 9 SWC Oni mere re Peet rite aanroverareserd claqaterals, om pec OOD SoTL OTERO CORA E COTE 5 ann erste nanan ok seat eis che VNC ee eho rere ani eae toes aks caeave ovate axel otal 5 Hrenchslind o-G@ hin'aeercme itr eysece ere rete Pero ce nieve 1 SET OT BEC OM receptor see eregeres emer evehetelsneve mierstatoeiewWovrele ie) evoresas 1 AVDA sesh fart sven arte ete oars acta eiaisie oores Make eine Bente ee 18 IN ECDAPEIAS GAL GIES sarc see chine Soccer cisisiera tal ctotecke oe 2 News Zeal ands att ary soars taretorilale or aloietsre scien otestecansta era 1 Pnvlippinetlislands saya eecereeea tear net eece ieee 5 STEIN. po pacs oo Pa OnOR I MORO God an SCRE GRO ROC here aa ees ae 1 ULATESESeLULEMeNtS smear e serrate iret ee 1 LET ONES 4 Soe CoE Ie OE Ene tee en IE ie eee ene 8 de Banyul sur Mer, as well as small stations. Sev- eral countries that have relatively few institutions, as Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden, are among the leaders of the world in oceanographic research. Attention should be called to the paucity of oceanographic stations south of the Equator. In South Africa there is one and there soon will be two, in Java one, in Australia one, in New Zealand one, and on the east coast of South America perhaps two of three fishery stations. With reference to the tropics, including the stations both north and south of the Equator, there are the stations in India which are mostly for fishery research, one in Java, one in the Philippines at Puerto Galera, one in French Indo-China, the Palao station of the Japa- nese, and the station at Wakaiki, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands. The station at Tortugas, Florida, of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, falls just outside the northern limit of the tropics, while the Bermuda station is still farther north but semi- tropical. The station at Ghardaqa in the Red Sea is also semi-tropical, although it is considerably north of the Tropic of Cancer. The number of accessible, well equipped stations is very small and at present they are all principally for marine biology— other aspects of oceanography receive either no or only secondary attention. An endeavor should be made to establish on some island within the high tropics a research station both for marine biology and other aspects of oceanography. Several of the stations are well situated except for accessibility. This is true of the station at Puerto Galera in the Philippines and that of the Japanese in the Palao Islands. Information has been obtained on the suitability of a number of places in the Pacific. The sites that seem to merit most consideration are the Island of Tahiti, and some island of the Samoan or Fiji group. All of these islands are on major trans-Pacific steamship routes and offer opportunity for the study of a wide range of oceanographic problems. There should also be a station on some island in the West Indies. The station at Bermuda is outside the tropics; the one at Tortugas, Florida, is more tropical but it is not easily accessible and it is in operation only a part of the year. There are good sites in the Virgin Islands, on the Island of Jamaica, and probably on other islands that are regularly visited by passenger vessels. 76 INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH One of the questions on the requests for informa- tion was ‘Income—Source—Amount,” for the purpose of ascertaining how much was being ex- pended in each country on oceanographic work. For many institutions the desired data were given, but for others the question was not answered. Since the data are inadequate for a satisfactory statistical study of the matter, only a few comments will be made. A discouraging fact is that some important institutions are in financial difficulties. This is true of the Institut Océanographique, including the Musée Océanographique, founded by H. S. H. Prince Albert I of Monaco, and of the Stazione Zoologiche of Naples. It is probable that the achievements in Spain have been nullified by the devastating civil war in that unhappy country. In some countries, particularly Japan and the United States, there has been great progress within the past ten years. In each of them oceanographic research was backward, but they are now among the leaders. Much interesting information is con- tained in the records here given, but it is not suited to statistical treatment. ANALYSIS OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE INSTI- TUTIONS ACCORDING TO SUBJECT The activities of the institutions engaged in oceanographic work have been tabulated according to fourteen topical headings. Only short notes will be made on each of the topics, except ‘‘instruc- tion” of which there will be succinct but fuller discussion. Seismology. Although seismological research is not prosecuted at any of the institutions here con- sidered, except the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, many stations have seismographs installed on their premises and they codperate with seismo- logical specialists. The vital importance of seismol- ogy for oceanography is shown by the article con- tributed to this volume by Professor Gutenberg. Hydrographic surveys. Each important country has a hydrographic service usually attached to its navy. The United States divides its hydrographic work between two organizations, the Navy, for foreign waters and the high seas, and the Coast and Geodetic Survey, for home waters. The hydro- graphic services of several countries are among the foremost contributors to oceanographic knowledge. Tidal records and research. The note on Tides by Mr. H. A. Marmer in this report gives a picture of tidal research. Automatically recording tide gages are installed at many marine stations, but tidal research is prosecuted at very few. Among those that are active are the Liverpool Observatory and Tidal Institute, England, the Institut fir Meereskunde, Berlin, Germany, the Geophysical Institute at Bergen, Norway, the Borné Station, Sweden, and the Thalassological Institute of Fin- land. ‘Tidal experts are connected with most of the larger hydrographic services, and some of them conduct researches on problems of tidal theory. Records of temperature and salinity. Records of temperature are kept at many, probably nearly all, marine stations for at least a part of the year, and at some for the entire year. The determination of the salinity of the water is not so general. The fully equipped oceanographic institutions conduct systematic studies of temperature and salinity over the entire field of their operations. It is probable that more work is indicated in the table than is actually done, but accuracy was not practicable. 77 Physics. Most of the work on the physical prop- erties of sea water is of a very simple kind, such as the depth of the visibility of a Secchi disc, but at some institutions the researches are of excellent quality. Among the subjects investigated are the depth of penetration of radiant energy, evaporation, convection, heat conduction and diffusion, and the content of radioactive substances—a subject that is both physics and chemistry. Chemistry. Because of the biological significance of many chemical features of seawater, routine chemical determinations and some actual research are conducted at many stations. Much of the chem- ical work has applications to other aspects of oceanography, for example, to studies of circulation and to geological problems. Dynamical oceanography. Although water move- ments are observed and recorded more or less qualitatively at many places and although numerous institutions are building up bodies of data necessary for the study of the dynamics of water masses, researches on the principles and the application of the principles of modern dynamical oceanography are prosecuted at relatively few institutions. The training of a larger number of young people in dynamical oceanography is one of the needs of the science. Sediments. Marine bottom samples are collected by a number of institutions and several others serve as depositories, but actual research is conducted at only a few places. This subject is further discussed on page 35 of this report. Meteorology. Observations are recorded at many places, and a number of institutions are repositories of data, which are compiled, averaged, and plotted, but there is far too little fundamental research. Investigations in marine meteorology imvolve re- searches in physics, also included under that caption. Gravity at sea. Since the determination of gravity at sea depends upon having submarines available for the requisite cruises, such work is necessarily in conjunction with the Navy departments of inter- ested countries. The leader in this work is the Netherlands. Other countries that have been active are France, Italy, Japan, and the United 78 INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY States. (See article by Prof. F. A. Vening Meinesz, this report page 59.) Terrestrial magnetism. Observations to aid navi- gation are made by most hydrographic services, but research has been very restricted. (See article by Dr. J. A. Fleming, this report, page 50.) Fisheries. Except general marine biology, the provisions for fishery investigations exceed those for any other kind of oceanographic work. Nearly every country of importance has either a separate fishery service, or fishery research is assigned as a function to an institution of broader oceanographic scope, for example, the Institut océanographique de V’Indochine. In some countries, such as the United States, subordinate political subdivisions support special services, for example, the State of California. It is probable that some of the sub- ordinate fishery services have not been included in this catalogue. Marine biology. There is in this volume no special discussion of marine biology. The amount of attention paid the subject is shown in the table of institutions engaged in oceanographic work. More attention is given marine biology than to any other aspect of the sea. The investigation of the marine environments has lagged behind the study of the organisms that live in those environments. Refer- ences are given in the footnote below! to two symposia, of which most of the papers are here pertinent. The purport of the one by the compiler of this volume is obvious from its title. The article is based on a study of the programs of the leading marine biological stations of the world. 1 Reolog. Mon., vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 421-554, 1934. Conditions of Existence of Aquatic Animals, Symposium at the Century of Progress Exposition, Chicago, Illinois, June 22, 1933: Conditions of life in the ocean, August Krogh. Conditions of life at great depths in the ocean, August Krogh. Particulate and dissolved organic matter in inland lakes, E. A. Birge and C. Juday. Ecology of lake fishes, A. S. Pearse. The biochemistry of the invertebrates of the sea, Paul S. Galtsoff. Faith in the results of controlled laboratory experi- ments as applied in nature, V. E. Shelford. Oceanography, Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts, December 30, 1933: Present trends in the investigation of the relations of marine organisms to their environment, T. Way- land Vaughan. The distribution and conditions of existence of bacteria in the sea, Selman A. Wakman. Factors affecting the vertical distribution of copepods, George L. Clarke. Concerning the organization of marine communities, W. C. Allee. INSTRUCTION IN OCEANOGRAPHY This catalogue of institutions was intended to make records of those institutions engaged in oceanographic activities other than instruction, but as instruction is a part of the programs of many, it has been indicated both in the statements regard- ing the institutions and in the table. Leaving out those institutions that are concerned only with biological subjects, a list of the institutions in the table that give instruction in oceanography, its physical and chemical aspects, with variable em- phasis on its biological aspects are as follows: Czechoslovakia: Prague, Institute, Charles University. England: Hull, Department of Zoology and Oceanog- raphy, University College, Hull. Liverpool, De- partment of Oceanography, University of Liver- pool. France: Paris, Institut Océanographique. Germany: Berlin, Institut fiir Meereskunde. Kiel, Universitit, Meereschemisches Laboratorium and Meeresgeologische Forschungsstelle. Italy: Naples, Gabinetto di Oceanografia e Meteoro- logia, Université di Napoli. Norway: Bergen, Det Geofysiske Institutt. Sweden: Goteborg, Oceanografiska Institutionen vid Géteborgs Hégskola. Geographical United States: Cambridge, Mass., Department of Oceanography, M. C. Z., Harvard University. La Jolla, Calif., Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California. Pacific Grove, Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University. Seattle, Wash., Oceanographic Laboratories, Univer- sity of Washington. Japan: Kyoto, Institute of Physical Oceanography, Imperial University of Kyoto. Tokyo, Imperial Fisheries Institute. Special instruction in hydrographie surveying and allied subjects is given to naval officers by several of the hydrographic services of important countries. The foregoing tabulation and note do not repre- sent all available instruction in oceanography. Supplements are as follows: Norway: Oslo, Institute of Geography, University of Oslo, Professor Werner Werenskiold conducts the course. A volume by him is mentioned below.? Prof. V. Bjerknes at Oslo gives no courses but is avail- able for conferences. 2 Werenskiold, Werner, Fysisk Geografi, I. Geofysik, Meteorologi, Oceanografi: H. Aschehoug and Co., Oslo, 1925, Oceanografi, pp. 244-340. ANALYSIS OF ACTIVITIES OF INSTITUTIONS 79 Germany: Hamburg, Universitit. Excellent and com- prehensive instruction in ‘‘Physik and Chemie des Meerwassers”’ is given by Prof. B. Schulz and associates. Netherlands: Utrecht, University, a course in physical oceanography every other year by Prof. E. van Everdingen, Jr., and some lectures by Prof. K. Oestreich, the head of Geographical Institute. At Amsterdam lectures are given by Prof. W. van Bemmelen. Sweden: Lund, University. Prof. V. W. Ekman gives no courses in oceanography but he is available for conferences. United States: Cambridge, Mass., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Instruction in physical oceanography is offered by Prof. C-G. Rossby and Mr. C. O. Iselin IT. New York, Columbia University provides extension courses in oceanography by Mr. V. P. de Smitt as a part of the geographical program. Japan: Tokyo, College of Agriculture and Forestry, Tokyo Imperial University, instruction by Dr. Juta Hara. Sapporo, Fishery Institute, Hokkaido Imperial University, some instruction in connection with the courses on fisheries subjects. Although the foregoing list is almost certainly incomplete, it is nearly enough complete to show that the provisions for instruction in the funda- mental principles of oceanography are far from sufficient. One of the desiderata of English speak- ing students is an adequate text in English on the principles of dynamical oceanography. It has been suggested that either Defant’s ‘“Dynamische Ozean- ographie” be translated or that McEwen’s “A summary of basic principles underlying modern methods of dynamical oceanography” be expanded into a volume. (Both of these publications have already been mentioned.) The adoption of either suggestion would be helpful, but a new text, up to date in all respects with such elaborations as students need, would probably be more satisfactory. 80 INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY LIST OF INSTITUTIONS ENGAGED IN OCEANOGRAPHIC WORK AND THEIR ACTIVITIES b COUNTRY INSTITUTION LOCATION 8 a International Assoc. Internat. d’Océanographie} Indefinite Physique International Commis. Internat. pour |’Explor.| Indefinite Scien. Mer Médit. International Conseil Permanent International | Copenhagen pour |’Exploration de la Mer International Consejo Oceanogrdfico Ibero- | Madrid, Spain Americano International Internat. Com. on Oceanography | Indefinite of the Pacific International Internat. Fisheries Commis. Seattle, Wash. International Internat. Hydrog. Bureau Monte Carlo International Internat. Service of Ice Observ. | Washington, & Ice Patrol in the North At- DAC: lantic International No. American Council on Fishery} Indefinite Investigations Algeria Station Zoologique Maritime sur | Algiers la Jetée Nord Algeria Station d’Aquiculture et de | Castiglione Péche de Castiglione Belgium Royaume de Belgique, Service | Brussels de l’Hydrographie Belgium Institut Maritime de Belgique | Ostend at Ostend Czechoslovakia | Geographical Institute of the | Prague Charles Univ. In Prague. (Geo- graficky ustav Karlovy univer- sity, Praga) Czechoslovakia | Biological Station at Rab Rab, Dalmatia Denmark Dansk Biologisk Station Copenhagen Denmark Komissionen for Danmarks | Copenhagen Fiskeri- og Havundersggelser Denmark Kongelige Sékort-Arkiv Copenhagen Egypt Laboratoire des Recherches sur |} Alexandria les Pécheries Egypt Mawani Fanarat (Port & Light- | Alexandria house Administration) England Fisheries Experiment Station Conway England Dove Marine Laboratory Cullercoats England Dept. Zoology & Oceanography, | Hull University College England Dept. of Oceanography, Univ. | Liverpool of Liverpool England Liverpool Observatory and Tidal} Liverpool Institute England Hydrography Dept., Admiralty | London England Meterological Office (Marine | London Div.) Air Ministry England Fisheries Laboratory Lowestoft England Plymouth Marine Laboratory Plymouth England Port Erin Marine Biological | Port Erin Bay Station Estonia Kaitseviigede Staabi Topo- | Tallinn Hiidrograafia Osakond HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYS TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY TIDES XS eh OK | x x xxXX xX x xX X > | CHEMISTRY > < | PHYSICS x x oe oS x x X x xX X DYNAMICAL OCEANOGRAPHY | x OS Oe | PSS x x x | SEDIMENTS x D4 | METEOROLOGY x xx: TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM >< | GRAVITY | BIOLOGY INSTRUCTION x xX X ANALYSIS OF ACTIVITIES OF INSTITUTIONS 81 LIST OF INSTITUTIONS ENGAGED IN OCEANOGRAPHIC WORK AND THEIR ACTIVITIES —Continued 2 & COUNTRY INSTITUTION LOCATION 3 ge <3 a zB gs z Q | » ee 2 & Z/Ee\ 2 lal es) sl24/ 2/8/2626] ./3/ 2 @iao) Blazgl x] a leo] ale! s]es| S16] a BASSAS ES BH) GH IGS EN) EP MEIEI EH at 1) t= Finland Bureau for Fishery Investiga- | Helsinki le tions Finland Laboratory for Hydrobiological | Helsinki > A >< [be de ‘‘Le Croisic’’ France Laboratoire Marion de Marseille | Marseille eel oes anceall easvell x| X France l'Institut Océanographique Paris x<| |X} Xi... seul <|| 36 France Office Scientifique et Technique | Paris == =— is... |... >All >See x}. des Peches Maritimes France The boat POURQUOI-PAS Destroyed sSeptsy |e Meal ess Seo ere lice fete seer x|. 1936 France Service Central Hydrographique | Paris Si) lies alleoalle call: eI DAP 2 [balla aalles France Station Biologique de Roscofft Roscoff xt SSIle 3 B Bg » ae n 8 22 z COUNTRY INSTITUTION LOCATION o|x2 eq S so E ale Be I 8 joe] |ge| 8/2 |s2|/ 8/8) & \ge s| a jee| 8 (sel 2| sisal | 2] 2 esi n| 3] é STEVE BE VEI SAS IEE SSH ey EE I) eee || eb ll is I he Greece Hydrographic Office of the Navy) Athens DS el lle las Greece Phaleron Biological Station Old Phaleron SA) oXllecell Sle Sal 3 Hungary Hungarian Oceanographic Insti- | Budapest tution Iceland Vitamdlastjérn (Lighthouse Ad- | Reykjavik Alle min.) Treland Dept of Agriculture, Fisheries | Dublin x}. xe Branch Italy Istituto di Zoologia della R. Uni-| Catania SCI versita di Catania Italy R. Osservatorio di Pesca marit- | Ganzirri Sie tima di Ganzirri Italy Istituto Idrografico della R. | Genoa X| X} X] xX}. X!. XIE Marina Italy Marine Laboratory of the Isti- | Genoa Sal) SX tuto di Zoologia della R. Uni- versita di Genova Italy Istituto Centrale di Biologia | Messina << Marine in Messina Italy Gabinetto di Oceanografia e | Naples << < biologia Italy Istituto Italo-Germanico di Bi- | Rovigno d’Istria |...|...}...)...}...). | X!. ologia Marina di Rovigno d’ Istria Italy Istituto Demaniale di Biologia | Taranto 4 4 ais lata lool loco trato alle Acque a Venezia Latvia Hidrografiska Dala, Jurniecibas | Riga dae aon) eostall Be) Geel (Weel eae! rete eo lesbian & Departments, Finansu Minis- trija Latvia Hydrobiological Station of the | Riga X<| X University of Latvia Lithuania Susisiekimo Ministerija, Uosto | Klaipéda Klee sil evel [eat lon a lhsvty [Dae co tape | eel | ageless | Pate Valdyba (Ministry of Com- munication, Harbor Office) Monaco Musée Océanographique de | Monaco-Ville X| xX} X}- xX| X Monaco Netherlands Koninklijk Nederlandsch Me- | De Bilt <<< Neel) Nee teorologisch Instituut Netherlands Zodlogisch Station der Neder- | Den Helder X| X landsche Dierkundige Vere- eniging ANALYSIS OF ACTIVITIES OF INSTITUTIONS 83 LIST OF INSTITUTIONS ENGAGED IN OCEANOGRAPHIC WORK AND THEIR ACTIVITIES —Continued 2 B ele | eel la ledl ele (32 : COUNTRY INSTITUTION LOCATION 8 \é 2 Pic! z Sic g alll z Zz = 38a Rel e2}alsz\a|8| eles 3|8 3/22) 2 lBals|sl2s| 2/8/2861 18] 2 glee] 2 |e2l 8/8/68] 8) 8] 2 les} 2/8| 8 2H") Ble “|e |] ojan] a] sl]ole"| fz) a] 2 Netherlands Department van Defensie, Af- | Gravenhage X|. deeling’s Hydrografie Norway Fiskeridirektoratet, Avdeling for} Bergen Sera (ara cl [even Pic A etal (eons orl ages) (or lacea| Gro nl lees lol wesc liaol Ne grafi Subesi (Hydrographic Sect. Cartograph. Serv. of Army) Union of South | Fisheries Survey Division Capetown Aac| Hoos >sles allio. Africa Union of South | Marine Biological Station & | Capetown Faia acl latsell Siac lean aoc eel local torallonelles cio wclioc. Africa Headquarters of Division of Fisheries Union of South | Marine Biological Station of Div.) St. James Bay Bel ree (ped he eater [re sl asl Mien Meee) Be TCT Sect Africa of Fisheries Survey Union of South | Department van Verdediging, | Pretoria FA Wa eee tee aerate peal eral eral evel oral esc tessthas cities Africa Hydrographic Survey Section Yugoslavia Hidrografski ured Kraljevske | Split ete loess fecal (ees exci a too fee. 4| ace earl iaealkio silacie Mornarice Yugoslavia Oceanografski Institut Kral- | Split Br) Keni) (Scar (oleic eee leace let fecal loo alt Ox.< (ean aa ists toc sacl [<4 feo low eral isis g| Ge. graphic Department) We Shs oe Daguestan Fisheries Station MEN ANLTIEY Tp opllacallaocllacall os OSilaocllooclhoallao-dilac X[/etcilkce Usse Sak The All-Union Scientific Re- | Moscow alse o| [coll 24) < of Southern Calif. Calif. United States | Hopkins Marine Station of Stan- | Pacific Grove, |...]...]...] X]...| X]...]..-]...]-.-|.--] X] xX] X ford University Calif. United States California State ree, |! Wea HICH eos sallbos|lGoallooalleaclsccllans|loonllacclloeal|, 2< waiian Islands Chile Servicio Meteorolégico Santiago ere eb ote se eee eared leaeeal esc Pas Gioia eel foul axl sro Chile Departamento de Navegacién Valparaiso ats Palate achat aoe ote (neal eos GoOlleballboe|loaalsuloo. Ecuador Servicio Hidrografico de la | Guayaquil Pee sigan col Aeellaahlsooloeollasclimacl acl calls cllbn' Armada Peru Servicio Hidrografieco y Faros Callao MUA > 4 fee ears ele este fea ol (oral eerie law allae Blo Peru Escuela Naval La Punta SES ctal labial Wiad ents ses sed aeall-eSllatc seveil ays Peru Compania Administradora del | Lima ees eel (eal linea [Hoel hare |nteveil bso || OSI [8.0 x<\Ee Guano Peru Servicio Meteorolégico Lima Bal eee (ater (34) (Geol aval Pectal ne allo -<]ieiga era [onic] lo oc phe Australia Low Island Queensland Low Island eM Eye sell Ee oll rays lb Eel ees | ates | a cesta seen | eee eee 38 Australia Australian Hydrographic Service | Melbourne Beer lo-<| reeal Pretal eel ieal Sam aie see tel lets aller allec-ullo°a + Australia Marine Meteorological Section, | Melbourne Berl loess eri fe>ss| [occ dl hana] onal la ntol lated [aor tao lo allo 8 alfa Commonwealth Meteorological Bureau Australia Fishery Department Sydney BA ea (es ne S| Sealers onc fetta atta eral (ocol lend lomdl loo Australia Marine Laboratory of the Uni- | Sydney Seellonoleuall o-i|\o-< Biological Association of China China Hydrographic Department of the | Shanghai Pee |S. Vise< ltSeel| haeeeellecce lea lesees (oles loreal terol lars allo olla Chinese Navy China Tinghai Marine Station Tinghai Bod| Hed) bobll oMiloanllyeAllbonllaadl|aooloacjlaccllomall 2Xlla ox China Tsingtao Aquarium Beach Park, ore esl ae neelionolisalldouiseciisonlesallsosllacell| oil ox Tsingtao China Dept. of Oceanography Tsingtao | Observatory Hill,|...|...| | |...) X] X] xX] X]...]---]..-] X Observatory Tsingtao French Indo- | Institut Océanographique de | Nhatrang, Annam} X|...} X| X]...| | X] X|.-.].--|..-| X] X|--- China lV’ Indochine Hong Kong Royal Observatory Kowloon p< ten pis| tee meet lepers leer ests [imo scGl sare lai ere (Ses. lLet c ANALYSIS OF ACTIVITIES OF INSTITUTIONS 87 LIST OF INSTITUTIONS ENGAGED IN OCEANOGRAPHIC WORK AND THEIR ACTIVITIES —Continued =I ah E ral i z 5 z » |A z n 8 2 a 3 COUNTRY INSTITUTION LOCATION o Gs i=] s b| i & $ iS 5 g ‘ S 5 b a ai eys! Be) 91/8 /44/8)o18 lez S| p 2 ise) 8 (G22) alsa e |e | 3 /eSl el 3] & Ble") eles] R/S e/a] sles ela] 2 Japan Akkeshi Marine Biological Sta- | Akkeshi Gulf x<| x tion Japan Amakusa Marine Biological | Tomioka, Ama- < tory Japan Shimoda Marine Biological Sta- | Shimoda, Kana- |. X| X} xX]. X<| XI. Sales dll I: mental Station of Chosen Netherlands Kominklijk Magnetisch en | Batavia >I XI >a ereal ine East Indies Meteotologisch Observator- ium te Batavia Netherland Laboratorium: voor bet Onder=||Batavia eas calle ale [ean e ec clle- cle cles eee x< are cea lene eae ate ol Peal lees |X|). Investigation Station Philippine Is. Bureau of Science, P. I. Manila besllaorsite x}. Philippine Is. Coast and Geodetic Survey Manila oS) Dx ele} (Bel |. ladlels| |2z : COUNTRY INSTITUTION LOCATION 8 a Z 3 | a 5 $ 5 E 3 WE 5 Ps 5 Sige a2) Oo) 2184| 8/0] 8 laz 9).b a as} 8 Se) 2) a lea) 2) 2) 3 lgol 2/3/68 Bie") B(B71 8) Bao ela) Seale) a] 2 Strts. Settlmts. | Department of Fisheries Singapore Xess & Fed. Malay States Egypt Marine Biological Station of the | Ghardaqa — i... |... |... xX}. P| Neca levee ese li cal esate occ » 15760 10 121 GHA ONO oi omc Bol odaad but 800 8 79 ORMONDEWEEN eee ae 1,180 11 128 The names of the surveying vessels in the above list have been taken from the year book of the International Hydrographic Bureau for 1937. The Royal Research ship Resmarcu is under construction at Dartmouth and when completed will undertake magnetic work at sea and the study of atmospheric electricity, oceanography, etc. Staff: Hydrographer, Rear-Admiral J. A. Edgell, C.B., O.B.E. Assistant Hydrographer, Captain E. F. B. Law, R.N. Director of Navigation, Captain W. G. Benn, R.N. Chief Civil Assistant, Mr. W. Ewart Llewellyn, O.B.E. Superintendent of Charts, Commander A. Day, R.N. 112 Assistant Superintendent of Charts, Mr. G. B. Stigant. Superintendent of Sailing Directions, Captain F. A. Reyne, R.N. (retired). Superintendent of Tidal Work, Commander Harold D. Warburg, R.N. (retired). Superintendent of Light Lists, Captain 8. A. G. Hill, D.S.O., R.N. (retired). Superintendent, Chart Production and Supplies Branch, Cricklewood, Mr. C. Jowsey. Provision for visiting investigators: Naval officers, scientists, engineers, surveyors, and others, are, as a rule, shown over the Department provided arrangements are made beforehand. Income: Derived from the sale of charts, ete., but is returned to the Treasury in accordance with the usual custom for Government offices. Provision for publication of results: Charts are pub- lished by the Department and books by H. M. Stationery Office, as and when required. Meteorological Office (Marine Division) Air Ministry, London (’37) History or origin: The Meteorological Department of the Board of Trade was established in 1855 for marine meteorological work. In 1865 the Meteorological Office was estab- lished as a separate department and the Meteoro- logical Department of the Board of Trade became the Marine Division of the Meteorological Office. In 1919 the Meteorological Office, with all its Divisions, was made a Department of the Air Ministry. Location: Kingsway, London. Organization to which attached: See above. Purposes: Yo collect from British ships information on winds, weather, currents, and ice of the oceans with the object of improving ocean naviga- tion and making it safer. Scope of activities: The Marine Division arranges for and supervises the voluntary observations made by the officers of 350 British ships which make regular observations and of a number of ships which make occasional observations. Of the 350 ships which make regular obser- vations: (a) Thirty ships take observations at the end of each watch and record them in the Meteorological Log; these ships are engaged mainly in the North Sea, the north and south Pacific Ocean, and the Arctie and Antarctic. INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY (b) The remaining 320 ships take observations at one or more of the international hours for synoptic observations at sea, namely 0000 hr., 0600 hr., 1200 hr., and 1800 hr. G.M.T. and record them on Form 911 which is called the Meteorological Record to distinguish it from the Meteorological Log referred to in (a) above. (ec) Of the 350 ships referred to in (a) and (b) 281 are “Selected Ships’ and transmit their observations at scheduled times by W/T for the information of other ships and of national meteorological services. The meteorological logs and records from these ships are examined in the Marine Division and the necessary data extracted for discussion and publication. Special attention is being given at present to the data of ocean currents and a series of current charts of the oceans is being prepared and published. In addition to the 350 regular observing ships arrangements are made with a number of British ships to make observations and to report them by W/T when they are in regions where there are no selected ships. The list of these ships is at present small but it is being added to as oppor- tunity offers. Equipment: All British Observing ships, whose names appear in the fleet list in the ‘Marine Observer,” carry a reliable mercurial barometer. The Meteorological Office lends to meteorologi- cal log-keeping ships a complete set of meteoro- logical instruments, consisting of a Kew Pattern Marine Mercurial Barometer, Thermometers with screen, and Hydrometers. “A” Selected Ships, that is Selected Ships which have long range wireless telegraphy, are also equipped with thermometers with screen and a barograph. Some ‘B’’ Selected Ships which have not satisfactory instruments of their own are also provided with thermometers and screens by the Office. The Marine Division itself has the usual office equipment; has access to the technical and scientific library of the Meteorological Office, and has the advantage of the use of the Air Ministry Hollerith Electrical Sorting lithographic and printing presses. Staff: Headquarters: Marine Superintendent, 1 nautical assistant, 1 meteorological assistant, 9 technical assistants, 13 clerical assistants. London Docks: 1 nautical assistant, 1 clerk. CATALOGUE OF INSTITUTIONS—ENGLAND Liverpool Docks: 1 nautical assistant, 1 clerk. Eight agents (master mariners resident at the ports). Provision for visiting investigators: As occasion arises. Income: Source: By Parliamentary vote. Provision for publication of results: His Majesty’s Stationery Office publish books, charts, and at- lases, compiled in the Marine Division, as neces- sary. Fisheries Laboratory, Lowestoft (’37) History or origin: Staff of Marine Biological Asso- ciation of the United Kingdom previously sta- tioned at Lowestoft and engaged in International Investigations taken over by Ministry of Agri- culture and Fisheries and transferred to London in 1910. Present organization and location date from 1920, when the staff was greatly augmented. Location: Lowestoft, Suffolk, England. On sea front between harbour and Claremont Pier. Organization to which attached: Ministry of Agricul- ture and Fisheries, London. Purposes: Study of fishery problems, both national and international, the latter in codperation with the Conseil International pour |’Exploration de la Mer, Copenhagen. Scope of activities: Problems connected with the life history of fishes and other forms of marine life, special attention being paid to those problems connected with over-fishing and the prediction of yield. Equipment: 1 laboratory building, containing rooms for staff, library (about 5,000 volumes), lecture room and the usual equipment for research, 4 floors and basement, about 70 by 50 feet. 1 fisheries store—1 building three floors, 60 by 20 feet and 1 building 2 floors, 25 by 20 feet. 2 research vessels as follows: GerorceE Buicu, steam trawler of ‘‘Lord Mersey”’ type. Length 1383 feet; breadth 23} feet; depth 122 feet (in hold). Average draft aft 15 feet. Gross tonnage 324.27; register tonnage 131.53; H.P. Nominal 68.9; H.P. indicated 600.0. Cruising radius of about 5,000 miles. Onaway, motor drifter, Scottish type. Length 53.2 feet; breadth 16.3 feet; depth 6.85 feet. Ton- nage 26.73; engine: Norris, Henty, and Gardner, semi-diesel, B.H.P. 48, R.P.M. 450. Staff: The Director of Fishery Investigations, Dr. E.S. Russell, is stationed in London. Resident staff: 113 Mr. F. M. Davis (in charge), principal naturalist (biologist). Mr. H. J. Buchanan-Wollaston, naturalist (biologist). Mr. R. E. Savage, naturalist (biologist). Dr. J. N. Carruthers, naturalist (hydrographer). Mr. G. M. Graham, naturalist (biologist). Dr. W. C. Hodgson, naturalist (biologist). Mr. J. R. Lumby, assistant naturalist (hy- drographer). Miss D. E. Thursby-Pelham, assistant natu- ralist (biologist). Commander W. H. Stewart, assistant naturalist (Master of the GrorGcr BuiaH). Mr. F. 8S. Wright, assistant naturalist (biolo- principal gist). Mr. H. H. Goodchild, assistant naturalist (biologist). Mr. C. F. Hickling, assistant naturalist (biolo- gist). Mr. R. S. Wimpenny, assistant naturalist (biologist). Mr. B. G. Clarke, chief laboratory assistant. Mr. H. Stokes, Ist class laboratory assistant. 4 laboratory assistants. Mr. E. A. Bennett, higher grade clerk (officer in charge). Mr. W. H. Newsome, higher grade clerk (in charge of statistical and clerical staff). 11 clerical officers (Statistical Branch). 2 shorthand-typist. 3 fish-measurers. Provisions for visiting investigators: Provision is made for visiting investigators by special arrange- ment. Income: From State, for maintenance of station and ships approximately £9,000, for staff £15,480. Provision for publication of results: The Ministry publishes the following series: “Fishery Investiga- tions, Series II, Sea Fisheries.’’ Provision is also made for occasional publication of Fishery No- tices, which usually consist of pamphlets on special subjects for general public consumption. Plymouth Marine Laboratory (’37) History or origin: Established by the Marine Bio- logical Association of the United Kingdom of which Professor Huxley was the first president and Sir Ray Lankester was the originator and first secretary. It was opened on June 30, 1888. The buildings and fittings had at that time cost £12,000. Between that time and 1933 a 114 INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY sum exceeding £16,000 was spent on additional buildings. A general description of the buildings was published by Doctor E. J. Allen in Marine Biological Association Journal, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 735-828, November, 1928. Subsequent to 1928 the buildings were enlarged by the addition of several rooms. On the ground floor, a library room, two work rooms, photographic room, and a physiological laboratory were added. On the first floor a balance room, two small laboratories, and a large chemical laboratory were added. The description published by Dr. Allen needs to be supplemented by the additional buildings mentioned in the foregoing sentences. Location: Plymouth on the sea front of Citadel Hill. Organization to which attached: The Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Purposes: All kinds of biological research, with special attention to several fisheries problems, the study of hydrographic conditions in the adjacent waters of the English Channel, the provision of facilities for visiting investigators, and the conduct of Easter and Autumn classes for students. Scope of activities: Since the Marine Biological Laboratory in Plymouth has been in continuous operation since 1888, it would reasonably be expected that there might be some change in the program and the emphasis which has been placed on different kinds of problems during the forty- five years of the existence of the Laboratory. The scope of the investigations at the Institution is indicated by the designations after the names of the members of the staff as given below. A wide variety of the problems of the physiology of marine organisms and the interrelation between the organisms and the marine environment are being investigated. Several of the investigators are concerned with the life histories of marine organisms, others are studying special fisheries problems. The Laboratory also pays particular attention to hydrography and to the chemistry of sea-water as related to marine organisms and other phenomena. It supplies specimens of marine animals and plants for biological research and teaching purposes. Equipment: The original building contained a gen- eral laboratory with cubicles and a series of small aquaria for the use of the staff or visiting investi- gators; and the aquarium on the ground floor which is opened to the public; an extensive library of biological publications which includes the leading biological and biochemical journals; a residence for the director; four or five small laboratories; and an office and living quarters for the engineer-caretaker. Subsequently an addi- tional building known as the Allen building, 24 feet by 24 feet in dimension, divided into two laboratories by a temporary partition was added. Later a second story was added to this building and the whole was converted into a library. Ata still later date there was added a new wing in which there is a well-equipped chemical laboratory and a large and varied stock of chemicals, and well-equipped physiological and fisheries labora- tories. On the ground floor there is an aquarium or tank room which measures 70 feet by 243 feet. There is a detached building for the vacation courses with accommodation for twenty students. The Laboratory owns a wooden steam drifter, the Saupa, which is 88 feet long, 19.9 foot beam and draws 10.5 feet aft and 5 feet forward, and is capable of a speed of 94 knots. She is equipped with a winch for trawling and a small deck-house laboratory. The Laboratory also owns the motor boat Gammarus which is 25 feet long, eight-foot beam, a draught of 2 feet 9 inches. The library contains a valuable collection of scientific books, periodicals, and reports of all countries relating to fish and fisheries, the collec- tion in this respect being one of the most complete in the country. The more important zoological journals are well represented, as well as the reports of the various oceanographical expeditions, and there are a large number of separate papers on general marine biology. A collection of modern books and journals dealing with general physiology has also been added. Members of the Association have access to the library. Staff: Director, Stanley Kemp, Se.D., F.R.S. Assistant Director and Fishery Naturalist, E. Ford, A.R.C.S8e. Head of Department, General Physiology, W. R. G. Atkins, O.B.E., Se.D., F.L.C., FInst.P., F.R.S. Naturalist, Miss M. V. Lebour, D.Sc., Plankton and larval stages of bottom fauna. Hydrographer, H. W. Harvey, M.A. Naturalist, F. S. Russell, D.S.C., D.F.C., B.A., Plankton and young fishes. Physiologist, A. Sand, Ph.D. Naturalist, D. P. Wilson, M.Sc., Polychaete larvae and shore fauna. CATALOGUE OF INSTITUTIONS—ENGLAND Director’s research assistant. Mrs. E. W. Sexton, F.L.S., Mendelian heredity. Assistant Naturalists: G. A. Steven, B.Sc., F.R.S8.E., fishes and the commercial fisheries. G. M. Spooner, M.A., Behavior of fishes. Assistant Chemist, L. H. N. Cooper, Ph.D., F.I.C. Research Assistants: W. J. Rees, M.Sc., Hydroids and medusae; P. G. Corbin, Mackerel. Provision for investigators: The accommodation provided for visitors includes cubicles, separate rooms, or bench space with adequate fittings for biochemical and physiological work, the use of all ordinary glassware, chemicals, and apparatus of a general nature. The Association undertakes, as far as possible, to supply the animals or plants or water samples required for any investigator, or such facilities for obtaining them as may be at the command of the Laboratory. Microscopes are not usually provided. Intend- ing visitors are advised to write to the Director, stating the nature of the investigation which they propose to carry out and the apparatus which they will require. Every effort is made to provide any special apparatus which is needed, and to collect the animals wanted for research. The Laboratory is open for research during the entire year, including holidays, and workers are provided with a key so that they may work at night when they desire to do so. The facilities are primarily intended for visitors who are engaged in their own research or wish to collaborate with members of the staff who are investigating some particular problem of bio- logical science. About thirty investigators can be accommo- dated in addition to the regular staff of the Laboratory. Income: Source. A grant from the Government, private donations, the dues of the members of the Marine Biological Association, entrance fees to the aquarium, and sales of specimens. Amount. About £16,000 annually. Provision for publication of results: The Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom and various scientific periodicals. ‘The Plymouth Marine Fauna’’, published by the Association in 1931 contains a list of the local species and notes on their distribution. Port Erin Marine Biological Station (’37) History or origin: The Liverpool Biological Com- mittee was founded at a Public Meeting in 1885 115 which was called by Sir William Herdman and held in the Zoological Laboratory at University College, Liverpool. It was resolved to investigate the Marine Biology of Liverpool Bay. 1892 Original Station at Port Erin erected. 1902 Present Station at Port Erin erected with codperation of Isle of Man Government. 1910 A new wing added to main building. 1932 New laboratory added to main building. Location: On the south side of Port Erin Bay, southwest coast of Isle of Man, situated in Irish Sea. Organization to which attached: The Liverpool Marine Biological Committee in December, 1919, trans- ferred the Station to the University of Liverpool (Department of Oceanography). Purposes: Main building in three parts. An aquar- ium for the public, a sea fish hatchery, and a biological station proper. The latter provides laboratories and working accommodation for students. These classes attend with members of the staff of their own particular university. No instruction at present carried on by resident staff which is engaged in research. Scope of activities: Fishery research in connection with the Manx Herring Fisheries. Investigations upon the rearing of oyster larvae (Ostrea edulis). Equipment: Main building, 90 feet by 40 feet, 2 stories. Details as follows: Center block, aquarium 30 feet by 30 feet, with gallery. 9 main tanks and subsidiary ones. Wing, fish hatchery, 30 feet by 26 feet. Ground floor: Nine fleets of hatching boxes. First floor: Biochemical laboratory. Wing, biological, 30 feet by 26 feet. Ground floor: Six separate research rooms and library. First floor: Combined laboratory and lecture room. To the foregoing there have been added, as follows: New wing 1910: 44 feet by 18 feet, 2 stories. Ground floor: Store room, dark room, 2 class rooms for 8-10 students, and room containing sorting tables (for sorting collected material). First floor: 8 separate research rooms. New laboratory 1932, single story and built to take a second story if necessary. Accommoda- tion for 25 students. Tanks, two outside tanks for storing sea water and used as spawning ponds in connection with hatchery. Capacity of each about 16.000 gallons. 116 An upper tank built into the cliff face. Capacity 11,000 gallons. Staff: Honorary Director, R. J. Daniel, D.Sc., Lecturer in Oceanography, University of Liv- erpool. Naturalist and Biochemist, J. R. Bruce, M.Sc. Algologist, M. W. Parke, Ph.D. Curator, Mr. W. C. Smith. Assistant Curator, Mr. T. N. Cregeen. Fisherman Naturalist, Mr. W. Christian. Assistant, Mr. K. Woodworth. Provisions for visiting investigators: During Easter vacation because so many students use the station, no visitors can be accommodated, but for the rest of the year it can house nine investiga- tors with a cubicle each. If more than nine are accommodated, cubicles have to be shared or work done in the big laboratories. Income: Sources: University of Liverpool; Isle of Man Government; British Government (Develop- ment Commission); Aquarium receipts. Amount: About £2,450 per annum. Provision for publication of results: The Annual Report of station includes Faunistic and Algal Notes. The staff publish in recognized British Journals. Fishery work is published im Proceed- ing and Transactions of Liverpool Biological Society. ESTONIA Kaitsevagede Staabi Topo-Hiidrograafia Osakond (Topographical and Hydrographic Section of the General Staff of the Army) (’37) Location: Toomkooli, 9, Tallinn. Staff: Head of the Section, Kolonel-Leitnant Eduard Ahman; Head of the Hydrographic Sub- Section, Vanemleitnant J. Weizenberg. FINLAND The Bureau for Fishery Investigations (’37) History or origin: Founded in 1924. Location: Helsinki. Organization to which attached: Board of Agriculture. Purposes and scope of activities: To carry out in- vestigations relating to economics of fisheries, both in the sea and in lakes. Until now prin- cipally salmon and coregonid fishing has been studied. Staff: Two scientific workers: Chief: Prof. T. H. Jirvi. Biologist, Vidjo J&iskeliinen. INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY Provisions for visiting investigators: None. Income: In the budget of the Government. Provision for publication of results: Suomen Kalata- lous, Finlands fisherier, Acta Zoologica fennica, and Annales Acad. se. fennicae. Laboratory for Hydro-biological Investigations (’37) History or origin: Established in 1919. (Earlier organization from 1899.) Location: Helsinki (Helsingfors). Organization to which attached: Finnish Society of Sciences. Purposes and scope of activities: The study of the lower plant and animal life of the sea and inland waters of Finland. Equipment: Laboratory for microscopical works. Staff: 1 permanent worker, two others who take part in the work. Director: Prof. K. M. Levan- der. Assistant Zoologist: Mag. phil. Sven Seger- strale. Assistant Botanist: Dr. Ernst Hayrén. Provisions for visiting investigators: No regular. Item in the budget of the Finnish Society of Sciences. Provision for publication of results: In the series Commentationes biologicae Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae. Merenkulkuhallitus Merikarttalaitos (Board of Navigation, Hydrographic Office) (’37) Location: Helzinki. Staff: Director General of Board of Navigation, Captain I. A. Jokinen. Head of Hydrographic Office, Kapteeniluutnantti U. Suomela. Assistants, Captains L. Parrio and G. Kolekmann. Head of Chart Section, Kapteeni L. Parrio. Head of Section for Notices to Mariners, Kapteeni G. Kolekmann. Heads of Surveying and Sweeping Expeditions, Captains J. Hyrsky, E. Elo, and A. Hakri, Kapteeniiluutnantti T. Fabritius, Merivaen- luutnantti E. Kerttula. Equipment: DISPLACE- SURVEYING VESSELS MENT OFFICERS CREW SEXMANT eee eemeremene er 195 9 31 DVIS IVASW: Als roncteraParsieoerons mie oesvnrants 3 17 IAT IAIN sates actcsletem ete 65 1 GANS aaloivinssgeacnoddonadoce | 70) 10 31 INVA MITA Seren cnieeneia emis 140 9 15 Kaixu 1 «« 2 | Echo sound- eS ing launches “ce 4 CATALOGUE OF INSTITUTIONS—ENGLAND, ESTONIA, FINLAND, FRANCE Thalassological Institute, Finland! (’37) History or origin: Established in 1918. (Karlier organization from 1899.) Location: Helsinki (Helsingfors). Organization to which attached: Governmental Scien- tific Institution and the Ministry of Commerce. Purposes and scope of activities: Scientific studies around Finland: general conditions, the physical and chemical properties of the sea water, the variations of the water level, the currents and the ice, as well as other related questions. Regular ice reports for navigational purposes issued during winter. The Institute represents Finland in international oceanographic work. Equipment: Laboratory for work on the physical and chemical aspects of oceanography; wireless station; 17 water-stage registering stations, 21 tide-pole stations; more than 100 stations for ice-observation; routine oceanographic observa- tions made at 26 coastal stations and 8 light vessels; s.s. Natuttus placed at the disposal of the institution for the work in summer. Staff: Scientific: Director: vacant. Granqvist. Consulting members: Prof. Hj. Tallqvist; Prof. Kk. M. Levander. Thalassologists: Dr. 8. E. Stenij, Chief of Section for the study of Water-Level; Dr. E. Palmén, Chief of Thalassological Section; Mag. G. Granqvist, Chief of Section for Ice. Scientific assistants: Mag. Risto Jurva; Stina Gripenberg; Two vacant. Technical and clerical: 5; 1 wireless operator. Provisions for visiting investigators: No regular. Income: Item in the budget of the Government. Provision for the publication of results: Finlindische Hydrographisch - Biologische Untersuchungen, quarto, nos. 1-10, and 12 and 13 published between 1907 and 1914. No. 11 has not been published (not continued). Present series of publications: Merentutkimus- laitoksen Julkaisu (Finnish), Havsforskningsin- stitutets Skrift (Swedish), octavo, nos. 1-108 Acting Director: Mag. G. Dr. 1 Witting, Rolf, Organization des Instituts fiir Meeres- forschung in Finnland, IIl Hydrologische Konferenz der Baltischen Staaten, Warszawa, Mai 1930. Witting, Rolf, and Granqvist, Gunnar, Thalassological work in Finland. Appendix 9, pp. 52-58: Association d’Océanographie Physique, Véme, Assemblée Générale réunie & Lisbonne 1933, Procés-Verbaux No. 1, Appendix 9, pp. 52-58, Helsingfors 1934. Annual Reports for the years 1919-1935, published in the series mentioned below. 117 published between 1920 and 1936. The publica- tions are issued either in Finnish and Swedish (separately or bilingual) or in English, German, or French. FRANCE Le Laboratoire Arago de Banyuls sur Mer (’37) History or origin: Established in 1881 by Henri de Lacaze-Duthiers. Location: Banyuls sur Mer. Organization to which attached: Part of the Faculté des Sciences de Paris. (As also Lab. de Roscoff.) Purposes: Zoology and botany. Scope of activities: Marine biological and oceano- graphic conferences and practical work for the students of the University. Equipment: 22 individual work-rooms, more than 40 work places in common rooms; 28 sleeping rooms, 5 of them double. Public aquarium, besides an aquarium set aside with work benches. 1 gasoline boat St. Vincent; 3 small boats (canot) ; Important library. Staff: Director, Professor O. Duboseq; Chef de travaux, Mlle. O. Tuset; Assistant, M. LeCalves; 1 chief mechanician, M. Becque; 1 assistant; 1 chauffeur; 4 sailors; 1 laboratory assistant. Provisions for visiting investigators: The prices of the work places is fixed at 200 francs per month. There is no charge to investigators from those countries who have rented a table by the year (4,000 franes). Income: Source: Work tables and the sale of ani- mals, 10,000 frances; budget from the University, 150,000 francs; Amount, 160,000 franes. Provisions for publication of results: Generally in the Archives de Zoologie Expérimentale. Station Biologique d’Arcachon (’34) History or origin: Established in 1863. Location: Arcachon (Gironde). Organization to which attached: Private, belonging to La Société scientifique d’Arcachon. Purposes: Marine biology. Equipment: 10 laboratories, 1 for physiological stud- ies, all possessing fresh and sea water, gas and electricity. Motor boat; important library; rooms for workers. Staff: Scientific: Director, Dr. R. Sigalas, Professor of Faculty of Medicine, Bordeaux. Librarian-keeper of collections, Com. Metzger. 118 Maintenance and operation: 2 sailors, in charge of fisheries and laboratories. 1 porter. Provisions for visiting investigators: On request to the director, he puts at the disposal of workers its laboratories, material, and library. Furnishes animals and plants at cost to French and foreign laboratories. Boat at disposal. Finds accommo- dations for workers on larger fisheries boats. Rooms at disposal of visitors for a small sum for service. Income: From La Société scientifique d’Arcachon. Provision for publication of results: Bulletin of Station Biologique d’Arcachon. Laboratoire de Luc-sur-Mer de la Faculté des Sciences de Caen (’37) History or origin: Established 1880. Location: Luc-sur-Mer (Calvados). Organization to which attached: Small university of Caen. State Institution. Equipment: Working library, fishing boat, aquaria for marine animals. Staff: Director, M. Mercier, Professor, faculty; Sub-Director, M. Audigé, Professor, faculty; Chief of Laboratory, Me. Le Roux; Assistant, M. Guibé. Provisions for visiting investigators: Rooms at the disposition of workers. Laboratoire de Zoologie et de Physiologie Maritimes du Collége de France (’37) History or origin: Established in 1859 by Coste. Location: Conearneau (Finistére). On the sea- front, between the pier and the fish market. Annex on the Cigogne (archipel des Glénans). Organization to which attached: Collége de France. State institution. Purposes: Orientation: questions of pure and applied marine biology. Scope of activities: Marine zoology and physiology, chemistry. Equipment: Laboratory building, 3 floors, 33 x 9 meters. Rooms and apparatus for chemistry, physiology, histology, fishing. Aquarium of sea water and sea-tanks. Collecting apparatus (ap- pareils d’élevage). Motor-, sail-, row-boats. Li- brary and collections. Staff: M. Faral, administrator of the Collége de France. MM. Duclaux, Fauré-Fremiet, Jolly, Mayer, Nageotte, Nattan-Larrier, Piéron (Pro- fessors at Collége de France). Sub-Director, R. INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY Legendre. workers. Provisions for visiting investigators: Between 20 and 25. Income: Source: State. Amount: About 80,000 franes. Provision for publication of results: Travaux du Laboratoire (suspended since the war). Preparator, H. Bouxin. 2 operation Laboratoire Maritime (Aquarium et Musée de la Mer) du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (’37) History or origin: Established in 1924 at Saint Servan, transferred in 1935 to a new locality at Dinard opposite the preceding on the left bank of the Rance. Location: Situated at Dinard (Ille et Vilaine), 17 Grande Rue, at the mouth of the Rance. Organization to which attached: The Museum of Natural History, Paris. Purposes: Researches in oceanography and marine zoology; zoology, botany (algae), geology, physi- ology, ete. Scope of activities: All marine biological sciences and fresh water in general. Equipment: Four rooms for one or two workers; one room for five workers; one laboratory for physiological chemistry for three workers; one large room for four workers: In all seven rooms with a library of current literature. One large library containing periodicals and various treatises, about 3,000 volumes. One sail boat with a motor twenty-six tons, 24 hp. motor; one ‘‘scout”’ and one ‘‘you-you,” each with a 10 hp. motor, and small boats. Staff: Director, M. A. Gruvel, Professor at the Museum; Sub-Director, M. H. Bertrand, D-Sc.; Four employees and boatmen. Provisions for visiting investigators: The workers are lodged in a beautiful villa adjacent to the labora- tory and situated in a large garden. The villa contains 15 rooms, each for one or two persons. Income: Derived from the entrance fees to the aquarium and a subvention from the government. Provision for the publication of results: Bulletin du Laboratoire maritime de Dinard which appears irregularly in fascicules contains résumés of the results of persons who work at the laboratory. Laboratoire de Guethary (’34) History or origin: Established in 1893. Location: Guethary (Basses-Pyrénées). CATALOGUE OF INSTITUTIONS—FRANCE Organization to which attached: Annexed to the Station Biologique d’Arcachon. Private insti- tute. Personal laboratory of M. C. Sauvageau, Professor on the Faculty of Sciences at Bordeaux. Purposes: Marine biology. Scope of activities: Fauna and flora, algology. Staff: Director, M. C. Sauvageau, Honorary pro- fessor of the Faculty of Sciences at Bordeaux. Provisions for visiting investigators: At the disposition of workers who apply to the Director of the Station Biologique d’Arcachon. Income: From the Societé scientifique d’Arcachon. Provision for publication of results: Bulletin de la Station Biologique d’Arcachon. Institut Océanographique du Havre (’27, Magrini) History or origin: Established 1918 and endowed by a budget from the Municipality of Havre; is aided morally and financially by the Société des Amis de I’Institut Océanographique du Havre. Location: Havre. Organization to which attached: Scope of activities: Laboratory of marine biology, aquarium of fresh water (Muséum du Havre); observations on board the steamers of Ponts et Chaussées (towing, fueling) and fishing barks. Equipment: Laboratory, work-shop. Staff: Director, Dr. Adrien Loir; Laboratory chief: M. Henri Legangneux, pharmacist; Chief, bio- logical works: M. Etienne Peau. Provision for publication of results: In Bulletin de la Société des Amis de l'Institut Océanographique du Havre. Laboratoire de Biologie Marine de “‘Le Croisic”’ (’34) History or origin: Established in 1920, reattached in 1922 to the School of the Practice of Medicine and Pharmacy at Nantes (Ecole de plein Exercice de Médecine et de Pharmacie de Nantes). Location: Le Croisic on the Loire Inférieure, France. Organization to which attached: Ecole de plein Exercice de Médecine et de Pharmacie de Nantes. Purposes: Marine biology, oceanography, oyster- culture, fauna and flora of salt marshes. Open in July, August, September. Equipment: Working library; 1 laboratory building, 1 floor; 1 research boat Cyros; several service buildings. Staff: Director, Prof. Alphonse Labbé, Ecole de médecine de Nantes. Provisions for visiting investigators: Seven or eight can be accommodated. 119 Income: Source: Municipalité de Nantes. Amount: 500 francs annually. Laboratoire Marion de Marseille (Endoume) (’37) History or origin: Created by F. Marion in 1834. Location: On the sea shore at Marseille (Endoume), France. Organization to which attached: Faculty of Sciences of Marseille. Purposes and scope of activities: Instruction and research in marine zoology. Equipment: Aquarium; 4 research laboratories; laboratory of physiological zoology; the library is that of the Faculty of Sciences at Marseille. Staff: Director, M. Kollmann, professor in the Faculty of Sciences; chief in charge, M. M. Van Gaver; in charge of work, Timon David. Provisions for visiting investigators: Nine or ten workers can be accommodated. Income: Source: Budget of the Faculty of Sciences and the Chair of Zoology. Amount: About 20,000 frances. Provision for the publication of results: In Travaux du Laboratoire de Zoologie et du Laboratoire Marion (Extraits des Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Marseille); et Annales du Museé de Marseille. Institut Océanographique (’37) History or origin: Created and endowed in 1906 by S. A. S. Albert the First, Prince of Monaco, and recognized by the French Government as a public utility on May 16, 1906. Location: 195 Rue St. Jacques, Paris. Organization to which attached: Independent institu- tion. Purposes: The institution is for research and ad- vanced and popular instruction in oceanography. Scope of activities: All kinds of oceanographic researches and the physiology of marine animals. The work at sea is conducted in the coastal labora- tories (laboratories of the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco and laboratories of National Educa- tion). Equipment: Laboratories of three services especially equipped for researches in oceanography and physiology. Special library of oceanography to which is attached the library of the Zoological Society of France. Staff: Assistant Secretary, M. Richet. Professors: L. Fage, biological oceanography, Francis Bernard, assistant. Physical oceanog- raphy, this year replaced by conferences 120 conducted by various scientists. Paul Portier, physiology of marine organisms, M. Fontaine, assistant. Provisions for visiting investigators: The laboratories are open to French and foreign investigators accepted by the professors. Income: Endowment made in 1922 by 8. A. 8. Albert Ier, Prince de Monaco, and the receipts from the Musée Océanographique de Monaco. Provision for publication of results: Annales de I’Insti- tut Océanographique which constitute annually a volume of about 400 quarto pages. Office Scientifique et Technique des Péches Maritimes (’37) History or origin: By law of December 31, 1918. Location: 3, Avenue Octave Gréard, Paris. Organization to which attached: Ministére de la Marine Marchande. Purposes: Scientific and technical researches con- cerning marine fisheries. Scope of activities: Chemical and biological researches concerning fish. Technical research concerning fishing gear, nets, oils, preservation, sanitary control of oyster culture, and studies on the wholesomeness of shell-fish. Equipment: Laboratories (See attached note) and research vessel. Scientific laboratory at the office in Paris. Chemical laboratory at the office in Paris. Technological and Low Temperature Lab- oratory in Paris. Laboratory of Ostrea culture in Paris. Biological laboratory at Boulogne-sur- Mer. Biological Laboratory at Lorient. Bio- logical Laboratory at La Rochelle. Biological Laboratory at Biarritz. Laboratory of Sanitary Control at Auray. Laboratory of Sanitary Con- trol at St. Servan. Laboratory of Sanitary Control at La Rochelle. Laboratory of Sanitary Control at La Tremblade. Laboratory of Sani- tary Control at Arcachon. Staff: Director, M. Edouard le Danois, Dr. Sc. Administrative Personnel: Administrative Secre- tary, M. D. Remy, Lic. es. 1, 8 collaborators. Scientific Personnel: 5 chiefs of laboratories; 6 preparators. Personnel of Sanitary Control: Inspector general, M. L. Lambert, Dr. Pha.; 7 regional inspectors; 4 laboratory assistants; 10 attendants; 1 employee. In command of the research vessel: M. L. Beaugé, Capitaine de Frégate de Réserve, Commandant, le navire dont le port d’attache est 4 Lorient. INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY Provisions for visiting investigators: Foreign scientists can be received in the different laboratories after an understanding with the director of each establishment. Income: Amount: The total annual budget of the office is about 3,000,000 Frs. Source: Derived from taxes levied on the fishing vessels, owners of fishing establishments, fish packers. To these are added the products of sales of the publications of Sanitary Control. Provision for the publication of results: Notes and Mémoires and Revue des Travaux. The Memoirs of which a list is on the backs of the new volumes published since 1928 from la Revue des Travaux de l’Office des Péches Maritimes. The personnel of the different laboratories is as follows: Laboratoire de Boulogne-sur-Mer—17, Boulevard de Chatillon: M. Le Gall, Agrégé d’Université, Chief of the Laboratory; M. Furnestin, Preparator; 1 labora- tory boy; 1 laboratory aide. Laboratoire de Lorient—Port de Péche de Lorient Kéroman: M. Desbrosses, Lic. es sc., Chief of the Laboratory; M. Priol, Preparator; 1 laboratory boy; 1 woman servant. Laboratoire de La Rochelle—74, Allées du Mail: M. Belloc, Lic. es sc., Chief of the Laboratory; M. Cadenat. Lec. es. sc., Preparator; 1 laboratory boy; 1 housekeeper. Laboratoire de Biarritz—Palais de la Mer a Biarritz: M. Arné, Lic. es. sc.; M. X.. .. Preparator. Laboratoires de Chimie—d’essais technique et frigori- fiques—et de biologie ostréicole, 3, Avenue Octave Gréard a Paris: M. Boury, Agricultural Engineer, Chief of the Chemistry Laboratory; M. Bonfils, Preparator, in charge of low temperature studies; M. L. Borde, Preparator, in charge of oyster culture. Sanitary Control: Inspector General, M. Lambert, Dr. Pha., 1 employee. Regional Inspector of Le Havre: M. Chevallier. Regional Inspector of St. Servan: M. Jardin, M. , Laboratory Assistant. Re- gional Inspector of Brest: M. Lesquin. Regional Inspector of d’Auray: M. Herman; M. Mercier, Labora- tory Assistant; M. le Goff, Assistant; M. Ligeour, Assistant; M. Vaugrenard, Assistant. Regional In- spector of LaRochelle: M. Dupain; M. Chemin, Laboratory Assistant; M. Adrien, Assistant. Re- gional Inspector of La Tremblade-Marennes: M. Chaux-Thevenin, Lic. es sc.; M. Baron, Preparator Aide; Mme. Baron, Laboratory Assistant; Mm. Bordin, Charles, Evéque, Fayard, Le Baron, Assist- ants. Regional Inspector of d’Arcachon: M. Ladouce, Dr. Pha.; Mme. Lanau, Laboratory aide; M. Raby, Assistant; M. Deyzi, Assistant; M. Clemenceau, Assistant. The boat Pourquoi-Pas (Laboratory of marine re- search of |’Ecole Pratiques des Hautes Etudes CATALOGUE OF INSTITUTIONS—FRANCE attached to the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle) This vessel and M. Charcot were lost on the west coast of Iceland on September 16, 1936, but subsequent publications may contain accounts of scientific results. History or origin: Established in 1911. Location: Usually at St. Servan (Ille-et Villaine), but may change ports. Organization to which attached: State. Purposes: Any scientific investigations in connection with the sea. Scope of activities: All regions including polar. Equipment: The Pourauor-Pas was a 3-mast boat, 500 tons, steam engine of 500 hp. Sounding, dredging apparatus, ete. Laboratories, and could accommodate a major scientific establishment of 4 to 7 persons. Cruises were available from the military Marine for three months of the year. Library: 1,000 volumes, physical, biological oceanography; general science; literature. Staff: Director, Dr. J. B. Charcot; Technical and clerical (variable): Generally 4 to 7. Provisions for visiting investigators: Income: Source: State, Military Marine and In- struction Department combined. Amount: About 100,000 francs a year. on cruises and necessary repairs. Provision for publication of results: Rapport annuel dans le Bulletin du Service hydrographique. Depended Service Central Hydrographique (de la Marine) (’37) History or origin: Founded in 1817. Location: 13 Rue de l'Université, Paris. Organization to which attached: Ministry of the Military Marine. Purposes: Setting up and publication of marine charts, nautical works, tide tables for navigators; instruction for (a) young hydrographic engineers and foreign officers, (b) for marine officers candi- dates for deputy hydrographers. Scope of activities: Improvement of marine charts and nautical works; study of coastal processes in collaboration with the Department of Public Works; improvement of chronometers, sextants, sounding instruments, ete.; perfection of me- teorological observations on board ships. Inci- dentally, support of oceanographic studies. Equipment: 1 building, Service Hydrographique 4 Paris, 85 m x 25m, offices, studios for design, engraving, photography printing. 121 Library, 60,000 volumes, store-room. DISPLACE- SURVEYING VESSELS MENT OFFICERS CREW RVIPRES S| Japmcicnscrtritteeeen tence 654 7 104 FASEB ROUSESELE Coma cmee foe 793 10 105 (DL OG Ae RR REA Sey RO Ae HAE 323 4 67 Gaston RIVIER............. 320 2 55 HSTABRTT Ree ee eres eaerOlO, 3 31 SENTING Eee ee meee rr 320 3 31 OGlAND Acer een nee . 320 3 31 JASTRODABEC tee seen COLO 3 31 1D) GROURDIBUAsee cee 460 2 64 CRABE Aa a eae eee 370 17 OURTEAUR...4:5 seas seen) 1OO0 17 SEMINOLE. ......-00e-0- ee O00 2 51 CAP=VIERDS peered cere ie 333 30 Staff: Hydrographer, Ingénieur Hydrographe Gé- néral Cot. Assistant Hydrographer, Ingénieur Hydrographe en Chef de 1'* Classe Courtier. Head of Ist Section (General Hydrography), Ingénieur Hydrographe en Chef de 2™° Class Pélissier. Head of 2nd Section (Coasts of France), Ingénieur Hydrographe en Chef de 1'¢ Classe Volmat. Head of 3rd Section (Charts and Archives), Ingénieur Hydrographe en Chef de 1'* Classe Ricard. Head of 4th Section (Sailing Directions), Capi- taine de Frégate Saillant. Head of 5th Section (Scientific Instruments), Ingénieur Hydrographe en Chef de 2° Classe Villain. Head of 6th Section (Tides), Ingénieur Hy- drographe en Chef de 2° Classe Villain. Head of 7th Section (Maritime Meteorology), Capitaine de Vaisseau Ladonne. 1 technical counsellor for oceanography. 20 engineers, officers in Paris. 20 officers on board ship. 20 deputy hydrographers. Provisions for visiting investigators: Up to the present the Service has entertained only 3 engi- neers or foreign officers per year. Income: Budget for 1932, 7,000,000 francs; 1933, 5,600,000 frances. Provision for publication of results: Annales hy- drographiques; Recherches hydrographiques sur le Régime des Cétes; Annuaire des Marées des Cétes de France; Tables des Marées des Colonies frangaises de l’Atlantique, de l’Océan Indien, des mers de Chine. 122 Station Biologique de Roscoff (Laboratoire Lacaze Duthiers) (’37) History or origin: Established in 1871 by H. Lacaze- Duthiers and enlarged by his successor Yves Delage in 1909. More recently, in 1930, new additions to grounds and real estate have doubled the area of the station which is now about 60 ares. Location: Roscoff (Finistére). Organization to which attached: Attached adminis- tratively to the Faculty of Sciences of the Uni- versity of Paris. With the Laboratoire Arago de Banyuls sur Mer it constitutes the National Institute of Marine Biology of the University of Paris. Each of these laboratories is autonomous and has its own director and its own budget. Purposes: All researches relative to marine biology in the most general sense; also instruction of students. Scope of activities: Laboratories fitted for researches in zoology, parasitology, botany, algology, his- tology, embryology, physiology, bacteriology, physics, and biological chemistry; also laboratories for instruction. Equipment: 25 large stalls for investigators; 10 small stalls for beginners in research; laboratory of physiology; stalls for physics and chemistry; dark-rooms for photography; sea water, fresh water, gas, and electric current everywhere; vacuum in the rooms for physiology, physics, and chemistry; aquarium room with 2 large basins and 47 stalls assigned to investigators; library, 2,000 volumes, 5,000 brochures and reprints, 70 periodicals, altogether about 10,000 volumes; lodging, 40 rooms in which 50 people can be accommodated. Boats: DuNDEE with a motor, 18 tons, 10.5 m long, power 30 c.v.; gasoline boat, 4 m; small boats. Automobile, 1 omnibus, 14 c.v., 17 seats and 1 conveyance, 16 c.v., 7 seats, with an effective range of 100 kil. around Roscoff; blacksmith shop, mechanical shop, locksmith shop, carpenter shop. Staff: Director, Charles Pérez, Professor of Zoology at the Faculty of Sciences of Paris, Member of the Academy of Sciences. Sub-director, Georges Teissier, Chief of Investigations at the Faculty of Sciences of Paris. Assistant, Marcel Hérubel. Assistant preparator, Pierre Manigault. Sub- ordinate personnel: 5 marines (seamen, fishermen) ; 1 porter. Provisions for visiting investigators: Tables may be rented by governments, academies, universities, or other official foreign organizations or institu- INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY tions. Requests should be addressed to the Director, M. Charles Pérez, 1, Rue Victor Cousin, Paris 5. Income: Sources: Budget from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Paris, rent for tables, special donations. Amount: About 250,000 franes per annum. Provision for publication of results: Travaux de la Station Biologique de Roscoff; Memoirs or mono- graphs published singly, since 1923. ‘‘Les Presses Universitaires de France,’”’ Paris. The investiga- tors are free to publish their results in periodicals of their own choosing. Station Biologique de Séte (’34) History or origin: Established in 1896. Founded by the University of Montpellier by means of state and regional contributions. Location: Séte, Hérault (the spelling “Séte” is the new official spelling for Cette). Organization to which attached: The Institute of Zoology and of General Biology of the University of Montpellier and Ecole pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris. Purposes: Biological investigations, as stated below. Scope of activities: The biological study of the fauna and flora of the shore, the sea, the salt lakes, the salt marshes, and the fresh waters of Bas-Langue- doc; experimental researches; the site of the Laboratory of the Biology of the Protista of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Paris. Equipment: 2 buildings. Of these the principal one contains research laboratories, 10 rooms, of which 8 are individual and 2 for groups; 1 room for practical instruction; 1 room for collections; a library; 2 rooms for a public aquarium; local quarters for investigators. The second building is an annex in which there are a workshop, experimental aquaria, machines, hangar, garage, special experimental equipment for the culture of microdrganisms and small metazoa. A landing for a power boat 8 meters long Fishing gear. Marine material is supplied by the important fishing fleet of Séte. Staff: Director, Professor EK. Chatton of the Univer- sity of Montpellier. Assistants: M"* B. Biecheler, Dr. Meyrueis, M"e Brachon. Technical and clerical: 1. Maintenance and operation: 2. Provisions for visiting investigators: Workers are lodged at the station, fed at their own expense by CATALOGUE OF INSTITUTIONS—FRANCE the ‘concierge,’ if desired. All the resources of the station, boat and fishermen, are at the dis- posal of workers. Income: Sources: University of Montpellier, the State, City of Séte, ete. Amount: About 35,000 frances annually. The personnel is paid separately. Provision for the publication of results: Travaux de la Station de Séte, of which 19 volumes have appeared since 1896; they are being continued. Station Biologique de Tamaris sur Mer (’37) History or origin: Established in 1901. Location: Tamaris sur Mer (Var.) near Toulon. Organization to which attached: University of Lyon at Ecole des Hautes Etudes. Purposes: Experimental researches on marine or- ganisms; studies of the Toulonnais littoral fauna and flora. Scope of activities: Special researches in biochemistry and the electro-physiology of invertebrates. Equipment: Laboratory of biochemistry, 1 room 6m. x 6m., 2 rooms 3 m. by 3 m.; electro-physiol- ogy, 1 room 6 m. x 6 m., 1 room 3 m. by 3m.; museum, the collections are devoted to the fauna and flora of the road-stead of Toulon. Gasoline boat, 6 m. long, for fishing and dredging on the bottom from 2 to 25 meters in depth and for collecting plankton; one boat 6 m. long, with a glass bottom for making biological observa- tions; and one canoe. 6 bed-chambers for workers. Staff: Director, Doctor H. Cardot, Professor of Physiology of the Faculty of Sciences of Lyon. Sub-director, Doctor A. Bonnet, in charge of the courses in zoology, of the Faculty of Sciences at Lyon. Assistant, Doctor A. Jullien. 1 fisher- man-caretaker. Provisions for visiting investigators: The station can admit about 10 investigators, nothing is demanded of them except reimbursement for room service and from those who take lodgings. Income: Sources: Regular grant from the Ministry of Public Instruction, 25,000 fr. Regular grant from l’Ecole pratique des Hautes Etudes, 5,000 fr. Various subventions from scientific funds, Ministry of Marine, Director of Hygiene, etc. Provisions for publication of results: None. The station sends each year a series of separates of the work published during the course of the year for purposes of exchange. 160 notes were published from 1927 to 1936 123 Station Zoologique de l’Université de Paris a Villefranche sur Mer (’37) History or origin: Established in 1886 by Professor A. Korstneff; functioned until 1914 as a private laboratory. In 1914 it was transferred to the Russian Government and was attached to the Russian Ministry of Public Instruction. Since 1931 the station has been attached to the Univer- sity of Paris. Location: Villefranche sur Mer, Alpes Maritimes, France. Organization to which attached: The University of Paris and functions as regards administration as an annex of the Laboratoire Arago 4 Banyuls sur Mer but with an autonomous budget. Purposes: Study of pelagic fauna, macro- and micro- plankton, which is particularly rich in the Bay of Villefranche sur Mer and its immediate vicinity. Researches by specialists on different problems of marine biology, zoology, botany, bacteriology. Practical and theoretical instruction in zoology is given for students of the universities and the upper schools. Scope of activities: Investigations on the plankton and its distribution (foraminifera, radiolaria); studies of vertical and horizontal submarine currents. Equipment: Room for practical work for 30 students; laboratories for 10 separate workers; 10 large aquaria, installations for 24 research aquaria; museum of local fauna; library of 12,000 volumes; motor boat of 4 tons for collecting pelagic or- ganisms and handling small dredges, boat with oars and sail; 8 bedrooms for 16 workers. Staff: Director in common with the station and laboratory at Arago 4& Banyuls sur Mer, O. Duboseq, Professor at the Sorbonne. Sub- director, G. Trégouboff, radiolaria and parasitic protista. Assistant, Mr. le Docteur Roger, Etude des Mollusques. 1 mechanic, | fisherman, 1 woman housekeeper, 1 concierge. Provisions for visiting investigators: The station can receive at one time, 30 workers of which 16 can be given lodgings. The workers of all countries are admitted on the payment of the subscription of 200 fr. per month. Workers registered in the French universities and the subjects of countries that rent work tables in the station (4000 fr. per year) are exempt from the payment of fees. Income: Annual grant from the Ministry of Public Instructions, 120,000 fr.; in addition to which 124 is the amount derived from the hire of work tables by visiting foreigners. Provision for publication of results: Travaux de la Station Zoologique de Villefranche sur Mer, in which are assembled the memoirs and the notes published in the different scientific publications based upon researches conducted by scientific investigators at the station. Station Zoologique de Wimereux (Pas de Calais) (’37) History or origin: Founded in 1874 by Alfred Giard. Location: On the sea-shore, 2 km. north of the village of Wimereux (station Bains de Mer), 7 km. north of Boulogne-sur Mer, 260 km. from Paris. Organization to which attached: Faculty of Science, University of Paris. Purposes: Research and instruction in zoology and botany. INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY Scope of activities: Study of marine and littoral flora and fauna; all questions of biological and related subjects. Equipment: 1 laboratory (12 places), annex for physiology; aquarium (sea water circulation); museum; library; 1 gasoline boat; 1 row boat; 11 sleeping rooms for workers. Staff: Director, Prof. M. Caullery; Assistant, L. Callien; 1 keeper; 1 mariner during the season. Provisions for visiting investigators: Lodging and table for workers. About 15 can be accommo- dated. Income: Regular resources, about 40,000 francs. Provision for publication of results: Travaux de la Station Zoologique de Wimereux, quarto, 11 volumes published, (the twelfth in course of publication). GERMANY TO MONACO, INCLUSIVE GERMANY Deutsche wissenschaftliche Komission fiir Meeresforschung (’37) History or origin: The Commission was established in 1901 under the name the Deutsche Komission fiir die Internationale Komission fiir Erforschung der Nordeuropiischen Meere. Location: Office of administrative head, Berlin W. 9, Potsdamerstrasse 10-11. Organization to which attached: Reichs-und Preus- sisches Ministerium fiir Ernéhrung und Land- wirtschaft, (at Berlin W. 8, Wilhelmstr. 72). Purposes: The principal purpose is the scientific investigation of fisheries problems and_ those physical, chemical, and biological aspects of the sea which influence fisheries. Scope of activities: 1. To understand so fully the interrelations of life processes in the sea that important questions of sea fisheries can be com- pletely answered at any time. The work of the D. W. K. deals with (a) concrete specific problems and (b) the fundamental biological problems of fishes. 2. To obtain knowledge of the general relations of the sea, its physical conditions, its chemical composition, and its currents, especially those which may transport fish eggs and larvae, the exchange of water between the different seas and between the different parts of the same sea. The work of the Komission therefore is based on results obtained through hydrographic and oceanographic investigations. 3. The more restricted investigations of fisher- ies-biology include (a) specific parts of the sea or specific fishes, (b) special important fundamental problems. To the latter class belong the in- vestigations of Brandt on the nitrogen relations in the sea and of von Buddenbrock on the action of different salt concentrations on life in the sea. In its international codperative work two prob- lems, the investigation of the races of fishes and the fluctuations in abundance, stand foremost. The work in fisheries-biology in its narrower sense is divided into that for the North Sea and that for the Baltic. 4. Another section of the work deals with fisheries statistics. 5. The D. W. K., from the beginning of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, till 1915, and then again since 1926, has been a member of this Council, its representatives on it being: Staatssekretir i. R. Dr. Heinrici and Professor Dr. Hagmeier. Equipment: The Deutsche wissenschaftliche Komis- sion utilizes in its researches other institutions which have extensive equipment. They are the Biological Station on Helgoland, the Zoological Institute at Hamburg, the Deutscher Seefischerei- Verein at Berlin, and the Deutsche Seewarte at Hamburg, and has relations with the Institut fiir Meereskunde in Berlin. The Deutsche wissen- CATALOGUE OF INSTITUTIONS—FRANCE, GERMANY schaftliche Komission has at its disposal the research vessel PosEIDON. Staff: Members of the Commission: Vorsitzender: Dr. jur. C. Heinrici, Staatssekretir re Jey Stellvertretender Vorsitzender: Hagmeier, Helgoland. Ehrenmitglieder: Geheimrat Professor Dr. Hen- king, Berlin, Professor Schott, Hamburg. Ordentliche Mitglieder: Professor v. Buddenbrock, Halle a/S; Doctor Erich Fischer, Berlin; Professor Hentschel, Hamburg; Professor Dr. B. Schulz, Hamburg; Studiendirektor Dr. Strodt- mann, Hamburg; Professor Dr. Schnakenbeck, Hamburg; Director R. Ahlf, Wesermiinde. Ausserordentliche Mitglieder: Doctor Hertling, Helgoland; Professor Dr. Witter, Berlin; Pro- fessor Dr. Wulff, Helgoland; Dr. Biickmann, Helgoland, also Secretary of the Commission. Provisions for visiting investigators: Income: For 1926, 100000 RM; for 1927-1930, each year 500000 RM; for 1931-1932 about 100 000 RM each year. These amounts do not include the expense of the operation of the vessel PosEIDON. Provision for publication of results: Berichte der Deutschen wissenschaftlichen Komission fiir Meeresforschung, Neue Folge. (Im Verlage der E. Schweizerbart’schen Verlagsbuchhandlung (Erwin Niagele) G.m.b.H., Stuttgart-W., Jo- hannesstr. 3 a). In addition to the series men- tioned, the Reichsministerium fiir Ernihrung und Landwirtschaft publishes yearly a report entitled “Jahresbericht tiber die Deutsche Fischerei.”’ Dr. Professor Fischerei-biologische Abtheilung im Deutschen Seefischerei-Verein (’37) History or origin: Established in the year 1885. Location: Berlin 8.W. 11, Hedemannstrasse. 33. Organization to which attached: Deutscher See- fischerei-Verein. Purposes: 1. Investigations in fishery biology as part of the work of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. 2. Special investigations for particular fisheries. Scope of activities: The North Sea, the Baltic, and the North Atlantic. Equipment: A research ship PosEron and chartered fishery boats. Staff: Dr. Erich Fischer; Dr. P. F. Meyer; Dr. Altnéder. Provisions for visiting investigators: 125 Income: Source: Reichsernahrungsministerium. Amount: 10,000-12,000 RM. Provision for the publication of results: Abhandlungen des Deutschen Seefischerei Vereins, Berichte der Deutschen wissenschaftlichen Komission — fiir Meeresforschung, Zeitschrift fiir Fischerei und deren Hilfswissenschaften und Die deutsche Fischwirtschaft. Institut und Museum fiir Meereskunde (’37) History or origin: Established in 1900 as the result of the efforts of Freiherr von Richthofen and others attached to the University of Berlin to establish an institute which would have for its scope the entire field of oceanography. Three published accounts of the history of the Institut are referred to in the footnote below.? Location: Berlin N. W. 7, Georgenstrasse 34-36. Organization to which attached: Friedrich Wilhelms Universitit. Purposes: Research and instruction. Scope of activities: (a) Oceanographic section, physi- eal, dynamical, and chemical oceanography, marine meteorology, continental hydrography limnology, biology, cartography. (b) Economic geography in its widest sense. general and theoretical economic geography and economic geography of particular parts of the land; world economics, navigation, and harbors. Equipment: (a) 2 buildings of three stories in Berlin. On the ground floor and the first story is a museum which contains a section for ship and machine building, navigation, features of coasts and harbors, life-saving, sea fisheries, biology, oceanography, collection of models and instru- ments, history of battleships. On the second story are the work rooms of the scientific officers, laboratory, library with 20,000 books and periodicals, 15,000 separates, collection of photographs with about 12,000 negatives, collection of 6,000 cards, and instrumentarium, 1 small and 1 large lecture hall. (b) A small one-story building on Sakrower Sea near Berlin with instruments for limnological work, 1 motor boat and 1 row boat. Staff: Director, Prof. Dr. Albert Defant, 0. Professor der Ozeanographie an der Universitit Berlin. 2 Denkschrift iiber die Begriindung und Ausgestaltung des Instituts und Museums fiir Meereskunde zu Berlin, Juli, 1901. Das Institut und Museum fiir Meereskunde an der kénigl. Friedrich Wilhelms-Universitit in Berlin. (Lenz, Ges- chichte der Universitit Berlin, Bd. III.) Das Institut und Museum fiir Meereskunde an der Friedrich Wilhelms-Universitit in Berlin, Mirz, 1929. 126 5 Section chiefs and custodians: Biology, Pro- fessor Dr. Thilo Krumbach. Professor of economic geography, Professor Doctor Carl Troll, o. Professor der Wirtschaftsgeographie an der Universitit Berlin. Oceanography, Professor Dr. Georg Wiist, a.o. Professor an der Universitit Berlin. Hydrography and limnology, Dr. Lotte Moller, a.o. Professor an der Universitaét Berlin. Navigation and Cartography, Dr. Th. Stock. 3 Assistants: Oceanography, Dr. Giinther Die- trich; Cartography, Cand. Phil. Bittelmeyer; Economic geography, Dr. R. Schottenloher. Draughtsmen and computers; building superin- tendent; 4 office assistants; a few museum guards. Provision for visiting investigators: Work places in the laboratory and in the library. Income: At present about 40,000 R.M. without the salaries of the officers. In normal times considerably more. Provision for publication of results: Wissenschaftliche Ver6ffentlichungen: Verdéffentlichungen des Ins- tituts fiir Meereskunde, Alte Folge 15 Hefte; Neue Folge: (A) Geographischnaturwissenschaft- liche Reihe, bisher 33 Hefte; (B) Historisch- Volkswirtschaftliche Reihe, bisher 11 Hefte. Volkstiimliche Reihen: (a) Meereskunde, Samml- ung volkstiimlicher Vortriige, 205 Hefte; (b) Das Meer in volkstiimlichen Darstellungen, 5 Bande. Mit dem Institut fiir Meereskunde verbunden: (a) Archiv und Geschaftsstelle der Deutschen At- lantischen Expedition (Mrrror-Expedition). (b) Herausgabe der Wissensschaftlichen Ergebnisse der Deutschen Atlantischen Expedition, bisher 14 Bande und 9 Lieferungen. Nautische Abteilung, Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine (Hydrographic Department of the Navy) (’37) Location: Tirpitzufer 72/76 Berlin, W. 35. Staff: Director, Kapitan zur See Kurze. Head of Ist Section (Books and Manuals of Maritime Sciences, Notices to Mariners, Wire- less Notices), Oberregierungsrat Schellong. Head of 2nd Section (Cartography and Surveys), Korvettenkapitin Hain. Head of 3rd Section (General Affairs connected with Navigation), Korvettenkapitin Fallier. Head of 4th Section (Physics and Nautical In- struments) Regierungsrat Dr. Gabler. INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY Head of 5th Section (Oceanography and Nautical Education), Konteradmiral a. D. Dr. Conrad. Equipment: DISPLACE- SURVEYING VESSELS MENT OFFICERS CREW METEOR.. Leisehacte 1,200 6 108 PMITBOOLR LIE yee ne 90 1 13 PEILBOOT! Veer eee 90 1 13 Deutsche Seewarte (’37) History or origin: The Deutsche Seewarte was established in the year 1868 as the Norddeutsche Seewarte, and in the year 1875 it was taken over by the German Government as the Deutsche Seewarte. Location: Hamburg 3, Alfred Wegener-Weg 1. Organization to which attached: Independent, imme- diately subordinate to the Reichs Ministry of Communication. Purposes: Investigations in the fields of navigation, instruments, oceanography and tides, meteorol- ogy, and astronomy for the promotion of maritime commerce and the economy of the sea. Scope of activities: The work of the Seewarte is divided into two sections, the Nautical-Hydro- graphic and the Meteorological. The work of the Nautical-Hydrographic section comprises as follows: The collection and evaluation of observations made on ships, the testing and further devel- opment of nautical instruments and methods; The magnetism of the earth and of ships, astronomy and time-service; This section has charge of the library and publishes the periodicals mentioned below. The Meteorological section has charge of a synoptical weather service for navigation and agriculture, as well as for aerial flights over the sea; maritime meteorology and the meteorology and climatology of foreign countries; the testing and development of meteorological instruments. Staff: President of the Deutsche Seewarte, Konter- admiral a. D. Dr. Spiess. Other members of the staff are as follows: Oberregierungsrat: Prof. Dr. Kleinschmidt (Ab- teilungsleiter Wetterdienst); Dr. von Schubert (Abteilungsleiter Nautik u. Hydrographie); Prof. Dr. Castens; R. Karbiner; Prof. Dr: E. Kuhlbrodt; Prof. Dr. B. Schulz; Dr. A. Repsold; Prof. Dr. H. Seilkopf. Regierungsrat: Dr. Burath; Dr. Georgi; Dr. Lohr; Dr. Markgraf; Dr. Pummerer; Dr. Schumacher; CATALOGUE OF INSTITUTIONS—GERMANY Dr. Semmelhack; Dr. Soltau; Ullrich; Lick; Oellrich; Lay. There are also a considerable number of scien- tific and nautical helpers, as well as the personnel for the administration. Provision for visiting investigators: For visitors engaged in scientific research a small number of work places can be provided. Provisions for publication of results: Periodicals published: 1. Annalen der Hydrographie und maritimen Meteorologie (1937 erscheint der 65 Band). 2. Aus dem Archiv der Deutschen Seewarte (1937 erscheint der 57 Band). 3. Der Seewart. In addition to the regularly appearing periodi- cals there are numerous other publications of which a list is given on the inside of the covers of the individual parts of the Ann. d. Hydr. and also in the Jahresbericht der Deutschen Seewarte. Biologische Anstalt auf Helgoland (’37) History or origin: Established in 1892. For its principal purposes: (1) Researches in pure marine biology by means of general biology, physical chemistry, (2) zoological and botanical investiga- tions in the North Sea, and (3) applied biology, through investigations in the service of fisheries. In the biology of fishes the following were the principal tasks: Investigation of the fishing grounds (the configuration of the bottom, the fauna, and the production of edible fish), experi- ments in fish culture, researches for the purpose of ascertaining the proper limits of closed seasons for edible fish, monographic descriptions of the most important commercial fishes, and the investiga- tion of the plankton as the basic source of food in the sea.’ * For the history of the Biological Station on Helgoland, see article by Prof. W. Mielck entitled ‘‘Die Biologische Anstalt auf Helgoland und die Seefischereiforschung”’: Cons. Internat. Expl. Mer, Rapports et Procés-Verbaux des Réunions, vol. 47, part 3, pp. 17 to 33, 1928. Other pertinent articles are as follows: Mielck, Wilhelm, Die Preussische Biologische Anstalt auf Helgoland: In Brauer, Ludolph (et al.), Forschungsins- titute, vol. 2, pp. 175-199, 6 plates, 2 figures each. 1930. Hagmeier, A., Aufgaben und Bedeutung der Preussischen Biologischen Anstalt auf Helgoland: Der Biologe, Heft 7, 3 Jahrgang, Juli, 1934, pp. 161-166, figs. 1-4. Hertling, H., Die Biologische Anstalt auf Helgoland als Meeresstation und Lehrinstitut: Ibid., pp. 167-173, figs. 5-10. Hagmeier, A., Okologische Untersuchungen der Biologi- schen Anstalt. (a) Bodenfauna: Ibid., pp. 173-174. Wulff, A., Okologische Untersuchungen der Biologischen Anstalt. (b) Plankton: Ibid., pp. 175-177. 127 Location: On the Island of Helgoland in the North Sea, 67 kilometers northwest from the coastal city of Cuxhaven. Organization to which attached: Independent, but immediately subordinate to the Ministerium fiir Wissenschaft, Erziehung, und Volksbildung. Purposes and scope of activities: I. In the field of marine biology and oceanography: 1. Scientific investigations especially in the North Sea and northern waters; 2. Scientific and practical work in applied oceanography (for the use of high-seas fisheries, coastal fisheries, and land reclamation) ; 3. Zoological and botanical marine station with work places and the supply of living and preserved material for research. II. In the field of ornithology: 4. Ornithological station (investigation of bird migration, bird banding, protection of nature). Ill. For the completion of the instruction in the universities and the advancement of teach- ing of natural sciences: 5. Provisions for instruction in marine biology and ornithology for students and teachers; 6. Supply of living and preserved material for instruction, and supply of North Sea animals, sea water, and algae for aquaria. Connected with the Biologische Anstalt there are on Helgoland: An exhibition aquarium, North Sea museum, seismological station, and a work place for the representative the Deutsche wissenschaftliche Komission fiir Meeresforschung. In Wesermiinde: Work places for the fisheries investigation of the Biological Institute in Helgoland and of the Institute of Sea Fisheries in Wesermiinde. Special subjects: Plankton, bacteriology, biology of useful fishes, oysters, lobsters, biology and physiology of other marine animals and algae, especially in their economic relations, marine fauna, fisheries biology, hydrography, marine bottom deposits, investigation of bird migra- Schreiber, E., Forschungen an Meeresalgen: Ibid., pp. 177-178. Biickmann, A., Die angewandte Meeresforschung an der Biolog. Anstalt. (a) Fischereiforschung: Ibid., pp. 178-180. Erdmann, W., Die Angewandte Meeresforschung an der Biolog. Anstalt. (b) Ziichtung von Meerestieren: Ibid., pp. 180-182, fig. 11. Wohlenberg, E., Die Angewandte Meeresforschung an der Biolog. Anstalt. (c) Biologische Landgewinnungs- arbeiten im Wattenmeer: Ibid., pp. 182-183, figs. 12-13. Drost, R., Die Vogelwarte Helgoland: Ibid., pp. 184-186, figs. 14-15. 128 tion and related problems, meteorology, regis- tration of seismic activities. Equipment: A principal building on the open sea with laboratories, collecting rooms, sorting rooms, administrative rooms, and public aquarium (seven large and fifty small tanks), 6 stories, 960 sq.m. Laboratory on the harbor 3 stories, 382 sq.m. Ornithological station 3 stories, 336 sq.m. Trap- ping grounds of the ornithological station 2600 sq.m. The Museum, the North Sea Museum, and Bird Migration Museum, 2 stories, 180 sq.m. Library, more than 13,000 bound volumes and more than 13,000 unbound volumes. Research ship MakrELE, 34 m. long, 420 p.s. Diesel motor, speed 10 knots per hour (for longer voyages, the institution has at its service the Governmental research ship Posrtpon, 46 m. long). 2 motor boats. Several small row and sail boats. Several houses. Shed for fishing gear, boats, gasoline storage, ete. Seismological room, Ist order, 142 sq.m. 5 servants houses. Studentenheim “Wilh. Mieleck Haus,’’ 27 beds. Work place for the Deutsche Wiss. Komm. fiir Meeresforsch- ung. Branch Laboratory in List, on the Island of Sylt, in the service of the Institute’s investiga- tion of tide lands and oysters. Im Wesermiinde: work place Fischereiforschung. The Biological Institute on Helgoland also codperates with the Hansische Universitat Ham- burg (Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fak- ultit), Institut fiir Seefischerei in Wesermiinde, Forschungsstellen Westkiiste in Bitsum and Husum, Geologische Forschungsanstalt Sencken- berg, Wilhelmshaven. Staff: Director: Professor Dr. A. Hagmeier. The Director is the head of the administration (Kassa and Biiro, 1 inspector, 1 secretary, and three assistants), the research work, the conduct of the station, the branch laboratory at List, and the publie arrangements of the aquarium and mu- seum. He was also the editor of the Wissen- schaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen, Abteilung Hel- goland (now discontinued). The heads of the sections in the Institute, and their assistants are as follows: Ecology: Director Prof. A. Hagmeier. Scien- tific assistants: Dr. H. Schack, Dr. B. Werner, Dr. Ahinke (Wilhelmshaven). Plankton: Kustos Prof. A. Wulff. Scient. Assistant: Dr. C. Kiinne, D.W.K. Zoology: Kustos Dr. H. Hertling. Oberassistent INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY Dr. Meunier. Research Assistant: Dr. L. Jacobi. Botany: (Kustos Prof. E. Schreiber, on leave), Substitute: Dr. P. Kornmann. Applied Marine Research: Sekretér der D.W.K. Dr. A. Biickmann. Scientific Assistants: D.W.Kk. Dr. Lundbeck (Wesermiinde). Dr. Schmidt, Dr. Risch (Wesermiinde). Ornithological Station: Kustos Prof. R. Drost. Scientific Assistant, Dr. Schildmacher. Technical staff: 16 assistants for scientific work and aquarium. 9 technical staff and ap- pointees for scientific fishery experiments; 10 officers and assistants for the office and library; 2 machinists; 6 members of the house personnel. Provisions for visiting investigators: For foreign investigators there are 50 work places besides 30 places available for those who are taking courses. Provision for publication of results: (a) Wissenschaft- liche Meeresuntersuchungen, N.F., Abteilung Helgoland. Gr. 4°. (zitiert: Wiss. Meeresunters. Abt. Helgoland, BD. XIX, Nr. 1.) Discontinued. Fortsetzung: Helgolinder Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen. (b) Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Vogel- zugsforschung, Gr. 4°. (c) Der Vogelzug. (In Gemeinschaft mit der Vogelwarte Rossitten der Kaiser- Wilhelm-Gesellschaft und der Deutschen Ornithologischen Gesellschaft herausge- gebene Zeitschrift.) (d) Many scientific contributions of the Insti- tute appear in other Zeitschriften espe- cially in the Berichte der Deutschen wissenschaftlichen Komission fiir Meeres- forschung (Ber. d. D.W.K.) and in the publications of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Meereschemisches Laboratorium der Universitat Kiel (’37) Location: University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany. Organization to which attached: University of Kiel. Purposes and scope of activities: Study of the chem- istry of sea water. Equipment: One physical and one chemical labora- tory. Staff: Chief, Dr. H. Wattenberg; Assistant, Fraulein Dr. H. Meyer. CATALOGUE OF INSTITUTIONS—GERMANY, GREECE, HUNGARY Meeresgeologische Forschungsstelle der Universitat Kiel (’37) History or origin: Founded January 4, 1936. Location: Eastern shore of Kieler Forde, Baltic Sea. Organization to which attached: University of Kiel. Purposes: The investigation of coasts and of the sediments of the North and Baltic Seas, and other seas. Scope of activities: When called for, work is done for state institutions, otherwise investigation is not restricted. Equipment: Two small vessels, larger are planned; marinegeological-bottom mechanical laboratory; optical apparatus; under water photographic outfit; under water boring apparatus; collection of marine bottom samples from all seas. Staff: Chief, Prof. Dr. Erich Wasmund; Assistant for geology and geotechnies, Dr. P. Groschopf; Assistant for mineralogy, Dr. K. Lamcke; Help- ers, a diener, laboratory assistants, shared with the laboratory for sea-water chemistry. Provisions for visiting investigators: Sufficient work rooms for visitors. Income: From the State, partly private donations. Provision for publication of results: Two new periodi- cals: 1. Kieler Meeresforschungen, Bd. 1, Kiel 1936. 2. Geologie der Meere und Binnengewisser, Bd. 1, Berlin 1937. GREECE Hydrographic Office of the Navy, Navy Department (’37) Location: Athens. Staff: Director, Capitaine de Vaisseau Hydrographe Alexandre Cryssanthis. Assistant-Director, Capitaine de Vaisseau Hy- drographe Denis Rasikotsicas. Head of Section of Navigation, Lieutenant Spyros Maratos. Head of Surveys and Research, Lieutenant Hy- drographe D. Valtinos. Head of Technical Section, Capitaine de Corvette, Francois Paxinos. Equipment: SURVEYING VESSEL INFAUMILUSS sp: so10 soc sere oats atereie DISPLACEMENT OFFICERS CREW 404 3 38 Marine Biological Station of Phaleron (’37) History or origin: Founded in 1914 by the Hellenic Ministry of National Economy, Athens. 129 Location: 2 Apollonos Street, Old Phaleron, Greece. Organization to which attached: A state institution under the Hellenic Ministry of National Economy, Athens. Purposes and scope: Investigation of the animals and plants, the study of currents, tides and temperatures, and the analysis of sea-water. Equipment: Laboratory, library, and small museum. Staff: The station is actively conducted by Mr. Nicholas Sperantsas. The members of the station are the following: President: The Minister of National Economy. 12 others: 1. The Director of the Hydrographic Service of the Navy. 2. Another officer of the Royal Navy, ap- pointed by the Minister of Marine. 3. The Director of Fisheries, Mr. D. Bitzanis. 4. The Inspector of Fisheries, Mr. G. An- thanassopoulos. 5. The Director of the Marine Biological Station, Mr. Nicholas Sperantsas. 6. The Superintendent of the Geological Service. 7. The Director of the Athens Observatory. 8. The Professor of Zoology of the University of Athens. 9. The Professor of Botany of the University of Athens. 10. The Professor of Inorganic Chemistry of the University of Athens. 11. The Professor of Organic Chemistry of the University of Athens. 12. The Professor of Physics of the University of Athens. 2 elected members. Provisions for visiting investigators: Visiting in- vestigators are permitted to make use of all the facilities offered by the station, including the laboratory, the library, and the museum. Income: The station is dependent financially on the Ministry of National Economy. Provisions for publication of results: Bulletin de la Commission Thalassographique Hellenique. This Bulletin is not published regularly, but only as occasion demands and funds permit. HUNGARY The Hungarian Oceanographic Institution (Magyar Tengerkutato Intezet) (’37) This institution is not functioning at present for the reason that the country has lost its only 130 seaport through the Treaty of Trianon, taking with it the “SMS Nagsapn,”’ which was given to Yugoslavia. The instruments used in explora- tions were in the Austro-Hungarian Naval Academy in Fiume, but these were lost during the fight for the port of Fiume. There is at present a Committee working within the Magyar Adria Egyesulet (Hungarian Adriatic Association). Dr. Geza Entz is president and Dr. Julius Leidenfrost acting vice president. The latter is also the Director of the Committee. The Committee is located at Budapest, VIII, Baross utca 13. It has a library of 5,000 volumes and has a small collection of Dalmatian fishing products and sea animals. The Committee is now working up the objects collected during the course of the 1913 and 1914 expeditions. In this work Krunoslav Babic of Zagreb and Ferdinand Pax of Breslau also take part. IcELAND Vitamdlastjo6rn (Lighthouse Administration) (’37) Location: Reykjavik. Staff; Head of Lighthouse Office, Th. Krabbe; Assistant Lighthouse Engineer, B. Jonasson; Hydrographer, Skipherra F’. V. Olafsson. Equipment: BURVEYING VESSEL HERMODUR.......... DISPLACEMENT OFFICERS CREW Petes 113 3 6 IRELAND Department of Agriculture, Fisheries Branch (’37) History or origin: Scientific investigations by the Department dealing with fisheries have been carried on uninterruptedly since the Marine Laboratory of the Royal Dublin Society was taken over by the newly formed Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction, Fisheries Branch, in 1901. Location: Dublin. Organization to which attached: Oceanographic re- search in relation to fisheries is not carried on by a separate organization but is part of the duties allotted to the Inspectors of Fisheries. Purposes: To elucidate technical and _ scientific questions which arise in the course of the ad- ministrative work of the Department, and to carry out original investigations on matters affecting Irish Free State fisheries. INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY Scope of activities: (a) Hydrography of the waters around Ireland; biology of sea fishes; zooplankton; biological investigation of fishing ground. (b) Freshwater investigations on similar lines. Equipment: Limited laboratory accommodation in the offices of the Department in Dublin. The use of the Department’s Fishery Protection Cruiser, which is equipped for scientific research, is available from time to time. A fisheries library, including fishery biology, is maintained by the Department. Staff: Biologists, Mr. G. P. Farran, chief; Mr. A. E. J. Went; Miss W. E. Frost. 1 laboratory assistant. Assistance is periodically received from the officer of the Fishery Cruiser. Provisions for visiting investigators: No permanent provision. Income: Included in the annual vote for the Depart- ment. Provision for publication of results: The members of the staff publish papers in various scientific periodicals. ITaLy Istituto di Zoologia della R. Universita di Catania (’37) History or origin: Established in 1870. Location: Catania. Organization to which attached: The State, local authorities in charge. Purposes: Fish in the Gulf of Catania; researches on Protozoa, Copepods, Isopods, Cirripeds, Echi- nodermata, ete. Scope of activities: One of the two university cus- todians is assigned to the collection of marine animals. There are also local fishermen who are paid according to the work done. Equipment: Technical library. Staff: Director, Prof. Russo Achille; Aid, Prof. Filippo Dulzetto; Assistant, Dott. Luigi Patané. Provisions for visiting investigators: Income: Sources, R. University. Amount 8,000 lire. Provision for publication of results: On subjects mentioned under purposes. R. Osservatorio di Pesca marittima di Ganzirri (’37) History or origin: Founded in 1928. Location: Ganzirri (Messina). Organization to, which attached: Istituto di Zoologia della R. U. Messina. CATALOGUE OF INSTITUTIONS—HUNGARY, ICELAND, IRELAND, ITALY Purposes: Studies on biology applied to Fisheries. Scope of activities: Experimental researches. Staff: Director, Prof. Giuseppe Mazzarelli; Assist- ant, C. Scordia. Income: Sources: Ministero Agricoltura e Foreste. Istituto Idrografico della R. Marina (’37) History or origin: Established in 1872. Location: Genova, Passo all’Osservatorio 4. Organization to which attached: State institution, Royal Italian Navy. Purposes: Physical oceanography with respect to its practical applications to navigation. Scope of activities: Marine cartography and hydro- graphic information; terrestrial magnetism; re- searches in dynamical oceanography. Equipment: SURVEYING VESSELS DISPLACEMENT OFFICERS CREW AMMIRAGLIO MAGNAGHI.... 2,400 16 163 OSTREAM CAs: moter ee elec 708 6 94 (C@ARIDDI eas ace Seach eh 335 2 41 A magnetic observatory in a separate building. Staff: Director, De Pisa, Capitano di Fregata. Asst. Director, M. Grassi, Capitano di Corvetta. Technical Secretary, G. Ghiglieri, Tenente di Vascello. Head of Division of Chart Construction and Cor- rection, L. Montella, Capitano di Vascello. Head of Division of Instruments and in charge of Instrument Workshop, G. Perdomini, Capitano R.T.M. Head of Division of Hydrography and Nautical Documents, A. Lazzarini, Capitano di Corvetta. Head of Division of Compasses and of Magnetic Laboratory, A. Lazzarini, Capitano di Corvetta. Head of Division of Geophysics, Professore M. Tenani. Head of Division of Geodesy, Professore G. Forni. Head of Division of Photo-Engraving, G. Ghigli- eri, Tenente di Vascello. 30 technical and clerical assistants. Provision for publication of results: Hydrographic charts, nautical instructions for Italy and de- pendencies; Annali Idrografici, Bollettino Idro- grafico, Ephemerides, Nautical Tables, Tide Tables, Publ. de Circonstance. Marine Laboratory of the Istituto di Zoologia della R. Universita di Genova (’37) History or origin: Established 1772 (museum), 1910 (laboratory), renovated 1932-1933. 131 Location: Via Lungomare Lombardo 18, Genova. Organization to which attached: State Institution, University of Genoa. Purposes: Zoology, especially marine zoology. Scope of activities: Research on Mediterranean plankton and abyssal fauna, etc. Equipment: 3,000 volumes; small motor boat, private. Staff: Director, Professor Ettore Remotti; Aid, Doctor Alessandro Brian, private docent; Volun- teer assistant, Dr. Elisa Fischetti; Technical, 1; Servant, 1. Provisions for visiting investigators: Income: Source: Public and private income. Amount: About 7,000 lire. Provision for publication of results: Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia e di Anatomia Comparata della R. Universita di Genova (in collaboration with the Institute of Comparative Anatomy). 2 series, June, 1926. Istituto Centrale di Biologia Marina in Messina‘ (’37) History or origin: Established in 1916. Location: Messina. Organization to which attached: R. Comitato Talasso- grafico Italiano. Purposes: Researches in marine biology, with em- phasis on biochemical, biophysical, and physiologi- cal problems, and the experimental investigation of the life histories of local organisms. Equipment: Fishing boats and a motor boat, labora- tories for microscopic, chemical, chemico-physical, and physiological researches. Favorable location for material for laboratory cultures. Important library. Staff: Director, L. Sanzo, Professor, Anatomy, Physiology. Assistants: Dr. A. Sparta; Dr. D. De Gaetani. Conservator, Dr. G. Cipria. Draughtsman and photographer, Mazza Filiberto. Preparator, Arena Giuseppe. Mechanic, and others for personal service. Provisions for visiting investigators: The R. Comitato Talassografico Italiano offers to Italian and foreign Governments and Institutions, ten study places in the Istituto Centrale di Biologia Marina di Messina, each of them for a period of not less than one year on the payment annually of 1500 lire in gold for foreigners and 3000 lire paper for Italians. Study places may also be granted to ‘Istituto Centrale di Biologia Marina in Messina, Ex- planatory Notice, Officine Grafiche Carlo Ferrari, 1932. 132 private persons for their own use and upon simple request, for periods not less than six months. The amount to be paid in advance is 800 lire gold for foreigners and 1600 lire paper for Italians. For each month in addition to six months, the monthly rate is respectively 130 lire gold and 260 lire paper.® Income: R. Comitato Talassografico Italiano. Provision for publications of results: Memorie; Bollet- tino; Monografie del R. Comitato Talassografico Italiano. Gabinetto di Oceanografia e Meteorologia (Napoli) (’37) History or origin: Founded in compliance with a Royal Decree dated May 1920, n. 1157. Location: R. Istituto Superiore Navale, Napoli. Organization to which attached: R. Istituto Superiore Navale, Napoli. Purposes: Teaching oceanography and _ nautical meteorology to prospective officers in the Mer- chant Marine, and to future teachers in the nautical schools. Scope of activities: researches. Equipment: The usual apparatus for oceanographic work, such as that for chlorine titration, reversing thermometers, etc. Staff: Professor Eredia, Professor of Oceanography. Scientific: Assistant N.N. Technical: 1. Main- tenance and operation: 2. Provisions for visiting investigators: Rooms attached to the laboratory will be available. Income: Sources, R. Istituto Superiore Navale, Napoli. Amount, variable every year. Provision for publication of results: The Istituto publishes Annuario del R. Istituto Superiore Navale, and the Annali del R. Istituto Superiore Navale, of which volumes 1 and 2 have been published. Scientific and experimental Stazione Zoologica di Napoli® (’37) History or origin: The Stazione Zoologica di Napoli was founded in 1872 by Anton Dohrn, a pupil 5 To be purchased: Interesting faunistic materials from the Strait of Messina for scientific research work of mu- seums. ® Kofoid, C. A. The Biological Stations of Europe, U.S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, whole number 440, pp. 9-32, 1910, gives a full account of the establishment of this station and a description of the buildings and their equipment up to 1909. Most of what is said in this publication is still valid and it has been utilized in preparing the statement here given, which has been checked by Prof. Reinhard ohrn. INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY and colleague of Ernst Haeckel and docent at the University of Jena. In 1868 Dohrn made a journey to Sicily and established at Messina a small temporary laboratory for his own researches. He contemplated founding a laboratory and aquarium at that place but changed his intentions and decided to utilize Naples as the site of the station. In 1870 he procured from the City of Naples a site in the Villa Nazionale on the water front of the Bay of Naples, on the condition that he would erect a station which would remain the private property of himself and his immediate heirs for ninety years and then revert to the municipality, but which would still be used for its original purpose. The first building was begun in 1872 and completed in 1874. Toward the erection of the first building Dohrn con- tributed out of his private fortune 300,000 francs, the balance of the total cost of 400,000 franes was met by outside contributions. The German Ministry of Foreign Affairs first granted an annual subvention of 30,000 M., which was increased in 1888 to 40,000 M., and later at Dohrn’s request reduced to 20,000 M. Because of the increased demands upon the station in 1886 its facilities were enlarged by the construction of the western block of the building, toward the cost of which the Italian and Provincial Govern- ments contributed about 100,000 lire. In 1903 in order to meet the needs for additional facilities for researches in comparative physiology and physiological chemistry, a new section of the building devoted in large part to those purposes was erected. The German Emperor encouraged the subscription to a fund of 300,000 M. for this purpose. An account of the history of the Stazione imme- diately after the World War is given by Miss Margaret Boveri in an article entitled “Die Zoologische Station zu Neapel.’”? The third section of the article “Gegenwart und Zukunft,” gives the essence of the struggle of Doctor Rein- hard Dohrn, son and successor of Doctor Anton Dhorn, to regain the directorship of the station after the war and to get it into operation. The present arrangement for the operation of the station is indicated in this statement, under the caption, “Organization to which attached.” Location: In the Villa Nazionale of Naples. 7In L. Brauer, A. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, and A. Meyer: Forschungsinstitute, ihre Geschichte, Organisation und Ziele, Vol. 2, pp. 578-598, 1930. CATALOGUE OF INSTITUTIONS—ITALY 133 Organization to which attached: Ente Morale, Board consisting of seven members: President, the Mayor of Naples. One member designated by the Naples Munici- pality. One member designated by the Comitato Talas- sografico Italiano. Three members designated by the Minister of National Education. (Three of these mem- bers are University Professors.) Permanent member and director, Professor Reinhard Dohrn. Purposes: Purely research, except that the Stazione maintains a supply department from which uni- versities and investigators may get material for both instruction and research. Scope of activities: Any kind of biological work for which material, both zoological and botanical, can be procured in the vicinity of Naples. This includes systematic biology, morphology, em- bryology, ecology, physiology, and physiological chemistry. In addition to the biological re- searches the station has also served as a base from which important investigations on marine bottom deposits and other subjects of geological significance have been prosecuted. Equipment: The laboratory building is situated near the center of the Villa Nazionale. It stands 75 meters north of the sea wall and the first floor is about four meters above mean tide level. The material of which it is constructed is tufa masonry with stucco trimmings and the style is modern Italian Renaissance. There is a basement which is about one meter above sea level, and above it rise four stories. The total dimensions of the entire building are 25 by 100 meters, and it reaches a height above ground of 16 meters. Its longer axis is along an east-west line, parallel to the shoreline. The building is composed of five sections, three of which are for laboratory purposes and two are intermediate connecting structures, but with some laboratory rooms in the eastern connecting structure. Chronologically the structure first erected is the middle one which is 25 meters wide by 33.5 meters long. It was completed in 1874. The next structure to be erected is at the west end. It was erected in 1886, and occupied an area 25 by 18 meters in dimensions. Between the middle section and this second section there is an open court; the area of which is 25 by 18 meters. It is enclosed on the ground level by railings and on the level of the second floor it is spanned by a bridge, and is bordered on three sides and a part of the fourth by promenades. The easternmost section, the one for comparative physiology and physiological chemistry, was erected in 1903. The area of the base of this building is 25 by 33.5 meters. Between the structure erected in 1874 and the one erected in 1903 is a central court 25 by 17 meters in area, opening to the sky and reached on both sides at ground level by open archways. Above the arcades formed by these arches there are struc- tures which are continuous on each side with the rest of the building, and there are two stories of laboratory rooms. The total area of the floor space on the five floors is 12,725 square meters, and the total number of rooms, including passages, stairs, and attic compartments, is 259. The aquarium on the first floor of the building was completed in 1874. Kofoid, in his description of the Stazione Zoologica, has given much detail about the arrangement of the rooms, the salt water supply, and other features. It is suggested that his account of the station be consulted. Visiting investigators are supplied with much equipment and many articles that must be pur- chased are furnished at cost. Living biological material is promptly provided, weather and season permitting. In general investigators are sup- posed to provide their own microscopes and certain other apparatus. Doctor Reinhard Dohrn has been able to make with the customs authorities at Naples an arrangement to import free of duty apparatus to be used at the station, but which will be exported within a year. Permits are issued for three months and they may not aggre- gate more than twelve months. A large and very valuable library. There are over 25,000 bound volumes and about 40,000 reprints, numbers of which have been bound in volumes of related subjects. Staff: Scientific: Prof. Reinhard Dohrn, Director; Prof. Silvio Ranzi, Head of the Zoological De- partment; Prof. E. Caroli, Zoological Assistant and Librarian; Prof. F. P. Massa, Department of Chemistry; Dr. G. Kramer, Department of Physiology. Technical and Clerical: Secretary; Cashier; Ac- countant; Commercial agent. Maintenance and Operation: 22 servants, fisher- men, mechanicians, workmen, etc. 134 Provisions for visiting investigators: The research tables at the Stazione Zoologica are leased at a cost of $500.00 for a full year or the privilege of the use of a table may be obtained by appoint- ment to some table under the control of a lessee. Numbers of the tables are at the disposal of various institutions that contribute to the support of the Stazione. Up to seventy people, including the staff, may be accommodated. Anyone desir- ing the privilege of working at the Stazione should correspond with its Director, Doctor Reinhard Dohrn, who will supply information not only on the facilities available for work at the Institu- tion but also on living conditions in the city of Naples. Income: About 800,000 Lire to 1,000,000 Lire a year, depending on the general economic situation, especially on account of the fluctuations of the tourist traffic (Aquarium) and the exchange rates. Source: Aquarium; sale of preserved material; sale of publications; table rents; contribu- tions. Provision for the publication of results: (a) ‘“Pubbli- cazioni della Stazione Zoologica.”’ Contents: Papers on research work done in the Zoological Station. Number of volumes published, 12. Continuation of the Mitheilungen aus der Zoologischen Station zu Neapel, volumes 22. (b) “Fauna e Flora del Golfo di Napoli.” Monographs of animals and plants in the Gulf of Naples. Number of volumes published, 39. Istituto di Ricerche Biologiche in Rodi (’37) History or origin: Established by a Convention of 1935. Location: Rodi (Egeo). Purposes: Offers possibility of undertaking field researches in oceanographical, biological, and chemical sciences, as well as agricultural studies with special regard to marine biology in relation to fisheries. Equipment: Laboratory equipped for biological, chemical, and physical researches. An aquarium comprising the local fauna. A library in for- mation. Staff: Dott. C. Maldura. Provisions for visiting investigators: Three rooms attached to the Laboratory. Income: Sources: Ministero Agricoltura e Foreste, il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, il R. Comitato Talassografico Italiano, il Governo delle Isole Italiane dell’Egeo. INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY R. Comitato Talassografico Italiano (’37) History or origin: Established by a special law in 1910. Location: Rome. Organization to which attached: National Research Council. (Viale delle Scienze Roma.) Purposes and scope of activities: To this organization is entrusted the physical and chemical studies of Italian seas. It has pursued many oceanographic expeditions, among them, Exploration of the Sea of Levant, (with Austria) the Adriatic (14 cruises), Strait of Messina, Red Sea. It has created an oceanographic commission. The fol- lowing institutions are subordinate to the R. Comitato Talassografico: Istituto Centrale di Biologia Marina in Messina. Istituto Geofisico di Trieste. Istituto Italo-Germanico di Biologia Marina di Rovigno d’Istria, together with Kaiser Wil- helm Gesellschaft of Berlin. Equipment: Each Institute has its own library. Staff: Chairman: Chairman: Prof. Gustavo Brunelli. Other officers are listed separately under the individual institutes which make up the R. Comitato Talassografico Italiano. Income: Ministero dell’Educazione Nazionale and Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Provision for publication of results: Bollettino bimes- trale; Memoirs (214 published); Monographs, Results of the cruises, periodically. Vice Ispettorato Generale della Pesca e Divisione Amministrativa per la Pesca (’37) History or origin: Institute founded by the Law of Fishing of March 24, 1921. Location: Roma. Organization to which attached: Ministry of Agricul- ture and Forests. Purposes: The regulation of the fisheries, the execution of the laws relating to fisheries, and the prosecution of scientific research for the improve- ment of the fisheries. Staff: Ispettorato Generale della Pesca: General Inspector, Prof. Gustavo Brunelli. 1 clerk. Divisione amministrativa per la Pesca: Chef of Bureau, Comm. Dott. Emilio Ciuffa. 4 secre- taries; 3 clerks. Provincial organizations in dependence (Labora- torio Centrale e R. Stabilimenti ittiogenici). CATALOGUE OF INSTITUTIONS—ITALY R. Laboratorio Centrale di Idrobiologia (’37) History or origin: Established 1924. Location: Roma, Piazza Borghese 91. Organization to which attached: Fisheries Office of Ministry of Agriculture and Forests. Purposes: Sections of chemistry, systematics, morphology, physiology of salt- and fresh-water organisms. Is in codperation with observers, limnological and marine, and with the Experi- mental Squadron of Fisheries. Scope of activities: Study of fresh- and salt-waters. Equipment: Library continually growing, and ap- paratus for chemistry, physics, and biology. Staff: Director, Professor Gustavo Brunelli; Assist- ant, Doctor Carlo Maldura; Assistant, Dr. Lina Rizzo; Assistant, Dr. Gabriella Cannicci. Provisions for visiting investigators: One place for research. Income: Source, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests. Provision for publication of results: Bollettino di Pesca, di Piscicoltura, e di Idrobiologia. Istituto Italo-Germanico di Biologia Marina di Rovigno d’Istria (’37) History or origin: Founded by Dr. O. Hermes in 1891. Under the Kaiser Wilhelm Gesellschaft z. Forderung d. Wissenschaften (Berlin) from 1910 to 1918. Under the R. Comitato Talassografico It. from 1918 to 1931. Since 1931 transformed into Istituto Italo-Germanico di Biologia marina. Location: Rovigno d’Istria (Italy). Organization to which attached: R. Comitato Talasso- grafico (Italy) and K. W. Gesellschaft zur Foérder- ung dér Wissenschaften (Germany). Purposes: Scientific, furnisher of material. Scope of activities: Marine biology (morphology, ecology, physiology), fauna and flora. Equipment: Laboratories, aquarium, library 12,000 volumes; two motor boats. Staff: Directors: Prof. M. Sella, Prof. A. Steuer. Assistants: Doctor A. Vatova, Doctor G. Kramer. Technical and clerical: 5. Maintenance and oper- ation: 4. Provisions for visiting granted gratuitously. Income: Sources, Italian and German Governments; Amount, 300,000 lire yearly. Provisions for publication of results: Two series of publications, Thalassia, and Note dell ‘Istituto Italo-germanico di Rovigno. investigators: 18 places, 135 Istituto Demaniale di Biologia Marina di Taranto? (’37) History or origin: Formerly Laboratorio di Biologia Marina del R. Ispettorato Tecnico del Mar Piccolo, established in 1915 at Taranto. The name was changed as indicated above in May, 1930. The construction of the new building was completed on February 10, 1931. Location: Taranto, via Roma 3. Organization to which attached: Under the State Ministry of Finance. Purposes: Control of culture of oysters and Mytilus on lands belonging to the State in Mar Piccolo di Taranto. Scope of activities: Biology of oysters and Mytilus, general marine biology, including bacteriology and parasitology; oceanography, including physics and chemistry of sea water. Equipment: A large building with a basement, ground floor, and two higher floors. Complete laboratory equipment for the kinds of researches listed under scope of activities. 2 motor boats: Enrico Greniour, 7 m. long, 1.9 m. wide, 8 hp., speed 5 knots per hour; and Gaeso, 10 m. long, 2.5 m. wide, 30 hp., speed 10 knots per hour. Also 2 sail-boats. Aquarium and 5 large tanks. The Institute possesses for the culture of molluscs an experimental tract of 52,000 sq. meters in area in the first Seno del Mar Piccolo. A growing library. Staff: Director, Prof. Attilio Cerruti; Assistant, Dr. Emilio Vardaro; Custodian, attendant mari- ner, chauffeur-mechanic, and 10-12 workers on the experimental grounds for culture of molluses in Mar Piccolo. Provisions for visiting investigators: Besides various other rooms, there are 4 large rooms specially set aside for students and guests. It is intended that any special research will be conducted in the laboratory designed for that particular kind of investigation. Income: Funds from the Ministry of Finances for the maintenances of boats, for the supply of water, gas, electricity, ete., and, moreover, 18,000 L per year. 8.For the history of the Istituto see, Cerruti, A., L’Isti- tuto Demaniale di Biologia marina di Taranto, Ministero delle Finanze Direzione Generale del Demanio Pubblico e delle Aziende Patrimoniali, Taranto, 1932; L’Istituto Demaniale di Biologia marina di Taranto, Riv. Biol. vol. 15, fase. 3-4, Nov., 1933; and, L’ Istituto di Biologia marina di Taranto, Intern. Revue Hydrobiol. Hydrograph., Bd. 29, Heft 3/4, 1933. 136 Provision for publication of results: Results of workers appear in Reviews, frequently under the name, “Contributions of R. Laboratorio di Biologia marina di Taranto.” Istituto Geofisico di Trieste (’37) History or origin: Founded in 1920, taking the place of the “Sezione Geofisica’”’ dell’ex-Osserva- torio Marittimo. Location: Trieste, Viale R. Gessi 2 (150 meters from the sea). Organization to which attached: R. Comitato Talasso- grafico Italiano (Roma) c/o il Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche. Viale delle Scienze, of which the Istituto is the active laboratory for physical and chemical researches. Purposes: Research, cruises. Additional duties: meteorological and seismological observations. Scope of activities: Dynamical and _ physical oceanography, chemistry of sea water. Equipment: Chemical laboratory, physical labora- tory, seismologie station, meteorologic observa- tory, library. Research boats are occasionally furnished by the Royal Navy. Staff: Director, Prof. F. Vercelli, physics; Prof. M. Picotti, Chemist, chemistry; Dr. P. Caloi, Geo- physics, seismology; Dr. 8. Polli, assistant, physics; 2 technical and clerical; 2 maintenance and operation. Provision for visiting investigators: Only occasionally (1 to 2). Income: Grants from the R. Comitato Talassografico. The staff is directly paid from the same institution. In addition contributions from the National Research Council for instrumental equipment. Provision for publication of results: The members of the staff publish papers in various scientific periodicals: Memorie del R. Comitato Talasso- grafico; etc. The results of the cruises are published in Annali Idrografici, Genova; Mono- grafia della Commissione Int. del Mediterraneo (two volumes). Ufficio Idrografico del Magistrato alle Acque a Venezia (’37) History or origin: Established 1908. Location: Venezia. Organization to which attached: Independent state institution. Purposes: Research, mareographic and lagoonal, is provided in: Chemico-physical laboratory, Maritime Section, at S. Nicold di Lido (Venezia). INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY The Office actually collects and elaborates the mareographs installed in the lagoons and along the Venetian shore; it also takes note of the rise and fall of water in the lagoons. Scope of activities: Hydrography, assistance in public works. Equipment: Important library. Staff: A director, Chairman Luigi Miliani, several civil engineers, a chemist. Provisions for visiting investigators: Only occasionally. Income: 1 million lire. Provision for publication of results: Bollettino Idro- grafico: part 1, monthly; collections of materials of observations; part 2, annual: first elaboration of collected data; eventual publication of mareo- graphs and studies on lagoons. meteorology, LATVIA Hidrografiska Dala, Jurniecibas Departaments, Finansu Ministrija (Hydrographic Section, Ma- tine Department, Ministry of Finance) (’37) Location: Valdemara iela Nr. 1-a, Riga. Staff: Head of the Hydrographic Section, K. Purns. Equipment: SURVEYING VESSELS IDTIDOGRIAWS israel isterstens) see) tees DISPLACEMENT OFFICERS CREW 450 2 13 Hydrobiological Station of the University of Latvia (’37) History or origin: Founded in 1924. Location: In the center of the city of Riga. Organization to which attached: University of Latvia, of which the Station is an institute, connected with the Institute of Systematic Zoology, under one Director, Professor Dr. Embrik Strand. Purposes: Major, research; instruction in oceanog- raphy. Scope of activities: Researches in hydrography, on samples collected in the Gulf of Riga and in the Baltic (cfr. Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica, I, p. 53 and 149, III, p. 250, IV, p. 58 and 271, V, p. 88 (1929-1933), VII, p. 30 (1934), VIII, p. 288 (1935), LX, p. 84 (1936)); biology and distribution of marine animals, zoo- and phytoplankton. (Also limnological researches.) Staff: Scientific: Director, Professor Dr. Embrik Strand; Adjunkt, Cand. rer. nat. Viktor Ozolins; Laboratory assistant, N. Lisova. Maintenance and operation: 1. Provisions for visiting investigators: Seven, in addition to the Institution’s staff, can be accommodated. CATALOGUE OF INSTITUTIONS—ITALY, LATVIA, LITHUANIA, MONACO, NETHERLANDS Income: Contributions from the faculty of science of the University. Provision for publication of results: Professor Dr. Embrik Strand has founded and publishes the series ‘Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica” of which eight volumes have been issued. The ninth will be completed in 1937. Moreover, papers have been published in various scientific periodicals. LITHUANIA Susisiekimo Ministerija, Uosto Valdyba (Ministry of Communication, Harbor Office) (’37) Location: Malku gatvé Nr. 32, Klaipéda. Staff: Director of the Harbour Office, Inzinierius Balys Slizys. Chief of the Technical Service, Inzinierius Vosylius Rimdzius. First assistant engineer, Inzinierius Nikalojus Stonis. Equipment: SURVEYING VESSELS DISPLACEMENT OFFICERS CREW IPRRECUN AS yy tslcyeiny siseter oy uevayecsace 194 2 10 Monaco Musée Océanographique de Monaco (’37) History or origin: Created and endowed in 1906 by S. A. S. Albert the First, Prince of Monaco, and recognized by the French Government as a public utility on May 16, 1906. Location: Principality of Monaco, Monaco-Ville. Organization to which attached: Branch of |’Institut Océanographique, central office of which is in Paris. Purposes: Research and oceanographic exhibition. Scope of activities: Researches in physical and biological oceanography (aquarium). Equipment: 3 exhibition halls: (a) zoological oceanography; (b) physical oceanography; (c) applied oceanography. Large marine aquarium 137 (warm water animals). Laboratories and study aquaria. A small steamer, L’ErpEr, length 18 meters, contains 8 beds, 4 forward, 4 aft. Staff: Director, M. Jules Richard; Laboratory sub- director, MM. L. Sirvent and Dr. M. Oxner; Preparator, M. Giauffret (goes out with boat); Li- brarian, M. E. Comet; Skipper, M. Le Berrigand; Engineer, M. C. Calleri. Provisions for visiting investigators: The Museum is open every day without exception to the public from 10-12, 2-5, from February 1 to October 31; 2-4 from November 1 to January 1. An entrance fee of 8 franes gives the privilege of visiting exhi- bition halls and aquaria. Use of the laboratories is granted to scientific men and investigators of all nationalities, permission for which is obtained upon written request to the director, indicating the nature and purpose of the work contemplated. Scholarships have been established by the founder and the Council of Administration to permit workers to spend definite periods (usually one month) at the Museum. These are granted by the Council of Administration and the Com- mittee of Perfectionnement, on approval of the director. Workers are permitted to make ex- peditions on L’Ermerr on certain days and hours fixed by the director. Income: Sources: Derived mostly from admission fees. The funds left by 8. A. S. Albert were affected adversely by the decline in the franc. Budget is a part of that of I’Institut Océano- graphique. Amount: For 1931 the amount was about 860,000 frances. Provision for publication of results: Bulletin de VInstitut Océanographique, Carte Génerale Bathymétrique des Océans, second edition. Les Résultats des Campagnes Scientifiques de S. A. S. Prince Albert Ier de Monaco. NETHERLANDS TO YUGOSLAVIA, INCLUSIVE NETHERLANDS Koninklijk Nederlandsch Meteorologisch Instituut, Section of Oceanography and Maritime Meteorology (’37) History or origin: January 31, 1854. Location: De Bilt. Organization to which attached: Ministry of Public Works (Waterstaat). Purposes and scope of activities: Research in me- teorology, oceanography, and geophysics, and application of the results in the special interest of agriculture, oceanic and aerial navigation, industry and commerce. The recent expedition of the WILLEBRORD Snetuius to the Netherlands East Indies was organized by two scientific societies, but under the leadership of Commander van Riel, then director of the section of oceanography and maritime meteorology. Equipment: Full equipment for meteorological and geophysical research at De Bilt, for meteorology 138 also at four other observatories. Some oceano- graphical instruments available. Instruments for research in meteorology on the oceans are owned by the ships’ companies. Staff: Director in chief of Institute, Prof. E. van Everdingen, Jr. Section of Oceanography, Direc- tor Comm. H. Keyser; Dir. Adj. Lr. Comm. J. A. van Duynen Montijn. Provisions for visiting investigators: Reading room and library assistance available. Income: Sources: From State funds. Amount: Budget of whole Institute fl. 187,148.-. Provision for publication of results: Large publications K.N.M.I. No. 104. Oceanographische en me- teorologische waarnemingen in den Indischen Oceaan; Tabellen, Kaarten, Supplementen. K.N.M.I. No. 110. Oceanographische en me- teorologische waarnemingen in den Atlantischen Oceaan; Tabellen en Kaarten. K.N.M.I. No. 115. Oceanographische en me- teorologische waarnemingen in de Chineesche Zeeén en in het westelijk gedeelte van den Noord Stillen Oceaan; Kaarten. Yearly publications (provisionally suspended) K.N.M.I. No. 107, 107%, 107. Monthly Meteoro- logical Data for 10° squares in the Oceans. Miscellaneous K.N.M.I. No. 102. Mededeelingen en Verhan- delingen. (Results of some oceanographic observations made by the Fishery Service in the North Sea are published in the Bulletin Hydrographique of the Int. Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Copenhagen.) Zodlogisch Station der Nederlandsche Dierkundige Vereeniging (’37) History or origin: The original Station of the Nether- land Zoological Society, dating from 1876, was a small wooden building. It was used during summer only and was erected every year at an- other place on the Dutch coast. It was thus in operation from 1876 until 1889 and much work, famous then, was done in it, e.g. the oyster- investigations in the river Schelde. In 1890 a brick building was erected at Den Helder, at the principal out- and inlet to the Zuiderzee. The building was the private prop- erty of the Zoological Society, but the main- Technical and clerical, 7. - INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY tenance of the Station was made possible through governmental support only. The Government namely hired most of the rooms for its new Rijksinstituut voor Biologisch Visscherijonderzoek (Government Institution for biological Fisheries Research). Dr. P. P. C. Hoek, well known as a fisheries expert, a carcinologist, and for his work as a secretary to the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, became director of both Fisheries Research Institution and Zoological Station. In 1902 was given to the Fisheries Research Institution the execution of the Dutch part of the program of the International Council and from that year onward a staff of investigators worked at Den Helder for a number of years: Dr. J. Boeke, Dr. P. J. van Breemen, Dr. H. C. Delsman, Dr. A. C. J. van Goor, Ir. F. Liebert, Dr. W. E. Ringer, and Dr. J. J. Tesch, while Dr. H. C. Redeke was in charge of the work. But from about 1912 onward and especially during and after the war the fine organization was gradually broken down, the work became more and more decentralized and most of the marine biological part of it came to an end. From 1926-1928 the investigations on fresh water fisheries only remained at Den Helder. In 1928 this last part of the Institution too, still with Dr. Redeke as director, was taken away from Den Helder and the Zoological Station became free. The Netherland Zoological Society now obtained governmental support for the reorganization of the Station. From 1931 onward it became a Marine Biological Laboratory for purely scientific work under the Ministry of Education, Arts, and Sciences, with Dr. J. Verwey as director. Stress was laid on close codperation with the Dutch Universities. The building was modified, a small but good aquarium installed, a ship built, and now the laboratory provides good possibilities for scientific research. From 1937 lodgings for investigators is provided. Location: Den Helder, Holland, at the mouth of the Zuiderzee. Organization to which attached: The Station, boat, library, are all the property of the Netherlands Zoological Society, but the Government (Minis- try of Education, Arts, and Sciences) provides most of its support. Purposes: Marine biological investigations in the widest sense. The Station at the same time CATALOGUE OF INSTITUTIONS—NETHERLANDS, NORWAY represents the marine laboratory for students as University Extension. Scope of activities: Marine biological, ecological, physiological investigations in the southern North Sea, especially the neighborhood of Den Helder. Den Helder is a naval base and advantages are derived from the presence of the Navy. The investigations from 1931 onward have specially dealt with a number of physiological investiga- tions, with bio-ecological problems of some invertebrates and algae, and with investigations on growth, maturity, and migrations of some cephalopods and fishes. Equipment: Laboratory building with chemical laboratory, library, aquarium, rooms for investi- gators, etc. Research vessel Max WEBER, a small cutter of 13 meters length. Staff: Scientific: Director, Dr. J. Verwey. Students and lecturers from the four Dutch universities work at the Laboratory especially from May to October, but a few practically all the year round. Technical and clerical assistants: 3. Maintenance and operation: 2, including skipper of boat. Provisions for visiting investigators: From 1937 on- ward lodgings for 9 persons can be provided. Laboratory can accommodate fifteen investiga- tors, except during a few weeks in summer when courses for students are being held, when ten can be accommodated. Income: 12,700 Dutch florins, chiefly from the Ministry of Education, Arts and Sciences, and further from some more or less private sources. Provision for publication of results: Archives Néer- landaises de Zoologie (the journal of the Dutch Zoological Society). In it papers from other institutions also appear. Department van Defensie Afdeeling Hydrografie (Department of Defense, Hydrographic Section) (’37) Location: 147, Badhuisweg, ’s Gravenhage. Staff: Hydrographer, Schout bij nacht J. C. F. Hooykaas; Assistant Hydrographer, Kapitein luit. ter zee R. van Tijen. Equipment: SURVEYING VESSELS DISPLACEMENT OFFICERS CREW RSV IOMUAIN sects, sce of 0505 d086) 1S caat 1,160 8 96 WILLEBRORD SNELLIUS....... 930 8 76 EILERTS DE HAAN........... 312 3 13 FEY DROGRAAR erie) isis) s ciate 260 3 13 DRIDANTUS he criti cio cea nis seies 996 8 80 139 Norway Fiskeridirektoratet, Avdeling for Havundersokelser (Marine Research Branch) (’37) History or origin: Established 1900. Location: Fosswinckelsgate 6 & 8 (Marine Biological Laboratory), and Fosswinckelsgate 11 (Oceano- graphical Laboratory), Bergen. Organization to which attached: Fisheries Directorate, under the Ministry of Commerce. Purposes: Marine research. Scope of activities: Indicated under the staff, after names of advisors and assistants. Equipment: 2 research vessels: The Jonan Hyort, a motor cutter of 70 tons gross, length 78 feet, engine (semi-Diesel, 2 cyl. 2 str.), 120 hp., speed 9 knots, crew 7, including skipper and cook, staff generally 3-4, maximum 5, in commission 10 months. The Virco, a motor launch of 35 feet, engine 30 hp., speed 8 knots, crew 2, staff 2, (for fjord work), in commission 2-3 months during several shorter periods. Staff: 3 advisors: Mr. Paul Bjerkan, biology of sprat, plaice ete.; Dr. Sven Runnstrém, herring biology; Mr. Oscar Sund, biology of cod and other gadoids. 2 biological assistants: Mr. Gun- nar Rollefsen (biology of the cod); Mr. Einar Koefoed (fish larvae, ete.). 1 oceanographical assistant, Mr. Jens Eggvin. 2 technical assist- ants: Mr. Thv. Rasmussen (draughtsman and herring age determination, etc.); Mr. Kr. Wil- helmsen (salinity determination ete.). 3 clerical assistants. 2 technical assistants. Provisions for visiting investigators: Only improvised. Income: Source: From the government, Amount: About kr. 85,000. From funds, about kr. 70,000. Provision for publications of results: Publication: Report on Norwegian Fishery and Marine In- vestigations. (Fiskeridirektoratets Skrifter, Ser. Havundersokelsen.) Det geofysiske Institutt (’37) History or origin: Established in 1917. A building was erected in 1926-28 by contributions chiefly from States Minister Mowinckel. Location: City of Bergen, near Puddefjord. Organization to which attached: Bergens Museum, of which the institution is a department. Purposes: Research on geophysical problems and instruction in various branches of geophysics. Scope of activities: Researches in physical and dy- 140 namical oceanography, meteorology, terrestrial magnetism, and related subjects. Equipment: 1 large building 210 feet by 44 feet. 2 stories and basement throughout. 3 stories over central part with a large pent-house on top. A tunnel, 360 feet long and 16 feet wide in the rock 50 feet below the basement. 1 research vessel: ARMAUER HANSEN, 57 tons gross, 76 feet long, 19 feet beam, motor 2 cyl. 2 str., 80 hp, speed 8 knots, complete outfit for sailing. 1 motor launch (Arnulf). Staff: Scientific: Director, Prof. Dr. B. Helland- Hansen (oceanography); Prof. Dr. J.-A. B. Bjerknes (meteorology); Prof. Dr. B. Trumpy (terrestrial magnetism and cosmical physics); Dr. J. E. Fjeldstad (mathematics); Dr. H. Mosby (physics); Mr. K. F. Wasserfall (terrestrial mag- netism). Maintenance and operation: 6. Cleri- cal and technical assistants: 9. Provision for visiting investigators: 10 can be ac- commodated. Income: Sources: From the State and other sources. Amount: Financial year 1935-86, Kr. 120,000. Provision for publication of results: Bergens Mu- seum’s publications and Geofysiske Publikasjoner. Statens Fiskeriforséksstasjon. (Official Norwegian Fisheries Research Station) (’37) History or origin: Founded in 1891. Attached to Fisheries Directorate in 1899. Location: Thormohlensgt. 66, Bergen. Organization to which attached: Fisheries Directorate. Purposes: Investigations concerning the fishing industry. Improvement of known processes and development of new. Scientific research and application of science to practice. Scope of activities: The fisheries and all products and problems connected with these. Also cold storage of Norwegian fruit. Equipment: Rather overcrowded old, wooden build- ing. Chemical laboratories with ordinary, good equipment, as balances, microscopes, autoclaves, refractometers, Hilger vitameter, tintometers, precision viscosimeter, centrifuges, divers other equipment. Experimental cold store with 10 chambers, temperatures down to —20°C. Library with most modern literature concerning the scope of activities of the station, 30-40 technical and scientific periodicals. INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY Staff: Permanent staff: Director: Chemical engineer Olav Notevarp. Konsulent: Chemical engi- neer Harald Weedon. Assistant: Sverre Hjorth-Hansen. Assistant: Technical chemist Alfred Monssen. Laboratory assistant: Temporary staff: 4 chemical engineers, 1 me- chanical engineer, 1 civil engineer, 4 technical chemists, 6 other assistants. (Note: All “engi- neers” are technical university graduates.) Provisions for visiting investigators: Poor, as building is very crowded. Income: Permanent budget; Temporary budget. Source: Norwegian Government. Provision for publication of results: Arsveretning vedkommende Norges Fiskerier, Fiskeridirek- toratets skrifter, serie Teknologiske undersodkelser. (Report on Technological Research concerning Norwegian Fish Industry.) Universitetets biologiske stasjon, Drg¢bak (37) History or origin: Established 1894. Location: On the Oslo-fjord in the village of Drgbak, about 30 km south of the city of Oslo. Organization to which attached: University of Oslo, of which the station is a special department. Purposes: Instruction: General instruction in marine zoology and botany, and in elementary micro- anatomical research methods. General purpose: Marine research in every direction as well as biological laboratory work. Scope of activities: Biology: plankton, fishes, bottom fauna and flora, microscopic anatomy, ecology. Equipment: One building, 3 floors, crossbuilt, area 100 sq. m. 1 research motor boat, 30 feet, equipped to work to a depth 100-150 fathoms in the neighborhood of the station. Staff: Scientific: Director, Prof. Dr. Hjalmar Broch. Teaching committee: The Director and Prof. Dr. Kristine Bonnevie; Prof. Dr. H. H. Gran; Prof. Dr. Johan Hjort; Prof. Dr. Otto Lous Mohr. Maintenance and operation: 1. Provisions for visiting investigators: 3 tables. Income: Source: Yearly income from the Norwegian State. Amount: Kr. 2,200. Provision for publication of results: No special publications. CATALOGUE OF INSTITUTIONS—NORWAY Bergens Museums biologiske stasjon (Marine Biological Station of the Bergen Museum)? (’37) History or origin: Erected in 1920-22 to take the place of a small station on Puddefjord in Bergen. The latter station was erected in 1891 but, because of the contamination of the water around Bergen, it was found necessary either to abandon the station or to find a site for a new one. Location: On the Island of Herdla on Herlé Fjord, 27 kilometers north of Bergen. As the water here does not freeze during the winter, investiga- tions may be prosecuted throughout the year. Organization to which attached: Bergen Museum, zoological department. Purposes: Instruction Biology. Scope of activities: As far as possible to carry through all-sided marine research by facilitating the research possibilities of visiting scientists. The institution in itself has no special tasks, the members of the staff working with their personal problems. Equipment: 1 laboratory building. The ground floor contains 3 double and 2 single laboratories and a big room for courses of instruction. When no courses are going on this room is arranged so as to give accommodations for 5 research workers. The upper floor contains the library and 9 bed- rooms, 8 double and 1 single, for visitors. The basement contains tanks for keeping somewhat large organisms, an engine room, etc. This main part of the building is 12.3 meters broad and 19.3 meters long. At one end of the building a smaller section has been added, the ground plan of which is 8.2 meters by 9.3 meters in dimensions. It contains a mess-room for the scientists and an apartment for the keeper of the station. There is an excellent salt-water system and also a fresh-water reservoir, which provide for a variety of investigations. Among the rooms aside from those of more general purposes, the laboratory for physiology and hydrography and the room for balances and chemical supplies should be mentioned. There is also a research vessel, the Herman FRIELE, which is about 23 tons gross, 4.27 meters ® For full information on the Biological Marine Station of the Bergen Museum, see August Brinkmann, ‘‘Die neue biologische Meeresstation des Museums zu_ Bergen,”’’ Bergens Museums Aarbok 1921-22, Naturvidenskabelig Raekke, Nr. 1. and research in Marine 141 beam and 14.5 meters long. The height of the side above the water is 2.13 meters. The station possesses a motor launch and several row boats. Staff: Director, Professor Dr. August Brinkmann, the chief of the Zoological Department of the Bergen Museum. Amanuensis, cand. real. Ditlef Rustad. 2 technical assistants. Provisions for visiting investigators: During the summer when no classes are being given, ten visitors can be accommodated. In the winter there are provisions for five. The work places are free to all competent visitors, but Norwegians have preferential rights. With a table, there is supplied the necessary material, aquaria and ordinary laboratory equipment, together with a small quantity of the most common chemicals and dyes. The cost of consumption above this must be met by the visitor himself; although certain chemicals—upon agreement—can be ob- tained at cost from the laboratory’s supplies. Visitors must bring their own optical and dissect- ing instruments, as well as all special apparatus, and must likewise provide themselves with glass- ware for the preservation of material which they take with them from the Station (the laboratory’s glassware can not be taken). Income: Source: From the State. kr. 25,000 per year. Provisions for publication of results: The usual me- dium of publication is in the reports of the Bergen Museum (Bergens Museums Arbok; B. M. Skrifter). Papers published elsewhere after agreement with the Director must give plain indication, either in the title or in the introduction, that the work has been made at the Station, and separate copies must be sent to the Station. Amount: About Sjokartverket (Nautical Charts Office) (’37) Location: Oslo. Staff: Director, VPL. Premier Loitnant Rolf Kjaer. Head of Ist Section (provisional) (Calculation, construction, drafting, ete., of new charts, editions) VPL Kaptein J. Z. Lundquist, R.N. (retired). Head of 2nd Section (Keeping up to date of plates and charts, coloring of light sectors) Kom- mandorkaptein A. Boehmer, R.N. Head of 3rd Section (Notices to Mariners, Sailing Directions, Library) VPL Kaptein 8. Bjerk- naes, R.N. (retired). 142 INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY In charge of Vessels, Archives of originals and Provision for publication of results: ‘“Meddelelser’ plane-tables, R.N. (retired). Magnetic work, Instruments, Tides and Currents, Loéitnant F. Vogt, R.N.R. In charge of special work, Loitnant R. Kjaer, R.N.R. Kaptein H. A. Buhre, Equipment: SURVEYING VESSELS DISPLACEMENT OFFICERS CREW Jalan odoiscunsogsooadaeden 98 1 5 \\Agwisnoit IShyteeoeoogouaseocose 98 1 5 ROS Teste ic ee Le oa 1 4 7 accommodation vessels, 9 motor boats. Troms¢ Museum (’37) History or origin: Founded 1872. Location: Troms¢. Organization to which attached: Independent. Purposes: Biological and archeological investigations and museum. Hydrographical laboratory and investigations in connection with the biological researches. Regular hydrographical investiga- tions of the Troms¢ area. Equipment: 1 boat Sparre SCHNEIDER, 38 feet, with necessary equipment. Laboratory for chem- ical and colorimetric determinations. Staff: Director, Mr. Soot Ryen. Scientific: 2. Technical and clerical: 2. Maintenance and operation: 1. Provisions for visiting investigators: None. Income: Sources: State and other receipts. Amount: Kr. 26,000. Provision for publication of results: Troms¢é Museums Skrifter. Trondheims Biologiske Station (’37) History or origin: Founded in 1900. Location: Trondheim. Organization to which attached: Private, subsidized and controlled by the State. Purposes: Hydrographical and biological investiga- tions in the fjords and coasts. Scope of activities: Coastal water and adjacent ocean. Hatching of plaice. Equipment: 1 boat, GuNNERUS, motorship. Staff: Director, Mr. C. F. Dons; Technical and clerical, and maintenance and operation 3. Provisions for visiting investigators: Accommodation for four students. Income: Sources: Private, Municipal and State subvention. Amount: Kr. 28,000. (Published by Det Kgl. Norske Vidensk. selskab, Trondheim). POLAND Biuro Hydrograficzne Marynarki Wojennej (Hydrographic Office of the Navy) (’37) Location: u. Chalubinskiego, 3, Warsaw. Staff: Hydrographer, Komandor podporucznik Ar- thur Reyman. Head of Surveys and Researches, Kapitan Mary- narki Ignacy Pogorzelski. Head of Supply Service for Navigation, Porucznik Marynarki Tadensz Borysiewicz. Equipment: DISPLACEMENT OFFICERS CREW 200 3 37 BURVEYING VESSELS POMORZANIN (ex- MEwa)...... PoRTUGAL Aquario Vasco da Gama-Estacao de Biologia Maritima (’37) History or origin: Built in 1898 as a public Aquarium for the series of ceremonies in commemoration of the fourth centenary of the voyage of Vasco da Gama to India. After the ceremonies, the building was delivered to the State (Ministry of Marine, to whom is assigned the administration of Navigation and Fisheries). Later on, about 1908, the ‘Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciéncias Naturais,’’ whose aim is the promotion of research in scientific natural history, took charge of the building in order to establish in it a marine bio- logical station. After many difficulties, owing to shortage of funds and to the Great War, the Ministry of Marine again took charge of the sta- tion and it was officially organized (May, 1919) as an independent scientific institution for the study of the sea, mainly connected with fisheries. Location: Dafundo, near Lisbon, about 10 km from the mouth, on the right margin of the River Tagus. Organization to which attached: Connected with the Fisheries Administration of the Ministry of Marine. Autonomous administration by a board formed by an officer of the Navy, as President, appointed by the Ministry, the Director and Naturalist of the Station, and a secretary. Purposes: General research on the sea near Portugal (biology and oceanography). Scope of activities: Researches in oceanography near CATALOGUE OF INSTITUTIONS—NORWAY, POLAND, PORTUGAL, RUMANIA Portugal, eventually carried to a distance, as for instance near Madera, the Straits of Gibraltar, and the Morocco Coast. Biology of useful fishes (sardine, tunnies, hake) and of plankton. Equipment: 1 laboratory building (same as the public aquarium), 1 floor with eight rooms used as individual laboratories. Library. The resources of the University of Lisbon and the libraries of its different institutes are more or less available for the workers, as a supplement to the limited facilities at the aquar- ium. Tank rooms for fresh and brackish water animals. Staff: Director, Dr. Alfredo Ramalho. Naturalists, R. Boéto, B. Gongalves, and H. Vilela. 2 clerical and technical assistants. 2 maintenance and operation workers. For aquarium: 2 engineers; 5 fishermen; 1 guard. Provisions for visiting investigators: There is room for 2 or 3. Income: For 1936 the total receipts amounted to about 240,000 Escudos (one Escudo equivalent, at the present rate of exchange, to about 5 U.S. A. cents). 200,000 from the State and the remaining from the entrance fees in the aquarium (40,000 visitors, not taking account of the pupils of schools). Provisions for the publications of results: The papers are generally published in different journals, only exceptionally printed by the Station. All are distributed in exchange to similar scientific institutions as ‘Travaux de la Station de Biologie Maritime de Lisbonne.”’ Research Ship AuBacora: A ship of the same type and dimensions of ARMAUER HANSEN of the Geophysical Institute of Bergen; displacement about 135 tons, with sails and 60 H.P. motor; winches for work to a depth of about 3,000 meters; small laboratory. Built in 1924, in Norway, under the scientific supervision of Professor B. Helland-Hansen, of the Geophysical Institute in Bergen. The ship belongs to the Portuguese Navy. Direccao de Hidrografia, Navegacado e Meteorologia Nautica (Office of Hydrography, Navigation and Nautical Meteorology) (’37) Location: Navy Department, Lisbon. Staff: Director, Capitaéo de Mar e Guerra Augusto Fernandes Lopes. Head of Ist Division, Capitaéo de Fragata Manuel da Cunha Régo Chaves. 143 Head of Ist Section, Capitaéo de Corveta Amadeu Julio de Sousa Correia. Assistant of the 2nd Section, Primeiro tenente Manuel Zagalo da Silva. Assistant, 3rd Section, Capitaéo de Fragata Artur José da Conceigao Santos. Head of 2nd Division (Nautical Meteorology) Capitéo de Fragata Jodo Antonio Correia Pereira. Heads of Sections, Meteorologists Primeiro te- nente Joaquim da Costa and Primeiro tenente José Mendes da Rocha Zagalo. Equipment: SURVEYING VESSELS DISPLACEMENT OFFICERS CREW OD. D.OUTUBROMV eee eee 1,365 10 89 IATBACORA. chsh iasccGeensineoe 135 1 14 BsRRIO...... 498 5 48 IB WIR ACH yet tenia nae 405 5 27 RUMANIA Romania, Serviciul Hidrografic al Marinei de Razboi (Hydrographic Service of the Navy) (’37) Location: Constantza. Staff: Chief of the Hydrographic Service, Capitan Alexandru Stoianovici. Statia Zoologica Maritima ‘“Regele Ferdinand I” (Maritime Zoological Station “King Ferdinand I’) (’37) History: Founded by Prof. I. Borcea of the Faculty of Science at Iasi on March 1, 1926, with the assistance of the Ministers of Public Instruction, Dr. C. Angelescu and Dr. N. Lupu, and through the efforts of Prof. A. P. Baznosanu of the Faculty of Science in Bucharest. Location: Village of Agigea, Province of Constantza, between the railroad station ‘General M. Ionesecu”’ and Eforia baths. Organization to which attached: Ministry of National Education, Zoological Laboratory of the Univer- sity of Iasi. Purposes: In particular the knowledge of the fauna of the Black Sea and of the neighboring lakes. The completion of students’ zoological education. Equipment: Two principal buildings, one for the Director and one for the investigators; two smaller buildings, one for the administration and one for students (laboratory); and a small elec- trical plant. There are about 22 hectares of land. The equipment otherwise is very limited, a few mud dredges and a motor boat. 144 Staff: Scientific: Director, C. Motas, Professor of Zoology, University of Iasi. Chief of Laboratory, Mrs. Dr. Lucia Borcea. Assistant: Mr. Sergiu Carausu. Administrative: An Administrator, a laboratory worker, two servants. Provisions for visiting «investigators: Two work tables, free lodging, food to be bought at the Station’s restaurant which operates from June 1 to October 1. Income: None. Results of investigations are published in the review, Annales scientifiques de l'Université d’Iassy (authors receive 50 copies free). ScoTLAND Marine Laboratory of the Fishery Board for Scotland (’37) History or origin: Established in 1882. Location: Aberdeen, Scottish east coast—principal trawl and great line-fishing port in Scotland. Organization to which attached: Fishery Board for Scotland. Purposes: Fishery biological research. Scope of activities: The study of the stocks of market- able fishes and crustaceans in general, of the haddock, herring, and plaice species in particular and of all factors biological and physical affecting such stocks. Operations are carried out con- sistently over the whole continental plateau to the north of approximately Lat. 55°30’ N. Occasional trawling, planktonic, and hydro- graphic surveys also being made to Faroe and Iceland waters. Equipment: One laboratory building, Wood Street, Terry, Aberdeen, ‘“‘H” shaped, single floor, includes museum of marine fauna and large library of relevant literature. One aquarium building, Bay of Nigg, Aberdeen, with out-buildings (pumping machinery, store rooms, ete.), tidal pond, two large concrete sea- water storage tanks. One deep-sea research vessel ExpLorer, Mersey class trawler, length 138 feet, breadth 21 feet, gross tonnage 324 tons, fitted with modern trawl- ing gear, echo sounder, and necessary oceano- graphic research equipment. Staff: Scientific: Superintendent, R. 8. Clark, M.A., D.Sec., F.R.S.E. Naturalists, Senior Grade: H. Wood, M.A., Ph.D.; J. B. Tait, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S.E. Naturalists, Junior Grade: 8. G. Gib- INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY bons, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S.E.; D. S. Raitt, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.L.S., F.R.S.E.; A. Ritchie, B.Sc., Ph.D.; B. B. Rae, B.Sc.; J. H. Fraser, M.Se. (proba- tioner naturalist). There are nine technical assistants and five non-technical helpers. Provisions for visiting investigators: No special provision exists for visiting investigators. Income: Finances entirely by H. M. Government. Provision for publication of results: A survey of each year’s work with the general application of results is published annually in the Board’s report. More detailed reports of particular researches are issued separately in a series referred to as “‘Fish- eries Scotland, Sci. Invest.’’ All publications issued by the Board are printed and published by H. M. Stationery Office, 120 George Street, Edinburgh. On account of Scotland’s participa- tion in the work of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea reports and data relating to Scottish work also appear in the pubbeations of that body. The Torry Research Station (’37) History or origin: Established in 1929. Location: Aberdeen, Scotland. Organization to which attached: The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. The Torry Research Station is under the aegis of the Food Investigation Board of the Department. Head- quarters, 16 Old Queen Street, Westminister, London SW 1. Purposes and scope: Investigations of methods of handling, stowage, transport, storage and, in general, the preservation of fish and food. Re- searches into the associated basal physiological and biochemical problems. The Station’s work is largely coérdinated with researches connected with food at other organiza- tions under the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Coéperation in similar Em- pire researches is maintained. Equipment: A two story brick building, in Abbey Road, Torry, Aberdeen, containing offices and laboratories. A two story building of shed construction close by, containing experimental plant (cold stores, smoke curing kilns, oil extract- ing apparatus), further laboratories, workshops. A research vessel—Ciry or EpinpurGH—a steam drifter adapted for trawling and for certain laboratory operations, 84 ft. long, 18 ft. beam, 88 gross tonnage. CATALOGUE OF INSTITUTIONS—RUMANIA, SCOTLAND, SPAIN 145 Staff: Superintendent, Adrian Lumley. Senior Sci- entific Officers: George A. Reay, M.A., B.Sc., Ph.D.; J. A. Lovern, B.Se., Ph.D. Junior Scien- tific Officers: J. Shewan, B.Sc., Ph.D.; A. Banks, B.Sec., Ph.D. 7 Technical and Laboratory as- sistants; 16 Industrial staff. Provisions for visiting investigators: No special provision. Income: Financed entirely by H. M. Government. Provision for publication of results: Survey of each year’s work appears in the Annual Report of the Food Investigation Board. Occasionally special reports (on particular researches) and leaflets (for information of the fish industry) are published. These above are printed and published through H. M. Stationery Office, Adastral House, Kings- way, London, W.C. 2. Scientific papers are published under authors’ names in various scientific and technical journals, e.g. “Biochemical Journal,” “Analyst,” “Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry,” “Ice and Cold Storage.” Marine Biological Station, Keppel Pier, Millport (’37) History or origin: The original laboratory was a barge the Ark brought from the Forth by Sir John Murray in 1885, and drawn up on the shore near the present site. The Ark, replaced by a stone building in 1897, was destroyed by a storm in 1900. Location: Near Keppel Pier, on the south east corner of Cumbrae Island in the Firth of Clyde; about 1 mile from the town of Millport. Organization to which attached: Scottish Marine Biological Association. Purposes: Investigation of the fauna and flora of the Clyde Sea area and provisions of facilities for research and study for students and others inter- ested in such work. Scope of activities: Plankton investigations, growth of the diatom crop in relation to Calanus; growth, distribution, ete. of Calanus in relation to physico- chemical factors; growth, food and distribution of young herring, leading to the elucidation of the food chain on which the herring fishery depends. Quantitative studies of bivalves and crustacea in sandy bays in relation to the food supply of inshore fishes. Equipment: Laboratory building, two floors, 30 feet by 75 feet with 30 foot wing. Fresh sea water, gas, electric light and power. The labora- tory contains a Public Museum and Aquarium. Library approximately 1500 volumes and 2000 pamphlets. A motor boat M. B. Nautiuus, 40 feet long, 12 tons, 30 h.p. engine, equipped for trawling, sounding, townetting, etc. At the Station is an 18 foot boat with 33 horse outboard motor. Staff: Scientific: Director, Richard Elmhirst; Bio- chemist, A. P. Orr, M.A., D.Se., A.I.C.; Natu- ralist, Miss 8. M. Marshall, D.Se.; Assistant Naturalist, Aubrey G. Nicholls, Ph.D. Mainte- nance and operation: Foreman, J. Peden; Labora- tory Assistant, EH. Latham; Skipper and boatman, R. Kerr; Museum attendant, J. Shields; Boatman and cleaner, D. Burnie. Provisions for visiting investigators: 1 research room, 3 small cubicles, and the class room when not otherwise in use (the class room seats 36), give provision for about five workers. Plans for a new wing have now matured and it is hoped to start building in February, 1937, an extension parallel to the original building giving provision for the staff and five new work rooms as well as increased laboratory space. Income: Derived from subscriptions by members, subscriptions from various public bodies, dona- tions, sale of specimens, admissions to the museum and aquarium and a maintenance grant from the Development Commission. Provisions for publication of results: Summary in Annual Report and otherwise, chiefly in Journal Marine Biological Association as well as other journals. SPAIN Laboratorio Oceanografico de Canarias (’34) History or origin: Established on November 8, 1928. A permanent laboratory has not yet been erected but one is contemplated for the relatively near future.!° Location: Las Palmas, Leén y Castillo 264, Canary Islands. Organization to which attached: Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia. Purposes and scope of activities: For the systematic investigations of the oceanographic and biological conditions in the vicinity of the Canary Islands. Equipment: At present the quarters are only tem- porary. 10 Primeros trabajos del Laboratorio Oceanogrdfico de Canarias por Luis Bell6n y Emma Bardén Mateu. Insti- tuto Espan. Oceanogr. Notas y Resumenes, ser. 2, no. 48, pp. 79, 29 figs., 1931. 146 Staff: Luis Bellon Uriarte, Lic. Nat. Sci., Director; Emma Barddn Mateu, Lic. Nat. Sci. Provisions for visiting investigators: Consult the director of the Instituto Espafiol de Oceanograffa, Aleala 31, Madrid. Income: Contribution for the Government. Provision for publication of results: In the publica- tions of the Instituto Espafiol de Oceanografia. Instituto Espafiol de Oceanografia (’34) History or origin: Established in 1914." Location: Madrid, Alealdé 31. Organization to which attached: Subsecretaria de la Marina Civil, under the Ministerio de Marina. Purposes: To study the physical, chemical, and biological conditions of the seas surrounding the Spanish Peninsula and apply the results obtained to the problems of the marine fisheries. Scope of activities: 1. General oceanography with special reference to fisheries and also the study of the physics, marine sediments, and the dynam- ics of the Spanish seas. 2. Oceanographical chemistry (analysis of wa- ters and their elements), and industrial chemistry and its practical application to fish culture and to the preservation of fishes and their products. 3. Marine biology, mainly its application to fisheries. 4. Fishery economics and technology. Equipment: At the central offices in Madrid there are four laboratories, one each for oceanography, chemistry, general biology (principally of economic value), and ichthyology. There is also a depart- ment for commerce and technology of fisheries. There are five coastal laboratories, at Santander, Palma de Mallorca, Malaga, Las Palmas (Canary Islands), and Vigo. The latter has just been established and is now in process of organization. For expeditions in waters adjacent to the Spanish Peninsula and Spanish protectorate and dominion zones, the naval coast guard vessel XAUEN is used. Some boats provided with a motor are used by the laboratories. Staff: Director, Professor Odén de Buen; Sub- director, Professor Rafael de Buen. Oceanographical department: Chief, Professor Rafael de Buen. Assistant, vacant. Assistant preparator, Jaime Magaz, Lic. Nat. Sci. 1 Organizacién y labor efectuada por el Instituto Es- panol de Oceanografia. Instituto Espanol de Oceano- grafia, Notas y Restimenes, series 2, no. 62, pp. 1-122, 11 pls., November, 1932. INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY Chemistry department: Chief, Professor José Cerezo. Director, Frutos A. Gila, Lic. Ch. Assistant, Olimpio Gémez Ibatiez, Lic. Ch. Assistant preparator, Antonio Rodriguez de las Heras, Lic. Ch. Biological Department: Chief, Dr. Fernando de Buen. Director, Dr. Victoriano Rivera. As- sistant, vacant. Assistant preparator, Maria de las Mercedes Garcia Lopez, Lic. Nat. Sci. Commerce and technology of fisheries: Chief, Cap. de Navio, José Maria Rolddn. Assistant, Jimena Quirés, Lic. Nat. Sci. Provisions for visiting investigators: See the account of the coastal laboratories. Income: Sources: From the budget of the State, tickets for aquarium and museum, sale of publica- tions, renting of work rooms at the laboratories, alded by fishery organizations. Provisions for publication of results: Memorias, Resultados de Campafias y Trabajos, Notas y Restimenes, Boletin de Pesca, now Boletin de Oceanografia y Pesca. Laboratorio de Malaga (’34) History or origin: Established in 1914 in conjunction with the Laboratorio de Palma de Mallorea to offer opportunity for study of the interesting oceanographic and biological conditions in the vicinity of the Strait of Gibraltar. The building is temporary. A large laboratory is to be con- structed near the present site. Location: Malaga, south coast, near the extreme west of the Mediterranean. Organization to which attached: Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia. Purposes and scope of activities: Marine biology and oceanography. Oceanographical conditions of the region that have been studied during various years. Many species of fish have been collected. There are now enough bottom samples to make possible the preparation and publication of a chart of the lithology of the sea bottom in the area adjacent to Malaga. Equipment: Laboratories for oceanography, chem- istry, and biology. A museum, a photographic room, a boat Principe ALBERTO DE Monaco, with an auxiliary motor of 35 hp., and 16 tons displacement. Staff: Director, Alvaro de Miranda, Lic. Cienc. Nat.; Assistant, Angel Alconada, Lic. Cienc. Nat. Provisions for visiting investigators: The laboratory CATALOGUE OF INSTITUTIONS—SPAIN has been visited by many Spanish and foreign professors and students of the universities of Madrid and Granada and other centers of learn- ing. Courses have been organized for the study of the different aspects of the sea. Provision for publication of results: In the publica- tions of the Instituto Espanol de Oceanograffa. Laboratorio de Palma de Mallorca (’34) History or origin: Established in 1906 by the Na- tional Museum of Natural History. Location: Palma, Island of Mallorca, Belearic Is- lands, in the Mediterranean. Organization to which attached: Instituto Espafiol de Oceanografia. (Since 1919.) Purposes and scope of activities: To send live marine animals to the universities and other institutions of learning, to acquaint the students with the problems of marine biology, to conduct oceano- graphic investigations and experiments in the culture of marine animals, and to give needed help to foreign and Spanish naturalists who desire to work there. The temperature and salinity of the adjacent waters have been studied, expeditions have been made on the gun boat Vasco NuNxEz DE BauBoa to study hydrographic conditions to the greater depths, and a chart of the bottom deposits of the bay has been published. Equipment: Chemical, biological, and oceanographic laboratories; photographic rooms; store rooms for instruments, et cetera; rooms for the preparation of samples, collections, et cetera; aquarium; museum; library. Modern installations for in- vestigations include work rooms with fresh and salt water. The laboratory has its own harbor where it keeps its vessels, all provided with motors. Staff: Director, Francisco de P. Navarro, Lic. Nat. Sci.; Assistant, Miguel Massuti, Lic. Nat. Sci. Provisions for visiting investigators: A large number of foreign and Spanish professors and specialists visit the laboratory. Frequent excursions are arranged for the students of the universities of Barcelona and Madrid and of foreign centers. Work rooms are rented permanently by important German scientific institutions. It is one of the best known scientific centers in Europe with regard to oceanography and biology. Income: Variable (Budget of State). Provision for publication of results: In the publica- tions of the Instituto Espafiol de Oceanografia. 147 Instituto y Observatorio de Marina de San Fernando (’34) History or origin: Established in 1754. Location: San Fernando (Cadiz). Organization to which attached: Government institu- tion. Purposes and scope of activities: One of its three sections is concerned with marine meteorology, magnetism, nautical instruments, and tides. Equipment: Important library. Staff: Director, D. Leon Herrero, Contralmirante in the Navy; Subdirector, D. Wenceslao Benitez, Capitin de Navio. Provision for publication of results: Almanaque Nautico, Anales Meteorolégicos, Magnéticos, y Sismicos, Catdlogo Astrofotografico zona —3° a —9°, Carta fotografica del Cielo, Cartas nauticas, Derroteros, Codigo de sefales, Avisos a los navegantes, Cuadernos de Faros. Servicio Hydrografico (’36) Location: San Fernando, Cadiz. Organization to which attached: 4a Section of Ob- servatorio de Marina de San Fernando. Staff: Director, Director del Observatorio, Con- tralmirante Hidrografo D. Leon Herrero. Sub-Director, Subdirector del Observatorio, Capitain de Navio Hidrografo D. Wenceslao Benitez. Head of the 4th Section of the Observatory, Capitin de Navio Hidrografo J. José Pérez. Charts, Capitdn de Corbeta D. Rafael Sanchez. Sailing Directions, Teniente de Navio Hi- drografo D. Diego Gomez. Light lists, Capitan de Corbeta D. Rafael Sanchez. Notices to Mariners, Capitdén de Corbeta D. Rafael Sanchez. Tides, Capitén de Corbeta Hidrografo D. Francisco Fernandez de la Puente. Hydrographic Commission, Capitin de Fragata Hidrografo D. Federico Aznar. Equipment: SURVEYING VESSELS DISPLACEMENT OFFICERS CREW CASTOR Aen Sans 60 12 IROGT Uae eee eee seit ; 60 12 LORINO eee eee 1,220 9 79 MALESPINA 148 Sociedad de Oceanografia de Guiptizcoa (27, Magrini) Location: San Sebastian (Rue Aldemar). Organization to which attached: Private institution. Purposes and scope of activities: The popularization of the problems of oceanography and fisheries. It renders valuable service in oceanographic investigations in Spain. Equipment: Laboratories for oceanography and marine biology. Fisheries school. Library. Provision for publication of results: Bulletin. Laboratorio de Santander (’34) History or origin: Through the efforts of D. Augusto Gonzdles Linares, this station was established in May, 1886, under the name of Estacién maritima de Zoologia y Botdnica experimentales. It became a part of the Instituto Espafiol de Oceanografia when the latter was established in 1914. Location: Santander, on the Gulf of Biscay. Organization to which attached: Instituto Espafiol de Oceanografia. Purposes and scope of activities: The study of the flora and the fauna of the coastal regions. For- mation and increase of the scientific collections of museums and institutions of learning and the application of scientific studies to the develop- ment of maritime industries. Teaching of marine zoology and botany to students of the University of Madrid and to serve as a place of research for Spanish and foreign naturalists and biologists. Equipment: Aquarium, various chemical and _ bio- logical laboratories, store house for oceanographic instruments and fishing gear, and a coniplete museum of local marine organisms, library, collec- tions for study, various work rooms, et cetera, some boats, two of them provided with motors. Staff: Director, Dr. Luis Alaejos; Assistant, Dr. Juan Cuesta. Provisions for visiting investigators: Investigators both national and foreign are received, also pupils, principally for summer school. Income: From the State and from the corporations of the locality. Provision for publication of results: In the publica- tions of the Instituto Espaftiol de Oceanografia. Laboratorio de Vigo (’34) History or origin: Established in 1934. of organization.) (In process INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY Location: Vigo. Organization to which attached: Instituto Espamiol de Oceanograftia. SWEDEN Borno Research Station (’37) History or origin: Built in 1901 by O. Pettersson and G. Ekman, passed into state ownership in 1932. Location: Half way up the Gullmar-fjord, the largest and deepest of Swedish fjords. Organization to which attached: Svenska Hydro- grafisk-Biologiska Komissionen. Purposes: Center for carrying out the hydrographical part of the Komissionen’s program. Scope of activities: Base of the hydrographic expedi- tions with the SkaGpraK. Running observa- tions of internal water-movements, daily hydro- graphic soundings since 1909. Equipment: A stock of instruments, partly of special construction, for the study of internal waves, currents, light penetration, et cetera, and an observation pier affording 34 meters depth, 2 motorboats mainly used for traffic. Staff: Director, Professor Hans Pettersson (not salaried); Ist Assistant, Licentiat B. Kullenberg; 2nd Assistant, Licentiat N. Y. Gustafsson; Me- chanic, A. Fries. Provisions for visiting investigators: Guests are occa- sionally received for carrying out special in- vestigations. Income: Part of the state grant for the Komissionen is allotted to Borné, about 16,000 Kr. Provision for publication of results: Svenska Hydro- grafisk-Biologiska Komissionens Shrifter, Serie Hydrografi, also occasional publications in Med- delanden fra Géteborgs Hégskola Oceanografishe Institution. Klubbans Biological Station (’37) History or origin: Founded by Professor A. Appelléf, Uppsala, 1915. Location: In the fishing village of Fiskebickskil on the west coast of Sweden. Post address, Fiskebickskil. Organization to which attached: University of Uppsala. Purposes: The principal purpose is instruction of students of the University in the marine fauna. When the finances are sufficient, independent researches are also prosecuted. CATALOGUE OF INSTITUTIONS—SPAIN, SWEDEN Scope of activities: The Swedish coastal tidal flats of the Province of Bohusliin. Equipment: The usual equipment for making zoologi- eal and ichthyological collections as well as apparatus for making quantitative investigations of soft bottoms and a motor boat. Staff: Director, Sven Ekman, Professor in the Zoological Museum, University of Uppsala. 2 subordinate officers. Provision for visiting investigators: The Station has not yet been outfitted to care for scientific guests and it can be used only during the summer. Income: Source: State appropriation. Amount: 5,000 Swedish Kronor yearly. Provisions for publication of results: None. Kristinebergs Zoologiska Station (’37) History or origin: Founded in 1877. Location: On the west coast of Sweden, near the mouth of the Gullmarfjord, at Fiskebickskil. Organization to which attached: Royal Swedish Academy of Science. Purposes: Research and some instruction. Scope of activities: A course in marine zoology is given every year in June for Swedish University students. Equipment: Two laboratories with modern equip- ment for investigations. Library with 10,000 volumes and reprints. Motor boat Sven LovEn, 42 feet long, 16 foot beam, with a 30 horse-power petrol motor. 2 small motor boats. A tower for sea water, capacity 70 cu. m. Boarding house. 3 official residences. Staff: Director, Professor Dr. Einar Lénnberg, Stockholm. Manager, Fil. Dr. Gunnar Gustaf- son, Fiskebickskil. Maintenance and _ opera- tion: 4. Provisions for visiting investigators: The station is open all the year. Research material, reagents and instruments are free for use, without any cost. The visitors are permitted to stay in the boarding house and have only to pay the cost for meals. Foreign investigators are welcome and have the same privileges. There are 20 work places. Income: The yearly budget is 24,500 Swedish Kronor paid by the Royal Academy of Science. Provision for the publication of results: The Station has no series of its own. The result of work done at the Station is published in the publications of the Swedish Royal Academy of Science. 149 Oceanografiska Institutionen vid Géteborgs Hogskola (’37) History or origin: Founded as docentur—experi- mental grant and allotment of three rooms— by a private donor, Doctor Gustaf Ekman, in 1914. The chair in oceanography was founded in 1930 by Mr. Knut Mark, as professor. Location: Goteborg, in the building of the Hégskola, now comprising three rooms and lecture room. Organization to which attached: Belongs to Géteborgs Hogskola, a university (incomplete), founded by private donors and subsidized by the city of Goteborg. Purposes and scope of activities: Teaching of students for graduate and postgraduate courses as a complement to the course in geography. Also research in oceanography and geophysics. Equipment: A stock of oceanographic, physical, and chemical apparatus acquired from annual grant. Staff: Scientific: Director, Dr. Hans Pettersson. A docent, at present vacant. The assistants of Svenska MHydrografisk-Biologiska Komissionen make use of the institution for their research. Provisions for visiting investigators: No provisions for regular visitors; occasionally guests have worked in the institution. Income: Source: Income from donations made by Dr. Gustaf Ekman and Mr. Knut Mark. Amount: (Of donations from which income is derived) 100,000 Kronor—Dr. Gustaf Ekman, for experimental grant (inclusive of salary for docent). 300,000 Kronor—Mr. Knut Mark, for salary to professor in oceanography. Provision for publication of results: The results from the scientific investigations of the director, who is also director of hydrographical work for the Svenska Hydrografisk-Biologiska Komissionen, with which body the institution is in close co- operation, are published in a series “Meddelanden frin Oceanografiska Institutionen vid Géteborgs Hogskola” included in “Kungliga Vetenskaps- och Vitterhetssamhillets Handlingar Géteborg.’’ The series which was started in 1931 has at present 12 numbers in large 8 quartos. Note: Thanks to the munificence of ‘Knut and Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse,” the same private donor / who had provided the Svenska H. B. Komissionen with its two Stations at Borné and Lysekil, a new Oceanographic Institute will soon be erected in Goteborg, building operations to commence in the 150 autumn of 1937. The sum allotted for building and equipment is 370,000 kr. This new institute will belong to the Royal Society of Gdéteborg, i.e., Géteborgs Kungliga Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets Samhille. The Oceanografiska Institutionen of Goéteborgs Hégskola will be housed in the institute and its chief will be the holder of the chair in oceanography. Beside the present income from Gustaf Ekman’s donation, a contribution from Knut and Alice Wallenbergs foundation of 10,000 kr. annually has been granted for a period of 10 years starting from 1938. In the board of directors, the Svenska Hydrografisk-Biologiska Komissionen will be represented through its chairman and Sjéfarts- museet in Géteborg and representatives of Géteborgs Hogskola. The new institute will thus work in close coéperation with the said institutes. Its scope of activities will be partly the same as those of Komissionen, partly instruction. It will afford facilities for work also to a limited number of resident visitors. Publications: Medd. Oceanograf Institutet included in the Férhandlingar of Géteborgs Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets Samhiile. Svenska Hydrografisk-Biologiska Komissionen (’37) History or origin: Arose from Svenska Hydrografiska Komissionen which was formed in the middle of the nineties by Otto Pettersson, Gustaf Ekman, and August Wijkander for the scientific study of the sea off the Swedish coasts. It was recon- stituted about 1900 by the inclusion of members for biology of which P. T. Cleve and Filip Trybom were among the first. Location: Goteborg. Organization to which attached: The Komission is under the Department of Agriculture in Stock- holm, its grant coming under that department. Two members, Doctor Andersson and Prof. Nils Zeilon, are Swedish delegates to the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. One of the purposes of the Komission is to carry out Sweden’s part of the international investigations. Purposes and scope of activities: The purpose of the Komission’s work is to carry out and publish investigations, oceanographic and biologic, within the sea around the Swedish coasts and especially to carry out Sweden’s part in the international investigations. Also to supervise and edit ob- servations from lightships. Equipment: The Komission has jurisdiction over the newly built research motorship the SKAGERAK INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY which is fully equipped for all kinds of work in fishery and oceanography. It has two research stations, Borné, half way up the Gullmar-fjord, built in 1901; and Havsfiskelaboratoriet at the mouth of the same fjord, built in 1929. For each of these stations, see the appropriate special statement. Staff: The members of the Komission serve gratui- tously. President of the Komission, the Governor of Goteborg. For Hydrography, Prof. Hans Pettersson, Géte- borg; Prof. N. Zeilon, Lund. For Fishery and Biology, Dr. K. Anderson of Lantbrukastyrelsen, Stockholm; Dr. N. Rosen. Fisheries Inspector of the Western District and Secretary Linsassessor, A. Thofelt. Provisions for visiting investigators: No special provisions for visiting investigators exist although at Born6d guests are occasionally received for carrying out special investigations. Income: Source: Government grant. year to year. Amount: About 20,000 Kr., plus about 90,000 Kr. for running the ship SKAGERAK. Provision for publication of results: The Svenska Hydrografisk-Biologiska Komissionens Skrifter appear irregularly in two series, “Hydrography” and “Biology.’’ New series in quarto. Until now, thirteen numbers of the hydrographic and five of the biologic have appeared. The lightship publications are issued annually, one volume in quarto, since 1923. Varies from Havsfiskelaboratoriet (’37) History or origin: Built in 1929. Location: At the mouth of the Gullmar-fjord. Organization to which attached: Svenska Hydro- grafisk-Biologiska Komissionen. Purposes and scope of activities: The biological (fishery and plankton) part of the Svenska H. B. Komissionen’s work and also technical chemical investigations on the preservation of fish and other problems of the fishery industry. Equipment: Mainly equipped for microscopic and plankton work but has aquariums with running sea-water. The chemical technical department is equipped for chemical and biochemical work. Staff: Ist Assistant, Dr. A. Molander, Fishery and biology. 2nd Assistant, Licentiat H. Héglund, plankton. Extra assistant, Fil. Kandidat G. Stordal, plankton counts. CATALOGUE OF INSTITUTIONS—SWEDEN, TUNIS, TURKEY, UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA Chemical-technical Department: Laborator, Dr. M. Lundborg; Bitride, Dr. Lucie Ahlstrém. For both departments: Clerk, Miss Ingrid Ekdahl; Mechanie, C. Karlsson. Provisions for visiting investigators: None. Income: Part of the grant allotted to Svenska Hydrografisk-Biologiska Kommissionen. Provisions for publication of results: Svenska Hy- drografisk-Biologiska Komissionens Shrifter, Serie Biologi. Kungliga Sjokarteverket (Hydrographic Service) (’37) Location: Stockholm. Staff: | Hydrographer, Bouveng. Head of Division of Hydrography and Instru- ments, Kapten E. Farnstrém. Head of Division of Charts, H. Odelsid, B.A. Head of Section of Notices to Mariners, Kom- mendér (Res.) A. Hagg. Head of Section of Sailing Directions, Kom- mendérkapten (Res.) C. B. Erikson. Head of Geodetic Section, S. Hilding, B.A. Cartographer, P. Collinder, Ph.D. Head of Section for control of compasses and ships’ lights, E. O. Edelstam, M.A. Head of Section of Magnetic Research, G. S. Ljungdahl, Ph.D. Equipment: Kommendorkapten E. SURVEYING VESSELS DISPLACEMENTS OFFICERS CREW JOHAN NORDENANCKAR........ 260 5 33 PETER GEDDAG seis eee ce fever: 140 53 23 RUAN ae cheers eenrelstae neces 200 4 29 SVAGANP Ree yacht nae sees 125 3 24 LATO Conan a es Bee ets 160 3 32 BI DERNG Mets ree os SN tos 95 2 16 Tunis Oceanographic Station of Salammbo (’34) History or origin: Established in 1924.? Location: Salammbé near Carthage. Organization to which attached: Direction Générale des Travaux Publics. Purposes: To investigate the marine organisms, especially fishes and Crustacea of economic significance, along the coast of Tunis. Scope of activities: General biological investigation of edible fish and Crustacea (including fishery 12 See Heldt, H., Rapport sur l’Organisation,l’ Activité et les Travaux de la Station Océanographique de Salammbé depuis sa création (1924-1931), Station Océanographique de Salammbé, Bull. no. 24, November, 1931. 151 statistics), ecology of the intertidal and other coastal areas, faunistic studies, marine algae, physiology of marine organisms, chemistry of local waters. Equipment: Museum which exhibits various marine organisms, fishing gear, and some types of boats; an aquarium; laboratories for scientific research. In the laboratory there are 3 rooms for biology, a chemical laboratory, and a special laboratory for work in physical chemistry. The different laboratories are supplied with both fresh and salt water. There are also photographic rooms. The library contains several thousand volumes (6200 in 1933) on general zoology, biology, em- bryology, histology, oceanography, expeditions, and fisheries. Staff: Director Monsieur H. Heldt; Assistant, Mme. Heldt. Provision for visiting investigators: Several visitors can be accommodated and are welcome, some assistance is given to those who come from various French educational and scientific in- stitutions. Income: From revenues derived by the State from the exploitation of fishing in Lac de Tunis. Annual budget about 500,000 francs. Provision for publication: Notes, 27 published; Bulletin, 30 published; Annales, 8 published; also Tables de pH, Illustrated Catalogue of the Mu- seum and Aquarium, and an Illustrated Guide for the Museum and Aquarium. TURKEY Harta Genel Direktorliigii Hidrografi Subesi (Hydrographic Section of the Cartographical Service of the Army) (’37) Location: Ankara. Staff: Hydrographer, Albay Ahmet Rasim Barkinay. Equipment: SURVEYING VESSELS IADIN=REIZieeeeeer er ciicrcs DISPLACEMENTS OFFICERS CREW 610 4 28 UNION oF SoutH AFRICA Fisheries Survey Division (’37) History or origin: The present Fisheries was estab- lished in the year 1920." Location: Capetown, Union of South Africa. 13 Union of South Africa Fisheries and Marine Biological Survey, Report No. 1 for the year 1920 by J. D. F. Gil- christ, M.A., D.Sc., Capetown, 1921. 152 Organization to which attached: Department of Commerce and Industries. Purposes and scope of activities: Research work is carried out at sea to determine the biological aspects and the distribution of the commoner types of marine fishes, crustaceans, and other marine organisms of economic _ significance. Oceanographical work is also carried out and the usual chemical and physical analyses are made. Equipment: A specially constructed vessel, R. S. AFRICANA, with all modern equipment necessary for marine survey work; laboratory Marine Bio- logical Station at Sea Point, Cape Town. Staff: Director, Dr. C. von Bonde. Provisions for visiting investigators: See statement on the laboratory at St. James. Income: Governmental appropriation. Provisions for publication of results: The Reports of the Fisheries and Marine Biological Survey. In- vestigational Reports and Fisheries Bulletins are issued from time to time. Marine Biological Station and Headquarters of the Division of Fisheries (’37) (After the construction of the building mentioned below the station at St. James in False Bay will be abandoned). History or origin: Under construction at cost of $100,000.00. Location: Sea Point, near Cape Town. Organization to which attached: Division of Fisheries of the Department of Commerce and Industries. Purposes and scope of activities: The new buildings will house the administrative and research offices and laboratories of the Division and will replace the St. James Marine Biological Station which will be handed over to the Marine Biological Society of South Africa. Research will be conducted in connection with the Fishery Indus- try of South Africa in all its phases. Equipment: Library with numerous catalogued reprints and text books dealing with fisheries research and marine biology. Fish Hatchery and six laboratories. Fully equipped for all aspects of marine biological research. Aquarium of modern construction with 48 tanks. This aquarium will be a public institution and will be directly controlled by the Division of Fisheries. Staff: Scientific and technical: Dr. C. von Bonde, Director of Fisheries and Honorary Director of the Aquarium. Mr. J. M. Marchand, M.Sc., Technical Assistant. A further technical assist- INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF OCEANOGRAPHY ant is being appointed and there will be a number of aquarium assistants under a superintendent. Maintenance: Caretakers and technicians. Provisions for visiting investigators: Accommodation for ten research workers. Income: Maintained for the Division of Fisheries by the Government of the Union of South Africa. The income from the Aquarium will be handed over to the Cape Town Municipality who must pay for the maintenance of the Aquarium. Provision for publication of results: The Division of Fisheries publishes an annual report and also Investigational Reports and Fisheries Bulletins from time to time. Marine Biological Station of the Division of Fisheries Survey, Department of Com- merce and Industries (’37) History or origin: Built in 1895. Location: At St. James on False Bay, 18 miles from Cape Town. (After the construction of the new building at Sea Point, near Cape Town, the station at St. Jamesin False Bay, will be vacated and handed over to the Marine Biological Society of South Africa.) Organization to which attached: Fisheries Survey Division of the Department of Commerce and Industries. Purposes and scope of activities: Research into life histories and so forth of the marine fauna of South Africa. Oceanographical researches. Equipment: Library with numerous catalogued reprints and text books dealing with marine biological research. All the more important publications of various marine stations are received on exchange basis. Laboratory capable of accommodating 6 work- ers. Fully equipped for most aspects of marine research. Aquarium with 3 large tanks, 6 medium and 6 small tanks for experimental research work. Staff: Scientific and technical: Dr. C. von Bonde, Director of the Fisheries and Marine Biological Survey. Mr. J. M. Marchand, M.Sc., Technical assistant to the Director. Maintenance: One caretaker and general handyman. Provisions for visiting investigators: Accommodation for 4 research workers. Income: Maintained for the Division of Fisheries Survey by the Government of the Union of South Africa. Provision for publication of results: The Division of CATALOGUE OF INSTITUTIONS—UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA, YUGOSLAVIA Fishery Survey publishes an annual report in which papers emanating from the laboratory appear. Department van Verdediging (Hydrographic Survey Section of the South African Naval Service) (’37) Location: Department of Defence, Pretoria. Staff: Officer in charge of Hydrographic Survey, Lieut.-Commr. James Dalgleish, 8.A.N.S. Equipment: SURVEYING VESSELS IAPRICANSAS | cis\s)s: