1 V. LIBRARY UNIVE S!TY Oh CA' 'FORM A S vN .''EGO A 3 OF THE (Eambrt&g? Oittnn There have been printed seven hundred and fifty sets of which this is copy INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ARTS AND SCIENCE JOAN OF AEC LISTENING TO THE VOICE Photogravure from the Painting by Francois Leon Benouville. According to. a prophecy by Merlin, which was current in the native province of Joan of Are, France was to be overwhelmed with calamities, but was to b« delivered by a virgin out of the forest of Domremy. Joan, who was undoubtedly familiar with the prophecy, imagined that she heard supernatural voices com- manding her to liberate France. This ia the romantic theme of Benouville's great painting. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ARTS AND SCIENCE EDITED BY HOWARD J. ROGERS, A.M., LL.D. DIRECTOR OP CONGRESSES VOLUME XI MEDICINE COMPRISING Lectures on Public Health, Preventive Medicine, Pathology, Therapeutics and Pharmacology, Neurology, Psychiatry, History of Surgery, and Development of Modern Medicine UNIVERSITY ALLIANCE LONDON NEW YORK COPYRIGHT 1906 BY HOCGHTON, MIFFLIN & Co. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED COPYRIGHT 1908 BY UNIVERSITY ALLIANCE ILLUSTRATIONS VOLUME XI FACING PAGE JOAN OF ARC Frontispiece Photogravure from the painting by F. L. BENOUVILLE PORTRAIT GROUP OF SCIENTIFIC LECTURERS . Photogravure from a photograph DR. PEAN OPERATING BEFORE His CLASS 20 Photogravure from the painting by H. GERVEX MURAL PAINTING 304 Photogravure from the plafond painting by MICHAEL MUNKACZY TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME XI INTRODUCTORY ADDRESS. Utilitarian Science ......... 3 DAVID STARR JORDAN, PH.D., LL.D. MEDICINE The Modern Conceptions and Methods of Medical Science ... 23 BY PROP. WILLIAM THOMAS COUNCILMAN, M.D. The Development of Modern Medicine ...... 41 BY PROF. FRANK BILLINGS, M.D. PUBLIC HEALTH. The Relations of Public Health Science to Other Sciences . 55 BY PROF. WILLIAM THOMPSON SEDGWICK, PH.D. Public Health: Its Present Problems ...... 68 BY ERNST J. LEDERLE, PH.D., D.Sc. PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. The Logical Basis of the Sanitary Policy of Mosquito-Seduction . 89 BY PROF. EONALD Boss, M.D., D.Sc. PATHOLOGY. The Relations of Pathology 105 BY PROF. LUDVIG HEKTOEN, M.D. The Relation of Pathology to Other Sciences ..... 123 BY PROF. JOHANNES ORTH, M.D. The Behavior of Native Japanese Cattle in regard to Tuberculosis (Perlsucht) 137 'BY PROF. SHIBASABURO KITASATO, M.D. THERAPEUTICS AND PHARMACOLOGY. The Relation of Therapeutics to Other Sciences in the Nineteenth Cen- tury ........... 153 BY PROF. OSCAR LIEBREICH, M.D. The Problems of Therapeutics 170 SIR LAUDER BRUNTON, M.D., Sc.D., LLD. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTEBNAL MEDICINE. The Historical Relations of Medicine and Surgery .... 189 BY PROP. THOMAS CLIFFORD ALLBUTT, M.D., D.Sc., LL.D. The Problems of Internal Medicine ...... 210 BY PROF. WILLIAM SYDNEY THAYER, M.D. NEUROLOGY. The Value of the Physiological Principle in the Study of Neurology . 225 BY PROF. JAMES JACKSON PUTNAM, M.D. PSYCHIATRY. Psychiatry in its Relation to Other Sciences . . . . . 243 BY PROF. CHARLES LOOMIS DANA, M.D., LL.D. The Problem of Psychiatry in the Functional Psychoses . . . 262 BY PROF. EDWARD COWLES, M.D., LL.D. SURGERY. The History and Development of Surgery during the Past Century . 307 BY PROF. FREDERIC S. DENNIS, M.D., F.R.C.S. The Morphology of Cancer . . . 382 BY PROF. JOHANNES ORTH, M.D. CROUP OF SCIENTIFIC LECTURERS The International Congress of Arts and Science presents men renowned in almost every branch of Science, leading professors of the greatest institutions of learning, astronomers, surgeons, technologists, economists, pathologists, an- alogists, physicists — famous specialists and scientists from all quarters of the globe. The present group includes a number of these celebrities. In the front row, from left to right, we have the full-length portraits of Prof. J. G. Hagen, S.J., of the Georgetown University, which was founded by the Jesuits in 1788; Dr. Carl Beck, Professor of Surgery in the New York Post-Graduate Medical School ; Dr. Wil'helm Waldeyer, Professor of Anatomy, University of Ber- lin ; Dr. Simon Newcomb, President of the Congress and Dean of American Scientists ; Dr. Oscar Backlund, Astronomer of the Imperial Academy of Science, St. Petersburg; Dr. Ormond Stone. Professor of Astronomy, Univer- sity of Virginia ; and Dr. David Starr Jordan, President of Leland Stanford, Jr., University, in California. In the second row on the extreme left, we have the portrait of Dr. Benjamin Ide Wheeler, President of the University of Cali- fornia, and on the extreme right stands Dr. Eugen von Philippovich, Pro- fessor of Political Economy, University of Vienna. DIVISION E — UTILITARIAN SCIENCES DIVISION E — UTILITARIAN SCIENCES (Hall 1, September 20, 10 a. m.) SPEAKER: PRESIDENT DAVID STARR JORDAN, Leland Stanford, Jr., University. UTILITARIAN SCIENCE BY DAVID STARR JORDAN [David Starr Jordan, President of Leland Stanford, Jr., University since 1891. b. January 19, 1851, Gainesville, Wyoming County, New York. M.S. Cornell 1872; LL.D. ibid. 1886; Ph.D. Butler University, 1880; M.D. University of Indiana, 1875; Post-Graduate, Harvard University, London, Paris. Professor of Biology, Butler University, 1875-79; Professor of Zofilogy, University of Indiana, 1879-85; President of Indiana University, 1885-91; Associate of the U. S. Fish Commission since 1878; Head of Bering Sea Commission, 1896-98; President of California Academy of Sciences; Fellow of A. O. U.; Member of American Philosophical Society, etc. Author of many books, including Fishes of Northern and Middle America ; Science Sketches ; Manual of the Vertebrates ; Guide to Study of Fishes; The Innumerable Company, Care and Culture of Men; The Voice of the Scholar, etc.] IT falls to my lot to-day, to discuss very briefly, in accordance with the Programme of this Congress, some of the common features of utilitarian science, with a word as to present and future lines of investigation or instruction in some of those branches of the applications of knowledge which have been assigned to the present division. Applied science cannot be separated from pure science; for pure science may develop at any quarter the greatest and most unexpected economic values; while on the other hand, the application of know- ledge must ' await the acquisition of knowledge before any high achievement can be reached. For these reasons, the classification adopted in the present Congress, or any other classification of sciences into utilitarian science and other forms of science, must be incom- plete and even misleading. Whatever is true is likely some time to prove useful, and all error is likely to prove some time disastrous. From the point of view of the development of the human mind, all truth is alike useful, and all error is alike mischievous. In point of development, pure science must precede utilitarian science. Historically, this seems to be not true; for the beginnings of science in general, as alchemy, astrology, and therapeutics, seem to have their origin in the desire for the practical results of know- ledge. Men wanted to acquire gold, to save life, to forecast the future, not for knowledge's sake, but for the immediate results of 4 UTILITARIAN SCIENCES success in these directions. But even here accurate knowledge must precede any success in its application, and accuracy of knowledge is all that we mean by pure science. Moreover, as through the ages the representatives of the philosophies of the day, the a priori ex- planations of the universe, were bitterly and personally hostile to all inductive conclusions based on the study of base matter, men of science were forced to disguise their work under a utilitarian cloak. This is more or less true even to this day, and the greatest need of utilitarian science is still, as a thousand years ago, that this cloak should be thrown off, and that a larger and stronger body of workers in pure science should be developed to give the advance in real knowledge on which the thousands of ingenious and noble applica- tions to utilitarian ends must constantly depend. It is a fundamental law of psychology that thought tends to pass over into action. Applied science is knowledge in action. It is the flower of that highest philanthropy of the ages by which not even thought exists for itself alone, but must find its end in the enlarge- ment of human control over matter and force or the amelioration of the conditions of human life. The development of all science has been a constant struggle, a struggle of fact against philosophy, of instant impressions against traditional interpretations, of truth against " make-believe." For men are prone to trust a theory rather than a fact; a fact is a single point of contact; a theory is a circle made of an infinite number of points, none of them, however, it may be, real points of contact. The history of the progress of science is written in human psycho- logy rather than in human records. It is the struggle of the few realities or present sense-impressions against the multitude of past impressions, suggestions, and explanations. I have elsewhere said that the one great discovery of the nineteenth century — forestalled many ages before — was that of the reality of external things. Men have learned to trust a present fact or group of facts, however con- tradictory its teachings, as opposed to tradition and philosophy. From this trust in the reality of the environment of matter and force, whatever these may be, the great fabric of modern science has been built up. Science is human experience of contact with environment tested, set in order, and expressed in terms of other human expe- rience. Utilitarian science is that part of all this knowledge which we can use in our lives, in our business. What is pure science to one is applied science to another. The investigation of the laws of hered- ity may be strictly academic to us of the university, but they are utilitarian as related to the preservation of the nation or to the breeding of pigs. In the warfare of science the real in act and motive has been persistently substituted for the unreal. Men have slowly learned that the true glory of life lies in its wise conduct, in the UTILITARIAN SCIENCE 5 daily act of love and helpfulness, not in the vagaries fostered by the priest or in the spasms of madness which are the culmination of war. To live here and now as a man should live constitutes the ethics of science, and this ideal has been in constant antithesis to the ethics of ecclesiasticism, of asceticism, and of militarism. The physical history of the progress of science has been a struggle of thinkers, observers, and experimenters against the dominant forces of society. It has been a continuous battle, in which the weaker side, in the long run, is winner, having the strength of the earth behind. It has been incidentally a conflict of earth-born knowledge with opinions of men sanctioned by religion; of present fact with preestablished system, visibly a warfare between inductive thought and dogmatic theology. The real struggle, as already indicated, lies deeper than this. It is the effort of the human mind to relate itself to realities hi the midst of traditions and superstitions, to realize that nature never contradicts herself, is always complex, but never mysterious. As a final result all past systems of philosophy, perhaps all possible sys- tems, have been thrown back into the realm of literature, of poetry, no longer controlling the life of action, which rests on fact. This conflict of tendencies in the individual has become a con- flict among individuals as each is governed by a dominant impulse. The cause of tradition becomes that of theology; — for men have always claimed a religious sanction for their own individual bit of cosmic philosophy. Just as each man in his secret heart, the centre of his own universe, feels himself in some degree the subject of the favor of the mysterious unseen powers, so does society in all ages find a mystic or divine warrant for its own attitude towards life and action, whatever that may be. The nervous system of .man, inherited from that of the lower animals, may be regarded as primarily a means of making locomo- tion safe. The reflex action of the nerve centre is the type of all mental processes. The sensorium, or central ganglion, receives impressions from the external world representing, in a way, various phases of reality. The brain has no source of knowledge other than sensation. All human knowledge comes through human experience. The brain, sitting in darkness, has the primary function of con- verting sensory impressions into impulses to action. To this end the motor nerves carry impulses outward to the muscles. The higher function of nerve-action, which we call the intellect, as distinguished from simple reflex action and from instinct, is the choice among different responses to the stimulus of external realities. As con- ditions of life become more complex, the demands of external realities become more exacting. It is the function of the intellect to consider and of the mind to choose. The development of the mind 6 UTILITARIAN SCIENCES causes and permits complexity in external relations. Safety in life depends on choosing the right response to external stimulus. Wrong choice leads to failure or to death. From the demands of natural selection results the intense prac- ticality of the mental processes. Our senses tell us the truth as to external nature, in so far as such phases of reality have been essen- tial to the life of our ancestors. To a degree, they must have seen " things as they really are," else they should not have lived to con- tinue the generation. Our own individual ancestors through all the ages have been creatures of adequate accuracy of sensation and of adequate power of thought. Were it not so they could not have coped with their environment. The sensations which their brains translated into action contained enough of absolute reality to make action safe. That our own ordinary sensations and our own induc- tions from them are truthful in their essentials, is proved by the fact that we have thus far safely trusted them. Science differs from common sense mainly in the perfection of its tools. That the instruments of precision used in science give us further phases of reality is shown by the fact that we can trust our lives to them. We find it safer to do so than to trust our unaided senses. While our senses tell us the truth as to familiar things, as rocks and trees, foods and shelter, friends and enemies, they do not tell us the whole truth : they go only so far as the demands of ancestral environment have forced them to go. Chemical composition our senses do not show. Objects too small to handle are too small to be seen. Bodies too distant to be reached are never correctly appre- hended. Accuracy of sense decreases as the square of the distance increases. Sun and stars, clouds and sky, are in fact very different from what they seem to the senses. In matters not vital to action, exactness of knowledge loses its importance. Any kind of belief may be safe, if it is not to be carried over into action. It is perfectly safe, in the ordinary affairs of life, for one who does not propose to act on his convictions to believe in witches and lucky stones, imps and elves, astral bodies and odic forces. It is quite as consistent with ordinary living to accept these as objective realities as it is to have the vague faith in microbes and molecules, mahatmas and protoplasm, protective tariffs and mani- fest destiny, which forms part of the mental outfit of the average American citizen to-day. Unless these conceptions are to be brought into terms of personal experience, unless in some degree we are to trust our lives to them, unless they are to be wrought into action, they are irrelevant to the conduct of life. As they are tested by action, the truth is separated from the falsehood, and the eiror involved in vague or silly ideas becomes manifest. As one comes to handle microbes, they become as real as bullets or oranges and as UTILITARIAN SCIENCE 7 susceptible of being manipulated. But the astral body covers only ignorance and ghosts vanish before the electric light. Memory-pictures likewise arise to produce confusion in the mind. The record of past realities blends readily with the present. Men are gregarious creatures and their speech gives them the power to add to their own individual experiences the concepts and experiences of others. Suggestion and conventionality play a large part in the mental equipment of the individual man. About the sense-impressions formed in his own brain each man builds up his own subjective universe. Each accretion of knowledge must be cast more or less directly in terms of previous experience. By processes of suggestion and conventionality the ideas of the individual become assimilated to those of the multitude. Thus myths arise to account for phenomena not clearly within the ordin- ary experiences of life. And in all mythology the unknown is ascribed not to natural forces, but to the action of the powers that transcend nature, that lie outside the domain of the familiar and the real. It has been plain to man in all ages that he is surrounded by forces stronger than himself, invisible and intangible, inscrutable in their real nature, but terribly potent to produce results. He cannot easily trace cause and effect in dealing with these forces; hence it is natural that he should doubt the existence of relations of cause and effect. As the human will seems capricious because the springs of volition are hidden from observation, so to the unknown will that limits our own we ascribe an infinite caprice. All races of men capable of abstract thought have believed in the existence of something outside themselves whose power is without human limitations. Through the imagination of poets the forces of nature become per- sonified. The existence of power demands corresponding will. The power is infinitely greater than ours; the sources of its action in- scrutable: hence man has conceived the unknown first cause as an infinite and unconditioned man. Anthropomorphism in some degree is inevitable, because each man must think in terms of his own experience. Into his own personal universe, all that he knows must come. Recognition of the hidden but gigantic forces in nature leads men to fear and to worship them. To think of them either in fear or in worship is to give them human forms. The social instincts of man tend to crystallize in institutions even his common hopes and fears. An institution implies a division of labor. Hence, in each age and in each race men have been set apart as representatives of these hidden forces and devoted to their pro- pitiation. These men are commissioned to speak in the name of each god that the people worship or each demon the people dread. 8 UTILITARIAN SCIENCES The existence of each cult of priests is bound up in the perpetua- tions of the mysteries and traditions assigned to their care. These traditions are linked with other traditions and with other mystic ex- planations of uncomprehended phenomena. While human theories of the sun, the stars, the clouds, of earthquakes, storms, comets, and disease, have no direct relation to the feeling of worship, they can- not be disentangled from it. The uncomprehended, the unfamiliar, and the supernatural are one and the same in the untrained human mind; and one set of prejudices cannot be dissociated from the others. To the ideas acquired in youth we attach a sort of sacredness. To the course of action we follow we are prone to claim some kind of mystic sanction; and this mystic sanction applies not only to acts of virtue and devotion, but to the most unimportant rites and cere- monies; and in these we resent changes with the full force of such conservatism as we possess. It is against limited and preconceived notions that the warfare of science has been directed. It is the struggle for the realities on the part of the individual man. Ignorance, prejudice, and intolerance, in the long run, are one and the same thing. In some one line, at least, every lofty mind throughout the ages has demanded objective reality. This struggle has been one between science and theology only because theological misconceptions were entangled with crude notions of other sorts. In the experience of a single human life there is little to correct even the crudest of theological conceptions. From the supposed greater importance of religious opinions in determining the fate of men and nations, theological ideas have dominated all others throughout the ages; and in the nature of things, the great religious bodies have formed the stronghold of conservatism against which the separated bands of science have hurled themselves, seemingly in vain. But the real essence of conservatism lies not in theology. The whole conflict, as I have already said, is a struggle in the mind of man. From some phase of the warfare of science no individual is exempt. It exists in human psychology before it is wrought in human history. There is no better antidote to bigotry than the study of the growth of knowledge. There is no chapter in history more encouraging than that which treats of the growth of open-mindedness. The study of this history leads religious men to avoid intolerance in the present, through a knowledge of the evils intolerance has wrought in the past. Men of science are spurred to more earnest work by the record that through the ages objective truth has been the final test of all theories and conceptions. All men will work more sanely and more effectively as they realize that no good to religion or science comes from " wishing to please God with a lie." UTILITARIAN SCIENCE 9 It is the mission of science to disclose — so far as it goes — the real nature of the universe. Its function is to eliminate, wherever it be found, the human equation. By methods of precision of thought and instruments of precision of observation and experiment, science seeks to make our knowledge of the small, the distant, the invisible, the mysterious, as accurate, as practical, as our knowledge of com- mon things. Moreover, it seeks to make our knowledge of common things accurate and precise, that this accuracy and precision may be translated into action. For the ultimate end of science as well as its initial impulse is the regulation of human conduct. Seeing true means thinking right. Right thinking means right action. Greater precision in action makes higher civilization possible. Lack of pre- cision in action is the great cause of human misery ; for misery is the inevitable result of wrong conduct. " Still men and nations reap as they have strewn." A classic thought in the history of applied science is expressed in these words of Huxley : " There can be no alleviation of the sufferings of man except in absolute veracity of thought and action and a re- solute facing of the world as it is." " The world as it is " is the pro- vince of science. " The God of the things as they are is the God of the highest heaven." And as to the sane man, the world as it is is glori- ous, beautiful, harmonious, and divine, so will science, our tested and ordered knowledge of it, be the inspiration of art, poetry, and religion. Pure science and utilitarian science merge into each other at every point. They are one and the same thing. Every new truth can be used to enlarge human power or to alleviate human suffering. There is no fact so remote as to have no possible bearing on human utility. Every new conception falls into the grasp of that higher philan- thropy which rests on the comprehension of the truths of science. For science is the flower of human altruism. No worker in science can stand alone. None counts for much who tries to do so. He must enter into the work of others. He must fit his thought to theirs. He must stand on the shoulders of the past, and must crave the help of the future. The past has granted its assistance to the fullest degree of the most perfect altruism. The future will not refuse; and, in return, whatever knowledge it can take for human uses, it will choose in untrammeled freedom. The sole line which sets off utili- tarian science lies in the limitation of human strength and of human life. The single life must be given to a narrow field, to a single strand of truth, following it wherever it may lead. Some must teach, some must investigate, some must adapt to human uses. It is not often that these functions can be united in the same individual. It is not necessary that they should be united; for art is long, though life is short, and for the next thousand years science will be still in its 10 UTILITARIAN SCIENCES infancy. We stand on the threshold of a new century; a century of science; a century whose discoveries of reality shall far outweigh those of all centuries which have preceded it; a century whose glories even the most conservative of scientific men dare not try to forecast. And this twentieth century is but one — the least, most likely — of the many centuries crowding to take their place in the line of human development. In each century we shall see a great widening of the horizon of human thought, a great increase of precision in each branch of human knowledge, a great improvement in the conditions of human life, as enlightenment and precision come to be controlling factors in human action. In the remaining part of this address I shall discuss very briefly some salient features of practice, investigation, and instruction in those sciences which in the scheme of classification of this Congress have been assigned to this division. In this discussion I have received the invaluable aid of a large number of my colleagues in scientific work, and from their letters of kindly interest I have felt free to make some very interesting quotations. To all these gentlemen (a list too long to be given here) from whom I have received aid of this kind, I offer a most grateful acknowledgment. Engineering The development of the profession of engineering in America has been the most remarkable feature of our recent industrial as well as educational progress. In this branch of applied science our country has come to the very front, and this in a relatively short time. To this progress a number of distinct forces have contributed. One lies in the temperament of our people, their native force, and their tendency to apply knowledge to action. In practical life the Amer- ican makes the most of all he knows. Favoring this is the absence of caste feeling. There is no prejudice in favor of the idle man. Only idlers take the members of the leisure class seriously. There is, again, no social discrimination against the engineer as compared with other learned professions. The best of our students become working engineers without loss of social prestige of any sort. Another reason is found in the great variety of industrial openings in America, and still another in the sudden growth of American colleges into universities, and universities in which both pure and applied sciences find a generous welcome. For this the Morrill Act, under which each state has developed a technical school, under federal aid, is largely responsible. In the change from the small college of thirty years ago, a weak copy of English models, to the American university of to-day, many elements have contributed. Among these is the current of enlightenment from Germany, and at the same time the UTILITARIAN SCIENCE 11 influence of far-seeing leaders in education. Notable among these have been Tappan, Eliot, Agassiz, and White. To widen the range of university instruction so as to meet all the intellectual, esthetic, and industrial needs of the ablest men is the work of the modern university. To do this work is to give a great impetus to pure and to applied science. Two classes of men come to the front in the development of en- gineering: the one, men of deep scientific knowledge, to whom advance of knowledge is due, the other the great constructive engi- neers; men who can work in the large and can manage great enter- prises with scientific accuracy and practical success. Everywhere the tendency in training is away from mere craftsmanship and towards power of administration. The demands of the laboratory leave less and less time for the shop. "Two classes of students," says a correspondent, " should be encouraged in our universities: First, the man whose scientific attainments are such that he will be able to develop new and important processes, the details of which may be directly applied. This type of man is the scientific engineer. The other is the so-called practical man, who will not only actually carry on engineering work, but may be called on to manage large enterprises. If his temperament and ability are such as to give him a thorough command of business methods and details, while he is in addition a good engineer, he will find a field of great usefulness before him on leaving the university. The university should en- courage young men to undertake the general executive work nec- essary to handling men and in the many details of large enterprises. The successful man of this character is necessarily a leader, and the university should recognize that such a man can be of great influ- ence in the world, if he is thoroughly and broadly educated." "We need," says another correspondent, "men possessing a better general training than most of those now entering and leaving our engineering schools. We need more thoroughly trained teachers of engineering, men who combine theoretical training with a wide and constantly increasing experience, men who can handle the factors of theory, practice, and economics." "Technical education," says another correspondent, "should look beyond the individual to the aggregate, and should aim to shape its activities so as to develop at the maximum number of points sympathetic and helpful relations with the industrial and engineering interests of the state. This means careful and steady effort towards the coordination of the activities of the technical school with the general condition of industry and engineering as regards its raw materials, its constructive and productive operations, its needs and demands with regard to personnel, and its actual or potential trend of progress." 12 UTILITARIAN SCIENCES The coming era in engineering is less a period of discovery and invention than of application on a large scale of principles already known. Greater enterprises, higher potentialities, freer use of forces of nature, all these are in the line of engineering progress. "The realm of physical science," says a correspondent, "has become to the practical man a highly improved agricultural land, whereas in earlier days it was a virgin country possessing great- possibilities and exacting but little in the way of economic treat- ment." In all forms of engineering, practice is changing from day to day; the principles remain fixed. In electricity, for example, the field of knowledge " extends far beyond the direct limits or needs of electrical engineers." "The best criticism as to engineering education came formerly almost entirely from professors of science and engineering. To-day the greatest and most wholesome source of such criticism comes from those engaged in practical affairs. We have begun a regime wherein coordinated theory and practice will enter into the engineering training of young men to a far greater and more profitable extent than ever before." "The marvelous results in the industrial world of to-day," says a correspondent, "are due largely to the spirit of 'usefulness, activity, and cooperation' that exists in each community of interests and which actuates men employing the means which applied science has so bountifully accorded. I know of no greater need of engineer- ing education in our country to-day than that its conduct in each institution should be characterized by the same spirit of useful- ness, activity, and cooperation." In mining, as in other departments of engineering, we find in the schools the same growing appreciation of the value of training at once broad, thorough, and practical, and the same preference for the university-trained engineer over the untrained craftsman. The head of a great mining firm in London writes me that " for our business, what we desire are young men of good natural quali- fications, thoroughly trained theoretically without any so-called practical knowledge unless this knowledge has been gained by employment in actual works." On the pay-roll of this English firm I find that five men receive salaries of more than $20,000. All these are graduates of technical departments of American universities. Seventeen receive from $6000 to $20,000. Nine of these were trained in American univer- sities, one in Australia, and two in England, while five have risen from the ranks. In the lower positions, most have been trained in Australia, a UTILITARIAN SCIENCE 13 few in England, while in positions bearing a salary of less than $2500 most have risen from the ranks. "Given men of equal qualifications," says the director of this firm, "the man of technical training is bound to rise to the higher position because of his greater value to his employer. As a rule, also, men who have been technically trained are, by virtue of their education, men who are endowed with a professional feeling which does not to the same extent exist among those men who have risen from the rank and file. They are therefore more trustworthy, and especially in mining work, where premium for dishonesty exists, for this qualification alone they are bound to have precedence. We do not by any means wish to disparage the qualifications of many men who have risen from the ranks to eminent positions, but our opinion may be concentrated in the statement that even these men would be better men had they received a thorough technical training." The progress of chemical engineering is parallel with that in other departments of technology. Yet the appreciation of the value of theoretical training is somewhat less marked, and in this regard our manufacturers seem distinctly behind those of Germany. "The development of chemical industries in the past history of the United States," says a correspondent, "was seriously delayed by the usually superficial and narrow training of the chemist in the colleges. Thus managers and proprietors came to undervalue the importance of chemical knowledge. The greatest need at present in the development of chemical industries is an adequate supply of chemists of thorough training to teach manufacturers the impor- tance in their business of adequate chemical knowledge. Epoch- making advances in chemical industry will spring from the brain of great chemists, and to insure the production of a few of these, the country must expect to seed lavishly and to fertilize gener- ously the soil from which they spring. Germany has learned the lesson well: other nations cannot long delay." Agriculture In the vast range of the applications of science to agriculture, the same general statements hold good. There is, however, no such general appreciation of the value of training as appears in relation to the various branches of training, and the men of scientific education are mostly absorbed in the many ramifications of the Department of Agriculture and in the state agricultural colleges and experiment stations. There are few illustrations of the power of national cooperation more striking than those shown in the achieve- ments of the Department of Agriculture. I have no time to touch 14 UTILITARIAN SCIENCES on the varied branches of agricultural research, the study of the chemistry of foods and soils, the practice of irrigation, the fight against adulterations, the fight against noxious insects, and all the other channels of agricultural art and practice. I can only com- mend the skill and the zeal with which all these lines of effort have been followed. The art of agriculture is the application of all the sciences. Yet "agricultural education," writes a correspondent, "has not yet reached the dignity of other forms of technical education." "The endowment of the science of agricultural research in the United States is greater than in any other country. The chief fault to be found is in striving too rapidly for practical applications and in not giving time enough for the fundamental research on which these applications must rest. The proportion of applied agricul- tural science in agriculture is too great in this country. While we do not need fewer workers in applied agricultural science, we do need more workers who would devote themselves to fundamental research." Two branches of applied science not specifically noticed in our scheme of classification seem to me to demand a word of notice. One is selective breeding of plants and animals; the other, the artificial hatching of fishes. By the crossing of animals or plants not closely related, a great range of variety appears in the progeny. Some of these may have one or more of the desirable qualities of either parent. By selection of those possessing such qualities a new race may be formed in a few generations. The practical value of the results of such experiments cannot be over-estimated. Although by no means a modern process, the art of selective breed- ing is still in its infancy. Its practice promises to take a leading place among the economically valuable applications of science. At the same time, the formation of species of organisms under the hand of man throws constant floods of light on the great ques- tions of heredity, variation, and selection in nature, the problem of the origin of species. In this connection I may refer to artificial hatching and accli- matization of fishes, the work of the United States Bureau of Fish- eries and of the fish commissions of the different states. There are many species of fish, notably those of the salmon family, in which the eggs can be taken and fertilized by artificial processes. These eggs can be hatched in protected waters so that the young will escape many of the vicissitudes of the brook and river, and a thou- sand young fishes can be sent forth where only a dozen grew before. UTILITARIAN SCIENCE 15 Medicine In the vast field of medicine I can only indicate in a few words certain salient features of medical research, of medical practice, and of medical instruction in America. In matters of research, the most fruitful line of investigation has been along the line of the mechanism of immunity from con- tagious diseases. To know the nature of microorganisms and their effect on the tissues is to furnish the means of fighting them. " The first place in experimental medicine to-day, "says Dr. W. H. Welch, "is occupied by the problem of immunity." That medicine is be- coming a scientific profession and not a trade is the basis of the growing interest of our physicians in scientific problems, and this again leads to increased success in dealing with matters of health and disease. The discovery of the part played by mosquitoes in the dissemination of malaria, yellow fever, dengue, elephantiasis, and other diseases caused by microorganisms marks an epoch in the study of these diseases. The conquest of diphtheria is another of the features of advance in modern medicine, and another is shown in the great development of surgical skill characteristic of American medical science. But the discoveries of the last decades have been rarely startling or epoch-making. They have rather tended to fill the gaps in our knowledge, and there remain many more gaps to fill, before medical practice can reach the highest point of adequacy. The great need of the profession is still in the direction of research, and research of the character which takes the whole life and energy of the ablest men demands money for its maintenance. We need no more medical colleges for the teach- ing of the elements. We need schools or laboratories of research for the training of the masters. In the development of medicine there has been a steady move- ment away from universal systems and a priori principles, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, from blind empiricism, with the giving of drugs with sole reference to their apparent results. The applications of sciences — all sciences which deal with life, with force, and with chemical composition — must enter into the basis of medicine. Hence the insistent demand for better prelim- inary training before entering on the study of medicine. "Only the genius of the first order," says a correspondent, "can get on without proper schooling in his youth. What our medical inves- tigators in this country most need is a thorough grounding in the sciences, especially physics and chemistry." The instruction in medicine, a few years ago almost a farce in America, has steadily grown more serious. Laboratory work and clinical experience have taken the place of lectures, the courses 16 UTILITARIAN SCIENCES have been lengthened, higher preparation for entrance has been exacted, though in almost all our schools these requirements are still far too low, and a more active and original type of teacher has been in demand. Even yet, so far as medical instruction is concerned, the hopeful signjs to be found in progress rather than in achievement. A college course, having as its major subjects the sciences fundamental to medicine, is not too much to exact of a student who aspires to be a physician worthy of our times and of the degree of our universities. First-hand knowledge of real things should be the keynote of all scientific instruction. "Far more effort is now made," writes a correspondent, "in both the prepara- tory and the clinical branches to give the student a first-hand know- ledge of his subject. This tendency has still a long way to travel before it is in danger of being overdone. The practical result of this tendency is that the cost of education per student is greatly in- creased and the profits of purely commercial schools are thereby threatened. This forms, doubtless, the main source of the objec- tion made by the weaker and less worthy schools to better methods of instruction. We need well-endowed schools of medicine that may carry on their work unhampered by the necessities of a commercial venture. Medical schools now exist in great numbers, — many of them cannot keep up with modern requirements, and necessa- rily their salvation lies in antagonizing everything in the nature of more ample and more expensive training." Another correspondent writes, emphasizing the value of biologic studies: "The final comprehension of bodily activity in health and disease depends on knowledge of living things from ovum to birth, from birth to maturity, and from maturity to old age and death. Anything less than such fundamental knowledge requires constant guessing to fill up the gaps, and guesses are nearly always wrong." In many regards, even our best schools of medicine seem to show serious deficiencies. The teaching of anatomy is still one of the most costly, as well as least satisfactory, of our lines of work. A correspondent calls attention to the fact that in making anatomy "practical" in our medical schools, " we expended last year $750,000 in the United States, twice the amount expended in Germany, with as a result neither practical anatomy nor scientific achieve- ment." "Anatomy," he continues, "should be made distinctly a university department, on a basis similar to that of physics and chemistry. Unfortunately, university presidents still stand much in the way of the development of anatomy, for many of them seem to think that almost any one who wears the gown is good enough to become a professor of anatomy. Repeatedly have I witnessed the appointment of a know-nothing when a recognized young man might have been had for half the money." Our forces are dissipated, UTILITARIAN SCIENCE 17 the fear of things scientific has destroyed even the practical in this noble old mother science which is still giving birth to new sciences and to brilliant discoveries. Among other matters too much neglected are personal hygiene, a matter to which the physician of the past has been notoriously and joyously indifferent. Especially is this true as regards the hygiene of exercise and the misuse of nerve-affecting drugs. Public sanitation as well deserves more attention. "The demand for adequately trained officers of public health is not what it should be, and our public service as a whole is far below that of European countries. Both public opinion and university authorities are responsible for this condition." The hygiene of childhood, in which line great advances are made, is still not adequately represented in most of our medical colleges, and the study of psychiatry and nervous disturbances in general is not sufficiently lifted from the realm of quackery. "Not only," says a correspondent, "should psychiatry be taught in every med- ical school, but it should be taught from a clinical standpoint. Every city in which there are medical schools should have a psych- opathic hospital for the reception of all cases of alleged insanity and for their study, treatment, and cure. Such a hospital should contain, also, a laboratory for the study of normal and of patho- logical psychology. I am convinced that progress in normal psych- ology will be made chiefly through the study of abnormal condi- tions, just as physiology has profited so enormously through the work of the pathologist." A word should be said for veterinary medicine and its achieve- ments of enormous economic value in the control of the contagious diseases of animals. The recent achievements of vaccination against the Southern cattle fever and against tuberculosis, the eradication of the foot and mouth disease among other matters, have demanded the highest scientific knowledge and the greatest skill in its practi- cal application. Unfortunately, veterinary science lacks in this country adequate facilities for research and instruction. "Practically," says a cor- respondent, "the veterinary sciences in the United States are lead- ing a parasitic existence. We are dependent almost wholly upon the results of investigation and teaching of European countries, not- ably Germany and Denmark. The value of the live-stock industry here is so tremendous that almost every state in the Union should have a wrell-equipped veterinary school supported by public funds. There is but one veterinary school in the United States that has anything like adequate support." That this is true shows that our farmers and stock-raisers are very far from having an adequate idea of one of the most important of their economic needs. 18 UTILITARIAN SCIENCES Economics We may justify the inclusion of economics among the utilitarian sciences on grounds which would equally include the sciences of ethics and hygiene. It is extremely wise as well as financially profit- able to take care of one's health, and still more so to take thought of one's conduct. The science of economics in some degree touches the ethics of nations and the "wealth of nations," a large factor in the happiness of the individuals contained within them, depends on the nation's attitude towards economic truths. Another justi- fication of this inclusion is found in the growing tendency in our country to call on professional economists to direct national opera- tions. On the other hand, our economists themselves are becoming more and more worthy of such trusts. The inductive study of their science brings them into closer contact with men and with enter- prises. By this means they become students of administration as well as of economics. They realize the value of individual effort as well as the limitations which bound all sorts of executive work, in a republic. "Only a few years ago," writes a correspondent, "the teachers of economics were far more generally unfavorable critics of government work which interested them. They have become more and more disposed to cooperate at the beginning rather than to condemn at the end. Just as economics has taken a more kindly and hospitable attitude towards politics, so similarly has it towards business, as illustrated in the rapid rise of courses in commerce." The demand for trained economists in public affairs is " compelling the teachers of economics more and more to seek contact with the men who are grappling face to face with economic problems." The relation of economic theory to administration is a subject on which there is much diversity of opinion. It is claimed by able authority that "economic science, by becoming ultra-theoretical, has come into far closer touch with practical life than it ever attained before. Laws, the statement of which seems like a refinement of theory, determine the kind of legislation required on the most practical of subjects." On another hand, it is claimed by high au- thority that our country must have its own political economy. "The generalizations arising solely from the uniformity of human nature are so few that they cannot constitute a science. The classical or orthodox political economy of England was conditioned from start to finish by the political problems it had to face. We are only beginning to acquire our national independence." Still another view is that "all that has been achieved in the field of economics that is of any value, has been the result of logical analysis applied to the phenomena and experiences of every-day UTILITARIAN SCIENCE 19 industrial life. The stages of past development can be determined and interpreted only in the light of this analysis. The lesson which the historical economist has never learned, is the importance of that principle, which lies at the bottom of the whole modern theory of evolution, and which was made use of by Lyell and Darwin, namely, the principle that historical changes of the past are to be accounted for by the long continued action of causes which are at this present moment in operation and can be observed and measured at the present day." "This," says my correspondent, "needs saying and re-saying, until it is burned into the minds of all students of economics." The recent progress of economics in America has lain in part in the development of economic theory by critical and by construct- ive methods. An important reason for welcoming the exact and critical study of economic theory is this: In the promulgation of imaginary economic principles the social and political charlatan finds his choice field of operation, just as the medical charlatan deals with some universal law of disease and its universal cure. The progress of science in every field discredits these universal principles with their mystical panaceas. There is all the more reason why in politics, as in medicine, those generalizations which deal with necessary laws or actually observed sequence of events should be critically and constructively studied. In general, however, the progress of economics has followed the same lines as progress in other sciences, through a " minute investi- gation and the application of principles already discovered or out- lined by painstaking inquiry as to facts." This method of work has been especially fruitful in the study of monetary problems, of finance, taxation, and insurance, in the study of labor problems and conditions, in the study of commerce, and in the study of crime and pauperism. In its development economics is, however, many years behind the natural sciences, a condition due to reliance on metaphysical methods and to the inherent difficulty in the use of any other. "Economics," says a correspondent, "has been less successful than the material sciences in getting rid of the apparatus of meta- physical presumptions. The economist is still too eager to formu- late laws that shall disclose the ultimate spiritual meaning of things instead of trying to explain how these things came to pass. He has profited in small degree by those lessons which the progressive evolutionary sciences have driven home in the past in the methods of thinking of workers in other fields. Our science is still sadly behind the times in its way of handling its subject-matter. The greatest and most important work of economic investigations is to make students see things as they are, to fit young men for the more highly 20 UTILITARIAN SCIENCES organized business new conditions are ushering in, and give a better appreciation of the problems of government and a better training for participation in them." Says another correspondent: "Training in research is in fact essential to every technical man. The young technologist will be confronted by new problems not covered by anything in literature or in his past experience. Training in research is training in the art of solving unsolved problems, and the practical man who has had discipline of that kind has a great advantage over his more conven- tional competitors. The Germans recognize this principle, and behold their marvelous industrial growth. The student in every department of science should be taught to think as well as to do." The time must come when a man who has no training and no experience in research will not be called educated, whatever may be the range of his erudition. To unfold the secret of power is the true purpose of education. DR. DEAN OPERATING BEFORE HIS CLASS Hand-painted Photogravure from the Painting by H. Oervex The fascinating gruesomeness of a serious surgical operation incorporated, so to .speak, with the scientific aspect, is the subject of Gervex's ambitious effort, shown at the Paris Exposition, 1889. The operator is Dr. Jules Dean, author of several works on Surgery, Officer of the Legion and Member of the Institute, France. The painting represents a handsome young girl pre- pared to undergo an operation for an affection of the throat. Dr. Dean is ex- plaining the case to his class before using the knife, and the countenances of his auditors indicate the gravity of his words, a treatment that evidences the genius of the artist. DEPARTMENT XVII — MEDICINE DEPARTMENT XVII — MEDICINE (Hall 1, September 20, 4.15 p. m.) CHAIRMAN: DR. WILLIAM OSLER, Johns Hopkins University. SPEAKERS: DR. WILLIAM T. COUNCILMAN, Harvard University. DR. FRANK BILLINGS, University of Chicago. THE MODERN CONCEPTIONS AND METHODS OF MEDICAL SCIENCE BY WILLIAM THOMAS COUNCILMAN [William Thomas Councilman, Shattuck Professor of Pathological Anatomy, Har- vard University Medical School, b. Maryland, 1854. M.D. Maryland Univer- sity; A.M. (Hon.) Harvard and Johns Hopkins University. Graduate student of Johns Hopkins University; special course, Vienna, Leipzig, Prague, Strass- burg. Assistant in Physiology and Anatomy, Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins University. Member of Association of American Physicians, National Academy of Science. Author of medical works on Diphtheria; Small-Pox; and Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis.] AN acquaintance with present conditions in medicine and with the literature of the past makes us aware of a great change both in the conceptions of medicine and in the methods by which the con- ceptions are reached. There has been a great increase of knowledge brought about by investigation and experiment, a realization of the value of knowledge and its acceptance and utilization. Medi- cine has severed all connection with speculative philosophy and taken its true place among the natural sciences. It has been brought into closer accord with other sciences than ever before and has accepted the methods of science. There are no systems, no schools, no paramount authority; no hypothesis is so firmly held that it is not instantly rejected when it fails to accord with new knowledge. Progress in medicine has gone hand in hand with progress in all departments of knowledge. Medicine has for its problems the cause, the nature, the preven- tion, the cure of disease. It is a branch of biology in that in all of its relations it has to do with living things. The ontologic concep- tion of disease as a thing differing from and entering into the organ- ism is no longer held, but disease is regarded as a condition of living things in which there is disharmony of function. The phenomena of life depend upon actions exerted upon living tissue by its sur- roundings. When the action exerted leads to forms of activity which differ from and fail to come into accord with the usual activ- ities, whatever produces such an action is a cause of disease. These 24 MEDICINE causative agencies acting on the tissue, produce structural alter- ations, in consequence of which even the action exerted by the or- dinary surroundings may result in disharmony. The terms health and disease both carry with them the conception of activity. Al- though the abnormality of function is always associated with and depends upon structural alteration, there may be extensive struc- tural alteration which is so repaired or compensated for that it does not result in disease. In the history of the advance of knowledge in medicine we find two methods by which knowledge has been sought. In one, the endeavor has been made to form conceptions of the objects studied by means of impressions conveyed by the senses. Great advances have always followed the discovery of methods and instruments by means of which the territory of investigation has been extended. The inquiry does not stop with the mere description of the concep- tions derived from the sense-impressions, but an effort is made to correlate them, to ascertain preceding conditions, and the meaning or idea involved. When the inquiry passes beyond the immediate investigation, an ideal conception of the nature, the interrelation, the cause or the result of the conditions studied, an hypothesis, may be formed, based on experience and analogy. The hypothesis must be tested by further observation under natural conditions and by the experiment which involves observation under known and controlled conditions. When the hypothesis has been so tested and found to hold good in all cases under the same conditions, it can be used as a basis from which new questions may arise. The other method is by speculation. By a wide and illegitimate use of analogy conceptions are formed and projected into the objects, instead of being derived from the sense-impressions. A tendency to speculation is inherent in the nature of man. Confronted al- ways with the unknown, which has such enormous proportions compared with the known, and so much of which seems to be re- moved from the possibility of actual investigation, man is led to attempt to answer the questions which the unknown thrust upon him by means of the imagination. As knowledge becomes deeper and more extended, speculation tends to become more confined. True philosophy aims at a complete understanding of the causal relation of all processes in nature and of man's relation to these processes. Disease, as one of the most important conditions in nature affecting man in all of his relations, has always had an im- portant place in philosophy. All the systems of philosophy in the past, from Plato down, have embraced speculations concerning disease. The true ends of philosophy cannot be reached by specu- lation, but by the use of all the material for observation given by the natural sciences, and a philosophic system will contain just so MODERN METHODS OF MEDICAL SCIENCE 25 much truth as there is natural science in it. Nature seems to de- light in refuting all conceptions of her processes which are not based on sense-impressions. The progress of knowledge by these two methods has been the same in all sciences as in medicine, but it is more easily followed in medicine, because of the important place which its subject disease has always held in the thoughts of man. It is possible to trace the past in the conditions of the present. In the earliest period of medi- cine, before there were any records of the study of the phenomena of disease and any differentiation 'of disease, disease was regarded as the visitation of the wrath of offended deities, and the surest mode of its relief the propitiation of the deity by supplications and offerings. Such beliefs are still held, or at least practices which were based on such beliefs are continued. In almost all countries at the present time it is the custom to offer supplications that the disease of an important individual may be removed by divine inter- position. It is true that such prayers may be a part of past tradi- tion or a part of the discipline of a religious system, but undoubt- edly their efficacy is believed in by many. Disease has played an important role in systems of religions, and the teachers of the sys- tem who had most fully embraced its tenets were supposed to be the most efficacious in removing disease. Christian Science is only one of a great number of religious systems held to-day in which treatment of disease forms an important part of the cult. In the past there have been systems of medicine which gave explanations of all phenomena, and the system being perfect the phenomena were removed from further investigation. Homeopathy is the most important survivor of such speculative systems. Speculation has undoubtedly been fostered by systems of religion founded on what was accepted as supernatural revelation. Reve- lation which sufficed for the explanation of phenomena at the time when it was given becomes firmly and inseparably blended with speculation when it must be expanded to meet a wider range of phenomena. Knowledge cannot be diffused, accepted, or utilized beyond the general development of culture. Any general influence which can be exerted on the people, turning thought into new directions, giving new subjects and proper methods, is of great importance. Darwin, by substituting a rational and easily com- prehended hypothesis, based on observation and experiment, with a clear statement of the method by which the hypothesis was formed, for a revelation which did not suffice and which could not be twisted to conform to what was of general and accepted know- ledge, exerted probably the greatest influence on general scientific progress in the last century. Medicine, like all other sciences, has felt its vivifying influence. 26 MEDICINE One of the greatest changes which has taken place in the last century is the general acceptance of the idea that medicine is a natural science, in which knowledge must be sought by the methods of science, namely, observation and experiment, and that disease is the result of injurious conditions acting upon the tissues. A great part of the mystery surrounding disease has been removed by know- ledge of the conditions which give rise to it, with the further know- ledge that it is possible to prevent disease by removing such con- ditions. Even though some may still believe that an epidemic of typhoid fever is an act of God, they must see that the action is exerted by means of a defective water-supply, and the surest way of removing the epidemic is not by supplication, but by purifying the water. At no time in the world's history has the importance of knowledge been so fully recognized as at present. People see the application of knowledge in the arts, and that improvement in the processes involved is directly dependent upon increased knowledge of the processes. There is a closer union between science and art than has ever been before. We see the influence of the appreciation of knowledge in medicine in the general acceptance of the idea that the hospital, in addition to taking care of the sick, shall furnish facilities for the investigation of disease ; in the creation of institutes devoted to the furtherance of medical knowledge, and in endow- ments of universities to the same end. A brief glance at some of the more important periods in medical history will enable us to trace the influence and the results of the two methods by which knowledge has been sought. The history of medicine begins with Hippocrates. Before him there were only superstition and tradition without systematic observation and description. He described accurately the results of his study of the phenomena of disease, classified the phenomena, and based his methods of treatment on his observations. The influence of Greek philosophy made him attempt to explain the phenomena, by the assumption of a force residing in and presiding over the body. The contemporaries and successors of Hippocrates who regarded him as a god, and his conclusions as unfailing axioms, entirely neglected the methods by which he arrived at them. It must ever remain a source of wonder that the light which burst upon medicine with the advent of Hippocrates should so soon have passed into darkness. The Greeks chose rather to speculate on the meaning of phenomena than to investigate them. Galen, next to Hippocrates, had the greatest influence on medicine, an influence which was dominant for more than 1300 years. Galen mastered all the knowledge and traditions of medicine at his time and made important contributions to anatomy and physiology. He was the first to introduce the experimental method into medicine, and gave a firm foundation MODERN METHODS OF MEDICAL SCIENCE 27 to nerve physiology by observing the paralysis of certain muscles after section of the nerves. A voluminous writer as well as investi- gator, Galen created a complete system of medicine which remained as authority until men became bold enough to throw over authority when it did not conform with what could be learned from investi- gation. The stagnation and decline in medicine which followed Galen and continued during the Middle Ages was due to the dom- inance of a dogmatic religion in lands in which the general culture of the people should have given the conditions for knowledge to increase. The Church regarded its dogma as sufficient, and all inquiry, all free activity of men's minds were prohibited. Dogma based on supposed revelation sufficed. There was some attempt at progress made by the Arabians, but their most important contri- bution was the preservation of the old learning. Even the period of the Renaissance passed with little or no influence on medicine, for mental activity was turned exclusively into channels in which dogma could not be disturbed. Three circumstances served to bring about a new era in the pro- gress of knowledge in which medicine shared. The discovery of the art of printing by which knowledge became more diffused and more exact by the substitution of record for tradition, the discovery of America, with the stimulation which this gave to thought and imagination, and the Reformation, which gave freedom to thought, removed the weight of authority, and allowed investigation. The reform in medicine was introduced in Europe by Paracelsus, whose work was chiefly the overthrow of the Galen system, which had sufficed and under which investigation was not possible. Progress in the new reform was more active in England than in the land of its birth. This was due to the freedom from war, the greater freedom of the people in all ways, and to the work of Francis Bacon, who for the first time showed clearly the methods by which knowledge must be sought. With few exceptions, English medicine has remained true to the precept of Bacon, that knowledge increases by the observations of things with the proper utilization of past observa- tions. There has been -an almost continuous line of great physicians in England who have enriched medical knowledge by investigation and who remained free from speculation. The contributions which such men as Harvey, Sydenham, Hunter, and Bright have made, remain and have served as bases from which knowledge has grown. The theories which were founded upon their work have passed with- out influence. That there came a time in England when medical investigation was greatly surpassed in other countries, is to be attri- buted to the introduction of methods of investigation which could not be utilized in England. It was the introduction of the labora- tory with the facilities for and the systematization of medical investi- 28 MEDICINE gation which gave medicine in Europe its ascendency. Young men at an age when authority has the least weight, and before there was opportunity given them for the investigation of the clinical phe- nomena of disease, found in the laboratory opportunity for inves- tigation, and had small questions placed before them which could be solved. The laboratory gave the workers scientific methods which formed the basis, and gave the direction of further work in the clinic. With the laboratory came also a division of labor, which allowed certain men to devote their time to investigation and teaching. Ambition was stimulated, for advance and the further career was made dependent upon the ability for investigation. It is interesting to follow a wave of speculation in medicine which reached its acme in Germany in the early part of the nineteenth century. In the period following the Reformation the most striking figure in medicine was Albrecht v. Haller, a man who as investigator and clear thinker has been equaled by few. Haller recognized the important fact that life was a property inherent in the tissues and manifested itself by sensation and movement. On the work of Haller is founded the system of Brown, who though a Scotchman can be regarded as the forerunner of the German Natur-philosophie in medicine. The system of Brown is founded on the principle, which he states clearly, that the living animal body is distinguished from the dead and from all lifeless matter by the capacity for excitation by external influences. The difference between health and disease lies in the degree of irritability of the tissues. He divided disease into the sthenic and asthenic types, according to the degree of irritability developed by the excitant, and the treatment of disease was based on this. In the hands of Brown's pupils and successors treatment of disease was productive of great harm. The theory of Brown found ready acceptance in Germany, not only by physicians but by a group of men who sought to explain nature by the creation of laws. The law once made was regarded as more correct than the observa- tion. Schelling, who was the foremost figure in this philosophy, sought to give a representation of all the phenomena in nature, to develop the interrelation of the phenomena*, to show the action of natural laws in all bodies, and believed that these laws originated in a common point and were characterized as an advancing series of higher phases of development of matter. Not only was it impossible to construct a system of the world from the knowledge of nature at that time, and it probably never will be possible, but Schelling very imperfectly utilized what knowledge there was. This Natur- philosophie dominated medicine in Germany during the first quarter of the nineteenth century. It is expressed to a greater or less extent in all medical writing. The most gifted men could not entirely withdraw from its influence. Medicine was not a science following MODERN METHODS OF MEDICAL SCIENCE 29 the methods of observation and experiment, investigation was banished from the clinic and laboratory and found its place at the writing-desk. Hartmann says that one reason why the Natur-philoso- phie found such ready acceptance was the ease with which it was possible by its aid to become famous as a writer. The young phy- sician found it no longer necessary to become acquainted with the material for study by toilsome investigation; he only needed the philosophic forms of expression . and could apply these to what he knew or did not know of medicine. Many systems of medicine were founded which purported to give a complete explanation of all the phenomena of disease. Of all these systems, the one which has endured the longest was almost the most fantastic in its structure. The success of the system of Hahnemann or homeopathy is, in the first place, due to the fact that under it the treatment of disease represented a great advance as compared with treatment under the systems of Brown and Rasori. However zealous the exponents of a system may be, it will find its condemnation from those who suffer most from it. The system as presented by Hahnemann was com- plete; it offered names and seeming explanations for all conditions. The practice of the medical art under the system was easy and involved no toilsome investigations. It was put forth at an early period of the Natur-philosophie and was carried upward on the tidal wave which swept through Germany. It at once found great favor with the people and was taken up by great numbers of phy- sicians. In the course of time the adherents of the system have become divided into three camps. In one its principles have been extended far beyond the conception of Hahnemann, in that the products of disease have been used as remedial agents; a second have remained true to the principles of the founder; and a third, comprising a large number of intelligent physicians, hold only to the name. Under the Natur-philosophie, combinations between religion and medicine arose and a system, which represented a return to medieval mysticism, was formed by Windischmann and Ringseis. In this it was taught that the causes of disease are immaterial and not to be sought for, since disease merely represents discord between body and soul. Such a remarkable phenomenon as the dominance of the specula- tion which was a part of the Natur-philosophie must be regarded as a part of the romantic movement which swept through Germany and found its chief expression in poetry. All barriers to idealism and speculation were cast aside. The movement was a part of the awakening of Germany to a new national life. The great questions of the time involving political liberty and even national existence were absorbing. Under such circumstances only a few could turn from the pressure of such large questions to the narrow field of 30 MEDICINE scientific investigation. It is remarkable that the great awakening in France which preceded it should have been characterized by the opposite tendencies. During this period of speculation in Germany valuable contributions to knowledge were continually being made in anatomy and physiology. The chief exponents of the Natur- philosophie were physicians who had to do with the clinical phe- nomena of disease. Speculation was fostered because the methods of gaining information from the study of disease were at the time so meager that observation was restricted. So confirmed was the habit of speculation that each new discovery in anatomy and physi- ology, instead of serving as a basis for investigation, became food for new speculation. It is possible to see the influence of the Natur-philosophie on its greatest opponent, Rudolf Virchow. No one more clearly laid down the methods of scientific investigation than did Virchow in the opening articles of his Archivs. He was a born investigator and made valuable contributions to knowledge in every department of medicine. The protocols of his autopsies are models of full and accurate descriptions of observations. He made important additions to the technic and methods of work by the use of which new know- ledge was gained. He was a great teacher as well as investigator, and men trained in his methods are among the most famous in medicine. It is difficult to find in the history of modern medicine any one who can be compared with Virchow in the contributions made to medical knowledge and the influence which he exerted. He sub- stituted for the ontologic conception of disease, which was prevalent in Germany at that time, the conception which we adopt to-day, that it consists in life under altered conditions. This is not an explanation, but a simple way of stating the summation of the most obvious phenomena. He created the cell theory of disease, which, though it represented an enormous advance over prevalent theories and has been most stimulating to investigation, can no more be held in its entirety as Virchow gave it than any of the systems it supplanted. Unlike the other systems, it did not pretend to be all-satisfying and all-explaining. The cell theory of disease should be regarded as an hypothesis fully justified in being formed from the knowledge at that time available. In Virchow's theory of inflammation we see the great value of an hypothesis which, though gradually proved incorrect by continued observations, has been most stimulating to investigation. It is interesting to see the con- tention which has been excited by theory. No one contends for the acceptance of an observation, but is content to leave this for time, but the contention is for the conception based on the observation and the theory formed from the conceptions. Virchow properly MODERN METHODS OF MEDICAL SCIENCE 31 Opposed the ontologic conception of disease, but this led him also to oppose the proof given that certain diseases which he regarded as due to the action of general causes, were due to parasites. Virchow appeared in medicine at the time when Natur-philosophie, though seemingly dominant in Germany, was really far advanced in decline, and his mighty blows were delivered against a feeble body. It was the knowledge of French and English medicine, where the advance had been by investigation, the increase in knowledge in all the nat- ural sciences giving too much to be covered by any system, which gave the death-blow to this period of speculation in medicine. It is possible now to see the effect of this period of unrestricted imagination on medicine. It is true that it inhibited progress, by restricting observation and experiment, that it substituted theory for knowledge, and found satisfaction in empty phrases and jug- gling with terms. But it gave birth to fruitful stimulation, and opened wide and distant vistas which science has utilized. The excitation of the imagination, provided the imagination be con- trolled and theories be recognized as theories, is most useful in science. Without the imagination, without the tendency to seek for explanations of phenomena, there would be no progress. There is only danger in the failure to recognize the true relation of the hypothesis and in attempting to progress by adding hypotheses. There was but little progress in the period, but progress resulted from the stimulation which the period gave, and from the reaction which followed it. Although as playing a great part and affecting an entire people, such a movement has passed and will probably not return, we constantly see the same tendencies. The medical systems, often connected with religion, which are constantly arising in all countries, and especially in this, the attempt to form theories in explanation of the unknown, are due to the same mental states which produced the Natur-philosophie. They arise, have a ready following composed of birds of passage resting temporarily on any bough provided, and disappear without making any real impression. How completely the period of the Natur-philosophie has passed in the country of the creation is seen in the history of medicine in Germany for the last fifty years. By the adoption of scientific methods, by the fostering influence of the government, which pro- vided facilities for research, and by a system which gave reward for investigation, Germany has become the leader of the world. At no time in the world's history was there such rapid advance, such a complete transformation in methods, such an array of great men in all the departments of medicine as in France, following the Revolution. The foremost of the men in this school in France was Bichat. He undertook the gigantic task of creating for medicine a solid foundation derived from the study of objects and from ex- 32 MEDICINE periments. He carried the anatomic study of disease further than ever before, endeavoring to ascertain not only the lesions in the organs, but in the tissues which compose them. The relation be- tween the anatomic lesions and disorders of function he says must be studied by experiment. The work of Magendie in physiology was hardly less important than that of Bichat in pathology. Phy- siology had suffered from the theory of vital force which as a seeming explanation weighed upon it as an incubus, opposing investigation. He claimed for physiology the same methods as in physics and chemistry, saying that the carefully conducted experiment is alone decisive in testing the conclusions formed from observation of phe- nomena. The work of Magendie had full recognition in France, and he was followed by Claude Bernard and Brown-Sequard, who further developed his methods. Corvisart, Andral, Louis, Rayer, and Cruvilhier were among the most brilliant men in the new school which was founded by Bichat and Magendie. Corvisart and Laennec deserve especial mention in that the former brought to general knowledge the method of percussion of Auenbrugger, which had been forgotten, and the latter introduced and further developed the method of auscultation. In the advance of science new technical methods of investigation play a most important role. The technical method enables the observation to extend further and more deeply. Virchow has said that the introduction of the microscope into medical research en- abled us to approach several hundred times nearer disease than before. The microscope introduced a new era in the study of disease ; it came into general use when the study of gross pathology in the absence of new questions had almost reached its limit. It gave more correct ideas of disease by increasing the powers of observation; it overthrew at once many theories and gave new points of view and new questions, from which further observation could proceed. Every improvement in the microscope by which its efficiency is increased has the same influence. The knowledge of the influence of bacteria in disease is due, in the first instance, to the improve- ment of the microscope, and in the second, to the discovery by Koch of methods of cultivation, by means of which the individual species can be studied. Until this was possible our knowledge of bacteria was inexact and their causative relation to disease only an hypothesis. The development of knowledge of the minute struc- ture of cells and tissues is principally due to the use of methods of staining, which started with the simple carmin stain of Gerlach. In clinical medicine the introduction of the microscope, the thermo- meter, the methods of chemic investigation, the blood-counter, the Rontgen ray, have all led to a closer insight into disease and the substitution of knowledge for conjecture. There is a further indirect MODERN METHODS OF MEDICAL SCIENCE 33 advantage which comes from the use of instruments of precision in investigating phenomena, in that the continued use of the methods, the constant seeking for exact knowledge of conditions removes the tendency toward speciilation. The brilliant results which have been reached in surgery, changing this from the most despised to the leading branch of medicine, show the advantage of methods which are founded on knowledge. Surgery was despised in the period in medicine in which speculation was in the ascendency, when the answers to its problems were sought in the study rather than at the bedside and in the laboratory. The art of surgery has been dependent upon direct observation of disease, and its remedial measures were applied to the disease as revealed by sense-impressions. Theories and systems in medicine have come rather from internal medicine, in which field the diseased conditions were not so susceptible to study as things. The broken leg, however, is revealed by sight and touch, the tumor is an object. Moreover, the training in the anatomic and other laboratories so essential for a surgeon, gave the knowledge and the methods, and the manual skill to make them effective. At an early period surgery had re- course to animal experimentation, for the animal body offered the readiest means for testing new devices. In surgery new knowledge has been readily accepted and utilized. The demonstration of anesthesia came first from the surgeon, and the surgeon was the first to accept and apply the knowledge that infection is due to the action of living organisms. By the use of anesthesia and of measures of preventing infection, surgery has been extended into fields for- merly supposed not to be open to the exercise of its art. Medicine owes a debt to surgery for not only what it has accomplished, but for holding to proper methods and demonstrating their importance. The less advance in modes -of treating disease which internal medi- cine has made, compared with that made in surgery, is to be attri- buted to the difficulty of obtaining definite knowledge of the con- ditions of disease in internal organs. That the lack of power is due primarily to lack of knowledge is shown by the fact that for diphtheria, formerly one of the most dreaded, now probably the best-known of diseases, there is a remedy which leaves little to be desired. The production of antitoxin is the greatest triumph of scientific medicine and is due to knowledge obtained by the application of scientific methods to the study of a disease which gave unusual opportunities for investigation. It points out what may be accomplished in the future by not seeking for analogies between other diseases and diphtheria, but by pursuing the same methods. Modern therapeutics is guided by two principles in each of which efficiency is dependent upon knowledge of disease. In the most important, the remedial agent has a specific action on 34 MEDICINE the cause of disease, either destroying it or opposing its action. In the second, the remedial agents are used not with the view of exert- ing any specific action against the cause of disease, nor even in assist- ing in the restoration of the tissue which has been injured, but with the view of restoring function. Any agent acting as a cause of disease produces injury of the tissue, and the effect of this is altera- tion, or diminution, or destruction of function. There is a close in- terrelation of function, that of one organ depending upon the others. The effect of the alteration of function is seen in the supervention of phenomena, which differ from the ordinary. The effect of impaired function may be remedied by supplying the body with some sub- stance which was formed by the impaired organ. Substances directly derived from glands in the animal body, such as thyroid and pancre- atic extract, may be supplied. Or the functional activity of an organ may be increased by direct stimulation or increasing its blood supply. Or the function of some other organ nearly related to the organ affected may, by increased function, be caused to supply the deficiency. Therapeutics acts either as a guard against, or as a caretaker of the body in disease. Its greatest triumphs are in prevention. When the injury has once been produced, its effects are minimized by the capacity of the body to adapt itself to new conditions. There is a third use of therapeutics in the case in which the disease pro- duces so much pain and discomfort that the remedial agent is used for the purpose of diminishing the effect of sense-impression on the central nervous system. It is clear how complicated the questions are, and how much greater is the task presented to the physician than to the surgeon. The surgeon acts directly, either adjusting parts which are deranged or by removing tissue which is diseased. The study of medical literature shows the mistakes and follies which have been and are being perpetrated in therapeutics. The more obscure the disease, the greater the number of remedies; the more ignorant the practitioner the more confidence that certain drugs will act as remedies in all diseases. Each year has served to discard some remedy considered infallible and to substitute for it another equally infallible. The discontent of the general public with such therapeutics is shown in the success of charlatans who advertise nostrums for the cure of all diseases. It is just as easy for them to obtain certificates of cures by the nostrums as it is for the practitioner to become convinced of cures effected by certain favorite drugs. The greater knowledge of the infectious diseases which has come with their experimental study has especially served to place thera- peutics upon a proper basis. It has become apparent that many diseases are self-limited and tend to recover under any treatment, MODERN METHODS OF MEDICAL SCIENCE 35 provided this be not too injurious, and that the medical art can be more successfully exerted in preventing disease than in its cure. The first effect of increased knowledge of disease was to produce a feeling of powerlessness in the face of it, followed by a nihilism in therapeutics which was as much to be deplored as overconfidence, for it acted as a bar to progress. This nihilism was a prominent feature of the Vienna school in the sixth decade of the past century. The science of therapeutics as we find it to-day is founded on ex- perimental pharmacology and pathology. In experimental pharma- cology the action of drugs on the healthy animal is investigated. It is sought to discover the mode of entry of the drug into the tissues, the mode of excretion, the changes the drug undergoes while in the body, and the changes in structure and function it produces. The action of the drug may differ in different animal species. Know- ledge of the pathology of disease shows in what part changes are produced by the causative agent, the nature of the changes, and the effect of these changes on function. The determination of what is taking place in the body in disease is the most important ques- tion in medicine to-day. For its answer all the resources of science must be brought to bear. The subject is rendered more compli- cated by the fact that we are not dealing with a fixed but with a variable quantity. Age, heredity, temperament, and social en- vironment must all be considered. We cannot say, except with wide limitations, what changes and variation in function will be produced by the action of certain conditions. With the knowedge of the effect of the drug on the healthy body, and the knowledge of what changes are being produced in disease, and the effect of which we wish to minimize, an intelligent experiment may be made. Previous experimentation on animals should deprive the experi- ment of all danger. Another change which has become apparent is the greater spe- cialization not only in the exercise of the medical art, but in in- vestigation. All increase of knowledge must bring with it special- ization, for with the enlargement of the field comes the impossi- bility of its control by one individual. Specialization has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are, that inves- tigations are more easily carried out by the simplification of the questions and the familiarity with technical methods. Methods of investigation have become so complicated that the necessary skill can only be attained by the constant exercise of methods only applicable in a very narrow field, and an investigator of ex- ceptional ability in one line of work may be powerless in another. A man may profitably devote his entire energies to the study of the changes in nerve cells in disease, or may confine himself to the study of a single species of bacteria. With the enormous increase 36 MEDICINE in medical literature there has come specialization in this, and certain journals are devoted to special subjects and are only read by those working in the field covered. The first differentiation came in the separation of anatomy, physiology, and pathology from prac- tical medicine, that is, the medicine concerned with the exercise of the art. The separation was a natural one, for not only could progress be more rapid, but the subjects could be better taught by one who had the knowledge which came from his own investi- gations. It is no longer possible for a single individual to control the knowledge in any of these primary subdivisions. The most obvious disadvantage in specialization is the loss of the more gen- eral aspects of questions. The large questions become broken up into smaller, and the smaller questions become leading questions to be again broken up. It is also felt that the knowledge gained in such special investigations may not be of a character which can be utilized in the treatment of disease. But few of the questions which arise and form the basis for investigation come from the clinic, and they apparently have only the most remote relation to the problems of disease. The investigator very properly feels that his investigations are justified, in that they form contributions to general knowledge, and whether or not the results are directly applicable to the treatment of disease does not disturb him. There was an error perpetrated in not giving to those devoted to the study of the clinical aspect of disease the same opportunity to devote themselves to research, to answer the question which came from the phenomena of disease, which was given to anatomy, physiology, and pathology. Clinical medicine, the study of the problems of disease coming from the bedside, must have the same opportunity and must advance by the use of the same methods as physiology and anatomy. Clinical medicine is behind the special departments in the contributions it has made to knowledge, in the methods by which it seeks to advance, and in the efficiency of teaching. Provision must be made in the universities which will enable men in the clinical departments to devote themselves to research and teaching, and laboratories must be provided for such research. Only one who is himself an investigator can direct in- vestigation by recognizing and properly stating the questions. There need be no fear that the knowledge which comes from investigation will not be utilized. In what way may not be apparent at the time. Often knowledge which seemed furthest removed from utility has become the most important. That knowledge is poAver, and that it is the only power is an accepted axiom. Anatomy and physiology, originally arising from human medi- cine for the furtherance of knowledge which could be applied to the treatment of disease in man, have long outgrown such limita- MODERN METHODS OF MEDICAL SCIENCE 37 tions. Both have become comparative. Physiology undertakes the study of the processes taking place in living things, anatomy their form and structure. The comparative view has more slowly entered into pathology, for this has been more closely in contact with clinical medicine, and mostof the questions for investigation have arisen in connection with the diseases of man. Disease is found in every living thing, in all animal and plant life. The phenomena of disease must differ according to the conditions peculiar to the organism. Strictly speaking there can be little similarity between the phenomena of disease in a plant and in an animal. The functions that are destroyed or altered by disease are too dissimilar. But this is not true when we study the closer details of disease. In both, changes are pro- duced and the changes affect function. We can study unicellular organisms directly under the microscope, see the changes which are being produced by injurious conditions and the effects of the changes. Knowledge derived from such study may be said to be the basis of our conception of inflammation. The studies of plant diseases have been almost entirely directed from the economic side. The economic results which have come from this study by enabling the prevention of disease are almost incalculable. General medicine has gained by this study a greater knowledge of para- sites, their mode of action and the means by which the organism is protected against them. That the knowledge has been so rapidly gained is due to the facilities for investigation and experimenta- tion. Plant experimentation has never given offense. It should be regarded on the whole as very much better that the study of plant disease has been directed from the economic side, for progress has been more rapid, but there would be advantage in the closer association of plant and animal pathology and the extension to plant diseases of questions coming from disease in man. Careful study of diseases in animals has been chiefly directed to the infectious diseases and especially to those artificially pro- duced. The questions have been chiefly those concerned with the parasitic cause of disease and the mode of action of the parasites. The more obscure diseases of animals have attracted but little attention and only from the economic side. The phenomena of disease in the higher animals have much similarity to the phenom- ena of disease in man, and in certain aspects the diseases of animals are more capable of investigation. Diseases are found in ani- mals which are similar to the most obscure diseases in man. Our ignorance of these diseases in man is due to their complexity and the difficulties of investigation. To their understanding chemical and physical methods are necessary, and some of these methods cannot be carried out, for they may be harmful to the individual. In animals we have the advantage that the disease can be inter- 38 MEDICINE rupted at any stage and the conditions studied at this stage. We know the infectious diseases of animals chiefly by their experi- mental production. There has been but little study of these dis- eases under natural conditions and much knowledge can be gained by the mode of, and conditions predisposing to, infection. Ques- tions of heredity have an important bearing on disease. The sus- ceptibility of animals to disease varies. Common experience has shown in man also that, under circumstances apparently the same, certain individuals will acquire diseases, others remain exempt. There is also foundation for the belief that susceptibility for cer- tain infectious diseases is inherited and in other diseases inherited susceptibility is beyond doubt. The most striking recent discovery in medicine is that the blood-serum contains many complex sub- stances. Some of them play an important role in the animal econ- omy, for others we can as yet discern no purpose, and our know- ledge of these substances is chiefly confined to their effects, but it has recently been found possible to isolate one substance in pure form with a known chemic composition. While these substances may serve an important role in protecting the body against disease they may act in the opposite way by providing a means by which injurious substances are brought in contact with cells. Whether chemic variation may not arise, be inherited, and play an important part in disease susceptibility is an important question to be answered by comparative medicine. For the purpose of such investigation an animal clinic is necessary, which should be provided with thorough facilities for the study of disease. The questions for solution should come both from comparative medicine and from the clinic of human disease. Comparative medicine is intimately associated with experimental medicine. There can be no contention as to the relative advan- tages of observation and experiment. The experiment is only obser- vation under simple and known conditions and supplements obser- vation under the more complicated natural conditions. In the experiment it is possible to divide questions into their simpler com- ponents and make each the subject of experiment. In experimental medicine just as in the animal clinic, the questions for solution should come from both comparative medicine and the human clinic. The most brilliant results in experimental medicine have come from the study of the infectious diseases. Knowledge of these diseases stands in direct relation to the possibility of their experimental production. It is true that we have not been able to produce in animals many of the diseases which are found in man. Experimental medicine is comparatively new and the number of animal species experi- mented upon has not been large. It has recently been found possible to produce syphilis in the chimpanzee and there is every reason to MODERN METHODS OF MEDICAL SCIENCE 39 hope that this will lead to knowledge of the nature of this most obscure disease. Questions concerning the circulation and respira- tion in disease which are closely related to physics will find their answer in experimental medicine. The opponents of animal ex- perimentation should remember that the greater our knowledge of disease which comes in this way, the further will disease in man be removed from experiment. Before our present knowledge of diphtheria, tuberculosis, tetanus, and anthrax, all treatment of these diseases was experimental. In certain cases experiments must be carried out in human beings and even when the experiments may have a fatal termination. Such experiments will only be resorted to when this forms the only method of obtaining knowledge of the highest importance, and the subjects of the experiment must be adults who submit with full knowledge of the possible consequences. Let us give all honor to the men who devised and the brave men who submitted to an experiment, the knowledge obtained from which has placed yellow fever in the list of pre- ventable diseases. There has been in the past too wide a separation between the public and the medical profession. The public has derived its medical information chiefly through the newspapers and the information so given has been sensational and unreliable. Without correct infor- mation of the problems which face the medical profession and of the methods by which these problems are being solved, neither the sym- pathy nor cooperation of the public may be secured. Active or passive opposition may be encountered. There is evidence that this is being slowly changed. The medicine of the romance is not so fantastic as it was formerly. The general information in biology, human anatomy, and physiology necessary for any appreciation of medi- cine is being imparted by the schools. Many of the popular maga- zines contain admirable articles on disease. The stories of such diseases as malaria and yellow fever have actual fascination. The medical education of the public is also furthered by the work of boards of health in the control of infectious diseases. The public is slowly but none the less surely learning that disease is not a mysteri- ous entity, dwelling like a devil in the body, to be driven out by the use of some equally mysterious agent, but a condition of life which can be guarded against. The public is not slow in the ap- preciation of the results of the work of boards of health, and is willing to make provision for their work. Medical education, the training of men to exercise the art of medicine, has been revolutionized in the past twenty-five years. The most marked change has been in the substitution of object-study for the didactic lecture. The didactic lecture is still used, though not with the idea of imparting knowledge, but of showing the in- 40 MEDICINE terrelation of knowledge coming from objective teaching. The suc- cessful practice of medicine depends more than ever before upon the use of methods which give accurate knowledge of the con- dition of the sick individual, and training in the exercise of these methods is the most important part of medical education. It is certainly of importance that the student should learn the structure of the body, the functions of the different organs, and the changes which organs and functions undergo in disease. The knowledge acquired will be constantly used in solving the problems presented in the practice of medicine. While this is true, a great part of the value of these studies consists in the discipline which laboratory study enforces. In the laboratory the student learns to acquire conceptions of objects and of the activities taking place in them, by means of sense impressions, and to use and appreciate methods by means of which the field of investigation is extended. He learns to approach pro- blems from the scientific point of view. Progress and success in medi- cine is directly dependent upon the habit of investigation. Medi- cine is not and probably will not be an exact science with definite laws, by the application of which the exact sequence of phenomena can be foretold. Every case of disease is a problem, and on the knowledge acquired from investigation successful treatment of the individual depends. Science demands to know, and methods by which knowledge can be obtained are of supreme importance. Methods of obtaining knowledge have been widely extended in clinical investigation. Every year sees the discovery of new methods. There should be, and with the foremost men there is, no distinction between the clinic and the laboratory. In both knowledge is sought by the use of the senses, and methods of investigation have a su- preme importance. The laboratory discipline can be given just as well in the clinic as in the other laboratories, with the advan- tage that the methods of the clinic are the methods which are used in the practice of medicine, and facility in methods can only be acquired by continual exercise. It is evident, however, that the laboratories and clinics should only be conducted by men who themselves know and fully appreciate the importance of methods. It is probable that in the medical education of the future there will be a restriction of the laboratory training in anatomy, physiology, and pathology, and an extension of the training in the methods of the clinical laboratory. THE DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN MEDICINE BY FRANK BILLINGS [Frank Billings, Professor of Medicine, University of Chicago, and Professor of Medicine and Dean of Faculty, Rush Medical College, b. April 2, 1854, High- land, Wisconsin. M.D. Northwestern University Medical School, 1881; M.S. ibid. 1890; Demonstrator of Anatomy, ibid. 1882-85; Lecturer on Physical Dia- gnosis, ibid. 1883-87; Professor of Physical Diagnosis, ibid. 1887-91; Professor of Medicine, ibid. 1891-98; Professor of Medicine, Rush Medical College, 1898; Dean of Faculty, ibid. 1900. Member of Association of American Physicians; Association of American Pathologists; American Medical Association; Illinois State Medical Society; Chicago Medical Society; Chicago Pathological Society; Chicago Academy of Science; Chicago Neurological Society; Chicago Literary Club. Editor of Year-Book of Medicine.} MODERN medicine is a composite of the knowledge of many sci- ences. The last twenty-five years mark the period of the greatest evolution of medicine in its history. The foundation of modern medi- cine was laid by the labors of hundreds of earnest workers in the field of science during the last three centuries. As a rule the value to modern medicine of these pioneer investigators was in an in- verse ratio to the length of the period which separated them from modern times. Exceptions to this rule are found, however, even in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Indeed, at that period when one considers the superstition, prejudice, mystic belief, magic, astrology, dogma after dogma, and system after system which pre- vailed, the inheritance of the dark ages, our admiration is excited by the really great results of the work of some of the scientists. Until the seventeenth century, Hippocrates, Galen, and Aristotle were the authorities in medicine. There was practically no ad- vancement in medicine in that period of time. Anatomy and patho- logy were not understood; dissection was forbidden by the clergy of the Middle Ages, because it was considered impious to muti- late a form made in the image of God. Dissections of the human body were practiced to a limited degree during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, but the sixteenth century was marked by the birth of Vesalius, a naturalist, whose investigations in human ana- tomy marked the beginning of scientific medicine. The seventeenth century marked the birth of realism. Galileo was a reformer in physics, and other scientific men broke away from the superstitions and dogmas .of the day and searched for light along self-chosen paths. During the century, Harvey dis- covered the circulation of the blood. Zoology and botany were cultivated. Romer calculated the velocity of light. Lord Bacon's brilliant mind shone resplendent. Sir Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravity. Malpighi, Steno, Bartholin, De Graf, Wharton, 42 MEDICINE Nuck, Bninner, Wirsung, Peyer, Havers, Cowper, Schneider, Hew- son, Vieussens, and Merkel, and many others, dissected out ever- lasting monuments of their genius and skill. Hooke introduced the term "cell," and the cell-doctrine was founded by Malpighi and Grew. Linnaeus, Kant, Richelieu, Mazarin, Moli6re, Bach, Hayden, Beethoven, and Goethe were contemporaries of these other great men. Peruvian bark was introduced into Spain during this period. The eighteenth century, called the golden age of medicine, wit- nessed a continuation of the constructive and realistic work of the previous century. Pathologic anatomy was born, and in the person of Morgagni received an impetus which gave it everlasting life. John Hunter, Baillie and Home in England, and Bichat in France were worthy successors of Morgagni. In this century Leopold Aven- brugger, the discoverer of percussion as a means of diagnosis of the diseases of large organs of the body, introduced the method in clin- ical investigation. Haller originated experimental physiology. An ambulatory clinic was inaugurated at Prague in 1745, and the first clinical institute was founded at Vienna in 1754 by Van Swieten. Preventive inoculation against small-pox was performed, a method of protection against variola which was practiced by the Chinese a thousand years before Christ. The most notable event of that period occurred at the close of the century with the discovery, by Edward Jenner, of vaccination as a protection against small-pox. The period marked by the first seventy-five years of the nineteenth century was but a continuation of the tendencies of the preceding period. The watchword of medicine was pathological anatomy and diagnosis — the so-called scientific or exact medicine. This tendency to realism was modified to some degree by the philosophic teaching of Schelling, Hartman, Spencer, Haeckel, Hagel, and others. Pathologic anatomy found brilliant exponents in Bretonneau, Corvisart, Bright, Rokitansky, Louis Magendie, and many others. The practical salutary effect of pathology upon practical medi- cine was evinced by the epoch-making clinical observations of Addison, Graves, Cheyne, William Stokes, Trousseau, Wunderlich, Ziemmsen, Corrigan, and others. Notable was the advancement made in physical exploration in diagnosis. Avenbrugger's inven- tion of percussion was extended by the translation of his book and the adoption and improvement of the method of percussion by Corvisart. In 1815, Laennec invented the stethoscope. Skoda developed both percussion and auscultation and published his famous work on these subjects in 1839. Thus in medicine we find that, even in that early day, the pathologist and the clinician taught that by the aid of its special senses and by the microscope and instruments DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN MEDICINE 43 of precision the diagnosis could be made with a definiteness, im- possible by the use of the symptoms alone. The epoch-making work of Johannes Mueller in embryology and physiology marked the beginning of modern physiology, and this, with the unparalelled activity of Virchow in pathology, resulted in an enormous development of scientific observation and product- iveness. Corresponding activity marked the work in the sciences of chem- istry, zoology, comparative and human anatomy, physics, botany, and general biology. The development of the microscope gave impetus to the study of the lower forms of life. In 1838, Ehren- berg regarded infusoria as animals. In 1852, Perty claimed that most infusoria should be assigned to the vegetable world. Cohn proved the correctness of this conclusion and perfected a classi- fication. In 1837, Bassi discovered the parasitic nature of silk-worm disease. The parasitic form of favus and thrush was proved by Schoenlein and Nagel respectively. Dovaine recognized the anthrax bacillus in 1850. In 1857, Pasteur demonstrated that fermenta- tion and putrefaction were caused by lower organisms and at the same time forever set at rest the superstition of spontaneous gener- ation. Obermayer recognized the spirillum of relapsing fever in 1873. Bacteriology became an exact science with the discovery by Robert Koch of cultural methods which made the differentiation of germs possible. The causative relations of bacteria and microorganisms to all infective processes has been proved by the laws promulgated by Koch. The discovery by Brieger, Panum and others of the poisons produced by bacteria was another important step in the progress of bacteriology as related to medicine. From the discovery and development of bacteriology, and especially through the brilliant researches of Pasteur and Koch and of their students, has resulted a knowledge which has revolutionized and marked the birth of modern medicine. Parasites The discovery of the hematozoon of malaria by Laveran; the recognition of the ameba of dysentery by Loesch ; of the ray fungi and especially the actinomyces as infective agents in the lower animals and in man and the more exact knowledge of other ani- mal parasites infecting man and animals, which the microscope has made clear, have been as epoch-making in parasitology as the discoveries of Pasteur and Koch in bacteriology. The recognition of the relation of bacteria, protozoa, and ani- mal parasites to infective disease has been the means of a more 44 MEDICINE exact knowledge of the clinical phenomena of disease, of morbid anatomy, of physiology, and of physiologic chemistry than would have been possible without it. Transmission of Infection The knowledge of the cause of disease has led to a study of the life-history of infective organisms outside of as well as in the animal body. The mode of propagation, the means of transmission of in- fective microorganism, by fomites and other agents, has become known. The rdle of insects which infect animals play, as defin- itive or intermediate hosts, has been studied and proved. The discovery of Manson of the transmission of Filaria sanguinis hominis by the mosquito was of vast importance as a suggestion of the mosquito as a definitive host in malaria. The investigations of Manson, Ross, Celli, Grassi, Dionise, Marchiafava, Bignami, Koch, and others have made our knowledge of malaria exact. With the microscope we may now not only recognize malaria and differentiate it from the other infective fevers, but we may also at the same time recognize by an examination of the blood the type of malarial in- fection and foretell its course. Not only may we recognize the dis- ease definitely and apply the drug treatment more rationally, but the knowledge of the means of its transmission from man to man enables us to apply preventive measures which are of the greatest importance from a commercial as well as from a humanitarian point of view. The recognition of the r61e of the mosquito in malaria has been, furthermore, a stimulus to the study of the same insect in relation to other infections. The brilliant research work of Reed and Carroll in 1900 in Cuba, by which they proved that the mosquito of the genus stegomya is the sole means of the transmission of yellow fever from man to man, is of great importance as a scientific fact. The influence of this discovery upon mankind, as a prophylactic against a disease which has killed multitudes, is wonderful. Hardly less important is the fact that the Bacillus pestis may infect fleas and these in turn infect rats, mice, and man. It is im- portant, too, to know that pests like the house-fly may be carriers of infective bacteria from refuse filth to kitchens and tables and con- taminate food, and thus infect u swith typhoid fever, cholera, and perhaps other diseases which are propagated by filth. The study of bacteria in the laboratory and hi the blood tissues of infected animals has led to the discovery of the means by which bacteria disturb the animal economy and produce phenomena expressive of disease. The fact that the blood and tissues of infected animals contained a toxin which could also be isolated from pure DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN MEDICINE 45 bacterial cultures in the laboratory and that this toxin when in- troduced into an animal was capable of exciting the same phenom- ena of disease as the bacteria themselves, was positive proof that bacteria excite disease phenomena at least in some instances by means of a toxin which they form. The elaboration of antitoxins in the body of the infected animal was also promptly recognized, and served to explain not only the self-limitation of many of the infective diseases, but it also helped us to understand the immunity which one attack affords in some of the bacterial diseases. Protective Inoculation Long before bacterial toxins were recognized as the cause of disease phenomena, Pasteur established the principle of protect- ive inoculation with bacteria of lessened virulence, which was brought about by attenuation of the bacteria by a modification of cultural methods and also by serial inoculation of certain lower animals. This he successfully applied to charbon in sheep and cattle and to chicken cholera. In both of these diseases the bacteria were known and the problems of attenuation could be carried on in the laboratory by direct study of the bacteria before inoculation and afterward when they were recovered from the body of the animals experimented upon. His final life-work was no less important in firmly fixing the im- munizing influence in rabies. Here the discovery was made that the infecting bacterium escaped every known means of recognition by microscopical and cultural examination of the tissues and blood of the infected animals. Apparently there are pathogenic germs which we do not know because we have not yet recognized the proper culture material for the successful artificial cultivation of them, nor have we discovered the tinctorial reaction which they may possess; and, finally, it is not improbable that they may be infinitely smaller than other germs and, therefore, more difficult to recognize. Pasteur recognized the fact that in hydrophobia the brain and other nervous tissues of an infected animal are capable, when in- oculated into another animal's brain, of producing the disease. That the infected brain used for infecting animals contained the germs which caused the disease was proved by the fact that a stage of incubation occurred in the inoculated animal and that a series of animals were successfully inoculated consecutively from the first. Pasteur then successfully attenuated the unknown micro- organism present in the nervous tissues of an inoculated animal by dessication of the nervous tissue in a sterile apparatus by methods too well known to repeat. Nor is it necessary to occupy time in re- 46 MEDICINE peating the well-known methods pursued by Pasteur and his pupils in the use of the graduated doses of attenuated toxin contained in the nerve tissues in the prophylactic treatment of rabies. To Pasteur, therefore, we owe the scientific recognition of the principle of protective inoculation. It is now a well-known fact, however, that inoculation against disease was practiced by the Chinese a thousand years ago. They inoculated the healthy with small-pox as a protection against the disease. Variolization was also practiced in Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. We read that in 1718, Lady Montague caused a son to be inoculated with variola in Italy, and that two years later her daughter was inoculated in England. The practice was followed in Ireland long after the successful establishment of vaccine as a protection against variola. Inoculation against syphilis, or syphilization, was practiced in Europe during the nine- teenth century. We owe to Jenner, however, the first example of the protective inoculation by means of an attenuated virus. This attenuation we now know was established by the accidental inoculation of milch cows with small-pox, producing a modified disease, vaccinia. That vaccinia, produced in man by inoculation, would protect against small-pox was proved when, in 1798, Jenner successfully vaccinated direct from the cow, the five-year-old lad William Summers. The thousands of successful vaccinations which have since been performed and the thousands of lives which haA^e been saved by vaccination are proof of its validity and utility. The immunity established by protective inoculation is apparently the same as that induced by an unmodified attack of variola. Serum Therapy When chemistry had revealed the nature of bacterial poisons and experiments established their relation to the phenomena of disease, it was proved that substances were formed in artificial culture media and in the blood and tissues of infected animals which had the power to neutralize the effect of the bacterial poison in other animals infected with the same organism. Further investigation showed that an animal inoculated with the laboratory preparation of anti- toxin was protected against the disease. Furthermore, it was found that the blood serum of an animal inoculated with bacteria in a non-fatal and repeated dose contained an antitoxin. When the blood serum of an infected animal was injected into a healthy animal, the latter was protected against the original disease. Antitoxin was, therefore, proved to be formed in artificial media DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN MEDICINE 47 of bacterial cultures and in the bodies of infected animals. When the antitoxin thus formed was injected into an animal, it had the power to protect that animal against the particular bacterial infec- tion, or, if given subsequent to the infection of the animal, to miti- gate the severity of the disease or entirely to check it. Thus Koch and his students established the principle of serum therapy. Upon this principle there has been developed and given to the world the anti-diphtheritic serum of Behring and of Roux, and also an immunizing serum for Asiatic cholera, tetanus, ery- sipelas, plague, epidemic dysentery, streptococcus infection, and other diseases. While the serum treatment has not proved successful in all of the diseases in which it has been used, it has been so success- ful in some — diphtheria, for instance — as firmly to establish the principle of serum therapy. The study of prophylactic sera by Paul Erlich led to our present knowledge of immunity. His side chain theory has established a working basis which affords superb fields of research in physiologic chemistry which have already yielded rich returns. Bacteriology made possible the comprehension of perfect cleanli- ness and enables the surgeon to invade every part of the body without fear of infection and has saved thousands of lives which twenty-five years ago would have perished miserably as the result of disease at that time inoperable, or as the result of infection from contact with the surgeon. By means of cleanliness and skill, in- duced by a broader experience, the surgeon has been able to add to our knowledge information of great value which could have been obtained probably in no other way. He has been able to study dis- ease in the living body and show the relation of a disease process to infection. He has thus been able to clear away many of the misconceptions of symptomatology and diagnosis, especially in dis- ease of the abdominal organs. Bacteriology has stimulated laboratory clinical diagnosis. Bac- terial reaction to sera and blood cultural tests are of the greatest aid to diagnosis. Clinical research work has command of an arma- mentarium consisting of a knowledge of pathologic anatomy, of physiology, of bacteriology, of chemic physiology, and of physics, which allows of a precision in diagnosis never before at the command of the physician. The evolution of bacteriology has afforded a stimulus and aid in the advancement of parasitology, physiology, physio-chemistry, and of other fundamental sciences. This knowledge has been more directly applied to practical medicine than ever before. Indeed modern medicine is now so comprehensive that the student must be thoroughly conversant with chemistry, inorganic, organic, and physical, with physiology, with general biology, with human 48 MEDICINE and comparative anatomy, with bacteriology, and parasitology, to understand and appreciate it. Slowly but surely the secrets of the cause of disease which baffled the search of centuries have yielded to the brilliant light of modern methods. The causative agents of most of the infective diseases of man and of the lower animals are now known. The unknown causative germs of the few remaining infectious diseases will soon be discovered, and then the principles of immunity and cure by inoculation or by the application of antitoxins will find wider application. Prevention of Infection The recognition of the germ-cause of the infectious diseases enables modern medicine not only to combat disease more rationally and successfully, but it enables us to prevent them. In most of the infective diseases due to germs, protozoa, parasites, and fungi, the causative agents have been so fully investigated that we know the life-history, and what conditions are best suited for the propagation and multiplication of each, and also what will remove and annihilate these dangerous enemies. So the diseases of domestic animals which may also infest man, for example, actinomy- cosis of cattle, trichina of swine, tuberculosis of animals, chicken cholera, foot and mouth disease, charbon, etc., may be entirely eradicated. The experience of one hundred years proves that small- pox may be prevented by proper vaccination. If universally applied and repeated at proper intervals the disease would probably disap- pear. Our knowledge of the living agents which provoke malaria, typhoid fever, cholera, the plague, and the means by which they propagate, develop, and the manner in which they infest man, enables us, if we may command the situation irrespective of the financial cost, not only to prevent but also in many localities to abolish them altogether. The discoveries of Reed, Carroll, and Agramonti of the relation of the mosquito (Stegomyia fasciata) to yellow fever has been practically applied with notable success in Cuba and elsewhere. The study of bacteriology has developed general hygiene to a high plane. The value of sunlight, pure air, and pure food are fully recognized as preventives and also as rational curative measures in many infective diseases. Unfortunately there are a few of the scourges of mankind which science has not yet conquered. Pneumonia, the bacterial cause of which is known, is still a "captain of death." Cancer remains uncon- quered. So, too, do many of the chronic diseases, namely, the primary DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN MEDICINE 49 blood diseases, diabetes, the various degenerative processes, etc., which, though frequently easily recognized during life, are at best only modified by our efforts to check or remove them. Physio-chemistry, experimental medicine, physiology, and patho- logic anatomy have given us much information of these processes, and there can be no question that many of these problems will be solved by the present methods of investigation. The present knowledge of the cause of disease, of the evolution of disease processes, of the natural expression of disease as recog- nized by clinical investigation, has resulted in a rational mode of treatment. Drug treatment is no longer looked upon as specific, but as a helpful agent to modify and palliate disease processes, in conjunction with proper dietary, hydratic, and hygienic measures. Polypharmacy and indiscriminate drugging and drug nihilism are recognized as equally irrational. It requires a nice judgment of when to give, as much as when to withhold, drugs. To enable a diseased or crippled organ more nearly to perform its function; to fortify and prolong life, with the hope of a favorable termination of a self -limited disease; to palliate suffering, are some of the measures which drugs afford modern medicine. Pharmaco- logy and pharmacy have developed equally with the other parts of medicine and enable us to command drugs and active principles with accuracy and comfort. The discovery of the X-ray was a boon tosurgical diagnosis and it has proved of wonderful therapeutic value in many of the disease processes of the skin and superficial tissues. When the X-ray shall be better understood its appreciation will be undoubtedly much more extensive. The rapid development of modern medicine has attracted wide attention and excited the interest of students and investigators over the whole world. A larger percentage than ever before of the best-educated students of the world have sought medicine as the most attractive field of study and research. At this time there are hundreds of earnest, thoughtful, patient, and energetic workers after truth who fre- quently sacrifice home, friends, comfort, health, and even life for the advancement of the science of medicine. The advancement of modern medicine has also attracted the attention of the philanthropic rich as never before. In recent years institutes of research have been erected or are in the course of con- struction and equipment which have rich endowment. Modern medi- cine is therefore better prepared to develop now than ever before. The development of medical literature has been in keeping with the advancement of other sciences. Large and valuable libraries are found in every land. Medical journalism is a science of itself and 50 MEDICINE enables the physician at small cost to be in touch with all that is new and progressive. Modern medicine requires of its students an education which shall fit them to take part as research workers or as practitioners to apply the measures afforded them to prevent or more quickly to modify disease. The modern medical student, therefore, requires the broad education of the university and a training of his special senses in the study of the natural and of the fundamental medical sciences, preliminary to the study of applied medicine and surgery. Happily both the old and the new world afford institutions which satisfy all requirements of modern medical education. Many medical insti- tutions exist which cannot furnish the necessary educational advan- tages. These institutions are doomed. They are relics of the past. It is to be hoped that they will be no exception to the rule of the survival of the fittest. SECTION A — PUBLIC HEALTH SECTION A — PUBLIC HEALTH (Hall 13, September 21, 10 a. TO.) CHAIRMAN: DR. WALTER WYMAN, Surgeon-General of the U. S. Public Health and Marine Hospital Service. SPEAKERS: PROFESSOR WILLIAM T. SEDGWICK, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. DR. ERNST J. LEDERLE, Former Commissioner of Health, New York City. SECRETARY: DR. H. M. BRACKEN, St. Paul, Minn. DR. WALTER WYMAN, Surgeon-General of the United States Public Health and Marine Hospital Service, and Chairman of the Section of Public Health, in calling the Section to order, expressed his appreciation of the honor that had been conferred upon him in being made the presiding officer of so important a section, and congratulated the members of the Congress who were present on taking part in a congress so unique in history, so distinguished in membership, and whose proceedings would doubtless prove of such great value to mankind. Recent legislation (Act of July 1, 1902) had provided for the United States a body practically fulfilling the requirements of a national board of health under the name of Public Health and Marine Hospital Service, an evolution from the century-old Marine Hospital Service. The Service controlled a laboratory for the in- vestigation of infectious diseases and matters relating to the public health, its medical corps comprised between three hundred and four hundred medical officers, distributed throughout the United States and also representing the Service in foreign lands in sanitary matters. The difficulty had been hitherto to establish a national health organization in which there might be a representation of the states without weakening the administrative and executive force of the national service and giving the states a voice in at least the consideration of matters pertaining to the public health. This had been brought about by the provision for annual conferences between the state and national health authorities. One difficulty which has always faced Congress in the establish- ment of a national health organization was not to assume extra, constitutional rights. The power of Congress in matters pertaining to epidemic disease and matters relating to public health lie chiefly in its power to regulate commerce, though doubtless many would believe that under the public welfare clause of the Constitution 54 PUBLIC HEALTH certain beneficent institutions could be organized and maintained by the national government. As a matter of policy, the attitude of Congress is also in accord with the spirit of the Constitution. It has not been deemed desirable that the United States Government should be too paternal, but should leave most of the details in public health matters to the state and municipal governments. Occasionally there is a tendency toward a weak leaning on the national govern- ment, which should not be encouraged, but in the opinion of the Chairman it is the wisest policy at present that the national govern- ment should only give aid when it is necessary to do so in the interest of several states or communities combined. The leaving of ordin- ary public health matters to the management of the state health boards would strengthen them in their organization and in their appeals to the state legislatures for appropriations. Any national system must necessarily include, for its efficacy, the health organiza- tions of the several states and their development in power. Time may develop a closer relation between the national and state, or local, governments with regard to local sanitation, since the latter is closely connected with epidemic diseases which become the care of the national authorities. Through the Hygienic Laboratory, with its advisory board, the scientific work of the Public Health and Marine Hospital Service is brought into contact with the scientific laboratories of the country. Through the conferences with the state health officials the practical administrative work of the Bureau and its various sanitary pro- blems are now considered in conjunction with the official represent- atives of the state governments; and a good scientific and execu- tive framework of the national health structure exists in the corps of specially trained medical officers, under military discipline, and trained in government methods. The national health organization, as thus outlined to-day, is much stronger than was the old national board of health, but it should be stated that while the organization seems to have sufficient scope, much remains to be done to perfect the details. THE RELATIONS OF PUBLIC HEALTH SCIENCE TO OTHER SCIENCES BY WILLIAM THOMPSON SEDGWICK [William Thompson Sedgwick, Professor of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, b. West Hartford, Connecticut, December 29, 1855. Ph.B. Sheffield Scientific School, 1877; Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University, 1881; Fellow, ibid. 1879-80. Instructor in Physiological Chemistry, Sheffield Scien- tific School, 1878-79; Instructor and Associate in Biology, Johns Hopkins, 1880- 83; Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor hi Biology, Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology, 1883; Biologist of Massachusetts State Board of Health, 1888-96; Curator of Lowell Institute, Boston, 1879. Member of American Association for the Advancement of Science, Society of American Bacteriologists, American Public Health Associations, American Society of Naturalists, American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Author of General Biology (joint author); Life and Letters of William Barton Rogers (assistant editor) ; Principles of Sanitary Science and Public Health; The Human Mech- anism (joint author).] "Physical science is one and indivisible. Although for practical purposes, it is convenient to mark it out into the primary regions of physics, chemistry, and biology, and to subdivide these into subordinate provinces, yet the method of investigation and the ultimate object of the physical inquirer are everywhere the same." — HUXLEY. PHYSICAL SCIENCE is one and indivisible; that, as I understand it, is the keynote of this great Congress, of which public health science forms one section, and as I am invited to consider, in the brief space of forty-five minutes, the relations of public health science to other sciences, I shall take the liberty of selecting from the whole number of " other sciences " only a few, the relations of which to public health science seem to me for one reason or another especially important at the present time. I accept the term public health science without hesitation, for any division of human know- ledge which has worked out its own laws with strict adherence to the rules of inductive and deductive reasoning, as public health science has done, and which has reached results enabling it to pre- dict with accuracy, as public health science can now predict, is entitled to a place and an honorable place among the physical sciences. Public health science had its rise and a considerable development in the eighteenth century. Before that time numerous procedures tending to protect or promote the public health had, indeed, at one time or another existed, but these were largely empirical and quite as often directed to the convenience of mankind as to their sanitary safety. In this class belong the Mosaic code; the water-supply introduced into Jerusalem by Hezekiah; the sanitary engineering of Empedocles; the Cloaca Maxima, the water-supplies of ancient Mycenae and of Rome, and all the earlier, and too often futile, forms of quarantine. Even the art of inoculation for small-pox was only an ingenious knack introduced from the East, where it 56 PUBLIC HEALTH had been long used empirically, and although it was a public health measure now of the utmost interest and capable at the time of great practical service, it had until recently no scientific basis, but belonged in nearly the same class as the amulets and charms, the prayers and incantations, of the superstitious. It was not until the middle of the eighteenth century, namely, in 1767, that Sir George Baker, by the use of the methods of pure inductive reasoning, made the first scientific discovery in public health science in the subdivision of epidemiology, namely, that the epidemic cholic of Devonshire, England, was due to an obscure poisoning by lead conveyed through the common cider used for drinking in that district. In 1774, the foundations of state hygiene and sanitation were laid in consequence of the patient investiga- tions and startling revelations of John Howard, by an act of Par- liament providing for the sanitation of jails and prisons. The beginnings of marine hygiene and sanitation appear in 1776, when Captain Cook, the navigator, was awarded the Copley Medal of the Royal Society for his remarkable success in protecting the lives of his sailors on his second voyage. In 1796, Edward Jenner, working also in a strictly scientific manner, and employing the methods of rigid inductive research, laid securely for all time the founda- tions of personal hygiene and immunization, by showing how we can produce at will such modifications of the physiological resist- ance or susceptibility of the human body as to make it immune to small-pox. The importance of these fundamental and splendid discoveries, not only to the public health of the time, but far more to the develop- ment of public health science in all the centuries to come, is incal- culable. Reduced to their lowest terms, we have in these eighteenth century discoveries the germs of some of the most important divisions of public health science as it is to-day, namely, (1) epidemi- ology, (2) sanitation of the environment, and (3) immunization of the human mechanism, this last the most marvelous phenomenon hitherto discovered in personal hygiene. Time fails me to do more than name some of the principal steps in the advancement of public health science in the nineteenth century. We have, for example, in 1802, the beginnings of factory hygiene and sanitation; in 1829, the first municipal water-filter, one acre in area, constructed for the Chelsea Company of London; in 1834, recognition of the important relation of poverty to public health, in the famous report of the Poor Law Commissioners of that year; in 1839, the beginnings of registration and accurate vital statistics; in 1842, an important report on the sanitary con- dition of the laboring population of England; and in 1843, a similar report on the health of towns; in 1854, for the first time clearly RELATIONS TO OTHER SCIENCES 57 taught, the lesson, even yet not properly taken to heart, that drink- ing-water may be the ready vehicle of a terrible epidemic of cholera. About 1860, striking epidemics of trichinosis first came into public notice, and here, also, belongs the magnificent work of Pasteur, while in 1868, Lister, following in the footsteps of Pasteur, revealed to the world the basis of true cleanliness in asepsis, and in 1876, bacteriology became firmly established as a science by Koch's studies on anthrax. The decade from 1880 to 1890 may be called the golden age of etiology, for in these years were discovered the hitherto unknown parasitic microbes of typhoid fever, tuber- culosis, malaria, Asiatic cholera, diphtheria, and tetanus. The last decade of a century which has well been called " the wonderful," witnessed the discovery of antitoxins by Behring and the beginnings of serum therapy. The list is long, and I have not mentioned nearly all of the discoveries of capital importance, but because of these and their fruits, I am in the habit of saying to my students that with the single exception of the changes effected by the ac- ceptance of the theory of organic evolution, there has been no modi- fication of human opinion within the nineteenth century more wonderful, or more profoundly affecting the general conduct of human life, than that in our attitude toward the nature, the causa- tion, and the prevention of disease — that is to say, toward public health science. No mere outline like this of the history of public health science can possibly serve to show how, like other applied sciences, this one has not grown as a branch grows from a tree, namely, from a large stem or stock of knowledge, tapering out into thin air, and with its latest growth its least and weakest. That common simile, in which the various divisions of science are represented as branches of the tree of knowledge, is a grotesque survival of a time when neither trees nor science were understood. No simile is perfect or even approximately correct, but one better than the tree and its branches for the origin and relationships of any inductive science is that of a river, rising from various and often obscure sources, growing in size and importance as it proceeds both from the springs within its own bed and by the entrance and contributions of tribu- tary streams, and finally pouring its substance into the mighty ocean of accumulated human knowledge. Up to the time of the establishment of the registration of vital statistics in England, in 1839, the stream of public health science, although full of promise, was only a slender thread, but when the results of registration were fully enlisted in its service it visibly widened and deepened. Epidemiology, as has been said, had the honor of giving birth to the science in 1767, and it added to its offspring a rich endowment when, in 1854, Dr. John Snow proved 58 PUBLIC HEALTH that the water of the Broad Street well in London had caused an epidemic in which more than six hundred persons died of Asiatic cholera. The stream of public health science was still further enlarged and quickened by the revelation in and after the sixties of the simple causes of numerous epidemics of trichinosis and of typhoid fever, the latter sometimes through milk. There was an extraordinary popular awakening in England to the importance of sanitation and public health measures in the middle of the nine- teenth century, but we look for some time in vain for any marked inosculation between public health science and other sciences, such as physics, chemistry, microscopy, bacteriology, climatology, engineering, or education. We have, to be sure, minor contributions from the microscopists, such, for example, as that from Dr. Has- sall, who, in 1850, made a careful microscopical examination of the water-supply of London and showed the presence in the public drinking-water of muscle fibers, intestinal parasites, and other ma- terials, plainly derived from sewage; but it was not until Petten- kofer and his disciples, in Germany, and Angus Smith and others, in England, began their splendid chemical investigation that the tributary stream of sanitary chemistry enlarged materially that of public health science. In saying this I do not forget that my late friend and colleague, William Ripley Nichols, whose solid contribu- tions to sanitary chemistry were among the first in America, and will always remain among the best anywhere, long ago pointed out that, as early as 1789, "Fourcroy studied the nature of 'lith- arged ' wine, Berthollet (1801) the methods of preserving water for long voyages, Chevreul (1846) various chemical reactions which ex- plain the hygiene of populous cities, and (1856, 1862, 1870) methods of preparing and preserving food; Graham and Hofmann reported upon the use of acetate of lead in sugar-refining (1850), upon the London water-supply (1851), and upon the adulteration of pale ales with strychnine (1882); Dumas was interested in many sanitary matters and made, among others, reports on the mineral waters of France (1851), .on the water-supply of Paris (1859), on the treat- ment of sewage (1867), and on the preservation of food (1870-72); Wurtz was for a number of years president of the Comitt considtatif d'hygiene and a year before his death was president of the Socie~t6 de me'decine publique. His investigations and reports on sanitary sub- jects are numerous — on the disposal of the waste from distilleries and sugar-refineries, on the colors employed on German toys and in articles of food, on the adulteration of wines, etc. "Other names will occur to us — such as those of Sir Henry Roscoe, Sir Frederick Abel, and Dr. Williamson, who served on the Noxious Vapors Commission of 1876; of Frankland, who gave years of service to the Rivers Pollution Commission of 1868 and in RELATIONS TO OTHER SCIENCES 59 connection therewith devised an elaborate system of water analysis; we think also of Schutzenberger devising a method for the deter- mination of oxygen dissolved in water (not, to be sure, simply for sanitary purposes), Mallet studying the various methods of water analysis, Remsen studying the organic matter in the air, and Leeds the practical effect of charging with oxygen (or rather with air) water used for purposes of domestic supply." l I dwell intentionally upon the service of sanitary chemistry to public health science previous to the rise of bacteriology, because I believe that, dazzled as we have been and still are by the blaz- ing achievements of bacteriology, beginning, let us say, with the discovery of the microbe of tuberculosis by Koch in 1882, students of public health science have been too much inclined to underrate the past services and present relative importance of sanitary chem- istry. I know of few more important contributions to public health science, even since 1882, than the chemical work of the State Board of Health of Massachusetts under the able direction of my friend, Professor, afterwards President, Drown (the successor of Nichols) and his associates and successors; or that of another friend, the late Professor Palmer, of the University of Illinois, whose chemical studies of the rivers of Illinois will long remain a monument to a life full of promise and too soon cut short; or that of still another friend, Professor Kinnicutt, who fortunately is still engaged in fruit- ful work. I have perhaps said enough, though it would be difficult to say too much, of the magnificent contributions to public health science of Pettenkofer and his disciples in sanitary chemistry; but the work of these investigators in sanitary physics and especially the physics of the soil, of the atmosphere, of the walls of buildings, and of heating and ventilation, in their relations to the public health are quite as important, and perhaps to-day even more neglected. In view of the increased facilities of transportation and the grow- ing habit of traveling, together with the tendency to outdoor life, which seem to be characteristic to-day of all civilized nations, the next twenty-five years will probably see a return to the patient and exact studies of the environment, such as the chemists and phys- icists began, and have in some measure continued, since the middle of the nineteenth century. These studies will be directed largely to further knowledge and control of the environment, but they will not end there, for personal hygiene, owing to recent advances in physiology, is to-day one of the most inviting fields for work and education, and I hardly need to point out to a company of experts 1 William Ripley Nichols, address before American Association for the Advance- ment of Science, Proceedings, American Association for the Advancement of Sci- ence, vol. xxxiv, 1885. 60 PUBLIC HEALTH that the proper care and right use of the individual human mechan- ism reacts favorably and fundamentally upon the public health no less truly or effectively than an improved condition of the en- vironment or of the public health tends to promote the welfare and long life of the individual. The sphere of hygiene may be divided, as it often is, into the two hemispheres, public hygiene and personal hygiene, or it may be cut into one portion dealing chiefly with the human mechanism and its operation (personal hygiene), and another portion dealing chiefly with the environment of that mechanism (sanitation). The time has gone by when any one person can safely undertake to deal with the whole sphere of hygiene. The physiologist and the phy- sician must in the future leave to the architect and the sanitary engineer such subjects as housing, heating and ventilation, water- supply and sewerage, precisely as the sanitary engineer has never presumed to deal with foods and feeding, vaccines and antitoxins, exercise, sleep, and rest. The former subjects deal chiefly with the control of the environment, the latter subjects chiefly with the con- trol of the individual, and sanitation and hygiene must hencefor- ward be regarded as separate hemispheres of the science of health. The science of architecture, if under this head we include the principles of building construction, and the heating and ventila- tion of buildings, has done and is doing much of interest and im- portance to the student of public health science. For my own part, I am continually more and more impressed with the fact that the air-supply, especially for the modern civilized and too often seden- tary form of mankind, is in the long run quite as important as the water-supply, the milk-supply, or any other supply. Surely, we can- not be too careful of the purity of a substance which we take into our bodies oftener, and in larger volume, than any other, and which has come, rightly, no doubt, and as the result of long and painful experience, to be known as the very breath of life. I am well aware that human beings may survive and seemingly thrive, even for long periods, in bad air, but I am certain that for the best work, the highest efficiency, the greatest happiness, and the largest life, as well as for perfect health, the very best atmosphere is none too good. Hence I believe that the permeability of the walls of houses and other buildings, and the heating and ventilation of dwellings, school-houses, churches, halls, and other public places, require, and in the near future will receive, a much larger share of our attention than they have to-day. In an age characterized by urban life and possessing sky-scrapers, tenement-houses, and other huge beehives, in which human beings aggregating vast numbers spend a large part of their lives, build- ings require for their proper construction, lighting, heating, air- RELATIONS TO OTHER SCIENCES 61 supply, water-supply, gas-supply, and drainage, the scientific serv- ices not only of architects, but of engineers, and such public buildings form one small section of the aid which modern engin- eering science is now everywhere rendering to public health science. The present has rightly been called an " age of engineering," and to no other science, excepting only medicine itself, is public health science to-day more indebted than to engineering science. I have referred above to the construction of the first municipal filter at- tached to a public water-supply as that of the Chelsea Company of London, constructed in 1829. How different is it to-day! Not only nearly the whole of London, but also Berlin and Hamburg, and a thousand lesser cities all over the civilized world, are now protected more or less perfectly from epidemics of typhoid fever, Asiatic cholera, and other water-born diseases, by vast municipal filters, ingenious and scientific in design and costly in construction, the work of skillful and faithful engineers, and monuments more precious if less enduring than brass to the contributions of engin- eering science to public health science. Innumerable storage re- servoirs and vast distribution systems for supplies of pure water also bear witness to the enormous debt which public health science owes to engineering science, as do proper street construction and, still more, those splendid systems of sewerage with which so many modern cities are equipped, and which not only serve to remove quickly dangerous liquid waste of human and animal life, but also keep low and wholesome the level of the ground- water, re- ducing dampness and promoting dryness of the environment, and thereby strengthening that physiological resistance by means of which the human mechanism fights against the attacks of infec- tious disease. Nor do the services of engineering science end here, for the fluid content of the sewers must always be safely disposed of, and sewage purification is to-day a problem of engineering science no less important or difficult than that of water purifica- tion. These same processes of the purification of water and sewage are matters of so much moment in public health science that in almost every country experiment stations are now maintained at public and private expense for the purpose of working-out the most practical and most scientific methods of purification. In no respect have the services of engineering science to public health science been more conspicuous than in the application and the further study of the principles involved in the processes of water purification. It has lately been shown, for example, that the in- troduction of pure water-supplies has in many cases so conspicu- ously lowered the general death-rate as to make it impossible to escape the conclusions (1) that the germs of a greater number of infectious diseases than was formerly supposed are capable of pro- 62 PUBLIC HEALTH longed life in, and ready conveyance by, public water-supplies, and (2) as a promising possibility, that as the result of the greater purity of the water-supply the physiological resistance of the con- sumers of pure water-supplies is enhanced, in some manner as yet unknown; the net result being that the general death-rate is lowered to such an extent as to lead to a rapid increase of population in communities previously stationary or multiplying far less rapidly. In the case of the city of Lawrence, Massachusetts, for example, I have recently had the privilege of examining the results of studies by the distinguished hydraulic and sanitary engineer, Mr. Hiram F. Mills, which show that since the introduction of a municipal filter, which purifies the water of the Merrimac River supplying water to the citizens of Lawrence, while the population has increased nearly seventy per cent, the total number of deaths remains about the same as it was ten years ago. Mr. Mills concludes from the results of his studies — and I see no escape from his conclusions — that the introduction of the municipal filter has not only saved the lives of thousands of citizens, but has also caused the popula- tion to increase to a point much beyond any which it would have reached had the city continued to use, unpurified, the sewage- polluted water of the Merrimac River. A demonstration of this sort shows how easily the diminishing increase of population under a lower birth-rate may sometimes be counteracted without resort to that fish-like spawning which seems to be the only remedy of those who are terrified by "race suicide," so called. Moreover, it is hardly necessary to point out that such a diminishing death-rate means a far more rapidly diminishing morbidity rate — in other words, it means a heightened working efficiency of the population as a whole, and it must not be forgotten that for most of the re- sults obtained in the scientific purification of water-supplies we are indebted to the science of engineering. On the other hand, we must observe that engineering science, so far as water purification is concerned, is as yet only in its infancy and by no means thus far altogether satisfactory. In the United States, for example, in the last two or three years a number of epi- demics of typhoid fever have resulted from the defective operation or construction of municipal filters, and while much has been done, it is clear that much still remains to do. In this connection it should be said that public health science in the United States suffers con- stantly and severely from an unsatisfactory condition of the science and art of administration or government in many American cities. Public health works are too often neglected, delayed, mismanaged, or built at extravagant cost, to the sanitary and economic damage of the people as a whole, and the tendency is far too common to place the care and^operation of costly devices or systems in incom- RELATIONS TO OTHER SCIENCES 63 petent hands. I cannot here dwell, as long as I should like to do, upon the mutual relations of public health science and the sciences of legislation and administration. Speaking of my own country alone, I must confess that we are still very deficient in the applica- tions of these sciences. We have not even a national board of health, although we have, fortunately, in the Public Health and Marine Hospital Service a strong substitute for one. The peculiarities of our democratic and republican government have hitherto made it impossible for the people of the United States to secure either from federal authorities or from more local sources that measure of pater- nal sanitary and hygienic protection which they ought to have, and it is the duty of every American worker in this field to bend his energies toward a better organization of the public health service in every direction, municipal and state as well as national. The appointment in 1886 of a distinguished hydraulic engineer to mem- bership on the State Board of Health in Massachusetts marked an epoch, so far as America is concerned, in both sanitary legislation and administration. This appointment was a formal recognition on the part of the public of the necessity of a larger proportion of engineering science in matters relating to the public health, and the results have justified the new procedure. It is now, fortunately, becoming less rare in America to secure the services of engineers upon such boards, and there can be no question that participation of the expert laity with medical men is likely to be extended, probably far beyond our present ideas. In a notable discourse before the International Medical Congress at the Centennial Exposition held at Philadelphia in 1876, Dr. Henry P. Bowditch, of Boston, one of the pioneers of hygiene and sanitation in America, divided the century then closing, as to its relation to public health science, into three periods, the first, from 1776 to 1832, a period of reliance upon authority and upon drugs; the second, from 1832 to 1869, a period of true scientific observa- tion; the third, from 1869 onwards, an epoch in which the medical profession is aided by the laity and state hygiene is inaugurated. Dr. Bowditch has much to say of the desirability of a wider cooper- ation of the laity in state hygiene and remarks: "In all that tends to the promotion of state hygiene hereafter the laity will naturally and cordially cooperate with the [medical] profession." The history of public health science shows Dr. Bowditch's prediction to have been well grounded. The names of John Howard and Captain Cook in the eighteenth century, and of Edwin Chadwick, John Simon, and Louis Pasteur (not to mention a host of lesser workers) in the nineteenth century, show conclusively that public health science has been, even from the start, by no means confined to medical men. We may go further and say that even when forwarded by 64 PUBLIC HEALTH medical men these have seldom been busy practitioners. Sir George Baker and Jenner were, it is true, of this class, but not Petten- kofer, or Koch, or Ross, or Billings, or Reed.1 Reflections of this sort naturally lead to a consideration of the reciprocal relations of public health science and the science of edu- cation. I do not need to dwell upon the beneficial effects of public health science upon the hygiene and sanitation of school-children or school-houses. These benefits have long been emphasized by sanitarians and sanitary reformers and are sufficiently obvious. The reverse of the picture, however, is by no means so well under- stood. Unless one is familiar with the facts, it is difficult to conceive how little impression the splendid progress which the last fifty years have witnessed in public health science has as yet made upon the curriculum of education. From top to bottom and from bottom to top the schools, whether primary, grammar, high, normal, technical, medical, or any other class, are recreant, inasmuch as they neglect almost wholly any adequate training of their pupils in the principles of public health science which are confessedly of such profound importance to mankind. There is, to be sure, just now a popular wave of enthusiasm touching the extermination of tuberculosis, but in the United States, at any rate, both schools and universities are singularly negligent of their most elementary duties in this direction. Yet if what I have said before is true, if the laity are to participate from this time forward with medical men in sanitary and hygienic legislation and administration, if engineers and medical men in particular are to serve upon boards of health or in other executive positions connected with public works, then, surely, it is the duty of the science of education to lend its powerful aid and not to fail to save the lives and health of the people as these can be saved to-day, but always to promote that public health and that large measure of consequent happiness which can probably be more easily and quickly accomplished in this way than in any other. As to the function of medical education and engineering educa- tion in respect to the dissemination of public health science, 'I shall say only a word. In spite of the reiteration by medical men of their belief in the importance of hygiene and preventive medicine as a part of the equipment of the medical profession, it is a significant fact that in America even the best medical schools devote very little time to any adequate instruction in these subjects. It may be that this is wise and that the pressing necessities of practical medicine forbid any extended instruction in public health science. I am willing to believe, if I must, that this may be the case; but if it is, 1 " During the course of an epidemic, physicians are too busy to make obser- vations which require much time or care, or to make more than brief notes." — J. S. BiUings. RELATIONS TO OTHER SCIENCES 65 then the community must look for the most part elsewhere than to medical men for adequate investigation, legislation, and adminis- tration of public health science. Medical men, must, of course, always participate in the work, in connection, particularly, with the control of epidemics and in those forms of preventive medicine which have to do with vaccines, serums, and other means of modify- ing the vital resistance of the human body. But as regards the care and control of the environment, medical knowledge is not indis- pensable, and the entrance of the engineer and the sanitary expert upon the field, as foretold by Dr. Bowditch nearly twenty years ago, is to-day a conspicuous, and probably a wholesome, fact. As to the attitude of engineering education toward public health science there can be no question. If what I have said before is true, then engineers are bound in the future to take constantly a larger and more important part in public health work, and must be informed, and if possible trained, accordingly. Moreover, as regards both medicine and engineering, the problem is by no means insoluble, for a very short course of instruction rightly given would easily inculcate the necessary fundamental principles, while electives or post-graduate work might enable those few whose tastes led them in this direction to investigate and specialize and more thoroughly prepare themselves for public service. I cannot treat, nor do I need to treat, as thoroughly as I would be glad to do, the mutual relations existing between medical science, especially the science of medical bacteriology, and public health science. These are already sufficiently obvious and well known. From time immemorial medical men have served, often devotedly and sometimes heroically, in the cause of public health science. I take it, however, that since we have in this Congress and in our own department a section of preventive medicine, I may pass over with- out comment this part of my subject. As regards sanitary bacteriology, however, the relations existing between this and public health science are so fundamental, so ex- tensive, and so important, not only on the medical, but also on the engineering side, that although we have also in this Congress under the department of biology, as is entirely proper, a section of bac- teriology, I may linger at this point for one moment. The bacteria and other microscopic forms of plant and animal life, all of which are conveniently included under the term microbes, have so lately begun to be understood and appreciated that we must still empha- size their extreme importance. The discoveries of the botanists and zoologists and revelations of the microscopists in this domain are comparable, in their importance to public health science, with nothing less than the revelations of the telescope to astronomy. Astronomy had, indeed, existed long before the invention of the 66 PUBLIC HEALTH telescope, and public health science, as we have shown above, had its beginnings nearly a century before any considerable progress had been made in micro-biology. But it is not too much to say that the developments in micro-biology since Pasteur began his work have not only revolutionized our ideas of the nature of the infectious diseases, but have also placed in our hands the key of their complete control. Concerning the relations of physiology to public health science, I must not fail to speak. Here is a field absolutely ripe for the harvest, but one in which the harvesters are as yet very few. I have lately had occasion to examine somewhat carefully the present condition of our knowledge of personal hygiene — which is nothing more (and should be nothing less) than the applications of physiological science to the conduct of human life — with the result that I have been greatly impressed with its vast possibilities and promise.. Man is a gregarious animal, and mankind is to-day crowding into cities as perhaps never before. Moreover, the industrial and commercial age in which we live is characterized to an extraordinary degree by the sedentary life. Yet the sedentary life is almost unavoidably an abnormal life, or at least it is a life very different from that lived by most of our ancestors. In the sedentary life the maintenance of a high degree of physiological resistance apparently becomes difficult, and if the vital resistance of the community in general is lowered, then the public health is directly and unfavorably affected, so that considerations of personal hygiene have a direct bearing upon the science of public health. There are, to be sure, interesting and suggestive symptoms of a wholesome reaction, in America at any rate, against the evils of the sedentary life. Parks and open spaces are being liberally provided; public and private gymnasiums are rapidly coming into being; public playgrounds are thrown open in many of our cities, free of expense to the laboring, but, nevertheless, often sedentary, popula- tion; vacations are more than ever the fashion; sports and games are everywhere receiving increasing attention; while public baths and other devices for the promotion of personal hygiene are more and more coming into being. All this is as it should be, but all is as yet only a beginning. Here, again, the science of education is sadly at fault and in the direction of educational reform as regards per- sonal hygiene lies immense opportunity for a contribution to public health science. The science of statistics, which has done great service in public health science in the past, is likely to do much more in the future. Without accurate statistics of population, mortality, and the causes of sickness and death, the science of epidemiology is impotent, and the efficiency or inefficiency of public health measures cannot be RELATIONS TO OTHER SCIENCES 67 determined. And yet in ignorant hands statistics may be worse than useless. It is a matter for congratulation to Americans that we now have in Washington a census bureau permanently estab- lished and under expert supervision, but until the various states and cities of the United States follow this excellent example of their Federal Government, one of the most important aids to public health science will continue to be wanting, as is unfortunately too often the case to-day not only in America, but in many other parts of the civilized world. PUBLIC HEALTH: ITS PRESENT PROBLEMS BY ERNST J. LEDERLE [Ernst J. Lederle, Consulting Sanitarian, New York City Department of Health, b. Staten Island, New York, 1865. School of Mines, Columbia University, 1886. Ph.B. Ph.D. 1895; D.Sc. 1904. Chemist of New York City Depart- ment of Health, 1888r1903; Commissioner of Health, New York City, 1902- 03. Member of American Chemical Society; Society of Chemical Industry; Verein der Deutschen Chemiker; New York Academy of Sciences, etc.] IN expressing my thanks for the honor which the organizers of this Congress have done me in the assignment to speak upon the subject of "Public Health: its Present Problems," I find two reasons for so doing. The sense of personal gratification of course enters into my acknowledgment, for it is a pleasure to feel that one's efforts for sanitary reform, however slight in comparison with those of many who will address you, are appreciated beyond the limits of the city where those efforts were put forth. It is an inspiration to the worker to find that whatever is of value in his work is eagerly observed, taken up, and adapted to conditions as they are found in other parts of our country. Perhaps the most interesting and valuable recollection I have of my work in the sanitary service of New York City is that, in the course of that work, I was able to gain from my co-workers in other cities fully as many ideas for sanitary betterment as we in New York could give. The effect of . such cooperation is to make one realize that sanitary reform \vork is not local, not even national, but world-wide; and that every worker in its cause may draw at will upon the re- sources of his fellows while he gives them of his own. But the personal pleasure I feel in speaking on this topic is sub- ordinated to another consideration. The fact that it should have been assigned to any but a physician seems to me to be of much significance. Sanitary science has been, for so much of its brief existence, set forth almost wholly by medical men, that it is still widely regarded as their peculiar province. And properly so; the very nature of his training and occupation makes the intelligent physician find in unsanitary surroundings a predisposing cause of disease; and his work has been and will continue to be so to improve sanitary con- ditions as to minimize and finally to eradicate a great many diseases which still make up a large part of the annual mortality. Preventive medicine is the watchword of the new school. It is a sign of the progressiveness of that school that, in all enlightened communities, it has now realized the great scope of the preventive work to be done, and has called into existence a new profession, that PRESENT PROBLEMS 69 of the sanitarian, in order to have the aid of specialists in hygiene in solving the problems of disease. Modern public hygiene, in fact, has passed the point where the overcrowding of population has made prompt solution of sanitary problems imperative, there are many questions of administration and policy to be solved, and for these the physician ordinarily has little aptitude. His experience and training are rarely, if ever, of the sort to make him a successful administrator. I do not by any means seek to maintain that this function resides wholly in the sanitarian, so called; far from it. But in the adaptation of means to ends, in the countless circumstances of administrative duty which public service entails, a layman, with skilled medical advice upon purely medical questions, seems to me better fitted to accom- plish results than the physician alone. This leads me to a statement of what I believe to be the best possible organization of a sanitary service, municipal, state, or national, and one which I hope some day will be adopted not only in cities and states, but by our Federal Government. At its head should be a board of administration, consisting of a physician of the first rank, skilled in the application of bacteriological and gen- eral medical research to the problems of hygiene; a trained sani- tary engineer; and third, if you like, as a balance-wheel to prevent the eccentrics of the specialists from disturbing the workings of the machine, a man of affairs in the broader sense of the word, who should be versed in sanitary practice and, at the same time, chosen mainly for administrative skill and for a certain practical common sense which might guide such an organization wisely, and, per- chance, prevent misuse of the great powers with which it ought to be endowed. In the service of such a department of our government, there should be a staff of specialists in every branch of medical and sanitary science, laboratories equipped for research and diagnosis, and all other adjuncts which make for efficiency in public hygiene. One may question how such a body would be regarded by the existing sanitary authorities of cities and states; but, to my mind, it would be entirely feasible to coordinate all the minor divisions of sanitary service into one comprehensive whole, in which the central body, though maintaining its position of leadership, should exercise police powers with extreme caution while developing its advisory function to a degree of usefulness beyond any yet attained. Those who see in such a plan an unwarranted extension of federal power might profitably study the workings of such organizations as the Kaiserliches Gesundheitsamt in Germany and the union of British medical officers of health. Particularly in the former are the beneficial effects of centralized authority evident. Our own gov- ernment's centralized activity along such lines as that pursued by 70 PUBLIC HEALTH the Department of Agriculture is proving its value as an educational factor to our population beyond all question. There seems to be no good reason why a similar organization for sanitary work should not be instituted. Its beginnings are to be found in the work of the Bureau of Animal Industry of the Depart- ment of Agriculture, which has already demonstrated its efficiency in enforcing interstate quarantine upon infected cattle, as well as in other ways too numerous to mention. Another governmental effort, conceived in the same scientific spirit, is to be seen in the founding of various state agricultural experiment stations, which are practi- cally chemical laboratories working upon problems which the farmer, without scientific aid, might never be able to solve. Federal establishments like these, for the study of hygienic pro- blems and the betterment of health in sections of the country where such betterment is sorely needed, would have an immense educa- tional value, besides conducting great works of sanitation on broad lines where now such work is either entirely neglected, or allowed, for the most part, to fall between the two stools of municipal and state sanitary authorities. Such a central body would also solve the vexed questions of national quarantine, which are now left to the varying judgment of local health officers in our seacoast cities, at times undoubtedly to the menace of the public health of the United States. Another field of usefulness for a national board of health would be the training of sanitary officers. Sanitary science is so new, and the public appreciation of its benefits still so small, that the re- wards for the pursuit of it as a life occupation are not sufficient to induce enough good men to make it a study. The result has been, thus far, that the men who do the actual work of sanitary inspection, even in the service of well-organized bureaus of health in the large cities, are as a class without other training than that which expe- rience and, at best, a little reading on sanitation can give them. They may have been plumbers or carpenters before entering public service, but none of these bring any great amount of theoretical knowledge to their work. A few, of course, have been educated as physicians, but have turned to the sanitary field for one or another reason; often, perhaps, it is to be feared, because the certain small salary in the public service is more satisfactory than the doubtful rewards of more or less unsuccessful medical practice. Some time ago, seeing the need for attracting to the pursuit of sanitation men of higher grade than the majority now engaged in it, I suggested to the president of one of our largest universities the plan of offering courses in hygiene and sanitation as part of the curriculum. He replied that the experiment had been tried, but that few or no pupils presented themselves; he thought that young men PRESENT PROBLEMS 71 inclined to pursuits of this character chose rather the courses which would fit them for engineering, civil or mechanical, and he therefore advised that studies of this character might more profitably be offered through the medium of night schools and the like. This was evidence to me that young men of the class which can afford a university education aimed at higher pecuniary rewards than are now afforded to workers in hygiene; it was also evidence that wider efforts should be made to demonstrate the great public need of educated sanitary officers, and the great opportunity the practice of hygiene affords for valuable public service. I believe that, in time, we shall have in this country a class of educated public sanitarians; but that time will not come until scientific work of this character is adequately paid for, and it will come sooner if the sanitary bodies in various states and cities, now working along independent and often conflicting lines, are coordinated and made a part of the greater activities of a national board of health, de- riving its powers as do other main branches of the Federal Govern- ment. To define the present problems of a modern board of health is to classify and describe its multifarious activities. Broadly speaking, of course, its main objects are to prevent the spread of contagious disease, and to enforce sanitary ordinances; but to these have been added, some may say "arrogated," so many other powers and duties that the sanitary officer of a generation ago would have great difficulty in understanding the scope of the work to-day. Public opinion, in the last analysis, is responsible for the exten- sion of these powers. The expansion of sanitary police functions, especially in the suppression of nuisances, has resulted from the growth of public opinion as to what constitute nuisances; forty years ago what we now define as "offensive trades" and relegate to certain prescribed sections of New York City flourished on many of the best streets. The force of public opinion has gradually branded one nuisance after another as "detrimental to health," and driven them to places where they are no longer an offence to the nostrils, the eyes, or the ears. Power to affect these removals, and to keep sources of nuisance under observation, has been given to boards of health in continually increasing measure, because the public has found that in the great majority of instances powers previously delegated had not been abused. It is this support of public opinion which has in recent years so increased the authority and multiplied the duties of sanitary officers. Thus supported and uplifted by the public which they serve, the greatest of all the present problems confronting boards of health in this country, I have no hesitation in saying, is the responsibility of preserving the sanitary service from the evils of partisan politics. 72 PUBLIC HEALTH The politician is nearly always the bitterest opponent of sanitary reform, because nearly every order for sanitary betterment touches the pocket of some of his constituents, who immediately run to the politician for relief. How important, then, from the standpoint of practical politics, it is that the party in power (I speak particularly of our cities) should have control of the sanitary officers and use their great authority to help friends and injure political foes. If the politician controls the sanitary officers, he controls the appointment of all subordinates, and soon demonstrates to them that he and not the nominal head of the sanitary office is the man to come to for instructions. When this occurs, the usefulness of a board of health is ended, and its maintenance is money thrown away, if not worse. Then, too, even if the office is not wholly in control of the politicians, they sometimes are able to secure the alteration or even the nulli- fication of important orders, and the inevitable result is injury to the public that private interests may profit. The extension of the civil service law has made the subordinate sanitary officers in many cities independent of politicians' threats if they choose to be; but it does not so favorably affect the more important activities of sanitary bureau heads, who are still too much controlled by the appointing power. There will never be a radical improvement in this condition until our sanitary offices are taken entirely out of politics, and the incumbents appointed for life or during good behavior. How to prevent the spread of infection will always be one of the chief problems for sanitary officers, and it continually presents new phases, new difficulties, as the density of population in great cities increases. This is particularly true of our seaboard cities, where there is a constant influx of immigrants, latterly of a class which is ignorant of the rudimentary principles of sanitary living, and of grossly filthy personal habits. These people have been dumped upon our coasts in swarms, several hundred thousand annually coming to New York City alone. Students of the immigration problem state that the more progressive elements of this new popu- lation move westward to take up unoccupied farm-lands, or find work in mines or mills, and that the most ignorant remain in the cities. We of New York can well believe this. After all, the enforce- ment of sanitary laws is bound up in the education of the ignorant and filthy to the objects of such laws; and so it is necessary for the sanitary authorities of New York and other maritime cities to carry on a never-ending campaign of education, in populations constantly renewed at the bottom of the ladder. But new peoples are not merely ignorant and dirty; they often bear seeds of disease. The Federal Government has up to this time made no provision for the care of contagious sick immigrants in the PRESENT PROBLEMS 73 largest American port, but has relied wholly on the local authorities for their detention and treatment. Two years ago we found that the sick immigrants were so crowding our contagious disease hos- pitals (then notoriously insufficient to care for New York's own contagious sick) that many citizens, who should have had first claim to attention, were being excluded. We notified the federal authorities that they must at once make preparations to isolate and treat contagious sick immigrants without the use of the city hospitals; and the result has been that the Government is building an island in the bay for isolation hospitals. Much mischief has resulted from former lax medical inspection of immigrants, extending over many years. New York, and, I doubt not, other seaboard cities, are to-day troubled with many cases of contagious eye-disease, originally brought from Europe by immi- grants and by them transmitted to their fellows in the East Side tenements, who are some of them only a degree less filthy than the new arrivals. To stamp out this disease will be the work of a gener- ation, if not more, for its spread has been till lately entirely un- checked by the sanitary authorities, and its victims probably number many thousands. It has seemed to us in New York that the best means of checking the spread of contagious disease, of which trachoma is only one comparative^ unimportant element, was through the public schools. One of our leading sanitarians has well said that schools are the foci of infection. This is amply proved by a study of the reports of infectious disease cases in large cities; almost invariably the number of cases begins to increase with the assembling of pupils in the autumn, and continues large so long as the schools are in ses- sion. Rigid medical inspection in the schools is therefore absolutely necessary, and its advantages are manifest, for in New York City (which I may safely say has now the most highly developed system of medical school inspection in the country) the elaboration of the present method two years ago resulted in a diminution of conta- gious disease cases amounting to about 40 per cent. Incidentally, also, the death-rates of 1902 and 1903 fell to a point never before reached in the history of the city; with the lessened mortality among children particularly marked. This system entails extreme care and considerable expense, for it demands the services of a competent medical inspector daily in every public school in the city. His work is to exclude from the class-rooms all children under suspicion of infectious disease, and to notify the school authorities of the exclusions, with the reason for each, in order that exclusion may not be mistaken by them for truancy. At this point the dia- gnostician's work ends, and that of the school nurse begins. The 74 PUBLIC HEALTH nursing system was adopted with a view of providing minor medical attention for excluded children and of carrying into the tenement homes some elementary idea of the proper care of the sick, as well as incidental instruction in household sanitation. The school nurse is an adaptation of some of the principles of settlement work to the problem of handling school exclusions for minor contagious ailments, and, when she is a woman of experience and a graduate of some recognized training-school, as we require in New York, the successful results of her work are instantly manifest. One nurse can handle the exclusions from four or five schools, averaging from 500 to 1500 pupils each. It is not required that the nurse shall give any attention to cases of contagious disease, such as scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles, and the like. That is and should be left to the ordinary operation of the bureau of contagious diseases, which has its established corps of diagnosticians and district medical inspectors. The routine handling of such cases involves, first, a rigid enforcement of rules regarding notification by the family physician of all contagious cases coming under his observation; second, the confirmation of the diagnosis by an expert medical inspector and his decision whether the case can be properly isolated in the home, or whether removal to the isolation hospital is necessary; third, the enforcement by the district medical inspector of the rules requiring a continuance of isolation during the full period of the disease. Proper handling of a contagious disease bureau requires not only good judgment and strict obedience to department rules by medical inspectors in their work, but a well-organized system of keeping the records of all cases within the purview of the bureau. Another important aid to successful operation is the transmission daily to all school principals, teachers, librarians, and other per- sons having charge of children in ordinary places of assemblage, of complete and accurate lists of all contagious cases reported, and of the termination of other such cases and the disinfection of pre- mises. This puts such persons on their guard, and undoubtedly checks the spread of contagion. In spite of the enormous preponderance of evidence in favor of vaccination, we cannot deny that the prevention of small-pox is still a problem for local boards of health. I say local, for the hand- ling of small-pox varies so greatly in different communities that the efficiency of one is often largely nullified by the neglect of another. Here again is a strong argument for centralization of disease-pre- venting and sanitary work under the control of a federal bureau. For example, in the first months of 1902, we in New York were con- fronted with an outbreak of small-pox which amounted almost to an epidemic. The disease was equally prevalent in other eastern PRESENT PROBLEMS 75 cities. In that year, by vigorous effort, free public vaccination was performed upon nearly 25 per cent of our population of 3,500,000 persons, and there is reason to believe that private vaccinations reached an unusually large total, due to the alarm of the inhabit- ants over their danger, which was purposely not allayed by the sanitary authorities. In fact there was a genuine public awaken- ing to the need of vaccination. Cases of small-pox that year in New York numbered some 1900; the next year they fell to less than 100, although the disease con- tinued very prevalent in many neighboring cities where there had been no determined effort to stamp it out. One result of this varia- tion in practice was that New York was constantly visited by spo- radic outbreaks of small-pox, brought from other cities. Fully half the 100 cases in 1903 were either of immigrants newly arrived from Europe or visitors from infected cities in the interior of the United States. I believe that compulsory vaccination, so-called, is not neces- sary in most parts of our land. It may be demanded in countries having a less intelligent population than ours; but we of New York have founti that we needed only to arouse public opinion on the necessity of vaccination to secure the results we wanted without any compulsion. Vaccination is a requirement of entrance into our New York public schools, and we have not, in my recollection, had a single case of small-pox in the schools so protected; but compulsion exercised upon adults often serves unnecessarily to arouse public feeling against the sanitary authority, and gives a handle to those ostrich-like scorners of facts, the anti-vaccinationists. If we compare the variation in methods of contagious disease prevention as between the large cities and the small towns and rural districts, we find that in the latter few of the precautions taken in the cities are exercised in the country. This results from lack of proper facilities for isolation, and this lack is due to public indifference on the subject; for if the public realized how much the spread of disease could be checked by these means, provision for isolation hospitals and competent medical inspectors would be one of the first items of expenditure in their annual budgets. As it is now, only the most intelligent of our secondary city gov- ernments make adequate provision for their contagious sick. Many others, of course, have buildings intended for that purpose, but these buildings too often consist of miserable shanties in the outer- most confines of the city or village, and the inhabitants complete an ill-conceived work by calling these buildings "pest-houses" and thus branding them as places of horror to be avoided by every possible means. Such isolation hospitals destroy the value of pro- perty in the neighborhood. 76 PUBLIC HEALTH Contrast such places with well-ordered isolation hospitals like those maintained in some of our smaller eastern cities, notably in New England, and the observer must realize that patients there treated not only have far better chances for recovery than if kept in the ordinary home, but that they cease to be a source of danger to the community. Until such handling of contagion becomes general in our coun- try, negligent communities will continue to nullify the efforts of those which take proper care of their inhabitants. If the stimulus to such action came as an order from a federal board, having juris- diction and punitive powers throughout the country, the popular knowledge on this subject would grow more rapidly, and the popular conscience would be more quickly awakened. Discovery and development of the serum treatment for certain infectious diseases, notably diphtheria, has in the last ten years brought new problems to sanitary officers, both in practice and research. It may safely be said that the labors of the bacteriologist have in this time done more than any other one thing in the pre- vention of infectious disease. Speaking as a layman, of course, 1 am led to believe that preventive medicine will in the next genera- tion make its greatest progress along the lines of bacteriological research. We are on the eve of still more important discoveries in this direction, and it would not be rash to predict that serums for the successful treatment of tuberculosis, pneumonia, and scarlet fever will be the next great steps. The importance of such results it is impossible to exaggerate. Consider for a moment the beneficial effects already attained by the anti-diphtheritic serum. I may cite the work of New York City, where the work was first instituted in this country, and where it has been most highly developed. In 1893, New York's case-fatal- ity from diphtheria was 36.4 per cent, and in 1894 it was 29.7 per cent. New York having in 1892 established the first bacteriolog- ical laboratory under municipal control, the preparation of serum for diphtheria treatment was begun in 1894, and in 1895 the distri- bution of this serum was begun. It was given free to all public institutions and to all persons who certified, through the attending physicians, that they were too poor to pay the price charged for it, which was fixed at a point only high enough to cover the cost of manufacture and incidental expenses of the laboratory; a staff of medical inspectors was also designated to administer the antitoxin free upon request of an attending physician. In that year, due almost entirely, I am convinced, to the use of this new remedy, the case-mortality fell to 19.1 per cent, and it has steadily decreased until in 1903 it had fallen to 11.1 per cent. It is now the practice also to administer immunizing doses of anti- PRESENT PROBLEMS 77 toxin to healthy members of a family having a case of diphtheria, and in the last eight years upwards of 13,000 persons have been so immunized by department inspectors and family physicians. Of the persons so immunized, .3 of one per cent contracted the disease, and one case terminated fatally. Could any stronger testi- mony than these figures be offered as to the efficiency of diph- theria antitoxin in the cure and prevention of the disease? Naturally enough, such results have led to the establishment of other laboratories for the preparation of this serum. Some are maintained by state authorities, notably in Massachusetts, but the larger ones are now under private auspices. High prices are charged for serums by manufacturing chemists, and there is no means of testing their efficiency comparable to the records of public laboratories. It therefore would seem to be a reasonable precaution, in the interest of the public health, that these private laboratories should be placed under strict govern- mental supervision and control, if, indeed, the manufacture of serums should not be one of the functions of a national board of health, organized according to plans which I have mentioned, and which are by no means novel. Products of public laboratories might be distributed free or at small cost, and thus be made far more effective in the prevention of disease, while control of the labora- tories by recognized sanitary authorities would be a more satis- factory guarantee of the potency and uniformity of their serum products. A highly organized governmental laboratory service would also offer splendid opportunities for research work in a field the enormous importance of which few people are yet in a position to realize. One of the most hopeful signs of progress in popular apprecia- tion of sanitary endeavor is the general interest now awakening in methods for the prevention of tuberculosis. Medical men are everywhere agitating for better facilities to fight this disease, the worst enemy of the human race, and lay associations are taking steps to establish sanitariums for the reception of patients. This work is a stupendous one, and we have thus far only touched its edge. Efforts to. discover a serum for the cure of the disease, though thus far disappointing, have already much increased medical knowledge of the subject. It is not enough that the world should wait on the researches of the bacteriologist. Our cities are full of consumptives, spread- ing infection among their fellows in spite of all efforts of the sani- tary authorities to instruct them in personal precautions. We must have sanitariums and hospitals of large capacity for the reception of cases in all stages of the disease. The cost will be great; but tuberculosis claims most of its victims at a time when their use- 78 PUBLIC HEALTH fulness in industrial pursuits is greatest, and it can be amply proved that the cost of their care and cure would be small indeed in com- parison with the loss the community suffers by being deprived of their services. Money spent in erecting and maintaining sanitariums would be saved in almshouses and orphan asylums. Even when such places of reception for consumptives are afforded in anything like sufficient measure, there will still be a large class of infected wage-earners who cannot leave their regular occupation because their earnings are needed to support dependent members of the family. For all such the sanitary authorities must exercise greater care. This is one of the great objects in improving the conditions of labor, the ventilation and sanitation of factories and workshops, and the improvement of the tenements in which people of this class are forced to live. Equally must the conditions sur- rounding child labor be the subject of still further investigation and regulation. Development of the cognate science of vital statistics is highly important in the study of methods for the prevention of disease. It helps to measure progress and point out the next steps neces- sary. But its aim is of course far wider than this; the record ob- tained by this registration system are of basic importance not only to the sanitarian, but to the student of sociology in all the rami- fications of his work, in political economy, geographical race dis- tribution, education, etc. Add to this their importance in private affairs, where they are often the final arbiters in disputes over titles and inheritance, and we have ample reason for using the pro- ceeds of taxation liberally in developing the work of the vital statis- tician. In no respect have the powers and responsibilities of boards of health developed more in the last generation than in the regula- tion of public nuisances. I refer particularly, of course, to the regu- lation of nuisances in cities, because the increase of population in restricted areas in cities has in itself created new sources of nui- sance and brought new problems for solution by the sanitarian. The greater demand for comfort in city life, and the realization that the public health is in large measure dependent upon a re- striction of many things which in the past have made for discomfort, have led to the institution and enforcement of a new body of sani- tary ordinances of a scope not dreamed of even as recently as twenty years ago. These have almost revolutionized sanitary practice and have added enormously to the powers and duties of sanitary officers. It is noteworthy that the public demand for relief in this direction has greatly expanded the list of nuisances which have been placed under sanitary control. To the duty of protecting the public health PRESENT PROBLEMS 79 has been added that of protecting the public comfort. For example, I imagine it would be very difficult for sanitary officers to prove on the trial of every case that a smoke nuisance is directly injurious to the public health ; yet so strong is public opinion in favor of enforce- ment of this ordinance that the sanitary authorities who proceed vigorously under it have little difficulty hi suppressing such nui- sances, even when the prosecution of offenders reaches the munici- pal courts. This is all a very new development in sanitary practice. The growth of manufacturing by steam-power in large cities has greatly increased the use of coal in boiler plants of large capacity. Of late, because of the higher prices for anthracite, the use of bituminous coal for manufacturing purposes has come into vogue. Imperfect combustion, the result of careless firing, creates a nuisance. Sup- pression of this nuisance should not be confined to arrest and pun- ishment of the offenders; instruction in means to avoid nuisance should accompany it. Akin to the smoke nuisance is that from dust. Bacteriological study has shown conclusively that dust is a carrier of disease-germs, and therefore a menace to public health. Here is the greatest argu- ment for clean streets and for improved methods of cleaning them. In the New York tenement districts we have had great success from the general use of asphalt pavement, which can be washed with a hose, and so cleaned without raising dust. The great thing in getting rid of dust is not to move it but to remove it. This applies to the dust problem in houses, and in theaters, schools, churches, and all other places of public assembly. Such places in New York were a year or two ago, under our instructions, first brought under general sanitary inspection, with excellent and rather remarkable results, consider- ing how large a number of orders we had to issue to have them put in proper sanitary condition. This work may be well adapted to a countless number of public and semi-public buildings in cities, for the places which every one year after year assumes to be in fairly good condition are often the ones which really demand most careful attention from the sanitary authorities. As a vehicle for the transmission of the germs of tuberculosis, dust in places of public occupancy, like railway and street-railway cars and ferry-boats, should be rigorously fought. The matting and car- pets upon the floors of public conveyances are sources of danger, and should either be done away with entirely or cleaned and fumi- gated at frequent intervals. Our American habit of spitting every- where but in proper receptacles, undoubtedly conveys infectious disease, and every city should pass and enforce an anti-spitting ordi- nance. New York has had a course of public education in this respect, and the nuisance is very greatly reduced, although hundreds of men, 80 PUBLIC HEALTH some of them intelligent enough to know better, figure in the police courts every year as prisoners on this account. Noise, as an element of public nuisance, demands increased atten- tion from the sanitary officer. Its injurious effect on the health of individuals is beyond question. But the authorities must distin- guish carefully as to whether a particular noise is a public or merely a private nuisance, and whether it is a necessary concomitant of some- thing of public utility. Noise nuisances in connection with public utilities are in some sense necessary. In cities the trolley-car is often a source of nuisance to the inhabitants of the streets through which it passes, due to exces- sive ringing of bells, and the operation of cars with unevenly worn wheels. Both these nuisances can be minimized, either by calling the attention of the railway operators to them, or, failing relief, by prose- cution in the courts. The use of flat-wheeled cars is as much a waste of power and equipment as is imperfect combustion of fuel, and, in the interest of the public health, should be suppressed with equal severity. Offensive and dangerous trades also call for attention by the sani- tary authorities. Most cities which have given proper care to this subject have restricted their offensive trades, such as slaughter- houses, gas-plants, and the like, to certain areas, and allowed their operation only under permit from the board of health, revocable for violation of the sanitary ordinance. This system appears to work very satisfactorily for the public, so long as the sanitary officers are neither negligent nor venal. It is an interesting fact in connection with the handling of nui- sances of this class that many improvements demanded by the sani- tary authorities, such as the inclosing of rendering- vats to prevent the escape of ill-smelling vapors or the collection and removal of nuisance-making liquid refuse, have in themselves resulted in cheapening manufacture; the discussions of methods for the innocu- ous removal of such waste matter has opened the way for its profit- able employment for the making of one or more of the numerous by-products out of which large profits are gained. These results might never have been achieved without the cor- rectional action of the authorities. The time has passed for the establishment of any of the so-called offensive trades within the built-up portions of cities. Existing plants should be gradually removed, with due regard to the vested interests involved, and no more should be allowed to come in. Rail- way transportation of dressed beef has become so general that there is no longer any excuse for the building of slaughter-houses in east- ern cities. Not only is this best on economic grounds, but the trans- portation of live-stock for longer distances than absolutely necessary PRESENT PROBLEMS 81 is to be opposed on medical and humanitarian grounds. Neither is there any reason, but the inertia of their owners, for the maintenance of manufacturing plants in the midst of cities, and their establish- ment should be vigorously opposed by the sanitary authorities. The so-called dangerous trades offer a field thus far little worked by the sanitarian in this country, although the subject has had much attention abroad. Here we have hardly any legislation under which the sanitary authorities can take radical action to safeguard the life and health of persons employed in those trades, and therefore they may hardly be said to be under official control. There are many trades, however, in which the ordinary processes of manufacture induce disease, and others also which offer means for the spread of infection. All will repay study by the sanitarian, with a view to remedial legislation. Jurisdiction of boards of health over public supplies, such as water and milk, is already well developed in some states and cities, and much valuable work has been done in respect to the sanitary purity of these necessaries of life. Negligence by the public authorities, however, is still resulting, year by year, in outbreaks of typhoid and other enteric troubles communicated in impure water or milk. For evidence of this we have recent typhoid epidemics in Ithaca and Watertown, New York, and Butler, Pennsylvania. The very rapid growth of our cities and towns and the improper disposal of their sewage are causing general pollution of many water- sources, and making it more difficult either to find pure water-sup- plies or to keep existing supplies safe from infection. The only remedy for this increasing menace is filtration, and that on a large scale and under constant supervision by sanitarians and bacteriologists. This work is very costly, but its maintenance after the installation is com- plete will amply repay the expense, in the saving of life and the preservation of health. Equally important are precautions for the treatment of sewage. Bacterial purification of the liquid refuse of cities and towns is now coming into use, with salutary effect; but too often municipalities which have installed such systems imagine that their work is done, when in fact such methods of sewage dis- posal require constant expert attention in order to insure their maxi- mum efficiency. Thorough sanitary control of watersheds involves not only the removal therefrom of all possible sources of infection and the prepara- tion of reservoirs by the elimination of all decaying vegetable mat- ter; there is also demanded an efficient, unremitting inspection of all sources of water-supply, with frequent chemical and bacteriological examination of the water itself. Statistics gathered in the course of such investigations are all-important in tracing the nature and sources of pollution. The extension of existing watersheds and the taking 82 PUBLIC HEALTH of new ones, to meet the demand for more water due to the growth of our cities, make such investigations imperative for the maintenance of the public health. Cooperation between state and municipal au- thorities to this end has already been productive of much benefit, and for this reason it is highly important that these two divisions of sanitary workers should operate in accord; even better results might be achieved if they could be coordinated under the control of a national sanitary body. Bacteriological disclosures of the transmission of disease-germs in milk, and of the dangers resulting from improper handling of this product, have brought it more firmly under sanitary supervision. The first step in the cities, of course, was to bring all milk-dealers within the control of the board of health by prohibiting the sale of milk without a permit. The next was to revoke permits when milk found on sale fell below the standard adopted. It was frequently found that the retailer was the innocent victim of an unscrupulous wholesaler or shipper, consequently it became necessary for the municipal sanitarian to reach out into the country districts and investigate the conditions at dairy farms. With the investigation went some instruction in methods of producing clean milk, by which the honest farmer might profit. The establishment of model dairy farms by men of wealth has also taught by example, and the high prices obtainable in city markets for high-grade milk have stimu- lated the farmer to continually greater effort. With this campaign of education has come a demand on the railways for the proper icing of milk-cans in transit. Milk is a most favorable medium for the propagation of germ-life, especially at temperature above 50° Fahrenheit. In this condition it is often found to have a toxic effect, particularly when used for infant feeding; consequently failure on the part of the sanitary au- thorities to prevent the sale of such milk has the immediate and direct result of advancing the rate of infant mortality. Regulation of the sale of other foodstuffs has been less highly developed. In some centres there has been established a fairly effi- cient system for the inspection of beef cattle, but there is no doubt that the meat of tuberculous animals is sold in considerable quantity in all our large cities. Scientists have not yet definitely determined whether or not tuberculosis can be thus transmitted to human beings, but there is still adequate reason why the sale of infected beef should be absolutely stopped and the sellers punished. The danger of typhoid infection through the medium of shell-fish is now so well established that we need have no question of it at this late date. No more clean-cut instance of this can be found in all medical history than in the epidemic of typhoid fever at Wesleyan University ten years ago. Investigation by Professor Conn and others PRESENT PROBLEMS 83 demonstrated conclusively that the disease had its origin in Fair Haven, where the oysters eaten by these Wesley an students had been fattened in an infected stream. It may be noted also that recent ex- periments in the bacteriological laboratory of the New York Depart- ment of Health have tended to show that the icing of infected shell- fish does not destroy the virility of the germ-life therein. With these facts accepted, what excuses the sanitarian from main- taining a most careful supervision over the culture and sale of shell- fish? Especial attention should be given to the so-called "fattening" process, which is most often conducted in the brackish waters of streams adjacent to tidewater. The liability to infection in such waters is too obvious for argument, and the fattening process should either be stopped, or restricted to locations where there is no danger of pollution. An important field is now opening to the sanitarian in the in- vestigation of manufactured food-products. The extent to which commercial adulteration and substitution is now practiced would be absolutely incomprehensible to the layman. Competition in trade has become so keen and the substitution of inferior constituents in foods so general that the honest manufacturer has hardly a chance to succeed. Even to name a small part of the many frauds of this character would consume more than the time allotted to this paper. The use of injurious preservatives has also been practiced to a scandalous extent. The only remedy for this evil condition will be the passage and enforcement of a federal pure food law; such a measure has already been before Congress, but in the absence of an aroused public opinion, the mysterious influences which bar the way of much good legislation at Washington have been able to kill it. Several of the states already have pure food laws, and a begin- ning has been made under them, but this reform will only come after one of the longest and hardest fights which the public sanitarian has ever known. Much the same opportunity is offered in a campaign against the vender of patent medicines and secret nostrums. Few people under- stand the extent to which these articles undermine the public health, and there has been little or no attempt to assume official control over their production and sale. These nostrums are of several kinds. Some of them are prescrip- tions which have been commercialized by some sharp business-man, with all the help of advertising and guarantees of the remedy as a "cure-all." Gullible people, who seem to be legion, are led into the error of imagining that all diseases of the same general descrip- tion will yield to the same remedy; they fail to recognize the important factor of idiosyncrasy, arid the result is that nine out of 84 PUBLIC HEALTH every ten persons using such a remedy are not helped and may be injured in health, as they surely are in pocket. In this class of nostrums must be ranked the various headache powders, now for sale everywhere. Almost invariably these contain drugs which should only be prescribed by physicians, and then only with extreme caution. In another kind of nostrums the active principle is some powerful drug or stimulant, the use of which speedily becomes a vice. For example, many so-called catarrh cures have cocaine as their active agent; others, again, which are advertised to cure every ill, or to break the user of the liquor habit, are loaded with alcohol, which produces a passing stimulation, but leaves the patient in worse state than before. All these are swindles of the most dangerous character, and it is the plain duty of the public health officer to secure their suppression. The official chemist is called upon also to investigate and stop the sale of impure and substituted drugs. It is not too much to say that the drug trade is flooded with such deceptions on which the public is being worse defrauded year by year, as the evil grows. The remedy is official control. Makers of patent medicines, nostrums, pills, etc., should be required to place upon each bottle or packet the exact ingredients it contains, and should be prose- cuted for any deviation which can be shown to be detrimental to the health of persons using the remedy, or designed to perpetrate upon them a commercial fraud. Further, the Federal Government, or local boards of health, or both, should institute a division for the inspection of these goods, and for a more careful general inspection of pharmacies, to determine whether all compounders of prescriptions are duly licensed, whether a record is kept of all poisons sold, and whether the drugs there offered to the public are pure and not substituted. To start a work of this kind will mean a fight all along the line. The manufacturers of nostrums and adulterated drugs are a very wealthy and powerful class in the community, and they will oppose all remedial legislation to the uttermost. The only thing they cannot stand against is aroused public opinion; and the sani- tary officer must see that an intelligent public opinion on this important question shall be created. Any discussion of the present problems of the sanitarian, however brief and superficial, would be incomplete without some mention of the auxiliary forces at work. Chief of these is the wide and growing public interest in sanitary problems and the evident desire of muni- cipal and village communities everywhere to learn and apply the most rational and effective methods to their particular circum- stances and situation. When we recall that men still in the prime PRESENT PROBLEMS 85 of life saw the beginnings of municipal sanitation in the United States, we must realize the great progress that has been made. It is not conceivable that we shall stop with this degree of attain- ment. All the great sanitary questions, the prevention of disease and nuisance, the promotion of municipal cleanliness, the disposal of sewage, the utilization of wastes, and a score of other problems which might be mentioned, are still in their infancy, and the handling of them fifty years hence will make our present-day methods appear almost prehistoric. In all this progress, the physician, the bacteri- ologist, the chemist, and the sanitary engineer will combine their efforts, and the public opinion will support and aid them. Such a body of public opinion is now being educated in our schools, where the physician, the nurse, and the sanitary inspector are object- lessons in municipal hygiene; in the literature of the day, which is giving especial attention to sanitation in its broadest sense; and, not least, in the numberless voluntary associations in which public- spirited citizens, prominently the women, are striving to correct municipal abuses and aid the sanitary authorities in estabishing a higher standard of public health. With such duties and such aids, continued progress is imperative and sure. SHORT PAPERS DR. ARTHUR R. REYNOLDS, Commissioner of Health, City of Chicago, pre- sented a paper containing a plea for twelve-hour milk, in which was discussed the fact that in all state laws and city ordinances not a word is contained as to the age of the milk which is sold. DR. i. N. HURTY, Secretary of the State Board of Health of Indiana, pre- sented a paper to this Section on "Dust," and its promotion of infectious dis- eases. SECTION B — PREVENTIVE MEDICINE SECTION B — PREVENTIVE MEDICINE (Hall 13, September 21,3 p. m.) CHAIRMAN: DR. JOSEPH M. MATHEWS, President of the State Board of Health, Louisville, Kentucky. SPEAKER: PROFESSOR RONALD Ross, F. R. S., School of Tropical Medicine, University College, Liverpool. SECRETARY: DR. J. N. HURTY, Indianapolis. THE LOGICAL BASIS OF THE SANITARY POLICY OF MOSQUITO-REDUCTION BY RONALD ROSS [Ronald Ross, Professor of Tropical Medicine, University of Liverpool, b. May 13, 1857, Almora, India. D.Sc. Trinity College, Dublin, 1904. Post-graduate, Bacteriology, under Klein, London, 1889; Diploma, Public Health, United Colleges, London, 1888; Surgeon, afterwards Major, Indian Medical Service, retired since 1899. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, England; Fellow of the Royal Society, London; Companion of the Order of the Bath; Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons; Nobel Medical Prize. Author of works and papers on malarial and tropical diseases; and Algebra of Space (Geometry).] THE great science of preventive medicine is often called upon to consider new policies of public sanitation, which, whether they ultimately prove successful or not, are always of profound interest and importance to mankind. Quite recently a new measure of this kind has been proposed, which in the opinion of many promises to rank with house-sanitation and preventive inoculation as a means of saving human life on a large scale. Unfortunately, its value has not yet been clearly demonstrated — with the result that it is not being employed as largely as some of us hoped would be the case. I feel, therefore, that I cannot better acknowledge the honor you have done me in inviting me to address you to-day than by attempting to discuss this important theme — in the hope that the discussion may prove profitable to the cause of public health. The new sani- tary policy to which I refer is that which aims at the reduction of disease-bearing insects, especially those which are the disseminating agents of malaria, yellow fever, and filariasis. I presume that it is scarcely necessary to discuss the evidence which has established the connection between various insects and arthropods and many diseases of man and of animals. The fact that the pathogenetic parasites which produce those great scourges of the tropics just mentioned are carried by gnats is now too well known to require reiteration. It is necessary only to remind you that the 90 PREVENTIVE MEDICINE gnat acts as an intermediary, becoming infected when biting infected persons and, some weeks later, infecting healthy persons in its turn — the parasite passing alternately from insect to man. The hypo- thesis that the infection in these diseases may be produced in any other manner than by the bite of gnats has not been justified by any recorded experiments or by any substantial arguments ; and we may, therefore, assume for the present that if we could exterminate the intermediary agents, the gnats, in a locality, we could also exterminate there the diseases referred to. But here we enter upon ground which in the opinion of many is much less secure. While some believe in the possibility of reducing gnats in given localities and consider that the point has been proved by experiment, others are much more skeptical and hold that the experiments were not sound. This state of uncertainty naturally causes much hesitation in the adoption of measures against gnats, and, therefore, possibly a continued loss of life by the diseases occasioned by them; and I, therefore, propose to sift the matter as carefully as time will allow. In the first place, we should note that experiments made in this connection have not been very satisfactory, owing to the fact that no accurate method has yet been found for estimating the number of gnats in any locality. We can express our personal impressions as to their numbers being small or large; but I am aware of no criterion by which we can express those numbers in actual figures. We cannot anywhere state the exact number of mosquitoes to the square mile or yard, and we cannot, therefore, accurately gauge any local decrease which may have resulted from operations against them. A method of doing this may be invented in the future; but for the present we must employ another means for resolving the problem — one which has given such great results in physics — namely, strict logical deduction from ascertained premises. As another preliminary we should note that mosquito-reduction is only part of a larger subject, namely, that of the local reduction of any living organisms. Unlike particles of matter (so far as we know them) the living unit cannot progress through space and time for more than a limited distance. The diffusion of living units must, therefore, be circumscribed — a number of them liberated at a given point will never be able to pass beyond a certain distance from that point ; and the laws governing this diffusion must be the same for all organisms. The motile animal is capable of propelling itself for a time in any direction; but even the immotile plant calls in the agency of the winds and waters for the dissemination of its seeds. The extent of this migration, whether of the motile or the immotile organism, must to a large degree be capable of determina- tion by proper analysis; and the logical position of the question of local reduction depends upon this analysis. LOGICAL BASIS OF MOSQUITO-REDUCTION 91 The life of gnats, like that of other animals, is governed by fixed laws. Propagation can never exceed, nor mortality fall below, certain rates. Local conditions may be favorable either to the birth-rate or to the death-rate; and the local population must depend upon the food-supply. Diseases, predatory animals, unfavorable condi- tions, and accidents depress the density of population; and in fact local reduction, that is, artificial depression of the density of popu- lation, practically resolves itself into (a) direct destruction and (6) artificial creation of unfavorable conditions. Let us now endeavor to obtain a perfectly clear picture of the problem before us by imagining an ideal case. Suppose that we have to deal with a country of indefinite extent, every point of which is equally favorable to the propagation of gnats (or of any other animal) ; and suppose that every point of it is equally attractive to them as regards food-supply ; and that there is nothing — such for instance as steady winds or local enemies — which tends to drive them into certain parts of the country. Then the density of the gnat population will be uniform all over the country. Of course, such a state of things does not actually exist in nature ; but we shall never- theless find it useful to consider it as if it does exist, and shall after- wards easily determine the variations from this ideal condition due to definite causes. Let us next select a circumscribed area within this country, and suppose that operations against the insects are under- taken inside it, but not outside it. The question before us is the following: How far will these operations affect the mosquito-density within the area arid immediately around it? Now the operations may belong to two categories — those aimed at killing the insects within the area, and those aimed at checking their propagation. The first can never be completely successful; it is in fact impossible to kill every adult winged gnat within any area. But it is generally possible to destroy at least a large pro- portion of their larvae, which, it is scarcely necessary to remind you, must live for at least a week in suitable waters, and which may easily be killed by larvacides, or by emptying out the waters, or by other means. This method of checking propagation consists, in the case of these insects, of draining away, filling up, poisoning, or emptying out the waters in which they breed. Obviously the ultimate effect is the same if we drain away a breeding-pool or if we persistently destroy the larvae found in it; though in the first case the work is more or less permanent, and in the second demands constant repetition. If we drain a breeding-area we tend to pro- duce the same effect at the end of a year as if we had destroyed as many gnats as otherwise that area would have produced dur- ing that period. Thus, though we cannot kill all mosquitoes within an area, even during a short period, we can always arrest their 92 PREVENTIVE MEDICINE propagation there for as long as we please, provided that we can obliterate all their breeding-waters or persistently destroy all their larvae — which we may assume can generally be done for an ade- quate expenditure. We must, therefore, ask what will be the exact effect of completely arresting propagation within a given area under the assumed conditions? The first obvious point is that the operation must result in a decrease of mosquitoes. If we kill a single gnat there must be one gnat in the world less than before. If we kill a thousand every day there must be so many thousands less at the end of a given period; and the arrest of propagation over any area, however small, must be equivalent to the destruction of a certain number of the insects. But this does not help us much. It may be suggested that, after the arrest of propagation over even a considerable area, the diminu- tion of mosquitoes within the area remains inappreciable.. What is the law governing the percentage of diminution in the mosquito density due to arrest of propagation within an area? The number of gnats (or any animal) within an area must always be a function of four variables, the birth-rate and death-rate within the area, and the immigration and emigration into and out of it. If we could surround the area by an immense mosquito-bar, the insects within it (after the death of old immigrants) would consist entirely of native insects; on the other hand, if we arrest propa- gation, the gnat population must hereafter consist entirely of immi- grants. The question, therefore, resolves itself into this one: What is — what must be — the ratio of immigrants to natives within any area? What factors determine that ratio? Ceteris paribus, one factor must be the size of the area. If the area be a small one, say of ten yards radius, suppression of propa- gation will do little good, because the proportion of mosquitoes bred there will be very small (under our assumed conditions) com- pared with those which are bred in the large surrounding tracts of country, and which will have no difficulty in traversing so small a distance as ten yards. But if we completely suppress propaga- tion over an area of ten miles radius, the case must be very different — every gnat reaching the centre must now traverse ten miles to do so. And if we increase the radius of the no-propagation area still further, we must finally arrive at a state of affairs when no mos- quitoes at all can reach the centre, and when, therefore, that centre must be absolutely free from them. In other words, we can re- duce the mosquito-density at any point by arresting propagation over a sufficient radius around that point. But we now enter upon more difficult ground. How large must that radius be in order to render the centre entirely mosquito-free? Still further, what will be the proportion of mosquito-reduction LOGICAL BASIS OF MOSQUITO-REDUCTION 93 depending upon a given radius of anti-propagation operations? What will be that proportion, either at the centre of operations, or at any point within or without the circumference of operations? The answer depends upon the distance which a mosquito can tra- verse, not during a single flight, but during its whole life; and also upon certain laws of probability, which must govern its wander- ings to and fro upon the face of the earth. Let me endeavor to indicate how this problem, which is essentially a mathematical one of considerable interest, can be solved. Suppose that a mosquito is born at a given point, and that dur- ing its life it wanders about, to and fro, to left or to right, where it wills, in search of food, or of mating, over a country which is uniformly attractive and favorable to it. After a time it will die. What are the probabilities that its dead body will be found at a given distance from its birthplace? That is really the problem which governs the whole of this great subject of the prophylaxis of malaria. It is a problem which applies to any living unit. We may word it otherwise, thus — suppose a box containing a million gnats were to be opened in the centre of a large plain, and that the insects were allowed to wander freely in all directions — how many of them would be found after death at a given distance from the place where the box was opened? Or we may suppose without modifying the nature of the problem that the insects emanate, not from a box, but from a single breeding-pool. Now what would happen is as follows: We may divide the ca- reer of each insect into an arbitrary number of successive periods or stages, say of one minute's duration each. During the first min- ute most of the insects would fly towards every point of the com- pass. At. the end of the minute a few might fly straight on and a few straight back, while the rest would travel at various angles to the right or left. At the end of the second minute the same thing would occur — most would change their course and a very few might wander straight on (provided that no special attraction ex- ists for them). So also at the end of each stage — the same laws of chance would govern their movements. At last, after their death, it would be found that an extremely small proportion of the in- sects have moved continuously in one direction, and that the vast majority of them have wandered more or less backward and for- ward and have died in the vicinity of the box or pool from which they originally came. The full mathematical analysis determining the question is of some complexity; and I cannot here deal with it in its entirety. But if we consider the lateral movements as tending to neutralize themselves, the problem becomes a simple one, well known in the calculus of probabilities and affording a rough approximation to 94 PREVENTIVE MEDICINE the truth. If we suppose that the whole average life of the insect contains n stages, and that each insect can traverse an average distance I during one such stage or element of time, then the ex- treme average distance to which any insect can wander during the whole of its life must be nl. 1 call this the limit of migration and denote it by L, as it becomes an important constant in the investigation. It will then be found that the numbers of insects which have succeeded in reaching the distances nl, (n — 1)1, (n — 2)1, etc., from the centre will vary as twice the number of permuta- tions of 2n things taken successively, none, one, two, three at a time, and so on — that is to say, as the successive coefficients of the expansion of 22n by the binomial theorem. Suppose, for con- venience, that the whole number of gnats escaping from the box is 22n — a number which can be made as large as we please by taking n large enough and I small enough — then the probabil- ities are that the number of them which succeed in reaching the limit of migration is only 2; the number of those which succeed in reaching a distance one short stage of this, namely, (n — 1)1, is 2.2n; of those which reach a stage one shorter still is 02n(2n— 1) ~^~ and so on. Hence the whole number of gnats will be found arranged as follows : Distance from centre nl (n — 1)1 (n — 2)1 (n — 3)1 etc. total. Number of gnats 2+4n+2 ^(2n-l) +22n(2^-l) (2n-2)+etc =2 2» 2 3 It therefore, follows from the known values of the binomial coefficients that if we divide the whole number of gnats into groups according to the distance at which their bodies are found from the box, the probabilities are that the largest group will be found at the first stage, that is, close to the box, and that the successive groups, as we proceed further and further from the box, will be- come smaller and smaller, until only a very few occur at the ex- treme distance, the possible limit of migration. And the same rea- soning will apply to a breeding-pool or vessel of water. That is, the insects coming from such a source will tend to remain in its imme- diate vicinity, provided that the whole surrounding area is uni- formly attractive to them. The following diagram will, I hope, make the reasoning quite clear. We suppose that 1024 mosquitoes have escaped during a given period from the central breeding-pool P, and we divide their sub- sequent life into 5 stages — the numbers 1024 and 5 being selected merely for illustration. Rings are drawn around the central pool in order to mark the distance to which the insects may possibly LOGICAL BASIS OF MOSQUITO-REDUCTION 95 wander up to the end of each stage; and the continuous line shows the course followed by one which has wandered straight onward all its life and has died at the extreme limit to which an insect of its species can generally go, namely, the outermost circle, L. On the other hand, the dotted line shows a course which is likely to be followed by the largest number of the 1024 insects liberated from the pool — that is to say, a quite irregular to-and-fro course, generally terminating somewhere near the point of origin. The DIAGRAM I. The chance-distribution of mosquitoes. P, central breeding- pool. L, limit of migration. The numbers denote the proportions of 1024 mos- quitoes starting from P which die at the distances 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, respectively. The continuous line denotes a continuous migration always in one direction; the dotted line, the usual erratic course. numbers placed on each ring show the number of mosquitoes calcu- lated from the binomial coefficients when n = 5, which are likely to reach as far as that ring at the time of their death. Thus only 2 out of the 1024 mosquitoes are ever likely to reach the extreme limit; while, on the other hand, no less than 912, or 89 per cent, are likely to die somewhere within the second ring around the centre. The same reasoning will apply whatever may be the number of mosquitoes liberated from the pool, or the number of stages into which we arbitrarily divide their subsequent life. Suppose, for example, that 1,048,576 mosquitoes escape from the pool and that we divide their life into 10 stages. Then only 2 of all these insects are ever likely to reach the extreme limit of the outermost circle; only 40 will die at the next circle; only 190 at the next; and so on — the large majority perishing within the circles com- paratively close to the point of origin. This fact should be clearly grasped. The law here enunciated may, perhaps, be called the centripetal law of random wandering. It ordains that when living units wander from a given point guided only by chance, they will always tend to revert to that point. The principle 96 PREVENTIVE MEDICINE which governs their to-and-fro movements is that which governs the drawing of black and red cards from a shuffled pack. The chances against our drawing all the twenty-six black cards from such a pack without a single red card amongst them are enormous, as are the chances against a mosquito, guided only by chance, always wander- ing on in one direction. On the other hand, just as we shall generally draw black and red cards alternately from the pack, or nearly so, so will the random movements of the living unit tend to be alter- nately backward and fonvard — tend, in fact, to keep it near the spot whence it started. As there is no particular reason why it should move in one direction more than another, it will generally end by remaining near where it was. But it will now be objected that the movements of mosquitoes are not guided only by chance, but by the search for food. To study this point, take the diagram just given, place a number of pencil- dots upon it at random, and suppose that each pencil-dot denotes a place where the insects can obtain food — suppose, for example, that the breeding-pool lies in the centre of a large city and that the pencil-dots are houses around it. Consideration will show that the centripetal law must still hold good, because there is no reason why the insects should attack one house more than another. There is no reason why a mosquito which has flown straight from the pool to the nearest house should next fly to another house in a straight line away from the pool, rather than back again, or to the right or left. The same law of chance will continue to exert the same influence, and the insects will always tend to persecute most those houses which lie in the immediate vicinity of their breeding-pool. Even when there are many pools scattered about among the houses, there is no reason why, after feeding, the mosquitoes will go to one rather than to another; and the result must be that in general they will tend to remain where they were. Self-evident as this argument may now appear, it is not under- stood by many who write on the subject and who seem to think that mosquitoes radiate from a centre and shoot forever onward into all parts of the country as rays of light do. Accepting this fallacy with- out question, they argue that it is useless to drain local breeding-pools because of the influx of mosquitoes from without. Such an influx certainly always exists; but I shall now endeavor to show that it cannot generally compensate for local destruction. Let us consider a tract of country over which numbers of mos- quito breeding-pools are scattered, with houses and other feeding- places lying among them. Suppose we draw a straight line across this country and drain away all the pools to the right of it, leaving all those to the left of it intact. Then all the insects on the left of the line must be natives of that part; and all those on the right of it LOGICAL BASIS OF MOSQUITO-REDUCTION 97 must be immigrants which have crossed over the line from the left. How many mosquitoes will there now be on the right side, compared with those on the left side? The following diagram will enable us to consider this question more conveniently. First, examine the state of affairs before the drainage was effected. We may suppose that mosquitoes were then breeding fairly uni- formly over the whole country, and that their density was much the same on both sides of the line. A certain amount of migration BOUNDARY UNDRAINED COUNTRY NORMAL DENSITY MLL/(Vfi HALF DENSITY DRAINED COUNTRY ZERO DENSITY -x -L DIAGRAM II. Curve of falling mosquito-density due to drainage on right boundary. L and —L are the limit of migration on either side of the boundary. across the line, both from right to left and from left to right, must always have been going on ; and since the density was equal on both sides, this migration must also have been equal and opposite — that is, as many emigrants must have been constantly passing from right to left as from left to right. Now, after the drainage has been effected the following changes occur. The insects breed as before on the left of the line, and some continue as before to cross over it into the drained country; but, in the latter, on the right of the line, propa- gation is entirely checked and, moreover, the migration from it to the left of the line, which used to exist, now ceases. Hence not only must there be a decrease of mosquito-density on the right of the line, due to the local cessation of breeding, but also a decrease on the left of the line, due to the cessation of the migration from the right which formerly took place — that is to say, the drainage has affected the mosquito-density not only up to the line of demarkation, but beyond it. And moreover, since the migration was formerly equal from both sides of the line, it follows that now, after the drainage, the loss on the left side of the line due to the cessation of immigra- tion from the right is exactly equal to the gain on the right due to the continuance of the immigration from the left. That is to say, the mosquitoes gained by immigration into the drained country must 98 PREVENTIVE MEDICINE be exactly lost by the undrained country. This fact can be seen to be obviously true if we imagine an immense mosquito-bar put up along the line of demarkation so as to check all migration across it, when, of course, the mosquito-density would remain as at first on the left, and would become absolute zero on the right: then on re- moving the mosquito-bar an overflow would commence from left to right, which would increase the density on the right by exactly as much as it would reduce the density on the left. The dotted line on the diagram indicates the effect on the mos- quito-density which must be produced by the drainage. If L is the possible limit of migration of mosquitoes (it may be one mile or a hundred, for all we know), the effect of the drainage will first begin to be felt at that distance to the left of the boundary-line. From this point the density will begin to fall gradually until the boundary is reached, when it must be exactly one half the original density. This follows because of the equivalence of the emigration and immigration on the two sides. Next, as we proceed from the boundary into the drained country, the density continues to fall, until at a distance L on the right of the line, it becomes zero, the country now becom- ing entirely free of mosquitoes because they can no longer penetrate so far from the undrained country. In the diagram the line giving the mosquito-density falls very slowly at first, and then, near the boundary, very rapidly, subse- quently sinking slowly to zero. The mathematical analysis on which this curve is based is too complex to be given here ; but it is not diffi- cult to see that the centripetal law of random migration must deter- mine some such curvature. The mosquitoes which are bred in the pools lying along the boundary-line must remain for the most part in its proximity, only a few finding their way further into the drained country, and only a very few reaching, or nearly reaching, the limit of migration. Though an infinitesimal proportion of them may wan- der as far as ten, twenty, or more miles into the drained country (and we do not know exactly how far they may not occasionally wander) the vast bulk of the immigrants must remain comparatively close to the boundary. And as, for the reason just given, the mosquito- density on the boundary itself must always be only one half the original density, it follows that it must become very rapidly still less, the further we proceed into the drained country. In fact, the analysis shows that the total number of emigrants must be insig- nificant when compared with the number of insects which remain behind — that is, when they are not drawn particularly in one direc- tion. We are, therefore, justified in concluding that, as a general rule, the number of immigrants into any area of operations must, for practical purposes, be very small or inappreciable a short distance within the boundary-line. The following diagram probably repre- LOGICAL BASIS OF MOSQUITO-REDUCTION 99 sents with accuracy the effects of thorough suppression of propaga- tion within a circular area. At the circle (a) and beyond it the mosquito-density will be the normal density which existed before the operations were commenced. At (6), the circle bounding the drainage operations, the density will always be about half the normal density. At the circle (c) and within it, the density will be small, inappreciable, or zero. The distance from (a) to (6) may be taken as being the same as that from (6) to (c); DIAGRAM III. Effect of drainage of a circular area. b = boundary of drained area. Mosquito-density begins to diminish at the circle a; becomes one half at the boundary 6; and is small, inappreciable, or zero at the circle c. and, as the mosquitoes penetrating from (6) to (c) must be drawn from the zone between (a) and (6), the average result will be the same as if no immigration at all takes place. We do not possess sufficient data to enable us to calculate the actual distance between (a), (&), and (c) — this will depend in a certain measure on the activity of the species of insect concerned and on the existence or absence of special local attractions; but this fact does not discredit the general principles involved. One case has not yet been considered, namely, that in which there exists only a single feeding-place in the whole tract of country — such, for instance, as a single house or group of houses situated in the midst of deserted swamps. In such a case the insects may be compelled to come from considerable distances — from as far as their senses are capable of guiding them — in search of food ; and drainage operations carried on with a view to relieving such a house may, for all we know, have to be extended over miles. But such cases are not of great consequence, because drainage is seldom the appropriate measure for isolated dwellings, which can generally be protected at far less cost by means of gauze screens. Moreover, it is very doubtful whether feeding-places for mosquitoes are ever so solitary as the case assumes. Where there is one dwelling there 100 PREVENTIVE MEDICINE are generally many, scattered at various distances over the country; and the insects are known to feed on cattle, birds, and other ani- mals. For towns, where anti-mosquito measures are most demanded, our first assumed condition of uniform attractiveness must, as a rule, be the one in force; and in such cases the centripetal law will hold. The effect of wind requires examination. Theoretically, if the insects are supposed always to remain on the wing, wind blowing on a generating-pool will merely have the effect of drifting the whole brood to a certain extent in one direction without changing the relative positions of the insects to each other. The result would be the same as indicated in Diagram I, except that the generating- pool would now be eccentric. If a proportion of the insects take shelter, the circles of Diagram I would become ellipses with the generating-pool as a focus. In such a case the wind, and especially devious winds, would have a distributive tendency; but it must be remembered that if the insects are scattered further apart their numbers at a given point must be reduced. A wind which blows mosquitoes into an area must blow others out of it. The net result of devious winds on a circular drained area would be that the mos- quito-density is not so much reduced at the centre, but is reduced to a greater distance outside the boundary circle — so that the average reduction remains the same. With a wind blowing continu- ously from one direction, the indication would be to extend the drainage further in that direction. Obviously, wind may scatter mosquitoes ; but it cannot create them, nor prevent the total average reduction due to anti-propagation measures, as some people seem to think. It is, however, very doubtful whether wind does really drive or scatter mosquitoes to any great degree. In my experience they are extremely tenacious of locality. Thus Anopheles were seldom seen on Tower Hill, a low open hill in the middle of Freetown, Sierra Leone, although numerous generating-pools existed a few hundred yards from the top, all around the foot of it, and the winds were often very strong. If a continuous wind can drive mosquitoes before it, then during the southwest monsoon in India they should be driven away from the west coast and massed towards the east coast; but I have never heard that they are at all less numerous on the west coast. I have often seen very numerous mosquitoes on bare coasts exposed to strong sea-breezes, as at Madras. As a rule, they seem to take shelter in the presence of a strong breeze. Instances of their being driven far by winds are frequently quoted, but in my opinion they were more probably bred, in many such cases, in unobserved pools close at hand. The wind-hypothesis is frequently used by municipal officials as an excuse for doing nothing — it is convenient to blame a marsh miles distant for propagating the mos- LOGICAL BASIS OF MOSQUITO-REDUCTION 101 quitoes which are really produced by faulty sanitation in the town itself. Another and similar statement is often made with all gravity to the effect that mosquitoes are brought into towns in trains, carts, and cabs. So they are; but a moment's reflection will assure us that the number introduced in this manner must always be infinitesi- mal compared with those that fly in or which are bred in the town itself. Moreover, if vehicles may bring them in they may also take them out. I will now endeavor to sum up the arguments which I have laid before you — I fear very cursorily and inadequately. First, I sug- gested that there must be for every living unit a certain distance which that unit may possibly cover if it continues to move all its life, with such capacity for movement as nature has given it, always in the same direction. I called this distance the limit of migration. It should perhaps be called the ideal limit of migration, because scarcely one in many billions of living units is ever likely to reach it — not because the units do not possess the capacity for covering the distance, but because the laws of chance ordain that they shall scarcely ever continue to move always in the same direction. Next I endeavored to show that, owing to the constant changes of direc- tion which must take place in all random migration, the large majority of units must tend to remain in or near the neighborhood where they were born. Thus, though they may really possess the power to wander much further away, right up to the ideal limit, yet actually they always find themselves confined by the impalpable but no less impassable walls of chance within a much more circum- scribed area, which we may call the practical limit of migration — that is, a limit beyond which any given percentage of units which we like to select do not generally pass. Lastly, I tried to apply this reasoning to the important particular case of the immigration of mosquitoes into an area in which their propagation has been arrested by drainage and other suitable means. My conclusions are: (1) The mosquito-density will always be reduced, not only within the area of operations, but to a distance equal to the ideal limit of migration beyond it. (2) On the boundary of operations the mosquito-density should always be reduced to about one half the normal density. (3) The curve of density will rise rapidly outside the boundary and will fall rapidly inside it. (4) As immigration into an area of operations must always be at the expense of the mosquito population immediately outside it, the average density of the whole area affected by the operations must be the same as if no immigration at all has taken place. 102 PREVENTIVE MEDICINE (5) As a general rule for practical purposes, if the area of opera- tions be of any considerable size, immigration will not very mate- rially affect the result. In conclusion, it must be repeated that the whole subject of mosquito-reduction cannot be scientifically examined without mathematical analysis. The subject is really a part of the mathe- matical theory of migration — a theory which, so far as I know, has not yet been discussed. It is not possible to make satisfactory experiments on the influx, efflux, and varying density of mosquitoes without such an analysis — and one, I may add, far more minute than has been attempted here. The subject has suffered much at the hands of those who have attempted ill-devised experiments without adequate preliminary consideration, and whose opinions or results have seriously impeded the obviously useful and practical sanitary policy referred to. The statement, so frequently made, that local anti-propagation measures must always be useless, owing to immi- gration from outside, is equivalent to saying that the population of the United States would remain the same, even if the birth rate were to be reduced to zero. In a recent experiment at Mian Mir in India the astounding result was obtained that the mosquito-density was, if anything, increased by the anti-propagation measures — which is equivalent to saying that the population of the United States would be increased by the abolition of the birth-rate. In the mean time, I for one must continue to believe the somewhat self- evident theory that anti-propagation measures must always reduce the mosquito-density — even if the results at Havana, Ismailia, Klang, Port Swettenham, and other places are not accepted as irrefragable experimental proof of it. SECTION C— PATHOLOGY SECTION C— PATHOLOGY (Hall 13, September 22, 10 a. TO.) CHAIRMAN: PROFESSOR SIMON FLEXNER, Director of the Rockefeller Institute. SPEAKERS: PROFESSOR LXJDVIG HEKTOEN, University of Chicago. PROFESSOR JOHANNES ORTH, University of Berlin. PROFESSOR SHIBASABURO KITASTO, University of Tokio. SECRETARY: DR. W. McN. MILLER, University of Missouri. THE RELATIONS OF PATHOLOGY BY LUDVIG HEKTOEN [Ludvig Hektoen, Professor and Head of Department of Pathology and Bac- teriology, University of Chicago, Director of Memorial Institute for Infec- tious Diseases, b. July 2, 1863, Wisconsin. A.B. Luther College, 1883; A.M. 1902; M.D. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago, 1887; Post-graduate, Upsala, Berlin, and Prague. Pathologist, Cook County Hospital, Chicago, 1890-1904; Physician to Coroner's Office, Cook County, 1890-94. Co-editor, Journal of Infectious Diseases, etc.] OSTWALD, the inspiring interpreter of the great principles of science, states that "We have just passed through a period in which all sciences have been isolated, a period of specialization, and we find ourselves in an epoch in which the synthetic factors in science are gaining a constantly increasing significance. . . . Everywhere the individual sciences seek points of contact with one another; everywhere the investigator determines the value which his special results may have in the solving of the general problems. In short, all sciences are tending to be philosophical. No\vhere is this tendency toward fundamental explanation so great as in biology." Pathology a Division of Biology Disease is the common lot of all forms of life, high as well as low, animal as well as vegetable, and it is the special province of patho- logy, the science of disease, to study life in its abnormal forms and activities. Hence pathology is a division of biology, and it is in fact pathological biology, but its relationships as such have not always been so clearly appreciated as they ought to be; in part this may be explained on account of the very special stress placed on its direct application to practical medicine in the service of the art of healing. For this and other reasons pathology in many re- spects has remained somewhat isolated among biological sciences. The early pathologists took the almost exclusive standpoint of 106 PATHOLOGY human medicine and for a long time the vast resources of general biology remained practically unused in the study of disease. On the other hand, owing to lack of appreciation of the fact that dis- ease is a phenomenon of life, in other words, owing to the unnatural separation of the biologic study of disease from general biology, the subject of disease has rather repelled the average student of biology, who therefore seems to have neglected to utilize fully the approaches offered by pathology to a better knowledge of the phenomena of life. In view of the extent to which man has busied himself with the study of all forms of animal life in all accessible parts of the world, is it not rather strange and an evidence of lack of coordination that the occurrence of cancer throughout the whole vertebrate kingdom should have been made out definitely only during the last year? Yet this demonstration by the Cancer Research Fund in London, and the further demonstration that cancer has the same fundamental characters as in man when it occurs in fish, reptile, and bird, renders it extremely improbable that either climate or diet of man has anything to do with the direct causation of cancer, thus putting an end to much needless speculation and materially narrowing the scope of a most important inquiry. Pathological Processes in Evolution In some quarters disease has been regarded merely as an expres- sion of inferiority and weakness, and as part at least of the means by which inexorable nature carries out the verdict of extermina- tion. Parasitism for instance has been designated as a weapon to eliminate those who fall below a certain standard. Consideration of the nature of disease from this point of view gives to disease merely a negative evolutional significance, as it would cause no new and better qualities in the descendency. Closer examination would tend to show, however, that processes of disease may have a different significance of a more positive nature in evolution. There are numerous simple as well as complex physiological processes which, when set in motion by abnormal conditions, appear to be of advantage not only to the individual but also to the species. As examples of adaptive processes at first sight of more special individual advantage may be mentioned regeneration, hypertro- phy, the interesting adaptations to new and strange conditions of which bones and vessels are capable, certain phases of throm- bosis, and even atrophy, which has been described as the faculty of an organ to adapt itself to conditions of diminished nutrition, thus circumventing necrosis, a faculty of great advantage when the period of dyninished food-supply is only temporary. No one THE RELATIONS OF PATHOLOGY 107 can fail to see much that must be useful and advantageous in the complex reactions to injuries observed in inflammations, the sig- nificance of which has been greatly broadened through the well- known comparative study of Metchnikoff. In the case of immunity, natural and acquired, our wonder knows no bounds, so marvelous are the precision and scope of the protective reactions, concerning which so much has been brought to light in recent years and which lend themselves well to comparative studies. In the case of de- generations and tumors it is not possible to recognize any direct or indirect advantage, and certainly no one has yet been able to see malignant tumors in such favorable light. In these instances first mentioned the pathologic reactions have physiologic proto- types ; they are adaptations of physiologic processes. Regeneration and growth are taking place constantly in health. Phagocytosis, on which so much stress has been laid in inflammation, is merely an exaggeration of normal nutritive processes in certain cells. At pre- sent the production of antitoxins and other anti-bodies is best ex- plained as the result of special adaptations of normal stereo-chem- ical mechanisms whereby nutrition is carried on. A very noticeable difference between the physiologic and pathologic manifestations of these functions is seen in their imperfections and shortcomings under many of the abnormal conditions. Incomplete regeneration resulting in the formation of scars often has many disadvantages. Inflammations frequently establish conditions in themselves fraught with dangers. The reactions of immunity may not neutralize quickly enough the toxins nor destroy promptly enough the in- vading organisms. Hence there is abundant scope for the inter- vention of the physician armed with all the various appliances of his art, some of the most useful of which are the products of arti- ficially produced biologic reactions. But after all the individual organisms must enjo)^ the best chances for survival and reproduc- tion that suffer least harm because best able to adapt themselves and to protect the life and function of their cells under conditions of disease. Just as there are variations in the limits of physiologic regulatory mechanisms, so also there are individual differences of degree in the power of adaptive and protective reactions to establish them- selves in disease and permit continuance of life. In progress- ive evolution it naturally must be in the descendants of individuals with the best adaptive and protective powers that an increasing completeness and perfection of such powers will be found. Viewed in this light many processes of disease assume a significance of positive character in biologic evolution, a point of view that would increase the interest in pathology among biologists in general, and thus tend to further its development along broader lines and 108 PATHOLOGY lead to coordination of knowledge and broad and still broader gen- eralizations as to causes, nature, and processes of disease. At pre- sent we may be said to be gathering materials for this broader com- parative pathological biology of the future in the same way as the older naturalists gathered materials for the biologist of the present day. Pathology and Research At least in certain fields the student of the pure science of disease is primarily interested in the knowledge of disease for its own sake without much thought or immediate care as to any prompt practical use to which such contributions as he may make to this knowledge may be put. It is true here as it is in general that most things are done only on account of the results expected from them in the future, but immediate technical utility is not always the sole guiding principle of the investigator in pathologic domains. The history of pathology shows him that in this science as well as in its synthetic sciences all actual increase in knowledge eventually helps to relieve suffering. Everywhere the most intimate relations may be seen between the progress of medical knowledge and the progress of medical art. Like other sciences pathology furnishes many examples of the rather unexpected importance and the even profound influence of the new observation, the new methods of study, the new point of view that at first seemed to have but limited significance. Indeed some of the fundamental ideas of scientific medicine have arisen in this way. It has been well said that no knowledge of substance or force or life is so remote or minute, but that to-morrow it may become an indis- pensable need (van Hise). We in America have therefore much reason to rejoice because of the strong movement that is starting in the interest of scholarship and of research in pathology, a movement that of course does not limit its influence merely to the advancement of knowledge, but exercises as well a powerful influence upon the diffusion of knowledge. The man who is so full of enthusiasm for pathology that he will "burn his lamp for its advancement" is likely also to be an inspiring teacher illuminating the older know- ledge with the discovery of to-day and placing the new facts in their proper relations to what is already known and to what will be known. Medicine in this country has been so preoccupied with building-up medical education for the training of physicians that comparatively little energy has been available for the upbuilding of medical science itself. Thus pathology in the universities has not been taught until very recently in such a way that graduate students might take it up as a branch to be followed through long stretches of labor. This is regrettable, but in some of our universities pathology is now placed on equal footing with other natural sciences and fully recognized as THE RELATIONS OF PATHOLOGY 109 a proper field for work leading to higher degrees, and this is a much desired progress in a most important direction. The direct interest now taken by many persons in medical research, the institutes and funds their munificence has established, are also having a most pro- found influence upon the development of pathology in this country. Another mighty current in favor of this development has set in from the scientific work carried on in our various governmental and state institutions. Pathology and Synthetic Sciences Let us now attempt to trace briefly the present relations of patno- logy to cognate sciences with the object of learning, if possible, in which direction the hope lies for greatest progress and to mark out the paths along which our investigators must journey in order to gather the best materials for that wider and larger pathological biology upon which we are still to work. The clearest conception of the role that the more important synthetic factors have had and are having upon the development of pathology will be obtained through the historical perspective. In this way, too, it may prove feasible to show how some of the special problems have been solved and to bring into relief the great coordination of useful knowledge exempli- fied by practical medicine and the influence upon it that various sciences have had and are having through the medium of pathology. The Anatomical Idea in Medicine Anatomy was one of the earliest biological sciences to receive cultivation. The first laboratory for the training of students was the anatomical. One cause at least for this, if not the cause, was the downright necessity for physicians to become closely acquainted with the structure as well as the functions of the human body. It is consequently not strange that pathology in the usual modern sense should begin as pathological anatomy, that is with the study of the grosser, evident alterations in structure that result from disease and upon which in turn rest many of the disturbances of function observed in disease. In its earlier stages pathological anatomy busied itself with the accumulation of a store of facts and observations gained almost wholly by the examination of human bodies after death. Morgagni was the first to attempt any generalization from this store of facts and by correlating the anatomical changes observed after death with the disturbances of functions observed as clinical symp- toms during life, he was able to draw conclusions of fundamental importance in regard to the seats and causes, at least in certain phases, of disease. This is the first instance of synthesis on a large 110 PATHOLOGY scale of two biological sciences in the study of pathology, namely the physiological or study of function and the anatomical or study of structure. Morgagni's conception of disease as inseparably con- nected with structural changes in the organs was designated happily by Virchow as the anatomical idea in medicine, and this idea — the greatest gift of anatomy to medicine — proved of incalculable service in turning the minds of physicians away from speculation to careful, objective study of disease during life as well as after death. We catch an interesting glimpse of Morgagni's own point of view in the following quotation from his writings: "The various steps in progress ought not to be disregarded, for, in difficult research, we derive encouragement from the recollection that although the exer- tions of an individual may not advance philosophy in any perceptible degree, yet, owing to the power of experiment and the successive influence of opinion, the most obscure and apparently unsuccessful inquirer may prove the first or the connecting link in a series of most valuable discoveries." The Cell Doctrine The next advance was the result of Bichat's introduction of minute anatomy and the demonstration that the organs consist of tissues to which the seat of disease now was referred. Before long came the epochal development in botany under the influence of Schleiden of the cell doctrine, which was applied by Schwann to normal animal histology, and by Virchow in 1858 to pathology, the direct outgrowth being the justly celebrated cellular pathology beginning an era during which medicine has made greater progress than in all preceding time. Physiological and pathological processes were traced to the elementary morphologic constituents of living organisms — the cells. The famous phrase "omnis cettula e cellvla" completed the liberation of medicine from abstract speculation already begun by Morgagni. "The physician grew from a schoolman into a scientific observer, and the surgeon, who appeared on the scene in livery and without learning, grew from a handicraftsman to be a man of science." Pathology became a natural science. What rich new fields were now open for investigation! A vast amount of material was accumulated from careful clinical and morphologic study of individual cases and the basis thus laid for the construction of gen- eral laws and fruitful theories of disease. During the earlier part of this period attention was confined largely to man, but it also was often turned in the direction of animals in the effort to pene- trate deeper into morbid processes; the experimental method was used to interpret correctly observations made in the clinic and in the post-mortem room. THE RELATIONS OF PATHOLOGY 111 Of fundamental importance for all branches of medicine was the resulting organization of the teaching and investigation of patho- logical anatomy. Following the leadership of Virchow in Berlin pathologic o-anatomical institutes or laboratories were rapidly estab- lished, and soon recognized as indispensably necessary for teaching, for research, and for direct assistance to medical practice. In the further course of development these laboratories have undergone various modifications and enlargements of scope, principally as the result of the advent of medical microbiology. With surgery and the rapidly developing surgical specialties pathological anatomy — gross and microscopic — soon assumed permanent relations of fundamental character. The anatomical study of the diseases in question was followed by great progress in treatment, and the exponents of these branches of applied medicine did not remain merely receptive of the work of others, but have themselves prosecuted diligently pathological investigations of great value. Indeed, in certain special branches, especially ophthalmo- logy, otology, and dermatology, the clinicians have long been prac- tically the sole occupants of the field of pathological anatomy of their respective parts of the body. The close study of pathological anatomy — being largely the study of the results of disease — stim- ulated also to brilliantly accurate diagnosis of certain internal dis- eases, which unfortunately in some cases was coupled with a dis- heartening therapeutic pessimism. Said the therapeutic nihilist Skoda: "We can diagnose disease, describe it, and get a grasp of it, but we dare not by any means expect to cure it." That some of the followers of cellular pathology in the narrower, dogmatic sense, believed that the innermost secrets of disease could be reached by morphologic methods, and that functional disturbances always could be adequately explained by morphologic means may now be regarded as an instance of the tendency man frequently shows to approach his problems from the least accessible points. These unfavorable ten- dencies in pathology led to the following protest by Clark in 1884: "We are so much concerned with anatomical changes; we have given so much time to their evolutions, differentiations, and rela- tions; we are so much dominated by the idea that in dealing with them we are dealing with disease itself that we have overlooked the fundamental truth that these anatomical changes are but secondary and sometimes the least important expressions or manifestations of states which underlie them. It is to these dynamic states that our thoughts and energies should be turned; they precede, underlie, and originate structural changes; they determine their character, course, and issues; in them is the secret of disease, and if our control of it is ever to become greater and better, it is upon them that our experiments must be made." 112 PATHOLOGY Fortunately Clark's warning had been anticipated by development. Virchow himself long before repeatedly emphasized that pathologi- cal anatomy cannot deal forever with the product without searching for the cause that led to its production. It seems to me that the following highly remarkable statement in the Prospectus of the first volume of Virchow's Archiv, published in 1847, shows that the founder of cellular pathology had a wonderfully clear vision of the role pathological anatomy was to play in the evolution of patholog- ical physiology: "The standpoint we aim to occupy is simply that of natural sci- ence. Practical medicine, the applied theoretical, the theoretical- pathological physiology is the ideal we shall strive to reach so far as our powers permit. While we recognize fully the title and the independence of pathological anatomy, and of the clinic, they serve us preeminently as sources of new questions the answers to which fall to the lot of pathological physiology. Inasmuch, however, as these questions to a large extent may be formulated only through painstaking and comprehensive detailed study of manifestations (of disease) in the living, and of the conditions in the dead, we regard the exact growth of anatomical and clinical experiences as the first and most important demand of the present time. From an empir- icism of this kind will result gradually the true theory of medicine, pathological physiology!" Microbiology, Etiology, Comparative Pathology It was reserved for etiology, the offspring of microbiology, "to lift pathology permanently out of the level of a purely descriptive science, for with the entrance of a dynamic factor, a causal element, under the guise of microorganisms, the experimental era began definitely." The coming of microbiology, long foreshadowed by ingenious speculations concerning infectious diseases, at once made patho- logy broader and definitely comparative in its scope, thus widening its relations to general biology on the one hand, and to preventive and curative medicine on the other. It. will be recalled that the founders of bacteriology — Pasteur, chemist and biologist, and Koch, physician — both made their appearance in medicine as inves- tigators of animal infections. Infectious diseases constitute a promi- nent part in the field of pathology, and deeper insight into their nature required simple, easily controllable conditions accessible to experiment and analysis. This became possible by the discovery and study of microorganisms which could be used to set in motion the complex phenomena of disease according to the pleasure of the investigator. In animals the course of a disease may be cut short THE RELATIONS OF PATHOLOGY 113 at any time for the purpose of investigation and better insight obtained into the evolutions of morbid processes. The disease may be studied in all its phases. Hence comparative pathology rapidly became the refuge of the investigator finding his way blocked by the necessary restrictions governing the study of human diseases. The great influence of the comparative method of study of infectious diseases is well shown in the relatively advanced state of our know- ledge in regard to those human diseases of this class that are readily communicable to animals as compared with our ignorance in regard to the cause of certain other human diseases which so far as we know are not transferable to animals. As the secrets of the vast domain of parasitism were revealed, and the teachings of specific etiology and pathogenesis became appreciated, there sprang up in the place of the therapeutic hope- lessness inspired by the study of pathological anatomy only, an in- creasing interest of enormous consequences in preventive measures. This was the natural outcome of the persistent efforts now made to follow the chain of causation so far as it was possible to go; for it early became established that the farther back of the immediate causes of diseases we can come the more easily and economically are they controlled and, reversely, the nearer we approach the period in the evolution of disease characterized by open manifestations the more difficult is disease to overcome. Hence the newer ideas of cleanliness, of surgical asepsis, sanitary science, and preventive medicine, — all are the offspring of the study of microbiology and etiology in a wide sense. % Indeed, the great principle of prevention may be applied with perfect success even when the actual cause of the disease remains unknown. The discovery by Walter Reed, for instance, that the cause of yellow fever is conveyed by a certain kind of mosquito makes it possible to prevent this destructive disease with absolute certainty by destroying the mosquito or preventing its bite. Interaction of Parasite and Host — Bio-chemistry and Immunity. But the fundamental problems of etiology are not wholly solved by the discovery of the causative agent, however important this step may be; for it remains to explain how normal function and structure are upset by the entrance of this new factor. Now the study of bacteriology and comparative pathology has per- mitted a deeper penetration into the nature and mechanism of cer- tain infections. The discovery of bacterial and other toxins, complex, soluble, and diffusible chemical substances, and of their wonderful influence upon the metabolism of cells, opened new and rich fields that under the hands of keen investigators have furnished precious 114 PATHOLOGY materials for the advancement of medical science along new lines. Henle had anticipated many of our ideas of the interaction of para- site and host, but especially interesting are the teachings of Bre- tonneau in regard to the specificness of infectious processes, and the words of his pupil, the great Trousseau, have proved themselves of prophetic significance: "There are [in infectious diseases] two fac- tors; one is the morbific germ coming from without, and the other is the economy about to receive it; there is required a special apti- tude for the organism to respond to the action of the stimulus . . . when there is no such predisposition the morbific germ perishes." It was necessary to erect the great structure of cellular pathology, and to make brilliant and epochal discoveries in morbific etiology before the suggestions in Trousseau's statement as to the interaction of host and parasite could be expressed in such definite terms, and given such enlargement in scope as in the genial and heuristic side- chain theory of Ehrlich. According to this theory a toxin is poison- ous only when it unites chemically with some constituent in the cell of corresponding stereochemical configuration. If the cell does not contain this particular constituent the toxin is harmless; and when these constituents course in the blood as the result of reproductive processes in the cells they are protective — antitoxic — because they unite with the toxin and thus prevent the disastrous union of toxin with cells. In other words, the substance in the body which, when situated in the cells, is a primary essential for the toxic process, becomes a curative agent when it enters the blood-stream (Behring). Fortunately for the therapy and prevention of diphtheria, tetanus, and a few other essentially toxic infections, these antitoxins may be caused to accumulate in large quantities in the blood of certain animals when artificially immunized by the injection of increasing doses of the corresponding toxin. It was a happy inspiration indeed that led Behring to use the antitoxic serum of immunized animals for curative and prophylactic purposes, thus turning to the common good this innate faculty of the animal organism to develop in so marvelous a manner its own resources. Supported by numerous experiments among the most imagina- tive and interesting of modern biologic investigation, Ehrlich's theory has proven a veritable master-key to some of the innermost secrets of toxic and antitoxic action and immunity in general. The theory has been found adaptable to other closely related problems in chemical biology, and its signal usefulness in promoting investi- gation in this complex field upon broad comparative basis places it among the great theories of science. Ehrlich's side-chain theory has been applied with great success to the explanation of the formation by cells, and also of the action of the various lytic or solvent substances for animal cells, particu- THE RELATIONS OF PATHOLOGY 115 larly red corpuscles, as well as for bacteria. The active hemolysins, bacteriolysins, and cytolysins are formed by the union of two dis- tinct bodies, amboceptor and complement, whose properties and affinities are being studied most actively. These substances occur to a considerable extent in the blood of normal animals, and may be induced to develop freely under the stimulation of the injection into animals of large quantities of the cells or bacteria to be acted upon. The fact that hemolytic substances, though of a somewhat different and apparently less complex nature are produced by cer- tain pathogenic bacteria of common occurrence, especially strep- tococci, has given us a new point of departure for the study of the anemia that develops in streptococcal and other infections. By the aid of Ehrlich's theory it has also proved possible to explain the mode of action of the toxic substances in certain venoms, and in this particular field highly valuable facts have been established by the work of Flexner and Noguchi and of Kyes. In certain phases the subject has been simplified by the work of Kyes, who succeeded in showing that a definite chemical substance, namely, lecithin, may act as a complement to amboceptors in venoms, with which it unites as a crystallizable "lecithid." The extraordinary complexity of the chemical bodies produced by cellular activity is further illustrated by the group of sub- stances known as agglutinins which have the interesting property of drawing animal as well as bacterial cells together into clumps. Agglutinins may be produced by bacteria as well as by animals. It is more than likely that certain forms of thrombosis met with in infections are caused by agglutination of corpuscles, a form of throm- bosis which has been designated as agglutinative. Experimentally such thrombi are produced with ease by the injection of various agglutinating substances. In animals as well as in man certain infec- tions, e. g., with typhoid bacillus, are associated with the develop- ment of agglutinins having a specific effect upon the bacterium causing the infection. Such agglutinins are being used everywhere for two purposes, (a) to determine the nature of the infection for purposes of clinical diagnosis (as in the agglutination test for typhoid introduced as a clinical measure by Grunbaum) and (b) to identify certain bacteria and establish their relations to the infection. Another interesting group of substances of the same general class is formed by the coagulins which have the power of causing certain changes in colloidal albuminous solutions. Furthermore it has been found that the serum of an animal treated with a proteid forms precipitates with that one proteid, a property that within certain limits appears to be specific. This has led to the use of specially prepared precipitating serums for the diagnosis of different proteids, e. g., the detection of human blood for medico- 116 PATHOLOGY legal purposes, and for the study of the genetic relationships of cer- tain animals, a study that in the hands of Nuttall has given results of general chemico-biological interest from an evolutional point of view. Reviewing these remarkable developments one is profoundly impressed with the fact that at the same time as they constitute a most important widening-out of biochemical science they have added greatly indeed to the permanent resources of practical medi- cine, emphasizing again in the clearest way the everlasting identity of the scientific and the practical. Let no one, at least in the medical profession, ever doubt the practical value of the knowledge that ripens on the tree of science! These developments also demonstrate that there are other modes of progress toward knowledge of cellular activity and biological mechanisms under pathological as well as normal conditions than the purely morphologic highway which hitherto had been followed with great persistence in pathology. Here we are dealing with chemical substances and chemical and physical processes which ultimately will be interpreted in terms of chemistry and physics. Already Arrhenius and Madsen have at- tempted to show that the laws of mass-action and chemical equi- librium govern the reactions between toxin and antitoxin, an attempt that has precipitated a sharp controversy with the Ehrlich school which cannot but powerfully stimulate continued work in this field. Recently we have learned too that many salts in ionizable solutions and also more complex substances combine in such a way with the complements in normal and immune serums as to hinder the union of complement and amboceptor necessary for lytic action. Perchance it is in this direction that we may look for some insight into the changes in physiological mechanisms that permit various organisms to enter and set up disease. It seems that in the chemistry of immunity we soon may expect most interesting developments. The fact that lecithin may act as complement, that it forms a crystallizable "lecithid" by union with the hemolytic amboceptor of snake-venom, and further, the evi- dence now at hand that colloidal silicic acid may play the part of amboceptor, warrant the hope that before long complete analysis, and perhaps even synthesis, of lysins may become possible. The Synthesis of Different Methods in Scientific and Practical Medicine In the majority of cases we owe our first knowledge of the exist- ence of distinct diseases to clinical observation. By keen study physicians were able to distinguish even between more or less similar pictures, but the clinical picture has not always proved adequate for the determination of disease-entities. The clinical THE RELATIONS OF PATHOLOGY 117 manifestations of certain diseases are so much alike that differen- tiation finally was accomplished as the result largely of the study of the more or less characteristic structural changes in the tissues of the body. In some cases differentiation could be made only after the discovery of the specific causative organism. This was the case with diphtheria. The clinical manifestations and the local anatom- ical changes in the throat caused by the bacillus of diphtheria may be reproduced in streptococcal and other infections. Now it is self- evident that real penetration into the nature of a disease demands its complete separation from other, in certian respects more or less similar, diseases. In the case of diphtheria, for instance, complete etiologic differentiation was essential in order that the real value of diphtheria antitoxin might be learned. It may be mentioned, too, that it required the discovery by Koch of the same bacillus in practically all forms of human tuberculosis before the doctrine of the dual nature of this disease, at one time advocated by Virchow on anatomic grounds, received its final overthrow. In various local inflammatory diseases such as pleuritis, peri- carditis, peritonitis, meningitis, and in many so-called septic con- ditions, i. e., local infections with general intoxication but with or without bacteremia, the same clinical manifestations and anatom- ical changes may be produced by different organisms. The diseases being different etiologically are consequently also in all likelihood different chemically in spite of their clinical and anatomical sim- ilarities, and for these reasons deeper penetration into their nature as well as progress in direct treatment will depend largely on study of the organisms concerned and of the products of their activities. Clearly an essential step in this direction is the differentiation of the diseases on etiologic grounds. Other examples of analogous nature could easily be cited. Now, practically every disease the nature of which we in some degree understand may be cited in illustration of the close synthesis of clinical observation (clinical pathological physiology), patho- logical morphology, etiology, and microbiology, experimental and comparative methods, and especially more recently of chemistry in the development of our knowledge of disease. To the fullest ex- tent this is true of certain infectious diseases. Starting with normal physiology and anatomy, these have become the principal methods by which material is accumulated for that pathological physiology which Virchow put as the chief end of medical investigation. And it is along this road too that the medical student passes to reach membership in the medical profession; for here also "ontogeny repeats phylogeny." Finally these are also the very methods of procedure employed by the true physician in solving the problems r>f diagnosis and so of treatment presented by the individual patient 118 PATHOLOGY no matter to what specialty the case may be referred in conse- quence of the great differentiation of medical art with which we are familiar. Practical medicine is availing itself more and more of the methods of scientific medicine. The laboratory is entering into closer and closer relations with the clinic. For the purpose of facilitating inves- tigation as well as treatment it has been found advantageous to include various laboratories in the clinic, and the use of laboratory methods has extended to all departments of medical practice where their field of usefulness is constantly enlarging. How these methods may be made most easily available for the practitioner has now become a problem of real urgency. Pathology is consequently a great force in the interests of integration as opposed to differentiation in medicine; for pathology gathers under her wings all the specialties which differ not as to methods but only in the matter of the fields investigated. Whatever the role of pure morphology in the investigations of fundamental biological problems — and it does not seem likely that it will lose greatly in significance in this respect so long as biologists regard the peculiar complexus of physical conditions called struc- ture as absolutely essential to life — it always will maintain relations of fundamental importance in medicine. Medical and surgical diagnosis rests to a large extent upon the recognition of the nature and cause of gross changes in structure and their consequences on function. To the surgeon pathological anatomy is a guide whose minutest direction he must obey. Exact clinical observation con- trolled so much as ever possible by anatomical examination will continue, as emphasized always by Chr. Fenger, the mainstay of medical progress in every locality. The value of microscopic anatomy in the study of diseases of the blood, in the differentiation of new growths, and in inflammatory products needs only mention. Many of the methods of microbiology are essentially morphologic. The established classification of bacteria is based on morphology, and the studies of the relations of microorganisms to the cells of the body — often a matter of great importance — requires morphologic methods. I believe there is no room for the opinion one occasionally hears expressed to the effect that the value of the usual methods of mor- phology and microbiology in scientific pathologic investigation has been exhausted. Of course the field cannot be said to be so large as at one time, but there are still problems enough demanding the use of these very methods, refinements and improvements in which are constantly increasing their usefulness. Unquestionably advances in our knowledge of functional localization and in the tracing of conduction paths in the central nervous system of man will con- tinue to depend in the main on the careful study of anatomical THE RELATIONS OF PATHOLOGY 119 lesions and their functional and structural consequences. Blasto- mycosis and paratyphoid fever are brilliant examples of "new dis- eases" recently established as the result of purely morphologic and microbiologic methods of study in fields long diligently explored. In trypanosomiasis and piroplasmosis of man and of animals we have other examples of interesting diseases for the recent know- ledge of the existence of which as etiologic entities we are indebted chiefly to clinical observation and morphologic studies of the blood. These facts indicate that microbic etiology may yet be forced to yield up hitherto carefully guarded secrets to more or less familiar methods of new modifications thereof. Great interest has been awakened in the recent determined effort by Councilman and his associates to solve by these methods the etiology of variola, the final proof of the success or failure of which must be left to more discriminating forms of microbiologic research. In pathology purely morphologic methods have surely as great an importance in establishing etiologic relationships and as a means of orientation in various forms of investigation as they have in unraveling the intricate connection between structure and function. Progress in the domains of microscopic pathological morphology and progress in normal morphology will always be mutually helpful because pathological cellular changes — necrosis, necrobiosis, de- generations, and proliferations — are probably largely identical with normal cytomorphosis, being abnormal only as to time and place. A recent morphological observation of great interest is that by Bashford and Murray of a process of conjugation in cancer cells. These observers found in cancer cells nuclear changes similar to those by which sexual cells are prepared for fertilization and also fusion of nuclei equivalent to the process of fertilization known as conjugation. This discovery (if confirmed) will help to turn the search for the causative factor in cancer directly to the very pro- cesses in the cells themselves, a direction indicated already by the singular fact that cancer always "breeds true," and that it is trans- plantable only within the species in which it originates, and that it behaves as an independent organism. Undoubtedly the newer methods of study of micro-chemical reactions in normal cytology will prove valuable also in pathological cytology. Perchance this synthesis of morphological and chemical methods in time may give us some insight into the normal relations and time-sequence of chemical reactions in biological processes, normal as well as abnormal. It proved to be an auspicious day both for chemistry and medi- cine when Pasteur conceived his biological theory of alcoholic fer- mentation. Ludwig's prophecy of forty years ago that chemical physiology would largely prove a study of catalytic reactions has come true, and the cell is now no longer considered as a simple struc- 120 PATHOLOGY ture, but rather as a most complicated machine, the working of which for the most part is dependent on enzymes. Into the finer details of the manner in which these mechanisms may be disturbed under abnormal conditions we as yet have hardly been permitted to pene- trate, but the extensive recent researches dealing with the nature and mode of action of ferments in diverse physiological activities have awakened a lively interest in fermentations in pathological processes which augurs well for the future. Among the many intracellular ferments those causing self-digestion or autolysis of cells are thought to play an active and essential r61e in the removal of dead material, such as necrotic tissue in infractions and inflammatory exudates. Some idea of the fermenta- tive activities in autolysis may be obtained from its action in pneu- monia. In a few days autolysis may so alter a mass of exudate weighing several hundred grams that it is readily removed from the lungs by absorption and expectoration. The biochemical mechanisms of normal and pathological pigment formation have now been shown to depend on the action of oxida- tive ferments. Cohnheim's demonstration that two enzymes, one coming from the pancreas and the other from the muscles, are necessary for the oxidation of sugar, appears to be a long step toward putting the pathogenesis of diabetes in an entirely new light. While these and other oxidizing ferments are the products of cellular activity, it at once suggests itself that they need not be the products of the cells of the same body which is later to use them. It has been suggested that they may be introduced as needed much as antitoxins now are introduced (Long). The results of the work of Croft Hill and of Kastle and Loewen- hardt on the reversibility of ferment action have been eagerly grasped by pathologists and made to throw new light on the prob- lems of fat absorption and translocation. Indeed, the newer chemi- cal methods of study are changing completely our older ideas about fatty changes in the cells, ideas that were based almost wholly upon morphological appearances. Great progress has been made also in other respects in recent years from the application of the methods of physiological chemistry to pathological problems, but I must refrain from going into further details. As a result the field of pure chemistry as an aid to medical diagnosis is enlarging, not merely as regards various analytical procedures for the testing of fluids and other substances, but the newer methods of physical chemistry such as testing the solution content by electrical conductivity and eryoscopy have been found useful in order to obtain information of help in reaching a correct diagnosis or a better understanding of the nature of the functional disturbance. 121 As indicated in the foregoing we are now at the beginning of an era of the application of newer physical and chemical methods to many problems in medicine, problems that at one time were regarded as approachable only by so-called biological methods, and the number of problems that lend themselves promisingly to this form of treatment seems to be constantly increasing. I have referred already to their use in the study of chemical problems in immunity. The many fundamental problems connected with the constancy of osmotic pressure in the fluids of the body ; the great influence of osmotic disturbances in the production of edema; the interesting relations of ions to proteins; the physico-chemical properties of ions of various salts in relation to pharmacological action — these are some of the new questions that are being actively studied with results in many cases of far-reaching importance. In many of its phases this departure is the outcome of the appli- cation by Loeb and others of general chemistry to biological study the results of which we have followed with increasing wonder as they have shown us the extent to which certain life phenomena can be controlled unequivocally by chemical and physical means. Many of the manifestations of life are physical in character, but biologists are agreed that the source of energy in life phenomena is chemical, and that general chemistry therefore must form the foundation of biology. From this it follows directly that the deeper, fundamental explanation of the mechanisms of pathological processes also re- quires chemical and physical methods. Henceforth chemistry will play an increasingly important role in the efforts to reduce the phe- nomena of pathological biology to simpler laws. We thus find again that sharp lines of demarkation cannot be drawn between normal and pathological biology; for progress in one naturally exercises determining influence on progress in the other, and in both develop- ment is in the direction of synthesis with physics and chemistry. Medicine has been called the mother of sciences, and not without reason. She gave to physics Galileo, Mayer, Helrnholtz; to geology Steno; to botany Linnaeus; to chemistry Black, Berzelius, Liebig; to biology Aristoteler, Lamarck, and Huxley; but as pointed out by Sir Michael Foster, her children are ever coming back to help her. In medicine as a science and as an art many sciences converge — physical, chemical, and biological methods join hands for the advancement of knowledge and the relief of suffering. WORKS OF REFERENCE Of the various articles from which I have drawn freely in preparing this ad- dress I would mention the following especially: BARKER, L. F.,The Unveiling of the Cell, Jour. Am. Med. Assoc. xxxvii, 577-82, 1902. CHIARI, H., Die Pathologische Anatomic in 19. Jahrhundert und ihre Einfluss auf die Atissere Medicin. Verh. d. Naturforscher u. Aerzte, 1900, Allg. Theil. COUNCILMAN, W. T., The Relations of Pathology to Medicine, cxxxvm, 557, 1898. FLEXNER, S., An Aspect of Modern Pathology, Science, 1903. HARBITZ, FR., Hovedtrak af den Patologiske Anatomis Udvikling. Norsk Magazin for Lagevidenskaben, 1900. LOEB, J., The Limitations of Biological Research, University of California Pub- lications, Physiology, i, 33-37, 1903. LONG, J. H., The Relations of Chemistry to Modern Medicine, Science, xx, 1-14, 1904. OSTWALD, W., The Relations of Biology and the Neighboring Sciences, Uni- versity of California Publications, Physiology, i, 11-31, 1903. SALOMONSEN, C. J., General Pathology as a University Subject, Festskrift ved Indvielsen af Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, 1902. SMITH, TH., Comparative Pathology: Its Relation to Biology and Medicine, Proc. Phil. Patholog. Soc. m, 165-181, 1900. VESTBERO, A., Om de Sjukliga Foreteelsemas Biologiska Betydelse, Upsala Lakaref6renigens Forhandlingar, 1903. VIRCHOW, R., Morgagni und der Anatomische Gedanke, 1894. WELCH, W. H., Biology and Medicine, The American Naturalist, xxxi, 756- 766, 1897. BY JOHANNES ORTH [Johannes Orth, Professor of Pathological Anatomy and General Pathology, University of Berlin, since 1902. b. Wallmerod, Herzogthum Nassau, Janu- ary 14, 1847. M.D. Bonn; Assistant am Pathologischen Institut, Bonn, 1870-73; ibid. Berlin, 1873-78; Regular Professor, University of Gottingen, 187&-1902. Privy Medical Councilor; member of the Royal Scientific Deputation for Medical and Sanitary Science; Royal Association of Science of Gottingen; Imperial Leopold and Caroline Academy of Natural History; and a number of scientific and learned societies. Author of Cursus der Normalen Histologie; Pathologisch-anatomische Diagnostik; Manual of Pathological Anatomy; and numerous other memoirs and works on pathological anatomy. WHOEVER has to speak of pathology in general, as is my task, must first determine what he includes in pathology, for the ideas which are evoked by this term are not always the same. The opinion is common that pathology is synonymous with "science of disease," "nosology; " but this, as Rudolph Virchow 1 has attempted to prove • repeatedly, is not true. Doubtless disease, or rather the diseased individual, is the most important object of consideration of patho- logy; it is, however, not the only one. The conception of pathology is much more comprehensive. To pathology belongs, on the one hand, every deviation from the normal structure and the normal composi- tion of the body, and, on the other, every deviation from the normal function of its parts. It therefore includes every variation from what we consider the type of an organism. Variation from type is, however, not disease. Disease is, as Boerhaave was the first to say, " Vita praeter naturam," and life presupposes activity. When there is no functional activity and thus no deviation from normal function, there can be no disease. But not even every functional variation from the normal indicates disease. The variation must be pernicious in character, if it is to bear the name of disease. When there is no detriment, there is no disease, although whenever a variation from the normal exists, we have to do with a pathologic condition, no matter whether the variation is morphologic or functional. Purely morphologic variations without detrimental influence on the rest of the body are found, especially among anomalies and malformations, and who will deny that these belong to the realm of pathology? An individual with a supernumerary nipple, a person with polydactilism, a woman with uterus septus or bicornis, all are pathologic, although none are sick. Thus, while the biologic phe- nomena of the diseased state form the greater part of the realm of pathology, they do not complete it. Its limits must be extended much further, but how far is the point of contention. 1 Handb. d. spec. Pathol. u. Therapie, 1854, pp. 6 5. 124 PATHOLOGY Many may consider the statement of Virchow * a witty paradox when he says that the development of new species really belongs to the realm of pathology, as a new species must find its origin in a variation or deviation from the preceding type, and variation from type is pathologic. Thus the whole teaching of evolution, the science of phylogeny, is to be considered part of pathology. I share through- out Virchow's opinion, and in my work on inherited and congenital diseases, recently published,2 1 have again given this fact expression that we must presuppose a variability of the embryonal protoplasm (Keimplasma) and that variation or deviation from the previous type either acquired or inherited or even arising from external influences is the necessary preliminary to the formation of a new species, sub- species, or variety. I would not, however, like to go so far as to call everything arising in this way pathologic, no more than I can con- sider it pathologic when, by immunization, a man is made better than he was before. Such a man varies from the type of normal man, but is not pathologic, because the variation is useful and appro- priate. Only variation which is inappropriate or useless is pathologic. I realize that it may often be difficult to determine the limits of the inappropriate and useless and thereby pathologic, especially in the development of varieties and races. Thus, I should not hesitate to class the Crested Polish fowl with its exencephalocele as pathologic, while I should exclude those breeds which the animal breeders have made for useful purposes from pathology, no matter how near the pathologic the products of skill might be. Variations from type occur in inanimate as well as animate nature; there are malformed crystals just as there are malformed plants, animals, and persons, but we are not accustomed to speak of a patho- logy of crystals or stones, but only of plant, animal, and human pathology, for only with living beings can we rightly speak of useless, inappropriate, or pernicious variations from the normal. Human pathology, undoubtedly the most momentous and import- ant for us, has made but little use of plant pathology as yet, although there can be no doubt that many conclusions for general pathology as for general anatomy are to be drawn from botany. The reaction of plant cells to unusual conditions, and the morphologic and functional disturbances which occur under such circumstances are easier to observe, and may well serve as guides to the understanding of similar processes in animal or human cells. Experimental pathology has already made use of plants in its investigations,8 but only recently have we begun to give more attention to the spontaneous diseases 1 R. Virchow, Ra&enbildung u. Erblichkeit, in Festschrift fur Batian, 1896. 1 Orth, Angeborene u. ererbte Krankheiten u. Krankheitsanlagen, in Krankheii vnd Ehf, herausgegeben von Senator u. Kaminer. Munchen, 1904, p. 26. 1 O. Israel, Bwtog. Studien mit Rucksicht auf d. Pathol. Virchow' » Arch. 141, p. 209, 1895. RELATION TO OTHER SCIENCES 125 of plants, especially since we have learned how great a role parasitism plays in vegetable as well as human pathology. At the head of the parasitic problems of human pathology of the present day stands that of the etiology of tumors; here cancer cells, here cancer para- sites, so sound the battle-cries, and a parasitic new formation in the vegetable kingdom, the club-root of turnip, did not only have to furnish the paradigma of cancers in man and beast, but some inves- tigators have even gone a step farther and see in Plasmodiaphora brassicae, the parasite of club-root, the exciting cause of animal tumors or at least a close relation of such cause.1 Very different is the relation of human to animal pathology, not only on account of the closer relation between man and ani- mal, by reason of which a comparison of observations between animals, especially the higher vertebrates, and human pathology is more permissible, but also because the questions to be decided experimentally must be proved in the main on animals. Even though a complete agreement between the phenomena of human and animal pathology cannot exist, as the function and con- struction of the animal body and its organs do not entirely agree with those of man; even though many diseases which attack man do not occur in animals, still analogies are not wanting and the similiarity is greater the higher the group among the vertebrates to which the animal in question belongs. An especial advantage of compara- tive animal pathology is that the necessary material is not only easier to obtain than the human, but that particularly by volun- tary killing of pathologic animals accurate morphologic investi- gations can be made at any desired stage and on perfectly fresh tissues free from cadaveric changes. Especially valuable conclu- sions can be drawn in those diseases, which are common to man and animals, the zoonoses and the anomalies of formation, the simpler ones as well as the monsters in the narrower sense. A somewhat neglected realm of comparative pathology has re- cently attracted the attention of pathologists in more and more increasing degree; namely, tumor formation in the lower animals.2 From their construction we may expect to draw valuable conclu- sions in regard to the pathology of human tumors, not only in the morphologic but also in the genetic direction. One point espe- cially comes into consideration, which also plays an important part in the utilization of animal pathology in other directions, the pos- sibility of purposeful inoculation experiments from animal to ani- mal.* Unfortunately the great value of experimental research for all 1 Gaylord, Zeitschr. f. Krebsforsckung, I, 1903. 1 Pick u. Poll, Berlin, Klin. Wochnsechr, 1903, p. 518. * C. O. Fenger, Experim. Untenuch. Ober Krebs bei Munsen, Abh. f. Bakterio. xxxiv, p. 28, 1903; Borrel, Eptihd. infectietuses Ann. de VInst. Pasteur, 1903, no. 2. 126 PATHOLOGY branches of pathology * is not sufficiently known among the laity, and attempts through governmental interference to lay difficulties in the way of experimental investigation (vivisection as it is called by the laity, scientific animal torture according to its opponents), are constantly being made, not seeing that misuse of it, even if it should occur, is considerably outweighed by its undeniable value. Pathologic anatomy, bacteriology, pathologic chemistry, and above all, pathologic physiology, cannot fulfill their scientific value without animal experiment. A large part of the progress in pathology is bound up with experimental research. Every ad- vance in pathology has sooner or later been of use to man. Could our progress in the pathology of the infectious diseases, and our progress in the prevention and treatment of them, have been made without experimental pathology? The explanation of the origin of tumors must also finally arrive by experimental investigations, and just there it will be of especial value to be able to carry on the experiments on the same kind of animal in which the tumor natur- ally occurs. If we should succeed in finding a specific, probably parasitic cause, the possibility of demonstrating the pathogenicity of this disease-producer on animals of the same sort is incalculable. But such experiments presuppose exact knowledge of the pathology of the animals experimented upon, that is, comparative pathology, and many discussions of the present day have turned on the point whether changes which were found after the experiment were results of the experiment or chance pathologic findings to which the experiment had no genetic relation. If one does not know what kind of tumors occur in the organs of the animal which he is using for experimental purposes, he will easily fall into the danger of considering new formations as the result of the microorganisms injected by him and will report having produced a tumor when merely a spontaneous new growth existed. So far I have considered animals only as passive objects of ex- perimental pathology. I have spoken of animals and plants merely as the most important subjects for comparative pathology. There are, however, much closer relations between pathology and botany and zoology. Both these sciences have had increasing importance for pathology, as surer proof was brought that the most important causes of disease belong to the plant and animal kingdoms. Investigation of the causes of disease, of the different conditions which form the basis of deviations from normal types, belongs as much in the realm of pathology as the study of these deviations and their development itself. The etiology and pathogenesis are a part of pathology, and it is especially through them that patho- 1 R. Virchow, Ueber den Werth des pathologischen Experiments, Internat. Med. Congress, London, 1887, Berlin, 1899. RELATION TO OTHER SCIENCES 127 logy has its closest relationship with the other sciences. Mechanics, general and cosmic physics, geology not less than geography, in- organic as well as organic chemistry, social and military history, sociology, and commercial science, etc., must all be considered for the enlightenment of the etiology of disease and the explanation of the appearance of disease, especially in regard to time and place (historic geographic pathology). But above all stand zoology and botany, for the most important and most common diseases are produced by living beings, by parasites. It is an old statement in pathology that a parasitic relation exists in disease. For a long time the disease as such was thus per- sonified; it was spoken of as an organism within the organism, a parasite, which as Wunderlich * said, was anthroposed or phyto- morphosed in every way. To it was ascribed an existence, a growth, limbs and organs, a power of endeavor and of thought, even a sick- ness, death, and finally a corpse. Pathology has done away with this conception. It is true that we still speak of the disease, of cholera, typhoid fever, pneumonia, etc., and that in practical medi- cine we still speak of treating this or that disease. A treatment for syphilis, for diphtheria, or some other disease is recommended as if we spoke of something tangible, independent. But all this is only for convenience of expression, and we know very well that what we call a disease is not an entity but only a group of phenomena which have for their basis a common cause. There are really no diseases, but merely sick men, diseased organs, diseased tissues, diseased cells, and it is the cause of these disturbances which brings about the special phenomena which we observe in the diseased part. This cause may be a parasite. Centuries ago the opinion was occa- sionally expressed that diseases were caused by living beings, which disturbed the life-processes in the human body. In the middle of the last century the view that there must be contagium vivum was victoriously upheld by Henle,2 but only in the last decades of the nineteenth century was actual proof brought fonvard that by far the commonest causes of disease are living organisms which live parasitically on or in the human body. The disease is not the parasite, but one parasite or many parasites cause those variations from the normal structure and function of parts of the body which in their entirety we call disease. By parasitology a close union is made between pathology and the described natural sciences and thus with general biology. The great biologic question as to the origin of the lowest being is related principally to the human parasites. In spite of the state- ment of the great English physician Harvey, "Omne vivum ex ovo," 1 Wunderlich, Hdb. d. Patholog. u. Therap. i, p. 12, 1852. 2 Henle, Hdb. d. Ration. Pathol. n, 2 p. 457, Braunschweig, 1853. 128 PATHOLOGY the doctrine of spontaneous generation, which ruled for thousands of years, had not vanished from science, and in the beginning of the last century natural philosophy treated with preference on the beginning of life, and some are not lacking in our day who believe that they see in the doctrine, that the tissues of our bodies break up in decomposing into small organisms,1 an expression of the immortality of the life principle. That the large intestinal worms do not arise from the dirt of the intestinal canal, from saburra, but that for them Harvey's rule holds, has been shown by both zoologists and pathologists. For the smallest beings we may mention the chemist, L. Pasteur, with the physician, Robert Koch, the former of whom conclusively dis- proved the spontaneous generation of microorganisms; the latter as the discoverer of the methods which permitted us to ascertain simply and surely the constancy of form of a microorganism and to give incontrovertible proof that in every single microorganism the law of generation was true, not entirely in Harvey's sense, but in the more general form: Omne vivum e vivo ejusdem generis. But it is not only general biology which has been furthered by the parasitology of the physician, but also special biology and the systematic classification of parasitic animals and plants. Just here is plainly shown that pathology cannot in any way be separated from the other natural sciences, as it is not only the receiver which makes practical use of scientific discoveries, but also the producer which by its own effort, and through independent performances furthers science. The modern development of bacteriology, the determination and elaboration of exact methods of investigation, the morphology and biology of bacteria, have not been entirely developed by botanists, but it has been and still is physicians and pathologists who may claim a large part of the results as due to their efforts. The same relation in working together exists between pathology and zoology in regard to the parasitic animals. Here the points of contact of the two sciences are doubled, for on one hand the change of generations of many human parasites, their occurrence in different hosts, as well as the fact that animals may be the simple conveyers of parasites, required the human parasitologist to bring the animal world into the realm of their investigations; on the other hand, the morphology and systematic study of the parasitic animals themselves has been ascertained with considerable assistance from pathologists. In the first class I will only recall the joint work of pathologists and zoologists on trichinosis.2 In determining the relation of this 1 R. Arndt, Unters. uber d. Enischung von Kokken und Bakterien in organischen Substanzen, Virchow, Arch., 82, p. 119, 1880; A. P. Tokker, Versuch. einer nauen Bakterienlehre, 1903. 2 Zenker, Arch, i, p. 90; Leukart, Unters. tib. Trich. spiral. 1866, R. Virchow, Lehre von den Trichinen. RELATION TO OTHER SCIENCES 129 disease in pigs and other animals to that in man; malaria and the role which anopheles play therein; the recent investigations on the conveyance of plague and other infectious diseases by animals. Names of physicians like Kiichenmeister,1 Davaine,2 and others have given human parasites their final place in zoology. I wish also to call attention to the very recent investigations concerning pro- tozoa as disease-producers, one of the most burning questions of modern pathology, a question of extreme importance, and also of correspondingly great difficulty. Unfortunately, investigations on the parasitic protozoa remain still in their infancy, but even on this question the pathologists of Europe and North America may demand recognition of their zealous work. Closest and most numerous are, of course, the relations of patho- logy to anatomy and physiology. Just as the study of the normal, typic man is divided into anatomy and pathology with physiologic chemistry, so also is pathology (apart from etiology and pathogenesis) made up of pathologic anatomy and pathologic physiology with pathologic chemistry. Just as health and disease pass imperceptibly into one another, so there can be no sharp line drawn between patho- logic and normal anatomy, normal and pathologic physiology. These studies are not different sciences, but branches of the same scientific tree with the same stem, the same roots. Their methods of investi- gation are mainly the same. Discoveries in one generally mean progress in the others. The time is not long past when instruction in pathologic anatomy in our universities was in the hands of the professor of normal anatomy, and when men like Job. Fr. Meckel, Johannes Miiller, and others enriched and fostered normal as well as pathologic ana- tomy. Pathologic anatomy is only conceivable on a basis of normal anatomy, and a glance at the history of medicine shows how every progress in normal anatomy has produced an increase in the know- ledge of pathologic anatomy. Only the flourishing of anatomy in the sixteenth century made the development of pathology to a separate science during the ensuing century possible. But here also pathology was not only the receiving but frequently the producing science. Pathologists not only enriched anatomic and histologic methods, but contributed largely to the development of accurate anatomy, the general as well as the special. Who does not think in connection with "general anatomy" of Rudolph Virchow,3 the man who coined the famous words "omnis cellula e cellula" corresponding to Harvey's "omne vivum ex ovof" That saying while resting in great part on 1 Kuchenmeister, Die in und an d. Korper d. lebend. Menschen varkommen- den Parasiten, 1878, 1879, 3. Aufl. z Davaine, Traite des Entozoaires, Paris, 1877, 2. Aufl. 3 Die Cellular pathologie in Hirer Begriindung auf physiologische und patho- logische Gewebekhre, 1. Aufl. 1858; 4. Aufl. 1871. 1 : . PATHOLOGY observations, is equally true for pathologic and normal with special anatomy it wfll suffice to refer to the of the brain, especially to the course of its order to show how much pathology has contributed to the of normal structure, Tne great progress which the fine brain anatomy made hi the last decades of the last century is due in large part to pathologic oli 1 1 1 rtitmm, medical investigations, conceived by physicians, and the result of investigations brought forward in connected form, especially by medical is true, but even to a higher duyw, of physiology , the pathologic branch of which has unfortunately not received the in every place as * separate not been neglected by scientific fieine A large part of our knowledge of human physiology has been bytheobserrationsof functions changed by disease as they symptoms of disease in man or are produced artificially by ^r>"TBP*t °» animals. Where would the physiology of the brain be, if pathology had not made dear the position of the centres ;of the tracts from the constantly recurring sympt< •thnlogic i ipiisMil had not proved the correctne of the conduaons which were drawn from human observations 1 What would general cellular physiology be. if observation of the of cefls under iswjiqg fife i imililiiaM had not given us cneernmg the processes under normal conditions 71 la cellular physiology rather a product of cellular patho- logy? Was it not a iiiliniifcpi, IL Virchow. who introduced the that the cefl is the final form element of all vital phenomena, who arrived at this conclusion not least through pathologic From the deviations one rarogniirs most readily the law. There is as not received enlightenment bom the experiences of pathology. The doctrine to name only a few of these problems,, plays no small pathology,, and many cases of pathologic heredity throw on the subject and nature of heredity in general. The tof pathology in the realm of hematology, the doc- of amtauBi and pnsfpsliM^ !•* abMify led to most valuaMe the ff^fffl biologic question of the blood relationship off animals with one another. MM! of animals with man. The blood of anthropoid apes and man shows similar behaviors, from the blood of other animals. - 1 V« RELATION TO OTHER SCIENCES 131 Especially numerous and close relations exist between pathology and that branch of biology which treats of the development of the human and animal body, and these relations are daily becoming closer and more numerous, as more and more frequently it can be proved or at least made probable, that pathologic phenomena of all kinds form the basis of ontogenetic disturbances of the greatest variation. An important difference exists between normal and pathologic anatomy, in so far as the genetic consideration plays a much greater role in the latter than in the former. Finished conditions form the basis of descriptive anatomy. Pathologic anatomy must always consider phases of development and none of its observations can be understood if their origin cannot be explained and if the original condition and the further development of its changes cannot be determined. The original condition, however, leads more and more frequently back to the time of embryonal development. It is to the eternal merit of Joh. Fr. Meckel,1 the anatomist and pathologist, of Halle, that he showed for the first time in the case of a malforma- tion of the intestinal diverticulum that the essential part of the varia- tion from the normal consists in this, that a condition which is normal for a certain period of embryonal life, but which should only have a transient existence, is retained and is always recognizable in later stages of development, even though changed by the progressive growth of the part. This demonstration was the more important and valuable, as it treated of a theme which had hitherto been the ground of the most remarkable genetic theories. The apparently planless variation from type was explained as the work of demons or devils or as a freak of creative nature (lusus naturae). Now, it was shown for the first time that also in the realm of malformations, order and law governed the process and not arbitrariness and freakishness, and that we must consider the embryonal development of these malfor- mations if we would understand and explain these methodic processes. Thus was founded the doctrine of imperfect development and growth, and as the basis for the explanation of malformations (Hemmungs-Missbildungeri) it has been especially fruitful, as the fissures about the face, malformations of the female genitals, and congenital malformations of the heart will show, but that they have not yet closed the list is shown by the recent investigations of cystic kidneys, which have proved these to be due to a checking of the development of the embryonal organs. These examples show that disturbances of embryonal development are not only of importance in causing variations from the type, such as malformations, but also for disease-processes in the narrower sense, which originate most readily in malformed parts or organs. The idea that congenital heart 1 J. F. Meckel, Handb. d. p&thol. Anat. i, p. 553. 132 PATHOLOGY disease was due to endocarditis in fetal life was largely due to the knowledge of the susceptibility of the malformed part to secondary so-called chronic inflammation. This is true not only of the macro- scopic conditions like those mentioned, but it also favors the idea that incompleteness in the formation and the later development of a part cause a local disposition to disease. But this is only one side of the relationship between disturbances of development and disease. Another, perhaps even more important, is that which treats of the development of tumors on a basis of disturbance of development. The tumors of undescended testicles, the origin of new formations from displaced adrenal fragments, are as familiar to pathology and as surely established as the occurrence of dermoid cysts, which can only be explained on the basis of the history of development. The well-known theory, according to which all tumors depend on dis- turbances in embryonal development, still lacks sufficient proof. Both pathologists and embryologists have been successful in showing, however, that one tumor at least, the dermoid of the ovary, only finds a satisfactory explanation in the presence of derivatives of all three embryonal layers, thus indicating a very early disturbance of development.1 These tumors are closely related to malformations and pass without sharp division into true monstrosities. The study of all malformations, not only those due to impeded development and which no one attempts to deprive pathology of, is not to be separated from the study of normal development, for the origin of malformations goes back to the earliest embryonal period, and not only malformations of the whole body but anomalies of its single parts can only be understood and their origin explained in the light of normal developmental processes. On the other side, experimental teratology, which is doubtless a branch of pathology, has made most important advances in the knowledge of the laws of normal development, the laws which govern the details of the regular formation of the embryo. Here also no sharp line can be drawn between pathology and embryology. Patho- logy takes its place alongside of embryology, with equal right and equal importance. Thus we see pathology placed centrally among the biologic sciences, bound inseparably to all of them, not subordinate to any but their equal, receiving help from all sides but giving as much in return. Lastly, it must be stated that it is the problem of life which forms the subject of pathologic work. Even though it wanders in its own ways, and possesses its especial questions, it is finally led to the general question of every biologic investigation. 1 Marchand, Eulenburg's Real Encyclopaedic, xv, 432, 1897; Bonnet, Ergebn. d. Anat. u. Entwicklungsgesch. ix, 820, 1899; Wilms, Die Mischgeschwiilste, 1899- 1902. RELATION TO OTHER SCIENCES 133 Points of contact with philosophy are always presented by these general biologic problems, and we need only name Lotze,1 the physician and philosopher, and his work on General Pathology as a Mechanical Science, to find the close relationship between philosophy and pathology personified in modern times. Metaphysic consider- ation of empiric assertions is necessary, as Kant has taught, to draw general conclusions and formulate general rules and laws from the observation of nature. Biology, and not least, pathology, lead everywhere to the limits of our knowledge of nature, where fixed knowledge finds its end, where we must, with Du Bois Reymond,2 acknowledge our ignorance of what lies beyond, but where philosophic contemplations point a higher and more general way out of our difficulty. These limits to our knowledge are not lasting, however, for pathology. We will not remain in ignorance as long as the know- ledge of healthy and diseased life progresses, and the boundaries of natural science and philosophic contemplation of the problems are being extended. Increasing knowledge of facts must be the basis of philosophic contemplation, if this would have real value. There was a time in pathology when philosophic conceptions outweighed all other considerations, and when it was believed that all the problems of general biology and those of general pathology could be solved by pure reasoning. This period of natural philosophy was as unfruitful for real progress in pathology as the period of dogmatism in the Middle Ages, when Aristotle and Galen were looked upon as the sum of all wisdom, and pathology was nothing more than philology, as all scientific work consisted principally in criticis- ing and commenting upon the Greek writings. This changed only after we emancipated ourselves more and more from the old dogmatic belief and through original investigations laid a true scientific foundation for pathology. The maxim of the great Morgagni,3 "Nulla autem est alia pro certo noscendi via, nisi quam plurimas et morborum et dissectionum historias, turn aliorum turn proprias collectas habere et inter se comparare," as well as his other, " Non numerandae sed perpendendae sunt observations, " had to receive general recognition before pathology was enabled to take its place among the other natural sciences. This place it had lost, for in the renaissance of science in the sixteenth century pathology stood in close relation to the other natural sciences; and medicine was for centuries the bearer of all natural science and included all other sciences within itself, so that not only did the teachers of other sciences belong in many cases to the medical faculty, but zoology 1 Lotze, Die aUgemeine Pathologic und Therapie ah mechanische Naturwissen, schaft, Leipzig, 1842. 2 Du Bois Reymond, Ueber die Grenzen des Naturerkennens, Naturforscher-Ver- Sammlung in Leipzig, 1872. 3 De sedibus et causis morborum, per anatomen indagatis, 1761. 134 PATHOLOGY and botany, physics and chemistry, were taught by physicians. We need only recall Haller and his great teacher Boerhaave, who suc- cessively occupied the chairs of botany and chemistry, of practical and theoretic medicine, and attained fame in all these branches. All this has changed in the course of time; the children have sepa- rated from their mother and have further developed themselves, and their development to great sciences has proceeded more rapidly than that of pathology. The time is not long past when the emanci- pated looked down on pathology and would not recognize it as an equal science. Did not Virchow find it necessary, before the congress of German naturalists, in 1867,1 to insist on the scientific equality of pathology, and to demand that the so-called exact natural sciences should recognize pathology as an equal companion. In fact, as pathology (excepting in purely etiologic studies) cannot do without physics and chemistry, as she also strives to refer patho- logic phenomena to physical and chemic laws, so she has given some- thing to these sciences and even to the present time has furnished workers which have assured themselves a lasting place in the history of exact sciences. Is not the mention of the name of the physician, Robert Mayer, the discoverer of the law of conservation of energy, and of Helmholtz, who began his professorship in Konigsberg with lectures on general pathology, sufficient proof? The literature of Rontgen, radium, and other light-rays shows sufficiently how to this day pathology takes part in the investigation of physical problems. These investigations lead to another especially important field, that of chemistry. Questions which were determined in the chemical laboratory of my institute, the proof, namely, that by the effect of radium rays on cancer tissue impediments which stood in the way of the action of preexisting cytolysins are set aside, are nothing but chemic questions. Thirteen years ago I stated in a rector's address,2 that only pathologic chemistry on a basis of cellular pathology could take us further in the study of infectious diseases, that the chemistry of bacteria, the normal and pathologic chemistry of the cells, was the problem of the future. This statement can be enlarged upon; in whatever branch of modern pathology we seek progress, we finally always meet chemic questions, and it needs no prophet to tell us that the greatest progress of pathology in the immediate future will be along the lines of chemistry. In all directions patho- logists have united with chemists to further the study of the chem- istry of proteids. Physicians and pathologists have furthered the knowledge of precipitins, agglutinins, and lysins of various sorts, not only in their practical but also in their purely scientific relations, and have begun to study these substances along different lines. 1 Ueber die neueren Fortschritte in der Pathologic, Vortrag in der 2. allgemeinen Sitzung am 20. September, 1867. 1 U«ber d. Fortschritte der Aetiolofi*, Qottmgen, 4. June, 1891. RELATION TO OTHER SCIENCES 135 Pathology stands in close relation not only with that group of physical sciences which treat of life-processes and living organisms but also with the exact physical sciences. To these also many bridges lead, over which the connecting links flow in both directions, pathology giving as well as receiving. A separation of pathology from the other sciences could therefore only be made by force, for pathology forms an integral part of the science of life, biology. I do not consider it just, therefore, that in this Congress, bacteriology, which draws its greatest importance from that part which belongs to pathology, which is thus, principally, a part of pathology, has been placed by itself in Division C, "Physical Sciences" (Natur- wissenschaft), and pathology in Division E, "Useful or Utilitarian Sciences." Is bacteriology not an eminently useful science? Has it not found the most widespread use in medical practice? Have not other branches of pathology, and especially pathologic anatomy, been reproached because it has done little for the prevention and treatment of disease, while bacteriology has done much in this direction? Yet bacteriology is put under physical sciences and pathologic anatomy with the rest of pathology among the utilitarian sciences! On what grounds can we consider human pathology as a different sort of science from the pathology of plants? If we class plant pathology with plant morphology and physiology as a part of biology (as is right), one must do the same for human pathology and place the biologic sciences in the closest relation with human anatomy and physiology. Human pathology is as much natural science and a separate branch of biology as is phytopathology, and pathology is no more a utilitarian science than normal anatomy and physiology. Is medical activity conceivable without anatomy and physiology? As little as without pathology! Has pathology only importance through its relation to practical medicine? Not at all. Pathologists also prosecute their scientific studies without regard as to whether their work will be of immediate practical value or not. They also follow the inner motive toward knowledge and truth. They wish to satisfy that desire for increased knowledge which is in every human breast, to share in disclosing the secrets of nature. If the acquisitions of pathology have had a greater and more im- mediate effect on medical treatment than those of anatomy and physiology, that does not alter its scientific quality in the least; that they were also useful has never injured other sciences or lessened their scientific value. No one will value chemic and physical sciences less because they have been the basis of the wonderful advance in technic and industry, as displayed to the wondering eyes in this exposition. Pathology rejoices in its relation to practical medicine and would neither miss nor lessen it, for as physics and chemistry constantly receive from practice stimulus to new en- 136 PATHOLOGY deavorg and progress, so also pathology needs uninterrupted relation to medical art. But it remains first of all an independent physical science, which in its three branches, pathologic anatomy, physiology, and chemistry, stands on an equal plane with normal anatomy and physiology and physiologic chemistry, with them and etiology forming the scientific basis for practical medicine. But as for ages past a certain socialistic or rather humanitarian spirit has ruled in medicine (and to medicine pathology must always belong), which effected that with all pride over scientific demonstra- tions the real and true joy over scientific progress was not reached, if not only wisdom and knowledge were furthered, but also some- thing of value has been accomplished for the general good, so it may also remain in the future. Pathology will be recognized as a natural science, but it will be its pride and joy also in the future to be and to remain a utilitarian science. THE BEHAVIOR OF NATIVE JAPANESE CATTLE IN REGARD TO TUBERCULOSIS (PERLSUCHT) BY SHIBASABURO KITASATO [Shibasaburo Kitasato, Director of the Government Institute for the Study of In- fectious Diseases, b. December, 1857, Kumamoto, Japan. Imperial Univer- sity of Tokio, 1882 (Igakushi); Special Course in Koch's Institut fur Infec- tion, Skrankherten, 1885-92; Igaku-Hokushi (Japan) in 1891; Professor (Germany), 1892; Decoration of the Third Order of "Rising Sun," 1894; Di- rector of the Government Institute for the Study of Infectious Diseases, 1899; Adviser to the Government Sanitary Bureau, 1903. Member of the Japanese Medical Society (President) ; Japanese Hygiene Society (Vice- President) ; Reale Societa Italiana d'Igiene (Honorary); Sanitary Institute, London; American Society of the Tropical Medical (Honorary); Medical Society of Manila; Har- veian Society of London; New York Academy of Medicine (Honorary); Acad- emy of Sciences, St. Louis.] IN Japan it is a fact of common knowledge that the native Japan- ese cattle are free from tuberculosis (perlsucht) under ordinary conditions, while imported and mixed types of cattle (that is, such as descend from foreign cattle on the father's side, from native cattle on the mother's) contract the disease. This fact would be a very noteworthy one if we could suppose that our native animals are naturally insusceptible to tuberculosis, and are not so simply because they have not had the opportunity to become infected. As far as I know, no race of cattle is known to us which can prove ownership to a real natural immunity against tuberculosis. The claim has been made often enough, but each time the falsity of the claim could be demonstrated through inoculation experiments. To determine the position of the native Japanese cattle in regard to tuberculolsis the following experiments were performed. Before relating these experiments, however, I would like to make a few general remarks concerning tuberculosis of the human race in Japan. TABLE I. — MORTALITY FROM TUBERCULOSIS IN JAPAN BETWEEN THE YEARS 1892 AND 1901. Year. Population. Total number of deaths. Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Other respiratory diseases. 1892 . . 41,044,739 894 875 57292 109,705 1893 41,399874 930 009 57 798 133,162 1894 41,788335 845 293 52888 98963 1895 42,210,179 854 392 58992 96,531 1896 42 623 931 904 473 62790 105697 18971 43,064.658 875,103 65,597 101,360 18981 43,540,768 891,339 72,708 113,365 1899 43,960,008 920,340 75,226 108,262 1900 44,457,973 910,517 78,972 120,761 1901 44,968,769 932,365 81,669 123,929 138 PATHOLOGY The relation of the total mortality and mortality from tuberculosis to the total population (compared with 1000 inhabit- ants). Percentage of tuberculosis mortality to the total mortality. Year Total mortality. Pulmonary tuberculosis. Other respiratory diseases. Pulmonary tuberculosis. Other respiratory diseases. 1892 21.80 1.40 2.67 5.40 12.26 L893 . . 22.46 1.40 2.73 6.21 12.17 L894 . . 20.23 1.27 2.37 6.26 11.71 L895 . . 20.24 1.40 2.29 6.90 11.30 L896 . . 21.22 1.47 2.48 6.94 11.70 L897 . . 20.32 1.52 2.35 7.50 11.58 L898 . . 20.47 1.76 2.37 8.16 12.72 1899 . . 20.94 1.71 2.46 8.17 11.76 L900 .. 20.48 1.78 2.72 8.67 13.26 L901 . . 20.73 1.79 2.76 8.76 13.29 Vverage 20.88 1.55 2.54 7.41 12.19 Mortality from tuberculosis in the eight largest cities, all of them having more than 100,000 inhabitants, and in the other towns of Japan during the years 1899 and 1900: TABLE II. Place ** ^ b-zi 3=2 -a.23 S3 GQ -- 23 03 9 1 b • and Year. || "S'l l| Jl 11 . 11 3? = ~ o •H| 11 |] - Q flj -*-3 72 * ^.9 P-i _O 5 •*» EH! 5 11899 1,468,953 29,274 4,238 343 499 37 5,117 2,812 Tokio . i 19QQ 1,497,675 27,869 4,254 336 458 56 5,104 3,767 «... / 1899 356,956 7,905 1,132 99 168 14 1,413 918 Kioto . 1 190Q 364,673 7,703 1,204 159 176 25 1,564 803 Oa, /1899 835,203 16,407 2,257 175 316 9 2,757 2,002 usafca . | 1900 865,021 15,991 2,431 221 337 17 3,006 2,036 Yoko- /1899 195,364 2,829 278 40 44 00 362 353 liama. \1900 201,036 2,487 401 32 34 3 470 305 Kobe / 1899 225,970 5,360 711 36 88 1 836 590 " ' \1900 240,917 4,808 719 27 74 5 825 642 Naga- /1899 114,144 1,489 196 12 15 1 224 192 saki .11900 125,231 1,804 234 22 34 4 295 189 -. ( 1899 243,767 4,622 543 29 84 3 659 591 rsagoya -^ JQQQ 252,068 4,675 597 19 65 1 682 627 Hiro- f 1899 126,039 1,937 207 3 24 4 238 305 shima . \ 1900 133,732 2,179 256 16 20 2 294 289 TOTAL OF THE EIGHT CITIES. 1899 3,566,394 69,823 9,562 737 1,238 69 11,606 7,66! 1900 3 680 351 67516 10,097 832 1,198 113 12,240 8,65! JAPANESE CATTLE AND TUBERCULOSIS ALL OTHER PLACES. 139 1899 40,393,614 862264 46376 2014 7 178 435 56003 105 792 1900 40,777,622 843 228 49 428 2344 7228 531 59531 116613 SUM TOTAL OF ENTIRE JAPAN. 1899 43 960 008 932 087 55 938 2 751 8 416 494 67 609 113 455 1900 . . 44 457 973 910 744 59*525 3 176 8 426 644 71 771 125 271 THE RELATION OP THE TOTAL MORTALITY AND MORTALITY FROM TUBERCULOSIS TO THE NUMBER OF INHABITANTS (CALCULATED TO 1000 INHABITANTS). Place Total mortality. Pulmonary tuberculo- sis. Total tuberculo- sis. Other respiratory diseases. Tokio 19 23 286 345 222 Kioto 21 63 3 24 4 13 238 Osaka 19 06 2 76 339 237 Yokohama 1341 1 71 2 10 1 41 Kobe 21.78 3 06 3.56 2.64 Nagasaki 13 76 1 80 2 17 1.59 Nagoya 1875 230 2 70 246 Hiroshima 1564 1 78 205 229 Average of 8 cities . . . Other towns 18.95 21 01 2.71 1 18 3.29 1 42 2.25 2 74 Average figure 20.84 1.31 1.58 2.71 THE PERCENTAGE OF THE TUBERCULOSIS MORTALITY TO THE TOTAL MORTALITY Place Pulmonary tuberculosis. Total tuberculosis. Other respiratory diseases. Tokio 14.86 17.89 11.51 Kioto 14.97 19.07 11.03 Osaka 14.47 17.79 12.46 Yokohama 12.77 15.65 10.50 Kobe 14.06 16.34 12.12 Nagasaki 13.09 15.76 11.57 Nagoya 12.26 14.42 13.10 Hiroshima 11.25 12.93 14.43 Average of 8 cities . Other towns 14.31 5.62 17.36 6.77 11.88 13.04 Average figure 6.27 7.56 12.95 , A valuable paper on the statistics of tuberculosis has been written by Tamaye Ogiya, under the directorship of Professor Sata, from the pathologic institute at Osaka. This authoress states that dur- ing a period of three and a half years she has found among 250 140 PATHOLOGY TABLE III. Place and year. Population. Total number of deaths. 00 DO O 111 fl*J *» Total number of cattle. Number of diseased cattle. Perlsucht. ... f ^I 43,815 807 23 ( 2.85%) 5,188 36 1896 |Q ... f M . 44,029 768 18 ( 2.34%) 5,585 16 1897 \0 . 43,357 936 32 ( 3.41%) 5,389 21 1898 JQ 35,026 697 60 ( 8.60%) 1,964 37 , \r 43,370 805 31 ( 3.85%) 5,870 25 1899 \ X" 35,104 704 80 (11 30%) 1,952 115 , ,. _ _ f M 43,821 778 33 ( 4.24%) 5.491 20 1900 JQ 35,346 673 51 ( 7.55%) 2,257 75 te\r\t f M . 44,093 701 48 ( 6.85%) 5,473 32 1901 < Q 35,526 642 39 ( 6.07%) 2,214 67 45,043 762 58 ( 7.61%) 5,109 37 1902 1 Q 35,607 684 42 ( 6.14%) 2,245 31 i *\nn f M 766 62 ( 8.09%) 5,352 25 1903 < X 678 88 (13 00%) 46 M., Mikato; O., Osaka. TABLE IV. SIMILAR TABLE FROM THE DISTRICT ABU IN YAMA-GUCHI-KEN FOR THE YEARS 1901 TO 1903. Town- ship. ij £ d o I 1 ft Total mortality. Mortality from tuberculosis. Total number of cattle. Number of diseased cattle. Perlsucht. i I "8 X § "8 « a s h- 1 0 1 fc c8 33O § 1 B "•5 ^ -Q^^3 ill 1 £. ... , , , 60.06 Nagano-Ken 93.08 Miyasaki-Ken 55.21 Miyagi-Ken 97.20 Kagoshima-Ken 24.96 Fukushima-Ken 40.89 Hokkaido-Ken 87.30 Iwate-Ken 6 78 7.15 Average of all 56.71 The following table shows how little cow's milk is partaken of in Japan: TABLE VII. For every 10,000 inhabitants there are milk-cows in Tokio-Fu 17.50 Akita-Ken 2.64 Kioto-Fu 15.78 Fukui-Ken 4.90 Osaka-Fu 8.21 Ishikawa-Ken 5.05 Kanagawa-Ken 11.81 Toyama-Ken 1.98 Hiyogo-Ken 5.60 Toritori-Ken 1.35 Nagasaki-Ken 5.88 Shimane-Ken 2.96 Niigata-Ken 3.91 Okayama-Ken 3.12 Saitama-Ken 2.82 Hiroshima-Ken 3.05 Gumma-Ken 7-68 Yamaguchi-Ken 5.63 Chiba-Ken 18.50 Wakayama-Ken 4.75 Ibaraki-Ken 1.75 Tokushima-Ken 1.70 Tochigi-Ken 2.70 Kagawa-Ken 2.52 Nara-Ken 2.86 Yehime-Ken 1.42 Miye-Ken 6.49 Koochi-Ken 2.00 Aichi-Ken 5.08 Fukuoka-Ken 3.31- Shidzuoka-Ken 9.46 Oita-Ken 1.36 Yamanashi-Ken 2.86 Saga-Ken 3.33 Shiga-Ken 5.08 Kumamoto-Ken 2.37 Gifu-Ken 6.37 Miyasaki-Ken 1.84 Nagano-Ken 9.35 Kagoshima-Ken 2.28 Miyagi-Ken 3.78 Okinawa-Ken 1.84 Fukushima-Ken 1.33 Hokkaido-Ken 10.16 Iwate-Ken 1 61 Aomori-Ken . ... 2.05 Average of all 5.65 Yamagata-Ken 4.87 JAPANESE CATTLE AND TUBERCULOSIS 143 One milk-cow furnishes with us in the course of a year a daily average of five liters of milk. From this follows that in Tokio-Fu each individual consumes daily 8.85 cm., and in entire Japan 2.825 cm. of milk. I. Experiments concerning the Susceptibility of Native Bovines to Imported Perlsucht Experiment A. On January 22, 1904, we treated altogether 15 native calves of pure race (from three to six months old and having a body- weight of from 60 to 90 kilograms), which came from a region where, until now, no foreign cattle had ever been imported, in the following manner: Each of seven animals was inoculated with 1 cm. of an emulsion containing a pure culture of highly virulent perlsucht bacilli ; in two of the animals the injections were made into the cervical vein, in two into the abdominal cavity, in two into the trachea, and one was injected subcutaneously. Each of three calves was permitted to inhafe 0.5 gm. of living but dried-up bacilli. The remaining five were each infected with 1 cm. of an emulsion from tuberculous organs, all of which contained very large numbers of tubercle bacilli; in one the intravenous route, in two the intraperitoneal, in one the intra- tracheal, and in one the subcutaneous route was chosen. As control animals were employed five animals of mixed races. One of these received an injection of the emulsion of the tuberculous organs into the cervical vein, three into the abdominal cavity, and one was permitted to inhale a dried-up pure culture. Before beginning the experiments, each of the calves was injected with 0.3 cm. tuberculin, to determine the existence of previous tuber- culosis, but all were found free of the disease. Three animals died 24 to 72 days after the experiment; the re- maining 12 were killed after periods varying from 225 to 363 days. One calf, which had been given an intraperitoneal injection of an emulsion of the pure culture of perlsucht bacilli, died as soon as the twenty-fourth day. At the autopsy it was found that the intra- peritoneal lymphatic glands were swollen, and that the outer lower part of the left kidney contained yellowish nodules. The lungs were markedly hyperemic and contained but little air, but tubercles could not be demonstrated in any part of them. In the renal nodules the microscope revealed a small number of tubercle bacilli, which, when inoculated into the subcutaneous tissues of a guinea-pig, pro- duced typical symptoms and signs of tuberculosis. A second animal, which had been injected intravenously with the emulsion from tuberculous organs, was found dead on the fortieth day. The lungs contained very large numbers of tuberculous 144 PATHOLOGY nodules and the glands of the thoracic cavity were swollen to an enormous size. The third animal, which had received an injection into the trachea with the tuberculous emulsion, died after 72 days. The post-mortem examination revealed both thyroid glands hyperemic and swollen; at the point of injection the trachea was the seat of a mass the size of a pigeon's egg; the surface of this mass was covered with cothitless miliary tubercles. The lungs contained similar miliary nodules, and the right lung was even adherent to the pleura. The mesenteric glands were normal. The remaining 12 calves were killed; three of them were more or less tuberculous. The one which had inhaled 0.5 gm. pulverized tubercle bacilli was killed after 259 days; the tuberculin reaction before its death gave a doubtful result. The autopsy showed the presence of a few very small nodules in the laryngeal mucous mem- brane and of one nodule in the anterior wall of the left cardiac chamber; this last one contained very many tubercle bacilli. The second animal had been injected with 1 cm. of the emulsion from the tuberculous organs; it was killed after 256 days. The tuber- culin reaction was positive before its death. The post-mortem exam- ination showed the inguinal glands in the neighborhood of the point of injection very much swollen; the liver contained a few nodules; all the intraperitoneal glands were swollen, and some of them were already the seat of cheesy degeneration. The lungs were normal. The third heifer had received an injection of 1 cm. of the emulsion from a tuberculous lung into its abdominal cavity ; it was killed after 280 days. The tuberculin reaction before its death had also been positive. The section revealed the peritoneum and liver to be the seat of a small number of tubercles varying in size from a pea to a small bean; some of them were cheesy. Both lungs were studded with numerous grayish-white, hard miliary nodes. The other nine animals were found to be entirely free from tuber- culosis. The five control animals were killed after from 217 to 364 days. The autopsy showed four of them to be suffering from tuberculosis and one to be free from it. If the above-mentioned results are considered collectively it will be seen that from among 15 experimental animals six became tuber- culous, while nine were demonstrated to be insusceptible. It is further worthy of note that the changes in the infected organs were relatively very slight. From a review of the entire experiment it can be seen that the native Japanese bovines are to some extent susceptible to perlsucht experimentally, but only if doses of tubercle bacilli are inoculated so large as never to be received in the course of a natural infection. JAPANESE CATTLE AND TUBERCULOSIS 145 We can conclude from this that our native cattle show so little sus- ceptibility to perlsucht that natural infection appears almost im- possible. Experiment B. The same experiment was repeated on May 27 of this year; this time 33 native calves from 3 to 8 months old, and weighing from 40 kilograms to 90 kilograms were employed. The method of the experiment was exactly the same as in Experiment A. To obviate too frequent repetitions these experiments will be reported only briefly. Fifteen of the animals were infected intravenously; in 10 pure cultures of perlsucht bacilli were employed, and in 5 the emulsion from tuberculous organs; 8 were infected intraperitoneally (5 with pure cultures and 3 with emulsion from organs); 3 were treated with inhalations of pure cultures, while the last seven were infected subcutaneously (5 with pure cultures, 2 with organ emulsions). Four mixed race animals were employed as control; in two of them the injections were made intravenously (one with pure cultures and one with organ emulsion); in the other two intraperitoneal injections were given (one with pure culture and one with organ emulsion). Before the experiment all of the animals were injected with tu- berculin ; in none of them was a positive reaction obtained. Of the 33 animals, 7 perished in from five to 63 days after the inoculation with the perlsucht bacilli, from a number of different causes. Five of these animals showed some traces of the disease; the other two were entirely free from it. The remainder of the 33 calves are still alive (August 10, 1904), and apparently in the best of health. II. Experiments concerning the Susceptibility of Native Bovines and of the Mixed Races to Human Tuberculosis The experiments were performed on 14 calves, of which 6 were Japanese, and 8 belonged to the mixed types. Eight of them were treated with pure cultures; 2 of them were given intravenous, 3 intraperitoneal, and 1 intratracheal injections; 2 were given in- halations; the other 6 were treated with an emulsion made of the organs of a man, whose death was due to miliary tuberculosis; the organs contained numerous fresh tubercle bacilli; 3 were infected intravenously, and 3 intraperitoneally. The tuberculin reaction before the experiment was negative in all the instances. Two of the native animals, having had pure cultures injected into the cervical vein, died after 30 days and 56 days. One of them developed high fever eight days after the injection, this persisting 146 PATHOLOGY for some time; the animal died on the thirtieth day, with symp- toms of general debility. The autopsy showed the apices of both lungs dark red, and moderate swelling of some of the glands of the thoracic cavity. The mucous membranes of the pharynx and larynx were inflamed ; the neighborhood of the vocal cord was covered with mucus in which a small number of tubercle bacilli could be de- monstrated. The second animal developed considerable fever about the tenth day, which also lasted for a long time. After 40 days, conjunct- ivitis appeared in both eyes, this gradually becoming so violent as to destroy vision entirely; death resulted on the fifty-sixth day after the injection, and as in the case of the first animal, seemed to be due to weakness. The organs of the thorax and abdomen were found normal, excepting that the left lung contained a very small pea-sized tubercle, in which a few tubercle bacilli were de- monstrable. None of the other organs contained anything abnormal. In neither of these cases are we permitted to speak of infection, as in the first place, the duration of illness was too short, and in the second place, the tuberculous lesions so slight that they could be found only with difficulty, and it goes without saying that in the short time having elapsed between injection and death the tubercle bacilli introduced into the organism could still have been alive. The rest of the calves, 12 in number, were killed after from 101 days to 327 days, but in no instance could a trace of tuberculosis be found. The number of calves and heifers used for these experiments was altogether 71; of these 52 were purely native animals and 19 had descended from mixed races. The tubercle bacilli from the pure cultures as well as from the tuberculous organs before being utilized for the experiments, had been inoculated into guinea-pigs to note whether or not their viru- lence was great enough. All of the guinea-pigs perished after the usual lapse of time of typical tuberculosis. From the results mentioned, the following conclusions can be drawn : (1) Human tuberculosis is as frequent in Japan as in the civil- ized countries of Europe and America. (2) Primary intestinal tuberculosis is relatively common in adults and children, although cow's milk plays no r61e at all in the feeding of children. (3) There are large districts in Japan, where, in spite of the existence of human tuberculosis, the cattle remain absolutely free from the disease. In these regions it is not customary to consume either meat or milk from bovines. JAPANESE CATTLE AND TUBERCULOSIS 147 (4) This is very important proof for the fact that under ordinary conditions human tuberculosis is not infectious for bovines, as the opportunities for infection certainly cannot be lacking. (5) Among Japanese in general very little cow's milk is used and especially is it employed but little for the dietary of children. (6) Under natural conditions the native animals show but very little susceptibility for perlsucht. If large doses of perlsucht bacilli are inoculated into them either intravenously or intraperitoneally, they become tuberculous to a certain degree; they do not seem to be at all susceptible to subcutaneous infection. 1 (7) The imported and mixed race animals are very susceptible to perlsucht. (8) Human tuberculosis is not infectious for native and mixed race animals. Before concluding I would like to say a few words concerning the two opposing opinions of Koch and von Behring. As is well known, Koch, at the congress in July, 1901, at London, made the statement that human tuberculosis is absolutely different from bovine tuberculosis, a conclusion which he had come to after two years of experimentation on young heifers. Von Behring took issue with this statement at the Congress of Natural Scientists, at Kassel, in September of last year. Von Behring believes that the milk taken by nurslings (cow's milk) is the chief source for the development of tuberculosis. He also stated that human tuber- culosis is identical with that of bovines. The fact has already been mentioned that primary intestinal tuberculosis is quite frequent in Japan, even though the natives drink but very little cow's milk, and even though they employ it but very little for the nourishing of their children; if the mother's milk does not suffice, a wet nurse is instantly taken into the house. This clearly proves that human tuberculosis in Japan can only be transmitted from man to man. And from the fact that native Japanese cattle are free from tuberculosis, and also are so little susceptible to it as to make it almost impossible for natural in- fection to take place, we can conclude that bovine tuberculosis was imported into Japan only after the introduction 'of foreign cattle. These importations, however, began only about 30 years ago, while human tuberculosis has existed in Japan as long as we have chronicles. Of especial deciding importance for the statement that human tuberculosis is different from that of bovines is the following: If this were not the case, it would be impossible to find districts in which bovines are entirely free from tuberculosis, in spite of their close connection with tuberculous human beings, and who are constantly giving the domestic animals the opportunity to infect themselves. 148 PATHOLOGY On account of these reasons it is impossible to trace the tuber- culous infection of man back to cow's milk respecting bovine tuber- culosis, and therefore I must subscribe to the opinion of Koch and say that the danger of the conveyance of tuberculosis from man to man occupies first place. Concerning the views of von Behring in relation to the mode of infection, I must confess that by us in Japan the milk fed to nursing infants (cow's milk) cannot play a role in the contraction of tuberculosis. SHORT PAPERS DR. CARLOS T. FINLAY, Sanitary Chief of the Cuban Government, presented an interesting paper to this Section on "The Leucocytes," with suggestions as to the role that may be assigned to them in connection with cell nutrition and immunization. DR. GEORGE COROMILAS, of Athens, Greece, presented a paper to this Section upon the healing properties of sulfite of carbon, particularly in chronic maladies of the lungs, and the treatment of tuberculosis. PROFESSOR TESSIER, of the University of Lyons, France, presented a paper to this Section on "Some New Studies of the Pathology, Diagnosis, and Special Complications of the Abdominal Aorta." SECTION D THERAPEUTICS AND PHARMACOLOGY SECTION D THERAPEUTICS AND PHARMACOLOGY (Hall 13, September 24, 3 p. m.) CHAIRMAN: DR. HOBART A. HARE, Jefferson Medical College. SPEAKERS: PROFESSOR OSCAR LIEBREICH, University of Berlin. SIR LAUDER BRUNTON, F. R. S., London ; D.C.L. Oxon. SECRETARY: DR. H. B. FAVILL, Chicago, 111. THE RELATION OF THERAPEUTICS TO OTHER SCIENCES IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY BY OSCAR LIEBREICH [Oscar Liebreich, Director of Pharmacological Institute, University of Berlin, since 1872. b. Konigsberg, Germany, 1839. Studied Chemistry under Fresi- nius in Wiesbaden; studied' Medicine in Konigsberg, Tubingen, and Berlin; Assistant in Medicine, University of Berlin, 1867-68; Professor of -Therapeu- tics, ibid. 1868-72. Editor of Therapeutic Monthly; Encyclopedia of Thera- peutics; Kompendium der Arzneiverordung.] EVERY political historian will prefer to trace the development of a period of history from one distinct event. A chronological introduc- tion cannot be of such importance to him as an historical survey, in which events of great moment form the basis of a new development. What is true of political evolution applies also to the growth of every branch of natural science and medicine. The first year of a century, though filling men with joyful confidence and new hopes, has not the same attraction for the investigator; and yet, in order to obtain a general view of the growth of the different branches, it is desirable not to lose sight of this idea, but to consider all the stages of progress in common from a certain point of time, and thus the study of the history of therapeutics must also be subordinated to this aim. Although the evolution of the nineteenth century has frequently been threatened by heavy political clouds, we have seen them often pierced by the sun of progressive science, which, especially in that century, has called forth a fertility of culture such as has scarcely been witnessed in an y previous period of one hundred years. The past century more than any other has been distinguished by the multitude of newly discovered facts in natural science, as well as by the perfection and extension of the ideas of great discoverers of the previous century. 154 THERAPEUTICS AND PHARMACOLOGY It is the age in which the greatest progress in natural science has been made. The vast numbers of new discoveries in medicine have lessened, or even almost suppressed, on the part of many persons, the feelings of admiration for each new acquisition. The new phenomena and experiences which confront us on all sides surpass the wildest dreams described in former centuries as the eccentricities of fanciful minds. The abundance of material compels our admiration and allows the astonished eye no time to gaze long at one occurrence, for new impressions already crowd it out. The nineteenth century has spoiled us; our demands for new acquisitions increase, and we grow impatient to know more. In this unsettled state the laborious work of the individual often seems lost, but the true scholar is buoyed up by the gratifying knowledge that mighty buildings can only be constructed of a mosaic made up of single stones. Yet, truly, humanity often settles down in a new building without admiring either the work of the architect or his material. Moreover, the capability of enjoying nature and whatever we have added to our knowledge of the universe by laborious experiments does not appear to be a natural gift of man. Only education and culture can awaken the enjoyment of what is and of what is about to be. Mighty natural phenomena, indeed, fill the casual onlooker with admiration, but the observation of what is harmonious in nature, and the capacity of assimilating it for our own culture, can be gained only through education. This also holds good of art, and it is even more difficult in science. Since the uneducated majority is often inclined to pass by the greatest events with indifference, the nineteenth century has spared no pains to inform humanity of all the great innovations, to educate them, and thus to gain friends for the progress of civilization. This, indeed, is the object of your Congress. There are various ways in which therapeutics (and it is here chiefly a question of pharmacodynamic therapeutics, that is such as concerns itself not with mechanical means but with chemical- physical processes) may develop. New knowledge of the conditions of life of the organism often lead to remarkable discoveries in therapeutics. Thus physiology, es- pecially the functions of the different organs, is of the highest importance for the progress of therapeutics. A striking example of this is furnished by digitalis. Originally this plant was simply a popular remedy, which, like many substances in use among the people, proved efficacious in the case of many diseases, while, of course, of no avail in others. When William Withering, in 1785, undertook a careful examin- ation of digitalis, it was used for phthisis, dropsy, and scrofula, it is THE RELATIONS OF THERAPEUTICS 155 true, and its power of slowing the pulse was known, but was not utilized therapeutically. A proof of how little significance was attached to these purely clinical experiments may be found in the changes as to the admission of digitalis to the London Pharmacopeia. In the year 1721 it was included; in 1746 rejected, and not reac- cepted until 1778. Now in the year 1846, Weber made the surprising discovery that the vagus nerve has an inhibitory influence upon the heart, i. e., that exciting this nerve causes slower pulsation, and that cutting it occasions extreme acceleration of the action of the heart. This decisive experiment formed the basis of Traube's clinical investiga- tions, and he was able to prove that the effect of digitalis on the heart corresponded to the excitation or section of the vagus nerve. This fact has been utilized clinically in diseases of the heart, arterio- sclerosis, and dropsy, — and now upon a firm basis, — so that digi- talis has emerged from its former position of uncertainty and taken a place among the efficient and reliable remedies, and we can safely say that it will not again disappear from the pharmacopeia, at any rate not owing to any uncertainty as to its effect. Such investigations have now been undertaken with a number of other preparations, and on a large scale, such as, for instance, the clinical researches of Sir Lauder Brunton on"casca" (erythrophleum) and of Sir J. T. Fraser on Strophanthus hispidus, a plant similar to digitalis, but differing in its effect on the vaso-motor system, and which was also soon adopted in therapeutics. Much the same may be said of atropine, which chiefly through the knowledge of its phys- iological effect on the iris, on the non-striated muscular system and the glandular secretions, affords us an exact indication of its scope of utility in disease. Thus we have here a source of fresh observations. Often the functions of the organism are affected in an isolated manner that we should scarcely have thought possible, for instance, by yohimbin. This physiological method is applicable to all chemical bodies, and the progress in our knowledge of curative powers depends solely on the progress of experimental physiology. The physiological action, however, does not always remain within the limits of what is normal, for it may sometimes become patho- logical. This was remarked by various scientists as early as the middle of the eighteenth century, and shortly before the beginning of the nineteenth century (1799) A. Fr. Hecker expressed this view in his Physiologic, Pathologica, i. e., in " the theory of the composi- tion and functions of the human body and its different parts in an abnormal condition." How differently we may view physiologically active bodies can best be seen in the blood. But here, too, we observe that a rational 156 THERAPEUTICS AND PHARMACOLOGY system of therapeutics only became possible in the nineteenth century after a knowledge of the physiological effects had been gained. Berzelius was the first to recognize the presence of iron in the blood. The discovery of a ferruginous coloring-matter of the blood, hemoglobin, did not follow until much later. It is true that in 1854 Wohler declared globulin and hernatin to be contained in the blood corpuscles. But Funke (1852) and Lehmann (1853) had already established the fact that the coloring-matter of the blood, hemoglobin, is a distinct crystallizable substance which is capable of absorbing and giving off oxygen. Hemoglobin, we may say, is, to a certain extent, the quintessence of the respiratory activity. This function may be destroyed by inhaling carbonic oxide which enters into so close a combination with the coloring-matter of the blood that its respiratory function ceases. Thus blood in such a state is a menace to life which cannot be obviated by any drug, but we are able since the respiratory function of the blood has been understood to avert this danger in most cases by removing the poisoned blood and transfusing fresh blood. The greatest hopes for the further development of therapeutics are raised by the fact that chemical substances are capable of restoring pathologico-physiological processes to a normal state. Here we may cite the antipyretics, which are able in the most striking manner to reduce to the normal state a rise of temperature, that is, a febrile phenomenon. The drugs just mentioned are therefore of great importance in therapeutics as symptomatic remedies. Of course, they are in no way able to destroy the cause of disease, but merely alleviate or avert injurious symptoms. For the physician, however, this very quality is of paramount importance in the majority of cases. The cause of disease may disappear through the spontaneous healing process of the organism, while the symptoms are removed, which, had they been left alone, would inevitably have led to the death of the patient. Yes, we may say that it is one of the greatest aims of therapeutics to treat disease symptomatically, for we must endeavor to ease the sufferings of humanity, and the great advantage of this method of healing becomes specially evident when the cause of sickness cannot be destroyed by any remedy hitherto known. This may best be demonstrated in the treatment of poisoning. If, for instance, through a mistake, or for any other reason, a deadly dose of strychnine enter the system, the sufferer will expire under the symptoms of suffocation, caused by the convulsive contraction of the respiratory muscles. As, however, we are enabled to arrest this spasmodic contraction by means of chloroform, chloral hydrate, and other drugs, we can thus give the system time to eliminate the strychnine causing the illness. This being entirely thrown off, the THE RELATIONS OF THERAPEUTICS 157 morbid phenomena also disappear, and complete recovery soon ensues. It is possible, though as yet unknown, that purely symp- tomatic remedies may also influence the cause of disease. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, chemistry was still of little service to the science of medicine. True, Lavoisier's greatest discovery in regard to metabolism in the organism was known, that is, that the oxygen of the air causes combustion, and when inhaled accomplishes the same object in the system. This must have given medical men an entirely new perception of the processes of life, but the time had not yet arrived for experimental work on this subject. Even at that time numerous elements were known, 30 in number, whereas at the end of the century 76 elements had been found. A number of these elements were made use of in therapeutics in a pure state or in combination, without our being able to base their appli- cation upon rational, theoretical hypotheses, as, for instance, in the case of iron and its compounds, the use of which extends to the remotest times. On the other hand, there were among them ele- ments employed as drugs, such as antimony, which first came into use in the Middle Ages, and which may be cited less as a proof of the therapeutic value of this matalloid than of the antiquated preju- dice of a French faculty which absolutely refused to acknowledge any "drug," owing to its predilection for blood-letting. The rage of dogmatic physicians may be recognized in the words of the anathema against Torpet (cf. O. Liebreich, Die historische Entwick- lung der Heilmittellehre, Lecture, Berlin, 1887). On the other hand, the science of therapeutics placed great hopes in the isolation of alkaloids, which marked the beginning of the century. This era began with the recognition of the importance of morphia by Sertiirner in the year 1804. Then followed the discovery of nicotine by Vauquelin in 1809, quinine in 1811, cinchonine in 1820, and of strychnine in 1818. This, at any rate, suggested the method of obtaining from extracts, frequently incumbered by useless matters, the active principle, and making it available for therapeutics, and hence a certain practical utility must even nowa- days be accorded to pharmaceutical chemistry. As regards a knowledge of the mode of action, however, the pro- blem not only lies in the chemical composition and recognition of the substance employed, but also in the chemism of the organism. Out- side the organism it is a lifeless substance, but in the system it is not only the substance itself but its metabolism and manner of action which must be taken into consideration. The theory of metabolism can only be of decisive value for therapeutics when not only the properties of the drug applied but also the chemical action of the organism are so far known as to enable us to judge of their mutual effect. For this reason, of course, a knowledge of the chemistry of 158 THERAPEUTICS AND PHARMACOLOGY the human system is of the greatest importance. Just a year previous to the beginning of the nineteenth century the urea which appears in well-formed crystals in the human organism was discovered by Fourcroy and Vauquelin. This fact, certainly, did not appear so strange, since crystalline matters had already been obtained from plants, but even in the beginning of the century the idea was still firmly rooted in the mind of the naturalist that these substances could only appear as the products of vital energy. This presented itself to the minds of men of that time as an entirely distinct force, which, independent of physical and chemical laws, manifested itself in a characteristic form in the organism. There is no discovery which has so often been quoted in the interest of the medical and other biological sciences as the observations of the chemist Wohler who, in 1828, observed the formation of urea in a substance obtained outside of the system, namely, ammonium cyanide, by the trans- position of atoms. But if we rightly consider this grand discovery, which completely refuted the followers of the theory of vital energy, it would still, perhaps, be possible, in spite of this discovery, to undertake the defense of the theory of vital energy as something beyond the laws of natural science, for neither Wohler's synthesis nor the manner of formation of urea from carbonyl chloride and ammonia, or from ethyl carbonate and ammonia, or from cyanamide by hydration, or from ammonium carbonate, as well as from leucine and from other substances of the organism, gives any actual expl.ana- tion of the formation of urea in the system. The synthetic product is identical with the product of the organism, but the synthesis, or rather the formation of urea in the body takes place in accord- ance with laws, the exact nature of which we do not fully know even at the present day. This is, indeed, the case with a large number of other substances derived from animals or plants. Although the chemical constitution of substances was constantly more and more exactly defined in the course of the nineteenth century, the manner of formation in the organism still remains hidden from us. We frequently find it stated that we must not simply compare the pro- cesses of the organism to the test-tube experiment of the chemist. There is no doubt that processes of metabolism take place within the body for which the synthesis performed outside of the organism gives no explanation. From my somewhat dissentient attitude in regard to the conclusions drawn from Wohler's experiment, I might for a moment be thought to favor the view that the activity of the organism in the form of vital energy is beyond the laws of natural science, but that is not the case. Even if in synthetic experiments other means are employed than are available within the organism, the supposition is justified by the possibility of synthesis, that the organic processes occur in accordance with purely physical and THE RELATIONS OF THERAPEUTICS 159 chemical laws, but that other conditions not present in test-tube experiments also play a part. Here we must turn for a new mode of thought to Schwann's magnificent discovery of the animal cell. Through it the anatomical conception of the organism was placed upon an entirely different basis. As human tissues consist of cells, and the entire development of man results through cell activity, this must naturally lead us to assume that the purely chemical part of human existence takes place in as many cells as the individual possesses. That which in chemistry we describe as a reaction must, if we leave out of the ques- tion the chemical processes in the digestive tract, take place in small separate spaces, such as the chemist never employs for his experi- ments. The chemist does not usually assume that reactions occurring in such exceedingly restricted spaces differ from those which take place in the vessels used for his operations. It will be the task of the biologist to investigate whether this chemical action in the cells undergoes any modification through limitation of space. I have been able to prove in the course of investigations on the "dead space in chemical reactions outside the organism" that power- ful phenomena of friction take place here. This could not be de- finitely proven experimentally in the case of all reactions, but some- times it could be shown that if the space inclosing the fluid be diminished, the reactions in comparison with those which occur in larger spaces are retarded if not completely arrested. The objection might be raised that in these experiments the retardation or arrest of reaction was generally due to the nearness of solid walls, but it was observed that the same phenomenon is noticed when the bound- ary of the fluid is only formed by surface tension, for the tense surface behaves like a firm elastic membrane toward the fluid, as is the case with many cells. The results showed that whenever the friction of the liquid increased, the chemical reaction was retarded. This hindrance of the reaction in small spaces, which differs in the case of different reactions, naturally permits the conclusion that, contrary to what happens in large spaces, in small ones entirely different reactions will result. Of course, this observation can only serve as the initial proof that the chemical action in the cells is unlike that which occurs in test-tube experiments. We see that here also the argument for the acceptance of the theory of vital energy which I pointed out to you as possible, is refuted. As regards drugs and their absorption these chemical processes probably play an important part, for we observe that reactions occurring outside of the organisms do not take place within it, and on the other hand, combinations arise which are difficult to produce externally. Here we may mention, by way of illustration, the facility of decomposition of common salt into hydrochloric acid and alkali. 160 THERAPEUTICS AND PHARMACOLOGY Moreover, I should like to remind you that, for example, in the toxicological processes in poisoning with carbolic acid we were entirely unable to foresee that the sulphuric acid of the organism forms with the carbolic acid a complex sulphuric acid, which, being non-poisonous, arrests the toxic effects of the carbolic acid. Starting from this consideration, it does not appear strange that a number of substances which, even when much diluted, have a destructive effect on bacteria, manifest when taken up into the system no trace of disinfecting power, such as, for instance, phenol itself and corrosive sublimate in cases of anthrax. The simplest example that the discovery of the cause of disease is by no means decisive in therapeutics may be seen in the develop- ment of the trichina. It is a humiliating fact that we are entirely powerless against this enemy. Even the female trichinae developing in the intestine after the consumption of meat infected with these parasites cannot be made innocuous by any known anthelmintic, and we are not even able to expel these intestinal trichinae by means of purgatives. The embryos wander irrevocably into the muscular tissues to destroy the organism, or by encapsulation remain per- manently in the man or animal. Even in this process of calcification of the trichinae we are quite powerless to intervene. The nineteenth century has been distinguished by the discovery of the causes of disease. But this does not give us means of "curing/' As the history of therapeutics, however, shows that in the case of serious maladies, such as syphilis and malaria, the remedies have been found long before the recognition of their cause, we must con- tinue to search for remedies independently of the causes of disease. So far the knowledge of morbific agents has been more important for prevention than for cure. On the other hand, remedies like iodoform are entirely ineffective on bacteria outside the system, whereas after the entrance of this substance into the cells an energetic force is opposed to the invaders. As in every observation we must be careful not to draw too far- reaching conclusions, because the possibility of reactions taking place outside of the organism may also hold good within it, as, for instance, in the treatment of lead-poisoning. Therapeutics, thanks to Melsens, celebrated a great triumph here, for the iodine of the iodide of potassium administered in this disease combines with the lead united to the albumen molecules, forming iodide of lead, and can then leave the body dissolved in the alkaline juices of the organism, and thus bring about a cure. It may be said, in passing, that in the case of many active sub- stances specific chemical processes take place as are, for instance, seen, in phosphorus poisoning. Phosphorus, though usually so easily oxidized, when absorbed, is not oxidized quickly enough by THE RELATIONS OF THERAPEUTICS 161 the oxygen of the cells; in the presence of turpentine oil, however, a transference of the oxygen occurs, and the phosphorus is more rapidly oxidized, combines with the oil of turpentine, and, as we must assume, forms turpentine-phosphoric acid, which is innocuous to the system. By the ingestion of oil of turpentine the organism can thus overcome the cause of illness. Unfortunately we do not possess similar remedies for some other toxic morbific agents which are taken up by the cell. Since for the progress of therapeutics it is necessary to consider the chemical and physical qualities of the body, therapeutics is naturally dependent upon progress in chemistry. Although, as has already been shown, pharmaceutical chemistry can be utilized for the benefit of medicine, the results of theoretical chemistry have not as yet become of much distinct importance for therapeutics. In the first half of the nineteenth century distinguished chemists occupied themselves with the laws of matter independent of biological pro- cesses. Various chemical and physical theories followed each other, and the theories propounded by Dumas, Gerhard, Williamson, and Kekule" eventually developed into van 't Hoff's stereochemistry, and in the physio-chemical researches. But these discoveries, though made outside the limits of biology, came to be of great importance to medicine when medical chemistry, fostered both by chemists and physicians, began its growth. In the beginning of the century theoretical views in regard to drugs had to contend in part with the philosophical tendencies of those times, in part with the ill success which formerly attended the iatro-chemical and physio-chemical schools of physicians. Progress in the application of therapeutical measures was left to pure empir- icism, and the view was accepted that what applied to food would also do for medicine; for we became acquainted with the use of coffee, tea, chocolate, potatoes, etc., not through theory, but simply through empiricism. This standpoint could be justified all the more because. many important remedies, such as quinine, arsenic, and Peruvian balsam (which last substance has almost led to the dis- appearance of a contagious disease similar to leprosy in its terrible forms) became available to humanity purely through empiricism and not as the result of scientific investigations. Similarly, balneo- therapy is of empiric origin; only recently, owing to the physio- logical researches of Winternitz and others and the application of physical chemistry, has it assumed the dignity of a separate branch of science. In consequence of a false point of view and empiricism the creative ideas of a Paracelsus were forgotten. The progress in the chemistry of organic substances offered an opportunity to combine chemical and medical research, especially in the province of therapeutics. 162 THERAPEUTICS AND PHARMACOLOGY I myself have had the pleasure of seeing that by this cooperation of medicine with organic chemistry an impulse has been given to therapeutics, which, in spite of a certain opposition, cannot again disappear from the sphere of research, an opinion which was held and expressed on the part of chemistry by the late A. W. von Hoff- mann. A good example is furnished by chloral, a drug formerly belonging to the chemical rarities, because Liebig's method of production provided no means of obtaining sufficient quantities for experi- mental medical research. This body was known as a chemical sub- stance as early as 1832; but its intrinsic, therapeutic value was not discovered until the year 1868. It is in America more than anywhere else that these investigations have received the fullest appreciation. The use of chloral hydrate was based upon the idea that when taken up into the blood a splitting-off of chloroform takes place, as is the case outside the organism in the presence of all alkalies. This point has been the subject of much controversy. There can be absolutely no doubt that whenever chloral has had no soporific effect, a considerable quantity of urochloralic acid can be found in the urine, which must be traced back to the chloral. It is equally certain, however, that small quantities of urochloralic acid always are to be found in the urine after the administration of chloral. But it is just as true that the main therapeutic effect de- pends on the formation of chloroform. Only those who consider these principles will, as is shown by clinical experience, be able to observe chloral in the full unfolding of its effect. Shortly after its effect had become known the Glasgow clinician, Russel, proved that in conditions of excitement in typhoid fever, owing to the marked increase of the alkalinity of the tissues, small doses of chloral hydrate through their decomposition manifest the same effect as that produced only by large doses in similar conditions in other diseases. On the other hand, in gout the opposite happens. Even large doses do not produce the desired effect, since .alkali is lacking for the decomposition. But we cannot judge of all organic bodies from the standpoint of decomposition. Many take up substances from the organism, and since the discovery that benzoic acid becomes hippuric acid, and salicylic acid changes to salicyluric acid, it has been proved that the opposite of decomposition takes place with a number of drugs. Furthermore, it does not seem impossible that many substances unite with the disease-products formed in the organism. This hypo- thesis may be supported by the fact that the system itself produces an acid, such as glycuronic acid, which carries off foreign substances from the organism, such as camphor, phenol, etc., in the form of a double combination. THE RELATIONS OF THERAPEUTICS 163 Since the time that chloral came into use, organic bodies have been particularly investigated. Owing to the tremendous amount of material, there has been a tendency to place reliance upon the chem- ical composition in making a choice, and it has been assumed that the chemical constitution stands in a certain relation to the action of a drug. Many experiments have been made in this direction. We do not wish to deny that such an influence occasionally exists ; at any rate, we see that when the action of a given substance is known, changes in the molecule will produce a difference in action, and that by the introduction of certain groups certain definite changes in the effect may be expected. Among this group of bodies is antipyrin, in which changes in the side-chains leave the nature of the effect pretty much the same, even though new therapeutic advantages are obtained, as is best seen in pyramidon. A similar example is offered by veronal, lately suggested by E. Fischer as a soporific. But it is as yet impossible to predict the effect of a chemical body from its constitution, unless a decomposition product of known action is formed, as in the case of chloral hydrate, or unless an active and well-known nucleus forms the basis of the substance. There are, of course, examples which point to the connection between consti- tution and effect, such as the difference between the action of bi- and trichlorinated aliphatic combinations. The trichlorinated bodies have a lethal influence on the heart; the bichlorinated bodies, such as chloride of ethyliden, only on the medulla oblongata. If tri- chlorinated butylaldehyde (butylchloral) be administered to an animal only an effect on the medulla oblongata is produced, in spite of the triple chlorination. The reason of this is that allylchloroform is formed in the organism, which, not being stable, splits up into dichlorallylen, which is a bichlorinated body. Owing to the progress in chemistry medical science has been enabled to determine the relation which certain new drugs, by reason of their composition, bear to other established remedies of known constitution. This has been demonstrated by Gaetano Vinci in eucain, whose composition is analogous to that of cocain. Eucain is a drug which is truly fitted to replace cocain on account of its slighter poisonous nature, especially in the form of its lactic acid salt. It has frequently been assumed that certain atomic groups in the molecule are the bearers of a special action, and that accord- ingly the bodies of a chemical series must exhibit a similar effect. That is, however, by no means the case, for even formic acid and acetic acid manifest markedly different biological properties. In alcohols the theory is founded on the presence of a certain chemical group, which is spoken of as the alcohol group. But we see this group appearing threefold in glycerine, and yet no physiological 164 THERAPEUTICS AND PHARMACOLOGY connection between the effect of common alcohol and of glycerine can be established. In general we must confess, however, that we cannot as yet speak of a relation between constitution and effect, because what we call effect must be regarded as an influence on the different functions. Even if we consider the apparently simple mechan- ism of sleep, we must remember that it may be induced by an in- fluence on the brain, or equally well by an action on the peri- phery. We cannot here enter into a physiological analysis of the processes taking place in the organism, but, as the above example shows, the most diverse parts of the system may be affected, so as to produce a similar result. Moreover, the different hypnotics, although fulfilling the same purpose, have an entirely different composition. On the other hand, when investigating the action of chemical substances we may always expect new results to be- come manifest by chance, for when Baumann was studying the effects of sulfonal it had never occurred to him that this body might possess soporific powers. We can best see the prominent part played here by chance in the introduction of salicylic acid into therapeu- tics. After Kolbe had succeeded in synthetically producing this acid, which is normally contained in the bark of the willow, he thought that it would exhibit disinfecting properties within the system by its decomposition. This decomposition does not, how- ever, occur. Yet Kolbe's idea has led to the clinical application of this substance, and the valuable results obtained by Strieker from the use of salicylic acid in acute articular rheumatism, al- though it is not by any means a specific, have stimulated to con- tinuous researches, most fertile for therapeutics, upon the various salicylic preparations. It is not impossible that, starting from this small therapeutic field, the indications for the use of salicylic preparations may be greatly extended. Even though the constitution of a chemical body gives us no firm basis for pharmacodynamic investigations, we can yet de- rive the most varied hypotheses from it. In pharmacodynamic research we may uphold the same principle which Claude Berhard expresses, namely, that by promulgating an hypothesis we are led on to experimental research, the solution of which may be of the greatest importance. G. Gore expresses his opinion in much the same way : "A discoverer is a tester of scientific ideas; he must not only be able to imagine likely hypotheses, and to select suitable ones for investigation, but, as hypotheses may be true or untrue, he must also be competent to invent appropriate experiments for testing them, and to devise the requisite apparatus and arrangements." THE RELATIONS OF THERAPEUTICS 165 The science of therapeutics quite properly does not follow a one- sided course, but seeks aid in all directions, and since the results of the exact natural sciences are not yet ripe to guide us clearly, we must take into consideration what has been gained by prac- tical experience, for it would be a false principle to condemn popu- lar medicines without examination. At the beginning of this lec- ture the successful application of digitalis was already mentioned. And here we must not entirely neglect the historical side of em- piric observation. Frequently even the most absurd practices are based upon theory. When we turn away in disgust from the unclean excretory products of animals used in ancient times and by Asiatic nations, which we now regard as the very outcome of folly, we cannot ignore the fact that even this practice was founded on theory, though a false one. This is proved by Pliny, who tells us that ani- mals eat and digest plants, but the medicinal part is not absorbed by the organism, but excreted, for which reason the feces contain substances curing human ills. These prejudices remained for cen- turies, as is proved by Paulini's book, published in 1697, but which can now be read only with disgust. Such excretions as musk and castoreum, which are undoubtedly of value, should by no means be rejected. But particularly the nineteenth century has directed attention to the question whether the products of the organs themselves, or certain substances con- tained therein, might not be employed as remedies. It was no easy task for Brown-Sequard to prove that the prin- ciples contained in the testicles of animals exercise a stimulating and exciting influence on the system. The discovery of spermin crystals, their occurrence in various organs, and the decidedly stimulating effect produced by these substances, reminded physi- cians that creatin, which had already been obtained from meat extract, had an effect similar to that produced by the salts of potas- sium on the animal body. This, as we may say, weak connecting link yet led to the further development of a principle in therapeu- tics. Medical chemistry has already succeeded in obtaining from the organism substances which may be of the greatest importance for therapeutics. You all know the effect of thyreoidin on the sys- tem. Obviously the active principles here are albuminoid bodies, the peculiarity of which has already been partly explained by Baumann in that iodine is one of their component parts. Prob- ably no one would have imagined that this element must be re- garded as one of the constituents of the human organism. The very much studied question of the constitution of albumen will naturally lead to a more exact knowledge of the different kinds of albumen which are of value therapeutically and open a new field of observation to pharmacology. 166 THERAPEUTICS AND PHARMACOLOGY The most surprising feature in the action of substances of the organs is presented by the constituent of the supra-renal capsule, adrenalin, not an albuminoid body, it is true. In order to better illustrate the importance of the new domain, the following phar- macodynamic experiment may be mentioned. Doses of cocain which are absolutely fatal to animals are easily borne in the pre- sence of adrenalin without any injurious effect whatsoever. These substances, as they are found in the body of animals, are certainly of importance for the life-processes themselves. Taken from the animal body, they have the same effect as the human product, and can thus be employed as curative agents in man. But medical chemistry had already undertaken researches which were not indeed utilized therapeutically at once, but came to exert great influence on therapeutics. In 1869, Zuelzer and Sonnenschein proved that alkaloidal bodies may be formed by the decomposi- tion of the organic substances of the organism, and later on the theory of toxins was derived from this observation. This again has led to von Behring's remarkable and far-reaching theory of the anti-bodies formed in the organism. How to make the substances obtained from the bodies of ani- mals useful for therapeutics, depends upon the state of our physi- ological and chemical knowledge, and especially on the train of ideas arising in connection with these subjects. This can be seen, for example, in the case of the esters of cholesterin, the composi- tion of which was already discovered by Berthelot, but not in con- nection with biological investigations. On the other hand, choles- terin esters had been observed in the form of wool-fat, and the impure product was used medically and cosmetically even in an- cient times for its curative powers. It was proved that a functional significance as regards the animal organism must be attributed to cholesterin esters, for they are present in mammals, birds, and all creatures whose external surface is of keratinous character. They give luster to the skin, but act chiefly, so to say, as a protective varnish. The white substance of new-born children is therefore very properly termed cheesy varnish (vernix caseosa). It was formerly thought to consist of glycerine fat, but it is actually composed of cholesterin esters. The higher members of these esters are charac- terized by the physiological properties of wax. Gottstein has shown that this substance offers no food for microbes, is very stable, dif- ficult to saponify, and not decomposed by the oxygen of the air* as are other fats. Thus it forms a protective matter, especially effective by reason of its waxy nature, and this has led to the pro- duction and application of therapeutic substances similar to choles- terin ester, as, for example, fetron. The influence of pathological anatomy on therapeutics belongs THE RELATIONS OF THERAPEUTICS 167 entirely to the nineteenth century. To John Hunter in England and Bichat in France belongs the credit of freeing pathological anatomy from the brainless descriptive scientists, and of forming it into the necessary basis for every form of progress in therapeu- tics. From this time until Virchow's labors, the decisive import- ance of which is recognized impartially by all nations, pathological anatomy has exercised a great influence upon medical activity. Cellular pathology especially, in spite of all former battles and present attacks, will form the basis of every experimental and therapeutic observation, though some of the views concerning it may undergo modification through the progress of science, and opinions which Virchow himself could not accept may be brought forward again. The scientific question which appeared as a result of cellular pathology is the question of the cause and symptomato- logy of disease. Nothing can be more suitable in treating this ques- tion than to quote Virchow's own words: "An elementary pathological process in the sense of cellular pathology appears thus: an external influence acts upon a living cell and alters it in a mechanical or chemical way. The external influence is the causa externa, or as we simply express it, the cause of disease : the altered condition is called passio, disease. If now, in consequence of the change undergone, an action (actio s. reactio} takes place in the living cell, this change is called a state or irrita- tion (irritamentum) , and the cause of disease irritants. If, on the other hand, no action ensues, if the condition is limited to the change "suffered" by the cell, we have to do with a mere disturb- ance (laesio) or paralysis. Since, however, the same cause can evoke irritation in one cell, merely a disturbance in another, and even paralysis in a third, we assume a certain difference of the in- ternal arrangement to be the cause of this varying behavior. Thus we come to the internal cause or predisposition." But these words, spoken in 1880, must be modified according to present experience. According to Virchow the causa externa is the cause of disease. The irritant acting upon the organism is under all circumstances the morbific factor according to this assumption. We do not wish to play with words. If, indeed, this foreign intrud- ing agent produces a destruction of the cell-power or a morbid modification of it, it obviously must be regarded as the actual cause of disease. But when, for instance, we see that the invading body produces only an entirely local irritation, or, although capable of reproduction, as is the case with bacteria, no proliferation occurs, it becomes difficult to consider the same factor as the cause of dis- ease in all instances. Virchow terms this phenomenon of indolence of the cell towards the intruder a want of p^disposition ; accord- ing to the school of bacteriologists, however, T-the cell is not a cul- 168 THERAPEUTICS AND PHARMACOLOGY ture medium in the given case. We see from this explanation that Virchow himself assumes the cell-power to be variable, and we can quite logically and correctly say that by the term disease, i. e., nosos, is designated that condition in which the external irritation can accomplish the defeat of the cell. Von Hansemann has shown from a pathological and anatom- ical point of view that in cases of diabetes mellitus and other dis- eases the tubercle bacillus involves secondarily the lung. Von Hansemann calls this disposition, but we must certainly first of all term it "nosos," since it is a question of proved deviation from the normal. This can also be illustrated by experiments. In a frog anthrax bacteria do not proliferate. As soon, however, as we place the ani- mal in an incubator, i. e., weaken the cell-power by heat, we are able to make the animal susceptible to the inoculation of anthrax. In this case the parasite is only a parasite of the diseased cell, and this kind of infection I have termed nosoparasitism. Thus we must describe as " nosos " the molecular change which we can no more observe through the microscope than we can the course of a chem- ical reaction, the outcome of which we judge only by the result. The cell is subject to the same vital fluctuations as Brown has assumed for the organism. Brownonian theory has had no special value for practice, it is true, because at that time it was impossible to base a system of therapeutics on these observations so as to be of practical use. But it must be acknowledged that his theoretical deductions can be applied to the vitality of the cell. This theoret- ical explanation is under all circumstances of decisive importance for therapeutics, and already physicians are beginning to direct attention to this view in the study of therapeutics. Thus A. Menzer says: "The solution I have attempted to give to the question of the etiology of acute articular rheumatism is derived from the theory of a correctly interpreted nosoparasitism." This question has grown to be of special importance for pulmon- ary phthisis. We cannot here enter into the subject of infection by tubercle bacilli; only one thing is certain, namely, that the bacillus is destroyed if the cells become healthy and only does harm when the cells are diseased. Even before the discovery of the tubercle bacillus this fact was proved by dietetic and open-air cures, as described in the excellent work of the two Doctors Wil- liams, father and son, and Freund again has shown lately that the functions of the tissue of the lungs are impaired by abnormal immobilization of the first rib, and that then the tubercle bacillus can begin its work. ^ At the present J&y pharmacodynamics teaches that there are indeed drugs which- do not merely act specifically upon a tissue, THE RELATIONS OF THERAPEUTICS 169 as phosphorus acts upon the formation of bone, but that there are also cell excitants, such as cantharidin, which, without themselves having any effect on the bacteria, can bring about the cure of dis- eased tissues, so that the nosoparasitic bacilli are destroyed. But here begins a branch of science which, like the theory of immunity and serum therapy, occupied the end of the nineteenth century, and the waves of discussion still run so high that it is as yet unsuitable for an historical survey. It is sufficient to say that all the investigations of the present as well as of the past century afford us a guarantee that we are following the right road of pro- gress in therapeutics, and assure us that in regard to the healing of disease there lie before us "infinite possibilities," to use the apt phrase which has been already employed in regard to the devel- opment of your country by Ludwig Max Goldberger, "Das Land der un-begrenzten Moeglichkeiten." THE PROBLEMS OF THERAPEUTICS BY SIB LAUDEE BRUNTON [Sir Lauder Brunton, Physician to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, b. 1844. M.D., Sc.D., LL.D. (Edinburgh); LL.D. (Aberdeen); F. R. C. P.; F. R. S. Author of The Bible and Science ; Text-Book of Pharmacology; Therapeutics and Materia Medico; Disorders of Digestion; Lectures on Action of Medicines; Dis- orders of Assimilation; Collected Papers on Circulation and Respiration; and numerous papers in scientific and medical periodicals.] THE subject of my lecture to-day is "The Problems of Therapeu- tics." My audience is a select one of persons interested in science and art. But science in these days has branched out so widely that it is impossible for any single person to be acquainted with every department of it, so that the terms used by a zoologist may be unintelligible to a mathematician, or vice versa. There are some here whose researches have led them far into abstruse departments of science and if they were speaking I should gladly welcome a few introductory words from them on the very rudiments of their science in order to help me to understand a disquisition on the more advanced parts of their subjects. Judging others by myself, I think they may be glad if I do the same, and I must beg the indulgence of those acquainted with medical science and its branches if this lecture should seem to be unnecessarily rudimentary. By therapeutics we mean the methods of healing. In the great staircase of St. Bartholomew's Hospital in London there is a large picture by William Hogarth represent- ing the Good Samaritan. The poor traveler is seated on the ground, the Good Samaritan is pouring oil and wine into his wounds, while close at hand is a dog busily engaged in licking a cut which he has received in the fray. Both dog and man are engaged in solving, as far as they can, two of the primary problems of therapeutics, viz.: (1) how to relieve pain, and (2) how to restore health. For disease is want of ease, and health is only one form of the word "whole," by which we mean that a thing is entire and neither cut, broken, nor cracked. The closure of wounds is one form of restor- ing "wholeness" or "health" to the body, but it is by no means the only one, for the vital organs lie below the surface, and it is with disturbances of their functions, even more than with external wounds, that therapeutics, or the science and art of healing, is chiefly occupied. As exemplified in the dog or in the Good Samari- tan, therapeutics is simply an art. Certain things are done because they have been found to do good before and so they are repeated again and again, but neither the dog nor the Good Samaritan un- THE PROBLEMS OF THERAPEUTICS 171 derstands the reason why their procedure is useful. It is only when we learn the reason why that an art becomes converted into a sci- ence. Therapeutics in its primitive form is one of the simplest of all the arts and is practiced by animals as well as by man, but as a science it is one of the most complex and most difficult of all be- cause it requires a knowledge of the functions of the body in health, or physiology; of their changes in disease, or pathology; of the action of drugs upon the body, or pharmacology; and of chemistry, physics, and other sciences on which physiology, pathology, and pharmacology are based. Finally it requires the practical power of recognizing from the symptoms (in any individual case) the nature of the pathological changes present and the ability to apply the right methods of treatment in order to counteract these changes and heal the patient. It is evident that such complex knowledge as this must be very difficult of attainment, yet nevertheless the change of therapeutics from an art into a science is progressing with considerable rapidity. In a text-book on the subject which I published eleven years ago, I mentioned the use of quinine in ague as the best example of the art of therapeutics whereby we could cure a disease of which we did not know the nature by a remedy whose curative action we did not understand. Since that time, however, we have learned that ague depends upon the presence of a foreign organism in the body and that the benefits obtained from quinine are due to its poisonous action upon this intruder. This malarial parasite is only one of the many minute organisms which mar or destroy the health of the human body. Minute organ- isms or microbes are most useful in their proper place and without them the world would be uninhabitable because they are the nat- ural scavengers which produce putrefaction in dead plants and animals and thus bring about their return to dust, fitting them for new life instead of allowing them to incumber the ground. But not content with this function, some of them proceed to invade living beings, attacking not only the weak but even the strong, and by growing and multiplying within them weaken or destroy their hosts. One of the great problems of therapeutics, then, is to defend the body from attacks of microbes. This may be done either (a) by weakening or destroying the microbes themselves or (&) by in- creasing the power of the organism to resist them. It is convenient to speak of the body as a whole when we are dis- cussing its invasion by microbes, but we must not forget that the body, like a country, is composed of many parts. The interests of the different parts are by no means identical, and while they generally act together for the common good they may not always do so, and either by their sluggishness and inaction or by their mischievous 172 THERAPEUTICS AND PHARMACOLOGY activity may do harm instead of good to the body as a whole. What is requisite for health is an harmonious action of all the dif- ferent parts of the body, or as St. Paul very well puts it, "And thus all the body framed and knit together through that which every joint supplieth, according to the working in due measure of each several part,maketh the increase of the body unto the building up of itself" (Ephes. iv, 16, Revised Version), so "that there should be no schism in the body and that the members should have the same care one for another." No doubt in their long wanderings together Luke the beloved physician discussed physiology largely to Paul, and his expression is so good that I introduce it now. Just as the people of a country is composed of individuals, so the body is composed of numerous cells. The whole class of microbes consists of isolated cells which are like a nomad population, each individual complete in himself, and all ready to form a swarm for attack and invasion. The cells which compose the body, on the con- trary, are mostly fixed, and differ from each other in structure and function, but ought all to act together for the common good, like civilized people. Each cell lives in the fluid which surrounds it, blood or tissue juice, from which it takes what it needs for its own nutriment and pours back the products of its tissue activity which may be partly waste and partly manufactured products of the utmost utility. In order to have a complete comprehension of therapeutic prob- lems it is necessary that we should know something about the life of the cell, because the life of the whole body depends upon that of the cells which compose it, and the cure of disease and the preservation of life depend on our power to influence cell-life. The processes of life are to a certain extent the same in the human body as a whole, in the cells which compose it, and in the smallest living organisms or mi- crobes as they are termed. They all digest and assimilate food, they all breathe, and they all excrete waste products. A knowledge of the processes of life in man helps us to understand them in low organisms and vice versa. The use of pepsin and pancreatin in indigestion is so common that almost everybody knows that these substances have the power of dissolving meat and that pancreatin converts starch into sugar. Everybody knows that these are got from the stomach and pancreas of animals and that it is by similar substances formed in our own digestive canal that we are able to dissolve the food we eat and render it fit for absorption. It has recently been found that pancreatic juice, as poured out by the gland which secretes it, is very slightly active, but it is made active by another ferment secreted from the intestine which is called enterokinase. The pan- creatic juice contains several ferments; that which acts upon meat is called trypsine and in its inactive state it is called trypsogen. The action of the enterokinase on the trypsogen may be compared THE PROBLEMS OF THERAPEUTICS 173 to that of a man who opens the blade of a knife and renders an instrument previously inactive very active indeed. If trypsine were absorbed into the blood unchanged it might digest the tissues them- selves and it must be rendered again inactive. This seems to be effected by certain substances present in the blood which have a so-called "anti" action upon the ferments and render them again inactive. But though the digestive ferments might do harm if pre- sent in the blood in an active form and in large quantity, yet it is prob- able that all the cells of the body digest the food which is brought to them by the blood and tissue juices and break up this food for their own use by ferments which they contain themselves. Thirty years ago I advanced this view and supported it by the fact that I was able to extract from muscle by glycerine a substance which decomposed sugar. This observation received but very little atten- tion at the time, but recently German literature is full of papers which support my views and confirm my results, although their writers apparently are ignorant of my work. Fifteen years ago, along with Dr. Macfadyen, I showed that bacteria not only excrete ferments by which the soil in which they are growing is digested, but that they are able to modify these ferments in accordance with the soil so as to digest either proteid matter or sugar. Curiously enough, within the last few years the pancreas in animals has been shown by Professor Pawlow to have similar powers. No individual microbe has received so much attention as the yeast plant and no poison which is formed by any of them has done so much harm as the toxin or poisonous substance produced by yeast, for this toxin is alcohol, whose poisonous action has given rise to the term intoxication. The yeast-plant, when grown in sugar, excretes into it a ferment, invertase, which splits up ordinary cane-sugar or sacch- arose into two other sugars, dextrose and levulose. The yeast-plant may be separated from the solution of sugar by filtration, but the ferment which is already excreted will remain in the filtrate and may still continue to act on the sugar, just as pepsin may dissolve a piece of meat in a jar although the pig which produced it is dead and gone. But no alcohol will be formed by this excreted ferment. Alcohol is produced by something contained within the body of the yeast itself and its production was formerly supposed to be due to so-called vital action. It has now, I think, been proved that alcohol is pro- duced by the action of a ferment which is contained within the body of the yeast-cell and is not excreted from it, so long as the cell is intact, but only passes out after the cells have been crushed into frag- ments. Whilst the cell is alive and intact it absorbs the sugar into its interior, breaks it up there, and forms the alcohol which is afterward excreted. To make this clearer I may perhaps be allowed to use a very crude 174 THERAPEUTICS AND PHARMACOLOGY illustration and compare the ferment which is excreted by a bacil- lus or by yeast to the saliva which is said to be poured out by a boa- constrictor over its victim to facilitate its ingestion, while the fer- ments within the microbe may be likened to those in the stomach and intestine of the boa by which it effects the digestion of its prey. Other microbes in like manner absorb nutriment and may form and excrete toxins, though both the nutriment and the toxins of bacilli in general differ from those of yeast. To recapitulate what I have already said, we see therefore that (1) Cells excrete ferments; (2) They excrete poisons formed within their bodies; and (3) When they are broken up they may liberate other ferments. The ferments excreted by microbes apparently prepare the sub- stance in or on which they are growing for assimilation, and the ferments within the cell-body decompose it further in the process of growth. It is probable that all cells, whether they be wandering microbes or cells coordinated in an organism, prepare and assimilate their nutriment by means of ferments, and Macfadyen and I found that not only have bacilli the power of excreting ferments, but apparently they are able to adapt the ferment which they excrete to the soil in which they are growing in much the same way as Paw- low has recently shown that the pancreas in animals modifies the ferments it forms according to the food which it is required to digest. Not only is digestion carried on in the stomach and intestines by the ferments which are now so well known even to the general public, pepsin, pancreatin, etc., which dissolve the ingested food so that it is readily absorbed into the circulation and carried to every part of the body, but the other cells which compose the various parts of the body, muscles, nerves, and glands, probably carry on the functions of their life by means of ferments also. By means of these they alter and assimilate the various substances which are brought to them by the blood and juices of the body, and after having supplied their own wants they throw into the circulation the altered residue of their pabulum as well as the substances which they have themselves formed in their processes of growth. They probably repeat in fact what we have already seen to occur with yeast, which not only alters the sugar in which it grows by a ferment which it excretes, but also produces carbonic acid and alcohol by means of a ferment which remains within the yeast-cells so long as these are intact and only becomes liberated when these cells are broken up. An excessive quantity of their own products is usually injurious to cells and too much alcohol will stop the growth of yeast. At the same time these products are frequently very nutritious for cells of a differ- ent sort and alcohol furnishes a most suitable pabulum for the organ- isms which produce vinegar. Vinegar in its turn is toxic to the mi- THE PROBLEMS OF THERAPEUTICS 175 crobe which produces it, but serves again as a soil for another which gives rise to a viscous fermentation. By the successive action of these ferments a solution of sugar may produce, first, alcohol, secondly, vinegar, and thirdly, ropy mucus. In this particular series each microbe produces a substance injurious to itself but useful to its successor. This is, however, not always the case because a cell may produce a substance not only injurious to itself but injurious to other cell, and alcohol in large quantity not only kills the cells of yeast but kills other cells as well. Similar conditions occur within living organ- isms where the cells composing the different parts are connected together and pass on the products of their life from one cell to another by means of the circulation of the blood and tissue juices. The secre- tions of one part may be, and indeed generally are, useful to other parts of the organism and so long as no part sins either by deficiency or excessive action the whole organism maintains a condition of health. But this is not always the case and health may be destroyed by (a) excessive, (&) defective, or (c) perverted action of one or more of the parts composing the body. But health is even more frequently destroyed by the invasions of organisms from without. When these organisms fall upon an open wound they tend to grow and multiply rapidly, they secrete ferments and form poisons which enable them to destroy the tissues upon which they have fallen, and then finding their way into the circula- tion and being carried to all parts of the body they kill the animal which they have attacked. One of the great problems of therapeutics then is to discover how best to defend ourselves against the attacks of microbes. In Hogarth's picture we see two methods by which this is done. The dog licks the wound it has received and thus removes from it any pathogenic organisms which may have lighted upon it. By insuring their absence it renders the wound aseptic, and asepsis, which is another word for excessive cleanliness insuring the absence of organisms, is one of the great measures by which the triumphs of modern surgery have been achieved. The treatment applied by the Good Samaritan to the wounds of the traveler is somewhat different, for he pours in wine the alcohol of which may hinder the germination of any microbes on the wound and thus prevent them from producing sepsis. This method, which in the hands of Lister has revolutionized surgery, is termed antiseptic as distinguished from the aseptic method used by the dog. There is no doubt that the aseptic method has got dis- tinct advantages over the antiseptic method as applied to wounds because any substance which injures or destroys microbes will like- wise injure the living cells of that part of the body to which it is applied. For this reason the aseptic method can only be employed to a very limited extent against microbes that have already entered 176 THERAPEUTICS AND PHARMACOLOGY the interior of the body, although it may sometimes be used, as for example in the treatment of dysentery, where repeated doses of saline purgative are now given so as to wash out from the intestinal canal the microbes which give rise to the disease, and even in ordinary diarrhea, where a purgative is employed to get rid of both the microbes and the poisons they have formed. More commonly, how- ever, we have to depend on antiseptic methods either entirely or as an adjunct to asepsis, and a study of the action of various chemical substances on microbes has led to the introduction of a whole series of antiseptics and indeed to their actual synthetic formation, the problem to be solved being how to produce a body which will de- stroy the microbes most efficiently and at the same time will have the least injurious action upon the body of the animal invaded. Nor is it only inside the body that the action of antiseptics is desired. The search for preservatives for milk, meat, fish, vegetables, and fruit which shall be at the same time efficient and innocuous is one con- stantly going on at present. Asepsis is one of nature's methods of defense. When irritating substances get into the eye a flow of tears occurs to wash them away, from the nose and respiratory passages they are ejected by sneezing or by cough, and from the stomach or intestines they are removed by the vomiting and purging to which they themselves give rise. Even in the addition of preservatives in milk we seem to be following the example of nature because Andeer has found resorcin in which is an antiseptic in the fresh milk of cows. As Metchnikoff has shown, another method adopted by nature for removing and destroying infective microbes is to bring down upon them a host of white blood corpuscles, or leucocytes, which swallow up and destroy them. The more leucocytes that the organism can bring to bear upon the intruders the better chance it has of over- coming them. One problem, therefore, in therapeutics is to increase leucocytosis. At present we have comparatively few drugs that pos- sess this power, cinnamate of sodium being perhaps the most active, but one of the problems to be solved is to find other substances which will do this to a greater extent than at present. The microbes on their part are ready to attack the leucocytes and fixed cells by means of toxic secretions or toxins and another of the defensive mechanisms which the organism adopts is to form antitoxins, as the antitodes to these toxins are generally termed. Some of these defensive bodies or alexins actually destroy the invading microbes themselves, while others simply neutralize the poisons or toxins they have formed. The nature of such defensive substances has been examined by Ehrlich to whom we owe much of our knowledge concerning them. It is very complicated and we do not yet know the precise mode of production of these antitoxins, but it is a curious fact that in many plants we find two poisons which are antagonistic in their action and THE PROBLEMS OF THERAPEUTICS 177 which are to a certain extent antidotal to one another. Thus in jaborandi we have two alkaloids one of which, pilocarpine, stim- ulates secretion enormously, whilst the other, jaborine, paralyzes secretion, so that an extract of the jaborandi plant containing them in proper proportion might possibly appear inactive although it contained both alkaloids in considerable amount. The same is the case with poisonous mushrooms which contain a poisonous alkaloid, muscarin, which produces severe irritation of the intestine and an atropine-like substance which antagonizes it. Opium likewise con- tains alkaloids having very different actions, some being almost purely narcotic and others purely convulsant. The animal body seems to have a wonderful power of accommodating itself to the action of many poisons and this is very marked indeed in the case of opium. Many persons who begin with a small dose increase this gradually to an enormous extent so that they are able to take with impunity many times the ordinary lethal dose. The organism has a certain power of storing up antidotal substances within itself and Dr. Cash and I were able, by feeding animals with potash, to render them less susceptible to the poisonous action of barium, but except in the case of arsenic the organism seems to have but little power of becoming accustomed to inorganic poisons. It is different, however, in the case of organic poisons as shown by the resistance to the action of alcohol acquired by habitual topers and to morphine by habitual opium- eaters. A similar resistance may be acquired to snake-venom and to the toxins produced by microbes; and here it does not seem to be merely that the cells of the organism become accustomed to the poison, but that the organism forms an antidote, not only in suffi- cient quantity to neutralize the poison which is introduced, but actually in such superabundance that serum separated from the blood of an animal which has become immune to the action of snake- venom or of toxins will neutralize the effect of the venom or toxins in another animal. So great is this power that Sir T. R Fraser has found by inoculating an animal with gradually increasing doses that it may at length completely resist the action of fifty times the ordinary lethal dose of snake-venom, and in an experiment of M. Calmette I have seen an animal which had received the serum from such an immunized animal remain healthy and well, although another one which was inoculated at the same time and with the same dose of snake- venom was dying from the effect of the poison. When horses are inoculated with successively increasing doses of the toxin of diphtheria, their blood acquires a high antitoxic power, and the use of the serum of such blood injected into patients suffering from diphtheria has robbed this disease to a great extent of its awful power. Hydrophobia is another disease which has been to a great extent deprived of its terrors by Pasteur's method of 178 THERAPEUTICS AND PHARMACOLOGY treatment. This differs in its plan from that used in diphtheria. In diphtheria the bacilli probably form a ferment which produces a deadly poison by exercising its digestive powers on the material it finds in the body. This poison is neutralized by the antidotal serum which is formed in a horse and is injected into the patient. In hydrophobia we have not been able to isolate the virus, but from its mode of action we suppose it to be a minute organism. This virus takes a long time to act in man, sometimes three weeks but usually six weeks, but when cultivated successively in rabbits it becomes very virulent indeed and acts much more quickly. It apparently finds its chief nidus in the spinal cord. When the cord is exposed to air the virus gradually becomes weakened and by injecting with an extract of very weak cord on the first day and with a stronger extract on each succeeding day the human body becomes accustomed to the virus and forms its own antitoxins. Thus by the time that the poison inoculated by the original bite of the rabid animal has time to develop its action the person has become immune. One of the most important problems of therapeutics, therefore, is to render the human body immune against pathogenic microbes, against the ferments they form, and the toxins they produce. The two examples I have already given show how the toxins and pos- sibly the ferments may be rendered innocuous by injecting anti- dotal sera and thus producing what is called "passive immunity," or by exciting the body to form antidotal substances itself and thus produce what is called "active immunity." Both these meth- ods have been used, and are being used, in regard to other diseases, especially in those produced by micrococci of various sorts which give rise to suppuration and inflammations. One great difficulty in the way, however, is that the antidotal serum produced by one coccus is not always efficient against the disease produced by another, and so much is this the case that it would almost seem as if an antidotal serum would require to be made for each par- ticular patient. Nor are the sera altogether innocuous themselves because their injection may be followed not only by annoying rashes on the skin but by general swelling of the body like that from advanced kidney disease, or by painful swelling of the joints almost like rheumatic fever. Another of the problems of therapeu- tics therefore is to obtain anticoccic sera which will not produce any unpleasant or dangerous symptoms. Yet another is to confer on the tissues of the body the power of resisting or destroying microbes, their ferments, and their toxins, and thus protecting themselves or in other words acquiring immunity against the diseases which the microbes would produce. In consider- ing this question it may help us if we remember that the products THE PROBLEMS OF THERAPEUTICS 179 of our own digestion are poisonous and if the albumoses and pep- tones formed by the digestion of a beef-steak in the stomach were injected directly into a man's veins they would kill him, whereas, when changed by the cells of the intestine and liver in the process of absorption, they nourish and strengthen him. The complexity of toxins and antitoxins is easily understood when we consider that they are probably all formed by the split- ting-up of albuminous molecules and thus vary enormously just as the splinters of a broken glass vary in size, shape, and in power to puncture or cut. In my address at Moscow, in 1897, I ventured to formulate the idea that immunity, natural or acquired, is nothing more than an extension to the cells of the tissues generally of a power which is constantly exercised during digestion by those of the intestine and liver. When microbes were just beginning to be recognized as the cause of infective disease, too much importance was attached to the mechanical effects which they might produce in the blood- vessels and tissues. As their mode of action became better known, this view was to a great extent given up, but though the small vegetable microbes, bacilli and cocci, have little injurious mechanical action, this is not the case with some minute organisms belonging to the animal kingdom, and such organisms of late years have be- come more and more recognized as causes of diseases. In elephant- iasis the lymph channels become blocked by the ova of a small worm which inhabits the blood and thus the enormous swelling characteristic of the disease is produced. Within the last few years that dreadful scourge of tropical countries, malaria, has been dis- covered to be due to an animal parasite, and Manson and Ross have shown that the source of infection is the mosquito. By de- stroying mosquitoes or preventing their multiplication the dis- ease can be to a great extent prevented, but we are still dependent upon bark, quinine, and arsenic as remedies to destroy the para- site and cure the disease. These are not invariably successful and we are still in want of medicines which shall infallibly destroy the parasite. The same is the case with other maladies where the in- fective microbe is of animal origin, as in sleeping-sickness, which is now attributed to a minute worm in the blood, or of vegetable origin as in ulcerative endocarditis, or of uncertain origin as in yellow fever. But all these diseases excite much less attention than that which is perhaps more dreaded than any other in temperate climates, namely, cancer. We do not as yet know the pathology of this disease. It has been shown that in it the cells of the affected part multiply and grow in a different manner from that of ordin- ary tissues. They assume a reproductive type and grow inde- pendently of the tissues of the body in which they are situated. 180 THERAPEUTICS AND PHARMACOLOGY We know that portions of carcinomatous growths may be carried by the blood-stream from one part of the body to another where they may act as new foci, but that they can only be transplanted with difficulty if at all from one animal to another. Thus it is evident that though their reproductive power is great their vitality is feeble. Therefore what one may hope for is, that though all the drugs hitherto tried have been powerless to prevent the life and growth of such tumors, yet something may yet be found which will attack and destroy them and nevertheless leave uninjured the healthy jtissues by which they are surrounded. Lupus and rodent ulcer situated on the surface of the body have been successfully treated by the X-rays and ultra violet rays. These have little effect on deep-seated cancer. My friend, Sir William Ramsay, thinks, how- ever, that the emanations from radium, which are to a certain extent soluble in water, might be administered with a view of destroying internal cancer, more especially as he has already found that they seem to have no injurious action when given to healthy animals. In the case of cancer it is certain that groups of cells take on a life of their own, and live independently of the wants of the organism as a whole. In some other diseases we find that entire organs become too active and thus injure the health of the whole body. One of the best examples of this is the thyroid gland which, when hypertrophied, produces, through the secretion which it pours into the blood, a curious set of nervous symptoms, dilatation of the vessels, palpitation of the heart, tremor, restlessness, excitement, and rise of temperature. In the disease known as Graves's Disease these symptoms exist and may possibly be aggravated by the condi- tion of the nervous system which causes the characteristic protrusion of the eyeballs and may even be the cause of the swelling of the thyroid itself. But that most of the symptoms are really due to the action of the thyroid secretion is shown by the fact that they may all be observed after excessive administration of dried thyroid gland. Here we have a toxin formed within the body by the over-action of one of its parts and at present we have no satisfactory antitoxin by which we can remove the symptoms, although supra-renal gland has an action somewhat antagonistic to that of the thyroid, and this gland or its extract when administered internally in cases of exoph- thalmic goitre sometimes appears to be beneficial. The case is very different, however, when, instead of being excessive, the action of the thyroid is deficient. When this occurs in adults the circulation becomes poor, the skin cold, the movements of the body and the action of the mind slow, the aspect becomes dull and heavy, and the features puffy and swollen. When thyroid gland or its extract is given, all these symptoms disappear and the patient becomes healthy for the time and usually remains so as long as the administration is THE PROBLEMS OF THERAPEUTICS 181 continued. When deficiency of the thyroid occurs in childhood, the effect of treatment is still more manifest, for the child thus affected becomes stunted both in body and mind, is dwarfish, feeble, and idiotic. Under the administration of thyroid it grows rapidly and becomes strong and intelligent and indeed develops into a per- fectly normal person. The cure effected by thyroid in such cretins is one of the most marvelous achievements of therapeutics and many attempts have been made with portions of other organs or extracts of them to supply material which is supposed to be absent in vari- ous diseases. The first instance of this method of treatment, or opotherapy, as it is called, was, I believe, my employment of raw meat thirty years ago to supply the body with a ferment to use up sugar in diabetes.1 The method was reintroduced by Brown-Sequard with more suc- cess, but it was not until the use of thyroid gland and its extract that the potentialities of the method became acknowledged. It is more than eighteen hundred years since the question was asked "Who can add a cubit to his stature?" and all this time we have remained ignorant of any plan by which we could add a single inch to a child's stature. Yet it now seems possible that by the use of thyroid gland and pituitary body, children, who would be other- wise stunted, may grow not only to the normal size but even above it. So long, however, as we do not know the chemical nature of the substances which exercise such an extraordinary effect upon tissue change we shall not be able to deal with them so satisfactorily as we can now, in a way that was formerly impossible, regulate the tem- perature in fever. The clinical thermometer not only shows us the extent to which fever is present, but it enables us to stop the appli- cation of our remedies in time so as not to reduce the temperature to too great an extent. Cold water, ice, and diaphoretics were for- merly the only antipyretic remedies, next salicin and quinine were introduced, then salicylic acid was made synthetically, and be- ing cheap was used extensively, and within the last thirty years an increased knowledge of chemical methods and of the relation- ship between chemical constitution and physiological action has enabled numerous synthetic products to be formed, some of which may be more useful in certain cases than the original salicylate of soda. A great many of these substances primarily intended to reduce the temperature have turned out to have a still more important action, namely, the relief of pain. There is no doubt that pain is useful as a warning against conditions which tend to destroy the organism and leads us to shun or remove these conditions to the great advantage of our health, but it is not always possible to do 1 British Medical Journal, 1873. 182 THERAPEUTICS AND PHARMACOLOGY this and pain per se is one of the greatest evils that poor humanity has to bear. The introduction of antiseptics has completely re- volutionized the art of surgery because it allows operations to be done with almost certain success which would in former days have almost inevitably proved fatal from unconscious contamination of the wound by disease-germs. But the greatest triumphs of sur- gery have only been rendered possible by the discovery of anes- thetics. Previous to the work of Long, Jackson, Wells, Warren, and Simpson rapidity of operation was everything, and careful but long-continued manipulation was impossible because the long- continued pain of the operation would inevitably have killed the patient. Even the minor pains of neuralgia, neuritis, and head- ache, though not dangerous to life, are most distressing to the suf- ferer. Formerly there was almost no drug to relieve these except- ing opium, while now we have phenacetin, antipyrin, phenalgiri, and a host of others, and chemists are daily at work preparing new and perhaps even better pain-killers. Hardly, if at all, less distressing than pain is sleeplessness, and here again our powers of helping the patient have been enormously increased of late years. When I was a student almost the only hypnotics used were opium, henbane, and Indian hemp. The latter two were very unsatisfactory and practically one pinned one's faith on opium which had to be combined with tartar emetic in cases of fever. Then came the introduction by Liebreich of chloral, which was not only a great boon in itself but marked an epoch as one of the first instances of rational therapeutics, the application of a certain drug in disease because of its pharmacological action. Now we have any number of hypnotics, some of which are useful be- cause they act on the nervous system itself and produce sleep with- out depressing the heart and can thus be given where the circula- tion is already weak, while others, like chloral, not only act on the cerebrum but lessen the force of the circulation, and by thus di- minishing the flow of blood through the brain assist it to rest and aid the onset of sleep. Formerly when the circulation was too active the chief depressants were mercurial and other powerful purgative medicines, bleeding, tartar emetic, vegetarian diet, or partial starvation. Although these means may still be employed with advantage in proper cases, yet we have in addition a new set of remedies, viz., vaso-dilators, including nitrites, nitrates, and pos- sibly a good many substances which dilate the vessels and lower the tension in the arteries, a tension which may be dangerous on the one side to an enfeebled heart and on the other to an athero- matous artery in the brain. When the heart is failing we have a series of cardiac tonics and stimulants. Foremost amongst these, perhaps, may be put strych- THE PROBLEMS OF THERAPEUTICS 183 nine, the action of which on the heart was practically unknown when I was a student, and perhaps now it is hardly sufficiently recog- nized. At the time of which I speak, digitalis was looked upon as a cardiac depressant, and almost the only cardiac stimulant that was known was alcohol. Now digitalis, strophanthus, and a num- ber of others are regularly used as cardiac tonics, and their power of contracting the vessels is also sometimes useful in removing dropsy. When this action is likely to be harmful to a weak heart, it may be lessened by the simultaneous administration of vascular dilators. We still, however, want drugs which will act only on the heart, or only on the vessels. We require medicines which will diminish the cardiac action and dilate the vessels for use in high tension, such as so often occurs in gout, and we need drugs which will make the heart beat more forcibly while they cause the vessels to contract and raise the tension in cases of debility. But prevention is better than cure, and if by modifying tissue- change we can obviate the high tension and hypertrophy of the heart which so frequently lead to apoplexy, or the atheromatous condition of the vessels which leads to senile degeneration of the brain or premature old age, we shall lessen the necessity for either cardiac tonics or vascular dilators. Some authorities claim that they can do this by vegetarian diet, limited in quantity as well as in quality, while others would treat it by a diet almost entirely of meat with liberal potations of hot water. The subject of diet is one regarding which the most contradictory opinions prevail and there is a sad want of precise knowledge upon which to base dietetic rules. We may hope, however, that the investigation at present being con- ducted by Professor At water under the United States Government, combined with that which is being carried on under the auspices of the Carnegie Trustees, will furnish the information we need. Time will not allow me to do more than mention aerotherapeu- tics, balneotherapeutics, and hydrotherapeutics ; the rest-cure which is associated with the name of one of America's most brilliant and versatile sons, Weir Mitchell; massage and movements which Ling and his pupils, both in Sweden and elsewhere, have done so much to elaborate and which when rightly used may be so beneficial and wrongly used so harmful. For all these branches of therapeu- tics we require a more exact knowledge of their action and the rules for employing them, so that even those who have made no special study of them may employ them rightly in all diseases in which they may be of service. Another method of cure consists in eliminating waste products from the body by rendering them more soluble and while limiting the water drunk would give lithia, piperazine, piperidine, and other substances which increase the solubility of uric acid. Before therapeutics can 184 THERAPEUTICS AND PHARMACOLOGY make much advance in this direction we must know more about the pathology of gout and tissue-metabolism generally, and we may then hope that not only will people be more free from the manifold symp- toms that gout produces, but will live longer and the time of their activity, bodily and mental, will continue nearly as long as life itself. The power of increasing elimination of nitrogenous waste which urea possesses in a marked degree is shared by other substances belong- ing to the so-called purin group and day by day fresh bodies be- longing to this chemical group are being made synthetically. Some of the new ones seem to have a greater power of eliminating waste than any we have hitherto had. The observations of Richardson, that alcohols vary in their action according to their chemical com- position, and of Crum, Brown, and Fraser, that alteration in chemical constitution brings about a change in physiological action, are now beginning to bear rich fruit, and the synthetic preparation of reme- dies having different pharmacological properties along with our in- creasing knowledge of pathology gives us much hope for the future of therapeutics. More than two hundred years ago, Locke said : "Did we know the [mechanical] affections of rhubarb, hemlock, opium, and a man as a watchmaker does those of a watch, whereby it performs its operations, and of a file which by rubbing on them will alter the figure of any of the wheels, we should be able to tell before- hand that rhubarb will purge, hemlock kill, and opium make a man sleep." One of the great problems of therapeutics is not only to know (a) what drugs to use in order to obtain certain effects, but to know (6) how to make such drugs if we have not got them at hand. The struggle for existence does not occur only between man and beast, man and man, or nation and nation, nor even between individual beasts or plants. It takes place also between cell and cell, not only between those cells which we term microbes and the cells which form the human body, but even between those which form the dif- ferent parts of the body itself. The great object of this Congress is to unify knowledge, to render evident the similarity of the laws which govern phenomena of the most diverse character, and it is therefore interesting to find that the grand problem of therapeutics is for the cell what those of religion and sociology are for the man, viz., to learn how to regulate the environment of each cell or man in such a manner that the individual shall not work for his or its own good alone, but for that of others as well, and how to restrain or destroy those which are noxious. When we are able to regulate cell-life by food, air, water, exercise, inoculations, or medicines, we shall be able to relieve or remove weakness, pain, or distress, not only from the bodies but also from the minds of our patients, to maintain health, increase strength, and prolong life to an extent of which at present we can hardly dream. SHORT PAPER DR. REID HUNT, Pharmacologist of the United States Public Health and Marine Hospital Service, presented a paper to this Section on "The Relation of Acute and Chronic Alcoholism to some other Forms of Poisoning." SECTION E — INTERNAL MEDICINE SECTION E — INTERNAL MEDICINE (Hall 13, September 23, 3 p. m.) CHAIRMAN: PROFESSOR FREDERICK C. SHATTUCK, Harvard University. SPEAKERS: PROFESSOR T. CLIFFORD ALLBUTT, F. R. S., University of Cam- bridge. PROFESSOR WILLIAM S. THAYER, Johns Hopkins University. SECRETARY: DR. R. C. CABOT, Boston, Mass. THE HISTORICAL RELATIONS OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY BY THOMAS CLIFFORD ALLBUTT [Thomas Clifford Allburt, Regius Professor of Physic, Cambridge, England, b. Dewsbury, England, 1836. M.A., M.D., Cambridge; (Hon.) D.Sc. Oxford; (Hon.) M.D. Dublin; (Hon.) D.Sc. Victoria; (Hon.) LL.D. Glasgow; F. R. C. P. London; (Hon.) F. R. C. P. Ireland. Physician, Leeds, England, General Infirmary, 1865-85; Consulting Physician, also, to the Belgrave Hospital for Children, London; Commissioner in Lunacy, 1889—93; Physician to the Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge; Fellow of the Royal Society; Fellow of the Linnean Society of London; Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, Lon- don; Honorary Member of the New York Academy of Medicines. Author of many medical works; Science and Medieval Thought; Historical Relations of Medicine and Surgery.] IT was, I think, in the year 1864, when I was a novice on the honorary staff of the Leeds General Infirmary, that the unsurgical division of us was summoned in great solemnity to discuss a method of administration of drugs by means of a needle. This method having obtained some vogue, it behoved those who practiced "pure" medi- cine to decide whether this operation were consistent wiith the traditions of purity. For my part, I answered that the method had come up early, if not originally in St. George's Hospital, and in the hands of a house physician, Dr. C. Hunter; that I had accustomed myself already to the practice, and proposed to continue it; more- over, that I had recently come from the classes of Professor Trous- seau, who, when his cases demanded such treatment, did not hesi- tate himself to perform paracentesis of the pleura, or even incision of this sac or of the pericardium. As for lack, not of will, but of skill and nerve, I did not intend myself to perform even minor operations., my heresy, as one traitorous in thought only, was indulgently ignored; and we were set free to manipulate the drug needle, if we felt dis- posed to this humble service. About this time certain Fellows of the London College of Physicians, concerned with the diseases of women, had been making little operations about the uterus, and meeting 190 INTERNAL MEDICINE with but slight rebuke, they rode on the tide of science and circum- stance, encroaching farther and farther, until they were discovered in the act of laparotomy; and rather in defiance than by conversion of the prevailing sentiment within those walls, they went on doing it. Meanwhile the surgeons, emboldened by great events in their mystery, wrought much evil to the "pure" physicians; accusing them with asperity of dawdling with cases of ileus and the like until the opportunity of efficient treatment had passed away: nay, auda- cious murmurs were heard that such "abdominal cases" should be admitted into surgical wards from the first. Then, by dexterous cures, growing bolder and bolder, the surgeons went so far as to make a like demand for cases of tuberculous peritonitis, of empyema, and even of cerebral tumor. As thus the surgeons laid hands on organ after organ which hitherto had been sacred to "pure" medicine, and as indeed the achievements of surgery became more and more glo- rious, not only the man in the street but the man of the Hospital Committee also began to tattle about the progress of surgery and the diminution of medicine, until it was only by the natural sweetness of our tempers that the surgeon and the inner mediciner kept friends. At a dinner given on June 30 last to Mr. Chamberlain, in recognition of his great services to tropical medicine, this vigorous statesman said, "I have often heard that while surgery has made gigantic pro- gress during the last generation, medical science has not advanced in equal proportion;" then, while modestly disclaiming the know- ledge to "distinguish between the respective claims of these two great professions," he generously testified that "medical research assisted by surgical science has thrown a flood of light on the origin of disease, and that this at any rate is the first step to the cure of disease." Now Mr. Chamberlain is the first of English statesmen to ally himself actively with our profession; the first with imagination enough to apprehend the great part which medical science is playing in the world already, and to realize that only by medicine can vast sur- faces of the earth be made habitable by white men, and those "great assets of civilization," the officers of our colonies, be saved alive. It seems to me, then, that the present is a critical moment in the rela- tions of medicine and surgery, especially in England, where the two branches of the art have been separated so radically as to appear to be "two professions; " a moment when it is our duty to contemplate the unity of medicine, to forecast its development as a connected whole, and to conceive a rational ideal of its means and ends. But this large and prophetic vision of medicine we cannot attain without a thoughtful study of its past. If, as from a height, we contemplate the story of the world, not its pageants, for in their splendor our eyes are dim, but the gathering, propagation, and ordination of its forces, whence they sprang, and RELATIONS OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY 191 how they blend this way and that to build the ideas and institutions of men, we may wonder at their creative activity, or weep over the errors and the failures, the spoliation and the decay, which have marred or thwarted them; and if we contemplate not the whole but some part of men's sowing and men's harvest, such a part as medi- cine, the keener is our sorrow and disappointment, or our joy and our hope, as we admire the great ends we have gained or dwell upon the loss and suffering which have darkened the way. "In the develop- ment of medicine," said Helmholtz, "there lies a great lesson on the true principles of scientific progress." Pray do not fear, however, that to fulfill the meaning of the title of this address, I shall describe to you the history of medicine and the history of surgery, and on this double line compare and combine my researches; in the time allotted to me no such survey is possible. In the seventeenth century the handicrafts of anatomy, chemistry, and physiology so penetrated medicine that the separate influence of surgery is less easily discernible. My purpose, therefore, is to pass in review certain eminent features of the history of these departments of knowledge up to the end of the sixteenth century, and to compare them with a view to edification ; your fear will be rather that I may tell my story with the unrighteousness of a man with a moral. In his address on "Morgagni," at Rome, in 1894, Virchow said that medicine is remarkable in its unbroken development for twenty-five centuries; as we may say, without irreverence, from Hippocrates to Virchow himself. The great pathologist's opinion, however, seems to need severe qualification; if it be so, the stream has more than once flowed long underground. The discontinuity of medicine from Egypt to Crotonaand Ionia is scarcely greater than from Galen to Avicenna; during which period, in spite of a few eminent teachers in the Byzantine Empire, it sank, in the West at any rate, into a sterile and superstitious routine. Classical medicine, the medicine of the fifth century, B. c., is represented for us by the great monument of the Scriptures collected under the name of the foremost teacher of the age, Hippocrates; in genius perhaps the greatest physician of all past time. The treatises of the Canon may be divided into medicine, surgery, and obstetrics. The medical treatises, when read in an historical spirit, command our reverent admiration. Written at a time when an inductive phy- siology was out of reach, we are impressed nevertheless by their broad, rational, and almost scientific spirit. Medicine, even when not dominated by contemporary philosophy, has always taken its color from it; and the working physiology of Hippocrates was that hu- moral doctrine, originally derived from Egypt and the East, which, as enlarged by Galen, ruled over medicine till recent times. Hippo- crates, while distinguishing between the methods of outward and 192 INTERNAL MEDICINE inward maladies (avcpa. KOI a8rj\a voo^/nara), taught that even for the inner, by careful sight and touch, laborious inspection of excretions, and so forth, many facts are accessible to methodical investigations; yet, as in inner diseases the field for inference is more spacious, the data even of direct observation fell the more readily into the scheme of the four humors, and by this doctrine were so colored that, although observed with a rare clinical insight, they were set in the frame of a fictitious pathology. How was it then that the speculative side of the medicine of Hip- pocrates embarrassed him so little? Because the clinical method of the school was soundly based upon the outward maladies, where direct induction was practicable. No sooner indeed does an inward affection — an empyema for example — work outwards than the mastery of Hippocrates becomes manifest. What we separate as surgery, surgery which, from Guy to Pare", by clerks, faculties, and humanists was despised as vile, and from Par6 to Hunter as illiberal, was in the age of Hippocrates, as in all critical epochs of medicine since that age, its savior. If then our admiration of the inner medicine of Hippocrates, great as it is, is a relative admiration, an admiration of the historical sense, of his outer medicine our admiration is instant and unqualified. Little as the fifth century knew of inward anatomy, as compared with Alexandria about two centuries later, yet the marvelous eye and touch of the Greek physician had made an anatomy of palpable parts — a clinical anatomy — sufficient to establish a medicine of these parts of the body of which our own generation would not be ashamed. In respect of fractures and luxations of the forearm, M. Pe"tre- quin pronounces Hippocrates more complete than Boyer; in respect of congenital luxations richer than Dupuytren. Malgaigne again admires his comparison of the effects of unreduced luxations on the bones, muscles, and functions of the limb in adults, in young children, and before birth, as a wonderful piece of clinics. In Littre"'s judg- ment, the work of Hippocrates on the joints is a work for all time. On wounds Littre" pronounces that the Hippocratic books must be pondered with deep attention; for they are founded on a wide ex- perience, minute and profound observation, and an enlightened and infinitely cautious judgment. Permit me to call your attention, how- ever, to certain of his counsels: That a wound be let bleed, in order to prevent inflammatory consequences; that if in fresh wounds healing by first intention may take place, suppuration or coction is the usual, and in less recent and in contused wounds the normal course; also that wounds should be treated with linseed and other poultices: counsels which, as we shall see presently, were to be as hotly contested in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries as in the RELATIONS OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY 193 nineteenth. From amputation of the larger limbs he flinched, as did most if not all responsible surgeons down to Pare"; for inner anatomy was ill-known, and ligature, even in wounds, made slow way, indeed, before Celsus, seems to have been unknown. Caries was not defin- itely distinguished from necrosis, but a case of disease of the palate with fallen nose irresistibly suggests syphilis. Of eye diseases we find much of interest; of obstetrical practice I must be content to say that it had reached a high standard; and to state once for all that when surgery flourishes obstetrics flourish. It is by comparison of one part of the Hippocratic Canon with another that we learn how a strong grasp of inner medicine was attained by way of intense devotion to its inductive or surgical side. And this not by a mere empiricism; for it may have been from Hippocrates that Aristotle learned how by empiricism (e/*7mpia) we perceive a certain remedy to be good for this person or for that — for Socrates, let us say, or for Callias — when he has a certain fever; but that by reason we discern the characteristic common to all these particular persons, wherein they react alike. In his Book of Pre- cepts Hippocrates tells us that Tpiftrj /nera Xoyou is the basis of all medical knowledge. Now rpi/3-^ is primarily a grinding or rubbing; so the student must rub and grind at nature, using his reason at the same time; but his reason must be a perceptive and interpretative not a productive faculty, for he who lends himself to plausible ratio- cination (\oyto-fjuS iriOavto Trpoo-txow) will find himself ere long in a blind alley; and those who have pursued this course have done no enduring service to medicine. How soundly, for the time, this lesson was learned we see in the theoretical appreciation of these several faculties in the first chapter of Aristotle's Metaphysics and in the Sixth Book of the Ethics, where the senses, it is urged, cannot really be separated from the mind, for the senses and the mind contribute each an element to every knowledge. I am disposed to suggest that this method of observation, experience, and judgment was estab- lished first in medicine, because medicine is both practical and imperative; and, as Aristotle points out, concerned with the indi- vidual patient: to our art, then, may belong the honor of the appli- cation of positive methods to other sciences. The chief lesson of the Hippocratic period for us is that, in practice as in honor, medicine and surgery were then one; the Greek phy- sician had no more scruple in using his hands in the service of his brains than had Pheidias or Archimedes ; and it was by this coopera- tion in the fifth century that the advance was achieved which in our eyes is marvelous. As we pursue the history of medicine in later times we shall see the error, the blindness, and the vanity of physi- cians who neglected and despised a noble handicraft. The clear eyes of the ancient Greeks perceived that an art is not liberal or illiberal 194 INTERNAL MEDICINE by its manipulations, but by its ends. As, because of its ends, the cleansing and solace of the lepers by St. Francis and Father Damien was a service of angels, so Hippocrates saw no baseness even in mani- pulations, which obtained for his followers the name of coprophagi; where there is no overcoming there is no victory. Between Hippocrates and Galen, an interval of some five cen- turies, flourished the great anatomical and medical schools of Alex- andria. Our only important source, however, for the medicine of the Alexandrian period is Celsus, who lived in the reign of Augustus. In Celsus we find that the surgical and obstetrical sides of it had made farther and substantial progress. Celsus, perhaps not himself a practitioner, is sometimes vague in detail; still, beyond the Hippo- cratic surgery, we read of treatment in piles, fistula, rodent ulcer, eczema, fractures, and luxations; the nasal passages were cauterized for ozena; dropsies were systematically tapped; hernias were sub- mitted to radical cure; plastic operations were undertaken, and the larger limbs were deliberately amputated, though only in extreme need, and often with fatal results by secondary hemorrhage and otherwise. How active surgery was from Celsus to Galen, and how honorable and progressive a part of medicine, we know from the scanty records of Archigenes of Apamea, who also practiced in Rome, in the reign of Trajan. Galen calls him an acute but too subtle a physician; such of his subtleties, however, as are known to us — his distinction between primary and consequential symptoms for instance — are to his credit. He applied the ligature in amputations, and Antyllus applied the method to the cure of aneurism, which indeed Rufus seems to have done before him. Galen tells us where he got his "Celtic linen thread" for the purpose, namely, "at a shop in the Via Sacra between the Temple of Rome and the Forum." We learn also, from Oribasius, that Antyllus practiced extensive resections of bone in the limbs, and even in the upper and lower jaw. Galen came to Rome under Marcus Aurelius. In the biological sciences this great physician stands to Harvey, as in physics Archi- medes stood to Galileo and to that other great physician, William Gilbert; Galen was the first, as for many centuries he was the last, to apply the experimental method to physiology. He embraced the ancillary sciences, he opened out new routes, and he improved the old. Unhappily, his soaring genius took delight also in speculation ; and it was not the breadth of his science, rior the depth of his meth- odical experiment, but the height of his visionary conceits which imposed upon the Middle Ages. Galen did not himself forget the precept of Hippocrates: To look, to touch, to hear (K