► ♦ <*? 0^T^UBR^?:^,^5TT^Jr<^'*' ^CV: ,OCB/ a. 1 INTERNATIONAL DECADE OF OCEAN EXPLORATION v?^ PROGRESS REPORT VOLUME 5: APRIL 1975 to APRIL 1976 .K } i Reports in series: International Decade of Ocean Exploration, ==g Progress Report: January 1970 to July 1972, ^= published January 1973 i_n International Decade of Ocean Exploration, ^^ lo Progress Report Volume 2: July 1972 to April 1973, _^^ ^ published September 1973 i^Hm International Decade of Ocean Exploration, §^So Progress Report Volume 3; April 1973 to April 1974, g^~ published December 1974 ^^5 cd International Decade of Ocean Exploration, L =o Progress Report Volume 4: April 1974 to April 1975, ^S □ published October 1975 _^^ International Decade of Ocean Exploration, ^^= Progress Report Volume 5: April 1975 to April 1976, published October 1976 / INTERNATIONAL "'^''^^o^, DECADE OF OCEAN EXPLORATION PROGRESS REPORT VOLUME 5: April 1975 to April 1975 Prepared by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmos- pheric Administration, Environmental Data Service, under contract to the National Science Foundation, Office for the International Decade of Ocean Exploration. October 1976 Nations in IDOE c^ h Argentina Guatemala Peru Australia Iceland Philippines Belgium India Portugal Bolivia Indonesia Singapore Brazil Israel Spain Canada Italy Sweden Chile Jamaica Switzerland China, Republic of Japan Thailand Colombia Khmer Republic Tonga Denmark Korea, Republic of Union of South Africa Ecuador Malaysia United Kingdom Fiji Mexico United States France Morocco USSR Germany, Dem. . Rep, of Netherlands Venezuela Germany, Fed. Rep. of New Zealand Viet-Nam, Republic of Greece Norway III PREFACE The International Decade of Ocean Exploration (IDOE) is a long-term, international, cooperative program to improve the use of the ocean and its resources for the benefit of mankind. On March 8, 1968, the President of the United States proposed "an historic and unprecedented adventure— an International Decade of Ocean Exploration for the 1970's." In December 1968 the United Nations General Assembly endorsed "the concept of an international decade of ocean explora- tion to be undertaken v^dthin the framework of a long-term programme of research and exploration. . . ." In late 1969, the Vice President of the United States, in his capacity as Chairman of the National Council on Marine Resources and Engineering Development, assigned responsibilty for planning, managing, and funding the U.S. program to the National Science Foundation (NSF), and set forth the following goals: Preserve the ocean environment by accelerating scientific observations of the natural state of the ocean and its interactions with the coastal margin- to provide a basis for (a) assessing and predicting man-induced and natural modifications of the character of the oceans, (b) identifying damaging or irreversible effects of waste disposal at sea, and (c) comprehending the inter- action of various levels of marine life to permit steps to prevent depletion or extinction of valuable species as a result of man's activities; Improve environmental forecasting to help reduce hazards to life and property and permit more efficient use of marine resources— by improving physical and mathematical models of the ocean and atmosphere to provide the basis for increased accuracy, timeliness, and geographic precision of environ- mental forecasts; Expand seabed assessment activities to permit better management— domestically and internationally— of marine mineral exploration and exploita- tion by acquiring needed knowledge of seabed topography, structure, physical and dynamic properties, and resource potential, and to assist industry in plan- ning more detailed investigations; Develop an ocean monitorini? system to facilitate prediction of oceano- graphic and atmospheric conditions— through design and development of oceanographic data buoys and other remote sensing platforms: Improve worldwide data exchange through modernizing and standardizing national and international marine data collection, processing, and distribution; and Accelerate Decade planning to increase opportunities for international sharing of responsibilties and costs for ocean exploration, and to assure better use of limited exploration capabilities. Shortly after receiving the Vice-President's charge, the National Science Foundation set up the Office for the International Decade of Ocean Exploration and began to define the United States program. In the first year of IDOE's existence, three areas were chosen for priority attention: (1) environmental quality; (2) environmental forecasting; and (3) seabed assessment. In 1971, living resources was added as a fourth program area. A key goal of IDOE has been to make sure that data from all projects will be available to future users. In pursuit of this objective, the IDOE Office of NSF contracted with the Environmental Data Service (EDS) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to manage the scientific data for IDOE. The agreement included publishing this series of reports. EDS managers work with IDOE-supported scientists to compile and organize data from IDOE projects. Whenever possible programmers convert the original data into com- puter readable form. The data are stored in a way that allows fast retrieval and long-term preservation and are made available on either an exchange basis or for the cost of reproduction. To alert scientists and others interested in what is going on in IDOE, EDS prepares the annual IDOE Progress Report. This is Volume 5 in that series. I hope it will be useful to those concerned about our advances in understanding the oceans and their importance for man's activities. Comments about the reports and IDOE programs are welcomed. Feenan D. Jennings, Head Office for the International Decade of Ocean Exploration VI INTRODUCTION This report, the fifth in a series, provides the scientific community and other interested persons with information, data inventories, and lists of scientific reports derived from U.S. IDOE projects. The text is arranged accord- ing to established program areas for IDOE. Details of subprograms are given under appropriate programs. Currently funded projects are listed. Bibliographies follow subprogram text. Appendix A contains the Report of Observations/Samples Collected by Oceanographic Programs (ROSCOP), a summary inventory of reported observa- tions received during the period covered by this Report. All IDOE grant holders must submit ROSCOP reporting forms to NOAA Environmental Data Service's National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) upon completion of a data collec- tion activity. The ROSCOP summaries Appendix A follow the same program sequence as the text. Two charts follow the Appendix. The first shows ocean areas for which data, ROSCOP summaries, and track charts have been received by NOAA's Environmental Data Service (EDS) during the period covered by this report. The second shows ocean areas for which data have been received by EDS from January 1970 to April 1976. Each area is about 1,100 by 1,100 km (600 by 600 nmi) and, although entirely shaded, may contain only one reported observation. EDS either has the data, track charts, or papers described in this report in one of its center archives or knows where they may be obtained. Queries may be addressed to any of the following EDS centers: National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Washington, DC 20235 Tel: (202) 634-7234 IDOE Project Leader: A. R. Picciolo Marine Geology and Geophysics Branch National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center (NGSDC) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Boulder, CO 80302 Tel: (303) 4991000 Ext. 6339 IDOE Project Leader: J. B. Grant Environmental Science Information Center (ESIC) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Washington, DC 20235 Tel: (202) 634-7334 IDOE Project Leader: W. Hardy National Climatic Center (NCC) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Federal Building Asheville, NC 28801 Tel: (704) 258-2850 Ext. 765 IDOE Project Leader: R. Quayle VII CONTENTS Preface jjj Introduction v Environmental Quality Program 1 Geochemical Ocean Sections (GEOSECS) Study 1 GEOSECS Data 1 GEOSECS Bibliography 1 Pollutant Transfer Program 2 Biological Effects Program 4 Biological Effects Data 5 Pollutant Transfer and Biological Effects Bibliography 5 Environmental Forecasting Program 7 Midocean Dynamics Experiment (MODE) 7 Joint U.S.-U.S.S.R. Midocean Dynamics Experiment (POLYMODE) . . 7 POLYMODE Field Experiments 7 Elements of U.S. Core Program 8 Elements of the Complimentary Program 9 Theoretical Program 10 MODE Data 10 MODE/POLYMODE Bibliography 11 MODE Technical and Data Reports 13 North Pacific Experiment (NORPAX) 13 El Nino Watch 13 TRANSPAC 18 NORPAX Data 18 NORPAX Bibliography 18 NORPAX Technical and Data Reports 21 International Southern Ocean Studies (ISOS) 21 F DRAKE (First Dynamic Response and Kinematics Experiment) ... 21 Other Studies 22 ISOS Bibliography 22 Climate: Long-Range Investigation, Mapping, and Prediction (CLIMAP) Study 25 CLIMAP Data 27 CLIMAP Bibliography 28 VIII Seabed Assessment Program 31 Continental Margin Studies 31 African Atlantic Margin 31 African Atlantic Margin Technical and Data Reports 31 Southwest Atlantic Continental Margin 31 Southwest Atlantic Margin Bibliography 33 Use of Multichannel Seismic Systems 34 Plate Tectonics and Metallogenesis Studies 35 East and Southeast Asia 35 East and Southeast Asia Bibliography 36 Nazca Plate 36 Nazca Plate Bibliography 36 Nazca Plate Technical and Data Reports 37 Mid-Atlantic Ridge 37 Mid-Atlantic Ridge Bibliography 37 Galapagos Rift Zone 37 Manganese Nodule Study 37 Manganese Nodule Bibliography 38 Manganese Nodule Technical and Data Reports 38 Seabed Assessment Data Accessioned 39 Living Resources Program 41 Coastal Upwelling Ecosystems Analysis (CUEA) 41 CUEA Data 45 CUEA Technical and Data Reports 46 CUEA Bibliography 47 Seagrass Ecosystem Study (SES) 50 SES Bibliography 50 Appendix A-ROSCOP Summaries 51 Appendix B-IDOE Films 59 Appendix C— Recent Reports and Workshops Sponsored by IDOE 60 IX Analysis ofCEPEX samples takes place in mobile laboratories located ashore near the mooring site Environmental Quality Program This program is designed to provide information on the quality of the oceanic environment and the assessment and prediction of man's impact on this environment through research in geochemical processes and marine pollution. The present program consists of three major investigations: the Geochemical Ocean Sections Study GEOSECS, which is concerned with detailed measurement of physical and chemical characteristics of ocean waters along Arctic to Antarctic sections; the Pollu- tant Transfer Program, which involves investigations of mechan- isms and pathways by which pollutants are transported to and within the oceans; and the Biological Effects Program, which assesses the impact of selected pollutants on marine organisms and communities. Geochemical Ocean Sections (GEOSECS) Study GEOSECS is an international cooperative program involv- ing geochemists from 14 United States universities. Investigators from Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, India, Japan, and the United Kingdom are participating in the GEOSECS program or are carrying out similar programs coordinated by the United States. The U.S. program involved the occupation of 121 oceaographic stations in the Atlantic and 147 stations in the Pacific. These stations were located along Jiorth-south survey tracks and generally coincided with the paths of bottom-water currents. Samples of water and suspended materials collected at these stations and selected depths are being analyzed for approximately 40 physical and chemical parameters, including temperature, salinity, pH, alkalinity, Pco., dissolved and trace gases, nutrients, trace metals, dissolved and particulate organic and inorganic matter, natural radionuclides, manmade radio- nuclides, and stable isotopes. The data are being used to determine the stirring and reaction processes in the deep sea, the interchange of material between deep and surface waters, and the exchange of water and gases with the atmosphere. The data provide a baselme for measuring amounts of pollutants, specifically nuclear and waste products, that are being introduced into the ocean. Projects in this program are listed in table 1. GEOSECS Data The GEOSECS operation group at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) has established a central data processing facility. This facility is presently producing special data reports for GEOSECS investigators and preparing a final data report of shipboard analysis and several detailed chemical oceanographic atlases. Laboratories have completed some analyses and have forwarded these data to SIO (table 2). Analyses of the re- maining Atlantic and Pacific samples are being completed. The following data are available from NOAA Environmental Data Service's National Oceanographic Data Center. NODC Accession No.: 74-0144 Organization: Scripps Institution of Oceanography GEOSECS Operations Group Investigator: Various geosecs participants Grant No.: Various grants GEOSECS Atlantic, Final Hydrographic Data Report, RV Knorr cruise 30, 24 July 1972 to 30 March 1973, 121 stations: depth, temperature, salinity, oxygen, silicate, P04, and NO,. This data is the final edited version and supersedes the pre- viously submitted GEOSECS Atlantic data submission. GEOSECS Bibliography Brewer, P. G. and A. Bradshaw. 1975: The effect of the non- ideal composition of sea water on salinity and density, /. Mar. Res. 33(2) : 157-175. Brewer, P. G., G. T. F. Wong, M. P. Bacon, and D. W. Spencer. 1975: An oceanic calcium problem? Earth Planet. Set. Lett. 26(l):81-87. Edmond, J. and E. A. Boyle. 1975: Copper in surface waters south of New Zealand from GEOSECS stations in the Cir- cumpolar Current, Nature 253(5487) : 107-109. Hager, S. W., E. L. Atals, L. I. Gordon, A. W. Mantyla, and P. K. Park. 1972: A comparison at sea of manual and AutoAnalyzer analysis of phosphate, nitrate, and silicate, LimiwI. Oceaiwgr. 17(6) :931-937. Moore, W. S. 1976: Sampling --"Ra in the deep ocean, Deep- Sea Res. 22:519-523. Ostlund, H. G. and H. G. Dorsey. 1976: Rapid electrolytic enrichment and hydrogen gas proportional counting of tritium, in Proceedings of International Conference on Low Radioactivity Measurements and Applications, 6—10 Octo- ber 1975, High Tatras, Czechoslovakia. Stuiver, M. and W. S. Broecker. 1975: The ageing and circu- lation of West Atlantic Deep Water, in Proceedings of the WMO/IAMAP Symposium on Long-Term Climatic Fluc- tuations, Norwich, 18-23 August 1975. WMO Publication No. 42, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 301-310. Stuiver, M. and S. W. Robinson. 1974: University of Wash- ington GEOSECS North Atlantic carbon- 14 results, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 23 ( 1 ): 87-90. 1 Table 1.— U.S. institutions, investigators, and projects in GEOSECS program Organization Investigator Project title Atomic Energy Commission and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution University of California, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography The City University of New/ York, Queens College Columbia University, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory University of Haw/ail Louisiana State University Massachusetts Institute of Technology University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science University of South Carolina University of Southern California University of Washington Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Yale University H. L. Volchok V. T. Bowen A. E. Bainbridge H. Craig T. Takahashi W. S. Broecker P. Biscaye P. Kroopnick L. M. Chan J. S. Hanor J. M. Edmond H. G. Ostlund W. S. Moore T. L. Ku M. Stuiver D. W. Spencer P. G. Brew/er D. W. Spencer K. K. Turekian Fallout Radionuclides in Ocean Water Columns (Sr'°, Cs'", Pu"'' "') Operations Group and SIO Shipboard and Laboratory Measurements Carbonate Chemistry of Seawater Analyses of GEOSECS Atlantic and Pacific Samples, Ra"', Ra"', Suspended Particulates (Mineralogy and Chemistry) Isotopic Measurements (C'/C", 0'70'^ D/H) in Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Dissolved Oxygen, At- mospheric Water Vapor, and Atmospheric CO2 Barium Analysis in Ocean Waters High-Precision Barium Measurements Radiocarbon and Tritium Measurements Measurement of Ra"* in Seawater Radium Analysis C" Ocean Water Analysis Particulate matter in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans Administrative and Logistic Activities Strontium Analysis Table 2.— Laboratories conducting trace element and radioactive constituent analyses for GEOSECS Battelle Laboratories— Northwest, Richland, Wash. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique de Faibles Radioactivity, Gif-sur-Yvette, France University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, Palisades, N.Y. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La. McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabab, India Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, Calif. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif. University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Mass. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Stuiver, M., S. W. Robinson, H. G. Ostlund, and H. G. Dorsey. 1974: Carbon-14 calibration between the University of Washington and the University of Miami GEOSECS laboratories. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 23(l):65-68. Takahashi, Taro. 1975: Carbonate chemistry of sea water and the calcite compensation depth in the oceans, in Dissolu- tion of Deep-Sea Carbonates, Ciishman Foundation jar Foraminiferal Res. Spec. Pub. No. 13, pp. 11-26. Pollutant Transfer Program In the Pollutant Transfer Program, initiated in 1972, processes that transfer pollutants from land sources to the oceans and movement and concentration of these pollutants in the oceans are being investigated. Objectives are to: ( 1 ) identify important transfer pathways and mechanisms, (2) evaluate major environmental factors that influence transfer processes, and (3) develop principles governing the transfer of pollutants. Of special interest are the concentration and dispersal of pollutants at the air-sea interface, movement of pollutants through estuaries to continental shelf waters, deposi- tion of pollutants in sediments, and the chemical form and degradation of these pollutants in the marine environment. The atmosphere is a major route of transfer for chlorinated and petroleum hydrocarbons and trace metals. Results of studies on atmospheric transfer of trace metals suggest that, except for sea salts, most airborne trace metals over the open ocean and Antarctica are from normal weathering of the earth's crust. However, the concentrations of several easily vaporized trace metals (antimony, cadmium, copper, lead, selenium, and zinc) are greater than those predicted to be of crustal origin. Several investigators are studying the atmospheric trans- port of heavy chlorinated hydrocarbons to the oceans. For example, scientists studying PCB transport in the Southern California area have shown that most residues are deposited within a radius of 100 km of the source. Thus, transport of particulate chlorinated hydrocarbons is not a global phe- nomenon. Studies also give indirect evidence for atmospheric transport of PCB and DDT compounds to a more remote marine envi- ronment, based on observed distribution in the biota. Both of these compounds are universally present in terrestrial and marine Arctic wildlife that live in areas where transport by other pathways is highly unlikely. Marine birds, principally fish-eating species such as cormorants and pelicans or surface feeders such as petrels and shearwaters, have been used to assess present contamination patterns in the Pacific. The greatest concentrations of DDT residues are in the Southern California Bight. Their source is the Los Angeles sewer system. Else- where, aerial dispersal and rainout appear to account for most residues. The principal routes by which pollutants reach coastal areas are rivers and sewage and industrial outfalls. Pollutants from these sources subject estuarine ecosystems to the most severe man-induced stresses in the marine environment. An extensive investigation of the input of lead to the Southern California Bight from storm runoff and sewage out- falls has begun. This research indicates, in significant contrast to earlier investigations, that less than 1 percent of the waste effluent lead is dissolved while the rest is in particulate form. The isotopic composition of the dissolved lead also was con- siderably different from particulate lead, suggesting different sources for these two forms of lead. Extensive sampling of dissolved and particulate lead in the ocean in the vicinity of sewage outfalls, as well as in rain and storm runoff, is presently underway. Projects in this program are listed in table 3. Table 3.— U.S. institutions, investigators, and projects in Pollutant Transfer Program Organization Investigator Project title California Institute of Technology University of California, Bodega Marine Laboratory University of California, Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of Georgia, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography Harvard University, Bermuda Biological Station, Inc. University of Rhode Island San Jose State University Texas A&M University Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution C. C. Patterson R. Risebrough E. Goldberg H. L. Windom J. N. Butler B. F. Morris R. A. Duce J. H. Martin C. S. Giam B. J. Presley G. R. Harvey Determination of Input and Transport of Pollutant Lead m Marine Environments Using Isotope Tracers Formulation of Mass Balance Equations for Poly- chlorinated Biphenyls in Marine Ecosytems Fluxes of Synthetic Organics to the Marine Environ- ment The Uptake of Heavy Metals by Marine Phyto- plankton Transfer of Petroleum Residues in Sargassum Com- munities and the Waters of the Sargasso Sea Atmospheric Pollutant Transfer and Deposition on Sea Surface Cadmium Transport to the Open Pacific Ocean via the California Current System Phthalate and Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Transfer Processes in the Marine Environment Quantities and Forms of Pollutants Carried by the Mississippi River and Their Fate in the Gulf of Mexico A Survey of PCB and DDT compounds in the South Atlantic, and an Intercalibration of Methods for Determining These Compounds Biological Effects Program The purpose of this program is to investigate the effects of pollutants on marine organisms and ecological communities. Both laboratory and field experiments are included. Laboratory work is concerned mainly with effects of pollutants on single classes of organisms. Field studies are integrated into the Con- trolled Ecosystem Pollution Experiment (CEPEX). This co- operative research project of international scope involves trap- ping water and natural communities in large plastic enclosures (10 m diameter by 30 m deep) and assessing the effects of added pollutants on marine ecosystems — the long-term effects influencing the stability of marine populations. The initial CEPEX enclosures are located in Saanich Inlet, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Projects relating to the Biological Effects Program and CEPEX are listed in tables 4 and 5, respectively. In 1973, laboratory studies were started to evaluate the sublethal, low-level effects of trace metals, petroleum, and chlorinated hydrocarbons on the behavior and biochemical processes of individual classes of organisms. Bacteria, phyto- plankton, zooplankton, and higher marine organisms were main- tained in laboratories for this purpose. Several pollutants were acutely toxic to these organisms in the parts-per-million (ppm) range. Generally, heavy metals, such as mercury, and chlorinated hydrocarbons (such as PCB- Aroclor 1254) were found to be more toxic than petroleum hydrocarbons to most species tested. Larvae were more sensitive to pollutants than adults of the same species. Crude oils from Kuwait and Louisiana and number 2 fuel oil were found to be toxic to microalgae at concentrations of 15 to 150 ppb, as were their water-soluble extracts. These acute toxicity studies were conducted to determine the relative sensitivity of various organisms to each of the major classes of pollutants and to establish the concentration range for subsequent sublethal studies. General implications resulting from the CEPEX project indicate that all the pollutants introduced to the experimental containers show similar first effects on the organisms present. Specifically, the effects of metals and petroleum on bacteria are transient and short-term owing to the population's rapid adaption (within days) to imposed stress. Phytoplankton also adapt to stress quickly (less than 15 days). In mixed popula- tions of bacteria and phytoplankton, measures of standing crop (chlorophyll, ATP, carbon) and rate functions (carbon- 14 and nutrient uptake kinetics, etc.) provide little information on the effects of pollutants at the ecosystem level. Some physiological measurements (respiration, excretion rates) show little relation to pollution stress in zooplankton. Other indices of metabolic well-being (egg production, feeding rate) are sensitive indicators of stress at sublethal levels. In general, small zooplankton. regardless of species, are more sensitive than larger organisms (excepting jellyfish). The con- sequences of pollution on higher trophic levels, for the most part, remains unsolved. Initial experiments were carried out in 1973 using V^ -scale cylindrical enclosures (2.44 by 15.85 m) to test the engi- neering feasibility and scientific soundness of the approach. Test results were encouraging, and in 1974 a full-scale model (10.06 by 29.26 m) was deployed for engineering field tests Table 4.— U.S. institutions, investigators, and projects in Biological Effects Program Organization Investigator Project title University of Alaska University of California, Scripps Institution of Oceanography Florida State University University of Georgia, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography Texas A&M University D. K, Button Reichardt T. J. Chow University of Texas, Marine Science Institute J. A. Calder R. F. Lee J. M. Neff C. S. Giam W. M. Sackett J. A. C. Nichol C. Van Baalen Lability of Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Their Non- lethal Effects on Marine Organisms Assimilation of Lead, Cadmium, and Thallium by Marine Organisms With Consideration to Biological Effects Investigations of Breakdown and Sublethal Biological Effects in Trace Petroleum Constituents in the Marine Environment Fate of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Marine Food Web Sublethal Effects of Selected Heavy Metals and Organic Compounds on Organisms From the Gulf of Mexico Biological Effect of Phthalates and Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in Biota From the Gulf of Mexico Fate and Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Petro- leum-Derived Organic Compounds in the Ocean, and Their Sublethal Effects on Marine Organisms Marine Petroleum Pollution: Biological Effects and Chemical Characterization Table 5.— U.S. institutions, investigators, and projects in Controlled Ecosystem Pollution Experiment (CEPEX) Organization Investigator Project title University of Alaska, Marine Science Institute University of California at San Diego, Institute of Marine Resources University of California, Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of Georgia, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution J. J. Goering A. Hattor J. R. Beers R. W. Eppley 0. HolmHansen W. H. Thomas F. Azam D. W. Menzel H. L. Windom M. R. Reeve G. W. Grice R. F. Vaccaro Nitrogen and Silicon Regeneration in Controlled Aquatic Ecosystems The Role of Microzooplankton in an Environmental Effects Program Kinetics of Nutrient Assimilation by Phytoplankton Effects of Pollutants on Marine Phytoplankton and Bacterial Communities Integrated Field Studies and Operations Heavy Metal Variations in Natural and Polluted Eco- systems The Role of Zooplankton in an Environmental Effects Program Zooplankton Population Assessment The Complementary Role of Heterotrophic Microbial Measurements in an Environmental Effects Program that were continued until early 1975. During the engineering feasibility studies, scientists con- ducted experiments on the effects of selected pollutants on ecosystems. Plankton trapped inside the enclosures went through an ecological sequence common to waters surrounding the en- closures. The experiments using V<4 -scale enclosures included measuring the effects of low concentrations of copper, mercury, and petroleum hydrocarbons. The results of the copper experi- ment showed that low concentrations (10 and 50 ppb) of copper caused an immediate mortality of zooplankton species, followed by the development of bacterial and plankton popula- tions that appear to tolerate low-level copper concentrations. The mercury experiments were similar to those of copper. Mer- cury, however, was toxic to these organisms at lower concen- trations (0.25 to 1.0 ppb) and the effects were not as rapidly detectable as those of copper. One interesting result was that bacteria exposed to either copper or mercury showed an in- creased tolerance to the other metal. Preliminary findings from the petroleum hydrocarbon ex- periments were more striking than those from the copper experiments. At low concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons (approximately 10 to 200 ppb) there was an enhancement of primary productivity among certain marine organisms. How- ever, more recent studies have shown that water extracts of fuel oils at concentrations between 40 to 60 ppb caused a rapid population decrease followed by species shifts in these lower tropic levels. The research suggests that the hydrocarbon con- centration in the water column decreases within a few days after introduction. This could be the result of the absorption of these compounds to particulate matter, including dying plankton, which carries them to the bottom where they are degraded by bacteria in the sediment. Certain phytoplankton, (microflagellate and pennate diatom species) show tolerance to the fuel oils used and rapidly increase in numbers when less tolerant species (diatoms) die off. Efforts are being made to separate the effect of pollutants on plant populations from the effects caused by changes in grazing pressure and predatory stress on grazers. At present CEPEX is not considering the effects of pollutants on benthic organisms. Biological Effects Data Results of biological effects studies submitted to NOAA Environmental Data Service's National Oceanographic Data Center follow. NODC Accession No.: 76-0377 Organization: Skidaway Institute of Oceanography Investigator: D. W. Menzel Project title: CEPEX: Integrated Field Studies Grant No.: IDO73-09763 Data report: Controlled Ecosystem Pollution Experiment (CEPEX) Reduced Data Report No. 1, Mercury Experiment, June 2-July 14, 1975. This report contains background envi- ronmental data collected in the vicinity of the experimental enclosures, as follows: depth, temperature, salinity, phosphate, silicate, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, chlorophyll-a, primary pro- duction, and total available photosynthetic quanta. Pollutant Transfer and Biological Effects Bibliography Benson, A. A. and R. F. Lee. 1975: The role of wax in oceanic food chains, Sci. Amer. 232(3) :76-86. Butler, J. N.. J. C. Harris, and K. Fine. 1973: Preliminary gas chromatographic analysis of pelagic tar samples from MARMAP survey. Harvard U., Cambridge, Mass. Butler, J. N. and B. F. Morris. 1974: Ouantilative monitoring and variability of pelagic tar in the North Atlantic, Marine Pollution Monitoring (Petroleum) Symposium and Work- shop, May 13-17, 1974, Gaithersburg, Md., NBS Spec. Pub. 409, pp. 75-78. Chow, T. J. 1975: Chemical composition of sea water, in Ocean Handbook, R. Home (ed.), Marcel Dekker Press, N.Y. Chow, T. J., C. B. Snyder, and J. L. Earl. 1975: Isotope ratios of lead as pollutant source indicator, in Proceedings of Joint FAO/IAEA Symposium on Isotope Ratios as Pol- lutant Source and Behavior Indicators, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, pp. 95-108. Duce, R. A., G. L. Hoffman, and W. H. Zoller. 1975: Atmos- pheric trace metals at remote Northern and Southern Hem- isphere sites — pollution or natural? Sci. 187:59-61. Dunstan, W. M., L. P. Atkinson, and J. Natoli. 1975: Stimula- tion and inhibition of phytoplankton growth by low molec- ular weight hydrocarbons. Mar. Biol. 31:305-310. Fasching, J. L., R. A. Courant, R. A. Duce, and S. R. Piotrowicz. 1974: A new sea-surface microlayer sampler utilizing the bubble microtone, /. de Recherches Atmospherics 8:640— 652. Fitzgerald, W. R., W. B. Lyons, and C. D. Hunt. 1974: Cold trap preconcentration method for the determination of mercury in sea water and in other natural materials. Anal. Chem. 46:1882-1885. Giam, C. S. 1975: Phthalate plasticizers in the marine environ- ment, invited paper, Symposium on Marine Pollution, Grenoble, France, Aug. 26— Sept. 6, 1975. Giam, C. S., H. S. Chan, J. P. Kakareka, T. F. Hammergren, and G. S. Neff. 1975: Ultralow level analysis of phthalate ester residues in aquatic biota, 89th Annual Meeting Association of Official Analytical Chemist, Washington, D.C., Oct. 13-16, 1975. Giam, C. S., M. K. Wong, A. R. Hanks, W. M. Sackett, and R. L. Richardson. 1973: DDT, DDE, and polychlorinated biphenyls in biota from the Gulf of Mexico and northern Caribbean, Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 9:376-382. Giam, C. S., R. L. Richardson, D. Taylor, and M. K. Wong. 1974: DDT, DDE, and PCBsin the tissue of reef dwelling groupers (Serranidae) in the Gulf of Mexico and the Grand Bahamas, Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 1 1 : 189- 192. Giam, C. S., R. L. Richardson, M. K. Wong, and W. M. Sackett. 1974: Polychlorinated biphenyls in Antarctic biota, Antarctic J. of the U.S., pp. 303-305. Goldberg, E. D. 1975: Man's role in the major sedimentary cycle, in The Changing Global Environment, S. Fred Singer (ed.), D. Reidell Publ. Co., pp. 275-294. Hoffman, E. J. and R. A. Duce. 1974: The organic carbon con- tent of marine aerosols collected on Bermuda, /. Geophys. Res. 79:4474-4477. Hoffman, G. L., R. A. Duce, P. R. Walsh, E. J. Hoffman, J. L. Flasching, and B. J. Ray. 1974: Residence time of some particulate trace metals in the oceanic surface microlayer: Significance of atmospheric deposition, J. de Recherches Atmospheriques 8:745-759. Hoffman, E. J., G. L. Hoffman, and R. A. Duce. 1974: Chemi- cal fractionization of alkali and alkaline earth metals in atmospheric particulate matter over the North Atlantic, /. de Recherches Atmospheriques 8:675-688. Lee, R. F. 1975: Lipids of parasitic copepods associated with marine fish, Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 52B: 363-364. Lee, R. F. 1975: Fate of petroleum hydrocarbons in marine zooplankton, in Proceedings of Joint Conference on Pre- vention and Control of Oil Pollution, San Francisco, March 25-27, 1975, pp. 549-553. Molinari, R. and A. D. Kirwan, Jr. 1975: Calculations of differential properties from Lagrangian observations in the western Caribbean Sea, J. Phys. Oceanog. 5(3):483- 491. Moore, T. C, Jr. 1973: Method of randomly distributing grains for microscopic examination, /. Sed. Petrol., 43(3) : 904-906. Morris, Byron F., James N. Butler, and Adam Zsolnay. 1975: Pelagic tar in the Mediterranean Sea, Environ. Conser. 2(4):275-282. Olafson, R. W. and J. A. J. Thompson. 1974: Isolation of heavy metal binding proteins from marine vertebrates, Mar. Biol. 28:83-86. Pulich, W. M., Jr., D. Winters, and C. Van Baalen. 1974: Effects of a No. 2 fuel oil and two crude oils on the growth and photosynthesis of microalgae. Mar Biol. 28: 87-94. Quinn, J. S. and T. L. Wade. 1974: Hydrocarbon analyses of IDOE intercalibration samples of cod liver oil and tuna meal. University of Rhode Island Mar. Memo. Ser. No. 33, 8 pp. Sargent, J. R. and R. F. Lee. 1975: Biosynthesis of lipids in zooplankton in Saanich Inlet. British Columbia, Mar. Biol. 21:15-24. Sleeter, T. D., B. F. Morris, and J. N. Butler. 1974: Quantative sampling of pelagic tar in the North Atlantic, 1973, Deep- Sea Res. 21:773-775. Stickney, R. R. and S. E. Shumway. 1974: Occurrence of cellulose activity in the stomaches of fishes, /. Fish. Biol. 6:779-790. Sutton, Chris and John A. Calder. 1975: Solubility of alky- benzenes in distilled water and seawater at 25 °C, /. Chem. Eng. Data 20(3) :320-322. Takahashi, M., W. H. Thomas, D. L. R. Siebert, J. Beers, P. Koeller, and T. R. Parsons 1975: The replication of biological events in enclosed water columns, Arch, fur Hydrobiol. 76(l):5-23, Stuttgart. Wade, T. W. and J. G. Quinn. 1975: Hydrocarbons in the Sargasso Sea surface microlayer, Mar. Poll. Bull. 6:54—57. Wallace, G. T. and R. A. Duce. 1975: Concentrations of particulate trace metals and particulate organic carbon in marine surface waters by a bubble flotation mechanism. Mar. Chem. 3:157-181. Weiss, H., K. Bertine, M. Kolde, and E. D. Goldberg. 1975: The chemical composition of a Greenland glacier, Geo- chim. Cosmochim. Acta 39:1-10. The following IDOE-sponsored research publication treats the quality of the marine environment, but is not part of the IDOE Environmental Quality Program. Sackett, W. M. 1975: Evaluation of the effects of man-derived wastes on the variability of the Gulf of Mexico, Texas A & M Oceanogr. Tech. Rep. 75-8-T. Environmental Forecasting Program Long-range and accurate environmental forecasting re- quires knowledge of the processes and mechanisms of the oceans and the coupling of the ocean and the atmosphere. The Environmental Forecasting Program focuses on projects de- signed to explain the large-scale, long-term behavior of the ocean and the ocean's influence on weather and climate. Experiments and studies include: the Joint U.S.-U.S.S.R. Mid- Ocean Dynamics Experiment (POLYMODE); the North Pacific Experiment (NORPAX); the International Southern Ocean Studies (ISOS); and the Climate: Long-range Investiga- tion, Mapping and Prediction Study (CLIMAP). MODE Midocean Dynamics Experiment (MODE) The MODE project of the United States and the United Kingdom has been joined with the U.S.S.R. POLYGON project in a large-scale midocean dynamics experiment, POLYMODE. Joint U.S.-U.S.S.R. Midocean Dynamics Experiment (POLYMODE) The purpose of POLYMODE is t oestablish the dynamics and statistics of mesoscale motions in the ocean, their energy source, and their role in the general circulation of the ocean. POLYMODE is based on the U. S.S.R. POLYGON project— a continuing series of experiments investigating mesoscale phe- nomena in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and in the Arabian Sea — and the MODE project of the United States and the United Kingdom. The POLYMODE experiment is under the direction of a Joint U.S.-U.S.S.R. POLYMODE Organizing Committee, established under the Agreement between the Governments of the United States and the U.S.S.R. on Cooperation in Studies of the World Ocean. Other countries have been invited to participate in POLYMODE by the UNESCO/International Oceanographic Commission's Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) Working Group 34. Figure 1 is a series of maps based on MODE-I data. Figures 2 and 3 show the location of current meter measure- ments made as a part of the MODE-L POLYGON, and POLYMODE projects to date. Results of these experiments are summarized as follows: L There is an oceanic eddy (variability) field with definable time and length scales. 2. The eddy field is ubiquitous and normally highly energetic relative to the mean general circulation. 3. The eddy field is highly inhomogeneous on a gyre scale — energy levels vary by at least two orders of magnitude and vertical, horizontal, and spatial scales vary to a lesser extent. At a superficial level at least, no one region can be described as "typical." 4. In some regions, the eddy field is inhomogeneous over scales comparable to the eddies themselves. 5. The local dynamics of eddies are indistinguishable from geostrophic assumptions; in general, the dynamics are con- sistent with quasigeostrophic assumptions. 6. Numerical models with sufficient resolution produce sig- nificant eddy activity with realistic scales. Based on these results, the scientific objectives for the U.S. POLYMODE project are: 1. To carry out field observations and experiments, primarily in open ocean regions of the western North Atlantic, designed (as far as possible) to advance our knowledge of the kinematics and dynamics of the variability in that region and to determine its role in the circulation of the North Atlantic subropical gyre; and 2. To pursue theoretical/numerical modelling of the phe- nomenon and to apply state-of-the-art theory to the design and rationalization of the POLYMODE field data via both local forecast-process numerical models and high resolution numeri- cal models of the North Atlantic gyre general circulation. United States participation in POLYMODE is jointly funded by the Office of Naval Research and the National Science Foundation. This participation consists of coordinated research projects that range from field experiments through theoretical studies. POLYMODE Field Experiments Two main types of observational activity have emerged: ( 1 ) a study of the statistics of eddy motion in different geo- graphical areas and (2) a local dynamics experiment. The former is necessary because no one region seems to be repre- sentative of the full complexity of eddies over the entire ocean basin, and because dynamically different regions are known to exist. The latter is necessary because one needs to penetrate deeply into the dynamical balance and machinery of a few eddies. These two directions are the main task of POLYMODE, and this is called the "U.S. Core Program." There are many aspects of the eddy problem which are important and which lie outside the above tasks and on which important related research may occur independently. It is important to maintain communication, limited coordination, data exchange, and the opportunity for mutual scientific par- ticipation with such programs. These are refered to as "Com- plementary Programs of POLYMODE." Elements of program activities follow. 420-m temperature and current velocity 4-dav mean; T-Ps and current meters. 10 cm/sec = I— I 500-m temperature 12 day mean; CTDs. 1,500 m current streamlines; SOFAR floats and current meters — instantaneous. 10 cm/sec = 3,000-m temperature and current velocity 12 -day mean; CTDs and current meters. 10 cm/sec Scale: 100 km 1 — I -J, I — I — I — I — 1\ ^, 93-104 16.25 I I I I I " -I — I — r^T — I — I — r 2.75 93-104 2.8 - I I I I I L. ,14 5/))N'! ^^141-152 ■■ ^ -2.75-^'' ^ 52 I I 1^1 I I J I I I I I L Figure 1. — MODE-I temperature and current patterns at selected depths and intervals of several weeks. Grid is centered at 28 N, 69 40'W. Elements of U.S. Core Program ( 1 ) Statislical-Geographical Experiment. The backbone of this experiment is a consecutive series of three arrays of moored instrumentation in the western North Atlantic: Array I, 7 moorings, starting July 1974, for 9 months; Array II, 12 moorings, starting April 1975, for 27 months; and Array III, 14 moorings, starting July 1977, for at least 12 months. These arrays are located in different regions (one to the east of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge), and designed to embrace a range of scales. They will carry VACM current meters, and T/P re- corders (for measurement of current, temperature, and pres- sure). Data for statistical analysis will also be available from the Northern and Southern Local Dynamics Experiments. Specially obtained XBT sections will also be made over a wide region of the North and South Atlantic for better resolu- tion of geographical variability of the eddy field as seen in the upper-layer temperature field. (2) Local Dynamics Experiment: Southern Synoptic Experi- ment. In the spring of 1977, probably over the Nares Abyssal Plain (north of Puerto Rico), a program of mapping of the eddy field will be conducted over an area about 300 km square. The main instrumentation will consist of 60 free-floating, neutrally buoyant (at prescribed depths) SOFAR floats at two levels. After release they will float freely, being tracked acoustically from land-based listening stations. They have a telemetering capability for temperature and pressure and thus provide a nearly real-time map of the flow field. Experience with past float performance indicates that once emplaced, the dispersal will allow the floats to be tracked continuously for up to 3 years. During the first year they will be maintained in a mapping array by recovery and resetting. During the summer of 1977, an intensive density mapping will also be conducted in this area, using CTDs (to measure salinity, temperature and pressure) for about 40 days. Two U.S. and two U.S.S.R. ships will be involved in an effort to describe the structure of the flow over several eddies, to reveal fine scale features of the flow, and to obtain local dynamical balances via objective mapping techniques. Elements of the Complementary Program ( 1 ) Local Dynamics Experiment: Northern Synoptic Experi- ment. The U.S.S.R. will maintain for 10 months, starting in Summer 1977, 19 surface moorings with current meter in- strumentation at tive levels down to 1,500 depth, with extensive density sampling from research vessels, near 35 ^N, 43 °W. The moorings will be deployed in a multiantenna array. U.S. participation will include some part of Array III (mentioned above), technical contributions to the U.S.S.R. mooring sys- tem, and possibly a supply of XBTs to enable the density- temperature program sampling to be optimized. (2) Eastern Basin Mooring Sites. The United Kingdom, Federal Republic of Germany, and France will deploy about seven instrumented moorings for up to 2 years in the northern half of the Eastern North Atlantic basin, for gathering statistics over a wide geographical region. (3) Neighborhood of the Gulf Stream. A pilot experiment to study downstream scales of Gulf Stream meanders using deep mooring and inverted echo sounders is planned. Three moorings (Canada) will be maintained north of the Stream. Detailed studies of Gulf Stream rings are also scheduled. (4) Small-Scale Processes. Evidence of coupling of the POLYMODE eddies with high frequency and microstructure phenomena is to be studied further through several small experiments. (5) Near-Surface Experiments. Thirty satellite-tracked drifters with thermistor chains will be launched in the Bay of Biscay (France). An experiment with free-drifting cyclesondes (for obtaining vertical profiles of velocity) has been proposed for the region of the Southern Local Dynamics Experiment. Satel- lite surveillance by infrared thermometry and microwave altim- etry, for remote temperature, sea-state, and surface geopotential topography have been proposed. (6) Near-Bottom Experiments. Modern general circulation numerical models suggest it is important to study the connection of bottom mixed-layer dynamics with that of the overlying low frequency eddy phenomena, and the coupling with bottom topography during POLYMODE. Small arrays of bottom in- struments are planned. 80° 70" 60° 50 Figure 2. — Mesoscale experiments prior to spring 1976 80° 70° 60° Figure 3.— POLYMODE experiments. Theoretical Program The U.S. Core Program also contains substantial theo- retical and numerical modelling elements, and U.S. theoreti- cians and modellers are actively engaged in the exchange of ideas and techniques with colleagues from the U.S.S.R. and other nations. The theoretical program is necessarilly broader that the field experimental program, and involves fundamental investigations, numerical model developments, intercomparison and verification, and dynamical analysis of field data. Table 6 lists U.S. participants in POLYMODE. MODE Data MODE data are available from NODC as follows: NODC Accession No.: 75-0727 Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Investigator: C. Wunsch Grant No.: GX-29034 Temperature and pressure data from MODE moorings; 35 files; December 13-14, 1973, and April 19-21, 1974; magnetic tape. NODC Accession No.: 75-0761 Organization: NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratories Investigator: A Leetmaa Grant No.: AG-385 660 XBT analog traces (digitized by NODC). Section 1, RV OCEANOGRAPHER, February 27-March 8, 1974; Section 2, RV OCEANOGRAPHER, May 11-15, 1974; Section 3, RV OCEANOGRAPHER, Junc 6-14, 1974; and Section 4, RV Re- searcher, September 26-October 7, 1974. NODC Accession No.: 76-0732 Organization: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Investigator: T. Sanford Grant No.: (Office of Naval Research) Current measurements from an electromagnetic velocity profiler; 777 data sets; RV Chain, cruise 122, Legs 4 and 5, May 11 to 27 and June 6 to 13, 1973; magnetic tape. NODC Accession No.: 75-1005 Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Investigator: C. Wunsch Grant No.: IDO74-24095 Temperature and pressure data from MODE moorings: 15 files containing a maximum of 183,750 observations, July 28, 1974-May 15, 1975. Magnetic tape. NODC Accession No.: 76-0779 Organization: University of Rhode Island Investigator: D. R. Watts 10 Grant No.: GX-30416 Inverted echo sounder data from MODE bottom-moored instruments: seven instrument sites; travel-time data from ocean bottom to surface and return at 4-minute intervals; March 19 to July 3, 1973. Punch cards. The following MODE data listing, cited in IDOE Progress Report Volume 4, is repeated to correct the accession number and add the NODC cruise number: NODC Accession No.: 74-00724 Organization: Harvard University Investigator: A. R. Robinson Grant No.: GX-29033 MODE data: 103 analog copies of XBT traces from Leg 5 of the RV Chain cruise 112, June 6 to 13, 1973. Data are available in digital form; NODC Cruise No. 045198. MODE/POLYMODE Bibliography Bretherton, Francis P. and Michael Karweit. 1975: Midocean mesoscale modelling, in Proceedings of Symposium on Numerical Models of Ocean Circulation, 1975, ISBN 0-309-02225-8, MODE Contribution No. 23. Table 6.-U.S. institutions, investigators, and projects in POLYMODE experiment Institution Principal Investigator Project University of California, Los Angeles University of California, San Diego Harvard University Massachusetts Institute of Technology University of Rhode Island U.S. Naval Academy Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Y. Mintz R. E. Davis M. C. Hendershott A. R. Robinson H. Huppert V. Lee H. Stommel H. Stommel W. Simmons R. Heinmiller C. Wunsch H. T. Rossby L. Dantzler D. Bitterman, Jr. W. S. Schmitz, Jr. N. P. Fofonoff W. J. Schmitz, Jr. N. P. Fofonoff W. J. Schmitz, Jr. P. L. Richardson P. B. Rhmes D. C. Webb F. Webster Role of Mesoscale Eddies in the Oceanic General Circulation Statistical Properties and Predictability of Quaisigeo- strophic Ocean Flow Models Analytical and Numerical Studies of Mesoscale Motion Topographically Generated Currents MODE-I Atlas Coordination, Planning, Workshops, Communica- tions, and Administration Participation in POLYMODE A Synoptic Study of Barotropic and Baroclinic Eddies in the Ocean An Evaluation of Mesoscale Oceanic Eddy Statistics from both Historical and Ship-of-Opportunity XBT Data Inverted Echo Sounder Development Program An intercomparison of U.S., and U.S.S.R. Moorings, Current Meters, and Conductivity-Temperature- Depth Instruments An Observational Study of the Dynamics of Meso- scale Eddies and their Role in the Circulation of the North Atlantic Ocean Cyclonic Gulf Stream Rings in the Sargasso Sea Energy Propagation, Fine Structure and Local Dyna- mics of Oceanic Eddies and Waves Float Project Newsletter 11 NCAR Electra at Kodiak, Alaska. March 1975. NORPAX flights over ocean in regimes of high wind spe^ directly measure air-sea flux of heat, momentum, and moisture by means of instruments mounted on nose boom. Bretherton, Francis. 1975; Recent developments in dynamical oceanography, Quarterly J. Royal Meteor. Soc. 101 (430) : 705-721, MODE Contribution No. 42. Brown, W., W. Munk, F. Snodgrass, H. Mofjeld, and B. Zetler. 1975: MODE bottom experiment, /. Phys. Oceanog. 55(l):75-85. Brown. W., F. Snodgrass, and W. Munk. 1975: MODE: IGPP measurements of bottom pressure and temperature, J. Phys. Oceanog. 5(l):63-74. Bryden, H. L. 1974: Geostrophic comparisons using moored 12 measurements of current and temperature. Nature 251 (5474): 409-4 10. Also WHOI Tech. Rep. WHOI-75-21. Dexter, Steven, John Milliman, and William Schmitz. 1975: Mineral deposition on current meter bearings, Deep-Sea Res. 22:703-706, MODE Contribution No. 29. Dorson, D. L. 1974: A low power ocean data recorder: 1974 IEEE International Conference on Engineering in the Ocean Environment Record, Vol. 2:51-52. Also WHOI Tech. Rep. WHOI-75-12. Freeland, Howard, Peter Rhines, and H. T. Rossby. 1975: Statistical observations of the trajectories of neutrally buoyant floats in the North Atlantic, /. Mar. Res. 33(3): 383-404. MODE Contribution No. 40. McCuUough, J. 1974: In search of moored current sensors, in Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Conference of the — Marine Technology Society Sept. 23-25, Wash., D.C., 31-54 pp. McWilliams, James. 1975: Large scale inhomegenity and mesoscale ocean waves: A single stable wave field, /. Mar. Res. 23(4):285-300. MODE Contribution No. 35. Pochapsky, T. E. 1976: Vertical structure of currents and deep temperatures in the western Sargasso Sea, /. Phys. Oceanog. 6(l):45-56, MODE Contribution No. 58. Rhines, Peter. 1975: Waves and turbulence on a beta plane, /. Fluid Mechanics 69(3) :417-443, MODE Contribution No. 39. Robinson, Allan R. and James McWilliams. 1974: The baro- clinic instability of the open ocean, J. Phys. Oceanog. 4(3):281-294, MODE Contribution No. 7. Robinson, Allan R. 1975: The variability of ocean currents, Rev. Geophys. Space Phys. 13(3) :598-601, MODE Con- Contribution No. 14. Rossby, H. T., Arthur Voorhis, Douglas Webb. 1975: A quasi- lagrangian study of mid-ocean variability using long-range SOFAR floats, J. Mar. Res. 33(3) : 355-382, MODE Contribution No. 41. Sanford, Thomas B. 1975: Observations of the vertical struc- ture of internal waves, J. Geophys. Res. 80(27) :3861- 3871, MODE Contribution No. 33. Scarlett, Richard I. 1975: A data-processing method for STD profiles, Deep-Sea Res. 22:509-515, MODE Contribution No. 12. Scarlett, Richard I. 1975: STD's in mode — a grab bag of calibration problems: the results, in Proceedings of the Third STD Conference (Supplement), Plessey Environ- mental Systems, San Diego, Calif., MODE Contribution No. 22. Zenk, Walter and Eli Joel Katz. 1975: On the stationarity of temperature spectra at high horizontal wave numbers, /. Geophys. Res. 80(27) :3885-3891, MODE Contribu- tion No. 18. Zetler, Bernard, Walter Munk, Harold Mofjeld, Wendell Brown, and Florence Dormer. 1975: MODE tides, J. Phys. Oceanog. 5(1 ) :430-441, MODE Contribution No. 16. MODE Technical and Data Reports Gifford, James E. 1975: Cruise Report, Atlantis-II, Tech. Rep. WHOI-74-103, Woods Hole Oceanographic Insti- tution, Woods Hole, MA 02543, 19 pp. Gifford, James E. 1975: Cruise Report, Knorr 26. Tech. Rep. WHOI-74-104, 41 pp. Kroll, J. D., S. R. Gegg, and R. C. Groman. 1975: Cruise data report, RV Chain, Cruise 115, leg 7, Tech. Rep. WHOI-75-35, 4 pp. text, 2 pp. tables, 7 pp. figures. McCullough, J. R. 1975: Vector-averaging current meter and speed calibration and recording technique. Tech. Rep. WHOI-75-44, 32 pp. Olbers, Dirk Jurgen. 1974: On the energy balance of small- scale internal waves in the deep-sea. Hamburger Geo- physikalische Einzelschriften, Hamburg, G.M.L. Witten- born Sohne 2 Hamburg 13, 91 pp. North Pacific Experiment (NORPAX) The long-term objective of NORPAX is to understand fluctuations in the upper layers of the North Pacific Ocean and their relation to the overlying and adjoining atmosphere. These fluctuations have time scales of months to years and a space scale in excess of 1,000 km. Achievement of this goal should lead to improved prediction of weather and climate for the northeast Pacific Ocean and North America. NORPAX is jointly sponsored by IDOE and the Office of Naval Research. Principal investigators and projects are listed in table 7. NORPAX is working to attain its long-range objective through analysis of historical data, experiments to identify and understand important processes, monitoring of low-frequency fluctuations, and integration of observations with theoretical studies. NORPAX experiments in the past year include El Nifio watch and the TRANSPAC project. El Nino Watch To describe the occurrence of the El Nifio, and its de- velopment with time, the ocean off western South America to 95°W and from 14°S to 2°N was surveyed during mid- February through March and mid-April through May 1975 (figs. 4 and 5). The University of Hawaii research vessel MoANA Wave was used to obtain vertical profiles of tempera- ture and salinity to a depth of 500 m at stations 60 nmi apart; XBT temperature profiles at 20-nmi intervals; and hydrographic stations at 1 20-nmi intervals, including botde casts for oxygen and nutrients. In addition, zooplankton and phytoplankton samples were obtained, and primary productivity and chloro- phyll-A were measured. Twice-daily upper air observations were collected by a U.S. Navy team using radiosondes, and surface meteorological observations were recorded at 2-hour intervals. Personnel aboard the RV Moana Wave represented Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of Hawaii, Duke University, University of Washington, Instituto del Mar del Peru, Instituto Oceanografico de Ecuador, and the U.S. Navy. During the first cruise southeast trade winds were extremely weak north of 10°S. In the ocean, warm, low-salinity water was observed to transgress south across the Equator to 5°S (fig. 6a). Although weak upwelling was still present along the coast of northern Peru, cool water was not advected northwest from this upwelling region as in normal years. The warm 13 Table 7.— U.S. institutions, investigators, and projects in NORPAX program Organization Investigator Project title University of Alaska University of British Columbia California Institute of Technology, Jet Propulsion Laboratory University of California, San Diego University of California, Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of Hawaii T. C. Royer M. Miyake M. T. Chahine C. A. Friehe T. P. Barnett R. L. Berstein R. L. Bernstein W. B. White R. E. Davis M. C. Hendershott K. E. Kenyon G. J. McNally W. C. Patzert J. Namias T. P. Barnett R. T. Wert R. T. Wert W. B. White W. B. White R. L. Bernstein L. Magaard W. Emery M. J. Vitousek K. Wyrtki K. Wyrtki J. C. Sadler Circulation and Heat Content Fluctuations in the Gulf of Alaska Air-Sea Interaction Study with Aircraft Remote Sounding of Temperature of the Ocean Sur- face in Cloudy Atmosphere Measurement of Surface Fluxes of Heat, Water Vapor, and Momentum from Aircraft and Merchant Ships Temperature Velocity Structure Study Feasibility Study for use of Satellite Data in NORPAX Low-Frequency Baroclinic Responses of the North Pacific Current to Interannual Variability in the West- erly Winds Upper Ocean Dynamics A Model Study of Large-Scale Ocean-Atmospheric Interaction Large-Scale Dynamics of the Upper Ocean in the Pacific Satellite Tracked Drifting Buoys Analysis and Publication of El Nino Cruise Data Large-Scale and Long-Term Air-Sea Interaction Over the Pacific and Remote Weather and Climate Influences NORPAX Data Program NORPAX Administration and Travel Year-to-Year Variability in the Thermal Structure of the Subtropical Gyre in the Western North Pacific Ocean Hydrographic Measurements of the North Pacific Current Baroclinic Rossby Waves in the North Pacific Line Islands Monitoring Interaction of Circulation, Sea Level, Heat Storage, and Winds Over the Pacific Ocean El Nino Watch North Pacific Cloudiness and Cloud Anomalies from Satellite Observations 14 Table 7.— U.S. institutions, investigators, and projects in NORPAX program— continued Organization Investigator Project title University of Michigan National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA Naval Fleet Numerical Weather Central Naval Postgraduate School Naval Research Laboratory Oregon State University San Diego State University Stanford University Texas A&M University University of Tokyo University of Washington J. C. K. Huang D. R. McLain J. F. T. Saur C. R. Ward \. Wyrtki R. L. Haney H. E. Hurlburt J. D. Thompson S. A. Piacsek K. Wyrtki H. Crew P. P. Niiler C. Paulson W. H. Quinn C. Dorman A. M. Peterson G. L. Tyler A. D. Kirwan H. Solomon B. A. Taft Numerical Simulation of El Nino Phenomenon Fluctuations in the Pacific Time Series XBT Sections, Equatorial and North- east Pacific Ocean Continuance of Ships of Opportunity Program Numerical Simulation of Coupled North Pacific Ocean-Atmospheric System A Numerical Investigation of the Time Dependent Circulation of the Equatorial and Eastern Pacific Pilot Study of Precipitation in the North Pacific Investigations of Long-Period Changes of Ocean Surface Layers Ocean Mixed-Layer Structure Large-Scale and Long-Term Fluctuations in the Ocean and Atmosphere Over Lower Latitudes of the Pacific and Their Consequences Variability of Ocean Thermal Structure Between San Francisco and Hawaii Radar Studies of Sea and Decametric Radio-Wave Observations of the North Pacific Anomaly Dynamics Study The Role of Subpolar Western Boundary Currents in Large-Scale Air-Sea Interaction in the North Pacific Kuroshio Index; History and Recent Observations 15 20" 10 Acapuico •~-.:-aj Gulf of TefiuantHpec r-' c-.> <' — ^--. '**->. ^- ^N C.^ ^ ^ ^rv ^ C;-" "^^ ^— -A ^ _. LEGEND Approximate location of International boundary — 200 meter depth contour 2000 meter depth contour 4000 meter depth contour — — .... 6000 meter depth contour 10 ^ 10 \ \ 14 (,-.. :'i \ Galapagos Islai ^•-\A*. -/ A. ( / .'■•> N \ y> 22 25 100 90 80 70 Figure 4. — El Nino Watch legs 1 and 2. 16 20" 10 o _ 10 - 100" 90" 80" 70" Figure 5. — El Nino Watch legs 3 and 4. 17 southward flow between the Galapagos Islands and Ecuador was confined to a shallow surface layer 10 to 25 m thick, and changes in the subsurface layers also were quite different from what is normally expected. The density surfaces along both the Equator and the coasts of Ecuador and Peru were abnor- mally depressed in the upper 200 m, indicating a very strong eastward flow of the Equatorial Undercurrent and a southward flow along the coast. This anomalous flow regime seems to play an important role in El Nifio dynamics. Although observations during the first cruise revealed features of a developing El Nifio, the data of the second cruise documented that it was short-lived. During April and May, with the re-establishment of the southeast trade winds, and upwelling along the coast and Equator, the cool waters of the Peru-Chile Current replaced the warm waters found 2 months earlier (fig. 6b). The subsurface flow eastward along the Equator had weakened, and along the coast the subsurface flow was no longer to the south. The large change in sea surface temperature between the time of the two cruises (fig. 6c) illus- trates the rapid and intense variation in the ocean in this region. The change in sea surface temperature within this 2-month period (greater than 5°C in some areas) was as large as the mean seasonal range indicated by climatological atlases. Although 1975 was not the year of a catastrophic El Niiio of long duration, an El Nino event continued to develop from January through March. Cruises of previous expeditions never covered the entire affected area. Consequently, much was learned about the dynamics of El Nifio events — particularly the generation of large temperature and circulation anomalies and their rapid dissipation. TRANSPAC The TRANSPAC program uses observers aboard com- mercial ships (platforms-of-opportunity) that regularly cross the Pacific Ocean. Data obtained within the area from 30° to 50 N and 140 W to 150"E, which was continuously monitored for the first time, show significant results. One observed phenomenon was the rapid variability of the main thermocline over this large area during a relatively short period (fig. 7). Along two nearly parallel ship tracks separated by about 150 km (Taft and Van Buren voyages), observations were obtained within a 2-day period. Depths of the 10° and 12°C isotherms (which were selected as representative of the main thermocline) agreed very well along the two tracks despite their 150-km separation, indicating a marked uniformity in depth of the main thermocline over the large area traversed by the ships. Along two nearly parallel ship tracks separated by only 20 km (McKinley and Van Buren voyages), obser- vations were obtained about 12 days apart. Over this period, the 10" and 12"C isotherms were observed to descend about 50 meters, indicating a rapid change in depth of the main thermocline. This change was attributed to passage of a major winter storm slightly north of the two tracks during the 12-day period. An Anomaly Dynamic Study (ADS) has been initiated to investigate such changes in thermocline structure. NORPAX Data NORPAX data and information available from NODC include the following. NODC Accession No.: (none) Organization: University of Hawaii Investigator: K. Wyrtki Grant No.: IDO75-06468 NORPAX/El Niiio Watch preliminary data report, Volumes I and II, RV Moana Wave, Legs 1 and 2, February 11 to March 31, 1975. Physical, chemical, and biological data: 93 SDT profiles, 45 Niskin casts, 432 XBTs, 97 zooplankton net tows, 74 meteorological balloon soundings, and current meter data. (Data report prepared by GEOSECS Operations Group, Scripps Institution of Oceanography.) NODC Accession No.: (none) Organization: University of Hawaii Investigator: K. Wyrtki Grant No.: IDO75-06468 NORPAX/El Nino Watch preliminary data report, Volume III, RV Moana Wave, Legs 3 and 4, April 17 to May 27, 1975. Physical, chemical, and biological data: 97 STD profiles, 47 Niskin casts, 411 XBTs, 93 zooplankton net trawls, 67 meteorological balloon soundings, and 74 tritium samples. NODC Accession No.: 76-0615 Organization: NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, La Jolla, Calif. Investigator: D. McLain Grant No.: OCE 75-23357 NORPAX Pacific Ships of Opportunity data: XBTs from 6 ships, 97 cruises; 1,254 lowerings, August to December 1974, and 1,481 lowerings, January to July 1975, magnetic tape. NODC Accession No.: 74-00748 Organization: NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, La Jolla, Calif. Investigator: J. F. T. Saur Grant No.: AG-256 NORPAX data: 1,460 digitized XBT drops from the Pacific Ships of Opportunity Program during the period April 1973 to July 1974. NODC Accession No.: 75-0530 Organization: Scripps Institution of Oceanography Investigator: R. T. Wert, NORPAX Data Manager NORPAX data: One magnetic tape containing observa- tions from 23 bumble bee buoys (at 1-hour intervals). Param- eters are: 1) air temperature, 2) wind speed and direction, 3) wind transport. 4) barometric pressure, 5) sea temperature at maximum of 12 depths, 6) pressures at two depths, 7) solar radiation, and 8) mooring line tension. Data were collected from 6 buoys during May 1964 to February 1967, and from 17 buoys during February 1968 to February 1973. NORPAX Bibliography Barnett, T. 1972: Observations of wind wave generation and dissipation in the North Sea: implications for the offshore industry. Fourth Annual Offshore Technology Conference, May 1-3, 1972, Houston, Tex., Paper No. OTC 1516, 8 pp. Barnett, T. 1972: The North Pacific Experiment: a study of large scale ocean and atmosphere fluctuations in the Pacific, WMO Reports on Marine Affairs. Rpt. #7, Means of Acquisition and Communication of Ocean Data, Vol. II, Proc. WMO Tech. Conf., Tokyo, Japan, October 2-9, 1972, pp. 333-344. 18 10°iM 15°S 100°W 95° 75° 100°W 95° + INCREASE - DECREASE J L 75°100°W 95° 90° 85° 80° 75° Figure 6. — Temperatures observed during RV MOANA WAVE surveys off western South America in 1975. A, Mid-February through March; B, Mid-April through May; and C, change in temperatures between time of two cruises. Isotherms in degrees Celsius. 1 1 MC KINLEY VOYAGE 43E .1.? ^.. 39° 38° 37° 36° 35° 34° VAN BUREN VOYAGE 47W 19 6 TAFT VOYAGE 42E 100 - 200 - 300 Observations approximately 150 km and 2 days apart, TAFT42E VAN BUREN 47W 400 100 200 - 300 - 400 - P , ^'V^C^^^^Ww' .Poa, -a4 A oor t^°. 180° 175° 170" 165° 160° 155^ 150° 145° 140° Figure 7. — Ships-of-opportunity observations of seawater temperatures along North Pacific routes. Depths of 10° and 12°C isotherms represent depth of main thermocline. 19 Barnett, T. P. 1976: Large scale variations of the temperature field in the North Pacific Ocean, Naval Research Reviews, pp. 32-51. Barnett, T. P. and R. L. Bernstein. 1975: Horizontal scales of midocean internal tides, /. Geophys. Res. 80(15): 1962-1964. Barnett, T. P. and R. E. Davis. 1976 Eigenvector analysis and prediction of sea surface temperature fluctuations in the Northern Pacific Ocean, in Proceedings of the WMO/ lAMAP Symposium on Long-Term Climatic Fluctuations, Norwich, England, 18-23 August 1975, WMO-421: 439-450. Barnett, T. P. and K. E. Kenyon. 1975: Recent advances in the study of wind waves. Progress in Physics 38:667-729, The Institute of Physics, Bristol, England. Dorman, C, C. Paulson, and W. Quinn. 1974: An analysis of 20 years of meteorological and oceanographic data from Ocean Station N, J. Phys. Oceanog. 4(4) : 645-653. El Sayed, Hassan. 1975: On the 27-day cycle in the rainfall in Los Angeles, Nature 258(5534) :457-458. El-Sayed, Hassan. 1976: Comments On the development of blocking ridge activity over the North Pacific, /. Atmos. Sci. 33(1): 154-156. Emery, W. 1975: The role of vertical motion in the heat budget of the upper ocean, Univ. Hawaii Ref. HIG-75-3, 81 pp. Emery, William, Jr. 1975: Dynamic height from temperature profiles, J. Phys. Oceanog. 5(2) :369-375. Friehe, C. A., C. H. Gibson, F. H. Champagne, and J. C. LaRue. 1975: Turbulence measurements in the marine boundary layer. Atmospheric Technology 7:15-23. A publication of the National Center for Atmospheric Research. GEOSECS Operations Group. 1975: El Niiio Watch, Legs 1 and 2, 11 February 1975-March 1975, RV Moana Wave, Volume I — Data Report, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. GEOSECS Operations Group. 1975: El Nino Watch, Legs 1 and 2, 11 February 1975-March 1975, RV Moana Wave, Volume II — Data Report, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. GEOSECS Operations Group. 1975: El Niiio Watch, Legs 3 and 4, 17 April 1975-27 May 1975, RV Moana Wave, Volume III— Data Report, Scripps Institution of Ocean- ography. Haney, R. L. and J. M. Wright, Jr. 1975: The relationship between the grid size and the coefficient of nonlinear lateral eddy viscosity in numerical ocean circulation models, J. Comp. Phys. 19(3):257-266. Huang, J. C. K. and J. M. Park. 1975: Effective cloudiness derived from ocean buoy data, /. Appl. Meteor. 14(2): 240-245. Jones, J. H. 1975: Large-scale ocean and atmospheric patterns relative to the 1957-58 temperature anomaly in the North Pacific Ocean, Mar. Sci. Communications, l(l):27-28. Kenyon, K. E. 1975: The influence of longitudinal variations in wind stress curl on the steady ocean circulation, J. Phys. Oceanog. 5(2): 334-346. Kenyon, Kern E. (with E. R. Levine). 1975: The tidal ener- getics of Narragansett Bay. /. Geophys. Res. 80(12): 1683-1688. Kirwan, A. D., Jr. 1975: Oceanic velocity gradients, /. Phys. Oceanog. 5(4):729-735. Kirwan, A. D. Jr. and G. J. McNally. 1975: A note on obser- vations of long-term trajectories of the North Pacific Current, /. Phys. Oceanog. 5(1) : 188-191. Kirwan, A. D., Jr. and G. J. McNally. 1975: Response char- acteristics of a three-dimensional thrust anemometer, Boundary-Layer Meteorology 8:365-381. Kirwan, A. D., Jr., G. J. McNally, M. S. Chang and R. Molinari. 1975: The effect of wind and surface currents on drifters, /. Phys. Oceanog. 5(2) :361-368. Marshall, W. F. and J. R. Barnum. 1975: Measurement of sea scatter and buoy tracks at long ranges by high resolution OTH-B radar, Stanford Research Institute Project 3071, Tech Report 1. Meyers, G. 1975: Seasonal variation in transport of the Pacific North Equatorial Current relative to the wind field, J. Phys. Oceanog. 5(3):450-459. Molinari, R. and A. D. Kirwan, Jr. 1975: Calculations of differential kinematic properties from lagrangian observa- tions, J. Phys. Oceanog. 5(3):483-49I. Namias, J. 1975: Short period climatic variations, collected works of J. Namias 1934 through 1974, University of California, San Diego, Graphics and Reproduction Serv- ices, 905 pp. Namias, J. 1975: Northern Hemisphere seasonal sea level pressure and anomaly charts, 1947-1974, California Co- operative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) Atlas 22, 243 pp. Namias, Jerome. 1975: The sea as a primary generator of short-term climatic variations, in Proceedings of the WMO/IAMAP Symposium on Long-Term Climatic Fluctuations, Norwich, England, 18-23 August 1975, WMO-421, pp. 331-340. Namias, Jerome. 1975: Stabilization of atmospheric circulation patterns by sea surface temperatures, /. Mar. Res. 33 Supplement pp. 53-60. Namias, J. 1976: Some statistical and synoptic characteristics associated with El Nino, J. Phys. Oceanog. 6(2) : 130-138. Namias, Jerome. 1976: Seasonal forecasting experiments using North Pacific air/sea interactions. Preprint Volume, Sixth Conference on Weather Forecasting and Analysis, May 10-14, 1976, American Meteorological Society. Quinn, WiUiam H. 1976: El Nino, anomalous equatorial Pacific conditions and their prediction, in The Environment of the United States Living Marine Resources, 1974, pp. 11-1 to 11-18. Royer, T. C. 1975: Seasonal variations of waters in the northern Gulf of Alaska, Deep-Sea Res. 22:403-416. Stidd, C. K. 1975: Meridional profiles of ship drift com- ponents, J. Geophys. Res. 80( 12) : 1679-1682. 20 White, W. B. 1975: Secular variability in the large-scale baroclinic transport of the North Pacific from 1950- 1970, /. Mar. Res. 33( 1 ) :141-155. White, W. B. and N. E. Clark. 1975: On the development of blocking ridge activity over the Central North Pacific, /. Atmos. Sci. 32(3):489-502. Wyrtki, K. 1975: Fluctuations of the dynamic topography in the Pacific Ocean, /. Phys. Oceanog. 5(3) :450-459. Wyrtki, K. 1975: El Niiio — The dynamic response of the Equatorial Pacific Ocean to atmospheric forcing, /. Phys. Oceanog. 5(4):572-584. Wyrtki, K. and G. Meyers. 1975: The Trade Wind field over the Pacific Ocean, Part I, the mean field and the mean annual variations, Univ. Hawaii Ref. HIG-75-1. Wyrtki, K. and G. Meyers. 1975: The Trade Wind field over the Pacific Ocean, Part IF, Bimonthly fields of wind stress: 1950 to 1972, Univ. Hawaii Ref. HIG-75-2. Wyrtki, K., E. Stroup, W. Patzert, R. Williams, and W. Quinn. 1976: Predicting and observing El Nifio, Science 191 (4225): 343-346. NORPAX Technical and Data Reports Maresca, J. W., Jr. and J. R. Barnum. 1975: Measurement of sea scatter and buoy tracks at long ranges by high-resolu- tion OTH-B radar. Final Rep. SRI Project 3071, Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, CA 94025, 70 pp. Sessions, M. H., W. R. Bryan, and T. P. Bamett. 1974: AXBT calibration and operation for NORPAX POLE Experi- ment, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, SIO Ref. Series 74-31, 27 pp. Stidd, C. K. 1974: Ship drift components: means and standard deviations, SIO Ref. Series 74-33, 57 pp. Teague, C. C. 1975: In-situ decametric radar observations of ocean-wave directional spectra during the 1974 NORPAX "Pole" experiment. Final Report, Stanford Electronics Laboratory, Stanford Univ., Stanford, Calif., Tech. Rep. No. 3615-2, 34 pp. International Southern Ocean Studies (ISOS) ISOS is concerned with understanding the long-term, large- scale variability of dynamical processes in the Southern Ocean. It consists of a series of experiments to determine global atmos- pheric and oceanic circulation and their interaction. The project has focused on the dynamics of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, the First Dynamic Response and Kinematics Experiment (F DRAKE), but studies have been made of bottom-water formation and the Polar Front. The long-range scientific objectives of ISOS and F DRAKE cruises are to: 1 . Identify space and time scales of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in the region of the Drake Passage and Western Scotia Sea, an ultimate goal being to design a transport experiment in this region; 2. Obtain a regional description of the Drake Passage — Western Scotia Sea area, including bathymetry, nutrient rela- tionships, and hydrography; 3. Improve our knowledge about the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in the Western Scotia Sea region — specifically to better understand the synoptic features of the current in that region; and 4. Improve our knowledge of the Polar Front, to better under- stand the dynamics and mixing processes of this oceanic feature. F DRAKE (First Dynamic Response and Kinematics Experiment) The first field phase, F DRAKE 75, was January through March 1975. During this period, current and temperature re- corders were moored in Drake Passage to study time and space scales in the flow though the Passage. The array of instruments consisted of both long- and short-term moorings. Short-term moorings were recovered at the end of each cruise and yielded information about time scales of less than 20 days. Long-term moorings included two tide gauges and 19 current meters and yielded information regarding time scales of up to 1 year. Vessels participating in F DRAKE 75 were RV Conrad of Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, RV Melville of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and ARA Islas Orcadas of the Hydrographic Service of the Argentine Navy. The Orcadas is participating under an agreement between the National Science Foundation, the Argentine Antarctic Institute, and the Argentine Naval Hydrographic Service. Observations by the three ships included oceanographic stations, expendable bathythermographs (XBTs), and underway oceanographic and meteorological measurements (fig. 8). Special studies by the Melville included occupying oceanographic stations in rela- tion to the locations of moored arrays. Some moored arrays were recovered during F DRAKE 75; the remainder were set as year-long moorings to be recovered during F DRAKE 76. During austral summer 1976 the RV Thompson, A.G.S. Yelcho, and RV Professor Vize made F DRAKE cruises. WOE Progress Report Volume 4 described general goals and specific objectives of F DRAKE 75. The second field phase, F DRAKE 76, was scheduled January through March 1976. The first task of F DRAKE 76 was recovery of the first long-term array and deployment of the second year-long array (fig. 9). Recovery, deployment, and sup- porting hydrographic work were accomplished during Leg I of the Thompson cruise. Leg II of the Thompson cruise con- sisted of a closely spaced hydrographic section parallel to the array (the "DRAKE" section) and a second closely spaced section perpendicular to the first (the "1976" section). During Leg II, satellite-tracked drifting buoys were launched and special chemical studies were included in the hyrographic work. Leg III of the Thompson cruise was devoted to studying the Polar Front in the region of 58°S, 64°W. Instruments used in this study included CTDs, an O^ profiler, profiling current meters, thermistor chains, and vertical current meters. The Chilean Naval vessel Yelcho was used to map the temperature structure in and near the Polar Frontal Zone on two cruise legs of 2 weeks duration. The first leg, which began before Leg III of the Thompson cruise, was used to locate and map the Polar Frontal Zone to the east of the moored arrays in Drake Passage. The thermal structure was mapped using XBTs and a satellite navigation receiver. Data were transmitted to the Thompson via ATS transceivers aboard the vessels. This made it possible for the Thompson to proceed directly to the study area and concentrate on small-scale measurements. Be- cause the position and configuration of the Polar Frontal Zone 21 Figure 8. — Occanographic sampling accomplished during F DRAKE 75. changes with time, the Yelcho again mapped the thermal struc- ture of the region during the last 2 weeks of the Thompson survey. In this manner, investigators were able to obtain a reasonably good picture of the temporal development of meso- scale frontal features. The Professor Vize deployed three current meter moor- ings in mid-January 1976. These moorings were maintained for about 1 month during an extensive hydrographic survey (fig. 10) that included upper air observations every 6 hours to study the meteorology of the region. Other Studies ISOS sponsors individual theoretical studies and regular meetings of a panel on theoretical studies. The studies emphasize circumpolar current dynamics. Included are laboratory investi- gations, an analytical study of topographically-induced jets in a zonal channel, and analytical studies of the interaction of bottom topography and the circumpolar current. Another ISOS project provides for the publication of a Southern Ocean Atlas. Completion of the Atlas is expected in 1978. Some preliminary plates based on data collected by the Islas Orcadas have been published. In September 1974, an ISOS field project was com- pleted near McMurdo Sound to detcrmnie the feasibility of winter hydrography in the regions of bottom-water formation. Although this project yielded promising results, logistic con- straints prevented further measurements. ISOS Bibliography Baker, D. J., Jr. 1975: Ocean monitoring as an element in climate prediction, in Energy and Climate: Outer Limits to Growth? Report of the Geophysics Research Board of the National Academy of Sciences. Baker, D. J., Jr. 1975: U.S. contribution to Southern Ocean dynamics, Rev. Geophys. & Space Phys., 13(3) :61 5-617. Baker, D. J., Jr. 1975: Currents, fronts, and bottom water, Oceanus, 18(4):3-15. Gordon, Arnold L. 1975: Contributions of RV Conrad to F DRAKE, 1975. Antarctic J. of the U.S. 14(2): 142- 143. Figure 9. — Location of year-round measurements in Drake Passage during 1976. Triangles are current meter moorings. Each mooring had an Aanderaa current meter at 2,700 m; D, R, A, and E had another Aanderaa current meter at 500 m. Circles TG5 and TG6 are locations of shallow-water Aanderaa tide gauges. Squares PI, P2, and P3 are locations of deep-sea pressure gauges. P2 and P3 were at 500-m depth and PI at 1,700-m depth. 54° 56" 58^ 60" 62" 64° 66° 68° 2759/1 2808/50 \ 2792/34 a A6CN-1 2791/33 2771/13 2809/5 ^ ^. m ^ ^ Y^ 2767/9 !• * " ■.A6CN-4Sj 80" 75" 70" 65" 60" Figure 10. — RV PROFESSOR VIZE oceanographic observations in Drake Passage, January 1976. 22 Table 8.— U.S. institutions, investigators, and projects in ISOS program Organization Investigator Project title Columbia University, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory NOAA Data Buoy Office NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory Nova University Oregon State University Texas A&M University University of Southern California University of Washington Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution A. Gordon A. Gordon S. Jacobs J. Winchester S. Hayes M. Spillane J. Allen L. Gordon R. Pillsbury H. Bryden A. D. Kirwan W. D. Nowlin W. D. Nowlin T. Maxworthy T. Spence D. J. Baker D. J. Baker D. J. Baker R. Wearn T. Joyce M. McCartney Southern Ocean Atlas Investigation of Physical Oceanography of the North- west Scotia Sea and Falkland Plateau A Pilot Drifting Buoy Experiment in the Southern Ocean Circulation in the Upper Waters in the Antarctic Frontal Zone Quasigeostrophic Zonal Jets Theoretical Studies of Time-Dependent Flow in the Vicinity of Drake Passage Chemical Observations and Interrelationships in the Southern Ocean Study of the Long-Term Variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in the Drake Passage Southern Ocean Lagrangian Observations Central Administration, Coordination and Planning Chemical and Physical Oceanography of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and Frontal Zones: I. Observa- tions in the Drake Passage and Scotia Sea Laboratory Modelling Studies of the Antarctic Cir- cumpolar Current Coordination of Monitoring Activities and Liaison with the Polar Experiment of the Global Atmospheric Research Program Theoretical Workshops Transport Measurements of the Antarctic Circum- polar Current and Analysis of Existing Tidal and Meteorological Data Dynamical Observations at the Antarctic Polar Front Theoretical Modeling of Current-bottom Topography Interactions in the Southern Ocean Gordon, A. L. and E. Molinelli. 1975: USNS Eltanin Southern Ocean Oceanographic Atlas, Cruises 4-55, June 1962-November 1972, Lamont-Doherty Geological Ob- servatory Contribution No. 2256. Gordon, A. L. and H. W. Taylor. 1975: Seasonal change of Antarctic sea ice cover. Science 187:346-347. Kirwan, Jr., A. D. 1975: Oceanic velocity gradients. /. Phys. Oceanog. 5(4) :729-735. Lutjeharms, J. R. E. 1975: A catalog of available sea-level measurements in the southern oceans, informal report from Department of Oceanography, Univ. of Washington. Molinari, R. and A. D. Kirwan, Jr. 1975: Calculations of differential kinematic properties from lagrangian observa- tions in the Western Caribbean Sea, J. Phys. Oceanog. 5(3):483-491. Neal, V. T. 1974: International Southern Ocean Studies, 1974- 1975, Antarctic J. of the U.S., 9(6):289-290. 23 R V Thompson setting current meter mooring in Drake Passage, February 1976 24 Neal, V. T. 1974: Programme for International Southern Ocean Studies, Polar Record, 17(108):348-349. Nowlin, W. D., S. L. Patterson, R. D. Pillsbury, and G. C. Anderson. 1975: Contributions of RV Melville to F DRAKE 75, Antarctic J. of the U.S., X(4) : 144-146. Texas A & M University. 1975: ISOS Newsletter No. 1,6 pp., available from Department of Oceanography, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas. Texas A & M University. 1975: ISOS Newsletter No. 2, 10 pp., available from Department of Oceanography, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas. Treshnikov, A. F., E. I. Sarukhanyan, and N. P. Smimow. 1975: Study of the ACC structure and dynamics in the Drake Passage as reflected in the processes of sea/air interaction. Paper presented at ISOS workshop and Scien- tific Council meeting, Corvallis, Oregon, 15-26 September 1975, report of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Insti- tute, Leningrad. Wearn, R. B., and P. K. Park. 1975: Contributions of ARA IsLAs Orcadas to F DRAKE 75, Antarctic J. of the U.S. X(4): 141-142. Climate: Long-Range Investigation, Mapping.and Prediction (CLIMAP) Study CLIMAP research focuses on describing and explaining climatic changes over the last million years. Accurate descrip- tions of climatic change over that time scale will improve the CLIMAP scientists' understanding of transitions between what are considered to be the two stable states of global climate — the ice age and temperate periods. These studies will also increase knowledge about mechanisms of climatic change by comparing global climatic descriptions derived from data col- lection and analyses with those produced by computer models. A unique aspect of the CLIMAP study is that analyses of deep-sea sediments are used as the primary source of data. Deep-sea sediments are particularly useful as indicators of past climatic conditions for a variety of reasons. 1 ) They are not geographically restricted, and their global extent adds to their value as climatic indicators since the interchange of heat be- tween the world oceans and the atmosphere plays a dominant role in climatic variations. 2) Deep-sea sediments accumulate at a relatively constant and continuous rate that is uninterrupted for perhaps hundreds of thousands of years. 3) Their multivariate characteristics make possible a wide range of correlative inter- pretations, including chemical and physical properties, concen- trations of microfossils sensitive to differing combinations of surface or sea-bottom environmental factors, isotopic ratios, and other diverse indicators. Recent advances in CLIMAP research relate to the global climatic reconstruction programs which assemble synoptic rec- ords of data to reconstruct past changes and near equilibrium states of the global climate. Scientists at several institutions have formulated a model using quantitative geologic evidence to reconstruct the Earth's surface approximately 18,000 years ago, the time of maximum extent of continental glaciation in the last ice age. Climatic boundary conditions for the recon- struction were continental geography at a time of lowest sea levels, the albedo or light reflectance of glaciated and nonglaci- ated areas, the extent and elevation of permanent ice, and the sea-surface temperature pattern of the world ocean. Figure 1 1 shows the reconstructed surface for summer of ice-age earth 18,000 years ago applying the interpreted boundary conditions. Figure 12 shows the diff'erence between August sea-surface temperatures 18,000 years ago and present measurements. From these reconstructions it can be seen that 18,000 years ago the Earth's surface differed remarkably from present conditions. Huge land-based ice sheets with a corresponding increase in pack ice and marine-based ice sheets covered large areas in the Northern Hemisphere, while sea ice in the Southern Hemisphere showed a greater contrast in extent. The changes in land vegetation with grasslands and deserts spreading at the expense of forests, joined with the expanded areas of permanent ice to cause an increase in global surface albedo and a marked general cooling of the ocean's surface. The determination of the estimated boundary conditions on the Earth's surface during the maximum extent of glaciation 1 8,000 years ago has enabled CLIMAP researchers to develop a preliminary model of global atmospheric conditions including such elements as pressure, temperature, wind, cloudiness, and precipitation that enveloped ice-age Earth. The simulation of this model allows preliminary comparisons to be made with available paleoclimatic data, with the result that systematic investigations of paleoclimatic structures can be initiated. In addition to estimating boundary conditions and devel- oping global atmospheric models, other accomplishments of CLIMAP in the past year include: 1. Preparation of material for a second time-level recon- struction— the penultimate interglacial maximum, 120,000 B.P. (before present). 2. Preparation for final revised 18,000 B.P. reconstruction. 3. Development of techniques in using benthonic fauna to estimate bottom water characteristics. 4. Determination of periodicities in the climatic record that match precisely with periodicities of the Earth's orbital param- eters, (eccentricity, obliquity, and precession) during the last half million years. 5. Establishment of a precise chronology for climatic fluctua- tions in deep-sea cores during the last half million years. Future CLIMAP research plans are to improve the 18,000- B.P. August sea surface tempierature map and to complete the first global map of 18,000 B.P. February temperatures and albedos, providing CLIMAP's first look at seasonal contrasts in the ice-age world. This map will then be made available to various modeling groups at several institutions for develop- ment of general circulation models for that time interval. The documentation of global reconstruction of ice sheets at 18,000 B.P. and 120,000 B.P. is continuing. 25 Figure 11. — Sca-surlace tcmjjeratures, ice exJent. ice elevation, and continental albedo for Northern Hemisphere summer (August) 18,000 vars ago. See key on facing page. Figure 12. — Difference between August sea-surface temperatures 18,000 years ago and temperatures today. See key on facing page, 26 Key to figure 1 1 Contour intervals: for isotherms, T C; for ice elevation, 500 m. Continental outlines represent a sea-level lowering of 85 m. In northern Siberia, dotted lines indicate a recently revised estimate of the ice extent; solid lines indicate ice extent actually used in this experiment. Albedo values for nonglaciated land are in map legend. To aid in the visualiza- tion of the thermal gradient along the North Atlantic Polar Front, alternate contour lines have been omitted in the west- ern Atlantic. A. Snow, ice, etc.; albedo over 40%. Isolines showing ele- vation of the ice sheet above sea level in meters. B. Sandy deserts, patchy snow, snow covered dense conif- erous forests; albedo between 30% and 39%. C. Loess, steppes, semi-deserts, etc.; albedo between 25% and 29%. D. Savannas, dry grasslands, etc.; albedo between 20% and 24%. E. Forested and thickly vegetated land; albedo below 20% (mostly around 15-18%). F. Ice-free ocean and lakes, with isolines of sea-surface temperature in C, albedo below 10%. Key to figure 12 Contour interval is 2'C. Areas where temperature change was greater than 4'C are shown in light stipling. Ice-free land areas are shown in darker stipling. Continental and ice outlines conform to a grid spacing of 4 latitude by 5° longitude. Heavy solid lines indicate continental outlines; dashed lines are ice margins on land; dotted lines indicate sea-ice margins. Large dots mark locations of cores used in reconstructing sea-surface temperatures 18,000 years ago. Table 9.-CLIMAP Scientists Executive Committee J. Imbrie, Brown University J. Hays, Columbia University A. Mclntyre, Columbia University G. Denton, University of Maine Senior Scientific Investigators Brown University; W. Hutson, N. Kipp, R. Matthews, W. Prell Case Western University: H. Sachs Columbia University: A. Be, P. Biscaye, W. Broecker, L. Sure B. Molfino, H, Okada, N. Opdyke, P. H. Ping, T. Saito, S. University of Maine: B. Andersen, T. Hughes, W. Karlen, T. Oregon State University: L. Hogan University of Rhode Island: G. Heath National Corresponding Members W. Balsam, Southampton College R. Barry, University of Colorado M. Bender, University of Rhode Island M. Briskin, University of Cincinnati K. Bryan, GFDL/NOAA H. Fritts, University of Arizona J. Gardner, USGS W. Gates, RAND Corporation L. Heusser, Tuxedo, N.Y. J. Kennett, University of Rhode Island R. Ku, University of Southern Calif. J. Kutzbach, University of Wisconsin S. Manabe, GFDL/NOAA D. Schnitker, University of Maine H. Thierstein, Scripps Inst, of Oceanog. T. Moore, University of Rhode Island J. Thiede, Oregon State University R. Cline, Columbia University T. Webb kle, K. Geitzenauer, V. Kolla, G. Kukia, J. Lawrence, Y. H. Li, Streeter, P. Thompson, W. Ruddiman Kellogg, P. Mayewski International Corresponding Members B. Andersen, Universitetet i Bergen A, Berger, Univ. Cath. de Louvain K. Bjorklund, Universitetet i Bergen W. Dansgaard, University of Copenhagen J. Duplessey, Centre des Faibles Radioactivities W. Karlen, Universitetet i Bergen H. Lamb, University of East Anglia J. Lozano, Universidad Nacional de Columbia B. Luz, Hebrew University of Jerusalem M. Sarnthein, Geol. Paleont. Institut H. Schrader, Geologisch-Palaontologisches Institut, Kiel N. Shackleton, University of Cambridge E. Siebold, Geologisch-Palaontologisches Institut, Kiel T. Van der Hammen, Universiteit van Amsterdam T. Wjimstra. Universiteit van Amsterdam CLIMAP is supported by the NSF Office of the IDOE and the NSF Office for Climate Dynamics. Table 9 lists the executive committee, senior scientific investigators, and national and international corresponding members. CLIMAP Data The following data are available from EDS' National Geo- graphical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center. 27 CLIMAP: Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatorp, J. Hays. Magnetic tape containing 10,072 data entries. CLIMAP: Lamont-Doherty Geological Observtaory, J. Hays. Updated magnetic tape containing 11,857 data entries. CLIMAP Bibliography Andrews, J. T., S. Funder, C. Hjort, and J. Imbrie. 1974: Comparison of the glacial chronology of eastern Bafiin Island, East Greenland, and the Camp Century accumu- lation record, Geol. 2(7):355-358. Be, A. W. H., J. Damuth, L. Lott, and R. Free. 1976: Late Quaternary climatic record in western Equatorial Atlantic sediments, in Investigation of Late Quaternary Paleocean- ography and Paleoclimatology, R. M. Cline and J. D. Hays (eds.), Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem. 145:165-200. Bender, J. L., F. T. Taylor, and R. K. Matthews. 1973: Helium- uranium dating of corals from Middle Pleistocene Bar- bados reef tracts. Quaternary Res. 3(1): 142-146. Birks, H. J. B., T. Webb, III, and A. A. Berti. 1975: Numerical analysis of pollen samples from central Canada: a com- parison of methods. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 20:133-169. Biscaye, Pierre E., Roger Chesselet, and Joseph M. Porospero. 1974: Rb-Sr, "^'Sr/^^Sr isotope system as an index of provenance of continental dusts in the open Adantic Ocean, Jour, de Recherches Atmospheriques, viii( 3-4) : 819-829. Bjorklund, K. R. 1974: The seasonal occurrence and depth zonation of radiolarians in Korsfjorden, Western Norway, Sarsia 56:13-^2. Burckle, L. H. 1972: Diatom evidence bearing on the Holocene in the South Adantic, Quaternary Res. 2:323—326. CLIMAP, 1976: The surface of the ice-age earth, Science, 191(4232):1131-1137. Davis, Ronald B. and Thompson Webb, III. 1975: The con- temporary distribution of pollen in eastern North America: a comparison with the vegetation. Quaternary Res. 5: 395-434. Denton, G. H. and W. Karlen. 1973: Holocene climatic varia- tions— their pattern and possible cause. Quaternary Res. 3(2): 155-205. Denton, G. H. and W. Karlen. 1973: Lichenometry: Its appli- cation to Holocene moraine studies in southern Alaska and Swedish Lapland Arctic and Alpine Res. 5(4): 347-372. Denton, G. H. 1974: Quaternary glaciations of the White River Valley, Alaska, with a regional synthesis for the Northern St. Elias Mountains, Alaska and Yukon Territory, Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. 85(6) :871-892. Diester-Haas, L., H. J. Schrader, and J. Thiede. 1973: Sedi- mentological and paleoclimatological investigations of two pelagic ooze cores off Cape Barbas, Northwest Africa, "Meteor" Forsch. Ergebn., CI 6, 19-66, Berline-Stuttgart (in association with CLIMAP). Dymond, J., P. E. Biscaye, and R. Rex. 1974: Eolian origin of mica in Hawaiian soils, Geol. Soc. Amer. Bidl. 85(1): 37-^0. Gardner, J. V. 1975: Later Pleistocene carbonate dissolution cycles in the eastern equatorial Atlantic, in dissolution of deep-sea carbonates, W. V. Sliter, A. W. H. Be, and W. H. Berger (eds.), Cushman Foundation for Fora- miniferal Res. Spec. Pub. No. 13, 142-150. Gardner, J. V. and L. H. Burckle. 1975: Upper Pleistocene Ethmodiscus rex oozes from the eastern equatorial Atlantic, Micropaleontology 21 (2) :236-242. Gardner, J. V. and J. D. Hays. 1976: The eastern equatorial Atlantic: Sea-surface temperature and circulation re- sponses to global climatic change during the past 200,000 years, in Investigation of Late Quaternary Paleoceanog- raphy and Paleoclimatology, R. M. Cline and J. D. Hays (eds.), Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem. 145:221-246. Gates, W. L. and J. Imbrie. 1975: Climatic Change, Rev. Geophys. Space Phys. 13(3) :726-826. Gates, W. L. 1976: Modeling the ice-age climate, Science 191 (4232): 1138-1 144. Geitzenauer, K., M. Roche, and A. Mclntyre. 1976: Modern Pacific coccolith assemblages: Derivation and application to Late Pleistocene paleotemperature analysis, in Inves- tigation of Late Quaternary Paleoceanography and Paleo- climatology, R. M. Cline and J. D. Hays (eds.), Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem. 145:423-448. Hays, J. D., J. Lozano, N. J. Shackleton, and G. Irving. 1976: An 18,000-year B.P. reconstruction of the Atlantic and Western Indian sectors of the Antarctic Ocean, in Inves- tigation of Late Quaternary Paleoceanography and Paleo- climatology, R. M. Cline and J. D. Hays (eds.), Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem. 145:337-372. Heath, G. R., T. C. Moore, and P. Dauphin. 1976: Late Pleistocene-Holocene variations in the accumulation rates of opal, quartz, organic carbon, and calcium carbonate in the Cascadia Basin area, northeast Pacific, in Investi- gation of Late Quarternary Paleoceanography and Paleo- climatology, R. M. Cline and J. D. Hays (eds.), Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem. 145:393^10. Imbrie, J., J. van Donk, and N. G. Kipp. 1973: Paleoclimatic investigation of a Late Pleistocene Caribbean deep-sea core: comparison of isotopic and faunal methods. Quater- nary Res. 3(1): 10-38. Imbrie, J., W. Broecker, and others. 1975: A survey of past climates. Appendix A, in National Academy of Sciences "Understanding Climatic Change: A program for Action," Panel on Climatic Variation, U.S. Committee for GARP, NAS, Washington, D.C. Karlen, W. 1973: Holocene glacier and climatic variations, Kebnekaise Mountains, Swedish Lapland, Geografiska Annaler 55A, (l):29-63. Kellogg, T. B. 1975: Late Quaternary climatic changes in the Norwegian and Greenland Seas, in Climate of the Arctic, G. Weller and S. A. Bowling (eds.). Proceedings of the 24th Alaskan Scientific Conf., 1973, Fairbanks, Geo- physical Institute, University of Alaska, pp. 3-36. Kellogg, T. B. 1976: Late Quaternary climatic changes: Evi- dence from Norwegian and Greenland Sea deep-sea cores, in Investigation of Late Quaternary Paleoceanography and 28 Paleoclimatology, R. M. Cline and J. D. Hays (eds.), Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem. 145:77-110. Kipp, N. G. 1976: New Transfer function for estimating past sea-surface conditions from the sea-bed distribution of Planktonic Foraminiferal assemblages in the North Atlan- tic, in Investigation of Late Quaternary Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, R. M. Cline and J. D. Hays (eds.), Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem. 145:3-42. Kukla, G. J. and A. Koci. 1972: End of the last interglacial in the loess record, Quaternary Res. 2(3) :374-383. Kukla, G. J. and H. J. Kukla. 1972: Insolation regime of interglacials, Quaternary Res. (3):412-424. Kukla, G. J. and R. K. Matthews. 1972: When will the present interglacial end? Science 178(4057) : 190-191. Kukla, G. J., R. K. Matthews, and J. M. Mitchell, Jr. 1972: Guest editorial: The end of the present interglacial. Quaternary Res. 2(3):261-269. Kukla, G. J. and H. J. Kukla. 1974: Increased surface albedo in the northern hemisphere. Science 183:709-714. Kukla, G. J. 1975: Loess stratigraphy of Central Europe, in After the Australopithecines, K. W. Butzer and G. L. Issac (eds.), pp. 99-188, Mouton Publishers, The Hague. Kukla, G. J. 1975: Missing link between Milankovitch and climate, Nature 253(5493) :600-603. Kulm, L. D., J. M. Resig, T. C. Moore, Jr., and V. J. Rosato. 1974: Transfer of Nazca Ridge pelagic sediments to the Peru continental margin, Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. 85(5): 769-780. Lozano, J. and J. D. Hays. 1976: The relationship of radiolarian assemblages to sediment types and physical oceanography in the Atlantic and western Indian sectors of the Antarctic Ocean, in Investigation of Late Quaternary Paleoceanog- raphy and Paleoclimatology, R. M. Cline and J. D. Hays (eds.), Geol Soc. Amer. Mem. 145:303-336. Luz, B. 1973: Stratigraphic and paleoclimatic analysis of Late Pleistocene tropical southeast Pacific cores (with an Ap- pendix by N. J. Shackleton), Quaternary Res. 3(1): 56-72. Luz, B. and N. J. Shackleton. 1975: CaCOt solution in the tropical east Pacific during the last 130,000 years, in Dis- solution of deep-sea carbonates, W. V. Sliter, A. W. H. Be, and W. H. Berger (eds.), Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Res. Spec. Pub. No. 13, 142-150. Mclntyre, A. and W. F. Ruddiman. 1972: Northeast Atlantic post-Eemian paleoceanography: a predictive analog of the future, Quaternary Res. 2:350-354. Mclntyre, A., N. G. Kipp, A. W. H. Be, T. J. Crowley, T. Kellogg, J. V. Gardner, W. Prell, and W. F. Ruddiman. 1976: The glacial North Atlantic 18,000 years ago: A CLIMAP reconstruction, in Investigation of Late Quater- nary Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, R. M. Cline and J. D. Hays (eds.), Geol. Soc. Ainer. Mem. 145:43-76. Matthews, R. K. 1972: Dynamics of the ocean-cryosphere system: Barbados data, Quaternary Res. 2(3) :368-373. Matthews, R. K. 1973: Relative elevation of Late Pleistocene high set level stands: Barbados uplift rates and their implications. Quaternary Res. 3(1): 147-153. Moore, Jr., T. C. 1973: Late Pleistocene-Holocene Oceano- graphic changes in the northeastern Pacific, Quaternary Res. 3{1) -.99-109. Moore, Jr., T. C. 1973: Method of randomly distributing grains for microscopic examination, /. Sed. Petrol. 43(3) :904- 906. Ninkovich, D. and N. J. Shackleton. 1975: Distribution, strati- graphic position, and age of ash layer "L" in the Panama Basin Region, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 27:20-34. Ninkovich, D. and J. H. Robertson. 1975: Volcanogenic effects on the rates of deposition of sediments in the N.W. Pacific Ocean, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 27:127-136. Pisias, N. J., P. Dauphin, and C. Sancetta. 1973: Spectral analysis of Late Pleistocene-Holocene sediments. Quater- nary Res. 3(l):3-9. Pisias, N. 1975: Late Quaternary variations in sedimentation rate in the Panama Basin and the identification of orbital frequencies in carbonate and opal deposition rates, in Investigation of Late Quaternary Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, R. M. Cline and J. D. Hays (eds.), Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem. 145:375-392. Pisias, N. J., G. R. Heath, and T. C. Moore, Jr. 1975: Lag times for oceanic responses to climatic change. Nature 256:716-717. Prell, W.. J. V. Gardner, A. W. H. Be, and J. D. Hays. 1975: Equatorial Atlantic and Caribbean faunas, temperatures, and circulation: interglacial versus glacial, in Investigation of Late Quaternary Paleoceanography and Paleoclima- tology, R. M. Cline and J. D. Hays (eds.), Geol. Soc. ■ Amer. Mem. 145:247-266. Prell, W. and J. D. Hays. 1975: Late Pleistocene faunal and temperature patterns of the Colombia Basin, Caribbean Sea, in Investigation of Late Quaternary Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, R. M. Cline and J. D. Hays (eds.), Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem. 145:201-220. Roche, M., A. Mclntyre, and J. Imbrie. 1975: Quantitative paleoceanography of Late Pleistocene-Holocene North Atlantic: Coccolith evidence, in Late Neogene Epoch Boundaries, T. Saito and L. Burckle (eds.), pp. 199-225. Ruddiman, W. F. and A. Mclntyre. 1973: Time-transgressive deglacial retreat of polar waters from the North Atlantic, Quaternary Res. 3:117-130. Ruddiman, W. F. and A. Mclntyre. 1976: Northeast Atlantic Paleoclimatic changes over the last 600,000 years, in Investigation of Late Quaternary Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, R. M. Cline and J. D. Hays (eds.), Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem. 145:111-146. Sachs, H. M. 1973: North Pacific radiolarian assemblages and their relationship to oceanographic parameters, Quaternary Res. 3:73-88. Sachs, H. M. 1973: Late Pleistocene history of the North Pacific: Evidence from a quantitative study of Radiolaria in core V21-173, Quaternary Res. 3:89-98. Sachs, H. M. 1975: Radiolarian-based estimate of North 29 Pacific summer sea-surface temperature regime during the latest glacial maximum, in Climate of the Arctic, G. Weller and S. A. Bowling (eds.). Proceedings of the 24th Alaskan Scientific Conf., 1973, Fairbanks, Geophy. Inst., Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska, pp. 37-42. Sancetta, C, J. Imbrie, N. G. Kipp, A. Mclntyre, and W. F. Ruddiman. 1972: Climatic record in North Atlantic deep- sea core V23-82: comparison of the last and present interglacials based on quantitative time series, Quaternary Res. 2:363-367. Sancetta, C, J. Imbrie, and N. G. Kipp. 1973: Climatic record of the past 130,000 years in North Atlantic deep-sea core V23-82: correlation with the terrestrial record, Quater- nary Res. 3(1):110-116. Shackleton, N. J. and N. D. Opdyke. 1973: Oxygen isotope and paleomagnetic stratigraphy of Equatorial Pacific core V28-238: oxygen isotope temperatures and ice volumes on a 10^ and 10" year scale. Quaternary Res. 3(l):39-55. Shackleton, N. J. and N. D. Opdyke. 1976: Oxygen isotope and paleomagnetic stratigraphy of Pacific core V2 8-239: Late Pliocene to Latest Pleistocene, in Investigation of Late Quaternary Paleoceanography and PaleocHmatology, R. M. Cline and J. D. Hays (ed.), Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem. 145:449-464. Steinen, R. P., R. S. Harrison, and R. K. Matthews. 1973: Eustatic low stand of sea level between 125,000 and 105,000 B.P.: evidence from the subsurface of Barbados, West Indies, Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. 84(l):63-70. Steinen, R. P., and R. K. Matthews, 1973: Phreatic vs. vadose diagenesis: Stratigraphy and mineralogy of a cored bore- hole on Barbados, W.I., /. Sed. Petrol. 43(4): 1012-1020. Streeter, S. S. 1973: Bottom water and benthonic foraminifera in the North Atlantic — glacial-interglacial contracts, Quaternary Res. 3:131-141. Thiede, J. 1975: Distribution foraminifera in surface waters of a coastal upwelling area, Nature 253(5494) :712-714. Thiede, J. 1975: Shell-and-skeleton-producing plankton and nekton in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean, "Meteor" Forsch. Ergebn., C(20):33-79. Thompson, P. R. 1974: Pacific Pleistocene sediments: Plank- tonic foraminifera dissolution cycles and geochronology, Geol. 2(7):333-335. Van Donk, Jr., J. 1976: An O'* record of the Atlantic Ocean for the entire Pleistocene, in Investigation of Late Quater- nary Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, R. M. Cline and J. D. Hays (eds.), Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem. 145; 147-164. Venkatarathnam, K. and P. Biscaye. 1973: Clay mineralogy and sedimentation in the eastern Indian Ocean, Deep-Sea Res. 20:727-738. Webb, III, T. and J. H. McAndrews. 1976: Corresponding patterns of contemporary pollen and vegetation in central North America, in Investigation of Late Quaternary Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, R. M. Cline and J. D. Hays (eds.), Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem. 145:267-300. 30 Seabed Assessment Program This program has as its objective the resolution of questions concerning geologic processes along continental margins, mid- ocean ridges, and deep-ocean basins. A better understanding of sea-floor processes will help in locating hydrocarbon and metal- lic accumulations and other products of economic significance. The subprograms are broadly grouped as Continental Margin Studies, Plate Tectonics and Metallogenesis Studies, and the Manganese Nodule Study. Projects supported by IDOE are, whenever possible, based on recommendations prepared by participants in scientific work- shops sponsored by UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceano- graphic Commission (IOC). Scientists from universities, gov- ernment, and industry, who are investigating the phenomena of interest, are invited to participate in the workshops. Objectives are to determine the present status of knowledge within the related scientific discipline, identify major gaps in what is known, recommend needed research, and develop a strategy for conducting studies. International cooperation and participation is emphasized. Exchange of personnel among countries is en- couraged, but each country is expected to bear its own share of the cost. To carry out the studies, a few large scale projects are supported that require the cooperative efforts of several institu- tions and several nations. In some cases, one topic is investi- gated in a single geographic area, such as continental margin work in the South Atlantic, metallogenesis in the FAMOUS area, and manganese nodule studies in the North Central Pacific. Due to the international nature of continental margin studies and metallogenesis. they are investigated in the same broad geographic areas, e.g. Nazca Plate Studies and Studies in East Asia Tectonics and Resources (SEATAR). Consideration has been given to investigating the occurrence of the same phenom- ena (manganese nodules, subduction zones etc.) in different parts of the world to make comparative studies. This idea has not proven logistically feasible. Continental Margin Studies Continental margins can be classified as passive and active types. Passive margins characterize the Atlantic Ocean; active margins, the Pacific Ocean rim. Studies of the eastern and south- west Atlantic continental margins were completed in 1976. Of special concern in these programs were the processes and structural features that controlled the distribution of sediments along the margins of the Atlantic Ocean during its early stages of opening. It was during these early stages that conditions were most favorable for the formation and entrapment of oil. African Atlantic Margin This study is divided into three major phases: 1) South Africa to Walvis Ridge; 2) Angola to Sierra Leone; and 3) Senegal to Portugal. The Senegal to Portugal portion of the study was recently completed (fig. 13). Some general conclusions can now be drawn about the origin and development of the African Atlantic Margin. Studies of both the sea floor and land arch suggest that basement struc- ture resulted from the breakup of Gonwanaland and dispersion of fragments to their present position. Most of the disper- sion occurred in the last 150 million years. African Atlantic Margin Technical and Data Reports Emery, K. O. 1973: Review of the results from the Eastern Atlantic Continental Margin Program of the International Decade of Ocean Exploration, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Tech. Rep. Ref. No. WHOI-73-75. Rona, Peter A. 1972: Exploration methods for continental shelf: geology, geophysics, geochemistry, NO A A Tech. Rep. ERL 238-AOML 8. 47 pp. Uchupi, E., K. O. Emery, C. O. Bowin, and J. D. Phillips. 1975: The continental margin off Western Africa: Senegal to Portugal, WHOI Contribution No. 3618, Ref. No. WHOI-75-43. 201 pp. Southwest Atlantic Continental Margin This IDOE project, begun in 1972, complements the work along the East Atlantic to reconstruct the various stages of opening of the South Atlantic Ocean. A team of scientists from Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory (LDGO) worked from the Scotia Arc at the southern tip of Argentina to the Caribbean off the northeast coast of Brazil. Another group of scientists from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) investigated the shallow water continental shelf off Brazil. These studies were carried out in cooperation with scientists from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and the United Kingdom. The in- vestigation of the Scotia Arc involved primarily land work in cooperation with Antarctic investigations by United Kingdom scientists. The participants have sought to determine the struc- ture and early history of the continental margins of both Brazil and Argentina. Researchers prior to this past year have esti- mated the age and evolution of the Amazon cone and struc- tures on the Brazilian continental shelf, explored sedimentation processes on the eastern margins of Brazil, and conducted ex- tensive geological and geophysical studies on the continental rise and slope off Argentina. More recent studies have focused on a zone of diapiric structures present within a region of known continental shelf salt and associated evaporities on the margin of eastern Brazil. Lamont-Doherty scientists are attempting to outline the Brazilian diapiric zone and to compare it with a similar zone located on the west African margin in efforts to determine if the west African and Brazilian diapiric zones may have at one time formed a single province prior to the separation of the two continents. Of additional interest in mapping the diapiric zone is the possible association of petroleum deposits with salt diapirs, as is found in other regions like the Gulf of Mexico. 31 5° Figure 13. — African Atlantic Margin Project. Using seismic reflection and refraction data collected dur- ing cruises over the past 3 years (fig. 14), Lamont-Doherty scientists determined that a diapiric zone extends along the Brazilian margin for approximately 18'' of latitude (fig. 15). At its southern end, the zone is approximately 350 miles wide where it forms the Sao Paulo plateau. A comparison of the Brazilian diapiric zone boundaries with the west African zone, which extends 12 of latitude between Equatorial Guinea and Angola, suggests that in early Cretaceous time the two zones were contiguous and the salt deposits resulted from restricted circulation of marine waters that were enriched in minerals by volcanism during the development of the South Atlantic Ocean. Investigations of the continental margins of the South Atlantic under the Seabed Assessment and other programs served as excellent site surveys for subsequent Deep-Sea Drill- ing programs. Three legs were drilled in the South Atlantic. Leg 59 drilled along the coast of Brazil (Sao Paulo and Rio Grande Rise ) and the Argentina basin. Leg 60 drilled off south- west A.frica (Walvis Ridge and Angola Basin). Leg 61 drilled a series of sites olT northwest Africa. Much of the geophysical data is now being correlated with the drilling data. Perhaps the most significant discovery was the widespread occurrence of black shale in the lower part of the geological section, evidence that the nascent Atlantic was cut off from circulation with the open ocean. The Walvis Ridge and Rio Grande Rise appear to have formed a continuous barrier that separated the Cape- Argentine Basin from the Angola-Brazil Basin and produced wide-spread stagnant water conditions (fig. 16). These basins, separated by the ridges, were in eflfect suffocated by lack of oxygen for a period of 20 million years. Similar environments exist today in the Black Sea where black oil shale forms on the ocean bottom. Such conditions appear to have produced vast deposits of black oil shale in the early Atlantic basins. Geologic processes, however, failed to provide the heat necessary to reduce the oil shale to usable oil. Studies from the sea floor and land area of South Africa suggest that basement structures are the result of the breakup of Gonwanaland and the dispersion of the fragments to their present position. Most of this dispersion has taken place since the mid-Jurassic. Block faulting and volcanism along the frac- ture zones that delineate the flow lines of the drifting continents produced the Walvis Ridge, Cape Rise, and Agulhas Plateau. Igneous activity during the early phase of opening of the South Atlantic may have led to emplacement of ridges parallel to the coastline. These served as dams behind which thick deposits of sediments accumulated. These sediments, which form the con- tinental margins, had their sources in the major west-flowing rivers that drained the interior of Africa: the Orange River in 32 10" 20° 30° SALVADOR RIO DE JANEIRO PORTO ALEGRE Figure 14. — Lamonf-Doherty geophysical cruises on easfern Brazil margin to IVlay 1974. Most coverage within 200 miles of the coast was within last 3 years under I DOE Program. 10° 20° 30° SALVADOR Salt Edge llllllllllllll Basement Ridge 200-Meter Contour - PORTO ALEGRE 35" Figure 15. — Boundary of Brazilian diapiric zone and salt deposits. Basement ridge is southeast edge of Sao Paulo plateau. X \fl}]j ANGOLA- v^ E SmJ^ BRAZIL 11 -*\^ BASIN I'l RIO GRANDE //I m RISE — T't^&Tv? walvis y =====^ \ /'^"xMX RIDGE \( 1* 1\ )i ^\ 5 |V £2 ^ t \) \^\ y^^>-0 I \ ^ — ' \ ^''^.^--i^^ ci \ i °\ V\. .^ ^ ^^ / 9\ ^ Jy^ \ . / 2 CAPE ^^S^ \ ' ^ // ARGENTINE ^i(^s\ i < \\ BASIN j/[J> J \\ \ ^^^7°'"'^^ /''"'^FALKLAND V\. / ^-""^ \ /^ PLATEAU ( )M \s. \c~~,F s^ ^^?lf-'V Figure 16. — Paleogeographic features of South Atlantic sea floor — Cape- Argentine Basin, Walvis Ridge/ Rio Grande Rise, and Angola-Brazil Basin. the southwest and the Niger-Benue at the bight. Off the northern bulge, where fluvial influx was lacking, the sedimentary blanket is dominantly calcareous. Later stages of deposition are repre- sented by cvaporites. Seismic reflection profiles indicate that the Mesozoic-Cenozoic sediment blanket is thickest beneath the outer continental shelf and upper slope. In various areas in- creased sediment thicknesses have been observed and in some instances these have been intruded by salt structures of possible Triassic to Jurassic age. However, salt diapirs appear to be restricted to coastal basins and their extensions on the inner shelf. The major changes in the continental margins appear to be related to sea level variations, orogenies in the Tertiary caused by the convergence of the African and Iberian plates, and changes in deep bottom-water circulation. Some coastal defor- mation may have been caused by salt tectonics rather than Tertiary orogenies. Southwest Atlantic Margin Bibliography Bryan, G. M., N. Kumar, and P. J. M. de Castro. 1972: The North Brazilian ridge and the extension of Equatorial frac- 33 ture zones into the continent, Trans. 26th Brazilian Geol. Congr. pp. 133-144. Buhl. P., P. L. Stoffa, and G. M. Bryan. 1974: The application of Homomorphic deconvolution to shallow-water marine seismology, Part II — Real data, Geophys. 39(4) : 41 7-426. Dalziel, I. W. D., 1794, Evolution of the margin of the Scotia Sea in Geology of Continental Margins, C. Burke and C. Drake (eds.), Springer Verlag, N.Y., pp. 567-579. Dalziel, I W. D., M. J. de Wit, and K. F. Palmer. 1974: Fossil marginal basin in the Southern Andes, Nature 250:291- 294. Dalziel, I. W. D., R. W. Dott, Jr., R. D. Winn, Jr., and R. L. Bruhn. 1975: Tectonic relations of South Georgia Island to the southernmost Andes, Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. 86: 1034-1040. ' Damuth, J. E. and N. Kumar. 1975: Late Quaternary deposi- tional processes on continental rise of Western Equatorial Atlantic: Comparison with Western North Atlantic and implications for reservoir-rock distribution, Amer. Assoc. Pet. Geol. Bull. 59(ll):Pt. I of II. Damuth, J. E. and N. Kumar. 1975: Amazon cone: Morphol- ogy, sediments, age, and growth pattern, Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. 86:863-878. Damuth, J. E. and M. A. Gorini. 1976: The Equatorial Mid- Ocean Canyon: a relict deep-sea channel on the Brazilian Continental Margin, Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. 87:340-346. Fainstein, R., J. D. Miliiman, and H. Jost. 1975: Magnetic character of the Brazilian continental shelf and upper slope. Rev. Bras. Geoc. 5(3) : 198-21 1. Leyden, R. and J. R. Nunes. 1973: Diapiric structures offshore southern Brazil, Trans. 26th Brazilian Geol. Congr. pp. 45-50. Leyden, R., H. Asmus, S. Zembruscki, and G. M. Bryan. 1976: South Atlantic diapiric structures, Amer. Assoc. Pet. Geol. Bull. 60:196-212. Miliiman, J. D. and H. T. Barretto. 1975: Relict magnesian calcite oolite and subsidence of- the Amazon shelf, Sedi- mentology 22:137-145. Miliiman, J. D. and E. Boyle. 1975: Biological uptake of dis- solved silica in the Amazon River estuary, Science 189 (4207):995-997. Miliiman, J. D. and C. P. Summerhayes (eds). 1975: Upper Continental Margin Sedimentation off Brazil, Contr. Sedi- mentology 4, 175 pp. Part 1. Background, J. D. Miliiman and H. T. Barretto, pp. 1-10; Part 2. Northern Brazil, L. A. Barreto, J. D. Miliiman, C. A. B. Amaral, and O Francisconi, pp. 1 1-43; Part 3. Salvador to Fortaleza, Northeastern Brazil, C. P. Summerhayes, N. B. Continho, A. M. C. Franca, and J. P. Ellis, pp. 44-77; Part 4. Salvador to Vitoria, Southeastern Brazil, U. Meo, C. P. Summerhayes, and J. P. Ellis, pp. 78-1 16; Part 5. Southern Brazil, J. Da Rocha, J. D. Miliiman, C. I. Santana, and M. A. Vicaivi, pp. 117-150; Part 6. Synthesis, J. D. Miliiman, pp. 151-175. Miliiman, J. D., C. P. Summerhayes, and H. T. Barretto. 1975: Oceanography and suspended matter in the surface waters off the Amazon River, February-March 1973, /. Sed. Pet. 45:89-206. Miliiman, J. D., C. P. Summerhayes, and H. T. Barretto, 1975: Quaternary sedimentation on the Amazon continental margin: a model, Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. 86:610-614. Stoffa, P. L., P. Buhl, and G. M. Bryan. 1974: The application of homomorphic deconvolution to shallow-water marine seismology Part I — Models, Geophys. 39(4) :401-416. Stoffa, P. L., P. Buhl, and G. M. Bryan. 1974: Cepstrum alias- ing and the calculation of the Hilbert Transform, Geophys. 39(4): 543-544. Summerhayes, C. P. and J. D. Miliiman. 1974: Sedimentary patterns on the Brazilian continental shelf, Geol. Soc. Amer. Abstracts With Programs 6(7): 977-978. Use of Multichannel Seismic Systems To acoustically penetrate the thick sedimentary sections along the continental margins and record the stratigraphic changes, multichannel seismic systems must be employed. Such systems have long been used by the oil industry, but the enor- mous expense of acquisition, operation of the system, and data processing has limited their application by oceanographic re- search institutions. The office of I DOE supported development of a 6-channel seismic system at WHOI. The University of Texas (Galveston) received as a gift a 24-channel system and an office data- processing system. IDOE provided support to both institutions to test these systems at sea. WHOI tested their system off Georges Bank in an area where oil companies made survey results (obtained with 24- channel systems ) available as a guide and comparison. This multi- channel seismic system was used in the Georges Bank region to determine the seaward extension of Triassic structures in the Gulf of Maine, the westward extension of diapiric structures on the Scotian shelf, and the relation between the structural ridge on the seaward edge of Georges Bank and the diapiric ridge off Browns Bank. Previous seismic studies off eastern North America, to interpret the structure of the basement underlying the con- tinental margin, were restricted to the Gulf of Maine, where the sediment blanket is thin enough to be penetrated by a single- channel seismic system. However, the basement structures sea- ward of the Gulf of Maine are masked by Jurassic-Cenozoic deposits as great as 10 km in thicknessss, too massive to be acoustically transparent to a single-channel seismic system. By using a six-channel system, investigators are de- termining whether basement structures of the outer con- tinental shelf resulted from tectonic episodes of faulting and basaltic intrusion during separation of the North American and African continents or from vertical migration of sediments. Seismic survey lines will be extended to Browns Bank on the Scotian Shelf to correlate stratigraphic data from a previously drilled deep hole. Data obtained from this investigation and that obtained earlier in the Gulf of Maine will be used to develop a tectonic model of the North American margin. The data will also be used to compile accurate paleographic maps of the Atlantic region prior to formation of the present Atlantic Ocean. The University of Texas (Galveston) tested its 24-channel seismic system in the western Gulf of Mexico as part of an investigation of the deep structure of the Gulf. The collected 34 Multichannel seismic system tested by WHOI off Georges Bank data extends from the abyssal plains of the Sigsbee Deep and along thesedimentary section under the Mexican Ridges. Plate Tectonics and Metallogenesis Studies There is increasing evidence that the processes creating new sea floor along the spreading centers and its consumption in the deep ocean trenches are uniquely related to formation of certain types of mineral deposits. Scientists studying the Mid- Atlantic Ridge, the Nazca Plate, and the Galapagos Rift Zone are examining the sequence of rock units present and the role of sea-floor hydrothermal circulation in the formation of metalliferous sediment deposits. The Nazca Plate Study and East Asia Study allow scientists to relate the processes of sub- duction to mineral deposits in the overlying land masses, and metallogenesis in the overlying land masses. East and Southeast Asia A workshop on metallogenesis and tectonic patterns in east and southeast Asia was convened September 1973 in Bangkok, Thailand, under the cosponsorship of the Committee for Co- ordination of Joint Processing for Mineral Resources in Asia Offshore Areas, the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, and the NSF Office for IDOE. The purpose of this workshop was to consider the tectonic development of eastern Asia and its relation to metalliferous ore and hydrocarbon genesis. Early in the planning phase it was recognized that an ade- quate synthesis of marine geological and geophysical data for the region did not exist. To gain a thorough understanding of the known tectonic patterns, particularly of the marine areas, and to make efficient application of existing data, it was strongly recommended that efforts be made to compile existing informa- tion for the east and southeast Asian areas. This summary will lead to the production of an atlas of marine geological and geophysical data for the seas of the east Asia region. Scientists at Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 'Woods Hole Oceanographic Insti- tution, and Cornell University are involved in the compilation program. Based on this synopsis of existing data, field programs have been initiated in the Philippine, Banda, and Sunda Arc regions (fig. 17). Scientists from Lamont, Scripps, UCLA, and the Colorado School of Mines are working with Philippine counter- parts to obtain better information about the processes that con- trol metal distribution on the island of Luzon. This work will be closely coordinated with marine studies of the Philippine Sea in an attempt to relate both subduction and the tectonic history of this area to metal distribution patterns. Marine geophysical and geological studies and island map- ping programs are being carried out in the Banda and Sunda arc regions. Scientists from Scripps and Woods Hole, and also Indonesia will be carrying out a joint study of the structure 35 90° 95° 100° 105° 110° 115° 120° 125° 130° 135° 140° 145°150° Figure 17. — Six major transects selected for geophysical and geological studies on nietallogenesis, hydrocarbons, and tectonic patterns in east and southeast Asia. (Geotimes December 1975). and tectonics of the Banda Sea region during a two-ship pro- gram in the area in late 1976. Researchers at Cornell and Scripps will be cooperating in a study of the deformation along the inner wall of the Java Trench. Scientists doing field work on islands have examined deformed, uplifted trench sediments. Preparation of a Heat Flow Map for the area is under way. In addition to data collected at sea, scientists at Scripps and In- donesia are measuring heat flow from oil wells in Indonesia. In a parallel program, scientists from Japan are making measure- ments in Thailand both on land, in the Gulf of Thailand and in the Andaman Sea. Successful completion of these cooperative efforts should produce the world's second (after North America) most complete heat flow map. East and Southeast Asia Bibliography D. E. Hayes. 1975: U.S. proposal, East and Southeast Asia, Geotimes 20(12) -.Il-IA. Nazca Plate Studies of the Nazca Plate by scientists of the Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Oregon State University have con- centrated on the structure and tectonics along the Peru-Chile Trench and the formation of metalliferous sediments along the East Pacific Rise. Data obtained by the ASPER (Airgun- Sonobuoy-Precision-Echo-Recorder) technique — which provides greater detail of the crustal structure than that obtained from two-ship refraction surveys — indicate faulting of the oceanic crust during subduction. A major offset in crustal layers 300 km west of the trench axis is interpreted as a low angle thrust fault dipping eastward at an average angle of 6° beneath the sea floor. This may indicate that horizontal compression extends to the base of the oceanic crust. The coast of western South America is composed of three distinct segments. In the northern (4° to 20°S) and southern (28° to 34°S) segments there is evidence that significant amounts of sediments are accreted to the inner wall of the trench. The central segment (20° to 28°S) appears to be an area of nonaccrction and possibly of erosion. Sediment is sub- ducted along with the oceanic crust. Analyses of extensive sediment samples from the plate indicate that the metal deposits are derived from four distinct sources: hydrothermal, detrital, hydrogenous, and biogenic. The distribution and relative percentage of each metal in a sample is controlled by: 1) supply from the four basic sources, 2) lateral transport by bottom currents, and 3) diagenesis of unstable metalliferous hydroxide in surface sediments to more stable mineral phases, Fe, Mn, and Cu, which are dominantly of hydrothermal origin across most of the plate. Zn also is of dominantly hydrothermal origin, except on the northern por- tion of the East Pacific Rise, where Zn of biogenic origin from overlying surface waters is present. Diagenesis converts much of the hydrothermal iron and biogenic silica to an iron-rich clay mineral. Metalliferous sediments accumulate at high rates on both the East Pacific Rise and in the Bauer Basin. A hydrothermal source located along the Rise is consistent with the transition metal and aluminum accumulation rates. In the Bauer Deep the rate of accumulation suggests that either metal-bearing phases are being transported from the Rise or a second hydro- thermal source exists within the Bauer Deep. A workshop was held in October 1975 to better define the relation of Andean nietallogenesis and Nazca Plate tectonics, and to identify critical areas for future research emphasis. Important questions that must be answered are the amount and composition of subducted sediments, the degree of hydration and alteration of the oceanic crust, how segmentadon of the oceanic crust relates to ore distribution, and how transition metals behave in silicate melts. Nazca Plate Bibliography Anderson, Roger N., Marcus G. Langseth, Victor Vacquier, and Jean Francheteau. 1976: New Terrestrial heat flow meas- urements on the Nazca Plate, Earth Plant. Sci. Lett. 29(2) : 243-254. Blakely, R. J., K. O. Klitgord, and J. D. Mudie. 1975: Analysis of marine magnetic data. Rev. Geophys. Space Phys. 13: 182-185. Dasch, E. 1974: Metallogenesis in the southeastern Pacific: a progress report on the IDOE Nazca Plate Project, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 9:249-258. Hussong, D. M., M. E. Odegord, and L. K. Wipperman. 1975: Compressional faulting of the oceanic crust prior to sub- duction in the Peru-Chile Trench, Geology 3:33-37. Prince, R. A., J. A. Resig, L. D. Kulm, and T. C. Moore, Jr. 1974: Uplifted turbide basins on the seaward wall of the Peruvian Trench, Geol. 12(2):607-611. Prince, P. A. and L. D. Kulm. 1975: Crustal rupture and the initiation of imbricate thrusting in the Peru Trench, Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. 86: 1639-1653. Rea, P. 1975: Model for the formation of topographic features of the East Pacific Rise, Geol. 3(2): 77-80. WooUard, G. P. 1975: The interrelationships of crustal and upper mantle parameter values in the Pacific, Rev. Geo- phys. Space Phys. 13:87-137. Nazca Plate Technical and Data Reports Handschumacher, D. W., S. T. Okamura, and P. K. Wong. 1975: Magnetic and bathymetric profiles from the central and southeastern Pacific: 10"N-45°S, 70°W-150°W; Data Report No. 29, U. of Hawaii HIG-75-18, 18 pp. text, 157 pp. data. Mid-Atlantic Ridge The FAMOUS (French-American Mid-Ocean Undersea Study) project is a major international program to interpret the geological processes occurring along mid-ocean ridges. FAMOUS, which is supported in the United States by the Navy, NOAA, and the National Science Foundation, is de- signed to examine the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the vicinity of the Azores. The project began in 1971 with broad regional surveys. These were followed by more localized studies of the Rift Valley along the centerline of the rift. This preliminary work provided the basis for an intensive submersible diving program on the ridge during 1974. Three submersibles made 44 dives to the floor of the rift valley and returned with over 1,000 kg of rock samples. The floor of the rift valley has proven to be much more complex than could be deduced from data collected from the sea surface. The central part of the floor consists of a series of topographic ridges and depressions running down the axis. It is along the ridges that new sea floor is being created. To either side of this central axial zone, marginal depressions are found that result from normal faulting along tensional fractures. The resulting faults and fissures show horizontal separations ranging from a few centimeters to over 8 meters. The walls of the rift valley are normal faults along which the floor of the valley has been uplifted to the crustal ridges. Measured vertical displace- ments on the faults ranged from less than 1 meter to over 100 meters. Volcanism appeared to be episodic and restricted to the narrow central zone, but tectonic activity was evident through- out the dive area and apparently is continuous. Petrologic and chemical analyses of recovered basalt show a range of composi- tion similar to that shown for basalts of the Atlantic Ocean as a whole. The most significant variations are in the content of titanium, silica, iron, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. Basalt from the young axial volcanic highs tends to be low in these elements, while samples from the rift valley walls show higher contents of these elements. Mid-Atlantic Ridge Bibliography Hunt, M. M., W. M. Marquet, P. Moller, K. Peal, W. K. Smith, and R. C. Spindel. 1974: An acoustic navigation system. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI Ref. 74-6, 67 pp. Sigurdsson, H., and J. G. Schilling. 1976: Spinels in Mid- Atlantic Ridge basalts: chemistry and occurrence. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 29 ( 1 ) :7-20. Galapagos Rift Zone Scientists at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Ore- gon State University, and Scripps Institution of Oceanography are investigating the hydrothermal circulation along the Gala- pagos Rift Zone, northeast of the Galapagos Islands. Previous studies discovered anomalous bottom-water temperatures, appar- ently produced by the discharge of heated water that has cir- culated through the sea floor. Based on the results of an inten- sive surface ship survey of the area, a diving program may be proposed for the submersible Alvin. The goal of the submersible program would be to sample and chemically quantify the hydro- thermal fluids discharged from the sea floor. Since mixing occurs rapidly with the overlying seawater, it is difficult to estimate either the chemistry or temperature of the discharging fluids. Direct observation and sampling from a submersible are there- fore necessary to evaluate those two important parameters. Manganese Nodule Study The IDOE Manganese Nodule Program was conceived during a workship at Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory in January 1972. A multi-institutional approach was recom- mended to solve the long-standing questions concerning the origin, distribution, and geochemistry of this unique marine resource. At its inception the Manganese Nodule study involved 22 investigators from 13 institutions. Proposed studies were organized into separate phases. Phase I involved compiling existing manganese nodule data as a baseline for defining the future field work in the program. A series of technical reports and conference pro- ceedings were published as a result of Phase I activities. These were reported in IDOE Progress Report Volume 4, April 1974 to April 1975. A project coordinator's office was also estab- lished during this interval. Phase II of the study began in 1974 and is composed of a series of cruises in an area of the northern equatorial Pacific that contains extensive deposits of nodules enriched in copper and nickel (fig. 18). Recovered samples have been distributed to participating institutions for studies of the physical and chemical structure of nodules, chemistry of sediments and inter- stitial fluids, composition and structure of biogenic components, rate of nodule growth, and characteristics of environments in which nodules occur. Institutions currently involved in the pro- gram are the University of Hawaii, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Univer- sity of Rhode Island, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of Southern California, Washington State Univer- sity, and the University of Wisconsin. Perhaps the most significant aspect of the program during the year was the development, deployment, and recovery of an ocean-bottom monitoring package. This package was deployed for a period of 4 months near 11°N, 140°W. It contained a camera, current meter, and nephelometer for measuring sus- pended sediment concentration in the near-bottom water. A pre- liminary analysis of the data reveals a noticeable variation in suspended material over relatively short periods. Abundant animal life is indicated in bottom photographs, but detailed analysis of time-lapse photographs is necessary to determine whether the organisms significantly disturb or move the nodules. A future activity of the program will be in-situ experiments and observations from the bottom-monitoring package at sev- eral locations in the Pacific. Nodule rich and nodule poor sec- tions of sea floor will be compared. 37 30° - 20° - 10° - — r\ p / 'vx « / \ «-. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS /' / J \*p / I ^ \\^ J^^t^^^^'^''l.. ^ — "5' ^^\^^ /'' y^ b ^i P'l6 / \ ,/°-°""V Xs^^"^'^^"""" 1 ' ^/.^ — — \ / ^ "'/' ' .' ^-"^'^ < » 14 1 1 1 1 1 160° 150° 140" 130° 120° 110° 100° Figure 18. — Location of nodule belt between Clarion and Clipperton fracture zones. Cruise tracks Mn-74-01 (dashed line with open circles) and lVIn-74-02 (solid line). Manganese Nodule Bibliography Burns. R. G. 1975: Mechanism for nuclcntion und growth of manganese nodules. Nature. 255 : 1 30-1 3 1 . Burns, P. G. and V. M. Burns 1975: Structural correlations between the manganese (IV) oxides, in Proc. Internal. Symp. on Manganese Dioxide. A. Kozawa and R. J. Bradd (eds.), published by Electrochem. Soc, pp. 306-327. Burns, W. M., R. G. Burns, and W. K. Zwiker. 1975: Classifica- tion of natural manganese dioxide minerals, in: Proc. Intern. Synip. on Manganese Dioxide, (ed., A. Kozawa and R. J. Bradd: pub. by Electrochem. So.) pp 288-305. Burns. R. G. 1976: The Uptake of Cobalt into Ferromanganese Nodules, Soils and Synthetic Manganese (IV) Oxides. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 40:95-102. Hawaii Institute of Geophysics. 1976: Bibliography and Index to Literature on Manganese Nodules ( 1974-1975), Man- ganese Nodules Tecli. Rep. No. 14, approximately 400 pp. Prepared by M. A. Meylan, B. K. Dugalinsky, and L. Fortin, University of Hawaii. Published by National Oceanic and .Atmospheric Administration, Environmental Data Service, National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center. Available from the Superintendent of Docu- ments, Government Printing Office, Wash. D.C. 20402. Margolis, S, V. and R, G. Burns, 1976: Pacific deep-sea man- ganese nodules: their distribution, composition, and origin, Annual Review of Earth and Planteary Sciences, 4:229- 263. Robbins, T. A. and E. Callender. 1975: Diagenesis of manga- nese in Lake Michigan Sediments, Amer. J. Sci. 275: 512-533. Manganese Nodule Technical and Data Reports IDOE/NSF Seabed Assessment Program. 1973: Inter-Univer- sity Program of Research on Ferromanganese Deposits of the Ocean Floor, Phase I Report, 198 pp. Kroopnick, P., C. Bowser, J. Murray, J. Greenslate, D. Boyland, K. Binder, C. Boatman, V. Grundmanes, M. Mahoney, S. Rutgers, G. Setlock, and D. Zeaman. 1975: MANGO- CHEM Preliminary Cruise Report Mn-75-01 RV Kana Keoki, Honolulu to Honolulu, 14-25 June, 1975, IDOE MAG NOD. Proj. Rep. No. 11, 16 pp. 38 Wogman, Ned, Keith Chave, and Ronald Sorem, 1974: Work- shop on Manganese Nodule Mineralogy and Geochemistry Methods, Battelle Seattle Research Center, June 14 and 15, 1973, I DOE Seabed Assessment Program Tech. Rep. No. 7, 23 pp. Seabed Assessment Data Accessioned The following data are available from EDS" National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center. Continental Margin Studies Eastern Atlantic Continental Margin: Woods Hole Occano- graphic Institution, K. O. Emery. Atlantis II 75; 24,165 nmi of bathymetry, magnetic, gravity, and seismic data. Argentina-Brazil Continental Margin: Lamont-Doherty Geo- logical Observatory, G. Bryan. Conrad 15; 199 dredge sample descriptions; 24,586 nmi of bathymetry, gravity, magnetic and seismic data. Argentina-Brazil Continental Margin: Lamont-Doherty Geo- logical Observatory, G. Bryan. Conrad 16; 204 core descrip- tions; ;i6,300 nmi of bathymetry, gravity, magnetic, and seismic data. Argentina-Brazil Continental Margin: Lamont-Doherty Geo- logical Observatory, G. Bryan. Vema 31 ; 190 core descriptions; 21,627 nmi of bathymetry, gravity, magnetic, and seismic data. Western South Atlantic Continental Margin: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, J. Milliman. Chain 115; 5,575 nmi of bathymetry, gravity, magnetic, and seismic data. Northwest Atlantic Continental Margin: Woods Hole Oceano- graphic Institution, K. Prada. Atlantis II 91; 3,600 nmi of seismic reflection data. Plate Tectonics and Metallogenesis Studies Nazca Plate: Oregon State University, L. Kulm. Yaquina/ Yaloc 73; 22,653 nmi of bathymetry, gravity, magnetic, and seismic data. Nazca Plate: Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, G. WoUard. Kani Keoki KK 740109; 21,542 nmi of bathymetry, gravity, mag- netic and seismic data. FAMOUS: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, W. Dunkle. Alvin; one reel containing 100 bottom photographs showing individual features found on FAMOUS Fracture Zone. Manganese Nodule Study Scripps Institution of Oceanography, J. Grcenslate. Mag- netic tape of manganese nodule analyses to June 1975; 800 sample locations; 1,700 sample analyses. 39 JOINT! research vessel Atlantis II of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 40 Living Resources Program The goal of this program is to provide scientific knowledge for improved management and use of the ocean's living re- sources. Emphasis is on interdisciplinary studies of the mechanisms that produce and sustain marine life. The program includes the Coastal Upwelling Ecosystems Analysis (CUEA) and Seagrass Ecosystem Study (SES) projects. Coastal Upwelling Ecosystems Analysis (CUEA) The long-term goal of the CUEA program is to under- stand coastal upwelling ecosystems well enough to predict their response far enough in advance to be useful to mankind. This goal, when achieved, provides the basis for protecting the long-term productivity of fisheries in these ecosystems. There are 20 multidisciplinary projects (table 10). To achieve its goal, CUEA has four objectives: 1. To describe and understand the mesoscale distributions that define coastal upwelling ecosystems in space and time including such variables as radiation, winds, currents, density, nutrients, phytoplankton, zooplankton, nekton, and benthos, and analyses of the spectral characteristics of each. 2. To understand the dynamic processes that affect the total behavior of these ecosystems, and to derive quantitative values of wind-induced upper oceanic circulation, mesoscale flow fields, uptake of nutrients by phytoplankton, and other processes that can limit grazing, predation, excretion, respiration, and remineralization. 3. To learn more about the physical, chemical, and biological interactions that increase the production of coastal upwelling ecosystems, by an order of magnitude, over that of open ocean areas. 4. To develop models that will simulate the Northwest Afri- can and Peruvian upwelling ecosystems, and which will provide the basis for predicting the response of these ecosystems to variabilities in scales and rates of processes, or to different fishery management strategies. Five field programs are complete: MESCAL-I and II (fig. 19), CUE-I and II, and JOINT-I.' The sixth, JOINT II, began in March 1976. The methods developed and experience gained in the first four field programs were brought together in 30' 15' 27° 00- 45' - 30' 50fm \ I 30° M^^o- \ \* * ^v O :',.- .-• ■"■'n ^ r ^^ ^^^ ••-.^. SAN PABLO PT. --'"'|"--.\..N^^ASUNCION PT. ^^\ - 114° "'"••>^ *"&•••. \ SAIM HIPOLITO PT. •-" \ ''• *'*" ^V.^^*'*N»^ \ ^'"..y' ""• ■ "ifes'i'>;,^N. • \ : •JO *i« •^'"^ \ V r,^:««^M?8:«-".M.GCB,;..,« \ABREOJOS ^-;r ;:■.....„ 'X pt. ^ > ■ •'• \ ^^ ■ 'iy ' \ • ^-^ V . • 1 ' ' --^^ •..•,...., *" - ""\, 4.. \ 1 * *• ■ ..v.. ' . 50fm 1 _ lOOfm 111-, 45' 30' 15' 114°00' 45' 30' Figure 19. — MESCAL-II station locations. CM is location of current meter. JOINT-I, the first major CUEA interdisciplinary expedition (figs. 20 and 21). Cooperation with scientists in the CINECA (Cooperative Investigations of the Northern Part of the Eastern Central Atlantic) program made possi- ble an international experiment involving ships, aircraft, equip- ment, and personnel from 11 countries (fig. 22). The field programs have provided comprehensive and detailed descriptions of the physical, chemical, and biological processes that influence the productivity or potential economic yield of each upwelling ecosystem. The usefulness of the data and findings obtained through the observational phases and theoretical research in the field programs was confirmed at the meeting of the UNESCO Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) Working Group 36 in June 1974, where results from other laboratories and from cruises to the Northwest African and Peruvian up- welling regions were compared. CUEA will test its newly gained knowledge of upwelling processes in JOINT-II, an intensive collaborative study of the Peruvian upwelling region ecosystem from March 1976 to May 1977. Most JOINT-II investigations will be in an area about 100 by 100 km, centered at 15 ~S between Pisco and San Juan, Peru (figs. 23 and 24), during three intensive phases: March- ' MESCAL I and II were primarily biological studies off the coast of Baja California during March 1972 and March and April 1973. CUE I and II were physical oceanographic studies off the Oregon cgast during April through October 1972 and the summer of 1973. JOINT-I was the first integrated biological and physical field study, off the northwest coast of Africa during February through May 1974. 41 Table 10.— U.S. institutions, investigators, and projects in CUEA program Organization Investigator Project title University of Alaska Bigelow Ocean Science Center Brookhaven National Laboratories University of Delaware Duke University Florida State University Oregon State University University of Rhode Island San Francisco State College University of Washington J. J. Goering R. C. Dugdale J. Maclsaac T. T. Packard J. J. Walsh T. E. Whitledge C. N. K, Moores J. C. Van Leer R. T. Barber S. Huntsman Y. Hsueh J. J. O'Brien D. W. Stuart Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission M. R. Stevenson Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution J. S. Allen A. Huyer R. L. Smith R. D. Pillsbury T. J. Smayda J. C. Kelley D. Halpern L. A. Codispoti 0. A. Mathisen R. E. Thorne G. T. Rowe K. L. Smith, Jr. Consumption and Regeneration of Silicic Acid m Upwellmg Systems Kmetics of Nutrient Uptake Program Management Kinetics of Nutrient Uptake Enzymatic Determination of Biological Transformation Systems Model of Upwellmg Ecosystems Nutrient Regeneration and Excretion Physical Dynamics of the Frontal Zone Primary Production, Chelation, and Toxicity Program Management Primary Production, Chelation, and Toxicity Diagnostic Modelling Studies in JOINT-II Simulation of Time-Dependent Coastal Upwelling Circulation Meteorological Suport for the JOINT-II Expedition Study of Frontal Dynamics and Mesoscale Circulation In Coastal Upwelling Zones by Lagrangian Measure- ments Theoretical Studies and the Dynamical Interpreta- tion of Flow Field Observations Mesoscale Hydrography During JOINT-II Mesoscale Circulation in Coastal Upwelling Systems Program Management Mesoscale Circulation in Coastal Upwelling Systems Phytoplankton Species, Succession, and Sinking Nutrient and Phytoplankton Fields; Interactive Real- Time Information System (IRIS): Mesoscale Hydrog- raphy During JOINT-II. Near-Surface Circulation Studies in A Coastal Upwell- ing Environment Mesoscale Hydrography During JOINT-II Acoustic Assessment of Nekton Carbon, Nitrogen ,and Phosphorus Cycles on the Sea Floor of an Upwelling Region 42 May 1976 (MAM 76). July-November 1976 (JASON 76), and March-May 1977 (MAM 77). Observations will be made from seven U.S. research vessels, Peruvian research vessels, air- craft, moored current meters, coastal meteorological stations, and satellites. The conceptual framework includes four areas of investigation: 1) physical mcsoscale studies; 2) frontal studies; 3) biological mcsoscale studies of anchoveta and the upwelling ecosystem; and 4) biological mcsoscale studies of the circula- tion and phytoplankton processes. At the beginning of the CUEA program in 1972, the Peruvian upwelling region was selected as the site for JOINT-II. This selection now appears appropriate for the following reasons: 1. Concepts have been developed concerning processes that enhance the biological productivity otf Peru as opposed to the other major upwelling regions of the world. These can now be tested. 2. The Peruvian research institutions — Institute del Mar del Peru (IMARPE), National Meteorological and Hydrological Service (SENAMHI), Naval Hydrographic and Navigational Directorate (DHNM), Peruvian Geophysical Institution (IGP) — have initiated a program titled "A Study of the Coastal Up- welling System Off Peru." The Peruvian program includes the entire upwelling region along the Peru coast and detailed studies in four important anchoveta fishery regions. These studies will complement the intensive mcsoscale studies of CUEA in JOINT-II. 30' 40" 20° 0° 22 00' 30' 21 00' 35' "^""D^ 1 I lOOfm 182.9m — n — 30fm 54.9 m Cabo Barbas 20° Oo \ -*Lat 21° 42.2 Long 18° 09. Lat 21° 02'N 'Long 18° 19. 18" Figure 20. — JOINT-I area and station locations for RV ATLANTIS II cruise 82. 22°00' 21°30' 21°00' N 18°00' 17°30' 17°00'W Figure 21. — JOINT-I area showing locations of current meter arrays (circles), meteorological towers (triangles), and productivity and hydrography stations (squares) on latitude 21° 40' line. 3. Institute del Mar del Peru (IMARPE) will participate in the scientific program of JOINT-II through collaboration of IMPARPE scientists with various CUEA components; by con- tributing one complete scientific component (Component 19, Zooplankton Fields); and by contributing the use of IM.ARPE space, facilities, and services for the JOINT-II investigation. This collaboration will make it possible to compare the complex IMARPE fish stock models with CUEA ecosystem models. IMARPE and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations have developed an assessment and prediction system using five independent determinations of abundance and catch. This program provides monthly predictions of anchoveta stocks. The opportunity exists to apply both IM.'XRPE and CUEA capabilities into a tool for understanding and managing the protein resources of upwelling regions. In June 1975, a formal agreement was reached between CUEA and IMARPE on the areas of participation and collaboration. 4. The Latin American Countries along the Pacific Coast have initiated a study entitled "Estudio Regional del Fenomeno El Nino" (ERFEN). This program will monitor the oceanic and atmospheric environment from about ION to 35 "S and extend- ing west 500 km from South America. It will document the large-scale climatic and oceanographic features within the JOINT-II study area. JOINT-II results will increase our under- standing of the El Nifio phenomenon by identifying mcsoscale processes that are driven by the large-scale disturbance and which cause the productivity of the region to collapse. 43 1 1 r OCEANOGRAPHER M 1 1 1 1 1 1 T I 1 1 ; 1 1 ! 1 1 ; I ATLANTIS II 1 1 ! II' 1 1 1 1 1 1 GILLISS 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 ALMORAVIDE 1 1 NCAR QUEEN AIR ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT 1 1 1 II 1 II 1 1 1 II 1 ' SHORE METEOROLOGY 1 li CAPRICORNE CHARCOTi ' 1 ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 CORNIDE 1 ; 1 ! ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ill 1 1 1 10 20 28/1 FEBRUARY 10 20 MARCH 30/ 10 20 APRIL Figure 22. — JOINT-I and CINECA operations off northwest Africa during spring 1974. 30/1 10 20 30/1 MAY X - INTERCOMPARISON OF DATA 14 - 15 16 r^ ' ' \ I ' ,.-5 ' \ rP J \ L r' — i"^"^^ 10 \ J PISCO ^ 0 fXj \ \ i \ ^^nt \ A / <■* \ 7 0 /-v. C- - ^^ lv\ vp Guayaquil — ^ ^ \ V V. A r .*' \^\ 10 Vperu/ ( A \# Lima ^, \ u \ I \ ^ JOINT II A— 1 \ \ \ rQ /" ^ Is,^^ ^>w / N» \> y / 90 80 70 \ ^ '^ N / \^ ) ^ A< ^ N^ - <^ V ■" C -^ ?S C»SAN JUAN ^^ 1 1 \ ^V f / 1 ^ y X 77 76 75 Figure 23. — JOINT-ll area and hydrography lines A-D. which form the JOINT-II research grid. 44 74 1976 M A 1977 J T CURRENT METERS ALPHA HELIX THOMPSON EASTWARD NCAR A/C SHORE METEOROLOGY MELVILLE CAYUSE WECOMA ISELIN NCAR A/C MAM 76 JASON 76 MAM 77 Figure 24, — JOINT-Il schedule for intensive phases of the investigation — MAM 76, JASON 76. and MAM 77. Rosette sampler on board Alpha-Helix during JOINT II MAM 76 CUEA Data Summaries of CUEA data submitted to EDS" National Oceanographic Data Center follow. NODC Accession No.: 75-00614 Investigator: D. Halpern, NOAA, PMEL Project: CUEA (CUE-1) Grant No.: AG-299 Depth, current, and temperature observations: 556 sets for 10 current meters; July-August 1972; time-series data on mag- netic tape. NODC Accession No.: 76-0564 Investigator: D. Halpern, NOAA, PMEL Project: CUEA (CUE-II) Grant No.: AG-299 Depth, temperature, and current observations: 23 files for 18 current meters; July-August 1973; time-series data on mag- netic tape. 45 NODC Accession No.: 76-0744 Investigator: Various CUEA participants. Project: CUEA (JOINT-I) Grant No.: Various Oceanographic station data from the RV Atlantis II cruise 82, 8 March-25 April 1974, 175 serial stations — depth, temperature, salinity, oxygen, apparent oxygen utlization, per- cent oxygen saturation, chlorophyll, phosphate, silicate, nitrate, nitrite, ETS, C-14, urea, dissolved organic nitrogen, T-particles, particle area and volume, transparency, and ammonia — mag- netic tape. NODC Accession No.: 76-0854 Investigator: Various CUEA participants. Project: CUEA (MESCAL-II) Grant No.: Various Oceanographic station data from the RV T. G. Thompson cruise 78, 24 March-6 May 1973, 108 serial stations — depth, temperature, salinity, oxygen, apparent oxygen utilization, per- cent oxygen saturation, chlorophyll, phosphate, silicate, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, and ETS — magnetic tape. Accession No.: 76-1145 Organization: University of Washington Investigator: Various CUEA participants. Grant No.: Various Contains 73 hydrographic stations from RV T. G. Thompson cruise 81, 11 to 21 July 1973 — depth, temperature, salinity, oxygen, apparent oxygen utilization, percent oxygen saturation, phosphate, silicate, nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia — magnetic tape. NODC Accession No.: 76-1154 Investigator: C. N. K. Mooers, and T. B. Curtin, University of Miami Project: CUEA (CUE-II) Grant No.: GX-31264 Profiling current meter data — depth, temperature, salinity, current direction, speed, E-W and N-S component — for RV Yaquina cruise Y7307-B, 16-18 July 1973, 67 profiles; RV Yaquina cruise Y7307-D, 29 July-6 August 1973, 64 profiles; and RV Yaquina cruise &7308-A, 16-20 August 1973, 72 profiles. STD data — depth, temperature, and salinity — for RV Yaquina cruise Y7307-B, 15-18 July 1973, 69 stations; RV Yaquina cruise Y308-A, 16-20 August 1973, 96 stations; and RV Cayuse cruise C7308-E, 18-21 August 1973, 133 stations. CUEA Technical and Data Reports Barber, Richard T. and Susan A. Huntsman. 1975: JOINT-I carbon, chlorophyll and light extinction — RV Atlantis-II Cruise 82, Coastal Upwelling Ecosystems Analysis Data Rep. 14, 165 pp. Barton, E. D., R. D. Pillsbury, and R. L. Smith. 1975: A com- pendium of physical observations from JOINT-I: vertical sections of temperature, salinity, and sigma-t from RV GiLLis data, and low-pass filtered measurements of wind and currents, CUEA Data Rep. No. 16, OSU Ref. No. 75-17, 60 pp. Barton, E. D., M. R. Stevenson, and W. E. Gilbert. 1975: CTD/STD measurements off the Northwest African Coast near Cabo Corveiro during JOINT-I, RV Gillis Cruise GS7401, February 9-April 3, 1974. CUEA Data Rep. No. 15, Univ. Washington Ref. M75-54, Oregon State Univ. Ref. No. 75-3, 102 pp. Blackburn, M. 1975: Summary of existing information on nekton of Spanish Sahara and adjacent regions. Northwest Africa, CUEA Tech. Rep. No. 8, Univ. Washington, Ref. No. M75-15, 49 pp. Codispoti, L. A., D. D. Bishop, and M. A. Friebertshauser. 1976: JOINT-1, the Atlantis II sections: RV Atlantis II Cruise 82, CUEA Tech. Rep. No. 20, Dept of Meteor- ology, Florida State Univ., 76 pp. Curtin, T. and C. Mooers. 1975: Coastal Upwelling Experi- ment-II, Hydrographic Data Report RV Yaquina Cruises Y7307-B and Y7308-A (15-18 July and 16-20 August, 1973), RV Cayuse Cruise C7308-E (18-31 August, 1973). Univ. Miami RSMAS Rep. No. 75003, 100 pp. Curtin, T. and C. Mooers. 1975: Coastal Upwelling Experi- ment-II Profiling Current Meter Data Report, RV Yaquina Cruises Y7307-B, Y7307-D, and Y7308-A (15-18 July, 29 July - 6 August, and 16-20 August, 1973), Univ. Miami, RSMAS Rep. No. 75022, 179 pp. Friebertshauser, M. A., L. A. Codispoti, D. D. Bishop, G. E. Friederich, and A. A. Westhage. 1975: JOINT-I hydro- graphic stations data, RV Atlantis II Cruise No. 82, CUEA Rep. No. 18, 243 pp. Garcia-Meitin, Rebecca Jo. 1975: A case study of a marine inversion on the Oregon Coast, CUEA Tech. Rep. No. 16, FSU Sci. Rep. No. CUEA 75-1, 108 pp. Halpern, David. 1972: STD observations in the Northeast Pacific near 47°N, 128°W (August/September 1971), NO A A Tech. Memo. ERL POL-2, 26 pp. Halpern, David. 1972: Descriptions of an experimental inves- tigation of the response of the upper ocean to variable winds, NOAA Tech. Rep. No. ERL 231-POL 9, 51 pp. Halpern, David. 1972: Wind recorder, current meter, and ther- mistor chain measurements in the Northeast Pacific, August/September 1971, NOAA Tech. Rep. No. ERL 240-POL 12, 37 pp. Halpern, E., J. N. Helseth, J. R. Holbrook, and R. M. Reynolds. 1975: Surface wave height measurements made near the Oregon Coast during August 1972, and July and August 1973, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Rep. No. ERL 324-PMEL, 22, 168 pp. Halpern, David, James R. Holbrook, and R. Michael Reynolds. 1974: A compilation of wind, current, and temperature measurements: Oregon, July and August 1973, WOE/ CUEA Tech. Rep. No. 5, Univ. Washington Ref. No. M74-88, 190 pp. Halpern, David, James R. Holbrook, and R. Michael Reynolds. 1975: A compilation of wind, current, and temperature measurements: near Spanish Sahara during March and April 1974, I DOE /CUEA Tech. Rep. No. 10, Univ. Washington Ref. No. 75-103, 100 pp. Hurlburt, Harley E. 1974: The influence of coastline geometry and bottom topography on the eastern ocean circulation. 46 CUE A Tech. Rep. No. 21, Dept. of Meteorology, FSU, 103 pp. Johnson, Walter R. 1976: Cyclosonde measurements in the upwelling region off Oregon, CUBA Tech. Rep. No. 23, Univ. Miami RSMAS Tech. Rep. No. TR 76-1, 124 pp. Kelley, J. and J. Rix. 1974: An automated contouring system for the Interactive Real-Time Information System (IRIS), CUBA Tech. Rep. No. 4, Univ. Washington Ref. No. M74-05, 109 pp. Kelley, J. C. and T. E. Whitledge. 1975: An atlas of sea surface maps of temperature, nutrients, and chlorophyll from Peru: March and April 1969, CUBA Tech. Rep. No. 9, Univ. Washington Ref. No. M75-16, 82 pp. Morishima, D. P., Bass, and J. Walsh. 1974: AUGUR, a three- dimensional simulation program for non-linear analysis of aquatic ecosystems, CUBA Tech. Rep. No. 7, Univ. Washington Ref. No. M74-88, 239 pp. O'Brien, J. J. 1972: CUE-1 Meteorological Atlas Volume One, Univ. Washington Ref. No. M7265, 310 pp. Pillsbury, R. D., J. S. Bottero, R. E. Still, and E. Mittelstaedt. 1974: A compilation of observations from moored current meters. Volume VIII — wind, currents, and temperature off Northwest Africa along 21°40'N during JOINT-I, CUBA Data Rep. No. 27, OSU Data Rep. No. 62, Ref. No. 74- 20, 143 pp. Pillsbury, R. D., J. J. O'Brien, and A. Johnson, Jr. 1974: Coastal Upwelling Ecosystems Atlas 1, CUE-1 Meteoro- logical Atlas 2:227. Stevenson, M. and F. Miller. 1975: Application of satellite data to problems in fishery oceanography. Final Report, Inter- American Tropical Tuna Commission, La Jolla, Calif. 98 pp. Stevenson, M., R. Garvine, and B. Wyatt. 1974: Drogue meas- urements (CUE-1) and related hydrography: August 7-11 and August 23-26, 1972, CUBA Tech. Rep. No. 5, Univ. Washington Ref. No. M74-9, 58 pp. Stevenson, M., D. Menzies, and L. Small. 1975: Physical/ biological measurements off the Oregon Coast, July 29 - August 6, 1973, IDOB/CUBA Data Rep. No. 17, 110 pp. Stevenson, Merritt R. and Helen R. Wicks. 1975: Bibliography of El Nino and associated publications, Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission Bui., 16(6) :451-501, La Jolla, Calif. Stuart, David W., Thomas Buchwalter, and Jose Garcia-Meitin. 1975: JOINT-II meteorological data, CUBA Data Rep. No. 30, Florida State Univ. Data Rep. No. CUEA 75-3, 21 pp. text, 59 pp. figs. Thompson, J. Sava. 1974: The coastal upwelling cycle on a beta-plane hydrodynamics and thermodynamics, CUEA Tech. Rep. No. 22, Dept. of Meteorology, FSU, 141 pp. Tabor, Paul Stephan. 1975: Evaluation of chlorophyll measure- ments by differential radiometry from aircraft altitudes, CUBA Tech. Rep. No. 18, 194 pp. Wang, Dong-Ping. 1976: Coastal water response to the variable wind theory and coastal upwelling experiment, CUEA Tech. Rep. No. 24 Univ. of Miami RSMAS Tech. Rep. No. TR76-2, 174 pp. CUEA Bibliography Acker, W. C, H. W. Lewis, F. A. Brune, and R. E. Thorne. 1975: A towed dual-frequency hydroacoustic fish assess- ment system, in Proc. 1975 IEEE Int. Conf. on Bngr. in the Ocean Environ., 4 pp. Allen, J. S. 1973: Upwelling and coastal jets in a continously stratified ocean, /. Phys. Oceanog. 3(3) :245-257. Allen, J. S. 1975: Coastal trapped waves in a stratified ocean, /. Phys. Oceanog. 5(2) : 300-325. Allen, J. S. 1976: Some aspects of the forced wave response of stratified coastal regions. J. Phys. Oceanog. 6(1):113- 119. Barber, Richard T. 1973: Organic ligands and phytoplankton growth in nutrient-rich seawater, in Trace Metals and Metal-Organic Interactions in Natural Waters, Ann Arbor Science Publishers, pp. 321-338. Blackburn, Maurice and Richard E. Thorne. 1974: Composi- tion, biomass, and distribution of pelagic nekton in a coastal upwelling area of Baja California, Mexico, Tethys 6(l-2):28I-290. Blakely, R. and A. Cox. 1975: Comment on "Stacking marine anomalies: a critique" by Robert L. Parker, Geophys. Res. Lett. 2(4) : 185-187. Blasco, Dolores. 1973: Estudio de las variaciones de la relacion flourescencia in v/vo/clorofila a, y su aplicacion en oceano- grafia. Influencia de la limitacion des diferentes nutrientes, efecto del dia y noche y dependencia de la especie estu- diada, Inv. Pesq. 37(3) : 533-556. Blasco, Dolores. 1974: Etude du phytoplaneton du golfe de Petalion (mer Egee) en mars 1970, Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer. Medit. 22(9): 65-70. Blasco, Dolores and Theodore T. Packard. 1974: Nitrate re- ductase measurements in upwelling regions, I. Significance of the distribution off Baja California and Northwest Africa, Tethys 6(1-2) :239-246. Curtin, Thomas B. and Christopher N. K. Mooers. 1975: Obser- vation and interpretation of a high-frequency internal wave packet and surface slick pattern, /. Geophys. Res. 80(6): 882-894. Ehrenberg, John E. 1974: Two applications for a dual-beam transducer in hydroacoustic fish assessment systems, in Proc. Ocean 74 IEEE Conf. on Bngr. in the Ocean Envi- ronment, Halifax, N.S., Aug. 21-23, 1974, Washington Sea Grant Program WSG-TA 74.2, pp. 1-4. Garvine, Richard W. 1974: Ocean interiors and coastal up- welling models, /. Phys. Oceanog. 4( 1 ): 121-125. Garvine, Richard W. 1974: Dynamics of small-scale oceanic fronts, J. Phys. Oceanog. 4(4) :557-569. Garvine, Richard W. and John D. Monk. 1974: Frontal struc- ture of a river plume, /. Geophys. Res. 79(I5):2251- 2259. Goering, John J. 1974: Uptake of silicic acide by diatoms, Tethys 6(1-2): 143-148. 47 Halpem, David. 1974: Variations in the density field during coastal upwelling, Tethys 6( 1-2) ;363-374. Halpem, David. 1974: Observations of the deepening of the wind-mixed layer in the Northeast Pacific Ocean, J. Phys. Oceanog. 4(4) :454-466. Halpern, David. 1974: Summertime surface diurnal period wind measured over an upwelling region near the Oregon coast, /. Geophys. Res. 79(15):2223-2230. Halpern, D., D. R. Pillsbury, and R. L. Smith. 1974: An intercomparison of three current meters operated in shallow water, Deep-Sea Res. 21:489-497. Halladay, C. G. and J. J. O'Brien. 1975: Mesoscale variability of sea-surface temperatures, /. Phys. Oceanog. 5(4): 761-772. Hsueh, Y. and Hsien-wang Ou. 1975: On the possibilities of coastal, mid-shelf, and shelf-break upwelling, /. Phys. Oceanog. 5(4) :670-682. Huntsman, Susan A. and Richard T. Barber. 1975: Modifica- tion of phytoplankton growth by excreted compounds in low-density populations. /. Phycol. 2(1): 10-13. Huyer, Adriana and Robert L. Smith. 1974: A subsurface ribbon of cool water over the continental shelf off Oregon, /. Phys. Oceanog. 4(3) : 381-391. Huyer, Adriana, Robert L. Smith, and R. Dale Pillsbury. 1974: Observations in a coastal upwelling region during a period of variable winds (Oregon Coast, July 1972), Tethys 6(l-2):391-404. Huyer, Adriana, Barbara M. Hickey, J. Dungan Smith, Robert L. Smith and R. Dale Pillsbury. 1975: Alongshore co- herence at low frequencies in currents observed over the continental shelf off Oregon and Washington, J. Geophys. Res. 80(24): 3495-3505. Huyer, A., D. Pillsbury, and R. L. Smith. 1975: Seasonal variations of the alongside velocity field over the con- tinental shelf off Oregon, Limn. Oceanog. 20(l):90-95. lanniello, John P. and Richard W. Garvine. 1975: Stokes trans- port by gravity waves for application to circulation models, /. Phys. Oceanog. 5(l):47-50. Johnson, Donald R., Eric D. Barton, Peter Hughes, and Chris- topher N. K. Mooers. 1975: Circulation in the Canary Current upwelling region off Cabo Bojador in August 1972, Deep-Sea Res. 22:547-558. Kelley, James C. 1975: Time-varying distributions of bio- logically significant variables in the ocean, Deep-Sea Res. 22:679-688. Kelley, J. C, T. E. Whitledge, and R. C. Dugdale. 1975: Results of sea surface mapping in the Peru upwelling system, Limn. Oceanog. 20(5) :784-794. Kenner, R. A. and S. 1. Ahmed 1975: Measurements of elec- tron transport activities in marine phytoplankton. Mar. Biol. 33:119-127. Kenner, R. A. and S. I. Ahmed. 1975: Correlation between oxygen utilization and election transport activity in marine phytoplankton, Mar. Biol. 33:129-133. Kindle, John C. 1974: The horizontal coherence of inertial oscillations in a coastal region, Geophys. Res. Lett. 1(3): 127-130. Kindle, John C. and James J. O'Brien. 1974: On upwelling along a zonally-oriented coastline, /. Phys. Oceanog. 5(1): 125-130. King, Fredrick D. and Theodore T. Packard. 1975: Respiration and the activity of the respiratory electron transport sys- tem in marine zooplankton, Limn. Oceanog. 20(5): 849— 854. Kundu, Pijush K., S. J., Allen, and Robert L. Smith. 1975: Modal decomposition of the velocity field near the Oregon Coast, /. Phys. Oceanog. 5(4) :683-704. Lee, R. F. and P. M. Williams. 1974: Copepod "slick" in the Northwest Pacific Ocean, Naturwissensc/iaften 61(11): 505-506. Lee, Richard F. 1975: Lipids of parasitic copepods associated with marine fish, Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 528:363-364. Maclsaac, Jane J., Richard C. Dugdale, and Gerd Slawk. 1974: Nitrogen uptake in the Northwest Africa upwelling area: Results from the CINECA CHARCOT II Cruise, Tethys 6(1-2): 69-76. (Contrib. No. 721, Univ. of Washington). Manheim, Frank, Gilbert T. Rowe, and Dan Jipa. 1975: Marine phosphorite off Peru, /. Sed. Petrol. 45(1) :243-251. Mathisen, Ole A., O. J. Ostvedt, and G. Vestnes. 1974: Some variance components in acoustic estimation of nekton, re//2>'.s6(l-2):303-312. Mathisen, Ole A. 1975: Three decades of hydroacoustic fish stock assessment. Mar. Tech. Soc. J. 9(6):31-34. Mittelstaedt, E., D. Pillsbury, and R. L. Smith. 1975: Flow patterns in the Northwest African upwelling area. Sonder- druck aus der Deutschen Hydrographischen Zeitschrift, Band 28, Heft 4. Mooers, Christopher N K. 1975: Several effects of baroclinic current on the cross-stream propagation of inertial-internal waves, Geophys. Fluid Dyn. 6:245-275. Mooers, Christopher N. K. 1975: Several effects of baroclinic currents on the three-dimensional propagation of inertial- internal waves, Geophys. Fluid Dyn., 6:277-284. (Contrib. No. 1826, Univ. Miami, RSMAS). Mooers, Christopher N. K., Thomas B. Curtin, Dong-Ping Wang, and James F. Price. 1976: Bibliography for Oceanic Fronts and Related Topics: Revised January, 1976, Rosen- steil School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Univ. Miami, 28 pp. O'Brien, J. J. (Group Leader), T. Piatt (Rapporteur), et al. 1975: Spatial inhomogeneity in the oceans, in Modelling of Marine Systems, J. C. J. Nihoul (ed.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, Chap. 12, pp. 235-236. O'Brien, J. J. 1975: Numerical models of ocean circulation, ISBN 0-309-02225-8, Nat. Acad. Sci., Wash., D.C., pp. 204-215. O'Brien, James J. and J. S. Wroblewski. 1973: A simulation of the mesoscale distribution in the lower marine trophic levels off west Florida, Inv. Pesq. 37(2): 193-244. O'Brien, J. J. 1974: Comments "On the Use of the DuEort- 48 Frankel Finite-Difference Approximation for Simulation of Diffusion in Geophysical Fluids," /. Phys Oceanog. 4(4):658-659. O'Brien, J. J. and H. E. Hurlburt. 1974: Equatorial jet in the Indian Ocean, Science 184:1075-1077. O'Brien, James J. and R. Dale Pillsbury. 1974: Rotary wind spectra in a sea breeze regime, /. Appl. Meteor. 13(7): 820-825. Owens, T. G. and F. D. King 1975: The measurement of respiratory electron-transport-system activity in marine zooplankton. Mar. Biol. 30:27-36. Packard, Theodore T. and Dolores Blasco. 1974: Nitrate reductase activity in upwelling regions, 2. Ammonia and light dependence, Tetliys 6( 1-2) :269-280. (Contrib. No. 717, Univ. Washington). Packard, Theodore T., Dana Harmon, and Jean Boucher. 1974: Respiratory electron transport activity in plankton from upwelled waters, Tethys 6( 1-2) :213-222. Pavlou, S. P., G. E. Friederich, and J. J. Maclsaac. 1974: Qualitative determination of total organic nitrogen and isotope enrichment in marine phytoplankton. Analytical Biochem. 61:16-24. (Contribution No. 727, Univ. Wash- ington). Pavlou, Spyros P., Gemot E. Friederich, Jane J. Maclsaac, and Richard C. Dugdale. 1974: Tethys 6(1-2) : 171-178. Peng, Chich-Yuan and Ya Hseh. 1974: Further results from diagnostic modeling of coastal upwelling, Tethys 6(1-2): 425-432. Rowe, Gilbert T., C. Hovey Clifford, K. L. Smith, Jr., and P. Lawrence Hamilton. 1975: Benthic nutrient regenera- tion and its coupling to primary productivity in coastal waters, Nature 255:215-217. Senechal, R. and E. Dasch. 1974: Oregon State University solid-source mass spectrometer: a new instrument for research and instruction, Part I: description and system education, in Proc. Oregon Acad. Sci. 10:15-46. Smayda, Theodore J. 1975: Net phytoplankton and the greater than 20-micron phytoplankton size fraction in upwelling waters off Baja California, Fishery Bull. 73(l):38-50. Smayda, Theodore J. 1975: Phased cell division in natural population of the marine diatom Ditylum brightwellii and the potential significance of diel phytoplankton behavior in the sea, Deep-Sea Res. 22:151-165. Smith, Kenneth L., Jr., Gilbert T. Rowe, and Charles H. Clifford. 1974: Sediment oxygen demand in an outwelling and upwelling area, Tethys 6(l-2):223-230. Smith, K. L., Jr., G. R. Harbison, G. T. Rowe, and C. H. Clifford. 1975: Respiration and chemical composition of pleuroneodes planipes (Decapoda: Galatheidac): Ener- getic significance in an upwelling system, J. Fish. Res. Bd. of Canada 32(9) : 1607-1612. Smith, Walker O., Jr. 1974: The extracellular release of glycolic acid by a marine diatom, /. Phyeol. 10(l):30-33. Thiede, J. 1975: Distribution of foraminifera in surface waters of a coastal upwelling area, Nature 253(5494) :7 12-7 14. Thompson, J. Dana and James J. O'Brien. 1973: Time-depend- ent coastal upwelling, /. Phys. Oceanog. 3(l):33-46. Van Leer, John C. 1974: A note on expected temporal aliasing errors in the CUE-I cyclesonde frontal station, Tethys b(l-2):433. Walsh, John J., James C. Kelley, Terry E. Whitledge, and Jane J. Maclsaac. 1974: Spin-up off the Baja California upwelling echo-system. Limn. Oceanog. 19(4) :553-572. (Contrib. No. 758, Univ. Washington). Walsh, John J. 1975: A spatial simulation model of the Peru upwelling ecosystem, Deep-Sea Res. 22:201-236. Wang, Dong-Ping. 1975: Coastal trapped waves in a baroclinic ocean, /. Phys. Oceanog. 5(2) :326-333. Weimer, R. T. and J. E. Ehrenberg. 1975: Analysis of thresh- old-induced bias inherent in acoustic scattering cross- section estimates of individual fish, /. Fish. Res. Bd. of Canada 32(12) :2547-2551. Wroblewski, J. S., J. J. O'Brien, and T. Piatt. 1975: On the physical and biologicals of phytoplankton patchiness in the ocean, Memoires Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege 6° serie, tome VII, pp. 43-57. Yentsch, Charles S. 1974: The influence of geostrophy on primary production, Tethys 6(1-2) : 111-118. 49 Seagrass Ecosystem Study (SES) This study was begun in July 1974 to provide information about the benthic marine ecosystem, particularly the dynamic processes by which seagrass ecosystems are maintained, the distribution of these ecosystems, and their contribution to the seas. Initiation of these research activities has resulted from the increased awareness of the importance of nearshore waters in the productivity of the ocean and the vulnerability of these waters to man-induced changes. The increased emphases on nearshore renewable resources led to recognition of how little is known about this important ecosystem. The Seagrass Ecosystem Study generally addresses three main questions. What are the contributions of seagrass eco- systems to food webs, nutrient and mineral cycling, and coastal stabilization? What processes in seagrass ecosystem are affected by environmental changes or man-induced perturbations? Are there structural patterns in these ecosystems that allow them to persist in changing environments? The SES program has initiated special field studies and laboratory experiments to answer these questions. Later phases of study will emphasize coordinated, intensive field studies and establishment of a network of national and international field sites for follow-on experiments. Participants in the SES programs are identified in table 1 1. International collaboration is maintained through the Inter- Transplanting Zostera marina in seagrass garden in Puget Sound. Depth is 15 feet. November 12, 1975 national Seagrass Committee. Its members are: Tom Fenchel, Denmark; C. den Hartog, The Netherlands; Akihiko Hattori, Japan; C. Peter McRoy, U.S.; Patrick L. Parker, U.S.; and J. M. Peres, France. SES Bibliography Phillips, R. C. 1974: Transplantation of seagrass, with special emphasis on eelgrass, Zostera marina L., Aquaculture, 4: 161-176. Phillips, R. C, C. McMillan, H. F. Bittaker, and R. Heiser. 1974: Halodule wrightii Acherson in the Gulf of Mexico, Contrib. Mar. Sci. 18:257-261. Phillips, R. C. 1975: Seagrass, food in the inshore coast, Pacific Search 9(9): 2-4. Table 11.— U.S. organizations, investigators, and projects in SES program Organization Investigator Project title University of Alaska Fairleigh Dickinson University University of Hawaii Michigan State University Seattle Pacific College University of Texas University of Virginia C. P. McRoy J. C. Ogden K. W. Bridges M. J. Klug R. G. Wetzel R. C. Phillips P. L. Parker C. McMillan J. C. Zieman Process Succession of Seagrass Ecosystems Caribbean Seagrass Food Web Study Systematic Ecology Decomposition of Dissolved and Particulate Organic Detritus in Seagrass Ecosystems The Interrelationships of Phenology and Transplant- ing in the Analysis of Seagrass Stability Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios of Food Webs and Biogeochemical Cycles in Seagrass Ecosystems Environmental Tolerances of Seagrasses Caribbean Seagrass Food Web Study 50 Appendix A— ROSCOP Summaries In the following ROSCOP (Report of Observations/ Samples Collected by Oceanographic Programs) summaries.* all institutions or activities are U.S. participants in IDOE and all projects are part of the Declared National Program (DNP) for Marine Data Exchange. All IDOE-related ROSCOP's re- ceived by NOAA's Environmental Data Service from May 1975 to April 1976 are included in this appendix. The re- ported ROSCOPs brmg the IDOE 1970-76 total to 398. Information is presented in the follow/ing order: Line 1: Institution of IDOE grant holder as identified in List of Abbreviations; platform or vessel used to collect data; cruise number and leg, where applicable; cruise period and number of days. Line 2: NODC record number (reference to this number when requesting ROSCOPs facilitates retrieval of the in- formation); general geographic area. Line 3: Chief scientist(s); supporting organization(s) indi- cated in parentheses, as identified in List of Abbreviations; and Marsden Square(s) as shown by charts following Appendix. Line 4: Grant Number (NSF reference); program or sub- program as indicated in text. A listing of parameters and the number of stations, samples, or miles of record follows. A dash indicates continuously sampled, not reported, or that a number would not be mean- ingful LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Institution of IDOE Grant Holder** DUKE LDGO MIT NOAA NMFS PMEL OSU SEA SIO SKIO TAMU UH URI UW WHOI Duke University Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory Massachusetts institute of Technology National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA Pacific Marine Environment Laboratory, NOAA Oregon State University Sailing Education Association Scripps Institution of Oceanography Skidaway Institute of Oceanography Texas A&M University University of Hawaii University of Rhode Island University of Washington Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution BBS Bermuda Biological Station Organizations providing support: AEC Atomic Energy Commission EPA Environmental Protection Agency NSF IDOE National Science Foundation— International Decade of Ocean Exploration program ONR Office of Naval Research * See Introduction. *• Certain cooperative data collection efforts were performed on vessels other than those of the grant holder's parent institution, and certain inventory forms were submitted by other institu- tions. 51 Environmental Quality Program Pollutant Transfer Program 1. BBS PANULIRUS II, January 1974-December 1975, 48 days 2. NODC Record No. R390963, West Central Atlantic 3. Morris, B. F. (NSF IDOE/ONR) Marsden Squares 115 4. NSF Grant No. GX-32883, pollutant transfer Physical/Chemical oceanography: STD/CTD vertical profiles 48, oxygen 48 Pollution: particulate organic matter (petroleum fraction) 48. 1. OSU CAYUSE Cruise C7502-A, Leg 1, part 1, February 1975, 4 days 2. NODC Record No. R390394, Northeast Pacific 3. Arnal, R.E. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 120,121 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 75-01303, pollutant transfer (BAJA II) Geology/Geophysics: grab 16, core-soft bottom 17, physical analysis of sediments 33 1. OSU CAYUSE Cruise C7502-A, Leg 1, part 2, February 1975, 2 days 2. NODC Record No. R390395, Northeast Pacific 3. De Lappe, B. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 121 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 75-01303, pollutant transfer (BAJA II) Pollution: chlorinated hydrocarbons 6 1. OSU CAYUSE Cruise C7502-A, Leg 1, part 3, February 1975, 3 days 2. NODC Record No. R390397, Northeast Pacific 3. Broenkow, W.W. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 121 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 75-01303, pollutant transfer (BAJA II) Physical/Chemical oceanography: discrete surface tempera- ture 30, STD/CTD vertical profiles 4, transparency 30. Pollution: chlorinated hydrocarbons 6 1. OSU CAYUSE Cruise C7502-A, Leg 1, part 4, February 1975, 3 days 2. NODC Record No. R390398, Northeast Pacific 3. Martin, J.H. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 121 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 75-01303, pollutant transfer (BAJA II) Physical/Chemical oceanography: transparency 12 Pollution: heavy metals 11, chlorinated hydrocarbons 6 1. OSU CAYUSE Cruise C7502-A, Leg 1, part 5, February 1975, 2 days 2. NODC Record No. R390399, Northeast Pacific 3. Martin, J.H. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 121 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 75-01303, pollutant transfer (BAJA II) Physical/Chemical oceanography: transparency 18 Pollution: heavy metals 6, chlorinated hydrocarbons 6 1. OSU CAYUSE Cruise C7502-A, Leg 2, March 1975, 12 days 2. NODC Record No. R390366, Northeast Pacific 3. Broenkow, W. W. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 83-85, 121, 122 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 75-01303, pollutant transfer (BAJA II) Physical/Chemical oceanography: discrete surface tempera- ture 31, classical oceanographic stations 5, STD/CTD verti- cal profiles 31, transparency 3 Pollution: heavy metals 30 1. OSU CAYUSE Cruise C7502-A, Leg 3, March 1975, 13 days 2. NODC Record No. R390392, Northeast Pacific 3. Bruland, K. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 46, 48, 83, 84, 120 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 75-01303, pollutant transfer (BAJA II) Meteorology: systematic standard measurements 24 Physical/Chemical oceanography: discrete surface tempera- ture 24, classical oceanographic stations 1, expendable bathythermograph 1, transparency 25 Pollution: heavy metals 25, chlorinated hydrocarbons 25. 1. URI TRIDENT Cruise TR-165, April 1975, 19 days 2. NODC Record No. R390519, Northeast and Southv^rest Pacific 3. DUCE, R. A. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 307, 308 4. NSF Grant No. GX-33777 and GX-33615, pollutant transfer Meteorology: systematic standard measurements Physical/Chemical oceanography: continuous surface tem- perature — , trace elements 35, silicates 9, particulate and dissolved alkali metals — , mercury — Pollution: petroleum residues 12, chlorinated hydrocarbons 15 Biology: particulate organic carbon 45, dissolved organic matter 18, hydrocarbon concentrations 9 1. URI TRIDENT Cruise TR-169, June-July 1975, 20 days 2. NODC Record No. R390784, Northv(/est Atlantic 3. Swift, E. (NSF IDOE/AEC) Marsden Squares 79, 115, 116, 151, 152 4. NSF Grant No. GX-33777, pollutant transfer Meteorology: systematic standard measurements — Physical/Chemical oceanography: classical oceanographic stations 8, expendable bathythermography 62, transparency 6, phosphate 8, nitrate 8, atmospheric sea salt content 7 Biology: phytoplankton 35, commercial benthic molluscs 3, bioluminescent assay 6 1. SEA WESTWARD Cruise W-13 and W-14, January- March 1974, 68 days 2. NODC Record No. R390964, West Central Atlantic and Caribbean 3. Morris, B. F. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 78-81, 42-45 4. NSF Grant No. GX-32883, pollutant transfer Pollution: pelagic tar lumps 61 Biology: neuston/pleuston 61 1. SEA WESTWARD Cruise W-19, December 1974-January 1975, 49 days 2. NODC Record No. R390965, Mediterranean and East Central Atlantic 52 Environmental Quality Program (Cont.) 3. Morris, B. F. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 109, 142- 144, 179, 180 4. NSF Grant No. GX-32883, pollutant transfer Pollution: pelagic tar lumps 48, dissolved hydrocarbons 48. Biology: neuston/pleuston 48 1. TAMU GYRE Cruise 75-G-ll, September 1975, 6 days 2. NODC Record No. R390905, Gulf of Mexico 3. Trefry, J. H. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 81, 82 4. NSF Grant No. GX-42576, pollutant transfer Physical/Chemical oceanography: discrete surface tempera- ture 25, discrete surface salinity 25, classical oceanographic stations 4, oxygen 25, phosphate 15, silicate 15, pH 30, chlorinity 15, trace elements 10 Pollution: suspended solids 30, heavy metals 10, low- molecularweight hydrocarbons 25 Geology/Geophysics: grab 2, core-rock 4, physical analysis of sediments 28, chemical analysis of sediments 28 Biology: particulate organic carbon 15, dissolved organic matter 15 1. TAMU GYRE Cruise 75-G-16, November 1975, 11 days 2. NODC Record No. R390906, Gulf of Mexico 3. Trefry, J. H./Shokes, R. F. (NSF IDOE/ONR) Marsden Squares 81, 82 4. NSF Grant No. GX-42576, pollutant transfer Physical/Chemical oceanography: discrete surface tempera- ture 30, discrete surface salinity 30, classical oceanographic stations 9, phosphate 60, silicate 60, pH 25, chlorinity 25, trace elements 10. Pollution: suspended solids 20, heavy metals 25 Geology/Geophysics: dredge 2, core-soft bottom 30, physical analysis of sediments 50, chemical analysis of sediments 150, geochronology 4 Dynamics: drift cards 250 Biology: particulate organic carbon 18, particulate organic nitrogen 1. WHOI ATLANTIS II Cruise 85, Leg 3, September-October 1975, 14 days 2. NODC Record No. R390778, Northwest Atlantic 3. Teal, J. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 79, 115 4. NSF Grant No. OCE 76-04056, pollutant transfer Pollution: petroleum residues, 6, chlorinated hydrocarbons 6, contaminated organisms 6 Biology: zooplankton 15, hydrocarbon concentrations 9. Biological Effects Program 1. TAMU GYRE Cruise 75-G-8, June-July 1975, 11 days 2. NODC Record No. R390660, Northwest Atlantic 3. Sackett, W. M. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 81, 82 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 73-09739, biological effects (GUFEX) Physical/Chemical oceanography: classical oceanographic stations 23, STD/CTD vertical profiles 2, expendable bathy- thermograph 35, transparency 2, oxygen 143, phosphate 46, nitrate 46, silicate 46, pH 40, trace elements 32, radio- activity 9, dissolved gases 158. Geology/Geophysics: core-soft bottom 13, underway bathy- metry-wide beam 600 mi Biology: primary productivity 162, phytoplankton pigment 416, particulate organic carbon 46, dissolved organic matter 46, phytoplankton 42 53 Environmental Forecasting Program Midocean Dynamics Experiment (MODE) and POLYMODE 1. MIT CHAIN Cruise 118, January-February 1975, 13 days 2. NODC Record No. R390597, North Atlantic 3. Seaver, G. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 109-115, 151 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 75-04215, POLYMODE Physical/Chemical oceanography: expendable bathythermo- graph 382 1. URI EASTWARD Cruise E-11-75, September-October 1975, 10 days 2. NODC Record No. R390739, Northwest Atlantic 3. Watts, D. R. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 115, 116 4. POLYMODE Physical/Chemical oceanography: continuous surface tem- perature -, classical oceanographic stations 1, expendable bathythermograph 48, oxygen 1 Geology/Geophysics: underway bathymetry-wide beam - Dynamics: inverted echo sounders - 1. URI TRIDENT Cruise 168, May-June 1975, 19 days 2. NODC Record No. R390646, Northwest Atlantic 3. Richardson, P. L. (NSF IDOE/ONR) Marsden Squares 80, 152 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 75-08765/GX-30416, POLYMODE Physical/Chemical oceanography: STD/CTD vertical profiles 17, expendable bathythermograph 305, oxygen 12, phos- phate 20, total-P 20 Pollution: pesticides 27, organophosphorous 20, total organic carbon 20 Geology/Geophysics: underway seismic reflection 20 1. URI/WHOI TRIDENT Cruise TR-174, October-November 1975, 23 days 2. NODC Record No. R390890, Central North Atlantic 3. Ledbetter, M. T. (NSF IDOE/ONR) Marsden Squares 109-115 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 75-04215/IDO 75-22133, POLY- MODE and CLIMAP Physical/Chemical oceanography: discrete surface tempera- ture 384, expendable bathythermograph 384 Geology/Geophysics: cores 55, underway bathymetry-wide beam 3300 mi 1. URI TRIDENT Cruise TR-175, November-December 1975, 21 days 2. NODC Record No. R390908, Northwest Atlantic 3. Richardson, P. L. (NSF IDOE/ONR) Marsden Squares 114-116, 152 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 75-08765, POLYMODE Physical/Chemical oceanography: CTD/Oj vertical profiles 11, expendable bathythermograph 438, oxygen 10 Dynamics: free-drifting buoy 1 1. WHOI CHAIN Cruise 116, July-August 1975, 20 days 2. NODC Record No. R390780, Northwest Atlantic 3. Heinmiller, R. H. (NSF IDOE/ONR) Marsden Squares 78, 79, 114, 115, 151 and 152 4. NSF Grant No. GX-29054, MODE/POLYMODE Physical/Chemical oceanography: continuous surface tem- perature 2300 mi, continuous surface salinity 2300 mi, STD/CTD vertical profiles 32, expendable bathythermo- graph 284, carbonate dissolution samples on moorings 34 Geology/Geophysics: magnetic properties of the sea floor 3, underway bathymetry-wide beam 1500 mi Dynamics: current meters 33 stations, 280 days 1. WHOI KNORR Cruise 39, April 1974, 18 days 2. NODC Record No. R390804, Northwest Atlantic 3. Tupper, G. H. (NSF IDOE/ONR) Marsden Squares 79, 115, 116 4. MODE Physical/Chemical oceanography: STD/CTD vertical profiles 19, expendable bathythermograph 42, calcium deposition samples 8 Dynamics: current meters 8 stations, 120 days 1. WHOI KNORR Cruise 44, December 1974, 19 days 2. NODC Record No. R390801, Northwest Atlantic 3. Tupper, G. (NSF IDOE/ONR) Marsden Squares 115, 116 4. POLYMODE Physical/Chemical oceanography: STD/CTD vertical profiles 39, expendable bathythermograph 153 Dynamics: current meters 15 stations, 240 days 1. WHOI KNORR Cruise 49, April-May 1975, 29 days 2. NODC Record No. R390495, Northwest Atlantic 3. Schmitz, W. (NSF IDOE/ONR) Marsden Squares 78, 79, 115, 116, and 150 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 75-03962, POLYMODE Physical/Chemical oceanography: classical oceanographic stations 2, expendable bathythermograph 535, oxygen 17 Geology/Geophysics: underway bathymetry-wide beam 5,000 mi Dynamics: current meters 9 stations. 270 days 1. WHOI KNORR Cruise 52, October-November 1975, 28 days 2. NODC Record No. R390802, Northwest Atlantic 3. Sanford, T. B. (NSF IDOE/ONR) Marsden Squares 115, 151 4. POLYMODE Physical/Chemical oceanography: STD/CTD vertical profiles 79, expendable bathythermograph 23, temperature and sa- linity measurements from free-falling instrument 336 Dynamics: electromagnetic current velocity profiles 82 North Pacific Experiment (NORPAX) 1. UH MOANA WAVE Cruise El Nino, Leg 1, February- March 1975, 28 days 2. NODC Record No. R390478, Northeast and Southwest Pacific 3. Patzert, W. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 9-11, 47, 83-85, 122, 308, 309, 344, 345 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 75-06468, NORPAX (El Nino Watch) Meteorology: upper air observations 50, incident radiation -, systematic standard measurements - Physical/Chemical oceanography: continuous surface tem- 54 Environmental Forecasting Program (Cont.) perature -, continuous surface salinity -, discrete surface temperature -, discrete surface salinity -, classical oceano- graphic stations 26, STD/CTD vertical profiles 55, expend- able bathythermograph 300, oxygen 26, phosphate 26, ni- trate 26, nitrite 26, silicate 26 Dynamics: current meters 3, electric field current meters 3 Biology: primary production 26, phytoplankton pigment 26, zooplankton 55 1. UH MOANA WAVE Cruise El Nino, Leg 2, March 1975, 15 days 2. NODC Record No. R390479, Northeast and Southwest Pacific 3. Patzert, W. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 8, 9, 308, 343, 344 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 75-06468, NORPAX (El Nino Watch) Meteorology: upper air observations 24, incident radiation -, systematic standard measurements - Physical/Chemical oceanography: continuous surface tem- perature -, continuous surface salinity -, discrete surface temperature -, discrete surface salinity -, classical oceano- graphic stations 19, STD/CTD vertical profiles 38, expend- able bathythermograph 132, oxygen 19, phosphate 19, ni- trate 19, nitrite 19, silicate 19 Geology/Geophysics: core-soft bottom 1 Biology: primary production 19, phytoplankton pigments 19, zooplankton 38 1. UH MOANA WAVE Cruise El Nino, Leg 3, April-May 1975, 25 days 2. NODC Record No. R390480, Northeast and Southwest Pacific 3. Stroup, E. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 9, 10, 308, 309, 343-345 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 75-06468, NORPAX (El Nino Watch) Meteorology: upper air observations -, incident radiation -, systematic standard measurements - Physical/Chemical oceanography: continuous surface tem- perature -, continuous surface salinity -, discrete surface temperature -, discrete surface salinity -, classical oceano- graphic stations 29, STD/CTD vertical profiles 61, expend- able bathythermograph 288, oxygen 29, phosphate 29, ni- trate 29, nitrite 29, silicate 29 Biology: primary productivity 29, phytoplankton pigments 29, zooplankton 60 1. UH MOANA WAVE Cruise El Nino, Leg 4, May 1975, 13 days 2. NODC Record No. R390566, Northeast and Southwest Pacific 3. Stroup, R. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 8, 9, 308, 343, 344 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 75-06468, NORPAX (El Nino Watch) Meteorology: upper air observations 22, incident radiation -, systematic standard measurements - Physical/Chemical oceanography: continuous surface tem- perature, continuous surface salinity -, discrete surface tem- perature -, discrete surface salinity -, classical oceano- graphic stations 18, STD/CTD vertical profiles 36, expend- able bathythermograph 133, oxygen 18, phosphate 18, ni- trate 18, nitrite 18, silicate 18 Biology: primary production 18, phytoplankton pigment 18, zooplankton 33 International Southern Ocean Studies (ISOS) 1. LOGO CONRAD Cruise CO 18-01, February-March 1975, 39 days 2. NODC Record No. R390473, South Atlantic and South Pacific 3. Gordon, A. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 485, 486 4. NSF Grant No. OCE 74-15062, ISOS Physical/Chemical oceanography: continuous surface tem- perature 5,000 mi, discrete surface temperature 182, dis- crete surface salinity 150, STD/CTD vertical profiles 59, expendable bathythermograph 182, oxygen 59, phosphate 59, silicate 59, trace elements 15, isotopes 5 Geology/Geophysics: underway bathymetry-wide beam 5,000 mi, underway seismic reflection 5,000 mi, underway gravi- metry 5,000 mi, underway magnetism 5,000 mi, core-soft bottom 9 1. OSU CAYUSE Cruise C7508-B, August 1975, 2 days 2. NODC Record No. R390687, Northeast Pacific 3. Baker, D. J. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 157 4. SF Grant No. IDO 75-03961, ISOS Meteorology: occasional standard measurements 1 Dynamics: deployment of 2 pressure gauges 1. SIO MELVILLE Cruise F DRAKE. Leg 1, January-Febru- ary 1975, 26 days 2. NODC Record No. R390402, Southwest Atlantic, North- east and Southwest Pacific 3. Nowlin, W./Winterow, S. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 12, 47, 48, 85, 121, 310, 345, 346, 381, 417, 450, 452, 453, 486-488 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 74-14941, ISOS (F Drake) Geology /Geophysics: underway bathymetry-wide beam -, underway bathymetry-narrow beam -, magnetism - Physical/Chemical oceanography: expendable bathythermo- graph 190 Biology: surface tows for freezing nuclei - 1. OSU CAYUSE Cruise C7509-C, September 1975, 1 day 2. NODC Record No. R390743, Northeast Pacific 3. Baker, D. J., Wern, R. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 157 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 75-03961, ISOS Meteorology: occasional standard measurements 1 Dynamics: tidal observations 2 1. SIO MELVILLE Cruise F DRAKE, Leg 4, May 1975, 8 days 2. NODC Record No. R390634, East Central Pacific 3. Keith, W. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 9, 46, 47 4. NSF Grant No. OFS 74-01830, ISOS Physical/Chemical oceanography: expendable bathythermo- graph 10 Geology/Geophysics: underway bathymetry-wide beam -, underway magnetism - 55 Environmental Forecasting Program (Cont.) 1. TAMU ISLAS ORCADAS Cruise 75-04/F DRAKE, Janu- ary-March 1975, 53 days 2. NODC Record No. R390400, South Pacific and South- west Atlantic 3. Park, P. K. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 485-487, 522 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 75-09525, ISOS (F Drake) Physical/Chemical oceanography: continuous surface tem- perature 2000 mi, classical oceanographic stations 30, STD/CTD vertical profiles 85, expendable bathythermograph 150, oxygen 30, phosphate 30, nitrate 30, silicate 30 Geology/Geophysics: underway bathymetry-wide beam 2,000 mi 1. TAMU MELVILLE Cruise F DRAKE, Leg II, February- April 1975, 45 days 2. NODC Record No. R390401, Southeast Pacific and Southwest Atlantic 3. Nowlin, W. D./Pillsbury, D. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 485, 486 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 74-14941, ISOS (F Drake) Meteorology: occasional standard measurements 70, syste- matic standard measurements 160 Physical/Chemical oceanography: continuous surface tem- perature 3,700 mi, continuous surface salinity 3,700 mi, dis- crete surface temperature 226, discrete surface salinity 225, classical oceanographic stations 64, STD/CTD vertical pro- files 87, expendable bathythermograph 239, oxygen 64, phosphate 64, nitrate 64, nitrite 64, silicate 64, surface sili- cate 15 Geology/Geophysics: underway bathymetry-wide beam 5000 mi Dynamics: current meters 9 stations, 270 days Climate: Long Range Investigation, Mapping, and Prediction (CLIMAP) Study 1. URI/OSU TRIDENT Cruise TR-173, July-October 1975, 105 days 2. NODC Record No. R390849, Tyrrhenian Sea, Balearic Sea, Alboran Sea, Straits of Gibraltar and Northeast Atlantic 3. Thiede, J. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 109, 143, 179, 144 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 75-22133, CLIMAP Physical/Chemical oceanography: isotopes - Geology/Geophysics: cores-rock 1, cores-soft bottom 26, underway bathymetry-wide beam 1500 mi, underway seismic reflection 1500 mi, C-14 studies of pore water 38 56 Seabed Assessment Program Continental Margin Studies 1. WHOI ATLANTIS II Cruise 91, Legs 1 and 2, July-August 1975, 45 days 2. NODC Record No. R390779, Northwest Atlantic 3. Prada, K. E. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Square 151 4. NSF Grant No. GX-41962, Continental Margin Physical/Chemical oceanography: discrete surface tempera- ture 408, discrete surface salinity 408, water color 154, expendable bathythermograph 50 Geology/Geophysics: reflection/refraction-wide angle (radio buoy) 330, underway bathymetry-wide beam 6217 mi, under- way seismic reflection 6,217 mi, underway magnetism 6,217 mi Plate Tectonics and Metallogenesis Studies 1. OSU MELVILLE Cruise F DRAKE, Leg III, April-May 1975, 38 days 2. NODC Record No. R390651, Southwest Pacific 3. Prince, R. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 379, 415 4. NSF Grant No. GX-28675, Nazca Plate (F Drake) Physical/Chemical oceanography: expendable bathythermo- graph 105 Geology/Geophysics: dredge 6, core-soft bottom 8, underway bathymetry-wide beam 6,000 mi, magnetism 6,000 mi Biology: zooplankton -, nekton 3, invertebrate nekton - 57 Living Resources Program Coastal Upwelling Ecosystems Analysis (CUEA) 1. DUKE EASTWARD Cruise E-5A-75, July 1975, 1 day 2. NODC Record No. R390732, Northwest Atlantic 3. Barber, R. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Square 116 4. NSF Grant No. OCE 75-23722, CUEA Physical/Chemical oceanography: continuous surface tem- perature 3, continuous near-bottom temperature 3, expend- able bathythermograph 3 Dynamics: current meters 2 stations 1. DUKE EASTWARD Cruise E-5B-75, July 1975, 6 days 2. NODC Record No. R390733, Northwest Atlantic 3. Barber, R. T. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Square 116 4. NSF Grant No. OCE 75-23722, CUEA Physical/Chemical oceanography: discrete surface tempera- ture -, discrete surface salinity -, discrete near-bottom sa- linity -, STD/CTD vertical profiles 1, expendable bathy- thermograph -, phosphates -, nitrates, nitrites -, silicates - Geology/Geophysics: underway bathymetry-wide beam -, dredge - Biology: taxonomy, systematics, classification 4, primary productivity -, phytoplankton pigment -, pelagic fishes 4, taggings 4 1. DUKE EASTWARD Cruise E-7-75, August 1975, 4 days 2. NODC Record No. R390735, Northwest Atlantic 3. Barber, R. T., Pillsbury, D. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Square 116 4. NSF Grant No. OCE 75-23722/OCE 76-00132, CUEA Meteorology: wind speed and direction 20 Physical/Chemical oceanography: continuous surface tem- perature 21, continuous surface salinity 21, discrete surface temperature 20, discrete surface salinity 20, continuous near-bottom temperature 21, continuous near-bottom salinity 20, discrete near-bottom temperature 20, discrete near- bottom salinity 20, STD/CTD vertical profiles 21, expend- able bathythermograph 39, phosphate 20, nitrate 20, nitrite 20, silicate 20 Dynamics: current meters 2 Biology: phytoplankton pigment 20 1. OSU CAYUSE Cruise C7504-C, April 1975, 2 days 2. NODC Record No. R390413, Northeast Pacific 3. Smith, R. L., Pillsbury, R. D. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Squares 157 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 71-04211, CUEA Meteorology: occasional standard measurements 1 Dynamics: current meters 3 stations, 90 days 1. OSU CAYUSE Cruise C7505-D, May 1975, 3 days 2. NODC Record No. R390496, Northeast Pacific 3. Smith, R. L. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Square 157 4. NSF Grant No. DES 74--22290, CUEA Meteorology: occasional standard measurements 1 Dynamics: current meters 1 station, 90 days 1. OSU CAYUSE Cruise C7509-D, September 1975, 2 days 2. NODC Record No. R390688, Northeast Pacific 3. Pillsbury, R. D., Mesecar, R. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Square 157 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 74-12558, CUEA Meteorology: occasional standard measurements 1 Dynamics: current meters 27 1. OSU CAYUSE Cruise C7509-F, September 1975, 1 day 2. NODC Record No. R390744, Northeast Pacific 3. Still, R. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Square 157 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 71-04211, CUEA Meteorology: occasional standard measurements 1 Dynamics: current meters 1 1. OSU YAQUINA Cruise Y7505-C, May 1975, 2 days 2. NODC Record No. R390497, Northeast Pacific 3. Smith, R. L. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Square 157 4. NSFGrant No. IDO 71-04211, CUEA Meteorology: occasional standard measurements 1 Physical/Chemical oceanography: STD/CTD vertical profiles 11 1. OSU YAQUINA Cruise Y7510-A, October 1975, 2 days 2. NODC Record No. R390830, Northeast Pacific 3. Huyer, A. J. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Square 157 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 71-04211, CUEA Meteorology: occasional standard measurements 1 Physical/Chemical oceanography: STD/CTD vertical profiles 37 1. OSU YAQUINA Cruise Y7510-D1 and D2, October 1975, 4 days 2. NODC Record No. R390831, Northeast Pacific 3. Huyer, A. J. (NSF IDOE/ONR) Marsden Square 157 4. NSFGrant No. IDO 71-04211, CUEA Meteorology: occasional standard measurements 1 Physical/Chemical oceanography: classical oceanographic stations 3, STD/CTD vertical profiles 3, expendable bathy- thermograph 4, expendable bathyoxygraph 12, oxygen 3, dis- solved gasses 3 1. OSU YAQUINA Cruise Y7505-C, May 1975, 2 days 2. NODC Record No. R390497, Northeast Pacific 3. Smith, R. L. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Square 157 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 71-04211, CUEA Meteorology: occasional standard measurements 1 Physical/Chemical oceanography: STD/CTD vertical profiles 11 1. OSU YAQUINA Cruise Y7507-C, July 1975, 2 days 2. NODC Record No. R390658, Northeast Pacific 3. Smith, R. L., Huyer, A. J. (NSF IDOE) Marsden Square 157 4. NSF Grant No. IDO 71-04211, CUEA Meteorology: occasional standard measurements 1 Physical/Chemical oceanography: STD/CTD vertical profiles 12 Dynamics: current meters 3 58 Appendix B— IDOE films The NSF Office for IDOE has prepared a number of films to better illustrate phenomena of the ocean environment and the work of IDOEfunded scientists. These 16-mm, sound and color motion pictures are available on loan from the organi- zations indicated. Alpha Cine Labs 1001 Lenora Street Seattle, WA 98121 Well of Life (27 minutes)— The twin dramas of the ocean's life cycles and the scientific probing of its mysteries are combined in this story of ocean upwelling. Coastal upwelling is the still little-understood process by which the ocean con- tinuously renews its resources, through the motions of wind, water, and the Earth itself. The V^ell of Life deals with that mystery, and the efforts of scientists to uncover its driving forces and learn how it influences and is influenced by weather, climate, and the seemingly limitless round of ocean- linked phenomena. The setting is off the Oregon coast. But the truths presented about balance in the world's ecosystems and the relevance of one field of science to another have uni- versal applications. (English, French. German, Spanish, and Russian versions.) Centre Films, Inc. 1103 iSI. El Centro Ave. Hollywood, CA 90038 The Turbulent Ocean (60 minutes)— A documentary film about the planning and execution of one of the largest deep- sea expeditions in twentieth century oceanographic research. Over 75 scientists and technicians from 18 national and in- ternational universities and oceanographic institutions set forth in a coordinated, cooperative effort to find and measure strange and not yet understood motions beneath the surface of the sea called an eddy. Doubleday— Multimedia Box 11607 1371 Reyonds Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92705 Changing Climes (5 minutes)— Are the unusual weather pat- terns and severe crop losses of recent years just a passing phenomenon? Or is the Earth sliding into the downward side of a long-term temperature cycle. Scientists are delecting evidence of such long-term cycles and are raising some early warnings. Cycle in the Sea (5 minutes)— Thanks to the motions of wind, water, and the Earth itself, life in the oceans continuously renews itself. Here is an important story of the balance in the world's ecosystems and its study off the coast of Oregon. Desert in the Deep? (5 minutes)— That the ocean floor is no desert is beginning to be realized. But the varieties of life forms, from simple organisms to sharks measuring 4 feet between the eyes, were unsuspected until scientists went to sea with cameras able to explore the very deepest reaches of the sea. Pastures of the Sea (5 minutes)— Food chains in the sea like food chains on land depend on plants to use the Sun's energy to convert chemical nutrients into food. To understand, and perhaps better use, the resources of the sea we have to understand its interlocking life cycles. Science is looking at the beginning of the sea's food chain; this film looks at the science. Science and the Salmon Fishery (5 minutes)— Commercial fishermen have learned by guess and by gosh where to catch fish, but they don't often know why the fish are where they are. A scientific experiment off the Oregon coast is turning up explanations and, with the cooperation of the coho salmon fishermen, is developing a system of fisheries predictions that seems to be paying off. Where is the Weather Born? (5 minutes)— Weather and cli- mate, it has been said, began in the oceans. A group of scientists have been studying the northern Pacific in the effort to identify the oceanic processes relating to weather conditions over the continents. NORPAX, the North Pacific Experiment, is an effort to understand the interrelationships, for instance, between sea-surface temperatures and long- term weather (or short-term climate). This research could lead not only to understanding, but to prediction. NOAA Film Laboratory 12227 Wilkens Avenue Rockville, MD 20852 Boundary of Creation (27 minutes)— This film describes the efforts of U.S. and French scientists in Project FAMOUS to understand the ever-changing geology of our Earth, particu- larly the midocean ridges off the Azores. The picture features the probes of the minisub ALVIN in the ocean depths and also portrays research in Hawaii and Iceland. RHR Filmedia, Inc. 48 West 48th Street Suite ii:900 New York, NY 10036 Rivers of the Sea (27 minutes)- A sea-going expedition leaves Tahiti to gain a better understanding of the oceans and their chemistry— knowledge that is vital in preventing ocean pollution, improving commercial fishing, and under- standing climatic conditions. It )oins scientists working at sea and in land-based laboratories in California, New York, and Miami. 59 Appendix C— Recent Reports and Workshops Sponsored by IDOE Effects of Pollutants on Marine Organisms. Deliberations and recommendations of the National Science Foundation, International Decade of Ocean Exploration, Effects of Pollutants on Marine Oragnisms Study, August 11-14, 1974. Report of the Workshop on the Phenomenon Known as "El Nino." Guayaquil, Ecuador, December 4-12, 1974. Organized within the International Decade of Ocean Exploration under the sponsorship of UNESCO, FAO, and WMO. IDOE International Workshop on Marine Geology and Geo- physics of the Caribbean Region and its Resources. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Work- shop Report No. 5. Kingston, Jamaica, February 17-22, 1975. Report of the CCOP/SOPAC-IOC IDOE International Work- shop on Geology, Mineral Resources and Geophysics of the South Pacific. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Workshop Report No. 6. Suva, Fiji, Sep- tember 1-6, 1975. Marine Metals and Continental Ores. The Oregon Geostill Conference, October 1975, Oregon State University, Corvailis, Oreg. A Marine Science Affairs Program in the International Decade of Ocean Exploration. Recommendations from a work- shop held at the Dulles Marriott Motel, Dulles Inter- national Airport, November 5-7, 1975. The International Decade of Ocean Exploration, midterm review. A report for the Director of the National Science Foundation by the National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere, August 29, 1975. 60 Chart of 10° by 10" geographic areas (Marsden Squares) within which were collected data and information reported in this publication and received by NOAA's Environmental Data Service. yole: Data and ROSCOP forms are seldom received at the same time. 63 Chart of 10 by 10 geographic areas (Marsdcn Squares) within which were collected data received bv NOAA's Environmental Data Service during the period January 1 970- April 1976 (shaded squares) resulting from IDOE- $pansor«d research. 64 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 117b ;I0-H0I'427 1-3 65 Progress ReportVol^ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION Environmental Data Service Washington, D.C. 20235 POSTAGE AND FEES PAID U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE An equal opportunity employer U.8. DEPT. OF COMMERCE^ serVISE NATIONAL " A«'NE ;.SHER ^^^^^^ •^^''ToO^Os'hI^LE. MASS. OCT ^ ^ »- /•-■) LIBRARY NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES HOLE, M.rsS. 025A3 NOAA, WOODS SERVICE ^OVUTIO/i,