K PALAEONTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL. Dk. CYRUS ABLER (United States). Prof. H. E. ARMSTRONG (United Kingdom). Prof. Dr. A. von BOHM (Austria). Dr. J. BRUNCHORST (Norway). Dr. E. W. DAHLGREN (Sweden). Prof. A. FAMINTZIN (Rdssia). Prof. Dr. J. H. GRAF (Switzerland). Prof. J. W. GREGORY (Victoria). Dr. M. KNUDSEN (Denmark). Prof. D. J. KORTEWEG (Holland). Prof. H. LAMB (S. Australia). Prof. A. LIVERSIDGE (New South Wales). MoNS. D. M^TAXAS (Gbeeoe). Prof. R. NASLNI (Italy). Don F. del PASO Y TRONCOSO (Mexico). Prof. H. POINCARfi (France). Prof. GUSTAV RADOS (Hungary). Prof. J. SAKURAI (Japan). R. TRIMEN, Esq. (Cape Colony). Prof. Db. 0. UHLWORM (Germany). EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Dr. CYRUS ADLER. Peof. H. E. ARMSTRONG. Prof. A. FAMINTZIN. Prof. H. McLEOD. Dr. p. CHALMERS MITCHELL. Prof. R. NASINI. Prof. H. POINCAR^. Prof. T. E. THORPE. Prof. Db. 0. UHLWORM. DIRECTOR. Dr. H. FORSTER MORLEY. REFEREE FOR THIS VOLUME. U. A. ALLEN. INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE Fifth Annual Issue. K PALAEONTOLOGY PUBLISHED FOR THE INTEENATIONAL COUNCIL BV TUE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON LONDON : Haeeison and Sons, 45, St. Majitin's Lane France: Gauttiieu-Vii.lars, Paris Germany: Hekmann Paetel, Cerlin 1907 (FEBRUARY) /?0S [Material received between June 1905 and June 190G.] INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. GoVERN-MENrS AND InSTITUTIOXS CO-OPERA. TI>fG IN THE PRODUCriON OF THE Catalogue. The Government of Austria. The Government of Belgium. The Government of Canada. The Government of Denmark. The Government of Egypt. The Society of Sciences, Helsingfoi-s, Finland. The Government of France. The Government of Germany. The Royal Society of London, Gieat Britain. The Government of Greece. The Government of Holland. The Government of Hungary. The xlsiatic Society of Bengal, India. The Government of Italy, The Government of Japan. The Government of Mexico. The Government of New South \\"ales. The Government of New Zealand. The Government of Norway. The Academy of Sciences, Cracow. The Polytechnic Academy, Oporto, Portugal. The Government of Queensland. The Government of Russia. The Government of the Cape of Good Hope. The Government of South Australia. The Government of Spain. The Government of Sweden. The Government of Switzerland. The Smithsonian Institution, United States of America, The Government of Victoria. The Government of Western Australia. VI INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. CENTRAL BUREAU. 34 AND 35, Southampton Street, Strand, London, W.C. Director. — H. Forster Morley, M.A., D.Sc. REGIONAL BUREAUS. All commuDicatioDS for the several Reg-ional Bureaus are to be sent to the addresses here giveu. Austria.— Herr Dr. J. Karabacek, Duektor, K. K. Ilofbibliothek, Vienna. Belgium. — Monsieur Louis Masure, Secretaire-General de I'Office International de Bibliographie, Brussels. Canada.— Prof. J. G. Adami, McGill College, Montreal. Denmark. — Dr. Martin Knudsen, 15, Frederikshaldsgade, Copen- hagen. 0. Eg3rpt. — Capt. H. G. Lyons, R.E., Director-General, Survey Department, Cairo. Finland. — Herr Dr. G. Schauman, Bibliothekar der Societat der Wissenschaften, Helsingfors. France.— Monsieur le Dr. J. Deniker, 8, Rue de Buff on, Paris. Germany.— Ilerr Prof. Dr. 0. Uhlworm, Enckeplatz, 3a, Berlin, S.W. Greece. — Monsieur D. Metaxas, Minister Plenipotentiary for Greece, (ireek Legation, 1, Stanhope Gardens, S. W. Holland. — Heer Prof. D. ,T. Korteweg, Uuiversitjit, Amsterdam. Hungary. — Ilerr Prof. Gustav Rados, viii, Muzeumkorut, Muegyetem, liuda-Pest. India and Ceylon. — The Hon. Sec, Asiatic Society of Bengal, 57, Park Street, Calcutta. Italy. — Cav. E. Mancini, Accademia dei Lincei, Palazzo Corsini, Lungara, Rome. Japan. — Prof. J. Sakurai, Imperial University, Tokyo. Mexico. — Senor Don Jose M. Vig-il, Presidente del Instituto Bibllo- g-rafico Mexicano, Biblioteca Nacional, Mexico City. New South Wales. — The Hon. Sec, Royal Society of New South Wales, Sydney. New Zealand. — C. Freyberg, Esq., New Zealand Institute, Wel- lington, N.Z. Norway. — Mr. A. Kiaer, Universitetet, Kristiania, Poland (Austrian, Russian and Prussian). — Dr. T. Estreicher, Sekretarz, Komisya Bibliograficzna, Akademii Umiejgtnosci, Cracow. Portugal. — Senhor F. Gomez Teixeira, Academia Polytechnica do Porto, Oporto. Queensland. — John Shirley, Esq., B.Sc, Cordelia Street, South Brisbane. Russia. — Monsieur E. Heintz, I'Observatoire Physique Central Nicolas, Vass. Ostr. 23-me ligne, 2, St. Petersburg. South Africa. — L. Peringuey, Esq., South African Museum, Ca{)e Town, Cape of Good Hope. South Australia. — The Librarian, Public Library of South Australia, Adelaide. Spain. — Sefior Don Jose Rodriguez Carracido, Real Academia de Ciencias, Valverde 26, Madrid. Sweden. — Dr. E. W. Dahlgren, Royal Academy of Sciences, Stock- holm. Switzerland. — Herr Prof. Dr. J. H. Graf, Schweizerischo Laudes- bibliothek, Berne. The United States of America. — Dr. Cyrus Adler, Smithsonian Institution, Washington. Victoria. — Thomas S. Hall, Esq., Hon. Sec. Royal Society of Victoria, Victoria Street, Melbourne. Western Australia.— J. S. Battye, Esq., Victoria Public Library, Perth. INSTRUCTIONS. The present volume coutains three parts, (a) Schedules and Indexes in four languages ; (b) An Author Catalogue ; (c) A Subject Catalogue. The Subject Catalogue begins with some general sections 0000 to 0200. It is then divided into Palaeozoology and Falaeobotany. Each of these main divisions is sub-divided into three sections. The first section gives the books or papers arranged according to strata ; in the second section the arrangement is according to fossils ; while the third section gives a list of new genera and species. At the end of the Subject Catalogue there is a list of new specific and generic names. To find the papers dealing with a particular subject the reader may consult either the Schedule or the Index to the Schedule. The numbers given in the index are Registration numbers, and can be used at once for turning to the proper page of the Subject Index. This is done by looking at the numbers at the right-hand top corners of the pages. In each section the final ■ arrangement of papers is in the alphabetical order of authors' names. If the reader remember the name of the author of a paper on a given subject, he will probably find it convenient to refer to the Author Catalogue rather than to the Subject Catalogue. In the Author Catalogue the numbers placed within square brackets at the end of each entry are Registration numbers, and serve to indicate the scope of each paper indexed. The meaning of these numbers will at once be found by reference to the Schedule. In case the abbreviated titles of Journals are not understood, a key to these is provided at the end of the volume. The literature indexed is mainly that of 1905, but includes those portions of the literature of 1901-1904 in regard to which the index slips were received by the Central Bureau too late for inclusion in the previous volumes. Topographical Symbols. Many of the sections are divided into a number of sub-sections by means of topographical symbols. These symbols are letters printed in italics. They are explained in the Topographical Classification appended to the volume. • The topograi^hical symbols are not used instead of registration numbers. CONTENTS V^V^Xl XJJJJ.1 J.KJ. PAGE Author Catalogue 17 Subject Catalogue . . r)5 Palaeozoology : Stratigraphical .. 61 Zoological . . .. lOfi List of New Genera and Species .. loH Palae(»bi)lany : Stratigraphical .. 185 Botanical . . .. 19G List of New Genera iuul Species .. 206 Alphabetical List of Names of New Specific and Genei'ic Names . . ..223 Interaationai Catalogue of Scientific Literature. (K) PALEONTOLOGY. 0000 Philosophy. 0010 History-. Biography. 0020 Periodicals. Keports of Institutions, Societies, Con- gresses, etc. 0030 General Treatises, Text Books, Dictionaries, Biblio- graphies, Tables. 0040 Addresses, Lectures. 0050 Pedagog-y. 0060 Institutions, Museums, Collections, Economics. 0070 Nomenclature. 0100 Distribution of Life (Animal and Vegetable) in Past Times. 0150 Zonal Palaeontology ; Mutations (Changes of Form in Successive Strata), etc. 0200 Evolution. {See also L 4300 ; N 0223 ; M 4400.) The numerical symbol to be used for Paleeontological books and papers is obtained by a combination of the Geological stratigraphical number (two figures), with a number (four figures) representing the subdivision of the animal or vegetable kingdom to which the fossil forms described belong. Thus a paper on Triassic Cephalopoda will have the symbol K 65.2231, one on Carboniferous ferns will be numbered K 55.6700. The numbers for Zoological sub-divisions are identical with those used in i he Zoological schedule. The numbers for Botanical sub-divisions are identical with those used in the Botanical schedule. The alphabetical symbols for Topography can be added, if necessary. In this case a paper on Cretaceous Fishes from Asiatic Turkey would bear the symbol K 75.5431 ei. (K-11720) B pU6 0Ud0O18l9IJ "° 'oiozouaeQ aaddfi •oiozouaeo jaMOi eoweocQ?ocQ?ococo:ocoM »0 lO iC iC iC iC O lO »C iC >ft »0 030)0)09)0)0010)0)0)0^ 0)0)0)0)0)0)0)0) cocccococococoro iC^U^^OtOOiO cc:o^3coeocccccococccoco oooooooooodo 0)0)0)0)0)0)0)0)00)0)0) MOCOOCOCO-^ — (M C3 " ^ O O O O o o o o" o o o o 00)0)0 0 000 > •** O ■^ ■»f O QO CO CC ffO CO CO CO CC i: oa c) o CO CD ■^ <_ . _ . _ _ OOQOOOOOOOaOGOQOCOGOCOOO CCOOGOCOCOaOGOGO e: •snoaDB^a^o WC)OC0CD-*'O^'^OC0O o*ocDooio»r;cJccccc^c^ lO O »C tO >C »C O '" >^ 'O iC lO eorocococccococo C) CI ■— ' ■— • o o o o ir: »c ir; if: iri ut' td ^" eocoffoccicocococccococcco C'lCJOOOCO'^O^'^OXtC o >-'^ to m »f; o »o CI cc CO c^i CJ o' o' o o o o" o o o o o o C-J O 00 O 'X) CC -T -^ o c o o o o o o • O •* -^ O 00 o c5Noo6c:3'*0'^-t*< OiCCOCjiQicowcoecCJC-i lO >C lO iC lO »0 to *C »f^ iTi I CDCOOCDOCO'OOCDCOt <:CeCCOCO'^:'?OCOC0 (NOOOOOOCD'^^^ CI M -^ •— ' O O O O gg *oiozoa3iBj aadd£i 05 'oiozoaei^d: j8Mot e^CJooooM'OM'-^oooco cc cc- cc CO cc ec so : _ , _00OM'OM'-^OC. o o CO ic o »r2 4C o CO CO cj CI ' lO o >o >o lO >c »o "f: »c >o 't COCOCOCOCO^iCCCO c^ioajoQocc-^-— • CJC-I'— •<— 'OOOO lOiOuaiOiC^OiCiQ oooooooooooo CIOOOOQOCO-rf"-H CI CI — > — o o o o oooooooo o »ri iO lO m 1 ■aSe Jfutpnioui *i«.iau90 lOCOCD'^O-^'^OCOCO ^ CO CO CO OOCOkC*CiO>CC)cOCOCJCI cocococococoeococoeocQc^ cococoeococococo iMOCOOCCCO-^r-H CICJ^-^OOOO lO »C' tC »C »f^ O »C kO cocococococococo :2^ :'C rt .2 :3 rt ci O TJ ^^ m o M tt-c C 1.1 •a 3 3t« V) — ^ fa a .= .S el [^ E a -^ ©fek ii; 5 ? !:, « .2*5 c ■< b £ fc H '^ s < X ^ p= > i S C C CJ ?. « eo eo O il '» « "^ •^ '^ ^' *^ ^ ^' ^* ^' CC CC CO cc cc c _ _ NCIOQOtO'^O' O OO O 00 (fi -^ -^ c-J ^ ,-. o o o o OOOOOOOOOOO ooooooooooo O »C CO o to t^ 1-- t^ t-» t— I-- ifi tfi i^ tci o .r: ^ci .r: o n^ o ooooooooooo ooooooooooo O-fOtOt— occ-^^ot—c^ »(i O CO CO to t^ t^ t- t>- t^ c^ o' o' o* o* o* o' o' o* o' o* o* ooooooooooo ooooooooooo O^O'Ot-OCO'i'COl— 3> O lO CO CO '^ t >a0COa0aOQO3OX>303D3D C5000000000 0 OOOOOOOCOOOO O-^OiOt— OCO TjtcSfO »Q 40 yp CO '.o t-- t-- t- t- t- c- lO lO *Q O O »0 tC O 'C lO >f*J OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO o*T*o«f::i--05C'^coi^o o in CO CO CO t^ t- t* I-- 1-- t— ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo CP^J^OOr-OCO^COl— O »0 lO CD CO CO t— r* I-- t— r- t— ifr in tO lO ifi ira o »rt. o ic L^ cocococoococococococo OOOOOOOOOOO ooooooooooo o^OiOt— oc^-^coi^-oi iQ lO ^ CO CO 1-- r- 1^ 1^ ^- <- ) O lO "C lO »0 lO -) »C O iC o iO o o o o ooooooooooo ooooooooooo o^o»cr— oco-^coi— o> ^.'^OCOCDCOt^l-^^^-^-'^ oocisogJoooooo »ri O O tJTS O *C O O O iQ lO .15 lO ^ t— i^ C iC iC o o w • 5 - s ^ >. o S a] :S9 C « s O ^1 : >> o =11 8 » Sr^S •13 ^ o ^ 50-3 H 3 It 1 i o o c o >. § o 9 w 2« = O ^ O O t- o Kl ^ -o 1- :n u-» CO ^ l^ t- t^ (k-11720) b2 Catalogue International de la Litterature scientifique. (K) PALEOiNTOLOGIE. 0000 Philosophie. 0010 Histoire. Biographic. 0020 Periodiques. Rapports d'Institutions, de Societes, de Congres, etc. 0030 Traites generaux, Manuels, Dictionnaires, Biblio- graphies, Tables. 0040 Discours, Lectures et Conferences. 00.50 Enseignemeut. OOGO Institutions, Musees, Colleciions. Applications pratiques. 0070 Nomenclature. 0100 Distribution geographique des animaux et des plantes dans les temps passes. 0150 Paleontologie stratigraphique; changements de formes dans les couches successives. 0200 Evolution. (Voy. aussi L 4300 ; N 0223 ; M 4400.) Le symbole numerique qui devra ^re employe pour les livres et memoires paleontologiques est obtenu par une com- binaison du nombre stratigrajihique (2 chiffres) avec un nombre (4 chiffres) representant la subdivision du regne animal ou vegetal a laquelle appartient la forme fossile de'crite. Ainsi un me moire sur les Cephalopodes triasiques devra porter I'indice K 65.2231 ; un memoire sur les Fougeres carboniferes portera I'indice K 55.6700. Les nombres pour les subdivisions zoologiques sont identiques a ceux qui sont employes dans la classification zoologique. Les nombres pour les subdivisions botaniques sont identiques a ceux qui sont employe's dans la classification botanique. Les symboles alphabetiques pour la Topographic peuvent etre ajoute's, si c'est necessaire. Dans ce cas un memoin? sur lee Poissons cretaces de la Turquie d'Asie porterait le synibole K 75.5431 ei. S6 •sjusoja sutBiasj C-IOJCX'^Tj«C;'*-roXCD c-1 o 00 o c« ia ^ — ' (M ^1 .-^ " o o o o k: in -ri .o .n u-' .-':" o 0> Ci Cl il Cl oi C-. o Lt irt ic »rl MS iC US *C I.'; .C 'C tc C-. o> CI o> c; m C5 C-. n cr. o 05 06 ■anssojii aujoorrc jnau^dns anbiozosii O US «D U5 »0 in 'O W CO cc C-3 CI 90.2231 90.2031 90.1831 00. 1031 90.0831 90.0631 90.0431 90.0131 oooooccoocoo ooioicio. cscicsc. oaciCi C8 •aa^ooSiiO anaooa jtiauajui anbiozojx 0231 5231 6031 .5831 5631 5431 5031 2431 3431 .3031 2831 2031 85.2231 85.2031 85. 1831 85. 1031 85.0831 88.0631 85.0431 85.0131 L': ir: ir; lO U5 lo .r: ..-; .n lO lO .^^ QOOOOOCOXOOOOOCOOOOOOOO Si •90B19JO ^_ 023] .5231 6031 683 5031 5431 503 243 343 303 283 263 75.223 7.5.203 75.183 75. 103 75. 083 75. 063 75. 043 75.013 lO'OiOiCiCiCirsioiciOinir:: Oi •anbissBitif 0231 5231 6031 5831 .5631 5431 .5031 2431 3431 3031 2831 2031 70.2231 70.2031 70.1831 70. 1031 70. 0831 70.0631 70.0431 70.0131 oooooooooooo t~ t^ t, t- 1~ t_ t- I- l~ t- I~ 1- Q9 •aiibisKUX r^coco=occccccrococceo?c ClCJOOGCO..J'0-^-^OOOCO oirj«o*o*n»£iiOoieOffociC'> MCOOOOCtO'*-^ C^^l^^OOOO tc >n 'ft in ire If: iO in 55 •anauadns anbiozoaiBj 55.0231 55.5231 65.6031 56. ,5831 55.5631 5.5. .5431 .55. .5031 55.2431 .5.5.3431 55. .3031 .55.2831 55.2631 55.2231 55.2031 55.1831 65. 1031 .55.0831 65.0631 55.0131 55.0131 OS •anaijnjni subiozojiBj 0231 .5231 6031 5831 .5631 .5431 5031 2431 3431 .3031 2831 2631 50.2231 60.2031 50. 1831 50. 1031 .50.0831 50.0631 60. 0431 50.0131 OOOOOOOOOOOO »04CiCiC»C».tlO»C*niOU5»C 98 •uiBjjaoni sSv.p satjoiioD S3i sudtuoo i. 's9J!iBa9U5i{) 0231 .5231 6031 .5831 5631 .5431 5031 2431 3431 3031 2831 2031 3.5.2231 35.2031 3.5. 1831 35.1031 35.0831 35.0631 35.0431 35.0131 inioiCitiicto.r^ioiciCioio Paldozoologie ou pal^ontologie zoologique. Palcozoologie gcnerale Vertibrex Maniinifdres Oi.'seaux Reptiles et Batraciens Poissons T-,iniciers, Aniphioxus, etc J)-(/(/o;)od«.«, y compris leg Insectes Slyriapodes Araclinidps Xiphosares, Euriptcrides, Triloliites. etc Cnistaces c 5" a 'O o a. o •3 .c O 'C e o o 1 Aniphineiires, Scaphopodep, et Lamellibranches (PtU'cypodes) Brachiopodes, y coinpris les Bryozoaires Vers Echinodermes Coelenteres, y coinpris les GTjptolithoides Bonfires Protozoaires Fossiles d'affinite ou d'origine douteuse 023 .523 603 583 563 .543 503 243 343 303 283 263 223 O X, O 00 to -J. — 1 (M — — OOOO ■ ooooooooo«o OOOOCrOOOOOCJ O -^ o ic t-- o rc ^ — t— ci ifs iC in CI »^ »f: ift ifo *" iC o ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo O-^O iCt-Oeo-^Ot— Ci iC lO cs ix: o t- t- t- i^ I— t~ ic ic ic lO c; iC ct ct i.t »C iC coxiXMa^aocoGOcoaoco ooooooooooo ooooooooooo 0■^oot-0^3^tD^-Ci 4f? *0 c; C2 lO C5 ct i-t Ci ct lO OOOOOOOOOOO ooooooooooo gTfioc;t--o:crtO0O0CD00;^OO o-^octi^o^t-^ot-c; ifD C2 CO CD ^S t- L- t^ t- rr- L— co:dcdcccc:^;;50cccscd ooooooooooo ooooooooooo iC C2 CO cc c ooooooooooo ooooooooooo O -T o « t~ o S^SSS 1 -'.'-^■' d d d o o o o c o" o o 1 »r; ir; lO to irs u'^ ..... OOOOOOOOOOO 1 113 m ic ;o w i~ ^ l^ t^ t^ c^ 1 lO irS irs ir: 4C »c o ir5 ic o to I -T-: : : yr . . . ^ . ■ ■ • a ■ N O ■ : ."5 : . . . o . •3 1. ?. £ -§ ■ ■ ■ 1 =■ : P-» I ^ 1^ ■5 " ? c o3 S H-S J §1 .g|gi|: = « S g c^ o- t^ 1^- t- t^ ■ Internationaler Katalog der naturwissenschaftlichen Ititteratur. (K) PALAOiNTOLOGIE. 0000 Pbilosophie. 0010 Geschichte. Biog-raphien. 0020 Periodica. Berichte von Instituten, Congressen etc. 0030 Allg-emeine Abhandlungen, Lehrbucher, Bibliographien, Tabellen. 0040 Festredeii, Vortiiig-e. 0050 Padagogik. 0060 Institute, Museeu, SammluDgen, Wirthschaftliclies Orgaiiisatorisches. 0070 Nomenclatur, 0100 Yertheilung des Lebens (des tbierischen und pflanzlichen) in vergangenen Zeiten. OloO Zonare Palaontologie ; Mutationen (Formenanderungeu in auf einander folgenden SchicLten) etc. 0200 Eutwickkmg. {Siehe audi L 4300 ; N 0223 ; M 4400.) Gesellscliaften, Worterbiicher, und Das Zahlensymbol, welches fiir palaontologiscbe Biicber und Scbriften zu benutzen ist, wird gewonnen durcb Combination der stratigrapbischen geologischen Nummer (zwei Ziffern) mit einer vier- ziffrigen Zabl, welcbe die Unterabtbeilung des Tbier- oder Pflanzen- reiciies angiebt, zu der die bescbriebeneu fossilen Formen gehoren. So wurde eine Abhandlung iiber triassische Oepbalopoden das Symbol erbalten: K 6o.2231; eine solcbe iiber Fame des Carbon wilrde zu numeriren seiu : K 55.6700. Die Nummern fiir die zoologiscbeu Unterabtbeilungen sind identiscb mit den im zoologiscben Schema benutzten. Die Nummern fiir die botaniscben Unterabtbeilungen sind identiscb mit den im botaniscben Schema benutzten. Wenn niilhig, konnen die alpbabetiscben Symbole fiir Topographie hinzugefugt werden. In diesem Falle wiirde eine Abhandlung iiber Fiscbe der Kreide aus der asiatiscben Tiirkei das Symbol tragen : K 75.5431 ei. 10 "uaSanpna -" 8!juaoaa pun av;jBnf) OiCtCiCiCiCiCC^C^CCC'JiS I ^1 o a: ■ . iC tC iC I ^J id id ic L, . . . cc cc a.- irc cc cc cc :o c^i c^i ^ —I o o o o ic i-c if^ id *d id ic »c •UVOOild *UVDOIJ\[ CCCCCOCCCOCCrOCQCOCOWCO C>l(MOOCtO"^0-^tOOOO:0 o o o o o o o o o o o o a: ci GT. C-. oi C-. cr- a. cr. cr. c- :t. cc re re cc C": cC' CC' CO o d d o o o — ' o Ci Ci -. Oi O: a: G". Ci u^jooSjio *u^ooa cccccccccccccococcccccce »C ift »C if^ iC ifS i^ »0 >C iC tC 'O aocococoGOooxcocococoao cccccoccccrrcow CI O 00 O TO '-D -* ^ C'l 'M rH .-. O O O O ic lO ic "T i;!' lO ic lO •dpt8J3 C-i yi O CC -^ rr O ^ 'X Q X iO-^iCiOifliri'^C0C7Oi ifS »C »C »f2 iC iC' »0 >C «C tO »fJ ■M c X o x 'X -r •-« C-1 ::^l i-H ^ o O O O i;^ 'T iC iC' iQ iC iC »o •vauf cocccccccocccccccoroccce n kC >Q in iC 1S> iO '-O '-O •£> '^O ee *mnoiozoaeiBiOx;c-^o-^tDOx:o m k(5 m lO to >o lo ifS lO ire >c ic iCireiCireioicictCiooireire •M — ■ X o X -^ -?i --I ■M :*i '-''—' o o o o id ic »re iQ ire >re ire »re icireireireireireiCLre (M Ol O X -X) ^ O • JCCCCCCCOCCCOfO CCCOCQCCCOCCCCCO Oe'UinoiozoaeiVj S8.i8:jun oire-Direireio^rec^cocc^ci I d>SS:Sd>d!S i ireuziretreireiotC'reiretOkreire C* O X O X Xi ' ■M (M r- ^ O O O O ddddddoo ic »C' »re ire ire lO »re lO eg UOA usiqoiqog '|qosni3 *s8Uiaui9S|iv cor^cccccccccocccccccccc > O 2 (=5 "5.^ • • oJ O : CI "ftC—' _: S ■ ^^S : :2 : :£; : . 3 s •« : .7; . -a !»..S * **^ Tj 3 a> ^ .5 - ~ "O — u ci .5 "^ S 111 III i| If II 1 ? c^ o S - ^ -en's -5 t^ - H ^^1 S -< M - EiS (S^^KQ^f Pi CI o a '£) -»" o -i" 'c o 00 ^ r-i o cc ® cc '^ :j --i c ic -i iC ": "t ": c< CO cc ci 01 c>i c^i ^ r- o o o o 11 O0C0=O000 CO o ^ o ic t- o cc '^ :o 1- =-. IC lO 5C so -X l^ 1- t- t^ t^ t- «■ ifi .r' If- is: •(• .c ■;: -c i.-: i.': oj 0-. o: C-. 0-. 0-. C-. o: c c; -. occccoooo oo 00=0=0000 oo o « in S te £ P- 1- w i~ S F: o o' o' o' =■ o' o' o" o' d o' 0> CK 0-. ST. O: C-. O C-. =■. 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'b 5 : . =3 _o 'SB : a.a .§ : -.3 : 0 4> g id .1 ■g'i .1.1 ..'2 .2* ■0^ •0 0 S 0 . ^ — a .'3 ■m :'3 'u o e II S B 'a i.S S 0. • a . • S - J rt 5" oj:_gS^ 3-3^3 ^2.2-22«S-2 ermes cliinoderma jelenterata, orifera ■a b !- Is Ch^ rt •5«(i-E-."^ 00)C^C300)O^O^C^C:0^ Ooooooooooo ooooooooooo o rr; o o r-- o ?o -^ 'O t^ a> ooooooooooo ci3)C5CJdoa>r;r;c-o ooooooooooo ooooooooc oo O'*O0t^0CC-*0l>-C5 OOMXXOOaOOOGOOOXiC ooooooooooo ooooooooooo O^OiCt— OMTfOt—Oi OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO t- t^ C— I— i~ I— t— t— t-* I— t* OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO iC O O CD CD I CDOOOOCDCOOtDCDO OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO iC O O O CO I OOOOOOOOO — o OOOOOOOOOOO o-<»*oir:t-oco'- t- t- t- I— t- . a c3 ^-^^ Ph C; ^ o ^ S Q <: ^ tfc ;^ ooooooooooo oooooot^t^t-t>' 17 AUTHOR CATALOG UE. Abel, 0[tlienio]. [Fossile Flugfische.] Verh. D. zool. Ges., Leipzig, 15, 1905, (47-48). [65.54S1]. ^ 2772 Die phylogenetische Ent- Avicklung des Cetaceeugebisses unci die systematische Stellimg der Physeteri- den. Verb. D. zool. CJes., Leipzig, 15, 1905, (84-96). [35.6031]. ^2773 Eine Stammtype der Del- phinideii uus dem Miocdn der Halbinsel Taman. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst., 55, 1905, (375-392). [90.6031 db]. 2774 Ueber Halitlierium hel- lunense, eine Uebergangsform znr Gat- tung Mctaxi/therium. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst., 55, 1905, (393-398). [00.6031]. 2775 Wirbelthierfiihrten aiis dem Flysch der Ostalpen. Wien, Verb. Geol. RchsAnst., 1904, (340). [75.5231 dk]. 2770 Ueber einen Fund von Sivatherium gujanteum bei Adrianopel. Wien, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 113, 1904, Abth. I, (629-651, mit 1 Taf.). [90.0031 dll 2777 Adamovic, L[ujo]. Die Entwicklung der Balkanflora seit der Tertiiirzeit. Bet. Jahrb., Leipzig, 36, 1905, Beibl. 81, (62-76). [95.5000]. 2778 Adams, Frank D. Memoir of George M. Dawson. [With bibliography.] Rochester, N.Y., Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 13, 1903, (497-509, with portr.). [0010]. 2779 Agnus, A. Palaeohlattina douriUei, consideree d'abord comme mi insecte, est une pointe genale de trilobite. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 138, 1904, (398). [35.2831]. 2780 Description d'un ptere fossile nouveau. ^K- 11 720) I'ivris, Bui. soc. ent., 1902, (259-261, av. fig.). [55.2431 dfl 2781 Aldrich, T. H. New si^ecies of Ter- tiary fossils from Alalmma, Mississippi and Florida. Nautilus, Philadelphia, Pa., 16, 1903, (97-101, with pi.). [85.2231 yh]. 2782 A new Conns from the Ter- tiary of Florida. Nautilus, Philadel- phia, Pa., 16, 1903, (131-132, with text fig.). [80.2231 gh]. 2783 Allen, H. A. Catalogue of types and figured specimens of British Lamelli- braijchiata from the Rhaetic beds and Lias, preserved in the museum of Prac- tical Geology, London. Summ. Progr. Geol. Sun-. U.K., London, 1904, (1905), (172-177). [0060 70.2231 de]. 2784 Alsberg, Moritz. Die Neanderthal- Rasse uud die Abstammung des Men- sclieu. Kassel, Abh. Ver. Natk., 47, 1902, (50-120). [95.G031]. 2785 Anderson, R. J. Some considerations respecting the parietal bone. Intern. Monatschr. Anat., Leipzig, 21, 1904, (319-343). [35.5231]. 2780 Andersson, Guunar. Klimatet i Sverige efter istiden. [The climate in Sweden after the glacial period, judged from discoveries of fossil plant remains.] Nord. Tidskr., Stockhohn, 1903, (1-26, with pi.). [95.5000 da]. ' 2787 Hasseln i Sverige fordom och nu. En geologiskt-vaxtgeografisk undersokning belysande fragan om klimatets forandring sedan Litorina- tiden. [Der Uaselstrauch in Schweden ehedem und jetzt ; eine geologisch-pflan- zengeographische Untersuchung zur Beleuchtuug der Frage von der Ver- schlechterung des Klimas nach der Litorinazeit.] Stockholm, Sv. Geol. Unders., Sei-. Ca, No. 3, 1902, (468, c 18 mit Karte und Taf.) ; deutsches Ees., (161-168). [95.5400 da]. 2788 Andersson, Gummr Der Haselstranch ill Sehweden. Bot. Jahrb., Leipzig, 33, 1903-1904, (493-501 ). [95.5400 Jo]. 2789 Audreae, A. Dritter Beitrag zui- Kenntnis des Miocans von Oppeln i. Schles. Hildesheim, Mitt. Roemer- Mns., 20, 1904, (22). [90.0231 .2231 .6031]. ' 2790 Andrews, C. W. Notes on some new Crocodilia from the Eocene of Egypt. Geol. Mag., Londou, (Ser. 2), [5]," 2, 1905, (481-484). [85.5631 fb]. 2791 Note on the species of Palaeomastodon. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2. 1905, (562-563). [85.6031 fh.] 2792 Note on some recently discovered remains of the musk-ox (Ovibos vwschatiis, Zimmerniann, sp.) from the Pleistocene beds of Southern England. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1905, 1, (50-53). [95.6031 de]. 2793 [Andrusov, X.] AnjpycoBij, H. reoaornqecKia H3C.Tfe;toBaHia na Ta- MaHCKOMt no.iyoCTpoB't. [Geologische Untersuchungen anf der Halbinsel Taman.] Mater, geol. Po8s., St. Peter- burg, 21, 1904, (255-381, mit 7 Taf. u.lKartej. [90.0431 .2231 fZ6]. 2794 Arber, E. A. K. On some new species of Lugeuostoma, a type of pteridosper- iiious seed from tlie Coal Measures. Ixindon, Proc. R. Soc, B. 76, 1905, (245 259). [54.6600 dc]. 2795 On the Sporangium-like organs of (T!lo«8o])teris bron-nia)ia, Brongn. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 61, 1905, (324-338, with pis.). [55.6700]. 2796 On the fossil plants of the Upper Culm Measures of Devon. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1904, (1905), (549). [55.5000 de]. 2797 On derived plant petrifac- tions from Devonshire. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1904, (1905), (549). [55.5000 del 2798 A new feature in the morpholog}' of ll)e fern-like fossil (!lii.^.-urchf. Bohmen, Prag, II, Nr. 5, 1904, (1-79). [95.2831 dk]. 2803 Bagg, Ruf^is M[ather], jun. iliocene Foraminifera from the ilonterey shale of California, with a few species from the T"jon formation. [With bibliography.] Washington, D.C., U. S. Dept. Int., Bull. Geol. Surv., No. 268, 1905, (78 -f III, with text fig. and pi.). 23.5 cm. [80.0431 gi 90.0431 gil 2804 Baldwin, Walter. Notes on the palae- ontology of Sparth Bottoms, Rochdale. Rochdale, Trans. Lit. Sci. Soc, 8, 1905, (78-81, with figs.). [55.3031 dc]. 2805 Ballerstedt, M. Ueber Saurierfiihrten der Weald en formation Biickelnirgs. Natw. Wocbenschr., Jena, 20, 1905, (481-485). [75.5631 del -806 Barbour, Erwin H. Report of the State geologist. Nebraska Geological Survey, Lincoln, Neb., 1, 1903, (258, with maps, pi. and text fig.). [35.0231 .5000 '/<]. 2807 Barrois, diaries. Notice sur les tra- vaux scientilic|ues de . . Paris (IjC Bigot), 1904, (56). 27 cm. i0030]. 2808 Bartsch, Paul i:. 1 lall, Williain Healey. Bams, Carl. Alpheus Spring Packard. (Address given at Brown University.) Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 21, 1905, (401-406). [0010]. 2809 19 Bassler, R. S. v. Schuchert, Charles. V. Ulricli, E[dward] 0[scai]. Bate, [Dorothea M. A.]. I'our aud a half months in Crete in search of Pleis- tocene niaumialian remains. tleol. Mag., London, (Ser 2), [5], 2, 1905, (193-202, with 2 pis.). [95.5231 dm]. 2810 Bather, F. A. The Echinoid name D'iscoldea subunda. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, (Ser. 7), 15, 1905, (145- 1-18). [0070 55.1031]. 2811 [Echinoderms as rock- builders.] London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 61, 1905, (Proc. Ixxxvii). [35.1031]. 2812 Sympterura minveri n. g. et sp. ; a Devonian Ophiurid from Corn- wall. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (161-169, with pi.). [55.1031 de]. 2813 The Mount Torlesse anne- lid. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (532-541, with figs.). [.38.1831 ik .2231 Ik]. 2814 Bauer, Franz. Iclithyosaurus ham- hcrgeni^is spec. nov. Beschreibung einer neuen Ichthyosaiivus-Art aus dem oberen Lias von Geisfeld, uebst einigeu vergleichend auatomischen Bemerkungen iiber den Schultergiirtel. Bamberg, Ber. natf. Cies., 18, 1901, Abh. 1, (1-56, mit 2 Taf.j. [70.5631 dc]. 2815 Bayer, Edwin v. Fric, Antonin. Beasley, H. C. Report on footprints from the Trias. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1904, (1905), (275-282, with figs.) [65.5631 de]. 2816 Bed€, P. Observations sur les couches qnateruaires de Sfax (Tnnisie). Bui. Museum, Paris, 1903, (422-425). [95.0231 fa]. 2817 Beede, J. W. and Rogers, Austin F. Coal measure faunal studies 3. Lower coal measures. Lawrence, Kan. Univ. Sci. Bull., 2, 1904, (459-473). [55.0231 gi]. 2818 Bell, Robert. Shark's teeth from the local Cretaceous formations. Belfast, Rep. Nat. F. CI., 5, (4), 1905, (330- 331). [75.5431 de]. 2819 Benecke, E[rnst] W[ilhelm]. Die Versteinerungen der Eisenerzformation von Deutsch-Lothringenuud Luxemburg. (K- 11 720) Abh. geol. Spezialkarte Els.-Lothr., Strassburg, (N.F.), H. 6, 1905, (1-598, mit 59 Taf.). [70.0231 .2031 .2231 dc dd]. 2S20 Benecke, E[rnst] Wfilhehu]. Ueber MylUns eduliformis Schl. sp. Centrulbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1905, (705-714). [65.2231]. 2821 BerezowsM, Andrzej. Szczgtki tura, Bos prtmigenius Boj., w zbioracli Z. Glogera na Podlasiu. [Sur les restes de Bos pviimgenius Boj., dans la collection de M. Gloger en Podlasie.] Krakow, Spraw. Kom. fizyogT., 38, 1905, (32-33). [95.6031 dh]. 2822 Bergmann, Max. Tertiiire Menschen- schadel ? Monatsclu-. Mineraliensamm- ler, Rochlitz, 1, 1903, (9-10). [80.6031]. 2823 Bernard, H. M. Catalogue of the Madreporarian Corals in the British Museum (Natural History). A'ol. V. Poritidae . . . London (British Museum), 1905, (vi + 303, with 35 pis.), 4to. 35s. [35.0831]. 2824 Berry, Edward W. A notable paleo- botanical discovery. [Announcement by Professors Oliver and Scott of presence of gymnosjjermous seeds in Lyginoden- dro)i..] Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (56-57, 86-87). [55.0600]. 2825 Additions to the fossil flora from ClitTwood, New Jersey. New York, N.Y., Bull. Torrey Bot. CI., 32, 1905, (43-48, with 2 pis.). [75.5000 .5400 .6500 .7900 gg]. 2820 A Ficus confused with Froteoides. New York, N.Y., Bull. Torrey Bot. CL, 32, 1905, (327-330, with 1 pi.). [75.5400]. 2827 A palm from the ilid- Cretaceous. [Flabellaria magotliieiisis n. sp.] Torreya, New York, N.Y., 5, 1905, (30-33, with text-fig.). [75.6000 gh]. " 2828 The ancestors of the big trees. Pop. Sci. Mon., New York, N.Y., 67, 1905, (465-474, with text-fig.). [35.6500]. 2829 Blake, J. F. A monograph of the Fauna of the Cornbrash. Pt. 1. Lon- don, Monogr. Palaeont. Soc, 59, 1905, (1-100, pis. I-IX). [70.0231 .2231 .5431 del 2830 Blanckenhom, Max. Geologie der niiheren Umgebung vou Jerusalem. 0 2 20 Leipzig, Zs. D. Palastinaver., 28, 1905, (75-120, niit 2 Taf.)- [75.2231 ei]. 2831 Blasclike, Friedrich. Die Gastro- podeufauna der Pachj'cardientuffe der Seiseralpe in Siidtirol. Nebst einem Nachtrag zur Gastroiiodenfauna der rothen Raiblerschichten vom Sclilera- plateau. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. Ost- Ung., 17, 1905, (161-221, mit 2 Taf.). [65.2231 (Ikl 2832 Bode, Ainold. Orthoptera und Neu- roptera aus deni Oberen Lias vou Braun- schweifT. Berlin, Jahrb. geol. Laiides- anst., 25, (1904), 1905, (218-215, mit 2 Taf.). [70.2431 dc]. 2833 Bbckh, Janos. Igazgatosagi jelentes. [Direktionsbericht der konigl. ung. geo- logischen Anstalt.] Foldt. Int. £vi Jelent., Budapest, 1904, 1905, (3-39). [0020 0060]. 2834 Boelrni, Georg. Beitrage ziir Geologic von Xiederlandiscli-Indien. Allgemeine Einleitung. Abt. 1 : Die Siidkiisten der Sula-Inseln Taliabu und Mangoli. Absohn. 1 : Greuzschichten zwischen Jura und Kreide. Palaeontographica, Stuttgart, 1901, Suppl. IV, Lfg 1, (46, mit 7 Taf.). [60.2231 eg]. 2835 Ueber tertiare Brachiopo- den von Oamaru, Siidinsel, Xeu-Seelaud. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, briefl. Mitt., (146-150, mit 1 Taf.). [80.2031 ik]. 2836 Bolmi, Job[annes]. Ueber Casninuella eclt't nov. sp. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, briefl. Mitt., (95-96). [65.2231 Jc]. 2837 Ueber Nathorstiles und I)(i iisonitcs aus der arktischen Trias. Berlin, Zs. 1). geol. Ges., 56, 1904, briefl. Mitt., (96-97). [65.2231 A- J. 2838 U(>l)er einen Fiirchenstein uud Tt'rtiar iu Dahome. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, briefl. Mitt., (141- 145). [80.2231 fd]. 2839 Ober die obertriadische Fauna der Biireninsel. Stockholm, Vet.- Ak. Handl., 37. No. 3, 1903, (76, mit Taf.). [65.0231 .2031 .2231 hi]. 2840 Boettger, U[skar]. Fine neue Form ficr I'aludinideiigattung J'Jmmcrtcia im MaiuzfT Bccken. [E. frawofnrland n. f.J Frankfurt a. M., Naclirl51. D. malakozool. Ges., 36. 1901, (112 116). [90.2231 dc\. 2S11 Bolton, Herbert. Xotes on the geo- logical horizon and palaeoutologj' of the " Soapstone bed" in the Lower Coal Measures, near Colne, Lancashire. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (433-437). [55.0231 de]. 2842 [Borisiak, Aleksej Alekseevic.] BopiiCHK-i, A. A. Pelecypoda fopcKiiX'i. OT;io;i;euiii EBpoiieficKOfi Pocciii. I. Nueididae. [Die Pelecyi^oden der Jiira- Ablagerungen im Europaischen Russ- land. I. NucuUdae.] St. Peterburg, Mem. Com. geolog., (N. Ser.), 11, 1904, (1-28) ; res. allem., (29-49, av. 3 pis.). [70.2231 dbl 2843 Kypct naaeonTO-ioriH. I. BesnosBOHOHHua. [Lehrbuch der Palaeontologie. 1. Evertebrata.] Mos- kva, 1905, (VIII -i- 368). [0030]. 2844 Botile, Marcellin. Chronologie de la grotte du Prince, pres de Menton. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 138, 1904, (104-106). [95.0231 (//]. 2845 Presence d'un nouvel Oursin cretace, yoctrmgid, sur la cote orientale de Madagascar. Paris, Bui. soc. geol., (ser. 4), 4, 1904, (172-173J. [75.1031 jh]. 2840 Una caverue a ossements de I'epoque pliocene. Anthr., Paris, 14, 1903, (519-521). [90.5231]. 2847 Brabenec, Bedfich [Friedrich]. 0 novem naleziSti tfetihornich rostlin ve spodnim pasmu vrstev Zateckych. [Ober einen neuen Fuudort der Tertiiirflora in Saazer Gegend.] Prag, Rozpr. Ceske Ak. Frant. Jos., 13, No. 18, 1904, (25, mit 1 Taf.). [85.5000 .5400 dk]. 2848 Ueber einen neuen Fundnrt von tertiiiren Pflanzen in der unteren Zone von Saazer Schiehten. Prag, Bull. Ac. Sci. Fran?. Jos., 9. 1904. 2. Heft, a-5, mit 1 Taf.). [85.5000 dk .5400 dk]. 2849 Branco. [VVilhelm]. Louis Beushausen. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. , New Y'ork, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 19, 1904, (453-455). [0010]. 2910 A new CrassateUites from Brazil. Nautilus, Philadelphia, Pa., 16, 1903, (101-102). [95.2231 hh]. 2917 An historical and syste- matic review of the frog-shells and tritons. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collect. Q., 47, 1904, (114- 144). Separate. 25 cm. [35.2231J. 2918 and Bartsch, Paul. Synop- sis of the genera, subgenera and sections of the family Pyramidellidae. Washing- 24 ton, D.C.. Troc. Biol. Soc, 17, 1904, (1-16). Separate. 22.5 cm. [35.22.31]. 2919 Dall, W[illiaiii] H[ealey] v. Schuchert, Charles. Danielsen, Daniel. Om nogle skjwl- forekomstei' ved Kristiansand. [Some occurrences of shells at Kristiansand (Norway).] Nyt Mag. Naturv., Kris- tiania, 43, 1905, (147-176, with 2 pis.). [95.2231 da]. 2920 Davey, E. C The Neocomian Spouges, Biyozoa, Foraminifera and other fossils of the Sponge-gravel beds at Little Coxwell, near Farriugdon. Bath (Fvson), [1905], (42, with 5 pis.). 8vo. 5sl [75.0231 de]. 2921 Davies, Henry N. The discovery of human remains nnder Stalagmite in Gough's Cave, Cheddar. Somerset. Lon- don, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1904, (1905), (569- 570). [95.6031 de]. 2922 Davy, L. Bibliographie geologique, mineralogique et paleoutologiqne de I'onest de la Finance. Rennes, Bui. soc. sci. med., 12, 1903, (2J0-272). [0030]. 2923 Dean, Bashford. [Review of] The lower I'evonian fishes of Gemiinden, by R. H. Traquair. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 19, 1904, (64-65). [55.5431]. 2924 In the matter of the Permian fish Mcn(i--^i)'i«. [Relation to Chimaeroids.] Amer. GeoL, Minnea- polis, Minn., 34, 1901, (49-53, with i)l.). [55.5431]. 2925 Deecke, W[ilh('lm]. Sangethiere aus dem Diluvium und Alluvium der Pro- vinz Pommcrn. Greifswald, Mitt. natw. Ver., 36 (1901), 1905, (35-53, mit 1 Taf.). [95.6031 da]. 2926 Delmas, .1. P. Session au Cantal, aoul 1903 ; rajiport sur I'excursion a Sarlat et Vic-sur Cere. Mans (le), Bui. Acad, intcrnat. gcog. bot., 1904, (25- 30). [95.5 100 .6000 f//]. 2927 Deninger, Karl. Die Gastro])oden der sachsischen Kreideformation. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstTJng., 18, 1905, (1-35, mit 4 Taf.). [75.2231 cZc]. 2928 Diener, C[arl|. Die triadisclic Fauna des Trojjitcnkalkes von Byans (Hima- laya). Wion, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 114, 1905, Abth. 1, (331-312). [05.2231 ef\. 2929 Donald, Jane. Observations on some of the Lo.coueiiiatidae, with descriptions of two new species. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, "61, 1905, (564-566). [50.2231 de]. 2930 Gn some Gasteropoda from the Silurian rocks of Llangadock (Caermarthenshire). London, Q. J. (ieol. Soc, 61, 1905, (567-578, with pi.). [50.2231 del 2931 Dopp, Katharine E. " The tree- dwellers." Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 20, 1901, (20-23). [0050]. 2932 Doudou, Ernest. Nouvelles explora- tions dans les cavernes d'Engihoul. Paris, Bui. mem. soc. anthr., (ser. 5), 4, 1903,(177-186). [95.5231 f/f/J. 2933 Douglass, Earl. The Tertiary of Montana. [Part 1 : A new Monotreme- like mammal, Xenother'ium inncum gen. and sp. nov. Part 2 : Lepticlidae of the lower White river beds.] Pitts- burg, Pa., Mem. Carnegie Mas., 2, 1905, ([2031-224, with pi.). "[90.6031 gi]. 2934 Douvill^, H[enri]. Sur les Biradioli- tides priinitifs. Paris, Bui. soc. geol., (ser. 4), 4, 1904, (174-175). [75.2231]. 2935 Sur quelques fossiles de Madagascar. Paris, Bui. soc. geol., (ser. 4), 4, 1904,(207-217, av. 1 pi.). [70.75 .2231 fh]. 2936 Douville, Robert r. Lemoine, Paul. Drevermann, F[rit/.]. ^i]^xl■ Pteraspis diuiciDiis F. Roem. sp. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 190J, Aufsatze, (275-289, mit 3 Taf.). [55.5431 de]. 2937 Dutoois, Eug[ene]. L'age de I'argile (le Tcgelen et les especes de cervides (ju'elle contient. Haarlem, Arch. Mus. Tevler, (ser. 2), 9, 1905, (605-615, av. 1 pi. I [95.6031 dd]. 2938 Duerden, .1. E. Recent residts on the morphology and development of coral ])olvps. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Coll. Q , 47, 1901, (93-111, with text fig.). Separate. 25 cm. [45.0831]. 2939 Recent and fossil corals. Grant No. 12. [Preliminary report.] Washington, D.(!., Carnegie Inst. Year Book, 1903, No. 2, 1904, (xli-xlii). [35.0831]. 2940 25 Duerden, J. E. A method of studying the septal sequence in paleozoic corals. Chapel Hill, N.G., J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 19, 1903, P2J-33). [45.0831]. 2941 Duerst, J. Ulrich. Die Tierwelt der Ansiedelungen am Schlossberge zu Burg an der Spree. Versuche einer Schildenmg altgei-mauischer Viehzucht. Arch. Authr., Braunschweig, 30, 1901, (233-294, mit 5 Taf.). [95.5231 .<)031 del 2942 Dusen, P[er]. Uber die tertijire Flora der Magellanslander. 2. In: Nordeu- skjold, U. Svenska exped. till Magellans- liinderna, Bd 1, H. 2, No. 4, Stockholm, 1905,(241-248). [80.5000 A]- 2943 Eastmaai, C R. [Criticism of paper l>y \V. Patten on the appendages of TrciKatubpis.] Amer. Nat., Boston, ilass., 37, 1903, (573-577). [55.5431]. 2944 Fossil avian remains from Armissan [Tnoperdix keltica n. s]}.]. Pittsburg, Pa., Mem. Carnegie Mus., 2, 1905, ([131J-13S, with pL). [85.5831 r/f]. 2945 Marginal and ridge scales in (,'epltalaspis and Drepanaspis. Scieuce, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 19, 1901, (703-704). [50.5431 55.5431]. 2946 Jordan on fossil Labroid and Chaetodont iishes. Scieuce, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (244- 245). [35.5431]. 2947 A recent paleoutological induction. [Criticism of paper by Barnum Brown on " Stomach stones and food of Plesiosaurs "]. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (465- 466). [75.5631]. 2948 The earliest mention of fossil fishes. Science, New York, N.Y., (X. Ser.), 20, 1904, (648^ 649). [35.5431]. 2949 Introduction of the tei'ms geologj' and paleontology in natural science. Scieuce, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (729-730). [0030]. 2950 Earliest notice of Ameri- can Proboscidea. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.). 20, 1904, (890). [0030]. 2951 Carboniferous fishes from the central western States. Cambridge, Mass., Bull, Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., 39, 1903, (163-226, with 5 pis.). Separate. 24.5 cm. [55.5431 (jfj. 2952 Eastman, C. R. Descrii^tionsof Bolca Iishes. Cambridge, Mass., Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., 46, 1904, (U. + 1-36, with text fig. and 2 pis.). Separate. 24.5 cm. [85.5431 dh]. 2053 On the nature of Edcstns and related forms. [With bibliography.] Parker, G. H. ed., Mark Anniversary Volume, New York, 1903, ([279]-289, with 1 pi.). [55.5431]. 2954 Devonian fish fauna of Iowa. [Abstract.] Rochester, N.Y., Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 13, 1903, (537). [55.5431 gl]. 2955 Easton, N. Wing. Geologic cities Teiles von West-Borneo nebst einer kritischen Uebersicht des dortigen Erzvorkommens. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Ind., Batavia, 33, 1904, (1-XV und 1-542, Atlas mit 13 Blatt [I-X Geolo- gische Karte von West-Borneo], Mappe mit 21 Tafeln mit 126 Mikrophoto- graphieen von Borneo - Gesteinen). [35.0231 eg .5000 eg]. 2956 Elbert, Joh. Ueber die Altersbe- stinuuung menschlicher Reste aus der Ebene des westfalischen Beckens. CorrBl. D. Ges. Anthr., Miinchen, 35, 1904, (106-114). [95.6031 dc]. 2957 Emmons, S. F. The term "geology." Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (886-887). [0030]. 2958 Enderlein, Giinther. Morphologic, Systematik und Biologie der Atropiden und Troctiden, sowie ZusammensteUuug aller bisher bekamiten receuten und fossilen Formen. In : Jagerskiold, L. A. Results of the Swedish zoolog. exped. to Egvpt 1901. Pt. 2, No. 18. Uppsala, 1905, (58, with 4 pis.). [35.2431]. 2959 Engelhardt, H. I'eljer tertiare Pflanzenreste von Valleudar am Rhein. Wiesbaden, Jahrb. Ver. Natk., 58, 1905, (295-319). [80.5000 .5400 .7700 cZc]. 2960 Bemerkungen zu tertiareu Pflanzeuresten von Kcinigsgnad. Dres- den, SitzBer. Isis, 1903, ^1904, Abh., (72-76). [85.90. 5000 rfA-]. 2961 Engler, A[dolf]. Grundziige der Entwicklung der Flora Europas seit der Tertiarzeit. Vortrag . . . Bot. 26 Jaki-b., I-eipzig, 36, 1905, Beibl. 81, (5-27). [95.5000]. 2962 Esch, Ernst, Solger, ^"[riedrich], Oppenheim, M. [vielm. Paul] und Jaekel, 0[tto]. Beit rage zur Geologie von Kamerun. Stuttgart (E. Schweizerbart), 1904, (XIII + '298, mit 10 Taf. u. 1 Karte). 23 cm. 8 M. [35.0231 fd]. 2963 Evans, Herbert M. A new Cestra- ciout spine from the lower Triassic of Idaho. Berkeley, Univ. Cal., Bull. Dept. GeoL, 3, 1904, (397-[402], with 1 pi.). Separate. 27 cm. [65.5431 gi]. 2964 [Favre, I.] 'I>aBpij. MtJOBbia OKaMeH-taocTH C.iaBanocepocKaro yteja EKaTepiiHOc.iaBCKon lyoephin. [Sur les fossiles cretaces du district de Slavianosserbsiv du gouvernement d'Ekaterinoslav.] Charikov, Trd. Ob§c. ispvt. prir., 38, 2, 1903, (91-173, av. 4 pis*). [75.0231 .0631 .1031 .1831 .2031 .2231 .5431 db]. 2965 Felix, J[ohaimes]. Ueber einige fossile Koi-;dlen aus Columbien. Miin- chen, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., niatli.-phjs. CI., 35, 1905, (85-93). [80.0831 he]. ' 2966 Studieu liber tertiare und quartare Korallen und Riffkalke aus Aegypten und der Sinaihalbinsel. Ber- lin, Zs. D. geol. Ges.,56, 1904, Aufsatze, (168-206, mit 1 Taf.). r35.0831 fb]. 2967 Finch, G. E. Notes on the position of tlip individuals in a group of Xileua vi(jUan8 found at Elgin, Iowa. Des Moines, Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 11, (1903), 1904, (179-181, with pi.). [50.2831 '/,]. 2968 Fischer, Franz. Zur Xomeuclatur von Lep'idodendron und zur Artkritik die.ser Gattmig. Berlin, Abh. geol. Landesanst., (N.F.), H. 39, 1904, (III + 80). [35.6700]. 29C)9 Fisher, (Jsmond. On the occurrence of EleiiJuiH jneridionalis at Dewlish ^ Dorset). [Human agency suggested.] London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 6i, 1905, (35-38, with pis.). [90.6031 de]. 2970 A remarkable bone from the Suffolk Clav. Geol. Mag., Londoji, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (574-575, with fig.). [90.6031 dr]. 2971 Flegel, Kurt. Heuscheuer und Aders- bach-Weckelsdorf. Eine Studie iiber die oljere JCreide im Ixihmisch-schle- sischen Gebirge Breslau, Jnhresber. Ges. vaterl. Cultur, 82, (1904), 1005, natw. Sect., (114-144, mit Taf.). [75.2231 de dh]. 2972 Fliche, P. Un insecte triasique en Lorraine. Naucv, Bui. soc. sci., (ser. 3J, 4, 1903, "(116-119, av. fig.). [65.2431 dfl 2973 Flore des tufs du Lautaret (Hautes-Alpes) et d'Entraigues (Savoie). Paris, Bui. soc. geol., (ser. 4), 4, 1904, (387-400). [95.5400 .6500 .7000 df]. '2974 Florschiitz, G. Die erste Aufdeckimg des Elcplias antiquiis in den Sand- briiohen Ijei Griifentonua. Ein Beitrag zur Gescliichte der Naturwissenschaften. Gotha, Mitt. Ver. Gesch., 1905, (43-57). [0010 95.6031 de]. 2.(75 Fraas, E[l)erhard]. Reptilien und Saugetiere in ihren Anpassuugserschei- nungen an das marine Leben. Stutt- gart, Jahreshefte Ver. Natk., 61, 1905, (347-386). [35.5631 .6031]. 2976 Die Hohlen der schwa- bischen Alb, ein Blick auf ihre Entstehung und auf ihre einstigen Bewohner. Tiibiugen, Bl. Albver., 13, 1901, (107-121, 145-154, 209-214). [95.6031 dc]. 2977 Freeh, Fritz v. 0030 Lethaea geo- guostica. Fric, Ant[onin]. 0 pavoucich ceskeho I'ltvaru kamenoiihelneho. [Ueber die Spinnen der bohmischeii Steinkoldenfor- matiou.] Vesmir, Prag, 33, 1904, (159- 160, 169-170). [55.3031 dh]. 2978 und Bayer, Edwin. Stu- dien im Gebiete der bohmischcn Kreideformation. Palaontologische Un- tersuchungen der einzelnen Schii'hten. Perucer Schichten. Arch. Natw. LdDurchf. Bohmon, Prag, 11, Nr. 2, 1001, (180 + IV). [75.0231 .5000 .5100 .0500 .6700 .7700 .7900 dk]. 2979 Friedberg, Wilhelm Salomon von. Eino sarmatische Fauna aus der Umgegeml von Taruol)rzeg in West- galizien. Wien, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 114, 1905, Abth. I, (275-327, mit 1 Taf). [90.1831 .2231 dk]. 2980 Friedel, Ernst. Alfred Nehring als ErforschtT uiiscrer Ileiniat. Seinem Gedachtnis gewidniet. Biandenburgia, Berlin, 13, 1901, (289-301). [0010]. '2981 27 Fucbs, Th. Ueber die Natur von Xantliidiiim Etreuberg. Ctnitralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1905, (3-1U-342). [75.0131 .0-131]. 2982 Ueber Pnrnpsoucma crypto- physa Clarke und dereu SteUuiig im System. Ceatralbl. Miu., Stuttgart, 1905, (357-359). [35.0131 .1031 .08311. 2983 Ueber eiueu Versuch, die problematische Gattiing Palaeodictijon auf mechanischem Wage kiinstlich her- ziistellen. Wien, Verb. Geol. Rchs- Anst, 1905, (198-203). [0131]. 2984 Ueber eiu neues Analogou der Fauna des Badener Tegels. Wien, Verb. Geol. RcbsAnst., 1905, (203-206). [0030]. 2985 Kritisclie Besprechung einiger ini Verlaufe der letzteu Jahre erschieueneu Arbeiten iiber Fucoiden. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. RcbsAnst., 54, (1904). 1905, (359-388, mit 1 Taf.). [75.0131 .7900]. 2986 Furlong, E. L. An account of the preliminary excavations in a recently explored Quaternary cave in Sbasta countv, California. Science, New York, N.Y.,' (N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (53-5-5). [95.0231 r/,]. 2987 Preptoceras, a new ungu- late from the Samwel cave, California. Berkeley, Univ. Cal., Bull. Dept. Geol., 4. 1905, ([]63>169 + 1/., with 2 pis.). Separate. 27 cm. [95.6031 gi]. 2988 V. Sinclair, William J. Gadl, Istvau. Adatok az Osztroski- Vepor andesit-tufainak mediterran faunajahoz. [Beitrage zur mediterranen Fauna des Osztroski-Vepor Gebirges.] Foldt. Kfizl., Budapest, 35, 1905, (288- 313, 338-365). [0100 90.1031 .2231 .2631 .5431 dk]. 2989 Gabnay, Ferencz. Afrika endos allatvilaganak szarmazasarol. [Ober die Abstammung der Saugetiere Afrikas.] Potf. Termt. K(5zl., Budapest, 37, 1905, (180-185). [0200]. 2990 Gaudry, Albert. Fossiles de Pata- gonie. Autun, Bui. soc. hist, nat., 17, 1904,(Proc.-verb., 152-15.5). [.35.0231 hi]. 2991 Gavelin, [Axel]. Om forekomsten af stubbar pa bottnen af nagra sjoar pa det sma landska hoglandet. [On the occurrence of tree trunks at the bottom of some lakes in the mountainous dis- trict of Smaland.] Stockholm, Geol. For. Forh., 27, 1905, (417-418). [95.5000 da]. 2992 Geinitz, E[ugen] und Weber, C. A. Ueber eiii Moostorflager der postgla- cialen Fohi'enzeit am Seestrande der Rostocker Heide. Giistrow, Arch. Ver. Natg., 58, Abt. 1, 1904, (1-15, mit 5 Taf.). [95.5000 (^cj. 2993 Gill, Theo[dore Nicholas]. " Horses " not horses. [Criticism of "The Tree Dwellers " by E. C. Case.] Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 19, 1904, (737-738). [85.6031]. ' 2994 Extinct pediculate and other fishes. [Criticism of " Descrip- tions of Bolca fishes " by C. R. Eastman.] Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (845-846). [85.5431 dh]. 2995 An interesting Cretaceous chimaM'oid egg-case. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 22, 1905, (601- 602). [75.5431 gi]. 2996 Gilmore, C[harles] W[hitney]. Osteo- logy of Baptanodon (Marsh). [With bibliography.] Pittsburg, Pa., Mem. Carnegie Mus., 2, 1905, (77-129, with pi. and te.xt fig.). [70.5631]. 2997 The mounted skeleton of Triceratops prorsns [in the U. S. National Museum]. Washington, D.C., Smith- sonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 29, 1905, (IL + 433-435, with 2 pis.). Separate. 24.5 cm. [75.5631]. 2998 Girty, George H. The typical species and generic characters of Aviculipecten, McCoy. Amer. Geol., Minneapolis, Minn., 33, 1904, (291-296, with text fig.). [45.2231]. 2999 The type of Avieidipeden, Amer. Geol., Minneapolis, Minn., 34, 1901,(332-333). [45.2231]. 3000 The carboniferous forma- tions and faunas of Colorado. [With bibliography.] Washington, D.C., Dept. Int. U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paprs., No. 16, 1903, f546 + iii, with pi.). 28.5 cm. [.55.0231 .0S31 .1031 .2031 .2231 gi]. .3001 Glenn, Leonidas Chalmers. Tlie Pele- cypoda of the Miocene of Maryland. [Reprint, with biographical note.] Diss. Johns Hopkins Univei-sity, PhD., Bal-. 28 timore, 1904 (iv + [274]AQl + 11. + 57-100, with pL). -'y-3 cm. [v. K 4, Xo. 2296]. [90.2231 gh]. 3002 Gluck, Hugo. Eine fossile Ficlite aus dem Neckarthal. [Picea excelsa var. alpestris Briigger.] Heidelberg, Mitt, geol. Landesanst., 4. 1903, (397-428, rait 1 Taf.). [90. 95.6500]. 3003 Gnandt, Albert. Der mosaische Schop- fungsbericht in seiiiem Verhii^tnisse zur moderneii Wissenschaft. Grraz (Styria), 1906, (XI + 170). 20 cm. [0000]. 3004 Gorjanovic-Kramberger, Karl. Neuer Beitrag y.uv Osteologie des Homo Ttrapi- ncns'is. Verb. Ges. D. Natf., Leipzig, 75, (1903), II, 1, 1904, (219-222). [95.60?.l dk]. 3005 Die obertriadisclie Fiscli- fauna von Hallein in Salzburg. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. Ostmig., 18, 1905, (193-224, mit 5 Taf.). [65.5431 dk]. 3006 Gothan, Walter. Zur Anatomio lebender und fossiler Gyranosperraeu- Holzer. Berlin, Abh. geol. Landesanst., (N.F.), H 44, 1905, (V + 108). [55.6500]. 3007 Pie Jahresringbildung bei deu Araucaritenstanimen in Beziebung auf ibr geologiscbes Alter. Natw. Worhenschr., Jena, 19, 1904, (913-917). [35.6500]. ' 3008 Gough, George C. Foraminifera in Irish greensand. Irish Nat., Dublin, 14, 1905, (109;. [75.0431 J^O- 3009 Grand'Eury. Sur les sols de vegeta- tions Jo.^siiis des Sigillaires et des l>epi- dodendrons. Paris, G.-R. Acad, sci., 138,1904,(460-462). [35.5000]. 3010 Sur les conditions generales et I'unite de formation de combustibles mineraux de tout age et de toute espece. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 138, 1904, (740- 741). [35.5000]. 3011 Sur les rhizomes et les racines des fougeres fossiles et des cyca- dofilicfs. Pjiris, VAX. Acad, sci., 138, inOl, ((;07--60S). [;35.67O0 .6600J. 3012 ■ Sur le caractere palud^en des plantcs qui ont forme les combus- tibles fossiles de tout age. Paris, O.-R. Acad, sci., 138, 1901, (666-669). [35.5(J00]. 3013 Sur ](;s graiiics de Nevro- pt^ridees. Paris, C.-U. Acad, sci., 139, 1904, (23-27, 782-786). [55.6.500 .6700]. 3014 Grandidier, G. Le plus grand oiseau conmi, W-Epijornm ingens de Madagas- car. Nature, Paris, 31, (2^ scm.), 1903, (215-218, av. fig.). [95.5831 fh]. 3015 Observations sur les Le- muriens disparus de Madagascar. Col- lections AUuaud, Gaubert, Grandidier, (suite). Bnl. Museum, Paris, 1902, (587- 592, av. fig.). [90.6031 //*]. 3016 Greene, George K. Contribution to Indiana palaeontology. Part 10. New Albany, Ind., 1902, (85-97 + SI, with pi.). 22.8 cm. [45.0231 .0831 .1031 f/g]. 3017 Greger, 1). K. The distribution and synonymy of Ptycliosp'ira se.vplicata (White and Whitfield). Amer. eJeol., Minneapolis, Minn., 33, 1904, (15-17). [55.2031]. 3018 • On the genus 7?7(!/;;c/iopo?'a. King, with notice of a new species, [With bibliography.] Amer. (reol., Minneapolis, Minn., 33, 1904, (297-301, with text fig.). [55.2031]. 3019 Greve, C. Fossile und recento Wale des russischen Reichsgebietes. Riga, Korr.-Blt. Nat.irf. Ver.^ 47, 1904, (67- 76). [95.6031 db en]. 3020 Gronwall, Karl A. Studier ofver Skandinaviens Paradoxideslng. [On the Scandinavian Paradox'ides beds.] Stockholm, Geol. F5r. Forh., 24, 1902, (309-345, with pi.). [50.2831 da]. 3021 Gurich, G[eorg]. Eine Stromatopo- ]idi' aus dem Koldenkalke Galiziens. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstHng., 17, 1904, (1-5, mit 1 Taf.) [55.0831 dk]. 3022 Angeblicher Fund von Sp'irifer mosqucnsi-t bei Krakau. Ber- lin, Zs. 1). geol. C!es., 56, 1904, briefl. Mitt., (16-17). [55.2031 dk]. 3023 Gulick, .Vddison. The fossil land sliells of PxTUiuda. Contributions from the Bernnida Biological Station for Re- search, No. 2, in Pi-.iladelphia, Pa.,Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 56. 1 901, (106- 125, with pL). [35.2231 la]. 3024 Hadley, I'hil. B. Arguments alleged against the doctrine of organic evolu- tion. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 22, 1905, (143-145). [0200]. 3025 29 Hall, T[lionias] S[ergeant]. A descrip- tiou of Ommatocarchuifi corhiviixis Cresswell sp. from the J>o\ver Tertiary of Victoria. Melbourne, Proc. R. »Soc. Vict., (N. Ser.), 17, 1905, (357-300, with 1 pi.). [85.2631 ;/]. 3020 ■ On the occurrence of two species of Crypfoplax in the Tertiary rocks of Victoria. Melbourne, Proc. R. Soc. Vict., (N. Ser.), 17, 1905, (391-393, with 1 pi.). [85.2231 if]. 3027 Victorian Graptolites. Part III. From near Mount Wellington. Melbourne, Proc. R. Soc. Vict., (N. Ser.), 18, 1905, (20-24, with 1 pi.). [50.0831 if]. 3028 Hammatt, Edward S. Rev. Willis Hervej' Barris,D.D. Biographical sketcii. Davenport, Iowa, Proc. Acad. Sci., 9, (1901-1903), 190J:, (vii-xv, with portr.). [0010]. 3029 Harbort, Erich. Ueber die strati- graphischeu Ergebnisse von zwei Tief- bohrungen durch die untere Kreide bei Stederdorf und Horst im Kreise Peine. Berlin, Jahrb. geol. Landesanst., 26, 1905, (20-42, mit 1 Taf.). [75.2631 dc]. 3030 Harshberger, John W. The compara- tive age of the different (loristic elements of eastern North America. Philadelphia, Pa., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 56, 1901, (601-615J. [0150] 3031 A phyto-geograj^ihic siieteh of extreme south-eastern Pennsylvania. New York, N.Y., Bull. Torrey Bot. 01., 31, 1904, (125-157, with text iig.). [35. 5000 gg]. 3032 Hartz, N. Dnlichium spathaeeum Pers., eine nordamerikanische Cy- peracee in diinisclien interglazialen Torfmooren. (Vorl. Mitt.) Bot. Jahrb., Leipzig, 36, 1905, (78-81). [95.0000 da]. 3033 Hatcher, J[ohn] B[e]l]. Narrative of the expeditions [and] Geography of southern Patagonia. In : Scott, W. B. Reports of the Princeton University ex- peditions, Princeton, N.J. (The Univer- sity), 1903, (xvi + 314, with pi.). 32. 8 cm. [35.0231 hi hit 35.5000 hi kk]. 3034 Haug, Emile. Sur la faune des couches a Ccratodu» cretacees du Djona, pres de Timassanine (Sahara). Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 138, 1904,(1529-1531). [75.2231 .5431 .5031 /<•]. 3035 Hauthal, R. Die Bedeutnng der i'unde in der (Jrypotheriumhohle )jei Idtinui Esperanza (Siidwestpatagonienj. Frankfurt a. M., Ber. Senckenb. Ges., 1904, (89*-91«). [95.0031 h\]. 3036 Hay, Oliver P[erry]. On the group of fossil turtles known as the Amphi- chelydia ; with remarks on the origin and relationships of the sub-orders, super- families and families of Testudines. [With bibliography.] New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 21, 1905, (137-175, with text iig.). [00.5031]. 3037 A revision of the species of the family of fossil turtles called Toxoclielyldae, with descriptions of two new species of 'foxoehchjs and a new species of PorlhocJidys. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist, 21, 1905, (177-185, with text fig.). [75. 5031]. 3038 On the skidl of a new Trionychid, Conehochelys odmirahUis, from the Puerco beds of New Mexico. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 21, 1905, (335-338, with text fig.). [80.5631 gt]. 3039 The fossil Chelonia of North America. Grant No. 14. [Pre- liminary report.] Washington, O.C., Garnegie Inst., Year Book, 1903, No. 2, 1904, (xxxvii). [85.5031 g]. 3040 Henderson, Junius. Paleontology of the Boulder area. Boulder, Univ. Golo. Stud., 2, 1904, (95-100). [35.0231 gi]. 3041 Heunig, Anders. Gotlands Silnr- BryozocT, 1. [The Silurian Bryozoa of Gothland. 1.] Ark. Zoo!., Stockholm, 2, No. 10, 1905, (37, with pi.). [50.2031 da]. 3012 Herrick, C. L. A coal measure forest near Socorro, New Mexico. J. Geol., Ghicago, 111., 12, 1904, (237-251, with text fig.). [55.0700 y}]. 3043 Herz, 0. F. Frozen mammoth in Siberia. [Extracts.] Translated from report. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Rep., 1903, 1904, (1 I. + 011-025, with pi. and fig. in text), [r. K 2, No. 1599.] Separate 24.5 cm. [95.0031 ca]. 3044 Herzer, H. A new fossil sponge from the Coal Measures [Splieiwdiclya corni- (jera n. gen. and sjd.] Culuiubus, Re]). Ohio Acad. Sci., 9,1900, 1901, (30 31, with illustr.j. [55.0631 gg]. 3045 30 Hilber, V[incenz]. Geologische und palaontologische Literatur der Steier- inark. Graz, Mitt. Natw. Yer. Steierm., 41, (1904) 1905, (CII-CVI). [003(J]. 3041; Hind, Wheelton. Palaeoutology [of the iJarine beds iu the Coal-Measures of North Staffordshire], [with description of a n. sp. by Vaughan.] hi Stobbs, J. T. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 61, 1905, (527-547, -ivith 2 pis.). [55.0231 .2031 de]. 3047 On the beds which suc- ceed the Carboniferous Limestone in the west of Ireland. Dublin, Proc. R. Irish Acad., 25 B, 1905, (93-llG, pis. III- VI). [55.2231 del 3048 A monograph of the British Carboniferous Lamellibran- chiata. Vol. 11, Title and Index. London, Monogr. Palaeont. Soc, 59, 1905. [55.2231 del 3049 The type of Ar/ieidipecten. Amer. Geol., Minneapolis, Minn., 34, 1904, (200-201). [45.2231]. 3050 Hinton, M. A. C. On some abnormal remains of the Red Deer (Cerviis elaphit!<) from the Post-Pliocene deposits of the soulh of England. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1905, 1, 1905, (210-212). [95.0031 del 3051 Hoemes, [Rudolf]. Uebcr Kopro- lithen und Enterolithen. Biol. Cen- tralbl., Leipzig, 24, 1904, (56()-57n). [0131 563]]. 3052 Hofmann, A[dolf]. Siiugethierreste von Wies. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. Rchs- Aust., 55, 1905, (27-30, mit 1 Taf.). [90.G031 dhl ' 3053 und Zdarsky, A. Beitrag ziir Siiugethierfauiia VDU LeolxMi. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst., 54, (1901), 1905, (577-594, mit 3 Taf.). [90.0031 (//.•]. 3054 Hoist, Nils Olof. Niigra subfossila bjornfynd. [Some discoveries of sub- fossil bears {Ursus ai'ctos and f7. mariti- mus) in Sweden.] Stockholm, Sv. Geol. Fnders., 8er. C, 189, 1902, (38, with pi.). [95.(1031 dal 3055 Holland, Wfilliam] ,][acob]. .V new crocddile [(luiiiopliuHx'^ (jdmorei n. s]).] fr(jm the Jurassic of Wyoming. Pitts- liurg, Pa., Ann. Carnegie Mus., 3, 1905, (131-134, with pi. and text-iig.). [70.5031 (jil 30.50 Holland, W[ilHam] J[acob]. The hyoid bone in Mastodon aviertcnnus. Pittsburg, Pa., Ann. Carnegie Mus., 3, 1905,(404-407, with text-fig.). [95.0031]. 3057 Holmboe, Jens. Om favuiaen i nogle skjael banker og lei-lag ver Norges nord- lige kyst. [On the moUusk-fauna of some raised beds of shell — and clay- deposits on the northern coast of Norway.] Norges geol. Und., Kris- tiania,'37, 1904, (65, with pi.); Engl, summ., (2). [95.2231 da]. 3058 Track af vore torvniyrers geologi. [The geology of the Norwe- gian peat-mosses.] Kristiania, Tidsskr. norsk Landb., 12, 1905, (10-25;. [95.5000 dal 3059 Hooley, [Reginald W.]. On a new tortoise from the lower Headon beds of Hordwell, Nicoria headonensis sp. nov, Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (()0-08, with figs.). [85.5031 del 3060 Hoops, .Johannes. Waldbaume und Kulturptlanzen im germanischen Al- tertum. Strassburg (K. J. Triibnei'), 1905, (XVI + 089, mit 1 Taf.). 24 cm. 10 M. [95.5000 d]. 3001 Horusitzky, Henrik. Bielz-fele con- chylia-gyiijtemeny. [Uber die Bielzsche Konchyliensammlung.] Foldt. Kozl., Budapest, 35, 1905, (8.3-85, 147-148). [0000 J. 3002 Hostinek, II[ynek] a Spitzner, V[aclav]. Kulmova tiora od Koberic blize Prost6jova. [Flora der Culm- schicht bei Kobei'ic in der Niihe voir Prossnitz.] Prostejov, Vfstn. Kl. Pi^ir., 1904, (40-52, mit 3 Taf.). [55.5000 dkl 3003 Hovey, Edmund Otis. Paleontological collections of the geological department of the American museum of natural history. [.Ybstract.] Rochester, N.Y., Bull. Geo!. Soc Amer., 13, 1903, (532). [OOr.O]. 3004 Howe, l'>riiest v. Cross, Wliitnum. Howes, G. B. The morj)hological mctiiod and progress. [Address before tlie British Association.] Sci. Amor. Sup., New York, N.Y., 57. 1901, (2:54 13- 23415, 2.3425-23428). [0150]. 3005 Hucke, Kurt. Gault in Bartin bei Degow (Hinterpommern). Berlin, Zs. I), geol. Cos., 56, 1904, bricll. Mitt., (105 17:5, mit 1 Taf.). |75.0I31 (/<■]. 3000 31 Huene, F. von. Ueber die Nomen- klatur von Znndodon. CeiUnilbl. Miii., Stutt^Mrt, 1905, (l(Vll^). [35.r)631]. ;iOC>7 l'clycot^au^iel• iiii deut- scben Muschelkalk. N. Jalirb. Miii., Stuttgart, Beilagebd, 20, 1905, (321- 359, mit 3 Taf.). [65.5631 dc]. 3068 Hume, W[illiam] F[raser]. Survey Departiueut. Catalogue of the Geolo- gical Museum, Cairo. Cairo (National Priutinu Department), 1905, (37). 28 cm. [0060].' ■ 3069 Hussakot, L. On the structure of two imperfectly known Dinichthyids. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 21, 1905, (109-114, with 3 pis. and text-tig.). [55.5131 gcjl 3070 Hutton, F. W. Three new Tertiary shells. Wellington, Trans N. Zeal. Inst., 37, 1905, (172-473, pis. XLIV). [90.2231 \kl 3071 Revision of the Tertiary Brachiopoda of Nevv Zealand. Welling- ton, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst., 37, 1905, (474-481, with pis.) [90.2031 Ik]. 3072 Jaekel, 0[tto]. Ueber ein neues Rep- til aus dem Buutsandstein der Eifel- Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1901, briefl. Mitt., (90-91). [55.5631 del 3073 Eiue neue Darstellung von lehthyosauruf'. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 55, 1904, ProtokoUe, (26-34). [60.5631]. 3074 Uber sogenannte Lobo- litlien. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, ProtokoUe (59-63). [50.1031]. "3075 t Jber die Bildung der ersten Halswirbel und die Wirbelbildung im allgemeinen. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1901, ProtokoUe (109-119). [70.5631 35.5231]. " 3076 Neue Wirbeltierfunde im Oljerdevon von Wildungen. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1901, ProtokoUe (159- 167). [55.5231]. 3077 Ueber den Schadelbau der Dicynodonten. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1904, (172-188). [65.5231 .5631]. 3078 — Ueber einen Pentacrinideu der deutschen Kreide. [Isocrinus hol- saticus n. sp.] Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1904, (191-196, mit 1 Taf.). [75.1031 del 3079 Jaekel, 0[tto]. Ueber den Schadelbau der Nothosauriden. Berlin, SitzBer. Cies. natf. Freunde, 1905, (60-81). [35.5631]. 3080 — Ueber die primiire Gliede- rung des Unterkiefers. Berlin, Sitz- Ber. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1905, (134- 147). [35.5231]. 3081 K. A. V. Zittel, der Alt- nieister der Palaontologie. Natw. Wochenschr., Jena, 19, 1904, (359-361). [0010]. " 3082 V. Esch, Ernst. Jahu, Jaroslav J. 0 Krugaohorskych vrstvach (d,a). [Ueber die Schichten bei KruSuahora (d^a).] Prag, Rozpr. Ceske Ak. Frant. Jos., 13, No. 30, 1904, (16). [50.2031 Jfc]. 3083 Jakovlev, N. N. Ueber Plesiosauriis- Reste aus der Wolga-Stufe an der Lena in Siljirien. St. Peterburg, Verb. Russ. mineral. Ges., (Ser. 2), 41, 1903, (13-16, mit 1 Taf.). [70.5631 ea]. 3084 Nachtrag zu meiner Ab- Iiandlung „ Neue Funde von Trias- Sauriern auf Spitzbergen " und Bemer- kungen zu der von Prof. Koken ver- fassten Recension dieser Abhandlung. St. Peterburg, Verh. Russ. mineral. Ges., (Ser. 2), 41, 1903, (165-169). [65.5631 kd]. 3085 • Ueber die Morphologie und Morphogenie der Rugosa. St. Peter- burg, Verh. Russ. mineral. Ges., (Ser. 2), 41, 1903, (395-415). [35.0831]. 3086 Janensch, [Werner]. Eine fossile Sclilange aus dem Eocan des Monte Bolca. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, ProtokoUe (54-56). [85.5631 dit]. 3087 Skeletbau der Glyptodon- tiden. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, ProtokoUe, (67-91). [35.6031]. 3088 Ueber eine fossile Schlange aus dem Eocan des Monte Bolca. Ber- lin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1904, (133-135). [85.5631 dh]. 3089 Jeffrey, Edward C. A fossil Sequoia [S. ixnhalloui'i n. sja.] from the Sierra Nevada. [Contributions from the phanerogamic laboratories of Harvard University No. 1] in Bot. Gaz., Chicago, lU., Univ. Chic, 38, 1904, (321-332, with 2 pis.). [90.6500 (j'tl 3090 32 Jensen, Adolf Severin. On the ilol- lusca of East-Greeuland I. Lauielli- branciiiata. With an introduction on tjreeuland's fossil Mollusk-fauna fi'oni the quaternary time. Kjobenhavn, Medd. Gronl., 29, [1905], (289-362). [95.2231 kb]. 3091 Tilloeg til Studier over uordiske MoUusker. III. Tellina {Macoma). [An addition to Studies on Northern nioUusks. III. Tellina {Ma- coma).] Kjobenhavn, Nath. Medd., 1905, (21-51, with 1 pi., 149-152). [95.2231 pOA'h Volbor- lliella Schmidt. [Note sur le genre eocambrien Volhorthella Schmidt.] St. Peterburg, Bull. Ac. Sc, (Ser 5), 18, 1903,(147-153). [50.2231]. 3100 Ueber die eocandjrisclie Cephalopodengattung VolborlhcUa Schmidt. St. Peterburg, Verh. Russ. mineral Ges., (Ser. 2), 41, 1903, (31-42). [50.2231], 3101 [Karpinskij, A.] KapimiicKi]i, A, 0 iipiicjTCTBiii oeraTKOBt po^a Cnmpo- diis de Kon. Bt apxiincKnx'b ox.ioiKe- niaxt Poccin. [Ueber das Auftreten der Gattung Campodiis de Koninck in den artinskisehen Ablagerungen Russ- lands.] St. Peterburg, Verh. Russ. mineral. Ges., (Ser. 2), 41, 1903, Prot. (32-37). [55.5431 db]. 3102 [Kazanskij, P.] KasaHCKin, IT. O KOCTHxt nxiioaaBpa, nafiAeHnuxt btj CbiapancKOMT) yta^'bi CnMoupcKOii ryo. [Ueber die Ichthyosauiusknochen aus dem Sysranischen Kreise des Gouverne- ment Simbirsk]. KazanT, Trd. Obsc. jest., 37, 1903, (,3-29) ; deutsches Res,, (29-30, mit 2 Taf.). [70.5631 db]. 3103 Kemp, J[ames] F[urman]. Memoir of Theodore Greely White. [With biblio- graphy.]. Rochester, N.Y., Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 13, 1903, (516-517). [0010]. 3104 Kennard, A. S. and Woodward, B. B. The extinct Postpliocene non-marine MoUusca of the South of England. S. E. Nat., Tunbridge Wells, Canterbury, 1905, (1905), (14-24j. [95.2231 de]. 3105 Kerfome, F. Notes sur qiielques ecliaiitilloiis de Cii-aptolithes de Bretagne intcrcssantsau point ile vue de I'organisn- tion et du developpement. Rennes, Bui. soc. sci. med, 11, 1902, (124-127, av. 1 fig.). [50.0831 df]. 3106 Kerner v[on Marilaun], Fritz [h'lltcr]. Neogeii])lianzen voin Nordrande des Sinjsko Polje inMitteldalnialien. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. RclisAnst., 55, 1905, (593- 612, mit 1 Taf.) [90.5000.5400.6000 .7300 (//.•]. :ii"7 Keyes, Charles R[ollin]. Note on the Cailjonifenms fauna of ilississippi valley in the Rocky Mountain region. l>cs Moines, Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 11, (1903), 1904, (258-259). [55.0231 gi]. 3108 Kidston, R. On the divisions and correlation of llie up])ei- ])ortion of the (,'oai -Measures with sj)ecial reference to their development in the xMidland couuties of l-iigland. Lonilon, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 61, 1905, (.308 ;523). [55.5000 r/i-]. 3109 33 Kidston, It. Preliminary note on the occurrence of Microsporangia in organic connection with the foliage of Lygino- dendron. London, Proc. K. Soc, B. 76, 1905, (358-360, with pi.). [55.6700]. 3110 Kingsley, J[olm] S[teriingl. Alj^heus Spring Packard. Science, Xew York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 21, 1905, (401-40i). [0010]. 3111 Kittl, E[iiist]. Entogonites, eine Cephalopodengattuug aus dem bosui- schen Culm. Wien, Verh. Geol. Rchs- Anst, 1904. (322). [55.2231 dk]. 3112 Knies, Jan. Pravfeke nalezy jeskynni Balcarovy skaly u Ostrova na vysocine drahanske. (Vorweltliche Hohlenfunde im Balcar-Felsen bei Ostrov im Dra- haner Gebirge.) Prostejov, Vestu. ELI. Pfir., 3, 1901, (51-81, mit i Taf.). [95.5231]. 3113 Zvifena stepni a jeji rozsffeni za doby diluvialni na Morave. [Die Steppenfauna uud ilu-e Verbreitung in Mahren wahreud der Diluvialzeit.J Prostejov, Vestn. Klub. Pfir., 5, 1903, (95-110). [95.0231 dk]. 3111 Knipe, H. B. Xebula to Man. [Pie- storations of extinct animals.] London (Dent), 1905, (251, with 71 pL). 4to. 2ls. [35.0231]. 3115 Knipovic, X. Ueber die postpliocanen Meeres-ilollusken auf der Insel Kolgujew. St. Peterburg, Verh. Russ. mineral. Ges., (Ser. 2), 41, 1903, (171 -lS6j. [95.2231 .2631 d6]. 3116 Neue Fundorte von Meeres- MoUuskea und Baianiden in den Ablage- rungeu der borealen Transgression. St. Peterburg, Verh. Russ. mineral. Ges., (Ser. 2), 41, 1903, (187-195). [95.2231 .2631 db]. 3117 Enipowitscli, X. v. Knipovic, X. Koch, Antal. Emlekbeszed Dr. Stanb Moricz tauar felett. [Gedenkrede iiber Prof. Dr. Moriz Staub.]. Foldt. Kozl., Budapest, 35, 190.i, 71-76, 127-139, mit Bikinis). [0010]. 3118 Az egyetem fold- es osleny- tani intezete s lijabb szerzemenyei. [Das geologische und palaontologische Institut der Uiuversitat in Budapest und seine neueren Erwerbungen]. Foldt. Kozl., Budapest, 35, 1905, (234-236, 270-273). [0060]. 3119 (K-11720) Koehne, W[erner]. Da-s Sammeln von Rindonresten in der Steinkohlenforma- tion. Xatw. Wochenschr., Jena, 19, 1904,(408-411). [55.5000]. 3120 Eoenen, A[dolf] von. Ueber die Untere Kreide Helgolands uud ihre Ammouitideu. Gottiugen, Abh. Ges. Wiss., math.-phys. Kl., (X. F.), 3 1904, (63, mit 4 Taf.). [75.2231 Zo]. 3121 Eoken, E[rnst]. Neue Plesiosaurier- reste aus dem norddeutschen Wealdeu. Centralbl. Miu., Stuttgart, 1905, ((i81- 693). [75..5631 Jc]. 3122 • Fiihrer durch die Samm- lungeu des geologisch-mineralogischeu Instituts in Tubingen. Stuttgart (E. Schweizerbart), 1905, (110, mit 6 Taf.). 23 cm. 1 M. [0060]. 3123 KoUmann, J[ulius]. Xeue Gedauken liber das alte Problem von der Abstam- muna: des Menschen. Globus, Braun- schweig, 87, 1905, (140-148). [0200 35.6031]. 3124 V. Schwallje, Gustav. Kormos, Tivadar. A Piispokfiirdo hevizi faunajainak eredete. [Uber den Ursprnng der Termenfauua von Piisjjok- fiirdo.] Foldt. Kozl., Budapest, 35, 1905, (375-402, 421-450, Taf. II). [0200 90.2231 dk]. 3125 Ereutz, Rud[olf]. Bos primigenius domeat. ve vrstve praeglacitilni. [Bos -prim'vjenius domest. in der Praeglacial- schicht.] Olmiitz, Cas. Muz. Spolku, 1904,(114-116). [35.6031]. 3126 [Krotov, B.] KpoTOBT), B. Puou nepiiCKUX't OTao;KeHiii Poccin. [Fische der permischen Ablageruugen Russ- lands.] Kazan!, Trd. Ob§c. jest., 38, 3, 1904, a -40, mit 2 Taf.). [55.5431 dbl 3127 Krumbeck, Lothar. Die Bracliiopoden- und Molhiskenfauna des Glandarien- kalkes. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. Ost- Ung., 18, 1905, (65-162, mit 7 Taf.). [70.0231 .2031 .2231 ei]. 3128 Lagerheim, G[ustaf]. Bidrag till kannedomen om karlkrj-ptogamernas forna utbredning i Sverige och Finland. [Contributions to the knowledge of the early geographical distribution of the vascular cryptogams in Sweden and Finland.] Stockliolra, Geol. For. Forh., 24, 1902, (37-43). [95.6700 da db]. 3129 34 Lagerheim, G[iistaf]. Om IJuadrula siibr/Iobosa Lagerh. [Qs. iu „Kalk- gyttja" aus mehreren scliwedischeii Provinzeu suhfos-^il gefuudeu.] Stock- holm, Geol. For. Forh., 24, 1902, (346- 352, mit Taf.) [05.0431 da]. 3130 Untersuchiingen iiber fos- sils Algen, I, II. (Med sammaiifattiiing [pa svenska].) I. Obersicht der bisher in quartaren Ablagerungen gefandeneu Algeu. II. Uber das Vorkommen von Phacotus lenticidari>; (Ehrenb.) Stein in tertiareu luid qiiaitaren Ablagerungen. (Mit Resume auf Scliwedisch.) Stock- holm, Geol. For. Forh., 24, 1902, [1903], (475-500, mit Taf.). [90. 95.7400]. 3131 Lambert, J. Sur quelques jjetits Hemiaster de la craie blauche. Auxerre, Bui. soc. sci. hist, nat., 2'^ partie : Sciences phvs. et nat., 57, 1903, [1904], (21-31). [75.1031 df]. 3132 Landois, H[ermann]. Die Saurier von Gronau i. Westf. Miinster, Jahresber. ProvVer. Wiss., 32, (1903-04), 1904, (45-46). [75.5631 dc]. 3133 Lang, W. D. On Sfomatopom antiqiia, llaime, and its related Liassic forms. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (258-268, with figs.). [70.2031 de]. 3134 Langenhan, A. Ueber fossils Funde am Kit/.elljcrg. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. (ios., 56, 1904, briefl. ilitt., (5-7). [95.0231 dc]. 3135 Schiidel eines Ihihlenwolfs im Kitzelberg bei Kanlluug im Katz- I)achtal. Monatschr. Mineraliensammler, RochWu, 2, 1904, H. 2,3, (8-9). [95.0031 dc]. 3136 Funde fossiler Tier-Reste am Kitzelberge l)ei KaulTung im Katz- hachtal. Monatschr. Mineraliensammler, i.'nclilitz, 2, 1904, H. 2/3, (10-12). [95.0231 dc]. 3137 Ueber die innere Struktur der Bracliiopoden (Armfiisser). Monat- schr. Mineraliensammler, Rochlitz, 2, 1905, (65-68, mit 1 Taf.). [35.2031]. 3138 Ueber neuo Funde fossiler Tier-Reste am Kitzelberg bei KaulTung. Wanderer, Ilirscliberg, 24, 1904, (.56- 58). 195.0231 dc]. 3139 Lankester, U. j'ay. Kxtiticl .\nimals. London (Uonstable), 1905, (X.\lll -|- 331, with 218 figs.). Svo. 7s. 6d. [0030 35.0231]. 3140 Lapouge, G. de. Degre d'evolution du genre Carabus a I'epoque du Pleistocene moyen. Reunes, Bui. soc. sci. med., 11, 1902, (548-564). [95.2431]. 3141 Lapworth, Chas. Notes on the (Tra])tolites from Bratland, Gausdal, Norway. Norges geol. Und., Kristiania, No. 39 (Appendix)", 1905, (15, with pi.). [50.0831 da]. 3142 Laus, Heinr[ich]. Die miueralogisch- geologische und prahistorische Literatur Mahreus und Oesterr.-Schlesiens von 1897-1904. Briinn, Zs. Miihr. LdMus., 5, 1905, (105-136). [0030]. 3143 Lehmann-Nitsclie, Robert. Znr Vor- geschiclite der I'.ntdeekung von Grypo- therinin bei Ultima Esperanza (Natur- wissenschaftliche Aljhaudlnngen. H. 29.) Berlin (F. Diimmler) 1901, (48). 23 cm. [95.6031 hi]. 3141 Lemoine, Paul et Douville, Robert. ResuUats ])aleontologiques et strati- graphiquesderetude des Lepidocj'clines. Paris, Bui. soc. geol., (ser. 4), 4, 1904, (349). [90.0431]'. 3145 Lienenklaus, E. Die Ostrakodeu des Mainzer Tertiiirbeckens. Frankfurt a. M., Ber. Senckenb. Ges., 1905, Tl. 2. (.3- 74, mit 4 Taf.). [80.2631 Jc]- 3146 Linstow, 0 von. Die organischcn Reste der Trias von Liineburg. Berlin, Jahrb. geol. Landesanst., 24, 1904, (129-161, mit 1 Taf.). [()5.023l .5431 dc]. 3147 Neuere Beol)nchtungen aiis dem Flaming und seinem siidwestlich gelegenen Vorlande. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, Aufsiitze, (99-121). [65.2231 de]. 3148 Lissajoux. Faune du toarcien des environs de Macon. Macon, Bui. soc. sci. nat., 1905, (187-200). [70.0231 df]. 3149 Lister, .I.J. On tiie ii G. Graiididier. Wien, Denkschr. Ak. Wiss., 77, 1905, (451-490, mit 6 Taf.). [95.6031 fh]. 3156 Loscli, Philipp. Rudolph Aniandus Philippi. Cassel, Abh. Ver. Natk., 49, 1905, (14.3-101). [0010]. 3157 Lucas, Frederic A[ugustus]. Xotes on the osteology and relationship of the fossil birds of the genera Hesperornis, Hargeria [n. gen., type Hesperornis gracilisl, Baptornis and Diatrijma. [Suggests that Diatryma belongs to the Stereornithes and that. Baptornis repre- sents a separate order from Hesperornis.^ Wasliington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. \Mus. Proc, 26, 1903, (545-556, with text fig.). Separate. 24.3 cm. [75.5831 85.5831]. 3158 Pleurocoelus versus Astro- don. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 19. 1904, (436). [70.5631]. 3159 The armor of ZengJodon Science, New York, N.Y. (N. Ser.), 19, 1904, (436-437). [85.6031]- 3160 [Lucicldj. V. I.] JIyqnn,Kin, B. II. 06t> opraenqecKHS'B ocTaTKaxt Bt nocili-TpcTnqHuxT. OT.iosieHifix'b Ka- HeBCKaro yfeaj.a. [Sur les restes organiques dans les depots post-tertiaires (K-1172Q) du district de Kanev.] Kiev, Zap. Obsc. Jest., 18, 1904, (xxix-xxxi). [95.0231 dh]. 3161 Liihe, M[ax]. Saugetierhaare ini Bernstein. Konigsberg, Schr. physik. Ges., 45, 1904, Ber., (62-63). [85.6031]. 3162 Lull, Richard Swann. Fossil footprints of the Jura-Trias of North America. [With bibliography.] Boston, Mass., Mem. Soc. Nat. Hist., 5,'l 904, (r461]-557, with jdI.). Separate. 2 '.5 cm. [05.5631 r/^y]. 3163 Nature's hieroglyphics. Pop. Sci. Mou., New York, N.Y., 66, 1904, (139-149, with text fig.). [35.0231 ggl 3164 Lydekker, R. Palaeontology. Vict. Hist. Buckinghamshire. 4to. London (Constable), 1905, 1, {:2r,, 26); Derby, ibid., 1905, 1, (35-38) ; Durban), ibid., 1905. 1, (31-34); Sussex, ibid., 1905, (27-39). [35.0231 del 3165 M'Clure, W. Frank. A great mam- moth's [Hlephas priinigenius] tootli. Sci. Amer., New York, N.Y., 90, 1904, (60, with illustr.). [d5. Q031 gg.] 3166 Mackensen, Bernard. Report on the excavation of mastodon remains, under- taken liy a committee of the scientific society of San Antonio. San Antonio, Texas' Bull. Sci. Soc, 1, 1905, ([3J-10, with pi. }. [95.6031 c/i]. 3167 Maddren, A. G. Smithsonian explo- ration in Alaska in 1904, in search of mammoth and other fossil remains. Washington, D.C, Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collect., 49, No. 1.584, 1905, (117, with pi. and map). [35 0231.7a 95. (5031 gal ' 3108 Major, C. I. Forsyth. Rodents from the Pleistocene of the western Medi- terranean region. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (462-467, 501- 506, with fig.). [95.6031 c7»ij. 3169 Malaquin, A. Les Spirorbis pusilius du terrain houiller de Bruay. La forma- tion du tube des spirorbes et leur adaptation en eau douce a I'epoqTie houillere. Lille, Ann. soc. geol., 33, 1904, (63-75, av. pi.). [55.1831 rf/]. 3170 Martin, (^leorge Curtis. The Miccene gastropofl fauna of Mar3']and. [Reprint, with biographical note.] Diss. Johns Hopkins University, PhD. Baltimore, 1904, (iv -f 131-274 -h 1 ?■ -F 31-56, D 2 36 with pi.). 25.3 cm. [v. K 4, No. 2441.] [90.2231 gh]. 3171 Marty, Pierre. Les etudes de M. Laurent STir la flore fossile du Cnntal. Rev. Haute-Auvergne, Aurillac, 6, 1904, (337-356). [35.5000 df]. 3172 Maska, K[arl] J. Mastodon-Rest Lei Tele in Jliiliren. Wien, Verb. Geol. RchsAnst., 1904, (304). [90.6031 dk]. 3173 Masten, A. J. The relation of root to stein in Calamites. Ann. Bot., Oxford, 19, 1905, (61-74, with pis. and %). [35.0700]. 3174 Matthews, W. D. Notice of two new genera of mammals [Eittijpomys and Ileteronicryx] from the Oligocene of South Dakota. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 21, 1905, (21- 20, with text fig.). [85.6031 gi]. 3175 Illustrations of evolution among fossil mammals. A. The horse. Supplement to Amer. Mus. J., New York, N.Y., 3, 1903, ([l]-30, with text fig. and pi.). [80.6031 95.6031]. 3176 The collection of fossil vertebrates. A guide leaflet [No. 12] to the exhibition halls of vertebrate palaeontolog}' in the American museum of natural historv. Amer. Mus. J., New York, N.Y., 3, (Supplement), 1903, (32, with iUustr.). 24 cm. [0060 35.5231]. 3177 An extinct cave fauna in Arkansas. Amer. Mus. J., New York, N.Y., 4, 1904, (0-7). [35.0231 r/i]. 3178 Mead, Albert] l)[avis]. Alpheus Spring Packard. Pop. Sci. Mon., New York, N.Y., 67, 1905, (43-48, with P"rti-.). 3179 Menzel, [Hans]. Ueber das Vor- kommen von Diccras ini siidlicheu Hannover. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. (!es., 56, 1904, Protokolle, (10-14). [70.2231 del 3180 Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Quartiirbildungen im sudlichen Han- iiovor. Berlin. .Tahrb. geol. Landesanst., 24, (I90;^,j, 1901, (254-290, 337-348, mit 1 Taf.). [95.2231 del 3181 Ueber das Vorkonmien von Ci/chiKloma elerimis Miilloi- in Deutsciiland scit dor Diluvialzcit. Ber- lin,.Jahrb. geol. f.andesanst., 24, 1901, (381-390). [95.2231 Jc]. 3182 Menzel, Paul. Ueber die Flora der plastischen Tone von Preschen und Langaujezd bei Biliu. Dresden, Sitz- Ber. Isis, 1903, Abh., (13-19). [85.5000 dkl 3183 Merriam, John C. A note on the fauna of tlie lower iliocene in California. Berkelev, Univ. Cal, Bull. Dept. Geol., 3, 1904', (377-381). Separate. 27 cm. [90.0231 gil 3184 A new sabre-tooth [Ma- cliaerodus ? iachyriis n. sp.] from California. Berkeley, Univ. Cal. Bull. Dept. Geol., 4, 1905, (171-175, with text fig.). Separate. 27 cm. [95.6031 gil '' 3185 Primitive characters of the Triassic ichthyosaurs. [Abstract.] Rochester, N.Y., Bull. (ieol. See. Amer., 14, 1904, (536). [65.5631]. 3186 The occurrence of ichthj-o- saurJike remains in the upjier Creta- ceous of Wvoming. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 22, 1905, (610-041). [75.5631 gi]. 3187 The Thalattosauria : a gi'oup of marine reptiles from the Trias- sic of California. San Francisco, Mem. Cal. Acad. Sci., 5, No. 1, 1905, (52, with text fig. and pi.). 32 cm. [65.5631 gri]. 3188 Merrill, George P[erkins]. Catalogue of the type and figured specimens of fossils, minerals, rocks and ores in the Department of geology, United States National museum. Prepared under the direction of George P. Merrill, Head Curator of geology. Part 1. Fossil invertebrates [by Charles Schuchert]. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Bull., No. 53, Pt. 1, 1905, fV + 704). 24.8 cm. [0060 35.0231]. 3189 Metzmacher, A. Die Fauna des luiocancn Giinmiertons von Kummer, llolieuwoos und Bockup. Giistrow, Arch. Ver. Natg., 57, Abt. 2, 1903, (106-181). [90 0231 cZc]. 3190 Meunier, Fernand. Beitrag zur Syrpiiiden-Fauna des Bernsteins. Ber- lin, Jahrb. geol. Landesanst., 24, 1904, (201-210, mit 1 Taf.). [35.85.2431 del 3191 Beitrag zur Fauna der Bibioniden, Sinndiden und iv'ii\Ti3]iiden lies Bernsteins. Berlin, Jaiirb. geol. Landesanst., 24, 1904, (391-104, mit 1 Taf.). [35.85.2431 del 3192 37 Meunier, Feniand. Eine iieue Blat- tiuaria aus der Obereu Steinkolilenfor- mation (Ottweiler Schiehten, Rhein- preussen). Berlin, Jahrb. geol. I.audes- aast., 124, 1904, (454-457, mit 1 'J'af.). [55.2431 dc]. 3193 Mouograpliie des Psycho- didae de rambre de la Baltique. Ann. Hist.-Xat. Mus. Nat. Hung., Budapest, 3, 1905, (235-255, pis. VI, VII). [ da]. 3194 Mieg, Mathieu et Stehlin, H. G. Sur I'age et la faune de la station preliisto- rique d'Insteiu (grand-duche de Bade). Nancy, Bui. soc. sci., (ser. 3), 4, 1903, (1-19, av. fig. et pi.). [95.5231 de]. 3195 Millais, J. G. Exhibition of " horn- core (with sheath attached) of an IJrus (Bos primigenius)." London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1905, 1, 1905, (231). [95.6031 de]. 3196 MiUett, F. W. List of Foraminifera from the Pliocene marl of Myrtou. In : Bellamy, C. V. and Jukes-Browne, A. J., the Geology of Cyprus. Plymouth, 1905,(71,72). 8vo. 3s. 6d. [90.0431 cZm]. 3197 Mincllin, E. A. A speculation on the phylogeny of the Hexactinellid sponges. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, 28, 1905, (439- 448). [35.0631] 3198 [Missuna, A.] Die Jura-Korallen von Sudagh. Moskva, Bull. Soc. Nat., 1904, (187-228, mit 3 Taf.). [70.0831 db]. 3199 Mjoberg, Eric, tlber eine schwedische iiiterglaciale Coleopterenspecies lOlo- plirum interglaciale sp. extincta]. Stock- holm, Geol. For. Forh., 26, 1904, (493- 497, mit Taf.). [95.2431]. 3200 Uber eine schwedische in- terglaciale G2/7'i?ut.s-Species [G. sculptiira- tns sp. extincta]. Stockholm, Geol. For. Forh., 27, 1905, (233-236, mit Taf.). [95.2431 da]. 3201 Moberg, Jo[han] Chr[istian]. Bidrag till kiinnedomen om trilobiternas bygg- nad. [Contributions to the knowledge of the structure of Triloljltes.] Stock- holm, Geol. For. Forh., 24, 1902, (295- 302, with pi. 3). [35.2831]. 3202 Schmalensee'ia amphionwa, en uy trilobit-typ. [S. a., a new type of Trilobites.] Stockholm, Geol. For. Forh., 25, 1903, (93-102, pi. 4). [50.2831]. 3203 MoUer, Hjahnar. Bidrag till Born- hohns fossila flora (Rhat och Lias). Gymnospermer. [Contributions to the fossil flora of Boruholm (Rhiitic and Lias). Gvmnosperms.] Stockholm, Vet.- Ak. Handl., 36, No. 6, 1903, (50, with 7 pis.). [60.6500 do]. 3204 Bidrag till Bornholms fos- sila flora. Pteridofyter. [Contributions to the fossil flora of Bornholm, Pterido- phyta.] Luud, Univ. Arsskr., Afd. 2, 38. No. 5, 1902, [= Fysiogr. Sallsk. Handl., 13 : 5] (63, Avitli 6 pis.). [60.6700 do]. 3205 Montgomery, Thomas H[arrison], Jmji. A list of the tyj^es of fossil vertebrates in the museum of the university of Texas. Austin, Cont. Zool. Lab. Univ. Tex. No. 63, in Wood's Holl, Mass., Mar. Biol. Lab. Bull., 8, 1904, (56-58). [0060 35.5231]. 320G Morgan, Wm. Conger and Tallmon, Marion Clover. A fossil egg from Ari- zona. Berkeley, Univ. Cal., Bull. Dept. Geol., 3, 1901, (403^410], with pi.). Separate. 27 cm. [95.5831]. 3207 Miiller, G. und Weber, C. A. Ueber eine friihdiluviale und vorglaziale Flora bei Llineburg. 1. Geologischer Teil. Berlin, Abh. geol. Landesanst., (N.F.), H. 40, 1904, (1-19). [95.5000 del 3208 Muntbe, Henr[ik]. Om ett fynd af kvartiir myskoxe [Ovibos mosehatus] vid Nol, NNO om Goteborg. [On a discovery of quaternary Ovibos mosehatus at Nol, N.N.E. of Gothenburg.] Stockholm, Geol. For. Forh., 27, 1905, (173-189, with pi.). [95.6031 da]. 3209 Om nya daggdjursfynd i Sveriges kvartiir. 1, 2. [New dis- coveries of sub-fossil manmials in the quaternary deposits of Sweden. 1, 2.] Stockholm, Geol. For. Forh., 24, 1902, (49-59, 145-158, with pi.); Stockhohn, Sv. Geol. Unders., Ser. C, 190, 1902, (27). [95.6031 da]. 3210 Murray, D. Museums : their History and their Use. Bibliography : List of Museums in the United Kingdom. 3 vols. London (Maclehose), 1905, (356, 368, 346). 8vo. 32s. net. [0060 de]. 3211 Nathorst, A. G. Sur la fiore fossile des regions antarctiques. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 138, 1904, (1447-1449). [70.6500 .6700 oa 85.5400 .6700 oa]. 3212 38 Nathorst, A. (1. Zur oberdevouisclaen flora tier Bareu-Insel. Stockholm, Vet.-Ak. Handl., 36, No. 3, 1902, (60, mitUTafj. [55.6700 .7900 M]. 3213 Beitrage zur Kenntnis einiger mesozoisc-hen Cycadophvten. Stockholm, Vet.-Ak. Hnndl., 36, No. 4, 1902, (28, mit 3 Taf.). [60.C500]. 3214 — - — De fossila vaxterna i T. v. Post och 0. Kuntzes Lexicon generum phanerosamarum. [The fossil plants in T. V. Post and 0. Kuntze's Lexicon generum phanerogamanim ] Bot. Not., Limd, 1904, (63-66). [0070]. 3215 Fomtida karlkryptogamer och gvmnospermer. Foredrag i botanik pa Vetenskapsakademiens hogtidsdag [den 31 Mars 1902J. [Ancient Vascular Cryptogams and Gymnosperms.] Stockholm, 1902, (20). 16 cm. [35.6500 .6700]. 3216 Nehring, ArifredJ. Diluviale Wir- beltier-Reste aus einer Schlote des Seveckenberges bei Qnedlinburg. Ber- lin, Zs. D. geol. Ges.,56, 1904, Aufsiitze, (290-303, mit 1 Taf.). [95.5231 de]. 3217 Neue Funde diluvialer Thieireste vom Seveckenberge bei Qnedlinburg. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1904, (19-20). [95.6031 dc]. 3218 Xeue Fiinde diluvialer Springmaus-Reste aus Mitteleuropa. Natw. Wochenschr., Jena, 19, 1904, (215-216). [95.6031 d]. 3219 Ueber die Molluskenfauna aus deni Loss des Gypsbniches von Thiede bei Wolfenbiittel. Schreiben . . . Braunschweig, Jahresber. Ver. XatH'., 9, 1903, (45-47). [95.2231 dc}. 3220 Newton, [E. T.]. [Fayolia from Coal- ilea;sures of Ilkeston.] London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 61, 1905, (Proc. i). [55.6700 del 3221 Note on the Triassic fossils (excluding Rliaetic) in the Museum of the (ieological Survey at Jermyn Street, London. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1904. 1!)05, (282-285). [65.0231 de]. 3222 Newton, R. B. An account of some marine fossils contiiined in Limestone nodules found on the ilekran Beach, off the Ormara Ueadland, Baluchistan. Geol. Mag., I,ondon, (Sci. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (293-303, with 2 pis.). [85.2231 eh]. 3223 Newton, R. B. Note on some Post- Tertiarv molhisca from Cevlon. Geol. Mag.. London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (509-510). [95.2231 ef]. 3224 The Tertiary fossils of Somaliland, as represented in the British Museum (Natural HistoiT). London, Q. J. Geo!. Soc, 61. 1905, (155- 180, with map aad pis.). [85.2231 .1031 .0831 .0431 fb]. 3225 Eocene shells from Nigeria. Ann. ilag. Nat. Hist., London, (Ser. 7), 15, 191)5, (83-91, with pi.). [85.2231 fc fd]. 3226 On two Miocene Gastro- pods from Romnania. London, Proc. Malac. Soc, 6, 1905, (.340-345, with figs.). [90.2231 dl]. 3227 Noel, C. Sur la faune des Lydieunes du Grcs vosgien. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 138, 1904, (1531-1533). [50.0831 df]. 3228 Noetling, Fritz. Untersuchungen liber die Familie Lyttoniidae Waag. emend. Noetling. Palaeontographica, Stuttgart, 51, 1905, (129-156, mit 4 Taf.). [.55.2231]. 3229 Untersuchungen iiber den Bau der Lobenlinie von Pseudosageceras multUohatum Noetling. Palaeonto- graphica, Stuttgart. 51,' 1905, (155-260, mit 9 Taf.). [65.2231 ef]. 3230 Ueber die Ontogenie von Indocerashaluchiatanense Noetling. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttaart, 1905, 1, \l-14, mit 1 Taf.). [35.2231 ef]. 3231 Die asiatisL'he Trias. {In : Lcthaea geognostica, TI 2, Bd 1, Lfg 2.] Stuttgart (E. Schweizerbart), 1905,(107- 221, mit 25 Taf.). [65.0231 .2031 .2231 e]. 3232 Ueber den Bau und die Organisation der Lyttoniidae Waagen. Verh. D. zool. Ges., Leipzig, 14, 1904, (103-122). [55.2031]. 3233 Nopcsa, Francis Baron. Notes on Britisii Dinosaurs. I. Hypsilophodon. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (203-208, with figs.); II. Polo- canthn.H. I.e. (241-251, with pi. and figs.) ; III !^trepto8pondijlw<, I.e. (289- 293, with pi.). [70.5631 "c/^-]. 3234 39 Nopcsa, Francis Baron. Kcrunla, a symbiosis of a hydractiniaii with a cephalopod. Aim. Mag. Nat. Hist., Loudon, (Ser. 7), 16, 1905, (95-102, with pi. and figs.). [85.0031 fb]. 3:?35 Remarks on the supposed clavicle of the Sauropodous dinosaur Dlplodocus. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1905, 2, ^289-294). [70.5631 af]. 323(1 Nordenskibld, Erland. Ober die Saugetliierfossilien im Tarijathal, [Bolivia] Siidamerika. Upsahx, Bull. Geol. Inst., 5, 2, 1901, [1902], (261-260, mit Taf.). [95.6031 %]. 3237 ■ — Uber die Saugethierfossi- lien des Tarijatals, Siidamerika. 1. Mastodon andinm Guv. Stockholm, Vet.-Ak. Haudl., 37, No 4, 1903, (30, mit 6 Taf. I. [95.6031 %]. 3238 Nordmann, V. Daumarks Pattedyr i Fortiden. [On Denmark's mammals in the past.] Kjobenhavn, Danm. Geol. Unders., (Ser. 3), 5, 1905, (III + 133, with an English list of the Danish fossil mammals). 2 Kr. [95.0031 da]. 3239 Ochsenius, K[arl]. Die ersten Ver- steinerungen aus Tiefbohruugeu in der Kaliregion des norddeutschen Zech- steins. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904,briefl. Mitt., (72-83). [55.0231 Jc]. 3240 Oliver, F. W. Ueber die neuentdeck- ten Sameu der Steinkohlenfarne. Biol. Centralbl., Leipzig, 25, 1905, (401- 418). [55.6600]. 3241 Oort, E. D. van. Notiz liber llali- therium. Centralbl. Miu., Stuttgart, 1905, (21-22). [80.0031]. 3242 Oppenlieiin, M. v. Esch, Ernst. Oppenheim, Paid. Zur Keuutnis alt- tertiiirer Faunen in Aegypten. 1. Lie- ferung : Der Bivalven erster Teil (Mo- nomyarin, Heteromyaria, Ilomomva- ria und Siphonida integripalliata). Palaeontographica, Stuttgart, 30, 1903, Abt. 3, (1-164, mit 17 Taf). [85.2231 fb]. 3243 0[sbom], H[enry] F[airfield]. Recent zoopaleontology : field expeditions during the past season. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 19, 1904. (35-36). [35.0231^7/]. ■ 3244 Karl Alfi-ed von Zittel. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 19, 1904, (186-188). [0010]. 3245 0[sboni], n[em-y] F[airfield]. The Sauropoda. [A criticism of Hatcher's " Osteology of Haplocantliosaunui," and of Riggs' " Structure and relationships of Opisthocceliau Dinosaurs."] Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 19, 1904, (271-272). [65.5631]. 3240 Fossil mammals of Mexico. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 21, 1905, (931-932). [35.6031 ha]. 3247 Skull and skeleton of the Sauropodous Dinosaurs Morosaiirus and Bvontosatiru.9. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 22, 1905, (374-376). [70.56311. 3248 Tyrannosannis and other Cretaceous carnivorous Dino.«aurs. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 21, 1905, (259-265, with text fig.). [75.5631]. 3249 The present problems of palaeontology. Address delivered before the Section of Zoology of the Interna- tional Congress of Arts and Science, Sept., 1904. Pop. Sci. Mon., New York, N.Y., 66, 1905, (226-242). [0150 0010]. 3250 Western explorations for fossil vertebrates. Pop. Sci. Mon., New York, N.Y., 67, 1905, (501-568, with illus.). [35.5231 gi 0100 rji]. 3251 The evolution of the horse. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1904, (1905), (007-008). [35.G(J31]. 3252 Osgood, Wilfred H[udson]. ScapJio- co'o.s tijn-eUi, an extinct ruminant from the Klondike gravels. Washington, D.G., Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collect. Q., 48, 1905, (173-185, with pi.). Separate. 24.5 cm. [95.0031 ga]. 3253 Mastodon remains in the Yukon valley. Washington, D.C.,Proc. Biol. Soc, 18, 1905, (254-255). [95.0031 ga]. 3254 0yen, P. A. Dryas octopetala, L. og Salix reticulata, L. i vort land f0r indsj0iDerioden. [Dryas octopetala and SaU.v retlcidata in Norway before the lake-period.] Kristiania, " Forh. Vid. selsk., 1904, No. 1, (4). [95.5400 da]. 3255 Nygaardsprofilet paa Kar- mden. [The Nj'gaards-profile on Karm0.] Kristiania, Forh. Vid. selsk., 1905, No. 8, (15). [0150]. 3256 40 Pabst, Wilhelm. Beitriigezur Kennt- nis der Tierfiilirten iu dem Rotliegenden Deutschlands. II. Berlin, Zs. I), geol. (ies., 57, 1905, Aufsiitze, (1-17, mit4Taf.). [55.5631 cZc]. 3257 Die fossileii Tierfahrten aus dem Rotliegenden Tliiiringens im herzoglichen Museum zu Gotha. Ein Fiihrer durch ihre Sammlung. Gotha (F. A. Perthes), 1903, (IV + 23, mit 12 Taf.). 25 cm. [55.5031 rfc]. 3258 Abbildungen und kurze Beschreibungen der Tierfahrten aus dem Rotliegenden Deutschlands. Lfg 1. Gotha (F. A. Perthes), 1904, (16, mit 12 Taf.). 26 cm. 1,20 M. [55.5631 dc]. 3259 [Palibin, I. V.] llajiiidHni., II. B. 0 pacTiiTeabHux'b ocTaxKax-b, codpan- Huxt bij ropaxi> CiisoTa-AjiiiH-b. [Ueber die Pflanzenabdriicke aus dem (jebirge von Sichota-Alin.] St. Peterburg, Verh. Russ. mineral. Ges., (Ser. 2), 41, 1903, Prot. (21-22). [90 5000 m]. 3260 Pantocsek, Jozsef. A szliacsi finom Andesittufa Bacillariai. [Die Bacillarien des feinen Andesittufes von Szliacs.] Pozsonyi Orv.-termt. Egyl. Kozlem., 24, (1903), 1904, (3-18, mit 2 Taf.). [90.7400 dh]. 3261 Beitrage zur Kenntnis der fossilen Bacillarien Ungarns. (Nach dem ungarischen Manuskripte.) Tl 1-3. 2 verb. AuH. Berlin (W. Junk), 1903, (77, 123, 102 Taf. mit Erklarungen). 28 cm. 250 M. [35.7400 dk]. 3202 Papp, Karoly. A Heterodelphis Iciodotitus, nova forma Sopron varmegye mioczen retegeil)ol. {lleterodelphis Iciuduiitun, nova forma aus den mio- ciinen Scliichteu des Comitates Sopron.] Foldt. fivk., lUidapest, 14, 1905, (21- 53, Taf. V, VI). [90.6031 dk]. 3263 Park, James. DescrijJtion of a new 8]jecies of I'ecten from the Oauuii-u Series. Wellington, 'J'rans. N. Zeal. Inst., 37, 1905, (485). [90.2231 ik]. 3264 On the Marine Tertiarios of Otago and Canterbury, with sjiecial reference to the relations existing Ijetween the Pareora and Oamaru series. Wellington, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst., 27, (1901), 1905, (489-551, witli pi.). [80.0231 ik]. 3265 Parker, William A. Remains of fossil fishes found near Rochdale. Rochdale, Trans. Lit. Sci. Soc, 8, 1905, (25-32, with figs.). [55.5431 de]. 3266 Patten, William. New facts concern- ing Bothriolcpis. Wood's Holl, Mass., Mar. Biol. Lab. Bull., 7, 1904, (113-124, with text fig.). [55.5431]. 3267 Pavlov, Marie. Proeamelus du gouvernement de Kherson. Odessa, Mem. Soc. Nat. Nouv. Russ., 25, 2, 1904, (113-133, av. 1 pi.). [90.6031 db]. 3268 [IlaB.TOBa, M.] Mastodon angustidtnis Cuv. u Mastodon cf. lou- r/icos(7'i.s Kaup. HSTj Kepill. [Mastodo7i angust'iden.'i Cuv. et Mastodon cf. lon- girostris Kaup. de Kertch]. Jezeg. geol. i miner., VarSava, 6, 1, 1903, (121-129), res. fr., (130-139, av. 2 pis.). [90.6031 db]. 3269 Pax, Ferdinand. A ganoczi koviilt novenyzet. [Die fossile Flora von Ganocz bei Poprad.] Novenvt. Kozlem., Budapest, 4, 1905, (19-59, 89-95). [95.5000 dk]. .3270 Peiser, Georg. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der in den Kalkschiefern von Sobihofen auftretenden Gattung Eryon und ihrer Beziehungen zu verwandten recenten Tiefseekrebsen. Diss. Erlangen (Druck V. E. Th. Jacob), 1904, (58, mit 1 Taf.). 21 cm. [70.2631 de]. 3271 Peklo, Jaroslav. Psaronie — kmeny fossilnich Marattiaceji. [Psaronien — Stiimme der fossileu Marattiaceen.] Prag, V6stn. Ceske Ak. Frant. Jos., 13, 1904, (669-680). [55.0700]. 3272 Perkins, G. H. Description of species found in the Tertiary lignite of Brandon, Vermont. Vermont, Rep. Geol., Burling- ton, 1903-1904, 1904, (174-212, with p].). [80.5400 .6500 gg\. 3273 Tertiary lignite of Brandon, Vei-mont, and its fossils. [With bib- liography-] Rochester, N.Y., Bull. Geol. SJc. Amer., 16, 1905, (499-516, with text-fig. and 2 pis.). Separate. 25.5 cm. [80.5000 .7900 gg]. 3274 Perner, Jar[oslav]. 0 zrakov;^ch or- giincch na hypostomu trilobitu. [ITebor das Sehorgan am llypostomum der Tri- lobitcn.] Vesmi'r, Prag, 33, 1904, (64- 65). [35.2831]. 3275 Persson, Emil. Till kiinnedomen om Olenidorna i " zonen med Eiirgcarc och LcptoplasLua" vid Andrarum. 1. [On the Olenids in " the zone with Eurycare and LeptnplaHtua " at Andrarum. 1.] 41 Stockholm, Geol. For. Forli., 26, 1904, (507-52^8, with pi.). [50.2831]. 3276 Peterson, 0. A. Desci'iption of new rodents and discussion of the origin of DaemoneUx. [probabl}' burrow of Steneo- fiber]. Pittsburg, Pa., Mem. Carnegie Mus., 2, 1905, ([139]-202, with pi. and text-fig.). [90.6031 gi]. 3277 Recent observations upon DaemoneUx. [Tending to prove to be the cast of a rodent's burrow.] Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (344-345). [35.6031]. 3278 Preliminary note on gigantic mammal from the Loup Fork beds of Nebraska. [Dinoclioerus liol- landi gen. et sp. nov.] Science, New York, N.Y., (New Ser.), 22, 1905, (211- 212). [80.6031 gll 3279 Petrascheck, W[ilhelm]. Die Zone des Aetinoeamax plenus in der Kreide des ostlichen Bohraens. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst., 55, 1905, (399-434, mit 1 Taf.). [75.2231 r/A-]. 3280 Philipp, Hans. Palaontologischgeo- logische Untersuchungen aus dem Gebiet von Predazzo. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, Aufsiitze, (1-98, mit 6 Taf.). [35.0231 .2031 .2231 dh]. 3281 Picard, Edmund. Die Gattung Pinna in der Trias. Berlin, Jahrb. geol. Laa- desanst., 24, 1904, (333-.336, mit Taf.). [65.2231]. 3282 Plate, L[udwig]. Descendenztheore- tische Streitfrageu, eine Rechtfertigung meiner Kritik der Schrift von Prof. Jaekel ,,Ueber verschiedene Wege phy- logenetischer Entwickelung". Biol. Centralbb, Leipzig, 23, 1903, (665-678, 704-720, 741-757). [0200]. 3283 FoUe, Richard. Das Mammut in der Vergangenheit Sibiriens. Vortrag. Natw. Wochenschr., Jena, 19, 1904, (577-583). [95.6031 ea}. 3284 Pompeckj , J[osef ] F[elix]. Mastodon- Reste aus dem interandinen Hochland von Bolivia. Palaeontographica, Stutt- gart, 52, 1905, (17-56, mit 2 Taf.). [95.6031 hgl 3285 Potoni^, H[einrich]. Abbildungen und Beschreibungen fossiler Pflanzen- Reste der palaeozoischen und meso- zoischen Formationen. Lfg. 1. 2. Hrsg. Y. d. kgl. preussischen geologi- schen Landesanstalt und Bergakade- mie. Berlin (Kgl. geol. Landesanst. in Vertrieb), 1903-04, (IV + 5 -f- 2 + 2 -f 3 4-2 + 5+2-^3 + 1 + 64-3 + 3 + 6 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 10 + 6 + 8, mit 2 Taf. ; 8 + 6 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 2 + 2 + 5 + 5 + 12 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 16 + 4 + 13 + 15 + 2 + 4, mit 2 Taf.). 26 cm. Die Lfg 3,50 M. [35.5000]. 3286 Praeger, R. LI. et alii. Edenvale Caves, Co. Clare. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1904 (1905), (288). [95.6031 de]. 3287 Priem, F. Sur les poissons fossiles des terrains tertiaires superieurs de I'Herault. Paris, Bui. soc. geol., (ser. 4), 4, 1904, (285-295, av. fig.). [90.5431 c7/]. 3288 Prinz, Gyida. Tarojkepzodes a phyllo- cerasok csaladjaban. [Ober die Kiel- bildung in der Familie Phylloceratidae.] FiAdt. KozL, Budapest, 35, 1905, (13- 20, 47-54, mit 2 Fig.). [0200 70.2231 dk]. 3289 A klima tortenete. [Ge- schichte des Klimas.] Potf. Termt. Kozl., Budapest, 37, 1905, (145-165, mit 3 Fig. u. 1 Laudkarte). [0100]. 3290 Rau, Karl. Die Brachiopoden des mittleren Lias Schwabens mit Aus- sclduss der Spiriferinen. Geol. u. IDalaeont. Abh., Jena, N.F., 6, H. 5, 1905, (95, mit 4 Taf.). [70.2031 dc]. 3291 Read, Alston. Die Gastropoden der Pachycardien-Tuffe. Mitgeteilt durch F[erdinandl Broili. Centralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1905, (176-177). [65.2231 <7A-]. 3292 Reade, T. Mellard. Notes on some specimens of Lancashire Boulder Clay. Liverpool, Proc. Geol. Soc, 10, 1905, (38-42). [95.0431 de]. 3293 Reagan, Albert B. Some fossils from the lower Aubrey and upper Red Wall limestones in the vicinity of Fort Apache. Arizona, Indianapolis, Ind., Proc. Acad. Sci., 1903, 1904, (237-246, with pi.). [55.0231 gi]. 3294 The fossils of the Red Wall compared with those of the Kansas Coal Measures. Indianapolis, Ind., Proc. Acad. Sci., 1903, 1901, (249- 251). [.55.0231 gir\. 3295 42 Reche, 0. Ueljer eine neue Equi- denart aus der PanipasfoiTnation. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUug., 18, 1905, (225-241, mit 1 Taf.). [95.G031 7u]. 3290 Reed, F. R. Cowper. Sedgwick iluseum Notes. New fossils from the Haverfordwest district. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (97-104, with pL, 444-454, 492-501, with pi.). [50.2031 .2231 .2831 de]. 3297 The classification of the Pluicopidae. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (172-178, 224-228). [35.2831]. 3298 Reiclienau, Wilhelm von. Ueber eine neue fossile Baren-Art Urstis denmgeri milii aus den fluviatilen Sanden von Mosbach. Wiesbaden, Jahrb. Ver. Natk., 57, 1904, (1-11). [95.6031 cZc]. 3299 Ueber einen Schadel der Ilijaena arvemensis Croizet et Jobert aus dem Mosbacher Sande. Wiesbaden, Jahrb. Ver. Natk., 58, 1905, (175-182, mit 1 Taf.). [95.6031 dc]. 3300 Ueber einen Unterkiefer von Equus stenonis Cocchi aus dem Plioplistocan von Mosbach. Darmstadt, Notizbl. Ver. Erdk., 4. Folge, 24, 1903, (48-54). [95.6031 dc]. 3301 Reinliardt, Ludwig, Unsre Kennt- mis vom Maunnut auf Grund der Er- gebnisse der letzten Mammutexpedi- tion. Umschau, Frankfurt a. M., 8, 1904, (751-753). [95.6031 ea]. 3302 Die Ergebnisse der letzten Mammut-Expeditiou. Prometheus, Ber- lin, 16, 1905, (337-341, 357 360). [95. 6031 en]. 3303 Reinsch, P. F. Die Palinosjihiirien, ein niikroskopischer vegetabiler Orga- nisuins in der Mucronateu-Kreide. Cen- tralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1905, 102-407). [75.7400]. 3304 Rels, Otto M. Uber Falaenrbis. Geogn. Jahreshelte, Miinchen, 16,(1903), 1905, (125-1 13, mit 1 Taf.). [35.2231]. 3305 Rekstad, J[()hnl. Beskrivelse til kartljladet Di^nna. [Description of the map of the Donna region.] Norges geol. Und., Kristiania, 37, I'lOl, (29); Engl, summ., (3). [95.2231 .2(;3I da]. ;'.30fl Remes, M[auric]. Nachtriige zur Fauna zou Stiamberg. VI. Crinoiden-, Asteriden- und Echinoiden-Reste aus dem weissen Kalksteiu von Stramberg. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 18, 1905, (59-63, mit 1 Taf.). [70.1031 dk]. 3307 0 zrudnostech lilijc z cerveneho vapencekojjfivnickeho. [Ober Difformitateu der Crinoiden aus dem roten Kalk von Kopfivuice]. Prostfejov, Vestn. Kl. Pfir., 4, 1902, (76-82, mit 2 Taf.). [70.1031 dk]. 3308 Strambersky tithon. ^[Der Stramberaer Tithon. Prag, V§stn. Ceske Ak. Frant. Jos., 13, 1901,(201-217, 277- 295, 360-381).] [60.0231 dk]. 3309 Renault, B[ernard]. Quelques remar- ques sur les Cryptogames anciennes et les sols fossiles de vegetation. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 138, 1904, (1237-1239). [55.6700]. 3310 Sur quelques nouveaux In- fusoires fossiles. Autun, Bui. soc. hist, nat., 16, 1903, (Proc.-verb., 25-27, av. fig.). [85.0431 dfl 3311 Sur quelques microor- ganismes interessants. Autun, Bui. soc. hist, nat., 16, 1903, (Proc.-verb., 149-162, av. pi.). [35.7400 .7700]. 3312 Renz, Carl. Ueber die mesozoische Format ionsgruppe der siidwestlichen Balkanhalbinsel. N. Jahrb. Min., Stutt- gart, Beilagebd, 21, 1905, (213-301, mit 4 Taf.). [60.2231 J/J. 3313 Reusch, Hans. Nogle notiser fra Sigdal og Eggedal. [Short notes from Sigdal and Eggedal. J Norges. geol. Und.,. Kristiania'", 37, 1904, (8, with photographs). [95.2231 .2631 da]. 3314 Richardson, Linsdall. The Rhaetic and contiguous deposits of Glamorgan- shire. Loudon, Q. J. (ieol. Soc, 61, 1905, (385-424, with pi.). [70.2231 de]. 3315 Richarz, Ste])li[an]. Die Neokomhil- (lniiL,'i'n l)ci Kaitcnlcutgebon. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst., 54, (1904), 1905, (343-358, mit 1 Taf.). [75.2231 dk]. 3316 Richter, P[aul]. Ueber die Kreide- pllaiizen der (Jmgebung (^uedlinburgs. Tl 1. (Bcilage zum Progi-anmi des kiiiiigl. Gymnasiums v.ix Quetllinlnirg, Ostern 1904.) Quedlinhurg a. 11. (Druck v. II. Kloppel), 1904, (20, mit 2 43 Taf.). 27 cm. [75.5000 .5400 .6500 .6700 (/c]. 3317 Richters, F[erdiuaud]. [Mikr. Un- tersuchuiig von Grypotheriuin-Diing.] Frankfurt a. M., Ber. Senckenb. Ges., 1904, (46). [95.6031 7a]. 3318 Riggs, Elmer S. Structure and re- lationships of Opistliocoelian Dinosaurs. Part 1. Apotosaiinis Marsh. Chicago. 111., Pub. Field Coluuib. Mus., Geol. Ser., 2, 1903, (1 I. + 165-196, with text fig. and pi.). Separate. 25.8 cm. [35. 5631 70.5631 gi]. 3319 Romer, F[ritz]. [Bericht iiber die wissenscbaftl. Leistungen in d. Natur- gesch. der] Graptolitida fiir 1896-1900. Arch. Xatg.. Berlin, 65. Bd 2, H. 3, 1899, [1905], (49-62). [35.0831]. 3320 Roger, Otto. Wirbeltierreste aus dem Obenniocan der bayerisch-schwa- bischen Hochebene. Augsburg, Ber. natw. Ver., 36, 1904, (1-22, mit 3 Taf.). [90.5231 de]. 3321 Roger, Otto. Ueber die Antilopen. Yortrag . . . Augsburg, Ber. natw. A'er., 36, 1904, (103-126). '[35.6031]. 3322 Rogers, A. W. An introduction to the Geology of Cape Colony. With a chapter on the Fossil RejJtiles of the Karroo formation. London (Longman), 1905, (XVIII + 463, with map and figs ). 8vo. 9s. [65.5631 fg]. 3323 Rogers, Austin F. v. Beede, J. W. Romer Eugeniusz. Spis prac, odno- szgcych si^ do fizyografii ziem polskicli za lata 1901 i 1902 (tresc ob. dzial F.'i. [Liste des travaux relatifs a la physio- graphic do la Pologne publics en 1901 et 1902. (Contenu voir F.).] Kosmos, Lw6w, 30, 1905, (19-106). [0030]. 3324 Rosenlxeim, Otto. Chitin in the carapace of Pterngotns osUiensis from the Silurian Rocks of (Jesel. London, Proc. R. Soc, B. 76, 1905, (398-400). [.50.2831 da]. 3325 Rothpletz, A[ugust]. Karl Alfred von Zittelj. Mitt. Alpenver., Miin- chen, 30. 1904, (2-.3). [0010]. .3326 Gedachtnisrede axif Karl Alfred von Zittel, gehalten in der ofFentlichen Sitzung der k. b. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Miinchen zur Feier ihres 146. Stiftungstages am 15. Marz 1905. Miinchen (G. Franz in Komm.), 1905, (23). 28 cm. 0,60 M. [0010]. 3327 Rowley, R. R. A review of Dr. G. Ilanibach's " Revision of the Blastoidea . . . ." In : Greene, G. K. Con- tribution to Indiana palaeontology. Part 19. New Albany, Ind., 1904, (192- 197). [45.1031]. * 3328 The Echiuodermata of the Missouri Silurian and a new Brachiopod. Amer. Geol., Minneapolis, Minn., 34, 1904, ([269J-212, with 1 pi.). [50.1031 .2031 gi]. 3329 V. Greene, G. K. Rzehak, A[ntonj. Ueber das Vor- komnien von Foraminiferen in den Ablagerungen der pannonischen Stufe in Mahren. Brunn, Zs. Mahr. LdMus., 4. 1904, (55-69). [90.0431 dk]. 3330 Das Liasvorkonimen von Freistadtl in Mahren. Briinn, Zs. Mahr. LdMus, 4, 1904, (89-154, mit 1 Taf.). [70.0231 .1031 .1831 .2031 .2231 .5431 dk]. 3.331 Saurich, Paul. In vorgeschichtlicher Zeit. Bilder aus der Pflanzenwelt fiir Scliule und Haus bearb. (Das Leben der Pflanzen. Bd VII.) Leipzig (E. Wunderlich), 1905, (XIV + 96). 23 cm. 1,60 M. [35.5000]. 3332 Sajohelyi, Frigses. Geologia. II. [Geologic. II.] Budapest, 1904, (164). 15 cm. Kron. 1.20. [0030]. 3333 Sauvage, H. E. Note sur les reptiles de I'etage rhetien des environs d'Autun. Autun, Bnl. soc. hist, nat., 16, 1903, (309-320). [65.5631 df]. 3334 De la presence du geni'e Polnptijcliodon dans des sables verts de la Meuse. Autun, Bui. soc. hist, uat., 16, 1903, (321-323). [75.5631 df]. 3335 Savage, T. E. A buried peat bed in Dodge township. Union County, Iowa. Des Moines, Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 11, (1903), 1904, (103-109, with pi.). [95.5000 gi]. 33.36 Savin, L. Catalogue des Echinides de la Savoie. Paris, C.-R. Ass. francj. avanc. sci., 31, (Montauban, 1902), 1'' partie, 1902, (211-212) ; 2^ partie, 1903, (489-491). [35.1031 df]. 3337 Schepotieff, Alexander. Ueber die Stellung der Graptolithen im zoolo- gischen System. N. Jahrb. Min., Stutt- gart, 1905, 2, (79-98). [35.1031]. 33.38 44 Schlosser, M. Notizen Saugethierfaimen aus dem Wiirttemberg unci Bayern Miu., Stuttgart, Beilagelxl (485-502, mit 1 Taf.). [90. Die fossilen Wien, Beitr von Samos. OstUng., 17, 1904,(21-118 [90.6031 dm]. iiljei- einige Miocan von N. Jahrb. 19, 1904, 6031 ayHa Bepxne,T;eBOHCKaro iisBecTHHKa OKpesTHocTeii rop. Bepxneypa-'ibCKa, OpeHilyprcKofi ryoepnin. [Fauna des oberdevonischenKalksteinsvonWerchne- Ouralsk im Gv. Orenburg.] Kazani, Trd. Obsc. jest., 37, 1903, (1-40, mit 3 Taf.). [55.0831 .1031 .2031 .2231 .2831 .5431 db]. 3419 48 Tolf, Rob[ert]. Redogorelse for uu- dersokningar af torfmossar inom Soder- manland. [Exploration of peat mosses in Sodemianlaud.] Xykojjing, Sodeniian- lands Hush.-Sallsk. Handl., 1902, (121- 151). [95.5000 da]. 3420 Undersokning af torfmossar inom HaUands Ian. [Exploration of peat mosses in the province of Halland, Sweden.] Halmstad, Halland Hush.- Sallsk. Handl., 1904, (12-44). [95. 5000 da]. 3421 Torfmossundersokningar i Sodermanland sonirarne 1901-1902. [Examinations of j^eat mosses in Sodermanland in the summers of 1901 and 1902.] Sv. Mosskult. Tidskr., Jonkoping, 17, 1903, (81-98). [95.5000 dd]. ' 3422 Torfmossundersokningar inom Alfsborgs Ian sommaren 1902. [Examination of peat mosses in the district of Alfsborg in tlie summer of 1902.] Sv. Mosskult. Tidskr., Jonkoping, 17, 1903, (179-197). [95.5000 da]. 3423 Redogorelse for torfmoss- undersokningar inom Skaraborgs Ian, utforda ar 1903. Samnianstald efter Tolls dagboksanteckningar af Emil Haglund. [Report on the examination of l^eat mosses in the district of Skaraborg, carried out in 1903. Put together from Tolf's journal notes by Emil Haglund.] Sv. Mosskult. Tidskr., Stockholm, 18, 1904, (257-278). [95.5000 da]. 3424 Redogorelse for torfmoss- undersokningar inom Bohusliin, utforda sommaren 1903. Sammanstiild efter 'I'olfs dagboksanteckningar af Emil Haglund. [Report on the examination of the peat mosses in the district of Bohus, carried out in the summer of 1903. Put together from Tolf's journal notes by Emil Haglund.] Sv. Mosskult. 1^'dskr., Jonkoping, 18, 1904, (279- 293). [95.500 da]. 3425 Tomquist, A[le.\ander]. Boitriige zur ( leologie der westlichen Jlittelmeer- liinder. 1. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, Peilagebd, 20, 1905, (149-158, mit 1 Taf.). [5000 dh]. 3426 Ueber eine eocane Fauna der Westkiiste von Madagascar. Frank- furt a. M., Abh. Sonckeiil). (!cs., 27, 1901, r321-.'338, mit I Taf.). [85.0231 .0831 .1031 .2231 fh]. 3427 Ein liluulJiiiclillii/s aus dem Karbon Siid-Amcrikas. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges.. 56, 1904, Aufsiitze, (346-351, mit 2 Taf.). [55.5431 hi]. 3428 Tomquist, Sv[en] Leonh[ard]. Re- searches of the Graptolites of the lower zones of the Scanian and Vestrogothian Phyllo-Tetragrajitus beds II. Lund, Univ. Arsskr., 40, 1904, Afd. 2, (29, with pi.). [50.0831 da]. 3429 Toula, Franz. Ueber einen dem Thuniische verwandten Raubfisch der Congerienschichten der Wiener Bucht. (Pclami/ci/bium [,,Sphyraenodu>i"] sinus vindoho7ien.'iis, n. gen. et n. sp.). Wien, Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst., 55, 1905, (51- 84, mit 1 Taf.). [90.5431 dk]. 3430 Traquair, R. H. Note on fish remains recently collected by the Geological Survey of Scotland at Salisbury Crags, Craigmillar, Chebbiedean Reservoir, and Torduil Reservoir, in the Edinburgh district. Loudon, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1904, (1905), (547). [55,5431 de]. 3431 On the [Fish] Fauna of the Upper Old Red Sandstone of the Moray Firth area. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1904, (1905), (547). [50.5431 de]. 3432 Notes on the Lower Car- boniferous Fishes of Eastern Fifeshire. [Reprint.] Edinburgh, Proc. R. Physic. Soc, 16, 1905, ('80-86, with pi.), [v. K 1, No. 590.] [55.'5431 dc]. 3433 Trouessart, E. L. Catalogus Mam- malium tam viventium quam fossilium. Quinquennale sujaplementum, anno 1904. Ease. 111. Tillodontia, Ungu- lata et Sirenia. Berlin (R. Friedlander & S.), 1905, (547-752). 24 cm. 12 M. [35.6031J. 3434 True, F[rederick] W[illiam]. Dodo skeleton [Didns iiieplns]. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., ilisc. Collect. Q., 47, 1905, (517, with pi.). [95.5831]. 3435 Diagnosis of a new genus and species of fossil sea-lion [Pontuleun mag)iHS n. gen. and sp.] from the Miocene of Oregon. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q., 48, 1905, (47-49). Separate. 24.3 cm. [90.6031 gi]. 3436 Tschernich, F[ranz]. Die Tertiiirflora von Altsattel. Ein Beitrag zur Kennt- nis der I'ossilen Pflanzen des iiordwest- liciieu Bohmeiis. Jahres-Berlcht iibcr des K.K. Akadeniisclie tSymnasium in 49 Wien, 1904-1905, Wien, 1905, (16-51, uiit 4: Taf.). [U0.500U dk]. 3137 Tschemyschew, Th. N. v. Ceinysev, Th. N. [Tutkovskij, P.] TyxKOBCKiH, H. Hepern. Bos latifrons list Pa;i,OMbic;ib- CKaro yfcsAa KieBCKofi rydepniH. [Ein Schaedel von Bos latifrons aus clem Kreise Radomysl iin Gouvernement Kiew.] Jezeg. geol. i miner., Varsava, 6,1,1903,(59-62;. [95.6031^6]. 3138 Ulrich, E[dward] 0[scar] and Bassler, R. S. A revision of the Paleozoic Bryozoa. Part 1. On genera and species of Ctenostomata. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collect. Q., 45, 1904, (256-294, with pi. and text tig.). Separate. 24.3 cm. [45.2031]. 3439 A revision of the Paleo- zoic Bryozoa. Part 2. . . . Trejjo- stomata. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Coll. Q., 47. 1904, (15-55, with pL). Separate. 25 cm. [45.2031]. 3440 Upton, Charles. Some Cotteswold Brachiopoda. Gloucester, Proc. Cottes- wold Nat. F. CI., 15, 1905, (82-92, withpL). [70.2031 de]. 3441 Ussher, R. J. On the discovery of hyaena, mammoth, and other extinct mammals in a carboniferous [sie^ cavern in coimty Cork. Dublin, Proc. R. Irish Acad., B. 25, 1905, (1-5). [95.6031 cle]. 3442 Vacek, M[ichael]. Hofrath [Andreas] Kornhuberf. Wien, Verh. Geol. Rchs- Anst., 1905, (197-198). [0010]. 3443 Valette, Aurelien. Les Ammonites du departement de I'Yonne. Auxerre, Bui. soc. sci. hist, nat., 2*^ partie : Sciences phys. et nat., 57, 1903, [1904], (39-109, av. fig.). [70.2231 df 75.2231 dfl 3444 Vaughan, Arthur. The palaeontolo- gical sequence in the Carboniferous Limestone of the Bristol [and other] areas. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 61, 1905, (181-307, sect., tables, pis.). [55.0231 de]. 3445 V. Hind, W. Vaughan, T[homas] Wayland. A critical review of the literature on the simple genera of the Madreporaria Fungida, with a tentative classification. [With bibliography.] Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. (K-11720) Proc, 28, 1905, (371-424). [35.0831 0030]. 3446 Vaughan, T[homas] Wayland. Some recent literature on the stony corals and a review of " Steinkorallen " von Dr. Emil von Marenzeller. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (648- 647). [35.0831]. 3447 [Veniukov, P.] BeHWKOBij, 11. H. 'tayna M.ieKonnxaioiuHX'b daJiTCKiixt necKOB'i, lIoAOJibCKOit rydepHiii. [Die Siiugethierfauna der Sandschichten von Balta im Gouvernement Podolien.] Mater, geol. Ross., St. Peterburg, 21, 1904,(121-188); deutsches Res., "(189- 193,mit3Taf.;. [90.6031 f/6]. 3448 Versluys, J[an]. lets over zoogeo- graphie, naar aanleiding van de marine fauna van den Oost-Indischen Archipel. [Rtwas iiber Zoogeographie, mit Riick- sicht auf die marine Fauna des Ostindi- schen Archipels.] Handl. Ned. Nat. Geneesk. Congres, 10, 1905, (490-511). [0100]. 3449 Vetters, Hermann. Die Fauna der Juraklippeu zwischen Donau xmd Thaya. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 17, 1905, (22.3-259, mit 2 Taf.). [70.0231 .2031 .2231 dk]. 3450 Walcott, Charles D[oolittle]. Cam- lirian Brachiopoda with descriptions of new genera and sjiecies. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 28, 1905, {U. + 227-337). 24.5 cm. [50.2031]. 3451 Cambrian faunas of China. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian lust.. Nation. Mus. Proc, 29, 1905, (1-106). [50.0231 .0431 .0631 .2031 .2331 .2231 .2631 .2831 eb]. 3452 Walker, Jolm Francis. On the forma- tion of species. Geo. Mag., London, (ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (15-17). [0200]. 3453 Walther, J[ohannes]. Bemerkungen iiber einen Ammoniten aus Marokko AeantJioceras pfe'di n. sp. ? Jeua, Mitt. geog. Ges., 21, 1903, (59-60). [35.2231 fa]. 3454 Die Fauna der Solnhofener Plattenkalke. Bionomisch betrachtet. Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges., 11, 1904, (133-214, mit 1 Taf.). [70.0231 .2431 de]. 3455 Ward, John. Palaeontology of the Pottery Coalfield. Appendix to Gibson^ 50 \V. The Geology of tlie North Staffordshire Coalfield. Mem. Geol. Surv. Eng., Loudon, 1905, (285-357, Avith 5 pis.). 8vo. [55.0231 dc]. 3450' Ward, Lester F[raiik]. The Pterido- sperma2)hvta. Seieiice, New York, X. Y., (X. Ser.), 20, 1904, (25-26). [55.6600]. 3457 Paleozoic seed plants. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (279-281). [45.6600]. 3458 ■Wardle,iSi)- Thomas, Fossil fern from Butterton, Stone. Rep. N. Staff. F. CI., 39, 1905, (118-119, with pi.). [55.6700 de]. 3459 The Wardle Collection of Carboniferous Limestone fossils (chiefly North Staffordshire). Presented to the Nicholson Lastitute by Sir T. W. Leek (Grace), [1905], (14). [55.0231 de]. 3460 Warring, Charles B. Geological [sic] exteiinination. London, J. Trans. Vic. Inst., 37, 1905, (165-185). [0200]. 3401 Weber, C. A. Ueber eine friihdiluviale uud vorglaciale Flora bei Liineburg. 2. Palaeontologischer Teil. Berlin, Abh. geol. Landesaust., (N.F.), H. 40, 1904, (20-78, mit 18 Taf.). [95.5000 de]. 3462 Ueber Tertiare Rhinocero- tiden von der Insel Samos. Moskva, Bui. Soc. Nat., 1903, (477-501, mit 3 Taf.). [90.6031 dm]. 3463 Ueber Tertiare Rhinocero- tiden von der Insel Samos. II. Moskva, Bull. Soc. Nat., 1904, (344-363, mit 3 Taf.). [90.0031 dm]. 3464 V. Midler, G. Webster, Clement L. Description of a new genus and sjiccies of gastropod from the llackberry grouj^ of Iowa. [Floyda concentrica n. gen. ct sp.]. Iowa Nat., Iowa City, Iowa, 1, 1905, (39-40). [55.2231 gi]. 3465 Description of anew genus of gastropod from the llackberry group of Iowa. [TFe.i/rj-»/rt n.gen.] Iowa Nat., Iowa City, Iowa, 1, 1905, (54-55). [55.2231 gl]. 3460 On some species of fossils from tlic liudvberry group of Iowa. [Narico]).His riiagitijicd n. sp. and Platy- stoma anlicjui-H n. sp.] Iowa Nat., Iowa City, Iowa, 1, 1905, (58-59). [55.2231 t,i]. 3467 Webster, Clement L. Contributions t(i tlie iialeontology of the Iowa Devonian. [New species of Pachijpliyllum.] Iowa Nat., Iowa Citv, Iowa, 1, 1905, (70-71). [55.0831 gi]. ' 3468 Weinscbenk, E[rnst]. Ueber die Skeletteile der Kalkschwamme. Cen- tralbl. ilin., Stuttgart, 1905, (581-588). [35.0631]. 3469 Weller, Stuart. A report on the Paleo- zoic paleontology- of New Jersey. Geol. Surv., New Jersey, Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (xii + 462, with pi. and table). 23 cm. [45.0231 50.55.0831 55.1031 50.55.2031 50.2231 50.2631 50.2831 gg]. 3470 WeUs, H. H. The discovery of the future. [Discourse at Roj-al Institution.] Sci. Amer. Sup., New York, N.Y., 58, 1904, (23842-23843, 2.3854-23855). [0000]. 3471 White, Charles A[biathar]. Memoir of Fielding Bradford Meek. 1817-1870. [VVithbiljliography,] Washington, D.C., Nation. Acad. Sci., Biog. Mem., 4, 1902, (75-91). [0010]. 3472 The relation of phyloge- nesis to historical geology. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 22, 1905, (105-113, with diagr.). [0150 0200]. 3473 Die Mutationstheorie und die Paliiontologie. Natur u. Schule, Leipzig, 3, 1904, (248-253). [0200]. 3474 White, David. Memoir of Ralph Dupuy liacoe. [With biI)liography.] Rochester, N.Y., Bull. Geo]. Soc. Amer. 13,1903,(509-515). [0010]. 3475 Permian elements in tlie Dnnkard flora. [Abstract.] Rocliester, N.Y., Bull Geol. Soc. Amer., 14, 1904, (5.38-542). [55.5000 gg]. 3476 Whitfield, R[ol)ert] P[arr]. Notice of a new crinoid IMm-agnicrinus portlandiena n. gen. and s|5.] and a new moUusk [Onychoeard'ium porllandicnm n. gen. and sp.] from the Portage rocks of New York. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 21, 1902. (17-20, witli 3 pis.). [55.1031 .2231 .gr/]. 3177 Notice of a new species of Fdseiolciria from the Eocene green marls at Sliark River, N.J. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 21, 1905, (.",01-303, with illustr.). [85.2231 gg]. 3478 51 Wieland, (1. R. . . . Researclies on living and fossil cycads. Grant No. 48. [Preliminary report.] Washington, D.C., Carnegie Inst. Year Book, Xo. 2, 1903. 1901, (xxx\'ii-xxxviii). [35.6500]. 3479 Wilbrand, J[ii]ins]. Mammut-Reste, gefiinden bei Bielefeld. Jahresber. hist. Ver. Ravensberg, Bielefeld, 18, 1904, (91-93). [95.G031 c?c]. 3480 Wilder, Frank A. The Laramie and Fort Union beds in North Dakota. [With bibliography.] J. Geol., Chicago, 111., 12, 1904; (290-293). [75.0231 gi]. 3481 W[illiams], H[enry] S. Preliminary re- port on the classification of the rocks of the Watkins Glen (300 quadrangle (U.S. Geological survey). Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 19, 1904, (234-236). [55.0231 ggl 3482 Williamson, Mrs. M. Burton. Review of the classification of the Cyrenacea by William H. Dall. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 17, 1903, (47-48). [80.2231]. 3483 Williston, Sfamuel] W[endell]. The stomach stones of the plesiosaurs. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (565). [75.5631]. 3484 A new armored dinosaur from the upjDer Cretaceous of Wyoming. [Stegopelfa n. gen., S. landerensis n. sp.] Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 22, 1905, (503-504). [75.5631 gl]. 3485 North American jDlesio- saurs. Part 1. [With " Catalogue and bibliography."] Chicago, 111., Pub. Field Columb. Mus., Geol. Ser., 2, 1903, (1-77, with text fig. and pi.). Separate. 25.8 cm. [70.5631 gf 75.563 gf]. 3486 On the osteology of Nycfo- saiimts (Xyctodaetylus), with notes on iVmerican pterosaurs. Chicago, 111., Pub. Field Columb. Mus. Geol. Ser. 2, 1903, ([125]-163, with text fig. and pi.). Separate. 25.8 cm. [.35.5631]. 3487 The relationships and habits of the mosasaurs. J. Geol., Chicago, HI., 12, 1904, (43-51). [75.5631]. 3488 Notice of some new rep- tiles from the upper Trias of Wyoming. J. Geol., Chicago, 111., 12, 1904, (688- 697, with text fig.). [65.5631 gi]. 3489 The temporal arches of the Reptilia. Wood's Holl, Mass., Mar. (K-11720) Biol. Lab. Bull., 7, 1904, (175-102, with text fig.). [35.5631]. 3190 Wilson, John D. Fauna of the Ago- niatite limestone of Onondaga County, X.Y. Syracuse, N.Y., Proc. Onondaga, Acad. Sci., 1, 1903, (84-88, with text fig.). [50.0231 ggl 3491 Wiman, Carl. lakttagelser pa Kileus armadiUo Dalm. [Observations on Nileus armadillo Dahn.] Stockholn), Geol. For. Forh., 26, 1904, (17-90, with pL). [-50.2831]. 3492 iJber die Borkholmer Schicht im mittelbaltischen Silurgebiet. Upsala, Bull. Geol. Inst, 5, 2, 1901, [1902], (149-222, Taf. 5-8). [50.0231 .0831 .2031 do]. 3493 Studien iiber das nord- baltische Silurgebiet. I. Olenelbissand- stein, OfcoZussandstein uud Ceratopyge- schiefer. Upsala, BuU. Geol. Inst. 6, 1902-03, [1905], (12-76, mit Taf.). [50.2031 .2231 .2631 .2831 do]. 3494 Palaontologische Notizen 3. Uber Rohergia microphthalmus Lns. und Triarthviis jemtlandicu.s Lns. Upsala, Bull. Geol. List., 6, 1902-03, [1905], (77-79). [50.2831 da]. 3495 ■ Palaontologische Notizen. 4. Paradoxides jemtlandicus n. sp. Upsala, Bull. Geol. Inst., 6, 1902-03, [1905], (79-80, mit Taf.). [50.2831 da]. 3496 Palaontologische Notizen. 5. Kin neuer Trilobit [Boeekia mobergi] im Z)/ef !/o?eemaschiefer. Upsala, Bull. Geol. Inst., 6, 1902-03, [1905], (80-82). [50.2831 da]. 3497 Palaontologischen Notizen. 6. Eine ueue Conidaria aus der Wesen- berger Schicht im mittelbaltischen Silurgebiet. Upsala, Bull. Geol. Inst., 6, 1902-03, [1905], (82-83, mit Taf.). [50.2231 da]. 3198 Vorlaufige Mitteilung iiber die alttertliiren Vertebraten der Sevuiourinsel. Upsala, Bull. Geol. Inst., 6, 1902-03, [1905], (247-253, mit Taf.). [85.5231 .5831 oh]. 3499 Ein Shumardias,c\\iele\- bei Lanna in Nerike. Ark. Zool., Stock- holm, 2, No. 11, 1905, (20, mit Taf.). [50.2831 da]. 3500 tJber die alttertiaren Ver- tebraten der Seymourinsel. (Wissen- schaftl. Ergebnisse der Schwed. Siid- E 2 52 polar-Exped. 1901-1903, 3, I.ief. 1.) Stockholm, 1905, (37, mit 8 Taf.). 21 cm. [85.5231 .5831 .6031 oh']. 3501 Wojcik, K[azimierz]. Dolny oligocen z Riszkanii koto Uzoka. (Das Unter- oligocan von Riszkauia bei Uzsok.) Krakow, Bull. Intern. Akad., 1905, (254-263) (Polish and German) ; Krakow, Rozpr. Akad., 45 B, 1905, (123-131) (Polish). [85.0431 .2031 .2231 dJ;']. 3502 WoUemann, A[ugust]. Ein Anf- sclduss im ilukronatensenon IdcI Roteu- kamjJ, nordwestlich von Konigslutter. Braunschweig, Jahresber. Ver. Natw., 13, 1904, (40-42). [75.0231 del 3503 Woods, Henry. A monograiDh of the Cretaceous Lamellibranchia of England. Vol. II (2). London, Monogr. Palaeont. Soc , 59, 1905, (59-90, pis. VIII-XI). [75.2231 de]. 3504 Woodward, A. S. On parts of the skeleton of Cetiosaurus leedsi, a sanro- podous dinosaur fi-om the Oxford Clay of Peterborough. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1905, 1, (232-243). [70.5031 de]. 3505 List of British Triassic fossils in British Museum. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1904, (1905), (285-288). [65.0231 del 350(i ilodern methods in the study of fossils. London, Proc. Geol. Ass., 19, (2), 1905, (69-75). [0060 0200]. 3507 Visit to the British Mu- seum (Natural History). London, Proc. Geol. Ass., 19, (3), 1905, (101). [OOGO]. 3508 Kote on some portions of mosasaurian jaws obtained by Mr. G. E. Dil)]ey from the Middle' Chalk of Cuxton, Kent. London, Proc. Geol. Ass., 19, 1905, (185-187, with figs.). [75.5631 del 3509 On some abdominal ribs of Uyperoda'pedon from the Keuper Sandstone of HoUington. Stone, Rc]). N. Staff. E. CI., 39, 1905, (115-117, witii pi.). [55.56:^,1 del 3510 Woodward, B. B. v. Kcnnard, A. S. Woodward, Henry. Notes on a series of Trihjbites obtained by Mr. Howard Fox from the Devonian of Cant Hill, St. Minver, Cornwall. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (151- 154, pi.). [55.2831 r/c]. 3511 Woodward, Henry. On a collection of Trilobites fi'om the Ujjper Cambrian of Shantung, North China. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5^, 2, 1905, (211- 215, 251-255, with "pi. and 6 ligs.). [50.2831 ehl 3512 — Note on a fossil crab and group of Balaui discovered in concre- tions on the beach at Ormai-a Headland, Mekran coast. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (305-310, with figs.). [85.2631 e/i]. 3513 Notes on some crustaceans and two myriopods from the lower Coal Measures near Colne, Lancashire. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (437-444). [55.3431 .2631 del 3514 Further note on Cijelus Johnson], from the Coal Measures near Dudley. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (490-492, with figs.). [55.2031 del 3515 Wright, Joseph. Lower Greensand foraininifera from Little Coxwell, near Faringdon. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (238-239). [75.0431 de\ 3516 Wunstorf, Wilhelm. Die Fauna der Schichten mit Harpoceras dispcmsum Lye. vom Gallberg bei Salzgitter. Berlin, Jahrb. geol. Landesanst., 25, (1904), 1905, (488-525, mit 4 Taf.). [70.2231 del ^ 3517 Yabe, Hisakatsu. Cretaceous Cepha- lopoda from the Hokkaido. Part II. Tuvr'ditea, Ilclicoceras, llelevoeeras, Nipponifes, Olcostephanoceras, Dcsmo- ceras, Hauericeras, and an undetermined genus. Tokvo, J. Coll. Sci., 20, Art. 21, 1901, (1-45, 'with 6 pis.). [75.2231 eel 3518 Yakowlew ;;. Jakovlev, N. Yokoyama, Matajiro. On some Juras- sic fossils from Rikuzen. Tokvo, J. Coll. Sci., 18, Art. 6, 1901, (1-13, witli 2 pis.). [75.0231 2231 6500 c<-]. 3519 [Zalesskij, Michail Dniitrievic.] ikurhccKiii, M. Jl. IIcKOiiacMUJi pacTe- iiiii KiiMCHiioyro ibiiiJxi> OT.io;icoiiiii JI,o- iienKaro Hacceiiiia. I. Lycopodiales. [Vt'getaux fossiles du terrain carbonif^re du Ijassin du Donetz. I. Lycopodiales.] St. Peterburg, Mem. Com. geolog., (N. s^r.\ 13, 1904, (1-79) ; res. fran(^., (80-121, av. 14 pis.). [55.6700 dhl 3520 53 Zajig, Richard. Ueber Coleoptera Lamellicoroia aus clem baltischeu Beru- steiii. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. iiatf. Freuiide, 1905, (197-205, 222, mit 1 Taf.). [95.2431]. 3521 Coleoptera Longicornia aus der Berendtschen Bernsteinsaram- lung. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freimde, 1905, (232-245, mit 1 Taf.). [85.2431]. 3522 Zdarsky, A. i-. Hofmanii, A. Zeiller, R. Observations au sujet du mode de fructification des Cycadofili- cinees. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 138, 1904, (663-665). [35.6600]. 3523 Zelizko, I. V. Mamut od Berezovky V Sibifi. [Ueber das bei Berezovka in Sibirien ^ gefundeue Mammutthier.] Olmiitz, Gas. Muz., Spolku, 1904, (35- 55, mit 5 Taf.). [35.6031 ea]. 3524 Notiz iiber die Korallen des mittelbohmisclieu Obersilur aus dem Furdorte „ V Kozle." Wien, Verb. Geol. RchAnst., 1904, (304-307). [50.0831 dk]. 3525 Zenker, Wilhelm. Der Nachweis des diluvialen Menschen im norddeutschen Vergletscberungsgebiet. Verb. Ges. D. Natf., Leipzig, 75, (1903), II, 1, 1904, (165-167). [95.6031 de]. 3526 Zierler, F. E. Beitrage iiber die Dill'erenzierung des Gebisses aus der Phylogenese der fossilen Suiden. Biol. Centralbl., Leipzig, 25, 1905, (508- 519). [35.6031]. 3527 Zuber, R[udolf]. Nowe spostrzeienia geologiczne w Galicyi. I. Pecten lati>isimus Brocc. w ziemiach polskicb. [Observations geologiques nouvelles faites en Galicie. I. Pecten latissimiis Brocc. en Pologne.] Kosmos, Lwow, 29, 1904, (419-420). [90.2231 dk]. 3528 SXTBJEOT 0-A.TA.IL.OGhXJEl History, Biography. 55 0010 SUBJECT CATALOGUE. 0000 PHILOSOPHY. WeUs, H. G. The discover}' of the future. [Discourse at Royal Institution.] Sci. Aroer. Sup., New York, N.Y""., 58, 190i, (238^2-23843, 23854-23855). 0010 HISTORY. BIOGRAPHY. Adams, Frank D. Memoir of George M. Dawson. [With bibliography.] Rochester, N.Y., Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 13, 1903. (497-509, with portr.). Bakkis, Willis Hervey v. Hammatt, E. S. Barus, Carl. Alpheus Spring Packard. (Address given at Brown University.) Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.),"21, 1905, (404-406). Beecher, Charles Emerson v. Clarke, J. M. v. DaU, W. H. BEUSHAnsEN, Louis V. Branco, [Wilhelm]. Branco, [Wilhelm]. Louis Beus- hausen. Berlin,. Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, Protokolle, (15-16). Branco, W[ilhelm]. Karl Alfred von Zittelf. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, Anhang (1-7). Clarke, J. M. Charles Emerson Beecher. Oct. 9, lS56-Feb. 14, 1904. [With bibliography.] Amer. Geol., Minneapolis, Minn., 34, 1904, (1-13, with portr.). Claypole, Edward Waller v. Corn- stock, T. B. Comstock, Theo. B. Memoir of Edward Waller Claypole. [With bibliograi^hy.] Rochester, N.Y., Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 13, 1903, (487-496). Crosby, W. 0. Memoir of Alpheus Hyatt. [With bibliography.] Rochester, N.Y., Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 14, 1904 (504-512, with portr.). DaU, W[iUiam] H[ealey]. Charles Emerson Beecher. Science, New York N.Y., (N. Ser.), 19, 1904, (453-455). Dawsun, George M. •;;. Adams, F. D. Florschutz, G. Die erste Aufdeckung des Elephas antiquus in den Sandbriichen bei Griifentonna. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften. Gotha, Mitt. Ver. Gesch., 1905, (43- 57). ^ Friedel, Ernst. Alfred Nehring als Erforscher unserer Heimat. Seinem Gediichtnia gewidmet. Brandenburo-ia Berlin, 13, 1904, (289-301). ' Hammatt, Edward S. Rev. Willis Hervey Barris, D.D. Biographical sketch. Davenport, Iowa, Proc. Acad Sci., 9, (1901-1903), 1904, (vii-xv, with portr.). Hatcher, John Bell v. Scott, W. B. Hyatt, Alpheus v. Crosby, W. 0. Jaekel, Otto. K. A. v. Zittel, der Altmeister der Palaontologie. Natw. Wochenschr., Jena, 19, 1904, (359- 361). ^ Kemp, J[ames] F[urman]. Memoir of Theodore Greely White. [With biblio- graphy.] Rochester, N.Y., Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 13, 1903, (516-517). History, Biography. 56 0010 Kingsley, J[olin] S[ter]iu8]. Alpheus Spring Packard. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 21, 1905, (401-404). Eoch, iVntal. Gedenkrede iiber Prof. Dr. Moriz Stanb. (Ungarisch nnd Deutsch) Foldt. KozL, Budapest, 35, 1905, (61-76, 127-139, mit Bildnis). KoRNHUBER, Andreas v. Vacek, ]Vl[icliael]. Lacoe, Ralph Dupuy v. White, D. Losch, Philipp. Rudolph Aniandus Philippi. Cassel, Abh. Ver. Natk., 49, 1905, (143-lGl). Mead, A[lbert] D[avis]. Alpheus Spring Packard. Pop. Sci. Mon., New York, N.Y., 67. 1905, (43-48, with portr.). aiEEK, Fielding Bradford r. White, C. A. Meliox, Josef V. Tietze, E[mil]. Nehring, Alfred v. Friedel, Ernst. Osbom, Henry Fairfield. Karl Alfred von Zittel. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 19, 1904, (186-188). The present problems of palaeontologj\ Address delivered before the Section of Zoology of the Interna- tional Congress of Arts and Science. Sept., 1904. Pop. Sci. Mon., New York, N.Y., 66, 1905, (226-242). Packard, Alpheus Spring v. Kingsley, J. S. V. Barns, C. V. Mead, A. D. Philippi, RudoliA Amandus v. Losch, P. Rothpletz, A[ugu8t]. Karl Alfred von Zittel. Mitt. Alpenver., Miinchen, 30, 1904, (2-3). Gediichtnisrede auf Karl Alfred von Zittel, gehalten in der ofTent- lichen Sitzung der k. b. Akademie der Wis.senschaftcn zu Miinchen zur Feier ihres 146. Stiftungstages am 15. Marz, 1905. Miinchen (G. Franz in Komm.), 1905,(2.3). 28 cm. 0,60 M. Schuchert, Charles. [Translator.] Karl Alfred von Zittel. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst. Rep , 1904, 1905, {11. + 779-786, with 1 pi.). Separate. 24.5 cm. Scott, W[illiam] B[erryman]. John Bell Hatcher. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (139-142). Staub, Moriz v. Koch, Antal. Tietze, E[mil]. Josef Melion. Wien, Verb. Geol. RchsAnst., 1905, (167- 169). ^ Vacek, M[ichael]. Hofrath [Andreas] Kornhuber. Wien, Verb. Geol. Rchs- Anst., 1905, (197-198). White, Charles Afbiathar]. Memoir of Fielding Bradford Meek. 1817- 1876. [With bibliography.] Washing- ton, D.C., Nation. Acad. Sci.,Biog. Mem., 4, 1902, (75-91). White, David. Memoir of Ralph Dupuy Lacoe. [With bibliography.] Rochester, N.Y., Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 13, 1903, (509-515). White, Theodore Greely v. Kemp, J. F. ^ 1 . Zittel, Karl Alfred von v. Branco, W. V. Jaekel, 0. V. Osborn, H. F. r. Rothpletz, A[ugust]. V. Schuchert, Charles. 0020 PERIODICALS, REPORTS OF INSTITUTIONS, SOCIETIES, CONGRESSES, Etc. Mitteilungeu aus dem Mineralogisch- Geologischen Institut der Reichs-Uni- vei'sitat zu Groningen aus den Gebieten der Kristallographie, Mineralogie, Petrographie, Geologie und Palaeonto- logie. Herausgegeben von F. J. P. van Calker. Leipzig (Borntraeger), Groningen (Erven P. Noordhoff), 1905, (First Numlier). Monatsschrift iiir ]\Iineralien-, Gc- steins- und Petrefaktensammler. Ilrsg. unter Mitwirkung hervorragender Fach- miinner von Rudolf Zimmermann, Rochlitz i. Sa. Jg 1 [12 Hefte]. Rochlitz (Verl. d. Monatschr. f. Minera- liensammler), 1903/04. 24 cm. Der Jg 3 M. [Boston Society of Natural History.] Proceedings of the annual meeting. May 4, 1904. Boston, Mass., Proc. Soc. Nat. Hist., 32, 1904, (1-21). Separate. 24.3 cm. Books. 57 0030 Field Columbian Museum. Annual report of the Director [Frederick J. V. Skiff] to the Board of trustees for the year 1902-1903. Chicago, 111., Pub. Field Columb. Mus., Rep. Ser., 2, 1903, (1 p. I. + 163-245, with pi.). Separate. 25.5 cm. Annual report of the Director [Frederick J. V. Skiff] to the Board of trustees for the year 1903-1904. Chicago, 111., Pub. Field Colamb. Mus. Rep. Ser., 2, 1904, (1 p. I. + 249-330, with pi.). Separate. 24.5 cm. Annual report of the Director [Frederick J. V. Skiff] to the Board of trustees for the year 1904- 1905. Chicago, 111., Pub. Field Columb. Mus., Rep. Ser., 2, 1905, (1 p. I. + 333-435, with pL). Separate. 24.5 cm. Bockb, Janos. Direktionsbericht der konigl. ung. geolg. Anstalt. (Ungarisch) Foldt. Int. tvi Jelent., Budapest, 1904, 1905, (3-39). 6emysev, Th. Jahresl:)ericlit fiir 1902 der Russisch-Kaiserlichen Minera- logischen Gesellschaft zu St. Petersburg. (Russ.) St. Peterburg, Verb. Russ. mineral. Ges., (Ser. 2), 41, 1903, Prot. (2-7). Scott, William B[erryman]. Reports of the Princeton university expeditions to Patagonia, 189G-1899. J. B. Hatcher in charge. Vol 1 : Hatcher, J. B. Narrative . . . [and] Geography. Princelon, N.J. (The University), 1903, (xvi + 314, with pi.). 32.8 cm. 0030 GENERAL TREATISES, TEXT BOOKS, DICTIONARIES, BIBLIOGRAPHIES, TABLES. International Catalogue of Scientific Literature. K Palaeontology (Fourth Ann. Issue). London (Harrison & Sons), 1906, (VIII + 248). 8vo. Lethaea geoguostica. Handbuch der Erdgeschichte mit Abbildungen der fiir die Formationen bezeichnendsten Versteinerungen. Hrsg. v. e. Vereini- gung von Geologen unter der Redaktiou von Fritz Freeh. Tl 2: Das Meso- zoicum. Bd 1 : Trias. Lfg 2 : Die asiatische Trias von Fritz Noetling. Stuttgart (E. Schweizerbart), 1905, (107-221, mit 25 Taf.). 28 cm. 24 M. Lfg 3 : G. V. Arthaber, Alpine Trias. lb., (22-3-472, mit 33 Taf. u. 4 Tab.). 27 cm. 45 M. Monthly author's catalogue of Ameri- can geological literature arranged alpha- betically- Amer. Geol., Minneapolis, Minn., 33, 1904, (52-6G, 129-132, 193- 196, 260-263, 326-330, 383-392); 34, 1904, (56-62, 125-131, 198-200, 264- 267, 327-331, 294-398). Recent publications. J. Geol., Ciiicago, ni., 12, 1904, (67-68, 180, 566-568, 665-668). Baxrois. Charles. Notice sur les travaux scientifiques de . . . Paris (Le Bigot), 1904, (56). 27 cm. Borisiak, A. Lehrhuch der Palaeon- tologie. I. Evertebrata. (Russ.) Moskva, 1905, (VIII + 368). 22 cm. Davy, L. Bibliographie geologique, mineralogique et paleontologique de I'ouest de la France. Rennes, Bui. soc. sci. med., 12, 1903, (240-272). Eastman, C[harles] R[ochester]. In- troduction of the terms geology and paleontology in uatuial science. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (729-730). Earliest notice of American Proboscidea. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (890). Emmons, S. F. The term " geology." Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (886-887). Fuchs, Th[eodor]. Ueber ein neues Analogon der Faima des Badener Tesjels. Wien, Verh. Geol. RchsAnst., 1905, (203-206). Hilber, V[inceuz]. Geologische imd paliioutologische Literatur der Steier- mark. Graz, Mitt. Natw. Ver. Steierm., 41, (1904), 1905, (CII-CVI). Lankester, E. R. Extinct Animals. London (Constable), 1905, (XXIII + 331, with illustr.). Laus, Heiur[ich]. Die mineralogisch- geologische und prahistorische Literatur Mahrens und Oesterr.-Schlesiens von 1897-1904. Briinn, Zs. Mahr. LdMus., 5, 1905, (105-136). Romer, Eugeniusz. Liste des travaux relatifs a la physiographic de la Pologne, publies en 1901 et 1902. (Contenu voir Books. 58 0030 F.) (Polish) Kosmos, Lw6«-, 30, 1905, (19-106). Sajohelyi, Frigyes. Geologie. II. (Ungarisch) Budapest, 1901, (164). 15 cm. Ki-on. l"20. Vaughan, T[liomas] Waylaud. A critical review of the literature on the simple genera of the Madi-eporaria Fungida, with a tentative classification. [With bibliography.] Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 28, 1905, (371-424). 0050 PEDAGOGY. Dopp, Katharine E. " The tree- dwellers." Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (20-23). 0060 INSTITUTIONS, MUSEUMS, COLLECTIONS, ECONOMICS. Kakdog des stiidtischen Krahuletz- Museums in Eggenburg. Eggenburg (Krahuletz-Gesellschaft), [1905], (78, mit 6 Taf.). Allen, H. A. Catalogue of types and figured specimens of British Laraelli- branchiata . . . Rhaetic and Lias . .■ . Museum Practical Geology, London. Summ. Progr. Geol. Snrv. U.K., London, 1904 (1905), (172-177). Bockb, Janob. Direktionsl^ericht der konigl. ung. geolog. Anstalt. (Ungarisch) Foldt. Int. Evi. Jelent., Budapest, 1904, 1905, (3-39). Calker, F[riedrieh] J[ulius] P[eter] van. Das mineralogisch-geologische Institut der Universitat zu Groningen. Groningen, Mitt. Min. Geol. lust., 1, 1905, (1-39, mit 15 Abb.). Campbell, Marius R[obison]. Hypo- thesis to account for the transformation of vegetable matter into the different grades of coal. Eccm. Geol., Lancaster, Pa., 1, 1905, ('2(;-33). Horusitzky, Henrik. Ul)er die Bielzsche Koiicliylicnsammluug. fUu- gariscli und iJeutsclij I'dldt. Kd/.l., I'luda- pest, 35, 1905, (8;5-S5, 1 17-148). Hovey, Edmund Otis. Paleonto- logical collections of the geological department of the American museum of natural history. [Abstract.] Rochester, N.Y., Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 13, 1903, (532). Hiune, W[illiam] F[raser]. Survey Department. Catalogue of the Geo- logical Museum, Cairo. Cairo (National Printing Department), 1905, (37). 28 cm. Koch, Antal. Das geologische und palaontologische Institut der Universitat in Budapest und seine neuere Erwer- bungen. (Ungarisch und Deutsch) Foldt. Kozl., Budap^est, 35, 1905, (234-23G, 270-273). Koken, Ernst. Fiihrer durch die Sammlungen des geologisch-minera- logischen Instituts in Tubingen. Stutt- gart (E. Schweizerbart), 1905, (110, mit G Taf.). 23 cm. 1 M. Matthew, W. D. The collection of fossil vertebrates. A guide leaflet [No. 12] to the exhibition halls of vertebrate paUtontology in the American museum of natural history. Amer. Mus. J., New York, N.Y., 3, (Supplement), 1903, (32, with illus.). 24 cm. Merrill, George P[erkins]. Catalogue of the type and figured specimens of fossils, minerals, rocks and ores in the Department of geology. United States National u)useum. PrejDared under the direction of George P. Merrill, Head Curator of Geology. Part 1. Fossil invertebrates [by Charles Schuchert]. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Bull., No. 53, Pt. 1, 1905, (V + 704). 24.8 cm. Montgomery, Thomas ll[arrison], jun. A list (if tlio ty]ies of fossil vertebrates in tlie nuiscum of the university of Texas. Austin, Cout. zool. Lab. Univ. Tex. No. 63, in Wood's IIoU, Mass., Mar. Biol. Lab. Bull., 8, 1904, (56-58). Murray, D. Museums ... 3 vols. London (Maclehose), 1905, (356; 308; 340). Schuchert, Charles, assisted liy Dall, W. 11., Stanton, T. VV. and Bassler, R. S. Catalogue of the tyjje specimens of fossils inv(>rtel)rates in the Department of geology, United States National nmseum. [Merrill, G. P. Catalogue of . . . fossils, minei-als rocks and ores ... Part 1.] Wasliingtou, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Bull., No. 53, Pt. 1, 1905, (V + 704). 24.8 cm. Evolution. 59 0200 Woodwaxd, A. S. Modern methods in the studv of fossils. Loadoii, Proc. Geol. Ass., 19, (2), 1905, (C9-75). Visit to the British Jluseuni (Natural History). London, Proc. Geol. Ass., 19, (3), 1905, (101). 0070 NOMENCLATURE. Bather, F. A. The Echinoid name Discoidea subueula. Ann. Mng. Nat. Hist., London, (Ser. 7), 15, 1905, (145- 148). Nathorst, A[lfred] G[al)riel]. The fossil plants in T. v. Post's and 0. Kuntze's Lexicon generum phanero- gamarum. (Swedish) Bot. Nat., Lnnd, 1904, (63-66). Sherbom, C. D. . . . Dates of . . . Orbigny's "Moll. Viv. et foss.," " Pa- leont. univ." and " Paleont. etrangere ". J. Conch., Leeds, 11, 1905, (169-170). Schuchert, C. and Buckman, S. S. The nomenclature of types in natural history. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, (Ser. 1),.16, 1905,(102-104). 0100 DISTRIBUTION OF LIFE (ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE) IN PAST TIMES. Brown, Arthur Erwin. Post-glacial Nearctic centres of dispersal for rep- tiles. Philadelphia, Pa., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 56, 1904, (464-474). Gaal, Istvan. Beitrage zur meditei'- ranen Fauna des Osztroski-Vepor Gebirges. (Ungarisch und Deutsch) Foldt. Kozl., Budapest, 35, 1905. Osbom, Henry Fairfield. Western explorations for fossil vei'tebrates. Pop. Sci. Mon., New York, N.Y., 67, 1905, (561-568, with iUus.). Prinz, Gyula. Geschichte des Klimas. (Ungarisch) Potf.-Termt. Kozl., Buda- pest, 37, 1905, (145-165, mit 3 Fig. u. 1 Landkarte). Schulz, August. Die Wandlungen des Klimas, der Flora, der Faima und der Bevolkeruug der Alpen und ihrer Umgebung vom Begirme der letzten Eiszeit bis zur jiingeren Steinzeit. Zs. Natw., Stuttgart, 77, 1904, (41-70). Versluys, J[an]. Etwas iiber Zoogeo- graphie, mit Riicksicht auf die marine Fauna des Ostindischen Archipels. (HoUiindisch) Handl. Ned. Nat. Geneesk. Congres, 10, 1905, (490-511). 0150 ZONAL PALAEONTOLOGY; MUTATIONS (CHANGES OF FORM IN SUCCESSIVE STRATA) Etc. Casey, Thos. L. The mutation theory. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 22, 1905, (307-309). Harshberger, John W. The compara- tive age of the different floristic elements of eastern North America. Philadelphia, Pa., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 56, 1904, (601-615). Howes, G. B. The morphological method and progress. [Address before the British Association.] Sci. Amer. Sup., New York, N.Y., 57, 1904,(23413- 23415, 23425-23428). Osborn, Henry Fairfield. The present jjrobleuis of palaeontology. Address delivered before the Section of Zoology of the International Congress of Arts and Science. Sept., 1904. Pop. Sci. Mon., New York, N.Y., 66, 1905, (226- 242). 0yen, P. A. The Nygaard-profile on Karmp. (Norw.) Kristiauia, Forh. Vid, selsk., 1905, No. 8, (15). White, Charles A. The relation of phylogenesis to historical geology. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 22, 1905, (105-113, with diagr.). 0200 EVOLUTION. Casey, Thos. L. The mutation theory. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 22, 1905, (307-309). Gabnay, Ferencz. Uber die Abstam- mung der Saugetiere Afrikas. (Un- garisch) Potf. Termt. Kozl., Budapest, 37, 1905, (180-185). Hadley, Phil. B. Arguments alleged against the doctrine of organic evolu- tion. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 22, 1905, (143-145). KoUman, J. Neue Gedanken iiber das alte Problem von der Abstanunung des Menschen. Globus, Braunschweig, 87, 1905, (140-148). Evolution. 60 0200 Eormos, Tivadar. tJber den Ursprung der Tennenfauna von Piispokfiirdo. (Ungariscli und Deutsch) Foldt Kozl., Budapest, 35, 1905, (375-402, 421-450, Taf. II.). Plate, L[ud\vig]. Descendenztheore- tiscbe Streitfragen, sine Rechtfertigiing meiner Kritik der Scliiift von Prof. Jaekel ,,Ueber verschiedene Wege phylogenetlsclier Eutwickelung". Biol. Centralbl., Leipzig, 23, 1903, (665-678, 704-720, 741-747). Prinz, Gyula. Uber die Kielbildung in der Faniilie Phylloceratidae. (Un- gariscli und Deutsch) Foldt. Kozl., Budapest, 35, 1905, (13-20, 47-54, mit 2 Fig.)- Soos, Lajos. Die Hauptprinzipien der Mollusken - Phylogenese. (Ungariscli) Allatt. Kozlem., Budapest, 4, 1905, (126-139, 185-197). Walker, J. F. On the formation of a species. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (15-17). Warring, C. B. Geological [sic] ex- termination. London, J. Trans. Vic. Inst., 37, 1905, (165-185). WMte, Charles A. The relation of ]jhylogenesis to historical geology. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 22, 1905, (105-113, with diagr.). Die Mutationstlieorie und die Palaontologie. Natur u. Schule, Leipzig, 3, 1904, (248-253). Woodward, A. S. Modern methods in the study of fossils. London, Proc. Geol. Ass., 19, 1905, (69-75). General Palaeozoology. 61 35 PALAEOZOOLOGY. A. STRATIGRAPHCCAL CLASSIFICATION. 35 GENERAL. 35.0131 FOSSILS OF DOUBT- FUL AFFINITY OR ORIGIN. Fuchs, Tli. Ue])er Parapsonema eryp- tophysa Clarke und dereu Stellung im System. Centralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1905, (357-359). Hoemes, [Rudolf]. Ueber Kopro- lithen and Euterolithen. Biol. Centralbl., Leipzig, 24, 190-1, (566-576). 35.0231 GENERAL PALAEO- ZOOLOGY. Knipe, H. R. Nebula to Man. Lon- don (Dent), 1905, (251). 4to. 21s. Lankester, E. R. Extinct Animals. Londou (Constable), 1905, (xxiii + 331, with 218 figs.). Schuchert, Charles, assisted by Dall, W. H., Stanton, T. W. and Bassler, R. S. Catalogue of the type sfjecimens of fossil invertebrates in the Dej^artment of geology. United States National Museum. [Merrill, G. P. Catalogue of . . . fossils, minerals, rocks and ores . . . Part 1.] Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Bull., No. 53, Pt. 1, 1905, (v + 704). 24.8 cm. d EUROPE. de British Islands. Lydekker, [R.]. Palaeontology. Vict. Hist., Buckinghamshire, 4to., London, (Constable), 1905, 1, (25, 26); Derby, ihid., 1905, 1, (35-38); Durham, ibid., 1905, 1, (31-34); Sussex, ihid., 1905, 1, (27-39). dh Austria-Hungary. Pliilipp, Hans. Palaontologisch- geologische Untersuchungen aus dem Gebiet von Predazzo. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, Aufsiitze, (1-98, mit 6 Taf.). Slavicek, Josef. Versteinerungen im erratischen Feuersteingerolle bei Lib- hoSt unweit^ Freiberg im uordostlichen Mahren. (Cechisch) Prostfejov, Ve§tn. Kl. Pi-ir., 7, 1904, (79-84). e ASIA AND MALAY ARCHIPELAGO. Th^venin, Armand. Les fossiles des colonies fran^aises, conferences faites au Museum d'Histoire uaturelle, les 12 et 28 avril 1904. Autun, Bui. see. hist, nat., 17, 1904, (Proc.-verb., 181- 207). eg Malay Peninsula and Archi- pelago. Easton, N. Wing. Geologic eines Teiles von West-Borneo nebst einer kritischen Uebersicht des dortigen Erz- vorkommens. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Ind., Batavia, 33, 1904, (I-XV und 1-542, Atlas mit 13 Blatt [I-X Geologische Karte von West-Borneo]. Mappe mit 21 Tafeln mit 126 Mikropliotographieen von Borneo-Gesteinen). General Palaeozoology. G2 35 ; AFRICA AND MADAGASCAR. Thevenin, Armaod. Les fossiles des colonies frau^aises, coaferences faites au Museum d'Histoire naturelle, les 12 et 28 avril 1904. Autun, Bui. soc. hist, nat., 17, 1904, (Proc-verb., 181- 207). fd West Africa. Esch, Ernst, Solger, F[riedjicli], Oppenlieim, il.[vielDi. Paul] uud Jaekel, 0[tto]. Beitrage zur Geologic von Kainerun. Stuttgart (E. Schweizer- bart), 1904, fXIll + 298, mit 10 Taf. u. 1 Karte). 23 cm. 8 M. g NORTH AMERICA. .7« Alaska. Maddren, A. (}. Smithsouian ex])lora- tion in Alaska in 1904, in search of mammoth and other fossil remains. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collect., 49, Xo. 1584, 190-5, (117, with pi. map). 24.5 cm. y/ United States as a whole. 0[sl)oni], H[enry] F[airfield]. Recent zoopaleontology : field expeditions during the past season. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 19, 1904, (35-30). J7.7 North Eastern United States. Clarke, .lohn ^[. Paleoutological work in New York. [Abstract.] Po- chester, N.Y., Bull. Geol. Soc. xVmer., 14, 1904, (53G-537). . Lull, Pi chard S. Nature's hierogly- phics. Pop. Sci. Mob., New York, N.Y., 66, 1904, (139-149, with text fig.). Sears, John Henry. The physical geography, geolog}-, mineralogy and paleontology of Essex county, Massa- chusetts. [Willi biljliograjjhy.] Salem, Mass. (Essex Institute)," 1905", (418, with portr., fold, map and pi.). 28.3 cm. gi Western United States. Barbour, Erwin II. Report of tlie State geologist. Nebraska (leologicid Survey, Lincoln, Neb., 1, 1903, (258, with maps, pi. and text-fig.). Cross, Whitman and Howe, Ernest. Red beds of southwestern Colorado and their correlation. [With bibliography.] Rochester, X.Y., Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 16, 1905, (447-498, with 4 pis. and text fig.). Separate. 25.5 cm. Henderson, Junius. Paleontology of the Boulder area. Boulder, Univ. Colo. Stud., 2, 1904, (95-106). M[atthew], W. D. An extinct cave fauna in Arkansas. Amer. Miis. J., New York, N.Y., 4, 1904, (6-7). h CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. Thevenin, Armand. Les fossiles des colonies franq-aises, conferences faites au Museum d'Histoire najjirelle, les 12 et 2S avril 1904. Autun, Bui. soc. hist, nat., 17, 1904, (Proc.-verb., 181-207). /'i Argentina. Gaudry, Albert. Fossiles de Pata- gonie. Autun, Bui. soc. hist, nat., 17, 1904, (Proc.-verb., 152-155). Hatcher, J[ohn] B[ell]. Narrative of the exjieditions [and] Geography of southern Patagonia. In : Scott, W. B. Reports of the Princeton University expeditions. Princeton, N.J. (The University), 1903, (xvi + 314, with pi.). 32.8 cm. Thomas, Ivor. Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis der devonischen Fauna Argen- tiniens. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 57, 1905, Aufsiitze, (233-290,"mit 4 Taf.). hk ChiU. Hatcher, .J[ohn] B[ell]. Narrative of the expeditions [and] Geography of soutliern Patagonia. 7k : Scott, W. B. Reports of the Princeton University expeditions. Princeton, N.J. (The Universitv), 1903, (xvi -f- 314, with pi.). 32.8 cm. ■ ; AUSTRALASIA. Thevenin, Armand. Les fossiles des colonies frautj-aises, conferences faites au Museum d'Histoire naturelle, les 12 et 28 avril 1901. Autun, Bui. soc. hist, nat., 17, 1904, (Proc.-verb., 181-207). General Palaeozoology. 03 35.0631 PoRIFERA. j Mincliin, E. A. A s])eculatioii on the phvlo£renv of the Hexactinellid sponges. Zool/Anz., Leipzig, 28, 1905, (439- 448). Weinschenk, E[nist]. Ueber die Skeletteile der Kalkschwamiiie. Cen- tralbl. Mill., Str.ttgart, 1905. (581-588). 35 AFRICA. N.E. Africa. fb Felix, J[ohanues]. Studien iiber tertiare und quartare Koralleii und Riffkalke aus AegyiDten und der Sinai- halbinsel. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, Aafsatze, (168-200, mit 1 Taf.). 35.0831 COELEKTERATA, IN- CLUDI\'G GRAPTO- LITHOIDEA. Bernard, H. M. Catalogue of tlie madreporarian Corals in the British Museum (Natural Histoiy). Vol. V. Poritidae. London (B.M.), 1905, (vi + 303, with 35 pis.). 4to. 35s. Duerden, .J. E. . . . Recent and fossil corals. Grant Xo. 12. [Prelimi- nary report.] Washington, D.C., Carnegie Inst. Year Book, 1903, Xo. 2, 1904, (xli-slii). Fuchs, Th. Ueber Panipsonema cryptophysa Clarke und deren Stellung im System. Ceutralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1905. (357-359). Jakovlev, N. X. feber die Morpho- logie und Morphogenie der Rngosa. St. Peterburg, Verb. Russ. mineral. Ges., (Ser. 2), 41, 1903, (395-415). Romer. F[ritz]. [Bericht iiber die wissenschaftl. Leistuiigen in d. Xatur- gesch. der] Graptolitida fiir 1S9G-1900. Arch. Natg., Berlin, 65. Bb 2, H. 3, 1899 [1905], (49-62). SchepotieflF. Alexander. Ueber die Stelluugder Graptolithen im zoologischen System. X. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, 1905. 2, (79-98). Schoenichen, Walther. Die Grapto- lithen. Prometheus, Berlin, 15. 1904, (821-82.3). Vaughan. T[homas] Wayland. A critical review of the literature on the simple genera of the Madreporaria Fungida, with a tentative classification. [With bil)liography.] Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst. Nation., Mus. Proc, 28. 1905, (371-424). Some recent literature on the stony corals and a review of " Stein- koralleu " von Dr. Emil von Maren- zeller. Science, New York, X.Y., (N. Ser.), 20. 1904, (648-647). /( CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. hi Argentina. Thomas, Ivor. Neue Beitriige zur Keuntnis der .devouischen fauna Argcntiniens. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 57, 1905, Aufsatze, r233-290, mit 4 Taf.). 35.1031 ECHIKODERMATA. Bather. E. A. The Echinoid name Discoidea subucula. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, (Ser. 7), 15, 1905, (145- 148). [Echinoderms as rock London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, builders.] 61. 1905, (Proc. Ixxxvii) Fuchs. Th. Ueber Pai'ajysonema criiptopliijsa Clarke und deren Siellung im System. Centralb. Min., Stuttgart, 1905. (357-359). d EUROPE AND MEDITERRANEAN SEA AND ISLANDS. df France and Corsica. Savin, L. Catalogue des Echinides de la Savoie. Paris, C.-R. Ass. frant^. avanc. sci., 31. (Moutauban, 1902), 1= partie, 1902, (211-212); 2'= partie, 1903, (489-491). 35.2031 BRACniOPODA BRYOZOA. AND Langenhan, A. Ueber die innere Struktur der Brachiopoden (Armfiisser). ilonatschr. Mineraliensammler, Roch- litz, 2, 1905, (65-68, mit 1 Taf.). General Palaeozoology. 64 (1 EUROPE. e (Ik Austria-Hungary. Philipp, Hans. Palaoiitologisch-geo- logische Untersucluuigen ans dem Gebiet von Predazzo. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, Aufsatze, (1-98, mit 6 Taf.). 35 ASIA. sis of the genera, subgenera and sections of the family Pyramklellidae. Washing- ton, D.C., Proc. Biol. Soc, 17, 1904, (1-10). Separate. 22.5 cm. Jukes-Browne, A. G. A review of the genera of the family Mylilidae. Lon- don, Proc. Malac. Soc, 6, 1905, (211- 224). Reis, Otto M, Ueber Palacofh'fi. Geogu. Jahreshefte, Miinchen, 16,(1903), 1905, (125-113, mit 1 Taf.). Schmidt, Friedr. von. Ueber die neue Galtung Pmudocucullnea. Ber- lin, Zs. I), geol. Ges., 56, 19(11, Prolo- koUe, (120-121). d EUROPE. dl; Austria-Hungary. Philipp, Hans. Palaontologisch-geolo- gische Uiitorsuchuiigen aus dem Ciebiet von Predazzo. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1901, Aufsiitze, (1-98, mit I! Taf.). h CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. ^n Argentina. Thomas, Ivor. Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis der devonischen Fauna Argen- tiniens. Berlin, Zs. 1). geol. Ges., 57, 1905, Aufsatze, (233-290, mit 4 Taf.). I ATLANTIC. hi North Atlantic Ocean and Islands. Gulick, Addison. The fossil land shells of Bermuda. Contributions from the Bermuda Biological Station for Re- search,No. 2. In: Philadelphia, Pa., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.,56, 1904, (106-425, with pL). 35.2431 AinilROPODA, INCLUD- ING IN SECT A. Enderlein, G iinther. Morphologle, Systeinatik und Biologic der Atrojjiden und Troctiden, sowie Zusammenstellung aller bisher bekanuten recenten und fosailen Formen. hi : Jiigerskiold, L. A. Eesults of the Swedish zoolog. e.xped. to Egypt 1901. Pt. 2, No. 18, Hppsala, 1905,(58, mit 4 Taf.). Meunier, Fernand. Beitrag zur Syr])lii(len-Fauna des Bernsteins. Ber- lin, Jaiirl). geol. Landesanst., 24, 1904, (201-210, mit 1 Taf.). Beitrag zur Fauna der Bibioniden, Simuliden und Uhyphiden des Bernsteins. Berlin, Jahil). geol. Landesanst., 24, 1901, (391 401, niit 1 Tuf.). General Palaeozoology. Speiser, P[aiil]. Neuere Arbeiteu iiber fossile Insekteii. [Literatur- Keferate.] Zs. wiss. Insekteubiol., Husiini, 1, 1905, (390-393). 35.2631 CRUSTACEA. It, CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. iti Argentina. Thomas, Ivor. Neue Beitriige zur Keuutnis der devoiiisclien Fauna Argen- tiiiieus. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 57, 1905, Aufsatze, (233-290," mit 4 Taf.). 35.2831 XIPHOSURAJ Bildung der ersten Halswirbel und die Wirljelliilduiig im allgemeinen. Berlin, Zs. 1). geol. Ges., 56, 1904, Protokolle, (109-119). Ueber die primare Gliede- rung des Unterkiefers. Berlin, SitzBer. natf. Freunde, 1905, (134-147). Matthew, W. D. The collection of fossil vertebrates. A guide leallet [No. 12] to the exhibition halls of verte- brate palaeontology in the American Museum of natural history. Amer. Mus. J., New York, N.Y., 3," (Supplement), 1903, (32, with illus.). 24 cm. Montgomery, Thomas H[arrison], jnn. A list of the types of fossil vertebrates iu the museum of the university of Texas. Austin. Gout. Zool. Lab. IJniv. Tex., No. 63, in Wood's Holl, Mass., Mar. Biol. Lab. Bull., 8, 1904, (56-58). 35.5231 VERTEBRATA. Anderson, R. J. Some considerations respecting the parietal bone. Intern. Monatschr. Anat., Leipzig, 21, 1904, (319-343). British Museum. Guide . . . Fossil Reptiles, Amphibians and Fishes . . . in the British Museum . . . ed. 8. London, 1905, (XVIII + 110, with figs.). 8vo. 6d. (K-11720) j NORTH AMERICA. {/.7 North Eastern United States. Wilson, Jnlm 1). Fauna of the Agoiiiatite limestoue of Onondaga county, N.Y. Syracuse, N.Y., Proc. Ojiondaga Acad. Sci., 1, 1903, (8i-88, with text fig-). 50.0431 PFOTOZOA. e ASIA. eh China. Walcott, Charles r[oolittle]. Cam- brian faunas of China. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 29, 1905, (1-106). 50.0631 I'OL'IFERA. e ASIA. eh China. Walcott, C!harles D[oolittIe]. Cam- brian faunas of China. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 29,1905, (1-106). i AUSTRALASIA. id Queensland. Chapman, Frederick. New or little- known \ ictorian fossils in the National Museum, ilelbourne. Part V. On the genus Becejitacidites, with a note on R. australis from Queensland. Mel- bourne, Proc R. Soc Yict., (N. Ser.), 18, 1905, (5-15, with 1 pi.). if Victoria. Chapman, P'rederick. New or little- known \'ict(jrian fossils in the National iluscum, Melbourne. Part V. On the genus Iteccplaculllcs, with a note on It. aiialralis from Quecn.sland. JIcl- Ijourno, Proc. R. Soc. Vict., (N. Ser.), 18, 1905, (5-15, with 1 p\.). 50.0831 rOEf.EXTKL'A TA . 'I EUROPE. da Scandinavia. Lapworth, ('has. Notes on tiic gi aploliti's from Pi-atland, (Jausdal, Norway. Norges geol. Und., Ki-istiania, No. 39"(A])pen(Hx), 1905, (15, with pi.). Tomquist, Sv[en] Leonh[ardJ. Re- searches of the graptolites of the lower zones of the Scauian and Vestrogothian Phyllo-Tetragraptus beds II. Lund, Univ. Arsskr., 49, 1901, Afd. 2, No. 2, (29,- with pL). df France. Kerfom^, F. Notes sur quelques echantillons de Cxraptolithes deBretagne interessants an point de vue de I'organi- sation et du developpement. Rennes, Bul. soc. sci. med., 11, 1902, (121-127, av. 1 fig.). Noel, C. Sur la faune des Lydiennes du Gres vosgien. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 138, 1901, (1531-1533). dk Austria-Hungary. Zelizko, J[ohann] V. Notiz iiber die Korallen des mittelbolnnischen Ober- sihir aus dem Fmidorte ,,V Kozle". Wien, Verb. Ceol. RchsAust., 1904, (304-307). do Baltic and Islands. Wiman, Carl. Ubev die liorkliolmer Scliiclit im mittelbaltischen Silurgel)iet. Upsala, Bull. Ceol. Inst., 5, 2,' 1901, [1902], (149-222, pis. 5-8). (J NORTH AMERICA. .('., Smithsonian Inst., Collect.' Q., 47, 1901, (201-272, with pi. and text-fig.). Upper Palaeozoic. 55 d EUROPE. db Russia in Europe. Tokarenko, L. Fauna des oberdevo- nischeu Kalksteiiis von Werchue-Ouralsk im Gv. Orenbura;. (Russ.) Kazani, Trd. Obsc. jest., 37,"^ 2, 1903, (1-10, mit .3 Taf.). ■ de British Islands. 55.2031 Bather, F. A. c;eu. et n. sp., from Cornwall. (Ser. 2), [5], 2. pl.). ■ Symptenira minvcri n. a Devonian Opliinrid Geol. Mag., London, 190'), (161- 1G9, with BRACHIOPODA AND BRYOZOA. Greger, D. K. The distribution and synonymy of Ptycliospira sexplicata (White and Whitfield). Amer. Geol., Minneapolis, Minn., 33, 1904, (15-17). On the genus Rhipiclio- pora. King, with notice of a new species. [With bibliography.] Amer. Geo]., Minneapolis, Minn ,*33, 1904, (297-301, with text fig.). Notling, F[ritz]. Ueber den Ban nnd die Organisation der Lyttoniidae Waagen. Verb. D. zool. Ges., Leipzig, 14, 1904, (103-122). g NORTH AMERICA. gg North Eastern United States. Weller, S. A re])ort on the palaeozoic palaeontology of New Jersey. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.Y., Rep. Palaeont., 3, 1903, (xii + 4G2, with pl. and table). WMtfield, R[obert] P[arr]. Notice of Western United States. Evans, Herbert M. A new Cestraciont spine from the lower Triassic of Idaho. Berkeley, Univ. Cal., Bull. Dept. CJeol., 3, 1 904, (397-[402], with 1 pi.) Separate. 27 cm. Triassic. 65.5631 REPTILIA A^■D BATBA- CHIA. Jaekel, [Otto]. Ueber den Schadel- bau der Dicvuodonten. Berlin, Sitz- Ber. Ges. natf. Freuiide, 1904, (172- 188). Merriam, Joka C. Primitive characters of the Triassic ichthyosaurs. [Abstract.] Rochester, N.Y., BuU. Geol. Soc. Amer., 14, 1901, (536). 0[sbom], H. F. The Sauropoda. [A criticism of Hatcher's " Osteologj- of HaplocaiitJiosnitruK,^' and of Eiggs' "Structure and relationships of Opistho- coelian Diuosaui-s."] Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 19, 1901, (271- 272). d XUROPE. dc German Empii'e. Huene, F[riedrichJ von. Pelyco- saurier iiu deutscheu Muschelkalk. X. Jahrb. ilin., Stuttgart, Beihagebd, 20, 1905, (321-353, mit 3 Taf.). de British Islands. Beasley, H. C. Footprints from the Trias. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1904, (1905), (275-282, with figs.). Woodwaxd, A. S. Ribs of Hypero- dapedon . . . Hollington. Stone, Rep. N. Staff. F. CI., 39, 1905, (115-117, with pis.). df France. Sauvage, H. E. Note sur les reptiles dc I'etage rhetien des environs d'Autun. Autun, Bui. soc. hist, nat., 16, 1903, (309-320). / AFRICA. f'j South Africa. Broom, R[olDert]. Notice of some new fossil reptiles from the Karroo Beds of iouth Africa. (Iraham's Town, Cape t'olonv, Rec. Albanv .Miis., 1, pt. 5, 1905, '(331-337). On the structure and r 09 Cape Town, Trars. .S. Afric. Phil. Soc, 15, pt. 1, 1905, (259-282, pis. XII- XIV). Broom, K[obert]. On the use of the term Anomodontia. Graham's Town, Cape Colony, Rec. Albanv Mus., 1, pt. 4, 1905, (266-269). Preliminarv notice of some new fossil reptiles collected by Mr. Alfred Broom at Aliwal North, S. Africa. Graham's Town, Cape Colouv, Rec. Albany Mus., 1, pt. 4, 1905, (269-275). Notes on the localities of sonie t}-pe sijecimeus of the Karroo fossil reptiles. Graham's Town, Cape Colonv, Rec. Albany Mus., 1, pt. 4, 1905, (275-278). On some pouits in the anatomy of the Theriodont Reptile Dladcmodon. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1905, 1, (9G-102). On the affinities of the primitive rejJtile ProenJophon. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1905, 1, (2), (212- 217). The fossil reptiles of Soufch Africa. Science in S. Africa, Cajie Town, 1905, (304-309). Rogers, A. W. Fossil reptiles of the Karroo . . . Introd. to Geology of Cape Colonv. London (Longman), 1 905, (XVIII + 463). Seeley, H. G. Footprints of small fossil reptiles from the Upper Karioo. Loudon, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1904, (1905), (549-550). Proeolophoii. London, Proc Zool. Soc, 1905, 1, (218-230, with figs.). 'J 'J'J affinities of the endothiodont reptiles. NORTH AMERICA. North Eastern United States. Lull, Kicliard Swaiiii. Fossil foot- prints of the Jura-Trias of North Ameiica. [With bibliography.] Boston, :Mass., Mem. Soc. Nat. Hist., 5, 1904, ([461]-557,withpl.). Separate. 28.5 cm. fj' Western United States. Merriam, .Jolin C[ampbell]. Tlie Thalattosauria : a group of marine rep- tiles from the Triassic of California, Jurassic. 81 70 Sail Fninciso, Mem. Cal. Acad. Sci., 5, No. I, 1905, (52, with text fig., p].). 32 cm. Williston, S[amucl] W[eiKlell]. Notice of some new reptiles From the upper Trias of Wyoming. J. Geol., Chicago, 111., 12, 190i, (688-697, with text-fig.). h ARCTIC, hfl Islands North of Europe. Jakovlev, N. Xaclitrag zu meiiier Abliandlimg ,, Neue Fimde von Trias- Saurieru auf Spitzbergen " und Bemer- kimgen zu der vou Prof. Koken verfass- ten Recension dieser Abhandluug. St. Peterburg, Verh. Russ. mineral. Ges., (Ser. 2), 41, 1903, (165-169). 70 JURASSIC. 70.0231 GENERAL PAL7E0- ZOOLOGY. d EUROPE. de German Empire. Benecke, E[rnst] W[ilhelm]. Die Versteinerungen der Eisenerzfonnation von Deutsch-Lothringen und Luxem- burg. Abh. geol. Spezialkarte Els.- Lothr., Strassburg, (N.F.), H. 6, 1905, (1-598, mit 59 Taf.). Walther, Johannes. Die Faima der Solnhofener Platteukalke. Bionomisch betrachtet. Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges., 11, 1901, (133-214, mit 1 Taf.). dd Luxemburg. Benecke, E. W. Die Versteinerimgen der Eisenerzformation von Deutsch- Lothi-ingen und Luxemburg. Abh. geol. Spezialkarte Els.-Lothr., Strassburg, (N.F.), H. 6, 1905, (1-598, mit 59 Taf.). df France. Lissajoiix. Faune da toarcien des environs de Macon. Macon, Bui. soc. sci. nat., 1905, (187-200). dh Austria- Hungary. Rzehak, A[nton]. Das Liasvorkom- men vou Freistadtl in Mahren. Briinn, Zs. Malir. LdMas., 4, 1901, (89-154, mit 1 Taf.). Vetters, Hermami. Die Faima der Juraklippen zwischen Dona u und Thaya. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 17, 1905, (22.3-259, mit 2 Taf.). e ASIA. ei Asiatic Turkey. Krumbeck, Lotliar. Die Brachiopo- den- und MoUuskenfauna des Glan- darienkalkes. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstUng., 18, 1905, (05-162, mit 7 Taf.). / AFRICA. ff East Africa. Dacque, Edgar. Beitnige zur Geo- logic des Somalilandes. II. Teil : Oberer Jxira. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 17, 1905, (119-159, mit 5 Taf.). 70.0431 PROTOZOA. ,1 EUROPE. dh Russian Empire and Russia in Europe. Briickmann, R. Die Foraminiferen des litauisch-kurischen Jura. Konigs- berg, Schr. physik. Ges., 45, 1904, Al)h., (1-36, mit 4 Taf.). dc British Islands. Blake, J. F. Fauna of the Cornbrash. Pt. 1. London, Monogr. Palaeont. Soc, 59, 1905, (1-100, pis. I-IX). (K-11720) German Empire. Jr Bruckmann, R. Die Foraminiferen des litauisch-kurischen Jura. Konigs- berg, Schr. physik. Ges., 45, 1904, Abh., (1-36, mit 4 Taf.). Jurassic. 82 70.0831 COELENTERATA. d EUROPE. db Russia in Europe. Missuna, A. Die .Jiira-Korallen von Sudagh. Moskva, Bull. Soc. Xat., 1904, (187-228, mit 3 Taf.). 70 d'l Luxemburg. Benecke, E[riist] W[ilheku]. Die Versteineruogen der Eisenerzformation von Deutsch-Lothringen und Lnxem- bnrg. Abh. geol. Sioezialkarte Els. Lothr., Strassljurg, (N.F.), H. 6, 1905, (1-598, mit 59 Taf.). 70.1031 ECHINODERMATA. d EUROPE. dh Austria-Hungaiy. Remes, M. Uber Difformitaten der Crinoiden aus dem roten Kalk von Kopfivnice. (Cechiscb) Prost^jov, Vesta. Kl. Pfir., 4, 1902, (76-82, mit 2 Taf.). Remes, M[auric]. XacLtrage zur Fauna von Stramberg. VI. Crinoiden-, Asteriden- imd Echinoiden-Reste aus dem Ti-eissen Kalkstein von Stramberg. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 18, 1905, (.59-63, mit 1 Taf.). Rzehair, A[nton]. Das Liasvorkonmien von Freistadtl in I\Iahren. Briimi, Zs. Malir. LdMus., 4, 1904, (89-154, mit 1 Taf.). de British Islands. Lang, W. D. On Stomatopora antiqua, Hairae, and its related liassic forms. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (258-268, with figs.). Upton, C. Some Cotteswold Bracliio- poda. Crloucester, Proc. Cotteswold Nat. F. CI., 15, 1905, (82-92, with pi.). dh Austria-Hungary. Rzehak, A. Das Liasvorkommen von Freistadtl in Miihren. Briinn, Zs. Mahr. LdMus., 4, 1904, (89-154, mit 1 Taf.). Vetters, Hermann. Die Fauna der .Juraklippen zwischen Donauund Thaya. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 17, 1905, (223-259, mit 2 Taf.). 70.1831 VERMES, d EUROPE. dh Austria-Hungary. Rzehak, A. Das Liasvorkommen von Freistadtl in Miihren. Briinn, Zs. Mahr. LdMus., 4, 1904, (89-154, mit 1 Taf.). e ASIA. ei Asiatic Turkey. Krumbeck, Lothar. Die Brachiopo- dcn-iuid -Molluskenfauna des Glandarien- kalkes. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstUng., 18, 1905, (65-162, mit 7 Taf.). 70.2031 JiNACIITOPODA AND BRYOZOA. d EUROPE. dn German Empire. Benecke, E[rnst] \V[il]ielm]. Die N'erstciuurujigen der Eisenerzformation von Deutsch-Lothringen und Luxem- burg. Abh. geol. Spozialkarte Els. Lothr., Strassburg, (N.F.), II. 6, 1905, (1-598, mit 59 Taf.j. Rau, Karl. Die Brachiopoden des n;itt]ercn Lias Scinvabens mit Aus- schluss der Sj)iriferinen. CJeol. u. palaeont. Abh., Jena, Is.b., 6, 11. 5, 1905, (95, mit 4 Taf.). / AFRICA. ff East Africa. Dacqu^, Edgar, lieitriige zur Geo- logie des Somalilandes. 11. Theil : Oljerer Jura. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 17, 1905, (19-159, mit 5 Taf.). 70.2231 MOLirSCA. Buckman, S. S. . . . genera and species of Lytuaeratidac. London, Q.J. Geol. Soc, 61, 1905, (142-154, with pis.). Jurassic. 83 70 d EUROPE. db Russia in Europe. Borisiak, A. A. Die PelecyiDodeu der Jura-Ablagenmgen im Europaeischen Russland. I. Nueididae. (Russ.) St. Peterburg, Mem. Com. geolog., (N. ser.;, 11," 1904, (1-28), res. allem., (29- 49, mit 3 taf.). de German Empire. Benecke, E[nist] W[illielm]. Die Versteiuerungen der Eisenerzforma- tion von Deutsch-Lotliringen und Luxem- bm'g. Abb. geol. Spezialkarte Els. Lothr., Strassburg, (N.F.), H. 6, 1905, (1-598, mit 59 Tal). Menzel, [Hans]. Ueber das Vorkom- men von Diceras im siidlichen Hannover. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, Pro- tokolle, (10-14). Wunstorf, Willielm. Die Fauna der Schichten mit Harpoeeras dispansum Lye. vom Gallberg bei Salzgitter. Ber- lin, Jahrb. geol. Landesanst., 25, (1904), 1905, (488-525, mit 4 Taf.). dd Luxemburg. Benecke, E[rnst] W[ilbelm]. Die Versteinerungen der Eisenerzformation von Deutseb-Lothringeuund Luxemburg. Abb. geol. Spezialkarte Els. Lothr., Strassburg, (N.F.), H. 6, 1905, (1-598, mit 59 Taf ). de British Islands. AUen, H. A. . . . Types . . . Lamellibrunchiata from the lihaetic and Lias ... in tlie Museum of Practical Geology. Summ. Progr. Geol. Surv. U. K., London, 1904, (1905), (172-177). Blake, J. F. A monograph of the faima of the Cornbrash. Pt. 1. Lon- don, Monogr. Palaeont. Soc, 59, 1905, (1-100, pis. I-IX). Buckman, S. S. . . . Inferior Oolite Ammonites of the British Islands. Pt. xiii, Sujaplement, London, Monogr. Palaeont. Soc, 59, 1905, (cLxix-ccviii, pis. XX-XXIV). Richardson, L. The Rhaetic and con- tiguous deposits of Glamorganshire. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 61, 1905, (385- 424, with pi.). (K-11720) df France. Valette, Aurelien. Les Ammonites du departement de I'Yonue. Auxerre, Bui. soc sci. hist, nat., 2'' partie : Sciences phys. et nat., 57, 1903. [1904], (39-100, av. fig.). dk Austria- Hungary. Prinz, G. Ober die Kielbildung in der YaimYiePliylloeeratidae. (Ungarisch und Deutsch) Foldt. KiizL, Budapest, 35, 1905, (1.3-20, 47-54, mit 2 Fig.). Rzehak, A. Das Liasvorkommen von Freistadtl in Miihren. Briimi, Zs. Miihr. LdMus., 4, 1904, (89-154, mit 1 Taf.). Vetters, Hermann. Die Fauna der Juraklippen zwischen Donau und Thaya. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 17, 1905, (223-259, mit 2 Taf.). e ASIA. e'l Asiatic Turkey. Krumbeck, Lothar. Die Brachiopoden- und Molluskenfaima des Glandarien- kalkes. Wein, Beitr. Pal. Geol. Ost- Ung., 18, 1905, (65-162, mit 7 TaL). / AFRICA AND MADAGASCAR. ff East Africa. Dacque, Edgar. Beitriige zur Geo- logie des Somalilandes. II. Theil : Oberer Jura. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 17, 1905, (119-159, mit 5 Taf.). fh Madagascar. Douville, H[enri]. Sur quelques iossiles de Madagascar. Paris, Bui. soc geol., (ser. 4), 4, 1904, (207-217, av. 1 pi). 70.2431 ARTHROPODA IN- CLUDING IN SECT A. d EUROPE. dc German Empire. Bode, Arnold. Orthoptera und Neu- roptera aus deni oberen Lias von Braunschweig. Berlin, Jahrb. geol. Landesanst., 25, (1904), 1905, (218-245, mit 2 Taf.). 02 Jurassic. 84 70 Walther, Johannes. Die Fauna der Solnhofeuer Piatt eukalke. Biouomiscli betrachtet. Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges., 11. 1904, (133-214, mit 1 Taf.). 70.2631 CRUSTACEA. Peiser, Georg. Beitrag zur Keuntnis der iu den Kalkschiefern von Solnhofeii aiiftretenden Gattung Erijon und ihrer Beziehuugeu zu verwaudten recenten Tiefseekrebsen. Diss. Erlangen (Druck V. E. Th. Jacob), 1904, (58, mit 1 Taf.). 21 cm. 70.5431 PISCES, d EUROPE. de British Islands. Blake, J. F. A monograph of the fauna of the Cornbrash. Pt 1. London, Monogr. Palaeout. Soc, 59, 1905, (1- 100, pis. I-IX). dh Austria-Hungary. Rzehak, A. Das Liasvorkommen von Freistadtl iu ilahren. Briinn, Zs. iliihr. LdMus., 4, 1904, (89-154, mit 1 Taf). 0[sDoni], H[enry] F[airfield]. Skull and skeleton of the sauropodous Dino- saurs Mo7'osaurus and Brontosaiiru.'^. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 22, 1905, (374-37G). Schmidt, Wilhelm Erich. Ueber MetriorJiynchiis jaekeli nov. sp. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, Protokolle, (97-108, mit 2 Taf.). d EUROPE. dh Russian Empire and Russia in Europe. Kazanskij, P. Ueber die Ichthj-o- saurusknochen aus dem Sysranischen Kreise des Gouvernement Simbirsk. (Russ.) Kazani, Trd. ObSc. jest., 37, 3, 1903, (3-29), deutsches Res., (29-30, mit 2 Taf.). dc German Empire. Bauer, Frauz. IchtJiijosaurus ham- lie)-gensis spec. nov. Besclu^eibung einer neuen Ichthyosaurus- Art aus dem oberen Lias von Geisfeld, nebst einigen vergleichend anatoiuischen Berne rkungeu iiber den Schultergiirtel. Bamberg, Ber. natf. Ges., 18, 1901, Abli. 1, (1-56, mit 2 Taf.). 70.5631 REPTILIA AND TRACHIA. BA- de British Islands. The presentation of a reproduction of Di.plodoeus caniegiel to the trustees of the British museum. Pittsburg, Pa., Ann. Carnegie Mus., 3, 1905, (443-452, with pi.). Gilmore, C[harles] W[hitney]. Osteo- logy of Baptanodon (.Marsh). [With bibliography.] Pittsburg, Pa., Mem. Carnegie Mus., 2, 1905, (77-129, with pi., text fig.). Jaekel, Otto. Ueber die Bildnug der ersteu Halswirbel und die WirhcJljildung im allgcnicinen. [Met7Uorhync]ui.t.] Berlin, Zs. I), geol. Ges., 56, 1904, Protokolle, (109-119). L[uca8], F[rederic] A[ugu8tu8]. Pleuro- coclus versus Aatrodon. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 19, 1904, (43C). Nopesa, F. British Dinosaurs. I. Jlypsilophodon. (4eol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (203-208, with figs.); II. Polac-anthus I.e. (241-251, with pi. and figs.) ; 111. Streptospondiilns I.e. (289-293, with pi. and figs.). Woodward, A. S. ... Cetiosaurus Icedsi . . . London, Pror. Zool. Soc, 1905, 1, (232-243). c ASIA. ('" Asiatic Russia, Jakovlev, N. N. Ueber Plesiosauriis- Reste aus dor Wolga-Stufe an der Lena in Siliirien. St. Peterljurg, Ycrli. Russ. mineral. Ges., (Ser. 2), 41, 1903, (13-16, mit 1 Taf.). Cretaceous. 85 75 / AFRICA. fg South Africa. Broom, R[obert]. The fossil reptiles of South Africa. Science iu S. Africa, Cape Town, 1905, (304-309). g NORTH AMERICA. fjf United States as a whole. Nopcsa, F. . . . Clavicle of Diplodociis. Loudon, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1905, -J. (289-294). Williston, S. W. North American plesiosaurs. Parti. [With " Catalogue and bibliography".] Chicago, 111., Pub. Field Columb. Mus., Geol. Ser., 2, 1903, (1-77, with test fig. and pi.). Sejjarate. 25.8 cm. gg North Eastern United States. Cushman, Joseph A. A new foot- print [Otouphcpus magnifieus n. gen. and sp.] from the Connecticut valley. Amer. Geol., Minneapolis, Minn., 33, 1904, (154-156, with 1 pi.). gt Western United States. HoUand, W[illiam] J[acolj]. A new crocodile [Goiiiopholis? gihnorei n. sp.] from the Jurassic of Wyoming. Pitts- burg, Pa., Ann. Carnegie Mus., 3, 1905, (431-434, with pi., text fig.). Riggs, E. S. Structure and relation- ships of Opisthocoelian Dinosaurs. Part I. Apatosmirus Marsh. Chicago, 111., Pub. Field Columb. Mus., Geol. Ser., 2, 1903, (1?. + 165-196, with text fig. and pi.). Separate. 25.8 cm. 75.0231 GENERAL PAL.^0- ZOOLOGY. d EUROPE. dh Russia in Europe. Favre, I. Sur les fossiles cretaces du district de Slavianosserbsk da gouverne- ment d'Ekaterinoslav. (Russ.) Chari- kov, Trd. Ob§c. ispyt. prir., 38, 2, 1903, (91-173, av. 4 pis.).* dc German Empire. WoUemann, A[ugust]. Ein Auf- schluss im ilukronatensenon bei Roten- kanip, nordwestlich von Konigslutter. Braunschweig, Jahresber. Ver. Natw., 13, 1904, (40-42). de British Islands. Davey, E. C. The Neocomian Sponges ... at Little Coxwell, near Farringdou. Bath (Fyson), [1905], (42, with 5 pis.). 8vo. 5s. dh Austria-Hungary. Fric, Ant[onin] und Bayer, Edwin. Studien im Gebiete der bohmischen Kreideformation. Palaontologische Un- tersuchungen der einzelnen Schichten. Perueer Schichten. Arch. Natw. LdDurchf. Bohmen, Prag, 11, Nr. 2, 1901, (180 + IV). e ASIA. ec Japanese Islands. Yokoyama, Matajiro. On some Jurassic fossils from Rikuzen. Tokyo, J. Coll. Sci., 18, Art. 6, 1904, (1-13, with 2 pis.). 75 CRETACEOUS. 75.0131 FOSSILS OF DOUBTFUL AFFINITY OR ORIGIN. Fuchs, Th. Ueber die Natur von Xanthidium Ehrenberg. Centralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1905, (340-342). Kritische Besprechung einiger im Verlanfe der letzten Jahre erschienenen Arbeiten iiber Fucoiden. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst., 54, (1904), 1905, (.359-388, mit 1 Taf.). '.I NORTH AMERICA. 3' Western United States. Johnson, Douglas Wilson. The geology of the Cervillos Hills, New Mexico. Part 2. Palaeontology. Sch. Mines Q., New York, N.Y., 24, 1903, (173-246, with pi.). Wilder, Frank A. The Laramie and Fort Union beds in North Dakota. [With bibliography.] J. Geol., Chicago, III, 12, 1904; (290-293). Cretaceous. 86 75. 75.0431 PROTOZOA. Fuchs, Th. Uebor die Natur von Xaiit]iidium Ehrenberg. Centralbl. Miu, Stuttgart, 1905, (3i0-342). d EUROPE. de German Empire. Hucke, Kurt. Gault iu Bartiii bei Degow (Hinterpommeru). Berlin, Zs. I). geoL' Ges., 56, 1904, brieii. Mitt., (105-173, mit 1 Taf.). dc British Islands. Gough, G. C. Foraminifera iu Irish greensand. 1905, (109). Wright, de British Islands. Irish Nat., Dublin, 14, J. Lower Greensand Foraminifera from Little Coxvvell, near Faiingdon. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (238, 239). dk Austria-Hungary. Stache, G[uido]. Aeltere und neue Beobachtungen iiber die Gattung Bradya Stache in Bezug auf ihr Ver- haltnis zu den Gattungen Forosphaera Steinmaun und Keramosphacra Brad}', und auf ihre Verbreitimg in den Karstgebieten des osteri-eichischen Kiistenlandes und Dalmatiens. Wien, Verb. Geol. RchsAnst., 1905, (100-113). 75.0831 COELENTERATA. f AFRICA. JT East Africa. Dacque, IMgar. Beitriige zur Geologie des Somalilandes. I. Theil : Untere Kreide. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstUng., 17, 1904, (7-20, mit 2 Taf.). Spencer, "W. K. British Fossil Echinodermata from the Cretaceous formations. II. The Asteroidea. London, Monogr. Palaeout. Soc, 59, 1905, (67-90, pis. XVII-XXVI). ('/ France and Corsica. Lambert, J. Sur cpielques petits Hcmia^ter de la craie blanche. Auxerre, Bui. soc. sci. hist, nat., 2*^ partie : Sciences phvs. et nat., 57, 1903, [1904], (21-31). AFRICA. Madagascar. Boule, [Marcellin]. Presence d'uu nouvel oiirsin cretace, Nairvigia, sur la cote orientale de Madagascar. Paris, Bui. soc. geol., (ser. 4), 4, 1904, (172- 173). 75.2231 MOLLUSC A. Douville, H[enriJ. Sur les Biradio- litides primitifs. Paris, Bui. soc. geol., (ser. 4), 4, 1904, (174-175). d EUROPE. dc Geiman Empii'e. Deninger, Karl. Die Gastropoden der sachsischeu Kreideformation. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 18, 1905, (1-35, mit 4 Taf.). Flegel, Kurt. Heuscheuer und Adersbacli-Weckelsdorf. Eine Studie iiber die obere Kreide im bohmiscli- schlesischen Gebirge. Breslau, Jahres- ber. Ges. vaterl. Cultur, 82, (1904), 1905, natw. Sect., (114-14 \, mit Taf.). 75.1031 ECHINODERMATA. d EUROPE. dc German Empire. Jaekel, [Gito], I'tber einen Penta- criniden der deutschen Kreide. [Iso- cr'mua holsalicits n. sp.] Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1904, (101-196, mit 1 Taf.). de British Islands. Thompson, C. Actinoramax plcmts in the Chalk of Yorkshire. Naturalist, London, 1905, (202, 203). Woods, IT. Cretaceous Lamelli- l)ranchia of England. Vol. II (2). London, Monogr. Palaeont. Soc, 59, 1905, (57-59, pis. VIII-Xl). Cretaceous. 87 75 '// France. Valette, Ameiien. Les Ammonites du clepartemei\t de I'Yonne. Auxerre, Bui. soc. sci. hist, nat., 2" partie : Sciences phys. et nat., 57, 1903, [1904], (39-100, av. fig.). dh Austria- Hungary. Flegel, Kurt. Heuscheiier und Aders- bach-Weckelsdorf. Eine Studie liber die obere Kreide im bokmiseh-schlesi- sclieu Gebirge. Breslau, Jahresber. Ges. vaterl. Cultur, 82, (1904), 1905, uatvr. Sect., (114-144, mit Taf.). Petrascheck, W[ilhelm]. Die Zone des Acthwcamax ylemis in der Kreide des ostlichen Bobiuens. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst., 55, 1905, (399-434, mit 1 Taf.). Richaxz, Steph[anJ. Die Neokom- bildungen bei Kaltenlentgeben. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst., 54,(1904), 1905, (343-358, mit 1 Taf.). e ASIA. ec Japanese Islands. Yabe, Hisakatsu. Cretaceous Ce- phalopoda fi-om the Hokkaido. Part II. Turrilites, Helicoceras, Ileteroceras, Kipponites, Olcostephanoceras, Desmo- ceras, Hauericeras, and an undetermined genus. Tokyo, J. Coll. Sci., 20, Art. 2, 1904, (1-45, with 6 pis.). Tokoyama, Matajiro. On some Jurassic fossils from Rikuzen. Tokyo, J. Coll. Sci., 18, Art. 6, 1904, (1-13, with 2 pis.). ei Arabia. Blanckenhom, Max. Geologie der naheren Umgebung von Jerusalem. Leipzig, Zs. D. Palastinaver., 28, 1905, (75-120, mit 2 Taf.). .1'' East Africa. Dacque, Edgar. Beitriige zur Geologie des Somalilandes. 1. Tlieil : Untere Kreide. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstUug., 17, 1904, (7-20, mit 2 Taf.). fh Madagascar. Douville, Il[euri]. Sur quelques fossiles de Madagascar. Paris, Bui. soc. geol., (ser. 4), 4, 1904, (207-217, av. 1 pi.). rj NORTH AMERICA. (ji Western United States. Johnson, Douglas Wilson. The geology of the Cervillos hills. New Mexico. Part 2. Palaeontology. Sch. Mines Q., New York, N.Y., 24, 1903, (173-246, with pi.). I ATLANTIC. la North Atlantic Ocean and Islands. Koenen, A[dolf] von. Ueber die Untere Kreide Helgolands und ihre Ammouitiden. Gottingen, Abh. Ges, Wiss., math.-phys. KL, '(N.F.), 3, 1904, (63, mit 4 Taf.) 75.2631 CliUSTACEA. d EUROPE. dc German Empire. Harbart, Erich. Ueber die strati- graphischen Ergebnisse von zwei Tiefbohruipgen durch die mitere Kreide bei vStederdorf und Horst im Kreise Peine. Berlin, Jahrb. geol. Landesanst., 26, 1905, (26-42, mit 1 Taf.). / AFRICA. fc Sahara and French Sudan. Haug, Emile. Sur la faune des couches a Ceratodus cretacees du Djona, pres de Timassanine (Sahara). Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 138, 1904, (1529- 1531). 75.5231 VEBTEBRATA. d EUROPE. dk Austria- Hungaiy. Abel, 0[thenio]. Wirbelthierfahrten aiis dem Flvsch der Ostalpen. Wien, Yerh. Geol. RchsAnst., 1904, (340). Cretaceous. 88 75 75.5431 PISCES. d EUROPE. de British Islands. Bell, R. Shark's teeth from the local Cretaceous formations. Belfast, Rep. Nat. ¥. CI., 5, (4), 1905, (330-331). Williston. S[amiiel] W[endell]. The relationships and habits of the niosa- saurs. J. GeoL, Chicago, 111., 12,1904, (43-51). The stomach stones of the plesiosaiirs. Science, New York, N.Y. (.V. Ser.), 20, 1904, (565). / AFRICA. /c Sahara and French Sudan. Haug, Emile. Sur la faiuie des couches a Ceratodus cretacees du Djona, jDres de Timassanine (Sahara). Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 138, 1904, (15i^9-1531). (J NORTH AMERICA. yi Western United States. Gill, Tlieo[dore Nicliolas]. An in- tereriting Cretaceous cliiniEeroid egg- case. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 22, 1905, (601-602). d EUROPE. dr German Empire. Ballerstedt, M. Uber Saurierfahrten der Wealdenformatiou Biickebiirgs. Natw. Wochenschr., Jena, 20, 1905, (481-485). Koken, E[rust]. Neue Plesiosaurier- reste aus dem norddeutschen Wealden. Centralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1905, (681- 693). Landois, H[erniann]. Die Saurier von Gronau i. Westf. Miinster, Jahresber. ProvVer. Wiss., 32, (1903-1904), 1904, (45-46). 75.5631 REPriLIA AND BATRACHIA. de British Islands. Brown, Barnum. Stomach stones and food of Plesiosaurs. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (184-185). Eastman, Cfharles] R[ochester]. A recent paleontological induction. [Criti- cism of paper by Barnum Brown on " Stomach Stones and Food of Plesio- saurs."] Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Sen), 20, 1904, (405-466). Gilmore, Charles W[liitney]. Tlie mounted skeleton of Tr'tccrnto'ps prorsus [in the U. S. National Museum]. Wash- ington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Pro.'., 29, 1905, (1?. -+- 433-435, with 2 pis.). Separate. 24.5 cm. Hay, Oliver P[erry]. A revision of the species of the family of fossil turtles called Toxochelyidae, with descriptions of two new species of 'J'oxoclidys and a new species of Portltoclielya. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 21, J 905, (177-185, with text fig.). Osbom, Henry Fairfield. Tyramto- saiiruH and other Cretaceous carnivorous Dinosaurs. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.. 21, 1905, (259- 265, ^\ith text fig.). Woodward, A. S. Mosasaurian jaw . . . from the Middle Chalk of Cuxton. London, Proc. Geol. Ass., 19, 4, 1905, (185-187, with figs.). df France. Sauvage, H. E. De hi presence du genre Polyptychodou dans les sables verts de la Meuse. Autun, Bui. soc. hist, nat., 16, 1903, (321-323). / AFRICA. /(' Sahara and French Sudan. Haug, Emile. Sur la faune des couches a Ceralodus cretacees du Djona, pres de Tiraassiininc (Sahara). Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 138,1904,(1529-1531). fu South Africa. Broom, R[obertJ. Tiic fossil rcjjtiles of South Africa. Science in South Africa, Cape Town, 1905, (304-309). Caenozoic. 89 80 g NORTH AMERICA. gf United States as a Whole. Williston, S. W. Ni)itli Aoierican plesiosaiirs. Part 1. [With " Catalogue and bibliography."] Chicago, 111., Pub. Field Co'lumb." Mus.. Geol. Ser., 2, 1903, (1-77, with text-fig. aud pi.). Separate. 25.8 cm. ;/.■ Western United States. Merriam, John C. The occurrence of Ichthyosaur-like remains in the iipper Cretaceous of Wyoming. Science, Xew York, X.Y., (X.'Ser.), 22, 1905, (GIO- U\). Williston, S[amuelJ W[eudell]. A new armored dinosaur from the upper Cretaceous of Wyoming. [Stegopelta n. gen., S. landerensis n. sp.] Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 22, 1905, (503-504). 75.5831 AVES. Lucas, Frederic A[ugustus]. Notes on the osteology and relationship of the fossil birds of the genera Hespcrornis, Ilnrgeria [n. gen., type Hesperornis gracil's], Bapfornis and Diatryma. [Suggests that Diatryma belongs to the Stereornithes and that Bajytornis re- presents a separate order from Hespcr- ornis.'] Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus., Proc, 26, 1903, (545-556, with text fig.). Separate. 24.3 cm. 80 CAENOZOIC. 80.0231 GENERAL PALAEO- ZOOLOGY. n PACIFIC. ne Islands N. of Equator and W. of 180 . Sherlock, R. L. The Foraminifera and other organisms in the raised reefs of Fiji. Cambridge, Mass., Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., 38, 1903, (IZ. 4- [349]-365, with text fig.). Sepa- rate. 24.5 cm. nf Fiji Islands. Sherlock, R. L. The Foraminifera and other organisms in the raised reefs of Fiji. Cambridge, ilass.. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., 38, 1903, (1?. + [349]-365, with text fig.). Sepa- rate. 24.5 cm. ik AUSTRALASIA. New Zealand. Park, James. On the lilarlne Tertiaries of Otago and Canterbury, with special reference to the relations existing between the Pareora and Oamaru series. Wellington, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst., 27, (1904),l905, (489-551, with pi.). 80.0431 PROTOZOA. Schubert, R[ichard] J[ohann]. Ueber Cydammina uhligi Schub. und C. draga Lieb. et Schub. (Fine Entgegnung an Herrn Prof. A. Silvestri.) Wien, Verh. Geol. RchsAnst., 1904, (353-356). g NORTH AMERICA. gl Western United States. Bagg-, Rufus M[ather], jun. Miocene Foraminifera from the Monterey shale of California, with a few species fi-om the Tejon formation. [With bibliography.] Washington, D.C., U. S. Dept. Int., Bull. Geol. Surv., No. 268, 1905, (78 + III, with text fig. and pi.). 23.5 cm. /( PACIFIC. nc Islands N. of Equator and ' W. of 180 . Sherlock, R. L. The Foraminifera and other organisms in the raised reefs of Fiji. Cambridge, Mass., Bull. ilus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., 38, 1903, (IZ. -f [349]-365, with text fig.). Sepa- rate. 24.5 cm. nf Fiji Islands. Sherlock, R. h. The Foraminifera and other organisms in the raised reefs of Fiji. Cambridge, Mass., Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., 38, 1903, (1?. -f [349J-365, with text fig.). Sepa- rate. 24.5 cm. Caenozoic. 00 80 80.0831 COELENTEh'ATA. h CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. he Columbia. Felix, .J[ohhanes]. Uber eiuige foasile Koralleu aus Columbieu. Miinchen, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., math.-phys. CI., 35, ] 905, (85-93). 80.2031 BRACHIOPODA AND BRYOZOA. i AUSTRALASIA. ih New Zealand. Boehm, Georg. Ueber tertiiiie Brachiopodeii von Oamaru, Siidiusel, Neu-Seelard. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 190-1, briefl. Mitt., (146-150, mit 1 Taf.). 80.2231 MOLLUSC A. Williamson, Mrs. M. Burton. Review of the Classification of the Cyreiiacea by William H. Dall. Nautilus, Boston, Mass., 17, 190.3, (47-48). / AFRICA. fd West Africa. Bohin, .Joli[anues]. L'eber einen P'urchf'nstein und Tertiar in Dahome. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, briefl. Mitt., (141-145). g NORTH AMERICA. gh South Eastern United States. Aldricli, r. II. A new Conuii from the Tertiary of Florida. Nautilus, Bliiladelphia, Pa., 10, 190.3, (131-1.3i^ with text fig.). 80.5431 PISCES. 'I EUROPE. ,//,• Austria-HungaiT. Schubert, Richard Johann. Die Fischotolithen des osterreichisch-un- garischen 'I'ertiars. II. Macruriden und Beryciden. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. Rchs- Anst., 55, 1905, (613-638, mit 2 Taf.). 80.5631 EEPTILIA AND BATRACHIA. g NORTH AMERICA. gi Western United States. Hay, Oliver r[erry]. On the skull of a new Trionychid, Conchochelys ad- mirabilis, from the Puerco beds of New Mexico. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 21, 1905, (335-338, with text fig.). 80.6031 MAMMALLi. Bergmann, Max. Tertiare Menschen- schaih'l y Monatschr. Mineraliensammler, Roclilitz, 1, 1903, (9-10). Branco, W[ilhelni]. Fragliche Reste mid Fussfahrten des tertiareii Menschen. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, briefi. Mitt., (97-132). Matthew, W. D. Illustrations of evolution among fossil mammals. A. The horse. Supplement to Amer. Mus. .T., New York, N.Y., 3, 1903, ([lJ-30, with text fig. and pi.). Oort, E. D. van. Notiz iiber Ihdi- I lie num. Centralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1905, (21-22). 80.2631 ('h'USTACEA. ra< liiopoda of New Zealand. Wellington, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst, 37, 1905, (474-481, with pis.). de German Empire. Andreae, A. Dritter Beitrag zur Keuntuis des Miociius von Oppeln i. Schles. Hildesheim, mitt. Roemer-Mus., 20, 1904, (22). Boettger, 0[scar]. Eiue neue Form der Paludinidengattung Emmerieia im Mainzer Becken. [E. francofnrtana n. f.] Frankfurt a. M., NachrBl. D. malakozool. Ges., 36, 1904, ^112-110). Schiitze, Ew[ald]. Xerita costellata Miiust., eiue Schnecke der schwabischen Meeresmolasse. Centralbl. Min., Stutt- gart, 1905, (720-727). dk Austria-Hungary. Friedberg, Wilhelm Salomon von. Eiue sarmatische Fauna aus der Umge- gend von Tarnobrzeg in Westgalizien. Wien, SitzBer. Ak. "Wiss., 114, 1905, Abth. I, (275-327, mit 1 Taf.). Gaal, Istvan. Beitrage zur mediter- ranen Fauna des Osztroski-Vepor Gebirges. (Ungarisch uud Deutsch) Foldt. Kozl., Budapest, 35, 1905, (288- 313, 338-365). Kormos, Tivador. Debcr den Ur- spruug der Termenfauna von Piisjiok- fiirdo. (Ungarisch und Deutsch) Foldt. Kozl., Budapest, 35, 1905, (375-402, 421-4r>0, Taf. 11.). Zuber, R[udol[J. Observations geolo- giques nouvelles faites en Galicie. I. Pectcn hdissimiis Brocc. en Pologne. (Polish) Kosmos, Lw6w, 29, 1901, (419- 420). di Balkan Peninsula : Roumania. Newton, li. B. On two MioLene gastrojjods from Roumania. London, Proc. J\lalac. Soc, 6, 1905, (340-345, with iigs.). Upper Caenozoic. f)7 90 I AUSTRALASIA. ih New Zealand. Clarke, E. 'J'he fossils of the Waite- uiata and Fapakura series. Wellington, Trans. X. Zeal. In.st., 37, 1905, (413- ■121). Hutton, F. W. Three new Tertiary shells. Wellington, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst., 37, 1!I05, (472-47.3, pi. XLIV). Park, James. Description of a new species of Pccten from the Oamaru series. Wellington, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst., 37, 190.5, (485). 90.5231 VERTEBRATA. Boule, .Marcellin. Une caverne a ossements de re]3oque ))liocene. Anthr., Paris, 14, 1903, (519-521). d EUROPE. cic German Empire. Roger, Otto. Wirbeltierreste aus dem (Jbermiociin der bayerisch-schwabischen Ilochebene. Augsburg, Ber. natw. Ver., 36, 1904, (1-22, niit 3 Taf.). 90.2431 ARTHROPODA, IN- CLUDING INSECT A. d da EUROPE. Scandinavia. Meunier, Fernaud. Monographic des P.sychodidae de I'ambre de la Baliiqnc. Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Nat. Hvmg., Buda- pest, 3, 1905, (235-255, pis. VI, VII). 90.5431 PISCES, d EUROPE. df France. Priem, F. Sur les poissons fossiles des terrains tertiaires snperieurs de rilerault. Paris, Bui. soc. geol., (ser. 4), 4, 1904, 1^285 -294, av. %). 90.2631 CRUSTACEA, d EUROPE. de German Empire. Sieber. Fossile siisswasser- Ostra- koden aus Wiirttemburg. Stuttgart, Jahreshefte Ver. Natk., 61, 1905, (321- 346, mit 2 Taf.). dk Austria-Hungary, Gaal, Istvan. Beitriige zur mediter- ranen Fauna des Usztroski-V^epor (jebirges. (Ungarisch und Deutscli) Foldt. Kozl., Budapest, 35, 1905, (288- 313, 338- .305). -Lomnicki, Jaroslaw L. M. Compte rendu des recherches eutreprises sur I'extension de I'houille brune dans cer- tains endroits de Pokucie en Galicie. (Polish) Kosmos, Lwow, 29, 1904, (374- 391). dh Austria-Hungary. Gaal, Istvan. Beitrage zur mediter- ranen Fauna des Osztroski-Vepor Gebirges. (Ungarisch und Deutsch) Foldt. Kozl., Budapest, 35, 1905, (288- 313, 338-365). Toula, Franz. Ueber einen dem Thunfische verwandten Raubfisch der Congerienschichten der Wiener Bucht. {Pdamycijbium [„Sphijraenodiis"] s'linn vindohonens'is, n. gen. et n. sp.) Wien, Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst., 55, 1905, (51- 81, mit 1 Taf.). 90.6031 MAMMALIA. Abel, ()[thcnio]. Ueber HnliUier'nun hcllunense, eine Uebergangsform zur Gattung Metaxijtheriuin. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst., 55, 1905, (393-398). g NORTH AMERICA. gg North Eastern United States. Cusbman, Joseph A. Miocene barna- cles fi-om Gay Head, Mass., with notes on Balamis proteus Conrad. Amer. Geol., Minneapolis, Miim., 34, 1904, ([293J-290, with text fig.). (k-11720) d EUROPE. dl> Russia in Europe. Abel, ()[theniG]. Eine Stammtype der Delpliiniden aus dem Miocan der Halbinsel Taman. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst., 55, 1905, (375-392). Upper Caenozoic. OS Pavlov, Marie. Procamelus du gouvernemeut cle Kliersou. Odessa, Mem. Soc. Nat. Nouv. rvass.,25, 2, in04, (131-133, av. 1 pi.). Mastodon angusiidcjis Cuv. et Mastodon cf. loiigh-ostris Kaup. de Kerteh. (Russ.) Zezeg. geol i miner., Var§ava. 6, 1, 1903, (121-129) ; res. fr., (130-139, av. 2 pis.). Veniukov, P. Die Saugethierfauna der Sandscliichten von Balta im Gouvernement Podolieu. (Russ.) Mater, geol. Ross., St. PeterLurg, 21, 1901, (121-188) ; deutsches Res., (189-193, mit 3 Taf.). dc Gennan Empire. Andreae, A. Diitter Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Miociins von Oppeln i. Scliles. Hildesheim, Mitt. Roemer-Mus., 20. 1904, (22). Schlosser, M. Notizen iiber einige Saugethierfaimen aus dem Miocan von "Wurttemberg und Bayern. N. Jabrh. Min., Stuttgart, Beilagebd, 19, 190-1, (485-502, mit 1 Taf.). de. British Islands. Fisher, (). Remarkable bone from the Suffolk Crag. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (574-575, with fig-). On the occurrence of Elephaa meridional} s at Dewlish (Dorset). [Human agency suggested.] London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 61. 1905, (35- 38, with pis.). dh Austria-Hungary. Hofmann, A[(li)llJ. Siiugethierreste von Wies. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. Rchs- Anst., 55, 1905, (27-30, mit 1 Taf.). und Zdarsky, A. Beitrag Saugethierfauna von Leoben. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst., 54. (1904), 1905, (577-594, mit 3 Taf.). Maika. K[arl] J. Maslodon-\ic%i boi Telr ill Jliihron. Wien, Verb. Geol. KchsAiiNt., 1904,(304). Papp, Kuioly. Ilclcvodcliiltin leiodoii- tu8 nova forma aus den niukaiicii Schichtcii des Cuniitiiti's Sopron. (Cngarisch) FoMt. Kvk., Budapest, 14, 1905, (21-53, Taf. V, VI). dl Turkey in Europe, Greece. Abel, ( )[thenio]. I'eber einen Fund von S'lratherhim giganteum bei Adriano- pel. Wien, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 113, 1904, Abth. I, (629-651, mit 1 Taf.). Blirchner, L. Wichtige Funde fossiler Knochen in Arkadien. Regensburg, Ber. natw. Ver., H. 9 (1901-1902), 1903, (110-123). dm Mediterranean and Islands. ScMosser, Mas. Die fossilea Cavi- cornia von Samos. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstUng., 1904, (21-118, mit 10 Taf.). Weber. M. Ueber Tertiiire Rhino- cerotiden von der Insel Samos. Moskva, Bui. Soc. Nat., 1903, (477-501, mit 3 Taf.). / AFRICA AND MADAGASCAR. fh Madagascar. Grandidier, Guillaume. Observations sur les Leinuriens disparus de Mada- gascar. Collections Alluaud, Ganbert, Grandidier, (suite). Bui. Museum, Paris, 1902. (587-592, av. fig.). g NORTH AMERICA. gi Western United States. Douglass, Earl. The Tertiary of Montana. [I'art 1 : A new Monotreme- like mammal. Xenotlterium itnknm gen. and sp. nov. Part 2: Leptictidne of the lower White River beds.] Pitts- burg, Pa., Mem. Carnegie Mus., 2, 1905, ([203^224, with pi.). Merriam, John C[ampbell]. A new sal)re-t()oth [Machaerodus ? ischijvus n sp.] from California. Berkeley, Univ. Cal. Bull. Dept. Geol., 4. 1905, (171-175, with text fig.). Separate. 27 cm. Peterson, O. A. Description of new rodents and discussion of the origin of DdcnioncVix [jirolxably burrow of Slciteo- fiher]. Pittsburg, Pa., Mem. Carnegie Mus., 2, 1905, ([139]-202, with pi., text True, Frederick W[illiam]. Diagnosis of a new genus and species of fossil sea- lion [Pontolcon mngnus n. gen. and sp.] Pleistocene. Recent. 99 95 from the Miocene of Oregon. Washing- ton, D.C., Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. Q., 48, 1905, (47-l'.i). .Separate. '2L^ cm. h CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. hi Argentina. Scott, W. B. The Miocene Ungulates of Patagonia. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1904, (1905), (589-590). 95 PLEISTOCENE AND RECENT. 95.0231 GENERAL PALAEO- ZOOLOGY. d EUROPE. '"> Russia in Europe. Lucickij, V. I. Sur les restes organi- ques tlaus les depots post-tertiaires du district de Kanev. (Russ.) Kiev, Zap. Ob§c. Jest., 18, 1904, (XXIX -XXXI). dc German Empire. Langenhan, A. Ueber fossile Fiinde am Kitzelberg. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, briefl. Mitt., (5-7). Ueber neue Funde fossiler Tier-Reste am Kitzelberg bei Kauffung. Wanderer, Hirschl)erg, 24, 1904, (56- 58). Funde fossiler Tier-Reste am Kitzelberge bei Kaufl'uug im Katz- bachtal. Monatsehr. Mineralieu- sammler, Rochlitz, 2, 1904, H. 2/3 (10- 12). df France. Boule, MarceUin. Chronologic de la grotte du Prince, pres de Menton. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 138, 1904, (104- 106). dh Austria-Hungary. Knies, Jan. Die Steppenfauna und ilire Verbreitung in Mahven wiihrend der Diluvialzeit. (Cechiscli) Prostejov, \'estn. Klub. Pfi'r., 5, 1903, (95^110).' (K- 11720) du Black Sea and Sea of Azov. Soviuskij, V. Introiluction a I'etude de la faune du bassin marin Ponto- Aralo-Kaspien au point de vue d'une province zoo-geographlque independante. (Russ.) Kiev, Zap. ObSc. Jest., 18, 1904, (i-xiii, 1-497,1-210, av. 4 pis.). c ASIA. ea Asiatic Russia. Sovinskij, V. Introduction a I'etude de la faune du bassin marin Ponto- Aralo-Kaspien. . . . (Russ.) Kiev, Zap. ObSc. Jest., 1904, (i-xiii, 1-497, 1-216, av. 4 pis.). ck Caspian : Sea of Aral (Aralo- Caspian depression). Sovinskij, V. Introduction a I'etude de la faune du bassin marin Ponto- Aralo-Kaspien. . . . (Russ.) Kiev, Zap. Ob§c Jest., 18, 1904, (I-XIII, 1- 497, 1-216, av. 4 pis.). / AFRICA. fa Tunis. B^de, P. Observations sur les couches quaternaires de Sfa.t (Tuiiisie). Museum, Paris, 1903, (422-425). Bui. g NORTH AMERICA. gg North Eastern United States. Cushman, Joseph A. Notes on the Pleistocene fauna of Sankaty head, Nantucket, Mass., Amer. Geol., Minneapolis, Minn., 34, 1904,(169-174;. gl Western United States. Furlong, E. L. An account of the preliminary excavations in a recently explored Quaternary cave in Shasta county, California. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (53-55). 95.0431 PROTOZOA, d EUROPE. da Sweden. Lagerheim, G[ustaf]. Quadrnh gloho^a in ,,Kalkgyttja" uh- mehrereii H 2 Pleistocene. Recent. 100 95 scliwedischeii Provinzea sei^unden. (Schwediscli) subfossil iStockholiii, Geol. For. mit Taf.). Fork., 24, ]i)02, (346-352, Ablagerungeii der borealeu Transgies- siou. St. Peterburg, Verb. Rnss. mineral. Ges., (Ser. 2), 41, 1903,(187- 19.5). de British Islands. Reade, T. M. . . . Specimens of Lancashire Boulder Clay. Liverjiool, Proc. Geol. Soc, 10, 1905, (38-42). /< CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. hb Panama. Cushman, Joseph A. Pleistocene Foramiuifera from Panama. Amer. Geol., Mimieapolis, Minn., 33, 1904, (265-26G). 95.2231 MOLLUSC A. d EUROPE. derieardiuin u. s)). Jura. Briickmann, R. I.e. Abh., (32, Taf. IV). 0431.75 CRETACEOUS. General. C. Foraminifera in Irish Irish Nat., Dublin, 14, Gough, C greensand. 1905, (109). Wright, Joseph. Lower tireensand Foraminifera from Little Coxwell, near Faringdon. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (238-239). Sl'EClAL. Ammodifteus ^laiiincvsis u. Deutschland. Hucke, K. Berlin, D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, l.riefl. -Mitt., (165-173). Bradya Stache. Stache, tl. Wien, Verh. Geol. RchsAnst., 1905, (106-113). sp. Zs. Porifera. 107 0631 Cristdlaria pommeranica n. sp. Deutschland. Hucke, K. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, briefl. Mitt., (1C5-173). Frondicidaria ampulla n. sp. Deiitschland. Hucke, K. I.e. TMgcna para u. sp. Deutschland. Hucke, K. I.e. Maniinul'iua rostrata n. sp. Deutsch- land. Hucke, K. I.e. Xauthid'iitm = Eier von Meeres- thieren. Fuchs, T. Centralbh Min., Stuttgart, 1905, (340-342). 0431.80 CAENOZOIC. Gexi^ral. Bagg:, R. M., jiin. Miocene Foramini- fera from the Monterey shale of Cali- fornia, with a few species from the Tejon formation. [With bibliographj'.] Washington, D.C., U. S. Dept. Int., Bull. Geol. Sur\'., No. 268, 1905, (78 + 111, with text fig. and pi.). Sherlock, R. L. The Foraminifera and other organisms in the raised reefs of Fiji. Cambridge, Mass., Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., 38, 1903, (1 I. + [349}-365, with textfig.). Si'ECUL. Cyelammhui uhl'igl Schub., u. C. dvaga Lieb. et Schub. Schubert, R. J. Wien, Verb. Geol. RchsAnst., 1904, (353- 356). 0431.85 LOWER CAENOZOIC {EOCENE, OLIGOCENE). General. Renault, B. Sur quelques nouveaux infusoires. Autun, Bui. soc. hist, nat., 16, 1003, (Pr. verb., 2-5-27, av. fig.). Schubert, R. J. Mitteleocane Fora- minifereu aus Dalmatien. III. Von der Insel Lavsa (bei Incoronata). Wien, Verb. Geol. RchsAnst., 1904, (326-329). Mitteleocaner Globigeri- nen-Mergel von Abbona (Istrien). I.e. Steuer, A. Untersuchung des Tones liber den bitumenreichen Sanden aus den Bohrlochern von Steppenheim a. d. B. Darmstadt, Notizbl. Ver. Erdk., (4. F.), 25, 1904, (22-27, mit 1 Taf.). Special. NummuVdcs, dimorphism of the English spp. Lister, J. J. London, Proc. R. Soc, B 76, 1905, (29S-31p, with 3 pis.) ; Cambridge, Proc. Phil. Soc, 13, 1905, (1-2). Orthoplirarjmina nn. spp. Alpes. Schlumberger. Paris, Bui. Soc. geol., (^ser. 4), 4, 1904, (119-135, av. pi.). Pidvi)iidinn Memmi n. sp. Steppen- heim. Steuer, A. Darmstadt, Notizbl. Ver. Erdk., (4 F.), 25, 1901, (25, Taf. VIII). Rotalia fallax n. sp. Steppenheim. Steuer, A. I.e. (24, Taf. VIII). 0431.90 UPPER CAENOZOIC (MIOCENE, PLIOCENE). General. Bagg, R. 31., ^jun. Miocene Foramini- fera fi-om the Monterey shale of Cali- fornia, with a few species from the Tejon fonnatiou. [With bililiography.] Washington, D.C., U. S. Dept. Inst., Bull. Geol. Sui-v., No. 268, 1905, (78 + III, with text-fig. and pi.). Special. Balliys'iphon. Andrusov, N. Mater, geol. Ross., St. Peterburg, 21, 1904, (255-381, mit 7 Taf. u. 1 Karte). Lepidoeyelina. Lemoine, P. et Douville, R. Paris, BuU. soc. geol., (ser. 4), 4, 1904, (349). Sagrina nn. spp. California. Miocene. Bagg, R. M. jun. Washington, D.C., U. S. Dept. Inst., Bull. Geol. Surv., 268, 1905, (39^1, pi. VII). 0431.95 PLEISTOCENE AND RECENT. Quadnda suhgJoho.sa, subfossil in Schweden. Lagerheim, G. Stockholm, Geol. For. Forh., 24, 1902, (346-352, with pi.). 0631 PORIFERA. 0631.35 GENERAL, INCLUDING STRATA OF UNKNOWN AGE. Minchin, E. A. A. speculation on the phylogeuy of the Hexactinellid sponges. Zool. Auz., Leipzig, 28, 1905, (439-448), Porifera. 108 0631 0631.50 LOWER PALAEOZOIC. Protof^ n. s]i., S. glohdar>--< var. ovaVis n. var. Penn- sylvania. Schucliert, C. I.e. (251-252). Tetraeystis n. gen., T. cltrysal'is, T. fenestratufi nn. spp. Tennessee, West Virginia. Schuchert, C. /.e. (217- 21S). Trhnei-oei/sfif' n. gen., T. pccHZiari.i n. sp. Schuchert, C. Le. (237-239). 1031.55 UPPER PALAEOZOIC. Archaeocidai'is ourayens'is n. sp. Colorado. Girty, G. II. Washington, D.C., Dept. Int. U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. PapiB., No. 16, 1903,(329). Cuddnlcr altcmuiliiH var., robust u-t n. var. -Rowley, R. R. In: Greene, C. K. Cont. liiil. ])alaeont.. New Albany, IikI., pt. 10, 1902, (99, pl. XXX). Echinodemiata. Cyathocrimis sp. Tokarenko, L. Kazani, Trd. ObSc. jest, 37, 2, 1903, (7). Icthyoerinus maguaradialis n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (86, 299, pi. XXXIII). Maragnicrimcs n. geu., M. portlandi- ciis n. sp. Xew York. Devonian. Whitfield, R. P. Xew York, N.Y., Bull. PauQT. Mus. Xat. Hist., 21, 1905, (17-18). Orbitremittis nu. spp. Indiana. Rowley, R. R. In : Greene, G. K. Gout. Ind. palaeont.. New Albany, Ind.,pt. 10, 1902, (86, pi. XXIX, 96, pi. XXX). 22.8 cm. PeMremites conoideua nn. var. Indiana. Rowley, R. R. In : Greene, G. E. Ic. (87-88). Fentremit'idea nn. spjj. ; P. leda ? var. magna n. var. Indiana. Rowley, R. R. J/t: Greene, G. K, Lc. (92-93, pi. XXX). Symptevura u. gen., S. m'tnver'i n. sp. Cornwall. Bather, F. A. Geol. Mag., London, iSer. 2), [5 J, 2, 1905, (161-169, with pi.). 1031.70 JURASSIC. Gexeral. Dacque, Edgar. Beitrage zur Geologie des Somalilandes. II. Theil : Oberer Jura. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 17, 1905, (119-159, mit5 Taf.). Remes, il. L'eber Difforxnitateu der Crinoiden a us dem roten Kalk von Kopfivnice. (Cechisch) Prostejov, Vestn. Kl. piir., 4, 1902, (76-82, mit 2 Taf.). Special. Ap'wcrbtns. Remes, M Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 18, 1905, (61-62). Balanocr'inns. Mahren. Rzehak, A. Briinn, Zs. Mahr. MMus , 4, 1904, (89- 154, mit 1 Taf.). Cidaris moravica n. sp. Ungarn. Remes, M. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 18, 1905, (63). Cijrtocrinus digitatu-s n. sp. Ungarn. Remes, il. I.e. (60). (k- 11720) 113 1031 Pcntacrinus icieshaicri u. sp. Mahren. Rzebak, A. Briinn, Zs. Mahi-. LdMns., 4. 1904, (89-154, mit 1 Taf.). Pseudoeidaris ellenbeehi u. sp. Somaliland. Dacque, E. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 17, 1905, (124-125, Taf. XIV, figs. 3-4). Pseudosaccocoma n. gen., P. stram hergense n. sp. Ungarn. Remes, il. I.e. 18, 1905, (62-63). ThiolUeric7-'inu><. Ungarn. Remes, M. Le. (60-61). 1031.75 CRETACEOUS. Aiianchijtes ovata. Lauick. Favre, I. Charikov, Trd. Obfic. ispyt. prir., 38, 2, 1903, (101-102, Taf. II). Cidaris papillala. Maut. Favre, I. I.e. (99). Comptonia eomptoni (Forbes ; Stel- laster, 18i8). Spencer, W.K. London, Monogr. Palaeont. Soc, 59, 1905, (69). Diseoidea subucula. Bather, F. A. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, (Ser. 7), 15, 1905, (145-148). Echinoconus sp. Favre, I. Charikov, Trd. Obsc. ispyt. prir., 38, 2, 1903, (100). Hemiaster. Lambert, J. Auxerre, Bui. soc. sci. hist, nat., 2' partie, Sci. phys. Nat., 57, 1903, [1904], (21-31). Hnlaster sp. Favre, I. Charikov, Trd. Obsc. ispyt. prir. 38, 2, 1903, (100- 101). Isocrinim liolsntieus n. sj). Jaekel, 0. Berlin. SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1904, (191-196, mit 1 Taf.). M'ltra.^ter compactus (Forbes ; Gonias- ter, 1848). Spencer, W. K. Loudon, Monogr. Palaeont. Soc, 59, 1905, (67). XoetHngia de Madagascar. Boule, M. Paris, Bui. soc. geol., (ser. 4), 4, 1904, (172-173). Nymphasler radlatus, n. sp. U.K. Spencer, W. K. London, Monogr. Palaeont. Soc, 59, 1905, (73). Pentaceros (Forbes ; Greasier, 1848) ; nn. spp. U.K., P. hidhiferus, P. hoysii, P. eorovatus, P. squamatus, P. ocellatus, P. pistilliferus. Spencer, W. K. London, Monogr. Palaeont. Soc, 59, 1905, (77- 88;. I Echiiiodermata. 114 1031 Fetitagonaster ohhisiis (Forbes ; Oreas- ter, 1848) ; P. robustus n. sp. U.K. Spencer, W. K. I.e. (73-74). Tetragyarnma variolare Agassiz. Favre, I. Charikov, Trd. Obsc. ispyt. prir., 38, 2, 1903, (99-100). 1031.85 LOWER CAENOZOIC {EOCENE, OLIGOCENE). Fibidaria voeltzliou-i n. sp. Mada- gascar. Tomquist, A. Frankfurt a. M., Abh. Senckenb. Ges., 27, 1904,(328- 329, Taf. xlvi). Fihulhui n. gen., F. gracilis n. sp. iladaeascar. Tomquist, A. I.e. (327- 328, Taf. xlvi). Sehizaster hoica n. sp. iladagascar. Tomquist, A. I.e. (329-331, Taf. xlvi). 1031.90 UPPER CAENOZOIC {MIOCENE, PLIOCENE). t'^phaeraster molassieus n. sp. Suabia. Schiitze, E. Stuttgart, Jahreshefte Ver. Natli., 60, 1904, (155). Stin'chi)iu.'^ sucvicus n. sp. Suabia. ScMtze, E. I.e. (169). 1831 VERMES. 1831.38 FOSSILS OF DOUBT- FUL STRATIGRAPIII- CAL POSITION. Torlessia n. gen., T. wackayi n. s]i. X.Zealand. Bather, F. A. (leol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (537). 1831.55 UPPER PALAEOZOIC. Spirorhis puaiUus du terrain lioiiillor de Bniay ; fonnation dii tube des spirorbes ct leur adaptation m cau douce a I'epoque houillere. Malaquin, A. Lille, Ann. soc. geol., 33, 1904, (03- 75, av. pi.). 1831.70 JURASSIC. Gener.al. Dacqu^, Edgar. Beitriige zur Geo- logie des Somalilandes. II. Tlieil. Oborer Jiiia. Wien, Beitr. Cleol. Pal. OstUng., 17, 1905,(1 19-159, mit 5 Taf.). Special. Serpula. Somaliland. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. 1905, (12.5-126). Mahren. Briinn, Zs. Miihr. LdMus. 154, mit 1 Taf.). Dacque, E. OstUng., 17, Rzehak, A. 4, 1904, (89- 1831.75 CRETACEOUS. Serpula gordialis, ScUoth. Favre, I. Chaiikov, Trd. Obsc. ispyt. prir., 38, 2, 1903, (91-173, av. 4 pis., 102-103). 1831.90 UPPER CAENOZOIC (MIOCENE, PLIOCENE). Spirorhia. Galizien. Friedberg.W.S. v. Wien, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 114, 1905, Abth. I, (275-327, mit 1 Taf.). 2031 BRACHIOPODA AND BRYOZOA. BRACHIOPODA. StropheodonUi argciitiiia n. sp. Ar- gentinien. Thomas, I. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 57, 1905, Aufsatze, (201, pi. XIII). 2031.35 GENERAL, INCLUD- ING STRATA OF UNKNOWN AGE. I)idijmosi)ira (Anisactinella) nn. spp. Predazzo. Philipp, H. Berlin, Zs. D- geol. Ges., 56, 1904, Aufsatze, (75-78, Taf. IV). RIninehonella nn. spp. Predazzo. Philipp, H. Z.c. (80-85, Taf. Y). Spirigcra uissmianii var. anguliita n. var. Predazzo. Philipp, H. I.e. (79, Taf. V). 2031.50 LOWER PALAEOZOIC. d ENERAL. Walcott, tJ. D. Cambrian Brachio- l)oda with desoi-iptions of new genera and species. Washington, D.C., Smitli- ponian Inst., Nation Mus. Pr(>c., 28, 1905,(1 I + 227-337). Brachiopoda. 115 2031 Special. Acrofhcle mi. spp. China. Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 28, 1905, (303-304). mattheiri var. ert/x n. var. China. Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. I.e. 29, 1905, (11). Acrothijra minor n. sp. Idaho. Cam- brian. Walcott, C. D. I.e. 28, 1905, (303). Acrotreta nn. sjjp. China and United States. Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. I.e. (299-304). nn. spp. Wiman, C. Up- sala, Bull. Geol. Inst., 6, 190:?-03, [1905], (54-55, with pi.). BiUingseJla nn. spp. Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 28, 1905, (230-215). Camarella inornata n. sj). Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (157-158, pi. X, figs. 8-10). tornquisti n. sp. Wiman, C. Upsala, Bull. Geol. Inst., 5, 2, 1901, [1902], (175, with pi.). Caiisea n. gen., 0. formosa n. sp. Wimaa, C. /.<•. 6, 1902-03, [1905], (53- 54, with pi.). Centronella ? nn. spp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (311-312, 261- 262, pis. XXIV-XXVII, figs. 1-10). Crania turnbulU. n. sp. U.K. Reed, F. R. C. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (447). Curticia n. gen., type C. degantula n. sp. Minnesota. Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 28, 1905, (319-320). Cyrtina magnaplicata n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (238, pi. XXI, figs. 46-49). Dalmanella ■postelegantula u. sp. Weller, S. I.e. (232, pi. XX, figs. 25- 26). ^ Dicellomus nn. spp. China and southern United States. Cambrian. (k 1 1720) Walcott, C. D. Washington, D.C., Smith- sonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 28, 1905, (314-318). ElJ;ani.(i hrllidn n. sp. Nevada. Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. I.e. (323). EostroplionieiKi n. subgen. (of Stropliomcna), type. Sweden. Cam- brian. Walcott, C. D. I.e. 256. Finl-elnhnrgia n. subgen. (of Ort]iif<), type, F. fnihehiburgi. Wisconsin and Minnesota. Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. I.e. (277-278). Ilyattella? lamellosa n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv. Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (258, pi. XLVIII, figs. 7-12). Iphidella n. gen., Iphidella Uibra- doriea var. oricnlalis n. var., var. iitah- ensis n. var., I. major, I. nisus, I. panula var. maladensis n. var., var. orphirensis n. var. nn. spp. Canada, China and United States. Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 28, 1905, (304- 306). Jamesdla n. subgen. (of Nisusia), type Ortliis per pasta (Pompeckj). Cam- brian. Walcott, C. D. I.e. (252). Kutorgina nn. spp. Nevada and Sardinia. Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. I.e. (310-311). Lingida hottnica n. sp. Wiman, C. Upsala, Bull. Geol. Inst., 6, 1902-03, [1905], (51, with pi.). yarraensis nom. mut. for L. hitior Chapman non M'Coy. Chap- man, F. Melbourne, Proc R. Soc. Vict., (N. Ser.), 18, 1905, (19). Loperia n. subgen. (of Protortliis, type P. (L.) dougaldensis n. sp. Nova Scotia. Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 28, 1905, (287). Nisusia n. gen., type OrtMs festinata Billings, 'N. amii, N. argenta, N. ereeta, N. utahetisis nn. spp. Canada and Western United States. Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. I.e. (247-256). OboleUa aiiiatica n. sp. China. Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. I.e. (297). Oholus nn. spp. Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. I.e. (324-337). I 2 Brachiopoda. J16 2031 Orthis nu. spp. Wisconsin and Minnesota. Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. I.e. (278-280). neu-tonensis n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (113, pi. I, figs. 3-5). jwrcata, McCoy var. sla- densis n. var. U.K. Reed, F. R. C. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (448). Orlhothetes deeherens'is n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (229-230, pi. XX, figs. 6-7). Ornsia n. gen. (of Orthis), type Orthis loit'icidaris Wahlenberg. Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. Wasliington, D.C. Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus., Proc, 28, 1905, (273). Otusia n. subgen. (of BUlimjsella), tj'pe Orthis sandhergi N. H. Winchell. Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. I.e. (24(3). Pentamerus circularis n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (233, pi. XX, figs. 17-19). Plectambonites fiai)iUosa n. sp. U.K. Reed, F. R. C. Geol. Mag., London, r.Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (451) Plectorthis nn. spp. Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. Washington, D.C, Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus., Proc, 28, 1905, (261-272). Polytoechia ? montavensis n. sp. Montana. Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. I.e. (295-296). Protorfhi.i nn. spp. Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. I.e. (282-288). Qucbccia n. gen. type OhnlcUa circe Billings. Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. I.e. (320-321). Rhipidomella prcoJihita n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (232-233, pi. X, figs. 25-26). Iihy)iehoneUa nn. sjip. Weller, S. I.e. (234-235, pi. XXI, figs. 1-4, 5-11). Ruatella n. gen., type 7?. cdsmii n. sp. Vermont. Canihriaii. Walcott, (". 1). Wasliington, D.C, Smithsonian Inst,, Nation. Mus., Proc, 28, 1905, (311-312). Schiiehertina n. gen., type >S. camhria n. sp. Montana. Cambrian. Walcott, C D. I.e. (323-324). Shenidium ? nodocostatiim n. sp. Rowley, R. R. Amer. Geol., Miu- neaiiolis, Minn., 34, 1904, ([269]-282, with 1 pi.). Spirifrr laevieosta M'Coy = S. yas- sensis de Kon. ; S. hoicitti n. sp. Chapman, F. Melbourne, Proc. R. Soc. Vict., (N. Ser.), 18, 1905, (16-18). vanuxemi Hall var. minor n. var. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (238, pi. XXI, figs. 41-42). Slrophomena (Eostrophomena) elegan- tula n. sp. Sweden. Cambrian. Walcott, C D. Washington, D.C, Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 27. 1905, (256-257). mediocostalis n. sp. U.K. Reed, F. R. C Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (449). Sicantonia n. gen., type Camarella antiqiia Billings, S. weehsi n. sp. Nevada. Cambrian. Walcott, C D. Washington, D.C, Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 28, 1905, (296-297). Syntrophia nn. spp. China and United States. Cambrian. Walcott, C D. I.e. (289-295). orthia n. sp. China. Cambrian. Walcott, C D. I.e. 29, 1905, (11). Trematis midtistriala n. sp. U.K. Reed, F. R. C'. (5eol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (446). Wilsonia globosi n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (235, pi. XXI, figs. 12-12). Zygospira hiehsi n. sp. U.K. Reed, F. R. C Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (452). 2031.55 UPPER PALAEOZOIC. General. Karczewski, S. Sur la faune des ooiiciies au dessous du " Redeii " (= Nnmurien sup.) du bassin houillier (le ]\iljrowa Gornicza. (Polish) Pain, fizyogr., Warszawa, 18, 1904, (Partie II, 95-102, av. 1 tubl.). Brachiopoda. 11^ 2031 Noetling, F. Untersiichimgen iiber die Farailie Lijttoniidae Waag. emend. Noetling. Palaeoutographica, Stuttgart, 51, 1905, (129-156, mit 4 Taf.). Ueber den Bau vind die Organisation der Lyitoniidae Waagen. Verb. D. zool. Ges., Leipzig, 14, 190-i, (103-122). Special. Amhoeoelia carbonaria n. sp. U.K. Hind, W. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 61, 1905, (531) Athyris eoncentrica. Tokarenko, L. Kazani, Trd. Obsc. jest., 37, 2, 1903, (12). Centronella? suhrlwmholdea n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, X.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (311-312, 261-262, pis. XXIV-XXXVII, figs. 1-10). Cranaena subelliptica var. havdinyen- sis n. var. Colorado. Girty, G. H. Washington, D.C., Dept. Int., U. S. Geol. Siirv., Prof. Paprs., No. 16, 1903, (546 + iii, with pi.). 28.5 cm. Oypidida angidata n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (280-281, pi. XXXIII, figs. 13-21). Marginifera nn. spp. Colorado. Girty, G. H. Washington, D.C., Dept. Int., a. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paprs., 16, 1903, (546 + iii, with pi.). Metaplasia plicata n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (SOG, pi. XLVIII, figs. 7-12;. Orthis striatida. Tokarenko, L. Kazani, Trd. Ob^c. iest., 37, 2, 1903, (8). Orthotichia schuchertensis n. sp. Colorado. Girty, G. H. Washington, D.C., Dept. Int., U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paprs., No. 16, 1903, (546 + iii, with pL). 28.5 cm. Productus anthrax n. sp. Vaughan, A. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 61, 1905, (531). murcMsonianus, V. suhacu- leatus, P. prodiictoides. Tokarenko, L. Kazan!, Trd. ObSc. jest., 37, 2, 1903, (8-9). aemirctieulatns var. hermo- inus n. var. Colorado. Girty, G. H. Washington, D.C., Dept. Int., U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paprs., No. 16, 1903, (546 + iii, withjal.). 28.5 cm. Ptychospira sexplicata, distribution and synonymy. Greger, I). K. Amer. Geol, Miune'apolis, Minn., 33, 1904, (15-17). Reussi'lacria suhglobosus n. sp. Waller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (329, pi. XLII,figs. 11-18). Bliynchonella. Tokarenko, L. KazanT, Trd. 0bg(j. jest., 37,2, 1903, (12-15). Rhyncliopora heecheri n. sp. Greger, D. K. Amer. Geol., Minneapolis, Minn., 33, 1904, (297-301, with text lig-). Rhynchotreta transversa n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Siirv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (286, pi. XXXI, figs. 12-14). Schizophoria hisinnata n. sp. Weller, S. I.e. (278-279, pi. XXXI, figs. 12- 14). Spirifcr. Tokarenko, L. Kazani, Trd. Obi5r. jest., 37, 2, 1903, (9-12). mosquensis, angeblicher Fund bei Krakau. Giiricli, G. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, brieil. Mitt., (16-17). vearpassin.sTp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (330, pi. XLII, figs. 9-22). 2031.65 TRIASSIC. Crania tetrica n. sp. Baren-Insel. Bohm, J. Stockholm, Vet.-Ak. Handl., 37, No 3, 1904, (11, with pi.). Diseina barentsi n. sp. Biiren-Insel. Bohm, J. i.e. (10, with pi. ). loesclimanni n. sp. Asia. Noetling, F. Lethaea geognostica, Tl 2, Bd 1, Lfg 2. (107-221). Relzia arctica n. sp. Baren-Insel. Bohm, J. Stockholm, Vet.-Ak. Handl., 37, No. 3, 1004, (14, with pi.). Spiriferina nn. spp. Baren-Insel. Bohm, J. I.e. (11-14, with pi.). Terebratida teres n. sp. Baren-Insel. Bohm, J. I.e. (15, with pL). Brachiopoda. 118 2031 2031.70 JURASSIC. General. Rau, K. Die Brachiopoden des mittleren Lias .Schwabens mit Aus- schluss der Spiriferiuen. Geo!, ii. palaeont. Abb., Jena, X.F., 6, H. 5, 1905, (95, mit 4 Taf.). Special. Berenicea sovialica n. sp. Somali- land. Dacque, E. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 17, 1905, (125, Taf. XYII, fig. 6). Cadomella quenstedti n. sp. Rau, K. Geol. u. palaeont. Abb., Jena, X.F., 6, H. 5, 1905, (7-9, Taf. Ij. Eudesia zitteli n. sp. Asia Minor. Krumbeck, L. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstUng., 18, 1905, (90-91, Taf. 11). Khigena nn. spp. Asia Minor. Krumbeck, L. I.e. (91-95, Taf. II). lilnjnclionella nn. spp. Somaliland. Dacque, E. ?.e. 17, 1905, (126-129, Taf. XIV. nn. spp. Rau, K. Geol. 11. palaeont. Abb., Jena, X.F., 6, H. 5, 1905, (.36-16, Taf. II). nn. spp. U. K. Upton, C. Gloucester, Proc. Cotteswold Xat. F. CL, 15, 1905, (83-84). ilabren. Rzehak, A. Brimn, Zs. Miihr. LdMus., 4, 1904, (89- 154, mit 1 Taf.). drusorum n. sp. Asia Minor. Krumbeck, L. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OrttL'nr.., 18, 1905, (75, Taf. I). hrammi n. form. Deutscb- Lotbriugen mid Luxemburg. Benecke, E. W. Abb. geol. Spezialkarte Els- Lothr., Strassburg, (N.F.), H. 6, 1905, (87). Spiriferhui. Mabren. Rzehak, A. Briiiin. Zs. Miibr. LdMus., 4, 1904, (89- 154, mit 1 Taf.). Terehratula. Somaliland. Dacqud, E. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. (Jstlng., 17. 1905, (129-130, Taf. XIV). nn. spp. Asia !Minor. Knunbeck, L. I.e. 18, 1905, (77-87, Taf. MJ). {Ovthotoma) nn. spp. Rau, K. Geol. u. pabieont. Abb., Jena, N.F., 6, H. 5, 1905, (56-59, Taf. Ill), Terehratula. Mabren. Rzehak, A. Briinn, Zs. ifabr. LdMus., 4, 1904, (Sll- 154, mit 1 Taf.). nn. spp. U. K. Upton, C. Gloucester, Proc. Cotteswold Xat. F. CL, 15, 1905, C86-88). Vetters, A. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstUns., 17, 1905, (253- 255). Terehratul'ina suhstriata. Asia Minor. Krumbeck, L. I.e. 18, 1905, (88-90, Taf. llj. Thecidea parva n. sp. Rau, K. Geol. u. palaeont. Abb., Jena, X.l"., 6, H. 5, 1905, (9-12, Taf. I). Waldlteimia. Mabren. Rzebak, A. Briinn, Zs. Malir. LdMus., 4, 1904, '89- 154, mit 1 Taf.). cojiocolUs n. sp. Rau, K. Geol. u palaeont. Abb., Jena, X.F., 6, H. 5, 1905, (64-66, Taf. IV). schlosseri n. sp. Somali- land. Dacque, E. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OestUng., 17, 1905,(131, Taf. XIV). 2031.75 CRETACEOUS. L'lngida sidioixdis Davidson. Favre, 1. Cbarikov, Trd. ObSc. ispyt. prir., 38, 2, 1903, (104). Magan putnilus Sow. Favre, I. I.e. (108). Terehratella sp. Favre, I. I.e. ('107- 108). Terehratula. Favre, I. I.e. (104- 107). 2031.80 CAEXOZOIC. Terehratella oaviamt'ica n. sp. Xeu- Seeland. Boehm, G. Berlin, Z.s. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, briefl. Mitt., (149, Taf. xv). Terehratida oamarut'tca n. sp. Xeu- Seeland. Boehm, (r. I.e. (149, Taf. xv). Terehratulina oamarutiea u. sp. Neu-Seeland. Boehm, G. I.e. (146- 150, mit 1 Taf.) (148-149, Taf. xv.). Biyozoa. 2031.90 UPPER CAENOZOW (MIOCENE, PLIOCENE). General. Hutton, F. W. Revision of the Teitiary Brachiopoda of New Zealand. Welling- ton, N. Zeal. Inst., 37, 1905, (474-481, with pis.). Special. Bouehardia rhizoida n. sp. N, Zea- land. Hutton, F. W. Wellington, Trans. X. Zeal. Inst, 37, 1905, (480, pi. XLVI, fig. 7). Macjellania pavki n. sp. New Zealand. Hutton, F. W. I.e. (47G, pi. XLV, fig. 4). Terehratella nn. sp. N. Zealand. Hutton, F. W. I.e. (479, pi. XLVI, fig. 3). BRYOZOA. 2031.35 GENERAL, INCLUDING STRATA OF UNKNOWN AGE. Amalgamata n. division (of Treposto- mata). Ulrich, E. 0. and Bassler, R. S. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., :\Iisc. Collect. Q., 47, 1904, (15-55, with pi.). Integrata n. division (of Treposto- niata). Ulricli, E. 0. and Bassler, R. S. J.c. (1.5-55, with pL). 2031.45 PALAEOZOIC. General. Ulrich, E. 0. and Bassler, R. S. A revision of the Paleozoic Brj'ozoa. Part 2 . . . Trepostomata. Washing- ton, D.C., Smithsonian Inst.. Misc. Coll. Q., 47, 1904, (15-55, with pL). Special. Allonema n. gen., A. hotelloides, A. minimum, A. suhfusiforme, A. icaldro- nense nn. spp. ; A. moniliforme var. aggi-egatum n. var. America. Ulrich, E. 0. and Bassler, R. S. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collect. Q., 45, 1904, (281-284). Ascodictyon nn. spp. Ulricli, E. 0. and Bassler, R. S. I.e. (288-289). 119 2031 Jletcvonema n. gen., //. cdpilluiv, H. V contextum, H. carhonarhuii nn. spp. America. UMch, E. 0. and Bassler, R. S. I.e. (278-279). Pti/choeladia n. gen., P. agellus n. sp. America. Ulricli, E. 0. and Bassler, R. S. I.e. (290). Rhopalonaria nn. spp. Ulrich, E. 0. and Bassler, R. S. I.e. (268-272). Vinella muUiradiatau. sp. {Viuellidae n. fam.). Ulrich, E. 0. and Bassler, R. S. I.e. (273-276). 2031.50 LOWER PALAEOZOIC. Amplexopora nn. spp. Ulrich, E. 0. and Bassler, R. S. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collect. Q., 47, 1904, (41-43). Anaphragma n. gen., A. mirahUe n. sp. Ulrich, E. 0. and Bassler, R. S. I.e. (49). Ataetopora aiigidaris n. sp. Ulrich, E. 0. and Bassler, R. S. I.e. (32). Calloporina n. gen., C. parva n. s-p. Ulrich, E. 0. and Bassler, R. S. I.e. (48). Constellarta teres n. sp., C. floridn var. emaeiata n. var. Silurian. Ulrich, E. 0. and Bassler, R. S. I.e. (37). Crisinella oedensis n. sp. Wiman, C. Upsala, Bull. Geol. Inst., 5, 2, 1901, [1902J, (181, withpl.). Cyphotrypa n. gen. (type Leptotrypa aeervulosa), C. franhfortensis, C. icil- muigtouensis nn. spp. Ulrich, E. 0. and Bassler, R. S. Washington, D.C., Smith- sonian Inst., Misc. Collect. Q., 47, 1904, (30-31). Dehayella foliaeea n. sp. Ulrich, E. 0. and Bassler, R. S. Le.(28). Eseliaropora siluriana n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N..I., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (225, pis. XVIII, XIX, figs. 6-9). Glaueonome plumula n. sp. Wiman, C. Upsala, Bull. Geol. Inst., 5, 2, 1901, [1902], (181, withpl.). Ileterotrypa parvidipora n. sp. Ul- rich, E. 0. and Bassler, R. S. Wash- ington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Misc. CoUect. Q., 47, 1904, (26). Homotrypella nodosa n. sp. Ulrich, E. 0. and Bassler, R. S. I.e. (21). Bryozoa. 120 Mrfidtri/pn nii. spp. Ulrich, E. O. and Bassler, R. S. h: (22-23). Monotrijpa na. spp. Weller, S. New Jersey Gaol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (142, 223, pi. VIII, XVIII, and figs.). Mont'iculipora cp'xlcrmata n. sp. Ulrich, E. 0. nnd Bassler, R. vS. Washington, D.C"., Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collect. Q., 47, 1904, (17). OrhignijeUa n.gen., 0. ^nhlavicllosa n. sp. uiribli, E. 0. and Bassler, R. S. I.e. (10). Petigoporn ofula n. sp. Ulrich, E. 0. and Bassler,"R. S. I.e. (32). Prasopora patera u. sp. Ulrich, E. 0. and Bassler, R. S. ? c. (20). Ptilodietya frondosa n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (224, 272, pis. XIX, XXVI, figs. 1-6). Wihiidictya? horhholm'iensis n. sp. Wiman, C Upsala, Bull. Geol. Inst., 5, 2, 1901, [1902], (180, with pi.). Wiomholrypa n. gen., (type Mouotrij- pella quadrata (Rominger). Ulrich, E. 0. and Bassler, R. S. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collect. Q., 47, 1904, (44). Stigmatella n. gen., S. crenulafa, S. spinosa, S. personala, S. inter porosa, S. vana, S. n'lehlcm nn. spp. Ulrich, E. 0. and Bassler, R. S. I.e. (34-36). TJuimnifieu.^ oco.sh.s n. sp. Wiman, C. Upsala, Bull. Geol. Inst., 5, 2, 1901, [1902], (181, with pL). 2031 Penn'irelepora puleherrima. Stucken- berg, A. St. Peterburg. Mem. Com. geolog., (N. Sei.), 14, 1904, (66). Polypora papillata. Stuckenberg, A. I.e. (65). Ptilodietya triangularis n. sp. Goth- land. Hennig, A. Ark. ZooL, Stock- holm, 2, No. 10, 1905, (20 -I- 22, with pl.). VineuJaria spp. Stuckenberg, A. St. Peterburg, Mem. C'om. geolog , fN. Ser.), 14, 1904, f66-68). 2031.70 JUFASSIC. Stonuitopora nn. spjj. Lang, W. D. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (265-266). 2031.75 CRETACEOUS. Ceriupora serpens Eichw. Favre, I. Chartkov, Trd. ObSc. ispyt. prir., 38, 2, 1903, (103-104). Tietieulipora Ugeriensis Favre, T. I.e. (103). D'Orl) 2031.85 LOWER CAENOZOIC (EOCENE, OLIGOOENE). Burrows, Henry W. Note on a Bryo- zoan attached to Ncptunca found in one of the Mekran nodules. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (303-305, with fig.). 2031.55 UPPER PALAEOZOIC. Fenestella spp. Stuckenberg, A. St. Peterburg, Mem. Com. grulog., (N. Ser.), 14, 1904, (63-65). sp. Tokarenko, L. Kazani, Trd. ObSc. jest., 37, 2, 1903, (7-8). Lioelema monroei n. sp. Silurian. Ulrich, E. O. and Bassler, R. S. Wash- ington, D.(!., Sinithsouian Inst., Misc. Collect. Q.,47, 1904, (3!)). I'aeliydietya nn. spp. Gothland. Hennig, A. Ark. Zool., Stockliolm, 2, No. 10, 190.'), (25-35, with ])1.). 2231 MOLLUSCA. Bather, V. A. The Mount Torlesse Annelid. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (532-541, with figs.). Clessin, S. Die Conchylien des lijss des mittleren Donautales. Eranki'urt a. M., NachrBl. D. malakozool. G(>s., 37, 1905,(89-91). Jensen, A. S. On the MoUusca of ICast-Greenland. I. Lamcllibrauchiata. With an inlroduction on Greenland's fossil Mi)iliisk-l''auiia I'roni the (piati'fiuuy age. Kj()bcnhavn, Medd. Cironl., 29, [1905], (289-362). Cephalopoda. KaxczewsM, S. Sur la faune des couches au dessous du " Reden" (= Na- murien sujj.) du liassin houilHer de D^browa Gornicza. (Polish) Pam. fizyogr., Warszawa, 18, 1904, (Partie II, 95-102, av. 1 tabl.). Renz, C. Ueber die mesozoische Forniationsgruppe der siidwestlichen Balkanhalbinsel. N. Jahrb. Min., Stutt- gart, Beilagebd, 21, 1905, (213-301, mit 4 Taf.). CEPHALOPODA. Cltonites nn. s]i\:). Baren-Insel. Bbhm, J. Stockholm, Vet.-Ak., HantU., 37, No. 3, 1903, (54-56, with pi.). Dausonites n. gen. for Tracliyceras canadetise Whiteaves. Baren-Inseln. Bolim, J. I.e. (56-59, with pi.). Nathorstites n. gen., N. globosus, N. I'mdstromi, N. mojsvari nn. spp. Baren-Inseln. Bohm, J. I.e. (64-67, with pi.). Fhylloeeras. Vetters, H. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 17, 1905, (239-240). 2231.35 GENERAL. Acanthoeeras pfeUi n. sp. Marokko. Walther, J. Jena, Mitt. geog. Ges., 21, 1903, (59-60). Ceratttes romhergl n. sp. Predazzo. Philipp, H. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, Aufsatze, (70-71, Taf. XIX). Indoceras halucliistanense, Entwick- lung der Lobenlinie. Noetling, F. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, 1905, 1, (1- 14, mit 1 Taf.). 2231.38 FOSSILS OF DOUBT- FUL STRATTGRAPIIICAL POSITION. Crick, G. C. Cephalopoda from North-West frontier of India. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (47). 2231.50 LOWER PALAEOZOIC. CyHoeeras camhria n. sp. China. Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian lust., Nation. Mus., Proc, 29, 1905, (22). 121 2231 VuUmrfhclla. Karpinskij, A. St. Peterburg, Bull. Ac. Sc, (Ser. 5), 18, 1903, (147-153). Karpinskij, A. St. Peter- burg, Verh. Russ. mineral. Ges., (Ser. 2), 41, 1903, (31-72). 2231.55 UPPER PALAEOZOIC. General. Crick, G. C. On some fossil Cepha- lopoda from North Cornwall, collected by Mr. Howard Fox. Geol. Mag., (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (154-160, pi. with figs.). Speoiai.. Aganides sp. Tokarenko, L. Kazaui, Trd. Ob§c. jest., 37, 2, 1903, (34). ApJiylJites Freeh n. sp. Russland. Tokarenko, L. ?.c. (33). Belemnites. Smy6ka, F. Prostejov, V&tn. Kl. Pfir., 5, 1903, (77-79); deutsches Res., (79-80). Clymenia shLcltenhergl s. sp. Russ- land. Tokarenko, L. KazanT, Trd. Ob§c. jest., 37, 2, 1903, (31-32). CyHoeeras (Meloceras) apieale. Derby- shire. Crick, G. C. Geol. Mag., Lon- don, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (62-65, with figs.). Entogonites n. nom. Kittl, E. Wien, Verh. Geol. RchsAust., 1904, (322). Gcphyroeeras domanieense. Toka- renko, L. I.e. (35). Glyphioeeras (Beyriehoeeras) divari- catum n. sp. Hind, W. Dublin, Proc. R. Irish Acad., 25 B, 1905, (114). Gomphoceras. Tokarenko, L. Kazani, Trd. ObSc. jest., 37, 2, 1903, (28). Goniatites {Mantieoeeras intumeseens). Tokarenko, L. I.e. (32-33). Orthoeeras. Tokarenko, L. I.e. (27- 28). aeittum n. sp. Hind, W. Dublin, Proc. R. Irish Acad., 25, B, 1905, (112). Pleuronavtilus eostatus n. sp. U.K. Hind, W. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 61, 1905, (540). puleher, type specimen. Crick, G. C. London, Proc. Malac. Soc, 6, 1905, (272). Cephalopoda. 122 2231 Prolohites delphinns. Tokarenko, L. Kazaui, Trd. Ob§e. jest., 37, i', 1903, (34). Sporadoceras muensteri var. hruchy- loba Freeh, var. uralensis u. var. Tokarenko, L. I.e. (35-36). ToDioccras planidorsatum . Toka- renko, L. I.e. (33). 2231.60 MESOZOIC. Bochianites nn. spp. Niederlaudisch- Indieu. Boehm, G. Palaeontographica, Stiitt£^art, 1901, Snppl. IV, Lfg 1, (20- 28, Taf. II). midoceras nn. varr. Balkanlialb- insel. Benz, C. N. Jalirb. Slin., Stuttgart, Beilageljd, 21, 1905, (213- 301). Himalayites nn. spp. Niederliindiscli- Indien. Boelini, G. Palaeoutograijliica, Stuttgart, 1904, Suppl. IV, Lfg 1, (39- 42, Taf. VII). Iloplites nn. spp. Niederlaudiscli- Indien. Boehm, Vr. I.e. (34-38, Taf. Ill, V-VI). Strehlitcs nouliHr/.'^l n. sp. Nieder- landisch-Indien. Boehm, G. I.e. (29- 30, Taf. II and III). Tmesoceras sutner'i var. epirot'ica n. var. Balkanhalhinsel. Benz, C. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, Beilagebd, 21, 1905, (213-301). 2231.65 TRIASSIC. Dinrsonites n. gen. Arktische Trias. Bohm, J. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, J 90 1, hriefl. Mitt, (96-97). Natliorstiles n. gen. Arktisciie I'rias. Bbhm, .1. I.e. (90-97). I'learonaiitUus kokenl n. sp. Asia. Noetling, V. Lelhaea geognostica, Tl 2, Bd 1, Lfg 2, (107-221). Ptteudosagecema viidt'iIohaLnm, Ban der Lobenlinie. Noetling, I"'. Palaeon- tographica, Stuttgart, 51, 1905, (155- 260). 2231.70 JURASSIC. Gknkhal. Valette, A. Les annnonitcs du de- pait(^'inent de rYonne. Auxerre, Bui. soc. sci. hist, nat., 2" partie, Sci. phys. nat., 57, 1903, [1904], (39-100, av. fig.). Special. Alocolytoeeras dilucidum (Oppel. Ammonites), A. (jer7naini (d'Orb. — Am- monites), A. taeniatiim (Pompeckj — Lijtoeeras), A. pompeeJiji u. nom. BuckmaDn, S. S. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 61, 1905, (145-146). Arnaltheus. Miihren. Rzehak, A. Briinn, Zs. Mahr. LdMus., 4, 1904, (89- 154, mit 1 Taf.). Aptyehus. Vetters, H. Wieu, Beiti-. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 17, 1905, (242-244). A^pidoceras nn. spp. Somaliland. Dacque, E. I.e. (149-153, TaL XVI- XVllI). Asia Minor. Krumtoeck, L. I.e. 18, 1905, (138). Belemnites. Mahren. Rzehak, A. Briinn, Zs. Miihr. LdMus., 4, 1904, (89- 154, mit 1 Taf.). nn. spp. Vetters, H. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstUug., 17, 1905, (244-247). rediviviis n. sp. U.K. Blake, J. F. London, Monogr. Palaeont. Soc, 59, 1905, (59). i'ndocems breve n. sp. U.K. Blake, J. F. I.e. (48). Ccdidloeeras psammium n. sp. U.K. Buckman, S. S. I.e. (clxxi). Clydoniceras n. gen., C. discus (Sow., — Ammonites, 1813) ; C. Iwelistetlerl (0pp. — Ammonites, 1858) ; C. ptycho- pliorum (Neura., — Harpoeeras, 1871) ; C legayi (Rig. and Sauv., — Ammonites, 1807). ' Blake, J. F. I.e. (53-57). iJumorlieria hleicheri, D. nleklcsi lui. nomm. = Harpoeeras auhundidatum Branco ; ZX kochi n. nom. = D. snhundu- lata Haug. ; D. hrancoi n. nom. — Harpoeeras aff. radians Peinecke. Dcutstli-Lothringen und Luxend)urg. Benecke, E. \V. Abh. geol. Spezial- karte Els.-Lothr., Strassbnrg, (N.F.), II. 6, 1905, (354-358, 368). im. spp. U.K. ; 7). faleo- jila (Quenst., — Ammonites, 1885); D. inunievi (Haug, — Harpoeeras, 1884) ; f). externieostata (Branco, — Harpoeeras suhundidatnm var. 1879); T). moorei Cephalopoda. 123 (Lye, Aimnonites, 1857). Buckman, S. S. Loudon, Mouogr., Palneoiit. Soc, 59, 1905, (clxxii -cli-xxv). Fontan7iesia nu. spp U.K. Buckman, S. S. I.e. (clxxxix-cxci). Hammatoceras lothanngicum u. uom. = Aininonites aff. sieholdi OjipeL Benecke, E. W. Abh. geol. Spezial- karte Els.-Lotlir., Strassburo-, (N.F.), H. 6, 1905, (335). Ilurpoccras im. formm. Deutscli- Lothringen uiid Luxeinburo-. Benecke, E. W. ^l.c. (374-375). nn. spp. Deutschland, Wunstorf, W. Berlin, Jahrb. geol. Landesanst., 25, (1904), 1905, (488-525, mit 4 Taf.J. Kochites iirmbsensis Herb. typ. K. U. Herb. mut. aulonata Herb., K. staffi n. sp. Prinz, G. Foldt. KozL, Buda- pest, 35, 1905, (16-20, 50-54). Lytoceras. Vetters, H. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 17, 1905, (240-241). MacrocephaJifes maerocephalus (Schloth., — Aminonites, 1813) ; M. e.orn- 2JressMS (Quenst., — Ammo7iites, 1849) ; M. lierveyi (Sow., — Ammonites, 1818); 2 nn. spp. U.K. Blake, J. F. London, Mouogr. Palaeont. Soc, 59, 1905, (42- 47). Megalytoceras n. gen., .17. coiifnsunt (S. Buckm. — Lytoceras). Buckman, S. S. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 61, 1905, (150). Nannolytoceras n. geu., N. pygmaeus (d'Orb. — Ammonites). Buckman, S. S. I.e. ^151). Nautilus. Mabren. Rzehak, A. Briinn, Zs. Mahr. LdMus., 4, 1904, (89- 154, mit 1 Taf.). un. spp. Somalilaud. Dacque, E. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstUng., 17, 1905, (144-145, Taf. XVI, XVII). tureicus n. sp. Asia Minor. Krumbeck, L. I.e. 18, 1905, (137, Taf. Vll). Oecotraustes nn. sjap. U.K. Buck- man, S. S. London, Monogr. Palaeont. Soc, 59, 1905, (cxciv-cxcv). Onychoceras n. gen., 0. d/ffercns n. sp. Deutschland. Wimstorf, W. Berlin, Jahi-b. geol. Landesanst., 25, (1904), 1905, (488-525). 2231 Oppdid. Vetters, H. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol., OstUno-., 17, 1905, (241- 242). Oxyiioliceras compressum n. sp. Deutseh- Lothringen und Luxemburg. Benecke, E. W. Abh. geoL Spezial- kaite Els.-Lotlir., Strassburg, (N.F.), H. 6, 1905, (324). Pachylytoeeras n. gen., P. tnrulosits (Zieien—Ammun'des). Buckman, S. S. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 61, 1905, (144). nn. spp. Buckman, S. S. I.e. (140-147). Fej'ispliiiictcs nn. spp. Somalilaud. Dacque, E. Wien, Boitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 17, 1905, (145-149, Taf. XV- XVII). • • flagellans n. sp. U. K. Blake J. F. Loudon, Monogr. Palaeont. Soc, 59, 1905, (51). reniformis u. sp. Vetters, H. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 17, 1905, (233-234, Taf. XXII). suhlalicriae (d'Orb. — Am- monites, 1850). Blake, J. F. London, Monogr. Palaeont. Soc, 59, 1905, (49). Pliylloceras salima n. sp. Asia Minor. Krumbeck, L. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstUng., 18, 1905, (137-138, Taf. VII). Pseudovirgatites n. subgen. (Peri- sphinetes). Vetters, H. J.c. 17, 1905, (227). Sonninia dundriensis u. sp. U. K. Buckman, S. S. London, Monogr. Palaeont. Soc, 59, 1905, (cxciii). Thysanoeeras nn. nomm. Buckman, S. S. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 61, 1905, (149). Tliysanolytoeeras u. gen., T. e)idci^ia- uus (d'Orb. — Ammonites). Buckman, S. S. I.e. (149). Tineioeeras circulare n. sp. U. K. Buckman, S S. London, Monogr. Palaeont. Soc, 59, 1905, (oLxx). 2231.75 CEETACEOUS. General. Valette, A. Les Ammonites du departement de I'Yonne. Auxerre, Bui. soc sci. hist, nat., 2" partie, Sci. pbys. nat., 57, 1903, [1904], (39-100, av. fig.). Cephalopoda. 124 2231 Special. Acanthoceras palnestinentse n. sp., A. n. sp. aff. neichold'i Kossm. var. spinosa. Jerusalem. Blanckenhom, M. Leipzig, Zs. D. Palastina Ver., 28, 1905, (75-120). Actinoeaviax pleuu.s in the Chalk of Yorkshire. Tliompson, C. Naturalist, London, 1905, (202-203). Amrnonites sp. Rikuzen. Yokoyama, M. Tokvo, J. Coll. Sci., 18, Art. G, 1904, (7, pi. II, fig. 10). Belemnitella. Favre, 1. Chartkov, Trd. Ob§c. ispyt. prir., 38, 2, 1903, (148-151, Taf. II). Belemn'ites sp. Favre, I. I.e. (151). sp. Rikuzen. Yokoyama, M. Tokyo, J. Coll. Sci., 18, Art. G, 1904. (8-10, pi. II, fig. 12). Belemnopsis spp. Rikuzen. Yoko- yama, M. I.e. (9, pi. II, figs. 1-6). Cr'ioeeras sp. Favre, I. Charikov, Trd ObSc. ispvt. prir., 38, 2, 1903, (14G, Taf. II). Richarz, S. Wien, JahrL. Geol. RchsAnst., 54, (1904), 1905, (347- 348). Desmoeeras from the Hokkaide. Yabe, H. Tokyo, J. CoU. Sci., 20, Art. 20, 1904, (35-41, pis. V-VI). Harpoceras ikianum n. sp. Rikuzen. Yokoyama, M. I.e. 18, Art. 6, 1904, (5-6, pi. I, fig. 5). Hmiericeras from the Hokkaido. Yabe, H. I.e. 20, Art. 2, 1904, (29-35, pi. VI). Tlelicoeeras hom the Hokkaido. Yabe, H. I.e. Art. 2, 1904, (9-12, pis. Ill and V). Heteroceras from the Hokkaido. Yabe, H. I.e. Art. 2, 1904, (12-20, pis. Ill, IV and VI). Tloleosttephanus. Richarz, S. Wien, Jahrh. Geol. RchsAnst., 54,(1904), 1905, (.345-346, Taf. I.N). Iloplitea. Richarz, S. I.e. (346-347, Taf. IX). Lytoeernn cf. liyiratum Schloth. Rikuzen. Yokoyama, M. Tokyo, J. Coll. Sci., 18, Art. G, 1904, (6-7, pi. H, %. 5). Nautilus. Favre, I. Charikov, Trd. Obsc. ispyt. prir., 38, 2, 1903, (144-145, Taf. IV). Xipponites n. gen., X. mirahilis n. sp. from the Hokkaido. Yabe, H. Tokvo, J. Coll. Sci., 20, Art. 2, 1904, (20-25, pis. IV and Vlj. Olcostephanoceras from the Hokkaido. Yabe, H. I.e. (28-29, pi. VI). Plaeenticeras ? nu. spp. New Mexico. Johnson, D. W. Sch. Mines Q., New York, N.Y., 24, 1903, (173-246, with pi.). PtyeJioceras. Favre, I. Charikov. Trd. Ob§c. ispvt. prir., 33, 2, 1903, (145-146). Scapli'ites cf. trinodosus. Favre, J. I.e. (147, Taf. II). Si'JiJocnhachla nn. spp. Palastina. Blanckenhom, M. Leipzig, Zs. D. Palastinaver., 28, 1905, (75-120). l-'ttli n. sp. Richarz, S. Wien, Jahib. Geol. RchsAnst., 54, (1904), 1905, (344-345, Taf. IX). Sc]tIntJie'n)iia jimboi n. sp. Rikuzen. Yokoyama, M. Tokyo, J. Coll. Sci., 18, Art. 6, 1904, (4-5, pi. I, fig. 5). Stantonoeeras a. gen., S. pseudoeo- atatum n. sp. New Mexico. Johnson, D. W. Sch. Mines Q., New York, N.Y., 24, 1903, (173-246, with pL). Tun-ilites Lam., from the Hokkaido. Yabe, H. Tokyo, J. CoU. Sci., 20, Art. 2, 1901, (1-9, pis. I-III). 2231.85 LOWER CAENOZOIC {EOCENE, OLIGOCENE). Stijmeoteittliis n. gen., S. orientalis n. sp. Arabia. Crick, G. C. London, Proc. Malac. Soc, 6, 1905, (274). GASTROPODA. Promathildla parta n. sp. Baren- Insel. Bohm, J. Stockholm, Vet.-Ak. Ilandl., 37, No. 3, 1903, (52, with pi.). Sisenna eomceutzi n. sp. Biiren- Insel. Bohm, J. I.e. (51, with pi.). T^udular'ia pertiea n. sp. Baren-Insel. Bohm, .1. I.e. 1903, (53, with pi.). WurlJien'ia bifiirea n. sp. Bjiren-Insel. BShm, J. I.e. (50-51, witli pi.). Gastropoda. 125 2231 2231.35 CEXERAL, INCLUDING STRATA OF UNKNOWN AGE. General. Dall, W. H. and Baxtscb, P. Synopsis of the genera, subgenera and sections of the family Pyravi idelUdae. Washington, D.C., Proc. Biol. Soc, 17. 1904, (1-16). An historical and systematic review of the frog-shells and tritons. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Misc. CoUect. Q., 47, 1904, (114-144). Separate. 25 cm. Gulick, Addison. The fossil land shells of Bermuda. Contribulions from the Bermuda Biological Station for Re- search, Xo. 2 ill Philadelphia, Pa., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 56, 1904,(400-425, with pi.). Special. Ashmunclla thoinpsoniana : pecosensis n. subsp. Cockerell, T. D. A. Nautilus, Philadelphia, Pa., 16, 1903, (105). Asmunda n. subgen. (of Turhon'dla type Chemnitzia tiirrita C. B. Ads.). Dall, W. H. and Bartsch, P. Washington, D.C., Proc. Biol. Soc, 17, 1904, (9)." Baldra n. subgen. (of Turhonilla type T. (Baldra) areheri). Dall, W. H. and Bartsch, P. I.e. (9j. Besla n. subgen. (of Odostomia type ChrysalJida convexa Cpr.). Dall, W. H. and Bartsch, P. I.e. (10). Callolongcliaeiis n. subgen. (of Pyra- midella type P. jamaieensis Dall). Dall, W. H. and Bartsch, P. I.e. (5). Caryeh'ium hermudense n. sjj. Ber- muda. Gulick, A. Philadeljahia, Pa., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 56, 1904, (406- 425, with pi.). Cossmannica n. sect, (of Pyramidella (Eidimella) type P. dandcstina Desh.). Dall, W. H. and Bartsch, P. Washington, D.C., Proc. Biol. Soc, 17, 1904, (6). Egila n. subgen. (of Odoatomia type ChrysaUida lacunata Cpr.). Dall, W. H. and Bartsch, P. I.e. (11). Euconulus tu7-hinahis n. sp. Bennuda. Gulick, A. Philadelphia, Pa., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 56, 1904, (406-425, with pi.). Evali7ia n. subgen. (of Odostomia type 0. (Eralina) americana. Dall, W. H. and Bartsch, P. Washington, D.C., Proc. Biol. Soc, 17, 1904, (12). Folinella n. subgen. (of Odostomia tvpe Amoura angidifcreiis De Fol.). Dall, W. H. and Bartsch, P. I.e. (10). Ilaldra n. subgen. (of Odostomia type C]iry.faUida photis Cpr.). Dall, W. II. and'Bartsch, P. I.e. (11). Heida n. subgen. (of Odostomia tyjDe Syrnola caloosaensis Dall). Dall, W. H. and Bartsch, P. I.e. (13). Tphiana n. subgen. (of Pyramidella type Syi'nola densistriata iiarrett). Dall, W. H. and Bartsch, P. I.e. (6). Ividia n. subgen. (of Odostomia type Parthenia arviata Cpr.). Dall, W. H. and Bartsch, P. I.e. (11). Lanedla n. subgen. (of Turhonilla type T. (Lancea) elo^igata Pse.). Dall, W. H. and Bartsch, P. I.e. (9). Liotina somaliensis n. sp. Newton, R. B. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 61, 1905, (168). Lysae.vie n. subgeu. (of Odostomia type ChrysaUida clausiliformis Cpr.). DaJl, W. H. and Bartsch, P. Washington, D.C., Proc. Biol. Soc, 17, 1904, (14). Milda n. subgen. (Pyramidella, type Obeliscus rentricosus Quoy). Dall, W. H. and Bartsch, P. I.e. (4). Odostomia (Odetta) eallipyrga n. nom. (= Odetta elecjans De Fol). Dall, W. H. and Bartsch, P. I.e. (12). Orinella. n. subgen. (of Pyramidella, tvpe Orina pinguieula A. Ads.). Dall, W. H. and Bartsch, P. I.e. (6). Palaeorbis. Reis, 0. M. Geogn. Jahreshefte, Miincheu, 16, (1903), 1905, (125-143). Platyceras elarkei n. sp. Argentinien. Thomas, I. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 57, 1905, Aufsjitze, (253, pi. XII). Poccilozonites nn. spp. Bermuda. Gulick, A. Philadelphia, Pa., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 56, 1904, (406-425, with pi.). Pyramidella nn. spp. Dall, W. H. and Bartsch, P. Washington, D.G., Proc. Biol. Soc, 17, 1904, (5, 14). Stomega n. nom. (sect. Odostomia type <). eonspieua Aid.). Dall, W. H. and Bartsch, P. Z.c. (13). Sulcorinella u. subgen. (of Pyrami- della, type P. (Suleorinella) dodona). , Dall, W. H. and Bartsch, P. I.e. (6). Gastropoda. 126 2231 Si/rnoVma n. subgen. (of Pyramidella, type Syrnola rubra Pse.). Dall, W. H. and Bartsch, P. I.e. (6). Tropacas n. subgen. (of Pijrnmidella, type P. snbulata A. Ads.). Dall, W. H. and Bartsch, P. I.e. (5). Turhonilla (Balclra) arclierl n. sp. DaU, W. H. and Bartsch, P. I.e. (15). Ulfa u. subgen. (of Pyramidella, type P. (Ulfa) cossmanni). Dall, W. H. and Bartsch, P. I.e. (5). Vagna n. subgen. (of Pijmviidella, type P. -paumoten-sis Tryon). Dall, W. H. and Bartsch, P. I.e. (5). Vertigo nu.Rpp. Bermuda. Gulick, A. Philadelphia, Pa., Pioc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 56, 1904, (406-425, with pi.). Vilia n. subgen. (of Odostomia, type (>. (Vilia) pilshi-yi). DaU, W. H. and Bartsch, P. AVashingtoii, D.C., Proc. Biol. Soc, 17, 1904, (10). Visma n. subgen. (of Ttirhonilla, tN-pe EuUmeUa tenuis Shy.). DaU, W. " H. and Bartsch, P. I.e. (8). Voluapa n. subgen. {Pyramidella, type P. auricoma Dall). DaU, W. H. and Bartsch, P. I.e. (4). Zonitoidcs bristoli n. sp. Bermuda. GuUck, A. Philadelphia, Pa., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 56, 1904, (406-425, with pi.). 2231.50 LOWER P.'iLAEOZOIC. Ijciahcxia groomi n. sp. Wales. Donald, J. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 61, 1905, (569j. Conularia munthei n. sp. Wiman, C. Upsala, Bull. Geol. Inst., 6, 1002-03, [1905], (82-83, with pi.). ErcijJiomphalus suhclliplica n. sp. WeUer, S. New- Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Palaeont., 3, 1903, (129, pi. IV, fig. 6). < Inniofitropha cainbria n. sjj. Wales. Donald, J. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 61, 1905, (571). IlyoUlhea im. spp. China, Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. Washington, D.C., Siiiitlisonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 29, 1905, (17-18). Loxonema nn. spp. Wales. Donald, J. London, Q. J. (Jeol. Soc, 61, 1905, (565-560). Orfliotheca nn. spp. China, Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. Washington, D.C., Smith- sonian Inst.. Nation. Mus. Proc, 29, 1905, (18-21). Plafyceras nn. spp. China, Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. I.e. (14-15). ? Columbiana n. sp. WeUer, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (131, pi. IV, figs. 7-8). Pohjijyrata n. gen., P. sinistra n. sp. WeUer, S. I.e. (130, pi. IV, fig. 102). Polytropina n. gen. [Type Trocho- Vites globosa Schloth., 1820.] Wales. Donald, J. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 61, 1905, (575). Raphistoma eolumbiana n. sjd. WeUer, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., 3. 1903, (128, pi. IV, figs. 3-5). Rliabdostropha n. subgen. Donald, J. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 61, 1905, (565). Scenella clotho n. sp. China, Cam- brian. Walcott, C. D. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 29, 1905, (12). Stenotheea nn. spp., nn. varr. China, Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. I.e. (L5-16). corn)i n. sp. Wiman, C. Upsala, Bull. Geol. Inst., 6, 1902-03, [1905], (49, with pi.). St ra parol Una eirce n. sp. China, Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. Washing- ton, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 29, 1905, (13). Clricliospira n. gen., U. similis n. sp. Wales. Donald, J. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 61, 1905, (568-569). 2231.55 UPPEJi PALAEOZOIC. Bellerophon nn. spp. New York. Clarke, J M. Albany Univ., N.Y., Mem. St. Mus., 6, 1904, (U. -f [199]- 454, with map, text fig. and pi.). ■ H)ieatus, B. co-status. Tokarenko, L. Kazani, Trd. Ob§c. jest., 37. 2, 1903, (17-18). Bidimorpha ? helderbergiae n. sp. WeUer, S. New Jersey (Jeol. Surv., Tri'Mtoii, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (293-294, pi. XXXir, fig. 8j. Gastropoda. 127 2231 Calluncma filosum n. sp. Xew York. Clarke, J. .M. ' Albany Unir., N.Y., Mem. St. Mas., 6, 190i, {U. + [199]-io-l, with map, text fig. and pi.). Carutaropsts ithagenia n. sp. New York. Clarke, J. M. I.e. (11. + [199]- -154, with map, text fig. aud pL). Diaphorostoma im. spp. New York. Clarke, J. M. I.e. (11. + [199]-45i, with map, text fig. and pi.). Euomplialus aH'iculatwf. Tokarenko, L. Kazani, Trd. Ob§c. jest., 37, 2, 1903, (23). Floyda n. gen., F. eoncentricn n. sp. Iowa. Webster, C. L. Iowa Nat., Iowa City, Iowa, 1, J 905, (39-40). Lo.vonema mi. spp. New York. Clarke, J. M. Albany Univ., N.Y., Mem. St. Mus., 6, 1904, {II. + [199]- 454, with map, text fig. and pL). jerseyensls n. sjj. WeUer, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Palaeont., 3, 1903, (xii + 462, with pi. and table) ; (335, pi. XLIII, figs. 8-10). nettichaeicl n. sp. Russ- land. Tokarenko, L. Kazani, Trd. Obsc. jest., 37, 2, 1903, (26-27). Macrucheiius sp. Tokarenko, L. I.e. (26). Macrochilina nu. spp. New York. Clarke, J. M. Albany Univ., N.Y., Mem. St. Mus., 6, 1904, (II. + [199]- 454, with map, text fig. and pi.). Murc.hisonid. nu. spp. Russland. Tokarenko, L. Kazani, Trd. ObSc. jest., 37, 2, 1903, (20-23). Natica sp. Tokarenko, L. I.e. (25- 26). Nndcopsls magnifica n. sp. Iowa. Webster, C. L. Iowa Nat., Iowa City, Iowa, 1, 1905, (58-59). iiral tea n. sp. Russland- Tokarenko, L. Kazaut, Trd. Obsc. jest., 37, 2, 1903, (24-25). Onufstii-'i devonieua n. sji. Russland. Tokarenko, L. I.e. (24). Phragmostoma chantauqnae n. sp. New York. Clarke, J. M. Albany Univ., N.Y., Mem. St. Mus., 6, 1904, (IZ. + [199]-454, witli map, text fig. and pi.). Platijostoma nearpaasl n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv. Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (334, pi. XLIII, fig. 4). Platysclusma iivalens'is n. sp. Russ- land. Tokarenko, L. Kazani, Trd. Obsc. jest., 37, 2, 1903, (23). Platystoma antiquis n. sp. Iowa. Webster, C. L. Iowa Nat., Iowa City, Iowa, 1, 1905, (58-59). Pleiirotomaria nn. spp. New York. Clarke, J. M. Albany Univ., N.Y., Mem. St. Mus., 6, 1904, (11. + [199]- 454, with map, text fig. and pi.). nu. spp. Russland. Toka- renko, L. Kazani, Trd. Ob§c. jest., 37, 2, 1903, (19-20). Protospirialis n. gen., type Plafyo- Htomd? minutls»'iina L]\a.vke. New York. Clarke, J. M. Albany Univ.,N.Y., Mem. St. Mus., 6, 1904, (11. + [199]-454, with map, te.xt fig. and pL). Stropliostylusvarians. Tokarenko, L. Kazani, Trd. Ob§c. jest., 37, 2, 1903, (2.5). Tropidoeyclus hyalhms n. sp. New York. Clarke, J. M. Albany Univ., N.Y., Mem. St. Mus., 6, 1904, (\l. + [l99]-454, with map, text fig. aud pL). Westcrnan.ger\.. Iowa. Webster, C.L. Iowa Nat., Iowa City, Iowa, 1, 1905, (54-55). 2231.60 MESOZOIC. Naliaa. Somaliland. Dacqu^, E. Wieu, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 17, 1905,(142-143). 2231.65 TRIASSIC. General. Read, A. Die Gastropoden der Pachycardien-Tuffe. Mitgeteilt durch F[erdinand] Broili. Centralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1905, (176-177). SPECI.iL. Amaurnpsis ahel'i n. sp. Ungarn. Blaschke, F. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstUng., 17, 1905, (201, Taf. XX). Capidus (Phryx.) hilateralis n. sp. Ungarn. Blascbke, F. I.e. (174-175, Taf. XIX t. Gastropoda. 128 ClancuJus cussianus var. se'isena n. var. Blaschke, F. I.e. (181, Taf. XIX). tschaiyitanu-s n. sp. Read, A. Ceutralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1905, (177). Coelostylina. Blaschke, F. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstUug., 17, 1903, (208-210, Taf. XX). Crypt on er'ita ■'iturany'i u. sp. Blaschke, F. I.e. (198-199, Taf. XX). Dicosmos seisiensis n. sp. Blaschke, F. I.e. (191-192, Taf. XX). Euehrysalis sphinx. Blaschke, F. I.e. (203-204, Taf. XX). Euompliahis ^j'aou.s n. sp. Read, A. Centralbl. Miu., Stuttgart, 1905, (177). Fedaiella inaequiplieata. Blaschke, F. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstL'ng., 17, 1905, (192-193, Taf. XX). Fromhacliia n. gen., F. uhligi n. sp- Ungarn. Blaschke, F. I.e. (185-187, Taf. XIXj. Haliotimorpliii n. gen., //. dieneri n. sp. Ungarn. Blaschke, F. I.e. (175- 178, Taf. XIX). Tlrterogyra kolicni n. sp. Ungarn. Blaschke, F. I.e. (211, Taf. XX). lloLofjyrn nn. spp. Ungarn. Blaschke, F. l.e. (195-190, Taf. XX). II ypsi pleura. Blaschke, F. I.e. (207- 208). Lepetopsis nu. spp. Ungaru. Blaschke, F. I.e. (172-174, Taf. XIX). Loxonema. Blaschke, F. I.e. (201- 202, Taf. XX). MarmolaleUti. Blaschke, F. /.c. (11)3 Taf. XX). Neritaria spp. Blaschke, F. l.<- (196-198, Taf. XX). Neritopslf spp. Blaschke, F. l.e (182-183, Taf. XIX). Omphalophjelia pachygaster. Blaschke F. I.e. (208). Oonia siiiiilis. Blaschke, F. I.r (203, Taf. XXj. Palaeovariea nn spp. Ungarn Blaschke, F. I.e. (184-185, Taf. XIX). I'arapfilneonar'iea n. subgen. (Palnen- nariea). Blaschke, V. I.e. (184). 2231 Patella nn. spp. Ungarn. Blaschke, F. I.e. (171-172, Taf. XIX). nn. spjj. Read, A. Cen- tralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1905, (176). Phry.x. n. subgen. (CapjiZws). Blaschke, F. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. UstUng., 17, 1905, (174). Platyeh'il'ina siihpustulosa n. sp. Blaschke, E. I.e. (189-190, Taf. XIX). Proniathildia -minima n. sp. Un- garn. Blaschke, F. Z.c. (211-212, Taf- XX). Protoreula subpunetata. Blaschke, F. I.e. (210-211, pi. XX). Pscudomelania suhsimdis. Blaschke, F. I.e. (202-203, Taf. XX). Pseiidosccdites nn. spp. Read, A. Centralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1905, (177). aiihrmanni n. sjd. Un- garn. Blaschke, F. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 17, 1905, (199-200, Taf. XX). Ptyeliomphalus graeilis n. sp. Read, A. Centralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1905, (177). Purpurbtn hrodii n. sp. Read, A. I.e. (177). Purpuroidca raihleusis n. sp. Blaschke, F. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 17, 1905, (201, Taf. XX). trinodosa n. sp. Read, A. Centralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1905, (177). Seurria .striata n. sp. Read, A. Lc. (176). Spiro.-ttijlus. Blaschke, F. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstUng., 17,1905,(207, Taf. XX). Tri/panostylus nn. sjip. Ungarn. Blaschke, F. I.e. (204-206, Taf. XX). 'riirrintylu.'^ n. subgen. {Trypano- Htylus). Blaschke, F. I.e. (205). lhidj(»uum grobbeni n. sp. Ungarn. Blaschke, F. I.e. (181-182, Taf. XIX). umhdie2is n. sp. Read, A. Centralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1905, (177). Woitlteiiia arthabcri n. sp. Ungarn. Blaschke, F. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 17, 1905, (179-180, Taf. XIX). Gastropoda. 2231.70 JURASSIC. Acteoniiia elon7, niit 1 Taf.). Scjijta engVu^lii n. sji. Romnania. Newton, R. B. London, Proc. Malac. Soc, 6, 1905, (3-10). Spirialis. Andrusov, N. Mater, geol. Ross., St. Peterburg, 21, 1904, (255-381, mit 7 Taf. u. 1 Karte). Tr'iptychhi margaretaen. sp. Andreae, A. Hiklesheim, Mitt. Roemer-Mus., 20, 1901, (22). VagineUa auchJanJica n. sp. N. Zealand. Clarke, E. Wellington, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst , 37, 1905, (419, pi. XXXII, fig. 5). Valenrienneifia rouiiiaiiiens'is n. sp. Roumania. Newton, R. B. London, Proc. Malac. Soc, 6, 1905, (342). 2231.95 PLEISTOCENE AND RECENT. General. Babor, J. F. Die Weiehthiere des bohniischen PlistocanundHolocan. Arch. Natvv. Ld Durchf. Bohnien, Prag, 11, Nr. 5, 1904, (1-79). Special. Caducifcv II. sect, (of Cohihraria, type Triton truncalua Hinds). Dall, W. H. Washington, D.d., Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collect. Q., 47, 1904, (13G). Crcii^pedotr'iton n. sect, (of Bufonaria, svibgen. of Bursa ; type Triton con- volidKS Broderip). Dall, W. E. I.e. (119). Cyclostonia elegans, Vorkommen in Deutschland seit der Diliivialzeit. Menzel, II. B(>rlin, Jahrb geol. Landes- anst., 24, 1904, (.381-390). Eugyr'iiKi n. nom. (= Gyr'nia Schu- macher, not (lyrbiHS Linne ; type Rmiella g'lgunlea Lamarck. Dall, W. II. Washington, 1).0., Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collect. Q., 47, 1901, fl.32). TIelicina occulln. Shimek, 15. Daven- ])ort, Iowa, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 9, 1904, ([I73J-LS0). Mnculolrilun n. sect, (of Coluhvavin, type Trilon ^rr/c/cahi.s Hinds). Dall, W. II. Washington, I). C, Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collect. Q., 47, 1904, (130). Monostloluvi n. sect, (of CuJuhraria, tvpo Triton sivifti Tryonl Dall, W. H. I.e. (13fi). Pnrnlagcna n. nom. (= LayeHa Morch, not Walker; snbgen. of Argohucci- num ; type Ranella vexillum Lamarck). Dall, W'. PL I.e. (132). Phrygiomnrex n. sect, (of Cohibraria' tyjje Triton scidptiris Reeve). Dall, W' H. I.e. (137). Tucniola n. sect, (of Coluhraria, type Triton decoUatiis Sowerbv). Dall, W. H. I.e. (137). Tritoniseus n. sect, (of Cymntium, type Triton hroisii Petit). Dall, \V. H. 'i.e. (134). Tritonocauda n. sect, (of Cymatium, tyjic Murex caudatus Gmelin + Triton canaliferus Lam.). Dall, W. H. I.e. (133). Turritriton n. sect, (of Cymatium, type Triton gihbnsus Broderip). Dall, W. H. I.e. (133). Valvata (Cineinna) nn. spp. Han- nover. Menzel, 41. Berlin, Jahrb. geol. Landesanst., 24, (1903), 1904, (286-289, Taf. XIV). PELECYPODA. 2231.35 GENERAL, INCLUDING STRATA OF UNKNOWN AGE. Ge\E1!AL. Jukes-Browne, A.J. . . . Genera of the I'amilv Miitilidae. London, Proc. Malac. Soc, 6, 1905, (211-224). Special. Auoplojilwrn cj)liippium ii. sp. Biiren- Insel. Bohm, J. Stocdvhohn, Vet.-Ak. Handl., 37, No. 3, 1903, (44-45, with pi.). Avicula nn. spp. Baren-Insel. Bbhm, J. Z.e. (25-26, with pi.). Avicidopeclcu tenuinlriatus n. sp. Baron-Insel. Bbhm, J. I.e. (23, with pi.). llddiolrUii c.ircllois n. s]). Predazzo. Philipp, II. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, Aufsiitze, (69-70, Taf. VI). B(d:en'ellia iirsina n. sp. Biiren-Insel. Bohm, J. Sto(4dioIm, Vet.-Ak. Handl., 37, No. 3, 1903, (34-35, with pi.). Pelecypoda. Ciirilita Icdemaroisis n. sp. Predazzo. PMlipp, H. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 19j1, Aufsatze, (96-97, pi. VI). CassiaueUa rosenhuschi u. sp. Pre- dazzo. PMlipp, H. I.e. (87-88, pi. V). CassianeUn tectiformis n. sp. Biiren- Insel. Bohm, J. Stockholm, Vet.-Ak. Haudl, 37, Xo. 3, 19U3, (29, with pi.). Cnctdlaea {Macrodon ?) cher'ieamis ii. sp Baren-Insel. Bohm, J. I.e. (39- ■iO, with pi.). Daonella loveni n. sp. Baren-Insel. Bohm, J. I.e. (33-34, with pi.). Dimyodon patera n. sp. Biiren-Insel. Bohm, J. I.e. (18, with pi.). Eunwrphotis im. spp. Baren-Insel. Bohm, J. I.e. (27-29, with pi.). Gennlleia nn. spp. Baren-Insel. Bohm, J. I.e. (3-5-37, with pi.). Gonodon modestus n. sp. Biiren- Insel. Bohm, J. I.e. (49, with pi.). Grijphaca nn. spp. Baren-Insel. Bohm, J. I.e. (16-17, with pi.). Homomi/a forsbergi n. sp. Baren- Insel. Bbhm, J. I c. (49-50, with pi.). Lima nn. spp. Baren-Insel. Bohm, J. Z.c. (18-21, with pi.). Macrodon nn. sjip. Baren-lnsel. Bohm, J. I.e. (39, with pi.). Megalodon nn. spp. Biireu-Insel. Bohm, J. I.e. (47-48, with pi.). Myophoria nn. spp. Biiren-Insel. Bohm, J. I.e. (41-43, with pi.). Mys'id'ioptcra hnehi n. sp. Biiren- Insel. Bohm, J. I.e. (21, with pi.). Nucida triangularis a. sp. Biiren- Insel. Bohm, J. I.e. (41, with pL). Palaeoneilo nn. spp. Biiren-Insel. Bohm, J. I.e. (40-41, with pi.). Pecten nn. spp. Predazzo. Philipp, H. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1901, Aufsiitze, (88-93, pi. VI). (Bittnerella) damesi u. sp. Baren-Insel. Bohm, J. Stotkholm, Vet.-Ak. Handl., 37, No. 3, 1903, (22-23, with pi.). Pholadomya franciseae n. sp. Baren- Insel. Bohm, J. I.e. (50, with j^l.). Pinna nn. spp. Biiren-Insel. Bohm, J. I.e. (.38, with pL). Pleurophorus nn. spp. Baren-lnsel. Bohm, J. I.e. (45-47, with pi.). PuHidonomya? plana n. sp. Predazzo. Philipp, H. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, Aufsiitze, (94-95, i± V). 133 2231 PseudocHcullaca. Schmidt, F. von. I.e. Protok., (120-121). Psexidomtinotis hittneri n. sp. Pre- dazzo. Philipp, H. I.e. Aufsiitze, (93- 91, pi. VI). Pseudomonotis (Enmierotis) spitzher- gensis n. sp. Biiren-Insel. Bohm, J. Stockholm, Vet.-Ak. Handl., 37, No. 3. 1903, (27, with pi.). RltyneJiopterus perna n. sp. Biiren- Insel. Bohm, J. I.e. (30, with pi.). Trigon.in margaritif era ii. sp. Biiren- Insel. Bohm, J. I.e. (43-44, with pi.). 2231.45 PALAEOZOIC. Avienlipeeten, typical species and generic characters. Girty, G. H. Amer. Geo]., Minneapolis, Minn., 33, 1904, (291- 296, with text fig.) ; 34, 1901, (332-333). Hind, W. I.e. (200-201). 2231.50 LOWER PALAEOZOIC. Actinopteria retieulata n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., I'reuton, N.J., Rep. Paleoat., 3, 1903, (245, pi. XXII, fig. 3). Area {Palaearca) turubnUi n. sn. U.K. Reed, F. R. C. Geol. Mag., Loudon, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (496). Cte)wdonta nn. sjjp. U.K. Reed. F. R. C. I.e. (494-495). jerseyensis n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton. N.J., Rep. Paleout., 3, 1903, (164, pi. XI, fig. 17). Cyrtodonta cancellata n. sp. U.K. Reed, F. R. C. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (496). Edmondia ? deekerensis n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (241-242, pi. XXII, figs. 6-7). Modiolopsis nn. spp. U.K. Reed, F. R. C. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (498-500). nn. spp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J. Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (170-171, pi. XI, figs. 8-9). Mytilarca obliqua n. sp. Weller, S, I.e. (245, pi. XXII, fig. 8). Pelecypoda. Orthndesma semiradrata n. sp. U.K. Reed, F. R. C. Geol. Mag., Loudon, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (493). Ptychopteria ? suhquadrata n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersev Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (193-194, pi. XIV, fig. 16). Whitella inut'dis n. sp. U.K. Keed, F. R. C. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 1'). [5], 2, 1905, (497). suhorhieidaris n. sp. Weller, H. New Jersey Geol. Surv. Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (168, pi. XI, fig. 2). 2131.55 UPPER PALAEOZOIC. Araiitliopcctcn n. subgen. (oi Avtndo- pcclen (or Lima?); type Aviculopecten carhomferus Stevens). Colorado. Glrty, G. H. Washington, D.C., Dept. Int., U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paprs., No. J6, 1903, (417). Actinopter'ia sola n. sp. New York. Clarke, J. M. AlLanv Univ., N.Y., Mem. St. Mus., 6, 1904, (II. + [199]- 454, with map, text fig. and pi.). Atithracosia ? fritsphi u. sp. Schmidt, A. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, 1905, 1, (47-48, Taf. V, fig. 2). Avicida bodana. Tokarenko, L. Kasant, Trci. Oh§c. jest., 37, 2, 1903, (15). AvicvJopeclcn janmdieirslnj n. sp. Russland. Tokarenko, L. I.e. (15- 16). BiichJuhi nn. spp. New York. Clarke, J. M. All)anv Univ., N.Y., Mem. St. Mus., 6, 1904, (IL + [199]- 454, with map, text fig. and pi.). Cardiomorpha ohliquata n. sp. New York. Clarke, J. M. I.e. (U. + [199]- 454, with map, text fig. and pi.). Conocardhtm sp. Tokarenko, L. Kasani, Trd. ObSe. jest., 37, 2, 1903, (17). ■ rjmrandensR n. sp. New York. Clarke, J. M. Albany Univ., N.Y., Mem. St. Mus., 6, 1904, (IZ. + [199]-454, with map, text fig. and ]>!.). ElasmaLium n. gen., E. ijoirnndenso n. sp. Now York. Clarke, J. M. I.e. {U. + [199]-454, Willi maj), text fig. and pi.). 134 2231 lioneoyea n. gen., H. ermacca, U. major, II. styliophila, II. simplex, H. desmata nn. spp. New York. Clarke, J. M. I.e. {U. + [199J-454). Kocliia ungida n. sp. New York. Clarke, J. M.' I.e. {II. + [199]-454). Lcptodoinns nn. spp. New York. Clarke, J. M. he. {II. + []99]-454). Loxopterla nn. spp. New York. Clarke, J. M. I.e. {11. + [199]-454). Ijumdieardinm nn. spp. New York. Clarke, J. M. I.e. (IZ. + [1!)9]-151). Mcijalodon crassus. Tokarenko, L. Kazani, Trd. Obsc. jest., 37, 2, 1903, (16-17). Mecjamhonia parva n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Palaeont., 3, 1903, (333, pi. XLIIl, fig. 12). Miialiiia sp. Tokarenko, L. Kazant, Trd. Obsc. jest., 37, 2, 1903, (16). Mi/ophoria ddtoidea. Tokarenko, L. I.e. (16). Ontaria n. gen. (= Cardiola auct. alicj. ; type UnguUna fiuhorhieularifi Hall), 0. pontiaea, 0. aecineta, 0. nfdinta, 0. halli nn. spp. New York. Clarke, J. M. Albany Univ., N.Y., Mem. St. Mus., 6, 1904, (IZ. + [199]- 454). Ou'iehocnrdium n. gen., 0. portlaudi- cuni n. sp. New York : Devonian. Whitfield, R. P. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 21, 1905, (17- 20) ; (18-20, pi. I, fig. 2). Palaeanodonta nn. spj). Schmidt, A. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, 1905, 1 , (52- 56, Taf. V, figs. 6-10). Palacmcilo nn. spp. New York. Clarke, J. M. Albany Univ., N.Y., Mem. St. Mus., 6, 1901, (IZ. + [199]- 454). Paraeardinm dclicatulinn n. sp. New York. Clarke, J. M. I.e. (IZ. + [199]- 454). Paraptijx n. gen., P. Ontario n. sp. New York. Clarke, J. M. /.-•.(!/. + [1991-151). I'u.iidonia. mareelleiiHit^ n. sp., P. vcnuffia Minister var. nitidida n. var. New York. Clarke, J. M. I.e. (IZ. -\- [199]-454). Pelecypoda. I'mcc'irdiuiii iin. spp. New York. Clarke, J. U. Jr. (11. + [199J-454). Pterocliitcnin n. gen., P. fragilis Hall var. orb'tcidai'is n. var., P. sinuosa, P. perissa, P. elmetisis, P. casliaqitne, P. uchtensis uu. spp. New York. Clarke, J. M. I.e. (1/. + [199J-454). Rliomhoptevia elalhratus n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Tafeont., 3, 1903, (291, pi. XXXI, iigs. 16-18). 2231.60 MESOZOIC. Anopaca nu. spp. Niederliiudiscli- Indieu. Boehm, G. Palaeontographira, Stuttgart, 1904, Suppl. IV, Lfg 1, (19- 20, Taf. I). Mi/tilus dicpenhehnl n. sji. Nieder- landisch-Indien. Boelun, G. I.e. (20, Taf. I). Nucula tcdiahut'ica n. sp. Nieder- laudisch-Indieii. Boehm, G. I.e. (21, Taf. I). 2231.65 TRIASSIC. Cdssiaiiella eelii n. sp. Deutscliland. B81un, J. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, brief!. Mitt., (95-96). Gervillia spinosa n. sp. Linstow, 0. von. I.e. Aufsatze, (102-10-3, with figs ). Mytilus edidiformis sp. Benecke, E. W. Centralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1905, (705-714). Pinna eekl u. sp. Picard, E. Berlin, Jahrb. geol. Landesanst., 24, 1904, (.3.33- 3.36). 2231.70 JURASSIC. Alectnionia. Somaliland. Dacqu^, E. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstUiig., 17, 1905, (134-135, Taf. XV, figs. 7, 21). hastellata. Asia Minor. Krumbeck, L. I.e. 18, 1905, (107-lOS, Taf. IV). Anatina. Asia Minor. Krumbeck, L. I.e. (123-124, Taf. VI). Anoniia. Miiliren. Rzehak, A. Briinn, Zs. Miihr. LdMus., 4, 1904, (89-154, mit 1 Taf.). 135 2231 At^kuic. Asia Minor. Krumbeck, \j. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstUng., 18, 1905, (11.5-116, Taf. V). nn. formm. Deutscli- Lotliringen und Luxemburg. Benecke, E. W. Abli. geol. Spezialkarte Els.- Lothr., Strassl)urg, (N.F.), H. 6, 1905, (217, 223). Aiicella. Vetters, II. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUug., 17, 1905, (249-250). Avicuhi midatae n. sp. Somaliland. Dacque', E. I.e. (131-1-32, Taf. XV). Cardiuni spp. Asia Minor. Krum- beck, L. I.e. 18, 1905, (119-121, Taf. V). Ceromi/a awjin^tinoslata n. sp. Asia Minor, krumbeck, L. I.e. (121-122, Taf. VI). excenty'icii. Sumaliland. Dacque', E. I.e. 17, 1905, (139-140). Covins stramhergeyisls. Vetters, H. I.e. (247). Ctenostreon. Miihren. Rzehak, A. Briinn, Zs. Malir. LdMus., 4, 1904, (89- 154, mit 1 Taf.). Cucullaea. Asia Minor. Krumbeck, L. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. UstUng., 18, 1905, (114). Diccras im siidliclien Hannover. Menzel, H. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, Protokolle, (10-14). Exogyra bruntrutana. Somaliland. Dacque, E. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geel. OstUng., 17, 1905, (135-136, Taf. XV, fig. 18). Gervilleia ? ferruginea n. sjj. Deutsch- Lotliringen und Luxemburg. Benecke, E. W. Abh. geol. Spezinlkarte l<:is. Lothr., Strassburg, (N.F.), H. 6, 1905, (142). Isoeardia eljasens'is n. sji. Asia Minor. Krumbeck, L. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstUng., 18, 1905, (117-118, Taf. V). Leda medusa n. sp. Russland. Borisiak, A. A. St. Peterburg, Mem. Com. geolog., (N. Ser.), 11, 1904, (I- 28) ; res. allem. (29-40, avec 3 pi.). Lima. Mahren. Rzehak, A. Briinn, Zs. Miihr. LdMus., 4, 1904, (89-154, mit 1 Taf.). , nn. spp. Asia Minor. Krumbeck, L. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstUng., 18, 1905, (97-101, Taf. III). Pelecypoda. 136 2231 Lima. (Plafj'iosfoma) ferrughiea n. sp. Deutscli-Lothringen und Luxem- burg. Benecke, E. W. Abh. geol. Spezialkai-te Els.-Lothi-., Strassburg, (N.F.), H. 6, 1905, (122). liarronis n. sp. Somali- land. Dacqu^, E. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstlTiio:., 17, 1905, (133-131, Taf. XV, figs. 13,^1 4). Limnea. Mahreii. Rzebak, A. Briiiiu, Zs. Mahr. LdMus., 4, 1904, (89-154, mit 1 Taf.). lAtlwdomus nn. spp. iVsia Minor. Krumbeck, L. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstUng., 18, 1905, (112-113, Taf. IV). Macrodon rufae n. sp. Somaliland. Dacqu^, E. I.e. 17, 1905, (137-138, Taf. XV, figs. 4-6). Modiola. Mahren. Rzehak, A. Briinn, Za. Mahr. LdMus., 4, 1904, (89-154, mit 1 Taf.). nniph)tr'dc n. sp. Asia Minor. Krumbeck, L. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstUng., 18, 1905, (110-111, Taf. IV). hoch'i n. form. Deutscb- Lothringen imd Luxemburg. Beneske, E. W. Al)li. geol. Spezialk.nrte Els.- Lotbr., Strassl)urg, (N.F.), 11. 6, 1905, (167). • sidxini/iistlss'ima u. sp. Somaliland. Dacqu^, E, Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstUng., 17, 1905, (136-137, Taf. XV, fig. 8). Myoj)hor\a. Asia Minor. Krumbeck, L. I.e. 18, 1905, (114). Mylilu.H aJatus n. sp. Asia Minor. Krumbeck. L. I.e. 18, 1905, (108- 109, Taf. IV). ffuhpert'nnifua. Somali- land. Dacqu^, E. I.e. 17, 1905, (136, Taf. XV, fig. 27). Nucula nn.spp. Russland. Borisiak, A. A. St. Peterliurg, Mem. Com. geolog., (N. ser.), 11, 1904, (1-28 + r^s. allem. 29-49, avec 3 pis.). spp. Asia Minor. Krum- beck, L. Wien, Beitr. I'al. (Jeol. Ost- Ung., 18, 1905, (113-114). Ostrra nn. spp. Asia Minor. Krum- beck, L. /.<■. (105 107, Taf. V). Iivistomn.i^ll. (exEtberidge MS.) U.K. Richardson, L. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 61, 1905, (422). Oxytomn. Maliren. Rzehak, A. Brunn, Zs. Miihr. LdMus., 4, 1904, (89- 154, mit 1 Taf.). Pachyerisma hlanckenliorni n. sp. Asia Minor. Krumbeck, L. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstUng., 18, 1905, (116-117, Taf. V). Palaeoneilo nn. spp. Russland. Borisiak, A. A. St. Peterburg, Mem. Com. geolog. (N. ser.), 11, 1904, (1-28 -f- r^s. allem. 29-49, avec 3 pis.). Pceten nn. spp. Asia Minor. Krum- breck, L. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstUng., 18, 1905, (102-105, Taf. Ill and IV). Vetters, H. I.e. 17, 1905, (250-252). crlangcrl n. sj). Somali- land. Dacqu^, E. I.e. (132-133, Taf. XV, figs. 12-20). pseudoprlscua n. sp. Mah- ren. Rzebak, A. Briinn, Zs. Miihr. LdMus., 4, 1904, (89-154, mit 1 Taf.). Phaetwdesmia nn. spj). Russland. Borisiak, A. A. St. Peterburg, M^m. Com. geolog. (N. ser.), 11, 1904, (1-28) ; res. allem. (29-70, avec 3 pi.). Pholadomya. Asia Minor. Krum- beck, L. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstUng., 18, 1905. (123, Taf. VI). Miihren. Rzebak, A. Briimi, Zs. Miihr. LdMus., 4, 1901, (89- 154, mit 1 Taf.). protei. Somaliland. Dacqu^, E. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 17, 1905, (140-141, Taf. XV, figs. 1-3). Pinna. Miihren. Rzebak, A. Briinn, Zs. Miihr. LdMus., 4, 1904, (89-154, mit 1 Taf.). Plaqiostoma. Miihren. Rzebak, A. I.e. (89-154, mit 1 Taf.). Pleuromya. Miihren. Rzehak, A. I.e. (89-154, mit 1 Taf.). Pleurotomaria. Miihren. Rzebak, A. I.e. (89-154, mit 1 Taf.). Plicatula. Miihren. Rzebak, A. I.e. (89-154, mit 1 Taf.). Provoella nn. sj)[). Deutsch-Lotbrin- gen und Luxemburg. Benecke, I''.. W. Abh. Geol. S])o/,ialii u. sp. Sahara. Newton, R. B. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, (Ser. 7), 15, 1905, (88). Peeten nn. spp. Aegypteu. Oppen- heim, P. Palaeontograpliica, Stuttgart, 30, 1903, Abt. 3, (52-55). (Pseudamicaium) suhm i nutiis u. sp. Mississippi. Aldrich, T. H. Nautilus, Philadelphia, Pa., 16, 1903, (79-101). PcetJiiicHlns nn. sjip. Aegypteu. Oppenheim, P. Paiaeoutographica, Stuttgart, 30, 1903, Abt. 3, (91-95). PVieatida mi. spj). Aegypteu. Op- penheim, P. I.e. (01-62j. Spo)idijJus nu. spp. Aegypteu. Op- penheim, P. I.e. (06 -G7). somaliensis u. sp. Newton, R. B. London, Q. J. Geol. Soe., 61, 1905, (169). Tellhia TtransciWCoy = ScnieJc lirau- scana Tate. Chapman, F. Vict. Nat., Melbourne, 21, 1905, (ISO). Vertieordia nn. spp. Mississippi and Alabama. Aldrich, T. H. Nautilus, Philadelphia, Pa., 16, 1903, (97-101, with pL). Vulsella nn. spp. Aegypteu. Oppen- heim, P. Palaeontograpliica, Stuttgart, 30, 1903, Abt. 3, (70-76). Vidsolld n'lger'icnsis u. sp. Nigeria. Newton, R. B. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Loudon, (Ser. 7), 15, 1905, (85). 223L90 UPPER CAENOZOIC (MIOCENE, PLIOCENE). Amuss'inm -papakurcnsc n. sp. New Zealand. Clarke, E. Wellington, Trans. N. Zeal. Inst., 37, 1905, (118, pi. XXXII, lig. 4). Cardlta. Galizien. Friedberg', W, S. V. Wien, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 114, 1905, Abth. I, (275-327, mit 1 Taf.). CardJum. Andrusov, N. i\later. geol. Ross., St. Peterburg, 21, 1904, (255-381, mit 7 Taf. u. 1 Karle). Galizien. Friedberg, W. S. V. Wien, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 114, 1905, Abth. I, (275-327, mit 1 Taf.). Conger'ia. Andrusov, N^. Mater, geol. Ross., St. Peterburg, 21, 1904, (255-381, mit 7 Taf. u. 1 Karte). Corhida. Galizien. Friedberg, W. S. V. Wien, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 114, 1905, Abth. I, (275-327, mit 1 Taf.). Cryplodon. Andrusov, N. Mater, geol. Ross., St. Peterburg, 21, 1904, (255-381, mit 7 Taf. u. 1 Karte). Cri/ptomaclrn. Andrusov, N. I.e. (255-381, mit 7 Taf. u. 1 Karte). Cytherca. Galizien. Friedberg, W. S. V. Wien, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 114, 1905, Abth. I, (275-327, mit 1 Taf.). Drcissensia. Andrusov, N. Mater, geol. Ross., St. Peterburg, 21, 1904, (255-381, mit 7 Taf. u. 1 Karte). Erv'dia. Galizien. Friedberg, W. S. V. Wien, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 114, 1905, Abth. I, (275-327, mit 1 Taf.). Leda prendeli n. sp. Russia. An- drusov, N. Mater, geol. Ross., St. Peterburg, 21, 1904, (255-381, mit 7 Taf. u. 1 Karte). Peeten. Galizien. Friedberg', W. S. v. Wien, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 114, 1905, Abth. I, (275-327, mit 1 Taf.). aduneits Eichw. ? P. cris- tatus Broun ; P. eristatns var. mediter- raneus n. var. ; P. felderi Karrer ; P, Pelecypoda. 140 2231 cf. sarmenticius Goldf. ; P. sp. Gaal, I. Foldt. Kozl., Budapest, 35, 1905, (301, 306-307). Pecten h'llli n. sp. N. Zealand. Hutton, F. W. Wellington, Trans. M. Zeal. Inst., 37, 1905, (473). Iatis-'ciilallum ci/rloceroiilfs u. sj). Read, A. Centralhl. Min., Stuttgart, 1905, (170). 2231.75 ' 'llETAiJEOVS. ])fnl(tl'nini nic'lium. Sow. Favre, 1. (^iiarikov. Trd. Oh&O. ispyt. jirir., 38, 2, 1903, (144). 2431 ARTHROPODA INCLUD- ING INSECTA. 2431.55 UPPER PALAEOZOIC. Etohlalt'nia sfc'inmanni n. sp. Deutsch- land. Sterzel, [.1. T.]. Chemnitz, Ber. natn-. (ies., 15, (1899-1903), 1904, (LXlX-LXXll). pijgmaea n. sp. Preussen. Meunier, F. Berlin, Jahrb. geol. Lan- desanst., 24, 1904, (454-457, mit 1 Taf.). Tlomoioptcra gigantea n. sjx Agnus, A. Paris, Bui. Soc. ent., 1902, (259- 261, av. fig.). 2431.65 TRIASSIC. Cjlapltyroptera lotharingica n. sp- Lorraine. Fliclie, P. Nancy, Bull. Soc- Sci., (ser. 3), 4, 1903, (llO-Hg). 2431.70 JURASSIC. Ammouella n. gen., .4. qnadvata n. sp. Germany- Walther, J. Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges., 11, 1904, (163). Cnmpterophlebia n. gen., C. clegans n. sp. Braunschweig. Bode, A. Ber- lin, Jahrb. geol. Landesanst., 25, (1904), 1905, (226-229, Taf. VII). Elcana gein'itz'i Heer, var. aversa n. var. Braunschweig. Bode, A. I c. (222-223, Taf. VI). (Iri/llacris nn. spp. Braunschweig- Bode! A. I.e. (223-226, Taf. VI). lIclcropMehin nn. spp. Braunschweig. Bode, A. I.e. (229-236, Taf. VII). KoUigramma n. gen., K. hneekeli n. sp. Germany. Walther, J. Jena, Denkschr. med. Ges., 11, 1904, (184- 189). OrtJwphlehhi (Pliriignnidium) nn. spp. Bi-aunschweig. Bode, A. Berlin, Jahrl). geol. Landesanst., 25, (1904), 1905, (242-244, Taf. VI). Phr\i(itinii. Meunier, ]•'. .Ann. Ilist.-Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung., Budajiest, 3, 1905, (251-252). Crustacea. 141 2631 Dorcaschema succiueiim n. sp. Zang, R. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. iiatf. Freuiule, 1905, (232-245). Eatonisca tertiaria u. sp. Ambre de hi Baltique. Meunier, F. Auu. Hist.- Xat. Mas. Xat. Hiintr., Budapest, 3, 1005, (253-25-i). NothorHtina granuUcoUis u. sp. Zang-, R. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. uatf., Frenude, 1905, (232-245). Palaeoascia iiniappendicidata n. sp. Deutschland. Meunier, F. Berlin, Jahrb. geol. Landesanst., 24, 1904,(201- 210). Palaeoapheyina elejantidn n. sp. Deutschland. Meunier, F. I.e. (201- 210). Pericoma nn. spp, Ambre de la Balti(iue. Meunier, F. Ann. Hist.- Nat. Mus. Xat. Hung., Budapest, 3, 1905, (243-245). Phlebotomus tipidiform'is n. sp. Ambre de la Baltique. Meunier, F. I.e. (254). Pleeia horussiea n. sp. Bernstein. Meunier, F. Berlin, Jahrb. geol. Landes- anst., 24, 1904, (391-404). Pogo)iochaerus jaelteU n. sp. Zang, R. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1905, (232-245). Psychoda eoeen'ica u. sp. Ambre de la Baltique ; P. oxyptera Loe«'. (Meun.), description. Meunier, F. Ann. Hist.- Xat. Mus. Nat. Hung., Budajiest, 3, 1905, (245-246). Ehyphus nn.s^Y). Bernstein. Meunier, F. Berlin, Jahrb. geol. Landesanst., 24, 1904, (391-404). Scatopse nn. spp. Bernstein. Meunier, F. I.e. (391-404). Sbmdia nn. spp. Bernstein. Meunier, F. I.e. (391-404J. Splieginascia hiappendieulata n. sp. Deutschland. Meunier, F. I.e. (201- 210). Strangalia bereiidtiana u. sp. Zang, R. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1905, (232-245). Sycorax nn. spp. Ambre de la Baltique. Meunier, F. Ann. Ilist.- Nat. Mus. X^at. Hung., Budapest, 3, 1905, (252-253). Syrpluts curvipetiolatus n. sp. Deutschland. Meunier, F. Berlin, Jahrb. geol. Landesanst., 24, 1904,(201- 210). Tficltomyta nn. spp. Ambre de la Baltique. Meunier, F. Ann. Hist.- Nat. Mus. Xat. Hung., Budapest, 3, 1905, (246-251). Xylold pulchra n. sp. Deutschland. Meunier, F. Berlin, Jahrb. geol. Landes- anst., 24, 1904, (201-210). 2431.95 PLEISTOCENE liECENT. AND Aphodius .sueeini n. sp. Zang, R. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1905, (197-205, 222). Carahus, degre d'evolution a I'epotpie du pleistocene moyen. Lapouge, G.de. Rennes, Bui. soc. sci. med., 11, 1902, (548-564). Gyr'niu.9 scid pturaf us ii. sp. Schweden. Mjoberg, E. Stockholm, Geol. For. Forli., 27, 1905, (233-236, with jdI.). Oloplu'um interglacude n. sp. Mjo- berg, E. I.e. 26, 1901, (493-497, with pi.). Platycerus herendii n. sp. Zang, R. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1905, (197-205, 222). 2631 CRUSTACEA. 2631.35 GENERAL, INCLUDING STRATA OF UNKNOWN AGE. Beyrleh'm argentina n. sp. Argen- tinien. Thomas, I. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 57, 1905, Aufsatze, (250, pi. XI). 2631,50 LOWER PALAEOZOIC. Apareliites ? im. spp. Wiman, G. Upsala, Bull. Geol. Inst., 6, 1902-1903, [1905], (45-46, with pi.). Beyrieh'ia nn. spp. Weller, S. X'^ew Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (253-267, pi. XXIII). Beyrlehona nn. spp. Wiman, C. Upsala, Bull. Geol. Inst., 6, 1902-1903, [1905], (46-47, with pi.). Pradoria nn. spp. China, Caml^rian. Walcott, C. D. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 29, 1905, (99-102). Crustacea. 142 2631 Bradorona n'ltida n. sp. Wiman, C. Upsala, Bull. Geol. Inst., 6, l'JU2-1903, [1905], (48, with pL). Bythocypris neciTpass't n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (257, pi. XXIII). Euryclnl'ina nn. spp. Waller, S. he. (210, pi. XIIlj. Tlipponichavio7i matthewi n. sp. Wiman, C. Upsala, Bull. Geol. Inst., 6. 1902-190.3, [1905], (49, with pi.). Indiana ? minhna n. sp. Wiman, C. I.e. [1905], (48-49, with pi.). Leperditella ornata n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (209, pi. Xlll). Leperdhia nn. sytp. Weller, S. I.e. (208, 252-265, pis. XII, XXlIIj. Sellula fallax n. sp. Wiman, C. Upsala, Bull. Geol. Inst., 6, 1902-1903, [1905], (48, with pi.). 2G31.55 UPPER PALAEOZOIC. General. Jones, T. Rupert. Some Paleozoic Ostracods from ilaryland. Baltimore, Md., Johns Hopkins Univ. Cir. (N. Ser.), No. 3, 1905, (30-33, with text fig.). Special. AutUrapcdaemonserralxis n. sp. U.K. Woodward, 11. (ieol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (43S). CyeliiH joliitsov'i fi-nm thr Coal Measures near Dudley. Woodward, 11. Z.c (190- 492, with figs.). Primifia froshmycnsts n. sp. Maiy- land, Permian. Jones, T. R. Balti- more, Md., Johns Hopkins Univ. Cir., (N. Ser.), No. 3, 1905, (30-33, with text 2631.65 TRIASSIC. EnllievUlld radirila (Salinas) var. vvd- t'dinedla n. var. Jones, 'I', li. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2j, [5J, 2, 1905, (51). 2631.70 JURASSIC. Eryun. Peiser, G. Beitrag zur Keimtniss . . . der Gattung. . . . Diss. Erlaugen, 1904, (58, mit 1 Taf.). 2631.75 CRETACEOUS. ( 'aVKniassa, tincifer n. sp. Harbort, E. Berlin, Jahrb. geol. Landesanst, 26, 1905, (20-42, mit 1 Taf.). 2631.80 CAENOZOIC. General. Lienenklaus, E. Die Ostrakoden des Mainzer Tertiiirbeekens. Frankfurt a. M., Ber. Seuckenb. Geo., 1905, Tl. 2, (3-74, mit 4 Taf.). Special. Bairdla tenuis n. sp. Lienenklaus, E. Erankfurt a. M., Ber. Senckenl), Ges., 1905, Tl 2, (30, Taf. II). Candona nn. spp. Lienenklaus, E. I.e. (21-24, Taf. 7). Cniieocyfherc punetidata n. sp. Lie- nenklausi E. I.e. (48-49, Taf. IV). Cyeloeypris s'imiUs n. sp. Lienenklaus, E. 'i.e. (18-19, Taf. I). Cypr'ia eurvata n. sp. Lienenklaus. E. I.e. (19-20, Taf. I). Cijpridops'is kinheUnl n. sp. Lienen- klaus, E. I.e. (27, Taf. II). Cypi-is nn. spp. Lienenklaus, E. I.e. (24-27, Taf. I and II). Cythereis ramosa n. sp. Lienenklaus, E. I.e. (32-33, Taf. III). Cytheridea nn. sp. Lienenklaus, E. Le. (39-47, Taf. III-IV). (^ijllier(ij)leroii puuctulatum n. sp. Lienenklaus, E. I.e. (5G-57, Tat. IV). Cylherura sidcata n.sp. Lienenklaus, E. I.e. (55, Taf. IV). Eiii-i/therura deniala n. sp. Lienen- klaus, E. I.e. (57, Taf. IV). Jliueijpvis nn. spp. Lienenklaus, E. I.e. (28-29, Taf. ll-Ul). Linmieythere zinndorji n. sp. Lienen- klaus, E. I.e. (58, Taf.' IV). Loxovoneha nn. spj). Lienenklaus, IC. I.e. (52-53, Taf. IV). Puiilueyprls im. spp. Lienenklaus, E. I.e. (10-17, Taf. I). Xrxlolehcriti rheuinni n. s|). Lienen- klaus, E. le. (.53-54, Taf. IV). Xiphosura, etc. 143 2831 2631.85 LOWER CAENOZOIC (EOCENE, OLIGOCENE). Xcplanus arab'icus u. sp. Woodward, H. Geol. Mag., Londou, (ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (307). Ommatocarcimis corioensis, descrip- tion. Hall, T. S. Melbourne, Proc. R. Soc. \'ict., (^N. Ser.), 17, 1905, (35C-3G0, witli 1 pi.). 2631.90 UPPER CAENOZOIC PLEISTOCENE AND RECENT. Cushman, J. A. Miocene barnacles from Gay Head, Mass., with notes on Balanns i^roteus Conrad. Amer. Geol. Minneapolis, Minn., 34, 1904, ([i^93]- 296, with text fig.). Z^omnicki, J. L. M. Compte rendu des reclierches entreprises sur I'exten- sion de I'houille brune dans certains endroits de Pokucie en Galicie. (Polish) Kosmos, Lw6w, 29, 1904, (374-391). Sieber, Fossile Siisswasser-Ostrako- deu aus Wiirttemburg. Stuttgart, Jahres- hefte Ver. Xatk., 61, 1905, (321-346, mit 2 Taf.). Special. Cushman, J. A. Balanns prole7(s from Massachusetts. Amer. Geol., Minneapolis, Minn., 34, 1904, ([293]- 296, with text fig.). Candona steinhehnensis n. sp. Wiirt- temberg. Sieber. Stuttgart, Jahres- hefte Ver. Natk., 61, 1905, (327-329, Taf. VIII). Candonopsis arida n. sp. Wiirttem- berg. Sieber. U. (332-333, Taf. VIII). Cijclocypnii nitida n. sp. Wiirttem- Lerg. Sieber. I.e. (333-334). Cypria suhorhicidaris n. sp. Wiirt- temberg. Sieber. I.e. (334-335, Taf. VIII). Cypridopsis gracilis u. sp. Wiirttem- berg. Sieber, I.e. (339^340, Taf. IXj. Cypris nn. spp. Wiirttemberg. Sieber. I.e. (335-338, Taf. VIII and IX). lUocypris hinocidaris n. sp. Wiirt- temberg. Sieber. I.e. (341-342, Taf. IX). Limnicythere esplngmena n. sp. Wiirttemberg. Sieber. I.e. (343-345, Taf. IX). 2631.95 PLEISTOCENE RECENT. AND Sieber. Fossile Siisswasser-Ostra- koden aus Wiirttemberg. Stuttgart, ■Jahreshefte Ver. Xatk., 61, 1905, (321- .340, mit 2 Taf.). 2831 XIPHOSURA. EURIPTE- RIDA, TRILOBITA. Nileus. Schmidt, Fr. St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc, (Ser. 8), 14, 1904, (63- 68). 2831.35 GENERAL, INCLUDING STR.ITA OF UNKNOWN AGE. General. Agnus. Palaeohlattina douviUei, con- sideree d'abord comme un insecte, est nne pointe genale de trilobite. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 138, 1904, (398). Moberg, J. C. Contributions to a knowledge of the structure of the Trilo- bites. (Swedish) Stockholm, Geol. For. Forh., 24, 1902, (295-302, pi. 3). Perner, J. Ueber das Sehorgan am Ilvpostomum der Trilobiten. (Cechisch) Vesmir, Prag, 33, 1904, (61-65). Reed, F. R. C. The classification of the Phacopidae. Geol. Mag., Loudon, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (172-178; 224- 228). Special. Homalonotiis Jtayseri n. sp. Argen- tinien. Thomas, I. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 57, 1905, Aufsatze, (245-246, Taf. IX). Phaeops argcvtinus n. sp. Argen- tinien. Thomas, I. I.e. (246-247, Taf. XI). 2831.50 LOWER PALAEOZOIC. General. GronwaU, K. A. On the Scandinavian Paradoxides-heds. (Swedish) Stock- Xiphosura, etc. holm, Geol. For. FOiIi., 24, 1902, fSOO- 345, with i±). Woodward, Hemy. Ou a collection of Triloljites from the Upper Cambrian of Shantiinc;, North China. Geol. Mae;., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 190-5, (211-215; 251-255, with pi. and figs.). Special. Aeidaspis {Ccratocephala) nn. spp. Reed, F. R. C. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [51, 2, 1905, (99). Agnostus hiis(niensis n. sp. China, Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. Washing- ton, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mns. Proc, 29, 1905, (22). Agnitdos nn. spp. China, Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. I.e. (42-47). Ampijx hrciicaiida n. sp. Wiman, C. Ark. Zool., Stockholm, 2, No. 11, 1905, (12, with pi.). Anomoenre nn. spp. China, Cam- brian. Walcott, C. D. Washington, D.C, Smitlisonian Inst., Nation. Mas. Proc, 29, 1905, (47-54). paitnda n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (120, pi 111). Anomocarella n. gen., type A. chinensis n. sp., A. nlb'ion, A. bauds, A. ? hura, A. carme, A. chineii.sis nn. spp. China, Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mas. Proc., 29, 1905, (54-58). Apatocephahts peetcu n. sp. Wiman, C. Ark. Zool., Stockholm, 2, No. 11, 1905, (6-7, with pi.). Avcjes tuherndalH» n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersey (ieoi. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (199, pi. XV). Arionellus nn. spp. China, Cam- brian. Walcott, C. 1). Washington, DC, Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Miis. Proc, 29, 1905, (58-59). hdlticiin n. s]). Baltic Region. Wiman, C. IJpsala, Hull. Geol. Inst., 6, 1902-3, [1905], (14, with pi.). J'occh'td moheri/i n. sp. Wiman, C. I.e. (83-82). Buviaslua nn. spp. Weller, S. New Jersey Gool. Surv., 'j'ronton, N..I., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (l!»5, ]>]. XIV). 144 2831 (h'epiccphahis dum'ui u. up. (jliina, Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. Washing- ton, D.C, Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 29, 1905, (92-93). Cyphaspis trentonensis n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (197, pi. XV). Dahnniiiles aspino.vi n. sp. Weller, S. I.e. (252, pi. XXll). Daviesella n. gen., type D. blackirel- dcri u. sp., l). beUagmuidata, D. brevicaudata, D. cluone nn. spp. China, Cambrian. Walcott, C. U. Washington, D.C, Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc. 29, 1905, (34-42). Dlkeloceph'dus nn. spp. China, Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. I.e. (91- 92). iicwtoiieiisis n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (121, pi. III). Dolichometopus nn. spp. China, Cambrian. Walcott, C. 1). Washing- ton, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 29, 1905, (94-96). Dovijpyge hispinosa n. sp. China, Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. I.e. (28). J^orypygcUa n. gen., type D. typlcal'is n. sp., D. cdastor, D. aleon nn. spp. China, Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. I.e. (29-34). ELlipsocejjlialus latiis n. sp. Wiman, C. Upsala, Bull. CJeol. Inst., 6, 1902-03, [190.5J, (44-45, with pi.). inacniDiiH nn. s])j). China, Cambrian. Walcott, C. I). Washington, D.C, Sniillisonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 29, 1905, (96-98). eoJnmhinun n. sp. Weller, S. New Jersev (ieol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Hep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (1.33, iil. V). Mcgalasp'ides vericiensis n. sp. Wiman, C Ark. Zool., Stockholm, 2, No. 11, 1905,(8-10, with pi.). Mcndrcphalu.'t nn. spp. ('hina Can - brian. Walcott, C D. Washington, D.C., SmLthM)i]ian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 29, 1905, (59-6.3). MicrodificUK or'iciitalis u. sp. China, Caml.rian, Walcott, C I). Lc (24). Xiphosura, etc. U5 2831 Xileus armadillo Dalui. Wiman, C. Stockholm, Geol. For. F5rli., 26, VdOi, (87-90, with pi.). viijilans. Fincli, G. E. Fouud at Elgin, Iowa. Des Moiues, Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 11 (1903), 1904, (179-181, with pL). Ogygia. Schmidt, Fr. St. Peterburg. Mem. Ac. Sc, (ser. 8), 14, 1 901, (57- 63). Olenoides ? eili.v n. sp. China, Cam- brian. Walcott, C. D. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 29, 1905, (27). Pagodia n. gen., type P. lotos, P. hia, P. dolqn, P. lotos, P. macedo nn. spp. China, Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. I.e. (63-67). Paradoxides jcmlland'tcus n. sp. Wiman, C. Ui^sala, Bull. Geol. Inst., 6, 1902-02, [1905], (79-80, with pi.). Proetus nn. spp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Siirv., Trenton, X.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (195-197, 249-250, pis. XIV, XV, XXII). PseudasapJius n. subgen. (Ptycliopyge). Schmidt, Fr. St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac. Sc, (Ser. 8), 14, No. 10, 1904, (4-6, 11- 12). Pteroeephalus nn. spp. China, Cam- brian. Walcott, C. D. Washington, DC, Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 29, 1905, (67-68). Pterijgotus osiUensis, chitin in the carapace. Rosenheim, 0. London, Proc R. Soc, B 76, 1905, (398-400). Ptychaspis mi. sjjp. China, Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. Washing-ton, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 29, 1905, (69-74). Ptijcltoparla nn. spp. Weller, S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (116, 117, pis. I, III). nn. spp. China, Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian lust., Nation. Mus. Proc, 29. 1905, (75-86). Ptychopyge un. spp. Ostbalt. Gebiet. Schmidt, Fr. St. Peterburg, Mem. Ac Sc, (Ser. 8), 14, No. 10, 1904, (23- 57). jerseycns'ts n. sp. Weller, N.J., Rep. Paleont., 3, 1903, (193, pi. XIV). Rcdlicltia nn. spp. China, Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 29, 1905, (25-26). Rohergla n. gen. for Remoplenrides m'leroplithalinHS Lns. Wiman, C. Up- sala. Bull. Geol. Inst., 6, 1902-03, [1905], (77-79). Schmalcnsccla n. gen., S. amh'ionura n. sp. Moberg, J. C. Stockholm, Geol. For. Forh., 25, 1903, (93-102, pi. 4). Shangtungia n. gen., type 8. spin'i- fera n. sp. China, Cambrian. Walcott, C. D. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 29, 1905, (87- 88). SJiuwardia hottntca n. sp. Wiman, C. Upsala, Bidl. Geol. Inst., 6, 1902-03, [1905], (65, with pi.). S. New Jersey Geol. Surv., Trenton, (K-11720) nericiensii^ n. sp. Wiman, C. Ark. Zool., Stockholm, 2, No. 11, 1905, (14-15, with pi.). Soleiiopleura nn. spp. China, Cam- brian. Walcott, C. D. Wasliington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 29, 1905, (88-91). Stylo7innis simonsoni n. sp. Schmidt, Fr. St. Peterburg, Bull. Ac Sc, (ser. 5), 20, 1904, (99-105, mit 1 Taf.). Triarthrus jemllandieus Lns. Wiman, C. Upsala, Bull. Geol. Inst., 6, 1902-03, [1905], (77-79). 2831.55 UPPER PALAEOZOIC. General. Woodward, H. Trilobites from the Devonian of Cant Hill, St. Minver, Com- Avall. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (151-154, with pL). Special. Dalmaiiltcs drcvcrmanni n. sp. Argen- tinien. Thomas, I. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 57, 1905, Aufsatze, (247-249, Taf. XI). Phacops. Tokarenko, L. Kazant, Trd. Ol5§c. jest., 37, 2, 1903, (36-37). L Myriopoda. l^R 3431 MYRIOPODA. 3431.55 UPPER PALAEOZOIC. Xylobhis moniliformis n. sp. U.K. Woodward, H. Geol. Mag., London, (^Ser. I's [5], 2, 1905, (442). 5231 VERTEBRATA. 5231.35 aEXEh'AL, 1NCLVDI^X: STRATA OF UX- KXOWN AGE. Jaekel, 0. Ueber die primiire Gliederung des Unterkiefeis. Berlin, SitzBer. natf. Fieunde, 1905, (134-147). Matthew, W. D. The collection of fossil vertebrates. A guide leaflet [No. 12] to the exhibition halls of vertebrate palaeontology in the American Museum of natural historN-. Amer. Mus. J., Xew York, N.Y., 3, (Supple- ment), 1903, (32, with illiis.). 5431 PISCES. Ololithns nn. spp. Uugarn. Schubert, R. .T. Wien, .Jahrb. Geoh RchriAnst., 55, 1905, (G13-G38, roit 2 Taf.). Otolithiis nn. spp. Ungarn. Schubert, R. J. I.e. (613-638, mit 2 Taf.). 5431.35 GENERAL, INCLUDING STRATA OF UN- KNOWN AGE. Eastman, C. R. Jordan on fossil Labrciiii and Chaetodont fishes. Science, New York, X.Y., (N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (244-24.3 j. 5431.50 LOWER PALAEOZOIC. Ceplmlaspiif, scales. Eastman, C. R. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 19, 1904, (703-704). 5431.55 UPPER PALAEOZOIC. GENEn.\L. Dean, V>. [Review of] The lower l>i'V(ini;in fishes of Ciemiinden, by H. II. Traquair. Science, New York, N.Y., ^N. Ser.). 19, 1904, (64-65). 3431 Eastman, C. R. Devonian fish fauna of Iowa. [Abstract.] Rochester, N.Y., Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 13, 1903, (537). Marginal and ridge scales in Cephalaspis Rnd Drepanaspis. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 19, 1904, (703-704). On the nature of Edestus and related forms. [With bibliography.] Parker, G. H. ed., Mark Anniversary Volume, New York, 1903, ([279}-289, with 1 pi.). Sl-ECUL. Acrolepis macrodonna, A. rhombi- fcvacf.murehisoni. Krotov, B. KazanT, Trd. 6b§c. jest., 38, 3, 1904, (27-29). Ainhhjpteriis permensis n. sp., A. orientalis. Russland. Krotov, B. I.e. (24-26). Bothriolepis. Patten, W. \Vood's lloll, Mass., Mar. Biol. Lab. Bull., 7, 1904, (113-124, with text fig.). Campodus. Karpinsldj, A. P. St. Peterburg, Ver. Russ. mineral. Ges., (Ser. 2), 41, 1903, Prot. (32-37). Crjmatodits. Krotov, B. Kazani, Trd. ObSc. je^t., 38, 3, 1904, (6, 7-8). Diacranodus texensis Cope ( = Didij- modus ? eo'iipressus Cope). Broili, F. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, Beilagebd, 19, 1904, (467-484, mit 2 Taf.). Dinic]dliyss])p., structure. Hussakof, L. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 21, 1905, (409-414, with 3 pi., text fig.). Diptcrus. Tokarenko, L. KazauT, Trd. OUc. jest., 37, :', 1903, (37). Drepimn.'^pis, scales. Eastman, C. R. Science, New York, N.Y., (^X. Ser.), 19, 1904, (703-704). Elouielitliys disjunct us n. sp. East- man, C. R. Cambridge, Mass., Bull. Mns. Com p. Zool. Harvard Coll., 39, 1903, (191). Erismacanthas harhatus n. sp. Eastman, C. R. I.e. (211). /•'i.s.s()J«« dentatus n. sp. Eastman, C. R. ;.<■. (175). Ilclodus iucistis n. sp. Eastman, C. R. Lc. I20i). TIomacanthiiM nn. spp. Eastman, C. R. Z.c. (218). Pisces. 147 5431 Janassa un. spp. Eastman, 0. R. I.e. (172-173J. hituminosa from the marl- slate, Thickley. Brown, J. C. Natu- ralist, London, 1905, (220-222), Menaspis, relations of. Dean, B. Amer. Geol., Minneapolis, Minn., 34, 1904, (49-53, witii pi.). Orodus inlermedius n. sp. Eastman, C. R. Cambridge, Mass., Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., 39, 1903, (183) Palaeoniscus nn. spp. ; P. nanus, P. tubereulahis, P. lepidurus, P. tsclicv- kini, P. hasaneusis, P. costatus, P. stochwovskii. Russland. Krotov, B. Kazani, Trd. Obsc. jest., 38, 3, 1904, (9-24). Palaeopycnodus sp. Krotov, B. I.e. (32-34). Phoebodus nn. spp. Eastman, C. R. Cambridge, Mass., Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., 39, 1903, (IQ9- 196). Phijsoncmiis nn. spp., P. asper n. uom. = Xijstracantlnis arcuatus Leidy. Eastman, C. R. I.e. (183-207). Platysomus hianniciia. Krotov, B. KazanT, Trd. Obsc. jest., 38, 3, 19U4, (31-32). Pse2}hodus sp. Krotov, B. i.e. (5-7). Pteraspes dunensia F. Roem. Drever- mann, F. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, Aufsatze, (275-289, mit 3 Taf.). Pygopterus. Krotov, B. Kazani, Trd. Ob§c. jest., 38, 3, 1904, (30-31). Rliadhi'iclithys anjentlnicus n. sp. Argentinien. Tomquist, A. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, Aufsatze, (346- 351, mit 2 Taf.). Sagenodus cristatus n. sp. Eastman, C. R. Cambridge, Mass., Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., 39, 1903, (188). Stethacaiithus erectns n. sp. Eastman, C. R. I.e. (217). Strehlodus avgastus n. sp. Eastman, C. R. I.e. (182). Tvemataspts, appendages. Eastman, C. R. Amer. Nat., Boston, Mass., 37, 1903, (573-577). (K-1172Q) 5431.65 TRIASSIC. Coclaeantlius afrieanus n. sp. Broom, R. Graham's Town, Cape Colony, Rec. Albany Mus , 1, pt. 5, 1905, (339). Colobodus. Salzburg. Gorjanovid- Kramberger, K. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 18, 1905, (199-211). Cosmaeantlius elegans n. sp. Idaho. Evans, H. M. Berkeley, Univ. Cal., Bull. Dept. Geol., 3, 1904, (397-[402], with 1 pi.). Uapedius. Salzburg. Gorjanovi(5- Kramberger, K. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Tal. OstUng., 18, 1905, (215-216, Taf. V). Heterolcp'idotiis parvulus n. sp. Salz- burg. Gorjanovid-Kramberger, K. I.e. (214-215, Taf. IV). Ihjbodus substriatus n. sp. Liineberg. Linstow, 0. von. Berlin, Jahrb. geol. Landesaust., 24, 1904, (129-164). Mesodon hoeferi n. sp. Salzburg. Gorjanovic-Kramberger, K. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUiig., 18, 1905, (219-220, Taf. IV). Ophiopsis attenuata. Salzburg. Gorjanovld-Kramberger, K. I.e. (218- 219, Taf. IV). PhoJidophorns. Salzburg. Gorjanovic- Kramberger, K. I.e. (221-222, Taf. IV). Seniioiwtus kapffi. Salzburg. Gor- janovic-Kramberger, K. I.e. (195-197, Taf. II). Spaniolepis n. gen., S. ovaJls n. sp. Salzburg. Gorjanovic-Kramberger, K. I.e. (216-218, Taf. IV). 5431.70 JURASSIC. Thjbodus. Mahren. Rzehak, A. Briinn, Zs. Mahr. LdMus., 4, 1904, (89- 154, mit 1 Taf.). Macromesodon n. gen. for M. bathonl- eus (Sauvage,— MesocZo?!, 1880). Blake, J. F. London, Monogr. Palaeont. Soc, 59, 1905, (32). 5431.75 CRETACEOUS. Gener.\l. Gill, T. N. An interesting Cretaceous chimaeroid egg-case. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.\ 22, 1905, (601- 602). L 2 Pisces. 148 5431 Special. Bcnjx ornatiis. Favre, I. Charikov, Trd. ObSc. ispvt. prir., 38, 2, 1903, (152-154). Ceratodus afrieanus n. sp. Sahara. Haug, E. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 138, 1904, (1529-1530). Osmeroides leicesiensis. Favre, I. CharYkov, Trd. Obsc. ispvt. prir., 38, 2, 1903, (152). 5431.85 LOWER CAENOZOTC (EOCENE, OLIGOCENE). General. Stromer, E. Ein Beitrag znr Keimt- iiis des .Mvli()l)atideu-Gebisses. Berlin, Zs. D. geoi. Ges., 56, 1904, briefl. Mitt., (203-207). Myliobatiden aus dem Mittelcociiii der baj-erischen Alpen. l.c Aufsatze, (249-2G7, mit 1 Taf.). Special. Aetobatis. Stromer, E. Wieii, Beitr. Pal. Geol. ObtQng., 18, 1905, (43, Taf. v). Alopecias. Aegyptcii. Stromer, E. I.e. (1(59, Taf. xv). Alopiops'is. Aegypten. Stromer, E. l.c. (174-176, Taf. xvi). Amhliipristis. Stromer, II Ic. (55, Taf. vi).* Bradijurns n. gen. Italy. Gill, T. N. Science, New York, N.Y.,"(N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (845-846). Carniix prhnaevus n. sp. Italy. Eastman, 0. R. Cambridge, Mass., Bull. iMus. Comp. Zoul., Harvard Coll., 46, 1904, (28j. Cnrrlmrias. Acgypton. Stromer, E. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geo). Ostl'ng., 18, 1905, (176-179, Taf. xvi). Carcharodon. Aegypten. Stromer, E. Lc. (172-174, Taf. xv). Eopr'ial'is n. subgen. {J'r'mt'uf.) Stromer, E. he (52-.53J. Caleocerdo. Aegj'pten. Stromer, E. l.c. (171-176, Taf. xvi). Calen.i. Aeg\pten. Stromer, E. U. (174-176, Taf. xvi). Ginghjmostoma. Aegvpten. Stromer, E. lc. (165-167, Taf. xv). Ueminristis. Aegj-pten. Stromer, E. Z.c' (174, Taf. xvi). Tlislionotoplwrus n. nom. (= Histio- cephalus A. de Zigno not Diesing). Eastman, C. R. Cambridge, Mass., Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard CoU., 46, 19U4, (32). (or Ptei'opliryne'?) ha.ssani. Italy. Gill, T. N. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (845-846). Lnmna. Aegj'pten. Stromer, E. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 18, 1905, (169-171, Taf. XV). Milliobatis nn. spp. Aegypten. Stromer, E. I.e. (40-43, Taf. V)." Odonlanp'is. Aegypten. Stromer, E. l.c. (169-171, Taf. XV). Otodus. Aegvpten. Stromer, E. l.c. (169-171, Taf. XV). Oxyrliina. Aeg>-pteu. Stromer, E. Lc. (167-168, Taf. XV). Priatis nn. spp. Aegj'pten. Stromer, E. l.c. (47-54, Taf. VI). Propr'istis schireinfurtliii. Stromer, E. l.c. (53-55, Taf. V). Pijenodns. Aegypten. Stromer, E. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OstUng., 18, 1905, (185-190, Taf. XVI). Pygnciis agassizii n. sp. Eastman^ C. R. Camln-idge, Mass., Bull. ]\Ius. Comp. Zool., Harvard Coll., 46, 1904, (31). Scyllium. Aegypten. Stromer, E. l.c. (164). 5431.90 UPPER CAENOZOIC ( ,1// OCENE, PLIOCENE). ArhjI/dtis hiochci n. sp. France. Priem, F. Paris, Bui. soc. geol., (ser. 4), 4, 1904, (286). Gnii/h/niof'tonm miqueli u. sp. France. Priem, F. Paris, Bui. soc. geol., (ser. 4), 4, 1901,(288). J\'l(unijc!iliiitm n. gen. (,,Sphyraeno- diia") ainus r'nidohonensis n. sp. (Jesterreich. Toula, F. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. RclisAnst., 55, 1905, (51-84, mit 1 Taf.). Reptilia. Batrachia. 149 5631 5631 REPTILIA AND BATRACHIA. 5631.35 GENERAL, INCLUDING STRATA OF UNKNOWN AGE. General. Broili, F. Pelycosaurierreste von Texas. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, Aufsatze, (208-274, mit 1 Taf.). Fraas, E. Reptilien und Saugetiere in ihren Auiiassuugserscheimmgen an das marine Leben. Stuttgart, Jahres- hefte Ver. Natk,, 61, 1905, (347-386). Hoemes, [R.]. Ueber Koprolithen und Enterolithen. Biol. Centralbl , Leipzig, 24, 1904, (566-576). Jaekel, 0. Ueber den Schadelbau der Nothosauriden. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1905, (60-84). Riggs, E. S. Structure and relation- sLips of Opisthocoelian Dinosaurs. Part I. Apatosaurua Marsh. Chicago, 111., Pub. Field Columb. Mus., Geol. Ser. 2, 1903, (U. + 165-196, with text fig. and pi.). Separate. 25.8 cm. Williston, S. W. On the osteology of N ycto.'faurus (Nyctodactylus), with notes on American pterosaurs. I.e. ([125]- 163, with text fig. and pL). Special. Zanclodon, Nomenklatur. Huene, F. von. Centralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1905, (10-12). Datheosauru.'i n. gen., D. niaerourus u. sp. Deutschland. Scliroeder, H. Berlin, Jahrb. geol. Landesanst., 25, (1904), 1905, (282-294, mit 2 Taf.). Dimelrodon, skull. Case, E. C. J. Geol., Chicago. 111., 12, 1904, (.304- 311, with text tig.). fore foot. Case, E. C. I.e. (312-315, with text fig.). Eifclosaurus triadieus'n. 'r^p. Deutsch- land. Jaekel, 0. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, briefi. Mitt., (90-94). 5631.60 MESOZOIC. General. Hay, 0. P. On the group of fossil turtles known as the Amphiclielydia ; with remarks on the origin and relation- ships of the suborders, superfamilies, and families of Testudines. [With bibliography.] New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus.' Nat. Hist., 21, 1905, (137- 175, with text fig.) Special. Anapliotldemys n. nom.(= Chelonidea preoc). Hay, 0. P. New York, 'N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 21, 1905, (145). Ichtlnjosauriis, neue Darstellmig. Jaekel, 0. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, Protokolle, (26-34). 5631.55 UPPER PALAEOZOIC. General. Case, E. C. . . . Work on the moriDhology of Permian rejDtiles. Grant No. 4-0. [Preliminary rejDort.] Wash- ington, D.C., Carnegie Inst., Y^ear Book, 1903. No. 2, 1904, (xxxvii). Special. Bathygnathiis horealis. Case, E. C. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 22, 1905, (52-53). Cochleosaunis hoheni'icus Fritsch. Broili, F'. Palaeontographica, Stutt- gart, 52, 1905, (1-16, mit 2 Taf.). 5631.65 TRIASSIC. General. Broom, R. On the use of the term Anomodontia. Graham's Town, Cape Colony, Rec. Albany Mus., 1, pt. 4, (260-209). Preliminary notice of some new fossil reptiles collected by Mr. Alfred Brown at Aliwal North, S. Africa, I.e. (209-275). • On the structure and affinities of the endothiodont reptiles. Cape Town, Trans. S. Afric. Phil. Soc, 15, pt. 4, 1905, (259-282, pis. XIL XIV). Reptilia. Batrachia. 150 5631 Hueue, F. von. Pelj-cosanrier im deutschen Muschelkalk. N. Jahrb. Min., Stuttgart, Beilagebd, 20, 1905, (321- 353, mit 3 Taf.). Merriam, J. C. The Thalattosaiiria : a group of marine reptiles from the Triassic of California. San Francisco, Mem. Cal. Acad. Sci., 5, No. 1, 1905, (52, with text fig. and pi.). Primitive characters of the Triassic ichthyosaurs. [Abstract.] Rochester, N.Y., Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 14, 1904, (536). 0[8bom], H. F. The Sauropoda. [A criticism of Hatcher's " Osteology of Haplocauthosaurus," and of Riggs' " Structure and relationships of Opisthocoelian Dinosaurs ".] Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 19, 1904, (271-272). Specul. A)wmosaurus st)-utizi n. sp. Geraiany. Huene, F. von. N. Jahrb. Min., Stutt- gart, Beilagebd, 20, 1905, (321-334, Taf. V-VII). Anthisauripus n. gen., A. hitchcocli'i n. sp. Massachusetts. Lull, R. S. Boston, Mass., Mem. Soc. Xat. Hist., 5, 1901, (486-488). Archaeosuchus n. gen., A. cairnerossi n. sp. Broom, R. Graham's Town, Cape Colony, Rec. Albanv Mus., 1, pt. 5, 1905, (333). BatracJtopus disjxiv n. sp. Massa- chusetts. Lull, R. S. Boston, Mass., Mem. Soc. Nat. Hist., 5, 1904, (483). Bracltyhrachiwn n. gen., B. hrevipes n. sp. Wyoming. Williston, S. \V. J. Geol., Chicago, III., 12, 1904, (694). Diademodon, anatomv. Broom, R. London, Proc. Zool. Soc!, 1905, 1, 1905, (96-102). Dicynodon jouheiii n. sp. Broom, R. Graham's Town, Cape Colony, Roc. Albany Mus., 1, pt. 5, 1905, (33J). DoUchobrachium n. gen., D. gracilc n. sp. Wyoming. Williston, S. W. J. Geol., Chicago, 111., 12, 1904, (689). Ekbalnacanthus. Jakovlev, N. St. Peterburg, ^'erh. Russ. mineral ges., (Ser. 2), 41, 1903, (165-169). Erythrosuchua n. gen., E. cifricanue n. sp. Broom, R. Graham's Town, Cape Colony, Rec. Albany Mus., 1, pt. 5, 1905, (336). Euhrontes platyims n. nom. ( = Am- hluiiyx gigaijteus E. Hitchcock). Lull, R. S. Boston, ilass., Mem. Soc. Nat. Hist., 5, 1904, (512). Euhrachiosauriis n. gen., E. hroimi n. sp. Wyoming. Williston, S. W. J. Geol., Chicago, lU., 12, 1904, (690). Hoiresia n. gen., B. hroiaii n. sp. Broom, R. Graham's Town, Cape Colouv, Rec. Albany Mus., 1, pt. 4, 1905, "(270). Hyperodapedou, ribs. Woodward, A. S. Stone, Rep. N. Staff. F. CL, 39, 1905, (115-117, with pi.). Iclithyosaunis cariiiatus, I. rhefiens, I. platyodon, notes. Sauvage, H. E. Autun, Bui. soc. hist, nat., 16, 1903, (311-319). MeVniodon n. gen., M. shmis n. sp. Broom, R. Graham's Town, Cape Colony. Rec. iUbany Mus., 1, pt. 4, 1905, (273). Keetosaurus n. gen., A", ludius n sp. California, Triassic. Merriam, J. C. San Francisco, Mem. Cal. Acad. Sci., 5, No. 1, 1905, (52, with text fig. and pi.). Paleorhnms n. gen., P. hransoni n.sp. Wyoming. Triassic. Williston, S. W. J. Geol., Chicago, 111., 12, 1004, (696). Pdosuchus n. gen., P. priscus n. sp. Broom, R. Graham's Town, Cape Colony, Rec. Albanv Mus., 1, pt. 5, 1905, (335). Procolophon, affinities. Broom, R. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1905, 1, (212- 217). Seeley, H. G. I.e. (218- 230, with figs.). hahii n. sp. Broom, R. CJraham's Town, Cape Colony, Rec. Albany Mus., 1, pt. 5, 1905, (332). Scsantodon n. gen., S. brou-ni n. sp. Broom, R. I.e. pt. 4, 1905, (272). Slenonyx n. nom. ( = Leptonyx E. Hitchcock preoc). Lull, R. S. Boston, Mass., Mem. Soc. Nat. Hist., 5, 1904, (498). SusLenodaetyhis n. nom. ( = Stenodae- tylus E. Hitchcock preoc). Lull, R. S. I.e. (537). Taraopleelrus n. nom. {^PJcctroptenis E.Hitchcock). Lull, R. S. /.c. (517). Reptilia. Batrachia. 151 5631 Thalatto-^iiuvn>^ \m. spp. Culifoniia. Triassic. Merriam, J. C. Sau Fran- cisco, Mem. Cal. Acad. Sci., 5, No. 1, 1905, (52, with text fig. and jil.). Thelegnathus n. gen., T. browni n. sp. Broom, R. Graham's Town, Cape Colony, Rec. Albany Miis., 1, pt.4, 1905, (274). Triraeliodon minor u sp. Broom, R. I.e. (271). Udenodon pusillus n. sp. Jaekel, 0. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1904, (172-188). 5631.70 JURASSIC. General. Williaton, S. W. North American plesiosaurs. Parti. [With " Catalogue and bibliography ".] Chicago, 111., Pub. Field Columb. Mus., Geol. Ser., 2, 1903, (1-77, with text fig. and pi.). Separate. 25.8 cm. Special. Apatosauras, structure and relation- ships. Riggs, E. S. I.e. (]?. + 1G5- 196, with text fig. and pL). Baptanodon, osteology. Gilmore, C. W. Pittsburgh, Pa., Mem. Carnegie Mus., 2, 1905, (77-129, with i± and text fig-)- Brontosaums, skull and skeleton. 0[sbom], H. F. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 22, 1905, (374-370). Cetiosnurus h'edsi from Peterborough, skeleton. Woodward, A. S. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1905, 1, (232-243). Diplodocus, clavicle. Nopcsa, F. I.e. 2, (289-294). carnegiei. Pittsburgh, Pa., Ann. Carnegie Mus., 3, 1905, (443- 452, with pi.). Qoniopholis ? gihnorei n. sp. Wyoming. HoUand, W. J. I.e. (431-434, with pi. and text fig.). Jlypsilopliodon. Great Britain. Nopcsa, F. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (203-208, with pi. and figs.). IcJilhyosaurus bamhergensls n. sp. Deutschlaud. Bauer, F. Bamberg, 15cr. natf. Ges., 18, 1 90 1, Abh. 1, (1-56, mit 2 Tal). volgensls u. sp. Russland. Kazanskij, P. Kazani, Trd. ObSft. jest., 37, 3, 1903, (3-29); deutsches Res., (29-30, mit 2 Taf.). Metriorhyuclins, Skelet. Jaekel, 0. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, Protok., (109-119). jackdi n. sp. Schmidt, VV. E. I.e. (97-108, mit 2 Taf.). Morosaurus, skull and skeleton. 0[sbornl, H. F. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 22, 1905, (374-376). Otoiipliepus n. gen. 0. magnlfiens n. sp. Connecticut. Cushman, J. A. Amer. Geol., Minneapolis, Minn., 33, 1904, (154-156, with 1 pi.). Plesiosaurus. Jakovlev, N. N. St, Peterburg, Verh. Russ. mineral. Ges.. (Ser. 2), 41, 1903, (13-16, mit 1 Taf.). Pleuroeoelus versus Astrodou. L[ucas], F. A. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 19, 1904, (436). Polaeanthus. Great Britain. Nopcsa, F. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5J, 2, 1905, (241-251, with pi. and figs.). Streptospondijlus. Great Britain. Nopcsa, F. I.e. (289-293, witli pi.). 5631.75 CRETACEOUS. General. Brown, B. Stomach stones and food of Plesiosaurs. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (184-185). Eastman, C. R. A recent paleonto- logical induction. [Criticism of paper by Barnum Brown on " Stomach stones and food of Plesiosaurs ".] I.e. (465- 466). Hay, Oliver P[erry]. A revision of the species of the family of fossil turtles called Toxochelyidfe. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 21, 1905, (177-185, with text fig.). Merriam, J. C. The occurrence of Ichthyosaur-like remains in the upper Cretaceous of Wyoming. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.),' 22, 1905, (640- 641). Reptilia. Batrachia. 152 Williston, S. W. The relatiousliiiis and habits of the mosasaurs. J. Geol., Chicago, m., 12, 1904, (43-51). North American plesio- saurs. Part 1 . [With " Catalogue and bibliography ".] Chicago, 111., Pub. Field Colunib. Mus., Geol. Ser., 2, 1903, (1-77, with text fig. and pi.). Separate. 25.8 cm. The stomach stones of the 5631 plesiosaurs. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (565). Toxochelijs un. spp. Hay, 0. P. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 21, 1905, (180-182, with text fig.). Triceratops prorsus, skeleton. Gil- more, Charles W[hituey]. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 29, 1905, (1 l. + 433-435, with 2 pis.). Tyrannosanrus n. gen., (type T. rex n. sp.) Osbom, H. F. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 21, 1905, (262-263, with text fig.). Special. ALhertosaiwus n. gen., type A. sarco- phagus n. sp.) Osbom, H. F. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 21, 1905, (265). Apatomerus n. gen., A. minis n. sp. Williston, S. W. Chicago, 111., Pub. Field Columb. I^Ius., Geol. Ser., 2, 1903, (160). BracJuiuchenius n. gen., B. lucasi n. sp. Kansas. WUliston, S. W. I.e. (57). Dy^tamosaurus n. gen., (type D. imperioffus n. sp.) Osbom, H. F. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 21, 1905, (263-264, with text fig.). (lomophoVis pugnax Koken. West- falien. Landois, II. Miinster, Jahresber. ProvVer. Wisa., 32, (1903-04), 1904, (45-46). Kyctoaaurus, osteology. Williston, S. W. Chicago, 111., Pub. Field Columl.. Mus., Geol. Ser., 2, 1903, ([125]). Plesloaaurus hanzleri n. sp. Deutsch- laiid. Koken, E. Centralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1905, (681). Poli/cotyluH ifichiadicusn. sp. Kansa.s. Williston," S. W. Chicago, 111., Pub. Field Columb. Mus., Geol. Ser., 2, 1903, (72j. Polyptychodon iyilerriipliis. Sables verts de la Meuse. Bauvage, H. E. Autun, Bui. BOO. hist, nat., 16, 1903, (321-32.3). Porthochel ys broirni n. s]k Hay, O.P. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 21, 1905, (183-185, with text fig.). StegopcJta n. gen., S. landerenala n. ap. Wyoming. Williston, S. W. Science, New York, N.V., (N. Ser.), 22, 1905, (503-504). 5631.80 CAENOZOIC. ConchocheJys n. gen., C. admiral) ills n. sp. [New Mexico.] Hay, 0. P. New York, N.Y., Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 21, 1905, (335-338, with text fig.). 5631.85 LOWER CAENOZOIC {EOCENE, OLIGOCENE). General. Hay, 0. P. The fossil Chelonia of North America. Grant No. 14. [Pre- liminary report.] Washington, D.C., Carnegie Inst., Year Book, 1903, No. 2, 1904,(xxxvii). Special. Arclincophis jvoavus. Italien. Janenscb, [W.]. Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freunde, 1904, (133-135). Monte Bolca. Janensch, [W.]. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, Protok., (54-56). Croeodilus nn. sjip. Egypt. Andrews, C. W. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (481-482). Nicorla headonens'is n. sj). Hooley, K. W. I.e. (66). Tom'istoma nn. s])p. Egypt. Andrews, C. W. I.e. (484). 5631.95 PLEISTOCENE RECENT. AND Brown, A. E. Post-glacial Nearctic c;entres of dispersal for reptiles. Phila- delphia, Pa., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 56, 1904, (464-474). Mammalia. 153 6031 5831 AVES. 5831.75 CRETACEOUS. Diatnjma gigantea. Washington, D.C., .Sniithsouiau lust., Nation. Miis. Proc, 25, 1903, (5.56). Hargeria n. gen., type Ueaperorn'is gracilis. Lucas, F. A. I.e. (55:?). 5831.85 LOWER CAENOZOIC {EOCENE, OLIGOCENE.) General. Eastman, C. R. Fossil avian remains from Armissan, [TaoperdixkeU'ica n.sp.]. Pittsburgh, Pa., Mem. Carnegie Mas., 2, 1905, ([131J-138, with pi.). Lucas, F. A. Notes on the osteology and relationship of the fossil bii'ds of the genera Hesperoriiis, Hargeria [n. gen., type Hesperornis gracilisi, I'aptorniti and Dlatryma. [Suggests that J)iatryma belongs to the Stereornithes and that Baptornis represents a separate order from Hesperornis.] Washington, D.C., .Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc., 26, 1903, (545-556, with text fig.). Special. Anthroporn'is n. gen. A. nordeiiskjolJii n. sp. Seymour Insel. Wiman, C. Upsala, Bull. Geol. Inst., 6, 1902-03, [1905], (249, with pi.). Baptornis, notes on osteology and relationship. Lucas, F. A. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 26, 1903, (553-554). Delp}iinorni>^ n. gen.,D Aarsenii n. sp. SejTnour Insel. Wiman, C. Upsala, Bull. Geol. Inst., 6, 1902-03, [1905], (2.50-251, with pL). Eosphceniscus n. gen. E . guiinari n. sp. Wiman, C. I.e. (250, with pL). Hesperornis, notes on the osteology and relationship. Lucas, F. A. Wash- ington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Nation. Mus. Proc, 26, 1903, (54.5-552, with text.-fig.). Ichytyopteryx n. gen.,Z. gracilis, n. sp. Seymour Insel. Wiman, C. Lc. Upsala, Bull. Geol. Inst., 6, 1902-03, [1905], (251, with pL). Padiypteryx n. gen., P. grandis n. sp. Seymour lusel. Wiman, C. I.e. (250, with pi.). Taoperdix keltica n. sp. France. Eocene. Eastman, C. R. Pittsburgh, Pa., Mem. Carnegie Mus., 2, 1905, ([131]- 138, with 111.). 5831.95 PLEISTOCENE RECENT. AND Aepyornis ingens de Madagascar. Grandidier, G. Nature, Paris, 31, (2'= sem.j, 1903, (215-218, av. fig.). Didus ineptus, skeleton. True, F. W. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collect. Q., 47, 1905, (517, with pi.). Sarcorliamphus pafruus n. sp. Bo- livia. Lbnnberg, E. Upsala, Bull. Geol. Inst., 6, 1902-03, [190.5], (1-11. with \A.). 6031 MAMMALIA. 6031.35 GENERAL, INCLUDING STRATA OF UNKNOWN AGE. General. Abel, 0. Die phylogenetische Ent- wicklung des Cetaceengebisses und die systematische Stellung der Physeteriden. Verh. D. zool. Ges., Leipzig, 15, 1905, (84-96). Fraas, 0. Reptilien und Saugetiere in ihren Anpassmigserscheinungen an das marine Leben. Stuttgart, Jahres- hefte, Ver. Natk., 61, 1905, (347-386). Janensch, W. Skeletbau der Glypto- dontiden. Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges., 56, 1904, Protok., (07-91). 0[sbom], H. F. Fossil mammals of Mexico. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 21, 1905, (931-932). Roger, Otto. Ueber die Antilopen. Vortrag . . . Augsburg, Ber. natw. Ver., 36, 1904, (103-126). Trouessart, E. J. Catalogus Mam- nialium tam viventium quam fossilium. Quinquennale supplementum anno 1904. Fasc. III. Tillodontia, Ungulata et Sirenia. Berlin, 1905, (547-752). Mammalia. l^* Zierler, F. E. Beitrage iiher die Diffej-eiizierung des Gebisses aus der Phylogenese der fossilen Suiden. Biol. Centralbl., Leipzig, 25, 1905, (508- 519). Special. Bos pr'nmgcniua domcuticus in der Praeglacialschiclit. Kreutz, H. 01- miitz, Cas. Muz. Spolku, 1904, (lU- 116). Daemouelix, a rodent's burrow? Peterson, 0. A. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (34-4-345). EJephas primigenius. Berezovka, Sibirieu. Zelisko, J. V. Olmiitz, Cas. Muz. Spolku, 1904, (35-55, mit 5 Taf.). Eomo, neue Gendanken iiber das alte Problem von der Abstammung. KoU- mann, J. Globus, Braunschweig, 87, 1905, (140-148). Mrfjaladapis ediccmhi G. Grandidier. Lorenz, L. v. Wien, Denkschr. Ak. Wiss., 77, 1905, (451-490, mit 0 Taf.). 6031.80 CAEA'OZO/C. D'moehoerus n. gen., n. sp. Nebraska. Peterson, 0. A. Science, New York, N.Y., (New Ser.), 22, 1905, (211-212). Eqinis, evolution. Matthew, W. D. Supi)lement to Amer. Mus. J., New York, N.Y., 3, 1903, ([l]-30, with text fig. and pi.). TlaUthrr'tum, Notiz. Port, E. D. van. Centralbl. Min., Stuttgart, 1905, (21-22). 6031 81 LOWER CAEKOZOin (EOCENE, OLIGOCENE). Ge>;er.\l. Gill, T. N. "Horses" not horses. [Criticism of " The Tree Dwellers," by E C. C'ase.] Science, New York, N.Y., (N. .Ser.), 19, 1904, (737-738). Ltihe, M. Saugetierhaare im Bern- stein. Kcinigsberg, Schr. physik. Ges., 45, 1904, Ber., (02-03). Si'ECI.M-. Euliijwmya n. gen., E. tlimnsoni n. sp. South" Dakota. Matthews, \V. D. New York, N.Y., Bull. Aun-.v. Mus. Nat. Hist., 21, 1905. (21-23, with toxt fig.). 6031 Eeteroineryx n. gen., 7/. d'lspar n. sp. South Dakot'a. Matthews, W. D. Ix. (23-20). PulucumaUodon nn. spp. Andrews, C. W. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (562-563). ZcugJodon, armor. L[ucas], F. A. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 19, 1904, (436-437). 6031 90 UPPER CAENOZOIC (MIOCENE, PLIOCENE). General. Grandidier, G. Observations sur les lemuriens disparus de Madagascar. Bui. Museum, Paris, 1902, (587-592, av. fig.)- Peterson, 0. A. Description of new rodents and discussion of the origin of Daemo)icHx [probably burrow of Stenco- fiber]. Pittsburg, Pa., Mem. Carnegie Mus., 2, 1905, f[139]-202, with pi. and text fig.). Si'ECLVL. Accralherhim nn. sjip. Samos. Weber, M. Moskva, Bull. Soc. Nat., 1904, (344-363, mit 3 Taf.). / ctm da ct ijlum . Hofmaun, A. und Zdarsky, A. Wien, Jahrl). Geol. RchsAust., 54, (1904), 1905, (585, Tai. XIV). Ampli'icijon sor'iaJis n. sp. Wiirttem- lierg und ' Bayern. Schlosser, M. N. Jalirb. Min., "Stuttgart, lieilagebd, 19, 1904, (490). Ant dope ciiuLda. Hofmann, .\. und Zdarsky, A. Wien, .Jalirl). Geol. Rclis- Aiist., 54, (1904), 1905, (589-590, Taf. XV und XVI). Cdpreohis. Veniukov, P. Mater, geol. lioss., St. Pcterl)urg, 21, 1904, (121-188) ; deutsches Res., (189-193, mit 3 'J'af.). Ccrvu8. Veniukov, P. Z.c. (189-193, mit 3 Taf.). Cordijlodon .sc/t/osscr/ n. sp. Andreae, A. Iliidcshcini, Mitt. Roemer-Mus., 20, 1904, (20). CriolJifrhim ari n. gen., P. eaprieornis n. sp. Schlosser, M. Z.c. (51-55, Taf. X, fig. 1-8). Rhinoceros. Veniukov, P. Mater, geol. Ross., St. Peterl)urg, 21, 1904, (121-188); deutsches Res., (189-193, mit 3 Taf.). von Sainos. Weber, M. Moskva, Bui. Soc. Nat., 1903, (477-501, mit 3 Taf.). S'lvatlierhim qigantcum. Abel, O. Wien, SitzBer. Ak. Wiss., 113, 1904, Abth. I, (629-651, mit 1 Taf.). Steneojiher, habits ; nn. spp. Nebraska and Wyoming. Miocene. Peterson, 0. A. Pittsburg, Pa., Mem. Carnegie Mus., 2, 1905,(140-171). Mammalia. 156 6031 Tragocerus rii'iosifrons n. sp. Schlosser, M. Wieii, Beitr. P;il. Geol. OstUng., 17, 1904, (64-05, Taf. XIII, figs. 4:-6). Tragoreas n. gen., T. oryxoides n. sp. Schlosser, M. I.e. (34-37, Taf. VI). Trochictis. Hofmann, A. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst., 55, 1905, (27- 30, mit 1 Taf.). Xenotlier'ium n. gen., X. unicum n. sp. Montana. Miocene. Douglass, E. Fittslmrg, Pa., Mem. Carnegie Mus., 2, 1905, (204-208, pi. XXII). 6031.95 PLEISTOCENE EECENT. Ge^jeral. AND Deecke, W. Saugethiere aiis dem Diluvium unci Alluvium der Provinz Pommern. Greifswald, Mitt. natw. Ver., 36 (T'.I04), 1905, (35-53, mit 1 Taf.). Nordmann, V. On Denmark's mammals in the past. (Danish) Kjolienhavn, Danm. Geol. Unders., (Ser. 3), 5, 1905, (III + 133, with an English list of the Danish fossil mammals). Special. Alactaga ."^aliens Gmel. aus Mit- teleuropa. Nehring, A. Natw. Wochen- schr., Jena, 19, 1904, (215-21 G). Aplodonlin major foss'dis n. su1)sp. California. Sinclair, W. J. Berkeley, Univ. Cal., Bull. Dept. Geol., 4, 1905, (147, pi. XIX, figs. 1-9). Arvicol'i {Tyrrhen'icola) lienseli, 1882. Medit. Region. Major, C. I. V. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 1905, (504). Bahvna mi/slicetus subfossil in Sweden. Munthe, II. Stockholm, Geol. For. Forh., 24, 1902, (49-59, 145-158, with pi.) ; iStookholni, Sv. Geol. Unders., Ser. C, 190, 1902, (27). Boa latifronH, Schiidel. Tutkovskij, P. Jezeg. geol. i miner., ^'arsava, 6, 1903, (59-62). jirim'tgeninn Boj. Bere- zowski, A. (Polisli) Krakow, Spraw. Kom. lizyogr., 38, 1905, (32-33). subfossil in Sweden. Munthe. IT. Stockholm, Geol. For. lull.., 24. 1902, (49-59, 145-158, with pi.) ; Stockholm, Sv. G(.'ol. Unders., Ser. C, 190, 1902,(27). Cervus dicrmuts Riitimeyer, C. rlienanus mihi, C tegidicn^is mihi n. sp. Dubois, E. Haarlem, Arch. Mus. Teyler, (Ser. 2), 9, 1905, (605-615, avec 1 pi.). • elaphiis, abnormal remains from the south of England. Hinton, M. A. C. Loudon, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1905, 1, (210-212). Elcplias spji., dans les couches diluviales des pays plats de rAUemagne septentrionale et de la Pologne. Chla- powski, F. (Polish) Poznan, Roczn. Tow. pvzyj. Nauk, 30. 1904,(109-130). antiquiis iu den Sand- briichen bei Grafentonna. FlorschUtz, G. Gotha, Mitt. Ver. Gesch., 1905. (43-57). primigeniiis, tooth. M'Clure, W. F. Sci. Amer., New York, N.Y., 90, 1904, (GO, with illustr.). Asiatisches Russland. Reinhardt. L. Prometheus, Berlin, 16, 1905, (337-341, 357-360). Reinhardt, L. Umschau, Frankfurt a. M., 8, 1904, (751-753). Reste, gefunden bei Bielefeld. WUbrand, J. Jahresber. hist. Ver. Ravensberg, Bielefeld, 18, 1904, (91-93). Equus, evolution. Matthew, W. D. Supplement to Amer. Mus. J., New York, N.Y., 3, 1903, ([l]-30, with text fig., iucl. pi.). cahallus : nehring'i n. subsp. Duerst, J. U. Arch. Anthr., Braunschweig, 30, 1904, (233-294). haasel n. sp. Pampas, Siidamerika. Reche, 0. Wien, Beitr. Geol. Pal. OstUng., 18, 1905, (225-241, mit 1 Taf.). .stcnonis Cocchi, Unter- kiefer von Mosbach. Reichenau, W. von. Darmstadt, Notizhl. Ver. Erdk., 4. Folge, 24, 1903, (48-54). Euceratlier'nun. California. Sinclair, William J. and Furlong, E. L. Berkeley, Univ. Cal., liull. Dept. Geol., 3, 1904, (411-118, with 2 pi. and text fig.). Separate. 27 cm. Felis Hstai bei Ultima Esjieranza (Sudwostjiatagonien). Hauthal, R. Fi-ankfurt a. M., Ber. Senckenb. Ges., 1904, (89-91). (Inipullicrhnii, Dung. Richters, F. /.(•. (16). Mammalia. 157 6031 GrypotheriiDii daric'm'i bei Ultima Es- perauza (Siidwestpatagouien). Hauthal, R. I.e. (89-91). Ultima Esperaiiza. Lehmann-Nitsche, R. Berlin, 1901, (i8). Homo hrapinoi^'is, Osteologic. Gor- janovi6-Kramt)erger, K. Verb. Ges. D. Natf., Leipzig, 75, (1903), II, 1, 1904, (219-222). Hyaena aus dem miirkiscbem Dilu- vium. Schroeder, H. Berlin, Jabrl). geol. Laiidesanst., 25; (1904), 1905, (336-341). arvcrnensifi aus dem Mos- baclier Sande. Reichenau, W. von. Wiesbaden, Jahrb. Ver. Natk., 58, 1905, (295-319). Lupus spelacus, Schadel. Langenhan, A. Monatscbr. Miueraliensamuder, Rocblitz, 2, 1904, H. 2-3, (8-9). Macliaerodus ? ischynis n. sp. Cali- fornia. Merriam, J. C. Berkeley, Univ. Cal., Bull. Dept. GeoL, 4, 1905, (171-175, witb text fig.). Mammut americanum. Alaska. Osgood, W. H. Washington, D.C., Proc. Biol. Soc., 18, 1905, (254-255). Mastodon, distribution of remains in New York. Clarke, J. M. Rocbester, N.Y., Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 14, 1904, (537). Reste aus dem interandi- nen Hochlaud von Bolivia. Pompeckj, J. F. Palaeontographica, Stuttgart, 52, 1905, (17-56, mit 2 Taf.). von Nordeck am Vogels- berg. Schottler, W. Darmstadt, Notizbe. Ver. Erdk., 4 Folge, 23, 1902, (26-30, mit 1 Taf.). ■ Texas. Mackensen, B. San Antonio, Texas, Bull. Sci. Soc, 1, 1905, ([3]-]0, witb pi.). americanus, osteolog}-. Holland, W. -J. Pittsburgh, Pa., Ann. Carnegie ilus., 3, 1905, (464-467, witb text fig.). andium. Nordenskiold, E. Stockholm, Vet.-Ak. Handl , 47, No. 4, 1903, (30, with 6 pis.). Megalonyx sierrensis n. sp. CJali- fomia. Sinclair, W. J. Berkelev, Univ. Cal., Bull. Dept. GeoL, 4, 190;'), (155, pis. XX, XXII). KotJirolhcr'nim 9 shastense n. sp. Calil'ornia. Sinclair, W. J. I.e. (153- 155, pi. XXIII, figs. l-5a, 8). OnoJilppidium saldiasl bei Ultima Esperanza(Siidwesti3atagonien). Hauthal, R. Frankfurt a. M., Ber. Senckenb. Ges., 1904, (89-91). 0 ethos mosclmtus. England. Andrews, C. W. London, Proc. Zool. Soc, 1905, 1, (50-53). fossil in Sweden. Munthe, H. Stockholm, Geol. For. Furh., 27, 1905, (173-189, with pL). Ovis aries : stiider'i n. subsp. Schoe- tensack, 0. Heidelberg, Verb. Natbist. Ver., (N.F.), 8, 1904, (1-118, mit 3 Taf.). Pltoca harhata subfossil in .Sweden. Munthe, H. Stockholm, Geol. For. Fiirb., 24, 1902, (49-59, 145-158, with pi.) ; Stockholm, Sv. Geol. Unders.. Ser. C, 190, 1902, (27). Preptoceras n. gen., P. f^'inrla'iri u. sp. California. Furlong, E. L. Berkeley, Univ. Cal., Bull. Dept. Geol. 4, 1905, ([163J-I69 + IL, witb 2 pi.). Prolagus c.alpensis n. sp. Major, C. I. F. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (466). Rhagamys orfhodon (Hensel, Miis). Medit.' region. Major, C. I. F. I.e. (503)._ Rhinoceros im Diluvium Bobmens. Kafka, J. Vesmir, Prag, 33, 1904, (112-113). Scaplioceros u. gen., S. fyrrcU'i n. sp. Alaska. Osgood, W. H. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Inst., Misc. Collect. Q., 48, 1905, (173-185, with pL). Tconoma spelaea n. sp. California. Sinclair, W. J. Berkeley, Univ. Cal., Bull. Dept. Geol., 4, 1905, (148, pi. XIX, figs. 4-7). Thomomys m'lcrodon n. sp. California. Sinclair, W. J. I.e. (140-147, pi. XIX, figs. 1-.3). Tyrrlien'icola n. gen. Major, C. I. F. Geol. Mag., London, (Ser. 2), [5], 2, 1905, (504). Ursus avctos et U. mar'dimus sub- fossil in Sweden. Hoist, N. 0. Stock- holm, Sv. Geol. Uuders., Ser. C, 189, 1902, (38, witb pi.) • demngeri n. sp. Mosbacb. Reichenau, W. von. Wiesbaden, Jahrb. Ver. Natk., 57, 1904,(1-11). New Species. 158 0431 LIST OF NEW GENERA AND SPECIE S. 0431 TROTOZOA. AMMoniPCDS [Foraminifera]. harllneiisis. Hucke. 30G6. — nidiformis. Briickmanu. 2869. CnisTEi.i.ARiA [Foraminifera]. baltica. Briickniann. 2809. i-oUhjata. Briickmaim. 2809. Jlexuosa. Briickmanu. 2809. lilhnanica. Briickmanu. 2869. m'lteUala. Briickmanu. 2809. liommeranica. Hucke. 3060. virgata. Briickmanu. 2809. Epistojiina. [Foraminifera]. Ijorcellanca. Briickmann. 286J. Frondicularia [Foraminifera]. ampulln. Hucke. 3000. hurus>iica. Briickmanu. 2869. cl'mtorta. Briickmanu. 2869. schcllirinii. Briickmann. 2869. Globigerina [Foraminifera]. ? viavtoensis. Walcott. 3452. Iagena [Foraminifera]. piira. Hucke. 3066. Marginulina [Foraminifera]. roHtrala. Hucke. 3066. ORTUorHRAG.\iiNA [Foraminifera]. hayani. Schlumherger. 3341. decorala. Sclilumi)crger. 3341. giimheli. Schlumherger. 3341. lanreolata. Schlumherger. 3341. munier'i. Sclilumberger. 3341. ^ tarnmelHi. Sclilnmliorgcr. 3341. Pii.vixuLiNA [Foraminifera]. Memin'i. Steuer. 3408. Ehabdogoxium [Foraminifera]. pericardium. Briickmann. 2869. RoTALiA [Foraminifera]. fallax. Steuer. 3108. Sac.ris'a [Foraminifera]. hranncn. Bagg. 2804. californiensis. Bagg. 2804. dongata. Bagg. 2804. 0631 POKIFERA. PKOTosroxGiA [Hexactinellida], chloris. Walcott. 3452. RECErT.ACCLlTES. fergusoni. Chairman. 2886. Sphenodictya n. gen. Herzer. 3045. cornigera. Herzer. 3045. 0831 COELENTERATA. AcTisosTROMA [Hj^dromedusac]. trentonensis. Weller. 3470. Alveopora [Hexacoralla]. gracilis. Tornquist. 3427. Ampi.excs [Tetracoralla]. eornutus. Stuckcnberg. 3413. AxisopiiYLLUM [Tetracoralla]. • carhonicum. Stuckcnberg. 3413. ANinncKAPTUS [Graptolitoidea]. nidtis. Tornquist. 3129. Antilloseris n. gen. [Hexacoralla]. Vauglian. 3446. Ari.ii.sMiiiA [Hexacoralla]. — aoholorii. Missuna. 3199- New Species. 159 Bryograptcs [Graptolitoidea]. simplex. Tornquist. 3429. CAMroriiYLLr.M [Tetracoralla]. aniplcxoides. Stuckenberg. 3413. couicum. Stuckenberg. 3413. s'nizowi. Stuckenberg. 3413. vcrmlculare. Stuckeuberg. 3413. Caninia [Tetracoralla]. cornuta. Stuckenberg. 3413. • Itelmevseiii . 3413. inostranzeicl. 3413. havp'mskii. 3413. liutorgae. 3413. lahuseni. .341.3. okens'is. Stuckenberg. 3413. ros9iea. Stuckenberg. 3413. schm'idti. Stuckenberg. 3413. striivi'i. Stuckenberg. 3413. tsehernijscheic'i . Stuckenberg. 3413. Cladopora [Tabulata]. multiscriata. Stuckenberg. Stuckeuberg. Stuckenberg. Stuckeuberg. Stuckenberg. Weller. 3i70. Ci.iMACOGRArTUS [Graptolitoitlea]. ueUingtoncnsis. Hall. 3028. Stuckenberg. Stuckenberg. Stuckenber":. Clisiophyllum [Tetracoralla]. credneri. Stuckenberg. 341 ■ eichicaldi. 3413. • hcJmerseni 3413. lonsdalei. 3413. CLONoGRAm-s [Grai^tolitoidea]. suhtilis. Tornquist. 3429. Cyclophyllum [Tetracoralla]. mstense. vStuckenberg. 3413. thomsoni. Stuckenberg. 3413. zitteli. Stuckenberg. 3413. Cypilastraea [Hexacoralla]. intermedia. Felix. 2967. Dendracis [Hexacoralla]. meridionalis. Tornquist. 3427. Dendrograptus [Graptolitoidea]. viaximiis. Wiman. 3493. Desmograptus [Graptolitoidea]. ■ -^ ? formosus, Wiman. 3493. 0831 DiiiUNdPiiVLLCSi [Tetracoralla]. barhoti. Stuckenberg. 3413. pseiidoturbinatum. Stucken- berg. 3413. Dicellograptus [Graptolitoidea]. laxatus. Lapworth. 3412. DicuoGRAPirs [Graptolitoidea]. regidaris. 'J'ornquist. 3429. DiGKANOGRAPTt'S [Graptolitoidea]. hians. Hall. 3028. DiDYMOGRAPTDS [Graptolitoidea]. • euodus var. bi'rlukki n. var. Lapvrortli. 3412. DiPLOGRAPTUS [Graptolitoidea]. thielei. HaU. 3028. Discograptus n. gen. [Graptolitoidea]. Wiman. 3493. sclimidti. Wiman. 3493. Dyi!o\vsrieli.a [Octocoralla]. rossica. Stuckenberg. 3413. Ei'isMiUA [Hexacoralla]. calcifoi'mis. Missuna. 3199. 8iidaghi. Missuua. 3199. Favia [Hexacoralla]. minor n. form. Felix. 29G7. Favosites [Tabulata]. argentina. Thomas. 3410. corrugatus. Weller. 3470. Fisclierina n. gen. [Teti-acoralla]. Stuckeuberg. 3413. rossica. Stuckenberg. 3413. Flabelldm [Hexacoralla]. papakurense. Clarke. 2890. Galeograptus n. gen. [Graptolitoidea]. Wiman. 3493. icennersteni. Wiman. 3193. GoNiocoRA [Hexacoralla]. taurica. Missuna. 3199. Heliopiiyllum [Tetracoralla]. adnascens. Greene. .3017. ignotnm Greene. 3017. Hexaphyllia n. gen. [Hexacoralla]- Stuckeuberg. 3413. prismatiea. Stuckenberg. 3413. Inocauus [Graptolitoidea]. musciformis. Wiman. 3493. IsASTRAEA [Hexacoralla]. minima. Missuna. 3199. KoNixcKOPiiYLLUM [Teti acoralla]. olivieri. Stuckenberg. 3413. rossicum. Stuckenberg, 3413. New Species. 160 0831 Latimaeajjdra [Hexacoralla]. ? compacta. Missuiia. 3199. Leptophyllta [Hexacoralla]. • longistjjla. Missuua. 3199. pulchra. Missuna. 3199. LiTHOSTROTios [Tetracoralla]. rossicum. Stuckenberg. 3413. LoNSDALEiA [TetracoraUa]. miischketotri. Stuckeuberi^. 3413. rossica. Stuckenberg. 3113. Lophophylloides n. geu. [TetracoraUa]. Stuckenberg. 3113. schclhcieni . Stuckenberg. 3413. LoPHOPHTLLUM [Tetracoralla]. minimum. Stuckenberg. 3413. uhensis. Stuckenberg. 3413. traiitscholdi. Stuckenberg. 3413. MENormLLUM [TetracoraUa]. • ulricJianiim. Girtv. 3001. MoNTLivAULTiA [Hexacoralla]. ? deformata. Missuna. 3199. piriformis. Missiina. 3199. Orbigella [HexacoraUa]. liumphreysi. Felix. 29G7. • hionsi. Felix. 2967. theresiana. Felix. 29G6. Pachyphtllum [TetracoraUa]. minutissimum. Webster. 3468. uoodmaid var. greijarium n. var. Webster. 3468. var. I'uddi n. var. Webster. 3468. Physoseris n. gen. [Hexacoralla]. VauLrlian. 3416. Pseudozaplirentoidea n. gen. [Tetra- coraUa]. Stuckenberg. 3413. ierojeeici. Stuckenberg. 3413. Reticulograptus n.gcn. [GraptoUtoidea]. Wiman. 3493. RuipPiDOOYiiA [HexacoraUa]. magna. Missuna. 3199. RoMiNGERiA [Tabulata]. ■ treuloncnsin. WeUcr. 3170. ScHizoGRAPTUS [Graptolitoidea]. avihiguus. Tornquist. 3429. rolantt. Tornquist. 3429. SoLE.N ASTRAEA [Hexa cora Ua] . anomala. Felix. 2967. Stuomvtoporella [Stromatoporoidea]. craeoviensis. Giirich. 3022. Styuna [Bexacoralla]. compressa. Missuna. 3199. Syrls'gopora [Tabulata]. rossica. Stuckenberg. 3413. Tetragraptcs [GraptoUtoidea]. vestrogothiis. Tornquist. 3429. Thkcosm ILIA [HexacoraUa]. vasiformis. ilissuua. 3199. TR.\.ciiYPnRA [Tabulata]. orisTxania. Weller. 3470. Zaphrentis [TetracoraUa]. amplexiformia. Greene. 3017. Z.VPHRENTOIDES [Tetracoralla]. mslensis. Stuckenberg. 3413. tidensis. Stuckenberg. 3413. 1031 ECHINODERMATA. Archaeocidaris [Ecbinoidea]. ourayensis. Girty. 30vi.'iCRisus [Crinoidea]. dnbiiis. Rowley. 3329. Cyathoc'RISUS [Crinoidea]. oralis. Rowley. 3329. Cyrtocrinus [Crinoidea]. digital us. ReuieS. 3307. Fibular I A [Echinoidea]. roeltzhoiri. Tornquist. 3427. Fibulina n. gen. [Echinoidea]. Torn- quist. 3427. gracilis. Tornquist. 3427. GissocRiNUS [Crinoidea]. prohlematictta. Rowley. 3329. New Species. 161 2031 Glyptocrinus [Criuoidea]. inspcrafns. Howley. ooI^'J. ? var. varhialiifi ii. var. Rowley. 3329. var. jjeittaqoims ii. var. Rowley. 3329. IcnTHYocRiNUS [Criiioidea]. mag nam di all s. Weller. 3470. IsocRixus [Crinoidea]. Jiolsaticus. Jaekel. 3079. Jaekelocystis [Cystoidea]. avcllana. Schuchert. 3360. papiUafus. Schuchert. 3360. Lampterocuixus [Crinoidea]. ? eomptus. Rowley. 3309. LECANocRiNrs [Crinoidea]. hemispher'icns. Rowley. 3309. Lepocrinites [Cystoidea]. manVms. Schuchert 3300. rCrinoidea]. MaragTiicrinus u. gen. Whitfield. 3177. portlandiciis. Whitlield. 3477. ilELOCRiNus [Crinoidea]. icittcnhergi'nsis. Rowlev. 3369. Nympiia.ster ["Asteroidea]. rudatus. Spencer. 3401. Orbitremites [Blastoidea]. grand'is. Rowley. Greene. 3017. oppelti n. sp. Rowley. Greene. 3017. Pkntaceri 'S [ Asteroidea]. abhreciafas. Spencer. 3401. hisphiosus. Sjjencer 3401. piuictatus. Spencer. 3401. Pes'tacrinds [Crinoidea] iciesbauri. Rzehak. 3331. Pentagonaster [Asteroidea]. rohustns. Spencer. 3401. Pentremites [Blastoidea]. eonoidcus var. ampins n. var. Rowley. Greene. 3017. var. pcrlongus n. var. Rowley. Greene. 3017. Pentremitidea [Blastoidea]. approximata. Rowley. Greene. 3017. ? duhia. Rowley. Greene. 3017. leda ? var. magna n. var. Rowley. Greene. 3017. (K-11720) PisocRiNUs [Crinoidea]. glahcllns. Rowley.. 3369. granulosus. Rowley. 3369. PsKUDDL'iDARis [Ecliiuoidea]. clloihecki. Dacque. 2914. Pseudosaccocoma n. gen. [Crinoidea]. Remes. 3307. sfi-amhcrgense. RemeS. .3307. PsEUDOCRiNiTES [Cystoidea]. abnonnalis. Schuchert. 3360. claijpole'i. Schuchert. 3360. elongatus. Schuchert. 3360. subqiuidratiis. Scluichert. 3360. ScmzASTER [Echinoidea]. Iioiva. Tornquist. 3427. Sphaeraster [Asteroidea]. molassicus. Schiitze. 3363. Spuaerocystites [Cystoidea]. bloomfieidensis. Schuchert. 3360. globularis var. ovalis n. var. Schuchert. 3360. Stireciiinl's [Echinoidea]. sneviGus. Scliiitze. 3363. Sympterura n. gen. [Ophiuroidea]. Bather. 2813. • minveri. Bather. 2813. Tetracystis n. gen. [Cystoidea]. Schuchert. 3300. chrysalis. Schucliert. 3300. fenestratus. Schuchert. 3300. Trimerocystis n. gen. [Cystoide?,]. Schuchert. 3360. ■ peculiaris. Schuchert. 3360. 1831 VERMES. Torlessia n. gen. Bather. 2814. DKickagi. Bather. 2814. 2031 BRACHIOPODA AND BRYOZOA. AcRdTiiELE [Bracliiopoda]. ■ inatlhewi var. eryx n. var. Walcott. 3452. ? viinuta. Walcott. 3451. varus. Walcott. 3451. AcROTUYRA [Brachiopoda]. minor. Walcott. 3451. M New Species. 162 AcRoTRETA [Bracliiopodu]. ccincellata. Walcott. 3451. cggcgrunclcnsis. Wiiiian. '•6idi. otimousi. Walcott. 3451. ■ Hani. Walcott. 3451. limiiensia. Wiman. 3494. iieboeusis. Walcott. 3451. 7io.r. Walcott. 3451. jxicifiea Walcott. 3451. shantiingensis. Walcott. 3451. sphwsa. Walcott. 3451. uplandica. Wiman. 3494. Allonema n. gen. [Bryozoa]. Ulrich and Bassler. 3439. • hotelloides. Ulricli and Bassler. 3439. • miuimum. Ulrich and Bassler. 3439. monoliforme var. aggrega- tum n. var. Ulricli and Bassler. 3439. sithfitdforme. Ulrich and Bassler. 3439. ir(ddro)iense. Ulrich and Bassler. 3439. A.MB0C0F.Li.\ [Brachiopoda]. carhonaria. Hind. 3047. AsiPLEXoroRA [Bryozoa]. • ampla. Ulrich and Bassler. 3440. coJumhiaita. Ulrich and Bassler. 3440. cylindracea. Ulrich and Bassler. 3440. Anaphragma n. gen. [Brj'ozoa]. Ulrich and Bassler. 3440. mirahile. Ulrich and Bassler. 3440. AscoDicTi'OK [Bryozoa]. floreale. Ulrich and Bassler. 3439. ■parvnhim. Ulrich and Bassler. 3439. sparsum. Ulrich and Bassler. 3439. Atactui'oba [Bryozoa]. (inquhu-is. Ulrich and Bassler. 3440. Berenicea [Bryozoa]. tiomaliea. Daccpi^. I.'914. BiLLiNGSEU.A [Brachiopo geinitzi. Bode. 2833. Etoblattina [Orthoptera]. pygmaea. Meunier. 3193. steinmanm . Sterzel. 3406. Glaphtroptera. lotliarhigica. Fliche. 2793. Gryllacris [Orthoptera]. faseiata. Bode. 2833. minor. Bode. 2833. Gybinus [ColeopteraJ. seulpturatus. Mjoljerg. 3201. Hetekophlebia [Neuroptera]. — propinqua. Bode. 2833. proxima. Bode. 2833. Homoioptera [Neuroptera]. gigantea. Agmis. 2781. Ealligramma n. gen. [Neuroptera]. Walther. 34.55. haeckeli. Walther. 3455. Nothorrhina [Coleoptera]. granulieollis. Zang. 3522. Olophrum [Coleoptera]. interglaeiale. Mjoberg. 3200. Orthophlebia [Neuroptera]. brunsvicensis. Bode. 2833. marginaba. Bode. 2833. Palaeoascia [Diptera]. uniappend'iculata. Meuuier. 3191. Palaeosphegina [Diptera]. eleganbula. Meunier. 3191. Pericoma [Diptera]. formosa. Meunier. 3194. speeiosa. Meunier. 3194. Phi.ebotojius [Diptera]. tipuliformls. Meunier. 3194. Phryganidicm [Neuroptera]. arculiferum. Bode. 2833. boreale. Bode. 2833. Platycerus [Coleoptera]. berendti. Zang. 3521. Plecia [Diptera]. borussiea. Meunier. 3192. PoGONOCHAERLs [Coleoptera]. jaekeli. Zang. 3522. PsYCHODA [Diptera]. eocenica. Meuuier. 3194. (K-11720; 2631 Rhyphus [Diptera]. splendidus. Meunier. 3192. thirionus. Meunier. 3192. ScATOPSE [Diptera]. crassicornis. Meunier. 3192. • fasciola. Meunier. 3192. grassaris. Meunier. 3192. subshnilis. Meuuier. 3192. SiMULiA [Diptera]. •- affinia. Meuuier. 3192. ■ importuna. Meuuier. 3192. pulchella. Meunier. 3192. Spheginasoia [Diptera]. biappendieidala. Meunier. 3191. Strangalia [Coleoptera]. • .berendtiana. Zang. 3522. Sycorax [Diptera]. prompt a. Meunier. 3194. tumultuosa. Meuuier. 3194. Syrpuiis [Diptera]. curvLpetiolatus. Meunier. 3191. Trichomyia [Diptera]. coneinna. Meunier. 3194. decora. Meunier. 3194. distineta. Meunier. 3194. formosula. Meunier. 3194. nova. Meunier. 3194. procera. Meunier. 3194. pidehra. Meuuier. 3194. tenera. Meunier. 3194. Xylota [Diptera]. pulehra. Meunier. 3191. 2631 CRUSTACEA. Anthrapalaemon [DecapodaJ. serratus. Woodward. 3514. Aparchites [Ostracoda]. ? anderssoni. Wimau. 3494. ? fennieus. Wimau. 3494. Bairdia [Ostracoda]. tenuis. Lienenklaus. 3146. Beyrichia [Ostracoda]. argentina. Thomas. 3416. barretti. Weller. 3470. deckerensis. Weller. 3470. jersegensis. Weller. 3470. kummeli. Weller. 3470. manliensls. Weller. 3470. rnontague)isi8. W'eller. 3470. nearpaasi. Weller. 3470. N New Species. 178 2631 Beyrichia [Ostracoila]. ■ jierinllata. Weller. 3470. smocixi. Weller. 3470. snssexensia. Weller. 3470. ualiKichensis. Weller. 3470. Betrichona [Ostracoda]. ? aha. Wiman. 3494. ■ faba. Wiman. 3494. • gevalens'is. Wiman. 3494. Bradoria [Ostracoda]. hercjeron'i. Walcott. 3452. enyo. Walcott. 3452. eris. Walcott. 3452. fmgiUs. Walcott. 3452. hteropc. Walcott. 3452. uoodi. Walcott. 3452. Bradoroka [Ostracoda]. nil'ida. Wiman. _ 3494. Bythocvpris [Ostracoda]. nearpassi. Weller. 3470. Cai.iaxassa [Decapoda]. uncifer. Harbort. 3030. Candona [Ostracoda]. caiididida. Lienenklaus. 314C. recta. Lienenklaus. 3146. rhenana. Lienenklaus. 3146. steinheimensis. Sieber. 3388. Candonopsis [Ostracoda]. arida. Sieber. 3388. CuNEOCYTHERE [Ostracoda]. punctnlata. Lienenklaus. 3146. Cyci.ocypkis [Ostracoda]. nitida. Siol)er. 3388. s'lDiUis. Lienenklaus. 3116. Cypria [Ostracoda]. enrmta. Lienenklaus. 3146. suhorhicularisf. Sieber. 33S8. Cypridopsis [Ostracoda]. gracilis. Sieber. 3388. — kinkelini. Lienenklaus. 3146. Cypris [Ostracoda]. acuta. Lienenklaus. 3146. aiiqliilinans. Lienenklaus. 3146. franco fin-Li. Lienenklaus. 3146. iiiaequalis. Sieber. 3.388. parva. Lienenklaus. 3I4('). riagovienaia. Sieber. 3388. (JvniEHEis [Ostracoda]. ramoaa. Lienenklaus. 3146. Cytheropteron [Ostracoda]. punctulatum. Lienenklaus. 3146. Cytjieridea [Ostracoda]. devexa. Lienenklaus. 3146. fragilis. Lienenklaus. 3146. miocaenica. Lienenklaus. 3146. parallela. Lienenklaus. 3146. praemdcata. Lienenklaus. 3146. rarefistidosa. Lienenklaus. 3146. spathacea. Lienenklaus. 3146. Cytherura [Ostracoda]. sulcata. Lienenklaus. 3146. Estiieriella [Phyllopoda]. radiata var. viultiliucata n. var. Jones. 3095. EicYTHERURA [Ostracoda]. dcntata Lienenklaus. 3146. EuRYCnii.iSA [Ostracoda]. jerseyensis. Weller. 3470. oculifera. Weller. 3470. HippoNicnARioN [Ostracoda]. matthewi. Wiman. 3494. Iliocypris [Ostracoda]. bitwcidaris. Sieber. 3388. IribuUata. Lienenklaus. 3146. tuberculata. Lienenklaus. 3146. Indiana [Ostracoda]. ? miuiina. Wiman. 3494. I/EPERDITELLA [Ostracoda]. ornata. Weller. 3470. Leperditia [Ostracoda]. altoidea. Weller. 3470. elongata. Weller. 3470. gigantea. Weller. 3470. LiMNiCYTHERE [Ostracoda]. esphirimena. Sieber. 3388. ziinidorfi. Lienenklaus. 3146. Lo.xocoNciiA [Ostracoda]. intoria. Lienenklaus. 3146. ffplieiioidra. Lienenklaus. 3146. Neptunl's [Decapoda]. arabicua. Woodward. 3513. New Species. 179 PoNTOCYPRis [Ostracoda]. brevia. Lieneuklaus. 3146. splendida. Lienenklaiis. 3U6. Primitu [Ostracoda]. ■ frosburgensis. Jones. 3090. Sellula [Ostracoda]. fallax. Wiman. 3494. 2831 Xestoleberis [Ostracoda]. ■ rhenana. Lienenklaus. 3146. 2831 XIPHOSURA, EURIPTE- RIDA, TRILOBITA. AciDASPis [Trilobita]. turnbulli. Reed. 3297. aladensis. Reed. 3297. Agnostus [Trilobita]. • kusaiiCTisis. Walcott. 3452. Agraulos [Trilobita]. abaris. AValcott. 3452. abrota. Walcott. 3452. acalJe. Walcott. 3452. agenoT. Walcott. 3452. dirce. Walcott. 3452. divi. Walcott. 3452. dolon. Walcott. 3452. drijns. Walcott. 3452. Amptx [Trilobita]. brevieauda. Winiau. 3500. Anomocare [Trilobita]. alcinoe. Walcott. 3452. bergioni. Walcott. 3452. bianos. Walcott. 3452. bisfou. Walcott. 3452. ? butes. Walcott. 3452. ? daidis. Walcott. 3452. daunus. Walcott. 3452. decelns. Walcott. .3452. parvida. Weller. 3470. tntian. Walcott. 3452. temenus. Walcott. 3452. Anomocarella n. gen. [Trilobita]. Walcott. 3452. albioji. Walcott. 3452. bauds. Walcott. 3452. ? biira. Walcott. 3452. carme. Walcott. 3452. chinensis. Walcott. 3452. Apatocephalds [Trilobita]. ■ peeten. Wiman. 3500. AuGEs [Trilobita]. tuberculatus. WeUer. 3470. (k-11720) Arionellus [TrUobita]. ■ agonius. Walcott. 3452. ajax. Walcott. 3452. alala. Walcott. 3452. balticus. Wiman. 3494. Boeckia [Trilobita]. mobergi. Wiman. 3497. BuMASTUs [Trilobita]. ■ elongatus. Weller. 3470. transi-ersalis. Weller. 3470. Crepicephalus [Trilobita]. damia. Walcott. 3452. Cyphaspis [Trilobita]. trentonensis. Weller. 3470. Dalmanites [Trilobita]. ctiipinosa. Weller. 3470. ■ drei:ermanni. Thomas. 3416. Damesella n. gen. [Trilobita]. Walcott. 3452. bellagranulata. Walcott. 3452. blackwelderi. Walcott. 3452. brerieaudata. Walcott. 3452. chione. Walcott. 3452. DiKELocEPavLUs [Trilobita]. ? baubo. Walcott. 3452. ? brizo. Walcott. 3452. ? newtoiiensls. Weller. 3470. DoLicHOMETOPus [Trilobita]. alceste. Walcott. 3452. deois. Walcott. 3452. derccto. Walcott. 3452. dirce. Walcott. 3452. Dorypyge [Trilobita]. biapinosa. Walcott. 3452. DorypygeUa n. gen. [Trilobita]. Walcott. 3452. aIasto7: Walcott. 3452. alcon. AValcott. 3452. tijpicaUs. Walcott. 3452. Ei.LiPSOCEPHALUs [Trilobita]. latus. Wiman. 3494. HoMALONOTDS [Trilobita]. kaijseri. Thomas. 3416. Illaenurds [Trilobita]. cajiens. Walcott. 3452. ceres. Walcott. 3452. Columbiana. Weller. 3470. — — dictijs. Walcott. 3452. Megalaspides [Trilobita]. nericiensis. Wiman. 3500. K 2 New Species. 180 2831 Mesocephalus [Trilobita]. aeerius. Walcott. 3452. aeis. Walcott. 3452. admeta. Walcott. 3452. adraslia. Walcott. 3452. agave. Walcott. 3452. helenus. Walcott. 3452. ? depressus. Walcott. 3452. MiCRODiscus [Trilobita]. orientalis. Walcott. 3452. Olehoides [Trilobita]. ? eilix. Walcott. 3452. Pagodia n. gen. [Trilobita]. Walcott. 3452. hia. Walcott. 3452. dolon. Walcott. 3452. lotos. Walcott. 3452. macedo. Walcott. 3452. Paeadoxides [Trilobita]. jenitlandiciis. Wiman. 3496. Phacops [Trilobita]. argent'nius. Thomas. 3416. Proetus [Trilobita]. brevimarginatiis. Weller. 3470. ? depret). Ilymenaea. Bayer, E. in Eric und Bayer. I.e. (135-136). IlUcium. Bayer, E. in Fric und Bayer. I.e. (129). Inga. Bayer, E. in Eric und Bayer. I.e. (i35). Laurtix. Bayer, E. in Eric und Bayer. I.e. (130-131). Dicotyledons. 197 5400 LirioJeiulron i^cliwarz'ii ii. sp. RicMer, P. Kreidepflanzen Quedliu- burgs, 1904, (20, mit Taf.). Magnolia. Bayer, E. in Fric uud Baver. Arch. Natw. LdDurchf.Bolimen, Prag, 11, Xr. 2, 1001, (126-127). Myrica. Bayer, E. in Fric und Bayer. I.e. (113). hrittontana n. nom. (= M. Jieeril Berry not M. hceril Boulay). New Jersey. Berry, E. W. New York, N.Y., BuU. Torrey Bot. CI., 32, 1905, (42-18, with 2 pis.). Myricantliium. Bayer, E. in Erie und Bayer. Arch. Natw. J.dDurchf . Bohmen, Prag, 11, Nr. 2, 1901, (114). Plataiius. Bayer, E. in Eric nnd Bayer. I.e. (131-132). Proteokles. Bayer, E. in Erie und Bayer. Z.c. (121). ProteophTjllum . Bayer, E. in Fric und Bayer. I.e. (118-120). Proteopsis. Bayer, E. in Eric und Bayer. I.e. (118). Salix. Bayer, E. in Fric und Bayer. I.e. (115, 12L). Sassafras. Bayer, E. in Eric und Bayer. I.e. (129). 5400.80 CAENOZOIC. Apeibops'is parva n. sp. Vermont. Perkins, G. H. Vermont, Piep. GeoL, Burlington, 1903-1904, 1904, (202). Aristolochia ohscura Lx. Vermont. Perkins, G. H. I.e. (202). Aristoloehites nn. spp. Vermont. Perkins, G. H. Z.c. (203-206). Bicarpellttes n. gen. for Cavpolitlws grayana Lx., B. hnoicltoni, B. rotundus, B. minimus, B. rugosus [printed obesus in error] nn. spp. Venuont. Perkins, G. H. I.e. (190-192). Brandonia n. gen., B. globulus n. sp. Vermont. Perkins, G. H. I.e. (192). Carpites nn. spp. Vermont. Perkins, G. H. I.e. (193-194). Carpolithes nn. spj3. Vermout. Perkins, G. H. I.e. (175-179). Cinnamomuvi nn. spp. Vermont. Perkins, G.H. Z.c. (199-200). Iliror'ia hlaeuminata n. sp. Vermont. Perkins, G. H. I.e. (193). Hicoroides n. gen., H. angulaia, II. triangularis, H. ellipsoidea, H. globulus, H. parva nn. spp. Vermont. Perkins, G. H. I.e. (183-185). Juglans brandonianus n. sp. Ver- mont. Perkins, G. H. I.e. (182-183). Imwus ungeri n. sp. VaUendar am Rhein. Engelhardt, H. Wiesbaden, Jahrb. Ver. Natk., 58, 1905, (295- 319). Monoearpellites n. gen., M. tchitfieldii, M. pyramidalis, M. sulcatus, M. orbicu- laris, M. elegans, M. gibbosus, M. irregularis, M. hitcheoekil, M. med'ius, M. verinontanus, M. ovalis nn. spp. Vermont. Perkins, G. H. Vermont. Rep. Geol., Burlington, 1903 -1904, 1901, (180-182). Nyssa nn. spp. Vermont. Perkins, G. H. I.e. (194-199). Prunoides n. gen. for Carpolithes bnrsaeformis, P. seelyi n. sp. Vermont. Perkins, G. H. I.e. (208-209). Eubioides n. gen., B. lignita n. sp. Vermont. Perkins, G. H. I.e. (193). Sapindoides n. gen., S. barius, S. parva, S. medius, S. vermontanus, S. cylindricus, S. minimus nn. spp. Vermont. Perkins, G. H. Z.c. (206- 208). Tricarpellites nn. spp. Vermont. Perkins, G. H. I.e. (186-190). 5400.85 LOWER CAENOZOIC (EOCENE, OLIGOCENE). Acacia benesclii n. sp. Brabenec, E. Prag, Bull. Ac. Sci. FranQ. Jos., 9, 1904, 2. Heft, (1-5, mit 1 Taf.). Cinnamomum, Geschichte des Genus. fStaub, M. Budapest, 1905, (138, mit 2 Kart. und 26 Taf.). 5400 90 UPPEE CAENOZOIC {MIOCENE, PLIOCENE). Belula. Kemer, E. v. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst., 55, 1905, (605). Bumelia. Kemer, E. v. I.e. (607). Cassia. Kemer, F. v. I.e. (609-610). Dicotyledons. 198 Ceratoplnjlhim sinjanum n. sp. Kemer, F." v. l.c (594-597, Taf. XV, figs. 1-2). 5400 Cinnamomum. Kemer, F. (606-607). Geschichte des Genus. jStaub, M. Budapest, 1905, (138, mit 2 Karte und 26 Taf.). Diospijros. Kemer, F. v. TVien, Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst., 55, 1905, (607- 608). Dryandroides. Kemer, F. I.e. (G07). Ficus. Kemer, F. v. I.e. (605-606). Jnglans. Kemer, F. v. I.e. (609). Myriea. Kemer, F. v I.e. (601- 605). Myrsine. Kemer, F. v. I.e. (607). Fhododendro)). Kemer, F. v. I.e. (608-609). Jahrb. Geol. EchsAust., 55, 1905, (597-599, Taf. XV, figs. 3 and 7). Damasoniinn (>ntinae n. sp. Kemer, I.C. F. V. I.e. (601-602, Taf. XV, fip;. 5). 5400.95 PLEISTOCENE RECENT. AND Cinnamomum, Geschichte des Genus. jStaub, M. Budapest, 1905, (138, mit 2 Karteu und 26 Taf.). Corylus in Schweden. Andersson, G. Bot. Jahrb., Leipzig, 33, 1903-4,(493- 501). avellana in Schweden ehedem und jetzt. Andersson, G . Stock- holm, Sv. Geol. Unders., Ser. Ca, No. 3, 1902, (168, mit Karte imd Taf.). Dryaa oetopetala in Norway. (Xorw.) 0yen, P. A. Kristiania, Foih. Vid. selsk., 1904, No. I, (4). Salh- reticidata in Norway. (Norw.) Pyen, P. A. I.e. (4). 6000.95 PLEISTOCENE AND FECENT. Didich'mm spathaeeum Pars, in dani- schen interglazialen Torfmooren. Hartz, N. Bot. Jakrb., Leipzig, 36, 1905, (78-81). 6500 GYMNOSPERMS. 6500.35 GENERAL, INCLUD- ING STRATA OF UNKNOWN AGE. General. Berry, E. W. The ancestors of the big trees. Pop. Sci. Mon., New York, N.Y., 67, 1905, (465-474, with text fig-)- Special. Araiieorites, Jahresringbildung der Stiimme. Gothan, W. Natw. Wo- chenschr., Jena, 19, 1904, (913-917). 6500.55 UPPER PALAEOZOIC. Arauearyoxylon. Sterzel, J. T. Chemnitz, Ber. natw. Ges., 15, (1899- 1903), 1904, (23-41). Dadoxylon australe n. sp. Australia. Arber, E. A. N. Catal. Glossopteris Flora, Brit. Mus., 1905, (191). 6000 MONOCOTYLEDONS. 6000.75 CRETACEOUS. Flahcllar'ia vuifjolhievsis n. sp. Dela- ware and Maryland. Berry, E. \V. New York, N.Y., 5, 1905, (.30-33, with text fig-)- 6000.90 UPPER CAENOZOIC (MIOCENE, PLIOCENE). Cyperiten tihiri, n. form. aff. Care.v tertiarin Ung. Kemer, F. v. Wion, 6500.60 MESOZOIC. Androstrohus seotti n. sp. Nathorst, A. G. Stockliolm, Vet.-Ak. Hand!., 36, No. 4, 1902, (5-6, with pi.). Autlierang'wpsis n. gen., A. rcdlviva n. sp. Nathorst, A. G. I.e. (20, witli pi.). Bcania caiTidhcrs'i n. sp. Nathorst, A. G. I.e. (21). Cyendorcplialwi n. gen., T'. scicardi n. sp. Nathorst, .\. G. /.c. (7, with pi.). Gymnospems. 199 6500 Otozamites nu. spp. Bornliolm. MoUer, H. I.e. No. 6, 1903, (12-18, with j)l.). Stenorrochis solmsl n. sp., S. scanicus nov. iioin. for Zamiostrobus stenorrachis Xathorst. Nathorst, A. G. I.e. No. 4, 1902, (16-18, with pi.). Taxites siibzamioides n. sp. Box'n- holm. MoUer, H. I.e. No. C, 1903, (31-35, with pL). WiUiamsonia ang list if oil a, ausfiihr- liche Beschreibung, besoaders mit Riicksicht au£ die Bluten. Nathorst, A. G. I.e. No. i, 1902, (9-10, mit Taf.). 6500.75 CRETACEOUS. Abietifcs gliicliii n. sp. Richter, P. Kreidepflanzen Quedlinbiirgs, 1904, (20, mit 2 Taf.). Baiera ? sp. Rikuzen. Yokoyama, M. Tokyo, J. CoU. Sci., 18, Art. 6, 1904, (10, pi. I, fig. 2). Ceratostrobus. Bayer, E. in Fric und Bayer. Arch. Natw. LdDiirchf. Bohpieu, Prag, 11, Nr. 2, 1901, (108). Cunningliamia. Bayer, E. in Fric und Bayer. I.e. (97-98). Cyparissidium. Bayer, E. in Fric und Bayer. I.e. (109). Dammara. Bayer, E. in Fric imd Bayer. I.e. (95). D'loonitea. Bayer, E. in Fric und Bayer. I.e. (88). Eehinostrohus. Bayer, E. in Fric und Bayer. I.e. (106-107). Frenelopsis. Bayer, E. in Fric und Bayer. I.e. (112). Geinitzia microearpa n. sp. Richter, P. Kreidepflanzen Quedlinburgs, 1904, (20, mit 2 Taf.). Krannera. Bayer, E in Fric und Bayer. Arch. Natw. DdDurchf. Boh- men, Prag, 11, Nr. 2, 1901, (93). Mierozamia. Bayer, E. in Fric und Bayer. I.e. (92). ? dub'ia n. sp. New Jersey. Berry, E. W. New York, N.Y., Bull. Torrev Bot. CI., 32, 1905, (43-48, with 2 pis.) Nilssonia. Bayer, E. in Fric rmd Bayer. Arch. Natw. LdDurchf. Bohmen, Prag, 11, Nr. 2, 1901, (88). Pinus. Bayer, E. in Fric und Baver. I.e. (93-100). Plntonia. Bayer, E. in Fric und Bayer. I.e. (101). Podozamites. Bayer, E. in Fric und Bayer. I.e. (90-92J. Sequoia. Bayer, E. in Fric und Bayer. ?.c. (102-105). intermedia n. sp. Richter, P. Kreidepflanzen Quedlinburgs, 1904, (20, mit 2 Taf.). Zamiopsis hrevipennis n. sp. Richter, P. I.e. (20, mit 2 Taf.). Zamites. Bayer, E. in Fric und Bayer. Arch. Natw. LdDurchf. Boh- men, Prag, 11, Nr. 2, 1901, (180 + IV). 650080 CAENOZOIC. Cueumites lesquereuxii Kn. Vermont. Perkins, G. H. Vermont, Rep. GeoL, Burlington, 1903-1904, 1904, (211- 212). Driipa rhahdosperma Lx. Vermont. Perkins, G. H. I.e. (210-211). Illieium lignitum Lx. Vermont. Perkins, G. H. I.e. (210). Pinus nn. spp. Vermont. Perkins, G. H. Vermont, Rep. Geo!., Burling- ton, 1903-1904, 1904, (209). 6500.90 UPPER CAENOZOIC {MIOCENE, PLIOCENE). Pieea e.xeeisa var. alpestris Briigger. Deutschland. Gluck, H. Heidelberg, Mitt. geol. Laudesanst., 4, 1903, (397- 428, mit 1 Taf.). Pinus. Kemer, F. v. VVien, Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst., 55, 1905, (604). Sequoia penhallowii n. sp. California. Jeffrey, E. C. Bot. Gaz., Chicago, 111., Uuiv. Chic, 38, 1904, (321-332, with 2 pis.). 6500.95 PLEISTOCENE AND RECENT. Pieea excelsa var. alpestrts Briigger. Deutschland. Gliick, H. Heidelberg, Mitt. geol. Landesanst, 4, 1903, (397- 428, mit 1 Taf.). Cycadofilices. 200 6600 6600 CYCADOFILICES. 6600.35 CJEXEHAL, INCLUDING STRATA OF UNKNOWN AGE. Grand'Eury. Sur les rtizomes et les racines des fougeres et des cycadofilices. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 138, 1904, (C07- 608). Zeiller, R. Observations an sujet du mode de fiiictification des Cycadofilici- nees. I.e. (663-665). 6600.45 PALAEOZOIC. Ward, L. F. Paleozoic seed plants. Science, New York, X.Y., (X. Ser.), 20, 1904, (279-281). 6600.55 UPPER PALAEOZOIC. General. Arber, E. A. The seed-bearing habit in the Lvginodendreae. Cambridge, Proc. Phil. Soc, 13, 1905, (158-lGO). Coulter, J. M. " Ptt'ridospermaphvfn." Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (149). Oliver, F. W. Ueber die neuent- deckten Samen der Steinkohlenfarne. Biol. Centralbl., Leipzig, 25, 1905, (401- 41«. Ward, L. F. The Pteridosperma- phyta. Science, New York, N.Y^., (N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (25-20). Special. Lagenosloma nn. spp. Arber, E. A. N. London, Proc. R. Soc, 76, 1905, (247, 251). hid.stuni S. & A., L. siiL- olairi Kidston. Scott, D. H. and Arber, E. A. N. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1904, (1905), (778). Lyfi'inodcndron, presence of g^-mno- spennous seeds in. Berry, E. W. Science, New York, N.Y., (N. Ser.), 20, 1904, (56-57, 86-87). 6700 VASCULAR CRYPTO- GAMS. 6700.35 GENERAL, INCLUDING STRATA OF UNKNOWN AGE. Grand'Eury. Sur les rhizomes et les racines des fougeres fossiles et des (vcadolilices. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 138, 1904, (607-608). Special. Calarnites, relation of root to stem. Maslen, A. J. Ann. Bot., Oxford, 19, 1905, (61-74, with pis. and fig.). Lcp'idodendron, Nomenelatur nnd Artkritik. Fischer, F. Berlin, Abh. geol. Landesanst., (N.F.), If. 39, 1904, (iii -f 80). Psaronius LraslUensis. Solms- Laubacb, H. In : Festschrift fiir P. Aschersou, Berlin, 1904, (18-26). Stauropteris oldhamia Binney, spo- rangia. Scott, D. II. N. Phytol., London, 4, 1905, (114-120, with figs.). 6700.55 UPPER PALAEOZOIC. General. Peklo, Jaroslav. Psaronien— Stanmie der fossilen Marattiaceen. (Cechisch) Prag, Vestn. Ceske Ak. Frant. Jos., 13, 1904, (669-680). Renault, B. Quelqnes remarques sur les cryptogames anciemies et les sols fossiles de vegetation. Paris, C.-R. Acad, sci., 138, 1904, (1237-1239). Special. Areliaeoptcris intermedia n. sp. Biiren-Insel. Nathorst, A. G. Stock- liolm, Vet.-Ak. Ilandl., 36, No. 3, 1902, (18-19, with pi.). liothorodendron {Cyclostignia) hrevi- folium n. sp. Biiren-Insel. Nathorst, A. G. I.e. (40-41, Avith pL). pxLuetatum, B. minuti- foVnim, Zalesskij, M. St. Peterburg, Mem. Com. geolog., (N. ser.), 13, 1904, (43-44); res. fr., (105-107). Ihthvostrohiis olryi. Zalesskij, M. i.e. (44), res. fr. (107). Cephalothcea n. gen., C. affinis, C. ? major, C. mirabilis, nn. spp. Biiren- Insel. Nathorst, A. G. Stockholm, Vet.-Ak. liandl.,36,No.3, 1902, (15-17, with pi.). Fayol'ia fruin Ilkeston. Newton, E. T. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 61, 1905, (Proc. i). Cryptogams. Glossopteris, niorphology. Arber, E. A. N. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1904, (1905), (781). hrowniaiia, Brongn., sporangiiun-like organs of. Arber, E. A. N. London, Q. J. Geol. Soc, 61, 1905, (324-338, with pis.). Lepidodeudron nn. spp. [Lepidodeu- draceae]. Herrick, C. L. J. Geol., Chicago, III, 12, 1901, (2.50-251). nn. spp. Russlaad. Zalesskij, M. St. Peterburg, Mem. Com. geolog., (N. ser.), 13, 1904, (3-30) ; res. fr., (81-99). Lepidopldoios larie'mus. Zalesskij, M. J.c. (30) ; res. fi-., (99-101). Lcpidoplnjllum lanceolatum, L. majus. ZalSssMj, M. I.e. (42) ; res. fr., (104- 105). Lepidostrohus Tiidstonin. sp., Russland. L. sqiiavrosus, L. variabilis. Zalesskij, M. I.e. (39-41) ; res. fz-., (102-105). Lyeopodites carhonaceus. Zalesskij, M. Z.e.(38); res.fr., (102). Maerostachya heeri n. sp. Biiren- Insel. Nathorst, A. G. Stockholm, Vet.-Ak. Handl., 36, No. 3, 1902, (28- 29, with pi.). PkyllotJieea ethcridgei u. sp. N. S. Wales. Arber, E. A. N. Catal. Glosso- pteris Flora, Brit, ilus., 1905, (26). Pteridoraehis n. gen., provisorischer Name fiir FarnsjDindelreste, die als Abdriicke oder in verkohltem Zustande vorliegen. Nathorst, A. G. Stockholm, Vet.-Ak. Handl., 36, No. 3, 1902, (11-13). Rhizomopteris nordensltioldi n. sp. Baren-lnsel. Nathorst, A. G. I.e. (10, with pi.). Sigillana nn. spp. and several old spp. Russland. Zalesskij, M. St. Peterburg, Mem. Com. geolog., (N. ser.), 13. 1904, (47-73) ; res. h:, (108-123). SpJienophylhim (Trizygia) eostae n. sp. Sterzel, [J. T.]. Chemnitz, Ber. natw. Ges., 15, (1899-1903), 1904, fLXlX- LXXll). fertile n. sp. Scott, D. H. London, Rep. Brit. Ass., 1904, 1905, (777-778) ; London, Phil. Trans. R. Soc, 198 B, 1905, (17-39, with 3 pis.). siditenerrirauvi n. sp. Baren-lnsel. Nathorst, A. G. Stock- 201 6700 holm, Vet.-Ak. Handl., 36, No. 3, 1902, (23-24, with pi.). Sphenopteridium kedhaui n. sp. Baren-lnsel. Nathorst, A. G. I.e. (13- 14, with pi.). Sligmaria iicoides. Zalesskij, M. St. Peterburg, Mem. Com. geolog., (N. Ser.), 13, 1904; (77-80), res. fr., (123-124, pL). Syringodendron alternans, S. tse.herny- schewi n. sp. Russland. Zalesskij, M. I.e. (70), res. fr. (123). Vlodendron. Zalesskij, M. (N. Ser.). I.e. (35-36) ; res. fr. (101-102). 6700.60 MESOZOIC. Asplenites cladophleboides n. sp. Bornholm. Moller, Hj. Lund, Univ. Arsskr., Afd. 2, 38, No. 5, 1902, (27, with pL). Cladophlehis hirta n. sji. Bornholm. MoUer, Hj. I.e. (30-31, with pL). Ctcnis nathorsti n. sp. Bornholm. Moller, Hj. I.e. (38, with pi.). Diehsonia paxiciloba n. sp. Born- holm. Moller, Hj Lc. (21, with pi.). Diet yopluill urn fen^f/ioZini n. sp. Bom- holm. Mdiler, Hj. I.e. (41-45, with PU. Ilausmannia (Protorhipis) aeutidens n. sj). Bornholm. Moller, Hj. I.e. (44-45, with pL). Sphenopteris aeutidens n. sp. Born- holm. Moller, Hj. I.e. (23, with pi.). 6700.75 CRETACEOUS. Acrostiehum. Bayer, E. in Fric und Bayer. Arch. Natw. LdDurchf. Boh- men, Prag, 11, Nr. 2, 1901, (61-69). Dieksonia. Bayer, E. in Fric und Bayer. I.e. (76). Diptei'iphyllum. Bayer, E. in Fric imd Bayer. I.e. (73). Drynaria. Bayer, E. in Fric und Bayer. I.e., (70-72). Equisetum zeilleri n. sp. Richter, P. Kreidepflanzen Quedlinbui'gs, 1904, (20, mit 2 Taf.). Gteielienia. Bayer, E. in Fric und Bayer. Arch. Natw. LdDurchf. Boh- men, Prag, 11, Nr. 2, 1901, (79-80). Cryptogams. 202 6700 Gymnogramme. Bayer, E. in Fiic und Bayer. I.e. (70). Marsilia. Bayer, E. in Fric mul Bayer. I.e. (SG). Onco-pteni^. Bayer, E. in Fric und Bayer. I.e. (Si). PardcalVipteris potonici n. sp. Rich- ter, P. Kreide)Dflanzen Quedlinbiirgs, 1904, (20, mit 2 Taf.). Parathinnfeld'ia duhia n. sp. Rich- ter, P. I.e. (20, mit 2 Taf.). Tempskya. Bayer, E. in Fric und Bayer. Arch. Natw. LdDurchf. Bohmen, Prag, 11, Nr. 2, 1901, (77j. 7300 CHARACEAE. 7300 90 J'PPER CAEKOZOIC {MIOCENE, PLIOCENE). Kemer v[on Marilaun], Fritz [Ritter]. Neopfianzen vom Nordrande des Sinjsko Polie in Mltteldalmatien. Wien, Jahrb. Geol. RchsAnst., 55, 1905, (593-t)12, mit 1 Taf.). Chara. Kemer, F. v. 7.r. (GOO-GOl, Taf. XV, fio-. 4). 7400 ALGAE AND SCHIZO- PHYCEAE. 7400 35 GENERAL, INCLUDING STRATA OF UNKNOWN AGE. Acmilliod'inenfi n. gen., .4. rugo-'ius sp. Pantocsek, J. Beitr. Kennt. loss. Bacillarien Ungarns, Berlin, 1903. Achnanthes loczyi n. sp., A. hahljiehi'i var. auhquadrala n. var. Pantocsek, J. I.e. AeLinoeyclus nn. spp. Pantocsek, J. I.e. Aetinodictyon n. gen., .4. (inTti'iniordialis. Pantocsek. 3262. procera. Pantocsek. 3262. pseudoaspera. Pantocsek. 3262. psendofusca. Pantocsek. 3262. pseudogemmata. Pantocsek. 3262. pumila var. fossUis n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. ramphotdes. Pantocsek. 3262. rattray'i. Pantocsek. 3262. reusii. Pantocsek. 3262. rohusta. Pantocsek. 3262. sehaarschmidfii. Pantocsek. 3262. scythica. Pantocsek. 3262. seetdis var. horyana n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. seriosa. Pantocsek. 3262. sieholdii. Pantocsek. 3262. shnhirshiana. Pantocsek. 3262. smithii var. minor n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. suhfusca. Pantocsek. 3262. szahoi. Pantocsek. 3262. szontdghii. Pantocsek. 3262. tenella var. /ossiZis n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. ihumii. Pantocsek. 3262. toulaae. Pantocsek. 3262. transsylvanica. Pantocsek. 3262. - var. producta n. var. Pan- tocsek. 3262. trevelyana var. hungariea n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. trinolata. Pantocsek. 3262. troglodytes. Pantocsek. 3262. truanii. Pantocsek. 3262. turgidida. Pantocsek. 3262. vnszaryi. Pantocsek. 3262. veniis. Pantocsek. 3262. venusta. Pantocsek. 3262. NA-\acuL\ 7400 viridis var. fossilis n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. - var. staurofora n, var. Pantocsek. 2362. vxikotinovieii. Pantocsek. 3262. wiesnerii. Pantocsek. 3262. yan'ensis var. hitiuntnosa n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. var. graeilior n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. - var. val'ida n. var. tocsek. 3262. zechenterii. Pantocsek. NiTZSGIIIA. andesitica. Pantocsek. antiqua. Pantocsek. Pan- 3262. 3262. 3262. Pantocsek. b'leiisp'idata. 3262. hituminosa. Pantocsek. 3262. eostata. Pantocsek. 3262. doljensis. Pantocsek. 3262. frustulum var. acuta n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. var. constricta n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. - var. curvata n. var. Pan- tocsek. 3262. - var. hungariea n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. - var. mintUa n. var. Pan- tocsek. 3262. - var. ohtusa n. var. Pan- tocsek. 3262. - var. producta n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. hevesensis. Pantocsek. 3262. loezyi. Pantocsek. 3262. pulcherrima var. interrupta n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. szahoi. Pantocsek. 3262. transsijlvaniea. Pantocsek. 3262. horyana. Pantocsek. 3262. neogradensis. Pantocsek. 3262. pyqmaea. Pantocsek. 3262. Odontotropis. — hirostrata. Pantocsek. 3262. ■ vitrea. Pantocsek. 3262. Odontella. Orthoneis. notata. pethoi. Pantocsekia n. gen. elivosa. Pantocsek. Pantocsek. .3262. 3262. Grun. 3262. Pantocsek. 3262. New Species. 218 7400 Paralia. — debyl. Pantocsek. 3262. — hohlmideana. Pantocsek. 3262. — petho'i. Pantocsek. 3262. — pohjeysthiica. Pantocsek. 3262. — riissica. Pantocsek. 3262. — sulcata var. Inmgarica n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. Peronia. honjana. Pantocsek. 3262. Plagiogramma. ■ hiharcnse. Pantocsek. 3262. honjanum. Pantocsek. 3202. ■ luczyi. Pantocsek. 3262. ncogradense. Pantocsek. 3262. . salinarum. Pantocsek. 3262. tnuDiii. Pantocsek. 3262. Pi.EUROSlGMA. h'thavense. Pantocsek. 3262. eudon. Pantocsek. 3262. koeJiii. Pantocsek. 3202. neogradense. Pantocsek. 3262. transsylvamcum. Pantocsek. 3262. Ploiaria n. yen. Pantocsek. 3262. PODOSIHA. horyana. Pantocsek. 3262. eonstrieta. Pantocsek. 3202. ■ hungarka. Pantocsek. 3202. Idczyi. Pantocsek. 3262. rohusta. Pantocsek. 3262. transsylvanlca. Pantocsek. 3262. PSEUDOAULISCUS. hrun'ii. Pantocsek. 3262. granidatua. Pantocsek. 3262. rattrayi. Pantocsek. 3262. sclimh'ltii. Pantocsek. 3262. Pseudocerataulus n. gen. Pantocsek. 3262. kinherii. Pantocsek. 3262. kochii. Pantocsek. 3202_. temph'ei. Pantocsek. 3262. Pyegodiscus. kinkerii. Pantocsek. 3262. Pyxili.a. car'inifera var. runsica n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. cornuta. Pantocsek. 3262. direeta. Pantocsek. 3262. Pyxilla. huiigarlca. Pantocsek. 3262. lunyacsckii. Pantocsek. 3262. russ'ica. Pantocsek. 3262. vasla. Pantocsek. 3262. Rhabdonema. adriatieiim var. fossUis n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. diminutum. Pantocsek. 3262. viikado. Pantocsek. 3262. taeniatum. Pantocsek. 3262. RllArilONElS. angustata. Pantocsek. 3262. horyana. Pantocsek. 3262. debyi. Pantocsek. 3262. delicatida. Pantocsek. 3262. fuclisii. Pantocsek. 3262. gemmifeva var. hiharensis n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. - var. sitbtiUor n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. liungariea. Pantocsek. 3262. kinkerii. Pantocsek. 3262. lorenziana var. minor n. var. Panto(^sek. 3262. subtilissima. Pantocsek. 3262. szakalensis. Pantocsek. 3262. Rhizosolenia. squamosa. Pantocsek. 3262. Rhopalodia. gihha var. incisa n. var. Pantocsek. 3201. RUTILARIA. kerncrii. Pantocsek. 3202. szakalensis. Pantocsek. Salacia n. gen. Pantocsek. 3202. horyana. Pantocsek. 3262. ScOLIOrLEURA. szakalensis. Pantocsek. 3262. Semseyia. hnngavica. Pantocsek. 3261. Stauroneis. horyana. Pantocsek. 3262. kochii. Pantocsek. 3262. fhoenicenleron var. angustior n. var. Pantocsek. 3261. Hzoidagliii. Pantocsek. 3262. New Species. Staurosiba. 219 grunoicii. Pautocsek. 3262. harrisonii var. fossiliis n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. havjiensis. Pautocsek. 3262. vasta. Pantocsek. 3262. renter var fossi7is n. var. Pautocsek. 3262. Stephanodiscus. bihm-ensis. Pantocsek. 3262. • entz'ii. Pantocsek. 3261. fossilis. Pautocsek. 3262. viatrensis. Pautocsek. 3262. minutus. Pantocsek. 3262. transsylvanicus. Pautocsek. 3262. Stephanogoxia. acideata. Pantocsek. 3262. cineta. Pantocsek. 3262. strVolata. Pantocsek. 3262. szontarjliii. Pautocsek. 3262. Stephanopyxis. antiqua. Pantocsek. 3262. deleetabilis. Pantocsek. 3262. grossecellulata. Pautocsek. 3262. gyrata. Pantocsek, 3262. maxima. Pantocsek. 3262. russlca. Pantocsek. 3262. vasta. Pantocsek. 3262. Stictodiscus. bonjanus. Pantocsek. 3262. hungaricus. Pantocsek. 3262. J;ossut}iii. Pantocsek. 3262. szontaghii. Pantocsek. 3262. tscliestnoicii. Pautocsek. 3262. tuber culatiis. Pantocsek. 3262. icittii. Pautocsek. 3262. Surieei.la. Stigmaphora. ? hungarica. 3262. Pantocsek. Stylobiblicji. carinatum. Pantocsek. 3262. haradaae. Pantocsek. 3262. inflatum. Pantocsek. 3262. jimbol. Pantocsek. 3262. ovale. Pautocsek. 3262. pohjgibbum. Pautocsek. 3262. 7400 amocna. Pantocsek. 3262. antiq}ia. Pantocsek. 3262. biharensis. Pautocsek. 3262. fastuosa var. fossilis n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. jimbdi. Pantocsek. 3262. kellerii. Pantocsek. 3262. kinkerii. Pantocsek. 3262. koehii. Pantocsek. 3262. lanceolato-euspidata. Pau- tocsek. 3262. neupauerii. Pantocsek. 3262. rotunda. Pautocsek. 3262. - var. minor n. var. Pan- tocsek. 3262. salsa var. hungarica n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. signata. Pantocsek. 3262. subfastuosa. Pantocsek. 3262. tenera var. fossilis n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. torquata. Pantocsek. 3262. toulaae. Pantocsek. 3262. transsylvanica. Pantocsek. 3262. vaszaryi. Pautocsek. 3262 verrucosa. Pantocsek. 3262' Syn'detoneis. Syxepra. russica. Pautocsek. 3262. biharensis. Pautocsek. 3262. bremiana. Pantocsek. 3262. — crystallina var. fossilis n. var. Pautocsek. 3262. dubravicensis. Pantocsek. 3262. fasclculata var. obtusa n. var. Pautocsek. 3262. jurdnyi. Pantocsek. 3262. salinarum. Pantocsek. 3262. transsylvanica Pantocsek. 3262. ulna var. fossilis n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. Sz€chenyia n. gen. Pantocsek. 3261. antiqua. Pantocsek. 3261. • gracilis. Pantocsek. 3261. ornata. Pantocsek. 3261. Terpsisoe. brunii. Pantocsek. 3262. triquetra. Pantocsek. 3262. Tetracyclus. laeustris var. fossilis n. var Pantocsek. 3262. New Species. 220 7400 Teiceratium. abyssorum var. saratoinana n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. anan'menfte. Pantocsek. 3262. antipodum. Pantocsek. 3262. antiquum. Pantocsek. 3262. armasevskii. Pantocsek. 3262. hiharense. Pantocsek. 3262. boryanum. Pantocsek. 3262. brandtii. Pantocsek. 3262. brunii. Pantocsek. 3262. caducum. Pantocsek. 3262. casti'acanei. Pantocsek. 3262. coerulescens. Pantocsek. 3262. coiieiliatum. Pantocsek. 3262. var. vaVidior n. var. Pan- tocsek. 3262. cristatum. Pantocsek. 3262. cucidlatum. Pantocsek. 3262. - var. lat'ior n. var. Pan- tocsek. 3262. var. d'lsseminato puncfa- tiim. Pantocsek. 3262. debesii. Pantocsek. 3262. dediidum. Pantocsek. 3262. ? deformalum. Pantocsek. 3262. delectab'de. Pantocsek. 3262. detonii. Pantocsek. 3262. diatinguendum. Pantocsek. 3262. duteitrei. Pantocsek at Temp. 3262. elahim. Pantocsek. 3262. elevatum. Pantocsek. 3262. endlicherii. Pantocsek. 3262. exornatum var. ananinens'is n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. - var. shnbirskiana n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. fasciatum. Pantocsek. 3262. fragile. Pantocsek. 3262. grovel. Pantocsek. 3262. guroicii. Pantocsek. 3262. hilaratum. Pantocsek. 3262. liorridum. Pantocsek. 3262. - tetragova. n. form. Pan- tocsek. 3262. idonenm. Pantocsek. 3262. illustrum. Pantocsek. 3262. jimhoi. Pantocsek. 3262. jucimdnm. Pantocsek. 3262. jitnetum var foaailis n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. kidstonii. Pantocsek. 3262. Triceratium. kusnetzkianum. Pantocsek. 3262. laetum. Pantocsek. 3262. lahusenii. Pantocsek. 3262. lanceolatum. Pantocsek. 3262. loczyi. Pantocsek. 3262. var. coniluens n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. lucidum. Pantocsek. 3262. mereskovski. Pantocsek. 3262. mblleri. Pantocsek. 3262. notatum. Pantocsek. 3262. ■ nudum. Pantocsek. 3262. peragalloii. Pantocsek. 3262. pethoi. Pantocsek. 3262. petitii. Pantocsek. 3262. pileus var. robustior n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. ? jM^ygibbum. Pantocsek. 3262. praefero.r. Pantocsek. 3262. proprium. Pantocsek. 3262. protractum. Pantocsek. 3262. pseudoareticum. Pantocsek. 3262. rattrayi. Pantocsek. 3262. renwiciatum. Pantocsek. .3262. rzehakii. Pantocsek. 3262. saratoviamnn. Pantocsek. 3262. aturtii. Pantocsek. 3262. sarmaticum. Pantocsek. 3262. semseyi. Pantocsek. 3262. septum. Pantocsek. 3262. smithii. Pantocsek. 3262. sokoloicii. Pantocsek. 3262. speeiosum. Pantocsek. 3262. squa7natum. Pantocsek. 3262. staubii. Pantocsek. 3262. stigmaticum. Pantocsek. 3262. suborbicidore. Pantocsek. 3262. szakalense. Pantocsek. 3262. tectum. Pantocsek. 3262. terliarium. Pantocsek. 3262. letragonum. Pantocsek. 3262. triaiiicum. Pantocsek. 3262. tnianii. Pantocsek. 3262. undatum. Pantocsek. 3262. New Species. Triceratium. undosum. Pantocsek. 3262. vastum. Pantocsek. 3262. rates. Pantocsek. 3262. vittatum. Pantocsek. 3262. iceisseianum. Pantocsek. 3262. Trixacria. ant'iqua. Pantocsek. 3262. excavafa vai' jyroducta n. var. Pantocsek. 3262. muellcrii. Pantocsek. 3262. • -pachtii. Pantocsek. 3262. ■ praecellens. Pantocsek. 3262. russica. Pantocsek. 3262. semseyi. Pantocsek. 3262. shnulacroides. Pantocsek. 3262. sparsa. Pantocsek. 3262. tschestnonii. Pantocsek. 3262. — vetustissima. Pantocsek. 3262. Truania u. gen. Pantocsek. 3262. archangelskiana. Pantocsek. 3262. Tschestnowia n. gen. Pantocsek. 3262. vi'irahilis. Pantocsek. 3262. ■ var. partita n. var. Pan- tocsek. 3262. ■ var. poUygona u. var. Pan- tocsek. 3262. 221 7900 Wittia n. gen. Pantocsek. 3262. . insign'is. Pantocsek. 3262. Xanthiopyxis. ■ panduraeform'is. Pantocsek. 3262. Van heurckella c 3262. admirabllis 3262. gen. Pantocsek. Pantocsek. Zygoceros. antiquus. Pantocsek. 3262. var. hiterrupla n. var. Pantocsek 3262. hunqar'ieus. Pantocsek. 3262. •? iceisstlogti. Pantocsek. 3262. Sphaerococcites [Spliaerococcaceae]. dyadieus. Sterzel. 3400. 7700 FUNGI. Sphaeria [Sphaeriaceal. . radialis. Engelhardt. 2960. 7900 PLANTS OF UNASCER- TAINED POSITION. Anarthrocanna. • gbpperti. Nathorst. 3213. Carpolithus. vKittewanensis. Berry. 2826. ostryaeformis n. nom. Berry. 2826. Codonopbyton n. gen. Nathorst. 3213. ep'ipliyticum. Nathorst. 3213. Glossocarpellites n. gen. Perkins. 327-1. Phyllites. diffu-oodensis. Berry. 2826. 222 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF NAMES OF NEW GENERA, SPECIES AND VARIETIES. {The names of new Genera are in italics.) aalenianum Pachylytoceras ; Buck- man. 2870. abaris Agraulos ; Walcott. 3452. abaujeiisis Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. abbreviatus Peutaceros ; 3407. abderus abeli Solenopleura ; 3452. Spencer. Walcott. Amauropsis ; Blaschke. 2882. Belemuite:5 ; Vetters. 3450. abnormalis Pseud ocrinites ; Scliu- cliert. 3360. abnormis Svntropliia; Walcott. 3451. abrota Agraulos; Walcott. 3452. absegmen Lunulicardiuni ; Clarke. 2895. acadica Obolus ; Walcott. 3451. acalle Agraulos ; Walcott. 3452. acauius Ptychaspis ; Walcott. 3452. acantha Solenopleura ; Walcott. 3452. Acanthodiscus n. gen. Pantocsek. 3262. Aeantkopecten n. subgen. Girty. 3001. acciucta Ontaria ; Clarke. 2895. accola accrescens idalia Lunulicardiuni ; 2895. Harpoceras ; 3517. Menocephalus ; 3452. Solenopleura ; 3452. Clarke. Wunstorf. Walcott. Walcott. acinaciformis Homacanthus ; East- man. 2952. acis Menocephalus ; Walcott. 3452. aclis Ptychoparia ; Walcott. 3452. actinocycloides Coscinodiscus ; Pan- tocsek. 3262. Aetinodicfyoti n. gen. Pantocsek. 3262. aculeata Stephanogonia ; Pantocsek. 3262. acuminatus Tricarpellites ; Perkins. 3273. acuta Cyjiris ; Lienenklaus. 3146. n. var. Navicula lyra. Pan- tocsek. 3262. n. var. Nitzschia frustulum ; Pantocsek. 3262. acutidens Hausmanni ; Moller. 3205. SjDhenojjteris ; Moller. 3205. acutirostris Lima; Krumbeek. 3128. acutum Orthoceras ; Hind. 3047. Perkins. acutus addaae admeta admirabilis Aristolochites ; 3273. Navicula; Pantocsek. 3262. Menocephalus ; Wallcott. adnascens adrastia 345: Conchochelys ; 3039. Van Heurckella ; csek. 3262. Heliojihyllum ; 3017. Menocephalus ; 3452. Hay. Panto- Greene. Walcott. 224 aegyptiaca Cyprina ; Oppenheim. 3243. Vulsella ; Oppenheim. 3243. aegyptiacus PecUiucuIus ; Oppen- heim. 3243. afiiliata Ontaria; Clarke. 2895. aflBnis Cephalotheca ; Xatborst. 3213. Simiilia ; Meunier. 3192. afiicauus Ceratodus ; Haug. 303-5. Coelacanthus ; Broom. 2864. Erythrosuchus ; Broom. 2863. agassizii Pygaeus ; Eastman. 2953. agave Menocephalus ; Walcott. 3452. agellus Ptychocladia ; Ulrich & Bass- ler. 3439. agenor Agraiilos ; Walcott. 3452. agglomerata Rhynchonella ; Weller. 3470. agglutinans Cypris ; Lienenklaus. 3146. aggregatum n. var. Allonema moni- liforme ; Uhich & Bassler. 3439. agno Solenopleura ; Walcott. 3452. agonius Arionellus ; Walcott. 3452. agria Melosira ; Pantocsek. 3262. ajax Arionellus ; Walcott. 3452. akkabensis Ostrea ; Krumbeck. 3128. alala Arionellus ; Walcott. 3452. alandensis Obolus ; Walcott. 3451. alastor Dorypygella ; Walcott. 3452. alata Syntrophia ; Walcott. 3451. alatus Mytilus; Krumbeck. 3128. Albertoaaurus n. gen. Osborn. 3249. albion Anomocarella ; Walcott. 3452. alceste Dolichoraetopus ; Walcott. 3452. alcinoe Anomocare ; Walcott. 3452. alcon Dorypygella ; Walcott. 3452. aliena Rhynchonella; Rau. 3291. alleni Calceocrinus ; Rowley. 3329. Allonema n. gen. Ulrich & Bassler. 3439. alta Beyrichona ; Wiman. 3494. altissima Patella; Blaschke. 2832. altoides Leperditia ; Weller. 3470. ambiguus Schizograptus ; Torn- quist. 3429. americauus n. comb. Sapindoides ; Per- kins. 3273. amii Nisusia ; Walcott. .3451. AmmoneUa n. gen. Walther. 3455. amoena SurireUa ; Pantocsek. 3262. amphionura Schmalenseeia ; iloberg. 3203. amphitrite ampla amplexiformis Modiola ; 3128. Krumbeck. Amplexopora ; Ulrich & Bass- ler. 3440. Zaphientis ; Greene. 3017. amplexoides Campophyllum ; Stucken- berg. 3413. amplus n. var. Pentremites conoideus ; Greene. 3017. ampulla amvfi;dala Eroudicularia ; 3066. Palaeoneilo ; 2843. Hucke. Borisiak. amygdaloideus Tricarpellites ; Per- kins. 3273. ananineusis Actinoptvchus ; Panto- csek. 3262. Aulacodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Chelouiodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Triceratium ; 3262. Pantocsek. n. var. Triceratium exor- natum ; Pantocsek. 3262. Anaplwlidemys n. uom. Hay. 3037. Anapliragma n. gen. Ulrich & Bassler. 3440. anderssoni Aparchites ; 3494. Wiman. Pleurophorus ; Bolmi. 2840. andesitica n. var. Actinoptychus glabratus; Pantocsek. 3262. Amphora ; Pantocsek. 3262. 225 aiidesitica ii. vnv. Amphora gigantea ; I'antucsek. 3262. 11. var. Biddulphia trideii- tata; Pantocsek. 3262. Cocconeis; Pantocsek. 3262. Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Navicula major; Pantocsek. 3262. Xitzschia ; Pantocsek. 3262. andreaei Valvata ; Menzel. 3181. andrussowi Palaeophocaena ; Abel. 2774. angolensis Bucliiola ; Clarke. 2895. angnlaris Atactopora ; Ulrich & Bassler. 3440. Mesotrvpa ; Ulrich & Bassler. 3440. Tricarpellites ; Perkins. 3723. angiilata Gypidula ; Weller. 3470. Hicoroides ; Perkins. 3273. n. var. Spirigera wissraanni ; Philip. 3281. angnstata Rhaphoueis ; Pantocsek. 3262. angusticostata Ceromva ; Krumljeck. 3128. angustior n. var. Navicula liaiieri ; Pantocsek. 3261. n. var. Stauroneis phoenicen- teron ; Pantocsek. 3261. nngustus Otolithus ; Schubert. 3358. Streblodus ; Eastman. 2952. Anisodiscus n. gen. Pantocsek. 3262. anomala Billingsella ; WaJcott. 345L Solenastraea ; Felix. 2967. AnomocarelJa n. gen. Walcott. 3452. Antherangiopsls n. gen. Nathorst. 3214. Anthisauripus n. gen. Lull. 3163. anthrax Productus ; Vaughan. 3046. Anthropoiti'is n. gen. Wiman. 3499. Autilloseris n. gen. Vaughan. 3446. antij^odnm Triceratium. Pantocsek. 3262. antiqna Haynaldella ; Pantocsek. 3262. — Nitzschia ; Pantocsek. 3262. Surirella; Pantocsek. 3262. (K-11720) antiijiia Stephanopvxis ; Pantocsek. 3262. Szechenyia ; Pantocsek. 3261. Trinacria ; Pantocsek. 3262. antiquis Platystoma ; Webster. 3467. antiquonun Actinodictyon ; Panto- csek. 3262. antiquum Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. antiquus Aulacodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Zygoceros; Pantocsek. 3262. antouii Mytilus ; Oppenheim. 3243. antoninae Sigillaria ; Zal6sskij. 3520. antonini Turbo ; Krnmbeck. 3128. Apatomeru.^ n. gen. Williston. 3487. apicalis Aristolochites ; Perkins. 3273. appalachirt Billingsella ; Walcott. 3451. Dicellomus ; Walcott. 3451. approximata Pentremitidea ; Greene 3017. araliicus Neptunus : Woodward. 3513. aradina Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. arca-furcata Trigonia ; Vetters. 3450. Ayeliaeosuclais n. gen. Broom. 2863. archangelskiana Truania ; Pantocsek. 3262. archeri Turbonilla ; Dall & Bartsch. 2919. arctica Eetzia; Bohm. 2840. arcuata Amphora ; Pantocsek. 3262. Melosira; Pantocsek. 3262. Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262 . arculiferum Phryganidium ; Bode. 2833. arenaria Dumortieria ; Buckman. 2871. arenariaeformis Navicula ; Panto- csek. 3262. argenta Nisusia ; Walcott. 3451. Q 226 argentiiia Beyricliia ; Thomas. 3416. Favosites ; Thonias. 3416. Stropheodonta ; Thomas. 3416. argentinicus Rhadinichthj-s ; Torii- quist. 3428. argentinus Phacops ; Thomas. 3416. argia n. var. Syiitrophia primordialis ; Walcott. 345J . argobbae Aspidoceras ; 2914. Dacqne. argus Amphora ; Pantocsek. 3262. arida Candonopsis ; Sieber. 3388. armaSevskii Triceratium; Pantocsek. 3262. armatus Cosciuodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. arthaljeri Otolithus ; Schubert. 3358. Worthenia; Blaschke. 2832. articeps Crocodilus ; Andrews. 2791. artiis Eimiorphotis ; Bohm. 2840. arussiorum Perisphinctes ; Dacque. 2914. ascoidea Nyssa ; Perkhis. 3273. asiatica Obolella ; Walcott. 3451. Pterocephalus ; Walcott. 3452. Terebratula ; Kriunbeck. 3128. Aiimnnda n. subgen. Dall & liartscli. 2919. asonumaae Coscinodiscus ; Panto- csek. 3262. asjjer n. nom. Physonemiis ; Eastman. 2952. aspera Lepetopsis ; Bhaschke. 2832. aspinosa Dalmanites; Weller. 3470. asseni Hoplites ; Boehm. 2835. attenuata n. v;ii-. Melosira graniilata; J'antocsek. 3262. Rhopalonaria ; Ulrich & Basslor. 3439. aucklandica Vaginella ; 2890. Clarke, aurita Fontanncsia ; Buckman. 2871. australe Dadoxylon ; Arl)er. 2801. auatriacus Otolithus ; iSehubert. 3358. avellana Jaekelocystis ; Schuchert. 3360. bacillifera Navicula ; 3262. Pantocsek. baini Procoloplion ; Broom. 2863. Baldra n. subgen. Dall & Bartsch. 2919. balnearuni Gomphonema ; Panto- csek. 3262. baltica Obolus ; Walcott. 3451. Cristellaria ; Briickman. 2869. balticus Arionellus ; Wiman. 3494. bambergensis Ichthyosaurus ; Bauer. 2815. barbatus Erismacanthus ; Eastman. 2952. barboti Dibunophyllum ; Stucken- berg. 3413. barbouri Steneofiber ; Petei'son. 3277. barentsi Clionites ; Bohm. 2840. Discina; Bobu. 2840. barretti Beyrichia ; Weller. 3470. bartholini DietyophyUura ; Moller. 3205. Otozamites; Moller. 3204. bartinensis Ammodiscus ; Hucke. 3066. batia Ptychoparia ; Walcott. 3452. baubo Dikelocephalus ; Walcott. 3452. baucis Anomocarella ; Walcott. 3452. bamulcrii Navicula; Pantocsek. 3262. baxterii Actinoptyehus ; Pantocsek. 3262. bayani Orthophragmina ; Sclilum- berger. 3341. beckii Navicula; Pantocsek. 3262. beecheri Rhvnchopora ; Greger. 3019. beinitiana Terebiatula ; Krumbeck. 3128. 227 beleuus Menocephalus ; Walcott. 3452. bellagranulata Damesella ; Walcott. 3452. bellula Elkania; Walcott. 3451. belus Solenopleura ; Walcott. 3452. bennetti Gervilleia ; Bohni. 2840. beneschi Acacia ; Brabenec. 2849. berendti Platycerus ; Zang. 3521. berendtiana Stiangalia ; Zang. 3522. bergeroni Bradoria ; Walcott. 3452. bergioni Anoniocare ; Walcott. 3452. bergonii Campylodisciis ; Pantocsek. 3262. bermudense Carychimn ; Gulick. 3024 beroe Solenopleura ; Walcott. 3452. Besla D. subgen. Dall & Bartsch 2919. beusliauseni Lunulicardium; Clarke. 2895. bia Pagodia ; Walcott. 3452. biacuminata Hicoria ; Perkins. 3273. bianos Anomocare ; Walcott. 3452. biappendiculata Splieginascia ; Meu- nier. 3191. biarata Lima ; Bolim. 2840. Bicarpellites u. gen. Perkins. 3273. bicoruis Alaria ; Blake. 2830. bicuspidata Nitzscbia ; Pantocsek. 3262. bifoliata Cancellaria ; Aldrich. 2872. bifurca Worthenia ; Bohm. 2840. biharense Plagiogramma ; Panto- csek. 3262. Pleurosigma ; Pantocsek. 3262. Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. biharensis Amphiprora ; Pantocsek. 3262. Chaetoceros ; Pantocsek. 3262. Clavicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. Cocconeis ; Pantocsek. 3262. Coscinodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. (K-11720) biharensis Cymatosira ; Pantocsek. 3262. Pantocsek. Epithemia ; 3262. Grammatophora ; Pantocsek. 3262. Hemiaulus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Melosira ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Navicula inflexa ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Navicula inJialata ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Rbaplioneis gemmi- fera ; Pantocsek. 3262. Stepbanodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Surirella ; Pantocsek. 3262. Synedra ; Pantocsek. 3262. bilateralis Capidus ; Blaschke. 2832. billingsi Syntrophia ; Walcott. 3451. bimaculata Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. biuocularis lliocypris ; Sieber. 3388. biochei Aetobatis ; Priem. 3288. biplicata Centronella ; Weller. 3470. birostrata Odontotropis ; Pantocsek. 3262. biserialis Cerithinella ; Blake. 2830. bisinuata Schizophoria ; Weller. 3470. bispinosus Pentaceros ; Spencer. 3401. bispinosa Dorypyge ; Walcott. 3452. biston Anomocare ; Walcott. 3452. bisulcatus Nautilus ; Dacque. 2914. bittneri Avicula ; Bohm. 2840. Palaeoneilo ; Borisiak. 2843. Pseudomonotis ; Philipp. 3281. )jituminosa Amphora ; Pantocsek. 3262. Fragilaria ; Pantocsek. 3262. Melosira ; Pantocsek. 3262. Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Navicula yarrensis ; Pantocsek. 3262. Nitzschia ; Pantocsek. 3262. q2 228 bivittata Fragilaria ; 3262. Pantocselv. ljj0rlukki u. var. Didymograptus euodus. Lapworth. 3-112. blackwelderi Damesella ; Walcott. 3452. Obolus ; Walcott. 3451. blairi Ptychoparia ; Weller. 3470. blanckeiihorni Cardita ; Oppenheim. 3243. Cyrena ; Oppenheini. 3243. Lucina ; Oppenheim. 3243. Pacliyerisma ; Krumbeck. 3128. blanfordi Area ; Newton. 3223. bleicheii n. nom. Dumortieria ; Benecke. 2820. bloomfieldensis Sphaerocystites ; Schuchert. 3360. bodosensis Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. boeckhii Coscinodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. boreale Dentalium ; Bohm. 2840. Pliryganidium ; Bode. 2833. borealis n. var. Melosira granulata ; Pantocsek. 3262. lioi-kholmieusis Rhinidietya ; Wimau . 3493. boruholmensis Otozamites ; Moller. 3204. borussica Frondicularia ; Briickniaii. 2869. Plecia; Meuiiier 3192. boiyana Amphora ; Pantocsek. 3262. 11. var. Biddulphia tuomevi : Pantocsek. 3262. Cocconeis ; Pantocsek. 3262. Endictya ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Epithemia gibba ; Pantocsek. 3262. Hydrosera ; Pantocsek. 3262. 11. var. Melosira granulata ; Pantocsek. 3262. Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Navicula gastrum ; Pantocsek. 3262. boryana n. var. Navicula mesolepta ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Navicula sectilis Pantocsek. 3262. Odoutella; Pantocsek. 3262. Peroiiia ; Pantocsek. 3262. Podosira ; Pantocsek. 3262. Rapboueis ; Pantocsek. 3262. Salacia ; Pantocsek. 3262. Stauroneis ; Pantocsek. 3262. boryanum Dimeregramma ; Panto- csek. 3262. Himantidium ; Pantocsek. 3262. Plagiogramma ; Pantocsek. 3262. Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. borvanus Actinocyclus. Pantocsek. 3262. Actinoptychus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Aulacodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Campvlodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. C'erataulus; Pantocsek. 3262. Stictodiscus ; Pantocsek. 32C>2. botelloides AUonema ; Ulrich and Bassler. 3439. bottiiica Lingida; Wiman. 3494. Shumardia ; Wiman. 3494. Bracluinclicn'ius n. gen. Williston. 3486. BraclnjhracJuum n. gen. Williston. 3489. BradijurnH n. gen. Gill. 2995. brancoi n. nom. Dumortieria ; Benecke. 2820. Brandonia ii. gen. Perkins. 3273. brandonianus Aristolochites ; Perkins. 3273. Juglans; Perkins. 3273. brandtii Triceratium ; Pantocsek 3262. branneri Sagrina ; Bagg. 280 1 . bransoni Paleorliinus ; Willistnii. 3189. 229 brasiliensis Crassatellites ; Dall 2917. brassavi Campvlodisciis ; Pantocsek. 3262. bremiana Synedra ; Pantocsek. 32G2. bremiauus Actinocyclus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Campylodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Coscinodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. breve Cadoceras ; Blake. 2830. brevicauda Ampyx ; Wiman. 3500. brevieaudata Damesella. Walcott. 3452. breviciila Palaeoneilo ; Clarke. 2895. brevifolium Bothrodendron ; Xat- liorst. 3213. brevimarginatiis Proetus ; Weller. 3470. brevipennis Zamiopsis ; Ricliter. 3317. brevipes Brachvbrachiuni ; Willis- ton. '3489. brevijjlicata Rhvnchonella ; Weller. 3470.' brevis Pontocypris ; Lienenklaus. 3146. brightwelloides Coscinodiscus. Pan- tocsek. 3262. bristoli Zonitoides ; Gulick. 3024. bristovi Ostrea ; Richardson. 3315. brittoniana n. nom. Myrica ; Berry. 2826. brizo Dikelocephalus ; Walcott. 3452. broilii Pecten ; PliiUpp. 3281. Purpurina; Read. 3292. bromus Ptychoparia ; Walcott. 3452. brooksi Endocostea ; Johnson. 3094. brottTii Eubrachiosaurus ; Williston. 3489. Howesia ; Broom. 2861. • Porthochelys ; Hay. 3037. Sesamodon ; Broom. 2861. ■ Thelegnathiis ; Broom. 2861. Inunii Asteromphalus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. Pseudoaidiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Terpsinoe ; Pantocsek. 3262. Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. bransvicensis Orthoijhlebia ; Bode. 2833. buchi Macrodon ; Bohm. 2840. Mysidioptera ; Bohm. 2840. buckmani Rhynchonella ; Upton. 3441. budayiaua Amphora ; Pantocsek. 3262. Epithemia ; Pantocsek. 3262. Navicida ; Pantocsek. 3262. Cymbella; Pantocsek. 3262. bura AnomocareUa ; Walcott. 3452. burea Ptychojjaria ; Walcott. 3452. burrowsi Neptunea ; Newton. 3223. bursaeformis n. comb. Prunoides ; Perkins. 3273. busiris Pterocej^halns ; Walcott. 3452. butes Auomocare ; Walcott. 3452. cacus Ptychasi^is ; Walcott. 3452. cadmus Ptychaspis ; Walcott. 3452. Caduei fern. sect. Dall&Bartsch 2918. caducum Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. cailliaudi Pecten ; Oppenheim. 3243. cairensis Pecten ; Oppenheim. 3243. cairncrossi Archaeosuchus ; Broom. 2863. calchas Ptychaspis ; Walcott. 3452. calciformis Epismilia ; Missuna. 3199. californiensis Sagrina ; Bagg. 2804. californicus Actinoptychus ; Pan- tocsek. 3262. callipyrga n. nom. Odostomja ; Dall & Bartsch. 2919. calliste Luclna ; Oppenheim. 3243. callisto Ptychaspis ; Walcott. 3452. 230 Callolongchaeus n. subgen. Dall & Bartsch. 2919. Calloporina n. gen. Ulrich & Bassler. 34i0. callosiusciila Acme ; Audreae. 2790. callosus n. var. Poecilozonites nelsoni ; Gulick. 3024. calpeusis Prolagus ; Major. 3169. calyce Ptychaspis ; Walcott. 3452. camtria Cyrtoceras ; Walcott. 3452. Goniostropha ; Donald. 2931. Schuchertina ; Walcott. 3451. campe Ptychaspis ; Walcott. 3452. CampteropMebia n. gen. Bode. 2833. canaliculata Vauikoro ; Blake. 2830. cancellata Acrotreta ; Walcott. 3451. Cyrtodonta ; Reed. 3297. candidula Candona ; Lienenklaus. 3146. canens lUaenunis ; Walcott. 3452. canis Cardita ; Oppenlieim. 3243. capillare Heteronema ; Ulrich & Bassler. 3439. capitata Cymbella ;Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Epithemia sorex ; Pantocsek. 3261. u. var. Navicula latissima ; Pantocsek. 3262. capricornis Pseudotragus ; Schlosser. 3340. caputmedusae Melosira ; Pantocsek. 3262. carbonaria Ambocoelia ; Hind. 3047. carbonarium Heteronema ; Ulrich & Bassler. 3439. carbonicuni Anisophyllum ; Stucken- berg. 3413. caressae Rhynchonella ; Phillip. 3281. carinatuni Stylobi])lium ; Pantocsek. 3262. carinatus Ethmodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Glyptocrinus iu- si»ratus. Rowley. 3329. ■ Tricarpellites ; Perkins. 3273. carme Anomocarella ; Walcott. 3452. carpathorum Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. carruthersi Beania ; Nathorst. 3214. caseyi Pleurotoma ; Aldrich. 2782. cashaquae Pterochaenia ; Clarke. 2895. castanoides Tricarpellites ; Perkins. 3273. castracanei Alloeoneis ; Pantocsek. 3202. _ Triceratiuni ; Pantocsek. 3262. Caused n. gen. Wiraan. 3494. Centroporus n. gen. Pantocsek. 3262. Cephalotheea n. gen. Nathorst. 3213. ceres Illaenurus ; Walcott. 3452. cerrillosensis Acmaea ; Johnson. 3094. ceto Ptychaspis ; Walcott. 3452. ceus Ptychoparia ; Walcott. 3452. chasei Aulacodisciis ; Pantocsek. 3262. chantauquae Phragmostoma ; Clarke. 2895. Chcloniodtsciis n. gen. Pantocsek. 3262. cherieanus Cucullaea ; Bohm. 2840. chinensis Anomocarella ; Walcott. 3452. Obolus; Walcott. 3451. Redlichia; Walcott. 3452. n. var. Stenotheca rugosa; Walcott. 3452. Damesella ; Walcott. 3452. Protospongia ; Walcott. chione chloris 3452. chmeietensis Cardita ; Oj^penheim. 3243. choiTati Perisphinctes ; Dacque. 2914. choroschowensis Palaeonoilo ; Bori- siak. 2843. chronus Platyceras ; Walcott. 3452. chrysalis Tetracvstis ; Schuchert. 3360. " chyzerii Cymbella ; Pantocsek. 3262. Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. ciliata Pleurotomaria ; Clarke. 2895. cilix Olenoides; Walcott. 3452. •231 ciucta Melosira ; Pautocsek. 3262. — — Xavicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. Stephanogonia ; Pantocsek. 3262. cingulata Aiiiphora ; Pautocsek. 3262. cipitensis Hologyra ; Blaschke. 2832. circe Straparollina ; Walcott. 3452. circulare Tmetoceras ; Buckman. 2871. circularis Pentamerus ; Weller. 3470. circulifoniiis Nucula ; Borisiak. 2843. circumdatus Actinocyclus ; Panto- csek. 3262. cladophleboides Asplenites ; Holler. 3205. clarkei Platyceras ; Thomas. 3ilQ. clarkii Nyssa ; Perkins. 3723. clattratus Rhombopteria ; Weller. 2470. Clavicula n. gen. Pantocsek. 3262. claypolei Pseudocrinites ; Schuchert. 3360. dementis Cymbella ; Pantocsek. 3262. cleopatrae Mytilus ; Oppenheim. 3243. cliffwoodensis P}i3'llites ; Berry. 2826. clivosa Pantocsekia ; Pantocsek. 3262. clivosus Coscinodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. clotho Scenella ; Walcott. 3452. clurius Stenotheca ; Walcott. 3452. Clydoniceras n. gen. Blake. 2830. clymeniae Lunulicardium ; Clarke. 2895. clytia Platyceras ; Walcott. 3452. Codonophyton n. gen. Nathorst. 3213. coelestini Lima ; Oppenheim. 3243. coerulesceus Triceratium ; Panto- csek. 3262. cognata n. mut. Pleurotomaria capil- laria; Clarke. 2895. coliariatus Pseudoscalites ; Read. 3292. colligata Cristellaria ; Briickman. 2869. columbaris Claviliflies ; Aldrich. 2872. Columbiana Amplexopora ; Ulrich & Bassler. 3440. lllaenurus ; WeUer. 3470. Platyceras; Weller. 3470. Raphistoma ; Weller. 3470. compacta Latimaeandra ; Missuna. 3199. compressa Stylina ; Missmia. 3199. compressum Oxynoticeras ; Benecke. 2820. comptus Lampterocrinus ; Rowlev. 3369. concentrica Floyda ; Webster. 3465. Fontannesia ; Buckman. 2871. Conchoelielys n. gen. Hay. 3039. conciuua Trichomvia ; Meunier. 3194. couciliatiim Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. conflnens n. var. Triceratimu loczyi ; Pautocsek. 3262. confoederata Xavicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. conicum Campophvllum ; Stucken- berg. 3413. couiformis Scurria ; Johnson. 3094. conocoUis Waldbeimia; Rau. 3291. conoides Pinus ; Perkins. 3273. conoideus Aristolochites ; Perkins. 3273. coustricta n. var. Nitzschia finistulum ; Pantocsek. 3262. a. var. Xavicula heteroflexa ; Pantocsek. 3262. Podosira ; Pantocsek. 3262. Ptychoparia ; Walcott. 3452. contextum Heteronema ; Ulrich & Bassler. 3439. Campylodiscus ; Panto- csek. 3262. contortus contracta contractus Vulsella ; Oppenheim. 3243. Tricarpellites Perkins. 3273. 232 couwentzi Sisenna ; Bohm. 2840. conversa Buchiola ; Clarke. 2895. cornigera Sphenodictya ; Herzer. 3045. coniu Steaotheca ; Wimau. 3094. coi'iiuta Caninia ; Stixckeuberg. 3413. • Pvxilla; Pantocsek. 3262. cornutuR Ainplexus ; Stuckenberg. 3413. corpusculuiii Lucina ; Oppenbeim. 3243. corrugata Loxopteria ; Clarke. 2895. Moiiotrypa; Weller. 3470. n. var. Ortbis osceola ; Walcott. 3451. corrugatum Ciunamomuui ; Perkins. 3273. corrugatus Favosites ; Weller. 3470. cossmauni n. nom. Pyramidella ; Dall & Bartsch. 2919. Cossmannica n. sect. Dall & Bartscb. 2919. costae Sphenopbyllum ; Sterzel. 3406. costata Nitzscbia ; Pantocsek. 3262. costatus Pleuronautilus ; Hind. 3046. costicillata Lima ; Petrascbeck. 3280. costiger Oecotraustes ; Biickinau. 2871. cracoviensis Stromatoporella ; Gii- ricb. 3022. Craspedotnton n. sect. Dall. 2918. crassa n. var. Epitbemia cistula ; Pantocsek. 3261. crassicornis Diplonema; ileunier. 3194. I 'acliy tragus ; Sclilosser. 3340. Scatopse; Meunier. 3192. crassicostata Nyssa ; Perkins. 3273. crassicostatns Aristolochites ; Per- kins. 3273. crassiuscula Biddulpbia ; Pantocsek. 3202. crassus Campylodiscns ; Pantocsek. crassus Centroporus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Otololitbus ; Scbubert. 3358. credneri Clisiopbyllum ; Stucken- berg. 3413. crenulata Stigmatella ; Ulricb & Bassler. 3440. cristata Melosira ; Pantocsek. 3262. cristatum Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. cristatiis Sagenodus ; Eastman. 2952. crookiana Fasciolaria ; Whit field. 3478. cruciata Cocconeis ; Pantocsek. 3262. cruciatns Aulacodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. csaszkaae Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3261. cucullatuni Triceratium ; Pantocsek, 3262. cuneatus Aristolocbites ; Perkins. 3273. Pinus ; Perkins. 3273. cupula Poecilozonites ; Gulick. 3024. curta Nyssa ; Perkins. 3273. curtestriata Naviciila ; Pantocsek. 3262. Curticla ii. gen. Walcott. 3451. curtirostris Terebratula ; Krumbeck. 3128. curtus Palaeoniscus ; Krotov. 3127. curvata Anipbora ; Pantocsek. 3262. 11. comb. Aristolocbites; Perkins. 3273. ■ Cypria ; Lieuenklaus. 3146. n. var. Nitzscbia I'rustulum ; Pantocsek. 3262. curvatuin Epitbelion ; Pantocsek. 3262. curvipetiolatus Rvrpbus ; Mennier. 3191. ' cybele Ilyolitbes ; Walcott. 3452. Cyc,(tdof(^lilialiis n- gen. Natborst. .3214. cylindracea Ampleopora ; Ulricb & Bassler. 34 10. cyliiulrica Nj-ssa ; Perkins. 3273. cvlindricus Sapindoides ; Perkins. 3273. (,'y pilot njpha n. gen. Ulricli & Bassler. 3440. cyreue Ortliotheca ; Walfott. 3452. cyrtoceroides Dentalium ; Read. 3292. czekeliazensis Ampliora ; Pantocsek. 3262. Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. daedalea Lucina ; Oppenlielm. 3243. daleii Triearpellites ; Perkins. 3273. dalli Poecilozonites ; Gulick. 3024. dalliana Verticordia ; Aldrich. 2872. Damesella n. gen. Walcott. 3452. damesi 0 bolus ; Walcott. 3451. Pecten ; Bobu. 2840. damia Crepicephalas ; Walcott. 3452. danai Loxonenia ; Clarke. 2895. daphnis Hyolithes ; Walcott. 3452. daphnogenoides n. conil). Ficiis ; Berrv. 2827. darvinii Anlacodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. DatJu'osauriis n. gen. Schroeder. 3353. daulis Anomocare ; Walcott. 3452. Orthotheca; Walcott. 3452. (launiis Anomocare ; Walcott. 3452. • Plectorthis; Walcott. 3451. Dawsonites n. gen. Bolim. 2838, 2840. debesii Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. debilis u. var. Melosira crenulata ; Pantocsek. 3262. Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. Pleurotomaria ; Blake. 28.30. Dehya u. geu. Pantocsek. 32(32. debyi Asteromplialus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Anlacodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Coscinodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Epithemia ; Pantocsek. 3262. debyi Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. Paralia ; Pantocsek. 3262. Rliaphoneis ; Pantocsek. 3262. decelus Anomocare ; Walcott. 3452. deckerensis Beyricliia ; Weller. 3470. Edmondia; Weller. 3470. Orthotbetes; Weller. 3470. Rbynchonella ; Weller. 3470. decora Trichomyia ; Meunier. 3194. decorata Orthopbragmina ; Schlum- berger. 3341. decumana Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. deductum Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. defoi^mata Montlivaultia ; Missuna. 3199. deformatum Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. deformatus Coscinoides ; Pantocsek. 3262. degenerata Terebratula ; U])ton 3128. delectabile Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. delectabilis Stepbanopyxis ; Panto- csek. 3262. delia Hyolithes; Walcott. 3452. delicatula RhaiDlioneis ; Pantocsek. 3262. delicatulum Paracardium ; Clai'ke. 2895. delicatulus Homacantluis ; Eastman. 2952. Ddphhioni'is n. gen. Wiman. 3499. delphus Ortliotheca; Walcott. 3452. denckmanni Belleropbon ; Clarke. 2895. deningeri Ursus ; Reichenau. 3299. densestriata n. var. Cymbella Can- ceolata ; Pantocsek. 3261. densistriata Lima ; Krumbeck. 3128. deus-neptuni Phoebodus ; Eastman. 2952. dentata Eucythernra ; Lienenklaus. 3146. deutatus Fissodus ; Eastman. 2952, 234 deois Dolichometopus ; Walrott. 3452. depressa Cloughtonia ; Blake. 2830. Modiolopsis; Weller. 3470. Sigillaria ; Zalesskij. 3520. depressus ilenocephaliis ; Walcott. 3452. Proetus; Weller. 3470. derceto Dolichometopus; Walcott. 3452. Desertella n. gen. Haug. 30.35. desertorum Cardiiim ; Oppeuheim. 3243. desmata Honeoyea ; Clarke. 2895. despecta Fontaunesia ; Buckman. 2871. de toniana Cocconeis ; Pantocsek. 3262. de tonii Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. devexa Cvtheridea ; Lienenklaus. '3146. devouica ilurcliisonia ; Tokarenko. 3419. Pleurotouiaria ; Tokarenko. 3419. devonicus Onustus ; Tokarenko. .3419. diablo Plectorthis ; Walcott. 3451. dice Billingsella ; Walcott. 3451. dichachondratum Cerithiimi ; Deu- inger. 2928. dictys lllaenurus ; Walcott. 3452. dido Natica; Ki-umlieck. 3128. dieueri Haliotiniorpha ; Blaschke. 2832. Schloeubachia ; Blancken- horn. 2831. diepenheinii Mytilus ; Boelim. 2835. differens Onyclioceras ; Wunstorf. 3517. digitatus Cvrtocrinus ; RemeS. 3307. dilatata Amphiprora; Pantocsek. 3262. dilatatus Actinoptychus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Canipylodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. dimehensis Ciicullaea . Oppenheim. 3243. dimidiata Xerinaea ; Blake. 2830. diminutum Rhabdonema ; Pantocsek. 3262. Diiioclioerus n. gen. Peterson. 3279. diphyes Dumortieria ; Buckman. 2871. dirce Agraulos ; Walcott. 3452. Dolicliometopiis ; Walcott. 3452. directa Epithemia ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Epithemia sorex ; Pantocsek. 3261. I), var. Xavicula halionata ; Pantocsek. 3262. PyxiUa ; Pantocsek. 3262. discenienda Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. Discograptus n. gen. Wiman. 3493. disjmictiis Elonichthys ; Eastman. 2952. dispansiforme Harpoceros ; Wun- storf. 3517. dispar Batrachopus ; Lull. 3163. — — HeteromeiTX ; Matthews. 3175. disseminato-punctata n. var. Cyclotella transsvlvanica ; Panto- csek. "3262. n. var. Triceratium cuculJa- tum ; Pantocsek. 3262. disserainatus Actiuocyclus ; Panto- csek. 3262. distincta Trichomyia ; Meunier. 3194. distinguenduni Triceratium ; Panto- csek. 3262. distorta Frondicularia ; Briickman. 2869. divaricatum Glyphioceras ; Hind. 3047. diversa Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. divi Agraulos; Walcott. 3452. doczii Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262 dodona PyramideUa ; Dall it Bartsch 2919. DolirhohracJiiiim u. aen. Williston. 3489. 235 doljensis Coscinodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262 dvadiciis Sphaerococcites ; csek. 3i06. Panto Xavicula ; 3262. Mastogloia ; 3262. Pantocsek. Pantocsek. Xitzschia ; Pantocsek. 3262. dolon Agraulos ; Walcott. 34:52. Pagodia; Walcott. 3452. domatus Troclius ; Blake. 2330. doris Orthotheca ; Walcott. 3452. • Plectorthis ; Walcott. 3451. dorogomilowensis Phaenodesmia ; Borisiak. 2843. Dorypygella n. gen. Walcott. 3452. dougaldensis Protorthis ; Walcott. 3451. drevermauni Dalmanites ; Thomas. 3416. drusorum Rhynchonella ; Krumbeck. 3128. dryas Agraulos ; Walcott. 3452. u. var. Orthotheca cyrene ; Walcott. 3452. dryope Ptychoparia ; Walcott. 3452. dubia Microzamia ; Berry. 2826. Parathinnfeldia ; Richter. 3317. Peutremitidea ; Greene. dubius 3017. Aristolochites ; 3273. Cordylocrinus ; 3329. Perkins. Rowley. dubravicensis Cocconeis ; Pantocsek. 3262. Synedra ; Pantocsek. 3262. dubravicense Gomphonema ; Panto- csek. 3262. dxiglensis Crassatella ; Oppenheim. 3243. dundriensis Sonninia ; Buckman. 2871. duneri Macrodon ; Bohm. 2840. duplex Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. duplicans Trochus ; Blake. 2830. dutertrei Triceratiuin ; Pantocsek et Tempera. 3262. Dynamosaurus n. gen. Osborn. 3249. echiuata Mesotrvpa ; Ulrich & Bassler. 3440. ecki Cassianella ; Bohm. 2837. Pinna; Picard. 3282. editii Lucina ; Oppenheim. 3243. edsoni Rustella ; Walcott. 3451. eduliforinis Mytilus ; Benecke. 2820. egeria Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. eggegrundensis Acrotreta ; Wiraau. 3494. Egila n. subgen. Ball & Bartsch. 2919. ehrenbergii Epithemia ; Pantocsek. 3262. Eiinotia ; Pantocsek. 3261. Vulsella ; Oppenheim. 3243. eichwaldi Clisiophyllum ; Stucken- berg. 3413. elaboratus Latirus ; Aldrich. 2782. Elasmat'ium n. gen. Clarke. 2895. elatum Triceratium ; Pantocsek. elatus Triceratium ; 3262. Myliobatis ; Stromer. 3411 Aristolochites 3273. Campterophlebia : 2833. Cosmacanthus ; 2964. Monocarpellites ; 3273. Perkins. Bode. Evans. Perkins. elegantula Curticia ; Walcott. 3451. Palaeosphegina ; Meunier. 3191. Strophomena ; Walcott. 3451. Biddulphia ; Pantocsek. 3262. Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. Admetopsis ; Johnson. 3094. Triceratium ; Pantocsek. elesdiana elevata elevatum eljasensis ellenbecki 3262. Isocardia : 3128. Pseudocidaris ; 2914. Krumbeck. Dacque. 236 ellipsoidea Hicoroides ; Perkins. 3273. ellipticus Otolithus ; Schubert. 3358. elliptica Cyrena ; Yokoyama. 3519. elmensis Pterochaenia ; Clarke. 2895. elongata Acteonina ; Blake. 2830. Leperditia; WeUer. 3470. n. var. Xavicula latissima ; Pantocsek. 3262. Xyssa ; Perkins. 3273. Sagrina ; Bagg. 2804. elongatnla Navicula ; Pantocsek, 3262. elongatus Bumastus ; Weller. 3470. Carpolithes ; Perkins. 3273. Otolithus ; Schubert. 3358. Pseudocrinites ; Schuchevt. 3360. Tricarpellites ; Perkins. 3273. emaciata n. var. Constellaria florida. Ulrich & Bassler. 3440. emarginatus Carpolithes. Perkins. 3273. emmonsi Acrotreta ; Walcott. 3451. encrinitum Lunulicardium ; Clarke. 2895. endlieherii Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. engeli n. fonn. Trigonia ; Benecke. 2820. englishi Septa ; Newton. 3227. ennianus Nautilus; Dacque. 2914. enode Lunulicardium ; Clarke. 2895. Entofjonitea n. nom. Kittl. 3112. entzii Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. Stephanodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3261. enyo Bradoria ; Walcott. 3452. eocenica Psychoda ; Meunier. 3194. Eopristia n subgen. Stromer. 3411. Eonphoeniacus n. gen. Wiman. 3499. Eontrophomena n. subgen. Walcott. 3451. ephippium Anoplophora ; Riilmi. 2840. epidermata Monticulipora ; Ulrich & Bassler. 3440. epiphj-ticum Codouophytou ; Nat- horst. 3213. epirotica n. var. Tmetoceras ? sutneri ; Renz. 3314. Epithelion n. gen. Pantocsek. 3262. equicostata Nyssa ; Perkins. 3273. erdobenyiana Cymbella ; Pantocsek. erecta erectus 3262. Nisusia ; Walcott. Stethacauthus ; 2952. Lunulicardium ; 2895. 3451. Eastman. Clarke. erinacea Honeoyea ; Clarke. 2895. eris Bradoria ; Walcott. 3452. erlangeri Pecten ; Dacque. 2914. ernae Palaeanodonta ; Schmidt. 3.342. eros Obolus ; Walcott. 3451. enicaeformis Epithemia ; Panto- csek. 3262. Erythrosuehus n. gen. Broom. 2863. ervx n. var. Acrothele matthewi ; Wal- cott. 3452. Limnicythere ; Sieber. 3388. esphigmena etheridgei Phyllotheca ; 2801. Euhrachiosaurus n. gen. 3489. eudou euprepes Pleurosigma ; 3262. Amphora ; 3262. Arber. WiUiston. Pantocsek. Pantocsek. Eugyrina n. nom. Dall. 2918. Euhapais n. gen. Peterson. 3277. eulensteinii Campylodiscus ; Pan- tocsek. 3262. Eutypomys n. gen. Matthews. 3175. Evalina n. subgen. Dall & Bartsch. 2919. evoluta n. var. Hildoceras coniense ; Kenz. 3313. excavata excavatus Nyssa ; Perkins. Aristolochites ; .3273. Limax ; .Vudreae. 3273. Perkins. 279U. 237 excellens Badiotella ; Pliilipp. 3281. excentrica Melosira ; I'antocsek. 3262. excisus Otolithus ; Schubert. 3358. exigua Dumortieria ; Buckman. 2871. explanata Duinortieria ; Buckniau. 2871. extricata Eulima ; Blake. 2830. eymari Vulsella ; Oi:)penlieim. 3243. faba Beyrichona ; Wiman. 3494. Palaeanodonta ; Schmidt. 3342. fagoides Tricarpellites ; Perkins. 3273. fajumensis Cardita ; Oppenheim. 3243. Crassatella ; Oppenheim. 3243. Lucina ; Openheim. 3243. ■ Pristis ; Stromer. 3411. falax Xavicula ; PantxDcsek. 3201. fallax Rotalia; Steuer. 3408. SeUula; Wiman. 3494. fasclata CTiyllacris ; Bode. 2833. fasciatnm Triceiatiiim ; Pantocsek. 3262. I'ascicidatus Lamprotodiscus ; Pan- tocsek. 3262. fasciola Soatopse ; Meunier. 3102. fassaensis Pecten ; Philipp. 3281. feistmanteli Lepidodendron ; Zales- skij. 3520. fellabninnensis Belenmites ; Vetters. 3450. fenestratus Tetracvi^tis ; Schuchert. 3360. fennicus Aparchites ; Wiman. 3494. fergusoni Receptaculites ; Chapman. 2886. ferruginea Gervilleia ; Benecke. 2820. Lima; Benecke. 2820. fertile Sphenophyllum ; Scott. 3368, 3369. FibuUna n. gen., Tornquist. 3427. figarii Area ; Oppenheim. 3243. lilarszkyi Navicula ; Panlocsek. 3261. liliforniis Navicida ; Pantocsek- 3262. fdosiuu Calloiiema ; Clarke. 2895. finalis Redlichia ; Walcott. 3452. finitimum Lunulicardium ; Clarke. 2895. fmkebduirgi Orthis ; Walcott. 3451. F!nheJ)ihurgia u. subgen. Walcott. 3451. Fiseherina u. gen. Stuckenberg. 3413. fissilisu. comb. Tricarpellites ; Perkins. 3273. fistulosa Biddulphia; Pantocsek. 3262. fitchi n. var. Corbixla nematophora ; Johnson. 3094. flagellans Perisphinctes ; 2830. Blake. flattii Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. flavescens n. var. Auliscus stoeck- hartii ; Pantocsek. 3262. flexuosa Cristellaria ; Briickman. 2869. floreale Ascodictyon ; Ulricli & Bassler. 3439. FJoijJa n. gen. Webster. 3465. foliacea DekayeUa ; Ulrich & Bassler. 3440. FolineUa n. subgen. Dall & Bartsch. 2919. formosa Causea ; Wiman. 3494. Pericoma ; Meunier. 3194. formosula Trichomvia ; Meunier. 3194. formosus Desmograptus ; Wiman. 3493. forsbergi Homomya ; Bohm. 2840. fossile Diatoma ; Pantocsek. 3262. fossilis Amphora ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Amphora acutius- cula. Pantoscek. 3262. n. var. Amphora coffeae- formis : Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Amphora eulen- steinii ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Amphora lima ; Pantocsek. 3262. 238 fossilis n. var. Amijhora littoralis; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Amphora obtusa ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Amphora salina ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. subsp. Aplodontia major ; Sinclair. 3389. n. var. Asterolampra mary- landica ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Campylodiscus noricus ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Cocconeis pelliicida ; Pantocsek. 3262. n.var. Cocconeis scatellum; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Cymbella abnormis; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Cymbella austriaca; Pantocsek. 3262. n.var. Cymbella helvetica ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Cymbella lanceolata ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Diatoma anceps ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Encyonema cae- spitosum ; Pantocsek. 3261. n. var. Epithemia argus ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Eunotia gracilis ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Fragilaria brevi- striata ; Pantocsek. 3262 n. var. Gomphonema intri- catum ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Gomphonema oliva- ceum ; Pantocsek. 3262. Keutrodiscus ; Pantocsek, 3262. n. var. Melosira creuulata ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Melosira dick lei ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Navicula boreal is ; Pantocsek. 3262 n.var. Navicula brasilieiisis; I'antocsek. 3262. n.var. Navicula brebisoiii i ; Pantocsek. 3262. fossilis n. var. Navicula elliptica Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Navicula formosa ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Navicula hennedvi ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Navicula interrupta ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. vav. Navicula irrorata ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Navicula lacrimans ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Navicula nitescens ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Navicula nobilis ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Navicula ovalis ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Navicula pusilla ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Navicula tenella ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Navicula viridis : Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Rhabdonema adriati- cum ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Staurosira harrisoni ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. SUiurosira venter ; Pantocsek. 3262. Stephanodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Sui-irella fastuosa ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Surirella tenera ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Synedra crystallina ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Synedra ulna ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Tetracyclus lacustris ; Pantocsek. 3262. n.var. Triceratium junctum; Pantocsek. 3262. fossor Steneofiber ; Peterson. 3277. foureaui Desertella; Haug. 3035. fourtaui Lucina ; Oppenheim. 3243. fraasi Cardita; Uppenlieim. 3213. l.ithodonnis ; C)j)])cnlieim. 3243. 239 I'niasi Modiolaria Opptniheim. 3213. Myliobatis ; Stromer. 3-111. fragile Triceratiura ; Pantocsek. 3262. fragilis Bradoria; Walcott. 3452. Cvthei'idea ; Lienenklaus. *3146. franciscae Pholadoinva ; Bolim. 2840. fraiicofurtaiia n. form. Emraericia ; Boettger. 2841. Irancofurti Cypris ; Lienenklans. 3146. frankfortensis Cyphotrypa ; Ulricli & Bassler. 3440. fraiischeri Crassatella ; Oppenlieiin. 3243. freclii Inoeeraimis ; Flegel. 2972. fritschi Antliracosia ; Schmidt. 3342. Fromhachia n. gen. Blaschke. 2832. frondosa Ptilodictya ; Weller. 3470. frosburgensis Primitia ; Jones, 3096. fuchsii Rhaplioneis ; Pantocsek. 3262. Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. fmigiformis ilelosira ; Pantocsek. 3262. fnrcatum Lunulicardinm ; Clarke. 2895. Oaleograptus n. gen. Wiman. 3493. galikii Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. galisteoensis Tiirritella ; Johnson. 3094. gallarum Perisphinctes ; Dacque. 2914. gatliffi Cryptoplax ; Hall. 3027. gaudr}n Gazella ; Scldosser. 3340. gaultina Pteria ; Woods. 3504. gavialoides Tomistoma ; Andrews. 2791. geinitzi Elcana; Bode. 2833. n.uom. Turritella; Deninger. 2924. genundewa Pleurotomaria ; Clarke. 2895. geyen gibbosus gigantea giganteus Beyrichona ; 3194. Valvata ; Menzel. 3181. Monocarpellites ; Perkins. 3273. Cymatoplenra ; Pantocsek. 3262. C3'mbella ; Pantocsek. 3262. Homoioptera ; Agnus. 2781. Leperditia; Weller. 3470. Arachnoidiscus ; Panto- csek. 3262. Goniopholis ; Holland. 3056. Pisocrinus ; Rowley. 3369. Inoceramus ; Flegel. 2972. globosa n. var. Patella granidata ; Blasclike. 2832. Monotrypa ; Weller. 3470. Wilsonia; Weller. 3470. Perkins. glabelhis glatziae globosus Aristolochites : 3273. Nathorstites ; Bohm. 2840. globulus Brandouia ; Perkins. 3273. Hicoroides ; Perkins. 3273. GlossocdrpeU'iteaii. gen. Perkins. 3273. gluckii Abietites ; Richter. 3317. gopjDerti gorjanovicii gowandense gracile Auarthrocanna ; Nathorst. 3213. Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. Conocardium ; Clarke. 2895. Elasmatium ; Clarke. 2895. Dolichobrachinm ; Williston. 3489. gracilidens Prodanialiscus ; Scldosser. 3340. gracilior n. var. Cymbella budavana ; Pantocsek. 3262. u. var. Eunotia hungarica ; Pantocsek. 3261. n. var. Navicula paludi- narum ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Navicula yarrensis ; Pantocsek. 3262. 240 gracilis Alveopora; Tornquist. 3427. Chaetoceros ; Pantocsek. 3262. Cymatoiileiira ; Pantocsek. 3262. Cypridopsis ; Sieber. 3388. Fibulina ; Tornqnist. 3427. n. var. Cxrammatophora robusta ; Pantocsek. 3262. Ichthyopteryx ; Wimau. 3499. Otolitlins; Schubert. 3358. Ptycliomphalus ; Read. 3292. Szecheuyia ; Pantocsek. 3261. gi-andis Carpolitlies ; Perkins. 3273. Magilus; Tornquist. 3427. Orbitremites ; Greene. 3017. Pachypteryx ; Wimau. 3499. grandjeani n. form. Harpoceras ; Beuecke. 2820. granulata RhynchoneUa ; Upton. 3441. granulicoLlis Nothorrhina ; Zang. 3522. granulosa Ptvchoparia ; ^Yalcott. 3452. granulosus Pisocrinus ; Rowlev. 3369. grassaris Scatopse ; Meunier. 3192. grata Cymbella ; Pantocsek. 3261. Xavicida ; Pantocsek. 3262. gregarium n. var Pachyphyllum wood- mani ; Webster. 3468. gregoryi Clryphaea; Newton. 3225. Stomatopora ; Lang. 3134. gi-igoriewi Lepidodendron ; Zafeskij. 3520. grindrodi Loxonema ; Donald. 2930. grobbeni Uml)onium ; Blaschke. 2832. gi-oomi Bembexia ; Donald. 2931. grossecellnlata Stephanopvxis ; Pan- tocsek. 3262. ■ grovei Asteroniphalus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Biddulpliia ; 3262. Pantocsek. grovei Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. grunowii Alloeoneis ; Pantocsek. 3262. Auricula ; Pantocsek. 3262. Campvlodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Cocconeis ; Pantocsek. 3262. Cosciijodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. C'ym1)ella ; Pantocsek. 3262. Hemiaulns ; Pantocsek. 3262. Staurosira ; Pantocsek. 3262. giimbeli Orthophragmina ; Schlum- berger. 3341 . gamnari Eosplioeniscus ; Wiman. 3499. gurovii Xavicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. gurowii Aulacodiscns ; Pantocsek. 3262. Biddulpliia ; 3262. Pantocsek. Pantocsek. Hemiaulns ; 3262. Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. gutvinskii Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. cvrata Steplianopvxis ; Pantocsek. 3262. liaasei Equus ; Reche. 3296. habirsliawi Aulacodiscns ; Panto- csek. 3262. liaeckcli Kalligramma ; Waltlier. 3455. Iialdoncnsis Pteria ; Woods. 3504. Ildhlro n. subgen. Dall & Bartscli. 2919. ludionata Navicula; Pantocsek. 3262. Ilaliolimorpha n. subgen. Blaschke. 2832. halli Buchiola; Clarke. 2895. Ontaria; Clarke. 2895. halius Nectosaurus ; Merriam. 3188r haniiltdui Pleurotoma ; Mutton. 3071. lianius-]iiscatorius Physonemus ; East- man. 2952. 241 kuisfufhsi Otolithus ; Schubert. 3358. hantkenii Navicula ; Pautocsek. 3262. Laradaae Aiiliscus ; Pautocsek. 3262. Cocconeis ; Pautocsek. 3262. Coscinodiscus ; Pautocsek. 3262. Melosira ; Pautocsek. 3262. Navicula ; I'autocsek. 3262. Stylobibliuin ; Pautocsek. 3262. hardingensis u. var. Cranaeua subellip- tica ; Girty. 3001. Hargeria n. gen. Lucas. 3158. harlaueusis Billingsella ; Walcott. 3451. harrouis Lima ; Dacque. 2914. hasta Navicula ; Pautocsek. 3262. hastingsensis Plectortliis ; Walcott. 3451. haukii Auliscus ; Pautocsek. 3262. haydeuensis Margiuifera ; Girty. .3001. Haijnaldclla n. gen. Pautocsek. 3262. liayualdii Aulacodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. liazsliuszkyi Navicula ; Pautocsek. 3262. Iieadoneusis Nicoria ; Hooley. 3060. hectori Mitra ; Huttou. 3071. heeri Macrostachya ; Nathorst. 3213. Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. Piima; Bohm. 2840. Ileida n. suhgen. Dall & Bartscli. 2!J19. lielderbergiae Buliuiorpka ; Weller. 3470. helena Protortliis ; Walcott. 3451. hellenic;a u. var. Hildoceras niercati ; Renz. 3313. lielmerseni Caniuia ; Stuckeuberg. 3413. Clisiophyllum ; Stuckeuberc 3413. (K-11720) liemicardioides Luuulicardiuni ; Clarke. 2895. liemiovalis Tricarpellites ; Perkins. 3273. bemispliericus Lecanocriuus ; How- ley. 3369. lientsclieli Protoryx ; Schlosser. 3340. heruiosauus u. var. Productus seniire- ticulatus ; Girty. 3001. heterotlexa Navicula ; Pautocsek. 3262. Ilcteromcnjx n. gen. Matthews. 3175. Heteronema u. gen. Ulrich & Basshn-. 3439. heveseusis Amphora ; Pantocsek. 3262. Cyrabella; Pantocsek. 3262. Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. Nitzschia ; Pantocsek. 3262. hexagona n. var. Hydrosera boryaua ; Pantocsek. 3262. Ilexaphyllia n. gen. Stuckeuberg. 3413. hians Dicranograptus ; Hall. 3028. hicksi Zygospira ; Reed. 3297. Uicoroides n. gen. Perkins. 3273. hilaratum Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. hilarnla Navicxila ; Pantocsek. 3262. hilli Pecteu ; Huttou. 3071. hinsbergi n. form. Hari^oceras ; Benecke. 2820. hirta Cephalotheca ; Moller. 3205- hispidissima u. var. Cerataulus turgi- dus ; Pantocsek. 3262. hispidulus Coscinodiscus; Pantocsek. 3262. hispidus Aulacodiscus ; Pautocsek. 3262. HisliunotoplioTus n. nom. Eastman. 2953. hitchcocki Anthisauripus ; Lull. 3163. hitchcockii • Carpolithes ; Perkins. 3273. Monocarpellites ; Perkins. 3273. hoeferi Mesodon ; Gorjauovic-Kram- berger. 3006. R 242 hofiuia Cardita ; Oppenheiiu. 3243. hofFniamiii Navicula ; Pautocsek. 3262. liokkaideana Paralia ; Pantocsek. 3262. liokkaidoana Melosira ; Pantocsek. 3262. liollandi Dinochoerus : Peterson. 3279. liologvriformis Palaeonarica ; Blasclike. 2832. holiiii Pachydictya ; Hennig. 3042. holsaticus Isocriiuis ; Jaekel. 307'J. holubyi Xavieula ; Pantocsek. 3262. lioniala Biddulphia ; Pantocsek. 3262. Uoneoijca n. gen. Clarke. 2895. hordeiforniis Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. hiirnigii Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3202. horridmn Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. hosourensis Trigonia ; Yokoyama. 3519. howa iSchizaster ; Tornr^uist. 3247. Iloncs'ia n. gen. Broom. 2863. Lowitti Sjjirifer ; Chapman. 2887. hudlestoni Macrocephalites ; Blake. 2830. luiniplireysi Orhicella ; Felix. 29(')7. Imngarica n. var. Aulacodiscus mar- garitaceus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Berkeleya ; Pantocsek. 3202. 11. var. Biddulphia tuonieyi ; Pantocsek. 3262. II. var. Climacosphenia nioniligera ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Cocconeis cali- fornica ; Pantocsek 3262. Craticula ; Pantocsek. 3262. Cyiubella ; Pantocsek. 32t>2. n. var. Cymbella eistula ; Pantocsek. 3202. Disi))hoiiia ; Pantocsek. 3261. I'liitdjiylii ; Pantocsek. 3202. hungarica n. luuigaru-uni Imniiaricus var. Epithemia veiitri- cosa ; Pantocsek. 3262. Eunotia ; Pantocsek. 3261. Euodia ; Pantocsek. 3262. Fragilaria ; Pantocsek. 3262. Grammatophora ; Pantocsek. 3262. 11. var. Mastogloia lauceo- lata; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Melosira arenaria ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Melosira crenulata ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Melosira gi-aiiulata ; Pantocsek. 3202. 11. var. Navicula aspera ; Pantocsek. 3202. n. var. Navicula lyra ; Pantocsek. 3262. 11. var. Navicula o'swaldii ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var Navicula trevelyana ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Nitzschia frnstuluin ; Pantocsek. 3262. 11. var. Paralia sulcata ; Pantocsek. 3262. Podosira ; Pantocsek. 3262. Pyxilla; Pantocsek. 3262. Rhaphoneis ; Pantocsek. 3262. Seniseyia; Pantocsek. 3261. Stigmaphora ; Pantocsek. 3262. var. Surirella Pantocsek. 3262. salsa : Epithelion ; Pantocsek. :i2()2. Ciomphonenia ; Pantocsek. 3262. Actinoptychus ; Panto- csek. 3202. Asteroniphalus 3202. Aulacodiscus ; 3202. ( 'erataulus ; 3202. ( 'liaetoecros ; 3262. Pantocsek. Pantocsek. Pantocsek. Pantocsek. 243 hungaricus Cosciuodiscus ; Pautocsek. 3262. Gyrodiscns ; Pantocsek. 3262. Heraiaidus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Kteiiodiscus ; Pautocsek. 3262. Stictodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Zygoceros ; Pautocsek. 3262. huttoui Deutaliuui ; Bather. 2814. Pseudaraussium ; Park. 32G4. byaliuus Aulacodiscus ; Pautocsek. 3262. • Tropidocyclus ; Clarke. 2895. hyrtlii Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. hvstrix Aulacodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Iciithyopteryx n. gen ; Wiman. 3499. iddiugsi Plectorthis ; Walcott. 34.51. idoneum Triceratiuni ; Pautocsek. 3262. ignobilis Navicula ; Pautocsek. 3262. iguotom Heliophyllum ; Greene. 3017. ikianum Harpoceras ; Yokovama. 3519. illustra Navicula ; Pautocsek. 3261. illustriura Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. iuunanis Luciua ; Oppenheim. 3243. impar Ptychoparia ; Walcott. 3452. imperator Actinoptvchus ; Pautocsek. 3262. imperiosus Dynamosauriis ; Osboru. 3249. importuua Siuiulia ; Meuuier. 3192. iuaequalis Cypris ; Sieber. 3388. iucisa Epithemia ; Pautocsek. 3262. n. var. Epithemia arcuata ; Pautocsek. 3261. u. var. Pihopalodia gibba ; Pautocsek. 3261. incisus Helodus ; Eastman. 2952. (k-11720) iucludens Navicida ; Pantocsek- 3262. iuclusa Dumortieria ; 2871. Buckmau. iuculta Navicula ; Pautocsek. 3262. incurva Taucredia ; Benecke. 2820. incurvata Crassatella ; Oi^penheim. 3243. iudianola Plectorthis ; Walcott. .3451. inequalis Carj^ites ; Perkins. 3273. Tricarpellites ; Perkins. 3273. iuflatum Stylobibliuui ; Pautocsek. 3262. iutlexa Epithemia ; Pantocsek. 3262. informis Lima ; Krumbeck. 3128. infrequeus Fissuridea ; Aldrich. 2782. iugens Palaeoryx ; Schlosser. 3340 Pristis ; Stromer. 3411. iugrata Margiuifera ; Girty. 3001. iuornata Camarella ; Weller. 3470 inostranzewi Cauiuia ; Stuckeuberg. 3413. iusceudeus Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. insignis Debya ; Pantocsek. 3262. Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. Wittia; Pantocsek. 3262. iusperatus Glvptocriuus ; Rowley. 3329. iuterglaciale Olophrmn ; Mjoberg. 3200. intermedia Archaeopteris ; Nathorst. 3213. Cyphastraea ; Felix. 2967. ■ Sequoia; Richter. 3317. intermedium Placeuticeras ; Jolmson. 3094. intermedins Ictops ; Douglass. 2934. Orodus ; Eastman. 2952. iuterpllcatus Leptodomus ; Clarke. 2895. interporosa Stigmatella ; Ulricli & Bassler. 3440. B 2 244 interrupta Aiiipliora ; 3262. Pautocsek. 11. var. Amphora libvca ; Pantocsek. 3262. 11. var. Coscinodiscus iiitu- mescens ; Pantocsek. 3262. 11. var. Nitzscliia pulclier- rima ; Pantocsek. 3262. 11. var. Zygoceros antiquus ; Pantocsek. 3262. iiitcrruptus intorta intuiiiescens intuniescentis iiuistus Anlacodiscus •sek. 3262. Lo.voconcha ; 3146. Coscinodiscus csek. 3262. Panto - laenenklaus. Panto- 2895. Loxopteria ; Clarke. Litliodonius ; Oppeiilieini. 3243. iniitilis Whitella; Reed. 3297. iuvidcnda Amphora ; Pautocsek. 3262. IpJiiaiia n. subgen. Dall & Bartsch. 2919. Iphidclld n. gen. Walcott. 3451. ijihis Obolus; Walcott. 3451. irregulare Aspidoceras ; Dacque. 2914. ii-regularis Aristolocliites ; Perkins. 3273. Inoceranius ; Johnson. 3094. Melosira; Pantocsek. 3263. Monocarpcllites ; Perkins. 3273. Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. ischiadicus Polycotylus ; Willistim. 3486. iscliyrus Machaerodus ; Merriani. 31 S5. ismene ()])oliis ; Walcott. 3451. isse Obolus; Walcott. 3151. ithagenia Carinaropsis ; Clarke. 2895. itylus Pleurotoniaria ; Ckirko. 2895. Icidia II. siibgeii. Dall naleniiscograj)tiis ; Winian. ."! I'.'3. schnchertensis Orthotichia ; Girty. 3001. Schnchertina n. gen. Walcott. 3451. schwarzii Liriodendron ; Richter. 3317. scliwelnfurthi Cardita ; Oppenheim. 3243. Chama ; Oppenlieim. 3243. Lima ; Oppenheim. 3243. • PHcatnla ; Oppenheim. 3243. scotti Andostrobus ; Nathorst. 3214. sculpturatus Gj'rinus ; 3201. Mjoberg. Blaschke. ZalSsskij. scutelliformis Patella ; 2832. scutiformis Sigillaria ; 3520. scythica Navicnla ; Pantocsek. 3262' seelyi Prunoides ; Perkins. 3273. Tric?rpellites ; Perkins. 3273. seisena n. var. Clanculus cassianus ; Blaschke. 2832. seisensis Dicosmos ; Blaschke. 2832. sejuncta Am23hora; Pantocsek. 3262. semiradiata Orthodesma ; Reed. 3297. semseyi Actinoptychus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. Trinacria ; Pantocsek. 3262. seneca Macrochilina ; Clarke. 2895. septalis 0 bolus ; Walcott. 3451. septum Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. sepulta Amphora; Pantocsek. 3262. Fragilaria ; Pantocsek. 3262. sei iosa Navicnla ; Pantocsek. 3262. seiratus Anthrapalaemon ; Wood- ward. 3514. Sesamodon n. gen. Broom. 2861. scsostridis Lucina ; OpiK'nheim. 3243. sesostris Nerinea ; Krumbeck. 3128. sewardi Cycadocephalus ; Nathorst. 3214. 261 sbautiuigeusis Acrotieta ; Walcott. 3451. Shanytiuigia n. geu. Walcott. 3-152. sliasteuse Xotlu'otheriiim ; Sinclair. 3389. shasteiisis Thalattosaurus ; Merriam. 3188. shensieiisis Obolus ; Walcott. 3151. shiptonensis Trochus ; Blake. 2830. sieboldii Navicula ; Pautocriek. 3262. sierrensis Megalouyx ; Sinclair. 3389. sigma Cocconeis ; Pantocsek. 3262. signata n. var. Navicula bituminosa ; Pantocsek. 3262. Surirella ; Pantocsek. 3262. siliu-iaua Escharopora ; Weller. 3170. simbirskiana Mastogonia ; Pantocsek. 3262. Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Triceratium exor- natum ; Pantocsek. 32C2. simbirskianus Arachnoidiscus ; Pan- tocsek. 3262. Aulacodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. siniilis Cyclocypris ; Lienenklaus. 3116. Ulrichospira ; Donald. 2931. simonsoni Stylonurus ; Schmidt. 3345. simplex Bryograptus ; Tornquist. 3429. Carpolithes ; Perkins. 3273. Cymbella ; Pantocsek. 3262. Honeoyea ; Clarke. 2895. simplicicornis Palaeomeryx ; Scblos- ser. 3339. simulacroides Trinacria ; Pantocsek. 3262. simus Melinodon ; Broom. 2861. Sinclair! Lagenostoma ; Arber. 2795. Preptoceros ; Furlong. 2988. sinistra Polygyrata ; Weller. 3470. sinjanuin Ceratophyllimi ; Kerner. 3107. sinuosa Pterochaenia ; Clarke. 2895. sinus viudobonensis Pelamycybium ; Toula. 3130. sinzowi Campophyllum ; Stuckeu- berg. 3413. siuteusis Cliama ; Oppenlieiui. 3243. skuld Gryphaea ; Bohm. 2840. sladensis Acidaspis ; Reed. 3297. Ctenodonta; Reed. 3297. n. var. Orthis jDorcata ; Reed. 3297. sliacsensis Cymbella ; Pantocsek. 3261. smithii Triceratium : 3262. Pantocsek. smocki Beyrichia ; Weller. 3470. socorroense Lepidodendron ; Herrick. 3043. sodale Lunulicardium ; Clarke. 2895. sokolovii Aplosmilia ; Missuna. 3199. sokolowii Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. sola Actinopteria ; Clarke. 2895. solidorostris Terebratula ; Rau. 3291. solid as Carpolithes; Perkins. 3273. solea Nyssa ; Perkins. 3273. solmsi Stenorrachis ; Nathorst. 3214. somalica Bei-enicea ; Dacque. 2914. Rhynchonella ; Dacque. 2914. somalicum Aspidoceras ; Dacque. 2914. somaliensis Campanile ; Newton. 3225. Liotina ; Newton. 3225. • Spondylus ; Newton. 3225. sophiae Palaeanodonta ; Schmidt. 3342. sorialis Amphicyon ; Schlosser. 3339. sotoensis Verticordia ; Aldrich. 2782. spanieri Pronoella ; Benecke. 2820. Spaniolepls n. gen. Gorjanovic- Kramberger. 3006. sparsa Trinacila ; Pantocsek. 3262. 262 sparsum spatbacea speciosa speciosum Ascodictyon ; Ulrich & Bassler' 3439. Cytheridea ; Lieneuklaiis. 3146. Pericoma ; Meimier. 3194. Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. spelaea Teonoma ; Sinclair. 3389. spencei Protorthis ; Walcott. 3451. Sphenodictya n. gen. Herzer. 3045. sphenoides I,oxoconcha ; Lienen- klaus. 3146. spinati Terebratula ; Ran. 3291. spinifer Epithelion ; Pantocsek. 3262. spinifera Shangtungia ; Walcott. 3452. spinosa Acrotreta ; Walcott. 3451. Gervilleia ; Linstow. 3148. Proetus ; Weller. 3470. Stigmatella ; Ulricli & Bassler. 3440. spinosns Clionites ; Bobm. 2840. siDiraliter-punctatus Coscinodiscns ; Pantocsek. 3262. sjMtzhergensis Pseudomonotis ; Bohm. 2840. splendida splendidus squamatuni sq[iiamosa squamosus Poutocvpris ; Lieuenklaus. 3146. Rhyphus ; ileunier. 3192. Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. Rhizosolenia ; Pantocsek. 3262. Campylodiscus ; Panto- csek. 3262. staffi Kochitcs; Prinz. 3289. Stantovoceras n. gen. Joluison. 3094. staubii Actinoptychus ; Pantocsek. 3262i. Amphora ; Pantocsek. 3262. Cymbella ; Pantocsek. 3262. Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. staurofora n. var. Navicula viridis ; Pantocsek. 3262. stauropbora Amphora ; Pantocsek 3262. u. var. Gompbonema oliva- ceum ; Pantocsek. 3262. n.var. Navicula bituminosa ; Pantocsek. 3262. n.var. Navicula legumen ; Pantocsek. 3261.^ Stegopelta u. gen. Williston. 3485. steinheimensis Candona ; Sieber. 3388. steinmanni Etoblattina ; Sterzel. 3406. stellifer n. var. Camarocrinus ulricbi. Schucbert. 3360. Etbmodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Steuonyx n. nom. Lull. 3163. stenoporus Toxocbelys ; Hay. 3037. sterope Bradoria ; Walcott. 3452. Htigmatella u. gen. Ulricb & Bassler. 3440. stigmatieum Triceratium; Pantocsek. 3262. Stomega n. nom. Dall & Bartscb. 2919. strambergense Pseudosaccocoma ; Reme§. 3307. striata Ampbiprora ; Pantocsek. 3262. Amphora ; Pantocsek. 3262. BiUingsella ; Walcott. 3451. Scurria ; Read. 3292. striatoides Lima ; Bolm:. 2840. strigata Amphora ; Pantocsek. 3262. striolata Amphora ; Pantocsek. 3262. Epithemia ; Pantocsek. 3262. Stephauogonia ; Pantocsek. 3262. striolatum n. var. Lepidodendron thwaitesi ; Herrick. 3043. Btrongi Aucella ; Johnson. 3094. strunzi Anomosaurus; Huene. 3068. struvii Caninia; Stuckenberg. 3413. stuckenbeigi Clymenia ; Tokarenko. 3419. studcri n. subsp. (3vis aries ; Schoeten- sack. 3351. 263 stuprosa Buchiola ; Clarke. 2895. sturanvi Cryptouerita ? ; Blasclilie. 2832. Actinoptychiis ; Pantocsek. 3262. StlU'll stiirtii Triceratiiim ; 3262. Pantocsek. stiitzeli Palaeoryx ; Schlosser. 334:0. styliophila Honeoyea ; Clarke. 2895. Styracoteuth'ts n. gen. Crick. 2902. suavis ^Vmpliora ; Pantocsek. 3262. Cj-mbella ; Pantocsek. 3262. subangulatus Aulacodiscus ; Pan- tocsek. 3262. subangustissima Modiola ; Dacque. 2914. siib-caillati L\xcina 3243. Oppenheim. subcapitata n. var. Epithemia enicae- formis ; Pantocsek. 3262. subelliptica Eccyliomphalus ; Weller. 3470. subfalcifeniiu Harpoceros ; Wuns- torf. 3517. subfasciata Dumortieria ; Buckman. 2871. snbfastuosa Surirella ; Pantocsek. 3262. subfusca Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. snbfusiforme Allonema ; Ulrich & Bassler. 3439. subglobosiuu Unicardium ; Knim- beck. 3128. subglobosus Piensselaeria ; Weller. 3470. subgradata Modiolopsis ; Pieed. 3297. sublaeviuscula Lima ; Knimbeck. 3128. sublameUosa Orbiguyella ; Ulrich & Bassler. 3440. snbmilitaris Trypanostylus ; Blaschke. 2832. subminutus Pecten ; Aldrich. 2782. snborbiculare Triceratium ; Panto- csek. 3262. suborbicularis Cypria ; Sieber. 3388. Wbitella; WeUer. 3470. snblanceolata Melanopsis ; Kormos. 3125. subplanicosta Area ; Oppenlieim. 3243. subpustulosa Platychilina ; Blaschke. 2832. subqiiadrata n. var. Achnanthes bald- jickii ; Pantocsek. 3262. Ptychopteria ; WeUer. 3470. siibquadratus Pseudocrinites ; Schu- chert. 3360. subrhomboidea Ceutronella ; Weller. 3470. subsalsa Epithemia ; Pantocsek. 3262. subscitula Ctenodonta ; Reed. 3297. subsimilis Scatopse ; Meunier. 3192. subsolaris Dumortieria ; Buckman. 2871. substriatus Hybodus ; Linstow. 3147. subtenerrimum Sphenophyllum ; Nathorst. 3213. subtilior n. var. Rhaphoneis gemmi- fera ; Pantocsek. 3262. subtilis n. var. Actinoptychus undu- latus. Pantocsek. 3262. Clonogi-aptns ; Tornquist. 3429. subtilissima Raphoneis ; Pantocsek. 3262. subzamioides Taxites ; MoUer. 3214. sncciueimi Dorcaschema ; Zang. 3522. succiiii Aphodius ; Zang. 3521. sudaghi Epismilia ; Missuna. 3199. suessi Rhynchonella ; Philipp. 3281. Trypanostvlus ; Blaschke. 2832. suevicus Stirechiuus ; Schiitze. 3363. sulcata Cyprimeria ; Johnson. 3094. Cytlierura ; Lienenklaus. 3146. n. var. Plectorthis rem- nicha ; Walcott. 3451. sulcatus Aristolochites ; Perkins. 3273. . MonocarpeUites ; Perkins. 3273. 264 Stdcorhiella n. subgen. Dall & Bartsch. 2919. Clarke. siippar suprajurensis Lunulicardiiim ; 2895. Trickites ; Knunheck. 3128. supraspinosTim Asjiidoceras ; Dacque. 2914. sussexensis Beyrichia ; Weller. 3470. SustenodactyJus n. nom. Lull. 3163. sutinae Damasonium ; Kerner. 3107. Sicaiitonia n. gen. Walcott. 3451. swenanderi Lima ; Bokin. 2840. symmetrica NucuJa ; Borisiak. 2843. • Ovida ; Aldrich. 2782. Symp:erura n. gen. Bather. 2813. SymioUna n. subgen. Dall & Bartsch. 2919. szaboi Actinoptychus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Amphora ; Pantocsek. 3262. Cosinodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Gomphonenia ; Pantocsek. 3262. Hemiaidus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Isthmia ; Pantocsek. 3262. Xavicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. Nitzschia; Pantocsek. 3262. Hzakalense Triceratinm ; Pantocsek. 3262. Goniothecium ; Pantocsek. 3262. 3zakalensis Aulacodiscus ; Panto- csek. 3262. Campvlodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. CLivicula; Pantocsek. 3262. Pantocsek. Rliaphoneis ; 3262. Rutilaria; Pantocsek. 3262. Scolio])leura ; Pantocsek. 3262. Szechemjici n. gen. Pantocsek. 3261. szontaghii Actinoptychus ; csek. 3262. Panto- Amphora ; Pantocsek. 3262. Auricula ; Pantocsek. 3262. Campvlodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Coscinodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Cymbella ; Pantocsek. 3262. Mastogloia ; Pantocsek. 3262. Melanopsis ; Kormos. 3125. Navicida ; Pantocsek. 3262. Stauroneis ; Pantocsek. 3262. Stephanogonia ; Pantocsek. 3262. Stictodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. tabulata Dumortieria ; Buckman. 2871. taeniata Rhabdonema ; Pantocsek. 3262. Taeniola n. sect. DaU. 2918. taliabutica Nucula ; Boehm. 2835. taramellii Orthophragmina ; Schlum- berger. 3341. Tarsoplectrus n. nom. Lull. 3163. tatiau Anomocare ; Walcott. 3452 taurica Goniocora ; Missuna. 3199. tectitormis Cassianella ; Bohni. 2840. tectum Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. teguliensis Cervus ; Dubois. 2938. tellus Ptychoparia ; Walcott. 3452. tcmenus Anomocare ; Walcott. 3452. temperei ^felosira ; Pantocsek. 3262, Pseudocerataulus ; Panto- csek. 3262. tenera Trichomyia ; Aleunier. 3194. tenes Ptychoparia ; Walcott. 3452. tenuis Bairdia ; Lienenklaus. 3146. Ictops ; Douglass. 2934. Otolithus; Schubert. 3358. Rhopalonaria ; Ulrich & Bassler. 3439. 265 teuuissimus Otozamites ; Mijller. 3204. tenuistriatus Aviculopeoten ; Bohm. 2840. teres Constellaria ; Ulrich & Bassler. 3440. Terebratula ; Bohm. 2840. terquemi u. form. Trigouia ; Benecke. 2820. tertiaria Amphora ; Pautocsek. 3262. Eatonisca ; Meunier. 3194. Epithemia ; Pantocsek. 3262. tertiarium Triceratiuiu ; Pantocsek. 3262. tethyis Area ; Oppenheim. 3243. tethys Delphinula ; Krumbeck. 3128. tetonensis 0 bolus ; Walcott. 3451. Tetracystis n. gen. Schuchert. 3360. tetragona n. form. Triceratium- horridum ; Pantocsek. 3262. tetragomma Triceratimn ; Pantocsek. 3262. tetrica Crania ; Bohm. 2840. texana n. A-ar. Plectorthis remnicha ; Walcott. 3451. SjTitrophia ; Walcott. 3451. Ptychoparia ; Walcott. 3452. theano thebaica Limopsis ; Oppenheim- 3243. thebaicus Mytilus ; Oppenheim. 3243. Thelegiiathus n. gen. Broom. 2861. themis Obolus ; Walcott. 3451. theresiana Orbicella ; Felix. 2966. thielei Diplograptus ; Hall. 3028. thirionus Rhyphus ; Meunier. 3192. thomsoni Cyclophyllum ; Stucken- berg. 3413. Eutypomys 3175. Matthews. thraso Ptychoparia ; Walcott. 3452. thumii Melosii-a ; Pantocsek. 3262. Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. thwaitesi Lepidodendrou ; Herrick. 3043. Thijsanohjtoeeraa n. gen. Buckiuau. 2870. tiluri n. form. Cyperites ; Kerner. 3107. tipuliformis Phlebotonuis ; Memiier. 3194. titiana Ptychoparia ; Walcott. 3452. tobieseni Palaeoneilo ; Bohm. 2840. tolus Ptychoparia ; Walcott. 3452. torelli Aviciila; Bohm. 2840. Tovlessia n. gen. Bather. 2814. toruquisti Camarella ; Wiman. 3493. tortquata Siirirella ; Pautocsek. 3262. toulaae Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. Surirella; Pantocsek. 3262 toulai Otolithus ; Schubert. 3358. townsendi Dolium ; Newton. 3223. toxeus Ptychoparia ; Walcott. 3452. trachytica n. var. Amphora griindleri ; Pantocsek. 3262. Cocconeis ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Eunotia flexuosa ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Eunotia pectinalis ; Pantocsek. 3262. Trajoreas n. gen. Schlosser. 3340. transsylvanica Amphora ; Pantocsek. 3262. Cyclotella ; Pantocsek. 3262. Epithemia ; Pantocsek. 3261. Fragilaria ; Pantocsek. 3262. Melosua; Pantocsek. 3262. Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. Nitzschia ; Pantocsek. 3262. Podosira; Pantocsek. 3262. Surirella ; Pantocsek. 3262. Synedra ; Pantocsek. 3262. ti-anssylvanicum Gomphonema; Pan- tocsek. 3262. Pleurosigma ; Pantocsek. 3262. transsylvanicus n. var. Campylodiscus hibernicus ; Pantocsek. 3262. 266 transsylvaiiiciis Coscinodiscus ; Pau- tocsek. 3262. Eimotia ; Pantocsek. 3262. Stephanodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. transversa transversale transversalis traiitscboldi Rlivncliotreta ; Weller. 3470. Lunnlicardmm ; Clarke. 2895. Bumastus 3470. Weller. Stuc- trentonensis treubi triadicus Lopbophyllum ; kenberg. 3413. Actmostroma ; Weller. 3470. Cypbaspis ; Weller. 3470. Romingeria ; Weller. 3470. Hunalayites; Boebm. 2835. Jaekel. Eifelosaurus ; 3073. triangularis Hicoroides ; Perkins. 3273. Kingena ; Krumbeck. 3128. Nucula ; Bobm. 2840. Ptilodictya ; Hennig. 3042. Pantocsek. triasicum tribiillata Triceratium 3262. lliocypris ; 3146. Lienenklaus. trigona Gervilleia; Yokoyama. 3519. trigonus Carpites ; Perkins. 3273. Trimerocystis n. gen. Scbucbert. 3360. trinodosa Purpiiroidea ; Read. 3292. trinotata Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. triquetra Terpsinoe ; Pantocsek. 3262. Tritoniscus n. sect. Dall. 2918. Tritonoeauda n. sect. DaU. 2918. troglodytes Navicula; Pantocsek. 3262. trogus Ptyoboparia ; Walcott. 3452. trolli Otolitbus; Scbubert. 3358. Tropaeos n. subgen. Dall & Bartsch. 2919. Trtuinla n. gen. Pantocsek. 3262. tnianil Anlacodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. {."rasped oporus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Navicula; Pantocsek. 3262. Plagiogramma ; Pantocsek. 3262. Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. tscbapitana Hologvra ; Blascbke. 2832. tschapitanus Clauculus ; Read. 3292. tscbemyscbewi Caninia ; Stucken- berg. 3413. Murcbisonia ; Tokarenko. 3419. Syringodendron ; Zal&sskij. 3520. tscbestnovii Hemiaulus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Stictodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Trinacria ; Pantocsek. 3262. TscJiestnoicia n. gen. Pantocsek. 3262. tscbestnowii Actinoptycbus ; Panto- csek. 3262. Aulacodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Biddulpbia ; Pantocsek. 3262. tuberculata Iliocvpris; Lienenklaus. 3146. ' tuberculatus Arges ; Weller. 3470. Aulacodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Stictodiscus 3262. Pantocsek. tulensis Zapbrentoides ; Stiicken- berg. 3413. tuUbergi Plectortbis ; Walcott. 3451. tumida n. var. Cymbella austriaca ; Pantocsek. 3261. tumultuosa Sycorax ; Meunier. 3194. turbinatus Euconulus ; Chdick. 3024. turcicus Nautilus ; Krunibeck. 3128. turgidiila Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. 267 tiirnliulli Acidaspis ; TJcinl. 3-f!17. Area; Reed. 3291. Crania; Reed. 3297. Tiirristylus n. subgeu. Blasclike. 283-. Turrltrhon n. sect. Dall. 2918. tutia Ptyclioparia ; Walcott. 3452. typical is Dorypygella ; Walcott. ts'picus 3452. Macrocephalites ; 2830. Blake. Tijrannosaurus n. gen. Obsorn. 3249. t^-relli Scaphoceros ; Osgood. 3253. Tyrrhemeola n. subgen. Major. 3109. uchtensis Pterochaenia ; Clarke. 2895. uhligi Frombachia ; Blasclike. 2832. rifa u. subgen. Dall & Bartsch. 2918. ulrichauum Menophvllum ; Girtv. 3001. Ulricliospira n. gen. Donald. 2931. umbilicus Umbonium ; Read. 3292. uudatmn Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. iiudosuni Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. ungeri Laurus ; Engelliardt. 2900. iinguicida Janassa ; Eastman. 2952. ungula Kochia ; Clarke. 2895. uniappeudiculata Palaeoascia ; Meu- unicum 3191. Xenotherium ; 2934. Douo'lass. uniformis Area ; Oiopenheiiu. 3243. upis Obolus ; Walcott. 3451. nplandica Acrotreta ; Wiinan. 3494. uralensis Platyschisma ; Tokarenko. 3419. n. var. Sporadoceras muen- steri ; Tokarenko. 3419. uralica Naticopsis ; Takarenko. 3419. urd Myoplioria ; Bohm. 2840. ursina Bakewellia ; Bohm. 2840. utaliensisn. var. Iphidella labradorica ; Walcott. 3451. Nisusia ; Walcott. 3451. vagans Eumorpliotis ; Bohm. 2840. \'n>i)i(i n. subgen. Dall & Bartsch. 2919. valida Cymbella ; Pantocsek. 3202. Grammatophora ; Pantocsek. 3262. n. var. Navicnla yarrensis ; Pantocsek. 3262. validior n. var. Navicida arata ; Pan- tocsek. 3201. n. var. Triceratium conci- liatum ; Pantocsek. 3202. Vail lieurcltella n. gen. Pantocsek. 3262. van lieu]-ckii Actinoptvchus ; Pan- tocsek. .3202. variabilis Eiunorijhotis ; Bohm. 2840. variolosa Plicatula; OiDpenheim. .3243. variiis Sapindoides ; Perkins. 3273. vasiformis Thecosmilia ; Missuna. 3199. vasta Biddidphia ; Pantocsek. 3202. Loxopteria ; Clarke. 2895. Pyxilla ; Pantocsek. 3262. Staurosira ; Pantocsek. 3262. Stephanop■\^xis ; Pantocsek. 3262. vastum Triceratimn ; Pantocsek. 3262. vaszaryi Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. Surirella ; Pantocsek. 3202. vates Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. vegeta Cymbella ; Pantocsek. 3262. velatum Lunulicardium ; Clarke. .2895. venus Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. venusta Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. verbeeki Anopaea ; Boehm. 2835. vermiculare Campophyllimi ; Stuc- kenberg. 3413. vermontanus n. comb. Bicarpellites ; Perkins. 3273. Carpolithes ; Perkins. 3273. Monocarpellites ; Perkins. 3273. Sapindoides ; Perkins. 3273. 268 Pantocsek. verrucosa Amphora ; 3262. Surirella ; Pantocsek. 3262. versteeghi Bochianites ; Boehm. 2835. vestrogothus Tetragraptns ; Torn- quist. 3^29. veUistlssima Trinacria ; Pantocsek. 3262. vetustissimns Coscinodiscus ; Pan- tocsek. 3262. Vilia n. subgen. Dall & Bartsch. 2919. virgata Ciistellaria ; Briickman. 2869. Visma n. subgen. Dall & Bartsch. 2919. vitrea Odontotropis ; Pantocsek. 3262. vittata Amphora ; Pantocsek. 3262. Epithemia ; Pantocsek. 3262. vittatum Triceratium ; Pantocsek. 3262. voeltzkowi Fibularia ; Tornquist. 3427. volgensis Ichthyosaurus; Kazanskij. 3103. ■ Palaeoneilo ; Borisiak. 2843. 3gii Actiuodictyon ; tocsek. 3262. Pan- Aulacodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. Cerataulus ; 3262. Hemiaulus ; 3262. Pantocsek. Pantocsek. Voliispa n. subgen. Dall & Bartsch. 2919. vorax Isocardia ; Oppenheim. 3243. vukotinovicii Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. waageui Trypanostylus ; Blasclilce. 2832. waldronense Allonema; Ulrich & Bassler. 3439. wallpackensis Beyrichla ; Weller. 3470. waltonensis Conus ; Aldrich. 2873. wardiaiia n. nom. Eucalyjjtus ; Berrv. 2826. weeksi Swantonia; Walcott. 3451. ■weisseianum Triceratium ; Pan- tocsek. 3262. weissflogi Craspedodiscus ; Pan- tocsek. 3262. weissflogianus Coscinodiscus ; Pan- tocsek. 3262. Zygoceros ; Pantocsek. 3262. wellingtonensis Climacograptus ; Hall. 3028. wellsi n. var. Rostellites dalli ; John- son. 3094. ■vvennersteni Galeograptus ; Wiman. 3493. westerhausiana Bignonia ; Richter. 3317. Westerna n. gen. Webster. 3466. weteringi Bochianites ; Boehm. 2835. wettsteinii Eunotia ; Pantocsek. 3261. whitehousei Ostrea ; Oppenheim. 3243. whitfieldii Monocarpellites ; Perkins. 3273. wichitaensis Plectorthis ; Walcott, 3451. wiesbauri Pentacrinus ; Rzehak. 3331. wiesneri Amphora ; Pantocsek. 3262. Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. wilmingtonensis Cyphotrypa ; Ulrich & Bassler. 3440. wiinani Oboliis ; Walcott. 3451. Plectorthis; Walcott. 3451. windhouweri Anopaea ; Boehm. 2835. wiufieldensis Plectorthis ; Walcott. 3451. wingi Protorthis ; Walcott. 3451. wintoni Palaeomastodon ; Andrews. 2792. wiscoyense Lunulicardiuni ; Clarke. 2895. wittcnbergeusis Melocrinus ; Rowley. 3369. Wdi'ia n. gen. Pantocsek. 3262. 269 wittii Stictodiscus ; Pantocsek. 3262. wohrmanni Pseudoscalites ; Blasclike. 2832. Ptychopyge; Schmidt. 3344. woodi Bradoria ; Walcott. 3452. Xenothcrium n. geu. Douglass. 2934. yarraensis n. iiom. Liugula ; Chapman. 2887. zechenterii Navicula ; Pantocsek. 3262. zeilleri Equisetum; Richter. 3317. zeilleri Lepidodendron ; Zalesskij. 3520. zenobiae Lima ; Krumbeck. 3128. zinndorfi Limnicythere ; Lienenklaus. 3146.' zitleli Cyclophvllum ; Stuckenberg. 3413. Eudesia ; Krumbeck. 3128. Lepetopsis ; Blaschke. 2832. Protragelaphus ; Schlosser. 3340. zumoffeni Lithodomus ; Krumbeck. 3128. 271 LIST OF JOURNALS WITH ABBREVIATED TITLES. Abh. geol. Specialkarte Els.-Lothr., Strasshurg Alhanij, N.Y., St. Ediic. Dept., Mus. Bull. Allatt. Kuzlem., Budapest .. Amer. Geol., Minneapolis, Minn. Amer. Mus. J., New York, N.Y. Aincr.Xat., Boston, Mass. A nn. Bat., Oxford ... A7in. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung., Budapest. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Lon- don Anthr., Paris Arch. Anthr., Braun- schweig Arch. Natw. LdDurchf. Bohmen, Prag Arh. Zool., Stockliohn Augsl)urg,Ber. natic. Ver. Austin, Cont. Zool. Lah. Univ. Tex. Abliandlungeu zurgeologischeu Special- karte vou Elsass-Lothringen. Strass- burg. [2-3 H. jahrl.] New York State Education Department. New York State Museum Bulletin. Albany, N.Y. Allattani Kozlemenyek, Budapest. [Zoo- logische Mittlieilungen, Budapest.] American Geologist, Minneapolis, Min- nesota. The American Museum Journal. American Museum of Natural His- tory. New York, N.Y. The American Naturalist, Boston, Mass. Annals of Botany, Oxford Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, Budapest. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London. Antlii'opologie. (Reunion des Materiaux pour I'histoire de I'homme, de la RevLie d'anthropologie, et de la Revue d'ethnographie.) Dir. Boule et Ver- neau. Paris, [bimestr.] Archiv fiir Anthropologic, hrsg. v. Ranke. Braimschweig. [i jahrl.] Archiv der Naturwisseuschaftlichen Laudesdurclrforschung von Bohmen. Prag. [zwanglos.] Arkiv filr zoologi utgifvet af K. Svenska A'etenskapsakademien i Stockholm. Bericht des naturwissenachaftlichen Vereins fiir Schwaben und Neuburg, friiher naturhistorischen Vereins in Augsljurg. Augsburg, [mehrjahr.] Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory of the University of Texas, Austin. 1 Ger. 4 U.S. 32 Hun. 13 U.S. 554 U.S. 21 U.S. 4 U.K. 34 Hun 7 U.K 103 Fr. 53 Ger. 26 Aus. — Swe. 'JG Ger. 30 U.S. 272 Autiin, Bill. soc. hist. nat. .. Auxerre, Bid. soc. sci. hist, nat. Baltimore, Md., Johns Hop- Tiins Univ. Cir. Bamberg, Ber. natf. Ges. .. Belfast, Rep. Nat. F. CI. Berheleij, Univ. Cal., Bull. Dept. Geol. Berlin, Abh. geol. handes- anst Berlin, Jahrb. geol. Lan- desanst Berlin, SitzBer. Ges. natf. Freimde Berlin, Zs. D. geol. Ges. Boston, Mass., Mem. Soe. Nat. HiH. Boston, Mass., L'roc. Soc Nat. Hist. Bot. Gaz., Chicago, III., Univ. Chic. Bot. Jahrh., Leipzig Bot. Not., Lund Boulder, Univ. Colo. Stud. Brandenhurgia, Berlin Braunschtce ig , J a h reshe r Ver. Natw. Breslau, Jahresbcr. Ges. vaterl. Cidtur 24 U.K. •10 U.S. 154 Ger. 171 G er. Bulletin de la societe d'histoirenaturelle. 149 Fr. Autim (Saone-et-Loire). Bulletin de la societe des sciences 152 Fr. historiques et natnrelles de I'Yonne. Auxerre (Yonne). John Hopkins University Circulars, I 36 U.S. Baltimore, Md. | Bericht der naturforschenden Gesell- 111 Ger. schaft in Bamberg. Bamberg, j [3 jahr.] I Report and Proceedings of the Belfast Naturalists' Field Club, Belfast. University of California. Bulletin of the Department of Geology, Berkeley. Abhandlungen der kgl. preussischen geologischen Landesanstalt. Berlin. [2-3 H. jahrl.] Jahrbuch der kgl. preussischen geologi- schen Landesanstalt und Bergaka- \ demie. Berlin, [jahrl.] I Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft I 183 Ger. naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin. Berlin, [jahi'l. in zwangl. H.] j Zeitschrift der deutschen geologischen [ 199 Ger. Gesellschaft. Berlin. [^ jahrl.] j Memoirs of the Boston Society of , 54 U.S. Natural History, Boston, Mass. ; Proceedings of the Boston Society of 61 U.S. Natural History, Boston, Mass. • ! Botanical Gazette. (University of ! 64 U S. Chicago), Chicago, 111. j Botanische Jahrbticher fiir Systematik, 242 Ger. Pflanzengeschichte xmd Pflanzengeo- graphie, hrsg. v. Engler. Leipzig. [10 H. jahrl.] Botaniska Notiser. Utgifne af C. F. 0. 5 Swe. Nordstedt. Lund. 8vo. The University of Colorado Studies. 572 U.S. Boulder, Colo. Brandenburgia. Monatsblatt der Gesell- 246 Ger. schaft fiir Heimathkumle der Proviuz Brandenburg zu Berlin. Berlin. [monatl.] Jahresbericht des Verciiis fiir Natur- 250 Ger. wissenschaft zu Braunschweig. Braunschweig. [2 jiilir.] .Jahresbericht der schlesischen Gesell- 258 Ger. schaft fiir vaterliindische Cidtur. Breslau. [jiilirl.] 273 Byiinn, Zs. Mdhr. Ld-Miis. Bid. Museum, Paris Cambridge, Mass., Bull. Mu8. Comp. Zool. Har vard Coll. Cambridge, Mass., Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Har- vard Coll. Cambridge, Proc. Phil. Soc. Cape Town, Trans. S. A fric. Phil. See. ('enfndhl. Min., StuUjart Chapel Hill, N.C.J.Eli.sha Mitchell Sci. Soc. ChankoD, Trd. Obsc. ispijt. prir. Chemnitz. Ber. natic. Ges. Chicago, III., Pub. Field Columb. Mus., Geol. Ser. Chicago, III., Pub. Field Columb. Mus., Rep. Ser. Columbus, Rep. OJiio Acad. Sci. CorrBl. D. Ges. AntJir., Miincheri Darmstadt, Notizbl. Ver. Erdk. Davenport, Iowa, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. (K-11720) Zeitsclirift des Mahrischen Landes- inuseums. Herausgegeben von dei- Mahrischen Museums-Gesellschaft. Red. V. A. Rzehak, C. Schirmeisen u. J. Matzura. Briinn. [^ jahrl.] Bulletin dii Museum d'Histoire Natu- relle. Paris. [8 niuneros par an.] Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, Cam- bridge, Mass. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology of Harvard College, Cam- bridge, Mass. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philo- sophical Society, Cambridge. Transactions of the South African Philo- sophical Society, Cape Town. [In- cludes Proceedings.] Centrall)latt fiir Mineralogie, Geologic und Palaontologie, hrsg. v. Bauer etc. Stuttgart. [5 monatl.] Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, Chapel Hill, N.C. TpyjtLi UomecTBa HciiuTaTeJiett npupo- ji,bi iipii IlMiiepaTopcKOMTj XapbKOB- CKOM'h yHHBepCHXeT'l;. XapbKOBb [Travaux de la Societe des naturalistes de rUniversite Imperiale de Khar- kov]. Bericht der naturwisseuschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Chemnitz. Chem- nitz, [mehrjahr.] Publications of the Field Columbian Museum. Geological Series. Chicago, 111. Publications of the Field Columbian Museum. Report Series. Chicago, 111. Annual Report of the Ohio State Academy of Science. Columbus, Ohio. Correspoudenzblatt der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologie, Eth- nologic und Urgeschichte. Miinchen. [monatl.] Notizblatt des Vereins fiir Erdkunde und der grossherzoglichen geologi- schen Landesanstalt zu Darmstadt, nebst Mittheilungen aus der gross- herzoglich hessischen Centralstelle fiir die Landesstatistik. Darmstadt, [jahrl.] Proceedings of the. Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences, Davenport, Iowa. 63 Atis. 237 Fr. 71 U.S. 78 U.S. 48 U.K. 7 S. A fric. 285 Ger. 88 U.S. 22 Rus. 303 Ger. 108 U.S. 110 U.S. 549 U.S. 312 Ger. 396 Ger. 131 U.S. T 27i Des Moines, Proc. loica Acad. Sci. Dresden, SitzBer. I sis Dithliyi, Proc. R. Irish Acad. Durkheim, Mitt. PoUiehia Econ. Geoh, Lancaster, Pa. Edinhurgh, Proc. R. Physic. Soe. Foldt. Evk., Budapest Foldt. Int. Eci Jelent., Budapest Foldt. Kbzl., Budapest Franhfurt a. M., AM. Sericlienh. Ges. Franhfurt a. M., Ber. Senckenb. Ges. Franhfurt a. M., Nadir Bl. D. malakozool. Ges. Geogn. Jahreshefte, Miin- ehen. Geol. Mag. London... Geol. u. palceont. Ahh.,Jena Globus, Braunschweig Gloucester, Proc. Cottes- icold Nat. F. CI. Gottingen, Ahh. Ges. Wiss. Gotha, Mitt. Ver. Geseh. Proceedings of tlie Iowa Academy of Sciences, Des Moines. Sitrangsberichte und Abhandlungen der naturwissenschaftlichen Gesell- schaft Isis in Dresden. Di-esden. [jalirl.] Proceedings of the Royal Irish Aca- demy, Dublin. Mittheilmigen der PoUiehia, eines natur- wissenschaftlichen Vereines der Rheinpfalz Durkheim. [zwanglos.] Economic Geology, Lancaster, Pa. Proceedings of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. A Magyar Kiralyi Foldtani Intezet Ev- konyvei, Budapest. [Jahrbuch der koniglichen ungarischen geologischen Anstalt, Budapest.] A Magyar Kiralyi Foldtani Intezet Evi Jelentese, Budapest. [Jahresbericht der koniglichen ungarischen geologi- schen Anstalt, Budapest.] Foldtani Kozlony, Budapest. [Geo- logische Mittheilungen, Budapest.] Abhandlungen hrsg. v. d. Sencken- bergischen naturforschenden Gesell- schaft. Frankfurt a. M. [3 H. jahrl.] Bericht der Senckenbergischen natur- forschenden Gesellschaft in Frankfurt a. M. [jahrl.] Nachrichtsblatt der deutschen malako- zoologischen Gesellschaft. Frankfurt a. M. [monatl.] Geognostische Jahreshefte, hrsg. v. d. geognostischen Abtheilimg des kgl. bayerischen Oberbergamts in Miin- chen. Miinchen. [jahrl.] Geological Magazine, London ... Geologische und palaeontologische Al>- handlungen, hrsg. v. E. Kokeu. Jena (G. Fischer), [zwanglos.] Globus, niustrirte Zeitschiift fiir Lander- imd Volkerkunde, hrsg. v. i\jidrce. Braunschweig, [woch.] Proceedings of the Cotteswold Natu- ralists' Field Club, Gloucester. Abhandlungen der kgl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. Berlin, [jahrl. in zwangl. H.] Mitteilungen der Vereinigung fiir Go- thaische Geschichte und Altertums- forschung. Gotha. [jarhl.] 137 U.S. 415 Ger. 74 U.K 418 Ger. _ U.S. Ud U.K 20 Hun. 22 Hun. 7 Huu. 473 Ger. 470 Ger. 480 Ger. 507 Ger. 134 U.K 1267 Ger. 525 Ger. 144 U.K 529 Ger. — fier. 275 Orahuiinftoun, Cape Colonij, Eec. Albany Mu-^. Gmz, Mitt. Nativ. Ver. Slelei'in. Greifmcald, Mitt, tialu-. Ver. Gromgen, Mitt. Mhi. GeoJ. Inst. Giistrou-, Areh. Ver. Natg. Haarlem, Arch. Miis. Teijler Hahnstacit, Halland Iluah. SliUsk. Handl. Handl. Ned. Nat. Genee.4:. Congres. Heidelberg. Mitt. geol. Landeaaiist. Heidelberg, Verh. iiathist. Ver. Hildeslieim, Mitt. Foemer- Mus. Hull Mils. Piibl Indianapolis, Ind., Proc. Acad. Sci. Intern. GeflZncht J., Berlin Irish Nat., Dublin Jaarb. Mijmc. Ned. Ind., Bat aria. Jnhresber. hist. Ver. Ba- rensberg, Bielefeld. J. Conch., Leeds Jena, Denhschr. med. Ges. Records of the Albaiw Museum, Clra- hauistown. Mitteiluugeu des Naturwissenschaft- liclien Vereiues liir Steierinark. Red. V. C. Doelter. (Iraz. [jarliL] Mittheiluugeii aus deui uaturwissen- schaftliclien Verein fiir Neu-Vorpom- mern und Riigen in Greifswald Berlin, [jiihrl.] Mitteilungen aus dem Mineralogisch- (ieologischen Institut der Reiclis- Universitat zu Gronigen, Leipzig (Borntraeger), Gronigen (Erven P. Nordhoff). Archiv des Vereins der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg. Giistrow. [jahrl.] Archives du Musee Tevler, Haarlem. 8vo. Hallands lans Hushhiillnings- Siillskaps Handl i n ga r . Hal i n st ad . Handelingen van het Nederlandsch Natuur- en Geneeskundig Congress. 8vo. Mittheilungen der gross ijerzoglich badi- schen geologischen Landesanstalt, lirsg. im Auftr. des Ministeriums des Innern. Heidelberg, [jahrl.] Verhandliuigen des naturhistorisch-me- diciuischen Vereins zu Heidelberg. Heidelberg. [1-2 H. jahrl.] Mittheilungen aus dem Roemer-Mu- seum zu Hildesheim. [zwanglos]. Hull Museum Publications Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, Indianapolis. Interuationales Gefliigelzucht-Journal. Berlin. [^ monatl.] Irish Naturalist (a monthly Journal of General Irish Natural History), Dublin. Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Neder- landsch-Indie, uitgegeven door het Ministerie van Kolonien, Batavia. 8vo. Jiihresbericht des historischen Vereins fiir die Grafschaft Ravensberg. Bielefeld, [jahrl.] The Journal of Conchologv, Leeds. Svo. Denkschriften der medicinisch-natur- wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena, [jahrl. in zwangl. H.] 12S.Afric 119 Aus. 535 Ger. — Hoi. 5.37 Ger. 21 Hoi. — Swe. 26 Hoi. 574 Ger. 575 Ger. 583 Ger. — U.K 169 U.S. 667 Ger. 161 U.K 29 Hoi. — Ger. 168 U.K. 647 Ger. 276 Jena, Mitt, geogr. Ges. Jezeg. geol. i iiiinei-, Var- sava. J. OeoL, Clucago, TU. Kiev, Zap. Oh^c. Jest. Kjohenliavn, Dnnm. Geol. Unders. K^uhenltavv, Medd. Griml. Kjoben}iarii,Nath. Medd. .. Ki'm'igsherg, Sclir. jjlnjsih. Ges. Kosmoa, Licoic Kraluiir, Hull. Inteiii. Acdd. Kvnl-oir, Tfozpr. Ahad. B. Krahow, Rprnir. Kow. fizyogr. Krjstnni'in. Forli. Vid. Hclsh. KristicniKi, I'ldfti^l;. nof-^h. Land!). Tjawreiicc, Kciii. Unir. Sc'i. Bull. Leipzig, Zh. D. P(dii^o U.K. 2G7 U.K. 271 U.K. 272 U.K. 270 U.K. 14 Swe. 928 Fr. 302 U.K. 463 — 117 Rus. 325 U.K. 790 Ger. — Ger.. 130 Ru3. 839 Ger. (k-11720) 278 Milnster, Jaliresher. Prov- Vcr. Wiss. Xancy, Bui. soc. scl. yaturalist, Loudon Nature, Peuni of 299 U.S. Natural History, New York, N.Y. Bulletin of the Torrev Botanical Club, j 302 U.S. New York, N.Y. " ! Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geo- S;)4 Ger. logie mid Palaontologie, lu'sg. v. Bauer. Stuttgart. [2monatl.l Nebst Beilage-BJinden. Novenytani Kozlem^uyek, Budapest. | 3.") Hun. [Botanische Mittellungen, Budajiest.] ' Nordisk Tidskrift for vetenskap, konst 17 Swe. och industri utgifven af Letterstedtska Foreningen, redigerad af Oscar | Montelius. Stockholm. 8vo. | Norges geologiske Under^ogelse, i 23 Nor. Kristiania. New Phytologlst, London ... ... IT-l l.K. Sodenuanlands Hushallning.s-Sall- — Swe. skaps Handlingar, Nykciping. Nyt Magazin for Xaturvidenskaberne, 21 Nor. Kristiania. BaiiiiCKH HoBopocciiicKaro OomecrBa — Rus. ocTccTBOncniJTaTe.ieii. 0;i,ecca [Me- moires do la Societe des Naturalistcs de la Nouvelle Russie. Odessa.] L'79 Olmiitz, Cas. Muz. Spolhii . Palacoutogniphica, Stutt- gart Pam. fizgo'ji'., Warszawa .. Paris, Bui. mem. soc aiithr. Paris, Bui. soc. cut. Paris, Bui. soc. gcol. Paris, C.-R. Aead. sci. Paris, C.-E. ass. franr. avane. sci. Philadelphia, Pa., Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. Pittsburg, Pa., Ami. Car- negie Mils. Pittsburg, Pa., Mem. Car- migie Mus. Pov. Sci. Man., New York, N.Y. Potf. Termt. KozL, Buda- pest Poznan, Roczn. Toic. Nauh. Pozsonyi Orv.-termt. Egyl. KiJzlem. Prag, Bull. Ac. Sci. Frai Jos. Prag, Rozpr. Ceshe Ah. Frant. Jos. ("asopis Vlasteneekelio Spolku Muze- 260 Aus. jiii'ho V Oloniouc-i. Olomouc. [Zeit- schrift cles ^'atel•]audischen Jluseal- vereins in Olmiitz. Olmiitz. 1 li jarhl.] ^ . Palaeontographiea. Beitriige zur Xatur- ; 898 Oer. geschichte der Vorzeit, hrsg. v. Zittel. j Stuttgart. [2-3 H. jalirL] \ Pami^tnik fizvograficziiy, wydawcy W. 1 32 Pol. Wniblewski i B. Znatowicz, War- szawa. 4to. [animal.] Bulletin et memoires de la societe .577 Fr. d'anthropologie de Paris. Paris. [bimestr.] Bulletin de la societe entomologique de 591 Fr. I'^rauce. Paris, [mensuel.] i Bulletin de la societe geologique de 598 Fr. France. Paris, [mensuel.] Comptes-rendus liebdomadaires des 012 Fr. seances de I'Academie des sciences. ' Paris, [hebdomad.] Comptes-rendus de I'association fran- ' (il3 Fr. gaise pour ravancement des sciences. Paris. [2 volumes ])ar an.] Proceedings of the Academy of Natural ' 371 U.S. Sciences of Philadeljjhia, Philadelphia, : Pa. Annals of the Carnegie Musevun, Pitts- 388 U.S. burg, Pa. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum, Pitts- 389 U.S. burg, Pennsylvania. Popular Science Monthly, New York, 392 U.S. N.Y. Potfiizetek a Termeszettudomauyi Koz- \ 13 Hun. lonj'hoz, Budapest. [Beiblatter zu ] den nalurwissenschaftliclien Mit- ' theilungen, Budapest.] Roczniki Poznanskiego Towarzystwa I 36 Pol. Przyjaciot Nauk, Poznaii. 8vo. j [annual.] A Pozsonyi Orvos-Termeszettudomanyi — Una, Eg}"es{ilet Kozleraenzei, Pozsony. ' [Verhandlungen des Vereins fiir j Natur- und Heilkuncle zu Pozsony (Press})urg), Pozsony. j Academic des Sciences de I'Empereur 280 Aus. Fran(j-ois Joseph I. Bulletin Inter- national. Prag. ! Rozpravy Ceske Akademie Cisafe Fran- • 302 Aus. ti§ka Josefa pro Vedy, Slovesnost' a Umeni. Praha. [Abhandlungen der ' Tschechischen Kaiser Franz Josefs- ] Akademie fur Wissenschaft, Literatur ■ und Kunst]. [zwanglos.] i 280 Prag, Vestn. Ceshe Ah. Front, t/os. Prometheus, Berlin Proatejov, Vesfii. Kl. Pro: liegoisburg, Ber. mitii: Ver. Tienucs, Bid. soc. sci. ined. Rev. Hdiite - Aucergiie, AuriUae Riga, Korr.-hV . Xaturf.- Ver. Rochdale, Trans. Lit. Sci. Soc. Rochester, X.Y., Bull.Geol. Soc. Amer. San Francisco, Mem. CaJ. Acad. Sci. Sch. Mines Q., Xeir Yorl;, K.Y. Sci. Amer., New Yorh, X.Y. Sci. Amer. Sup., Ken- Yorh, N.Y. Science, Xeic York, X.Y. .. S. E. Xat., Timhridge WeU.-< Stockholm, Gcol. For. Forh. Stockholm, Sv. Gcol. Un- ders. Stockholm, Vcl.-Ak. llnndl. Vestnilc t'eske Akademie Cisaie Fran- tiska Josefa ^ivo Vedy, Slovesnost' a Umeni. Praha. [Auzeiger der Tschechischeu Kaiser Franz Josefs- Akadeiuie fiir Wissenscliaft, Literatur imd Kiinst.] ^9 H. jahrl.J Prometheus. lUustrirte Woclienschrift liber die Fortscliritte iti Gewerbe, Industrie und Wissenscliaft, lirsg. v. Witt. Berlin, [woch.] Vestnik klubu pfirodovedeckilio. [ilit- theilungen des naturwissenscliaft- liehen Klubs.] Prostejov. Bei'iclite des naturwissenscliaftliclien {'friiher zoologiscli-mineralogischeu) Vereiiis zu Regensburg. (Forts, des Correspoudeozblattes.) IJegeus- burg. [2 jiihr.] Bulletin de la societe scientilique et niedicale de I'Ouest. Rennes (Ille-et- Vilaiuei. [trimestr.] ReNiie de la Haute- Auvergne. Aurillac (C'antal). [trimestr.] Korrespondenzblatt des Xaturforscher- Yereins zu Riga. Transactions of the Rochdale Literary, etc.. Society, Rochdale. Svn. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, Rochester, X.Y. Memoirs of the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, Cal. School of Mines Quarterly. Columbia University, Xew York, N.Y. Scieniitic American, Xew York, X.Y. ... Scientific American Supplement, Xew York, X.Y. Science, Xew York, X.Y. The South Eastern Xaturalist, Tun- bridge Wells. 8vo. Geologiska Foreningeus i Stockholm forhandlingar. Stockholm. 8vo, Svei"iges Geologiska undesokning. Serien A. Kartblad med beskrif- niiigar, Serien B. Ofversigtskartor, Special- kartor. Serien C. Afiiandlingar och ujjp- satser. [Chietly consist of pai)ers origi- nally published by other scien- tific bodies.] Kongl. Sveuska \'etenskaps-Akade- miens Handlingar. Stockholm. Ito. 312 Aus. 938 Ger. AU3. 9i9 Ger. 058 Fr. 891 Fr. 213 Rus. 394 U.K. 410 U.S. 423 U.S. 425 U.S. 42(5 U.S. 427 U.S. 429 U.S. 401 U.K. 23 Swe. 35 Swe. 40 Swe. 281 Stonr, Rep. X. Staff. F. f'l. St. reterhiirri, Bull. Ac. Sc. St. Peterlnmj, Mnn. Ac. Sc. St. Peterlnirg, Mnii. Com. (jeolog. St. Feferhiirg, Trar. Soc. naf. St. I'eterhurg, Verli. Buss, mineral. Ges. Stuttgart, Jahrcshefte Ver. Xatl: Sv. Mosslndf. Tidsln'., J'on- koping Sum,m. Progr. fleol. Surv. U. K., London Syracuse, X.Y., Proc. Onondaga Acad. Sci. Tol;yd, J. Coll. Sci. Torreya, Iscir 1 or!;, X.Y ... Tubingen, Bl. Alhrer. UmscJicai, Fraiilifurt a. M. Upsala, Bidl. Geol. Inst. Verli. D. zool. Ges., Leipzig Annual report and transactions of the Xortli StafTordshire Naturalists' Field C'lul), and ArclKeological Society, Stone. IIsBiiCTia IlMiiepaTopcKoii AKa^teMJii HayKT.. C.-Ilexepoypr'i. [Bvdletin de rAcadeniie Iniperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbonrg]. 3aiiiicKU IlMoepaTopcKOii AKaAeiiiii HayKTj no (jjiiaiiKO-MaxeMaTiiqecKOMy OTAt.ieniK). C.-IIexepoypri. [Me- moires de I'Academie Imperiale des Sciences. Classe des sciences phy- siques et mathematiques. St.-Peters- bourg]. Tpy,T,bi reo.iorHHecKaro KoMiiTera. C.-IIeTepoypri, [ilemoires du Comite geologicpie. St.-Petershourg]. Tpyaw IlMnepaTopcKaro C.-IIeTepoypr- CKaro OomecTBa ecTecTBOiicnuTaTe- .lefi. O.-IIeTepCiypr^i [Travanx de la Societe Inqjeriale des naturalistes de St.-Petersbourg]. 3aniicKii IlMnepaxopcKaro C.-TTeTep- oyprcKaro MHiiepa.ioriiHecKaro 06- luecTBa. C.-IIe'repfiypn. [Verhand- lungen der Russisch-Kaiserlichen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft. St.-Pe- tersbourg]. Jahreshefte des Vereins £ur vater- liindische Naturkunde in Wiirtteni- berg. Stuttgart, [jahrl.] Svenska Mosskultiir-foreningens Tid- skrift. Jonkoping. 8vo. Summary of the Progress of the Geo- logical Survey of the United King- dom, London. Proceedings of the Onondaga Academy of Science, Syracuse, N.Y. The Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, Japan. European languages. Torreya, (Torrey Botanical Club\New York, N.Y. Blatter des schwabischen Albvereins. Tubingen, [raonatl.] Die Umschau. Uebersicht iiber die Fortschritte iind Bewegungen auf dem (icsammtgebiet der Wissen- schaft, Technik, Litteratur und Kunst, hrsg. v. Bechhold. Frankfurt a. M. [woch.] Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Ujjsala. Edited by Hj. Sjogren. Upsala. 8vo. Verhandlungen der deutschen zoolo- gischen Gesellschaft, Leipzig, [jahrl.] 410 U.K. 1^51 Rus. 260 Rus. 267 Rus. 281 Rus. 290 Rus. 1021 Ger. 47 Su-e. 413 U.K. — U.S. 28 Jap. 332 U.S. 1000 Ger. 1008 Ger. 55 Swe. 1082 Ger. 282 Vcrh. Gc^. D. y^^atf., Lei2> z'kj Vermont, Rep. O'euL, Bur- lington Vesniir, Prag Wanderer, H'lrschhcrq Wash tngton , D.C.,Ca rnegie Inst., Year Book Washington, D.C. Dept. Int. U. S. Geol. Surv, Prof. Paprs. Washington, D.C, Xafion. Acad. Sci., B'log. Mem. Washington, D.C, Proc Biol. Soc. Washington, D.C, Smith- sonian Inst., Misc. Col- lect. Washincfton, D.C, Smifh- sonia7i Inst., Nation. Mus. Bull. Washington, D.C, Smith- sonian Inst., Xntion. Miis. Proc. Washington, D.C, Smitli- sonian Inst., Rep. Washington, D.C, U. S. Depjt. Int. Bull. Geol. WeHi)igto7i, Trans, and Proc. N. Zeal. In.sl. Wien, Beitr. Pal. Geol. OatUng. Wien, Denliselr. Al;. l^^ss^. Veihandlungen der Gesellschaft deut- scher Naturforscher iiud Aerzte. Leipzig, [jahrl.] lieport of the State Geologist on the Mineral Industries and Geology of certain areas of Vermont. Burling- ton, Vt. Vesmir. Praha. [Das Weltall. Zeit- schrift fiir die Verbreitnug natnr- historischer, geo- und ethnographi- scher Kemitiiisse. Prag, i monatl.] Der Wanderer im Riesengebirge. Organ des Riesengebirgs-Vereins. Hirschberg. [monatl. J Carnegie Institution of Washington. Year Book, Washington, D.C. Professional Papers. Department of the Interior. U. S. Geological Sur- ve}'. Washington, D.C. National Academy of Sciences. Bio- grapliieal Memoirs. Washington, D.C. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, Washington, D.C. Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Washing- ton, D.C. Smithsonian Institution. U. S. Na- tional Museum. Bulletin, Washing- ton, D.C. Smithsonian Institution. U. S. Na- tional Museum. Proceedings, Wash- ington, D.C. Smithsonian Institution. Annual Report of the Board of Regents, Washington, D.C. Department of the Interior. Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, Wellington. Beitrage zur Palaontologie und Geo- logie Osterreich-Ungarns und des Orients. Mitteilnngen des Paliioton- logischen mid Geologischen Insti- lutcs der Universitiit Wien. Iferaus- gegeben mit UnterstiUzung des hohen Ministeriums fiir Kultus mid Unter- richt yon Viktor Uhlig und G[ustav] von Artliaber. Wien. [\ jiihil.] Deiikschriften der Kaiscrlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. Wien. [zumindest jiihrl.] 1083 Gei'. 585 U.S. 39:^ Aus. 1102 Ger. 4C8 U.S. — U.S. — U.S. 488 U.S. 497 U.S. 498 U.S. 500 U.S. 502 U.S. 510 U.S. — N.Z. 415 Aus. 420 Aus. 283 Wien, Jahrb. Gcol. Rcha- Anst. Wieii, SltzBer. AJ;. Wiss. . Wien, Verli. Geol. Echs- Anst. Wieshnden, Jahrh. Ver. Natk. Wood's Holl, Masii., Mar. Biol. Lah. Bxdl. Zool. Anz., Leipzig... Zs. Watic, Stiitt(jart Zs. u'iss. Iiisektenhiol. Husum Julirbuch der k. k. Geologisclieu Reiclis- Austalt. Wien. [i jahrl.] Sitzungsberii'hte der Kaisei-liclien Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. Wien. [in 4 Aljteilungen, zwanglos.] Verhandhmgeii der k. k. Geologisclieu ReichsAustalt. Wien. [18 H. jahrl.] Jahrbiicher der nassauischen Vereius fiir Naturkunde. Wiesbaden, [jahrl.] ]\Iarine Biological l;aboi'atory. Bio- logical Bulletin, Wood's Holl, Mass. Zoologisclier Anzeiger, hrsg. v. Carus. Leipzig. [2-3 Nru monatl.] Zeitschrift fiir Naturwissenschaften. Organ des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins fiir Sachsen und Thiiriugen. Stuttgart. [2 monatl.] Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Insek- tenbiologie. Friiher : Allgenieine Zeitschrift fiir Entoniologie. Hrsg. V. C. Schroder. Husum. [monatl.] 425 472 1121 535 1148 1214 Aus. Aus. Aus. Ger. U.S. Ger. Ger. — Ger. J7j€ numbers in the rhjlit-luind eolamn are those used in the Geneml List of Journals. 285 International Catalogue of Soientiflo Literature. I.— TOPOGRAPHICAL CLASSIFICATION. [To be used in connexion with Geography, Geology, Botany, Zoology, etc.] 1.— MAIN DIVISIONS. a. The Earth as a whole. h. Land as a whole. c. Ocean as a whole. d. Europe and Mediterranean Islands. e. Asia and Malay Archipelago, Celebes and Timor inclusive. /, Africa and Madagascar. (/. North America to boundary between United States and Mexico. h. Mexico, Central and South America, and West Indian Islands, i. Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand, with New Guinea, Gilolo, and Moluccas to west, and including the Solomon Islands, New Hebrides, and New Caledonia to east. k. Arctic: Greenland and the area north of the Arctic Circle, or of the coasts of Continental y\ merica, Asia, and Europe, whichever is farther north. /. Atlantic and Islands from Arctic Circle to Lat. 45° S.— the southern portion bounded on the east by the meridian 20° E. of Greenwich, south of the coast of Africa ; and on the west by the coast of South America. m. Indian Ocean and Islands limited on the south by Lat. 45° S. ; on the west by the meridian 20° E. of Greenwich ; on the east bj' the coast of Australia and the meridian 147° E. of Greenwich. n. Pacific and Islands from the Arctic Circle to Lat. 45° S., and between the meridian 147° E. of Greenwich and the coast of South America. 0. Antarctic : the area south of 45° S. except the Falkland Islands and the southern parts of South America and New Zealand ; but including the islands of New Amsterdam and St. Paul. N.B. — As a general rule, Islands more than 100 miles from the continent to be classed as Oceanic, unless specially excepted. (K-11720) u 286 2. SUB-DIVISIONS. d. Europe and Mediterranean Isla.nds. da. Scandinavia : Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Faeroes. db. Kussia in Europe. dc. German Empire. dd. Holland ; Belgium ; Luxemburg. de. British Islands. df. France and Corsica. dg. Spain and Portugal. dh. lisAy : Sicily and Sardinia. di. Swftzerland. dk. Austria-Hungary (Bosnia and Herzegovina included). dl. Balkan Peninsula (Turkey in Europe, Roumania, Bulgaria, Servia, Montenegro, and Greece). dm. Mediteri-anean and Islands (excluding Sicil}^ Sardinia, and Corsica). dn. Black Sea. do. Baltic and Islands. e. Asia and Malay Archipelago. ea. Asiatic Russia. eb. China and Dependencies : Tibet ; Corea. ec. Japanese Islands ; Formosa. ed. Cochin Cliina : Tonquin, Annam. ee. Siam. ef. British India : Himalaya ; Burmah ; Ceylon. eg. Malay Peninsula from Isthmus of Kra and Archipelago to Wallace's line, including Celebes and Timor, with the Philippines and China Sea. eh. Persia ; Afghanistan ; Baluchistan. ei. Asiatic Turkey ; Arabia ek. Caspian. eL Persian Gulf. f. Africa and Madagascar. fa. Mediten-anean States — Marocco, Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli. fb. N.E. Africa ; Egypt and Nile Valley to Lat. 10° N. ; Abyssinia ; African Coast of Red Sea. fc. Sahara and the French Sudan ; Darf ur. etc. /d. West Africa, from Marocco to the Congo. fe. Congo State and Angola. Jf\ East Africa, from the Southern border of Jb to the Zambezi ; Socotra. fg South Africa — South of the Zambezi and of the boundary ])etween Portuguese and German S.W. Africa. fh. Madagascar and Comoro Group. //. Red Sea and Islands. 287 g. North America. ga. Alaska. gh. Canada as a Avhole. gc. Cauadiau Dominion West (Yukon, British Columbia, Mackenzie, Athabasca, Alberta, Saskatchewan. Assini- boia). gd. Canadian Dominion East ; Newfoundland. ge. The Laurentian Lakes. gf. United States as a whole. gg. North Eastern United States, East of Mississippi (Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Michi.f^an, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana). gh. South Eastern United States, East of Mississippi. gi. Western United States, West of Mississippi. h. Central and South America and West Indies. ha. Mexico. hh. Central America : Guatemala; Honduras ; British Honduras ; Salvador ; Nicaragua ; Costa Rica. he. West Indian Islands ; Caribbean Sea ; Gulf of Mexico. hd. Guiana — British, Dutch, and French ; Venezuela ; Trinidad. he. Columbia ; Ecuador. hf. Peru. hg. Bolivia. hh. Brazil. hi. Argentina; Uruguay and Paraguay. hh. Chili. hi. Tierra del Puego and neighbouring islands ; Falkland Islands. hm. The Andes. /. Australasia. ia. New Guinea with Islands from Wallace's line, including Gilolo, Amboina, Ceram. ih. Bismarck Archipelago (New Britain, etc., to Solomon Islands inclusive). ic. Australia as a whole. id. Queensland. ie. New South Wales. if. Victoria. ig. South Australia. ih. West Australia. a. Tasmania. ik. New Zealand. il. New Caledonia, New Hebrides, and Loyalty Islands. (k-11720) ' u 2 288 k. Arctic. ka. Arctic Ocean. Jcb. Greenland. kc. Archipelag-o north of North America. kd. Islands north of Europe and Asia. I. Atlantic. la. North Atlantic Ocean and Islands not otherwise specified. lb. Azores ; Canaries ; Madeira ; Cape Verde. Ic. South Atlantic and Islands. 771. Indian Ocean. ma. Ocean and Islands N. of Equator. mb. Ocean and Islands S. of Equator, including- Mascarene Islands, Amsterdam, and St. Paul. n. Pacific. na. North Pacific Ocean (North of Equator). nb. South Pacific Ocean (South of Equator). nc, Behring Sea and Islands (Aleutian Archipelago, etc.). ncl. Sandwich Islands and scattered groups N. of Equator and E. of 180°. ne. Ladrone, Pelew, Caroline and Marshall Groups, with other Islands N. of Eq^^ator and W. of 180°. nf. Fiji Islands, Friendly Islands, Samoa, Ellice, Phoenix Islands, etc., west of Meridian 160° W. of Greenwich. ng. Galapagos Islands. nh. Society Islands, Low Archipelago, Marquesas, and other Islands of S. Pacific, east of Meridian 160° W. of Green- wich. 0. Antarctic. ■oa. Antarctic Continent as a whole. oh. S. Georgia, Sandwich Groups, and other Islands S. of S. Atlantic. oc. Prince Edward Island, Crozets, Kerguelen, and other Islands S. of Indian Ocean. o(l. Islands to Southward and South-east of New Zealand and Area South of Pacific. 289 Internationaler Katalog der naturwissenschaftlichen Litteratur. I — TOPOGRAPHISCHE CLASSIFICATION. [En Verbindung mit Geographie, Geologie, Botanik, Zoologie etc. zu beuutzen.] 1.- HAUPT-ABSCHNITTE. a. Die Erde als Ganzes. b. Das Festland als Ganzes. c. Der Ocean als Ganzes. d. Europa iind die Insein im Mittelliindisclien Meere. e. Asien und der Malayische Archipel, einschliesslich Celebes und Timor. /. Africa und Madagaskar. g. Nord-Amerika bis zur Grenze zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten und Mexiko. h. Mexiko, Central- und Slid-Amerika, Westindische Insein. i. Australien, Tasmanien und Neu-Seeland, mit Neu-Guinea, Gilolo und Molukken nsch Westen, und mit Salomo-Inseln, Neuen Hebriden und Neu-Caledonien nach Osten. k. Arktisches Gebiet : Grcinland und der vom Polarkreis umschlossene Kaum, insbesondere die jenseits desselben gelegeuen KutenUinder von Amerika, Asien und Europa. I. Atlantiscbes Gebiet mit seinen Insein vom Polarkreis bis 45° S. Br.; der stidliche Theil wird siidliche von Afrika nach Osten durch den Meridian 20" 0. [v. Gr.] begrenzt und reicht im Westen bis zur Kiiste von Slid-Amerika. m. Der Indische Ocean mit seinen Insein reiclit im Siiden bis 45° S. Br. ; im Westen bis 20° 0. L., im Osten bis zur KUste von Australieii und dem Meridian 140° 0. L. n. Paci6sches Gebiet mit seinen Insein, vom Nordpolarkreis bis 45° S. Br., im siidlichen Theil begrenzt durch den Meridian 147° 0. L. nach Westen, und die Kiiste von Slid-Amerika nach Osten. 0. Antarktisches Gebiet, umfassened das Gebiet slidlich von 45° S. Bi-., mit Ausschluss der Palklands-Inseln, de siid- lichen Theile von Slid-Amerika und Neu-Seelands, aber einschliesslich der Insein Neu-Amsterdam und St. Paul. N.B. — Allgemeine Kegel : Insein, die mehr als 100 englische IMeilen (160 Kilometer) vom Festland entfernt sind, sind, falls nicht besonders ausgenommen, als oceanisch zu classifiziren. 290 2. UNTERABTHEILUNGEN. d. EUROPA UXD DIE IxSELN IM MiTTELLANDISCHEN MeERE. da. Skandinavion : Scliweden, Norwegen, Dauemark, Island Faroer. db. Des Europaische Russland. dc. Das Deutsche Reich. dd. Holland ; Belgien ; Luxemburg-. de. Die Britischeu Inselu. df. Frankreich und Corsica. dn. Spanien und Portugal. dh. Italien, met Sicilien und Sardinien. di. Die Schweiz. dh. Oesterreich-Ungaru (einschliesslich Bosnian und Herze- gowina). dl. Die Balkan - Ualbinsel (Europaische Tiirkei, Rumanien, Bulgarieu, Serbien, Montenegro, Griechenland). dm. Das jMittelUindische Meer mit seinen Inseln (mit Ausschluss von Sicilien, Sardinien und Corsica). dn. Das Schwarze Meer. do. Die Ostsee mit ihren Inselu. e. Asien und der Malayische Archipel. ea. Asiatisches Russland. eh. China und zugehorige Lander; Tibet ; Korea. ec. Japanische Inseln ; Formosa. ed. Cochinchina ; Tonking, Annam. ee. Siam. ef. Britisch-Indien, einschliesslich Ilimalaya, Burma, Ceylon. ey. Malayische Halbinsel siidlich vom Istmus von Kra, und Malayischer Archipel bis zu Wallace's Luiie, einschliesslich Celebes und Timor ; Philippinen; Chiuesisches Sudmeer. eh. Persien ; Afghanistan ; Belutschistan. ei. Asiatische Tiirkei; Arabien. ek. Das Kaspische Meer. el. Der Persische Golf. /. A ERIK A UND MaDAGASKAR. fa. Die Mittelmeer-Staaten: Marokko, Algier, Tunis, Tripolis. fb. Nordost-Afrika : Egypten und Nilthal bis 10° N. Br.; Abessynien ; afrikanische Kiiste des Rothen Meeres. fc. Die Sahara und der franzcisische Sudan ; Darfur etc. fd. AVest-Afrika, von Marokko bis zum Kongo. Je. Koiigo-Staat und Angola. ^D'. Ostafrika, vou der siidlichen Grenze von fb. bis zum Sambesi; Sokotra. fg. Siid-Afrika, sudlich des Sambesi und der Grenze zwischen Portugiesisch und Deiitsch Siidwest-Afrika. JIi. Madagaskar und Komoren. fi. Das Rothe ]\Ieer mit seinen Inseln. 291 g. Nord-Amerika. ga. Alaska. gh. Canada als Ganzes. gc. West-Canadisches Gebiet : Yukon, Britisch-Columbia, Mackenzie, Athabasca. Alberta, Saskatchewan, As- siniboia. gd. Ost-Canadisches Gebiet ; Neufundland. ge. Gebiet der Laurentischen Seen. gf. Vereinigte Staaten als Ganzes. gg. Nordosten der Vereinig-ten Staaten, ostlich vom Mississippi (Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Massa- chusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ilhuois, Indiana). gh. Sudosten der Vereiuigten Staaten, ostlich vom Mississippi. gi. Westen der Vereinigten Staaten, westlich vom Mississippi. h. Central-Amerika, Sud-Amerika, West-Indien. ha. Mesiko. hi. Central-Amerika : Guatemala, Honduras ; Britisch-Houduras ; Salvador ; Nicaragua ; Costa Rica. he. Westindische Inseln ;' Caraibisches Meer ; Golf von Mexiko. hd. Guyana : Britisch, Niederlandisch und Franzosisch ; Vene- zuela ; Trinidad. he. Columbia ; Ecuador. hf. Peru. hg. Bolivia. hh. Brasilien. hi. Argentinien ; Uruguay und Paraguay. hh. Chile. hi. Feuerland und benachbarte Inseln ; Falkland Inseln. hm. Die Anden. i. Australasien. ia. Neu-Guinea, uebst Inseln im Osten von Wallace's Linie, einschliesslich Gilolo, Amboina, Ceram. ib. Bismarck-Archipel (Xeu-Pommern etc. bis Salomo-Iuseln). ic. Australien als Ganzes. id. Queensland. ie. Neu-Siid-Wales. if. Victoria. ig. Sud-Australieu. ih. West-Australien. ii. Tasmanien. ik, Neu-Seeland. il. Neu-Caledonien, Neue Hebriden und Loyalty Inseln. 292 k. Arktisches Gebiet. ka. Dev Arktische Ocean. kh. Gronlaud. kc. Arcliipel nordlich von Nord-Amerika. kd. Inseln nordlich von Europa und Asien. /. Atlantisches Gebiet. la. Der Nordatlantiscbe Ocean mit seinen Inseln, soweit sie nicht anderweit eingereiht sind. lb. Azoren; Kanaren; Madeira; Cap Verde. Ic. Der Siidatlantische Ocean mit seinen Inseln. m. Indisciier Ocean, ma. Ocean und Inseln nordlich vom Aequator. 7iib. Ocean und Inseln siidlich vom Aequator, einschliesslich Maskarenen, Neu-Amsterdam und St. Paul. 71. Pacifisches Gebiet. na. Nordpacifischer Ocean (nordlich vom Aequator). nh. Sudpacifischer Ocean (siidlich vom Aequator). nc. Bering's Meer, nebst Inseln (A 1-eu ten- Arcliipel etc.). nd. Sandwich-Inselu und zerstreute Gruppen nordlich von Aequator und osthch vom 180. Grad. ne. Ladronen-, Palau-, Carolinen- und Marshall-Gruppen, nebst andern Inseln nordlich vom Aequator und Westlich vom 180. Grad. nf. Fidschi-Inseln, Freundschafts-Inseln, Samoa, Ellice-Inseln, Phonix-Inselii etc., westlich vom Meridian 1G0° W. L. ng. Galapagos-Insehi. nh. Gesellschafts-Inseln, Niedrige Inseln, Marquesas- und audere Inseln des siidlichen Pacitischen Oceans, ostlich vora Meridian IGO'^ W. L. o. Antarcktisches Gebiet. oa. Der Antarktische Kontinent als Gauzes. ob. Sud-Georg-ien, Saudwich-Gruppen, und andere Inseln siidlich vom siidatlanTischen Gebiet. oc. Prince Edward-lusel, Crozer-Inseln, Kerguelen- und andere Inseln siidlich vom Indischen Ocean. od. Inseln siidlich und siidostlich von Neu-Seeland, und Gebiet siidlich des Pacilischen Oceans. 293 Catalogue International de la Litterature Scientifique. CLASSIFICATION TOPOGRAPHIQUE. [Cette classification sera applique'e a, la g-eographie, :i la geolog'ie, a la botauique, a la zoologie, etc.] I— GRANDES DIVISIONS. a, Donnees d'eusemble relatives au globe terrestre. h. Donnees d'ensemble relatives aux continents. c. Donnees d'eusemble relatives aux oceans. d. Europe et iles mediterraneennes. €. Asie et Archipel Maiais, Ce'lebes et Timor iaclus. f. Afrique et Madagascar, g. Amerique du Nord [en prenant comme limite celle qui separe les Etats-Uuis du Mexique]. h. Le Mexique, Amerique centrale et meridionale avec les Antilles. I. Australie, Tasmanie et Nouvelle Zelande avec la Nouvelle Guinee, Gilolo et les Moluques a I'ouest, les iles Salomon, les Nouvelles Hebrides et la Nouvelle Caledonie a Test. k. Reg-ions arctiques : Greenland et surface polaire s'etendant des- coles americaines, asiatiques et europeennes a I'extreme nord. L Atlantique avec les iles comprises entre le cercle polaire arctique et le 45° de lat. S. Partie sud de I'Atlantique limitee a Test par le meridien 20° E. (Greenwich), au sud de I'Afrique ; et a I'ouest par le cote de I'Amerique du sud. m. Ocean Indien avec les iles situees dans I'espace limite dans le sud par le 45° de lat. S. ; a I'ouest par le meridien 20° E. (Greenwich); dans Test par la cote australienne et le meridien 147° E. (Greenwich). n. Le Pacifique avec les iles comprises, en latitude, du cercle polaire arctque au 45° de lat. S. ; en longitude, du meridien 147° E. (Greenwich) a la cote de I'Amerique du sud. 0. Regions antarctiques : depuis le 45° de lat. S., moins les Falk- land, la pointe sud de lAmerique meridionale et la Nouvelle Zelande. mais en y comprenant les iles St. Paul et Nouvelle Amsterdam. N.B. — En gene'ral les iles qui se trouvent a plus de 160 a 185 kilometres du continent sont classe'es comme iles oceaniques, a moins que le contraire ne soit stipule specialement. 294 II.— SUBDIVISIONS. (/. Europe et Iles mediterraneenkes. da. Scandinavie : Suede, Norvege, Danemark, Islande, iles Feroe. db. Russie d'Europe. dc. Empire Germanique. dd. Hollande ; Belg-ique ; Luxembourg. de. lies Britanniques. df. France et Corse. dg. Espagne et Portugal. d,h. Italie ; Sicile et Sardaigne. di. Suisse. dk. Autriche-Hongrie (Bosnie et Herzegoviiie iuclus). dl. Penisule Balkanique (Turquie d'Europe, Roumanie, Bulgaria, Serbie, Montenegro et Grece). dm. Mediterrane'e avec ses iles (moins la Sicile, la Sardaigne, et la Corse). dn. Mer Noire. do. La Baltique et ses iles. e. AsiE ET Archipel Malais. €«. Asie russe. eb. Chine et dependauces ; Thibet ; Core'e. ec. Archipel du Japon ; Formose. ed. Cochinchine. Tonkin. Annam. Cambodge. ee. Siam. ef. Indes Biitanniques : Himalaya ; Burma, Ceylan. ^g. La Penisule Malaise depuis I'isthme de Kra ; et I'Archipel Malais jusqu'a la ligne separative de Wallace, y compris Celebes, Timor, les Philippines et la Mer de Chine. eh. Perse ; Afghanistan ; Belouchistan. ei. Turquie d'Asie ; Arabic. ek. Mer Caspieune. el. Golfe persique. 1. Afrique et Madagascar. fa. Pnys niediterraiieens : Maroc, Algerie, Tunisie, Tripoli. jb. N.E. Africain : Egypte et la valiee du Nil depuis le 10° de lat. N. ; Abyssinie ; cote afiicaine de la Mer Kouge. fc. Le Sahara et le Soudan fraii(;ais ; Darfour, etc. fd. Quest africain, du Maroc au Congo. Je. Etat du Congo et Angola. J'. Est africain, depuis la bordure sud de y'i au Znmbeze, Soco- tora. 295 f(j. Sud africain — An sud du Zambeze et de la limite eutre les possessions portug-aises et allemaiides du sud-ouest de I'Afrique. fh. Madagascar et groupe des Comores. fi. La Mer Kouge et ses iles. g. Amerique du Nord. ga. Alaska. gh. Le Canada dans son entier. gc. Puissance du Canada de I'ouest (Yukon, Colombie Britannique, Mackenzie, Athabasca, Alberta, Saskatcliewan, Assiuiboia). gd. I'uissance du Canada de Test ; Terre neuve. ge. Region des grands lacs laureutiens. gf. Etats-Unis. gg. Etats-Unis du Nord - Est, a Test du Mississipi (Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Peunsylvauie, New Jersey, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana). gh. Etats-Unis du sud-est, a Test du Mississipi. gi. Etats-Unis de I'ouest, a I'ouest du Mississipi. h, Amerique centrale et meridionale ; Indes occidentales. ha. Mexique. hb. Amerique centrale : Guatemala ; Honduras ; Honduras britannique ; Salvador ; Nicaragua ; Costa Rica. he. Antilles; Mer Caraibe ; Golfe du Mexique. hd. Guyaues britannique, hollandaise, et fran^aise ; Venezuela ; lie de Trinite. he. Colombie. Ecuador. hf. Perou. hg. Bolivia. hh. Bre'sil. hi. Republique Argentine ; Uruguay et Paraguay. hh. Chili. hi. Terre de feu et iles voisines ; les Falkland (Malouines). hm. Les Andes. i. AUSTRAUIE. ia. Nouvelle Guinee avec les iles de la ligne separative de Wallace, en y comprenant Gilolo, Amboine, Ceram. ih. Archipel de Bismarck (Nouvelle Bretagne avec les les Salomon). ic. L'Australie en son entier. id. Queensland. ie. Nouvelle Galles du sud. if. Victoria. ig. Austraiie du sud. 296 ih. Australie occidentale. ii. Tasmanie. ik. Nouvelle Zelande. il. Nouvelle Caledonie, Nouvelles Hebrides et las iles Loyaute. I'. Regions arctiques. ka. Ocean arctique. kh. Greenland. kc. Archipel nord de I'Amerique du Nord. kd. Iles au nord d'Europe et d'Asie (Spitzberg, etc.). I. Atlantioue. la. Ocean Atlantique septentrional et les iles qui n'ont pas encore ete specifiees. lb. Azores ; Canaries ; Madere ; Cap Vert. Ic. Atlantique me'ridional et ses iles. in. Ocean Ini>ien. ma. Oce'an et les iles au nord de I'Equateur. mh. Ocean et les iles au sud de I'Equateur, avec les Mascareignes et les iles Amsterdam et St. Paul. n. Pacifique. na. Pacifique septentrional (au nord de I'Equateur). nb. Pacifique meridional (au sud de I'Equateur). nc. Mer de Beliring et ses iles (Ale'outiennes . . . etc.). nd. lies Sandwich, avec les g-roupes situes au nord de I'Equateur et a I'est du 180°. ne. Mariannes, Pelew, archipel des Carolines et de Marshall, avec les autres iles situees au nord de rEcjuateur et a I'ouest du 180°. nf Iles Fidji, iles des Amis (Tonga, Samoa, Ellice, Phenix et autres) situees a I'ouest du meridien 160° 0. (Greenwich). ng. lies Galapag-os. nh. Iles de la Societe', Pomoutou, Marquises et autres iles du Pacifique meridional a Test du meridien 160^ 0. (Green- wich). 0. Regions antakctiques. oa. Continent antarctique dans sou eiitier. ob. Ge'orgie du Sud, groupe des Sandwichs et autres iles au S. de I'Atlantique me'ridional. oc. lies du Prince Edouard, Crozet, Kerguelen et autres iles au S. de rOcean Indien. od. Iles au sud et au sud-est de la Nouvelle Zelande et regions meridionales du Pacififiue. 2i); Oatalago Internazionale della Letteratura Scientifica. I.— CLASSIFICAZIONE TOPOGRAFICA. [Da usarsi iu rapporto con la Geografia, Geolog-ia, Botauica, Zoolog-ia, ecc] 1 — DIVISIOXI PRINCIPALI. a. La TeiTa nel suo complesso, b. Le terre emerge. c. L' oceano nel suo complesso. d. Europa e Isole del Mediterraneo. e. Asia e Arcipelago Malese, cumprese Celebss e Timor. f. Africa e Madagascar. g. America settentrionale fiuo al limite tra gli Stati Uniti e il Messico. h. Messico, America Centrale e Meridioiiale. e ludie Occidentali. I. Australia. -Tasmania eXuovaZelandacolla Nuova Guinea, Gilolo e Moluccbe verso Poneute, le Salomone, le Nuove Ebridi e la Nuova Caledonia verso Levante. i. Regione Artica : Groenlandia e 1' area a Xord del Circolo Polare, ovvero a Mord delle coste dell' America continentale, dell' Asia e dell' Europa. /. L' Atlantico e le sue Isole dal Circolo Polare Artico alia Lat. di 45° S., limitato nella sua parte meridionale oltre la costa Africana dal 20° E. da Greenwich, ad Est; e dalla costa dell' America meridionale ad Ovest. m. L' Oceano Indiano e le sue Isole, limitato a sud dal 45° di Lat. S., a Ponente del meridiano 20° E. di Greenwich ; a Levante dalla costa deir Australia e dal 147° E. da Greenwich. n. II Pacifico e le sue Isole dal Circolo Polare Artico alia Lat. di 45° S., e tra il 147° meridiano E. da Greenwich e le coste dell' America meridionale. 0. Regione Antartica : cioe I'area meridionale limitata dal 45° S., eccetto le Isole Falkland e le parti meridionali dell' America del Sud e della Xuova Zelanda ; coraprendendovi pero le isole di Nuova Amsterdam e S. Paolo. N.B. — Come regola generale, le isole lontane piii di 100 miglia inglesi (160 chilometri) dal contiuente devouo essere classificate come oceaniche, salvo s|;eciali eccezioni. 298 2.— SUDDIVISIONI. d. ECROPA E ISOLE DEL MeDITERRANEO. da. Scaudinavia : Svezia, Norvegia, Danimarca, Islanda, Fiir Oer. dh. Russia Europea. dc. Impero Germauica. dd. Olanda ; Belgio ; Lussembergo. de. Isole Britanniche, df. Francia e Corsica. dg. Spagna e Fortogallo. dh. Italia : Sicilia e Sardegna. di. Svizzera. dk. Austria-Ungheria (comprese Bosnia ed Erzegoviua). dl. Penisola, Balcanica (Turchia Europea, Rumania, Bulgaria. Servia, Montenegro e Grecia). dm. Mediterraneo e Isole (salvo la Sicilia, la Sardegna e la Corsica). dn. Mar Nero. do. II Baltico e le sue Isole. e. Asia e Arcipelago Malese. ea. Russia Asiatica. eh. Ciua e dipendenze : Tibet ; Corea. ec. Isole del Giappone ; Formosa. ed. Coccincina : Tonchino, Annam. ee. Siam. ef. India Britannica : Himalaya ; Birmania ; Ceylon. eg. Penisola Malese dall' Istmo di Kra e Arcipelago Malese fino alia liiiea, di Wallace, comprendendovi Celebes e Timor colle Filippine e il IMar della Cina. eh. Persia ; Afghanistan ; Belucistan. ei. Turchia Asiatica ; Arabia. ek. II Caspio. el. Golfo Persica. /. Africa e Madagascar. fa. Stati Mediterranei — Marocco, Algeri, Tunisi, Tiipoli. 'fb. Africa del N.E. ; Egitlo o Vallatta del Nilo fino al 10° di Lat. N. ; Abissinia ; Coste dell' Africa sul Mar Rosso. fc. Sahara e Sudan Francese ; Darfur, ecc. fd. Africa occidentale dal Marocco al Congo. fe. Stato del Congo e Angola. f. Africa orientale dal limite indicato \nfb al Zambesi ; Socotra. Jg. Africa australe dal Zambesi e dal confine tra 1' Africa Porto- ghese e 1' Africa Germanica del S.W. I'll. IMadagascar e Giuppo delle Comoro. "//. II Mar Rosso e le sue Isole. 299 g. America Settentrionale. ga. Alaska. gh. II Canada in g'enerale. gc. Dorainio del Canada occidentale (Yukon, Columbia Britaunicay Mackenzie, Athabasca, Alberta, Saskatchewan, A ssiuiboia). gd. Dominio del Canada orientale ; Teri'anova. ge. I Lag'hi Laurenziana. gf. Gli Stati Uniti in generale. gg. Stati Uniti del Nord-Est, ad E. del jSIississippi (Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island. Pennsylvania, New Jerse}^ Ohio, Michig-an, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana). gh. Stati Uniti del Sud-Est, ad E. del Mississippi. gi. Stati Uniti occidental!, ad W. del Mississippi. h. America Centrale e Meridionale e Indie Occidentali. ha. Messico, hh. America (>entrale ; Guatemala ; Honduras ; Honduras Britau- nico ; Salvador ; Nicaragua ; Costa Eica. he. Indie occidental! ; Mar dei Caribi ; Golfo del Messico. hd. Guaiana — Britannica, Olandese e Francese ; Venezuela ; Trinidad. he. Columbia ; Ecuador. hf. Peru. hg. Bolivia. hh. Brasile. hi. Argentina ; Uruguay e Paraguay. hJc. Cile. hi. Terra del Fuoco e Isole vicine ; Isole Falkland. hm. Le Ande. i. Australia e Oceania. ia. Nuova Guinea colle Isole dalla linea di Wallace, comprenden- dovi Gilolo (Halmahera) Amboina, Seram. ih. Arcipelago di Bismarck (Nuova Britannia, ecc, fino alle Solomone inclusivaraente). ic. Australia in generale. id. Queensland. ie. Nuova Galles del Sud. if. Victoria. ig. Australia meridionale. ill. Australia occidentale. ii. Tasmania. ik. Nuova Zelanda, il. Nuova Caledonia, Nuove Ebridi, e Isole LoyixMj. 300 k. Regione Artica. Jca. Oceano Artico. kb. Groenlandia. kc. Arcipelago Nord Americano. kd. Isole a N. dell' Europa e dell' Asia. /. Oceano Atlantico. ■la. Oceauo Atlantico settentrionale e sue Lsole, non indicate al trove. lb. Azorre; Canarie ; Madera; Isole del Capo Verde, Ic. Atlantico meridionale e sue Isole. m. Oceano Indiano. ma. Oceano e Isole a Nord dell' Equatore. mb. Oceano e Isole a Sud dell' Equatore, comprendendovi le Mascarene, Amsterdam e S. Paolo. n. Oceano Pacjfico. na. Pacifico del Nord (a N. dell' Equatore). nb. Pacifico del Sud (a S. dell' Equatore). nc. Mar di Behring e sue Isole (Aleutine, ecc). nd. Isole Sandwich e Gruppi sparsi a N. dell' Equatore e ad E. del 180°. ne. Isole dei Ladroni, Pelew, Caroline e Marshall, con altre Isole a N. deir Equatoie e ad ovest del 180°. jij. Isole Fig'i, degli Amici, Samoa, Ellice, Fenice, ecc, ad ovest del 160° W. di Greenwich. ng. Isole Galapag-os. nh. Isole della Societa. Arcipelag-o di Low, Marchesi e altre Isole del Pacifico meridionale, ad Est del meridiano 160° W. da Greenwich. 0. Regione Antartioa. oa. Regione antartica in generale. ob. Georg-ia australe, Gruppo delle Sandwich e altre Isole a Sud deir Atlantico meridionale. oc. Isole del Principe P^doardo, Crozets, Kerg-uelen e altre Isole a Sud dell' Oceano Indiano. od. Isole a Sud e a Sud-Est della NuovaZelanda e Regione a Sud del Pacifico. FOR PHOTOCOPI OR REilDING ROOM NOT FOR CIRCULATION Z International catalo^e of 7403 scientdfic literature Rda2 1901^19U ' Div.K 1905 Biologicaf Medical Keference STORAQI