O C T A ft JlM^ /^t* /f%G At*^* ^ 3**-*X * ^ *^.- \r AN INTRODUCTION TO THE NATURAL SYSTEM OF BOTANY: A SYSTEMATIC VIEW OF THE ^S^ ORGANIZATION, NATURAL AFFINITIES, AND GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE WHOLE VEGETABLE KINGDOM; TOGETHER WITH THE USES OF THE MOST IMPORTANT SPECIES IN MEDICINE, THE ARTS, AND RURAL OR DOMESTIC ECONOMY. By JOHN LINDLEY, F. R. S., L. S., G. S. MEMBER OF THE IMPERIAL ACADEMY NATURiE CUHIOSORUM ; OF THE BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF RATISBON ; OF THE PH YSIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF LUND; OF THE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OF BERLIN ; HONORARY MEMBER OF THE LYCEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY OF NEW YORK, &C. &C. AND PROFESSOR OF BOTANY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF LONDON. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, WITH AN APPENDIX. BY JOHN TORREY, M. D., Professor of Chemistry and Botany in the College of Physicians and Surgeons in the City of New York, Member of the Wernerian Society of Edinburgh, Fellow of the Mineralogical Society of Jena, Member of the Physiographical Society of Lund, Sweden, &c, &c. " C'est ainsi que sont formees les families tres naturelles et g6neralement avoutfes. On extrait de tous les genres qui composent chacune d'elles les caracteres communs a tous, sans excepter ceux qui n'appar- tiennent pas a la fructification, et la reunion de ces caracteres communs constitue celui de la famiile. Plus leg resemblances sont nombreuses, plus les families sont naturelles, ct par suite le caractere general est plus charge. En procedant ainsi, on parvient plus surement au but principal de la Science, qui est, non de nommer une plante, niais de connoitre sa nature et son organization entiere." — J ussikc. NEW YORK: G. & C. & H. CARVILL, 108, BROADWAY 1831. " Entered aceording toActoi Congress, in the yeai ls~3l, by G. & C. & H. CarviB, in the Office of the I'leik ui the Southern District, of New York." HLEIGHT AND ROBINSON, PRINTERS. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE AMERICAN EDITION. The Introduction to the Natural System of Botany, was published in London last autumn, and a copy of the work was shortly after obli- gingly sent to me by the author. I at once perceived that a desidera- tum in British and American Botany, long felt and lamented, was at length supplied. In France, the natural or philosophical method has for many years past taken the place of the artificial or sexual system of Linnaeus, and recently by the labours of Brown, Lindley, Hooker, Gre- ville, and others, it has begun to be employed in England and Scotland, The principal obstacle, however, to the use of the natural system in Great Britain and North America, has been the want of an elementary work on the subject ; for, with the exception of Sir J. E. Smith's Gram- mar of Botany, no treatise on the natural classification in the English language had been published until the " Introduction" of Mr. Lind- ley, the distinguished Professor of Botany in the University of London, made its appearance. It therefore occurred to me that I could not do a more acceptable service to the friends and cultivators of Botanical Science in the United States, than by preparing an American edition for the press forthwith. Accordingly, an arrangement was made with the enterprising Messrs. Carvill of this city, to have it printed in the course of the en- suing summer ; but various circumstances had delayed its publication until the present time. In this edition I have taken the liberty of making a few additions (chiefly references to treaties published since the Introduction was written,) which are included in brackets ; and also of substituting a few terms for others employed by the author, and which might be thought objectionable in a work that will doubtless become popular in this country. I have also prefixed to the principal work a small but very valuable treatise, by the same author, entitled, An Outline of the First Princi- ples of Botany, and published by him in a separate form. This is an epitome of modern philosophical Botany, and will be found highly useful to those who wish to obtain an accurate knowledge of (he Natural < la -si fication of the Vegetable Kingdom. IV ADVERTISEMENT. The Appendix, which is added to the whole, consists of a catalogue of North American genera of plants arranged according to the order in the text, with the number of species belonging to each genus as far as they are at present determined, besides several tables exhibiting the rela- tive proportions of the different families, &c, and an index. The first and only work of this kind, before the present was by the late distinguished Abbe Correa, who prepared it for the use of a botanical class to which he lectured in Philadelphia, in 1815.* It is entitled li Reduction of all the Genera of Plants contained in the Catalogus Plantarum Americce Septentrionalis of Dr. Muhlenberg, to the Natural Families of Jus- sicii." At that time our Botany was but little known, and the Natural System itself was in a very imperfect state. The catalogue which 1 have prepared, embraces a considerable num- ber of genera and species which are not described in the latest general Floras, but it is by no means asserted to be complete. There are exten- sive districts in North America which have never been visited by a Bo- tanist, and even in the United States there are large spaces which are but little known or very imperfectly explored. There are also many plants collected by Douglass, Richardson, Drummond, Scouler, Nuttall, and others, which have not yet been published, so that it is probable that North America, excluding the Mexican states, contains not less than 5000 pheno- gamous plants. In preparing the list of cryptogamous genera, I have been kindly as- sisted by my friends A. Halsey, Esq. and the Rev. L. D. Schweinitz. The latter gentleman kindly alowed me to copy the genera of the Fungi from his manuscript work on the North American species of this tribe, which he lately offered to the Philosophical Society of Philadelphia, for publication in their transactions. The mark (§) prefixed to a name in the catalogue signifies that the plant has been introduced. A note of interrogation expresses a doubt whether the genus is referred to the right natural order. The numbers following the orders refer to the pages of the Introduction. J. T. New York, November 4, 1831. * It was published without a name in a pamphlet form, and was afterwards re- printed in the American edition of Smith's Grammar of Botany, where it is incor- rectly stated to have been written by Dr. Muhlenberg. TO THE COURT OF EXAMINERS OP THE SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES, LONDON. GENTLEMEN, As Guardians of the education of a very consi- derable part of the Medical Profession, the subject of the following pages cannot be otherwise than interesting to you. If a knowledge of the Plants from which medicinal substances are obtained, is in itself an object of importance, as it most undoubtedly is, the Science which teaches the art of judging of the hidden qualities of unknown vegetables by their external characters is of still greater moment. To what extent this can safely be carried, it is not, in the actual state of human know- ledge, possible to foresee ; but it is at least certain, that it depends entirely upon a careful study of the natural relations of the Vegetable Kingdom. Measures have lately been taken by the Society of Apothe- caries, which cannot fail to exercise a most beneficial influence upon Botany, and, which must have been viewed with feelings IV DEDICATION- of deep interest by all friends of the Science. As a humble individual, whose life is devoted to its investigation, J am anxious to take the present opportunity of expressing my sentiments upon the subject, by very respectfully offering for your acceptance a Work, tchich it is hoped will be found useful to the Student of Medical Botany. I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, Your most obedient Servant, JOHN LINDLEY Univertity of London, August, 1830. CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. Page xxx line 8 for " af," read of. xxxi 11 for " ralation," read relation, xxxi 20 from bottom, for " arrises," read arises, xxxii 12 for " envolucrum," read involucrum. xxxiii 28 for " onagrarLjE," read onagrarije. Page 5 line 2 for " Araliacac," read Araliaceffi. 9 for " Renunculaceae," read Ranunculacese. 11 28 for " apparantly," read apparently. 13 9 for " in a monocotyledon," read is a, &c. 24 7 from bottom, for " polyadalphous," read polyadelphous. 25 10 for " Hibertia," read Hibbertia. 31 for " filaform," read filiform. 26 1 for " polypytalous," read polypetalous. 6 for " declinous," read diclinous. 40 for " conic," read tonic. 28 6 from bottom, for " Monimese," read Monimieee. 32 25 for " cincrescens," read cinerascens. 33 12 for " coherant," read coherent. 35 11 for " sapals," read sepals. 20 for " Streptiferous," read Septiferous. 22 for " convulute," read convolute. 36 after line 15, add, Examples. Bombax, Matisia, Montezuma, Eriodendron. 35 for " pumula," read plumula. 39 10, and p. 40, line 4, for -; DiooNosis,"read Diagnosis. 43 7 for " Hypericenese," read Hypericineee. 44 8 for " savauge," read sauvage. 87 8 for " Charmichelia," read Carmicheelia. 91 16 for " Betalineae," read Betulineee. 97 26, after "discoverer," add M. Leroux. 112 13 for " darrhcea," read diarrhoea. 157 bottom line, for " Monsia," read Montia. 176 3 for " hopogynous," read hypogynous. 280 25 for " Drabo," read Draco. 283 4 from bottom for " Decancolle," lead Decandolle. 317 3 for " Heterenomea," read Heteronemea. 344 9 for " Ternstromeriace^b," read Ternstromiace^. 345 20 for " Cladrastris," read Cladrastis. 346 36 for " Iresene," read Iresine. 38 for " Piloxerus," read Philoxerus. 34 and 35, for " PodostomejE and Podostomum," read Podosteinea) and Podostcmum. bottom line, for " Execaria," read Excaecaria. 347 47 for " Tetragonatheca," read Tetragonotheca. 348 13 for " Villarasia," read Villarsia. 349 15 for " ENDOGYN.E," read ENDOGEN^E. 351 6 from bottom, for " Variolara." read Variolaria. 7 from bottom, for " Duforea," read Dufourea. 352 for " Arractobalus," read Atractobolus. .. for " Lecangium," read Lcangium. for " Erisiphe," read Erysiphe. 17 from bottom, for " Myscotriclnun," read Myxotrichum. Vlll CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. 361 for " Pennicetum," read Pennisetum 368 38 for " Calyptrenthus," read Calyptranthua. 369 6 from bottom, for " Ceibera," read Cerbera. 373 23 for " Droceraceee," read Droseraceee. 376 6 from bottom, for " Herpiridese," read Hesperideee. 377 11 for " Hirpocrateacese," read Hippocrateacese. 369 14 for "88," 288. A few other errors may be found, but the above, it is believed, are all which are worth noticing. AN OUTLINE /: THE FIRST PRINCIPLES BOTANY. CONTENTS. I, Elementary Organs ...... xv II. Compound Organs - xvi III. Root IV. Stem - . . ... V. Leaf-buds ....... VI. Leaves - - . . . .. VII. Hairs VIII. Food and Secretions - IX. Flower-buds X. Inflorescence ........ xxjv XI. Floral Envelopes xxv XII. Stamens XIII. Disk . . . . _ XIV. Pistillum ........ xxviii - - XXX xxxi XV. Ovulum - XVI. Fruit - XVII. Seed XVIII, Flowerless Plants XVII xvii xx XX xxii xxii xxii xxvi xxviii xxxin xxxv < FuSlirAea? 6y &.&C.A // C,r/v,// X. York . ,:.: //.///,« /',-,/ Ay a S.-CA /<'.r,,rr?// X)~h?Jt. PREFACE. The want of some English work on Botany, at once of a mere ele- mentary character and comprehending all the more important points of the science, has given rise to the publication of the following pages. The propositions which they contain are such as it is of the most indispensa ble importance for a student to understand ; and they all appear to be strictly deducible either from the facts recorded by observers worthy of confidence, or from the experience of the author. They form the Ixisis of the Lectures delivered by him in the University of London, and are pur- posely divested of illustrative or explanatory matter; his only object having been to reduce the first principles of Botany to their simplest form. No person can be considered a Botanist who is unacquainted with the nature of the evidence upon which such of these propositions as are indis- putable, are founded ; or by which it is supposed that others, which are less certain, can be disproved. Acquiring this kind of knowledge constitutes the study of Vegetable Comparative Anatomy, or Organography ; a cu- rious and interesting subject, upon which Systematic Botany entirely depends. Whatever value may attach to this little work would have been essen- tially diminished by the introduction of theories unsupported by what may be reasonably considered satisfactory evidence. They have, therefore, been avoided as far as the nature of the subject, in which much is incapable of direct demonstration, would permit. The wish of the author has been to sketch a slight but accurate outline, the details of which are to be filled up by the reader himself, who for this purpose cannot do better than consult the " Organographie Vegetale" of Decandolle, or the " Elementa Philosophise Bolanicae" of Link ; two works of the highest reputation, in the general accuracy of which the stu- dent may place confidence. He will easily see what parts of either are merely hypothetical, and what are founded upon direct observation ; and he will find that it is chiefly the latter class which applies to the proposi- tions introduced into this book. Each paragraph has a separate number ; and in all cases in which allusion is made in one paragraph to a subject of importance incidentally Xiv PREFACE. adverted to in another, the number of that other is quoted. For instance take paragraph 51. 51. The compound organs are the axis (52) and its appendages (158). Here the numbers after "axis," and "appendages,"' show in what paragraphs an explanation of the meaning of these words is to be found. AN OUTLINE OF THE FIRST PRINCIPLES OF BOTANY. 1. Plants are not separable from animals by any absolute character ; the sim- plest individuals of either kingdom not being distinguishable by our senses. 2. Animals are for the most part ^incapable of multiplying by mechanical or spontaneous division of their trunk. 3. Plants are for the most part congeries of individuals, multiplying by sponta- neous or artificial division of their trunk or axis. 4. Generally speaking, the latter are fixed to some substance from which they grow, are destitute of locomotion, and are nourished by absorption through their cuticle (38). 5. Plants consist of a membranous transparent tissue, formed by a combination of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon, to which azote is occasionally superadded. 6. Their tissue appears under four forms, viz. cellular tissue, woody fibre, spiral vessels, and ducts. These are called elementary organs. I. ELEMENTARY ORGANS. 7. Of these Cellular Tissue (Tela cellulosa, hat. ; Tissu cellulaire, Fr. ; Pulp and Parenchyma, of old writers ; Zellgewebe, Germ.) is the only form universally found in plants ; the other forms are often either partially or entirely wanting. 8. Cellular tissue is composed of transparent vesicles, the sides of which are not perforated by visible pores (17). 9. Each vesicle is a distinct individual, cohering with the vesicles with which it is in juxtaposition. 10. Therefore, the apparently simple membrane that divides two contiguous cells is in fact double. 11. If the adhesion of the contiguous cells be imperfect, spaces will exist be- tvveen them. Such spaces are called intercellular passages. 12. The vesicles of cellular tissue, when separate, are round or oblong ; when slightly and equally pressed together, they acquire an hexagonal appearance ; stretched lengthwise, they become prismatical, cylindrical, or fusiform. 13. Cellular tissue, the vesicles of which fit together by their plane faces, is called parenchyma. 14. Cellular tissue, the vesicles of which are elongated and overlie each other at the extremities, is called prosenchyma. 15. Parenchrjma constitutes all the pulpy parts of the medulla or pith (82), the medullary rays (113), a portion of the bark (102), and all that is interposed between the veins of the leaves and of other appendages of the axis. 16. Prosenchyma is confined to the bark and wood, in which it is mixed with woody fibre (19). 17. The function of the cellular tissue is to transmit fluids in all directions ; the membrane of which it is composed is, therefore, permeable, although not fur- nished with visible pores (8). 18. It has been supposed that the cellular tissue is self-productive, one vesicle giving birth to many others. 19. Woody fibre (Vasa fibrosa, Lat. ; Tissu cellulaire allonge, Fr. ; Clostres, Fr. ; Bastrohren, Germ.) is tissue consisting of elongated tubes tapering to each end, and, like the vesicles of cellular tissue, imperforate to the eye. 20. It may be considered a form of the cellular tissue, itself, to which it is fre- quently referred. 21. It is found in the wood, among the parenchyma of the liber (104), and in the veins of leaves, and of other appendages of the axis. 22. Its functions are to give strength to the vegetable fabric, and to serve as a medium for the passage of fluid from the lower to the upper extremities. XVI FIRST PRINCIPLES 23. Spiral vessels (Vasa 'spiralia, Lai. ; Trachees, Fr. ; Spiralgefasse, Germ.) consist of elastic tissue twisted spirally into the form of a cylinder, and capable of unrolling. 24. They are found in the medullary sheath (86), and in all parts that emanate from it in an ascending direction ; viz. the veins of the leaves, and every thing that is a modification of them. 25. They are not found in any part which is formed in a downward direction ; and are consequently absent from the wood, bark, and root. 26. The function of the spiral vessels is unknown. 27. They only exist in plants propagated by the agency of sexes. 28. Hence the two primary divisions of the vegetable kingdom ; viz., Vasculares, or plants furnished with spiral vessels and propagated by the agency of sexes ; and Cellulares, or plants destitute of spiral vessels and not propagated by the agency of sexes. 29. Ducts (Fausses trachees, Fr.; Saftrohren, Germ.) are transparent tubes, the sides of which are marked with dots, or bars, or transverse streaks. 30. Sometimes they have the appearance of spiral vessels, from which they are known by not being capable of unrolling. 31. Their sides are not perforated by visible holes or pores, except in Coniferae, and Cycadeae, in which perforations are supposed to exist. 32. They are found among the woody fibre, exist in great abundance in the wood, and their ends are in immediate connexion with the loose cellular tissue occupying the extremities of the fibres of the roots. 33. Their functions have not been accurately determined. It is probable that they serve for the passage of air. 34. The mode in which the different forms of tissue are developed is unknown. 35. There are no other elementary forms of tissue. Air-vessels, Reservoirs of oil, Lenticular glands, Proper vessels, are all either distended intercellular pas- sages, or cavities built up with cellular tissue. 36. When such caviiies are essential to the existence of a species, they are formed by a regular arrangement of cellular tissue in a definite and unvarying figure ; Ex. Water-plants. When they are not. essential to the existence of" a species, they are mere irregular distensions or lacerations of the tissue ; Ex. Pith of the Walnut Tree. . 37. All these forms of tissue are enclosed within a skin called the cuticle. 38. The Cuticle is an external layer of parenchyma, the cells of which are compressed, and in a firm state of cohesion. 39. The spaces seen upon the cuticle, when examined by a microscope, represent these cells. 40. It is, therefore, not a peculiar membrane, but a form of cellular tissue. 41. It is spread over all parts of plants, except the stigma (345). 42. The mass of cellular tissue lying beneath the cuticle of the bark is called the epidermis. 43. The cuticle is often furnished with stomata. 44. Stomata are oval spaces lying between the sides of the cells, opening into intercellular cavities in the subjacent tissue, and bordered by a rim, the nature of which is not well known. 45. It is not improbable that this appearance of a rim is due to the juxtaposition of two elastic vesicles, closing up or opening the aperture on which they lie, according to circumstances. 46. Stomata are found abundantly upon leaves, particularly on the lower surface of those organs ; occasionally upon all parts that are modifications of leaves, espe- cially such as are of a leafy texture ; and on the stem. 47. Stomata have not been found upon the roots, nor on colourless parasitical plants, nor the submersed parts of plants, nor on cellular plants destitute of ducts ; they are rare, or altogether absent from succulent fruits, and from all parts in a state of anamorphosis. 48. Any part in which there is an unusual degree of cellular dcvelopemcnt, is said to be in a state of anamorphosis. 49. The function of stomata is to facilitate evaporation. II. COMPOUND ORGANS. 50. From peculiar combinations of the elementary organs are formed the com- pound organs. OF BOTANY. XVU 51. The compound organs are the curia (52) and its appendages (158). 53. The axis may be compared to the vertebral column of animals. 53. It is formed by the developement of an embryo, or of a Leaf-bud. 54. An embryo is a young plant, produced by the agency of the stamina and pistil.-, and developed within a seed. 55. A leaf-bud is a young plant, produced without the agency of the stamina and pistils, and either enclosed within rudimentary leaves called scales, or naked. 56. Seeds propagate the species. 57. Leaf-buds propagate the individual. 58. All the phenomena connected with the growth of plants arc caused by an in- herent vital action. 59. When the vital action of a seed or bud is excited, the tissue devclopes in three directions, the one upwards, the other downwards, and the third horizontal. 60. That part which developes downwards is called the descending axis or root ; that upwards, the ascending axis or stem ; and the part from which these two a.\c» start is called the collet or neck. 61. This elongation in opposite directions takes place simultaneously: hence it follows that all plants must necessarily have an ascending and descending axis, or a stem and root. 62. The only apparent exceptions to this are vesicular Alga?. III. ROOT. 63. The root is formed by the descending and dividing fibres of the stem. 64. Anatomically it differs from the stem in the absence of spiral vessels (~3), of pith (15), and of buds, and in the want of stomata (11). 65. The functions of the root are to fix plants in the earth, and to absorb nu- triment from it. 66. This absorption takes place almost exclusively by the extremities, which consist of a lax coating of cellular tissue lying on a concentric layer of woody fibre, in the midst of which is placed a bundle of ducts. IV. STEM. 67. The stem is produced by the successive developement of leaf-buds (142), which elongate in opposite directions. 68. If an annular incision be made below a branch of an Exogenous planl the upper lip of the wound heals rapidly, the lower lip does not : the pari above tlie incision increases sensibly in diameter, the part below does not. 69. If a ligature be made round the bark, below a branch, the part above the liga- ture swells, that below it docs not swell. 70. Therefore the matter which causes the increase of Exogenous plants in meter descends. 71. If a growing branch is cut through below a leaf-bud, that branch nevei creases in diameter between the section and the first bud below it. 72. The diameter of all Exogenous stems increases in proportion to the num of leaf-buds that are developed. 73. The greater the number of leaf-buds above a given part, the greater tin diameter of that part ; and vice versa. 74. In the spring the newly forming wood is to be traced to the form of fibres de- scending from the leaf-buds ; that which is most, newly formed lying on the outside, and proceeding from the most newly developed buds. 75. Therefore the descending matter, by successive additions of which Exi nous plants increase in diameter, proceeds from the leaf-buds. 76. Their elongation upwards gives rise to new axes, with the appendaj same; their elongation downwards increases the diameter of that part of the axis which pre-existed, and produces roots. 77. Hence, while the stem is formed by the successive evolution of leaf-buds, the root, which is the effectofthat evolution", lias i"1 1 laf-buds. 78. The leaf-buds thus successively de\. firmly connected by the cellu- lar tissue of the stem, which proceeds from th< m\ ards, or from the circumfe- rence to the centre. 79. The stem varies in structure in three principal modes. 80. In vascular plants il is eithei formed by successive additions to the outsid the wood, wken it is called Exogenous; or by successive additions lo il • • entre, XY111 FIRST PRINCIPLES when it is called Endogenous. In cellular plants it is formed by the union of the bases of the leaves, or by simple elongation or dilatation where no leaves or buds exist. 81. The stem of Exogenous plants may be distinguished into the Pith, the Me- dullary Sheath, the Wood, the Bark, the Medullary Rays, and the Cambium. 82. The Pith consists of cellular tissue, the vesicles of which are in a slightly compressed state ; it occupies the centre of the stem. 83. It never alters in diameter after it is once formed. 84. It is produced by the elongation of the axis upwards. 85. It serves to nourish the young buds until they have acquired the power of pro- curing nourishment for themselves. 86. The Medullary sheath consists of spiral vessels and ducts. 87. It immediately surrounds the pith, projections of which pass through it into the medullary rays (113). 88. It is in direct communication with the leaf-buds and the veins of the leaves. 89. It carries upwards the fluid absorbed either immediately from the earth, or through the intervention of the alburnum (101), and conducts it into the leaves. 90. The Wood lies upon the medulllary sheath, and consists of concentric layers. 91. It is formed by the successive adhesion of the descending axes of the buds, and by the distention or increase of the cellular tissue of the medullary rays. 92. The first concentric layer lies immediately upon the medullary sheath and pith, and consists of woody fibre and ducts. 93. Each succeeding concentric layer consists of an interior stratum of cellular tissue, and an outer stratum of woody fibre and ducts. 94. Therefore, all the concentric layers that succeed the first may be considered to consist of wood and pith, and to be the same as the first, with the exception of the absence of a medullary sheath. 95. A concentric layer, once formed, never alters in dimensions. 96. Each concentric layer, which is distinctly limited, is the produce of one year's growth. 97. Therefore, the age of an Exogenous plant may generally be known by the number of concentric circles of the wood. 98. The secretions of plants are deposited first in the oldest concentric layers ; while those layers which are most recently formed are either empty, or contain but a slight deposit. 99. When the tissue of the concentric layers is filled with secretions, it ceases to perform any vital functions. 100. The dead and fully formed central layers are called the heart-wood. 101. The living and incompletely formed external layers are called the alburnum. 102. Upon the outside of the wood lies the Bark, which, like the wood, consists of concentric layers. 103. Each concentric layer is composed of woody fibre and ducts, covered exter- nally by a layer of cellular tissue. 104. The woody fibre and ducts constitute the liber. 105. The exterior cellular tissue constitutes the cellular integument or ejiiih rmis . 106. The concentric layers of the wood and bark arc the reverse of each other, the former increasing externally, the latter internally ; the former having a zone of cellular tissue inside, and of woody fibre and ducts outside; the latter having a zone of woody fibre with a few ducts inside, and of cellular tissue outside. 107. The concentric layers of the bark are formed at the same period, and under the same circumstances, as those of the wood. 108. Therefore, the number of concentric layers in the one or the other is the same. 109. But while the concentric layers of the wood are imperishable except from disease, those of tin; bark arc continually destroyed by the distension of the stem : and hence the bark is always perishing naturally, while the wood sustains no loss. 110. The secretions of a plant arc often deposited in the bark in preference to any other part. 111. Hence chemical or medicinal principles are often to be sought in the hark rather than in the wood. OF BOTANY. XIX 112. The immediate ftwctions ol" the bark are to protect the young wood from injury, and to serve as a filter through which the descending elaborated juices of a plant may pass horizontally into the stem. 113. The Medullary Rays or Plates consist of compressed parallelograms of cellular tissue (muriform cellular tissue). 114. They connect together the tissue of the trunk, maintaining a communica- tion between the centre and the circumference. 115. They act as braces to the woody fibre and ducts of the wood. 116. Cambium is the viscid secretion which, in the spring, separates the albur- num from the liber. 117. It is supposed to be destined to afford a proper pabulum for the descending fibres of the buds. 118. I believe it exclusively gives birth to the new medullary rays. 119. As Exogenous plants increase by annual addition of new matter to then outside, and as their protecting integument or bark is capable of distension in any degree, commensurate with the increase of the wood that forms below it, it follows, taking all circumstances into consideration, that there are no assignable limits to the life of an Exogenous tree. 120. The stem of endogenous plants offers no distinction of Pith, Medullary Rays, Wood, and Bark. 121. It is formed by the intermixture of bundles of vascular tissue among a mass of cellular tissue, the whole of which is surrounded by a zone of cellular tissue and woody fibre, inseparable from the stem itself, and therefore not bark. 122. It increases by the successive descent of new bundles of vascular tissue down into the central cellular tissue. 123. The vascular bundles of the centre gradually force outwards those which were first formed, and in this way the diameter of a stem increases. 124. The diameter of the stem of an endogenous plant is determined by the power its tissue possesses of distending, and on its hardness. 125. When the external tissue has once become indurated, the stem can in- crease no further in diameter. 126. When the tissue is soft and capable of continual distension, there is no more certain limits to the life of an Endogenous than of an Exogenous tree. 127. Generally, the terminal bud only of Exogenous plants is developed ; but very often a considerable number develope ; Ex. Asparagus. 128. When a terminal bud only of an Endogenous plant developes, the stem is cylindrical ; Ex, Palms ; when several develope, it becomes conical ; Ex. Bam- boo. 129. In cellular plants no other stem is formed than what arises from the simple union of the bases of the leaves to the original axis of the bud from which they spring, and which they carry up along with them. This subject is but ill under- stood. 130. The ascending direction of the stem, upon its first developement, is fre- quently deviated from immediately after. 131. It often burrows beneath the earth, when it is vulgarly called a creeping root. Sometimes the internodia (137) become much thickened, when what are called tubers are formed ; or the stem lies prostrate upon the earth, emitting roots from its under side, when it is called rhizoma. 132. If it distend underground, without creeping or rooting, but always retaining a round or oval figure, it is called a cormus. 133. All these forms of stem are vulgarly called roots. 134. No root can have either scales, which are the rudiments of leaves, or nodi, which are the rudiments of buds. A scaly root is, therefore, a contradiction in terms. 135. The ascending axis, or stem, has nodi and internodia. 136. Nodi are the places where the leaves are expanded and the buds formed. 137. Internodia are the spaces between the nodi. 138. Whatever is produced by the evolution of a leaf-bud (142) is a branch. 139. A spine is the imperfect evolution of a leaf-bud, and is therefore a branch. 140. All processes of the stem win.1, are not the evolutions of leaf-buds, are mere dilatations of the cellular integument of the bark. Such are prickles. {Aculei, Lat.) XX FIRST FUINCIPLi. V. LEAF-BUDS. 141. Buds arc of two kinds, Loaf-buds and Flower-buds. 142. Leaf-buds (Bourgeon, Fr.^) consist of rudimentary leaves surrounding a itaJ point, the tissue of which is capable of elongation, upwards in the form of stem, and downwards in the form of wood or root. 143. Fxowee-btjdb (Bouton, Fr.) consist of rudimentary leaves surrounding a point, whicrTdoes not elongate after it is once developed, and assumes, when fully doped, the form of reproductive apparatus. 144. Notwithstanding this difference, a leaf-bud sometimes indicates a tendency to become a flower-bud ; and flower-buds frequently assume the characters of leaf?' buds ; Ex. Monstrous Pears. 145. Leaf-buds are of two kinds, the regular and the adventitious. 146. Regular Leaf-buds are only found in the axillae of the leaves. 147. They exist in a developed or undeveloped state in the axilla; of all leaves, and of all modifications of leaves. 148. Therefore, they may be expected to appear at the axilla: of scales of the- bud, of stipulae (183), of bractero (229), of sepals (290), of petals (291), of stamens (302), and of carpclla'(354) ; in all of which situations they are generally undc->. vcloped. 149. They are frequently not called into action, even in the axillco of leaves. 150. As regular buds are only found in the axilla; of leaves, or of their modifica- tions ; and as branches are always the developement of buds, it follows that what- ever may be the arrangement of the leaves, the same will be the disposition of the branches ; and vice versa. 151. This corresponding symmetry is, however, continually destroyed by the developement of the buds. 152. Leaf-buds, whicli are formed among the tissue of plants subsequently to the developement of the stem and leaves, are called latent, adventitious, or abnormal. 153. Adventitious Leaf-buds may be produced wherever there is an anastomosis of woody fibre. 154. They arc formed in the root, among the wood, and at the margin, or on the surface of leaves. 155. They are constructed anatomically, exactly as regular buds, having pith in their centre, surrounded by spiral vessels, and coated over by woody fibre and cellu- lar integument. 150. llence, as adventitious buds, containing spiral vessels, can be produced from parts such as the root or the wood, in which no spiral vessels previously < dsted, it follows that this form of tissue is cither generated spontaneously, or is produced by some other tissue, in a manner unknown to us. 157. Leaf-buds have been sometimes confounded with roots by old botanists. A bulb is a leaf-bud ; a bulbous root is a contradiction in terms. VI. LEAVES. 158. A leaf is an expansion of the bark immediately below the origin of a regu-. lar leaf-bud, and is an appendage of the axis (51). 1 59. Whenever a regular leaf-bud is formed, a leaf, either perfect or rudimentary, is developed also ; and vice versa. 100. IiCaves are developed alternately, one above and opposite the other, around their common axis; but in consequence of the internodia of the axis being une- qually developed, leaves are often opposite or verticillate. They arc never produced side by : ide. 161. In Exogenous plants, the primordial or seed-leaves (cotyledons) arc oppo- site; hence, in such plants the non-developement of the axis takes place during the original formation * » t' the embryo. 162. There is a constant tendency in opposite or verticillate leaves to become alternate. 163. This law applies equally to the arrangement of all parts that are modifica- tions of leaves. 104. A leaf consists of a petiole, a lamina, and a pai* of stipulse. 1G5. The petiole is the channel through which the vessels of the leaf are con- nected with those of I he stem ; it is formed of one or more bundles of spiral vessels and woody fibre, enclosed in a cellular integument. % L66. Tito spiral vessels of the leaf of Exogenous plajits derive\heir origin fromtlio medullary sheath ; those of Endogenous plants from the bundles »fva cular tissue. 167. The cellular integument of the petiole is a continuation of that of the bark. 108. When the petiole is leafy and the lamina is abortive, it is called phylloiium. 169. When the petiole becomes dilated and hollowed out at its upper end, the lamina being articulated with and closing up its orifice, it is called a.Sa>itcher or otcidium. -• 170. Sometimes the petiole has no lamina, or is elongated beyond the lamina, and retains its usual cylindrical or taper figure, but becomes very long, and twists spirally ; such a petiole is called a tendril, (Vrille, i'V.) 171. The lamina of a leaf is an expansion of the parenchyma of the petiole, and is traversed by veins which are ramifications or extensions of the bundles of vascular tissue of the petiole, or, when there is no petiole, of the stem. 172. The veins either branch in various directions among the parenchyma, anas- tomosing and forming a kind of net-work, or they run parallel to each other, being connected by single transverse unbranched veins. 173. The former is characteristic of Exogenous, the latter of Endogenous plants. 174. The principal vein of a leaf is a continuation of the petiole, and runs in a direct line from the base to the apex of the lamina ; this vein is called the midrib. 17~». Conifer 272. This arises from the partial centripetal developement commencing among the upper extremities of the inflorescence instead of among the lower. 273. Consequently, this difference of expansion will indicate whether a particular form of inflorescence proceeds from the developement of the buds of a single branch, when it is called simple, or not, when it is called compound. 274. Whenever the order of expansion is centripetal, the inflorescence is to be understood as simple; when it is centrifugal, it is compound, although in appear- ance simple. This difference is often of great importance. 275. When the order of expansion is irregular, it indicates that the mode of de- velopement of the flowers is irregular also, either on account of abortion or other causes. 270. Sometimes all the flowers of the inflorescence are abortive, and the ramifi- cations, or the axis itself, assume a twisted or spiral direction ; when this happens, a tendril is formed ; Ex. the Vine. XL FLORAL ENVELOPES. 277. The Floral Envelopes are the parts which immediately surround the stamen and pistils. 278. They are formed of one or more whorls of braclea?, and arc therefore modi tied leaves (229). 2T9. In anatomical structure they do not essentially differ from the leaves, far- ther than is necessarily consequent upon the peculiar modilications of size or deve- lopement to which they are subject. 280. When the floral envelopes consist of but one whorl of leaves, they are called calyx. 281. When two or more whorls are developed, the outer is called calyx, the inner corolla. 282. There is no other essentia] difference between the calyx and enroll;!. Then fore, when a plant has but one floral envelope, thai one is calyx, whatever may bi its colour or degree of developement , 4 XXVI FIRST PRINCIPLES 283. It is necessary, however, to be aware, that sometimes the calyx is reduced to a mere rim, either in consequence of lateral compression, as in the pappus {aigrette, Fr.) of many Composite, or from other unknown causes, as in some Acanthaceae. 284. If the floral envelopes are of such a nature that it is not obvious whether they consist of both calyx and corolla, or of calyx only, they receive the name of perianthium or perigonium. 285. Plants have frequently no floral envelopes ; in that case, flowers are said to be naked or achlamydeous. 286. When the floral envelopes are deciduous, they fall from the peduncle, as leaves from a branch, by means of an articulation ; if they are persistent, it is be- cause no articulation takes place. 287. When the margins of floral envelopes are united, the part where the union has taken place is called the tube, and that where they are separate is named the limb. It frequently happens that in the calyx an articulation forms between the limb and the tube. 288. Botanists generally consider that the tube of the calyx is invariably formed by the union of the margins of the sepals. It is, however, probable, that it is in some cases a mere dilatation and expansion of the pedicel itself, as in Esch- scholtzia. 289. When the calyx and corolla are readily distinguishable from each other, they exhibit the following peculiarities : 290. The calyx consists of two or more divisions, usually green, called sepals, which are either distinct, when a calyx is said to be polysepalous, or which unite by their margins in a greater or less degree, when it is called monosepalous or mono- phyllous. 291. The corolla consists of two or more divisions, called petals, usually of some bright colour, different from that of the sepals, than which they are frequently more developed. When the petals are distinct, a corolla is said to be polypetalous ; when they are united by their margins, it is called monopetalous. 292. If the union of the petals or sepals takes place in one or two parcels, the corolla or calyx are said to be one or two lipped. These lips are always anterior and posterior with respect to the axis of inflorescence, and never right and left. 293. If the sepals or petals are of unequal size, or unite in unequal degrees, the calyx or corolla is said to be irregular. 294. When the petals are so arranged that of five the uppermost is dilated, the two lateral ones contracted and parallel with each other, and the two lower also contracted, parallel with each other, and coherent by their anterior margins, a flower s said to be papilionaceous. 265. When a petal tapers conspicuously towards the base, it is said to be unguicu- late ; its lower part is called the unguis, its upper the limb. The former is ana- logous to the petiole, the latter to the lamina of a leaf. 296. The petals always alternate with the sepals, a necessary consequence of their following the laws of developement of leaves. 297. If at any time the petals arise from before the sepals, such a circumstance is due to the abortion of one whorl of petals between the sepals and those petals which are actually developed. 298. As petals always alternate with sepals, the number of each row of either will always be exactly the same. All deviations from this law are either apparent only, in consequence of partial cohesions, or if real, are due to partial abortions. 299. Whatever intervenes between the bracteffi and the stamens belongs t<> the floral envelopes, and is either calyx or corolla ; of which nature are many of the organs vulgarly called nectaries. 300. The dilated apex of the pedicel, from which the floral envelopes and ita- mens arise, is called the torus or reccytacle. 301. The manner in which the floral envelopes are arranged before they expand is called their aestivation or pra-Jloration. XII. STAMENS. 302. The whorl of organs immediately within the petals is composed of bodice called stamens, which are considered the fecundating apparatus of plants. OP HOT A NY XXVII ili.'j. Tliey consist of a bundle of spiral vessels surrounded by cellular tissue, • ailed the filament, terminated by a peculiar arrangement of the cellular tissue in a case, finally opening and discharging its contents, called the anther. 304. There are many instances in which no limits can be traced between the petals and stamens ; Ex. Nymphaea. 305. In such cases it is found that the limb (295) of the petal contracts and be- comes an anther, while the unguis assumes the state of a filament. 306. Now as there are no limits between the petals and sepals (282), nor between the sepals and bracteae (278), nor between the bracteae and leaves (229), it follows that the stamens are also a modification of leaves. 807. And as the limb of a petal is analogous to the lamina, and the unguis (295) to the petiole of a leaf, it also follows that the anther is a modification of the lamina, and the filament of the petiole. 308. The stamens follow the same laws of successive developement as leaves ; and consequently, if their arrangement be normal, they will be either equal in num- ber to the petals, and alternate with them, or, if more numerous, some regular mul- tiple of the petals. 309. If they are twice the number of petals, two whorls arc considered to be de- veloped ; and so on. 310. If they are equal in number to the petals, and opposite them, it is to be un- derstood that the innermost only of the two whorls is developed, the outermost being abortive. 311. All deviations from these laws are due to the abortion of some part of the stamens; Ex. Lamium, Hippuris. 312. When the stamens do not contract any union with the sides of the calyx, they are hypogynous ; Ex. Ranunculus. 313. When they contract adhesion with the sides of the calyx, they become pe- rigynous ; Ex. Rose. 314. If they are united both with the surface of the calyx and of the ovarium, they are epigynous ; Ex. Umbellifera?. 315. The filaments (303) are either distinct or united by their margins. If they are united in one tube, they are called monadelphous ; Ex. Malva: if in two par- cels, diadelphous ; Ex. Pea : if in several, polyadelphous ; Ex. Hypericum. 316. When they are united in a solid body, along with the style, they form what is called a column, and are said to be gynandrous. 317. The filament is not essential to a stamen, and is, in fact, often absent. 318. The anther is the limb of the stamen, forming within its substance, and finally emitting, a matter called pollen. 319. The two sides of the anther are called its lobes ; and the solid substance which connects them, and which is in fact a continuation of the filament, as the mid- rib of a leaf is of the petiole, is named the connectivum. 320. The cavities of the anther containing the pollen are the cells, and the place by which the pollen is emitted is the point or line of dehiscence ; the mem- branous sides of the anther are named the valves. 321. Dehiscence usually takes place along a line, which may be considered to indicate the margin of the limb out of which the anther is formed ; Ex. Rose. 322. Sometimes a portion only of this line opens, and then the anther is said to dehisce by pores ; Ex. Azalea. 323. If the line of dehiscence occupies both margins of the connectivum, and not 1he centre of the lobes, the anther opens by one valve instead of two, which is then hinged by its upper edge ; Ex. Berberry. 324. The cells of the anther are usually two in number : sometimes they are four ; Ex. Tetratheca : rarely one ; Ex. Epacris : and still more rarely several ; Ex. Raffiesia. 325. The number of cells appears to be determined by no certain rule. 326. The anthers frequently grow together by their margins ; Ex. Composites. Such anthers are called syngenesious. 327. The Pollen is formed by a peculiar modification of the cellules of the paren- chyma of the anther. 328. That part of the central cellular tissue of the anther which is not converted into pollen, serves to connect the granules together, in the form of a tenacious -fibrous web ; Ex. Oenothera, Orchis. XXV111 FIRST PRINCIPLES 329. Pollen consists of vesicles or granules of cellular tissue, enclosing a mucous substance, in which an iniinite number of exceedingly minute molecular bodies, having a power of active motion, is contained. 330. The function of the pollen is to vivify the ovula (344). 331. For this purpose a granule of pollen which has fallen upon the stigma bursts, and emits the mucus it contains, along with the active molecules floating in it. 332. This mucus passes down the intercellular passages of the stigma and style, and is finally conducted into the ovulum, through its foramen (408). 333. In plants the ovula of which have no pericarpial covering (425), as Coni- fers?, the molecules of the pollen are communicated to the ovulum without the inter vention of any form of tissue. 334. Each molecule produces one embryo, and usually but one is developed in each ovulum ; but sometimes two or more accidentally develope, and then a seed contains several embryos, as the Orange, the Onion, the Mistletoe. XIII. DISK. 335. Whatever intervenes between the stamens and the pistillum receives the ge- neral name of disk. 336. It usually consists of an annular elevation, encompassing the base of the ovarium, when it is sometimes called the cup ; Ex. Peeony. 337. Or it appears in the form of a glandular lining of the tube of the calyx ; Ex. Rose : or of tooth-like, hypogynous (312), processes ; Ex. Gesneria, Cruciferss : or of a fleshy mass, upon which the ovaria appear to be seated ; Ex. Lamium. 338. It is certain that the disk is sometimes a non-developement of an inner row or rows of stamens, as is proved by the Moutan Peeony ; and it is probable that such is generally its nature. 339. But it is also probable that the disk is sometimes a mere cellular expansion of the torus (300), as in Nelumbium. 340. The disk is one of the parts which Linnsean botanists call nectary. XIV. PISTILLUM. 341. The organ which occupies the centre of a flower, within the stamens, and disk, if the latter be present, is called the pistillum. 342. It is the fruit-bearing apparatus of flowering plants. 343. It is distinguished into three parts, viz. the ovarium, the style, and the stigma. 344. The ovarium is a hollow case, enclosing ovula (354). It contains one or more cavities, called cells. 345. The stigma is the upper extremity of the pistillum. 346. The style is the part that connects the ovarium and stigma. 347. The style is frequently absent, and is no more essential to a pistillum than a petiole to a leaf, or a filament to an anther. 348. Sometimes the style is thin, flat, and membranous, and assumes the form of a petal, as in Iris. 349. The style is either articulated with the ovarium, or continuous with it. It usually proceeds directly from the apex of the ovarium ; but in some cases arises from the side, or even the base of that organ ; Ex. Alchemilla, Chrysobalaneae. 350. Nothing is, properly speaking, stigma, except the secreting surface of the style. Nevertheless, the name is often inaccurately applied to mere divisions of the style, as in Labiata? : or to the hairy surface of undivided styles, as in Lathyrus. 351. Sometimes the stigmas grow to the face of the anthers, which form them- selves into a solid mass ; Ex. Asclepias. In this case the styles remain separate. 352. The pistillum is either the modification of a single leaf, or of one or more whorls of modified leaves. 353. Such modified leaves are called carpella. 354. A Carpellum is formed by a folded leaf, the upper surface of which is turned inwards, the lower outwards, and the margins of which develope one or a greater number of buds, which are the ovula. 355. When the carpella are stalked, they arc said to be seated upon a theca- phore, or gynophore ; Ex. Cleome, Passiflora. Their stalk is analogous to the petiole of a leaf. 356. The ovarium is the lamina of the leaf. OF HOT A \ \ . WIS 357. The style is an elongation of the midrib (174). 358. The stigma is the denuded, secreting, humid apex of the midrib. 350. Where the margins of the folded leaf, out of which the carpellum is formed, meet and unite, a copious developement of cellular tissue takes place, forming what is called the placenta. .'WO. Every placenta is therefore composed of two parts, one of which belongs to one margin of the carpellum, and one to the other. 361. As the carpella are modified leaves, they necessarily obey the laws of ar- rangement of leaves, and are therefore developed round a common axis. 362. And as they are leaves folded inwards, their margins are necessarily turned towards the axis. The placenta, therefore, being formed by the union of those margins, will be invariably next the axis. 363. So that if a whorl of several carpella unite and constitute a pistillum, the placentae of that pistillum will be all in the axis. 364. The normal position of the carpella is alternate with the innermost row of stamens to which they are also equal in number ; but this symmetry of arrangement is constantly destroyed by the abortion or non-developement of part of the car- pella. 365. The carpella often occupy several whorls, in which case they are usually distinct from each other; Ex. Ranunculus, Fragaria, Rosa. 366. Sometimes, notwithstanding their occupying more than one whorl, they all unite in a single pistillum ; Ex. Nicotiana multivalvis> Monstrous Citrons. In these cases the placenta; of the innermost whorl of carpella occupy the axis, while those of the exterior carpella are united with the backs of the inner ones, as must neces- sarily happen inconsequence of the invariable direction of the placenta? towards the axis. 367. When the carpella are arranged round a convex receptacle (263), the exte- rior ones will be lowest ; Ex. Fragaria. 368. But if they occupy the surface of a tube, or are placed upon a concave re- ceptacle, the exterior ones will be uppermost ; Ex. Rosa. 369. This law will explain the structure of some anomalous pistilla, in which the carpella are united into a confused mass ; Ex. the Pomegranate. 370. Notwithstanding the formation of the placenta out of the two united margins of a leaf, it often does not indicate any trace of such an origin ; but, in consequence of non-developement, is sometimes reduced to a single point, bearing a single ovulum. 371. When the placentiferous margin is fully and regularly developed, it occu- pies a line running down the inside of the cavity of a carpellum, and bears two dis- tinct rows of ovula. 372. If that part of the margin which is placentiferous is so small as to bear but a very few ovula at or towards the upper part of the line of union, the ovula will hang downwards within the cavity of the carpellum, and be either pendulous or sns- pended. 373. And if the placentiferous part of the margin be only at the lower part of the line of union, the ovula will take a direction upwards into the cavity, and be either erect or ascending. 374. Whenever two carpella are developed, they are invariably opposite each other, and never side by side. This happens in consequence of the law of alternate opposition of leaves (160). 375. When carpella unite, those parts of their sides which are contiguous grow together, and form partitions between the cavities of the carpella. 376. These partitions are called dissepiments. 377. Each dissepiment is therefore formed of two layers. But these often grow together so intimately as to form but one layer. 378. Such being the origin of the dissepiments, it follows that, a. All dissepiments are vertical, and never horizontal: b. They are uniformly equal in number to the carpella out of which the pistillum is formed : c. Thny proceed directly from the placentas : d. They are alternate with placenta; formed by the cohesion of the margins of the same carpellum, and' opposite placenta? formed by the cohesion of the contiguous margins of different carpella: e. A single carpellum can have no dissepiment whatever. XXX FIRST PRINCIPI.i 379. It will also be apparent, that as the stigma must bear the same relation to the dissepiments as the point of the leaf to the sides of the lamina, the stigma will always be alternate with (between) the dissepiments. 380. When the dissepiments of a many-celled pistillum are contracted so as not to separate the cavity into a number of distinct cells, but merely project into a cavity, the placentae, which occupy the edges of these dissepiments, become what is called parietal ; Ex. Poppy. 381. If the dissepiments af a many-celled pistillum are abortive or obliterated, the placenta? remaining unaltered in the axis, a free central placenta is formed. 382. A one-celled ovarium may also be formed out of several carpella, in conse- quence of the obliteration of dissepiments ; Ex. Nut. 383. All dissepiments whose position is at variance with the foregoing laws are spurious. 384. Spurious dissepiments derive their origin from various causes, and may have either a vertical or horizontal position. 385. When they are horizontal they are called phragmata, and are formed by the distension of the placenta ; Ex. Cathartocarpus Fistula. 380. If vertical, they either are projections from the back of the carpellum, as in Amelanchier and Thespesia ; or they are caused by modifications of the pla- centa1, as in Martynia, Didymocarpus, Cruciferre. 387. Sometimes the apex of the pedicel extends beyond the base of the carpella, rising up between them, and either forming an adhesion with the styles, as in Gera- nium, or a central distinct axis as in Euphorbia. 388. This elongation of the apex of the pedicel is more apparent in the fruit than in the pistillum. It is analogous to the cellular apex of the spadix (259) of Arum. 389. The styles of different carpella frequently grow together into a solid cylin- der ; Ex. Lilium. There are various degrees of union between the styles. 390. The style is incorrectly said to be divided in different ways, in consequence of this adhesion. 391. If the ovarium adheres to the sides of the calyx it is called inferior, and the calyx is said to be superior ; Ex. Apple. 392. If it contracts no adhesion with the sides of the calyx, it is called superior, and the calyx inferior. XV. OVULUM. 393. The Ovulum is a body borne by the placenta (359), and destined to become a seed (409.) 394. It is to the carpellum (353) what the marginal buds are to leaves (154). 395. It does not, however, appear to bear any other analogy to a bud than what is indicated by its position. 390. The ovulum is usually enclosed within an ovarium (344) ; but in Conifera? and Cycadeaj it is destitute of any covering, and is exposed, naked, to the influence of the pollen. 397. It is either sessile, or attached by a little stalk called the funiculus, or »o- dosperm. The point of union of the funiculus and ovulum is the base of the lat- ter, and the opposite extremity is its apex. 398. It consists of two sacs, one enclosed within the other, and of a vvch