■} 1 :? / w ^^ t:^^. g^rvard ^,xiUtx%\\^, LIBRARY OF THE IKLA^SS. MED. COLLEGE. Boston Medical Library Association, 19 BOYLSTON PLACE. Received By Gift of, rMM^ tory to the semi-annual examinations of the Library. 5. K a volume be lost, or injui'ed, the price of the book, or the amount necessary to repair the injury, as the case ma}' be, will be deducted from the sum deposited ; otherwise the whole amount will be retm-ued, to the depositor, when he ceases to use the Library. M - Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Open Knowledge Commons and Harvard Medical School http://www.archive.org/details/introductiontoco1816lawr INTRODUCTION ^ompuvatii^t ^natomg PHYSIOLOGY ; BEING THE TWO INTRODUCTORY LECTURES DEHVERED AT THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, On the 2\st and Ihth of March, 1816. WILLIAM LAWRENCE, F R. S. professor op anatomy and surgeky to the college; assistant surgeon to st. Bartholomew's hospital; surgeon to bethlehem and b»idewell hospitals; AND TO the LONDON INFIRMARY FOR DISEASES OF THE EYE. Mnxas* Aleibv ill C »lllr^«^ LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. CALLOW, MEDICAL BOOKSELLER, No, 10, CROWN COURT, PRINCES STREET, SOHO. 1816. >;;^'^U«. B&KNARD AND FARI.ET, Skimter-Slrett, Londim^ ISetiicatton. As a Testimony of sincere Esteem for a Character adorned by the greatest Urbanity and Benevolence, and dignified by the nicest Sense of Honour, and the most exalted Principles; And of the highest Respect for distinguished Talents, assiduously and successfully employed in ad- vancing a Science, and practising A 2 iv DEDICATION. a Profession most useful to Man- kind ; THE FOLLOWING PAGES ARE INSCRIBED TO J. R. FARRE, M. D. PHYSICIAN TO THE LONDON INFIRMARY FOR DISEASES OF THE EYE, BY HIS FRIEND AND COLLEAGUE, THE AUTHOR. ADVERTISEMENT. X HE following Lectures, not composed with any view to their Publication, are now printed in consequence of the Author having been repeatedly asked for Copies of them. The Notes and References, which obviously could not have formed any part of the Lectures as delivered, have been added from a notion that they may be found useful by Students. In several parts of the Second Lecture the Views correspond with those which have been entertained and published on VI ADVERTISEMENT. the same Subjects by Cuvier and Bichat; whose Words are occasionally employed with slight Alterations. Having been compelled to do this in the first instance by want of Time, the Author has preferred leaving these Passages with the present general Acknowledgment, to exchanging them for original ones, because he wished to print the Lectures exactly as they were delivered ; not having occasion to alter any of the Statements, which are the re- sult of such Reflection and Judgment, as he could employ on the Subjects. College of Physicians, July, 1816. CONTENTS, LECTURE I. On the Objects and History of Comparative Anatomy. . 1 LECTURE II. On Life.. 115 INTRODUCTION, Sfc. Sfc, LECTURE I. OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. GENTLEMEN, Before renter on the subject of this Lecture, I shall request your attention, for a few minutes, to the circumstances under which I appear before you on the present occasion : — on such a subject I shall detain you as shortly as possible. It was not till the latter part of last summer, that the Court of Assistants of this College did me the honour of appoint- ing me one of their Professors: an ap- pointment, which I freely acknowledge to B 2 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF have been most gratifying to my feelings, not only on account of the body who con- ferred it, but when I considered to whom I had succeeded,* and to whom I became associated. t To your feelings I must trust for an excuse, if any be thought necessary, for taking this earliest opportunity of giving utterance to the sentiments of respect and gratitude I entertain for the latter gentle- man. You and the public know, and have long known his acute mind, his peculiar talent for observation, his zeal for the ad- vancement of surgery, and his successful exertions in improving the scientific know- ledge and treatment of disease. His sin- gular happiness in developing and teaching to others the original, and philosophic views, which he naturally takes of all the subjects that come under his examination ; and the success, with which he communi- * Astley Cooper, Esq. x J. Abernethy, Esq, COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. S cates that enthusiasm in the cause of science and humanity, which is so warmly felt by himself; the admirable skill, with which he enlivens the dry details of ele- mentary instruction ; are most gratefully acknowledged by his numerous pupils. All these various excellencies have been re- peatedly felt in this Theatre. Having had the good fortune to be initiated in the pro- fession by Mr. Abernethy, and to have lived for many years under his roof, I can assure you, with the greatest sincerity, that however highly the public may estimate the surgeon and the philosopher, I have reason to speak still more highly of the Man and the Friend ; of the invariable kindness, which directed my early studies and pur- suits, of the disinterested friendship, which has assisted every step of my progress in life, of the benevolent and honourable feel- ings, the independent spirit, and the liberal conduct, which, v/hile they dignifj^ our B 2 4 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF profession, win our love and command our respect for genius and knowledge, convert- ing these precious gifts into instruments of the most extensive public good. Since the choice of the College was an- nounced to me, my time has been so occu- pied, partly by engagements previously formed, and partly by others, not then foreseen, that it was not possible for me to make any preparations for the course before the period* when it was opened by Mr. Abernethy. How small a part of the time, which has since elapsed, can have been spared from public and private professional occupa- tions, you will easily understand ; and you will, I am sure, make every allowance for the imperfections of that labour, which has been entirely prosecuted in the evening and * The 25th of January. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 6 night after the exertions and fatigues of the daj''. By deferring these lectures till next spring, I should have consulted my own ease, and might perhaps have hoped to render them less unworthy of the subject and the audience. But I was averse to interrupt the arrangements of the Col- lege, or to disappoint its members, in their expectation of an annual course of comparative anatomy. However strange it may sound, the very magnitude of the subject, and the consciousness of my inability to do it justice, were further motives for proceeding without delay.— ^ The short and uncertain intervals of lei- sure afforded by a professional life could not supply the numerous and important deficiencies of which I am conscious ; and the expectation that would naturally arise from delay could not be satisfied by the performance. In offering to you therefore such information on comparative anatomy, 6 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF as I acquired some years ago, in a cursory attention to it, principally as a source of amusement, I must throw myself entirely on your indulgence. This I should have found it necessary to appeal to, even under the most favourable circumstances of time and opportunities, when I appear before you in the chair successively occupied by Sir Everard Home and Mr. Cooper. I must entreat you to forget the talents, the performances, and the reputation of these gentlemen ; and to make in my behalf all the allowance that is due to disparity of age, want of opportunity, and deficient preparation. With this explanation, then, I undertake the task confided to me by the court; availing myself of the occasion to assure its members that I value the appointment most highly, as an unsolicited proof of their good opmion. I feel grateful to them on COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 7 lie grounds for the pains they have taken to improve surgical education, and consequently to increase the respectability of surgeons. By preparing a suitable building for the magnificent and invaluable collection formed by an English surgeon, by providing for its preservation and in- crease, and establishing lectures for its illustration, they have finally rescued sur- gery from the state, in which it was too long kept, of a mechanical and subordi- nate department of the healing art, and have elevated it to its proper rank of an independent science. While the seniors of our profession are thus laudably engaged in endeavouring to raise it in pubhc esti- mation by rendering it more worthy of public confidence, it is particularly incum- bent on the younger members to co-operate in the same plans. This consideration would always be a motive with me for undertaking any public duty, in which I 8 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF could lend assistance, however feeble, in supporting the character and rank of surgery. The anatomy of animals having been investigated at first, in order to throw light on the organization and functions of the human body, the expression comparative anatomy was employed to designate the structure of animals, compared to that of man, as a standard. It is now used in a more extensive sense, and means the ana- tomy of all living beings compared to each other. It thus furnishes the data, which constitute the basis of general physiology, of which the object is to determine the laws, that regulate the phenomena exhi- bited by organized beings. Comparative anatomy bears the same relation to general physiology, that human anatomy does to human physiology; the latter expression denoting the science which is employed COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 9 in ascertaining the vital phenomena of man. Natural History, or, to use the most comprehensive term, Zoology, is not op- posed to comparative anatomy, but in- cludes it ; the structure of an animal form- ing part, and a most important, though too often neglected part, of its history. Our first step in the study of life is to examine the organs, that are its material instruments ; and to ascertain their visible structure : but this examination must not be confined to one animal. We should endeavour to discover what is the essential circumstance, the necessary condition to the occurrence of the phenomena. The organs must therefore be viewed under all their modifications of greater and less sim- plicity, of combination with others, &c. ; they must be surveyed in every kind of 10 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF animal : and such labours only can lead to any satisfactory knowledge of general structure. The phenomena of life must be studied in the same way ; the functions must be observed and compared in all the links of the great chain of beings, to whom any modification of vitality has been im- parted. It is the series of such facts that com- poses hitherto the science of physiology ; it is only by comparing these that we can hope to ascend to general causes, and to deduce common laws. The connexion and mutual influences of the various organs oppose great and insu- perable obstacles to our knowledge of the precise effect and importance of each. Here comparative anatomy comes to our aid : we find, in the various classes of animals, almost every possible combina- COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 11 tion of organs, and there is no organ, which is not wanting in some class or other. The effect of such combinations and privations cannot but illustrate the nature and opera« tions of the part in question. Fishes have no tympanum, nor external ear; insects no circulating system, many of the lower orders no brain nor nervous system. In viewing the subject of life, we should be led to the most erroneous conclusions, if we confined our survey to man, or to the more complicated animals nearly allied to him. The only way to avoid such errors, and to rectify our notions, is to extend our views over the whole animated creation. A slight injury of the brain will destroy a man or a mammiferous quadruped ; a smart blow on the skull, or the effusion of a little blood are sufficient ; while the removal of the whole cranial contents is by no means 12 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF suddenly fatal in the frog, turtle, and other reptiles. " In the beginning of November, Redi opened the skull of a land tortoise, and removed the whole brain. ^The tortoise did not seem to suffer ; it moved about as be- fore ; but groping its way ; for the eyes soon shut after losing the brain, and never opened again. A fleshy integument form- ed, which covered the opening of the skull; and in this state the animal lived until May, that is six complete months. Spal- lanzani deprived four frogs of the brain : two lived till the fifth day. He also de- prived three newts of the brain : they suf- fered violent convulsions ; their eyes closed; they hardly moved from one place to another ; and expired about the middle of the third day. He cut out the heart of three newts : they took to flight, leapt, COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 13 swam, and executed the same functions as before ; however, all died in forty-eight hours. Four frogs, deprived of the heart, kept their eyes open, and preserved the use of their limbs. They survived thirty- six hours."'* What a contrast is there between the precarious tenure of life in man and the higher orders of animals, where the various organs are connected by numerous sympa- thies, and where the whole system is in- fluenced by the affections of each part, so that disorders and destruction are con- stantly impending ; and the simple but powerful vitality of the hair-worm (gor- dius), or the wheel animal (vorticella ro- tatoria), which after remaining for years in * Spallanzani's Tracts on the Nature of Animals and Vegetables ; v. 1. Introductory Observations, p. 45. 14 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OP a dried state resume life and motion on being moistened.* The power of reproduction — of restoring or renewing parts, that have been mutilated or entirely lost, is one of the most striking characters of organized bodies. It is one of the most important provisions of nature, inasmuch as it guards animals and plants against the multiplied dangers to which their bodies are exposed. Hence, when viewed in connexion with the system of nutrition altogether, it forms one of those decisive and grand characters, which dis- tinguish at once the machines, that proceed from the hand of the Creator, from all, even the most ingenious and boasted productions * Leeuwenboeck Epist. ad Societatem regiam, alios- que illastres viros ; Leid. 1719, 4to. and Arcana Na- tura continuata; Ito. Baker's Etnplojment for the Microscope, 1764. Spallanzani's Tracts, v. 2. tr. 4. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 15 of human skill. The difference is recog- nised at the first glance: the distance is immeasurable. The springs and wheels of mechanical instruments have no power of repairing themselves, when they are bent, broken, worn, or spoiled ; but such a faculty is enjoyed in various degrees by every animal, and by every plant. It exists, however, in very different degrees in the different departments of the animal kingdom. In man, and such animals as are nearly allied to him, it is very limited, although sufficiently active to be capable of remedying the effects of great injuries. If a bone be broken, a muscle or tendon divided, or a piece of skin destroyed, pro- cesses are set up in the parts, by which restoration is accomplished. The ends of the bone are joined by an osseous sub- stance, which gives to the part its original solidity, the tendon regains its firmness 16 OBJECTS AND HISTOEY OF and power of resistance ; the muscle will contract again, and move the points of its attachment; and the surface of the body is covered by a new piece of integument. In the cases, which have been just men- tioned, the restorative power repairs in- juries, but it goes no further: neither in man, nor in any warm-blooded animals are entire organs ever reproduced. If a limb be cut off, or a piece of flesh taken away, the wound is healed, the sides of the chasm grow together; but the lost parts are never formed again. In the lower orders of the animal kingdom, on the con- trary, such are the strength and perfection of the reproductive energy, that consider- able members are restored, and we can hardly assign a limit to the power in some instances. The lower we descend in the scale of beings, the more surprising are the manifestations of this reproductive faculty. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 17 The large claws of the crab and lobster, and the entire limbs or tail of the newt* can be restored : the same holds good of the rays of the star-fish and the arms or tentacula of the cuttle-fish. The entire eye of the water newt, with all its coats * There is an interesting account in the Memoires de I'Acad. des Sciences de Paris, 1686, particularly of the restoration of the tail of lizards. Spallanzani, Bonnet, and Blumenbach, have employed themselves in researches on this subject. The former first called the attention of the public to it in his " Prodrome di un opera da imprimersi sopra le riproduzione ani- mali." Bonnet published his memoir on the repro- duction of the limbs of the water newt in the Journal de Physique, 1777. His Enquiries were again pub- lished in his CEuvres d'Histoire Naturelle, t. 5; and there are three memoirs by him on the subject, tranS" lated into English, in Spallanzani's Tracts on the Natural History of Animals and Vegetables, v. 2. The experiments of Blumenbach are contained in his " Specimen Physiologiae Comparatae inter animalia calidi et frigidi Sanguinis." 4to. C 18 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF and humours has been extirpated, and in the course of ten months succeeded by a liew and perfect eye-ball.* The whole head of the common snail, with its four * *« With a scalpel," says Bonnet, " I extracted the right eye of a large newt on the 13th of September, 1779 ; but I did not obtain the globe without much injury to the tunics. A deep bloody wound in the socket of the eye was the consequence of this cruel operation ; and the reader will not be surprised if I hardly expected any thing from it, and that the newt would probably remain blind for ever. How great was my astonishment, therefore, when on the 31st of May, 1780, I saw a new eye formed by nature. The iris and coriiea were already well shaped ; but the latter wanted its peculiar transparency, which is very con- siderable in these animals. The restoration was com- plete on the 1st of September; the cornea being transparent, an-d the iris having acquired its yellow gilded colour. On the 8th of November, 1780, it differed from the other eye only in being a little smaller, and in the iris or golden circle going only half round the ball." Spallanzani's Tracts, &c. v. 2, p. 432, et seq. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 19 horns has been reproduced, after being removed in experiments, in many in- " I repeated," says Blumenbach, " the experiment of the celebrated Bonnet concerning the reproduction of the eje in the water newt. I cut out the whole globe, at the insertion of the optic nerve, in three instances, in neither of which was the organ repro- duced: but a white and firm fungus, shooting from the cut end of the nerre, gradually filled the orbit, the animals themselves becoming affected with a kind of dropsical swelling, and dying in a few months. Instructed by these failures, I proceeded to operate in a different way on a fourth animal, in May, 1784. I first divided the cornea, to let out the lens and other humours, and then cut away the remaining empty and collapsed coats, leaving a small portion of the com- mon coverings of the bulb, which, from a careful ex- amination with a glass in water of the parts removed, I judge to have been scarcely equal to one-fifth of the whole globe. In the following months the whole orbit seemed to be filled by the approximated eyelids, which, however, began to separate in the sixth month after the operation, and thus disclosed a new little bulb springing up from the bottom of the orbit. This new globe was still much smaller than the other in c 2 20 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF Stances.* If the earth-worm f or actinia J (the sea anemone) be cut in two, each half will become a perfect animal. The fresh water polype may even be cut into several pieces : each of which will become a per- fect polype. The extensive examination of various structures is not only a necessary ground- work for the edifice of general physiology, but it has thrown great hght on the orga- April, 178i5, when the animal died accidentally, though in other respects it was most perfect, exhibiting the golden iris, with its regular pupillar aperture behind the cornea ; all which points are clearly distinguish- able in the preparation, which I preserved." Specimen, p. 31. * Spallanzani's Tracts, v. 2. t Reaumur Mem. pour servir a I'Hist. Nat. des In- sectes : t. 6. Preface. Spallanzani, prodrome di un opera sopra le ripro- duzione animali. % An essay towards elucidating the history of the Sea-anemones, by Abbe Dicquemare. Philos. Trans, vol. 63. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 21 nization and functions of the human frame. " Quotidie experior/' says Haller,* " de ple- rarumque partium corporis animati func- tione non posse sincerum judicium ferri, nisi ejusdem partis fabrica et in homine, et in variis quadrupedibus, et in avibus, et in piscibus, ssepe etiam et in insectis innotu- erit.'' Whoever will reflect on our pre- sent knowledge of the digestive, respiratory, generative, or other processes of man, and will review the successive stages of its pro- gress, will find that comparative anatomy has rendered us the most essential assist- ance, and will be disposed to agree with Haller, when he asserts that physiology has been more illustrated by the dissection of animals than by that of the human subject. The formation of the germ in the ovary, and its passage through the Fal- lopian tube into the uterus, could not have * Elementa Physiologiae. Pref. 23 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF been discovered in man. Although they are now universally believed, they rest, not on actual demonstration, but on ana- logy and other indirect arguments. In birds, fishes, and reptiles, these points ad- mit of the clearest and most direct proof. Doubts were entertained respecting the functions and relative importance of the two organs composing the human biliary system ; whether the bile were formed in the liver, or in the gall bladder, or in both. These points could hardly be determined from the human body only ; but we look at animals. We find in many large quad- rupeds that bile is secreted in the liver alone, without any gall bladder ; that no animal has the latter without the former part ; that in all which have a gall bladder this receptacle is either attached to the liver, or communicates with its secretory duct. We conclude, therefore, that the COMPARATIVE AJSIATOMY. 23 liver is essential to the formation of bile ; that the gall bladder is not essential ; and that this ' fluid passes from the liver in which it is formed, into the gall bladder. Comparative anatomy is again of the greatest importance in reference to natural history. There is a close correspondence betvreen the structure and the habits of animals, and they mutually illustrate each other. The quadruped, which has to pur- sue and to kill his prey, has instruments of motion altogether different from those of the animals who collect their food from the vegetable kingdom. The jaws, the teeth, and all the digestive apparatus are equally different in the JtwQ cases. The creatures which burrow under ground, are very differently constructed from those which live in trees, or such as inhabit the water. In short the organization is uni- versally in relation to the mode of life ; 24 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF and, in consequence of their reciprocal influence, all the various parts of an animal are so closely connected to each other, that this relation may be traced even in the minutest particulars.* The succeeding Lectures will be a continued illustration * The mutual relations of the organs, and the laws of co-existence, to which their combinations are sub- jected, are so well pointed out hy Cuvier, tliat I quote his words, as the work in which they occur, is not so generally known in this country, as the other produc- tions of this justly celebrated zoologist. *^ Every organized being consists of parts, which correspond mutually, which concur by means of reci- procal influences in the production of a common end, and thus form together a whole, a perfect system. No one part can change, without the others being modified ; and consequently each, taken separately, indicates all the others. *' Thus, if the intestines of an animal are adapted hy their organization to digest flesh, and that in a COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 25 of this point. No branch of natural know- ledge is more interesting than a contem- recent state, the jaws must be constructed for devour- ing prej; the claws for seizing and tearing it; the teeth for lacerating and dividing its flesh; the whole apparatus of moving powers for pursuing and over- taking it ; the organs of sense for perceiving it at a distance; — nature naust moreover implant in the brain an impulse or instinct, leading such a creature to con- ceal itself and lay in wait for its victims. Such are the general conditions of the carnivorous regimen: every flesh-devouring animal unites them necessarily; for its species could not otherwise subsist. But, be- sides these general conditions, there are subordinate ones, relating to the size, the species, and the abode of the prey; and each of these secondary conditions gives rise to differences of detail in the forms which result from the general laws. Hence, not only the class, but the order, the genus, and even the species are expressed in the form of each part. " To give the jaw the power of seizing, a particular form of condyle is necessary ; there must be a certain relation between the position of the resistance, the 26 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF plation of the infinitely diversified organic arrangements, by which animals are adapt- moving power and the fulcrum ; a certain volume in the temporal muscle, requiring a proportional capa- city in the fossa which lodges it; and a proportionate convexity in the Zygomatic arch, under which it passes; this bony arch must also possess a certain strength, to support the action of the masseter. ** In bearing away the prey, a certain force is re- quired in the Tnuscles that raise the head; hence the necessity of a determinate form in the vertebrse, whence these muscles arise, and in the occiput, where they are inserted. " For dividing flesh, cutting teeth are required; and they must be more or less cutting, in proportion as they are more or less exclusively occupied in that way. Their basis must be solid, if they are employed in breaking and comminuting bones, particularly if the bones are strong. These circumstances will influence the development of all the parts employed in moving the jaw. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 27 ed to their respective places in the creation. In this way the researches of comparative " Mobility of the toes, and strength of the nails are necessary for seizing the prey ; hence arise deter- minate forms of the phalanges and particular distri- butions of muscles and tendons. There must be a power of rotating the fore-arm, and consequently a particular form of the bones composing it : and as the latter are articulated to the humerus, any alterations in them must modify its figure. Animals, which em- ploy their fore-limbs in seizing, must have strong shoulders; the scapulae and clavicles will therefore exhibit certain modifications. The muscles must have forms, size, and strength suitable to the actions, of which the bones and joints just enumerated are ca- pable; while their attachments and contractions im- press particular figures on those solid organs. " Similar conclusions may be drawn respecting the posterior extremities, which contribute to the rapidity of the general motions ; respecting the composition of the trunk, and the form of the vertebrae, which in- fluence the facility of those motions ; respecting the bones of the nose, of the orbit, and the ear, which have S8 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF anatomy furnish the only data, on which we can proceed with security in the clas- obvious relations to the degree of perfection in the senses of smelling, seeing, and hearing. In a word, the form of the tooth determines that of the condyle ; the form of the scapula that of the nails; just as th® equation of a curve indicates all its properties. As in taking each property separately for the basis of a par- ticular equation, we might arrive, not only at the ordinary equation, but at all the other properties whatever; so the nail, the scapula, the maxillary condyle, the femurj and all the other bones taken se- parately, would each indicate the kind of teeth, or would indicate each other reciprocally ; and, beginning with either separately, we might, according to the ra- tional laws of the organic economy, construct the whole animal." Recherches sur les ossemenis fossiles de quadrupedes ; discours preliminaire, p. 58, et suiv. The whole of this very scientific and valuable work is a successful and happy illustration of the principles just ex- plained. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 29 sific arrangements of natural history; and they lead always to that natural arrange- ment of animals, which should be the chief object of all classification. The comparative anatomist discovers that the whale tribe, although inhabiting the ocean, agree in all the essential points of their structure with mammiferous quadru- peds, and therefore are not, properly speak- ing, fishes. In the crab and lobster, and in the inhabitants of the various marine shells, he finds beings of the most different organi- zation and habits, although confounded under the common name of shell-fish, and he finds both of these kinds of animals altogether different in structure from fishes. Such being the importance of compa- rative anatomy, to the physiologist, who so OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF draws from it the facts, on which his knowledge of the functions of animals is grounded ; to the natural historian, who finds in it a clue to guide his steps through what appears at first the inextricable labyrinth of animated nature ; to the phy- sician and surgeon, whose pathological reasonings can only be relied on, when built on the broad foundation of general physiology ; and to the natural theologian, who discovers in the modifications of struc- ture, according to situation and circum- stances, and its constant relation to the wants, habits, and powers of animals, the strongest evidence of final purposes, and therefore the strongest proof of an intel- ligent first cause; we shall not wonder that this subject has powerfully attracted at- tention at all times, and has been prose- cuted by some of the most considerable geniuses. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 31 The first* of these is Aristotle, who is not only the oldest author on comparative anatomy, whose writings we possess, but one of those who have displayed the greatest genius in this branch of natural history, and who offers the best model for siFoh researches. His renown as a philo- sopher, who exercised unlimited and un- disputed sway over the minds of men for two thousand years, and the just celebrity of his writings on logic, criticism, ethics, * Deraocritus of Abdera is said to have devoted much of his time to the dissection of animals, and to have investigated, among other subjects, the source and passages of the bile, and the cause of madness. But neither he, nor the femons Alexandrian anato- niists, Herophilus and Erasistratus, who were rather posterior to Aristotle, and who had noticed the lacteal vessels in animals, left behind them any account of their labours, which we therefore are onlj acquainted with from their being incidentally mentioned by other writers. 32 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF politics, have been unfavorable to his re- putation as a natural historian, although his work on the history of animals, -n-ipi fwwK iropiag,* (which too is only an abridg- ment of the original production), has not been equalled, even to the present day, in the magnitude of the field which it em- braces ; and the number, variety, and ex- tent of the original observations which it contains. The noble patronage of his pupil Alexander enabled the philosopher to expend an enormous sum in drawing together from all quarters the animals de- * Aristotelis historia animaliutn, Grsece et Latine, cum versione et commentariis J. C. Scaiig-eri, Tolosae, 1619, fol. I believe it has been lately republished in Germany, with valuable notes and illustrations by Schneider. There is a French translation by Camus, who unfortunately was not so well versed, as could have been wished, either in the knowledge of Greek, or of natural history. Histoire des Animaux d'Aristote, avec le texte en regard, 2 torn. 4;to. Paris, 1783. ' COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 33 scribed in this immortal work. He not only knew and dissected a great nmnber of species, but he studied and described them on a vast and luminous plan, to which none of his successors has ap- proached, ranging the facts, not accord- ing to the species, but to the organs and functions — the only means of arriving at comparative results. - The modern works of Blumenbach and Cuvier, are construct- ed on the same principle, which was also followed by Mr. Hunter in the arrange- ment of his collection. The chief divisions, which naturalists follow at present in the animal kingdom, were established by Aristotle ; and he has indicated several, to which modern natural- ists have recurred, after they had been long Tuiwisely neglected. His great dis- tribution of animals into those which have blood, and those which have not, (the 34 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF former including mammalia, birds, reptiles, and fishes ; the latter the mollusca, Crus- tacea, testacea, and insects), is the same with that proposed by the French natu- ralists, and now universally adopted, al- though the ground of the division, the presence or absence of blood is not cor- rect. Lamarck has drawn his character, and his name for these two primary divi- sions from the possession or want of the vertebral column. The four classes of insects, mollusca, Crustacea, and testacea, which constitute his second division, are a much more na- tural and philosophic distribution than that of Linneus, by whom they are crowd- ed together into the two classes of Insects and Vermes. In many details he is more correct than those who have followed him. For ex- COMPARATIVE ANATOMT. 35 ample, he states that the crocodile moves the upper jaw ; which, after being long represented as a vulgar error, is now found to be true by the report of the naturalists who accompanied the French expedition to Egypt. It is allowed by a very com- petent judge (Cuvier), that Aristotle's ac- count of the elephant is more accurate than that of BuiFon. It is to be regretted that the Romans had not an Aristotle, as facilities existed, while that wonderful people held the reins of em- pire, for studying some parts of zoology, which have not occurred again. The largest and rarest animals brought from all parts of the empire, were exhibited in the tri- umphs, the public games, and the theatres, to amuse the inhabitants of the imperial city. They saw the hippopotamus, the two horned rhinoceros, and the camelopard, which have not been brought alive into p 2 36 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF Europe since. Commodus exhibited five hippopotami at one time, and ten came^ lopards were shewn by Gordian III. Other foreign and remarkable animals were quite common, as the lion, elephant, panther, &c. Augustus shewed twenty-five living crocodiles at once.* Galen dissected animals and performed numerous experiments on them, some of which are of a nice and. rather difficult kind^ as tying or dividing nerves, &c. His anatomical descriptions are obviously drawn from these sources, particularly from the monkey tribe ;t to which he would naturally be led by their acknowledged. * See Cuvi6r sur les Ossemens Fossiles; Discours preliminaire, and the chapters on the Osteology of the Rhinoceros and Hippopotamus. .Okiiii'i + This point is clearly established by Vesalius, iu his Epistola de radicis Chinee usu ; and it is still more COMPAHATIVE ANATOMY. 37 relationship to our species. It is doubtful whether he ever dissected the human bodji As a comparative anatomist, however, Galen hardly deserves mention ; and cer- tainly not in conjunction with Aristotle^ whose admirable work is followed by a long and barren interval of many centuries, in which this branch of natural knowledge like all others, was not merely stationary, but lamentably retrograde. Among the restorers of anatomy, at the revival of learning in the sixteenth cen- tury, and particularly in the Italian school, to which in this period' we are almost entirely indebted for encouraging these pursuits, and diffusing a taste for them satisfactorily proved bj Camper; see his Remarks "sur rOrang-utang, et quelques autres Especes de singes;" Introduction, § 5. et suiv. in the CEuvres d'Histoire Naturelle, &c. t. I. 38 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF over the rest of Europe, there were some who cultivated the anatomy of animals, and who have recorded the results of their labours. In his Natural History of Birds, Belon* has devoted a book to their ana- tomy, and Rondelet, professor in the uni" versity of Montpellier, illustrated the history of fishes, and other marine animals in a yery valuable work, -f- which abounds with instructive details in comparative anatomy. Goiter, of Groningen, who had studied under Fallopius, Rondelet and Aldrobandi, published some excellent plates on com- parative Osteology..]: Ruini, a senator of * L'histoire de la nature des oiseaux, avec leyr descriptions et naifs Portraits ; en six livres. 1555. + De Piscibus marinis libri xviii; Lugdun. 1554. Pars altera, in qua pisces aquae dulcis, ranae, tes- tudines, lacertas et amphibia aliqua continentur ; 1555. X Diversorum animalium sceletorum explicationes, COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 39 Bologna, described the anatomy of the horse in a large work with plates.* Fa- bricius, professor at Padua, and the in- structor of Harvey, devoted a splendid volume*!' to the formation of the foetus, and among other subjects, explained the me- chanism of animal motions. J His disciple, Casserius investigated the structure of the larynx, and of the organs of sense. § But cum lectionibus. Gab. Fallopii de partibus similaribus humani corporis. Norimb. 1575. There are also manj observations relating to com-^ parative anatomy in his larger work ; Externarum et internarum humani corporis parti urn tabulse, &c. 1573. * Anatomia del Cavallo, infirmity, e suoi remedii. Bologna, 1598. 4to. t De formato fctu, Patavii, 1600. Fol. ■^ De motu animalium secundum totum, Patav. 1618, 4to. § De vocis auditusque organis, Ferrar. 1600. FoL 40 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF Aldrobandi of Bologna, or in his Latin name, by which he is better known,. Al- drovandus, deserves the first rank in these times for his labom^s in the whole circle of Zoology. He established a collection of all objects that could illustrate his fa- vourite pursuits, and paid considerable at- tention to the structure of animals. Of the numerous folios, vrhich bear his name, the three* which are devoted to ornitho- logy (the history of birds) .are all that were published in his own life; and they are the most valuable with reference to com- parative anatomy. In the first half of the seventeenth Pentaestlieseion, h. e. de quinque sensibus liber, Venet. 1609, fol. * OinithologiaBjseu de avibus historiae libri. Bonon. FoL. 1599—1603. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 41 century, when schools of anatomy were not yet established, and great part of Europe, particularly Germany, was deso- lated by civil war, anatomical inquirers turned their attention to animals : compa- rative anatomy was now cultivated with considerable ardour in most countries of Europe, and numerous experiments were made on living animals. If the human subject was at this tim.e too much neg- lected, a neglect caused more by the want of opportunities than of zeal, many great discoveries were made in animals, that illustrated equally the human structure and functions, and ultimately revolutionized the whole fabric of physiology and pa- thology. The discovery of the circulation* * Exercitatio anatomica de motu cordis et sanguinis in animalibus; Francf. 1628, 4;to. 42 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF and of the process of generation * by Harvey, of the lacteals by Aselhjf of the thoracic duct by Pecquet,} and of the lymphatics by Rudbek§ or Bartholin, [| are * Exercitatione& de generatione animalium, quibus accedunt quaedam de partu, de membranis et humo-> ribus, de conceptione, &c. Lond. 1631, ^to. f Dissertatio de lacteis venis, quarto vasorum mesa- raicorum g«nere, novo invento, &c. Mediolani, 1627. ito. f Experimenta nova anatomica, quibus incognituni cliyli receptaculum, et ab eo per thoraeem in ramoi usque subclavios vasa lactea deteguntur. Paris, 1651, 4to. ^ Diss, de Circulation© Sanguinis, Arosiae, 1652, 4to. Nova Exercitatio Anatomica, exhibens ductus hepatis aquosos, et vasa gland ularura serosa, 1653, ito. Published also in Haller's Disp. Anat. select. See also Haller, Bibliotheca Anatomica, t. I. § 415. [I Diss, de Lacteis Thoracicis in homine Brutisque nuperrime Observatis ; Hafniae, 1852. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 43 some of the results for which we are in- debted to the researches of that time in comparative anatomy. Many other valuable contributions to our knowledge of the structure and func- tions of animals were made about the ^ame time, and were most signally aided by the two inventions of the microscope and anatomical injections, which opened a new world to the cultivators of anatomy and natural history. These powerful in- struments of research were very successfully employed by Malpighi and Swammerdam. The former described the silk-worm with great minuteness and fidelity, leaving very Yasa Ijraphatica nuper in animantibus inventa, et hepatis Exsequiae; Hafn. 1653. Vasa ]jmpbatica in homine nuper inventa; 1654;. Haller's Bibliotheca Anatomica, t. 1. § 578. 44 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF little for future observers. ;* Swammerdam executed his researches on the structure and habits of insects, a wonderful monu- ment of patient industry. -j- Leeuwen- * Dissertatio Epistolica de Bombjce, Londin. 1669, 4to. t Historia generalis insectorum, Leid. 1685, 4to. This is a translation from the original Dutch; Alge- meene Verhandeling van de Bloedeloose diertjensj Utrecht. 1669. But for the work, which will immortalize the name of Swammerdam, we are partly indebted to the libe- rality and love of science of Boerhaave, who purchased the manuscripts and drawings, which the author bad been compelled by poverty to part with before his death, and had them published in the Dutch and Latin languages, under the title Biblia Naturae, seu Historia insectorum in certas Classes reducta, nee non Ex- emplis et Anatomico variorum aniipalculorum examine illustrata, &c. Leid. 1737, fol. This includes the former work. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 45 hoeck,* Hookej-j- and Baker J employed themselves very assiduously in micros- copic researches, some of which relate to the structure of the more minute classes of living beings. Redi, whose works are allowed by his countrymen to be excellent models of pure Italian style, dissipated the prevailing errors and prejudices concerning the generation of insects, and illustrated many parts of physiology and compara- tive anatomy by dissections, experi- ments, and observations. § His pupil, Lo- renzini, published an excellent anatomy * Opera omnia, Leid. 1722, 4to. 4 v. + Micrographia, Lond. fol. 1665, and numerous papers in the early volumes of the Philosophical Transactions. I Microscope TOad€ easy, Lond. 1743. 8vo. . Employment for the Microscope, 1753. § Osservazioni intorno alle vipere, Firenze, 1664. Esperienze intorno alia generazione degi'insetti 1668. 46 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF of the torpedo.* Valisnieri employed himself successfully in the investigation of insects, and on other subjects. -f- Our countryman Tyson has described several animals with great accuracy, as the rattle- snake, J the Tajassu,! the opossum, || the porpoise, ^ and the orang utang. His ac- Esperienze mtorno a diverse cose Naturali, &c. 1671. Osservazioni intorno agli Animali viventi negli altri Animali viventi, 1684. His vi'orks were all published together, Naples, 1687, 3vo. or in a more complete collection, 1728, 4:to, * Osservazioni intorno alle torpedini; Firenze, 1678, 4td. t Opere Fisico-Matheraaticlie, Venez. 3 1. fol. 1733^. I Philosophical Transactions, No. 144, § Ibid. No. 153. j{ Carigueya, seu Marsupiale Americanum, or the anatomy of an opossum dissected at Gresham College ; Lond. 1698, 4to. and in the Philosophical Transactions, No. 239. H Phoecena, or the anatomj of ii porpess; 1680, 4to. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, 47 count of the latter under the title of Ana- tomy of the Pigmy,* although encum- bered with much useless learning, is as perfect and satisfactory an anatomical history as we possess of any animal to the present time. The same observation is equally applicable to the anatomy of the turtle and tortoise published at Flo* rence by Caldesi.-f- Lister paid great at- tention to the anatomy of the mollusca, and published several works on that sub- ject. + * Anatomy of a pigmy, compared with a monkey, an ape, and a man; and a philological essay con- cerning pigmies, cynocephali, satyrs, and sphynxes, 1699, 4to. Also 1751, with various papers of the author from the Philosophical Transactions. I Osservazioni Anatomiche intorno alle Tartarughe maritime, d'aqua dolce, e terrestri, Firenze, 1687, 4to. % Historis Animalium tres Tractatus, Lend. 1678, 48 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF The foundation of the Royal Society in this country, and of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris, constituted an era very favourable to the advancement of natural knowledge. The voluminous trans- actions* of both these learned societies, abound from their commencement with valuable information on the structure and functions of animals. Similar associations formed sooner or later in all the principal states of Europe, turned men^s minds to the proper method of observation and ex- 4to. Exercitatio Anatomica de Cochleis et Limacibus, 1694. Exercitatio altera de Buccinis, 1695. Exercit. Tertia Conchyliorum Bivalvium, 1696. ^* The Transactions of the French Academy, under the title of Histoire et Memoires de I'Acad. Rojale des Sciences, with the tables, &.c. from its establish- ment in 1666 to its dissolution at the French revolu- tion, constitute a series of 163 volumes, 4:to. The Memoires de Tlnstitut form a continuation to the pre- sent time. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 49 periment, diffused a general taste for natural knowledge, and collected copious materials for its advancement. The society of Naturae Curiosi in Germany, * the academies of Pe- tersburghj-f- Stockholm,.]: Berlin, § Goet- * The papers published by this body occupy be- tween 40 and 50 volumes, under the various titles of Miscellanea, seu Ephemerides Medico-physici ; Ephe- merid. seu obs. Medico-phys. j acta Physico-med. and nova acta. + The Commentarii AcademiaB Scientiarium Impe- rialis Petropolitanae, the Novi Commentarii, Acta, Nova Acta, and Memoires, consist of 64 vols.4to. to the year 1810. I The Transactions of the Stockholm Academy are published in Swedish, and translated into German, under the title of Abhandlungen der Koniglichen Schwe- dischen Akademie, &c. 8vo. § Miscellanea Berolinensia, and Histoire de I'Acad. Royale des Sciences, avec les Memoires. 50 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF tingen,* and Bologna, *f are the most im- portant of these ; but there have been manj minor estabUshments. J A very noble work was begun and pro- secuted for some time bj the French aca- * Commentarii, novi Commentarii, et Commenta- tiones Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Goettingensis ; 4to. + Commentarii de Bononiensi Scientiarum et Ar- tium institute atque Academia, 4:to. :j! Two valuable but very rare volumes were pub- lished hy a private association at Amsterdam, and relate principally to comparative anatomy. Obser- vationes Anatomicas selectiores Collegii privati Ara- stelodanaensis, 1667 and 1673; 2t. 12mo. Associations for the advancement of natural know- ledge have also existed at Copenhagen, Upsal, Haer- lem, Flushing, Rotterdam, Miinich, Turin, Verona, Florence, Siena, &c. and have published their trans- actions in various languages. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 51 demicians (principally Perrault* and Du- verney ; t Mery J and Philip de la Hire were also concerned) ; — a complete history of animals, founded on original observations and dissections, particularly of the rarer * Besides the sbare which he had in the work men- tioned above, Perrault discusses some points in the structure of animals in his Essais de Physique, 4 t. 4to. t Jos. Guichard Duverney, professor of anatomy at Paris, spent nearly sixty years in dissection, and is the author of a vast number of papers in the early Me- moirs of the Academy of Sciences, relating to the structure of animals, as well as of man. There is also some comparative anatomy in the second volume of his CEuvres Anatomiques, 1761, 2 t. 4to. a posthu- mous work. :}: Many papers on the anatomy of animals by this industrious anatomist are found in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences; among them an account of transplanting the spur of a cock to the head, where it adhered. Ann. 1688. E 2 5£ OBJECTS AND HISTORY OJ species, that were kept in the menageries of Louis XIV. The descriptions were first published separately, but were after-> wards collected into a magnificent fialio volume under the title of Memoires pour servir a THistoire Naturelle des Animaux. 1671 ; they were re-published with ad- ditions in two volumes in I676. In this work, which has been also printed in quarto,* and translated into English and Latin, we have excellent descriptions, among other animals, of the elephant, camel, beaver, bear, gazelle, lion, tiger, panther, civette, of the crocodile and * Paris, 1733. Amsterdam, 1758, 3 tom. under the title " Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire Naturelle des Animaux, dresses par Mr. Perrault." To the third part is added the description of the viper by Charas, and of the crocodile and some other foreign animals by the Jesuit missionaries at Siam. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 53 camelion, of the bustard, stork, crane, flamingo, and vulture. The work of Blasius, entitled Anato- mia Animalium iiguris variis illustrata, is principally a collection of the contribu- tions to comparative anatomy that ap- peared in the seventeenth century. It contains the dissections of numerous ani- mals made by the best naturalists of those times, and may still be deemed a useful compilation. Collinses System of Anatomy in two vols, folio, Lond. 1685, contains numerous dissections and delineations of the parts of animals, particularly of fishes and birds. The eighteenth century will be ever memorable for the advancement, not only of general civilization, but of all branches of knowledge ; and the structure and func- tions of animals have experienced their 54 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF full share of this progress. I can only notice the more important contributors. The formation of shells, * and of the hard covering of the crustaceous animals, -j- as the crab, lobster, &c. ; the anatomy and habits of various testaceous mollusca, J or * De la Formation et de I'accroissement des Co- quilles, des Animaux, tant terrestres qu' aquatiques, &c. Mem. de I'Acad. des Sciences, 1709, Eclaircissement de quelques difficultes sur la forma- tion et raccroissement des Coquilles ; ibid. 1716. t Sur les diverses reproductions, qui se font dans les ecrevisses, les omars, les crabes, &c. et entr'autres sur celle de leurs jambes, et de leurs Ecailles. Ibid. 1719. Additions aux Observations sur la muedes Ecrevisses donnees dans les Mem. de 1712. Ibid, 1718. There is also a memoir on the same subject, by Mr. Geoffrey, Jun. ; Observations sur les Ecrevisses de riviere. Ibid, 1709. % Du. Mouvement progressif et de quelques autres COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 55 shell-fish as thej are called, and the history of insects, * have been investigated with great success, and most happily described by Reaumur, t more generally known by Moiivemens de diverges Especes de Coquillages, orties, €t Etoiles de Mer. Ibid, 1710. Des differentes Manieres, dont pliasieurs Especes d'Animaux de mer s'attachent au sable, aux pierres, et les uns aux autres. Ibid, 1711. Observations sur le Mouvement progressif de quel- ques Coquillages de mer, sur celui des herissons de mer, &c. Ibid, 1712. Observations sur le Coquillage appele Pinne Marine, ou nacre de Perle. Ibid, 1717. * Memoires pour servir a THistoire Naturelle des Insectes; 6 t. 4to. 1734—1742. f He also published some excellent experiments on the digestion of birds in the Academy of Sciences, 1752^ and a work by no means destitute of physiological interest, entitled, art de feire Eclorre et d'Eleyer en 56 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF the invention of the thermometer, which bears his name. The works of Bonnet, * Roesel,! De Geer,J Merian,§ and Sulzer,lj toute saison des oiseaux domestiques, &c. 2 t. 12mo. 1749. * Traite d'insectologie, 1745. Other parts of his works relate to the structure and physiology of animals : they were published in 8 vols. 4to. ; and 18 v. 8vo. 1779. t Monatlich-herausgegebene Insecten-belustigun- gen; with coloured plates; 4to. Nuremberg, with a continuation by Kleeman ; forming together 4 vols. 4to. 1746 — 1761. The third volume contains an ac- count of some Crustacea and a most interesting history of the fresh water polypes. if Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire Naturelle des Insectes, 4to. ; Stockholm, 1752 — 1758. § De Generatione et Metamorphosibus insectorum Surinamensium ; Hag. fol. 1726. 11 Geschichte der Insecten. Winterthur, 1775, 4to. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 57 contain much information on the structm'e and functions, as well as the natural history of insects ; and the anatomy of the larva of the phalsena cossus by Lyonet, * is a chef d'oeuvre both of anatomical research and of the art of engraving. The recent researches of Hubert on the bee and ant have unfolded to us many surprising cir- cumstances in the physiology and habits of those insects. In the hst of those, who have employed themselves in observing the minuter parts of the animal kingdom, we must not omit the name of Trembley,} whose history of * Traitd Anatomique de la Chenille, qui ronge le bois de Saule, 4to. a la Haye, 1762. + Nouvelles Observations sur les Abeilles : trans- lated into English, 12mo. 1806. Recherches sur les mceurs des fourmis indigenes ; 1810. $ Meraoire pour servir a I'Histoire d'un genre de Poljpes, &c, Leid. 1744, 4to. 58 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF the fresh water polypes and their almost miraculous properties, bj strongly inte- resting the public attention, and exciting a spirit of inquiry, may be considered as forming an era in zoology. He made us acquainted with animals, which propagate by shoots, like those of the vegetable kingdom, the young one budding out from the body of its parent, expanding, and separating when fully unfolded, and some- times producing new shoots before it is detached ; which, when cut into two or more pieces, form quickly so many perfect animals; of which tvvo, when cut and See also Baker's Natural History of the Polype. Lond. 1743, Svo, Roesel Historie der Polypen in the Sd vol. of his Insecten Belustigungen. Schoeffer's Armpolypen in der Siissen Wassern um Regensburg; 1754, 4to. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 59 applied to each other, grow together, form- ing a single animal, with a head at each end. When slit longitudinally through half their length, each portion forms a perfect head; by repeating this process, a kind of hydra may be formed with many heads joined to a single tail. It may be turned inside out without injury ; and may even be turned back again. The Linnaean class Vermes has been principally illustrated by Bohadsch, * Pallas, t Miiller,J Forskaohl,§ and Po- * De quibusdam Aninialibus marinis, &c. Dresd. 1761, 4to. De veris sepiarum ovis. Prag. 1752. t Miscellanea Zoologica et Spicilegia Zoologica. -^ Historia vermium terrestrium et Fluviatilium, 2 t. 4to. Havnise, 1773 and 1774. Icones Zoologiae Danicae, ibid, 1777, et seq. fol. Animalcula Infasoria fluviatilia et marina, &c. 4to. HavniaB, 1786. ^ Icones rerum Naturalium, quasexitinere Oriental! depingi Curavitj EdenteC. Niebuhr. Havnije, 1776, fol. do OBJECTS AND HISTORY OT li.* The mechanism of animal motionSj already considered at great length, by Borellijt has been further illustrated by Barthez. J In collecting the materials of the grand work, which will immortalize the name of BufFon,§ its eloquent author was assisted by Daubenton, who had the charge of the collection established at the Jardin des Plantes, and who contributed the anato- mical descriptions ; not the lej^st important part of this noble undertaking. These * Testacea utriusque SiciliaEj eorumque Historia et Anatome, 1791. Parma, 2 v. fol. i De motu Animalium, 2 v. 4to. '^ Nouvelle mechanique desMouvemensderHomme ct des Animaux, Carcassone, 1798, 4to. § SeeElogede BufFon par Condorcet; also by Vicq, D'azyr, in his (Euvresj t. I. COMPARATIVE AKATOMY. 61 are found onlj in the original quarto edition;* thej are omitted at least in the greatest part of the numerous subsequent editions. Vicq d'Azjr was formed by the instructions and example of Daubenton, and displayed that ardent love of science, that patience in research, and those phi- losophic views, which qualified him to have carried comparative anatomy to its highest pitch of perfection. Although he was cut off in the flower of his age by a premature death, he has left behind him sufficient * Histoire Naturelle generale et particuliere, avec la Description du Cabinet du roi, Paris, 4to. 1730 et suiv. I There are also several papers by Daubenton in the Memoires de I'Acad. des Sciences, from 1751 to 1760. See Discours sur la vie et les Ouvrages, &c. de Dau- benton, a I'ouverture des cours d'Histoire Naturelle au Museum, I'an 8, par Lacepede ; et Notice sur la vie et les Ouvrages de Daubenton par Cuvier. 62 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF proofs that this eulogy is not exagge- rated *. The talents and the merits of Camper and Pallas are universally recognised : their works are copious sources of informa- tion on the most important and interesting parts of comparative anatomy. Those of the former, which have relation to our pre- sent subject, are collected in a French edition, in 3 volumes, 8vo. with folio plates f. The principal productions of Pallas are his Miscellanea Zoologica, Spici- legia Zoologiae, and Novae Species Quad- rupedum. He has, besides, contributed * CEuvres, recueillies, par J. Moreau de la Sarthe, 5 torn. 8vo. avec un Atlas, in 4to. 1805. + QEuvres de P. Camper, qui ont pour t)bjet I'Histoire naturelle, la Phjsiologie, et rAnatomie comparee. Paris, 1803. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 63 several zoological papers to the Petersburg transactions, and has scattered much in- formation on detached points through the instructive narratives of his travels in the various provinces of the Russian empire. In the immortal work of Haller, the Elementa Phjsiologiae, which, from the extensive field it embraces, its copious ma- terials, both of original research- and eru- dition ; its luminous arrangement, and perspicuous style; as well as the sound judgment and acute reasoning displayed throughout, we can have no difficulty in characterizing as by far the most valuable book in medical science: there is a com- plete collection of all the facts ascertained previously to his time concerning the struc- ture and functions of animals, with several additions from his own observation. I earnestly recommend this work to the at- tentive perusal of my younger hearers — not 64 OBJECTS AND HISTOEY OF only as an inexhaustible mine of physiolo- gical information, but on account of the ardent love of science, and the philosophic spirit which animate every page. Blumenbach, who succeeded him in the school of Gottingen, has exhibited in the cultivation of zoology great industry, acutenes, and sound judgment, and has enriched his favourite science with excel- lent elementary works. In his admirable Treatise* on the varieties of the human species, he has touched on several inter- esting points of comparative structure and physiology. The same remark is appli- cable to his Essay on Generation*f , and to * De generis huraani varietate nativa; Gotting. 1775; 3d edition, 1795. t Ueber den Bildungstrieb, 12mo. Getting. 1791. Translated into English b^' Dr. Crichton. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 65 his description of the bones*. He has not only published an admirable manual of natural history t, particularly valuable for the anatomical and physiological infor- mation with which it abounds, but has annually delivered, for many years a full * Geschichte und Beschreibung der Knochen des Menschlichen Korpers, Gutting-. 1786. f Handbuch der Naturgeschiclite, 6th edition, Gotting. J 799. There is, I believe, a more recent edition. It has been translated into French, under the title of Manuel d'Histoire Naturelle ; and it is to be regretted that we have not an English version of this concise and perspicuous, yet comprehensive and philosophic work. It is by far the best introduction to natural history in any language. The Abbildungen Natur-historischer Gegenstande, Gott. 8vo. 1796— 1810, contains a well selected and valuable series of engravings of interesting subjects in natural history. Ten parts are published, containing each ten engrav- inffs. 66 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF course of lectures on comparative anatomy in the University of Gbttingen. His compendium of Comparative Anatomy * was principally designed as a text book for those lectures ; and it contains, on every point, copious references to the best sources of information. His tract, entitled, Spe- cimen Physiologiae comparatse inter ani- malia calidi et frigidi sanguinis; Gott. 4to. 1789? is an interesting essay on the physiology of reptiles. The Treatise of Scarpa on the Organs of Smelling and Hearingt, and the great work * A second edition of the Handbuch der Verglei- chenden Anatomic was published in 1815. + Disquisitiones Anatomicaj de Auditu & Olfactu, fol. 2d edition, Milan, 1795. See also his work, De Structura fenestras rotundas auris. There is another work on the same subject by an Italian anatomist,* COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 6? of Poll already noticed, on the testaceous animals of the two Sicilies, deserve our highest praise for their anatomical accu- racy, and for the singular beauty of their numerous engravings. Their countryman Spallanzani devoted himself with enthusiastic ardour to the cultivation of natural history ; not to a barren and wearisome science of no- menclature and external forms; but to the philosophic investigation, by observa- tion and experiment, of the origin, func- tions, and habits of living beings. The generation of animals and of plants, the circulation of the blood, respiration, diges- tion, the reproduction of parts in certain classes, seminal animalcula, and the ani- Comparetti Observationes Anatomic^ 4© aure ^ntern^ comparata ; 4to, Patav. 1789. F 2 68 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF mals of infusions, were the subjects of an almost incredible number of researches and experiments. His writings * afford * Saggio di Osservazioni Microscopiche concer- nente il Sistema della Generazione dei S. Needham e BufFon, 1765. Dei fenomeni della Circolazione, &c. Modena, 1773. Prodrome di un opera da iraprimersi sopra le Ri- produzioni Animali. 1768. Opuscoli de fisica Animale e Vegetabile, t. I and 2, 1776 ; t. 3 and 4, 1780. Lettera sopra il sospetto d'un nuovo senso nei Pipis- trelli. Memoires sur la Respiration, traduites en Francois d'apres les MSS. inedits de I'auteur. Par J. Senne- bier. 8\o. Geneva. Rapports de I'air avec les etres Organises, tires des Journaux de Spallanzani, &c. Par J. Sennebier. Ge- neva, 1807. 3 vols. Of the foregoing vt^orks, the 2d, 4th, and 6th, have been translated into English. An interesting account of the author's life is prefixed to the Mem. sur la Respiration. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 69 abundant original information on all these points, and amply justify the expressive eulogium of Haller, " summus naturae in minimis indagator." Founded entirely on actual observation, dictated merely by the desire to unfold the operations of nature, and executed with clearness and simplicity, they interest the reader very powerfully; while thev are not less valuable as sources of useful information. They have accord- ingly been translated into almost all the modern European languages. The works of Pallas*, Blochf, GoezeJ, * De infestis viventibus intra viventia. Leid. 1760, 4to. + Traite de la Generation des vers Intestins, &c. Strasburg, 1788, 8vo. The original was published in German. Berlin, 1782, 4to. I Versuch Einer Naturgeschichte der Eingeweide- 70 OBJECTS ANJ) HISTORY OF Zeder*, Werner f, and RudolphiJ, have nearly completed the anatomy and natural history of internal worms. Sulzer has given us an excellent account of a single animal, the hamster §, (Mar- wurmer thierischer Korper; Blankenburg, 1782, 4:to. mit 44 Kupfern. Erster Nachtrag zur Naturgeschichte der Einge- weidevvUrmer, Von J. A. Goeze, mit Zusatzen und bemerkungen herausg^egeben, Von J. G. H. Zeder; Leipsic, 1800. * Anleitung zur Naturgeschichte der Eingeweide- Tviirmer. Von J. G. H. Zeder. Bamberg, 1803, 8vo. + Vermiura intestinalium, praesertira taeniae hu- mancB, brevis Expositio; Lips. 1782, 8vo. and con- tinuation in three parts, 1782 et seq. i Entozoorum seu Vermium Intestinalium Historia iSaturalis. 2 t. 8vo. Amsterd. 1808 and 9. § Versuch einer Naturgeschichto des Hamsters: Gbtting. 1774. 8vo. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 71 mota Cricetus, Linn.): and Roesel* has devoted a folio volume in the Latin an4 German languages to the anatomy and natural history of the frog and toad kind. * Historia Naturalis Ranarum nostratiura ; Nurew berg, 1758, fol. with a preface b)' Haller. See also, on subjects nearly connected with this, Mr. Hunter's Anatomy of the Siren Lacertina from Carolina. Philos- Transact, v. 56, p. 307 et seq. Schreiber's Anatomy and Natural History of th© Proteus Ang'uinus from Carniola, ibid. 1801, p. 2. And a masterly account by Cuvier, not only of the two animals just mentioned (the Siren and Proteus), but also of the tadpoles of different frogs and salamaii" ders, drawn up with his accustomed accuracy and acuteness ; Recherches Anatomiques sur les Reptiles regardes encore comme douteux par les Naturalistes, faites a I'occasion de I'axolotl rapporte par M. de Humboldt da Mexique, 1807, 4:to. It forms part of the Recueil d'Observations^ de Zoologie & d'Ana- tomie comparee of Humboldt, 72 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF which subjects he has prosecuted with the greatest accuracy and minuteness, and illus- trated with a vast number of beautiful co- loured plates. The Jardin des Plantes, and its superb Zoological cabinet, have been employed by the French naturalists in a manner that shews them worthy of the treasure — wor- thy of succeeding to BufFon, Daubenton, and Vicq D'Azyr. Their zeal and exer- tions, abundantly evinced in the twenty volumes of Annals of the Museum of Na- tural History, which have been completed within a few years, and constitute one of the most valuable accessions, that zoo- logy has ever received, have given an im- pulse to the cultivation of natural know- ledge, which will form a most important iiera in its history. To estimate its effect, it will be sufficient to recount the names, COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 73 and to recall the instructive works of La- cepede *, Latreille f? Lamarck %, GeofFroy St. Hilaire§, Daudin|l, Brongniart, Peron^, * Histoire Naturelle des Cetaces, 1 t. 4to. Hist. Nat. des Quadrupedes ovipares et des Serpens, 2 t. 4to. ; and Hist. Nat. des Poissons, 4; t. 4to. published as a continuation of Buffon. f Hist. Nat. des Insectes ; des Salamandres de France, &c. J Sjsteme des Animaux sans vertebres. ^ Various papers in the Annales du Museum. II Hist. Nat. des Reptiles. 5 Voyage aux terres Australes; enriched with copi- ous zoological remarks, and beautiful coloured plates, Sur le genre Pyrosoma; Annales du Museum, t. 4, p. 437. Sur les Meduses du genre Equoree; ibid. t. 15, Sur la Famille des mollusques pteropodes. Ibid. Sur I'Habitation des animaux marins, et des Phoques. Ibid. The very extraordinary zeal and activity dis- played by Peron in the pursuit of zoology, and parti- 74 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OP Dumeril*, Cuvier f. Every part of the wide field of Zoology has been survey- cularly his unremitting and severe labours in the vojage of discovery sent by the French government to New Holland and the adjacent countries, in which he procured himself a commission by his scientific ardour and importunity, after the full complement of na- turalists had been already named, and from which he brought back, in conjunction with his associate Le Sueur, above 100,000 specimens of the animal king- dom, and more than 2500 new species, lead us to deplore his early death as a severe loss to science. See Notice Historique sur M. Peron, par M. Deleuze; Annales du Mus. t. 17, p. 352, et seq. Also, Eloge de Peron, par Alard, in the Societe Medicale d'Emulation, t. 7. * Zoologie Analytique, 8vo. Paris, 1806. + Much valuable information on comparative ana- tomy may be derived from the following French col- lections, viz.: Menagerie du Museum National, fol. Bulletin des Sciences. Memoires de la Societe d'Histo Naturelle de Paris. Comparative anatomy. 75 ed by the latter enlighteoed and zealous inquirer, and no corner has escaped his penetrating glance. Equal to BufFon in enlarged views and comprehensive grasp of mind, and much superior to him in patient research, minute observation, and learned inquiry, he presents a rare union of all the great requisites for promoting natural knowledge. He has been not less fortunate in his situation, than in his qua- lifications j devoting his whole time to science, and surrounded by numerous able assistants, he could avail himself, to their full extent, of those hberal institutions for the advancement of natural knowledge, and that uniform encouragement of talent, for which science will ever be indebted to the late French government. Accordingly his progress has been every where marked by improvement and discovery. I select one or two principal points from the multitude % M 76 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF of his researches *. In a lono; series of papers f, printed in the Annals of the Na- * His interesting labours on the larjnx of birds ought not however to pass unnoticed. See Magazin Encyclopedique ; an. 1, t. 2, and an. 4, t. 2. See also, on the subject of the vocal organs, Girardi in Memorie della Societa Italiana, t. 2, p. 2. Herissant in Mem. de I'Acad. des Sciences, 1753. M. J. Busch Diss, de Mechanismo Organi Vocis, Groning. 1770, 4to. Vicq d'Azjr in the Acad, des Sciences, 1779. Wolff Diss. Anatomica de Organo Vocis Mammalium; 3erolini, 1812, 4to. Latham in Transactions of the Linnasan Society, vol. 4. + Sur I'Animal de la Lingule (Lingula Anatina. Lamarck). Annales du Mus. Nat. de I'Hist. Natu- relle, t. 1. p. 69. Sur la BuUeea Aperta (Lamarck), Bulla Aperta (Linn.) ibid. p. 156. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 77 tional Museum of Natural History, and presenting models of clear and precise de- Sur le clio Borealis ; ib. 242. Sur le genre Tritonia, avec la Description et I'Anat. d'un genre nouvelle, Tritonia Hombergii ; ib. 480. Sur le genre Aplysia, Vulgairement nomme lievre marin ; sur son Anatoraie, et quelques unes de ses especes ; t. 2, p. 287. Sur I'Aniraal de I'Hyale, sur un nouveau genre de MoUusques nus, intermediaire entre I'hyale et le clio, &c.; t. 4. p. 223. Sur les Thalides (Thalia Brown.) et sur les Bi- phores (Salpa Forskaohl.) t. 4. p. 360. Sur le genre Doris ; ib. 447. Sur rOnchidie, genre de MoUusques nus voisin des limaces, et sur une espece nouvelle, onchidium Pe- ronii ■ t. 5, p. 37. Sur la Phyllidie, et le Pleurobranche, deux nou- veaux genres de mollusques de la Famille des gaste- ropodes, dont I'un est nu, et dont I'autre porte une coquille moile ; ibid. 5, 266. 78 OBJECTS AND HISTORY 0^ scription, he has perfected the anatomy of the mollusca, hitherto hardly begun, illusr Sur la Dolabelle, la Testacelle, et un nouveau genre de Moilusques a coquille cachee, norame Par- macelie; ibid. 435. Sur la Scjllee, I'Eolide, et le Glaucus, avec des Additions au Memoire sur la Tritonie, t. 6, p. 416. Sur le limace, et le coiimacon, t. 7. 140. Sur le limnee (helix stagnalis, Linn.) etle planorbe, (hel. cornea, Linn.) ibid. 185. Sur rianthine et la phasianelle de Mr. Lamarck; t. 11. p. 121. Sur la vivipare d'eau douce (cjclostoma viviparum Draparnaud ; Helix vivip. Linn.) ; sur quelques es- pece voisines, &c. ibid. 170. Sur le grand buccin de nos cotes, (buccinum unda- tum, Linn.) ainsi que sur les buccins, les murex, les strombus, et en general sur les gasteropodes pectines a svpbon; ibid. 447. Sur le genre Tethysj et son Anatoraie ; t. 12, ^57. Comparative anatomy. 79 trating them by a vast number of most beautiful and expressive figures engraved from his own drawings, and clearing away the confusion in which the species and genera had been hitherto involved. His examination of fossil bones presents a sin- gular combination of most extensiv^e, labo- rious, and minute investigation, with grand and astonishing results. Having collected a vast number of specimens, mostly muti- lated, he examined them carefully, com- pared them with each other, and drew Sur les Aceres, ou gasteropodes sans tentacules apparens; t. 16, p. 1. Sur les Ascidies, et sur leur Anatomie ; Memoires du Museum d'Hist. Nat. t. 2, p. 10. Sur les Animaux des anatifes et des balanes LaiUo (Lepas. Linn.), et sur leur Anatomie, ibid. p. 85. All these papers are illustrated with numerous most expressive and beautiful engravings from Cuvier's drawings. 80 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF them. He studied minutely the corres- px)nding bones of the analogous known species of animals. From these compari- sons he was enabled to decide that the fossil bones are for the most part different from those of any existing creatures, and consequently that they belonged to races of animals that have disappeared from our globe ; or at least of whose existence in the living state neither history nor tradi- tion afford any traces. " Engaged/' says he, " in antiquarian researches of a new kind, I have been obliged to learn the art of decyphering and restoring these monuments, of recognising and replacing in their primitive arrange- ment the scattered and mutilated fragments of which they consist ; of reconstructing those ancient beings, to which they be- longed; of exhibiting their proportions and characters ; and lastly, of comparing them COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 81 to those, which are found at this moment on the surface of the globe: an art ahnost unknown, and presupposing the existence of a science hitherto almost untouched, I mean the laws of co-existence, which re- gulate the forms of the various parts of organized beings. I could only prepare, myself for these researches by much longer researches on existing animals. It was necessary to review ahnost the whole of the present creation in order to give the force of demonstration to my conclusions respecting this extinct creation. This re- view produced numerous rules and rela- tions of a character not less demonstrative; and I thus discovered new laws applicable to the whole animal kingdom, on occasion of this inquiry into a small part of the theory of the earth.*" * Surles Ossemens Fossiles; Discours Preliaiinaire. G 82 OBJECTS AND HISTOllY OF He has succeeded in distinguishing the fossil remains of seventj-eight species of animals, many of them of the largest sizcc Forty-nine of these are certainly unknown to naturalists to the present time: eleven or twelve resemble known species so close- ly, that we cannot doubt their identity. The sixteen or eighteen that remain are still exposed to some doubt ; so that it is not yet determined whether or no they are the same with any present species. These researches, originally published in detached papers in the Annals of the Mu- seum of Natural History, have since been collected in 4 vols. 4to. which not only contain the grandest and most striking discovery yet made in Comparative Ana- tomy, or in Geology, but offer the most unexceptionable model for the manner in which the inquiry has been conducted, the cautious philosophic reasoning dis- played in every branch of it, and the COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 83 satisfactory clearness with which the con- clusions are estabUshed. Thus the same objects, which when viewed in an isolated manner, and super- ficially examined, had given rise to the behef in the former existence of giants and monsters, afforded in the hands of a phi- losopher who contemplated them with all the auxiliary lights of modern science, the means of dissipating many absurd fables, and of establishing a conclusion not only the most important hitherto made, con- cerning the construction of the globe which we inhabit, but equally valuable as an in- strument of criticism in estimating the hypo- theses of geology, and in weighing the pro- bability of the traditions that relate to the early history and past condition of our earth. " The latter subject, which is the ultimate term of all these researches, is one of the most curious that can engage our G 2 84 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF attention. If we feel an interest in follow- ing, through the infancy of our specieSj the almost eifaced traces of so many ex- tinct nations, we shall be at least equally gratified in exploring, amid the darkness that involves the early ages of the earth, the remains of revolutions anterior to the existence of all nations." * That geology should have derived its most important accession from compara- tive anatomy — that the history of the globe should have been elucidated by the ex- amination of some fragments of bones, is a striking illustration of the connexion be- tween the different sciences, and of the aid which they are capable of affording each other. It shews us that little can be ex- pected from the exclusive prosecution of * Ibid. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 85 one ; and that a man who wishes to succeed signally in any branch of knowledge, should have his mind fortified by the pos- session of many branches. In his capacity of professor of the ana- tomy of animals, Cuvier has for many years delivered lectures at the Jardin des Plantes, where the number of his audience (often exceeding a thousand) sufficiently proves the ability of the teacher, and the interest inspired by the subject. His lec- tures, collected by some of his young assistants, and revised by himself, consti- tute the most comprehensive and philoso- phic production that has yet appeared on comparative anatomy : I might say on zoology. But these five volumes are only an epitome or rather prospectus of a much more extensive labour on the same subject; in which the acknowledged genius and in- dustry, not less than the vast acquirements and the splendid performances of the au- 86 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OP thor, lead ns to expect, that the founda- tions of zoology will be so firmlj laid in the materials derived from comparative anatomy and physiology, that the edifice will be secure from time and accident, and perpetuate the fame of Cuvier as equal, if not superior to any zoologist that has hitherto appeared. I ought not to omit mentioning to you his Tableau Elementaire d^Histoire Natu- relle, as a very useful compendium of natural history. Having noticed the public establish- ments, in a neighbouring nation, devoted to the cultivation of natural history ; hav- ing observed the powerful impulse which they have given to that department of knowledge, and paid the just tribute of gratitude to the French zoologists ;— I re- turn to our own country, and am ashamed to find, that although her colonies and COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 87 commercial establishments are found in every region and every climate, while every sea is covered and every coast is visited by her ships, these great facilities have been as greatly neglected. We have no na- tional collection of living animals, no mu- seum of natural history, no public institu- tion for teaching natural science. " Pudet haec opprobria nobis, £t dici potuisse, et non potuisse refelli." That the monastic institutions of a bar- barous age should contain no provisions for teaching natural science, will not be a matter of wonder, because natural science did not then exist : these establishments were at least calculated for teaching ac- cording to the measure of knowledge at the period of their institution. But what excuse shall we find for the modern uni- Dersities as they are called, of a nation 8% OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF which fancies itself the most enUghtened in Europe? univej^sities, which totally neglect natural history and all its connected pur- suits, as if they were no part of universal knowledge. The necessary consequence is, that Zoolo- gical pursuits have languished in England during great part of the past century. Yet we can justly claim the merit of some im- portant discoveries. Mr. Hewson*, the surgeon, demonstrated the lymphatics in birds, fishes, and reptiles; thus completing the great physiological doctrine of the absorbing system, w hich had been already fully established in the human subject, by his illustrious master, William liunter, also a member of the corporation of Sur- * Philosophical Transactions, v. 58 and 59. Also, Experimental Inquiries on the Blood, p. 1 and 2. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 89 geons. Ellis proved that the Zoophytes, hitherto regarded as plants, belong to the animal king-dom ; and shewed the minute animals which form or inhabit these pro^ d actions*. The excellent work and the beautiful plates of Stubbs, on the Anatomy of the Horse, should not be omitted ; nor the en- gravings, which he was publibhing just before his death, containing a comparative view of the human structure with those of the cock and tiger. Although they belong more to natural history than to comparative anatomy, I * Natural History of Corallines, London, 1755, 4to. Natural History of many curious and uncommon Zoophytes, &c. arranged by Dr. Solander, 1786, 4to. See also, on the same subject, Fil. Cavolini, Memorie per servire alia Storia de' polipi marini, Nap. 1785, 4to. 90 OBJECTS AND HISTORY 0¥ am unwilling to omit mentioning the very ingenious and interesting researches of Mr. Bracy Clark^ on the Genus CEstrus, first pubhshed in the third volume of the Linnaean Transactions, p. 289 et seq. as " Observations on the Genus CEstrus ;'* and separately republished, with additions, in the present year, with the title, " On the Bots of Horses," in 4to. The very extraordinary history of a singular tribe of insects is satisfactorily made out from actual observation, in this Essay ; and the confusion, in which most of the species were involved is dispelled. Monro's Structure and Physiology of Fishes (fol. Edinb. 1785) deserves re- mark, as almost the only contribution to comparative anatomy from the north- ern part of this island. Although in re^ presenting scientific objects, the execu- tion of engravino-s is subordinate to their fidelity, there can be no sufficient reason COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. Ql for the sing-nlar coarseness of those which accompany this volume, forming a contras to the highly beautiful specimens exhibited in the works of Soemmerring and Scarpa, not very honourable to the arts of this country, Mr. Carlisle's papers, in the Philoso- phical Transactions*, display a degree of ingenuity and talent, which make us regret that his contributions have not been more numerous ; and that science has lost the benefit of those acquisitions, which must have resulted, had he employed his acute mind on some subjects of suitable import- ance in comparative anatomy or physio- logy- * On a peculiar distribution of the Arteries of the Extremities in Slow-moving Animals, 1 800. On the Stapes, 1805. On the Arrangement and Mechanical Action of the Muscles of Fishes, 1806. 92 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OP But Mr. Hunter is the glory of England in this century. In vigour and originality of genius, in comprehension and depth of thought, in unwearied industry, he has been surpassed by none. He was one of the men who give a character to the age in which they live — whose names are associat- ed to the great seras of science — and who do honour to the country which produces them. Occupied by a laborious profes- sion, and defraying from its hard earnings the expences of his multifarious inquiries, he accomplished what appears almost in- credible. What might he not have done, Lad his time been devoted exclusively to his favourite pursuits, and had they been aided by that pecuniary assistance and fostering support, which the rulers of man- kind so seldom and so unwillingly spare from their schemes of war and conquest. He surveyed anatomy and physiology with the eye of a philosopher ; proceeding COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 93 constantly, with the aid of dissection and experiment, to ascertain the structure of animals, and to determine the nature of their functions. There is scarcely a branch of physiology, which he has not illustrated by some original researches ; while he has examined each organ in every animal that he could procure*. His Mu- seum is arranged on this truly philosophic principle ; a plan followed by Aristotle, and to be completed, I hope, by Cuvier. His equal or even greater merits in the elucidation of disease do not belong to * The Hunterian collection contains abundant me- morials of these labours. Besides what has been given to the public in his posthumous work on the Blood, and in the collection of papers on the Animal Economy, there is an account of the electrical Organs of the Torpedo in the Philos. Trans, for 1773; of the Silurus Electricus in the Trans. 1775 ; and of the Anatomy of Whales in the same work, 1787. 94 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF the present subject ; and it is the less ne* cessarj to mention them, as they have been so recently enforced and illustrated in this theatre by a kindred genius. The bust of Hunter could not have been more appropriately placed, than in the collection, which is the pride and boast of this College, and universally allowed to be unrivalled for the number, beauty, and value of its specimens. The surrounding labour of his own hands forms the most suitable memorial of that great man ; were an inscription required to characterize him, I would borrow the short but expressive one from the tomb of a great artist, placed in one of his principal works ; " Si monumentum quasras, circumspice." Sir Everard Plume, to whom we are not less indebted for upholding the scientific COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 95 character of our profession, than for raising and maintaining its rank in society, and who first dehvered lectures on comparative anatomy in this Theatre, enjoyed the rare advantage of being initiated in anatomy and physiology under the guidance of Hunter. Though he has directed his pur- suits to various parts of comparative ana- tomy, the results of which are contained in numerous interesting papers * pubhshed in the Philosophical Transactions, his principal * Anatomy of the sea otter, Phil. Trans. 1796, p. 2. Anatomy of the ornithorhynchus paradoxus, and hystrix; ibid, 1800, p. 2; 1802, p. 1 and 2, On the mode of generation of the kanguroo ; ib:d, 1795, p. 2. On the expansion of the skin of the neck in the cobra de capello ; ibid, 1804, p. 2, On the progressive motion of snakes; ibid, 18i2, p. 1. Q6 objects and history of attention has been bestowed on the teeth,* Account of some peculiarities in the anatomical structure of the wombat; with observations on the female organs of generation ; 1808, p. 2. On the mode of breeding of the ovoviviparous shark, and on the aeration of the foetal blood in different classes of animals ; 1810, p. 2. On the fossil remains of an animal allied to fishes j i8i4> p. 2. . On the organs of respiration in some fishes and vermes ; 1815, p. 2. On the organs of generation of the lamprey and Diyxine; ibid. * Observations on the teeth of graminivorous qua- drupeds, particularly those of the elephant and su& aethiopicus. Philos. Trans. 1799, p. 2. Observations on the structure and mode of growth of the teeth of the wild boar and animal incognitum ; ibid, 1801, p. 2. See also on the same subject; COMPARATIVE AIS^ATOMY. 97 the stomach, * and the rest of the ahmentarj canal. The lectures, *i-- which Mr. Corse's observations on the different species of Asiatic elephants, and their mode of dentition; ibid, 1799, p. 2. Blake's Essay on the structure and forttiation of the teeth in man, and various animals; Dublin, 8yo. 1801. Tenon sur une methode particuliere d'etudier I'ana- tomie ; Mem. de I'lnstitut National, t. 1, an. 6. On the teeth of the horse. Cuvier in the Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles des Quadrupedes, t. 2, p. 67, et seq. for an admirable ac- count of the dentition of the elephant. It was first pub- lished in his Memoire sur les especes d'Elephans vi- vantes et fossiles, in the Memoires de I'lnstitut. an. 7. Broussonet memoire sur les dents de I'homme, et des autres animaux compares entr'eux; Mem, de I'Acad. des Sciences, 1787. * Different papers on this subject, which first ap- peared in the Philosophical Transactions, ares reprinted in the lectures mentioned below. + Lectures on Comparative Anatomy, in which are illustrated the preparations in the Hunterian collection; H QS OBJECTS AITD HISTORY OF he delivered in this chair, and has since pubhshed at the request of the curators of the Museum, are arranged on the best principles of philosophical zoology, and illustrated by an extremely valuable series of figures engraved from the expressive and beautiful drawings of Mr. Clift. To my immediate predecessor, this col- lege tmd the public are indebted for the zeal and industry with which he executed his task, and the great mass of original materials, with which he illustrated his lectures. I am grateful to him for the instruction I received ; although, if I yield- ed to selfish feelings, I might fear that the 2 V. 4to. London, 1814, with 132 plates. They contain the substance of many of the author's papers in the Philosophical Transactions, but also much new matter, .particularly on the intestinal canal. COMPAEATIVE ANATOMY. 99 riches then displayed will render my po- verty more conspicuous. I cannot conclude this review, without noticing the labours of my friend Dr. Macartney, lately chosen professor of ana- tomy in Trinity College, Dublin, by the fellows of that college: — an appointment equally honourable to the givers and the receiver, having been bestowed on him, a perfect stranger, solely on the ground of his distinguished talents and acquirements. He pursued comparative anatomy with great ardour, and lectured on it for many years, at St. Bartholomew's Hospital. He is the author of a very interesting paper in the Philosophical Transactions,* on luminous animals, and of the articles Clas- sification, Birds, Fishes, and Mam- * 1810, H 2 100 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF MA LI A, in Dr. Rees's Cyclopoedia; to which I can refer you for very excellent descriptions of the structure and functions of those classes. * In the preceding short sketch I have endeavoured to point out to you the best sources of information on comparative anatomy, and, at the same time, by shew- ing you that men of the most powerful minds and great acquirements have found . it an interesting as well as instructive field of inquiry, to excite you to follow their example. In enumerating their published * That this gentleman may not lose credit bj having the work of an inferior hand ascribed to him, I take the liberty of adding that the articles Insects, Rep- tiles, and Yermes, were furnished by myself at a very short notice, in consequence of Dr. Macartney, from whom they had been expected, being prevented from writing them by other occupations. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 101 works, I do not wish that you should confine yourself to their perusal ; — I rather exhort you to do as they have done, to study the book of nature, which you can- not resort to without receiving knowledge and gratification. At the same time, in a science which includes inquiries so various, and details so endless, you cannot know without reading what has been done al- ready, and what remains to be effected. You cannot examine all parts for your- selves ; and must therefore depend in many points on the reports of others. " The Man,'' says Dr. Johnson,* " whose genius qualifies him for great undertakings, must at least be content to learn from books the present state of human knowledge; that he may not ascribe to himself the invention of arts generally known ; weary his at- * Rambler. 102 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF tention with experiments, of which the event has been long registered ; and waste in attempts, which have already succeeded or miscarried, that time, which might have been spent with usefulness and honour upon new undertakings." The present age will undoubtedly be regarded as the most brilliant era in the history of comparative anatomy. The noble collection, both of living and dead animals at the Jardin des Plantes, the zeal and the scientific views of the able men to whom these treasures are entrusted, the valuable Museum that adorns this College, and the lectures which in all parts of Europe are now devoted to the extension and diifusion of comparative anatomy, convince us sufficiently that it has attained its proper rank in public estimation ; we may rest assured that the real value of the pursuit in reference to physiology, to the COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 103 illustration of human structure, and to the advancement of zoology, a science inferior to none for the instruction it affords and the interest it inspires, will henceforth secure to it its due degree of attention and cultivation. * * At no period has Comparative AnatoQij been so zealously pursued in Germany as in the end of the last^ and the beginningof the present century. Besides the respected names of Blumenbach, Soemmerring, Schnei- der, Kielraejer, Rudolphi (Bejtrage, Berlin, 1812), Albers (Beytrage zur Vergleichenden Anatomie; 4to. Bremen), Treviranus (Biologie, 3 t.) Reil, and Auten- rieth, the following are some of those, who either have been, or still continue engaged in cultivating it, and who have communicated to the public the results of their inquiries. Meckel (Beytrage zur vergleich. Anat. 2 t. Ab- handlungen aus der menschlichen und vergleich. Anat.) Wiedemann (Archiv fur Zoologie und Zootomie.) 104 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF In the lectures, which I shall have the honour of delivering to you, I shall attempt Metzger (Opusc. Anat. et Physiol. Goth. 1790.) Joseph! (Anatomie der Saiigethiere.) Froriep (Bibliothek der Vergleich. Anat.) Merrem (Vermischte Abhandlungen.) Fischer (Ueber die Schwimmblase der Fische : lib. die Verschiedne form der intermaxillar-knochens ; Anatomie der Maki : Naturhistorische Fragmente.) Oken und Kieser(Bejtragezur Zoologie, Vergleich. Anat. und Physiologie ; 1806 et seq.) Posselt (Beytrage zur Anatomie der Insecten.) Spix (Cephalogenesis, fol. I'Anatomie de Tactinia coriacea, et de I'asterie rouge in Annales du Mus. Nat. d'Hist. Nat. t. 13.) Ebel (Obs. Neurolog. ex Anatome Comparata.) J. et C. Wenzel (de Structura cerebri humani et brutorura, fol. Tubingen, 1812. flosenthal (de Organo Olfactus quorundum Ani- malium : Ichthyotomische tafeln, Berlin, 4to. 1812. COMPARATIVE AN^ATOMY. 104 to exhibit a general view of the structure and functions of animals, describing each Kieser (de Anamorphosi Oculi; Goett. 1814, 4to.) Succow (Specimen Mjologias insectorum ; Heidelb. 4to. 1813.) Nitsch (Osteographische Bejtrage zur Naturges- chichte der Vogel ; Lips. 181 1, 8vo.) Lorenz (de pelvi Reptilium ; Hal. 1807, 8vo.) Tiedemann (Anatomic des Fischherzens, Landshut, 1809, 4to.) Tilesius (de respiratione sepiae Officinalis ; iiber die sogenannte Seemaiise, oder hornartige Fischeyer.) Sorg (disquisitio phjsiologica circa Respirationem insectorum et vermium Rudolstadt, 1805, 8vo.) Hausmann (Commentatio de Animalium exsan- guium respiratione. Hanov. 1803, 4to.) Neergaard (Vergleichende Anatomie der Verdau- ungswerkzeuge.) Ramdohr (Verdauungswerkzeuge der Insecten, Hal. 1811.) 106 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF part, so far at least as my own information;, and the means of illustration afforded by Stosch (de oraentis Mammalium, partibusque illis similibus. Berol. 1807, 8vo.) Jorg (Uber das Gebarorgan des Menschen, und der Saiigethiere, in Schwangern und nichtschwangern Zustande ; Leipz. 1808, fol.) Tannenberg (Mannliche Zeugungstheile der Vogel. Gott. 1789, 4to.) Tredern (ovi avium et Incubationis Historiae pro- dromus ; Jena, 1808, 4to.) Spangenberg (disquisitio circa partes genitales fae- mineas avium, Goett. 1813, 4to.) Cavolini(von der Erzeugung der Fische und Krebse. mit Zusatzen von Zimmermann. Berlin, 1792, 8vo.) Bonn (Anatome Castoris Lugd. Bat. 1806.) Breyer (Obs. Anat. circa fabricam ranae Pipas, Berol, 1812, 4to.) See also the collections published by the Natural History Society of Berlin (Gesellschaft der Naturfor- COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 107 the Museum extend, in all classes of the animal kingdom. The plan of the course schender Freunde), by the Academy of Munich (Denk- schriften der Konigl. Academie der Wissenschaften) ; Voigts Magazin fur das neueste aus der Physik, &c. &c. In Italy we may recite the names of Comparetti, Poll, Malacarne (Encefalotomia di alcuni Quadrupedi, 1793.) ' Mangili (de Systemate nerveo hirudinis, lumbrici terrestris, aliorumque Vermium, 1795; Sopra alcune Specie di Conchiglie bivalvi, 1804.) Penada (Osservazioni e Memorie Anatomiche; Sagg. 2. Padua, 1800, 4to.) Moreschi (della Milza in tutti gli Animali Yerte- brali ; Milan, 1803.) Brugnone, Girardi, Rossi, &c. &c. whose contri- butions will be found in the Coramentarii Instituti Bononiensis ; in the Atti di Siena; the Memorie della Societa Italiana j the Memoires de I'Acad. de Turin, &c. &c. lOS OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF therefore will be physiological; the order depending on the arrangement, which may be adopted, of the organs or functions. In natural history, where the object is to bring us acquainted with each animal, with its external form, its habits and structure, the species are described separately : this plan however is altogether unsuited to our pre- sent purpose, as it would be attended with endless repetitions, and would exhibit the facts in so detached and insulated a form, that very little use could be made of them for the purpose of general physiology. What a confused medley of uninteresting particulars would be found in lectures, in which the animals should be taken in suc- cession, and all the parts of each be de- scribed one after the other. The analogies, the comparisons, the gradual deviations connected with changes of habit and cir- cumstances, every thing in short, that in- fuses life and interest into the subject, COMPARATIVE AITATOMY. 109 would be lost. The physiological plan has the further advantage of being that on which the Hunterian collection is arranged, and which has been followed in the works of Blumenbach and Cuvier. I sa}'^ that I shall attempt to follow each organ through the whole series of living beings. That our knowledge of general anatomy, even with all the accessions it has derived from the labours of the zoolo- gists already alluded to in this lecture, is far from sufficient to allow such a plan to be perfectly executed, in any organ, you must be well aware. Consider the multi- tude of animals, and the labour necessary to know any one perfectly, and you will be at no loss to account for the numerous deficiences in any series of structures, that can be submitted to your view. Haller, a most competent judge of such a subject, declares that twenty years are not sufficient 110 OBJECTS AIS^D HISTORY OF for acquiring a perfect knowledge of human anatomy. Now the species of animals, hitherto ascertained, in all the classes taken -together, amount to many thousands. Before however we begin to describe the structure of animals, their arrangement must be understood. Comparative ana- tomy and natural history cannot be se- parated without great mutual injury. It will be necessary for me to explain to you the principles on which the distribution of the animal kingdom has been regulated, and to detail to you the divisions now generally adopted. The lectures would be unintelligible without this ; as the names of classes, orders, and genera will be per- petually occurring. The use of these terms is a most convenient method of abridging our descriptions : the name of a class, order, or genus, saves us the trouble of enumerating specifically all the animals COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. Ill which it comprehends. The anatomical and physiological description will of course be preceded by a view of the classific ar- rangements of the animal kingdom : I think it will also be found advantageous, before entering on the latter subject, to give you a general notion of the structure and functions of animals, that you may form some idea of the diversities, which the organs exhibit in the various classes. I shall begin then by a sketch of the functions exercised by living bodies, and of the principal differences presented by their organs : this will be followed by a review of the animal kingdom according to the divisions generally adopted by na- turalists ; and I shall proceed, in the last place, to consider the particular organs and functions, tracing each through all the classes. 112 OBJECTS AND HISTORY OF I have endeavoured to shew you that the subject of these Lectures, as laying the ground-work of general physiology, is es- sentially interwoven with the very funda- mental studies of our profession ; and con- sequently that it has the strongest claim on the attention of every liberal man, who makes the healing art an object of scientific investigation. The contemplation of na- ture, however, is not recommended to you solely by its reference to intellectual ob- jects ; it exerts a beneficial and important influence on the moral dispositions. The tranquil occupation, which it supplies to the mind, is a salutary contrast to the restless agitation of aA'^arice and ambition. Its innocent pleasures are well calculated to detach us from the frivolous and de- structive pursuits of dissipation or de- bauchery, and to lead us to estimate at their true value the ordinary objects of COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. 113 human exertion; on which we may then look down with the calm indifference so well pourtrajed by the philosophic poet : Sed nil dulcius est, bene quam munita tenere Edita doctrina sapientura templa serena ; Despicere unde queas alios, passimque videre Errare, atque viam palantes quaerere vitae ; Certare ingenio, contendere nobilitate : Noctes atque dies niti praBstante labore Ad sumiuas eraergere opes, rerumque potiri. O miseras hominum mentes, O pectora csca I ;: K.\ LECTURE II. ON LIFE* A HE structure and functions of animals — -their organization and life — are the sub- jects of two sciences; anatomy and phy^ siology. Although the functions are the offspring of the structure— or the life is the result of the organization — and the two are consequently connected, as cause and effect, they might undoubtedly be treated distinctly. It would be quite possible to describe an animal body, to enumerate all its organs, to detail the size, figure, con- nexions, and various sensible properties I 2 116 O:^ LIFE- of each, without saying one word of the living powers with which thev are en- dowed, the uses to which they are sub- servient, or the sympathies and mutual influences by which they are bound to- gether for the great purposes of their creation. We might certainly describe the heart, measure the size of its cavities, and detail their various openings and conTmu- nications, without once speaking of the blood, or its course, — without mentioning the contracting power of the organ, or the order and succession of its movements. But who would undertake the wearisome task of such a dry and uninteresting de- tail? or what patience could sustain the attention of the hearer ? What would you think of the person who should describe to you a watch or a steam engine in this way? who should exhibit to you all the parts, and shew their position, without any explanation of their uses, without any re- ON LIFE. 117 ference to that nice adjustment, and mu- tual action, which render the one subser- vient to the important purpose of marking the division of time, and enable us, by the other, to execute the most stupendous monuments of human labour, or to pro- duce the most striking results of human ingenuity? As I cannot for my own part discern what purpose of utility, much less what end of interest or amusement, could be answered by such a merely anatomical detail, and as the separation of the science of organization from that of life seems to me most violent and unnatural, I shall not disjoin anatomy and physiology. Our object being to take a survey of Structm^e, and of the functions which it executes, through the whole animal king- dom, I shall inquire first, what we are to understand by an animal, and what idea we are to attach to life. 118 ox LIFE. On this and all other occasions I shall endeavour to convey to you clear notions of the subjects which I propose for your attention ; I will therefore carefully ex-, plain to you the sense of the terms em^ ployed, and avoid all those which have an equivocal meaning, I exhort you to be particularly on your guard against loose and indefinite ex^ pressions : they are the bane of all science; and have been remarkably injurious in the different departments of our own. Equal caution is necessary in verifying facts ; the authenticity of which should always undergo a close examination. They are the foundation of our physiological reasonings ; if they are insecure, the whole structure erected on them is at every mo-* ment hable to fall. So long as we attend . to these two points, the scrutiny of facts ON LIFE. 119 and the definition of terms, our progress, though slow, will be sure. On subjects not sufficiently examined, it is better to con- fess our ignorance, than to attempt to hide it by arbitrary assumption and vague lan- guage. We thus mark out objects for further investigation. Most of the phy- sical sciences afford us excellent models for the method of pi-oceeding. Unfortu- nately the various branches of medical science abound with examples of all abuses; of facts loosely admitted, of words vaguely employed, of reasonings most incorrect iind inconclusive. I shall not be anxious to attract your attention by novelty, nor by multitude of details ; but shall rather attempt to exhibit the various parts of the subject in their natural connexion and order ; to lead you to a correct mode of reasoning; and ta 120 ON LIFE. the best method of investigating and cul- tivating the science. Organization means the pecuhar com- position, which distinguishes hving bodies ; in this point of view thej are contrasted with inorganic, inert, or dead bodies, vital properties, such as sensibility and irritabihty, are the means, by which orga- nization is capable of executing its pur- poses ; the vital properties of living bodies correspond to the physical properties of inorganic bodies ; such as cohesion, elas- ticity, &c. Functions are the purposes, which any organ or system of organs ex- ecutes in the animal frame; there is of course nothing corresponding to them in inorganic matter. Life is the assemblage of all the functions, and the general result of their exercise. Thus organization, vital properties, functions, and life are expres- ON LIFE. 121 sions related to each other ; in which or- ganization is the instrument, vital proper- ties the acting power, function the mode of action, and life the result. The matter that surrounds ns is divided into two great classes, living and dead; the latter is governed by physical laws, such as attraction, gravitation, chemical affinity ; and it exhibits physical proper- ties, such as cohesion, elasticity, divisibihty, &c. Living matter also exhibits these properties, and is subject in great measure to physical laws. But living bodies are endowed moreover with a set of properties altogether different from these, and con- trasting with them very remarkably. These are the vital properties or forces, which animate living matter, so long as it con- tinues alive, are the source of the various phenomena, which constitute the functions 122t ON^ LIFE. of the living animal body, and distinguish its historj from that of dead matter. It is justly observed by Cuvier that the idea of life is one of those general and obscuro notions produced in us by ob- serving a certain series of phenomena, possessing mutual relations, and succeeding each other in a constant order. We know not the nature of the link, that unites these phenomena, though we are sensible that a connexion must exist ; and this conviction is sufficient to induce us to give it a name,, which the vulgar regard as the sign of a particular principle, though in fact that name can only indicate the assemblage of the phenomena, which have occasioned its formation. Thus, as the bodies of animals appear to resist, during a certain time, the laws which govern inanimate bodies, and even to act on ail around them in a man^ ON LIFE/ 123 iier entirely contrary to those laws, we employ the term life to designate what is at least an apparent exception to general laws. It is by determining exactlj^, in what the exceptions consist, that we shall fix the meaning of the term. For this pur- pose it is necessary to consider living bodies in their various relations with the rest of nature ; and to contrast them care- fully with inert substances; as it is only from the result of such a comparison that we can expect to derive a clear notion of life. In reviewing the characters of organized bodies, this very name will lead us to con- sider, in the first place, the nature of their composition, and the points in which it differs from that of inorganic substances. Organization then, by the meaning of the term, denotes the possession of organs, or instruments for accomphshing certain 124 ON LIFE. purposes. The character of an inorganic substance is to be found in the properties of its integral particles ; the mass, which they may compose, whether solid, fluid, or gaseous, is unlimited; but its extent, whether great or small, neither adds nor takes away any thing that can change the nature of the body; that nature residing completely in each of the particles of which the whole is an aggregate. Thus a single grain of marble has the same cha^ racters as an entire mountain. A living body, on the contrary, derives its character from the whole mass, from the assemblage of all the parts. This character, which is more simple or complicated according to the place which the body occupies in the scale of being, is altogether different from that of its component particles. Even in so simple a creature as the polype, the individuality of the whole animal is quite different from that of its component atoms; ON LIFE. 125 but this difference is much more striking when we ascend in the scale, as for in- stance in a quadruped. Inorganic bodies are for the most part homogeneous in their composition ; but they may be heterogeneous. This depends on the accidental circumstances, under which the aggregation has taken place. All living bodies, however simple in their organization, are necessarily heterogeneous, or composed of dissimilar particles. An inert substance may present a per- fectly solid, fluid, or gaseous mass ; but all bodies possessing life exhibit in their struc- ture both solid and fluid parts. We find in no inert body that fibrous and cellular texture, nor that multiplicity of volatile elements which form the characters of or- ganized bodies, whether in those that ar® alive, or in those that have lived. 1^6 ON LIFE. The nmsses of dead matter have no form peculiar to the species; even where they are crystalhzed, the form of the mass is not constantly the same. Living bodies however have always a form characterizing the species to which they belong, and not capable of change without producing a new race. The component atoms of an inert body are all independent of each other : whether the mass they form be a solid, liquid or gas, each particle exists by itself, and de- rives its character from the number, pro- perties, and state of combination of its principles, borrowing or deriving nothing from the similar or dissimilar atoms which are near it. On the contrary, the particles which make up a living body are depend- ent on each other ; they are ail subject to the influence of a cause which animates them. This cause makes them all concur ON LIPE. 127 ill the production of a common purpose, either in each organ, or in the individual : and its variations produce corresponding changes in the state of the particles or organs. • - • • Hitherto I have considered organized bodies in respect to their composition, to what we may call their passive condition, or state of rest. But it is from a different order of phenomena that the most impres- sive notions of life will be derived. We must view them in activity ; we must ob- serve them, surrounded by chemical agents, yet preserved from chemical action; main- taining a composition apparently constant and identical, yet keeping up an incessant motion and change of their particles, in which the old materials are discharged and new ones converted into their own sub- stance; producing new bodies, the scat, of similar active powers with themselves, y^et 128 OHJ LIFE. terminating their own existence by the very action of the principle that has so long preserved them. You well know what happens to the body after death : its heat is lost, and it; soon reaches the temperature of the sur- rounding medium : the eyes become dim, the lips and cheeks livid ; the hue of the skin is altered : the fluids contained in the vessels, or cavities, and the substances lodged in the viscera of the body, penetrate their receptacles, and tinge all the sur- rounding parts. The flesh soon turns green or livid, diffuses ammoniacal effluvia or noxious exhalations in the atmosphere, or melts away into an offensive ichor. Such are the effects produced by the chemical action of the solids and fluids of the body on each other, and by the affinities of the surrounding agents air, moisture and heat to both. Yet the animal solids and fluids. ON LIFEi 129 iand the visceral contents were in mutual contact during life; and the body was surrounded by the same external agents. But the vital forces were superior to these chemical affinities, and superseded their action : the destructive power of these agents was suspended by the preservative power of life. So striking an operation could not fail to attract observation ; and life has been even defined by Stahl and his followers, from this exemplification of its effects, that which prevents decomposition, putredini contrarium; now, although this is too limited a view of the subject, inas- much as the phenomenon in question is only one out of several included under our notion of vitality, yet it belongs to the very essence of it, as we could not con- ceive life to last a moment if this power were withdrawn. The regulation of animal temperature is K 130 ON LIFE. a remarkable illustration of the operation of vital powers : it attracted the notice of Mr. Hunter, and was made by him the subject of numerous and highly interesting experiments*. You know how soon heat becomes equally diffused through all sur- rounding inert bodies, the temperature of any one, that is either higher or lower than those around it, being speedily reduced or exalted to a level with them. Animals however maintain a certain standard tem- perature under all circumstances. The human body has one and the same heat in the intense colds f* of Siberia, Spitzbergen, * Observations on the Animal Economy. f Captain Cartwright experienced a cold of —25' on the coast of Labrador, (Journal of a Residence,. Sic.) ; and Latrobe — SO" on the same coast, (Philoso- phical Transactions, 1783.) The cold at Petersburg and Moscow, has been from — 30° to — 39°, (Com- ON LIFE. 131 and Greenland, where mercury freezes in the open air ; and in the parched atmos- ment. Acad. Petrop.) Mr. Patrin suffered — 35° in Siberia, and quicksilver froze, (Journal de Physique, ITDl, p. 88.) Mercury has frozen at Prince of Wales's Fort, Hudson's Bay, and Albany Fort, (Philos. 'Trans. 1783 1 Experiments for ascertaining the point of Mer- curial Congelation, by T. Hutchins; and History of Mercurial Congelation, by Dr. Blagden.) But the greatest natufal cold which has been ascer- tained by thermometrical measurement, was that ex- perienced by the elder Gmelin, in January 1735, at Jeniseik, in 58° north latitude. The mercury fell to — 126", (Flora Sibirica; pref.) The sparrows and jays were killed. When Pallas was at Krasnaiarsk, in Siberia, situated in 56" north lat. the thermometer fell on the 7th of December, 1772, to - 80° : as the scale did not reach lower, the quicksilver receded into the bulb and froze. A large ihass of pure quicksilver exposed in the open air was rendered completely solid, (Reisen durch Russland, 3'' th. p. 118). Our coun- trymen experienced a degree of cold apparently as severe, although it was not measured, ou the Churchill 132 ON LIFE. phere of equinoctial Africa or America, where the thermometer has exceeded River, in Hudson's Bay, (Philos. Trans. No. 465, p. 157.) Brandy was frozen in the rooms where they had fires. Although it is doubtful whether we can rely im- plicitly on the above statements, respecting the exact degree of cold, because mercury about the time of freezing, undergoes a remarkable reduction of bulk, so as to make it sink through a space equivalent to some hundreds of degrees, (Cavendish's Observations on Mr, Hutchins's Experiments, Philos. Trans. 1783, and Blagden's History of Mercurial Congelation, ibid.) Yet the other effects of such a reduced temperature die sufficient to illustrate the point in question. The Canadian savages and the Eskimos go to the ehase in such temperatures; and the inhabitants of the coun- tries visited by Gmelin and Pallas cannot remain con- stantly in their houses during the winters. Even Europeans, accustomed to warmer climates, can un- dergo the cold already mentioned, and escape unhurt, if they take exercise enough. The Danish settlement ofNoogsack, in Greenland, is in 7£° north lat. and some Dutchmen wintered, in 1597, under Heemskerk, ON LIFE. 133 1^0°*; in the heated rooms of experi- menters, where it has stood at 260°; and in 76° north lat. on Spitzbergen. Some of them perished, but those who moved enough, and were in sound health at first, withstood the dreadful cold, which the polar bear, (ursus maritimus) apparently born for these climes, seems to have been incapable of supporting. For the journal expressly states, that as soon as the sun sinks below the horizon, the cold be- comes so intense, that the bears are no longer seen, and the white fox (canis lagopus) alone braves the weather. (Voyages de la Corapagniedes Indes; pt. 1.) Three Russians lived for six or seven years in 78° north lat. (Dr. Aikin's account of attempts to winter in high northern latitudes, in the Manchester Society's Me- moirs, vol. i.) Cranz too particularly observes, that the Greenlander will expose himself to the piercing cold of his climate with uncovered head and neck, and, very slender clothing, * The power of the human body to withstand ex- treme cold will appear in a more remarkable light, when we observe in a contrasted view what heat it is 134 ON LIFE. in the stoves used for drying grain, where it has been as high as 290°, and where a capable of bearing'. Boerhaave thought that a heat of from 96° to 100° would be fatal to the human species. Now much greater degrees of natural heat have been observed. Even in Sicily, when the Sirocco blows, the thermometer rises to 1I^°, according to Brjdone, (Vojage to Sicily and Malta.) Dr. Chalmers observed a heat of 1 15° in the shade in Carolina, (on the Weather and Diseases of South Carolina.) Humboldt expe- rienced a heat from 110° to 115° in the Llanos or deserts near the Orinoco, in South America, (Tableau Physique des Kegions Equatoriales.) Adanson saw the thermometer in the shade at 108|° at Senegal, in 17° north lat. Probably the country to the west of the great desert is still hotter, from the effect of the winds which have blown over the whole tract of its burninjr sands. Bruce observed it at 114° in Sennaar, and 119° at Chendi; Browne at 116°, (Travels in Syria and Egypt.) In the cabin of a vessel off the coast of Africa, Adanson saw it at 133% which is the greatest heat observed in the shade, (Histoire Naturelle du Senegal, p. 81.) ON LIIE. 135 heat of 270* was borne for a quarter of an hour*. * These curious facts were ascertained by accident, Messrs. Duhamel and Tillet being employed in 1760 and 1761, in researches concerning the destruction of grain by an insect, exposed it to the heat of an oven in order to destroy the animal. Being desirous of ascertaining the exact temperature, they introduced a thermometer, but found it lowered when withdrawn, before they could note the precise degree. A girl employed in attending the oven, observing the diffi- culty, offered to go in with the instrument and mark the point, to which the spirit should rise, with a pencil. At the end of a few minutes she did this, and it was found to be 100° Reaum. =; 225° Fah. She staid ten minutes longer, when it had reached 130° R. = 292|° r« On coming out her countenance was red, but respiration was not hurried or laborious, and she did not appear on the whole more incommoded than per- sons are by the greatest summer heat. These facts appeared so surprising, and so much at variance with the notions entertained by philosophers 136 ON LIFE, In continuing our investigation we soon find that the force, which binds together on this subject, that the experiments were carefully repeated ; when it was satisfactorily ascertained, that the girls accustomed to the service of the ovens, can bear a heat of 115° R. = 258f F. or 120° R. = 270° F, for fourteen or fifteen minutes ; tliat they can stay ten minutes at the height of 130° R, = 292f F. and that when it reaches 14P R. r= 315 F, th^y cannot support it more than five minuteso It is to be regretted that a quicksilver thermometer was iiot employed in these experiments, as it seems that alcohol expands irregularly in the higher tempera- tures, so that perhaps the above numbers require some diminution. It may be observed, however, that meat and fruit were baking by the side of the girls whp un^? derwent these experiments, Tillet, Memoire sur les Degres Extraprdinaires d? Chaleur auxquels les hommes et les Animaux sont capables de resister ; Acad. Royale des Sciencesj 1764, ON LIFE. 137 the particles of a living body, does not eonfine its operation to this passive result. See also Dubamel de Monceau Suppl(5ment au traite de la Conservation des Grains. On the same subject some very accurate and inte- resting experiments were made in England, in which it was found that persons could stay for some minutes in a room heated to 260° Fah. ; in which the breath of the experimenter impelled on the bulb of the thermometer reduced it rapidly^ and the heat of the internal parts as shewn by the thermometer under the tongue, and by the urine, did not exceed the natural standard of 9S° or 100% Experiments and Observations in a heated room, hj C. Blagdeii, M. D. Phiios. Transact. 1775, pt. 1, art. 12, And further Experiments, &c. ibid. pt. ii. art. 47. Experiments in a heated room, by M. Dobson, M.D, jbid, art. 45, 13S Oir LIFE. We see at least that living bodies can act on other matter ; that they can convert it into their own substance, and thus augment the number of their component particles. We find this operation as constant as the exertion of that force, by which they resist decomposition. For the absorption of alimentary matter, its conversion into nu- tritive fluid, and the subsequent transmis- sion of that fluid to all parts of the body, experience no interruption : and, in plants at least, there seems to be a constant ab- sorption from the external surface. Since however living bodies cannot in- crease indefinitely, but are confined in each case within certain limits, they must lose on one side what they gain on the other. Accordingly we find, besides the immense loss by transpiration, that there are con- stant movements of the internal parts, changes in their condition, and losses of ON LIFE, 139 substance connected with these alterations; thus we arrive at a very different view from that which we took at first ; instead of a constant union among the component par- ticles, we see a continued change, so that the body cannot be called the same in any two successive instants. We see a kind of circulation established, in which the old and useless elements are thrown out, and their place is supplied by new materials. The latter are deposited in the interstices of the particles already existing ; or, tech« Bically speaking, they grow by introSus- ception. In all these points there is a strong con- trast in inorganic bodies ; they are exposed to the action of all surrounding media : in- stead of exhibiting a constant motion, they can only remain unchanged in a state of rest ] for, when any motion of the par- ticles is excited, the body loses its form 140 ON LIFE. and consistence, if the agent be mecha- nical, its very nature, if it be chemical : their increase in volume is unlimited, and dependent on accidental circumstances ; it is effected by juxtaposition, that is, by the addition of new particles on the outside of the old ones. Having thus proceeded, as far as we can, in ascertaining the nature of life by the observation of its effects, we are natu- rally anxious to investigate its origin, to see how it is produced, and to inquire how it is communicated to the beings in which we find it. We endeavour therefore to observe living bodies in the moment of their formation, to watch the time, when matter may be supposed to receive the stamp of life, and the inert mass to be quickened. Hitherto, however, physiolor gists have not been able to catch nature in the fact. Living bodies have never been ON LIFE. 141 observed otherwise than completely form- ed, enjoying already that vital force and producing those internal movements, the first cause of which we are desirous of knowing. However minute and feeble the parts of an embryo may be, when we are first capable of perceiving them, they then enjoy a real life, and possess the germ of all the phenomena, which that life may afterwards develop. These observations, extended to all the classes of living crea- tures, lead to this general fact, that there are none, which have not heretofore formed part of others similar to themselves, from which they have been detached. All have participated in the existence of other living beings, before they exercised the functions of life themselves. Thus we find that the motion proper to hving bodies, or in one word, Life, has its origin in that of their parents. From these parents they have received the vital impulse ; and hence it is 14£ ON LIFE. evident, that in the present state of things^ life proceeds only from life ; and there exists no other but that, which has been transmitted from one living body to an- other, by an uninterrupted succession* Inoro;anic bodies and their masses o-row up from the accidental union of particles^ or combination of elements ; that is, they are formed in obedience to chemical and physical laws, of which we do not notice the action. Foiled in our attempts to ascend to the origin of organized beings, we seek to in- form ourselves concerning the real nature of the powers, which animate them, by examining their composition, by investi- gating their texture, and the union of their elements. In them only can the vital im- pulse have its source and foundation. Iri this branch of the inquiry nothing has been ON LIFE. 143 neglected ; all the animal organs have been most closely scrutinized, examined in their mass and in detail, and analized into their constituent textures ; each of which has been exposed to every variety of anato- mical, chemical, and microscopic research. The animal fluids have been subjected, in like manner, to all the inquiries that the advanced state of modern chemical science could suggest, or its zealous cultivators execute. The result of all these inquiries, I have no hesitation in affirming, to be, that no connexion has been established, in any one case, between the organic texture and its vital power ; that there is nothing, either in the nature of the tissue, or in the combination of the elements, of any animal structure, that could enable us to deter- mine beforehand what kind of living phe- nomena it will exhibit : and consequently that this, like all other branches of human knowledge, consists simply in an observa- 144 - ON LIFEli tion of the succession of events. Would the mere examination of muscular fibresj without any observation of their living action, have ever enabled you to determine that they possess the power of contraction? Would a comparison of the fibres of the deltoid, the heart and the diaphragm have shewn you that the former will contract in obedience to the will : that the second are uninfluenced by the will, and that the third act both spontaneously and volun- tarily ? Would any length of contempla- tion have led you to discover, that medul- lary substance is capable of sensation and of thought? Could you have known from the structure of the stomach that it digests, or from that of the liver that it secretes ? These, and all the other particulars we know about the nature of living properties and functions, are simply the result of ob- servation : consequently our labours on ON LIFE, 145 the organic economy must be confined to its history. Lastly, the destruction of living beings is effected in a peculiar and characteristic manner. The very nature of life is to pro- duce, after a time, which varies in the different species, a state of the organs in- compatible with the continuance of their functions ; this mode of termination, by death, is therefore one of the laws, to which organized beings are subject. To these considerations I might add others, tending to establish still further the difference between physical and vital laws, and consequently between physical and vital phenomena : but it is sufficient to have proved, as I shall now recapitulate, that inert solids are composed only of si- milar particles, which attract each other, and never move except to separate : that L 146 ON LIFE. they are resolvable into a very small num- ber of elementary substances: that they are formed by chance, as we term it, or by the combination of those substances, and the juxta-position of new particles : that they grow only by the juxta-position of nevv particles, the strata of which envelope the preceding mass : and that they are destroyed, only by some mechanical agent separating their particles, or some chemi- cal agent, altering their combinations. While, on the contrary, organized bodies, made up of fibres and laminse, having their interstices filled with fluids, and resolvable almost entirely into volatile products, are produced by a determinate function,^ that of generation ; growing on bodies similar to themselves, from which they do not se- parate, until they are sufficiently developed to act by their own powers : that they ex- hibit a constant internal movement of com- position and decomposition, assimilating to ON^ LIFE. 147 their own substance foreign matters, which they deposit between their own particles : that they grow by an internal power, and finally perish by that internal principle, or by the effect of life itself, exhibiting, in their natural destruction or death, a phe- nomenon as constant, as that of their first production. We may establish then, as the general and common characteristics of all organ- ized bodies, that they are produced by GENERATION, that they grow by nutri- tion, and that they end by death. Such are the particular notions included under the term life, when we employ that word in its widest acceptation. This description applies to vegetables, as well as animals. But if there are many living beings that exhibit only the degree of life just described, there are many others, i?i L 2 148 ON I^IFE. \vhom the process is much more compli- cated; in whom there are numerous organs, executing appropriate functions. Our idea of life must therefore be modified accord- ing to what we have learned by observation in each instance. Thus the life of a quad- ruped will be very different from that of an insect or worm. In the study of the physical sciences, we observe the succession of events, ascer- tain their series and order, and refer the phenomena ultimately to those general properties or principles, of which the name does not indicate any independent exist- ence, but is to be regarded merely as the generalized expression of the facts. Thus the chemist traces all the mutual actions between the component particles of bodies to their elective attractions or chemical affinities ; the natural philosopher sees ON LIFE. 149 every where the exertion of gravity, elasti- city, &c. These words denote w^hat we call the properties of matter, and what are said to be the causes of the phenomena in question. ■ Experience does not shew us in what the essential action of any of these causes whatever consists, nor how any of the effects are produced : for example (to take a most common occurrence) we know not how motion is produced in a body by impulse. Experience can only exhibit the order and rule of succession of the pheno- mena, which indicate the action of the cause. When one event is observed con- stantly to precede another, the first of these is called cause, and the latter effect ; and we believe that the preceding event has a power of producing that which suc- ceeds ; although, in reality, we know only the fact of succession. Hence, in natural philosophy, we only know the general 150 ON LIFE. causes bj those laivs which experience has established in the succession of the pheno- iriena. These general causes, which have been called experimental, inasmuch as thej are only known through the medium of experience, have been termed indifferently principles, powers, forces, faculties. Jn our examination of the phenomena exhibited by living beings, we follow a method analogous to that pursued in the physical sciences. We trace the succes- sion of events as far as observation and experiment will enable us to pursue them, and we refer them ultimately to a peculiar order of properties or forces, called vital, as their cause s. These vital properties are the causes of vital functions in the same way as chemical affinity is the cause of the ecVnibinations and decompositions exer- cised among the component particles of ON LIFE. 151 bodies, or as attraction is the cause of the motions that occur among the great masses of matter. Whatever we see in astronomy, hydrau- lics, mechanics, &c. must be ultimately re- ferred, through the concatenation of causes, to gravity, elasticity, &c. In the same way the vital properties are the main spring at which we arrive, whatever phe- nomena we may be contemplating in re- spiration, digestion, secretion, aad inflam- mation. Among the most remarkable of these vital properties are sensibihty and irrita- bility— the power of perceiving or feeling, and that of contracting. To such proper- ties we refer, in our ultimate analysis of the functions, as the mechanician does to elasticity, when he is explaining the mo- 152 ON LIFE. tions of a watch, or the astronomer to gravitation, in accounting for the course of the heavenly bodies. But are these the only vital properties ? will they account for all the phenomena exhibited by organized beings? Probably not, probably the analysis is not yet com- plete, or at least the powers, which obser- vation has led us to discover, are not yet sufficiently distinguished. Sensibiht}'' im- plies consciousness; it is equivalent to the power of feeling; there is not only the capability of receiving an impression, but the additional power of referring that im- pression to a common centre; and this sense of the word is so strongly fixed by universal consent and long use, that its application to the vital acts, which are not attended with consciousness, strikes u^ at once not only as improper, but as contra- ON LIFE. 153 dictory. We cannot however avoid recog- nising that an impression is made, in va- rious cases, on the animal organs, when no perception takes places. The blood excites the heart to contract — it excites the capil- laries of the glands to those motions, which produce secretion, and the capillaries of the various organs to those operations, which constitute nutrition, yet we have no word in physiology to denote the impres- sions made in these cases, unless we em- ploy, with a late acute and most promising -physiologist, whose premature death I cannot but regard as a very great loss to our science, sensibility ; to which I have already stated my objections. Irritability again, more particularly as it has been consecrated by long custom to that species of motion, which is exhibited by the mus- cular fibres, is not well calculated to denote the invisible operations of capillary circu- 154 ON LIFE. iation, secretion, &c. which are known only by their effects. If we cast a comparative glance along the series of Hving beings, we shall observe the vital properties, either the fewest, or the least active at the lower end of the scale, and gradually increasing in energy to the upper. Vegetables are traversed by fluids, which circulate in innumerable ca- pillary tubes, which ascend and descend, and afford the materials of growth and of various secretions. All parts of the vege- table must be acted on by these fluids, and the vessels must react on tliem to produce the various effects, of vegetable circulation, of secretion, absorption and exhalation^ Their vitality resembles that of the bones and some other parts in animals. In the commencement of the animal kingdom, as in the zoophytes, there is a digestive ON LIFE. ioJ cavity, alternately distended and emptied; here then the \ ital processes are attended with obvious motion. Hitherto organized bodies are fitted for supporting a mere existence : but, as we ascend, they begin to ex 1 libit relations to surrounding objects; the senses and voluntary motion gradually make their appearance in worms, insects, and moUusca ; the vital properties neces- sary to the exercise of these functions being added to what they possessed before. As we ascend through reptiles, fishes, birds, and quadrupeds, the powers of sensation and motion become much more energetic, much more active, and the internal life is at the same time more and more developed. Pinally, the cerebral functions, which are much more numerous and diversified in the higher orders of the mammalia, than in any of the preceding divisions of the animal kingdom, receive their last deve- lopment in man ; where they produce all 156 ON LITE. the phenomena of intellectj all those ^v^on- derful processes of thought, known under the names of memory, reflexion, associa- tion, judgment, reasoning, imagination, which so far transcend any analogous ap- pearance in animals, that we almost feel a repugnance to refer them to the same prin- ciple. If therefore we were to follow strictly the great series of living bodies through its whole extent, we should see the vital pro- perties gradually increased in number and energy from the last of plants — the mosses or the algae — to the first of animals — Man. I have pointed out to you the numerous and pbvious differences between organized and inert bodies in their composition, and in the history of the phenomena which they exhibit. The vital properties of the for- ON LIFE. 157 iiier present an equally strong contrast to the physical powers of the latter. The vital properties, constantly variable in their intensity, often pass with the greatest rapidity from the lowest to the highest degree of energy, are successively exalted and weakened in the different organs, and assume, under the influence of the slightest causes, a thousand different modifications. Compare the muscular energy of the same individual, when faint- ing, with that which he can display in a fit of rage, or in a paroxysm of mania. The physical powers, on the contrary, con- stantly the same at all times, give rise to a series of phenomena always uniform. Con- trast sensibility and attraction ; the latter is always in proportion to the mass of the body, in which it is observed, while the former is constantly changing in the same ofgan, in the s^me mass of matter. 158 ON LIFE. The invariable nature of the laws, which preside over physical phenomena, enables us to submit to calculation all the facts in those sciences ; but the application of the mathematics to vital action can only lead to very general formulae, both because the different data are uncertain quantities, and because we cannot be sure that we have taken them all into consideration. The resistance experienced by a fluid in pass- ing through a dead tube, the velocity of a projectile, the rate at which a body falls through the air, may be easily reduced to a fixed law ; but to calculate the power of a muscle, the velocity of the blood, or thq action of the stomach, is, to use the com- parison of Bichat, like buiMing on a mov- ing sand an edifice, which is solid in itself, but which quickly falls from the insecurity of its foundation. From the circumstances just explained, ON LIFE. 159 the vital and physical phenomena derive, respectively, the characters of irregularity and uniformity. Inert fluids are known, when they have once beea accurately analyzed ; but one or even many exami- nations do not inform us of the nature of the living fluids. Chemical analysis gives us a kind of anatomy of them ; but their physiology consists in a knowledge of the innumerable varieties they exhibit accord- ing to the condition of their respective organs, or of the system in general ; and to the mutual influences, which connecting the organs to each other, produce most important modifications of their functions. The urine differs as it is voided after a meal or after sleep; that is, according to the state of the digestive organs, and of the blood : in winter and in summer, or in proportion to the greater or less activity of the cutaneous capillaries, the mere pas- sage from a warm tp a cold.temperate« 16'0 ON LIFE. alters its compositi5n. It is not tlie same in the child, the adult, and the old man ; in the male and in the female ; in a quiet state of the mind, and in the agitation of the passions. Add to these differences the innumerable alterations produced by disease, and you will be immediately sen- sible that the mere analysis of common urine constitutes a very inconsiderable share of the physiological history of th-at fluid. The science of organized bodies should therefore be treated in a manner entirely different from those, which have inorganic matter for their object. We should em- ploy a different language, since words transposed from the physical sciences to the animal and vegetable economy, con- stantly recal to us ideas of an order al- together difterent from those which are suggested by the phenomena last men- ON LIFE. 161 tioned. Although organized bodies are subjected in many respects to physical laws, their own peculiar phenomena pre- sent no analogy to those which are treated in chemistry, mechanics, and other phy- sical sciences : the reference therefore to gravity, to attraction, to chemical affinity, to electricity or galvanism, can only serve to perpetuate false notions in physiology, and to draw us away from the proper point of view, in which the nature of living phenomena and the properties of living beings ought to be contemplated. We might just as rationally introduce the language of physiology into physical science ; explain the facts of chemistry by irritability, or employ sensibility and sym- pathy to account for the phenomena of electricity and magnetism, or for the motions of the planetary system. The application of physical science to M 162 ON LIFE.' physiology was begun when the latter was in its infancy ; when organization had been little studied, and its phenomena still less observed. The successful employment of the just method of philosophizing, exhi- bited in the stupendous discoveries of Newton, did not advance the science of life. On the contrary, dazzled by the brilliancy of his progress, physiologists were even led by it into the error of seek- ing every where in the animal economy for attraction and impulse, and of sub- jecting all the functions to mathematical calculations. To Haller principally we must ascribe the merit of placing physi- ology on its proper basis, as a peculiar and mdependent science, by his unwearied in- dustry in dissection, and more particularly by his numerous researches, in living animals, on all the parts of their vital economy. The same means were pursued by Mr. ON LIFEi 163 Hunter to a much greater extent, and with superior success. He did not attempt to explain life by barren a priori specula- tions, or by the illusory analogies of other sciences ; but he sought to discover its nature in the only way, which can possibly lead to any useful and satisfactory result ; that is, by a patient examination of the fabric, and a close observation of the ac^ tions of living creatures. He surveyed the whole system of organized beings, from plants to man ; he developed their struc- ture by numberless dissections, of which the evidences are contained in the ad- joining collection ; and he discovered their functions by patient observation and well contrived experiments, of which you have the results recorded in his works. He thus not only strengthened and secured the foundations laid by Haller, but supplied many deficiencies, rectified several incon- sistencies, and gave to the whole structure M 2 164 ON LIFE. an unity of character and solidity, that will ensure its duration. Such is the path, difficult and tedious, but the only one, by which we can arrive at a knowledge of vitality : to frame an hypothesis, or even many, is a much shorter and easier business. To represent that Mr. Hunter is the first or the only inquirer, who saw the subject in a right point of view, and prosecuted it on the right prin- ciples, who contemplated physiology as a distinct science, that must be cultivated by itself, embracing a peculiar order of phe- nomena, not to be elucidated by electri- city, attraction, or what not, would be an act of injustice to many enlightened in- quirers. But his labours, more than those of any one man, embraced so wide a field of inquiry into the composition and vital phenomena of animals, that we might deduce from them a rational explanation of many of ON LIFE. 165 the actions of living beings, and thus lay the foundation for a general theory of life, that would not disgrace the name of Hunter. In the science of physiology we proceed on the observation of facts, of their order and connexion ; we notice the analogies between them; and deduce the general laws, to which they are subject. We are thus led to admit the vital properties, already spoken of, as causes of the various phenomena ; in the same way as attraction is recognised for the cause of various phy- sical events. We do not profess to explain how the living forces in one case, or attrac- tion in the other, exert their agency. But some are not content to stop at this point; they wish to draw aside the veil from nature, to display the very essence of the vital properties, and penetrate to their first causes ; to shew, independently 166 ON LIFE. of the phenomena, what is life, and how irritability and sensibility execute those purposes, which so justly excite our ad- miration. They endeavour to give a phy- sical explanation of the contraction of a muscle, and to teach us how a nerve feels. They suppose the structure of the body to contain an invisible matter or principle, by which it is put in motion. Such is the ivopfASiv or impetum faciens of Hippocrates, the Archeus of Van Helmont, the Anima of Stahl, Materia Vitse of Hunter, the cali- dum innatum, the vital principle, the subtle and mobile matter of others; — there are many names for it, as each successive speculator seems to have fancied that he should establish his own claim to the off- spring by baptizing it anew. Either of the names, and either of the explanations may be taken as a sample: they are all equally valuable, and equally illustra- tive. ON LITE. 167 Most of them indeed have long lain in cold obstruction amongst the rubbish of past ages ; and the more modern ones are hastening after their predecessors to the vault of all the Capulets. The object of explanation is to make a thing more intelligible. Explaining a phe- nomenon consists in shewing that the facts, which it presents, follow each other in an order analogous to that which is observed in the succession of other more familiar facts. In shewing that the motions of the heavenly bodies follow the same law as the descent of a heavy substance to the earth does, Newton explained the fact. The opinion under our review is not an ex- planation of that kind ; unless indeed you find, what I am not sensible of, that you understand muscular contraction better by being told that an Archeus, or a subtle and mobile matter sets the fibres at wx)rk. 168 ON LIFE. This pretended explanation, in short, is a reference, not to any thing that we un- derstand better, than the object to be ex- plained ; but to something, that we do not understand at all — to something which cannot be received as a deduction of science, but must be accepted as an object of faith. If animals want such an aid for exe- cuting their functions, how is it that ve- getables proceed without the same assist- ance? The J perform vital motions, and exhibit some of the most important func- tions : do they accomplish them without an Archeus or a vital principle? have they no subtle fluid of life ? If the properties of living matter are to be explained in this way,'why should not we adopt the same plan with physical pro- perties, and account for gravitation or ON LIFE. 169 chemical affinity by the supposition of appropriate subtle fluids ? Why does the irritabihty of a muscle need such an ex- planation, if explanation it can be called, more than the elective attraction of a salt ? To make the matter more intelhgible, this vital principle is compared to mag- netism, to electricity, and to galvanism ; or it is roundly stated to be oxygen. "Tis like a camel, or like a whale, or like what you please. You have only to grant that the phenomena of the sciences just alluded to depend on extremely fine and invisible fluids, superadded to the matters in which they are exhibited ; and to allow further that life and magnetic, galvanic and elec- tric phenomena, correspond perfectly : the existence of a subtle matter of life will then be a very probable inference. On this illustration you will naturally remark, 170 ON LIFE. that the existence of the magnetic, electric, and galvanic fluids, which is offered as a proof of the existence of a vital fluid, is as much a matter of doubt, as that of the vital fluid itself. It is singular also that the vital principle should be like both mag- netism and electricity, when these two are not like each other. It would have been interesting to have had this illustration prosecuted a little fur- ther. We should have been pleased to learn whether the human body is more like a loadstone, a voltaic pile, or an elec- trical machine: whether the organs are to be regarded as Leyden jars, magnetic needles, or batteries. The truth is, there is no resemblance, no analogy between electricity and life: the two orders of phenomena are completely distinct ; they are incommensurable. Elec* ON LIFE. 171 tricity illustrates life do more than life il- lustrates electricity. We might just as well s'dy that an electrical machine operates by means of a vital fluid, as that the nerves and muscles of an animal perform sensa- tion and contraction by virtue of an electric fluid. By selecting one or two minor points, to the neglect of all the important features, a distant similarity may be made out; and this is only in appearance. In the same way life might be shewn to be like any thing else whatever, or any thing else to be like life. Identity or similarity of cause can only be inferred from identity or resemblance of effect. Which electric operation is like sensation, digestion, absorption, nutrition, generation ? which vital phenomenon re- sembles the attraction of bodies dissimi- larly electrified, or the repulsion of those in similar states of electricity ? what func- 172 ON LIFE. tion resembles the ignition of metals, and the firing of gases; the decomposition of water, and the subversion of the strongest chemical affinities ? Another assertion, which has been em- ployed to prove the existence of an inde- pendent living principle, superadded to the structure of animal bodies, is, that the various beings composing the animal king- dom, and differing from each other so remarkably as they do, nevertheless ex- hibit the same functions. This argument, which has been adduced on other occa- sions, and for other purposes, is completely ungrounded. The fact is just the reverse. Comparative anatomy affords the strongest and most numerous proofs of the depend- ance of function on structure. Every variation in the construction of an organ is accompanied with a corresponding mo- dification of function ; and whenever an ON LIFE. 173 organ ceases to exist altogether, its office also ceases. The stomach indeed is very different in a man, a cow, a fish, a worm, and each of these different stomachs di- gests— but it digests after its own manner. If any organ can execute any function, why may not the urinary bladder digest, or the lungs form urine ; why should not one organ execute all purposes. Were it indeed otherwise, all the interest and all the utiHty of the science would be at an end. All our praises of the wise adapta- tion of structure to situation and habits, of the modification of organs according to their uses, presuppose the truth I have just asserted. If this were not so, what end would it answer to classify animals ac- cording to their structure? How would this lead us to a natural arrangement, in which the place occupied by the anin^al indicates its construction, economy, and way of life ? However, to cut the matter 174 ON Lli'E. short by an example or two, is the vital economy of an insect the same as that of a fish ? or does that of either resemble the physiology of a quadruped ? Do the very different teeth, jaws, muscles, stomach, and intestines of a cow and a lion perform the same offices ? The visible fabric of the brain differs most widely in quadrupeds, birds, fishes, insects : is there not an equal difference in their intellectual phenomena, appetites, and instincts ? It seems to me that this hypothesis or fiction of a subtle invisible matter, ani- mating the visible textures of animal bodies, and directing their motions, is only an example of that propensity in the human mind, w^hich has led men at all times to account for those phenomena, of which the causes are not obvious, by the mysterious aid of higher and imaginary beings. Thus in the earlier ages of the world, and in less ON LIFE. 175 advanced states of civilization, all the ap- pearances of nature, which the progress of science enables us to explain by means of natural causes, have been referred to the immediate operation of the divinity The storm was the work of Jupiter, who is sculptured with the thunderbolt in one hand, and grasping the lightning with the other : Eolus produced the winds ; Nep- tune agitated the ocean ; Vulcan and Pluto shook the globe with volcanos and earth- quakes. So far was this belief in invisible agencies carried, that each grove and each tree, each fountain and each river, was regarded as the abode of its peculiar deity ; — the fawns, the dryads, the nymphs of the elegant Grecian mythology; the sprites, the elves, the fairies of more modern credulity. Poetry, which speaks the lan- guage of the people, and appeals to their 176 C^ LIFE. common feelings, is full of illustrations of this observation. Personification is its most common figure ; and, so strong is our disposition to clothe all surrounding objects with our own sentiments and passions, to animate the dead matter around us with human intellect and expression, that the boldest examples of this figure do not shock us. In his sublime description of a tempest, Virgil not only makes the monarch of Olympus " ride in the whirlwind and direct the storm,^' but brings him before our eyes in the very act of hurling the lightning, and casting down mountains with the bolt. Ipse pater, media nimborum in nocte, corusca I Fulmina molitur dextra : quo maxuma motu Terra tremit ; f ugere ferae, et mortalia corda Per gentes hurailis stravit pavor : ille flagranti Aut Athoj aut Rhodopen, aut alta Cerania telo Dejicit, ON LITE. 177 Thus we find at last that the philosopher with his archeus, his aiiima, or his subtle and mobile vital fluid, is about on a level, in respect to the mental process, by which he has arrived at it, with the " Poor Indian, whose untutor'd mind, Sees God in clouds, and hears him in the wind." It may appear unnecessary to disturb those, who are inclined to indulge them- selves in these harmless reveries. The belief in them, as in sorcery and witch- craft, is not grounded in reasoning, and therefore has nothing to fear from argu- ment. I only oppose such hypotheses, when they are adduced with the array of philosophical deduction, because they in- volve suppositions without any ground in observation or experience, the only sources of our information on these subjects. I 178 ON LIFE. repeat to you that the science of physio- logy, in its proper acceptation, is made up of the facts, which we learn by observation and experiment on living beings, or on those which have lived ; of the comparison of these with each other ; of the analogies which such comparison may discover, and the general laws to which it may lead. So long as we proceed in this path, every step is secure ; when we endeavour to ad- vance beyond its termination, we wander without any guide or direction, and are liable to be bewildered at every moment. To say, that we can never arrive at the first cause of the vital phenomena, would be presumptuous ; but it is most true, that all the efforts to penetrate its nature have been equally unsuccessful, from the com- mencement of the world to the present time. Their complete failure in every in- stance has now led almost universally to OF LIFE. 179 their abandonment, and may induce ns to acquiesce on this point in the observations of Lucretius on a parallel subject ; Ignoratur enim quae sit natura animai ; Nata sit, an contra, nascentibus insinuetur, Et siraul intereat nobiscum morte direrapta, An tenebras orci visat, vastasque lacunas. THE END. BIBNARD AND FAIII.E¥, S/iiuner-Street, hw lion. Just published. Revised and Corrected, in large 8vo. Sd FAit. A lEreatise on l^tiptutes, CONTAINING AN ANATOMICAL DESCRIPTION EACH SPECIES: AN ACCOUNT OF ITS SYMPTOMS, PROGRESS, AND TREAT- MENT. BY WILLIAM LAWRENCE, F.R. S. professor of an atom v and surgery to the college; assistant surgeon to it. 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