^^: ■■;'i!ji!!; i!Ei)i Si i I ^ G> ^: Fig. 2. — Root-tip cells stained with iron alum-htematoxylin after fixation in various aqueous solutions: o, ammonium and potassium bichromates, copper sulphate and pyridine; b, chromic anhydride, butyric acid, and nickel hydroxide; c, formic acid, chromic anhydride^ and acetaldehyde; d, trichloracetic acid, formaldehyde, and nickel hydroxide, o, b, d are from Zea; c from Allivm. Fluids with a pH below about 4.2 to 4.6 tend to give the " acid fixation image" (c) desired in studies of chromosomes, while those with a higher pH tend to give the "basic fixation image" (d) showing the chondriosomes. {Photographs con- tributed by C. Zirkle.) coagulative action of a fixing fluid may produce a visible structure not previously present in the protoplasm, and that some fluids swell certain cell components while others shrink them. Moreover, it is known that a given fluid may preserve the nucleus well and the cytoplasm poorly, or vice versa, and that the fixation images may differ characteristically according to the pH and other chemical features of the fluids used (Fig. 2). 2 Hence careful cytologists are attempting to check their observations on fixed and stained cells against living material as far as possible and are constantly devising and refining methods for the study of untreated protoplasm. Nearly all of the cell components mentioned on the foregoing pages may be observed to good advantage in living cells. For such study various kinds of cells can be kept aUve for long periods if mounted in 2 See Yamaha (1926 et seq.) and Zirkle (1928a6, 1929a). 6 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY Ringer's solution or paraffin oil, the streaming of the protoplasm often continuing actively for hours or days. In the remarkable researches of R. G. Harrison and others^ it has been shown that cells from various tissues of vertebrate animals can be isolated and kept actively growing and multiplying in culture dishes for a length of time often far exceeding the normal life period of such tissues in the body. Under such conditions the cells appear pale and colorless, but by careful adjustment of the light the other components may be made to stand out with considerable clearness. The cytoplasm usually appears as an optically homogeneous fluid carrying various sorts of small inclusions which may show Brownian movement if the viscosity of the cytoplasm is not too high. Chondrio- somes appear as dull granules or threads somewhat difficult to make out in many cells, while oil droplets stand out as highly refractive bodies. Centrosomes and centrioles may often be seen, especially if identified by surrounding astral rays. The nucleus may appear optically homogeneous except for the nucleolus, which is usually seen without difficulty, or it may present a finely mottled ("granular") appearance. In favorable material the reticulate structure is evident. The cell sap of plant vac- uoles appears as a clear space, with or without inclusions. When properly illuminated in a dark field, many living cells are strikingly beautiful objects, the chondriosomes and other small bodies appearing as glistening specks in the pale protoplasm. The visibility of certain components of living cells may be enhanced by the use of dyes which enter the cell without killing it. Examples of such "vital dyes" are neutral red and Janus green, which stain vacuoles and chondriosomes respectively. The vital staining of the nucleus with several dyes is also reported,^ but in several such cases it has been ques- tioned whether or not the stained nuclei were actually uninjured and wholly normal. Particularly noteworthy are the results obtained by a number of workers^ through the use of micromanipulative methods. Apparatus and technique have been developed whereby it is possible to dissect, inject, and otherwise operate upon living cells under very high powers of the microscope. Many cells are highly tolerant of such treatment. A microneedle may be pushed carefully into the cell and even into the nucleus of a Tradescantia stamen hair without causing visible injury or cessation of activity, but a lowering of the internal pressure due to escape of material from the cell when the needle is withdrawn causes a series of alterations from which the cell may later recover (Martens and Cham- bers). In such ways it has been possible to learn much about the natural ' Carrel, Leo Loeb, Burrows, H. V. Wilson, W. H. and M. R. Lewis, Drew. 4 Kiister (19186, 1926), Gicklhorn (1927), Paltauf (1928), P. Dangeard (1923o). « Kite (1913), Chambers (1914 et seq.), Seifriz (1918 et seq.), C. V. Taylor (1920 et seq.), Peterfi (1923), Martens and Chambers (1932). CELLS AND TISSUES physical and chemical states of protoplasm and its differentiations in cells, as well as to correct many misconceptions due to inference from the aspects presented by fixed material. Of great interest also is the recent application of motion-picture photography to cytological problems. Films taken slowly of cells in tissue cultures and then projected at high speed have served to furnish information, especially with respect to time relations, which it would be difficult or impossible to obtain by any other means. Moreover, they have placed desirable emphasis on the concep- tion of the cell as a dynamic system. As a consequence of the renewed study of living cells, it has been possible to evaluate anew the results obtained by the standard methods of fixation and staining and to improve upon such procedures. Critical studies have been made upon cells ^tJ&s>#. % «r»- ^J Fig. 3. — Spermatocytes of Stenobothrus (Chorthippus) lineatus: (1) living; (2) after treatment with OsOi vapor and Flemming's fixing fluid; (3) after staining and mounting. {After Belar, 19286.) i before, during, and after fixation and staining^ (Fig. 3) ; and as a result it appears that, although the cytologist must be on his guard in inter- preting the finer details even in his best fixed preparations, the general picture presented in such material is on the whole strikingly true to nature. Moreover, it is abundantly evident that no single set of methods will suffice to solve all of cytology's problems. Development. — In studying the development of any small, relatively undifferentiated mass of nucleated protoplasm into a mature organism and in interpreting the role of cells and tissues in this process, there are certain general phenomena which may be considered before taking up the more special data of cytology. These are growth, morphallaxis, differ- entiation, and correlation. By groxDth is meant primarily the synthesis of new protoplasm through the activity of the old, and secondarily the increase in body size which usually results. The synthetic processes involve an extensive interchange « See Martens (19276c) and Belaf (1929a). 8 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY of materials between nucleus and cytoplasm, so that a certain proportion of nuclear and cytoplasmic substances (the " nucleoplasmic ratio") must be maintained if these processes are to continue. The part which any single spherical nucleus can play is strictly limited by the simple fact that its surface, through which the interchanges occur, does not increase at the same rate as does its volume during growth. The further growth of the protoplasmic mass therefore requires a relative increase in the nuclear surface. This is sometimes accomplished by a change in the shape of the nucleus, but the almost universal method is by nuclear divi- sion, whereby the nuclear surface is increased without a corresponding change in volume. This permits further growth up to the point at which the critical ratio is again reached, whereupon the process is repeated. The same principle is applicable to the relation between the proto- plasmic mass and its environment. The size which a globular mass of protoplasm can attain through an increase in the actual amount of its substance is limited by a critical ratio between its volume and the amount of surface through which interaction with the external environment is carried on. The maintenance of the volume-surface ratio necessary to a proper metabolic equilibrium in the growing mass is secured in several ways. The mass may simply divide into two, thus increasing the surface without immediate increase in vol- ume, and incidentally multiplying the number of individuals (Protozoa and Protophyta). A second method is by change of shape. This is well exemplified in coenocytic plants, such as Vaucheria (Fig. 4), Mucor, and the myxomycetes, in which large masses of protoplasm expose an extensive surface by assuming a flat, spreading form (myxomycetes) or by developing filamentous branching bodies (coenocytic algae and phycomycetes). At the same time the nucleoplasmic ratio is maintained by repeated nuclear division, the numerous nuclei being either relatively fixed in position (Caulerpa) or free to move about with the flowing cytoplasm (Brijopsis, phycomycetes, myxomycetes). The formation of partitions and the division of the nuclei show various degrees of correlation in different organisms. The two processes may be quite independent, in which case the compartments (cells) contain vary- FiG. 4. — V, portion of ccenocytic body of Vaucheria; nuclei dark and plastids in out- line. C, portion of semi-ccenocytic body of Cladophora. CELLS AND TISSUES 9 ing numbers of nuclei (e.g., Cladophora; Fig. 4). In many cases, however, they are so intimately related that they are like one process, and the result is a regularly uninucleate condition of the cells. Here growth may appear to be a matter of cell multiplication, but a consideration of proto- plasmic masses not showing such a correlation between nuclear division and cytoplasmic septation suggests that the regularly uninucleate cellular condition is the result of a special refinement in mode of growth and differentiation. The great importance of this refinement in connection with the evolution of organisms is indicated by its prevalence. In certain organisms the number and arrangement of the cells are constant in a given organ or even in the whole body.^ By morphallaxis is meant the development of a particular form other- wise than through synthesis or enlargement directly. The specific form of the body is due in part to the fact that growth at certain periods is not equal in all directions, but in addition to this the rearrangement of mate- rials already present may play a prominent role. A striking illustration of morphallaxis is afforded by small pieces of Hydra which under proper conditions will, without further growth, remold themselves into complete, though dwarfed, individuals. As the young organism grows, it differentiates. Differentiation, in the words of Conklin, is "transformation from a more general and homogeneous to a more special and heterogeneous condition." It involves the development of unlike functions and structures, and the localization of these in different regions of the organism. Physiological division of labor and morphological division of substance constitute one inseparable process, and this process in its last analysis is the result of physical and chemical changes in protoplasm caused by the combined action of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The next section will be devoted to the subject of differentiation. One of the most remarkable features of a living organism is the perfect correlation which is normally maintained between the activities of its many diverse organs; without such correlation development could never occur at all. Differentiation and integration are, in fact, two aspects of one thing, namely, organization (Conklin). It is to be empha- sized that correlation is not something which comes into being as the differentiation of functionally distinct regions occurs: the organism behaves as a consistent, correlated whole from the beginning of its devel- opment onward. The correlation existing between the activities of the parts of the cell with which development begins gradually becomes the more extensive correlation of the highly differentiated mature organism. Correlation is retained from the first, although new means for its main- tenance are elaborated. What these means are will be pointed out below. ^ See the review by Van Cleave (1932). For a review of the subject of cell form, see Gray (1931). 10 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY Mac. Mic Differentiation. — Differentiation occurs in uninucleate cells, multi- nucleate Plasmodia, and multicellular masses. In the bodies of certain Protozoa (Fig. 5) one sees within a single cell a very elaborate regional differentiation in structure, certain functions being localized in definitely constituted organs. There are distinct locomotor, digestive, and excre- tory systems, as well as a "neuromotor apparatus" which functions much as does the nervous system of larger animals.^ These are probably the most complex cells known. ^ Differentiation in multinucleate masses of proto- plasm may be seen in the plasmodia of myxomy- cetes, in the coenocytic algse and fungi, and in the embryos of certain higher animals and plants. In the myxomycete the protoplasm heaps up locally and develops into a highly characteristic fruit body with well-differentiated stalk, capsule wall, and sup- porting capillitium filaments, but there is no sub- division into cells until the spores are finally delimited. In the coenocytic algae, such as Vaucheria and Caulevpa, the body develops a definite form and structure without cellular subdivisions. In Cau- lerpa (Fig. 6) there are well-formed "roots," "stems," and "leaves," yet the whole vegetative body is one continuous mass of cytoplasm with thousands of nuclei scattered through it. The nuclei may be relatively fixed in position, or they may move about freely with the streaming cyto- plasm. In a number of coenocytic plants, moreover, the spores and gametes themselves are coenocytic ("coenogametes" of Mucor and Albugo hliti; zoospores of Vaucheria). 8R. G. Sharp (1914), Yocum (1918), C. V. Taylor (1920), Rees (1921, 19226, 1931), McDonald (1922), Kofoid and Swezy (1922, 1923). ^ Certain writers, notably Dobell (1911a), hold that the protozoan body is "non- cellular" rather than "unicellular," and restrict the term "cell" to the integral parts into which a "multicellular" organism is subdivided. Whatever may be thought of the practicability of this use of terms, its theoretical implications are worthy of attention. Although agreeing with Dobell that the protozoan body and the ordinary tissue cell are not homologous, we have chosen to use "cell" more loosely as a term of convenience for both of them, as well as for other units for which morphological equivalence is not claimed. It is also frequently urged that "organelle" rather than "organ" should be used for intracellular differentiations such as nuclei, plastids, and the neuromotor apparatus, and that the latter term should be applied only to multicellular structures. We have used "organ" in the more general sense in order to emphasize the fact that in all cases the structures indicated are regional differentiations of protoplasm associated with certain functions, to which the presence or absence of cell partitions is a sub- ordinate feature. "Organelle" is, however, a useful term. Fig. 5. — Diplodinium ecaudatum. M, mouth; A'', neuromotor appara- tus; Mic, micronucleus; Mac, macronucleus; C.V., one of the con- tractile vacuoles; A, anal canal; C, contractile re- gion; S, skeletal plates. {After R.G. Sharp, 1914.) CELLS AND TISSUES 11 The bodies of such organisms may be surprisingly elaborate, but the degree of complexity which they attain is nevertheless limited. The functional differentiation of regions in continuous large masses of proto- plasm, which shows itself in visible structural differentiations, may be considerable; but the degree of differentiation reached by the higher classes of plants and animals seems to have been very largely conditioned by the development of partitions between the various centers of activity Fig. 6. — A, Caulerpa macrodisca, a ccenocytic plant, showing supporting trabeculse. B, section of leaf of Caulerpa prolifera, iAfter Oltmanns.) (nuclei) and functionally differentiating regions, the regions thus set apart then becoming more fully specialized than would have been possible in a continuous aqueous colloidal medium (see R. S. Lillie, 1923). The protoplasmic body thus attains a multicellular organization. Differentiation in multicellular masses is well exemplified in the growing points of vascular plants (Fig. 7). In the stem tip and root tip there are actively growing regions known as meristems, in which the cells are in a relatively undifferentiated ''meristematic" or "embryonic" condition.'" In mahy plants there is another extensive region of such 1" For an extensive account of meristems, see Schiiepp (1926). 12 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY cells in the cambium. As a rule, meristematic cells contain no conspic- uous ergastic inclusions aside from vacuoles and are separated by very delicate walls with no intercellular spaces. As growth proceeds in such tissues, every nuclear division is accompanied by a division of the cyto- plasm; hence growth results in the multiplication of the uninucleate cells. In regions farther from the point of greatest meristematic activity the cells gradually become visibly diversified in structure in connection with their increasing specialization in func- tion. Throughout the active life of the plant the homogeneous meristematic cell mass thus continues to grow distally and differentiate proximally into tissues with very diverse histological characters (see Eames and MacDaniels, 1925). Fig. 7. — Longitudinal and transverse sections of apical meristem in root of Pteris, showing triangular pyramidal apical cell. The segments cut from the distal face of the cell go to form the root cap, while those from the three lateral faces develop into the tissues of the root proper. In seed plants the meristematic activity does not center in a single distinguishable cell. {After Hof, 1898.) Most of the visible characters which ordinarily serve to distinguish the various kinds of differentiated cells of the vascular plant are found in the cell wall rather than in the protoplast itself. Thus, besides meri- stematic and slightly modified parenchymatous cells, there are many other types, such as tracheids, vessels, wood fibers, phloem fibers, and sieve tubes (Fig. 8), all of which are characterized by the peculiar ways in which their walls become modified through secondary and tertiary thick- enings and by the form and arrangement assumed by the pits (see p. 175). The protoplasts may finally disappear completely from wood cells, leaving a tissue or framework composed of lifeless cell walls. All func- tional differences are accompanied by chemical or physical differences of some sort in the protoplasm, but it is mainly in the non-protoplasmic CELLS AND TISSUES 13 elements (including the wall) rather than in any conspicuous structural changes in the protoplasm itself that cell differentiation is rendered visible in the case of plants. Apart "from differences in shape, amount of vacuolar material, accumulated food, and other products of differentia- tion, protoplasts performing widely different functions may appear much alike. Structural differentiation in connection with division of labor is very striking in the protoplasm of animal cells," which are destitute of such ■walls as plant cells possess. The muscle cell shows fine longitudinal ((if VMS' V 1 ) J i B Fig. 8. — Differentiated cells from vascular plants. A, wood fiber with thickened wall. B, C, portions of tracheids with spiral and annular thickenings. D, pitted tracheid. E, portion of sieve tube with adjacent companion cells. F, face view of sieve plate shown in section in E. fibrils, which are in some way concerned with the cell's power of contrac- tility. In certain muscles these fibrils show transverse membranes at regular intervals, and these so correspond in adjacent fibrils that the muscle has a transversely striped appearance. The nerve cell (Fig. 9) typically possesses a single unbranched pro- longation (axon) and one or more others (dendrites) which often become very elaborately branched, especially in the ganglion cells of the spinal cord and brain. In fixed preparations the cytoplasm of the nerve cell contains fine "neurofibrils"^^ and also granules of chromatic "Nissl substance." ^1 For detailed descriptions of the cytological features of animal cells of many types, see Special Cytology, ed. by Cowdry (1932); see also Heidenhain (1907, 1911). 12 It has been reported that in healthy living cells the neurofibrils cannot be detected and probably represent coagulation artifacts (Matsumoto, 1920; Lewis and Lewis, 1924; de Mouhn, 1923), but other investigators (Cowdry, 1914, 1928; Bozler, 1927; Boeke, 1926; Parker, 1929a6) are convinced that they correspond to real differentiations in the cell. 14 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY Cells specialized in connection with motility, such as spermatozoa and the cells of certain epithelial tissues, show complex structural modi- fications not only in the flagella, cilia, and cirri which they bear but also in the other cell organs with which the activities of these motile structures are closely connected (Figs. 134, 136, 137). Secretory cells are often distinguishable by the accumulations of secretion products in their cytoplasm, or by the peculiar form assumed by their nuclei (Fig. 22). In connective tissues (Fig. 10) the protoplasm is subdivided into cells with various degrees of distinctness depending on the relative amount of supporting substance they produce during their differentiation. . "^^^3r%:^ E mmm p piiiiliiii Fig. 9. — Nerve and muscle cells of animals. A, diagram of a typical neuron: a, axis cylinder process, or axon, ending in arborescent system; d, dendrites. B, cell from human spinal cord. {A and B after Obersteiner and Hill.) C, nerve cell from eye. {After Len- hossek.) D, nerve cell from earthworm. {After Kowalski.) E, young voluntary muscle cell. F, portion of mature voluntary muscle cell, showing striations. G, involuntary muscle cell from intestine. {E-G after Piersol.) Cartilage and bone cells are likewise imbedded in such substances, which are here produced in relatively enormous amounts and later form the main supporting framework of the body. Blood, which is sometimes spoken of as a "fluid tissue," consists of a plasma carrying cells of a variety of types. Differentiation in a multicellular mass involves the gradual setting apart of special regions with modified structural and functional charac- ters as in the body of a protozoon, but with the important difference that these regions include many cells, each of which retains in some degree the fundamental type of protoplasmic organization (nucleus, cytoplasm, semipermeable membranes) possessed by the cell which began the development of the differentiating mass. One therefore expects a greater capacity for independent action in these cellular components of the body than in the subcellular components of the protozoan body. This expec- CELLS AND TISSUES 15 tation is fulfilled in the results of experiments which have shown that many tissues and cells of higher organisms may, if given structural independence and a proper environment, continue to live or even in many cases to grow into a complete new body. The ability of such an / E Fig. 10. — A, reticular connective tissue from lymph gland of cat. {After Heidenhain.) B, young heart muscle of dog embryo, showing myofibrils developing, but no subdivision into cells. C, later stage of same. {B and C after Godlewski.) D, development of cells in Plasmodium by vacuole formation in human embryonic epithelium. {After M archand.) E, development of cartilage tissue from Plasmodium in Lophius. {After Studnicka.) isolated part to reconstitute a whole depends upon the measure in which it has retained what is fundamental in the physico-chemical constitution of protoplasts through the period of its differentiation. Correlation. — No such degree of differentiation and specialization of tissues as we see in organisms could be attained, and no such complex mechanism could continue to act as a unit or individual, were it not for 16 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY adequate means of keeping the activities of the various parts fully coordinated. Among the means by which this correlation of the parts is maintained, we may consider protoplasmic continuity, the differentia- tion of specialized tracts, hormones, and physiological gradients. The delicate intercellular strands in the tissues of multicellular plants have been described in a large number of papers. ^^ Two general types of connection are usually distinguished. In the red algse and certain other thallophytes adjacent cells are connected at one relatively large region where membrane materials are deposited. The question of actual protoplasmic continuity through this region is at present a debated one (Jungers, 1933). Large protoplasmic strands are found between the egg and surrounding cells in cycads and in certain other tissues, but these seem to be due either to the enlargement of smaller pores present at an early stage or to actual solution of the intervening wall. Strands of the second general type, which are known as plasmodesms (Fig. 11), are of exceedingly small diameter, special methods being required for their demonstration. They may be distributed rather uniformly over the wall, or they may be aggregated in small groups, which are often located in pits or thin spots; frequently they are branched. Very little is accurately known regarding the origin and development of plasmodesms. It can scarcely be doubted that the pores through which they pass are often present from the time the cell partitions are first formed, no wall substance being deposited at these points. There is also considerable evidence in support of the view that plasmodesms are secondarily developed structures. Strasburger (1901) stated that extensions from adjacent cells come into contact as the intervening wall begins to thicken but do not form continuous strands. The fact that in separating cells the break occurs through the thickened median portion of the strands lends support to this view (Hume, 1913). That the strands are actually continuous was emphasized by Meyer (1896 et seq.), who held that they are due both to retention and to new formation. He observed a secondary formation of connections in Volvox and in fungus hypha? which came in contact. Light on this question has been sought in parasites and graft hybrids, where cells of different species come together. Kienitz-Gerloff, Kuhla, 1^ Among these may be mentioned the works of Wille (1883) and Borzi (1886) on the Cyanophycese; Kohl (1891), E. Overton (1889), and Meyer (1896) on the Chlorophyceae; Hick (1885) and Doubt (1928) on the Fucacese; Hick (1883), Massee (1884), Rosenvinge (1888), and Mangenot (1926) on Florideje; Kohl (1897) on mosses; and, on vascuhir plants, those of Tangl (1879), Russow (1882), Strasburger (1882, 1901a), Goroschankin (1883), Terletski (1884), Wortmann (1887, 1889), Haberlandt (1890), Kienitz-Gerloff (1891), Jonsson (1892), Kuhla (1900), Poirault (1893), Gardiner (1884, 1897, 1900), Hill (1900, 1901), Gardiner and Hill (1901), Kohl (1900, 1902), and Quisumbing (1925). For general accounts of protoplasmic connec- tions, see Davis (1905a), Meyer (1920), Lundeg&rdh (1922), and Jungers (1930). CELLS AND TISSUES 17 and Strasburger found no plasmodesms between the cells of Viscnm and Cuscuta and their hosts, but in the case of graft hybrids both Buder (1911) and Hume (1913) report their presence in the walls separating cells which are supposed to be genetically unrelated. This seems to show that con- nections may arise secondarily, although uncertainty regarding the exact behavior of the protoplasts in the wounded region leaves an element of doubt. They arise secondarily in the abutting walls of tyloses, according to Molisch (1888). At present the probabilities are in favor of the view that intercellular strands are both primary and secondary in origin, some of them repre- senting regions in w^hich the continuity of the protoplasm has never been broken and others being subsequently developed through the intervening Fig. 11. — Endosperm of Diospyros, showing plasmo- desms traversing the thick- ened cell walls. {After Qui- sumbing, 1925.) " W , fl) % ■in^ ■mk :-C? :>: V ■ .-::;.) 6r- „ __ „ _ - Fig. 12. — Protoplasmic con- tinuity in human mesoderm tissue. (After Maurer.) 0-j , afsc^ cell membranes. The very fact that a given area of cell wall becomes enormously extended during the growth of the tissues indicates that many of the pores seen at maturity must have been formed anew. It is also to be remembered that at the time when pore formation would necessarily occur the cell membranes are very thin and semifluid and would offer little resistance to dissolution or penetration by the proto- plasts. Hence the fact that cells may glide or roll over one another during the early stages of development does not prove the impossibility of protoplasmic continuity between them. The exceeding fineness of many known plasmodesms, moreover, indicates that failure to find such connections in certain tissues does not necessarily prove their absence. On the other hand, proof that plasmodesms are continuous through the entire wall is not so complete as desired. Jungers (1930) has recently called into question the evidence for the view that plasmodesms in 18 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY endosperm, sieve tubes, and thickened parenchyma are actually proto- plasmic in nature. Their resistance to potassium hypochlorite and their arrangement in growing walls suggest to him that they are rather struc- tural constituents of the wall itself. Protoplasmic connections have been rather widely described in animals, and are best known in epithelial, muscle, and connective tissues (Fig. 12). In connective tissue they may be broad cytoplasmic exten- sions, giving the tissue the character of a protoplasmic network (Fig. 10), or they may be very fine threads. As in plants, they are the result either of an incomplete division or of a fusion of cell outgrowths. The fact that cells in animals are mostly divided by a process of furrowing indicates that connections, if present, must be for the most part second- arily developed. In his study of living tissues Chambers (1924) finds in the majority of cases no direct evidence of protoplasmic bridges and is inclined to agree with certain other workers in interpreting many reported connections as either fixation artifacts or fibrous differentiations in the intercellular substance, rather than actual protoplasmic strands. Such strands are clearly present, however, in squamous epithelium (Chambers and Renyi, 1925). Some investigators, as will be pointed out in a subsequent chapter, regard the intercellular substance itself as living matter of a special kind. The establishment of protoplasmic connections between blastomeres has been described. ^^ The chief significance of protoplasmic connections of all types prob- ably lies in their coordinating function. That plasmodesms serve to transmit stimuli from one cell to another is indicated by their presence in tissues of plant parts known to be particularly responsive to external stimuli. 1^ The effects of mechanical injury appear to be transmitted through epithelial tissue by way of such intercellular bridges according to Chambers and Renyi (1925). Their extensive development in storage tissues, such as the endosperm of seeds (Tangl, 1879; Gardiner, 1897), also suggests that they are in part responsible for the readiness with which nutritive materials are translocated in such specialized tissues. The protoplasm of the entire individual is more or less continuous from the beginning of the ontogeny onward. It should not be thought, however, that without such connections there can be no correlation. Mere contact is sufficient for the passage of electrical stimuli, which, as will be indicated below, are recognized as important factors in the development and operation of the body. Cells separated by delicate colloidal membranes with no actual protoplasmic continuity are still able to interact and influence each other's behavior so that the entire " G. F. Andrews (1897), E. A. Andrews (1898), Shearer (1906), Whong (1931). '* The leaves of Mimosa (Gardiner, 1884) and Dionoea (Gardiner, 1884; Macfarlane, 1892); the stamens of Berheris (Gardiner, 1884); the sensitive labellum of the orchid Masdevallia muscosa (Ohver, 1888). CELLS AND TISSUES 19 group tends to act as a unit. Thus without protoplasmic continuity the cells may still have a physiological continuity; it is the possession of both that conditions the coordinated action of most tissues. In any case the field of force which pervades the whole organism and which shapes its development is not interrupted by cell partitions (Thompson, 1917). The differentiation of specialized tracts with a correlating function is exemplified not only in the nervous system of higher animals but also in the neuromotor apparatus of certain Protozoa. It has been found that after the delicate strands leading to the several groups of locomotor organelles in Euplotes are cut, the action of the groups is no longer properly coordinated (C. V. Taylor, 1920, 1929). It has been contended that the vascular bundle regions of higher plants serve to conduct correlating stimuli, but the evidence for this is as yet inconclusive. In the vertebrates correlation is maintained in part through the agency of hormones. These are chemical substances which are elaborated in the endocrine glands and carried by the blood or lymph to the various parts of the body, where they exercise profound effects upon growth and other activities of the organs and tissues. The discovery of these endocrine secretions and the application of knowledge concerning them to the treat- ment of certain human disorders constitute one of the most significant developments in modern medical biology. ^^ The question of the possible role of hormones in plants is still a disputed one, although Went (1931) and others have adduced evidence indicating the presence of one, called "auxin," in growing points, while Haberlandt (1921 et seq.) attributes the healing of wounds to a hormone. One of the most important contributions to our understanding of correlation is the conception of physiological gradients developed by Child (1911 et seq.) and his associates. It has been shown in a number of animals and plants that along each of the axes of symmetry there exists a physiological gradient (also called "metabolic gradient" and "axial gradient"), the rate of the physiological processes being highest at one end of the axis and diminishing progressively toward the other end. The anterior end of a planarian, for example, exceeds the posterior end in its rate of oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide output and in its susceptibility to poisons. Furthermore, the portions having a higher rate exercise a "dominating" influence over the development of those portions having a lower rate, with the result that the individual maintains a definite physiological correlation of anterior and posterior parts. Similarly in individuals with more than one axis of symmetry there may be a corresponding dorsal-ventral, as well as an axial-marginal, correlation. The gradient arises in the first place, according to Child, as a response to differential factors in the environment; and, although ^^ For a convenient account of hormones and their effects, see Guyer (1931). 20 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY the types of organs developed depend upon the hereditary constitution of the organism, their arrangement and mutual behavior are due in large measure to the gradient. This is indicated by the fact that experimental alterations in the metabolic rate along the axis are followed by the expected abnormalities in structural development. As to the means by which different regions along an axis influence one another, Child (1915, p. 224) adduces evidence in support of the theory that the fundamental relations of polarity "depend primarily upon impulses or changes of some sort transmitted from the dominant region, rather than upon the transportation of chemical substances." Very significant in this connection is the fact that there is a definite relation between physiological gradients and electrical polarity. The dominant and less active regions are respectively the negative and positive poles of the living system. Where the current enters the system from the exterior (negative pole), anabolic processes are promoted through increased oxidation; and where it leaves (positive pole), catabolic proc- esses are furthered." Alterations in electrical polarity are accompanied by alterations in the mode of growth. ^^ Thus, in the opinion of Lillie (1923), "bioelectric currents exert a controlling and coordinating influence in normal growth processes as well as in normal stimulation." The Cell Theory and the Organismal Theory. — Although not of the first importance to the student beginning work in cytology, the following discussion is added because of its theoretical interest. The fact that the body of a higher organism comprises a vast number of specialized parts, the cells, led many years ago to the formulation of two general theories which differed in their interpretation of the relation existing between the two individualities : the organism as a whole and the cell. These theories are known as the cell theory and the organismal theory. The cell theory set forth a century ago by Dutrochet, Schleiden, and Schwann exerted a dominating influence upon biology throughout the nineteenth century (see Chapter XXVI). The principal propositions involved in the theory are summarized by Heidenhain (1907, p. 29) essentially as follows: All living substance is concentrated in cells; the cells of the body are all individuals of the same morphological rank; the tissue cell is morphologically and physiologically an elementary individual, the unit of structure and function; the body is an aggregate of cells, which are its "building stones"; the action of the body is the sum of the many special actions performed by collaborating cells of many kinds. According to this theory, therefore, the cell is the fundamentally important individual — the "primary agent of organization." In ontogeny the multiplying elementary organisms, or cells, cooperate to 17 Hering (1888), Mathews (1903), R. S. Lillie (1919, 1922, 1923). 18 Bose (1918), Ingvar (1920), Lund (1921). See also Beutner (1933). CELLS AND TISSUES 21 build up an individual of a higher order, the multicellular organism. Such an organism is thus a "cell state," or "cell republic," secondarily- formed by the aggregation of a vast number of elementary individuals. The phylogenetic aspect of the cell theory developed when it was discovered that many minute organisms are single uninucleated masses of protoplasm much like the constituent cells of the multicellular forms. It was concluded that such "unicellular elementary organisms" have in the course of time formed loose colonies, either by direct aggregation or by an acquired failure to separate after a period of multiplication; and that the individual units have become increasingly interdependent and knit together until individuals of a higher grade, multicellular organisms, have resulted. As a consequence of this interpretation, the individual protozoon has been homologized with a single cell of the human body. The dominance of the cell theory, moreover, has resulted in the tendency to describe everything of a biological nature so far as possible in terms of cells. It has always been very difficult to make any plausible interpretation of plasmodial or coenocytic organisms in terms of the cell theory. Such organisms are multinucleate and non-septate masses of protoplasm, which nevertheless build up bodies of definite form and with a consider- able degree of differentiation. The nuclei are centers of action whose reactions influence the cytoplasm to different distances, especially in those forms in which their position is being constantly changed by protoplasmic streaming. Some have taken the standpoint that in such coenocytic bodies each nucleus with the portion of the cytoplasm it influences "represents" a cell, while others hold that the entire multi- nucleate body is one huge cell. Both of these interpretations contain elements of truth, but they also appear like attempts to save a theory based on a limited group of observations. The early dissatisfaction with the conception of the cell as the primary and universal agent of organization led to the formulation of the organ- ismal theory, in which the emphasis was placed on the living mass as a whole rather than on the constituent cells. ^^ According to this general interpretation, ontogenesis is a function primarily of the organism as a whole and consists in the growth and progressive internal differentiation of a single protoplasmic individual, this differentiation often, but not always, involving the septation of the living mass into subordinate semiindependent parts, the cells. Since the septation is rarely complete, all parts remain in connection and the whole continues to act as a unit. Hence development is not primarily the establishment of an association of multiplying elementary units to form a new whole but rather the 1' For a list of biologists who developed and supported this theory, see p. 436. See also Whitman (1893), Sedgwick (1894), Dobell (1911a), Ritter (1919\ Ritter and Bailey (1928), and Russell (1930). 22 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY resolution of one persistent whole into newly formed metabolic units: it should be thought of not as primarily a multiplication and cooperation of cells but rather as the differentiation of growing protoplasm. The real unity is that of the entire organism and, as long as its cells remain in continuity, they are to be regarded not as morphological individuals but as specialized centers of action into which the living body resolves itself and by means of which the physiological division of labor is effected (Wilson, 1893). The phylogenetic implication of the organismal theory is that if multicellular organisms have arisen from unicellular forms, the process may have been the same as that seen in ontogeny: the differentiation and subdivision of a continuous growing mass of nucleated protoplasm into a system of uninucleate cells. If the septation coincided with nuclear division from the first, there was a direct transition to forms with several cells. If the two processes did not so coincide, ccenocytic or "plasmodial" types arose, some of which persisted as our ccenocytic organisms while others developed internal walls and became our multi- cellular forms. The ability of isolated tissue cells to live independently does not prove that independent cells have combined to form the multi- cellular body but only that such parts can still carry on essential proto- plasmic functions. The phenomenon could as well be taken to prove the derived nature of Protista. The body is not an aggregation of elementary organisms, but a single organism which has evolved a multicellular structure. The cell colonies in certain green algae-" and the remarkable polyp colonies in the Siphonophora (see J. S. Huxley, 1912) indicate the dependence of the part upon the whole even in a group formed by aggregation, and they show the possibility of an evolution by the combination of individuals; but it is not at all clear that they afford the key to the evolution of organ- isms in general. The protozoon is more properly compared with the whole man ; both are organisms which have differentiated a series of specialized internal regions or organs, the one without cellular subdivision or increase in size and the other with them. Some of the cytological facts underlying the organismal theory may be briefly cited as follows. Many algse and other organisms, as already noted, develop bodies of considerable size and with definitely differentiated form and structure without any cellular subdivision of the multinucleate protoplasm. In some of these {e.g., Bryopsis; Noll, 1903) the tips of the plant grow steadily forward as wholes, in spite of the fact that the cytoplasm and the nuclei it carries are constantly being changed by protoplasmic streaming. Interpreting the entire plant as a huge cell accomplishing the development is here equivalent to admission that it is the whole which dominates the "centers of activity" about the nuclei. 2" Bock (1926) describes plasmodesms in Pandorina, Eudorina, and Gonium. CELLS AND TISSUES 23 The same general result may be achieved with or without cell-forma- tion, as in the bodies of Vaucheria, Cladophora, and Stigeoclonium, which show essentially the same degree of elaboration although the first is ccenocytic, the second semicoenocytic, and the third strictly cellular. Eggs of Chcelopterus have been observed to differentiate into swimming larvae even when the usual cytoplasmic cleavages are suppressed by add- ing some KCl to the sea water (F. R. Lillie, 1902, 1906). It has been shown in a number of cases that alterations in the position of successive cleavage furrows do not disturb the normal course of development and differentiation. In the frog, for example, "normal development does not depend upon a specific number and succession of cleavages in definite positions but rather upon an egg pattern which may be cut up by the cleavage furrows in various ways without destroying the pattern or the normal results of development" (Conklin, 1924). Spemann (1918 et seq.) has shown that in very young amphibian embryos groups of cells can be cut out and reversed in position or transplanted into other regions, whereupon they develop as parts of the organs normally differentiating in those regions and not as those of the regions from which they came. Thus, as F. R. Lillie (1902) concluded for Chcetopterus, "the process of cell-division, as such, is necessary neither to growth, differentiation, nor the earliest correlations; but it is accessory, in Metazoa, to all three as a localizing factor, often from the earliest stages. " It was to the same conclusion that W. Hofmeister, Sachs, de Bary, and other botanists were led many years ago through detailed studies of cell- formation in the growing regions of plants. They found the growth of the organ as a whole to be the primary matter, the position of the cell walls within it being secondarily determined by the physical forces acting within the growing mass. "The formation of new cells in the vegetative point is accordingly a function of the general growth, not its cause" (Hofmeister, 1867). This view has been upheld by many researches on the mechanics of growth and form (see Thompson, 1917) and by the recent studies of Sinnott (1930) on the relation of the dimensions of cells to the size and form of the organ they constitute. Many organisms which are cellular throughout the greater portion of the life cycle pass through a ccenocytic phase, often at a critical stage in the cycle, and in this phase as elsewhere growth and differentiation con- tinue. In the young embryos of Agathis (Fig. 13) and other gymnosperms the characteristic mode of development is indicated by the positions taken up by the nuclei during the ccenocytic stage, the position of the subsequently formed cell partitions being determined by differentiations occurring in this stage. Similarly, there are among animals cases in which the embryo first passes through a free-nucleate stage, subdivision into cells occurring after differentiation, particularly that of the germ region, is well on its way. That differentiation in such cases is a function of the protoplasmic mass as a whole is indicated by the fact that any 24 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY nuclei which happen to enter the germinal region become germinal nuclei, the rest becoming somatic nuclei (Huettner, 1923; on Drosophila). In many such eggs the cleavage is at first only superficial, the walls forming without special reference to the nuclei or their division, and the resulting compartments remaining for a time open into the common underlying mass of protoplasm. Many of the special tissues of the animal body may begin their development as plasmodial masses in which cellular differentia- tion occurs later. In some tissues the non-cellular condition may remain until maturity, as in certain "syncytial" types of connective tissue. The internal structures characterizing many tissue cells, such as neurofibrils and elastic fibrils, may arise before the subdivision into cells (see Rohde, 1908, 1923). D Fig. 13. — Early stages in the embryogeny of Agathis australis. A, ccenocytic stage. B, 32-nucleate stage with cytoplasmic suspensor cap differentiated. C, proembryo sub- divided into cells. Three regions distinguishable: suspensor initials above, embryo proper in middle, and embryonic cap below. D, later stage; cap well developed and suspensor elongating. {After Eames, 1913.) All of this is not to be interpreted as a denial of the importance of cells in multicellar organisms but only as a recognition of the fact that the principle of functional protoplasmic differentiation is more general and fundamental than that of cells as units (Heidenhain, 1907). Although we thus look upon cellular organization as initially a result of differentia- tion, it is true that it has, in turn, conditioned differentiation of a higher degree. The presence of cell partitions allows a more effective segregation of functionally specialized regions and a fuller play to those important physico-chemical processes which depend on surfaces and thin films for their action. Furthermore, it permits the development of larger plant bodies by furnishing an ideal basis for the more effective operation of turgor and for the deposition of supporting materials. The evolution of higher organisms has unquestionably been very largely conditioned by the multicellular state, but we should think of such organisms primarily as highly differentiated protoplasmic individuals rather than cell republics. CHAPTER II PROTOPLASM In spite of the enormous amount of work which has been done upon protoplasm during a period of many years, our knowledge of its constitu- tion and behavior must still be regarded as very superficial. Some have inclined to the view that a given kind of protoplasm is a single complex chemical compound, but at present it seems more probable that it represents a somewhat looser combination of substances, many of which are themselves very elaborate in composition. It furthermore seems probable that these substances differ from those which may exist apart from protoplasm, not so much in their fundamental chemical nature as in the degree of their complexity, their energy content or reactivity (Mathews, 1924), and especially in their mutual organization. Proto- plasm is made up of proteins, fats, salts, water, carbohydrates, and other compounds, but it is not a mere mixture of these materials: it is an intri- cately organized system of substances of many types, and only by virtue of this specific physico-chemical organization does it serve as the material substratum for those peculiar orderly activities characterizing the organism, namely, synthetic metabolism, irritability, reproduction, and adaptive response. Living protoplasm should always be thought of as a system in dynamic equilibrium; it is continuously maintaining itself through a balance of constructive and destructive processes. The "abil- ity to transform environmental material into its own specifically organized and active substance is the distinctive criterion of living as distinguished from non-living matter" (R. S. Lillie, 1923). The Chemical Nature of Protoplasm.^ — The operation of any system, living or lifeless, depends upon the materials of which it is made up (its chemical composition), the arrangement of these materials (its physical organization), and the set of surrounding conditions under which it acts (its environment). The chemical composition of protoplasm has been determined approximately in a number of instances. For this purpose the plasmodia 1 See on this subject A. Zimmermann (1896), Hammarsten (1909), Zacharias (1910), Czapek (1913, 1920), Wells (1914), Bayliss (1915), Mathews (1916, 1924), Palladin (1923), Meyer (1920), T. B. Robertson (1920), B. Moore (1921), R. W. Thatcher (1921), Walter (1921), Pratje (1920), Tischler (1921-1922, Chap. II), Lundeg&rdh (1922, Pt. I, Chap. XI, B), Grafe (1922, Chap. IV), Onslow (1923), Trier (1924), Heilbrunn (1928), Gortner (1929), and Kiesel (1930). 25 26 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY of myxomycetes^ and the spermatozoa of fish have been most frequently employed, the former because of the large mass of protoplasm readily available, and the latter because they yield large amounts of nuclear material in a fairly pure state. By the use of stains Unna and others have been able to determine the position in the cell occupied by certain organic constituents. Microchemical methods have been employed to some extent in the study of the inorganic constituents, but they are in need of further development. The results of Kiesel's analysis of the myxomycete Reticularia lyco'perdon are as follows: Per Cent Per Cent Dry Weight Dry Weight Proteins 29.07 Lecithin 4.67 Oil 17.85 Cholesterol 0.58 Glycogen 15 . 24 Nitrogen extractives 12 Other non-reducing soluble carbo- Nucleic acid 3 . 68 hydrates 5 . 32 Lecithoproteins 1.2 Reducing carbohydrates 2 . 74 Unknown 5 . 87 Polysaccharides 1 . 78 The protein matter of protoplasm exists in relatively complex forms. "The chief mass of the protein substances of the cells does not consist of proteids in the ordinary sense, but consists of more complex phosphorized bodies. ..." (Hammarsten). Such "phosphorized bodies" are the nucleo-proteins, which are "probably the most important constituents of the cell, both in quantity and in relation to cell activity" (Wells). A long series of chemical investigations^ has shown that these nucleo-proteins are essentially combinations of nucleic acid with proteins. The nucleus, as a rule, contains little or no uncombined carbohydrate, fat, or salt, but is characterized rather by the abundance of a substance called "nuclein, " isolated in 1871 by Miescher, who gave it the formula C22H49N9P3022. It was shown by Altmann (1889) that nuclein, like other nucleo-proteins, is a combination of two substances: nucleic acid and a simpler form of protein, the two existing in chemical combination much like an ordinary salt. Nucleic acid, which is, in turn, a com- bination of phosphoric acid with certain carbohydrates and bases, seems to be very much the same in all types of protoplasm. It is well known in two general forms, differing chiefly in the carbohydrate constituent of the molecule; in one form this is a pentose and in the other a hexose. The former is known to occur in yeast, wheat, and certain animals, while the latter has been found in thymus and lymph glands, blood cor- puscles, and spermatozoa. The strong afl^inity of nucleic acid for organic bases is responsible for the staining reactions of the chromatic nuclear substance: a fixed and stained chromosome is a salt of nucleic acid with a 2 Reinke and Rodewald (1881) and Lepeschkin (1923) on Fuligo varians (Js Meyer (1921), Beikirch (1925), S. Nichols (1925), Fitting (1927), Spek (1926), Umrath (1930). " Chambers, Seifriz, C. V. Taylor. " Lyon, Heilbrunn, Weber, W. Zimmermann. '* Heilbronn, Freundhch, Seifriz. 32 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY it may readily be observed (see Chambers, 1924). Seifriz (1924a) states that the viscosity of protoplasm is on the average about like that of glycerine and seldom below that of machine oil. According to Heilbrunn (1926c), the viscosity of the granule-free cytoplasm of the Arbacia egg is 0.02 and that of the Cumingia egg 0.04 (water = 0.01). With the granules included the values are 2 or 3 times as high as this. Myxomy- cete protoplasm is found to be 15 or 20 times as viscous as water (Heil- bronn, 1922). The internal protoplasm of Paramoecium is said to be 8,000 times as viscous as water (Fetter, 1926), although this may be due in part to fibrillar structures present. The effects of a variety of agencies on viscosity have been ascertained.^^ The viscosity changes occurring during meiosis, syngamy, and cell-division will be referred to in a later chapter. As already stated, cytoplasm nearly always contains visible globules and other particles. These represent vacuolar material, chondriosomes, and more or less transitory nutritive substances of various types. Some cells show no such elements or only chondriosomes, but this condition is rather exceptional. The smallest of the other visible granules, the "microsomes," are almost universally present, according to Chambers (1917, 1924). In the echinoderm egg there are, in addition, many larger "macrosomes" (called "alveolar spheres" by Wilson, 1899), which measure 3 or 4^ in diameter and seem to represent nutritive matter. Other bodies, such as fat and oil globules, are also present. All of these may be so abundant that the ground substance, or hyaloplasm, is almost invisible. Likewise, in plants especially, minute vacuoles may be so numerous that the protoplasm has an alveolar or foamy appearance. Fibrillar differentiations may further complicate the picture. It will be readily recognized that the optical appearance of a given sample of protoplasm depends very largely upon the kinds of inclusions present, their size and arrangement, and the degree to which they are crowded together. A fact which is both striking and very significant is that cytoplasm may be deprived of all the above inclusions without losing the power of carrying on certain of its characteristic activities. Hyaline pseudopodia amputated from granular amoebae are irritable and move in a typical amoeboid manner. Centrifuged sea-urchin eggs can be cut into two por- tions, one with all the visible granules (except oil globules) and the other with none, after which both portions may be inseminated and undergo cleavage (see Chambers, 1924). This means that the visible inclusions, although they should be regarded as a part of the living system to the degree in which they are active in protoplasmic reactions (see p. 46), are not an indispensable part of that system; and that "it is in the appar- J9 Heilbrunn (1920c, 1924, 1925/, 1929a&), Heilbnmn and Young (1930), Weber (1922, 1923, 1927), Scarth (1924), and others. PROTOPLASM 33 ently structureless hyaloplasm that the real problem of cytoplasmic organization lies" (Wilson, 1923). With the aid of a Spierer objective, which has a portion of the rear surface of the front lens silvered, Seifriz (1931) has been able to see in the hyaloplasm of onion cells a structure not hitherto reported. In the optically empty ground substance ("cryptoplasm") there are dispersed innumerable droplets of a grayish substance ("phaneroplasm"). The cytoplasm thus has a finely mottled appearance. As the cytoplasm streams, the phaneroplasm takes the form of parallel rods or continuous strands 0.3 to OAfx thick and 0.2 to 0.3/i apart. It is the cryptoplasm which appears to be the actively streaming component. The Colloidal State of Matter. — It is evident that many phenomena in protoplasm are in some way dependent upon its ultramicroscopic structure. It is here that cytology has received a notable contribution from the field of physical chemistry in the form of facts and hypotheses concerning the colloidal state of matter.-'^ Matter is said to be in the colloidal state when it is subdivided into ultramicroscopic particles. Matter in which the particles are large enough to be microscopically visible may show some of the properties of colloids, but such properties are exhibited most characteristically when the size of the particles lies between 0.1/x and Im/x. Such particles, or "micelles," are generally groups of molecules, although it seems that they may sometimes be single large molecules {e.g., in egg albumin). Although they cannot be seen with the ordinary microscope, which reaches the limit of its power with particles between 0.2ju and O.lix in diameter, their presence may be indicated by the Tyndall phenomenon or by the ultra- microscope, under which they appear as bright points against a dark field. Wolfgang Ostwald (1917) gives the following table of diameters: Red blood corpuscle 7,500mM ( =7.5;u) Staphylococcus 800 Particles in fine mastic suspension 500-1,000 Casein particles in milk 130-170 Colloidal gold particles 2-15 Molecule of soluble starch 5 Molecule of hsemoglobin 2.5 Molecule of grape sugar 0.7 Molecule of hydrogen 0.1 The colloidal substance is, of course, enveloped in some other medium (gas, liquid, or solid), the two together constituting what may be termed a colloidal system. The subdivided substance is known as the "disperse phase," and the enveloping medium as the "dispersions medium." 2° See Bancroft (1921), Bayliss (1915, 1923), Bechhold (1919), Czapek (19116), Hatschek (1916), Lundeg&rdh (1922; Pt. I, Chap. XI), Meyer (1920; Chap. IV), T. B. Robertson (1920), Lepeschkin (1924), Svedberg (1928), Freundlich (1928), Gortner (1929), and Gray (1931). . 34 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY Each of the physically homogeneous constituents, or phases, may be chemically complex; an aqueous phase, for example, may contain salts and other compounds in solution. The different chemical substances, including the solvent, which make up a phase, are called components. Furthermore, more than two phases may be present; there may be "polyphase systems"; but it will be sufficient for our purpose to deal only with those having two phases. Colloidal systems differ widely in general properties according to the liquid, solid, or gaseous nature of the phases. The following list of familiar substances will help to give a picture of colloidal structure, although some of them, because of the large size of their particles, are only large-scale models of such structure. Liquid in liquid: mayonnaise Solid in liquid: muddy water Gas in liquid: foam Liquid in solid: pearl Solid in solid: true ruby glass Gas in solid: bread Liquid in gas: fog Solid in gas: smoke It is with the liquid colloidal systems that biology is chiefly concerned. Typically these are uncrystallizable, considerably more viscous than water, readily coagulable, only slightly or not at all osmotic, and poor as electrical conductors. In all of these features they differ markedly from true molecular solutions. It was formerly customary to classify them as "suspensoids," in which the suspended matter is solid, and "emulsoids," in which it is supposedly liquid. More adequate is the classification into lyophobic and lyophilic systems. A lijophohic system is one in which neither phase will dissolve in the other, whereas in a lyophilic system the disperse phase and the dispersions medium are more or less soluble one in the other (Martin Fischer). Gelatin in water is a lyophilic system; gelatin in alcohol is a lyophobic system. It is uncertain to what extent the dispersions medium actually dissolves in the micelles in the solvation of a lyophilic colloid (as when gelatin swells in water, a case of hydration) or only becomes closely "bound" in layers about them (Gortner, 1929, p. 212.) Colloidal systems are referred to as sols if they flow readily and as gels if they do not. Gels include jellies (true gels) formed by lyophilic colloids, and coagula formed by precipitation in lyophobic ones. A sol may be made to become a gel {gelation) or a gel to become a sol {peptiza- tion) under certain conditions. In many cases such alterations are reversible. What structural change occurs during gelation is not well known, but there is evidence which indicates that an agglomeration or a partial coalescence of the suspended particles occurs, with the resulting formation of a reticulum or a spongework of threads. The consistency of a colloidal system obviously may vary according to the relative volumes of its phases, the closeness with which the dispersed particles are packed PROTOPLASM 35 in the dispersions medium (Fig. 14), and the measure in which the dis- persions medium is bound by the micelles. The stability of a liquid colloidal system with a solid disperse phase depends largely upon the similar electric charge carried by the suspended particles. The addition of an electrolyte neutralizing the charges brings about a precipitation of the particles. In a liquid-in- 4 >.p' N^ -.-'/v Fig. 14. — Diagram to show the various appearances observable in a two-phase colloidal emulsion. A, suspended droplets well separated, giving an alveolar appearance. B, droplets crowded, giving continuous phase a reticular appearance. C, D, aspects due to a proportionally smaller amount of the originally continuous phase and a coalescence of the droplets, both phases becoming continuous. Fig. 15. — Photograph of an oil-water emulsion. {After Seifriz, 1930a.) Fig. 16. — A torn Fticus egg. Compare with Fig. 15. (After Seifriz, 1930o.) liquid system the matter is more complicated. A relatively coarse oil-water emulsion will serve to illustrate some of the principal facts. When olive oil and water are beaten up together, the oil forms droplets suspended in the water. If the mixture is allowed to stand, the two constituents quickly separate. If, however, one includes in the original mixture a third substance having a certain effect upon surface tension (an "emulsifier," or "stabilizer"), the resulting emulsion is stable, since the emulsifier enters the interface between the oil and the water and prevents the coalescence of the droplets (Fig. 15). Mayonnaise dressing is an 36 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY emulsion of oil in an aqueous medium (vinegar) with egg protein as an emulsifier. Milk also is stabilized largely by proteins. When water- soluble sodium oleate is formed as the emulsifier in an olive oil-water mixture by adding NaCl, the oil disperses in the water; this occurs even if the water constitutes only 1 per cent of the whole, the water forming a series of thin films separating the large oil droplets. When oil-soluble calcium oleate is formed by including CaCU, the water disperses in the oil. By employing both sodium and calcium salts, varying their ratio, the important change known as phase reversal may be produced at will in either direction (Fig. 17). At a certain critical ratio there is a very delicate balance between the two conditions, and it is a biologically significant fact that the ratio at which colloidal proteins and lipides form A Fig. 17. — Diagram illustrating phase reversal in a colloidal emulsion. A, aqueous phase. B, oil or other non-aqueous phase. C, interfacial film formed by emulsifying agent. {After Clowes, 1916.) such balanced emulsions is about the same as that in which the two classes of salts occur in both blood and sea water. In many colloidal systems the finely divided substance is in the form of filaments or thin films rather than globules or small granules. Further- more, these may extend throughout the mass as a network or platework, neither phase being wholly discontinuous. The structure of such an "interlacing system" is illustrated on a large scale by bread or a rubber bath sponge. What is essential to all types of systems is the enormous extent of the interface, and to obtain this condition it is therefore only necessary to make at least one dimension of the dispersed matter small. It can readily be calculated that a cube of matter 1 centimeter in each dimension and exposing 6 square centimeters of surface would expose 60 square centimeters if cut into 1-millimeter cubes, 6 square meters if cut into 1-/X cubes, and 6,000 square meters if cut into l-m^u cubes. The Colloidal Nature of Protoplasm. — The work of the past few years has made it abundantly clear that protoplasm is a colloidal system. This is manifest in its general physical properties. Its viscosity, surface- tension phenomena, power of adsorption, and high electrical resistance PROTOPLASM 37 are like those of other known colloids. Its semipermeable properties are typically those of colloidal systems; a semipermeable region is probably present wherever protoplasm comes in contact with other substances, such as water. Protoplasm shows most strikingly its colloidal character in the alterations of physical state, involving imperfectly understood structural changes, which it undergoes as a result of variations in external conditions and internal reactions. Local temporary alterations of this nature are known to accompany a number of important life processes. Protoplasm, like many organic and inorganic colloids, is irreversibly coagulated by too high temperatures and a variety of chemical substances. The "fixation" of protoplasm by the reagents employed in cytological technique is primarily the transformation of a lyophilic system into an irreversible lyophobic coagulum. Protoplasm is colloidal, but the question of the particular type or types of colloidal structure it possesses is one to which no satisfactory answer can yet be given. The most widely prevalent theory is that the emulsion type of structure, often visible with the microscope, is continu- ous with an ultramicroscopic colloidal structure of the same sort, with discontinuous phases of lipides, proteins, and other liquid and solid sub- stances suspended in an aqueous medium. It has been thought by some that high electrical resistance indicates a discontinuity of the water phase (M. Fischer, 1923), some non-conducting material constituting the medium of dispersion. The suddenness of many permeability changes has been thought to favor the view that protoplasm has an emulsion structure, at least in plasma membranes (Clowes, 1916). R. S. Lillie (1923) sees further evidence in a variety of phenomena, including the autolytic action of injured cells wherein enzyme and substrate are allowed to interact by the breakdown of films normally separating them. The view that the submicroscopic colloidal constitution of protoplasm is primarily like that of an emulsion has been brought into question by Seifriz (1924a6, 1926a6c, 19295). He points out that living protoplasm, although it may show such a structure within the power of the micro- scope (Fig. 16), differs markedly from emulsions in its noticeable degree of elasticity, its power of imbibition, and its characteristic behavior in form- ing a granular irreversible coagulum at death. Comparisons wdth certain inorganic systems suggest that it has a structure in which the units are arranged in linear chains which may form a three-dimensional network or "brush heap." It is not to be concluded that investigators insist that all protoplasm must have this or that particular type of colloidal structure. It is probable that the minute structure varies within wide limits in different tissues and in different regions of any differentiated mass of protoplasm. It may be that emulsions, interlacing systems, and molecular bridgeworks all actually exist and pass one into another according to general and local 38 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY conditions. Only future research will permit an evaluation of the many conflicting views on this subject. Of special interest will be the results of studies to determine to what extent protoplasm may possess a micellar structure comparable to that of many of its products (p. 179). The point to be borne in mind at present is that the structure in any event is indis- putably colloidal, and that our attempts to explain protoplasmic behavior must be based on this fundamental fact. We shall proceed, then, with the general conception of protoplasm as a complex system of many sub- stances dispersed in the form of granules, globules, filaments, networks, and plates, which thus expose an enormous area of reacting surface in proportion to their volume. The system includes an extensive series of thin films in the interfaces between the continuous and dispersed phases, between the differentiated protoplasmic regions or organs, and around the mass as a whole. Some of the activities of protoplasm which seem clearly to be condi- tioned by its polyphase, film-partitioned organization may now be briefly enumerated. ^^ A great many chemical substances coexist in protoplasm without inter- acting until certain conditions prevail, whereupon interaction occurs suddenly and extensively. This is thought often to involve films separat- ing the different phases of the system. Under appropriate circumstances the properties of these films are rapidly altered, allowing the substances on either side to interact, and the volume and the velocity of the reaction are due in large measure to the enormous area of reacting surface. The films separating various regions within a protoplasmic mass permit the localization of very diverse types of chemical activity within a small space and the consequent differentiation of organs in which these activities are then more efficiently carried on. A particularly important case of the control of reactions through changes in colloidal films is seen in general and local alterations in the permeability of the plasma membrane bound- ing any unit mass of protoplasm, a matter to be discussed in the next section. The effect of colloidal structure upon processes involving adsorption is noteworthy. Substances are peculiarly subject to chemical change when adsorbed at surfaces because of the special energy conditions present there. Adsorption is frequently a necessary preliminary to chemical reaction. In protoplasm there exists an ideal structural basis for such "adsorption catalysis"; in fact, it seems that "the determination and con- trol of chemical reactions by adsorption are universal in living proto- plasm" (R. S. Lillie, 1923). It seems clear that a part of the catalytic activity of enzymes is due to their colloidal state; indeed, it appears that respiration itself is a surface reaction conditioned in this way (Warburg; see, further, Beutner, 1933). These facts suggest why it is that certain " See Bayliss (1923) and R. S. Lillie (1923). PROTOPLASM 39 reactions, such as rapid oxidation, ordinarily occurring only at high tem- peratures, may take place at relatively low temperatures in the organism. Finally, in the film-partitioned structure of protoplasm there is a basis for further electrical phenomena, a subject fully discussed by Lillie. Electric currents have been shown to accompany a variety of vital processes and to have a fundamentally important bearing upon problems pertaining to the reception and conduction of stimuli, automatic or reflex activity, muscular contraction, the movement of plant parts, correlation, polarity, growth, and other biological phenomena. "They .appear, in fact, to be as essential a feature of protoplasmic action as the consumption of oxygen or the evolution of CO2. " Ectoplasm and the Plasma Membrane. — It has long been known that there is at the normal surface of any mass of protoplasm a layer whose physical properties differ somewhat from those of the substance within the mass. Sometimes such a differentiation can be easily seen: in amoebse and myxomycetes a layer of hyaline ectoplasm surrounds the granular endoplasm within (Fig. 18) . Frequently the boundary between these two is not at all sharp, and it seems evident that they may be readily converted one into the other. Among Protista, as will be shown farther on, the edoplast is often elaborately differentiated and may be accompanied by additional envelopes. pj^ is.— An amceba, There is a large body of evidence for the view showingectopiasm.endo- ,•■ , 1- 1 xi • 7 1 plasm, and contractile that an exceedingly thin plasma membrane, or vacuole. plasmalemma, is always present at the surface of the protoplast, whether any special ectoplasmic layer can be directly observed or not. In case such a layer is present, the plasma membrane represents its external surface film. Much has been learned about the plasma membranes of amoebae and other cells by observing the behavior of particles adhering to it (Schaeffer, 1920) and by the use of the micro- manipulator.-^ In myxomycetes Seifriz finds the outer membrane to be distinctly more elastic and tenacious than the hyaline substance imme- diately beneath. Although it is very thin, it is a definite morphological structure which may be removed after death with dissecting needles. Moreover, it is capable of constant repair. Such a capacity to form a surface membrane immiscible with water, provided the injury has not been too sudden and extensive, seems to be generally present in healthy protoplasm. The development of the membrane is in many respects like that of the formation of superficial films by other colloidal systems, although in the case of protoplasm certain metabolic syntheses seem to be "Kite (1913), Chambers (1917 et seq.), Seifriz (1918, 1921), Chambers and Hofler (1931), Plowe (1931a). 40 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY involved. In the Arhacia egg there is a reaction of calcium with a sub- stance visible in the cytoplasm, according to Heilbrunn (1928, 1930a). Because of the very different surface conditions prevailing in tissue cells, the differentiations can scarcely be expected to be wholly the same as in "naked" masses of protoplasm. Nevertheless, there is reason to believe that here, too, specialized osmotic membranes are responsible for certain physiological phenomena, notably selective permeability, as was claimed long ago by Pfeffer (1890). Plowe (1931a6) has been able to show both by microdissection and by permeability studies that the plasma membrane in the familiar cell of the onion-bulb scale is a real structure. That surface membranes have properties not present in the endoplasm is shown by the fact that certain substances, eosin for example, to which the membrane is impermeable, will diffuse readily through the endoplasm if artificially injected through the membrane (Chambers). Such semi- permeable membranes (membranes permeable to solvent but not to solute) are also present about nuclei and sap vacuoles (see below). All such membranes of the protoplast appear to be lyophilic gels. In the case of a vacuolate cell, the permeability of the whole is determined by the permeabilities of all the regions traversed — plasma membrane, endoplasm and vacuole membrane — but it is due chiefly to the membranes. Because of the great importance of the cell membrane in physiology many studies have been made with the hope of determining its exact physico-chemical constitution.-^ One of the most influential theories has been that developed by E. Overton (1895 et seq.), who concluded that the membrane is composed primarily of lipides. This theory was founded chiefly on the high correlation found to exist between the lipide solubility of many organic compounds, notably dyes, and their ability to pass through cell membranes. IMoreover, lipides would be expected to accumulate at free surfaces, and their presence would help to explain the immiscibility of the membrane with water. This theory has been much criticized, not only because it has been thought not to account satis- factorily for the high permeability of the membrane to water, but also on the basis of further studies on permeability and leaching.-^ The probable importance of proteins in the cell membrane has been emphasized by a number of investigators, ^^ partly because of the colloidal nature of these substances and the readiness with which they form pre- 2^ For discussions and literature pertaining to the constitution and physiological behavior of plasma membranes, see Schaeffer (1920), Bayliss (1921), LundegSrdh (1922), Hober (1922), R. S. Lillie (1923), Chambers (1924), Jacobs (1924), Stiles (1924), Weber (19266), Gellhorn (1929), Steward (1929), Gray (1931), and Beutner (1933). 2^Ruhhmd (1908 et seq.), Hober (1909, 1922), Steward (1928a6, 1929), Bailey and Zirkle (1931). See, further. Gray (1931). 26 Pfeffer (1900), Ramsden (1904), Osterhout (1911), Loeb (1911), T. B. Robertson (1908), Lepeschkin (1910, 1911). PROTOPLASM 41 cipitation membranes. The high permeabihty of such membranes to strong electrolytes is, however, against the assumption that they can be primarily responsible for the selective properties of the living cell's surface (Gray) ; moreover, protein membranes do not exhibit the neces- sary osmotic properties. As a result of such difficulties, physiologists have been forced to the conclusion that the membrane is characterized by a peculiar physical and chemical complexity. That both lipide and protein constituents are present is strongly indicated, but what other constituents may accompany them, and how they are all physically arranged, is not at all clear. According to Gortner (1929), it is possible to picture the membrane pro- visionally as consisting of a "protein gel, probably in the form of a fibrillar structure with fats, soaps, and lipides immeshed in the protein network. The transfer of lipide-soluble materials would be through the fat-soap- lipide portion of the structure, whereas the passage of water and such water-soluble materials as actually do pass in and out of the cells would be through the hydrated filaments of the protein network." Various conjectures have been made regarding the possible alterations in the structure of the colloidal cell membrane as it undergoes observed changes in permeability. Clowes (1916, 1918), who studied the relation existing between balanced antagonistic salts and phase reversal in olive oil-water emulsions, believed that similar reversals of lipide and aqueous phases might account for permeability changes in cell membranes, the sub- stance originally forming a continuous path becoming discontinuous, and vice versa. Many membranes maintain their normal state of semipermea- bility only when the ratio of such antagonistic salts is held constant within narrow limits. Since colloidal systems are known in which the two phases differ chiefly in the relative proportion of water they contain, it has also been suggested that changes in permeability may be due to redis- tributions of water between such phases in the membrane (Lloyd, 1915; Free, 1918). Such changes would affect the size of dispersed droplets and the closeness with which they are packed and hence the action of the membrane as a whole. Such a hypothesis is thought to account more readily for very gradual changes in permeability than does the reversal hypothesis. Both gradual and sudden changes occur, and it is highly probable that they involve structural alterations of more than one type. In his discussion of this general subject Gray (1931) lays emphasis upon the fact that "the living cell is bounded by a surface or a membrane which is capable of generating energy or of transforming energy which is supplied to it in an appropriate form, " and upon the further fact that no inanimate system known at present has the electrical properties mani- fested by the cell membrane. "In other words the plasma membrane is part of a dynamic system whose machinery is of a type not yet demon- strated outside the living cell." It remains true, however, that the 42 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY results obtained with artificial systems, if rightly construed, cannot fail to contribute to our understanding of cell membranes and their action (see Beutner, 1933). Vacuole Membranes. — The character of the tonoplast, or membrane bounding the ordinary sap vacuole, has been the subject of many investi- gations. In 1885 de Vries found that the large central vacuoles of Allium and Spirogyra could be isolated by placing the cells in hypertonic solutions of a potassium salt, and that the semipermeability of their membranes was retained in a measure for some time. Such observations on onion cells have been repeated and extended by Chambers and Hofler (1931), who have isolated the vacuole with a micromanipulator. They find the tonoplast membrane-*^ to be "a highly cohesive and extensible fluid film of unappreciable thickness." It resembles the plasma membrane in being immiscible with water when normal, in not wetting a clean glass micro- Fig. 19. — Discharge of the contractile vacuole (Vi) and the accompanying behavior of subsidiary groups of vacuoles (gr. Vi, gr. Vs) in Euplotes. p.p., papilla pulsatoria. mac. macronucleus. {After C. V. Taylor, 1923.) needle, and in being wetted by oil and chloroform. A further resemblance is seen in the failure of acid dyes to pass through either membrane when injected into the cytoplasm (Plo^ve, 19316). The osmotic properties of vacuoles are important not only in connec- tion with metabolic processes but also in supporting many plant struc- tures through turgor. It is also by virtue of osmotic action that vacuoles may function in subdividing large masses of protoplasm in the sporangia of certain fungi (p. 165), in pollen tube formation (Woycicki, 1926), and doubtless in many other processes. The contractile vacuoles of certain lower animals and plants have similar limiting membranes. Such vacuoles periodically absorb water and solutes from the protoplast and then expel them to the exterior. In some cases, as in Paramcecium trichium (Wenrich, 1926), there is evidence that the membrane is a permanent structure which contracts rhythmically to expel fluid received from subsidiary vacuoles. In fixed material the membrane shows a characteristic fibrous structure. In Euplotes, C. V. Taylor (1923a) finds that the primary contractile vacuole, which is 2^ Chambers and Hofler extend the term "tonoplast" to the vacuole as a whole with its membrane. De Vries applied it to the membrane alone. See also Plowe (1931o). PROTOPLASM 43 accompanied by two adjacent series of smaller vacuoles, discharges its contents through a definitely localized but temporary ectoplasmic pore, whereupon it disappears completely. Its place is then taken by another formed by the union of secondary adjacent vacuoles (Fig. 19). These latter vacuoles arise in turn from still smaller ones, which seem either to be derived ultimately from vacuoles containing granules that dissolve, or to arise de novo as fluid centers causing the protoplasm to form a membrane by gelation. These observations have an interesting bearing on the problem of the origin of ordinary sap vacuoles (p. 94) In amoebse the membrane of the contractile vacuole appears to be formed anew periodically by gelation (Day, 1927) and shows certain resemblances to the plasma membrane in its permeability (Morita and Chambers, 1929). Contractile vacuoles have usually been regarded as excretory organs, but there is evidence that they are mainly concerned in the regulation of hydrostatic pressure. ^^ In Spirogyra, Lloyd (1925, 1928a6) has shown that the action of contractile vacuoles is concerned in the movement of the gametes at the time of conjugation. The Ectoplast of Protista. — The ectoplast shows its most elaborate structural differentiations in Protista, where it clearly has several func- tions— protective, motor, excretory, and sensory (see Minchin, 1912, Chapter V). In many forms there is a relatively tough outer envelope, or "pellicle," in addition to the more fluid hyaline ectoplasm. The origin and the degree of development of this envelope, however, are not the same in all cases. Commonly, it seems to arise as a modification of the outer region of the ectoplast. In Amoeba proteus, Mast (1926) finds the internal protoplasm ("plasmasol") to be surrounded by a fairly rigid granular layer ("plasmagel") and this in turn by a tough "plasmalemma" about 0.25m thick. The "periplast" of flagellates seems to represent the entire ectoplast modified. In still other forms the resistant envelope is formed indirectly by secretion. Among the ectoplasmic structures with a motor function the simplest are the pseudopodia; in the larger ones there is a core of endoplasm, but the more delicate "filose" ones consist entirely of ectoplasm. Minute suspended particles can be detected in hyaline pseudopodia by the use of dark-field illumination, their Brownian movement affording an index of the fluidity of the ectoplasm (Bayliss, 1920). The cilia on the velum in certain molluscan larvae have the form of thin blades, and each of these is composed of a number of long plates (Fig. 20, C). In Spirillum long contractile filaments are separable, but in Chromatium they are firmly united (Metzner, 1920). Cilia, which are short and numerous and show rhythmic pulsation, ^^ cirri, which are formed of tufts of cilia, memhranellce, "" See Calkins (1926); also Weatherby (1927) and Day (1930). ^* For discussions of the structure and mechanics of flagella and cilia, see Heiden- hain (1911), Lundeg&rdh (1922), Metzner (1920), Gray (1928), and Petersen (1929). 44 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY representing fused rows of cilia, and undulating membranes, which are mainly sheet-like extensions of the ectoplasm (Fig. 20, A), are all essen- tially ectoplasmic organs. In Blepharisma, Chambers and Dawson find that when touched with a needle the undulating membrane breaks up into cilia, which may reunite. A further motor differentiation is seen in the minute contractile fibrils known as myonemes (Fig. 20, B), which are analogous to a system of muscle fibers. In ciliated forms they run beneath the rows of cilia. Contractile or pulsating vacuoles sometimes appear to originate in the ectoplasm, although they may later lie much deeper. In certain cases definite actively protective organs, the trichocysts, are differentiated in the ectoplasm. A sensory function may be performed by the "eyespot, " A B CDS F Fig. 20. — Types of motile apparatus. A, Trypanosoma tincce, showing undulating membrane. B, Trypanosoma percw, showing myonemes. C, velar cilia of ^olis. D, Uroglena volvox. E, Phacus pyrum. F, Hamatococcus pluvialis. {A and B after Minchin; C after G. Carter (1926) ; D F after J. B. Petersen, 1929.) which in some cases appears to be ectoplasmic in origin (see p. 67), and also by flagella and cilia, which are often receptors of tactile stimuli. Kinoplasm. — In his descriptions of the plant protoplast Strasburger (1892, 1897a, 1898) made a distinction between the nutritive alveolar trophoplasm and a specialized active kinoplasm, the latter constituting the plasma membrane, fibrils of the mitotic figure, centrosomes, and the contractile substance of cilia and allied structures. -^ Although the theo- retical aspects of such a distinction were overemphasized by certain writers, the terms have remained useful for descriptive purposes. The importance of kinoplasm has been emphasized anew by Lloyd and Scarth^" in studies of living cells of Spirogyra, Symphoricarpos, Tradescantia, and Elodea. According to these workers, the kinoplasm 2^ Allied to this were conceptions involving archoplaam and ergastoplasm (see Wilson, 1925, p. 723). 3" Scarth (1927), Scarth and Lloyd (1927), Lloyd (1926), Lloyd and Scarth (1926). PROTOPLASM 45 not only constitutes differentiated films about the cell, the nucleus and the plastids, but may also develop filamentous prolongations extending from these films into the cytoplasm and from the tonoplast into the vacuole. In extreme cases it may form a spongy framework throughout the cytoplasm and a "medusoid" growth over the surface of the vacuole. It appears to be the kinoplasm that is responsible for protoplasmic stream- ing; it flows through the relatively stationary trophoplasm, carrying with it the plastids and chondriosomes.^^ There appears to be an inverse relationship between the abundance of chondriosomes and differentiated kinoplasm; moreover, the active kinoplasm does not stain, but as it metamorphoses into the tonoplast it colors faintly with Janus green. These and other facts suggest that lecithin enters into the composition of the kinoplasm and that the chondriosomes may represent a substance used in its elaboration. Lloyd has shown that the contractile vacuole of the Spirogyra gamete (see p. 228) arises by a swelling of kinoplasmic globules in the cytoplasm. The cleavage of the protoplasm of many sporangia to form spores is also regarded as an activity of extending kinoplasm. Such observations raise a number of important cytological problems and emphasize the need for further work along this line. Protoplasm and Metaplasm. — Because of the place they occupy in cytological discussions we may outline several classifications of the sub- stances composing organisms which certain writers have found useful. J. Hanstein (1868): 1. Protoplasm: the living substance. 2. Metaplasm: non-living substances in or on protoplasm. M. Heidenhain (1902, 1907): 1. Protoplasm: the principal form of living substance. 2. Metaplasm: a less active form of living substance, formed by a process of differentiation in protoplasm in connection with special functions, and capable of growth, response to certain stimuli, and fui'ther differentiation. It is represented chiefly by the intercellular substance of animals; also by certain other structures, such as elastic and connective tissue fibrils. 3. Non-living substances. E. Rohde (1908, 1923): 1. Protoplasm: the principal form of living substance. 2. Metaplasm: a less active form of living substance; essentially the same as Heidenhain's metaplasm but including also contractile and nerve fibers, which Heidenham regarded as protoplasmic. Metaplasm, according to Rohde, cannot again become protoplasm and does not continue from generation to generation. 3. Non-living substances. A. Meyer (1896, 1920): 1. Protoplasm: the principal form of living substance. 2. Alloplasm.: a less active form of living substance, essentially the same as the metaplasm of Heidenhain and Rohde. Cilia, flagella, and cytoplasmic fibrils are 'alloplasmatic organs." Organs of this class arise by direct transformation of all ^1 Seifriz's cryptoplasm and phaneroplasm (p. 33) would both be included in the kinoplasm. 46 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY or part of a protoplasmatic organ, usually the cytoplasm. They may dissolve but do not become protoplasm again. 3. Ergastic subdances: non-living substances arising anew in or on the protoplast; these correspond to the metaplasm of Hanstein. The intercellular substance, regarded as living by Heidenhain, is held to be ergastic by Meyer. Protoplasm and Life. — Huxley, in his famous essay of 1868, very aptly termed protoplasm "the physical basis of life." Since the true significance of protoplasm was first recognized, many suggestions have been ventured regarding the nature of the relation existing between life and its physical basis. The modern conception of protoplasm as a living system was preceded by a number of speculative "micromeric theories," or "atomic theories of biology," according to which the principle of life was held to reside in ultimate vital particles.^- Such fundamental particles were supposed to be for the most part of ultramicroscopic size, capable of growth and reproduction by division, and associated like members of a vast colony in protoplasm. Attempts were also made to account for the activities of protoplasm on the basis of the known chemical reactions of certain of its constituents, notably the proteins. It is not surprising that the peculiar properties of these compounds, which are certainly very significant, should have led to the belief that life is primarily a series of changes in special labile protein molecules, or "biogens" (Verworn). The fundamental fallacy involved in all such speculation lies in attributing the properties of a system to some one of its constituent ele- ments and consequently in attempting to draw a sharp line between "living" and "lifeless" components. Sachs (1892, 1895) and many others have urged that the various elements should be referred to as active and passive rather than living and lifeless. It cannot be emphasized too strongly that protoplasm is a living system of components which by them- selves are non-living — a system composed of all the substances that are participating in essential protoplasmic reactions at a given moment (cf. Wilson, 1923). The various constituents of protoplasm share in all degrees in deter- mining the activity of the system of which they are integral parts. It is probable that protoplasm always contains visible or invisible materials which might be removed without terminating the life processes. This does not prove, however, that these materials had no share in the processes while they were a part of the system, but shows only that the system which remains after their removal still has an organization permitting it to con- tinue in the living state. It is an altered system and operates in a some- what altered manner. Furthermore, the same chemical compound may '2 For summaries of these theories, see Delage (1903), Heidenhain (1907), Kellogg (1907), and Meyer (1920). Some regard the gene theory as a modern development of the same kind. PROTOPLASM 47 be active at one moment and relatively inactive at another, depending upon its physical state {e.g., whether in solution or not) and the presence of other substances with which to react. It is not a certain chemical composition, but activity, that marks a substance as a part of the living system. The system remaining after the supposed removal of all dis- pensable materials would comprise many classes of substances, some of which, notably water, carbon, and proteins, are probably essential in all forms of protoplasm because of their peculiar properties. The fact that these forms of protoplasm are almost innumerable suggests that the com- ponents of the fundamental system must vary quantitatively, qualita- tively, and in their type of structural organization within considerable limits. In any case it should be evident, in spite of the special importance of certain forms of matter, that it is not this or that component but the organized system as a W'hole which lives. Steel is not a time-keeping material, but it may be an important constituent of a time-keeping system, such as a watch. Proteins are not living compounds, but they are important constituents of living systems. That which is distinctively biological inheres not merely in the several components but in their unique integration and the consequent peculiar action of the organized system as a whole. The action of the whole can be said to be a sum of the action of the parts only when it is remembered that the parts act as they do because of their position in the whole. Hence a true conception of the organism can be approached only when analysis into physico-chemical components is followed by resynthesis into a biological whole. ^^ We may go a step farther and point out that the organism is not to be sharply set apart from the environment. The two are so inseparably interlocked that they must be conceived as a single integrated system whose orderly operation is necessary to life.^^ Thus life is largely a rela- tion or adjustment between the properties of the organism and those of the environment (Brooks, 1889), or, as Herbert Spencer put it, a "con- tinuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations. " "See J. A. Thomson (1920), C. Lloyd Morgan (1923), Jennings (1927), Russell (1930), and Gray (1931). '^ For discussions of this point, see Jennings (1924), Sharp (1925), and Carrel (1931). CHAPTER III THE NUCLEUS It is now a century since the nucleus was first recognized as a normal and characteristic element of cells, and half a century since a new era in cytology was ushered in by a series of researches revealing the remarkable behavior of the nucleus during the critical stages of the life cycle. Because of the peculiarly intimate relation which this behavior has been shown to bear to many outstanding biological problems, including that of Mendelian heredity, it is largely in nuclear phenomena that cytological interest has continued to center up to the present day. The most striking of these phenomena form the subjects of several subsequent chapters; at this point the nucleus will be considered only as it appears in the "meta- bolic" condition, i.e., when not undergoing division.^ General Features of Nuclei. — Whether or not one should say that all protoplasm or all cells are nucleated depends upon what is meant by the term "nucleus." If the chromatic substance, no matter whether dis- tributed throughout the cell in the form of small particles or aggregated in a well-defined organ, be regarded as constituting a nucleus, then it follows that all complete plant and animal cells normally have nuclei. If, however, the term be employed only with reference to a distinctly delimited organ, we must regard those Protista with only scattered chromatic material as devoid of nuclei, although they may contain matter which performs at least certain nutritive functions of a nucleus. The question of the presence of nuclei in bacteria is discussed in Chapter XIII. In nearly all known organisms there are nuclei with roughly the same general type of organization, which indicates that the functional and structural differentiation of protoplasm into cytoplasm and nucleus doubtless occurred at a very early period in the history of the organic kingdoms. The number of nuclei present in any mass of protoplasm depends largely upon the bulk of the mass, since within limits a certain ratio of nuclear surface to cytoplasmic volume must be maintained for the proper action of the whole system. A small mass with but one or a very few nuclei may grow into an extensive canocytic body with thousands of 1 For an exhaustive review of the Uterature on plant nuclei, see Tischler (1921- 1922, especially Chaps. I-IV). Von Neuenstein (1914) gives a systematic account of alga nuclei; for recent literature, see Smith (1933). Agar's (1920) book on cytology is chiefly an account of the structure and behavior of the metazoan nucleus. 48 THE NUCLEUS 49 nuclei produced by repeated division, as in the Siphonales and Phycomy- cetes. In such a body a few partitions may be formed, giving cells with varying numbers of nuclei, as in Cladophora (Fig. 4, C). Again, the subdivision into cells may be very closely correlated with the division of the nuclei so that every cell has one nucleus; this is the condition in the majority of organisms. Frequently, cells with two or more nuclei occur regularly in certain tissues of plants with uninucleate cells elsewhere throughout the body, as in the internodal cells of Characese, tapetal cells, and a number of other instances in vascular plants.^ A peculiar con- dition is found in the red blood corpuscles of mammals. These cells are originally nucleated, and the later enucleate condition is usually attributed to an actual loss or degeneration of the nucleus. In amphib- ians the enucleate erythrocyte ("erythroplastid") arises by the division of a nucleated cell without an accompanying nuclear division.^ Enucleate leucocytic elements are also known. The nuclei of a protoplast, whether many or one, are called the nucleome by Dangeard. In certain infusoria two unlike nuclei are present: a small micro- nucleus and a much larger macronucleus (Fig. 5). This is usually the condition in Paramoecmm caudatum, but races with no micronucleus are known."* Some species may have more than one micronucleus: in P. woodruffi there are usually three or four, although the number varies from none to eight (Wenrich, 1928a). The micronucleus divides mitoti- cally and the macronucleus is usually said to divide amitotically, but at least in some cases the story is evidently less simple than this (Mac- Dougall, 1925). The macronucleus appears to be primarily a special nutritive organ, showing decided alterations under changing environ- mental conditions (Stolte, 1922). At certain intervals it is absorbed completely and replaced by a new one derived by a process of division from the micronucleus. C. V. Taylor (1923a), working with Euplotes, observed that individuals from which the micronuclei had been arti- ficially removed underwent only one or two more fissions and died in a few days. The position of the nucleus is determined largely by physical causes, such as surface tension, the position of the vacuoles, and the relative density of the cytoplasm in different portions of the cell. In a non- vacuolate cell it ordinarily occupies the center of the cytoplasmic mass. In a cell with vacuoles it is imbedded in the cytoplasm even when the latter is reduced to a thin parietal layer; it never lies free in the vacuole. Its position is also related to the functions of the cell ; generally speaking, - Arber (1920). A historical review of known cases is given by Beer and Arber (1920). See also Tischler (1921-1922, pp. 212if.) 3 Beyer (1921), Emmel (1924, 1925). ^Landis (1920), Woodruflf (1921). 50 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY Fig. 21. — Position of nuclei in differentiating cells. A, thickening of inner wall of epidermal cell of Scopolia. B, origin of root hairs in Pisum. {After Haberlandt.) it lies in the region characterized by the most active metabohsm.^ For example, in young, growing root hairs and pollen tubes it is commonly found a short distance from the elongating tip. Wendel (1918) observed that the root hairs of Sinapis alba seedlings grow first at the apex, then at the base, and sometimes at the apex once more, and that the position of the nucleus changes accordingly. In thickening epidermal cells (Fig. 21) it frequently, though not always, lies near the wall upon which the thick- ening material is being deposited. In form the nucleus is typically spherical or ellipsoidal, its shape, like its position, being determined by a number of physical factors. Under comparatively uniform condi- tions, as where a small nucleus lies in a relatively large amount of non- vacuolate cytoplasm, a spherical shape is ordinarily assumed. Exceptions are often seen in cells with specialized func- tions. In the cells of the spinning glands of Pieris and Vanessa (butterflies) the physiological conditions lead to the as- sumption of very irregular forms w^here- by the nuclear surface is considerably increased (Fig. 22). Analogous changes occur in Lilium bulb cells (Goldstein, 1928). Nuclei seem rather commonly to undergo amoeboid changes in shape, such active movement being directly observa- ble in the nucleus of the living cycad spermatozoid. In the long, narrow cells of vascular bundles the nuclei, which are not free to grow in all directions, come to be correspondingly elongated. In Stentor and Spirostomum the nucleus has the form of a string of beads (Fig. 22, B).^ Nuclei show a wide variation in size, ranging in plants from extremely minute nuclei like those of Mucor, 1/x or less in diameter, to the relatively gigantic nucleus of the Dioon egg, with a diameter of 600;u. A similar range is seen in animal nuclei. Although the nuclei of the fungi are characterized by small size, most of them being less than 5jLt in diameter, they may grow to be very large at certain stages. The primary nucleus of Synchytrium, for instance, reaches a diameter of over 60/x. The major- ity of nuclei, however, fall between 5 and 25ju. In spite of the wide range in the size of nuclei of different organisms, it is generally uniform in a ^ This relation of position to function was emphasized in the works of Haberlandt (1887) and Gerassimow (1890, 1899, 1901). 8 A discussion of the various factors influencing nuclear shape is given by Champy and Carleton (1921). Tischler (1921-1922) and Goldstein (1928) describe many unusual forms of nuclei. Tischler gives a long list of measuraments of plant nuclei. THE NUCLEUS 51 given tissue, though it may vary considerably with the physiological activity (Maige, 1923). The ratio of the volume of the nucleus to that of the cytoplasm in a ceU is called the " nucleoplasmic ratio," or " karyoplasmic ratio." Many years ago it was held by Sachs and Strasburger that the size of a meri- stematic plant cell maintains a very definite relation to the size of the nucleus, owing to a supposed limitation of the sphere of influence of the nucleus. This latter conception has been emphasized anew by Winkler, and parallel views have been expressed by several zoologists.'^ In the case of certain terminal meristems of plants such a rule may well hold r.i-y-- ■*■■ I jftv '•*^^ ■■ Fig. 22. — Peculiar nuclei. A, portion of nucleus from spinning gland of Vanessa urticw. {After Korschelt, 1896.) B, Spirostomum ambiguum, with moniliform nucleus. {After Stein.) C, nucleus from salivary gland of Chironomus; the chromatic material is in a convoluted thread which ends in two nucleoli. {After Balhiani, 1881. See also van Herwerden, 1910, 1911; Aherdes, 1912; Faussek, 1913; Tamer, 1921.) D, Chwnia teres, with chromatic granules scattered throughout the body. {After Gruber, 1885.) E, lobed nucleus from yellowing lily leaf. {After Goldstein, 1928.) true within limits, but the condition reported by Bailey (1920) in the lateral meristem (cambium) shows clearly that it cannot have universal application. The cambial initials may vary enormously in size with no corresponding variation in the size of their nuclei; two such initials, one of them having many hundreds of times the volume of the other, may possess nuclei of approximately equal size. Tischler (1924, 19256) connects the ratio in pollen with the process of germination. The nucleoplasmic ratio has figured prominently in discussions of the problem of senescence and differentiation.^ In a given kind of cell there is a relation between the size of the nucleus and the number of chromosomes. In 1895 Boveri showed that the size 7 Sachs (1892, 1893, 1895), Strasburger (1893), and Winkler (1916) on plant cells; DoUey (1913) on nerve cells; Hegner (1919) on Arcella; Hegner and Wu (1921) on Opalina; Dolley (1925) on pancreatic cells. » R. Hertwig (1889, 1903, 1904, 1908), Minot (1891, 1908, 1913), Conklin (1912), Child (1915), Popoff (1907), Marcus (1908), Howard (1910), Howard and Schultz (1910). See Wilson (1925, p. 236); also Faure-Fremiet (1925). 52 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY of the nuclei in merogonic echinoderm larvae is dependent upon the num- ber of chromosomes each contains. In a more extended study (1905) he demonstrated that it is the surface of the nucleus that is proportional to the chromosome number, and also that the size of the cell is propor- tional to both. Gates (19096), however, adduced evidence to show that this rule is by no means universal. This question has been investigated in connection with studies on polyploid plants with the general result that, although in the majority of cases a rise in the chromosome number of a species is seen to be accompanied by an increase in nuclear and cell size, there are cases in which such a change in related types seems to have been accompanied rather by a decrease in the size of the chromosomes. This indicates that it is volume of karyotin, and not mere number of chromosomes, that is of importance in this connection (see Tischler, 1921-1922, pp. 588^.). With respect to the physical nature of the nucleus as a whole, studies with the micromanipulator have shown^ that it ordinarily consists, at least in part, of an elastic gel having a higher viscosity than that of the cytoplasm, often being so firm that it can be handled without injury by the instrument. This obviously would be impossible were the nucleus merely a watery droplet or vesicle in the cytoplasm. The germinal vesicle (nucleus) of certain animal eggs Chambers finds to be a sol droplet with a gel membrane; when pinched in two by the instrument the two halves will reunite if they come in contact. Studies on the electrical properties of cells have shown that the nucleus is apparently negative to the cytoplasm. Free nuclei and the heads of spermatozoa, which are composed almost entirely of nuclear material, pass to the anode in an isotonic cane-sugar solution; whereas, cells rich in cytoplasm, such as large leucocytes, pass to the cathode. ^° The difference in electrical potential ,on the two sides of the nuclear membrane may be of considerable significance in the vital processes. The chemical nature of the nucleus has been touched upon in the preceding chapter (p. 26). The exact nature and distribution of the various constituents are not well known, but recent researches'^ seem to show that the reticulum contains both nucleo-protein and lipide, the latter being in part combined with protein, while the karyolymph con- tains lipides but no nucleo-protein. The most nearly specific test so far devised for the chromatic nucleo-protein ("chromatin") of nuclei is the Feulgen reaction, in which the production of a purplish color in decolorized basic fuchsin indicates the presence of thymonucleic acid.'^ 8 Kite (1913), Chambers (1914, 1917, 1921), Seifriz (1926c). i« R. S. Lillie (1903), Hardy (1913). 11 Nemec (1909, 1910), Hansteen-Cranner (1919), Grafe (1925), Grafe and Magis- tris (1926), Wermel (1927), Gutstein (1927), Shinke and Shigenaga (1933). 12 Feulgen and Rossenbeck (1924), Feulgen (1926). See also McClung's Micro- scopical Technique and Margolena (1932). THE NUCLEUS 53 The limitations of this method are not altogether clear, but it has already- proved valuable in distinguishing chromosomal matter from other sub- stances which stain like it with certain dyes. Most investigators have found that vital dyes do not stain the nucleus as long as it is living and healthy, but P. Dangeard (1923a) reports that nuclei in certain cells with a somewhat retarded activity may be so stained with neutral red and methyl violet. Successful results are reported by several other workers. ^^ Structure of the Nucleus. — The typical nucleus is bounded by a nuclear membrane. The reality of this membrane has often been questioned, but researches on living cells^^ leave no doubt that it is a definite structure. It is usually very thin; it has even been suggested that it may sometimes be but a single layer of molecules. In most cells under the micromanipulator it appears, however, to be thicker, remaining intact when the nucleus is pushed and pulled about or removed from the cytoplasm, and crumpling into folds when fluid is withdrawn from the nucleus with a pipette. Its origin with respect to the regions which it separates is obscure. The suggestion has been made that it is double, having distinct nuclear and cytoplasmic components. ^^ The larger portion of the volume of most nuclei is composed of a highly transparent ground substance known as karyolymph, or "nuclear sap." This usually appears optically homogeneous, with a few" dispersed particles at most. The results of microdissection and the Brownian movement of suspended particles show that it may be in either the sol or the gel state. In old cells vacuole-like masses may appear within it (Kisser, 1922). Associated with the karyolymph is another substance which appears in most preparations as a more or less continuous network of threads, the reticulum. The naturalness of this structure has also been a subject of debate. Many living nuclei, notably in animals, appear perfectly homogeneous (excepting the nucleolus) or at most very finely granular, a reticulum appearing gradually as the nuclei are injured experimentally or allowed to become moribund. ^^ The coarseness and the uniformity of the reticulum often vary considerably with the fixing agent employed ; moreover, the coagulation of colloidal substances very commonly involves the formation of fibrous and reticulate structures. It has accordingly been inferred that the thready reticulum has no real existence in the normal living state but represents an artifact brought about by altera- tions in the nuclear colloids. i^Kuster (19186, 1926), Gicklhorn (1927), Paltauf (1928), Albach (1928). The reactions of plant and animal cells to vital dyes are compared by Benoist et al. (1929). ^* Kite, Chambers, C. V. Taylor, Gross, Nemec. i^Scarth (1927), Klingstedt (1928). "Lewis and Lewis (1924), Chambers (1924), Schaede (1925, 1930), Strugger (1930). 54 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY Opposed to the general validity of the foregoing interpretation are the results obtained by a number of investigators^^ who have seen threads or a reticulum in apparently healthy nuclei under carefully controlled conditions of observation (Fig. 23). Martens, for example, working with the plumose stigmas of Arrhenatherum, stamen hairs of Tradescantia, and certain other tissues, watched the action of fixing fluids upon living nuclei and found that the reticulate structure visible in healthy nuclei before fixation remained unchanged, except for a slight swelling of the threads and increased visibility due to alterations in refractive index. The same details appeared in material fixed for longer periods and stained with iron alum- hsematoxylin. These results, taken together with analogous findings of Chambers (1924, 1925) on the prophases in animal spermatocytes, indicate that the reticulum appearing in a well-fixed nucleus fairly represents a delicate thready structure actually present during life and rendered more distinctly visible by fixation. It is doubtless true that no fixer gives a wholly perfect rendition of all details of the living structure and that many fluids produce very great alterations, but it now seems evident that the reticulum cannot be explained away as merely a crea- ^g^ tion of technical procedures. The reticulum is composed of threads. On the crooked chromonem- ^ • i- • ^ j_ ^ x i • r^\ j. -v -j. ata. {Photograph ftir- basis of evidence to be presented m Chapter X, it nished by H. Teiezyn- may be Said that thcsc threads occur in a charac- teristic number and are derived each from the filamentous constituent (chromonema) of a chromosome. They appear to be connected laterally by fine strands {anastomoses) about whose origin and nature very little can be confidently affirmed (see p. 135). Since the main threads tend to be crooked and not appreciably thicker than their connecting strands, it is difficult or impossible to recognize them as indi- viduals in the fully developed reticulum. They are characteristically chromatic: they usually stain well, particularly with certain basic dyes (basichromatism) and so offer a strong contrast with the achromatic karyolymph. In some nuclei the threads are rather evenly basichromatic throughout, the reticulum appearing as a system of uniform strands with only slight swellings here and there, especially at the nodes. In other cases the chromaticity may be more pronounced in the swellings, the other regions of the threads being relatively colorless or even oxychro- i^Lundegardh (1912a), Kite (1913), de Litardiere (19216), Martens (1924, 1927a6c, 19296), Scarth (1927), Belaf (19296, 1930), Guilliermond (1930o), Telezynski (1930), Belling (1933). Fig. 23. — Living nu cleus in Tradescantia stamen hair moun in paraffin oil. Note THE NUCLEUS 55 matic (stainable with acid dyes). In such cases the appearance of the reticulum suggests a framework of one substance supporting differently stained particles of another substance The interpretation of the above appearances has long been a major cytological problem, and no acceptable conclusion has yet been reached with regard to many points. The view was long ago put forward that the reticulum comprises two distinct elements: a supporting framework composed of relatively achromatic linin upon or in which are carried ''granules" of a second, highly stainable substance, chromatin. The chromatin granules were held to be composed of " oxychromatin " or "basichromatin" according to their varying ratio of nucleic acid and protein. '^^ Thus the "chromatin" may be highly basichromatic (strongly acid) during nuclear division, but only weakly so or even oxychromatic (basic in reaction) in the metabolic nucleus where it is in a different functional state with its nucleic acid presumably combined with basic substances. At all stages it reacts positively to the Feulgen test (p. 52). Physical factors, such as degree of dispersion, as well as the order in which stains are applied, may also affect the results obtained in preparations.^^ The evidence for such a structural distinctness of chromatin and achromatic supporting material in the reticulum has been questioned by many workers. 2° It has been suggested that if there are two elements, chromatin and linin, they are not so distinct morphologically as the earlier workers supposed, the chromatin existing rather as a thin fluid impregnating the linin substratum. The chromatic lumps are often not sharply set off from the rest of the thread but taper off gradually. In such cases it has been found that purposes of cytological description are well served by the conception of a reticulum composed of a single com- plex substance which stains variously in different regions and at different stages of the nuclear cycle according to the size of the strands, their physico-chemical state, and the technical procedure employed. This one substance is loosely spoken of as chromatin, but because of the long application of this term to a supposedly distinct component of the retic- ulum it is advisable to use Lundegardh's (1910) term karyotiji for the reticular substance as a whole. Only future research can decide whether karyotin ("chromatin" in the wide sense) is a true chemical compound 1* Heidenhain (1890, 1907). As used by many writers, the term "oxychromatin" includes the Hnin, "chromatin" denoting only the "basichromatin." Heidenhain later called the chromatin granules "chromioles," a term introduced by Eisen (1899). See the discussions by Wilson (1925) and Stieve (1921). Oes (1908, 1910) and Nemec (1909, 1910) reported that the two kinds of chromatin differ in solubility. " A. Fischer (1899), Hardy (1899). 2° Gregoire and Wygaerts (1903), Gregoire (1906), Sypkens (1904), Martins- Mano (1904), Lundegkrdh (1910, 1912), Malte (1910), Sharp (1913, 1920a), de Litardiere (19216), McClung (1924). 56 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY or a looser combination of two or more constituents, only one of which is "chromatin" (in the narrow sense). In nuclei with more sharply differentiated chromatic lumps and achromatic connecting strands the conception of two substances in the reticulum may seem more attractive. Studies on the chromosomal threads (chromonemata) during nuclear division have shown that the lumps {chromomeres) may be located in definite positions in the threads, which in such a case have characteristic structural patterns (Fig. 79). Certain of the large lumps have been identified in the reticulum, and it is inferred that the small ones may also persist in some measure. Hence such chromomeres can scarcely be chance accumulations of chromatic matter; they are definite differentiations which there is much reason to believe are associated in some way with certain functional activities. They might be regarded as local swellings of the karyotin (one-substance theory) or as regions where "chromatin" is produced in characteristic amounts (two-substance theory). It may be that we shall come to look upon "chromatin" not as a substance existing primarily as definite units but rather as one whose presence indicates activities in ^^^ I Fig. B 24.- Kuhn, 1929a.) B, nu- cleus of Impatiens in prophase, showing eu- chromocenters at spin- dle-attachment regions of developing chromo- somes. (After Gregoire, 1932.) cieus of Phaseoius with other localized units or regions in the nuclear threads. chromocenters. (After The above uncertainties do not prevent us from carrying forward the conception of the reticulum as a system of chromosomal threads connected by fine strands, or from speaking of the reticular substance in general as karyotin. As will be made evident in later chapters, the nucleus may be regarded as a group of closely associated chromosomes performing their metabolic functions together. In many nuclei there are at certain stages one or more conspicuous masses of karyotin at several points in the reticulum (Fig. 24). Of the many terms applied to these the most suitable seems to be chromo- centers.^^ After certain stains (iron alum-hiematoxylin) they may at times closely resemble true nucleoli, but the distinctness of the two was long ago demonstrated with other stains (Rosen, 1892). In some cases it has been shown that they represent definite chromosomal regions which remain condensed and highly chromatic ("heteropyknotic") 21 Baccarini (1908). They have been variously known as net knots (Flemming, 1882), karyosonies (Ogata, 1883), pseudonucleoli (Rosen, 1892), Nebennucleoli (Zacha- rias, 1895), and chromatin nucleoli. Karyosome is a widely adopted term, but the fact that it has been applied to other quite different elements has made the substitu- tion of another term advisable. TllE NUCLEUS 57 instead of forming portions of the reticulum. ^^ These euchromocenters appear to correspond in part to the "prochromosomes" which many writers have pointed out as regions at which prophasic chromosome con- densation begins. In other cases chromatic accumulations may arise secondarily in the metabolic nucleus and disappear without showing any direct connection with chromosome development (Kuhn, 1929a). The Nucleolus. — Nearly all metabolic nuclei contain one or more trae nucleoli, or plasmosomes.^^ In a young nucleus just formed by divi- sion there are often several small nucleoli which may unite to form two or one as the nucleus becomes fully developed. In the living nucleus the nucleolus appears as a dull, viscous droplet, usually round but frequently irregular in shape. Centrifuging-^ and the position it natu- rally assumes in certain eggs-^ show it to be heavier than the rest of the nuclear matter. It may be homogeneous throughout, or it may contain vacuole-like masses and occasionally small granules.-'' Chemically, it is composed mainly of proteins and lipides.-^ It commonly shows an affinity for acid dyes, but in some procedures it takes the basic ones. Of greater interest is the fact that its chromaticity undergoes marked alterations during the nuclear division cycle, as will be pointed out in later chapters. Such alterations are thought to indicate interactions of some sort with the reticulum, with which the nucleolus is in contact at one or more points. The broad, clear zone often seen about the nucleolus in fixed material is, as a general rule, an artifact due to a contraction of the reticulum. The functions of the nucleolus are obscure, but there is obviously some relation between its behavior and the cycle of alterations undergone by the other nuclear constituents. This topic is to be discussed in Chap- ter IX. It should, however, be pointed out here that the nucleolar matter arising in the young nucleus develops principally in close associa- tion with definitely localized regions of particular chromosomes, a fact which has only recently come to light (p. 118). The nucleolus or nucleoli tend to remain attached to such chromosomes and consequently to the metabolic reticulum which the latter form. As the reticulum again 22 Strasburger (1904c), Miyake (1905a), Rosenberg (19076, 1909ac), Overton (1905, 1909), Laibach (1907), Heitz (1929a), Gregoire (1932). These are called euchromocenters (true chromocenters) by Gregoire. 23 por general accounts of the nucleolus and reviews of the literature pertaining to it, see Montgomery (1899), Wager (1904), Walker and Tozer (1909), M. Jorgensen (1913a), A. Meyer (1917a, 1920), Tischler (1921-1922), Ludford (1922a), and Guillier- mond and Mangenot (1928). 2* Mottier (1899), F. M. Andrews (1902), E. W. Schmidt (1914), Nemec (1929/), Shimamura (1929). 25 Gray (19276) on Echinus, Wakayama (1929) on Pinus. 26 Digby (1910), Reed (1914), Kuwada (1919), Carleton (1920), Saguchi (19206). 2^ Zacharias (1885), A. Meyer (1920), Unna and Fein (1921), Fels (1926), Shinke and Shigenaga (1933). 58 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY develops condensed chromosomes, the nucleolar matter diminishes in amount and commonly disappears completely. This long ago suggested that it is with the chromosomal changes especially that the nucleolus is concerned.-^ Kossel suggested that the albuminous nucleolar material arises as one of the products formed when complex albumin-rich com- pounds are spht to form albumin-poor "chromatin." Less evident are certain other functions which have been ascribed to the nucleolus. It has often been regarded as a reserve material utilized in some unknown manner by the protoplast.^^ To Strasburger (1895) its behavior suggested a connection with the development of the achromatic structures at the time of nuclear division (Chapter XI). Others have made observations suggesting a role in secretion^" or yolk formation^^ in animals. The evidence in a number of such cases has been adversely criticized. ^- The Functions of the Nucleus. — Many years ago Claude Bernard (1878) suggested that the nucleus is necessary for synthetic metabolism. Since that time various investigators^^ have sought to test this hypothesis by experiments on plant cells artifically deprived of their nuclei by means of plasmolysis, centrifuging, direct section, cooling, or anesthesia. It was observed that in these cells such activities as the formation of cellulose membranes, assimilation, the utilization of reserves, growth, and the division of plastids ceased at once or continued for only a short time. The general conclusions were that these activities depend upon the pres- ence of specific substances (building materials, enzymes, etc.) in the cytoplasm, that such substances are elaborated with the cooperation of the nucleus, and that the occurrence or non-occurrence of the activities in question in enucleated masses of cytoplasm depends upon the presence or absence of these substances at the time of the experiment. Analogous results have been obtained in certain experiments on amoebae,^'* which can be cut into nucleate and enucleate pieces. The 28 Flemming (1882), Strasburger (1884), F. M. Andrews (1901), Rhumbler (1893), R. Hertwig (1898), Lubosch (1902), Farmer (1907), Sheppard (1909), Maziarski (1910), Reed (1914), Schiirhoff (1918), Digby (1919), de Litardiere (19216), Ludford (1922a), Cleland (1922, 1924), Lenoir (1923), Martens (1922), Van Camp (1924), Latter (1926, 1932), Gates and Latter (1927), Zirkle (19286, 1931). 29 M. Jorgensen (1913a), A. Meyer (1917, 1920), and many others. s« Macallum (1891), Maziarski (1911), Nakahara (1917, 1918a), Saguchi (1920), Kinney (1926), Beams and Wu (1929). 31 Macallum (1912), Lubosch (1902), Rohde (1903), Ludford (1921, 1922a), Koch (1925), Gardiner (1927), Nath and Mehta (1929), Nath and Mohan (1929). 32 M. Jorgensen (1913a), A. Meyer (1917, 1920), de Winiwarter (1925). 33KIebs (1887, 1888), Haberlandt (1887, 1919, 1921), Gerassimow (1890 et seq.), Townsend (1897), Palla (1889, 1890, 1906), Acqua (1891, 1910), van Wissehngh (1909), BobiUoff-Preisser (1917), Heitz (1922). See Tischler (1921-1922; pp. 142- 147). 3" Stole (1910), Lynch (1919), Phelps (1926), Becker (1926). THE NUCLEUS 59 enucleate pieces may move, respire, and respond to certain stimuli — activities which depend upon catabolic processes; but they do not undergo regeneration, growth through the formation of new albuminous material, or division — activities which involve organic synthesis. Among the many reactions involved in metabolism the most impor- tant, according to modern physiology, is oxidation, for the energy utilized by the organism is derived immediately from the union of protoplasm or of its inclusions with oxygen. A relation between the nucleus and oxida- tion and reduction has therefore been sought. Following the experiments of Spitzer (1897), who observed that nucleo-proteins extracted from certain animal tissues have the same oxidizing power as the tissues themselves, it was suggested by Loeb (1899) that the nucleus is the center of oxidation in the cell. Loeb pointed out that this would explain the inability of enucleated cell- fragments to undergo regeneration. This conclusion was supported by R. S. Lillie (1903, 1913), who showed that rapid oxidation occurs both at the surface of the cell and at the surface of the nucleus. Osterhout (1917) found that "injury produces in the leaf-cells of the Indian Pipe (Monotropa uniflora) a darkening which is due to oxidation. The oxida- tion is much more rapid in the nucleus than in the cytoplasm and the facts indicate that this is also the case with the oxidation of the uninjured cell." Other investigators^^ have opposed the oxidation theory. Fur- ther evidence in its support is brought forward by Chambers (1923a). In healthy cells (amoebae, ciliated cells, echinoderm eggs) Janus green does not enter the nucleus, but as the cells become moribund the dye enters and colors the reticulum red. This probably means that the nor- mal resistance to the penetration of the dye is lost, whereupon the reduc- ing ability of the nucleus becomes manifest in the change of Janus green to diethylsafranin. This reducing power is lost at death. In interpreting the results of such experiments, particularly those in which the cell is enucleated by mechanical means, it has not always been sufficiently borne in mind that some of the effects upon metabolism may be due to the injury itself rather than to any sort of normal activity in the parts which remain. It is therefore very difficult to obtain by such direct means unequivocal evidence regarding the precise manner in which the nucleus functions during the normal life of the cell. Even when the results of enucleation seem clearly to indicate a dependence of certain functions on the nucleus, they do not limit to the nucleus the performance of those functions. Removal of the cytoplasm would also cause a cessation of such activities. Each function, though it may be peculiarly subject to the differential influence of some one organ, is, in reality, an act of the protoplasmic system as a whole. The nucleus may be said "to control" an activity only in the sense that s^Lynch (1919) on Amoeba, Wherry (1913), W. Schiiltze (1913), Reed (1915). 60 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY it contains something necessary to the performance of that activity, much as a chemical stockroom "controls" the activities carried on in the laboratory. In a mature organism metabolic activity maintains the individual in the living condition. In a young and developing one it also results in growth and the differentiation of structural and functional characters. The manner in which the various constituents of the protoplast partici- pate in metabolism and hence affect the course of development is studied by observing the effects of altering this or that constituent. In the case of the nucleus it has been found that differences in its constitution are associated with particularly clear-cut differences in certain of the char- acters developed. This leads to the subject of the role of the nucleus in development and heredity, which is to occupy our attention in later chapters of the book. CHAPTER IV PLASTIDS The most conspicuous cytoplasmic differentiations in plants are plastids. They may be looked upon as regions of the protoplast which have become structurally specialized mainly in connection with carbohy- drate synthesis and transformation; hence they serve to call attention to one of the most profound metabolic differences between plants and ani- mals. The total plastid outfit of the protoplast has been called the plastidome by Dangeard."^ Occurrence and General Characters. — Plastids are of almost universal occurrence in the tissues of plants, where they are found in one form or another in all groups with the possible exception of bacteria, blue-green algae, myxomycetes, and certain fungi. Within a single cell there may regularly be but one plastid, as in many algae, Aiithoceros, and the meri- stematic cells of Selaginella; or two, as in Zygnema; or a higher number, as in the green tissues of most higher plants. They lie imbedded in the cytoplasm and are often closely associated with the nucleus; they are never found normally in the vacuole. The positions which they assume within the cell are frequently related in a definite manner to certain external conditions, as in palisade and stomatal cells of green leaves. ^ Although they may vary considerably in size, Mobius (1920) found that 75 per cent of the plastids in 215 species of plants he examined had a long diameter lying between 4 and 6^. The size may be affected by temperature (0. Hartmann, 1919a). It seems that in some cases there is a relation between the size of the plastids and that of the cells in which they lie (Gates, 1923). Eyster (1929) observed characteristic size differences in certain genetic strains of maize. Plastids are usually classified on the basis of the colors of their con- tained pigments. The arbitrary nature of such a classification is apparent when it is realized that two plastids of the same color, or with no color whatever, may be performing very different functions by virtue of unlike substances not visible to the eye; and, further, that the same plastid may be colorless, green, and yellow or red at different stages in its history. A separation on the basis of color is, however, very convenient and usually does correspond to functional diversity. This is shown by 1 For general accounts of plastids, see A. Meyer (18836), Schimper (1883, 1885), Senn (1908), and Schvirhoff (1924). 2 Schimper (1885), Senn (1908), Haberlandt (1918), Weber (1925a). 61 62 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY the interesting fact that the thallophyte groups with different predominat- ing pigments are characterized by different principal products of metaboHc activity. In the higher plants and the grass-green algse this product is usually starch, in the yellow-green algse and diatoms it is oil, in the brown algse it is pentosan, in the red algae (Floridese) it is Floridean starch, and in the blue-green algae it is glycogen. Leucoplasts. — All colorless plastids, regardless of their size, function, or relation to other types of plastids, are known as leucoplasts (Fig. 25). They are found commonly in meristematic tissue and may be retained .\ ^^ Not wishing to commit himself on the question of the relation of these bodies to the chondriosomes of animals, Bowen employs for them the term "pseudochon- driosomes." Dangeard calls them "cytosomes." 32 Pensa (1925), Ruhland and Wetzel (1924). «« Guilliermond (1923a), Policard and Mangenot (1922). 92 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY 4.2 to 5.2 and are destroyed by more acid fluids, and the term "plastids" only for those bodies containing starch or chlorophyll. We have here chosen somewhat arbitrarily to retain the term " chondriosome " but to restrict its application to those elements with a fairly characteristic composition which do not behave as the primordia of plastids. When the nature of a small element is unknown, such non-committal terms as "microsome" and "particle" are always available. It remains for future research to reveal more precisely the chemical and genetic relation- ship of proplastids and chondriosomes at the time of their first appearance in the cytoplasm and to evaluate the claim of Meyer and others that the chondriosomes are, like all other formed bodies in the cytoplasm except plastids, ergastic in nature. Conclusion. — In the present state of our knowledge no final judgment can be rendered on the question of the nature and function of "chondrio- somes." Bearing present probabilities in mind, we may adopt as a tentative working basis the view that in both plants and animals the chondriosomes, or mitochondria, are a special class of small bodies fairly distinguishable chemically from other materials of an ergastic nature, that they represent elaborated products which are somehow employed as sources of matter and energy for further growth and differentiation, and that they are best regarded as distinct from the plastids of plant cells. This provisional disposition of the matter will be convenient until wholly decisive evidence is obtained. In spite of the fact that the study of chondriosomes has so far raised more problems than it has solved, it has proved of much value, for it has turned to the cytoplasm some of the attention so long directed almost exclusively to the nucleus. It has also been of great service in bringing about a closer scrutiny of the effects of fixation and a renewed emphasis upon the importance of the study of living protoplasm. CHAPTER VII ERGASTIC SUBSTANCES In Chapter II emphasis was laid on the conception of the protoplast as a living system of active components which by themselves would be non- living. It is nevertheless convenient to deal separately with materials which, for the time at least, are relatively inactive. These, for the most part, are accumulations of the products of protoplasmic activity and represent by-products, supporting structures, and reserves which are later to be used in metabolism. They are thought of as non-living sub- stances, but to whatever extent they affect the vital activities of proto- plasm they must logically be regarded as a part of the living system. The relatively inactive or "lifeless" substances in or on protoplasm were called metaplasm by Hanstein (1868). This term has been com- monly employed in this sense, but unfortunately it has been widely used in another meaning (see p. 45). We have, therefore, adopted Meyer's (1896) expression, ergastic substances. "■ Vacuoles. — Although the semipermeable membranes bounding vacu- oles are definitely a part of the protoplasmic system (p. 42), it is con- venient to treat vacuoles in this chapter because of the ergastic nature of their contents. Any spaces within the protoplast containing ergastic liquid or (very rarely) gas may be regarded as vacuoles, but the term is ordinarily used with reference to those occupied by the aqueous mixture know^n as cell sap. Vacuoles of this general nature are small and comparatively inconspicuous in animals, but in plants they appear to be almost uni- versally present and clearly play a prominent role in metabolism. In terminal meristems of vascular plants, as shown especially by the recent work of Zirkle (1932), they are usually rather numerous, small, and spherical, although they may be drawn out into other shapes by the streaming cytoplasm. In the apical cells of Osmunda (fern) and Lunu- 1 For an extensive account of the ergastic materials in plants, see A. Meyer (1920, 1926). For the chemistry of plant products, see R. W. Thatcher (1921), Onslow (1923), Czapek (1913, 1920), Molisch (1913), Rigg (1924), Trier (1924), Haas and Hill (1928), Gortner (1929), and Wiesner et al. (1932). Ergastic materials are not to be confused with the ergastoplasm of Gamier, Bouin, Prenant, and others. This term was applied to a supposedly very active or "superior" type of protoplasm; see Faure- Fremiet (1910o) and Wilson (1925). For general accounts of vacuoles, see Meyer (1920-1921; Chap. VI, Sec. 6), Lundegardh (1922; Pt. 2, Chap. VIII), P. Dangeard (1923o) and Guilliermond (1929a). 93 94 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY laria (liverwort) they are very large. In the cambium of woody plants they are very abundant and exhibit a surprising variety of form (Fig. 48) (Bailey, 1930). As the meristematic cells multiply, the vacuoles are distributed, often after passive division, to the daughter cells. Dur- ing the final growth and differentiation of the cells the vacuoles coalesce, commonly forming a single enormous vacuole which far exceeds the volume of the cytoplasm in which it lies. The vacuolar system of a cell or other protoplasmic mass, whether this system consists of one or more vacuoles, is called the vacuome (Dangeard). Much of the difference of opinion regarding the origin and occurrence of vacuoles has been due to the fact that many fixing fluids, particularly those containing acetic and chromic acids, may destroy the true vacuoles and greatly alter the appearance of the cytoplasm. Certain fluids con- taining iron or chromium salts pre- serve very well the size and form of the vacuoles but not their membranes (Zirkle), The only trustworthy stud- ies on this subject, as in the case of so many others in the field of cytology, are those which are checked as far as possible by observations on living material. As just intimated, the mode of Fig. 48.-Various forms assumed by origin of vacuoles has long been a the vacuome in fusiform cambial initials of debated qUCStion. An old and Still Robinia. (After Bailey, 1930.) prevalent vicw is that they simply arise de novo in the cytoplasm wherever water and certain dissolved sub- stances become abundant enough to form visible droplets (von Mohl, Nageli). Pfeffer (1890), who found that droplets with membranes were formed when granules of asparagin were introduced into protoplasm, favored this view. Strasburger (1898), who regarded protoplasm as mostly alveolar in structure, accounted for the origin of vacuoles by the enlargement and coalescence of alveoles, while Meyer (1912, 1920) classed them as accumulations of ergastic fluid around which membranes are secondarily formed. Sharply opposed to this interpretation was that of de Vries (1885), who advanced the theory that vacuoles do not arise de novo but rather from individualized bodies which he called tonoplasts. As the tonoplast secretes cell sap within itself, it gradually enlarges and becomes the vacuolar membrane, which is still referred to as the tonoplast. Since the tonoplast bodies were supposed to multiply only by division, de Vries ERG AST IC SUBSTANCES 95 looked upon vacuoles as permanent constituents of protoplasm. This theory had the support of various other workers,^ but the general tend- ency for many years was to view it with skepticism. A new period in the study of vacuoles began with the more recent researches of P. A. and P. Dangeard,^ who again advanced a theory that Fig. 49. — Behavior of vacuole system in certain plant cells, a-d, successive stages in bud of Abies, e, pollen grain of Cephalotaxus. f-j, formation of aleurone grains from vacuome in endosperm of Ricinus. k, deeply lying endosperm cell of Ricinus, with typical aleurone grains, l—o, peripheral cells of Ricinus endosperm, showing development of vacuole from simple aleurone grains during germination. {After P. Dangeard, 1923a.) the vacuome is a permanent system arising not de novo but from small units in the cytoplasm. According to these observers, the vacuome exists at iSrst in the form of minute "metachromes"; these absorb water, enlarge, develop into a system of canals,^ and finally become one or more large vacuoles (Fig. 49, a to d). It was reported further that in 2 E.g., Van Tieghem (1888) and Went (1888). = P. A. Dangeard (1916 et seq.), P. Dangeard (1922, 1923, 1927c). * Such a system of canals had been seen several years earlier in root tips by Bensley (1910), who, like Dangeard, found that they were not well preserved by ordinary methods of fixation (see p. 79). 96 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY the maturing endosperm of Ricinus the protein-containing vacuole passes through a reticular stage and breaks up into smaller ones which, through dehydration, become aleurone grains (Fig. 49, / to j). At the time of germination the process is reversed : the grains absorb water and become small vacuoles, which then coalesce to form a network and finally a large vacuole (Fig. 49, I to o). It has accordingly been concluded by the Dangeards that the vacuome is an autonomous system present in all plant cells and multiplying by repeated division. That vacuoles may arise de novo is maintained by Guilliermond, who has made intensive studies of fungi and terminal meristems in the living condition. In vitally stained young branches of Penicillium hypha? and developing buds of yeast they are said to appear often without any connection with the vacuome of the main portion. The same is reported for Saprolegnia. Dangeard (1927c) contends that in untreated hyphse and yeast the new vacuoles can be seen to originate from the old ones by budding or constriction and that the vital dyes used by Guilliermond cause certain alterations in the morphology of the young vacuome. No evidence for origin de novo is found in Erisiphe.^ The question of the origin of vacuoles in hyphse therefore remains unsettled. In their studies on terminal and lateral meristems of vascular plants Bailey and Zirkle found no evidence for the origin of vacuoles de novo, although, as Zirkle points out, such a mode of origin in a cell whose vacuoles are constantly fragmenting, changing their shape, and fusing would easily escape notice. Cell Sap. — The fluid in the ordinary vacuoles of plants is somewhat viscous and usually homogeneous in appearance, and it quickly shows a marked increase in viscosity when exposed to the air. It consists df water with a variety of substances in molecular and colloidal solution. Analyses have shown that the following elements and classes of com- pounds occur in such saps: magnesium, aluminum, sodium, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur, chlorine, iodine; organic acids (oxalic, malic, citric, acetic, tartaric, formic, etc.); alcohols; carbohydrates (dextrose, fructose, lactose, inulin, etc.); slimes, gluco- sides; anthocyanin and soluble yellow pigments, most of which exist in the form of glucosides; amides (glutamin, asparagin) ; alkaloids; albumins; certain enzymes; tannins; a variety of other aromatic compounds (see A. Meyer, 1920). The vacuole is thus a reservoir of nutritive materials and a depot for by-products. Although the sap rather characteristically shows an alkaline reaction in meristematic cells, its behavior toward vital dyes indicates a change to a neutral or acid state with the appearance of organic acids and certain phenolic compounds, such as tannin (P. Dangeard, 1923a). In the * Guilliermond (19256) on Penicillium and yeast, Cassaigne (1931) on Saprolegnia, Baache-Wiig (1925) on Erisiphe. ERG AST I C SUBSTANCES 97 cambium of woody plants and other tissues Bailey and Zirkle^ find two kinds of vacuoles in the same cell: relatively alkaline ones staining reddish orange in neutral red (B-type), and markedly acid ones staining bluish magenta with the same dye (A-type). Those of the latter type contain phenolic 'compounds and tend to form copious precipitates. It is observed that vacuoles in the cambium of conifers and many dicoty- ledons are alkaline when stainable and become acid in the xylem and phloem; whereas, in some dicotyledons they are acid and show changes to alkalinity and vice versa in the differentiating cells. Seasonal varia- tions also occur. Although the accumulation of basic dyes appears to be correlated with the presence of specific substances in the vacuoles, these workers do not favor Dangeard's hypothesis that a substance called "metachromatin" is chiefly responsible for their staining reactions and other activities. It is further found that colorimetric methods are very unreliable for determining the pH of B-type vacuoles. It is this type which occurs in Nitella and Valonia, which are so widely used in physio- logical studies. Nearly all of the red, blue, and purple colors of flowers, fruits, and other plant parts are due to anthocyanin pigments in the cell sap. These pigments are usually reddish in an acid medium and bluish in a neutral or alkaline one, though these colors may be masked by other pigments in the sap or plastids. The yellow flavone and flavonol pigments are widely distributed in the cell sap of plants, but they occur in such dilute solution that they do not give a noticeable color to tissues except in rare cases (e.g., Antirrhinum), Yellow color in plants is usually due to plastid pigments.'^ Frequently the cell sap contains visible solid or fluid particles in suspension; these may be so numerous as to give the sap a milky appear- ance. The latex found in special cells or vessel systems in certain plants is a sap which contains a great variety of substances in solution, together with suspended droplets or granules of oils, tannins, gum, starch, resin, caoutchouc, and other compounds. As familiar examples may be cited the juices of the rubber tree, dandelion, milkweed, and poppy.^ Under certain circumstances organic and inorganic substances dis- solved in the cell sap may crystallize or precipitate. This may result from an increase in the concentration of such substances beyond the saturation point, often because of a decrease in the amount of solvent, as in drying seeds; it may also be due to the appearance of some other com- pound which precipitates them. As examples may be cited the formation 6 Bailey (1930), Bailey and Zirkle (1931), Zirkle (1932a). See also Went (1888) and Mangenot (1927, 19296) on the presence of two vacuole types. ^ For accounts of plant pigments, see Onslow (1923), Mobius (1927), Meyer (1926), Howard (1925), and Gortner (1929). ^ For accounts of such saps, see Czapek (1913), Meyer (1920), and Went (1926). 98 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY of aleurone grains in maturing endosperm (p. 96), the appearance of stained masses when certain vital dyes are used, and the formation of crystals. Very striking alterations in the form, number, and reactions of vacuoles have been observed in stimulated secretory and conducting cells of insectivorous plants^ and in diseased tissue. ^° ' Carbohydrates. — The most conspicuous visible carbohydrate mate- rials in plants are starch and cellulose. In most green plants the excess carbohydrate elaborated by the process of photosynthesis (p. 65) is deposited in the form of starch granules. These range in size up to about 200m and vary considerably in appearance in different plants. Each granule is made up of a series of concentric layers successively depos- ited about a center, or "hilum." Meyer showed that in certain cases the stratification is correlated with the alternation of day and night and therefore with a periodic activity of the protoplast. Granules from wheat grown under constant conditions are reported not to show it (Sande- Bakhuyzen, 1926). In case the gran- ule starts to form near the middle of an amyloplast it may develop sym- metrically, but commonly it lies near the periphery and becomes very eccentric in form, owing to the une- qual deposition of new material on its various sides. The amyloplast may become greatly distended as the granule grows, often reaching invisible thinness; in extreme cases it becomes ruptured and remains in contact with the granule only at one side, where all new material is thenceforth deposited. Several granules may start to develop simul- taneously in a single amyloplast and later grow together to form a "com- pound granule" with more than one hilum. In case the parts making up the compound granule are enveloped in one or more common outer layers, the granule is said to be "half-compound." The successively deposited layers making up the granule differ mainly in water content, the innermost layers being richest and the outermost poorest in water. As a result of this non-uniformity the granule often splits radially when dehydrated. Viewed through a polarizing microscope with crossed Nicols the granule appears as a light body traversed by a dark cross (Fig. 50). By this means starch can often be detected in very minute plastids. 9 Gardiner (1885), Dufrenoy (1927), Mangenot (1929a6), Homes (1929). i« Dufrenoy (19286c, 19296c, 1930c, 193 lac), Dufrenoy et al. (1929de). Kuster (1929) describes pathological changes in protoplasm. Fig. 50. — Potato-starch grains photo- graphed by polarized Hght. ERGASTIC SUBSTANCES 99 As a result of his classic researches Nageli (1858, 1881) developed the theory that the starch granule is made up of ultramicroscopic particles ("micellae"), differing in size and in the thickness of their surrounding water films in the various layers of the granule. He finally decided that the micellae are crystalline in nature, a conclusion supported by the work of Schimper (1881) with polarized light. This conception of the starch granule as a spherocrystal with radially arranged elements was adopted and elaborated by A. Meyer (1883, 1895), who attributed the stratifica- tion of the granule to differences in the length, thickness, closeness, and richness of branching of the constituent needle-shaped crystals, or "trichites." The more recent X-ray analysis by Sponsler (1922, 1923) indicates that the granule is made up of units regularly arranged in a space lattice; it is therefore crystalline in the modern sense of the term. Instead of having single atoms in planes as in an ordinary crystal, it consists of CeHioOs units arranged in curved layers. ?^o o Fig. 51. — Carbohydrate reserves in endosperm of maize 50 days after pollination. a, simple grains of starch from starchy maize, b, compound grains of starch from sweet maize, c, globules of liquid dextrin from sweet maize; some of them contain simple and compound starch grains. (After Lampe, 1931. Figure redrawn and furnished by that author.) Starches vary considerably in composition and in reaction to reagents. The principal constituents are a-amylose and /S-amylose, which usually become reddish and bluish, respectively, with iodine. In maize endo- sperm, according to Brink and Abegg (1926), the two amyloses occur in different proportions in waxy and non-waxy starches; furthermore, both turn red in the waxy starch and blue in the non-waxy. It may be that such differences are due to variations in the degree of colloidal dispersion (W. Harrison, 1911). In the endosperm of maize the visible reserves of carbohydrate, which are deposited in plastids, are specific in form and composition in the four genetic types: starchy, waxy, sweet, and waxy-sweet. In the non- sweet maize simple grains of solid carbohydrate occur. They are com- posed of starch in starchy maize and of red-staining "starch" in waxy maize (Fig. 51, a). In the sweet types there are compound grains, which are composed of starch in sweet maize and of the red-staining "starch" in waxy-sweet maize (Fig. 51, h). In the sweet types globules of liquid dextrin also occur in the upper central portion of the endosperm. In sweet maize these globules may contain small simple and compound 100 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY grains of starch, while in waxy-sweet maize they contain similar grains of the red-staining "starch" (Fig. 51, c).^^ Cellulose is the chief constituent of the cell wall in most groups of plants. It is not often found in the pure state in the wall, other sub- stances, notably lignin, ordinarily being present in physical or chemical combination with it (p. 176). The proportion of pure cellulose may be as high as 90 per cent in cotton fiber, but in beech and oak wood it is as low as 35 per cent. Although chiefly supporting in function, cellulose is sometimes used as a reserve product; the hemicelluloses more often func- tion in this capacity. Closely allied to the celluloses are the pectins. It is a striking fact, as remarked by Sponsler (1923), that starch, cellulose, and pectic substances, which are about the only solid materials deposited directly and in quantity by plant protoplasm, have the same proportional formula CeHioOs. Glycogen, a substance of great importance in animals, is found also in the Cyanophycese, myxomycetes, fungi, and bacteria. It may exist in the form of viscous or solid masses in the cytoplasm, or in colloidal solution in the vacuoles. In these plants it appears to function much as starch does in higher plants. The many mucilages and gums which occur so widely in plant tissues are composed chiefly of carbohydrate materials, the former being condensation products of various sugars and the latter these products together with complex acids (Onslow). Plant slimes may apparently arise in different cases as modifications of cell-wall substance, within the cytoplasm, or at the boundary between the cyto- plasm and the vacuoles (Czapek; E. L. Smith, 1923). Sugars of several types are of special importance in the metabolism of plants and are fre- quently present as storage products. Proteins. — Ergastic protein bodies are constantly being encountered in cytological study. These may be either crystalline or non-crystalline and may lie in the cytoplasm, plastids, nucleus, or vacuoles. In animal eggs the storage materials commonly occur in the form of yolk globules, or "deutoplasm spheres," which consist for the most part of relatively complex protein compounds; globules of fat or oil are usually associated " Lampe and Meyers (1925), Lampe (1931). For the composition of starch, see Meyer (1895, 1913, 1920), Czapek (1913), Abderhalden (1923), Reichert (1913), and Brink and Abegg (1926). For the structure of the starch granule, see papers of Nageli, Schimper, Meyer, Kabsch, Binz, Dodel, Salter, Kramer, and Sponsler. For the occurrence of starch, see Meyer (1895) and Winkler (1898). Belzung (1887) and Eberdt (1891) deal with the origin of starch in chloroplasts and amyloplasts, respec- tively. For accounts of "Floridean starch," see Schmitz (1882), Bruns (1894), O. Darbishire (1896), Henckel (1901), Kylin (1913), and Mangenot (1923a). The development of maize endosperm and its storage products is described by Lampe (1931). The relation of genes to the production of such products in endosperm or pollen is discussed by Brink and MacGillivray (1924), Demerec (1924), Longley (1925), Brink and Burnham (1927a6), Brink and Abegg (1926), and Brink (1927ce, 1928, 1929a6). ERGASTIC SUBSTANCES 101 with them. The eggs of gymnosperms may contain large globules or shapeless masses of albuminous reserves. Refractive "metachromatic corpuscles," composed of metachromatin, a nucleic acid compound, may occur in the vacuoles and cytoplasm of certain algae, fungi, and Protozoa (Guilliermond) ; these are what A. Meyer calls volutin globules. In Meyer's opinion both chondriosomes and nucleoli are ergastic protein masses. Protein crystals occur widely in both plants and animals. They con- sist chiefly of albumins and globulins and may be found in the cytoplasm, plastids, nucleus, or vacuoles. ^^ The best known albumin crystals are those found in aleurone grains, which are ordinarily made up of both crystalline and amorphous protein elements. These grains occur in the endosperm, embryo, and perisperm of ripe seeds, being especially prevalent in such oily seeds as those of Ricinus, Juglans, and Bertholletia. In maize and wheat kernels they lie in the outermost layer of endosperm cells. Aleurone grains differ considerably in color, form, and structure. ^^ In many cases {e.g.,Pisum) the grain consists only of an amorphous substance. In ^ig "52 — Aieu- other cases this ground substance encloses a rounded rone grain from en- "globoid" (in grasses), a crystal of calcium oxalate (in nuT^^m°lunlT. certain Umbelliferse), or a large angular albuminous (After A. Meyer, "crystalloid." The well-known aleurone grain of the deeply lying endosperm cells of Ricinus consists of a protein ground sub- stance, a crystalloid, and a globoid composed of a double phosphate of calcium and magnesium together with certain organic constituents (Fig. 52). The development of the aleurone grain has been repeatedly studied, especially in Ricinus. It now seems clear that the early investigators (Maschke, Gris, Wakker) were correct in their statement that the grains appear in vacuole-like cavities as the seed matures. They regarded these cavities as actual sap vacuoles, a view which was again emphasized by the Dangeards.'^'* According to this interpretation, the vacuolar material passes through a reticular stage and breaks up into a number of small vacuoles in which the gradually condensing constituents differentiate as crystalloid, globoid, and ground mass. According to Mottier (1921), aleurone formation involves the activity of permanent plastid primordia. These aggregate in large numbers in the vacuole-like cavities, where their combined products unite to form the aleurone grains. Vouk (1925) ^2 Protein crystals are treated at length by Meyer (1920). For nuclear crystals, see also Tischler (1921-1922) and W6ycicki (19296). "Hartig (1856), Maschke (1859), Gris (1864), Pfeffer (1872), Tschirch (1887), Wakker (1888), Liidtke (1890), Guilliermond (1907a). " P. A. Dangeard (1919, 1920ac), P. Dangeard (1920, 1921a6c, 1922a, 1923a). 102 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY maintains that the vacuole-Uke cavities in Triticum are not true sap vac- uoles but masses of an albuminous material which condenses about the plastids with the aid of certain enzymes, the plastids themselves even- tually disappearing. An analogy with starch formation by leucoplasts is pointed out. This conflicts with the Dangeards' claim that aleurone grains represent a stage in the evolution of the vacuolar system. Fats and Allied Substances. — Fats and oils are of widespread occur- rence as reserve materials in plants as well as in animals. In plants they are found commonly in seeds, spores, embryos, and meristematic tissues, and occasionally in differentiated vegetative parts. They are chiefly neutral, free fatty acids seldom being present in any considerable amount. They occur emulsified with water and appear in the form of droplets in the cytoplasm, and occasionally in the nucleus also in animals. The assemblage of oily or osmiophilic bodies in the cell is called the ergastome by P. A. Dangeard. It appears that materials of this class are ordinarily elaborated directly by the cytoplasm, although in certain plants elaioplasts are evidently concerned (p. 66). Mangenot (19236) attributes oil formation to phgeo- plasts in certain brown algae. The characteristic "oil bodies" in the cells of many liverworts appear to be formed by the fusion of small masses arising in the cytoplasm. ^^ Cytoplasmic origin of essential oils is reported by Popovici (1925) for glandular hairs, and Leeman (1928) describes the passage of such oil into special preformed droplets. It has long been the claim of Guilliermond and his associates that volatile oils have a chondriosomal origin (Guilliermond and Mangenot, 1923). Waxes also bear a resemblance to fats in composition and form water- proof coatings on many fruits, stems, and leaves. Crystals. — Crystals of many kinds occur in the differentiated tissues of plants. They may lie in the cytoplasm, vacuoles, and occasionally the nucleus. They may be attached to or imbedded in the cell wall; often the cells containing them are considerably modified in size and appearance. They are usually salts of calcium, the oxalate being especially prevalent, and are chiefly by-products. The bundles of needle-shaped crystals of calcium oxalate known as "raphides," which are found in many leaves, arise in the vacuole and come to be surrounded by a layer of mucilage^*' (Fig- 53, L). Definite homogeneous regions in the cytoplasm are thought by Robyns to be concerned in their produc- tion. The spherical crystalline structures known as "druses" (Fig. 53, C) are also chiefly calcium oxalate, though they have a central mass of some more complex organic substance. The origin of the druse and its relation to the protoplast have been a subject of controversy, 15 Pfeffer (1874), Rivett (1918). Gargeanne (1903) held them to arise in sap vacuoles. i« E. L. Smith (1923), Robyns (1928). ERGASTIC SUBSTANCES 103 Jeffrey's (1922) view that the druse is formed as a casing around the protoplast being opposed by Lloyd (1923), who contends that druses, more than one of which may be present in one cell, arise within the protoplasm and may later pass into the vacuole. Gaiser (1923) finds that the stellate crystal of Anthurium arises in the vacuole, and that after it comes to occupy nearly the whole cell the cytoplasm with the nucleus can still be seen surrounding it. The curious "cystoliths" in the Ficus leaf (Fig. 53, A) represent outgrowths of the cellulose wall heavily impregnated with calcium carbonate. In the cystoliths of certain Acanthacese the calcium may later disappear (Linsbauer, 1921). Crystals of silica are very abundant Fig. 53. — Crystalline and other ergastie materials in plant cells. A, cystolith in subepidermal cell of Ficus leaf. B, crystals in Arctostaphylos. C, druse in Rheum pal- matum. D-K, aleurone grains: D, E, from Myristica; F, from Datura: G, from Ricinus; H, from Amygdalus; I, from BerthoUetia; J , from Faeniculum; K, from Elceis. L, raphides from Agave leaf. AI, inulin crystals in preserved cells of artichoke. (B-K after Tschirch.) in the thickened walls of wood cells and in many other tissues, such as the outer portion of the Equisetum stem. In an earlier section refer- ence was made to the protein crystals of aleurone grains and to those frequently observed in the nucleus. Mirande (1923) states that the radiocrystals in the epidermis of white-lily-bulb scales consist of a phytosterol which he calls " liliosterine." The carbohydrate inulin, which often occurs in solution in the vacuole, appears as nodules of radiat- ing crystals in tissues which have been preserved in alcohol (Fig. 53, M). Recapitulation: Structure of the Protoplast. — In the preceding chapters the various structural elements of the protoplast have been passed in review. Before proceeding further it will be well to draw up a classification of these elements — a classification which in some points must be regarded as provisional only. From the point of view of convenience and present probabilities the differentiations and inclu- sions of protoplasts may be listed as follows: A. The Nucleus, a highly specialized organ consisting of 1. Nuclear membrane, lying against the cytoplasm; 2. Reticulum, composed chiefly of chromonemata of chro- mosomes; 104 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY 3. Karyolym'ph, or nuclear sap; 4. Nucleolus or nucleoli; and 5. Occasional ergastic matter. B. The Cytosome, the extra-nuclear region comprising 6. Cytoplasm, with differentiated 7. Membranes at its outer surface (plasma membrane) and bounding the sap vacuole (tonoplast) ; 8. Plastids, characteristic of plants, with a special role in the elaboration and storage of carbohydrates (chiefly) ; 9. Golgi material, or "Golgi zone," characteristic of animals, and concerned in the elaboration of secretions; regarded by some workers as ergastic; 10. Centrosomes, present in animals and some lower plants; and 11. Ergastic substances, non-protoplasmic constituents compris- ing (a) Chondrio somes, small masses of a substance reacting as phospholipide and albumin, produced and used by the protoplast; regarded by many as cytoplasmic organs ; (6) Vacuolar materials, in particular the cell sap of plants ; (c) Other ergastic substances, chiefly reserves and by- products. C. The Cell Wall of plants, mainly ergastic in nature, but possibly incorporating protoplasm; or The intercellular substance of animals. Because of their prominence in the hterature, the partial classifications employed by P. A. and P. Dangeard, Guilliermond, and Meyer for plant cells are presented here. Dangeard (1923, 1929, 1931): 1. The nucleome, the nucleus or nuclei. 2. The vacuonie, comprising all the vacuoles. 3. The plastidome, comprising all the plastids. 4. The cytome, or assemblage of cytosomes [plant chondriosomes]. 5. The ergastome, including the oily or osmiophilic bodies called liposomes by Faure-Fremiet. Guilliermond (1919 et seq.): 1. The chondriome, comparable to that of animal cells and comprising chon- driosomes of two kinds: (a) Ordinary ones common to plants and animals; (6) Active ones forming plastids in green plants. 2. The vacuome, or vacuole system. 3. The lipoid granulations, which are ergastic. [4. The nucleus.] Meyer (1896, 1920): 1. The nucleus. 2. The cytoplasm. 3. The plastids. 4. Ergastic substances. CHAPTER VIII SOMATIC CELL-DIVISION In most organisms growth involves a multiplication of cells by divi- sion. In unicellular forms this results in the multiplication of the organisms themselves. In multicellular forms the protoplast which is to undergo development into a new individual initiates a series of sub- divisions which will eventuate in the many cells of the body, or soma. Ordinarily each subdivision involves both the division of the nucleus by a complicated process known as mitosis, or karyokinesis, and the division of the cytosome, called cytokinesis. These two processes may be correlated in various ways. In the present chapter typical somatic cell-division will be described in its main outlines by way of preparation for detailed discussions of the more specific and problematic points in subsequent chapters.^ Outline of Somatic Mitosis. — The remarkable character of the process of mitosis finds its meaning in the peculiar organization of the nucleus. The nucleus contains a number of well-individualized units, the chromo- somes, each of which in turn has a characteristic organization. In normal cell-division and differentiation it appears to be essential that each chromosome should be so divided that this organization, and hence the organization of the nucleus as a whole, will be reproduced in each of the two daughter nuclei. In such a tissue as that of the root tip the nucleus in the metabolic condition consists of a bounding membrane, a mass of karyolymph, a reticulum composed chiefly of thread-like chromosomal elements (chrom- onemata or their persistent basis), and one or more nucleoli. As the prophase of mitosis begins (Fig. 54), the reticulum gradually separates into its constituent chromonemata through the disappearance of the small strands connecting them. At first the chromonemata are thin and crooked. They are also longitudinally double; in some cases this split condition is visible from the very beginning of the prophase. The double chromonemata soon become straighter and thicker. As they do so their split condition becomes more obvious, so that they appear as double and somewhat twisted threads imbedded in the karyo- lymph. Their arrangement is often very irregular, but in rapidly multi- ' A useful list of works on mitosis in angiosperms is given by Picard (1913). Ruys (1925) lists the angiosperm genera in which nuclear studies have been made. A valuable review of researches on many chromosome problems is given by Reuter (1930). See also the works of Tischler (1921-1922) and Schiirhoff (1926). 105 106 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY plying nuclei they usually tend to lie more or less parallel. During this middle portion of the prophase a second component of the chromosome, ■«|!f!|H'f-1"ft«ft 8 Fig. 54. — Semidiagrammatic representation of somatic mitosis based on studies of species with large chromosomes. 1 , metabolic stage: the chromonemata with anastomoses form a reticulum. 2, early prophase: chromonemata individually distinct and show longitudinal doubleness. Note relation of certain chromosomes to nucleolus. 3, medium prophase: matrix becoming more evident; spindle-attachment regions distinct. 4< later prophase: matrix becoming more chromatic, obscuring chromonemata. 6, metaphase: attachment regions all in equator of spindle formed by karyolymph. 6, anaphase: diver- gence of the chromosomes. 7, early telophase: matrix less chromatic; nucleoli developing in connection with certain chromosomes. 8, medium telophase: anastomoses forming between chromonemata; karyolymph developing; spindle disappearing. 9, later telophase; nuclei larger; reticula more fully developed. For further explanation, see text. namely, the matrix, becomes increasingly evident. This is a substance of uncertain history. It is probable that in some form and amount it SOMATIC CELL-DIVISION 107 accompanies the more stainable chromonema at all times. Although it may sometimes be distinguishable from the surrounding karyolymph rather early, it ordinarily becomes conspicuous only when the prophase is more advanced. The chromosomes, each composed of two chromonemata and sur- rounding matrix, now become markedly thicker and often shorter. In many nuclei this involves a contortion of the chromonemata, which then appear to be crowded or coiled within the translucent matrix. At this period the matrix develops a strong affinity for the stains commonly employed, so that the whole chromosome may look like a solid body with no internal structure. As the prophase draws toward a close each chrom- osome tends gradually to assume its final form, which may differ charac- teristically from that of the other chromosomes of the group. At this time the nucleolus commonly disappears, although a portion of its sub- stance may sometimes persist through the subsequent phases. At the end of the prophase a marked change occurs in the other constituents of the nucleus. The nuclear membrane commonly dis- appears, and the clear karyolymph in which the chromosomes are lying develops a polarized arrangement which appears in fixed preparations as a series of striations or fibrils lying parallel to the longitudinal axis of the developing "mitotic figure." This mass of modified karyolymph rapidly assumes the form of a bipolar spindle and the double chromo- somes group themselves in its middle region. In the metaphase every chromosome lies at least in part in a well- defined equatorial plane through the spindle. If the chromosomes are very short, they may lie wholly in this plane; if they are long, all but a small portion of each one may lie with no regular arrangement in the figure. The portions lying in the equatorial plane are definitely deter- mined: each chromosome has a specially differentiated and constantly located "attachment region" at which it manifests a peculiarly intimate connection with the spindle in the equatorial plane. Hence in the meta- phase and immediately succeeding stage a given chromosome usually exhibits clearly its characteristic morphology; the attachment region is indicated by its relation to the spindle and by other features so that the relative length of the "arms" on either side of this region can be easily determined. At the attachment region the two longitudinal halves of each chromosome lie facing the two poles of the spindle; in other portions of the chromosome they often show no such orientation (Fig. 55). In fixed preparations the most strongly developed "spindle fibers" extend poleward from the attachment regions. In the anaphase the two halves of each chromosome move apart and pass through the spindle toward its two poles, the movement beginning at the attachment region. The shapes assumed by the various chromosomes during this phase depend upon the location of the attachment region and 108 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY the positions in which the remaining portions happened to He during the metaphase. Long chromosomes, because of their trailing ends, may thus present a rather confused picture during these phases (Fig. 56). The attachment regions reach the poles in advance of the other portions, often before the trailing ends have separated at the equatorial plane in the case of very long chromosomes; such chromosomes may shorten consider- ably after their ends draw away from the equator. Eventually all the chromosomes lie more or less parallel in two fairly compact groups between which the spindle substance may be seen. In certain cases persistent nucleoli have been observed to pass poleward. In the telophase each group of chromosomes reorganizes as a metabolic nucleus. This involves a series of changes which in many respects are the reverse of those seen in the prophase. During the anaphase the 12 3 4 FiQ. 55. — Development of metaphasic arrangement of chromosomes. Spindle-attachment regions indicated by dots. P, "pole field." {.After Belaf, 19296.) chromosome matrix is highly chromatic, but as the telophase begins this chromaticity decreases, so that the chromonemata again become evident. Furthermore, these chromonemata may be double as the result of a splitting which has been shown in some cases to have taken place shortly before the metaphase. Meanwhile the nuclear membrane, karyolymph, and nucleoli appear. As the two nuclei grow, the chromonemata tend to become less basichromatic and join to form the more or less continuous and uniform reticulum characterizing the metabolic stage. In rapidly growing tissue with the mitoses occurring in quick succes- sion, as in the meristem of the root tip, the telophasic changes often are not carried far enough to obscure the limits of the chromosomes in the reticulum before the changes of the ensuing prophase begin. In such nuclei it can often be seen that many or all of the attachment regions occupy a rather restricted area ("pole field") at the side away from the equator (Fig. 55), and that the parallel arrangement of the chromo- somes assumed in the anaphase persists until the next prophase. The SOMATIC CELL-DIVISION 109 nucleus as a whole may, however, show a change in orientation. ^ The period between two rapidly succeeding mitoses is referred to as the interphase. As a result of the mitotic process, the organization characterizing the original nucleus is reproduced exactly in the two daughter nuclei. These Fig. 56. — Configurations often assumed by long chromosomes in anaphase. Spindle- attachment regions indicated by dots. {After B'elar, 19296.) nuclei are structurally alike and have the same functional capacities. When it is remembered that all of the nuclei of the body are produced by a succession of such mitoses, it should be obvious that the equational char- acter of the process is of the greatest importance with respect to problems of metabolism, development, and heredity. Fig. 57. — Diagram of cytokinesis by cell-plate formation (first row) and by furrowing (second row). Cytokinesis. — The division of the cytosome is accomplished in a variety of ways in different organisms (Fig. 57). A furrow may form at the plasma membrane and gradually extend inward, cleaving the proto- 2 See the discussion by Belaf (19296). 110 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY plast into two portions. In other cases a delicate membrane appears in the cytoplasm and develops into a partition between the two resulting cells. In the meristems of higher plants this membrane commonly forms before the spindle substance has disappeared from the equatorial region, so that the spindle seems to give rise to it. In the last mentioned case the formation of a "cell-plate" appears to be a feature of the mitotic process, but it should be pointed out that this is probably because cytokinesis follows mitosis so closely. All degrees of correlation between these two processes are known. No correlation whatever is seen in certain plasmodial masses, cleavage fur- rows developing through the cytoplasm without any evident relation to the nuclei. In other cases the division of the cytosome is in some way Fig. 58. — Diagram of a typical case of nuclear division and cell-division in animals. related to nuclear influence but not to the mitotic process. Thus cleav- age furrows or membranes may develop in positions clearly dependent upon the positions of the nuclei, the result being definitely uninucleate cells rather than the irregular multinucleate blocks seen in certain cases of plasmodial division. Frequently, as in the budding of yeast and the division of certain sporocytes, division of the cytosome follows so closely upon nuclear division that it seems in some way to depend upon it, without, however, involving the mitotic mechanism itself. Finally, cytokinesis may be so intimately connected with mitosis that the two are like a single process, the presence of the spindle between the nuclei causing a special series of changes in the plane of cytokinesis. In the interest of accuracy, however, the term "mitosis" should be applied only to nuclear division; it is not synonymous with "cell-division." Cell-division in Animals. — Cell-division in animals is fundamentally similar to that in plants. Typically it differs, however, in the presence of centrosomes and in the mode of cytokinesis (Figs. 58, 59). As mitosis SOMATIC CELL-DIVISION 111 begins, the centrosome, if not already double, undergoes division, the daughter centrosomes then moving apart. Each of them occupies the center of a semisolid region, or aster, with conspicuous "astral rays," and between them is a central spindle with fine fibrils. The centrosomes, surrounded by their asters, reach opposite sides of the nucleus and remain at the poles of the mitotic figure through the metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. Cytokinesis is commonly brought about by a cleavage furrow which grows inward from the periphery of the protoplast, rather than by the differentiation of a plate-like wall as in the somatic tissues of higher plants. Although cell-division in animals usually differs from that in plants in the above two respects, the distinction is by no means a sharp one. Centrosomes are regularly present in many algae and fungi, and cytokine- sis by furrowing also occurs in certain cells in both the lower and the higher plant groups. The point to be borne in mind is that the essential features of mitosis, the general results of cell-division, and the significance of these events in the life of the organism are the same in the two kingdoms. Duration and Periodicity of Cell-division. — The duration of the process of cell-division, particularly that of the various phases of mitosis, has been determined by observing living material.^ In Spirogyra, de Wildeman (1891) found that mitosis was accomplished in 45 minutes at 12°C., but that several hours were required when the temperature was a few degrees higher or lower. In the Tradescantia stamen hair mitosis was carried through in 30 minutes at 45° (about the maximum tempera- ture at which it would occur at all), in 75 minutes at ca. 25°, and in 135 minutes at ca. 10°C. In stigma cells of Arrhenatherum at 19°C. Martens (1927c) finds that the prophase occupies 36 to 45 minutes, the metaphase 7 to 10, the anaphase 15 to 20, and the telophase 20 to 35; total, exclusive of interphase, 78 to 110 minutes. In Sphacelaria fusca, a brown alga, growing at 17° to 18°C., the prophase occupies 10 minutes, the meta- phase 7, the anaphase 4, and the telophase 9; total, 30 minutes (W. Zimmermann, 1923). W. and M. Lewis (1917) give the following figures for mesenchyme cells of the chick growing in tissue cultures at 39°C. : prophase, 5 to 50 minutes, usually more than 30; metaphase, 1 to 15, usually 2 to 10; anaphase 1 to 5, usually 2 to 3; telophase up to cytokine- sis, 2 to 13, usually 3 to 6; telophasic reconstruction of daughter nuclei, 30 to 120; total, 70 to 180 minutes. In similar cultures of choroidal cells from the eyes of chick embryos and cartilage cells from adult fowls, Strangeways (1922) finds the process to be more rapid at the same temperature, complete division being accomplished in from 23 to 65 minutes, with the average at about 34 minutes. In a statistical study of mitosis in fixed onion root tips Laughlin (1919) observes that each stage shows a characteristic velocity reaction to temperature increments, and 2 See Tischler (1921-1922), Martens (1927c), and Jaretzky (1930). 112 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY that these approximate the expectations based on Van't Hoff's law for the velocity of chemical reactions. When cytokinesis follows mitosis immediately, as it does in most tissues, it is carried through with considerable rapidity. In higher plants the cell-plate commonly appears during the closing phases of mitosis and by the time the daughter nuclei are fully reorganized the new cell membrane is well formed. In accelerated motion pictures of living fibroblasts and animal eggs the cells, after a series of interesting movements which escape the observer of fixed material, constrict and complete their division with dramatic suddenness. In root tips, which are favorite objects for the study of somatic mitosis in plants, several investigators'* have found a periodicity in the occurrence of cell-division. Although their results are not in close « « Fig. 59. — Mitosis in a living Chorthippus lineatus spermatocyte in lA'' Ringer solution. The change from 1 to 2 occupied 13 minutes; from 2 to 3, 21 minutes; from 3 to 4, 46 min- utes. {After Belar, 1929a.) agreement, they indicate that there are often about two division maxima during a 24-hour period, one of these falling near the middle of the day, and also that the rate of root elongation tends to be highest at the time of minimum cell-division. Many experiments have shown that while the periodicity in such cases may be altered by changing the environmental conditions, there is a noticeable tendency to retain the habitual rhythm. This indicates the action of both external and inherent factors, whose respective roles in determining the observed results have not been fully analyzed. Summary and Conclusions. — Typical somatic cell-division includes both mitosis and cytokinesis. In the prophase of mitosis the nuclear reticulum is resolved into a number of threads; these threads, or chro- monemata, are the chromosomal elements which together formed the reticulum in the preceding telophase. They are double as the result of an accurate longitudinal splitting. A less highly stainable chromosomal matrix becomes evident about the chromonemata. In the metaphase ^Kellicott (1904), Karsten (1915, 1918), Friesner (1919, 1920), StSJfelt (1919, 1921), Fortuin (1926), Kojima (1928). SOMATIC CELL-DIVISION 113 the thickened double chromosomes are arranged with their attachment regions in the equator of the spindle, which is formed chiefly by the karyolymph. In the anaphase the longitudinal halves of each double chromosome pass toward opposite poles of the spindle. In the telophase the chromosomes of the two resulting groups reorganize two daughter nuclei, the chromonemata becoming joined to form the reticula while the matrix substance becomes less evident. Anticipating evidence to be presented in following chapters, it may be stated further that in any particular kind of organism the chromosomes in the nucleus occur in a characteristic number and are differentiated among themselves in function and frequently in visible structure; they con- stitute a definitely organized system. Moreover, this organization is maintained by virtue of the genetic continuity of essential constituents of each chromosome through successive nuclear generations. This means that the chromosomes are not merely bodies w^hich are temporarily formed by the nucleus but represent definite and persistent individuals repro- ducing by division and passing through a complicated series of visible changes in each nuclear cycle. In view of these facts, it appears that the significant feature of somatic mitosis is this: each chromosome is longitudinally divided into equal halves ivhich are distributed to the two daughter nuclei. These two nuclei are consequently similar to each other and to the original nucleus as regards their chromosome complements; in other words, somatic mitosis is equa- tional. Furthermore, since all the nuclei of the body are normally derived through such mitoses from a single nucleus, each of these nuclei contains descendants of all the chromosomes present in the first nucleus of the series: the somatic nuclei are all alike in their chromosome complements, barring, of course, the effects of occasional aberrant chromosome behavior and other alterations to be described later. The great theoretical impor- tance of these features of somatic nuclear behavior will be apparent when we take up the application of cytological phenomena to the problems of heredity and development. Cytokinesis, or the division of the cytosome, follows mitosis quickly in most tissues and tends to separate the various elements — cytoplasm, plastids, chondriosomes, and vacuoles — more or less equally according to their arrangement in the protoplast. Occasionally some of these elements are passively divided. The daughter cells are initially similar in architec- ture and functional capacity. The course of their further differentiation depends largely upon their position in the developing whole. CHAPTER IX THE MORPHOLOGY OF THE CHROMOSOMES As they pass through a mitotic cycle, the chromosomes undergo a remarkable series of changes in form and structure. Nevertheless, in the metaphase and anaphase, when they are most condensed and clearly evident as individuals, they exhibit many characteristics of size and form which have proved useful not only in determining the functions with which they are associated, but also in comparing related species and hybrids. For the study of chromosome morphology in vascular plants the root tips and dividing microspores are particularly favorable. In animals the tissues of young embryos and the sperma- togonia have been most frequently used. Different fixing reagents may produce a considerable variation in the appearance of chromosomes, but the studies of S. Nawaschin, Lewitsky, Taylor, and others have furnished us with methods which are very trustworthy when properly employed.^ Size and General Form. — As they appear in the metaphase or anaphase of somatic mitosis, the chromosomes of different organisms show a great range in size. In some cases they are extraordinarily minute, being less than Iju long, while in others they may reach a length of 20iu or more; the breadth may vary likewise. Some natural groups, such as fungi and certain insect orders, have small chromosomes as a rule, while in others, notably amphibia, grasshoppers, and liliaceous plants, they are characteristically large. Within narrow circles of affinity, chromosome size sometimes affords evidence for probable taxonomic relationship. In this connection it should be noted that the size may be somewhat altered by cultural conditions and microtechnical treatments. The chromosome is typically an elongated body. Sometimes very small chromosomes may appear practically spherical at metaphase or anaphase, but they are usually elongated in the prophase. Moreover, studies on larger chromosomes lead to the inference that even the smallest spherical chromosome contains an elongated chromonema. The essential point is that every chromosome adequately known possesses a longi- tudinally differentiated organization. This differentiation belongs primarily to the chromonema, but it is usually evident also in the entire metaphase chromosome with its abundant matrix. ' For an account of the development and present status of our knowledge of chromosome morphology, see Lewitsky (1931a); see also 19316 for fixation. 114 THE MORPHOLOGY OF THE CHROMOSOMES 115 Noteworthy in this connection is the fact that the characteristic size differences shown by the several chromosomes of the same nucleus are almost wholly a matter of length; commonly the diameter of all of them is the same. This suggests that chromosomes are composed of smaller units arranged in a row, and that the longer chromosomes of a group have more units than the shorter ones. This interpretation may not be universally applicable, but genetical evidence to be presented in later chapters indicates its general validity. Spindle -attachment Region. — The metaphase or anaphase chromo- some usually shows at some point a differentiation which has commonly Fig. 60. Fig. 61. Fig. 60. — A chromosome with submedian spindle-attachment region passing to the pole in anaphase. The shorter arm has a "secondary constriction." Fig. 61. — Diploid chromosome complement at metaphase in root tip of Vicia faba. Spindle-attachment regions of all chromosomes near equator. Nucleolus-forming regions are by the "secondary constrictions" above and below. In this strain one pair of short chromosomes has conspicuous "constrictions" also (left and right). X1750. been referred to as a "constriction," since it appears as a relatively slender region in most preparations showing it clearly in these stages (Fig. 60). Careful studies have shown that the region in question differs from the rest of the chromosome in its structure and achromatic nature, and not merely in apparent diameter. In some preparations, especially of the prophase, it may appear as wide as or even wider than the adjacent portions; hence the term "constriction" is not truly descriptive. Some chromosomes have two or more achromatic regions. It is a striking fact that in a given chromosome these have definite and con- stant locations, 2 although they may be very differently placed in different chromosomes. 2 Exception should of course be made for individuals or races in which their posi- tions differ because of translocation, inversion, or other alteration. See McClung (1917), Carothers (1921), King (1923), Helwig (1929); also McClintock (1931) on Zea. It was found by Sakamura (1920) that chloral hydrate shortens and thickens the chromosomes, thus accentuating the "constrictions." The effects of fixation have been studied by S. and M. Nawaschin, Lewitsky (see 19316), and others. 116 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY It was observed by Agar (1912) in a fish that it is at an achromatic "constriction" that the chromosome estabHshes connection with the spindle in the metaphase and separates first in the anaphase. This is now known to be true of chromosomes generally. Hence the region functioning in this manner has been variously called the "fiber-attach- ment point," "insertion region," "primary constriction," "kinetic constriction," "attachment constriction," and "Trennungstelle" (separa- tion place). ^ Chromosomes with apparently terminal spindle attach- ment are said to be telomitic; those with attachment elsewhere are atelomitic (Carothers, 1917). As the result of the definite location of the spindle-attachment region, each atelomitic chromosome has two main segments, or "arms," with a characteristic length ratio. This is easily seen in side views of anaphase figures, also in polar views of metaphase ones if the chromosome is not too long. Such a chromosome passes poleward as a V or V, the apex leading, whereas a telomitic one appears as an unbent rod. The same mitotic figure may include all types. It has been held by certain investigators^ that all chromosomes are probably two-armed, "telomitic" ones having an extremely minute second arm which easily escapes observation. Supposedly telomitic chromosomes have been shown in some instances to have their attachment region slightly back from the end, and in other cases a minute body seen at the end may represent the second arm; but that strictly one-armed chromosomes do not exist is at present improbable. What may have been the primitive location of the attachment, and how other types have arisen, are interesting subjects for speculation. The structure of the spindle-attachment region has been the subject of some study. It may appear clearly in the prophase as a region in which highly stainable matter is lacking. It may be straight sided or somewhat swollen in some preparations (Fig. 152), and in certain instances it is known to have a characteristic length (Fig. 188). It appears to be homogeneous except for minute granules^ at the middle point (Figs. 62, 63). The reaction which "attaches" the chromosome to the spindle seems to center in these "kinetic bodies," for it is from them that the strongly developed "spindle fibers" appear to extend in fixed prepara- tions, and it is they which take the lead in the anaphasic movement. They have been observed at the extreme end of the attachment region ^ The convenient term kinetochore ( = movement place) has been suggested to the author by J. A. Moore. The use of this term is recommended. ^ S. Nawaschin (1916), Delaunay (1929), Heitz (1928a), Lewitsky (1930, 1931a). Chromosomes with apparently equal arms are termed isobrachial and unequal armed ones heierobrachial by Sorokin (1929). Lewitsky (1931a) calls those with a small, rounded second arm "cephalobrachial," or "headed" chromosomes. ' Observed by S. Nawaschin (1913, 1916), Belling (19286), Belaf (1929a), Tran- kowsky (1930a), Sharp (Fig. 63), and others. THE MORPHOLOGY OF THE CHROMOSOMES 117 of "telomitic" chromosomes. In Trillium delicate strands extend out to the granules from the single arm of the telomitic chromosome and from both arms of atelomitic ones (Fig. 63). A comparison of these two types strongly suggests that in the former the attachment point is truly terminal. What relation the delicate strands may bear to the chromonemata is difficult to determine, especially since the chromosome tends to stain very deeply on either side of the attachment region. The spindle-attachment region, then, is a well-differentiated feature of the chromosome: it is a region specialized with reference to the meta- phasic arrangement and anaphasic separation of double chromosomes \f -^ c / I Fig. 62. — Kinetic bodies at spindle-attachment regions. A, in GaJtonia microspore. [After S. Nawaschin, 1927 (1913).] B, prophase in Najas major; C, anaphase in Crepis palestina. (After Trankowsky, 1930a.) Fig. 63. — Submedian, subterminal, and apparently terminal spindle-attachment regions in Trillium grandiflorum. (p. 107) and is not to be confused with other achromatic regions or "constrictions." That it persists through the interphase is indicated in Impatiens, where it can be seen at all stages (Fig. 24, B). What is known about the behavior of fragmented chromosomes (p. 317) suggests that spindle-attachment regions cannot be formed anew. In all prob- ability the regular occurrence of one such region in every chromosome is due to the eventual loss of fragments without them because of their inability to interact normally with the spindle, and to the irregular behavior of any chromosome which happens to get an extra attachment region through translocation. Hence the constancy and the regular behavior of a group of chromosomes are directly dependent upon the attachment regions. Whether or not a chromosome may fragment 118 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY directly through the attachment region, giving two chromosomes with terminal attachment regions, is not certainly known, but the possibility is strongly suggested by certain aberrations in Zea (p. 317). Nucleolus-forming Region. — In addition to the spindle-attachment region the chromosome may exhibit one or more other differentiations affecting its general morphology. Among these perhaps the most interesting is the nucleolus-forming region, which seems as a rule to be conspicuously developed in but one chromosome of a set. Although it is reported to occupy the end of the chromosome in certain cases, it is more commonly situated in a non-terminal position. Moreover, its location is normally constant in a given race; like the spindle-attach- ment region, it is a definite "organ" of the chromosome. The structure of this region is best known in sporocytes of Zea Mays, where it appears at certain stages as a broad and chromatic region of chromosome VI immediately adjacent to an achromatic region setting off a "satellite," or small portion of the chromosome arm (Figs. 65, 170). It is the chromatic region that is active in the accumulation of the nucleolar matter in the telophase. This is shown by the fact that in strains lacking the satellite, the achromatic region, and a portion of this chromatic region, the nucleolus is seen to arise from the remaining portion of the chromatic region. Normally, when chromosome VI is present in its entirety, the growth of the nucleolus causes the achromatic region to become extended as a slender filament lying over the nucleolar surface, so that the satellite may be situated at some distance from the remainder of the chromosome arm. In the ensuing prophase this filament may shorten more or less as the nucleolus decreases in size and disappears, but it remains visible as a conspicuous achromatic region, or "secondary constriction."^ In most of the papers on this subject so far published it has been stated that the nucleolus is associated with the "secondary constriction" and satellite, the active chromatic region not having been recognized. Thus S. Nawaschin and his associates'^ observed that during certain phases of mitosis, notably the late prophase, the satellites lie on the surface of the nucleolus (Fig. 64). In early prophases the satellite may appear like any other equal portion of the extended chromosome (Fig. 65), but during the condensation of the chromosome the satellite typically becomes a small spherical body (Figs. 64, 67, 72). In Viciafaha, investi- gated by Heitz (1931a6), the somatic chromosome complement (Fig. 61) * Data in thi.s paragraph from McClintoek (1931& and unpublished). 7 S. Nawaschin (1912, 1915, 1916 et seq.), Sorokin (1924, 1929), Baranov (1926), Senjaninova (1926). SatelHtes were first described by S. Nawaschin (1912) for Gallonia candicans. Wenrich (1916) observed the attachment of the nucleolus to a certain portion of a chromosome in Phrynotettix. Kuhn (1928a) reviews the subject of satellites and lists the plants in which they have been reported. THE MORPHOLOGY OF THE CHROMOSOMES 119 includes two long members with conspicuous achromatic regions setting off segments larger than those usually called satellites. Owing to the position assumed by the chromosomes in late anaphase these two regions lie at a certain level in each telophase nucleus, and a nucleolus develops near each of them. If the two chromosomes concerned lie far apart in the nucleus the two nucleoli remain separate, but if they lie near each other the nucleoli may come into contact and fuse. Hence some nuclei in the root show two nucleoli wdiile others show one, and as a rule sister nuclei recently formed by division are mirror images of each other. This feature is represented in Fig. 54. In Zea roots the nucleolus is seen to be connected with the developing chromosomes at two points Fig. 64. Fig. 65. Fig. 64. — Satellited chromosomes attached to nucleolus in Galtonia. [After S. Nawaschin, 1927 (1913).] Fig. 65. — Chromosome VI (synapsed pair) attached to nucleolus in microsporocyte of Zea Mays. The satellite projects upward from the chromatic swelling against the nucleolus. A short distance below the swelling is the spindle-attachment region, which here appears like a gap. Note chromatic knob toward left end. Compare Fig. 170. {After McClintock, 1931b, 1933.) (Zirkle, 19286); these are presumably the nucleolus-forming regions of the two chromosomes VI. Because of the mode of their formation, it seems that nucleoli are as a rule connected with certain parts of certain chromosomes in the nuclear reticulum. At present too little is known to warrant anything more than suggestions regarding the significance of this phenomenon. It has long been thought by many observers that some nucleolar constituent passes into the chromosomes in the prophase and out of them in the telophase. This view is supported by the appearance of nucleoli as the chromosome matrix diminishes in amount and loses its chromaticity in the telophase, their disappearance as the chromaticity returns and the matrix becomes abundant in the prophase (Martens, 1922), and the results obtained with special fixing reagents (Zirkle, 19286). Fre- quently it seems that only one of two principal nucleolar constituents functions in such a manner (Selim, 1930). If there is such a transfer 120 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY of substance, microchemical tests indicate that it cannot be nucleic acid, "chromatin," or "karyotin." Heitz, who reports that in Vicia both nucleolus and secondary constriction react negatively in the Feulgen test for nucleic acid,'^ inclines to the view that the nucleolus is formed by a substance existing throughout the nucleus and later accumulated near the constriction. In Zea sporocytes it is clear that the nucleolus bears a very close relation to the chromosome matrix (Fig. 65a). An i i -^ AT n Fig. 65a. — Chromosome matrix and nucleolus in Zea. A-D, four stages in prophase of second meiotic division in microsporocyte. The nucleolus and the matrices of the several chromosomes are at frst confluent. The distinction between matrix and chro- monema shows well in B and C. E, normal microspore with one principal nucleolus. F, microspore lacking the region of chromosome VI specially concerned in nucleolus formation; many scattered nucleolus-like bodies present. {After McClintock, 1934.) association of nucleolar behavior with the transfer of products of genie activity to the cytoplasm has been suggested by Zirkle (19286) and Fikry (1930) (see p. 309). The observations and hypotheses cited above indicate that certain chromosomes of the complement have regions specialized in connection with the transfer of material to and from them during the nuclear cycle (Haase-Bessell, 19286). Accordingly, it might seem that every nucleus must have at least one such chromosome in order to pass through a * Negative tests for the nvicleolus are also reported by Wermel (1927), Yamaha (1932), Shinke and Shigenaga (1933), and others. THE MORPHOLOGY OF THE CHROMOSOMES 121 normal cycle, this in turn suggesting why practically every chromosome set, well studied, shows at least one achromatic region, or "secondary constriction," which so often lies near a nucleolus-forming region. It is known, however, that nucleoli may develop at other points in the chromosome set under certain circumstances, as when the nucleolus- forming region has been removed in the deletion of a portion of the chromosome. Thus when a strain of Zea Mays in which one member of chromosome pair VI had lost this region produced microspore quartets, it was found that two spores of each quartet had the region and a single large nucleolus, while the other two had no such region and a considerable number of small nucleolus-like bodies (Creighton) (Fig. 65a). These small masses of substance, which would normally contribute to the forma- tion of a single nucleolus, may appear at one or more points on each chromosome. Heitz (19316) reports that when a small extra nucleus is formed by a lagging chromosome in Vicia, it may contain a small nucleolus in addition to the two normal ones in each main nucleus. From such facts it may be concluded that all of the chromosomes give off a material during the telophase, and that under normal circumstances this material is incorporated in typical nucleoli formed in close associa- tion with specialized regions of certain chromosomes. Other Specialized Regions. — Besides the spindle-attachment region and the nucleolus-forming region, other differentiations can frequently be observed in the chromosomes at metaphase and anaphase. These may sometimes appear as "constrictions" (Fig. 61), but very little is known about the functions they may perform or concerning the number of kinds of them which may be present in a chromosome set. It seems improbable that constrictions are necessarily places where fragments of chromosomes have formerly joined,^ although translocated pieces in Drosophila are sometimes set off by narrow regions. The Chromosome Complement. — In any given kind of plant or animal each nucleus contains an outfit, or complement, of chromosomes composed of a certain number ^° of members showing characteristic differences in form and function. As a general rule, the nucleus of an egg before fertilization contains a complement made up of one each of several kinds of chromosomes. Such a complement is called a set, or genom. Because each kind of element is represented but once, a nucleus (or organism) with such a chromosome outfit is said to be mono-ploid ^ M. Nawaschin (1931c), Lewitsky and Araratian (1931). 1" The known chromosome numbers in all plant groups are listed by Tischler (1927, 1931). Gaiser (1926, 1930) gives lists for angiosperms. See also Aase and Powers (1926) and Sisa (1929) for crop plants, Stolze (1926) for grains, Avdulow (1931) for Gramineae, Kawakami (1930) for Leguminosse, and Kihara, Yamamoto, and Hosono (1931) for plants cultivated in Japan. For animals, see Bresslau and Harnisch (1927) and Harvey (1916, 1920); also Oguma and Makino (1932) on verte- brates. Wilson (1925) gives a fairly extensive list for plants and animals. 122 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY (or often haploid) . The set is evidently a definitely differentiated group of elements all of which are usually necessary for normal development. In the male gamete there is a similar set of chromosomes. After the union of the gametes, therefore, the fusion nucleus of the zygote contains two sets of chromosomes. Since every kind of chromosome is present in duplicate, the nucleus is said to be diploid. All of the nuclei of the higher plant or animal body which develops from the zygote are derived by a series of equational mitotic divisions from the zygote nucleus; hence they are all diploid. In the case of animals, gametes are formed when the individual becomes sexually mature; in this process the diploid zygotic number of chromosomes is reduced to the monoploid gametic number. This is done in such a manner that each gamete contains one complete set of elements, although this set may include elements from both of the original sets (Chapter XVI). In vascular plants, bryophytes, and some thallophytes the situation is somewhat more complicated. The zygote and the sporophyte body into which it develops are typically diploid. A reduction to the monoploid number occurs when reproductive cells are formed, but in such plants these are spores rather than gametes. Each spore develops into a body of another type, a gametophyte with monoploid nuclei. Eventually the gametophyte produces gametes without further change in chromosome number, and these unite to form new zygotes. Hence such a plant life cycle differs from that of a higher animal in having two kinds of repro- ductive cells (spores in addition to gametes) and a monoploid body developing between sporogenesis and gametogenesis. It shows an "alternation of generations" which is usually, though not always, asso- ciated with an alternation of monoploidy and diploidy in the nuclei. ^^ Chromosome morphology in plants has been studied most in root tips, where two chromosomes of each kind are present, but it is often advan- tageous to use gametophyte tissue or spores because a monoploid group is easier to interpret, other things being equal. Since the description of the chromosomes of Brachystola by Sutton in 1902, morphological differences in the members of the complement have been reported for a considerable number of animals belonging to various ^1 The two nuclear phases, irrespective of their relation to the "generations," have been called gamophase and zygophase (Winkler). It is generally supposed that in the course of evolution the monoploid condition was first developed through a differentiation of the multiplying nuclear elements, the diploid condition arising as a result of fusion and necessitating a reducing process. The diploid generation is thought to have developed as the latter process became delayed in the cycle and to have hastened the evolution of diverse types by affording larger opportunity for the formation of new combinations through meiosis and syngamy (Svedelius, 1921). The diploid condition is also advantageous in affording a measure of protection against the detrimental effects of unfavorable recessive mutations. THE MORPHOLOGY OF THE CHROMOSOMES 123 natural groups, especially the insects. ^^ In Drosophila melanog aster, so extensively used in genetical studies, the set is made up of four unlike members: one medium-sized chromosome with terminal spindle-attach- ment region (chromosome I), one large chromosome with median attach- ment (II), one slightly larger chromosome of the same type (III), and one very small chromosome (IV) (Fig. 71). In somatic cells and imma- ture germ cells there are two such sets ; as is characteristic of the Diptera, the corresponding chromosomes (the "homologues") actually lie near each other in pairs. ^^ The functional characteristics of these chromo- somes will be discussed in a later chapter. The morphology of the chromosome complement has been described in a large number of plants, particularly among the angiosperms. Several Fig. 66. — Photographs of Zea chromosomes in late prophase of mitosis in microspore. a, monoploid group; note spindle-attachment regions in chromosomes in good focus. b, chromosome I. c, chromosome IV, showing "knobs" near lower end. d, chromosome X. Compare Figs. 152 and 170. {Photographs by McClintock.) well-known illustrative examples are the following. In Zea Mays^* the monoploid group comprises 10 chromosomes. These can be distinguished from one another on the basis of absolute length, the relative length of the two arms (each has a submedian spindle-attachment region), and other structural characteristics visible at certain stages (Figs. 66, 152, 170). One of them, number VI, has a conspicuous achromatic region setting off a satellite. In some races certain members of the set possess definitely located chromatic "knobs" which differ in character from large chro- momeres; these aid further in identifying the various members. It is known that the chromosome sets of different races of maize vary in certain minor structural details, some such variations presumably being correlated with genie differences. Moreover, certain variations should also be expected in view of the observed fact of occasional translocations, 12 McClung (1905 et seq.), Harman (1915, 1920), W. R. B. Robertson (1916 et seq.), Carothers (1917, 1921), Metz (1914 et seq.), and many others. " Bridges, Morgan, Muller, Metz, Dobzhansky, Painter. 1^ Kuwada (1919), Fisk (1925, 1927), Longley (1927c), Randolph (1928 et seq.), McClintock (19296 et seq.). 124 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY deletions, and inversions (Chapter XVIII). The same is doubtless also true of many other species in which a "typical" or "standard" chro- mosome set has been described. In Datura stramonium there are 12 chromosomes in the set. These vary somewhat in different races. In "line lA " there are one very long, two long, five large medium, two small medium, one short, and one very short members. ^^ According to Lewitsky, all 12 may be distinguished on the basis of size, arm ratio, and the presence of small rounded segments. In Pisum sativum the seven pairs in the root cells are distin- guishable^^ (Fig. 67, A). In Vicia faba there are five pairs with subter- Fig. 67. — Somatic chromosome complements in various higher plants. A, Pisum sativum. {After Lewitsky, 1930.) B, C, Crepis capiUaris, after regular treatment and after shortening by cooling. (After Delaunay, 1930.) D, Allium allegheniense, with translocated fragment on one member. {After Levari, 1932.) E, Najas major. {After Tschernoyarow, 1914; see also Midler, 1912, Winge, 1927a, and Takamine, 1927.) F, Nicotiana alata var. grandiflora. {After Avery, 1929.) minal spindle-attachment regions and one much larger pair with a median attachment region and a conspicuous "secondary constriction^^ (Fig. 61). The chromosome set of Crepis capiUaris (= virens) consists of a large chromosome with its attachment region between the middle and end, a medium-sized one with very unequal arms and a satellite, and a small one with unequal arms. Hence the somatic cells show three distinguishable pairs ^^ (Figs. 69; 72, B). In Nicotiana alata var. grandi- flora the nine pairs of chromosomes fall into five classes on the basis of their morphology (Fig. 67, F). In a large number of plants and some animals the chromosome com- plements of gamete and zygote do not have merely one set and two sets of 1^ Belling and Blakeslee (1922 el seq.), Blakeslee, Belling, Farnham, and Bergner (1922), Lewitsky (1930, 1931a). In much of the literature on Datura the term "set" is used rather for any group of homologous chromosomes, a diploid plant having 12 "sets" of two, a triploid 12 "sets" of three, and so on. "Lewitsky (1930), Marshak (1931). " Sharp (1913, 1914a), Sakamura (1914, 1915, 1920), Maeda (19306). For other species of Vicia, see Sweschnikowa (1927a6, 1928, 1929). IS Rosenberg (1909a, 1918, 1920), de Smet (1914), Collins and Mann (1923), Mann (1925), M. Nawaschin (1925afe, 1926), W. R. Taylor (1925c), Hollingshead (1930c), Lewitsky and Araratian (1931). THE MORPHOLOGY OF THE CHROMOSOMES 125 chromosomes respectively, as in the foregoing "diploid" types, but other numbers, such as two and four sets (" tetraploid " types), three and six sets ("hexaploid" types), and so on. Such individuals or species are said to be polyploid. This phenomenon and its significance are to receive detailed consideration in Chapters XX to XXII. The Arrangement of the Chromosomes in the Mitotic Figure. — As a general rule it seems that the various chromosomes of the comple- ment have no constant relative position in the nucleus or mitotic figure. A comparsion of their positions in a number of metaphases in the same plant usually shows that the arrangement varies greatly. It frequently happens, however, that the arrangement is the same in figures which lie near each other, as in the same row of cells in a root tip, or in neighboring sporocytes. This is easily understood when it is remembered that the halves of the chromosomes pass rather directly to opposite poles from the equatorial plane and thus form similar patterns in the sister nuclei in the telophase. If the next mitosis follows soon, this pattern may be retained through another nuclear and cell generation. As the division rate becomes retarded and the cells compared come to lie farther apart, the arrangement is somehow altered. To what extent the chromosomes may change their relative position in interphasic and metabolic nuclei is not known, but irregularities in their grouping at the end of the anaphase seem to be in part responsible for the alteration observed. What has been said above applies particularly to the elongated somatic chromosomes of plants whose morphology has been most studied. An examination of the chromosomes in certain sporocytes, where they are short and well separated from one another in the developing mitotic figure, shows that they tend strongly to assume arrangements like those of floating magnets of the same relative dimensions; they behave as if they were all acting under a mutual repulsion, especially of their spindle- attachment regions. The most stable arrangement occurs most frequently, other less stable ones being due to such modifying factors as the viscosity of the medium and the time required to assume the arrangement.^^ In animals also, particularly in the insects, cases are known in which the chromosomes show a more or less constant and characteristic arrange- ment in the metaphase. Often the smaller chromosomes lie in the middle of the figure with the larger ones around them (Fig. 215), or they may form a circle with certain members inside or outside it.^ Here again the phenomenon is best displayed where the size and spacing of the chromosomes are such as to permit their free movement as the metaphase stage develops. In the Diptera, as already mentioned, the chromosomes i^vuwada and collaborators (1929). Cf. R. S. Lillie (1905), Cannon (1923), Midler (1912), and Heimans (1928). 2" See Wilson (1925, various figures in Chap. XI; also 1932). 126 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY of the diploid complement tend to show a very regular paired arrange- ment (see Metz, 1916). Similar but less distinct pairing is sometimes reported in plants. An especially interesting case is described by Robert- son (1930) in Paratettix texanus, a grasshopper (Fig. 68). In individuals produced by the union of two gametes in the usual w^ay the two parental chromosome sets tend to remain distinct in the developing tissues, whereas in individuals produced by parthenogenesis the two sets (evi- dently formed here by chromosome division in the incomplete maturation of the egg) have a distinctly paired arrangement. In both cases the configuration in the egg as it begins development is maintained through the successive cell-divisions. All of these facts suggest that there are always factors, some of them purely physical and some involv- ing the chemical and genetic constitution of the chromosomes, which tend to give the members of a complement a certain arrangement, and that if these factors were always given unrestricted opportunity for action each type of complement might always exhibit about the same characteristic configuration. Chromosome Complements of Related Organisms. The discovery of the relative uniformity of the number of chromosomes in an individual or a species led to the 5^ g determination of the number in many organisms Fig. 68. — Chro- belonging to all of the major groups. A certain uxZ^s.^ °A^iTomhi- amount of speculation regarding the general phylogen- parentally produced etic significance of chromosome number has been Iri'^'paTses*^^^^^^^^ indulged in, but students of the subject have reached the parental sets. B, the conclusion that the data at hand do not warrant ca°lS prfd^ucld^TiTdi- ^^^y broad generalizations. So far as the large vidual. {After w. groups are Concerned, there appears to be no correla- son, .) ^^^^ between taxonomic position and structural com- plexity, on the one hand, and the number, length, width, or volume of the chromosomes, on the other. It is, however, generally agreed that within restricted circles of affinity the number of chromosomes, and especially their size and form, may often afford important evidence in the determination of genetic relationships.^^ The type of chromosomal complex characteristic of any individual or group of allied forms may be called its karyotype (Lewitsky, 1924). ^^ 21 McClung (1908), Strasburger (19106), Farmer and Digby (1914), Tischler (1916, 1921-1922), Winge (1917), Gates (19206, 1924a6), Marchal (1920), Meek (1920), Heilborn (1924). See especially Lewitsky (1931c) for chromosome morphol- ogy. See also footnotes, pp. 23-28. 22 The term was originally used in a more restricted sense by Delaunay (1922). See the discussion by Lewitsky (1931c). THE MORPHOLOGY OF THE CHROMOSOMES 127 ^^ Crepis pulcherrima '^ ^ ^5 CD E i/Ul-^v nil Crepis grand! flora ^ ^ ., ^./•^/./-. ^'//-^/r^ m. # ^'^i^/j *'/>: ^'?i/i:a-^^i:,i Crepis Dioscoridis ^Ai \ 1^^ €£z Crepis rhoeadifolia It" tli/li/ Crepis fecforum ''' ' fl B C D E ^ ^ ^^^mCz I ^^^^ Crepis rubra {\^ ^1 Crepis parvi flora D, '•*i/\ 1^ ^ ^B C D E] ^'e.M ■ I • ^^ ^ A ^B C D E 'B, ill ""' ^^ ^ 1^ ^ Fig. 69.— The chromosomes in 10 species of Crepis. Diploid complement in root cell at left; monoploid set at right. {Ajter M. Nawaschin, 1925a.) 128 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY The diagrammatic representation of a karyotype, as in Fig. 70, is called an idiogram (S. Nawaschin, 1921). One of the most important lines of investigation in modern cytology is that in which the nuclear consti- tutions of related organisms are studied through comparisons of their idiograms. Such studies afford invaluable evidence supplementing that of the geneticist, taxonomist, and student of phylogeny. In Crepis, which has come to be one of the most important genera for investigations in this field, -^ there are many species with only three, four, or five pairs of chromosomes. These appear to be of about five dis- tinguishable kinds as regards size and shape, each species having a characteristic complement composed of from three to five of these chromo- some types (Fig. 69). It is observed that a chromosome of a given type M./ongf A B C) C^ C3 ol, 0I2 £^3 <^4 M.fen %%%% A B C| C2 Cj d| dg ^z "4 M. monsir. Illilfiii A B C| C2 C3 ol| d2 f^i 0)4 Fig. 70. — Somatic chromosome complements of three species of Muscari: longipes, tenui- florum, and monstrosum. {After Delaunay, 1926.) may vary considerably in length in the complements of the different species. The fact that the order of the species, when arranged in a series on the basis of a progressive lengthening or shortening of a given chro- mosome of the set, may differ from the order in a series similarly arranged for a different chromosome is taken to mean that the chromosome set is not a simple unit, but is rather a harmonious system of autonomous entities which are in some measure independent of one another in their evolutionary alteration. In Muscari, Delaunay (1926) finds that the idiograms in three species differ chiefly in the absolute and relative length of the members (Fig. 70) and believes that in many such cases a gradual shortening of the chromo- somes may have occurred during the evolution of the genus. Studies on the karyotypes of several groups, notably the Helleborese,^^ have led 23 See especially M. Nawaschin (1925a, 1926), Hollingshead and Babcock (1930), and Babcock and Nawaschin (1930). ^^Lewitsky (1931a); also Senjaninova-Korczagina (1930, 1931) on ^gilops and Vicia, Avdulow (1931) on Agropyrtim, and Lewitsky and Tron (1930) on Bellevalia and Muscari. THE MORPHOLOGY OF THE CHROMOSOMES 129 Lewitsky to the view that in various tribes and genera there has been a progressive shortening of one arm in many of the chromosomes, primitive members of a group having mostly isobrachial chromosomes and derived members mostly heterobrachial ones. In Drosophila the idiograms in the various species bear a general resemblance to one another but show characteristic minor differences-^ (Fig. 71). Even within a Linnsean species the idiograms may not be alike in all individuals. Thus in Rumex acetosa the plants fall into several classes on the basis of the H ir 11 H p D. melanogaster 6? O.Simulans O.virilis #;.% 4^4^ O.funebris 0- willistoni o D. obscura «»#9l?H» % vv(|^Vfc5 />w Fig. 76. — Somatic mitosis in plants with slender or small chromosomes, a, telophase in Ceratopieris. b, interphase in Pteris. c, prophase in Polypodium. d-h, anaphase, telophase, interphase, early prophase, and late prophase in Azolla. {After de Litardiere, 19216.) As examples of the appearance of smaller chromosomes in some of the stages of the mitotic cycle may be cited certain cases in ferns described by de Litardiere (19216). In Pteris cretica and other forms with very slender chromosomes, the latter undergo no conspicuous changes in internal structure during the telophase but are drawn out into filaments connected by anastomoses to form the interphasic reticulum. In the prophase the anastomoses disappear and the chromatic substance is concentrated directly into slender threads which soon appear double and thicker (Fig. 76, a to c). In Azolla caroliniana the chromosomes are very small, ovoid bodies. They undergo no obvious change other than the development of anastomoses during the telophase and remain clearly visible through the interphase. In the prophase the anastomoses dis- appear, after which the chromosomes elongate somewhat, become double, THE STRUCTURE OF THE CHROMOSOMES 139 and again shorten (Fig. 76, d to h). These nuclei are of interest in connection with the problem of the origin of karyolymph, which is rela- tively abundant here. In the opinion of de Litardiere it moves in between the chromosomes during the telophase, but its exact relation to chromo- somal constituents is undetermined. Chromonemata in Sporocytes. — The microsporocytes of certain plants are favorite objects for the demonstration of chromonemata because of the large size of the chromosomes and the ease with which they may be treated with various reagents or examined in the living condition. 10 The chromonemata stand out clearly at late prophase, 2$a Fill. 77. — Photographs of chromonemata. a, sporocyte of treated with hot water. (After Sakamura, 1927a.) b, sporocyte anaphase /. (After Nebel, 19325.) c, sporocyte of Trillium Hjiskins and S. G. Smith, unpublished.) d, salivary gland Kaufm,ann.) Tradescantia virginica of Tradescantia refiexa, erectum. (From C. L. of Drosophila. (From metaphase, and anaphase in smear preparations fixed with chrom-osmic- acetic mixtures and stained with hsematoxylin (Kaufmann, Taylor) or fixed with chrom-aceto-formalin and stained with crystal violet (Sax) or brazilin (Belling); also in preparations in acetocarmine (Shinke), neutral violet (Kuwada), or ruthenium tetroxide (Nebel). They can be seen in living cells mounted in Ringer's solution (Martens), sugar solution or olive oil (Sakamura) (Fig. 77). The matrix of the chromosome can be dissolved away with hot water, leaving the spiral chromonemata iso- lated (Sakamura). Prefixation treatments may increase their visibility (Kuwada, Nebel). For the successful observation of chromonemata in fresh sporocytes special attention must be given to the pH of the 1" For accounts of chromonemata in sporocytes, see Kaufmann (1926o?)) on Tradescantia and Podophyllmn; Kuwada and Sugimoto (1926), Kuwada (1927, 1932a6), Kuwada and Sakamura (1926), Sakamura (1927a6), Martens (1929o) and Nebel (1932) on Tradescantia; Belling (19286) on Lilium; Maeda (1928, 1930a) on Lathyrus; Inariyama (1928) on Hosta; Babcock and J. Clausen (1929) on Crepis; Shinke (1930) on Tradescantia, Lilium, N^arcissus, and other genera; Sax (1930c) on Secale and Lilium; Taylor (1931) and Tuan (1931) on Gasteria; F. H. Smith (1932) on Galtonia. Binder (1927) describes them in the spermatocyte of the kangaroo. Lucas and Stark (1931) photographed them with ultra-violet light in living grasshopper spermatocytes. 140 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY medium. ^1 Certain studies on the chemical composition of plant chromosomes suggest that the chromonemata consist of nucleo-protein and probably lipide, and the matrix of lipides free or combined with protein (Shinke and Shigenaga, 1933). In many plants used in such investigations the chromonema appears in late prophase, metaphase, and anaphase as a rather smooth thread coiled with striking regularity within the matrix. The clearest prepara- tions show it to be double. In other plants the chromosomes in the sporocytes do not show such regularly coiled and smooth chromonemata as those described above. In Zea Mays, for example, the shortened chromosome in these stages presents an appearance rather similar to that observed in the earlier phases. The chromonemata, which show their chromomeres clearly, seem to shorten with the chromosome as a whole and preserve much of their early structure without being thrown into very wide coils. This point will be considered further in a subse- quent section. The behavior of the chromonemata through the mitoses in the sporocyte will be discussed in Chapter XVI. ^ Fig. 78. — Chromosomes in metaphase of first meiotic mitosis, showing aspects observed after different fixations. (After Kaufmann, 1926a.) The Alveolation Theory. — According to this theory of chromosome structure, which was founded chiefly on studies of somatic cells in plants, ^^ the more or less homogeneous chromosomes undergo a progressive "alveolation" during the telophase. Lightly staining regions appear in irregular positions in the chromosomes, whose chromatic matter assumes a spongy structure and forms the reticulum of the interphase and meta- bolic stage. In the ensuing prophase the reticulum again breaks up into its constituent "elementary nets," each of which gradually transforms into a slender filament. This filament splits, shortens, and thickens to become the double chromosome whose halves pass to the poles in the anaphase. The slender chromatic thread is accordingly looked upon as a temporary formation of the prophase related to splitting rather than a structure persisting throughout the nuclear cycle. It is true that such figures as those published by the advocates of this theory represent rather accurately the aspects often observed in the telophase and early prophase; but it is now held by various workers, including some who formerly supported the alveolation theory, that they should be looked upon as inadequate images of the chromonemata and matrix during these stages (Fig. 78). The "alveolation" is therefore " Kuwada and Sakamura (1926), Sakamura (1927a). 12 Gr6goire and Wygaerts (1903), Gregoire (1906), Lundegardh (1910, 1912), Sharp (1913, 1920a), de Litardiere (19216), J. B. Overton (1911, 1922), Koerperich (1930). THE STRUCTURE OF THE CHROMOSOMES 141 interpreted as a series of aspects observable when the matrix swells and loses its chromaticity in the telophase. Certain cases of "telophase splitting by median alveolation" formerly reported are interpreted on similar grounds. The chromatic structure first appearing in the telophase chromosomes is not actually produced at that time by alveolation or any other process but is simply rendered visible by an alteration in the chromaticity of the matrix. The Chromomere Theory. — Many years ago the theory was pro- pounded that the small chromatic lumps often visible in the reticulum are arranged in a linear series in a slender thread during the prophase and by their division initiate its splitting. ^^ It was further supposed by some workers that these small bodies, or chromomeres, are composed of still smaller "chromioles," which are supported in the achromatic substance ■4---i 14 ^ 4 t ff\ h ^ d f h / *-^ X \ \^ / T h i ^ "V- Fig. 79. — Chromosome B (synapsed pair) from spermatocytes of 13 individuals of Phrynotettix magnus, showing constancy in size and arrangement of principal chromomeres. The same constancy is shown in different cells of a single individual. {After Wenrich, 1916.) of the reticulum. The general opinion that such chromatic bodies are more or less persistent nuclear units multiplying regularly in mitotic division harmonized w^ell with the theory of heredity propounded by Roux and Weismann, according to which the chromatic matter is quali- tatively unlike in different regions of the nucleus, the arrangement of this matter in the form of a long thread prior to its splitting being a means whereby all the qualities, and hence hereditary potencies, are divided and distributed to the daughter nuclei. Since 1900, chromomeres have been studied chiefly in animal sperma- tocytes and the microsporocytes of plants. In the spermatocytes of insects, especially grasshoppers, the chromomeres appear with great clearness.^* In some examples studied with particular care, it has been found that in the early prophase the chromomeres not only differ in size, as claimed long ago by van Beneden, but are arranged in a characteristic " Balbiani (1876, 1881), Pfitzner (1881), van Beneden (1883). 1* McClung (1905 et seq.), Carothers (1917), Pinney (1908), Robertson (1915, 1916), Wenrich (1916), Janssens (1924). 142 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY and constant pattern in a given chromosome of the complement (Fig. 79). That such chromomeres are not primarily artifacts is indicated by their appearance in the same configurations after a variety of fixing reagents, as well as by the further fact that they may be seen in threads in unfixed nuclei, especially when stretched out by the micromanipulator (Cham- bers, 1924). Although their appearance may be modified in some meas- ure by microtechnical treatment, they surely correspond to local differen- tiations of some kind in certain regions of the threads (Agar, 1923). Very definite chromomeres have been described in the prophase of the first meiotic mitosis in many sporocytes, notably those of liliaceous plants. 1^ The significance of these bodies has been a much debated question among botanists, some maintaining that they are autonomous units, while opponents of such a view, especially those working on somatic tissues, have suggested other explanations for the appearances observed. ^^ It is true that their irregularity and indefiniteness of form in many preparations suggest that they are fortuitously thickened regions of a more or less homogeneous thread. On the other hand, their great distinctness and regularity in other cases, notably in smear preparations of Lilium and Zea, exclude so simple an interpretation. It now seems evident, for reasons which will appear below, that chromomeres should be regarded neither as elements wholly distinct from the rest of the thread nor as mere chance accumulations of chromatic matter, but as definitely localized differentiations of the chromonema, which in all probability indicate the sites of certain special reactions. Chromomeres in the Chromonema. — In 1912 Vejdovsky, working on the spermatocytes of Decticus, suggested that the chromonema is made up of chromomeres which have been brought into contact. This interpretation applies well to the many cases, particularly sporocytes, in which chromomeres in the early prophase are reported to give way to a comparatively uniform chromonema in later stages. Kuwada (1926a) likens the chromomeres to "balls embedded in a rubber thread," which, as it shortens, brings the balls into contact and then becomes contorted within the contracting matrix. Similarly, in the sporocytes of Crepis, Babcock and J. Clausen (1929) figure chromomeres in the middle prophase, but at the end of the prophase only a spiral chromonema whose coils may appear superficially like large chromomeres. In Lilium sporocytes, fixed in chrom-aceto- formalin and stained wdth iron-brazilin, Belling (19286cg, 1931a) finds the chromomeres as bead-like bodies about 0.23/x in diameter and separated in the thread by regions of about twice this 15 E.g., by Strasburger (1884, 1905 et seq.), C. E. Allen (1905), Mottier (1907), Muller (1912), Belling (19286c^), and W. R. Taylor (1931). i«Gregoire and Wygaerts (1903), Martins Mano (1904), Gr6goire (1906 1907), Marcchal (1907), Bonnevie (1908), Stomps (1910), Lundeg&rdh (1912), Sharp (1913, 1920), Tischler (1908, 1921), de Litardifere (19216). THE STRUCTURE OF THE CHROMOSOMES 143 length in the earher portion of the prophase. ^^ At this stage all the threads taken together have a total length of about 1,500/i, and as the prophase advances they become reduced to about one-tenth of this length. This brings the ''ultimate chromomeres " into contact and causes coiling of the chromatic thread so formed. Aggregates of these chromo- meres, together with additional chromatic matter, constitute the con- spicuous "compound," or " secondary, " chromomeres seen in the later portion of the prophase. Although the chromosomal threads have chromomeres and probably always shorten in some measure during the prophase of mitosis in sporo- cytes, the appearance of the chromosome at the end of the prophase varies greatly in different plants. In Tradescantia and Secale rather uniform chromonemata lie coiled within the matrix (Fig. 77), but in Zea the large chromatic accumulations in the threads continue to be visible, the chromosome showing many of the characteristic structures of the early prophase in spite of its greatly reduced length (Figs. 66, 152). Hence such chromosomes, like those of grasshoppers (Fig. 79), are especially well suited to studies on the functions of their component parts. Vegetative nuclei {e.g., in root tips) commonly show rather smooth chromonemata from mid-prophase onward, though it is likely that improved methods will reveal more concerning the architecture of such threads, at least in their earlier stages. A useful hypothesis covering the above observations is that the chromatic substance appearing in small masses, or chromomeres, at certain regions of the thread, together with any additional chromatic matter, varies in amount at different stages of the nuclear cycle and at a given stage in different organisms. When such chromatic substance is scanty the chromomeres are distinct, but when it is abundant they are more or less united and the thread appears more uniform. Hence the chromomeres should be expected to appear most plainly in the early prophase, when the masses of chromatic substance are small and well separated from one another because of the extended and straightened condition of the thread. That the structural differentiation exhibited by the chromonemata determines in large part the general form of the metaphase chromosome seems evident. In Zea, for example, the general pattern formed by the spindle-attachment region, the nucleolus-forming region, larger chromomeres, and chromatic "knobs" in the early prophase is maintained as the chromosome shortens, but the positions of the smaller elements become difficult to make out (Fig. 66). It remains to be ascertained to " Early pachynema stage. The threads are paired in synapsis, hence the chromo- meres appear double. In the late pachynema stage each component thread shows its split, the chromomeres then appearing as groups of four "chromioles" (see Chapter XVI). 144 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY what extent the matrix shares in determining the form of the chromosome aside from giving it a smoother contour. Chromosome Structure and the Gene Theory. — In later chapters it will be shown why the chromosomes are thought to contain a series of persistent units, or genes, which affect profoundly the course of develop- ment in successive generations and thus represent causal agents in hered- ity. At this point, those who are familiar with the gene theory may consider certain points of a hypothesis which attempts to relate the genes to the visible differentiations in the chromosome. ^^ As suggested by Alexander and Bridges, the fundamental constituent of the chromosome is the "gene string," a linear aggregate of genes held together primarily by their own attractive forces. The exact nature of the genes is unknown, but they may be thought of provisionally as minute bits of substances growing by autocatalysis and synthesizing a number of materials including basichromatin, the most conspicuous of such mate- rials. In the early prophase each gene is surrounded by its own small mass of basichromatic matter; this is a chromomere. As the prophase advances, some chromomeres increase in size more rapidly than others because of a greater activity on the part of their genes, and they sooner or later fuse to form the coarser and more uniformly chromatic chro- monema. Hence larger lumps in this thread indicate groups of more active genes. As the thread becomes thicker, the basichromatin just beneath its limiting membrane is transformed into oxychromatin; this is the chromosome matrix surrounding the still basichromatic chromonema with its gene string. Because of its liquid nature the oxychromatic matrix tends to round up and thus shorten the chromosome as a whole in the later prophase, the relatively firm chromonema then being thrown into coils. The matrix now becomes basichromatic again. In the telophase the basichromatin decreases in amount and may largely or completely disappear by the time the metabolic reticulum is fully devel- oped; in the next prophase it is elaborated anew by the genes. This discontinuity of the basichromatin is taken to mean that "chromatin" is not the important "hereditary substance" but only a by-product of the autocatalytic or reproductive activity of the persistent genes. Belling calls the chromatic matter about each gene "gene chromatin" and the abundant substance present later "extra chromatin." In certain cases he observes at the center of each chromomere a minute dot which he regards as "either a bare gene, or close to one" (1931a, p. 156).^^ 18 Alexander and Bridges (1928). See also Belling (19286c, 1931a) and Reuter (1930). 1^ Certain provisional calculations of the possible size of genes place them well below the limit of visibility with the ordinary microscope and suggest that they are of the same order of magnitude as certain large protein molecules (see Morgan, 1922, and Gowen and Gay, 1933). Recent evidence on the spacing of genes in the chromo- some (p. 323) offers a basis for new speculations on this subject. THE STRUCTURE OF THE CHROMOSOMES 145 On the basis of this hypothesis — and it is at present no more than a hypothesis — the chromomere is regarded not as a fundamental autono- mous unit but rather as a product of such a unit, the gene. As already suggested, a way may be found between the view that the chromomere is a fundamental unit and the view that it is only a chance thickening of the thread, if we construe it as a mass of material definitely associated with some localized reaction and often becoming continuous with neigh- boring masses. The hypothesis summarized above goes a step further and attributes these localized reactions to genes. Similarly, the division of the chromonema is thought to result from the division of the genes. At present very little can be said concerning the time relation which may exist between gene-division (or other mode of multiplication) and the visible splitting of the chromonema. It is conceivable that a double chromonema might be more highly compound as regards its gene strings. Finally, it should be pointed out that although the chromosome may have a characteristic lengthwise differentiation visibly manifested by its chromomeres, as well as a functional differentiation manifested in the results of genie activity, there is as yet insufficient evidence to war- rant a confident statement regarding the spatial and functional relation- ships of chromomeres and genes. Research in progress promises to yield evidence on this important point (see, further, p. 318). The Continuity of the Chromosome. — In each succeeding prophase in the nuclei of a growing tissue there appears a group of chromosomes made up of a certain number of characteristically different individuals. Are these chromosomes in any real sense the same as those which developed the nucleus in the preceding telophase? That they do preserve their identity as individuals through the metabolic stage, arise only by division, and therefore maintain a genetic continuity throughout the life cycle, was held by many early observers. ^^ The question has been much debated, and, although many statements of the conception of chromosomes as persistent entities have been too crude, it remains true that the chromo- somes "must at least be regarded as genetic homologues that are con- nected by some definite bond of individual continuity from generation to generation of cells" (Wilson, 1909c). The evidences upon which this view is based are briefly as follows. With rare exceptions, which have been found not to militate against any proper conception of continuity, the chromosomes in successive mitoses are the same in number and form. When the total number is altered in any way, or when a number of the group is changed by loss, fragmenta- tion, translocation, or the like, the altered group appears in the next mitosis; the original complement is in no way restored during the inter- vening metabolic stage. The limits of the several chromosomes remain visible through this stage in certain nuclei ; in extreme cases the nucleus is 20 E.g., van Beneden (1883), Rabl (1885), and Boveri (1887, 18886, 1891). 146 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY ■■■LjXiy virtually a group of separate elementary nuclei, or karyomeres (Fig. 75). Each chromosome may even have its own elementary spindle at the time of mitosis; this is known as merokinesis (Reuter, 1909). It has also been observed that when the chromosomes lie in a certain relative position when the telophasic reticulum is formed, they tend to appear in the same position in the following prophase. ^^ It is therefore inferred that, even when the whole reticulum appears like a single unit under the microscope, the integrity of the constituent chromonemata is nevertheless somehow -preserved. This idea is supported by those cases in which certain por- tions of certain chromosomes remain dense and deeply chromatic ("heteropyknotic") and hence distinguishable while the remaining portions develop an otherwise uniform reticulum (Fig. 80). Furthermore, when two species with chromosomes of unlike size are crossed, the chromosomes of the two parents can be distinguished in the dividing nuclei of the hybrid (Fig. 206). Often the parental groups do not intermingle but tend to remain rafher distinct through several embryonal cell generations-"^ (Fig. 143). Many years ago Boveri was led by the results of his brilliant researches on echinoderm eggs to conclude that the number of chromosomes arising from the reticulum in the prophase is directly and exclusively dependent upon the number which built it in the preceding telophase; this, he con- tended, finds its most logical explanation in a genetic chromosomal continuity. These conclu- sions have been confirmed repeatedly by researches phase. B, late telophase, on the chromosomes of hybrids, by observations The heteropyknotic re- ,, i • , i , ,1 ■ n e gions are numbered, ^u ceils Subjected to the mtiuencc 01 various Compare Fig. 220. {After agcucies causing aberrant chromosome behavior, and by critical analyses of the chromosome com- plements in organisms showing unexpected departures from the normal chromosome number and morphology. The chromosome is not a body with unchanging form and composition. In the course of the nuclear cycle it passes through a complicated series of chemical and structural alterations, as does the organism itself during its individual life cycle. At certain stages, notably the metabolic stage 21 E.g., in the segmenting egg of Ascaris, according to Boveri (1887a, 1891, 1909c) and Herla (1893). See also p. 125. " Haecker (1895c), Riickert (1895), Conklin (1897, 1901a), Moenkhaus (1904), Tennent (1912), Morris (1914), Richards (1916), B. G. Smith (1919, 1929) B '■<-^ S Fig. 80. — Heteropyk- nosis in chromosomes of Pellia epiphylla. A, pro- ff THE STRUCTURE OF THE CHROMOSOMES 147 and the growth period in animal oocytes, the basichromatic character of the chromonema largely or completely disappears and the limits of the individual matrix, whether this is temporarily swollen or removed, become indistinguishable. Later on, a reverse series of changes takes place and the chromosome is again evident as an individual. This is not to be construed as an actual destruction and recreation of the chromosome but rather as a cyclic change undergone by a definite group of materials which must assume a structure suitable at one stage to the performance of metabolic functions and at another stage to individual division and distribution to daughter nuclei. The above conclusion seems obvious enough when, as has been frequently observed, a single chromosome separated from its neighbors forms an individual metabolic nucleus and later passes through an essentially normal series of division stages. The formation of a mitoti- cally dividing nucleus by a single isolated chromosome, taken together with what is known of karyomeres and merokinesis, serves to emphasize the compound nature of the ordinary nucleus and leads to the view that the usual mitotic figure is essentially a group of associated chromosomes undergoing division and separation in unison. That the same inter- pretation is to be placed upon the chromosome when it is a member of a group, whether as a karyomere (Fig. 75) or an indistinguishable portion of a metabolic nucleus, is now required by the evidence. That something essential in the characteristic structural and functional organization of each chromosome persists through the metabolic as well as other stages of the cycle is practically proved in recent investigations on the effects of X-ray treatments (Chapter XVIII). The results of treatments during the metabolic stage indicate that even at this time the peculiar linear organization of certain elements of the chromosome is normally main- tained. In other words, the genes are somehow held to their character- istic linear order at all times. No other plausible explanation of the facts has been suggested. Only our limited vision prevents us from seeing directly that a given chromosome has as characteristic an organization in the metabolic stage as it has in other stages. This being the case, less direct but none the less cogent evidence must be relied upon. What persists as a chromosome through the nuclear cycle is evidently a group of substances held together in a characteristic pattern (in a chromonema or "chromonema axis") and accompanied at certain periods by additional materials, the whole system undergoing a recurrent cycle of physico- chemical transformations in successive nuclear generations. To what extent the achromatic materials remain individualized is not known. The chromosome, therefore, stands out as a persistent individual reproducing by division. It does not follow, however, that this individ- ual necessarily remains rigidly fixed and unaltered in character in succes- sive generations. It will be shown in subsequent chapters that a portion 148 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY of a chromosome is occasionally lost or transferred to another chromo- some. Under the proper conditions such altered chromosomes continue as individuals of new types. Since such alterations evidently have occurred with some frequency in the past, a given chromosome should be looked upon as a member of a long series of generations in which structural and functional alterations occur from time to time: it is an assemblage of elements which may remain relatively constant for a long period or perhaps through only a limited number of generations. It may be likened to a persisting society whose membership occasionally changes through losses, additions, and the alteration of personal action. Its persistence as an individual distinct from its neighbors in spite of all such alterations is insured by the spindle-attachment region, a definite "organ" with which the other chromosomal elements are associated. The precise nature of the chromosomal substances which persist and of the chemical transformations which they undergo remains for future investigators to determine. CHAPTER XI THE ACHROMATIC FIGURE The separation of the longitudinally divided chromosomes into two daughter groups involves the action of the achromatic figure. In many cells, notably those of vascular plants, this consists solely of the spindle, a bipolar structure formed chiefly by achromatic constituents of the nucleus. In other cases, including most animal cells and those of certain lower plants, the figure has in addition at each pole a system of cytoplas- mic radiations known as the aster, often with a centrosome at its focus. Achromatic figures of the latter type are known as "amphiastral" figures, while those without asters are called "anastral" figures. Anastral Figures. — All vascular plant cells, with the exception of certain spermatogenous cells of species with motile spermatozoids, have anastral achromatic figures. A typical example is seen in the root-tip cell, where the development occurs in the following manner. According to an interpretation set forth in the preceding chapter, the metabolic nucleus contains within its membrane three easily dis- tinguishable components: a reticulum made up of anastomosed chromo- nemata, a nucleolus (or nucleoli), and karyolymph. As the prophase of mitosis advances, each chromonema becomes more or less free from its neighbors and is seen to be surrounded by a distinct mass of matrix substance. The karyolymph, in which the developing chromosomes lie, is to form the spindle; hence it may be termed ''spindle substance."^ In the root-tip cell (Fig. 81) the nucleus commonly enlarges during the prophase. Its membrane then gradually shrinks inward from the two poles, leaving behind two "polar caps" of spindle substance, which seems to have filtered through the membrane. As the membrane shrinks more closely about the crowded chromosomes, the caps become larger and gradually form a more definitely spindle-shaped figure. Eventually the membrane disappears and the double chromosomes become arranged with their spindle-attachment regions in the equator of the spindle. Through all these changes the appearance of the cytoplasm remains essentially unchanged (Robyns, 1924, 1929). The spindle usually terminates in rather sharp points at its poles, but cases are known in which the polar regions are nearly or quite as wide as the equator. In the living condition the spindle is optically ' It is called "parachromosomic substance" by Koerperich (1930) and the "para- genoplast" by Bleier (1930c). 149 150 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY homogeneous, but for reasons which will be given later it is evident that its substance has a definite longitudinal orientation of some kind. The fine "fibrils" or ''lamellae" seen running from pole to pole in fixed preparations are a visible modification of this oriented structure. In addition to these fine fibrils, there are coarser ones which begin to develop at the attachment regions of the chromosomes and extend poleward along the spindle; these have often been called "tractile fibers." In the anaphase the halves of each split chromosome begin to move apart at the spindle-attachment region. The tractile fibers are very prominent (in fixed preparations) at this time, but when the chromosomes reach the poles they soon disappear. The spindle substance extending between the two chromosome groups still shows its characteristic fine .^•i7- .-> ;-;^^Q^;- :• ••^*' )Vy 1 2 3 4 Fig. 81. — Development of achromatic figure in root tip of Hyacinthus orientalis. 1, nucleus after reaching its maximum size in prophase. 2, nuclear membrane shrunken, leaving polar caps. S, membrane partly gone; caps about to become spindle cones. 4< spindle established; metaphase. Note that chondriosomes do not invade the spindle. (After Robyns, 1924.) striations. As the two groups develop into telophase nuclei, this mass of substance widens in the equatorial region to form a barrel-shaped phragmoplast, which usually continues to extend laterally until it comes in contact with the wall at one or more sides of the cell. It seems prob- able that a portion of the spindle substance or some constituent of it reenters the growing daughter nuclei while the remainder is functioning as the phragmoplast. While the above changes are taking place, the partition which is to divide the original cell into two begins to develop. There is first formed a delicate membrane known as the cell-plate through the equator of the phragmoplast. The time at which it appears with reference to the nuclear changes varies considerably in different cases. Commonly it appears first in the middle region and extends laterally as the phragmo- plast widens. The phragmoplast, or spindle substance, soon disappears THE ACHROMATIC FIGURE 151 near the nuclei but continues to be evident for some time at the margin of the growing cell-plate (Fig. 101). When a cell contains a large central vacuole the parietal cytoplasm may form a broad strand through it, the mitotic figure occupying this strand. In some cases the figure has been reported to move across a broad cell as the cell-plate develops from one side to the other. In all these examples, therefore, the achromatic figure is not only concerned with nuclear division, but it is also involved in the process of cytokinesis, which here follows very closely upon mitosis. Cytokinesis and the development of the cell w^all about the cell-plate will be described in the next chapter. In microsporocytes, which at the time of their division are usually suspended more or less free from one another in sporangial fluid, the development of the achromatic figure is essentially like that described above, but owing to the shape and polarity of such cells the figure ordi- narily presents a somewhat different aspect in its earlier stages. In Larix, for example (Fig. 82), the cytoplasm when adequately fixed appears rather homogeneous and contains many rod-shaped chondriosomes. During the late prophase the chondriosomes move endwise toward the nucleus and lie parallel with its membrane, forming a dense "perinuclear chon- driosomal mantle." Improper fixation here gives the "radial" and "felted" aspects so often described. The chondriosomal mantle remains intact throughout mitosis, its inner boundary marking the limit of the nuclear region. As the nuclear membrane shrinks and disappears, the chromosomes become grouped at the center of the nucleus, whose periph- eral region is then occupied by the intranuclear spindle substance. The cytoplasm contributes no formed element to the figure. The "trac- tile fibers" appear first at the chromosomes and develop centrifugally until the completed spindle extends across the nuclear region with its poles at the chondriosomal mantle and the remaining intranuclear sub- stance surrounding it on the sides. The figure is bipolar from the begin- ning; multipolar appearances and extra fibers surrounding the spindle proper are held to be due to inadequate fixation. In the telophase the terminal portions of the spindle and much of the remaining intranuclear substance become two masses of hyaline fluid in which the daughter nuclei are reconstituted; hence the hyaline substance of these nuclei is continuous with that of the original nucleus. The chondriosomes form mantles about the two nuclei (Devise, 1914, 1922). In the peculiar four- lobed sporocytes of certain liverworts the developing spindle passes through a definitely quadripolar stage. ^ Many variations of the processes described above are known in somatic cells and sporocytes. Among these the most instructive are certain cases in which there is little or no shrinkage of the nuclear membrane before the spindle differentiates. Frequently in sporocytes 2 Farmer (1894, 1895), B. M. Davis (1899, 1901), A. C. Moore (1903). 152 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY and even in root cells occasionally (Fig. 73, 10) the late prophasic karyo- lymph assumes the orientation characteristic of the spindle, and the attachment regions of the chromosomes move to the equator as the membrane disappears without shrinking inward. Cases are also known in which the partially shrunken membrane disappears when in some inter- wmm. \' '" " • •■■■ ■ • m'.-' ' :^' /*,' I... '7 >■ D k1 w*# -■, mji /v:>o'./- .\ (•■•' i/'-'ft^;^-?^'®-'^^. ■i^:.\ .(fe ::.--'■■■".-.-••. .-.1 ■^ ^ ^■■^^ ■ ■ v-;':> \/ Fig. 82. — Development of achromatic figure in microsporocyte of Larix europcea. A-H, after fixation in Benda's fluid. I-L, after fixation in Flemming's fluid. L and H show two successive stages in cytokinesis. {After Devise, 1922.) mediate position. Hence it becomes easy to reconcile the many early accounts in which the spindle was variously stated to arise from the cyto- plasm, from the nucleus, or from both. What was being observed in all these cases was a progressive transformation of the late prophasic karyo- lymph, or nuclear "spindle substance," into a polarized spindle, with or without a shrinkage of the nuclear membrane before its disappearance. The reactions involved in this transformation are unknown, but it has THE ACHROMATIC FIGURE 153 been thought probable that the karyolymph is allowed to react with some cytoplasmic constituent at this time by the disappearance of the nuclear membrane or by alterations in its permeability, the reaction occurring inside or outside the membrane in different cases. ^ It seems proper, then, to regard the complete anastral mitotic figure in the metaphase simply as the nucleus in a stage of division, its several chromonemata being doubled and surrounded by condensed matrices and its prophasic karyolymph being organized as the spindle. The division is carried out in a cytoplasmic medium, but the structures con- cerned are primarily those of the nucleus. That mitosis in an ordinary nucleus is in a sense a cooperative undertaking on the part of its several chromosomes is suggested by cases in which each chromosome of the group begins by developing an individual spindle more or less independ- ently of the others. Amphiastral Figures. — Achromatic figures of the amphiastral type are characterized by the presence of a system of radiations known as the aster about each pole in the metaphase and a centrosome at the focus of each aster. Such figures are the rule in animals; relatively few cells, notably certain oocytes, are devoid of centrosomes and asters during mitosis. They are also found in certain algae and fungi, as well as in the spermatogenous cells of bryophytes and those vascular plants having motile male gametes. Since the asters are cytoplasmic, the amphiastral figure, unlike the anastral type, is not composed wholly of nuclear materials. The centrosome varies widely in structure in different tissues.'* What may be called a "typical" centrosome lies in the cytoplasm (centrosomes rarely occupy the nucleus) and consists of a deeply staining granule known as the centriole together with a surrounding mass of substance called the centrosphere. Either of these elements may be present alone. The centriole may be single, but more commonly it is double as a result of division during the later phases of the previous mitosis. Occasionally there are several centrioles, constituting together a "microcentrum." The centrosphere substance is often fairly abundant in resting cells (Fig. 83). In 1887 van Beneden and Boveri observed in Ascaris that the cen- trosome, prior to cell-division, divides to form two daughter centrosomes, which move apart to opposite sides of the cell and form the poles between which the mitotic figure is established; and further, that after cell- division is completed the centrosome included in each daughter cell does 3 Nothnagel (1916), Tischler (1921-1922). * An exhaustive account of centrosomal differentiations is given by Heidenhain (1907). The terminology of the subject has long been in a confused state (see Wilson, 1900, 1925). In the present account we have chosen more or less arbitrarily a termi- nology which seems to have found favor with a number of writers. 154 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY not disappear but remains visible in the cytoplasm through the ensuing metabolic stage. They concluded that the centrosome, like the nucleus, is a permanent organ maintaining its individuality throughout successive cell generations. This conclusion is supported by the conditions observ- able in many tissues, but it is evidently not valid for all. In certain instances it disappears at the close of cell-division, a new one appearing just before the next mitosis. Moreover, the formation of numerous asters with centrosomes can be induced in the cytoplasm of certain animal eggs, notably those of echinoderms, by treating them with solu- W» 1 ^ 8 9 •^ • 10 Fig. 87. — First meiotic mitosis in the ascus of Pustularia bolarioides. (After Bagchee, 1925.) spindle increase in prominence. In some cases the nuclear membrane disappears while the centrioles are still diverging, while in others it THE ACHROMATIC FIGURE 157 persists until they have reached opposite sides of the cell. In either event it may fade out in its original position or first shrink inward before the enlarging asters. In the literature are many reports of "a growth of the astral rays into the nucleus" and "a lateral movement of the central spindle into the nucleus." To what extent this may involve a progressive alteration of extruded karyolymph beginning in the region near the amphiaster is not clear, but the spindle figure in such cases at least appears to incorporate structures not originally nuclear.^ With regard to the asters, it was shown by Chambers (192 1&, 1924) that in living echinoderm eggs they are regions which are somewhat more •■C -;<•:■' '■J^:. ^fS "f^:m Fig. 88. — Development of spores after last mitosis in ascus of Pustularia bolarioides. {After Bagchee, 1925.) solid than the rest of the protoplasm, but that their rays, instead of being firm fibers as some had thought, are actually streams of fluid passing inward through the more gel-like granular cytoplasm. This con- firmed a widespread view that the aster is primarily an expression of streaming movements in the cytoplasm. The rays merge into a central mass of hyaline fluid which may in some cases begin to accumulate before the cytoplasm becomes sufficiently gelated to reveal the centripetal channels. The aster may sometimes show rather well-marked concentric zones (Fig. 86) as well as one or more concentric series of granules about the centriole. It is questionable how far these are normal appearances, for Chambers (19176) asserts that some of them may be produced by subjecting eggs to abnormal environmental conditions. During the anaphase the astral radiations remain conspicuous, but, as the telophase progresses, they gradually fade from view, except in * See the discussion of these cases by Bleier (1931a). 158 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY those forms with more or less permanent asters. The centriole at each pole divides, usually before the anaphase begins and often even earlier. In case the aster about it does not disappear at the close of mitosis, a new amphiaster may differentiate about the daughter centrioles in the midst of the old aster. The latter rarely divides but usually degenerates as the new amphiaster develops within it.^ A mass of spindle substance, sometimes surrounded by chondriosomes in the cytoplasm, remains for some time between the chromosome groups and the young nuclei w^hich they form. In animals this substance plays no very conspicuous part in cytokinesis. Granules may be differentiated at the equatorial region, forming the so-called "mid-body," but the division of the cytoplasm is ordinarily brought about by the development of a cleavage furrow, as will be described in the next chapter. Very characteristic amphiastral figures are developed in the ascomy- cetes^" (Figs. 87, 88). The centrosome, which in some ascomycetes is discoid, lies against the nuclear membrane. As mitosis begins, an aster usually develops in the cytoplasm about the centrosome, and the latter divides to form two daughter centrosomes. The central spindle, if formed at all, does not persist. From each of the daughter centrosomes, which begin to move apart along the nuclear membrane, a group of "fibers" extends into the nucleus. This appearance may be due to the fact that the centrosomes here mark regions where there is an active material interchange between nucleus and cytoplasm (Harper, 1919), the result being the orientation of prophasic karyolymph to form the spindle structure. The centrosomes finally reach opposite sides of the nucleus, and the two groups of fibers become arranged in the form of a spindle extending through the nucleus with the chromosomes at the equator. The spindle may occupy nearly all of the nuclear volume or only a small portion of it. The nuclear membrane commonly remains intact until the chromosomes approach the poles at anaphase. It may then disappear, allowing the nucleolus, which has remained visibly unchanged, to escape into the cytoplasm. Between the two densely packed daughter chromosome groups there extends a long strand of spindle substance; this disappears as the daughter nuclei reorganize. Cytokinesis in fungi is commonly brought about by a cleavage furrow which is independent of the achromatic figure. After the final mitosis in the ascus the astral rays curve around and in some way become involved in the formation of the ascospore membrane. According to Harper, the 9 See Wilson (1925, p. 680). '« Harper (1895, 1897, 1899, 1905), Faull (1905, 1912), Maire (1905a), Guillier- mond (1904, 1905, 1911), Fraser (1908), Eraser and Brooks (1909), Fraser and Wels- ford (1908), Claussen (1912), W. H. Brown (1909, 1910a, 19116), Bagchee (1925), Carruthers (1911), Schultz (1927), Tandy (1927), Eftimiu (1927, 1929), Gwynne- Vaughan and Williamson (1930, 1931, 1932). THE ACHROMATIC FIGURE 159 rays actually fuse laterally to form the membrane, an interpretation which has been disputed by Faull and others. Very similar to the amphiastral figures just described are those in certain algse (Fig. 89). In Dictyota, for example, a curved rod-shaped centrosome lying against the nuclear membrane divides as mitosis begins. The daughter centrosomes, each with an aster, separate and occupy the poles of the intranuclear spindle. In Fucus the two centrosomes are said to arise independently. In Polysiphonia the centriole-like bodies seen in the prophase give way later to larger centrosphere-like masses. In living cells of Sphacelaria, according to W. Zimmermann (1923), the conspicuous rays about the centrioles before the metaphase are made up Fig. 89. — Centrosomes in algse. A, B, Stypocaulon. (After W. T. Swingle, 1897, and Escoyez, 1909.) C, centrosphere-like bodies in Polysiphonia. {After Yamanouchi, 1906.) D, E, Dictyota dichotoma. {After Mottier, 1900.) of the oriented boundaries of large vacuoles, with fucosan globules and chromatophores lying along them. Amphiastral figures in the spermatogenous cells of bryophytes and those vascular plants having motile male gametes are described in Chapter XIV (Fig. 122). The Mechanism of Mitosis. — It has always been tempting to specu- late upon the mechanical factors involved in the remarkable process of mitosis. Although the problem is still very far from solution, it is of interest to consider briefly some of the suggestions which have been made." One of the simplest and most widely accepted theories was that of fibrillar contractility proposed by Klein (1878) and van Beneden (1883, 1887), according to which the chromosomes were supposed to be dragged apart by the contraction of two opposed groups of spindle fibers. Many observations were cited in its favor, and elastic models were made to illus- ^1 See the reviews by Wilson (1900, 1925) and Tischler (1921-1922). 160 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY trate the supposed contraction and its results (Heidenhain) ; but evidence subsequently brought forward ^^ led to the general restriction of the role of contractility, until it became apparent that this factor must be one of minor importance. The striking resemblance between the achromatic figure and the lines of force in an electromagnetic field naturally led to attempts to account for mitosis on the basis of electrical principles. Several investigators, working with various chemical substances, succeeded in modeling fields of force that illustrated graphically the changes supposed to take place in mitosis. In later years the electromagnetic interpretation was again brought into prominence by Gallardo, Hartog, and Prenant. At first Gallardo (1896) believed the two spindle poles to be of unlike sign, but later (1906), as the result of the researches of R. S. Lillie (1903) on the behavior of nucleus and cytoplasm in the electromagnetic field, he con- cluded that they are of like sign, the centrosomes moving apart because of their similar charge. The movement of the chromosomes to the poles he held to be due to the combined action to two forces: a mutual repulsion of the similarly charged daughter chromosomes and an attraction between the oppositely charged centrosome and chromosome. It has also been thought that the chromosomes may assume their equatorial position because they are repelled by both poles, and that a later weakening of the repelling force relative to the mutual repulsion of the chromosome halves allows the latter to move poleward. The fact that the two centrosomes and hence the two spindle poles are electrically homopolar (Lillie) at once made it apparent that the mitotic figure does not represent an ordinary electromagnetic field, for in the latter the poles are of unlike sign — the field is heteropolar. It was conse- quently suggested by Prenant (1910) and Hartog (1905, 1914) that the mitotic figure is the seat of a special force peculiar to living organisms. This force they called "mitokinetism. " It can scarcely be doubted that electrical forces are in some measure concerned in the mitotic changes, but it is impossible at present to state how they act.^^ Any theory involving such forces must be applicable not only to ordinary bipolar mitosis but to occasional tripolar, quadripolar, and unipolar (p. 163) mitotic figures as well. Special significance has been attached to streaming by students of mitosis ever since Biitschli, Fol, and others showed many years ago that currents usually exist in the protoplast. That streams passing poleward within the spindle play a role in chromosome movement was suggested by many of the aspects observed, and the subsequent discovery that the astral rays are such streams lent further plausibility to the view\ That the "spindle fibers" are such streams was, however, not proved. '2 Hermann (1891), Druner (1894, 1895), Calkins (1898), and others. i^See WUson (1925, pp. 184-189). THE ACHROMATIC FIGURE 161 All such hypotheses regarding the mechanism of mitosis must be recon- sidered in the light of what has recently been learned about the achromatic figure in living cells. As stated above, the aster has been found to be a semisolid region of the cytoplasm with centripetal fluid paths, but, since many achromatic figures have no asters, the causes of mitotic chromosome movement obviously lie primarily in the spindle and the chromosomes. It is a notable fact that in uninjured living cells the metaphase spindle appears to be optically homogeneous, no "fibers" being visible. ^^ Its density is such that it can be moved bodily through the cytoplasm with the micromanipulator (Chambers) or the centrifuge, ^^ but the micro- needles reveal no fibrous structure. In tissue cultures it is observed that when the medium is made acid the fibers appear and the mitotic process ceases; when it is made neutral again the fibers disappear and the process is resumed (Lewis). The fibers can be made to appear by dehydration and by various agents which bring about gelation or coagulation. Hence the coarsely fibrous appearance of the spindle in many fixed preparations is an unnatural one. It is not to be concluded from these facts that the striations and trac- tile fibers observed in such preparations have no structural basis what- ever in the living cell. We are now forced to view the untreated spindle as a body with a longitudinally oriented finer structure in spite of its optical homogeneity.^^ In support of this view Belaf cites the following facts: the distal portions of long chromosomes in the spindle tend to become arranged parallel to its axis; the Brownian movement of occasional included granules is greater in amplitude lengthwise of the spindle than in other directions; mitochondria which sometimes enter an artificially swollen spindle tend to be arranged longitudinally; the spindle has a pronounced axial resistance to contraction; certain agencies cause the spindle to split longitudinally (Fig. 90, c). Hence the spindle may be likened to a crystal w^hich appears homogeneous to the eye but can be shown to have an oriented structure by suitable treatment, or to a block of wood whose splitting and differential swelling indicate the presence of parallel elements. The exact nature of the invisible local modifications which appear upon fixation in definitely localized positions (notably near the spindle- attachment regions of the chromosomes) is not yet known. The fixed images often suggest that they are streams moving in harmony with the cytoplasmic streaming frequently observed during these stages (Fig. 97) ; but Belaf has shown that the movement of the chromosomes may con- 1* Chambers (1914, 1915, 1917, 1924), Chambers and Sands (1923), Sands (1923), M. R. Lewis (1923), Lewis and Lewis (1924), Martens (1927c, 1929), Robyns (1929), Belaf (1927, 1929a6). i*F. M. Andrews (1915), Nemec (1927). 1" Robyns (1926, 1929), Belaf (1927, 1929afc), Martens (1929), Nemec (1927, 1929e), Bleier (19306), Jungers (1931). 162 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY tinue after cytoplasmic streaming has been stopped, and also that the streaming may continue when mitosis is arrested. The appearances in living and fixed cells also suggest a longitudinal tension of some kind in the figure, or even a bundle of tubes through which the chromosomes move (Reuter, Schrader). As a result of his investigations on the living spermatocytes of Chort- hippus (Stenobothrus) and stamen hairs and leaf-cells of Tradescantia, Belaf advanced the following hypothesis, which is a modification of an earlier one advocated by Drliner (1895) and others, to account for chromo- some movement (Fig. 91). The spindle, which develops progressively from the two poles to the equator, is composed of relatively firm fibers (which are aggregates of micellae) and a less viscous substance between them. Fig. 90. Fig. 91. Fig. 90. — Modifications of living anaphase spindles in Chorthippus induced by immers- ing the spermatocytes in hypertonic Ringer's solution, a, b, elongation and contortion, c, splitting. The white areas represent the chromosomes. (After Belaf, 1929a.) Fig. 91. — Diagram illustrating Belaf's hypothesis of interaction of chromosomes and spindle. See text for explanation. {After Belaf, 1929a.) The double chromosomes become fixed in or on the spindle at its equator by their attachment regions. From this region in each half- chromosome there is exuded a fluid droplet which spreads poleward along the spindle; this is the "tractile fiber" of other authors and it does not grow toward the chromosome from outside the nucleus as often supposed. The separation of the daughter chromosomes (or of synaptic mates) is initiated by the chromosomes themselves, the tractile fiber mechanism assisting in some unknown manner, perhaps through forces of adhesion acting between fiber and spindle; but after this the continued separation is due mainly to the elongation of the mass of spindle substance ("Stemm- korper") lying between the diverging groups of chromosomes. In spermatocytes immersed in hypertonic media this elongation may be caused to continue until the mitotic figure is far beyond its natural length and lies folded together within the confining cytoplasm (Fig. 90, a, b). THE ACHROMATIC FIGURE 163 Meanwhile the polar regions of the spindle undergo little change. Long chromosomes like those in Tradescantia undergo a marked shortening during late anaphase. Although the normal spindle is frequently longer at the end of the anaphase than in the metaphase, a number of workers ^^ object to the emphasis on elongation as a major factor in mitosis. As urged by Bleier, such an interpretation does not apply well to the mitotic phenomena in many hybrids, where double chromosomes of different origin and con- stitution (bivalents formed by synapsis and univalents which have split) pass poleward at different times in the same spindle (Figs. 207, 208). In Bleier's opinion, all hypotheses postulating only a passive movement of the chromosomes, whether caused by streaming, a contraction of fibers, or a "Stemmkorper," fail in such cases. It is rather to some force resident in the chromosomes themselves that the movement is due primarily; it is provisionally assumed that this is a repulsion force of some kind. It is a suggestive fact that the chromosomes exhibit fully their characteristic reactions in the spindle (attachment at its equator and subsequent separation) only after they have reached a certain stage in the development of their doubleness. The delayed attachment of the univalents may be related to their late splitting, especially at their attachment regions. The repelling force thus comes into play only when the chromosome is properly constituted, and it is accordingly possible to look upon the spindle as a structure which guides the chromosomes instead of actively moving them. The existence of some such force is further rendered plausible by certain other phenomena of synapsis and disjunction to be considered in later chapters, as well as by the successful distribution of daughter chromosomes in narrow root cells and pollen tubes, where limitations of space often prevent the arrangement of the chromosomes in a regular equatorial plane. Further evidence that the movement of the chromosome is not a passive one is afforded by the remarkable monocentric mitosis discovered in spermatocytes of flies of the genus Sciara by Metz.^* In the first meiotic division, although all of the chromosomes show fibers extending from their spindle-attachment regions toward the single pole, four of them move backward away from the pole until they reach the cell boundary, where they move into a compact group and are extruded in a bud from the cell. The behavior of these chromosomes when their extrusion is inhibited shows that they are not merely degenerated material of which the cell is ridding itself. During their backward movement their shapes suggest that a poleward force acting at the spindle-attachment region is overcome by another force acting in the opposite direction. The 1^ Martens (1929), Schaede (1929), Bleier (19306c). See also Schrader (1932). 18 See Metz (1925, 1926c, 1933) and Metz, Moses, and Hoppe (1926). See also Huth's (1933) account of Belaf's work on monasters in Urechis eggs. 164 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY arrangement of materials about the chromosome suggests further that the latter force is not resident in them but in the chromosome itself. A hypothesis involving a progressive alteration at one or both ends of the chromosome is advanced. Evidence for an active participation by the spindle is afforded by the occasional division of nucleoli in normal bipolar mitosis. ^^ Ordinarily the nucleolus has disappeared by the time the metaphase figure is estab- lished in root cells, but frequently a portion of it may remain. In such cases it tends to occupy the equator of the figure with the chromosomes. It may then elongate and divide by constriction, the halves passing toward the spindle poles, sometimes in advance of the chromosomes. A similar behavior is manifested regularly by the ''karyosome" in the nuclei of certain lower plants and animals (see Chapter XIII). In the ascus of Pustularia the nucleolus is usually left outside the spindle, but when it lies in the equator it divides. In sea-urchin eggs in hypertonic media Konopacki (1911) observed that a whole nucleus might be sepa- rated into two portions if caught between two cytasters. The foregoing facts seem to show that anaphasic chromosome migra- tion is a process in which more than one of the nuclear constituents play active roles. As the metaphase approaches, the prophasic karyolymph-'' becomes organized as a spindle which is the visible expression of a field of forces tending to divide and carry poleward any sufficiently fluid body lying in the equator. The chromosomes, which are less fluid at this stage, are specially adapted to reaction with these forces in being already doubled when they enter the equator and in having specialized attach- ment regions. Moreover, evidence cited above suggests an active force resident in the chromosomes themselves. To the extent that the spindle substance is actually a constituent of the chromosome {i.e., combined with its matrix) during the metabolic stage, the mitotic division of the nucleus may be regarded as a simultaneous and cooperative division of its several individual chromosomes. In amphiastral figures the process is closely correlated with the multiplication of centrioles and a series of structural alterations in the surrounding cytoplasm, such figures comprising both nuclear and cytoplasmic elements. ^^ The nature and relative importance of the forces involved are still obscure. It seems prob- able that mitosis involves the action of many factors, including alterations in viscosity, 22 surface tension, and permeability, as well as streaming, tension, and electrical attractions and repulsions. In no one of these factors alone will the entire solution of the problem of mitosis be found. " Nemec (1901) on Alnus, Yamaha and Sinoto (1925) on Glycine and other genera, Zirkle (19286) on Zea, Frew and Bowen (1929) on Cucurbita and Pustularia, Ghimpu (1930) on Acacia. 2" The "parachromosomic substance" of Koerperich (1930); the "paragenoplast" of Bleier (1930c). See discussion by Wilson (1932). 21 See Wilson (1925, pp. 174-178). 22 Chambers (1917), Heilbrunn (1920a, 1921). CHAPTER XII CYTOKINESIS AND THE CELL WALL The division of the cytosome, or extra-nuclear portion of the proto- plast, is known as cytokinesis. It may occur more or less independently of karyokinesis (mitotic nuclear division), or the two processes may be very intimately associated. Cytokinesis is accomplished in a variety of ways in growing and differentiating masses of protoplasm. The prin- cipal types are included in the following description.'^ Furrowing in Plants. — The cleavage of plasmodial masses is most commonly brought about by the formation of furrows, with or without the cooperation of vacuoles. It is well illustrated in the sporangia of myxomycetes and certain fungi. ^ In Fuligo, cleavage furrows begin to develop at the peripheral membrane of the young sporangium and gradually extend inward, cutting out multinucleate blocks which are subdivided by further furrowing into uninucleate spores. In Didymium the spores are delimited in a similar way by furrows which begin to develop both at the periphery and along the young capillitium filaments in the midst of the protoplasm. In Rhizopus the furrows develop from the peripheral membrane (Fig. 92, A) and from the columella. In the sporangia of Achlya, Saprolegnia, and Olpidiopsis the furrows start from a large central vacuole. In Phycomyces, vacuoles appear in the proto- plasm, become stellate in form, and cut out spore masses with from one to about twelve nuclei each (Fig. 92, B). Such vacuoles function together with peripheral furrows in Piloholus and Circinella. In the sporangia of the phycomycetes the columella is separated from the rest of the sporan- gium by a dome-shaped layer of vacuoles which coalesce and form a continuous partition between the two regions. Such cleavage is inter- preted by Scarth (1927) as an extension and swelling of kinoplasm present at the protoplasmic surfaces. Similar forms of cytokinesis are found in certain algae. ^ In Hydro- dictyon, for example, the multinucleate protoplasm, lining the wall of the 1 A classification of types of cytokinesis, with examples, is given by Yamaha (1926a). 2 Harper (1899, 1900a, 1914) on Synchytrium, Piloholus, Sporodinia, Fuligo, and Didymium; D. B. Swingle (1903) and Moreau (1913) on Rhizopus and Phycomyces; Rothert (1892) and Schwarze (1922) on Saprolegnia, Circinella, and Achlya; B. M. Davis (1903) on Saprolegnia; Rytz (1907) on Synchytrium. 3 Klebs (1891) and Timberlake (1902) on Hrjdrodictyon, Yamanouchi (1906) on Polysiphonia, Brand (1908) on Cladophora. For an extensive account of the algae, see Oltmanns (1922-1923). 165 166 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY large cell, is divided into uninucleate swarmers by cleavage furrows. These appear to begin their development from the cell and vacuole membranes and from cleft-like vacuoles. Often the furrows thus developing inward from the cell membrane are very narrow. In some ,:^^^H:^M Fig. 92. Fig. 93. Fig. 92. — Cytokinesis by furrowing in sporangia of fungi. A, Rhizopus nigricans. B, Phycomyces nitens. {After D. B. Swingle, 1903.) Fig. 93. — Cytokinesis by furrowing in Closterium. {After Lutman, 1911.) instances, the wall substance seems to be active in developing the furrow ; in such cases a "girdle wall" develops centripetally as a ring-like ingrowth from the sides of the cell (Fig. 94). In Cladophora an accumulation of slimy material, seen against the lateral wall as the process begins, appears to be swollen wall substance. The formation of the girdle wall Fig. 94. — A, girdle wall developing in Spirogyra. {After Nathansohn, 1900a.) B-F, five stages in the development of the girdle wall in Cladophora. {After Brand, 1908.) is probably independent of the division of the several nuclei, but in Spirogyra such a wall develops immediately after the single nucleus divides and involves the activity of the achromatic figure (McAllister, 1931). The "division by constriction" seen in unicellular alga?, the CYTOKINESIS AND THE CELL WALL 167 "budding" of yeast cells, and the abstriction of eonidia and basidiospores may be regarded as special cases of cytokinesis by furrowing. The microspore quartets of most vascular plants fall into two classes as regards the shape and arrangement of the spores. If no permanent partition is formed after the first meiotic mitosis, the four spores are delimited by partitions appearing simultaneously after the second mitosis. Such spores, when first formed, commonly, though not always, have the tetrahedral form. If the first mitosis is followed immediately by the formation of a permanent partition through the equator of the sporocyte, each hemisphere being divided by another partition after the second mitosis, the quartet is said to be of the "bilateral" type.'* Although the partitions delimiting the four microspores in angiosperms are sometimes formed by the cell-plate method, it has been shown^ that furrows developing inward from the periphery are chiefly responsible for cytokinesis here, at least in cases of simultaneous division (quadripar- tition) to form tetrahedral spores. In Nicotiana, for example, the four microspore nuclei present after the second mitosis all become connected by achromatic "fibers" (Fig. 95). The two sets of connecting fibers of the second mitosis may persist, four new sets being added, or the two may disappear, six sets being developed anew. These fibers have nothing to do with the forma- tion of the partitions; no cell-plates are devel- oped. Furrows appear at the periphery and grow inward until they meet at the center, dividing the protoplast simultaneously into four spores. In Nelumbo the furrows are exceedingly narrow, appearing much like cell-plates. As they grow inward they seem simply to cut through any fibers which they may encounter (Farr). Meanwhile there develops within the original sporocyte wall a mass of callose known as the "special wall." This increases in thickness and follows the furrows inward, forming a sort of matrix in which the young spores lie while their elaborate coats are being differentiated (p. 180). ■* Although either the "simultaneous" or the "successive" mode of division may tend strongly to predominate in certain groups of plants, there are so many exceptions to rules and so much variation that the character is of very restricted taxonomic value. See Tackholm and Soderberg (1917, 1918), Soderberg (1919), Palm (1920), Suessenguth (1921), Stenar (1925), and Coulter and Chamberlain (1903). ^C. H. Farr (1916, 1918, 1922a6), W. K. Farr (1920), Castetter (1925), Gates (1925), W6ycicki (1932). Fig. 95. — Cytokinesis by furrowing in the microsporo- cyte of Nicotiana. {After Farr, 1916.) 168 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY By some observers the special wall has been thought to arise through a swelling of the secondary layers of the sporocyte wall, but it now seems evident that it is secreted directly by the protoplast (Gates, Castetter, Woycicki), which may undergo a distinct contraction at this time. Eventually the sporocyte wall and the material separating the four microspores disappear, leaving the spores free from one another. Cytokinesis in the microsporocyte of Melilotus alba is of interest in that vacuoles appear to play a conspicuous part in the process (Fig. 96). After the second mitosis small vacuoles develop in the regions between the four nuclei and fuse to form larger ones which nearly separate the protoplasm into four masses. Furrows originating at the surface then Fig. 96. — Cytokinesis in the microsporocyte of Melilotus. 1, prophase of first meiotic mitosis; callose (uniformly stippled) being secreted by the protoplast. 2, telophase of second mitosis. 3, special wall (black) and furrows appearing. 4, 5, vacuoles forming between nuclei. 6, special wall extending inward. 7, special wall extensions have met at center. 8, thickened special wall complete. {After Castetter, 1925.) grow inward, meet the vacuoles, and complete the cleavage of the proto- plast (Castetter). A similar process occurs in Gentiana (Woycicki). In Magnolia, Farr finds a case in which bilateral quartets are formed by furrowing, rather than by cell-plates as might be expected. Although a transitory cell-plate may be differentiated, it plays no part in cyto- kinesis. After the first mitosis a cleavage furrow starts to form, but its development is arrested until after the second mitosis, when it resumes its growth and forms a partition through the equator of the sporocyte. At the same time additional furrows subdivide the two hemispheres, thus delimiting the four microspores. Furrowing in Animals. — Cytokinesis, which in animals is most commonly accomplished by furrowing, has been studied with special care in segmenting eggs. In the case of small eggs, such as those of CYTOKINESIS AND THE CELL WALL 169 worms, the daughter cells (blastomeres) round up and become more or less spherical, whereas in larger eggs, such as those of frogs, a narrow cleavage furrow appears at one pole and develops through the egg without altering greatly the shape of the latter, so that the first two blastomeres have the form of hemispheres. In many animals, notably birds, the cleavage is superficial, not extending entirely through the yolk-laden egg. So far as known, no animal cells are divided by cell-plates of the type found so commonly in plants. As noted previously, there is often a slight differentiation (the "mid-body") at the equator of the achromatic figure in the telophase, but it plays no part in cytokinesis. In the spermatogonia of certain insects Janssens (1924) finds a cell-plate-like differentiation which appears to represent a region of protoplasmic continuity rather than a structure concerned in cytokinesis. Experiments with dividing eggs have led to the identification of some of the factors involved in the development of cleavage furrows. Many Fig. 97. — Diagram of streaming and furrowing in the egg of Rhabditis pellio (A) and an oil droplet (S). {After Spek, 1918a.) years ago Biitschli (1876) advanced the view that cytoplasmic currents flowing toward the centrosomes lead to the production of a relatively high surface tension at the equator of the cell, this in turn bringing about furrowing through this region. Evidence favoring this interpretation has been contributed by several later investigators.^ Spek imitated furrowing and division with oil and mercury droplets in water and showed that by lowering the surface tension at two poles of the droplet the rela- tively high surface tension at the equatorial region could be made to bring about the constriction and fission of the droplet. In both droplet and dividing nematode egg he found streamings such as Erlanger (1897) had described in the egg: an inner movement poleward to the region of low surface tension and a superficial streaming toward the equatorial region of higher surface tension, the streams turning inward at the furrow (Fig. 97). Belaf (1927) has observed such cytoplasmic streams in the furrowing spermatocyte of Chorthippus (Fig. 59). Closely associated with such streaming and surface-tension phe- nomena are certain periodic alterations in the viscosity of the egg sub- sMcClendon (1910, 1913), Spek (1918a, 19206), Just (1922), Cannon (1923), Bancroft and Gurchot (1927). 170 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY stance.^ In the living echinoderm egg it is found that the two asters developed at the first cleavage division are regions in which the proto- plasm has become decidedly more viscous, the peripheral and equatorial regions at the same time showing a high degree of fluidity and active streaming like that mentioned above. The growth of the two semisolid masses results in a slight elongation of the egg and a cleavage furrow develops in the more fluid region separating them, after which the asters revert to a less viscous state. In a number of interesting experiments Chambers has shown the dependence of the location of furrows on these local differences in viscosity. When a dividing egg is cut in two obliquely through the two asters, the pieces will continue to cleave along the Fig. 98. — Diagrams showing effect of bisecting cleaving echinoderm eggs. First row: without disappearance of asters. Second row: with disappearance of asters. {After Chambers, 1919.) fluid equatorial plane if the asters persist in the semisolid state; but if the asters revert to the fluid condition, as often happens as the result of rough handling, the cleavage furrow is obliterated, and the pieces pro- duced by the cut divide symmetrically at the next cleavage (Fig. 98). When the formation of a furrow at the first mitosis is prevented by mechanical means, furrows develop between all four asters in the second mitosis, cleaving the egg simultaneously into four blastomeres. Accord- ing to Heilbrunn, "all agents which stimulate egg cells to segment cause a gelatin or coagulation and ... all agents which prevent such gelation prevent the division of the egg." In the plant cells mentioned in the preceding section, it is probable that the furrows separate regions of relatively high viscosity even though no asters in the ordinary sense are present. 7 Heilbrunn (1915, 1920a, 1921, 1925c), Chambers (1917, 1919). See Gray (1931). CYTOKINESIS AND THE CELL WALL 171 Alterations in surface tension and viscosity, together with proto- plasmic streaming, are obviously important factors in cytokinesis of certain types, but comparatively little is known about the initial causes of these phenomena. That they are in some way associated with changes in the permeability of protoplasmic membranes seems clear from the work of Spek and others on animal eggs and of Stalfelt (1921) on plant cells. Little more than a promising beginning has been made on the problem of the mechanism of cytokinesis. Closely allied to the process of furrowing is the type of cytokinesis seen in certain tissues which are more or less plasmodial in their early stages of development. In some forms of cartilage and epithelium, for example, vacuole-like masses of material appear in the cytoplasm and gradually subdivide the Plasmodium into cells which, however, remain connected as a syncytium (Fig. 10). In certain cases such masses are metaplasmic in nature (Rohde, see p. 45). Cjrtokinesis by Cell-plates. — In the bryophytes and vascular plants cytokinesis in somatic cells commonly begins with the formation of a cell-plate through the equatorial plane of the spindle substance lying between the young sister nuclei. The same process occurs in some sporo- cytes also. The precise manner in which the cell-plate is formed and becomes involved in the developing cell wall has long been a subject of dispute. According to many of the earlier accounts,* the cell-plate is formed by the fusion of swellings on the middle portions of persisting spindle fibers, the plate then splitting to form the plasma membranes of the two daughter protoplasts, the primary wall layer, or "middle lamella," then being secreted between them. In a series of more recent papers^ it is emphasized that after adequate fixation (Bouin, Benda) the cell-plate first appears as a continuous film in the midst of the oriented "spindle of cytokinesis" and not as a series of swellings or granules. This film proceeds to thicken, often unevenly at first. The "splitting of the plate" so often observed is held to be due to improper fixation, for it is said to appear only after the use of certain fluids and not in unfixed cells (Robyns, 1929). Belaf (19296), in his ingenious experimental studies on living cells of young Tradescantia leaves, finds that the young cell-plate is a fluid layer offering less resistance to shrinking agents than the spindle, so that the halves of the cell can be made to round up and separate along this plane before a primary cell membrane is present. Hence he concludes that the cell-plate is really a transverse cleft in the spindle, the membrane substance being deposited ^ E.g., Strasburger (1898), Timberlake (1900), and C. E. Allen (1901). 9 Devise (1922) on the sporocytes of Larix; Robyns (1924, 1926, 1929) on the root cells of Hyacinthus, Viola, and other plants; Martens (1927c, 19296) on stigma cells of Arrhenatherum and stamen hairs of Tradescantia; Jungers (1931) on the endosperm of Iris. 172 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY later in this cleft. In living stamen hairs of Tradescantia, W. Becker (1932) observes that the cell-plate material appears first in the form of minute droplets which then unite to form a continuous plate (Fig. 99). This may be a more adequate description of what was formerly inter- preted as "swellings of the spindle fibers." On the basis of such observa- tions the supposed "splitting of the cell-plate to form the plasma membranes" of the two protoplasts could be regarded as merely the widening of the fluid layer as its substance increases in amount and receives deposits of the primary wall materials. The plasma membranes would be the protoplasmic surfaces lying against the fluid layer. The origin of the fluid which collects thus at the equator to form the cell-plate is unknown, but it has been claimed that a stainable substance migrates to Fig. 99. — Formation of cell-plate by coalescence of droplets in stamen hair of Trade- scantia. The changes shown occupied 27 minutes. {After W. A. Becker, 1932c.) this region from the two young nuclei. ^° The observations of Becker point rather to the conclusion that there is a local dissociation of two protoplasmic phases, one of these forming the cell-plate while the other remains as the plasma membranes. Such a dissociation ("Entmis- chung"), often reversible, of more and less fluid phases has been induced in the living protoplasm of Didymium and Tradescantia by Belaf (1930). There are many facts which suggest that the processes of cytokinesis by furrowing, by vacuoles, by membranes, and by cell-plates are not wholly distinct from one another. The formation of the fluid cell-plate from the center outward suggests the cleaving action of vacuoles in the sporangium of Phycomyces; whereas, when spores begin to separate at the periphery after cytokinesis by cell-plates, the appearance is that of furrowing. It may be helpful to think of cytokinesis by cell-plates in vascular plants as a process whose peculiarities are due in large measure to its close association with the mechanism of karyokinesis. 1" Dembowski and Ziegenspeck (1929), Dannehl and Ziegenspeck (1929). CYTOKINESIS AND THE CELL WALL 173 The spindle of cytokinesis with its cell-plate commonly extends laterally as a phragmoplast until it reaches the walls of the cell. In wide cells with large vacuoles this may involve the formation of cytoplasmic bridges (p. 151). As multinuclear endosperm becomes cellular, the recently formed pairs of nuclei are connected by spindles on the flanks of which additional spindles arise and so connect all the nuclei. This involves a lateral extension of the spindle substance and apparently also the use of any such substance remaining from the preceding mitosis. Cell-plates appear in all the spindles and so subdivide the multinucleate mass into uninucleate cells (Fig. 100). The development of the cellular -.-:.'^' v.. 7 i N0.-;' U /; y r# if/ ^' ,..-^" \ V r .'4' Fig. 100. — Formation of cell partitions in endosperm of Iris. (After Jungers, 1931.) stage in cycad embryos occurs in a similar manner (Chamberlain, 1910, 1916). When one of the two telophase nuclei lies near the side of a large cell, as in the angiosperm embryo sac or microspore, the phragmoplast may curve sharply so that the cell-plate and subsequently formed membrane cut off a small cell against the side of the large one (Fig. 125). In extreme cases it may form a complete sphere about one nucleus and so cut out a small cell which lies free in the cytoplasm of the original cell (Fig. 102). Other modes of "free cell formation" are seen in ascospore development (Fig. 88), in the delimitation of the egg in certain phycomycetes and of embryo cells in certain gymnosperms (Fig. 103), and in certain animal tissues (Rohde, 1923). In some cases, notably certain algse,^^ partition membranes are reported to form between sister nuclei after the complete disappearance of the achromatic figure. 11 Strasburger (1892), W. T. Swingle (1897), Mottier (1900). 174 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY The Cell Wall. — Probably the most striking difference which meets the eye in comparing animal and plant tissues is the degree of distinctness with which the limits of the individual cells can be made out. Animal cells, as a rule, are separated only by very thin membranes, which in many tissues are so delicate as to be scarcely discernible; whereas the cells of plants usually possess conspicuous firm walls, which, in the case of woody plants, become greatly thickened and afford mechanical support to large bodies. i^USi ) % ^ t^. n Fig. 101. Fig. 102. Fig. 103. Fig. 101. — Continued extension of partition wall after completion of mitosis in endosperm of Physostegia virginiana. (After Sharp, 1911.) Fig. 102. — Delimitation of generative cell in pollen grain of Scirpus. (The dark bodies are degenerating nuclei of grains which fail to develop.) (After Piech, 1928.) Fig. 103. — Embryonic cells in Ephedra, developed by "free cell-formation" in a com- mon mass of protoplasm. (After Land, 1907.) As shown in the foregoing section, the development of the cell wall in vascular plants ordinarily begins with the formation of a fluid cell-plate at the close of mitosis. Cytologists are not yet in agreement regarding the exact relation of this layer to the primary wall layer, or middle lamella (the "intercellular substance" and "cement" of early waiters). For some time it was thought^' that the cell-plate became the middle lamella directly, secondary and tertiary layers being deposited upon it by the protoplasts on either side. Soon it was suggested, ^^ as already stated, that the cell-plate splits, the middle lamella then being deposited between its halves. As we have indicated (p. 171), the young cell-plate has been 12 E.g., by Strasburger (1875, 18826, 18846). " Treub (1878). Strasburger adopted this view in 1898. It was supported by the work of Timberlake (1900), C. E. Allen (1901), and a number of later writers. CYTOKINESIS AND THE CELL WALL 175 shown to be a fluid film, and it now seems evident that the deposition of salts and other matter in this film transforms it into the middle lamella. Whatever its origin, the middle lamella may increase somewhat in thick- ness before distinct secondary layers appear. The finer structure of the middle lamella is not adequately known, but there is much to suggest that it consists in reality of two or three differentiated layers, through one of which the lamella splits when intercellular spaces are developed by a rounding up of the cells. It is probable that the deposition of the secondary layer begins after the cell has reached nearly or quite its full size, though to this there are apparently certain exceptions. The secondary layer, which seems to be formed with considerable rapidity, differs from the primary layer chemi- cally and in structure. There are circular or elongated areas in which no secondary substance is deposited, so that the cells at these places are separated only by the delicate primary membrane. Such a wall is said to be "pitted," the primary layer extending across the pit being termed the closing membrane. The central portion of this membrane (vascular cells of gymnosperms chiefly) has sometimes a more or less conspicuous thickening known as the torus. The portion of the membrane around the torus is pierced by fine pores. In some cases these may become so large and numerous that the torus appears to be suspended on a mesh- work, while extreme cases are known in which it is held in place only by a few strands. In bordered pits the secondary wall overarches the margins of the closing membrane. In this type of pit, characteristic chiefly of water-conducting cells of the gymnosperms, the closing mem- brane is of such a nature that its position in the center of the pit is readily altered. Probably because of changes in pressure it swings to the side of the pit; the torus then lies against the pit opening, or "mouth," and the pit is blocked except for slow diffusion through the rather thick torus. The secondary wall layer may be even more limited in extent, only a small portion of the primary wall being covered. Such is the case in protoxylem cells, where the secondary layer is deposited in the form of rings and spirals (Fig. 8, B, C). This form of thickening, together with the peculiarly extensible character of their primary walls, permits the great increase in length of these cells necessitated by the continued growth of the young organs in which they chiefly function. In some cells, notably the tracheids of certain gymnosperms and the vessels of many angiosperms, a tertiary layer is deposited upon the secondary one. This tertiary layer takes the form of slender spirals, rings, and other figures resembling the secondary thickenings of protoxylem cells. ^^ It has been shown in the protoxylem and metaxylem cells of the gourd 1* For a more complete account of such differentiations, see Eames and Mac- Daniels (1925). 176 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY Trichosanthes anguina that the position of the spiral and annular thicken- ings is determined by peripheral bands of cytoplasm separated by more vacuolate regions (Barkley, 1927). Composition of the Cell Wall. — The principal constituents of the completed cell walls of vascular plants are polysaccharides: cellulose, hemicelluloses, and pectins. With these are often associated other substances, notably lignin, suberin, and cutin.^^ The distribution of these components in the various layers of the wall has been the subject of many investigations.^" The earlier workers, who relied chiefly on staining reactions, concluded that the middle lamella consists of pectic compounds, while the secondary and tertiary layers are composed chiefly of cellulose with or without lignin, pectin, and other additional materials. Subsequent studies with chemical methods have shown that the middle lamella, although it consists chiefly of pectin in one or more of its forms in parenchyma, is principally lignin in woody tissues, and that staining reactions cannot be safely relied upon as criteria of chemical composition. What becomes of the original pectins in the young wall during its lignifi- cation is still somewhat uncertain. Harlow finds that the secondary layers of softwoods are appreciably lignified, while those of hardwoods, with few exceptions, have practically no lignin. Tertiary layers are often lignified. The secondary and tertiary layers are made up of numerous thin lamellae which appear to differ in the relative amounts of cellulose and pectin present (van Wisselingh) as well as in physical properties. In the wall of the flax fiber the layers have been shown to consist of spirally arranged fibrils, the fibrils in contiguous layers running in opposite directions (D. B. Anderson, 1927). In cotton the direction of coiling changes at intervals along the fiber (Balls, 1923). Suberin and cutin are varying mixtures of certain organic acids present in part in the form of fats (Priestley, 1921). They are distin- guished more by location than by composition, suberin appearing in the walls of periderm cells (cork), while cutin occurs as a cuticle on the epidermis and often in patches in the walls of subepidermal cells. In the resin canals of conifer leaves the suberin is said to be deposited on the primary layer and rarely on the secondary one (Gauba, 1926). Lee and Priestley (1924) have ascribed the formation of plant cuticle to certain ^^ For an extensive account of walls and their constituents, see van Wisselingh (1924). See also Czapek (1913), Molisch (1913), von Wettstein (1921o), Gleisberg (1921), Grafe (1911, 1922), and Gortner (1929). Among the earlier papers on this subject are those of Payen (1842), Fremy (1859), Kabsch (18636), Wiesner (1864, 1886), Mangin (1888-1893), Schulze (1890-1894), Gilson (1890), van Wissehngh (1888, 1892, 1895), and Allen (1901). 1^ Among recent works, see especially Tupper-Carey and Priestley (1923), Ritter (1925, 1928), Harlow (1927, 1928a6c, 1931), D. B. Anderson (1926, 1927, 1928), and Scarth, Gibbs, and Spier (1929). CYTOKINESIS AND THE CELL WALL 177 alterations in fatty substances which are produced in the protoplasts and then migrate into and along the cell walls to the outer surface of the epidermis. D. B. Anderson (1928) finds the outer wall of the epidermal cell of Clivia to consist of (1) an inner layer of cellulose and pectin; (2) a thin layer consisting mostly or wholly of pectin; (3) a cuticular layer composed of (a) a region of cellulose and pectin lamellae containing cutin and (6) a region of cutin and cellulose with little or no pectin; and (4) a cuticle of pure cutin. In Aloe new cutin is secreted below the old cuticle (Ziegenspeck, 1928). A variety of mineral substances, such as silica, calcium carbonate, and calcium oxalate, as well as more complex organic compounds, includ- ing tannins, oils, and resins, are often deposited in the walls of old cells. The heartwood of trees owes many of its qualities, such as color and density, to the presence of these additional materials in the walls and cell cavities. Among the thallophytes many species have walls essentially like those of higher plants, cellulose being the chief constituent. Others are characterized by the predominance of other compounds, notably chitin in zygomycetes, ascomycetes, basidiomycetes, and certain algae; pectins in the bacteria; and keratin in myxomycetes. In many specific cases the results of various workers do not agree. ^^ That the cell wall is not wholly an ergastic secretion, but contains protoplasm in some form, is a view which has frequently been main- tained.^^ Wiesner supposed the growing wall to be made up of regularly arranged particles ("dermatosomes") connected by protoplasmic fibrils, growth involving an intercalation of new particles between the old ones. Hansteen-Cranner believes the wall to be a colloidal network of celluloses and hemicelluloses with extensions of the plasma membrane in the meshes. In the cellulose walls of a number of meristems Wood (1926) found no more than 0.001 per cent of protein matter, which is less than would be expected if the wall contained significant amounts of protoplasm. Ultramicroscopic Structure of the Wall. — In connection with this subject, which has recently come into prominence anew, it is of interest to note the prophetic nature of certain early theories.'^ Von Mohl advanced the view that the cell wall grows by the deposition of material in successive laminae ("apposition theory"). On the other hand, Niigeli, as a result of his researches on starch grains and the wall, concluded that the wall is composed of molecular complexes called viicellce surrounded by water films and that growth involves the intercalation of new micellae '^ See van Wisselingh (1924) and literature there cited; also Mameli (1920), Tiffany (1923), Wurdack (1923), and Thomas (1928). 18 Wiesner (1886 et seq.), Molisch (1888), Hansteen-Cranner (1919, 1922, 1926). "Von Mohl (1853, 1858), Nageli (1858, 1863, 1864), Dippel (1879), Krabbe (1887), Strasburger (1882, 1889), Wiesner (1886, 1890, 1892), Correns (1889, 1892, 1893). 178 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY between the old ones ("intussusception theory"). Similar to this was the later view of Wiesner, mentioned in the preceding paragraph. Stras- burger held that the units are not micellse but single molecules linked together in a reticular framework by their chemical affinities. He attributed growth in area to simple stretching without intercalation of particles, and growth in thickness to apposition of small "microsomes." The longitudinal or spiral striations observed in many walls were thought by some to indicate a linear arrangement of particles, while the fine lamination of the wall was attributed either to unlike orientations in contiguous lamina or to differences in water content. The recent advances in our knowledge of the finer structure of the cell wall have been made largely through studies of diffraction patterns produced when X-rays^° are passed through cellulose and of the effects obtained with polarized light. ^^ These studies, notably those of Sponsler taken together with the chemical researches of Irvine, have shown that the primary structural unit in the wall is an anhydrous glucose residue with the formula CeHioOs. Such units are bound together in cellulose chains by primary valencies, while the chains are in turn linked laterally by secondary valencies in such a way that the units form a regular three-dimensional space lattice (Fig. 104). In other words, the wall has a crystalline structure. In the fibers of ramie {Boehmeria nivea) and the Valonia cell wall, the distance between the centers of adjacent units is o o calculated to be about 5.15 A. longitudinally, 6.1 A. tangentially, and o 5.4 A. radially (Sponsler). There is also evidence that the chains are aggregated into bundles, or colloidal micellcB, these probably being between 100 and 600 A. (0.01 to 0.06^) long and between 20 and 50 A. (0.002 to 0.005/x) thick. The nature of the matter between these micellse, or "crystallites," is unknown. In a given visible layer of the wall there are many layers of primary units, and the chains they form may be arranged parallel to the longitu- dinal axis of the cell (ramie), or more or less obliquely (cotton). In Valonia there are two main sets of chains which usually cross each other at an angle of about 80°. This structure extends through the many- layered wall. The chains are found to be parallel to the fine striae visible on the surface of the wall. There are many facts which indicate that it is not the surface upon which a layer is deposited that determines the arrangement of its elements. It is reported that in the cotton fiber the crystalline pattern becomes more perfect as the fiber matures (Clark et al.). The micellse evidently come to be much closer together when a 20Herzog and Jancke (1919-1920), Sponsler (1925a6, 1926, 1928a6, 1929, 1931; general account, 1933), Sponsler and Dore (1926, 1928), Bragg (1930), Clark, Pickett, and Farr (1930), Astbury, Marwick, and Bernal (1932). See Frey (1926a), Meyer and Mark (1928), and Seifriz (19296). 21 Balls (1923), Frey (19266, 1927, 1928), Preston (1931), D. B. Anderson (1927), Mitchell (1930), M. Shaw (1929). CYTOKINESIS AND THE CELL WALL 179 fiber is dried and farther apart when it is swollen (Frey). Presumably the valencies binding the units into chains offer greater resistance to swelling forces than do those uniting the chains laterally; hence a cellulose fiber swells unequally in different directions. Sponsler and Dore have shown that mercerization involves a lateral shift of the chains in the wall and a partial rotation of their units, together with certain other changes. The precise nature of the structural changes occurring as the ^^-S.40—^^ •^^^ •%)• •^J* Aa^* SAt* •%?• Fig. 104. — Diagrams of cell-wall structure as indicated by X-ray analysis. A, large micellse with chains of glucose residue units showing in one of them, a, primary valence forces; 6, secondary association forces; c, tertiary micellar forces. {After Scifriz, 19296.) B, minute portion of cell wall in perspective, showing portions of six chains, each consisting of three glucose residues (large circles) and their connecting oxygen atoms (small circles). (After Spo?isler, 1931.) C, inner surface of wall; four chain molecules with four glucose units shown in each. Black circles and white circles represent oxygen atoms and carbon atoms, respectively; hydrogen atoms not shown. {After Sponsler, 1929.) wall grows in area and becomes impregnated with other substances, such as lignin, remains to be determined. It is a suggestive fact, as pointed out by Sponsler, that about the only solid materials deposited in large amounts by plant protoplasm, namely, cellulose and starch, consist of CeHioOa units arranged in patterns. There is similar evidence that certain animal products, such as chitin, hair, and silk, have their molecules arranged in regular patterns. -^ It is possible that this is due not only to the chemical properties of protoplasm and the forces of crystallization but also to certain structural features in protoplasm itself. Seifriz (19296) has emphasized the idea that the contractility, cohesiveness, elasticity, and tensile strength of protoplasm, " Herzog and Jancke (1921), Brill (1923), Astbury and Street (1931), Astbury and Woods (1932). 180 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY as well as such phenomena as conductance and polarity, are best explained on the assumption that protoplasm itself possesses structural units arranged in linear series, especially since certain other materials exhibiting such properties are known to have such a structure (see Beutner, 1933). The Walls of Spores. — In bryophytes and vascular plants the walls of spores are developed in two general ways: (1) by the successive formation of layers within the original membrane by the protoplast, often with the addition of material from the anther fluid, and (2) by the deposition of material on the outside of the original membrane by a Plasmodium formed by tapetal cells. In the first method a more or less temporary gelatinous layer is ordi- narily developed around each of the young spores, either before or after these have separated from one another (Fig. 96). Upon the inner surface of this special layer the protoplast deposits the exine, or outer wall layer.^^ In many cases this is at first a homogeneous layer that soon differentiates into an outer lamella and an inner zone with net-like thickenings and spines (the ''mesospore"). Finally, there is deposited an inner layer, or intine. This mode of development is widely prevalent, the walls of most spores showing two principal layers, or "coats": an intine, which later becomes greatly extended to form the pollen tube in seed plants, and an exine, which is characteristically thickened and sculptured. In angio- sperm pollen the exine has one or more definitely differentiated germ pores through which pollen tubes are to emerge. The characters of the resistant exine are of much value in determining the relationships of living and fossil plants. ^^ The exine, although it begins to differentiate in contact with the protoplast, may continue to thicken and develop its peculiar markings after it has been separated from the protoplast by other layers.-^ In an extensive study of the composition of pollen-grain walls Biourge (1892) showed that they contain cutin, callose, cellulose, and pectic substances, singly or in various combinations. The highly specialized coats of the megaspore of Selaginella have been repeatedly studied. In Selaginella rupestris^^ the coats begin to differ- entiate in the midst of a thick gelatinous layer developed at the close of the divisions delimiting the spores. The exospore first appears as a double zone, the outer part of which becomes the perinium (Fig. 105) The small protoplast now expands and pushes outward the undifferen- tiated inner portion of the gelatinous layer, and, as it does so, a second coat, the endospore, is formed at its surface. In *S. emiliana the exospore and endospore develop simultaneously. Lyon finds two coats in place ^^ E.g., Ipomoea purpurea (Beer, 1911). 2^ E.g., Wodehouse (1928 et seq.) on living plants. For references on fossil pollen, see Erdtnian (1927, 1930) and Sears (1932). "Beer (1905, 1911), Tischler (1908). 2«Lyon (1905). The accounts of Fitting (1900, 1906) differ from this in certain details. CYTOKINESIS AND THE CELL WALL 181 of the three reported by Fitting but points out that a portion of the gelatinous layer may remain undifferentiated until a late stage and thus appear like a third coat. In vascular plants the sporangium (the anther in angiosperms) is lined by a layer of special nutritive cells known as the tapetum. In many known cases, including Equisetum, Botrychium, Marsilia, and a number of angiosperms, the boundaries of these cells break down, allowing the protoplasts to coalesce and form a "tapetal Plasmodium," or "peri- plasmodium." This flows in among the immature spores and contributes to the development of their coats (Fig. 106). In Equisetum the spore has three coats: an endospore, an exospore, and a perispore, the last being formed by the Plasmodium and consisting of several layers. Upon the Fig. 105. Fig. 106. Fig. 105.— Developing megaspore coats of Selagindla rupestris. p, protoplast with nu- cleus; en, endospore; s.m., undifferentiated portion of gelatinous layer; ex., exospore, of which the denser portion is the "perinium." (After Lyon, 1905.) Fig. 106. — Exine of microspore (right) developing in contact with tapetal Plasmodium (left) in Commelina. (After Tischler, 1915.) original membrane the Plasmodium deposits successively an inner gelatinous layer, a second layer, an outer gelatinous layer, and finally a layer which later splits up to form the characteristic appendages of the spore. These four layers together constitute the perispore. While they are in the process of formation the original spore membrane becomes transformed into the exospore, and within it the endospore is developed last of all." In the ascomycete Hydnotrya Tulasnei each spore, after its delimita- tion from the cytoplasm of the ascus (p. 158), is surrounded by a thin endospore. In the ascus cytoplasm near each spore there appears a rounded mass of fluid, which enlarges, gradually surrounds the spore, and develops into the elaborate exospore. In this case, therefore, the wall material is visible before its deposition on the spore (Nemec, 1929d). The Cell Membranes of Animals. — The problem of the intimate relation of protoplasm to partitions which subdivide it into cells is encoun- 27 Beer (190%), Hannig (1911). 182 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY tered in animals as well as in plants. Zoologists have differed widely in their interpretations of the "intercellular substance" composing such membranes in animal tissues. Heidenhain and Rohde have emphasized the view that this substance is metaplasm, a special form of living sub- stance which differentiates in protoplasm in connection with special functions and which is capable of growth, response to certain stimuli, and further differentiation. A. Meyer has strongly opposed this conception, holding that the albuminous intercellular substance of animals, like the carbohydrate wall of plants, is ergastic in nature and not to be classed with metaplasmic (alloplasmatic; Meyer) differentiations. The fibrils frequently observed in the intercellular substance, which many have taken as indications of its metaplasmic nature, Meyer regards as modifications of the ergastic material or as substances which have arisen in protoplasmic connections.^^ The membranes of animal cells differ from those of most plants in consisting largely of such substances as chitin, elastin, keratin, and gelatin rather than cellulose and related carbohydrates. Cellulose has been found only rarely among animals. In the ascidians, as has long been known, the outer layer of the body wall consists largely of cellulose. A cellulose-like substance has recently been found in the skeletal plates of an infusorian (Dogiel, 1923a). 28 Heidenhain (1902, 1907), Rohde (1908, 1914, 1923), Meyer (1896, 1920); see also p. 45. See the general account by Studnicka (1925). CHAPTER XIII ATYPICAL MITOSIS AND OTHER NUCLEAR PHENOMENA In the foregoing chapters attention has been restricted largely to typical nuclei and nuclear division as these are observed in the great majority of plant and animal tissues. In this chapter will be reviewed briefly certain additional modes of division and other phenomena which, though in many instances abnormal, have served to broaden our knowl- edge of the nucleus and its significance. Amitosis.^ — In amitotic, or direct, nuclear division the nucleus simply constricts and separates into two portions while in the metabolic condition, no condensed chromosomes or achromatic figure being formed (Fig. 107). When the portions are very unequal in size, the process is called "nuclear bud- ding"; when they are more than two in number it is referred to as "nuclear fragmentation." Such nuclear divisions are not followed by cytokinesis; the cells thus come to have two or more nuclei. Amitosis was at one time looked upon as the prevailing mode of nuclear divi- sion, mitosis even being somewhat exceptional, but the true state of affairs, so far as higher organisms are con- cerned, has turned out to be quite the reverse, mitosis occurring almost universally and true amitosis in com- paratively few well-authenticated cases. It is now evident that binucleate cells, constricted or fusing nuclei, and especially the results of aberrant mitosis have often Amitosis in inter- been hastily construed as amitotic division, and it is in ^°^® °^ Chara. the light of this fact that many reports of amitosis should be read.^ The amitotic phenomena so frequently reported in cells with a dis- tinctly nutritive function, such as certain gland cells of animals and tapetal, antipodal, and endosperm cells of angiosperms, have been thought to substantiate the widely adopted hypothesis that amitosis aids in metabolism by increasing the nuclear surface. The supposed amitosis in tapetal cells has been shown in a number of instances to be aberrant mitosis (Bonnet), but Tischler considers it probable that true 1 Bonnet (1912), Beer and Arber (1919), Schtirhoff (1920), Kater (1927a). For reviews of the literature pertaining to amitosis and irregular mitosis in plants, see Tischler (1921-1922, Chap. VII) and Schurhoff (1926). For the literature on amitosis in animals, see Conklin (1917), Nakahara (19186), and Wilson (1925, p. 214). 183 Fig. 107.— 184 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY amitosis as well as deranged mitosis and nuclear fusion may sometimes occur in such cells and the periplasmodia they form. Another very prevalent opinion regarding the significance of amitosis is that expressed by Flemming (1891), namely, that the process is primarily a degenerative phenomenon, since it is so frequently observed in pathological tissues. In the words of vom Rath (1891), "when once a cell [nucleus] has undergone amitotic division it may indeed continue to divide for a time by amitosis, but inevitably perishes in the end." That this interpretation cannot be of universal application has been contended by those who have found amitosis or amitosis-like appearances in cells which show no other sign of degeneration. ^ It is probably significant, however, that most if not all of the observed cases of amitosis in living tissues have occurred in cultures which were growing old or showing distinct signs of degeneration, or in which the medium was unfavorable for normal growth.^ It is the opinion of Kofoid (1923) that the supposed amitosis in Protozoa is a degenerative or pathological phenomenon, or in some cases a special form of mitosis which has been incorrectly interpreted. Conklin (1917) was able to show that the amitosis-like appearances in Crepidula eggs and embryos were all instances of abnormal mitosis and cytokinesis. He observed that the chromosomes might scatter and fail to unite in a single nucleus; or mitosis might occur without cytokinesis, giving cells with two or more nuclei; or certain chromosomes might fail to separate in the anaphase, leaving a bridge between the sister nuclei; or the nuclear membrane might persist through- out mitosis and finally constrict at the middle. As a result of his many observations and an examination of the evidence offered by others he concluded that there is not a single case of true amitosis known in nor- mally differentiating cells. The literature contains conflicting opinions on the question of whether or not a portion of a nucleus resulting from amitosis can subsequently divide by mitosis. The observation of amitosis under abnormal con- ditions followed by mitosis after the tissue has been restored to a normal environment is not conclusive evidence on this point unless it is shown that the mitotically dividing nucleus is actually a product of amitosis. Chambers (1917a) observed that after a nucleus is pinched in two with the micromanipulator the parts may reunite and undergo mitosis. In wound tissue of the stem of Tradescantia, Conard (1926a, 1928) has shown that markedly lobed nuclei may enter mitosis while in this form, also that they sometimes become constricted into two separate portions while in the metabolic or prophase stage. Two such portions may then 2 Des Cilleuls (1914) on rabbit cells; Saguchi (1917) and Helvestine (1921) on ciliated cells of animals; Bast (1921) on bone; Kisser (1922), Conard (1926rt, 1928) and others on vegetative tissues of plants; F. E. V. Smith (1923) on Saprolegnia. 3 Lewis and Lewis (1924), Drew (1923). ATYPICAL MITOSIS AND OTHER NUCLEAR PHENOMENA 185 undergo mitosis side by side, the two spindles often uniting to form only two daughter nuclei. Examination of the chromosomes in such pairs of mitotic figures shows that each nuclear portion after amitosis has only a portion of the full complement, and that certain chromosomes have been fragmented in the amitotic division. The two portions together con- stitute a complete complement. Since some fragments may pass to the poles along with the unbroken chromosomes, the union of the mitotic figures brings about a partial restoration of the original nuclear organization. These phenomena suggest that the common failure of amitotic nuclear fragments to undergo mitosis is due not so much to the effects of amitosis itself as to a persistence of the abnormal conditions which originally induced amitotic division. Were such nuclei to continue dividing in a growing and differentiating tissue, derangements in their nuclear organi- zation might well be reflected in abnormalities in the results of differen- tiation; and were descendants of such nuclei to be transmitted through gametes to the next generation, abnormalities in development would be expected there also. The basis for such an expectation is seen in the known results of chromosome fragmentation and translocation to be described in Chapter XVIII. At present it has not been shown in any case that the descendants of true amitotic nuclei ever become the nuclei of functional gametes. Induced Aberrations of Mitosis. — Aberrations of mitosis like those so often mistaken for amitosis may be induced by a considerable variety of means. For example, when root tips and other plant tissues are subjected to the action of chloral hydrate and other anesthetizing agents,* the normal course of mitosis is disturbed in various degrees, depending on the strength of the dose. As a rule the achromatic figure develops poorly or not at all, and the chromosomes become irregularly scattered in the cell (Fig. 108). They may form one or more groups and reorganize nuclei which often remain connected by bridges or undergo fusion. Hence it is not uncommon to find in such tissues all gradations between normal mitosis and what looks like amitosis. The latter condition is known as " pseudoamitosis" (Haecker). Nemec and Sakamura attribute such scattering of chromosomes to protoplasmic streaming induced by the experimental agency; this is in harmony with G. Ritter's (1911) observation that the nucleus may sometimes be displaced by streaming induced by the wounding of near-by cells. The experiments of Van Regemorter indicate that the failure of the spindle substance to develop a regular figure in chloralized tissue is due to a destruction or impairment of the cell's polarity, the recovery from the effect of the reagent involving a return to the properly polarized condition. * Pfeffer (1899), Nathansohn (1900a), NSmec (1904, 1910a, 1929c), Kemp (1910), Sakamura (1920), Van Regemorter (1926). The effects of many other agents are described by Yamaha (1927o6). 186 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY Abnormal temperatures, either high or low, are known to cause aberrations of mitosis in somatic cells and microsporocytes.^ Such effects are responsible for the origin of certain races of plants with altered chromosome numbers, as will be shown in Chapter XX. Wounding, such as that occasioned by grafting or decapitation, often disturbs the mitotic process, cells or even branches with altered chromo- FiG. 108. — Abnormal mitosis in chloralized root cells of Vicia. A, irregular distribution of chromosomes. B, scattered chromosomes beginning to assume nuclear form. C, nucleus reconstructed by scattered chromosomes. D, chromosomes reconstructing three separate nuclei instead of one. E, chromosomes reconstructing two nuclei connected by a bridge. F, amitosis-like appearance resulting from condition shown in E. {After Saka- mura, 1920.) some numbers sometimes resulting.^ Abnormalities also occur in the presence of parasites in gall tissue.^ The effects produced by radiations of high frequency^ are of special interest in view of their employment in attempts to analyze the functional differentiations of the chromosomes (Chapters XVIII and XX). Among such radiations the X-rays have been studied most. The cytoplasm of cells treated with these rays may show alterations in viscosity^ and rate of streaming, ^° as well as certain degenerative aspects, such as turbidity and ^ Borgenstam (1922) on Syringa, Belling (1925a) on Uvularia, Sakamura and Stow (1926) on Gagea, Stow (1926, 1927) and Fukuda (1927) on Solanum, de Mol (1927c, 1928a-c?) on Hyacinthus and Tulipa, Rybin (19276) on Nicotiana, Shimotomai (1927) on Scilla, Michaelis (1926, 1928) on Epilohium and (Enothera, Bleier (19306) on Triticum, Koshuchow (1928) on Zea and Cucumis. Bleier (1931c) questions the evidence for the role of temperature in cau.sing natural sterility in Solarium. « Winkler (1916) and J0rgensen (1928) on Solanum, Kostoff (1930c, 193 Ice) and Kostoff and Kendall (1931a) on Nicotiana, Lindstrom and Koos (1931) on tomato. ^ Winge (1927d) on crown gall of Beta; Nemec (1924, 1926) and Kostoff and Kendall (1929a6, 1930a6) on galls of other types. ^ Certain biological effects of such radiations are reviewed by Packard (1931). Bersa (1926) gives a bibliography. See Popoff (1931) on cell stimulation. 9 Fairbrother (1928), Wels (1924), Jansson (1927), Nadson (1925). »» M. Williams (1923, 1925a), Zuelzer and Philipp (1925). ATYPICAL MITOSIS AND OTHER NUCLEAR PHENOMENA 187 vacuolation.'i The chromatic matter of the nucleus may contract into a deeply staining mass (pyknosis), diffuse in the karyolymph (karyolysis), or adhere to the membrane. Nuclei about to divide are prevented from doing so, but those in division usually continue or complete the process. Mitosis is often very aberrant, ^^ in many respects resembling that seen in chloralized cells (Fig. 109). The chromosomes are irregularly dis- D Fig. 109. — The effect of Rontgen rays on mitosis in cornea cells of Salamandra. A, chromatic bridge. B, " pseudoamitosis." C, distribution of chromosomes to three cen- ters. D, partial pyknosis; some of the chromosomes have passed to the poles. {After Alberti and Politzer, 1923.) tributed, hence nuclei and cells with polyploid or otherwise altered chromosome complements are frequently observed in irradiated tissues. The reported occurrence of just such phenomena in ordinary and arti- ficially induced tumors^^ has excited much interest in connection with the cancer problem, i"* but at present very little can be said concerning causal relationships. Of great interest are the more definitely localized effects produced by irradiation with X-rays. ^^ It is found that with proper dosages a 11 Nadson (1925), Bisceglie and Bucciardi (1929). 12 E.g., Komuro (1917 et seq.), Pekarek (1927), and Patten and Wigoder (1930) on Vicia roots; Alberti and Politzer (1923, 1924) and Politzer (1925) on cornea cells; Strangeways and Oakley (1923), Strangeways and Hopwood (1926), and Kemp and Juul (1930) on tissue cultures; Pauli and Hartmann (1924) and Pauli and Politzer (1929) on cathode rays; and Bersa (1927) on Zea roots. 13 In animals: Howard and Schultz (1910), Boveri (1914a), Bichler (1914), Yama- giwa and Ichikawa (1915 et seq.), Lewis and Lockwood (1929), Winge (1930a), Levine (1931, good bibliography), and others. In plants: Komuro (1922, 1924f/e, 1925a6c, 1928a6c, 1930ac), Winge (1927^), Levine (1929), Goldschmidt and Fisher (1929). " See the reviews by Ludford (1925) and Levine (1931). 15 H. J. MuUer (1926, 1927, 1928a6c, 19296c, 1930a6c), Muller and Painter (1929), Painter and Muller (1929), Muller and Altenburg (1930), J. T. Patterson (1928, 1929, 1930a6, 1931a), Patterson and Painter (1931), Mavor (1921, 1922, 1923o6c, 1925), Hanson (1928), Dobzhansky (1929a6cd, IdSOad, 1931a6). The foregoing are on Drosophila. For general accounts, see Muller (1929c, 19306). In plants: Stadler (1928a6c, 1929, 1930a5c, 1931a6, 1932), Goodspeed and Olson (1928a6), Goodspeed (1929o6, 1930a6c, 1932), Goodspeed and Avery (1930), de Mol (19306, 1931a6c), M. Nawaschin (1931c), Delaunay (1930), Randolph (1932), Lewitsky and Araratian (1931). For a general statement, see Stadler (19306). 188 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY single chromosome only, or even but a small portion of it, may be elimi- nated or changed. Often a portion of a chromosome becomes detached from the remainder {Jragmentation) , or attached to another chromosome {translocation), or reversed in position {inversion), or rendered functionless {inactivation) , or removed altogether {deletion). These and other altera- tions, including changes in individual genes, may be brought about not only during certain phases of mitosis but also when the nuclei are in the metabolic condition, as in pollen and dormant seeds. This affords strong support to the view that some characteristic organization is maintained by each chromosome at all stages of the mitotic cycle. Treatments with ultra-violet radiations^^ and the rays emitted from radium ^^ have also been found to cause alterations of the protoplasm and of nuclear behavior, some of which are comparable to those produced by X-rays. As will appear in later chapters, it is such specific effects of irradiation, partic- ularly those obtained with X-rays, which give the method a high value in modern cytogenetic analysis. The discovery of "mitogenetic rays" emitted by growing tissues was announced in 1923 by Gurwitsch,^^ who reported that when a growing onion root (as "sender" of the rays) is pointed directly at the region of cell-division in another root (as "detector") and left for some hours, the detector shows more mitoses in the side toward the sender, the excess over the other side being as much as 50 per cent. Metabolically active tissues in considerable variety have since been reported to emit such rays, and growing yeast cultures have come to be favorite detectors. Attempts to determine the nature of the rays have led to the belief that they are ultra-violet radiations of very low energy content, and that they may possibly be associated with oxidation. The value of the evidence for the existence of such rays, or for a causal relation between them and the effects observed, has been adversely criticized by a number of investigators.^^ Reasons for discrepancies in the results of various trials are beginning to be apparent in differences in technique and in the condition of the materials used. At present it appears probable that radiations produced by processes occurring in i« Takamine (1923), Schleip (1923), Addoms (1927), Just (1933), Heilbrunn and Young (1930), Bucholtz (1931). 1' Mohr (1919), M. Williams (1925a), Gager and Blakeslee (1927), Canti and Spear (1927, 1929), Hanson and Heys (1928, 1929), Hanson and Winkleman (1929), Levine (1929), Stein (1929), Stadler (19286, 19316), Stoel (1928), Goodspeed (19295), Good- speed and Avery (1930). 18 For general accounts, see Gurwitsch (1925, 1926, 1929, 1932), Reiter and Gdbor (1928), and Hollaender and Schoeffel (1931). See also Wagner (1927, 1928), Magrou and Magrou (1927), Baron (1928, 1930), Reiter and Gdbor (1929), Frank (1929), Siebert (1928), Borodin (1930), Kisliak-Statkewitsch (1927), Loos (1930), Ferguson and Rahn (1933), Tuthill and Rahn (1933). 19 Guttenberg (1928), W. Schwarz (1928), Rossmann (1929), Taylor and Harvey (1931), Richards and Taylor (1932), Moissejewa (1931). ATYPICAL MITOSIS AND OTHER NUCLEAR PHENOMENA 189 tissues are an important cause of certain phenomena of cell growth and multiplication. Karyosome Nuclei. — Numerous peculiar types of nuclear organi- zation and behavior are known in the lower organisms, notably among flagellates and Protozoa.-" Of these types one of the most prevalent is %•' ^"-4-^ Fig. 110. — Mitosis in Oxyrrhis marina. 1, living individual, showing two flagella and two food bodies. 2, 3, and 4 show the paradesmose between the diverging centrioles. 6, endosome elongated and about to divide. 6, early telophase. 7, 8, fission in progress. {After Hall, 1925a.) that in which the nucleus contains a large, deeply staining body known as the karyosome, or endosome ^^ It may contain the only highly chromatic substance in the nucleus at certain stages, but critical studies have shown that the chromosomes, like those in ordinary nuclei, develop in the surrounding region (Figs. 110, 111). The karyosome usually reacts negatively in the Feulgen test,-^ but it may still be concerned in the changes in chromaticity of the chromosomes (c/. p. 119). Ordinarily 20 Pqj. general accounts of the nuclei of Protista, see M. Hartmann (1911), Minchin (1912), Doflein (1916), Calkins (1926) and Belaf (1926). ^^ Minchin's term endosome is probably used more widely now than karyosome (Hartmann). Other terms are Binnenkorper (Doflein) and nucleolo-centrosome (Keuten). Much of the confusion in the older literature on this subject has been clarified by recent work; see especially Belaf (1926), Hall (1925a) and Hall and Powell (1928). 22Reichenow (1928), Roskin and Romanova (1928). 190 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY the karyosome elongates and divides by constriction at the time of nuclear division. Often it forms a dumb-bell-shaped structure, about the middle of which the chromatic granules or chromosomes are grouped and separated into two masses as the nuclear membrane remains intact (Fig. 111). Frequently it does not divide until the elongated chromo- somes have reached the poles. The chromosomes lying parallel to the axis of the division figure may appear to break in two at the middle, but it has been shown by Hall and others that in the prophase they are split and opened out from one end, the supposed transverse division I Fig. 111. — Mitosis in Heteronema acus. (After Loefer, 1931.) being merely the completion of the separation at the other end.^^ It is claimed that in Euglena the split is present in the preceding telophase.^* While these changes are in progress the centrosome and motor elements, if present, become doubled in number in various ways to form the cor- responding elements of the daughter cells^^ (see p. 223). In the Plasmodiophorales^^ the chromosomes form a ring at the equa- tor of the mitotic figure; as this ring divides and separates to the two poles, the karyosome it encompasses does likewise. In the green alga Clado- phora glomerata, the nucleolus elongates and divides as the split chromo- somes separate (Fig. 112). The nuclear membrane remains intact throughout mitosis, and at certain stages the whole figure bears a striking resemblance to those described above." The behavior of the nucleolus 23 R. P. Hall on Menoidium (1923), Oxyrrhis (1925a) and Ceratium (1925fc); Hall and Powell (1928) on Peranema; Loefer (1931) on Heteronema. 24Tschenzoff (1916), Tannreuther (1923), Ratcliffe (1927). 2^ Kofoid and Christiansen (1915), Kofoid and Swezy (1915 et seq.), Swezy (1915, 1916, 1922), Wenrich (1921), Boeck (1917), Hall (1923, 1925a6), Bunting and Wenrich (1929), Kater (1929). 26 S. Nawaschin (18996), Winge (1912) on Sorodiscus, Cook (1928) on Ldgniera, Home (1930) on Spongospora, Milovidov (1931) on Plasmodiophora. For other accounts of mitosis in myxomycetes, see Strasburger (1884a), Harper (1900a), Jahn (1904, 1908, 1911), Olive (1907), Prowazek (1905), Kranzlin (1907), and Skupieiiski (1928). 2^ T'Serclaes (1922). For other recent accounts of mitosis in green algse, see Czurda (1922a6) and Geitler (1930) on Spirogyra, Foyn (1929) on Cladophora and Ulva, Hartmann (1921) on Eudorina, Higgins (1930) and Schussnig (1930) on Clado- phora, Kretschmer (1930) and Ohashi (1930) on (Edogoniu7n, Mundie (1929) on Vauch- eria, Peterschilka (1922) on Mougeotia, Schussnig (1928a6) on Caulerpa, and M. Williams (19256, 1926) on C odium and Vaucheria. ATYPICAL MITOSIS AND OTHER NUCLEAR PHENOMENA 191 here tends to be somewhat irregular; in related types it disappears in the prophase, as in higher plants.'^ Such a range of structural conditions as that reviewed in the foregoing paragraphs suggests that karyosome nuclei differ from the ordinary nuclei of higher organisms chiefly in the amount of nucleolar matter present and in its tendency to be associated with other elements, notably centrosomes. In higher plants the nucleolar matter, which has some structural and functional relationship with the chromosomes (p. 118), ordinarily dis- appears before the metaphase, but, if any remains, it may sometimes undergo division in the mitotic figure (p. 164). In such forms as Clado- phora the latter mode of behavior occurs with some regularity. In still .«-' Fig. 112. — Mitosis in Cladophora glomerata. (After T'Serclaes, 1922.) Fig. 113. — Stages of cell-division in Anaboena circinalis. {After Haupt, 1923.) other forms centrosomal elements are present also. How such conditions have come about is entirely a matter of conjecture. It is not to be assumed, however, that all the cytological differentiations in Protista can be fully explained by reference to those in higher organisms. With regard to their chromosomal mechanism, it becomes increasingly evident as critical researches multiply that many of the Protista are in certain essential features like higher forms. Both Metcalf (1915) and Kofoid (1915, 1923) have emphasized the fundamental similarity of protozoan and metazoan nuclei. In some representatives of all the main groups of Protozoa, elongated chromosomes, which split and show evi- dence of being made up like those of Metazoa, have been found. Kofoid states that the chromosomes are constant in number and differ in size and shape in certain flagellates. There are genetic data which indicate that, so far as their life cycles show agreement. Protozoa and Metazoa exhibit similar modes of inheritance (see Jennings, 1920). In many Protista, on the contrary, this high degree of nuclear differentiation seems 28 Nemec (19106) on the variety simplicior; Carter (1919c) on Rhizoclonium. 192 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY not to have been reached. To what extent the apparently simpler types of nuclear organization and of division ("promitosis") represent stages in the evolution of more complex types must remain for the future to determine. Blue-green Algae. — The structure of the cell in the Cyanophycese has long been a subject of controversy. ^^ The chief question at issue has been the nature of the central region, which appears relatively colorless and ill defined in living material. By some observers it has been denied that this in any way corresponds to a nucleus, the contention being that blue-green algse, like bacteria, have a cell organization fundamentally different from that of other organisms. Others have maintained that the central region, although it is not sharply delimited, may be viewed as a "primitive nucleus," since it is occupied by a material which often stains like "chromatin" and tends to be distributed rather equally to the daughter cells during cell-division'^" (Fig. 113). It is reported that in some genera it contains a material reacting positively to the Feul- gen test, also that in Nostoc no nucleic acid can be demonstrated although its radicles are present. ^^ The degree of distinctness with which such "nuclear" materials are aggregated in the central region varies widely. At present it is difficult to place a proper evaluation on the conflicting claims made in this field. Many have provisionally concluded with Guilliermond that in at least some blue-green algae there is a primitive nucleus consisting mainly of chromatic matter often arranged in strands, that such strands are broken as the whole mass divides by a process some- what intermediate between amitosis and mitosis, and that no distinct membrane appears about the mass because the latter is almost constantly in process of division. Definite chromosomes and longitudinal division of chromatic strands have not been demonstrated. The peripheral cytoplasm in such cells with a central body contains chlorophyll, together with phycocyanin or phycoerythrin. The exact manner in which these pigments are borne is uncertain,^- but it is thought probable that they occur in numerous minute droplets which may some- 23 Among cytological works on the Cyanophyceae are those of Biitschh (1896), Fischer (1897, 1905), Hegler (1901), Kohl (1903), Olive (1904), Phillips (1904), Gard- ner (1906), Guilliermond (1906, 19256, 1926), W. H. Brown (1911a), Acton (1914), Baumgartel (1920), Haupt (1923), S. Lee (1927), Pascher (1929), and Prat (1925). Convenient resumes are given by Olive and Haupt. Lloyd (1924) has given special attention to the pigments. ™Kohl (1903) on Tohjpothrix; Olive (1904) on Oscillatoria; W. H. Brown (1911) on Lyngbya; Guilliermond (1906) on Phormidium, Nostoc, and Rivularia; Haupt (1923) on Anabcena and Gloeocapsa. ^' Poljansky and Petruschewsky (1929) on Oscillatoria, Tolypothrix, Spirulina, and Gloeotrichia ; Mockeridge (1927) on Nostoc. ^^ See the discussion of fluorescent colors by Lloyd (1924). • ATYPICAL MITOSIS AND OTHER NUCLEAR PHENOMENA 193 times aggregate to form groups with a plastid-like appearance. Ergastic substances, such as glycogen, fat globules, and "cyanophycin granules," also occur and vary in abundance under different nutritive conditions. Although the cytoplasm is rich in lipides, no chondriosomes are present, according to Guilliermond. This author describes a vacuome consisting of small vacuoles containing metachromatin, the precipitation of this substance giving the granules mistaken for nuclear matter by certain observers. It is tempting to search among lowly organized plants for light on the origin of structures and modes of behavior seen in more complex types. Although it is improbable that the Cyanophycese had anything to do with the evolution of higher plants, the organization they exhibit affords a hint as to stages which may have occurred in the evolution of the typical nucleus and its elaborate mode of division. The view has long been entertained that certain leading constituents of primitive protoplasm may gradually have aggregated to form a definite organ, the nucleus, thus securing the advantages of more consistent interaction and orderly distribution during growth and differentiation. By arranging various blue-green and other algse in a suitable series, one can at least illustrate "the conception of cell structure which implies differentiated regions of a colloidal system in which special processes have become localized and tend to remain fixed" (Harper, 1919). Bacteria. — The bacterial cell presents many obstacles to cytological study. It is extraordinarily small and is often surrounded by a layer of material which interferes with fixation; moreover, it contains ergastic substances which vary in amount and present a great variety of aspects in different preparations. Opinion has ranged all the way from the view that the whole bacterium is a naked nucleus to the idea that it is wholly cytoplasm with inclusions. Most prevalent has been the view that scattered nucleo-proteins are present but not aggregated into a definite nucleus, the cell thus illustrating a primitive stage in the evolution of the nucleus-and-cytoplasm type of organization.^^ The literature contains many descriptions of small granules supposed to be nuclei or at least granules of "nuclear matter," and the aggregation of such granules to form peculiar spiral masses has frequently been reported. The spiral masses seem to be modifications of the cytoplasm about the vacuoles (Meyer), while the nature of the supposed nuclei has been rendered doubtful in most cases by the presence of ergastic masses which may simulate nuclei. In Bacillus pasteurianus, Meyer regarded as nuclei certain minute bodies which he was able to distinguish from the globules of fat, volutin, and glycogen. The frequently paired arrangement of such small bodies was suggestive of division, and their 33 See the accounts by Meyer (1912), Dobell (19116), Frost (1917), Lohnis (1922), Kirchensteins (1922a), Enderlein (1925), Petit (1927), and Wdmoscher (1930). 194 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY position at the center of developing spores recalled the behavior of nuclei elsewhere. That certain bacteria may contain definite nuclei in spite of the above uncertainties has been rendered more probable by the recent work of Stoughton (1929) on Bacterium (Pseudomonas) malvacearum. By employing the methods of Enderlein (1925) and Nakanishi (1901), in which obscuring nutritive materials are removed and the cells are stained without drying, this investigator has been able to differentiate a central body about 0.5^1 in diameter which shows an affinity for basic dyes and passes through a definite division cycle correlated with that of the cell. In some cases this central body elongates and becomes divided with the cell as the latter constricts, w^hile in others it becomes dumb-bell shaped and completes its division before the cell divides by forming a transverse wall. It can be seen in living cells under dark-field illumination. It is Stoughton's conclusion that this central body is in all probability either a nucleus or possibly (following Enderlein's theory) a nucleus imbedded in a mass of chromatic food-reserve substance. Appearances very suggestive of nuclear fusion and division have been reported for the avian tubercle bacillus (Lindegren and Mellon, 1932). Chromidia. — In 1902 R. Hertwig described in Actinospharium and certain other rhizopods what appeared to be an emission of chromatic granules from the nucleus into the cytoplasm. The nucleus might even break up completely into such granules. He called these granules chromidia and set forth a "chromidia hypothesis." According to those who developed this hypothesis, ^^ there are in an ordinary nucleus two kinds of "chromatin": idiochromatin, concerned in reproduction; and trophochromatin, concerned in nutrition. The chromidia are granules of trophochromatin which pass into the cytoplasm where they degenerate (Hertwig) or play a role in the differentiation of specialized structures (Goldschmidt). In certain rhizopods they may consist of idiochromatin and give rise to gamete nuclei. It was further suggested that in the infusoria the micronucleus contains the idiochromatin and the macro- nucleus the trophochromatin, and that the ordinary nucleus of higher forms is thus a duplex "amphinucleus." This " binuclearity hypothesis" has now fallen into disfavor. Chromidia were described in many animal tissues by other investi- gators,^° some of whom did not, however, subscribe to the above views regarding their origin and significance. They were particularly con- spicuous in oocytes and spermatocytes, where a mass of them developed 34 R. Hertwig (1902, 1904), Goldschmidt (1904 et seq.), Goldschmidt and Popoff (1907), Popoff (1906 et seq.), Schaudinn (1903), Schaxel (1910 et seq.). ^' Marcus (1907), Wassilief (1907), Reichenow (1908), Nowikoff (1909), Buchner (1909), Moroff (1909, 1911), M. Jorgensen (1910, 1913), Nussbaum (1913), Hirschler (1913), van Herwerden (1913). ATYPICAL MITOSIS AND OTHER NUCLEAR PHENOMENA 195 near the nucleus during the growth period. When special methods for the study of chondriosomes and Golgi material developed, however, it became apparent that chondriosomes, chromidia, secretion droplets, and other ergastic bodies had been hopelessly confused and that many of the elements which had passed as chromidia were, in reality, chondrio- somes and other materials for which there was no evidence of nuclear origin. ^^ Cowdry points out that " ... in practice, under the heading of chromidia, we have therefore to deal with a variety of substances which have been hastily grouped together on account of their general affinity for 'basic' stains and their supposed relation to nuclear chromatin and for which no special methods of fixation are required. It is a branch of cytology which has developed almost wholly apart from methods for the study of living cells." At present it seems best to reserve the term "chromidia" for the scattered chromatic matter in Protista with no formed nuclei, and in other organisms for the small bodies in the cytoplasm which resemble nuclear matter in composition and chromaticity more closely than do the chondriosomes and other ergastic substances. The view that chro- matic granules are transferred bodily through the nuclear membrane has not been well substantiated, but that a nucleic acid compound passes the membrane in solution, takes the form of granular "chromidia" as it reaches the cytoplasm, and is transformed into strands and clumps on fixation is probable (van Herwerden). Such manifestations of nucleo- cytoplasmic interchange have been clearly shown in echinoderm eggs," although their full significance and their relation to the general problem of chromidia are not yet apparent. ^^ 36Duesberg (1911), Faure-Fremiet (1910), Hirschler (1913), Nussbaum (1913), Jorgensen (1913c), E. V. Cowdry (1924a). The chromidia of Adinosphcerium are ergastic, according to Rumjantzew and Wermel (1925). ^ Danchakoff (1916), Tennent (1920). ^ See further on the subject of chromidia Kofoid (1921), Agar (1920a), E. V. Cow- dry (1924a), and Wilson (1925, p. 700). CHAPTER XIV GAMETOGENESIS AND SPOROGENESIS In plants there are two principal kinds of specialized reproductive cells: spores, which develop singly, and gametes, which undergo sexual fusion and form a zygote, this in turn developing into a new individual. As already pointed out (p. 122), gametogenesis and sporogenesis are commonly associated with the alternation of two generations in the life cycle of plants, the gametophyte producing gametes and the sporophyte spores. In some of the thallophytes, however, both spores and gametes may be produced rather freely by the same individual, no clear alternation of generations being present. ^ In the higher animals there are reproduc- tive cells of but one principal kind, namely, the gametes. The present chapter deals with a few sample cases from among the many diverse types of reproductive phenomena exhibited by different organisms. Discussion of the actual fusion of the gametes and of the behavior of chromosomes in sporogenesis is deferred to the following two chapters. Algae. — The two gametes which fuse sexually may be morphologically similar or dissimilar, and motile or non-motile. In Ulothrix and Ecio- carpus they are similar and motile, the two cilia of each gamete being equal and terminal in the former but unequal and lateral in the latter (Fig. 138, A, B). In Spirogyra the gametes are but little-modified vege- tative cells with no special motile apparatus aside from contractile vacuoles (p. 228). Examples of unlike male and female gametes are afforded by (Edo- gonium, Fucus, Vaucheria, and Polysiphonia. In no two of these genera are the male gametes of the same morphological type. In (Edogonium certain small cells of the filament produce two ovoid, green spermatozoids, each with a ring of cilia around one end, while other cells enlarge and become eggs (Fig. 138, C). The egg contains plastids and reserve food materials, while a more or less clear "receptive spot" may often be made out at the point where the spermatozoid is to enter. In Fucus the pri- 1 For general accounts of the life cycles of plants, see general textbooks of botany, especially Holman and Robbins (1928), Smith, Overton et al. (1928), Gager (1926), Robbins and Rickett (1929), and Fitting, Sierp, Harder, and Karsten (1930). For algae, see Oltmanns (1922-1923), Bonnet (1914), West (1927), and G. M. Smith (1933); for fungi, Gaumann-Dodge (1928) and Fitzpatrick (1930); for seed plants, Coulter and Chamberlain (1903, 1910). For the cytology of bryophytes, see Motte (1932) and Hoefer (1932). 196 GAMETOGENESIS AND SPOROGENESIS 197 mary nucleus of the antheridium initiates a series of mitoses giving rise to a large number of nuclei. About each of these is organized a laterally biciliate spermatozoid. In the oogonium the primary nucleus initiates a series of three mitoses, the protoplasm then subdividing to form eight large eggs. In related genera only four, two, or one egg may be produced, the remaining nuclei degenerating. ^ In Vaucheria, which is coenocytic, many colorless, elongated spermatozoids with two cilia near one end are organized about the nuclei in the antheridium. In the maturing oogo- l''^'a" Fig. 114. — Gametogenesis and syngamy in Vaucheria sessilis. A-C, differentiation of spermatozoids in coenocytic antheridium. D, early stage in development of oogonium. E, mature egg with one nucleus and many plastids. F, gametic nuclei uniting in egg c, chloroplast; n, nucleus; r, receptive papilla; s, spermatozoids. {After Oltmanns, 1895.) nium all but one of the many nuclei retreat to the main thread in a mass of " Wanderplasm " or degenerate, that one remaining as the nucleus of the single large egg^ (Fig. 114), In Polysiphonia, non-motile male gametes, or spermatia, are budded off successively from the antheridial cell, each of them being supplied with a nucleus formed by a division of the antheridial nucleus. The female nucleus lies in the enlarged base of the carpogonium, a cell which elongates to form a receptive trichogyne above. The most characteristic spores in algae are the zoospores, which swim about actively by means of cilia. Except for their larger size they resemble the male gametes of their respective genera, being terminally ^ For recent accounts, see Tahara (1927, 1929). 3 Oltmanns (1895), Heidinger (1908), and Couch (19326) report retreat; B. M. Davis (1904), M. Williams (1926), and Mundie (1929) report degeneration. 198 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY biciliate in Ulothrix, laterally biciliate in Ectocarpus, and crowned with a ring of many cilia in (Edogonium. Non-motile spores (aplanospores) also occur in some genera. In Polysiphonia, carpospores are budded off from the carpogonium and tetraspores are formed in groups of four in the tetrasporangium. In some algae, notably Spirogyra and its relatives, the product of gametic fusion is a resting zygospore. The cytological phenomena appear to be about the same in the devel- opment of motile gametes and spores of a given type. The protoplasm of the antheridium or the sporangium, as the case may be, is often not entirely used up in the formation of the spermatozoids or zoospores. The chromatophores, if large and continuous, ordinarily break up into numerous smaller ones, while the pyrenoids and starch tend to disappear as the gamete or spore primordia are delimited. In each primordium I 'I I iinrrrrnfTiriniroriiirTrTrn ij II ^ miiii i,i ^^ '^i:.-' liiii ii['inriiTrfl-^- FiG. 115. — Development of blepharoplast in (Edogonium. (After Kretschmer, 1930.) there are differentiated an eyespot and a motor apparatus, the latter consisting of a blepharoplast with its attached cilia. The development of the blepharoplast, or cilia-bearing organ, has attracted much attention in these and other organisms. In CEdogonium (Fig. 115) the nucleus moves against the cell membrane, which there forms a convex thickening. In the plane of contact there appears a ring of granules. As the nucleus loses contact with the thickening the ring becomes double, and from its outer half a crown of cilia grows out,* Each of the many pairs of cilia on the coenocytic Vaucheria swarm spore is in some way associated with a nucleus lying near the cell membrane. In Eudorina the pointed end of the nucleus, to which a centriole is attached, touches the membrane and then retreats to the center of the cell, leaving behind a double body (centrioles?) from which the cilia grow out (Hartmann, 1921). Such blepharoplasts as that of CEdogonium are called " plasmodermal blepharoplasts" to distinguish them from the "centrosomal blepharoplasts" of pteridophytes, bryophytes, and some of the lower forms. * Strasburger (1892, 1900a), Kretschmer (1930). GAMETOGENESIS AND SPOROGENESIS 199 The mature spermatozoids of the algae are usually described as having a considerable amount of cytoplasm, but evidently this is not always the case. In Fucus serratus the figures of Guignard (1889) and Kylin (1916) represent the cytoplasm as equaling or exceeding the nucleus in volume, whereas in 7^. Areschougii Kylin (1920) has shown that the main portion of the spermatozoid is nuclear, the cytoplasm being very small in amount (Fig. 116, yl). At one side is the eyespot, which is derived from the chromatophore of the antheridial cell through an intermediate color- FiG. 116. — Spermatozoids of plants. A, Fucus Areschougii; b, blepharoplast; c, chromatophore; 7i, nucleus; p, plastomere. (After Kylin, 1920.) B, Chara. (After Belajeff.) C, QiJdogonium. D., Zamia. (After Webber.) E, Onoclea. (After Steil, 1918a.) F, Riccardia. (After Steil, 1923.) G, Marsilia; spermatozoid extended as it enters gelatinous material about the archegonium. (After Sharp, 1914.) less stage. Connected with it is the blepharoplast, which arises from the centrioles, according to Meves (1918c). Farther back are one or more "plastomeres," which appear to be chondriosomal in nature. Fungi. — In their reproductive processes the fungi show many interest- ing parallels with the algae, at least among the largely coenocytic phy- comycetes. In Synchytrium the zoospores and gametes are uniciliate, the gametes being morphologically alike. In Allomyces javanicus the gametes are unlike in size. In Monoblepharis the zoospores are uniciliate also, while the gametes are differentiated into large eggs borne in oogonia and small uniciliate sperms. In the other oomycetes^ the male element is 6 Trow (1895-1904), Wager (1896, 19006), F. L. Stevens (1901), B. M. Davis (1900, 1903, 19055), Miyake (1901), P. Claussen (1908), Murphy (1918), P. M. Patter- son (1927a), Nishimura (1926), Carlson (1929), G. O. Cooper (1929a6), Couch (1932a). 200 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY represented by the uninucleate or multinucleate contents of the anther- idium, some or all of which is discharged into the oogonium through a copulating tube. In Albugo Candida and Pyihium Debaryanum all but one of the nuclei originally present in the young oogonium retreat to the periplasm, which becomes sharply set off from the central ooplasm with the single functional nucleus (Fig. 117). A dense cytoplasmic mass known as the "ccenocentrum" may appear about the nucleus or in its vicinity. In Saprolegnia the multinucleate protoplasm of the oogonium becomes divided up by one or more vacuoles into several eggs, each of which is at first multinucleate and finally uninucleate. In Mucor and the other zygomycetes the multinucleate contents of two gametangia behave as gametes. Fig. 117. — Gametogenesis and syngamy in Pythium Debaryanum. 1, formation of oogonium at end of hypha. 2, oogonium and antheridium in contact. 3, egg mature; degenerating nuclei in periplasm; antheridium above, with one functional and several non-functional nuclei. 4> sexual nuclei in contact. {After Miyake, 1901.) The zoospores and motile male gametes in the phycomycetes are formed by the subdivision of multinucleate protplasm. In Saprolegnia, for example, the protoplasm in the swollen tip of a hypha rounds up into uninucleate portions by an extension of the vacuole system. These units become terminally biciliate zoospores. At a later stage of the cycle, Saprolegnia produces also reniform, laterally biciliate zoospores. Con- nection of the cilia with a granule (centrosome?) at the apex of a top- shaped central body in the nucleus has been described for Leptolegnia (A. C. Mathews, 1932). In the large sporangia of the zygomycetes the non-motile spores are formed by a progressive furrowing of the multinucleate mass, as already described (p. 165). The formation of spores exogenously is illustrated by conidia and basidiospores. The former are cut off successively by constriction from the ends of certain hyphae, each of them receiving one or more nuclei derived by division from the nuclei of these hyphae. The basidiospores are budded off in quartets from the basidium, whose nucleus by two GAMETOGENESIS AND SPOROGENESIS 201 divisions provides them with one nucleus each (Fig, 164). Development of spores by free cell formation occurs in the ascomycetes. After the primary ascus nucleus has divided to eight, a portion of the ascus cyto- plasm is cut out about each of these nuclei, the astral rays curving around from the centrosome having some part in the process (p. 158). Finally, resting spores are often formed as a result of a sexual fusion. Examples of this are the zygospore of Mucor and the oospore of Albugo. Bryophytes. — In bryophytes, which show a well-marked alternation of generations, the eggs and spermatozoids are borne by the gametophyte in archegonia and antheridia, respectively. The egg is the innermost cell of the axial row in the arche- gonium (Fig. 118). Commonly it enlarges, rounds up, and lies more or less free in the slimy fluid of the venter, the other axial cells meanwhile breaking down. In some genera (Anthoceros, Sphagnum) the ventral canal cell also is sometimes organized as a functional egg, and there are other facts which sug- gest that the other cells of the axial row were gametes historically. Besides a large nucleus, the egg may contain plastid primordia and chrondriosomes. In mosses Motte (1928) reports that the egg contains practically no food reserves. In many cases a fairly distinct hyaline receptive spot is present at the ^j^ ^^g Arc he- side of the egg directed toward the neck of the gonium of RebouHa, nrrhpp-nniiim showing egg, ventral arcnegonmm. ^.^^^^i ^^^j ^^^ ^^^j. Spermatogenesis has been studied in both liver- neck canal cells. worts and mosses.^ In Marchantia, according to the '^^ '^^^ ' early account of Ikeno, a minute centrosome comes out of the nucleus before each spermatogenous cell-division in the antheridium and divides into two; these pass to opposite sides of the cell and occupy the spindle poles during mitosis. After the last (diagonal) cell-division the centro- some passes to one corner of the cell (spermatid) and there elongates to form the blepharoplast, from which two long cilia grow out (Fig. 119). Meanwhile the nucleus becomes altered in shape and forms the main por- tion of the body of the spermatozoid. In the cytoplasm of the spermatid was seen another chromatic body of uncertain fate. Later accounts of other liverworts present essentially the same story except that the nuclear origin of the centrosome, which is usually seen only in the last mitosis, has not been substantiated. In Blasia the blepharoplast divides into 6 On liverworts: Ikeno (1903), Miyake (19055), C. E. Lewis (1906), Bolleter (1905), Escoyez (19076), Schaffner (1908), Woodburn (1911, 1913), Sharp (19205), Motte (1928), Yazawa (1931). On mosses: M. Wilson (1911), Woodburn (1915), C. E. Allen (1912, 1917a), Bowen (1926/, 19276), Motte (1928), Weier (1930, 19316). See Miihldorf (1930, 1931) on the mature spermatozoid. 202 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY Fig. 119. — Spermatogenesis in Marchantia. h, blepharoplast; c, centrosome; n, nucleus. {After Ikeno, 1903.) Fig. 120. — Spermatogenesis in Polytrichum. A-D, mitosis in androgones, showing appearance of plastid material (k). E-H, behavior of centrosome in last division; each androcyte (spermatid) has one centrosome, which acts as a blepharoplast {b). I-K, transformation of androcyte into spermatozoid: a, apical body; I, limosphere; n, nucleus; p, percnosome. L, mature biciliate spermatozoid. {After C. E. Allen, 1912, 1917a.) GAMETOGENESIS AND SPOROGENESIS 203 fragments which together form the ciha-bearing rod, as in certain vascular plants (Sharp, 19206). In the spermatozoids of i^zccardza (Fig. 116, i^), Pellia, and certain other genera the two cilia spring from different points,^ at which basal granules may be seen. Recent studies on spermatogenesis in mosses have revealed a remark- able parallelism between the behavior of cell elements here and that in animal spermatogenesis. In the multiplying spermatogenous cells ("androgones") of Polytrichum the plastids form one or two masses, Fig. 121. — Diagram of spermatogenesis in Polytrichum. In 1 the apical body {A) is separating from the limosphere remnant (L). B, blepharoplast. C, cilia. A'^, nucleus. {After Weier, 19316.) which appear after certain fixations like clumps of granules and as large plates, or, after other procedures, like a series of chromophilic plates in a chromophobic substance (see p. 80). In each cell generation these bodies undergo division (Fig. 120). In each cell of the last generation but one, a centrosome with radiations in the cytoplasm divides into two. These move apart and occupy the spindle poles during the last mitosis, which differentiates the spermatids ("androcytes"). In the androcyte the plastid becomes a body known as the limosphere. It becomes somewhat oblong and buds off a small differentiated portion from one end; this is the apical hody^ (Fig. 121). Meanwhile the centro- ' Steil (1923), Showalter (1926a), Mlihldorf (1931). * The limosphere was named by M. Wilson (1911). Allen (1917a) gave the first adequate description of it, discovered its division to form the apical body, and pointed out evident references to it in the earlier literature. Its derivation from plastids was demonstrated by Weier (1930, 19316, 1932), see page 81. The granules and plates in the earlier spermatogenous cells were called "kinetosomes" and "kinoplasmic plates" by Allen (1912). Sapehin's (1915) claim that they are plastids was confirmed by Bowen (19276) and Weier. 204 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY some has elongated to form the blepharoplast, and the nucleus has begun to elongate also. The blepharoplast comes against the apical body at one end of the nucleus; this is to be the anterior end of the spermatozoid. The apical body becomes pointed, while the portion of the blepharoplast lying beside it somehow gives rise to the two long cilia. Meanwhile the limosphere remnant takes up a position near the posterior end of the nucleus where it may eventually disappear along with some of the cyto- plasm. The mature spermatozoid consists of an elongated body repre- senting chiefly the nucleus, a little cytoplasm, an apical body, and a motor apparatus consisting of blepharoplast and cilia. It will be noted that the behavior of the limosphere and apical body are almost precisely similar to that of the acroblast and acrosome in animals (p. 220). The acroblast is known to represent the Golgi material of the animal spermatid; hence the demonstration that the limosphere is derived from the plastids of earlier cell generations lends strong support to the view that of all the cell elements in plants the plastids correspond most closely to the Golgi material of animals (see p. 80). The spores in bryophytes are borne by the sporophyte, which develops from the fertilized egg. In the sporangium certain cells known as sporocytes round up from one another and each of them undergoes two successive divisions, thus giving rise to a quartet of spores. In some liverworts the sporocyte becomes markedly four lobed before it divides. It is in the course of the two mitoses in the sporocyte that the number of chromosomes is reduced one half. Meanwhile the plastids also are divided (at least in some cases) and distributed to the four spores (p. 70). After their walls become fully developed, the spores are freed from the sporangium and later grow into new gametophytes. Pteridophytes. — In pteridophytes, as in bryophytes, quartets of spores with the reduced, or gametic, chromosome number are produced by the division of sporocytes in the sporangium. Furthermore, the spores germinate to produce gametophytes, which bear eggs and sperma- tozoids in archegonia and antheridia. In location and general charac- teristics the egg is much like that of bryophytes. Often it is somewhat flattened on the receptive side at the time of syngamy. The spermatozoids of all pteridophytes, except Ly co-podium, Phylloglos- sum, and Selaginella, differ from those of bryophytes in being multiciliate. Most of the accounts of spermatogenesis^ state that the blepharoplasts appear first either in the spermatids or as centrosomes during the divi- sion which differentiates these cells. In Equisetum (Fig. 122) it has been shown that the blepharoplast appears as a functional centrosome sfiuchtien (1887), Campbell (1887), Belajeff (1888, 1897, 1898, 1899), Guignard (1889), Schottlander (1893), Shaw (1898a), Thorn (1899), Yamanouchi (19086), R. F. Allen (1911), Sharp (1912, 19146). See the recent studies on the mature spermatozoid by Dracinschi (1930, 1931, 1932) and Yuasa (1932, 1933). GAMETOGENESIS AND SPOROGENESIS 205 in each cell of the penultimate generation; there it divides to two, which separate and occupy the poles of the achromatic figure in the manner of animal centrosomes. At the close of mitosis the blepharoplast in each spermatid fragments into a number of pieces which later join to form a continuous chromatic thread. The spirally coiled body of the mature spermatozoid in pteridophytes consists of the elongated nucleus, a cytoplasmic band lying along the anterior portion of the nucleus and containing the chromatic thread at its margin, a posterior globule of cytoplasm containing starch and other inclusions, and numerous cilia. Students of spermatozoid development have described the cilia as growing out from the chromatic thread ("blepharoplast"), though Fig. 122. — Spermatogenesis in Equisetum arvense, showing the behavior of the blepharo- plast (centrosome) in the last spermatogenous mitosis and in the transformation of the spermatid into the spermatozoid. {After Sharp, 1912.) recent observers of mature spermatozoids report that they appear to be attached to basal bodies in the cytoplasmic band whose margin is formed by the thread ("border brim") (Dracinschi, Yuasa). In Marsilia each of the two primary spermatogenous cells undergoes a series of four divisions which result in 16 spermatids. No distinct centro- somes appear during the first mitosis. During the anaphase of the second mitosis centrosomes develop at the spindle poles. In the telophase they divide but usually then disappear in the cytoplasm. In the third mitosis centrosomes again appear at the spindle poles during the anaphase, and in the telophase they divide. The daughter centrosomes so formed then move apart and occupy the poles of the spindle through the fourth, or final, mitosis. They are at all times accompanied by distinct cytoplasmic radiations, the achromatic figure being strikingly like those in animals and certain thallophytes. Before the last mitosis is completed, the centro- some (blepharoplast) becomes vacuolate, and in the spermatid it breaks 206 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY up into a number of fragments. These later join to form a cilia-bearing band which elongates spirally in close union with the nucleus to form the spermatozoid (Sharp, 1914). Gymnosperms. — In all seed plants, as well as in certain groups of pteridophytes, spores of two distinct kinds are produced in quartets: microspores and megaspores.'^^ Such plants are said to be heterosporous, while those with only one kind of spore quartet are homosporous. In the gymnosperms the microspore quartets are developed in a manner essen- tially like that of the quartets of homosporous ferns, i.e., by the subdivi- sion of isodiametric sporocytes. The sporocyte which develops the Fig. 123. — OSgenesis in Dioon edule. A, young archegonium. B, egg nucleus below and ventral canal nucleus above; two conspicuous neck cells. C, protrusions of the egg cytoplasm (at right) extending as haustoria through pores in the egg membrane into the surrounding jacket cells (at left). {After Chamberlain, 1906.) megaspore quartet in the ovule is commonly elongated, and it divides in such a manner that the spores form a row. The outer three spores ordinarily degenerate, while the innermost one develops into a female gametophyte with archegonia. The eggs of gymnosperms^^ are very large cells, the nucleus alone in certain cycads being as much as 0.5 millimeter in diameter. The egg is borne in an imbedded archegonium, which has an evanescent ventral canal cell or nucleus (Fig. 123). The egg cytoplasm is in close communi- cation with surrounding nutritive cells of the gametophyte through pits in the wall. In most cases these pits are said to be closed by a membrane, the only direct connection being through minute plasmodesms. In Dioon, however, Chamberlain has shown that the membrane at first ^^ These standard terms imply a size difference, but the essential difference is one of sexual tendency; androspore and gijnospore would be more appropriate. "Mega- spores" are sometimes smaller than "microspores." 11 Goroschankin (1883), Ikeno (1898), Chamberlain (1899, 1906, 1910, 1912, 1916), I. Smith (1904), Ferguson (1904), Stopes and Fujii (1906), Eames (1913), P. Sedgwick (1924), Lawson (1907, 1909, 1926), G. Nichols (1910), Shimamura (1928, 1929), Sm61ska (1927), Wakayama (1929), W6ycicki (1923a6), Herzfeld (1927). GAMETOGENESIS AND SPOROGENESIS 207 separating the projecting egg haustoriiim eventually ruptures, the cytoplasm of the egg and nutritive cells then becoming continuous. In the cycads the egg cytoplasm appears relatively free from conspicuous nutritive inclusions, but in conifers, such as Pinus and Agathis, there are often large masses of stainable ergastic material and other substances of uncertain origin and composition. The nucleus of the gymnosperm egg resembles that of certain animal eggs in containing an unusually large amount of material not incorporated in the chromosomes at the time of mitosis. D U- . . ^v' . ^Islisjife^j^G^ B Fig. 124. — Stages in spermatogenesis in Dioon edule. A, "body-cell" with black granules in cytoplasm. B, two blepharoplasts differentiated. C, body-cell with two blepharoplasts; prothallial and stalk cells below; all in end of pollen tube. D, fragmenta- tion of blepharoplast in spermatid as spiral band begins to form. E, portion of edge of section of spermatozoid (cf. Fig. 116, D) showing spiral blepharoplast cut at two points and cilia growing from it. {After Chamberlain, 1909.) In the gymnosperms there are two principal types of spermatogenesis, some of the orders (Cycadales, Ginkgoales) having ciliated spermato- zoids^- and the others (Coniferales, Gnetales) non-motile male cells. In most cycads and Ginkgo a greatly enlarged "body-cell" in the devel- oping pollen tube gives rise to two spermatozoids. In Dioon, for example (Fig. 124), numerous "black granules'' appear in the body-cell cytoplasm. Two blepharoplasts now develop, apparently by the enlargement of two of the black granules, and take up positions on opposite sides of the nucleus. Very conspicuous radiations^^ appear about them as the body-cell divides. The mitotic figure is wholly intranuclear, and, although the blepharoplasts remain opposite its poles, they appear to have no direct connections with it. A wall appears between the two daughter nuclei at the close of mitosis; in each of the resulting cells a 12 Hirase (1894), Ikeno (1898), Fujii (1898, 1899), Webber (1897, 1901), Caldwell (1907), Miyake (1906), Chamberlain (1909, 1916), Kuwada and Maeda (1929). 13 Hirase (1894), Fujii (1899), and Kuwada and Maeda (1929) report that these are invisible in living cells. 208 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY spermatozoid is organized. Even before the division of the body-cell nucleus the enlarging blepharoplasts become vacuolate. After the division is completed, each of them breaks up into a number of small fragments which then coalesce and begin the formation of the spirally- coiled band that bears the many cilia. This band-like blepharoplast continues to elongate just within the cell membrane until it has made several turns, a prolongation of the nucleus remaining in contact with its growing end. The mature spermatozoid consists of an enormous nucleus, which in the living condition can be seen to undergo amoeboid changes of shape, a cytoplasmic sheath, and the blepharoplast with its ciha. Fig. 125. — Microsporogenesis and development of male gametophyte in an angiosperm. First row: two meiotic mitoses in microsporocyte, followed by cleavage of protoplast into four microspores, three of which are shown. Second row: formation of male gametophyte by one microspore, t, tube cell; g, generative cell; cT, male gametes; i, in tine; e, exine; p, germ pore with plug. Semidiagrammatic. In the conifers, as in the cycads, the body-cell divides to form two male gametes, but here they are non-motile. In some genera (Taxodium) a wall separates the two nuclei after mitosis in the body-cell, but in others (Pinus) these nuclei lie together in the body-cell cytoplasm. As the body-cell moves down the pollen tube its outlines may remain distinct, but in some cases its cytoplasm becomes intermingled with that of the pollen tube. In the latter event the male gametes are simply nuclei, rather than complete cells. In some genera the two male gametes are differentiated in size and apparently in function, a tendency which reaches its fullest expression in the Podocarpinese. The theory that the blepharoplasts of bryophytes and vascular plants are homologous with centrosomes^^ was at one time much disputed, but its validity is now generally conceded. A survey of the known cases suggests that centrosomes originally functioning in the ordinary way through several mitoses have tended to become restricted to one, and " Belajeff (1897), Ikeno (1898 et seq.). See the review by Sharp (1912). GAMETOGENESIS AND SPOROGENESIS 209 that their original role has grown less evident as they have been modified in connection with their other function, namely, the bearing of cilia. In forms with non-motile gametes they do not appear. Angiosperms. — In its essential features sporogenesis in angiosperms is like that in gymnosperms. In the anther the microsporocytes, usually as they lie in the anther fluid after rounding up, undergo two divisions to form quartets of microspores (Fig. 125). In some cases a separating wall is formed after the first mitosis, but more commonly cytokinesis does not occur until after the second mitosis, when the cell is divided simultane- —.- 'y^-s^-i' B i:s^ ;^,:::^ Fig. 126. — Development of male gametes in angiosperm pollen tube. A-D, division of generative nucleus and delimitation of male cells in Galanthus nivalis. E, male cells in Hemerocallis flava. The vegetative pollen-tube nucleus (p) may either precede or follow the generative nucleus through the tube. {After Trankowsky, 19306.) ously by furrows or otherwise into the four spores (p. 167). Each micro- spore develops a thick wall and soon forms a very simple male gametophyte. The microspore nucleus, which has the reduced number of chromosomes, divides to two, around one of which a membrane cuts out a generative cell. The other nucleus and the rest of the microspore cytoplasm constitute the tube cell, which later grows out to form the pollen tube. The generative cell divides to form two male gametes. This division sometimes occurs in the pollen grain before it is liberated from the anther, but probably more often it takes place in the growing pollen tube after 210 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY pollination^^ (Fig. 126). It has been shown in many cases^'' that the male gametes are complete cells, at least while they are in the pollen grain or tube, and sometimes until they reach the embryo sac (p. 236) ; but it is also reported ^^ that their membranes sometimes disappear early, leaving the male nuclei free in the cytoplasm of the pollen grain or tube. The male nuclei in many species become vermiform, particularly after entering the embryo sac'^ (Fig. 144). This change may occur more rapidly in one nucleus than in the other, the two thus being unlike at late stages. It is questionable whether or not such nuclei have any power of movement aside from that occasioned by protoplasmic streaming and surface- tension phenomena. In the ovule a megasporocyte is developed by the enlargement of a sub- epidermal cell of the nucellus (Fig. 127). At the close of the first mitosis a wall is formed between the nuclei, and the two resulting cells (secondary megasporocytes) divide again, giving thus four megaspores. (In some cases the outer secondary megasporocyte does not divide.) The outer megaspores disintegrate, while the innermost one enlarges and develops the female gametophyte. Its nucleus, which has the reduced number of chromosomes, initiates a series of three divisions which result in eight nuclei. Ordinarily four of these lie near each end of the elongated embryo sac." In the micropylar end membranes are differentiated in the cyto- plasm about three of the nuclei, forming an egg and two synergids, while in the opposite end three antipodal cells are similarly formed. The two remaining free polar nuclei move together and fuse sooner or later. The angiosperm egg usually shows very little special morphological differentiation, and except for its size and the position of its nucleus and 1^ This constitutes a systematic character of some value (Schiirhoff, 1926, p. 260); see this work for a review of the cytology of angiosperms. W6ycicki (19266) attrib- utes the movement of the generative cell into the pollen tube to the action of vacuoles. i« E.g., Ishikawa (1918) on (Enothera; Wyhe (1923) on Vallisneria; Piech (19246, 1928) and Kostrioukoff (1930) on Scirpus; Trankowsky (19306) on Hemerocallis; Madge (1929) on Viola; Finn (1925, 1926a, 1928) on Asclepias, Vincetoxicum, and Vinca; and Finn and Rudenko (1930) on Orohanche. ^' E.g., Dahlgren (1916) on Primula; Trankowsky (1930) on Convallaria and Galanthus; Schiirhoff (19196) on Sambucus; and Poddubnaja (1927) on Echinops. '^E.g., Mottier (1898a), S. Nawaschin (1899, 1900, 1909, 1910), Land (1900), Guignard (1900), Blackman and Welsford (1913), Welsford (1914), Sax (1916, 1918), and Heimans (1928). Fig. 127. — Megasporogenesis, development of female gametophyte, syngamy, and early embryogeny in an angiosperm. 1-5, division of megasporocyte into linear quartet of megaspores; meiosis occurs in these two mitoses. 6-12, development of female gameto- phyte by innermost megaspore, this involving three mitoses. In 13 the largest cell in the upper end of the embryo sac is the egg, and two polar nuclei are in the center. 13, discharge of two male nuclei into embryo sac by pollen tube. 14, double fertilization, one male nucleus fusing with egg nucleus and the other with polar nuclei. 15, embryo in two-cell stage; endosperm in ccenocytic stage. 16, embryo has developed cotyledons, and endo- sperm has become cellular. Semidiagrammatic. GAMETOGENESIS AND SPOROGENESIS 211 Fig. 127.— See p. 210 for legend. 212 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY vacuoles it closely resembles the synergids; in fact, cases are known in which synergids as well as eggs may develop into embryos. Commonly the egg is somewhat larger than the other cells, has its nucleus in the end toward the center of the sac, and has one or more large vacuoles. Visible ergastic materials other than cell sap are usually not conspicuous, but chondriosomes and plastid primordia are probably present regularly. Many variations of the process just described have been found in the angiosperms.^^ Probably the commonest of these is that exemplified in Lilium: here no walls are formed after either of the two mitoses in the megasporocyte, the four nuclei lying free in the cytoplasm of the embryo sac where they undergo one further mitosis to form a typical eight- nucleate gametophyte (Sargant, 1896). The egg, therefore, is removed from the product of meiosis by a single mitosis, instead of by three mitoses as in the usual type of development. A condition intermediate between this and the usual one is seen in Smilacina, where the walls form and then disappear, leaving the four nuclei to divide to eight (McAllister, 1909). Of exceptional interest is the situation in Plumbagella micrantha, described by Dahlgren (1915). Here the four nuclei, formed free as in Lilium, divide no further : one of them becomes directly the nucleus of the egg, two of them fuse like polar nuclei, and the fourth disintegrates in the base of the sac. This is the only known case among higher plants in which the gamete nucleus is the immediate product of meiosis, as in animals. In several known instances the embryo sac is developed neither from a single megaspore as in the usual type, nor directly from the primary megasporocyte as in Lilium and Plumbagella, but from one of the second- ary megasporocytes. In Cypripedium, for example, the nucleus of this cell undergoes the second meiotic mitosis, after which another mitosis occurs, giving four nuclei, one of which becomes the nucleus of the egg (Pace, 1907). Embryo sacs with more than eight nuclei have also been found. In Peperomia hispidula no walls are formed after the meiotic mitoses, the four nuclei dividing twice in succession to give 16. An egg and one synergid are organized, and the remaining 14 nuclei fuse (D. S. Johnson, 1907). The attention of the geneticist may be called to the fact that when all of the embryo-sac nuclei arise from one of the four products of meiosis in a heterozygous plant, they may be assumed to be of the same genetic constitution; but when they are derived from more than one, as in several of the examples cited above, they may differ greatly, so that very unusual correlations between the characters of the sporophyte and those of the endosperm may be expected. In several instances two or more of the described modes of development are known to occur in the same family and even in the same individual. '° For the types of embryo sac development, see Rutgers (1923), Stenar (1925), Schurhoff (1926), Chiarugi (1927), Schnarf (1929), and Modilewski (1929). GAMETOGENESIS AND SPOROGENESIS 213 Oogenesis in Animals. — The development of the animal egg varies considerably in detail in the different groups. The general features of the process as it occurs in typical cases may be briefly sketched as follows. ^° In the ovary certain cells known as oogonia enlarge somewhat and become primary oocytes. When first distinguishable the oocyte is relatively undifferentiated, but it soon passes through a growth period during which it enlarges greatly and becomes supplied with one or more kinds of yolk (Fig. 128). A role in the elaboration of these products has been assigned to the chondriosomes and Golgi material by a number of investigators (pp. 78 to 88). In some animals the changes during the growth period Fig. 128. — Differentiation of oocyte in Hydra. A, very young oocyte between ecto- dermal cells at right. B, oocyte after growth period, with yolk globules. {After Downing, 1909.) involve the activity of a special follicular epithelium organized about the oocyte, or a group of "nurse cells." The oocyte at this stage is often called the "ovarian egg" and its large nucleus the "germinal vesicle." At the close of the growth period the oocyte nucleus, which is already in an advanced stage of the prophase, undergoes division near the cell membrane. One of the daughter nuclei so formed is included in the first polocyte, or "polar body," a small cell cut off at this point (Fig. 154). The nucleus remaining in the large cell, now called the secondary oocyte, quickly undergoes another division, one of the resulting nuclei being included in a second polocyte, or "polar body," while the other remains in the now mature ovum, or egg. The first polocyte may divide and thus complete a quartet of cells, but often this does not occur. Normally the polocytes are functionless and soon degenerate, sometimes within the 20 See Hegner (19146), Wilson (1925), and Corner (1932). The question of the origin of the germ cells is reviewed by Harms (1926) and Heys (1931). 214 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY egg. The two mitoses in the oocyte are meiotic in character and result in a reduction from the zygotic to the gametic number of chromosomes. They are frequently called "maturation divisions." From the foregoing it is evident that the animal ovum develops most of the features characterizing it as a gamete before the meiotic divisions take place. It will be seen later (p. 239) that in some cases the sper- matozoon enters the egg before these divisions are completed. It is a further significant fact that in many animals the differentiation of visibly distinct cytoplasmic regions having a relation to parts of the future *^ 'V A.. r *.>■ I- } «; ■..y I Fig. 129. — First division of spermatocyte of Euschistus, showing behavior of chondrio- somes (first row) and Golgi material (second row), ch, chromosomes. {After Bowen, 1920.) embryo may begin in the oocyte or ovum before the entrance of the spermatozoon; in other words, embryogeny may actually begin before fertilization (p. 419). The ovum is surrounded by a delicate vitelline membrane, which becomes conspicuous only after fertilization, a thicker layer often showing radial structure (vertebrates) and sometimes a third layer of structureless jelly. The surrounding cells may add certain secondary layers, and later there may be deposited one or more protective envelopes, such as the albumen, shell membrane, and shell of the bird's egg. Spermatogenesis in Animals. — In the male animal those cells (sperma- togonia) in the testis whose ultimate descendants are to become sperma- tozoa multiply by divisions of the ordinary type until a certain number are produced. These cells, now called primary spermatocytes, enlarge and GAMETOGENESIS AND SPOROGENESIS 215 undergo two successive divisions: the first division results in two cells called secondary spermatocytes; the second divides the two secondary spermatocytes into four spermatids, each of which then becomes trans- formed into a spermatozoon. The mitoses in the spermatocyte are meiotic in character and bring about a reduction in the chromosome number. Besides the spermatogenous cells, the testis also contains certain accessory cells, such as the Sertoli cells of mammals and Verson's cells of certain insects. The transformation of the spermatid into a spermatozoon (spermio- genesis) has long been one of the most fascinating and difficult problems in structural cytology. The several components of the cell undergo an astonishingly complicated series of transformations, and these, together with the types of spermatozoa resulting, differ considerably in detail from group to group. This has naturally led to much confusion in the literature on the subject, although many points were well covered by the early investigations. The outstanding researches of Bowen (1920-1926) have so clarified our conceptions that his descriptions will be used as the princi- pal basis of the following account. Bowen worked chiefly with insects (Hemiptera, Orthoptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Aptera) and amphibia (Plethodon), but comparisons show that his descriptions, with minor modifications, will apply to the general features of spermatogenesis in various other groups. -"^ The Spermatocyte and Its Divisions (Fig. 129). — In the spermatocyte are the following components: nucleus, cytoplasm, chondriosomes, Golgi material, a pair (usually) of centrioles, and frequently other formed ele- ments of questionable nature. The chondriosomes are present in the form of granules, rods, or threads, and, although these behave variously in different species, they are usually distributed rather equally to the four spermatids in the two divisions. This in some cases involves the passive division of individual chondriosomal threads or an even more precise distribution (p. 86). The centrioles diverge to opposite sides of the cell and occupy the poles of the achromatic figure in each mitosis. At the close of the second mitosis the centriole usually divides, so that the sper- matid has a pair of them. Much confusion in terminology and diversity of interpretation have arisen concerning the special differentiations which may occur about the centrioles and the topographic relation which certain other cell components, notably the Golgi material, may bear to them. Two general modes of arrangement of Golgi material in spermatocytes may be distinguished. In the insects (Bowen) a number of Golgi bodies, ^1 For further general accounts of animal spermatogenesis, see Wilson (1925), Metz (1932), and the resume by Bowen (1924c). See the extensive researches of Gatenby (1917 et seq.). Other recent works are those of Voinov (1925, 1927a6), Nath (1925), Chickering (1927), Sokolow (1926, 1929a6), Payne (1927), Hirschler (1928), Pollister (1930), and H. H. Johnson (1931). 216 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY each composed of two substances differing in chromaticity, are scattered throughout the cytoplasm. At each of the meiotic divisions they break up into fragments (dictyosomes) which become arranged around the nucleus at the equator of the cell and pass as equal groups to the two poles in advance of the chromosomes. In Gerris Pollister finds that only the osmiophilic substance forms the dictyosomes, the osmiophobic (and Fig. 130. — Diagram illustrating principal features of spermiogenesis in animals, a, acrosome; c, centrioles; g, Golgi material (acrobiast) ; N, nucleus; n, nebenkern; p, perfora- torium. {Based on diagrams and other figures of Bowen.) neutral-red staining) substance remaining behind. In another series of forms (mollusks, amphibia, other vertebrates) the Golgi bodies are closely aggregated about the centrioles where their lightly staining substance flows together to form the idiosome, to the surface of which their deeply staining constituent adheres as separate chromophilic rodlets. This chromophilic matter often appears as a network or a continuous shell instead of separate rodlets, but it is uncertain how far such appearances are due to the action of fixatives. It was formerly thought that the idio- some substance was related primarily to the centrioles, the Golgi materia] GAMETOGENESIS AND SPOROGENESIS 217 collecting about it at certain stages, but the situation in insects seems to show that the real unit is the Golgi body composed of chromophilic "Golgi matter" and relatively chromophobic "idiosome substance," a close topographic relation to the centrioles being assumed only in certain cases. During the meiotic divisions of the nucleus the Golgi rodlets (or network or shell) form a number of dictyosomes which pass as two groups to the poles; whether each divides or not is a question. The fate of the idiosome substance is difficult to determine, but it is probable that each dictyosome is a minute Golgi body with its two substances, which are thus distributed to the four spermatids. Each spermatid consists of cytoplasm, a nucleus with the gametic number of chro- mosomes, some chondriosomes, a pair of centrioles, a number (usually) of Golgi bodies, and often ergastic inclusions. These various elements will now be followed through the metamorphosis of the spermatid into a spermatozoon (Figs. 130 to 134). Centrioles. — In the Hemiptera the two centrioles are situated near the anterior end of the young spermatid, one of them lying in contact with the nuclear membrane. From the distal member of the pair the delicate axial filament of the flagellum grows out and pierces the cell membrane. In many insects this filament may appear in spermiogenesis in Piethodon dn- 1 I- IP -i. • • IX ereus. (After Bowen, 1922a.) much earlier, before mitosis is complete or even in the primary spermatocyte (moths). The centrioles now migrate to a position near the posterior pole of the nucleus, where they take the form of parallel rods lying against the nuclear membrane, and soon form a V, with the elongating axial filament extending from its angle. An intranuclear body ("pseudoblepharoplast") present during these stages has often been confused with the centrioles. The centrioles eventually constitute the so-called "centrosomal middle piece" at the base of the sperm head, but in insects this is not a very distinct structure. The centrioles in certain other animals show curious modifications into rings and knob-like structures which have been variously interpreted (Fig. 131). In his accounts of spermatogenesis in the salamander Meves (1896, 1897) reported that the distal centriole, after the appearance of the axial filament, transforms itself into a ring. The filament then passes through this ring and attaches itself to the proximal centriole, which pushes into the base of the nucleus and enlarges to form the middle piece. Meanwhile the ring divides into two parts, one of which becomes the Fig. 131. — Behavior of centrioles 218 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY "end-knob" at the posterior end of the middle piece, while the other passes backward along the axial filament. In mammals (rat, man) Meves (1898, 1899) found much the same situation: the proximal centriole remains near the nucleus and does not elongate to form a middle piece. The distal centriole then divides, one part forming the end-knob and the other passing back as a ring to the end of the "connecting piece" (which does not correspond to the middle piece of the salamander). In (Ecanthus nigricornis, a cricket, the distal centriole, to which the axial filament is attached, constricts off a portion which encircles the filament and works backward along it to the end of the tail sheath (H. Johnson, 1922, 1931). WSSm^ Fig. 132. — Transformation of nebenkern in Brochymena. {After Bowen, 1922cd.) Chondriosomes. — In insects generally the chondriosomes form a single more or less compact body, the nebenkern (the mitosome of Gatenby) (Fig. 132). Globules of a lightly staining fluid appear in the nebenkern, chiefly near its periphery, giving the "blackberry stage" reported after certain fixatives. Soon the more deeply staining portion takes the form of a series of concentric plates alternating with layers of the lighter sub- stance (the "onion stage"). The platework now becomes a hollow ovoid mass with a median partition. As the nebenkern elongates, the ovoid mass shrinks; as it does so, a furrow follows it inward and eventually cuts the nebenkern in two as the chromatic mass vanishes. Meanwhile globules of an additional "central substance" appear in the light neben- kern material, arrange themselves in rows, and coalesce to form beaded strands. As the nebenkern halves elongate further, these strands unite until each half finally has a single axial core composed of the central substance. GAMETOGENESIS AND SPOROGENESIS 219 The nebenkern halves now come to lie on either side of the axial filament and rapidly elongate to form the two "filament sheaths" which become twisted about the axial filament. Their anterior ends appear to attach themselves to the centrioles at the base of the nucleus. As they become longer and thinner they show a series of swellings which may possibly represent accumulations of the central substance. These even- tually disappear and the uniform sheaths extend nearly, if not quite, to the tip of the axial filament. ff J B M^^ I G - H ^-^ I Fig. 133. — Behavior of Golgi material in spermatids of certain insects. A, F, Brochymena; B-E, Euschistus; G-J, Murgantia. Cf. Fig. 130. {After Bowen, 1920, 1922c.) Golgi Material (Fig. 133). — In the Hemiptera the Golgi constituents of the spermatid usually behave as follows. At the close of the meiotic divisions the dictyosomes fuse to form several larger Golgi bodies much like those of the spermatocyte. The fusion continues until there is formed a single large acroblast,'^'^ which lies near the base of the nucleus on the side opposite that to which the centrioles migrate. Ordinarily it has a heavily staining shell except on the side next to the nucleus. The acroblast soon begins a migration around to the other side of the nucleus, passing first to the anterior end of the cell where it pauses for a time. It ^- Often referred to in the literature as the "spermatid idiosome," or "sphere." In moUusks this mass has frequently been called the "nebenkern." 220 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY then continues along the nuclear membrane on the other side, following the path of the centrioles, and eventually comes to lie near them. During the migration of the acroblast an acrosome is differentiated from it. This first appears as a delicate vesicle on the side of the acro- blast near to the nucleus and seems to consist of a new material, the formation of which is dependent upon the activity of the substance of the acroblast.-^ Within it is a small granule. Very rarely the acrosome itself has the form of a granule rather than a vesicle (mollusks, Gatenby ; grasshopper. Bo wen). The acroblast becomes somewhat smaller as the acrosome grows, and together they move again toward the anterior end of the cell. Either before or after reaching the apex they separate, the acrosome taking its final position near the apex while the remainder of the acroblast, known as the "Golgi remnant," passes backward along the tail and is ultimately cast out of the cell in a protoplasmic ball sloughed off at the close of spermiogenesis.^^ The acrosome, after reaching its definitive position near the anterior end, undergoes a further differentiation. Within it appears a deeply staining mass which may possibly bear some relation to the granule observed in the vesicular acrosome at earlier stages. It rapidly develops into the pointed perforatorium at the tip of the spermatozoon, while the remaining portion of the acrosome grows backward as a band against one side of the asymmetrical and elongating nucleus, with which it becomes very intimately united as the spermatozoon matures. It is the view of Bo wen (19246) that the acrosome or perforatorium is not merely a boring organ, as commonly thought, but a secretion with a special function in fertilization, thus corresponding in origin with the secretion droplets observed to arise in connection with the Golgi material in gland cells (p. 76). Van Herwerden has shown the presence of an oxidase in the acrosome region. Certainly the acrosome cannot be a boring organ in the spermatozoon of Lepisma, in which it lies at the base of the nucleus rather than anterior to it. Nucleus. — No conspicuous changes occur within the nucleus until the acroblast and its differentiated acrosome have completed part or all of 23 In Lepidoptera and grasshoppers the Golgi bodies do not fuse but give rise to a common acrosome (Bowen, 1922ae). Parat (1928) regards the acrosome as a vacuole, largely because it stains with neutral red. Pollister (1930) finds no neutral-red stain- ing substance in Gerris from the close of the first spermatocyte division to the formation of the acroblast in the spermatid; it then appears as a secretion within the acroblast. H. Johnson (1932) finds the chondriosomes and the chromophilic rim of the dictyo- somes in insect spermatocytes to react similarly to Janus green and certain other vital dyes and questions the complete homology of the dictyosome-acroblast complex with the somatic Golgi apparatus. 2" Sjovall (1906) on the guinea pig, Terni (1914) on Geotriton, Gatenby (1917) on mollusks and Lepidoptera. In certain mammals a portion of the Golgi remnant is said to remain as a part of the middle piece (Weigl, 1912; Gatenby and Woodger, 1921). GAMETOGENESIS AND SPOROGENESIS 221 their migration around it. The chromatic substance is then seen to arrange itself in a layer against the inside of the nuclear membrane, and as spermiogenesis proceeds it abandons the posterior portion and collects as a com- pact, deeply staining cap at the anterior side. As the acrosome begins to form the perforatorium, this chro- matic cap becomes very asymmetrical and the whole nucleus elongates and begins its transformation into the slender sperm head. The "pseudoblepharoplast," which has already been mentioned and which may pos- sibly represent chromosomal material, disappears at about this stage. The head continues to elongate in the form of a narrow spoon with the acrosomic band lying in the hollow; eventually it becomes a slender pointed body in which nucleus and acrosome can no longer be distinguished. During these changes the non-chro- matic constituents of the nucleus gradually diminish and disappear, so that the nucleus of the spermatozoon is an extremely concentrated chromatic mass in which structure can be demonstrated only in rare cases. Cytoplasm. — As the other components of the sper- matid undergo the transformation outlined above, the cytoplasmic cell body elongates and remains visible around them (with the possible exception of the tip of the axial filament) until a comparatively late stage. Toward the close of spermiogenesis in the insects it has been ascertained that a cytoplasmic ball, containing the Golgi remnant and other granules of an unknown nature, is sloughed off and ingested by the nutritive epithelial cells lining the spermatic cyst. In other animals a cyto- plasmic mass is likewise eliminated, but the amount of "active" protoplasm contained in it is uncertain. The Mature Spermatozoon (Fig. 134). — The mature spermatozoon has two main parts : the head, which is a dense chromatic mass comprising the nucleus, the acro- some, and sometimes a skeletal fiber of uncertain origin; and a tail, consisting of an axial filament produced as an outgrowth from the distal centriole, the thread-like sheaths formed by the chondriosomal derivatives, and an uncertain amount of residual cytoplasm. It is prob- able that a thin cytoplasmic membrane exists about the head also, although this is ordinarily invisible. Koltzoff (1909) was able to demonstrate a membrane in this region by using hypotonic solutions. In A rhacia and Nereis, according to Popa (1927), the sperm head con- /-- Fig. 134.— Dia- gram of a typica. mammalian sper- matozoon, a, acro- some; n, nucleus; c, proximal centri- ole; c', distal cen- triole and deriva- tives; w, cell mem- brane; d, chondrio- somes; /, axial fila- ment of tail; m, middle piece; p, principal piece of tail; e, end piece of tail. {After Bowen, 1924c.) 222 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY sists of a central hydrophilic substance representing the nucleus, a periph- eral lipochromatic layer consisting of cytoplasm with lipides and lipopro- teins, and a delicate outer membrane; a fatty layer surrounds the whole cell. In Sepia, W. J. Schmidt (1928) concludes that the head, which is anisotropic in polarized light, is composed largely of submicroscopic rod- shaped micellae arranged parallel to the longitudinal axis. In many animals, particularly mammals, a ''middle piece" is more distinctly differentiated than it is in insects, the spermatozoon therefore appearing to have three main parts. In general it is more convenient to J Fig. 135. — Spermatozoa of various animals. A, Triton (salamander). B, Nereis (annelid). C, guinea pig. D, Phyllopneuste (bird). E, sturgeon. F, Vesperugo (bat). G, Castrada (turbellarian). H, Pinnotheres (crustacean). I, Homarus (lobster). /, Ascaris (nematode): a, apical body; n, nucleus; r, "refringent body." (From the works of Ballowitz, F. R. Lillie, Meves, Luther, Koltzoff, Herrick, and Scheben.) think of the middle piece as a portion of the tail. The tail of the typical animal spermatozoon as a rule may be said to have three segments, though in certain animals all of them may not be differentiated. These are the "middle piece," in which the axial filament is enclosed in a sheath of undifferentiated cytoplasm carrying the mitochondrial elements and the centrioles; a ''principal piece," which has a thin sheath of questionable origin but no undifferentiated cytoplasm; and an "end piece," which is the naked posterior end of the axial filament. Many minor variations in all of these cell elements are known, the spermatozoa of different animals thus differing widely in appearance (Fig. 135). GAMETOGENESIS AND SPOROGENESIS 223 In some animals, notably certain arachnids, crustaceans, myriapods, and nematodes, the spermatozoon has no tail.^^ Although the structures developed in such bizarre types of sperms are very different from those of the ordinary flagellate type, Bo wen finds that they are derived from the same components of the spermatid. For example, the "refringent body" in nematodes, the "capsule" in decapods, and the ''honeycomb" and "valves" in myriapods are all derived from the Golgi apparatus and hence may be compared to the acrosome of other spermatozoa. The Structure of Other Ciliated Cells. — In addition to zoospores and gametes, there are other cells which possess special motor structures. Of particular interest are the motor apparatus of flagellates and the ciliary mechanism of certain epithe- lial tissues. Many types of motor apparatus are known in motile organisms. 2^ In Menoidium (Fig. 136) the apparatus con- sists of a single flagellum, a blepharoplast, a centrosome at the surface of the nucleus, and a rhizoplast connecting the blepharoplast with the centrosome. At the time of cell-division the blepharoplast divides, its halves remaining connected for a time by a slender paradesmose. Similar in many respects is the mechanism in Peranema (Hall and Powell; Brown). In Polytoma and other forms with two flagella (Fig. 110) there are also two blepharoplasts, be- tween which a paradesmose is usually present, at least dur- ing division.-^ In some instances a centronema is said to extend from the centrosome inward to a karyosome. In Trichomonas niuris there is a single body which acts as both blepharoplast and centrosome. To this " centroblepharoplast " are attached three short, free flagella and one long one forming the margin of the undulating membrane. Along the base of the membrane and connected with the blepharoplast is a "chromatic basal rod," and within the cell may be seen certain other peculiar differentiations. As mitosis begins, the blepharoplast buds off a smaller new one and the two diverge like centrosomes to opposite poles of the achromatic 2^ See Bowen (19256) and literature there cited; also Sokolow (1929o6). ^^ For accounts of the flagellar apparatus of flagellates and Protozoa, see Minchin (1912), M. Hartmann (1911), Wilson (1925), Calkins (1926) and the papers by R. G. Sharp (1914), Yocum (1918), C. V. Taylor (1920), Rees (1921), McDonald' (1922), Hall (1923, 1925a), Hall and Powell (1928), Kofoid and Swezy (1915-1923), Kofoid and Christiansen (1915), Entz (1918), Nieschulz (1922), Belaf (1921), Wenrich (1921), A. S. Campbell (1926, 1927), Bunting and Wenrich (1929), Kater (1929), and V. E. Brown (1930). For accounts of cilia and their action, see Heidenhain (1911), Lundeg&rdh (1922), Petersen (1929), Gray (1928, 1931), and Lucas (1932). '^''Polytoma uvella (Entz, 1918), Chlamydomonas nasuta (Kater, 1929), Oxyrrhis marina (Hall, 1925a). Fig. 136.— Menoidium in- curvum, showing motor appara- tus. See text. (After Hall, 1923.) 224 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY figure, a paradesmose being drawn out between them. Apparently, one or two of the free fiagella accompany the new blepharoplast, new ones later growing out to restore the full number. It is also accompanied by a new chromatic basal rod, which begins to differentiate as a row of granules even before the division of the original blepharoplast (Wenrich, 1921). In the trypanosomes, as in the infusoria, there are two nuclei: the trophonucleus and the kinetonucleus. Motor mechanisms differ con- siderably within the group, but it seems that the flagellum is usually borne •te- A B C Fig. 137. — A, B, ciliary mechanism in Lampsilis. The cilia (c) are fusrd in pairs at their tips. Below the basal corpuscles (6) in the cuticle each cilium splits into two strands which connect with strands from other basal corpuscles. (After Grave and Schmitt, 1924.) C, diagram of a ciliated epithelial cell based on the figures of Saguchi (1917). on a basal granule (centrosome?) associated with the kinetonucleus. At the time of cell-division the trophonucleus, kinetonucleus, and basal granule all divide. Although it was formerly thought that the flagellum also split, it now seems clear that it remains attached to one half of the divided basal granule while a new one arises from the other half.^^ In ciliated epithelial cells each cilium is associated with a basal corpuscle in or near the cell membrane (Fig. 137). The nature of such basal granules has been the subject of a long controversy beginning with the statement of the theory that they, like the granules bearing the axial filament in the spermatozoon, are modified centrioles or centriole deriva- 28 Rosenbusch (1909), Kuczynski (1917), Hartmann and NoUer (1918). GAMETOGENESIS AND SPOROGENESIS 225 tives.-^ In ciliated epithelial cells, according to Saguchi, there is a basal corpuscle at the base of each cilium. The granules and cilia are in parallel rows. Beneath each row there is a transparent zone in which the rootlets of the cilia are anchored and through which they pass and become continuous with strands of a cytoplasmic reticulum. Saguchi regarded the basal corpuscle as the kinetic center of ciliary movement but not as a centriole derivative. In the gill cells of certain mollusks^" the ciliary rootlets below the basal corpuscles form a continuous system which probably represents the structural basis for the coordinated action of the cilia of a given cell. The view of Grave and Schmitt, that the systems of adjacent cells are continuous, is disputed by Bhatia and by Lucas, who believe the coordi- nating impulses pass from cell to cell through the general cytoplasm and the membranes. In any event, the evidence shows clearly that the cilium or the flagellum is itself an actively contractile element and not merely a passive element operated by an intracellular mechanism (see Gray, 1931). -^ Henneguy (1897), Lenhossek (1898). This theory is favored by Helvestine (1921), Jordan and Helvestine (1923) for certain cells, and Kindred (1927). It was opposed by Saguchi (1917) and by Erhard (1911), who reviewed the evidence then available. ^0 Grave and Schmitt (1924, 1925) on Lampsilis and Quadrula, Bhatia (1927) on Mytilus, Lucas (1931) on Mytilus and other genera. CHAPTER XV SYNGAMY The sexual union of two gametes is known as syngamy. In the case of organisms having large female gametes and small, more active male gametes, it is customary to refer to syngamy as the fertilization of the egg by the sperm ; but it should be borne in mind that the syngamic reaction is in all cases mutual, and that it is the fusion product of the two gametes which proceeds with development. Syngamy has two important results: firstly, it has a pronounced effect upon the physiological state of the cells concerned and hence upon, ensuing developmental processes. This may manifest itself in various ways, commonly in the activation of an egg whose development has ceased temporarily, or in the onset of a dormant condition, as in the zygotes of certain lower plants. Secondly, it brings about a significant alteration in the constitution of the nucleus. Syngamy culminates in the fusion of two nuclei each of which has a gametic chromosome complement, typically a single set; hence the zygote nucleus so formed has a zygotic complement composed typically of two sets. This doubling of the chromosome number (diplosis) has far-reaching consequences, as will be emphasized in later chapters. PLANTS The general features of gametic fusion in plants are extraordinarily diversified, notably in algae and fungi. ^ Algae. — Fusions involving gametes of the various types described in the preceding chapter take place as follows. In Ulothrix two morpholog- ically similar, motile gametes meet and fuse to form a resting zygospore (Fig. 138, A). The exact manner of fusion varies greatly in such forms, but commonly it begins at the ciliated end.^ In Edocarpus, also, the gametes are morphologically similar, but some of them become relatively passive and anchor themselves to the substratum by one cilium, while 1 For an extensive account of sexual and asexual cell and nuclear fusions in plants, see Tischler (1921-1922). For angiosperms, see also Schlirhoff (1926), Dahlgren (1927a), andSchnarf (1929); for algae, Oltmanns (1922-1923) and G. M. Smith (1933); for fungi, Guilliermond (1913e), Atkinson (1915), Wager (1920), Giiumann-Dodge (1928), and Fitzpatrick (1930). 2 That such similar gametes are actually unlike sexually, and secrete charac- teristically different substances into the medium, is shown by the work of M. Hart- mann and his associates, chiefly on green algse. See M. Hartmann (1932). 226 SYNGAMY 227 more active ones become attached by a cilium to the anchored ones and gradually undergo fusion with them (Fig. 138, B). The fusion culminates in the union of the nuclei. In such gametic fusions the plastids undergo no fusion, so far as is known. In some cases they have been followed through into the new individual. In Fucus the large passive eggs and the small motile spermatozoids are shed from the organs which bear them, their union occurring in the sea water. Many spermatozoids attach themselves to each egg by one cilium, but after one of them enters the egg the others move away. The male nucleus remains relatively small up to the time it fuses with the egg nucleus, and a centrosome with an aster Fig. 138. — Syngamy in various alga. A, gamete, union of similar gametes (isogamy), and zygote of Ulothrix. B, isogamy in Ectocarpus siliculosus. (After Oltmanns, 1897.) C, portion of filament of CEdogonium; spermatozoids escaping from antheridial cells below; spermatozoid about to enter egg above. (After Coulter.) D, the formation of eggs by subdivision of a ccpnocytic protoplast in Spharoplea. E, portion of filament of Sphceroplea showing several eggs; spermatozoids have entered through pores in filament wall. (D and E after Klehahn.) appears near the nuclear membrane at the point where the male nucleus enters (Yamanouchi, 1909). This latter phenomenon, which is very suggestive of what occurs in animals, has also been observed in Didyota (J. Williams, 1904). In (Edogonium and Vaucheria the egg is not liberated from the oogonium but is fertilized in situ by a spermatozoid. The latter passes into the oogonium through a specially differentiated pore and then enters the egg at a more or less distinct receptive spot. In the mature male gametes of Vaucheria, Chara, and Coleochcete no plastids have been demon- strated, the new individual apparently deriving these organs wholly from the female gamete. This statement, however, may require revision when male gametes have been more fully studied with methods specially devised for the investigation of cytoplasmic differentiations. In Polysiphonia the non-motile male gamete (spermatium) comes in contact with a prolonga- 228 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY tion (trichogyne) of the female sex organ (carpogonium). Solution of the intervening walls allows the nucleus of the spermatium to pass into the trichogyne and down to the female nucleus in the base of the carpogonium (Fig. 139, A). The male nucleus, when it reaches the female nucleus, appears as a group of 20 chromosomes. In this condition it enters the female nucleus while the latter is yet in the reticular state. Soon the female reticulum condenses into 20 chromosomes, which arrange them- selves with the 20 paternal chromosomes in the spindle as the fusion nucleus divides (Yamanouchi, 1906). The spermatium of the Floridese is said to carry no plastids. A special condition is found in the Conjugatse. Here certain vegeta- tive cells, after little morphological alteration, fuse in pairs to produce resting zygospores. In Sjnrogyra, for example, the entire protoplast passes through a conjugating tube to unite with a similar cell, commonly in another filament. The two nuclei fuse, but the plastids remain distinct and those introduced by the migrating cell are observed in some species to degenerate in the zygospore (Fig. 162). In some species the gametes meet and form the zygospore in the conjugating tube. The movement of these gametes is accomplished through the remarkable action of contractile vacuoles, which withdraw water from the central sap vacuole and discharge it between the protoplast and the wall.^ In the diatoms^ there are two general modes of sexual behavior, with minor variations in the different species. With rare exceptions these modes characterize the two main groups, Pennatae and Centricae. In Rhopalodia gibba, a representative of the former group, two individuals meet and form a common mass of jelly between them. In each individual the nucleus undergoes two successive divisions, the protoplast then divid- ing into two portions, each with a large and a small nucleus. These two portions now fuse with the two produced by the other individual, forming two zygotes which develop into large auxospores. In each case the large nuclei fuse and the small ones degenerate (Klebahn). In some diatoms, for example, certain forms of Cocconeis, the two uniting individuals show distinct differences in size and sexual behavior (Geitler, 1927afe). In the Centricae the auxospores are formed asexually, the sexual act consisting in the union of small biciliate gametes. In Coscinodiscus these are of two types: small colorless ones and larger ones with chromatophores (Pavillard).^ 'Lloyd (1925, 1928a). Conard (19Slh) claims that the cytoplasmic portions of the gametes remain distinct and are separated by the first wall at germination. 4 Klebahn (1896), Lauterborn (1896), Karsten (1897, 1900, 1904, 1912, 1924), O. Mliller (1906), Bergon (1907), Pavillard (1913), Geitler (1927a6c, 1928a6c, 19296), von Cholnoky (1927, 1928, 1929), P. Schmidt (1923, 1927a6). See Pavillard (1910) and Oltmanns (1922). ^ These small cells are termed "microspores" in the literature. The rarely observed "microspores" in Pennatae seem to be asexual. SYNGAMY 229 Fungi. — The fusion of the sexual elements described in the preceding chapter (p. 199) proceeds as follows. In Synchytrium the morphologically similar uniciliate gametes unite to form a zygote which penetrates into a host plant. In Monohlepharis the uniciliate male gamete creeps along the surface of the oogonium to its opening, where, after loss of its cilium, it unites with the egg to form a resting oospore ; this matures either inside or outside the oogonium. In Albugo Candida and Pythium Deharyanum the egg is entered by a single male nucleus through a conjugating tube from the antheridium (Fig. 139, B). The nuclear fusion in Pythium and Achlya occurs in association with a cytoplasmic "coenocentrum" (P. Patterson). In Saj)rolegnia, which has several eggs in the oogonium, y^ >i A B C Fig. 139. — A, Syngamy in Polysiphonia; group of paternal chromosomes about to enter female nucleus. {After Yamanouchi, 1906.) B, Syngamy in Albugo Candida; female nucleus in ooplasm near coenocentrum (larger dark body) ; antheridial tube about to dis- charge male nucleus. {After Davis, 1900.) C, Syngamy in Lygodium palmatum. The coiled nucleus of the functional spermatozoid lies against the right end of the egg nucleus, while its cilia lie in the cytoplasm near by. Outside the egg are other spermatozoids. Arrow indicates neck canal. (After Rogers, 1926.) the antheridium sends in a branching tube which delivers a male nucleus to each egg. In the zygomycetes® the contents of the multinucleate gametangia do not subdivide into small gametes but meet and fuse in their entirety. The product is a heavy-walled zygospore. The extreme minuteness of the nuclei and the abundance of metabolic products in the protoplasm have so far made it impossible to clear up the matter of nuclear behavior in this group. In the higher ascomycetes the sex organs are typically antheridia and ascogonia. Some species have both organs, some have one or the other, and some have neither. In some cases the organs are uninucleate and in others multinucleate. After an ascogonium has been entered by the con- tents of an antheridium the nuclei do not fuse (according to one prevalent view) but associate and divide repeatedly in pairs ("conjugate division" « P. A. Dangeard (1906), Moreau (1911, 1913, 1915), Keene (1914), Burgeff (1915), Macormick (1912), Baird (1924). 230 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY of a "dikaryon") in the ascogenous hyphse which grow out from the asco- gonium. In each ascus the two associated nuclei finally fuse. Accord- ing to this interpretation/ therefore, the nuclear fusion is merely delayed : instead of occurring in the ascogonium, it takes place in the ends of branches produced by the latter, namely, in the asci; and this fusion may be regarded as sexual in nature, as originally stated by Dangeard (1894). Other observers have claimed that there are two nuclear fusions in the ascomycete life cycle : in addition to the fusion easily observable in the ascus, it is contended that an earlier fusion occurs in the ascogonium after the entrance of the contents of the antheridium,^ or in the ascogonium when the antheridium is functionless or absent,^ or in vegetative cells when the ascogonium is functionless or absent. ^^ In the ascomycetes generally the fusion nucleus, or ''primary ascus nucleus," initiates three successive mitoses to form the eight ascospore nuclei. A reduction in chromosome number occurs in the course of these mitoses. Adherents of the view that there are two nuclear fusions in the life cycle claim that there is a "double reduction" in the ascus (p. 281). In certain yeasts it has been shown that the production of ascospores is preceded by a union of two cells and a fusion of their nuclei, the fusion nucleus dividing to form the spore nuclei (see Guilliermond, 1920n). In the hymenomycetes it has long been known that a fusion of two nuclei occurs in the basidium, itself the terminal cell of a hypha with binucleate cells, prior to the formation of the four basidiospore nuclei (Fig. 164). The discovery of the origin of the binucleate condition is more recent. ^^ In certain species of several genera, including Co'prinus, Aleurodiscus, PanoBolus, and Schizophyllum, it has been shown that carpophores, although they will sometimes develop on a mycelium from a single spore, appear freely only when mycelia from different spores are inter- mingled. Unions then occur between uninucleate hyphae of different strains and initiate the binucleate dikaryophase. According to Buller, the migrating nucleus divides after entering the adjacent hypha, one of the daughter nuclei then moving on to the next cell to repeat the process. In this way the originally uninucleate mycelium becomes progressively "diplodized. " In the resulting binucleate mycelium the paired nuclei ' P. Claussen (1907, 1912), W. H. Brown (1909, 1910a, 19116), Faull (1911, 1912), Nienburg (1914), Ramlow (1914), F. Brooks (1910), McCiibbin (1910), H. B. Brown (1913), Fitzpatrick (1918a), Frey (1924), S. G. Jones (1925), Delitsch (1926). * Harper (1895-1905), Blackman and Fraser (1905), Gwynne-Vaughan and Williamson (1931, 1932). 9 Blackman and Fraser (1906a), Fraser (1907), Welsford (1907), Dale (1909), Gwynne-Vaughan and Williamson (1930). i» Fraser (1907, 1908), Carruthers (1911), Blackman and Welsford (1912). 11 Kniep (1915 el seq.), Bensaude (1918), Lehfeldt (1922), Mounce (1921, 1922), Hanna (1925, 1928), Sass (1929), Buller (1930, 1931). SYNGAMY 231 divide in unison before each cell division, their descendants eventually fusing in the basidium. Here the nuclear fusion ("karyogamy") is delayed until some time after cytoplasmic union ("plasmogamy"), these two events being separated by a binucleate phase in the life cycle. In the rust fungi there are life cycles of several kinds, these differing in the presence or absence of various spore types and of cell and nuclear fusions. ^2 Some forms have uninucleate cells throughout the cycle, some are entirely binucleate, and some have uninucleate and binucleate, or even short plurinucleate, phases. In a number of forms, including Puccinia graminis, the common wheat rust, each cell of the young teliospore is binucleate. These two nuclei eventually fuse, and as the teliospore germinates to form a promycelium, which is homologous with the basidium of the hymenomycetes, the fusion nucleus divides to four which enter the sporidia. Beginning with the work of Blackman (19046) and Christman (1905) on Phragmidium and certain other genera, it was thought that the binucleate condition originated by nuclear migration between cells or by cell fusions, particularly in the basal region of the secial sorus. Evidence recently brought forward ^^ indicates that in certain species of Puccinia a mycelium developing from a single sporidium, or basidiospore, pro- duces as a rule only sterile secia, and that chains of aeciospores develop only when pycniospores of a different strain are added to the infec- tion or when "plus" and "minus" mycelia develop close together. Some of the cytological changes involved here have been ascertained. Andrus (1931) has announced that in Uromyces appendiculatus the spore- forming cells in the base of the secium are not formed by fusion but are enlarged female cells which send elongated trichogyne-like hyphaj through the opposite side of the leaf, where they meet and fuse with spermatia (pycniospores) from infections of opposite strain. Nuclei apparently pass through the septa of the trichogynes into the female cells, which then proliferate and produce chains of binucleate seciospores. Similar in many respects is R. F. Allen's (1932a) interpretation of the phenomena in Puccinia triticina. Here the mycelium formed by a single sporidium produces spermatia, receptive hyphee, and the primordia of aecia. After nuclei from spermatia of the opposite strain enter the receptive hyphse, the resulting binucleate (or plurinucleate) hyphae extend into young secia and develop seciospores. In the smut fungi, as exemplified by species of Ustilago, the binucleate condition arises as the result of a union of promycelial cells, sporidia, or mycelial cells which they produce, the . two nuclei fusing later when chlamydospores are differentiated. ^^ It is known further that the sporidia 12 See Arthur (1929), Gaumann-C. Dodge (1928), B. O. Dodge (1929a), and Jackson (1931). i^Craigie {I927ab, 1928, 1931), R. F. Allen (1929, 1930, 1932), Hanna (1929a). 1* P. A. Dangeard (1893), Lutman (1910), Rawitscher (1912), Kniep (1919, 1920). 232 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY and the mycelia developing from them are of two kinds, only those of unlike strain ("plus" and "minus") uniting when brought together.^^ The significance of the hyphal and sporidial fusions which lead to the binucleate condition of the cells in the dikaryophase of ascomycetes and basidiomycetes is a matter of debate among mycologists. The view V»- M ,M7:^^ fir ■4.:': FiG. 140. — Syngamy in Riccardia. 1, sections of spermatozoids in archegonium; one male nucleus applied to egg. 2, male nucleus in egg cytoplasm. 3-7, passage of male nucleus into egg nucleus and its development of a distinct reticulum. 8, 9, first mitosis in zygote; paternal and maternal chromosomes intermingled. {After Showalter, 19266.) that they represent a sexual act is disputed by those who hold that they are primarily nutritive in character ("nutritive heterothahism"), although they may be followed by some of the beneficial effects of true sexuality. Comparisons with other plants strongly suggest that sexual differences in fungus nuclei and mycelia, as well as other conditions affecting their interaction, are often related to meiotic factor segregation in sporogenesis. This topic is discussed further at page 386. 15 Kniep (1919, 1920), Stakman and Christensen (1927), Hanna (19296). SYNGAMY 233 Bryophytes and Pteridophytes. — The cytological details of the union of the motile spermatozoid with the egg in bryophytes are best known in certain liverworts, owing especially to the researches of Showalter (1926a6, 1927 ab, 1929). In Riccardia pinguis (Fig. 140) the elongated body of the spermatozoid applies itself to the surface of the egg, becomes more slender, and gradually sinks through the membrane into the cyto- plasm. The chromatic matter of the egg nucleus contracts, and one end of the sperm nucleus extends through the membrane of the egg nucleus, where it becomes considerably swollen. The female nuclear matter then loosens up, and the swollen end of the penetrating male nucleus is seen to lose its definite outline and differentiate a chromatic reticulum and a nucleolus. After penetration is complete the female and male reticula remain distinguish- able for some time, but in the late prophase and the metaphase of the first embryonal mitosis the chromosomes of the two parents form a single group. The fate of the cyto- plasm, blepharoplast, and cilia of the male gamete is uncertain, but in view of what has been observed in other species it is highly probable that they are absorbed in the egg cytoplasm. In a number of other liverworts^*^ the male nucleus does not enter the egg nucleus in the compact form but becomes vesicular and reticulate in some degree before the fusion occurs (Fig. 141). In Sphoerocarpos it ap- pears that the nuclei do not undergo fusion while in this state but develop separately their chromosomes, which then take their places in a common mitotic spindle, as in many animals. In Preissia, centrosomes are reported in the egg cytoplasm during the fertilization period. This, together with observations on certain algae (p. 227), suggests that in certain plants, as in animals, the differentiation of division centers in the egg cytoplasm may be induced in some manner by the entrance of the spermatozoid. The fate of the non-nuclear portions of the spermatozoid may prove to be of interest in this connection. In the pteridophytes^^ the multiciliate spermatozoid enters the egg cytoplasm. It has been stated that it continues into the egg nucleus in its entirety, but in Lygodium it has been clearly shown that the cilia (and ^^Pellia Fahbroniana (Showalter, 19276); Riccia (Garber, 1904; Black, 1913); Corsinia (K. Meyer, 1911); Preissia quadrata (Graham, 1918; Haupt, 1926); Rehoulia (Woodburn, 1920); Sphcerocarpos (Rickett, 1923). In Funaria flavicans (moss) the male nucleus enters rounded up but still compact (Beardsley, 1931). " Pilularia (Campbell, 1888); Onoclea (Shaw, 18986); Nephrodium (Yamanouchi, 1908b); Lygodiu7n (Rogers, 1926); Equisetum (Sethi, 1928). Fig. 141. — Syngamy in Anthoceros. Male and female nuclei about to fuse in lower part of egg in venter of archego- nium; elongated plastid above them. Gametophyte cells show one nucleus and one plastid each. 234 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY presumably the blepharoplast and most of the cytoplasm) are left in the cytoplasm as the compact and coiled male nucleus enters the egg nucleus (Fig. 139, C). The male nucleus then gradually becomes reticulate, and eventually the materials contributed by the two gametes become indistinguishable. The behavior of the plastids during gametogenesis and syngamy in ferns is not well known. Plastids may frequently be seen in the develop- ing egg, and presumably they play a role in spermatogenesis somewhat like that in bryophytes (p. 203). At present it seems probable that the plastids of the sporophyte are derived chiefly if not wholly from the female gamete. Gymnosperms. — In the cycads and Ginkgo the pollen tube discharges two motile spermatozoids near the archegonium, into which one of them passes by squeezing between the neck cells. The nucleus of the spermatozoid then becomes free from its cytoplasmic sheath, blepharoplast, and cilia and advances alone to the egg nucleus, with which it fuses^^ (Fig- 142). In Ginkgo the cyto- plasm and motor apparatus are left in a "receptive spot" formed by vacuoles in the upper part of the egg. In Bowenia the paternal and maternal chromosomes can be distinguished in the first few mitoses preceding wall formation in the embryo. In the Coniferales and Gnetales the male cells have no motile apparatus. Each consists of a nucleus surrounded by a more or less sharply matozoid above; another dehmited mass of cytoplasm. In most cases this spermatozoid at surface of cytoplasm remains intact until after the male egg. {After Wehher, 1901.) ^^^^ ^^^ entered the egg, but in other forms it mingles with the cytoplasm of the pollen tube, so that only male nuclei, rather than completely organized male cells, are delivered to the egg. All the nuclei present in the pollen tube — stalk nucleus, tube nucleus, the two male nuclei, and, in certain species, free prothallial nuclei — may be discharged into the egg. All but the functioning male nucleus usually degenerate at once, but in some cases they have been observed to undergo division. Male cells of conifers show two general modes of behavior after their entrance into the egg. In some instances the male's cytoplasm is left in the peripheral region of the egg while the nucleus advances alone to i«Hirase (1895, 1898, 1918), Ikeno (1901), Shimamura (1928) and Herzfeld (1927) on Ginkgo; Ikeno (1898) and Kuwada (1925o, 19266) on Cycas; Chamberlain (1910, 1912, 1916) on Dioon, Ceratozamia, and Stangeria; Lawson (1926) on Bowenia. Fig. 142. — Syngamy in Zamia. Male and female nuclei uniting at center; cytoplasmic sheath and spi ral blepharoplast of sper SYNGAMY 235 the centrally placed egg nucleus. ^^ In other cases^" the male cytoplasm remains intact and surrounds the fusing sexual nuclei. The pollen-tube cytoplasm often plays a conspicuous part in the formation of this "mantle." The behavior of the chromosomes during the fusion of the gametic nuclei and the first embryonal division has been described in a number of conifers ; similar data for the cycads are as yet comparatively few. As a general rule the chromatic elements of the two nuclei, although in the reticular condition when the nuclei unite, do not become very intimately associated in the fusion nucleus but remain distinguishable until the first embryonal mitosis occurs. They then develop two groups of chromo- somes which become arranged in a common achromatic figure-' (Fig. 143). I^Cv^ssT^JmS.' ^l^^ Fig. 143. — Syngamy in conifers. A, male nucleus pressing into female nucleus in Pinus. B, first mitosis in zygote, showing parental chromosome groups. {After Ferguson, 1904.) C, parental chromosome groups in Larix. {After Wdycicki, 1899.) In Sequoia the male nuclei escape from their cytoplasm before their discharge from the pollen tube, and after the nuclear fusion in the egg the contributions of the two gametes cannot be distinguished (Lawson, 1904a). In gymnosperms, as in other organisms, all of the chromosomes, paternal and maternal, divide longitudinally in the first embryonal mitosis, the daughter chromosomes being distributed to the daughter nuclei. Angiosperms. — The pollen tube, which is the elongated tube cell bounded by the greatly extended intine, grows from the pollen grain on the stigma through the style to the ovarian cavity and then by way of the micropyle of the ovule through the nucellus and into the embryo sac (Fig. 127). Usually the tube makes its way between the cells of the style by means of enzymes which dissolve the middle lamellae of their walls (Paton, 1921). After entering the sac the tube ruptures at its ^^ Pinus (Ferguson, 1901, 1904), Thuja (Land, 1902), Juniperus (Norcn, 1904), Cryptomeria (Lawson, 19046), Libocedrus (Lawson, 1907), Ephedra (Berridge and Sanday, 1907). 2" Taxodium (Coker, 1903), Torreya (A. Robertson, 1904; Coulter and Land, 1905), Cephalotaxus (Coker, 1907), Phyllocladus (Kildahl, 1908), Juniperus (Nichols, 1910), Agathis (Eames, 1913), Taxus (Dupler, 1917). ^^ Pinus (Blackman, 1898; Chamberlain, 1899; Ferguson, 1901, 1904), Larix (W6ycicki, 1899; Sm61ska, 1927), Tsuga (Murrill, 1900), Juniperus (Noren, 1907), Cunninghamia (Miyake, 1910), Abies (Hutchinson, 1915), Bowenia (Lawson, 1926). 236 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY end, discharging the two male gametes, together with a certain amount of pollen-tube cytoplasm and sometimes the tube nucleus. Frequently the tube appears to pass directly through a synergid. It has been suggested that the synergids produce enzymes which swell and rupture the membrane of the pollen tube (Goebel; Haberlandt, 1927). As they appear in the embryo sac, the male gametes may be complete cells or only nuclei with no specially delimited cytoplasm (see p. 210). Fre- quently the nuclei are markedly vermiform. Double fertilization, a process peculiar to angiosperms, now takes place: one male gamete fuses with the egg, while the other unites with the two polar nuclei or their fusion product^^ (Fig. 144). The Gametic Fusion. — The nucleus of one of the male gametes enters the egg — through a sort of rift, according to Heimans. In cases where the male gamete is a complete cell in the pollen tube, its nucleus may become free from its cytoplasm before reaching the egg.^^ In other cases, however, the male cytoplasm remains distinct from that of the pollen tube and embryo sac until the surface of the egg is reached. 2"* It has not yet been demonstrated cytologically in any case that male cytoplasm enters the egg along with the nucleus. Wylie thinks it probable that it does so in Vallisneria, and there is genetic evidence that it may enter in certain other cases (Chapter XXV). It would obviously be difficult to identify male cytoplasm during the passage of the nucleus through the egg membrane, or to show that the nucleus is absolutely freed of all adhering matter previously associated with it. It is expected that refinements in technique will shed light on this question. Occasional differences in chromaticity between male and female nuclei are reported,-^ so that one may hope for similar evidence for the cytoplasm. The fusion of the two gamete nuclei probably occurs in most cases very soon after they come in contact, though in certain forms it is known to be considerably delayed. The chromatic matter of the two nuclei at the time they unite may be in the reticular condition, the male and female elements becoming indistinguishable in the fusion nucleus. In other cases^^ it has already reached the condition characteristic of the prophase, the paternal and maternal elements often being distinguishable in the spindle in the ensuing division of the zygote. That the same species may show considerable variation in this respect is indicated by the situation in 22 For reviews of the features of fertilization in angiosperms, see Dahlgren (1927a), Schurhoflf (1926), Schnarf (1929), and Coulter and Chamberlain (1903). " E.g., Lilium (S. Nawaschin, 1910; Welsford, 1914), Viola (Madge, 1929), and Melandrium (Breslawetz, 19306). See Tischler (1921-1922, p. 486). 2^ Vallisneria (Wylie, 1922, 1923), (Enothera (Ishikawa, 1918), Asclejjias (Finn, 1925). 2^ E.g., Heimans (1928; on Lilium) and Kuwada (1925a, 19266; on Cycas). ^^ E.g., Lilium (Guignard, 1891; Weniger, 1918), Calopogon (Pace, 1909), and Trillium (Nothnagel, 1918). SYNGAMY 237 Fritillaria, in which Sax (1916, 1918) finds that fusion, though it usually occurs in the reticulate stage, sometimes takes place after the thick prophasic threads have been developed. Weniger (1918) reports that in Lilium the egg nucleus is reticulate and the male nucleus in prophase as they unite. Whatever the state of the nuclei at the time of their fusion, all of the chromosomes, paternal and maternal, split longitudinally in the first mitosis in the zygote, the daughter chromosomes so formed Fig. 144. — Syngamy in angiosperms. A, end of pollen tube from basal portion of style of Lilium auratum, showing two male cells and tube nucleus. {After Welsford, 1914.) B, double fertilization in Lilium canadense; sexual nuclei about to fuse in egg; second male and two polar nuclei fusing at center of embryo sac; s, synergids, one degen- erated; a, antipodal cells. C, fusion of sexual nuclei in egg of Lilium philadclphicum. (After Weniger, 1918.) D, the second male and two polar nuclei in Lilium Martagon. {After Nothnagel, 1918). E, vermiform male nucleus in contact with egg nucleus in Triti- cum durum. {After Sax, 1918.) F, spireme stage of triple fusion nucleus in Triticum durum., showing distinctness of chromatic elements of the three nuclei. {After Sax.) G, inclusion of cytoplasm in fusing sexual nuclei of Peperomia sintenesii; this seems to be an occasional phenomenon with no special significance. {After W. H. Brown, 19186.) being distributed to the two resulting nuclei, just as in all the subsequent divisions in the developing embryo. The time elapsing between pollination and the union of the gametes varies greatly in different plants, but the variation shows no necessary correlation with the length of their styles. The following examples" may be cited: Zea Mays, 18 to 24 hours; Triticum vulgare, 18 to 20 hours; Lilium philadelphicum, 60 to 72 hours; Phaseolus vulgaris, 8 to 9 hours; Acer negundo, 40 to 72 hours; Monotropa unifiora, 5 days; Secale cereale, 2^ See Schnarf (1929) for an extensive list with citations to literature. 238 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY 7 hours; Phajus grandifolius, 2 months; Hicoria pecan, 5 to 7 weeks; Datura stramonium, 25 hours at 20°C.; CEnothera ruhrinervis, 36 hours; Quercus rubra, 13 to 14 months. In Beta vulgaris, growing under summer field conditions, the period is 20 hours, and a period of equal length elapses before the fertilized egg divides (Artsch wager, unpubl.). It has been shown in certain cases that the rate of pollen-tube growth varies with the temperature and other conditions, which accounts in part for the discrepant reports of different observers. The Endosperm Fusion. — The second male nucleus (it may be either the first or the second to emerge from the pollen tube) passes to one or both polar nuclei or to the product of their fusion. The fusion of the three nuclei to form the primary endosperm nucleus is carried out in a variety of.ways. The most commonly reported mode is that in which the two polars unite to form a polar-fusion nucleus ("embryo-sac nucleus") before the entrance of the pollen tube, the male nucleus being added later. Less frequently the male nucleus meets and fuses with the polar nucleus of the micropylar end of the sac, the other polar then fusing with the product. This is the method described by S. Nawaschin (1898, 1899a) in his accounts of the discovery of double fertilization in Liliuni Martagon and Fritillaria tenella. In Zea the male nucleus and one polar complete their fusion while the two polars are in contact but still unfused (V. Rhoades, unpubl.). The simultaneous fusion of all three nuclei appears to be a common occurrence ; it has been described in some detail by Noth- nagel (1918) for Trillium and Lilium. Different modes may occur in the same plant under varying conditions, notably of temperature (Shibata, 1902, on Monotropa). Although the three nuclei often appear exactly alike, it is frequently possible to distinguish the male from the polars, not only by its shape and smaller size, but by the condition of its karyotin. In Lilium longiflorum (Weniger, 1918), for example, the male nucleus is in the prophase while the polar nuclei are still reticulate. The membranes of the three nuclei may persist for some time after they come into intimate contact, and even after they have disappeared the chromatic elements of the three constituent nuclei may in many cases be distinguished if the section has been made in a favorable plane. When fusion occurs in the metabolic stage this is not so apparent, but when it occurs in the prophase the three chromatic groups are made out with little difficulty. As the division of the endosperm nucleus approaches, the chromatic elements of the three contributing nuclei become increasingly distinct, even if one or more of the nuclei have fused in the reticulate condition (Fig. 144, F). As the prophase proceeds, all of the chromosomes (the triploid number) are seen to be split longitudinally. Since this is repeated in every subsequent mitosis, the resulting endosperm nuclei are normally all triploid, each of them having one paternal and two maternal chromo- some sets. In most angiosperms the developing endosperm passes SYNGAMY 239 through an early free-nuclear stage, no walls appearing until some time later (p. 173). In other cases walled cells may be formed from the start. ^^ Although the nuclei throughout the endosperm are all derived by repeated division from the triple-fusion nucleus in the great majority of plants studied, cases are known in which at least some of them may be produced by the polar-fusion nucleus alone without the male, or by the fusion product of the male and one polar, or by one polar alone. Com- binations of these methods may be found in tjie same embryo sac. In Petunia the polar-fusion nucleus divides before the pollen tube opens, and four endosperm cells are formed. One male nucleus then fuses with that in the micropylar endosperm cell. That portion of the endosperm which is derived from this cell is triploid (21 chromosomes), while that derived from the three other cells is diploid (14 chromosomes) (Ferguson, 1927). Cases of "mosaic endosperm" frequently reported may have their explanation in such unusual modes of development. Probably more often they are due to aberrant mitotic behavior on the part of endosperm nuclei initially triploid. The propriety of extending the term "fertilization" to the endosperm fusion may be questioned. Obviously this fusion is not a true syngamic one. It is followed by a resumption of activity on the part of the nuclei in the embryo sac; but since this may occur with no nuclear fusion, it seems evident that it is due to some peculiar condition pervading the sac after the pollen tube enters. Only rarely does the egg develop without a nuclear fusion. An activating, or "fertilizing," effect can be recognized in both fusions, but it now seems proper to regard the endosperm in angiosperms as gametophytic tissue which, unlike that of gymnosperms, is arrested in development until after the pollen tube enters the sac; it then proceeds with development, usually with, but sometimes without, the addition of extra nuclei. ANIMALS The story of syngamy in animals^^ is complicated by the fact that in many cases the periods of "maturation" and fertilization may overlap. In sea urchins the two meiotic divisions in the oocyte are completed before the spermatozoon enters. In certain other cases maturation proceeds as far as the metaphase of the first mitosis (certain annelids, nemertines, mollusks, and insects) or the metaphase of the second mitosis (frog, mouse) but goes no further unless penetration occurs. Finally, in Nereis *^See Coulter and Chamberlain (1903), Samuelsson (1913), Jacobsson-Stiasny (1914), Dahlgren (1922, 1923), Stenar (1925), Svensson (1925), Schtirhoff (1926), and Schnarf (1929). 2^ In the preparation of this portion of the chapter the author has drawn freely upon Prof. F. R. Lillie's Problems of Fertilization, (1919). See also Lillie and Just (1924), Doncaster (1920), Agar (1920a), and Wilson (1925). 240 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY (annelid) and Ascaris (nematode) penetration takes place before the first mitosis^" (Fig. 154). Probably in most animals the whole spermatozoon enters the egg (Fig. 145). In some sea urchins only the head and middle piece enter, while in Nereis the head alone passes in, leaving the middle piece and tail on the egg surface. The details of penetration in two of the best known cases are as follows. In Nereis the egg has a vitelline membrane, an alveolar cortical layer, many yolk and oil droplets, and a large central germinal vesicle (nucleus). If many spermatozoa are present in the vicinity, a large number attach themselves to the egg, but usually all but one are carried away by an outflow of jelly from the alveoles of the cortical layer. This layer now takes the form of a zone traversed by radial protoplasmic plates representing the walls of the alveoles. A transparent "fertilization cone" extends from the inner region of the egg across this zone and touches the membrane at the point where the spermatozoon is beginning to penetrate. The perforatorium goes through the egg membrane and becomes attached to the transparent cone. The latter is now withdrawn, carrying the head of the spermatozoon into the egg with it. Thus it appears that the initiative for the final act of penetration lies with the egg rather than with the spermatozoon. Since only the head enters the egg, it seems that the only necessary portion of the spermatozoon in the actual union is the nucleus; the middle piece and tail are accessory and function only as locomotor organs (F. R. Lillie, 1912, 1919). In the starfish (Fig. 146) the blunt-headed spermatozoa swim about with spasmodic movements and apparently by chance come in contact with the thick zone of sticky jelly surrounding the egg. The egg then responds to the presence of the spermatozoa by forming one or more hyaline conical projections on its surface. From the summit of each cone a delicate filament grows outward through the jelly until it touches and adheres to any sperm head (now motionless) which happens to lie in its path. The filament then retracts, drawing the spermatozoon inward through the jelly to the summit of the cone. Other filaments are at the same time withdrawn whether they have secured spermatozoa or not. 30 See Wilson (1925, p. 397) and literature cited; also McKay (1927) and Crabb (19276). -■ ' '.' Fig. 145. — Syngamy in Physa (snail). Sperm head and amphiaster at right; long flagellum extending toward left; second meiotic division in progress. {After Kostanecki and Wierzyski, 1896.) SYNGAMY 241 When the spermatozoon arrives at the surface of the cone it is immediately engulfed and passes deeper into the egg. The cytoplasmic granules at the base of the cone disappear, leaving a hyaline pathway along which the sperm head glides. Other spermatozoa being drawn through the jelly are usually dropped by the retracting filaments when the first sperm enters the egg; in case they do reach the egg surface they are stopped by the fertilization membrane (Chambers, 1922c, 19236, 1930c). The most striking feature in both of these cases is the relatively passive role played by the spermatozoon. Instead of actively forcing its way into the egg by its own power, it is "swallowed" by the egg after its own movements have ceased. In this connection Bowen (1923, 1924a6) ^i'..Vov^ ^^oi^'^'i'^!^'^'^ Ci5^ii5r^^fc^l-^s^^ f f. C*'n j^"^ ^..*<. . 2'30" 2'33" 2'34" 2 '40" Fig. 146. — The entrance of the spermatozoon into the egg of the starfish, occupied by the process is indicated. {After Chambers, 19236.) The time has advanced the view that the acrosome with its perforatorium is not primarily a cutting tool but "essentially a secretory product the principal function of which is to initiate the physico-chemical reactions of fertiliza- tion." The spermatozoon may show no such movements as would be necessary for the use of a cutting or boring tool, and in some animals the acrosome is neither of the right shape nor properly located to act in such a capacity. In other animals, however, boring movements do occur. Probably a pointed perforatorium is advantageous in either active or passive movement through the jelly and egg membrane. K fertilization membrane is commonly formed as a result of fertilization. In the echinoderm it first appears at the point where the spermatozoon is attached and spreads over the egg with great rapidity. This really consists in the elevation of a delicate vitelline membrane already present. 242 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY a process which Heilbrunn has associated with a lowering of surface tension. ^1 These changes do not depend upon the actual entrance of the spermatozoon into the egg ; in Nereis they occur before the slow penetra- tion can be completed, or even if the spermatozoon is shaken loose shortly after penetration has begun. In some animals (frog) the amount of fluid in the "perivitelline space" under the membrane is great enough to permit the rotation of the egg within it. In describing the remarkable transformation undergone by the sper- matozoon within the egg it will be convenient to deal with its various parts separately. The Nucleus. — Immediately after gaining entrance to the egg (Fig. 147), the sperm head begins to enlarge and assume the usual form and Fig. 147. — Diagram of syngamy and cleavage in an animal. It is assumed in this case that meiosis has been completed before the entrance of the spermatozoon. structure of a nucleus. Meanwhile it advances toward the egg nucleus. As Lillie points out, both nuclei pass toward a position of equilibrium in a cell preparing to divide and consequently meet; the assumption of an attractive force between them is unnecessary. By the time they meet, the sperm nucleus has usually, but not always, become equal in size and appearance to the egg nucleus. The union of these two "pronuclei" usually occurs at once. In a great many cases there may be no actual fusion of the nuclei as such. As they come close to one another each passes through the prophase stages and gives rise independently to its group of chromosomes, the two groups arranging themselves in a common spindle which organizes as the nuclear membranes disappear. The nuclei may behave variously in this respect within the same species. In Strongylocentrotus lividus, Danchakoff (1916) observed three general " Heilbrunn (1913, 1915, 1924c, 19256). See also Peterfl (1927), Hobson (1927), and Chambers (1930a) on the fertilization membrane; also the papers of Just (1920 et seq.). SYNGAMY 243 modes of behavior : (a) the chromatic sperm nucleus may be added to the comparatively achromatic egg nucleus, the two forming a common reticulum from which the chromosomes later condense; (6) the sperm nucleus may become achromatic before uniting with the egg nucleus, the achromatic fusion nucleus forming a reticulum from which the chromo- somes develop; (c) the sperm nucleus may condense its chromosomes before uniting with the egg nucleus, no common reticulum being formed and the maternal and paternal chromosomes remaining separate through- out their development. In the first cleavage mitosis, whether the gamete nuclei have formed a common reticulum or not, each chromosome undergoes a longitudinal division, the halves passing to the two daughter nuclei. This process is repeated in every subsequent somatic mitosis, so that every somatic nucleus has descendants of every parental chromosome originally present in the fertilized egg. In most animals the first cleavage mitosis is fol- lowed by the division of the fertilized egg into two cells (blastomeres), but in some cases there are several free nuclear divisions before any cleavage into cells occurs. In some instances it has been shown that the plane of the first cleavage is determined by the chance point of entrance of the spermatozoon, and that the bilaterality of the embryo bears a direct relation to this cleavage. ^^ In other animals, on the contrary, the plane of the first cleavage does not coincide with the plane of bilateral symme- try; moreover, some eggs may show such symmetry before fertilization (e.g., many insects). The more or less independent formation of the maternal and paternal chromosomes without an intimate nuclear fusion before the first cleavage mitosis is known as gonomery and has been observed in both animals and plants (Fig. 143). It occurs in Drosophila (Huettner, 1924). Further- more, in several organisms it has been found that the two parental groups of chromosomes can be distinguished not only in the first embryonal mitosis but also in several divisions thereafter. ^^ This is especially evident in hybrids. There is reason to believe that the chromosomes brought together by the two gametes, although they are intermingled in the nuclei of the new individual, never actually fuse in such a way as to lose their essential organization. They are joined with one another in the reticulum and undergo occasional transfers and exchanges of parts, as will be shown in subsequent chapters; but this does not involve the complete mixing of their substance which was once thought to occur. The evident fact that certain nuclear elements maintain their identity through suc- 32 Wilson and Mathews (1895) on the sea urchin; Just (1912) on Nereis. See Morgan (19246) and Wilson (1925; p. 1012). The plane of cleavage is associated with gravity by Giglio-Tos (1926). " Riickert (1895) and Haecker (1895c) on Cyclops; Conklin (1901a) on Crepidula; B. G. Smith (1919) on Crypiobranchus. 244 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY cessive life cycles in spite of such rearrangements is of the greatest impor- tance in connection with problems of heredity. The Centrosome. — Shortly after the penetration of the spermatozoon into the egg an aster develops in the cytoplasm near the base of the sperm head, and at the focus of the aster a centriole appears (Figs. 145, 147). The inclusion of a spermatid centriole near the nucleus during spermio- genesis and the appearance of the aster and centriole in this general region after fertilization led to the widely accepted view that the newly appearing centriole is, in reality, that of the spermatid. Whatever its origin, it soon divides into two which function in the first cleavage mitosis. These facts had much to do with the formulation of a theory of fertilization according to which the egg is not able to undergo division because of the lack of any centrosome to initiate the process, while the spermatozoon has a centrosome but not sufficient cytoplasm in which to act. Through the union of the gametes all the organs necessary for division are brought together and cleavage proceeds (Boveri, 1887, 1891). Various other theories regarding the origin of the cleavage centrioles have been propounded, some workers identifying them with those of the egg and others deriving them from both egg and sperm (see Wilson, 1925, p. 438). In practically all cases there are gaps in the known history of these centrioles. It remains to be clearly proved that the cleavage centrioles are continuous with those of either gamete, although in some cases such proof is very closely approximated. On the other hand, it has been shown that the formation of asters with centrioles can be induced in the cytoplasm by treating the eggs with certain chemicals (see p. 154), and that such structures, provided they originate near the nucleus, may divide and function in the cleavage which follows,^* This suggests that the spermatozoon may carry a substance which brings about centriole formation by the cytoplasm in normal fertilization. However this may be, the importance of the centrosome undoubtedly lies in its relation to cleavage rather than to syngamy. Cytoplasm and Chondriosomes. — In animals, as in plants, the evidence in general indicates that the cytoplasm of the male gamete is of relatively little importance in syngamy. A considerable amount of pater- nal cytoplasm is introduced in some cases {Ascaris), but in others none at all can be seen to enter. This is particularly true of such a case as Nereis, in which the middle piece and the tail remain outside the egg. These facts are of interest in connection with the suggestion of Meves (1911) that chondriosomes introduced by the sperm are responsible for the trans- mission of certain paternal hereditary characteristics. The observed behavior of these bodies during cleavage^^ does not support the theory. 34 Tharaldsen (1926), Beams (1927). 35 Van der Stricht (1902), Lams (1913), Meves (1914a). See Wilson (1925; p. 412). SYNGAMY 245 One should not, however, lose sight of the fact that cytoplasm and chondriosomes are passed from generation to generation through the egg. As will be pointed out later, much that happens in the embryo depends upon the constitution of the egg cytoplasm. That which under- goes development is a complete protoplast; no differentiation occurs without the combination of nucleus and cytoplasm, both of which are derived directly from the preceding generation through one or both of the gametes. The presence of chondriosomes in the egg and sometimes in the sperm probably indicates the occurrence of certain physiological processes as it does in other cells. Such processes may influence the course of differentiation, but there is as yet no adequate evidence that the chondriosomes act as differential factors of inheritance in any way comparable to the action of nuclear factors. Conjugation and Endomixis. — From among the many kinds of syngamic phenomena in Protozoa^*' a single peculiar example is selected for description here. Conjugation in Paramoecium, as originally shown by Maupas (1889), involves a complicated series of nuclear changes. Wilson (1900) describes these as follows: ... in Paramoecium caudatum, which possesses a single macronucleus and micronucleus, . . . conjugation is temporary and fertilization mutual. The two animals become united by their ventral sides and the macronucleus of each begins to degenerate, while the micronucleus divides twice to form four spindle- shaped bodies. Three of these degenerate, forming the "corpuscles de rebut," which play no further part. The fourth divides into two, one of which, the "female pronucleus," remains in the body, while the other, or "male pronucleus," passes into the other animal and fuses with the female pronucleus. Each animal now contains a cleavage-nucleus equally derived from both the conjugating animals, and the latter soon separate. The cleavage-nucleus in each divides three times successively, and of the eight resulting bodies four become mac- ronuclei and four micronuclei. By two succeeding fissions the four macronuclei are then distributed, one to each of the four resulting individuals. In some other species the micronuclei are equally distributed in like manner, but in P. caudalum the process is more complicated, since three of them degenerate and the fourth divides twice to produce four new micronuclei. In either case at the close of the process each of the conjugating individuals has given rise to four descendants, each containing a macronucleus and a micronucleus derived from the cleavage-nucleus. From this time forward fission follows fission in the usual manner, both nuclei dividing at each fission, until, after many generations, conjugation recurs. It was supposed for a long time that conjugation involving an inter- mixture of nuclear material from two individuals was necessary for the ^See M. Hartmann (1909, 1914), Erdmann (1920), G. Hertwig (1921), and especially Jennings (1923), Belaf (1922), Kofoid (1923), E. B. Wilson (1925), and Calkins (1926). For a diagram of conjugation in Paramcecium, see Morgan (1913, p. 6). Conjugation in Dileptus is described by Visscher (1927). 246 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY continued vigor of the race in such animals, and that without a periodic recurrence of the process the race would become increasingly senescent and finally die out. The long-continued experiments of Woodruff, Jennings, and others showed that this is not what happens. Given a properly regulated environment, these organisms will give rise to thou- sands of successive generations with no conjugation and no decline in vigor. The natural conclusion seemed to be that protoplasm does not necessarily become senescent through continued vegetative activity. The problem assumed a new aspect with the discovery of endomixis by Woodruff and Erdmann (1914). In conjugation, as shown above, the micronucleus in each individual initiates a series of three mitoses, one of the resulting nuclei passing as a gamete nucleus to the other individual, where a fusion takes place. Since some of the products of the division of the fusion nucleus become macronuclei, conjugation involves a replace- ment of the old macronucleus by material from the micronucleus, as well as the exchange and fusion of micronuclei. In endomixis, on the other hand, there is such a replacement but no exchange or fusion. For example, in Paramcecium aurelia, which has two micronuclei, it is found that after every 40 or 50 generations (by fission) the macronucleus dis- integrates in the cytoplasm, while each micronucleus undergoes two successive mitoses (rather than three). All but one or two of the resulting nuclei degenerate, those which remain later dividing to produce the new macronuclei and micronuclei. The question of whether the race can continue to live without either conjugation or endomixis has awaited answer for several years. In Paramcecium aurelia and P. caudatum the periodic recurrence of this nuclear reorganization is coincident with a rhythmic acceleration in metabolic activity, which at least in part explains the ability of these animals to maintain their vigor without conjugation. Furthermore, if endomixis ceases, the cultures die. But in other species endomixis takes place in the encysted stage or is lacking altogether, yet the metabolic rhythms occur and the race continues. This indicates some factor other than endomixis as the cause of the periodic acceleration of vital activity. The results of several researches" point to the general conclusion that neither conjugation nor endomixis is necessary for the continued existence of the race, although under environmental conditions inducing senile change both processes have rejuvenating effects. Endomixis thus resembles syngamy in its stimulative effect on metab- olism and development, but its possible relation to variation and heredity is not so clear. There is no evidence that in endomixis there is any meiotic disjunction of chromosomes in the formation of the degenerating nuclei; in fact, there are certain indications that in the process of conjuga- 3' Woodruff and Spencer (1924), Spencer (1924), E. L. Moore (1924). See especially Woodruff (1925), Calkins (1926), and Jennings (1920). SYNGAMY 247 tion disjunction occurs in the third or gamete-producing mitosis, this mitosis being the one which is lacking in endomixis. Molecular rear- rangements doubtless occur, but to what extent these may affect the constitution or action of the physical basis of heredity remains for future work to determine. The Physiology of Fertilization. — The problem of identifying the physico-chemical changes involved in the activation of the egg has been attacked through studies of artificial parthenogenesis, as well as through direct analyses of the chemical constitution of the gametes at these stages. ^^ In 1899 Jacques Loeb made the important discovery that the parthe- nogenetic development of certain animal eggs can be artificially induced. In most cases two successive treatments were found necessary; first, a brief treatment with sea water containing some permeability-increasing substance (certain fatty acids, bases, soaps, alkaloids, glucosides, and foreign blood sera) ; and, second, a longer treatment with hypertonic sea water, or oxygen-free sea water, or sea water with a trace of KCN, or low temperature. The first treatment caused the formation of a fertilization membrane, which seemed to be a condition necessary for continued development. The critical change was apparently a momentary increase in surface permeability which set in motion the developmental reactions, but in most cases the eggs became sickly and died unless given the second treatment. Loeb concluded that the spermatozoon in normal fertiliza- tion may carry two substances, one of which produces the necessary initial surface changes, even when the spermatozoon fails to enter the egg, while the other in some way acts as does the second treatment in artificial parthenogenesis. This suggestion seems less plausible in the light of Just's (1922) discovery, that normal sea-urchin larvse can be produced by treating the eggs with hypertonic solutions alone. Loeb thought the sickliness of eggs given only his first treatment to be due to a continuance of the cytolytic action begun by this first treat- ment, but F. R. Lillie pointed out the greater probability of the view that it is due to some internal cause, citing as supporting evidence certain cytological phenomena observed by Herlant in eggs activated by Loeb's method. During the healthy period (12 to 24 hours) immediately following the first treatment, Herlant (1917) observed the following changes. After the formation of the membrane and a hyaline zone, the nucleus becomes the seat of a series of conspicuous alterations. The nuclear membrane disappears, and around the chromosomes there is formed a one-poled achromatic figure but no amphiaster. The chromo- 38 For general accounts, see Loeb (1913), F. R. Lillie (1919), Lillie and Just (1924), R. S. Lillie (1923), and Gray (1931). For work on plants, see J. B. Overton (1913) on Fuciis, Tahara (1927) on Sargassum, and Popoff (1920, 1922, 1931) on somatic tissues. 248 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY somes divide but do not separate. Although the cytoplasm becomes active, no cytokinesis ensues. The chromosomes then return to the reticulate condition. This process is repeated several times, the nucleus increasing in bulk each time, but it soon becomes very irregular and the egg ultimately breaks down by general cytolysis. The second treatment in some way gives the egg the capacity to divide regularly. Morgan (1899) and Wilson had long before shown that such treatment with hyper- tonic sea water causes aster formation in the unfertilized sea-urchin egg. Herlant showed that one of these asters and a second aster formed near the egg nucleus together form an amphiaster, normal division then ensuing. Thus the breakdown of the egg after the first treatment alone appears to be related to the absence of a proper coordination of nuclear and cytoplasmic division. The second treatment produces a regula- tory effect, partly through aster formation, this resulting in normal development. Among other agencies inducing activation in certain cases may be mentioned high temperature (R. S. Lillie, 1908, 1915; Heilbrunn, 1925a), carbon dioxide (Herlant, 1920), puncture by needles, allowing gases or other substances to pass the membrane (Bataillon, 1910, and others), and release from the vitelline membrane (Heilbrunn, 19206). With respect to the effect of heat, Heilbrunn (1925a) finds a measurable increase in viscosity at temperatures inducing artificial parthenogenesis and reiterates his theory (1915) that all such activating methods produce a gelation or coagulation in the egg cytoplasm. F. R. Lillie (1913 et seq.) advanced the theory that the egg is an "independently activable system," the spermatozoon contributing neither organs nor substances necessary to activation. "The egg possesses all substances needed for activation; the spermatozoon is an inciting cause of those reactions within the egg system upon which devel- opment depends." As a result of his direct analysis of the gametes during the fertilization period, Lillie identified a substance in the egg which he called fertilizin. This substance is present in the egg for a short time only. Its formation usually begins at about the time of the breakdown of the germinal vesicle, from which it probably emanates; immediately after fertilization its production ceases. As a rule, it is only during the brief period when fertilizin is present that spermatozoa will enter the egg. Moreover, membraneless egg fragments without fertilizin are not entered. Hence it seems clear that the entrance of more than one sperma- tozoon is normally prevented, not simply by the mechanical barrier of the fertilization membrane which develops when the first sperm enters, but also by the physiological state of the egg protoplasm itself. Fertilizin has two effects: it first acts by causing an agglutination of the spermatozoa at the surface of the egg, and later causes the activation of the egg. It may thus be said to stand between the spermatozoon and the activation reactions in the egg. Being present in the egg secretion SYNGAMY 249 at a certain period, it binds the spermatozoon to the surface of the egg; and the spermatozoon, without necessarily penetrating the egg at all, releases the activity of the fertilizin within the egg, this resulting in development. In brief, the activating substance is already present in the egg and is not brought to it by the spermatozoon. It may be incited to activity by the spermatozoon but by other agencies as well. According to Woodward (1918) and Glaser (1921), the agglutinating material and the parthenogenetic agent are two distinct substances. Among other immediate physiological consequences usually following fertilization may be mentioned: an increase in permeability to oxygen, CO2, pigments, water, alkalies, vital dyes, and certain other substances; an increase in the rate of oxidation; an increase in viscosity, centering in the sperm aster; a rise in electrical conductivity; the loss of fertilizin (Lillie, 1919). Just (1920) points out that most of these changes are not incident to the fertilization reaction per se but are primarily changes bound up with the egg's division. In this connection one may be cautioned against the assumption that normal activation is complete when the spermatozoon has gained entrance to the egg. Morgan (1924/) cites the fact that, if an inseminated egg be cut into two pieces in such a way that one fragment contains the egg nucleus and the other the sperm nucleus, only the latter develops; he therefore emphasizes the inadequacy of theories of fertilization which terminate with the entrance of the spermatozoon. Conclusion. — Syngamy is a mutual process: that which undergoes development following syngamy is a zygote — the fusion product of two gametes, no matter how dissimilar these may have been in their morpho- logical and physiological differentiations. Syngamy has two important results: there is a physiological alteration with profound effects upon the behavior of the protoplasts concerned, and there is a nuclear reorganiza- tion which is no less significant. In view of the cardinal importance of the latter change with respect to current theories of heredity, it should be remembered that in the syngamic nuclear union two monoploid sets of chromosomes are brought together and form a diploid complement in the zygote nucleus; and since every chromosome of this complement divides equationally in every somatic mitosis throughout the development of the resulting individual, every nucleus in this individual contains a descendant of every chromosome originally present in the zygote.^^ As the finer details of syngamy and the significance of its results become better understood, the aptness of Huxley's (1878) often quoted simile, in which he compared the organism to "a web of which the warp is derived from the female and the woof from the male," becomes increas- ingly striking. ^' Only typical "diploid" organisms are considered here. The phenomena in "polyploid" organisms are essentially the same except for the number of chromosome sets present (see p. 339). CHAPTER XVI MEIOSIS No subject in the field of cytology is of greater importance than meiosis. This is mainly because the meiotic process affords a key to the explanation of many phenomena of development and inheritance which would otherwise be quite unintelligible ; in fact, the modern study of the role of chromosomes in heredity has largely centered about changes in nuclear constitution which occur at the meiotic period. Meiosis may therefore be taken as the starting point in our discussion of cytogenetics, which will be begun in the next chapter. As pointed out at the conclusion of the preceding chapter, each somatic nucleus in ordinary diploid plants and animals contains a complement of chromosomes made up of two intermingled sets descended by division from those brought together in the previous union of gametes. In meiosis there is accomplished what has long been referred to as "the reduction of the chromosomes." This expression has had two meanings. In the first place, it has meant the change from the zygotic to the gametic number which occurs at this time; this is haplosis, or "numerical reduc- tion." In the second place, it has been applied more specifically to the disjunction of the two members of each pair of corresponding ("homolo- gous") chromosomes present in the diploid complement, an event which constitutes the central feature of meiosis. The Stage in the Life Cycle at Which Meiosis Occurs. — Haplosis and chromosome disjunction are accomplished during the course of two nuclear divisions known as the meiotic divisions. Because of its peculiar appearance the first of these mitoses was termed "heterotypic" by Flemming (1887), while the second, which was seen to resemble a somatic division in certain features, was called "homoeotypic." Advances in our knowledge of meiosis have led most cytologists to drop these terms and to refer simply to the "first and second meiotic divisions." They are also called "maturation divisions," especially in the zoological literature. Since meiosis involves two divisions, the resulting nuclei or cells are formed in groups of four, or quartets, although it frequently happens that some members of the quartet do not function. For convenience the two meiotic mitoses will be referred to frequently in subsequent pages as I and //. In the normal life cycle of higher animals meiosis occurs at the time of gametogenesis (Fig. 148). In the male the two divisions result in a 250 MEIOSIS 251 quartet of spermatids, which then transform into spermatozoa (p. 214). In the female they result in an egg and three (sometimes only two) polocytes (p. 213). Each gamete, male or female, thus contains the reduced, or gametic, number of chromosomes. In bryophytes and vascular plants meiosis occurs normally during sporogenesis, hence the spores are formed in quartets. Each spore carries the reduced number of chromosomes, this number being retained through the development of the gametophyte and its gametes (p. 204). The conditions found in lower plants will be summarized toward the end of the chapter. ANIMAL Fig. 148. — Diagram of chromosome cycles of animals and plants. The term meiocyte may be used to designate any cell in which meiosis is initiated, whatever its origin or position in the life cycle. ^ In higher animals the meiocytes are therefore the primary spermatocytes in the male and the primary oocytes in the female. In bryophytes and vascular plants they are the sporocytes — the microsporocytes and megasporocytes in heterosporous forms. The immediate products of meiosis, i.e., the nuclei or cells formed in quartets, may be referred to as gones. Preliminary Sketch of Meiosis. — Before proceeding with the detailed description of meiosis it will be advantageous to have clearly in mind certain general features of the process without the complications which must be introduced later, and to visualize the more conspicuous differ- ^ Other terms which have been used in this sense are auxocyte (Lee, 1897) and gonotokont (Lotsy, 1904). 252 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY ences between meiosis and mitosis of the somatic type. These points are illustrated in Fig. 149. In the division of a somatic nucleus each and every chromosome of the complement divides longitudinally into two halves which come to lie in the two daughter nuclei. Both of these nuclei are therefore like the original nucleus in containing equivalent derivatives of all the chromosomes; hence somatic mitosis is said to be equational. In the prophase of the first meiotic mitosis the two members of each pair of homologous chromosomes approach each other and come into intimate association; this is known as synapsis. As a result of synapsis the nucleus contains bivalent chromosomes in the reduced number. ^ At some period during the prophase it becomes evident that each of the members of a synaptic pair is double as the result of a longitudinal split- ting. Hence each bivalent appears not simply double, but quadruple: it is a tetrad chromosome. The four members of each tetrad, two of them derived from one synaptic mate and two of them from the other, are known as chromatids.^ At the close of the first meiotic prophase, there- fore, the meiocyte nucleus contains the reduced number of tetrads. In the two meiotic mitoses the four chromatids of each and every tetrad are distributed (with or without certain alterations) to the four resulting nuclei. When the tetrads are oriented in the spindle as shown in the diagram, the two paternal chromatids are separated from the two maternal ones'* with which they have been in synapsis; this is known as disjunction, or reduction in the stricter sense. Each two associated chromatids passing to each pole constitute a dyad. When disjunction occurs in the first mitosis the second mitosis is obviously equational in character, since dyads which are then separated into single members are sister chromatids formed by longitudinal division. In some cases it is known that tetrads may be so constituted and oriented in the spindle that they divide (at least in part; see p. 265) along the plane of splitting in the first mitosis and consequently along the synaptic plane (disjunctionally) in the second. Both types of division may occur in the same cell, so that each of the two meiotic mitoses may be both disjunctional (for some elements in the chromosomes) and equational 2 This is often called "pseudoreduction." Bivalent chromosomes are sometimes called gemini (= twins). "Homologous" chromosomes in the complement are those which correspond in function (see p. 272). ^ It is customary, though somewhat awkward, to apply the term "chromosome" rather indiscriminately to single chromosomes, split chromosomes, univalents, biva- lents, multivalents, and tetrads. When the two halves (chromatids) of a split chromosome or the four chromatids of a tetrad separate from one another, each is then referred to as a "chromosome." * It is convenient to designate the chromatids in this way because the synaptic mates are ordinarily derived from the male and female gametes. It will be shown, further on, that this is not always the case, and that parental derivation is not the essential feature of "homology." MEIOSIS 253 ABC CI be ABC Abe DIAGRAM COMPARING SOMATIC MITOSIS WITH THE MEIOTIC MITOSES First column: E^u^fionoil division of a diploid somatic chromosome complement. Second column: The melotic divisions, changing the diploid to the monoploid stc^te. abC ABc Fig. 149. 254 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY (for other elements). Disjunction in I is called "prereduction"; that in //, "postreduction." It should be noted that the several tetrads in the first meiotic meta- phase are arranged entirely at random with respect to the poles toward which the paternal and maternal members are directed (see Fig. 149). All of the paternal elements may face one way and all of the maternal ones the other, or any other possible arrangement may obtain ; apparently this is wholly a matter of chance.^ Hence the distribution of chromosomes in meiosis is a random matter so far as their parental derivation is concerned. At the close of meiosis each of the four resulting nuclei has a mono- ploid chromosome group (a set) made up of one chromatid of each of the tetrads. In other words, the set comprises a longitudinal half of one member of each of the pairs of homologous chromosomes in the original diploid complement. Thus meiosis involves two nuclear divisions but only one chromosomal division. Representing the three pairs of chromo- somes in Fig. 149 by the letters Aa Bh Cc, it is found that two of the four nuclei have A and the other two a; two have B and two b; two have C and two c. It should be readily understood that the random assortment of the three pairs of parental elements makes it possible for a nucleus of the quartet to have any one of eight possible combinations: ABC, A Be, AbC, Abe, aBC, aBc, abC, abc.^ A further point should be noted. Two nuclei having A and a, respectively, may be considered to differ qualitatively according to the degree of difference between these chromosomes. If, in the meiocyte nucleus, the members of this pair are unlike (Aa), two of the quartet nuclei will differ qualitatively from the other two; whereas, if the members are alike (A A or aa) in the meiocyte, all of the quartet nuclei will be alike so far as this pair is concerned. The same holds for all of the pairs. Were the two members exactly alike in every pair, meiosis could occur without producing any qualitative differences whatsoever among the nuclei of the quartet. The essential point to be borne in mind here is that ^ The same would be true of dyads in the second mitosis in cases of postreduction. Random distribution was first demonstrated with pairs composed of dissimilar mem- bers in the orthopteran genera Brachystola and Trimerotropis (Carothers, 1913 1917). ^ These statements are made on the assumption that the chromosomes remain individually intact throughout meiosis. When homologous chromosomes exchange' portions with one another, as will be shown later, the statements will still hold for a given small region of a chromosome. When all of the chromosomes disjoin in / and divide equationally in //, as shown in the diagram, there are chromosome sets of two types in the nuclei of the quartet, each type being represented twice. When / is equational for portions of tetrads and the dyads are not oriented similarly in the two spindles at //, it is possible to have sets of four types in the quartet. Since the organism usually produces many quartets, there is abundant opportunity for the production of all possible types. MEIOSIS 255 each nucleus of the quartet resulting from the meiotic divisions contains but one member of each homologous chromosome pair, rather than two as in the meiocyte nucleus. Although qualitative differences among the four nuclei usually obtain as a result of certain dissimilarities in the homologous chromosomes, such differences are not always a necessary consequence of meiosis. The main points brought out in this section may be summarized provi- sionally as follows : In a somatic mitosis each chro7nosome of the com'plement is divided longitudinally, the halves passing to the daughter nuclei; hence these nuclei are similar to each other and to the original nucleus: somatic mitosis is equational. In meiosis each chromosome enters into synapsis with its homologue and also splits longitudinally; this gives a tetrad chromosome composed of four chromatids. The four chromatids of every tetrad are distributed to the four nuclei by the two meiotic mitoses. Each chromosome {or portion of a chromosome) is thus disjoined from its homologue in one mitosis and divided equationally in the other. Each of the quartet nuclei contains a monoploid chromosome set made up of a longitudinal half of one member of each of the original homologous pairs. The four nuclei differ qualitatively among themselves to the degree in which the various chromosomes differ from their respective homologues, and they furthermore differ from the original meiocyte nucleus in having only half as many chromosomes. In the next chapter evidence will be presented to show that meiosis involves essentially a change from the condition in which both members of a pair of corresponding genetic units are present in the nucleus to the condition characterized by the presence of but one. This change may be accomplished for all of the units at one of the meiotic mitoses, or for some units at the first mitosis and for others at the second. Detailed Description of Meiosis. — The literature pertaining to meiosis is characterized by a sharp conflict of opinion regarding the struc- tural alterations which take place, especially during the first prophase. This divergence in interpretation has been both annoying and stimulating, especially because important theoretical considerations have been involved. During the past few years some of the long-debated questions have received generally accepted answers, but other problems have arisen in their places. On the whole, very substantial progress has been made in this important field. In this section we shall describe the successive appearances presented by the nuclear elements during the process of meiosis. The course of events is naturally not precisely the same in all organisms, but the follow- ing account is found to apply very widely, at least so far as essentials are concerned. In order to avoid confusion it will still be necessary to post- 256 introduction' TO CYTOLOGY pone consideration of certain problematic matters until later in the chapter.^ As the prophase of the first meiotic mitosis begins, the reticulum of the meiocyte nucleus transforms into the diploid number of long and very- slender threads (leptonema stage) (Fig. 150, 1). These thin threads represent essentially the chromonemata of the chromosomes. Owing to their attenuation and the scarcity of enveloping substances they may show clearly their small chromomeres and other structural details. Their doubleness is a matter of debate. Although considerable evidence has been brought forward to show that in some cases at least they are already split at this time, or even in the telophase of the last premeiotic mitosis,^ the microscope in other cases reveals no trustworthy evidence of double- ness. The threads may lie without any regular orientation in the nucleus, or, especially in animals, their ends may be directed toward one side, forming what has been called a "bouquet." The leptonema threads now begin to conjugate in pairs (synapsis). This involves a series of movements which are not well understood but which in some way bring each chromosome where it can enter into close union with its homologue in one or more regions {zygonema stage). Synapsis seems to begin at certain points in the threads, notably at their ends, and then gradually to extend throughout their length. While this is in progress the nucleus may show both paired and unpaired threads; this amphitene condition is well shown in bouquets. During these stages the threads show a notable tendency to shrink and collapse into a more or less tight knot under the influence of fixatives. This shrinking is known as synizesis. In most cases it is obviously an artifact due largely to inadequate fixation of the karyolymph, but in some a certain amount ^ No attempt can be made in a work of this scope to give a complete summary and classification of all the interpretations that have been put upon the meiotic phenomena. Only enough will be presented to afford a starting point for a study of this complex subject. For a review and criticism of all views expressed up to 1910, see Grcgoire (1905, 1910). The subject may be followed further in the more recent general accounts of Agar (1920a), Doncaster (1920a), Tischler (1921-1922), McClung (1924), Wilson (1925), Belaf (1928), Reuter (1930), and Darlington (1931f/, 1932a). Useful lists of works on somatic and meiotic mitosis in angiosperms are given by Picard (1913) and Ruys (1925); see also Schiirhoff (1926). Meiosis as outlined in the following paragraphs was first described by von Winiwarter (1900), A. and K. E. Schreiner (1904 et seq.), and Marechal (1904 ei seq.) for animals; and for plants by Dixon (1895), Gregoire (1904, 1907), Berghs (1904, 1905), Rosenberg (1905, 19076, 1909a), C. E. Allen (19056c), and J. B. Overton (1905, 1909). Many of the stages have been observed in living cells: see Chambers (1924, 1925) on Dissosteira, Chodat (1924) on Gymnadenia, Lenoir (1927) on Lilium, and Belaf (1928) on Chorthippus. Recent detailed accounts of meiosis are cited in subsequent footnotes. »W. R. B. Robertson (1919, 1920, 1921, 1931a) and McClung (1924, 1927a, 1928a) on Orthoptera, Kaufmann (1926a, 1931a) and Nebel (1932) on Tradescantia and Rhoeo. The significance of these cases will be discussed later in the chapter. MEIOSIS 257 of shrinkage is claimed to be natural. Eventually the synapsis of homol- ogous threads becomes complete, and the tendency to collapse, which renders many cytological preparations worthless, is no longer so evident. 6^ (W(3 9 10 11 12 Fig. 150. — Semidiagrammatic representation of the principal stages of meiosis. 1, leptonema; threads present in the diploid number (6). 2, zygonema; synapsis of homo- logous chromosomes in progress. 3, pachynema. 4, diplonema; note chiasmata. 5, diakinesis; chiasmata fewer; matrix developed. 6, metaphase /. 7, anaphase /; tetrads separated into dyads. 8, telophase /. 9, prophase II; chromatids remain associated at spindle-attachment regions. 10, metaphase //. 11, anaphase //. 12, telophase //; each nucleus has the monoploid number (3) of chromatids. The split which is to become effective in the first postmeiotic mitosis is indicated in portions of the chromonemata in 8-12. Cf. Fig. 54. The nucleus now contains the reduced number of bivalent threads, each of which represents two homologous chromosomes in synaptic union 258 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY (Fig. 152). These threads soon undergo a marked shortening and com- monly become noticeably thicker; hence this is called the pachynema stage. The pachynema threads may lie irregularly in the nucleus, or they may retain the bouquet type of orientation for a time. In suitable preparations their bivalent nature is obvious in their distinct doubleness. Moreover, the chromomeres and other structural features show a close correspondence in the two synapsed threads: the pairing tends to be carried out very precisely, part for part. Closer examination, at least r a «^— m R Q JfJ / £" h Fig. 151. — Stages in first meiotic mitosis in Tidipa. a, zygonema (leptonema threads synapsing laterally). 6, single pair of zygonema threads, c, pachynema, d, diplonema. e, early diakinesis. /, late diakinesis. g, diakinesis, showing all of the 12 tetrads, h, early anaphase, showing tetrads beginning to disjoin into dyads, i, later anaphase. {After Newton, 1927.) i,Sv late in the pachynema stage, reveals the fact that each of the synapsed threads is double as the result of splitting. Hence each late pachynema thread consists of four chromatids; it is a tetrad. The origin of this split is very difficult to determine. It is said to appear first during late pachy- nema or in the immediately following stage by several observers,^ but others, as already pointed out, find evidence for it at earlier stages. This latter evidence falls in well with that for the presence of two chromone- mata in each chromosome in somatic telophases, but it should not be assumed without adequate evidence that the somatic and the last pre- meiotic mitoses are in all respects alike. ^ E.g., Newton (1927) and Newton and Darlington (1929) on Tulipa; Darlington (1929c et seq.) on Hyacinihus, etc.; Belling (1931a6) on Allium and Lilmm; Gelei (1921) on Dendrocoelum, Janssens (1924) on Stethophyma (Mecostethus); and Huskins (1932) on Trillium. MEIOSIS 259 The pachynema now passes into the diplonema stage, so called because doubleness in the thick threads, if hitherto obscure, now becomes plainly visible (Figs. 150, 4.; 151, d; 155, a). In each tetrad two of the chromatids widen out from the other two through the greater portion of their length, but all four tend to remain together in a characteristic manner in one or more regions. In passing along a tetrad it is often observed that at such a region the paired chromatids appear to exchange partners, thus Fig. 152. — Chromosomes of Zca Mays in prophase of first meiotic division in micro- sporocyte. a, whole nucleus, showing all of the chromosomes (in closely synapsed pairs). Chromosome III at upper right; chromosome VI attached to right side of nucleolus; (c/. Fig. 65); looped over VI is chromosome I. b, chromosome VII; note knobs, c, chromosome VIII. d, chromosome III. e, chromosome IX. /, chromosome X. Spindle- attachment regions indicated by arrows. Taken from different preparations and therefore not strictly comparable as to size. Cf. Figs. 66 and 170. {Photographs by McClintock.) constituting a chiasma. The origin and fate of these chiasmata are matters of cardinal importance with respect to the significance of meiosis, hence they will be discussed in detail in a later special section. During this stage the threads often appear markedly twisted {strepsinema condition). It should be noted that a diplonema tetrad which has several chiasmata, and therefore several successive closed or open loops in alternating vertical and horizontal planes, may present a false appear- ance of twisting when viewed under the microscope. During the 260 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY diplonema stage the threads become progressively shorter^" and pass gradually into the stage known as diakinesis, toward the end of which they become compact bodies lying well scattered throughout the nucleus. At diakinesis the tetrads differ in several respects from those seen earlier in the prophase. Their length has become greatly reduced. In certain cases it has been found that a tetrad may be only one-fifteenth or one-tenth as long as the leptonema and early pachynema threads from which it is derived. This shortening, from the time it begins in the early prophase, involves a number of characteristic alterations which are, however, not precisely comparable in all organisms. As the pachynema threads shorten, their small ("ultimate") chromomeres may group into larger ("secondary") ones (c/. p. 143). Later on, notably as the diplo- nema stage passes into diakinesis, the matrix becomes conspicuous, giving the tetrad a smoother contour. At the same time the chromonemata become more uniform in thickness and may form rather regular spirals within the matrix. "^^ In rye the chromosome shortens about one-third between diplonema and metaphase, but the chromonemata retain their original length by coiling; during metaphase the chromonemata shorten about one-third while the chromosome length remains unchanged. In other organisms, notably maize and grasshoppers, the chromonemata at diakinesis do not form very conspicuous spirals, the chromosome exhibit- ing a structure resembling that in the pachynema stage more than would be thought possible after so much shortening. This raises interesting questions regarding the transfer of materials to and from the chromosomes during these stages. The various peculiar shapes assumed by the tetrads at diakinesis are due mainly to the position of their spindle-attachment regions, which look as if they were repelling each other, and to the number and position of their chiasmata. A single interstitial (non-terminal) chiasma gives the tetrad the form of an X ; a terminal chiasma or association gives a V ; two terminal ones give an 0 ; other arrangements of chiasmata give other shapes, as can be readily seen in Figs. 150 to 156. Since long chrome- somes tend to have more chiasmata than short ones, the small tetrads of a group are in general simpler in form than the large ones. Moreover, the number of chiasmata per chromosome tends in many organisms to be reduced in passing from diplonema to diakinesis, a fact whose theoretical importance will be touched upon in a later section. Although the type of tetrad which develops is thus largely due to the chiasmata formed by the chromonemata, the matrix contributes much to its general appearance. In some tetrads, notably short ones in animal meiocytes, the matrix is 1" It is here that a "second contraction" stage is often described in accounts of meiosis. " E.g., Babcock and J. Clausen (1929) on Crepis, Sax (1930c) on Secale, Taylor (1931) on Gasteria, and Nebel (1932) on Tradescantia. MEIOSIS 261 distinct about each of the four chromonemata, so that the whole tetrad is obviously quadruple (Fig. 154). In other cases (Figs. 151, e; 156) it appears to form a common mass about any two chromonemata lying close together and not to divide until the chromonemata are separated later in meiosis. This means that such chromosomes at diakinesis are tetrads with respect only to their chromonemata.^- It has now been shown that each of the four chromonemata in the large tetrads of Zea (McClintock), Tradescantia (Nebel), and Trillium (Huskins) is longi- tudinally double in the late prophase or metaphase. This suggests either that the threads are double before synapsis, or that two splittings must occur in the meiotic prophase (Huskins, 1932a). Before proceeding further with the history of the tetrads, mention should be made of a remarkable phase through which they pass during the late pachynema and diplonema stages in many meiocytes. During the prophase of the first meiotic mitosis the cell and its nucleus usually become considerably enlarged. In case this growth continues well into the latter part of the prophase, the chromosomes may show a marked tendency to recede from their compact form toward the more finely divided condition of the metabolic stage. In the sporocytes of plants this alteration is ordinarily not noticeable; the diplonema threads may be irregular in outline, but usually they seem to pass into the diakinesis stage with little change other than shortening and thickening. In growing animal spermatocytes this modification of the threads is in some cases carried much further, so that a characteristic "diffuse stage" ensues. It is in the much more extensive "growth period" of the animal oocyte that it is most pronounced. At this time the cell increases enormously in size and develops most of the differentiation which is to characterize the egg, and as it does so the pachynema or diplonema threads become profoundly altered in appearance. They send out thready processes in all directions, assume an irregular brush-like form, and lose their basichromatic character partially or completely. These changes seem to be associated with the metabolic processes concerned in cell growth. When the growth is completed, the original staining capacity returns while the chromosomes again assume a compact form and pass into the diakinesis stage. The prophase of the first meiotic mitosis comes to a close with the development of the achromatic figure. If centrosomes are present in the cell (animal spermatocytes and the meiocytes of certain lower plants), asters develop about them in the cytoplasm. With or without an inward shrinking of the nuclear membrane the karyolymph becomes organized as a spindle figure, as already described (p. 151). The tetrads take up 12 The claim is made, however, that in some cases each of the four spiral chro- monemata is accompanied by its own individual matrix, the several matrices being in contact but not continuous (Nebel, 1932; on Tradescantia and Zebrina). 262 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY their metaphasic positions with their attachment regions in the equator. ^^ Owing to their compactness and their arrangement in a regular plane, the tetrads are easily counted at this stage if viewed from a polar direction. The anaphasic movement begins very soon. Two chromatids of each tetrad gradually move away from the other two, the movement starting at the attachment regions. As they diverge, it is observed that the chiasmata often appear to offer considerable resistance to the forces of disjunction so that the tetrads may become drawn out into strange shapes which depend upon the relative positions of the attachment regions and the chiasmata as well as upon the number of the latter. Eventually the pairs of chromatids (the dyads) become free and continue their poleward movement. Fig. 153. — Plant chromosomes in anaphase /, showing tetrad nature and shapes due to different locations of spindle attachments. {From the works of Allen, Mottier and Strasburger.) During the anaphase the two chromatids of each dyad tend to spread away from each other except at the spindle-attachment region, even before the dyads have lost their metaphasic contact (Fig. 153). To what extent this involves an actual division of the matrix or only a separation ■ of two matrices in contact is not altogether clear in many cases. In much of the older literature, particularly that pertaining to plants, it was assumed that this was actually the division of the chromosomes for the second meiotic mitosis; but it is now evident that even in such cases the tetrad chromosomes in the first meiotic metaphase are quadruple with respect to their chromonemata, and that the spreading in the anaphasic dyads represents merely the divergence of two chromatids developed at a much earlier stage. As a result of this spreading of the free ends a dyad with terminal attachment appears as a single V and one with median attachment as a double V. The division of the attachment region is presumably completed in anaphase, telophase, or later. After the two diverging groups of dyads reach opposite poles, each group usually begins the organization of a telophase nucleus at once. The 13 The suggestion has been made that if the attachment region in each synapsing chromosome is the last portion to become effectively double, the two chromatids facing the same pole at this region would be regularly sister chromatids. Whether or not this is actually the case is not known. MEIOSIS 263 extent to which the telophasic transformation is carried varies greatly in different cases. Sometimes what are essentially metabolic nuclei are formed, but probably more often the changes do not proceed far enough to render the individual dyads indistinguishable. In extreme cases, notably certain animal oocytes (Fig. 154), the second mitosis follows so closely upon the first that the dyads at the close of I, imme- diately and without any structural change, take their places in a spindle newly formed for //. The interval between the two meiotic mitoses is known as interkinesis. Ordinarily the two nuclei at this stage come to be Fig. 154. — Meiosis and syngamy in Ascaris. A, spermatozoon about to enter egg. B, spermatozoon inside; first meiotic division in progress. C, first mitosis completed; first polar body budded off. D, second meiotic division, forming second polar body; nucleus of spermatozoon below. E, meeting of male and female pronuclei, each with 2 chromosomes. F, first cleavage mitosis, showing 2 paternal and 2 maternal chromosomes. (After O. Hertwig.) fairly large, and within them the chromatids appear as somewhat slender, crooked threads associated in dyads at their spindle-attachment regions (Figs. 150, 155). Anastomoses may be more or less evident, depending on the degree of telophasic transformation. Cytokinesis follows the completion of division I in many meiocytes. In animals the primary oocyte is thus divided into a secondary oocyte and a polocyte, and the primary spermatocyte becomes two secondary sperma- tocytes. In the sporocytes of higher plants cytokinesis may follow divi- sion /, but in many cases it is delayed until after //, when the sporocyte is divided simultaneously into four spores (p. 167). In the meiocytes of lower plants various conditions are known. 264 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY In the prophase of the second meiotic mitosis the condensing chromo- somes appear characteristically in the form of threads or rods, still associated in dyads at their attachment regions but diverging widely elsewhere (Fig. 155). They thus present a marked contrast to the closely parallel halves of split chromosomes seen in a somatic prophase. By the end of prophase II their matrices have become conspicuous about their chromonemata, and as the spindle develops they take their places with their attachment regions in its equator. Often they appear con- FiG. 155. — Stages in meiosis in Gasteria. a, diplonema. b, dyad in telophase /. c, interkinesis. d, chromonema in early prophase //, showing doubleness (one chromatid), e, /, prophase 77; note association of chromatids by spindle-attachment regions, g, metaphase 77; chromonema doubled in each chromatid, h, late anaphase 77. i, telophase 77. (After W. R. Taylor, 1931.) siderably longer and more slender than in the first mitosis and hence tend to resemble somatic chromosomes in this respect. In the anaphase the two chromatids constituting each dyad move toward opposite poles, their shapes at this time depending chiefly upon the position of their attachment regions. After reaching the poles at the end of the anaphase each of the four groups of chromatids begins the telophasic organization of a nucleus which passes into the metabolic condition. Since each chromatid is now a complete and independent chromosome, it should be evident that each of the four nuclei contains a single mono- ploid set of chromosomes, the set being composed of one chromatid from MEIOSIS 265 each of the tetrads seen in the late prophase of the first mitosis. Cyto- kinesis soon ensues, giving in typical cases four cells (spermatids; egg and polocytes; spores), each with the reduced, or gametic, number of chromosomes in its nucleus. In certain cases evidence has been brought forward to show that the chromonema in each chromatid at the close of the second meiotic mitosis is already split "in preparation for" the first postmeiotic division. The time of origin of this split is difficult to determine. In Gasteria it is clearly seen in the early prophase of the second meiotic mitosis (Fig. 155, d), and its presence in the anaphase of the first mitosis is suggested. In Tradescantia it can be seen at this stage, while in Zea it has been observed in diakinesis.^^ This accords with the evidence that in large somatic chromosomes the chromonema is longitudinally doubled at least one mitotic cycle in advance of the anaphase in which separation is to occur along the plane so marked out (c/. p. 137). Whether or not this is true of the last premeiotic mitosis in forms with wholly typical meiosis is still a debated question. We shall revert to this point later in the chapter. Disjunctional and Equational Division. — It has now been shown that each tetrad chromosome appearing in the late prophase of the first meiotic mitosis is formed by the synaptic union of two homologous chromosomes which in turn are longitudinally split ; and, further, that the four chroma- tids composing the tetrad at late prophase are distributed to four nuclei (and cells) by the two meiotic mitoses. From this it would appear that one of the mitoses must be disjunctional, in that it separates synaptic mates, while the other is equational, since it separates sister chromatids. Which mitosis is to be regarded as disjunctional (reductional in the strict sense) and which as equational? The four chromatids composing a tetrad are ordinarily similar to one another in appearance when fully condensed, so that it is difficult or impossible to determine by direct observation whether the separation in the first anaphase is along the synaptic or along the equational plane. It has, however, been found in some cases, notably in certain insects, that the synaptic mates are sometimes unlike in size and hence form " heteromorphic " tetrads with two large and two small chromatids. Observations on the behavior of distinguishable chromosomes of this kind have made it possible to show that a given tetrad may divide disjunction- ally in I in some cells but equationally in others, at least in the hetero- moipiiic region. In certain species there is nevertheless a strong tendency to behave in one way rather than the other. ^^ Furthermore, since the " W. R. Taylor (1931) on Gasteria, Nebel (1932) on Tradescantia, McClintock (unpubl.) on Zea. 1^ Wenrich (1916) on Phrynotettix, McClung (1928a) on Mecostethus, Carothers (1931) on T rimer otr opts, Mecostethus, and Amphitornis. The behavior of hetero- morphic sex-chromosome tetrads, summarized by Wilson (1925, p. 753), tends to be uniform in a given species. 266 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY several tetrads in one mitotic figure may behave differently in this respect, each of the two mitoses in such cases may be disjunctional for some elements and equational for others. Taking the chromosome comple- ment as a whole, the disjunction of its homologous elements and the equational separation of their halves are complete only at the conclusion of the second mitosis. As will be shown in subsequent chapters, genetic data yield valuable evidence bearing on the distribution of chromosomes in meiosis. By such methods it can be shown, especially when the four products of meiosis can be followed individually,^^ that some pairs of genetic units segregate in / while others do so in //. There is evidence which indicates that, although some portions of a tetrad divide equationally in /, the division tends strongly to be disjunctional in the neighborhood of the spindle-attach- ment region." How such a result could be brought about by an exchange of portions between two non-sister chromatids in the tetrad will be shown in the following section on the chiasma. Certain observations suggest either that sister chromatids in the tetrad are more closely associated at the attachment region than are non-sisters, possibly because this region divides very late, or that for some other reason the non-sisters {i.e., the synaptic mates) tend to separate rather consistently in 7. To what extent this suggestion can be generalized and applied to the markedly heteromorphic tetrads mentioned above cannot be stated at present. The Chiasma. — It was once thought by some observers^* that the two homologous chromosomes entering into synaptic union fused com- pletely and then split twice along new planes to form the four chromatids of the tetrad. Subsequent investigation has shown this to be erroneous, as was claimed from the first by another group of workers. ^^ Modern cytologists and geneticists are now generally agreed that chromosomes preserve their essential identity through the period of synaptic associa- tion, at least so far as concerns those chromonematic elements which are responsible for their finer morphology and genetic functions. This statement requires one very important qualification. It is now known that frequently two of the chromatids in the tetrad exchange corresponding portions with each other, as originally maintained by Janssens (1909). Beginning with Morgan (1911a) this "crossing-over" has been regarded as the mechanism responsible for the frequent recom- ^^ E.g., the four spores of a single quartet in Sphoerocarpos (C. E. Allen, 1924 et seq.; see 1930a). " Morgan (1925), Bridges and Anderson (1925), Anderson (1925, 1929), Redfield (1930). ^^E.g., Vejdowsky (1907), Bonnevie (1906, 1908, 1911), von Winiwarter and Sainmont (1909), and H. Schneider (1914). " Berghs (1904, 1905), A. and K. E. Schreiner (1905, 1906), Marcchal (1907), Gregoire (1907, 1910), Schleip (1906, 1907), Montgomery (1911), J. B. Overton (1905, 1909), Robertson (1915, 1916), Kornhauser (1914, 1915), Wenrich (1915, 1917). MEIOSIS 267 bination of characters associated with linked genes (p. 294). That this interpretation is correct has been rendered practicaDy certain by studies on pairing chromosomes in which characteristic structural features were exchanged at the time recombinations were produced (p. 303). That such exchanges somehow involve the chiasmata observed in the tetrads from the diplonema stage onward has been strongly suspected from the first, although much of the evidence has been open to question. It is the prominent role played by crossing-over in present-day researches in the field of cytogenetics that now makes it necessary to consider the chiasma in some detail. OC ^ ^ Fig. 156. — Bivalent chromosomes (tetrads) in metaphase and early anaphase of first meiotic mitosis in Vicia faba, showing various numbers of chiasmata. First row: chromo- somes with subterminal spindle attachment. Second row: longer chromosomes with median attachment. (After Maeda, 19306.) As already explained, a chiasma is a region where the four chromatids appear to trade partners when the tetrad opens out in the diplonema stage. The number of chiasmata developing frequently varies with the length of the tetrad.^" In Hyacinthus orientalis, for example, there are commonly three in the longest tetrads (which may have as many as six), two in the medium-sized tetrads, and one in the shortest ones. In Vicia faba (Fig. 156) the commonest numbers are three in the short tetrads and eight in the long one. They appear to be located more or less at random in some species, but to be more localized near the spindle- attachment region in others. ^^ Of considerable significance is the further fact that in many organisms the number of chiasmata tends to be reduced as the tetrads develop from the diplonema to the diakinesis stage. ^^ In Callisia repe7is, for example, the six tetrads show a total of about 25 '"' Darlington (1929c) on Hyacinthus, Maeda (19306) on Vicia. Darlington (1932a) presents an extended discussion of chiasmata and their supposed significance. 21 At random in Hyacinthus, Fritillaria imperialis, and probably Tradescantia; localized in Fritillaria meleagris (Newton and Darlington 1929, 1930; Darlington, 1929c, 1930d) and Allium fist ulosum (Levan, 1933). 22 Newton (1927) and Newton and Darlington (1929) on Tulipa, Darlington (1931a) on Primula, Sax (1930cf/) on Secale and Callisia, Belling (1928a, 19316) on Lilium, Philp and Huskins (1931) on Matthiola, Erlanson (1931a) on Rosa. 268 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY chiasmata at diplonema and about 10 at diakinesis. In Rosa the mean number of chiasmata per tetrad is 2.66 at late diplonema and 1.53 at metaphase /. As a general rule each tetrad retains at least one chiasma or a terminal association through to the metaphase, indeed, it is believed by some observers that the continued association of the dyads at meta- phase is due primarily to the presence of retained chiasmata rather than to any mutual attraction existing between them at this time (Darlington). ^^ Fig. 157. — Diagram of a tetrad with one chiasma and chromatid exchange as inter- preted on the two-plane theory {A) and the one-plane theory {B). The chromatids of the two conjugated chromosomes are shown in solid lines and broken lines, respectively, and one end of each is marked with a knob. Spindle-attachment regions indicated by stippling. With regard to the origin of the chiasma, there are two principal interpretations which for convenience may be called the "two-plane theory" and the "one-plane theory" (Fig. 157). According to the two-plane theory, ^^ when the four chromatids seen in the pachynema stage open out two by two to give the diplonema condi- 23 The statistical statements in this paragraph involve the assumption that the nodes and terminal associations observed in the tetrads actually represent chiasmata. In many instances this interpretation is probably open to question. In view of genetic evidence and the behavior of small chromosomes, particular!}' in individuals with no crossing-over, it seems especially improbable that strictly terminal associa- tions at metaphase represent chiasmata (Sax, 1930rf; Reuter, 1930; Belling, 19316). ^_* Granata (1910), McClung (1914, 1924, 1927a6), Wenrich (1916), Robertson (1916), Wilson (1925), Seller (1926), B61af (1928), Sax (1930c, 1932), Newton (1927), Newton and Darlington (1929), Darlington (1929c; see, however, our footnote 26), Babcock and J. Clausen (1929). MEIOSIS 269 tion, the opening is along the synaptic plane in some portions of the tetrad and along the equational plane in other portions. Where two openings in different planes meet, the chromatids must "trade partners." When viewed from a given direction under the microscope two of the chromatids may appear to cross each other at the resulting chiasma while the other two continue more or less straight, and they are usually represented thus in conventional diagrams; but a three-dimensional model makes it clear "■>;x_- B y^ T ""--'*v«^-/' D Fig. 158. — A, tetrad with three chiasmata (abc) as interpreted on the two-plane theory. Two of the chiasmata are shown yielding chromatid exchanges (a'b'), while the third (c) separates in anaphase (third figure) without exchange. B, similar tetrad as interpreted on the one-plane theory, with terminalization: chiasma a has been terminalized to a', b has been moved to b', and c has been terminalized to c'. C, D, tetrads disjoining without chromatid exchange (two-plane theory). Spindle-attachment regions indicated by stippling. that all of the chromatids may be equally bent, the angle of view determin- ing which two appear to be crossed. If, however, there is a twist of the tetrad at the chiasma, two chromatids may be crossed and in contact while the other two are not. When opening out begins at a number of points, a diplonema tetrad may appear as a series of rings in alternating vertical and horizontal planes (Fig. 158, A). The fate of the chiasma as meiosis proceeds beyond the diplonema stage may be variously conceived on the basis of the two-plane theory. The four chromatids might contract to the diakinesis condition and move apart in the first anaphase without undergoing any exchange of portions (Fig. 158, C, D). On the contrary, the continued opening out of the tetrad in the diplonema stage and early diakinesis might impose such 270 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY strains upon two of the chromatids, especially those crossed and in con- tact, that they would find it easier to break at the point of greatest strain than to separate unbroken (A in Figs. 157 and 158). In this way they would exchange equivalent portions. ^^ Such a process would also result in genetic recombination as well as in a reduction in the number of chiasmata. It has been suggested further that such an exchange between chromatids might be caused by the resistance of chiasmata to the forces which draw the tetrads apart into dyads at anaphase. The one-plane theory-^ is essentially the "incomplete chiasmatypy" of Janssens. According to this view, the openings between the chromatids in the diplonema stage are all in the synaptic plane: the portions of two chromatids running closely parallel in any region when the tetrad first opens are always sisters {i.e., two formed by splitting of one) (Figs. 157, B; 158, B). Hence, in order to account for the characteristic arrangement of the four chromatids at the chiasma, it is necessary to assume that an exchange of portions between two of them must have occurred at this point. In other words, chiasmata regularly indicate crossing-over. How such an exchange could occur in the pachynema tetrad before its opening out is an unsolved problem." To account for the reduction in the number of chiasmata observed between diplonema and late diakinesis, Darlington postulated a process called ''terminalization."-^ This is a movement of the chiasmata away from the spindle-attachment region toward the ends of the tetrad, the four threads closing ahead of the moving chiasma and opening in the other plane behind it (Fig. 158, B). The single terminal association remaining in many tetrads at late diakinesis is accordingly regarded as a "terminal chiasma, " that is, one which has reached the end of the tetrad. 2^ According to the hypothesis of Sax (1930c) a partial twisting of the tetrad bi'ings two of its chromatids into close contact, the strains set up b}^ further twisting or unequal contraction causing a break at the point of contact. The same result could be accomplished by the forces opening the tetrad without twisting and contact, pro- vided the paired threads were meanwhile held strongly in synapsis close to the chiasma on either side, for there is evidence that broken ends of chromosomes have a tendency to reunite (McClintock, 1932c). 25 Janssens (1909, 1924), Belling (19276 et seq.), Darlington (1930c et seq.; cf. our footnote 24, p. 268), Maeda (1930a6). 27 According to the hypothesis of BeUing (19316, 1933), new longitudinal connecting strands develop between successive daughter chromomeres formed by division in the pachynema stage, such strands forming at half-twists in the threads being so arranged that they join portions of different chromatids. If the two strands forming the cross lie in the same plane {i.e., on the same side of the tetrad considered as a regular bundle of four chromatids), the chiasma is said to be "direct"; whereas, if they lie in different planes (on different sides of the tetrad), it is said to be "oblique." The chromatids "crossed" at the chiasma are unchanged, while those running straight are the exchanged ones. 28 See especially Darlington (19296) on Tradescantia and (1931a) on Primula; also (1931d, 1932a), where observations of other investigators are interpreted on this basis. MEWS IS 111 Comparisons indicate that different species often show different character- istic amounts of terminaUzation, some having almost none while others show only terminal associations at the end of the prophase. Cytological and genetical evidence is as yet not sufficiently critical to permit a confident decision between the two rival interpretations of the chiasma. Various phenomena have been held to conform better to the one-plane theory ^^ or to the two-plane theory, ^° but none of them can be regarded as really decisive. What is needed is a series of observations of such a nature that less dependence upon personal judgment will be necessary. Direct evidence has been sought in the behavior of hetero- morphic tetrads, in which the two chromatids of one synaptic mate differ visibly from those of the other. In Aloe the opening is regularly in the synaptic plane in the heteromorphic region (Belling, 19316). Also, in strains of Zea having large terminal knobs on two of the four chromatids the opening appears always to be in the synaptic plane at the ends carrying the knobs. Since such knobs are masses of substance extending beyond the ends of the other chromatids, and since they show a decided tendency to stick together at various stages, it is quite possible that they prevent an opening in the equational plane which might other- wise occur. Tetrads with more minute grades of heteromorphism, particularly in non-terminal regions, may be expected to yield more trustworthy evidence on this point. But even here caution will be necessary in determining along which plane a tetrad first opens in any given region, because terminalization, if this occurs in the cases studied, would separate regions of chromatids originally together and vice versa. Favorable cytogenetic material should yield an answer to the question of whether it is chromatid exchange, or terminalization, or both of these processes, which reduces the number of chiasmata during the later por- tion of the prophase, and to a considerable extent clarify our notions of the mechanism of genetic recombination. Before proceeding further it will be well to point out the fact that according to either the two-plane or the one-plane theory a tetrad with one original chiasma and exchange of parts consists of two chromatids altered by the exchange and two unaltered ones. Since these four chromatids are distributed to four nuclei by the two meiotic mitoses, two of these nuclei contain each a chromosome with its original coristitution, while the other two contain each a chromosome made up of portions of the two synaptic mates (Fig. 157). This is a point of cardinal importance with respect to the discussions of genetical problems in subsequent chapters. 2* Configurations in trivalent, quadrivalent, and catenated chromosomes (Belling, 1929; Darlington, 1930crf, 1931e), interlocked tetrads (Belling, 19316; Catcheside, 19316), aspects in pachynema stage (Gelei, 1921; Belling, 1931a). '" Genetic data in Drosophila (Sax, 1932; Beadle, 1932). See also S. Emerson and Beadle (1932) and Beadle and Emerson (1932). 272 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY It may be added that when there are several chiasmata in a tetrad the same two chromatids are not necessarily involved at all of them. This creates a more complicated situation, but it should not be allowed to obscure the principle just illustrated with a simpler tetrad. The state- ment emphasized above still holds for the region about any one chiasma in a more complex tetrad. It should now be clear why, as a general rule, neither of the two meiotic divisions is wholly disjunctional or wholly equational in character. Even if it be held that the first mitosis is regularly disjunctional for the spindle- attachment regions of the chromosomes, it is evident that this mitosis must be equational for certain other regions when chiasmata and chroma- tid exchange are involved. The conclusions stated at page 255 should now be reread in the light of the foregoing discussion. The Synaptic Reaction. — The forces bringing about synapsis ordi- narily begin to manifest themselves in the early prophase of the first meiotic mitosis and operate for a comparatively brief period. In certain exceptional cases pairing is evident during the closing phases of the last premeiotic mitosis and may become so intimate that it looks much like synapsis. ^^ Pairing has sometimes been reported in the spermatogonia several cell generations before meiosis.'^ Again, cases are known in which a tendency to associate loosely in pairs is shown in some measure in the somatic cells. In extreme examples the pairing occurs directly after the gametic chromosome sets are brought together in syngamy and persists throughout development. This is notably true of the Diptera, as shown especially by Metz (1916a et seq.) (Figs. 71, 196). A tendency toward such a paired arrangement, but no actual synapsis, has frequently been reported in somatic cells of plants. Reports of a "late synapsis" taking place at diakinesis are frequent in the literature. It has been shown in some such cases^^ that this is probably "a secondary coupling that has been preceded by a typical synapsis at the usual time and a subsequent deconjugation" (Wilson). The two chromosomes which undergo synapsis to form each tetrad are the corresponding members of the two monoploid sets composing the diploid complement. They are "homologous" not only because of their ultimate common origin but also in the sense that they perform similar roles in the life of the organism. More specifically stated, they somehow influence similar groups of functional reactions during the development ^^ Asilus (Metz and Nonidez, 1921), Drosophila (Metz, 19266). See also Mont- gomery (1901) on certain Hemiptera, Sutton (1902) on Brachystola, M. Blackman (1903, 1905) on Scolopendra, and Dublin (1905) on Pedicellina. 32 Certain Hemiptera and Ascaris (Montgomery, 1904, 1905, 1908, 1910), Alytes (Janssens and Willems, 1909), Helix and Sagiita (Stevens, 1903; Ancel, 1903), certain Diptera (Stevens, 1908, 1911), and Pediculus (Doncaster, 19206). ^^ Lepidosiren (Agar, 1911), Rhodites (Hogben, 1920a), Cyanotis (Rau, 1930). See Wilson (1925, p. 563). MEIOSIS 273 of the organism and presumably after maturity. Their effects on the course of development may or may not be precisely the same, but they differ regularly in certain important respects from those exerted by the other chromosomes of the complement. As a consequence of this influ- ence on developmental reactions, the two homologous chromosomes are responsible in some measure for the appearance of morphological and physiological characters which are the results of those reactions. Very little is known concerning the nature of the physical and chemical reac- tions through which the chromosomes thus influence development, and still less can be said about additional roles they presumably play in the metabolic activity of the mature organism. It will be seen in the follow- ing chapter how researches in the field of cytogenetics have established firmly the theory that a given chromosome influences the development of a certain group of characters because it is composed in part of a certain number of semiindependent elements known as genes. In the terms of genetics, therefore, homologous chromosomes carry similar groups of genes. Ordinarily the two members of a homologous pair are about alike in size and form, so that in many diploid chromosome complements they can be readily recognized on this basis (Figs. 67, 69). Sometimes they exhibit certain differences, some of which can be shown to bear a relation to differences in function. An extreme case of this is seen in the sex- chromosome pair in many animals and plants. Moreover, non-homol- ogous chromosomes are often alike so far as the eye can tell. Hence it becomes unsafe to depend upon size and form alone as criteria of homology. The most reliable cytological criterion of homology is normal synapsis itself. Caution is nevertheless necessary in using it, for it has been found that a number of agencies may induce a partial or complete failure of synapsis (asynapsis) on the part of chromosomes known to be homol- ogous.^'* The chromosomes may sometimes synapse in the megasporo- cytes but not in the microsporocytes. Cases are even known in which asynapsis behaves as a recessive Mendelian character. It should be pointed out that absence of pairing in late prophase and metaphase alone should not be accepted unconditionally as evidence of asynapsis, for the chromosomes may sometimes synapse as usual and then separate before the end of the prophase. Such absence of pairing may therefore indicate desynapsis ("deconjugation") rather than true asynapsis (" non-con juga- ^^ E.g., Abnormal temperatures (Belling, 1925a, on Uvularia; Sakamura and Stow, 1926, on Gagea; Stow, 1926, 1927, on Solarium; and others); a recessive Mendelian gene (Beadle and McClintock, 1928, and Beadle, 1930a, on Zea; Schwemmle, 1928, on (Enoihera); X-rays (Goodspeed, 19296, on Nicoiiana); nutritional differences in anthers and ovules (J. Clausen, 19306, on Viola); genetical conditions affecting pairing in hybrids (Kihara, 1929c; Karpechenko, 1930). See further footnotes in Chap. XIII. Synapsis is often deficient in plants with more than two homologues (p. 355). 274 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY tion")- This point has been especially neglected in many investigations of meiosis in hybrids. Recent studies have shown clearly that normal synapsis is due primarily to an interaction of small homologous portions of the two chromosomes rather than of the chromosomes as wholes (Gelei, 1921). Evidence for this is not easy to obtain in normal diploid organisms, but it is inescapable in certain other types to be dealt with in later chapters. A striking case is afforded by a strain of maize in which a small portion of one of the homologues has been "deleted." At the time of synapsis the normal chromosome pairs closely with the deleted one along the regions present in both of them, while the region having no counterpart in the deleted chromo- some extends laterally as an unpaired loop (Fig. 182, c). Moreover, it sometimes happens that an exchange of segments between non-homolo- gous chromosomes gives rise to a condition in which two regions of one chromosome are homologous respectively with two different chromosomes. Synapsis occurs here between homologous parts and results in a group of three or more chromosomes. Again, a small free fragment of a chromosome tends to synapse at the proper time with the portion of the chromosome with which it would have paired. It is now a workable hypothesis that the synaptic reaction occurs synapsed with one of the primarily between "homologous" genes, or others. All three are closely i, ■■, -ii-- tj. •••j. associated at the spindle- between substauces m their immediate vicmity, attachment region. {From a the Synaptic pairing of whole chromosomes thus preparation by McClintock.) -u • j.i. ix ^ r xi j. x- being the resultant oi the separate synaptic reactions of their many constituent genes. There is reason to believe further that the synaptic reaction is one which occurs characteristically and fully between two elements only at one time at a given locus in the chromosomes concerned. This is indi- cated in an interesting way by synaptic behavior in polyploid plants, which have more than two chromosomes of a kind.^^ In triploid tulips or maize, for example, all three of the homologues come near to one another, but the intimate synaptic union appears characteristically between two only in a given region (except often at the spindle-attachment point) (Fig. 159). The third one may be synapsed with either of them at ^^ M. Lesley (1926) on Lycopersicum, Newton and Darlington (19276, 1929) on Tulipa, Darlington (1929c, 1930c, 1931a) on Hyacinthus and Primula, McClintock (unpubl.) on Zea. Fig. 159. — Trivalent chro- mosome in early meiotic pro- phase in Zea. Note that any one of the three members had it never bccomc free. shows clearly its two chro matids only where it is not MEIOSIS 275 another region; or, if the two are synapsed throughout their length, the third may remain free altogether. The genetic evidence in triploid Drosophila also indicates such behavior. These phenomena suggest that the "synaptic force" operating at any region in the homologues is somehow "exhausted" when two members are intimately synapsed, so that the third member cannot establish synaptic union with them at this region. Chemical and electrical analogies naturally come to mind, but nothing is known about the precise nature of the forces concerned. That synaptic "attraction" exists primarily between pairs of elements is suggested further by the opening out of ordinary bivalent tetrads at the diplonema stage. After the longitudinal doubleness of each synaptic mate becomes complete and obvious, whatever the time of its inception, the four chromatids "fall apart" into pairs except at chiasmata, as if the forces tending to hold the threads together could now operate between any two of them but not between all four. It is largely upon phenomena of this character that certain current theories of the origin and causes of meiosis have been based. The suggestive hypothesis advanced by Darlington (see especially 193 Ic^ and 1932a) may be stated briefly as follows. During their pro- phasic contraction, chromosomal threads normally show a strong tend- ency to be associated in pairs. When the contraction begins in somatic mitosis the threads are already double as a result of splitting,^" so that this tendency is already satisfied. In the meiotic prophase, on the con- trary, the contraction begins before the splitting; hence the tendency to be double is satisfied by the synapsis of the threads in pairs. After the paired threads become split in the late pachynema stage, this pairing becomes superfluous and the tetrad opens out to give the diplonema con- dition, the split threads remaining associated only at chiasmata until anaphase. Meiosis is thus conceived to be due to a precocious prophasic contraction of the chromosomes, this precocity being in some way asso- ciated with unusual features of the preceding interphase. An alternative hypothesis is that advanced by Huskins (1932a). This author accepts the evidence that the chromosomal threads may split one mitotic cycle in advance of their separation in somatic divisions and therefore contends that the event which initiates the meiotic process is the suppression or retardation of splitting during the last premeiotic division, rather than the precocious contraction in the meiotic prophase. As a result of such suppression, which is probably due to the peculiar physiological state of the cells at this period, the leptonema threads of the meiotic prophase are single until after the contraction and synapsis begin and must therefore undergo their splitting in the pachynema stage. ^^ ^^ Darlington assumes the splitting to take place in the metabolic stage and rejects the evidence for its earlier occurrence. ^^ As already pointed out, Huskins finds the metaphase tetrads of Trillium to have four double chromonemata. Hence the synapsing threads are thought to split twice 276 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY Huskins points out that those organisms in which the chromosomes are reported to be split in the premeiotic telophase (p. 256) are either forms with incomplete synaptic pairing or with no crossing-over, suggesting that such doubleness is actually a hindrance to normal meiosis. This is in accord with his observations on the inverse relation between splitting and pairing in certain speltoid wheats and fatuoid oats. It is interesting to speculate upon the possible relation between the synaptic "attraction" and the later "repulsion" which is suggested by the behavior of the chromatids in diplonema and anaphase, but such specu- lations have as yet little of a definite nature to support them. Attempts to identify the immediate causes of meiosis and especially its origin in the evolution of organisms can yield little of value until many other questions have been answered by reliable observation. / Fig. 160. — At left: Zea chromosome II folded back upon itself in meiotic prophase; spindle-attachment region near one of the folding points. At right: Zea chromosome VIII eynapsing with a homologue having a portion of one of its arms inverted; see Fig. 170. {After McClintock, 1933.) That synapsis is not solely a matter of gene homology, but is influ- enced by some condition pervading the nucleus or cell generally, is indicated by derangements of synapsis caused by abnormal cultural conditions or by a single Mendelian gene (p. 273). It is also strikingly shown by the fact that non-homologous parts of chromosomes are some- times observed in a close association to all appearances like that of homol- ogous parts (McClintock, 1932a, 1933; on Zea). For example, when an "interchanged" chromosome synapses with other chromosomes with which it is in part homologous (pp. 329 to 333), the association which begins between homologous parts may sometimes extend along the threads in such a way as to bring non-homologous parts together. Fur- thermore, a single chromosome normal in other respects may fold back upon itself at various levels, one portion thus entering into close associa- tion with the other (Fig. 160). Such association usually disappears before diakinesis. It is rightly emphasized (McClintock, 1932c) that in the meiotic prophase, the first of these being the split which was delayed from the premeiotic mitosis and taking effect in division //, while the second is that taking effect in the first postmeiotic division. MEIOSIS 277 synapsis is influenced by a considerable group of factors, including gene homology, a tendency to form pairs, and peculiar conditions at chromo- some ends. It is successful and wholly "normal" only when the actions of the various factors are so correlated as to permit homologies to be completely satisfied. When the normal relationship of the several influences is disturbed, as in structurally unbalanced types especially, a variety of unusual results may be expected. Not only do these phenomena bear upon our hypotheses of synaptic attraction, but they raise fundamental questions regarding the role they probably play in the production of translocations, deficiencies, and other modifications of the chromosome complement of significance in the alteration of species. They further serve to emphasize the importance of a knowledge of the finer morphology of the individual chromosomes in the interpretation of the phenomena of meiosis. Much that has been written about meiotic chromosome configurations must be reevaluated in the light of critical evidence of this kind. Meiosis in Lower Organisms. — In the foregoing account of meiosis only higher plants and animals have been considered. This section will summarize briefly the conditions in lower groups, with special reference to the stage in the life cycle at which meiosis occurs. The statements should be compared with those made in the preceding two chapters regarding the other reproductive phenomena in these groups. Among the Protozoa, ^^ the matter of chromosome organization and behavior in many groups is very obscure. In others, however, definite chromosome numbers and meiotic phenomena essentially like those in higher organisms have been demonstrated. In most species with a permanent union of gametes the vegetative stages have the zygotic chromosome number, and haplosis occurs in connection with gameto- genesis,^^ as in Metazoa (Fig. 161). In the infusoria, which have a tem- porary union of cells known as conjugation (see p. 245), meiosis occurs in the first two divisions of the micronucleus just prior to the formation of gamete nuclei.''" In a few sporozoa the vegetative stages have nuclei with the gametic number of chromosomes, meiosis taking place in the zygote after the fusion of the sexual nuclei.^' In one of these, Aggregata eberthi, the monoploid set is made up of one long, one short and four medium-sized chromosomes. There is also genetic evidence that in the phytoflagellate Chlamydomonas meiosis occurs in the zygote (Pascher, ^ See Minchin (1912), Jennings (1920, 1929), Calkins (1926), and Belaf (1926). '' E.g., ActinosphcBrium eichhomii (R. Hertwig, 1898b) and Aciinophrys sol (Schau- dinn, 1896; Belaf, 1922). The paper by Belaf is especially noteworthy. '^'^ Opercularia (Enriques, 1907, 1908), Chilodon (Enriques; MacDougall, 1925), Carchesium (Popoff, 1908), Uroleptus (Calkins, 1919), Oxytrichia (Gregory, 1923), Euplotes (Turner, 1930). For further cases, see Calkins (1926, p. 518). *^ Aggregata eberthi (Dobell and Jameson, 1915), Diplocystis schneideri (Jameson, 1920). 278 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY 1916c). Meiosis with spore formation is reported in Paradinium (Chat- ton, 1927). Turning to the myxomycetes, it seems that meiosis accompanies the formation of the spore nuclei, a fusion of nuclei in the Plasmodium having preceded the process. ^^ In Plasmodiophora brassicce, according to Prowazek (1905), the Plasmodium breaks up into uninucleate masses Fig. 161. — Meiosis and syngamy in Actinophrys sol. In each of the copulating indi- viduals meiosis occurs, after which one of the resulting nuclei unites with a similar one from the other individual. (From Minchin, after Schaudinn.) which fuse in pairs and become spores with two nuclei each. These nuclei in two mitoses give off "reduction nuclei," leaving two sexual nuclei which then fuse. In this species, therefore, the sexual nuclei are the only reduced ones in the cycle. The green algse, formerly supposed to show "zygotic" meiosis exclu- sively, are now known to have other types also. Three general categories may be distinguished: haplonts, diplonts, and diplohaplonts.*^ As ^"^Ceratiomyxa fOlive, 1907; Jahn, 1908), Trichia and Arcyria (Kranzlin, 1907), Didymium (Skupiehski, 1928; genetic evidence). "Terms introduced by Svedelius (1915, 1931). Haplonts are sexual plants in which only the zygote has the zygotic chromosome number. Diplonts are sexual plants in which only the gametes have the gametic number. Diplohaplonts are those with an alternation of two generations having the gametic and zygotic numbers respec- tively. For general reviews of reproduction and alternation of generations in the algse, see Bonnet (1914), Janet (1914), Oltmanns (1922-1923), West (1927), and G. M. Smith (1933). Davis (1916) gives a convenient summary of the life histories of the red alga}. Svedehus (1931 ) and Knight (1931 ) discuss and diagram the various life cycles in Rhodophyceae and Pha;ophyceae, respectively. Dodge (1914) compares the cycles of red algse and ascomycetes. For further discussions, see Tansley (1912), Buder (1916a), Kylin (19166), Renner (1916), Fritsch (1916), and Svedelius (1921, 19276, 1931). MEIOSIS 279 representatives of the first category may be cited species of Spirogyra (Karsten, 1908; Trondle, 1911), Zygnema (Kurssanow, 1911), Coleo- chcete (C. E. Allen, 1905c), Cylindrocystis (H. Kauffmann, 1914), Volvox (W. Zimmermann, 1921), and Ulothrix (I. Gross, 1931; Lind, 1932). These plants have the gametic chromosome number and undergo meiosis in the first two mitoses in the zygote (Fig. 162). In a number of other genera, such as (Edogo7iium, Sphceroplea, and Closterium, in which the chromosomes are not so well known, it is probable that the same condition exists, since the zygote upon germination gives rise with considerable regularity to four cells or nuclei; in some cases {(Edogonium) the four cells are zoospores. It has recently been discovered that some of the green algae are diplonts. Here the somatic cells have the zygotic chromosome number, which is reduced at the time of gametogenesis, i.e., meiosis is "gametic." Fig. 162. — Behavior of nuclei and plastids in zygospore of Spirogyra. A, second meiotic mitosis in S. calospora. B, four nuclei resulting from meiotic divisions in S. longata. C, degeneration of three of the four nuclei after meiosis in S. longata. D, degenera- tion of plastids contributed by "male" gamete in S. neglecta. (After Trondle, 1911.) In this category are the coenocyte genera Codium and Acetabularia (M. Williams, 19256; Schussnig, 19286, 19306). There is also some evidence that Vaucheria may have gametic meiosis (Mundie, 1929). Of even greater interest are the forms with two well-marked genera- tions in the life cycle. Here the gametes are borne on plants with the gametic chromosome number and the spores on other morphologically similar plants with the zygotic number; meiosis occurs at zoosporogenesis. Known examples are Enteromorpha and Chcetomorpha (M. Hartmann, 1921, 19296, 19306), Cladophora (Schussnig, 19286; Foyn, 1929; Higgins, 1930) and Ulva (Foyn). Furthermore, it appears that in these cases the sexual plants are dicEcious. Among the Charales, meiosis in the germinating zygote has been described for Char a by Oehlkers (1916). In another form at first thought to be a species of Nitella, Tuttle (1924, 1926) reported haplosis in the apical cells of the oogonia and antheridia, which would make the vegeta- tive body a diplont rather than a haplont. In the oogonium the four cells resulting from meiosis were shown to be strikingly like the egg and polocytes of animals. On the contrary, Karling (1926) and Lindenbein 280 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY (1927) find no haplosis in the antheridia of Nitella gracilis, Chara aspera, and other representatives of the group. In the diatoms^^ the bilaterally symmetrical Pennatse and the radially symmetrical Centricae have been said to be characterized respectively by gametic and zygotic meiosis, but observations in the latter group are scanty and at least one exception to the rule is known. In Surirella saxonica, a pennate form, meiosis occurs at the time of conjugation. In each individual the nucleus divides to four, reducing the chromosome number, after which one of the four unites with one from the other indi- vidual as the cells fuse. The fusion product is an auxospore (Karsten). In Corethron valdivice, a centric type, the behavior of the nuclei suggests the occurrence of chromosome reduction in the germination of the zygote, which in this case is formed by the union of motile gametes (Karsten). Biddulphia sinensis, however, resembles pennate forms in having gametic meiosis (Schmidt). Among the brown algae, many of which exhibit a well-marked alterna- tion of generations, meiosis occurs in most cases in sporangia on plants with the zygotic chromosome number. In some groups the spores are motile,'*^ whereas in others they are non-motile tetraspores.^^ In Fucus the vegetative body has the zygotic chromosome number, but it produces gametes instead of spores. Meiosis occurs in the early divisions in the oogonia and antheridia. "^^ Hence Fucus is a diplont with a life cycle closely similar to that of animals. It is the opinion of some algologists {e.g., Svedelius) that spores have been replaced by gametes in Fucus through a progressive abbreviation of the gametophytic phase. Among the red algae^^ two principal conditions are known. In Scinaia and Nemalion, meiosis occurs in the zygote. There are then developed gonimoblast filaments and carpospores with the reduced chromosome number, these spores in turn developing into new plants which retain this number. In Polysiphonia and several other forms meiosis does not take place in the zygote, but the carpospores develop into plants with the zygotic number. Meiosis eventually occurs in tetra- sporangia on these plants, the resulting tetraspores producing plants with the reduced number. ^^ See especially Klebahn (1896), Karsten (1900, 1904, 1912), P. Schmidt (1923, 1927a6), Geitler (1927a6c, 1928a6c, 19296, 1931), and von Cholnoky (1928, 1929). *^ Cutleria-Aglaozonia (Yamanouchi, 1912), Zanardinia (Yamanouchi, 19136), Ectocarpus (Kylin, 1918), Pylaiella (Knight, 1923), Egregia (Myers, 1928), Stypocaulon (Higgins, 1931). « Dictyota (Mottier, 1900; J. Williams, 1904a), Padina (Williams; P. Carter, 1927). Zonaria (Haupt, 1932) has more than four spores. *' Yamanouchi (1909) on Fucus; Kunieda (1926) and Okabe (1929) on Sargassum. ^ Yamanouchi (1906) on Polysiphonia; I. F. Lewis (1909) on Griffithsia; Svedelius (1914a6c, 1915) on Nitophyllum, Delesseria, and Scinaia; Cleland (1919) on Nemalion; Yamanouchi (1913c, 1921) on Corallina; Mathias (1928) on Callithamnion. For a summary, see Svedelius (1931). MEIOSIS 281 Very little is known concerning nuclear behavior in the phycomycetes, largely because of the minuteness of their nuclei. According to Woycicki (1927), meiosis in Basidioholus ranarum occurs when the zygote nucleus divides, three of the four nuclei then degenerating. Kniep (1930) reports an alternation of gamete-producing and spore-producing plants in Allomyces javanicus. Here reduction probably occurs in the "resting *^' - 'laa! f Fig. 163. — "Double reduction" in Pyronema confluens. a, prophase in germinating spore, showing 6 chromosomes, b, vegetative hypha. c, nuclei in tip of ascogenous hypha, showing 12 chromosomes, d, first meiotic mitosis in ascus, showing 24 chromo- somes disjoining into groups of 12. e, metaphase of second mitosis. /, metaphase (below) and anaphase (above) of third mitosis, showing 6 chromosomes passing to each pole. {After Gwynne-V aughan and Williamson, 1931.) cells" producing zoospores from which the gamete-producing individuals arise. In the ascomycetes meiosis occurs in the mitoses by which the fusion nucleus in the ascus gives rise to the nuclei of the ascospores. The chief question at issue concerns the nature of the third mitosis, for ordinarily eight spores are formed. Most observers'*^ have contended that meiosis is completed in the first two divisions; but it has also been claimed by some investigators^" that a further " brachymeiosis " is accomplished in *8 Maire (1905a) on Galactinia, Faull (1905, 1912) on Hydnoboliles and Laboul- benia, P. Claussen (1912) on Pyronema, W. H. Brown (1909, 19116) on Pyronema confluens and Lachnea, Bagchee (1925) on Pusiularia, E. Schultz (1927) on Peziza. Researches on ascomycetes are reviewed by Atkinson (1915). ^ Fraser (1907, 1908) on Humaria; Fraser and Welsford (1908) on Otidea and Peziza; Fraser and Brooks (1909) on Lachnea; Carruthers (1911) on Helvetia; Gwynne- Vaughan and Williamson (1930, 1931, 1932) on Humaria, Pyronema confluens, and Ascobolus; Tandy (1927) for some asci in Pyronema domesticum. 282 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY the third mitosis, such a double reduction being required by the two nuclear fusions supposed to occur in the life cycle (see p. 230) (Fig. 163). A compromise is suggested by Tandy, who reports that only some of the sexual nuclei fuse in the ascogonium, so that the ascogenous hyphse have both monoploid and diploid nuclei and give rise to asci in which the definitive nucleus is therefore sometimes diploid and sometimes tetra- ploid. In diploid asci, meiosis is accomplished in the first two mitoses, whereas in tetraploid ones three mitoses are required to produce mono- 6 7 8 9 10 Fig. 164. — Meiosis in basidium of Cortinarius cinnamomeus. 1, two nuclei in young basidium. 2, fusion nucleus. 3-5, prophases of division 7; four bivalents. 6, early anaphase I. 7, telophase I. 8, telophase //; four chromosomes in each group. 9, four spore nuclei still in basidium; sterigmata forming. 10, mitosis in one of the four spores. {After Wakayama, 1930a.) ploid spore nuclei. An interesting light is thrown upon this problem by the fact that segregation of Mendelian factors (hence presumably of homologous chromosomes) in the asci of Neurospora occurs in either of the first two mitoses but not in the third (B. O. Dodge, 1927 et seq.; Lindegren, 1932, 1933). In the basidiomycetes, meiosis follows immediately upon the fusion of nuclei, which ordinarily occurs in the basidium or its homologue. In hymenomycetes, the fusion nucleus subdivides twice to form the nuclei of the four basidiospores (Fig. 164), which thus carry the reduced chromosome number.^^ Cases are known in which no fusion occurs in the basidium, two spore nuclei being formed without meiosis (Bauch). In " Sappin-Trouffy (1896), Juel (1898a), Holden and Harper (1903), Maire (19056), Guilliermond (1910), Kniep (1911, 1913), Levine (1913), Lindfors (1924), Bauch (1926, 1927), Wakayama (1930o) and others. MEIOSIS 283 the rusts, meiosis ordinarily occurs as the fusion nucleus in the teliospore divides to form the four nuclei of the sporidia.^^ Meiosis in bryophytes^^ and vascular plants takes place in the divi- sions produci-ng the nuclei of the spore quartets. Conclusion. — From the foregoing account it may be concluded that meiosis is a process which probably occurs in some form in all nucleated organisms reproducing normally by sexual means. Haplosis in some form is obviously a necessary consequence of syngamic nuclear fusion. The view long current that synapsis is itself a sexual process, the "cul- mination of fertilization," is, however, rendered less easy of acceptance by what has been ascertained regarding synapsis (1) in polyploids and hybrids, where the synaptic mates are often from the same gamete, (2) in certain parthenogenetic organisms, and (3) between different parts of the same chromosome, exceptional as this may be. Theorizing on this subject will be more profitable when more has been learned about the forces actually concerned in the "attractions" of cells, nuclei, chromo- somes, and their constituent elements in the life cycles of different organisms. The cell in which meiosis is initiated (the meiocyte) may be a sporo- cyte, a gametocyte, a zygote, an ascus, a basidium, or some other cell; but whatever the relative position of syngamy and meiosis in the life cycle, these two cytological crises are events of the highest significance with respect to the reproduction of the organism. The following chap- ters will deal with phenomena of heredity exhibited chiefly in successive generations of plants and animals reproducing sexually; hence, if the essential features of chromosome behavior in the two cytological crises are not borne clearly in mind, these chapters will not be intelligible. 62 W. H. Blackmail (19046), Dietel (1911), Fitzpatrick (19186), Colley (1918), and others. See Arthur (1929), Gaumann-C. Dodge (1928), B. O. Dodge (1929a), and Jackson (1931) for accounts of the various types of life cycle in rusts. 63 Farmer (1894, 1895) and A. C. Moore (1903, 1905) on Pallavicinia; B. M. Davis (1899, 1901) on Anthoceros and Pellia; Walker (1913) and Vandendries (1913) on Polytrichum; Melin (1915) on Sphagnum; C. E. Allen (19176, 1919) and Schacke (1919) on Sphorrocarpos; Florin (1918a) on Chiloscyphus; Blair (1926) on Reboulia; Heitz (1928o6) on Pellia; Lorbeer (1924, 1927) on Anthoceros, Sphcerocarpos, and Pellia. The cytology of bryophytes is reviewed by Motte (1929). CHAPTER XVII CHROMOSOMES AND MENDELIAN HEREDITY Since the beginning of the present century the study of the role of the chromosomes in heredity has been a major activity in biology. The primary stimulus for such investigation came in the discovery that the behavior of the chromosomes through the life cycle, particularly at syngamy and meiosis, afforded an unmistakable clew to an explanation of Mendel's laws of inheritance, which were rediscovered in 1900. Before turning to the special evidence for the chromosome theory of heredity, however, attention should be given to certain more general matters. Development and Heredity. — The problem of individual development and that of racial heredity can never be wholly divorced. It should be obvious that the course of ontogenetic development depends upon the organization of the protoplast with which it begins, i.e., upon the type of protoplasmic system concerned, and also upon the environmental agencies which influence its action. The problem of development is, therefore, to ascertain in what manner intrinsic and extrinsic factors, together composing a single interacting system, operate to produce the succession of changes which constitute ontogenesis: it is a problem per- taining primarily to the individual. But any inquiry of this nature soon leads beyond the individual life cycle to a consideration of the race and hence to the problem of heredity. The protoplasmic organization upon which the course of development so largely depends is itself an inheritance from the past; indeed, the most fundamental fact which cytology has contributed to the study of heredity is that the protoplasm of successive generations is genetically continuous. These generations pass through the same general series of ontogenetic stages and thus tend to develop similar characters for the reason that the protoplasm with which each ontogenetic cycle begins is of essentially the same constitution by virtue of this continuity. Most characters are not literally "transmitted" but are redeveloped in each generation. Generations may be regarded as periodic developments of a persistent, though not unchangeable, proto- plasmic system: the physical basis of heredity is protoplasm. It is not solely with resemblances that heredity is concerned. The non-appearance of Mendelian characters in certain generations according to definite rules, and hence the frequent unlikeness of parent and offspring, are known to be just as dependent on the operation of intracellular mechanisms as is the regular appearance of such characters in every 284 CHROMOSOMES AND MENDELIAN HEREDITY 285 generation. Even wholly new variations permanently affecting the germinal constitution and thus modifying the characters of subsequent generations are supplementary, rather than opposed, to heredity. In the general process of heredity we witness the results of processes occur- ring in a protoplasmic system which, though it maintains a specific type of organization through successive generations, undergoes minor alterations which modify the characteristics of the race. Hence it may be said that heredity is the occurrence of related hut not necessarily identical conditions, events, or characters in successive generations of organisms as a consequence of their protoplasmic organization. From these considerations it follows that the problem of heredity which confronts the cytologist is that of ascertaining in what respect resemblances and differences in the characters manifested by successive generations are correlated with similarities and dissimilarities in the organization of the protoplasts with which the successive developmental cycles begin, and how such constitutional conditions arise. Search is to be made for a mechanism which remains comparatively stable as it operates through regularly recurring ontogenetic cycles, and yet under- goes orderly alterations of a kind which will help to account for the observed phenomena of heredity and variation, as well as to approach an understanding of evolutionary advance. The method followed in such studies is mainly that of altering the cytological constitution of the organism and observing the effect of this upon the inherited characters. Such alterations may be induced by various means, but the one which concerns us in this chapter is that of crossing individuals unlike with respect to cytological or external charac- ters and noting the results in following generations. In this way valuable evidence is gained regarding the cytological basis of the inheritance of those characters in which the individuals may differ. The Role of the Nucleus. — The hypothesis that "the nucleus of the cell is the principal organ of inheritance" was suggested by Haeckel in 1866. Cytological evidence in support of this view was brought forward by a number of workers who described the behavior of the nucleus in the various stages of the life cycle, particularly in somatic cell-division, syngamy, and meiosis (p. 441). Of special interest was the discovery by 0. Hertwig and Strasburger that in animals and plants the two nuclei which fuse in the process of syngamy are derived from the two gametes and hence from the two parents. Since it was only in their nuclei that the gametes appeared structurally alike in higher organisms, and since inheritance from the two parents in general seemed to be equivalent, Haeckel's hypothesis was advanced to the rank of a theory, and it was not long before the nucleus was assigned a monopoly in hereditary transmission. 286 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY Subsequent researches have shown that the characters in which cross- able organisms may differ and which appear in successive generations according to Mendehan rules may be "transmitted" equally by the two parents, and that their development depends in a special way upon the nuclear organization of the gametes and hence of the zygote (or other cell with which development begins). This analysis of the role of the nucleus has been possible because the nucleus contains a relatively small number of visible bodies, the chromosomes, whose distribution in succes- sive cycles can be readily traced, so that the effects of their behavior can be stated in simple mathematical terms. The success of the method has led some workers to extend the nuclear theory to all heredity, and to consider the cytoplasm as little more than an adaptive, nutritive medium for the chromosomes. It is clear that the nucleus does not deserve this monopoly of the responsibility for all hereditary phenomena. Cases are known in which certain characters are obviously due to the constitution of the cytoplasm and may be influenced unequally by the two parents (Chapter XXV). Breeding data indicate clearly a causal connection between chromosomes and Mendelian differences; but since the crosses made must necessarily be narrow, relatively speaking, they yield little evidence as to the basis for the inheritance of those characters which are always the same in the crossed individuals.^ It is to be remembered that in all cases the cyto- plasm is an essential component of the system which undergoes develop- ment and produces the characters; in fact, it is mainly in the extra-nuclear portion of cells that characters are differentiated. The cytoplasm, even though it may be derived from but one parent, obviously is concerned in, and conditions, the reactions which eventuate in inherited characters, and this cytoplasm must not vary in constitution beyond certain limits. Hence the "physical basis of heredity" in a fundamental sense is the whole protoplasmic system concerned in development, although the course of certain developmental reactions and therefore the appearance of certain characters may be correlated with peculiarities in the organiza- tion of the nucleus. The nucleus is not an arbitrary determiner of development: it rather contains a set of conditioning or differential factors which somehow influence in particular ways the developmental processes in the protoplast of which they are an integral part. Evidence for this special influence of the nucleus will now be presented.^ 1 Cf. Gates (1915a6), Johanssen (1923), and Winkler (1924). 2 For accounts of Mendelism and the chromosome theory, see Morgan (1919a, 1925), Morgan et al. (1922, 1925), Walter (1922), Sirks (1922), Castle (1924), Wilson (1925), D. F. Jones (1925), Sinnott and Dunn (1925), Babcock and Clausen (1927), Goldschmidt (1928a), Stern (1928), Belaf (1928a), Baur (1930), Ekman (1930), Pun- nett (1927), M. Hartmann (1929a), and Sansome and Philp (1932). Matsuura (1929) summarizes researches in plant genetics for 1900-1925. English translations of Mendel's classic paper may be seen in Jour. Roy. Hort. Soc. 26 (1901), Bateson's CHROMOSOMES AND MENDELIAN HEREDITY 287 Examples of Mendelian Heredity. — Mendel crossed plants of a pure-bred race of tall peas (6 to 7 feet in height) with plants of a pure- bred dwarf race (% to 1^ feet in height) (Fig. 165). All the plants of the first filial generation {F^) were tall like one of their parents. When these tall hybrids were self-pollinated (or bred to one another), it was found that the second generation {F^) comprised individuals of the two grandparental types, tall and dwarf, in the proportion of 3:1. It was further found that the tall individuals of this generation, though alike in visible characters, were unlike in genetic constitution: one-third of them, if bred for another generation, produced nothing but tall offspring, showing that they were "pure" for the character of tallness; whereas the other two-thirds, if similarly bred, produced again in the next genera- tion both tall and dwarf plants in the ratio of 3:1, showing that they were hybrids with respect to tallness and dwarfness. The dwarf plants of the second generation {F^ produced nothing but dwarfs when inter- bred: they were "pure" for dwarfness. From these facts it was evident that the plants of the F2 generation, although they formed only two visibly distinct classes, were in reality of three kinds: pure tall individuals, tall hybrids, and pure dwarfs, these kinds occurring in the ratio of 1:2:1. It should be understood that the above ratios merely indicate the probability of obtaining the various types through chance combinations of gametes. If the population is sufficiently large, the ratio is approached rather closely; sometimes it is equalled exactly, even in a small population. The ratios, then, represent a statistical result. The explanation offered by Mendel for these phenomena may be stated briefly as follows. The germ cells produced by the pure tall plant carry something (now termed 2i factor, or gene, represented in Fig. 165 by T) which tends to make the resulting plant tall. The germ cells of the dwarf plant carry something {t) causing the dwarf condition. In the first hybrid generation (Fi) both factors are present, T coming from one parent and t from the other, but T "dominates" and prevents the expression of the "recessive" t so that the plants of this generation are all tall. When the hybrid (Fi) produces germ cells, the two factors for tall- ness and dwarfness segregate, half of the gametes receiving T and the other half t. Each gamete therefore carries either one or the other of the two factors in question but never both; it is "pure" either for T or for t. This segregation in the germ cells of factors associated throughout the soma is the central feature of the entire series of Mendelian phenomena and is often referred to as Mendel's first law. Since the gametes, both male and female, produced by the hybrid plants of the Fi generation are of two kinds (half of them bearing T and half bearing t), four combinations Mendel's Principles of Hetxdity and the first two editions of Castle's Genetics and Eugenics. 288 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY r^ T T PAREMT5 r^ XX /\ /\ 00 00 CAMtTLS F, Tt T t GAMtTES / \ /\ 0000 Fig. 165. — A typical example of simple Mendelian heredity. In a cross between pure tall and pure dwarf peas, tallness is dominant over dwarfness in the first filial generation (Fi). In the second filial generation (Fi) tall plants and dwarfs occur in the ratio 3:1. At the right is shown the distribution of factors for tallness (T) and dwarfness (t) through these generations. The letters T and t may also be considered as representing a homolo- gous pair of chromosomes. CHROMOSOMES AND MEN DELI AN HEREDITY 289 are now possible: a T-sperm with a T-egg, a T-sperm with a ^-egg, a /-sperm with a T-egg, and a /-sperm with a /-egg. These four combina- tions result respectively in a tall plant (pure dominant, TT), two tall hybrids {Tt), and a dwarf plant (pure recessive, //). It is obvious that in the long run these three types will tend to occur in the ratio of 1:2: 1. The pure tall individuals and the tall hybrids in F^ are ordinarily distinguished from each other by the "back-cross test. " It will be readily seen that when a pure tall plant {TT) is crossed with the pure recessive type (//), all of the offspring will be tall {Tt); whereas, when a tall hybrid {Tt)\s crossed with //, half of the offspring will be tall {Tt) and half will be dwarf (//). MlRAfilLU JALAPA Fig. 166.— Inheritance of flower color in Mirabilis. See text. {Adapted from. Correns.) The Mendelian proportion of hybrids and pure types is perhaps better illustrated by characters in which dominance is imperfect or lacking. In Mirabilis jalapa, for example, the hybrids are more or less intermediate with respect to flower color and are easily distinguishable from the pure parental types (Fig. 166). When plants bearing pure crimson flowers are crossed with those bearing pure white flowers, the hybrid plants of the Fi generation have magenta flowers. When these hybrids are bred among themselves, the resulting F2 generation comprises plants of three visibly different types: pure dominants with crimson flowers, hybrids with magenta flowers, and pure recessives with white flowers; and these types tend to occur in the ratio of 1 :2:1.^ Mendel's researches on peas included also a study of six other pairs of heritable characters (now known as allelomorphic pairs), the two ^See further Kiernan and White (1926) on this case. 290 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY members of each pair behaving toward each other in a manner similar to that described above for tallness and dwarfness. He further observed that the seven pairs were entirely independent of each other in inheritance. For instance, smoothness and wrinkledness of seeds were allelomorphic characters, and either of them was transmitted as often with tallness as with dwarfness in crosses involving both pairs of characters. This independence of the various pairs of factors was set forth in Mendel's second law. The law held for the seven principal pairs studied by Mendel, but it has since been learned that many pairs are not thus independent, as will be pointed out below. Terminology. — We may here introduce certain terms prominent in the literature of genetics. The genotype is the entire assemblage of genetic factors, or genes, which the organism actually possesses in its constitution, irrespective of how many of these may be expressed in externally visible characters; or, it is a class of individuals with the same genetic constitu- tion. The phenotype is the aggregate of externally visible characters, irrespective of any other factors, unexpressed in characters, which may be present in the organism; or, it is a class of outwardly similar individuals. For illustration: in the case of the tall and dwarf peas there are in the second generation {F2) three genotypes (with respect to the single char- acter pair discussed) : TT, Tt, and tt, represented, respectively, by pure tall plants, tall hybrids, and dwarfs; but there are only two phenotypes: tall and dwarf, because the complete dominance of tallness over dwarfness renders the hybrids externally indistinguishable from the pure tall individuals. Thus one phenotype (tall plants) here includes individuals with two genotypic constitutions, and the two can be distinguished only by a study of their progeny. In Mirabilis, however, there are represented in the F^ generation not only three genotypes but also three phenotypes, since incomplete dominance renders the hybrids externally unlike either of the pure forms. Practically, a phenotype is a class of individuals which look alike, and a genotype is a class of individuals which breed alike (Castle). An individual is said to be homozygous for a given allelomorphic factor pair if it has received the same type of factor from the two parents — a pea, for example, with the constitution TT or tt. If it has unlike members in the pair, such as Tt, it is said to be heterozygous. It may be homozygous for some allelomorphic pairs and heterozygous for others, or it may conceivably be either homozygous or heterozygous for all of its factors. Thus an organism with the genotypic constitution AABbcc is homozygous for the factors AA and cc and heterozygous for Bh. It is a pure dominant with respect to A and a, a pure recessive with respect to C and c, and a hybrid with respect to B and b. The phenotypic appearance of the organism is here determined by the dominant factors A and B and the recessive c. It is a common practice to represent dominant CHROMOSOMES AND MEN DELI AN HEREDITY 291 factors by capital letters and their recessive allelomorphs by the corre- sponding small letters. The C5rtological Basis of Mendelian Heredity. — The history of the chromosomes through the critical stages of the life cycle, as more fully described in the chapters on syngamy and meiosis, must be recalled at this point (see Figs. 148 and 167). Each parent furnishes the offspring with a set of individually different chromosomes, the two sets (represented in Fig. 167 by A BCD and ahcd) together constituting the diploid comple- ment present in all of the nuclei of the new individual. When gametes (or spores followed later by gametes in the case of higher plants) are to be formed by this individual, descendants of the homologous chromosomes of FEETILIZATIOH Union of simplex groups CLEAVAGE Duplex groups ABCO abed SOMATIC DIVISIONS Duplex groups Aa Bb Co Dd SYHAPSI S GERM CELLS Simplex groups Fig. 167. — Diagram of chromosome cycle. (After E. B. Wilson, 1913.) the two gametic sets conjugate in pairs (synapsis). In one of the meiotic divisions the two members of each pair disjoin and come to lie in different nuclei. In the other meiotic division the chromosomes divide equation- ally. The result of the two meiotic divisions, therefore, is a group of four gametes (or spores), two of which differ from the other two with respect to any given chromosome pair : two of them have derivatives of A while the others have derivatives of a, and so on for all the other pairs. The chromosomes of the diploid complement are in this way assorted into monoploid sets, each gamete (or spore) having a set made up of one member of each of the pairs. This set represents the contribution made to the following' generation. - , It is of importance to recall also that the various pairs of chromosomes are independent of each other as regards their orientation in' the mitotic figures and hence in their distribution to the daughter nuclei (p. 254). 292 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY As a result a given gamete (or spore) in an organism with four pairs of chromosomes may have any one of 16 possible monoploid combinations (Fig. 168)." It will be observed at once that the distribution of the chromosomes through the life cycle and successive generations is precisely like that of the Mendelian factors. Two groups of factors are brought together in syngamy and are associated in the body of the offspring. In the germ cells the factors of each allelomorphic pair segregate and pass to different WW© Aa Bb Cc Dd Fig. 168. — Diagram showing the 16 gametic combinations formed by four independent heterozygous pairs of factors. {After E. B. Wilson, 1913.) gametes (or spores). The factors and the chromosomes alike form a duplex group in each somatic nucleus and a simplex group in each gamete (or spore) : both chromosomes and factors are aggregated in syngamy and segregated in meiosis. The precise nature of the parallelism is seen not only in the factor and chromosome groups as wholes but also in the indi- vidual pairs. When a single pair of chromosomes, for example Aa in Fig. 167, is followed through successive cycles, it is seen that there is an exact parallelism between the distribution of a given homologous pair of chromosomes and that of a single allelomorphic pair of Mendelian factors. This is just the condition that should result if the two factors are present * The possible number of different monoploid gametic combinations and of diploid zygotic combinations after self-fertilization (or crossing with an exactly similar individual), when each chromosome pair shows some degree of heterozygosity, may be readily calculated. Where n = the number of pairs, the number of gametic combinations is 2" and the number of zygotic combinations is 3". If two individuals differing in all their chromosomes are crossed, there will be 4" possible kinds of com- binations in Fi and 10" in F., (see Winge, 19196). CHROMOSOMES AND MENDELIAN HEREDITY 293 as units of some kind in the two members of the pair of chromosomes. In the disjunction of these members in meiosis is recognized a cytological mechanism adequate to accomphsh the factorial segregation underlying Mendel's first law. In Fig. 165 the symbols T and t may be taken to represent either a pair of factors or a pair of chromosomes. The same is true of the letters in Fig. 167. The cytological basis for Mendel's second law is seen in the inde- pendent distribution of the various chromosome pairs. Different factor pairs are independently distributed, as Mendel held, if they are associated with different chromosome pairs ; but this will not be the case if they lie in the same pair. The discovery of "linkage," to be described below, has accordingly made necessary an important qualification of Mendel's second law, but this has served to show even more strikingly the significant relation between chromosome behavior and Mendelian heredity. Mendelian studies are often rendered more difficult by a number of phenomena which tend to alter the characteristic ratios obtained. It frequently happens that among sister individuals with unlike genie combinations some do not proceed far with development, so that an expected class may be partially or wholly absent from the progeny. The germination of pollen grains with certain combinations is also sometimes deficient; even when all the grains germinate it may be found that the pollen tubes carrying certain combinations outgrow the others and so reach all or most of the ovules before the slower tubes arrive. Further- more, there are known a number of "lethal factors" which in certain combinations retard or prevent development at certain stages, notably in the gametes and zygotes. As would be expected, occasional abnormal chromosome behavior results in abnormal ratios also. Because of these phenomena there is often a marked "developmental selection" which favors the multiplication of certain genetic types at the expense of others. In such cases the analysis of the genetic data becomes a more complicated problem, but in this analysis the fundamental assumptions regarding the association of chromosomes and factors are found to be adequate.* Linkage and Crossing-over. — When two pairs of Mendelian char- acters are due to differential factors located in different chromosome pairs they are inherited independently, that is, either character of one pair has an equal chance of appearing with either character of the other pair because of the independent distribution of the two chromosome pairs. On the contrary, when their differential genes are located in the same chromosome pair, certain character combinations tend to appear much 5 Buchholz and Blakeslee (1922, 1927a, 1929, 1930ac, 1932) on Datura pollen tubes; Buchholz (1922) on developmental selection in general; Brink and MacGillivray (1924), Brink (19256, 1927a), Brink and Burnham (1927), Mangelsdorf (1929), Brieger (1926), Nishiyama (1928) and D. F. Jones (1928) on selection among pollen and male gametes. For lethal factors, see Muller (1917, 1918), Li (1927), B. M. Davis (1923), and Morgan et al. (1922). 294 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY more frequently than others. Such linkage of genes and of characters is well illustrated in the following case in Drosophila (Fig. 169). Two well-known characters in Drosophila cultures are black body and vestigial wings. Each of these is a recessive character, appearing in a fly only when the gene has been received from both parents in the reces- sive condition h or v. In the dominant conditions B and V these genes produce, respectively, normal gray body and normal long wings. When a fly, homozygous for both dominant factors, is mated to one with all of the corresponding factors recessive, the offspring all have normal body and .^/ ^ B^' V >*r M b V N^ B b 83 % V B b Back- cross b b \!^. Fig. 169. — Linkage in Drosophila. One pair of somatic chromosomes in each fly is represented by parallel lines; chromosomes in gametes represented by diagonal lines. For explanation, see text. {Adapted from Morgan et at., 1922.) wings, because of the dominance of B and V over h and v, respectively. If the females of this Fi generation are back-crossed to the homozygous recessive, flies of four types appear in the next generation: gray-long, black-vestigial, gray- vestigial, and black-long. Those flies with the original combinations (gray-long and black-vestigial) together comprise 83 per cent of the total number; only 17 per cent are of the new types (gray- vestigial and black-long). It thus appears that if the two charac- ters, gray body and long wings, are "contributed" to the offspring by the same parent, they tend to appear together in the majority of the individ- uals resulting from the back-cross; in other words, they are "linked." This is explained by the fact that the differential genes concerned are located in the same chromosome. The same is obviously true of the allelomofphic characters, black body and vestigial wings: their genes are CHROMOSOMES AND MEN DELI AN HEREDITY 295 also carried in the same chromosome. Hence in the Fi fly one chromo- some of a certain homologous pair carries B V, while the other carries 6 v, and they tend strongly to continue into the next generation in these conditions. Were the two pairs of genes in question, B b and V v, carried by different pairs of chromosomes instead of in the same pair, there would be no linkage: the two characters, gray and long, and likewise the two characters, black and vestigial, would then be exhibited together in the next generation by about 50 per cent of the flies, the chance frequency, rather than 83 per cent. We have next to inquire into the origin of the new combinations appearing in 17 per cent of the flies after the back-cross. In the original female both chromosomes carry B V; hence every egg has this combina- tion. The male has & t; in both chromosomes of the pair; hence every sperm has 6 v. All flies in Fi will therefore have B V in one chromosome of the pair and 6 ?; in the other; they are heterozygous for both pairs of genes. When the females of the Fi generation mature their eggs, the two chromosomes disjoin in meiosis so that half of the eggs carry one and half the other. If the chromosomes are passed along unaltered, no new combinations appear in the next generation. Now let it be supposed that in some of the oocytes'' two non-sister chromatids exchange portions at some point between the two pairs of genes in question. This will mean that some eggs will carry unaltered chromosomes {B V) (b v) while others will carry altered ones (B v) (h V). Fertilization of these four classes of eggs by sperms carrying b v will obviously result in flies of four classes, two of which are of new kinds. This mutual exchange of corresponding portions of homologous chromo- somes, which may result in such recombinations of linked characters, is known as crossing-over. The percentage of recombinations appearing depends upon the proportion of the oocytes in which chromatid exchange occurs between the two pairs of genes. If it occurs in every oocyte, 50 per cent of the resulting flies should show the recombination (other things being equal), since two normal and two altered chromatids result in any one cell. From this it can readily be seen that the frequency (17 per cent) of recombination in the above example is due to the fact that the proper chromatid exchange occurred in but 34 per cent of the oocytes. Such crossing-over between pairs of genes linked in various degrees is a phenomenon occurring generally in plants and animals, although in some cases, notably in the males in Drosophila, it is absent.^ * That crossing-over occurs in the primary oocytes rather than in earUer or later cells is shown by the work of Plough (1917) and Gowen (1929a, 1933). ^ Huettner (1930) reports that in Drosophila males synapsis is incomplete and of brief duration, but that the meiotic mitoses are otherwise normal. Other works on meiosis in Drosophila are those of Huettner (1924), Metz (19266), League (1929), Guyenot and Naville (1929), and Woskressensky and Scheremetzewa (1930). 296 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY It should be pointed out that if the original cross in the foregoing example had been made between a fly homozygous for black-long and one homozygous for gray-vestigial, these combinations would have appeared in about 83 per cent of the F2 individuals after back-crossing to a pure recessive, while gray-long and black-vestigial would have formed about 17 per cent of recombinations because of crossing-over. In other words, one combination is as likely to appear as another in a long series of generations, barring detrimental effects which may attend one of them. The condition rather arbitrarily called "normal" is usually the one which is most prevalent in healthy flies; sometimes it is the one which happens to be observed first. Because the Mendelian factor pairs so far outnumber the chromosome pairs, it is evident that each of the chromosomes must carry a consider- able number of genes. Extensive researches on linkage relations in various plants and animals have brought out the fact that the genes and hence the Mendelian characters fall into linkage groups, the members of each group being linked to one another in various degrees but showing independent assortment with the members of other groups. Moreover, when the linkage relations of enough genes are known, it is found that the number of such linkage groups in an organism is the same as the number of its chromosome pairs. This is well illustrated by Drosophila melano- gaster and Zea Mays, the two organisms concerning whose genetic behavior our knowledge is most advanced. In Drosophila melanog aster there are four pairs of chromosomes; pair I is rod-shaped, pairs II and III are longer and bent, and pair IV is very small (Fig. 196). The genes in this species fall into four linkage groups, and it is noteworthy that three of the groups are large while the fourth comprises only a very few known genes (Morgan, Muller, Sturtevant et al.). In Drosophila Willistoni there are three chromosome pairs and three linkage groups (Metz) and in D. obscura five pairs and five groups (Lancefield) . In Zea Mays, where there are normally 10 pairs of chromosomes, 10 linked groups have been identified (Emerson et al.). In Pharbitis Nil, which has 15 pairs of chromosomes, there have been identified 10 groups and several independ- ent factors probably representing the five other groups (Imai, Hagiwara). It is an interesting fact that Mendel, in his classic researches on Pisum, which has only seven chromosome pairs, happened to select for special study seven pairs of characters evidently belonging to as many different linkage groups and so did not detect the phenomenon of linkage. In view of such facts, it is possible to look upon a chromosome as a body containing a definite group of genes which influence the development of a definite group of characters; but it is not to be concluded from this that the chromosome in question is solely responsible for these characters. Assignment of Linkage Groups to Chromosomes. — The first character found to be definitely associated with a distinguishable chromosome was CHROMOSOMES AND MENDELIAN HEREDITY 297 that of sex (McClung). In certain insects it was observed that one pair of chromosomes was markedly different from the others in appearance and behavior; moreover, the two members were unUke in size, so that they could be followed through successive generations. Furthermore, males and females were observed to differ with respect to this chromosome pair, females commonly having two large ones {XX) while the males had one large and one small {XY). In some species the Y was absent altogether, so that the two sexes were characterized by different chromosome num- bers. The logical conclusion that this chromosome pair exerts a special influence upon the sex of the organism has since been borne out in a large number of unisexual animals and plants. In typical cases this "sex- chromosome" mechanism tends to produce equal numbers of males and females in each generation. A number of characters other than sex were seen to be linked with sex in inheritance, so that their genes were assigned to the sex-chromosomes. Such genes are said to be "sex-linked. " These topics will be discussed further in Chapter XXIII. The studies of Morgan and his associates on Drosophila melanogaster have shown that pair I, which is heteromorphic in the male, has a special influence on sex determination and carries a considerable group of genes for sex-linked characters. Pair IV, the smallest of the group, carries the very small linkage group, as was shown particularly well by occasional flies which had one too many or too few of these small chromosomes. The two large linkage groups were accordingly assigned to the two large chromosome pairs, and it has since been demonstrated that the slightly longer pair carries the genes of the "third" linkage group (Dobzhansky, 1929a6). In Zea Mays the 10 chromosomes of the monoploid set (and hence the 10 pairs) can all be distinguished on the basis of their size and structure (McChntock, 19296, 1932c). It has now been possible to identify each linkage group worked out by Emerson and his associates with one of these 10 chromosomes (Fig. 170). This has been accomplished largely through a study of occasional "trisomic" plants. In such plants one of the members of the set is present in triplicate in the somatic cells while the nine others are in duplicate as usual ; hence at the time of meiosis some spores, and therefore gametes, receive one member of the "trisome" while others receive two. From this it follows that any characters due to genes in the triplicate chromosome should appear in abnormal proportions in successive generations, while other characters should at the same time appear in normal Mendelian ratios. The method is, therefore, to deter- mine genetically which characters give "trisomic ratios" when the plants are bred, and to observe cytologically which chromosome of the .set is present in triplicate in the somatic cells and in duplicate in some of the microspores. In this way it was found that in a strain of maize with an extra chromosome, number X (the smallest of the set), an aleurone color 298 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY due to the gene R showed trisomic ratios while characters in other linkage groups showed ordinary ("disomic") ratios. Hence this gene and other genes of the same linkage group are carried by the smallest chromosome of the normal set (McClintock and Hill, 1929, 1931) (Fig. 66, d). In Datura stramonium, which ordinarily has 12 pairs of chromosomes, similar studies on trisomic strains have led to the assignment of certain genes to certain distinguishable chromosomes. In this species each of the 12 chromosomes produces, when present in triplicate, a characteristic m TS "21 •sn vnr TL \ O P as br f oin B sk ■tsi cr de* V2 oX ^j J dl Goi bm msj ra msg tS4 TS51 bv Y V5 bal sa Pr PI gli Ai Ta ys sm Bn ygz c sh VI 12 3' P9' Fig. 170. — Diagram of chromosome set of Zea Mays, showing the relative lengths and the location of the spindle-attachment regions (cross lines) in the 10 members. Inversions and translocations sometimes cause variations in these features. Chromatic knobs appearing in one or more of the chromosomes of certain strains are also indicated. Below the chromosomes are some of the genes which they carry. Cf. Figs. 171, 66, and 152. (Based on diagrams and data of McClintock, Emerson, and others.) appearance in the plant which may be readily recognized in the breeding plot (Belling, Blakeslee). Such results as these serve to emphasize the fact that the chromosome set is a definitely differentiated system, each member containing a group of elements with specific effects upon the course of development and therefore upon the characters which appear in the organism. Location of Genes in the Chromosome. — That the genes of a given linkage group are arranged in a definite linear order in the chromosome was first clearly shown by the extensive researches on linkage relations in Drosophila. It was observed that some factor pairs were closely linked, i.e., crossing-over occurred between them very rarely; whereas, other pairs were more loosely linked, as shown by the consistently high frequency of crossing-over between them. The hypothesis was advanced CHROMOSOMES AND MEN DELI AN HEREDITY 299 that the frequency with which crossing-over occurs is a function of the actual distance apart of the factor pairs in question (Sturtevant, 1913). In other words, the farther apart two pairs of genes he, the greater the chance for a crossover to occur between them. It was assumed that when flies showed 1 per cent of recombinations after a back-cross, the two pairs of genes concerned were one "unit" apart in the chromosome, and so on for other percentages. Certain refinements have since been made in this hypothesis, but linkage studies in many organisms, together with inn O + P 0+ baz O-l-oij W m "vn VTTT TX. 26 - -CIS 55 61 98 125 V4* 21 -|-sk 29-- B br 59 -7Q -L C^ /o- -oin 79 3t 32 -A92*30-- gk 61 --d Igi 79 --cr 17 • - TSc: "bcii 49 -134 Gen O+ys 0-foil O + Bn 0 4--I1 9 --pr 22 ■ - bt%. . . sii 30 - - bv 36 58 --Ta 6t - -V2 69--gij '■■TP 13 - -po 14 - - ro( 24 biTii 54 G9 »2 7 -\ Y 20 91,20 ■J Of yg2 0 15 PI 26--V5 frz in 37 64- -sm py P93 si VO) bp R g' 33 - - nl gs fi '^5 pgz mS} na 5? St sc Bh V8 tn fi oleie V12 gm4 re4 ygi niS| s, V7 w, W7 52 - -wx 60- -V, CIU2 w„ 5 Vis df M l2 u u V18 biTifl sr Fig. 171. — Linkage map for Zea Mays, showing the arrangement of the genes as deter- mined genetically. The length of the lines does not indicate actual chromosome length; cf. Fig. 170. The position of genes marked with asterisks is only approximate. The genes below the lines are known to belong to the linkage groups indicated, but they have not yet been assigned to definite loci. {After R. A. Emerson, 1933.) evidence from translocations of portions of chromosomes (see next chapter), have given it striking confirmation. The method of determining the relative position of genes by studying their linkage relations may now be illustrated with a case in Zea (Fig. 172). In chromosome pair II there are, among others, the following pairs of genes = Lg Ig, for liguled vs. liguleless leaves; B b, for more intense vs. less intense plant color; Sk sk, for normal vs. silkless ears. Between Lg lg and B h (region a) the percentage of recombination was found to be 28.6, so that these pairs of genes were assigned to loci 28.6 units apart in the "map" of the chromosomes. Between B b and Sk sk (region |8) the 300 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY percentage was 6.9, so that Sk sk had to be placed this number of units from B h. Either of two positions was possible for Sk sk: to the right or to the left of B h. Obviously a choice between these positions might be made if the percentage of recombination between Lg Ig and Sk sk were known. This turned out to be 34 ; hence Sk sk was assigned a position farther away from Lg lg than was B b. The relative position of the three pairs of genes was thus established. It will be noted that the percentage of recombination between Lg lg and Sk sk is somewhat less than the sum of the percentages shown in regions a and /3. This is due to the fact that two crossovers sometimes occur between widely separated genes in the same chromosome pair. Thus two exchanges between Lg lg and Sk sk would leave the same genes linked, one crossover neutralizing the effect of the other. Since all three gene pairs were studied simultaneously in the above experiment, it was Lg 6 Sk , cc y3 1-9 b Sk Fig. 172. — Diagram of linkage relations of certain genes in chromosome II of Zea Mays. The four lines represent portions of the chromatids of a synapsed pair. See text. (After data from M. M . Rhoades.) possible to show that crossing-over had actually occurred simultaneously in regions a and j3 in 11 out of the 1,392 cases. Because of such "double crossing-over," the map distances often exceed the percentages of recom- bination for widely separated genes. The observed percentages of recombination due to random crossing- over between the four chromatids of a tetrad approach 50 as a limit since only two of the four chromatids are altered by any one exchange (Emer- son and Rhoades, 1933). In well-developed chromosome maps like those of Zea and Drosophila (Figs. 171, 173) it will, however, be noted that map distances may exceed 100 units. This is because the map is built up by adding the distances between closely linked genes and not by observing directly the recombination percentages for widely separated genes. It does not take account of such modifying influences as double crossing- over. Hence the map distances represent actual recombination per- centages only for rather closely linked genes (not more than about 10 units apart in Drosophila) . It will accordingly be observed that the map distance between "black" and "vestigial" in the second chromosome is 18.5 units, whereas the percentage of recombination is 17, as shown in Fig. 169. CHROMOSOMES AND MEN DELI AN HEREDITY 301 I(X) 0. o± O.t ■, 0.3 ^06 \ I 1.5 \|3. 13.i 4.5 \ 5.5 \6.9 ;^5 137 - - \I6.± -- \l.t 20. 21. 27.5 T 27.7 n m lY yellow CB) Hairy wing (W) scute (H) Iethal-7' broad CW) prune CE) whiteCE) face+fE) Notch CE) Abnormal CB) echinus (E) bifid (W) ruby (E) crossveinless (W) club (W) delte>^CW) cut Cw) singed CH) torn CB) lozenge (E) 0. 2. 3.+ telegraph QN) Star CE) arista I ess CB) 6.± expanded (vv) [ 0. roughoid CE) 12.t 13. 14.+ 16. Gull Cw) Truncate Cw) doichsous Cb) Streak CB) -•31. 33. vermillionCE) 36.1 miniature Cw) 36.2 dusky (W) 38.1 furrowed CE) 43. sable Cb) 444 garnet Ce) 54.2 small wing 54.5 rudimentCTryCW) 56.6 forked CH) Bar CE) srnall eye fused (W) Beadex CW) Minute-n CH) cleft Cw; •35. • •41. 46.± 48.5 48.7 54.5 57.5 60.+ 57. 585 59. 596 62. 65. dachs Cb) Ski-E Cw) Jammed Cw) Minute-e CH) black Cb) Jaunty Cw) 20. olivengent Cw) 26. sepia CE) 26.5 hairy CB) purple CE) cinnabar CE) safranin CE) -• 44. - • 64.± pink-wingCEW) vestigial Cw) telescope CW) 67. 68.± 35. 36.2 40.1 40.2 40.4 42.2 rose Ce) cream-IH CE) Minute-h CH) tilt Cw) Dichaete CH) thread CB) scarlet CE) - - 72. Lobe (.£) 74.± -♦-I- 10. bobbedCH) -1-75.5 gapCw) curvecf Cw) • 48. pink CE) - - 49.7 maroon CE) 50.t dwarf CB) ,50. curled CW) 54.8 Hairy wing supr 58.2 S-tubble (H) 58.5 spinelessCH) 4^. 587 bithoraxCB) 4- '-69.5 bithorax-b •f . 62. stripe CB) BIctss Ce) elta Cw) •835 fringed Gv) -90. humpy Cb) '-69.5 62. -63.1 66.2 hairless Ch) ebony Cb) 69.5 70.7 72. band CB) 75.7 cardinal Ce) 76.2 white ocelli Ce) bent Cw) shaven CB) eyeless Ce) rotated Cb) Minute-IYCH) male fertility Long bristled 4- 100.5 DlexusCw) 911 rough Ce) 93. crumpled Cw) 93.8 Beaded Cw) 94.1 PaintedCw) male fertility 99.5 arc Cw) pi. . . .. 102.+ lethal-Eo. (105. brown CE) -'-it05.± blistered Cw) 1007 claret Ce) . . 106. purpleoid CE) - - 101. Minute CH) 1107.± moruJaCE) ■-(107. speck CB) -^ 107.5 balloon CW) -»- 106.2 Minute-g Ch) Fig. 173. — Linkage map for Drosophila melanogaster, showing relative positions of many of the known genes in the chromosomes as determined genetically. The letters in paren- theses indicate the portion of the fly in which the characters appear: B, body; E, eye; H, hairs; W, wings. The arrows indicate positions of spindle-attachment regions. In the F-chromosome, "Long bristled," which is the normal allelomorph of "bobbed," and the two factors for male sterility have not been precisely located. In chromosome IV the genes are all very closely linked. {Adapted from Morgan, Sturtevant, and Bridges (1925) and Stern (1929)). 302 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY It is important to note further that crossovers may not occur with equal frequency in all portions of the chromosome. For instance, it has been shown that crossing-over in Drosophila occurs less frequently near the spindle-attachment region than elsewhere. Of interest in this con- nection is the observation in Zea that the chromatids, as they open out in the diplonema stage, tend to remain together and therefore to form fewer chiasmata near the attachment region (McClintock). From such facts it follows that the map, although it shows correctly the serial order and linkage relations of the genes, may not give a true picture of their actual spacing in the chromosome. We shall revert to this topic in the next chapter. In interpreting recombination data it is often necessary to consider a phenomenon known as interference. If the genes are arranged in a close linear series in the chromatid, and especially if chiasmata account for crossing-over, it might be expected that when crossing-over occurs between any two pairs of genes, the near-by pairs would show no crossing-over, since the physical conditions might prevent the formation of two chias- mata or of two breaks very near each other. It has been found that the data often conform with these expectations. The recombination per- centage characteristic for genes in a given region of the chromosome is noticeably lowered when crossing-over occurs at a near-by point. This interference with crossing-over varies from a high value for closely linked genes to zero for very loosely linked ones (Muller, Sturtevant, Weinstein). A further interesting fact is that interference in Drosophila and Zea is weak across the spindle-attachment region; each arm of the chromosome behaves more or less independently in this respect. The frequency of crossing-over has been show^n to be affected in certain cases by age, temperature, sex, and irradiation.* Chromatid Exchange as the Mechanism of Recombination. — Many years ago it was suggested that an exchange of some sort occurs between homologous chromosomes during the synaptic period.^ Cyto- logical evidence for an exchange of portions between chromosomes in certain insects was brought forward by Janssens in 1909. Although this evidence was not considered conclusive by many cytologists, chromosome exchange was provisionally assumed to represent the physical basis of recombination by Morgan and his associates in their successful develop- ment of the chromosome theory of Mendelian heredity. Many bits of evidence have pointed toward the correctness of the exchange hypothesis, but a complete demonstration of the fact that two chromosomes actually exchange corresponding portions as the genes in these regions are recom- ^E.g., Bridges (1915, 1927, 1929) on age; Plough (1917, 1921) and Stern (1926c) on temperature; Mavor (19236), Mavor and Svenson (1923), E. G. Anderson (19256), and Muller (1926) on X-radiation. 9 Correns (1902), DeVries (1903), Strasburger (1905a), C. E. Allen (1905o). CHROMOSOMES AND MENDELIAN HEREDITY 303 bined has proved difficult to obtain. In 1931 evidence of great cogency was yielded by both Zea and Droso-phila. In each of these cases the chromosome pair involved was heteromorphic in two regions and had two pairs of genes between these regions which could be followed genetically as the history of the chromosomes was being traced. The situation in Zea Mays is as follows (Creighton and McClintock, 1931) (Fig. 174). The plant selected for the test had a heteromorphic ZEA DROSOPHILA • ^ , cr - - ■Cr Zr- c C c c B ■ ■ b b- V/x- - ■ wx wx - wx ? /L^ dance of material for cytogenetic studies. They also a\ V^^ constitute a basis for alterations of character beyond ^^ *^^D those attributable to gene mutation and Mendelian •.W^W^^ recombination.^ ^^ I \ This is a relatively new field in cytogenetics, and data as well as interpretations are multiplying very rapidly. In the following pages will be given examples • • DnCo A Fig. 177. Fig. 178. Fig. 177. — Translocation induced by X-rays in Crepis tectorum. 1, normal somatic complement. 2, a portion of a C-chromosome has been translocated to a Z>-chromosome. {After M. Nawaschin, 19.31c.) Fig. 178. — Chromosome fragments in Tradescantia. A, bivalent fragment associated with normal pair in meiosis. B, anaphase of mitosis in microspore, with some of the frag- ments failing to divide. {After Darlington, 19296.) of the better known types of aberrant chromosome behavior, the object being to furnish little more than an introduction to the subject. It should be remembered that opinions in such a field are subject to frequent change, and that further refinements in method will doubtless make necessary a redefinition of the categories into which the observed phenomena now appear to fall. 1 For references to the literature on the effects of various agencies on chromosome behavior and gene activity, see footnotes in Chap. XIII and footnote 20 on p. 311. 314 FRAGMENTATION AND TRANSLOCATION 315 Fragmentation of Chromosomes. — A chromosome may sometimes be "broken" transversely into one or more pieces. In the Hterature there are numerous reports of small bodies interpreted as such "fragments" of "normal" chromosomes, and in some of these cases the morphology of the normal chromosome set is known well enough to render the interpreta- I \ Los^-A Losh-. •1 Terminal delefion 01 2 In-hercalary dele+ion 01 01 b c ol 3 Terminal inversion 4 In-j-ercaloiry Inversion 5 Simple +roinslocc«i'ion 6 Reciprocal +roinslocc5ition Fig. 179. — Diagram illustrating possible modes of origin of various chromosome abnormal- ities. Spindle-attachment region indicated. {In part after Serebrovsky, 1929.) tion valid. The effects of such fragmentation on the appearance of the chromosome complement are various. Sometimes the chromosome number is apparently raised by one, since both pieces of the broken chromosome are present (Fig. 198, F). Or, one of the pieces may be lost (deleted) or inverted, so that the complement is still normal with regard to number but abnormal in the morphology of one member. Again, a fragment may be attached to another chromosome (translocation), so that the number remains normal while the morphology of two members is 316 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY altered (Fig. 177). Finally, one or more fragments additional to a normal complement may be present after a number of generations (Fig. 178). Our knowledge of the actual mechanism of fragmentation is rather meager. Available evidence, including the fact that portions of chromo- somes are much more often translocated or inverted than left as free frag- ments, suggests that contacts or entanglements between chromosomal threads are in part responsible (Fig. 179). It is not uncommon to observe prophasic threads interlocked and stretched as if a rupture or exchange were soon to follow at the point of contact. The frequency of transloca- tion and related alterations can be notably increased by the use of X-rays, even when the nuclei treated are known to be in the metabolic condition. For example, kernels of barley and maize, after being irradiated when in the dormant state, give rise to individuals showing a relatively high Fig. 180. — Breaking of chromosome after failure of distal ends to disjoin in living spermato- cyte of Chorthippus. The changes shown occupied 40 minutes. {After B'elaf, 1929a.) percentage of translocations in the multiplying cells (Stadler, Randolph). Similar results follow the irradiation of mature pollen. In Drosophila such aberrations can be induced by irradiating the mature spermatozoa. ^ The natural inference from such data is that the chromosomal threads persist in some form throughout the entire nuclear cycle, and that X-radi- ation increases the frequency of fragmentation and the like by inducing localized alterations in the position, consistency, and tension of these threads. In Zea certain translocations have been shown to be due to the occasional association of non-homologous elements in the meiotic pro- phase (p. 276). Another mode of fragmentation is that in which a small portion of one chromosome is torn away by its synaptic mate in the first meiotic ana- phase. This has been observed in a living spermatocyte (Fig. 180), and a similar process is strongly suggested by a Zea sporocyte observed by Randolph ; but it is probable that mitotic derangements of this sort play only a minor role in the production of alterations in the chromosome complement. 2 MuUer (1927), Muller and Altenburg (1930). FRAGMENTATION AND TRANSLOCATION 317 In certain tissue cultures it appears that the cells are especially susceptible to the disturbing effect of X-rays just before the visible pro- phasic changes begin. ^ The results of such derangements are sometimes not evident until the succeeding anaphase, when the lack or abnormal position of spindle-attachment regions, together with other agencies, interferes with the regular movement of the affected chromosomes. Marked chromosomal alterations are obtained in Zea by irradiating the young ear during fertilization or soon afterward, when the embryos are beginning their development.* Of special interest is the induction of aberrations by subjecting the young ears to treatment with heat, since the temperatures used need not be higher than those occasionally occurring under natural conditions in the field. Behavior of Free Fragments. — In the behavior of fragments much depends upon the spindle-attachment region. Researches on Drosoyhila and Zea indicate that a fragment not including the attachment region tends to be lost in mitosis unless it is translocated to another chromosome with such a region. For example, when a deletion occurs in Zea as shown in Fig. 179, 2, the rod-shaped fragment with the attachment region sur- vives and the ring is lost; but when the ring includes the attachment region, the ring remains and the rod is eliminated.^ One case is known in which the break passed through the elongated attachment region, both ring and rod then possessing functional portions of it. In one strain of Zea a minute chromosome consisting of an attachment region and a single chromomere has been observed. Ordinarily deletions tend to affect the viability of the cells or organ- isms concerned, but this is found to vary with the amount and nature of the material eliminated; it also varies at different stages of the life cycle. When viability is not too seriously impaired, it can be shown by genetical tests that the cells actually lack certain genes; in other words, the deletion of a portion of a chromosome has created a genetic deficiency. The first known case of this kind was one in which a normal gene, dominat- ing one for the waltzing character in certain mice, was lost along with a portion of a chromosome (Painter, 1927). Some genetic deficiencies have been interpreted as being due to an inactivation of certain genes rather than to an actual chromosomal deletion. The method of determining the location of genes in the chromosome by means of induced deletions may be illustrated by a case in Zea. It had been shown previously that the satellited chromosome (number VI) carries a gene PI, causing a dominant purple color in the plant. Pollen from homozygous recessive plants {'pl pi), and therefore all carrying pi, was ^Strangeways and Oakley (1923), Strangeways and Hopwood (1926). * Stadler (1928a, 19306, 1931a), Randolph (1932). ^ The peculiar behavior of such ring-shaped chromosomes has been correlated with a certain type of variegation (McClintock, 19326). 318 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY placed on the silks of homozygous dominant plants {PI PI). Normally all of the immediate offspring {PI pi) of such a cross are purple, because of the dominant PI derived from the pistillate parent. When, however, the young embryos were X-rayed (20 hours after pollination), some of them developed into non-purple plants. When such non-purple plants were examined cytologically, it was found that one of the satellited chromosomes lacked a portion of its longer arm (Fig. 181, £"). From this it could be concluded that the irradiation had somehow caused the loss 0 0 Fig. 181. — Diagrams of inversion and deletion in Zea. A, the region between the arrows in a normal chromosome (left) became inverted (right). Synapsis of homologous regions of an inverted with a normal chromosome gave configuration shown diagram- matically in B and semidiagrammatically in C; cf. Fig. 182, a; also Fig. 160. D, normal satellited chromosome synapsed with one lacking most of its shorter arm; cf. Fig. 182, b. E, normal satellited chromosome synapsed with one lacking a large portion of its longer arm. Arrow indicates suspected position of gene PI. F, synapsed number VII chromo- somes, one of which lacks a median portion, leaving the corresponding portion of the other extending as a loop; cf. Fig. 182, c. The pair in this plant is heteromorphic for the chro- matic knob, k, chromatic knob, n, nucleolus, s, spindle-attachment region. (After McClintock, 19316.) of this portion and that the gene PI had been located in it. Loss of the dominant PI left the plants with only the recessive pi derived from the pollen parent ; hence the plants were non-purple. Similarly, it has been shown in another such test that the gene Ig (liguleless) probably is near the end of the shorter arm of chromosome II (McClintock, 19316). Especially instructive are certain cases in Drosophila reported by Painter and Muller (1929). By the use of X-rays there were obtained several flies in which one chromosome had undergone "intercalary deletion," i.e., the middle region had been lost, leaving the two ends as a single small chromosome (Fig. 179, 2). This small chromosome remnant FRAGMENTATION AND TRANSLOCATION 319 was of three sizes in three flies, and genetic data showed that in each successively larger deletion one more known gene had been eliminated. Moreover, the order of disappearance was in exact accordance with the order previously assigned to these genes in the chromosome map built up from crossover data. This amounts to a direct proof of the essential correctness of the map of this region of the chromosome, so far as the serial order of the genes is concerned. Another mode of behavior on the part of free fragments is that in which they act regularly in the somatic divisions but manifest irregular- ities at the time of meiosis, in part because of deficient synaptic reaction. When fragments are present in addition to a fully normal chromosome complement, they may be eliminated altogether or pass to some of the a ,. Fici. 182. — Synaptic configurations after inversion and deletion in Zea. a, after inversion of median portion of one member; cf. Fig. 181, A-C. b, after deletion of portion of shorter arm of satellited chromosome; cf. Fig. 181, D. c, after deletion of small median region; cf. Fig. 181, F. {After McClintock, 19316.) spores (or gametes) only. In this way gametes with or without extra fragments may arise. When there are several fragments in the sporocyte they may sometimes synapse among themselves, as in certain strains of Tradescantia (Darlington, 19296). In other cells they seem to be attached to the normal bivalents in various ways. They may be dis- tributed unequally to the spores, or, because of lagging, they may be partly or completely lost, especially when unsynapsed. Not infrequently, however, one or more are transmitted through the gametes to the next generation. Finally, fragments may sometimes pass regularly through the entire life cycle, behaving as extra independent chromosomes. This may be expected when, for example, there are in the somatic cells two fragments which are able to react properly in equational nuclear division because they have spindle-attachment regions and to undergo synapsis regularly because of their homologies. The genetic effect of the presence of extra chromosomes or fragments is known as duplication, i.e., certain genes are present in excess. Con- 320 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY sequently the organisms carrying transmissible duplications may be expected to show unusual ratios for some of their Mendelian characters if the additional genes concerned are such as to affect the conditions of dominance. Another general effect is sometimes observed in the size or habit of the plant. In Matthiola, for example, it has been observed that the presence of fragments is correlated with small size, the amount of dwarfing being proportional to the degree of unbalance caused in the chromosome complement by the fragments (Lesley and Frost, 1928).^ Inversion. — The reversal in position of a portion of a chromosome is called inversion. The portion inverted may include one end, or it may involve an interstitial region only (Fig. 179, 3, 4). Several such inver- sions have been detected in the altered linkage relations of the genes with- out being visible in the chromosomes themselves. In one of the linkage groups of Drosophila, for example, the genetic data for certain genes indicated that a considerable portion of the "right" end of one chromo- some carrying them had been reversed in position. They indicated fur- ther that when crossing-over occurred in the left end, none took place in the right end, presumably because inverted and non-inverted chromosome sections did not have homologous loci opposite each other. In one case it appeared that the two chromosomes must have arranged themselves so as to allow crossing-over in the right end; here none occurred in the left end.'^ In Zea it has been possible to observe the effect of an inversion on the synaptic behavior of the chromosomes. In one case, for example (Figs. 181, A to C and 182, a), a long section of a chromosome was inverted as a result of X-ray treatment. When this modified chromosome met its normal synaptic mate, their homologous elements moved together in spite of the abnormal arrangement in one chromosome and so produced the peculiar configuration shown. Similarly, the inversion of a terminal portion resulted in the formation of a loop at synapsis (Fig. 160). Almost nothing is known about the mechanism of such inversions. It is possible, as Serebrovsky (1929) has suggested, that at some stage the chromosomal threads may undergo bending, fusion, and breakage as shown in Fig. 179. It is probable that some other mechanism accounts for inversions induced in metabolic nuclei by X-radiation. It will be readily understood that inversions and other aberrations involving portions of chromosomes may often alter the position of the spindle-attachment region. Helwig (1929) believes that in Circotettix ® For further accounts of chromosome fragments, see Lutz (1916) and Hance (1918a) on (Enolhera; M. Nawaschin (1926, 1931a) on Crepis; Belhng (1925a) on Uvularia; Morgan, Sturtevant, and Bridges (1928) on Drosophila; Goodspeed (1929a6, 1930c) and Goodspeed and Avery (1930) on Nicotiana; and Lesley and Lesley (1929) on Lycopersician. '' Sturtevant (1926a), Sturtevant and Dobzhansky (1931). FRAGMENTATION AND TRANSLOCATION 321 inversion is responsible for a change to the atelomitic from the telomitic position, which is regarded as primitive for Acrididae. Translocation. — The transfer of a piece of one chromosome to another, aside from that involved in normal crossing-over, is called translocation (Fig. 179, 5). It seems probable that as a rule the transfer is accom- plished at one step and does not represent the attachment of a fragment previously free. Commonly the translocated piece is borne terminally by the receiving member; rarely it extends laterally from some intermediate point (Fig. 67, D). The transfer may be to either a homologous or a non- homologous member of the complement. It has been known to occur naturally in many instances, but its frequency can be markedly increased by the use of X-rays and heat. The first known case was discovered genetically in non-irradiated Drosophila (Bridges, 1919, 1923). The transfer of a single piece, or "simple translocation," is to be distinguished from the mutual exchange of pieces known as "reciprocal translocation" (Fig. 179, 6). The latter type will be dealt with in the following chapter. Apparently any portion of one chromosome may be translocated to any other chromosome. Because of the role of the spindle-attachment region, many translocations must result in mitotic derangements serious enough to prevent development. Hence in translocations induced by X-rays it is commonly the "distal" portion without the attachment region which appears to have been transferred, the "proximal" portion with the attachment region remaining as an altered independent chromosome.^ Among the most favorable plant species for the study of transloca- tions are Crepis capillaris and C. tedorum since they normally have respectively but three and four pairs of easily distinguishable chromo- somes. The results of many modifications are thus readily detected in the metaphase^ (Figs. 69, 198). For the investigation of alterations involving only very minute portions of the chromosomes, reliance must be placed on such forms as Zea Mays with larger chromosomes exhibiting individually their characteristic aspects with great clearness in the meiotic prophase. Among simple translocations involving only homologous chromo- somes the first to be worked out both cytologically and genetically was that in which a portion of the F-chromosome was found to be attached to the X-chromosome in Drosophila (Stern, 19266, 1927a). Since that time a number of other examples involving various pairs have been discovered. The translocations can often be detected in the altered length of the chromosomes concerned and, when their morphology is sufficiently well known, in their altered form as well (Fig. 183). * E.g., Dobzhansky (1931a) on Drosophila, M. Nawaschin (1931c) and Lewitsky and Araratian (1931) on Crepis. " M. Nawaschin (1926, 1930, 1931ac), Lewitsky and Araratian (1931). 322 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY Among simple translocations involving non-homologous chromo- somes the first case known both cytologically and genetically was one in which a portion of the X-chromosome was transferred to one of the long chromosomes (III) in Drosophila.^^ As an example of this general class of translocations may be taken one in which the "right" end of chromosome III was transferred to chromosome II (Fig. 184). By crossing flies having this translocation with normal ones, " hyperdiploid " flies were obtained with a normal complement plus the translocated piece. Studies _ on the linkage relations in these flies showed ^ ^ % between what genes the original break had ^^I^S f /^^^ occurred and also that the hyperdiploid flies ^^^ ^ •^^ j]- possessed an excess of genes belonging to the ^' V^ "right" end of chromosome III (duplication), as was expected (Painter and Muller, 19296). Moreover, it is stated that in most such cases of translocation the crossover frequency is reduced in the limb of the chromosome in which the break occurs and in one limb of the receiving chromosome, whereas in each chro- », mosome the limb beyond the spindle-attach- ^ ^^^^ ment region is not so affected (Dobzhansky, 193 la6). In flies having an extra fragment of chromosome II attached to the F-chromo- some it has been observed that for some reason 2 crossover frequency is reduced between the Fig. 183.— Translocation of two normal chromosomes II (Rhoades, 1931c). portion of chromosome 11 to chromosome IV in Drosophiia. Many such translocations are known in Shortened chromosome II plants. In Zea, where the miuute morphology marked jS. 1, metaphase in 1.0./ oogonium; 2, metaphase in of the chromosomes has been studied during neurocyte. {After Dobzhansky, ^J^g prophase, it is oftcn possible tO reCOguize translocated pieces at this stage with the microscope directly, as well as genetically in altered linkage relations. Thus in one case it has been shown that a translocation which at first appeared to be simple was in reality reciprocal, one of the exchanged pieces carrying only a single characteristic chromomere (or at most two) and apparently being too small to complete the synaptic configuration ordinarily distinguishing reciprocal translocations (Burnham, 1932). This naturally' raises a question regarding other supposed simple translocations. Certain translocations throw an interesting light upon the problem of the forces concerned in meiotic disjunction. In Drosophiia it has been reported that a pair of chromosomes, one of which carried a translocated piece, did not assort at random with the pair from which the piece was 1" Muller (1926). See Painter and Muller (19296). 0 X 1 FRAGMENTATION AND TRANSLOCATION 323 derived (Muller, 1930c). This indicates that in such cases the disjunctive force may not be limited to the spindle-attachment region of the chromo- some, homologous distal portions tending to pass toward opposite poles even when one of these portions has been translocated (Blakeslee, Darling- ton, Muller). Many more observations must be made before safe generalizations can be made regarding these matters. Bearing on the Chromosome Map. — In some of the foregoing examples of translocation the abnormalities were detected first in altered genetic behavior and then confirmed cytologically, while in others they were first seen cytologically and then confirmed genetically. This is a striking corroboration of the cytogenetic theory that certain genes are definitely Nl ■100.7 (ca) -9I.I(ro) -70.7(6")^ ^ (ru) -26.5- (h) -44 (CU) sr 70.7- ,91.1-1 100.7- (ctt) K IT ■# N^ B -non-coi I nr„ m iz 32 ro- -h- -sf- :P = CU •sr- Fig. 184. — Chromosome aberrations induced by X-rays in Drosophila. A, a "III to II" translocation. In the drawing of the chromosome complement at the right the translocated piece (indicated by arrow) came from the V-shaped chromosome at upper right. B, hyperdiploidy produced by crossing a fly having the translocation with a normal fly. {After Painter and Muller, 1929.) located in certain chromosomes. In each case where the data were adequate the genetic results of translocation and inversion showed that the genes must have been arranged in the oi'der previously assigned to them in the "genetic map" of the chromosome on the basis of crossover values. On the other hand, they showed that these genes did not necessarily have the spacing shown in the map. For example, the translocated piece in Fig. 184, A was actually smaller than would be expected from the large portion of the genetic map altered. This and other cases in Drosophila have shown that the genes in the middle portion of the "genetic map" of chromosomes II and III are represented closer together than they are in the "cytological map" of the actual metaphase chromosome (Fig. 185). The reason for this seems to lie in the fact that in these chromosomes crossing-over is less frequent in the middle region near the spindle-attachment point than it is toward the ends. The genetic map was originally built up on the hypothesis that crossing- 324 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY over is of about equal frequency in all regions; hence the genes in the middle region were assigned to loci too close together. In a similar manner it has been shown that several genes shown very near the "right" end of chromosome I in the genetic map must lie much farther to the y scslvh brpnwecrbcvolxcf t V m g rfBBxfucrnbb CEX a! dp d b prBltkcn c jOO 110 px sp ru D th IP a »J-^ D th St p coi HI cu sr ca Fig. 185. — Comparison of " genetical maps" of chromosomes I, II, and III of Drosophila melanogaster with "cytological maps" of these chromosomes in metaphase as indicated by translocation data, sp, spindle-attachment region. Cf. Fig. 173. {After Dohzhansky, 1932a, 1930d, 1929a.) "left," the right end with the spindle-attachment point being for the most part devoid of known mutant genes. ^^ The older genetic maps still serve as diagrams of the order of the genes and their crossover values, but they may not show accurately the true spacing. It is to be remem- " For chromosomes II and III, see especially Muller and Painter (1929) and Dobzhansky (1929aft, 1930ad, 19316). For chromosome I (X-chromosome), see Painter (1931) and Dobzhansky (1932a). FRAGMENTATION AND TRANSLOCATION 325 bered that the metaphase chromosomes studied in making these cyto- logical maps have chromonemata within them, so that a map of a chromonema might show a still different spacing. For chromosomes appearing clearly in the prophase as long threads with characteristic chromomere patterns it should be possible to build up more accurate maps than can be expected for chromosomes which are "good cytological material" only at the metaphase. Discussion. — From the facts set forth above may be drawn a number of interesting inferences, some of which are the following. A chromosome contains a group of elements (genes) with special individual functions, and the group may often be enlarged or diminished through translocation without impairing the ability of the chromosome to behave regularly as a whole. Apparently one of the chief requirements is the capacity to react consistently with the spindle mechanism. The monoploid chromosome set, or genom, is a group of chromosomes differing among themselves in the number and kind of their component elements. Ordinarily all or nearly all of the genetic elements (genes) are probably necessary to the normal activity of the nucleus; in other words, the genom is a harmonious, differentiated system of elements, the majority of which are essential parts of the system. Spores or gametes with extra elements (duplications) are often fully able to function, although they may not compete successfully with those having normal sets. Those lacking certain elements (deficiencies) usually tend to be non-viable unless the deficiency is very small and involves no essential genes. A spore or gamete carrying a set with a translocation, i.e., a set in which all of the elements are present but arranged in a new group- ing in the chromosomes, is ordinarily viable. Hence it appears that the set functions best when there are present all of its naturally evolved group of elements and no more, but that the arrangement of the elements within the group is of somewhat secondary importance. In the diploid chromosome complements of somatic cells also duplica- tions are usually less detrimental than deficiencies. Moreover, a trans- location involving only one of the sets (the individual therefore being "heterozygous for the translocation") does not interfere greatly with somatic development,^^ although there are exceptions to this, notably in Drosophila.^^ In diploid somatic tissues the important consideration is evidently "balance," i.e., there should be present two elements of each kind and no more. The complement may be balanced when a deficiency in one set is offset by a duplication in the other set. The diploid com- plement must meet stricter requirements at the time of meiosis when homologous elements undergo synapsis. A complement in which the two sets have the same elements arranged in different ways, or in which 12 E.g., Crepis (M. Nawaschin, 1931c). 13 MuUer and Altenburg (1930), Dobzhansky (1930a, 1931o). 326 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY extra elements are present, forms abnormal synaptic configurations. These often lead to marked irregularities in chromosome distribution in the meiotic mitoses and hence to sterility among the spores or gametes. Thus a complement ordinarily requires a certain structural "symmetry" as well as numerical " balance " if the organism is to retain its full fertility.. Since it is known that translocations take place from time to time under natural conditions, and also that some of these, when homozygous, do not impair the developmental and reproductive capacities of the organism, one of the reasons why related organisms have chromosome sets differing in minor details of their morphology should be evident. Such differences are very common among related species (p. 126). Even within the same species one may expect to find races which differ less in the outfit of genes they carry, i.e., in genotype, than they do in the arrangement of these genes and in chromosome morphology. The individuals of two such races might look alike, yet show different linkage relations among their characters when bred. Furthermore, it seems altogether probable that losses, duplications, and translocations have played a considerable role in the production of widely different chromo- some complements and genotypes and therefore in the origin of stable and fertile types to which specific rank has been assigned. Hence such cytogenetic phenomena are of great importance to students of phylogeny and evolution. Finally, the discovery that certain agencies, such as X-rays and heat, can be used to increase the frequency with which such chromosomal changes occur has placed in the hands of the investigator a tool with which he will be able not only to analyze the functions of chromosomes in greater detail but also to bring about the production of new types of plants and animals more rapidly than they would otherwise appear in nature. CHAPTER XIX RECIPROCAL TRANSLOCATION The mutual exchange of portions of chromosomes known as reciprocal translocation, or often as "segmental interchange," differs in a number of respects from that occurring in ordinary crossing-over. In crossing- over, two homologous chromatids of a tetrad exchange portions which are, with rare exceptions, exactly equivalent; and this is done with character- istic frequencies in most of the diploid organisms which have been adequately studied. On the other hand, in reciprocal translocation, which is of relatively rare occurrence, the chromosomes involved may be either homologous or non-homologous, and the exchanged pieces may be of any relative size. When the exchange is between homologues and involves approximately equivalent pieces, the effects may resemble those produced by crossing-over; but ordinarily, especially when non-homo- logues are involved, the cytological and genetical consequences of reciprocal translocation are highly characteristic and not to be confused with those of normal crossing-over. Just how such translocations are accomplished is not yet known, but processes like those supposed to bring about simple translocation are suggested. Moreover, it is not improbable that many supposedly simple translocations are actually reciprocal, one of the exchanged pieces being missed because of its minuteness and the consequent failure to form the chromosome rings characteristic of translocations of the latter type. Just such a case has been described in Zea (Burnham, 1932). Origin of the Theory. — In Datura stramonium, Blakeslee and his associates^ found that any one of the 12 chromosomes might be present in triplicate in the somatic cells, giving 12 visibly different "primary mutants" with 25 chromosomes instead of the normal 24. The primary type due to the presence of an extra chromosome I (the longest of the set) was called "Rolled." When Rolled plants were bred there appeared among the offspring four types: (1) normal plants without the extra chromosome, due to the fact that half of the spores of Rolled do not contain it; (2) Rolled plants carrying the extra chromosome; (3) plants of a "secondary" 25-chromosome type called "Sugarloaf"; and (4) another secondary type called "Polycarpic." Other primary types also were found to have their corresponding secondaries. The secondaries in 1 For general accounts of the phenomena treated here, see Blakeslee (1928, 1929o, 19316). See also Belling (19276cd, 1928/) and Bergner et al. (1933). 327 328 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY turn gave rise to (1) their corresponding primary type, (2) normals, and (3) plants like themselves. In studying the chromosomes of these 25-chromosome ("simple trisomic") mutants, Belling observed that the three members of the trisome tended to form characteristically different trivalent configurations at diakinesis and metaphase / in the primary and two secondaries (Fig. 186). In the primary, Rolled, they most frequently formed either a V-shaped chain of three or a ring of two with the third one projecting Normal ^ gamete Z Z Normal 0) a Z Z- 2 Rolled 1 /■ 9 ■() 2 Z Rolled Sugarloaf Gamete with extra chromosome 01 Pojycarpic A a^ /a ao> Fig. 186. — Diagram showing chromosome constitutions of the primary Datura mutant "Rolled" and its two secondaries, "Sugarloaf" and "Polycarpic," as postulated by Belling. See text. from one point of union; and when the third chromosome was free from the others it was straight. In the corresponding secondaries, on the contrary, the commonest configuration was a closed ring of three, usually with one of the members sharply bent; and when the third chromosome was free from the others it formed a small ring by itself. To account for these configurations and for the characteristic outward differences between the primary plant and its corresponding secondaries. Belling and Blakeslee (19246) announced the hypothesis that in some manner an interchange of unlike terminal segments had occurred between two chromosomes I, giving a chromosome with two "right" ends and another with two "left" ends. When the extra chromosome in a 25-chromosome RECIPROCAL TRANSLOCATION 329 plant was of the former interchange type, the plant was a secondary; when it was of the latter interchange type, the plant was the other secondary; when it was of the normal type, the plant was a primary. The trivalent configurations were explained on the assumption that only homologous ends are paired in the late prophase and metaphase. As would be expected, these abnormalities led to a certain amount of sterility in trisomic plants because of the abnormal chromosome distribution in meiosis. In addition to the primaries and secondaries certain "tertiary" types were discovered. The breeding behavior of the tertiary known as "Wiry" suggested that both chromosome I (giving "Rolled" as a primary) and chromosome IX (giving "Poinsettia" as a primary) were somehow involved. Cytological observations showed that these two chromosomes actually were connected with each other in meiosis. This led to the definite formulation of the theory that non-homologous chromo- somes occasionally undergo reciprocal translocation (Belling and Blakes- lee, 1926). On the theory that only homologous portions undergo synapsis, it was found possible to explain the curious configurations seen at meiosis after various crosses and to account for the unusual genetic behavior of the plants concerned. The continuation of these investiga- tions led to results of great importance in the field of cytogenetics. Reciprocal translocation has since been reported for other organisms also.^ It has received definite cytological proof and promises to explain many hitherto puzzling phenomena in both plants and animals. Reciprocal Translocation in Zea. — For a fuller description of recipro- cal translocation in a diploid plant we may select a particularly clear case from among several known in Zea (Figs. 187 to 189). This case,^ more- over, is the one in which the peculiar morphology of the chromosomes concerned permitted the first complete cytological proof of the correct- ness of Belling's hypothesis of reciprocal translocation. In a certain strain of maize known as "semisterile-2" it was observed that approximately one half of the pollen grains and one half of the ovules were functionless. Cytological examination of the sporocytes of semister- ile plants revealed the presence of eight bivalents and a ring of four instead of the 10 bivalents seen in normal plants. It followed that certain non- viable chromosome combinations produced by the disjunction of the four ^E.g., Zea (Burnham, 1930; McClintock, 1930; Cooper and Brink, 1931; Brink and Cooper, 1931); Pisum (H&kansson, 1929a, 1931a, 1932; Hammarlund and H§,kansson, 1930; E. Richardson, 1929; Pellew and E. Sansome, 1931; E. Sansome, 1932); Campanula (Gairdner and Darlington, 1930); Rhoeo, Tradescantia, and Zebrina (Darlington, 1929afe; Sax, 1931e; Nebel, 19326); Aucuba (Meurman, 1929a); Droso- phila (Sturtevant and Dobzhansky, 1930; Muller, 1930c; Dobzhansky, 1933); (Enothera (see later in chapter); Godetia and Clarkia (H&kansson, 1925, 19316); Hypericum (Hoar, 1931); and Circoteitix (Helwig, 1932). 3 Burnham (1930), McClintock (1930a6). 330 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY r t S+oindcircl Recip. Transl. il Semi-sfenle Somot C. 50°/o alternoil-e dis+nbuhon, giving gameVes of Z +ypes , bol-h viable Did kinesis Selling gives 3 types C. 50% adjacent distriloution giving gwmetes of 4 types, all non-viable t f Standard t t II ■ • Modified type t t Standard / \ / \ / \ / \ t t Standard \ Semi-sfenle % t ) Sem'i- sterile t f II I • ■ • I I Modified type \ i Semi -sterile Fig. 187. — Diagram of reciprocal translocation and its results in the " semisterile-2 " strain of Zea Mays, based on data of Burnham (1930) and McClintock (1930a6). Chromo- some VIII represented by solid line and chromosome IX by broken line. For simplicity the two chromatids of each chromosome are not shown. The rectangles represent the plants, and the circles their (spores and) gametes. Further explanation in text. RECIPROCAL TRANSLOCATION 331 members of the ring were responsible for the sterihty and that the ring itself was a result of reciprocal translocation.^ The chromosomes concerned were number VIII (carrying the j-wss linkage group) and number IX (carrying the C-sh-wx group), and these could be distinguished on the basis of length, position and size of attachment region, and a terminal knob on IX. The semisterile plant contained (in addition to eight normal chromosome pairs) one normal VIII, one normal IX, one interchange chromosome composed of portions of VIII and IX, and one interchange chromosome composed of the remaining portions of IX and VIII. The portions interchanged were unequal in length and were such that each of the modified chromosomes had an attachment region. In the meiotic prophase the synapsis of homologous portions in such semisterile plants gives rise to a cross-shaped group of four, the center of the cross marking the points of interchange in two of the members. Later in the prophase the four open out, remain attached at their ends, and shorten to form the conspicuous ring seen at diakinesis and meta- phase /. In anaphase / the four members pass two by two to opposite poles. In about half of the sporocytes adjacent members go to one pole, while in the other sporocytes alternate ones go together. When distribu- tion is "adjacent," all of the chromosome sets resulting are abnormal, since they have a certain portion of one chromosome in excess and lack a portion of the other chromosome concerned. The pollen grains containing such sets abort: hence the sterility observed. On the other hand, when distribution is "alternate," all of the resulting pollen grains contain complete sets and are viable, although in one-half of them the chromosomal materials have a new arrangement. When a semisterile-2 plant is selfed or crossed to another of its kind the progeny includes plants of three different chromosomal types in the ratio of 1 : 2 :1 : plants with the standard chromosome complement, semister- ile plants again forming a ring of four in meiosis, and plants with two modi- fied chromosome pairs but fully fertile because the complement is sym- metrical and balanced. Had the "modified" type been discovered first, it might have been regarded as the "standard." Thus in Datura stra- monium it appears that the standard line lA, which has been so exten- sively studied, is actually less prevalent in nature than the 5-race, these two types evidently having been differentiated by reciprocal transloca- tion. The discovery of such related chromosomal types may be expected in other genera also, especially among self-pollinated species. The diagram for Zea (Fig. 187) shows further that in this case stand- ards give about 50 per cent semisteriles when crossed with semisteriles, that modifieds give about 50 per cent semisteriles when crossed with * This explanation of semisterility was first suggested by Belling (1925c) for SHzolobium. It also applies to certain forms of Pisum sativum (Pellew and E. San- some, 1931). 332 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY semisteriles, and that when standards and modifieds are crossed only semisteriles result. When selfed, standards and modifieds give only their own kind. All of these findings are consistent with the conclusion that sterility here is due to abnormal assortments of chromosomal materials. In addition to semisterile-2, described above, there are several other instructive semisterile races in Zea. Semisterile-4 has a reciprocal translocation involving chromosome II {B-lg linkage group) and chromo- some V {Pr-Vi) (Rhoades, 19316). Semisterile-1 involves chromosomes I and II and accordingly the P-hr and B-lg linkage groups (Brink and Cooper, 1931), while semisterile-3 involves I and VII. When two such I 0 N Fig. 188. — Diagram of reciprocal translocation in "semisterile-2" strain of Zea. a, normal chromosomes IX (diagonal shading) and VIII (solid black). The clear portions represent spindle-attachment regions. Arrows indicate location of interchange to produce condition in h. c, synaptic complex in mid-prophase of meiosis after crossing a normal plant with one carrying the interchange, d, the ring at diakinesis formed by opening out of synaptic complex. N, larger normal chromosome (VIII) ; n, smaller normal chromosome (IX) ; I, larger interchange chromosome (IX-VIII) ; i, smaller interchange chromosome (VIII-IX). Cf. Figs. 187 and 189. (After McClintock, 1931a.) races having interchanges involving one chromosome in common are crossed, a race showing a ring of six at meiosis may result (Fig. 190). This occurs in crosses between semisteriles- 1 and -5 (Brink and Cooper, 1932) and between semisteriles-1 and -3. The members of the ring of six are variously distributed in the meiotic divisions, with the result that about 75 per cent of the pollen aborts. It may be calculated further that with a ring of eight or a ring of ten the sterility would be still greater. The useful term catenation has been suggested for such chain formation by chromosomes (Gates, 19316). It is an interesting fact that in some cases in Datura and in CEnothera the distribution of the catenated chromosomes is rather regularly alter- nate, giving a high degree of fertility, and not so often adjacent as in the semisterile strains of Zea mentioned above. In semisterile-2 the RECIPROCAL TRA NSLOCA TION 333 i B Fig. 1S9. — Chromosome complexes produced by reciprocal translocation. A, synaptic complex formed by two normal and two reciprocally translocated chromosomes; cf. key diagram {B) and Fig. 188. C, ring of four in diakinesis formed by opening out of synaptic complex; cf. key diagram (D) and Fig. 188. A, X 900; C, X 1800. {From McClintock.) B 3 t Fig. 190. — Formation of ring of six lay reciprocal translocation. The translocation involves chromosomes 1 and 2 in race A, and chromosomes 2 and 3 in race B. In the hybrid between A and B the six chromosomes tend to form a six-rayed synaptic complex in early meiotic prophase and a ring of six at diakinesis. For easy interpretation one end of each chromosome is marked with a knob. 334 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY distribution differs significantly from a random one, which indicates some influence favoring one type of orientation in the spindle rather than the other. What it is that thus affects the distribution is not yet known. As observations multiply it will doubtless be found that the ratio of the various types of distribution varies widely in different cases. (Enothera. — The genus (Enothera has occupied a prominent position in genetics ever since de Vries formulated his mutation theory largely ..,ii>. mm UWt ■ ./ \i H '.V Fig. 191. — Stages in meiosis in the microsporocytes of (Enothera. A-D, CE. francis- cana: A, prophase showing a ring of 4, and 5 pairs. B, diakinesis, after separation of pairs from the ring. C, metaphase of /. D, anaphase, showing regular distribution. E-H, (E. franciscana sulphurea: E, prophase showing ring of 12 and one pair. F, alternate chromosomes in the ring of 12 passing to the same pole in anaphase; single pair not shown. G, later stage; all chromosomes shown. H, anaphase of division //, with 8 chromosomes in one figure and 6 in the other; this is due to an occasional irregularity of distribution in /. (After Cleland, 1922, 1924.) on the basis of the peculiar genetic behavior of (E. Lamarchiana. Not only did this species give rise to occasional "mutants," but it displayed a number of other genetical peculiarities for which little by way of explana- tion was available. It was soon found that the Onagra section of the genus was peculiar cytologically, the chromosomes in meiosis forming rings or chains with various numbers of members in the different species.^ 5 Gates (1907 et seq.), Lutz (1907 et seq.), Geerts (1907-1911), B. M. Davis (1909- 1911), Cleland (1922 et seq.). Later works: S. H. Emerson (1924a, 19286, 1931a6), Boedijn (1924, 1926), Oehlkers (1926), HEkansson (1926o, 1928a, 19306c, 1931c), Valkanover (1926), Kihara (1927a), Sinoto (1927), Sheffield (1927, 1929), Schwemmle (1924 et seq.), Gerhard (1929), Kulkarni (1929a6c), Gates and Sheffield (1929a6), Illick (1929, 1932), Leliveld (1928, 1931), Weier (19306), Cleland and Oehlkers (1929, 1930), Catcheside- (1930, et seq.). Gates and Goodwin (1931), Darlington (1929a, 1931e), and Hedayetullah (1932). For general accounts of research in (Enothera, see Lehmann (1922), Oehlkers (1924), Renner (1925), and Gates (1928). RECIPROCAL TRANSLOCATION 335 For example, (E. Hookeri had seven normal bivalents, CE. franciscana a ring of four and five bivalent pairs, ffi. ruhrinervis a ring of six and four pairs, CE. ruhricalyx a ring of eight and three pairs, OE. biennis (from Munich) a ring of eight and a ring of six, (E. strigosa X Lamarckiana cruciata a ring of ten and two pairs, CE. Lamarckiana a ring of 12 and one pair, and CE. muricata a ring of 14 with no free pairs. Genetical investiga- tions showed that the more chromosomes there are in the ring or chain, the larger the number of linked genes (Cleland and Oehlkers). Of special importance were the discovery by Cleland of the fact that alternate (gJ (Le+hal)(6/5 j ^ — / V_y Loim. ( GV 0 X ? V ) (Le+ho.l)( V, Fig. 192. — The cytogenetic composition of (Enothera Lamarckiana. A, distribution of the Renner complexes gaudens (G) and velans (F) in reproduction. Only the heterozygotes survive. B, the chromosomes at diakinesis. Those carrying the gaudens and velans complexes are marked G and F, respectively. Interchanged chromosomes indicated by transverse marks. (Based on data of Renner, Cleland, and Blakeslee.) chromosomes in the ring as a rule pass to the same pole in anaphase / (Fig. 191) and his suggestion that each chromosome has a constant posi- tion in the ring.*^ This results in the formation of spores and gametes with only two assortments of chromosomes, so far as those in the ring are concerned. Since certain chromosomes thus tend to remain together, they function like a single large chromosome as carriers of linked genes. As soon as the theory of reciprocal translocation had been formulated, it was evident to those^ who employed it in their investigations that here was probably one of the principal keys to the CEnothera problem. Its For lists of chromosome configurations in the various species, see Cleland (1925), Cleland and Oehlkers (1929, 1930), and Illick {19326). ^ It has since been shown directly in Rhoeo that the 12 chromosomes in the ring do have constant positions (Sax, 1931e), and furthermore that the direction in which the chromonemata coil tends to be constant for the given distinguishable members (Nebel, 19326). ^ Belling, Sturtevant, S. H. Emerson, Meurman. The first discussions of the question in the literature were those of Hakansson (1928a) and Darlington (1929a, 1931e). That CEnothera Lamarckiana combines unlike chromosome sets was suggested by Lotsy (1917, 1919). 336 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY adequacy was demonstrated in an extensive series of crosses which gave the chromosome configurations predicted on the basis of the theory.^ Accordingly, the forms of (Enothera with catenated chromosomes are now regarded as "structural hybrids," i.e., the two sets of chromosomes in the diploid complement are unlike in the arrangement of the elements composing them. This, together with the action of factors which are lethal in certain combinations, goes far to explain the peculiar genetical and cytological behavior observed in the genus. The general situation may be illustrated by the case of (E. Lamarckiana. Some years ago Renner (1915 et seq.) advanced the hypothesis that in Oenothera there are several different genetic factor complexes which are combined in pairs in the various species and that these complexes segre- gate as wholes in meiosis, each gamete carrying one or the other. More- over, certain complexes are lethal in gametes, while some combinations are lethal in zygotes. The two complexes in (E. Lamarckiana are called gaudens and velans. Hence gaudens- and ye/aws-carrying (spores and) gametes are formed; and by their unions three different combinations are possible in the offspring (Fig. 192). But both gaudens and velans are lethal when in the homozygous condition in the zygote, hence the only surviving plants are Lamarckiana. In other words, these plants breed true, not because they represent a pure species as supposed by de Vries, but rather because they are "complex heterozygotes" whose homozygous offspring do not survive. It was suggested at once that the two genetic complexes must be carried by different gametes produced after meiosis,^ but only after the theory of reciprocal translocation had been developed was it fully apparent why the sets should segregate as wholes. The make-up of the gametic sets of seven carrying the gaudens and velans complexes, respec- tively, is such that, in meiosis, one free pair is formed while the remaining chromosomes form a ring of 12 with the members of the two sets alternate in fixed positions (Fig. 192). Since alternate chromosomes of the ring usually pass to the same pole in anaphase 7, the members of each set remain together when reproductive cells are formed. The single free pair disjoins at random; but its two members are similar as to their shares of the complexes concerned, so that their freedom does not alter the complexes. Hence the different sets of seven chromosomes, like the genetic complexes, may be treated as characteristically stable units. The way in which the various genetic complexes are combined in the species of Q^yiothera occurring in nature has been extensively studied genetically, particularly by Renner. In addition, several combinations not before known in nature have been produced by appropriate crosses. 8 Blakeslee and Cleland (1930), Cleland and Blakeslee (1930, 1931), Emerson and Sturtevant (1931), Cleland (1932, 1933). 9 Bartlett (1915, 1916), Cobb and Bartlett (1919), Renner (1917). RECIPROCAL TRANSLOCATION 337 In this way it has been possible to determine the degree of similarity, or relationship, between the various complexes. In a parallel series of cytological researches by Cleland and Oehlkers it has been shown that the chromosome sets carrying the genetic complexes show clearly their degree of relationship in the configurations produced at diakinesis after two such sets have been combined in a cross. Complexes which are closely related genetically combine to form configurations with most or all of the chromosomes in separate pairs at diakinesis, whereas complexes which are more distantly related give configurations with more of the chromosomes involved in circles. The more distant the relationship, the larger the chains or circles. Plants with identical genetic constitu- tions tend to show similar configurations at diakinesis.^" The genetical and cytological data are in striking harmony, which confirms the theory that in these plants several genetic complexes differentiated by rearrange- ment and gene mutation are carried by chromosome sets differentiated largely by reciprocal translocation. The development of the chromosome ring in the meiotic prophase of (Enoihera is presumably like that in Zea, where it has been shown that homologous portions synapse laterally and later open to form the ring (p. 331). CEnothera is ill adapted to a study of these stages, but aside from reports of parallelism of prophasic threads^^ there are other indica- tions of lateral synapsis at some stage earlier than diakinesis. Among these are interlocking of ring-shaped bivalents and larger rings and the presence of chiasmata.^^ Moreover, crossing-over has been demonstrated genetically for chromosomes in the ring,^^ which indicates a lateral association. In view of the striking way in which parasynapsis with reciprocal translocation accounts for the phenomena in CEnothera, as it does for those in organisms {e.g., Zea) whose prophasic changes can be clearly followed, this is now generally accepted as the proper interpreta- tion of meiosis in this genus. For many years cytology witnessed a battle between "parasynapsis" (lateral synapsis) and " telosynapsis " (synapsis primarily end to end^^), but the battle has now practically ended with the retirement of telosynapsis from the field as a general interpretation of the meiotic prophase. 1" See Hoeppener and Renner (1928) and Cleland (1931a) for diagrams of relation- ship of complexes and of chromosome configurations in crosses. 11 Gates and Goodwin (1931), Weier (19306), S. Emerson (19316). 12 Catcheside (19316), Darlington (1931e). 1^ See S. H. Emerson (1931a). Crossing-over between catenated chromosomes has also been demonstrated in Zea, where the parasynaptic condition is particularly clear (Creighton and McClintock, 1931), and in Datura (Blakeslee and Bergner, 1932). 1* Mid-prophasic doubleness was attributed to splitting rather than synapsis. This interpretation will apply to unsynapsed portions of threads in translocation complexes, multivalents (Fig. 159) and elsewhere, but not to normal meiosis. "Telo- synapsis" of catenated chromosomes is but the result of a restriction of parasynapsis to terminal regions. 338 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY (Enothera exhibits other genetic pecuHarities, such as the production of twin hybrids, unHke reciprocals/^ and a rarity of typical Mendelian ratios. These find their explanation in the phenomena outlined above. In contrast to the " superlinkage " displayed by forms with catenated chromosomes, those with freely assorting pairs (Hookeri; grandiflora of Davis) show ordinary linkage and typical Mendelian ratios. One of the most important conclusions to be drawn from these researches is that (E. Lamarckiana, which de Vries regarded as a pure species giving rise to mutants by some unknown process, is a "permanent hybrid" whose constancy is maintained by lethal factors and whose mutants are due to occasional non-disjunction of some of the catenated chromosomes, to translocations, to doubling of the chromosome number, and to dis- turbances of the lethal mechanism by crossing-over. Had modern cytogenetical work on (Enothera begun earlier, the mutation theory would have been formulated in a very different manner. Moreover, the solution of the (Enothera puzzle would not have been possible without the theory of reciprocal translocation, which has now become more than a theory. 1* Lehmann (1922) describes these phenomena with the aid of diagrams. CHAPTER XX HETEROPLOIDY The course of modern cytology was markedly influenced by two dis- coveries made in the early years of the century. Firstly, it was observed that when Drosera rotundifolia (20 chromosomes) was crossed with D. longifolia (40 chromosomes), there resulted a hybrid with 30 chromo- somes, of which 10 were contributed by rotundifolia and 20 by longifolia. When synapsis occurred in the microsporocytes in this hybrid only 10 bivalents were formed, 10 chromosomes remaining unpaired. Irregular distribution of these unpaired chromosomes in the meiotic mitoses then followed (Rosenberg, 1904a, 19096). Secondly, it was found that while (Enothera Lamarckiana had 14 chromosomes (diploid), its mutant gigas had 28 (tetraploid) (Lutz, 1907; Gates, 1908a). Since that time the number and the behavior of chromosomes in related types and their hybrids have been very extensively studied, especially in plants, where the phenomena are best displayed. The results of these studies will now be summarized in three chapters. Terminology. — A nucleus with some number other than the true monoploid or diploid number of chromosomes is said to be heteroploid. This term and others given below are also applied to cells, tissues, indi- viduals, races, or species with such nuclei. When the number is an exact multiple of the monoploid, the nucleus (or tissue, etc.) is euploid. The terms designating the multiples up to 10, beginning with the triple number, are as follows: triploid, tetraploid, pentaploid, hexaploid, hep- taploid, octoploid, enneaploid, decaploid. The higher multiples, which are of rarer occurrence, are usually designated as 11-ploid, 12-ploid, and so on. Euploid types are often said to be polyploid. In such species the zygotic and gametic chromosome numbers are, for example, hexaploid and triploid, or tetraploid and diploid, rather than diploid and mono- ploid as in the types selected for discussion in foregoing chapters.^ Non-heteroploid groups may be called homoploid. A nucleus (or tissue, etc.) with some number other than an exact multiple of the monoploid number is aneuploid. When the number is a little lower than some multiple it is hypoploid; when it is a little higher it is hyperploid. Obviously, a number falling between the diploid and triploid numbers, for example, may be called either hyperdiploid or hypotriploid. 1 It was formerly customary to refer to the zygotic and gametic numbers as "dip- loid" and "haploid," regardless of the number of chromosome sets actually present. 339 340 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY A chromosome complement in which the heteroploidy is due to the multiplication of a single kind of monoploid set (or of some of its members) is said to be autoheter opioid; whereas, one in which specifically different sets or members are combined, as in a hybrid, is alloheter opioid. Although this distinction cannot always be sharply drawn, it is of considerable importance, as will appear later.- -'^^^' Ak Mi ^k D Fig. 193. — Somatic chromosome complements of various species of Rosa, illustrating euploidy. A, R. webbiana, 14 chromosomes. B, R. chinensis, 21. C, "Konrad Ferdinand Meyer," 28. D, R. tomentosa cuspidatoides, 35. E, R. nutkana, 42. F, an octoploid hybrid, 56. {After Tackholm, 1922.) Heteroploidy in Related Species. — Very often the chromosome numbers in the various species of a given genus form a more or less complete euploid series (Fig. 193). For example, in Chrysanthemum the various species have 9, 18, 27, 36, and 45 pairs of chromosomes; hence they range from diploid to decaploid, with 9 as the "basic" number (Tahara, 19156, 1921). In Potentilla, with 7 as a basic number, the species range from diploid to 16-ploid.^ The species of Thalidrum, also with 7 as a basic number, range from diploid to 12-ploid.'* Such long 2 In many reported cases it is not known which type of heteroploidy is represented. It is largely for this reason that "heteroploidy" is here used singly and in combination to indicate number only, without special reference to the kinds of sets concerned. In this we follow Winkler (1916, 1920). Winkler refers to complements with similar sets (genoms) as " isogenomatic " and to those with unlike sets as "anisogenomatic." The terms "autopolyploidy " and "allopolyploidy" were suggested by Kihara and Ono (1926). Hurst (19276) uses the parallel terms "duplicational polyploidy" and "differential polyploidy." Tackholm (1922) introduced "euploid" and "aneuploid." For further discussions of terms, seeLanglet (1927a), Brieger (19276), and von Wettstein (1927). 3Shimotomai (1929, 1930), Miintzing (1931). ^Langlet (1927a), Kuhn (1928a, 1930c). HETEROPLOIDY 341 unbroken series may be somewhat exceptional, but series with two or three members are very common, especially in the angiosperms. Extremely high multiples are found occasionally, as in Prunus laurocera- sus with about 176 somatic chromosomes (ca. 22 X 8)^ and Senecio Roherti-Friesii with about 180 {ca. 36 X S).*^ Euchlcena mexicana has 10 pairs of chromosomes and is annual, while E. perennis has 20 and is perennial; the same is true of Sorghum sudanensis and S. halepensisJ * A ^ B D #tt /\\^1 #•*?# ^•^^'^^^ ^z\^^^ #^^^^ •^•^•#1 ••.••^-.^ ••**^r /A:;-::- .:v.V;5 o;r:.;: v ;-::• ;r.t:.\* v-vJi» •*-'>'• •.•.•'.*//.'. • /•;.* V/V/* v»tV ••;•:••♦* Fig. 194. — The chromosomes in the metaphase of the first meiotic mitosis in the micro- sporocytes of various species of Car ex, illustrating aneuploidy. A, pilulifera, 9 chromo- somes. B, sparsiflora, 16. C, montana, 19. D, tomentosa, 24. E, digitata, 26. F, loliacea, 27. G, caryophyllea, 29. H, punctata, 34. /, distans, 37. /, vesicaria, 41. K, Goodenoughii, 42. L, hirta, 56. (After Heilborn, 1924.) A striking example of aneuploidy within a genus is afforded by Carex, in which the species examined show 22 gametic numbers, all but one of which lie between 9 and 42 (Fig. 194). Taxonomic relationship is roughly indicated here by the number and size of the chromosomes.^ Another example of such marked aneuploidy is Scirpus.^ Heilborn thinks it probable that this exceptional condition is connected with the peculiar mode of pollen formation in Cyperacese. Frequently a genus shows two or more euploid series, or it may have euploid combined with aneuploid 5 Meurman (192%). « Afzelius (1924). ' Longley (1924o, 1932); see also Huskins and Smith (1932). « Heilborn (1922, 1924, 1925, 1932). 9 Hakansson (19285), Hicks (1928). 342 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY numbers. Thus in Brassica the gametic numbers are 9, 18, 10, 20, and 19.^° In Rumex the species of the Eulapathum section show gametic numbers of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and 100, while those of the Acetosa section show 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 21, and 24. ^'^ Another such genus is Viola.'^^ Of special interest is the relation sometimes exhibited between chromosome number and taxonomic division into subgenera. An outstanding example is Triticum, in which the gametic numbers are 7 in the einkorn group of species, 14 in the emmer group, and 21 in the spelta group. ^^ Similar correlations are shown in a number of other genera. ^^ In contrast with the above are certain homoploid genera, such as Pinus, with 12 pairs of chromosomes in every species yet studied: Quercus, also with 12; Lilium, with 12; Philadelphus, with 13; Epilobium, with 18; and Mecostethus, with 12.^° Numbers in Related Genera. — Related genera often show "related" chromosome numbers. In the large systematic group Bicornes (Ericales) the gametic numbers found in the various genera are 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48; also 8, 16, 13, 23j and 26. In the Antirrhinese the numbers are 6, 7, 8, 9, and 12; here there appear to be related pairs of genera which differ by one pair of chromosomes. The Orchidaceae have 8, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 20, and 28, with 16 and 20 most frequent. ^^ Zea Mays and certain species of Euchlcena and Sorghum have 10 pairs. Perennial species of the latter two genera are tetraploid, and it is of interest to find that an induced tetra- ploid from a diploid annual Euchlcena is perennial (Randolph, 1932). Heteroploidy within a Species. — Individuals or races within a species often differ characteristically in chromosome number; in many cases such differences have been seen to arise in the breeding plot. In Zea Mays, whose normal diploid number is 20, individuals have also been found with i» Karpechenko (1924a, 1928), Shimotomai (1925), Morinaga (1929), and others. 11 Roth (1906), Kihara and Ono (1926), Ono (1926 et seq.), Jaretzky (1927a6, 19286). 12 J. Clausen (1927, 1929a), Gershoy (1928). i^Sakamura (1918), Kihara (1919 et seq.), Sax (1918 et seq.), Nikolaewa (1920a, 1924), de Mol (1924), Watkins (1924, 1925, 1927, 1930), Bleier (1926 et seq.), Percival (1926), Aase and Powers (1926), Aase (1930), Kagawa (19276), W. P. Thompson (1925 et seq.), and others. Cf. Schulz (1913), Zade (1914, 1918), and Vavilov and Jakushkina (1925) on relationships. See also footnote 8, p. 366. " E.g., Valeriana (Senjaninova, 1927a), Gossipium (Denham, 1924o6), Bursa (S. E. Hill, 1927), Pobjgonum (Jaretzky, 19286). 15 Chamberlain (1899), Ferguson (1901, 1904), and others on Pi7ius; Ghimpu (19296/, 1930), Jaretzky (1930), Friesner (1930), and others on Quercus; Bangham (1929) on Philadelphus; H&kansson (19246), Schwemmle (1924), Michaelis (1905), and Johansen (1929) on Epilobium; McClung (1923, 1924) on Mecostethus. For Lilium and other cases, see the lists of Tischler (1927a, 1931). 16 Hagerup (19286) on Bicornes, Heitz (1927a) on Antirrhineae, Hoffman (1929) on Orchidacese. See also Langlet (1927a, 1932) on Ranunculaceae, Jaretzky (1928a, 1932) and Manton (19326) on Cruciferaj, Fernandes (1931) on Liliaceae, Wanscher (1931, 1932) on Umbelliferae, and Tschechow (1932) on Trifoliese. HETEROPLOIDY 343 10, 30, 40, 80, and certain aneuploid numbers. Euploid individuals and races are now known in a large number of species in many groups of plants. In (Enothera Lamarckiana, where the diploid (2n) number is 14, some of the well-known mutants have 471, 3w, and 2n + 1 chromosomes. The primary and secondary mutants of Datura stramonium are 2n + 1 forms. In Thalidrum minus there are three races (species ?) with gametic numbers of 7, 14, and 21. Vicia grceca has races with 6, 7, and 14. In Matthiola incana have been seen individuals with 14, 14 + two fragments, and 7 + one fragment. In Pellia epiphylla and P. Neesiana races with diploid gametophytes are known. In Funaria hygrometrica there are races with 14, 28, and 56. A few such cases are known among the algae. Among grains cer- tain speltoid wheats, dwarf wheats, and fatuoid oats may have one or two chromo- somes more or less than the normal number. In Artemia salina, a crustacean, there are diploid, tetraploid, and octoploid races. ^^ Heteroploidy within the Individual. — Occasionally one region of an individual differs from the remainder in chromosome number. Diploid Datura plants, for example, have been seen to bear 2n + 1, 2n — 1, and 4w branches. Sometimes the modified region is a well-defined sector of the plant (Figs. 195,204).!^ The differing portions may also somal chimera in Nicotiana. , , J • 11 • n • • ii Cells at left of heavy line have 24 be arranged concentrically: m Spinaaa the chromosomes, as at a; cells at plerome and dermatogen may be 2w and the right have 48, as at b. {After periblem An or 8m. ^^ Such sectorial and " ^' periclinal types are known as "chromosomal chimeras. " Of very frequent occurrence are scattered cells with aberrant numbers, especially in roots or anthers subjected to abnormal cultural conditions. The formation of tetraploid shoots is sometimes induced from callus tissue Fig. 195. — Portion of trans- verse section of root of chromo- " Randolph and McClintock (1926) and Randolph (1932) on Zea; Blakeslee, Belling, and Farnham (1920) on Datura; Kuhn (1928o) on Thalidrum; Sweschnikova (1927a) on Vicia; Lesley and Frost (1928) on Matthiola; Heitz (19276) and Showalter (1927c) on Pellia; von Wettstein (19246) on Funaria; Winge (1924), Huskins (1928a6, 1931a), Mtintzing (1930a) and Hakansson (1933a) on Triticurn; Huskins (1927, 1928a) and Nishiyama (1931) on Avena; Artom (1912) and F. Gross (1932) on Artemia. For (Enothera, see footnote 5, p. 334. 18 Nawaschin (1926, 1930a) and HolUngshead (1930c) on Crepis; Lesley (1925) on Lycopersicum; Ruttle (1928) on Nicotiana; Jaretzky (1927a6) on Thalictrum. Langlet (19275) lists known cases. •' De Litardiere (1923c) and Langlet (19276) on Spinacia and Cannabis. 344 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY after grafting or decapitation, notably in Solanacese.^" Another interest- ing condition is seen in certain gynandromorphs, where portions of the body differing in chromosome number differ also in sex (p. 381). In certain Diptera it has been observed that tracheal cells, intestinal cells, or rectal gland cells may become polyploid while the germ cells retain the normal number.-^ How Differences in Number Arise. — Sudden alterations in chromo- some number are brought about by aberrations of mitosis, by the union of unusual or unlike complements in syngamy, and by a combination of these two processes. In a number of instances such aberrations have been directly observed in progress, while in certain others it can reasonably be inferred that they are responsible for differences in number found in the field or breeding plot. Moreover, some of them may be induced experi- mentally, as by means of heat or X-rays. ^^ Some of the more common phenomena leading to numerical changes are listed below. JJ.^ JL. ^..^^ ? ). CHROMOSOMES AND SEX 383 ?LAMT LIFE CYCLE N \ \ / CAMLTES ^- V hOMOTHALUC BRYOPHYTE ANIHAL LlfE CYCLL HLTLBOTHALUC BRYOPHYTEl ^ j niCRo- HOMOPHYTIC SEED PLANT HETEROPHYTIC SEED PLANT Fig. 217.— Diagrams of life cycles of several types. The first diagram is a modification of one by SchafTner (1923c). {After Sharp, 1925). 384 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY spores with 1 -\- X develop into female gametophytes, while those with 7 + F develop into males. The total chromosome volume in a female gametophyte nucleus is about 1.7 times that in a male, and the volumes of the cells differ by about the same amount (Lorbeer). Meiotic Spore quartet. 5PHAER0CAHP0S Female gametophyte Fig. 218. — Chromosome cycle in Sphcerocarpos. (Based on data of C. E. Allen, 1917, 1919.) The genus Pellia also shows well-differentiated sex-chromosomes-" (Figs. 219, 220). In P. Neesiana the male gametophyte has nine chromo- somes, including a Y with unequal arms. In the female there is an equal-armed X in place of the F. Considerable portions of the X and F Fig. 219. — Sex-chromosomes in liverworts. A, B, Sphcerocarpos Donnellii: A, from apical region of female gametophyte; B, from spermatogenous tissue of male. (After Lorbeer, 1930.) C, D, Pellia Neesiana: sets from male and female gametophytes. Which of the nine chromosomes in the male is the Y has not been determined. (After Showalter, 1928.) remain condensed (heteropyknotic) through the telophase and interphase. A comparison of the chromosome complement with that of P. epiphylla brings out the interesting fact that in homothallic species also a specialized heteropyknotic "M-chromosome" may be present and suggests that the 2" Heitz (1927hc 1928a6), Showalter (1927c, 1928). CHROMOSOMES AND SEX 385 heterothallic condition may have arisen through the loss of a portion of this chromosome in some plants. This would give sex-chromosomes of two kinds: an unmodified X and a shortened Y. It would also give two JPellia epiphylla. V // ■0 w, V 4» \-:. ^ ■A ■^ Pellia Neesiana, W ^^ \), and Watkins (1932). "•See Schaffner (1919 et seq.); also Correns (1908), Bartlett (1911), Davey and Gibson (1917), Stout (1919), and Yampolsky (1919, 1920). 61 Hirata (1924, 19276), Sinoto (1928). CHROMOSOMES AND SEX 397 indicates that all of the pollen grains carried an X, instead of half of them X and half of them Y. There was also some evidence that a staminate plant bearing carpels produced some eggs with X and some with Y. In Melandrium album an exceptional bisexual individual was shown to have XF in both micro- and megasporocytes. The same is true of a bisexual Populus tremuloides.^'^ Thus under certain conditions it is possible for reproductive elements of one sex to develop with the chromo- some complement ordinarily characterizing the opposite sex. Such cases of sex modification in plants and animals^^ serve to empha- size the fact that it is not simply the sex-chromosomes but a complicated system of which the chromosomes are a part that is responsible for the development of the sexes. The development of sex, like that of any other character, depends upon the constitution of the protoplasm concerned as well as upon the conditions to which this protoplasm is compelled to react. Although the protoplasmic constitution is directly inherited, its reactions in the course of ontogeny can be influenced within certain limits through external agencies. Hence the determination of sex, like that of other heritable characters, involves the interaction of two sets of fac- tors: (1) genetic factors (inherited protoplasmic constitution; intrinsic factors; genes); and (2) non-genetic factors (extrinsic factors; environ- mental agencies, external and internal). The state of balance between those genetic factors whose influence is toward maleness and those tending toward femaleness varies greatly in different organisms. In bisexual forms it is so delicate that the two sexes develop in response to different conditions prevailing in different regions of the same individual, just as other distinct characters develop near one another. In unisexual forms, especially in those with well- differentiated sex-chromosomes, two unlike complexes of genetic factors are established through meiosis and syngamy. The balance of male- producing and female-producing factors in these two complexes is such that, under average conditions, one of them predisposes development toward maleness and the other toward femaleness. In some cases, notably the bryophytes, this predisposition is very strong and has not been overcome by environmental alterations so far tried; whereas, in other cases, such as the angiosperms mentioned above, the natural predisposition can be overcome more or less easily. In no case can the action of either genetic or non-genetic factors be denied. It now seems ^- McPhee (1925) on Cannabis, Belaf (1925) on Melandrium, Erlanson and Hermann (1928) on Populus. *^ Among the many accounts of sex modification and its physiological significance in animals may be cited those of Riddle (1912 et seq.; see 1927), Crew (1923, 1926, 1927abc), Banta (1916 ei seq.), Baltzer (1914), F. R. Lillie (1917), Minoura (1921), Goldschmidt (1911 et seq.; see 1923a, 1927afe, 19286, 19296, 1931), Witschi (1922 et seq.; see 1929 and 1932), Seller (1920), and Brambell (19305). 398 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY evident that all nuclei, monoploid and otherwise, however greatly they may differ in the proportions of their "male-producing" and "female- producing" genes, regularly carry both kinds; and it is probable that the tissues in which they lie might be made to develop either sex if we but knew how to alter the other factors concerned. In the evolution of sex-chromosomes organisms have established a mechanism insuring a degree of sex separation which is sufficient to confer upon them the benefits of such separation, but the condition has apparently become rigid and unalterable only in a minority of the cases, at least among plants. As emphasized by Correns (1926a), the essence of dicecism is the presence of two genotypes correlated with sex and not the uniformly sharp separation of the sexes. The role of genetic factors in sex differentiation is strikingly illustrated in the production of a dioecious strain of maize by the genetic manipulation of genes previously known to be associated with male or female sterility in the ordinary monoecious strains.^* Only a beginning has been made on the problem of the ontogenetic development of the sexual states. The influences of genetic and environ- mental factors are exerted through a long and complicated series of intracellular and intercellular reactions. The correlation of sexual differ- ences with metabolic rate (Riddle et at.), chemical composition (Manoilov et al.),^^ and endocrine secretions (F. R. Lillie, Witschi, et al.) are of special interest in this connection. Goldschmidt, as a result of his extensive researches on intersexuality in diploid moths, ^^ has suggested that the final expression of sexual characters is dependent upon the relative velocities of the male-producing and female-producing reactions in the early stages of ontogenetic differentiation. Moreover, the veloci- ties vary with the amounts of gene substance present. As an embryo with the male genetic complex begins development, the male-producing reactions proceed at a faster rate than the female-producing ones, and this continues throughout development, giving a normal male moth. When, however, the quantity of the male-producing gene substance is less, the rate of the male-producing reactions may sooner or later fall below that of the female-producing ones; if this occurs before the critical stage of differentiation is reached, female characters develop and the moth is intersexual. The earlier the turning point with reference to " D. F. Jones (1931). See Emerson (1924, 1932). For discussions of the factorial interpretation of sex determination in the life cycles of plant groups, see Correns (1928a) and Sharp (1925). " Manoilov (1922 et seq.), Griinberg (1922, 1923), Minenkov (1924), Satina and Demerec (1925), Satina and Blakeslee (1925, 1926a6, 1927), Joyet-Lavergne (1927 et seq.), Camp (1929), Dahlgren (1929). For general accounts, see Schratz (1928), Joyet-Lavergne (1928c, 1932), and Abromavich and Lynn (1930). ^^ Sec Goldschmidt's recent review (1931). For a brief summary of work on amphibians, see Witschi (1932). CHROMOSOMES AND SEX 399 the critical stage, the greater the amount of sex reversal. The same interpretation applies, mutatis mutandis, to intersexes beginning develop- ment as females. In triploid Drosophila, also, the degree of intersexuality varies with the time of sex reversal, which is influenced by both genetic factors and temperature (Dobzhansky, 1930c). These suggestions are of special importance in that they direct atten- tion to the quantitative and ontogenetic aspects of genie action, a fuller knowledge of which is prerequisite to a true understanding of the physical basis of heredity. The direct control of sex in a given individual is not to be confused with the control of sex in a population. Nutritive conditions sometimes influence the form of reproduction and therefore the sex of the animals resulting; but here the sex of no individual, once decided, is altered." Abnormal temperatures may prevent the laying of the eggs from which one sex develops, without interfering with those giving rise to the other sex.^^ In such cases the environmental influences operate "by affecting the production and survival of sexually predestined germ-cells" (Thom- son, 1913). Conclusion. — In bisexual organisms the gene complexes in all indi- viduals are nearly enough alike (with respect to genes affecting sex) for these to show the same sex manifestation under similar environmental conditions, and the constitution of this gene complex is such as to result in the production of both sexes as responses to the different special con- ditions in tissues in different regions or at different stages of development. Artificial modifiability here depends on the extent to which those partic- ular special conditions, which are in this case the differential factors, can be controlled or altered. In unisexual (dioecious) organisms the gene complexes of some indi- viduals differ from those of others in such a way that some develop one sex, and others the other sex, under the same general environmental conditions and in the presence of the range of special internal conditions normally prevailing. Under ordinary conditions, therefore, it is the genetic factors that are differential. In the heterothallic bryophytes the segregation of genes at meiosis results directly in spores and gametophyte individuals of the two sexes; in heterophytic seed plants it results in two sorts of microspores and hence male gametophytes whose respective gametes cause a difference in the sex expression of the succeeding sporo- phytes; in animals it results directly in two kinds of gametes of one sex. Artificial modifiability here depends on the kind and degree of difference between the male and female gene complexes, and on the extent to which their differential effect can be overcome by altering controllable extrinsic 5' Whitney (1914, 1916, 1919) on Hydatina senta. ^ Malsen (1906; on Dinovhilus) . 400 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY factors of the system, i.e., the extent to which the latter factors can be made to assume or to share in the differential function. In many plants and animals the genie sexual differences have been correlated with visible and constant differences in the chromosomes. This serves to emphasize the necessity of considering cytological and genetical data in any attempt to understand sex and its control. CHAPTER XXIV APOMIXIS AND RELATED PHENOMENA The many known kinds of reproduction in organisms are ordinarily grouped in two main categories, sexual and asexual. In the latter cate- gory are several modes which seem clearly to represent aberrations or derivatives of the sexual process in that they involve the structures commonly concerned in sexual reproduction. Often there is no sexual fusion whatsoever, in which case the reproductive process is referred to as apomixis. This is in contradistinction to amphimixis, in which the new individual arises from the fusion product of two gametes. In many organisms apomixis recurs regularly in successive life cycles owing to other compensatory processes. In other instances it may occur occa- sionally without leading to the establishment of apomictic races. In this chapter attention will be devoted chiefly to apomixis in its two principal forms, parthenogenesis and apogamy. The first of these occurs in both plants and animals, while the second, as well as a related condition known as apospory, occurs in plants only.i PLANTS The life cycle in vascular plants, bryophytes, and certain thallophytes is characterized by the alternation of two generations differing in chromo- some number. This is not, however, true of all cases. Many plants are now known in which the life cycle shows the two generations as usual but without any changes in the number of chromosomes. This must be borne in mind in reading the following pages. Apomixis. — No sexual fusion occurs. A. Parthenogenesis. — The development of a sporophyte from a female gamete (or sometimes a male gamete?) without syngamy. 1 The classification employed here for apomixis in plants follows, in the main, that drawn up by Winkler (1908, 1920) with certain modifications. The classification for animals resembles that of Prell (19236). To aid the student in interpreting the con- fused terminology in the literature, the terms of other authors are included in brackets under each heading. It is because of complications introduced by heteroploidy that we substitute the words "reduced" and "unreduced" for the conventional terms "haploid" and "diploid" ordinarily used in such classifications. For discussions of the phenomena treated in this chapter, some of them with classifications of cases, see Winkler (1908, 1920), Strasburger (19096), Ernst (1918), Renner (1916), M. Hartmann (1909), Prell (19236), Vines (1911), P. Hertwig (1920a), Tischler (1921- 1922), Ankel (1927), Rosenberg (1930), and Darhngton (1932a). 401 402 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY 1. Reduced Parthenogenesis. — The developing gamete has the reduced (gametic) number of chromosomes. [Called haploid parthenogenesis by Hartmann (1909) and Renner (1916), generative parthenogenesis by Winkler (1904, 1908, 1920), and true parthenogenesis by Stras- burger (1907a).] For many years no angiosperm sporophytes with the reduced chromo- some number were known, but during the last decade several cases have been discovered. They occur in Datura, Nicotiana, Triticum, Crepis, Zea, and other genera (see p. 356). In some instances it is clear that the chromosome set is truly monoploid and not merely the reduced comple- ment of a polyploid race. The origin of such monoploid sporophytes has not been traced in detail, but the genetic evidence leaves little doubt that reduced eggs have developed. Mitosis in such eggs has been observed. - In none of these cases has a regularly apomictic race been established. This mode of development is known to occur also in thallophytes. In Fucus the development of the unfertilized egg has been induced by artificial means (J. B. Overton, 1913), but the cytological features here are unknown. Motile gametes of certain other algse have been observed to develop without conjugation, as in Edocarpus (Kylin, 1918). In Vaucheria (von Wettstein, 1920) the contents of either the oogonium or the antheridium may be made to regenerate a new individual; what is virtually "male parthenogenesis" occurs in the latter case. An example of reduced parthenogenesis in the fungi is afforded by Saprolegnia (Mackel, 1928; Schlosser, 1929). 2. Unreduced Parthenogenesis. — The developing gamete has the unreduced (zygotic) number of chromosomes. [Called diploid parthenogenesis by Hartmann and Renner, somatic parthenogenesis by Winkler, ooapogamy by Strasburger, Juel, and Ernst, and parthenapogamy by Farmer and Digby (1907).] This form of parthenogenesis occurs very frequently in vascular plants as a regularly recurring reproductive phenomenon. A few representative cases are listed in the footnote.^ The unreduced state of the egg is due to a previous failure of meiosis, the sporophytic number of chromosomes being carried through to the gametophyte. The two sporocyte divisions 2 Kusano (1915) on Gastrodia, Haberlandt (1921, 1922) on (Enothera. ^ Marsilia Drummondii (Strasburger, 1907a); Athyrium filix-foemina, var. claris- sima and Scolopendrin?n vulgare (Farmer and Digby, 1907); Alchemilla (Murbeck, 1901; Strasburger, 1904c; Boos, 1917, 1920); Antennaria alpina (Juel, 1898?>, 1900); Archieracium (Rosenberg, 1906, 1917; Ostenfeld, 1910, 1912); Atamosco texana (Pace, 1913); Erigeron arniuus (Tahara, 1915a, 1921; I. Holmgren, 1919); Eujmtornim glandidosum (Holmgren, 1919); Calycanthus (Schiirhoff, 1923); Taraxacmn (Murbeck, 1904; Juel, 1904, 1905; Osawa, 1913; Sears, 1917, 1922; Stork, 1920a); Chondrilla (Rosenberg, 1912); Wikstrcemia (Winkler, 1906; Strasl)urger, 1909a); Allium odorum (Haberlandt, 1923); Humulus lu-pulus (von Wettstein, 1925); Ochna serrulata (Chiarugi and Francini, 1930). An example among lower plants is Chara crinita (Ernst, 1918, 1921o). APOMIXIS AND RELATED PHENOMENA 403 may occur, giving unreduced megaspores (Marsilia), or only one division may take place {Taraxacum), or the gametophyte may arise from the megasporocyte itself without haplosis (Antennaria) . B. Apogamy. — The apomictic development of a sporophyte from a cell or cells of the gametophyte instead of from a gamete. 1. Reduced Apogamy. — The developing cells have nuclei with the reduced (gametic) chromosome number. [Called haploid apogamy by Hartmann, generative apogamy by Winkler, haploid apogamety by Renner, and meiotic euapogamy by Farmer and Digby.] The development of sporophytes from vegetative tissue of gameto- phytes with the reduced chromosome number and without nuclear fusion Fig. 226. — A, nuclear migration in gametophyte cells of Lasiraea. (After Farmer and Dighy, 1907.) B, section through gametophyte, showing young sporophytic tissue (s) developing from gametophytic tissue (g). (After Farmer and Digby.) C, sporophyte arising apogamously from gametophyte in Pteris cretica; b' , first leaf; v, stem apex; w, root. (After de Bary.) has frequently been observed among ferns. ^ The process commonly begins with the division of the gametophytic cells to form a mass of "engrafted tissue" which then grows into a new sporophyte (Fig. 226, B). Ordinarily, apogamy is offset in the life cycle by apospory. In Nephro- dium hirtipes the spores are formed, though in an abnormal manner: when there are eight sporogenous cells in the sporangium there is an incomplete nuclear division, each nucleus coming to have the unreduced number of chromosomes. These eight cells then function as sporocytes ^ E.g.: Lastrcea pseudo-mas, var. cristata apospora (Farmer and Digby, 1907); Nephrodium molle (Yamanouchi, 1908c); and Nephrodium hirtipes (Steil, 1919o). 404 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY and produce 32 reduced spores (Fig, 227, B). The reduced number here (60 + ) is doubtless a polyploid one. 2. Unreduced Apogamy. — The developing cells have nuclei with the unreduced (zygotic) chromosome number. [Called diploid apogamy by Hartmann, somatic apogamy by Winkler and Ernst, diploid apogamety by Renner, and euapogamy by Farmer and Digby.] This type of apogamy appears to occur in certain ferns. In one reported case^ the sporophyte arises from unreduced "engrafted tissue" Fig. 227. — A, nuclear abnormality in sporangium of Aspidmm falcatum. {After R. F. Allen, 1911.) B, restitution nucleus in Nephrodium hirtipes. {After Steil, 1919a.) C, unreduced parthenogenesis and sporophytic budding in embryo sac of Alchemilla pastoralis. The egg is developing one embryo below and a nucellar cell is forming another above; two polar nuclei and one synergid nucleus at middle. {After Murheck, 1901.) D, gametophyte with antheridium and rhizoids arising aposporously from tissue of sorus in Polystichum; sp., sporangia. E, gametophyte with archegonia arising from tip of pinnule in Polystichum. {D and E after Bower.) which develops after a nuclear migration and fusion in certain cells of the reduced gametophyte (Fig. 226, .4), Such a fusion in cells not specifically organized as gametes has been called pseudomixis. In angio- sperms the formation of embryos by unreduced synergids or antipodal cells has been reported,^ but the cytological data in most such reports are rather scanty. C. Sporophytic Budding. — The formation of new sporophytes by sporophytic cells surrounding the embryo sac, such cells projecting into the sac and developing into embryos. Commonly the cells in question ^ Lastrasa pseudo-mas, var. polydactyla (Farmer, Moore, and Digby, 1903; Farmer and Digby, 1907). « E.g., Alchetnilla sericata (Murbeck, 1902), Burniannia coelesiis (Ernst aiid Bernard, 1912), and Allium odorum (Haberlandt, 1923). APOMIXIS AND RELATED PHENOMENA 405 belong to the nucellus ("nucellar embryony"), but sometimes they are integument cells. This process occurs in a number of angiosperms,''' commonly in species exhibiting parthenogenesis or apogamy also (Fig. 227, C). The sacs into which the embryos project may have either reduced or unreduced nuclei. Embryos may arise from the egg, other gametophytic cells, and sporophy- tic cells in the same plant, the condition known as -poly embryony often resulting.* In genetic researches the exact mode of origin of such embryos is a matter of considerable moment. Apospory. — The development of a gametophyte from a cell (or cells) other than a spore (in plant groups normally developing gameto- phytes from spores). As a rule both the sporophyte and the aposporous gametophyte arising from it have the unreduced chromosome number. In several genera of ferns^ gametophytes may develop as buds on the sporophyte, commonly from the leaf margin or the meristematic tissue at the base of the sorus (Fig. 227, D, E). Such aposporous development of diploid gametophytes can be induced by cultural means, and this may be followed by the production of tetraploid sporophytes.^" Ordinarily, apospory is balanced by apogamy, the chromosome number remaining the same throughout the life cycle. In mosses^^ also the development of diploid gametophytes from portions of the sporophyte can be induced in this way. In some cases these diploid gametophytes produce diploid gametes which fuse and give rise to tetraploid sporophytes bearing diploid spores. In Amhlystegium a tetraploid gametophyte has been obtained. Von Wettstein (19246) reports the production of octoploid gametophytes in certain intergeneric hybrids. Apospory may also occur in angiosperms. In such cases^^ an unre- duced female gametophyte develops from a cell of the nucellus or integu- ment, often in addition to the gametophyte arising normally from the megaspore (Fig. 228, D, E). False Hybrids. — After cross-pollination individuals sometimes develop which are not true hybrids because they carry nuclear factors from only one of the parents. Such "false hybrids" are metromorphic 7 E.g., Alchemilla (Murbeck, 1901), Citrus (Osawa, 1912), Rosa (Tackholm, 1922), Spathiphyllum (Schilrhoff and Jiissen, 1925), Nigritella (Afzelius, 1928), Artemisia (Chiarugi, 1926), and Ochna (Francini, 1928). 8 For cases of polyembryony in angiosperms, see Ernst (1918, p. 436). ^ Pteris, Asplenium, Athyrium, Poly stick urn, Scolopendrium, Lastrcea. "Lang (1924) and Manton (1932o) on Osmunda; Lawton (1932) on Aspidium and Woodwardia; Andersson-Kotto (1931, 1932) on Scolopendrium. " Mnium, Bryum, Phascum, Amhlystegium (El. and Em. Marchal, 1909, 1912; Schweizer, 1923). 12 Hieracium flagellare and H. excellens (Rosenberg, 1906, 1907a; see 1930), Arte- misia (Chiarugi, 1927), Oxyria (Edman, 1929). 406 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY (like the mother) or patromorphic (Uke the father), according to the derivation of their genetic factors ;^^ hence two main processes may be distinguished: pseudogamy and androgenesis. A. Pseudogamy. — The development of metromorphic offspring induced by pollination, but without complete syngamy. The possible explanations are several: 1. Offspring with the reduced chromosome number may arise by (a) reduced parthenogenesis, the male gamete not entering the egg; or (6) gynogenesis, the male gamete entering the egg, but playing no further role; or (c) reduced apogamy. Fig. 228. — A-C, gynogenesis in Solanum nigrum. A, embryo sac, with curved male nucleus near egg nucleus. B, male nuclear matter degenerating in egg. C, young embryo, with male matter still evident in upper cell. (After C. Jdrgensen, 1928.) D, E, apospory in angiosperms. Z), nucellar cell {Ap) beginning development of aposporous embryo sac in Hieracium flagellare. E, aposporous embryo sac (Ap) outgrowing a normal one (e) in H. excellens. (After Rosenberg, 1930.) 2. Offspring with the unreduced chromosome number may arise by (a) reduced parthenogenesis followed by chromosome doubling; or (6) unre- duced parthenogenesis; or (c) unreduced apogamy; or (d) sporophytic budding. Examples of some of the above modes of behavior are the following: Datura stramonium 9 X D. ferox cf yielded a metromorphic monoploid plant, in all probability as a result of reduced parthenogenesis (explana- tion, la) (Belling and Blakeslee, 1927). Solanum nigrum 9 X S. luteum cT yielded a few plants with the maternal gametic chromosome number, and cytological study showed that the male nucleus degenerates after entering the egg (explanation, lb) (Fig. 228, A to C) (J0rgensen, 1928). Fragaria vesca 9 X F. chiloensis cf gave metromorphic offspring with the maternal zygotic chromosome number (probable explanation, " Millardet used the term "false hybrids" for actual hybrids which were strongly metroclinous or patroclinous, but Renner (1929) and Kuhn (19306) employ it only for individuals arising apomictically. We follow Kuhn in using the terms pseudo- gamy (Focke, 1881) and androgenesis (Kuhn). APOMIXIS AND RELATED PHENOMENA 407 2a) (Longley, 1926a; East, 1930). In Atamosco the male nucleus entered a diploid egg and later degenerated, the embryo continuing development with maternal chromosomes only (explanation, 26) (Pace, 1913). In certain species and biotypes of Potentilla pollination is necessary for the setting of seeds, but the offspring of crosses are purely maternal in characters and chromosome number (Miintzing, 1928). B. Androgenesis. — Development of offspring with the paternal chromosomes only. How the condition arises is not yet known. Examples: Tripsacum dadyloides 9 X Euchlcena mexicana cf yielded a plant which was morphologically and genetically like the male parent, although the seed from which it arose was outwardly like that of the other parent (Collins and Kempton, 1916). Nicotiana digluta 9 X N. tabacum c^ yielded, among other types, one plant which was morphologi- cally and cytologically like other tabacum plants with the reduced chromo- some number (Clausen and Lammerts, 1929). Similarly, N. tabacum macrophylla 9 X N. Langsdorffii cf gave a typical monoploid Langsdorffii individual (Kostoff, 1929). C. Merogony. — Similar in some respects to androgenesis is merogony, in which an egg fragment without a nucleus develops after the entrance of a sperm. This has been induced in the brown alga Cystosira barbata by Winkler (1901) and in several animals (p. 412). Causes of Apomixis. — It is a noteworthy fact that apomictic plants are usually characterized by various irregularities in sporogenesis. The megasporocyte, for example, may form a quartet of unreduced spores, a pair rather than a quartet, or no spores at all. Similar irregularities in microsporogenesis lead to the production of varying numbers of function- less pollen grains; in extreme cases no pollen is formed. It is evident that abnormal chromosome behavior is largely responsible for such defective sporogenesis. In the megasporocyte of Marsilia Drummo7idii the chromosomes undergo synaptic pairing but then dissociate and split longitudinally as in a somatic mitosis. In Antennaria the meiotic phenomena are fewer, and the mitosis passes sooner into the vegetative form. In Wikstroemia there is no trace of synaptic association, the mitosis being purely vegetative in character; here only two cells are formed. Finally, in Elatosiema sessile there are no meiotic phenomena and no cell-division; the sporocyte forms the female gametophyte directly. These cases^^ illustrate a series of transitional conditions between normal meiosis associated with sexuality on the one hand and the failure of meiosis associated with apomixis on the other. The situation is better known in microsporogenesis, where a series of increasingly aberrant modes of chromosome behavior may be seen within a single genus, notably in Hieracium (Rosenberg, 1917). In Hieracium "Strasburger (1907a, 1904c, 1909a), Modilewski (1908). 408 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY pilosella, which is not apomictic, normal synapsis and disjunction are constant in both megasporocytes and microsporocytes. In the species horeale, Icevigatum, and pseudoillyricum, all of which belong to the sub- genus Archieracium, are seen three stages in the transition from normal meiosis with sexual reproduction, such as occurs in H. pilosella, to ameio- tic sporocyte divisions with apomixis. These cases show clearly that there is a connection of some sort between apomixis and a weakness or absence of the synaptic attraction between homologous chromosomes. Another notable fact is the common association of apomixis with polyploidy. When the chromosome number of an apomictic species is compared with that of a nearly related sexual species, it is commonly found that the former is larger. In about one-half of the known cases in angiosperms the apomictic species have twice the numbers found in the related sexual species, and in some cases the multiple is still larger. Furthermore, polyploid forms, like apomictic forms, are often character- ized by conspicuous irregularities in chromosome behavior at the time of meiosis. A common cause underlying meiotic irregularity, polyploidy, and apomixis has consequently been sought. That a primary cause of these chromosomal aberrations, together with the associated substitution of apomictic for sexual reproduction, is hybridization, is a theory which has been supported by a number of students of such phenomena. ^^ The phenomena in question are so exactly paralleled in hybrids of known origin that little doubt can be entertained regarding the essential correctness of the theory, though the limits of its application cannot be stated at present. The importance of deficient synapsis in bringing about polyploidy and apomixis has been emphasized by Winge in a special hypothesis involving the synaptic reaction (see p. 369). The sexual sterility so common in hybrids and polyploid forms is largely a result of the incompatibility of chromosomes of unlike origin; indeed, it is highly probable that many apomictic forms have arisen through the crossing of normally sexed forms, as Ernst maintained. In certain moss hybrids apomixis is believed to be due to the action of genes which are freed for action by hybridization or polyploidy. ^^ The advocates of the hybridization theory do not hold hybridization to be the sole cause of apomixis. There is evidence that sexual sterility with apomictic development may also be the outcome of nutritive dis- turbances set up by other causes, such as abnormal cultural conditions, parasitism, and wounding. The cells involved in sexual reproduction seem to be especially sensitive to unfavorable environmental influences, so that they can easily be made to undergo abnormal development or 1* Ernst (1917, 1918), Rosenberg (1917 et seq.), Winge (1917), I. Holmgren (1919), Tackholm (1920, 1922), Ostenfeld (1921), Turesson (1930). 16 Von Wettstein (1927). See Zattler (1924). APOMIXIS AND RELATED PHENOMENA 409 degeneration. In (Enothera, Haberlandt (1921, 1922) finds that wound- ing brings about the formation of adventitious embryos and he attributes this to the action of a wound hormone originating in the injured tissue. The importance of apomixis to the geneticist and field taxonomist is well illustrated by the condition in the Canince section of the genus Rosa (Tackholm, 1920, 1922). Among these roses there are types which had long been regarded as distinct species because of their remarkable constancy in external characters and the lack of intermediate types. Tackholm found that the section includes tetraploid, pentaploid, and hexaploid forms, and that they all show most strikingly the Drosera type of chromosome behavior in meiosis. As a result the microspores and male gametes in the pentaploid forms, for example, contain from 7 to 22 chromosomes, while the eggs usually have 28. These facts clearly indicate the hybrid nature of the Canince roses. They are stable geneti- cally because they are apomictic : the embryo arises not from sexual cells but by budding from the nucellus. They are therefore not pure species but asexually reproducing clones which maintain their hybrid chromo- some complements and the same external characters from generation to generation because the reassorting of chromosomes and genes at meiosis plays no part in determining the make-up of the next generation. Apo- mixis obviously retards the process of forming new combinations, but it preserves new types once they are formed, just as in other vegetatively propagated plants. The importance of such facts for students of the origin of species and varieties can scarcely be overestimated. ANIMALS The best know^n examples of natural parthenogenesis in animals are found among the rotifers, crustaceans, and insects, this being the regular mode of reproduction in some species. Other modes may also occur in such organisms under certain conditions or after a certain number of generations. Some species produce parthenogenetic and sexual eggs which show conspicuous structural differences. Moreover, parthe- nogenesis may be artificially induced in the eggs of other animal groups, notably echinoderms, mollusks, and amphibians. Around this fact centers much significant work in modern experimental biology. ^^ Parthenogenesis. — In true parthenogenesis the egg develops without syngamy or other nuclear fusion. 1. Reduced Parthenogenesis. — The developing gamete has the reduced (gametic) chromosome number, two maturation divisions having effected haplosis as usual. " Robertson (19316) introduces the useful term parthenote for an individual derived from an egg with only one gametic nucleus. 410 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY The type case of this category has long been the honey bee Ayis mellifica, in which the eggs may develop parthenogenetically into drones or, after syngamy, into females. ^^ Such a development of males with the reduced chromosome number has also been demonstrated in a number of other insects^^ (Fig. 229). In such males the divisions differentiating the spermatids are purely equational in character; often there is but one mitosis. It is probable that in certain rotifers also the male parthenotes have the reduced chromosome number. 2*^ In addition to the foregoing cases in which the reduced chromosome number is retained to sexual maturity, there are others in which the number somehow becomes doubled during ontogenesis. Investigators have repeatedly found that the larvae of echinoderms, insects, amphibians, and other animals, whether produced by inducing the parthenogenetic development ^S) \ \iy^ I of reduced eggs or by causing the insemina- ..^/ Q^ tion of enucleate egg fragments, soon show a characteristic inability to continue very far with their metamorphosis. For example, _ when frogs' eggs are induced to develop by : iKN : ■• /\i^ '■ artificial means, mitoses with both the ■•; '. fV-' .'V''^^. ') : , gametic and zygotic chromosome numbers '• .•■■•..\-I*i/ .;*' can be seen in the cleavage stages and in .•.•.\...-- ...,.■• ■"••••■ ■ the tadpoles. The adults all have the Fig. 229.— Chromosomes of zygotic number.^i As in plants, there may Icerya littoraiis. a, in partheno- be animals in which the somatic number is genetically produced male (mono- ,.,i i ..i i-ii.- ploid). fe, in sexually produced gametic though uot truly monoploid; but m female (diploid.) {After Hughes- Tetranychus Mmaculatus, with three chromo- Schrader, 19306.) i • r ? • -ji ^ somes, and in Icerya purchasi, with two, differing in size, true monoploidy cannot be doubted.-^ Nevertheless, viable monoploid offspring are not, so far as known, produced by animals normally diploid in both sexes. 2. Unreduced Parthenogenesis. — The unfertilized egg develops with the unreduced (zygotic) chromosome number. 18 Petrunkewitsch (1901), Meves (19046, 1907c), Doncaster (1906, 1907), Mark and Copeland (1906), Nachtsheim (1913). 1^ E.g.: Tetranychus, Trialeurodes, Icerya, Paracopidosomopsis (Schrader, 1920, 1923c; Thomsen, 1927; Hughes-Schrader, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1930a6; Patterson, 1917, 1921; and others). In their useful review of haploidy in Metazoa Schrader and Hughes-Schrader (1931) list the cases in which the reduced chromosome number in the male has been demonstrated, as well as those in which the evidence is not con- clusive. See also the discussion by Metz, Moses, and Hoppe (1926). 20 Whitney (1909, 1924, 1929), A. F. ShuU (1921), Storch (1924). 21 Parmenter (1920, 1925, 1926). See G. Hertwig (1918), Goldschmidt (19206), and the discussions by P. Hertwig (1920a), Morgan (1924/), and Bosaeus (1926). Doubling also occurs in Apoteitix and Paratettix (W. Robertson, 1925, 1930). 22 Schrader (1923c), Schrader and Hughes-Schrader (1926). APOMIXIS AND RELATED PHENOMENA 411 In some cases^^ it is reported that two maturation divisions occur without accompHshing haplosis. More commonly there is but one division, a single polar body being formed with no haplosis. ^^ In Rhabditis monohystera, a nematode worm, the 20 chromosomes in the oocyte form 10 synaptic pairs and separate in the single meiotic mitosis which occurs. During the telophase the chromosomes appear double as in ordinary meiosis, but since there is no second mitosis to separate them the egg retains the diploid number, 20. This egg develops without syngamy into a diploid animal. Apparently in rare cases there may be no maturation divisions. In Neuroterus lenticularis, a gall-fly, the nucleus in certain eggs approaches the surface as if to produce a polar body but then returns to the middle of the egg and divides equationally. Development then proceeds with the unreduced chromosome number, 20 (Doncaster, 1910, 1911, 1916). Parthenogamy. — Under this heading may be placed those compara- tively rare cases in which an egg develops without union with a male gamete but after a fusion of two nuclei. For example, it has been reported that a polar body nucleus may sometimes fuse with the egg nucleus, after which development proceeds." In Mactra, after the forma- tion of the two polar bodies has been induced by treatment with salt solutions, the nucleus of the egg divides into two which t-hen fuse, and development proceeds (Kostanecki, 1911). The fusion of cleavage nuclei at later stages has been observed in certain species of Solenobia (Seller, 1923). False Hybrids. — As in plants, so in animals there are rare instances of the development of an embryo which, though supposedly the offspring of two parents of the same or different species, contains the functional nuclear factors of only one of them. Cases like that of Nereis (p. 242), in which the egg can be activated by a sperm without the latter's entrance, may be included here. Those in w^hich entrance occurs may be grouped under the following heads. A. Gynogenesis. — Here the male nucleus degenerates in the cyto- plasm of the egg, development proceeding with maternal nuclei alone. This appears to occur normally in Rhabditis, a genus of nematodes. The eggs form only one polar body and retain the unreduced chromosome number. They are then penetrated by the sperm, which degenerates "^^ Rhodites rosce (Henking, 1892; Schleip, 19096; Hogben, 1920a), Nematus lacteus (Doncaster, 19076). ■^^ Phylloxera (Morgan, 1906), Aphis (de Baehr, 1908-1912, 1920a), Daphnia (Kiihn, 1908), Miastor (Kahle, 1908), Simocephalus (Chambers, 1913), Lecanium (Thomsen, 1927), Rhabditis (Belaf, 1923), Aspidiotus (Schrader, 1929), probably Tettigidae (Robertson, 1930). 25 Artemia (Brauer, 1894; F. Gross, 1932), Asterias (O. Hertwig, 1890; Buchner, 1911). 412 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY without fusing with the egg nucleus. In one species the sperm is necessary for activation, although it does not participate further in development.^^ Similar phenomena are frequently encountered in the course of hybridization experiments and in pathological material. The degenera- tion of the sperm nucleus in the egg cytoplasm has been observed in a cross between a sea urchin and a mollusk.-^ In certain other crosses the paternal nuclear matter is extruded from the fusion nucleus or during the early cleavage mitoses. ^^ Such elimination during cleavage results largely from the lagging of the paternal chromosomes in mitosis; in fish hybrids this appears to be related to the viscosity of the egg cytoplasm (Pinney). Embryos formed by gynogenesis are maternal in character. Gynogenesis has been induced in amphibians and echinoderms by treating the sperm with radium.-^ B. Androgenesis. — The development of embryos with the paternal chromosomes alone has been induced by incapacitating the egg nucleus with radium before syngamy.^" In Chcetopterus it has been shown that such larvse have the monoploid chromosome number, 9. Whether such larvae may develop into adults or not is unknown. C. Merogony. — The development of an enucleate egg fragment which has been entered by a normal sperm may be induced more or less readily in a number of animals. Such enucleate fragments are obtained by shaking the eggs^^ or by cutting them in two with a knife or hair noose. ^'- The development of merogonic individuals usually does not continue beyond the larval stage. Many such experiments have been made with the idea of testing the nuclear theory of heredity. The results have varied with the species used, the methods, and the direction of the crosses, but, when all things are considered, they have tended to support the nuclear theory. The evidence in such cases is often inconclusive because larval characters, which must be chiefly depended upon, are not widely different in the species crossed and may begin their differentiation in the egg cytoplasm before syngamy (p. 419).^^ 26 Kriiger (1913), P. Hertwig (1920a). See Wilson (1925, p. 460). -' Echinus 9 X Mylilus d" (Kupelwieser, 1912). 28 Godlewski (1911), Baltzer (1910), Kupelwieser (1912), Tennent (1912), Pinney (1918, 1922). 2»0. Hertwig (1910 et seq.), G. Hertwig (1911 et seq.), P. Hertwig (1911 et seq.). ^^ G. Hertwig (1911, 1913; on amphibians), Packard (1918; on Chcetopterus). 31 O. and R. Hertwig (1887), Boveri (1889 et seq.), and Godlewski (1906) on echinoderms. 32 Wilson (1903), Yatsu (1904, 1910), Zeleny (1904), Spemann (1914, 1919; hair noose) and Baltzer (1921) on nemertines, mollusks, and amphibians. 33 For more extensive accounts of experiments of the kind cited in this section, see Morgan (1924o-ff), Conklin (1924), G. Hertwig (1920a6), P. Hertwig (1923), Stomps (1923), Wilson (1925), and Brachet (1927). APOMIXIS AND RELATED PHENOMENA 413 Parthenogenesis and Heteroploidy. — Although heteroploidy occurs much less commonly in animals than in plants, there is some evidence that here also a causal relationship often exists between apomixis, heteroploidy, and hybridization. In Tephrosia the crossing of two non- parthenogenetic species resulted in intermediate hybrids which produced parthenogenetic eggs. A race of Daphnia, in which the egg forms only one polar body without haplosis and develops parthenogenetically, is evidently hexaploid. In Trichoniscus provisorius there is a diploid race with normal sexual reproduction and a triploid race showing unreduced parthenogenesis. ^'* As in the case of plants (p. 407), one may arrange a series of instances in animals illustrating a transition from normal meiosis with sexuality to the absence of meiosis with parthenogenesis, one of the characteristic features of the abnormal cases being a weakness or absence of synaptic interaction of chromosomes in the meiotic prophase. ^^ To what extent this abnormal synaptic behavior is due to hybridity in the animals concerned, as it often appears to be in plants, remains to be determined. ^^ J. Harrison (1920) and Harrison and Peacock (1926) on Tephrosia; Schrader (1925) on Daphnia; Vandel (1928) on Trichoniscus. ^^ See de Baehr (1920a) on Aphis and Fries (1909) on Artemia. CHAPTER XXV CYTOPLASMIC HEREDITY In the foregoing discussions of heredity attention has been limited to those characters which develop anew in successive generations under the differential influence of nuclear factors. Since these factors are carried by chromosomes, which are distributed in a definite manner through successive life cycles, the characters dependent upon them are inherited according to Mendelian rules. The characters in which crossable organisms differ appear to be mainly of this kind (c/. p. 286). In addition, there are some characters whose inheritance is non-Mende- lian and depends rather directly upon peculiarities of the cytoplasm or something it contains. Among these the best known are certain chloro- phyll characters of plants. Chlorophyll Inheritance. — It is obvious that two successive genera- tions of cells reproducing by division resemble each other partly because the organs of a given cell may actually become the corresponding organs of its daughter cells. Thus, in the case of a unicellular green alga the daughter individuals are like the mother individual in being green because the chloroplast of the mother cell is divided and passed on directly to them. In those algae in which a swarm spore germinates to produce a multicellular individual or associates with others of its kind to form a colony, the color of the successive colonies or multicellular individuals is a "metidentical" character transmitted directly by the repeated divi- sion of chloroplasts.^ A similar interpretation has been placed upon the inheritance of chlorophyll characters in the higher plants, the supposition being that plastids, multiplying only by division, are responsible for the distribution, in the individual plant and through successive generations, of those characters which manifest themselves in these organs. Abnormalities in chlorophyll coloring, such as pale greenness, whiteness, and variegation, are accordingly attributed to an abnormal condition or behavior of the chloroplasts. Since the color itself is not present in the plastids of angiosperm gametes, this character may resemble ordinary Mendelian characters in being developed anew in each generation, but it differs from them in depending upon the reproduction and distribution of differenti- ated cytoplasmic organs, the plastids. Indeed, it has been shown that the various known chlorophyll characters, even those appearing much ' See Harper (1906, 1918a6) on Hydrodictyon and Pediastrum. 414 CYTOPLASMIC HEREDITY 415 alike, fall into two categories: (1) those inherited according to ordinary Mendelian rules, which is taken to mean that in such cases the processes concerned in their development are under the influence of differential nuclear factors; and (2) those not so inherited and therefore seeming to have their differential basis in the cytoplasm. Both types may appear in the same genus or species, e.g., in Zea Mays. It is to be emphasized that the characters in both categories are developed under the influence of both nucleus and cytoplasm, but that they differ with regard to the location and nature of the factors acting differentially in the developing system. Only the second category — the "non-Mendelian" chlorophyll characters — will be considered in the following classification of the best known cases. ^ 1. The Inheritance Is Maternal. — a. The variegated plants when selfed or crossed produce variegated, green, pale-green, and white offspring. The classic example of this type is Mirabilis jalapa albomaculata, described by Correns (1909a). Plants of this race have some branches with normal green leaves, some with white leaves, and some with varie- gated leaves. Flowers are borne on branches of all three types. Crosses between unlikes result in seedlings with the color of the maternal parent. For instance, if a flower on a green branch is pollinated with pollen from a flower on a white branch, the offspring are all green. In the reciprocal cross the offspring are all white and soon die because of the lack of chloro- phyll. If flowers on variegated branches are pollinated, offspring of all types may result. In no case does the pollen affect the color of the progeny.^ b. The variegated plants produce only variegated progeny, irrespec- tive of the type of pollen used: Humulus japonicus albomaculata (Winge, 1919a). c. The affected plants produce only self-colored (green or pale-green) progeny: Glycine hispida (Terao, 1918). 2. The Inheritance Is Biparental. — Crosses between flowers on the green and the white parts of the variegated plant may result in green, white and variegated offspring; selfing variegateds results only in white offspring. The type case in this class is Pelargonium zonale albomarginata 2 This classification was drawn up by Demerec (unpubl.)- See also Winge (1919o) and the recent reviews by Correns (19286) and Chittenden (1927o). For ferns, see Andersson-Kotto (1931). Kiister (1927) describes the anatomy of variegated leaves. The relation of chlorophyll inheritance and other genetic phenomena to pathology is discussed by Link (1932). 3 Other cases: Stellaria, Senecio, Taraxacum, Hieracium, Arabis, and Meseynbry- anthemum (Correns, 1919, 1922, 19286, 1931); Antirrhinum (Baur, 1907, 1910); Melandrium (G. H. ShuU, XQIZ); Primula (Gregory, 1915); Zea Mays (E. G. Anderson, 1923; Demerec, 1927); Viola (J. Clausen, 1927), Oryza (Kondo, Takeda, and Fujimoto, 1927); and Sorghum (Karper and Conner, 1931). 416 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY (Baur, 1909, 1919). This form, which is characterized by white-mar- gined leaves, often has pure green and pure white branches, as does Mirahilis. Crosses either way between flowers on these two kinds of branches may result in variegated offspring; inheritance is here not purely maternal as in Mirahilis.'^ Theories of Chlorophyll Inheritance. — It has been suggested that there are two types of non-Mendelian chlorophyll inheritance, biparental and maternal, because the male gamete in some cases introduces cyto- plasm into the egg while in others it does not. Maternal inheritance would also occur if the male cytoplasmic elements were functionless after entering the egg. Such explanations do not seem improbable in view of the available descriptions of syngamy in angiosperms (p. 236), but nothing can be stated with assurance until much more has been learned concerning the history of cytoplasm and cytoplasmic inclusions through- out the life cycle. With regard to the " albomaculata type" of variegation (la), it is the hypothesis of Correns that the condition is due to a cytoplasmic disease which prevents the normal development of the chloroplasts. It is therefore delivered directly to the next generation through the egg cytoplasm and is not transmitted by the male parent because the male gamete introduces no cytoplasm into the egg. If it were due solely to nuclear factors, it would be transmitted equally by both parents, since the nuclear contributions of the two are equivalent. The variegation is the result of different reactions in the unstable affected cytoplasm during the development of the tissues in various portions of the leaf. Winge contends that in types giving greens, whites, and variegateds (la) the defect is in the plastids themselves, whereas in those giving rise to variegateds only (16) it is in the cytoplasm in which the plastids lie. For the " albomarginata type" (2) Baur holds that the appearance of green and white tissues is due to a sorting out of two distinct kinds of plastids or their primordia, green and white, as the cells multiply by division.^ That variegation may be due to nuclear genes is suggested in the hypothesis of Demerec (1927), who assumes the presence of a gene which is highly mutable when associated with the cytoplasm of another plant, and also in the hypothesis of Eyster (1928), who postulates a gene composed of a number of "genomeres" assorting at random as the gene ^ Other cases: probably (Enothera (Stomps, 1920; see Renner, 19246, on hybrids); probably Viola (J. Clausen, 1930a); Hypericum perforatum (Correns, 1931). A blotch- ing of the leaves in Avena is inherited in a similar manner (Ferdinandsen and Winge, 1930). ^ This hypothesis is adopted by Gregory (1915) for Primula, E. G. Anderson (1923) for Zea, Clausen (19276) for Viola, and Yasui (1929) for Hosta. These are examples of class la. CYTOPLASMIC HEREDITY 417 divides in somatic mitosis. When the genomeres of a gene are unHke with respect to their effect upon chlorophyll development, their segrega- tion results in variegation. The cytological evidence bearing on the foregoing theories is as yet rather meager. Green, yellowish, and colorless plastids have frequently been observed in variegated plants, but too little is known about their origin and behavior to warrant generalizations. In normal plants and in several Mendelian and non-Mendelian abnormal chlorophyll types of Zea Mays, Randolph (1922) found the same kind of visible structure in the meristematic cells: all contain very minute proplastids (plastid primordia) which, so far as the microscope shows, are of one kind. In normal plants the proplastids develop into large green chloroplasts, whereas in pale-green, yellowish, or white plants, or in the various regions of variegated plants, they fail to attain the normal color, the normal size, or both. No evidence was found that green and colorless plastids represent fundamentally distinct types; they appear rather to be end results of different modes of development of one type of initial body. Moreover, they are connected by a series of all conceivable intermediate conditions, particularly in cells on the boundary between green and white areas in variegated leaves. Hence no support is found for the hypothesis that plastids of two initially distinct types undergo a sorting out during the development of the tissues. Why it is that the primordia develop so differently in different cells can only be conjectured, but it appears probable that their peculiar behavior is an indication of some invisible differentiation being carried out in the cytoplasm. In Abutilon, Tsinen (1923, 1924) attributes variegations to alterations occurring in the plastids before, during, or after their development from primordia. Although the green, yellow, and colorless plastids in variegated individ- uals of Hosta japonica are indistinguishable in the primordial stage, Yasui (1929) is inclined to regard them as initially unlike. The full evaluation of the various theories of non-Mendelian chloro- phyll inheritance must await a fuller knowledge of the cytoplasm and its many differentiations. When certain variegation patterns are compared with the patterns assumed by the leaf-cells as a result of their lineage (Noack, 1922), it is difficult to regard a simple sorting out of plastids or of genomeres in successive cell-divisions as an adequate explanation of the variegation. It seems more likely, in some cases at least, that the peculiar behavior of the plastids is associated causally with less evident conditions in the cytoplasm. Such conditions arising during the course of tissue differentiation might well affect the growth and greening of plastids, as they do other developmental processes, and so result in the appearance of ''chlorophyll characters." The development of all such characters doubtless involves the interaction of both nuclear and cytoplasmic ele- ments, but in the non-Mendelian category the latter elements exert a more 418 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY pronounced differential influence than is usually the case. It remains for future studies to reveal the nature of these extra-nuclear elements or conditions and to demonstrate their location with respect to the plastids manifesting the characters for which they are responsible. Mosses. — In bryophytes and vascular plants most if not all of the cytoplasm of a given individual is derived from the mother, since the male gamete brings little if any cytoplasm into the egg at the time of syngamy. Hence it should be possible to detect any differential effect of the cytoplasm upon inherited characters by comparing the results of reciprocal crosses between unlike individuals. When the cross is made in one direction the cytoplasm is contributed by one parent, while in the reciprocal cross it is derived from the other; the nuclear constitution after both crosses is the same. In general, it is found that reciprocal crosses between races or Mendelian forms within the same species give similar progeny, which is taken to mean that the cytoplasm is alike in the parents, or that any slight differences are neutralized or dominated by the nucleus in the offspring and therefore exert no differential influence upon characters.^ In interspecific and intergeneric crosses, on the other hand, it is often found that cytoplasmic differences are not thus neutralized, so that it becomes possible to relate these to certain differences in character exhibited by the reciprocal offspring. These principles are well illustrated by extensive researches on mosses carried out by F. von Wettstein (1926, 1928, 1930). When two races of Funaria hygrometrica are crossed, the reciprocals^ are alike; hence the cytoplasms of these races are similar so far as genetic effects are con- cerned. When F. hygrometrica is crossed with F. mediterranea, and especially when it is crossed with the more distantly related Physcomi- trium piriforme, the reciprocals differ and tend to be almost wholly like their respective mothers in certain characters. Furthermore, such differences persist through repeated back-crossing to the paternal species, indicating that they are related to some stable element in the cytoplasm which does not become altered by the paternal nuclear elements. This genetic element always present in the cytoplasm is called by von Wettstein the plasmon.^ Hence the entire genetic complex consists of factors in the chromosome set (the genom) and the plasmon. In the interspecific crosses it is found that the relative effects of these two ele- ments are not the same for all character differences. Thus paraphysis form appears to be controlled wholly by the genom, the shape of the leaf ^ Chlorophyll characters treated in the preceding section are not to be included here. ^ I.e., the gametophytes produced by spores from the reciprocal capsules. Certain sporophytic characters have also been studied. 8 Correns (19286) has employed Strasburger's term "cyto-idioplasm." It does not include the results of previous nuclear influence nor ergastic materials. CYTOPLASMIC HEREDITY 419 tip by both genom and plasmon, and the length of the mid-rib almost wholly by the plasmon.^ Other Cases. — In a few higher plants it has been shown that certain characters, notably sterility, are determined in part by some element or condition in the cytoplasm. For example, certain reciprocal hybrids in Epilobium show differences in fertility which indicate an interaction of genes and unlike maternal cytoplasmic elements.^" A somewhat similar situation is found in Linum. In crosses between two varieties of Vicia Faba, major and minor, certain genes are found to produce different effects in the cytoplasms of the two varieties. This is also observed in reciprocal crosses of Nicotiana Langsdorffii and N. Sanderce.'^^ In a certain race of Zea Mays wdth pollen which degenerates, usually after the division forming the generative cell, it has been shown by an extensive series of crosses that the peculiarity is due directly to something in the cytoplasm and is not affected differentially by known genes in the various linkage groups. Moreover, the sterility is not transmitted by pollen from partially sterile plants. The cytoplasm in the sporocytes differs visibly in sterile and non-sterile individuals, but the real nature of the difference is not known. ^^ In a fungus, Pholiota mutahilis, mycelia may be obtained from a cell having a nucleus of one strain in a mixture of cytoplasms from two strains, and these mycelia may produce fruit bodies. The form of these fruit bodies is affected by the cytoplasm, the various gradations between the forms of the parental strains varying apparently with the proportions in which the parental cytoplasms are mixed (Harder, 1927). The larval characters of certain animals should be mentioned here. The mature egg, notably in echinoderms, ascidians, and certain other groups, exhibits a visible cytoplasmic differentiation, and by virtue of this fact develops for a time in a definite manner irrespective of the type of sperm causing its activation. Among the characters appearing in the early stages of embryogeny are some which are inherited in each genera- tion from the mother only, since their differentiation is actually under way in the cytoplasm before syngamy occurs. If this " promorphology " of the egg and therefore such embryonic characters are under the differen- ^ When the effect is produced chiefly by the genom, the genom is said to be ante- cedent and the plasmon recedent; when it is due mainly to the plasmon, the latter is antecedent and the genom recedent (von Wettstein, 1926; p. 260). i^Lehmann (1918 et seq.), Schwemmle (1924), Lehmann and Schwemmle (1927), Renner and Kupper (1921), Michaelis (1929). " Chittenden and Pellew (1927) and Chittenden (19276) on Linum, Sirks (1931) on Vicia, East (1932) on Nicotiana. 12 Rhoades (1931a, 1933). The distribution on the cob of kernels producing sterile and non-sterile plants rules out the hypothesis of a somatic segregation of a small number of elements (c/. Anderson, 1923, and Demerec, 1927, on chlorophyll characters). 420 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY tial control of genes, these characters, although inherited "maternally" in any particular first-generation hybrid because of the late addition of the male nucleus, should show biparental inheritance through subsequent generations. Certain evidence obtained on this point is in accord with these expec- tations. For example, in cross-fertilized sea urchin or fish eggs the rate and the type of cleavage are the same as in the mother, no matter what the direction of the cross; they are characters impressed upon the egg during its ovarian history, and the male nucleus fails to change the condition already induced in the egg by maternal nuclear factors. When the hybrid matures and produces eggs, however, it is found that these all show the dominant rate and type of cleavage, no matter which parent contributes the dominant factor. This shows that the male does affect the character in the second generation. ^^ Breeding experiments with moths and butterflies have given similar results with respect to some embryonic characters. ^^ The conclusion is that many embryonic char- acters whose differentiation is initiated in the egg cytoplasm before syngamy, although fundamentally Mendelian in their inheritance, may be peculiar in that the visible effect of the male gamete is delayed for one generation. Conclusions. — The phenomena described in this chapter serve to emphasize the fact that the differential factors responsible for those differences in heritable characters which constitute the materials for genetic study are not all similarly located in the protoplasmic system. In crosses between nearly related types it appears that the differences in character are due mainly if not entirely to differences in the genetic factors in the chromosomes, i.e., to the genes. Such characters show Mendelian inheritance because the genes are distributed in a character- istic manner by the chromosomes through successive life cycles. In crosses between more distantly related organisms there may be, in addi- tion to genie differences, cytoplasmic differences which are sufficiently great and persistent to reveal their influence on the development of hereditary characters. When the cytoplasmic differences are the only ones, as may be the case in reciprocal hybrids, the development of the persistent diversities in character may be said to be "controlled" by these differential cytoplasmic conditions, just as the genes "control" the development of Mendelian characters in narrower crosses. It should be recognized that in all cases the development of the inherited characters involves the activity of both nucleus and cytoplasm. The characters are brought to expression through the action of the entire 13 See Conklin (1915, 1917, 1924), Morgan (1924a/g), Wilson (1925), and Brachet (1927). '^ Toyama (1913), Tanaka (1916), Uda (1923). See Morgan et al. (1922) and Morgan (1924a^). CYTOPLASMIC HEREDITY 421 protoplasmic system, this including its interaction with the environment. If we define heredity as "the occurrence of related but not necessarily identical conditions, events, or characters in successive generations of organisms as a consequence of their protoplasmic organization" (p. 285), we must regard the entire protoplasmic system as the "physical basis of heredity." The nuclear theory of heredity, properly conceived, does not attribute the existence of a given character wholly to nuclear action, although it rightly explains many of the differences between related individuals (probably all of such differences in many cases) as results of diversities in nuclear constitution. It is such differences which have been studied most in modern cytogenetics, but the striking success attending these studies should not obscure the fact that any complete explanation of the phenomena of heredity must include much that lies outside of the nucleus. It should now be more plainly evident why we have stated (p. 284) that the problem of development cannot be entirely divorced from that of heredity. Much has been learned about the transmission of hereditary elements through successive generations, but the manner in which these elements function in the actual development of the characters remains to be discovered. This is one of the major biological problems of the future, and not before it has been solved can we be satisfied with our conceptions of the mechanism of either development or heredity. CHAPTER XXVI HISTORICAL SKETCH Cytology is about a century old. Before protoplasm had come to be recognized as the physical basis of life, and the cell as essentially a proto- plasmic unit, cytology as a distinct branch of biology scarcely existed, although important investigations of the structure and development of plants and animals had been in progress for many years. The course followed later by the growing science was so profoundly affected by some of these early investigations that they will be set forth below as a part of the background of our subject. It will be seen that the discovery of the cellular organization of most organisms, and the formulation of an influ- ential theory based on the cell as a unit of cardinal importance in develop- ment, long antedated a proper conception of the true significance of protoplasm. As a result, cytology has not only derived its name from the cell, but it has been dominated by the cell concept from the first, notwithstanding the fact that many of the fundamental problems confronting the cytologist are presented by organisms which do not have what is ordinarily regarded as cellular organization. The investigation of such protoplasmic structures as nuclei and plastids was begun a century ago, long before their constitutional rela- tionship was suspected, but most of our knowledge of these and other kindred elements has been acquired during the past 50 years. The last quarter of the nineteenth century witnessed an intensive study of the behavior of cells, nuclei, and chromosomes in the various processes involved in the growth and differentiation of the organism. Among the noteworthy results of this study w^as the theory that the phenomena of inheritance are in some way closely dependent on the activities of the nucleus, a theory which received striking support after the principles of Mendelian heredity were rediscovered in 1900. This rediscovery has very largely determined the character of cytological research so far in the present century. It has brought cytology into intimate association with genetics and taxonomy, while a renewed study of living protoplasm has resulted in similar alliances with physiology and biochemistry. One of the most conspicuous and encouraging tendencies of the present day is this closer correlation of the various subdivisions of biology. The Discovery of the Cellular Organization of Plants and Animals. — A perusal of Aristotle's De Partibus Animalium and the Historia Plan- tarum of Theophrastus serves to show that the ancients had considerable 422 HISTORICAL SKETCH 423 knowledge of the organs and tissues of which organisms are composed. The cells, however, escaped observation until many centuries later, when suitable lenses became available. The first compound microscope^ appears to have been produced in about 1590 by Jans and Zacharias Janssen, spectacle makers of Middleburg in the Dutch province of Zeeland, and during the first part of the seventeenth century other improved models were designed by other workers. These instruments in the hands of men with scientific curiosity soon led to many significant discoveries. A new world was opened to the eye of science, and the compound microscope has since remained an indispensable instrument in many branches of biological research. The first description of the cellular organization of plants w^as given in 1665 by Robert Hooke (1635-1703), a resident of London. Hooke's interest in optics led him to examine all sorts of objects with the compound microscope. In charcoal, and later in cork and other plant tissues, he found small cavities like those in a honeycomb; these cavities he called "cells." He had no distinct notion of the cell contents but spoke of a "nourishing juice," which he inferred must pass through pores from one cell to another. His many observations were embodied in his Micro- graphia (1665). The chapter containing his remarks on cells is entitled, "Of the schematisme or texture of cork and the cells and pores of some other such frothy bodies." Quaint and crude as it now appears to us, the Micrographia will always be of special interest because it was the earliest work to deal wdth cells, which were to become the subject matter of a new science. Nehemiah Grew (1641-1712), an English physician and botanist, began a careful study of plant structure in 1664; in 1670 he read his first important paper before the Royal Society. Further contributions followed at intervals until 1682, when all of them were published under the title The Anatomy of Plants. Like Malpighi, an abstract of whose first work on plants was presented to the Royal Society in 1671, Grew was interested in tissues and gave particular attention to the combinations of these tissues in different plant organs. He was strongly impressed by the manner in which the cells, which he also called "vesicles" and "bladders," appeared to make up the bulk of certain tissues: " . . . the parenchyma of the Barque," he said, "is much the same thing, as to its conformation, which the froth of beer or eggs is, as a fluid, or a piece of fine Manchet, as a fixed body." He further believed the walls of the cells to be composed of numerous extremely fine fibrils; in the vessels or longitudinal elements these fibrils were wound in the form of a close spiral, while the vessels themselves were bound together by a transverse series of interw^oven threads. He accordingly compared the structure of the ^ For the early history of the microscope, see Disney (1928). 424 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY plant with that of a basket, also with "fine bone-lace, when the women are working it upon the cushion." Marcello Malpighi (1628-1694), an Italian physiologist and professor of medicine, is best known for his important pioneer work in anatomy and embryology. Most of his observations on plants were included in his Anatome Plantarum (1675) and had to do largely with the various kinds of elements making up the body of the vascular plant. A foreshadowing of the cell theory is seen in his remarks concerning the importance of the " utriculi " in the structure of the body. At Pisa, Malpighi was associated with G. A. Borelli, w^ho was one of the first to use the microscope on the tissues of higher animals. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) of Delft is remembered for his pioneer researches in the field of microscopy. He constructed a number of simple lenses of high power, and with these he was able to see for the first time certain Protozoa, bacteria, and other minute forms of life. In the course of his investigations he observed the cells ("globules") in the tissues of higher organisms. Preformation and Epigenesis. — After the death of the above named observers there ensued a period during which the actual investigation of the structure of organisms remained practically at a standstill. There was, however, considerable indulgence in speculation; this should be recorded here, not because it can be regarded as scientific cytology, but because of the influence it exerted upon the formulation of many cyto- logical problems in later years. Such speculation resulted in the division of the biologists of the day into two schools, the main controversy being over the manner in which the embryo develops from the egg. The two theories formulated in answer to this question were called the 'preformation theory and the theory of epigenesisr According to the preformation theory, the basis for which was laid in the seventeenth century works of Swammerdam, Malpighi, and van Leeuwenhoek, the egg contains a fully formed miniature individual, which simply unfolds and enlarges as development proceeds. Because of this unfolding, the theory was also known as the "theory of evolution," an expression which has a quite different connotation today. In the eighteenth century the preformation idea was carried to an absurd extreme by Bonnet (1720-1793) and others, who argued that if the egg contains the complete new individual, the latter must in turn contain the eggs and individuals of all future generations successively encased within it, like an infinite series of boxes one within another. The pre- formationists soon became separated into two groups: the spermists, or animalculists, and the ovists. By the former the new individual was supposed to be encased in the spermatozoon, and figures were actually 2 See the account by Cole (1930). HISTORICAL SKETCH 425 published showing a small human figure, or "homunculus," within the sperm head. The ovists, on the contrary, held that the individual is encased in the egg. A bitter strife was carried on over this question by the two groups and various interesting compromises were made, but all extreme forms of preformationism were to disappear in the light of more critical investigations, which went far to support the opposing theory of epigenesis. Two of the early champions of the theory of epigenesis were William Harvey (1578-1667; Exercitationes de Generatione Animalium, 1651), and Caspar Friedrich Wolff (1733-1794; Theoria Generationis, 1759). As the result of many careful observations on the embryogeny of the chick, Wolff was able to show beyond question that development is epigenetic: neither egg nor spermatozoon contains a formed embryo; development consists not in a process of unfolding, but in "the continual formation of new parts previously non-existent as such" (Wilson). Here was room for the principle of true generation, or "the production of heterogeneity out of homogeneity." Wolff also discovered the vegetative growing- point of plants and described the new formation of the successive lateral members. The Theoria Generationis is to be regarded as one of the really great contributions to biological science, for the theory of epigenesis, to which it furnished substantial support, later became established with modifications as a fundamental principle of embryology, particularly through the work of Karl Ernst von Baer (1792-1876) in the nineteenth century. In commenting on preformation and epigenesis Whitman (1894) emphasizes the fact that the tendency of modern biology has not been to show the entire falsity of either of these views, but to seek out the germs of truth possessed by each, and to relate them to modern biological concep- tions. Our present position, although it excludes both views in their crude original form, involves in a new sense both conceptions. When we say that the egg is organized, possessing an architecture or mechanism in its cytoplasm or nucleus which largely predetermines the course of development, we are making a modernized statement of the preformation idea. When we say that the parts of the individual are in no way delineated in the egg but are mainly determined by external conditions during the course of development, we are speaking in terms of modern epigenesis. "The question is no longer whether all is preformation or all postformation; it is rather this: How far is postformation to be explained as the result of preformation, and how far as the result of external influ- ences?" (Whitman). When, therefore, it is borne in mind that one of the outstanding problems of modern cytology is that of identifying the factors involved in the development of an organized and highly differentiated individual from an organized but relatively undifferentiated egg, it is evident that any sketch of cytological history would be incomplete 426 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY without some reference to the early theories of preformation and epigenesis. The Renewal of the Study of Organic Structure. — The researches of Hooke, Grew, and Malpighi in the seventeenth century had made it apparent that "cells," or "globules," are important structural elements in organisms. When attention was again directed to such matters toward the end of the eighteenth century, a number of interesting suggestions were offered regarding the origin and significance of these elements. One of the earliest theories of cell-formation was that which had been put forward by Wolff in his Theoria Generationis (1759). According, to Wolff, every organ is at first a clear, viscous fluid with no definite struc- tural organization. In this fluid, cavities ("Blaschen," "Zellen") arise and become cells or, by elongation, vessels. These may later be thick- ened by deposits from the " solidescible " nutritive fluid. The cavities, or cells, are not to be regarded as independent entities: organization is not effected by them, but they are rather the passive results of an organizing force {vis essentialis) inherent in the living mass. K. Sprengel (1766-1833) stated that cells originate in the contents of other cells as granules or vesicles which absorb water and enlarge. This theory, in spite of its poor observational basis, was upheld by L. C. Treviranus (1779-1864) in a work appearing in 1806, and both men fought many years for its support. Kieser (1812) further developed the idea that granules in the latex are "cell germs" which later hatch in the intercellular spaces to form new cells. With a much clearer understand- ing of the nature of the problems involved, a number of excellent observa- tions were made by J. J. Bernhardi in 1805, by H. F. Link and K. A. Rudolphi in 1807, and by J. J. P. Moldenhawer in 1812. It is to be regretted that the deserved attention was not given to their results, for they promised to lead in the right direction. Because of their relation to the cell theory, which is soon to be dis- cussed, special consideration should be given the views of J. B. P. Lamarck (1744-1829), C. F. Mirbel (1776-1854), and R. J. H. Dutrochet (1776- 1847). As emphasized by Gerould (1922), certain aspects of the cell theory were taught in Paris at the opening of the nineteenth century, 40 years before the publication of the works which brought it into prominence. The famous French biologist Lamarck, in his Philosophie Zoologique (1809), strongly emphasized the fundamental importance of "cellular tissue" in the structure and development of organisms. In his own words, "... cellular tissue is the matrix in which all the organs of living bodies have been successively formed, and . . . the movement of fluids through it is nature's method of gradually creating and developing those organs out of this tissue" (Elliott's translation, p. 230). He adds in a footnote that he had been teaching this doctrine since 1796. By HISTORICAL SKETCH 427 "fluids" he evidently means subtle influences of undetermined nature. With regard to the internal structure of plants, he says: " ... all that we can find is, among the simplest, a cellular tissue without vessels but variously modified and stretched or compressed according to the special shape of the plant; and in the more complex, an assemblage of cells and vascular tubes of various sizes, mostly with lateral pores, and a varying number of fibers, resulting from the compression and hardening that a portion of the vascular tube has undergone" (p. 235). As Gerould points out, Lamarck's cellular-tissue theory, like his theory of evolution, was not supported by a body of well-authenticated published facts. It was rather Mirbel (1808) who attempted to furnish such observational data. In a work on Marchantia (] 831-1833) Mirbel distinguished three modes of cell-formation: the formation of cells on the surface of other cells, the formation of cells within older cells, and the formation of cells between older cells. The first mode apparently represented the budding of the germ tube arising from the spore, while the second and third modes were formulated as the result of a misinter- pretation of the process of cell multiplication in growing gemmae. Special notice should be taken of the fact that by both men it was cellular tissue, and not the individual cell, that was regarded as fundamental. Both looked upon the organism as a cellular whole rather than an association of elementary unicellular organisms. It was Dutrochet (1824) who first insisted upon the primary impor- tance of the cells as individuals. This was largely because he was able to resolve plant tissues by maceration into distinct cell units. Of the cell he writes, "this astounding organ is truly the fundamental element of organization; everything, indeed, in the organic tissues of plants is evidently derived from the cell, and observation has just proved to us that it is the same with animals." This is the essential point of the cell theory; but before proceeding to a discussion of this theory we should call attention to the discovery of the nucleus. Although nuclei were occasionally seen by earlier observers, the major share of the credit for its discovery goes to Robert Brown (1773- 1858), for it was he who was first impressed by its probable importance and emphasized it as a normal constituent of cells. Brown, a British botanist celebrated chiefly for his taxonomic monographs and morpho- logical researches, announced his discovery in a paper read before the Linnsean Society in 1831. It was in leaf-cells of orchids that he saw the nuclei most clearly. Concerning these observations he wrote as follows : In each cell of the epidermis of a great part of this family, especially of those with membranaceous leaves, a single circular areola, generally somewhat more opaque than the membrane of the cell, is observable. This areola, which is more or less distinctly granular, is slightly convex, and although it seems to be on the surface is in reality covered by the outer lamina of the cell ; it is not unfrequently 428 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY however central or nearly so. . . . This areola, or nucleus of the cell as perhaps it might be termed, is not confined to the epidermis, being also found not only in the pubescence of the surface, particularly when jointed, as in Cypripedium, but in many cases in the parenchyma or internal cells of the tissue, especially when these are free from the deposition of granular matter. After Brown's announcement, observations on nuclei in various tissues multiplied rapidly, and it was not many years before nuclei came to be recognized as important components of practically all organisms. The Cell Theory. — The generalization that the bodies of organisms are regularly composed of cells and their products, and that the cell units are of prime importance in determining growth and differentiation, was made by R. J. H. Dutrochet (1776-1847) in France and by M. J. Schleiden (1804-1881) and T. Schwann (1810-1882) in Germany. In addition to the statement quoted in an earlier paragraph, Dutrochet says in his Recherches Anatomiques et Physiologiques sur la Structure Intime des Animaux et des Vegetaux et sur leur Motilite (1824): . . . The globular corpuscles which make up all the tissues of animals are really globular cells of an extreme smallness, which are united only by cohesion. . . . This uniformity of ultimate structure proves that organs really differ one from the other only in the nature of the substances which are contained in the vesicular cells of which they are composed. . . . Growth results from the increase in the volume of the cells, and from the addition of new little cells. Dutrochet noted that certain structures, notably feathers, are made up of dead cells, and that others represent cell secretions. Moreover, he recognized the cell as a unit of physiological function. He did not, how- ever, make a clear distinction between true cells and other globules visible in tissues (see Rich, 1926). Schleiden and Schwann made their formulation of the cell theory more or less jointly after comparing their observations on plants and animals. In his Beitrdge zur Phytogenesis (1838) Schleiden says, , . . every plant developed in any higher degree is an aggregate of fully individualized, independent, separate beings, even the cells themselves. Each cell leads a double life: an independent one, pertaining to its own development alone; and another incidental, in so far as it has become an integral part of a plant. It is, however, easy to perceive that the vital process of the individual cell must form the first, absolutely indispensable fundamental basis, both as regards vegetable physiology and comparative physiology in general. . . . Schwann stated the theory in concise form in 1838, and 1839 he pub- lished a full account under the title, Mikroskopische Untersuchungen iiber die Uebereinstinimung in der Struktur und dem Wachsthum der Thiere und Pflanzen. In this classic work a great variety of animal cells are carefully described and figured, and the cell stands forth as an indi- HISTORICAL SKETCH 429 vidual unit with a clearness unapproached in any earlier treatise. This was due in part to Brown's discovery of the nucleus, which enabled Schwann to surpass his predecessors in distinguishing true cells from other elements with which they had long been confused. With regard to the general significance of cells Schwann says: The elementary parts of all tissues are formed of cells in an analogous, though very diversified manner, so that it may be asserted that there is one universal principle of development for the elementary parts of organisms, however different, and that this principle is the formation of cells. . . . All organized bodies are composed of essentially similar parts, namely, of cells. . . . The whole organism subsists only by means of the reciprocal action of the single elementary parts. [And further:] The development of the proposition that there exists one general principle for the formation of all organic production, and that this principle is the formation of cells, as well as the conclusions which may be drawn from this proposition, may be comprised under the term Cell Theory. . . . It should be carefully noted that the essential point in this theory was that cells, no matter how diverse they may be in appearance, are all morphologically equivalent and are elementary living units whose action determines the development of the organism ; the cell is the primary agent of organization. It is an observable fact that most bodies are composed of cells and their products, and that the life cycles of such organisms may be described as cell successions, but the theory lies rather in the concep- tion of the cell individual as the leader in the development of organic structure and in function. With Lamarck and Mirbel, even as with Wolff, cells were not very definitely individualized and were more or less passive in the formation of organs in the fundamental cellular matrix; theirs was a tissue theory rather than a cell theory. With Schleiden and Schwann, on the other hand, cells were definite elementary organisms primarily responsible for the development and activity of the body. Dutrochet seems to have been the only one to approach this conception previously. Interesting consequences followed from the extension of the cell theory to the Protozoa. The protozoon was found usually to be a uni- nucleate individual not greatly unlike one of the cells of a larger animal or plant. It was therefore concluded that Protozoa are primitive one-celled organisms that in the course of evolution somehow aggregated to form cell republics, or multicellular organisms; and this was further taken to mean that the protozoon was to be homologized with a single cell of the multicellular body. This conception of the Protozoa and of the phy- logeny of multicellular organisms has been justly criticized by many biologists, who hold that if multicellular animals have evolved from Protozoa it has been by developing internal cellular structure rather than by colonial aggregation, and that the protozoon is therefore homol- ogous with the entire multicellular individual (see Dobell, 1911a). 430 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY None of the observers named above knew how the cells multiplied. In his Beitrdge zur Phylogenesis, which dealt largely with the origin of cells, Schleiden set forth his theory of "free cell-formation," which was essentially as follows. In the general cell contents or mother liquor ("cytoblastema") there are formed, by a process of condensation, certain small granules (later called "nucleoli" by Schwann). Around these many other granules accumulate, thus forming nuclei ("cytoblasts"). Then, "as soon as the cytoblasts have attained their full size, a delicate transparent vesicle appears upon their surface." This vesicle in each case enlarges and forms a new cell, and, since it arises upon the surface of the cytoblast (nucleus), "the cytoblast can never lie free in the interior of the cell, but is always enclosed [i.e., imbedded] in the cell wall. ..." Cell-formation was thus regarded as endogenous ("cells within cells") rather than the result of cell-division. This erroneous idea was adopted by Schwann, and although it detracted little from the value of his histological work, it required correction before cytology could develop further along progressive lines. Cell-multiplication. — The cell theory as outlined above was at once adopted as a fundamental proposition in biological research, though in certain of its aspects it underwent considerable modification as knowl- edge increased. It was especially desirable to clear up the question of cell origin, and to this task a number of able observers addressed them- selves. Among these should be mentioned Hugo von Mohl (1805-1872), Wilhelm Hofmeister (1824-1877), F. J. F. Meyen (1804-1840), Franz Unger (1800-1870), and Carl von NageH (1807-1891). The multipUca- tion of cells by division was observed by several investigators between 1830 and 1840, von Mohl being the first to describe the process in some detail. As Sachs has pointed out, Schleiden's strange theory of cell-formation could hardly have been developed if the true relation of cell-division to what various workers had called free cell-formation had been recognized earlier. Von Mohl (1835, 1844) maintained that there are two modes of cell-formation: by division and by the formation of cells within cells; but considerable uncertainty remained regarding the behavior of the vacuolated protoplast ("primordial utricle") during these processes. At the same time Nageli (1844) produced an exhaustive treatise on the nucleus, cell-formation, and growth. In algse and the microsporocytes of angiosperms he clearly showed that cells multiply by division, and Schleiden was forced to admit that this might be "a second kind of cell- formation." The continuation of Nageli's researches in 1846 completely overthrew Schleiden's conception of free cell-formation, establishing the significant fact that practically all vegetative cell-formation is by cell- division. Many similar observations had been made by Unger and von Mohl, but Nageli elaborated a broad theory which took into account HISTORICAL SKETCH 431 all of the data at hand. He distinctly defined cell-division and free cell-formation, and showed that what had been taken for the latter might be regarded as a special case of the former. Nageli's conclusions were supported by new evidence furnished by other investigators, who further held that not only vegetative cells, but also those reproductive cells (in thallophytes) which Nageli thought in some cases might be formed freely, originate by a modified process of cell-division. It now seemed clear to these men that cells arose only from preexisting cells, a conception which had been emphasized by Remak (1841), and which Virchow (1855) expressed in the dictum, omnis cellula e cellula. This dictum is frequently employed today, but it is obvious that some qualification should be made for the origin of cells in plasmodial masses. Fig. 230. — Figures of division of Tradescantia microsporocyte drawn by Wilhelm Hofmeister (1848) many years before chromosomes were recognized as definite nuclear units. Opinions concerning the origin of the nucleus and its role in cell-divi- sion varied greatly among these workers, reliable observations being insufficient to allow any definite conclusion. In 1841 Henle believed with Schleiden that the nucleus was formed by the aggregation of "elemen- tary granules," and that it was not constantly present. Better observa- tions soon showed the falsity of this view. Von Kolliker (1845) asserted that nuclear division precedes the division of the cell. Hofmeister, studjdng embryo development in angiosperms, reported "that the nucleus of the mother-cell divides into two; that one half of the contents of the cell collects around each of the daughter-nuclei ..." (1847). It was commonly believed at this time that the nucleus actually dissolved just before cell-division, new nuclei being formed in the daughter cells; but Hofmeister, although he described the dissolution of the nuclear membrane and the nucleoli (1848), held that the main bulk of the nuclear material actually separated into two masses. At this early date he 432 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY clearly observed the poleward migration of what we now call chromo- somes^ in fresh microsporocytes of Tradescantia (Fig. 230). Remak, as a result of his observations on blood cells in the chick embryo, formulated a definite theory of cell-division (1841, 1858). He believed cell-division to be a "centrifugal" process: the nucleolus, nucleus, cytoplasm, and cell membrane were supposed to divide in turn by simple constriction. Von Mohl, who in the main agreed with Hofmeister, wrote as follows (1851) : The second mode of origin of a nucleus, by division of a nucleus already existing in the parent-cell, seems to be much rarer than the new production of them. . . . [And again] ... it is possible that this process [nuclear division] prevails very widely, since ... we know very little yet respecting the origin of nuclei. Nageli thinks that the process is quite similar to that in cell-division, the membrane of the nucleus forming a partition, and the two portions separating in the form of two distinct cells. It was not until many years later, in connection with researches upon syngamy and embryogeny, that the behavior of the nucleus in cell- division became known in detail and its probable significance pointed out (p. 441). In 1879 Eduard Strasburger (1844-1912) announced definitely that nuclei arise only from 'preexisting nuclei. W. Flemming was led to the same conclusion by his studies on animal cells and expressed it in the dictum, omnis nucleus e nucleo (1882a). The Protoplasm Doctrine. — The cell theory and all of its corollaries were placed in a new light with the development of a more adequate conception of the significance of protoplasm. A number of early investi- gators had seen protoplasm and had been impressed by certain of its activities. As early as 1772 Corti, and a few years later Fontana (1781), saw the rotation of the "sap" in the Characefe and other plants. After being long forgotten, this phenomenon was rediscovered by L. C. Treviranus (1811) and G. B. Amici (1819). The cell to its discoverers meant nothing more than a wall surrounding a cavity; they spoke only in the vaguest terms of the "juices" present in cellular structures. The founders of the cell theory held a position but little in advance of this; they observed the cell contents but regarded them as of relatively slight importance. Felix Dujardin (1801-1860) in 1835 described the "sarcode" of the lower animals as a substance having the properties of life. Von IVIohl had ' Concerning the behavior of these bodies in the formation of daughter nuclei, Hofmeister says: "Ich kann die Bildung der Tochterkerne in keiner andern Weise mir denken, als dass die im Centrum der Mutterzelle angesammelten eyweissartigen Stoffe, aus zur Zeit unbekannten Ursachen in zwei Gruppen sich sondern, die in Form abgeplatteter elliptischer Spharoide sich individualisieren; spater nach Aussen sich mit einer Membran bekleiden und im Innern Bildungen aus dichteren Stoffen erzeugen konnen." Similar statements accompany his figures of Psilotum in Die Lehre von der Pfianzenzelle (1867). HISTORICAL SKETCH 433 seen a similar substance in plant-cells; in 1846 he called it "Schleim," or "Protoplasma," the latter term having been used shortly before by Purkinje in a somewhat different sense. Nageli and A. Payen (1795- 1871) in 1846 recognized the importance of protoplasm as the vehicle of the vital activity of the cell, and Alexander Braun (1805-1877) in 1850 pointed out that swarm spores, which are cells, consist of "naked" protoplasm. An important point was reached when Payen (1846) and Ferdinand Cohn (1850) concluded that the "sarcode" of the animal and the "protoplasm" of the plant are essentially similar substances. In the words of Cohn: The protoplasm of the botanist, and the contractile substance and sarcode of the zoologist, must be, if not identical, yet in a high degree analogous sub- stances. Hence, from this point of view, the difference between animals and plants consists in this; that, in the latter, the contractile substance, as a primordial utricle, is enclosed within an inert cellulose membrane, which permits it only to exhibit an internal motion, expressed by the phenomena of rotation and circula- tion, while, in the former, it is not so enclosed. The protoplasm in the form of the primordial utricle is, as it were, the animal element in the plant, but which is imprisoned, and only becomes free in the animal; or, to strip off the meta- phor which obscures simple thought, the energy of organic vitality which is manifest in movement is especially exhibited by a nitrogenous contractile sub- stance, which in plants is limited and fettered by an inert membrane, in animals not so. Protoplasm was now studied more intensively than ever. H. A. de Bary (1831-1888), working on myxomycetes and other plant forms, and Max Schultze (1825-1874), investigating animal cells, demonstrated the correctness of Cohn's view. The work of Schultze (1861) was espe- cially important in that it firmly established the protoplasm doctrine, namely, that the units of organization are masses of protoplasm, and that this substance is, in general, siynilar in all living organisms. Schultze described the cell as a mass of protoplasm containing a nucleus, both nucleus and protoplasm arising through the division of the corresponding elements of a preexisting cell. The cell wall, upon which the early workers had focused their attention, turned out to be of secondary importance. The cell was thus seen to be primarily the organized proto- plasmic mass, to which Hanstein in 1880 applied the convenient term protoplast. Extensive studies on the physical nature of protoplasm were soon undertaken. Briicke (1861), who was one of the first to lay emphasis on the fact that protoplasm is an organized substance, looked upon it as a contractile, semisolid material through which there streams a fluid carrying granules. Similar to this was the idea of Cienkowski (1863), who believed he saw in the protoplasm of myxomycetes two fluids, one of them hyaline and only semifluid (the "ground substance"), and the 434 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY other a more limpid fluid with granules suspended in it. De Bary (1859, 1864), on the other hand, regarded protoplasm as a single semi- fluid substance, contractile throughout, but showing many local differ- ences due to varying water content. Probably the first man to recognize the importance of the colloidal state of matter, newly distinguished by Graham, in the study of protoplasm was W. Hofmeister (1862, 1867), but many years were to elapse before such studies could be effectively pursued. More influential for a time were the structural theories associated with the names of Klein, Flemming, Altmann, and Blitschli, and known respectively as the "reticular," "fibrillar," "granular," and "alveolar" theories. The reticular theory, which was formulated by Frommann (1865, 1875, 1884), was developed especially by Klein (1878, 1879) and supported by van Beneden, Carnoy, Leydig, and others. These workers saw in protoplasm a reticulum or fine network of a rather solid substance (spongioplasm) which held a fluid and granules in its meshes. The fibrillar, or filar, theory announced by Velten (1873, 1876), as a result of his observations on Tradescantia and other forms, stated that protoplasm is composed of fine fibrils, which, though often branched, do not form a continuous network. This idea was developed mainly by Flemming (1882), who called the substance of the fibrils mitome and the fluid bathing it paramitome. Some observers asserted that the fibrils were in reality minute canals filled with a liquid, the granules seen by others being merely sections of these canals. According to the granular theory, protoplasm was a compound of innu- merable minute granules which alone form the essential active basis for the phenomena exhibited; the observed fibrillar and alveolar structures were of secondary importance. For Altmann (1886 et seq.), who was the most prominent exponent of the theory, the granules were actual elemen- tary living units, or "bioblasts," the liquid containing them being a non-living hyaloplasm. The cell was therefore looked upon not as a unit but as an assemblage of bioblasts, "like bacteria in a zoogloea," and the bioblasts were believed to arise only by division of others of their kind {omne granulum e granulo!). The alveolar theory, also known as the emulsion, or foam, theory, was elaborated principally by Blitschli (1892 et seq.), and is of special interest in view of certain present-day notions of protoplasmic structure. According to Blitschli, protoplasm consists of minute droplets (averaging Ijj. in diameter) of a liquid "alveolar substance" (enchylema) suspended in another continuous liquid " interalveolar substance." The structure is, therefore, that of an extremely fine emulsion, and the appearances described by other workers are due to optical effects encountered in examining the minute alveolar structure. Blitschli supported his theory HISTORICAL SKETCH 435 by making artificial emulsions with soaps and oils which showed amoeboid movement and other striking resemblances to living protoplasm. The modern studies discussed in Chapter II have placed a new evalua- tion on these early structural theories. What their proponents saw was not the fundamental structure of protoplasm but secondary structural modifications and differentiation products. Thus Biitschli's alveoles were innumerable minute masses of various vacuolar and other sub- stances. Any distinction between large vacuoles, alveoles, and ultra- microscopic colloidal masses of the same material is more or less arbitrary, though the physico-chemical properties of the system may be expected to vary with the degree of subdivision. It is now evident that it is mainly in the hyaline "ground substance" that fundamental structure is to be sought, and that the appearances observed by the above pioneers do not have the significance originally attributed to them. It would be difficult to overestimate the value, both practical and theoretical, of the protoplasm doctrine, for its establishment has not only led to knowledge by which the conditions of life have been materially improved but has also been an important factor in assisting man to a modern, rational outlook on organic nature. It is not too much to say that the identification of protoplasm as the material substratum of the life processes was one of the most significant events of the nineteenth century. The doctrine was furnished with a popular expression by Hux- ley in his well-known essay, The Physical Basis of Life (1868). The Organismal Theory. — The conception of the cell had by this time developed into something quite different from what it had been in the minds of the founders of the cell theory. The cell was now recognized as a protoplasmic unit, and the ideas of these men concerning the origin of cells had been overthrown. Future researches were to show more clearly the role of cells in connection with development and inheritance, and certain limits were to be set to the conception of the cell as a unit of function and organization. To Dutrochet and Schwann the multi- cellular plant or animal appeared as little more than a cell aggregate, the cells being the primary individualities; the organism was looked upon as something completely dependent upon their varied activities for all its phenomena. "The cause of nutrition and growth," said Schwann, "resides not in the organism as a whole, but in the separate elementary parts — the cells." This elementalistic conception of the organism as an aggregate of independent vital units governing the activities of the whole dominated biology for many years, nowithstanding its severe criticism by Sachs, de Bary, and many other later writers who pointed out that, owing to the high degree of physiological differentiation among the various tissues and organs, the cell cannot be regarded merely as an independent unit but as an integral part of a higher individual organization, and that 436 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY as such the exercise of its functions must be governed to a considerable extent by the organism as a whole. That it is thus the living system as a whole, and not the individual cell, that is the "primary agent of organization" was definitely main- tained by a number of biologists, who, unable to accept the orthodox cell theory, developed and supported the "organismal theory."^ Accord- ing to this theory, evidence for which was cited in Chapter I, the multi- cellular plant or animal is not a colony or republic of elementary cell individuals but rather a more or less continuous mass of protoplasm which has become incompletely subdivided into subordinate centers of action, the cells, during the course of ontogenesis; the many cells are an accompaniment or a result, rather than the cause, of development and differentiation. In the words of de Bary, "die Pflanze bildet Zellen, nicht die Zelle bildet Pflanzen." The phylogenetic corollary of this theory is that multicellular organisms have evolved not by an aggregation of many individuals but rather by the growth, differentiation, and septation of one, i.e., by just such a process as is observable in ontogeny. This general theory has made slow progress in competition with the descriptively convenient cell theory, but the tendency at the present time is to give it increasing recognition in discussions of the organism and its activity, Syngamy and Embryogeny. Plants. — Although it was known to the ancients that there is in plants something corresponding to the sexual reproduction seen in animals, their ideas of the organs and processes involved were very vague. Like Grew and others in the seventeenth century, the botanists of antiquity were aware of the fact that the pollen in some way influences the development of the ovary into a fruit with seeds. That this involves a sexual act was clearly shown by the observa- tions and experiments of R. J. Camerarius (1694), C. Mather (1716, 1721), T. Fairchild (1717, 1724), P. Miller (1721), J. Logan (1735), and others,^ but in spite of these and the subsequent researches of J. G. Koelreuter (1761), C. K. Sprengel (1793), and K. F. Gaertner (1849) the idea of sexuality in plants was vigorously opposed in certain quarters for many years. An important step in advance was made when G. B. Amici (1830) followed the growth of the pollen tube from the pollen grain on the * Here may be mentioned the names of de Bary (1862), Hofmeister (1863, 1867), Sachs (1882), Rauber (1883), Heitzmann (1883), O. Hertwig (1884), Whitman (1893), A. Sedgwick (1894), Heidenhain (1902, 1907), Schlater (1911), Dobell (1911a), Gur- witsch (1913), Ritter (1919), and Rohde (1885 et seq.; see 1923). See the recent discussions by Ritter and Bailey (1928) and Russell (1930). The theory has also been known as the plasma theory, tissue theory, and plasmodial theory. ^ For an account of these early investigations, see Zirkle (19326). See also Roberts (1929). HISTORICAL SKETCH 437 stigma to the ovule. Schleiden (1837) and Schacht (1850, 1858) took up the study and made a curious misinterpretation: they regarded the ovule as merely a place of incubation for the end of the pollen tube, which they thought entered the ovule and enlarged to form the embryo directly. The work of Amici (1842), Tulasne (1849), and others showed the falsity of this notion, but an acrimonious discussion raged about the subject for a number of years. After W. Hofmeister (1849) and Radlkofer (1856) had followed the process with their characteristic thoroughness, there could remain no doubt concerning the error of Schleiden and Schacht. Hofmeister clearly demonstrated that the embryo arises, as Amici contended, not from the end of the pollen tube, but from an egg contained in the ovule, the egg being stimulated to development by the pollen tube. He was wrong, however, in supposing that the tube did not open and that a fertilizing substance diffused through its wall. It was in the algse that the union of the sperm cell with the egg cell (syngamy) was first seen in the case of plants. In 1853 Thbret saw spermatozoids attach themselves to the egg of Fucus, and in 1854 he showed that they are necessary to its development. The actual entrance of the spermatozoid into the egg was first observed in 1856 by Nathanael Pringsheim (1824-1894) in (Edogonium. The fusion of the parental nuclei was seen by Strasburger (1877) in Spirogyra, but he thought they thereupon dissolved. This error was corrected shortly afterward by Schmitz (18796), who was thus the first to show clearly that the central feature of the sexual process in plants is the union of two parental nuclei to form the primary nucleus of the new individual. The demonstration of such a nuclear fusion in a number of algse and fungi soon followed (see Tischler, 1921-1922, p. 462). The fusion of the gametic nuclei in bryophytes and pteridophytes was first seen by Kruch (1890) in Riella, and by Campbell (1888) in Pilularia. That the same process occurs in syngamy in the seed plants was demon- strated by Strasburger, who in 1884 described the union of the egg nucleus with a nucleus brought in by the pollen tube (c/. 1877, pp. 56, 76). In 1898 and 1899 S. Nawaschin and L. Guignard completed the story by describing "double fertilization," w^herein one male nucleus unites with that of the egg while a second male nucleus unites with the two polar nuclei to form the primary endosperm nucleus. The subsequent work of Strasburger and others on the gymnosperms and angiosperms greatly cleared up the whole matter of syngamy and embryogeny in these plants. Animals. — It is probable that the spermatozoon was first seen in 1677 by Ludwig Hamm, a pupil of Leeuwenhoek. The credit for the discovery is, however, usually given to Leeuwenhoek, since it was he who brought the matter to the attention of the Royal Society and pursued such studies further. He asserted that the spermatozoa must penetrate 438 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY into the egg, but it was thought at the time and for many years afterward that they were parasitic animalcules in the spermatic liquid; hence the name "spermatozoa." Although L. Spallanzani (1786) is usually said to have shown by a filtration experiment that the spermatozoon is the fertilizing element, it is pointed out by Lillie (1916) that Spallanzani did not draw the correct conclusion; he even denied that the spermatozoon is the active element, holding rather that the fertilizing power lies in the spermatic liquid. It was Prevost and Dumas who corrected this mistake and demonstrated the true role of the spermatozoon (1824). The spermato- zoon was later shown by Schweigger-Seidel (1865) and La Valette St. George (1865) to be a complete cell with its nucleus and cytoplasm, as von Kolliker had maintained. That Schwann (1839) had been right in regarding the egg as a cell was shown by Gegenbaur in 1861. The polar bodies formed at the time the egg matures are said to have been first seen by Carus (1824). Biitschli (1875) showed them to be formed in connection with the division of the egg nucleus, and Giard (1877) and Mark (1881) interpreted them as abortive eggs. The penetration of the spermatozoon into the egg was not actually seen until Newport (1854) observed it in the case of the frog. In 1875 O. Hertwig (1849-1922) announced the important discovery that the two nuclei which fuse in the fertilized egg are furnished by the egg and the spermatozoon. The role of the nucleus in syngamy was thus demon- strated in animals only shortly before it was in plants, and it is interesting to note that the first complete description of the union of the germ cells in animals was given by H. Fol in the same year (1879) that Schmitz described clearly the process in plants. It was now evident that syngamy in both kingdoms consists in the union of two gametes which are ordi- narily single cells, one from each parent (in dioecious forms), and that the central feature of the process is the union of two gamete nuclei, the new individual therefore deriving a portion of its nuclear substance from each parent. Although the cleavage of the fertilized animal egg in the development of the embryo had been seen many years previously, it was first definitely described by Prevost and Dumas in 1824 for the frog. At that time neither the egg nor the products of its division were clearly recognized as cells. The true meaning of cleavage was elucidated by M. Barry, who held that the blastomeres are cells and that their division is preceded by the division of their nuclei; also by a number of later writers, including A. von Kolliker, Whitman and Rabl, who traced in detail the long series of changes undergone by the multiplying embryonic cells as the various tissues and organs are differentiated. Embryogeny was thus shown to involve the division and differentiation of cells, the fertilized egg initiating a series of divisions giving rise to all the cells of the body and to the germ- HISTORICAL SKETCH 439 cells. It was now possible to describe the life cycle in terms of cell successions; and since the egg was seen to be a descendant of the egg of the previous generation, it became evident that there has been an uninter- rupted series of cell-divisions from the remote past down to the organisms in existence today. The statement of this conception, without, however, any necessary emphasis on cells rather than protoplasm itself, is known as the law of genetic continuity. In the words of Locy (1915): The conception that there is unbroken continuity of germinal substance between all living organisms, and that the egg and the sperm are endowed with an inherited organization of great complexity, has become the basis for all current theories of heredity and development. So much is involved in this conception that ... it has been designated (Whitman) "the central fact of modern biol- ogy." The first clear expression of it is found in Virchow's Cellular Pathology, published in 1858. It was not, however, until the period of Balfour, and through the work of Fol, Van Beneden (chromosomes, 1883) Boveri, Hertwig, and others, that the great importance of this conception began to be appreciated, and came to be woven into the fundamental ideas of development. Mitosis and Meiosis. — We have pointed out that cells were once believed to arise de novo from a mother liquor, or "cytoblastema," This misconception was removed by later investigations in which it was shown beyond question that cells arise in general by the division of preexisting cells. By several early observers the nucleus was seen to have a more or less prominent part in the process, its division preceding that of the cell; but, in the words of Wilson (1900), ... it was not until 1873 that the way was opened for a better understanding of the matter. In this year the discoveries of Anton Schneider, quickly followed by others in the same direction by Biitschli, Fol, Strasburger, Van Beneden, Flemming, and Hertwig, showed cell-division to be a far more elaborate process than had been supposed, and to involve a complicated transformation of the nucleus to which Schleicher (1878) afterward gave the name karyokinesis. It soon appeared, however, that this mode of division was not of universal occur- rence; and that cell-division is of two widely different types, which Van Beneden (1876) distinguished && fragmentation, corresponding nearly to the simple process described by Remak, and division, involving the more complicated process of karyokinesis. Three years later Flemming (1879) proposed to substitute for these terms direct and indirect division, which are still used. Still later (1882a) the same author suggested the terms mitosis (indirect or karyokinetic division) and amitosis (direct or akinetic division), which have rapidly made their way into general use, though the earlier terms are often employed. Modern research has demonstrated the fact that amitosis, or direct division, regarded by Remak and his followers as of universal occurrence, is in reality a rare and exceptional process; ... it is certain that in all the higher and in many of the lower forms of life, indirect division or mitosis is the typical mode of cell-division. The chromosomes appeared in published figures long before their significance was appreciated. Thus in 1848 Wilhelm Hofmeister exam- 440 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY ined Tradescantia sporocytes in water and described " spherical droplets of a strongly refractive substance" formed by a "slow coagulation of albuminoids in the cell contents" (see p. 431). They were more ade- quately described a quarter of a century later by the investigators named in the preceding paragraph. Waldeyer (1888) gave them their name. The longitudinal splitting of the prophasic chromosomal threads was discovered by Flemming in 1879; shortly thereafter (1884) van Beneden and Heuser showed in animals and plants, respectively, that the daughter halves pass to opposite poles in the anaphase. That they maintain their individuality through the nuclear cycle was maintained by van Beneden (1883), Rabl (1885), and Boveri (1887 et seq.). Drawings of the achro- matic figure were published by Kowalevsky (1871) and Fol (1873), but Biitschli (1875) was the first to describe it in detail. The reduction of the number of chromosomes was discovered by van Beneden (1883), who announced that the nuclei of the egg and sperma- tozoon of Ascaris each contain one half the number found in somatic cells. Strasburger (1888) showed that in angiosperms the number of chromosomes in the egg and male nuclei is fixed by a reduction occurring in the megasporocyte and microsporocyte, respectively. This was at once confirmed by Guignard (1889, 1891). E. Overton (1893) found that the female gametophyte cells in a cycad, Ceratozamia, have half the number present in the cells of the sporophyte. He further suggested that reduc- tion probably occurs in the sporocytes in mosses and ferns. In a liver- wort, Pallavicinia, Farmer (1894) found the gametophyte cells to have four chromosomes and the sporophyte cells eight. That Overton's theory of reduction in the sporocytes of bryophytes and pteridophytes was correct was demonstrated by Strasburger (1894), who postulated the occurrence of a periodic reduction in the number of chromosomes in all organisms reproducing sexually. How the reduction is accomplished was not at first apparent. The formation of functionless polar bodies by animal oocytes suggested that the change in number is brought about by the simple casting out of half the chromosomes during the development of the reproductive cells. This view proved to be incorrect when it was shown (1890-1893) by Henking, Riickert, Haecker, vom Rath, and others that the double chromosomes appearing in the reduced number in the first meiotic mitosis are really pairs of chromosomes. These bivalent pairs were seen to arise by a synapsis of chromosomes two by two, the members of each pair then disjoining in one of the meiotic divisions. Thus it became evident that reduction is effected by a redistribution of the chromosomes to different nuclei and cells and that the degeneration of the polar bodies is a phe- nomenon without any general significance in meiosis. Studies on meiosis in many groups of organisms were soon undertaken, and no department of cytology has witnessed the development of a larger or more contro- HISTORICAL SKETCH 441 versial literature. Interest in the subject was greatly accentuated by the suggestion that the mode of chromosome reduction affords a key to certain phenomena of heredity. Cjrtology and Heredity. — As Wilson (1900) points out, the many facts brought to light in the early days of cytology were of the greatest significance in connection with the theory of evolution and the problem of heredity, though for many years this was only vaguely perceived. Darwin, aside from his hypothesis of pangenesis, scarcely mentioned the theories of the cell, and not until many years later was the cell investigated with reference to these matters. Researches on the origin of the germ-cells, nuclear division, and fertilization, which brought cytological research and the study of evolution and heredity into inti- mate association, began shortly after 1870 with the works of Schneider, Auerbach, Fol, Btitschli, 0. Hertwig, C. Bernard, van Beneden, Stras- burger, and Flemming. These were followed by the noteworthy achieve- ments of Boveri, Driesch, Herbst, Morgan, Loeb, and others. These men laid the foundations for the work which has followed, and their researches, greatly aided by the development of new refinements in microtechnique,^ ushered in modern cytology. A powerful stimulus to investigation w^as given when the zoologists Hertwig, von Kolliker, and Weismann, and the botanist Strasburger, concluded independently and almost simultaneously (1884-1885) that the nucleus is the "vehicle of heredity," an idea which Haeckel had put forward as a speculation in 1866. The announcement of this conception led to an even more intensive study of the nucleus and of its role in hered- ity, a study which is now in progress and which, more than any other one thing, can be said to characterize the work of our modern period. Special mention should be made of the theory developed by August Weismann (1834-1914), because the modern nuclear theory of heredity, although resting on a substantial foundation of observational and experimental evidence, is largely an outgrowth of his speculations. It may be noted that Weismann incorporated in his theory several points of earlier theories, particularly those of Darwin, de Vries, and Nageli.^ His various hypotheses were set forth in his Das Keimplasma (1892) and in more elaborated form in his Vortrdge iiher Deszendenztheorie (1902). Weismann identified the supposedly distinct inheritance material, or germ-plasm (idioplasm), about which there had been much speculation, with the chromatic substance of the nucleus. His conception of its constitution was essentially as follows. The ultimate living unit is the 6 For the history of staining, see Conn (1928a6, 1929, 1930a6, 1933), Conn et al. (1929), Conn and Kornhauser (1928), Kornhauser (1930), and Conn and Cunningham (1932). ' For fuller treatments of this subject, see Kellogg (1907), Delage and Goldsmith (1913), Thomson (1899, 1913), ConkUn (1915), and the second edition of this book. 442 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY biophore, a minute particle capable of growth and reproduction. The many kinds of biophores in a given cell are the elements upon whose presence the development of the cell's characters depends. The bio- phores are grouped to form units of a higher order, known as determinants. The determinant, since it is composed of the many kinds of biophores, has the power of determining the development of a certain type of cell or group of cells. In general, therefore, there are as many sorts of deter- minants in the organism as there are types of cells, or "independently variable parts." The determinants are, in turn, grouped into ids. A single id contains all the kinds of determinants and so stands for the sum of all the charac- ters of the organism. The ids in a given species differ only slightly among themselves, the differences corresponding to the variations observed within the species: they are the "ancestral germ-plasms" contributed by past generations. The ids are identified with the visible chromatic granules in the nuclear reticulum or in the chromatic thread during mitosis. In most cases the ids are grouped to form idants, or chromosomes. The id, rather than the chromosome, is the unit of primary importance. The several ids in a chromosome are arranged in a linear series, as suggested for the hereditary "qualities " by Roux (1883). Quoting Wilson (1900) again. The end of fertilization is to produce new combinations of variations by the mixture of different ids. Since, however, their number, like that of the chromo- somes which they form, is doubled by the union of two germ-nuclei, an infinite complexity of the chromatin would soon arise did not a periodic reduction occur. Assuming, then, that the "ancestral germ-plasms" (ids) are arranged in a linear series in the spireme thread or the chromosomes derived from it, Weismann ventured the prediction (1887) that two kinds of mitosis would be found to occur. The first of these is characterized by a longitudinal splitting of the thread, as in ordinary cell-division, "by means of which all the ancestral germ-plasms are equally distributed in each of the daughter-nuclei after hav ng been divided into halves." This form of division, which he called equal division (^quat'ons- theilung), was then a known fact. The second form, at that time a purely theoretical postulate, he assumed to be of such a character that each daughter- nucleus should receive only half the number of ancestral germ-plasms possessed by the mother-nucleus. This he termed a reduction division (Reduktions- theilung) and suggested that this might be effected either by a transverse division of the chromosomes or by the elimination of entire chromosomes without division. By either method the number of "ids" would be reduced; and Weis- mann argued that such reducing divisions must be involved in the formation of the polar bodies and in the parallel phenomena of spermatogenesis. With the aid of this elaborate mechanism Weismann explained onto- genetic development in the following manner. In the zygote from which the individual is to develop, all the kinds of determinants are present: those of the female parent were contained in the egg nucleus and those HISTORICAL SKETCH 443 of the male parent were brought in by the nucleus of the spermatozoon. During the long series of nuclear divisions beginning with that in the zygote and ending with the completion of the mature organism, the many kinds of determinants are sorted out through a progressive dis- integration of the ids and are distributed in a definite and orderly manner to the different parts of the body. Many somatic mitoses are therefore regarded not as equational ("erbgleich'^) but in reality qualitative ("erbungleich"). When a given determinant finally reaches the proper cell, i.e., when that cell is finally formed, the determinant splits up into its constituent biophores, and these, through their action on the proto- plasm, give to the cell its specific characters. The general character of a cell is accordingly due to the type or types of determinant which it receives. Weismann accounted for the presence of a complete outfit of deter- minants in the gametes and zygote, and hence for the phenomenon of hereditary resemblance, by assuming that a certain portion of the complete germ-plasm is carried along unchanged during ontogenesis and is delivered intact to the germ-cells. He thus rejected Darwin's sugges- tion that representative particles (gemmules) were transmitted from all the body-cells to the germ-cells. It had been shown that in certain animals the primitive germ-cells are set aside at once when development begins, and Weismann pointed out that they are therefore differentiated before any sorting out of the hereditary units could have taken place. Hence the germ-cells are really produced by the germ-cells of the previous generation and not by the individual's own soma (body) ; they are present from the beginning of development with the full hereditary outfit, and by a few equational divisions give rise to the gametocytes. In the case of those animals and plants whose germ-cells appear later in the ontogeny, Weismann held that, although a sorting out of the units occurs in the majority of the cells during ontogenesis, those meristematic cells which constitute the chain connecting the zygote with the germ-cells — the germ-track (iiLem6a/in)— maintain the undiminished germ-plasm. Hence in all cases there is a continuity of the germ-plasm, if not a continuity of the germ-cells (unless meristematic cells also are germ-cells). Weismann argued that since there is no contribution of hereditary elements from the soma to the germ-cells, somatic changes being in no way impressed upon the germ-cells from which the next generation is to arise, there can be no inheritance of acquired somatic modifications. In multicellular animals the only inherited variations are those origi- nating in the germ-plasm of the germ-cells or germ-track as responses to internal (nutritive, etc.) or external environmental stimuli and those due to recombinations of hereditary units at the time of syngamy (amphi- mixis). He admitted that the germ-plasm, though remarkably stable, might be altered directly by the environment (parallel modification of 444 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY germ and soma), or even by modifications in the surrounding soma; but he denied that in the latter case the alteration would be of such a nature as to cause the reappearance of the same somatic modifications in the next generation. He accounted for the internally induced heritable variations on the basis of his theory of germinal selection. He supposed that the determinants, while multiplying in the germ-cells, are subject to selection like all other organic units. Some determinants, being better placed with respect to nutritive conditions, are favored thereby and grow stronger and more influential, while others undergo changes in the opposite direction. The parts of the organism receiving the deter- minants which have had the advantage in the struggle become better developed than those receiving the weaker determinants. As this process continues from generation to generation, the new variation gradually increases until it becomes pronounced enough to be laid hold of by natural selection. A review of the points brought out in earlier chapters will show that modern genetics, although it has shown the inadequacy of certain ele- ments in the hypotheses sketched above, owes many of its leading ideas to Weismann. These ideas were put to the test in the brilliant experimental researches on development carried out by Roux, Boveri, R. and O. Hert- wig, and others, and later in the researches of modern students of cyto- genetics. Weismann's view that heredity is conditioned primarily by the genetic continuity of germ-plasm has its modern expression in the statement that a specific type of nuclear composition, upon which the development of characters largely depends, is maintained by growth and division from generation to generation. That this composition or organ- ization is preserved only in germ-cells sharply distinct from somatic cells is, however, a conception which no longer squares with the results of experiment. It now appears that the complex of nuclear genetic units is complete in both vegetative and reproductive cells, the differentiation of cell types not being due to any sorting out of the units during onto- genesis. Our knowledge in this field is little more than fragmentary, but it seems likely that differentiation is largely a response to the diverse conditions inevitably arising in a growing mass, such conditions stim- ulating different groups of genes to action at different stages and in different regions. The results of such action are, in turn, a part of the cause of what follows. The gene, moreover, is now regarded as a con- stitutional factor somehow involved with others in the metabolic proc- esses and thus influencing the development of many characters, rather than something standing for the characters of a complete organism or a structural part thereof as did Weismann's id and determinant. The "germ-plasm," if this term is to be retained for the genes or chromosomes, thus represents an integral part of a developing system rather than an arbitrary determiner of development. For this reason HISTORICAL SKETCH 445 many prefer to apply the term, if at all, to the entire protoplasmic system capable of differentiation and reproduction (c/. p. 421). With regard to the origin of heritable variations, geneticists are still in accord with Weismann in attributing them chiefly to hybridization and alterations in the inheritance units themselves. They are not, however, inclined to see in any process like "germinal selection" the underlying cause of such gene mutations. Weismann's prediction that there would be found a reduction in the number of genetic units at gametogenesis (in animals) by a special form of nuclear division has been fulfilled, though the precise manner in which it is accomplished differs from that postulated by him. Notwithstanding the abandonment of Weismann's theory of onto- genesis and the changes made in his theory of heredity, his influence on both cytology and genetics can never be forgotten, chiefly because of his emphasis on the need for careful studies of the nuclear mechanism at the critical stages of the life history, and upon the idea that this mechanism is in some way bound up with the phenomena of heredity. "It has been Weismann's service to place the keystone between the work of the evolutionists and that of the cjrtologists " (Wilson, 1900). The Twentieth Century. — The year 1900 marks the beginning of a new era in cytology, for reasons which may be stated in the words of Wilson (1924): This era of cell research coincides with the new era in genetics that opened in 1900 with the rediscovery of the Mendelian phenomena of heredity by de Vries, Correns, and Tschermak. This discovery was the outcome of purely genetic experiments on hybrids; but almost at the moment of its announcement, by a remarkable coincidence, cytologists had independently arrived at a point where the cytological basis of the phenomena could be clearly recognized. Riickert eight years earlier (1892) had briefly suggested a conjugation and disjunction of corresponding paternal and maternal chromosomes in meiosis and an exchange of material between them ("amphimixis of the chromosomes"), thus to a certain extent foreshadowing the modern explanation of the Mendelian segregation and of recombination by "crossing-over." Montgomery (1901), without knowl- edge of Mendel's fundamental law of segregation, brought together almost all of the essential data for its explanation, though he did not bring them into specific relation with the genetic phenomena. He pointed out the constant size differences of the chromosomes, emphasized the presence in the diploid groups of paternal and maternal homologues in pairs, and accepted the conjugation of these homologues in synapsis and their disjunction in the reduction division. Boveri, in his remarkable paper on multipolar mitosis (1902), demonstrated experimentally the determinative action of the chromosomes in development and proved their qualitative differences in this respect. A possible connection between the Mendelian disjunction and the reduction division was suggested nearly at the same time by several observers, including Strasburger, Correns, Guyer, and Cannon. It was, however, Sutton (1902, 1903) who first clearly set 446 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY forth in all its significance the cytological explanation of the Mendelian phe- nomena that is offered by the behavior of the chromosomes, and thus initiated the remarkable movement in this direction that followed. It was in such a manner that cytology was brought into an alliance with genetics. As in other instances in the history of science, the frontier of one field of research turned out to be the border of a neighboring field, and the gratifying yield of significant results along the line of meeting has been due in no small measure to the fact that those who formerly worked independently on the two sides can now employ their combined methods and speak the same language. The field of physics has con- tributed a valuable tool in the form of X-radiation. By means of this tool workers in modern cytogenetics are now able to obtain desired data far more rapidly than would be possible without it, and they are entitled to hope that they may some day exercise a fuller measure of control over the course of evolution by some such means. Closely associated with the movement outlined above has been another line of investigation characteristic of the present century, namely, the study of the morphology of the chromosomes and the comparison of the chromosome complements of related organisms. Research in this field was stimulated by the discovery of heteroploidy and observations on chromosome behavior in hybrids early in the century (p. 339 et seq.), while its problems were placed in a much clearer light by the work on the morphology of individual chromosomes begun about 1910 by S. Nawas- chin (1857-1930) and his associates. Such researches have already yielded important evidence with regard to systematic relationships, par- ticularly among plants, and they promise to contribute largely to the solution of many outstanding problems of this nature. During the years which lie ahead, one of the most fruitful regions in the field of biology with its disappearing hues of subdivision should be this cytotaxonomy. Of special importance also is the modern renewal of the investigation of protoplasm, its inclusions, its differentiations, and its reactions in the living state. This type of study has been greatly promoted not only by the development of methods of tissue culture and micromanipulation but also by the conception of protoplasm as a colloidal system. Investi- gations in this field are removing many misconceptions growing out of the too exclusive use of fixed material and are yielding partial explanations for a variety of puzzling cytological phenomena. Moreover, they are bringing cytology into ever more intimate associations with physical chemistry, physiology, and experimental medicine, just as the study of chromosomes has allied it with genetics and systematics. To such fields cytology has made invaluable contributions; in return it has received incentives to deal more directly and experimentally with major problems HISTORICAL SKETCH 447 as well as with objects. Every field concerned has thus gained a wider appreciation of the significance of its own data. No tendency of the present is more encouraging to the investigator and promising for the future of biology than the development of such alliances, for they afford our only strong hope that we shall come nearer to a solution of the peculiar problems presented by living organisms. BIBLIOGRAPHY Aase, H. C. 1930. Res. Studies State Coll Wash. 2: 5-60. illus. [Grain hybrids.] Aase, H. C, and L. Powers. 1926. Amer. Jour. Bot. 13: 367-372. illus. [Chro- mosome numbers.] Abderhalden, E. (ed.). 1923. Handbuch der Biologischen Arbeitsmethoden. Berlin. Abromavich, C. E., and W. G. Lynn. 1930. Quar. Rev. Biol. 5 : 68-78. [Sex.] AcQUA, C. 1891. Malpighia 5: 3-39. pis. 1, 2. [Role of nucleus.] 1910. Ann. di Botanica 8: 43-50. [Role of nucleus.] Acton, E. 1914. Ann. Botany 28: 433-454. pis. 23, 24. [Cyanophyce*.] Addoms, R. M. 1927. Amer. Jour. Bot. 14: 147-165. illus. [Coagulation.] Afzelius, K. 1924. 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Interfacial Forces and Phenomena in Physiology. New York. Beadle, G. W. 1930a. Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. Memoir 129. [Asynapsis.] 1932o. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 18: 160-165. [Crossing-over.] 1932c. Zeitschr. Ind. Abst. Vererb. 62 : 291-304. illus. [Euchlcena X Zea.] Beadle, G. W., and S. Emerson. 1932. Proc. 6 Internat. Congr. Genet. 2 : 7. Beadle, G. W., and B. McClintock. 1928. Science 58: 433. [Asynapsis.] Beams, H. W. 1927. Biol. Bull. 53: 155-172. illus. [Activation.] 1929. Anat. Record 42 : 323-332. illus. [Golgi material.] 1930a. Anat. Record 45: 137-161. illus. [Vacuome and Golgi.] 19306. Anat. Record 46: 305-327. illus. [Vacuome, Golgi, chondriome.] Beams, H. W., and J. B. Goldsmith. 1930. Jour. Morph. Physiol. 50: 497-515. Beams, H. W., and R. L. King. 1932. Jour. Morph. Physiol. 53: 59-95. illus. [Ganglion cells.] Beams, H. W., and C. F. Wu. 1929. Jour. Morph. Physiol. 47: 261-281. illus. [Secretion.] Beardsley, M. L. 1931. Ann. Missouri Bot. Garden. 18: 509-540. illus. Beauverie. 1919. Sci. Amer. Suppl. 87: No. 2244, pp. 2-3, 7. [Pigments.] Bechhold, H. 1912. Die Kolloide in Biologie und Medizin. Dresden. (Engl, transl. by Bullowa, New York, 1919.) Becker, E. R. 1926. Biol. Bull. 50: 382-392. illus. Becker, W. A. 1932a. Protoplasma 15: 478-481. illus. [Cell-plate.] 19326. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 194: 1850-1852. 1932c. Acta Soc. Bot. Polon. 9: 381-419. ilhis. Beer, R. 1905. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. I 19: 286-313. pis. 3-5. [Pollen wall.] 1909a. Ann. Botany 23 : 63-72. pi. 4. [Elaioplasts.] BIBLIOGRAPHY 453 190%. New Phytol. 8 : 261-266. [Equisetum.] 1911. Ann. Botany 25: 199-214. pi. 13. [Spore wall.] Beer, R., and A. Arber. 1919. Proc. Roy. Soc. London B 91: 1-17. pi. 1. 1920. Jour. Roy. Micr. Soc. 23-31. [Multinucleate cells.] Beikirch, H. 1925. Bot. Arch. 12 : 389-445. illus. [Streaming.] Belajeff, W. 1888. Ber. Deu. Bot. Gesell. 7: 122-125. [Spermatozoids.] 1894a. Flora, Erganzb. 79: 1-48. pi. 1. [Spermatozoids.] 18946. Flora 79: 430-441. pis. 12, 13. [Spermatozoids.] 1897a. Ber. Deu. Bot. Gesell. 15 : 337-339. [Spermatozoids.] 18976. Ber. Deu. Bot. Gesell. 15: 339-342. [Spermatozoids.] 1897c. Ber. Deu. Bot. Gesell. 15: 342-345. [Spermatozoids.] 1898. Ber. Deu. Bot. Gesell. 16: 140-144. pi. 7. [Blepharoplast.] 1899. Ber. Deu. Bot. Gesell. 17: 199-205. pi. 15. [Blepharoplast.] B^LAfe, K. 1921. Biol. Zentralbl. 41 : 385-394. illus. [ActiNophrys.] 1922. Arch. Protist. 46 : 1-96. illus. [Actinophrijs.] 1923. Biol. Zentralbl. 43: 513-518. figs. 3. [Rhabditis.] 1924. Zeitschr. Zellen- u. Gewebelehre 1: 1-21. figs. 13. [Rhabditis.] 1925. Zeitschr. Ind. Abst. Vererb. 39: 184-190. illus. [Melandrium.] 1926. Ergebn. u. Fortschr. Zool. 6: 235-654. illus. [Nucleus.] 1927. Naturwissenschaften 15 : 725-734. illus. [Mechanism of mitosis.] 1928a. Die Cytologischen Grundlagen der Vererbung. Berlin. 19286. Zeitschr. Ind. Abst. Vererb., suppl., 1: 402-407. 1929a. Roux's Arch. Entw. 118: 359-484. illus. [Mech. of mitosis.] 19296. Zeitschr. Zellf. Mikr. Anat. 10: 73-134. [Mech. of mitosis.] 1929c. Collecting Net, Woods Hole, 4. [Centriole.] 1930. Protoplasma 9 : 209-244. illus. [Protoplasm.] Bellamy, A. W. 1922. Anat. Record 24: 419-420. [Platypoecilus.] 1924. Genetics 9 : 513-529. [Platypoecilus.] Belling, J. 1923. Second Internat. Eugenics Congr. 1 : 84-95. Baltimore. 1925a. Jour. Genetics 15 : 245-266. 11 figs. [Uvularia.] 19256. Genetics 10: 59-71. illus. [Triploidy.] 1925c. Zeit. Ind. Abst. Vererb. 39: 286-288. [Stizolobium.] 19276. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 13: 717-718. [Reciprocal translocation.] 1927c. Biol. Bull. 52 : 480-487. illus. [Reciprocal translocation.] 1927f/. Jour. Genetics 18 : 177-205. illus. [Spindle attachment.] 1928a. Biol. Bull. 54 : 465-470. illus. [Chiasmata.] 19286. Univ. Calif . Publ. Bot. 14 : 335-343. illus. [Chromomeres.] 1928c. Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 14: 307-318. illus. [Chromomeres.] 1928/. Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 14: 283-291. illus. [Reciprocal translocation.] 1928^. Nature (London), 122 : 882. [Chromomeres.] 1929. Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 14: 379-388. illus. [Trivalents.] 1931a. Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 16: 153-170. illus. [Chromomeres.] 19316. Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 16: 311-338. Ulus. [Chiasmata.] 1933 (posthumous). Genetics 18: 388-413. [Crossing-over.] Belling, J., and A. F. Blakeslee. 1922. Amer. Naturalist 56: 339-346. 8 figs. 1923. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 9: 106-111. [Meiosis in polyploids.] 1924a. Amer. Naturalist 58: 60-70. 4 figs. [Meiosis in polyploids.] 19246. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 10: 116-120. 2 figs. [Datura, reciprocal trans- location.] 1926. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 12: 7-11. illus. [Reciprocal translocation.] 1927. La Cellule 37 : 355-365. illus. [Monoploid Datura.] Belzung, E. 1887. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. VII 5: 179-310. pis. 5-8. [Starch.] 454 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY Benda, C. 1897. 1898. Verb. Physiol. Gesell. Berlin. 1899a6. Verh. Physiol. Gesell. Berlin. [Chondriosomes.] 1902. Die Mitochondria. Ergeb. Anat. u. Entw. 12: 743-781. VAN Beneden, E. 1876. Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. 41: 1160-1205; 42: 35-97. 3 pis. 1883. Arch, de Biol. 4. VAN Beneden, E., and JuLiN. 1884. Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. Ill 7: 312-342. VAN Beneden, E., and Neyt. 1887. Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg. Ill 14 : 215-295. pi. 1. Benoist, H., V. GoLBLiN, and W. Kopaczewski. 1929. Protoplasma 5: 481-510. Bensaude, M. 1918. Diss. Nemours. 156 pp., 13 pis. (See Bot. Gazette 68: 67-68, or Bot. Absts. 3: 49.) Bensley, R. R. 1910. Biol. Bull. 19: 174r-194. 3 figs. [CanaUcuU.] 1911. Amer. Jour. Anat. 12 : 297-388. 15 figs. [Pancreas.] 1916. Amer. Jour. Anat. 19: 37-54. [Thyroid.] Berg, K. H. 1931a6. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Akad. Anz. No. 22. VON Bergen, F. 1904. Arch. Mikr. Anat. 64: 498-574. pis. 29-31. Berghs, J. 1904. La Cellule 21 : 383-394. 1 pi. [Meiosis.] 1905. La Cellule 22: 141-160. 2 pis. [Meiosis.] 1906. La Cellule 23 : 53-86. 3 pis. [Spirogyra.] 1909. La Cellule 25 : 73-84. 1 pi. [Marsilia.] Bergner, a. D., S. Satina, and A. F. Blakeslee. 1933. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 19: 103-115. illus. Bergon, P. 1907. Bull. Soc. Bot. France 54 : 327-358. illus. [Diatoms.] Bernard, C. 1878. Legons sur les Ph^nomenes de la Vie. Paris. Bernhardi, J. J. 1805. Beobachtungen iiber Pflanzengefasse. Berridge, E. M., and F. Sanday. 1907. New Phytol. 6: 128-134, 167-174. Bersa, E. 1926. Protoplasma 1 : 159-166. [Irradiation: bibliography.] Besley, H. 1930. Cornell Univ. thesis. Besta, C. 1910. Anat. Anz. 36: 476-486. 1 pi. [Golgi material.] Beutner, R, 1933. Physical Chemistry of Living Tissues and Life Processes. Baltimore. Beyer, W. 1921. Jenaische Zeitschr. 57: 491-512. pi. 25. [Blood cells.] Bhatia, D. 1927. Quar. Jour. Micr. Sci. 70: 681-691. illus. [Ciliated cells.] Bhatia, D., and V. Nath. 1931. Quar. Jour. Micr. Sci. 74: 669-699. illus. Bhattacharya, D. a., and K. B. Lal. 1929. Allahabad Univ. Stud. 6: 1-20. Bhattacharya, D. a., and C. B. Mathur. 1930. Allahabad Univ. Stud. 6: 29-40. [Yolk.] BiCHLER. 1914. Wiener Klin. Wochenschr. No. 26. [X-ray tumors.] Binder, S. 1927. Zeitschr. Zellf. Mikr. Anat. 5 : 293-346. illus. BiNz, A. 1892. Flora 76: 34r-91. pis. 5-7. [Starch grain.] Biourge, P. 1892. La Cellule 8 : 47-76. 2 pis. [Pollen walls.] BiscEGLiE, v., and G. Bucciardi. 1929. Arch. Exper. Zellf. 7: 444. Black, C. A. 1913. Ann. Botany 27: 511-532. pis. 37, 38. Blackburn, K. B. 1923. Nature, Nov. 10, 1923. 1 fig. [Lychnis chromosomes.] 1924. Brit. Jour. Exp. Biol. 1: 413-430. 2 pis. [Lychnis chromosomes.] 1925. Amer. Naturalist 59: 200-205. [Rosa chromosomes.] 1927a. Nature (London) 120: 157-158. [Silene.] 1928. Zeitschr. Ind. Abst. Vererb., suppl. 1 : 439-446. illus. [Silene.\ 1929. Proc. Internat. Cong. Plant Sci., Ithaca 1: 299-306. illus. Blackburn, K. B., and J. W. H. Harrison. 1921. Ann. Botany 35: 159-188. 1924a. Ann. Botany 38: 361-378. 11 figs. [Salicaceaj: chromosomes.] 19246. Brit. Jour. Exp. Biol. 1: 557-570. 2 pis. [Hybrid roses.] Blackman, M. W. 1903. Biol. Bull. 5: 187-217. 22 figs. [Scolopendra d'.] 1905. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 48: 1-137. 9 pis. [Scolopendra cf.] BIBLIOGRAPHY 455 Blackman, V. H. 1898. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London B 190: 395-426. 1904o. New Phytol. 3: 149-158. [Apogamy and parthenogenesis.] 19046. Ann. Botany 18 : 323-369. pis. 21-24. [Uredinea?.] Blackman, V. H., and H. C. I. Fraser. 1905. Ann. Botany 19: 567-569. 1906a. Proc. Roy. Soc. London B 77: 354-368. pis. 13-15. 19066. Ann. Botany 20 : 35-48. pis. 3, 4. [Uredineaj.] Blackman, V. H., and E. J. Welsford. 1912. Ann. Botany 26: 761-767. 2 pis. 1913. Ann. Botany 27: 111-114. pi. 12. [Syngamy in LiZium.] Blair, M. C. 1926. Bot. Gazette 81 : 377-400. illus. [Rehoulia.] Blakeslee, a. F. 1904. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 40: 205-319. 1906. Bot. Gazette 42: 161-178. pi. 6. 3 figs. [Sex.] 1915. Biol. Bull. 29 : 87-89. 3 pis. [Mucors.] 1920a. Genetics 6: 419-433. 1 fig. [Portulacca.] 19206. Science 51 : 375-382, 403-409. 4 figs. [Mucors.] 1921a. Amer. Naturalist 55 : 254-267. [Datura.] 19216. Genetics 6 : 241-264. 1 fig. [Datura.] 1921c. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 7 : 148-152. [Datura.] 1922. Amer. Naturalist 56: 16-31. 7 figs. [Datura.] 1928. Zeitschr. Ind. Abst. Vererb., suppl. 1: 117-130. illus. 1929a. Jour. Heredity 20: 177-190. illus. 19316. Smithsonian Rept. 1930, 431-450. illus. Blakeslee, A. F., and J. Belling. 1924a. Jour. Heredity 16: 195-206. 8 figs. Blakeslee, A. F., J. Belling, and M. E. Farnham. 1920. Science 62 : 388-390. 1923. Bot. Gazette 76: 329-373. Blakeslee, Belling, Farnham, and Bergner. 1922. Science 66: 646-647. Blakeslee, A. F., and D. Bergner. 1932. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 18: 151-159. Blakeslee, A. F., and J. L. Cartledge. 1926. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 12 : 315-323. 1927. Memoir Hort. Soc. N. Y. 3: 305-312. illus. Blakeslee, A. F., and R. E. Cleland. 1930. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 16: 177-183. Bleier, H. 1925. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 64, 604-636. 6 figs. 1926. Zeitschr. Pflanzenziicht. 11: 302-310. 1928a. Verh. 5 Internat. Kongr. Vererb., Berlin. 19286. Bibliogr. Genet. 4: 321-398. [Grain hybrids.] 1928c. Genetica 11: 111-118. [Vicia.] 1930a. Der Ziichter 2: 12-22. illus. [^gilops X Triticum.] 19306. Zeitschr. Zellf. Mikr. Anat. 11: 218-236. illus. [Temperature.] 1930c. La Cellule 40: 85-144. illus. [Spindle.] 1930(i. (Paper Cambridge Cong. 1930.) 1931a. Genetica 13 : 27-76. illus. [Mechanism of mitosis.] 19316. Zeitschr. Ziichtung A 17 : 70-79. illus. [Grain hybrids.] 1931c. Arch. Pflanzenbau 5 : 545-560. illus. [Potato.] 1933a. Genetica 16: 129-176. illus. [Monoploid ffino^/iera.] 19336. Der Ziichter 5: 159-168. illus. [Haplodiplonts.] Blunt, G. M. 1932. Science 76: 372. Bobilioff-Preisser, W. 1917. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. I 34: 459-492. 18 figs. Bock, F. 1926. Arch. Protist. 66: 321-356. illus. [Plasmodesms.] Boeck, W. C. 1917. Univ. Calif . Publ. Zool. 18 : 1-26. pi. 1. [Giardia.] Boedyn, K. 1924. Zeitschr. Zellen- u. Gewebelehre 1: 265-277. 17 figs. 1926. Zeitschr. Bot. 18: 161-171. [CEnothera.] BoEKE, J. 1926. Zeitschr. Zellf. Mikr. Anat. 7: 95-120. [Neurofibrils.] BoKORNY, T. 1888. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 19: 206-220. [Vacuoles.] Bold, H. C. 1931. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 67: 577-604. illus. [Chlorococcum.] BoLLETER, E. 1905. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 18: 327-408. illus. 456 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY Bonnet, J. 1912. Arch. Zellf. 7 : 604-722. pis. 39-45. 17 figs. 1914. Prog. Rei Bot. 5: 1-126. 65 figs. [Algae: life cycles.] BoNNEviE,K. 1906. Jenaische Zeitschr. 41 : 229-428. pis. 16-23. 10 figs. 1908. Arch. Zellf. 2 : 201-278. pis. 13-19. 23 figs. 1911. Arch. Zellf. 6: 190-253^. pis. 10-13. [Meiosis in Allium.] Boos, G. 1917. Lunds Univ. Arsskr., N. F., Avd. 2, 13: 31 pp. 17 figs. 1920. Bot. Notiser, Lund. [Parthenogenesis in Alchemilla.] BoRGENSTAM, E. 1922. Arch. Bot. 17: 1-27. pi. 1. [Syriiiga.] Boring, A. M. 1909. Arch. Zellf. 4: 120-131. pi. 10. [Ascaris: chromosomes.] 1923. (Stevens.) Science 58: 73-74. 6 figs. [Chick chromosomes.] Borodin, O. N. 1930. Plant Physiol. 5: 119-129. [Mitogenetic rays.] BoRzi, A. 1886. Malpighia 1: 74, 97, 145, 197. pi. 3. [Plasma bridges.] BosAEUS, W. 1926. Upsala Lakareforen. Forhandl. 31 : 415-462. BosE, J. C. 1918. Proc. Roy. Soc. London B 90: 364-400. 17 figs. BosE, S. R. 1927. Nature 120: 805-806. [Golgi material.] 1931. Ann. Botany 45: 303-314. illus. [Golgi material.] Bourquin, H. 1917. Bot. Gazette 64: 426-434. pi. 27. [Starch formation.] BouYGUES, H. 1924. Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux 76: 5-166. illus. [Chondriome.] BovERi, T. 1887a5. Sitzber. Gesell. Morph. Physiol. Mimchen 3. 1887c. Anat. Anz. 2: 688-693. [Nuclei in cleavage.] 1887(/. Zellen-Studien I. Jenaische Zeitschr. 21 : 423-515. pis. 25-28. 1888a. Zellen-Studien IL Jenaische Zeitschr. 22: 685-882. pis. 19-23. 18886. Sitzber. Gesell. Morph. Physiol. Mlinchen 4. 1889. Sitzungsber. Phys.-Med. Gesell. Wilrzburg. 1890. Zellen-Studien III. Jenaische Zeitschr. 24: 314-401. pis. 11-13. 1891. Befruchtung. Ergeb. Anat. Entw. 1: 386-485. 15 figs. 1892. Sitzber. Gesell. Morph. Physiol. Mimchen 8. 1895o. Roux's Arch. Entw. 2 : 394-443. pis. 24, 25. [Enucleate cells.] 18956. Verh. Phys.-Med. Gesell. Wiirzburg, N. F., 29. [Centrosome.] 1899. Festschr. f. C. von Kupffer, 383-430. pis. 40-45. 1901. Zellen-Studien IV. Jenaische Zeitschr. 35: 1-220. 8 pis. 1902a. Verh. Phys.-Med. Gesell. Wiirzburg 35. [Multipolar mitosis.] 19026. Das Problem der Befruchtung. Jena. [Fertilization.] 1903o. Ueber die Konstitution der chromatischen Kernsubstanz. Leipzig. 19036. Roux's Arch. Entw. 16: 340-363. pi. 15. 3 figs. 1904a. Zool. Anz. 27: 406-417. (Boveri und Stevens.) 19046. Ergebnisse liber die Konstitution der chromatischen Kernsubstanz. Jena. 1905. Zellen-Studien V. Ueber die Abhangigkeit der Kerngrosse und Zellenzahl der Seeigel-Larven von der Chromosomenzahl der Ausgangszellen. Jena. 1909a. Sitzber. Phys.-Med. Gesell. Wiirzburg. [Chromosomes and sex.] 19096. Arch. Zellf. 4: 132-141. figs. 2. [Chromosomes and sex.] 1909c. Arch. Zellf. 3: 181-268. pis. 7-11. 7 figs. 1910a. Festschr. f. R. Hertwig III 131-214. pis. 11-16. 19106. Roux's Arch. Entw. 30: II 101-125. 32 figs. [Centrifuged eggs.] 1911. Verh. Phys.-Med. Gesell. Wiirzburg 41. [Hermaphroditism.] 1914a. Zur Frage der Entstehung maligner Tumoren. Jena. 19146. Verh. Phys.-Med. Gesell. Wiirzburg 43. [Echinoderm hybrids.] 1918 (posthumous). Arch. f. Entw. 44: 417-471. 3 pis. BowEN, R. H. 1920. Biol. Bull. 39: 316-362. 2 pis. [Spermatogenesis.] 1922a. Amer. Jour. Anat. 30 : 1-23. 2 pis. [Spermatogenesis.] 19226. Anat. Record 24: 159-180. 3 figs. [Spermatogenesis.] 1922c. Jour. Morph. 37: 79-193. 10 pis. 5 figs. [Spermatogenesis.] 1922(1. Biol. Bull. 41 : 53-85. 2 pis. [Nebenkern.] BIBLIOGRAPHY 457 1922e. Quar. Jour. Micr. Sci. 66 : 595-626. pis. 24-26. [Spermatogenesis.] 1922/. Biol. Bull. 43 : 184-202. 2 pis. [Abnormal mitoses.] 1923a. Anat. Record 26: 153-160. [Chondriosomes.] 19236. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 9: 349-352. [Secretory granules.] 1924a. Amer. Jour. Anat. 33: 197-217. 1 pi. [Secretory products.] 19246. Anat. Record 28: 1-13. 2 figs. [Acrosome; secretion.] 1924c. Jour. Morph. 39 : 351-413. 4 pis. [Insect spermatogenesis.] 1925a. Science 61 : 545-546. [Golgi material in gland cells.] 19256. Anat. Record 31: 201-231. illus. [Non-flagellate sperm.] 1926c. Anat. Record 32: 151-193. [Golgi apparatus: review.] 1926/. Science 44: 188-190. [PoZ^/Znc/ium sperm.] 1926/1. Anat. Record 34: 143. [Plant cells.] 1926/. Quar. Jour. Micr. Sci. 70: 419-449. illus. [Gland cells.] 1927a. Anat. Record 35 : 309-335. illus. [Golgi and vacuome.] 19276. Biol. Bull. 53: 179-196. illus. [Plant cells.] 1928a. Zeitschr. Zellf. Mikr. Anat. 6: 689-725. illus. [Osmiophilic platelets.] 19286-g. Anat. Record 38, 39, 40. [Golgi methods.] 1929a. Zeitschr. Zellf . Mikr. Anat. 9 : 1-65. illus. [Plastidome and chondriome.j 19296. Ann. Botany 43 : 309-327. illus. [Plastidome and chondriome.] 1929c. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 56 : 33-52. illus. [Osmic methods.] 1929(/. Quar. Rev. Biol. 4: 299-324, 484-519. illus. [Secretion.] BowEN, R. H., and L. H. Buck. 1930. Ann. Botany 44: 565-586. illus. BozLER, E. 1927. Zeitschr. Vergl. Physiol. 6 : 255-263. Bracket, Q. 1927. Quar. Rev. Biol. 2 : 204-229. [Developmental factors.] Bragg, William. 1930. Nature. London, suppl. 125: 315-322. illus. Brambell, F. W. R. 1930a. The Development of Sex in Vertebrates. N. Y. 19306. Science Progress 24 : 643-664. illus. Brambell, F. W. R., and N. S. Rau. 1925. Proc. Roy. Soc. London B 97. [Golgi.] Brand, F. 1908. Ber. Deu. Bot. Gesell. 26: 114-143. pi. 5. [Wall formation.] Brauer, A. 1894. Arch. Mikr. Anat. 43 : 162-222. pis. 8-11. [Arteviia.\ 1928. Jour. Morph. Physiol. 46: 217-239. illus. Braun, Alex. 1850. Betrachtungen liber die Erscheinung der Verjiingung, usw. Bremer, G. 1922. Arch. Suikerind. Nederl.-Indie, 1-111, 92 figs. 1924a. Arch. Suikerind. Nederl.-Indie, 151-180. 19246. Arch. Suikerind. 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Physiol. 52 : 525-533. illus. [Mantidse.] King, S. D. 1926. Proc. Roy. Soc. London B 100: 1-10. illus. [Oniscus.] 1927. Jour. Roy. Micr. Soc. 47: 342-355. illus. [Golgi in Protozoa.] King, S. D., and J. B. Gatenby. 1923. Quar. Jour. Micr. Sci. 67: III 381-390. KiNGERY, H. M. 1917. Jour. Morphol. 30: 261-316. 2 pis. Kingsbury, B. F. 1912. Anat. Rec. 6: 39-52. [Cytoplasmic fixation.] Kinney, E. 1926. Biol. Bull. 51 : 405-434. illus. [Secretion.] KiRBY, K. S. N. 1928. Jour. Roy. Micr. Soc. 48: 10-35. illus. [Plastids.] Kirchensteins, a. 1922a. Structure Interieure et Mode de Developpement des Bacteries. 90 pp. 7 pis. Riga, University de France. Kisliak-Statkewitsch, M. 1927. Zeitschr. Wiss. Biol. D 109: 283-286. Kisser, J. 1922. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Naturw. Kl. I 131: 105-128. Kite, G. L. 1913. Amer. Jour. Physiol. 32: 146-164. [Microdissection.] KiYOHARA, K. 1927. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 41: 211-218. Ulus. [Plastids.] 1930. Cytologia 1 : 328-334. illus. [Plastids.] Klebahn, H. 1892. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 24: 235-267. pi. 3. [OEdogouium.] 1896. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 29: 595-654. pi. 10. [Rhopalodia.] Klebs, G. 1883. Untersuch. Bot. Inst. Tiibingen 1 : 233-262. pis. 2, 3. 1887. Biol. Centralbl. 7: 161-168. [Influence of nucleus.] 1888. Untersuch. Bot. Inst. Tubingen 2 : 489-568. pis. 5, 6. 1891. Bot. Zeitung 49: 789, 805, 821, 837, 853. pi. 9. 1892. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool. 55: 265-445. pis. 13-18. Klein, E. 1878. Quar. Jour. Micr. Sci. 18: 315-339. pi. 16. 1879. Quar. Jour. Micr. Sci. 19: 125-175. pi. 7. Also Centralbl. Med. Wiss. Klingstedt, H. 1928. Mem. Soc. Fauna et Flora Fennica 4: 32-37. Kniep, H. 1911. Zeitschr. Bot. 3: 529-553. pis. 3, 4. [Hymenomycetes.] 1913. Zeitschr. Bot. 5: 593-637. pis. 2-5. [Hymenomycetes.] 1915, 1916, 1917. Zeitschr. Bot. 7: 369; 8: 353; 9: 81. [Hymenomycetes.] 1919. Zeitschr. Bot. 11 : 257-284. [Ustilago.] 1920. Verhandl. Phys.-Med. Gesell. Wiirzburg 46: 1-18. [Ustilago: sex.] 1922. Verhandl. Phys.-Med. Gesell Wiirzburg 47: 1-29. figs. 6. 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Generalis 7: 271-282. illus. KosTRiouKOFF, X. 1930. Bull. Jard. Bot. Kieff 11: 10-17. illus. KowALEVSKY, A. 1871. Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersburg VII 16: 13. pi. 4. KowALSKi, J. 1915(1919). La Cellule 30: 83-119. 2 pis. [Pyrrhochoris.] Krabbe, G. 1887. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 18: 346-423. illus. [Cell wall.] Kramer, H. 1902. Bot. Gazette 34: 341-354. pi. 11. [Starch grain.] Kranzlin, H. 1907. Arch. Protist. 9 : 170-194. pi. 4. [Myxomycetes.] Kretschmer, H. 1930. Arch. Protist. 71 : 101-138. illus. [CEdogonium.] Kropp, B., and R. M. Mat. 1924. Anat. Rec. 27 : 289-292. [Blood cells.] Kruch, O. 1890. Malpighia 4 : 403-423. pis. 17, 18. [Riella.] Krijger, E. 1913. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool. 105: 87-124. illus. [Rhahditis.] Krupko, S. 1926. Acta Soc. Bot. Polon. 4: 77-86. illus. [Plastids.] Kuczynski, M. H. 1917. Arch. Protist. 38: 94-112. pis. 3, 4. Kuhla, F. 1900. Bot. Zeitung 58 : 29-58. pi. 3. [Plasmodesms.] KtJHN, A. 1908. Arch. Zellf. 1: 538-586. pis. 18-21. 6 figs. KuHN, E. 1928a. Jahrb. 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[Drosophila, meiosis.] Lebedeff, V. N. 1932. Ukrainian Inst. Sci. Res.; Unis'a, Kieflf. Lee, A. B. 1897. La Cellule 13: 199-278. illus. [Helix.] 1921. The Microtomist's Vade-Mecum. 8th ed. Philadelphia. 1924. Quar. Jour. Micr. Sci. 69: 1-25. pi. 1. [Paris chromosomes.] Lee, B., and J. H. Priestley. 1924. Ann. Botany 38: 525-545. 12 figs. Lee, S. 1927. Bot. Gazette 83 : 420-424. illus. [Stigonema.] Leeman, A. 1928. Planta 6: 216-233. illus. [Secretion.] VAN Leeuwenhoek, A. Letter No. 29 to Royal Society, 1680. Lehfeldt, W. 1922. Hedwigia 64: 30-51. [Hymenomycetes.] Lehmann, E. 1918. Zeitschr. Bot. 10: 497-511. 1919. Ber. Deu. Bot. Gesell. 37: 347-357. illus. 1922. Die Theorie der Gi!notheraforschung. Jena. 1924. Biol. Zentralbl. 44 : 243-254. illus. 1925. Zeitschr. Ind. Abst. Vererb. 37 : 1-27. illus. 1929. Proc. Internat. Congr. Plant Sci. (Ithaca) 1: 787-801. 1932. Zeitschr. Ziicht., Reihe A, 17: 157-172. illus. Lehmann, E., and J. Schwemmle. 1927. Biblioth. Bot. 95: 1-156. illus. 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Kyoto Imp. Univ. B 4: 175-198. illus. 19296. Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. B 4: 347-352. illus. VON Nageli, C. 1844, 1846. Zeitschr. Wiss. Bot. 1, 3. [Cell-division, etc.] 1846. On the Utricular Structures in the Contents of Cells. Ray Society, 1849. 1858. Die Starkekorner. Zurich. 1863a. Niigeli's Bot. Mitt. 1, 2. [Starch grain and cell wall.] 18636. Beitr. Wiss. Bot. 3: 1-126. pis. 1-7. [Use of polarized light.] 1864. Sitzber. Kgl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. Miinchen. [Cell membrane.] 1881. Bot. Zeitung. 39: 633-651, 657-678. [Growth of starch grain.] Nakahara, W. 1917. Jour. Morphol. 29 : 55-74. 2 pis. [Nucleolus.] 1918a. Anat. Rec. 15: 203-216. 9 figs. [Nucleolus.] 19186. Jour. -Morphol. 30: 483-526. 6 pis. 36 figs. [Amitosis.] Nakanishi, K. 1901. Centralbl. Bakt. I 30: 97, 145, 193, 225. [Bacteria.] Nassonow, D. 1918. Arch. Russe d'Anat. Histol. et Embr. 2: 95-127, pis. 3, 4. 1923. Arch. Mikr. Anat. u. Entw. 97: 136-186. pis. 10-12. [Golgi; secretion.] 1924a. Arch. Mikr. Anat. u. 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Anat. 2: 98-110. 1 pi. [Crepis.] 19256. Genetics 10 : 583-592. illus. [Polyploid Crepis.] 1926. Zeitschr. Zellf. Mikr. Anat. 4: 171-215. [Crepis.] 1927a. Ber. Deu. Bot. Gesell. 45: 115-126. illus. 19276. Zeitschr. Zellf. Mikr. Anat. 6: 195-233. illus. [Crepis hybrids.] 1930a. Univ. Calif. Publ. Agr. Sci. 6: 95-106. illus. [Chimera.] 19306. Zeitschr. Zellf. Mikr. Anat. 55 : 348-352. illus. [Crepis hybrids.] 1931o. Univ. Calif. Publ. Agr. Sci. 6: 201-206. [Translocation.] 1931c. Amer. Naturalist 65 : 243-252. illus. [X-rays.] 1932. Zeitschr. Ind. Abst. Vererb. 63: 224-231. Nawaschin, S. 1898. Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersburg V 9: 377-382. 1899a. Bot. Centralbl. 77 : 62. [Double fertilization.] 18996. Flora 86 : 404-427. illus. [PZasmodiop/iora.] 1900. Ber. Deu. Bot. Gesell. 18 : 224-230. illus. [Syngamy.] 1909. Oesterreich. Bot. Zeitschr. 59 : 457. [Male nucleus.] 1910. Ann. Jard. Bot. Buit. 12 : Suppl. Ill, 871-904. pis. 33, 34. 1912. Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. 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[Rickettsia.] NicoLosi-RoNCATi, F. 1912. Boll. Soc. Bot. Ital. 59-62. [Red algaj.] NiENBURG, W. 1914. Zeitschr. Bot. 6 : 369-400. 17 figs. [Polystigma.] NiESCHULZ, O. 1922. Arch. Protist. 45 : 241-263. illus. [Trypanosome.] NiKOLAEWA, A. 1920o. Verh. Kong. Pflanzenziicht. Saratov. [Triticum.] 1924. Sci. Agron. Jour. 1 : 570-576. illus. [Rye X wheat.] NiSHiMURA, M. 1926. Jour. Coll. Agr. Hokkaido Imp. Univ. 17: 1-61. illus. 1928. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 42 : 154-177. illus. [Triticum hybrids.] NiSHiYAMA, I. 1931. Jap. Jour. Genetics 7: 49-102. illus. [Fatuoid oats.] NoACK, K. 1921. Zeitschr. Bot. 13: 1-35. pis. 1, 2. [Origin of plastids.] 1922. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 61: 459-534. 56 figs. [Pelargonium.] 1924. Verh. Phys.-Med. Gesell. Wlirzburg 49: 45-93. [Pelargonium.] 1925. Verh. Phys.-Med. Gesell. Wiirzburg 50: 47-97. [Variegation.] Noll, F. 1903. Biol. Centralbl. 23 : 281-297, 321-337, 401-427. [Brijopsis.] NoREN, C. O. 1904. Ark. Bot. Svensk Vet.-Akad. 3: pp. 11. [Juniperus.] 1907. Uppsala Univ. Arsskr., 64 pp. 4 pis. [Juniperus.] NoTHN.\GEL, M. 1916. Bot. Gazette 61: 453-476. pis. 28-30. [Meiosis.] 1918. Bot. Gazette 66: 143-161. pis. 3-5. [Double fertilization.] NowiKOFF, M. 1909. Anat. Anz. 34: 168-173. pi. 2. [Chromidia.] NussBAUM, J. 1913. Arch. Zellf. 10: 359-367. [Golgi material, chromidia, etc.] O Oehlkers, F. 1916. Ber. Deu. Bot. Gesell. 34: 223-227. [Chara.] 1924. Zeitschr. Ind. Abst. Vererb. 34: 259-283. [CEnothera: review.] 1926. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 65: 401-446. [CEnothera.] Oes, a. 1908. Bot. Zeitung 66: 89-120. pi. 5. [Action of nuclease.] 1910. Zeitschr. Bot. 2 : 39-49. 6 figs. [Action of nuclease.] Ogata, M. 1883. Arch. Anat. Physiol., Physiol. Abt., 405-437. pi. 6. Oguma, K. 1921. Jour. Coll. Agr. Hokkaido Imp. Univ. 10. [Mantis.] 1927. Jour. Coll. Agr. Hokkaido Imp. Univ. 16: 203-227. illus. [Pigeon.] 1930. Arch, de Biol. 40 : 205-226. illus. [Man.] Oguma, K., and H. Kihara. 1922. Dobutsu-gaku Zasshi 34: 424-435. 4 figs. 1923. Arch, de Biol. 33: 493-514. 3 pis. [Human chromosomes.] Oguma, K., and S. Makino. 1932. Jour. Genetics 26: 239-254. Ohashi, H. 1930. Bot. Gazette 90: 177-197. illus. [CEdogonium.] Ok.\be, S. 1929. Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ. 4 : 661-669. illus. [Sargassum.] Olive, E. W. 1904. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 18: 9-44. pis. 1, 2. [Cyanophycese.] 1907. Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci. 15 : 754-773. pi. 47. [Ceratiomyxa.] Oliver, C. P. 1929. Science 71: 44-46. [X-rays and mutation.] Oliver, F. W. 1888. Ann. Botany 1 : 237-253. pi. 12. [Plasmodesms.] Olson, A. R., and G. N. Lewis. 1928. Nature. London 121 : 673-674. Oltmanns, F. 1889. Bibl. Bot. 14: 1-94. 15 pis. [Fucacea?.] 1895. Flora 80 : 388-420. pis. 6-10. [Vaucheria.] 1898. Flora 85: 1-18. pis. 1, 2. [Coleochceie.] 1922-1923. Morphologic und Biologic der Algen. 2d ed. Jena. O'mara, J. 1931. Cytologia 3 : 66-76. illus. [Yucca.] Ono, T. 1926. Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ. IV 2: 159-160. illus. [Rumex.] 1927a. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 41 : 632-633. illus. [Rumex.] 19276. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 41: 601-604. [Triploid Primula.] 1928. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 42 : 524-533. illus. [Polyploid Rumex.] 1930a. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 44: 168-176. illus. [Intersexes in Rumex.] BIBLIOGRAPHY 505 19306. Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ. IV 5: 415-422. illus. [Rumex.] 1932. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 46: 321-327. illus. [Polyploidy in Rumex.] Ono, T., and N. Shimotomai. 1928. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 42: 266-270. illus. [Polyploidy in Rumex.] Onslow, M. W. 1923. Practical Plant Biochemistry. Cambridge, Eng. Orman, E. 1913. La Cellule 28: 365-441. 4 pis. [Cytoplasmic differentiations.] OsAWA, J. 1912. Jour. Coll. Agr. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 4: 83-116. illus. 1913. Arch. Zellf. 10 : 450-469. pis. 37, 38. [Taraxamm.] OsTENFELD, C. H. 1910. Zeitschr. Ind. Abst. Vererb. 3: 241-285. pi. 4. 1912. New Phytol. 11 : 347-354. [Hieracium: apogamy and hybridization.] 1921. Jour. Genetics 11: 117-122. 2 pis. [Hieracium: apogamy, etc.] OsTERHOuT, W. J. V. 1900. Flora 87: 109-115. pi. 5. [Batrachospermum.] 1911. 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Acad. Sci. 20: 275-322. pi. 7. [Somatic mitosis.] Owens, H. B., and R. R. Bensley. 1929. Amer. Jour. Anat. 44: 79-109. illus. OzAWA, Y. 1927. Rev. Gen. Bot. 39: 218-233. illus. [Chondriome.] Pace, L. 1907. Bot. Gazette 44: 353-374. pis. 24-27. [Cypripedium.] 1909. Bot. Gazette 48: 126-137. pis. 7-9. [Calopogon.] 1913. Bot. Gazette 56: 376-394. pis. 13, 14. [Atamosco.] Packard, C. 1918. Biol. Bull. 35 : 50-70. illus. [Radium.] 1931. Quar. Rev. Biol. 6 : 253-280. illus. [Irradiation.] Painter, T. S. 1920. Anat. Rec. 17 : 328. [ A no^is; spermatogenesis.] 1921a. Science 53: 503-504. [Sex-chromosomes in opossum and man.] 19215. Jour. Exp. Zool. 34: 281-327. 4 pis. [Lizards: spermatogenesis.] 1922a. Science 56: 286-287. 4 figs. [Sex-chromosomes of monkey.] 19226. Jour. Exp. Zool. 35: 13-45. 3 pis. [Didelphys: spermatogenesis.] 1923a. Jour. Exp. Zool. 37: 291-335. 6 pis. 4 figs. [Man: spermatogenesis.] 19236. Science 58: 247-248. [Sex-chromosomes of monke}^] 1925. Amer. Naturalist 59 : 385-409. 21 figs. [Mammal chromosomes.] 1926. Science 64 : 336. illus. [Rodents.] 1927. Genetics 12 : 379-392. illus. [v-o mice.] 1930. Jour. Heredity 21 : 61-64. illus. [Man.] 1931. Science 73 : 647-648. illus. [A'-chromosome map.] Painter, T. S., and H. J. Muller. 1929. Jour. Heredity 20: 287-298. illus. 506 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY Palla, E. 1889. Ber. Deu. Bot. Gesell. 7: 330-331. [Enucleated cells.] 1890. Flora 73: 314-331. pi. 13. [Enucleated cells.] 1906. Ber. Deu. Bot. Gesell. 24: 408-414. pi. 19. [Enucleated cells.] Palladin, V. I. 1923. Plant Physiology. (Engl, transl. ed. by Livingston.) Palm, D. 1920. Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 14: 261-266. [Pollen development.] Palmer, L. S. 1922. Carotinoids and Related Pigments. New York. Paltauf, a. 1928. Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Naturw. Kl., I 137: 691-716. Pappenheimer, a. M. 1916. Anat. Rec. 11: 107-148. [Golgi material; review.] Parat, Marguerite, 1927. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris 96: 1360-1363. illus. 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Biol. 4: 155-178. illus. [Neurofibrils.] Parmenter, C. L. 1920. Jour. Gen. Physiol. 2: 205-206. [Chromosomes of parthenogenetic frogs.] 1925. Jour. Gen. Physiol. 8: 1-20. illus. [Frog.] 1926. Anat. Record 34: 150. [Frog.] Parnell, F. R. 1921. Jour. Genetics 11: 209-212. pi. 21. [Rice pollen.] Pascher, A. 1916c. Ber. Deu. Bot. Gesell. 34: 228-242. 5 figs. 1918a. Ber. Deu. Bot. Gesell. 36: 163-168. [Meiosis and segregation.] 19186. Ber. Deu. Bot. Gesell. 36: 168-172. [CEdogonium.] 1929a. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 70: 329-347. illus. [Endonema.] 19296. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 71: 386-462. [Endosymbiosis.] Baton, J. B. 1921. Amer. Jour. Bot. 8: 471-501. [Pollen tube growth.] Patten, R. E. P., and S. B. Wigoder. 1930. Quar. Jour. Micr. Sci. 73: 633-650. Patterson, J. T. 1917. Biol. Bull. 33 : 57-66. illus. See also 38-50. 1921. Jour. Morphol. Physiol. 36 : 1-69. illus. 1928. Science 68: 41-43. [X-rays and mutation.] 1929. Jour. Heredity 20 : 261-267. illus. [X-rays and mutation.] 1930a. Genetics 15: 141-149. [X-rays and mutation.] 19306. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 16: 109-111. [X-rays and mutation.] 1931a. Jour. Exp. Zool. 60: 173-211. illus. [Gynandromorphs.] 1931c. Anat. Rec. 51 : 111. [X-chromosome.] Patterson, J. T., and H. J. Muller. 1930. Genetics 15: 495-578. [X-ray mutations.] Patterson, J. T., and T. S. Painter. 1931. Science 73: 530-531. illus. Patterson, P. M. 1927a. Jour. El. Mitchell Sci. Soc. 43: 108-123. illus. [Achlya.] 19276. Jour. El. Mitchell Sci. Soc. 43: 124-128. illus. [Pijthium.] BIBLIOGRAPHY 507 Pauli, W. E., and A. Hartmann. 1924. Arch. Mikr. Anat. 103: 95-167. illus. Pauli, W. E., and G. Politzer. 1929. Zeitschr. Zellf. Mikr. Anat. 8: 404-424. Paulmier, F. C. 1899. Jour. Morph. 15: suppL, 223-272. pis. 13, 14. [Aiiasa.] Pavillard, J. 1910. Prog. Rei Bot. 3 : 474-544. [Veg. protistology.] Payen, a. 1842. Memoires sur les developpements des vegetaux. Paris. 1846. Mem. Acad. Paris 9. Payne, F. 1909. Biol. Bull. 16: 119-166. pi. 1. 12 figs. 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Pfeiffer, H. 1930, 1931, 1932. Protoplasma 11, 12, 14, 15, 16. Pfitzner, W. 1881. Morph. Jahrb. 7: 289-311. 2 figs. [Nuclear structure.] Phelps, L. A. 1926. Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc. 45: 133-145. [Enucleated ama'ba.] Phillips, 0. P. 1904. Contrib. Bot. Lab. Univ. Pa. 2 : No. 3. [Cyanophyces.] Philp, J., and C. L. Huskins. 1931. Jour. Genetics 24: 359-404. illus. PicARD, M. 1913. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 40: 575-590. [Bibliography of mitosis.] Piech, K. 19246. Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Lett. B, 605-621. illus. 1928. Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Lett. B, 1-43. illus. [Scirp^is: d" cells.] Pincus, G. 1928. Jour. Morphol. Physiol. 44: 515-538. illus. [Rat.] Pinnby, E. 1908. Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull. 4. [Phrynotettix.] PiNNEY, E. 1918. Jour. Morphol. 31 : 225-292. 14 pis. [Fish hybrids.] 1922. Jour. Morphol. 36: 401-419. 2 pis. [Fish hybrids.] Plotnikowa, T. W. 1931. Zeitschr. Ziicht. A 16 : 662-668. illus. 508 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY Plough, H. H. 1917. Jour. Exp. Zool. 24: 147-210. 9 figs. 1921. 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Centralbl. 36: 337-374. [Alternation of generations.] 1917a. Zeitschr. Ind. Abst. Vererb. 18: 121-394. [CEnothera.] 1919a. Ber. Deu. Bot. Gesell. 37: 129-135. 2 figs. [CEnothera pollen.] 19196. Zeitschr. Bot. 11 : 305-380. 39 figs. 1 pi. [CEnothera pollen.] 1920. Biol. Zentralbl. 40 : 268-277. [Nature of gene.] 510 INTRODUCTION TO CYTOLOGY 1924a. Zeitschr. Ind. Abst. Vererb. 33: 317-347. [Species hybrids.] 19246. Biol. Zentralbl. 44: 309-336. illus. [Variegation.] 1925a. Untersuchungen liber die faktorielle Konstitution einiger Komplex-hetero- zygotischer ffinotheren. Leipzig. 19256. Bibliotheca Genetica 9. 168 pp. illus. 1929. Artbastarde bei Pflanzen. Berlin. Renner, O., and W. KuppER. 1921. Ber. Deu. Bot. Ges. 39 : 201-206. Reuter, E. 1909. Acta Soc. Sci. Fennicae 37 : 1-52. [Merokinesis.] 1930. Acta Zool. Fennica 9 : 1-487. illus. Reznikoff, P., and H. Pollack. 1928. Biol. Bull. 55 : 377-382. [pH.] Rhoades, M. M. 1931a. Science 73 : 340-341. [Cytoplasm in sterile Zea.] 19316. 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