tr _D cr io D m AN INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY BY C. JUDSON HERRICK PROFESSOR OF NEUROLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ILLUSTRATED PHILADELPHIA AND LONDON W. B. SAUNDERS COMPANY 1916 Copyright, 1915, by W. B. Saunders Company PRINTED IN AMERICA PRESS OF W. B. SAUNDERS COMPANY PHILADELPHIA PREFACE THERE are two groups of functions performed by the nervous system which are of general interest; these are, first, the physio- logical adjustment of the body as a whole to its environment and the correlation of the activities of its organs among them- selves, and, in the second place, the so-called higher functions of the cerebral cortex related to the conscious life. The second of these groups of functions cannot be studied apart from the first, for the entire conscious experience depends for its materials upon the content of sense, that is, upon the sensory data received by the lower brain centers and transmitted through them to the cerebral cortex. Since the organization of these lower centers is extremely complex, and since even the simplest nervous proc- esses involve the interaction and cooperation of several of these mechanisms, it follows that an understanding of the workings of any part of the nervous system requires the mastery of a large amount of rather intricate anatomical detail. Fortunately, the knowledge of the precautions which must be observed in order to maintain the nervous system in healthy working order is not difficult of acquisition (though surprisingly few people seem to have gained it), just as any one can learn to operate an automobile, even though quite ignorant of the engi- neering problems involved in its design and construction. In- formation regarding these matters of practical hygiene is readily available,1 and it is not the primary purpose of this book to sup- 1 GULICK, LUTHER H. 1907. The Efficient Life, New York. GULICK, LUTHER H. 1908. Mind and Work, New York. ^ JEWETT, FRANCIS GULICK, 1898. Control of Body and Mind, New York, Ginn & Co. Adapted for use in the graded schools. LUGARO, E. 1909. Modern Problems in Psychiatry, Manchester University Press. A book written especially for physicians, but full of stimulating ideas for every educated reader. STILES, P. G. 1914. The Nervous System and Its Conservation, Phila- delphia, W. B. Saunders Company. 11 12 PREFACE ply it. But to understand the actual inner operation of the nervous mechanisms is a much more difficult matter, and this knowledge cannot be acquired without arduous and sustained study of the peculiar form relations of the nervous organs and their complex interconnections; and information of this sort is indispensable for a grasp of the principles of nervous organiza- tion, and especially for an intelligent treatment of nervous dis- eases. The study of neurology is, therefore, intrinsically difficult if one is to advance beyond its most superficial phases; the more so if the student is not well grounded in general biology and at least the elements of the general anatomical structure of the ver- tebrate body. To these inherent difficulties there is added a purely artificial obstacle in the form of a cumbersome and con- fused terminology which has grown up during several centuries of anatomical study of the brain, in the early stages of which little or no comprehension of the functional significance of the parts discovered was possible, and fanciful or bizarre names were given without reference to the mutual relationship of parts. The problems which at present chiefly occupy the attention of neurologists are of two sorts — first, to discover the regional localization within the nervous system of the nerve-cells and fibers which serve particular types of function or, briefly, archi- tecture, and second, to discover the chemical or other changes which take place during the process of nervous function, that is, the metabolism of the nervous tissues. The first of these prob- lems is at present further advanced than the second; the larger part of this work is, therefore, devoted to a description of archi- tectural relations. Without a knowledge of these relations, moreover, the problems of metabolism are, in large measure, meaningless. It is impossible to understand clearly the form of the brain, and especially the relations of its internal structures, from verbal descriptions merely. Pictorial illustrations and the various brain models which are on the market are of great assistance; but ac- tual laboratory experience in dissecting the brain and, if possi- ble, the study of microscopic preparations of selected parts of it are indispensable for a thorough mastery of the subject. The brains of the sheep, dog, and cat are easily obtained, and PREFACE 13 are so similar to the human brain in all respects, save the smaller relative size of the cerebral cortex, that they can readily be used for such studies. Before dissection the brain should be carefully removed from the skull and hardened by immersion for a few days in a solution of formalin (to be obtained at any drug store and diluted with water in the proportion of one part formalin to nine parts water). Several neurological laboratory guides have been published, and one of these should be followed in the dissection.1 This work is designed as an introduction in a literal sense. Several very excellent manuals and atlases of neurology are available, and to these the reader is referred for the illustrations and more detailed descriptions necessary to complete the rather schematic outline here presented. The larger medical text- books of anatomy and physiology are, however, often very diffi- cult for the beginner, chiefly on account of the lack of correlation of the structures described and their functions. This little book has been prepared in the hope that it will help the student to learn to organize his knowledge in definite functional pat- terns earlier in his work than is often the case, and to appreciate the significance of the nervous system as a working mechanism from the beginning of his study. The structure and functions of the nervous system are of interest to students in several different fields — medicine, psy- chology, sociology, education, general zoology, comparative anatomy, and physiology, among others. The view-points and special requirements of these various groups are, of course, different; nevertheless the fundamental principles of nervous structure and function are the same, no matter in what field the principles are applied, and the aim here has been to 1BuRKHOLDER, J. F. 1912. The Anatomy of the Brain, Second Edition, Chicago, G. P. Engelhard & Co. (Dissection of the brain of the sheep.) FISKE, E. W. 1913. An Elementary Study of the Brain Based on the Dissection of the Brain of the Sheep, New York, The Macmillan Company. HARDESTY, 1. 1902. Neurological Technique, The University of Chicago Press. (Dissection of the human brain by means of transverse gross sections, methods of microscopic preparation, and lists of neurological terms.) HERRICK, C. JUDSON, and CROSBY, ELIZABETH. 1915. A Laboratory Outline in Neurology, privately printed by the authors at the University of Chicago. (Dissection of the dogfish, sheep, and human brains, and direc- tions for study of prepared microscopic sections of the human brain.) 14 PREFACE present these principles rather than any detailed application of them. In the selection of subject matter and mode of treatment the author has been fortunate in having the advice of many experienced teachers in several of these fields, who have read the manuscript of this work or of selected chapters and whose suggestions have contributed greatly to its value. Especial acknowlegement of generous assistance of this sort should be made to Doctors G. W. Bartlemcz, R. R. Bensley, Harvey A. Carr, C. M. Child, G. E. Coghill, Mabel R. Fcrnald, Joseph W. Hayes, Mary Stevens Hayes, F. L. Landacre, John T. McManis, and R. E. Sheldon. The materials presented in this book are arranged in three groups: (1) Chapters I to VII discuss the more general neurologi- cal topics; (2) Chapters VIII to XVIII comprise a brief account of the form of the nervous system and the functional significance of its chief subdivisions in general, followed by a review of the archi- tectural relations of the more important functional systems; (3) Chapters XIX to XXI are devoted to the cerebral cortex and its functions. Readers whose chief interest lies in the general neu- rological questions may omit much of the detail comprised within the second group of chapters or use these for reference only. To facilitate ready reference the general index has been prepared with especial care, and with it is combined a brief glossary of some more commonly used technical terms. In the text some of the more special topics, which may be omitted if a briefer presentation is desired, are printed in smaller type. C. JUDSON HERRICK. CHICAGO, ILL., October, 1915. CONTENTS CHAPTER I PAGE- BIOLOGICAL INTRODUCTION 17 CHAPTER II THE NERVOUS FUNCTIONS 24 CHAPTER III 'THE NEURON 38 CHAPTER IV THE REFLEX CIRCUITS 56 CHAPTER V THE RECEPTORS AND EFFECTORS 69 CHAPTER VI THE GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 96 CHAPTER VII THE GENERAL ANATOMY AND SUBDIVISION OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 106 CHAPTER VIII THE SPINAL CORD AND ITS NERVES 125 CHAPTER IX THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA AND CEREBELLUM 143 CHAPTER X THE CEREBRUM 160 15 16 CONTENTS CHAPTER XI PAGE THE GENERAL SOMATIC SYSTEMS OF CONDUCTION PATHS 172 CHAPTER XII THE VESTIBULAR APPARATUS AND CEREBELLUM 183 CHAPTER XIII THE AUDITORY APPARATUS 195 CHAPTER XIV THE VISUAL APPARATUS 204 CHAPTER XV THE OLFACTORY APPARATUS 215 CHAPTER XVI THE SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM 224 CHAPTER XVII THE VISCERAL AND GUSTATORY APPARATUS 234 CHAPTER XVIII PAIN AND PLEASURE 249 CHAPTER XIX THE STRUCTURE OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX 263 CHAPTER XX THE FUNCTIONS OF THE CERERRAI, CORTEX 279 CHAPTER XXI THE EVOLUTION AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX 301 INDEX AND GLOSSARY . 317 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY CHAPTER I BIOLOGICAL INTRODUCTION THE living body is a little world set in the midst of a larger world. It leads in no sense an independent life, but its con- tinued welfare is conditioned upon a nicely balanced adjust- ment between its own inner activities and those of surrounding nature, some of which are beneficial and some harmful. The great problem of neurology is the determination of the exact part which the nervous system plays in this adjustment. This problem is by no means simple. The search for its solution will lead us, in the first place, back to an examination of some of the fundamental properties of the simplest living substance, of protoplasm itself; and in the last analysis it will involve a consideration of the highest mental capacities of the human race and of the physiological apparatus through which these capacities come to expression. We shall first take up the nature of this adjustment on the lower biological levels. All of the infinitely diverse forms of living things have cer- tain points in common, so that one rarely has any doubt whether a given object is alive or dead. Nevertheless, the precise definition of life itself proves very difficult. Herbert Spencer, in his "Principles of Biology," after many pages of close argument and rather formidable verbal gymnastics, arrived at this formula: Life is "the definite combination of heterogeneous changes, both simultaneous and successive, in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences"; or, more briefly, "The continuous adjustment of internal re- lations to external relations." A somewhat similar idea was 2 17 18 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY subsequently more simply expressed by the late C. L. Herrick in the proposition. "Life is the correlation of physical forces for the conservation of the individual"; and this, in turn, may be cast in the more general form, Life is a system of forces maintained by a continuous interchange of energy between the system and its environment, these forces being so correlated as to conserve the identity of the system as an individual and to propagate it. A certain measure of modifiability in the char- acter of the system, without loss of its individuality, is not ex- cluded. No one of these definitions, or any other which has been sug- gested, is fully satisfactory; but biologists generally agree that the common characteristics of living beings can best be ex- pressed in the present state of our knowledge in terms of their actions, their behavior. The properties commonly ascribed to any object are in last analysis names for its behavior, and the so-called vital properties are very special forms of energy trans- formation. Now, the chief difference between a corpse and a living body consists in the fact that the forces of surrounding nature tend to the disintegration of the dead body, while in the living body these forces are utilized for its upbuilding. If, then, the vital process is essentially a special type of mutual interaction be- tween the bodily mechanism and the forces of the surrounding world, of the correspondence between the organism and the environment, to use the Spencerian phrase, it follows that the living body cannot be studied by itself alone. Quite the con- trary, the analysis of the environmental forces upon which the life of the body depends and of the parts of the body itself in their relations to these external forces is the very kernel of the problem of life. The measure of the fulness of life in any organism is two- fold. In the first place, the life is measured by the amount of energy which the organism can assimilate from surrounding nature and incorporate into its own organization. This enters the body chiefly in the form of chemical potential energy in food eaten, air breathed, and so on, and can be quantitatively de- termined and stated in the form of standard units of energy, such as calories or foot-pounds of work. This measures the BIOLOGICAL INTRODUCTION 19 working capacity of the machine, but gives little insight into the real value of the work done. In the second place, life may be measured in terms of the extensity or number and diversity of environmental relations. This takes account of the range or working distance of the organization and, in general, of the efficiency of the work done. For evidently the organism which has few and simple relations with the environment, so that it can adjust itself to only a small range of external conditions, is less efficient than one which has many diverse relationships and an extensive series of possible adjustments, even though the actual amount of energy expended may be vastly greater in the former than in the latter case. The first of these standards is a tolerably satisfactory measure of the vegetative functions of the body, sometimes less happily termed the "organic functions." We have no word in common use which covers precisely the group of activities embraced by our second standard of meas- urement, though the terms "animal functions," "somatic or exteroceptive activities" are sometimes used in about this sense. Let us now endeavor to illustrate the last topic a little more concretely. We are standing on a hilltop overlooking a meadow, through which runs a mountain brook, and beyond the valley is another range of rugged hills. In the fence-corner near us is a patch of daisies and clover with a honey-bee buzzing from flower to flower. A plowboy is crossing the field, and at our elbow an artistic friend is busy with sketching pad and brushes. Here are four things which have this at least in common, that they are alive — daisy, bee, plowboy, artist. There can be no doubt about their vitality, but how differently they respond to the sunshine, the rain, and the other forces of nature. The daisy expands in the vivifying light of the summer sun, the energy of whose actinic rays is used to build up living proto- plasm and vegetable fiber from the inert substances of air and soil. Its vitality, measured in terms of energy transforma- tion, is great; yet how limited its range of life, how helpless -in the face of the storms of adversity which are sure to buffet it. Rooted to its station, it can only assimilate what food is brought to it and it cannot flee from scorching wind or blighting frost. 20 .INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY The honey-bee leads a more free and varied life. Instead of passively and blindly waiting for such bane or blessing as fate may bring, she hurries forth, strong of wing and with senses alert, to gather the daily measure of honey and pollen. The senses of touch, sight, and smell open realms of nature forever closed to the plant, and enable her to seek food in new fields when the local supply is exhausted, as well as to avoid enemies and misfortunes. With the approach of the storm, she flies to shelter in a home which she and her sisters have prepared with consummate skill. Yet in this provision for the future in hive and well-stocked honeycomb there is little evidence of intelli- gent foresight or rational understanding of the purposes for which they work. Though so much more highly organized than the plant, the honey-bee is to a very large extent blindly follow- ing out the inborn impulses of her hereditary organization and she has no clear understanding of what she does, much less why she does it. There is some evidence of intelligent adaptation in her behavior, but the part played by this factor in her life as a whole is probably very small compared with the blind inborn impulses which dominate most of her activities. Like the plant, the bee's reactions are determined chiefly by the past evo- lutionary history of the species, which has shaped the innate organization of the body and fixed its typical modes of re- sponse to stimulation. But the bee lives much more in the present than does the plant; that is, she can vary her behavior much more widely in response to the needs of the moment. As for the future, she knows naught of it. The farmer's boy whistles as he goes about his work. He, too, has a certain innate endowment, including the whole range of his vegetative functions, together with an instinctive love of sport and many other inborn aptitudes. This is his inheritance from the past. By these instincts and appetites he is, as Dewey says, "pushed from behind" through the per- formance of many blindly impulsive acts. He is a creature of the present, too, his whole nature overflowing with the joy of living. But he also looks into the future and hastens through the daily tasks that he may obtain the coveted hour of sunset to fish in the brook. He flicks off the heads of the daisies with his whip-stock and remarks in passing, "This meadow is BIOLOGICAL INTRODUCTION 21 choking up with white-weed. The boss will have to plow it up next year and replant it." The extraordinary natural beauty of the place is, however, unnoticed amid the round of daily work and simple pleasure. The artist looks out upon the same scene, but through what different eyes! The mass of white daisies and the rocky knoll beyond ruddy with sheep sorrel suggest to him no waste of valuable pasture land, but a harmony of color and grace of form upon which he feasts his soul. The esthetic delights of the forest, the sky, the brook, and the overhanging crag beyond are for him unmixed with any utilitarian motive. Each of these four organisms occupies, in one sense, the same environment; but it is evident that the factors of this environment with which each comes into active vital relations are immeasurably different. They correspond with or are at- tuned to quite different energy complexes, though the cor- respondence or interaction is very real in each case. This has been stated very simply by Dr. Jennings when he says that every species of organism has its characteristic "action system," i. e., a habitual mode of reaction to its environment which is determined wholly or in part by its inherited organization. Every animal and every plant has, accordingly, • a definite series of characteristic movements which it can make in re- sponse to external stimulation. This is all that Jennings means by the "action system." We humans are no exception to this rule of life. We move along in a more or less stereotyped way, through more or less familiar grooves, in our daily work. Much of this work is routine, done about as mechanically as the flower unfolds its petals to the morning sun or the honey- bee gathers in her store of honey. This is our action system. Of course, we have much else to do besides this routine, and our actual value to the community is in large measure determined by our ability to vary this routine in adaptation to new situations as they arise. Even the daisy has a little of this capacity for independently variable action; the insect has more; and man's preeminence in the world is due primarily to his larger powers of adapting his reactions not only to the needs of the moment, but to probable future contingencies, i. e., of varying his inborn action system by intelligently directed choices. 22 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY This distinction between the blind working of a stereotyped action system whose character is determined by the inherited bodily structure, on the one hand, and individually acquired variable adaptive actions (which may or may not be intelli- gently performed), on the other hand, is very fundamental, and we shall have occasion to return to it. Most animal activities contain both of these factors, and it is often very difficult to analyze a given example of behavior into its elements, but the distinction is nevertheless important. Plant life is characterized by the dominance of invariable types of reaction which are determined by innate structure; these in their most elementary forms give us, in fact, the so-called vegetative func- tions. These same functions predominate in the lowest animals also; but in the higher animals, as we shall see, there are two rather distinct lines of evolutionary advance. In one line the innate stereotyped functions are very highly specialized, leading up to a complex instinctive mode of life; in the other line these functions are subordinated to a higher development of the indi- vidually acquired variable functions, leading up to the intelli- gence and docility of the higher mammals, including the human race. The distinction between plants and animals is very difficult to draw and, in fact, there are numerous groups of organisms which at the present time occupy an ambiguous position, such as the slime molds. The botanists claim them and call them Myxomycetes; the zoologists also describe them under the name Mycetozoa; still other naturalists frankly give up the problem and assign them to an intermediate kingdom, neither vegetable nor animal, which they call the Protista. As children we prob- ably considered the chief distinction between plants and ani- mals to be the ability of the latter to move freely about; but one of the first lessons in our elementary biology was the correction of this notion by the study of sedentary animals and motile plants. Nevertheless, I fancy that in the broad view the child- ish idea has the root of the matter in it. The plants and seden- tary animals may have their vegetative functions of internal adjustment never so highly specialized and yet remain rela- tively low in the biological scale because their relations with the environment are necessarily limited to the small circle within BIOLOGICAL INTRODUCTION 23 which they first take root, whereas the power of locomotion carries with it, at least potentially, the ability to choose between many more environmental factors. It is only the free-moving animals that have anything to gain by looking ahead in the world, and here only do we find well-developed distance recep- tors, i. e., sense organs adapted to respond to impressions from objects remote from the body. And the distance receptors, as we shall see, have dominated the evolution of the nervous sys- tem in vertebrates and determined the lines it should follow. The net result of this discussion can be briefly stated. The differences between various kinds of organisms are, in the main, incidental to the extent and character of their relations with the forces of surrounding nature. A species which can adjust itself to few elements of its environment we call low; one that can adapt itself to a wide range of environmental conditions in a great variety of ways we call higher. The supremacy of the human race is directly due to our capacity for diversified living. If man finds himself in an unfavorable climate, he may either move to a more congenial locality or adapt his mode of life by artificial aids, such as clothing, houses, and fire. And in these adaptations he is not limited to a narrow range of inherited instincts, like the hive of bees, but his greater powers of obser- vation and reflection enable him to discover the general uni- formities of natural process (he calls these laws of nature) and thus to forecast future events and prepare himself for them in- telligently. In other words, to return to our original point of view, our advantage in the struggle for existence lies in our ability to correlate our bodily activities with a wide range of natural forces so as to make use of these forces for our good rather than our hurt. (Of course, it should be borne in mind that this formula makes no pretense of being an exhaustive account of human faculty; but only that, in so far as biological evolutionary factors have operated in the human realm, they act in accord- ance with this principle.) The apparatus by which these exter- nal adjustments are effected and by which the inner parts of the body are kept in working order is the nervous system. CHAPTER II THE NERVOUS FUNCTIONS THE body is composed of organs and tissues, the organs being parts with particular functions to perform and the tissues being the cellular fabric of which the organs are composed. The tissues (which must be studied microscopically) are classified, sometimes in accordance with the general functions which they serve, such as the nervous and muscular tissues, and sometimes with reference to the forms and arrangements of their compo- nent cells. An illustration of the latter method of treatment is furnished by the epithelial tissues, which are thin sheets of cells, sometimes arranged in one layer (simple epithelia), some- times in several layers (stratified epithelia). Epithelial tissues may perform the most diverse functions. All living substance (protoplasm) possesses in some measure the distinctive nervous functions of sensitivity and conductivity, that is, it responds in a characteristic fashion to certain exter- nal forces (stimuli), and when thus stimulated at one point the movement or other response may be effected by some remote part. This last feature implies that some form of energy is conducted from the site of the stimulus to the part moved. Ordinary protoplasm also possesses the power of correlation, that is, of combining a number of individual reactions to stimu- lation in diverse special adjustments. The one-celled animals and all plants lack the nervous sys- tem entirely ; nevertheless they are able to make highly complex adjustments. The leaves, roots, and stems of the higher plants have individual functions which are, however, bound together or integrated into a very perfect unity. In animals, as con- trasted with plants, we see a further differentiation of parts of the body for special functions, and at the same time a more per- fect correlation of part with part and integration of the whole for rapid and diversified reactions of the entire body. The 24 THE NERVOUS FUNCTIONS 25 nervous system is the apparatus of these more perfect adjust- ments and its protoplasm is highly modified in different direc- tions. Some parts may be especially sensitive to particular forms of energy (such as light waves, sound waves, etc., this being termed the adequate stimulus in each case) ; other parts, the nerves, are highly modified so as to conduct nervous impulses from part to part with a minimum expenditure of energy and loss of efficiency; still other parts of the nervous system serve as centers for receiving and redistributing nervous impulses some- what after the fashion of the central exchange of an automatic jKin Fig. 1. — Diagram illustrating the simplest spinal reflex arc consisting of two nervous elements or neurons (see Chapter III), a sensory neuron connected with the skin and a motor neuron connected with a muscle. Physiological connection between the two neurons is effected within the spinal cord. (Modified from Van Gehuchten.) telephone system. These are the correlation centers, and they are larger and more complex in proportion to the range of diver- sity in the possible reactions of the animal. The simpler reactions to stimulation of the sort here under con- sideration are called reflexes (Fig. 1 ; see also p. 56), and the essen- tial mechanism is a reflex arc consisting of (1) a sensitive receiv- ing organ (receptor or sense organ); (2) a conductor (afferent or sensory nerve) transmitting the nervous impulse inward from the receptor; (3) a correlation center or adjuster, generally located within the central nervous system; (4) a second con- ductor (efferent or motor nerve) transmitting the nervous im- 26 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY pulse outward from the center to (5) the effector apparatus, consisting of the organs of response (muscles, glands) and the terminals of the efferent nerves upon them. No part of the nervous system has any significance apart from the peripheral receptor and effector apparatus with which it is functionally related. This is true not only of the nervous mech- anism of all physiological functions, but even of the centers con- cerned with the highest manifestations of thought and feeling of which we are capable, for the most abstract mental processes use as their necessary instruments the data of sensory experience directly or indirectly, and in many, if not all, cases are inti- mately bound up with some form of peripheral expression. The neurologist's problem is to disentangle the inconceivably complex interrelations of the nerve-fibers which serve all the manifold functions of adjustment of internal and external rela- tions; to trace each functional system of fibers from its appro- priate receptive apparatus (sense organ) to the centers of corre- lation; to analyze the innumerable nervous pathways by which these centers are connected with each other (correlation tracts) ; and, finally, to trace the courses taken by all outgoing impulses from these correlation centers to the peripheral organs of re- sponse (muscles, glands, etc., or, collectively, the effectors). This is no simple task. If it were possible to find an educated man who knew nothing of electricity and had never heard of a telegraph or telephone, and if this man were assigned the duty of making an investigation of the telegraph and telephone sys- tems of a great city without any outside assistance whatever, and of preparing a report upon all the physical equipment with detailed maps of all stations and circuits and with an explana- tion of the method of operation of every part, his task would be simple compared with the problem of the neurologists. The human cerebral cortex alone contains some 9280 million nerve- cells, most of which are provided with long nerve-fibers which stretch away for great distances and branch in different direc- tions, thus connecting each cell with many different nerve- centers. The total number of possible nervous pathways is, therefore, inconceivably great. Fortunately for the neurologists, these interconnecting ner- vous pathways do not run at random; but, just as the wires THE NERVOUS FUNCTIONS 27 entering a telephone exchange are gathered together in great cables and distributed to the switchboards in accordance with a carefully elaborated system, so in the body nerve-fibers of like function tend to run together in separate nerves or within the brain in separate bundles called tracts. Notwithstanding the complexity of organization of the nervous organs, the larger and more important functional systems of nervous pathways have been successfully analyzed, and the courses of nervous discharge from the various receptors to the appropriate centers of adjust- ment, and from these (after manifold correlations with other sys- tems) to the organs of response, are fairly well known. The acquisition of this knowledge has required several centuries of painstaking anatomical and physiological study, and much remains yet to be done. The external forms of the brain and other parts of the nervous system are dependent mainly upon the arrangements of the nerve-cells of which they are composed (for the characteristics of these cells see Chapter III), and these arrangements, in turn, are correlated with the functions to be performed. The func- tional connections of the nerve-cells can be investigated best by the microscopical study of the tissues combined with physiolog- ical experimentation. From this it follows that the study of the gross anatomy, the microscopical anatomy (histology), and the physiology of the nervous system should go hand in hand so far as this is practicable. A study of the comparative anatomy of the nervous system shows that its form is always correlated with the behavior of the animal possessing it. The simplest form of nervous system con- sists of a diffuse network of nerve-cells and connecting fibers distributed among the other tissues of the body. Such a ner- vous system is found in some jelly-fishes and in parts of the sympathetic nervous system of higher animals. Animals which possess this diffuse type of nervous system can perform only very simple acts, chiefly total movements of the whole body or general movements of large parts of it, with relatively small capacity for refined activities requiring the cooperation of many different organs. But even the lowest animals which possess nerves show a tendency for the nervous net to be con- densed in some regions for the general control of the activities 28 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY of the different parts of the body. Thus arose the central ner- vous system. (Some works dealing with the evolution of the nervous system are cited at the end of this chapter.) The aggregations of nervous tissue to which reference has just been made, containing the bodies of the nerve-cells, are called ganglia,1 and in all invertebrate animals the central nervous system is a series of such ganglia, variously arranged in the body and connected by strands containing nerve-fibers only, that is, by nerves. Superior ganglia Pharynx Inferior ganglia Ventral ganglia Fig. 2. — The anterior end of an earthworm (Lumbricus) laid open from above with all of the organs dissected away except the ventral body wall and ventral ganglionic chain. The central nervous systems of all but the lowest forms of animals are developed in accordance with two chief structural patterns, represented in typical form by the worms and insects on the one hand, and by the back-boned animals or vertebrates on the other hand. In the segmented worms (such as the common earthworm, Fig. 2) the central nervous system consists of a chain of ganglia connected by a longitudinal cord along the lower or ventral wall 1 On the ganglia of the vertebrate nervous system, see page 108. THE NERVOUS FUNCTIONS 29 of the body. Each of these ganglia is connected by means of peripheral nerves with the skin and muscles of its own segment, and each joint of the body with its contained ganglion (ventral ganglion) has a certain measure of physiological independence so that it can act as a unit. This is a typical segmented nervous system. At the head end of the body the ventral ganglionic chain divides around the pharynx and mouth, and there are enlarged ganglia above and below the pharynx. The superior ganglia (supra-esophageal ganglia) are sometimes called the brain, and this organ dominates the local activities of the several segments, enabling the animal to react as a whole to external influences. The nervous systems of crustaceans (crabs and their allies), spiders, and insects have been derived from the type just described. In these animals the segments of the body are more or less united in three groups, constituting respectively the head, thorax, and abdomen, and the ganglia of the central nervous system are modified in a characteristic way in each of these regions. Figure 3 illustrates the nervous systems of four species of flies, showing different degrees of concentration of the ganglia. In all cases the head part (brain) is greatly enlarged, and is arranged, as in worms, in ganglia above and below the mouth and esophagus. The other ganglia are diversely arranged, from the simple condition (A} where there are three thoracic ganglia, one for each pair of legs, and six abdominal ganglia, through in- termediate stages (B and (7), to the highest form (D), where all of the ganglia of both thorax and abdomen are united in a single thoracic mass. The type of nervous system just described is found throughout the highest groups of invertebrate animals, as in insects and spiders, and is constructed on a totally different plan from that of all of the vertebrate or back-boned animals. In this latter group we have, instead of a segmented chain of ventrally placed solid ganglia, a hollow tube of nervous tissue which extends along the back or dorsal wall of the body and constitutes the spinal cord and brain. The cavity or lumen of this tube extends throughout the entire length of the central nervous system, forming the ventricles of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord. The details of the invertebrate nervous systems 30 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY (whose structures are very diverse) will not be further consid- ered in this work; the nervous systems of all vertebrates, how- ever, are constructed on a common plan, and, though our prime interest is the analysis of the human nervous system, we shall find that many of the details sought can be seen much more clearly in the lower vertebrates than in man. Fig. 3. — The nervous systems of four species of flies, to illustrate the various degrees of concentration of the ganglia: A, Chrionomus plumosus, with three thoracic and six abdominal ganglia; B, Empis stercorea, with two thoracic and five abdominal ganglia; C, Tabanus bovinus, with one thoracic ganglion and the abdominal ganglia moved toward each other; D, Sarcophaga carnaria, with all thoracic and abdominal ganglia united into a single mass. (After Brand, from Lang's Text-book of Comparative Anatomy.) Correlated with these differences between the structure of invertebrate and vertebrate nervous systems there are equally fundamental differences in the behavior of these animals which require a few words of further explanation. Living substance exhibits as its most fundamental characteristic, as we saw at the beginning, the capacity of adjusting its own activities to con- stantly changing environmental conditions in such a way as to promote its own welfare. This adjustment may be effected THE NERVOUS FUNCTIONS 31 in two ways, both of which are universally present and which throughout the remainder of this work we shall call the invariable or innate behavior and the variable or individually modifiable behavior. Every animal reaction, then, contains these two factors, the invariable and the variable or individually modifiable. The first factor is a function of the relatively stable organization of the particular living substance involved. The pattern of this organization is inherited, and these characteristics of the be- havior are, therefore, common, except for relatively slight devia- tions, to all members of the race or species; they are rigidly determined by innate bodily organization so arranged as to facilitate the appropriate reactions, in an invariable mechanical fashion, to every kind of stimulation to which the organism is capable of responding at all. In the strictly vegetative func- tions, in all true reflexes (as these are defined on page 56), and in purely instinctive activities in general this factor of behavior is dominant. But in addition to this invariable innate behavior, all organ- isms have some power to modify their characteristic action sys- tems in adaptation to changed environmental relations. This individual modifiability is known as biological regulation, a proc- ess which has of late been very carefully studied. We cannot here enter into the problems connected with form regulation, that is, the power of an organism to restore its normal form after mutilation or other injury. On regulation in behavior reference should be made to the works of Jennings and Child. In lower organisms Jennings recognizes three factors in the regulation of behavior: First, the occurrence of definite internal processes; these form part of the invariable hereditary action system re- ferred to above. Second, interference with these processes causes a change of behavior and varied movements, subjecting the organism to many different conditions. Third, one of these conditions may relieve the interference with the internal proc- esses, so that the changes in behavior cease and the relieving condition is thus retained. Lack of oxygen, for instance, would interfere with an animal's internal processes; this leads it to move about; if finally it enters a region plentifully supplied with oxy- gen, the internal processes return to normal, the movement 32 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY ceases, and the animal again settles down to rest. If this regu- latory process is oft repeated another factor enters, viz., the facilitation of a given adjustment by repetition. Thus arise physiological habits or acquired automatisms. The more highly complex forms of individual modifiability are termed associative memory and intelligence, and the latter of these is by definition consciously performed. Whether con- sciousness is present in the simpler forms of "associative memory" as these are demonstrated by students of animal behavior in lower animals cannot be positively determined. In the behavior of lower animals there are no criteria which enable us to tell whether a given act is consciously performed or not, and, there- fore, the lower limits of intelligence in the animal kingdom are problematical. In other words, the manifestations of variable behavior form a graded series from the simple regulatory phe- nomena of unicellular organisms, as illustrated above, to the highest human intelligence, so far as these express themselves objectively. In mankind, where intelligent behavior is dominant, the stereotyping of the adjustments by repetition (true habit forma- tion) may also take place, and in this case the acquired au- tomatisms are sometimes said to arise by "lapsed intelligence," that is, an act which has been consciously learned may ulti- mately come to be performed mechanically and nearly or quite unconsciously. Much of the process of elementary education is concerned with the establishment of such habitual reactions to frequently recurring situations. How far "lapsed intelligence*' is represented in the so-called instincts of other animals is still a debated question (see p. 301). Among the invertebrate animals, the insects and their allies possess a bodily organization which favors the performance of relatively few movements in a very perfect fashion, that is, the action system is simple but highly perfected within its own range. Their reflexes and instincts are very perfectly performed, but the number of such reactions which the animal can make is rather sharply limited and fixed by the inherited bodily structure. Their behavior is dominated by the invariable and innate fac- tors and they cannot readily adapt themselves to unusual condi- tions. The vertebrates likewise have many elements of their THE NERVOUS FUNCTIONS 33 behavior which are similarly fixed or stereotyped in their innate organization; but, in addition to these stable reflexes and in- stincts, the higher members of this group have also a consider- able capacity for individual modifiability in behavior, and they are characterized by greater individual plasticity and docility (Yerkes). It appears that the tubular type of nervous system found in vertebrates permits of the development of certain kinds of correlation mechanisms which are impossible in the more compact form of ganglia of the insects. These two branches of the animal kingdom have, therefore, during all of the more recent evolutionary epochs diverged farther from each other, and now, in their highly differentiated conditions, neither type could be derived from the other. The jointed animals (articu- lates) developed from the lower worms, and this branch of the animal kingdom, which may be called the articulate phylum, culminates in the insects. The vertebrates were probably developed from similar lowly worm-like forms along an inde- pendent line of evolution, and this branch of the animal king- dom, the vertebrate phylum, culminates in the human race. Figure 4 illustrates in a rough diagrammatic way the relative de- velopment of the variable and invariable factors of behavior in the articulate and vertebrate phyla. In unicellular organisms without nervous systems the general protoplasm, of course, is the apparatus of both the invariable and the variable factors of behavior, and the simpler forms of nervous system likewise possess both of these capacities. But in the more complex forms of nervous system among vertebrates special correlation centers are set apart for the variable activi- ties, particularly those which are intelligently performed, and the most important of these centers are found in the cerebral cortex. This is the part of the brain which is greatly enlarged in mankind, as contrasted with all other animals, and the last three chapters of this work are devoted to the structure and functions of these cortical mechanisms with whose activity the progress of human culture is so- intimately related. It should be borne in mind that the higher correlation centers which serve the individually variable or labile behavior in higher vertebrates can act only through the agency of the lower reflex centers. The point is, that all of the elements of behavior are 3 34 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY represented in the innate neuro-muscular organization. Every single act which the animal is capable of performing has its mechanism provided in the inherited structure. But higher animals may learn by experience to combine these simple ele- ments in new patterns. The higher correlation centers serve this function. The presence and general arrangement of these centers is, of course, also determined in heredity; but the partic- reptiies Vertebrate Phylum Fig. 4. — Two diagrams illustrating the relative development of the invariable and variable factors in the behavior of the articulate phylum and the vertebrate phylum of the animal kingdom. In the articulate phylum the invariable factor (represented by the shaded area) predominates throughout; in the vertebrate phylum the invariable factor predominates in the lower members of the series, and the variable factor (represented by the unshaded area) increases more rapidly in the higher members, attaining its maximum in man, where intelligence assumes the dominant role. ular associations which will be effected within them are deter- mined by individual experience, and the building up of these new associations is the chief business of education (see p. 312). In the analysis of behavior and the related neurological mechan- isms the distinction between the innate and the individually acquired factors must always be kept clearly in mind. The failure to do so, and also the failure to distinguish between these THE NERVOUS FUNCTIONS 35 two factors and the acquired automatisms (p. 32), is responsible for much confusion in the current discussions of instinct. In the nomenclature of the correlation centers there is considerable diversity of usage. In describing the adjustments made by these centers neurologists frequently use the words coordination, correlation, and associ- ation in about the same sense; but the adjustments made in those centers which lie closer to the receptors or sense organs are physiologically of dif- ferent type from those made in the centers related more closely to the effector apparatus. In recognition of this fact the following usage has been suggested to me by Dr. F. L. Landacre and will be adopted in this work: The term correlation is applied to those combinations of the afferent impulses within the sensory centers which provide for the integration of these impulses into appropriate or adaptive responses; in other words, the correlation centers determine what the reaction to a given combination of stimuli will be. Nervous impulses from different receptors act upon the correlation centers, and the reaction which follows will be the resultant of the interaction of all of the afferent impulses (and physiological traces or vestiges of previous similar responses) involved in the process. When this resultant nervous discharge passes over into the motor centers and path- ways, the final common paths (see p. 62) innervated will lead to a response whose character is determined by the organization of the particular motor centers and paths actuated. To the term coordination we shall give a restricted significance, applying it only to those processes employing anatomically fixed arrangements of the motor apparatus which provide for the co-working of particular groups of muscles (or other effectors) for the performance of definite adaptively useful responses. Every reaction — even the simplest reflex — involves the com- bined action of several different muscles, and these muscles are so inner- vated as to facilitate their concerted action in this particular movement. These are called synergic muscles. Coordination involves those adjust- ments which are made on the effector side of the reflex arc (p. 56). This is the sense in which the term is applied by Sherrington in the following passage (Integrative Action of the Nervous System, p. 84) : "Reflex coordination makes separate muscles whose contractions act harmoniously, e. g., on a lever, contract together, although at separate places, so that they assist toward the same end. In other words, it excites synergic muscles. But it in many cases docs more than that. Where two muscles would antagonize each other's action the reflex arc, instead of activating merely one of the two, causes when it activates the one depression of the activity (tonic or rhythmic contraction) of the other. The latter is an inhibitory effect." The motor paths and centers in general are more simply organized than are the sensory paths and centers. The nervous discharges through these motor systems are very direct and rapid. Complex nervous reactions require more time than simple reflexes, and this delay or central pause is chiefly in the correlation centers rather than in the efferent coordination mechanisms (see pp. 98, 181). The word association may be reserved for those higher correlations where plasticity and modifiability are the dominant features of the response and whose centers are separated from the peripheral sensory apparatus by the lower correlation centers which are devoted to the stereotyped invari- able reflex responses. Correlation may be mechanically determined by 36 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY innate structure, or there may be some small measure of individual modifi- ability, but when the modifiability comes to be the dominant characteristic, so that the result of the stimulus cannot be readily predicted with mechan- ical precision, the process may be called association. The intelligent types of reaction and all higher rational processes belong here, and the cerebral cortex is the chief apparatus employed. The boundaries between the three types of centers just distinguished are not always sharply drawn, especially in their simpler forms, though in general they are easily distinguished. The mechanisms of coordination are neurologically simpler than those of correlation and association, and in general they are developed in the more ventral parts of the brain and spinal cord, that is, below the limiting sulcus of the embryonic brain (p. 120). The correlation and association centers are developed in the more dorsal parts of the brain and cord, and the greater part of the thalamus and cere- bral hemispheres is composed of tissues of this type. Nevertheless, the dis- tinctions here drawn are fundamentally physiological rather than anatom- ical, and coordination centers may be developed in the dorsal parts of the brain, as in the case of the cerebellum and probably also the corpus striatum of mammals (though not the striatum of lower vertebrates). Summary. — The functions which characterize the nervous system have been derived from those of ordinary protoplasm by further development of three of the fundamental protoplas- mic properties — viz., sensitivity, conductivity,, and correlation. The most primitive form of nervous system known is diffuse and local in its action, but in all the more highly developed forms the chief nervous organs tend to be centralized for ease of general correlation and control. Most of the types of nervous systems found in the animal kingdom are represented in two distinct and divergent lines of evolution, one adapted especially well for the reflex and instinctive mode of life and found in the worms, in- sects, and their allies, and the other found in the vertebrates and culminating in the human brain with its remarkable capacity for individually acquired and conscious functions. LITERATURE BARKER, L. F. 1901. The Nervous System and Its Constituent Neu- rones, New York. CHILD, C. M. 1911. The Regulatory Processes in Organisms, Journal of Morphology, vol. xxii, pp. 171-222. EDINGER, L. 1908. Th^ Relations of Comparative Anatomy to Compar- ative Psychology, Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. xyiii, pp. 437-457. HERRICK, C. JUDSON. 1910. The Evolution of Intelligence and Its Organs, Science, N. S., vol. xxxi, pp. 7-18. — . 1910. The Relations of the Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems in Phylogeny, Anat. Record, vol. iv, pp. 59-69. THE NERVOUS FUNCTIONS 37 JENNINGS, H. S. 1905. The Method of Regulation in Behavior and in Other Fields, Jour. Exp. Zool., vol. ii, pp. 473-494. — . 1906. Behavior of the Lower Organisms, New York. LEWANDOWSKY, M. 1907. Die Funktionen des zentralen Nervensystems, Jena. LOEB, J. 1900. Comparative Physiology of the Brain and Comparative Psychology, New York. PARKER, G. H. 1909. The Origin of the Nervous System and Its Ap- propriation of Effectors, Pop. Sci. Monthly, vol. Ixxv, pp. 56-64, 137-146, 253-263, 338-345. — . 1914. The Origin and Evolution of the Nervous System, Pop. Sci. Monthly, vol. Ixxxiv, pp. 118-127. PARMELEE, M. 1913. The Science of Human Behavior, New York. SHERRINGTON, C. S. 1906. The Integrative Action of the Nervous Sys- tem, New York. VERWORN, M. 1899. General Physiology, London. WASHBURN, MARGARET F. 1908. The Animal Mind, New York. WATSON, J. B. 1914. Behavior, An Introduction to Comparative Psy- chology, New York. YERKES, R. M. 1905. Concerning the Genetic Relations of Types of Action, Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. xv, pp. 132-137. CHAPTER III THE NEURON As we have seen in the last chapter, the functions of irrita- bility, conduction, and correlation are the most distinctive fea- tures of the nervous system. Like the rest of the body, the nervous tissues are composed of cells, the irritability of whose protoplasm is of diverse sorts in adaptation to different func- tional requirements. Each sense organ, for instance, is irri- table to its own adequate stimulus only (see pp. 25, 69). The functions of correlation and integration of bodily actions cannot be carried on by the nerve-cells as individuals, but they are effected by various types of connections between the different cells in the nerve-centers. The character of any particular cor- relation, in other words, is a function of the pattern in accord- ance with which the nerve-cells concerned are connected with each other and with the end-organs of the reflex arcs involved. The conducting function of nerve-cells is, perhaps, their most striking peculiarity, and their very special forms are due largely to the fact that their business is to connect remote parts of the body so that these parts can cooperate in complicated move- ments. Not all of the cells which compose the central nervous system are nerve- cells. The brain and spinal cord are surrounded by three connective-tissue membranes (dura mater, arachnoid, and pia mater, in the aggregate termed meninges) whose functions are chiefly protective and nutritive; from the inner membrane, the pia mater, blood-vessels, and strands of connective tissue extend into the true nervous substance. In addition to these non-nervous elements which grow into the central nervous system from without, the substance of the brain and spinal cord contains a sup- porting framework composed of ependyma and neuroglia or glia cells which develop from the primitive embryonic nervous system (the neural tube, see pp. 106, 116), but are not known to perform nervous functions, though nutritive and other functions have been ascribed to them (see p. 104). The true nerve-cells are called neurom. There has been a long controversy regarding the way in which the neurons of the 38 THE NEURON 39 adult body are developed from the cells of the embryonic nervous system; but it is now generally accepted that each neuron is developed from a single embryonic cell (known as a neuroblast), and that in the adult body each neuron has a certain measure of anatomical and physiological distinctness from all of the others. The very young nerve-cell (neuroblast) is oval in form and is composed of a nucleus and its surrounding protoplasm (cyto- plasm) ; but in further development it rapidly elongates by the outgrowth of one or more fibrous processes from the cell body, so that the mature neuron may be regarded as a protoplasmic fiber with a thickening somewhere in its course which is the cell body of the original neuroblast and contains the cell nucleus and a part only of its cytoplasm (this part being called the perikaryon), the remainder of the cytoplasm composing the fibrous processes, that is, the nerve-fibers. The cell body of the mature neuron is sometimes loosely termed the nerve-cell, though the latter term should strictly include the entire neuron. The importance of the conducting function is reflected in the elon- gated forms of the neurons and in the peculiar protoplasmic struc- ture of the nerve-fibers. The function of the cell body is chiefly nutritive; the entire neuron dies if the cell body is destroyed. Each neuron may be regarded as essentially an elongated con- ductor, and these units are arranged in chains in such a way that a nervous impulse is passed from one to another in series. Since the arrangement is such that the nervous impulse usually passes through the series in only one direction (see the typical reflex arc, Fig. 1, p. 25), each neuron has a receptive function at one end and discharges its impulse at the other end. This is what is meant by the polarity of the neuron (see pp. 52 and 97). The simpler forms of neurons are bipolar, with one or more processes known as dendrites conducting nervous impulses toward the cell body, and (usually) only one process, the axon or neurite, conducting away from the cell body. The dendrites are usually short, and in this case their structure is similar to that of the cell body. But where the dendrites are long, as in the neurons of the spinal and cranial ganglia (Figs. 1, 10), they may have the same structure as the axon. The axons are the axis-cylinders of the longer nerve-fibers and ar.e structurally very different from the protoplasm of the cell body, being composed chiefly of 40 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY numerous very delicate longitudinally arranged neurofibrillae embedded in a small amount of more fluid protoplasm. Fig. 5. — Diagram of a motor neuron from the ventral column of gray matter in the spinal cord. The cell body, dendrites, axon, collateral branches, and terminal arborizations in muscle are all seen to be parts of a single cell and together constitute the neuron: ah, Axon hillock free from chromophilic bodies; ax, axon; c, cytoplasm of cell body containing chromo- philic bodies, neurofibrils, and other constituents of protoplasm; d, den- drites; m, myelin (medullary) sheath; m', striated muscle-fiber; n, nucleus; n', nucleolus; nR, node of Ranvier where the axon divides; sf, collateral branch; si, neurilemma (not apart of the neuron); tel, motor end-plate. (After Barker, from Bailey's Histology.) The forms of neurons are infinitely diverse and appear to have been determined by two chief factors; these are (1) the nutrition THE NEURON 41 of the cell and (2) the specific functions of conduction to be served. The dendrites spread widely throughout the surround- ing tissues, thus giving the cell a large surface for the rapid ab- sorption of food materials from the surrounding lymph. This was regarded as the only function of the dendrites by Golgi and some of the other pioneers in the study of neurons, and led them to apply the name "protoplasmic processes" to these structures. We have already seen that the dendrites are more than this, \\ Fig. 6. — Enlarged view of a cell body similar to that of Fig. 5, from the spinal cord of an ox, showing the large chromophilic bodies: a, Pigment; b, axon; c, axon hillock; d, dendrites. (After von Lenhossdk.) however, being the usual avenues by which nervous impulses enter the cell body. The size, length, and mode of branching of the dendrites are, therefore, chiefly determined by their rela- tions to other neurons from which they receive their nervous impulses. The axon probably plays but little part in the gen- eral nutrition of the cell, and its form is shaped almost entirely by the distance to be traversed in order to reach the center or centers into which it discharges. 42 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY Neurons can function only when connected together in chains, so that the nervous impulse can be passed from one to the other. In any such chain the neuron first to be excited is called the neuron of the first order, and the succeeding members of the series neurons of the second, third, fourth order, and so forth. All reflexes require an afferent neuron which conducts the ner- vous impulse from the receptor to the center, one or more effer- ent neurons conducting from the center to the organ of response, W Fig. 7. — The body of a pyramidal neuron from the cerebral cortex, stained by Nissl's method, illustrating the arrangement of the chromophilic substance and the form of the nucleus: a, Axon; 6, chromophilic bodies surrounding the nucleus; c, a mass of chromophilic substance in the angle formed by the branching of a dendrite; d, nucleus of a neuroglia cell (not a part of the neuron). (After Ram6n y Cajal.) and usually one or more neurons intercalated between these within the center itself (see pp. 25, 56, 109). Figure 1, p. 25, illustrates the simplest possible connection of neurons in a reflex arc of the spinal cord, involving only two elements. The afferent neuron sends its dendrite to the skin and its axon into the spinal cord, where the nervous impulse is taken up by the dendrites of the efferent neuron, which in turn transmits it to a muscle. Figures 5 to 9 illustrate the forms of other neurons. THE NEURON 43 The different dendrites of a neuron may be physiologically all alike, or they may spread out in different directions to receive nervous impulses of diverse sorts from different sources. Simi- larly the axon may discharge its nervous impulse into a single nerve center or peripheral end-organ, or it may branch, thus connecting with and stimulating to activity two or more diverse functional mechanisms. In other words, a given neuron may be a link in a chain of some simple nervous circuit (Fig. 1), or it may be adapted to collect nervous impulses from different sources and discharge them into a single final common path, or in the third place it may receive nervous impulses of one or more functional sorts and then discharge its own nervous energy into several remote parts of the nervous system. This, in brief, is the mechanism of correlation, and illustrations of these different types of connection will be found in the following chapters. If animal reactions were simple responses so arranged that a given stimulus could produce only one kind of movement, the only nervous mechanism required would be a single neuron transmit- ting the excitation from the point of stimulation to the organ of response, as a call bell may be rung by pulling a bell cord. But the actual reactions are always more complex than this, so that several neurons must be connected in series with various di- vergent pathways of nervous discharge which reach different correlation centers, all of which must cooperate in the final response. Illustrations of some of these complicated reflex mechanisms will be found in Chapter IV. Neurons with short dendrites and a single long axon are the most common form and were termed Type I by Golgi (Fig. 8). In some cases (Fig. 9) the axon also is very short, breaking up in the immediate neighborhood of the cell body; these are the Type II neurons of Golgi and appear to be adapted for the diffu- sion and summation of stimuli within a nerve center. The neurons of the spinal and cranial ganglia form a third type. In embryonic development they begin as bipolar cells with a dendritic process at one end and an axonal process at the opposite end of the cell body; but in the course of further devel- opment (Fig. 10) the two processes approach each other and finally unite for a short distance into a single stem, which then separates into an axon and a highly special form of dendrite 44 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY Fig. 9. — Neuron of Type II from the cerebral cortex of a cat. The entire neuron is included in the drawing: a, Axon which branches freely and terminates close to the cell body; d, dendrites. (After Kolliker.) Fig. 8. — Pyramidal neuron (Type I of Golgi) from the cerebral cortex of a rabbit. The axon gives off numerous collateral branches close to the cell body and then enters the white substance, within which it ex- tends for a long distance. Only a small part of the axon is included in the drawing: a, Axon; b, white sub- stance; c, collateral branches of axon; d, chief dendrite; p, its ter- minal branches at the outer surface of brain. (After Ram6n y Cajal.) which has the same microscopic structure as the axon, but con- ducts in the opposite direction with reference to the cell body. This produces a T-form unipolar cell. The axon usually arises THE NEURON 45 from the cell body; it may arise from the base of one of the den- drites or, rarely, from the apex of the chief dendrite (Fig. 11). Neurons differ in internal structure, as well as in form, from the other cells of the body. The most important of these pecu- Fig. 10. — A collection of cells from the ganglion of the trigeminus of the embryonic guinea-pig, to illustrate various stages in the transformation of bipolar neuroblasts into unipolar ganglion cells. (After Van Gehuchten.) liarities are, first, the fibrillar structure of their cytoplasm, and, second, the presence in the cytoplasm of a highly complex protein substance chemically allied to the chromatin, which is Fig. 11. — A neuron from the primary gustatory center in the medulla oblongata of the carp. (Figure 136 (2), p. 303, illustrates the enormous enlargement of the medulla oblongata of this fish which is produced by this gustatory center.) The peripheral gustatory nerves end among the dendrites, d. The axis of the main dendrite is directly prolonged to form the axon, a. The heavy line at the right marks the external surface of the brain. (From the Journal of Comparative Neurology, vol. xv, p. 395.) the best known and probably the most important constituent of the cell nucleus. This is the chromophilic substance, which in nerve-cells as seen under the microscope is ordinarily arranged in more or less definite flake-like masses scattered throughout 46 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY the cytoplasm of the cell and extending out into the larger den- drites (see Figs. 6, 7). These masses were first carefully investi- gated by Nissl, who devised a special staining method for that purpose; they are, accordingly, often called the Nissl bodies, and sometimes tigroid bodies. They never occur in the axon nor in a special conical protuberance of the cell body (the axon hillock) from which the axon arises (see Fig. 5, ah, and Fig. 6, c). The neurofibrils are very delicate strands of denser protoplasm found in all parts of the neuron except the nucleus. They are by many regarded as the specific conducting elements of the neuron, though the evidence for this is not conclusive. They ramify throughout the cytoplasm (Fig. 12), passing through the cell body from one process to another. The longer nerve-fibers are usually enveloped by a thick white glistening sheath of myelin, a fat-like substance secreted by the nerve-fibers themselves. This myelin sheath, or medullary sheath, is a part of the neuron with which it is related and the fibers which possess it are called myelinated or medullated fibers; these fibers compose the white matter of the brain and a large part of the peripheral nerves (see Fig. 5). There may be, in ad- dition, in the case of the peripheral nerves an outer sheath, the neurilemma (primitive sheath or sheath of Schwann). This is a thinner nucleated membrane, not a part of the neuron to which it is attached, but formed from surrounding cells. The function of the myelin sheath has often been regarded as simply that of an insulating substance to prevent the overflow and loss of the nervous impulse conducted by the axon, but there is some evidence that this sheath plays an important part in the chemical processes involved in the act of nervous conduc- tion. The neurilemma is likewise often spoken of as a protecting membrane. Whether it has any other function in the normal life of the nerve-fiber is unknown ; but if a nerve-fiber is by acci- dent severed from its cell body, it is known that the nuclei of the neurilemma play a very important part in the degeneration and regeneration of the severed fiber and the restoration of its normal function. As has been suggested, nerve-fibers cut off from their cell bodies immediately die and degenerate. But in the case of peripheral nerves the neurilemma nuclei do not die; and, appa- THE NEURON rently with the aid of these nuclei, a new nerve-fiber may under favorable conditions grow out from the central stump of the cut nerve, and finally the entire nerve may regenerate. In the cen- lii Fig. 12. — Cell from the ventral gray column of the human spinal cord, illustrating the arrangement of the neurofibrils: ax, Axon; Hi, interfibril- lar spaces occupied by chromophilic substance; n, nucleus; x, neurofibrils passing from one dendrite to another; y, similar neurofibrils passing through the body of the cell. (After Bethe, from Heidenhain's Plasma und Zelle). tral nervous system, where the neurilemma is absent or greatly reduced, the regeneration of such injured nerves takes place with great difficulty, if at all. 48 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY It is possible by a special method of staining devised by Marchi to differentiate myelinated fibers which are in process of degen- eration from the normal fibers with which they may be mingled. This method has often permitted a much more precise deter- mination of the exact course of the fibers of a given peripheral Fig. 13. — Two motor neurons from the ventral column of gray matter of the spinal cord of a rabbit, taken fifteen days after cutting the sciatic nerve, to illustrate the chromatolysis of the chromophilic substance: A, Cell in which the chromophilic bodies are partially disintegrated (at 6) and the nucleus eccentric; B, cell showing more advanced chromatolysis (c), the chromophilic substance being present only in the dendrites and around the nucleus in the form of a homogeneous mass; a, axon. Compare with these appearances the normal cell of the ventral column shown in Fig. 6. (After Ram6n y Cajal.) nerve or central tract than would be possible by the examination of normal material, especially after experimental operations on the lower animals, where the particular collection of fibers under investigation may be severed and then later the animal killed and examined by Marchi's method (see p. 135). It is also found that after cutting any group of nerve-fibers the THE NEURON 49 cell bodies from which these fibers arise show structural changes. The most important change is a solution of the chromophilic substance or Nissl bodies so that they no longer appear in a stained preparation (Fig. 13). This is termed chromatolysis, and often enables the neurologist to determine exactly which cells in the central nervous system give rise to a particular bundle of fibers (for examples see pp. 136 and 284). The neuron doctrine may be said to date from the publica- tion of important papers by Golgi, of Pavia, in 1882 to 1885 (though his now famous method was published in 1873, and many of Golgi's theoretical conclusions have been greatly modified). The name Neuron (in English often spelled "neurone") was first applied by Waldeyer in 1891 in connection with a clear enunciation of the recently demonstrated facts upon which the concept is based. The discovery of William His that the nervous system is made up of cellular units which are embryologically distinct, and the further demonstration by others that these cellular elements retain some measure of ana- tomical and physiological individuality (the exact degree of anatomical separation is still in controversy — some say it is com- plete) up to adult life revolutionized neurology, and this doctrine has profoundly influenced all subsequent neurological work. The history of this movement we cannot here go into (see the excel- lent summaries in Barker's Nervous System and the article by Adolf Meyer cited at the end of this chapter). The present status of the neuron doctrine has been summarized by Heiden- hain (1911, p. 711) in the following six propositions: 1. The neuron of the adult animal body is an anatomical unit; it corresponds morphologically to one cell. 2. The neuron is, accordingly, also a genetic unit, for it is differentiated from a single embryonic cell. 3. Nervous substance is composed of the contained neurons; within the nervous system there are no elements other than neurons which participate in nervous functions. 4. The neurons remain anatomically separate; they are merely in contact with each other, that is, there are no connections between them which are characterized as conditions of conti- nuity or fusion of their substance. 5. The neuron is a trophic unit. This means that the injury 4 50 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY of any part of the neuron affects the welfare of the whole, and the destruction of the nucleus and cell body destroys the entire neuron, but such injuries do not directly affect adjacent neurons. 6. The neuron is a functional unit or, better, the functronal unit of the nervous system. Fig. 14. — Neurons from the trapezoid body of the medulla oblongata of a cat, illustrating different forms of synapse: a, Delicate pericellular net around the cell body of a neuron which is not shown; b, coarser endings; c, still coarser net; d, calyx-like envelope. In b, c, and d, at the left of the figure, the globular cell body of the neuron of the second order is shaded with lighter stipple than the terminals of the axon of the neuron of the first order. (After Veratti, from Edinger's Vorlesungen.) (It should be noted that in this account we do not follow Veratti 's interpretation of these structures, but that of Held, Ram6n y Cajal, and the majority of other neurologists.) These six propositions are accepted in their entirety by many neurologists; but it should be clearly understood that all of them are controverted by others. The fourth proposition, in particular, has been the subject of violent attack (see the dis- cussion of the synapse below). The neuron, moreover, is a functional unit (proposition 6) in only a rather limited sense (see p. 56). Without further discussion of the merits of these THE NEURON 51 controversial questions, it may be regarded as generally accepted that all of the preceding propositions have some measure of factual basis, though different neurologists would give various interpretations and modifications of some of them. The place where the axon of one neuron comes into physio- logical relation with another neuron is known as the synapse. Fig. 15. — Synapse between an ascending fiber entering the cortex of the cerebellum and the dendrites of a Pur kin je cell. (After Ram6n y Cajal.) Its precise nature is still obscure. Structurally it usually ex- hibits a dense interlacing of the terminal arborization of an axon of one neuron with the bushy dendrite of a second neuron. In Fig. 1 (p. 25) such a synapse is seen between the dorsal root neuron and the ventral root neuron. In other cases the ter- minal arborization takes the form of a delicate network which 52 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY . twines around the cell body of the second neuron or of a calyx- like expansion or coarse-meshed reticulum closely enveloping the cell body (Fig. 14). Another form of synapse is seen in Fig. 15 from the cortex of the cerebellum. The body and larger dendrites of a single cortical neuron of the type known as Purkinje cells (see p. 191) are shown in gray, and the terminal branches of an afferent neuron are seen twining about the den- dritic branches of the Purkinje cell, thus forming a very intimate union. Similar synapses are found in the cerebral cortex (p. 272). Figure 16 illustrates a type of synapse also found in the Fig. 16. — A "basket cell" from the cerebellar cortex of a rat, illustrating the discharge of a single neuron, B, by synaptic connection with the cell bodies of several Purkinje neurons, A, by basket-like endings of the axon: A, cells of Purkinje; a, the basket-like synapse on the body of a Purkinje cell; B, the basket cell; b, terminus of the axon; c, axon of basket cell. (After Ram6n y Cajal; cf. Fig. 89, p. 190.) cerebellar cortex. A single "basket cell," B, has a short axon whose branches form synapses around the bodies of a large number of Purkinje cells, thus diffusing and greatly strength- ening the nervous discharge (see p. 192 and Fig. 89, 6). For still other types of synapse see Figs. 61, 89, 98, 104, 109, 126. The synapse has been a crucial point in recent discussions regarding the general physiology of the nervous system, many neurologists believing that it is the most important part of the reflex circuits (see, for instance, on the theory of sleep, p. 103). The doctrine of the polarization of the neuron (p. 39) implies THE NEURON 53 that at the synapse there must be a reversal of the polarity with reference to the cell body as the nervous impulse passes over from an axon to a dendrite. In the simple diffuse form of nervous system found in primi- tive animals like the jelly-fishes and lowest worms (p. 27) the nerve-cells are described as connected by protoplasmic strands to form a continuous network. Here, of course, there are no Fig. 17. — Plexus of sympathetic neurons in the villi of the small intes- tine of a guinea-pig: a, b, c, d, Neurons of the subepithelial plexus; e, f, neurons of the plexus within the villi; g, fibers of the submucous (Meissner's) plexus. (After Ram6n y Cajal.) synapses and the neurons are not polarized. Apparently the nervous impulse may be transmitted equally well in all direc- tions throughout this network. The physiological properties of such an arrangement appear to be very different from those of the synaptic nervous systems of higher animals. A non- synaptic network similar to that mentioned above has. been des- cribed as occurring in some of the diffuse ganglionic plexuses of the human body (Fig. 1.7). 54 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY In the synaptic systems, as found in all highly differentiated nervous centers, the majority of neurologists teach that at the synapse the two neurons involved are simply in contact and that the nervous impulse passes from one to the other across a very short gap in the conducting substance. Others believe that they have demonstrated very delicate protoplasmic threads which bridge this gap, thus establishing continuity of the con- ducting substance across the synapse. Good histological prepara- tions show, however, in some of the most intimate synapses known where the axon ends directly on the cell body of the sec- ond neuron that there is a distinct cellular membrane around the terminals of the fibers of the first order and a second cellu- lar membrane enveloping the body of the neuron of the second order, so that continuity of the ordinary protoplasm of the neurons here seems to be quite impossible, so far as our present technic is adequate to decide the question.1 The following important points regarding the synapse seem to be established: 1. Unimpeded protoplasmic continuity across the synapse has not been clearly established, and in some cases there is clearly a membranous barrier interposed between the two neurons. But the exact nature of this barrier is unknown and it by no means follows that the synaptic membrane is an inert substance. It may be composed of living substance of a different nature from that of the other protoplasm of the neurons. 2. The transmission of the nervous impulse across the synapse involves a delay greater than that found in the nerve-fiber or the cell body. This suggests that there is some sort of an ob- struction here which does not occur elsewhere in the reflex arc (see p. 98). 3. The synapse is more susceptible to certain toxic substances, such as nicotin, than is any other part of the reflex arc. 4. Though a nerve-fiber seems to be capable of transmitting an impulse in either direction, the nervous impulse can pass the synapse only in one direction, viz., the direction of normal dis- charge from the axon of one neuron to the dendrite of another. 1 For an illustration of such a synapse see BARTLEMEZ, G. W., Mauthner's Cell and the Nucleus Motorius Tegmenti, Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. xxv, 1915, Figs. 11, 12, and 13, pp. 126-1 2S. THE NEURON 55 The synapse, therefore, acts as a sort of valve, to use a crude analogy, and appears to be one of the factors (not necessarily the only one, see p. 97) in establishing the polarity of the neuron. 5. Observations upon injured -neurons show that the degenera- tions caused by the severance of their fibrous processes (whether these be manifested as degeneration of the fibers or as chroma- tolysis, see p. 49) or by the destruction of the cell bodies from which the fibers arise cannot cross the barriers interposed by the synapses. Summary. — In this chapter the form and internal structure of neurons have been briefly reviewed and the present status of the neuron doctrine is summarized on p. 49. The synapse is. the place where the nervous impulse is transmitted from one neuron to another, and it is regarded as of the utmost physiological importance, its most important features being presented briefly on p. 54. The doctrine of the polarization of the neuron teaches that nervous impulses are received by the dendritic processes and transmitted outward from the cell body through the axon. LITERATURE APATHY, S. 1898. Ueber Neurofibrillen, Proc. Internal.- Zoological Congress, Cambridge, pp. 125-141. BARKER, L. F. 1901. The Nervous System and Its Constituent Neurones, New York. BETHE, A. 1904. Der -heutige Stand der Neurontheorie, Deutsch. med. Woch., No. 33. . GOLGI, C. 1882-1885. Sulla fina anatomia degli organi centrali del sistema nervoso, Riv. Sperim. di Freniatria, vols. viii, ix, and xi. — . 1907. La dottrina del neurone, Teoria e fatti, Arch. Fisiol., vol. iv, pp. 187-215. HEIDENHAIN, M. 1911. Plasma und Zelle, 2 Lieferung (in Bardelcben's Handbuch der Anatomic des Menschen, Bd. 8), Jena. His, W. 1889. Die Neuroblasten und deren Entstehung im embry- onalen Mark, Leipzig. MEYER, ADOLF. 1898. Critical Review of the Data and General Meth- ods and Deductions of Modern Neurology, Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. viii, pp. 113-148 and 249-313. NISSL, F. 1903. Die Neuronenlehre und ihre Anhanger, Jena. RAM6N Y CAJAL, S. 1909. Histologie de Systeme Nerveux, Paris. WALDEYER, W. 1891. Ueber einige neuere Forschungen im Gebiete der Anatomic des Centralnervensystems, Deutsch. med. Woch., Bd. 17. CHAPTER IV THE REFLEX CIRCUITS THE cellular unit of the nervous system, as we have seen, is the neuron. Neurons, however, never function independently, but only when joined together in chains whose connections are correlated with the functions which they serve. Accordingly, the most important unit of the nervous system, from the phys- iological standpoint, is not the neuron, but ttae reflex circuit, a chain of neurons consisting of a receptor or sensory organ, a cor- relating center or adjuster, and an effector or organ of response, together with afferent and efferent nerve-fibers which serve as conductors between the center and the receptor and effector respectively (see p. 25). In a reflex circuit the parts must be so connected that upon stimulation of the receptive end-organ a useful or adaptive response follows, such, for instance, as the immediate jerking away of the hand upon accidentally touching a hot stove. A reflex act, as this term is usually defined by the physiologists, is an invariable mechanically determined adaptive response to the stimulation of a sense organ, involving the use of a center of correlation and the conductors necessary to connect this center with the appropriate receptor and effector apparatus. The act is not voluntarily performed, though one may become aware of the reaction during or after its performance. The term "reflex" is often popularly very loosely applied, but as generally used by physiologists it involves the rather complex nervous function above described. If an electric shock is ap- plied directly to a muscle or to the motor nerve which innervates that muscle, the muscle will contract, but this direct contraction is not a reflex act. Many acquired movements have become so habitual as to be performed quite automatically, such as the play of the fingers of an expert pianist or typist; but these 56 THE REFLEX CIRCUITS 57 acquired automatisms must be clearly distinguished from the reflexes, which belong to the innate nervous organization with which we are endowed at birth (see pp. 31, 301). The lowly organisms which lack a differentiated nervous system exhibit many kinds of behavior which closely resemble reflexes and, in fact, are physiologically of the same type; but these non-nervous responses are usually termed tropisms or taxes, though some physiologists call them reflexes, and some reflexes, as above de- fined, are often called tropisms. The structure of the simple reflex circuit is diagrammatically illustrated in Fig. 18, A. The receptor (R) may be a simple terminal expansion of the sensory nerve-fiber or a very complex sense organ. The effector (E) may be a muscle or a gland. The cell body of the afferent neuron (1) may lie within the center (C) or outside, as in the diagram. The latter condition is more usual, as seen in the spinal and cranial ganglia (Fig. 1, p. 25). The synapse and the cell body of the efferent neuron (2) lie in the center. A simple reflex act involving the use of so elementary a mech- anism as has just been described is probably never performed by any adult vertebrate. The nervous impulse somewhere in its course always comes into relation with other reflex paths, and in this way complications in the response are introduced. Some illustrations of the simpler types of such complex reflex circuits will next be considered. Separate reflex circuits may be so compounded as to give the so-called chain reflex (Fig. 18, B). Here the response of the first reflex serves as the stimulus for the second, and so on in series. The units of these chain reflexes are usually not simple reflexes as diagrammed, but complex elements of the types next to be described. Figure 18, C illustrates another method of compounding re- flexes so that the stimulation of a single sense organ may excite either or both of two responses. If the two effectors, El and E2, can cooperate in the performance of an adaptive response, the case is similar to that of Fig. 18, A, with the possibility of a more complex type of reaction. This is an allied reflex. If, however, the two effectors produce antagonistic movements, so that both cannot act at the same time, the result is a physiological 58 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY dilemma. Either no reaction at all results, or there is a sort of physiological resolution (sometimes called physiological choice), one motor pathway being taken to the exclusion of the other. Which path will be chosen in a given case may be determined by Fig. 18. — Diagrams representing the relations of neurons in five types of reflex arcs: A, Simple reflex arc; B, chain reflex; C, a complex system illus- trating allied and antagonistic reflexes and physiological resolution; D, a complex system illustrating allied and antagonistic reflexes with a final common path; E, a complex system illustrating the mechanism of physio- logical association. A, A, association neurons; C, C', C", Cl, and C2, centers (adjusters); E, E', E", El, and E2, effectors; FCP, final common path; R, R', R", Rl, and R2, receptors. the physiological state of the organs. If, for instance, one motor system, E2, is greatly fatigued and the other rested, the thresh- old of E2 will be raised and the motor discharge will pass to El . Figure 18, D illustrates the converse case, where two receptors THE REFLEX CIRCUITS 59 discharge into a single center, which, in turn, by means of a final common path (FCP) excites a single effector (E). If the two re- ceptors upon stimulation normally call forth the same response, they will reinforce each other if simultaneously stimulated, the response will be strengthened, and we have another type of allied reflex. But there are cases in which the stimulation of Rl and R# (Fig. 18, D) would naturally call forth antagonistic reflexes. Here, if they are simultaneously stimulated, a phys- iological dilemma will again arise which can be resolved only by one or the other afferent system getting control of the final com- mon path. Figure 18, E illustrates still another form of combination of reflexes. Here there are connecting tracts (A, A) between the two centers so arranged that stimulation of either of the two receptors (Rl and R2] may call forth a response in either one of two effectors (El and E2). These responses may be allied or antagonistic, and much more complicated reflexes are here pos- sible than in any of the preceding cases. A few illustrations of the practical operation of these types of reflex circuits will be given here and many other cases are cited throughout the following discussions. A case of a simple reflex has already been mentioned in the sudden twitch of the hand in response to a painful stimulation of the skin. The simplest possible mechanism of this reaction involving only two neurons is shown in Fig. 1 (p. 25). In actual practice, however, the arrangement figured is one element only of a more complex reaction (see p. 61). Figure 19 illustrates a more usual form of this type of reaction, where a series of three or more neurons is involved and at least two cerebral centers. An auditory im- pulse coming to the brain from the ear through the VIII cranial nerve terminates in a primary acoustic center in the superior olive (a deep nucleus of the medulla oblongata, see p. 201), where it is taken up by an intercalary neuron of the second order and transmitted to the nucleus of the VI nerve. The result is a contraction of the external rectus muscle of the eyeball, turning the eye toward the side from which the auditory stimulus was received. So far as this reaction alone is concerned, it is a simple reflex, but in practice the external rectus muscle of one eye is never contracted apart from the other five muscles of that eye 60 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY and all six muscles of the other eye. In this way alone can con- jugate movements of the two eyes be effected for the accurate fixation of the gaze upon any object. The entire system of con- jugate .movements is also entirely reflex and it is effected by an exceedingly complicated arrangement of nerve tracts and cen- ters, of which the superior olive and the nucleus of the VI nerve are integral parts. The chain reflex (see Fig. 18, B) is a very common and a very important type. Most of the ordinary acts in the routine of daily life employ it in one form or another, the completion of one stage of the process serving as the stimulus for the initiation of the next. nerve Fig. 19. — Diagram of a simple auditory reflex. Upon stimulation of the endings of the VIII nerve in the ear by sound waves, a nervous impulse may pass to the superior olive, whence it is carried by an intercalary neuron of the second order to the nucleus of the VI nerve. The fibers of this nerve end on the external rectus muscle of the eyeball. There are within the muscles elaborate sense organs (the mus- cle spindles and their associated afferent nerves, see p. 87), which are stimulated by the contraction of the muscle. These afferent nerves of the muscle sense have their own centers of adjustment within the central nervous system, from which in turn efferent impulses go out which ultimately reach the same muscles from which the sensory impulses came in. This, of course, is a variety of chain reflex, and is the mechanism by which refined movements of precision are executed, where differ- ent sets of muscles must work against each other in constantly varying relations without conscious control. In the case of a sustained reflex series of this character this return flow of affer- THE REFLEX CIRCUITS 61 ent impulses of the muscle sense, tendon sense, etc., exerts a constant influence upon the center which receives the initial stimulus, so that this center is constantly under the combined influence of the external stimulus which sets the reflex in motion and the internal stimuli arising from the muscles themselves (proprioceptors, see p. 86) which control its course. In this case there is a true physiological circuit rather than an arc or segment of a circuit, as is commonly implied in the expression "reflex arc." This case is typical of the complex reflexes of the body in general, and for this and other considerations we follow the usage of Dewey (1893) and term the mechanism of a com- plete reflex a "reflex circuit" rather than an arc (see C. J. Herrick, 1913, and p. 308). It has been suggested by Loeb also that many instincts are -^^xply complex chain reflexes. Even in animals whose behavior ^X^is so complex as .birds, a careful analysis of the cycle of nest building and rearing of young reveals many clear illustrations of this principle (see the works of F. H. Herrick, cited at the end of this chapter). Each step in the cycle is a necessary antecedent to the next, and if the series is interrupted it is often necessary for the birds to go back to the beginning of the cycle. They cannot make an intelligent adjustment midway of the series. The complex circuit illustrated by Fig. 18, C presents two possible types of reaction, either allied or antagonistic reflexes. The former case is illustrated again by the sudden movement of the hand in response to a painful stimulation of the skin. This is brought about, as we saw in considering the simple reflex, by a contraction of the arm muscles. But the muscles which move the elbow-joint are not, when the arm is at rest, entirely flaccid. Both flexors and extensors are always contracted to a certain degree, one balanced against the other. Now at the same time that the sensory stimulus from R (see Fig. 18, C) causes the con- traction of the flexor muscle, El , it also causes the relaxation of the antagonistic extensor, E2 the two efferent impulses coopera- ting to effect the avoiding reaction as rapidly as possible. In the antagonistic reflexes of our third type the physiological reso- lution involved in the selection of one or the other possible reaction always involves a delay in the response until one motor pathway dominates the system to the exclusion of the other. 62 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY In the fourth type of complex reflexes (see Fig. 18, D) two dif- ferent sensory paths discharge into a single center, from which a final common path goes out to the effector. This mechanism also provides for both allied and antagonistic reflexes. A very simple apparatus for this type of reflex is found in the roof of the midbrain of the lowly amphibian, the common mud puppy, Necturus. Here the upper part of the midbrain roof receives optic fibers from the optic tracts, while the lower part receives fibers from the primary acoustic and tactile centers (Fig. 20). OPTIC CENTER / ACOUSTiq /and TACTILE / CENTER m nerve MOTOR CENTER Fig. 20. — Diagram of a cross-section through the midbrain of Necturus, illustrating a single correlation neuron of the midbrain roof. One dendrite spreads out in the optic center among terminals of the optic tracts; another dendrite similarly spreads out in the acoustic and tactile center. The axon descends to connect with the motor neurons of the III nerve. A single neuron of the midbrain may send one dendrite down- ward to receive acoustic or tactile stimuli (or both of these), and another dendrite upward to receive optic stimuli. If the animal receives visual and auditory stimuli simultaneously, the inter- calary neuron of the midbrain may be excited by both sets of stimuli. Its discharge through the axon to the motor organs of response (say to the eye muscles by way of the III nerve, as in Fig. 20) will be the physiological resultant of both sets of ex- citations. If they reinforce each other, the discharge will be THE REFLEX CIRCUITS 63 stronger and more rapid; if, on the other hand, they tend to pro- duce antagonistic responses, there will be an inhibition of the response or a delay until one or the other stimulus obtains the mastery. Yerkes has given a striking illustration of this method of re- inforcement of stimuli in his experiments on the sense of hearing in frogs. The reflex mechanism of touch, hearing, and vision in the midbrain of the frog is similar to that of Necturus as des- cribed above (Fig. 20). Yerkes found that frogs under labora- midbrain Fig. 21. — Diagram of some conduction paths in the brain of Necturus, seen in longitudinal section. From the medulla oblongata an acoustic impulse may be carried forward through the neuron A to the midbrain, whose neurons, B, are of the type shown in Fig. 20, receiving both acoustic and optic impulses. This neuron, B, may discharge downward through the tract S to the motor nuclei of the III, V, VII, etc., nerves, or it may dis- charge upward to a neuron of the thalamus, C, which also receives descend- ing impulses from the cerebral hemisphere through the neuron, D, and, in turn, discharges through the motor tract, S. tory conditions do not ordinarily react at all to sounds alone, but that they do react to tactual and visual -stimuli. When these reactions are carefully measured, it is found that the sound of an electric bell occurring simultaneously with a tactual or visual stimulus markedly increases (reinforces) the strength of the reaction. The reflex centers of the midbrain are further complicated by the fact that the efferent tract from the sensory centers above the aqueduct of Sylvius is not simple as diagrammed in Fig. 20, but it divides into a descending and an ascending path, as 64 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY shown by the neuron B of Fig. 21. The descending path connects directly with motor centers, including the oculomotor, bulbar, and spinal motor nuclei (Fig. 21, S), while the ascending path enters the thalamus, where associations of a still higher order are effected through the thalamic neuron, C. Here again is introduced a physiological choice or dilemma; the response is not a simple mechanical resultant of the interacting stimuli, but its character may be influenced by variable physiological states. The invariable type of action is replaced by a relatively variable or labile type (see p. 31). In the thalamus the nervous impulse is again subjected to modification under the influence of a still greater variety of afferent impulses, for these centers receive all sensory types found in the midbrain, and, in addition, important descending tracts from the cerebral hemispheres (in lower ver- tebrates the latter are chiefly olfactory). The more complicated associations are effected by arrange- ments of correlation tracts and centers illustrated in the simplest possible form by Fig. 18, E. The mode of operation of such a system may be illustrated by an example : A collie dog which I once owned acquired the habit of rounding up my neighbor's sheep at very unseasonable times. The sight of the flock in the pasture (stimulus Rl, Fig. 18, E) led to the pleasurable reaction (El) of chasing the sheep up to the barnyard. It became neces- sary to break up the habit at once or lose a valuable dog at the hands of an angry farmer with a shotgun. Accordingly, I walked out to the pasture with the dog. She at once brought in the sheep of her own accord and then ran up to me with every expression of canine pride and self-satisfaction, whereupon I immediately gave her a severe whipping (stimulus R2}. This called forth the reaction (E2) of running home and hiding in her kennel. The next day (the dog and I having meanwhile with mutual forgiveness again arrived at friendly relations) we took a walk in a different direction, in the course of which we unex- pectedly met another flock of sheep. At sight of these the dog immediately, with no word from me, put her tail between her legs, ran home as fast as possible, and hid in her kennel. Here the stimulus Rl led not to its own accustomed response, El, but to E2, evidently under the influence of vestigeal traces of the previous day's experience, wherein the activities of Cl and C2 THE REFLEX CIRCUITS 65 were related through the associational tract (A, A) passing be- tween them. In the case of the dog's experience just described the neural mechanism was undoubtedly much more complex than our dia- gram, though similar in principle, and the associative memory process involved was probably vividly conscious (cf. p. 295). But the simpler types of "associative memory" which have been experimentally demonstrated in many of the lower organisms may involve no more complex mechanism than this diagram, and it is by no means certain that any conscious process is there present. It must be kept in mind that in higher vertebrates all parts of the nervous system are bound together by connecting tracts (internuncial pathways). Some of these tracts are long, well- defined bundles of myelinated fibers whose connections are such as to facilitate uniform and clear-cut responses to stimulation. Others are very diffuse and poorly integrated. Permeating the entire central nervous system is an entanglement of very deli- cate short unmyelinated fibers. This nervous felt-work (neuro- pil) is much more highly developed in some parts of the brain than in others. It is not well adapted to conduct definite ner- vous impulses for long distances, but it may serve to diffuse or irradiate such impulses widely. Where tissue of this sort is mingled with myelinated fibers it is termed the "reticular for- mation" (see pp. 65, 127, 158, 304). These manifold connections are so elaborate that every part of the nervous system is in nervous connection with every other part, directly or indirectly. This is illustrated by the way in which the digestive functions (which normally are quite auton- omous, the nervous control not going beyond the sympathetic system, see p. 241) may be disturbed by mental processes whose primary seat may be in the* association centers of the cerebra) cortex; and also by the way in which strychnin-poisoning seems to lower the neural resistance everywhere, so that a very slight stimulus may serve to throw the whole body into convulsions. It follows that the localization of cerebral functions can be only approximate. Every normal activity has what Sherring- ton calls its reflex pattern, whose anatomical basis is a definite 5 66 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY reflex path; but the stimulus is rarely simple and the nervous discharge irradiates more or less widely, so that the activity is by no means limited to the part which gives the act its reflex pattern. Moreover, neither the stimulus complex nor the char- acter of the irradiation will be repeated exactly in any higher animal, so that the precise nature of the response cannot in any case be infallibly predicted except under experimental conditions (and not always then). Our picture of the reflex act in a higher animal will, then, include a view of the whole nervous system in a state of neural tension. The stimulus disturbs the equilibrium at a definite point (the receptor), and the wave of nervous discharge thus set up irradiates through the complex lines determined by the neural connections of the receptor. If the stimulus is weak and the reflex path is simple and well insulated, a simple response may follow immediately. Under other conditions the nervous dis- charge may be inhibited before it reaches any effector, or it may irradiate widely, producing a very complex reflex pattern. In the former case the neural equilibrium will be only locally disturbed; in the latter case almost the whole nervous system may participate in the reaction, a part focal and sharply defined and the rest marginal, diffuse, and exercising more or less of inhibitory or reinforcing control on the final reaction. The studies of Herrick and Coghill have shown that in the development of the nervous system of Amphibia the first reflex circuits to come to maturity are made up of rather complex chains of neurons so arranged as to permit of only one type of response, viz., a total reaction (the swimming movement), from all possible forms of stimulation, and that in successive later stages this generalized type is gradually replaced by a series of special reflexes involving more diversified movements. Parallel with this process the higher correlation centers are developed for the integration of the several special reflexes into complex action systems. The simple reflex arc, as illustrated in Fig. 1 (p. 25), which is adapted for the execution of a single movement in response to a particular stimulus, is the final stage in this developmental process, whose initial stages are much more complex and diffuse arrangements of neurons adapted for total reactions of a more general sort. THE REFLEX CIRCUITS 67 We have just described the mechanisms of certain reflexes. The question at once arises, In what sense do we know the mechanism of a nervous reaction? Certainly not in the sense that we understand all of the factors involved in nervous conduc- tion and correlation. But we do have a practical knowledge of the combinations of neurons necessary to effect certain definite results, much as the practical electrician may be able to wind a dynamo or build a telephone, even though his knowledge of the theory of electricity be very small. Summary. — The reflex arcs or reflex circuits rather than the neurons of which these circuits are composed are, from the physiological standpoint, the most important units of the nervous system. Reflex acts are to be distinguished, on the one hand, from the simpler non-nervous reactions known as tropisms and taxes, and, on the other hand, from voluntary acts and acquired automatisms. Many instincts are chain reflexes of very complex sorts, the completion of one reaction serving as the stimulus for the next, and so on in series. The simplest true reflex requires a receptor, a center or adjuster, an effector, and the afferent and efferent conductors which put the center into physiological relation with the receptor and the effector respectively. Five types of reflex circuits were distin- guished (see Fig. 18) and illustrations of them given. All of the reflex centers are interconnected by systems of fibers, either in the form of definite tracts or else by more diffuse connections in the neuropil. Localization of cerebral function is, therefore, only approximate, with the possibility of all sorts of intercon- nection of different reflex systems as occasion may require. This is the neurological basis of the greater plasticity of behavior of higher vertebratesas contrasted with invertebrates and lower vertebrates. LITERATURE DEWEY, J. 1893. The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology, Psychol. Review, vol. iii, p. 357. HERRICK, C. JUDSON. 1913. Some Reflections on the Origin and Sig- nificance of the Cerebral Cortex, Jour, of Animal Behavior, vol. iii, pp. 222- 236. HERRICK, C. JUDSON and COGHILL, G. E. 1915. The Development of Reflex Mechanisms in Amblystoma, Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. xxv, pp. 65-85. 68 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY HERRICK, F. H. 1905. The Home Life of Wild Birds. Revised edition, New York. — . 1907. Analysis of the Cyclical Instincts of Birds, Science, N. S., vol. xxv, pp. 725, 726; and Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. xyii, pp. 194, 195. — . 1907. The Blending and Overlap of Instincts, Science, N. S., vol. xxv, pp. 781, 782; and Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. xyii, pp. 195-197. — . 1908. The Relation of Instinct to Intelligence in Birds, Science, N. S., vol. xxvii, pp. 847-850. HOUGH, TH. 1915. The Classification of Nervous Reactions, Science, N. S., vol. xli, pp. 407-418. JENNINGS, H. S. 1905. The Basis for Taxis and Certain Other Terms in the Behavior of Infusoria, Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. xv, pp. 138-143. — . 1906. The Behavior of Lower Organisms, New York. LOEB, J. 1900. Comparative Physiology of the Brain and Comparative Psychology, New York. — . 1912. The Mechanistic Conception of Life, Chicago. SHERRINGTON, C. S. 1906. The Integrative Action of the Nervous Sys- tem, New York. YERKES, R. M. 1905. The Sense of Hearing in Frogs, Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. xv, pp. 279-304. CHAPTER V THE RECEPTORS AND EFFECTORS IN the further study of the nervous system as the apparatus of adjustment between the activities of the body and those of environing nature, our first task is the analysis of the receptors (that is, the sense organs) ; for these are the only places through which the forces of the world outside can reach the nervous sys- tem in order to excite its activity. "The world is so full of a number of things I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings." But in order to attain this fortunate result it is necessary that we should be able to discriminate the essential from the unimportant elements of this environing complex, and to adjust our own be- havior in relation thereto. Protoplasm in its simplest form is sensitive to some sorts of mechanical and chemical stimulation. In fact, as we have seen, all of the so-called nervous functions are implicit in undifferen- tiated protoplasm. But the bodies of all but a few of the lowest organisms are protected by some sort of a shell or cuticle from excessive stimulation from the outside, and individual parts of the surface are then differentiated in such a way as to be sensi- tive to only one group of excitations while remaining insensitive to all other forms. Thus arose the sense organs, each of which consists essentially of specialized protoplasm which is highly sensitive to some particular form of energy manifestation, but relatively insensitive to other forms of stimulation. Each sense organ possesses, in addition, certain accessory parts, adapted to concentrate the stimuli upon the essential sensitive protoplasm, to intensify the force of the stimulus, or to so transform the 69 70 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY energy of the stimulus as to enable it to act more efficiently upon the essential end-organ. Sherrington states the distinctive characteristic of the sense organs in this form, "The main function of the receptor is, there- fore, to lower the threshold of excitability of the arc for one kind of stimulus and to heighten it for all others." The selective func- tion of the receptors is illustrated by a consideration of the different forms of vibratory energy which pervade the environ- ment in which we live. There are, first, rhythmically repeated mechanical impacts perceived through the sense of touch. This series of tactile sensations extends from a single isolated contact at one extreme to rhythmically repeated contacts touching the skin as fre- quently as 1552 vibrations per second. A second series of vibratory phenomena is presented by the mechanical vibrations of the surrounding medium perceived sub- jectively as sound. Out of the entire series of such vibrations of all possible frequencies the human ear is sensitive to a series of approximately ten octaves from about 30 (in some cases 12) to about 30,000 (in some cases 50,000) vibrations per second (wave lengths from 1228 cm. or 40 ft. to 1.3 cm. or .5 inch in length). To all other vibrations it is insensitive. Within this range the average human ear can discriminate some 11,000 different pitch qualities (Titchener). Subjectively, the series of tone sensations is broken up into a number of octaves, and it is found that a given tone of the musical scale is excited by vibrations of exactly twice the fre- quency which excites the corresponding tone of the next lower octave. By analogy with this arrangement all series of physical vibrations are sometimes spoken of as divisible into octaves, the octave being defined as those vibration frequencies which lie between a given rate and twice that rate or half that rate. A third type of vibratory phenomena is presented by the much more rapid series of so-called ethereal vibrations, or waves in immaterial media. The lower members of this series are the Hertzian electric waves; the higher members are the re-rays. Between these extremes lie waves perceived as radiant heat, the light waves, and the ultra-violet rays of the spectrum. This THE RECEPTORS AND EFFECTORS 71 series of ethereal vibrations may extend farther indefinitely both downward and upward, but of its ultimate limits we have no knowledge. There is no human sense organ which can respond directly to the electric waves, the ultra-violet rays, and the x-rays. These have, accordingly, remained wholly unknown to us until revealed indirectly by the researches of the physical laboratories. Some ten octaves of this series are contained in the solar spec- trum, from an infra-red wave length of about .1 mm. to an ultra- violet wave length of .00035 mm. The light from metallic arcs and from incandescent gases has, however, been found to contain wave lengths as short as .00006 mm. The human eye is sensi- tive to something over one octave of this series (waves from .0008 to .0004 mm. in length, whose rates lie between 400,000 and 800,000 billions of vibrations per second), with six octaves in the infra-red and three in the ultra-violet. The lower mem- bers of this 'series of vibrations of the solar spectrum, and to a less extent the higher also, are capable of stimulating the tem- perature organs of the skin. Thus it appears that of the complete series of ethereal vibra- tions, we can sense directly only about one octave by the eye and a number of others through the sense organs for temperature in the skin, while to the lowest and highest members of the series our sense organs are entirely insensitive. The sensitivity of the skin to these vibrations is limited subjectively to a small range of temperature sensations, while the retinal excitations give us subjectively an extensive series of sensations of color and bright- ness. The human eye can discriminate from 150 to 230 pure spectral tints, besides various degrees of intensity and purity of tone, making a total of between 500,000 and 600,000 possible discriminations by the visual organs (von Kries). Some of the preceding data are summarized in the table1 on page 73. 1 In the preparation of this table I have been assisted by Professor R. A. Millikan, of the University of Chicago, whose kindness I gratefully ac- knowledge. The figures given are based upon the formula — velocity — i — znr = rate wave length and the velocity of transmission is taken as 3 x 1010 cm. per second. The actual velocity of light waves as worked out experimentally by Michelson is 299,853 kilometers per second. 72 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY TABLE OF PHYSICAL VIBRATIONS Physical process. Wave length. Number of vibrations per second. Receptor. Sensation. Mechanical From very slow to Skin. Touch and 1552 per second. pressure. Below 12,280 mm. Below 30 per second. None. None. Waves in material media. 12,280 mm. to 13 mm. 30 per second to 30,000 per second. Internal ear. Tone. Above 13 mm. Above 30,000 per second. None. None. oo to .1 mm. (electric waves). 0 to 3000 billion (3 X 10"). None. None. .1 mm. to .0004 mm. 3000 billion (3 X 10") to 800,000 billion (8X10"). Skin. Radiant heat. Ether waves. .0008 mm. to .0004 mm. 400,000 billion (4 X 10") to 800,000 billion (8X10"). Retina. Light and color. .0004 mm. to .000059 mm. (ultra- violet- rays) . 800,000 billion (8 X 10") to 5,100,000 billion (5.1 X 10'6). None. None. .0000008 mm. to .00000005 mm. (x-raya). 400,000,000 billion (4 X 10") to 6,000,000,000 billion (6X1018). None. None. Similarly, the chemical senses, taste and smell, reveal to us only a very small number out of the total series of actual excitations to which our sense organs are exposed. Our organs of taste, in fact, can respond to only four types of chemical substances, with only four subjective sense qualities, viz., sour, salty, sweet, bitter. The organs of smell respond to a larger range of chemical stimuli and to far greater dilutions, i. e., the threshold of sensation is far lower for smell than for taste. Many of the lower animals have very different limits of sus- ceptibility to the kinds of stimulation which we have just been considering, and in some cases they have sense organs which are attuned to respond to a quite different series of environmental factors than are our own, as, for example, the lateral line sense organs of fishes. We can form no idea how the world appears to such organisms except in so far as their sensory equipment is analogous with our own. THE RECEPTORS AND EFFECTORS 73 From these illustrations it is plain that the sensory equipment of the human body is adapted to respond directly to only a limited part of the environing energy complex, the remainder having little, if any, practical significance in the natural environ- ment of primitive man. During the progress of the develop- ment of human culture mankind has very considerably wid- ened his contact with the environment by artificial aids to his sense organs. The range of vision has been extended by the microscope and the telescope, and of hearing by the micro- phone and the telephone. The photographic plate enables him to extend his knowledge of the solar spectrum beyond its visible limits, and the Marconi wireless apparatus brings the Hertzian electric waves under his control and thus enables him to put a girdle round about the earth in less than Puck's forty minutes. We may conceive the body as immersed in a world full of energy manifestations of diverse sorts, but more or less com- pletely insulated from the play of these cosmic forces by an impervious cuticle. The bodily surface, however, is permeable in some places to these environing forces and in a differential fashion, one part responding to a particular series of vibrations, another part to a different series, much as the strings of a piano when the dampers are lifted will vibrate sympathetically each to its own tone when a musical production is played on a neighbor- ing instrument. The sense organs, again, may be compared with windows, each of which opens out into a particular field so as to admit its own special series of environmental forces. In each species of animals these windows are arranged in a charac- teristic way, so as to admit only those forms of energy which are of practical significance to that animal as it lives in its own natu- ral environment. The sensory equipment of the human race was thus established by the biological necessities of our immediate animal ancestors, and there is no evidence of subsequent im- provement in these physiological mechanisms or of any increase in the number of our senses during the advancement of human culture. What the progress of science has accomplished is to supplement the limited sensory equipment of primitive man by various indirect means. To recur to our analogy of a house with many windows, we have not been able to increase the number of 74 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY windows so as to look out directly into new fields; but we have increased the range of vision through the old windows, much as a telescope brings remote objects near and as a periscope enables the observer to see around a corner. To the development of the cerebral cortex we owe the acquisition of these new powers which have opened to us the realms of electric vibrations, ultra-violet rays, and many other natural phenomena to which our unaided sense organs are quite insensitive. Children in the kindergarten are taught that there are five senses. In reality, there are more than twenty different senses. Some of the sense organs are stimulated by external objects and hence are termed exteroceptors ; others are stimulated by internal excitations of the visceral organs and are termed inter oceptors. Still further classifications have been suggested, to which refer- ence will be made shortly. Here we must first consider the criteria in accordance with which the various senses are dis- tinguished. The analysis and classification of the senses is by no means so simple a task as one might at first suppose. It is true that ordinarily we do not confuse a thing seen with a sound heard; but, on the other hand, we do constantly confuse savors with odors, and it often requires refined physiological experimentation to determine whether the organ of taste or the organ of smell is the source of the sensory excitation in question. Most of the common "flavors" of food are, in reality, odors and are perceived by the organ of smell only. A bad cold which closes the pos- terior nasal passages makes "all food taste alike" for this reason. In reality, as we have already seen, there are only four tastes recognized by the physiologists, viz., sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. Confusion has arisen in the attempts to analyze these two senses from the fact that different physiologists have used differ- ent definitions of a "sense." One author, who defines these senses in terms of the physical agents which excite them, says that taste is stimulated by liquids and smell by vapors, and that, accordingly, aquatic animals, whose nostrils are filled with water, have by definition no sense of smell. Other authors separate these senses according to the organ stimulated, the excitation of the nose being smell, that of the taste-buds being taste, regard- THE RECEPTORS AND EFFECTORS 75 less of the nature of the exciting substance or of the subjective quality of the sensation. There are, in reality, four different factors which must be taken into account in defining a "sense." (1) Doubtless with us human folk the most important criterion is direct introspective experience, the psychological criterion. Ordinarily this is ade- quate, but, as we have just seen, there are some cases where it alone cannot be depended upon to distinguish between two senses. (2) The adequate stimuli of the various senses exhibit characteristic physical or chemical differences, the physical criterion. This factor, too, must be carefully investigated or we may be led astray. (3) The data of anatomy and experimental physiology may differentiate structurally the receptive organs and conduction paths of the several types of sensation, the ana- tomical criterion. (4) Finally, the type of response varies in a characteristic way for the different senses, the physiological criterion. The fourth criterion has been applied to solve the problem of the reason for the development of two very different types of sense organs and cerebral connections for the senses of smell and taste, both of which are chemical senses with similar subjective qualities. It has been pointed out by Sherrington that taste is an interoceptive sense, calling forth visceral responses within the body, while smell is, in part at least, an exteroceptive sense, being excited by objects at a distance from the body and calling forth movements of locomotion carrying the whole body toward or away from the source of the odorous emanations. Thus the form of the response is here the distinctive factor, and incidental to this feature the organs of smell are sensitive to far smaller quantities of the stimulating substance than are the taste-buds. Parker and Stabler have shown that the human organ of smell is sensitive to alcohol at a dilution 24,000 times greater than that necessary to stimulate the organs of taste (see p. 218). It is impossible in the present state of our knowledge to frame adequate definitions of all the senses in terms of any one of these four criteria alone, although it is a reasonable hope that this may at some future time be attained. Even when all of these criteria are taken into account, it is by no means easy to determine how many separate senses the normal human being 76 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY possesses. Not only is there a considerable number of sense organs not represented at all in our traditional list of five senses, but several of these five are complex. Thus, the internal ear includes two quite distinct organs — the cochlea, which serves as a receptor for sounds, and the labyrinth, whose semicircular canals serve as the chief sense organs concerned in the regula- tion of bodily position and the maintenance of equilibrium, func- tions which are quite distinct from hearing. The skin, too, serves not only as the chief organ of touch, but also the addi- tional functions of response to warm, cold, and painful impres- sions, besides some other more obscure sensory activities, such as tickle. An acceptable classification of the sense organs or receptors of the body must take account of their anatomical relations, of the nature of the physical or chemical forces which serve as the adequate stimuli, of the subjective qualities which we experience upon their excitation, and of the character of the physiological responses which commonly follow their stimulation. The last point has been too much neglected. In fact, the most fundamental division of the nervous sys- tem which we have, cutting down through the entire bodily organization, is based upon this physiological criterion. From this standpoint we divide the nervous organs into two great groups: (1) a somatic group pertaining to the body in general and its relations with the outer environment, and (2) a visceral, splanchnic, or interoceptive group. The latter group comprises the nerves and nerve-centers concerned chiefly with digestion, respiration, circulation, excretion, and reproduction. These are intimately related with the sympathetic nervous system and those parts of the central nervous system directly connected therewith, though the more highly specialized members of this group are independent of the sympathetic system. The somatic group comprises the greater part of the brain and spinal cord and the cranial and spinal nerves, or, briefly, the cerebro-spinal ner- vous system as distinguished from the sympathetic system (see p. 225). This is the mechanism by which the body is able to ad- just its own activities directly in relation to those of the outside world — to procure food, avoid enemies, and engage in the pursuit of happiness. THE RECEPTORS AND EFFECTORS 77 The organs belonging to each of these two groups do much of their work independently of the other group, i. e., visceral stimuli call forth visceral responses and external or somatic stimuli call forth somatic responses. Nevertheless, the two groups of organs are by no means entirely independent, for external excita- tions may produce strong visceral reactions, and conversely. Thus, the sight of luscious fruit (exteroceptive stimulus) natu- rally calls forth movements of the body (somatic responses) to go to the desired object and seize it. But if one is hungry, the mouth may water in anticipation, a purely visceral response. On the other hand, the strictly visceral (interoceptive) sensation of hunger is apt to set in motion the exteroceptive reactions necessary to find a dinner. Sherrington, whose analysis with some modifications is here adopted, recognizes three types of sense organs or receptors: (1) the interoceptors, or visceral receptive organs, which respond only to stimulation arising within the body, chiefly in connection with the processes of nutrition, excretion, etc.; (2) the extero- ceptors, or somatic sense organs, which respond to stimulation arising from objects outside the body; (3) the proprioceptors, a system of sense organs found in the muscles, tendons, joints, etc., to regulate the movements called forth by the stimulation of the exteroceptors. This third group is really subsidiary to the somatic group, or exteroceptors, and will be considered more in detail below. The proprioceptive sense organs are deeply embedded in the tissues and are typically excited by those activities of the body itself which arise in response to external stimulation. The proprioceptors then excite to reaction the same organs of re- sponse as the exteroceptors and regulate their action by reinforce- ment or by compensation or by the maintenance of muscular tone. All reactions concerned with motor coordination, with maintenance of posture or attitude of the body, and with equilibrium involve the proprioceptive system. The important point to bear in mind here is that stimulation of the visceral sense organs typically calls forth visceral responses, i. e., adjustments wholly within the body, while stimulation of the somatic (exteroceptive) sense organs typically calls forth somatic responses, i. e., a readjustment of the body as a whole 78 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY I with reference to its environment. This is a very fundamental distinction. These two functions are quite diverse and the organization of these two parts of the nervous system shows cor- responding structural differences. The internal adjustments of the visceral systems are effected by a nicely balanced mechanism of local and general reflexes so arranged that most of their work is done quite mechanically and unconsciously. The taking of food and its preliminary mastica- tion are generally voluntary acts whose various processes are — or may be — controlled at will. But once the food has passed into the esophagus, the further work of swallowing, digestion, and assimilation is no longer under direct control. The presence of a morsel of food in the upper part of the esophagus excites the muscular movements necessary for the completion of the act of swallowing, which no act of will can prevent or modify. In fact, any attempt at conscious interference or regulation is apt to result in an incoordination of the movements involved, and sputtering or gagging may result. The mechanisms involved in these processes are inborn and require no practice for their perfect performance. They are innate, invariable, and essentially similar in all members of a race or species. They are, moreover, nicely adapted to the mode of life characteristic of the species. In a carnivorous ani- mal the whole physiological machinery of nutrition is different from that of a herbivorous animal. These physiological and structural peculiarities by which each species of animal is adapted to its mode of life have been brought about by natural selection and other evolutionary factors. This is not absolutely true of all visceral actions; some are acquired and modifiable. But as a general rule this is their type. Some of the somatic actions are likewise innate and relatively fixed in character. This is true of most of the proprioceptive reactions and of many of the exte receptive as well. Fish can swim as soon as they are hatched ; chicks just out of the shell have an instinctive tendency to peck at all small objects on the ground. But in most of these cases (of which innumerable instances might be cited) some practice is necessary before perfect re- sponses are attained ; and a very large proportion of the extero- ceptive acts are not innate, but acquired by long and often ardu- THE RECEPTORS AND EFFECTORS 79 ous experience. In higher vertebrates, as a rule, all but the simplest and most elementary exteroceptive activities are indi- vidually acquired, variable, non-hereditary, plastic behavior types. The elements of which these acts are made up are, of course, necessarily present in the inherited reflex pattern; but the pattern according to which these elements are combined is not wholly predetermined in the hereditary organization of the species (pp. 31, 301). With these principles in mind, let us now undertake an anal- ysis of the human receptors and of the nervous end-organs re- lated to their effectors, or organs of response. The following list is by no means complete and is in some parts merely provisional. I. SOMATIC RECEPTORS These are concerned with the adjustment of the body to external or environmental relations. A. THE EXTEROCEPTIVE GROUP The sense organs of this group are stimulated by objects outside the body and typically call forth reactions of the whole body, such as locomo- tion, or of its parts, so as to change the relation of the body to its environ- ment. This group includes a system of general cutaneous sense organs, some organs of deep sensibility, and some of the higher sense organs. The cutaneous exteroceptors comprise a very complex system whose analysis has proved very difficult. The conclusions presented in the paragraphs which follow are based chiefly upon the observations of von Frey, Henry Head, and Trotter and Davies. The correlation of the data of physiological experiment with the anatomical structure of the cutaneous end-organs is still somewhat problematical and the assignment of end-organs here to the various cutaneous senses should be regarded as provisional rather than as demonstrated. 1. Organs of Touch and Pressure. — These fall into two groups, those for deep sensibility (pressure) and those for cutaneous sensibility (touch). The deep pressure sense is served by nerve-endings throughout the tissues of the body and is preserved intact after the loss of all cutaneous nerves. Most of the functions of the deep sensory nerves belong to the propriocep- tive and interoceptive series (see below), but some exteroceptive functions are here present also. The latter are probably related chiefly to the Pacinian corpuscles and similar encapsulated end-organs. The Pacinian corpuscle has a central nerve-fiber enclosed in a firm lamellated connective- tissue sheath (Fig. 22). By these end-organs relatively coarse pressure may be discriminated and localized (exteroceptive function), and movements of muscles and joints can be recognized (proprioceptive function). The sensory fibers concerned with the deep preesurexsense-are distributed through the muscular branches of the spinal nerves in company with the motor fibers. The point stimulated can be localized with a fair degree of accuracy, 80 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY but there is no discrimination of two compass points applied simultaneously to the overlying skin. The two points will appear as one stimulus, even when widely separated. The cutaneous organs of tactile sensibility are of several kinds, whose precise functions are still obscure. There are two principal groups of these, those arranged in the hair bulbs at the roots of the hairs and those on the hairless parts, such as the lips, the palms of the hands, and the soles of the feet. The latter are more highly differentiated endings and are organs of the most refined active touch. Most of the surface of the body is more or less hairy, though many of these hairs may be so fine as to escape observation. The hairs are the most Fig. 22. — Pacinian corpuscles from the peritoneum of a cat. (After Sala, from Bohm-Davidoff-Huber's Histology.) important sources of excitation of the first group of cutaneous sense organs, and the sensitiveness of the hair-clad parts is greatly reduced after the hair is shaved. The threshold of excitation to touch of the skin about the base of a hair is from three to twelve times higher than that of a similar excita- tion applied to the hair itself. The inneryation of the hair bulbs is very complex and varies greatly for different animals and for the different kinds of hairs on the same body, so that no general description is possible. Miss Vincent has shown that the large vibrissse of the rat receive their nerve-supply from two sources. A large nerve bundle pierces the deep THE RECEPTORS AND EFFECTORS 81 layer of the skin (dermis) in the lower part of the hair bulb, spreads out over the inner hair follicle in a heavy plexus, and terminates chiefly in a mantle of touch cells, resembling Merkel's corpuscles (see Fig. 26), in the outer root sheath all over the follicle. A second nerve supply comes from the dermal plexus of the skin, from which branches run down and form a nerve ring about the neck of the follicle. Experimental studies show that these hairs are very important not only as general tactile organs, but Fig. 23. — Nerve-endings about a large hair from the dog. The nerve- fibers are shown in black surrounding the hair shaft, the straight fibers at b and the circular fibers at c. (After Bonnet, from Barker's Nervous System.)~ specifically as aids in locomotion and equilibration. The ordinary hairs of man and other mammals have three forms of specific nerve-endings in addi- tion to various forms of terminal arborizations in the surrounding tissues: (1) straight and often forked endings running parallel with the base of the hair; (2) circular fibers forming a plexiform ring around the root of the hair external to the straight endings; and (3) leaf -like nerve-endings associ- ated with special cells resembling Merkel's corpuscles. Figure 23 illustrates the first and second types of these endings. 6 82 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY Under the hairless parts of the skin there are special tactile bodies, such as Meissner's corpuscles. These are generally found in the deep layer of the skin (dermis) and in the underlying tissues, either as free skein-like terminal arborizations of cutaneous nerves or as similar more elaborate endings enclosed in connective-tissue capsules. Figures 24 and 25 illustrate the most highly differentiated form of these endings, the Meissner cor- puscles. Merkel's corpuscles (Fig. 26) are probably simpler organs of this system. Stratum corneum —Stratum lucidum Stratum _.- ?7 granulosum Blood-vessels and nerves Fig. 24. — Section through the human skin, illustrating the four layers of the epidermis and the papillae of the dermis or corium. A corpuscle of Meissner is seen within one of the dermal papillae. (From Cunningham's Anatomy.) All forms of cutaneous sensibility (touch, temperature, and pain) when studied physiologically are found to be localized in small areas or sensory spots, each of which has a specific sensibility to one only of the cutaneous sensory qualities. The intervening parts of the skin are insensitive. An immense amount of physiological and clinical observation has been devoted to the analysis of cutaneous sensibility, including the experimental division THE RECEPTORS AND EFFECTORS 83 Fig. 25. — The details of the nerve-endings in a Meissner corpuscle from the human skin. Only the outline of the corpuscle is shown, within which the terminals of the nerve-fiber form a complex skein. (After Dogiel, from Bohm-Davidoff-Huber's Histology.) Fig. 26. — Merkel's corpuscles or tactile disks from the skin of the pig's snout. The nerve-fiber, n, branches, and each division ends in an expanded disk, ra, which is attached to a modified cell of the epidermis, a. The un- modified cells of the epidermis are shown at c. (From Ranvier.) 84 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY of cutaneous nerves in their own bodies by Head, Trotter, and Davies for the purpose of studying more critically the distribution of the various sensory functions in and around the anesthetic areas produced by the injuries and the phenomena accompanying the restoration of these functions during the regeneration of the nerves. But general agreement has not yet been reached on all questions. Head and his colleagues are of the opinion that all forms of cutaneous sensibility (touch, temperature, and pain) are grouped in two series, each served by different nerve-fibers and end-organs; these he terms "proto- pathic" and "epicritic" sensibility. Protopathic sensibility is subjectively general diffuse sensibility of a primitive form. Its sense organs are arranged in definite spots, and yet these sensations have no clear local reference or sign; that is, the spot stimulated cannot be accurately localized. There are separate spots for touch, heat, cold, and pain; these spots being generally grouped near the hair bulbs. In fact, the hairs are the most important tactile organs of this system and the other sense qualities belonging here are intimately associated with the roots of the hairs. Epicritic sensibility is Fig. 27. — End-bulb of Krause from the conjunctiva of man. The nerve-ending forms a globular skein within a delicate connective-tissue cansulp,. (After Dncnpl.^ capsule. (After Dogiel.) a more refined sort of discrimination, and is regarded as a later evolutionary type. It includes light touch, on the hairless parts of the body particularly, and the discrimination of the intermediate degrees of temperature. Cuta- neous localization and the discrimination of the distance between two points simultaneously stimulated (the "compass test") are functions of this sys- tem; but pain sensibility is not included, this being wholly protopathic. Trotter and Davies repeated some of Head's experiments and, while confirming most of his observations, they were led to somewhat different conclusions. They do not regard the protopathic and epicritic series as served by distinct systems of nerves, but as different physiological phases of the same systems of nerve-fibers and end-organs. 2. End-organs for Sensibility to Cold. 3. End-organs for Sensibility to Heat. — Physiological experiment shows that warmth and cold are sensed by different parts of the skin (the warm spots and the cold spots respectively), and Head is of the opinion that each of these types of sensibility may be present in an epicritic and a proto- pathic form. What end-organs are involved here is by no means certain. The margin of the cornea was found by von Frey to be sensitive to pain and THE RECEPTORS AND EFFECTORS 85 cold only. The free nerve-endings found here he assumes to be pain recep- tors and the end-bulbs of Krause (Fig. 27) to be cold receptors. By an analogous argument he assumes that the "genital corpuscles" of Dogiel and some similar endings widely distributed in the skin are warmth receptors. By some other physiologists these types of corpuscles are regarded as belong- ing to the tactile system. Stimulation of the somatic nerves of deep sensi- biEty causes no temperature sensations. (For temperature sensations in the viscera see p. 242.) 4. End-organs for Pain. — Some physiolo- gists believe that there are separate nerve- endings for pain; others regard pain as a quality which may be present in any sense, and not as itself a true sensation (pp. 249 ff.). The free nerve-endings among the cells of the epidermis are regarded by von Frey as the pain receptors, because these endings alone are present in some parts of the body where susceptibility to pain is the only sense quality present, such as the dentin and pulp of the teeth (Fig. 28), the cornea, and the tympanic membrane of the ear (J. G. Wilson). Similar endings are found throughout the epidermis (Fig. 29) and in many deep struc- tures. The nerves of deep sensibility of the somatic sensory type may also carry painful impressions. (For visceral pain see pp. 243, 250.) According to Head, cutaneous pain is wholly of protopathic type, and in case of in- jury to the peripheral nerves it disappears and reappears in regeneration simultaneously with the protopathic type of tactile and tem- perature sensation. This cutaneous pain is not accurately localizable unless epicritic cu- taneous sensibility is also present. 5. End-organs of General Chemical Sen- sibility.— In man this type of sensibility is found only on moist epithelial surfaces, such as the mouth cavity; but in fishes it may be present over the entire surface of the body. The sense organ is probably the free nerve terminals among the cells of the epithelium, never special sense organs like taste-buds, for these when present in the skin belong to a quite different system. Coghill has recently shown that the supposed sensitivity of the amphibian skin to acids is really due to a destructive action of the reagents upon the epithelium, and the entire question of diffuse chemical sensibility requires further study. 6. Organs of Hearing. — The stimulus is material vibrations whose frequency ranges from 30 to 30,000 per second (see p. 70). The receptor is the spiral organ (organ of Corti) in the cochlea of the ear (see p. 197), and perhaps also the sensory spots in the saccule and utricle. There are two forms of auditory sensations: (1) noise, stimulated by sound concussions or irregular mixtures of aerial vibrations; (2) tone, stimulated by sound waves or periodic aerial vibrations. Fig. 28. — Longitudinal section of a tooth of a fish, Gobius, showing nerve ter- minals: d, Dentin; n, nerve-fibers entering the cavity of the dentin and ending free. (After Ret- zius, from Barker's Ner- vous System.) SO INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY 7. Organs of Vision. — The stimulus is ethereal vibrations ranging be- tween 400,000 billions and 800,000 billions per second. Here also there are two forms: (1) brightness, stimulated by mixed ethereal vibrations; (2) color, stimulated by simpler ethereal vibrations. (On the structure of the eye and its connections see p. 204.) Fig. 29. — Transverse section through the skin of the ear of a white mouse. The dotted line marks the lower border of the epidermis: a, Hori- zontal nerve-fibers; b, bifurcation of nerve-fibers; fn, cutaneous nerve- fibers. (After Van Gehuchten, from Barker's Nervous System.) 8. Organs of Smell. — This sense has both exteroceptive and intero- ceptive qualities, the latter being apparently the more primitive. (See pp. 75, 91, and 215.) B.. THE PnopRiocEPTivK GROUP These sense organs are contained within the skeletal muscles, joints, etc., and are stimulated by the normal functioning of these organs, thus report- ing back to the central nervous system the exact state of contraction of the muscle, flexion of the joint, and tension of the tendon. Cutaneous sensi- bility may also participate in these reactions, which are generally uncon- sciously performed. 9. End-organs of Muscular Sensibility. — The organ is a series of nerve-endings among special groups of muscle-fibers known as muscle spindles. These endings are usually spirally wound around their muscle- fibers and are stimulated by the contraction of the muscle (Fig. 30). THE RECEPTORS AND EFFECTORS 87 As we shall see below (p. 92), the muscles are classified for our purposes into three groups: (1) somatic muscles (the striated skeletal muscles); (2) general visceral muscles (generally unstriated and involuntary) ; and (3) special visceral muscles of the head which are striated and voluntary. The first and third of these groups receive their motor innervation from cere- bro-spinal nerves; the second, from sympathetic nerves. The classification Fig. 30. — Muscle spindle from the muscles of the foot of a dog. Three muscle-fibers are shown, and three sensory nerve-fibers, which enter the muscle spindle, branch, and wind spirally around the muscle-fibers (a, 6). A sympathetic nerve-fiber (Sy.n.) also enters the muscle spindle. (After Huber and DeWitt, from Barker's Nervous System.) of the nerves of muscle sense related respectively to these three groups of muscle offers some difficulties. The striated muscles of the first and third groups are physiologically similar in that they act in general in response to exteroceptive stimuli and they may be voluntarily excited, while the visceral muscles of the second group are generally stimulated by interoceptive stim- Fig. 31. — A teased preparation of a tendon of a small muscle from a rabbit, showing the endings of the nerve-fibers of tendon sensibility, each of which spreads out widely over the surface of the tendon. (After Huber and DeWitt, from the Journal of Comparative Neurology.) uli and their functions are usually involuntary. I have, accordingly, some- what arbitrarily regarded the sensory nerves of the first and third groups of muscles as proprioceptors and those of the second group as interoceptors. 10. End-organs of Tendon Sensibility. — Nerve-endings are spread out over the surface of tendons and are stimulated by stretching the tendon during muscular contraction (Fig. 31). 88 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY 11. End-organs of Joint Sensibility. — Nerve-endings found in the joints and the surrounding tissues are stimulated by bending the joint, and Fig. 32. — Diagram of the relations of a fiber of the vestibular branch of the auditory nerve and its mode of termination in the semicircular canal: co, The central nervous system; fz, non-nervous supporting cell of the semicircular canal; hz, hair cell, one of the receptor cells of the sensory surface; sn, axon of the vestibular neuron; sz, cell body of the vestibular neuron. (After Retzius, from Barker's Nervous System.) report back to the central nervous system the degree of flexion of the joint. The chief end-organs are probably Pacinian corpuscles (see Fig. 22). THE RECEPTORS AND EFFECTORS 89 12. Organs of static and equilibratory sensation arising from stimulation of the semicircular canals of the internal ear (Fig. 32). This is the most highly specialized member of the proprioceptive group and acts in conjunction with all of the other somatic senses to maintain equilibrium, posture, and the tone of the muscular system (see p. 189). The eyes and most of the other exteroceptive sense organs, so far as they act in the way just suggested, also serve as proprioceptors. II. VISCERAL RECEPTORS The visceral or interoceptive senses fall into two well-defined groups: First, the general visceral systems are without highly specialized end-organs and are innervated through the sympathetic nervous system. Their reac- tions are chiefly unconsciously performed. Second, the special visceral senses are provided with highly developed end-organs which are in- nervated directly from the brain without any connection with the sympa- thetic nervous system. The special visceral sense organs may in some cases serve as exteroceptors as well as interoceptors. Their reactions may be conscious and voluntary. A. GENERAL VISCERAL GROUP Many of the sensations of this group are obscure and a number of excito- motor and excito-glandular reactions may be included here which never come into clear consciousness, particularly those concerned with nutrition, excretion, and vasomotpr adjustments. The number of these reactions might be considerably increased; for further discussion of these reflexes see p. 234. 13. Organs of Hunger. — The stimulus is strong periodic contractions of the muscles of the stomach. Hunger is apparently a variety of muscle sense, but other factors are also present (see p. 240) . 14. Organs of Thirst. — The specific stimulus here is probably a dry- ing of the pharyngeal mucous membrane, together with more general conditions. 15. Organs of Nausea. — The stimulus is probably an antiperistaltic reflex in the digestive tract (see p. 243). 16. Organs giving rise to respiratory sensations, suffocation, etc. (see p. 235). 17. Organs giving rise to circulatory sensations, flushing, heart panics, etc. (see p. 234). 18. Organs giving rise to sexual sensations. 19. Organs of sensations of distention of cavi.ties, stomach, rectum, bladder, etc. This is a variety of muscle sense. 20. Organs of visceral pain (see pp. 243, 250). 21. Organs of obscure abdominal sensations associated with strong emotions of fright, anger, affection, etc., characterized (probably correctly) by the ancients by such expressions as "yearning of the bowels," etc. The stimulus is probably a tonic contraction, of the unstriped visceral muscula- ture. The nerve-endings of the general visceral receptors are generally either simple terminals in the visceral muscles or free arborizations in or under the various mucous surfaces, without the development of specialized accessory 90 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY cells to form differentiated sense organs. Figure 33 illustrates a sensory end- ing in the mucous membrane of the esophagus, and Fig. 34 types of nerve- Fig. 33. — Free nerve-endings in the mucous membrane of the esoph- agus of a cat. (After DeWitt, from Wood's Reference Handbook of the Medical Sciences.) Fig. 34. — Nerve-endings in the mouth epithelium of the frog: A, From sensory papilla of the tongue; B, cylinder cells; C, isolated rod cell; D, upper part of papilla; E, ciliate cells of palate. (After Bethe, from Wood's Refer- ence Handbook of the Medical Sciences.) endings upon epithelial cells. The nerve-endings in the visceral muscles are very simple (see Figs. 37 and 38) and the separation of sensory from motor endings here has not been effected. THE RECEPTORS AND EFFECTORS 91 B. SPECIAL VISCERAL? GROUP. 22. Organs of Taste. — These are excited by chemical stimulation of taste-buds on the tongue and pharynx by sweet, sour, salty, or bitter sub- stances. In man this is a strictly interoceptive sense; but in some fishes taste-buds are scattered over the outer body surface in addition to the mouth cavity, and thus may serve as exteroceptors also. The organ is a flask- shaped collection of specialized epithelial cells of two sorts, supporting and specific sensory elements (Fig. 35). There is a double innervation, partly by perigemmal fibers whose endings surround the bud, and partly by intra- gemmal fibers which penetrate the bud and arborize in intimate relation with the specific sensory cells. 23. Organs of Smell. — These are excited by chemical stimulation of the specific olfactory mucous membrane of the nose. The number of substances Fig. 35. — Taste-bud from the side wall of a circumvallate papilla of the tongue: a, Taste-pore; b, nerve-fibers, some of which enter the taste-bud (intragemmal fibers), while others end freely in the surrounding epithelium (perigemmal fibers). (After Merkel-Henle.) which may act as stimuli is greater than in the case of taste-buds, the num- ber of subjective qualities is also greater, and the discrimination threshold is much lower (see pp. 75 and 218). The peripheral organ of smell is a specific sensory epithelium within the nose, whose sensory cells give rise directly to the fibers of the olfactory nerve, this being the only peripheral nerve of the human body whose fibers arise from superficially placed cell bodies (Fig. 36). That the olfactory system was originally an interoceptive sense seems clear; but in all vertebrates living at the present time, the visceral responses to smell are less important than the somatic reactions. The sense of smell is the leading exteroceptor in most lower vertebrates, and this function has been secondarily derived from the primary visceral function. We have seen above that the sense of taste in some fishes has secondarily acquired extero- ceptive functions; and in the case of smell this secondary change has been carried still further until the exteroceptive function has come to dominate INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY Olfactory hairs .Olfactory hairs Peripheral "process Body of -cell with nucleus Central process C Fig. 36. — Cells from the olfactory mucous membrane: A from the frog, B and C from man. The supporting cells are non-nervous. The olfactory hairs of the olfactory cells project out "into the mucus of the nose, and are probably the specific receptors. The central process at the base of each olfactory cell is prolonged mto a fiber of the olfactory nerve (not shown in the figure), which extends inward to the brain (cf. Fig. 104, p. 217). (After Schnlte and Brunn.) the primitive interoceptive, though the latter has by no means been en- tirely obliterated. m. SOMATIC EFFECTORS 24. End-organs on Striated Skeletal Muscles. — This "motor end- plate" is a complex terminal arborization of the motor nerve-fiber, associ- ated with an elevated granular mass of protoplasm and a collection of nuclei of the muscle-fiber (see Fig. 5, tel, p. 40). The somatic muscles whose innervation is here under consideration are derived embryologically from the somites, or primary mesodermal segments of the embryo, while the visceral muscles have a different origin. They are under the direct control of the will and are concerned chiefly with loco- motion or other movements which change the relations of the body to its environment. They are typically stimulated to action through the ex- teroceptive sense organs. They make up the bulk of the musculature of the trunk and limbs and are represented in the head only in the external muscles of the eyeball and a part of the muscles of the tongue. THE RECEPTORS AND EFFECTORS 93 IV. VISCERAL EFFECTORS 25. End-organs on the Involuntary Visceral Muscles. — These muscles may be unstriated or striated (as in heart muscle). They are innervated Fig. 37. — Two unstriated involuntary muscle-fibers, showing the nerve- endings: a, Axon; b, its termination; n, nucleus of the smooth muscle cell. (After Huber and DeWitt, from Barker's Nervous System.) through the sympathetic nervous system and typically by a chain of two neurons, the preganglionic and the postganglionic neurons (see p. 229). Fig. 38. — Three striated cardiac muscle cells, with their nerve-endings. (After Huber and DeWitt, from Barker's Nervous System.) The body of the preganglionic neuron lies in the central nervous system and its axon passes out into the sympathetic nervous system, where it ends in a sympathetic ganglion. The efferent impulse is here taken up by a post- ganglionic neuron, whose body lies in the sympathetic ganglion in question 94 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY and whose axon passes onward through a sympathetic nerve to end in the appropriate effector. The nerve-endings of this system are simple or branched free terminals ending on the surface of the muscle-fiber (Fig. 37) ; in the case of heart muscle the fibers usually have expanded tips (Fig. 38) . 26. End-organs on Glands. — The innervation of these organs is in most respects similar to that of the involuntary muscles last described. A fine plexus of unmyelinated fibers of sympathetic origin envelops the smaller glands and pervades the larger ones; these are believed in some cases to be the excito-glandular fibers. 27. Special Visceral Motor End-organs. — The nerves of these muscles have no connection with the sympathetic nervous system. These effectors are striated muscles which may act under the direct control of the will. In their evolutionary origin they are derived from the muscles of the gills of the lower vertebrates, and they are developed embryologically from the ventral unsegmented mesoderm and not from the primitive mesodermal segments which give rise to the somatic muscles. They are found only in the head and neck and their nerve-endings are similar to those of the striated muscles of the somatic series. Summary. — We have seen that the chief function of the sense organs is to lower the threshold of excitability of the body in definite places to particular kinds of stimulation, and thus to effect an analysis of the forces of nature so far as these concern the welfare of the body. The nature of this analysis of the en- vironing energy complex was illustrated by a review of the ways in which the body may respond to different kinds of vibrations. The senses, as this word is commonly used, were distinguished by four criteria, termed briefly the psychological, physical, ana- tomical, and physiological. Then followed a physiological classi- fication of the receptors and effectors of the human body. LITERATURE BARKER, L. F. 1901. The Nervous System and Its Constituent Neurones, New York. COGHILL, G. E. 1914. Correlated Anatomical and Physiological Studies of the Growth of the Nervous System of Amphibia. I. The Afferent Sys- tem of the Trunk of Amblystoma, Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. xxiv, pp. 161-233. VON FREY, M. 1897. Untersuchungen iiber die Sinnesfunctionen der menschlichen Haut, Abhangl. kgl. sachs. Gesellsch., Bd. 40 (Math.-Phys. Classe, Bd. 23). HEAD, H., RIVERS, W. H. R., and SHERREN, J. 1905. The Afferent Nervous System from a New Aspect, Brain, vol. xxviii, pp. 99-115. HERRICK, C. JUDSON. 1903. On the Morphological and Physiological Classification of the Cutaneous Sense Organs of Fishes, Amer. Naturalist, vol. xxxvii, pp. 313-318. — . 1908. On the Phylogenetic Differentiation of the Organs of Smell and Taste, Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. xviii, pp. 157-166. — . 1914. End-organs, Nervous, Wood's Reference Handbook of the Medical Sciences, 3d ed., vol. iv, pp. 20-27, New York. THE RECEPTORS AND EFFECTORS 95 HERTZ, A. F. 1911. The Sensibility of the Alimentary Canal, London. HUBER, G. C. 1900. Observations on Sensory Nerve-fibers in Visceral Nerves and on their Modes of Terminating, Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. x, pp. 134-151. HUBER, G. C., and DEWITT, LYDIA, M. A. 1897. A Contribution on the Motor Nerve-endings in the Muscle-spindles, Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. vii, pp. 169-230. — . 1900. A Contribution on the Nerve Terminations in Neuro-tendi- nous End-organs, Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. x, pp. 159-208. PARKER, G. H. 1912. The Relation of Smell, Taste, and the Common Chemical Sense in Vertebrates, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2 Ser., vol. xv, pp. 221-234. PARKER, G. H., and STABLER, ELEANOR M. 1913. On Certain Distinc- tions Between Taste and Smell, Aincr. Jour. Physiol., vol. xxxii, pp. 230- 240. RIVERS, W. H. R., and HEAD, H. 1908. A Human Experiment in Nerve Division, Brain, vol. xxxi, p. 323. SHELDON, R. E. 1909. The Reactions of the Dogfish to Chemical Stim- uli, Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. xix, pp. 273-311. SHERRINGTON, C. S. 1906. The Integrative Action of the Nervous Sys- tem, New York. TROTTER, W., and DAVIES, H. M. 1909. Experimental Studies in the Innervation of the Skin, Jour, of Physiol., vol. xxxviii, pp. 134-246. VINCENT, STELLA B. 1913. The Tactile Hair of the White Rat, Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. xxiii, pp. 1-38. — . 1913a. The Function of the Vibrissae in the Behavior of the White Rat, Behavior Monographs, vol. i, No. 5, pp. 7-81. WATSON, J. B. 1915. Behavior, An Introduction to Comparative Psy- chology, Chapters XI-XIV, New York. WILSON, J. G. 1911. The Nerves and Nerve-endings in the Membrana Tympani of Man, Amer. Jour. Anat., vol. xi, pp. 101-112. CHAPTER VI THE GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM THE functions of the body are generally effected by chemical changes within its protoplasm. These chemical changes in the aggregate we term "metabolism" and they generally involve a rather slow interchange of the chemical substances of food and waste materials between the cytoplasm and the lymph which surrounds the cells and between the cytoplasm and the proto- plasm of the nucleus (karyoplasm). The rate of metabolism is dependent upon many factors, one of which is the time required for the passage of soluble substances through the cell membrane and through the nuclear membrane which separates the cyto- plasm from the karyoplasm. In the nerve-cells both of these sorts of chemical interchange are facilitated by the form and internal structure of the cell. As we have already seen (p. 41), the widely branching dendrites present a large surface for the absorption of food materials from the surrounding lymph and the elimination of waste. The specific nervous functions involve the consumption of living sub- stance, both in the cell body and in the nerve-fibers. This is in part an oxidation process, and this phase of the activity can be roughly measured by the amount of carbon dioxid eliminated. Until very recently it was not possible to secure any evidence of CO2 production in nerve-fibers; in view of this and of the further fact that nerve-fibers seem to be less susceptible to fatigue than nerve-cells and synapses, many physiologists assumed that nervous conduction is not a chemical process, but perhaps some sort of molecular vibration. The conduction of a nervous im- pulse through a living nerve-fiber is accompanied by an electric change, the so-called negative variation, which by some physi- ologists has been identified with the nervous impulse itself. This and other complicated theories of nervous transmission 96 THE GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 97 assume that the process is essentially a physical change (prob- ably of an electric nature) which involves no chemical altera- tions, no consumption of material, no metabolism. But by means of recently devised apparatus of extreme deli- cacy Tashiro has shown very clearly and quantitatively that the resting nerve-fiber eliminates CO2 and that during functional activity caused by stimulation the amount of CC>2 is increased to about double that of the resting nerve. The same investiga- tor subsequently showed that the amount of CC>2 given off by nerve-fibers is quite as great per unit of weight as that given off by the nerve-cell bodies of the ganglia. Tashiro has shown, moreover, that the rate of C02 production is greater in that por- tion of a nerve-fiber which lies nearer to the source of the stimu- lus than in a similar portion of the same nerve-fiber farther from the receptive end and nearer to the discharging end. This ap- plies to both sensory and motor fibers. Child has confirmed this by showing that different parts of the nerve-fiber show differ- ences in susceptibility to certain poisons corresponding to the differences in rate of oxidation of their substance. .There is, accordingly, a physiological gradient in the nerve-fiber, the physi- ological activity diminishing in the direction of the normal con- duction of the nervous impulse. The neuron is thus seen to have an intrinsic physiological polarity of its own quite apart from that occasioned by the irreversible character of the synapse (see p. 53). It is, therefore, probable that the transmission of a nervous impulse involves a wave of chemical change throughout the length of the nerve-fiber, though a change of a quite different character from that occurring in the cell body during its func- tional activity. That the nervous conduction is not a simple electric discharge through a free conductor, nor any other sort of simple ethereal or molecular vibratory wave motion, is evident from the fact that its velocity of propagation through the nerve-fiber, which is easily measured, is slower than any known wave movement of this character. In the unmyelinated nerves of vertebrates the rate of pro- gression of the nerve impulse varies from 0.2 to 8 meters per second; in the myelinated sciatic nerve of the frog it varies from 24 to 38 meters per second; and in human myelinated 7 98 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY nerves it may be as rapid as 125 meters per second. This rate of conduction of the nervous impulse in peripheral nerves varies greatly with different animals, with different nerves in the same animal, and in the same nerve under different physiological con- ditions. The reaction time required for the performance of various reflex acts can be very accurately measured, and it is found that the time of even the simplest reflex is considerably greater than is required for the transmission of the nervous impulse through the conductors involved. The average rate of conduction in human nerves is probably about 120 meters per second, and the simplest reaction times which have been measured in psychological labor- atories vary between 0.1 and 0.2 second (from 0.117 to 0.188 for reactions to touch, and from 0.120 to 0.182 for reactions to sound). The total time required for transmission of the nervous impulse through the nerve-fibers involved in these reactions need not exceed 0.02 second, whence it appears that the greater part of the reaction time is otherwise consumed. A part of this excess time is required to overcome the inertia of the end-organs (receptor and effector), and the remainder is used in the central nervous system. This "central pause" is characteristic of all reflexes and, in fact, has a profound significance in connection with the evolution of the higher associational functions of the brain. The introduction of further complexity in the reaction, of whatever sort, usually lengthens the time of the central pause, though long training in making a discriminative reaction may reduce this pause almost to the time of a simple reaction. Many attempts have been made to determine the central time of reac- tions of different degrees of complexity by substracting from the total time in each case the probable time required for the peripheral processes and by subtracting the total time required for the simpler reactions from the total time taken in more complex discriminative reactions. But further analysis (particularly more critical introspection) has shown that in these human reactions the problem is too complex to be resolved by this method (see Ladd and Woodworth, 1911, p. 497). The simpler reflexes of lower vertebrates can be studied physiologically, and these give data which are much more readily analyzed than the more complex human reactions. In the case of the simplest reflex obtainable in the spinal cord of the frog, the central pause was estimated by Wundt to be only 0.008 second, i. c., all of the time required for the reaction except this interval was used in the peripheral apparatus. But in a crossed reflex, where the reaction occurs on the opposite side of the body from the stimu- lus, the increased complexity of the central process consumed 0.004 second additional. Miss Buchanan (1908), with more accurate methods of study, finds in the frog that the central time varies between .014 and .021 second. She also measured the additional latent time required for a crossed reflex, and found it to be of the same order of magnitude MS the latent time of the simple reflex (instead of half as much as in Wundt's experiments), that is, the crossed reflex required about twice the l.-itent time in the spinal cord as the uncrossed reflex. It is assumed that this central pause in the uncrossed reflex is consumed chiefly in the synapses between the peripheral sensory and the peripheral motor neurons, and that only one such synapse is in- volved in each simple reflex connection (a two-neuron circuit, see Fig. 1, THE GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 99 p. 25) ; but in the crossed reflex two such synapses are involved (a three- neuron circuit such as the pathway from d.r.2 to v.r.l' through correlation neuron 1 in Fig. 61, p. 134), and the introduction of the second synapse doubles the time. It is, therefore, assumed that it requires in the frog between .01 and .02 second for the nervous impulse to pass the synapse between two neurons in a reflex circuit. Turning now to the activities of the nerve-cell body, it will be recalled (p. 45) that here the chroraophilic substance is gen- erally scattered throughout the cytoplasm in the form of the "Nissl bodies." This substance is very similar to that of the chromatin of the nucleus, from which it is said to be derived during the development and functional activity of the neuron. During the resting state of the cell it and other reserve materials accumulate in the cytoplasm; and now, when the cell is stimu- lated to activity, the energy thus stored up may be liberated almost instantly because the chemical substances necessary for the reaction are widely diffused throughout the entire mass of the cytoplasm. The function of neurons, as compared with that of most other cells of the body, may, therefore, be described as of the explo- sive type. A word of explanation will render the analogy clear. In ordinary combustion, oxygen is supplied to the surface of the burning material, say a blazing log, and the chemical process of burning goes on only as fast as the superficial parts can l»e oxidized and removed. But explosive substances are chemic- ally so constituted that as soon as combustion begins oxygen is liberated in the interior of the material and the process of oxi- dation takes place almost instantaneously throughout the entire mass. Similarly in the nerve-cell, the processes of metab- olksm are not dependent upon the slow interchange of substances through the nuclear membrane between the cytoplasm and the nuclear plasm; but the chromophilic substance distributed through the cytoplasm permits of much more rapid responses. The organization of the protoplasm of the nerve-cell is such that a very small stimulus may liberate a large amount of energy with explosive suddenness. The energy thus liberated does not all leave the cell, but part of it is directed into the axon, which is thereby excited to conduct a nervous impulse to the appropriate end-organ or to the next synapse, and thence to a second neuron. 100 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY The conduction of nervous impulses within the central nervous system in some cases takes place through well-defined and insu- lated bundles of fibers, which are termed tracts; but in most cases there is more or less complexity introduced by collateral avenues of discharge to other specific centers, as in the complex forms of reflex systems described in Chapter IV, or by a more diffuse type of irradiation (p. 65). The organization of the central nervous system is such that in general the excitation of any peripheral sensory neuron may be transmitted to very di- verse and remote parts of the brain, each of which may call forth its own characteristic form of response. The physiological effects of such a dispersal of an incoming nervous im- pulse within the central nervous system may be very different, depending sKin Fig. 39. — Diagram of an arrangement of neurons adapted for the dis- tribution of a single afferent nervous impulse to several different motor organs. on the connections of the pathways which are taken by the neurons of the second order. If these pathways diverge so that the stimulus is distributed among several different effector systems, this would tend to disperse the energy of the afferent impulse and a relatively strong stimulus is necessary to call forth a response. This is the situation in case a painful prick on the skin of the face calls forth reflex movements of, say (1) twitching of the facial muscles; (2) turning the head away, and (3) a movement of the hand to remove the irritant. Here the stimulus arising at a single point in the skin (Fig. 39) is distributed to three widely separated motor centers (M.I, THE GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 101 muscle M.2, M.S). On the other hand, in case the stimulus received by the neuron of the first order is distributed to several neurons, all of which dis- charge into the same motor center, the stimulus may be reinforced because each neuron of the second order may discharge its own reserve energy in such a way as to send out a stronger impulse than the one received, so that the total discharge into the motor center is greatly strengthened (Fig. 40). Such an impulse may be said to accumulate momentum as it ad- vances like an avalanche on a moun- tain slope, and hence this type of re- action has been termed by Ramon y Cajal "avalanche conduction." In some parts of the brain there are very special mechanisms for this sort of cumulative discharge, as in the cortex of the cerebellum (p. 192) and the olfactory bulb (p. 218). The intensity of nervous dis- charge in all of its forms is very dependent upon the general physio- logical state of the body, some con- Fig. 40. — Diagram of the mechan- ism of reinforcement whereby a single weak afferent nervous im- pulse may be received by several neurons of the second order which discharge their greatly strengthened nervous impulses into a single final common path. ditions, such as fatigue and various intoxications, tending to depress the activity, and other conditions tend- ing to facilitate it. The main- tenance of good nervous tone is, therefore, essential to the highest efficiency. Some of these physio- logical agents may also act locally on particular parts of the nervous system and thus determine the selection of one instead of another out of several possible modes of response in the variable type of behavior. Fatigue of nerve-cells may be brought about in two ways, which have been clearly distinguished by Verworn: (1) by the consumption of reserve material from which the energy of the cell is derived more rapidly than this material can be re- stored, and (2) by the accumulation of waste-products more rapidly than they can be eliminated from the cell. These forms of fatigue have recently been named by Dolley respectively "fatigue of excitation" and "fatigue of depression." In his interesting discussion of neuro-muscular fatigue, Stiles (1914, p. 101) enumerates several particular ways (in addition to the two general methods just mentioned) by which fatigue may be brought about, among which are the following: (1) fatigue of muscle-fibers, (2) fatigue of the junction of the motor nerve with the muscle-fiber at- the motor end-plate (see Fig. 5, p. 40), (3) fatigue of the nerve-fibers, (4) fatigue of the motor 102 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY nerve-cells, (5) fatigue of the synapses between the nerve-cells, (0) fatigue of the sense organs and afferent apparatus, (7) fatigue of the centers of voluntary control. The first, second, fourth, and fifth types commonly play a part in ordinary fatigue, the third is insignificant, and the sixth and seventh may be present. The synapses and the motor end-plates are probably especially susceptible to fatigue of depression by toxic substances, and the muscle-fibers and nerve-cell bodies to fatigue of excitation by consumption of their material. A resting neuron when excited to activity at first increases in size by reason of the stimulus given to general metabolic activ- ity. The first signs of fatigue result from the exhaustion of the oxygen supply of the cells; then follows the consumption of the reserve food materials, chiefly those represented in the chromo- philic substance, with consequent shrinkage of the Nissl bodies. In extreme fatigue the ultimate dissolution and death of the cell may be hastened by the accumulation of toxic products of cell metabolism. It appears to be well established by numerous experimental studies that at the beginning of functional activity both the nucleus and the cytoplasm of the resting neuron are enlarged, and that with the onset of fatigue there is a shrinkage, especially of the nucleus, with vacuolation of the cytoplasm and solution of the Nissl bodies due to the consumption of the chromophilic substance during activity. The neurofibrils are also said to be modified during functional activity. After excessive activity they be- come more slender and apparently increase in number, while during rest and after hibernation of those animals which have this habit the neurofibrils become thicker and less numerous. Cells whose chromophilic substance has been consumed by active function may after rest return to the normal form; but if the excitation be carried beyond the stage of normal fatigue, recovery of the neuron is im- possible and it gradually disintegrates, resulting in the permanent enfeeble- ment of the nervous system. The observations of Dollcy have suggested to him that the volume of the nucleus bears a constant relation to the volume of the cytoplasm in all resting nerve-cells of the same type. In varying functional states of excita- tion and depression this mass relation is disturbed in accordance with the formula: Activity finally results in a disturbance of the normal nucleus- cytoplasmic relation in favor of the cytoplasm (fatigue of excitation), while depression resulting from accumulated toxins finally results in a disturbance of this relation in favor of the nucleus. In short, the depression of the neuron by any form of intoxication or otherwise gives the converse picture of structural changes from that presented by fatigue of excitation. Most of the physiological work which has been (lone upon fatigue has been directed toward the isolation of special toxic substances such as in Dolley's scheme would produce "fatigue of depression." It has been shown that THE GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 103 prolonged muscular exertion produces toxins (carbon dioxid, lactic acid, and others) which are dissolved in the blood and exert a profound depressing influence upon all of the tissues of the body. If the blood of a fatigued animal be injected into or transfused with a perfectly fresh animal of the same species, the latter immediately manifests all the signs of fatigue. It is often taught that a change of work is physiologically equivalent to complete rest. It is true that, so long as one is well within the limits of extreme fatigue, a change of work will prolong efficiency far beyond that which would be possible in continuous activity of a single nervous or mus- cular mechanism. Nevertheless experiment shows that mental efficiency is greatly impaired in extreme muscular fatigue, and, conversely, muscular power is greatly weakened after long sustained mental work. Glandular secretions are also apparently often reduced in extreme fatigue, thus, for instance, reducing the efficiency of the digestive organs. These effects are doubtless clue to the accumulation of toxic products in the blood, producing a true "fatigue of depression" throughout the entire body. It has been suggested that the local feelings of muscular fatigue are due to excitations of the organs of the muscular sense in the muscle spindles (p. 87) ; but the evidence for this does not seem very convincing. The experiments of Dolley suggest to him, further, that the more highly differentiated nerve-centers are more susceptible to the structural altera- tions of fatigue than are those of the lower reflex systems. It is a well- known fact that sustained mental work produces the subjective evidences of fatigue more promptly than does muscular work, and that during severe mental training one is more apt to go "stale" than during physical training. This principle has been widely recognized in the provision of short work- ing hours and frequent holidays for pupils and teachers in our schools; it should be still further extended, especially in commercial and professional life. Its neglect is in large measure responsible for the prevalence of neu- rasthenia and other forms of nervous breakdown. The early fatigue of the higher voluntary centers is particularly evident in young children, where continuous sustained attention is impossible except for very short periods. By training, these periods can be greatly length- ened, the nervous mechanism involved here probably being the acquisi- tion of a wider range of associations related with the subject which occupies the focus of attention, so that individual neurons or systems of neurons which participate in the functional complex may be temporarily rested while other related systems are brought into maximum activity, without thereby interrupting the continuous progress of the train of thought. The neurological basis of sleep is at present wholly unknown, though the physiological phenomena seem to be in many respects analogous with those of fatigue. Of the various theories which have been suggested, the two which have excited greatest interest are: (1) the belief that some soluble toxin is produced during waking hours which induces sleep by a process similar to that of the "fatigue of depression," and (2) the doctrine of the retraction of the neuron, which teaches that during sleep (and according to some authors in less measure during fatigue also) the dendrites of the neurons retract toward their cell bodies and away from 104 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY contact with the axons of other neurons with which they are in synaptic union, thus increasing the resistance to nerve conduc- tion at the synapse. Many physiological experiments show that, though the predis- position to sleep may be brought about by the accumulation of toxins in the blood or by other general causes, the actual falling asleep is accompanied by a fall in blood-pressure, which may be the essential factor in sleep. Fatigue of the vasomotor center has been suggested as the real physiological cause of sleep. No adequate proof of any of these theories has been brought for- ward. The numerous theories regarding the neurological processes taking place in the cerebral cortex during the progress of such mental functions as attention, association of ideas, etc., are likewise as yet entirely unproved. It has been suggested that during cerebral function the resistance of some pathways may be diminished by the ameboid outgrowth of the dendrites so as to effect more intimate synaptic union with the physiolog- ically related neurons, while the resistance of other paths may be increased by the retraction of dendrites from their synapses. Others believe that the neuroglia may participate in the process by thrusting out ameboid processes between the nervous ter- minals in the synapses and thus increasing the resistance. Lugaro has suggested a different interpretation, in accordance with which during sleep there is a generally diffused extension of all nervous processes, thus providing for the uniform diffusion of incoming stimuli, while in the state of attention all of these processes retract save those which are directed in some definite direction, thus narrowing the stream of nervous discharge so as to intensify it and direct it into the appropriate centers. There is no direct evidence for any of these theories, and the scientific- ally correct attitude toward them is frankly to admit that at present we do not know what physiological processes are in- volved in any of these functions. Summary. — The forms assumed by neurons are shaped in part by their nutritive requirements and in part by their func- tional connections. The metabolism of nervous protoplasm, as measured by its COz output, is found to be as active in nerve- fibers as in the cell bodies. In a nerve-fiber the metabolic THE GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 105 activity is found to be greatly increased during the transmission of a nervous impulse ; and nervous conduction evidently involves a chemical change in the conducting fiber. The rate of trans- mission of a nervous impulse depends on the structure and physiological state of the nerve-fiber involved. The metabolic activity of the nerve-cells is of a very different sort from that of nerve-fibers, and may be characterized as of the explosive type. There are at least two factors involved in the fatigue of the nervous system: (1) fatigue of excitation, resulting from the consumption of the materials of its protoplasm, and (2) fatigue of depression, resulting from the accumulation of toxic products of cellular activity. Each of these processes produces its own very special series of morphological changes in the neurons. The neurological functions involved in sleep and the higher mental processes are as yet unknown. LITERATURE BUCHANAN, FLORENCE. 1908. On the Time Taken in Transmission of Reflex Impulses in the Spinal Cord of the Frog, Quart. Jour. Exp. Physiol., vol. i, pp. 1-66. CHILD, C. M. 1914. Susceptibility Gradients in Animals, Science, N. S., vol. xxxix, No. 993, pp. 73-76. DOLLEY, D. H. 1911. Studies on the Recuperation of Nerve-cells After Functional Activity from Youth to Senility, Jour. Med. Research, vol. xxiv, pp. 309-343. — . 1914. On a Law of Species Identity of the Nucleus-plasma Norm for Nerve-cell Bodies of Corresponding Types, Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. xxiv, pp. 445-501. — . 1914. Fatigue of Excitation and Fatigue of Depression, Intern. Monatsschrift f. Anat. u. Physiol., Bd. 31, pp. 35-62. DONALDSON, H. H. 1899. The Growth of the Brain, New York, chapters xiv to xvii. HODGE, C. F. 1892. A Microscopical Study of Changes Due to Func- tional Activity in Nerve-cells, Jour. Morphology, vol. vii, pp. 95-168. LADD, G. T., and WOODWORTH, R. S. 1911. Elements of Physiological Psychology, New York. STILES, P. G. 1914. The Nervous System and Its Conservation, Phila- delphia. TASHIRO, S. 1913. Carbon Dioxide Production from Nerve-fibers when Resting and when Stimulated; a Contribution to the Chemical Basis of Irritability, Amer. Jour, of Physiol., vol. xxxii, pp. 107-136. TASHIRO, S., and ADAMS, H. S. 1914. Carbon Dioxide Production from the Nerve-fiber in a Hydrogen Atmosphere, Amer. Jour, of Physiol., vol. xxxiv, pp. 405-413. — . 1914. Comparison of the Carbon Dioxide Output of Nerve- fibers and Ganglia in Limulus, Jour, of Biological Chemistry, vol. xviii, pp. 329-334. CHAPTER VII THE GENERAL ANATOMY AND SUBDIVISION OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM ON merely topographic grounds the nervous organs are divided into the central nervous system, or axial nervous system, compris- ing the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system, including the cranial and spinal nerves, their ganglia and periph- eral end-organs, and the sympathetic nervous system. The nerves are simply conductors, putting the end-organs into phys*- iological connection with their respective centers. The general form of the human central nervous system and its connections with the peripheral nerves are seen in Fig. 41. The nerves connected with the spinal cord are the spinal nerves, those con- nected with the brain are the cranial or cerebral nerves, and both of these systems of nerves together are called the cerebro- spinal nerves, in contrast with the sympathetic nerves, which latter may or may not be connected with the central nervous system (see p. 225). The central nervous system is the great organ of correlation and integration of bodily processes. Its primitive form in verte- brates is a simple tube, and this is the form shown in an early human embryo (see Fig. 46, p. 116). The original tubular form is but little modified in the trunk region of all vertebrates, where the spinal cord (medulla spinalis) is formed by a tolerably uni- form thickening of the lateral walls of the tube (see Figs. 41, 58). But in the head region the brain (enccphalon) is formed by the very unequal thickening of different parts of the walls of the tube and by various foldings brought about thereby. The general arrangement of the human central nervous system at successive stages of development is seen in Figs. 47-51. The external form of the brain has been shaped by the space requirements of the nerve-cells and fibers which make up its substance. A group of nerve-cells which performs a single function is often spoken of as the "center" of that function; but 106 -/ - I CERVICAL KERVB MIDDLE CERVICAL SYMPATHETIC GANGLION I THORACIC SERVE OANOLIATED CORD GAXGLIOX - - WCOCCYGEAL SERVE FILC.V TERMIXALE Fig. 41. — The human central nervous system from the ventral side, illustrating also its connections with the cerebro-spinal nerves and with the sympathetic nervous system, the latter drawn in black. (After Allen Thompson and Rauber, from Morris' Anatomy.) 107 108 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY it should be borne in mind that this does not imply that this function resides exclusively in that place. These functions are all more or less complex and the "center" is usually the region where various nervous impulses are received and redistributed; it is, therefore, roughly analogous with the switchboard of an electric plant. The nerve-fibers which conduct nervous impulses toward a given center are called afferent, and those which conduct away from the center are called efferent with reference to that center. Most of the peripheral nerves are mixed, in the sense that they carry both afferent and efferent fibers with reference to the central nervous system. The efferent fibers may excite move- ment in muscles (motor fibers) or secretion in glands (excito- glandular fibers); other efferent fibers which check the action of the organ to which they are distributed are called inhibitory fibers. The afferent fibers of the peripheral nerves are often called sensory fibers, though it must be borne in mind that theif excitation is not always followed by sensations or other conscious processes. The vertebrate nervous system when examined in the fresh condition is found to be made up of white matter (substantia alba) and gray matter (substantia grisea), the white matter containing chiefly nerve-fibers with myelin sheaths (see p. 46) and the gray matter nerve-cell bodies and unmyelinated fibers. The centers are, therefore, generally gray in color and the inter- vening parts of the central nervous system are white. A group of nerve-cells constituting a center as above described is often called a "nucleus," a term which has nothing to do with the nuclei of the individual cells (see p. 39) of which the center is composed. Some critical writers use the word "nidulus" (originally suggested by C. L. Herrick) or "nidus" (Spitzka) for such a center, thus avoiding the ambiguity in the use of the word nucleus. The term "ganglion" is also sometimes used for nuclei or centers within the brain (ganglion habenulae, ganglion interpedunculare, etc.), but this usage is objectionable, for the use of the word ganglion in vertebrate neurology should be restricted to collections of neurons outside the central nervous system, such as the ganglia of the cranial and spinal nerves and the sympathetic ganglia. A nucleus from which nerve-fibers arise for conduction to some remote part of the nervous system is called the nucleus of origin of these fibers; conversely, a nucleus into which nervous impulses are discharged by fibers arising elsewhere is the terminal nucleus of those fibers. Any correlation center is, therefore, a terminal nucleus for its afferent fibers and a nucleus of origin for its efferent fibers. ANATOMY AND SUBDIVISION OF NERVOUS SYSTEM 109 The centers or nuclei within the brain are of two general sorts : (1) primary centers and (2) correlation centers. The primary centers are directly connected with peripheral nerves, either as terminal nuclei of afferent fibers or as nuclei of origin of efferent fibers (see pp. 42, 108). The elements out of which most acts are compounded are reflexes (see p. 56), and in the simplest of these reflexes a sensory nervous impulse received from the periphery by a terminal nucleus may be passed on to a nucleus of origin and thence directly to the organ of response; but in more complex reflexes the incoming nervous impulse is first transmitted from the terminal nucleus to a correlation center, where it may meet other types of sensory impulses and then be discharged into any one of several possible motor pathways. For illustrations of these types of connection see Chapter IV. In general, ganglia or nerve-centers are interpolated in con- duction pathways only where some complication of the reaction is to be provided. The conduction path is usually here inter- rupted by synapses and various forms of correlation or coordina- tion mechanisms are present (see p. 35 and Chapter IV). Many of the sympathetic ganglia provide the mechanism for local reflexes in which the central nervous system does not par- ticipate (p. 225). The spinal ganglia (see Fig. 1, p. 25) are often regarded as merely trophic centers for the maintenance of the fibers of the peripheral nerves; but they evidently have functions of correlation in addition to this, for numerous syn- apses between sympathetic and cerebro-spinal neurons occur here (see p. 228 and Fig. 109) which play a part in the correla- tion of visceral and somatic reactions. The primary centers and the simpler correlation centers of the brain can be studied much more readily in the brains of fishes, which lack the cerebral cortex whose enormous development in the human brain has obscured the relations and connections of the more primitive reflex apparatus. Figures 42, 43, and 44 illus- trate the relations of the principal sense organs to the brain in a small shark, the common marine dogfish. Figures 42 and 43 (on the right side) illustrate the arrangement of the principal roots and branches of the cranial nerves. On the left side of Fig. 43 the relations of the nose, the eye, and the ear to the 110 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY brain are indicated; and Fig. 44 shows an enlarged side view of the brain and the sensory roots of the cranial nerves. Fig. 42. — Dissection of the brain and cranial nerves of the dogfish, Scylliurn catulus. The right eye has been removed. The cut surfaces of the cartilaginous skull and spinal column are dotted, d.l-d.5, Bran- chial (gill) clefts; ep., epiphysis; exl.rect., external rectus muscle of the eyeball;, glossopharyngeal nerve; hor.can., horizontal semicircular canal; hy.mnd.VII, hyomandibular branch of the facial nerve; inf. obi., inferior oblique muscle; int.rect., internal rectus muscle; lal.vag., lateral line branch of the vagus nerve; mnd.V, mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve; mx.V, maxillary branch of trigeminus; olf.cps., olfactory capsule; G//.S., olfactory sac; oph.V.VII, superficial ophthalmic branches of the trigeminal and facial nerves; pfilh., trochlear nerve (patheticus); fil.VII, ])alatine branch of facial nerve; s.obl., superior oblique muscle; .s/>.ro., spinal cord; .s'/nr., spiracle; s.rect., superior rectus muscle; vag., vagus nerve; rr .<;/., vestibule. (After Marshall and Hurst, from Parker and Harwell's Zoology.) In fishes there is a system of small sensory canals widely dis- tributed under the skin. These contain sense organs somewhat similar to those in the semicircular canals of the internal ear, and ANATOMY AND SUBDIVISION OF NERVOUS SYSTEM 111 their functions are probably intermediate between those of the organs of touch in the skin and those of the internal ear, respond- Olfactory bulb Olfactory nerve (n.I) Somatic area r. ophthal. superfic. V r. ophthal. superfic. VTI n. terminalis r. ophthal. profundus V Optic nerve (n. II) r. mnxillaris V r. mandib. V Supra-orbital trunk Infra-orbital trunk Ganglion V '. palatinus VII -Gang. I'cnifiili VII Gang, later. VII r. prespirac. VII Spiracle r. hyomandib. VII n. IX n. X r. lateralis X r. branrhialis X r. intestinalis X Fig. 43. — Diagram of the brain and sensory nerves of the smooth dog- fish, Mustelus canis, from above. Natural size. The Roman numerals refer to the cranial nerves. The olfactory part of the brain is dotted, the visual centers are shaded with oblique cross-hatching, theacoustico-lah-ral centers with horizontal lines, the visceral sensory area with vertical lines, and the general cutaneous area is left unshaded. On the right side the lateral line nerves are drawn in black, the other nerves are unshaded. 112 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY ing to water vibrations of slow frequency and probably assisting in the orientation of the body in space. These are the lateral line canals. They are innervated by special roots of the VII and X pairs of cranial nerves (the lateralis roots of these nerves), which are drawn in black in Figs. 43 and 44. The other nerves are lightly shaded or white. The lateral line organs and their nerves are entirely absent in higher vertebrates (see p. 199). The lateral line nerves and the acoustic nerve (VIII pair) in fishes terminate in a common center within the brain (the acous- tico-lateral area), which is shaded with horizontal cross-hatch- ing in Figs. 43 and 44. The nerves of general cutaneous sen- sibility also terminate in a particular region which is unshaded Optic lobe Epithalamua Thalam Supra-orbital trunk Acoustico-lateral area Gang, lateralis VII Hypothalam Ganglion V Infra-orbital trunk hi r. hyomandibularis VII Spiracle r. palatinus VII Ganglion geniculi VII Fig. 44. — The same brain as Fig. 43 seen from the side and slightly enlarged. and marked "general cutaneous area." The visceral nerves from the gills, stomach, etc., all enter a single "visceral area," which is shaded with vertical lines. The eye is also connected with a special region in the midbrain, the "optic lobe," which is shaded with oblique cross-hatching; and the nose is connected with a part of the forebrain which is stippled. We may, therefore, recognize in this fish a "nose brain," an "eye brain," an "ear brain," a "visceral brain," and a "skin brain," each of these peripheral organs having enlarged primary terminal nuclei which make up definite parts of the brain sub- stance. Remembering that the primitive brain was a simple tubular structure, we observe that each one of the chief sense organs and each group of similar sense organs sends sensory ANATOMY AND SUBDIVISION OF NERVOUS SYSTEM 113 nerves inward to terminate in a special part of the wall of the primitive neural tube, and that here a thickening of the wall of the tube has taken place to provide space for the appropriate terminal nucleus. It may be noticed, further, that all of these structures (except a part of the olfactory centers) lie in the dorsal part of the brain. An examination of the primary motor centers would show that they are distributed in a somewhat similar fashion along the ventral part of the brain. The facts just recounted give a clear picture of the pattern of functional localization of the primary reflex centers in a simple type of brain, and they show that all of the more obvious parts of this brain except the cerebellum are in simple direct relation with particular peripheral organs. In other words, nearly the whole of this brain is directly concerned with simple reflexes and (aside from the cerebellum) no large centers for the higher types of adjustments are present. The primary reflex centers are found to be arranged in accordance with essentially the same pattern in the human and all other higher brains, though in these cases the pattern is slightly modified and obscured by the pres- ence of greatly enlarged correlation centers, of which the cerebral cortex is the chief. The structure and significance of the cere- bral cortex form the theme of the last three chapters of this work. The central nervous system of the earliest vertebrates was probably a simple longitudinal tube of nervous tissue with which the peripheral nerves were connected in a segmental fashion (see p. 28). This is the permanent form of the spinal cord and ite nerves in all vertebrates (see p. 125 and Fig. 41). In the brain the enlargement of the primary reflex centers and of the corre- lation centers directly related to them has changed the form of the tube and disturbed the primitive segmental arrangement of the cranial nerves, as is indicated in Figs. 43 and 44. Never- theless, this more ancient part of the brain is sometimes called the segmental apparatus, to distinguish it from two very large coordination and correlation mechanisms which are of later evolutionary origin, namely, the cerebellar cortex and the cerebral cortex, which are termed suprasegmental structures. The segmental apparatus is often called the brain stem. It includes practically all of the fish brain (Figs. 43 and 44) except the cerebellum, for in these animals there is no cerebral cortex. 8 114 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY If in the human brain we dissect away the cerebral cortex and the cerebellar cortex and the white matter immediately con- Nucleus lentiformis Capsula interna (pars lenticulo- caudata) Tractus. __ olfactorius Tractus ppticus '" \^-^f ! '" Infundibulum-'''/^^ ' / Hypophy- / anterior lobe ''' ^^B>' / / sis ceiebri \ posterior lobe- ^i / / ,{ Tuber cinereum/// \ Corpus mamillare// /i N. oculomotorius / /' } Basis pedunculi' / ,' Pons7 / X Nervus trigeminus (portio major)xx " Nervus trigeminus (portio minor)-' __-- N. facialis" "J^ N. intermedius^'-''^ N. abducens N. glossopharyngeus^.- Nervus vagus j ,, Pytamis"" Oliva- Fasciculus circumolivaris pyramidis " Capsula interna (pars lenticulo-thalamica) I Nucleus caudatus , Nucleus amygdalae (cut) Commissure anterior terminalis Capeula interna (pars sublenticularis) Nucleus caudatus ^Thalamus _Corpus geniculatum laterale -Corpus pineale -Cor. geniculatum mediate -Colljculus superior -Colliculus inferior Lemniscus lateralis Nervus trochlearis Brachium conjunctivum Brachium N, pontis ^~_ Fossa flocculi — Cni8 flocculi | — Nucleus denta- tus cerebelli Corpus ponto-bulbare Fasciculus spinocerebellaris -__ Nervus spinalis Fig. 45. — Left lateral aspect of a human brain from which the cerebral hemisphere (with the exception of the corpus striatum, the olfactory bulb and tract, and a small portion of the cortex adjacent to the latter) and the cerebellum (excepting its nucleus dentatus) have been removed. The brain stem (segmental apparatus, palaeencephalon) includes everything here shown with the exception of the strip of cortex above the tractus olfactorius and the nucleus dentatus. Within its substance, however, are certain cortical dependencies (absent in the lowest vertebrates), which have been developed to facilitate communication between the brain stem and the cerebral cortex. The chief of these are found in the thalamus, basis pedunculi, and pons. Compare this figure with the side view of the intact brain, Fig. 54. (Modified from Cunningham's Anatomy.) nected therewith we have the form shown in Fig. 45. the human brain stem. This is ANATOMY AND SUBDIVISION OF NERVOUS SYSTEM 115 The cerebellum appears in the evolutionary history of the vertebrate brain much earlier than the cerebral cortex; its functions are wholly reflex and unconscious (see pp. 158, 186) and are concerned chiefly with motor coordination, equilibra- tion, and, in general, the orientation of the body and its members in space. Its activities are of the invariable, innate, structurally predetermined type (see pp. 22, 31, 78). The cerebral cortex, on the other hand, is the organ of the highest and most plastic correlations, which are in large measure individually acquired. It attains its maximum size in the human brain. In recognition of the late phylogenetic origin of the cerebral cortex Edinger has called the entire brain stem and cerebellum the old brain (palaencephalon), and the cerebral cortex and parts of the brain developed in relation therewith the new brain (neencephalon). The terminology of the brain is in great confusion. Most of the more obvious parts were named before their functions were known, the same part often receiving many different names, and sometimes the same name being applied to very different parts. To remedy this situation the German Anatomical Society in 1895 published an official list of anatomical terms which is known as the Basle Nomina Anatomica (commonly abbreviated as B. N. A.). Each of these terms has a clearly denned significance and they are now very widely used, though many anatomists continue to use some older and unofficial names. The B. N. A. terms or their English equivalents are used in this work, save in a few cases which are specifically mentioned. The terminology of the brain is based upon the embryological researches of Pro- fessor His, and can best be outlined by reviewing the form of the human brain at a few selected stages of development. The B. N. A. terminology was developed with exclusive reference to the human body. The names of many parts of the bodies of other animals than man and of microscopic structures in general are not included. The names of this list are all used and defined in W. Krause's Handbuch der Anatomic des Menschen, Leipzig, 1905, and in most of the recent American and English text-books of anatomy. At the end of Krause's book is a very com- plete list of synonyms, including most of the anatomical terms in use and their B. N. A. equivalents. Following the example of many other recent anatomists, we shall in this work replace the B. N. A. term "anterior" (on the front or belly side) by the word "ventral," and the B. N. A. term "posterior" (on the back side) by 116 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY the word "dorsal." The head end of the body will be referred to as the "anterior" or "cephalic" end; the other end of the body as the "posterior" or "caudal" end. The terms "upper" or "higher" and "lower" will refer to the relations in the erect human body. In the nomenclature of the medulla oblongata (see p. 122) and of the thalamus (p. 167) our usage departs slightly from that of the B. N. A. Regarding the naming of fiber tracts see page 128. Figure 46 illustrates the form of the brain in a very early human embryo. Its tubular form is very evident, and in the -Optic ocsicle Futvrt poritint f/enure Pallium Anterior neuropore Maencephalon Isthmus Mtsencephahn Optic rtcai Future panting Rhombtnciptidon flexure Fig. 46. — An enlarged model of the brain of a human embryo 3.2 mm. long (about two weeks old). The outer surface is shown at the left, and on the right the inner surface after division of the model in the median plane. The Anterior neuropore marks a point where the neural tube is still open to the surface of the body. The Pallium is the region from which the cerebral cortex will develop. The Optic recess marks the portion of the lateral wall of the Diencephalon from which the hollow Optic vesicle has evaginated. (After His, from Prentiss' Embryology.) brain the diameter of the tube is but little greater than that of the spinal cord. The walls are thin and the cavity wide. In a slightly older embryo the form is shown in Fig. 47, and Fig. 48 illustrates diagrammatically the median section of an embryo of about the same age as that shown in Fig. 47, upon which the regions as denned by the B. N. A. are indicated. The ANATOMY AND SUBDIVISION OF NERVOUS SYSTEM 117 A a I fblliunt .Thalama r-^r-^K^J \ I Mamtfhalai Centillium Myelencepholal — Fig. 47. — Reconstruction of the brain of a 6.9 mm. human embryo (about four weeks old): A, Lateral view; B, in median sagittal section; Ceph.flex., cephalic flexure. (After His, from Prentiss' Embryology.) Hypophysis (anterior lobe) - - Ventro-lateral plate — Dorso-lateral plate--- ] Fig. 48. — Diagram of the inner surface of the human brain, based on a specimen of about the same age as shown in Fig. 47. The shaded area is the ventro-lateral plate of the neural tube, giving rise to the motor centers. Its upper boundary is marked by a groove on the ventricular surface, the sulcus limitans, which separates the ventro-lateral plate from a dorso- lateral plate (unshaded), which gives rise to the sensory centers and chief correlation centers. (After His, from Morris' Anatomy.) Cerebral ptduncln Hypothalamta -•'- Epithalamui Tkalam Diencephalon (Inter-brain) Cerebral aqueduct / Mrsencrphalon ' . (Uid-brain) . (After-brain) Corf, Rhincnccfhahn, ''terminates slriat, (Oljactory-braii,) Fig. 49. — Vertical median section of a model of the brain of a human embryo 13.6 mm. long: 1, Optic recess, marking the attachment of the optic vesicle; 2, ridge formed by the optic chiasma; 3, optic chiasma; 4, infundibular recess. The limiting sulcus is visible in the model, though not named, running upward from the optic recess between the thalamus and the hypothalamus. (After His, from Sobotta's Atlas of Anatomy.) Pallium Corpus stratum. U Epithalamus (Corpus plneale) ' Metathalamus (Corpora geniculata) Corpora quadrlgemina • Pedunculus cerebri Cerebellum ---Fossa rbomboidea Medulla oblongata Rhinencephalon / .-' ,- Pars optica hypothalaml ,-' / Chiasma opticum'' ,'' Hypophysis-' Pars mamillaris bypothalami Pons [Varoli] ' Fig. 50. — A vertical median section of a model of the brain of a human fetus in the third month. (After His, from Spalteholz's Atlas.) 118 ANATOMY AND SUBDIVISION OF NERVOUS SYSTEM 119 Thalamus Khinencephalon . Rcccssus opticus Chiasma opticum ./ / ecesaus infundibuli ' / Infundibnhi Pedunculus cereb Pons [Varoli] < Velum medul- lare anterius irebcllum Ventriculus quartus edulla oblongata Fig. 51. — Vertical median section of the adult human brain. (From Spalte- holz's Atlas.) SULCUS CINGUL1 (marginal portion) SCBPARIETA1. SULCUS PAKIETO-OCCin- TAL CENTRAL SULrrs (ROLAXHT) i MASS A WTBJUIEDU I SULCUS CIKGULt I dub/ron tal par lion) I sui.crx conpoRis CALLOSI HESEXCEPIIA LOU TVBBS CIXSBBVit \ ' POSTERIOR PAROLFACTORT SPtCls *SUH-CALLOSAL OYBUS (PBDVHCLE OF \ CORPUS CALLOSOIf) INFVUDIBULDM Fig. 52. — Vertical median surface of the adult human brain. (After Toldt, from Morris' Anatomy.) 120 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY The brain as a whole is the encephalon, and its chief divisions are indicated by prefixes having a topographic significance ap- plied to this word. In Fig. 48 the ventral part of the neural tube is shaded to indicate the region in which the motor centers of the adult brain are found. The unshaded part of the figure indi- cates the region devoted to the primary sensory centers and the Optic chiasma Infundibulum Left corpus mamillarc Substantia perforata posterior Pedunculus cerebri Olfactory bulb Olfactory tract Optic nerve Substantia perfora- ta anterior Optic tract Tuber cinereum Abducens nevre Hypoglossal nerve Trochlear nerve medius Glossopharyngeal nerve Vagus nerve Medulla oblongata Medulla spinalis (cut) Accessory nerve Hypoglossal nerve Fig. 53. — Ventral view of the adult human brain. Compare Fig. 41. (From Cunningham's Anatomy.) correlation centers related to them. The sensory and motor regions are separated in early embryologic stages by a longi- tudinal limiting sulcus (the sulcus limitans). Comparison with the figures of later stages which follow shows that the supra- segmental structures are developed wholly from the sensory region. Figures 49 and 50 illustrate later stages of develop- ANATOMY AND SUBDIVISION OF NERVOUS SYSTEM 121 ment and Fig. 51 the adult brain in median section. The exter- nal form of the adult brain is illustrated also in Figs. 52, 53, 54. TBAXS- TEKSB OCCIPI- TAL SOL- cvs Fig. 54. — View of the left side of the adult human brain. • Some of the principal sulci and gyri are named. The lateral cerebral fissure (sylvian fissure) is not named; it lies immediately above the gyrus temporalis supe- rior. (After Toldt, from Morris' Anatomy.) The following table summarizes the relations of the subdivis- ions of the brain (the ventricles of some of them being added in parentheses), to which a few comments are here added: Rhombencephalon, rhombic brain (fourth ventricle). Myelencephalon, medulla oblongata. Metencephalon. Cerebellum. Pons. Isthmus rhombencephali. Cerebrum. Mesencephalon, midbrain or corpora quadrigemina and cerebral peduncles (aqueduct of Sylvius). Prosencephalon, forebrain. Diencephalon, betweenbrain (third ventricle). Hypothalamus. Thalamus. Metathalamus. Epithalamus. Telencephalon, endbrain. Pars optica hypothalami. Hemisphseria, cerebral hemispheres (lateral ventricles). 122 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY The isthmus is a sharp constriction which separates the brain into two major divisions, the rhombencephalon behind and the cerebrum in front. In the B. N. A. 'table the isthmus is regarded as a transverse segment or ring; it might better be regarded simply as a plane of separation between the rhombencephalon and cerebrum. In the table the medulla oblongata is regarded as synonymous with myelencephalon, that is, the region between the pons and the spinal cord. The older usage, which is still widely current, regards the medulla oblongata as including everything between the isthmus and the spinal cord except the cerebellum dorsally and the fibers and nuclei of the pons and mid- dle peduncle of the cerebellum ventrally. This is the old or seg- mental part of the rhombencephalon, and the cerebellum and pons fibers related to it are added to this primitive medulla oblongata. The older usage is preferable to the B. N. A. division and will be adopted here, for the medulla oblongata as here defined is a structural and functional unit, whose form is not modified in those animals which almost totally lack the cere- bellum and its middle peduncle. The midbrain (mesencephalon) is the least modified part of the neural tube in the adult brain. The betweenbrain (diencephalon) has three principal divisions: (1) below is the hypothalamus; (2) above is the epithalamus; (3) between these is the thalamus which includes the thalamus and metathalamus of the table (see p. 167). The hypothalamus and epithalamus are highly developed in the lowest vertebrates and are related to the olfactory apparatus; in these brains the thalamus proper is very small, this part increasing in size in the higher animals parallel with the evolution of the cerebral cortex. The thalamus proper is really a sort of vestibule to the cere- bral cortex; all nervous impulses which reach the cortex, except those from the olfactory organs, enter it through the thalamus. The endbrain (telencephalon) includes the cerebral hemispheres and a very small part of the primitive unmodified neural tube to which the hemispheres are attached, this being the pars optica hypothalami of the table or, better, the telencephalon medium. If now we compare this subdivision of the human brain with our rough functional analysis of the fish brain (p. 112), we notice that the "ear brain" (acoustico-lateral area), "skin brain" or ANATOMY AND SUBDIVISION OF NERVOUS SYSTEM 123 "face brain" (general cutaneous area), and "visceral brain" (vis- ceral area) are all contained in the rhombencephalon, whose seg- mental or stem portion is made up of these centers and the corresponding motor centers. The same relations hold in the human brain, and in both cases the cerebellum (and in man the pons in the narrower sense in which I use that term) is added as a suprasegmental part. In both cases the "eye brain" includes the retina of the eye, the optic nerve, and a part of the roof of the midbrain. In the fish a very small part of the thalamus (not indicated on Figs. 43 and 44) also receives fibers from the optic nerve. In man this optic part of the thalamus is greatly enlarged, forming so large a part of that structure in fact that the thalamus as a whole is often called the optic thalamus. It should be remembered, however, that even in man the optic centers comprise only a part of the thalamus. The "nose brain" of the fish comprises most of the cerebral hemispheres (all except the small "somatic area" of Fig. 44), and all of the epithalamus and hypothalamus. In man these parts remain essentially un- changed, but the "somatic area" of the hemisphere has greatly enlarged to form the large corpus striatum and the enormous cerebral cortex, the latter forming the suprasegmental apparatus of the telencephalon, and greatly modifying the form relations of all adjacent parts. The details of the development of the brain lie outside the scope of this work, as also do the anthropological questions grow- ing out of the statistical study of brain weights1 and measure- ments. These and many other topics of fundamental impor- tance are presented in a very interesting way in Donaldson's book on The Growth of the Brain. Summary. — In all vertebrates the central nervous system is fundamentally a hollow dorsal tube in which the primary seg- mentation is subordinated to the development of important longitudinal correlation tracts and centers. This tube is en- larged at the front end to form the brain. The vertebrate brain may be divided on physiological grounds into great divisions, 1 The weight of the brain is exceedingly variable, even in a homogeneous population. The average weight of the normal adult European male brain is commonly stated to be 1360 grams (48 oz.), and that of the female 1250 grams (44 oz.). 124 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY first the brain stem, or primary segmental apparatus; and second the cerebellum and cerebral cortex, or suprasegmental apparatus. The brain stem and cerebellum are devoted chiefly to reflex and instinctive activities and constitute the "old brain" of Edinger. The cerebral cortex is devoted to the higher associations and individually acquired activities and is called the "new brain" by Edinger. No nervous impulses can enter the cortex without first passing through the reflex centers of the brain stem. In fishes the form of the brain is shaped almost wholly by the development of the reflex centers, and here these mechanisms can best be studied, each of the more obvious parts of the brain being dominated by a single system of sensori-motor reflex cir- cuits. The same pattern is preserved in the human brain, but much distorted by the addition of the centers of higher correla- tion. The terminology of the brain now in most common use is based on its embryological development, which is briefly re- viewed. LITERATURE BARKER, L. F. 1907. Anatomical Terminology, Philadelphia. DONALDSON, H. H. 1899. The Growth of the Brain, a Study of the Ner- vous System in Relation to Education, New York. EDINGER, L. 1908. The Relations of Comparative Anatomy to Com- parative Psychology, Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. xviii, pp. 437-457. HERRICK, C. JUDSON. 1910. The Morphology of the Forebrain in Amphibia and Reptilia, Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. xx, pp. 413-547. His, W. 1895. Die anatomische Nomenclatur: Nomina Anatomica, Archiv f. Anat. und Physiol., Anat. Abt., Supplement-Band. JOHNSTON, J. B. 1906. The Nervous System of Vertebrates, Philadel- phia. — . 1909. The Central Nervous System of Vertebrates, Ergebnisse und Fortschritte der Zoologie, Bd. 2 Heft 2, pp. 1-170. — . 1909. The Morphology of the Forebrain Vesicle in Vertebrates, Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. xix, pp. 457-539; also important papers on the same sub- ject in later volumes of The Journal of Comparative Neurology. KEIBEL, F., and MALL, F. P. 1912. Manual of Human Embryology, Philadelphia, vol. ii, pp. 1-156. KRAUSE, W. 1905. Handbuch der Anatomie des Menschen, mit einem Synonymenregister, auf Grundlage der neuen Baseler anatomischen Nomen- clatur, Leipzig. RETZIUS, G. 1896. Das Menschenhirn, 2 vols., Stockholm. SHERRINGTON, C. S. 1906. The Integrative Action of the Nervous Sys- tem, New York. CHAPTER VIII THE SPINAL CORD AND ITS NERVES THE spinal cord (medulla spinalis) is the least modified part of the embryonic neural tube, and the spinal nerves constitute the only part of the nervous system in which the primitive seg- Posterior divisio Rami communicantes Sympathetic ganglion Anterior cutaneous n. Fig. 55. — Diagram of a typical spinal nerve in the thoracic region. The spinal column and the muscles are shown in gray, the nerves and their ganglia in black. (Modified from Gray's Anatomy.) mental pattern is clearly preserved in the adult body (see p. 113) The spinal nerves are connected with the spinal cord in serial order, a pair of nerves for each vertebra of the spinal column (see Fig. 41, p. 107). 125 126 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY Each spinal nerve distributes efferent (motor) fibers to the muscles and afferent (sensory) fibers to the skin and deep tissues of its appropriate segment of the body, and through its connec- tions with the sympathetic nervous system it may effect various visceral connections (Figs. 55 and 56). The efferent fibers leave the cord through the ventral roots of the spinal nerves, these fibers arising from cells within the gray matter of the cord, and the afferent fibers enter through the dorsal roots, these Dorsal root Lateral column Ventral column . . , „ _ , . , Preganglionic fiber Ramus communicans Sympathetic ganglion — Postganglionic fiber Ventral root Visceral muscle Mucous membrane Fig. 56. — Diagram illustrating the composition of a typical spinal nerve in the thoracic region. The somatic sensory system is indicated by broken lines, the visceral sensory by dotted lines, the somatic efferent by heavy continuous lines, the visceral efferent by lighter continuous lines. (Compare Figs. 1 and 55.) fibers arising from cell bodies of the spinal ganglia (see Fig. 1, p. 25, and Figs. 55, 56). The fibers of the spinal nerves are chssi- fied in accordance with the same physiological criteria as their end-organs (see pp. 79-94, and compare the cranial nerves, pp. 143-150) into somatic afferent (or sensory), visceral afferent (or sensory), somatic efferent (or motor), and visceral efferent (or motor) systems (Fig. 56). In the spinal cord the originally wide cavity of the embryonic neural tube (see p. 116) is reduced to a slender central canal and THE SPINAL CORD AND ITS NERVES 127 the walls of the tube are thickened. The nerve-cells retain their primary position bordering the central canal, thus forming a mass of central gray matter which is roughly H -shaped in cross- section. This gray matter on each side is accumulated in the form of two massive longitudinal ridges, a dorsal column (columna dorsalis, or posterior horn), whose neurons receive terminals of the sensory fibers of the dorsal roots, and a ventral column (columna ventralis, or anterior horn) whose neurons give rise to the fibers of the ventral roots. The white matter of the spinal cord is superficial to the gray and is made up of sensory and motor root fibers of spinal nerves, ascending and descending correlation fibers putting different parts of the cord into functional connection, and longer ascend- ing and descending tracts by which the spinal nerve-centers are connected with the higher association centers of the brain. In general, the shorter fibers lie near to the central gray and the Ion7er tracts more superficially. The white matter which borders the gray in the spinal cord is more or less mingled with nerve-cells and fine unmyelinated endings, and thus shows under low powers of the microscope a reticulated appearance. This is the reticular formation (pro- cessus reticularis) of the cord (see pp. 65, 158, and Fig. 58). Immediately surrounding the reticular formation and partly embedded within it are myelinated fibers belonging to neurons intercalated between the sensory and the motor roots, which run for relatively short distances in an ascending or descending direction for the purpose of putting all levels of the cord into functional connection in the performance of the more complex spinal reflexes. These fibers form the deepest layer of the white matter and are termed the fasciculi proprii (dorsalis, lateralis, and ventralis, see Fig. 59). These fascicles are also called ground bundles and fundamental columns. In the narrow space between the ventral fissure and the cen- tral canal (see Fig. 58) there is a bundle of nerve-fibers which cross from one side of the spinal cord to the other. This is the ventral commissure. A similar but smaller dorsal commissure crosses immediately above the central canal. There is considerable confusion in the terminology in use in the further analysis of the spinal white matter, and the usage which follows differs 128 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY in some respects from most of the classical descriptions, no two of which agree among themselves. We shall limit the application of the term funiculus to the three major divisions of the white matter of each half of the spinal cord, viz., the dorsal funiculus bounded by the dorsal fissure and the dorsal root, the lateral funiculus lying between the dorsal and ventral roots, and the ventral funiculus between the ventral root and the ventral fissure (Fig. 57). Each funiculus may be divided in a purely topographic sense into fasciculi, or collections of nerve-fibers which occupy the same general region in the cross-section of the cord, such as the fasciculus gracilis of Goll and the fasciculus cuneatus of Burdach (which together make up the greater part of the funiculus dorsalis, see Figs. 57 and 59), and the superficial ventro- lateral fasciculus of Gowers (including among other tracts the spino- tectal tract and the ventral spino-cerebellar tract of Fig. 59) . These fasciculi are usually mixed bundles containing tracts of diverse functional types. Dorsal root Dorsal funiculus Dorsal column Lateral funiculus Lateral column Ventral column Ventral funiculus Ventral root Fig. 57. — Diagram of a cross-section through one-half of the spinal cord to illustrate the arrangement of the funiculi of white matter and the columns of gray matter. The true physiological units of the spinal white matter are the tracts, i. e., collections of nerve-fibers of similar functional type and connections. These tracts by some neurologists are termed fasciculi; and, like the other tracts of the central nervous system, they are, in general, named in accord- ance with the terminal relations of their fibers, the name of the location of their cells of origin preceding that of their place of discharge in a hyphenated compound word. Thus, the tractus cortico-spinalis arises from cells of the cerebral cortex (p. 140), and terminates in the spinal cord, and the tractus spino-cerebellaris arises in the spinal cord and terminates in the cerebellum (p. 130). But, as already stated, there is no uniformity in the nomenclature of these tracts and no two authorities agree exactly in the terminology adopted. Moreover, few of the tracts have clearly defined anatomical limits, in most cases the fibers of different systems being more or less mingled. The appearance of a cross-section through the spinal cord in the lower cervical (neck) region, after staining so as to reveal the arrangement of both the nerve-cells and the nerve-fibers, is seen THE SPINAL CORD AND ITS NERVES 129 in Fig. 58. Figure 59 illustrates diagrammatically the ar- rangement of the chief fiber tracts in the same region. The spinal cord has two main groups of functions, first, as a system of reflex centers for all of the activities of the trunk and limbs; second, as a path of conduction between these centers and the higher correlation centers of the brain. The former group is the more primitive, and there is evidence that in the Dorsal median septum Septum Dorsal lateral groove Dorsal nerve root Substantia gelatinosa Root-fibers entering gray matter Processus reticularia Central canal Nucleus from which \ motor fibers for muscles of upper limb arise Ventral white commis- sure Ventral nerve root Ventral median fissure Fig. 58. — Cross-section through the human spinal cord at the level of the fifth cervical nerve, stained by the method of Weigert-Pal, which colors the white matter dark and leaves the gray matter uncolored. (From Cunningham's Anatomy.) course of vertebrate evolution the higher centers, especially the cerebral hemispheres, exert an increasingly greater functional control over these reflex centers (see p. 280). The long conduc- tion paths between the spinal cord and the cerebral hemispheres are, accordingly, much larger in man than in lower vertebrates. It is impossible in the space at our disposal to summarize even the most important of the internal connections of the spinal nerves; we can only select a few typical illustrative examples. 9 130 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY Faac. Faac. cuneai Fasc. scpto-marg. Fasc. inter-fascie. Tr. cortico-spin. lat Tr. rubro-epin. Nuc. dorso-lat. Nuc. ventro-med. Nuc. ventro-lat. Tr. cortico-spin. ven . Tr. olivo-spinalis Tr. tecto-spinalis Tr. vestibulo-spin. Radix ventralis Radix dorsalis Fasc. dorso-lat. Tr. spino-cereb. dor. Columna dorsalis Fasc. proprius dors. Fasc. proprius lat. Tr. spino-cereb. ven. Tr. gpino-thalam. lat. Columna ventralis Tr. gpino-tectalis Tr. spino-thalam. ven. Tr. spino-olivaris Fasc. proprius ven. Fasc. sulco-marg. Fig. 59. — Diagram of a cross-section through the human spinal cord at the level of the fifth cervical nerve, to illustrate arrangement of the fiber tracts in the white matter and of the nerve-cells in the gray matter of the ventral column. On the right side the area occupied by the dorsal gray column (posterior horn) is stippled; on the left side some of the groups of cells of the ventral gray column (anterior horn) are indicated. In the white matter the outlines of some of the more important tracts are schematically indicated, ascending fibers on the right side and descending fibers on the left. The same area of white matter is in some cases shaded on both sides of the figure. This indicates that ascending and descending fibers are mingled in these regions. A list of the tracts here illustrated follows. The names here employed in some cases differ from those of the official German Anatomical Society list (see p. 115), the B. N. A. terms here being italicized. ASCENDING TRACTS Fasciculus gracilis (column of Goll) and fasciculus cuneatus (column of Burdach.) These are mixed bundles which in the aggregate make up the greater part of the dorsal funiculus (old term, posterior columns). They are made up chiefly of the ascending branches of dorsal root fibers (see Fig. 61 ), those in the gracilis from the sacral, lumbar, and lower thoracic nerves (S, L, T5-12), and those in the cuneatus from the upper thoracic and cervical nerves (Tl-4, C), as indicated in the figure. These fasciculi terminate respectively in the nuclei of the fasciculus gracilis (clava) and cuneatus (tuberculum cuneatum) at the lower end of the medulla oblongata (cf. Fig. 83), and conduct chiefly impulses of the proprioceptive reflexes and those concerned with sensations of posture, spatial discrimination, and the co- ordination of movements of precision (see pp. 137, 175). Fasciculus dorse-lateral is (tract of Lissauer, Lissauer's zone), made up chiefly of unmyelinated fibers from the dorsal roots, together with myelin- ated correlation fibers of the fasciculus proprius system. Tractus spino-cerebellaris dorsalis (fasciculus cerebeUo-spinalis, direct cerebellar tract, Flechsig's tract) . These fibers arise from the neurons of the nucleus dorsalis (Clarke's column of gray matter between the dorsal and ventral gray columns in the thoracic region, also called Stilling's nucleus) of the same side and enter the cerebellum by way of its inferior peduncle (corpus rcstiforme). Tractus spino-cerebellaris ventralis (part of Cowers' tract, or the fascicu- lus anlero-lateralis superficialis of the li. N . A .). These fibers also arise from the nucleus dorsalis of the same side (A. N. Bruce) in the lower levels of the THE SPINAL CORD AND ITS NERVES 131 spinal cord and enter the cerebellum by way of its superior peduncle (bra- chium conjunctivum) . The spinal lemniscus. Under this name are included several tracts to the midbrain and thalamus. These fibers arise from neurons of the dorsal gray column, cross in the ventral commissure, and ascend in the lateral and ventral funiculi of the opposite side, partly superficially mingled with those of the ventral spino-cerebellar tract and partly deeper in the fasciculus proprius. This system of fibers includes a tractus spino-tectalis to the roof (tectum) of the midbrain and a tractus spino-thalamicus to the ventral and lateral nuclei of the thalamus. The deeper fibers of the latter tract are arranged in two groups, the tractus spino-thalamicus lateralis for sensory impulses of temperature and pain, and the tractus spino-thalamicus ven- tralis for sensory impulses of touch and pressure (see p. 138, 173). Tractus spino-olivaris, fibers arising from the entire length of the spinal cord and terminating in the inferior olive (Goldstein). DESCENDING TRACTS Tractus cortico-spinalis (fasciculus cerebro-spinalis, pyramidal tract). This system of fibers conducts voluntary motor impulses from the precentral gyrus of the cerebral cortex to the motor centers of the spinal cord. It di- vides at the upper end of the spinal cord into two tracts, the larger division immediately crossing through the decussation of the pyramids to the oppo- site side of the spinal cord, where it becomes the tractus cortico-spinalis lateralis (fasciculus cerebro-spinalis laieralis, lateral or crossed pyramidal tract). A smaller number of these fibers pass downward into the spinal cord from the medulla oblongata without decussation to form the tractus cortico-spinalis ventralis (fasciculus cerebro-spinalis anterior, direct pyra- midal tract, column of Tiirck). These fibers cross in the ventral commis- sure a few at a time throughout the upper levels of the cord, and finally ter- minate in relation with the motor neurons of the opposite side. Both parts of the pyramidal tract, therefore, decussate before their fibers terminate. Tractus rubro-spinalis (tract of Monakow), from the nucleus ruber of the midbrain to the spinal cord, for thalamic and cerebellar reflexes. Tractus olivo-spinalis (Helwig's bundle, tractus triangularis), fibers de- scending from the inferior olive of the medulla oblongata to the lower cer- vical or upper thoracic segments of the spinal cord. Tractus tecto-spinalis (predorsal bundle, tract of Lowenthal), from the roof (tectum) of the midbrain to the spinal cord, chiefly for optic reflexes. Tractus vestibulo-spinalis, from the primary centers of the vestibular nerve in the medulla oblongata to the spinal cord, for equilibratory reflexes. The two tracts last mentioned, together with several others, compose the .fasciculus marginalis ventrahs. THE FASCICULUS PROPRIUS The fasciculus proprius system of fibers (also called ground bundles, basis bundles, and fundamental bundles) comprises chiefly short ascending and descending fibers arising from neurons of the spinal gray matter, for intrinsic spinal reflexes. In general, these fibers border the gray pattern, but in the dorsal funiculus some are aggregated in the tractus septo-marginalis and the fasciculus interfascicularis (comma tract, tract of Schultze), these two tracts also containing descending branches of the dorsal root fibers. Some fibers of the fasciculus proprius ventralis lie adjacent to the ventral fissure and are termed the fasciculus sulco-marginalis, these fibers forming the direct continuation into the cord of the fasciculus longitudinalis medialis (posterior longitudinal bundle) of the brain (see pp. 185, 211). 132 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY The sensory nerves which enter the spinal cord come either from the deep tissues or from the skin, and both of these types of nerves carry fibers of very diverse functional sorts belonging to the somatic sensory group, in addition to visceral fibers which will not be considered here. It will be recalled (see pp. 77, 79) that the general somatic sensory group includes: (1) propriocep- tive systems, concerned with motor coordination and the orien- tation of the body and its members in space (muscle sense, ten- don sense, etc.), and (2) exteroceptive systems, concerned with the relations of the body to its environment (touch, temperature, and pain sensibility). The first of these systems is served chiefly by the deep nerves, and the second chiefly by the cutane- ous nerves, though this is not rigidly true. In particular it should be noted that, even though the skin be completely anes- thetic, the nerves of deep sensibility can still respond not only to their proprioceptive functions, but also to the ordinary clinical tests for the exteroceptive qualities of touch, temperature, and pain, though with a higher threshold than in the case of the cutaneous end-organs of these senses. Henry Head and his colleagues have also separated the cuta- neous fibers into a protopathic group (including cutaneous pain, a diffuse non-localizable tactile sensibility, and the discrimina- tion of extreme degrees of temperature) and an epicritic group (light touch, cutaneous localization, discrimination of inter- mediate degrees of temperature and some others) ; but there is difference of opinion as to whether these groups represent two distinct sets of nerve-fibers or different stages in regeneration or different types of end-organs of the same fibers (see p. 84). Upon entering the spinal cord all of these functional types of fibers effect two sorts of connections: (1) for intrinsic spinal reflexes, and (2) for the transmission of their impulses upward to the higher centers of the brain. We shall first take up the in- trinsic connections. The simplest of these intrinsic connections is the direct motor reflex illustrated by Fig. 1 (p. 25), but there are many more complex forms of the connection between the dorsal and ven- tral roots, some of which are indicated in Figs. 60 and 61. In general, there is at least one neuron of the gray matter of the spinal cord interpolated between the dorsal and the ventral root THE SPINAL CORD AND ITS NERVES 133 neurons, and usually there is a complex chain of such neurons. As may be observed in Fig. 61, the dorsal root fiber imme- dorsal root ventral root Fig. 60. — Diagram of some of the types of connection between the sen- sory fibers of the dorsal root and the motor fibers of the ventral root in the spinal cord of the rabbit (chiefly after the researches of Philippson). The visceral connections are not included. 1. Collateral branches of the dorsal root fibers effect synaptic relations directly with dendrites of ventral column cells of the same or the opposite side. 2. Dendrites of ventral column cells may cross to the opposite side and here receive terminals of dorsal root fibers. 3. A correlation neuron may be intercalated between the two peripheral neurons in either of the first two cases. These neurons may have short axons for reflexes within a single segment (3a) or their axons may pass out into the white matter (fasciculus proprius) and extend for longer or shorter distances in either the ascending or the descending direction (or after branch- ing in both directions) for connections with more remote motor centers of the same or the opposite side (36, 3c). 4. The root-fibers arising from the cells of the ventral column themselves may give off collateral branches which return to the gray matter and there arborize about other cells of the ventral column belonging to different func- tional groups or about correlation cells, thus facilitating the coordinated contraction of several distinct muscles in the performance of some complex reaction. The neurons of the dorsal column apparently do not play an important role as intercalary elements in the simpler spinal reflexes. The axons of these cells are for the most part directed upward, after decussating in the ventral commissure, and are chiefly concerned with the transmission of nervous impulses from the spinal cord to the higher correlation centers of the brain. 134 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY diately upon entering the spinal cord divides into ascending and descending branches, and secondary branchlets are given off in large numbers from each of these, so that a single peripheral sensory neuron may discharge its nervous impulses into very many central neurons scattered throughout the entire length of the spinal cord. When to these numerous endings we add the countless ramifications of the correlation neurons, it is evident -spinal lemniscus correlation neuron 1 funiculus dorsalis sp.g.l correlation neuron, 2 sp.g.3 correlation neuron 3 ( ) spg.4 Fig. 61. — Diagram of the spinal cord reflex apparatus. Some of the con- nections of a single afferent neuron from the skin (d.r.2) are indicated : d.r.2, Dorsal root from second spinal ganglion ;m, muscles; sp.g.l to sp.g.4, spinal ganglia; v.r.l' to v.r.4, ventral roots. that even in the spinal cord, which is the simplest part of the central nervous system, there are reflex mechanisms of great complexity. Some of these have been analyzed. Sherrington, in his Integrative Action of the Nervous System, has presented a very clear analysis of the scratch reflex of the dog and the neural mechanisms involved. The mechanism of the locomotor reflexes has been studied physiologically and histologically by THE SPINAL CORD AND ITS NERVES 135 Steiner, Philippson, Polimanti, Herrick and Coghill, and very many others. Our most precise knowledge of the arrangement of the afferent and efferent myelinated fibers in the spinal roots has been gained by the application of Marchi's method (p. 48) to the study of degenerations following accidental .and experimental injuries. Nerve-fibers which have been cut off from their cells of origin degenerate within about two weeks after the injury. It is, therefore, possible by the microscopic study of a divided nerve with Marchi's method (which stains only the degenerating mye- linated fibers) to determine on which side of the injury are the cells of origin from which these fibers arise. Figure 62 illustrates the effects of section of the spinal roots made at four different places. In the first case section of the mixed trunk peripherally of the union of the dorsal and ventral roots is followed by degeneration of all of the myelinated fibers of the nerve-trunk, showing that the cell bodies of all of these fibers lie centrally of the injury. In the second case, section of the ventral root close to the spinal cord is followed by degenera- tion of all the fibers of this root without disturbance of those of the dorsal root, showing that the ventral root fibers arise as axons of cells within the spinal cord. In the third case section of the dorsal root fibers peripherally of the ganglion and before their union with those of the ventral root results in the degenera- tion of all of the fibers of the mixed nerve which arise in the spinal ganglion (sensory fibers), without loss of any motor fibers from the ventral root. In the fourth case section of the dorsal root on the central side of the ganglion is followed by degenera- tion of all myelinated fibers of the central stump of this root, but not of the peripheral part of the root or the spinal ganglion. This shows that the cells of origin of these fibers lie in the spinal ganglion and not, like those of the ventral root, within the spinal cord. The peripheral processes of these ganglion cells, there- fore, are dendrites, and the centrally directed processes which compose the dorsal roots are axons (cf. Fig. 1, p. 25, and Fig. 56, p. 126). Another useful method for the solution of problems of this character is the study of the fine structure of the cell bodies of the neurons after such experimental lesions as those just des- 136 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY cribed. Neurons whose peripheral fibers have been severed, thus cutting the cell body off from its usual avenue of functional discharge, within a few days thereafter undergo structural changes, chief of which is chromatolysis, or the solution and dis- appearance of the Nissl bodies (see p. 49). Thus, after cutting m ** Fig. 62. — Four sketches to illustrate the degenerations of somatic sensory and motor fibers which follow section of spinal nerve-roots indifferent places. Fibers separated from their cells of origin will degenerate, as shown in black (see the text, p. 135). a ventral spinal root (Fig. 62, II), a microscopic examination of the spinal cord will show the chromatolysis effect (see Fig. 13, p. 48) in every neuron in the ventral gray column which gives rise to a fiber of this root, while all of the other neurons will remain normal. Physiological experiments upon men and other animals where THE SPINAL CORD AND ITS NERVES 137 such injuries have taken place give the necessary control to con- firm the proof that efferent fibers leave the spinal cord through the ventral roots and afferent fibers enter through the dorsal roots, for the loss of ventral roots results in a motor paralysis of the muscles supplied by them, while the destruction of dorsal roots results in the loss of superficial and deep sensibility in the regions innervated, with no loss of motor function save for the imperfect coordination resulting from the loss of the sensory control through the proprioceptive system (ataxia). Turning now to the conduction paths between the spinal cord and the brain, we notice first that the reactions involved here may be performed either reflexly or consciously. In the latter case a connection with the cerebral cortex is to be expected; in the former case an infinite variety of reflex connections within the brain stem is possible. The sensory or ascending fibers which pass between the spinal cord and the brain may be classified as follows: I. Proprioceptive systems: 1. To the cerebellum (unconscious). 2. To the brain stem (unconscious). 3. To the thalamus and cerebral cortex (sensations of posture and spatial adjustment). II. Exteroceptive systems: 1. To the brain stem (unconscious). 2. To the thalamus and cerebral cortex (sensations of touch, tempera- ture, and pain). I. Proprioceptive Systems. — As soon as the afferent fibers of the spinal nerves have entered the spinal cord they are im- mediately segregated into proprioceptive and exteroceptive groups, as suggested by the analysis above (see Figs. 63, 64, 81, and 83). The proprioceptive fibers take quite different courses, depending upon whether they are directed into the cerebellar path or into the path to the brain stem and cerebral cortex. Some terminals of this system end in the gray matter between the dorsal and ventral columns (the nucleus dorsalis of Clarke, or Clarke's column, and adjacent regions), whose neurons send their axons into the dorsal and ventral spino-cerebellar tracts and finally into the cerebellum. The cerebellum is the great center of motor coordination, and these spino-cerebellar tracts are two 138 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY only out of a larger number of paths by which afferent spinal impulses may be discharged into it (see p. 188). The remaining proprioceptive fibers of the spinal roots are directed upward in the dorsal funiculus, of which they form the larger part. At the point where the spinal cord passes over into the medulla oblongata they terminate, and after a synapse here the neurons of the second order carry the impulse across to the opposite side of the brain and upward toward the thalamus in a tract known as the medial lemniscus or fillet (Fig. 64). After another synapse here, a final neuron may carry the nervous impulse forward to the cerebral cortex. This medial lemniscus system is largely concerned with unconscious motor adjustments involving the muscles of the trunk and limbs. Disturbance of its functions produces motor incoordination (ataxia), but not necessarily any great loss of exteroceptive sensations. So far as its functions come into consciousness, they are recognized as sen- sations of position, spatial localization, and motor control. II. Exteroceptive Systems. — The central course of the extero- ceptive fibers of the spinal nerves is quite different from that just described. Almost immediately after entering the spinal cord these fibers terminate among the neurons of the dorsal gray column. After a synapse here the fibers of the second order cross to the opposite side of the spinal cord, and here turn and ascend in the white matter of the lateral and ventral funiculi, where they form the spinal lemniscus, or tractus spino-thalamicus. Some fibers of the spinal lemniscus ascend throughout the entire length of the spinal cord, medulla oblongata, and midbrain, to end in the thalamus. In the upper part of their course these fibers accompany those of the medial lemniscus already des- cribed. Collateral connections are effected between the ascending fibers of the spinal lemniscus and the various motor nuclei of the brain for different cranial reflexes, such as turning the eyes in response to a cutaneous stimulation on the hand. But their final terminus is in the thalamus, and after a synapse here the nervous impulse may be carried forward to the cerebral cortex by neurons of the third order. The spinal lemniscus system is the chief ascending pathway for nervous impulses giving rise to consciousness of touch, temperature, and pain from the trunk THE SPINAL CORD AND ITS NERVES 139 and limbs. There is a similar but anatomically distinct path- way to the thalamus for cutaneous sensibility from the head, which is called the trigeminal lemniscus (see p. 180 and Figs. 64, 77, 81). Within the spinal cord the nerve-fibers of sensibility to pres- sure, pain, and temperature run in three distinct tracts of the i •Fasciculus graeilis "1 Vproprioceptive 'Fasciculus cuneatus j Dorsal spino-cere- bellar tract (pro- prioceptive) Nucleus dorsalis of Clarke Ventral spino-cere- bellar tract (pro- prioceptive) Spinal lemniscus (exteroceptive for pain, heat, and cold) Spinal lemniscus (exteroceptive for touch and pres- • sure) Fig. 63. — Diagram to illustrate the terminations within the spinal cord of some of the types of somatic sensory fibers and their secondary paths. The central connections of root fibers 1, 2, and 5 provide for proprioceptive responses; those of fibers 3 and 4, for exteroceptive responses. Root fiber 1 terminates in the nucleus of the fasciculus cuneatus of the same side at the upper end of the spinal cord and conveys impulses of muscular sensi- bility, sense of passive position and movement, and of spatial discrimina- tion. Root fiber 2 terminates in the nucleus dorsalis of Clarke (Clarke's column) and root fiber 5 in the same nucleus or adjacent parts of the gray substance. These fibers call forth unconscious cerebellar activity underly- ing the coordination and reflex tone of the muscles. Root fibers 3 and 4 terminate in the dorsal gray column and convey exteroceptive impulses. Fiber 3 typifies all fibers which carry sensibility of pain, heat, and cold; fiber 4, those which carry sensibility of touch and pressure. spinal lemniscus (the pain and temperature tracts very close together, see Figs. 59, 63, and 81), so that it occasionally hap- pens that one may be destroyed by accident or disease without affecting the other two. Thus, at the level of the fifth cervical vertebra the destruction of the pathway for touch and pressure (tractus spino-thalamicus ventralis of Fig. 59) would result in the total loss of both cutaneous and deep sensibility to pressure 140 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY over the whole of the opposite side of the body below the level of the injury, but there would be no disturbance of either tem- perature or pain sensibility. Similarly, by an injury of the trac- tus spino-thalamicus lateralis, pain or temperature sensibility might be lost with no disturbance of pressure sense. (For the description of a case of this sort see p. 173.) Such combinations of symptoms as just described could not occur from any form of injury to the peripheral nerves, for in these nerves the various kinds of fibers are all mingled in the larger trunks, so that one functional component cannot be in- jured without involvement of the others also. And at the first division of these trunks into deep and superficial branches each branch also carries all or nearly all of the functional systems (see pp. 79-84, 132). The return pathway for motor nervous impulses from the cerebral cortex is the cortico-spinal tract or pyramidal tract (Fig. 64), whose fibers descend without interruption from the precentral gyrus of the cerebral cortex (see p. 283) to the spinal cord, where they form the lateral and ventral cortico-spinal tracts (Fig. 59). The various reflex centers of the brain stem also send motor fibers downward into the cord for the excitation of movements of the trunk and limbs. The tecto-spinal tract (Fig. 59) is such a path, leading from the optic and acoustic centers of the midbrain, as is also the vestibulo-spinal tract, leading from the vestibular nuclei of the medulla oblongata (p. 176, Fig. 83, neuron 16). Summary. — The spinal nerves are segmentally arranged and are named after the vertebrae adjacent to which they emerge from the spinal canal of the vertebral column. Each nerve arises by a series of dorsal rootlets afferent in function and a series of ventral rootlets efferent in function. Most of the gray matter of the spinal cord is massed in two longitudinal columns on each side, for somatic sensory and somatic motor functions respectively. These are separated by an intermediate region containing the visceral sensory and motor centers and various correlation neurons. The white matter of the cord is superficial to the gray and contains myelinated fibers for various kinds of correlation, besides root-fibers of the spinal nerves. The white matter is divided topographically into funiculi and fasciculi and THE SPINAL CORD AND ITS NERVES 141 physiologically into tracts. The latter are the really significant units in the analysis of the cord. Peripherally, the spinal nerves divide into deep and superficial branches, and the latter contain, cerebral cortex trUjeminal lemniscus sKin medial lemniscus nucleus of dorsal funiculus spinal lemniscus ventral pyramidal tract dorsal funtcufus — lateral pyramidal tract spinal ganglion sKin muscle Fig. 64. — Diagram of the chief connections between the spinal cord and the cerebral cortex. The spinal lemniscus complex carries the ascending exteroceptive systems (touch, temperature, and pain) ; the dorsal funiculus and medial lemniscus complex carries chiefly ascending proprioceptive sys- tems (a nerve of muscle sense is the only member of this group included in the drawing) . The diagram also includes the sensory path from the skin of the head to the cerebral cortex through the V cranial nerve (trigeminus) and the trigeminal lemniscus (p. 157). The pyramidal tract (tractus cpr- tico-spinalis) is the common descending motor path for both exteroceptive and proprioceptive nervous impulses from the cerebral cortex. 142 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY according to Henry Head, protopathic and epicritic functional systems of fibers. As soon as the peripheral nerve-fibers have entered into the spinal cord they are segregated into proprio- ceptive and exteroceptive groups, and each of these again into particular functional tracts. There are connections for local spinal reflexes, reflexes of the brain stem and cerebellum, and for the cerebral cortex. The spino-cerebellar tracts and the dorsal funiculi are proprioceptive in function, and the spinal lemniscus carries spino-thalamic tracts of the systems of touch, temperature, and pain sensibility for the cerebral cortex. LITERATURE BARKER, L. F. 1901. The Nervous System and Its Constituent Neu- rones, New York. BROUWER, B. 1915. Die biologische Bedeutung der Dermatomerie. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Segmentalanatomie und der Sensibilitatsleitung im Rlickenmark und in der Medulla Oblongata, Folia Neuro-biologica, Bd. 9, pp. 225-336. BRUCE, A. 1901. A Topographic Atlas of the Spinal Cord, London. BRUCE, A. N. 1910. The Tract of Cowers, Quart. Journ. Exp. Physiol., vol. iii, pp. 391-407. HEAD, H., RIVERS, W. H. R., and SHERREN, J. 1905. The Afferent Nervous System from a New Aspect, Brain, vol. xxviii, pp. 99-115. HEAD, H., and THOMPSON, T. 1906. The Grouping of the Afferent Impulses Within the Spinal Cord, Brain, vol. xxix, p. 537. HERRICK, C. JUDSON, and COGHILL, G. E. 1915. The Development of Reflex Mechanisms in Amblystoma, Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. xxv, pp. 65-85. PHILIPPSON, M. 1905. L'autonomie et la centralisation dans le systeme nerveux des animaux, Paris. POLIMANTI, O. 1911. Contributi alia fisiologia del sistema nervoso cen- trale e del movimento dei pesci, Zool. Jahrb., Abt. f. Zool. u. Physiol., Bd. 30, pp. 473-716. RIVERS, W. H. R., and HEAD, H. 1908. A Human Experiment in Nerve Division, Brain, vol. xxxi, p. 323. SHERRINGTON, C. S. 1906. The Integrative Action of the Nervous Sys- tem. New York. STEINER, J. 1885. Die Functionen des Centralnervensystems und ihre Phylogenese. I. Abteilung. Untersuchungen iiber die Physiologic des Froschhirns, Braunschweig. — . 1888. Idem. II. Abteilung, Die Fische. — . 1900. Idem. IV. Abteilung, Reptilien-Ruckenmarksreflexe, Ver- mischtes. — . 1886. Ueber das Centralnervensystem der grunen Eidechse nebst weiteren Untersuchungen iiber das des Haifisches, Sitzb. k. Akad. Wiss., Berlin, p. 541. CHAPTER IX THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA AND CEREBELLUM THE brain contains a series of primary sensory and motor centers related to the cranial nerves (see p. 109), the correlation mechanism which serves these sensori-motor centers, and an extensive system of conduction pathways between the brain and spinal cord and between the various correlation centers of the brain itself. The brain is divided into two principal parts by a constriction in front of the cerebellum and pons, the isthmus (see p. 122). Above this level lies the cerebrum and below it the rhomben- cephalon, comprising the medulla oblongata or bulb and the cerebellum. The medulla oblongata contains the primary centers concerned with most of the simpler cerebral reflexes, especially those of the visceral, general cutaneous, auditory, and proprioceptive systems (see pp. 112 and 123). The cerebellum is a suprasegmental apparatus developed phylogenetically and embryologically out of the more primitive bulbar nuclei of the vestibular nerve, i. e., out of the acousti co-lateral area of fishes (Figs. 43 and 44, pp. Ill, 112, and Fig. 68). The olfactory nerve (I pair), the so-called optic nerve (II pair), and the auditory nerve (VIII pair) are special sensory nerves, whose central connections will be described more in detail below. The remaining nine pairs of cranial nerves of the human body may be briefly summarized as follows: The oculomotor nerve (III pair), trochlear nerve (IV pair), and abducens (VI pair) contain the somatic motor fibers and fibers of muscle sense related to the six muscles which move the eyeball. The III pair also contains vis- ceral motor fibers for the ciliary ganglion, from which are innervated the muscles of the ciliary process and iris within the eyeball, i. e., the muscles of accommodation. The trigeminal nerve (V pair) supplies general sensibil- ity to the skin and deep tissues of the face and the motor innervation of the muscles of mastication. The facial nerve (VII pair) innervates the taste- buds of the anterior two-thirds of the tongue (special visceral sensory fibers), the sublingual and submaxillary salivary glands (general visceral efferent 143 144 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY fibers), and the muscles related with the hyoid bone and the superficial facial muscles or muscles of facial expression, these two groups of muscles belonging to the series of special visceral muscles (p. 94). The glosso- pharyngeal nerve (IX pair) supplies fibers to the taste-buds on the posterior third of the tongue (special visceral sensory), also general sensibility to this region, motor fibers for the stylopharyngeus muscle (special visceral motor), and excito-glandular fibers for the parotid salivary gland (general visceral efferent). It also cooperates with the vagus nerve in innervating the skin about the external auditory canal (by the auricular branch of the vagus). The vagus nerve (X pair) is very complex. In addition to the general so- matic sensory fibers of the auricular branch, which have just been men- tioned, it contains general visceral sensory fibers from the pharynx, lungs, stomach, and other abdominal viscera, and visceral efferent fibers of several sorts to the pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestines, lungs, heart, and arteries. The peripheral and central courses of most of these functional systems have been accurately determined, but are far too complex for sum- mary here. The accessory nerve (XI pair) contains two parts: (1) the bulbar part, which should be regarded as nothing other than detached filaments of the vagus, for all of these fibers peripherally join vagus branches, (2) the spinal part, which arises by numerous rootlets from the upper levels of the spinal cord and participates in the innervation of two of the muscles of the shoulder (the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles). The hu- man hypoglossus nerve (XII pair) is a modified derivative of the first spinal nerve of lower vertebrates. It has lost its sensory fibers and innervates a special part of the tongue musculature. All of the nerves of the preceding list except the I, II, III, and IV pairs connect with the medulla oblongata. In the dogfish we have seen that this region of the brain presents special emi- nences which form respectively the terminal nuclei of the acoustic (and lateral line), cutaneous, and visceral (including gustatory) sensory systems (see p. 112 and Figs. 42^14). The primary motor centers lie ventrally of these sensory areas. The cranial nerves are usually described in our text-books as if they were segmental units like the spinal nerves (see p. 125). This was, in fact, the primitive condition; but in all vertebrate animals this segmental pattern has been greatly modified in such a way as to facilitate the discharge into the brain of all sensory fibers of like physiological type into a single center. These physiological systems are, accordingly, the most useful units of structure in the cranial nerves. Each cranial nerve may contain several of these functional systems, and no two pairs of cranial nerves have the same composition. The components of the cranial nerves, like those of the spinal nerves (p. 126), are named in accordance with the same physiological criteria as their end-organs (see pp. 79-94). THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA AND CEREBELLUM 145 A functional system may be defined as the sum of all the neurons in the body which possess certain physiological and anatomical characters in common so that they may react in a common mode. Morphologically, each system of peripheral nerves is defined by the terminal relations of its fibers — by the organs with which they are related peripherally and by the centers in which the fibers arise or terminate. A single periph- eral nerve may contain several of these systems. It becomes necessary, therefore, to analyze the root complex of each pair of spinal and cranial nerves into its components, and to trace not only the central connections of these components within the spinal cord and brain, but also their peripheral courses as well. In other words, the description of any given nerve or ramus is not complete when we have given its point of origin from the nerve- trunk, root, or ganglion, the details of its devious courses, and the exact points where the several ramuli terminate. In addi- tion to this it is necessary to learn what functional systems are represented in each ramus and the precise central and peripheral relations of each system. Each of the four primary divisions of the spinal nerves (somatic sensory and motor, visceral sensory and motor, see p. 126) is represented in the head region in the same primitive unspecialized form as seen in the spinals, and also by specialized systems found only in one or more cranial nerves. This gives eight groups of functional systems represented in the cranial nerves, as follows: 1. General somatic afferent nerves, supplying (1) general exteroceptive sensibility to the skin and the underlying tissues, and (2) deep propriocep- tive sensibility to the muscles, tendons, etc. Type 1 is represented in the V, IX, and X nerves, and in some lower vertebrates in the VII nerve also (there is some clinical evidence for its presence in the VII nerve of man) ; type 2 is represented in the III, IV, V, VI nerves and probably in some of the others also. 2. Special somatic afferent nerves, for the innervation of highly differ- entiated sense organs. Here belong in the exteroceptive series the coch- lear branch, and in the proprioceptive series the vestibular branch of the VIII pair. The lateral line nerves of fishes belong here, and probably the visual organ connected with the II pair in all vertebrates (though the so- called optic nerve is not a true nerve, see p. 204). 3. General somatic efferent nerves, supplying the general skeletal muscu- lature of the body. In fishes this system is represented in several cranial nerves in addition to the spinalis, but in man it is lost in the cranial nerves, unless, as some believe, a part of the fibers of the XI pair belong here. 10 146 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY ONENTS CHIEF BRANCHES. IP ? I !>! -a > f ft ft -ftc 3 -0 v o-2 _a *3 g os ,2*2 ti 1 fc I iti I ! 1 1} 11 1 if- 5 -n nil las is ;j 5 jljl' 1 1 I-* I | I § t|||l | i II! ill j I ! Jill i H lip HE iifliili "i i ilpillfl 1 o faffijoay ^3(o.>)oiD.H. ^3 S ^^gj > I § •- -| » s s « os ^^^^^'g g l^^.S-o.S.S tf X a H •3 o o o g I -2 .2 .2 8 I -2 .2 .2 .2 w i i ii >< 1 )F CRANIAL CELLS OF ORIGIN. Sis § a JS •-"^ .2 13 S 73-a -a « i^' § a s S w a S> 3 a 6§ S -%*+. » - S 0--E S3« ... gu S a a jlj Hi J j 11 jft J! j } i TABLE ( CHIEF FUNCTIONS. i i a^JSg. 53 , 1 j ^ I 1 |I|||» 1 1 * Ii | J o^'S'Sj ojs.0 § o ^E£toJ^J | £g g-sga )NENTS. 3 — o o o - — — "2 5 « 2 '-g * 3 B 'ii *-S *"§ * *2 ** "2 3 • 6 H 6 9 S 8 • v mv QQ.i'-i"'i-«oO2 O CQ--"* w --im X 1 > g i c a c_^ c_^ a ° c^ a > a ^ a °cj!ejl« >« _^a'>a (CMcoOOtcOM O (»OO ce Ota NERVES. d > s THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA AND CEREBELLUM 147 \\ Q •g CC 03 -g a a .- s '8 o i eS 0> &H M-I OJ ?! 31 OJ ^ PJ "oQ B S JS g o o S. J3£ § -"3 i C 0) 0) a a M ,*5 13 * J3 ja a S .a .2 o --• J3 g -g > > O X OS a "3 OJ J2 'Si 1 distributed i of the pharyi -2 •O § 31 in rami co lia nerves c connection s^ 0 0 -I .2 '-C cochleae llionic fibers sal nerves; i to parotid gl stylopharynj rral, lingual, arious symp lingualis IX auricularis ^ x oo -g a s* £3,5 OJ XTJ S*J Is ftcfg-g ftj s^r.l* y in internal auricularis v t-t V £ •^ | ted muscles to trapeziv es )ssus nerve ir branches o ••* a »«S 49 3 fl ^ sympatheti :unicantes a)'-1 SB bC ^ CO O ^ o 00 0 S a g fl 2 > a §.§ 2 a> a >,T3 3 «2S ^ * OS h *" on o o *•— M WS-e > M •s§l||1§ OS &fl 83 — i JS £ s as t£ fl oS a £ ij Nil s E ||| 11 •eg J2 4) *H 02 y, 55CL, (2 £ « o — «) ta « fi « fL, EH P4 W S £ O > >g X X a " ' , in « a o O *H ao >=< > > .2 s G x a " 3 3 § 'C z o o o •a .• i Ji 2 •a 80 o -3 5 6 C3 T3 T3 g B[*J OS O O r* ~ § « « -a g-s§ Z O CO P Z STS |SS °— '"o ^ r: — S5 C 5 c a E 3 £ 3-3 r, -2 w .S— Si— 9 3 g 3r3 r3 o •^ •3 *M "3 - IH •a _o Is E •a 2 , o 05 '3 •a C) *-^ o ^-* .2 'S g 'I g la OS a g*A I fe OJ V U 7. .£ -—-—-, b< V ^.s 03 S - ~ 1 | | £ 03 g g "* +2 O \ ^ -7 m 1 a 8 a 8 1^ 2«3'S *> o— -g« la" S ^ fl >• g^; = > ? — 1-1 — * £13 £ V fl ^ •3 £13 ?J^ c'>fl a fl_, flj, fl^ flj, g CO *"* . .2 c; c IG S *t1 ^ tc 2 *~~ ^ — - £- r- tt3 '^ ta ^ fe ' w te ** C x C '^ t£3 'Etc Ste Sic Ste Site __Q d01 O s,«§ w O s> - £ •o C3 g 0) o g «J g 03 M O s.«§ w O o QJ O CJ cc gcgojgojgosgos co O O O O 4J CO 03 : 8 ' "at |gl > fc ^ R a -2S •« d> S 00 ^£ -is S 33 '& « o 148 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY 4. Special somatic efferent nerves, supplying two groups of highly special- ized somatic muscles, namely, the external eye muscles and a part of the tongue muscles. They arise from a ventro-medial series of motor nuclei and are represented in the III, IV, VI, and XII pairs. 5. General visceral afferent nerves, innervating visceral mucous surfaces without highly differentiated sense organs. They distribute through the sympathetic nervous system and are represented in the VII, IX, and X pairs and perhaps in some others. 6. Special visceral afferent nerves, for the innervation of specialized sense organs serving the senses of taste and smell. The gustatory fibers are represented in the VII, IX, and X pairs. The olfactory nerve (I pair) is probably a more highly differentiated member of this group (see pp. 91 and 215). 7. General visceral efferent nerves, for unstriped involuntary visceral muscles, heart muscle, glands, etc., distributing through the sympathetic nervous system. These fibers (preganglionic fibers of Langely, p. 229) are present in the III, VII, IX, X, and XI pairs. 8. Special visceral efferent nerves, supplying highly specialized striated muscles of a different origin (both embryologically and phylogenetically) from the striated trunk muscles. These muscles are connected with the visceral or facial skeleton of the head and are derived from the gill muscles of fishes. These nerves in the adult body resemble those of the somatic motor system, save that they arise from a different series of motor nuclei in the brain (the ventro-lateral motor column) . They have no connection with the sympathetic nervous system and are represented in the V, VII, IX, X, and XI pairs. In the preceding Table of Nerve Components (pages 146, 147) the sev- eral cranial nerves are analyzed and compared with a typical spinal nerve. The various functional systems of the head tend to be con- centrated in one or a few cranial nerves for ease of central corre- lation, and even in case a given system is represented in several nerves, the fibers of this system may converge within the brain to connect with a compact center. This is well illustrated by the gustatory and acoustico-lateral systems of the cranial nerves of the fish, Menidia, as shown in Fig. 65. Here the gustatory sys- tem (indicated by cross-hatching) is present in the VII, IX, and X cranial nerves, and all of these fibers, together with other visceral fibers, converge within the brain to enter the visceral sen- sory area in the vagal lobe (lob.X.). Similarly, the lateral line components of the VII and X nerves and the VIII (printed in solid black) converge to enter the acoustico-lateral area in the tuberculum acusticum (t.a.}. The general cutaneous fibers enter by the V and X nerves, and all of these fibers enter the spinal V tract (sp.V.). In the paragraphs which follow the chief central connections (terminal nuclei of the sensory systems and nuclei of origin of the motor systems, see THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA AND CEREBELLUM 149 p. 108) of some of the cranial nerve components are summarized (see Fig. 71). For the details of these connections the larger text-books of neurology should be consulted. 1 . General Cutaneous System (part of the general somatic afferent, repre- sented in the V, IX, and X nerves). — Chief sensory V nucleus and spinal V nucleus, or gelatinous substance of Rolando of the medulla oblongata. AcA Fig. 65. — A diagram of the sensory components of the cranial nerves of a fish, Menidia. The brain is outlined as seen from the right side with heavy black lines. The general cutaneous nerves (somatic sensory) are outlined with finer lines (unshaded), and all of these fibers are seen to enter a longi- tudinal tract within the brain, the spinal trigeminal tract (sp.V.). The special somatic sensory (acoustic and lateral line) nerves (black) converge within the brain to a special center, theacoustico-lateral area, or tuberculum acusticum (t.a.). The visceral sensory fibers (cross-hatched) likewise all converge to a special center, the lobus vagi (lob.X.). Reference letters: b.c.l to b.c.5, gill clefts; br.g.X., branchial ganglia of X nerve; cil.g., ciliary ganglion ; d.l.g. VII., dorsal lateral line ganglion of VII nerve; f.c., fasciculus solitarius; gen.g.VIL, geniculate ganglion of VII nerve; IX., glossopharyngeal nerve; jug.g., jugular ganglion of X nerve; lob.X., lobus vagi (visceral sensory area); n.I., olfactory nerve; n.IL, optic nerve; n.IIL, oculomotor nerve;, ramus ophthalmicus profundus; pal., palatine branch of VII nerve; r. cut. dors. X., dorsal cutaneous branch of X nerve; r.intest.X., intestinal branch of X nerve;, ramus lateralis ac- cessorius of VII nerve;, lateral line branch of X nerve; r.oph.sup.V + VIL, superficial ophthalmic branch of V and VII nerves; r.ol., ramus oticus;, supratemporal branch of X nerve; r.VII.p-t., pretrematic branch of VII nerve; sp.V., spinal trigeminal tract; La.,- tuberculum acusti- cum (acoustico-lateral area);, hyomandibular trunk; t.inf., infra- orbital trunk; VIII., auditory nerve; v.l.g.VIL, ventral lateral line gan- glion of VII nerve. 150 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY 2. Special Somatic Afferent Systems. — (1) Vestibular nuclei; (2) cochlear nuclei; (3) optic tectum in the colliculus superior, optic part of the thala- mus (lateral geniculate body and pulvinar). 3. General Somatic Efferent System. — Not represented in the human cranial nerves. 4. Special Somatic Efferent Systems (III, IV, VI, and XII nerves). — A series of ventral motor nuclei in the midbrain and medulla oblongata. 5 and 6. General and Special Visceral Afferent Systems (VII, IX, and X nerves). — All of the fibers concerned with general visceral sensibility and taste enter a single longitudinal tract, the fasciculus solitarius, and termin- ate in the nucleus which accompanies this fasciculus. (The olfactory nerve and its cerebral centers probably should also be included here.) 7. General Visceral Efferent Systems (III, VII, IX, X, and XI nerves). — These are preganglionic fibers of the sympathetic system and arise from laterally placed nuclei (except that of the III nerve, which is joined to the ventral somatic motor nucleus) . 8. Special Visceral Efferent Systems (V, VII, IX, X, and XI nerves). — A series of lateral motor nuclei of the medulla oblongata. The spinal nerves, as we have seen, enter the spinal cord by a series of segmentally arranged roots. Within the spinal cord, Somatic sensory column Dorsal funiculus Visceral sensory column / f^>V"\5A^---^ V~~ Dorsal column V menu motor column _ ^^, , „„ ^_, ' Lateral column Somatic motor column . ' Ventral column Fig. 66. — Diagrammatic transverse section through the spinal cord of a fish (Menidia) to illustrate the relations of the functional columns of the gray matter to the nerve roots. The relations of the visceral sensory component are problematical, and fibers of the visceral motor component probably emerge with the dorsal root, as well as with the ventral root, though only the latter are included in the diagram. however, their components are rearranged in longitudinal col- umns which cut across and obscure the primary segmentation. The sensory root-fibers and their terminal gray centers occupy the dorsal part of the spinal cord and the motor roots and their centers the ventral part (Figs. 66 and 67). In the brain the same arrangement prevails, the sensory centers lying dorsal to the motor. In the cranial nerves, moreover, the four primary groups of functional systems of the peripheral nerves are more clearly differentiated than in the spinal nerves, and from this THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA AND CEREBELLUM 151 it follows that their primary centers are correspondingly highly developed and distinct. The medulla oblongata, in fact, is divided into four longitudinal columns related respectively to the great primary groups of functional systems. In fishes, where the amount of correlation tissue is less than in man, these four primary columns appear as well-defined ridges in the wall of the fourth ventricle. An enlarged view of the medulla oblongata of the sturgeon, which is very similar to that of the dogfish, is seen in Fig. 68, which also illustrates the arrangements of the primary sensory and motor centers in cross-section at several different levels. Somatic sensory column Visceral sensory column Visceral motor column Somatic motor column Fig. 67. — Diagrammatic transverse section through the human spinal cord. Compare Figs. 56 to 59 and note the relatively greater size of the dorsal gray columns and dorsal funiculi in man than in the fish (Fig. 66). This is correlated with the greater importance in man of the ascending connections between the cord and the brain (see p. 129). Figure 69 shows a cross-section through the medulla oblongata in the region of the vagus nerve in another fish, the sea-robin. In all of these cases the four principal functional systems (see pp. 76 and 79-94) are arranged in longitudinal columns from the dorsal to the ventral surface in the order: somatic sensory, visceral sensory, visceral motor, and somatic motor centers, as indicated diagrammatically on the left side of Fig. 69. The arrangement of the peripheral nerve-fibers of these systems is indicated on the right side. Figure 70 illustrates a cross-section through the corresponding region of the medulla oblongata in an early human embryo, where the same general arrangement of the sensori-motor centers is evident. 152 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY Lobus lines latcralis Fasc. long, med Lobus visceralis -J Fig. 68. — The medulla oblongata and cerebellum of the lake sturgeon (Acipenser rubicundus) to show the longitudinal columns which have been differentiated in correlation with the peripheral functional systems. Com- pare Figs. 43 and 44 and note that the "Lobus lineae lateralis" and "Tu- berculum acusticum" of this figure together correspond to the "acoustico- lateral area" of the dogfish. A is a dorsal view with the membranous roof of the fourth ventricle removed to show the longitudinal columns within the ventricle. B, C, and D are sketches of cross-sections at the levels indicated in which the four functional columns are diagrammatically shaded, the somatic motor by white circles, the visceral motor by white rectangles, the visceral sensory by oblique cross-hatching, and the somatic sensory by vertical cross-hatching. The Roman numerals refer to the cranial nerves. (From Johnston's Nervous System of Vertebrates.) THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA AND CEREBELLUM 153 Figure 71 gives a view of the adult human medulla oblongata and midbrain after the removal of the cerebellum and mem- Somatic sensory column X? Visceral sensory col Visceral motor column Somatic motor column Acoustic area pinal V tract Vagal lobe Nucleus ambiguus Cutaneous root X Visceral sensory root Visceral motor root 2 Reticular formation Ventral column Spinal nerve (XII) Fig. 69. — Diagrammatic cross-section through the medulla oblongata at the level of the vagus nerve in a bony fish (the sea-robin, Prionotus caro- linus), to illustrate the arrangement of the four principal functional columns. branous roof of the fourth ventricle. (For the form of the ob- longata, as seen from the side and from below, see Figs. 45 and 53.) In this figure the positions of the primary sensory and Roof plate Fourth ventricle SZ /i^-X Somatic sensory column Visceral sensory column Visceral motor column Somatic motor column Floor plate Fig. 70. — Diagrammatic cross-section through the medulla oblongata at the level of the vagus nerve of a human embryo of 10.2 mm. (fifth week), to illustrate the arrangement of the four principal functional columns. (Compare Fig. 69.) motor nuclei are drawn as projected upon the dorsal surface, the motor centers on the left and the sensory centers on the right. The somatic motor nuclei are indicated by circles, the 154 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY general visceral motor nuclei by small dots, the special visceral motor nuclei by large dots, the visceral sensory nuclei by double Trigonum hypoglossi Nuc. spinalia V Nuc. com. Cajal Fig. 71. — Dorsal view of the human midbrain and medulla oblongata after the removal of the cerebellum and the roof of the fourth ventricle, with the positions of the cranial nerve nuclei projected upon the surface. The motor nuclei are indicated on the left side and the sensory nuclei on the right. The somatic motor nuclei are indicated by circles, the general vis- ceral efferent nuclei by small dots, and the special visceral efferent nuclei by large dots. The general somatic sensory area is indicated by horizontal lines, the visceral sensory area by double cross-hatching, and the special somatic sensory area by open stipple. (Compare Figs. 77, 86, and 114.) n.IV, Nervus trochlearis;, the commissural nucleus of Ram6n y Cajal ; nuc.III E-W ., the small-celled visceral motor nucleus of the III nerve, or nucleus of Edingor-Westphal; nuc.III lat., lateral nucleus of III nerve; nuc. Ill med., medial nucleus of III nerve; nuc. IV, nucleus of IV nerve; nuc.mesenc. V, me-;encephalic nucleus of V nerve; nuc.mot.V, motor nucleus of V nerve; nuc.mot.V II , chief motor nucleus of VII nerve; nuc.sal. inf., nucleus salivatorius inferior; nuc.sal.sup., nucleus salivatorius superior; nuc.sensor.V, chief sensory nucleus of V nerve; nuc.VJ, nucleus of VI nerve; nuc. XII, nucleus of XII nerve; n.V, nervus trigeminus. THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA AND CEREBELLUM 155 cross-hatching, the general somatic sensory nuclei by single cross-hatching, and the cochlear and vestibular nuclei (special somatic sensory) by open stipple bounded by heavy lines. Figure 72 illustrates the appearance of a cross-section through the adult human medulla oblongata at the level of the roots of the IX nerve, and Fig. 73 presents an analysis of a section slightly nearer the spinal cord at the level of the X nerve. Fig- ure 74 is a diagrammatic representation of the relations of the Vagoglossopharyngeal roots Nucleus of the Restifonn | fasciculus solitarius botiy I Tsenia Vagus nucleus Fasciculus solitarius Descending root of vestibu- lar nerve (VIII) Vago-glossophar- yngeal roots Fasc. long, medialis uc. spinal V. jsr- \ tract 1 Spinal V. tr. i. ambiguus Olivo-cereb. tract •orsal acces. olive External arcuate fibers Medial lemniscus Medial acces. olive Inferior olive Pyramid External arcuate fibers Fig. 72. — Cross-section through the adult human medulla oblongata at the level of the IX cranial nerve. (From Cunningham's Anatomy.) four principal functional systems at the same level as shown by Fig. 73 for comparison with Figs. 66, 67, 69, 70. It is obvious that, while the general relations in the human embryo (Fig. 70) resemble tolerably closely those of the adult fish (Fig. 69), in a human adult (Fig. 74) this primary arrangement has been greatly disturbed by the addition of many new tracts and cen- ters in the ventral part of the cross-section. 156 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY We cannot here undertake an analysis of the complex reflex connections of the medulla oblongata. In general, each of the Nuc. dorsalis vagi Nuc. fasc. solitari Fasc. solitarius Nuc. fasciculus cuneatus Nuc. XII Spinal V nuc. Spinal V tr, Nuc. sal. inf. X root Nuc. ambiguus Reticular formation Inferior olive XII root Ala cinerea Trigonum hypoglossi Nuc. vestibularis spinalis Fasc. long. med. Lemniscus V Fig. 73. — Diagrammatic cross-section through the human medulla oblongata at the level of the vagus nerve, illustrating details of functional localization in addition to those shown in Fig. 72. Visc. mot. col. Som. mot. col. Area acustica Nuc. fasc. sol. Nuc. dors. X Fasc. solitarius Cor. restiforme Spinal V tract Cutan. root X Vise. sens, root X Vise. mot. root X Nuc. ambiguus Reticular form. Inferior olive XII root Fig. 74. — Diagrammatic cross-section through the adult human medulla oblongata at the same level as shown in Fig. 73, for comparison of the arrangement of the principal functional columns with that of Figs. 69 and 70. primary terminal nuclei of the sensory roots of the cranial nerves effects four types of connections: (1) direct reflex connections THE MEDULLA OBLONG ATA AND CEREBELLUM 157 with the motor nuclei of the medulla oblongata, these connec- tions being effected through the reticular formation (Figs. 69, 73) ; (2) descending reflex connections with the motor centers of the spinal cord, by way of the bulbo-spinal tracts (such as the vestibulo-spinal tract, Fig. 59); (3) connections with the cere- bellum (this applies only to such functional systems as have pro- prioceptive value, of which the vestibular nerve from the semi- circular canals of the ear is the most important) ; (4) connections with the thalamus and (after a synapse here) with the cerebral cortex. The fibers of the type last mentioned comprise the bulbar lemniscus (Figs. 64, 77) ; of this there are several distinct parts, two of which require special mention, viz., the trigeminal lem- niscus and the lateral lemniscus. The skin of the head is inner- vated chiefly by the trigeminal nerve (V pair) and the fibers of this type terminate in the general somatic sensory area (known as the chief sensory V nucleus and the spinal V nucleus or gelatinous substance of Rolando, Figs. 71-74). After a synapse in this area the fibers of the trigeminal lemniscus cross to the opposite side and ascend to the thalamus in a pathway distinct from all other lemniscus fibers (see p. 180 and Figs. 64, 75, 77, 78, 81). The lateral or acoustic lemniscus comprises by far the largest component of the bulbar lemniscus complex. Its fibers arise from the terminal nuclei of the cochlear nerve (VIII pair, Fig. 71), cross at once to the opposite side of the brain, and ascend to the midbrain (Fig. 75). Some of these fibers continue di- rectly to the thalamus, where they end in the medial geniculate body (Fig. 77); others terminate in the roof of the inferior colliculus of the midbrain. After a synapse here and various reflex connections, the nervous impulse may be carried forward to the medial geniculate body of the thalamus by way of the brachium quadrigeminum inferius (Figs. 75, 86). (Regarding this system see further on pp. 195-203.) In fishes there is an ascending secondary visceral and gusta- tory tract, or visceral lemniscus, from the visceral sensory area to the midbrain (p. 246) ; this tract no doubt occurs in the human brain also, though its exact course has never been demonstrated. Having now reviewed cursorily the primary sensory and motor centers of the medulla oblongata, we must next examine some of 158 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY the centers of correlation. As has already been indicated, all of these centers are interconnected by correlation neurons similar to those of the spinal cord (Figs. 60, 61). These neurons are loosely arranged in the spaces between the sensory and motor groups of nuclei, this tissue being termed the reticular formation (this region is also called the tegmentum, see pp. 65, 127 and Figs. 69, 74). But the chief centers of correlation of the brain stem are found in specially enlarged nuclei of the midbrain and thalamus, some of which are mentioned in the next chapter. In its more ventral parts the medulla oblongata contains a number of large correlation centers and important conduction pathways between remote parts of the brain. Of the former, the largest are the inferior olives (Figs. 72, 73, 74), deeply buried masses of gray matter arranged in the form of a hollow shell of complex shape on each side of the median plane. The olives receive fibers from the thalamus and spinal cord and discharge into the cerebellum (olivo-cerebellar fibers of Fig. 72). Their functions are unknown. The cerebellum has already been referred to as a great supra- segmental mechanism of unconscious motor coordination. It is connected with the underlying brain stem by three pairs of stalks or peduncles, two of which join the medulla oblongata and one the midbrain. The inferior peduncle (restiform body) connects with the dorsal margin of the medulla oblongata and carries fibers into the cerebellum from the spinal cord and ob- longata. The middle peduncle (brachium pontis) connects with the pons and most of its fibers convey impulses from the nuclei of the pons to the cerebellum. The superior peduncle (brachium conjunctivum) connects with the cerebral peduncle in the floor of the midbrain and contains chiefly fibers which descend from the cerebellum, cross the midplane under the aqueduct of Sylvius, and terminate in or near the red nucleus (Fig. 75, nucleus ruber). The internal structure and connec- tions of the cerebellum will be further considered on page 186. Summary. — The rhombencephalon includes the medulla oblongata and cerebellum, that is, all parts of the brain below the isthmus. All of the cranial nerves except the first four pairs connect with the medulla oblongata. An analysis of the func- tional components of the cranial nerves shows that they can THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA AND CEREBELLUM 159 best be understood by considering each functional system of fibers as a unit and studying the connections of each component separately. These connections are summarized in a table on pp. 146, 147. The medulla oblongata of lower vertebrates and of the human embryo is seen to be composed chiefly of the primary centers related to these functional components of the peripheral nerves, arranged in longitudinal columns in the order from dorsal to ventral surfaces on each side of somatic sensory, visceral sensory, visceral motor, somatic motor centers. The same arrangement appears in the adult human oblongata, though somewhat distorted by the presence of large masses of correla- tion tissue and of large conduction tracts which are not present in the lower vertebrates. The sensory centers of the oblongata are connected locally with the adjacent motor centers and also by longer tracts with the spinal cord, cerebellum, and thalamus. The latter fibers constitute the bulbar lemniscus, of which several functional components can be distinguished, the most important being the trigeminal lemniscus for general cutaneous sensibility and the lateral or acoustic lemniscus for auditory sensibility. The cerebellum is a proprioceptive center developed, out of the vestibular area of the medulla oblongata. LITERATURE The details of the structure and functions of the parts mentioned in this and the following chapters will be found fully presented in the standard text- books of human anatomy and physiology and in the medical text-books of neurology, and all of this literature up to the year 1899 is summarized in Barker's Nervous System and Its Constituent Neurones. See also W. von Bechterew, Die Funktionen der Nervencentra, Jena, 1908 to 1911, 3 vols. For discussions of comparative neurology and the evolution of the nervous system, reference may be made to articles in the neurological journals, especially the Journal of Comparative Neurology; see also the Bibliographies on pp. 36, 124, 193, and 223, and the following works: HERRICK, C. JUDSON. 1899. The Cranial and First Spinal Nerves of Menidia: A Contribution Upon the Nerve Components of the Bony Fishes, Jour. Comp. Neurology, vol. ix., pp. 153-455. — . 1913. Brain Anatomy, Wood's Reference Handbook of the Medical Sciences, 3d ed., vol. ii, pp. 274-342. — . 1914. Cranial Nerves, ibid., vol. iii, pp. 321-339. JOHNSTON, J. B. 1906. The Nervous System of Vertebrates, Philadel- phia. — . 1909. The Central Nervous System of Vertebrates, Spengel's Ergebnisse und Fortschritte der Zoologie, Bd. 2. Heft 2, Jena. EDINGER, L. 1908. Vorlesungen iiber den Ban der nervosen Zentral- organe, 7th Auflage, Band 2, Vergleichende Anatomic des Gehirns, Leipzig. — . 1911. Idem, 8th Auflage, Band 1. CHAPTER X THE CEREBRUM THE cerebrum includes all of the brain lying in front of the isthmus, that is, the midbrain (mesencephalon), betweenbrain (diencephalon), and cerebral hemispheres (telencephalon), the two last comprising the forebrain (prosencephalon). It con- tains the primary sensory centers of the olfactory nerves (I pair), the sensory correlation centers of smell and sight, the primary motor and sensory centers of the oculomotor and troch- lear nerves (III and IV pairs) for movements of the eyes, and all of the most important higher correlation centers of the brain. These higher correlation centers make up by far the larger part of its substance in the human brain, though in fishes the converse relation prevails, with the primary sensori-motor centers and the simpler correlation mechanisms making up the larger part (see Figs. 43, 44, pp. Ill, 112). The mesencephalon (midbrain) is that part of the brain in which the early embryonic neural tube (Figs. 46-51, pp. 116- 119) has been least modified in the adult. The ventral part of the midbrain, i. e., the part lying ventrally of the ventricle, which is here termed the aqueduct of Sylvius, is called the cere- bral peduncle; the dorsal part is the corpora quadrigemina, the upper pair of these four eminences being the superior colliculi, and the lower pair the inferior colliculi (see Fig. 71, p. 154). The corpora quadrigemina contain important correlation centers, the superior colliculus chiefly visual (p. 209) and the inferior colliculus chiefly auditory (p. 202). The cerebral peduncle, as the name implies, contains the great ascending and descending fiber tracts between the forebrain above and the medulla oblongata, cerebellum, and spinal cord below. The arrangement of some of these tracts can be seen in Fig. 75. The cerebral peduncle also contains the nuclei of origin for the motor fibers of the III and IV pairs of cranial nerves and several masses 160 THE CEREBRUM 161 of gray matter devoted to motor coordination, such as the black substance (substantia nigra) and the red nucleus (nucleus ruber, see p. 189). The diencephalon (betweenbrain or thalamencephalon) in early embryonic development is a transverse region of the simple neural tube (Fig. 48, p. 117) surrounding the third ventricle. In Tectum mesencephali -"Commissure tecti Nuc. and tr. mesen. V Tr. spino-tectalia . thalamo-olivaris lemniscufl Tractus optic Brachium quad Dora. tegm. decuss. Vent. tegm. decuss. Tr. rubro- spinalia Tr. cortico- bulb. lat. Tr. mam.- pedunc. Tr. cortico bulb. med. Fig. 75. — Diagrammatic cross-section through the midbrain at the level of the superior colliculus (cf. Fig. 71), to illustrate the arrangement of the chief conduction pathways: Aq., Aqueduct of Sylvius; m., medial part of motor nucleus of oculomotor nerve; n.III, oculomotor nerve; nuc.III, motor nucleus of oculomotor nerve; Tr.mam.-pedunc., tractus mamillo- peduncularis. The fibers of the dorsal tegmental decussation (Dors. tegm.decuss., also known as the fountain decussation of Meynert) arise from the roof of the midbrain (tectum opticum) and immediately after crossing the median plane descend toward the spinal cord, where they form part of the tractus tecto-spinalis (Fig. 59, p. 130). The fibers of the ventral tegmental decussation (Vent. tegm. decuss., also known as Forel's decussa- tion) in a similar way arise from the nucleus ruber and enter the opposite tractus rubro-spinalis. the adult human brain, however, it is entirely concealed by other parts. The posterior part of it is visible from the side in the dissection shown in Fig. 45 (p. 114), its medial surface in Fig. 52 (p. 119), and its dorsal surface is exposed in the dissection, Fig. 76 (see also Fig. 77). This part of the brain is devoted 11 162 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY wholly to various types of correlation. It has three main divi- sions, the thalamus, the epithalamus, and the hypothalamus, of which the two last are dominated by the olfactory apparatus (see p. 220). The epithalamus consists of the membranous chorioid plexus which forms the roof of the third ventricle (Fig. 79), the pineal body or epiphysis (Fig. 76), the habenula (marked trigonum Genu of corpus callosum Corpus callosum (cut) Cavum septi pellucidi Septum pellucidum Caudate nucleus Fornix Foramen interventriculare Anterior commissure Ant. tubercle of thalamus Massa intermedia Third ventricle Stria terminals Ta'nia thalami Trigonum habenulse Posterior commissure talk of pineal body Pulvinar Pineal body Non-ventricular part of thalamus Groove correspondin to fornix Quadrigeminal bodi Trochlear nerv Brachium ponti Brachium conjunctivum Lingula Medulla oblongata Fig. 76. — A dissection of the brain from above to expose the thalamus and corpus striatum. (From Cunningham's Anatomy). habenulae on Fig. 76), and the stria medullaris, a fiber tract which connects the olfactory centers of the cerebral hemispheres with the habenula (Figs. 78, 79). The habenula is a center for the cor- relation of olfactory sensory impulses with the various somatic sensory centers of the dorsal part of the thalamus. The pineal body of some lower vertebrates is a sense organ, apparently visual in function and known as the parietal eye (p. 212); in THE CEREBRUM 163 man its primary sensory function is lost and it is said to pro- duce an important internal secretion whose physiological value is still obscure. The hypothalamus includes the tuber cinereum and mammil- lary bodies (see Figs. 53, 78, and 79), these structures being olfactory centers, and the hypophysis or pituitary body (which has been removed from the specimen shown in Fig. 53, its point of attachment being the infundibulum). The hypophysis is a glandular organ which produces an internal secretion of great importance in maintaining the proper balance of the metabolic activities of the body. The hypothalamus is an important cen- ter for the correlation of olfactory impulses with various visceral functions, including probably the sense of taste. The thalamus is in the human brain chiefly a sort of vestibule through which the systems of somatic sensory nervous impulses reach the cerebral cortex. There are, however, two parts of the thalamus which should be clearly distinguished. The ventral part contains chiefly motor coordination centers. It is feebly developed in the human brain, where it is termed the subthala- mus (not to be confused, as is often done, with the hypothala- mus, see Figs. 78, 79, and 81). The dorsal part of the thalamus, in its turn, contains two distinct types of sensory correlation centers: (1) primitive sensory reflex centers, chiefly in the medial group of thalamic nuclei ; (2) the more lateral nuclei which form the cortical vestibule to which reference was made above. These lateral nuclei are sometimes called the new thalamus (neothalamus) in distinction from all of the other thalamic nuclei which form the old thalamus (palseothalamus). The centers which comprise the new thalamus make up by far the larger part of the thalamus in the human brain and include the following nuclei: the lateral, ventral, and posterior nuclei (for general cutaneous and deep sensibility) receiving the spinal, trigeminal, and medial lemnisci; the lateral geniculate body and pulvinar (visual sensibility) receiving the optic tracts; the medial geniculate body (auditory sensibility) receiving the lateral or acoustic lemniscus. The lateral and medial genicu- late bodies comprise the metathalamus of the B. N. A. (see p. 121 and Fig. 50, p. 118), which in this work are described as part of the thalamus. ^Jprnix Superior olive Ala cintTCa Nuclei of funiculi gracilis and cuneatus n. V motor n. V sensory Chief sensory nucleus V Nuc. vestib. VIII n. VII Nuc. cochlearis VIII Fasciculus solitarius Nuc. commissuralis of Cajal Nucleus spinalis V Fig. 77. — A diagram of the human brain stem from above after the re- moval of the cerebral hemisphere, to illustrate the nuclei of the thalamus and some of the chief fiber tracts connected with them. Compare Figs. 71 and 45. The fibers of the sensory radiations between the thalamus and the cerebral cortex fall into three groups : somesthetic (sow.) for touch, tempera- ture, and spatial discrimination, auditory (era.), and optic (opt.). Descend- ing cortico-thalamic fibers are shown in connection with the somesthetic radiation only; but such fibers are present in the auditory and optic radia- tions also, ant., Anterior nucleus of thalamus; ep., pineal body (epiphy- sis); c.g.l., corpus geniculatum laterale; c.g.m., corpus geniculatum mediale; col. inf., colliculus inferior; col. sup., colliculus superior; lat., lateral nucleus of thalamus; med., medial nucleus of thalamus; post., posterior nucleus of thalamus; pulv., pulvinar; ventr., ventral nucleus of thalamus. 164 THE CEREBRUM 165 All of the thalamic nuclei of the lateral group (the neothala- mus) are connected by important systems of fibers with the cerebral cortex, these fibers running both to and from the cortex (Fig. 77). These are called sensory projection fibers and all pass through or near the internal capsule of the corpus striatum (p. 169). As we have just seen, the nuclei of the lateral group receive special systems of somatic sensory fibers — optic, acous- tic, and the general cutaneous and deep sensibility complex of Corpus callosumx Fimbria* X' x Nucleus anterior ^ * Tr. mamillo-thalamicus^x Nucleus lateral is s v MetathalamuSv Habenula — > Fasc. ret.- Nuc. post.. Nuc. ven— \ - Subthal. Nuc. ruber Lemn. V Br. conj.__ __ 3. nigra — • Lemn. med. Tr. th.-pe Q.O- .«,- ** • ., '-Vcr Cells of Deiters Space of Nuel Fig. 93. — Section across the spiral organ (organ of Corti) from the central coil of the ductus cochlearis. (After Retzius.) The generally accepted structure of the spiral organ, as presented in the classical researches of Retzius, is shown in Fig. 93. Upon a basement membrane (Fig. 92, membrana basilaris) is a very highly differentiated 198 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY sensory epithelium, part of whose cells are supporting elements of diverse sorts and part (the hair cells) are specific receptors. The termini of the cochlear nerve arborize around the bodies of the hair cells in the same way that fibers of the vestibular nerve are related to the hair cells of the cristaj of the semicircular canals (Fig. 32, p. 88). The membrana tectoria is a delicate gelatinous mass resting upon the spiral organ and intimately connected with the hairs of the hair cells. Its shape has been very care- fully studied by Hardesty. Many details of the structure of the spiral organ, or organ of Corti, and the whole question of the mode of its functioning are still controverted. Our present knowledge of the histqlogical organization of the basilar mem- brane shows that it is structurally incapable of serving the function of tone analysis in the way postulated by Helmholtz's theory. Based upon im- portant additions to our knowledge of the minute structure of the organ Fig. 94. — Section through the apical turn of the cochlea of the pig at about full term, showing outer auditory hairs embedded in the membrana tectoria: ep.s.sp., Epithelium of spiral sulcus; i.h.c., inner hair cells; i.pil., inner pillar; m.bas., basement membrane; m.tect., membrana tectoria; lab. vest., labium vestibulare; n.coch., cochlear nerve; o.h.c., outer hair cell; s.sp., sulcus spiralis. (After C. W. Prentiss.) of Corti and clinical observations upon diseased conditions, several different theories of the mechanism of tone analysis have recently been expressed. Among the more important of these researches are those of Shambaugh. This author has demonstrated that the hairs of the hair cells do not termi- nate freely in the endolymph, as commonly figured, but that they are firmly attached to the under surface of the tectorial membrane. This membrane has a semigelatinous texture and is capable of taking up sym- pathetically the vibrations of the endolymph within which it floats. The development of the tectorial membrane has recently been restudied by Prentiss and Hardesty. It first appears as a thin cuticular plate developed over the free ends of the columnar cells which form the inner or axial part of the epithelium of the basement membrane. In the adult ear it retains its attachment to the labium vestibulare along the axial border of the ductus cochlearis, but becomes free from the cells which form the lining of the THE AUDITORY APPARATUS 199 sulcus spiralis (Fig. 94). Prentiss claims that it is in part formed from the embryonic cells which develop into the spiral organ, and that its connection with the spiral organ is retained in the adult (Fig. 94) ; but Hardesty (1915) says that the cells of the embryonic spiral organ contribute little or nothing to the formation of the tectorial membrane and that this membrane is free from the spiral organ in the adult. Prentiss describes the membrane as growing in thickness by the secretion of a cuticulum formed between the ends of the epithelial cells, thus giving to the mature membrane a cham- bered or honey-comb structure. Hardesty, however, regards it as produced by fibrils growing out from the free ends of the epithelial cells lying be- tween the embryonic spiral organ and the axis of the cochlea, these fibrils being embedded in a gelatinous matrix. Shambaugh concludes that the tectorial membrane takes the part of a physical resonator by responding in its various parts to tones of different pitch, depending on the size of the membrane, tones of higher pitch being taken up by the hair cells located near the beginning of the basal coil, those of lower pitch by the cells near the apex of the cochlea, where the tectorial membrane attains its maximum size. The stimulation of the hair cells is effected only through the medium of their projecting hairs, these being excited by vibrations of the tectorial membrane to which they are attached. In fishes the organs of the internal ear are intimately associated with an extensive series of subcutaneous canals containing numerous sense organs and with naked cutaneous sense organs of the same type, the entire complex forming the system of lateral line sense organs (see p. 110 and Fig. 95). The nerves which in fishes supply the lateral line sense organs (lateralis roots of the VII and X cranial nerves) and the organs of the internal ear (VIII nerve) are intimately associated and terminate together in the acoustico-lateral area of the medulla oblongata (Figs. 43 and 44, pp. Ill, 112), and all of these end-organs have the same type of structure as those of the human internal ear (Fig. 32, p. 88). The internal ears of fishes are essentially similar to those of man save that they lack the cochlea and the organ of Corti. They possess a small sense organ in the saccule, the lagena, supplied by a special branch of the VIII nerve (Fig. 95, RL), from which the cochlea of higher vertebrates has been developed. The researches of Parker have shown that fishes hear, though there is no evidence that they possess the power of tone analysis, and the sense organs of the saccule are the essential receptors for sound waves. The sense organs of the lateral line system are said by Parker to be sensitive to water vibrations of slower frequency than the sound waves to which the ear responds, while Hofer is of the opinion that these organs are stimulated only by streaming movements of the water in which the animals live. Probably the lateral line organs also participate in the equilibratory reactions of the fish. Though our knowledge of the functions of the various parts of the acous- tico-lateral system of fishes is still very imperfect, it is evident that all of these organs are both structurally and physiologically of common type, and it is probable that they have had a common evolutionary origin from a more generalized form of cutaneous tactile organ. This is the explanation of the intimate association in the human ear of sense organs of so diverse functions as the cochlea for hearing and the semicircular canals for equilibration, the former being an exteroceptor whose reactions may be vividly conscious, and the latter being a proprioceptor whose reactions are almost entirely uncon- sciously performed. For further consideration of the semicircular canals and their central connections see p. 183. 200 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY In the human body the cochlear and vestibular nerves are very intimately associated, but the embryological studies of Fig. 95. — Diagram of the acoustico-lateral system of nerves with their peripheral end-organs, as seen from the right side, in a fish, the common silver-sides, Menidia (X 9). The relations here figured were recon- structed from serial sections by projection upon the sagittal plane. For the relations between the acoustico-lateral nerves and the other systems of nerves in this fish, see the more detailed chart from which this was drawn off, in the Journal of Comparative Neurology, vol. ix, 1899, plate 15; cf. also Fig. 65, p. 149, of this book. The dotted outline represents the posi- tion of the brain, the lateral line canals are shaded with cross-hatching, the internal ear is stippled, and the nerves are drawn in black. The organs of the lateral line system are drawn as black disks when naked on the surface of the skin, and as black circles when lying in the canals. NAA, Anterior nasal aperture; NAP, posterior nasal aperture; N OL, olfactory nerve; N OPT, optic nerve; RAA, nerve of superior ampulla; RAE, nerve of lateral ampulla; RAP, nerve of inferior ampulla; R BUG, ram us bucca- lis of facial nerve; RL, nerve of the lagena (rudimentary spiral organ); RLAT, ram us lateralis of the vagus; ROS, ramus ophthalmicus super- ficialis of the facial nerve; R MAN EX, ramus mandibularis externus of the facial nerve; R SAC, nerve of the sacculus; RU, nerve of the utriculus; T, acoustico-lateral area. (After Herrick, from Wood's Reference Hand- book of the Medical Sciences.) Streeter and others have made it plain that these two nerves are really more distinct than was formerly supposed. The periph- THE AUDITORY APPARATUS 201 eral receptors of the cochlea and semicircular canals are obviously as dissimilar as are their functions, but the functional significance Medial geniculate body ^Inferior quadrigeminate body ^Nucleus of trochlear nerve Nucleus fastigii Nucleus emboliformis • Dentate nucleus Lateral nucleus of vestibular nerve _,Restiform body Dorsal nucleus ol •^ cochlear nerve ^Ventral nucleus of cochlear nerve ,. Cochlear nerve Nucleus of lateral lemniscus Medial longitudinal fasciculus --- Lateral lemniscus^. Peduncle of superior olive Superior olivary nucleus Trapezoid body Fig. 96. — Diagram of the auditory and vestibular connections. Com- pare Figs. 71, 77, and 86. The fibers of the cochlear nerve enter the ven- tral and dorsal cochlear nuclei (the latter being termed the tuberculum acusticum) at the lateral border of the medulla oblongata. The auditory path now divides, one tract, the trapezoid body, passing ventrally through the pons to enter the lateral lemniscus of the opposite side, and the other passing dorsally through the acoustic medullary striae (stria? medullares acustici) across the floor of the fourth ventricle and also entering the lat- eral lemniscus. These fibers may be interrupted by synapses in the supe- rior olives, the nucleus of the lateral lemniscus or the inferior colliculus (inferior quadrigeminate body) before they reach the medial geniculate body of the thalamus, or they may pass by these nuclei without connecting with them. The fibers shown in the diagram as passing from the inferior quadrigeminate body to the temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex are prob- ably interrupted by a synapse in the medial geniculate body. (From Morris' Anatomy.) of the sensory organs of the utricle and saccule is more uncertain. The fact that fishes undoubtedly hear, notwithstanding their lack of cochlea or any other receptors more complex than the 202 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY sensory spots in the saccule, demonstrates the relatively late phylogenetic origin of the cochlear system from the vestibular, and has suggested to some physiologists that even in man these two systems are not wholly distinct, and that the sense organs in the saccule may also function as a sound receptor. It is clear, however, that tone analysis is effected only in the cochlea. The central connections of the cochlear and vestibular nerves are fundamentally different. The vestibular nerve terminates in reflex centers of the medulla oblongata and cerebellum (p. 185) with no important cortical connections, while the cochlear nerve has, in addition to important reflex connections in the ob- longata and midbrain, the much stronger ascending pathway of the lateral lemniscus directly to the medial geniculate body of the thalamus, and thence to the temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex (see p. 157 and Figs. 75, 77, 80, 96). Some of the fibers of the lateral lemniscus are interrupted in the inferior colliculus, which is an important auditory reflex center. Summary. — The human ear has three parts: (1) the external ear, for receiving sound waves from the air; (2) the middle ear, for intensifying the vibrations and transmitting them to (3) the internal ear, which is filled with liquid and contains sense organs of uncertain function in the utricle and saccule, sense organs for equilibration in the semicircular canals, and the spiral organ (organ of Corti) in the cochlea for tone analysis. The spiral organ is a complicated epithelial structure resting on a basement membrane and consisting of supporting cells of diverse kinds, the hair cells (which are the specific receptors and receive the endings of the fibers of the cochlear nerve), and the tectorial mem- brane. Shambaugh is of the opinion that the tectorial membrane is capable of responding in its various parts to different vibration frequencies, and that the hair cells are stimulated through their hairs which are attached to the tectorial membrane. In fishes the organ of hearing is much simpler than in man, the semicircular canals are, however, similar, and there is, in addi- tion, an elaborate system of lateral line sense organs whose func- tions seem to be intermediate between the tactile and auditory organs. It is probable that these three systems of sense organs were derived phylogenetically from some more generalized form of cutaneous tactile organ. This accounts for the intimate as- THE AUDITORY APPARATUS 203 sociation in the human ear of organs of so diverse functions as the semicircular canals and the cochlea. The central connections of the vestibular and cochlear nerves are very different, the former effecting chiefly reflex connections for equilibration in the medulla oblongata and cerebellum, and the latter both reflex connections in the brain stem and cortical connections through the lateral lemniscus, medial geniculate body of the thalamus and auditory radiations, for conscious sensations of hearing. LITERATURE EWALD, J. R. 1892. Physiologische Untersuchungen liber das End- organ des Nervus octavus, Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann. HARDESTY, I. 1908. On the Nature of the Tectorial Membrane and Its Probable Role in the Anatomy of Hearing, Amer. Jour. Anat., vol. viii. — . 1915. On the Proportions, Development, and Attachment of the Tectorial Membrane, Amer. Jour. Anat., vol. xviii. VON HELMHOLTZ, H. L. T. 1896. Die Lehre von den Tonempfindungen, Ausgabe 5, Braunschweig. HOFER, B. 1908. Studien iiber die Hautsinnesorgane der Fische, Berichte kgl. Baverischen Biologischen Versuchsstation in Miinchen, Bd. 1, p. 115. KAPPERS, C. U. ARIENS. Kurze Skizze der Phylogenetischen Entwick- lung der Oktavus und Lateralisbahnen mit Beriicksichtigung der neuesten Ergebnisse, Zentralbl. f. Physiol., Bd. 23, 1909. PARKER, G. H. 1903. Hearing and Allied Senses in Fishes, U. S. Fish Commission Bulletin for 1902, Washington. — . 1903. The Sense of Hearing in Fishes, Amer. Naturalist, vol. xxxvii. — . 1905. The Function of the Lateral Line Organs in Fishes, Bui. of the Bureau of Fisheries for 1904, Washington. PRENTISS, C. W. 1913. On the Development of the Membrana Tectoria with Reference to Its Structure and Attachments, Amer. Jour. Anat., vol. xiv, No. 4. RETZIUS, G. 1884. Das Gehororgan der Wirbeltiere, Stockholm. ScHdNEMANN, A. 1904. Die Topographic des menschlichen Gehoror- ganes, Wiesbaden. SHAMBAUGH, G. E. 1907. A Restudy of the Minute Anatomy of Struc- tures in the Cochlea with Conclusions Bearing on the Solution of the Problem of Tone Perception, Am. Jour. Anat., vol. vii. — . 1908. The Membrana Tectoria and the Theory of Tone Perception, Arch. Otology, vol. xxxvii. — . 1910. Das Verhiiltnis /wischen der Membrana Tectoria und dem Cortischen Organ, Zeits. f. Ohrcnheilk., Bd. 62. — . 1912. Ueber den Bau und die Funktion der Crista Ampullaris, Ibid., Bd. 65. STREETER, G. L. 1907. On the Development of the Membranous Laby- rinth and the Acoustic and Facial Nerves in the Human Embryo, Amer. Jour. Anat., vol. vi. WATSON, J. B. 1914. Behavior, An Introduction to Comparative Psy- chology, New York, Chapter XII. CHAPTER XIV THE VISUAL APPARATUS THE eye is the most highly specialized sense organ in the human body, and in other respects it occupies a very unique position. The essential receptive part of the eye is in the retina. But the retina is much more than this; it is really a part of the brain, and the so-called optic nerve is a true cerebral tract. This is evident from a consideration of the embryologic development of the retina. In the early embryonic stages the neural tube expands laterally in the position of the future thalamus, and from the upper part of this region a "primary optic vesicle" is evaginated from the lateral wall on each side Optic cup Optic stalk | Lens rudiment Cavity of forebrain Ectoderm forming lens rudiment Optic vesicle becoming cupped Fig. 97. — Diagrammatic section through the head of a fetal rabbit to illustrate the mode of formation of the primary and secondary optic vesicles and of the lens of the eye. The right side of the figure is drawn from a more advanced stage than the left side. (From Cunningham's Anatomy.) (Figs. 46, 47, 49, 97). The optic vesicle grows outward toward the skin and assumes the form of a hollow sphere, whose cavity remains in com- munication with that of the third ventricle by a hollow stalk (Fig. 97). While the formation of the primary optic vesicle is in progress the overlying ectoderm (outer skin) is thickened and finally invaginated to form the lens of the eye, the optic vesicle collapses so that its cavity is obliterated by the apposition of its lateral and medial walls, and a secondary cavity (the sec- 204 THE VISUAL APPARATUS 205 ondary optic vesicle or optic cup) is formed whose walls are two-layered, being composed of both the original lateral and medial parts of the primary •optic vesicle (Fig. 97, on the right side). This secondary cavity contains the vitreous humor in the adult eye; the layer of the secondary optic vesicle which borders the vitreous humor forms the retina; the outer layer of the vesicle forms the pigment layer of the retina; and the stalk forms the optic nerve by the ingrowth of fibers throughout its length from the retina and brain (Fig. 100). The retina, then, is as truly a part of the brain as is the cerebral hemisphere and its structure is, in general, similar to that of other parts of the brain. There are supporting cells, the fibers of Miiller (Fig. 98, M), and neuroglia elements (Fig. 98, d.s. and s.s.), and lying among these are the neurons. The latter can be classified in general in four groups: (1) the rods and cones (Fig. 98, A); (2) the bipolar cells (Fig. 98, D); (3) the so-called ganglion cells which give rise to fibers of the optic nerve (Fig. 98, F); (4) horizontally disposed correlation neurons (Fig. 98, h) . All of these types except the third are intrinsic to the retina, i. e., they send none of their fibrous processes beyond the limits of the retina itself. The axons of the neurons of the third type pass out of the retina and form the so-called optic nerve, termi- nating in the thalamus or midbrain. Immediately external to the nervous layer of the retina is the pigment layer (Figs. 99, 100), which is formed from the outer epithelial layer of the secondary optic vesicle (Fig. 97). Figure 99 illustrates the ten layers of the retina as figured by the older histologists, and Fig. 98 illustrates the relations of some of the nervous elements as revealed by the Golgi method. It is evi- dent that the "nuclear" or "granular" layers are characterized chiefly by the presence of the cell bodies of the neurons and their nuclei, while the "molecular" layers are composed chiefly of the fibrillar nerve-endings which form the synapses between the various groups of neurons. The rods and cones of the retina are the receptors and also the neurons of the first order in the optic path. Their free ends project through the external limiting membrane into the pigment layer. Rays of light which pass through the dioptric apparatus (lens, humors, etc.) of the eyeball must penetrate also the entire thickness of the retina (which is very transparent) before they reach these receptors (Fig. 100). 206 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY i'E Fig. 98. — Two transverse sections through the mammalian retina: A, Layer of rods and cones; ar, internal arborizations of bipolar neurons related to the cones; ar', internal arborizations of bipolar neurons related to the rods; B, outer nuclear layer; C, outer molecular layer; c, cones; ex., contact of bipolar neurons with branches of the cone fibers; c.l., bi- polar neurons related to cones; e.g., cone granules or nuclei of cones; c.n., centrifugal nerve-fiber; c.r., contact of bipolar neurons with ends of rod fibers; D, inner nuclear layer; d.s., diffuse neuroglia elements; E, inner molecular layer; F, ganglionic layer; G, layer of nerve-fibers; g, neurons of the ganglionic layer; h, horizontal cells; M, supporting fiber of Miiller; r, rods; r.b., bipolar neurons related to rods; r.g., rod granules or nuclei of rods; s.g., stratified ganglion cells; s.s., stratified neuroglia elements. (After Ram6n y CajaL) THE VISUAL APPARATUS 207 The peripheral ends of the rods contain a pigment, the visual 'purple or rhodopsin, which is chemically changed by light rays and has been supposed to function as the exciting agent for ner- vous impulses of sensibility to light in the rod cells. But recent experiments go to show that the visual purple is concerned with Istratum f pigment! Istratum [opticum Membrana limitans interns Fig. 99. — Diagrammatic section through the human retina to illustrate the ten layers as commonly enumerated. (After Schultze, from Cunning- ham's Anatomy.) the adaptation of the eye to different intensities of light rather than with the specific receptor function itself. The brown pig- ment of the pigment layer is probably also concerned with light adaptation. The exact mechanism through the agency of which the rods and cones are excited to nervous activity by light is still obscure; 208 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY but when the rods and cones are once actuated, they may trans- mit their nervous impulses across synapses in the external molecular layer to neurons of the second order whose cell bodies lie in the internal granular layer. The neurons of the internal granular layer are of diverse sorts, some of them spreading the nervous impulse laterally (probably for summation effects in weak illumination), but most of them conducting radially and effecting synaptic connection with the dendrites of the "ganglion cells of the retina." The latter are neurons of the third order whose axons form the larger part of the fibers of the so-called Fig. 100. — Diagram of the relations of the retina and the so-called optic nerve to the other parts of the brain. optic nerve, which is really not a peripheral nerve at all, but a true cerebral tract. The fibers of the "optic nerve," having reached the ventral surface of the brain, enter the optic chiasma, where part of them cross to the opposite side of the brain, while others enter the "optic tract" of the same side. From the chiasma a big tract of crossed and uncrossed optic fibers passes upward and backward across the surface of the thalamus, where they divide into two groups. Some terminate in the pulvinar and lateral geniculate body which form the postero-dorsal part of the thalamus (Figs. 45, 76, 77) ; others pass these structures to end in the roof of the superior colliculus of the midbrain, i. e., in the optic tectum. THE VISUAL APPARATUS 209 The latter connection is for responses of purely reflex type, chiefly those concerned with the movements of the eyeballs and accommodation of the eyes; the thalamic connection is a station in the cortical visual path. From these relations it follows that there is nothing in the visual organs which corresponds to a peripheral nerve. The retina as a part of the brain is directly excited by the light waves which penetrate its substance. The so-called optic nerve is a tract within the brain, whose fibers for the most part come from visual neurons of the third order in the retina, though there are others also which come from the brain and pass outward to end by free arborizations within the retina (Fig. 98, c.n.). The function of these centrifugal fibers to the retina is unknown. Identically the same nerve-fibers which make up the so-called optic nerves peripherally of the optic chiasma are called the optic tracts centrally of that point. It would be more logical to name these fibers optic tracts for their entire length, these tracts being very similar to those of the lemniscus system. Like the lemniscus fibers, they decussate completely in the optic chiasma in lower vertebrates before terminating in the thalamus and midbrain. It is only in animals with an overlapping of the fields of vision of the two eyes and stereoscopic vision that the decussation of the optic tracts in the chiasma is incomplete. The significance of the crossed and uncrossed fibers of the optic tracts is seen in Fig. 101. In this diagram the shaded por- tions of the retinae receive their light from the left side of the median plane of the body; the unshaded portions, from the right side. The nasal part of each retina recives visual images from objects lying on the same side of the body exclusively, i. e., from the temporal portion of the visual field, while the temporal part of the retina may receive images from objects on the oppo- site side of the body. Accordingly, in order that the visual images derived from all objects lying on one side of the body may be represented by nervous excitations within the opposite half of the brain, it is necessary that the nerve-fibers from the nasal part of each retina cross in the chiasma, while those from the temporal part pass through the chiasma without decussation. The reflex optic centers in the roof of the midbrain occupy most of the colliculus superior, which corresponds to the optic 14 210 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY • Fig. 101. THE VISUAL APPARATUS 211 lobe of the fish brain (Figs. 43, 44). Here visual impressions •are brought into physiological relations with those of the tactual and auditory systems received by the lemnisci. The chief effer- ent pathway from this center is by way of the underlying cere- bral peduncle (Fig. 75). Here reflex connections are effected directly with the nuclei of the III and IV cranial nerves for the eye muscles, and through the fasciculus longitudinalis medialis with the centers for all other cranial and spinal muscles. This fasciculus is a strong bundle composed of both descending and ascending fibers whose function is the general coordination of reflex motor responses, and in particular those of the conjugate movements of the two eyes (see p. 186). The accommodation of the eye for distance is effected by changes in the curvature of the lens, and the adaptation for differences in illumination is effected in part by changes in the diameter of the pupil (this is in addition to the changes in the retinal pigment referred to on p. 207 and to changes in the rods and cones and other neurons of the retina which may be excited by the centrifugal fibers from the brain to the retina referred to on p. 209). The nerves controlling the movements of the lens and the pupillary reactions belong to the visceral motor system. They leave the central nervous system in part through the ocu- lomotor nerve and in part (for dilation of the iris) from the lower cervical region of the spinal cord. The latter fibers pass by way of roots of spinal nerves into the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion (p. 234 and Fig. 41, p. 107) and then forward to the eyeball. We cannot here enter into further details of the mech- anism of accommodation or of the diopteric apparatus and the accessory parts of the eye; see the larger text-books of anatomy and physiology. The thalamic connections of the optic tracts in the lowest vertebrates are very insignificant, collaterals of these fibers Fig. 101. — A diagram of the visual tract, illustrating the significance of the partial decussation of nerve-fibers in the optic chiasma so as to ensure the representation in the cerebral cortex of nervous impulses excited by ob- jects on the opposite half of the body only. ///, Oculomotor nerve; L, medial lemniscus; M, mammillary bodies; RN, red nucleus (nucleus ruber); SN, black substance (substantia nigra) ; TG, optic tract to corpora quadri- gemina (cf. Fig. 75). (From Starr's Nervous Diseases.) 212 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY being given off to terminate in the unspecialized correlation centers of the dorsal part of the thalamus. But in all forms with a differentiated cerebral cortex these thalamic optic connections assume greater importance, a special region in the dorsal part of the thalamus being set apart for their use. Thus arose the lateral geniculate body, and in higher mammals this is supple- mented by the pulvinar. These centers are, in the strict sense of the word, cortical dependencies, for they attain to only very vfc I Fig. 102. — Section through the parietal eye of a lizard (Anguis fragilis) : ct, Connective-tissue cells around nerve; gc, ganglion cells; I, lens;-n, nerve- fibers; pc, pigment cells; pn, parietal nerve from the parietal eye to the brain; r, retinal cells; vb, vitreous body. (After Nowikoff.) insignificant proportions in forms with rudimentary cerebral cortex, but increase in proportion to the elaboration of the visual cortex. The early steps in the evolution of the eyes of vertebrates are imperfectly understood. In structure and mode of function the vertebrate eyes are unlike those of any of the invertebrate animals. The experiments of Parker and others have shown that the skin of many aquatic vertebrates among the fishes and amphibians is sensitive to light, and it has been supposed that the vertebrate retina was differentiated from such cutaneous photoreceptors. But it seems more probable (Parker, 1908) that the vertebrate organs of vision were developed from the first within the central nervous system. Some of the fishes and reptiles possess, in addition to lateral eyes of typical form, a median eye, the parietal or pineal eye (Fig. 102), which is THE VISUAL APPARATUS 213 developed from a tubular outgrowth from the roof of the diencephalon (the - pineal organ or epiphysis, p. 162) ; this extends dorsalward from the brain through a special foramen in the skull to reach the skin in the center of the top of the head. The functions and evolutionary significance of this eye are shrouded in mystery. Summary. — The retina is developed as a lateral outgrowth from the early neural tube and throughout life retains its char- acter as a part of the brain, the "optic nerve" being really a cor- relation tract comparable with the lemniscus systems. The rods and cones of the retina are the photoreceptors and also the neu- rons of the first order in the optic path. The "optic nerve" con- tains neurons of the third order from the retina to the thalamus and midbrain, and also centrifugal fibers from the midbrain to the retina. In lower vertebrates the fibers of the optic path decussate completely in the optic chiasma, but in those mammals whose fields of vision overlap there is an incomplete decussation so as to ensure the representation of the field of vision of one side completely in the opposite cerebral hemisphere. Those fibers of the optic tract which terminate in the midbrain effect various kinds of reflex connections, while those which terminate in the thalamus effect cortical connections. The parietal or pineal eye of some fishes and reptiles is apparently functional as an organ of vision which was developed quite independently of the lateral eyes. LITERATURE In this chapter we have not attempted to present a systematic descrip- tion of the structure of the eye or of the functions of the retina and theories of vision. For the details of these questions reference must be made to the larger text-books of anatomy, physiology, and physiological psychology. A few general works are cited below, together with some special researches to which reference has been made in the preceding text : VON BECHTEREW, W. 1909. Die Funktionen der Nervencentra, Jena, Bd. 2, pp. 996-1103. Idem, 1911, Bd. 3, pp. 1554-1583, 1883-1964. COLE, L. J. 1907. An Experimental Study of the Image-forming Powers of Various Types of Eyes, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sciences, vol. xlii, No. 16. HARRIS, W. 1904. Binocular and Stereoscopic Vision in Man and Other Vertebrates, with Its Relation to the Decussation of the Optic Nerves, the Ocular Movements, and the Pupil Light Reflex, Brain, vol. xxvii, pp. 106- 147. LADD, G. T., and WOODWORTH, R. S. 1911. Elements of Physiological Psychology, New York. MAST, S. O. 1911. Light and the Behavior of Organisms, New York. 214 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY NUEL, J. P. 1904. La Vision, Bibliotheque Internationale de Psychologic Expe"rimentale Normal et Pathologique, Paris. PARKER, G. H. 1908. The Origin of the Lateral Eyes of Vertebrates, Amer. Nat., vol. xlii, pp. 601-609. — . 1909. The Integumentary Nerves of Fishes as Photoreceptors and Their Significance for the Origin of the Vertebrate Eyes, Amer. Jour, of Physiol., vol. xxv, pp. 77-80. RAMON Y CAJAL, S. 1894. Die Retina der Wirbeltiere, Wiesbaden. SCHAFER, E. A. Text-book of Physiology, vol. ii, pp. 752-761, 1026- 1148. VINCENT, S. B. 1912. The Mammalian Eye, Jour. Animal Behavior, vol. ii, pp. 249-255. WATSON, J. B. 1914. Behavior, an Introduction to Comparative Psy- chology, New York, Chapter XL CHAPTER XV THE OLFACTORY APPARATUS THE olfactory part of the brain as a whole is sometimes called the rhinencephalon. In fishes (p. 112 and Figs. 43, 44) almost the whole of the cerebral hemisphere is devoted to this function, and as we pass up the scale of animal life more and more non-ol- factory centers are added to the hemisphere in the corpus stria- turn and cerebral cortex, until in man the non-olfactory part of the hemisphere overshadows the rhinencephalon. The complex form of the human cerebral hemisphere cannot be adequately understood apart from a knowledge of this evolutionary history, which has been studied with great care by comparative neurolo- gists. The metamorphosis of the vertebrate cerebral hemisphere from a simple olfactory reflex apparatus in the lower fishes to the great organ of the higher mental processes upon which all human culture depends is a very dramatic history, into which, unfortu- nately, we cannot here enter. Smell is evidently the dominant sense in many of the lower vertebrates. That this is the case in the dogfish is shown by the enormous development of the olfactory centers of the brain, to which reference has just been made. And in most of the labora- tory mammals, such as the rat and the dog, the sense of smell still plays a very much more important part in the behavior complex than in man and other primates, whose olfactory organs are in a reduced condition. The nervus terminalis is a slender ganglionated nerve found associated with the olfactory nerve in most classes of vertebrates from fishes to man. Its fibers, which are unmyelinated, reach the mucous membrane of the nose, though the precise method of their ending is unknown. They pass inward in company with those of the olfactory nerve as far as the olfactory bulb. Here they separate from the olfactory fibers and enter the cerebral hemisphere between the attachment of the olfactory bulb and the lamina terminalis (Fig. 43, p. 111). Within the brain they have been followed backward through the entire length of the olfactory area and hypothalamus, but their cerebral connections have never been accurately determined. The function of this nerve is likewise wholly unknown. 215 216 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY The olfactory cerebral centers fall into two groups: (1) the reflex centers of the brain stem and (2) the olfactory cerebral cortex. The arrangements of the olfactory reflex centers and their connecting tracts are essentially similar in plan in all ver- tebrate brains (except in some aquatic mammals, like the dol- phin, which lack olfactory organs altogether). The olfactory cerebral cortex, on the other hand, is very diversely developed in different groups of vertebrates. There is no true cerebral cortex in fishes; in amphibians (particularly in the frog) the olfactory cerebral cortex begins to emerge from the general Fig. 103. — Dissection of the right olfactory bulb and nerve on the lateral wall of the nasal cavity. (From Wood's Reference Handbook of the Medical Sciences.) olfactory reflex centers; in reptiles there is a well-formed olfac- tory cortex of simple histologic pattern and the beginnings of the non-olfactory cortex; in birds the olfactory apparatus is reduced and the non-olfactory cortex is somewhat more extensive than in reptiles; in mammals both the olfactory cerebral cortex and the non-olfactory cortex attain their maximum dimensions, the former in the lowest members of this group and the latter in the highest. The cerebral cortex as a whole is sometimes called the pallium. That portion of the pallium which is related with the olfactory apparatus was differentiated earlier in vertebrate evo- THE OLFACTORY APPARATUS 217 lution than the non-olfactory pallium and has, therefore, been called the archipallium. The non-olfactory cerebral cortex is termed the neopallium (or somatic pallium, for it receives the somatic projection fibers). The archipallium, as already indi- cated, attains its maximum development in the lowest mammals, particularly the marsupials, like the kangaroo and opossum, consisting of the hippocampus and hippocampal gyrus (gyrus hippocampi, or pyriform lobe). The neopallium attains its maximum size in the human brain, and the indications are that in civilized races it is now in process of further differentiation. In the human brain practically all parts of the exposed cerebral cortex are neopallium, the archipallium being of relatively small Olfactory tract Granule cell Mitral cell Glomerulus Olfactory nerve Ethmoid bone ~^ Olfactory epithelium Fig. 104. — Diagram of the connections of the olfactory bulb. size and mostly concealed by a process of infolding along the posterior margin of the neopallium. In the human body the specific olfactory receptors (see p. 92) are limited to a small area of the mucous lining in the upper part of the nasal cavity on both its lateral (Fig. 103) and its medial walls. The cell bodies of the olfactory neurons of the first order lie in this mucous membrane (Figs. 36 and 104). The axons of these neurons form the fibers of the olfactory nerve, which are unmyelinated; they pierce the ethmoid bone in nu- merous small fascicles (fila olfactoria) and terminate by free arborizations in the primary olfactory center within the olfac- tory bulb (Figs. 53, 78, 103, 104). Several olfactory nerve- fibers terminate together in a dense entanglement of fibers 218 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY termed a glomerulus, which also receives one or more dendrites from the olfactory neurons of the second order, or mitral cells. The glomerulus, therefore, contains the first synapse in the ol- factory pathway. The axons of the mitral cells form the ol- factory tract and discharge into the olfactory area, or secondary olfactory nucleus, at the base of the olfactory bulb. These axons give off collateral branches which discharge among very small neurons of the olfactory bulb, the granule cells, whose chief processes are directed peripheralward, to end among dendrites of the mitral cells. Attention has already been called (pp. 75 and 91) to the fact that, though smell and taste are both chemically excited senses, the olfactory organs can be excited by much more dilute solu- tions of the stimulating substances than can the gustatory or- gans. The lowering of the threshold for olfactory stimuli has been effected by several means, among which we may mention the following: Whereas in the taste-buds there is a synapse between the specific receptor cells and the peripheral nerve-fiber (Fig. 35, p. 91), there is no such synapse in the olfactory organ, the peripheral receptor cell giving rise directly to the olfactory nerve-fiber (Fig. 104). In the second place, the peripheral gustatory nerve-fiber discharges centrally into several neurons of the primary gustatory center in the medulla oblongata; but many peripheral olfactory fibers enter a single glomerulus, where they are engaged by dendrites from only one or two mitral cells, thus providing for the summation of stimuli in each mitral cell. Again, the collateral discharge from the olfactory tract into the granule cells (which are very numerous) carries the discharge from the mitral cells back again into these cells and thus rein- forces their discharge (see pp. 101, 192). By these and other devices exceedingly feeble peripheral stimuli may give rise to very strong excitations in the olfactory centers. The fibers of the olfactory tract reach the olfactory area, or secondary center, by three paths which spread out from the base of the olfactory bulb and are known as the medial, inter- mediate, and lateral olfactory striae (these are shown but not named on Fig. 53, p. 120). The olfactory area has various sub- divisions (Fig. 105), the most important of which are: (1) the lateral olfactory nucleus (or gyrus) which receives the lateral THE OLFACTORY APPARATUS 219 olfactory stria and extends backward directly into the tip of the temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex (uncus), where the ventro- lateral ends of the hippocampus and the hippocampal gyrus come together; (2) the medial olfactory nucleus, including the sub- callosal gyrus (Fig. 52, p. 119) and septum, which receive the medial olfactory stria; (3) the intermediate olfactory nucleus, which occupies the anterior perforated substance (Figs. 53, 105) and receives the intermediate olfactory stria. These nuclei are all important reflex centers, where olfactory stimuli are combined Olfactory bulb Lateral olfactory (stria) Posterior parolfactory sulcus Uncus (hippocampal gyrus) Medial olfactory gyrus (stria) Olfactory tract Limen insulae Anterior perforated substance Hippocampal gyrus Fig. 105. — Brain of a human fetus at the beginning of the fifth month (22.5 cm. long), illustrating the olfactory centers visible on the ventral surface. (After Retzius, from Morris' Anatomy.) with other sensory impressions, each nucleus having its own par- ticular reflex pattern. The intermediate nucleus (also called tuberculum olfactorium and by Edinger lobus parolfactorius) is better developed in many other mammals than in man, and is probably especially concerned with the feeding reflexes of the snout or muzzle, including smell, touch, taste, and muscular sensibility, a physiological complex which Edinger has called collectively the "oral sense." This complex of muzzle reflexes has probably played a very important role in the earlier stages of the evolutionary history of the correlation centers of the 220 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY cerebral hemispheres (see the works by Edinger cited at the end of this chapter). From these nuclei of the olfactory area fiber tracts of the third order pass to the mammillary bodies of the hypothalamus and to the habenular bodies of the epithalamus, from both of which, after another synapse, tracts lead downward into the motor com. post, hab. f.reth nanT. str. med. tr. mamTh. Tr. olf. fegm form bulb. TfrolT.hyptKS ^com.ont. ^n. pop Fig. 106. — Diagram of some of the olfactory tracts in the brain of the rat. The chief connections of the medial and intermediate olfactory tracts are indicated; those of the lateral olfactory tract are omitted: c.mam., corpus mamillare; col. forn., columna fornicis; com. ant., commissura an- terior; com. hip., commissura hippocampi; com. post., commissura posterior; form, bulb., formatio bulbaris; f.retr., fasciculus retroflexus of Meynert; hob., habenula; h.pc., hippocampus precommissuralis;, hippocampus supracommissuralis; n. ant., nucleus anterior thalami; n. olf. ant., nucleus olfactorius anterior; n. pop., nucleus preopticus (ganglion opticum basale); S, septum; str. med., stria medullaris thalami; tr. mam. th., tractus mamillo- thalamicus (Vicq d'Azyri) ; tr. olf. hypth., tractus olfacto-hypothalamicus, or basal olfactory tract; tr. olf. tegm., tractus olf acto-tegmentalis; tub. f. dent., tuberculum fasciae dentatse (hippocampus postcommissuralis) ; tub. olf., tuberculum olfacfcorium. centers of the midbrain in the cerebral peduncle. The path from the mammillary body is the tractus mamillo-peduncularis (Figs. 75, 78, 106). The path from the habenular body is the tractus habenulo-peduncularis (fasciculus retroflexus B. N. A., or Mey- nert's bundle — Fig. 106). The mammillary body also sends a tract into the anterior nucleus of the thalamus, the tractus mam- illo-thalamicus (fasciculus thalamo-mamillaris B. N. A., or tract THE OLFACTORY APPARATUS 221 of Vicq d'Azyr, Figs. 78, 106), for the correlation of olfactory with general somatic reactions. There is also a direct path between the secondary olfactory area and the cerebral peduncle, without connection with the diencephalon, by way of the tractus oLfacto- tegmentalis (Fig. 106). In the epithalamus the olfactory ner- vous impulses are correlated with those of the somatic sensory centers of the thalamus, especially the optic and tactual sys- tems (p. 162) ; in the hypothalamus they are correlated with gus- tatory and various visceral sensory systems (p. 163). The preceding account includes a description of a few of the more important pathways involved in olfactory reflexes. Ol- factory impulses which reach the cerebral cortex take a different path. They are carried from all parts of the secondary olfactory area at the base of the olfactory bulb into the hippocampus (which composes the greater part of the archipallium in the human brain) by several olfacto-cortical tracts, whose courses in the human brain are so tortuous that we shall not attempt to describe them here. The hippocampus (formerly called the Ammon's horn or cornu Ammonis, also the hippocampus major, Fig. 107) is a special convolution which forms the postero-ventral border of the cere- bral cortex; it is rolled into the posterior horn of the lateral ventricle so that it does not appear on the surface of the brain. It is connected with the remainder of the cortex (neopallium) by cortex of transitional type, the hippocampal gyrus (gyrus hippocampi), from which it is separated by a deep groove, the fissura hippocampi. The free border of the hippocampus is accompanied for its entire length by a strong band of fibers, the fimbria, through which olfactory projection fibers enter it from the secondary olfactory area. These fibers discharge into a subsidiary part of the hippocampus, the dentate gyrus (gyrus dentatus, also called fascia dentata), at a, Fig. 107. The hippocampus is connected with all other parts of the cere- bral cortex by an extensive system of association tracts forming the alveus (Fig. 107), thus providing for those complex inter- actions of diverse functional systems for which the cortex is especially adapted. There is also an efferent pathway from the hippocampus to the brain stem through the fimbria and the column of the fornix (Figs. 78, 107), whose fibers terminate in 222 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY both the hypothalamus and the epithalamus. This is the prob- able pathway taken by voluntary motor impulses of cortical origin, in which the olfactory element is dominant, such as sniffing. Having reached the hypothalamus and epithalamus, these motor impulses of cortical origin are conveyed to the motor centers in the midbrain by the same pathways as are the reflex impulses already described. Fig. 107. — Section across the hippocampus and gyms hippocampi of the human brain. (After Edinger.) Summary. — The olfactory centers (rhinencephalon) make up nearly the entire forebrain in fishes, and in higher vertebrates progressively more non-olfactory centers are added to this part of the brain. The non-olfactory parts of the cerebral hemi- sphere comprise chiefly the corpus striatum and the neopallium; THE OLFACTORY APPARATUS 223 the latter makes up by far the larger part of the human hemi- sphere. The rhinencephalon consists of a reflex part in the brain stem and a cortical part in the archipallium. Smell and taste are both chemically excited senses, but the threshold of excitation is much lower in the case of smell. This is brought about by the suppression of a synapse in the peripheral receptor organ and by a complex mechanism -for the summation and reinforcement of stimuli in the primary olfactory center in the olfactory bulb. The secondary olfactory center is the olfactory area, which has three parts, each of which is a reflex center of distinctive type. The reflex path from the secondary center passes backward to the epithalamus and to the hypothalamus, from both of which a descending path goes to the motor centers in the cerebral peduncle. The secondary olfactory center also discharges into the olfactory cerebral cortex, which is chiefly contained within the hippocampus and from which manifold association pathways connect with all other parts of the cerebral cortex. LITERATURE BARKER, L. F. 1901. The Nervous System, New York, pp. 747-781. EDINGER, L. 1908. Vorlesungen liber den Bau der nervosen Zentral- organe, Bd. 2, Vergleichende Anatomic des Gehirns, Leipzig. — . 1908. The Relations of Comparative Anatomy to Comparative Psychology, Jour. Comp. Neurology, vol. xviii, pp. 437-457. — . 1908. Ueber die Oralsinne dienenden Apparate am Gehirn der Sauger, Deutsch. Zeits. f! Nervenheilkunde, Bd. 36. HERRICK, C. JUDSON. 1908. On the Phylogenetic Differentiation of th.e Organs of Smell and Taste, Jour. Comp. Neurology, vol. xviii, pp. 157-166. — . 1910. The Evolution of Intelligence and Its Organs, Science, N. S., vol. xxxi, pp. 7-18. — . 1910. The Morphology of the Forebrain in Amphibia and Reptilia, Jour. Comp. Neurology, vol. xx, pp. 413-547. JOHNSTON, J. B. 1906. The Nervous System of Vertebrates, Phila- delphia, pp. 176-189, 292-337. — . 1909. The Morphology of the Forebrain Vesicle in Vertebrates, Jour. Comp. Neurology, vol. xix, pp. 457-539. — . 1913. The Morphology of the Septum, Hippocampus and Pallia! Commissure in Reptiles and Mammals, Jour. Comp. Neurology, vol. xxiii, pp. 371-478. KAPPERS, C. U. A. 1908. Die Phylogenese des Rhinencephalons, des Corpus Striatum und der Vorderhirnkommissuren, Folia Neurobiologica, Bd. 1, pp. 173-288. ZWAARDEMAKER, H. 1895. Die Physiologie des Geruchs, Leipzig. — . 1900. Revue generate sur 1'olfaction, Annee Psychol., vol. vi. — . 1902. Geruch. Ergebnisse der Physiologie, Bd. 1. CHAPTER XVI THE SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM BEFORE we can extend our analysis of the conduction paths into the realm of the visceral activities of the body we must con- sider briefly the sympathetic nervous system through which the regulatory control of these activities is effected. Most of the visceral activities are performed either unconsciously or with very imperfect awareness. The nervous mechanisms of many of them are still obscure. Nevertheless the visceral functions as a whole are of enormous importance, not only in the mainte- nance of the physical welfare of the body, but also as the organic background of the entire conscious life (see p. 259). Many of the visceral functions can be performed quite apart from any nervous control whatever by the intrinsic mechanisms of the viscera themselves. The heart musculature, for instance, beats automatically with a characteristic rhythm, and most of the other visceral muscles have the power of automatic rhythmic contraction. Some of the glands of the body may be excited to secretion by chemical substances dissolved in the blood. For instance, when food enters the small intestine from the stomach, the intestinal glands are directly excited to activity by the pres- ence of the food. Some of their secretions are poured out into the intestine to act as digestive juices; others are absorbed di- rectly by the blood (internal secretions). Among the latter is secretin, a substance which is carried by the blood-stream to the pancreas and there excites the secretory activity of this organ to the formation of pancreatic juice, which is, in turn, poured into the intestine. The very complex secretory activities involved in the formation of the intestinal and pancreatic juices under the stimulus offered by the presence of food in the intestine, there- fore, are not directly excited by the nervous system, though they may be brought under nervous control in a secondary way. Most of the viscera are, however, under immediate nervous control of two sorts. This control is partly derived from the 224 THE SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM 225 ganglia of the sympathetic nervous system which are distributed widely throughout the body, and partly from the central nervous system. The nervous impulses involved in the second type of control are, moreover, always distributed to the viscera through the sympathetic system. A clear analytic description of the visceral nervous systems is extremely difficult, and there is wide diversity of usage, not only in the terminology employed in these descriptions, but also in the fundamental concepts upon which they are based. The brain and spinal cord and the cranial and spinal nerves and their end-organs in the aggregate constitute the cerebro-spinal nervous system. The cell bodies of the neurons of this system all lie within the spinal cord and brain (including the retina) or in the ganglia on the sensory roots of the cranial and spinal nerves. There are, however, innumerable other ganglia distributed very widely throughout the body, which are connected with each other and with the central nervous system by intricate nervous plexuses. These constitute the sympathetic ganglia and nerves, or in the aggregate the sympathetic nervous system. There is an especially important group of sympathetic ganglia which are arranged in two longitudinal series extending one on each side of the vertebral column. These ganglia constitute the vertebral sympathetic trunks or chains, and throughout the middle part of the body there is one ganglion of each trunk for each spinal root (Fig. 41, p. 107). Communicating branches con- nect the ganglia of the trunks with their respective spinal roots, and from these ganglia sympathetic nerves extend out periph- erally to ramify among the viscera and other tissues of the body. Ganglion cells are scattered among these peripheral sympathetic nerves, and in some places, especially among the abdominal viscera, these cells are crowded together to form large ganglionic plexuses (Fig. 108). When further analyzed, the sympathetic nervous system is found to consist of two imperfectly separable parts. The first is a diffusely arranged peripheral plexus of nerve-cells and fibers adapted for the local control of the organs with which it is con- nected. This we shall call the peripheral autonomous part of the sympathetic system (this is not the same as the autonomic ner- vous system of Langley, see p. 229). The second part of the 15 226 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY Maxillary nerve Ciliary ganglion Sphenopalatine ganglion \ Superior cervical ganglion of sympathetic \ \ Cervical plexus Brachial plexus Pharyngeal plexus Middle cervical ganglion of sympathetic Inferior cervical g. of sympathetic Recurrent nerve Bronchial plexus Cardiac plexus Esophageal plexus !oronary plexus Greater splanchnic nerve Lesser splanchnic nerve Lumbar plexus Sacral plexus Left vagus nerve ic plexus eliac plexus Superior mesenteric plexus Aortic plexus inferior mesenteric plexus Hypogastric plexus Fig. 108. — The sympathetic nervous system, illustrating the right sym- pathetic trunk and its relation with the spinal nerves and with the per- ipheral sympathetic ganglionated plexuses; cf. Fig. 41, p. 107. (After Schwalbe.) THE SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM 227 sympathetic system includes those neurons which put the periph- eral autonomous system into functional connection with the central nervous system, thus providing a central regulatory con- trol over the autonomous system. This part of the sympa- thetic nervous system includes the peripheral courses of the neurons involved in the general cerebro-spinal visceral reflex sys- tems (see pp. 76, 89, 93). The peripheral autonomous nervous system appears to be a direct survival of that diffuse type of nervous system which is found in the lowest animals which possess nerves at all, such as some jelly-fishes and worms. The central nervous system of higher animals is supposed to have developed by a concentration of ganglia in such a diffuse system (see p. 27), a portion of which remains as the peripheral autonomous sympathetic system (Fig. 17, p. 53). But during evolution the central nervous system increased in importance for integrating and regulating the functions of the body, the central control of the viscera assumed greater importance, and the general cerebro-spinal visceral sys- tems were developed to serve this function. Figure 56 (p. 126) illustrates the typical arrangement of the visceral sensory and motor fibers in the spinal nerves, and their relations to the sympathetic ganglia and nerves. These fibers, of course, belong to the cerebro-spinal visceral systems; the peripheral autonomous system is not included in the diagram. The central control of the visceral apparatus is effected (1) by afferent visceral nerve-fibers distributed peripherally through the sympathetic nerves and entering the spinal cord through the dorsal spinal roots, and (2) by efferent visceral nerves which leave the spinal cord through the ventral roots and also enter the sympathetic nerves. In lower vertebrates (and possibly also in man) some of these fibers leave by the dorsal roots also. The cell bodies of the afferent neurons lie in part in the spinal ganglia and in part in the sympathetic ganglia. Figure 109 illustrates the connections of these two types of afferent visceral neurons. Neuron 3 of this figure may transmit its impulse either directly into the spinal cord through its centrally directed process or by a collateral branch to some other cell body of the spinal ganglion (neuron 1). The fiber marked 4 arises from a cell-body lying in some sympathetic ganglion and 228 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY terminates in synaptic relation with some neuron whose cell body lies in the spinal ganglion, which, in turn, may transmit this visceral impulse into the spinal cord in addition to its own proper function, say, of cutaneous sensibility. spinal ganglion peripheral nerve Fig. 109. — Diagram illustrating three ways in which afferent visceral fibers may connect with the central nervous system through the spinal ganglia (cf. Fig. 56, p. 126). Neurons 1 and 2 are typical somatic sensory neurons, whose peripheral fibers reach the skin. Neuron 3 is a visceral sensory neuron, whose peripheral fiber enters the sympathetic nervous sys- tem through the communicating branch (this neuron is drawn in fine dotted lines in Fig. 56). Neurons of the third type may bring in afferent impulses from the viscera through their peripheral processes and transmit these im- pulses directly to the spinal cord through their central processes. A col- lateral branch from this neuron, moreover, may carry the visceral impulse to the cell body of a neuron of type 1, which thus serves to convey both somatic impulses from the skin and visceral impulses from some deep-seated organ. The spinal ganglion also receives nerve-fibers of the type marked 4, whose cell bodies lie in the sympathetic ganglia. These probably convey visceral afferent impulses as far as the spinal ganglion, which are then trans- mitted to the spinal cord through a somatic sensory neuron. These arrange- ments are described in detail by Dogiel. The relations just described probably provide the neurological mechanism of some of the curious phenomena known as referred pains. It is well known that disease of certain internal organs may be accompanied by no pain at the site of the injury, but by cutaneous pain and tenderness in remote parts of the body. Fig. 110 illustrates some of these areas of referred pain and the THE SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM 229 sources of the excitations. The mechanisms shown in Fig. 109 show how an inflammatory process or other injury of the sympathetic nerves associated with these deep viscera may read- ily be carried over to the related neurons of the somatic sensory system. Many referred pains are undoubtedly due to similar collocations of visceral and somatic sensory paths within the spinal cord and brain. Since the functions of these visceral nerves do not usually come into consciousness at all, the pain will be referred to the peripheral area of distribution of the associated somatic nerve, which has a distinct "local sign," or habitual peripheral reference. The efferent fibers of the cerebro-spinal visceral system arise from several groups of cells in the intermediate zone between the dorsal and ventral gray columns of the spinal cord, and in particular from an intermedio-lateral column of cells at the mar- gin of the lateral column of gray matter (Fig. 56, p. 126). These efferent fibers never reach their peripheral terminations directly. They always end in some sympathetic ganglion, either of the vertebral ganglionic trunk or one of the peripheral sympathetic ganglia. Here there is a synapse, and a second neuron of the sympathetic ganglion in question takes up the nervous impulse and transmits it to its termination in some unstriated visceral muscle or gland. The efferent fiber arising from a cell body within the spinal cord is termed the preganglionic fiber, and the peripheral fiber arising from a neuron of the sympathetic gang- lion is the postganglionic fiber. The former is usually a small myelinated fiber; the latter is usually unmyelinated. The pre- ceding description is applicable to the visceral nervous system in the trunk region of the body. In the head the connections of the nerves of this type are much more complex. Langley and others have shown that what is here termed the general cerebro-spinal visceral system is related to four distinct regions of the central nervous system, as illustrated by Fig. 111.1 1 Langley calls the entire sympathetic system the autonomic system, and limits the application of the term "sympathetic" to what is here called the thoracic-lumbar sympathetic. There is no adequate ground for his belief that the latter is genetically different from the other parts of the cerebro- spinal visceral apparatus, though its physiological characteristics are very distinctive. Many of the viscera have a double innervation through the sym- pathetic, one set of fibers coming from the midbrain, bulbar, or sacral sym- pathetic ganglia and an antagonistic set coming from the thoracic-lumbar sympathetic ganglia. 230 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY AMMfe Kn,tf,mttrlt\t Coiutipattm BlaJdtrf Caritiofincifor Fig. 110. — The locations of referred pains and their causes. (After Dana, from Starr's Nervous Diseases.) Area, cerebro-spinal nerves. I. Trigeminus, fa- cial. II. Upper cervical. III. Lower four cer- vical and first thoracic. IV. Upper six thor- acic. V. Lower six thor- acic. VI. Twelfth thoracic and fourth lum- bar. VII. Fifth lumbar and five sacral. Associated ganglia Distribution. of sympathetic. Distribution. Face and anterior Four cerebral. Head. scalp. Occiput, neck. First cervical. Head, ear. Upper extremity. Second and third Heart. cervical, first thoracic. Thorax. First to sixth Lungs. thoracic. Abdomen, upper Sixth to twelfth Viscera of ab- lumbar. thoracic. domen and testes. Lumbar, upper First to fifth Pelvic or- gluteal, anterior lumbar. gans. thigh, and knee. Lower gluteal, First to fifth Pelvic or- posterior thigh sacral. gans and and leg. legs. THE SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM 231 The portions of the sympathetic system related to these respec- tive regions are as follows: (1) The midbrain sympathetic, com- prising chiefly the ciliary ganglion behind the eye and its nerves, these being related to the brain through the III cranial nerve. (2) The bulbar sympathetic, related to the brain chiefly through the VII, IX, and X cranial nerves. (3) The thoracic-lumbar sympathetic, related to the spinal cord through the I thoracic to II or III lumbar nerves. (4) The sacral sympathetic, related to the spinal cord through the II to IV sacral nerves. Each of these four regions has its own distinctive physiological characteristics, including in some cases a special type of reaction to certain drugs. They all exhibit a common reaction to nico- tin in physiological doses. The effect of this poison is to paralyze the synapses between the preganglionic and the postganglionic neurons and thus to isolate the peripheral sympathetic neurons physiologically from efferent impulses arising within the central nervous system. Adrenalin (extract of the suprarenal glands) affects chiefly the thoracic-lumbar sympathetic system (see p. 255). On the other hand, poisons of a different group, including atropin, muscarin, and pilocarpin, are said to act chiefly upon the midbrain, bulbar and sacral sympathetic, but not upon the thoracic-lumbar system. There are other cases of very specific action of drugs upon special parts of the sympathetic nervous system. Summary. — From the preceding considerations it is evident that the sympathetic nervous system cannot be sharply sepa- rated anatomically or physiologically from the cerebro-spinal system. The cell bodies of the neurons of the cerebro-spinal visceral system lie partly within and partly without the central nervous axis. A ganglionic sympathetic trunk extends on each side of the body along the spinal column, and the ganglia of this trunk are connected with most of the spinal nerves by com- municating branches. The neurons of this trunk of vertebral sympathetic ganglia belong chiefly to the cerebro-spinal visceral system, since they are concerned with the central regulatory mechanism of the viscera. All parts of the visceral nervous sys- tem which lie peripherally of the communicating branches between the sympathetic ganglionated trunks and the spinal roots, and can be anatomically separated from the peripheral 232 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY Sphincter of iris ) Ciliary muscle / Heart, blood-vessels of mucous mem-") branes of bead, salivary glands, walls of i digestive tract from mouth to descending I colon, including outgrowths of this re- f gion — trachea and lungs, gastric glands, | fiver, pancreas. Dilator of iris, orbital muscles, arteries, muscles and glands of the skin, blood- vessels of lungs and abdominal viscera and of digestive tract between mouth and rec- tum, arteries of skeletal muscles, muscles of spleen, ureter, and internal generative organs. Arteries of rectum, anus, and external | generative organs, muscles of external gen- I erative organs, walls of bladder and I urethra, walls of descending colon to anus, j Midbrain sympathetic Bulbar sympathetic /Thoracic-lumbar sympathetic 1 1 thoracic to II or III lumbar /Sacral sympathetic \II to IV sacral Fig. 111. — Diagram of the central localization of the cerebro-spinal visceral nervous connections. (Modified from Langley.) THE SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM 233 branches of the cerebro-spinal nerves, are commonly described as constituting the sympathetic nervous system. This system includes the ganglionated trunks bordering the spinal column, to which reference has just been made, the larger peripheral ganglionated plexuses of the head, thorax, and abdomen, and a very large number of minute sympathetic ganglia scattered everywhere throughout the body. This sympathetic nervous system we have regarded as composed of two imperfectly separable parts: (1) a series of autonomous peripheral ganglia for the local regulation of the organs within which they are found; (2) the neurons of the cerebro-spinal visceral systems which en- able the central nervous system to maintain a regulatory control over the intrinsic autonomous systems. LITERATURE DOGIEL, A. S. 1908. Der Bau der Spinalganglien des Menschen und der Saugetiere, Jena, G. Fischer, 151 pp., 14 plates. HEAD, H. 1893. On Disturbances of Sensation with Especial Reference to the Pain of Visceral Disease, Brain, vol. xvi, pp. 1-133. — . 1901. The Gulstonian Lectures for 1901, Brain, vol. xxiv, p. 398. HEAD and CAMPBELL. 1901. Pathology of Herpes Zoster, Brain, vol. xxiii, p. 353. HUBER, G. C. 1897. Lectures on the Sympathetic Nervous System, Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. vii, pp. 73-145. KUNTZ, A. 1911. The Evolution of the Sympathetic Nervous System in Vertebrates, Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. xxi, pp. 215-236. LANGLEY, J. N. 1900. The Sympathetic and Other Related Systems of Nerves, in Schaefer's Text-book of Physiology, London, pp. 616-696. — . 1900. On Axon-reflexes in the Preganglionic Fibers, Jour, of Physiol., vol. xxv, p. 364. — . 1903. The Autonomic Nervous System, Brain, vol. xxvi, pp. 1-26. ONUF, B., and COLLINS, J. 1900. Experimental Researches on the Central Localization of the Sympathetic with a Critical Review of its Anatomy and Physiology, Archives of Neurology and Psychopathology, vol. iii, p. 1-252. CHAPTER XVII THE VISCERAL AND GUSTATORY APPARATUS OUR knowledge of the functional localization within the spinal cord of the general visceral reflex centers related to the spinal nerves is still rather indefinite. Most of the cerebro-spinal control of the visceral reactions of the body is effected from the bulbar sympathetic centers by way of the vagus nerve. The afferent fibers of these systems all enter the fasciculus solitarius, a longitudinal bundle of fibers in the lower part of the medulla oblongata, and they terminate in the nucleus of visceral sensory neurons which accompanies this fasciculus (Figs. 71-74, 77, 114). The special visceral fibers of the nerves of taste also ter- minate in this nucleus. The efferent fibers of these systems arise chiefly from the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, a cluster of neurons which produces an eminence in the floor of the fourth ventricle known as the ala cinerea or trigonum vagi (Figs. 71- 74, 114). From this nucleus arise preganglionic fibers for the innervation of various systems of visceral muscles of blood- vessels, esophagus, stomach, intestine, bronchi, and others. Most viscera possess a double innervation — from the thoracic- lumbar sympathetic system and from the midbrain, bulbar, or sacral system (see p. 229). For instance, the heart-beat is accelerated by the thoracic-lumbar system and inhibited by the bulbar system through the vagus; and the iris is contracted through the midbrain sympathetic, but dilated through the thoracic by way of the superior cervical ganglion (p. 211). Organs of Circulation. — The nervous control of the heart and blood-vessels is far too complex for full description here. A few general features only can be touched upon. The rate of blood flow may be varied for the body as a whole by changes in the rate and force of the pulsations of the heart, and for particular parts of the body by changes in the caliber of its blood-vessels. The heart beats automatically, but its 234 THE VISCERAL AND GUSTATORY APPARATUS 235 rate is regulated through the cardiac nerves. The caliber of the smaller blood-vessels and hence the amount of blood which can pass through them is regulated by vasomotor nerves. Both the heart and the muscular walls of the vessels have a double innervation. The heart has an accelerator nerve and an in- hibitory nerve; the smaller arteries have vasodilator and vaso- constrictor nerves. The amount of blood pumped by the heart at any time will depend upon the equilibrium existing between its accelerator and its inhibitory fibers and upon the resist- ance offered by the peripheral vessels; that flowing through any particular system of blood-vessels will be affected also by the equilibrium between the vasodilator and the vasoconstrictor nerves of these vessels. There are sympathetic ganglia within the heart. Its extrinsic nerve supply includes afferent fibers to the brain and efferent fibers of two sorts, viz., the accelerator and inhibitory fibers already mentioned. The afferent fibers are represented in a small sympathetic nerve, the nerve of Cyon, which is also called the depressor nerve. They arise from the walls of the ventricles of the heart and join the vagus trunk, through which they enter the medulla oblongata. Stimulation of this nerve produces a fall of arterial pressure by dilating the vessels throughout the body, especially in the viscera. It appears to act to reduce the labor of the heart when intraventricular pressure becomes excessive. The medulla oblongata contains a center whose stimulation causes inhibition of the heart-beat. These efferent fibers go out as preganglionic fibers of the vagus nerve and terminate in the cardiac sympathetic plexus (Fig. 108), where their postganglionic neurons are located. There is also a center in the medulla ob- longata (which has not been precisely localized) whose stimula- tion causes acceleration of the heart-beat. These accelerator nerve-fibers do not leave the brain through the vagus, but appar- ently they descend through the spinal cord to the lower cervical region and pass out into the sympathetic nervous system at this level. The centers of vasomotor control of various regions of the body are indicated in Fig. 111. Organs of Respiration. — Oxygen is supplied to the tissues of the body in a great variety of ways in different animals. In some of the simpler animals, as in plants generally, oxygen is 236 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY simply absorbed from the surrounding medium by the exposed surfaces. In all but the lowest animals there is a blood-vascular system by means of which the oxygen absorbed at the surface is transferred to the deeper tissues. In insects, however, this re- sult is obtained chiefly by a different apparatus, namely, a sys- tem of air tubes (tracheae) which ramify among the tissues and supply oxygen directly to the functioning cells. In most water- breathing animals a portion of the surface of the body is lamel- lated and vascularized to form gills to facilitate the absorption of oxygen by the blood-stream, and in air-breathing vertebrates lungs are developed to accomplish the same result. The nervous mechanisms of respiration will differ in all of the cases cited above, and it is only in mammals that we shall here consider the details of this mechanism. In ordinary breathing, inspiration is effected by actively in- creasing the volume of the thoracic cavity and thus creating a suction through the trachea, while expiration is the result of the passive return of the organs involved to their former positions by reason of their own elasticity. The muscles involved in inspiration belong to two groups: (1) the internal apparatus, i. e., the diaphragm, and (2) the external apparatus, the intercostal and other muscles of the body wall. These are all somatic muscles. In forced respiration various other muscles act in an accessory way during both inspiration and expiration. The diaphragm is innervated by the phrenic nerve, which takes its origin from the fourth and fifth cervical spinal nerves; and the intercostal muscles are innervated by ventral spinal roots arising successively from all thoracic segments of the spinal cord (Fig. 112). The accessory muscles are in part somatic muscles of the abdomen and shoulder and in part special vis- ceral muscles of the head, particularly those of the glottis (innervated by the vagus) and of the nostrils (innervated by the VII cranial nerve). The anatomical relations just described imply that, although respiration is a visceral function, in mammals the necessary movements for ordinary breathing are performed by somatic muscles. This is not true in fishes. Here the organs of respi- ration (gills) are strictly visceral structures innervated by vis- ceral components of the cranial nerves, whose cerebral center is THE VISCERAL AND GUSTATORY APPARATUS 237 in the lower part of the medulla oblongata (the area visceralis of Fig. 43, p. 111). In the ordinary breathing of mammals the act of inspiration is effected by an upward and outward movement of the ribs and a downward movement of the diaphragm. Now, if the spinal cord be cut through at the level of the seventh cervical nerve the respiratory movement of the ribs is entirely abolished, though the movements of the diaphragm go on as usual. The continuity Dorsal motor X nucleus Nucleus of fascic. solitarius Fasciculus solitarius Vagus ganglion Vagus nerv Tr. solitario-spinal Sympathetic ganglia Lung Intercostal nerve. Intercostal muscle Phrenic nerve Diaphragm Respiratory center Fig. 112. — Diagram of the nervous mechanism of respiration, from Ram6n y Cajal.) (Modified of the thoracic motor nerves which innervate the intercostal muscles with their centers of origin in the spinal cord is undis- turbed by this operation, yet they can no longer be coordinated in the respiratory act. If in another animal the spinal cord be divided at the level of the third cervical nerve, i. e., above the level of origin of the phrenic nerve, the respiratory movement - < if both the ribs and the diaphragm cease, even though the spinal cord below the section is intact and its connection with the peripheral respiratory apparatus is undisturbed. These experi- 238 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY ments show that the spinal segments from which all of the motor respiratory nerves arise cannot of themselves effect the coor- dinations necessary in respiration. This is in marked contrast with many other reactions (both visceral and somatic), whose performance is still possible after the separation of the spinal cord from the brain. If now, in a third animal, the medulla oblongata is cut across at any point above the middle of its length, say at the lower bor- der of the pons, the respiratory processes are in no way disturbed. This shows that there is a respiratory correlation center in the lower half of the medulla oblongata, that is, somewhere in the region corresponding to the "visceral area" of the fish brain. The air tubes of the lungs are provided with smooth muscle- fibers by which their caliber may be contracted. These muscles are innervated by the vagus, and the hyperexcitation of their motor nerves may impede respiration, this being one of the fac- tors which cause asthma. The cerebral center from which these intrinsic muscles of the lungs are innervated has been shown to lie in the middle part of the dorsal motor vagus nucleus (Fig. 73, nuc dorsalis vagi). These are preganglionic neurons, the cor- responding postganglionic neurons lying in sympathetic ganglia distributed along the pulmonary branches of the vagus (Fig. 1 12). The apparatus described in the preceding paragraph is, how- ever, not responsible for the maintenance of the regular rhythm of breathing. Physiological experiments show that there is some- where in the lower part of the medulla oblongata a respiratory center which performs this function. This center may appa- rently be excited to activity directly by variations in the compo- sition of the blood which reaches it, especially either by a de- ficiency in oxygen or by an excess of carbon dioxid. Its activity may also be modified by nervous influences reaching it through the peripheral afferent nerves, the vagus being the only nerve which appears to be able to act directly on the respiratory center, though the strong excitation of almost any sensory nerve of the body may under some circumstances indirectly affect the res- piratory rhythm. Coughing and sneezing are special cases of this sort. The reflex mechanism of the cough is illustrated in Fig. 113. THE VISCERAL AND GUSTATORY APPARATUS 239 Vagus ganglion Larynx Sympathetic lion Postgangli- onic neuron Fig. 113. — Diagram of the nervous mechanisms of coughing and vomit- ing. In the cough an irritation of the mucous membrane of the larynx is transmitted to the nucleus of the fasciculus solitarius, from which the tractus solitario-spinalis passes downward to the motor centers of the spinal cord for the innervation of the muscles of the diaphragm, the abdominal wall, and the ribs which cooperate in the production of the cough. In vomiting, an irritation of the stomach is carried by sensory fibers of the vagus to the nucleus of the fasciculus solitarius, from which the pathway is as before to the spinal motor centers for the innervation of the diaphragm and abdominal wall. In this case there is also an excitation of the dorsal motor vagus nucleus, from which preganglionic fibers go out into the vagus nerve for a sympathetic ganglion in the hypogastric plexus, from which, in turn postganglionic fibers pass to the muscles of the stomach which par- ticipate in the ejection of its contents. The diagram is suggested by one in Ram6n y Cajal's text-book, though greatly modified. Attempts to localize the respiratory center in the mammalian medulla oblongata more accurately have led to contradictory results. The old 240 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY conception of Flourens that there is a minute "vital node" under the lowest point of the fourth ventricle which is the respiratory center must be aban- doned. Later the fasciculus solitarius was identified as the "respiratory tract," and the nucleus associated with this tract was regarded as the respiratory center, but further experiment has shown that this is not an exact statement of the case. Some physiological experiments have sug- gested that the respiratory rhythm is maintained by a center in the reticular formation of the vagus region ventrally of the fasciculus solitarius. It has recently been shown, as stated above, that afferent visceral fibers from the lungs whose cell bodies lie in the vagus ganglion enter the fascicu- lus solitarius, and it is known that from the nucleus of this tract a "tractus solitario-spinalis " (Fig. 112) descends into the motor centers of the upper segments of the spinal cord. This descending visceral spinal tract probably plays some part in the regulation of respiration, though not the chief role. Rain6n y Cajal and Kappers believe that, while the upper part of the nucleus of the fasciculus solitarius has nothing to do with respiration, the lower end of this nucleus (commissural nucleus of Cajal, see Figs. 71, 112, and 114) is a true respiratory center. Ram6n y Cajal, in fact, thinks that this nucleus serves both for reflexes excited by the sensory pulmonary nerves and also for the normal respiratory rhythm excited by carbon dioxid in the blood. This hypothesis is not supported by direct physiological experiment, and for the present we must content ourselves with the statement that the true respiratory center has not been accurately located anatomically. Figure 112 may be regarded as a true picture of the essential relations of the respiratory nerves, with the reservation that the position of the respiratory center is not precisely known. There is also a reflex center for the regulation of respiration in the medial wall of the thalamus and others have been described in different parts of the brain stem. The entire respiratory mechanism is also under partial volun- tary control from the cerebral cortex. While many features of the central respiratory mechanism remain obscure, it seems evident that the location of the chief respiratory center in the "visceral area" of the lower part of the medulla oblongata instead of the portions of the spinal cord directly connected with the respiratory muscles is a survival of the ancestral condition found in fishes, where the entire respira- tory function is carried on by a visceral apparatus (gills) inner- vated from the vagus region. Organs of Digestion. — Hunger seems to be a complex in which at least three factors are present: (1) Specific hunger pangs due to waves of muscular contraction in the stomach (Cannon, Carlson) ; (2) appetite, or craving for food regardless of the state of the stomach; (3) general malaise from starvation of the tissues and weakness. Appetite may persist after section of the vagus nerves and is probably a sensation distinct from the hunger pangs. THE VISCERAL AND GUSTATORY APPARATUS 241 The ordinary processes of digestion are carried on partly by automatic activities of the organs without nervous control (see p. 224), and partly by the intrinsic sympathetic nervous system of the digestive organs. Throughout the length of the digestive tract there are two sympathetic ganglionated plexuses. One of these is located between the muscular coats of the stom- ach and intestine, known as the myenteric or Auerbach's plexus; the other lies immediately under the lining mucous membrane and is known as the submucous or Meissner's plexus. It has been shown physiologically that the local reflexes concerned in the typical peristaltic contractions of the digestive tube are effected chiefly by the myenteric plexus. Accordingly, this reflex is called by Cannon the myenteric reflex. The entire digestive mechanism (like most of the other visceral systems) may also be influenced indirectly by nervous impulses arising in the cerebral cortex, though these organs are not under direct voluntary control. It is well known that the digestive processes are especially sensitive to emotional states, pleasurable experiences promoting digestion and painful or disagreeable emo- tions inhibiting it. These facts can be studied on laboratory ani- mals under experimental conditions (Cannon). A large amount of information regarding the physiology of digestion has recently been gathered by Carlson from the study of a man with an arti- ficial opening into the stomach (gastric fistula), permitting direct observation of the stomach at all times. The salivary glands are excited to secretion from two nuclei of the medulla oblongata, the superior salivatory nucleus (Figs. 71, 114), whose preganglionic fibers go out with the VII cranial nerve for the sublingual and submaxillary salivary glands, and the inferior salivatory nucleus (Figs. 71, 73, 114), whose fibers go out with the IX nerve for the parotid gland. The secretion of saliva may be produced either as a simple reflex from the presence of food in the mouth through the gustatory nerves and fasciculus solitarius, or as so-called psychic secretion excited by the sight or thought of food. All of the digestive secretions are susceptible to this sort of indirect excitation, as, indeed, are most other processes which are under the control of the cerebro- spinal visceral nervous system. These visceral reactions, in their turn, are reported back to the central nervous system and 16 242 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY no doubt play a very large part in shaping the organic back- ground of the entire conscious life (see p. 259). Students of animal behavior are in the habit of investigating the ability of animals to make simple associations by training them to perform particular acts under conditions such that the normal stimulus to the act is always accompanied by a second stimulus of a different type. After many repetitions the re- sponse may be obtained by presenting the second or collateral stimulus without the first. For the nervous mechanism of "associative memory" of this sort see p. 64. Pawlow has found that variations in the amount of saliva secreted form an especially good index of associations of this type, and he has used this method extensively in analyzing complex reactions, or con- ditional reflexes, as he calls them. See the summary of his researches in the paper by Morgulis cited in the appended bib- liography. Tactile sensibility is entirely absent throughout the entire alimentary canal from the esophagus to the rectum, and the same holds true for most of the other deep-seated viscera of the body. Even the substance of the brain is insensitive to any kind of mechanical irritation. Sensibility to changes in tem- perature is feebly developed or absent in most of the viscera, the esophagus and anal canal being very sensitive to heat and cold, while the stomach and colon are feebly sensitive to these stimuli. The entire alimentary canal is insensitive to hydrochloric and organic acids in concentrations far in excess of what ordinarily QC- curs in either normal or pathological conditions. The contact of alcohol with all parts of the mucous membrane of the alimentary canal gives rise to a sensation of warmth. This sensation is different in character from that caused by hot fluids and is prob- ably excited through the sympathetic nerves, while the sensa- tion of warmth felt in consequence of the passage of hot fluid through the esophagus is excited through the vagus. The demonstrated absence of tactile sensibility throughout the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestine is considered by Hertz to indicate that the sensations of fulness arising from the distention of different parts of the alimentary canal are due to the stretching of the muscular coat, and that, therefore, these are to be regarded as varieties of the muscle sense. The same THE VISCERAL AND GUSTATORY APPARATUS 243 may also be true of the bladder. The free nerve-endings (see Fig. 33, p. 90) known to be present in these mucous membranes, particularly in the bladder, may, however, share in exciting these sensations, for these membranes may well be sensitive to stretch- ing, even though quite insensitive to simple pressure. The only immediate cause of true visceral pain is tension, and it is stated by Hertz that, so far as the alimentary canal is concerned, this tension is exerted on the muscular coat, not on the mucous lining. See the further discussion of visceral pain, p. 250. The vomiting reflex may be caused by excitations of sensory termini of the vagus nerve in the stomach, which are transmitted to the nucleus of the fasciculus solitarius in the medulla oblon- gata, whence the nervous impulses are distributed as shown in Fig. 1 13 to the appropriate motor centers. The Gustatory Apparatus. — Taste, like smell, is a chemical sense (see pp. 75, 91, 218). Physiologically, it is classed by Sherrington as an interoceptive or visceral sense, and its primary cerebral center is intimately joined to the general visceral sensory center in the-nucleus of the fasciculus solitarius. Unlike the general visceral sensory system, however, its peripheral fibers have no connection with the sympathetic nervous system and the reactions may be vividly conscious. The end-organs, or taste-buds (Fig. 35, p. 91), are present in the mucous mem- brane of the tongue, soft palate, and pharynx and are innervated by the VII and IX cranial nerves; there are a few taste-buds also on the larynx and epiglottis which are probably supplied by the vagus (J. G. Wilson). All of these peripheral gustatory fibers, upon entering the medulla oblongata, terminate in the nucleus of the fasciculus solitarius (Figs. 71, 72, 73, 114) along with those of general visceral sensibility, those of the gustatory sys- tem probably ending farther forward (toward the mouth) in this nucleus than those of the general visceral systems. There has been considerable controversy as to the exact course taken by the peripheral nerves of taste on their way to the brain, many clinical neurologists believing that all of these fibers enter the medulla oblongata through the root of the V cranial nerve. It has now been clearly shown by the studies of Gushing and others that the V nerve takes no part in the innervation of taste-buds. Figure 115 shows in continuous lines the true 244 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY V motor Nuc. sal. sup. Nuc. sal. inf. VII motor VII pars. int. VIII IX motor X motor XI pars bulbaris XI pars spinalis Nuc. dorsalis X Nuc. ambigu V sensory Nuc. sensory V VII motor VII pars. int. VIII IX sensory X sensory Ala cinerea Fasciculus solitarius Nuc. commissuralis Cajal Nuc. spinalU V Fig. 114. — Diagram of the visceral afferent and efferent connections in the medulla oblongata, based on Fig. 71; compare also Figs. 77 and 86. The afferent roots and centers are indicated on the right side ; the efferent, on the left. Visceral sensory fibers enter by the VII nerve (pars intermedia of Wrisberg, VII pars, int.) and by the IX and X nerves. These root-fibers include both general visceral sensory and gustatory fibers, all of which enter the fasciculus solitarius. (Fibers of the IX and X nerves also enter the spinal V tract ; but since these are somatic sensory fibers from the auricular branch they are not included in the diagram. For further details on the composition of these cranial nerves see the table on pp. 146, 147.) On the left side of the figure the general visceral efferent nuclei are indi- cated by small dots and the special visceral nuclei by large dots. The latter comprise the motor V nucleus for the jaw muscles, the motor VII nucleus for the muscles related to the hyoid bone and the general facial musculature, and the nucleus ambiguus supplying striated muscles of the pharynx and larynx by way of the IX and X nerves. Three general visceral efferent nuclei are indicated — the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus under the ala cinerea and the superior and inferior salivatory nuclei. The superior nucleus (nuc. sal. sup.) supplies the sublingual and submaxillary salivary glands by way of the VII nerve (pars intermedia of Wrisberg), and the in- ferior nucleus (mic. sal. inf.) supplies the parotid salivary gland by way of the IX nerve. All of the general visceral efferent fibers are preganglionic sympathetic fibers (see p. 229) which end in sympathetic ganglia, whence postganglionic fibers carry the nervous impulses onward to their respective destinations. THE VISCERAL AND GUSTATORY APPARATUS 245 courses of the nerve-fibers from the taste-buds of the tongue through the VII and IX nerves, and in broken and dotted lines some of the other courses which have been suggested. In fishes the gustatory system is much more extensively developed than in mammals, especially the vagal part which supplies taste-buds in the gill region. In some species of fishes, moreover, taste-buds appear in great numbers in the outer skin, and these are in all cases innervated from the VII fac. rt: Fig. 115. — Diagram showing some of the various courses which have been advocated for the taste fibers in man. The courses advocated in this work are shown by heavy black lines; other suggested courses are indicated by broken or dotted lines: fac. rt., motor facial root ; G.G., Gasserian gang- lion; G.g., geniculate ganglion; G. otic, otic ganglion; G. petr., ganglion petrosum; G. sp., sphenopalatine ganglion ; g. s. p., great superficial petrosal nerve; N. fac., facial trunk; N. Jac., Jacobson's or the tympanic nerve; N. vid., vidian nerve; Rami anast., anastomotic rami between the geniculate ganglion and tympanic plexus and the small and great superficial petrosal nerves respectively; s. s. p., small superficial petrosal nerve; Tymp., tym- panum. (After Gushing.) cranial nerve. In the common horned-pouts or catfishes and in the carps and suckers these cutaneous taste-buds are distributed over practically the entire body surface, and especially on the barblets. The distribution of these cutaneous gustatory branches of the facial nerve in the common bull- pout, Ameiurus, is shown in Fig. 116. These sense-organs and their nerves are entirely independent of those of the lateral line sensory system and of the ordinary tactile system, though the gustatory and the tactile systems have been shown experimentally to cooperate in the selection of food. The primary terminal nuclei of these gustatory nerves make up by far the larger 246 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY part of the visceral area (Fig. 43, p. Ill) of fish brains, and hi some species these centers are enormously enlarged, as in the carp (Fig. 136 (2), p. 303). The primary sensory center for the nerves of taste in the nucleus of the fasciculus solitarius is very intimately connected with all of the motor centers of the medulla oblongata for the reactions of mastication and swallowing, and also with the motor centers of the spinal cord. The ascending path from the prim- ary gustatory nucleus to the thalamus and cerebral cortex is wholly unknown in the human body. A gustatory center is Fig. 116. — The cutaneous gustatory branches arising from the geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve of the catfish (Ameiurus melas), projected upon the right side of the body. Spinal cord and brain stippled. The geniculate ganglion, its roots and cutaneous branches are drawn in black; the branches of this nerve distributed to the mucous lining of the mouth cavity are omitted. Taste-buds are found in all parts of the outer skin to which these branches are distributed. believed to exist in the cortex of the gyrus hippocampi near the anterior end of the temporal lobe. In fishes, where this ascend- ing gustatory path is much larger, it has been followed to the roof of the midbrain and, after a synapse here, to the region of the hypothalamus. Visceral Efferent Centers. — The arrangement of the visceral efferent nuclei and nerve-roots of the medulla oblongata is shown in Fig. 114. There is also a general visceral efferent component of the III cranial nerve (Fig. 71, p. 154, nuc. III. E-W.), whose fibers pass out through this nerve to the ciliary ganglion in the orbit, which in turn connects with the intrinsic muscles of the THE VISCERAL AND GUSTATORY APPARATUS 247 eyeball in the ciliary process and iris. These fibers are involved in the movements of accommodation of the eye for distance and in the regulation of the diameter of the pupil. The nucleus of the fasciculus solitarius is connected through the reticular forma- tion with all of the motor centers of the medulla oblongata for the reactions of mastication and swallowing and for many other movements ; from this nucleus there is a descending tract to the motor centers of the spinal cord, the tractus solitario-spinalis (Figs. 112 and 113). There is also a connection with the supe- rior and inferior salivatory nuclei of the VII and IX nerves. The excitation of the gustatory fibers of these nerves by the presence of food in the mouth is carried to the nucleus of the fasciculus solitarius and thence through the reticular formation to the salivatory nuclei, from which the flow of saliva is excited. There are other connections with the motor centers of the spinal cord through the descending fibers of the fasciculus solitarius, some of these fibers crossing to the opposite side in the vicinity of the commissural nucleus of Cajal (Fig. 114). Summary. — The cerebro-spinal visceral systems fall into a general group related peripherally to the sympathetic nerves and a special group independent of the sympathetic. 'The second group includes the apparatus for taste and probably for smell. The central innervation of the viscera is partly from the spinal and midbrain regions, but chiefly from the visceral area of the medulla oblongata. The heart and blood-vessels have a double innervation derived from both the spinal and the bulbar visceral centers, and the nervous control of the organs of circulation is very complex. Respiration in lower vertebrates is effected by strictly visceral structures and is controlled from the visceral area of the medulla oblongata. In mammals the muscles of ordinary respiration are all of the somatic type, but the centers of control are retained in the visceral area of the oblongata. The sensations related to the digestive tract are served chiefly (though not exclusively) by the vagus. There are special sali- vatory nuclei related to the VII and IX cranial nerves. The nerves of taste are the VII, IX, and to a very limited extent (in man) the X pairs of cranial nerves. The primary cerebral gus- tatory center is in the upper part of the nucleus of the fasciculus solitarius, but the cortical path is unknown. 248 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY LITERATURE Any of the larger text-books of physiology will give further details of the visceral reactions. For a very brief and simple account of the circulatory apparatus see the book by Stiles (pp. 118-125) cited below. The experi- ments of Molhant have given us the most detailed information regarding the visceral functions of the vagus and their centers in the medulla oblon- gata. CANNON, W. B. 1898. The Movements of the Stomach Studied by Means of the Rontgen Rays, Amer. Jour. Physiol., vol. i, pp. 359-382. — . 1902. The Movements of the Intestines Studied by Means of the Rontgen Rays, Amer. Jour. Physiol., vol. vi, p. 251. — . 1912. Peristalsis, Segmentation, and the Myenteric Reflex, Amer. Jour. Physiol., vol. xxx, pp. 114—128. CANNON, W. B., and WASHBURN, A. L. 1912. An Explanation of Hunger, Amer. Jour. Physiol., vol. xxix, pp. 441-450. CARLSON, A. J. 1912-1915. Contributions to the Physiology of the Stomach, Amer. Jour. Physiol., vols. xxxi-xxxv. GUSHING, H. 1903. The Taste Fibers and Their Independence of the N. Trigeminus, Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, vol. xiv, pp. 71-78. HERRICK, C. JUDSON. 1903. The Organ and Sense of Taste in Fishes, Bui. U. S. Fish Commission for 1902, pp. 237-272. — . 1905. The Central Gustatory Paths in the Brains of Bony Fishes, Jour. Comp. Neurol., vol. xv, pp. 375-456. — . 1908. On the Commissura Infima and Its Nuclei in the Brains of Fishes, Jour. Comp. Neurol., vol. xviii, pp. 409-431. HERTZ, A. F. 1911. The Sensibility of the Alimentary Canal, London, Oxford University Press. KAPPERS, C. U. A. 1914. Der Geschmack, perifer und central, zugleich eine Skizze der phylogenetischen Veranderungen in der sensibelen VII, IX, und X Wurzeln, Psychiat. en Neurol., Bladen, ,pp. 1-57. MOLHANT, M. 1910-1913. Le nerf vague: Etude anatomique et experi- mentale, Le Nevraxe, vols. xiii-xv. MORGULIS, S. 1914. Pawlow's Theory of the Function of the Central Nervous System and a Digest of Some of the More Recent Contributions to this Subject from Pawlow's Laboratory, Jour. Animal Behavior, vol. iv, pp. 362-379. PAWLOW, I. 1913. The Investigation of the Higher Nervous Func- tions, Brit. Med. Jour., vol. ii for 1913, pp. 973-978. SHELDON, R. E. 1909. The Phylogeny of the Facial Nerve and Chorda Tympani, Anat. Record, vol. iii, pp. 593-617. — . 1909. The Reactions of the Dogfish to Chemical Stimuli, Jour. Comp. Neurol., vol. xix, pp. 273-311. STILES, P. G. 1915. The Nervous System and Its Conservation, Phila- delphia. WILSON, J. G. 1905. The Structure and Function of the Taste-buds of the Larynx, Brain, vol. xxviii, pp. 339-351. CHAPTER XVIII PAIN AND PLEASURE FEW problems in neurology are more difficult and involved than those centering about the nerves of painful sensibility. This question is intimately related with the disagreeable and pleasurable feelings and with the affective and emotional life as a whole. Nearly all sensations, whether of the somatic or visceral series, appear to have an agreeable or disagreeable quality (quale). There is difference of opinion as to whether any sensa- tion is wholly indifferent in this respect. There are, however, two factors in this situation which have not always been dis- tinguished and whose introspective analysis is very difficult. In the first place, many sensations are as such painful or pleasur- able, and in the second place the related apperceptions, ideas, etc., may have an agreeable or disagreeable feeling tone. The intimate relation of these two factors in consciousness probably grows out of a similarity in the type of physiological process involved in their neurological mechanisms, and this, in turn, may rest on the fact that the two mechanisms in question have had a common evolutionary origin. The stimulation of some of the sense organs results in the so- called sensation of pain with no other quality recognizable; this is true of the cornea, of the tooth pulps, of the tympanic membrane, and of the "pain spots" of the outer skin. This fact would suggest that there is a special system of neurons (or at least of receptors, see p. 85) for pain as for the other senses. But, on the other hand, the supernormal stimulation of most other sense organs may result in a very similar type of pain, though in this case the painful quality is accompanied by the normal sensory quality of the organ in question unless the stimu- lation is excessively strong. From this it would appear that most sensory nerves may upon occasion function as pain nerves. In other cases normal stimulation of a sense organ may result in 249 250 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY a sensation of the quality typical for the organ in question, to which there is added an agreeable or disagreeable quality which may be very pronounced, the disagreeable quality not being painful in the ordinary sense of that term. This mixed quality of normal sensations is illustrated by certain odors and savors, and on the agreeable side by certain sensations of tickle and warmth. Finally, some ideational processes have an agreeable or disagreeable quality, and these, in turn, are very intimately related with the emotions and with esthetic and appreciative functions of the most complex psychic sort, as well as with ques- tions of habitual emotional attitude and temperament. The superficial parts of the body which are more directly ex- posed to traumatic injury are, in general, more sensitive to pain than are the deeper parts, and painful stimuli here can be more accurately localized. In some parts, like the conjunctiva of the eyeball, where very slight irritation may seriously interfere with the function, very gentle stimulation gives rise to acute pain, and no other sensory quality may be present. Surgeons find that the brain membranes are sensitive to mechanical injury, especially to stretching or pulling. The brain substance itself, however, is quite insensitive to pain from either mechanical or chemical stimulation. The deeper viscera of the thorax and abdomen are insensitive to pinching, cutting with a sharp instrument, or other mechanical, chemical, or thermal stimuli, though they are sensitive to pains arising from internal disorders, as in colic (p. 243). The visceral portions of the pleural and peritoneal membranes are insensitive to pain, but their parietal portions, forming the innermost layer of the body wall, are sensitive, and these pains can be accurately localized (Capps). From these considerations it appears that pain is an adaptive function which is present only where it is of value to give warn- ing of noxious influences liable to injure the body unless re- moved. (See the excellent discussion by Sherrington in Schafer's Physiology, vol. ii, pp. 965-1001.) Pains of this sort are physiologically similar to other extero- ceptive sensations, that is, they have a definite localization and are externally projected like other somatic sensations. But other pains and discomforts (especially those related to the PAIN AND PLEASURE 251 visceral functions) and all pleasurable feelings are devoid of this external projicience and are experienced merely as a non-local- ized awareness of malaise or well-being (see p. 259). They are also more variable in relation to habit, mental attitude, fatigue, and general health. This latter group of affective processes is so different from the ordinary sensations as to make it desirable to consider them separately, and, as will appear beyond, they prob- ably involve a quite different series of nervous processes. There has been much controversy regarding the pathway taken by painful impulses through the spinal cord and brain stem, and it is probable that this pathway is very complex. All painful impulses carried by the spinal nerves, no matter what the peripheral source, are discharged immediately upon entering the spinal cord into its gray matter, and after a synapse here the nerve-fibers of the second order seem to take several courses. The most recent experiments (Karplus and Kreidl, 1914) go to show that the ascending impulses of painful sensi- bility in the spinal cord of cats follow a chain of short neurons, some of whose axons immediately cross to the opposite side of the cord and some ascend on the same side. These short fibers belong to the fasciculus proprius system (p. 127), and the nervous impulse is at frequent intervals returned to the gray matter to pass from one neuron to another, and it may cross the midplane repeatedly. This diffuse method of conduction appears to be the primitive arrangement. In the human spinal cord it is probably present to a limited extent, but has been largely sup- planted by a more direct pathway in the spinal lemniscus, whose precise localization has been determined by the clinical studies of Henry Head and others (pp. 139, 173) . This direct path for fibers of painful sensibility includes axons of neurons of the dorsal gray column, which immediately cross to the opposite side of the cord and ascend directly to the thalamus. Injury to this path in the human body may cause complete insensitivity to both superficial and deep pain on the opposite side of the body below the site of the injury, without loss of general tactile sensibility. The two methods of transmission of impulses of painful sensibility are shown diagrammatically in Fig. 117. It may be assumed that pain and an avoiding reaction and pleasure and a seeking reaction have come to be instinctively associated by natural selec- 252 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY tion or other biological agencies because this is an adaptation useful to the organism. No separate neurons would be required for the transmission and analysis of painful stimuli in their simpler forms. A peripheral neuron, say, of the pressure sense, if excited by the optimum stimulus will transmit the appropriate nervous impulse to the tactile centers of the thalamus and cere- bral cortex. But the peripheral sensory neurons branch widely within the spinal cord and there effect very diverse types of connection (see Fig. 61, p. 134) ; and supernormal or maximal stimulation of the end-organ may excite so strong a nervous discharge as to overflow the tactile pathway in the spinal To the thalamus Fasciculus proprius Spinal lemniscus Spinal nerve Fig. 117. — Diagram of the pathways of painful sensibility in the spinal cord. The spinal lemniscus is the dominant path in the human body, and the fasciculus proprius is the dominant path in other mammals. cord by overcoming the synaptic resistance of certain other collateral path- ways with a higher threshold than those of the tactile path, thus exciting to function the pathway for painful sensibility with its own central connection in the thalamus (Fig. 118, A). In the course of the further differentiation of the cutaneous receptors, the peripheral fiber of the sensory neuron may branch and effect connection with two types of sense organs, one organ (a tactile spot) with a low thresh- old for pressure stimuli whose nervous impulses are so attuned as to dis- PAIN AND PLEASURE 253 charge centrally at the first synapse into the tactile tract, and another organ differently constructed (a pain spot) which generates nervous impulses so attuned as to discharge centrally into the pain tract (Fig. 118, B). In a still more highly elaborated system two separate peripheral neurons may be present to serve these functions, which are distinct throughout (Fig. 118, C). All three of these methods of pain transmission and analysis may be present in the spinal nerves; but by whatever pathway the pain impulses reach the spinal cord, in the human body those which are destined to excite conscious- ness of pain as a localizable sensation are immediately filtered off from the other sensory qualities with which they may be associated and assembled in a pathway of their own, which remains distinct from this time forth. With- in the spinal cord and brain stem these pain impulses, especially those result- ing from supernormal stimulation, also effect short reflex connections with the adjacent motor centers for quick avoiding reflexes, and these may not be associated with the spinal lemniscus, but with the more diffuse pain path in the fasciculus proprius. pain path tactile path sKin pom path tactile path spinal lemniscus-^. a, pain b, touch spinal cord Fig. 118. — Three diagrams to illustrate various ways in which the nerves of painful sensibility may be associated with those of other sensory functions. The terminus of the ascending pain tract is related within the thalamus very differently from those of the pathways for tactile and thermal sensitivity. The latter impulses are in part trans- mitted to the motor centers of the thalamus for intrinsic thalamic reflexes, but chiefly pass forward after a synapse in the thalamus through the internal capsule to the somesthetic areas of the cerebral cortex. Head is of the opinion that the painful im- pulses do not reach the cortex at all in their simple elementary form, but that the painful sensations are essentially thalamic. Lesions of the lateral and ventral nuclei of the thalamus in- volving the termini of the lemniscus, but leaving the geniculate bodies and pulvinar and the medial and anterior nuclei intact, result in the more or less complete loss of superficial sensation of the opposite side of the body, with still more profound disturb- 254 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY ance of deep sensibility and the postural sensations, together with an exaggeration of painful sensibility. The modifications of pain and affective sensibility are regarded by Head and Holmes as the most constant and characteristic features of le- sions of the lateral zone of the thalamus. Acute, persistent, paroxysmal pains are always present, often intolerable and yielding to no analgesic treatment. There is also a tendency to react excessively to unpleasant stimuli. This is not necessarily associated with a lowering of the threshold of stimulation. Deep pressure is especially important here. The pain does not develop gradually out of the general sensation, but appears explosively. This pain has some factor to which the normal half of the body is not particularly susceptible. Thermal, visceral, and other sense qualities are similarly affected. Tickling is very unpleasant on the affected side. The pleasurable aspect of moderate heat is accentuated on the affected side, yet the threshold for heat is never lowered. Not only does the side of the body involved react more vigorously to an affective element of a stimulus, but an overreaction can also be evoked by purely mental states. The manifestations of this increased suscepti- bility to states of pleasure and pain are strictly unilateral. Associated with this overreaction to painful stimuli some loss of general sensation will always be manifest on the affected side of the body. Pure cortical lesions cause no change in the threshold to pain, nor is there the exaggerated affective quality characteristic of thalamic lesions. Head and Holmes assume that both the thalamus and the cortex are concerned in conscious activity. They say: "The most remarkable feature in that group of thalamic cases with which we have dealt in this work is not the loss of sensation, but an excessive response to affective stimuli. This positive effect, an actual overloading of sensation with feeling tone, was present in all our 24 cases of this class." This effect is interpreted as due to the release of the inhibitory or regulatory influence of the cortex arising from the destruction of the ascending and descending fibers between the thalamus and the cortex, thus isolating the thalamus and allowing it to act to excess. These authors add, since "the affective states can be increased when the thalamus is freed from cortical control, we may conclude that the activity of the essential thalamic center is mainly occupied with the affective side of sensation." "This conclusion is strengthened by the fact that stationary cortical lesions, however extensive, PAIN AND PLEASURE 255 which cause no convulsions or other signs of irritation and shock, produce no effect on sensibility to pain. Destruction of the cortex alone does not disturb the threshold for the painful or uncomfortable aspects of sensation." Some recent experiments by Cannon have revealed a very intimate relation between emotion and some of the ductless glands. The suprarenal (or adrenal) glands, situated above the kidneys, secrete and pour into the blood a remarkable substance known as adrenalin or epinephrin. This substance exerts upon structures which are innervated by sympathetic nerves the same effects as are produced by impulses passing along those nerves. The glands may themselves be excited to activity by nervous impulses passing out through the sympathetic nerves. Cannon has shown that the emotions of fear, rage, and pain excite these glands to activity and cause the secretion of adrenalin. The blood of a caged cat which has been tormented by the barking of a dog will show an increased percentage of adrenalin. The addition of adrenalin to the blood has the further effect of caus- ing liberation of sugar from the liver into the blood to such an extent that sugar may appear in the urine (glycosuria) ; and sugar is known to be the most available form in which energy can be quickly supplied to tissues which have been exhausted by exer- cise. Adrenalin will in this and other ways act as an antidote to muscular fatigue. It also renders more rapid the coagulation of the blood. If a muscle is fatigued, the threshold of irritability rises. It may rise as much as 600 per cent., but the average increase is approximately 200 per cent. If the fatigued muscle is allowed to rest, the former irritability is gradually regained, though two hours may pass before the recovery is complete. If a small dose of adrenalin is administered intravenously, or the adrenal glands are stimulated to secrete, Cannon has found that the former irri- tability of the fatigued muscle may be recovered within three minutes. In this way adrenal secretion may largely restore efficiency after fatigue. Fear and anger — as well as worry and distress — are attended by cessation of the contractions of the stomach and intestines. These mental states also reduce or temporarily abolish the secre- tion of gastric juice. Adrenalin injected into the body has the same effect. Besides checking the functions of the alimentary 256 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY canal, adrenalin drives out the blood which, during digestive activity, floods the abdominal viscera. This blood flows all the more rapidly and abundantly through the heart, the lungs, the central nervous system, and the limbs. Cannon epitomizes the account from which the above has been condensed in these words: "The emotional reactions above described may each be interpreted, therefore, as making the organism more efficient in the struggle which fear or rage or pain may involve. And that organism which, with the aid of adrenal secretion, best mobilizes its sugar, lessens its muscular fatigue, sends its blood to the vitally important organs, and provides against serious hemorrhage, will stand the best chance of surviving in the struggle for existence." The preceding account includes a summary of some of the most securely established facts regarding the peripheral and central nervous mechanisms of painful impressions and the physiology of the emotions, together with a theoretical interpre- tation of the apparently twofold nature of pain as a specific sensation and as a component of the general affective state of the body as a whole. The more general questions concerning the physiological processes related with pleasurable and unpleasant experience and the affective life in general are still more difficult of analysis. It seems probable that pain, unpleasant and pleasurable feelings, emotion, and, in short, the entire affective life are very intimately related on the neurological side. Many physiological theories of pleasure-pain have been elaborated, for the most part on very slender observational grounds. It has been suggested that the flexor movements of the body are associated with pain, the extensor movements with pleasure; that constructive metabolism is pleasurable, destructive metabolism disagreeable; that heightened nervous discharge is pleasurable, and the reverse (some form of inhibition or of antagonistic contraction) is unpleasant. Some hold that pain and unpleasantness or disagreeableness are different in degree only, not in kind. Others regard pain as a true sensation, but disagreeableness and pleasure (affective ex- perience) as belonging to a different category which is non-sensory. In the latter case the affective experience may be neurologically related in some way with the various sensations (including pain) or the affective experience and sensations may be independent variables with separate cerebral mechanisms. None of these hypotheses, or many others which might be mentioned, are competent to explain satisfactorily all of the known facts, though strong arguments can be adduced in support of each of them. Our own view is that pleasurable and unpleasant experiences are not true sensations, that in the history of the psychogenesis of primitive animals a PAIN AND PLEASURE 257 diffuse unlocalized affective experience of well-being or malaise probably antedated anything so clearly analyzed as a sensation with specific external reference, and that, parallel with the differentiation of true sensations of touch, temperature, and so on in consciousness, pain sensations emerged out of the diffuse affective experience and took their place among the other sense qualities. An essential condition for the appearance in consciousness of a definite sensation like touch or vision is the differentiation in the nervous system of a system of localized tracts and centers related to this function, and in the human body such localized tracts and centers seem to be present for pain. Pain, therefore, considered psychologically and neurologically, is a sensation, and a different neurological mechanism for unpleasantness and pleasantness must be sought. To this problem we shall next turn our attention. We have seen above that it is possible to frame a neurological hypothesis which allows a given peripheral sensory neuron to be conceived as trans- mitting, say, a tactual impression from the skin and also a painful im- pression from the same or a different end-organ. Upon reaching the spinal cord the nervous impulses of the tactual series may pass through one type of spinal synapse to the spinal lemniscus, and finally reach the tactual center of the cerebral cortex, and the nervous impulses of the painful series may be drawn off through a second system of synapses for transmission through a distinct system of central pathways. Attention has also been called to the fact that the specific pain nerves and central paths may have been developed by a process of the further differentiation of separate neurons with different peripheral and central connections for these two functions. But what of the pleasurable qualities which seem similarly to be associated with some sensory impulses? The simplest view seems to the writer to be that the normal activity of the body within physiological limits is intrinsically pleasurable, so far as it comes into consciousness at all. There is a simple joy of living for its own sake, and the more productive the life is, within well-defined physiological limits of fatigue, good health, and diversified types of reaction, the greater the happiness. The expenditure of energy within these physiological limits is pleasurable per se except in so far as various psychological factors enter to disturb the simple natural physiological expression of bodily activity. Such disturbing factors are anxiety, want, rebellion against compulsory service, and unrelieved routine. The expenditure of intelligently directed nervous energy along lines of fruitful endeavor is probably the highest type of pleasure known to mankind. But it should be borne in mind that the normal activities of the body are all combined into adaptive systems, that is, they are directed toward the accomplishment of definite ends and not directed at random. Even in instinctive activities of the invariable or innate type, though there may be no consciousness of the end to be attained, the actions are not satisfying to the animal unless they follow in the predetermined adaptive sequence (p. 61). The play of both men and other animals is likewise always correlated around some definite physiological motive. And it is even more conspicuously true that the intelligently directed activities are unsatisfying unless they attain, or at least approximate to, some particular end. Stated in other words, it is not the activity which is pleasurable, so much as the accomplishment, or, in the case of delayed reactions, the hope of accomplishment. The normal discharge, then, of definitely elaborated nervous circuits resulting in free unrestrained activity is pleasurable, in so far as the reaction 17 258 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY comes into consciousness at all (of course, a large proportion of such reactions are strictly reflex and have no conscious significance). Conversely, the impediment to such discharge, no matter what the occasion, results in a stasis in the nerve centers, the summation of stimuli and the development of a situation of unrelieved nervous tension which is unpleasant until the tension is relieved by the appropriate adaptive reaction. Such a stasis may be brought about by a conflict of two sensory impulses for the same final common path (see p. 59), by the dilemma occasioned by the necessity for discrimination in an association center between two or more possible final paths, by fatigue, auto-intoxication, or other physiological states which lower the efficiency of the central mechanism, and by a variety of other causes. The unrelieved summation of stimuli in the nerve centers, involving stasis, tension, and interference with free discharge of nervous energy, gives a feeling of unpleasantness which in turn (in the higher types of conscious reaction at least) serves as a stimulus to other associated nerve centers to participate in the reaction until finally the appropriate avenue for an adaptive response is opened and the situation is relieved. With the release of the tension and free discharge, the feeling tone changes to a distinctly pleasurable quality (see C. L. Herrick, 1910). The fact that the primitive pain path in the spinal cord seems to follow a rather diffusely arranged system of fibers in the fasciculus proprius, fre- quently interrupted by synapses in the gray matter (Fig. 117) with corres- pondingly high resistance to nervous conduction, is perhaps correlated with this general and diffuse quality of unpleasantness. Now, pain as a distinct and localizable sensation has not been involved in the situation described in the preceding paragraphs. Pain, considered as a distinct sensation, was, however, born out of this situation or differentiated from it. Certain sensational elements which have a high protective value for the organism are naturally most often involved in such a situation. These are warning calls, and usually necessitate an interruption of the ordinary business of life which may be in process at the time the danger threatens. The free flow of ordinary sensori-motor activity is abruptly checked, and the organism suddenly stops and makes the necessary reaa- justment as quickly as may be. In the interest of increasing the rapidity of this avoiding reaction, which, of course, is frequently of vital importance, the pathways of the exteroceptive pain reactions are well developed and segregated from the more diffuse and poorly organized affective apparatus which we have just been considering. Thus arose pain nerves (if such exist separately) and the pain tract of the spinal cord (whose anatomical dis- tinctness seems well established), and also perhaps a special mechanism for painful reactions in the thalamus. Sherrington has given a graphic statement of the probable history of this process in the following words (Schafer's Physiology, vol. ii, p. 974): "The facility of path of these motor reflexes colligated to pain hints at their antiquity, or at their having been formed by some neural method par- ticularly able to, as it were, make a good road. Each reaction that employs a neural path seems to smooth it by sheer act of travel. This is true even of slight impulses — light traffic — and more true of heavy. Pain reactions are to be regarded as very heavy traffic. Their impressions summate with Kculiar ease, take correspondingly long periods to subside, and, to judge „• their inertia, move generally masses of neural material relatively great. Such impressions might wear a road with quite especial speed. Many spinal reflexes imply, so to say, well-worn habits based on ancient pain PAIN AND PLEASURE 259 reactions. One is almost emboldened to figuratively imagine them as con- nate memories of the spinal cord. The majority of them seem to be pro- tective reactions that in organisms of high neural type are accompanied by 'pain.'" But even in this case the apparatus for pain is incapable of acting as rapidly as are those of some other sensations. If a sensitive corn on the foot is struck a sharp blow, one will often feel a very distinct tactile sensation an appreciable interval before the painful quality is perceived, the latter, how- ever, soon welling up into consciousness and obscuring the tactile quality entirely. This is an illustration of the fact that even the highly protective exteroceptive painful stimuli pass through a mechanism of slower reaction time than the primary exteroceptive sensations with which they may be associated. We cannot here enter into a full discussion of the larger questions center- ing about the physiological correlates of the higher affective life, the emotions and esthetics. It has often been pointed out that the conscious processes resulting from exteroceptive stimulation tend to be directed outward, the attention being focussed on the external objects giving rise to the stimuli with a minimum of personal reference. The deep sensations, both of the proprioceptive and the interoceptive group, on the other hand, have a less clearly defined local sign and the mental attitude toward them is not one of outwardly directed attention to the source of the stimulus, but rather a change in the subjective state and an alteration, of the general feeling tone of the body as a whole. Under ordinary circumstances the visceral afferent and other deep nervous impulses do not come into clear consciousness sepa- rately, but in the aggregate these complexes (often termed as a whole com- mon sensation) profoundly modify the general mental attitude and equilib- rium. The generalized feelings of both the pleasurable and the painful type share this subjective reference with the common sensations. They are very important factors in that sensory continuum which lies at the basis of the maintenance of personal identity which the older psychologists sometimes called the empirical ego. Only the pains associated with the sharply local- ized cutaneous sensation qualities with a high adaptive value as warning signs of external danger have a distinct peripheral reference, and even this is less clearly defined than that of the accompanying sensations of pressure, and so forth. The deep pains are imperfectly localized and have more of the general subjective- reference which has just been mentioned, and all of the pleasurable qualities are of this type. The simpler affective types of experience, accordingly, seem to be most intimately associated with the "common sensation" complex, especially with the visceral sensation components of this complex. From this it has been argued that the coarser emotions, as well as the elementary feelings, are the direct expression in consciousness of these visceral activities, that the well-known visceral changes associated with the emotions are not the results, but the causes of the emotions (Lange and James). This hypothesis has been attacked experimentally by Sherrington (see The Integrative Action of the Nervous System, 1906, p. 260), who found that cutting the afferent sympathetic fibers from the abdominal viscera in dogs made no apparent difference in the emotional reactions of the animals ; but the experiments are not very convincing, and the question is probably too complex for solution by so simple means as those here employed. The probability is that we have here a circular type of reaction. The initial visceral afferent impulses, being heavily charged with affective quali- 260 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY ties and with a minimum of objective reference, excite within the brain, probably in the medial thalamic nuclei, a general non-localized pleasurable or unpleasant feeling, a feeling of well-being or malaise, as the case may be. These thalamic receptive centers are in very intimate relation with the visceral efferent systems of the hypothalamus and a reflex response in the viscera follows — a typical organic circuit. So long as this circuit involves only the viscera and their thalamic centers the peripheral reference will be at a minimum, and the feeling remains an unlocalized change in the affective consciousness. The higher emotional and esthetic activities are so charged with intellec- tual content also as to require the ^participation of the association centers of the cerebral cortex. But no pleasure-pain centers are known in the cortex and the evidence at present available seems to negative the presence of such centers. The agreeable or disagreeable components of the higher emotional processes are very probably due to the colligation of thalamic activities with cortical associational processes. In case these emotional or esthetic processes are of cortical origin, that is, excited in the first instance by the activity of cortical associational centers, their affective content may be due to the involvement of the subcortical pleasure-pain apparatus in the asso- ciational process, and this apparatus would, as above described, generate efferent impulses from the related visceral centers, thus causing the charac- teristic visceral movements, which in turn would reinforce the visceral activ- ities of the brain centers, and thus by a "back-stroke" action strengthen the emotional con ten t of the primary associational complex. Thus the com- Eletion of the circular reaction may reinforce the affective consciousness so >ng as it is operative. That pleasure is correlated with free discharge of nervous energy is sug- gested further by the fact that in most of the pleasurable emotions and senti- ments there is present a large factor of recall of previous experiences. The esthetic enjoyment of a given situation is in large measure proportional to the wealth of associated memories incorporated within it, especially when these are recombined into new patterns. The pleasure experienced in listen- ing to a complicated musical production like a symphony may be enhanced many fold after one has become thoroughly familiar with it, and still more so if the listener has himself played it or parts of it. In concluding this discussion of pleasure-pain we quote the following paragraph from Sherrington's account of Cutaneous Sensations, already referred to (Schafer's Physiology, 1900, vol. ii, p. 1000): "Affective tone is an attribute of all sensation, and among the attribute tones of skin sensation is skin-pain. Affective tone inheres more intensely in senses which refer to the body than in those which refer to the environ- ment, that is, it is strongest in the non-pro jicient senses. It is, therefore, strong in the cutaneous senses, and in them is inversely as their projicience, therefore least in touch spots, more in thermal spots, most in the so-called 'pain-spots.' . . . Stimuli evoking skin-pain are broadly such as injure or threaten injury to the skin; the skin may be said to have gone far toward developing a special sense of its own injuries. The central conducting path concerned with these skin feelings seems a side-path into which the impressions from the various skin spots embouch with various ease, those from the 'pain spots' especially easily. The physiological reactions connected with this side-path are characterized by tendency to 'summation, ' tendency to 'collateral irradiation,' slow culmination, and slow subsidence. They often involve with their own activity that of adjacent sensory channels (as- PAIN AND PLEASURE 261 sociate pains, referred pains), and almost invariably of motor centers of visceral, facial, and other muscles of expression (emotional discharge)." Our own view is in harmony with that expressed in this paragraph except that, while we recognize that sensations in general have an affective tone, we do not consider that affective experience is to be regarded as essentially an attribute or quale of sensation. These are independent variables which are, however, usually intimately associated. Each has its own mechanism. The mechanism of every sensation is a localizable system of tracts and centers as expounded in the preceding chapters. The mechanism of the affective experience is a more general neural attitude or physiological phase, intimately bound up with the visceral reactions peripherally and inte- grated centrally in the thalamus. Summary. — In the human organism pain appears to be a true sensation with its own receptors, probably with independent peripheral neurons (in some cases at least), and certainly with well localized conduction paths and cerebral centers, these cen- ters being thalamic and not cortical. Pain appears to be closely related neurologically with feelings of unpleasantness and pleas- antness, and these, in turn, with the higher emotions and the affective life in general. The intellectual elements in the higher emotions and sentiments are, of course, cortical, and in nearly all cases the affective experience probably involves a highly complex interaction of cortical and subcortical activities. Pleasantness and unpleasantness are not regarded simply as attributes of specific sensory processes in any case, but rather as a mode of reaction or physiological attitude of the whole nervous system intimately bound up with certain visceral reactions of a protec- tive sort whose central control is effected in the ventral and medial parts of the thalamus. These parts of the thalamus form, ac- cordingly, the chief integrating center of the nervous reactions involved in purely affective experience. This mechanism is phylogenetically very old, and in lower vertebrates which lack the cerebral cortex it is adequate to direct avoiding reactions to noxious stimuli and seeking reactions to beneficial stimuli. With the appearance of the cortex in vertebrate evolution these thalamic centers became intimately connected with the associ- ation centers of the cerebral hemispheres, and an intelligent analysis of the feelings of unpleasantness and pleasantness be- came possible. As a final step in the development of the pro- tective apparatus the peripheral nerves of painful sensibility, with their own specific conduction paths and centers, were differ- 262 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY entiated, and pain takes its place among the other exteroceptive senses. But even in man the thalamic and visceral mechanisms of affective experience are preserved and give a characteristic organic background to the entire conscious life. In the normal man these mechanisms may function with a minimum of cor- tical control, giving the general feeling tone of well-being or malaise, or they may be tied up with the most complex cortical processes, thus entering into the fabric of the higher sentiments and affections and becoming important factors in shaping human conduct. LITERATURE CANNON, W. B. 1914. Recent Studies of Bodily Effects of Fear, Rage, and Pain, Jour. Philos. Psych. Sci. Methods, vol. xi, pp. 162-165. — . 1914. The Interrelations of Emotions as Suggested by Recent Physiological Researches, Amer. Jour. Psychol., vol. xxv, pp. 256^-282. — . 1914. The Emergency Function of the Adrenal Medulla in Pain and the Major Emotions, Amer. Jour. Physiol., vol. xxxiii, pp. 356-372. — . 1915. Bodily Changes in Pain, Hunger, Fear, and Rage, New York, 311 pages. CAPPS, J. A. 1911. An Experimental Study of the Pain Sense in the Pleural Membranes, Arch. Internal Medicine, vol. viii, pp. 717-733. HEAD, H.; and HOLMES, G. 191 X. Sensory Disturbances from Cerebral Lesions, Brain, vol. xxxiv, pp. 109-254. HEAD, H., and THOMPSON, T. 1906. The Grouping of the Afferent Im- pulses Within the Spinal Cord, Brain, vol. xxix, p. 537. HERRICK, C. L. 1910. The Summation-irradiation Theory of Pleasure- pain. In The Metaphysics of a Naturalist, Bui. Denison University Scientific Laboratories, vol. xv. HOLMES, S. J. 1910. Pleasure, Pain, and the Beginnings of Intelligence, Jour. Comp. Neur., vol. xx, pp. 145-164. JAMES, W. 1890. The Principles of Psychology, New York, vol. ii, pp. 442^85. — . 1894. The Physical Basis of Emotions, Psych. Rev., vol. i, p. 516. KARPLUS, J. P., and KREIDL, A. 1914. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Schmerzleitung im Riickenmark, nach gleichzeitigen Durchschneidungen beider Riickenmarkshalften in verschiedenen Hohen bei Katzen, Pfliiger's Archiv, Bd. 158, pp. 275-287. LANGE, C. 1887. Ueber Gemiithsbewegungen. Eine Psycho-physio- logische Studie, Leipzig. MEYER, MAX. 1908. The Nervous Correlate of Pleasantness and Un- pleasantness, Psych. Rev., vol. xv, pp. 201-216. 292-322. SHERRINGTON, C. S. 1900. Cutaneous Sensations, in Schafer's Physi- ology, vol. ii, pp. 965-1001. — . 1906. The Integrative Action of the Nervous System, New York. WATSON, J. B. 1913. Image and Affection in Behavior, Jour. Philos. Psych. Sci. Methods, vol. x. pp. 421-428. CHAPTER XIX THE STRUCTURE OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX THE preceding pages have included a brief chapter on some of the general biological principles underlying the differentiation of the structure and functions of the nervous system, some general characteristics of the nervous tissues, a brief survey of the structure of the various great divisions of the nervous system, and finally an analysis of the more important sensori-motor reflex circuits. Nearly all of the mechanisms hitherto consid- ered are concerned with the innate invariable types of response represented in the reflex and instinctive life of the organism (p. 31). In the higher mammals, and especially in man, the individually acquired relatively variable types of action, par- ticularly those which are consciously performed, require the cooperation of the cerebral cortex, and the following chapters will be devoted to a consideration of the cortex, its structure, functions, evolution, and biological significance. We have already commented (pp. 109, 215) on the fact that the cerebral cortex appeared later in vertebrate evolution than most of the other parts of the brain, and that in general it serves the individually acquired and intelligent functions, in contrast with the brain stem and cerebellum, which contain the apparatus for the innate activities of the reflex type. The primary reflex centers of the brain stem and cerebellum, accordingly, are some- times called the old brain (palaeencephalon, see Fig. 45, p. 114), while the cerebral cortex and those parts of the brain stem which develop as subsidiary to the cortex (such as the neothalamus, p. 163) are called the new brain (neencephalon).1 1 A review of the evolution of the brain and the phylogenetic origin of the cerebral cortex would lie beyond the limits of this work, for the liter- ature upon this subject is very extensive. The following papers may be consulted in the present context. (See also the bibliographies on pp. 159, 223.) HERRICK, C. JUDSON. 1910. The Evolution of Intelligence and Its Organs, Science, N. S., vol. xxxi, pp. 7-18. SMITH, G. ELLIOT. 1910. The Arris and Gale Lectures on Some Prob- 263 264 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY In the embryologic development of the human brain the cere- bral hemispheres grow out as lateral pouches from the anterior end of the neural tube (Figs. 46-54, pp. 116-121). These pouches are hollow and the cavities within them are the lateral ventricles (also called the first and second ventricles), each of which com- municates with the third ventricle of the thalamus by a narrow opening, the interventricular foramen or foramen of Monro. In a simply organized brain like that of the frog (Fig. 1 19) the olfactory bulb forms the anterior end of each cerebral hemi- Olfactory nerve Ifactory bulb Lateral ventricle Corpus striatum Lamina tenn'malis Interventricular foramen Third ventricle .Optic lobe .Cerebellum 'ourth ventricle Fig. 119. — Diagrammatic representation of an amphibian brain from which the roof of the thalamus and cerebral hemisphere has been dissected off on the right side, exposing the third and the lateral ventricles and the interventricular foramen (foramen of Monro). The membranous roof of the fourth ventricle has also been removed. sphere, behind which the massive wall contains ventrally the basal olfactory centers (p. 218), laterally the corpus striatum (p. 168), and dorsally the cerebral cortex or pallium (which has lems Relating to the Evolution of the Brain, The Lancet for January 1, 15, and 22, 1910. SMITH, G. ELLIOT. 1912. The Evolution of Man, Report of the Anthro- pological Section of the British Assoc. for the Advancement of Science, Dundee Meeting. Printed also in Nature (London) for Sept. 26, 1912, and in the Smithsonian Report (Washington) for 1912, pp. 553-572. THE STRUCTURE OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX 265 been removed on the right side of Fig. 119). In the human brain the cerebral cortex is so greatly enlarged that it overlaps all other structures of the hemisphere. The anterior end of the early neural tube is an epithelial plate, the terminal plate or lamina terminalis, which forms the anterior wall of the third ventricle in the median plane. The position of this plate is unchanged throughout all subsequent stages of development (Figs. 46-51, pp. 116-119, and Fig. 119), though the cerebral hemispheres grow forward on each side of it, so that in the adult brain it lies deeply buried at the bottom of the great longitudinal fissure which separates the hemispheres. The reflex centers of the two sides of the spinal cord and brain stem are connected by transverse bands of fibers known as commissures, for the facilitation of bilateral adj ustments. There is an extensive series of ventral commissures crossing below the ventricle in the floor of the midbrain, medulla oblongata, and spinal cord, and several smaller dorsal commissures are found above the ventricle. In the diencephalon there is a large ventral commissure associated with the optic chiasma, and a dorsal com- missure, the superior or habenular commissure, connecting the habenular bodies of the epithalamus. The basal parts of the cerebral hemispheres are connected by the anterior commissure, whose fibers cross in the lamina terminalis (Fig. 78, p. 165), and there are two large commissures which connect the cerebral cortex of the two hemispheres. One of these, the corpus callo- sum (Figs. 52, p. 119, and 78, p. 165), connects the non-olfactory cortex (neopallium, p. 217), the other one, the hippocampal commissure, connects the olfactory cortex (hippocampus). The fibers of the hippocampal commissure lie under the posterior end of the corpus callosum in close relation with the fimbria (Figs. 78, p. 165, and 80, p. 170). In the smaller mammals the cerebral cortex is smooth, but in the larger forms it is more or less wrinkled, so that the surface is marked by gyri or convolutions separated by sulci or fissures. A more highly convoluted cortical pattern is found in large animals than in smaller ones of closely related species, and in animals high in the zoological scale than in lower species; but the factors which have determined this pattern in each individual species are very complex (see Kappers, 1913 and 1914). The 266 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY primary factor in the higher mammals has undoubtedly been the great increase in the superficial area of cortical gray matter without a corresponding enlargement of the skull. The human cerebral cortex is somewhat arbitrarily divided into frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes (Fig. 120). These lobes have no special functional significance, but are dis- tinguished merely for convenience of topographic description. Some of the more important gyri and sulci are named on Figs. 52 and 54 (pp. 119 and 121). Between the temporal and frontal lobes and under the lower end of the lateral or Sylvian fissure is a buried convolution, the island of Reil (insula), which is seen in section in Figs. 79 and 80 (pp. 166 and 170) . The cortical lobules which cover the insula are called opercula (Fig. 54, p. 121). OCCIPITAL LOBE Fig. 120. — The lateral aspect of the human brain, illustrating the boundaries of the lobes of the cerebral cortex (cf. Fig. 54). The walls of the cerebral hemispheres in the cortical region are very thick, the greater part of this thickness being occupied by white matter composed of nerve-fibers which effect various types of connection with the neurons of the cerebral cortex. The cortex itself is composed of gray matter and is relatively thin, its inner border being marked by a broken line in Figs. 79 and 80. The subcortical white matter contains three chief classes of fibers: (1) Corona radiata fibers which connect the cortex with the brain stem (Figs. 79, 80). Most of these fibers pass through the internal capsule and comprise the sensory and motor pro- jection fibers (pp. 165-169); (2) commissural fibers of the corpus callosum and hippocampal commissure (Figs. 79, 80) ; (3) associ- ation fibers, which connect different parts of the cerebral cortex THE STRUCTURE OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX 267 of each hemisphere. Some of these fibers are very short, passing between adjacent gyri (arcuate fibers, or fibrae proprise, f.p., Fig. 121); others are very long fibers, forming compact fascicles which can easily be dissected out and which connect the impor- tant association centers of the cortex. All parts of the cerebral cortex are directly or indirectly connected with all other parts by these association fibers, so that no region can be regarded as the exclusive seat of any particular cortical function. str term Us. f. Tr. OOt f.l.i. f. inf. Fig. 121. — Diagram illustrating some of the chief association tracts of the cerebral hemisphere, seen as projected upon the median surface of the right hemisphere: cin., cingulum; f.l.i., fasciculus longitudinalis inferior; f.l.s., fasciculus longitudinalis superior; /. inf., fasciculus occipito- frontalis inferior; f.p., arcuate fibers;, fasciculus transversus occipi- talis;/.imc., fasciculus uncinatus; str. term., stria terminalis. The human cortex varies in thickness in different regions from about 4 mm. in the motor area to less than half that thickness in some other parts. When cut across and examined in the fresh condition it shows alternate bands of light and dark gray, whose arrangement varies in different parts of the hemisphere. The light bands are composed of myelinated fibers which run parallel with the surface. There are typically two of these light bands, the outer and inner stripes of Baillarger (Fig. 122). In the visual projection area (Figs. 130, 131, area 17) the outer stripe 268 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY of Baillarger is greatly thickened by the optic projection fibers, and here it is sometimes called the line of Gennari. The por- tion of cortex exhibiting the line of Gennari is called the area striata. The most characteristic neurons of the cortex are pyramidal in shape, with the apex directed toward the outer surface of the brain and prolonged to form the principal dendrite. Smaller dendrites arise from other parts of the cell body, and the axon arising from the base of the cell body is directed inward into the white matter (Figs. 7, 8, pp. 42, 44). The cortex contains, more- over, many other types of neurons, some of irregular shape (poly- morphic or multiform cells) and many whose axons are short and Fig. 122. — Sections of the cerebral cortex, drawn nearly natural size and showing the naked-eye appearance: 1 shows the layers as they appear in many parts of the cortex, and 2 shows the appearance of a section from the visual cortex (area striata) from the neighborhood of the calcarine fissure, with the conspicuous line of Gennari. (After Baillarger.) ramify close to the cell body without leaving the cortex itself (Fig. 9, p. 44). These type II neurons probably assist in the summation and irradiation of stimuli (see p. 101). Some other types of neurons are shown in Fig. 123. Figure 124 illustrates a typical arrangement of the neurons in the postcentral gyrus (gyrus centralis posterior of Fig. 54, p. 121). Most of the neurons here shown send their axons inward to participate in the formation of the white matter and may dis- charge their nervous impulses into remote parts of the brain. The endings of the afferent nerve-fibers which effect synaptic connection with the neurons here shown form a dense entangle- ment of fine unmyelinated fibers between the dendrites of these neurons. These afferent fibers are not included in Fig. 124; one THE STRUCTURE OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX 269 of them is shown in Fig. 123 and they are drawn separately in Fig. 125 as they appear in the precentral gyms (gyrus centralis anterior of Fig. 54). These afferent fibers may be either sensory projection fibers or association fibers from other parts of the Fig. 123. — Diagrammatic illustration of the arrangement of neurons in the cerebral cortex as revealed by the Golgi method. The figure is copied from Obersteiner and the layers are numbered differently than in Brod- mann's scheme, Fig. 127. Obersteiner's layer III includes layers III, IV, and V of Brodmann. The arrows indicate the direction of nervous conduc- tion, and the axons of the neurons are marked by a cross, x ; gl., layer of su- perficial neuroglia cells; m, beginning of the layer of white matter; 12, 13, 14, and 15 mark neuroglia (glia) cells; the other numbers designate different types of neurons. cortex. The synapses between these incoming fibers and the neurons of the cortex among which they end are of various types. Many of the afferent fibers end in the outermost layer of the cortex (layer 1 of Figs. 123 and 124) among the dendrites of the 270 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY Fig. 124. — Section from the cerebral cortex of a human infant from the postcentral gyrus (gyrus centralis posterior), with the neurons impregnated by the method of Golgi. The figure is taken from Ramon y Cajal's His- tology of the Central Nervous System, and the layers are numbered accord- ing to his system. Layer 1 corresponds to Brodmann's first layer (Fig. 127); layer 2, to his second layer; layers 3 and 4, to his third layer; layer 5, to his fourth layer; layer 6, to his fifth layer; and layer 7, to his sixth layer. THE STRUCTURE OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX 271 pyramidal cells which are here widely expanded (see Fig. 8, p. •44); others end in dense arborizations which closely envelop Fig. 125. — Section of the human cerebral cortex from the precentral gyrus (gyrus centralis anterior), illustrating the free endings of the incoming fibers. This region contains a large number of cells similar to those shown in Fig. 124; but none of the cells were stained in this preparation, which was prepared by the method of Golgi. At a and 6 are seen the terminal arbori- zation of two individual fibers. At B is a dense entanglement of such ter- minal arborizations around the cell bodies of the pyramidal neurons of layer 3 (Fig. 124). C, D, and E illustrate horizontally directed nerve-fibers, from which the terminal arborizations shown in the upper part of the figure arise. (After Ram6n y Cajal.) 272 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY the bodies of the pyramidal cells (Fig. 126). Still others twine around the dendrites for their entire length. The dendrites of the pyramidal cells are very rough and thorny, and these thorns are supposed by some to be the points where the actual synaptic connections are effected. Besides the lamination caused by the bands of tangential nerve-fibers already referred to, the cell bodies themselves are arranged in layers whose pattern varies in different parts of the Fig. 126. — Section of the human cerebral cortex from the precentral gyrus, illustrating the details of the terminal arborizations of the incoming fibers (a) in the form of a closely woven feltwork of fibers (b, c, d) around the cell bodies of the large pyramidal cells of the cortex. The cells themselves are not stained in the preparation, but their outlines are clearly indicated by the pericellular basket-work by which they are enveloped. (After Ilam6n y Cajal.) cortex. Neurologists enumerate these layers differently. Brod- mann, who has studied this question very exhaustively, enumer- ates six primary layers which in most parts of the cortex are arranged essentially as shown in the accompanying diagram (Fig. 127). The six layers here recognized are present in most but not in all parts of the cortex. In the different regions one or more of these layers may be reduced, enlarged, or subdivided; and on the basis of these differences the entire cortex has been THE STRUCTURE OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX 273 mapped out into areas, each of which is defined by the arrange- ment of the layers of cortical cells and fibers. Brodmann (Figs. 128, 129) divides the cerebral hemisphere into eleven general regions, which he says are recognizable more or less clearly throughout the entire group of mammals. These are: 1. Regio postcentralis (tactile region). 2. Regio precentralis (motor region). 3. Regio frontalis (frontal association center). 4. Regio insularis (insula). 5. Regio parietalis (parietal association center). 6. Regio temporalis (auditory region). 7. Regio occipitalis (visual region). 8. Regio cingularis (supracallosal part of limbic lobe). 9. Regio retrosplenialis (postcallosal part of limbic lobe). 10. Regio hippocampica (gyrus hippocampi and hippocampus). 11. Regio olfactoria (uncus, amygdala, tuberculum olfactorium). In the list as here given Brodmann's names of the regions are given, and in parenthesis is added a brief description of each region. Regions 8, 9, 10, and 11 are all concerned with the olfactory reactions, though region 8 only to a small extent. Region 11 is only in part cortical (the uncus); the other parts of this region are subcortical olfactory centers. The specific sensory and motor projection centers (see p. 165) lie within their respective regions, as designated, but they do not occupy the whole of their regions. On the basis of the arrangement of their cells and fibers these regions are further subdivided by Brod- mann into upward of 50 areas or fields, as shown in Figs. 130 and 131. The areas are less uniformly developed in different animals than are the general regions, though many of them are very constantly present. Bolton, Campbell, Ramon y Cajal, Vogt, Elliot Smith, and many others have investigated the lamination of the cerebral cortex in man and other mammals, and many charts similar to those here presented have been published. The conclusions reached by these authors do not agree in all respects (particu- larly in the number of areas separately recognized and the nomenclature of the layers of cells and fibers in the various regions) ; nevertheless there is a sufficiently close general agree- ment to make it evident that there is a definite structural pattern 18 274 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY >;,.' (P Fig. 127. — Diagram of the arrangement of the layers of cells and mye- linated nerve-fibers in the cerebral cortex, according to Brodmann. At the left of the figure is shown the arrangement of cells as shown by the Golgi method, in the middle their arrangement as shown by Nissl's method, and at the right the arrangement of nerve-fibers as shown by Weigert's method. /. Lamina zonalis, or plexiform layer, containing tangential nerve- fibers. //. Lamina granularis externa, or layer of small pyramidal cells. ///. Lamina pyramidalis, or layer of medium and large pyramidal cells. THE STRUCTURE OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX 275 which is characteristic of the several cortical regions in each ' species of mammals, and that this pattern is broadly similar in all of the higher members of this group of animals. Data derived from physiological experiments made on dogs, apes and other animals, and from the study of pathological hu- man brains have shown also that the difference in structural pattern of the cortical areas is correlated with differences in the functions performed by them. To these functional ques- tions our attention will next be directed. Summary. — The cerebral cortex is the organ of the highest individually modifiable functions, particularly those of the intellectual life. It matures late in both phylogenetic and indi- vidual development, and therefore has been called the neenceph- alon. In early developmental stages it forms the roof of the lateral ventricle of each cerebral hemisphere, but in the adult human brain it is so enlarged as to envelop most other parts of the hemisphere. The cortex of the two hemispheres is con- nected by commissural fibers in the corpus callosum and the hip- pocampal commissure. The various regions of each hemisphere are connected by a complex web of association fibers, and some parts of the cortex are connected with subcortical regions by 1 projection fibers. The sensory projection fibers discharge among the neurons of the sensory projection centers, and the motor projection fibers arise from neurons of the motor projec- tion centers. The intervening association centers are connected with the projection centers and with each other by very intricate systems of association fibers. The cortex is laminated by bands of horizontally arranged nerve-fibers and by an arrangement of its cells in layers. The pattern of this lamination varies in different regions, and charts of these structurally defined regions are found to show a general correlation with the functionally defined areas as physiologically and pathologically determined. IV. Lamina granularis interna, or inner granular layer, containing the medullated fibers of the external line of Baillarger (in the visual area called the stripe of Gennari). V. Lamina ganglionaris, or layer of large cells, containing in the motor area the giant pyramidal cells or Betz cells, from which the fibers of the pyramidal tract arise, and containing in most areas the medullated fibers of the internal line of Baillarger. VI. Lamina multifonnis, or layer of polymorphic cells. 276 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY Fig. 128. — The chief regions of the human cerebral cortex as determined by Brodmann from the study of the structural arrangements of the layers of cells and fibers, seen from the left side. Fig. 129. — The chief regions of the cortex, seen from the median side. THE STRUCTURE OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX 277 6 Fig. 130. — The detailed subdivisions of the cortical regions shown in Fig. 128 as determined by Brodmann, seen from the left side. Each area or field which is here designated by a number and conventional symbols has a distinctive lamination of its cells and fibers. Fig. 131. — The same brain shown in Fig. 130, seen from the median side. 278 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY LITERATURE BOLTON, J. S. 1910. A Contribution to the Localization of Cerebral Function, Based on the Clinico-pathological Study of Mental Disease, Brain, vol. xxxiii, Part 129, pp. 26-148. BOLTON, J. S., and MOYES, J. M. 1912. The Cytoarchitecture of the Cerebral Cortex of a Human Fetus of Eighteen Weeks, Brain, vol. xxxv. BRODMANN, K. 1907. Die Kortexgliederung des Menschen, Jour. f. Psychol. u. Neurol., Bd. 10. — . 1909. Vergleichende Lokalisationslehre der Grosshirnrinde, Leipzig. — . 1910. Chapter entitled, Feinere Anatomic des Grosshirns, in Lewan- dowsky's Handbuch der Neurologic, Bd. 1, pp. 206-307. CAMPBELL, A. W. 1905. Histological Studies on the Localization of Cor- tical Function, Cambridge. KAPPERS, C. U. A. 1913. Cerebral Localization and the Significance of Sulci, Proc. XVII Intern. Congress of Medicine, London. — . 1914. Ueber das Rindenproblem und die Tendenz innerer Hirnteile sich durch Oberflachen-Vermehrung statt Volumzunahme zu vergrosseren, Folia Neuro-biologica, Bd. 8, pp. 507-531. RAM6N Y CAJAL. 1900-1906. Studien uber die Hirnrinde des Menschen, Leipzig. SMITH, G. ELLIOT. 1907. A New Topographical Survey of the Human Cerebral Cortex, Jour. Anat. and Physiol., vol. xli. VOGT, O. 1903. Zur anatomischen Gliederung des Cortex Cerebri, Jour. f. Psych, u. Neurol., Bd. 2. — . 1904. Die Markreifung des Kindergehirns wahrend der ersten vier Lebensmonate und ihre methodologische Bedeutung, Jena. CHAPTER XX THE FUNCTIONS OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX THE greatest diversity of view has prevailed and still prevails regarding the method of cortical function. That the cerebral cortex is concerned in some way with the higher conscious func- tions is clearly shown by a large body of experimental and clinical evidence. The partial or complete removal of both cerebral hemispheres has been accomplished in various species of animals, from fishes to apes, and the changes in behavior carefully studied. In fishes and frogs the behavior is but little modified, save for the loss of the sense of smell, if the thalamus is left intact; but if the thalamus also is destroyed, the animal loses all power of sponta- neous movement, of feeding when hungry, etc., though it will still react to some strong stimuli in an apparently normal manner. The fundamental reflexes of the spinal cord and brain stem are but little modified by this operation in frogs, save for the dis- turbance of the olfactory and visual functions. The recent experiments of Burnett have, moreover, shown that frogs in which the cerebral hemispheres alone have been removed are somewhat more excitable than normal frogs (probably due to the loss of cortical inhibitions), and that simple associations easily learned by normal frogs are in this case impossible. In the dog the loss of the cerebral hemispheres alone leaves the animal in a state of profound idiocy, though here also all of the primary sensori-motor reflexes (except the olfactory) remain if the thalamus is uninjured, and one such animal operated on by Goltz lived for eighteen months. During this time, however, he had to be artificially fed, for he had lost the ability to recognize food when set before him, nor did he show any of his former signs of intelligence. (These experiments are summarized in Schafer's Physiology, vol. ii, pp. 698 ff., to which the reader is referred for 279 280 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY references to the literature; see also the papers by Goltz, Edinger, and Holmes, cited in the appended Bibliography.) Edinger and Fischer report the case of a boy who lived three years and nine months, whose brain when examined after death showed total lack of the cerebral cortex with no other important defects. In this boy there was practically no development in sensory or motor power or in intelligence from birth to the time of his death. The infant fed when put to the breast, but showed no signs of hunger, thirst, or any other sensory process. It lay in a profound stupor and during the first year of life made no spontaneous movements of the limbs. Until the time of death there was little change from this condition, save for continual crying from the second year on. This case shows that the reflex functions of the human brain stem are normally under cortical control to a much greater extent than are those of any of the lower animals, and that the absence of the cortex accordingly involves a more profound disturbance of the subcortical ap- paratus (see p. 129). About a hundred years ago Gall and Spurzheim examined the brain, form of skull, and physiognomy of many persons whose mental characteristics were more or less fully known, and reached very definite conclusions regarding the localization within the brain of particular mental faculties, such as benevo- lence, wit, and destructiveness; they claimed, further, that the sizes of these specific parts of the brain (and hence their relative physiological importance) can be determined by study of the external configuration of the skull. Many valuable observations were accumulated by these men and their followers, but the data were so uncritically used and the psychological basis of their generalizations was so faulty that the alleged science of phrenol- ogy which they founded is now wholly discredited and is pro- fessed today only by ignorant charlatans. The great popularity of phrenology fifty years and more ago grew out of the fact that it served to give a pseudoscientific character to methods of reading character, and hence of forecast- ing the future formerly claimed by astrologers and necromancers. Modern psychology recognizes that the mind cannot be sub- divided into any such distinct "faculties" as the phrenologists used, and modern neurology finds no basis for the sharply THE FUNCTIONS OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX 281 defined localization of these or any other mental functions, in the sense that a specific cortical area is the exclusive organ of a particular mental element. As a reaction against the crude theories of Gall and Spurzheim it was commonly believed up to the year 1870 that there is no definite localization of functions in the cerebral cortex, but that the cortex functions as a whole, much like the cerebellar cortex, with no clearly defined functional areas. This view and modi- fications of it are still very prevalent. Goltz, who succeeded in removing all of both cerebral hemispheres from several dogs, holds that different psychic functions are not localizable in the cortex, but that removal of cortical areas simply diminishes general intelligence in proportion to the amount of cortex re- moved. Even total removal of the cortex, in his opinion, does not completely destroy consciousness. Many physiologists have, on the other hand, taught that particular conscious func- tions are localized in definite cortical areas, somewhat after the fashion of a refined and modernized phrenology, and this view is very prevalent among clinical neurologists. The modern period of study of cortical functions was inaugu- rated by a chance observation on the battlefield. During the Franco-Prussian war an army surgeon, Fritsch, while operating on a wounded soldier, applied the galvanic electric current to the exposed surface of the brain and observed a twitching of some of the muscles. This was followed immediately by experimental researches upon the electric excitability of the cerebral cortex of dogs, the first results of which were published by Fritsch and Hitzig in 1870. They showed that there are regions in the vicinity of the central sulcus (fissure of Rolando, cruciate sulcus) whose excitation in the living animal is followed by movements of definite groups of muscles on the opposite side of the body. These observations have been followed by an immense number of experimental researches on various animals (the animals being anesthetized during the experiments) and clinico-patho- logical studies of the human brain, whose correlation and integra- tion have proved very difficult. The most careful studies have, however, in general given concordant results. Without attempt- ing a summary of these investigations here, we may mention the recent investigations of Sherrington on the chimpanzee, whose 282 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY results as summarized on Fig. 132 may be accepted as fully in accord with the best previous experimental work, with the anatomical investigations of the regional differentiation of the cortex, and with the most recent clinical studies. The corre- sponding areas of the human brain are seen in Fig. 133. Anus and vagina Hip Shoulder Elbow Ear Eyelid , Noee Closure / of jaw / Opening of jaw Vocal cords I Mastication Sulcus centralia Fig. 132. — Brain of a chimpanzee seen from the left side and from above, upon which the cortical areas whose excitation causes bodily move- ments are indicated by shading. The regions shaded by vertical lines and marked " EYES " indicate the frontal and part of the occipital regions which when electrically excited cause conjugate movements of the eyes. The regions shaded with stipple comprise the motor projection centers from which the fibers of the pyramidal tract arise. The names printed large on the stippled area indicate the main regions of the motor area; the names printed small outside the brain indicate broadly by their pointing lines the relative topography of some of the chief subdivisions of the main regions of the motor cortex. But there exists much overlapping of the motor areas and of their subdivisions which the diagram does not attempt to indicate. (After Griinbaum and Sherrington.) The electric or mechanical stimulation of each one of the shaded areas of Fig. 132 is followed by the contraction of a particular group of muscles on the opposite side of the body, as THE FUNCTIONS OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX 283 designated on the figure. The electrically excitable motor cor- tex is of two types, marked on the figure by stipple and vertical cross-hatching respectively. Stimulation of the latter areas in the frontal and occipital lobes calls forth conjugate movements of the eyes, and the physiological characteristics of these areas are very different from those of the areas in the precentral gyrus, which are shaded with stipple. This gyrus is the true motor projection center, and a comparison of Figs. 132 and 133 with Fig. 130 shows that its limits coincide tolerable closely with Fig. 133. — The human cerebral hemisphere seen from the left side, upon which the functional areas of the cortex are indicated. The area marked "motor speech" is Broca's convolution. (From Starr's Nervous Diseases.) area 4 of Brodmann's chart of the anatomically distinct cortical areas, including, however, a part of the cortex farther forward in area 6. The structure of the cortex in the precentral motor area (Brodmann's area 4) is very characteristic. In this region the fifth layer of the cortex (see Fig. 127) contains a type of large pyramidal cells (giant pyramids or Betz cells) which are found nowhere else in the brain. From these cells arise most of the fibers of the pramidal tract (tractus cortico-spinalis). This 284 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY connection has been proved in several ways in addition to the direct physiological experiments by electric stimulation already referred to. First, if this area of the cortex (and a portion of area 6 in front of it) is destroyed, the entire pyramidal tract will degenerate, a result which follows from the destruction of no other part of the cortex. Conversely, if the pyramidal tract is interrupted, the giant pyramidal cells of this area are the only neurons of the cortex to give clear pictures of chromatolysis of their chromophilic substance. In the third place, these giant cells of the human cortex have been counted, and a count of the number of fibers in the pyramidal tract shows that the numbers are in tolerably close agreement (nearly 80,000 on each side of the body). Finally, a case of sclerotic degeneration involving almost the entire cortex has been described by Spielmeyer, in which these giant cells and the fibers of the pyramidal tract alone escaped injury. The sensory projection centers of the cortex have also been determined physiologically, though their limits are less precisely known than are those of the motor cortex. The olfactory receptive area has already been mentioned as comprised within the archipallium (hippocampus and hippocampal gyms, see p. 217), only a part of which is exposed on the surface of the brain (the regio hippocampica of Fig. 129; areas 27, 28, 34, 35 of Fig. 131). The visual projection center, which receives fibers from the thalamic optic centers in the pulvinar and lateral genic- ulate body (pp. 165, 212), is in the occipital region (Fig. 129). Area 17 (Fig. 131) appears to be the chief center for the recep- tion of these visual projection fibers, though the adjacent area 18 participates in this function, these areas together comprising the area striata of the cortex (p. 268). The auditory projection center is in the upper part of the temporal lobe (area 41, and probably to some extent area 42 also, of Fig. 130). The tactual projection center lies in the postcentral region (Fig. 128; areas 1, 2, and 3 of Fig. 130). The parts of the cerebral cortex which lie between the sensory and motor projection centers which have just been enumerated are the association centers (see pp. 287, 290). Within each general sensory sphere there is a focal area which is exclusively receptive in function, such as area 17 (Fig. 131) in THE FUNCTIONS OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX 285 the visual sphere. Each of these focal spheres is surrounded by other areas which receive projection fibers, though in less abundance, and also numerous association fibers from other parts of the cortex. These marginal fields are, therefore, to be regarded as association centers, each of which is under the dominant physiological influence of the adjacent focal projection center. These are sometimes called visual psychic, auditory psychic fields, etc., after the adjacent projection centers; but these terms are objectionable as implying the old phrenological notion of localization of specific psychological faculties. Each sensory projection center which receives afferent fibers of course sends out association fibers to other parts of the cortex. Some of these fibers may be very short, reaching only to the adjacent marginal fields (these are arcuate fibers, see Fig. 121, f.p.) ; other much longer association fibers may assist in forming the great associational tracts of the subcortical white matter. The association centers themselves are likewise connected by fiber tracts of bewildering complexity, so that every part of the cerebral cortex is in direct or indirect physiological connection with every other part. All of these parts are, therefore, able to influence the motor centers of the precentral gyms, from which alone voluntary motor impulses can be discharged from the cortex to the lower motor centers of the brain stem and spinal cord. The relations of the tactual and somesthetic sensory projection fibers to the postcentral and precentral gyri have been variously described, and some further consideration of the functional connections of these fibers may here be appropriate. From a large body of anatomical, experimental, and clinical evidence it was formerly assumed that the cortical motor centers are co- extensive with those for the general somatic sensory projection systems of cutaneous and muscular sensibility, the projection centers of both the sensory and motor fibers related to each region of the body being located on both the anterior and posterior sides of the central sulcus or fissure of Rolando, that is, in both the precentral and postcentral gyri. Most of the diagrams of cortical localization in all but the most recent manuals are based upon this view of the case. But recent work has shown definitely that the motor centers are confined to the region in front of this sulcus. Here only are found the giant pyramidal cells of Betz which give rise to most of the fibers of the pyramidal tract. It may, therefore, be regarded as definitely established that motor projection fibers do not arise from the postcentral gyrus, as formerly supposed. Sensory projection fibers, however, are known to pass from the general somatic sensory centers in the ventral and lateral nuclei of the thalamus to 286 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY the postcentral gyrus, to the motor cortical centers of the precentral gyrus, and to other widely separated parts of the cortex. The significance of this fact is still obscure. That the postcentral gyrus is of different functional type from the precentral gyrus is shown by the fact that motor projection fibers arise from the latter and not from the former, by the differences in anatomical structure of these regions, by a large amount of experimental and clinical evidence which shows that tactile sensibility is not lost by the destruction of the precentral motor areas, and finally by direct physiological experiment upon human subjects. Dr. Harvey Gushing (1909), in operating upon brain tumors in 2 cases in which the use of an anesthetic was prohibited by the condition of the patient, exposed the postcentral gyrus and, with the patient's consent, electrically stimulated its surface. The patients, who were fully conscious during the operation, reported distinct cutaneous sensations which were subjectively localized as if coming from the skin of the hand. There were no motor responses from this and adjacent parts of the cortex behind the central sulcus, though in the same cases, upon stimulation of the precentral gyrus, motor responses were obtained which were accompanied by no sensations save those which came from the muscles during their contraction. In a previous similar case Dr. Gushing (1908) obtained typical motor responses from stimulation (with the patient's consent) of the precentral gyrus in an operation without anesthesia, and these responses were unaccompanied by painful sensations. A very extensive series of experiments involving the stimulation and extirpation of these cortical areas in apes, dogs, and other animals supports the conclusion that the postcentral gyrus is the great receptive center for cutaneous reactions of the general cutaneous system. What may be the functions of those thalamic fibers which pass to the motor centers in front of the central fissure is unsettled. Possibly these connections are concerned in cortical reflexes of the proprioceptive system or acquired automatisms. The myelinated fibers of the cerebral hemisphere mature, that is, acquire their myelin sheaths, at various stages in the development of the brain, some of these systems of fibers appear- ing before birth and some after birth. Much investigation has been directed to the determination of the exact facts regarding the sequence of development of these fibers, and many interest- ing theories have been developed regarding the significance of these facts. Flechsig in a long series of researches made the first thorough study of this problem, and his conclusions have exerted a profound influence upon all subsequent theories of the functions of the cerebral cortex. He proposed a series of laws of developmental sequence (myelogeny) of the cortical fibers, among which two may be mentioned : (1) The myelinated fiber tracts of the brain do not all mature at the same time, and fiber systems which are of like function, that is, which are so connected as to perform special move- ments in response to excitation, tend to mature at the same time. This is Flechsig's "fundamental myelogenetic law," which may be stated in this form, The myelination of the nerve-fibers of the developing brain follows THE FUNCTIONS OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX 287 a definite sequence such that the fibers belonging to particular functional systems mature at the same time. (2) A second law states that in the 'cerebral cortex there are two great functional groups of fibers which mature at different times. One of these groups contains the projection fibers, which mature early, chiefly before birth; the other group contains the association fibers, which mature after birth. These groups are further subdivided into subsidiary functional systems, each of which connects with a definite region of the cerebral cortex, so that it is possible to map the cortical areas in ac- cordance with the sequence of development of the related myelinated fibers. There are, accordingly, two groups of cortical areas in this scheme: the projection centers whose fibers mature early and the association centers whose fibers mature late. Figures 134 and 135 illustrate the arrangement of these areas, the prim- ary areas (projection centers) being marked by double cross-hatching and the association centers by single cross-hatching or unshaded areas. The numbers printed on the charts indicate the approximate order in which the corresponding parts acquire their myelinated fibers. It will be noticed that Flechsig's projection areas do not correspond exactly with those deter- mined by the physiological method and by the histological study of the adult cortex (Figs. 130, 131, 132, 133). On the basis of his studies, Flechsig elaborated a highly speculative theory of the significance of the association centers, which has been criticized as a return to the old attempt to localize particular mental functions in definite cortical areas. These criticisms are not wholly justified; never- theless it is even yet premature to attempt so detailed an analysis of the cortical mechanisms of psychic processes as Flechsig has elaborated. His observations on the facts of myelogeny, moreover, have not been confirmed by more recent students of the question (Monakow, Vogt, Dejerine, and others), though it seems to be established that the sensory and motor projection centers in general acquire myelinated fibers earlier than other parts of the cerebral cortex. (This entire question is critically reviewed by Brodmann in Lewandowsky's Handbuch der Neurologic, Band 2, pp. 234-244.) The only conclusion at present possible is that the factors which operate in determining the sequence of myelination of the nerve-fibers of the brain are exceedingly complex, and it is impossible from the facts at present known to formulate the laws of the myelogenetic development of the brain. Attention should be called here to the fact that there are many different kinds of projection fibers, that is, fibers connecting the cerebral cortex with the underlying structures of the brain stem and spinal cord. Most of these projection fibers, except those of the olfactory system, pass through the corona radiata and internal capsule of the corpus striatum. The most important of these projection systems are the great sensory radiations which discharge their nervous impulses into the cortical centers of vision, hearing, touch, and smell, as already described (the exact course of the gustatory projection fibers has not been de- termined), and the great motor system of the pyramidal tract 288 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY wo Fig. 135. Figs. 134. 135. — Lateral and median views of the human cerebral hemi- sphere, to illustrate the sequence of maturity of the myelinated fibers of the cortex during the development of the brain, according to Flechsig's observations. The numbers indicate approximately the order in which different parts of the cortex acquire their mature fibers. Areas 1-12 (double cross-hatched) constitute the primordial region, made up chiefly of the projection centers; these include the olfactory area (1, 3, 4, and 4a), THE FUNCTIONS OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX 289 arising from the precentral gyrus. Each of the thalamo-cortical projection tracts of vision, hearing, and tactile sensibility is, moreover, accompanied by cortico-thalamic fibers which conduct in the reverse direction and whose functions are not well known, and there are other cortico-thalamic and cortico-mesencephalic systems. The cerebral cortex is in direct connection with the red nucleus of the cerebral peduncle by a cortico-rubral tract, arising in the frontal region of the cortex, and by ascending fibers from the red nucleus to the same general part of the cerebral hemisphere. From the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital association centers there arise large descending fiber tracts to the nuclei of the pons (cortico-pontile tracts). These connections between the cerebral cortex and the red nucleus and pons put the cerebral cortex and the cerebellum into very intimate relations, but the exact way in which the cerebrum and the cerebellum cooperate functionally is obscure (see p. 192). From the preceding account it is plain that the cerebral cortex is structurally differently organized in different parts, and that each of these parts has its own characteristic fiber connections. Physiological experiment and pathological studies have shown, moreover, that some of these regions, the projection centers, are functionally diverse, in that each one receives a particular type of afferent fibers or discharges efferent impulses into a definite subcortical motor center. Stated in other words, the cortex is structurally a mosaic of diverse patterns ; and on the physiolog- ical side there is a specific localization of function, at least in the sense that the various systems of afferent and efferent projection fibers connect each with its particular place in the structural mosaic. Several English neurologists, notably Bolton, from studies on the development and adult structure of the cortex in normal and abnormal men and in other mammals, have been led to the conclusion that, in addition to the mosaic localization pattern of which we have been speaking, there is a functional difference between the different layers of neurons of the cortex the somesthetic area (2, 26, 2c, and 8), the visual area (7 and probably 76), and the gustatory area (46 and 6). The remainder of the cortex is made up of association centers, of which there are two groups, those which mature soon after birth (lightly shaded areas 13-28), and the terminal areas (un- shaded areas 28-36) which are the last to mature. (From Lewandowsky's Handbuch der Neurologic.) 19 290 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY in general. Bolton believes that the granular layer (layer IV of Fig. 127) marks an important boundary between functionally different cortical mechanisms. The infragranular portion of the cortex is thought to be concerned especially with the performance of the simpler sensori-motor reactions, particularly those of the instinctive type, while the supragranular layers serve the higher associations manifested by the capacity to learn by individual experience and to develop the intellectual life. The infragranular layers mature earlier in the development of the brain, and they are the last to suffer degeneration in the destruction of cortical cells in the acute dementias or insanities. The supragranular layers (notably the pyramidal neurons of Brodmann's third layer, Fig. 127) ma- ture later than any other layers. They are thinner in lower animals and in feeble-minded and imbecile men than in the normal man, and they are the first to show degenerative changes in dementia. This doctrine is controverted by some other neurologists, but the evi- dence seems to show that the supragranular pyramidal neurons are physio- logically the most important elements in the higher associative processes of the cortex. In this connection it is significant that the granular and infra- granular layers are thicker in the projection centers, while in the association centers the supragranular layers of pyramidal cells are thicker. But all of the layers in each region are very intimately related, the processes of most of the cells of the deeper layers extending throughout the thickness of the more superficial layers (see Figs. 123, 124, 125) to reach the most super- ficial layer, and in the present state of our knowledge a functional differ- ence between the layers cannot be said to have been, established, save in very general terms. It must be borne in mind that the most significant parts of the human cerebral cortex are the association centers. These alone are greatly enlarged in the human brain as compared with those of the higher apes. In the latter animals the projection centers are fully as large as those of man, the much smaller brain weight being chiefly due to the relatively poor develop- ment of the association centers. The data which we have summarized in the preceding pages have led to the most contradictory theories as to the exact mode of functioning of the association centers. Neurologists have been prone, even up to the present time, to fall into the error of attempting to find specific centers for particular mental functions or faculties. But the evidence at present available gives small promise of success in the search for such centers. It is, in fact, theoretically improbable that such discoveries will ever be made, for psychology today recognizes no such mosaic of discrete mental faculties as would be implied in such a doc- trine. The facts of cerebral localization as clinically and experi- 291 mentally demonstrated, in themselves and aside from any philo- sophic theories based upon them, contribute no evidence what- ever to a solution of the problem of a seat of consciousness or of particular mental "faculties." That the proper functioning of a given locus in the cortex is essential to the execution of a given motion or the experience of a given sensation by no means necessarily implies that the consciousness of the act is located there. The latter is an entirely independent problem which must be separately investigated. It is not, then, the facts of cerebral localization which can be called in question so much as the interpretation of these facts. The search for a single seat of consciousness, such as psychol- ogists and philosophers have so long sought, is vain. The higher mental processes undoubtedly require the activity of associa- tion centers of the cerebral cortex, and the integrity of the associational mechanism as a whole is essential for their full efficiency. The cerebral cortex differs from the reflex centers of the brain stem chiefly in that all of its parts are interconnected by inconceivably complex systems of associational connections, many of which are probably acquired late in life under the influ- ence of individual experience, and any combination of which may, under appropriate conditions of external excitation and internal physiological state, become involved in any cerebral process whatever. Nevertheless, some of these cortical association paths are structurally more highly elaborated than others (Fig. 121, p. 267, illustrates the most distinct of these tracts), and certain combinations of cortical functions are, therefore, more likely to follow a given stimulus than others. This associational pattern is doubtless partly innate and partly acquired. That there is a fairly precise anatomical pattern of association tracts can be seen in any good dissection of the cerebral hemisphere, and that the elements of this pattern are related in definite functional systems which are spatially separate is shown by numberless clinical ob- servations in which sharply circumscribed mental defects are found to be associated with definite cerebral lesions. The phenomena of aphasia give the clearest illustrations of these relations. The term aphasia has commonly been applied to a variety of 292 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY speech defects, but Hughlings Jackson extended the connotation of the word to include "a loss or defect in symbolizing relations of things in any way." The lesion which produces the defect affects the association centers rather than the projection centers, for there is no primary sensory defect- — no blindness or deafness or loss of general sensation — nor is there any motor paralysis. The problems connected with aphasia are very difficult and confused, and there is by no means general agreement on either the fundamental physiological mechanisms involved in speech or on the nature of the lesions which produce the various types of observed speech defects. The enormous literature relating to this subject cannot be summarized here; see the text-books of physiology, physiological psychology, and clinical neurology. Lesions of the primary sensory or motor projection centers will not pro- duce aphasia, for in these cases all sensations or all movements related to the injured parts are lost, whereas in aphasia only the correlations involved in speech or other associational processes are impaired and all other sensori- motor correlations may be intact. Of course, the number of associational pathways involved in the communicating of ideas by hearing, reading, speaking, and writing words is very large; and the character of the speech defect will depend in part upon the particular associational tracts affected by the lesion and in part upon the effect of the lesion upon the general in- telligence of the patient (diaschisis effect, see p. 293). The second factor seems to be exceedingly variable and has given rise to much controversy. Distinctive names have been given to the more important types of speech defect as clinically observed ; such as agraphia or inability to write correctly, aphemia or inability to utter words, word-blindness (alexia) or inability to comprehend written words, word-deafness or inability to comprehend spoken words, and many others. Evidently an aphasia may result from injury to (1) a sensory association area contiguous to the primary visual or auditory projection centers (sensory types of aphasia), or (2) to a motor association center contiguous to the motor projection centers for the speech muscles (motor types), or (3) to any of the associational tracts connecting these association centers. The second, or motor, type of aphasia usually, though not invariably, results from injury to the posterior part of the inferior frontal gyrus (see Fig. 54, p. 121) of the left hemisphere in right-handed persons and of the right hemisphere in left-handed persons. This relation was first discovered by Broca, and the area of motor speech correlations (marked "motor speech " in Fig. 133, p. 283) has since been termed Broca's convolution. It should be reiterated that Broca's convolution does not lie in the excit- able motor zone of the cortex. Though the destruction of this area may be followed by defects of speech, the muscles of the larynx, tongue, lips, etc., involved in vocalization are not paralyzed. This case is typical of many other motor association centers of the cortex whose integrity is essential for specific motor combinations, though separate motor centers are present for all of the muscles involved in these movements. THE FUNCTIONS OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX 293 The correlations involved in the motor functions of speech appear to be represented typically in only one hemisphere, though this is by no means rigidly true. The corresponding structures in the other hemisphere may cooperate in these functions normally, and after loss of speech from a uni- lateral lesion speech may be reacquired by further education of the unin- jured centers of the same or the opposite side. It has recently been shown that Broca's convolution is often larger on the left side of the brain than on the right side and that the average thickness of the cortex in this region is greater on the left side. Various attempts have been made to localize each of the various types of aphasia mentioned above in a specific part of the cortex, but with no con- cordant results. Each of these functions is, of course, very complex, and a small circumscribed cortical injury may disturb or temporarily abolish the entire complex by the destruction of one only of the component functional connections. (See the summary by Dr. A. Meyer, 1910.) The general conclusion to be drawn from the entire series of physiological and pathological studies of the cortex is that spe- cific mental entities are not resident in particular cortical areas, but that cortical functions involve the discharge of nervous en- ergy from one or more sensory centers to various near and remote regions, each of which, in turn, may serve as a point of departure for new nervous discharges, and so on until the complexity of action and interaction of part upon part becomes too intricate for the mind to conceive. The resultant effect of all of these nervous activities which reverberate from one association center to another will be the establishment by a process of which we are still in ignorance of an equilibrium, usually by means of a motor discharge of some precise form from the cortex through the pyramidal tract. This dynamic view of cortical function finds a further illustra- tion in the realm of neuro-pathology in von Monakow's doctrine of diaschisis. The onset of cerebral hemorrhage or any other sudden injury to the cerebral cortex is usually marked by an apoplectic "stroke," with profound shock and usually loss of consciousness. The entire cortical equilibrium is disturbed and this effect irradiates very widely throughout the nervous system. If the injury is not too severe, there is soon a partial readjust- ment of the nervous equilibrium and consciousness returns. But the restoration is incomplete, for some of the normal factors in the dynamic equilibrium complex are lacking by reason of the destruction of the corresponding cortical areas or association tracts. The intelligence is enfeebled and all voluntary control is 294 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY impaired. In the course of a few weeks or months a new equi- librium minus the lacking factors is established and the patient very rapidly improves. Ultimately complete recovery may occur, save for a permanent residual defect which results directly from the loss of the tissue destroyed. The immediate shock-like interference with the activity of cerebral centers not directly affected by the lesion is what von Monakow means by diaschisis. Upon the restoration of the nervous equilibrium this transient diaschisis effect is wholly or partially lost, and the residual symptoms of defect give a fairly accurate picture of the intrinsic functions of the center directly attacked by the lesion. It is commonly assumed that there is also during the process of gradual recovery from such a corti- cal injury a certain capacity for the compensatory development of other centers of the same or the opposite cerebral hemisphere, so that they learn to perform vicariously the functions of the lost part. All functions of the nervous system are facilitated by repeti- tion, and many such repetitions lead to an enduring change in the mode of response to stimulation which may be called physio- logical habit. This implies that the performance of every reac- tion leaves some sort of a residual change in the structure of the neuron systems involved. These acquired modifications of behavior are manifested in some degree by all organisms (see pp. 22, 31), and this capacity lies at the basis of all associative memory (whether consciously or unconsciously performed) and the capacity of learning by experience. This modifiability through individual experience is possessed by the cerebral cortex in higher degree than by any other part of the nervous system ; and the capacity for reacting to stimuli in terms of past experi- ence as well as of the present situation lies at the basis of that docility and intelligent adaptation of means to ends which are characteristic of the higher mammals. It is a fact of common observation that those animals which possess the capacity for in- telligent adjustments of this sort have larger association centers in the cerebral cortex than do other species whose behavior is controlled by more simple reflex and instinctive factors, that is, by inherited as contrasted with individually acquired organiza- tion. This is brought out with especial distinctness by a com- THE FUNCTIONS OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX 295 parison of the brains of the higher apes with that of man (Figs. 132, 133), and of the lower races of men as contrasted with the higher. In our own mental life we recognize the persistence of traces of previous experience subjectively as memory, and mem- ory lies at the basis of all human culture. From this it follows that psychological memory is probably a function of the associa- tion centers; but it must not be assumed that specific memories reside in particular cortical areas, much less that they are pre- served as structural traces left in individual cortical cells, as has sometimes been done.1 The simplest concrete memory that can appear in conscious- ness is a very complex process, and probably involves the activity of an extensive system of association centers and tracts. That which persists in the cerebral cortex between the initial experi- ence and the recollection of it is, therefore, in all probability a change in the interneuronic resistance such as to alter the physiological equilibrium of the component neurons of some particular associational system. What the nature of this change may be is unknown, but it is conceivable that it might take the form of a permanent modification of the synapses between the neurons which were functionally active during the initial experi- ence such as to facilitate the active participation of the same neurons in the same physiological pattern during the reproduc- tion. That which we know subjectively as the association of ideas may, in a somewhat similar way, be pictured as involving neuro- logically the discharge of nervous energy in the cortex between two systems of neurons which have in some previous experience been physiologically united in some cortical reaction. If, for instance, I heard a song of a mocking bird for the first time last year while walking in a rose garden, upon revisiting the gar- den I may recall the song of the bird. Here the sight of the garden (a highly complex apperceptive process involving many association tracts) actuates neuron system number one domi- nated by present visual afferent impulses, and the association 1 These residua of past cerebral activities form the basis of those char- acteristic "brain dispositions" which are important factors in each person- ality. They have been termed "engrams" by Semonand "neurograms" by Morton Prince (see Prince, The Unconscious, Chapter V, New York, 1914). 296 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY tract leading to neuron system number two (the auditory com- plex established last year when the song was heard) has a lowered physiological resistance by virtue of the previous collocation with system number one, and I remember the song (see p. 64) . It should be emphasized that the mechanism of association here suggested is purely theoretical; we have no scientific evi- dence regarding the details of such physiological processes. But it can be confidently asserted that even the simplest associational processes are at least as complex as this, and may involve the participation of thousands of neurons in widely separate parts of the cortex; and the consciousness must be regarded as a function of the entire process, not of any detached center (cf. p. 66). In summarizing this dynamic conception of the nature of consciousness I will quote a few sentences from my brother's writings (see C. L. Herrick, 1910, pp. 13, 14): "The theory of consciousness which seems best to conform to the condi- tions of brain structure and its observed unity is that each conscious state is an expression of the total equilibrium of the conscious mechanism, and that intercurrent stimuli are continually shifting the equilibrium from one to another class of activities. In other words, the sensation accompanying a given color presentation is not due to the vibrations in the visual center in the occipital lobe, but to the state of cortical equilibrium or the equation of cortical excitement when that color stimulus predominates. Previous vestigeal excitements and coordinations [associations, c. J. H., see p. 35] with the data from other cortical centers all enter into the conscious pres- entation. As the wave of excitation passes from the visual center to other parts, the proportional participation of other centers increases, producing a composite containing more distantly related elements." "Every specific sense-content with its escort of reflexly produced associ- ated elements causes a more or less profound disturbance of the psychical equilibrium, and the nature of this disturbance depends not only on the intensity and state of concentration, but very largely on the kind of equi- librium, already existing. . . . The character of the conscious act (and the elements of consciousness are always acts) will, of course, depend upon the extent to which the several factors in the associational system partici- pate in the equilibrium. Each disturbance of the equilibrium spreads from the point of impact in such a way that progressively more of the possible reflex currents enter the complex, thus producing the extension from mere sensation to the higher processes of apperceptive association. A conscious act is always a fluctuation of equilibrium, so that all cognitive elements are awakened in response to changes rather than invariable or monotonous stimuli." The dynamic view of consciousness here adopted makes such expressions as "the unconscious mind" impossible contradic- tions. Either the mental functions are in process or they are THE FUNCTIONS OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX 297 not, and unconscious cerebration is not consciousness. This is, of course, not incompatible with a dissociation of consciousness into multiple or co-conscious units, as Dr. Morton Prince so forcibly illustrates (The Unconscious, p. 249), though how far in normal men this dissociation may be carried is an open question. In my life as viewed by an outside observer there is continu- ity of process, but not necessarily continuity of consciousness. In my own experience consciousness appears to be continuous, of course, because the periods of unconsciousness (as in coma, deep sleep, etc.) do not appear in consciousness; that is, they do not exist for me except as I learn of them by an indirection. In a water mill the function of grinding corn may go on intermittently, though the mechanism is there all the time and the energy is there; but if the water passes from the mill race out over the dam instead of through the water wheel the grinding function ceases. While the mill is at rest changes may be made in the machinery which will modify the character of the grinding when it is re- sumed, but these changes are not grinding. So in the brain the mechanism of consciousness and the structural memory vestiges of past experience may be present continuously; indeed, these vestigeal traces may be linked up in new ways by intercurrent physiological processes. But these things do not constitute con- sciousness. In fact, a large amount of unconscious cerebration may go on, the end result of which alone becomes conscious. The aim of physiological psychology is to clarify not only the mechanism of consciousness, but also all of the antecedent and subsequent physiological processes which are, from the stand- point of an outside observer, demonstrably related to the con- scious processes. It is possible, moreover, to develop a really scientific introspective psychology in which abstraction is made from all of these mechanisms and the individual experiences alone are studied as given in consciousness. This makes up a large part of general psychology. Summary. — The functions of the cerebral cortex are still largely wrapped in mystery, but the evidence thus far accumu- lated suggests that these functions are, so far as physiologically known, not different in kind from those of the other parts of the brain. It is, however, manifest that these functions are con- 298 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY cerned with the individually acquired and especially the intelli- gently performed activities as distinguished from the fundamen- tal reflex and instinctive processes whose mechanisms are innate. There is a specific localization of function in the cerebral cortex, in the sense that particular systems of sensory projection fibers terminate in special regions (the sensory projection centers), that from other special regions (the motor projection centers) particular systems of efferent fibers arise for connection with the lower motor centers related to groups of muscles concerned with the bodily movements, and that between these projection centers there are association centers, each of which has fibrous connec- tions of a more or less definite pattern with all other parts of the cortex. The destruction of any part of the cortex or of the fiber tracts connected therewith involves, first, a permanent loss of the particular functions served by the neurons affected, and, in the second place, a transitory disturbance of the cortical equilibrium as a whole (diaschisis effect). Specific mental acts or faculties are not resident in particular cortical areas, but all conscious processes probably require the discharge of nervous energy throughout extensive regions of the cortex, and the char- acter of the consciousness will depend in each case upon the dynamic pattern of this discharge and the sequence of function of its component systems. This pattern is inconceivably complex and only the grosser features are at present open to observation by experiment and pathological studies. No cortical area can properly be described as the exclusive center of a particular function. Such "centers" are merely nodal points in an exceedingly complex system of neurons which must act as a whole in order to perform any function whatsoever. Their relation to cerebral functions is analogous to that of the railway stations of a big city to traffic, each drawing from the whole city its appropriate share of passengers and freight; and their great clinical value grows out of just this segregation of fibers of like functional systems in a narrow space, and not to any mysterious power of generating psychic or any other special forces of their own. The essence of cortical function is correlation, and a cortical center for the performance of a particular function is a physio- logical absurdity, save in the restricted sense described above, as THE FUNCTIONS OF THE CEREBRAL CORTEX 299 a nodal point in a very complex system of associated conduction paths. Those reflexes whose simple functions can be localized in a single center have their mechanisms abundantly provided for in the brain stem. The resting brain is probably normally during life in a state of neural tension in more or less stable equilibrium. An effective stimulus disturbs this equilibrium and the precise effect will depend upon variable synaptic resist- ance or neuron thresholds which change with different functional states of the organism as a whole and of the brain in particular. If this activity involves the cerebral cortex of a human brain, it may be a conscious activity, the kind of consciousness depending on the kind of discharge. But the consciousness must not be thought of as localized in any cortical area. The discharge in question may reverberate to the extreme limits of the nervous system and the peripheral activities may be as essential in deter- mining the conscious content as the cortical. LITERATURE VON BECHTEREW, W. 1911. Die Funktionen der Nervencentra, vol. iii, Jena. BURNETT, T. C. 1912. Some Observations on Decerebrate Frogs, with Special Reference to the Formation of Associations, Amer. Jour. Physiol., vol. xxx, pp. 80-87. GUSHING, H. 1908. Removal of a Subcortical Cystic Tumor at a Second- stage Operation Without Anesthesia, Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc., 1908, vol. i, p. 847. — . 1909. A Note upon the Faradic Stimulation of the Postcentral Gyrus in Conscious Patients, Brain, vol. xxxii, pp. 44-54. EDINGER, L. 1893. The Significance of the Cortex Considered in Con- nection with a Report Upon a Dog from which the Whole Cerebrum had been Removed by Professor Goltz, Jour. Comp. Neurol., vol. iii, pp. 69-77. — . 1908. The Relations of Comparative Anatomy to Comparative Psychology, Jour. Comp. Neurol., vol. xviii, pp. 437-457. EDINGER. L., and FISCHER, B. 1913. Bin Mensch ohne Grosshirn, Arch, f. ges. Physiol., Bd. 152, pp. 1-27. FLECHSIG, P. 1896. Gehirn und Seele, Leipzig. — . 1896. Die Lokalisation der geistigen Vorgange, Leipzig. FRANZ, S. I. 1915. Variations in Distribution of the Motor Centers, Psychological Monographs, Princeton, N. J., vol. xix, No. 1, pp. 80-162. FRITSCH, G., and HITZIG, E. 1870. Ueber die elektrische Erregbarkeit des Grosshirns, Arch. f. Anat., Physiol. u. Wissen. Med., p. 300. GALL and SPURZHEIM. 1810-19. Anatomic et Physiologic du Systeme Nerveux, Paris. GOLTZ, F. 1869. Beitrage zur Lehre von den Functionen der Nerven- centren des Frosches, Berlin. 300 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY GOLTZ, F. 1892. Der Hund ohne Grosshirn, Arch. f. ges. Physiol., Bd. 51, p. 570. GRUNBAUM, A. S. F., and SHERRINGTON, C. S. 1903. Observations on the Physiology of the Cerebral Cortex of the Anthropoid Apes, Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. Ixxii, p. 152. HEAD, H., and HOLMES, G. 1911. Sensory Disturbances from Cerebral Lesions, Brain, vol. xxxiv, pp. 109-254. HERRICK, C. L. 1910. The Equilibrium Theory of Consciousness, in The Metaphysics of a Naturalist, Bui. Sci. Lab. Denison University, vol. xv, pp. 12-22. HITZIG, E. 1904. Physiologische und klinische Untersuchungen iiber das Gehirn, Berlin. HOLMES, G. W. 1901. The Nervous System of the Dog Without a Forebrain, Jour. Physiol., vol. xxvii. LEWANDOWSKY, M. 1907. Die Funktionen des zentralen Nervensys- tems, Jena. MARIE, P. 1906. Revision de la Question de 1'Aphasie, Semaine M6d- icale, 23 May. MEYER, A. 1910. The Present Status of Aphasia and Apraxia, The Harvey Lectures for 1909-10, New York, pp. 228-250. VON MONAKOW, C. 1909. Neue Gesichtspunkte in der Frage nach der Lokalisation im Grosshirn, Zeits. f. Psychologic, Bd. 54, pp. 161-182. — . 1910. Aufbau und Lokalisation der Bewegungen beim Menschen. Arbeiten a. d. hirnanatom, Institut in Zurich, Bd. 5, pp. 1-37 ; also in Bericht tiber den IV Kongress f. exp. Psychologic in Innsbruck, 1910. — . 1913. Theoretische Betrachtungen liber die Lokalisation in Zentral- nervensystem, insbesondere im Grosshirn, Ergebnisse der Physiol., Bd. 13, pp. 206-278. — . 1914. Die Lokalisation im Grosshirn. Gegenwilrtiger Stand der Frage der Lokalisation in der Grosshirnrinde, Wiesbaden. MUNK, H. 1890. Ueber die Funktionen der Grosshirnrinde. Gesam- melte Abhandl., 2d ed., Berlin. — . 1902. Zur Physiologic der Grosshirnrinde, Arch. f. Physiol., 1902. PRINCE, M. 1914. The Unconscious, New York. CHAPTER XXI THE EVOLUTION AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE CERE- BRAL CORTEX AT the conclusion of our analysis of the structure and func- tions of the nervous system it will be of interest to review very briefly a few topics of a more general sort related to our theme, with special reference to the significance of the cerebral cortex in the general scheme of human evolution and culture. For the purpose of our analysis animal activities may be classified under three heads (see p. 31): (1) Innate functions of invariable or stereotyped character developed through natural selection or other biological processes, whose mechanism is hered- itary and common (with small differences only) to all members of a race or species, typified by reflex action and purely instinctive action; (2) variable and modifiable functions, whose pattern is determined by individual experience through which the innate action system is more or less permanently altered, intelligent acts and the reasoning process representing the highest forms of this type, though the lower members of this series are not neces- sarily consciously performed; (3) acquired automatisms, or individually acquired actions which have become so thoroughly habitual as to be performed quite as mechanically as the heredi- tary reflexes. Intelligently acquired actions which have finally come to be automatically and even unconsciously performed are sometimes designated "lapsed intelligence," but such lapsed intelligence must be a purely individual acquisition. There is no evidence that automatisms of this sort can be transmitted in heredity, and, therefore, they can play no part directly in the evolution of instincts, as some have taught. The first and second of the types of action above distinguished appear to be common to all organisms, though their relative im- portance varies enormously from species to species. The first type includes the reflexes and all of the pure instinct-actions, 301 302 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY that is, the hereditary component of the commonly recognized instincts (p. 61). There is no clear boundary between reflexes and instinct-actions as just denned. These actions may be exceedingly complex and their neuro-muscular mechanisms may be complicated apparently without limit. The available evi- dence suggests that they are always unconsciously performed. Most of our common activities include all three of these types of behavior in varying proportions, and accordingly they fre- quently have not been distinguished. The first and third types are especially liable to confusion, for both are manifested as stereotyped, non-intelligent behavior. They can sometimes be separated only by a study of their origins; nevertheless this dis- tinction is of great importance, especially to educators. The nervous organs of the invariable reactions are fairly well known and are characterized in their more highly elaborated forms by a closely knit system of nerve-centers and distinct con- necting fiber tracts so organized that particular stimuli may call forth a response or a combination of several responses selected from a fixed number of possible actions. The range of possible reactions of any given functional system of this type is limited by the structural complexity of the nerve-centers involved. This complexity may be very great, with a correspondingly great number of movements necessary to complete the reaction, and it may include the capacity for discriminating between two or more structurally possible modes of response by means of variable internal functional states of the nerve-centers. But in all of these cases the response is finally determined within rather nar- row limits by the nature of the stimuli and the innate structural organization not only of the nervous organs, but of the body as a whole. In some cases an elaborate nervous reflex or instinctive act may involve a more extensive nervous apparatus than is required by an intelligent act. It is not a mere question of the size of the nervous mechanisms involved. For instance, a comparison of the brains of the two species of fishes shown in Fig. 136 shows that in the medulla oblongata of these rather closely related species there is an astonishing difference between the size of certain reflex centers. The greater size of the medulla oblon- gata of Carpiodes over that of Hyodon is due almost entirely to EVOLUTION AND SIGNIFICANCE OF CEREBRAL CORTEX 303 the enlargement of the centers for taste,1 and these reflex centers xare found to be very complex. The enormous increase in the mass and complexity of arrangement of the gustatory neurons in Carpiodes does not imply any higher organization from the standpoint of range of behavior (see p. 19) than in Hyodon. The apparatus is more efficient as a means of sorting out food particles from mud, but we do not rank this form of activity very high in our scale of behavior. medulla oblongata-' Fig. 136. — Illustrations of the brains of two rather closely allied species of fishes showing very different development of the reflex centers of the medulla oblongata: (1) Hyodon tergisus, the moon-eye, (2) Carpiodes tumi- dus, a carp-like species. (After C. L. Herrick.) In general, in the execution of a complicated reflex many inter- connected nerve-centers are so arranged that they discharge into a common final path or an integrated series of such coordi- nated paths. The movements involved in the act, if performed at all, must follow in a definite sequence which is structurally 1 For an analysis of this gustatory apparatus in fishes, see HERRICK, C. JTJDSON. The Central Gustatory Paths in the Brains of Bony Fishes, Jour. Comp. Neurol., vol. xv, 1905, pp. 375-456. 304 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY predetermined in the inborn organization of the nerve-centers concerned. In the variable type of response, on the other hand, the association centers involved are so arranged that many final paths leading to different systems of coordinated motor centers diverge from a single center of correlation. Which of these paths will be taken in a given reaction, that is, which of several possible different (or even antagonistic) movements will result, will be determined by variable physiological factors of internal resist- ance within the correlating system (fatigue, habit, the influence of memory vestiges, etc.) ; accordingly, the response is not pre- determined by the inborn organization of the apparatus. Definite, well-established reflexes generally follow distinct nervous pathways between sharply limited nerve-centers. Be- tween these centers there is usually found, in addition to the well insulated tracts just mentioned, a more diffuse and loosely organized entanglement of nerve-cells and fibers, through which nervous impulses may be more slowly transmitted in any direc- tion. Tissue of this character is found throughout the entire length of the central nervous system, and in some places it occu- pies extensive regions (especially in the medulla oblongata and upper part of the spinal cord) which are termed the reticular for- mation (see pp. 65, 127, 158). The reticular formation is the parent tissue out of which the higher correlation centers have been differentiated. In the spinal cord and medulla oblongata, where its character is most clearly seen, it receives fibers from all of the sensory centers and may discharge motor impulses into efferent centers of con- tiguous or very remote regions. In the higher parts of the brain the elaborate association centers of the thalamus and cerebral hemispheres have been developed from such a primitive matrix, and these centers are interconnected by similar undifferentiated nervous tissue. The details of the functional connections of the reflex centers of the brain stem are much more precisely known than are those of the higher correlation centers of the thalamus and cerebral cortex. And, in fact, it is essential that these details be fairly well understood before the functions of the higher centers can be investigated; for all nervous impulses which reach these higher centers must first pass through the lower centers and there be EVOLUTION AND SIGNIFICANCE OF CEREBRAL CORTEX 305 combined into reflex systems or otherwise correlated. The afferent stimuli which reach the cerebral cortex are not crude sensory impressions, but purposeful reflex combinations, often including sensory data from several different sense organs. The nerve-centers of the spinal cord and brain stem in general are of this more rigid type, the internal adjustments of the sys- tem being, for the most part, as mechanically determined as are those of an automatic telephone exchange. The cerebellum is the highest member of this series, exerting a regulatory and re- inforcing influence upon all of the other members. Nevertheless the cerebellum adds no new types of reaction or combinations of reactions to those of the brain stem; its cortex shows little de- monstrable localization of different functions, and its efferent tracts are physiologically related to a limited number of pre- established systems of motor coordination in the brain stem and spinal cord. In all of these respects the contrast between the cerebellar cortex and the cerebral cortex is very striking. The variable or individually modifiable type of reaction is served chiefly by the cerebral cortex and its immediate depend- encies, though some capacity of this sort is found in the brain stem, as shown by the behavior of lower vertebrates which lack the cerebral cortex. This type of reaction is genetically related with that modifiability arising from variable internal physio- logical states which we have mentioned as present in the reflex centers. There is no proof that the simpler forms of this indi- vidually modifiable behavior are conscious, though the higher forms are certainly so. The cerebral cortex can in no case act independently of the reflex centers of the brain stem, but always through the agency of these centers. It is superposed upon them much as the cere- bellum is, though the control exerted is of a very different type. Here there is a very elaborate regional differentiation of the cortex with an infinite complexity of associational connections. The efferent pathways, moreover, are not physiologically homo- geneous; but they are so diversified that any possible combina- tion of the organs of response may be effected by associations within the cortex. The various afferent functional systems enter sharply circumscribed cortical areas (the sensory projection centers); and the efferent fibers likewise leave the cortex from 20 306 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY functionally defined motor areas, each group of muscles which cooperate in definite reaction complexes (termed synergic muscles, see p. 35) being excited from a definite part of the motor cortical iield, whose motor tract is anatomically distinct through- out its entire further course from the cortex to the periphery. Between the sensory projection centers and the motor areas are interpolated the association centers, and these are so arranged that all correlation, integration, and assimilation of present sensory impulses with memory vestiges of past reactions are completed, and the nature of the response to be made is deter- mined before the resultant nervous impulses are discharged into the motor centers. Only such of the motor areas will be excited to function as are necessary for evoking the particular reaction which is the appropriate (that is, adaptive) response to the total situation in which the body finds itself. This arrangement of association centers in relation to a series of distinct motor areas provides the flexibility necessary for complex delayed reactions whose character is not predetermined by the nature of the con- genital pattern of the nervous connections.1 The thalamus, as we have seen (p. 163), has its own intrinsic system of association centers which discharge downward into the cerebral pedun- cles, and this is the primary reflex apparatus of this part of the brain The thalamo-cortical connections arose to prominence later in the evolutionary history, though feeble rudiments of these are present in lower brains. Parallel with the enlargement of these cortical connections a special part of the thalamus was set apart for them, and from the Amphibia upward in the animal scale this dorsal part of the thalamus assumed increasingly greater importance. This part is termed by Edinger the neothalamus, and makes up by far the larger part of the thalamus in the human and all other mam- malian brains. It occupies the dorso-lateral part of the thalamus proper and comprises most of the great thalamic nuclei (lateral and ventral nuclei, pulvinar and lateral and medial geniculate bodies). The primitive in- trinsic reflex thalamic apparatus in man is a relatively unimportant area of medial gray matter and the subthalamic region (corpus Luysii, lattice nucleus, etc., not to be confused with the hypothalamus which lies farther down in the tuber cinereum and mammillary bodies). The neothalamus, accordingly, serves as a sort of vestibule to the cortex, every afferent impulse from the sensory centers (except the olfactory sys- tem) being here interrupted by a synapse and opportunity offered for a wide range of subcortical associations. The olfactory cortex (hippocampal for- mation) has a similar relation to subcortical correlation centers in the olfac- tory area in the anterior perforated space, septum, etc. l/The paragraphs which follow (pp. 306-311) are reproduced with slight modification from The Journal of Animal Behavior, vol. iii, 1913, pp. 228- 236. EVOLUTION AND SIGNIFICANCE OF CEREBRAL CORTEX 307 From these anatomical considerations it follows that no simple sensory impulse can, under ordinary circumstances, reach the cerebral cortex without first being influenced by subcortical correlation centers, within which complex reflex combinations may be effected and various automatisms set off in accordance with then; preformed structure. These subcortical systems are to some extent modifiable by racial and individual experience, but their reactions are chiefly of the invariable or stereotyped character, with a relatively limited range of possible reaction types for any given stimulus complex. It is shown by the lower vertebrates which lack the cerebral cortex that these subcortical mechanisms are adequate for all of the ordinary simple processes of life, including some degree of associative memory. But here, when emergencies arise which involve situations too complex to be resolved by these mechanisms, the animal will pay the inevitable penalty of failure — perhaps the loss of his dinner, or even of his life. In the higher mammals with well-developed cortex the automatisms and simple associations are likewise performed in the main by the subcortical apparatus, but the inadequacy of this apparatus in any particular situation presents not the certainty of failure, but rather a dilemma. The rapid preformed reflex mechanisms fail to give relief, or perhaps the situation pre- sents so many complex sensory excitations as to cause mutual interference and inhibition of all reaction. There is a stasis in the subcortical centers. Meanwhile the higher neural resistance of the cortical pathways has been overcome by summation of stimuli and the cortex is excited to function. Here is a mechanism adapted, not for a limited number of predetermined and immediate responses, but for a much greater range of combination of the afferent impressions with each other and with memory vestiges of pre- vious reactions and a much larger range of possible modes of response to any given set of afferent impressions. By a process of trial and error, perhaps, the elements necessary to effect the adaptive response may be assembled and the problem solved. It is evident here that the physiological factors in the dilemma or problem as this is presented to the cortex are by no means simple sensory impres- sions, but definitely organized systems of neural discharge, each of which is a physiological resultant of the reflexes, automatisms, impulses, and inhibi- tions characteristic of its appropriate subcortical centers. The precise form which these subcortical combinations will assume in response to any par- ticular excitation is in large measure determined by the structural connec- tions of these centers inter se. And the pattern of these connections is tolerably uniform for all members of any animal race or species. This implies that it is hereditary and innate. This is the underlying basis of instinct. The connections between the cortical centers, on the other hand, are much less definitely laid down in the hereditary pattern. The details of the definitive association pattern of any individual are to a greater degree fixed by his particular experience. This is the basis of docility and the individually modifiable or intelligent types of behavior. The typical cor- tical activities, even when physiologically considered, are far removed indeed from those of the brain stem. It should be emphasized, however, that the differences between the cor- tex and the lower centers of the brain stem, so far as these can be deduced from a study of structure and from physiological experiment, are relative and not absolute. Indeed, the general pattern of the regional localization of the 308 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY cortex itself is innate, and in adult life the cortex has acquired many more characteristics similar to those of the brain stem, with its own systems of acquired automatisms and habitually fixed types of response. The larger association centers retain their plasticity longest, but ultimately these also cease to exhibit new types of correlation, and this marks the onset of senility. The relations of the cerebral cortex to the cerebellar cortex and the brain stem have been compared (p. 192) to those of an enlarged judicial branch of the central government charged with the duty of interpreting the decrees of the lower legislative centers and dominating the administrative machinery, and with the additional power of shaping the general policy of the government. Dewey's stimulating analysis1 of the reflex arc concept or, as he prefers to say, the organic circuit concept implies that the synthesis of the elements of a complex chain reflex into an organic unity is the essential prerequisite of that apperceptive process which will make the total experience of value for future discriminative responses — for learning by experience. This, which is true in the individual learning process, is also true phylogenetically. The correlation centers (and their capacity for the preservation of vestiges of past reactions) are the organic mechanism for this synthesis. They make it possible that a new stimulus may be reacted to, not as a detached element, but as a component of a complex series of past and present adjustments, to which it is assimilated in the association centers — apperception. This assimilation or apperceptive process is an integral part of the receptor proc- ess in the higher centers, giving the quale to the idea of the exciting object. Cotemporaneously with this stimulus-apperception process we have an apperception-response-activity giving the object- or purpose-idea, so that the entire reaction is to be regarded as stimulus-apperception-response, as a functional unity rather than as a sequence: stimulus j>apperception> re- sponse. Dewey's organic circuit concept is elaborated in terms of psychology. Let us see how it may be applied to biological behavior. The simple reflex is commonly regarded as a causal sequence: given the gun (a physiologically adaptive structure), load the gun (the constructive metabolic process), aim, pull the trigger (application of the stimulus), dis- charge the projectile (physiological response), hit the mark (satisfaction of the organic need). All of the factors may be related as members of a simple mechanical causal sequence except the aim. For this in our illustration a glance backward is necessary. An adaptive simple reflex is adaptive because of a pre-established series of functional sequences which have been biologically determined by natural selection or some other evolutionary process. This gives the reaction a definite aim or objective purpose. In short, the aim, like the gun, is provided by biological evolution, and the whole process is implicit in the structure-function organization which is characteristic of the species and whose nature and origin we need not here further inquire into. Now, passing to the more complex instinctive reactions, so far as these are unconscious automatisms, they may be elaborations of chain reflexes of the type discussed above (p. 61). But the aim (biological purpose) is 1 The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology, Psych. Rev., vol. Hi, p. 357, 1893. See also Dewey's later statement in Jour. Philos., Psych., and Sci. Methods, vol. ix, Nov., 1912, pp. 664-668, especially the.f ootnote on p. 667. EVOLUTION AND SIGNIFICANCE OF CEREBRAL CORTEX 309 so inwrought into the course of the process that it cannot be dissociated. Each step is an integral part of a unitary adaptive process to serve a definite biological end, and the animal's motor acts are not satisfying to him unless they follow this predetermined sequence, though he himself may have no clear idea of the aim. These reactions are typical organic circuits. The cycle in some of the instincts of the deferred type comprises the whole life of the individual. In other cases the cycle is annual (as in bird migrations, etc.), diurnal, or linked up with definite physiological rhythms (e. g., the nidification of birds as described by F. H. Herrick, see p. 61). In still other cases there is no apparent simple rhythm. But always the process is not a simple sequence of distinct elements, but rather a series of reactions, each of which is shaped by the interactions of external stimuli and a preformed or innate structure which has been adapted by biological factors to modify the response to the stimuli in accordance with a purpose, which from the standpoint of an out- side observer is teleological, i. e., adapted to conserve the welfare of the species. Every intelligently directed response to external stimulation involves a large measure of highly complex unconscious cerebration of this type; and it is possible to describe with considerable precision the mechanisms of the subcortical activities involved in many of those organic circuits which are commonly regarded as typically cortical. Much of that which goes in psychological literature under such contra- dictory terms as unconscious mind or subconscious mind is, in reality, the subcortical elaboration of types of action system which ordinarily do not involve the cortex at all, but which upon occasion may be linked up with cortical associational processes and then come into consciousness in such a form as to suggest to introspection that they are all of a. piece with the conscious process with which they are related. In fact, within the cortex itself there are doubtless many routine activities which do not ordinarily come into consciousness, particularly of the sort known as acquired autom- atisms or lapsed intelligence; and these, though of quite different origin from the innate instinctive systems, cannot easily be distinguished from them in the form in which they are experienced in the adult. In the organic circuit as defined by Dewey the process is considered as a whole, so that the response is conceived as logically implicit in the stimulus. The motor reaction, he says, is not merely to the stimulus; it is into the stimulus. "It occurs to change the sound, to get rid of it. What we have is a circuit, not an arc, or broken segment of a circle. This circuit is more truly termed organic than reflex, because the motor response deter- mines the stimulus just as truly as sensory stimulus determines movement." This notion, which is difficult for the practical scientific mind to understand, is considerably clarified by some neurological considerations. From the standpoint of the cerebral cortex considered as an essential part of the mechanism of higher conscious acts, every afferent stimulus, as we have seen, is to some extent affected by its passage through various sub- cortical correlation centers (i. e., it carries a quale of central origin). But this same afferent impulse in its passage through the spinal cord and brain stem may, before reaching the cortex, discharge collateral impulses into the lower centers of reflex coordination, from which incipient (or even actually consummated) motor responses are discharged previous to the cortical reac- tion. These motor discharges may, through the "back stroke" action, in turn exert an influence upon the slower cortical reaction. Thus the lower 310 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY reflex response may in a literal physiological sense act into the cortical stim- ulus complex and become an integral part of it. But there is another aspect of the problem which has recently been brought to our notice by Kappers.1 It is a well-known fact, which is not often taken account of in this connection, that the descending cortical paths (pyramidal tracts) do not typically end directly upon the peripheral motor neurons whose functions they excite, but rather upon intercalary neurons which lie in the reticular formation or even in the adjacent sensory muscle Fig. 137. — Diagram of the relations of the pyramidal tract in a rabbit or similar lower mammalian brain. Sensory stimuli enter the spinal cord from the skin through the peripheral sensory neuron, S, and ascend to the cere- bral cortex through the lemniscus, L. The descending pyramidal tract, P, lies in the dorsal funiculus of the spinal cord. Its intercalary neuron, 7, may be stimulated by both the peripheral neuron, S, and by the pyramidal tract, P. It discharges upon the peripheral motor neuron, M . centers. These intercalary neurons, in turn, oxcito the peripheral motor neurons. The same intercalary neuron which receives the terminals of the ^ * KAPPERS, C. U. ARIENS. Ueber die Bildung von Faserverbindungen auf Grund von simultanen und sukzessiven Reizen. Bericht iiber den III Kongress fur experimentclle Psychologic in Frankfurt a. Main, 1908. Also Weitere Mitteilungen iiber Neurobiotaxis. Folia Neuro-Biologica, Bd. I, No. 4, April, 1908, pp. 507-532. See also DEARBORN, G. V. N. Kinesthesia and the Intelligent Will, Amer. Jour, of Psychol., vol. xxiv, 1913, pp. 204-255. EVOLUTION AND SIGNIFICANCE OF CEREBRAL CORTEX 311 pyramidal tract also receives collaterals from the peripheral sensory neurons of its own segment (Fig. 137) . This arrangement is the explanation of the fact that the pyramidal tract fibers descend through the human spinal cord for the most part in the dorso-lateral region, not in the ventral funic- ulus like most other motor tracts. In most lower mammals the pyramidal tract actually descends within the dorsal funiculus in the closest possible association with the peripheral sensory fibers, and this arrangement is clearly the primitive relation of the descending cortical pathway. Accordingly, stimulation of the skin of the body excites a dorsal spinal root fiber which ascends toward the cortex within the spinal cord and also gives collateral branches to intercalary neurons of the spinal cord itself. The latter neurons may excite motor elements of the spinal cord to an im- mediate reflex response which is well under way before the cortical return motor impulse gets back to the spinal cord and discharges into these same intercalary neurons which are already under sensory stimulation directly from the periphery. The effect of this arrangement is that the central motor path during function is under the influence of sensory stimulation at both ends, and is not, as commonly described, under simple sensory stimula- tion at the cortical end and purely emissive in function at the spinal end. Viewed from the standpoint of cerebral dynamics, the exact physiological effect of the discharge of a central motor bundle such as the pyramidal tract will be dependent upon the combined action of the sensory stimulation at the cortical end and the state of sensory excitation at the spinal end, as well as upon the resistance of the motor apparatus itself. We saw in a previous paragraph how the simple reflexes of the spinal cord may become factors in the stimulus complex of the cortex. Here we find, conversely, that the efferent cortical discharge may become a factor in the local reflex stimulation of a motor spinal neuron. Fropi both stand- points Dewey's conception of the unitary nature of the organic circuit, as contrasted with the classical reflex arc concept, receives strong support. The thalamic correlation centers probably serve as the organs par excel- lence where are elaborated those organic circuits which give to the higher apperceptive processes of the cortex that quale to which Dewey refers. The origin of this quale is to be sought partly in the subcortical assimilation of a present stimulus complex to the pre-existing organic circuits structur- ally laid down in the reflex mechanism, and partly in an affective quality pertaining to the several organic circuits involved in the reaction. This affective quality may be innate or it may have been acquired by experience of the results of previous reactions of the sort in question. Head and Holmes have brought forward some very interesting evidence that not only the affective quale of sensations but also the emotional life in general is functionally related to the primitive intrinsic nuclei of the thalamus, rather than to cortical activity (see p. 253). And certainly there is much evidence in the behavior of lower animals, especially birds, that a high degree of emotional activity is possible where the basal centers are highly elaborated but the cerebral cortex is small and very simply organ- ized. From all of these considerations it seems probable that the functions of the higher association centers of the cerebral cortex do not consist of the elaboration of crude sensory data or of any similar elements, but rather of the assembling and integration of highly elaborated subcortical organic cir- cuits which in the aggregate make up the greater part of the reflex and in- stinctive life of the species. 312 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY The normal newborn child brings into the world an inherited form of body and brain and a complex web of nerve-cells and nerve-fibers which provide a fixed mechanism, common except for minor variations to all members of the race alike, for the performance of the reflex and instinctive actions. The pat- tern of this hereditary fabric can be changed only very slowly by the agency of selective matings and other strictly biological factors or by degenerations of a distinctly pathological sort. It is thus manifest that the improvement of the racial stock of normal individuals by the practice of eugenics must necessarily be very slow, though the improvement of defective or pathological strains by selective matings so as to breed out the objectionable charac- teristics is fortunately in most cases more readily accomplished. But in addition to this hereditary organization the newborn child possesses the large association centers of the brain with their vast and undetermined potencies, the exact form of whose internal organization is not wholly laid down at birth, but is in part shaped by each individual separately during the course of the growth period by the processes of education to which he is subjected, that is, by his experience. This capacity for indi- viduality in development, this ability to profit by experience, this docility, is man's most distinctive and valuable character- istic. And since the form which this modifiable tissue will take is determined by the environing influences to which the child is subjected, and since these influences are largely under social control, it follows that human culture can advance by leaps and bounds wherever a high level of community life and educational ideals is maintained. So well have we learned the lesson that the child brings with him into the world no mental endowments ready-made — no knowledge, no ideas, no morals — but that these have to be developed anew in each generation under the guiding hand of education, that we devote one-third of the expected span of life of our most promising youth to the educational training neces- sary to ensure the highest possible development of the latent cultural capacities of these association centers of the cerebral cortex. But we have often been blind to the other side of the picture. We have seen above that the adult cortex cannot function save EVOLUTION AND SIGNIFICANCE OF CEREBRAL CORTEX 313 through the reflex machinery of the brain stem, and it must not be forgotten in our pedagogy that this relation holds in a much more vital and significant sense in the formative years of the child. It is true that the child is born with no mental endow- ments; but how rich is his inheritance in other respects! He has an immense capital of preformed and innate ability which takes the form of physiological vigor and instinctive and impulsive actions, performed for the most part automatically and uncon- sciously. This so-called lower or animal nature is ever present with us. In infancy it is dominant; childhood is a period of storm and stress, seeking an equilibrium between the stereotyped but powerful impulsive forces and the controls of the nascent intellectual and moral nature; and in mature years one's value in his social community life is measured by the resultant outcome of this great struggle in childhood and adolescence. This struggle is education. The answer to the riddle of life, however, lies not in a success- ful attack upon the native innate endowments of the child. No, that would be unbiological and wasteful, for our world of ideas and morals is no artificial world within the cosmos, but it is a natural growth, which is as truly a part of the cosmic process as are "ape and tiger methods" of evolution. No higher association center of the human brain can function except upon materials of experience furnished to it through the despised lower centers of the reflex type. So also, no high intellectual, esthetic, or moral culture can be reached save as it is built upon the foundation of innate capacities and impulses. We are gradually learning through the kindergarten that the most economical way to lead a child into the realm of learning is not to stamp out all of his natural interests and shut him up with his face to the wall, while he learns by rote an a-b-c lesson which is neither interesting nor useful. On the contrary, we accept as given his native impulses and automatisms, his spontaneous interests and his overproduction of useless movements, and we use these as the capital with which we set the youngsters up in the serious business of the acquisition of culture. But how does it happen that we make so small use of the principles here learned in the later years of the child's schooling? - Not all of the instincts with which man is by nature endowed 314 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY come into function in a sucking babe or a kindergarten pupil. Childish curiosity is our strongest ally, if only we can use it wisely, throughout the whole of the educational career from in- fancy to the graduate school. Anger is a mighty passion in child- hood. It is not wise to eradicate it altogether; rather keep it, though under curb, for there are times when real abuses arise which require that the man know how to hit and to hit hard. And so with the instincts of self-preservation, of fear, of sex — these all have their parts to play in the nobler works of life and are by no means to be eradicated. The ascetic ideal of mortifica- tion of the flesh as a means of grace is fundamentally wrong in principle. Our case calls for no blind, indiscriminate attack upon the world and the flesh, but rather the subjugation and dis- cipline of these, so that we may use them effectively in our attack upon the devil. Conflict is inherent in the cosmic process, at least in the bio- logical realm, from beginning to end. There is the struggle for physical existence among the animals. And even in the lower ranks of life there arises also the struggle within the individual between stereotyped innate tendencies or instincts and individu- ally acquired experience. This is clearly shown by experiments on animals as low down as the Protozoa. And out of this inner conflict or dilemma intelligence was born. With the gradual emergence of self-consciousness in this process arises the eternal struggle with self, that conflict which leads to the bitter cry, "When I would do good evil is present with me." Conflict, then, lies at the basis of all evolution, and the factors of social and even of moral evolution can be traced downward throughout the cosmic process. The social and ethical standards, therefore, have not arisen in opposition to the evolutionary process as seen in the brute creation, but within that process. And our immediate educa- tional problem is the elaboration of a practicable system of pub- lic instruction which can use to the full the enormous dynamic energy in the hereditary impulsive and instinctive endowment of the child, and build upon this, in the form best suited to the re- spective capacities of all the separate individuals, a properly ordered sequence of studies which will develop the latent capac- ities of each pupil and ensure a vital balance between the strong EVOLUTION AND SIGNIFICANCE OF CEREBRAL CORTEX 315 blind impulse of the innate nature and the acquired intellectual, esthetic, and moral control. And herein lies the solution of the problem of human freedom, so far as this rests within our own control. The limits of one's powers and the range within which his freedom of action is cir- cumscribed are in part determined by his hereditary endowments and by environmental influences over which he has no control. These are decreed to him by his fate, and the innate organization of the nervous system is the chief instrument of this fate. But man differs from the brute creation chiefly in that he can more completely control his own environment and thereby to that extent take his fate into his own hands; in other words, he can enrich his own experience along lines of his own selection. To some extent each individual can do this for himself through self- culture; but to ensure the best results of such efforts there must be a social control of the environment as a whole by concerted community action. Individual freedom of action can, therefore, attain its highest efficiency only through a certain amount of voluntary renunciation of the selfish interests where these con- flict with community welfare. Ethical ideals and altruism are as truly evolutionary factors in human societies as are the ele- mental laws of self-preservation and propagation of the species.1 To return now to the developing nervous system, we note that the educational period is limited to the age during which the association centers, whose form is not predetermined in heredity, remain plastic and capable of modification under environmental influence. Ultimately even the cerebral cortex matures and loses its power of reacting except in fixed modes. Its unspecial- ized tissue — originally a diffuse and equipotential nervous mesh- work — becomes differentiated along definite lines and the funda- mental pattern becomes more or less rigid. The docile period is past, and though the man may continue to improve in the technic of his performance, he can no longer do creative work. He is apt to say, "The dog is too old to learn new tricks." 1 In this connection reference may be made to two very interesting ad- dresses recently delivered before the American Society of Naturalists: JENNINGS, H. S. 1911. Heredity and Personality, Science, N. S., vol. xxxiv, pp. 902-910. CONKLIN, EDWIN G. 1913. Heredity and Responsibility, Science, N. S., vol. xxxvii, pp. 46-54. 316 INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY Whether this process occurs at the age of twenty or eighty years, it is the beginning of senility. And, alas, that this coagulation of the mental powers often takes place so early! Many a boy's brains are curdled and squeezed into traditional artificial molds before he leaves the grades at school. His education is complete and senile sclerosis of the mind has begun by the time he has learned his trade. For how many such disasters our brick-yard methods in the public schools are responsible is a question of lively interest. We who seek to enter into the kingdom of knowledge and to continue to advance therein must not only become as little children, but we must learn to continue so. The problem of scientific pedagogy, then, is essentially this : to prolong the plas- ticity of childhood, or otherwise expressed, to reduce the in- terval between the first childhood and the second childhood to as small dimensions as possible. INDEX AND GLOSSARY The references are, in all cases, to pages. Numbers referring to pages upon which the item is figured are printed in black-faced type. Authors' names are printed in SMALL, CAPITALS. Brief definitions of some of the more commonly used technical terms are in- cluded in this Index; for fuller descriptions consult the pages cited. Terms which are defined in this Glossary are printed in black-faced type. The names of fiber tracts, in general, define their connections, the first part of the compound word indicating the nucleus of origin and the last part the terminal nucleus (see page 128). To facilitate cross-reference, the key-word of a polynomial term is capitalized wherever it occurs in this Index and Glossary. Accommodation of vision, 143, 207, 211, 232, 234, 247 Acids, sensitiveness to, 72, 91, 242 Acipenser rubicundus, nervous sys- tem of, 151, 152 Acoustic apparatus. See Auditory apparatus. Acoustico-lateral apparatus, the ner- vous mechanisms of the internal ear and lateral line organs in fishes and amphibians. See Nerves, lateral, and Organs, lateral line. Action. See Behavior and Reflex. Action system, 21, 32, 66 Adrenalin (epinephrin), 231, 255, 256 Affection, affective experience, affec- tive tone, pleasure-pain, emotions, and allied phenomena; cf. Feeling tone and Pain, 89, 167, 241, 249- 262, 311 Affective tone. See Feeling tone and Affection. Afferent, conducting toward a cen- ter, 25, 42, 108, 126, 137, 145-150 Agraphia, loss of the power to write correctly, 292 Agreeable and disagreeable. See Affection. Ala cinerea (vagal eminence, emi- nentia vagi, trigonum vagi), an eminence in the floor of the fourth ventricle formed by the dorsal Nucleus of the vagus, 154, 156, 164, 234, 244 Alcohol, sensitiveness to, 242 Alexia, loss of the power of reading (word-blindness), 292 Altruism, 315 . Alveus, association-fibers which con- nect the Hippocampus with the Gyrus hippocampi, 221, 222 Ameboid, resembling an ameba; applied to the supposed outward and inward movement of proc- esses of cells during nervous func- tion, 104 Ameiurus melas, gustatory nerves of, 245, 246 Ammon's horn. See Hippocampus. Amphibia, nervous system of, 182, 264 Ampulla, of semicircular canal, 183, 196 Amygdala. Seo Nucleus amygdalae. Anatomy of nervous system, gen- eral, 106 ANDRfi-TnoMAS, 193 Anger. See also Affection, 89, 255, 256, 314 Anguis fragilis, parietal eye of, 212 Animals, contrasted with plants, 22 Anterior, as used in this work, means toward the head end of the body; as used in the B. N. A. tables it means toward the ventral side, 115, 116 APATHY, S., 55 Apes, nervous system of, 282, 286, 290, 295 Aphasia, a speech defect due to a cortical injury, or more broadly any defect in symbolizing relations; cf. Speech, apparatus of, 291-293 Aphemia, loss of the power to utter words, 292 317 318 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Apoplexy, 293 Apperception, 249, 296, 308 Appetite, 240 Aqueduct of Sylvius (iter, optoccele, mesoccele), the ventricle of the midbrain, 62, 121, 158, 160, 161 Arachnoid, the middle brain mem- brane, 38 Arbor vitae, the tree-like appear- ance of the white matter of the cerebellum in section, 190 Archipallium, the olfactory cerebral cortex, including the Hippocam- pus and the Gyrus hippocampi (in part), 217, 221, 222, 273, 284, 288, 306 Area, acoustic. See Area, acoustico- lateral, Nucleus, cochlear, and Nucleus, vestibular. acoustico-lateral (in fishes = tuber- culum acusticum), 111, 112, 123, 143, 149, 152, 187, 200 cortical, as used in this Index is a part of the cerebral cortex which can be differentiated from its neighbors structurally by the arrangement of its cells and fibers (sometimes termed field); cf. Center, cortical, 273, 277, 287, 288 cutaneous, 111, 112, 123, 157 general somatic sensory. See Area, cutaneous. olfactoria, the region containing the secondary olfactory centers, divided into anterior, medial, intermediate and lateral olfac- tory Nuclei, 165, 167, 215, 217, 218, 219, 221, 306 parolfactoria of Broca (gyrus ol- factorius medialis of RETZITJS), a portion of the medial Area ol- factoria immediately in front of the Gyrus subcallosus, 119 perforata. See Substantia per- forata. somatic, a small region in the fish brain from which the Neopal- lium and Corpus striatum were developed, 111, 112, 123 striata, that part of the occipital lobe of the cerebral cortex con- taining the Line of Gennari; the visual center, 268, 284 Area, visceral. See also Lobe, vis- ceral, 111, 112, 123, 148, 149, 152, 153, 157, 237, 239, 240, 246, 303. Arteries, nerves of. See Vasomotor apparatus. Articulates, behavior of, 33 Association, correlation involving a high degree of modifiability and also consciousness, 35, 64, 104, 242, 258, 279, 290, 292, 295, 296, 307 Association center. See Center, association, fibers. See Fiber, association, and Tract, association, of ideas, 295 pattern, 291 time of, 98 Asthma, 238 Ataxia, loss of the power of muscular coordination, 137, 138 Atropin, 231 Attention, 103, 104 Auditory apparatus, 60, 62, 63, 70, 85, 145, 147, 150, 157, 160, 163- 167, 170, 195-203 Auditory reaction time, 98 AUERBACH, plexus of (myenteric plexus), 241 Aula, the anterior end of the third ventricle where it communicates with the lateral ventricles by way of the interventricular Foramina. Auricle, of external ear, 195 Automatisms, acquired, 35, 57, 286, 301, 309 Avalanche conduction. See Conduc- tion, avalanche. Axis-cylinder, the central protoplas- mic strand of a nerve-fiber; part of the Axon, 39 Axon (axis-cylinder process, neurite, neuraxon, neuraxis), a process of a Neuron which conducts impulses away from the cell body, 39, 40, 44, 45, 47 Axon hillock, the point of origin of an axon from the cell body, 40, 41, 46 Axone. See Axon. Back-stroke, the influence which a peripheral organ of response exerts back upon the center from which INDEX AND GLOSSARY 319 the response was excited ; a form of chain Reflex; cf. Reflex circuit, 260, 309 BAILLARGER, layer of, stripe of. See Line of BAILLARGER. BARKER, L. F., 36, 40, 49, 55, 94, 124, 142, 159, 223 BARTLEMEZ, G. W., 54, 181 Basis pedunculi (pes pedunculi, crusta), the ventral part of the cerebral Peduncle, composed of descending fiber tracts, 114 Basle nomina anatomica (B. N. A.), 115, 116, 121, 122 BECHTEREW, W., 159, 213, 299 BECHTEREW, vestibular nucleus of, 184, 185 Behavior, invariable, activities whose character is determined by in- nate structure, typified by reflex and instinctive actions, 31, 67, 78, 115, 181, 363, 294, 301-304, 312 range of, 19, 303 variable, activities which are modi- fiable by individual experience, with or without consciousness, 31, 64, 67, 78, 101, 115, 181, 263, 290, 294, 301-304, 312, 315, 316 BETHE, A., 47, 55, 90 Betweenbrain. See Diencephalon. BETZ, cells of. See Cells of BETZ. BIANCHI, A., 193 Birds, behavior of, 61, 309, 311 nervous system of, 187, 216 Bladder, innervation of, 226, 232, 243 Blood, coagulation of, 255 Blood-pressure, 104, 235 Blood-vessels, nerves of. See Cir- culation of blood, apparatus of, and Vasomotor apparatus. B. N. A. See Basle nomina ana- tomica. Body of cell. See Cell body. chromophilic. See Substance, chromophilic. of fornix. See Fornix body, geniculate, lateral (corpus genicu- latum laterale, external gen- iculate body), a visual center in the Thalamus, 114, 150, 163, 164, 167, 208, 210, 212, 284, 306 Body, geniculate, medial (corpus geniculatum mediale, internal geniculate body), an auditory center in the Thalamus, 114, 118, 121, 154, 157, 163, 164, 167, 185, 201, 202, 306 habenular. See Habenula. of LUYS, 167, 306 mammillary (corpus mamillare, corpus candicans), one of a pair of eminences at the posterior end of the Tuber cinerium in the Hypothalamus ; an olfac- tory center, 114, 120, 163, 165, 166, 167, 210, 220, 306 of NISSL. See Substance, chromo- philic. pineal (corpus pineale, pineal gland, epiphysis, conarium), a glandular outgrowth from the Epithalamus; in some lower vertebrates it takes the form of a median dorsal eye. See Parietal eye, 110, 114, 118, 119, 162, 164, 167, 212 pituitary. See Hypophysis. quadrigeminal. See Corpora quad- rigemina. restiform. See Corpus resti- forme. striate. See Corpus striatum. tigroid. See Substance, chromo- philic. trapezoid (corpus trapezoideum), transverse decussating fibers in the ventral part of the medulla oblongata which connect the auditory nuclei of one side with the lateral Lemniscus of the other side, 50, 201 BOLK, L., 193 BOLTON, J. S., 273, 277, 289, 290 BONNET, R., 81 Brachium, of colliculus inferior. See Brachium quadrigeminum in- ferius. conjunctivum (prepeduncle), the superior or anterior peduncle of the cerebellum; cf. Peduncle, cerebellar, 114, 131, 158, 162, 165, 176, 1S7, 188 pontis (medipeduncle, processus cerebelli ad pontem), the middle peduncle of the cerebellum; cf. 320 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Peduncle, cerebellar, 114, 122, 158, 162, 187, 188, 192 Brachium, quadrigeminum inferius (brachium of colliculus inferior), a ridge on the Corpora quadri- gemina formed by fibers from the Colliculus inferior to the medial geniculate Body, 114, 161, 164, 185 Brain (encephalon), that portion of the central nervous system con- tained within the skull, 106 development of. See Nervous sys- tem, development of. measurements of, 123 new. See Neencephalon. nomenclature of. See Nervous system, nomenclature of. old. See Palaeencephalon. stem, all of the brain except the cerebellum and the cerebral cortex, i. e., the Segmental apparatus, 113, 114, 115, 123, 164, 181, 185, 186, 192, 266, 280 reflexes of. See Reflexes of brain stem. terminology of. See Nervous sys- tem, nomenclature of. weight of, 123 Branch. See Ramus. Branchial ganglia. See Ganglion, branchial. nerves. See Gills, innervation of. Bridge. See Pons. BROCA, P., 292 BUOCA'S area. See Area parolfac- toria of Broca. Broca's convolution, the posterior part of the gyrus frontalis inferior, supposed to function as a motor correlation center of speech, 283, 292 293 BRODMANN, K., 269, 270, 272, 273- 278, 287, 290 Bronchial tubes, nerves of, 226, 238 BROUWER, B., 142, 172 BRUCE, A., 142 BRUCE, A. N., 130, 142, 193 BUCHANAN, FLORENCE, 98, 105 Bulb (bulbus), any bulb-like struc- ture; specifically the Medulla ob- longata, as in bulbar paralysis, tractus bulbo-spinalis. Bulb, olfactory, a protuberance from the cerebral hemisphere contain- ing the primary olfactory center, 110, 111, 112, 120, 165, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 264 Bulbar formation. See Formatio bulbaris. Bundle. See Tract and Fasciculus, basis, fundamental, or ground. See Fasciculus proprius. longitudinal medial. See Fascicu- lus longitudinalis medialis. posterior longitudinal. See Fas- ciculus longitudinalis medialis. solitary. See Fasciculus solitarius. BURDACH, column of. See Fascicu- lus cuneatus. BURNETT, T. C., 279, 299 CAJAL. See RAMON Y CAJAL. CAJAL, commissural nucleus of. See Nucleus, commissural, of CAJAL. Calcar avis (hippocampus minor), a projection into the posterior horn of the lateral ventricle formed by the calcarine fissure. CAMPBELL, A. W., 273, 278 Canal, central (canalis centralis), the ventricle of the spinal cord, 126, 129 lateral line. See Organs, lateral line. neural, the lumen of the embry- onic Neural tube; also applied to the spinal Canal of the vertebral column. semicircular (ductus semicircu- Juris). See also Vestibular ap- paratus, 111, 183, 184, 187, 195, 196, 201 spinal, the canal in the vertebral column containing the Spinal cord. CANNON, W. B., 240, 241, 248, 255, 256, 262 CAPPS, J. A., 250, 252 Capsule, external (capsula cxterna), a thin band of nerve-fibers form- ing the outer border of the Corpus striatum, 166, 169, 170 internal (capsula interna), a strong band of nerve-fibers passing through the Corpus striatum, INDEX AND GLOSSARY 321 144, 165, 166, 1G9, 170, 174, 176, 210, 253, 266, 287 Capsule, nasal, 110, 111 Carbon dioxid, production of, in neurons, 96, 97, 103 as respiratory stimulus, 238, 240 CARLSON, A. J., 240, 241, 247 Carp, nervous system of, 45, 245, 302, 303 Carpiodes tumidus, brain of, 302, 303 Cat, nervous system of, 90, 251 Catfish, nerves of, 245, 246 Cauda equina, a bundle of elongated spinal nerve roots arising from the lumbar and sacral segments of the spinal cord. Caudal, pertaining to the tail, or directed toward the tail end of the body, as opposed to cephalic, 116 Cavum septi pellucidi (fifth ven- tricle, pseudocode), the space en- closed between the Septum pellu- cidum of the two cerebral hemi- spheres; not a true ventricle, 162 Cell (or cells), auditory (hair cells of organ of COKTI), 197, 198, 199 basket, of cerebellum, 52, 190, 191, 192 of BKTZ (giant pyramidal cells of motor center of cerebral cortex), 274, 283, 284, 285 body, the nucleus and perykaryon of M neuron, 39 of CLAUDIUS, 197 of CORTI (hair cells), 197, 198, 199 of DEITERS of organ of CORTI, 197 epondyrna. See Ependyma. granule, of corcbollar cortex, 190, 191, 192 of cerebral cortex, 274, 290 of olfactory bulb, 217, 218 of retina, 206, 207 of HENSEN, 197 mitral, an olfactory neurone of the second order, 217, 218 nerve. See Neuron, neuroglia. See Neuroglia. of PUUKINJE. See PURKINJE, cells of. Cellulifugal, conducting away from the Cell body, applied to the proc- esses of a neuron. 21 Cellulipetal, conducting toward the Cell body, applied to the processes of a neuron. Center (centrum), a collection of nerve cells concerned with a particular function, 25, 106, 108, 109, 181, 302 association. See also Center, cor- tical, association, 64, 65, 103, 104, 181, 258, 294, 302, 304 auditory. See Area, acoustic, Auditory apparatus, and Center, cortical, auditory, correlation, 108, 109, 113, 120, 133, 158, 181, 186, 304 cortical, a part of the cerebral cortex which can be differen- tiated functionally from its neighbors; cf. Area, cortical. These centers are sometimes called areas, fields, spheres, or zones, 273, 282, 283 association, 104, 181, 273, 284, 285, 287, 288, 289, 290, 292, 306, 311, 312 auditory, 166, 202, 273, 283 gustatory, 246, 288 motor, 140, 141, '181, 187, 273, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 292, 306 olfactory. See Archipallium. optic. See Center, cortical, visual. projection. Sec Projection cen- ter. of reading. See Speech, appara- tus of. somesthetic, 141, 166, 177, 253, 273, 282, 283, 284, 285, 288 of speech. See Speech, appara- tus of. tactile. See Center, cortical, somesthetic. of temperature. Sec Center, cortical, sotnest lietic. visual, 166, 210, 267, 268, 273, 283, 284, 288 of writing. See Speech, appara- tus of. motor. See Motor apparatus and Center, cortical, motor, optic. See Visual apparatus and Center, cortical, visual. oval. See Center, semioval. 322 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Center for pain. See Thalamus, pain center in. primary, 109, 143, 151 projection, See Projection cen- ters. reflex. See also Reflex circuit, 109, 113, 129, 156 respiratory, 237, 238, 239, 240 semioval (centrum semiovale, cen- trum ovale), the great mass of white matter in the center of each cerebral hemisphere. sensory, 117, 120 tactile. See Area, cutaneous, Touch, apparatus of, and Cen- ter, cortical, somesthetic. trophic, a nerve-center which regulates the nutrition of an- other part, 109 of trunk and limb reflexes, 129 vasomotor. See Vasomotor ap- paratus. visceral. See Area, visceral, visual. See Visual apparatus and Center, cortical, visual. Central nervous system. See Ner- vous system, central, pause, 98 Centrifugal. See Efferent. Centripetal. See Afferent. Centrum. See Center. Cephalic, pertaining to the head, or directed toward the head end of the body, as opposed to caudal, 116 Cerebellum, the massive coordina- tion center dorsally of the upper end of the Medulla oblongata, 110, 111, 112, 115, 117-120, 120-122, 143, 152, 158, 186-194, 264 cortex of. See Cortex, cerebellar. development of, 117, 118, 119, 187 fiber tracts of, 130, 137, 158, 176, 187, 188 functions of, 186, 189, 192, 289, 305 lesions of, 189 Cerebration, unconscious, 297, 309, 311 Cerebrum, that portion of the brain lying above the Isthmus; also used as synonymous with Prosen- cephalon and Cerebral hemi- spheres, 121, 122, 143, 160 Chain, sympathetic. See Trunk, sympathetic. Chemical processes in nerve-cells, 96, 97, 99 sensibility, 72, 85 Chiasma, optic (chiasma opticum), the partial decussation of the optic Tracts on the ventral surface of the brain, 118, 119, 120, 208, 209, 210 CHILD, C. M., 31, 36, 97, 105 Chimpanzee, cerebral cortex of, 282 Chorda tympani, 146, 245 Chorioid plexus (choroid plexus). See Plexus, chorioid. Chrionomus plumosos, nervous sys- tem of, 30 Chromatin, a nucleo-protein sub- stance found in the cell nucleus, 99 Chromatolysis, the solution and dis- appearance of the chromophilic Substance from a neuron, 48, 49, 136, 284 Chromophilic bodies, granules, or substance. See Substance, chro- mophilic. Ciliary process. See Process, ciliary. Cingulum, an association tract of the cerebral hemisphere lying under the Gyrus cinguli, 267 Circle of Willis, a potygonal circuit of anastomosing arteries on the ventral surface of the brain, from which some of the arteries of the brain arise. Circuit, organic. See Reflex circuit. Circulation of the blood, apparatus of. See also Vasomotor apparatus, 89, 147, 234, 235. CLARKE, column of, or dorsal nucleus of. See Nucleus, dorsal, of CLARKE. CLAUDIUS, cells of, 197 Claustrum, a thin band of gray mat- ter between the external Capsule and the cortex of the island of REIL, or Insula. Clava, an eminence on the dorsal surface of the lower end of the medulla oblongata produced by the nucleus of the Fasciculus gracilis, 130, 164, 176, 177, 188 Cochlea, the bony spirally wound canal containing the auditory re- ceptor, 85, 183, 196, 199, 201, 202 INDEX AND GLOSSARY 323 Co-consciousness, 297 Ccelenterates, nervous system of, 27, 227 COGHILL, G. E., 66, 67, 85, 94, 135, 142, 182 Cold, sensations of. See Tempera- ture, apparatus of. COLE, L. J., 213 Colic, 250 Collateral, a small side branch of an Axon, 40, 44 Colliculus facialis (eminentia facialis, eminentia abducentis, eminentia teres, Eminentia medialis), an eminence in the floor of the fourth ventricle produced by the VII nucleus and the Genu of the facial nerve, 154 inferior, one of the lower pair of Corpora quadrigemina, contain- ing chiefly reflex auditory cen- ters, 114, 154, 157, 160, 164, 174, 176, 185, 201, 202 superior (optic lobe, optic tectum, mites), one of the upper pair of Corpora quadrigemina, contain- ing chiefly reflex optic centers, 62, 63, 111, 112, 114, 150, 154, 160, 161, 164, 185, 20S, 209, 210, 211, 264 COLLINS, J., 233 Colon, 242 Column, anterior. See Funiculus ventralis. of BURDACH. See Fasciculus cuneatus. of CLARKE. See Nucleus, dorsal, of CLARKE. dorsal (columna dorsalis grisea. See Column, gray. This name is also applied to the dorsal Funiculus), 126, 127, 128-130, i:«, 150, 151, ITS, 251 of Fornix. See Fornix column. fundamental. See Fasciculus pro- prius. of GOLL. See Fasciculus gracilis. gray (columna grisea), one of the longitudinal columns of neurones which make up the gray matter of the spinal cord. There are three columns: (1) dorsal (pos- terior), (2) ventral (anterior), and (3) lateral (middle or inter- mediate). These columns were formerly called horns (cornua); cf. also Funiculus, 126, 127, 128, 130, 150, 151j Column, intermedio-lateral, of spinal cord, 229 lateral (columna lateralis grisea; see Column, gray), 126, 128, 150, 151, 229 of medulla oblongata, 151-156 posterior. See Funiculus, dorsal. somatic motor, 150-156 sensory, 150-156 of TURCK, the ventral cortico- spinal Tract. ventral (columna ventralis grisea; see Column, gray. This term is also applied to the ventral Funiculus), 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 133, 150, 151 vesicular. See Nucleus, dorsal, of CLARKE. visceral motor, 150-156 sensory, 150-156 Columna. See Column. Coma, 297 Comma tract of SCHULTZE. See Fasciculus mterfascicularis. Commissure (commissura), a band of fibers connecting correspond- ing parts of the central nervous system across the median plane; many decussations are also called commissures, 265 anterior (commissura anterior), fibers passing transversely through the Lamina terminalis and connecting the basal por- tions of the two cerebral hemi- spheres, 114, 162, 165, 222, 265 dorsal, fibers which cross the mid- plane of the spinal cord dorsally of the ventricle, 127 of fornix. See Commissure of hip- pocampus. of GUDDEN. See Commissure, postoptic. habenular (superior commissure), a band of fibers connecting the two Habenulae immediately in front of the pineal Body, 265 of hippocampus (commissura hip- pocampi, commissura fornicis), fibers connecting the Hippo- 324 INDEX AND GLOSSARY campi of the two sides through the Fornix body, 170, 220, 265, 266 Commissure, inferior. See Com- missure, postoptic. of MEYNEUT. See Commissure, postoptic. middle. See Massa intermedia. mollis. See Massa intermedia. posterior (commissura posterior), fibers passing transversely through the anterior end of the roof of the midbrain, 162, 220 postoptic (inferior commissure), fibers passing transversely across the floor of the hypothalamus associated with the optic chias- ma ; contains the commissures of GUDDEN, MEYNERT, and other fibers, 265 soft. See Massa intermedia. superior. See Commissure, habe- nular. of tectum (commissura tecti), fibers passing transversely across the roof of the midbrain, con- tinuing backward the Com- missure posterior, 161 ventral, fibers which cross the midplane of the nervous system ventrally of the ventricle, 127, 129, 131, 133, 265 Compensation of function in cortex, 294 Components of nerves. See System, functional. Conarium. See Body, pineal. Conduct, neurological basis of, 262, 312-316 Conduction, avalanche, the summa- tion of nervous impulses in :i center so as to increase the intensity of discharge, 101, 192 nervous, 38, 54, 90, 97, 98, 101 Cones of n-tin.-i, 20.'), 206, 207, 208, 211 Conflict in evolution, 314 Conjunctiva, 84, 85, 2~>() Consciousness, dissociation of, 297 evolution of. Sec Psychogenesis. of lower animals; cf. Psychogene- sis, 32, 257, 305 multiple, 297 Consciousness, neurological mechan- ism of, 104, 166, 224, 242, 249, 258, 259, 260, 261, 280, 281, 286, 287, 290-297, 305-316 seat of, 291 of self, 314 Continuity of consciousness, 297 Convolution. Set; Gyrus. of BROCA. See Broca's convolu- tion. Coordination, the combination of nervous impulses in motor cen- ters to ensure the cooperation of the appropriate muscles in a re- action, 35, 130, 132, 133, 181 Cornea, 84, 85, 249 Cornu. See Horn. Corona radiata, the Projection fibers which radiate from the internal Capsule into the cerebral hemi- sphere, 164, 166, 169, 170, 266, 287 Corpora quadrigemina, the dorsal part of the Mesencephalon, con- taining the superior and inferior Colliculi, 118, 119, 121, 160, 162, 201, 210 Corpus callosum, a large band of commissural fibers connecting the Neopallium of the two cere- bral hemispheres, 119, 162, 165, 166, 170, 220, 265, 206, 267 candicans. See Body, mammil- lary. dentatum. See Nucleus, dentate, fornicis. See Fornix body, geniculatum. See Body, genicu- late. mamillare. See Body, mammil- lary. pineale. See Body, pineal, ponto-bulbare, 114 quadrigeminum. Sec; Corpora quadrigemina. restiforme (restiform body), the inferior peduncle of the cerebel- lum; cf. Peduncle, cerebellar, i::o. 155, 156, 158, 176, 187, 188, 192, 201 striatum (striate body), a subcor- tical or ba.-al mass of gray and white matter in each cerebral hemisphere, 116, 117, 118, 12:5, 162, 105, 166, 107, 168, 169, 170, 174, 176, 215, 264, 287 INDEX AND GLOSSARY 325 Corpus trapezoideum. See Body, trapezoid. Correlation, the combination of ner- vous impulses in sensory centers resulting in adaptive reactions, 35, 38, 43, 106, 133, 181 Correlation neurone, 62, 133, 134 Cortex, cerebellar, the superficial gray matter of the cerebellum, 51, 52, 189-192 compared with cerebral cortex, 186, 189, 192, 289, 305, 308 localization of function in, 189, 281, 305 neurones of, 51, 52, 190 cerebral (pallium, mantle), asso- ciation tissue forming the superficial gray matter of the cerebral hemisphere, 26, "65, 74, 109, 116-119, 123, 141, 166, 266-316 areas of. See Area, cortical. centers of. See Center, cortical. dependencies of, 114, 115 development of, 116-119, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290 electric excitability of, 281 evolution of. See also Hemi- spheres, cerebral, comparative anatomy and evolution of, 115, 129, 263, 280, 301 functions of, 104, 115, 122, 186, 189, 192, 254, 279-316, 311 layers of. See Layers of cerebral lesions of , 254, 275, 279, 280, L'N:i, 284, 286, 290^294 localization of function in. See Localization of function in cerebral cortex, and Center, cortical. motor contors of. See Center, cortical, motor. neurones of, 42, 44, 268-274, 290 number of neurons in, 26 phylogeny of. See Cortex, cere- bral, evolution of. structure of, 21)0-277 somatic. Sec Neopallium. CORTI, cells of (hair cells), 197, 198, 199 ganglion of. See Clanglion, spiral. organ of. See Organ, spiral. CORTI, rod of, 197, 198 tunnel of, 197 Cough, mechanism of, 238, 239 Crista ampullaris, 196, 198 basilaris of cochlea, 197 Cms, a stalk or peduncle, applied to compact masses of fibers which connect different parts of the brain; cf. Peduncle. commune, of internal ear, 196 flocculi, 114 fornicis. See Fornix, crus of. olfactoria, the stalk or peduncle of the Olfactory bulb. Crusta. See Basis pedunculi. Crustaceans, nervous system of, 29 Cuneus, a wedge-shaped gyrus on the medial face of the posterior pole of the cerebral hemisphere receiv- ing visual projection fibers, 119, 170, 210 Cup, optic. See also Vesicle, optic, 204 Curiosity, 314 CUSHING, H., 243, 245, 248, 286, 299 CYON, nerve of, 235 Cytoplasm, all protoplasm of a cell exclusive of that in the nucleus, 39, 96, 99, 102 DAVIES, H. M., 79, 84, 95, 172 DF.AKHORN, G. V. N., 310 Decussation (decussatio), a band of fibers crossing the median plane of the central nervous system and connecting unlike centers of the two sides; many docussations are called commissures, of FOREL. See Decussation, tog- mental, ventral. fountain. See Decussation, tog- mental, dorsal, of MEYNERT. Soo Decussation, t elemental, dors.-il. optic. See Chiasma, optic. of pyramids, 131 tegmontal, dorsal (MXTKBBT's decussation, fountain decus- sation), 161 ventral (K, 251, 252,253, 258 retroflexus of MKYNI.KT. Sec- Tract, habeniilo-pcduncular. solitarius (trartus solitarius, soli- tary bundle, in lower verte- brates often called fasciculus communis), a longitudinal bundle of fibers in the medulla oblongata containing the central courses of the visceral sensory root-fibers of the cranial nerves, 149, 150, 155, 156, 164, 234, 237, 239, 240, 241, 244, 247 Fasciculus sulco-marginalis, 130, 131 thalamo-mamillaris. Sec Tract, mamillo-thalamic . transvcrsus occipitalis of cerebral hemisphere, 267 uncinatus of cerebral hemisphere, 267 ventro-lateralis superficialis (an- tero-lateral fasciculus, ClowEK.s' tract), 128, 130 Fatigue, 101-103, 255, 256, 258, 304 Fear. See also Affection, 89, 255, 256. Feeble-mindedness. See Idiocy. Feeding, reflexes of. See Reflexes of feeding. Feeling (affective). See Affection. Feeling tone. See also Affection, 249, 254, 258-262 FEKKIER, D., 194 Fiber, or fibers, fibraj. See Nerve- fiber. arcuate, of the cerebral hemi- sphere, short association fibers connecting neighboring gyri; also called fibne propria' and fasciculi proprii, 267, 'Js5 of the medulla oblongata, decus- sating fibers lying in a super- ficial series (external arcuate fibers) and a deep seri<-> ' in- ternal arcuate fibers), 155 association; cf. Tract, association, L'liti, 267,260, 2*5. '-'S7, 2, 127, 129, 153, 156, 1.T7, lf,S, 174, 176, 181, 184, •_'H>. -JIT. :;oi, 310 Fornix, a complex fiber system con- necting the Hippocampus with nt her parts of the brain, 162, 164, 165, 166, 222 body (corpus fornicis), the middle part of the Fornix. 330 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Fornix columns (columns fornicis, anterior pillars of fornix), two columnar masses of fibers diverg- ing from the anterior end of the Fornix body to descend into the diencephalon, 165, 170, 220, 221 commissure. See Commissure of hippocampus. cms of (crus fornicis, posterior pillar of fornix), a band of fibers on each side of the brain con- necting the posterior part of the Fornix body with the Fimbria. longus of FOREL, fibers which per- forate the Corpus callosum and pass through the Septum pelluci- dum. Fossa flocculi, 141 lateralis (fossa of SYLVIUS), a deeper part of the Fissura lateralis containing the Insula. rhomboidal, the floor of the fourth ventricle, 118 Fovea limbica (sulcus rhinalis, fis- sura rhinica, fissura rhinalis, fis- sura ectorhinalis), the sulcus which marks the lateral border of the lateral Area olfactoria and Gyms hippocampi or pyriform Lobe in the lower mammals. FRANZ, S. I., 299 Freedom of action, 315 FREY, M. VON, 79, 84, 85, 94 FRITSCH, G., 281, 299 Frog, cerebral cortex of, 216, 264, . 279 nerve endings in, 90, 92 olfactory receptors in, 92 reaction time of, 98 reactions of, 63 velocity of nervous transmission in, 97 Funiculus, one of the three principal divisions of white matter on each side of the spinal cord; these funiculi were formerly called Columns, 128 dorsal (funirulus dorsalis or pos- terior, posterior columns), the white matter of the spinal cord included between the dorsal fissure and the dorsal root, 128, 130, 134, 138, 141, 150, 151, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 310 Funiculus, lateral (funiculus later- alis, lateral columns), the white matter of the spinal cord in- cluded between the dorsal and ventral roots, 128 ventral (funiculus ventralis or an- terior, ventral, or anterior col- umns), the white matter of the spinal cord included between the ventral fissure and the ventral root, 128 GALL, F. G., 280, 281, 300 Ganglion, a collection of nerve-cells. In vertebrates the term should be applied only to peripheral cell masses, though sometimes Nuclei within the brain are so designated, 108, 109 Ganglion or ganglia, basal, a term sometimes applied to the Cor- pus striatum and other sub- cortical parts of the cerebral hemisphere. branchial, of vagus, 149 cerebro-spinal, development of, 45, 225 cervical, inferior, 226 middle, 226 superior, 226, 234 ciliary, 143, 146, 149, 226, 231, 246 of CORTI. See Ganglion, spiral. of facial nerve. See Ganglion, geniculate. GASSER'S. See Ganglion, semi- lunar. geniculate (ganglion geniculi, the ganglion of the VII cranial or facial nerve), 111, 112, 146, 149, 245, 256 habenula;. SOP Habenula. of insects, 29, 30 interpedunculare. See Nucleus, interpeduncular. of invertebrates, 28, 29, 30, 227 jugular (ganglion jugulare), 147, 149 of lateral line nerves. 149 nodosum, 147, 237, 239, 240 opticum basale. See Nucleus, preoptic. otic, 147, 245 INDEX AND GLOSSARY 331 Ganglion, petrosal (ganglion petro- sum), 147, 245 of SCARPA. See Ganglion vestibu- lar. semilunar (ganglion semilunare, GASSER'S ganglion, the ganglion of the V cranial or trigeminal nerve), 45, 111, 112, 146, 180, 245 sphenopalatine, 226, 245 spinal, 25, 43, 109, 125, 126, 134, 135, 136, 141, 147, 227, 228 spiral (ganglion spirale, ganglion of CORTI), 147 submaxillary, 146 superior (ganglion superius of IX cranial nerve), 147 supra-esophageal, 29, 30 sympathetic, 53, 107, 109, 125, 126, 225, 226, 227, 230, 237, 238, 239 prevertebral, sympathetic gan- glia of the thorax and abdo- men other than those of the sympathetic trunk, vertebral, the ganglia of the sympathetic Trunk, of trigeminus. See Ganglion, semilunar. of vagus. See Ganglion, jugular, and Ganglion nodosum. of vertebrates, 108. vestibular (ganglion of SCARPA), 147 GEHUCHTEN, A. VAN, 25, 45, 86, 194 Generative organs. See Sexual or- gans. Geniculate body. Sec Body, genicu- late. ganglion. See Ganglion, genicu- late. GENNARI, layer of stripe of. See Line of Gennari. Genu, a knee-shaped bond of an organ, such as the genu of the corpus callosum, of the facial nerVo, etc. of corpus callosum, 119 Gills, 236, 240 innervation of, 110, 111, 112, 149, 246 muscles of, 94, 148 Gland, adrenal. See Gland, supra- renal. Gland, intestinal, 224 nerve-endings on, 94 pineal. See Body, pineal, pituitary. See Hypophysis, salivary, innervation of, 143, 144, 146, 147, 154, 156, 232, 241, 244 suprarenal, 231, 255, 256 Glia. See Neuroglia. Glomeruli, olfactory, small globular masses of dense Neuropil in the olfactory bulb containing the first synapse in the olfactory pathway, 217, 218 Glycosuria, 255 GOLDSTEIN, K., 131, 194 GOLGI, C., 41, 43, 44, 49, 55, 190, 274 GOLL, column of. See Fasciculus gracilis. GOLTZ, F., 279, 280, 281, 300 GOWERS, fasciculus of. See Fascic- ulus ventro-lateralis superficialis. Gradient, physiological, in nerve- fibers, 97 Granules. See Cells, granule, chromophilic, tigroid, of NISSL. See Substance, chromophilic. Gray, central, relatively undifferen- tiated gray Matter which retains its primitive position near the ventricles, 127. Groove, medullary. See Neural groove. neural. See Neural groove. GRUNBAUM, A. S. F., 282, 300 GUDDEN, commissure of. See Com- missure, postoptic. Gustatory apparatus, 72, 74, 91, 143, 144, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 157, 163, 218, 222, 234, 243-246, 303 Gyms, one of the convolutions or folds of the cerebral cortex bounded by Sulci or Fissures, 265, 266 angularis, 121 cent rails anterior (procentral gy- rus), 121, 140, 181, 269, 271, 272, 282, 283, 285, 286, 288 posterior (postcentral gyms), 121, 268, 270, 282, 283', 285, 286, 288 cinguli, 119, 170 332 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Gyrus dentatus (fascia dentata), a subsidiary gyrus of the Hippo- campus, 221, 222 fornicatus (limbic lobe), the mar- ginal portion of the cerebral cortex on the medial aspect of the hemisphere, including the Gyrus cinguli, Gyrus hippo- campi, and others; there is a variety of usage regarding its limits, 273 frontalis inferior, 121, 170, 292 medius, 121 superior, 119, 121 hippocampi, that part of the cere- bral cortex which borders the Hippocampus. Part of it (the Uncus) is Archipallium ; the re- mainder is transitional to the Neopallium. See Lobe, pyri- form, 217, 219, 221, 222, 273, 284 lingualis, 119 occipitalis lateral is, 121 olfactorius lateralis. See Nucleus olfactorius lateralis. medialis. See Area parol- f actoria of Broca orbitalis, 121 postcentral. See Gyrus centralis posterior. precentral. See Gyrus centralis anterior. subcallosus (podunculus corporis callosi), part of the Nucleus ol- factorius medialis, 119, 219 supramarginalis, 121 temporalis inferior, 121 medius, 121 superior, 121, 170 uncinatus. See Uncus. Habenula (nucleus habonulip, gang- lion Imbonuhp), an important ol- factory correlation center in the Epithalamus, 162, 165, 167, 170, 220 Habit, physiological, 32, 294, 304 Hair colls (cells of CORTI), 197, 198, 199 innorvation of, SO, 81 II \iim:*-n. !.. I'.ts. 199,203 HARRIS, W., 213 HEAD, H., 79, 84, 85, 94, 95, 132, 142, 166, 171, 172, 173, 175, 179, 233, 251, 253, 254, 262, 300, 311 Hearing, organs of. See Auditory apparatus. Heart, innervation of, 144, 147, 232, 234 Heat, sensations of. See Tempera- ture, apparatus of. HEIDENHAIN, M., 49, 55 HELD, H., 50 HELMHOLTZ, H. L. T. VON, 198, 203 HELWIG, tract of. See Tract, olivo- spinal. Hemispheres, cerebellar, 120, 187 cerebral, 63, 64, 111, 112, 121, 122, 123, 129, 160, 215, 219, 264, 265, 279 comparative anatomy and evo- lution of, 111, 112, 129, 215, 264, 265, 279, 280, 290, 294, 301-306 Hemorrhage, cerebral, 293 HK.VSKX, cells of , 197 stripe of, 197, 198 HERRICK, C. JUDSON, 36, 61, 66, 67, 95, 124, 135, 142, 159, 171, 182, 194, 200, 223, 248, 263, 303 HERRICK, C. L., 18, 108, 194, 258, 262, 296, 300, 303 HERRICK, F. H., 61, 68 HKRTS, A. F., 95, 242, 243, 248 Hibernation, nerve cells in, 102 Hindbrain, a term which has boon variously applied to the cerebel- lum, the cerebellum and puns, the medulla oblongata, and the entire rhombencephalon . Hipporampal gyrus. See Gyrus hip- pocampi. Hippocampus (hippocampus major, Ammon's horn, cornu Ammo- nis), a submerged gyrus forming the larger part of the Archipal- lium, or olfactory cerebral cor- tex, 217, 219, 220', 221, 222, 273, 284, 306 commissure of. See Commissure of hippocampus, minor. See Calcar avis. His, WILLIAM, V.I :>;>, 115 US, 121 Histology, the study of Tissues, 27 INDEX AND GLOSSARY 333 HITZIG, E., 281, 299, 300 HODGE, C. F., 105 .HOFER, B., 199, 203 HOLMES, G., 166, 171, 254, 262, 280, 300, 311 HOLMES, S. J., 262 Horn (cornu), one of the three chief parts of the lateral ventricle — anterior, posterior, and inferior or middle; also applied to the gray Columns of the spinal cord. HOUGH, TH., 68 HLBER, G. C., 87, 95, 233 Humor, vitreous, 205 Hunger, apparatus of, 89, 240 Hyodon tergissus, brain of, 302, 303 Hypophysis (pituitary body, pitui- tary gland), a glandular appendage to the ventral part of the hypo- thalamus; its posterior lobe is an outgrowth from the Neural tube, its anterior lobe is an ingrowth from the epithelium of the em- bryonic mouth cavity, 114, 119, 163, 167 Hypothalamus, the ventral subdivi- sion of the Diencephalon, contain- in": the Hypophysis and the mam- millary Body, an important olfac- tory correlation center, 117, 118, 121, 122, 162, 163, 165, 166, 167, 174, 176, 215, 220, 221, 222, 246, 260 Idiocy, 279, 290 Imbecility. See Idiocy. Impulse, nervous, nature of, 96, 97 velocity of, 97, 98. Infundibulum, a funnel-shaped ex- tension of the third ventricle pass- ing through the Hypothalamus to the end in the Hypophysis, 114, 119, 120, K.:i Inhibition, the diminution or anv-t of a function, 63, 66, 108, 25 J, 256, 279, 307 Insanity, 2','0 Insects, nervous system of, 29, 30 respiration of, 2: id Instinct, a complex form of in- variable Behavior, 32, 61, 257, 263, 290, 301, 307, 309, 311, 312, 313 Insula (island of REIL), a portion of the cerebral cortex which is sub- merged under the Fossa lateralis, 166, 170, 266, 273 Integration, the combination of dif- ferent acts so that they cooperate toward a common end, 106 Intelligence. See Consciousiu lapsed, 32, 301, 309 Interbrain. See Diencephalon. Interference of nervous impulses, 58, 61, 63, 307 Interoceptor, a sense organ excited by stimuli arising within the viscera; cf. Visceral apparatus and Visceral organs, 74, 77, 89, 243 Intestines, nerves of, 144, 234, 241, 242 Intoxication, effects of, 97, 101, 102, 103, 104, 231, 258 Introspection, 98, 297, 309 Intumescentia cervicalis (cervical enlargement), the enlargement of the spinal cord from which the nerves of the arm arise. lumbalis (lumbar enlargement), the enlargement of the spinal cord from which thr nerves of the leg arise. Invariable behavior. See Behavior, invariable. Invertebrates, behavior of, 32 nervous system of, Iris, 14:5. 211, I'::--'. 234, 217 Irradiation of n< rvous impulses, 65, 66, 100, 260, 20s Island of KKII.. See Insula. Isthmus, a narrow segment of the brain forming the upper end of the Rhombencephalon (H. X. A.); it might better be regarded as merely the plane of separation be- tween Rhombencephalon and Cerebrum, 116-119, 121, 122, 143, 160 Iter (itor a tertio ad quart um ven- triculum). See Aqueduct of Syl- JACKSON. Hr<;in.i\<.-. 2'.i2 JAC OHSO.X, nerve of. See Nerve, tympanic. JAMES, \\ .. 2.v.». 262 334 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Jelly-fishes, nervous system of, 27, 227 JENNINGS, H. S., 21, 31, 37, 68 JOHNSTON, J. B., 124, 152, 159, 171, 180, 223 Joints, nerve-endings in, 88 Kangaroo, cerebral cortex of, 217 KAPPERS, C. U. AEIENS, 203, 223, 240, 248, 265, 278, 310 KARPLUS, J. P., 251, 262 Karyoplasm, the protoplasm of the nucleus of a cell, 96 KEIBEL, F., 124 KOLLIKER, A., 44 KRAUSE, W., 115, 124 end-bulbs of, 84, 85 KREIDL, A., 251, 262 KRIES, J. VON, 71 KUNTZ, A., 233 Labium vestibulare, 198 Labyrinth of ear, 195, 196 Lactic acid, 103 LADD, G. T., 98, 105, 213 Lagena, 199, 200 Lamina. See also Layer. affixa, a thin non-nervous part of the medial wall of the cerebral hemisphere attached to the thalamus and bordered by the lateral chorioid Plexus. of neural tube. See Plate. terminalis (terminal plate), the anterior boundary of the third ventricle, 118, 165, 215, 264, 265 LANCISI (LANCISICS), nerves of. See Stria longitudinalis. striae of. Sec Stria longitudinalis. LANDACRE, F. L., 35 LANGE, C., 259, 262 LANGLEY, J. N., 148, 225, 229, 233 Laqueus. See Lemniscus. Larynx, 239 Lateral line organs. See Organs, lateral line. Law, myelogenetic, of FLECHSIG, 287 Layer. See also Lamina. of BAILLARGER. See Line of Bail- larger. of cerebellar cortex, 190 of cerebral cortex, 268-274, 290 Layer of GENNARI. See Line of Gennari. of retina, 205, 206, 207 Learning. See Experience, learning by. Lemniscus (fillet, laqueus), sensory fibers of the second order ter- minating in the thalamus. acoustic. See Lemniscus, lateral, bulbar, ascending sensory fibers of the second order from the medulla oblpngata to the thala- mus, including several different tracts, 157 gustatory. See Lemniscus, vis- ceral. lateral, the acoustic lemniscus, fibers from the cochlear nuclei to the colliculus inferior and thalamus, 114, 157, 161, 163, 164, 167, 174, 176, 185, 201 medial, ascending fibers of the proprioceptive system from the spinal cord to the thalamus, 138, 141, 155, 156, 161, 163, 164, 165, 167, 174, 175, 176, 177, 179, 180, 210 optic, a term which might ap- propriately replace optic Tract, 209 spinal, ascending fibers of touch, temperature, and pain sensibility from the spinal cord to the thalamus. In the cord these fibers form two tracts, the dor- sal and ventral spino-thalamic tracts, 130, 131, 134, 138, 139, 141, 156, 161, 163, 164, 167, 173, 174, 178, 179, 190, 252, 253 trigeminal, ascending sensory fibers of the second order from the sensory V nuclei to the thalumus, 139, 141, 157, 161, 163, 164, 165, 167, 173, 174, 180 visceral, a name suggested for the ascending secondary fibers from the nucleus of the fasciculus soli- tarius to the higher cerebral cen- ters, 157, 246 LENHOSSEK, M. VON, 41 Lens, 204-208, 211, 212 LEWANDOWSKY, M., 37, 194, 300 Life, definition of, 17 Ligament, spiral, of Cochlea, 197 INDEX AND GLOSSARY 335 Limbus laminse spiralis, 197 Limen insulae. See Nucleus olfac- torius lateral! s, 219 Line of Baillarger, a stripe of tan- gential white fibers in the cere- bral cortex; there is an outer and an inner line, 267, 268, 274 of Gennari, a stripe of tangential white fibers in the Area striata of the cerebral cortex; it is the outer Line of Baillarger in this area, 268, 274 Lingula cerebelli, a small eminence on the ventral surface of the cere- bellum where the anterior medul- lary Velum joins the Vermis, 162 LISSATJER, tract of, zone of. See Fasciculus dorso-lateralis. Lizard, parietal eye of, 212 Lobe, frontal, 120, 266, 283 of the lateral line (lobus lineae lateralis), a highly differentiated part of the acoustico-lateral Area of fishes, 152 limbic. See Gyrus fornicatus. occipital, 266, 283 olfactory (lobus olfactorius), the olfactory Bulb, its Crus, and the anterior part of the Area olfac- toria; this is the B. N. A. usage; the term is sometimes applied to the olfactory Bulb alone and sometimes to the Area olfac- toria alone. optic. See Colliculus superior. parietal, 266 pyriform (lobus piriformis), the lateral exposed portion of the olfactory cerebral cortex in lower mammals, bounded dor- sally by the Fovea limbica; in man it is represented by the Uncus and part of the Gyrus hippocampi, 217 temporal, 120, 201, 202, 219, 266 vagal. See Lobe, visceral, visceral (lobus visceralis, vagal lobe, lobus vagi), the visceral sensory Area of fishes, 148, 149, 152, 153, 303 Lobulus paracen trails, 119 parietalis inferior, 121 superior, 121 Local sign; cf. Localization of sensa- tion, 84, 229, 250, 259 Localization of functions in central nervous system, 65, 113, 230- 232, 234, 280 in cerebellar cortex, 189, 281, 305 in cerebral cortex, 189, 273, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284-297, 305, 307 of sensation, 79, 84, 85, 228-230, 250, 259, 286 Locomotion, reflexes of, 134 LOEB, J., 37, 61, 68 LOWENTHAL, tract of. See Tract, tecto-spinal. LUCIANI, L., 194 LUGARO, E., 104 Lumbricus, nervous system of, 28 Lungs, innervation of. See Respira- tory apparatus. LUYS, body of. See body of LUYS. Lyra. See Lyre of David. Lyre of David (lyra Davidis, psal- tcrium), the posterior part of the Fornix body, including the Com- missura hippocampi. Macula sacculi, 196 utriculi, 196 MAGENDIE, foramen of. See Fora- men of Magendie. MALL, F. P., 124 Mammals, cortical regions of, 273 Mammillary body. See Body, mam- millary. Mantle. See Cortex, cerebral. MAUCHI, method of, 48, 135 MAHIK, P., 300 Marsupial animals, cerebral cortex of, 217 Massa intermedia (commissura mol- lis, soft commissure, middle com- missure), a band of gray matter connecting the medial surfaces of the two thalami across the third ventricle; it is not a true commis- sure, 119, 162 MAST, S.O., LM3 Mastication, apparatus of, 78, 143, 146, 180, 244, 247 Matter, central gray. See Gray, central. 336 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Matter, gray (substantia grisea), gray nervous tissue compose/I chiefly of nerve-cells and un- myelinated nerve-fibers, 108, 128 white (substantia alba), white ner- vous tissue composed chiefly of myelinated nerve-fibers, 108, 127, 128, 130 Meatus, external auditory, 195 Medial (medialis), nearer the median plane; opposed to lateral. Median (medianus), lying in the axis or middle plane of the body or one of its members. Medius, intermediate between two other parts. Medulla oblongata (bulb), the Myel- encephalon B. N. A. ; the older and better usage includes the whole of the Rhomb encephal- on except the Cerebellum and Pons, 110, 111, 112, 116-120, 121, 122, 143, 152, 154, 162, 232, 244, 246, 302, 303 reflexes of, 143, 148, 181, 234, 235, 302, 303 spinalis. See Spinal cord. Medullary sheath. See Myelin sheath. tube. See Neural tube. MEISSNER, corpuscle of, 82, 83 plexus of (submucous plexus), 53, 241 Membrane, basilar, of spiral organ, 197, 198 of the brain. See Meninges. limiting, of retina (membrana limitans externa and internal. 207 mucous, nerves of, 90, 126, 146, 21.-,, 232 nuclear, 99 Sclmeiderian. See Epithelium, ol- factory. teetoriaC 197» 198, 199 tympanic (drum membrane), 85, 195, 190, 245, 249 vestibular (membrane of HKISS- NKH), 197 Memory, 295, 297, 304, 307 associative, 32, 65, 242, 294, 295, 307 Menidia. nerves of. 148, 149, 200 spinal cord of, 150 Meninges, the membranes of the brain and spinal- cord, 38, 146, 250 MERKEL, corpuscle of, 81, 82, 83 Mesencephalon (midbrain), the Cor- pora quadrigemina and cerebral Peduncles, 62, 63, 116-119, 121, 122, 160, 161, 232 development of, 116, 119, 160 Metabolism, chemical changes in protoplasm, 96, 97, 99, 163 Metathalamus, the posterior part of the Thalamus, comprising the me- dial and lateral geniculate Bodies, 118, 121, 122, 163, 165, 167 Metencephalon (hindbrain), the an- terior part of the Rhombenceph- alon, including the Cerebellum, Pons, and intervening part of the Medulla oblongata, 117-119, 121 MI.YER, A., 49, 55, 293, 300 MEYER, MAX, 262 MEYNERT, commissure of. Sec Commissure, postoptic. decussation of (fountain decussa- tion, dorsal tegmental decussa- tion), 161 fasciculus retroflexiis of. See Tract , habonulo-peduncular. MICHKLSON, A. A., 71 Midbrain. See Mesencephalon. MlLLIKAN, R. A., 71 Mind. See Consciousness. evolution of. See Psychogenesis. unconscious, 2%, 297 Molecular substance, Molecular layers, a name applied to the Neuropil. MOLHANT, M., 248 MONAKOW, C. VON, 171, 2S7, 293, 294, 300 tract of. See Tract, rubro-spinal. MONHO, foramen of. Sec, Foramen interventriculare. Moon-eye, brain of, 302, 303 Morab,313. 314, 315 Mouct-Lis. S., 242, 248 Motor apparatus, 62, 63, 117, 120, 154, 163, 180-182, 186, 192, 234, 244,24(5. LM7. L'r.i, 279, 309 MOYKS. .1. M., 278 Mucous membrane, nerve endings in. See Membrane, mucous. MiM.KH, fibers of, 205, 206 Multiple consciousness, 297 INDEX AND GLOSSARY 337 MUNK, H., 300 Muscarin, 231 Muscle, Muscles, of arm, motor nuclei of, 129 cardiac, the muscle of the heart, a visceral muscle whose fibers are cross-striated, 93, 148, 224, 234 of eyeball. See Eye, muscles of. of facial expression, innervation of, 144, 146, 244, 261 intercostal, innervation of, 236- 240 involuntary, muscles not under di- rect control of the will; they are of the general visceral type, 93 nerve endings in, 86, 87, 90, 92, 93 respiratory, 236-239 sense, 77, 87, 132, 141, 146, 172- 180, 242 skeletal. See Muscle, somatic. smooth or unstriated, visceral muscle whose fibers are not cross-striated, 87, 93, 147, 148 somatic, striated muscles derived from the Somites of the embryo, skeletal muscles, 87, 92, 145, 147, 148 spindle, a bundle of muscle-fibers, smaller than ordinary fibers, which are supplied with special nerve endings of the muscle sense in addition to typical motor End-plates, 87 sternocleidomastoid, 144, 147 striated, composed of fibers hav- ing a cross-striped appearance; may be somatic or visceral, 87, 92,93 synergic, muscles which act to- gether for the performance of a movement. :{.">, 3(X> of tongue. See Tongue, muscles of. trapexius, innervation of, 144, 147 visceral, unstriated or striated muscles not derived from the Somites of the embryo ; may be involuntary or voluntary, 87, 93, 94, 126, 14X, _'_'! voluntary, muscles under direct control of the will; may be either somatic or visceral, 92, 93,94 Mustelus, nervous system of, 111, 112 22 Mycetozoa, 22 Myel (myelon), the Spinal cord. Myelencephalon (afterbrain), the posterior part of the Rhomben- cephalon, or that portion of the Medulla oblongata lying behind the Pons and Cerebellum, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122 Myelin, a f at-like substance formed as a sheath around the myelinated (medullated) nerve-fibers. 46 sheath, an envelope of Myelin around the Axis-cylinder of some nerve-fibers, 40, 46, 108, 286 Myelogeny, the sequence of matura- tion of the Myelin sheaths of nerve-fibers in the development of the central nervous system, 286, 287, 288 Myelon (myel), the Spinal cord. Myotom. See Somites. Myxomycetes, 22 Nates. See Colliculus superior. Nausea, apparatus of, 89 Necturus, nervous system of, 62, 63 Neencephalon, the new brain, i. e., the cerebral cortex and its depend- encies, 115, 263 Negative variation in nerve-fibers, 96 Neopallium, the non-olfactory part of the cerebral cortex, or somatic cortex, 217, 220, 221 Neothalamus (new thalamus), the phylogenetically new part of the Thalamus, which is a cortical de- pendency, 163-167, 263, 3 Nerve (nervus), any bundle of nerve- fibers outside the central ner- vous system, 28, 106 abducens (VI cranial nerve), 114, 120, 143, 145, 146, 148, 150, 180, 186 accelerator, of heart, 234. accessory (XI cranial nerve), 120, 144. U.->. 1 17, 14S, 244 acoustic (VIII cranial nerve, audi- tory nerve, nervus acusticiist, 110, 111,112,114, 120. 1 i:i. 1 }.'.. 147, 149, 1.83, 199, 200, 201 afferent. See Afferent. anterior cutaneous, 125 auditory. See Nerve, acoustic. 338 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Nerve, auricular, 144, 147 branchial, 110, 111, 112, 149, 245 buccal, 200 cardiac. See Heart, innervation of. cerebral. See Nerve, cranial, cerebro-spinal, the peripheral nerves connected with the brain and spinal cord, 107 cervical, 107, 130, 237 chorda tympani, 140, 245 ciliary, 146 coccygeal, 107 cochlear, 145, 157, 183, 185, 197, 198, 200, 201 components, table of, 146, 147 cranial (cerebral nerve), a periph- eral nerve connected with the brain; these nerves are enu- merated in 12 pairs, 10(5, 110, 111, 112, 143, 144-150, 152, 154, 164 of fishes, 110, 111, 112, 148, 149 cutaneous, 79-86, 125, 132, 134, 1 i:i, 1 15-150, 157, 172-180, 228, 245, 246, 252, 253 of CYON, 235 . .». of deep sensibility; cf. Proprio- ceptors, apparatus of, 79, 86, 132, 172-180 depressor, of heart, 235 efferent. See Efferent, excito-glandular, I OS facial (VII cranial nerve, facialis), 110, 111, 112, 114, 120, 143, 145, 146, 148, 150, 231, 236, 243, 244, 245, 246 gtosBopharyngeal (IX cranial nerve), 110, 111, 112, 114, 120, 144, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 155, 231, 24:5, 244, 245 gustatory. 213-246 hyomandibular, 110 112, 149 hypogloBBUB XII cranial nerve), 120, 144, 147, 148, 150, 153, 156 inhibitory, a nerve which checks or retards the action of the <>rti;m in which it terminates. UK •_>::!, •_>:•,.-, intem.stal, 125, 2:57, 238, 239 intermediate i nerve of \VIMSHKUC, p-irs intermedia facialis, portio intermedia facialis, the smaller of the two roots of the VII cranial nerve), 114, 120, 146, 244, 245 Nerve, intestinal, 111, 149 of JACOBSON. See Nerve, tym- panic. of LANCISI. See Stria longitudi- nal! s. laryngeal, 147 lateral (nervus lateralis, lateral line nerves), branches of the VII, IX, and X cranial nerves which supply the Lateral line organs, 110, 111, 112, 145, 148, 149, 152, 199, 200 accessory (rannis lateralis ac- cessorius facialis), 149, 246 cutaneous, 125 lingual, 147, 245 lumbar, 107, 130, 231, 232 mandibular, 110, 111, 146, 200, 245 maxillary, 110, 111, 146, 226, 245 motor, a peripheral nerve which conducts efferent impulses to a muscle, IDS, 120, 145-150 oculomotor (III cranial nerve), 114, 120, 143, 145, 146, 14S, 149, 150, 160, 161, ISO, lS(i, 210,231, 246 olfactory (nervus olfactorius, the first cranial nerve), 91, 110, 111, 112, 143, 146, 148, 149, 150, 160, 200, 215, 216, 217, 264 ophthalmic, 110, 111, 140, 149, 200, 245 optic (nervus opticus, the second cranial nerve); this is not a true nerve, but, in reality, a cerebral tract; cf. Tract, optic, 111, 120, 123, 1 I:1-. I C), 140, 149,165,200, 204, 20r,, 20S, 209 otic, 149 of pain, 249, 251, 252, 253, 254, 257, 2;.s palatine, a nerve of fishes corre- sponding to the human great superficial petrosal nerve, 110, 111, 112, 149 parietal (nerve of the Parietal eye), 212 phrenic, 231). 237, 238, 239 pneumogastric. See Nerve, vagus. postganglionic. See Neuron, post- ganglionic. INDEX AND GLOSSARY 339 Nerve, prcganglionic. See Neuron, preganglionic. prespiracular (pretrcmatic branch of the facial), 111, 149 pretrematic, of facial, 111, 149 recurrent, 226 sacral, 107, 130, 231, 232 sciatic, 97 sensory, a peripheral nerve which conducts afferent impulses from a sense organ to the spinal cord or brain, 108, 126 somatic, 126, 139, 145, 172 spinal, a peripheral nerve con- nected with the spinal cord, 106, 107, 114, 125, 126,252 central connections of, 129-140, 150, 151, 251, 252, 253, 254 components of, 145, 147, 150, 151 splanchnic, 226 superficial petrosal, 147, 245 supratrmporal, 149 sympathetic. See Nervous sys- tem, sympathetic. of taste. See Gustatory appara- tus. terminal, a slender nerve associ- ated with the olfactory nerve, 111, 147, 215 thoracic, 107, 125, 126, 130, 231, 232, 236, 237 trigeminal (trifacial nerve, V cranial nerve), 110, 111, 114, 120, 141, 113, 1-15, 116, 1 is. 149, 150, 152, 154, 157, 174, 150, 213, 244, 245 trochlear (pat liel icus, VI cranial nerve), 110, 11 I 120, IK!, 1 15, lit), 1 is, 150, 154, 160, 162, ISO, 186 tympanic (nerve of JACOBSON), 147, 245 vagus (pneumogastric nerve, X cranial nerve), 110, 111, 112, 114, 120, 1 11, 1 15, 1 17, 1 IS, |50, 152, 153, 156,226,2:',!, 2:; I 215 vasoconstrictor, 235 vasodilator, 235 vasomotor. See Vasomotor ap- paratus. vestibular, 88, 110, 111, 145, 147, 176, is:j, 1S4, 185, 187, 188, 19S, 200, 201 Nerve, vidian, 245 visceral, 126, 144, 145-150, 259 of WRISBEUG. See Nerve, inter- mediate. Nerve-cell. See Neuron. Nerve-fiber, a slender fibrous proc- ess of a Neuron, 39 afferent, 108 carbon dioxid production in, 96, 97 conduction in, 96, 97 degeneration of, 46 efferent; cf. also Efferent, 108 electric changes in, 96 fatigue of, 96, 101 medullated. See Nerve-fiber, mye- linated. myelinated, a fiber provided with a Myelin sheath, 97, 108, 286 postganglionic. See Neuron, post- ganglionic. preganglionic. See Neuron, pre- ganglionic. rate of transmission in, 97, 98 regeneration of, 46 unmyelinated or unmedullated, a fiber devoid of a Myelin sheath, 108 Nervous impulse, nature of, 96, 97 velocity of, 97, 98 Nervous system, the aggregate of all nervous tissues. autonomie; cf. Nervous system, sympathetic, 225, 229 central, 28, 106, 107 cercbro-spinal, 76, 225 development of, 106, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 123, 153, 181, 1S2, 204, 219, 264, 286, 290 diffuse. 27, 5:i, ti(i, 227, 251 embryonic, See Nervous sys- tem, development of. evolution of; sec also Cortex, cerebral, evolution of. and Hemisphere, cerebral, com- parative anatomy and evolu- tion of, 22, 24, 27, 33, 34, 113, 115, 1 29, ISO, isl, 182, 212, 215, 219. '2-27. 251, 252, 253, 2i»:;. 2so, 291, :;oi. :;or, general anatomy of, 106 cerebro-spinal visceral, 227 • invertebrate, 27, 53, 227 nomenclature of, 115, 121. 122, 1 1':;, 127, 128 340 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Nervous system, peripheral, 106 phylogeny of. See Nervous sys- tem, evolution of. physiology of, 96 segmental. See Segmentation and Segmental apparatus, subdivision of, 106, 115-123 sympathetic, 53, 65, 76, 89, 93, 106, 107, 125, 126, 147, 148, 150,211,224-233,234,241, 242, 255, 259 peripheral autonomous part, 225, 227 synaptic, 53 vertebrate, 29, 106 Neural canal. See Canal, neural, groove (medullary groove), the trough-like form assumed by the Neural plate during its in- \ -agination to form the Neural tube. plate, a thickened plate of Ecto- derm in early vertebrate em- bryos from which the Neural tube develops. tube, the embryonic central ner- vous system when in the form of an epithelial tube, 106, 116, 126, 160, 181 Neurasthenia, 103 Neuraxis, the central nervous sys- tem; and also applied to the Axon. Neuraxon. See Axon. Neurenteric canal, in the embryo, a communication between the raudal end of the Neural tube and tin' digestive tract. Neurilemma, the outer sheath of a peripheral nerve-fiber, 40, Hi Neurite. See Axon. Neuroblast, an immature nerve cell, :;'.». 45 Neurocyte. See Neuron. Neurofibrils, delicate protoplasmic fibrils within the cytoplasm of the Neuron, 40, 46, 47| 102 Neuroglia (glia), a supporting fabric of cells and horny fibers pervad- ing the central nervous system, 38, 101. 190, 20.-,, 206,269 Neurogram, 295 Xeuromasts. See Organs, lateral line. Neuromere, one of the segments of the embryonic Neural tube. Neuron (neurocyte), a nerve cell; cf. Cell, 38, 40, 41, 42, 49, 56, 96, 190, 268, 269, 270, 274 afferent, 42 bipolar, 44, 45 correlation, 133, 134, 158 efferent, 42 fatigue of, 96, 101, 102 of first, second, etc., order, 42 multiform, See Neuron, poly- morphic, polarization of. See Polarity of the Neuron. polymorphic, 268, 269, 274 postganglionic, an efferent sym- pathetic neuron which is ex- cited by a preganglionic Neuron, 94, 126, 146, 147, 229, 231, 235, 238, 239. 244 preganglionic, an efferent sympa- thetic neuron whose cell body lies in the central nervous sys- tem, 93, 126, 146-14S, i;,(), 229. 231, 234, 235, 23S, 239, 241, 244 pyramidal, of cerebral cortex, 42, 44, 269, 270, 274, 290 retraction of, 103 type I, 43, 44, 190 type II, 43, 44, 190, 268, 269 unipolar, 45 Neurone. See Neuron. Neuropil (molecular substance, dot- ted substance), an entanglement of unmyelinated fibers containing many synapses, 65 Neuropore, in the embryonic brain an opening between the anterior end of the neural Canal and the exterior, 116 Nicotin, 231 N id ul us. See Nucleus (2). Nidus, a depression on the ventral surface of the cerebellum; also used as a synonym for Nucleus (2), ins NlSSL, F., 42, 46, 55,274 bodies of, granules of, substance of. See Substance, chromo- philic. Nociceptor, a sense organ or Recep- tor which responds to injurious influences. INDEX AND GLOSSARY 341 Node of Ranvier, an interruption of the Myelin sheath of a nerve-fiber, 40 Node, vital, 240 Nomenclature. See Nervous sys- tem, nomenclature of. Nose. See Olfactory apparatus. Nose brain (Rhinencephalon), 112, 123 Nucleus (1), the differentiated cen- tral protoplasm of a cell, 39, 40, 41, 42, 47, 96, 99, 102, 108 Nucleus (2), a group of nerve-cells within the central nervous sys- tem; also called Xidulus and Nidus; cf. Ganglion, 108. of abducens nerve, 60, 146, 150, 154, 185, 201 acoustic. See Nucleus, cochlear. ambiguus, 147, 150, 153, 154, 155, 156, 185, 244 amygdalae (amygdala), a small mass of subcortical gray matter under the tip of the temporal lobe which forms part of the Nucleus olfactorius lateralis, 144, 166, 273 anterior thalami, 164-166, 167, 220 arcuate, 155 of auditory nerve. See Nucleus, cochlear. and Nucleus, vestibu- lar. of BECHTEREW, vestibular, 181, 185 caudate (nucleus caudal u-0, one of the two large gray in; the Corpus striatum, 114, 162, 166, 169. 170, 222 of CLAHKK. See Nucleus, dorsal, of CLAKKK. cochlear. 60, 63, 150, 154, 157. 164, 185, 201 coniinissural, of CA.TAL, 154, 164, 210, 244, 247 of DKITKHS, vestibular, 184, 185 dentate, a large nucleus embedded within the cerebellar hemisphere from which the fibers of the Brachium conjunctivum arise, 114, 188, 190. 191. 201 dorsal, of Clarke (nucleus dor- salis of CI.AKKK or STII.I.IM:. CLARKE'S column), a longitu- dinal strand of neurones of the spinal cord whose axones enter the spino-cerebellar tracts, 130. 137, 139, 176 Nucleus of dorsal funiculus. See Clava and Tuberculum cune- atum. dorsal, of vagus. See Nucleus of vagus, dorsal. dorsalis thalami. See Nucleus anterior thalami. dorso-lateral, of spinal cord, a col- lection of neurones in the ven- tral gray column which inner- vate the muscles of the limbs, 129, 130 of Edinger-Westphal, the visceral efferent nucleus of the oculo- motor nerve, 146, 150, 154, 246 emboliformis, 191, 201 of facial nerve, 146, 150, 154, 244 of fasciculus cuneatus. Sec Tu- berculum cuneatum. of fasciculus graeilis. See Clava. of fasciculus solitarius, the visceral sensory nucleus of the VII, IX, and X cranial nerves, 150. 154, 155, 156, 231, 237, 239, 2 In, 2 13. 246. 217 fastigii, 191, 201 globosus, 191 of glossopharyngeus nerve, 150 habenulie. See Habenula. of hypoglossus nerve, 1 17, 150, 154, 156 interpeduncular, a nucleus lying between the cerebral peduncles which receives the habenulo- peduncular tract. of lateral lemniscus. 185, 201 lateralisthalami, 163, 164 166, HIT. 170, 174, 176, 177, 25:!. 2s:>. :',()6 lattice, of thalamus. See Xiicleus reticularis thalami. lentiform f nucleus lentiformis, len- ticular nucleus), one of the two lame uray masses of the Corpus striatum,' 114, 166, 169. 170 magnocellularis tecti. See Xudeiis, mesencephalic, of V nerve. masticatory. See Xucleus of trigeminus, motor. medialis thal.-imi. Hi:!. 164, 166, 167, 170, 174, 176, :}(Mi 342 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Nucleus, mesencephalic, of V nerve, 146, 154, 161, 164, 180 motorius tegmenti, 181 of oculomotor nerve, 62, 63, 64, 146, 150, 154, 160, 161, 185, 211, 246 olfactorius anterior, the anterior undiffcrentiated portion of the Area olfactoria, 220 intermedius. See Tuberculum olfactorium. lateralis, the lateral portion of the Area olfactoria, lying be- tween the olfactory Bulb and the Uncus, 219 medialis, the medial portion of the Area olfactoria, contain- ing the Septum and Gyrus subcallosus, 219 olivary. See Olive, of origin, 108, 128 pontile (pontile nuclei, nuclei pon- tis), 158, 1S7, 188, 289 posterior thalami, 163, 164, 165, 167 preoptic (ganglion opticum ba- salc), 220 reticulartt thalami (lattice nucleus (litterschicht), 306 roof, of cerebellum (nuclei fas- tigii, globosus, and embolifor- mis), 188, 1<)1 ruber (red nucleus), 158, 161, 166, 188, 1X9, 210, 289 salivatory, 1 111, 147, 154, 156,241, 244, 247 of SCHWALBE, vestibular, 184, 185 of STILLING. See Nucleus, dorsal. of CLAUKK. terminal. los. 112 of trigeininus, chief sensory, 1 I'.i. 154, 157. 164, 174, 180, 244 motor, 1H5. 150, 154, ISO, 244 spinal (nucleus of spinal V t met ; old term, gelatinous sul >- stance of KOI.\\I>O of medulla oblongata). 1 I'.i. 154, 155,156, 157. 164, 174, ISO, 244 of trochlear nerve. 1 If), 150, 154, 160. 185,201,211 of vagus, dorsal, 147, 150, 154, 155, 156, 2:5 1, 237, IKS, 239, 244 of ventral gray column of spinal cord, 129, 130 Nucleus, ventralis thalami, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 174, 176, 177, 253, 285, 306 ventro-lateral, of spinal cord, a collection of neurones in the ventral gray column which in- nervate the muscles of the limbs, 129, 130 ventro-medial, of the spinal cord, a collection of neurones in the ventral gray column which in- nervate the muscles of the trunk. vestibular, 143, 150, 154, 155, 156, 164, 176, 1X4, 185, 186, 201 XI-EL, J. P., 214 space of, 197 Number of BETZ cells, 284 of fibers in human pyramidal tract, 284 of neurones in cerebral cortex, 26 ( )ni:i(STi:i\KH, H., 269 Oblongata. See Medulla oblongata. Olfactory apparatus. See also Rhi- nencephalon, 72, 74, 86, 91, 92, 110, 111, 112, 122, 146, MX, KM), 162, 163, 215-223, 273, 279 Olive, accessory, 155 inferior (oliva, nucleus olivaris, olivary body), a large gray cen- ter in the medulla oblongata which produces an eminence on its lateral surface, 114, 131, 155, 156, 15X, 174, 188 superior, a nucleus in the second- ary auditory path embedded in the medulla oblongata dor- sally of the pons, 60, 164, 1X5, 20f peduncle of, 201 OXI-K, H., 233 Operculum, the lobules of the fron- tal, parietal, and temporal cere- bral cortex which cover the Insula, 121, 170, 'Jr.*; Ophthalmencephalon, the retina, op- tic nerve, and visual apparatus of the brain. Opossum, cerebral cortex of, L'17 Optic apparatus. Sec Visual ap- paratus. chiasma. See Chiasma, optic. INDEX AND GLOSSARY Optic tectum, an optic reflex center in the roof of the midbrain. See Colliculus, superior, thalamus. See Diencephalon. vesicle. See Vesicle, optic. Oral, pertaining to the mouth, or directed toward the mouth, as opposed to Caudal. sense of EDINGER, 219 Organ (organon), a part of the body with a particular function, 24 of CORTI. See Organ, spiral, generative. See sexual organs, lateral line (neuromasts), sense organs in or under the skin of fishes and amphibians of in- termediate type between tac- tile and auditory organs, 110- 112, 145, 148, 149, 152, 199, 200 parietal. See Parietal eye. pineal. See Body, pineal, spiral (organon spirale), the organ of CORTI or receptor for sound in the Cochlea, 85, 197, 198, 199 Ossicles, auditory, 195, 196 Oxydation in neurones, '.Mi, 07. 99 Oxygen as respiratory stimulus, 238 PACINIAN corpuscle, 79, 80, 88 I'ain, apparatus of; cf. Affection, 85, 89, 131, 132, 137, 138, 139, 141, 163-167, 172-174, 178-180, 228- 230, 243, 249-262, 286 conduction paths for, 249, 251, 252, 253, 254. 257. 258 referred, 22S, 1>29, 230, 261 thalamic renter for. See Thala- mus, pain center in. Palaeencephalon, the old brain. /. >.. all of the brain except the cerebral cortex and its dependencies, 115, 363 Palaeothalamus fold thalamus), the phylogenetically old part of the Thalamus, present in animals which lack the cerebral cortex, It'.:;. 166 Palate, 21:1, Pallium. See Cortex, cerebral, 216 Pancreas, 224 Paralysis from central lesion. 17".. 178, 292 Paraphysis, an evagination of the membranous roof of the telen- cephalon in front of the Velum transversum in some vertebrate brains. Parietal eye (parietal organ, pineal eye, epiphyseal eye), a modifica- tion of the pineal Body in some lower vertebrates to form a dorsal median eye, 162, 212 PARKER, G. H., 37, 75, 95, 199, 203, 212, 214 PARMELEE, M., 37 Pars intermedia of WRISBERG. See Nerve, intermediate. Pars mamillaris hypothalmi, the mammillary bodies and their environs, 118 optica hypothalami, the optic Chiasma and its environs, 118, 121, 122 Pause, central. 98 PAWLOW, I., 242, 248 Pedagogy. Sec Education. Peduncle (peduncuhis), a peduncle or stalk. See Cms. cerebellar, one of the fibrous stalks by which the cerebellum is at- tached to the brain stem. Then- are three peduncles on each side: (1) the superior peduncle (Bra- chium conjunctivum), (2) the middle peduncle iBrachium pon- tis), (3) the inferior peduncle (Corpus restiforme), 158, 187, 188 cerebral (pedunculus cerebri), the ventral part of the mesen- cephalon. 118, 119, 120, 121. L58> mo, ic.7, 210, 211. :;o»i of corpus callosum. See (lyrus subcallosus. of superior olive, 201 Perikaryon, the protoplasm sur- rounding the nucleus in the Cell body of a Neuron. functions of, 99 IVrilymph, 1911 Perineureum, the connective-tissue sheath surrounding a peripheral nerve . Peristalsis, 241 Peritoneum, 80, '_'."><) IV- pedimculi. See Basis pedunculi. 344 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Pharynx, innervation of, 144, 147, 243 PniLippsoN, M., 133, 135, 142 Photoreceptors, nervous End-organs sensitive to light, 212 Phrenology, 280, 281, 285 Phylogeny of nervous system. See Nervous system, evolution of. Physiognomy, 280 Pia mater, the inner brain membrane. Pigment, retinal. See Retina, pig- ment of. PIKE, F. H., 194 Pillar of CORTI, 197, 198 of fornix. See Fornix column and Fornix cms. Pilocarpin, 231 Pineal body. See Body, pineal. eye. See Parietal eye. Pituitary body. See Hypophysis. Plants contrasted with animals, 22 Plasticity in behavior. See Behavior, variable. Plate (lamina), a general term ap- plied to any flat structure or layer; specifically to the six longitudinal bands or zones into which the Neural tube is divided as explained in the following definitions, 117. dorsal (roof plate, Deckplatte), the unpaired dorsal longitudinal epithelial zone of the Neural tube; it is non-nervous and in some parts of the adult brain is enlarged to form a Tela, 153. dorso-lateral (alar plate, wing plate, epencephalic region, Flii- gelplatte), one of a pair of dorso-lateral longitudinal zones of the Neural tube; it gives rise to the dorsal gray column of the spinal cord and to the sensory centers of the brain, 117, 120, 153 floor. See Plate, ventral, neural. See Neural plate, roof. See Plate, dorsal, ventral (floor plate, Bodenplatte), the unpaired ventral longitu- dinal zone of the Neural tube; it is originally non-nervous, but in the adult is invaded bv the ventral Commissure, 153 Plate, ventro-lateral (basal plate, hypencephalic region, Boden- platte), one of a pair of ventro- lateral longitudinal zones of the Neural tube; it gives rise to the ventral gray column of the cord and to the motor centers of the brain, 117, 120, 153 Play, 257 Pleasantness, Pleasure. See Affec- tion. Pleura, 125, 250 Plexus, chorioid (choroid plexus, plexus chorioidcus), a thin non-nervous portion of the brain wall to which highly vascular Pia mater is adherent and which is crumpled and thrust into the brain ven- tricles. lateral, the chorioid plexuses of the lateral ventricles of the cerebral hemispheres, 222 of fourth ventricle (plexus cho- rioideusventriculi quart i), the chorioid plexus which forms the roof of the fourth ven- tricle, 119, 121, 152, 264 of third ventricle (plexus chori- oideus ventriculi tertii), the chorioid plexus which forms the roof of the third ven- tricle, 162, 166, 167 ganglionic, of sympathetic nervous system, an entanglement of sympathetic nerves and ganglion cells; most of the nervous plex- uses enumerated in the follow- ing list are ganglionic plexuses of this type, 225, 226, 241 nervous, an interlacing of differ- ent kinds of nerve-fibers, 53 aortic, 226 of AfKHBACH (myenteric plexus), 241 brachial. 226 bronchial, 226,238 cardiac, 226, 235 celiac, 226 cervical, 226 coronary, 226 e<>.->, 297, 300 Prionotus caroliuus, nervous system of, 151, 153 Process, axis-cylinder. See Axon. ciliary, of eyeball, 143, 146, 232, 247 protoplasmic. See Dendrite. Processus reticularis, the Formatio reticularis of the spinal cord, 127, 129 Projection centers, those parts of the cerebral cortex which receive or give rise to Projection fibers ; cf . Center, cortical, 166, 273, 282, 283, 284-289, 292, 306 fibers, fibers which connect the cerebral cortex with the brain stem, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 221, 266, 268, 269, 271, 284- 287, 289 Proprioceptor, a sense organ lying within the deep tissues of the body for the coordination of somatic reactions, 77, 86 apparatus of, 130, 132, 137, 138, 139, 141, 145, 163-167, 172, 175- 179, 2.54, 286 Prosencephalon (forebrain), the Di- encephalon and Telencephalon; sometimes applied to the Cerebral hemispheres only, 117-119, 121, 160 Protista, 22 Protopathic sensibility, a primitive type of diffuse cutaneous sensi- bility, especially on hair-clad parts, 84, 85, 132 Protoplasm, living substance, 24, 69, 96 nervous, 38, 69, 96 Protozoa, one-celled animals, 24, 314 Psalterium. See Lyre of David. Pseudocode. See Cavum septi pel- lucidi. Psychogenesis, the development of mind, 249, 256, 257, 294, :;(>:>. 312-316 Psychology, general, 297 physiological, 297 Pulvinar, a visual center in the thalamus, 150. 162, 163, 164, 167, 170, 208, 212, 2S4. 3 PrKKiN.n:, cells of, 51, 52, 190, 191, 192 Purple, visual, 207 Putamen, a part of the Nucleus lenti- formis. Pyramid (pyramis), an eminence on the ventral surface of the medulla oblongata produced by the pyra- midal tract and from which the latter receives its name, 114, 155 Pyramids, deciissation of, 131 Pyriform lobe. See Lobe, pyriform. 346 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Quale, a quality pertaining to any- thing; specifically a quality of sen- sation or other conscious process, 249, 261, 308, 309, 311 Rabbit, cortico-spinal tract of, 310 development of eye of, 204 spinal cord of, 133 Radiations, sensory, the thalamo- cortical tracts. See Tract, thalamo-cortical, and Corona radiata, 287, 289 auditory, 170, 287 gustatory, 287 olfactory, the olfacto-cortical tracts; the term has also been applied to various subcortical olfactory tracts, 287 optic, 170, 210, 287 somesthetic (of tactile and general sensation), 287 Radix. Sec Root. Rage. See Anger. RAM6N Y CAJAL, S., 42, 44, 48, 50- 53, 55, 190, 191, 214, 237, 239, 240, 270-273, 278 Ramus communicans, a communi- cating branch between the ganglia of the sympathetic Trunk and tin- roots of t lie spinal nerves, 125, 126, 225, 228 Range of behavior, 19, 303 RANVIER, node of. See Node of Ranvier. Hat, nervous system of, 220 Rate of nervous conduction, 97, 98 Reaction, a change in bodily state in response to stimulation; cf. Reflex, (Hi avoiding. See 1,'eflex. ;ivoidinii. discriminative, 9S, 258, 302, 308 time, the time required for re- sponse to stimulation, 98, 258, 259 Heading, apparatus of. See Speech. apparatus of. Receptor, a sense organ, 25, 38, 69 contact, a >ense organ adapted to respond to impressions from ob- jects in cont.-ict with the body; opposed to distance Receptor, distance, a sense organ adapted to respond to impressions from ob- ject.- remote from the body, 2'.', Recess, epitympanic, 195 infundibular, 118, 119 lateral, the widest part of the fourth Ventricle under the cere- bellum. optic, the depression in the lateral wall of the diencephalon formed by the evagination of the optic Vesicle, 116-119 utricular. See Utricle. Reflex act, a simple form of inva- riable Behavior requiring a nervous system, 25, 32, 56, 109, 363 time of. See Reaction time. allied, 57, 58, 59, 61 antagonistic, 57, 58, 59, 61 arc. Sec Reflex circuit. avoiding, 251, 253, 258 of brain stem, 181, 192, 279, 280, 304, 305 bulbar, 181, 279 chain, 57,58,60,61,308 circuit, a chain of neurons which function in a Reflex act, 25, 42, 56, 58, 60, 62, 63, (ill, 109. 113. 132, 133, 134, 260, 80S, 309, 311 conditional, 242 cortical, 286, 290 cyclic, 61, 309 discriminative. Sec Reaction, dis- criminative. of feeding; cf. Oral sense, 219, 279 locomotor, 134 of medulla oblongata, 181, 27'.» myenteric. 'J 1 1 pattern, (ft, 219, 305, 307, :',12 proprioeeptive, 130, 175-193 of spinal cord, 129, 131 13.1, 174, 176, 179- iv.'. 185,234,258,279, 301. 305 thalamic. 163. 166. 171. isi. L':,:i. •2:>\. :;m. :;oii, :;n Hencneration of nervous ti.~ lie-. It'.. 132 Region, cortical, a group of related cortical Areas, 273. 276 Regulation, the process of adapta- tion of form or behavior of an or- ganism to changed conditions, 31 HKII.. island of. See Insula. neinforcement, 59, 02, 63, 101, 192, 218 INDEX AND GLOSSARY 347 REISSNER, membrane of. See Mem- brane, vestibular. s Reptiles, cerebral cortex of, 216 Resistance, nervous, 104, 252, 258, 295, 296, 304, 307 Resolution, physiological, 58, 293, 304, 306, 307 Respiratory apparatus, 89, 144, 147, 232, 234-240 Restiform body. See Corpus resti- forme. Reticular formation. See Formatio reticularis. Retina, 123, 146, 204, 208 pigment of, 205, 207, 208, 211 Retraction of the neuron, 103, 104 RETZIUS, G., 85, 88, 124, 197, 203, 219 Reverberation, cortical, 293, 296 Rhinencephalon (nose brain), the olfactory part of the brain, 111, 112, 118, 119, 123,215,273 Rhodopsin, 207 Rhombencephalon, that part of the bruin below the Isthmus, includ- ing the Medulla oblongata and Cerebellum, 116-119, 121, 122, 123, 143 development of, 116-119 limits. \V. II. H..<>1. 9.1. 142 Rod of COKTI (pillar of COHTI), 197, 198 of retina, 205, 206, 207, 208, 211 ROLAXDO, fissure of. See Sulcus centralis. gelatinous substance of. See Substantia gelatinosa Rolandi. Root (rudix), a nerve root, or the part of a nerve adjacent to the center with which it is con- nected; in the case of spinal and crunial nerves, the part lying between the cells of origin or termination and the ganglion, anterior. See Root, ventral, dorsal (radix dorsalis, posterior root, rudix posterior), (lie dorsal or sensory Root of a spinal or cranial nerve. 126, 128, 129, 130, 133, 134, 139, 150, 151, 227, 228, 252 posterior. Sec Root, dorsal. spinal, composition of. 126. ]'.}'•>. 136, 150, 151, 22.'), 227 Root, ventral (radix ventralis, radix anterior), the ventral or motor root of a spinal or cranial nerve, 126, 128, 129, 130, 133, 134, 150, 151, 182, 227 Rostral, pertaining to the beak or snout, or directed toward the front end of the body as opposed to Caudal. Host rum of corpus callosum, 119 RUSSELL, J. S. RIESEN, 194 Sac, dorsal (saccus dorsalis), a dorsal evagination of the Tela chori- oidea of the third ventricle in some vertebrate bruins. endolymphatic (saccus endo- lymphaticus), 196 nasal, 110, 111 Saccule (sacculus), part of the mem- branous labyrinth of the ear, 85, 1^1. 195, 196, 199,200,201 SACHS, E., 171 SALA, C. L., SO Saliva, secretion of. See also Gland, salivary 146, 147, 241, 242, 217 Sarcophaga earnuriu, nervou< >y>tem of, 30 Srala media. See Ductus cochleark- tympuni, 197 vestibuli, 197 SCARPA, ganglion of. Sec Ganglion, vestibulur. SCHAKFF.K, E. A., 214 Sell \PF.K. A.. I'.'l SroHNF.MAVX, A., 203 S( in I.T/.K, tract of (comma tract). See Fasciculus interfuseiculuris. SCHWAI.BK, vestibular nucleus of, 1M. 185 SCIIWANV. sheath of. See Neuri- lemma. Seyllium, nervous system of, 110 Sea-robin, nervou< ^y>tem of, 151, 153 Secret in. 221 Secretions, effect of fatigue and emo- tion on. 103, 2.-).") internal. 1»>3. 221, 231. 2.V.. L'.'.r, psychic. 211. 212 Segment, mesodennul, or primitive. See Somites. 348 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Segmental apparatus, the Brain stem, 113, 114, 123 Segmentation of nervous system, 28, 29, 30, 113, 125, 144, 150 Self-consciousness, 314 Senility, 316 Semicircular canals, nerve endings in, 88,89 SEMON, R., 295 Sensation, a subjective experience arising in response to stimula- tion, 70, 108, 249, 250, 256, 257, 261 common, 259 in lower animals, 72 neurological mechanism of, 250, 257, 261 visceral, 77, 91, 148, 228, 234-246, 250, 259 Sense, criteria of, 74 organ. See Receptor. Sentiments. See Affection. Septum, the medial wall of the cere- bral hemisphere between the Lamina terminalis and the ol- factory Bulb; in man its upper part is thin and forms the Sep- tum pellucidum, 219, 220, 306 dorsal median, of cord. See Fissure, dorsal. pellucidum, a thin sheet of nervous tissue forming a portion of the medial wall of each cerebral hemisphere between the Corpus callosum and the Fornix, 162 Sexual organs, innervation of, 232 sensations from, 89 SHAMBAUGH, G. E., 198, 199, 203 Shark, nervous system of. See Fishes, nervous system of. Sheath, medullary. See Myelin sheath. myelin. See Myelin sheath. primitive. See Neurilemma. of SCHWANN. See Neurilemma. BHBLDON, H. s., 95, 248 SHKKKKV, .!., 94, 142 SIIKKIU\<;TO\, ('. S.. '.',:>. :!7. ti.1, C,S, I:.. 77. '.).-,, r_H. i:U. 11_>. 17'_>. 180. I'.H. •_'!:;. -J.-,i). •_>:,'.». LT.O, LV,L>. 281. 282, 300 Sight, organs of. See Vi-'Mal appara- toa Sinus, inferior, of labyrinth, 196 Skin brain, 112, 123 nerves of. Sec Nerves, cutaneous, nerve-endings in, 79, 80, 81-83, 84, 86, 245, 253 sensibility of, 70, 72, 79, 80-86, 132, 172-180, 212, 228-230, 245, 249, 250, 252, 253, 260 Sleep, 103, 104, 297 Smell, organs of. See Olfactory ap- paratus. SMITH, G. ELLIOT, 263, 273, 278 Sneeze, mechanism of, 238 Social evolution, 314, 315 Somatic area. See Area, somatic, cortex. See Neopallium. nerves. See Nerve, somatic. organs, those concerned with the adjustment of the body to its environment, 76, 79, 92, 109, 172 Somesthetic apparatus, the general somatic sensory systems, includ- ing cutaneous and deep sensibil- ity, 164, 165, 172-180 Somites (myotoms, primitive seg- ments, mesodermal segments), -eirinented masses of mesoderm in vertebrate embryos which give rise to the somatic muscles, 92 Sound, reaction time to, 9S receptors for. Sec Auditory ap- paratus. Space, discrimination of, 130, 132, 137, 172, 178-1 MI of NUEL, 197 perforated. S<-e Substantia per- forata. Speecli, apparatus of (including read- ing and writing); cf. Aphasia, 283, 291-293 SPENCER, HERHKHT, 17 Sphere, cortical. See Center, corti- cal. Spiders, nervous system of, 29 SPIELMKVI.U, W., L'M Spinal cord (medulla spinalis), that portion of the central nervous system contained within the spinal Canal of the spinal column, 106, 107, 110-112, 117, 118, 120, 122, 125, 126, 127. 128-130, 150, 151, 182 cervical, 12S. 129, 130 development of, 182 INDEX AND GLOSSARY 349 Spinal cord, functions of, 129, 132, 182, 234, 237, 238, 251-253, 304, 311 lesions of, 173, 175, 178, 179, 237, 238, 251 tracts of, 130, 139, 141, 174, 176 Spiracle, a rudimentary gill cleft in some fishes, represented in mam- mals by the auditory or Eusta- chean tube, 110, 111, 112 SPITZKA, E. C., 108 Splanchnic, visceral, 76 Spongioblast, one of the epithelial cells of the embryonic Neural tube which becomes transformed into an Ependyma cell. Si>t -RXHEIXI, J. K., 280, 281, 300 STABLER, ELEANOR M., 75 Stalk, optic, 204 STEINER, J., 135, 142 Stem. See Brain stem. STILES, P. G., 101, 105, 248 STILLING, dorsal nucleus of. See Nucleus, dorsal, of CLARK. Stimulus, a force which excites ;m organ to activity, 69 adequate, 25, 38, 70, 76 Stomach, 144, 147, 224, 234, 239,240- 243 STREETER, G. L., 200, 203 Stria acustica. Sec Stria medul- laris acustica. of BAILLARGER. See Line of Bail- larger, of GENNARI. See Line of Gen- nari. longitudinalis (stria of LANTISF, nerve of LANCISI), slender bun- dles of nerve-fibers running along the dorsal surface of the Corpus callosum in the floor of the longitudinal fissure. medullaris acustica, secondary acoustic fibers arising in the dorsal cochlear nucleus and decussating across the floor of the fourth ventricle to reach the opposite lateral Lemniscus, 201 thalami, a band of fibers accom- panying the Taenia thalami along the dorsal border of the thalamus, ^untaining thetrac- tus olfacto-habenularis, tractus cortico-habenularis, and other fibers, 162, 165, 166, 167, 220 Stria, olfactoria intermedia, a sec- ondary olfactory Tract from the olfactory Bulb to the Tu- berculum olfactorium, most of its fibers first crossing in the anterior Commissure, 219 lateralis, a secondary olfactory Tract from the olfactory Bulb to the Nucleus olfactorius lateralis, 219 median's, a secondary olfactory Tract from the olfactory Bulb to the Nucleus olfactorius median's, 219 semicireularis. See Stria termina- lis. terminalis (stria semicireularis, old term, tacnia semicireularis), a correlation tract between the Nucleus amygdalae of the lateral olfactory Area and the medial olfactory Area, 114, 162, 267 vascularis of cochlea, 197 Striate area. See Area striata. body. See Corpus striatum. Stripe of BAILLAKGER. See Line of Baillarger. of GENNARI. See Line of Gennari. of HKXSKN-, 197, 198 Sturgeon, nervous system of, 151, 152 Subconscious mind. See Uncon- .-cioiis cerebration. Subiculum, that part of the Gyrus hippocampi which borders the fissura hippocampi; sometimes ap- plied to the whole of this gyrus. 222 Substance, black. See Substantia nigra. chromophilic (Nis.-i, >ul»tance. ti- groid substance, or bodies, or granules), a proteid substance typically present in the cyto- plasm of nerve-cells. 40, 41, 42, r>. Ki. 48, w. 102. i:;r,. 2M gray. See Matter, gray. perforated. See Substantia per- fprata. white. See Matter, white. 350 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Substantia alba. Sec Matter, white, gelatinosa Rolandi (gelatinous sub- stance of ROLANDO), an area of Neuropil bordering the dorsal gray column of the spinal cord; sometimes also applied to the nucleus of the spinal V tract in the medulla oblongata, 129 grisea. See Matter, gray, nigra (black substance), an area of gray matter immediately dor- sal of the Basis pedunculi, functionally related to the cortico-pontile tracts, 161, 165, 107, 210 perforata, anterior (anterior per- forated substance or space), a region on the ventral sur- face of the brain in front of the optic Cniasma which is pierced by many small arte- ries, 120, 219, 300 posterior (posterior perforated substance or space), a region on the ventral surface of the brain between the Bases pe- dunculi which is pierced by small arteries, 120 Subthalamus, the ventral part of the Thalamus, 1(5:3, 165, 166, 1G7, 174, 176, 3 Sulcus, in the cerebral cortex, a superficial fold not involving the entire thickness of the brain wall; cf. Fissure, 266 anterior parolfactory, 119 central (fissure of ROLANDO, cru- ciate sulcus), 119, 121, 281, 282 cinguli, 119 corporis callosi, 119 cruciate. See Sulcus, central, frontalis, inferior, 121 superior, 121 interparietalis, 121 limiting (sulcus limitans), a longi- tudinal groove on the ventricu- lar surface of the embryonic brain separating the dorao- latcral sensory Plate from the ventro-lateral motor Plate, 30, 117, 118, 120, 153, 181 occipitalis transversus, 121 posterior parolfactory, 119, 219 precentralis, 121 Sulcus rhinalis. See Fovea limbica. spiralis, 197, 198, l«jy Summation, central. See Conduc- tion, avalanche, and Reinforce- ment. of stimuli, the enhancement of effect by repeated stimulation, 59, 62, 03, 192, 208, 218, 258, 200, 208, 307 Suprasegmental apparatus, the cere- bral cortex and cerebellum with their immediate dependencies, 113, 120, 123, 143, 158, 186 Susceptibility of neurones to poisons, 97, 231 Swallowing, apparatus of, 78, 247 SYLVIUS, aqueduct of. See Aqueduct of Sylvius. fissure of. See Fissure, lateral. fossa of. See Fossa lateralis. Symbolizing, defects of, 292 Sympathetic nervous system. Nervous system, sympathetic. Synapse, the place where the nervous impulse is transmitted from one neuron to another, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 90, 97, 103, 109, 190, 218, 231, 252, 20s, 209. 272, 295 fatigue of, 102, 103 time of transmission through, 54, 98,99 Synergic muscles. See Muscles, synergic. System, functional, all neurons of common physiological type. Most peripheral nerves contain several components belonging to different systems, 145-150 Tabanus bovinus, nervous system of, 30 Taenia, the line of attachment of a membranous part to a massive* part of the brain wall; formerly applied also to some fiber tracts, as Ta-nia semicircularis = Stria terminalis, and Ta-nia thalami = Stria medullaris thalami. chorioidea, the line of attachment of the lateral chorioid Plexus to the medial wall of the cerebral INDEX AND GLOSSARY 351 hemisphere. (This portion of the I f medial wall is adherent to the thal- amus, forming the Lamina affixa.) Taenia fornicis, the line of attach- ment of the lateral chorioid Plexus to the Fimbria of the Fornix. thalami, the line of attachment of the Tela chorioidea of the third ventricle to the dorsal margin of the thalamus. This name was formerly applied to a band of fibers, the Stria medullaris thalami, which borders the ta-nia. 162. ventriculi quarti, the lino of at- tachment of the membranous roof of the fourth ventricle to the medulla oblongata, 155. TASIUKO, S., 97, 105 Taste, apparatus of. See Gustatory apparatus. bud, 91, 143, 144, 218, 243, 245, 246 peripheral nerves of. See Nerves, gustatory. Taxis. See Tropism. Tectum mesencephali," the roof of the mid!>rain, comprising the Colliculus superior (teetum op- ticinn) and the Colliculus infe- rior, 161, 246 optic. See Colliculus, superior. Teeth. 85, 141), 2M) Tegmen ventriculi quarti, the root' of the fourth ventricle, formed chiefly by the Velum medullare anterius, the Velum medullare posterius, and the Plexus chorioideus ven- triculi quarti. Tegmentum, the dorsal part of the cerebral Peduncle between tin- Basis pedunculi and the Aqueduct of Sylvius; often described as al